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1956-11-12 - Newport Harbor News Press
. • ~ :..... ~ . . . . ' ... '° t'U.'O\lllt -Qjii.....,.... ~ ..... I ............. 1Pi1' ..... ,.....,. to~ If ~ ........ -~;.. .. ,..JO,.... ..., ,.-......,..w.·tMt:M t*l: t:ti ·• --. tiv ........ , •••• ~ tM .. _..., .... .,..., ................. " ~ - tl1o41Mt'Oliud·•·ioo. --Aoio .. -!,J.:t'!) , , -. • f I ,liffSt:US ·TODAY . .• I ,., I ..... ''I , -- • . ·l ""~--~ \W ...... 11oa lo bis ........ ! ~ --~ -., P>Ja·Ntuo!i) )>laal -on4 . ~· ~-,,, -~,It .-oru -.'!Illa;~!_ ..:l~lo "raw" product - ,l)lif )r~Sla) ~ • Illa ~ f1l thlo '"'.tq• Iii \\o .fll ~ U-11 ... W,ok. ~-llatGo4 ,.... .... , : "llollooia f.. • ....... , Noorlj:L. ~ . , -bqmul Dooolt Doyle la ....... u, """" d!fCllal .. 111....ipUoe Into the sto.. 1Utbool£ Ml·VP ~ llll oomlnlttee ~ ail>ocol44 o COIUll-~ :tll"'!l'•~ lo clve dlatN,&. ~ ooJec.. tlJICJ Ill ~ Tbo Stato ~"' JDlluca- tl6a, Wbiola DOW IOiecta tbe boob, ot'J!Dt• tbia. ts;iteatlalio in ~ will ... t • comploto ln...U· ptloo 4f tllo Stota'I e411Alotloaal o)Wlam. TbeN UO ~ -who _.-cl oeb-and l<hool IAlmlnl.ltnltloG U .. _ COWL" Tboy, fMI eclucaUoo &bould bl "tabu" to the proddinp of m.. -lpt.n; U..1 -the -... "above" ~ matten u lntttl-"7 or Commun- lat lnflueaceo. U wt an to ha.,. a •tronc: eduoadoaal qltem,, if we are to have & ltl'Onl oountry, thll OUl not be. U tlloro are thlnp ......,.. In oor oeboolo tllat need to .. oornct.d. the people .muat bow. IDvnti- ptlam .... 1>o ..up1en1n, """ -.-.. Public probeo ..... healthy thJnr. Yau -.,.~a.dmlre a beuUtu.I mtn•km wlUo.h I. <nunhllnr mm tho '"111! ·of ..---la U..t -· It would ... ~ to ~ ad-llllrlns the 6M:ad. .. w tho entlro hoi..e foll Into rulD. n Ill alwoyo bott.r to dJs booootli tho -.. -Dy • ..., .. t tho -.._ a.n4 maintain the beautiful maul.on. for tutUN ad .. lftlrOtloL To admire t.be fubln ot ou.r N.UO.. w ~mMt F'l'ON lad<n for tllat fvt11N. OW----ol .,.tem muot be healtlly to keep tllo Ullltod lltatoo lltrolt&'· We musl be coni:inuJb' &)ert to elbnlnal. 03' wwk·ws12 tp; U.. .,..._ ~ \Mt .-Jc. -be 1n' lllf' lonbooa -a. u.. ..,.,. our chll4leare...,PL . Let ·veterans Day-~Remind "'1 -:""' Us: Freedom Is Str-ength t'-...ni&y wu Nov. ll, V.WU.. Day, It .,.. or!P>all1 lu>owu u Armlatlce Doy, and proftd juOt that. 'ror ~'Day Ottlc1any c&me into beln1 at tM -'d of World Wu t World W&r II, the Kot9ul -poMoe ktm" ud nmnerowi other confUct. tn wh6cb lllU bu borne arm. aplnat man have occurnd since i-. Tl>o woni War 1 U11llltloe .... oimply.., Inter· Im la th• n,htfac. 8o tt became mor. apt to call Nov. 11 Veteran. 0.,. TIMio IN aot AOW --la WI~ "'911o.ftaotanloi-lndll-etQolla. .... , .......... =.., .. ,., .. .. 2 1 ;1 tkt .. ... _ ... .., 8": ............... ..,. l ••• . ' . . ' l . ) • ! 2 • l l • • I t • • ~ • • • 2 • 1 J .. •• • i ! • . • -----di·--..._.-.. ;:i be loYOd 00 Wella aJJC! Gold lflneo m....-a 11t·1o¥ei1 ~ , N.,. &Pl't. that tbe ,Beula. '-P.. • py .......... oJr I: ... lo,lilll after Oil Wflll ....S Oo14 M---M'•·~ 't Sot a~ Wife•-. ... w..-wboro •ldl Gold It MMI..... !! -. • ... ·-(.U ri&b .. "New , .....,.;.. ~ kra tn a..c 8"f'tal to NfWPOrt &r· I 1'or .... MD'• LbJe WM are u I Today'a t:he day... -they go on dleploy I NEW 1957 C>Lc:>sMdSt.LES I "' ALL 'that:'• NRWle ~ ~C>::L:C>::&:.;t _,,___......-..---rr-'' ·•· --3 N•W BRAllll& I . 17 ALL•NE!W. MODeLS I . See t.hern n<>W- ln our ehovvroom I • ............... ., .. ,_, So Jn:Cll ft.lt'I nw_.., ~ 111&.Tt. PCU• snz.T Ol.eil C.O.. ub yos 'Nier 6w 17 ~-_.. iD itn. ru CM' a li11 ·S..W ..• c.w. locbt ... Sas-... Stuim ... lli Ol•uWlr ••• die ca ... , pata dw .-t •1Jiif c.iM ..-yoar lnortt. n;. _.., • I • ... . *' .. . t ) . . . . . I • ,. OLUfG.8 OCHTlftT rAJa O&OVN'D9 c-.a II.- NOV. 11-1.I U•A..JL-lt:llP.11. Wcmm'a l:ditor PAGE 4·PAAT1-NEWPORT HAAIOR NEWS-PRESS MONQAY, NOV. 12, 1956 DENMARK, GREENLAND FIRST EBELL TRAVELOGUE 11euo'4 tscketa IOI' th• third annual Worid .fr:i~. oSUt .. '1111. th1I >'"" IPONOred by t.be Zbell Club, •r• now avail&bll at Richard'• Udo lolacket on l'rt4'1' ..:- cordll\f Le Mr1. Carl 01.ee, cha1rmaa. Tbe Mrite ol I cok»,..llJJIMt 1'l'tU o,.n Nov. it wU~ the mbowtq ot "l>Ulnaril aJl4 Ol'ftllJ&ad" by H~ Parker, tn penon. The opmln( tll1t1 mow. Copenbapn, It. everyday lift and trad1Uont, the cra.n.. a.nd untver· \ · aty iae. :n.n1-. "'1CUltuJ"t, u-. .... klic. m1~ nia- IJ\I'. Tn.vellnr to Orwnl&nd, vlewen whl -the modern Ute of the Oreenlanckr -bl.I boutns. ~ucauon., mfdl.caJ ...... I.be ,..,.,....._. Uld UM W&uttfµI J-~-,,..., Appoint~ wa.• a ... ·eltare oona- mtuee. Kr•. Ro~rt Wy~. Mn. Jack Kemp, Mrt. Hom .. r Al•x- andcr and Mn. 8t.acy Mnrran. Aa the Col"Ol\a del Mar School hu no acute 1"lfare problem.a, &a11Lun :JJ,.. .. _A,.J JJ,,.. _4., a m-m~ll' ..• ot th• Worid'• JArseet i'ocjd Buyilell~--Ntib. Balboa Ma.rbt ott .. it'• CUltamera th• ni.t food obtainab» ate tfic*.~ at.tent with that ~ty. W.S. aw., abelt prlCM pJain1y marked. merch&ndiee COQVufcU, iioiapid "4 ~yed. all snake . •hoppln; at Bal a p1eUure Indeed. 1 ) II D ·II • .. " ' .. I , ..>hH ill «.>alboa • • • ,.. ILa" • l'&ISNDi.1 conununY-. we ILaft baa a "m&tsoa tpOt" f0r tb~ ;,b~ ~ bc6 U.., ~ ~ W.al • u ~ OcN.n. While put ~ NtwpGrt Be&dl, B&1bca ~ to be a UttJe town al It.a own. AM ~can buy "iDOlt ~ you Med" lty. I ft. Rn. loho Yamuakl ei I&. XuJ''• CbU rda. Loe ... W'lll be tu•l a:peaJt· • at lh• Nov. 14 lwach- -and m.etiJl• ot lh• W01naa'1 AWdlial'y Of SL 1 11 SplltlOp&l ChUIU. Re WW a.how c<>IOf'ed moTlaa and ~ Oii thll wotk ol U.. Cpl~ llltllllou tn ,..,... lA&Dch.on wW ~ 1erftl! ' at fl:IO p m ln UM! puLlh 1Sa1J and mflftb4'nl at IL M&qvel 1 Guild wW Ille ~. •rTllN•as Mra. L&wrnee J:. 8praS\» Jr. ~ at Ule mfftins wi:.. ~ Ill UM lry•l&n wt.re ............................ ····-._ ________________ .,,, BAND ..... el •errm.Jft'a u MM Ylla U.. -.,_ 11M a•unaaon UDO IBAYDrG IRJO ................. .._. Mii n. ..... -....... B:UVTY PA.al.OU LIDO UJ..O~ CW 8Ut7TY Nll !f,._ ah'--Bar. U1• BOOU aooa cilll W• fill LMle -..,._ f.6M OAMFJUS a lupplle9 VlNCL"IT UDO D&t101 INWVMXOS AODl'll "· 0. &tral; aro.; P' MNVlal* ......,_. ............ , .... ........ nr•-~ Ml•"----....... Dua .... ,... ........ _......,.,.. IMJllflfA~ x.i.aa· ,.,..., . .. Ylla "•Jrp ..... NIT IU.llQ.U arcw•wp1 LIDO ••mm ........ ~_ ....... _ &UL l:ftAD I I I ' .. , ~.,.., ..... OLYJUIU!f BOUGB'l8 -,,_. wu a oae..m, ot. MOid Gn.w' • wlt.ll · Olympic thoqbt.I ~ mtn4 at Balboa Ba7 Oub T1lelldaJ DOCID 'W'bell Tc.a Rmta' CPrtncltoA-1111) and Hay lAnpnWm (Yale _191') cterta!Atd .mdaJa of the U.S. Olympic ~ Tam earoate to KelbdarDe. Left to rtpt. M t.nc- enheJm pve the Ob'mp!ana a melliD& CJD Udo CbamW Rowtni coane, an:· J1ID Rot.hechmldt. ooach ol. Yale 8 oar team. wbJch 1es.eanta UA at MeJboume; Tam Rutt.er; Tom Bo0m. Dtrector of At... llalwrd ulj>;h.,.,_. of the Olympic Rowtnr Tam; r..n,.ahe.tni; aiWI ~ OoM, ~ it Ult V.S.w Olympic Rowtnr Calnmtttee, fnduate o~ 8yrac:u.t11... l813. -~ Photo · • • • ... There will be fT Sota In LM .n· tS,. tu~~ WIM!ft It W fll'I• Ml\... 'futWl A.ft. '8 &.o " U • ~CSM Ull'O\IP Md I. llilort cul· Marine lab ~It by V anclals~ Stingrays Killed by Spear Tbe ieartne aboratory ot t.M unuhfod v.1th • 111 lb CallfonU& lD.aUtut• o1 TKhno· 100 •t Jvt DUU& ""· ... ....... --..., eat"'*>' &at netto• .ut o. CIDl1 •,,.....Sl >all, ........ \I ~lloe, •u I.bl cda ... b'c6 • "' ·PhcJM IJl tbt .,.,... ....... wa1U ... i-...., a& TM ...,.., WU .....,.. F:'h"I R1rar'10 )GQk~ lnl<J th~ 7•"'nln• 1110'\llh ot a !Jiu• at .. t p1atol 1.nd eereamtd. Jt wu Wtdn~eday nlfl\l tbOrtly •f!•r 11. lllt wu abo\lt ready to elclet l\lolct1'• Ma.rt. 11~ lftw)Ort pm. Raturltav SLIMJTalO c;Aa HIT A l.oe AlamJt• wnman wu In· Jurecl &l 1 ~to I. m Saturday when Mt .itctf'le ear wu 1truck ~ a Mt dl1~ \y Loul• ~ m.u, M. ot IT11 Mov.·a.r<! Rt~ Loe AJamn ... i!bJ\U'td la ~ acddf'nt on ,...,.,.. M., J1111l eut of Req.n at., 1M .u&mtc.e. ........ r,.rtrude ltulftUMM. ft. el 3711 Howud It. 6t WM \.Oa to a prtTat.e . SAILOR'S SOPHOMORE PRINCESS Amon1 tbe ftrla honor.d du1"lne hom.ecomlnl' al Newport Harbor Uldoa Hlab kltc>ol WU 81\aron Pall.6110A. cboern llOpbomore prtncea. Her ffCOtt LI Bob .Rice. -IXd1 Koehler Pboto -... 1~ot--·••••,.••t!"••·-~·~· ... --,·-··41:,1••· .... ~ ....... ~·····~,··.···••:•' ..... , .... • . ' 1 1 -.11 QIOltD OB4UI -.LIJc.I .,,._ .. ....... l ...,. ,,_,. .... llLOXDI: ~,.......,._ ' . . 1 ...,. l'feJr JtoftTA.al.a J\ll&D Oft04K -SJN.oo. 1t&4 LINCOLN hard top cpe,. 1"' FORD '!'HUNDltRBIRD ~000 •cW&I m£1-' 1':,,!trn;JK !Uv, C,.. 1'vlJ ''6 11 ft. Ill., 'fw. IMdt -:1616 'M 41 ft. rr.in. Wt~•r llff lMI FOl't.D VklOri& epa. to. 'M D A ... !..Y1, ........_ --UN ~ cu. Ill U ft. hJM.. I llr. __ :S7IO '6440!' ..... ~-"" UltlnJ tr'4M -Oainv.nieal llA ·PLTWOUTH, club cpe.. .._ ,...._ • PORT ORANGE • A lrn&D ..,_.l WW bo&d &IQ' or1..a or pl&no !• ChMtmu .. "'7 •t Ora.qe Cow.11.ty't Orpn H.dqa. Filf9 PIAlfOI Shefor'1 For Music l&ilMl9 ll07) 01-tU l'f. •1ca.mo.r.. knt.a Aaa "' ....,, HAMMOND ORGANS Com.,,... Une "' H&.ul:w;in41 o.....,.. HA..XMOHD &Pll'frT va.dr, Ont Oft!J', bCi' •'f'tq WU. It Jut& H&mm.ond Cbord o.rpo. MIJ' OOICU~lt. l.PlNr!' PLUfO ued, puf.t OWICtiUoa ..... TmM Ill.II ........... ~ Orpna u.ed ....,.... ma. 1 m.aJIU&l, 20 p.da.J bua. SplDC. ltSI t ITUUllJal Blonde -.IJl&K &IQ •A VlNG&. 1'61 KUC. MONTERCT cpt. Lo&dtd wit.I!. utr&&. TR.AlLER 8A I.JM &lld SUPPUES BALBOA ltOJ CMSVROu:T •a. A.II\, 1200 W. C-t HlJltw~ l'C'ewport. BMdl L.l MUG OPSN t L& ... p.m.. .._,. d&J CLl!AN rtJJUrulRED A.Pre SlO " Ill WHk, lncludlris uUI· IUU -Cioee to ~n,r. Thill cu 1-llll• n.,..., 1901 CAD II I.PORT CP&. o..n. . --tn Ud Ol.IL &Al.II or TIU.DI:. u ft. COlwn· QA.JI.DEN COURT, 124 ~ Bal- OJ lO:RCVftT 8POftT IEDA.N'. N-ti,., Motor Ju.it o..,._ ..., ... hT~ mo,.. to '-~ fn>tn, J.11 N'Wc&r~lllol, I 00% Finoncinq' ua ·appr-oY..:I Cf'ltdit AM about our (Ual'Lllte. BA.NK TI:RMI JOHNSON "SON u. .... .......,, USED CAR LOT 600 w. 00..t ff1t'J. u IJ.!H.t! 116 VOLKSWAGEN COTTON GOFF The Vol.Uwapn Dealer N-port Blvd al 21nd St., Newport Beacb. H1.t t.U. ..... Ma wnk~nd h.ouM tralltt'. WUJ b-u. lor plck·UP •r ,...itl. ---------- U M14t -l.IO to f ·ll), •1en 't-Waated to Jtat R•nt•l1 Wonted w. ,,... .,.... ......... la 1111 ..UOIUI for MUI tr\ater end ,.,. ...... rum. -mtWL u '°"' u. ... •..aacy. --The V 09el Co. JZO.l "·Cit. 11.,,-.. 1'ewport l!lch. ~UM'\J6-Ml1 IOI Man.., ma.!IK-. b'-11 Phone Ran. U4 1N7 a Ort. BJ .. °"-&11 Mu Plwn• tl&rbul-17'1 Ude OUlce, IUI Via UM Harbor 4171 1 TOO Newpolt 81"4., Ca.ta MIM l...J..M.rty 1-*7 DELUXJ: furn.. I,"t l Mdrm. apt. dl~l. dlM!wuhfr, laundf} ud 111.r•r• &'l'•ll&ble. A dul t. Qollly. U11UI Jwie 16. Harbor DS44. ~tic NJl1W Ul"frtntN. I W:nn.. duP'- apta. Quiet •t.r.et.. 1'fo yard wwk. l..af'l1I p!"&C"M. lnq. 226 8-lMct l!iL or 122 E IOt.b 8L. Coat& w...._ 13eU _________ , OOH.ONA DllL MAJ\. a Uractlve fwn. •ll.~1o .,t tor one. 146. lllcl~ UlilUJu, 260 H.Uo-- lrope Har a&40-R atltt 6 Of' •Nk-rnm. !Tie't C'OW?A XPA. 2 room apt ~Mil or unrum • ft••••na.,1 .. Hyatt 4-tl67. T4TJ"C U CORONA OJ:L MAR. 1 Mdnn '°'N°"O'°'Vl:Ll8T'°'"--~-,---,-.-.,-ou1-d_¥-.k• tum. •pt., '90 lndud. uw. 1 eludk> apt .• NII tum .. lndud. •pl. HO"t . l~Mar. 111. ft.tqlli,..... ulll. IU.r. ttll. Tt t!t l'MflUI. 0ceaQ -ri-. chancw-r, -----------'-' fne>dl'•t ~nla.l. 112t-J. Thank You S&p&I WISH BA YFRONT7 wt1ltLl'l'Ulll wn."DlO pLulo ===~~c~=~--....W I mcatM (!WW THUl'CDl:llBIRD 1~ by ci-. t.) .... 1182, .~ a&hl.a Apt&. 3320 VI.a 1.tdo. adMaYt·Pll.m.!119 Llrn\.I. &&&I RADIO ---~· $2&0 !i'*' ---......... ......, I .t;QOI 'N • a.uno .tW•llllk , ....... TV Antennas $7.95 ~ £mars· UM ud a:p AOIST. V. ......... .. - lW·MQ..-TD ~ I ..... ~ ra-s. Mell .......... .. Ual. Hat. •Mt 1ftOf"ldnP ... -" .. l.UX'IJ1it1' aflto ......... f'llmlllli· H. I,.,.), 1 .... M UOO ltltoJlvtoC oenter. •100 mo. 11\J ... Coup&e oni,. " 1'UA UDO IJKOH, I WrM: U--Aeto lwvlal ,.... llfC. "°"" "'1--. ruolt iWrits ... -& Bu11or 4 fU -N.-pact 8a111cb How-..,,..,., HAIR DSJb '*' wltb IO,_,. .-pss1Ma. J ... oom~~«llllMI&. Jia.c. _..,, ' barnl ~ •• IP9d'lhinc ta tw.up. OI an maha. · Tiuo TW ....._ fudrlabt4 ...._ aa&. Ma ...... '" -wiW ..... J.lo aACID:r..Qft Apt. flm6aMcL m. da4b1rs utUIUIL flalboa •hod. ... -untU JUN! 11. .ilT C. KISTLm CO, aw tit.-ud Newport Btri. Ni & HAt UJI *1 cw au.a. IT cit SEE .. L .... lDL ... ...__ ~. lq!Dt. IDI Via Ullo • Bar. UM 1700 w. a.c ...,....., .......... .,. " ... Cl.DT HA VCN UAf\am. I Mdrm. ~ J\NJ*oe., pl1l&p .. ,.,..i. pn.p, ~ tcftool.t.. Hu JOO.IW Of t.I ~I. 17~1t Sea Shen Apts. QUDl'l' SLE!:PINO llOOMS --WIN I iiA ft.Ana Tb. Vopl Co., 1)01 ffi.PwU. N.a. ' W.QQ LI 8-3481 . . LOAN• TO •lln.D, IMl't\l.tV& •VT. WlJU9AJllta bft ft.&r1' HA fft.'S We 8uJ 'rflilt o.eda f'lEWPtlRT L\l.-U4 I• VU'IOS 6 U1AN AalOCJtAni.)11 PM VI• UO. ........... ... I -•1 I 1+ ,A 2nd T. 0. Lo•n• :Ill IJNI'l'S c.... ... x-........... uo.. ---· flf,tto di!. .-'>" b&da. ~ 174,lM>O., ' " 8 ACRJ!:s &-4 In a.ca lil-. MO.OIO S1Cet..llp for bdUlllJVl . ~ • •1&.000 EQU'l'rl • ' ~ N.-port ~ ICif ~ •acant 1-d, ot b~ Q '30.000. c.u TOJir.a ..., (Downey), W... t p,a.,."'[ Want $22,500 i;qi;t NICI! Kblal or ... ..., ..... uc:hanp -i...-112&0 plUll niM ...... H&r ~. t to ll:IO ..... Har 6lOIJ .- B/ B EXCHANGES . " 2 A.CREI M4. OD? of the few 1mall lDdaltttAl • sftM left: L.A. CD'u.at,o. Trade !or Bayfront. hebe.~; TRIPLEX. Catalina. $3000 inc. Want local 1D-: ...... custtM. 8Ut£'11 2 bdr. RivenJda. • .....,.,,, at : S96. ;,J.' #ni tftle for ounall beach bome or la,-• GOOD llf·l ....U tn<'lutrW al!A. "-a tldr home. to fU,000. Call Murial Plnovu " • · 1100 •• , {100 ' • L100 wHAT OAW Wll BAY! When. tht home ii modern in detail and atyllng and bu S bednII. lncl 2 batho -NC11'HING lilJ!l!I -W1mN tho p!b II ,29, 71!(). IRVINE TERRACE SPECIAL 'ltJtt Ille """1 people C. tbe area •bo l1'0 thin!,. 1111 ot mcn11>r ti\ 1"tlle 'hrnoo '" otter an a· oellent value which can be handled for appl'Qld .. ~tdy $8000. w.n dealgtU!d two l>edrm and 2 bath home .futwinf an exceptionally well cattd for yard which ii fenced and beautifully planted. Many eatra featu.na MM! the carpet.I and drape11 are included.. FuJJ. priOe $29~ -uoellent 5'";- fhw>ciJll. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES MOO VIA LIDO llAllBOR M23 STANLEY MEY1:R FRED GUENSLER VIRGINIA ILUll!ON JACK llOORE O~l!I VllEl!ILAND HOW CAN YOU DO BETTER Just ,Look. At The1e Feeture1 1. Owr 2700 eq. rt livin& o.rea 2, IA N"'port Heigbi. 3. 5 Dice bedl'OOIDI "-Extn. larp rumpu. room Ii, HobllT tooot 8. Ho&vy ohake .h\nP roof 7. Ulled brick fireplace 8. 2 b&tho ''· 2flrol'l-10. l"btoed AU ho.t 11. Built-in ra.np and oven a. Gori.a-dll-1 a Fu over stove 1"' 8lidlnl' I"--door ia. Pr1eo w,aoo. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 w. Cout Hlwy. Liberty 8-MSl CORONA DEL MAR For ~ta only -a. real "fixer-upper," comer R-2 lot, a euU. suemt apt., 2 !~pl.. tnes galore ! ,U,l!OO. Balf·block to .. LltUe Corona Beach," t bcdrm.s., ocean view, '21,i500. Hom. and Income, dble. lot, 2 firepl., $22,500. Dupjaa In <:...-Hlgbl&nda, real quail ... , 2 bdrm. unite, bar kit.chena1 •tooe finpkoe•, inau- l&ted bet-$:U,!IOO. ' OORONA DEL MAR BUSINESI! 8l.ocK Bert ~ Xlnt. cond. Fully rented and ahow- lng a not iO!I>. Priced rullaUcally at $17,llOO. G .' ft. ~LArHROP, Realtor KUL~ Lll!TJNG Bl\OkER ~ E. C0ut Hwy,, Col'Olll de! liar , Jh~bor 11442 -~ Hatl>or lle80 """ -~EtlRE WITH INCOME la.~ ot beull!!al eo.-del liar. a Income 1llllia; t an alcel1 "11'11., 2 p&tlao. a-to ..... 1\i blla -~ Sb,TllO ST~NlEY A. $M(JH, R..ttor IMT, g Clout Hwy., Oonioa dal llar Bar. aU CLIFF HAVEN Bl B NEW USTING BEST BUY ON LIDO ISLE! ! ! . lmmecul1te Ocean View Duplex! Deai .. d Uvin9 -0.11Ntl Income! , .................. _ AorY -IM9I I ' r ... .....,. plum .. dtt• ~ ,,__ w~...,.. ... -.... ta ~ mitt, tb I I = u. ---. ....... Willi.rd• L Killion, beltot 33U N""'PC>rl Bhd. ilartlor lll50Ci Oppoolte City Ball li:Tetilnp .. .._,. call Bar. llMl -Har. 40!!3 -..-LL a.Tia! SWEEPING VIEW i.ova.~ ..... Pfflll•t eondli--------------------- ot &y ~ Oc.t.11 fl'Ol"n Dan.a Pv.iAt to Ca\&Unll fl'VfD Ulnt ~ •' °"'* tnodtn booie of D'l&AT window• -'• 1..,.... btld- naom. -l llial.ba -l&rs• dln· ~~ ~ ~~~ot..iit Duncan Hardesty atta •n ont ot UM "IN7 t-t.. R.EA.L TOR )ot. Will!. a vtew comp&rablt to ~At the Br1d.p to Udo l.S." t1one~! A ,..i home tor• i..,.,.., Lafayette at Und Btyl'e• 'TU ~ tam117 • ' ' .... fDO. BUT 8UT m w......::-i lulldet1 -Investors Bdr-. 11n14 l.ll °"'' 2 monlha. Juat Ilk• nr#. 110.800. 11000 Dn plue hnpo'1lld4. ,l'ym\I ~ monUi 1nc:hMM ~ t• can't beat UU.. -. C, .8'd JOnff, ftltJ", 1Mf Jtv9or Jfl'W"d. U -&-HOl. ~ U~. ~en.t C·2 C:Orn•r tn hllitrt of Coeta MtiM otl major etrttt. ltax25a.w181. Can N IHYided t11to I lat'fe Iota. l'uU pl1ct tM.tOO. Bey & Btach Rlty., Inc. REALTOR! 3 UNITS flSHER & CO. BALBOA ISLAND A WINNERll Uoo. ao. to Ude IMI Qub JlouM. Nlol paUo, larp brine , "fOG ...tt.h om ._.. <*lln&. ........... ktb.~ ...... ., ...... MITDeal -.U- tut bu ud ~ art&. JUllt Ql,llOO , • , ._... , . , or own- .,. wW _.,., tradin& ~t1 t~ • I btdroOm ~ on Lido -COSTA MESA DOCTORS 6 DENTl.lr1'9 ATTN! IN NCW &HOPPING C&NTl:R! ' Mo6tn ~ UNta tw Doc- tort • o.n't&N Ot.nc.. Lot 120 x 1 &O. N• p&f1dnc mm... culu-. J\all Prtc9 Pl,&00. t..:iw --c INDUSTRIAL 187~ Harbor Bou!e,·ard ea.ta M.,.., c..tlfornJ.a .0..,. 01" tdr•t ,,_,. u f.T7l• Good Location ~ Wail... Bllill - \Y00<1 tioore. A.Lio )(ohm-"Y'1111 IA Jt0t Q old •hack -but M!7:'>0 PcJwn. Lua• kit wiu. ._ w..u-wui .a-~ ....., _ VROM 1 'l'O to ACltD;. J"rom »OoO to IJ.0,000 per aer.. Cft LD. on \ht rround noor ud mU:t JOU?Mll • litU. fortune quick. A rr-t many pe&p&e BALBOA ISLAND ~II to Bay -3 t..dmu., 2 beth.9, douW. l"•r..,., room to ...... S23.~ &::.~llellt ttr1nll. Wm. W. Senford A A880CIA 1'ta .., ... 1aJ&nG., Ital, 2'411 Newport Heights Speoial $16,000 a.. .... $4450 ft..4 LOT, ,._..,, for 7 W\li.., •11 11WIU• • ........ Olli7 l2t00 ... room lot mor• unlui. FUil concrete tuondatlon, dbl ,._r- pnce •1"• tull lot -out..ldtl eh.owe? $1,,600 &nd dNltial rrn.. nr. ytllta111 ~-It. PHIL SULLIVAN 18~ Ne ... -port Blvd , Co.It.a Mua LI 1"6711 -E•t. u a.-uo3 BACK BAY A.rt!&. 3 Bdrm.. ln1- prO'Y~ Jlan)o BL Ji.Mtt 1 bll to M onltt Vi.ta BdlooL 111,JOO '"n prtc• snoo On. lm.?Mdl- ate ~n. C. ~ JOflea, P.ltr. U·l--9J01, Eve. U-1-*l. and O.y. C:ut.e u lm -or all kt1111• ot ~me ,...u,u1. Lin. F'UU Pnt:. JI~.~ OUR EXCLU81YE -Let 1.11 ahow It to you. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor IOI l4rtnt Ave. H1.rbot ~ kt.BOA 181..A.ND c,2 Property 70 X &oq center C<Milll MeM wtth Sevtn Islands Realty & lnvedment Co, &O!-J2nd 8t., NewpOrt 9-ch Hu. Mii lt..mtip Har. &M1 TWO r: ~IN•~ lll'* tOC.li. 8\. N..,-OCMn. Priced riPL '6.$00 ~ OC&A..I" ll"OID.t bOrM. f\ml1ebld. on pod beach. 4IOJ Beuhore. ...,,,., 'I'#O bldrm.. tiomt. tTll ilea· IMN, &xtelllrlt Vl.hae tu,hO. tarp --., \o.i NOMI 6't., ""'-'•-k. onty SJ0,000 Orm #It.II. t.thr\a. ~ O OM T bolne -.... ,.... Du A.. JaeobMn. "-l s.tate iar110. mu1 w... Hubot' Mtl .\L80 . niuy olbal"I, let • tlo4 U 8-tflll Ki 1-1111 U a.tnT. wW )"OU de91te. ~· oWND <lfiL"' 11'1\0MT N. 8. C. Reel+ v Co. 8 Mdh h. .... "*"-. 1l&,iOO ., PM _. H~ Bl"" 15~000, dn Bu ...... 11el9 lftttrpOl't ~ · Harr ltOI or HU. MM COSTA MISA , Back Bey a..utv UDO ISLE AMERICANO OPEN HOUSE 2592 Art.or IA S....tihd 11&- (l.:I dOOpt 1j'ld 'IQ') A raJly cb&raUDC 2 ... gN, '~Mme oa -· Gipllllc a.nd •-fwl co•aed potlo. Truly • -llome om pnm riPt fir • qalcll --DUNCAN HARDESTY. Reeltor "At the llftdP lo Udo hlo" Layla,.... ., 3aD4 k. -· •I'll Our Opinion Of The BEST BUY On Udo We ult )'OU to ODIDpaN lbw feehlrtl wiUa otJm 4 bedroom boma oci Lido and deddl for )uauielt. 1. One .tory home 2. 4 bedrooms 2 bl.tM, s. Entruce ball t. IWcbm wtNd. for 22IO 5. 11eparai. dinlns ..... 6. Abundant -., --7. Floor plan , ... r..a, liYllll 8. 46' street to .tnet )at 9. S...utlfully planted ...... lorp patlo. 10. Bl!lll'I' l'll:AT'llllB!!I PIUC8 SH,IGO. HARBOR 4971 VOGEL CO. UDO ~ Illa Via Llolo CORONA DEL MAR TWO BEDIOOll-•Wft: ---wl,.... to ....... tr-.~ ....... 11'1-lf, ._ .. $It,~ CORONA H16tiLANOS . 2 llldrm. -cm lup lot~.,., IN<Ud riow, Hwd. 8-w, l'A lllat. be\Jo A ij, W. of Ill-. ft!7 -,.tio. rllllJ -...i-... to oeD. $2B,llOO. DO Do ~ ()pea llo!udo)' D4 8 "v < w. E. Rst-B l.""All•i .. 11 IQl&Oou&..,..C --• ,•-----W • tf• A. C. PETITT~. Riff. N.., In ~..;.t~ , ~ L111T1Na .., .. ..., ....,;,. 1a - 0 lf.UW .. """ t.r...... . ' ' ........ 7 7 ._.,:,,.., .... , ..... 1-'------------------''--_______ _,_._.._ __________ Opp. lltahr'• MrkL ~ a..6uf YOU lf'ILL ~'Vii lh'lnt II WI '1'0t1 trtLL "' pleU&Ad)o ...... 't11e11 Oliln, ,......_......., .. CH' O'"'E EASTSIDE LOCATION -• ..._ ..... -· -.................... I _ .. --~ blK~'1...-bdU..C ~ut-.l•t).MftMtoo~ ~ _.,.. ......... ,.... • ._._.__._ ._...._ PRJ"E $14500 • 1.:, 1 --.Hobby-. attliw,.__..,,"" _,..,_,_..,.,,._,. A-to-•--.. -.1111 _, " ' HARD TO FlrcD! ollOM flllo<, -oA'l:.,..• -... -u. ft ... •-~..,. .. -.... -..... r-...,... 1&til>. ._..., - -Qllel • ·-• ....,,_ .. -... • lbl.40 ft. Sot wtth ftd wall to wad ~: fit9 la hautlf'Ut lpanJlh ,.ttD. 'nttl 11-'. Ttil'M·C&dlllM Pft.l'L la · -~~ • -:..:....._ ....,..,."_.....__OD pa 100 91.ooK -9al'llo& MliM, I .. Mal,._ al._,,....,.._ Al Mt j\l9t "uotl. houM.• *M Mc't7 \bl n 1M ........ OlU ~ aa .... •aU. 3 p ~ allq'. tce. li1'1nc room with flrepl&ce and MpU&te ..._ .._ """ 1 cU-,.. ..._, , ...,. ,.,-l6 IAt ....... tbll ,_.._at ,..,. v......,., ll&r ..a. bcne ln Corona clel llu'a •W'rst ....... lo- dlnln1 area. Hdwd noo ... 11&11 ohower. Al> hon'°' ...., ..... ......,. .,,._ oult -..., -.,.. eatlon, 3 bedrma.. llOtll om holf. Ooii, SJi.llOO - ni .... WJIOO. ,..,,.._ -.. d THE VOGEL CO.' Wm. W. S•nford Qunca!!..t1:.:'d•sty Dunc•!:._!1:°desty "':..':~ s_~~ .nth~~~. Reeltor Give Y ovr kiddies ·- ~l w. Cout Hwy .• NewpOrt Bea.ch LI 8-3481 • AMOCU'IU ... , u. ...._., c.o Udo w... ..At tM Bl1dp to Ullo w.H cau11;.,. ~ N.IOt. ---------~--~------....:..-=""""'"===-:'=...,~~~:..:.:Hor::.:.·~M~ .. .:...-.!=..,::..:''"':.:::~:..:.:":..:.:',_::::.~"-.::..:Hor::::..~·~'~11:.:.:....,..:::::..::~::..:":::..:....,.:..:.:~•~~:?:.:::.:.·~·r~11.:..:..~...,::::~'~·...,::.:~·----er.:..."'.:... __ 3_fl...::.._M_•_r1111_~A-~--Bl-Qlne __ ~ __ ~~-"""~-·-llZI~~-, t • HARBOR· INVESTMENT CO. • • . . "-.. ·. Jlt:iW 1toO • \ Evs. Harbor 21 H-J • • tlOO • I -2- UDO NORD-BA~ FRONTS ' , New Jbttnp • bldna. I~ ~ pa-Is &at. expena1v~ly Cll'pNlt ud dn.ped. Yery l&rp beautiful patio. a... G& tt. tNotace-sm.ooo t.enna. ·~ . . • bedim. .,im -&. famty room. lmmacull.te balM. Pia' ud llfp. Over 70 ft. frontage flM,!IOO. I t HARIOR INVESTMENT CO. IMrticf' 1800, Ens Ha.r 217 ~ • TURKEY •nd THANKSGIVING •. m ~-LDtB OUR PRlCES Is ·VALUES r'~, f. • HOMES: a udi• ....... hcnM Ill nJce area ... lntereat ._ '1 '~" , .. ONLY $700 and S9~0 down. PftlCIS 110.000, ~. etc. -;- r • OPEN HOUS~ ~·••; N.,.port lieisJita, 3 bed.rm .. .~ ~ ~ ft.repL, 2 b&tlu, overabed 2 c&r l"NC'I-C0rDer lot. DON'T fail to 11tt it • ONLY M000 dowu. 400 Tustin Av~ INCOMES I Ullita utw-n. ln x.lnl uu. SEE nDS AND YOU WILL BUY rr. Only 182.500 ... DL'· PLl:X'Sf •.. : We haw ·~ ... all prices ... TRlPlJCX15 •.• just ONE LErr ... ANO IT 18 A BUY, Newport Reifbta. CaU ua on thiil. IT'S OUR 8Pl001AL. • LOl'8 or 10rl ... Octan ..WW .•. ocean tront- ...... and eo.ta Keu. LOW u $3000. LOOK at them •. LI 8-7773 'C' TH~ !l*i !J.OIU8 el.IFF R~VEN· .-. p BAYSHORES 6 8£Dft00Mlt, I ~in.eoo "C" THOMAS ! REALroR and AMOCIA~ 226 w. o-.t HWy. u t-6S2T N.wport 11-.ell ·c· THOMAS 'C nfOKA.8 , I~ B;s Corona def Mar HOME ANO INOOME Tak• a look at thU cllerry I S.ll. comer bou9e WW. a.n Md. ' B-1\. Apt. and IJWl declL W1!'9d for 220. Call 018d;rl ICl&pper. 2 UNITS Sl?S,800 EXCHANGE 'nit "HO'i fi:llT' •ntr r IJIO( ----=---'--"""_....,.. la U. Futnt Gl'O'WtaS Part otc..a ..... ,,. Sizsoo cilh -aiiiililt ~ . • -.. ' .. YOU WILL LEDi Ulm tpadoaa I llell'OCllll BalbM bolb• -.r1UI • ... and moden\ llaCb.llor aputm.at la tlle ,_.._ hr· m.bad Ud lociat.s 01l • u-ll JIO' ~ H_, OClaD and 11&7. t -.p ,..,...,... nuoo. tetm&. am Ja . AN VN\JatJA.L&.T A. T'l'llAC'l'IVm ud •utlbal I '9dra ra trome bl tM U1'P&R Furnished MOdels O~en ~ 5 Minvte• frotn th• OcNn Near Sch00f1 a Work OQSTA·.._. 8UN8BJN.m HACH BONJ'.8 O~ ••• l'roat ·or reu uvm, tOG1U • PleDt1, o! oJoMta. Dtnm1 ~ tn ldtae. • '° pl ............... Natural blrth cabinet. e Omt@ Ult bl kttdl· ~ · • Matscork ftoon e WoOd ~ . wt. dowa • • e.ooo eq. ft. &ota • Rock roct1o AJaadDUJD ecreem. I · BALBOA ISLAND 3 mto:mt. HOUD phul 2 bedrm. apt. PMI' &. s.y. Priced rtrbt. · 2 wdta OD cood It.net. 2 bednn. ho1* phll 1 br. apt. Attractive dean propert.J - Nr. No. Bay. 3 bed.rina., 1 ~; bath.I. 2 c.ar pr., 1 bdr. apt. Smail down. Owou eapt to -11. $28.900 Small bowie, corner lot. Good '9catioo ll~.960 3 bedrm. 2 bath, Uttle l.a1elid • . $11$0 Everunp call EdJUa Maloon. HYatt •-eru or Lou Boynton Har"1oc' 2878 EARL W. STANLEY. Rt•ltor 2'.lb Manne Ave .. Balbo& lalaDd Harbor .1'116 a.AT 4AJtA.. 1, IMUIL tau .. ------------------.. ,,.....nm•~ ~,., :..ut! ":'9:::.:::;: CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUES DraPl9 and eurt&l.M lac:b.,_, ovtata.n-.·pat.to and roe-Family Home tor ~ pool. Tn&11 • 2 1tory, 4 bedroom, 2 bath home jalt a few ltepe wc.idtti\11 b om e. 12&.&00. to the beach.' 20 foot llvinf rooa. ftnpla.ce . t.rilU. Fenced ya.rel Built on an· apeatw lot. NotbJq Balboa Realty Co. 1 Oppc,.lt• Bank of AJM11ca fltou ~ r.4 1M 'JOIWPhiM W~ 'iOO E. BaDloa 81vd.. a.lboa ,,.,_ BaJ'bor am ' eme like it -a real opport:wl.ltJ at $21.000. and -..y tenm.-only $6600dowa. No car Deeded Neat 2 bedroom ama.U home on ocean aide ol · bipway. Hardwood tloora. Double prqe. An ~uy walk to abapptnc. ~ to 8tlJ qakk!y at $15,7~. j THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cat. Hwy .. Corona del Mar HA: 17'1 HA.: 0757 PENINSULA Cute 2 bed.rm fundabed. P"lrepjace, 2 car svare. fetK'Ji!Cl. Only S2'500 down. ' BAY FRONT DUPLEX. turnllhe4. PrWat. beach. Pier a no.t. OCEAN FRONT. 2 bedna. 2 bath. 118,000. . OPEN DAIL Y'l llLL SOU> · GEO. EVERSON, Re11fy 1797-A N~ BJT'd., Coet. M• ·-U .... U A<'rou Bh·d fTom ~afnray &ton I I • I