HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-12-07 - Newport Harbor News Press1N . 'SSLE ' ........... . ... l!L·e~·-·-.... Om,,_ -~· •••• ht ....... -. t •J•:•r·..-.11111 .-.... ~-.,....-.... % ........ ' • ..,, 'D9 I .......... * •• 5 .... , ...... .... ·-• • l '• ,. ' ' I ~ I ., .. 1"·. . " at the Tenth Annual Christmas Preview TOlllte · .-Tomorrow ~at 7 ,. ..... ReMDous ~ Blllroom . . .. . . . . .....U•lrf · NEWPORT HARBOR .. IUSf.NESS I PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S CWI ... ~----- Newport9n File fer .....,,...."°" U .CRAJODfTO, ( C N I ) - Aruci. ol lnoorporaUOD for WU.011 MW It cua..t 0.... e&P'· t&ll-s wWl •11.000 ..... Melt tued wUb ~ at •t.a&e rrank K Jontaa. Dlreeton., u. Orus• Colm· tJ nrm. cSeaUac fa "* _... . ...u. an Artlwr lANku. ~ Ladtlle, Sll Via 0.... ud Aaa Marte UDCOm, Ill UM It., NeW))Ort JleM.la. ,afar • ... MIA..-lllTAVIAMf ~---w-.r Dancing Every . -~ght ...... 801'ALLUtlllr.Da DINNl'A BaVa> I p. a 'tsl mkin11bt oocrrAJLa_-, ~ .. ·w 2 Lm.. U Moc. 81iD1rGaJ 6 laztd•1 Speclal Sunday Buffet 2 'til 9 p.m. nD ot7a~ P&&IDr9 ....~_ .......... '' ct. /.• • '' erVeiicieu~e · COMPLITI p.oo DINNll ., . ENTIJAINING NIGHTLY •• ; THI AL TIACIY DUO ••• .-alhDn'• "oo UM~ In M"pon 1*lcb COCltTAJLI a:avl:I> ftCllf C P. IL , DINMD IDWD natl IP. JiL JUNDAY llUNCH • .......... _, ......... • Tua and Sympa~ _,., DIMrU Jab Kerr·Kerr -ALSO- • AA1ft'4• ANA. ((>CHll -n emt Orus9 Oom:lty "'*"' '° "" -u.. ..... pntt'&l ~ OMdt)' ...... t. ScMi 4l8elaetl t.IWI u be mallild .at dlieelal t.e , ...... 1111 .,..,., ~ .,,.,u. ... -~ ' n.e ..-&. • • t •• tott.1 cr1 m ... .....i to e11eUo11 Muc1 omc.n ud 144'71 fGI' poWar ,.. .... ~ wW ...... STUO.IO. ~ ftl'e pajd uo:....-. SIT, -=ept Ja ftft ~ .. ._...,tat ............ YoWl"L !aylcMrl Ila' ta.. .... niatt'ftd au ... eltirb' •• PoU1al pl&Cm GOil .. ..,. Nllta1. • 1318 SANTANELLA TERRACE • ,, _______ _ fT COSTS Ai. PRETIY PENNY TO STAGE THIS 0NE-DAY SHOWING --MM'U·:..A.MA; IOCJOl -n eo.t on.n,. Cowrty •9';•,to te Jijl • Ullt It•. I pMtal e~ ~ A\Mlt.ar a... llcMI ~ Ulb u lie mau.d oat dllrtu i. ~ werbTL ~Uoa ~ ...... llllc1'llllilC • .. a....... ' • ., •. tota.1 .,, m ... went to e1eet1oa .....,.. ometn ... ... , ... poDtDc pac-. o.,Uu.. ...ui NOl!lft .,. ..... ~ wu. pa14 .... ~ sn. ~ Ja.11.,. ~ ~ CMI' 411 ~ \feUrt. ta••cWn ii. e.... CUN noeA...S Ill Md cs.tu• .. PoUlai )laoel ........ r9lta1. S E A L A R .·1\1 N G . . . l a, uonn tllllS. i:owuo u.:sn:&l 8ldl'8 .. ' ABciAap 't!PEE: The nek-&d of ~. 1, lM trtD _,. be ~ by ~e and Bob Smith. -- LARGE HIGHl Y· RESTRICTED HOM'EstTES Are !V'ow Available ·[11 Westcliff 01.-rlooki•O ''" l'p~ ll"~ ... N~•t R""1rl\ Diecriminatinc fam.lliH who an-con.td"1'l"I buiJdlnr a new home may be ln~tt•tf'd t~ know that ia.,,., hl'hly restricted homee.lt.ee ILtt now a"11&ble Jn WESTCLIFF, a profeaicmal.Jy planned community for bomM of the hichat. qU&llty Thirty·thrtt roomy lot.a from $8000 ready now !or construction al your homo on your own JoL 7'boee who irefer fu purchue a new home should Me the aparkllnc deaip.I and top quality coDIUu.ctJon in 4aillii . mm~ OPEN 7 -DAYS A WIElll • I: ~ .. Tiu &RAI-TOY 1111 Harbor Bir~., _Costa ·Mesa ·STO' .tm! DAILY STOii HOUIS: 9:30 A.M. TO t P.M. • SUNDAYS: t 0 A.M. TO I P.M. · .. ·· ••:r r;>in9 ~0"9 Pyroco.n ·Modeling Pia.tic -·· .......... $1.tl Ungat Ef Ktrrc Snippy Sciuors _ . .... .. . J. ti $2.~8 °Tuffy" Dump T~uck, (sturdily built) -..... 1.tl Tran1<>9ram . Skip Bowling Ge me .. .. . . $1.tl Tru-Auction Electric Bes•etbell Game ...... -.... 6.95 M•ttel-o-Matic Smoking Machine Gun _ ·...-·-1.80 .......... ·: : . ~~~ ' •t·.·.··.r• ... ~ .... ~ . : . %°'·,• • • ~·\ . :i '' . .:~_ . .,. ··~~u $3.50 School Beg of Wonder looks ( reinproof L.$2.49 ~co. Walkie-Talkie Signal Lights __ $2.tl. & 5.95 Gilbert Chemistry Outfit (12 chemicals) ·-...... 10.tS ' Schuco-Micro Racera frolft 6erri\any · -··-···-··-··$ 2.49 Doll Buggies $2.tt • $11.tl ~ Strollen $2..tl -.. .10.95 Fi1cher-Prfu Pull Toy1 {variety) :__.~ .. $1.19 to 3.75 Unger .Wood Burnf"9 S.h ....... _ .. ___ $2.tl & $4.fl Cootie Gem•· educational for aft a9•• ············~·-·· 1.tl Arti1ta Colony Paint S.t (complete) _................... .ti Zip••• Roller SkatH ( noiseleu} ··-····· ·-____ .. $2.tl Strombecker L..wn Swi"g . SJ.ti-Play Pen ... 2.St Strombedcer 4-Poater lted (for 8'' doll) -.......... 1 .'19 Gilbert MicroKope Sets _ ................... SI.ti & SI 1.tl Merx Electric Robot (turns r. or I., eyes light)... I.ti Ny-Lint Electronlc Cannon (eccurat•) -········-12.fl , Wonder Mare and Wonder· Hone __ Sf.ti te SM.ti German Sulley Horse ( Ple1tic locfy) ······-···-·-41.00 All Kinds of Cuddly Toya ·····--··-----·····-Sl.tl te 6.tl ~·~ ~· .. (tf . Jiut 'Say: .~ tr. ......... ---.. ••ClfAHl.n ....... BRAT SHOP :-r. :::::.:-~ . WA•t• All Orange County Sltops ~or(. Toys lor B~r.s qnd Gi~~ Brat Shop TeY Store· . \ :uv..i. TROftl -~ &mday wlib • a pJa dlaDir at. tw.r .,_._ Nleaa mutt, noi- pbbl Tsnice, tbe Dtftrcl A. PelllpiM &DDOUllC• eel tbe ~· of their daqhter Ann to Jack l'armel' of Whlttter. An Orieatal theme WU featmed, follcrtrinc the decor of the bome abi4 ..... IDUJ of ~ tzoeuune *>llected by the PelllpfDa Gil tWr ...Dt tdp to the ,..., rut. .June nuptJaJa are blllq pl1noecl MaclY Prtee Pol'tnit . Boota and Saddle Riden Awatded Rowell _ Fami Now in East ,,._ Boola and lk.dd1e Club o>f ea.ta Nee held a Play Day at ~ County Fair Orowad.I, 8imd&7, Dec. I . Jobn ZoUer WU Ill cba.rp.. HJ.ab point winDM wu Judy Woock Olb4'n wbo took ftnt wne fUeh&rd Han· dcWa, wbo woo lhl"H nenta Docld• Lom&ll. Lorn.In• ~ and Cbar1" 1-. who n.cb wo11 I two -ta. and J.flck~\' O'Hara and 8ofta7 Barnell wlUI OM wtn I &p~ I TRANSPARENTLY ---------- • • • . YOURS IN A ehimpelJM 1p1.rkl.e de8nltety ..,. to your ,_ thl1 aJatm.mer1n1 truon. Oar .,........ pe.rty· 1om1nhm!- ~aht and briJht. with th.t airy vinyl look. fllaclr '"" •• , .. ,, e l'tmm ..,_ ft&a'IUG nz.. Dal., 'ftmll&&S".~11-tA.11.mtr.11., ~ORDRJman 225 E. 17th·ST. = COSTA MESA ~I. c.e.t HWf ·~~If • ~ ...... j 'tJI 'o.-.~ . ,. S..""•n 11-4 P .... Gin SHOP ••• WHJN YOU . '~ ---\ GO TO THI MAlllllll • Diuover Ri,bard's Home aJid Gif l Shop . . . todAy of the •laircatt In Richard'• Lido Mltttt! You 'U ftod CM1tmn ~ nc is P11>1• Indeed, wtien am lilt end lfOCtfY '"' Ca1I bt filled It one pl1e1. Wt'U 11ft· wp flW s.ta tnd mn hlOdl.t mMtina. ii J1G11 r.u. . ~ .. plain or fancy ••• ·· glfti to please "hlm1" or "hen" with homes ftt tbt bar 1 1.ibulous coUtdJOn '1f I~ includtftC 8-Hord Hind Etched Bar Gins . Ill .sort1 of b1r 11dctts llld ICCIUOfies. A cor.ic>lett seltction of W.stmort41hd Mill Cl1n, Sienko H.-.io.n Art#1rt, u.nuwal hostns pieces £v1rythin1 fOf tllt krtchen • • • fnlm 11<11ets to pots 1nd pans to Sunbeam s.m1ll ..,,..MUI Md 1 dehltltful asortment ol co.hint ifwelry bv Renoir 11M1 Ma1Ju. . . . ju.st for uilft9 le HaUmark ~rds, gift wraps I Youl ftMf tll i.. lltttt •1rttas• a.t IMlt Clw1itmh utr.,..clal ••• '"""" .......,. en ..w "" .,... ,.... • .....,.,.,, wr.," , ~s 1HOME • GIT SHOP· " ----· '· ... .., On ~ Ma:zan.ioe at Ridu.nl's Udo Maikd . . .. ' Mn A uOo, MMrt'Olf'llActt \ ... - ' ' . • • ~·. ,. ... , .. ....... • •• ... •.-r • .. I "' ,.. ·-,,.,, ' \• . . .,... . • ' .. , ...... .. -: . . . ,. ~'. . '• ... , ,. • 1-. ··~ . ., .... , , . \ ' , , 'l ... ', I I -- FEATURING a..... Ua1M. • lcand1na.-. lmporta BALBOAN Giff SHOP ............ _~ ........... -All -----·~ ..... --- Turquoise Set "l ()() . ' "' 'IN THE Of FINE SHOPS • • • •• CANDIES ATTRACTIVELY ~XED .. FOR. GIFTS OR IN BULK FOR PICKING 4 • YOUR FAVORITES • • • • • ~ • WELCH'S 'CANDIES ASK ONLY TO BE ·,SAMPLED.' ONCE YOU TASTE THEMr YOU'RE AN ADDICT •••• MAIL ORDERS INVITED ••••••• sos WEST 19TH ST. LIBERTY 8·3076 ' COST A MESA PLAZ~A CORNER OF 19TH ST. & HARBOR BLVD. Bil TMORE HOTEL 1161.......,. ..._ ... ST A TI.ER Hom 1111....., .... ~~~VJ famio/ of 8LIPP~~ ro~ Chiisttnes gtving Put foot comfott at the foot of the trH for all the family th ta Chri1tmo1 ••• (hooae from our woftderfvl "fomlly'' of ot-home footwear for Mom, Dod and th• k;d1 ••• thy'll b. 10 Qlod 'fOIJ didl • ,., ~ lodl .. of tfle Nws.. ,,Jty 94'ld PfOC'licol •llPC>f<• Ill • wide ~ of tly!n colofs. r...aa&.T.N Children's Slip~l"I Styles & Colors Cory & Comfy. in Au't. I .95 to 2.95 fot the ~ of fl9 '*"" th• ho"dt0411ttt,; co11eat tllppeta •••t1 lllHqt11t ..._... O"d ,,,.,,., .... ............. , ... I l Moond at Ole Newi>rt Harbor Tacht Club thla wHk la tile al' Uolla~~)')ror the Newport A•lltance W'U rendert'd to to achooner, "Black Dor". captain· Pllli&&' eel wW be held ....... '°4l\a, and t un.aU bOat.a. ed by W. 0 . Tellier, l\oyaJ Vic· t th• Balboa Y~t J»brt.1 ..,.. ..._, &ad d..troyed tona Yac:Jrt Club, Va.ncou•M". ..-itatlon or tro,.u. y n.Jt o4 'll eaI1A a.ta were I TeUlft', rttll'ed Va.ncou•er I.Ar 00 th• &et'nda. found and ret~ In J1 CAM& I ~ -~la le be bare -i2'0ne a.i.. ,.... bekl tor Wait(.. about a ,,..k &IMI a •nJo1111C • ~ llan6:ap aJlotunenta ,fttaUaa aJMI ~· Ud f ar-Ila moaU\.t c1'\dle whtcll Nrted have ~ pulliUAed for &JI mem· _._._ mllCSe -• d In d trom llan J'raAc*° .,,d w1JI bep aM Mala Ul tile PadClc ._ ... _,. '"'" IP" a • , lew 11--. and .,. an~• dlllon t.o 1 ~Jl.anoowa .,.. lcet'p htm '" eout.hen watu 11n-~ n--w U.. real.a. Onl1 oiw tuCU• c.aU wu lll hi• return to Vancouver nut :<!'--:""~ • ~ed_!qtnf t1» fi°"tla· __ 1 _Ap_rt_a_. --------- ~ n.-!MDlber st..a warm wtlccdle tA'-' °'" Pad& oa... F•-L M ~t Malle State Offer ., .. l OI Nftport HartMlr ·~·' an -~ I 14NTA Al'ti'. IOCNI) -w~ Ile ta Howard V. Jon• Bac-L 1!1..1..0I.-• •~ Requeet or kilt& .\ll& City Man. In ..... Chip 0. number 11. ~ ~Ill lliiUaT ICl'r Carl Thornton tor Ill\ offer ~ the~ that coamu. i..-1 ~ ~ 4 u Iii ot l6l90 to Ule Dln.iOll ot lt&tA eta& boata brouflll ruu bat..,_ Mo--. J1111l ntlU'Md from • Ktsbwa11 for 1 Ot au-. too of eard!Mm In to local ttD !Rq• tl•lla•• trtp mu\, ~ Mall· cat.ad between p,...u.. Pa..-ud ere W. w.e. ~~I la thl ... tiler In M1.a.M9ot.a and l&Dta A.n& ~_, Ml ..._ "~ aUll off ••t M pn-114'uUl ?>doe&. · ~ "7 Ctt1 OoWldl. • • cent ~ a a• •I MMfMJ ~ ..,....S to work l.n cat.di... • 1-. ~l .a.oot1lt.I OD Uw eide, Wt lqMDt IMl!t f/f U. l rtp '"' ..... lhcl. ~I.A«----w mld-'Wtlllt aarkrUI fOf' '°91 rllL .IUk· ed if "4 eon1ktered hie ettoru la !\ht ... l\IOC4lll*f ul, he an- ..-ved ID • ........ atClrmaUve. Hcrf'• thf" Rift th111 laundi.., your whnl~ family "rrtw" into thr ,,.ondf"Tful "''orld o( fun aftoat •.. the (111 thal 11uu ~·try memlxr coununit the days till ipnng' CAI/..-ILll l..earn how euy, haw 1nnprnaive it is to lUb 1he llltll ol fun• family affsi.. We will ~you ch~ from the srut new U. ol '571'.irinrudo-!l modela, ~ re S5 hOi K'pow<1 the ~t motor (or ..,, tty type o( hoiit. Ygu can ortirr ir>r riehvrry "uodn thr tree," or a morlat drpos1t on a.o E~nrvdo Gift Cuuficate --.ara ddiva;· ~ )'OU "'Y· See ua l''<>o I * .. , .. • • ~ X... "lyttered· a tu.010 fir. .... dmiac),H9"m1*, "'" Chief lt6.lpta Lee potncef eut Monday ln tu. ...WT report ot ckpartment acth1~ xo9t fl( lM ~ WU for OU. dwe). tins ftl'H tot&lllJlj' '11.000, UM ba.l&ace for euto .. aa-. 'tbeN wu onty otw ,..ocue durtftl U\.t aont.L UM IUt t we racea. Hi. Yictory marlta UM tint Um• anyo.ne trom tl'11 cout bu woe UU.. p&rtlc•lar aW&rd, al· lhou1b DlllC lhoonmaker from the &ut Coaat won the bonor lut yur. Good w1Dd held tor ~ race. & aaEW9TEll ID'NINOS. p69. ...,_, Kel!A OU 0.., 11M.. .. LA. ...,__."Tb ........ Jobs tot' which a ~ compan1 Is no more auilod tb.&.11 a .i.cs,etiam· mer tor awa.U.1q ru.._ luch Jobe wlll eJways bt done by amell comp.ni... part.nerthl~ or lndtv1duals In bualnns tot th•· ........... ...... _ ... ..... , nu..,.., ·-·-.,....°" _ _. pollllW. b7 '' ·ns ta.. e-wttlJa tt. ~ ud by t.t. ~ • .-,h..._ ..... f/11 the root. M..wry'• outlide h.lab• ia • u..k, sboaWs·*' feet I iacba Texas-big 811 over I Far longer, wider! Bigger in every important dimension! u... by Car. • u. JD(Jlt 1p&oioum Men:ar,y ever buil\. EV9n witA e tq pAR'l'\IM$. there ii no ''beum..S in" r..&tn1. ni.-e·. cno~ COdlbt ball. I ~ MZa MC•U•• .. 'fMI IMOUtlft't -Tba D11W Mll'CU.fJ ii °"' 17~ ~ Iona ...... u..n 8~ r.t wide. Cloee to 2 M>m tq. The doora are much widllr for ........ mtnnct and mt. n. pu- ...,_ COlllputment alone If aJmoet t r.-.... Headrooln hu been prler• CMlJ iDCf 1 rd. ,,... mo 11 ii famil,J-cu "'--with mueb mon let room. -.i.. Mr --. ud elbow room fOI' all the,...,, NII ..an. ..... _Yoo en 11111- ~ wiih up M> U22 equara incbee of .... _more ilul .,._than a pictUN wmdmr s &.t hiab and 8 fe.t \one. The ' ~ pc.ta U9 IO elim you llCal'Cl9ly bowtbaY•U... WA-.CA• arnn-An entlniy new mok-lhared by no o1.lw car. Oeans cut. lee, dynamic, it will ~ the lhape of <an for yean M> cane. ...... T¥A'-UC !MttaAM llll TMS ~Tin _NeYtr before bill eo muds~ ud lll.Z\S)' GOit eo little. Check U. price ....,._&Jld our -. t.mr-•t CN/11 WW:lwroamo YWWW be amawl at how liWa man it~ dO'tn-and I* alOll&h-fcs • i-. mw MllCUl7 t.b.D fat *an. .... an.~ YOU'LL SU DltSl"-G*lt PUTVID WHaMYU YOU LOOK • v...,..,_ ~. J-.n. a....,_., eow~ &.-Prvi•"- • Jl-.0-llalk K~ CMlrDI IMl _......~,_.. ... ,... ~...-. e ,.,,.... -' """ .., • ... ...... yow ,.,,,,,,. ""1UW,,..,. • ~ ..... '"" .. '" JIMltlltW--· --,,..,,. .,... .,., -e ~ ... __. ••... ad • fllMr .._, • rtlttrilal ..._,.... ,_ 11~1 Mt .. ~ lti• • 11 .. 80-A/I ,...,,.... Crwiw v .. ~(......., ..... ~ y ........... '> NIWPOIT llACH • r;,).7 •:--a • •oft ,.'\.YA..1 . .« . "' •• • ~· . .. EL1l DADLDll:a -Ul!C a..Jdleld CoaeJo Nlcli Paf'llU wtD be feolUft -1<er at ... Ual EIU Foctil!olJ Nlclat ID EIU LodJe Thunday. PaJllU pla)'Od quartorl>aclc for tlle Tro-In tlle late 'IOo, t.beo played pro footboll. -etlloll aad -ball. He'• --with tlle Trojano """'' ,..._ .iatt tort-yearo. -l!C Plloto YOUTH CENTER GRIDDERS BEST RIVALs .AT ENSIGN '56. SEASON · IS OVfR BUT '· ·NOT FORGOTTEN! ' Wkir Coodle1 Looll forwW'cl Mahrltll Coming Up to Good • MOT I C.E • Effocll•• this wMk w s...lu & Ptm dtj>tlt-wl ... ddoM Oft s. .... ,.. To pro¥lcle our ....,_ with iho bott ;. ....ic. ... will ....... -Id. Iliff ....., .. -...... Frlcley ...... , untll 8:00 p.m. * llUI l'tcK.gp A DIUYllY • ROY CARVES PONTIAC Ne= wt 1400 W. CMlt wy. •••• L•••trl-3466 • • • • • • • • • • ' . 5t---~,tt: WDfCllESTER 22 w;;oo 1 WINCHEStER..n:. !!ttQ!tmR~ .. 74• DJ~jslER Y1;:'s"'"oo 17r23· ts PISTOLS---I ... ::i:. ts .aft 11'AU~ ~ _12 "' 6.7 BADMINtOH wn~~, f" FISHING tA&ifEr;~ ........ ~. ··=· ,, . • • • •••••••••••• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • Ill • • • • • • • •• • • • • f 11 ~····· ... ~~PR8SKNT~ • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • . , • ..; • • • ( a.t OUI' M10 .N~Wl'ORT ll~ACB ihcp). , NATVUL IHouLDIUI tJi/'4 for hil ChtUtwu "4tlU ••• • , I f< ... • j. -··t •i'r. -.. - . ; • •• • .kn ... . I . l ' ~ . • • • ,, • . . ' . • • I I . • I . • . , ., l I ·~ I ... I • ,,.. ......., ...... . NICK PAPP ~S ELKS SPEAKER AT-~ ANNUAL ·FOOTBALL FEAST PICK INTRAMURAL CASABA QUINTETS AT. BOYS' CLUB • . COUl1NIY • Laid • o.-a.-, C.....· .... • S&H GIDN STAMPS •I• You get /Jetter looking in a '51 C/ievro/,et I . ,.,....., ......... eetSocak ........... 111 • ... ..... n.w"' ta. .......... ,..., ..... .... 6-'t tM& ..,, llillCa ,...a a ~I s...r. ....... ,.,,,, ..... ""c.c-............. ..... ' "' , .. MILLER CHiVROLD CO. NIWPOIT llACH • • • • ' • -~--~ .... • ' Actually cOllta L-• than a lot of the low-priOecl oanl · With thla ~ brillloaUy pow....i Cht.ftaln Pcmllac you CGD oet you...if ap ID IF"" o!,i. cat ca COii i.. Ilion maJlJ' mocW• of~ ~ ~I U..'1 -them . 17 1M1 of ~Siar l'li;llt becallly, oclldly pla09d an a 11111122 blchoo of i:oad.Ji.uwtao ' whMlha•, amt C1Udled ID Pont1ac'1 aal-,cloacWall IAnJ!m Ride. And whu. 11 ow• to_perlormaace, wbe. eloo wt ID the Chloftaia Pcmllac caa JOU Qet u l!Mo-1 --~ratio, 347 Cu. in. S,lrafo.Stnal: V~ brillJaiit lllODI I to laol yeQrl chump . ' lhal bJob mono lhaa 60 pedor-o--.i.. cmd led ul1 "lllghai'' ID mJ1oo I* goJloa? · Aad tlilo .aI_.,ad. MW Ollef!oin -to JOU pn>•ed br a 100,000.Mlle Mamthoa Teot Jiu that wbuld lnak tbe !fl!ll ol !!f!!!t ....... lu ooollin ocar. _ ; I 1 C-II'-cmd culah 11P ..it. ti. CCII Illa! ........... iall 'IMIJlllln9 H• to the low; ' ' low pda9 ·~ .... ~.., -1116g. 7 .... .. • . ~,'Pl ........ . AN~ ~<:l>Ja:..ioro,,/ ' . "' . ROY CARVIii ! ' . ' ' 1a' W. Cwt Hwy. . ' N1IWPORT llACH • • ·--, . ' . ' . • • . ~ . • . " • J T -· . ' I' I . .-.... -' I ;;;;;o.;,z::.-..--..---...... -~· --..--~ -• ----..--- \ .. I ' I . . cw; ......... ~---.-~-· ... -· ......... ... ~ ...... .._........ .. ...,_... ------~~ .. .. i: D''!.1~ .. it CJ l 2 F~ ~l ~ I ,j~. l!·l ~· ~ J"•l.' ~ :::Cl :: ·y"·t j t 0 !! • n 0 c ;gi~ ~ ~"'ia . ~ .• ~ 0 0 e Oo"'o-i . ~ -~ ~ g. s-_.ET 'a :: :1-; £ r; s· ~I~•~~ -· I n~g; 0 l ~Ir>; = ~ -B c: • ~.. • ct > OCT ;l. • o '!!cg • ~ E. c 5 5 ';"' • Q,J"' • n > "' ~ .-3 0 ~ z t1"j ~ en .,,. ifil i!i)ifi ii'°' ~in ·~ ~-H. ·iJ:.1~···1·,, e i: , ~ ;. l .. f; ~ ·; 2~·1 ~ ~ dQ · ·f" t I i · ~ ~ ! ~ 1 ~ a 1 a. ;-" r, , ,, ~ . s · c: .1 .. ·i .. ·1 ;~.~i ~ ~ • G i ! i G l ~ i i ·· o·l··r !:t Q. ~ ~ i; g In· . e e. ! • i . '{? ct ~ ~ tr' r:' g-~ -(I) I j''C • ' (; ~ E z G-. ~ ~Go j ,. 1~1-:1 j ""' '-= I i 9'1 ! -~ i ! g ; ~ e= i '< ct i .. ~ 5 o ·~ ~ ,. ~ t~ r•'I ~ ii' g. J -8 6-~ I i i ~ f ·11-.t-I 0 -t ! 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Id I . ..s !i. ~ I I I • 1• • " r-'-- ----ii .-• ~ ------. W!I 0¥ -· 1l!C¢ \= p :; • p .... ri ,"-j-l ~ J-.'J .. " -... -~-. :. •• -. : •• := ,.., ~~· r ~:..: . , .. ..-_QW.O.Ztil! A iY U -_.., -- • \ ~ . )': ····:""'•JJI' . . ~ • '\ • •• • tn SDmON or ' • . • ' • delivered by canier , each Wednesday plus the • • ,NBWPORT HAR BOD • '~ . • •• • ~· , ; ".:.t' • ' ' RE-WS PR.ESS •• •. dellYered by c•11er every McmdaJ -Wetllsesday -frklly ANNUAL SUISCRIPTION SIX DOLLARS , • or stop by 1211 W. IALIOA ILYD. NIWPOllT RACH ·~., ...... • ..... •zt• I. ·~-J-l•a ·--.. -11 I FM I Mr' .... u ...... ~ 11.. ts "...,. r.-ow M~ S 1t ... ,,_ u_...., ___ .,.,_ __ ............ ~ ..... M WUW .............. It Mb't" t• .... _ lf-8 A.JIM I n w..w .. ..,. ................ ......... ~·,,:;,_ ·~···­MM'' ..... TV • o.p, a... .... ·-..,u.11 . ... -M ......... _ ..... Tt.,. ... ..... .. ~ ......... .. -.. _ ., .......... ......... -..... .......... ~ .... ··----· -.o~·-.... ............. ...... ._. .... ._ ......... .. .__ uai-_,ome-... -M <lfPI ........ .. .....,.~ .... .. ....,." ..... . , .............. ·-~ ... :::=ry16 J. D I _, n. .......... -.. ............. ----.. NEWMAN ' TIUNSJ"Ell, a ITORAGE lMt a.nor ....... O:iata ,._ "'--: Dq, u 1-121'• Mlhl. ... -.u.....,. NOTARY .IOHk LliJIY JIOJ lt...,..... Bml. lfpt. .lkb. Herbor 1549 ,....., ,._..,.... ~y MINOR IU!:P41B WORK JlfO JOa TOO Du.LL Painting, Decoraa& Paper &nstlw ·'{y GEO. BURl(iof).RQT LlCEMl&D OOJf1IUCIOll LDll't7..... )• PAINTING :·: Interior & Exterior w ............... ---a. o .• 1 .. ltlf ............... BaJlloa I''!!'~·~-~!!!"!!!·~----~ ,.,.. Utfc AlcoboUcl ~ HEAT FOR SALE WHY J'IUCB:Zll: THIS WINTER? WrUI P. 0. ._ 111 ........ -po-. ·--- Call ... Your Rolas·A-Ci .. r OOIUU14"AM "'' BEATING •E' 1 ..._ • ... .... TO ~ "'P&in OI' to mac...a ..... WI-. -8tau 4 ... , ...... ..._ •Bl.Uf-4 LDIMTT 1-7114 or ..,. ....,._ ... , ,. ,.... ., -.,.. Superfluoua Hair Ntta. .. a "' ••• , .. in. .... ---------1.,. .... .,. ......... ..., PAINTING ~::-;..'~~I l.Mra .._._ el ._9':7 ._ .,. PAPERHANGING 5re!~!!!r Bar. "°' • UlT n ........... --,.zme·-~· ~TJOlll ,.. _ ........ _ 1, ........... ~ ... ... ..._""' ·' . .. "Evwytl(OM ·for tho Woodworldnca Shop" -':~~~~~~'.,..:__I 0,.. MM. °""' ~ I to .. . 1t D ' r•~~ . u...,, aouu WOltC w.,.....,.. MUit WO ,.,.. 7 m, _,. .,_.. PHOTOSTATS , ____ __. ___ , '"'" ... st._'-- • · • ~ --',.." DI inr_cr -,...,_ --,... DUUUCI ._.. "*™ ..., • HARIOR IWEPRINT ----.. . • ,.. •••'"" -. •uilder. Inc. ---" .,_ ..... ,.. ~~~ · lt4moclelin9' ' AMII -,UP -sew1Nl:7 MACHINE u..m . • · u. ...... , . . ~· RDTA.La AJU> RDA.DUI Homes THOftOUGii' 'c......_ • ..... l'ltOK ILM .... _, -.,, ....... ID MIN. ruN AND rABltlcs <:'II Now...,.~ • - tm" 1fT' ..!:.n c-ta-. u -.11s ~ u a..1m 0 ~:.~,~·~.U: QUc Muc: J OU. I.I 1·1f'Tt.. ~ .*1 • ; ' ~ I : -·. w..i Tmd. c ,,,. ...... ... -.-...m · .... ., .... Ill .... a.um.. ...., . • AT • Or-. 0..'• °"Pe JYtl. ftilt JltaM ·e;e~~=~-!! : , ...... 61 R.LS 8lUNO 1'0t1R nmme QaOWitl .t.ICD ~ .... CIUIAnD onm:MOe fta TEllP.ffONE O~RA10RS WATCH I Cl.OCK ,.pairing av .. ~ . n.a. 9l"DIA19. NEWPOll'T 3WG..ER8 Oll&e .... u Mill lntll~-- •a-Ap,. _ 1-------------""!"---------ROU8EFUL ot tundtan I> NO PAYMENTS 1°1L MARCH =..,J:r'*~~!:i~: On New Mereh•ndiH 11 CUBIC n'. KELVINATOR REFIUG~ ATOil ___ ....:._. ,_._. ·-· .. _.Save '90. ~ TflAJ1E:IN ON MOTOROLA TV. '° b. tt'APPA.N RANGE WITH ROTIS8IERJC ~at --··-··-·-··-·-... iq8.95 and ,our old ranp. WE8TJNGJI008£ .AUTOMATIC DJSHW ASB: · · Ell. Ub bQJtni from your whoi..at.r. Qiliiplre ooa D&AL J'IB8T, MA"ITAD AV'ftJIUTIC WASHJl!IUI and DRl· ... "T .... , ~ ~ JOB Ll8L .f.UlaU.ftC W ,&SIQ:RS S• •IO Ii mp; Ql'lUGD.A'IORS -ps •• •um> ba.iD8 . ; . $7'-• up. Vll:D Atrl"OIUTIC W AsmtR8 _... 6 qp. U8IZ> CX>N'VJ:NTioNAL WASJIJCRS '2'. A up. U81:D T.V.'a $14 6 up. .. JESSEE'S 101J a. ¥aJa . b.NTA ANA • 2 a.,.. I M.ep t&blee Uld colt.. ~ .,,. p6ece ... lq l'J'OUP. ccmlpa.te ..... l'WP-Old1 .... atorit, ... .... te ...... ---~ ...,__i. P.11 ,.. -..k. U.uamN'8 ,,,.,., ......._ Boats, Knowlton Dectronlca TV REPAIR THOMAS ORGAN $599 -Tertl19. THOMAS Organs rue A Nicholl Muaic Co. Ill KartM AV9. (upet&iral 8&lboa lal&nd Orp.n I& Piano Studioe See KERKIT RIGGS Har. lff6 <a.. ... -•Cllla> ~-.... to,..-. $9.95 • Ill .. ,... .. 8.4.,Ja 1-GJa ' . I .. C&lll v .. Cu in., tltleit t .RRvtCll U lolN2 "" 1111 BUICK hi*' <:lialw ...... a.&ttt, [)yMOow, N.., Wtlfte top W1UI llfue fl.Ida. . fl9G , ' I I ' ,, I I I ~ t I I 1116' M.&RCUltY Ko • l • r o '1 Ha.rdtop. R&dto, lfoater, Ker· coma~. Loc&l loft m&*P car. 't I--' • $15915 90Y CARVER PONTIAC UOO W. C.. Jllway -Nt wport LI.._,..., OPEN 8UN'O.A.Y 1149 CADD...LAC • Dr. wew. 8odJ ta s1IOd . ~ Jeqinc Wldii ........ ~ll&r Toe at• tor t Pf'-ttc2 '02 PLYKOL"l'H Station Waeon. Radio a.nd ~ 9'00. LI a..a1M after I p.a tk2 1900 OLDGI01!m.J!: U t.dan R la Ill.. ff1*'aaalk'. '411. OM o.,,.,..r car. Bar 2'tG: ~ aPJ:CIAL ti Ford 4 dr .. ft. la H. WSW, Wlll •U al Mqa111. Wll. Mu.t ... to a~t-1. 21J aui.y, ...... ~ Jlar ~M. 9lc llC)l OLDe ltuper • • l>r. Jhat- er, Hydr&. S..UWIM 2 \Om pa1nL waw. tlaf MO nciuq • ~ Oo» Qt1JCKLY &?m &ABll.Y llDO'LT CAU.. S&Llk-91' JU.TT, · Rentals Wantecl w ...... •pU. uo ~ la all Mebl9 ,. ~ wtnts .... ,_,. • .,.... P\U'a we IUJl\l.rL U ,_-.. •• a n.c&aeJ, ........ to09.1 The V 09el Co. UOl W. cit. Bwy~ N...,,art 8dl.. ....... 1..1'*'1 a.Mil 20I M&rtaa. BaJ~ lal&lld PbOfl• tlarbcw •H !t8T & CK. 8¥ .. Our.M ca.I Mar ft06t llarW l'TU J.u. ~ ant via Lado Ran. • .ri lTOO N9WJ10ft ID"fd.. eo.ta w- ~ 1-IWT WA.NTED TO UNT. I or • ~m. houae. Year 'round ~tral>IJ -torfronl By ~­ •poMlble local tamtly to 11~ Har. UU. Hdl G-A,e.. a Bea• n for~' VOGEL · CO. ..... *.,.., .... -------... . 8'd iM&WPCMT llft. a-1Mdl 11'1•. "'"'· .. .... ... I -...aoa ..,._ uD(lan tM. w JUO t• 111114& .Ml&.l&.i -11 --..... c>c.a *"'· u a-ms. llc2 Sea Shell Aph. 1 or J Wra.. WSUI I b&U... FURN. Dl:LUXll APTL &Jlo ~ U1il &Del. ~ able WIMer la ,_..1y nat.&11 te proftrnd t•M"• 1.HO Wett .... ~Jf~ .... Ha.r, 101:1.. Tl~e BACHELOR1S LOOK! O!'fll Jll:l)iijjijii tu,._ ~ Neu °'ty lla.l1. T~IJ rent&~ U 1-&»T. ' •tltft U1'f11"'l11lN new. l ~ boWle. p&Ml Mel, tl~place, a.,...i llO )'e&rl)'. 610 1'1U1 ... Corona del Mar. !l&r 6001W. \ ... , DACOM JU. T yr. r9'l.IM. ii:; froDl rt9t&I. 2 a.dtm9 6 U.. J BaU.. MOO mo. Bar MTl. . '( ... Lido lsfe Rentals 1 bednn fW'D.laboed •pu la kl-ROY CARVER PONTI.AC J bdrm • J i.th S.yfront apl. boa. \JUllU. pa.Id. I• MO. Patil· HOO w. Clll.. 'Ulway • H"'°1)0rt Untlll'fl .A. ... uatile Jan ht to ln•· Jfu.r ~Uoa. Har $885 MSW Modern 2 BR ~ Ck>eo In. Rent llO ~r M.: to June • .A.dolt.a. Ul 11(. t!lUl ~ Newport. Mtl Ll l-S4M OP&N SUMO.A. y Oc l. 1.t on aub-IHM ill $300 ~ or 1114. l9el TEAJ\LT rental -I ~ Ill• runuabecl . .-.ra_.. Couple or ~UBUJlBAN G M.C. 19~ c;k&n. Mlt/ly •tru Id..J for travel- 11111 llfllO. SH l'toch..i.r, Co•l& M.... tk2 I bdrm., 1 ~ baUl Bayfront apt Unllarn A Yail&ble now lln yrs. IO&M ~ $1711. mo Jl''Oll L.&ASE UDO Jal.I: Q.rfo'l<.'F. OCEAN VCEW -partly l\lna couple • baby, JllMr &lOl"H. 1 bdrm downatalra apt. .Adult.a uu nn.i..y. Newport. Nett -no pet&. 17' mo 1•rt1 k&M. t6a W. lll!i St. C . .W.. Har ao or u 1-2113. title NEED MONEY We bMY ad .... , l'lz.t &M S-nd Tru.t .Dec<t.. OOM8TRUCT10M LOANS cau Mr Ad.am.a. M.ORTOACE LOAN DJtPT. 'tbl V•l Oo .• UOl W. Cout Kl&h'a.1· ".B. LI 1·2'415 BAYSHORES f'D\IT TRUST l>JZD MONEY av&Dable OD AQ Pon._... '.-s tll&at.e '"'· Ca.D Johll I.MU. . BAJUIOA l.NVU1'M:&NT CO. Hu. 1-00. ... 1.1 '-llllt ttd . 66;-'K••z waaw HA VJ: •ttral chai~ loca l 2nd 'J'l"u.ll Offda tor •le a t dll· eowat,. U ,_ 1 UI Mr. Rou t7tf: BALBOA l8L4ND J'OR 8A.1.JC 81' OWNU B4ra., I ... lilou.a plue 2 ~. "'"'· ...,.... apt. Price ID.llOO w1UI 119,IOO T.D . 121 Pearl. Hat. '91&. ttc2 $1000 Down DVPUDC. , one llr. tacome 11~ ft'IO. Oood &. 11..s. liec&Uon • F\IU Pr1co 110,600. AL TYL.SR l\S.U. S8T A TE 1814 Harbor BIVd . Coot& Mua u . 6-lttl' Hpl HIGH RETURN A "Once In a bluo moon deal" • Jl'\u1l'd ttnta.la, IO Jl 1... N r. BlvC., dble pr ud drtvowaya.. wlubop, Orou $~. mo. Only llt.IOO, Torm.a. $9700 NKt I bdr111 , dtlle JV, MW ON on a ea 11 Ht Jot, room Lo b\llldl A. C,. Petitte, Rltr. 2129 Harbor Blvd., Ll 8·0622 Op. Sta.hr'• KrkL Eve. LI 1·6617 COSTA MESA u:ioo Down -• Bec1rma a:~t•· lmt Ea.I.aide loollon ln UW Newport Helfht.a A.Tu. 2 Bat.U. ,. , A HUL Extra la.tr• Dbl• O&ract. 0pn -r11.aat-a1.1PMy l Lo •:SO p.m. -· :2 EARL W. STANLEY, Re•ltor 220.Karine Ave., &lboa laland Harbor 1715 WHY DON'T YOU LIVE MODERN 1111 :r Mako an appointment to He thie attracti•t home -juat perfect for comfortable family UrinJ. I bedrooma, 2 batba, built-in ranp, Oftll, &.Dd dlab· wuber, pha. ettlcienl radiant heatin1 and wall lo waU ca.rpet.in1 will make Mother'• job a ~ utt. Fdr Father, there i.e a radio controlled garqe door. Por the whole famlly a · Dullt·ln Hi-Ft aywtem, televiaioo and built-in barbecue will ma.ke entertainlng a breae. Located on one of the moet attractive atniet.I ha the height.a. Priced right at $29,!500, which in- clude&, u a bonua: COMPLETE FURNISHINGS. PAUL JONES REALTY 2001 W. Balboa Blvd. Har. 2313, evea. Ll 8M72 ~~ LIDO BAY FRONT Fine bome i.11 beat location, uetlleot condition. ~ bednna, 3 bat.ha. pier and ..Up. Panoramic vieW'. P'or turtbtt information, call Har~. NEARLY NEW 1 at.ory • ~ 2 batb, cbnn- in1 thru-out. B\lilt-i.n klt.cben, WW ca.rpCIU a.ad dnpeL *'ced REALLY RIGiiT for Quick Sale! COSTA MESA . Cu~ 2 bed.rm home on corner lot, 15th and Catalina, only $11,TM. 2 BR fumiahed -banjo lrtrttt. Only S93.~. . . . . ~· .. I • • 1 ' ..... ., . . ~ 41-Aute S.nlee Motor Overhaul 700 BQ. " '7~ PER MO LOE. 1 Bt>IUC.. A.Yr. N-ly decorated a.ad f\lml.&bod. Oa tKoauUtul P..Un•ula Point. llOt E. Balboa Blvd. flu llU T&AJU.Y altruuvt 1 INlrm. furn. medotm h~ 1''-t>' v( "'-la. .A.dulll no pota. 171 mo. 122 IC 8alboa Bt-·4 Har H30R.. tee" MONEY NEEDED FOR IST & 2ND TRUST DEEDS 2Mtl kAta Ana An. MYRTLE DA VY, Realtor & Associate(.:. 8 Cy&a. (most> __ 48.88 title THE VOGEL CO. LJDO OrrtCJI ___ .M.88 341'1 Via Udo Har. 49il COSTA M.UA OOWN ~J llOOM unlurnlahtd a~AL NO MONEY CLIFF HAVEN U7 M mo 111~ludlnr uUUUu Up to l~ Moot.ha to Pay Hyall .... ~T. u &• aM.. for a.at ROOM& .,..llll pr1•t~a. Qwn. Exuti.t .._ .-... n1f'9\ ~ raUon. ltlf6 It....., It. ic-..n- lnp Ll ~ D•7a. Hat ?A•• 19<2 CN• 'LUt>D but.JI Labor • PartA Tr1·pk'~ Ape.~11\a 'vEl.UU Nrm.u.d 1 Mdnn t'few rtnca. wnat piAa. ......... FURNl8H£D. unturnlahf'<i. 2 ,.,. ,_, .. A....., ..... A J>t..J;A.8.IJ(T Pl.ACE ,_ ... ftt""'• ~ --•---A rod '·b'-apt , YWMUta ._..,._ -mo TO ftA.T CTw..., -• -.. -.... -Mdrvoma, pal Io •· ava1 .. .., UAUI Jun. U, .A.d\llta oak , 111...,.,ent Wtll ..:Und bf 'ft.•I &at.al• Up to 12•/. Yield Ka.rtlur llU Royal Mortgage Co. WANTED "C" ED JONES, Rltr. 1'" HartlOr IUvd LI 1·9301 -.En. LI l·HO I I !~'~~~Gmu~~T!ta 3432,Via Oporto Harbor ~"' Evea 1:1. S..~297 ·• OPEN HOUSE 223 SAT t.nd SUN 1~ VIA ORVIETO ' bd nM 2 bat.h.9 Pric~~. .. . bear1~ ICspert IDOlor twi• now °" ~y ntr•. I Y OCEAl'f FRONT ~·a BMt.-M up .o-da)' or 4000 mO. ~ Dt'N<'AN HAR0Jt8TY. Rl!:Al1· Har :lk._ NtJc Vonnie 8r1nll .. Ii& .. ~ I.II rn&JI· ..,,,... 1 TOR Tel. Ha ·4 7 1 I , l 1 l 2 BA y vu:w 1 w.na. •PL. fti"J 1n1 r 1ot1ta tiam Group &.e· CABKM'a A OU. SXTP.A l.at&v•ll..f!, N-i>ol'\, .Al th• nicely furn. TV, rubMr Ui. UvlU ... qM ... In• in,.. nr D'C"OUILT ENGINES Bnds• 10 Udo bit'. 98<:1 nr... ice"'~ ped Mal. Juat pla1n rMtins. 1.lmtte<t ~ -• -11~ bill ~ ..-, cio. to U• number of a,u and ,_.. I llEDl\OOMB. 2 b&thA. •llh • ~. Any tondlUoa. lJ11. ~f 110.000. Call my •l~nt, 1'ord Vtrr1nder, Har Cl$., cloae In J:a.Uide Coat& M- with rood i.rrna . Dan A . Juobem, ~I '£.late ftartlor Nil Ll-t-4117 U-.-t71U K1·2·211T THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE 3418 Via Udo . Harbor ~1 BUILT lN oar owa rutury by lld1W cnach1a1sU. ()Oil' t --led wtUa th• middle ll'l&J1 ATJ'RAl."TIV]r; 2 bdrm unfurn cellenl i.cL UUllU.. lJMluM available, duplu, l\ard .... ood tlwu. fur· lllO. _ Ul• W. Jk7 .An. OCLOf rl\0 1'11' RO'l'EL na«, nrrplacr. tc•r•c• ••r•· Hu. UM. 6Ttto :UO. w. 0.:-..a Fro11t, lfowport 1ate ...... h rm U~ 34l Broad· _ I Har 616T Buy d1rect. •ay, t: M LI ll·&flM 98< I t-'1.JR..NlSHJCJ) '°"-'¥ n&W' J 1144-Block mual mMt ou• eta.nd&rd& PllMI taaea. p.a.ll•ta and di allORT BLOCK roora a.pt.. ltrtplac., ....,_.,.. 49-~t H09f9 PENlNSt.n...A. NICE AREA dbruo&J built..,. etov' san••· FORD t ltl2""'> I H.&O CHJIV)\OLllT ' ":A tJ~ 1.1>t& "'1lh ~· •u1ca ua.oe 1 a. 1t. -"° • t a. It. -•no "nil J u.ly ht 1100 moatA. OllJ.l Ji.t.rbor ~%tS. 130 ''" BalbM 81 Yd. tOt.fC CHURTUL hocl\a ~ ~ tor elderly puwon 11.1!\lilulator-y llcoruedo U t ·Tt4Q. ttc.l PA.CIUJU> (t ~L) ---'1.16..00 n.. l:l&r. UM-&,,_ 11.a.r. 1~ PIJm., DocS&e 6 Ford I JlOI 00 ti .~,'RS nncl• apt. ~ mo. wtn· 1 ... •to a ~-- CHRTa. 6 Da eot'O -•U9to 1 l•r or ~ )·e&rly. T19 Wut ~~;_......;..._,.. ___ ~------ • Office Rental ICXCa..LSNT loc&UO. • ample ITUDICBA.ICJCR •U0.41 BAI..80.A. tal..A.ND rum»hod 2 Bal Bl~d. Har *' Mc I NEW STOllll Ill.DO OLOa.. 6 PONTIAC e --llJ0.00 bodrm. and .un porc.h upper I 1:. x 11 .. Newport Aw .. Coot& NA.UI ,,,.Cit csuplia n .. r V\ll•r•. Winter J"UR."IJ&MS:D cmo Wdrm., •l'l-Me• INliw dUCnet. 6 ,.._, 1tAJSD lJO.ot $100. yearly $1~. uuuu.. $&-0 mo , uUUUH p&l4. No ,.._, BUDeON (I ) (I llC&lml -•t.0.00 paid. Ru MN-W 12Uc Pf>U :\11 Ft~a.l, Corona da! DA.VY, k.12 \'la Oporto HA U.t PLf"" tN'ln'Al.LATIOM -.:!._••·_Har l6~J. -~ Mttc o,.. DaJt1 I to t ON BALOOA lSLA.ND I BAC'HCLOR Apt , tum "'1UI ......._, "W T JI. m. ullhl l" 5!1!'> mo. ye&rly. 2 ~ n to t a.a US tor y-..rl7 ud M nn unrum Inc ulll Har Business Location Mc1"I I DUPLEX et-84'&1 l!'.iat&UI E.xdaaaie ____ ----• ----· • V'urniohed I ~nne Heh-ao. ~8' on Harbor Btv<l, 100' NotUI B/B EXCHANGES car '#'Uh &Ad a.me• &tallr>n- H.U ... 0001 ~ -1~ yr ..,...., PnN U&.000. WAnt.a TTa1loT Park • w11l add «a•n &nd lol8UJM IO-Cllil Trail•r Park plu• l l u 1\1 ll and 3 bedl'TI\. hon•• 1n 1 1:1 C.a jOn. Pn~ 112' 000 Want cL«or boa1ot plu.t 11<•m11 I In. One unu rented. Uuod in· ot 19th 8t L .. t of Ole rood coma. $14,000. Only UOOO "'""'• nf'ar Mw M • r ll e L down. I UT.~ -~ dn. COAST PROPERTIES Jill I:. Selbo& Blvd. HAr ~I or 1 LOW COST LUXURY evonu1p LI 14071. '7tfc 1 a bf'droom and dl'D Dftr b&dl BAYSHORES 2 BDRM , 1 S.tt.. alftpln( porch, FA. htal ftnc~ yard_ 111.~ i.~ooo down to re· U&ble party. Uilt er.tvl- Dr. Ll·l·&T21. tetfc bay. l ., b&tJaa. •mt'• portJI. rtlnl.I\&' •~•. tlrkfet • r o a. anaclt b&r. nnplac-e. 8\Jlll ln nllJf' and O'l'e'I\, bood and fan. dl•po9&1. ~ c•bliwta. doub'° 1ar11•. and Ill TOO. will take II Yt>u II ~ aurpr1wd. LESS THAN RENT BACK BAY 81!';81' BUT -Cut.Ht 2 b.r .. I ;:'.i bath, prcmndal, oa~ ia-. • 11•. nn.. n,..plac•. dbl rat.; l\11om to US-"4 an•;.; OKLT ·-· -· 11UOCY " '"" a b.r , fam. rm .• I t~ xlra 11._ lot, circlllar crt•c;;:; roo m tor pool BJ:.AUTf~'°' ~ -.. ·-· -.... 135.JO!:_ ~ M'nt. MxQO, t'\I~ 1 •-r~ 11lr:' • ~ ~. 11•. rm.. HW nra. comp. · fM!Ctd.. Xtra nn. ott JV. Cor· • r&I -ll.lnt pe>M.11611Un _ ~- Good Y1~w Iota 56400· U~ 1rfJ"'.) hlth.lr rulncted a~ .~ NEWPORT HCIOll'Ta cull. l'flll carry Jad 'J"t) ------ BALBOA UILAND, 2 bedroom A irood 3 bfodroom l\ouait, S 21 ti r .. WfW c:arpns, clean -· BELLES ENGINE ltEIUllD&RS --"&I "nta.La Miil llrl NELDA GIBSON, Ru.It.or IN ai&.artna A •e. Har~ IOI &Al.80A Lal. .. U lD YltAl\LY AdoJtta. 2 B4nD a.y \'It-•.. Nlr•ly furn apt., 1\8• oonablt. ci-. to &tlopl)Ula Baltlo&. Har M&W. ttd TIO .A.c,... -lmpe-na.I \'all•)' rum1-hM hnuae "Ith room to parldJW. I Lort"4 nut. In<:otl\t: $M.oo<1 t>ulM In •-r. '19,!>00. Small 1 A.PPl\OXDlA TEL T 900 eq. t\. 1160 mo. 7r. P11tt 1420,000. Wan•• """"" ... 111 handle an4l b&lance ) ure old. 1ar1• bedrooma. •Int kK'atloll A1kln1 _ 111.eu. • IM"' ty dlocora~ I~ -.n1 out Comp~lttly f~. laftd· aaP"d tront and r•I'. lc>u 1)1 11tora1f' •po~. 40 pl waur ht r. 110.~ full pr1c:e. • \.t ~ I ~ r, ditn, :nn &c-.. llBMUr lu., IOlldl of clOlllt.a, 'p&Uo. roolll • ..C for pool Bl:l'T llUT. _ui, ,._., 1 110 a. IN at. IO I_... LOAN C4ll -l'Ull TOWINO ft AD BOJt'DED .A.PPftOXIJitA'n:LT UO aq. tt. Commtrdal bid& or ,1Mpplnt1 uu nnl. ('t'llloPr I oo· ror. Int N s Corona deI Mar I • ''° mo. HARBOR INVESTMENT I Unlt•. Loni SN.ch. '6-"t «JIJO I 16.600 u.ah Wanta Tratl•r Plt.r\t. Wiii ... 66' lt>t wlUI tWI view ot Ot•n CO. •um• up 1.., J!>'I ooo. a n ct Harbor. IT,t60 c.aall- Choice Wint.er ft.ct.ala OD LARGE d ftSM tuna apt.. J"NM Balboa laland Ir Udo 1.ale tfoot. 118 S.rOfti&. Cotena d.I Claire Van Hom~ loan llMD A ooay or a&rs• a da.twlo Mar. "d Karbor 1100 1.Aaaebold only n2~ per ,.....,. M·I Rld1• for 1-. Fl"Ofl"I 1200 itq. n. to 20,000 ... ft. IUUJ.;TOft N: ITll W, a.a BW1. LI 6-dTt: ON DISPLAY 1957 XMAS SPECIALS PAN .uo:RICAN PARAMOUNT BOL.ES-Al'!RO-KENSIOLL ~,.Spec 6T :io· 2 Br. Pwtl·Aln. '* TIM 61 4&' l Br. Pa.a-Am. 1'16 ttllt 61 •O' l ar. Pu-Ai.. .. ., "'5 111 ~· I Br. Pa.r&.rD. ....... 6T 40' 1 Br. hra.m.. UN a...-i 61 IT" 1 8r. Puam. 9* H~ • 1 Ir x.a.kSD ITta l5M 6T 11' Xenaldll J0M lMI IT D' FAnllb ~ JT-. -IT W &ftit.A 11'9 :.181 'm.&C'1"E1> U3ED ft AD •• ""• ..... ·' Pi.Jact I WI'. - M ll' KJt -64 2T' S..Un>r ,.. .... '°'....... -Mr n' W•·•D 1UI UM'~ at 11' to pOO t:noath VOGEL CO. It.a M.&rUI• A •e.. 8alnu& UlaM Ph. K&nw u.. 01 H.ubOr iou .._ Ra.r. IQ6-Jll SM.ALL tum.1alMd buMlor apL Good Joicl&Uon. OoaUorn&a p,.... fon"ed. flu. ~-M. lnq. 121 ':;. hppy, COL IOttc J ll&Dl'tOOK unturn. dul)IO Yeuly r91ltal.. So. 11111• cif Hl· -1· Corona del Mu, IOt Ir11t IL IOltc - Nl:WPOftT, l.arJ• ru~ Bay Vt..w Apt. Wlator ....a.al. Car· ~led fplaco. Mak• otter. ltol W. B&y A•e. ttc.l Nl:WPORT Jl'\Jr1\. 8tudkl Apt Ulll. '41-~ .,._ Jlfaar bM«:h &t'loCI ato ...... '40. J01•t 2•th. Rar. JtU-R. tMfc OCJt>.N F'llON'T p,.._. Yl- 1 ~ rum apt. (.fl9'maf(•r. • .,~,.. dlJlp.. r•rar•. watec pd ''°mo yrly. N'UO mo. tt> Jun• 11\tb. AO\llta. a.e pet• Har 3$5211.. ltd Mttc &S-A-B bw a.tall P'IUV.A.TS onaai:a WWI ,...o answtrt.~ ~. a-.tal'7 a notary avail&~··· a ...... new, N-Tt'idftlt Jllde., llOO !'f.W• port SIYCI., N.-pert a.di. (A~ Le ...U. CMA Oe.) ()Mo. tr.. ... asm.l·priftta 4-)r .,..,. ... , liar. IOla. Mariners Mile Orl'l.Cll a ~ .,_. llr NM •I-... ,... ........ u 6-llat. • .,. ~ ~:.nu;:': .. ~.~ u~rr':.,::;.,:. ::; M a t tr 1?ft!f!!':~~ -.,. ... ,..ny. "21 ... ... "' ~ a.. e.a. Ideal LOcats•n Per ._, t'Tdt ,.._, T.,.a,,. • Lero ••••MCaAICD CORQJlfA. DB. IUR,.. 1 Mo nlM Ml?I. ·' .,. SMACK l80P "" .,.. apt.a. ,......,. .... OO"QIU ... X&r ~ a DIUU-DI uquo& Sl'Qllll peal yrty ~ lt~o apt Ml"lll, 1 S \l&lll --.. ..,_..., Gll"T 880P him Ml Ai. 1WW1J dK-ont.e ... ..,..._ sue. -Har. Nest to ·~ .. w. &A'1W a Wra l\lr. ...._ PG UUl ... Mlle ltlt a • 11T Ud ..swt'Wa\ lneh.-0 Jkr ..,, a~r a:ao rvr anetataont. .a CllllarMI pm. Oil' -k ~. OOllT A ICaA. 1 ........ fllrn.. a. l\9taliW, ..... n...o.... Jblr. lkJ ~ O&lq'e. ...... ,aid. -• PORT ORANGE • ---------· tu. mo. ,.,,.,._ t -ueT ittt -..,_ u...,... r -. •u· .m SALES -r• a ••.w.:• ..-cu. ..,,.. u 1-11111. 11r1 .... -JOGr 10Ca1 6tlU«' .,.. wm "" -----------· ud SUPPl.JES Mn TOMORROW tb ll&c}i "' LOIL 3 BDJ\M. h&l'a or unl\lm. not W. Coe.Ill RlP..1 nat ll• aall9 TOOATI a-ll Ute llolM. l~ blaU\a. Jtlri. J'· !(ew..,-t lkech . U MUG u.ec1 an bl ta.. dU•Hl..t MO-plac.. Ll 6-4UI, C.•. J,I fffr ... • tn49, M000. Hat OP'a' t a.m.. t ~m. ..,.ry day Uoll toda,)'. MI02a. Mc2 no. ..., OIL LEASE Bey & Beach Rlty ., Inc. J\SALTORJI 1171!1 Harllor Btvd. Coot.a Mru 0.1 ... n~h\, Phone U 1·771' 'Ml.A.DI: U !\.000 e411uttr In MW boftM In Ar~•• for Income or l'Ml~tlal properly 1n ~•ch •rt•. P""tnably Lido t..IP. Wtlt. •111 P ·t7 Oils ,.,.,, ttp2 TRADE BY OWNER 111,oot IDQUITT ln 4 unit. 111 K..-,ort Ba&lfata for born• or ,....i &aDd. • ~ up'to A6.to0 can TOpu 1-1111 (DotlnMJI, llttlON I ' m. TlUC AJmlLOPS .. AU.S"f .... J'ltOlftAml -....,, • ~"97 ............. .... 11111'* .. 1tA 1._. Mota\ 1'1id.w7. Mc. IQ. Wut ._,..- ....,. WUI U1mM-Tel Stat. ... TIM W write llox N-411 «"10 tM1 ......,.,.,. NplO a ••' btate 91' OW'ldll. e,.._s-tely 'l aeri yWW lot I.A l.A'\'llOll ....,... L«.ll~ amid M&A)' nae ~ PTtDH at ftoOO ,.,._ Har. 0........ MpS M·l lot f or •w Sl,000 f.lx2'70 ""' -food loc•Uon. Call .,,.._ U 6-UN HA Mu..r. LI ·~ •1' 1-'f\l..o bednn. lmlta an e11ca11'nt loca Uon and all rerit.d. Pro- perty In nnt du• OOf\.dlUon. Only 121,•~ and mmal1 down peymm t wOl ban~ Max W. Pope, Rttr. Approx. 4 Ac C-~ ltol Harbor Btvd , ~ M-• fl Choator Sal.lsbury RMltor LI 6-110 M•J« 1oeauon -M09l au~n curt Dooh A.-odato Rall.Or 316 Marlna .Avmue R&rbot 5t'Tl OC..EAN FRONT Ba!bo& I1land t5d WMt N...-port a.cA. 2 Bed- room.a. 1 ~ta. l'unl.iab.cl. Aakl~ 611,0IO. NOCJO. Mw1L CURT DOSH Rltr Hai nlc. s-nelled llTtnc room t • and nr.;ia~. £xc.-.~t awlm· 31 S M•rin• Ave. llll~ M&ca. Belboa Island BALBOA BAY Harbor 1560 . PROPERTIES CHEcK TffE WANT AOS. Tou are mmt Uut)' to nn. • 1IOCI "· .... -. ....... ll&r 1111 Bu'siness Corners r:LOllS IM Oeft.a Ill_. 91UI a.. c o m • rood S))9CU~UOD •i llt.800 and •llUOO . A.L80 TO • aoo WITH lar&e boflW • pot"". Ual ''°Jltny In WI .,.., I'\~ t-.i ui4 "-d)' for ~.., ~ttt. OOftd oppor'\unlt) Cot larp prollt. 8oef' 1M at oncf_ for a temftc 9Uy. EX~ llVF. J..ISTJNO. . ~ule.t~ c:_~D In Top ~tlOfl. Almott ••· 1 J \fl ,.... G!at or-. Ca• ... ~ tw, ICIOO ...... MUil -te ~ &Nia ti.-. ,....ert.J. OWlllf ••• "hr: .......,. ............ .. Ollilt. ... ;rte. fll;M; • .... j PHIL SUWVAN :; 1 .. JC....,ort 'alTd.. OllC.l ,,... U MTll -D .. LI f.ftOI (;': • 9'1.tJ~f' tllroup UM_.,_,_ wtlidl ~ .. rMd fl.'lr cia.tfted ad-nrtllllll -TM .. ....,..,_ Mtw,ort 8h'4., Mlf&l m • 'f I t.ow DOWJf • ..,._,., Earl~ •ta. ~ ' Wnn. ,, ~ Dan A. Ja.cobetn. R.foaJ Mat.I lamOJ fOl'!lll. .C prl~. JC.-r' Harbor Mtl Hlfll kboOl t79 It. 11S- Ll·l·U17 u ... t'Jlll Kt·2·2161 l'\aoe, COIL& M-. fkl Ra~ 1111 • . So: of Hiwey -Corona Clel 4 Mar -BR.AND NZW CMtom built 2 bedl'llJ ~ OD CW. ~ · I:Mw••1 with 2" ·db&t .,.,.P. Neat ratat· flOtitp•at rear,~ dW'mlnr·i-tJo. 1Clee1Jent tent&&. 'LOW doWn. 128.IOO. EzehMtve wit.b, -.. BEN J. WHITMAN, Re•ltor CALL ADA CROW, to ... Harbor "53 or Har. 1882 3M2 E. Cout HJsbway, Coroi.a diel Mar 98cl S850 DOWN Mo4mi 3 bed.rm home. Wall to wall carpet.a, dJapoMJ. autdm&llc wuher,' lathe 6 pluter in· tenor. Celliq iD.lul&ted. Lud8eaped It an.~­ stake enaloeed 7ard hu cuatom patio. Monthly pmta te. tban rmtaJ value. BACK BAY RANCH STYLE 2 bedroom.I -convertible elm on tarp lot with apace daiped for pool. Larp UriQa room wtth u9ld briek fireplace. ~ with built in OfflD and rans-A brakfut aiw... i'.A.. heat. H.W. floon. 1 ~. btbL ·an attnctift home you will be proud to own. ~'.'1 5'> i.t TD at $19 per mo. Full price $2-i,9CSO. • 1 '1'1"H STREET M· 1 J...OI' 7~ foot frontap with 16.toot ~-euement to Placentia near bi.ck ot deep lot. Property ia clear. subulit your daJ. J'iall. p~ ~io:nro. THE VOGEL COMPANY 1700 Newpor(Jltd., a.ta X-, Ll 8-M96 EftlL Bu. ·14!3,' Bar. ~7U 'TAINT NO. USE TO LOOK JOJl A BJl:l"l'ltR DEAL A 3 Bll.. boQ>e, juA, ftdeeor&tcld 1Dlide and out, fiaptoDe ftrpL. noar.1'n., bdwd flN., Joada ot stonp; PLUS J"OCIC1;2 Br. apt. owr dbt pr .. with . .a1111y klt., lfUOlt 1"1J'droba. PLUS eepar- ate wUh rm. A stonp z;a. On left! lot In XL.NT neipborhood. jut 11teJ19 to dopa. . ONLY ~,800 -Good urm1 Em:tut-n with ... R. · L STRICKLER, Rea~or 9122 &'Clout Hwy., Corona del Mar-. Har. 2774 CORONA DEL MAR Prb ~ MO'\'e in for Chrlltm.u. Small but neat, 2 bdrm home. O>mpl.taly f\un.labed, bWwood tloorw, floor turn.ace heat. Ideal Joca • tioa,. own~ •Y'I 8ell.. Full Prief: Stl,750. Commaci&1 lot OD Cout ffcw1 ., in ColODa del liar. 40S80 fl. Only ooe availa.ble.. $10,000 RAY REAL TY COMPANY ~· s. eo..t ~. Co1')0& dd Jiu -ff.ar. 2288 . . (4Cl'Om frOlll buk In CDlfl Keilnber of.~ 1.Jatihi Blmct . . REALTQlt and A880CIATES 2U W. oOUt Rwy. LI 1-6517 'C' TBO~·~OMAS CHECK THIS A. mca ...._ t\ll'DIMed "Very llnbl•" IMICDe do.-DOt come mucll cu.,cr \Mn PIOO - tn a pod ~ ,--"° better .. tbla. ~ tie han- dled on a mn&ll down. IF YOU DESIRE A BuaIMl:88 location. you will never do betl.er tMD tbla 001'- Mr. a.rt of a.a M-. - for •.IOO with 2 SJl boaae oe a4J lot a.l.M ~uo.d. WRY NCYr LOOXf A.LIO at.en IKJlld1ns tor ....... tTT't K~n. AH.. 115 ll U. NllW, rood retail b\llllUM loc. Mvr+le Davy, Rltr. UH~ Oporto Bar. M4e Water Front Pier Float S6500-DOWN 2 IU:DRM. HOMll pllMI l&r1~ I family rooJn. comu lot. run prke SK.CIOO. What MH )'OU tor M600 equity f a a b tft l t t radee to. o.Grp L. ltt'Wt'rf BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES lMlll W. 9alMa JUft. Kar 61D Mdl GOOD BUYS $AJO() -2 8.A.. Well ""1Jt oldtt h.om• -60 x 180 Jot. ..._..r an. J'lrwpl. pr. ~. hiut _ It •M•V t,..._ Nr. CaOI. , c·hu1-..h It lk"'-li.. A "'al I , • lf'an horn~. C&ll 11• tu llhow LI I 'PL.EX Only 2 y ra old. Cen· l I •ral loca Uc-n. Nr lrlloola. r·hurrhH It •llopptq. 1'~ I J11at ~ to 114.000. A l"f'al lnvntm. I I '-. ACJll: IN B A . 1-ft"B. Oldrr I 3 BR. How.e. JPwda. b&rn. <'Orr&!. Good eofL l3600 Dn. I I a.v•ral -u toaat"' ~ lot.II u •-u ll.IO«I Dn. I 1Mesa-Harbor Rlty.1 (j (' IUCTMOUR. Rf.alto• ~ l "t>nt"' Coat.a M- U &-GI I P:••· HA 62MW 1 : u ;:L V AL~E:"' j J BR. o&dlr frame near Harbor , blYd., -ly rerofKt, MW root, ---------------------....., llaU...001".'1 nxt. Md watH O~ HOUSE DAILY 1·6 920 KINGS ROAD ~ ! · 3 bdrm.., 2 t.ltb bome witb unob- IU'Qct8d view Of bay and ~. 2400 eq. ft. of Uvtq ~an&. ' THE VOGEL CO. M&tet. pelll\ff lnal* and out. 1 NIM POOi dn. ! • uait modern ~ wtt.b l\ -I J '9'. and one bM.huor twn. <..'loet to ~ 9ICt.IGa anti rwu WttAr u.n 10'11i. on >·our lnYMlm•nt of U0.000. 110.000 1 dn. I l B. A. NERESON I R&A.LTOR ------------------11912 N-pott BJvd , Coata Mftll ~1 W. ~ Hwy .• -Ntwport a.uh LI S-3481 COSTA MESA The Best Town On Earth 1 =~ ~:-:; . BuatNl:88 BLDG. -Oen!« of Toft -"6-00.00 llcatbJT ..... 1WO &ood --• .,,.. fl().000. J , .......... -. 01 ·Br: natal ~ CCll'MI' lot .,..,. U.~Biialiiitft~~ . . . . " ao..::e 2 Br .• deD. . ..,..,.. UJey, ....... ti· 6 ~. ~ "'500: ~. •. dow'a • bl.1. $80. per aiaath. . • : ~VALLEY: WllJ '"l'll.\DE" equity m a JoMJ, I Br. Oiilta lltM b6'be tor a cood nc:urt • - IOt bl .APPlt"V&llty. . • • G. · N. WELLS. Ree .. or 1110 Ntwport BIYd. •• ea.ta Meu, Calif. ' LI. S.7729 o,.a a.-. .. t. • IUA. an tJJJi"dJana!aa i 81\ • o.n laoome ta \op Dllpborl\ood uf N~ He&pta. A J'al IMly •l •1'•. Bey I •••ch Rfty ., Inc. UALTOIUI tt76 H&t11or Bttrcl.. QNlta M~• Day or Hta'M. ~ U. l·nt• boue and~ room, a91&.ry, .io...,.t.Mtni, etc.;' 4nap1ll IPrthl water db 2890 -~ -.etii • atonce tuk. Otrner ~ abroad, wtD oaa..-. tnde ~ tncofne property In Newport BiMh. Coita MMa or 1Apna. hll price '4'),000 -ldea1 for huntinc Cll' pelt ruch. Only 17 nlllea tram IApna, MU O'Neil Park. ART C. KISTLER CO. 29th and Newport Blvd., Bar. a228 day or n.lPt ANNOUNCING OPENING OF NEW OFFICE 01' ALBERT E. DAYTON, Realtor 320 lilatiM A.'9. . AND FOR YOU ,A SPECIAL BUY Balboa I Utt.le) laland, a tu.rimhed -cute 1 bednn home -fireplace, -lo•eJy patio -and rarare -All read.y tor tun .. OWNER WANTS ACTION Will be opmi tor in~tion, Saturday' Sunday, t.ht. week-eel. 160 I l•lbo• Ave., Balbo• (little) laland or Ca1J Harbor '882, for tpee:iaJ lhowtnc. ALBERT E. DAYTON, Rea~or 320 Marine Ave., Balboa l&laDd Har •3&2 IRVINE TERRACE &ttu than new Coolelnporary -ready tor Immediate Uvtna. Work all doct! 1Arp living • din.I.al wttb tnt...un, .tooe tlr. .place and boot •race; a bfr bedroom.I tn- cludlnr 13 x 18 mut. openinc oot.o patio; Jluaed l.a.naJ -. kftchm ott fenced patio. Ma- hogany cabinet. with built-in 1"IJll9 and · oven, 2 bet.ha; 1laal p.lor. and beamed ceil- inp thru-out. Quality carpet.a and draperia. Ua\ting state -lm~late pcMeellSon - will ucrifice tot aale prior to departure. 617 PatoUta. Shown anytime by ~W'Dtr. Har. 3238. l8c2 PENINSULA POINT Open House h-6 Sat It Sun RAIN OR SHlNE ~ 201& E. Ocee.n Brand ew lilting -3 bednu, bath It °'~· Nar- ly n~. CJnly 123.MO. HURRY -THIS WON'T LAST ' CL YOE MEYER, Realtor 312 ~.Ba.Ibo& ltl&nd. U., 2CS2G d&y or nite . . DISCRIMI~ TING BUYERS , We baft a n•blt .ol. • .,;, ~ Clllt• bQDt ...... ~ Im. 'lWnce.. li::xdilmlw with oar · Clftlol. For complete lD.tormatlon tan or .. Kary Diebol) -8.&rt>or 44-U or at Open HObe 2 to 6 P .II. . 1500 Dolphin Terrace, 1niDe 1WraCe EARL W. STANLEY, Reeltor Oripw Leuebold Broaitr 226 Marine AffftU~. Balbot. Jalud JtA81. sit>& HOME SITE RD1"IUOTSD t.. llblC'e faml.ly bclmoM, ou.rbed •• d paHd .u.i. a.. Pl500. ORANGE. COAST PROPERTIES 1161 ~rt 111YCL. o.ta w .. U •tm . l:v• U •HOO Balboa Realty Co. S~! a>. T J'N)NT D~ ~m­ lehed. Baille>& *=-Uon. Prtn.t. bead!. 19 tnteroMt 111 pkr " I tlo&L J bedrooma In each I unit, 2 N.Ddecb. I ~r p - ,..... 0oa·t ...aJt. m.soo. terma. A NllW l.18'n.NO AND. BUD TO J'DID. J ..,.,...-. ...... tvm.LlilMd Uld OD U.. ,..... rta potat. I~ ...... ,U • ....,. l twclroell ... ' *t ...,. & I car pNp. ..n beach aJlOftr fJWl ~. uo.ooo .. ~ AIL a..ecnuc J ·~ ROid. 1'11....,..._ " b1oa "°"' bay ~-~ llftr~y ...... llDISt·tiome. Atiould -et 111.oot: t.6rwle Balboa Realty Co. .· . . . Oppomiw Bank of A mel'lea I RCIM 0,..,.,.. lld' LH J~ Webb I 'TOO I:. ~ Bml~ 9aibG& P'hoM Jlai1lior nn BALBOA ISLAND • ~HIM.-~t. !W1 ••• I • 121 OonJ Cute 2 bedrm f\ambhed. latt" P41tlO, doultlt pNJt. •SH.~ i.,,.;. • - •• • • Bwll 'Home. 2 ~ ac.a ll4t "' m-.- "Y aD .. &-2 IQt.~ to bald .......... CompleUly ~ BeUaW 1t or not -.runt. P1UCJi: 01111 S!l,M. o.n.-will c•i'k a low ·don paymeat. ~ ~· rtm · • Bayshores • J -c:lu:d• B>c,._ ~ 2 bedmoma, 1 bath ~180 ! •bedlOQID&, 111-' batM ( eold) ----1t;ftO 2 ~ 1 bath, tum. n.ooo SSDWN BY A.PPOlN'DllCNT OHLT .u.ao. ' Bay J'roat Home -.,._. .• SU,.' Wb'itW a.ta&. Qn•,,,,.,, aa.ta o.ly. HARBOR I~ .co. Harbor 1eoo · ~ llAtbel-rtn'W I 1 I 8/8 ' . I I f I CLE.A.NASA~ .. ··-hr~~ .. ~ .......... I$ ·J · Bd.ftD: .. Tbe --...... --~·:.,::~ Apt. m.' I car 0-, llM lut-.. ~ .. -~ . dlld. ·0.-·dally· 1-4. . , . . . . ,. , . COAST PROPERTIES PO; · · RUTH JA1'B90, WJt.or I Mildred ru,p aDd S,Ma nc.,. ., • m Jlste 301 & Balboa Bhd.. _ .. Bir ..... - ~ . . STUDIO EST AtES .. : ,:~ . :. ~ ' I ~I -11' 111111111 -I • ~ r BUILD~ ~ .... .--CL.EVER COLORRI~ COUNTlY. t'Q 115' '.LAU n•" .u unu· . Wm. BRA'! .. ,.-~ .. ' • • ; ' • ,....... ... ... WITH iiwb .. •d• ~, -Jot • W.ALTD DOI MtOdK. o'1ilPw . · .. I • x aoo ... 81ttin( )JftttY' INTE~tOR . DECORATORS DREAM i betwem MW, mt.jar tbe)>" • BOlia at J'uataip Vli1r • • • ,.. .aid • etric oenta la ·. \Vftlt ot Ralbor ~ auk 4U '. · ) .• ec.ta· 11~: ·Net ·18~· PRICE $12 750 ' 6•,'4 DoWN Prloe ... '500 -'21.~ . • •• b down. Mar. 37'2-J. STEEN • W'AT!ON \CORP. · ._,.~ . tk4 ~y a.1111 ..... i. . l .. .. " • ' : a. I t • v v Best Buys Corona del Mar 1 t'SHOux:LIFl'S VIEW HOKE. Outatandin& J buy Jn th.la moderll • bed.rm. plu.a dtft with permanent v1-ol ocean and jetty. Qua.llty coutruct.lon -many fine featwu ma.ke up .. tlda fine home!.Boom fOf' pool nr.t time of- fereCl a.ad' priced below replacement at ~.000. Shown by appointment -Excluaive with u1 2 r' A RAlUTY &Dd 0D11 ~ block to ocean front · &ild beach. Modena 2· bd.rm., 2 bath bome. Only 2 )TL old. ,HardWood tlna., r A beat, 'prb. diapoal. firpl, me. patio, dble. praa-e. All excellent buy -p:tced turD.lahed a.t $27,500. Excluaive with ua. but you better HURRY on this one! I ll'VIEW LOT, CORONA WGHLANDS. Com- plete wit.b p1au for 3 bednn home. Ownu will OOD.lider trade for ~ or income any- wb.en Harbor A.re&. Priced at SlO,:SOO MEVRER OF MULTll'tE LI.STINGS CORONA DE~ MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. ¥cCUISTION, Realtor It A.-ocl.ate. 3"7 E. Cout Hwy. Coron.a de.I Mar Har. f7 (Ottlce located~ door to Newport Harbor Bank, Cdll) NEWPORT HEIGHTS AREA Near cew --4 ~. 2 ~~ batha, birch cab- lneta, hardwood noon, ca.rpet., drapea, fence, landacapin11 Over 1700 square fett a.nd wonder- f\ll yud for ldddiea. You c.a.n't heal thil barcain anywhere for only S23,600. We can help you may wath moderate down payment loo!! CLIFF HAVEN SWDOllNG POOL 2 Bedroom.1 pha muter bedroom. 2 batha, dio- lng room, comfy co~r firepla.ce and ~t of all -a Iarse patio 1urroundin1 a beatf'd and filtered pool! Located on beautiful Cliff Onve, tlUI la a ba.rp1n at ~y QUOO. OPEN l:iOUSE 509 De An1..e OORONA BIGHU.NDe l -S PJI. • !l. low aa '8IJOO dawn ~ New -N...., Um 11 '-2 bedNOta8 d l\.t Wdi"OOii . -larse f amlly room -Lanai wlt.b Ttew of Pac.lfk: - dJnina room -bullt·in kitchen -fenced a.nd landscaped. Owner wtU tnde down for clear local property. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor .. At tht BrSdP to Lido I.ale" Lat~yett. at 82nd St., Hu. '111 .'HAVING TROUBLE -·--~ SEWN~ 'tOYR PRQPER~77 r.; Perbapa a little rtdeeon.ttnr Would help JOU ..U f ,.car ~rty and at a betth price. Look at dM extertor et,.,-property. Doll lt look ._ and t~ iif 1'eat and eleu ! l>oee th imid• of )'bat propertf look worn or cheerful and brtsbt !_ w •. ~ ~ .,. cit an your recJecoratin1 meda promPUr -lf'WetJy. : CALL MR. McKENZIE HAR 0115 Mlfe On Udo Isle Lido l1le'1 B.st Buy1 ~ f'rol"l a a.om., 2 bedroom. b&U. a04 a baJf llome 1ctth la..tJ nnptac:., s-ar cans• a.nit bWlkl'OOm, Uk~ pnce Jtl,DOO to a IN'eatll t.alltn1 Brand New Bay l'ront M&NllOn at Jf'J ,DOO ... l:a.,y Tenn. OD Both. Newport Beach BRAND NEW !Where Oh Where? Oa.n you set 80 much In a dupM& tOT eo lltU.f A '"' toddJ .. ln •lt.hu cllrwUon ud you have~. swlnun1n1. boet- lnf, rel&x.aUon and a clu..o.. aandy beach. Larae l<&r &•· nt.f•· Brand new. A l~rTIOC buy. Prl~ al Slt.500. "'-Y· mGLI a-Ulan reot. Low - down p&J'nHnl. May lake 911all h o u • • ln Newport Bt&ch tvr ~'ll paym~nL Owner AnxiCM111 Subm1f Down • • -~·~-~·~Jiii~ tlJJlijl. may:' bl accoe~ · < • ... ' - Wt 1 hav• CUd.UD1. lllleC~ G bomea la Intn. T..nce.for •• pwp 111 All u,,.--cbGMD ·tor theJi ~ ~d IU&\Wty u4 wfth J'OQ. Kr. Jl:Qeutfye, In nalnd. 'nMM bOIDM ..r. all on Inine leueho1da. Wh1Ch of cour1e ..; the key to the low dOWD payment. The bUlldtr didn't pay out a lot of cub for the Iota, ,and 80, - uetther do you. rour of the homee an a bedrooa, ·ou la a • bed.room. ·AU have built-in kitchen.. all &N new, all are lncltvtdu&Uy · deldgned, and one II for you -pe.rdon the eap1-ion -if you he to have your cab and eat it, too. Pleue caU UI tor more complete detail.a. . . ,. p~ e. p1lfT.le~ in~orporated ole hanaon co. m-=:,ment 1700 w. cout blrhway-a.a573 ~ EXCHANGE tJie "'JIOl ilOlr,' •·111--lpot ... tbt J"UtMt ~ Part cd ea.ta II-. tor -.ulla:llt term. l"roptrty .w.d)' rated &lld t.Dut.I will tab ....... fM appomt;ment, e&ll CllAJU.Jl:a B. JU7l'KIER. ~ ~: Ba.r. 111' EY .. LI MTM eet.to For the Woman wbo would WI:• her own buatn .. -A Yam lhop ckllnc nry w.u. Mo.t reuona~ pnce. We uve ma.a, nc:J:aaq• hen &Ad •lawbere. HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor HOO, EM Har. 217~ STUNNING DEPARTURE FROM THE ORDINARY -hi t!.£18 2 at.ory. Dalbo& Ial&nd 3 BR. -2 batb home with .... . quarten -kitchen, bath ud aleep. '-PWtlna interior -with modern c.olonJ&J mow -h!p tJrepl in Liv. Rm. plua raWed hearth tir.pL In 1 )Ip.ta.in BR.. PRICE J~.500 with $H,500 T/D. NOW SHOWING - 1 .tory 3 BR. -2 bath Provinclal, year round bo111e -1arp brick patio, and f~ of eQW"H. w (W carpeta tn Liv1n1 Room. aaa .. a pln.. Garap. J>RICE $28,~ tenm. A LOT to be envied -.... Back Bay Location that ia choice and remicted. Owners plaM have chupd 90·win MU lot no.,, Good aile lbrnu. Priced to Mil quickly -$8000. Te~. I8LAND -2 unit Rustic, nchuive. 2 BR. 1 1tory home with modern apt, breU:tut ba.r, form.lea kitchen over dbl prace. Look tb.ll one over. Price $28,600 wit.b $16,500 T/D. WM. W. SANFORD, and Associates Lee Bolin • Charloti. l'uiola Hub Powen • Noq Hye.r Park Ave. at Marine, Balbo& l.ll&nd Har. 2"2 . . . 8/8 R-2 LOTS lll,J60 •NI Wtb tor I •4 HOJDf. '1~ a hop lo Ge ~ _.,...._ln P1&7~l--.,._--'~1--""""""'l"!..._~~---1~~---~ OORNER -NEWPORT ····------~· BALBOA -NEAR NHYC ------Sl0,000. ·tot )'oClr"" • On-. ..... comp'9t.U-•od•lad ..,._ lnf MW "9o1 and a..MJ patio • , • •d 1t ta co111~ and ~bly tumiahed I.a· cludt.. ..,_.. and retrt('ea&. OT Tai b\ ll&ve to 9'M'n4 a penDJ • U , • • MOVE R.1011'1' IN YI•~~· J<H. A llt of New Engle nd nw ! ...... IJtarta w• )'OU ... ta &a. whit. plck.C fece and HOUSE PLUS 3 VACANT --------'26,000. PENINSULA POINT LO'l'8 .... P.500 to $17,t500. 1ttP ~h Uie ,._ dooT. PENINSULA HOME It II .P lars• 2 ft.-, older 2 BR., Den, 2 Bat.U, 43• Lot, l'ull1 J'urn. Aak· bCl9I ,Ill top condlUI& Larp f&Mll ltv\nc room, a &Win -.. lnl S~.600 -Tenm. Co1fa M .. • Mahosany pan~led llvlnJ rOflm conv•nlm t kitchen, 2 be<l· roorr.• lot.a ot clOM>t 1pue 6 Your pfOt>trty BROKER a full de.:ription of your property with • b9drnu. 2 a.au.. ~rfw • • m<*rn kitchen. pJ•nty 0t ·•· BAY & BEACH REAL TY, INC., Realtors ::; room to play on W. dble. 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Bach -Ha.r. 12&l t Ena. Hu. 18M Que~ ra ol ..,..... car. Pli» --~----------~"------2 rm bide 9\dt.&111-u otace or sa.r•r• rm a tars• lot I P"U" ,..11<'. "'">00 I a photo will be 1n the hanca of over MO broker. -and MWflM>ft ·-an inembetlt 61 tba Seven 1,lend1 Realty & Investment Co. I !t0l-J2n<I Rt N•wport Brh. ('a llt 1 ... r ~~· _Har. ~7 1Newport Harbor Board of Realtors BIB ooaMrtJnf '° &aoonw ~ tn- law Nt •~ -.a oompve la Co~ del Mar. OntT e.».neo. llinwn by a ppt. only . g. h. l•throp U~ .; c.t. H1>·y. Ha Mt2 SAL&SMEN • BROKEU U.U. Ell'TATJ: ii LIDO ISLE i I for MW ottke O~ at !901 ».000 Dn. Balance hke r•t __;.::;;;.....~_........o,;;.__;_..,_ _ ___..:1...-_...---...-.----& Oout Hi~J. Olrcma •.._ ~ a~" ~eg~~-388! FISHER'S BEST BUYS Mar. eon.r ol. ~ ~ ,..... 2 Bat.ha, Lara• earner BJdc. We ban an att.ruU ... Jltnpi.e.. HT,IGO l't1JlN. up-to-d&t. new ottlce. Wt an A Da&A.K Or DIUUJU old Btollera &Dd know bbw io , • -•ll Ra! ~. 2 .a..ro.a A ~ lloiM W~ can make a &09d ~ ~ ... Dnf•llll t .lldo wtth W. ottlce. We a.re ia,.... ..... f w.a batU. All f'\.c. ~ l::xquJ•tAI PlaJltln,. 111 ac:ttWt.t.n IJI L.A.. T\Jna utJ tee. PaUo. ~· Lot. lAM Ulan local papen. Alto CliNCl ..U- 2 yea.n old ~ tor ~ · ~ .10 to lJ Bey & Beech Rlty., Inc. d&l.ly. J. r. xoup. 11c2 REALTOR& UOO W, 8a1-oa Blvd Bar-. U.I Bu. net C•u 3 BEDRM. RESALE Frtftk J1mis. Rltr. lrl a lfUr at.. 0-. M- LI •IMI (J\M\ r.ut ol nutn.7 Drupl Call ltYa. LI ~l T 2. 8JCl..reI'BD OFF&IUNGS Dll WILLOW X..UCJI. I Bl'., dblc ...... , .. Nar Kaate Vs.ta .chooL 1600. J>IL F . P. eu.-. NEAR IOOTB MY 4 bdrma., 3 bath•. enclosed patio with B&r-B-Q. 11ttl.ng room off muter bdrm., earpetecl and lemi-paneled living room with d.lninJ ..,.._ cor- ner fireplace. $39,500. euy ter'n:l9, $7,500. down. ISLAND DUPLEX wttb 2,200 1q. ~with Yilw of No. 'Bay. Jmmacu. · lat. &Ad.. nni.1 d9cora~ nSce11 • cam~ ~ 21patQ.' beadt. prdal. Al. ~ 8 bdnn. and I bath. in maln bCJUlll, 2 bdrmL, and 1 bath In apt. A VOGEL FIXER-UPPER -'23.->· 190 tq. fl. In ap&rtineat over dbl . ...,... ~ rar of lot. REAPS of l'OOlll on Jrt&Jch to bid. a from IUl1t -SEE IT!! BUY IT!! i ,. h. Lathrop' • ' MU &. Cout B•J .• Ha ~ ___ .;;__~-----~----~-~~~---------~~~----_:._~---~---~~----~-----------~--------~--~--...:::;,;IL.o......;;.-~--~------~---~--~--~~~~~- .. "Y· "'• ,,.., ~= .. 1: 'S ' • ..... , .. :.! ... ,. . . •.. . . ... • # ,. r . , . . . . . . ... ... . f • • I \ ..... . ' • . . • . . • ' . , ~about NEWPORT BEACH COSTA MES/I , . • ID • .. .. . ··---~.:&4 • :1 .-. • , .. . . . .. • I ..... ... ·. I I . " . •