HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-11-23 - Newport Harbor News Press~ ' CAREF.UL; GIRLS -IT'S ELVIS! .,. Pnllq •flleln '"°' Delln Ptcet .. hil &wt IDOUa pktllft .... bla .... ~t t. popoi..rtty .......... TM fk\ll-. ••i.ow. M• Te9der.'' • QyU Wu ator,. tltlo un iUchard ~ The TecblUoolor tilm ill DOW aliowb& al K-Tbe.tn.. ,. MATHENY'S MEANDERINGS A Ub14ue tw1ley 1bQOt wtU&.1 out cuu. hi Wb1dl ladT" mcm7 .,.,. ol • lntM Oowil17 Club, oampete "for JM bCrdl" w1Ul ~ clulle, wu held earlier W. week. .A.Jld Uae u.. tllihJa a.rt tUMr ~ 4hlcU or well· pl>bled ~ today. TM ~ tow1wneDt la .. -.-------........ --------..-----::.-un\W lqbUpt tor WClnt!ll • plflrl Oldy. Olftll·U..blr4 Ul1a ••comes. ...... Oh. you t.Ue the Freeway and I'll tUe Harbor Blvd. =."::...~top mooten °' BA.NOYD. N. u. _-..,,.. and the 04Moueketeen" will be Jn Dlaeylud afore y.. a... A -tint, Dr. EUabetb w. Oou1ct flit 616 ltp&l ~ Yee, Indeed, two heap bl1 ahow1 daily at O.land tbJa T-day HutchlNloD, net ecore st; MC· N.-.pOl't BMda.....-•tb' ....... • _.__.... ....___ It vnu c•.!•t A ..... -•--1 a '"'dttv for ap-ODii, x.-.. .RoMrt Gardener, 74.. a pied&'• of Ptlt Delta ''theta --. .1111Y.u ~--.... ._ ... a&UW .. "V ~ B -tint. M.ra. Bart. irr.ternlty &t J)arlnlouth Col- pearancem Mk•. don\l mt.u U'1I our club. McH~' Tl; MeODd. Mn. Job.a tep. pcMMlm•tor...il-at any a,.! A.Dd U&er .. • al,,.,. "Woody." Greene, U. • ' ao.td. eon ot Mr. and Mrt1. Llk. bolnbe bunUn1 ln alr. "Wc>ad'y" la the Holder ot the a... C-nm. Mra. O. w. JUch&rd K. OoWd 1a a cra<1uate all ~ m drop "All-thl..t and l.nt.rlcate mulllpi. ofleue ot the !-;'lobrti, ~~ eecond, KrL C.-of FOunt&ln V&Jliy H•ch School. , • ~GOC18 ..uol) TO U0.... • tbal,. ~ ... Mt to be liUt--~ l)'lll«n wttb wtaa'· 9W-e COiorado lprinp. and la ln hla ._.,. .. .a_ •y..n. Nenr a.. It .. a...• dlaM. lat'• lla•e a IO at our bacld deployed on Co&lt Hwy. eopholnor9 y-.r a.en al D&rt· "~ ~ tor llM ... and at Uie brtd1• lo Bal 1ale. w I ,.,, Pl I mouth. Re played on the fruh· ·•·WllOLIS ...... .,.., CBICILEM -... '1M W• lllle 1&mm,. Va.ICtill•. at For ruah.lnc puMn WI t&k• es c I a man bock•J' equad l&at year . ._. •ll<m JIAa-ILAVKD ame v ..... w Tl • CMllt. <a 2 Bob Dal~ ror anbblfta ott .,~ L • -~ ~·· 1etW maa). for ;aullc and bowl· wobbly puw we'll ~ &lOl\I' a A I l:w .__ ( ... M&-a.QUED 11&4.NS (...._. llAked • Jl-c,y .. l:&t) Inc &lid COC'llt.all8 anct toed. with Pat O'Shea. For anartn1 ell pprova Marine _,.ere.aw :£. I'm._ .... t .. ~ w.-• -_,,_ M Xii. B4 -;:: tot aui~ Dkk :d oltvte on the loal U.ne -·u kid· CAMP P &'°ND L ~ T 0 N • ""'"'' ,.,, Q .,,,., ~ le t or ooe-o aap NOml Nt..ekln and Art MU-J'\n.al plat on lturt.va.nt Con-Cl'HTNC) -SI'\ D•vld R . .......... you LIVING. OONDI-!! _· 1767 NEWPORT BLVD. -COSTA MESA punch tn deltftTt~ ctui~bl• 1er. And for pom-pom kid ot ltnlctlon Co.'1 tblrd We.tcl1tt Humphrey, 8oll ot Mr. •net Mn. nONI 11t1 coasul~ fte VOGEL and u.tenabl• mUlllo oa lbe our choice la Kay. .All weartnr J. C. Humphrey or 210 lrt.a. :; , • _ 4)pee Dal&J A.......,.. 11111 a.a.• 7111 pa. W'Mkeada at....._ 1aa c.1.. th• block ''D" of o.ai-•i DI!· developm.nt wu approved by Nnrpott Beach., and huab•nd ot oo.. atl W. C... Bwy., c... .. -· ........ . . harbor . • )¥!-'' "' ',,' ._; oi-.1 .....,. AST OH .A.LL .-rlum ot H1-u K.nowledc• on Newport Beech Planntnr Com-Ole former KlN Mary A. H~ l...DMrtf a.s&BL ..; _ ,.._ _ __,, u..rty I-Uta ,,... • •-mlulon t'e<'enlly Thia la th -;i-:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;-;.;;.,;;;.;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-:;;;;;;:;:;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiii=i ., Wbat would our "All" team lht Bay at B&Jlloa. ' e o( Vlata., participated ln Air ~ ~~~~!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IM wtU.OUt Art La8bell, lilMt pipe t.hlrd auch plat In W•tclttt •nd O d 1.A.nd'"-Exe clM "llTll" • COACH P1l.IENDU'S'ES8 lnclucka all b•.n..•"-lot&. Th• droun u .. _,....., er &ad Nub-Heal.,.. .A..rturo t ~ Ever m .. t ~ter ow of Dal--• unnc the ~·..... OC't. 2t to rMtc:J\er ChrlaUan) wean lh1 toll'• on L&Clen•s•T Good coach compa11y baa not decided w?M-th-NoY. ' a t Camp PrndJeton ma,. C.H. on bl.I sweat.er _ w.U er to build Oft U-. Jot.a °' -.nMd at Ute Bui of the ey1tem of trlmdlln-. eell tht81 u s.. -..ct probably ~t llltll'wd .tcn&J-cia.ller wtlb TlMlt de~lr 1ent wtt.ll t.be will not come to a dfdalon bf.. Che b&ock "K" oa hla c.uJunere "V" on °ht.a ~vawi-Wacan"' 11 tor& nrat of the yu.r, AuaUn la Jim ....., IM of the a.clue.I Jl'red Krauae. 81mply h•ve lo put ltwuvut itated. • All-~erlcan netauraat dOWD In him on ~rd to handle our TM nrat eubdlvUlon contalned Balboe.. «UY• and caJa who Co tor th• IO buildlnc ll~1. bu1 Jdln~• ""' 1 A al~,.r l.Dd pluger dolllf "!1118 menu•" and Oocw ahoW• lhwn now nea.rtna compi.uon. a 2•·bour pme 1cou.. and of mocS.m Ylnt.ac•I Tb• t«ond one bu 33 lot.a wblch wukfut at anv Uck or the A .-pedal trt~ •• pay In are ~Inc 801d u i.. Sturtn-ant clack) ta "N~;, ot Seuport our proinma to Joli)' Coburn of np.cl1 to atart pavlnc In the Catf• aJaop. the lat•creat (1aata-71 and to lhl"ff plot.a nest Wttk. Wltea ,.,..r, .. 1ect111s tor all J'Nd Hf'rahom of Barlf7 Befl round perlormancu we atmply whoae lnatltutloNI have 'be.n nni.t Md lh• namu ~nd nuin. touched wtth lll·fatf'd trac~n berl • Ole a.fa'? i...,.. .., Good luck and ..Ut re<"oftry, 811111 •• •t'1 tront line. m.,, 80 You can pt bM'k ln the What a trio ot pua catch•,.. pm• real. real to0r1 I we haft In L41cy ot La aa.aa.a And tor the (UY• who IUppty {}A~!t and S.rt 41\d Jack ot Berjaot.k'a. ua v.1th Mary Murphy, Joen Col· No pea too 1m&ll for delivery Una. ~borah Ktrr and Natali• to your coal line when you're Wood et al tor our chHr lead· In nMd ot a llC'~ ! '"'· we dort our fedora to the FILL '111& IPOT cln«na ,..nu. JotuulJ Oxford at Not lo be outdone ua. AdalN Pert In QGiL W... Iller and - Ol'E1' RAM 'llOCND On Th• Bay .. =~~===========~==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Of Ha~ .Drt-.b U.--make a bl.a cohort loe B~ at 11 .... -spot on our -All" team almply wt th en.ts Pboenbt at U.e. beeauae they worJlt eo bard mall· By UM by, at UM Pen now nD C1lnc>llD •.&amllfG Wor n11rn:tlw -llartlGr UIS Balboa PA&&UfO ,.,.... . ~ It pS.UUrable for you! la "loU4 Oold C.d " I.Me ahowa ..... ,,, . PORTfi-m< ORONll t>£1 IWAR·HAR/1('11181. Now Showing ''The Solid Gold Cadillac" Sterrin9 Judy Holliday Paul Do'")kn -Plus-· "APACHE AMBUSH" Tiii honeybuekef. Then'• Bud Ou\ott ~lllnc ''TM Mom1t&ln" Uld "Trouble I• ADcl)'·MclntYN and runlnr wtlh Jlanilf." X.. off•• a pur ~_;(~(:~LG~o.111~~-~llO~~l'f'D.lo~~l'~)•;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::~~~ up hue• aeoHa tor the ,......_ UUed -i.o.e Me ~ w1Ul ::;,j 1-. Mun pt 'nn on th• a C9U1a current •Id.a wtth 1n• • • • ''JAM SE S,S·I 0 N~' I c.IDb. ltlala .. P. added ·~ .. 1 Sorry, no "Watwbuc.keta." but ·'Kaplt1~l R.ouctmaclul." ' -Ila" a 1111 l'J' 'et nady lo Aa4 to w1nd tt up, how aboUl be dell.....-.d ~ J&eJlt M.arah&JL J'l>I' U14 you and JCl'l Jolnlnl /v\.e sa-. be wbo stftl jelll l!llllllon .-ch -°"" t.a. IUck wtt!l-. Play ll hnda,. atteniooa. .,.. *1ft ,,.., card\all1 t.e and V 'I I K.eflh N......., ot a ,..... t... J'OUl' cMNI • Uiat you OU ._, ttne.-ap u a wort har9 eu ID9 • ..., la pOd llha.pe. tor the cMa. P\aao b&r, pod ,_~die ..i ~ B.ave tood &D4 ~&11.-~ UM tttnt • IN VAN'S IOWUNG love him tender In the ·!· story h• WU born to play I -~...a. ...... c.m.. ..u ........ ..... ----~ __ _. .. _ ---~-- TWO ll(i FEATURES s. ............ cm....._......,tna•• tnD. tBll1J 'ft1u. Kl88' ltATIND'l U.TOUA'I' •Tl ... aooa llt7'D80M .. -ra L&W1™ a&a:b" I CU.TOON8 -n:IUil ITilTa ~ l\'EDNDDAY oaoaAB nu -lbmf ma "TEA AJlfD ft'llPA1'Br " ' IJ ... Too Late "• Classify BEST BARGAIN IN CORONA HIGHLANDS 2000 eq. tt. of comfortable t&miJy lMnc. 3 bednna .. and ntmpua room.'OD 2 ....,. for ut- m<»t privacy. V\ew of hilla•ud ooeu.; .. r . • $,.i1'~0Q..,.W'_hile . ..ft ~•1h!I • ",._ ._,,,,,,. ,, Call Harbor 2009 •• iia> DA VSNPORT IN 0000 ; OOHD1TJON. 160. liar Illa Jl. \ lkt6 N"'9 • P,... atftll D1W11 Md plctul'e .....,. Ill ~ Ila"* .,... Ul"9 tlm.. • ...as. rtndn. ~......... uu. • . . ' ' Tilll .... , ... .,.., -...... ., ......... ., , MENU VARIETY IS sq EASY with a net! ._~.--11111-.lt I .................. : klMs .. , .... Set It •• ,.., I •ct• ......... ~ ' Ga1 range rotary baibecuel lm ..... llllllm. I t ........ ,.. ~ ' • N...,.7 M'• .,..,,.,_,I ..... _. ............ ,°'~ ne4 rODed ........ ...,.,, Or but. a.M Cltitk•f ~"' ..... , .. b..D- l•a "eakt • ehope whm , .. hne a MW C.. nap with a rotary l>arfMoeae ht tlile ~ eempanlMtlt. ,..,. u .. ,,_...,,../Fw .. ale..cl.,..._ ~-.--..~ .... c .. 1ote. i ,.._., ............. I AMI ............... the MW c.. I ___ .. .. ,.,, • ....,..._...._111HX1...W11rr t _..._ • , I a.r..r.1Wiirpn ....... c..eu.a. Yltlt ". 1~a a. _.. •m•., ,_ ... •alt• UT,., .. ,,. ..... I --· ~ ,...... .. Uc. Vi91t ~ CM .,,U•• --1 ...,,.,, a s.ua.,, ~.,,.,d, er ,._., Gu .c..,..,. 1 _........._ I ..... a.f, ,....,. I ...,,in. ..-. S.. aJ1 t1111t•1 MW abci9t lhe... ........ Uj,Wllt~ ...... c.. nap. ' '------------------... i 9"TllU• c~ MS~ Only.GAS 9gives you such modem automatic appliances for modern Gos Service bt'yond ou r mains, ~ee your loca l L-P Gas deolcr MJ1111tu· • IUlllY ..... c ............. &ACR.AMJCNT01. C C N I l BfocrTtary of St.AW Frank l4. Jordan hu anpounced Uv l..u• a.nee of notary publlo conunla- •lona to Jack Adam.a, 3301 W. Coull Hll'h-..y and Eve I y n McAlvry, •17 li.t St, Newport S-Cb. Meet DIATH NOncl .... mTBA llll"' •• Xtw. 8.tM Au 1'ocft. ll. ot J8t1 Vlllta Drift. died NOY. nanMr~atS-.Ba. pttal att.r a 1Wter W-. a. wu a u.Uw ol OUl'O)' Md kad Uved her9 I" yeare. llM I.I munt.._. ..,. oee.., VIMtllt. a Moon ot BaHau: i.o daufb· i.a, Kn. ~ 9ooy ol WI -- DAY H NIGHT CA.LL Klmlaerly 5-1181 2110 S. MAIN ST. SA~A ANA • CAllY -' One 1nl/e 1f!nd yotiil knOW; ho.v t'his baby tv0n Hs na111e/ . _,. -... -. ~;. ... -·:: ·-... . ... --... .. _ -.. • - ·-+--+---. ' ROY CARVER PONTIAC I 1400 W. Coast Hwy. NIWPORT llACH .. . .~ .~ ,•j, ., . . . ·:: ~ I I I l f I I I I I ENOAQJCD -Kr. &n4 KN. lOllPti ~ftrit JWm. GI 201 Via ~uar. Ltdo·Iale and CoaebeU. .:-v•. ~ amioundnr th• ~t &IMl eom- .. I.Qt.~ of their daushtl!r, Dort. Suzanpo 5' (S(ie), to Mr. Victor Lou.la WU.On. IOD of Mr. -: .. and llrw. om&r J. WU.On, 301 Broadway. Costa -=. M-. The 1"ddiJ1i will be be&d SU.nday, Dec. 1e • ..:. a\ 6 p.m. tn St Andrew'• Pre:a~ria.n · Church. -Gae Rem P'boto ERRMANN-GARDES · · Betrothal Revealed .~Troth Announced -Fl~:l~. (ef.ling Serving The Harbor Area Witt. .Chriatmea 61ft Selection• Harbor 2540-M ~ 5199 ·~~......, J411·W -Uberiy 1-1120 -~r 4796. 1he FABRIC FAIR 111 llabt StnM. RUNTING'IO!f lll!AOO. CALIF. .. • 38" NYLON LA~ -----····--K!kl yd. '5" stmbS a.om _: . • . .:: '1.N .,.. : 8(Y' wASS.mz WOOL UM yd. ~ 4 to -Hane Curt&tnl -Cl.lat.om Drape.nu ~ -Notaou -NecchJ·Ela .btNr'blld Dealer Lido Isle Players Slate 'Dear Ruth' t S~rkuhl. Jlm GrMn &Ad nt.11 8mUA . PJayen Club Pruldult Dtca I I.Amer i. COOl'dlutin• the d · Corti ot Mn. MeCWley, d.\nctol', Dtck Smitb,lroducUon &Ad •ta. Mn. WlU 8M1Ui aa4 Jin, Ward Morpn, property, ftoa KacOr-r,.or Utd Jim r;•· Lido hie Pl&yera Club will ra1ae the curtain ou it.I ~!::· J~:ni~ J>h~~ fall aeuon with Notm&n Kruna'a deU1httul co m e d y &1\d publicity. "Dear Ruth." The two-nlJht production will run Nov. SO ..--------=:=--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• &Ad Dec. 1 at the Lido lale Community Clubhoue. AT il\'l Ruth McCulley ii d!rectin'g the two act play. Mra. ghristma& l~y Karat.a and JUcbanJ I Cb&rletl Wwi.td, Mi9 Pam CHOOSI THI IMHO Unc»rwOOlf play t.t..t leada •u~ IAmer, Robert Jewtq, Mn. vi.... STANDAID VIHION lllLI ported by Mra. J'nlllk .A.uatln. pn1& Reid. Mn. Ch a r 1e1 .. I ' ~ I e t f. NEWPORT HARBOR !'.*ttcflt av11ir .... ,.. ................ ""'""'--,.,..... ... ....... " .. ... _ .. __ ............ ............ .......... ...... aft-,. Mtcf lllOM MSI ~....,.... ..-i. .... -.... ,_.. ... .., .......... ...... ........................... ... .... _....._ ....................... , ... s-n. ....... -11~ • I ,, .... _ ...... '*' .11.t"'" .. . .. .. .. .. ..... , .. .... _ .................. •.n ... ,_ lfl(lll Ml "''* Muttltt4 ........ -........... . ; Wo'W IM ..._., .. Ill ,_ ..... , ... I J . ILUE SAILS • STATIONIU fine Re1identiel Peirttln9 & Oeeor1tin9 FIANK KATNIK U~rtJ 1-5e'71 2911 ". C...t .. ..,. • ' J, ..... . """' ' 'ff/arl4n J S~op IN COSTA MESA AT NINETEENTH AND HARBOR Bl VD. IN THE COST A' MESA PLAZA LIBERTY 1-743 I .... a. u n COLORS ••••• • BLACK SUEDE • BLACK CALf •BROWN CALF ' MCON,...M'' • NAVY CALF •net . • RED CALF r IOIO .......... ..... ,.. ................ ... .................... ...... ,.. ............. ..,F THEY WERE ANY somR THEY'D MELT" COSTA MESA WEDNESDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 28 at the Durin9 the Dinner Hour From 7:'i0 P.M ..... StUfttM"t oriflntll by INdl..g deslpn ....... "*',... . , "-'•••aid . . . , · M ... yow merv1HOM MftJ ...... tM Jemw Im lt.Mtaurlftt, M.,.., I076 . ' lncidenteHy, th. Jemei~ Inn Restaurertt ce" eccommodete private perti .. anct banquets from tot. IO pertON IN TD -'A" A I CA I M.ft OORONA OEL MAR l;tAUOR 5076 fill ', .......... .. It Ill ~ lilt 'flM&lltfllt te4Ua1 tht n••• fr•• rel .. •'• ti•r "•Ir "'kttl'' ............. ...., .... • • • • Now •• • • • WJ.· • Otfgln•f• • • -. • • Oe1i9ner for the Sten • • • -__ _,,_ ___ -"-' - .. I ' ,, Island Pastor Is Named to District Commission PTA Folk to Attend Ensign Library Tea'· BAHA'I TEMPLE PARKES MO-.TUALY ......... "",, .... ,_, ....... LIHCl'T a,3453 Divine Solution to Problema ot Man Herbor RHt Memorial Perle ......... ~ M· Ill-... Merrr heve fCMmef our P"H' 11' counsel of trem.ndous v.lue. W • invite anyone to cliKuu •ith us - in cemplete privMy •nd profeuioMI ~clw. -any problem which mey eriM. 0. ye.In of aperience 1n the ,.,_,., 4nc•ifft ,,,., ....... laUOa•..._.. ...... •Uto IM&. ~ leAICM • CO.... Ml ... 111' 1-.. (II,._ J'f..a) llet'lmll ~r .lobn Peatty ot ' Newport Hartlor Yacht Club dld a mututuJ Job ot llfht w-.UMr ailing lut ISatW'dlly to •lip th<! Al A.dam.I Pe,,-ual Chalhq• &ro111'7 away ft'om Dick 0-"u Aoo BIG .CATCH ,FOR A CITTLE LADY or,:izr~~:O.,.w1a1a la W. cue, Ute BAn* AnsUnr aub, snai wu ~ by Dorotha Kins-~~IXled. ~-~ tat.Mr. on Capt. DQ4ley Eller'• Andale. Weigbt at~ marliA waa 188 1ba. o.ver, etnt CMrbt, .w.nc ~of tbe .a,iale WU 1 br. 16 m. -Kent H.ltebCiQck ftoto, tor kata Monie.a Tadat Club, -------.----__ _. -· -~At:.-' ._..,~..___.;..;,._~----aDd .A.I Ka.be. repu11at1Jlc C.· brtUo Beach YC • D•ZPINO AJIBAY 01' AWAW -At at&k.I ID Newport 11.arlJoi Yacht au~. llpua llmtatloaal :AD Gold Cup Reptta to be held thia wekeod &re t"-9 eofttecl Fl4 '"t&k•home" tropb.lea for all CGmpetinJ cla.ues. In addition th_.. an ..wn1 cm. perpetual.I lnchlcllq' the new Frank Slmp1<>n Memorial tropby for tbt Alhatn. claa All ltatbl are lnaide the bay with the l&rre ~ start.mi tr.i a line ott the end of Lido hie and the lll1l&ll boa ta. u unal. ott the' NCJDooCalm dock at the crub -Beckner Photo .A. fair brM8t at tht It.art pelfnd ~ut attlr about tm mtnut.e. and tht ~ ot th• race becam• a matt.er of ~ (or Uoukl ll lie aloop&q ?) aroun.d ....,~ tor UM fflW vacnuit putfa wbk b relll&lMd. £artsht'1 ar1y lead tu.med ta- to a frwtn~ ap..11..-w._ be "fell ln a bo'9" ud watcbM UM other boat.a. ..tq kt. p .... •at.me11t. ••.ad Uw Dal epot &ad ..U on Uu'oU1"b. J'rom bett OJ), U noted e&rlln, It WU a mati.r or bfoinl" la the JlPt pl-at tlM npl . time pd Pftrcf • WJUn &ilo9tAd UH'01J1"h to Yktory. Tbe A I A diLrU lral)b,y ~­ nal..S al t h« C.MtUo ~h YC and I.a open to cA&u.n,. tn u1 c ... ~"' to tM ddmdn' at wiy Ume atler a 30-d&1 period. ----1 Newport Harbor y IC~t Cl1b H11 114 New Memben N--.nllierw .t ?ftwpwt Rart>cw Tachl Clulll foJlowtns Ult' O"f'&J\laaUon'I NOYem!Mr ~ ot Dlrec-ton mtttiDS total . GOLD CUP SERIES AFFORDS 'l4~ nceJved lnto .lhe clvb WEEKEND ACTION IN HARBOR Jolm a. ~. Ju. x. IAWta Ir .• ~,a ~ -. wta J . irw.ter. :iou &: Nrliir, Mn.. ......,. 8; ,,..,., ~ Ma1n actlvtty ol Ole , Rar1>or the followtns llsWd c...._.: 1 Cl&aa, provided •Ix or more t>n· C, """'*"' DI.· b#fitit P. LUITl:D Cl..AME'4 1 trtf'• bavf' bfffi flied •1lh ~I PllWlpl. Qa\'Ul a. a.tNlrt h .. OoJd ~ _krtH for "°"1thforn ~hm&JI JO'a. Lehman 12'" flan-r-ommltlff of N-port Mn. ~JI. Lofa.t..,, N.-Snlpem. uptmnp. Int. 14 a T. ~ Te 'nocnpeon. Qut. Oalltonda yad1t. In 1' cia-a. S-tMrda Metturya, Albelro..1 Hn.rbor Yarhl Club on or lido,... lon Da ..... Ud a,...,,..,,~ .&.a tJwttaUoD&.I ,..atla, •x or LudPn 11. 1'1Wll-. Mf'lra lf tomonow All l'nlrta D'luat I>'! ll01l. _.. eat11e9 .,.. .-.qulred In Stan. llboda, and P. C.'a. t'li.od b\ II am In order Lo JIU· t ---~-----•t each ci.u.. AA l.ln1taUon to 11&.11 I" tht t1<-ipa1t I JC.WfO•i Jfa"-' Tarbt CM1. = ~ u..--=. ~:~ s roa F.:\CR HARBOR RACE • llillll ofsana.uUon. .nnua.lly sivee IJlltAld Hd u. OeNn IW~ Thrff racea wtll bf' beld for 1 ~,.a 1 ~ ·~ Jt._ lb 1!"1\.R fl'•<'h clau. Lrbm&na. Bnlpy. \iiirALl:rtUl'V\ r.\iiof --I U,hlnlnp. 111('. 14 '• and Mer-. • "1lboa Yacht Club Award$ ::~~.~::!: ·~ NEXT MONM ~.,ii • I T phi T bay l'asl of Udo i.~. II~ AllRUI ro es ~IOl1'0W E: :tu~a,n:d c~ .! ~~~ .Ullll lropty swe-tauon.w wtJl .....ive aa aw&l"Q -thf' 1 PrelmtaUon ~mnn1... wtll f11 '>aibae Tacbt Club wtU be HlOlNI llalldM:ap Trophy, ~ bf' hf'ld '" th" club Sunda1 Dec. I and t -N_..,ort .... t -·' dlBN duac. on the year'• •lllna "90l'd. qh\, wlUI all cont.est.anta, Harbor Tarht Club, KtJIMlth a • .......-r 'l'hl.t wm i. Uw Wl'd coe9ku-CftW'I aDd trwnd.a 1Jn1lf'd. H. Davia Mmioft&J Tropaa1' t1112s.,.v11r1raorw'ill llf.Pt beSlJUU~ at 1 Utt ,_,. lh1a award M9 tNou llltonnal dln1q ud daoct~ for Lehm&n 12 Champlon-t" U.. 41t'SUiatloD'• ehibbo\119. won by UM Commodore. Saturday nifbt from ll:IO to 1h1pa. ,..,._,.-two ,.rpetml trophl• 0..-mmk wtU bf' f\lf'llUM<I . 11.SO Lm. In the cJubllou.ae will Dec. 22 aod is -New· ... lb otbtJ' award.I W1lJ ·11e by the HOM)'tleee Tr1o. I t•ture Elliott .... orch9tra port Harbor ain.t:mu tt.- .,._.,,., by Com.modora F . .::. Sue P'\cker M&da the decor· and midway .-aJt. of tti. com-ptta. We.Id Jr u mui.r ol cnernon· a.~ CGIDJ'l11tt.M. pttlUon. _________ _ CBAllJ:NOJ; OVP WINNE& -Pre9mf bolder of th. ooftted Al A4aana Pttpetual CtuUJ.enp cup ia John Pearcy'a Whim of Newport Harbor YC wb.lc!.h won out OYer def~ Dick Deaver ot Bal* TC and two other ch•ILenrera ID lut 81mday'• 1()..mlle rue otf Newport -Beemer Photo REAL SPLASHY ' CH~ISTENIN(; Tb1ll 11CeJM la aft ...,..ted ill the llal1Mll' ..,.._ 1n w. cue . u wu rac.nt ctu1a1ten1aa ot Uw trtm ..., cuttaT ...,.._ b7 Mn. ~lu Wanwr fOT MT ~BecJuwr Photo ~octo... Wood Nm•V iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. DID y O.U--K·N .. o·w I 15 % of alJ eccidenh. er• cauaeC:I : by .onfY. · f-S .,,. of tt,e . · ' drtv•n . Jn .. the Unitt~. Stete1. STA11 · PAIM lceept· Sta · cAUto if ur• c. co1t1i. l~w l»y· elndn9 to• lnJVre only the'· . · c~refuJ ''le" •JSP•n•ive" • driVen. • ,. ·~ -' rr •An TO DOW ron n.am · ra.tar .&GUT Ill &. nnt n .. COSTA BflA UKaTW •••ll I.. &. o.ar. w .......... Mn. Walt.er Wetm.r, 112 IC. llt.b at.. Costa M--. bu .... twDed bome from a vUtt -.1t.11 ber COUIUl'1 farally, the Eus. JoDltlll ol Ian .Dtea'o. I GIVE A TRIP ... ~or C~rlJtni~! OPEN TICKETS TO· ANY ~ PORT IN THE WORLD . § ~ A TRIP IS A ~FT THAT WILL LAST A LIFmMEJ CDM, TRAVEL SERVICE c ..... Ms Ha•• 1246 0.1'. o...& B.la1tWIQ' " OrcillW -......... ~ .... Of.lie. .,,..,.,,. ............. .. ........., ............ ,, S-4Wte IM--.111 ... ... ~ ••• , 3.S "' -,... .... " .•. ,,.,.. _.,.,.,, ... ... s.. ................... , -.. """" ,... "'"• ...... .............. , dlitdl .......... ,.._.,..., ..... _.._, ........ ,.....~ . ..,. ~ '--.. ... -. .. ~ ... 1 .;:r.:~·'· v . .. ·:·•~ . . .. l 1HBC '4th &DIERS WIN 4th Palaferri TD's lead HIC Sixth Graderi. to Win RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL· COMt.ttRcaAL NO JOB TOO LA.ROE OR -Mt• It.. N_,_. a.di . SM•U. I ......... • COUITNIY Ir LISI& ..... u 1-11ff Ope1 l11~1y 10 to s . . ..... •• • e ..... ....,. IUPl 0. n. I OCEAN FRONT l sai.d Ba.de ,..._ I • Netrpor\ ~r '~~ .. . : ~~ : .. \.\~I BI r r_~. ILICT•IC,ALL y ~ e LET US HELP YOU e ITAF,OllD 6. SON Sii i DllYll THE llG M ,_ 1957 . JOHNSON & SON ~llemlcah AYGl.W. for Pick .. r ... CMu•1~45c Gtll. • .... ., ... h . ...,. ...,.., n11 -. . -. . . -: . .. ~ • .. . . · . ~· ...... . ..... .. ' HONOR f;OR HARBC>R AREA'S LADY GOLFERS ~ RhlJ. lntne Cout Country Oub pnlldot. i.onond ·the ladJM No.. 15 for tbetr tine lhowblc durini the tam play um ..uoa. The .quad captllred leCOQd plue ID Soathun Callf omla DiYiaion of the WSGA. J'rom Jett, kDMl- iac: 11m1s. Dorothy Damukt. captain; roren Neal. Undely Youqblood. ft.o1 Lyman, Ralph Compton. B&rt Mdfqb. ICtJD• ho.tMI; J&mtl Murphy, 'J\obert o.nner and .John Greene. StandlnJ, Mill ltcalie Vane. cd Mme.. John Lanllr, Job Price, Wayne Rall, Elate MWer, ,Henry Meyer, Jerome Help- ..._ RCJ9 Gray, Keneth WiDterbwu and Robert Mupil. -M-.ct. frice PWo \ . . , . .. tar~,..... ... ~ Mt ..,... .... want.a to b&Wl out Del ~ Ul• ~ al 107 ..... ti& Ave.. eo.ta )hee.. ean do 8D witllout liY1nl ~ UM "-"'lt of a nply • Xan,.i.. wbo baa Meo lna· 1W'W ot tbe Oo9t.a lit-United l'und Drtv• two yean l'\&Al\1q, bu NCOrlMd a m...,. on tape A. oemblntd INll... ID4lll1A; wbicb bfQ&dc&IU u 10011 u aad liack WncJl ,...tocet.be wu IOtneOM di&lll hJ• bu.lin .. pbaOa. held recenll,y for the Senior CIU.na 1roup of Newport 'Tm oft Jtstll DOW," •111 Lh• ~RINCESS AT HOMECOMING Be&ch wt\h attendance of '2 --------- m....,.., ''but lt you wW *" ~ u Junio't prlnoeM durtJ\f Newport H.&J1t0r Union tnembere. Under irponaonhip ot UR ft' RIOBT -Newport Beuh city em· ployea, to the number of nearly 100. Tuuday nceived m.t.ructiona in UM of the telephone. Mn. Bob Moore of the Crty Hall 1Wf, i.I ahown gettinc the low down from Miu Chl'W· tm. Walker, public rel&Uona director for Pacific Telephone Ir Telecnpb Co. M.im Walk· er aaya cenlal UM of the phone ta more im- portant in auccea!ul \>uaineea than 80DM people may appreda~. A cbterful "hullo" ud polltt an.awtl"I co a lone way toward eat1b1Lthtn1 rood "laUona for a con~1"11, ahe .. ya. -Staff Photo ruu.&RTON (0CN8l -Bud DaWI09'1 Raraell tooll alt lo• and llow ye.ierday attunOOl'I, llut w1Ul a dear 4-Y ot .wni &Mad. U.. Y.U.w Ja.ckel8 ClnJaJI. ell fut and hll'b IA a blau ot ('11diron flory. Faclnc tlle arch·rlva.1 l!llant.a Ana DoM ln P'ullertol'\ Stadluro, lM Hoet Homet.a eurp1 teed au wit.la • atunnl.n(, yet euy U-7 ct.ory over th• county·-t eleYen. The Wln WU J'W&ertG9 'a ntth ln a rovr ovn the Dona, ~ turkey Ctnale wu another ahodl•r for Don ooach, Don Oa't'\.e, IA.It y•r. ~ 1aw o.vr. 90n'e buu MW allc• up a ~7 win. J'Our name and number It \11111 tM HIP kllool ............ ,1'1 feeth1U.. um Call .,,.... Vick.Le th• Newport K&rt>or Zont& Club record.cl on th1t macl}ln• &ad I V--"-and '"• o-----uon Dt·" ... o~ ~ wW --" n-t baek" onoadar. Her ecort ii Oreo Wade-~ K.Mlll• ftolo ... ~~ n.-.. .,. ........ you •" · the Ctty of Newport ~ach, the He u.eee the cs.vtce In place al 1roup met al Newport Harbor ~=~d8::r~~ ACTION DfffRRED ON LIGHT 3~~~~=:~ ~rdl ;::::~INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT HERE ~1.u~:~~ MrVicl. be •YL IA.NTA. AJU., foc:NB) -T1M cut.tr tor the IOUU.w.A Olltt llpeCWly decorated blrtbdt.y It u capable of t&ktal about Kea .,_ unW ...,oru baft cut made by • aoc&J baary 20 eJM>rt. 111_,.. et one ttme. Ora.np 0Dual)' P1ann1q Coal· ..__ .......... -N-... __ ...... WU pl"tlllftled by Uw Nnrpoc't Mall(911 can ch&nfe hi. own mlaalon b&I deferr.d &C&Q Oft a ._ ~ w1 ... _.. _... ~ Zonta CJ b to lbc99 m-·••e. too, Lf he -u Und nt propoMd ll&'bt aa&nutac:turtn1 ud o.ta KtlL u _ .-• mtmbtra unnr cw'tat bktll.· IL WUU...,.. .. out t. tftC\ lM d&n, ..._.~ dnU>pmml Oa Jllend&1, Nov. II tram 1 t.o Tab Newporter for Top Post Parldnt Meter Rules N.ow In Effed in City • Rul• for u.. of pe.rklnf r .. ten In the city were recent.Jy adopt~ by Newport Beach Ctty Council, all met•rw lo be In ef· tM Welt _.. ti PlaosnU. A..._ l :aG p.m. la the d&ta •t for a~ IOI C-.t .OUUI ti DUt sn..Unr at hMCSClll&rt.r• 180. It. ~ .,.. Cl'&ftWI~ II ~ ot Park Beach and doM!paled ~.,....,U&J, ~U.. Deputmeat. lTH ~ta al U.. cllstr1ct no ·we.t BaU>o. Blvd. oenUy "t.I &o ~ to Coat.a M .... Newport Beads, howeYer, &1lo b.-aa annaatJon ln pl"Oam IA tha aunt ..pm. Th• two clU• &l't mc:Wuled to .. Ult UaeST matter ln IU}lerlor Court bin Herbert W. Kalmbach o t Newport Such ha• bffn el.c:~d vtce pttcdent and MCr•t.e.ry ol Security Tilt. lrurur&n~ Coln> peny by lta boud of dtTtelort, HELD M.'OIW'tO Manain Lutn A. JonH of th• Duptte the tcoree, th.la year'• Santa An& otnC'e annou~ to• f~t 12 monthll ln the year tx· early nut ).r. ' cept lhoee on l'trMUI and pe.rkl Coat.a M-)lu l.ndicaled fl day -.·t.a wu actually I.II e.utv trl· Kalmbach wu MCret&ry of umph. DaW9011 deiared the bmch LM tllle company prior to ltl• In &II .tfort lO Jl .. p the M'Ot• Gown. u.tpm•nt lJ'I ~bruary or lhl• Whfon th.at dida't ,... lo et.em y.-r u vtc• prieal~nl In charit Ula ecortns Ude, ti. etart~ toy. ol admlnlstre.Uon ot eoutbern 1nr With lh• doca.t. They ntHr otnru. W1th Madquarten In I knew what kit 'eta. Santa Ana. Ht rrptecu ftobert I •ad._ tuJ!aeka. wt.,.-baw D van Buaktrlf' followtn1 tM d kl h lalt•r 1 ttll(T\&llon. not.ct !*ow, whlrh wtll be tn ef. plan• lo reMOe U.. area tor Ln· 1 fttt trom March 111 to BepL U dU8lry. • I only: C'onunlatontr Walt. Weimer l:nllri B&Ji.o. •rM.. Mcra.dci~n mov-4 for a two-wMk d .. Jay 1n acllon on UI• UN \"arlance rt• I pukln1 lot, e:a('C'pt t.hoe. on Ul• queet. w..-terl7 out.llM MCtlon; ~ _ --------- F'ront 8-ch parl<.ln• lot: Bootll 11de of ocean front bet ... ·een Mc· • Faddal plac• IUld 23rd Slr"l. Mesam Penonal File for lnlury BANTA ANA, I 0 CN 6) Shull Hearlnt Set for Dec. 4 IAN'l'A AJfA. ( 0 CK8) - A. ll·,.r-old Jf.wpal't ...... 1DU WU ~ ...,.... ...,.. lor Cow\ iUidl't I .......... & KonUoa on a prowu • Will.· UOll dl&rl9 .... ...u. . - s-n. -tM --WU Mt for t ;IO a.& Dllt; 6 ,., WUIWn &. llUll ., .,.. ' IOt UDd It. lhWl ...... u, ,.... ....,. to __. ...... Nyl&r)' ... oomiec:UOA wtUI a _. ot ff• feMU lD tat a.anew .,... .. WU lftllted t.laree ,..an prvlie- Uon. He llu '-D UHIUO aca1a UMI ~ wttll ...... a ~ . WORK UNDERWAY ON-;g~;~~~~~f~~ ;.t§~~~f5~ BEACH STEAM PLANT ::~n.:o°!::~ndat•:~.\~ ~ an~ 1~t:i c~~n. Midll• • from tallbe~k Rlllflnl• Spatth. pn. be nnt.1Md bt• tchooftnr 111 C&lltorala. r.oeivlq "11 B8 and TAC'IU.E8 L"l A<:T L.LB ~Ir~• from Uw UnJnr· North ade ot Oeftn Front --- hren McFadden Plue &l\d 22nd lt1'Mt. IDut llide of McF'&.dden P1ac.e a.nd Newport pier to Bal· boa Boulevard. Bay A•enu• ti.. twMn UU:a and ltth ~treela. Court .lvenue betw.ei McFe.d· den Ple.c. and ioth Rtrfft. A Colla Meae. couple a net I dau(ht•r hau fl\l'd a S7 000 ~reonal lnJury damage com· I plaint •ralnat Or1ln1t" f:ounry. and ll 1 emplo}eoc N'oab Sa· c-ravta. From the ab.rt, make your weddins an oce&- aion ot lone remembered rood lute and &. tioctlon. Invltatiooa eet tbe to~ ot formal perfection. Consult ua on any problem ,ob may have. Thrt'e bllllcm poundl ot earth der Ult oca.a floor for eppro"1· Nl.U.n waai't lh• only tackle llty at Bouthtrn C.lllomLa. Ht -enour h. If pti.d up, to form malely 2000 tHL I to 1•t Into the act. Ktn C:healey. wrv-4 6 ~ yee.n on active mlll· a mound 2~ 1tortea hJ1h hu O:\E OP' TB& LA&OaT another JOO.pnun<Mr. 1rabbed a lary ducy u & n1val aviator bttn mond ln bJ ~ truci.. Huntl.n.(ton S.ch Steam Sta· l&-ye.rtt pa.II from Spaeth An-dur1ftf Worlt1 Wllr II. to prttpare conft.nacUoa •ll~ of Uon. on• ot lbl la.rJ'elt buUdln1 other 200-pound t.a'"kl•. Art Con· ---- J t d _. ... _ b 1 lreru . r.at1Jhl a paJL~ but lh•~ Stoddard Name Results in Ire 8 o u l h • r n Oallforai& Edleon pr<l e<-• t'Ver un •• ..,.... Y pr· "'a•" ell\' on thlll lay companv 1 160.0()().000 st .. m· •al,. 1nduatry In Or~ County 1 penll 1 11 p -t tun · I n a t w11 a a y .. t'if'clrtc gwnere.Un1 Ital ion •I la IK'hf'dw.d to II.an th• fu11 ,..., lh•' llorneu . Tht vtrtory H unlln«ton Btuh, eccord1n1 tu j of 1u l-J00.000.kllowalt J•n· h h t • -n 1-l ~ • bn'.1\11 t l " •em I "'" • .,9 ·~· t:. I>. S~nl\tlm, dilltrlrt aa&n· nallnit unlUI la OP"'llJon 11\t nrd tel 6 •. a nt1 rave Fullertnn • !',ffr. aumm•r of lt.'\11. T~ IM'<'Ond f urth • t In the fln&I ltutem TM 1>1111nal IOU ...-u rvnO¥Cd urut 11 r.11~tl'd lo bf> pla< ed 0 t IV> t .,, r.,,, .,....n«:• • an,unp. •M trno till mat•rlal pl•ctd 1n In wrv1<t-later th,. aamt yrar I -_ _ __ _ pnperallon for the hrmendvu1 Tlw new It~ atauon • 111te t:cnc'rrt• foundAllon '-''tilth I• I• l!lltuatl'f1 Wl'•t of Santa ,.,,. , M Heads n\)w bc1ng pou~ Thill "''Ill I Rlv•r and llOrtb ot Cout HIS:h· esa ik!r"iC u a baM! tor th«! hrav\' way, wtlhln th• city linute ~ ftec\r1cal t-qulpmrnt "h1cb will Hunlln(ton 8'-ach 1 ·.,. l.atd 1n ,ti. in•tidlatlon "rl':.f:o coMPLETIO'.' HOW Official I U&JD&&ON8 Tbe .E4£eon lA8l.&llaUOll v.UI TM toundlltkm INll. rotJfhly f•lure outdoor-typ. con8truc· lhe a. ol tW9 footb&l.I f1elci.. lion, •~ -.Id. Plare-Th• Cltv ot CO!lt& Mn. r,f. a•by-9ide, r&n('H In ~low• ment ot bollen, pntralor• and flrlally a ppnLnl"'1 a n~w city h ... 111ore t.Ma n,,.. fMl La ua., turblAN IA lbe open air wtU mana, .. r •nd uA11lAJlt rlty m•n· MCUOU whkh -..-w be unlMr tl'o• ~ compltUon of I.ht •lllllo11, I a1•r MoncS.y ni(hl Aa.MJUnC .. '!llNl,rllty P'*'U.. equlprtlent. ett~t wbllt.allUal ~1n11 and ment Uiat Ole ecUnn ~ould be to 2'4 t"t tn Ula MCUoaa ID\der ~ovi* foe roor• f'Conomlc&I l&ktn followtnc rt'•l1nattnn of UM al.llllltary bay a"'•• operaUon aad malnten•nrf', It Oeor1• Cottty from the city .IA add.IUon t.o . Ult-"rtb and wu upla1ned mianaa• poeauoa ..... mad• laal co11er.le oper&Uona. work la un· All major strurtune wtJJ be wffk. ct.rwa7 on eJtUY&tlona fOf' UM located north ot u..,ai1rnway "° Taklns over &JI manait"r wa• ottabore cool.la& water llM• u not to llnpalr U. ec~ vl•w Roi,.rt \Tnstr. or1stnally hi~ u which ' will be k>cllted und,.r· nr lllterfeft tn anyway with lnc1u1tr1el ll•90n offl<'tr tor lh• ,-..und alld Y.1U extend out un-1 ~•di te.cillU•. be potn!Ad out. rommuntty. HI• Mlary ""111 r•· J'onnel17 U.. N...-pon-Bt.Jboa N_..TI_ ud UJe Newpor1·Be.Jboa Pnu m •tn al it.1 rreMnt au 000 p.r vnr lf'wl . A•l1t1nl manaaer will be Arlie Swart.I. fomierly city ci.rk, who wtll ronUnu• aa tlty cltrk and .,. .. tw 1Npu1nt1nc1ent et a aaJary ot $3.~ per month T&lclna o•er many of lh• city clerk rluU• will 1M Charley rn .. t. who for many y•n .. "9d u N-· port Beub dty clerk SANTA ANA, 1 0CNl'l Water polluUon •n1lnttr J amu B Stoddard of Newport Bffcb w u suuntf'd u Santa A rui a nom1ntt to lh• r~f!Clna: \\'ater board at .Monda)' nl&'ht • city couocll mHtlnc Thi au11ullon arouard lr. of Councilman Dale Htlnlry who !f'fUW'<I to vote at tbe coundJ ~..Son 1&)1nr. "I rant ac-rft that • man of 8tOl1dard a ~r· aoa.a.Ut7 llloult1 rtpr~t Ulla r"ston." Row.ver, the cOUJ'lefl approved lilt-aus-1HUon and ••tbol1Md t.Mlr dec:Won be pa.ed on t.e th• orn~ of 00..r'DOI' Ooodwta KJIJ«:hl. Dut11a91 · Claims · Tbrw cla.lrna for damaa- _... CS.nl.CS by Newport a.ch City Oouncll reccltly and retw• red to Ole city'• lnaurance car· rl•!"L They Include d&J.ma "1 HI.al AnJl.a Kahn ae ..-.It ot a fall for '3000. Timothy Alvarade tor pneral ctama.r-u a nsult of a tall otr a dl'rill1 eland tw Jl,072.000 and Gue Stomp tor SOA"IO c09la of flJl:I~ hl1 ..-.r. A D U ' He ..._, IJPtt'a'1• IW Ovw Feft7 i·_,.. P'••>• f///Nq ....,. w ... , t'J' ... P1*7 "7 .... ~ ...... ftl9 1 ~Q ODlllPANY au ..._ ...... l'ttCWl'Cml mA<a. CJ.t.Uf' ....... ,... 1ca1 Mesa Takes Rapid Steps to BUiid Up Fire ~t ....................... w ............ , IMaef.UIEllllll .,. o.ar... •f U.. .,,..._~11-efOl'urO.. .. .UU.. N•. A-fl1t' •, lletaWr Oallf•nala N"' IJ .. 11' Pt*" hn A-.taU.. .. ....,.._, Na._, re ... A-atle9 11-wr Onllp C-'J ,.._.. ~ ----------------------aCN Rl:DDJ'C'K. P\18LlalDlft Wlu.IA.M &. PIUU.IP8. ICdltor • lill&I M. MA 'l\IQT, •dYertllUll DAr.aor ClllA.RLa A. AtudT'IM'.MO. ll«bnloal 8upertntedeftt atl89CllU'TIO~ a.t.TU1 • '_,.,i ..,.._ • _......., l'rt.W~ .. OfUC9 (:Mm7, .... ~ ,...: ....... -.: ......... -. 0. ..... eJI Onllr C.-ty IUI ~ ,._ .... Ktlon • looll p-.leCott& ..... _......, M..,... lM v... Ctty Council tllambff'I dOdl dllty. ""W• ~ tl .. tM JiConday nlpt In b<11ldlnr up th• .._., DOt latw tMa IWJ l ," c-ltJ nre dtpartm•nt and tqt1lp-1.-•II . nwnt. la otMr aebona. UM w.- lllte few conatntrtlon of a n-cou-=fl ~ f&J'llftl of t!re 111\aUoa nMr Oran1• Cout Ul.000 te e>r-.. County, Col19J• wu obt&lrl~ throush etiiftblc ~ pneent nre ltalkm approval ot a leaae wtUt .. l"•r· on ft6tlteettt at. ~ the ~ty etrom lb'OU!eiN oa a HO ~ JM to the ~-T'bla 1~tlOD will foot lot a\ UGO per ,_,., 'IV Nnata aa AN ~t Mad· lot la ••led oa J't.lrfteW ...... ...,vra. 1.-.ad. , Tooe.7, rtre Chief &alpll lM 1'lie cioundl &JM &aUlor\Md llftfWJUneed the city tatM6t • ~ flll a __. fin -.in• bulk! a atauon lo ~ two at In.II~, Th~ ault \\'&I lodit~f1 In 1'11· Pl-• ApproYM ~rlor Court htr~. The pl•1nllfh ._,_. wu-. Marion and Tht'lma Bra111 1 Pl&nlll to rh&n(• tlle old bwld· and l..<>1 a Lff Bra&ll, 14 lnJ at Urd 8t. and Octe.11 Ft'Oat Tht-rnmplalnt lll'ml from a lnlll a fo1'r unit a partment wtrt cruh at N .. wpott 811111 and •rrro""'4 by N-port Beach 19th 81. on N<1v. lO. 1 v '> ~. 1t Plannln1 Comm*'on r.c"l'ntlv 1nvlll\'•d '•lildt'I d1hC'n by Quali~ Printing at Reasonable Prices ... . Newport Harbor News-Press I CommLHlontn 11e.ted enyUltni Sairr•v,.. and Th.-lma Brl\r.ll that would Ur&'l'de property tn I JnJur1r• wt'1' 1u1t11 1nf"l1 nv • that dlatr1ct la bendlclal to lh• 1 th• moth.-r anti da 11;htPr Thr di.trkt. Th• bulldlnr bf'lon1• to ·~t,.nd.ant1 are ar'("UtN <>f n .. .:11 2211 lal))oa Blvd. Ms. 1616 Htllll Kal .. r. MUnly IUpMTtaOr. ,...nc:•. l ;:=======-;;;~~;;;;;~-;;-=-=::;;::;;;:;;;~~~~55~= UNBEATABLE WHOOP TECHNIQUE Jan Nl..,-tn. d&apur ot Mr. and Mn Edward A. r.11•· Jrla, Ult Dolphin T~e.ce. ahowe llOw tbe -~ up \l'A.l..-t.1 f//f "-dlanda sp&nl UUa Jfid ~ Mu1t M •• Mn\ pod mlatut'e f« ftedlande' Bu.Uclop were l&adef .. ted .U.'PeUeptlt ..... ,t __ ~ ta ~ • I Wonderlnt How to Sell Your Home. • • c. ... Furnlt&we • • • TRY CLASSIRED WANT ADS Call HA. 1616 ,. ~· !Toll ,.,_, • I l.J:Dlt.Jl 6211 No --..,., tl.ll'Md away t1ecau.11e ot tack .oc f\.ladll t •vt1118enb .~ r MO~V l·NG? ' 2· ~. 'lnlurtd, tut ~ pl\19 ~ ... _, •• lloUr' &Qywbmw ..tuu .. lnBle. T\me ltaN al your .. . "'°""9t r&lel and ttee llUIQllt.ee on .u.w &Dd NUa· .. lllGftlls and Oii ~ Hf> utn d&aJ'se f(W Saturday• ar sou•,... LOOK FOR Evee. LI 8-1832 MUc ~ad oat. bcetll -kt.I l"bOM • "U1'B NAJ.Sl'f · u.r. •vw. Mlle Jobe AM laundroma\Ji ~tloaW....W IN OUR c~,.,,_ot 1ood ratUns. BAY PLYWOOD CO. 2112 HARBOR BLVD. , COSTA KESA Pt.rwOOD Cl1I' TO BEU Electric Power Too.la alMI acoe.on.. DEWALT-DELTA - SKIL -BLACK 6 DECK- ER -STANLEY It OTHERS Roy's Maintenance Complete Professional Housed•aning Floor wutq ldd tNfflnJ WIPdow a.a-. U~lsWJ 0.•tnc Patio. Color wue4 lMlrocaa RMuJta REASONABLE Phol'I• llber+y 8-1332 &t• JOHlf L. UP90N ~of Police Newport &e.cb, Calltornla Ok $.3600 -'-ler\ltll Ranch Mlnk Coat. S..uUtully st)'Md. £lt. ~U.Ut condiUon. ICXC-i>UonalJJ prl-1 Bar. 14&4.. tottc JESSEE'S . 1013 I . M.aln . &J I Utl ..... A.II.a WASHER • DRYER $285 BRAND n~w NOROll ru dry~r Al-lD a near new NORGE tuUy autom&Uc wa.ui.r -lnata.Ued and f wly ~ tor only lla6.otl Bu.k, ~ loW u $3..00 -·· JAKES A..P'PLI· ANCW:S. lNT Manor, co.ta N--. USED REFRJGERATORs 12&.00 NMd atra tpe,eel' Sere aN &O ~ tract.tu. au.nt. depen· ble, ~omtcal opwwiUcm.. u .. In rump09 room or ,.,.... tOf' tbt neecs.s xtra ntrt,_.tloa. JESSEE'S Norge ~01Ntic ~. $2.91 Per W• Add A Dryer o.17 41c ......... ne '"-••Rt. lo94 .., nted Mor,.! "..._. riMel,. dd d&m.p.,. &vt.caaucaQ,r ..... ulu17 Ulf.a TIM~ N~ &'N dry• NS'Warb' mt.11. B\q u. pab-aad .an "6.00. Ho. tJdMll ,..ulnctl .._, .• .... taa ... , wr. ... ,...,. Mid U.C.U.Uelll rrw..,.. -.. ,_,. .. llllOr,."na• JESSEE'S , 1011 L IC&la a ' NU lan\a ... 11-w ....... aa, TOP ,no. paY for FOR SALE . ~ra1111 ••·• ~ ...... -~ WW OoallCllr-~ l.JM W .... _. m..s., l'ewport llMtlw IOU U llAIL Oil NnJIUr\ 8a.,)' tn e HIW' 14 ft. Sandpiper dua ...Ubaa~ fitl lDdud daer9a Mil. FOi' tntormaUon ••IA al HJl W, Otlut Blp.. -.y, 5-port Beach or c.IJ llat1IOr •17&. 12Uc H' AUX. "SEABIRD'" yawl A·l ooadlUoc. 11 -H.P. ~dwtn' motor and -U.. IDoth DM¥ new. Prtt-otd for quick .. .__ l*O. Mleney. '801 w. Cout ~. N"'port Beach. Ll· Mltl ~ ea ~ 18c9J Slip & Rowboat Space for. Rent AADenou l.At'toa si.-utb at. Meetina' 2nd..f.tll W~ 8 p..m. PRt lht I 9111 ..,., 8pinet .like ...,, •'-•.JtT. l:lettl'ol\lc OIS&IUI Wl9d tars• llM. 2 MUl.IAI, SI .,...,i .... BlltMt me s muua.1 .._.,_ cabhlet mo u vuroa. WURLIT'ZD\ S'l"UDlO piano ....., .... I moaUll9 ( .... cuann· teal an Jlb. •a• I • 1 t 8chmklt·PhWiPI tenna. TRADll your old upl"lebt or Orand .-no tor a Hammol\d orr-.o Of' !lpUMt p&&Do, -J1Ye ~ CMh prlc. Oft cx- cbanp. J>RACTlCI: Pu.NOl!l trua '91, 1126. lll6. etc. ~-f6. 'P*I' moalll up. Gru4 pa- Uke new. aaftf _....duf\11 bar· ,.,_ Lo cbODll9 bwl. Ofl• ,.,_. ~ 8pln•I. .upuy.....,... ........ , QVln( Wbieh Jl.ft. Co. p&.J&. SCHMIDT·PHD JJPS BIS Ptano and Orpn StoA m:MahHfMd lllU NE·WMAN ':Everytbing for the WoodworlcinQ Shop" Ope11 Moll. Um.a 8'..t. I to &. IJlONINO IN MY H 0 M E • BR.IMO HANGJ:R&. LI 1-4'15. Ja:N'I SPORT IUIIRTa U-lOU 6. MUD Kl l·lltl JUNK 1 liT. ~AB.SR QUU ._.pn7 ~. J'actmy. --d. &a. C4JltDt buy. Hu ~ 520 No. Kain Bl. a.nu Ana AJ"wa,.. 100 Pl&Dlle OD Un.d Open ~ Kite 'UU t W•kf111191t :10. UGttl DUCCD fr'Glll U ." to &1.tL 8aal& Ana . TRANBl'ER 6 STORAGE .lltl a.an.. avd.. c-1.a ..... 'Pbaee: 0.y. Ll ... 22'7' J'fllht. 8& °* 01' u ~ JO II "" TYPING t.tA.NUSCalPTS-1..EGAL 1X>RRE8PONDENCE LU· L1 I.PU PAINTING i Eu~rn pe.lnttta. 1Cx1A'r1ur or lntertor, root. Bma.D rep&I" allo Zol~ Good 111&t.ert&I, worlt pa~~ UCICNB.a> 6: DfSUR.ED. Bar lONM. MpN Boyw' lddrt.e ..... Donaldlcm'a, JOO Ma.la SL. Balboa. ltdl B & H GARDENERS SHORT-WAVE RA.Oto tu All Power F.quipment twwrmm.. K&hcTa.tU>r &·Ti. I f23. Lf'Xln&1-on 8-J282. 93d6 uoo• Tr1JnmlA6 It pntnln1' • ~;::..JI&~ c=:, ':!!:;· HAND IRAIOED RUGS rne ..umat... U ... 1222. nD IN8TftUCTION Htto OIU)ICRI T~ -For a ~bl• ued car. -you.r loc&I de&Jn who wtll M AD a-matut.•• a .. u.~ Mary J'aJmbl. un s.. c.t. BJ\'d. L&(WI& 8oA. HTalt •·ISO 8Tttc here TOMOll.ROW to back up trb&\ he 11ella TODA t I Cblll'k Ula CILLE MENKE HAR·1 CARP E N ,T ER \wed CUii In Ul• clumfled MC· WATCH & CLOCK BOR ()M.l..J. 8Sp98h Repair Work tkirl_t_oda_,.______ repairing PHOTOSTATS j[)()ff v°':,~ ~=~rm, 1 .. FIX-IT" 00 "RAJl1~,.:. C8Tl'1una s~ Oude JUt .,.r M NEWPOkT JEWELERS b u~PRJNT aau ,.ra.all. LIMT'ty 1-Q:M Mtil'hankla.I ... 1:>*"1CIU HARBO" Bl i; I A1J Worll O\M.ftlllA'ed 7•tt.: M&lat~ W.tm Oailta .. _ LI Mall '21lt N~ 8JYd. ALL w~ OU.dlANTllEO. 1110 N..-port JllTCS. Har 4Ul Harllor M14 ., ... Al('j9h PAINTING uuc Property Owner Attn. -----------18 YOUfl WATl:ft H&A.Tl:1' SEWlNG MACHINE 1 SEA' MSTRESS 011t ot 1t1 ruaranr" PfT1od ~ kE.HTALS AND RJ:PAlRS lnterit\r & Exterior u 0.-any dati~ of tt noocS- 1"1\0M $1.&0 ..., Ul\.CUMA:l.IMO-" LllJ J'OU1' a.ome• FUN AND FABRICS 1't'ork Chaarantftd ALTMAT101'fa rr-a 'MM& TO CAl..L )Ttt A N.-port Bl .• Co«& MHa Ku ... T llOtf~ Y111An 'LIL to., m. An ·~ about the ooedlUclll u I-Mell 17~ aiftinrovt&. I lber. x-of ,our water M9tw. Ubert7 • ..._ CALL your a ulbortaed DAT 6 13tfr PAINTING fAPERHANGING . 51-"'ft~~ ~~'!!: • Har. MO. or 11317 PAINTING : ~ U.'TIDUOR -EXTERIOR · At.a() MA.R.mlC PAINTING '. UCl:N8£D -INBt;REO : · Glenn Johnston ICu lut 8t. l't9Wpc>rt &.,-h • -Ha.rttor 211 Tl •tt.tc REPAIR WORK FURNITURE DW.incUvely ddiped Mack. Np&.lnd or reftA1lbrd C. EVERETT SMITH ft:I • :nth llt .• N'"'°'port a. ,rh Har. •~ .,.,. or f'V•nlll«• Jlth WEATHERSTRlf'PING SCREENS· AWNL""IG~ F'rft E11llma1~ THE AWNING MA:" LI 8-H:\2 Painting, Decoratin9 Papt>r Hanifng GEO . BURKHARDT UCl!NSEV CON1'RACTOK l..Ibcr!v S.M2S CEMENT BRJCK 1 --------------~ ; Tru.11 Hauunc COMPLETE PAl.NTING Clea.n Up PLASTER 6 PLUKBING I Ii Paper Hangin1 Servlc.t EVGB:NI!: 0 flAL•~Dtr:R!l l.lborrt7 MUii Utt 600 3hl 8tl"fft. Newport &-a•l'I c I Harbor 2971 tfe _C_A_RP.-.EN-TR_Y_j Kl.NOR REPAIR WORK PAINTING u PAINTING l'OUHT .l•tlllM Wat• B•tel o-w. Joe Beclltold-Hu. ~ Uy Hvur. lmaJJ or lars• Jobi ok. R.--.bt. rt1lM. TWO lr1•11 Unet1 tabl., lotna LJll!S17 •J'Tb I Jlnnn .U.. i colnrt'C'I lu~h t/U I tlllllf'. AllH'I 1 <..'andrPIWl<'ll ~---,R-O-Nl_N_G_"'-1 itp•••t1 <'•It LI ... ?H4 lllrlil3 HAR 6105 I Movi:!:~~ctors 1-)Uf lt MM M-MM 7ittr. HOBBY and MOO£L AJRPl..ANli: llCPPLJl:.I ?&-Help Wu\ed Mears C•mera Shop t'•rt tlmf' 1U1tH>tTt.pMl'·book· 1792 Nrirport Bh'd... eo.ta M- lc.o,rper. Kouni to irull. ll!ter--Pltone Llb«ty l-11>U.. pr tt HUflC wock. Har OUIO. , ------------- 91rl3 I • BOOKKEEPER tor Pubuc Ao-Fresh Hearing Aid 8A1"1'EftID counianta otor. ReJl'Y IJ'I OW1l , W 0 ...a g,_ BlAlrnpa hal\dwt1Un(. l\t.au.n, np.r· • 1" JPn~. ma.rUILI 1tatu1, •1e •It'. Gunderson Drug Co. I P•nnaiwnt only. &" No J-dl H&rbvr llJ~ ~ , .,. <tf thle p&J»r a7u 1 Main St. at Balball Bl•d. Balboa GIRLS BntNG YOUR .FRIENDS BED-SPRING •ftd MATIRESS-NO JOD TOO SMALi. • 1i.O.~. I 1101• &. 8aJbaa ~. Balboa Haner MM Utlr IN'TF.RlOIUI -EXTERIORS I . I Lotal R.t'f•n!J'l('H GROWTH A NU PROMOTION8 Ul'ftlllf'<J and lniru"'<f HAVll CIUDATllD OP&NLNGi Haynie -Harbor 3085 I FUR SlO CEMENT A BtJlLDlNG ·All IDJldl FREE ESTJllA TES ~ttyMlOO BUILDING? cau . McCLAIRE BROS . GllNE'RAL CONTRACl"ORS HarOll.l-W ""' Com~ j ,. Alt ....... : A.dl9Uoaa . '~ .. "HEAT FOR SALE , WHY J'REall TRIS " WINTER? D' TOWt ,__ la C!Old or ynur tum... ....na-. to OJ*:'al• ~ CALL fr'ANLEY .A<XEIUIAN BEATING tr(> MA.Kii ....-1.n1 w to buWJ .... _ • LIBA:RTT 1-1114 or , HARBOR JM'f ' l t ,.._re ln ff&J1)« ArM ' MU'f'. __ 7itti: TEUF>HONE EXPERT REMODELING e AddO lo:>fta e JWp&Jra e Cabln.1.11 e Louvre Wlndo~u • o-9 e ~ner-al ea~i..r work e REASONABLE Uce~ I-Ur. 6608-W ALEX 8a..MAN Gener•I Contractor UCl:Nll:D New Work -~odeHni J. MD..TON McKENZIE Harbor .._W 58tfc . PAINTING Paper Haqtq L B. McKENZIE UCDlallD DfSURllD HARBOR OW \ '.!: l!S! FF ~ ADCDfrooaa "11i. •· o. ._ m M..,ort ...._ OLUr. ............. .,. OPERATORS FUl..L PA 'l' AS YOU 1.l:A RN. TRl:IQVEN'T [JllCRZA8U r1.&11.a1.NT orn~ . -APPL.¥ - 1 :80 ro t :SO '12 WaT THIN) SANTA AJ'lA PACirlC TELEPHONE HOUBCltkl':Pll:J\ l :IO lo I IO Mood&y U1n1 P't1da7. Null l\e.,. ""* trlLt... ......... Ku '412 Olr Bal tMS. nu.: Be9CClll ..... AFJ. .,., ,. ·.,,.tumu. au a.. .MEN It WOMEN t• Tu.an A"'-N...,ott Bacll (.\crom fJ'Olll AU ~­ ~lot) LIBRARY a.aut for Orui'e Coa•l Oo~ ~ openl~ f« ~~ J*'- aoft, M~ Ille ~u t;nl" .. h•.,. lrnow ..... of Drttty ~mal ~· II day. 40 air. ,..It, Rt.a.rtl.q •lary UU, ...._ Apply 11'1 penoll Oldl-Of- ntt ot eon.op In AcblllMlt,.· tltft llldf• 1701 .. hvtew Aft. c-t• w-. auu. ~ • A million other batp.IM in appUancea and com- plete furniahinp and Clothins for the Entltt Family VETERANS INDUSTRIES 218 Loeullt lMW. Anaheim '°2 E. 'th St.. 12101 & ... Open lloa 6 I'd 'tll t DRAPERIE~ end SUP COVERS ....... ~ EetJ.mata -km ... LUCILLE ORA PERI~ ~•r• MA HOO. pt,.,..-~ ·-, 7 ply .0..- "I· ll, P\y I l/t" -t ply Mk "I· n. Rar. U.\2.. tlpll.1 lron. "'°"*'· ...... &luatnUJ, etc. ... , ~t7. 1-ediac. pie.le ~ O.U LI a.1101. Uttc NW.•PnM .... ....,. ... p&dur. ........ Cl( tbl llutlOr W. HONOR aD csa.oount ca.Na -A.BC, 1'1IDCO, 8CROOL TE.A.CHER.8, MII.IT~T and lJN'lON cuda . ..SAJar11 AP· Pt.lANCllS, 11117 JI arbor, Ca.ta w .... IOU• .,._ Di. UID• a weM. ------~~~-~--~ ~ • IDIJIJt:IL PJUVAT.tl PARTY 'W'AllC. ~ bu.r ------------ W >JlB.ER, WbirlJIOQl automa.t.ac, llM _,, Imperial model OGly uwd 4 ntCla. hu 2 •J>ttd ac· uon. bll' 8 lb. tub. J u.i;. Uk• n-. 8&t Wit to ~ o6Jy 1117.M . No ca.eh (<RrY•n, pay only 17 .M per mu. - BAU<JHN'B P1JRN. warehouM, MO W. l Tlh St~ C.oet.a M-. l blk. W , oC V&11'1 ~11•1 Alky. Rtore houra Monday Ulru P"r1day t-11. Bet. t to e. Bun. Jl·~ U 1-lllH. USED A U'TOMA Tlal MAYTAG -·'Jot ntOR . ·-Ga P1UU10Alftl: ---99 BL.ACltSTONI: U ABC 1' Delivered, bWt&JJ.0 and fUUaJ\• t.-d tot Juat •~ .)() per mo. JESSEE'S 1Ul3 S. MAIN Kl 3 U.I l~NTA ANA HJ:rRIGJtRA TOR. P h I I c o ~ lwi•. 1166 modf>I. bll' 12~ ('U. late model tr.ear. Oood eon. dlUOll, ,._,..lfle. llf,r • ..U.M. tJdf WANTl!D -TO BUY -&ate moditl pa ~ aod reMaer· atora. J A.KJ:S APPLIA.N~. i1131~.u~ mov J'RIVATS PARTY. ~­ fr1Jt'rator, •to•• and f\Jrnltur~ In fOOd COl\dlllon. CaU alt#r 7 p ro. Har l 7UM. t3ctl6 SEDROOM Ml. Bir Mr. • 0 Cl Mn. ~r wtlh double book· raH tt.&dbcMard, 10 YT· suart.n· '"" on boit tprtnre A ftl•ll,,_ i la "1 J)'. I b.dsp l'Nd.. .A II ot thll le MW uwl pa.Id do11:n l'l U3t.87 cuh or pay pll'f1lwnLa of 11,. i-r wwk. BA UGHN'S FUR.N, wanboua, ~ W. 17th St~ Co«a x .... l blk. W. ot vara·a BowU:n., A.Df'y, Bl.ore bour9: Monday thru Prida.1 M. Sat. t to I 8u.n, 11·~ U WlA n . 1 d«w, Auto. df-tro.l. bl& TWO lC.A'J'CHtNO cwtom built 100 lb •·roM top f.,......,.r, Nk"' love -ta. A.qi.I& 'll'OOJ frttM. dalrv bar In door wHh all ad· Elt,..lWTlt oondJUoll. 116 n Juat.abl• atw-IVt'!O 2 hlf porn•· ''00 for bol.11. Har '°'1. •3ce~ latn 1·r1a~r1. l/-1 on I y 6 ---- nu•. Paid dmt.'n '" Sl!'7 ~I UVIN<: roont Ml complet. ID· rrum <>•IKIOlll ,0 .1 uf s.,2(111'1 I rh1dl"• bts divan a11d chatr No raah .i ..... n. J>•V •·nh J7ll~, R.hanlt.1n• ~olor w1th F'T1tnch fl"'r mo rabnr '2 all'Jl tab~a.. ~tH BA Pr.K:O-."~ PUR:-.: war•hn•lll.P I l11ble, ""''"r·mar l<>pt. % ~au Boat.s DRY 8'1'08.AGIC OOa ,. '°°"· a... ••• aYalleb&e. DaDy It ••kmda. Mii W. OOU\ mpwa,. u•nn. mtc !UNG BUOYS -No, A 7tl -· P'or 30' or LArJW -1300 lb ff buoy -M11«t llv~ on ~ta. Rarbor 17U. "''~ ----BOAT J )ra. old. U fl .• 2 oook· p\l IJ>Md b<.oal ll1lb Drtrdy o.erhauled CJlryelu Crown rn· stnc-. l~al tor .J<.lln• Ot tl•h· tnc £1lulpfl"d Yi1lh MJl tan\! .. trallf'r 1900 Appl~· l 23 dn1 St. N-port after 4 p.m 93'-il.\ It rr. ~y UTILJTT. l t6t Vl1111.nf model to H.P. Ort)', tuU equtpawnl, lot < o a d I t I o n. >Jltblf , $2411l Ownrr Kar. 6941. hctl! M---11!!'!!': ~ TV TV Antennas $7.95 ~ INSTAU.ICD Antenna. n .llG and up ACME T . V. U6 Slat St. Ba UO. Mo w. 1;u1 St rial• )h•fl• I laful 1 .. mP'" All ut lhl• fo1 I 1 hlk. \\ of Van• 91>..,·lln1t uni\• lllll811 •••h nr pay J'A)·,----------- A IJ,...· Rtn~ h<>•t~ M.,,,<h, '"°"nla of it 78 ptot ll ll. thn1 Fr1'1•V a.fl ""' II ,,, g BAl'CH:-< ~ F'liR~ ...... ,..hoUN. R11n 11.11 r.r s .s11111. MO w. i 7t11 et •• Coate M-. J blk.. W. of Van'• BowUnc USED RANGES AU.y. Store lilounl Monday t.hn J'nday t .e. Sat. • t.o 6 . eu.. 1 J-6. u S..llM. ranr:~ 14tlh fr1<1dle IU'ld m•ll-MESA WOODCRAFT .12 · OKl:li:t"f; A Ml':RRITT p• 1 S'>9 no Alfllll ha"' • •O SOMETHING •l'K-fr v1lh rl'\mme tf)f• NE'\V , ludo ~hf'lf an<1 TH A~ H HJ.f'f CABINrTS. MM.m and st•R.NY.~~ un11 '"' only '811 oo <Alontal '2i llO ~nk trrrrui .I A KKfl APPi.i· CHILIJRl:N'S hi.rrl 111"00d table ANC'U, J93i Hu bur 1·,,.11 and cft&lr Ml.JI II I I~ Chi!~ nm'a knotty plM ta~• and rtwtr Ml.I 112 t\O. Knotty pln~ tov i:h..U. IJ \ IO u .. ottr lay. .,.,.y plan ~""'" •ta.In klta. 2121 Harbor Blvd .. Collta M- U 1·184$. Knowlton Gectrontca TV ANTENNAS (Q.u ... -Bl Qa!a) lu'\&Ded _,._.. to -,wz ~ $9.95 SHAFER MUSIC BARGAIN SPOT 2 onlv BALDWIN ACROSONI".: BPi'Nrra -1 mapl... l In&• tqany, l'IM>I Ilk• --••· Inc-a up w aJmo-t hAlf ot IM!Y' prl~. ""'Y KIMBALL Bl.ONlJI': 8P1N1:T n!'Trtal rf!tum - f\ANG!f., (;ate ....... l:Jllllf'r. 18r..l I model A btr; C: P all l\Ulc>- matlc: llJhUn& 1A1th IM11t uvr· •IM'd """n. A lao ha• nll;"f ' l(rtddl" for "JI• and hotcalcto4 Pd. down lo llSll 87. No t'U~ l'k1wn. r&v OlllY 11 711 per w."IC HOU8EJrlJLL of hal'(lrock Ma· ran·t be told Crom new -J:a\·e p~. lnr. btr dlvaa, chair. uoo 00. BAUGHN'S 1"\JttJll. -A~. MX'llf'f 2 -..p tab.lea. N>ffH RADIO ~ "' ta!* moee& twpel "'° $2.50 l.Ml""9 ........ ..... • 7111. .. ,., .. .. ACME TV 6 RADlO 415 -a1.i ai. aar. llO• Knowlton~ TV REPAIR . ..., ... r ,UT H~t\I JCll, UA80N AS .8 kl"ftee 0&.111 c:w • p.a. LJllD COMB. BLONOlt Ool'UIOltr Vtn1t• 18" TV AM·F'K radio, ft'<'l>r<I rbanpr any aiM •llY IP""I n!COrdll. TV nlOODdlUoMd ye&1 11.«0· Pnor PQO. OrtJ\D&I "7~ Kar 6404. llcl>"r !! .oop. ~ ... : WANTED perd bod19 wilt krst ~ooed rvd ttll' ~ ll'llM\ WOil Oii TV profJ'&llL "-*r· tul "1Cb . clWdNIL B • • • • brokim. V.-y ~ Ja •11 ~ hie JVCL P-.. mu K&J11oT IQ& M, an.y t a.A. SELL YOUR CAR •tevJ PAID f'Oll ca lfOT ~...,. .... lUO a. Miiia ID s.4MT CASH roa CL&AN '"' TO 'Sl .A.Vl'OI P 4tD J'OR OJl Nat' LIBERTY MOTORS \ala N..-..port Bl.,._ LI 1-11111 WE PAY $?,(). FOR OLD on JUNK CARS FREE PICKUP L1 1-0l70 IU I 1~2 MO W. ITU! St., Ct>tta M-. I blk. W ot \'an·a Bowline AJJ~y. A..o,.. houn Monday thf"I FHday 9-9 8al. II lo 6 llun. ll·:'> LI 8-31fWI. tahl• bis ~ piec" dhwtt-wt.1 1 nnlv Plain <' ... b<.an;i•klw up- urhnL rhAlrs., nk-f II P'-bfo·I· rlJht Jll-0 T. rm • J.'\.'I 00 I room ~. Yi1th flOt bo" dowt'I am'I $11 no P"' ~nlh. GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS WHIRLPOOLS $100 OFF! WI!: llUU i..n • f•w of U1e.- ta..'4I modf'hl hrlly automatic wa.ehera at t.hlJ bll( aavlq.. nm 1a .... .., BUPl\.EM.8 mode1, POt UW lllU. Wlty :U .. ~tomatte model. Ba"lt t---. tow .. aa..oo .• ....-. .IAJan .. AP:PL1A1f:C.1:8. INT Kanor, c.ta ................. m.Cl:ZER. llM Aclmlml H cu. n. Ku coUI ln •('II lhalf wtUl ~ pull-«it 119.abt-. Allllo Iota ot apMllt ,., e1oot tor ,aeuaect food. H o I 4 a ""' 1!C10 tba. Brand ,....., bUl pe.ld 4ow11 to PU.11, ttom otiflM.l c:oet of IA2t_... Ho caah down. S-1 on!)-$2.lt per wk, llA.UOHN'8 J'l.'RN, ~ MO W. U'UI &i.. Coaa MtM. t bU1. W. of Va11'1 ~ Alley. Stu,.. houN: Nondey thna Jl'r1day .. ~ S.t. II Co e. Bun. ll-~ 1.l ... JJM. aprt~ It m111t~ All ot thr• 1 only Nf'ar IW'W BLC>Nl>S: ror only UN t1 ca-" or pay WlJIU.IT'Ll:R 8PINll:T ''7 aTUDICBAKICR ~ T. P t·. '41 DODO.ii i,_ T. P. U pa)mf'nt.I ot $&.II Pl'' wk '6(!0.00 8AUGHN'8 Jr'URN. w.'V't.hOUM. 860 W. 17tb 8t. C.01ta M-. l blk. W ot \"an'• BowllJ\f AU•y. Stora houra: Monday lhru Frtda7 t-1, S.L I to 8 Sun. 11·6. t.1 a..a1M. ·oa PONTIAC I Sedan Dly. ll OMC a,. T., Pallet' ·~'() v I!, ~ NOCll ... lelll ... bu•ll ..... emaD ~ .... AD ID rood a.di U0n &Dd ""7 .....,_.-. •GD Cobrtllo, Oollta I only N""'· PORTABLg R~ ·~ CttEVKOLIJT '-T. P, C. OJtOAN -S lt5.CIO ~ GMC .... T. P . U, l ooJv Nf'W EBONY OULBRAN· °"' OMC '-T .P. U, a&·N SPINl:'T -8llrhUy daru· ·114 c;a:EVROLZT ~ T. P . u I H)"dram.Uc Tnlna.. a1f'd '" ahlpm,.nt • Sa.-e at GMC ..,. T. Oua1t '1~ 00. I 'M OMC ' T. P. tr. 1 ot1ly Vlnahall r. I • c t r o n I c I Hydramat.le Tr-. Spinet orpn. Lillo nrw. Save '02 OlllC 2 T. a•· WB .. t a.,...i. t.&OOto 1:11 ~ 11-. fOUc . 'N CllJ:Vaou:T I T. C-. H ' 1 •1Y o~ 8PINln' 8oft7,,.,.... 1:21 nr.. ' lWOMI ~ loC. 11&1 t -1taiaJ ntun. a. a.UllNI "11 axe M04. JO,...... . ~ 1fftJll rtlGl1' at, Wr 1 .... x..,--.... '146.IJO.. Dump M. ~ .•• ,,.... pi.et dh,.ttAI Ml. Dlct 1ledroclGl ' lilt camp.lib wtUI box 9Pf1QP Ubftal tncktll -OonYul~t We ha" UM~ uid.~t A matU... ar 11 cu.. ft. UM U'r1N. ADU f/11 '-' tndla la OrtuirS• CroAe1 JWfl11., ttet Wtdp-A mn&U .-........., riJ br*1 &"7 Co.. .... UIM Ud llllDMY lilY wood rutp wtlb dll'08M top -..-~ ... tint. and a ...-rl'UJ ,..., , 7., A.U ors-or P'&JIO tar Cbr1ltmu ot Uiia t<w o.Jy .... , .. Mo dlrll~ al ca.ata dDw1l, pa.7 Oll'1 ..... Jn arup o.uiittJ"• Or-pa Hdqa. WL • &AU<JRN"a l"URJll • ..,....._.,, ... "'· J'fUI It., o.&a .... l Mk. W. ot Ven•e a..ttnc AO.y. Btiore fMlu'9 MtlMSaJ UIN ll'r1d&y t-•. lat. e to e. Sun. J l·ll. LI '4lk Shefer'a For Mu1ic; t "'-lto1) 421·4.U M. IJ"C9.IDO", Saata Aaa Kl t.-12 W.W. WOODS SMC DEALER llt-11 •. ~ It. ..,. ....... Tniak~ ,. OnllWw 0.. Q--11 Oldrl. t Dr. ILMIMI. ff•l· ,.,. waw .. n.aet ..u... a-n O...n•r Kar ~ .iptl I \ • •• 1D oolor • .. 152 BtnCK SUPA RlVlJ:RA ~ DR. -'.-.. f180 .Radio, U..ter. l>Juaflow, WSW, White an4 11'91111 GI llUlCK SUP!:R RIVIERA OOUPE ---$~ Radio. Heata-, Dynafiow. Uke New 08 STUDllIBAKER CHAMPION CPE. -··-'896 Rep1 Dtluu, Red A Grey with radio, WSW. · M PACKARD 4 DOOR -·-····· ... : ... ·-····--Sl~~ Radio, Hea'er, Ultra. Pwr. Steerln&' A Brakes. WSW. Blade and Ivory. 156 CHEVROLET BE1.r4JRE BDTP. CPE. 12093 RadSo, Heai.r-, Ovtrdrive, WSW Grey ud conl. MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM EASY GMAC TERMS -STANSBURY BUICK . YOUR BUICK DEALER 2M Eut 17th Street. Colt& 1'etl& ~ LI 8·9011 ~ EY-. 'Til 0 -Sat. 'Til G McCARTHY'S I I LOW PRICED SPECIALS :It BUICX CENTURY PTAH \\' .AOON. f'ully eql.lipptd. .U MW Ura. U.000 ma.lea. No KIH tall.. ~. Tt'rma. Mr. Burna U .._., 113Uc U-Aato 8entce 1900 OLDS TUDOR ~ Motor Overhaul Racbo, ilamltt, HydrL 5 Cyla, (mb.t) __ .S.88 1960 BUICK SPEC. SlM !tichta (most) M.88 •·DT .. it.JI. Dyna.Qow 19SO KERCURY $1.W NO MONEY DOWN au Coupe lQeO J"ORD Clull COof'41 1~ PONn.AC $1~ Qub Cpe. ll&I&, li•ter. Hydra. 1060 CHEVROLET •1&:s 0oa .. ~. Coupe ~ FORD Convt. Sle.t\ l\adto, H•ta-, O'Drto ruu Pnce lH.9 FORD TUdor $188 19'8 JORD "°Qoor 51ge 1Mt l'ORD Tudor M lHl BtnCK Convt. $96 NO REASONABLE CASH OFFER REFUSED 1420 8. MAIN I 8.AJ."'11'-'. A.NA Up to 10 Moot.ha to Pay ll'fCLUDD bbt.b Labor A PatU ""' ~ tt'Nl p1n.a. ........ J118d, OtUAp ot m&UI and rod Martnp. Clrpcrt motor tune· up. ~ or t000 mtl• sua.r· &lltee. QA.aJCrl'll 6 OIL l:JCTIU. RDUil.4' ENGINES SUXLT tN ov OW11 tulurJ by lldlled mach•n••t& Doo't eon· t-4 wt~ lbe raiddJ,t DWI, 8'11 dtnct. ~ll mlMll meet our .uod&Nb Ptua taaa. fuk•la and oil IJIOftT B1DCK FORD ll~J-61) -· H,60 CHEVll<>Lm' f IV.lit BUICK IU600 PACKARD <• .,.1 J --1 12000 Pl11J1-. Ood&• 6 Ford I _,106 00 CHR \ 8. A Oil SOTO __ J I :.l\I 00 ITlJ UE.BAJCEPl -----S 170 00 OU'8.. 6 PONTIAC I _Jl:lO oo N .A.8ll S l :zo 00 -----~~~-----------ILJJBER •120.00 BARGAIN WEEK If JACJlJAR XK 1•0 Jloai:wt•r •••6it•e. UM n-_ 12"1 II UNC budtop coupe. Powar • ·~ • Snk-. EJectr1r ,,........ PoW'tr ._t. -ISl90 a W\1JtK "1Jeir RI• Cp9. ~er -Steerilla • •....a. Power llfft. -·--__ thM . 111 FORD Victor\& cpe Loa~ _:.,,iUI atn.a. . -· Sttr.> -• CB.wv Bal A.11"9 c,.. Clean-_..,_ ta an... Co. ----· $186 ii MDC aport • dr. C1e&.n In -~ out. -·· "'" C C4D .,ost cpe.. Lo&4ed wlUI _at,.._ -· --SlH~ Johnson & Son LIHOOLH • fld:RCUJ\ T Via> CAJ\ &.01' too w. o...t Hl•hy '"'Mt.II FOAmOJ'f A AKat.ICAM uamD CAM INSPECTED HUU80N (I) (I Ma.ln.I J ~•H0.00 PLUI lNIT Al...L.A TJON Ope 0&1lT I to e Mnd&1 ·w T p. m. 8UAdu lJ to t BELLES ENGINE REBUILOERS 110 &. lrG at. &J ~ U>A.N CAM -nu:J: TOWLNO ft.ATS 80HDC> RIUH HAHN'~ •OI I:.. 2tUl at. HubOr t1~ -N~faf'l Jaea\;b Mow ..,paoJtq NA&.H mecb&.al<' wtUa ao 7ean eir'PSimn. JUllt oompleled carbufttor ecMol In lat• model • barn.I cart>uretora. Aleo _,.cl&Jt.ldnr in tun• upe of all ma.He. T4lfc ON DISPLAY 1957 PAN AMERICAN PAR.AMOUNT · BOLES-AERO KENSKILL '06 J1 ft.. K1L, Tw. bedl --~ ·~ 21 n.. Lwior ·-·-1190 R'•nt••• w.ntea we._. qu no...._ .. an MCUo1W rw Mtll _.,,._ ... ,..,-. ...... l'Ura. ar. ......... It JOU ...... ...cpcy, t>'*-.... , The Vogel Co. 1201 W. OM. llWJ .. New)IOl1 Bch. PhuDe Ubert.1 ..:Mai tol M.artl'le. a.!tiu. Leland Pbone H•,._ •U :ee1 ID. Cat. HJ .. Ourv~ de.I Mar PDoDe.......,.. 1161 Udo on"" use via Udo RartliM •wn lTOO N..-,ort Bh•d., Coat& M- W~J ~ u ~AJ!!; a a~ tor S.t Choic. Winter ftent&Ja OD BaJboa lalaDd A Udo lale mall a OOC1 or l•ra• • de.luxe , $Tl .. POO moeUl VOGEL CO. 11.a M&rtne A•e.. BILI-Llland Pb. tlarbw &oW OIP tl&rt.or 1011 "-. ~ 112'1-I\ ,.tto BM.ALL turruabed -..1or apt. ;,I ROOMS •nit AP.TS. WElllCLY.,.AND '10NTBL'f on SEASON RATD • Dally Maid Surice • 2 .... hl. Telephone • 2'-hr. DlllE 8aW:e •Room Semoe • fleated Pool • Restaurant • Cockta1J Lounp • . Color Telnt.ion Jamaica Inn Corona cS.l Mar Harbor 0078 11cl7B NEW untum. , bdrm. duplex apt.t. Qwet ttl'Ml. No yud work. L&r,. rara,-. 11a4. 120 lkatrice St. or 222 £. 20th 8t .. Coal& W... Itch COl!ITA ME.IA -3 room apt_ fuml.alled. I0160 -untum 1•1.00. Utllltl• Inc I u de d, d •• QtJIET BLEEPING ROOMS USO W. Oout RW<J * * * U W021 ..... ENJOY UVINQ ON THJD OCIM.N TRONT Comple\•1¥ turn. kttcbenetl& api.. &Ad rooma w1th prtvate ...Ula. Ma.Id wrvl~. P'Tft T.V. isoe w. Ocean l'ront, New· port H&r. lllOT, * * * Phone Hyatt MHT. tf ~to,_ a Ofnoe. toe.a Nmw a'!'Otu: au>o MONEY NEEOED FOR _ .......... _......_ _ __..,. IST I 2~1,­ TRUST DEEDS la ..... t •tll · '-.a.ind by ~ .Uta Up to 12 °I. Yiold HUOor tlD Royal Morf9•9• Co. BY OW1CD. f MW t lledrm. 11nii., •10.000. CaA • down. - '8100 yearly income AU uw aru c-. w... Ll a.rt~t. nuc BI s .. ~ lnduatriel-Comm•rciel BUILDING .NSW 11 UNIT aa lot IG a IQO, 81ttm1 prettily belw.n a• w major thopplq' and cMc caster eo.ta x.a. 18~~ • lnYlllltmellt. P r t c e fla.ooo. ue.ooo dOWL Jla.r !7'2-J. 9lc• DUPLEX Newport Heights Speclal $15,000 . ~ t Home I lfteome rr YOU CA.am tie .Mft I&. tt Al •l~..._.ww.ttaa .... ...,, u. ...,... .. .,... --~ta.U-.0...8'deot ..._ bJPwar. BOTH <XZ'.N 6 HILL VDJW from Oda lu'J• 1aom._ a~ and 0 baUt.rooala. I.Arp ... ,..... r..s )'a.rd. Jal». ...., oonveJlieaoe. , P'OUR f\u'n'd. ~ IU'. Newpt. IUYd.. ~· ....... • drt•••• o,.... pao ..... Nl p10t. Ill.MO pod t.nu. 112 x 300 M-1 Good loeaUon .. OmtJeman pre- ferred, Har. ot.36-M.. lnq. 721 't hppr, CG<. fOtfe l::EAJU. T 1 bednA.. fUl'D. 4bapi.ic 2& lt ti on Newport A.n., Coeta w-bu&l.Ma ~let. O Y." DEPARTMENT ' I Unlta wocs.m I bedroom. oomw lot, •uftt ltl"Mt, OOM.ft "-,,... ~ yart. EXCLUlfV&. - Tvmt C&JI be arranp4. W'tTR a I Wnn. A pr. N_,, 1 Ttb • P\&oent.I&. Ow7* ,..,. MU. at tll,IOO, lt'e & rtllJ Deal~ Ta>t• t1,000 ctn. 2 BJCDflOOM uctu.ni. duplsx, Yearly r9nt.&1. So. elde ol Kl· -1. Oofooaa ffl )(ar. SO. lril IL ,. OOttc 110 I. MO. TLUU.Y ti OHl:AP tor a w•t..rtront I Bdrm. duplex. Tbt. nte1 &pt. wtt.h brand ntw turn1lure &nd apa.rklln& nl'W pa.lnt Inc. utll- 111~• and ,..,.._.. Jutt 2 Block.I lo RJct\ar11'1 Mark•t. IH 1111 31\lt It. or oall Kar OH « Paul Jon• Rlt,y. Har JIU. llc83 a.u.ao A 11L.ANO • tumiahed 2 bedl'r&. and 1m1 ~rdh u~r duplu a-.r vwa,e. WI.At« 1100. 7earl7 fl.60. UWtti• p&ld. lit..r 600t-W Utto CLin H4 VEN, l.IAfum. rronl 2 bednn ln lrlpJU. Plrepl~ carb dap.. p rar• 1 &02 Haven Pl Pbona U 8·t078, or Har 20~'111o'. ~2c~ UN BAlJSOA ~LAND n:& Cl fur 7earl7 Uld aeuona1 Rtlt&la NELDA Gl.BSON. Realtor 30t Kanne A •e. Harbol' I02 BA.l.llOA ' LILAJll 1.> PltNINSl.Jl..A ·NICE AREA Ul1tUrn1alled apt& wtUI ,.,.... l 8 , It. -Ito It t 8. A -f110 "'-Bar. UM -rY• Bar. l~ ti '3-A.-Apta. for R4-n!.__ 9p.-,r1n1•111 I Mrm apt C"om- pl•t •ly tum BAiboa rplare t>ar ltttch1n All uUllll" In· 1 t'lu'11d. Yutly bul• Sl\l mn Har 6kl W P2c:H ---CUM 2 Bl:lJfO.C. untum. apt. apL O.ra1•. •~to. wuber 6 dri•r. 166 pP-r mo. Har ~1-W aft.er 8:30 p.m. lltfc lt&H. COSTA M.EaA -l bdrm. ea. 1 DA VY, 102 VI& Oporto Ha ~'I block ttoom do.,.'ft town. In· Uttc I com• ·~ YT· au.ooo. OCJtAN Ylli:W -p&rty tum. ------------ 1 bdrm ~,.. apt. Aduttt jl • Off R I 12 Unlta • no .,..... ffll mo. tMtlY Ice tnto CORONA l>l:L MA.I\ -South leLM. 166 W. Hlh Sl. C.M. EXCl:l.1.l:NT l°"Uon • ample of 1\11tw.ay. Excellent loc:a uon Har 80 or lJ 6-ttU. title I ~-•· J ln,ome JlO.elO yr on only a .--·I· I C.'OIWNA Dl:L MAit. tum J UPl\OXDUTELY '°° aq Ct. ye&rly ~la • .Price IH.~. bdrm View a pt. AttNc:ll'". I 1100 mo. , J>allo, ,.,..,... adult.a yeuly .u>PROXIM.A TEL Y S.W .q fl SS Acree M·l . Ralph 1 P. Mes~ey REALTOR Har. •02 OPEN HOUSE I :a.~ I: 12nd 8l • BACK BA y I WHll~nd A. C. Petitte, Rltr. Multiple Liati.np 2129 ~ Blvd.. u a.om Opp Btahr't ~ S... LI 1-Mtf B/ B or I montlle, ea Mar11'bld-1 JOO sno. _________ Ht'f:> HARBOR INVESTMr:XT CORONA DEL MAR 1 bdrm CO. apt Conun11nl to ahoppln& ,,,...ptau. Tnrty M~ mo Wlnt.-r m . Har 1•01 -J ll&rbor 1600 Lr.YEL -nM.r _... -ci-C U TS: I T I b.r, I bll!i pre>-1 I tn l&rs• lndu1tl1&1 ct.velop-1 vlnct&I, car,.led. If• Uv. rm , BA YFRONT lN BALDO•• naent. Aakln• Pr1ce '7,000/ao. I r Ir., I a C!.. ... u•ams_ I ~l\M&. -dl&rm wtua ' 60 Acne ONLY nuoo. n-tb&l a.\Tl"'ROJllT a· ON HEWEM -&.v.i -· appl ,.R.ANKII: COHNOft l!Lat.n& Coca~.q ~ a.ttc nu bee made for annu. to With Claire Vu Ho"'. Artr . l.41 UllCDI A .UY.,,...,., -.,.r. -----1 <'oata Mee&. Can M IOll.S M·l I l.l.a.uTT S..... U~ &le .ant.,. f'OIB\, I paUaa. ltll-llltt3 C.."O&'r.A .ML8A. Jlllew 1 •nd 3 JMtm. apla. Partly tum 'f: plan', l.'UJ'llA. Hu ltetJ att•r 4 tlctJ M-A-Bu.11.nna Bent.a.la 1' .. r tar,. ll\dUI lle•elopment 11ct1 ~.;~r .. C:.LaUp.~ ----------• l.;&n not be ti.t In On.n•• ~ · County at $~.OOOlac. u a 11n.ne BLVD. , "6.000. PRJVATI: Ol'J'JCU wit.ti phone ~n :=,;n:~.:;:i~·c=~ta~~ Bay & Beech Rlty., Inc:. BUSIN1:88 sm: . ~:to'~~i:;' ~-Tndeltl 8111& .• 2200 .Ntw• REALTOM '°"'°° eerMr ~ ·~ T9nu Pt.TIO to llJl.000 <~LF.A!ll F1JRNl8ftl:I> APT8 i10 I< 111 wwll. lnc.lud.Lnf uUI· IU• --CIOM to nerythinf. GARlJl:S OOURT. tll £. Hal· boa Bl•d . Har Ot2l ~N lJEl.UXJ: rurnleh•d apt•. uUU· llf'a lnclud~. JI:• mo. •n•t up, unlll June 10 Harli« 036' 16tlr perc lllYf-N....-,cirt S-ch 1111' H&rbor Bowenrd OC'EANrRONT tAAljacesal t.o ao~ Cout Cq.1 I Coata w .... Calllom.la I ' c1rt1c .. Crom no. nml·prh at• 1 Day or nl&'ht Phone u f.771' DUPLEXJ!:S d•ll 8J'KI alOJ Har. 1021 -I N"" 2 bcltm ea-tum-- For Rale JIOO eq tl. tor ll&ht coMl lat. JM.MIO. AtTan(• manutecturtl\I' N•"'•port Beach lf'l"n'le MAX w POPE. ft .. ltM 2 -Oa tnplu: IOC. -l ·J "*- I i-08 Har~ JMvd • Coeta Mtu otlwr l bdnn tura. A.ellaJ OFF'IC1D •• ho .. •-ce tor rf'nt I r.t 1-1141 ,-&AA T .. ..-tl •• -. ..-. •t"lra. or 1.... 12A IN' mn, 6 11p, r • LI 1·1H1. ntto DUPLEX Mariners Mile i.·or 11ue for llcht manufact· !!=,..RN_!_!'Ata• ~S~J! Lot lh&n bU1 to OCM.n -nr. S Sh II A t urtnr. Nrwport Boch, 1200 n-·. C&n rroee UOOO fll.M>O ea e p s. aq. ft . u2~, J'<f nio :ZIOO•q TRADE BY OWNER turn -111.500, INura. 1JI I tt '111~ •I It. Olien 1 lo &, 1 or 2 bdnn, ~1UI ~ belha MAX w r1Jl'E. Ht•llor 'l!'l.OOO CQUrrY ta • 11.111~ ln YURN. Dltl.UXE Af'Tij Ai.a lltOI Harbor Bly;I , C-0.t.a Mee& :-:.,,,,-port Hel&'bll tor llomt or b&cbelOra. CW IDCL ~n-1 Ll 8 ll t2 I varant 1A114. or bUllUI-. up lo &bl• WUller 6 y-.rty ,_t.&11 to Plc{l3 '30.000 C&1J TOp&a t-3711 pr'9fvred t.enn&n'4 n:io \\'t11t lROQ){ -om~uilr Ju•t ... : 11.)o"'-n•y). be10rt • p.m. # &.lboa Bl•d.. Newport S-c.h .. __ _.. ..,1 t h. 1 l 1 :Sttc Har. M)ll, 71tfc ""'or111...._ '' i-. or an: I .... <<1nlraC't'1' •cc:o11ntan1 mt11:r • BAY VIEW 3 b'1l"TI tum Nr ~•r)'fll.lnr ll1,Tl't0 -tl')' ~ di\, 1:121 W. Balbna 81\'d. Optn 1 to 5 COSTA MESA A 8LICm"ICI\ 1"0 U 81.TllS t..mO llllMT AL -I Md1'ma. J b&Ula, Oru• ptano. ._,_ ,..._,._ llN per tnil. 'UI Mq It. lNT. OOMPL'n.T PUIUf. CQ~ FVJUnlllEQ, _ Bey & leech RJty., Inc. lliLTOM J.U w . ...,.. ~ ... R&r ,_., Kar. zttt JCHC,. Newoo. rt Beach --1:x~at ltome In belt looaU.. N•r Udo Aoppl.af AIM I bednM ln Mint, W'ttb lu'p prap ~ tw 1,.,.t. rnent. "''llh •tove and refrtc (.1ver dbl• _..,..,, Pnvat• patio 1 Crov.11 ot the Sea Motl'l r•J> ..... ntauu. 1tc. Tber. I.I 62--Real l"Atat. a pulunc lol for lh• .c>I• , u.e or tenant and "'' turn11h llshl. heat &nd 11.'alu For turth<or Into call Har 0014 01*1" • Wm borne. ~ e.n- dJtlon. UGO .. tt. flTN. Owia· t r v.1u nna11«'1. SXCLUllVJI WlTB Newpori·M .. 1 Rl+v. 17" H_,ort 91¥d . 0.t. il .. u t-6IOI ..... u .. ttlf Niu \lav•. ChHrv a nd rltan T:"f CORONA Dl:L MAJ\ Harbor 2•06-J • 9kll4 I Corr fort•bt. rooma and kltchf'n· I •tt• apt&. D&y, -It or montb· ATTRACTIVE 1 bdrm. rum. apL ,, nt-. T.V. nn ~ Fron:.. r.orf'POU• ''t"'°• Dlahmut.er. lil•poe.I II'• I :llOO E. Cout Hv·y. CdM ns• Ito mo, year 'round or H.vbor 319' S.l\i •.o 'tlll July ht. Wllllf'r pd. Har 3lll~i·R P2r9• (.'ORONA :Ji:L. MAK NEW 2 BR m~m aot. r A twat Flnpl&CtP, dU11>1. dl8h· m•lr , wp p&Uo or •undtelc Cl<>M to Bay and Bcb.. '"""' ""•M' •• U 311 mfl Vofel f'o. Jee7 1:, C.l. Hwy , CUM. KA·t1U. t2eN B.Al.80A I•n4 mois.rn rum,, atlracU•• l bdrm pr.a(• apt .. 11111. pd, antftlna. adult.I. To Jurw! l6U1. Ill C4ral Ave. I& mo. Har. HU.I. Hell• BAY P'l\ONT YUR.S .• 1 BR. •PL w 0 r 111 n ll wom•n. prden-.'1 --1711 mo . yrly., Ind. utll. Ll A· 1202 112c9• CLIFF HAVEN NF.Wf>ORT -l ~nn . tum apt. CIOH to Ltdo ~tng Yurly rl!al.Al Inquire U 0.12nd BL tollc BACHELOR'S LOOK! 1 b9drm tunilthed apt.a In Jt&J. bo9. Utllltlq paid, f2& mo, Park· lnJ. NHr tr"""9p0rt&Uan. Har •6U1 or 3.... ..a • Residential Rental am mo Year rvund. Brand MW 2 bednn 6 dtm. l..anciKaped. lrvlne T11Tace. Hett M-Baatn ... <?P~rtuolt .... Ideal location For OPEN HOUSE Bun day 711 Popp1 11 8!:01\00MS. 1111 batha Owner I ·~·~~o~~~~ LOTS lO ft. Oel&l\tront dll)W. let. u:uon J\.t btll to ocean -ullln& l4000 •, ac:n In CoelA N. ... -MICIO l au• knta Ana Httrhl• ftl&O RAIDENCF. AST> SNACK SHOP IU:ALTOR w. STUART Ji"OOTE, RJtr. 312 Marln•·O&y or Nt~·Har 252t ltlT w, a.1-.a 8 i.4. DJUV&-IN UQUOR STORIC 91JT SHOP ___________ 92_c1_3 John• Judy Huattt, ~tat.H HA.R.80fl •t-td. C-t Croatqw • 2 etl"H't.I. Yor lhl• and other Nut to lhopptnl «Dler. L&rT• c.2 properti.._ C. ICd J--. ln: '3 • 111 &nd bulldillfl "Jtr. U 1-1101. ltne U t-1141. ror appotntmet, call Chari• -- a. ft.etmJer, ownn-. Day•: Har. NEWPORT HGTS 1818 -~ LI WT~. • -----------LOVELY bonte -cien-Clift LOAMI TO aun.D. [)(Pl\OV&. BUY, llODJllUlflD. OJ\ ~AJiCca w .... , Truat Deed.a Or1ve and Tuttln.. S..t buy In Ult Hetpt>-ONL T UJ,600. • Good ftn&nctq. "TO RLL OR BUT, G'\."E UI A Tftr' N. 8. C. RLTY. CO. nnd It. 6 N..-port 81..-d. Har 1'°8 or llM Harbot' H -~ IM• BY OWNER UDO ISLE Th• .BEST wa7 to lully ENJOY the com1n~ KOUJ)A TB lAI to buy and oocvn W. cornpl•t.. 1,. ch&rmlnc. ........., -• Mdrm cacl ~ 1' '-lit a.om.. Lqtltll<t peUo. w&.D to ..... ,,...,.'-. ~. M&llt1ft """l'lt. dllh_..,., tte. °" i.....-Jot. c..u to ..., and t.r• ~ to- ,..... Oft ~ u4 t«IN.. BAY FRONT INCOME TWO ualt.I -I -..,. -.,. ph• 1 '*""' .,._ Z.oel*t f:ClftdlU.. enty • 1ft. oN. MT)clo -and t.od&T• ~ Y&.lut, '14 r.a ft. Keu.ldll. batb -!MO rwo bedrm apt.a. Willi patio•. HARBOR INVESTMENT 00. NEWPORT B.ALISOA SA VINQ.I • LUA.N 4&IVC1.A noN UM Via UOo Pb. Bar. UOO Cl• ------~------- .. M U rt. Palace, 2 br. _ 3196 dltpoeala, l t\amtshed, J un· '1M W Pan-4.mertcu _a.to t\u'ruabed. O&rqea. DUNCAN Ba1'0r HOO PORT ORANGE • TRAlLEa SALES U4 st1PPLD:B HAftDEftT, JJl. 11.ut •111 or LI ~ 8"8lq:a. IOcn 8A. t VU:W I bdrm. •JIC.o "'7 nlCieiJ t\arn. TV. na.w We f1n.. Ip w~ pod Mat. l Mi blll to etboo&, dme to G• ccllalt be.k. U'UUU. \DCJuded. fl.A. -111' w. k7 .... Har. 31&1. ITtte O~ 8U>lltOOM pa.rtt&lly f\lm. boUM. Near Qty Rall. T•rty LOANS f H CORONA o1n. MAR. YeaJ'l1 i.it&L LI wu1. eouc , or omes BALBOA IAY ,_le.I atud.io .Apt. Willi f\!ll ON• BDfUI. tum. Jlou8t. ~ Low lnt....i • T•r LMll.I I PROPERT ES 1dt.dlllft. Ml. mo. lndudtns place, turnace bat. LonlJ • I ut.Wu... Har. ..... Ttttc YI_., aic. Soeatloft... c.oL No Consiruction loans 1608 •. -.nic. lhd . .., 11• F'llRNlSH&O '°"911 uw t .._.. dop. Bar. IOU W, aD BOB U.-m.Dl 1 • Bl:DftOOMI t MU.... New ~ apt.. n~ ~ llcH 1011 EA.ft ODA.IT Bl.Vt>. Jwnl• OD 12 t\ lot now """'' ~. -.Wh·ta .toT-. ,....,.. 2 lldnn. UllfUm. tloUM. eo.ta Ool"OU dt1 Mu &..r-. -ror MW owner. <>aa, 11t6o 'TUl Jw1 i.t J\00 mnnth. Call ,. .. , LAr1• r~ ,ant. Oar· A-.. POIJUD MOft'NA<m OU.. dow1t.. l:ut.llde loeaUOL c. IW Hartl« am. NO w. B&Jbo9 .... lfl mo. LI a.4llM Jlletrw Ute 1-.. hade ID Ml•I Janee. lttu. u ., •• 1. ~ amt.. IOUc tlpt3 ~ U a..21141 CURT DOSH, Rltr. 115 Marine Ave. lelboa laland Herbor 1560 OCEAN FRONT Wnt M...,...t ~ t ...... rooma. l MUI. ~ ..... '1t.00t. ........... Hume.,..,,..~~ and n...,_,.. W:..nmt ~ rat. Ma4 BALBOA IAY PROPERTIES , llOI W ... !Ma ..._ R&r IJU ( . ~~~ ~ .. lk*d of Realtoi-s . ~ It h~ ~ Nn,art Beada • CORONA HJGHLANDS Now ,ou eu on a I~ IMDI _.th bath and ~ tor i-uaaa rem. r.maa-t m. ot ooean ucl C&taina "-tarp plOan wtD40ft. Car-. pMt WW, l'ane4 a1r w.t, p.rtl8p dJepoe&1, '°'8 flt. toe u4 m&0.1 ttb.r ftM fMtunL Vtrf aJce Jatlo ud rocma for a twlmmlftl pool. ALL TBll. ~ fd1 "-milbed '°" cmb' $a8J500. Drift ~ SIO De .bl&. 0.,.. Sat. A 81m. CORONA DEL MAR . Owlllll' wu.ta acdco -tMe ~ 2 bednn home. bath and ~ Bwd noon, Hvtq room car- p.ad WW, prbap ds.pc.I. lotl of tile and many othw nn. t.tar.. Lot 58 x 111 and ruuy l9DCld.. ft.oom tor addftional unit. Pr1ct reduced to ua.ooo. W. E. FISHER ... & Assoc1ates I02i Cout·Hwy .. Corona del Bar "Harbor 0032 l:Yn. Harbor U2(). w CORONA DEL MAR THE ONLY ONE! BAYFRONT HOME Ir INCOME CHOICE RESIDENTI.AL LOCATION Ba,troDt view pata front theee 2 luxurloualy tram.bed aparimata. Clrcumata.n~ NOM91t&t.a own. llllizl&'. 2 bedrooma each. Call now tor addJtJoul t.ntorm.ation. CLIFF HAVEN Rl:ALLY NICE-! BEDROOM HOME NEAR JUNIOR moH SCHOOL J..arse 11-rinc room Ir kiU:ba, sood floor p1aA. Enc'o-' poreh 1ll&kM SoOd play room or den. ICEcelle:nt condition iuide Ir out. A 1ood bu,y ! Let UI abow you th1a one. • THE VOGEL CO. WT E. c.t. Rwy., Coron.a 4el Mar HA lHl HA 07&7 BALBOA ISLAND I BJ:DJUI. ROUU pJu.I 2 bedrm. apt. near E. Bay. Prieed rilbt. 2 UDJt. OD iood stnlt. 2 bedrm.. boUM plu.t 1 br. apt. Attractmt clean property - Nr. No. 8&7, I bedrm.I., l~ batha, 2 car pr., 1 bdr. apt. 8mall down. Owner •pr to ..n. $2$,Sle() For q«lal buyfl' who want. attract. home on atra larp lot. J..ce. ltv. room. din. room. 3 larK• Mdnna. 2 ktha. fa.mlly room, 2 patioe, double ...,..... No problem to enter. Near Bay. Do not t.Dquire u.nlea interested.. $4(1,000. l!lmaD haul, comer Jo.t. Good JocatioD $19.~ I bedrm. 2 bath. Litti. 1lland .$31,600 Dapla 1 1*lnD. each. SoOd lltntt. -$22.800 Eftn1Dp caD r.d1th Mar~ HY&tt ~ or Loa ea,atm Uh~ 2871 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 228 Jil&riM Aft.. Balboa lllaDd Harbor l'M& HAPPINESS FOR SALE in beautiful CORONA DEL MAR -&rowing Family HomH - 1 .. $1UOO I Br. 1~ Ba. W. lot --OCIU .WW 11'18.IOO I Br. 1" BL --....~ Trade for LcaJ Beacb I. $21.TIO I Br. ll)i .. - Dm wWI f!replaoe TrMI '-UG,000 I Br. 1% Ba. - ----·-Low dowll to qualltled bu,.r a. $111.000 4 Br. I Ba. Nw oc.anft'ollt g. h .. Lat~ reattor .. &. ea.a ~ II&. Md EY-. Ha. eeS> I • I ... .. .. I .. • I .. " ......___ •Larger Home Sites -70 to 100 Ft. Frontages · • Exclusive Upper 81y Location ' • Un~er;roun~ Utilities for Safety ·and Beautv • Architectur1lfY Restricted •Wide Parkways • Sidewalks -Trees • Decorative Street Ughting . • Complete Community Services • Neer Churches. Schools and Shopping Center • Located ill C1lif ornie '' Finest Recreational Area • Realistically Priced •(Fint Qu•rter Mnlion Unit Sold Out in l W Mb) Hurry for the Best Stlection EXCLUSIVE SALES AGENTS W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor ~ E. 17th St. {eom•r Tustin) Phone LI a.1139 1 OOo/o LOCATION C-2 Bus. Corn-.r N/W COR. 17TH ST. AND ORANGE A.VE., C. M. Out of town owner hu authortud lb• we of thi1 outat&ndinC comb. 1hop1 and office bld(. or medJcal-dent&l 1yndi.cate etc Opp. huie :Weaa Center 1hoppin1 development Pric'd to iaeU and ca.m u excl. !Ve 10&n. EXCLUSIVE. WOW! WHAT A BUY! Htrt I one or thoee opportumLie9 that a.re ret.lly exceptional &nd mi1hty hard to !ind, owner mov· 1111 Ir bu li1ted hia 3 bdrm plu1 den or 4 bdrm home, which la only 6 mo.. old for hl1 (below cost price) of $12,300. He hu to tell thi.a weoek A bu authonaed U1 to t&ke $1000 down and term.1 of $98 a mo. Paved 1ta A 11dewa.Ula. Why walt. eee It now. FRANK JAMES, Reattor 271 E . 17th St., ea.ta Mesa U 8-22~ Eva LI 8-fG17 (Ju.at Eut of Thrifty Drup) B/B Income -Bay Avenue New 2 BR K~bullt hoU8e, 2 BR apt. Gftr pra1e pJu. additional room a.nd bath. Income UOOO yearly. pt,000 -Good fln.anclq. Bayfront -Bay Avenue Pier, &tip. sp.&doua comer Jot 180' Unobltructed view, superb location ~.7!50. BAY & BEACH REALTY, Inc., Realtors ~. W. Balboa Blvd., Netr}10rt Beach. Har. l.2M ~Har. la CUFF HAVEN THREE BEDROOMS, 2 BA ntS , Extra lure u.tnr anct din.ins area. ll1id.IJll P.. doora to ooftl'ed patio, lnCf' muter bednn. openiq onto patio. Choke Cl1ff Haft'!\ location. Thia Ill a hard one to duplicate at 118,750. CaJJ THE VOGEL CO. D>l W. Cout Hwy., Newport_ Beads LI. 8-M81 a•··~ WEST OCEAN FRONT l B.J\.. comple\eJy f u r 11.. n- N'h11' • ~•. TY -CAJ1 add reoaa -10 ,r. •14. fU.000 1 l B R .. tum. lc'e· 11v rm , n,... pl&ce, I o o d poulblliUu. Lo dowa, 111,IOO I J 8.Jl. wtatu rmt&l. 1100 mo I a B.R. w-lnlu "nl&l. Sl&O mo Bl:ST BUT BACX BAT J b r., J baUI, fll,600 COSTA :W~A I b r, HW n. nr. lmn• fU.~ I b r., J bat.A. c._ In 116.600 3 b r, 2 bath. cl<»e In JU.~ a b.r. w. 114-, ar. 11\lltL su.ooo l b r . 2 b&tb, com. "9A. au.»O Baclt Bay ~ acl'9, cute bOUM ft,t 60 Claire V •n Horn REALTOR ITll W. Cout Hwy. lJ l -'277 Call...-.. Ll WJOt HA Mll-J NEWPORT BEACH DlJPL.CX-Cholce B&J'"-Bh•4. *-titD. ,...,. ~ . .cnool atel ~ lloe&uL funL ~ a.mi l bdrm apta. OWnv 111t. K u.t -lnt«lor to appnc. MOOG wW Jaudi.. O..r UOOO ff. IJIC. Show1l by &ppL COSTA MESA 114 ACR.I: w1Ul I Bdr. oldotr ~ 4.U fmced. Ba.ma. cor· ral, .tone• ..... Eu. 90tl Ar. tac:...aac la Yalu&. l3500 DL • at>JUI. ---wilb bwd. noora. a. 11de. wa0t1q d1A to towa. Low ,not el a11,aoo WU. •11 IUCJO Da. ll'fUO ~ s--. -~ b1C Mo towa. t ... Neat u ..... Ola -.uo ft. """' tndt, ........, a ..,_. an ta. OatJ ....... Mesa-Harbor Realty la .U80CU TICI IOI o..t.n It. Oolta M- U ~ll. er U •nM • DfUV9 rf ITI Wa.laut ljullt ott TulU•> a.ta a.-. a .....,_., I llliau.. lldwll flool"&. Radue.cl te tll.000. sai.1a.t .... c. l:d J-. IUtr. u t-tlltt. a..... u J.*I. J .... "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Co.st Hi9hwey PhoM U 1-5527 COULD BE --- rwo UNITS EASIL y OUR OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY A SUNDAY NOON TO 6 PM. Bal lalt, 4 BR -3 b&Uui, one BR a.nd b&th m co~ectlon with pra~. In tereat1n& modun 1tyliD1 ; remoddfd two story home -bre&kfut bu kitchen -2 finpl&ca. Electnc ranr. automatic clolhet "uh'r It dr~r includfd. i'ull Price~.~ With JH,rliOO on Flnt T;D -8~ lnt.ettat. 220 Diamocd A.Ye., Bal. Iale. WM. W. SANFORD, and Associates LM Bolin • Cbarlottt l'a.&iola Hub Powen • Nona Hyer Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa I.8l&od Har. Ma2 BALBOA ISLAND THANKS61VINE7 SPECIAU You wed tor Jt 8oooo we u.t.d ft adulftly. Sturd,y mer-upper Little Bal. Ialt location. 2 bdrm. !rpl full lot OWNER SAYS SELL!! AA· ~ $26.000 with IDl. d.n. payment. YOU'LL OtVE THANKS FOR THJS ! Bal. I..i. finest! New, ProYinclal, 1oeda ot abal· t.., blt.·in .&oft. diabwuher, dbpoal Em'y· t.h1q )'O\l could d..tn In a lovely bom. ! Prtctd rl6ht. See th.la tor 111n. I LIDO IBLE 6-bclna., 2 . ~ bl&utJ. • lltrMt to ft. loL Beaut. patio. Cupcted. A r-1 Tb111k,.tYlq 8pedaJ SMJ500. EXCLUSIVE BAY SHORES M09t Adorable hou.te in Bay Shores! L&rp yanl bQp li9tq room. ftqltont tr. pl Beaut. funl. All We tor ~,800. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 808 Martne A••· Ha.rboc' eo2 BAIJJOA !BLAND .. THE GREAT ORANGE COAST runacn.~..,.......,. Ba.ck ... , adj.aot t.o ~ IMllteorMr u..L ........ .................... IP.- ,. •• mt.a are el 11.UJe • .o nlue. SHOO. i.. t>owa. I Sedroom -CQlllUMr'daJ ~ eso. to dooirntown. lubltaa· U&l w..u p&aaaed home. n.. pl--. bdwood ~ w.-ot do9ta. OYeraiW two car p.r- &I'• wtUI oY--...a loft. DO wtl'tq. .ade driTe, au.tn.I )o.. eat.loft wtt.h home. flfS,IOO. 1WmL N.wty llia1ll ....,. faaSl7 ...... a dmD. a famOy roooa .W. ..C M1ek ftrwp&a.c.. • dMlrful .... ....,... <•~ ... , .. ) INl!Wn ldtcbeb ~ bv, ...,... ltftba. ll'ftq ..... ~ \IMd brtllDlr ftnplaca, ...... .... doon to connd ,..U.. Paank- ed w...M no.., F.A. ...... , ..,. .............. 11&7 Ml\jo ~ RM lllMM!lta!a a.ad water "'-· fn.600. EMIJ ..,_ o---c1a1 --· ... ... It. H...--i.-4. JUiack &.,. parlldJlc. a10.ooo. *"'1L zn.. -. PIO.. m9' l'mllll• -., ................ room ~ rr.. .wu.al ad- 'Nl'tlilbll· • ~ wa:r OIJl'lo .... ew.. ......... ~ ly bUOt • room i.oaie wttJt JadwoM GooTtq. Olu)d -... ~ tll Decltcw'a. DmUlt'lo ... OUt• DP& ~ t.Mt ..... pod l&Clllttoo llDIM and trea .. ,.u»J. OU .,_ puttac.. .. ...,. -~ • .......... ,......, ~ r "' f ~ ..... , ..... . tlt ft. t.crttJel ..... ... ORANGE COAST. PROPERTIES lllT M..-,ort ..... o.ta Mma LJ f.1.U .._ LI •1.00 MClt liT Al'tlL I .... 1111- p'ONI ~ M. JUlt 1 '1Jt lO lit(l191ta Vi.ta 8cMeL •UMD f\IJ1 ...-moo Dn. lm"*"- •'-PORI lta. C. Sci Jow, JUU. ~ .... 1.U-aM&. f I I •• • 41..SO 1'Q rr.t ffll' 6 ... Wiater Rental. ~ QMnta Only • .... ~~: HAAIOR INVESTMENT CO . • ...... 1900 •Ewe.. Barbor tlft-J NEWPORT · HEIGHTS •'OCEA,N AND BAY VIEW" I Ctl a bedrm. J&rp liv rm with fiftpl, cltnJn1 ' room. Ip. 8eniee pordi. d19pca1. Corner 'fenced lot. A P1nr SU, 700 with $.ooc> down. 8abmlt otter. (2) £mt.inf Wiw -bay and ocean -~ 2 bednn. 2 bath. l&e 1h1n1 room with tinted ...._ t1rep1. .u.odeclc, 2 c.ar pr. A.U.inr m.~. Only U9M down. (3) 3 bedr,D, .2 bath, llv room with terrific view. .. A Sleeper"·•~ only $3000 down. CUFF HAVEN -TRIPLEX "OWNER lfUST SELL" 2 bedrooml eub unit, fittplaoe, tub •howera, approz 2700 eq. ft. plus 3 pn.se-. Newport'• t1nmt tncome dist.rid.. FOR A QUICK SALE T'llY U9.l500 with~ dowu. JACK BRENNAN, REAL TOR "'AT THE ARCHES" IS20 W. 0Dut Hwy. LI 8-7773 00ST A ldB.t. OFl'ICE BETW. TUSTIN le IRVINE '82 E. 17tb BL L.1. 8-776.1 v v Best Buys Corona del Mar 1 r' SHORECLIFFS VIEW HOME. Out.u.nding bay in th1I modern 3 bed.rm. plum den with permanent Yiew o! oce&Jl &nd jetty. Qua.lit y conatnactJon -m&ny fine features make up th.18 fbM b~ Room for pool. First time of- fered and priced below replacement at $-l6,000. Sh.own by appointment -Exclui~ Wlt.b ua. 2 I A R.ARlTY and only ~~ block to ocean tront a.od beach. Modern 2 bdrm., 2 bath homt. Only 2 yrs. aid-Hardwood nr.., FA beat.. prb. dillipOMI, tirpl, nioe pa.tio. dble. pn.ge. An excellent buy -priced f~ed at $27,600. EEC!wd.,. with ua, but yoa better IWRRY on th.la one! ! rDUPLEX BEST BUY. Well located, 1 bedrm Mc.b with 11epuat.e paU~ for each unit.. Each bu,...,..,.. Priced at $16,000. BETI'ER SEE TBl8 TODAY! 4 rVIEW LO't'. CORONA lUOHLANDS. Com- ·:· pa.le wiUl plan.I for 3 bednn. home 0wnf'r :::. ..m eerw'der trade for bou..e or income LDY· . : :· .-r. Harbor Ana.. Priced al $10 .~. ::. MDCBER OP' MULTIPLE LISTINGS ~RONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. ::·mCE T. KcCUISTION. R.e-a.ltor " Asao<:tatee • ·3'41 E. Cout Hwy. Corona ~l M.&r Har. 47 fotnce locaqd next door to Newport Harbor Bank, C.CW I ·=. B/ B .S bdrm. A den, 1 '" batha, HW llrw., tiftpl. Virw, J'ull P1'ic4! $21,l)()O with only S7MO dn. Sl06 • )DOfttll. -: 2 bdrm. HW f1na., tittpl., dble. pr. atreaed for apt. Good CdM location. $14,7~ G.l. ReuJt $51.4' mo. ' EUatJroek d.tp. luxury 2 bdrm. 6 ~n. phul tropk:al ww A encloeed patio. Sbo~ Cliff• ::. bellt bay. 2 bdlm.. bocDe plu8 2 bdrm. apt. on sunny cor· Der lot. A coocl fthM at $24~ for comfortable home and lnoame. BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC., Realtors Corooa del Mar ~ E. Cout H11bway, HArbor 5663 I ' • OPEN . HOl:ISE Corona Highlond1 · 509 De Ama N'SW -• bedroom -J'amlly ~ -• 2 batJa -INUt-to Kltclwll -L&u1 -reced - la.Dd.lcaped. PricH to .u wttb &11 Ultle u $!,000 dowa. OPEH t"ROM 1-~ PM. AC'r NOW! Lido Beyf ront New -EZ.C.hlafTe IM.MACUL.A TJ:l ' Md1'00ID hotnt on Udo Nord,.._._. • a cbdc• 60 foot lot. Pkr, .Up &Dd boat bouM. Owner wUI •IJ wlUI ,...-. doWll ,.)'llaeAt p. a. palmer incorpot.ted · -'"\ ole h•naon co. m•rw11ement 1100 •. cout ,blpway -~ M61I .. . . • LIDO UDO TRAi>112 TRADE O\ltat1pdlQC B&yfTont bOllae now ander coutruc- tion on Via Udo Nord. 4· WrOom.I and family room.* bat.ha.~ ou~?Mt. featuree make lh1I a true ftloe. -I.up 1 zment. IUited for worUhop or playroom -3 ~ fU'loP -2 tlft- pluee -beautlfW neepjnf 'liew of bsy -2 m&.ur bedroom' suit-. AppUanoe. tncluded in prtoe of $87.MO. Owner wm ooutder aialler Udo property u put paymtnt. either ncant or Unproved or late modd Cru1eeT In top cobdition. Balboa Realty Co. . OUTSTANDING V ALUEB '~..,.,... Polat ...... 7UU llboUlll .. wo ... ~. No. 1 -2 ..n:>RT, 11' BATHS. 1&1'19 un.c room wtu. ai.uu- f\IJ flnp1ace, opa beam. lllid-tnc ,..... door to larp patio. Tbt.t property .... dllt1neUon U you waot a bani• Juat a ht· Ue cllftvwnt Ulan mo.t. $19,· 000, l'OOd Wm&. COSTA MESA DOCl'O&I .lND DJ:NTISTS A'l'IZN'nON J JN NEW SHOPPING CENTER! • J«oclem .DeSip Untt. for~ or, Dmtlllta omoe...Lot U0 x U50. No l*'kina d.ltficult.ia. F\l.ll Price m.aoo. Low down payuleQl • INDUSTRIAL ACREAGE · · FROM ~10.000 per A. in Newport. Huntinc· ton Bcb., ~ Mea and Sa.nta AD& area. 1 to 20 A. ~. 801!le with 10 yt, IObOrdJnation. WILL BUILD & LEASE CONCRE'I1i: Wt.up bldp. tully' 1priDkJered., 6~1 t.nd ~ per aq. ft. Amplo of! it.reel parkinJ. WW give you 3 yr. option to buy the ~ it you • desire Jt. UM! wlU cany U.. W.1.a.nce al , • 5 Unit Apartment. completely tum.llbed. Ex· celltntly !Jnaneed with approldmat.ely $35,000 loan at '5""r lbterest. Ownel' Will cooaider tradt in Orange County uea. Full price fflS,000. No. J -Rmlll'B A G 0 0 D VALUIC. I bedroom~ l~• nnn. room wtt.b n,.. place., pa Ua, 2 car p,..,,. . . . S'ood for bJye tamlly. Al.I tor US.llOO, 16000 down. SEViN ISLANDS REALTY & INVESTMENT CO. '' tnt......._ 2-ST()RY CORNER LOT I Price reduced to "2.~ I 3 KlNO-elMd bedrooma. 3 bat.ha ~ and room Oil a wo~r Cul n· lot. I ANOTHER NEW USTING $6000 Down C'OMFORT~Ui. 2 bedroom hOffil' nMJ' U00 clu.bho\Ult. Lars• paUo. Pnod al Ml)' $26.~ " BACK BAY AREA 9 Re.tricted Home Site. \\ lLL IM!lld lo .Wl you. t'\M•I a~ and con.trucllon UI •~ Loi.Al lncludt curti.. (Ullt'r, ..-n Uld ald-allla. ll>OO 8Q n. m1ntmwn. Tbl.I Le n.ot • UWC'l ! Give 111 a call fM mo"' 1 nf onnalloo. NEWPORT BEACH 4 BJl!DROOM, :t •., bal.h, l )·tar MW. h~. l&nd8r.aPf'd. nu ~tC'd and draj*S. .Move 111 rww ror <>nly iu.600. You ,._ l IN&\ tbl• boy' E. COSTA MESA $1~ Down Nit.AR lkrw • IMdroom. l '1. beln hon~ 1n nlcor locauon J•n• .. only $10,960 -pay~nl1 '"'' monUI 1nc:l11dln& lax" Duncan Hardesty K.lo:ALTOf't Al lll~ Srh.lgt lo Udo lalP' L.etaytll• Ill 3:lnd ~I, Har 471 ,. Real Values 8E.AUT1Yt l.. 3 be<lrr11 h·••nt or, 70' lot on ea1t lttll 8L Arpr fl yt.ara old. 2 tll• t:alhl nail •how•r a.nd many bulll·ln !"• 111roo• PMrrd •l nnlv 117 liMMI I SM.AU... 1 bedrm. hos .. oa Ht.II I Place. clOM to Co.ta Mtwa b1l8 d.letrkl WW trade for r'OOd ala lnUer. 11300 :ull prtrt. FOR ft&NT. 2 1M'drm. • den unl\lm. ~u ln food N.wport H.eatau aot.tiom. fl.la a mo B. A NERESON DA.LTOP 1912 M..pon. 8hod.. ec.&a K ... A.LW A YI OPllN I Phone u 1-1m A Sleeper!! LIDO REAL TY ASSOCIATES No, 3 -2 BEDROOM, 2 balh home, apaaloua bedroom.a. ea· lra apeclaJ oonatruetlon, cut. hobby room A very attracUve &nd d&ndy l\omp. 122.noo. ttnna. No. • -A NEW ! bedroom t 3400 VIA LIDO HARBOR ro23 bath home, t>eauUl\.llly ap. STANLEY MEYER PRED OUENSLER point~ a.nd modern u can be VIRGINIA ...... '"'SON JACK MOORE Built-in kitchen. tt>~~ -air m.A..l.. ll•t and double prll~• $29,· GENE VREELAND ~ wtth term•. _ _I TOI' WILL r.na: lh.la •pe.<'loua COST A MESA, Th& Best Town on Earth I ! ~d ~!::mho':cn:!~ ap11.rtment In lht rear. Fur- TWO HOMES on one lot with room lo build t.d· d1tional unit. A 2 bedroom a.od l bedroom homl' on corner lot. $12,000. With tetma. SMALL DOWN PAnotNT 3 br. home, like new, fen~ Jard. sOGd location near abopping cent.er. Pric $9960-Reuonablt lt'rma. HOME . RENT AL -BUSINESS WeU built 2 br. home, new 1 br. ~nW a.nd activ,. ceramic buainea all tor $27 ,000. with t.erma. $:500 °DOWN 2 br. and den, larp kitchen. pra1e. cl~·m, Eutaide location. $~ and $80. ~r moot.b. G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., Coat& Mea LI B-7729 PENINSULA Cute 2 bedrm fu.miahed. Fireplace. 2 car rarait. fenced Only $2000 down. BAY FRONT DUPLEX. furniahed. Pri\'&l,. beach. Pier Ii float. OCEAN FRONT, 2 bedrm, 2 bath. $16,000. nlthed &nil located on a •:'>' ~ 100' Int ~Mr ~n anrt bey. 2 •Incl• l'trllfN '18 ">00. I t~rma. HP!RE IS AS U:•rt!~l'Al..LY A'M'RAC'TIVE IUld bffutlful ll Mdroom homt I.II lht UPPER BAY ARl:A. l ,._ balha. built· tn Th~rmador O\'M A ranjfe, HJ '.'It 26' llvLnJ room Yt'lth fl,... r plllc:'t. II'' to v." C'IU'peUf\C' "'"'J>M and wr1.al.n.I lncludecl. <>111Atandin1 J*UO and room tor swtmmtns pool Tn:lly ' "' ,, n d • r r u I home. S31.500, l.rm&. 1 Balboa Realty Co. I Oppo9lle B&nk o1 A.mstC'.& ftc.4• G,_ley Ed ~ _I J.-phlne Webb 700 'It 8"'100. Blvd .. B&lboa Phone Harbor .1277 INVESTIGATE THUl 8 t:NIT ap&rtln•nt bouw .. 111 ~r mlnutt ll\lpe<-tlon Pf?.wrtl lncom• 117 .. Y"rl). y,,.ry bnl location on Balbne P•ni.n.ula.. •"" apt. 11 l&rr.-. •J>1lMoua. and In Up top ron· dltlon 181 ~ i. vet')' reuon· 503 -32nd St., Newport Bea.ch Har. M&8 Evenings Har. ~7 $1,000 AND YOU CAN MOVE IN. 1 bdrm., 1araae. tge. livill( room and daung area. Rdriprat.or. 1tove, curta.lll8, blinda, W /W e&rpt'ti~. Fenoed } &rd Good neifhborbood- TRA..DE YOUR HOKE roa INCOME PROPERTY Will ac<:iept 2 or 3 bdrm. bome withbt 30 mUee of Coat& M-u down pt.yment oo YI acre C2 pro~rty on Newport Blvd. 4 turn. aputlnenta now en leue at $263. per month. 1.ooed tor 21 unit.. Room on front for office blda. '38.000. full price. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY \\'A TERFRONT CAFE -a favorit.e ~ Ne1!J>()rt Harbor Yachu~n. 8 yn. in thil w•ll loeat.*1 and apotle.u bldg. ~nerou.a ·~ area. ~r h~llM' mcluded. WE HAVE RENTA.LS! New 2 bdrm. un!umilhed -$80. per month 2 bdrm. furn.iahed and unturni8bed 1 bdrm. turn.lahed and u.nfurniabed 3 bdrm.. unfumi.lhed THE VOGEL COMPANY I 700 Newport Bmt., eo.ta w.L. LI ~ Evett. Har. 34M. Har. 57H • BAY FRONTS • -)- COAST PROPERTIES able for Iba propttty. Owner LIDO wtll c:'on..t~r t•rm.a. AJ.80 eomt NORD RUTH JAYRED. Rt-a.ltor Mild.red Rtn-and Sytvia Tbompeon. A..uociate. 301 E. Ba..lboa mvd., Balboa B&r. ~ or -teoo BAYFRONT! Lowest but not Leari lTa~. Pbont1 or -Gf'orst 8tM>W•rt for f\111 dfot&l 11. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1!\011 W. BaJboa Btvd Har 11188 Nc96 EXCHANGE N~w l.J.ltlnp • bedrm., !• ~ bath, pier A no.it, aptnstYely t•arpeted and draped. Very J.arse beautiful paUo. Over ~ tt. trontqe. it35,000 torma. • • • 4 bedrm, plUI view family room, immaeulate home. Pier and .Up. <>wt 10 ft. float.lip $167JIOO. • • • --------------------U .38 front ft. al 8'not' and 1tui •ta... ......... ll1 We ban the lcnnst priced Baytrcnt .home plua lnOOme apt. OD Balbo9 Ia1and. Beautiful riew, wide ~ beach. 'l1lJ9 18 a VJ:RY ATTRAC11VE Property. Offered turn1abed for $48,&00. Better ROBB CID thla. CORONA DEL MAR " E ' bat CHAR.MING ' two bedroom home. lau aD the feataree ~ bardwood tloora, ... Mat. ..nb JIOrda, Deal' .toaw bat .... , frGID bWJ. 'Dollie -~ ~ • Olll7. '1UX>O. . SCARCE ITEM • • 01119 ~ the II.It OCEAN VU:W lota, llOUth of .. • hwy .. R-1 ..,_, a Na1 at $17,500. tron\ n. n.. lut aftilable C-Z for OUU1Ctit a.le la Clllter 1 ot KttT9 0.. K-. OTBl:R C-1 ... K·l ,..,..u.. MARINERS ISLE REAL TY BtJbos Ialud • HOlltD -Tll91 .u .... ..s ------------------- tor 8'f'*' m. call CBANAa .. Rl:"l'MlllR. ""* O.,.: 8-r. UU .._ LI HTM • Mtte HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1600, E"9. Har. 217"'1 prtt.L ,,. -.... Rftr. C. O. M. · DUPLEX~15*500 C.2 ~otel Site Max W •'Pope, • n.t·• rflht -sus.aoo. 2~ blocb to u. oe.n To • • .-. o.t.a ,._ "'~ 111 Abalone, Frida,, s.t. 6 a.. 14 =.u. ~.i:::.. ro::.. = and '7' b1oek to lbopplnr. 2 lfO'lDd Door, modem :: :: ::1 ;:1 ~ Loftly ' bedrm., S bath plu 1 bdrm. apt. Near- Open House -Uffle Island lltyled 1mlbl, aee JURlftSBED, with 20 x 20 ~ I Ba J'ront. Bea tJtu.11 &Dd ...i......_ --tber Du A.. JLUC'I I 1teaJ DltatAt y y U y com,__.,, ~u.i-R-2 lot Coda Mesa .,.. Tope for bu 11tmat or ....,,,._, 4Ao Harbor Mil nJaed. Lota ot charm. 3 car ,_,... Dd W. ct wawns cn.t..... Milpl ... --:' ~y .... 40W'll. LI MTISl XI Wl.11 LI MSJ1 parlldq space. RAY REALTY COMPANY MD.&. monmo tllltit&R HURRY TO aY oWNER -..,.csany plt;d · • Mu E. Cout Rls .. "1. Cot'Ona de) Mar -Har. 2288 C50' Jt llTE one wwlr Cllll)' C'.ASR. upper BLANCHE A GATES, ReaJtor 'A--'--k In ~*) Aakb:if MllOO Good Teno R. L STRICKLER, Realtor Ray choltt balf acr-"1-lot. MEMBER ()tr Mt.1L11PLE Ll8TINO ' ,....._ &nlUI 1m.1:• vu. l:\tea U ... 711& n. Bu llOI 6 "1'\ f\Jm bM-IU.~. LT . Membe:r o1. Mult.iplfl U.tinr ~niee ,.. t'ld6 311122 Jt. Cout Hwy~ Coro.na diet Mar -Bar. 2774 e-1•n. •~ 311 Marintt Av~ .• Balboa ltda.nd Ph. Har. 1871 or 1672 ' ...,.,;_.-.~-----------------~--~~----------------~-~-----------~