HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-12-31 - Newport Harbor News Press.AJSr . ABOuT TIME FOR UTTLE .. OL' 1951! • A~:--t 'lifts.,.._ .... , .. Udl ~Me) hu.,:pt., ... pto-wbc,_oloek hwll -r'b""I. .._,Pl the~ GI the MN y..,. ta ti all .. 1119 1ee Jillde ....... .... , Nd~ of Nt•H'rw ..... a...ry (ilra. It. G.) -· And tna tho mth N_.~ -11.. U.. b9P1!11t Nft' y.., ...-1 --b)'Kn.- ' 1957-Y ear Of Decision FprThe City of N~wport! ' • ............ ,_ A ,,,.__,, ~...,.. ..... ., ...... 'Y-. a....w...-.at:lt~ ..._.._...,.._,,. .. u 1..-... .. .... T-. .. ~ . . . • • • ---,. ( 1 ,,. °""" .. _,.,. ... •A:=r· "'°' • r •· fta , .. "_,. .. , ......,, °"'· ... -f• .. ............... ft .. : ~.o...__. .. , ?' ?-----... : • • I •: u~ , ... lfewpor& • lleadl'• lt'OPoMd ph"9b ... ; tn.Uar pule c.otlapaed wain Q'1 · ~ Job l&Uon dlcl aot : bave _projeol-4 ~ ~ , : tor &A ~ dty C4UllCU ' ~ •. • AD --'•adai aM • ft"' al ~., Orcbl.cl •••• ....... : deM.roJ-4 UM ~; M -... : 11\jlUld .. u.. aa.... ... ~ e!Q)Md ••• J..-Vu ~ ...... unaed ...... ,. ........ ol 1.M Nft'-port ~ <>e•w el ~ . -• Tw9 .,.......,.. t.adlta,..... ....... .....,., ...wru ~ .c "- pn.-w~ Qe&t. ....... a& : bit bcmw al .. , Qltt DnY9 ... U-8.l&yllls ot Mr. AIMii IO'L Leooanl n. ~ • UlilW ClllAa .APllU. %-Yw ta!M"Cemcnt t&"*"9 ln the louUUuld exp~ 1M- \1.t cl. a U.U. Mtw.-b.lte a&a,vc ot • ~ ArmJ Mt .. 1.a Van· N 11 YI a.od Lb• m loll'ditr of t~ )Us_ Oltt.a K&tdler JohNIOI\ In C09ta M-... •-Jam•• &Mltoa. ·u. Cclet.a w-. aad °''" male j\l•-llee wen arrul.c! by Newpon 8HcA peUct e.nd clla.rsed with nart0t- te11 .M>laUODI ln a r&id Oil lM bom• ol -ot ~ Jll"&I•• -Cat&lln& l>rt"-•.• Xa. AU.. Ma.r'Un. pri.nelpal of J1&.r11or Vtew lkhool for ~ paat t~ ,..,.. ...... ~ ,.....npJoJ· meal by N.-porl a.ch 1:1.- ment&ry lchool Dl.alrlct ~rd .• Tb• f\rwt Hel\pot Prectaton Po- t.entiom•t.u made Ill N•...,.rt Harbor ti... Me produc.d ••• a-ea Pb.lllppln• ~t• had lM tlm• of lb.air 1\VN WhM th• Orans• llmptn 8cout rMJndl took ui.m on a toW' of lh• Har· lier ..,... •.. e Jim Balh. pruldimt of N fWport Ha,.bor U'lliCll Rlp lk:hool'1 '°"ture Farmtf'I of Am.r\c&. •114 h11ll llldh1d"81 ID hor'Uculwre a l a Pomona neld IUY .. · 11-U . Thomu J Conb<>y, 11, Corona cMl Mv, waa llUltd \ti a ~l cruh n-r Lacuna Beach .•• nn .. n hN111 alter M1 father •u ktUed. Thomu J . C'eftbOJ' Jr -. born In U\• c;orona Naval Hoeptlal . . Mna In· cumbent.a A l. Plnllley. BnK'9 )(artln and Sert aratlll ••• ,.... tamed to city c-ounctl oftlc• "" M-vottn onr .ui opporwni. ... In tM NtwJ>Ort city •I.co lion. 00\lnollm«\ C. A.. Klpi.. and 1-wiw.r were ~ected wbll• Charl• Bart QpMl OoWI· dhaan o.1'14 a.nneu .. . 11-~r Oolll.a )( ... ,.. ...,... U-.A.m.neaa Re4 CroM •ol· wat.-n 1'elcl .. "ahowdcnn" IUetlaC wmi o~ Cowl\f Medlc&I Bodet.)' ~a \0 "~r· mine tlle taet.c" °" prop aud medle&I IOC1et7 b&ood MO wtUc:h wouJd do ·~ with 8lmll&r .rt.ct CroM ...me. . . . Pne.nt ao.d tbrrMr Mewa·Pn. ataff•n M.n. Wl.aitred .. rttR. Pl\y111a J. J&Cll- eon and Nell Mlll1lal'pr won top national awvdl h'om NaUcmal J'ederaUon of PNM Women. Inc. •.• Mytoro IrvtM wu ~ DlrK\011 of UM OallforAla ltatt ChamlMt at ~ . . Ger· &lid l'UeMrdllon, M&rlMr"I Ba.Ilk J:lttc:UUY9, e.d Ill RO&&" HOlrPftal toli-tnc a be&rt •tlaclt • . . 11-Ttin. tll.IWlriMaa. l.ac.lud· lac 21& Iota, ~ N~ 1leae1I norllrwanl throuab pLau ~nt.H to city plann«n &Dd 1Arm9d 'Al\ll.lvenary AIS.dlUoll 1U• 1n ... necUoa ot city·, 60lb ,..,. • • • 1?'AU phon. ""~ 'Pl&A• were appro...S fa.-U... H&rMr tactianp, to be eoompi.t· ed bJ fall "' 11D'T • • • ~...-port Ra.-r Ual• Hip l&l.Jon bq· pt aun.t Leacue eo-dlamp butba.11 UUt 'trith bomb&rdmat at th• Hun~ Beach. i..m. JM •.. n-A two .,._,. fa!lun bl cot- Jtet ...,.._ ctty ncin.. ta N~rt at7 J'\m r.oet wu n- ..W .. : 90J9' ctu'b tradanH w.. "°"' Hant.llll\011 9Me1' ht ~J'n<I Hl.IMr, 4-11 ol D'\oell at e>r...-Cout eou.,. Alie• 1NI. accept-4 • po&tUon "' db:wc:tor ot Palo v .. rdt Junior Colle(e In Blythe . . . Edward W. Milum wu A&Dt-4 campelp cb&1rm&ll of OW llOt N.wport ltutlor .-OomnlUAlty Chest drive • . . Due. to prol•ltAI ot local b ........ the Newport Har- bor a.mw of Ooaun•roe form· td a eommltt.ae lo la"4lpte cbMW• ol Gelellllv•l7 1111~ cit_, ~,.. •..... ~-,..... o-eraJ Coe- tncU>r ·Da'rid J. VermUya wu Mil~ to 30 da)'• In eowat.( jail after CClllYictioD Oil llJt lluil4- U., °""9 .W.U.u .•. 16--PJam lle.d a muW....iwo. AUGUST 1-8rnral IOOrt mtrc:Jla.nl.4 eo-worlun and Menda met to bonM Herb K.eN\y, eupertnt.eo- deat of BaJ))oa otfke of Ntwport S-Ch Poet Oftlce on blAI compW. UOll of U yMn wtlb Ult poillal .-net . . . no.ooo ~ ~ bo&t Jackie Dee Moall OU Bua~ --.ca P*; U.. C!NW wu ruc'*9 • .. J'1U7 _..,.., w-aJaytr. Tipton. to .. IJI •. i--auppbed wlUa a u, troQl a La.~1MJ. two~ aft\awe ~ Robert 1M Hn4rtx. 11, of 2'61 Elden Ava, Ooeta W.... on a chars• of ~· ...._ ol aanioUu •.. I-A dram&Uc -rch WU \ID tor a m1l9llll ~ynt-<>ld Jlll, ....,. ......... ., Mn. Mad&a 11 .... -w. Ill Vic\or1& IL. Ooeta M--. "" .._Po ,..,.. wbU9 -• ~ ~wQ .. ,....., ........ ... ... ......,... .. ,..,. h'o• u. ..,. &lull .......... ~ ., en..-OewltJ .... "°" ua-. ~ ~· ., a MW o-ta Kem CUy ~ .... NllUJ&Ulla ~ ... tMU• la tht commumt.y ••• I-TM bodJ of 8-yev-olcl ....,.,. 1Nukr -towid lty lhrM a&nta Ana ~·n tllh- 1111' uae wu.iw 1.n uae n.1iet 1o-oauaa troaa wtucb tht pt ..._ ~ .•• Teacher ~ to work ott-Mun beca.mt a.Gt .ui.- ject. .. pc'Ota9ta to ~ policy -re •Gleed al a ~ ot Ille H e w p o r l 8-cll Clamen\&17 lldllool ao.ns ... Labar uniGM woo a ~ r-.it. • OaMa x-'6cket!q la• • • • 11 lute A.II& pol1<::9 a.rr-.d t.&•rmce Tocmwy. U. al &ULa lS-J'ormtT 0~1 Coat l AA&. ... IMld blm f~ J'f..-pcllt CoU.(t etuc»nt Harold Kl~ a.ch poUct °" ~ ot. U- Holbrook, 21, •84 U'ft.wd on a lacJl1-C a 1 .. ,_,...w ll&lt7 .i"' cJaars• ol etronc..nn at.lack ud tu lD tbt bcmw ot Mr. and Mn. robMry • • • eo.t.a M.-Qty t...U. H. J'forln, HO A~ Oouncil ..iect.td Robert U~et', Av.. · ·. • SJ. U ladu8t.ri&l Uaaoll omc.r . J&-U...a.__ WU nin.ot.d at Ill.GOO per year ••• ft&y· ln O\J of IC...,..-t 9lacll...,... IDODd C. Robe.U. '7, ot Cofta aUoa dnW. Wi\Jl f!Ou.ca.. .C M--. WU a.rralped l.n Loe City Jt""9tt.le Read ~ Ans-~• Oil nhw charaa ot 'Ii· ~ · •' · ,...,.,..,.. GCl1'o ol&UQS C.orpont. 8ecw4U.. Act rapd protAIM ap1Mt a 91--* and J1"&Dd tMn. . . . 'l1)ree ao-taa McJllt •IUM H..,..-& O.U- mu Ollhollo ptiNt9 were and cilJNn t.o ra4jlalt tMlr ..._. rrom dnnnJnc .~ Cataltna ud ..ui. tor 10 oem. ... M9- lalan4 -., \.bit pu,... MiMr a.. port ~ ~ Ottlet c&IW tra.. .. re Mara ll•lla .,,.. t.cN-Mdl f• • p~ new aa'ld.q • • • t.Ho-ICewport ......... . . • lt.-1.rrlM Co. iu)lmltud plaN l'f-aty oMdale .... ~ for U acre park dOMUoa for ... uon 0.partmeet NeltUI allid M"'l'Ort a..ci-to d1:J p1SMI" ~ lbat UM -..tieU '""' ..,.... 'WCllU)d ,_.. lM -.me .. ..,..... ••• Maut1clt atanlil)'. .... Newport Kal'tlor C ~ a m ~ t r o< ~,.......... 41ted cl.. Ma.rt a1tadl • . . ~••-ti.""" nat\tlli boat MIW Ult_. Mll'Md Ill H~ ll&l"bo1' -1omly taJur1al • f•m- 07 ot f.ar, lncJodlne twe c:Ml- drft. Ja~k Manlllall. N , "'• wUit. • ... tMtr cNklrW, an f/I Olhoa. ...... ~ w .... J "J ' t I I -- mn~~~~~~~ ~ luH/ilt(lt Ka.Duel Martha Friday liljht WU l!iil ~ c 1 1 fill ~ tor the con1tructi011 o1 the · COiia IUlia 0..y Hall, lho'"1 above. Contractor Cl9V ~~'a I J . to"° Uiro111tl wtlb 0w eoain.ot. 'll~I ' ··llAll• wa money wf.b tbe torfleted to Ult city. (0.U .... • ,,_ .... I) AJUU.ecll Ga U. project wen Mart'8 will )lafJdlit onl¥ UM P...,., Blurodl 9lld 8"pn. AMDdJti' on ...-proJecL AdWLI Tbetr plana ,,, .... ort"lly au&- ..-tNcttGa WWII WW M dona rattlH to UW dtJ a1mo9t & year ~ 9MNllc ~ ~ i.,.o. OM bkl aabaaltUd tor tbt D. ~~r aod • .0.. ot -..,u. eoMtr\lctfon wu la~r tumid A.II&. llull& Ana ftaltor Olck dori u betnf too turll. Th'! Klt.cMll wu ~ely tHpOD.11ble city ,_dnrtt.ed tor blda a ftw tor U. ,,~on. H~ lnt«· weeu aco. eetacl M&rtm tn piltUns up the ----------------------- lnODe)' and Jl&tt1A "' him ob-TIDELANDS· taJned o~~~ u.. ac· lual bfddl.DJ. to Du. Sllft. . • ~~ • (0. ..... '"-Pap 1) .Amons ou.i. ·· ·• . ~· ~: U.. c4 · tM Hu~n -...c-. Thia la now rtpt lo ~· ~ • .. Qlllts' dnt~ Acre for a CClllUDll'd&I ~ I~ .a-. Ult ~-Bw:nble·S-· UM U a• dty llAJ1 ~Yee Uft· boa.rd bid WU proportian.attly •tiltaelory. or.. IJUld I.a &lttady titcber t.ba.a u. BumbJe..Btand- tn a C-2 mnt. nw. c:sty • a190 ard btd. but ui. a. ot the hu tbt rttbt to t.d4 onto the Jatttt'• tender ta aald by many at.ructure, ual~ the balii~ of lntueet.ed parti9 to hP9 '"" tbt lhrH acre.. probably M to coD.llideraaion ot The •12.~oo annual ie... i.. the fact U.t ff\ recent Stale j1at aflo\Jt lhe aame u ui. dt;J JAM Cotnnal.lll• mMlinra tbeo I• now payrns tor ren\41 t it.a op1n1on had btta _,,...-d tha t Wldety-ec:atterecl and unall•· theo Stale .lhould M, ptt1n1 ont· tactary city bull<llnct) ~u llxttl oU.t.nd ru re;.Jty tnatead Mid. ' of OM..1,bUl. \ 11 the city d•.H"JI t1a Some t.hWc V*l. U-OU S:Ol'I • new ell)' hJlll 1.ai.r ., a aark.t peruN. do not favor ldkinr tl\t lna~ company h-diaim,rtt'n roya.lty IUld al't .-qiwntly or tor olhl>r 1uch ua.r, lt would favorable ~ ~Jlf hl1t1er bun· aland to make a tL&nd.._. pl'Ol· u8", wblcb (tvt U. lhal• ac· ll 1>n lba deal. lhc dt)' &Uonlay C"-to more &llUilMdlal• ca&b point~ out. •• than otbl!~ wwld " U\e lf lhrr. I.rt bu dtlay1 ta doa-e&a9. • ·• ltruc:t1c>n, city employeu maJ .t.. rKeJll deal ll\roulb W1ldch occupy !ht building by May 1. tha Tena Com"6!Y •rrttd to Marun aubm1lled a c:IMck for hf'reart.er I.a.kt • 60-~ Iba.rt In Jl0,000 trlth bu bid u h talu any otfaho" I<·••• Monterey ml1bt acqwr. 1a btUn.d to have dl•o~ Humbw from poe- alble Ueups w1lh .Mon~y OU. FIRST o n Your list of NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS:. -··· '11 Safe Place For Your Sanngs With Greater &ming/' cau.atnr It to either 10 it .a.nor or ma.kt a Ue\lp wtth ao-o~­ eor operator of lmport.ance. Humble OU baa for '°mt tln11 had a coreboat •l wQl'1c aortJI of the old Sununuland Otld. dr11Hn1 corehol• far a 1tu~ ot tormJ1Uona. Althouah Humble dOf'9 not ha're a conlro~ U.- lttMt In tbl RunU""°9J a.ca. lf'aat It doa havt a laa1f lntertlll In 1JW i..-4 drilllac plaltOMlll now belnr utM'd In ~ County by Mont.rey, and baa a ca.II on It al lucll t1mt u Mo..- t.rey ~ not artu.Uy ban it In 11.JM' Monterey th.r paat wHk· f'nd abaJldonrd Co~i. No. 1 I which ll wu dnl~ 9000 lwt offlhon! from Hunt1Jl&1on S..c6. and moved lo " new localloD 1 hAU a mile n•arer abol"f. alter , hav1nr macJe 9tOO f~t of co~ I hole I EXCHANGE SET CHARTER MEET The Cba..Wr )Uettna Din· nu of lht' Cxctu\n~e Club of N9Wl)Ort Harbor wtll be lwld l>"rida)', Jan. 18 at" T 10 ,.m. AO Informal affair, tht tvent la a tumhll potllt In Uw iww e&l'f« ot the club, w!llch h&a ~n opersUltf 111 Uw tonn.aUOe .ta;.. until now and hu jult eleeted 1l9 nrat pnmanenl ot&ara. -nw lAl'Ulature, hi ltlt, •• acted two law1 attectiftl N ... - port. Bay. One of ~ ~ ~. 8tatulH of lt19) ,..,. to Or&na• County all tidala.nda tD Nrwport Bay Ot:TSID!i ot U.. Oly oC Neowport 8-cb. It wu a.uunwd that the rra.nt to the cqW1ty CODY('~ to the county tho.. U~landa oo ui. nortJt Mort ot UM bay •Orth ol Balboa lll&nd. where Bt'&c4.I, Bay now 9land.a B\lt llnce thl.t atta wu leochnlf-ally a put ot th. City or N>tWport BHch u U. Umt, dUf' to tM •rTOr In e.cnptton. l1lfft Udri&Adl wn. DOl eoln'eyed to t.bt Oou.hty of Ortll\fr. a nc1 ln Yitw ot tM faet Uaal UM city ~ aa cor- tteted In 11>~• lndlcai.d that thla .,._ wu ou~de U.. dty, the • ~n wu ral-4 u '° Whet.a. er Chapi..r 41H or CM 8tatutaa of lilt. waa etfecUn ta <'ODftY· ID( U~ Jani.I to llw city, '1nct It apeclflcall~ r•frrred lo. lldclanda 'wllhJn th• 'pro .. nl boundama ot MJd ell~ .. To tURNta1n the oWMr of UM Uf'&, thr Balboa l.Jll~ ~_. m"nt Aa&0<'1at1on ~I !fertlll a comm1tt,.., t·om « Mr. ~k. HntM-rt .,.......... &ad RotM-rt B<>-lwtck. totoasult Mr. Mau. thtn coni.c:t.ed £tl:Ull. ~ Or&11(I C 'minty T'J~ .OilllJany. H" r.commf'ndf'd ~ ~·• action bf' 11111utuled to Sh'• U.. oUy un.tbputrd po11111lon of t b .. • f t ltl#land1 A~rdinfly, City A lto1nPy C'lyde _...., p...- parl'd a ball convf'ytnf U. ,.,_ perty tu lhfl <'tl}'. Tbla -•t. ~bly B111 166, "' ......... dljced .bI /.._in.Wylba11 .. "(1Jt1 Jl/Jlul a.a II IUt& Ana, ,...... b~ ~ hQllle1,• ~ •aned b1 GO\i•rnor towc. and became cta.lpte 10 sf UIP Sl&tutN ol 192'7. DEATH NOTICl IUJIJIT A. ftUQll Funeral, Nrv\eae ,. Harry .Ubert Pnlfl'I, 71, of Sita Elden 4 ve., Coet.& MM&, were held to- day at 2 J. a. ba Parll.. Mw· tuary Chapel wfta tJw kn. M c. Cl"oaiG al u.. •• pn"I)' of God Church omc»au.s. Kr. Pnap dMcl ntb:llday nlpt IH Tourney Coa.c:.b ICmU N-•·• Bff1 open play In the Excela101 Tounam•l Wednuday aflu· noon w1lll • a pm. 1ame wllh Wllllon at the Norwalk School. TM wmn-play1 lh• vl.:lor of \be a.utlowu-1,,.ynwood ramt Tlnlnday nipt at 1:15 pm. &11tl U.. .kl9er9 ol tht two pmC'I meet 'l'bund&J nlrht at 8 .13 p.na. POPUlATION 1 OF ORANGE , COUNTY INCREASES B~· 90, 900 PERSONS Popul&Uoa ot Orans• CeufttJ bla • II .. btp ot 517,IOO ,_.,.. fol' Jaau&J'Y 1. Jt67. Caltlond& ~ A.-.d&Uon .... ..u.. mated. Mwnber ot people In Ute coun- ty lacr-..d by to,900 or 2U per -i tram t.be 429,400 po~ Jatlon of tha eou.nt1 09 Ju. l, l!K>e. lllb the April, 19~ Feckra.I C*U\11 populaUon of 211. U4, UM co•nt7 bu srowa by IOl,071 peop", 01' 139.J per cant, t.he CaJ. TIU! •Umalea abow. B&sil of the atat•widt tairpay. era' auoc:l&Uon f\a'urH I• num- bew ol chlldrwp In the elementarv Kheoi• In the rounly •. both publ1e and parod\la.l. P~ ar the 111 counu .. which compri• U.. mater 8oulh· em Caltomla muket .,... la at an aJI ·Um• h.101 ot. l,llO,f'Tt for Jan. I, 19!17. com,.,... wttll a,. 442 290 to~ Jan. l, ltN, .,.. 1,- 41" 2N at the 19!10 ~ f)urtnir the put ,..ar, U.. 11 county area haa abowa a net ...,.nh or •52.780 peo111a. .. -.. c:,_.. ot ~ 4 pa cert. • stnoa the iteo ~ lbe .,... bu ~ • net l.ne~ ba ,_. pla Of l,'7 .. 771, OP &I.I fer c:ient. PopUlaUoa ~ J~ le 1'67, IOI •cll OOWI~ ta U.. U-. t..u IU. i.ow. Loe ~ 1.m.000 ,..ie; San DMso, IU,100; oru,.e, llT.· IOO; 8&n -.ardlna, •IT .JOO: ~ 127,000; Kem, IU,000; Rlveralda. JIMS,000, Ventura, 151,- M>O, Tu1an, 1.._IOO; 8anta Bal'• tiara, 118,100; l.Dlperla.&. .. ..UO; kn Lui& Obl.tpo, to,8&0; ,IC.tnp, 45,710 ; Inyo, u.aao: and Mono. ~920 . Amons lh• t5 oounu.., ~r-t aiamtnr. u~ for tbt people. ''ConUnu.d propeeatve an d N9llaUo pl&nnin1 ay IO"arma&nt &ad by M\.letry ta t.Ae one way Ul&l &11 the needa of C&Werta - the faa&Mt·rrowt.nc 11.&t.a ln the n.aUon-can be met," Arnold ct.. 1 eland. , ....... , ... c ..... ..... a.ddll*-ln 1'1l1Dbsrw ~ ,.pe bl ------------the put yaar ,....._ IA Loe A.rtp 1 ... Oran1•. San Dltll'O, 8&n Bar· nard1no, a.nd Rlvtnlda eowi.Uaa. Stal•wkSe. Calltomta'a popula- 11 x 11 ~ RliG '10. OV•Mulfed •fa A cha& ""1th aup coveni 115. Cua A carry. U M6&2. 10cl2 Uon hj\ UOLhe.r MW llJc1a of 13.-------------------- 971.000 for Ju. 1, 11167 -an In· 48-A--A.pte. for 8-t crM.ae of 812.000 people or 48 -------------per rent dunn1 l tMI a.nd an In-LIDO ISLE cru.ae ot 1.349. TTT peopi. or U per cent 11nr•Jh• l0.~.223 pop-WATER FRONT APTS. ulaUoa lho'llrn--., U.. April. 111110 ON~ bd.rm. tum. apL A1llO 2 r9dfntJ CWUIWI. bdrm. tum. apt. Wlnt..-Ol' 'It U. r.te of JT0WU& ln Ca.l.t· yearly. Har MT&. lOtft' tornla ~ th• t9Mt ~ con· --------Unuea. C&Ufoml& would hs.Ye a N_,,ort ••ch all t16tl9adil "Mt population •l•t•wtd• -of "3-B--Ro~ for Beat bemofOY'f' 1r1u1hd to .-ld dtJ abouL U .t00.000 ln lMO wi.n -----.------- ""to lh• County ot Oraar•: Uncle llam next eounta b-..S. on COftONA. DICL MAft, 2 bednn .. """tb1a ~-~ w~lch wu J1lllt a atat.-wlde but&," 8. J Arnold, UJ1t\lm. houH. l:ndoeed paUo. ~~ by W..l"L :&.rlt and pneral manqer ot UM TuJiaJ· ..__.,,t natpbomood. Jt0 .-.;,wu for the Jl'&rpOee ot. M-..,.. uaoctaUon. comm.anW. _p. an _~lnJlettta.. 10ell IN 11.clu._ 111 Ula H\ltoTJ ~ "The curnnt 11.111.000 popia.. -;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiii ftft1 y.,. of N.wport 8-c1t latJon of Calltonua .:... Ud t.b• • lll>W • belJll' coaaf')ad by a.· It. J>l"OllJ*'ttt'e tutUN ~ Jleyer, and I.a lllC9t tiJnel7 Lil U.. for •a.at """•""-for ....nc.a an ,...... eaen. oe u.. a...;1 vi C&lttoNk .... ,._ f/I pnm• ............... ... -.10. ltl7 ... .............. "It 1r&Mcd .t.o the Cuy .. ~ to •u. ~ ..... tal 1lldU. .. UM:t' .... clo °' ________________ ...._ __________ _._ _____ .............. uw ... t. ot a.. .. rlr111; ~ .... ~f CONCRETE ·Satisfaction ..... ......... ..•. .... JO, 1tl7. _, -. Lagune ·Fed•r•I . Siv1nga and Lo.n Anoci.+ion A1t4rew S. ti.fl p,.afdent ~ LA.UNA llACH ]{m9~~ss ----·-~-~ J'orm•l7 la• 1'.-port·Ba.lboa Ntwa-Tlm. and u. lf~Ba.Jboa Pr-... l:nt«Nd u S.COnd..OU. MaWtr •t Ult Past Office ID Newport a..c-. c.JitontJa D.Dder the .let of Marell I, ll1t • • THI EASY WAY AND SAYie • • 1-UIJ BAY ·:' 711 w. ,,.. St. <>On'A llEIA ·, soma1 WJFOlllA Private POiite Unltonned Plabl ....... ............ ' ... . I • ... . . ... • I .. .. ,. a.aaanc-,,nrt Marl-. F\m DWllliDe.. Camp PedJlft.olL . 'nllt ~. JllQ'a faU..r. Oar*-D: XIUeop ol Tvtnab. ....... alld -............. Mr. .. Ma WU.. II. )lf1U,Ql.e ol ~ .............. 1119Ued ... ~ 'El PMU<IS MOITUAIY ... ..., ........... . n••...-111-0.-.... ,.._ l.a.ttiMt.11 UNUA peet otben.. Kn. Vlacent . ud Capt. Jib,i!" " bfo.in wen with· otha' frlmdl. Dinina ~ ~were .P. witla' •twiUllal ,light.a Pd tablel 1"re ba py holiday ct.cor tor th ia, one ot the lottllest partiea of the year.' -Terry Bo~ Photo NEWPORT BARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. Women's Editor PAGE 4. PArtT I -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-P'kE55 , .... -=-... '• I MONDAY, DECEMIER Jt, 1956 FORD WATERCOLOR SHOW OPENS AT ART GALLERY . ~nir( ~y In ~ n..ca Art G&Utry i. a notablf' rnlW't"tlnn n.lled ''WM.ft'co&r. 111 a lbr Way a-mbl4'd "~ Lhc> Fotd Mater ~. Twftlty MWD tor artlat. from all iv.r lb• UrdU!d Stat. aA r.p,....at.eod lneludl.nl P\ t~r Hurd. Jame• LA'Wldd. Vll..DCe Klrllland &M i..«'m• • l.A'Onard S<-hf'u. All pktum are ln tun abftt 1lu. fn th# Moulton G&llf'ry t!MN wlD be a O~'-n I'll· l'Vbltloa ot 01111 ty A .F. R. Van cH Vl'lcH ol C&rl1b&d. A ll w~nt p&lnltd foll<>'frin1 a ~t'nl trtp to Th• Nl'thartand• and vcont•n• t•• Curator Da.vld Ir.dell, llhow lh• ln flut>nrt' of t'°IAt i;rf'at Dutch pa.Inter. Van Oorh. DR. BRA TON SPEAKS l~bell Club Starts Year With Youth Prograrr1 I ""Ill 111...:t to ~-.11mi,; s:-iplc> UI th<' J•n 'l pn•1itr•m of t lw E\wll rlub "'hl< h bf-i!tn• ... 1th • 12 30 '11nch,.on ~p('&kt'r • IU be Dr I Wul .. ) lhaton. ~an ot .-<tuca· 11onal M"n'l<"H a~ ""m"""r - 111nn at Loni BParlf· Rt&l• Col· "'If" h•• ••jbjf!<'t, Tod.av· Toulh"'. I S(l('Ak•r for lh4'0 luncti.on bow' will bf' Miu M•IJ Andrm. Har- bnr Hllfh khool atucknta woo spent the 11UDUN1r In O.~ undf'r Ito. Student ~bani• pro- IT&l'll and wbo .till teU of lwr 111• ta a ttplcaJ r .... rman hoai.. 'n\a muacal lnt..rludl>t wtl1' be tlw> J;l>Pll C'hnral (TO'IP d\~ by Holly L&at Vlatl aod wD Mrs. WUHam Tritt. ck$ p,..s. .a.nt. u aceompanlft.. ' TM followtnJ clay UM"' wtU "9 a board mHtiq at 10 Liil. Big Bear Guests Mr. &Dd MrL Watter ~ Balboa la land. ha,,. .. bowie ('J8tl Mn. lchftUd'• broUwt and wt re. Mr, &ad, )lrs. Claudl ffjcb ol •1 a.r. Oa N .. Y •r" • a:.. tllWJ' 9t• au.cs ~ dlnne1' --. at lllie ..... AM Cowttry Qab. I • Mi ia UVU..I •,J • la It Blir? ' I t. ..... • T-.,._.., " " • ,_-rr-E ·~~ TltY OUR METHOD NOW e Cem,...._ locty I 1••1 ........ ~ ...... Howard s ... m C.bin•t -~91 Deily 8-5 Ev•. by Appoi,.trr*lt Liberty 8-5474 365 Newport Blvd. . I In th• ltom• o< Mra. Tf'd Tapfer, 203 Drlftwood R-d. wbm pl&nl .r111 be madP tor "Ou'I' P'atr L&d- lff" . lb.9 Jan.. 17 lunctwon and csrd party "'"llleh 11 tO aid Ule buUdtnr tund.. Tbia I• open to ~U m•mben a.d tMtr fri!'nde. Re.rvauona abou:Jd .,. mad9 w1Ui Mn. Metcne. LI ... 1741 or Mrs. 8t&n- ton, ll8J' 1121(). • Munck Family Holds Reunion at Merced M.r. and Mn. Kaiwi MWMlk and chlld.ren JoW-and Gal')', ot Ptao.lltla at.. eo.t& M«M. atteno.d a family ·reunJOJ1 In Merced 8ullday, Dec. IO. TbU .... u.. flnt ttm. lD lJ y-.n that. au ot Ml1I. .Mww:ll'• t.roth- .... -4 ...,... .... beea i.. pthrr, se.. Mn. llww:lt u... lft'N '-t "" Wotllen aftd \Wt t&mW-. A. I:. rn..n. Jolul ,.~. &Ad J .E. rn..o all ol Mftttd. Fraak rn-al Ru- ..-rt. ld&ho, &ad 0-S-m- ot Fr•no; ..a.o lwr aw ..._.. NM1 UMlr ,.,.111 ... tbe ~ .... of Aber°""1, ldabo, llra. C- ~th MclA.ln ot > Twta hlla, lda.Jlo. the Ben Koope et a.a P'nnor.teoo, ~ Hubert mtrauta. bun of 8ouUl Oty &Dd U.. DM koop1 at RITft'L ' 1 WIU\ all t.he c.blldnD, fTUd· I cllltd""' and ~t ~ prHent It IJl&de•tbe JdrtDs Of a hall a ll«"e•ty. 1oroe 100 '° au (&lh•Nd to •njoy UM clay and the bo11ntH11I dll\MT' that WU wnfll.. • Aii .... I NIW I YIAl'S m OArEalNO IUOllA.&0'8 UDO MAUft 1111n.u..-· ..... - ... fta •·b· ..... Mil aa•IMIOal"• MUY•~----11'7 Y6G.A-01'D llOl1• ........ ~ ... MllftaU..-..,.._MM DIWO ftG&D ftJrcmM'l"'a UDO 1>1UJOS MetftaU.-lladie.r-. . . am•• ... uoo••UST • ~-·· c ....... .... , .. , ....... llWll.UD'9 UDO Maun NII VlltU..-.....__ B&l.L arAn ............ 0. -v.. .... --..Ult vooa. OOllP.in ',.yn.u..--.....n DOJlroAJf WA •llfl:lii I ..... ....................... ..._,na UDOa,&U.ft•eM'l.t.._ Udo ..... ...... .... n.Ule-..... ~ l'l&W»W' •.t•.WO.& UYDfGe a LOAJf u.:>e. A a..iap rn.ututaoa i..s 'hna ..... a.-. -Ttaue.--... ... ~---·· ~..-.. .... MllftaUle-..... _ moa-w.._ am.-. "" O'' ..,_,. 1t.11n.ue.-........ ftll!A ..... UDO._.,._ oa.al&Qlll ......... ._. ftaU..••··,.. ..... ...,._nu .o..p.~~ Mllftat.Ne-.....__ TOD DEPl.WJPJ'ED lilOt .;_ Ropr Guricb'1 , ..... lay·ln WU ~n.c:t.t by 0sy Froeb in 1bur9clay rucbt'• t.cJw'1WMllt pm• at Oranp Cout. Num· ber 30 .. fonn.rd a. Otapman. -Staff PbOto ..... ..-.. ........ --. ·HARIOR · NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS-PART I MONDA y I DECEMBER l 1, 1956 COMPTON TOURNEY IS NEXT FOR GOB · QUINT N.-port Kutior HlJb bull.et. b&u.n pl&1 Pan.anc>Wll \\' ectn.. cley tn tM o,_.. p.8Mt ol UM 0-,C-~t at I pm. u net.ortou. u.. .._,. So apm.t •u..r ML C&nnel or Dr· NWor ta a ~ round PJ"I• 1'1\sN*J -~ at t :IO p.m. KL c.rm..r and .:U.Jaor a~ boUI rated top l-1TW lll t0t1nwy pa1rlnp. JW. Oqw .-di Mil ~ lrl- t.o the t~ .,...a-cue. toum.eoy wU.111 • ,_rd ol .. ,,.,, W\!la a1'd fCNr ..__ TIM Tan reeu,,._. Saturday ntpt Wftb a p&Jr at 'fM'lon. p1Md at DallllT"Sf\dd and a -ft19t 1trt111 baMld on u.. ttrM.t llboWUI& ot lM r-r Gace lllalelt lM nallllotr al ball !MmenArllted by tb• Tarw wu lbe .,....,. "-1 al the y .. r. Tom Hounoo wu anrt.ct out toT par- ~~ tft· ..U. pm• 'f°M 111--... .... a IMl wtn fll'JW ~ v.,....&ad .. kerwfteld HIP-,,... Ot11ln9 had romptd ...,_ .0 op~Uocl In rotlllll' '•P ....,. 1~tt ..,\,. 'nM " ~' ""~ ... the ,,_t•t Wtfil la tbe bhl1orj trt t.be ~ llftboel. Wbl.le CMry Cft!lll llOJ!red ta n potnt. Un, 8ob VIU...,.na and ~nler and r...-n !Old P'~ JUArda Flhpalsldi SI• 28 to Lead lilc Win ,AITY CATlllNGI ...., ..... , .. Jrtw ....... ....., ........ aD athW1iliM. Uquor-~l«t CIWnpapt MiA b~ It<". --r.1:11 JICL.n''S&\ P9. U ...,.._ OP1E.11f AU. DAY 1'fllnl" YUrf' DAY on;s' DAT8 A 'tn:.a nOM. A.It. 'ft) I "-•· lllJACl'S L19,UOIS I._ Jr ...... ..._ Ollila ... -,....,. I , q _.... Pettit Leads .. p;· ,~· .. ,,. __ l'ICT•ICALLY e LIT US HILP YOU ·• l'i'AFfORD & ION a cromoftr for PaC'tnt· Ele<"trk t~b al lllt It. and Ba.Jboa BJvd, WU put ln the l\a.nd8 of propert7 awnere u leltuw uk- 2~ • Sil.Illa Ana aalf:tlm&n . ..,,.. bnolted on .,IJI~ nr th• •t- temp....,.1 a l\a<'k at knife point of a 12·y-r~ld Sewport 8-d1 waltAB whUe polllnit ati • p1llt'• olflnr lM!t. on her mald,.n nn'&lft', •P- pe.rc.nUy 011under.-d a1 x mllN off A vakm • c~rir .. C'ntf"1 •u• milled ht• l'Mlcn•Uon •• c;o.1. MM• ell:V m•M«•r R.,..llman Compul)' nu.ct. • Sl'oOOO Ktcnunc dic>Mtlon to Hoac HOSP'lt.&I ••• 7 -AnnetaUon o1 • 5.'W·•r.N WAI.TD a. llEU.O'IT, ..... RESIDENTiAL ·INDUSTRIAL. COMt.4tRCIAL NO JOB TOO LA.ROS OR &M•l,J. ...... -.......... •rhrlm ft, 1dy M,._t, d f!r,r.r rr Ir wflb 21a-A ~11.unu C\-• ~ W'l'et'ad llw tatet;tor ot UM~ of Ml. and Mn. Watt« ll "'"1:l. No e ltu•<Mr ftd.. In 8-('0D Bay , ..:Jldlv.wm A (l:)AN ~ATlON • rwo 0••1c11 T• line .Y• LA&UNA llACH QUICK 24 HOUa savta LOW LOW .. llDUCI .... IN11UST MTU EASY MC»iTHl 'f , ~ 'f)of INT1 UCROW •wa. lffl C9m.Y OfllATID LASUNA HACH m.o..,... PHCt9 HY. 4-1177 ' SAN CLEMfNTE I .. , N, 8 C.-. a..I . niONI HY.-..... t.11• •HY ... S.11 .. • • COS.TA MESA I./'. (o..tam9" f,... .... I) ~ .......,_T wer• th-f\ut p .. of lll'Ht equipment ~tJ1er t)taa lf~ck,e lbe C'lly hN eYH btU,Jtll K•Uer .. Id ile ~ to ltt ,Od1ll0f'4! .ciutpnvnl an.u ....... !WW n1ol ,...,.. July 1. A DeW Clly .)'•rd D«lll yflU IU QlllJ~I• ttt aHl•-\lu, t'u rl\1 .,.iJ .. tM pl'O.)«'t.H ,,.,,v,,.. SlrNt 1111\Ur.1 and l!'>O ~r H 1119nt d.latrtct• wUl alt! In •I· '" tor proc ur"""'I n( ahocu.f t\OeJIC)', b'! pr~cla WIUI l~ llll&W. ot l.'OW9. ~ wtll t>c .._ ~ta to patclt. ~ ..... X&rUa. W1ao -<>11 -.dml'-d\7 lmprounwnta aN ptns coo tut tor blm aiNM17, p.ci.dJcla .... " ,......, '"""' nut ,.ar. l• ..,.Uo• ~ tbt two tnar-••• -.i 4Ultrlda •u.f1 P">~ U111n wt1I 'M OUWn ull auto Toma.a It . touU1 of M ••• Drtw: and~ \'lf'lln.I.& f'l,arr Cecil Plu~ &n4 AllK'rt Pl&c• bf'· ~n i?ad and 23rd ~ta . <>nna• ant! S.nta Mil Av••. l\e palnted out Nt:W &&aEJl\'OPl Coun<'Utna.ft A.. I. Ptaklf'y p1 • • d.lct.d lti. biaPt a4'ranc• '" l•n 111·011ld bf' l.be ~ C•f bondll and •tart nf con1tl'\lctlon ot lh• nt:" watf'r 1ewrvolr "" lnlrw C"'o. 'and ".U we J•t l hi• and tour otlwr Uliftp 11<" .,,.,. pU•Md. 1 bellan tht cl\y rouni:ll a1111 u.e city emplny-will han eoun\ed • llU(~f'aaful ys r " TM rwr other proJeOU h• lltted -re: tM U•e im"'7"-r-· ll'l•nt Cll&rlda. the Nortb <::ia.lot w.-11torm dTIL.ln and t.ti.. new ttre 1t.aUon to "rv~ lM •ubctlvt· •~• aad In~ 9f't'tl 1i.rar Jla*rul. P1.11lc.ley, too. looked b&Cll on lhlt )"Mr wlU. ma.ny ml•rtvlnp. Afrftlnc It WU a y~r of .~ werk mn~ tl\&ll aeoomp~nt, P\llkliey polate4 O\lt Ulla purd\U• of & MW tln lr\&l'll, lltl'Wl roller and at.net .......... u "1tlalcial u.t Wq• an loOlll111' up tor Ulf. lftle ftlM ltat• altit OD ~,.. !4M161 OF IS''l"lrJfDIA> 8AL& NOTICE 1.1 l»r•lt7 (iftfl a1'4 ....... la P . O. Boa Mil In the 1::-ity of ,.,_f!Otl f\f>e· h. C4<1nty or Onu1.r•. It.at• of C-.lltornla, lnt•nde to wU lo !lltl'ltT I~ JORDAN and N 0 RA Ji P JOl\DAN, v .. ~.. •·l'loiN ad· LIGAL NOTIC! am , .. u:; it' dlay Oil Kb~ LI')', ln'7. 9l Uw MCl"OW .... putment ot BAT ES<.."ftOW CO .. INC. at lltt Harbor 8h·d , In the Oty or Co.ta M, ... County or Or&n(•. l\.al• ot C&Uronua OATJ:JJ ~INr 19, 1'641 BJ:RT L JOftOA.N. V""""r NOft.AH P JOftDAN, Vendor l'l&CR&ATlONAt. MA:"'fAG~N'T TNC. :i.,._. Noiue. --~-·· Newport Harbor & P. 0 . E. 1787 w .. ta every T1U&rtlda1 I II a. V LA Up<lr\.o --centn..1 A .. Newport a.aeA DI.Ck N.,."TTIU. lllWtad 9'\lkr MOVING? 2 experl~nced. lll.sur"4. Cul moven plu• la.rs• vaft on17 Sii U hour anywM,.. .,thla IO 1111*. T\m• .uJU at 1'0UI door. t.aw.1t rate• aA4 tree -1 lmal• on «a.te an4 na.Uoa- W\49 rllO"\DJ &ad Oft Jrto~. No cxt.ra cA&rf9 tor .. turd&TI or HOU*Y• NEWMAN TRANSFER 6 STORAGE I tM Kubo¥ 8tv4.. Cott.a ...._ Pbona. Da)', Ll a..m• Ntcbl. Ha IAlll or LI ..... '° lZ-BolkUn& "-in'km CEMENT Ir BUILDING • All Kladl ran F..STnlA TES Liberty MlOD General Contrector LIODUID New Worll: -Rnnodellni J. MILTON Mc.KEN'ZIE CARPEN11tY. lllNOR &RAJ:Jl W01UC KO JO» 'l'Od UC• LL " IL 0. hf -· .• 1616 a. a.ao& mwc,. ..... 11.uWMll .... HEAT FOR SALi WllY nn:n naa WINTER? , , 17 TOU'l\ -... 19 ..... .,.... blruoe ,..,.. .. ...... ......i, CA.LL ITANLl:Y ACDZIMAN ~ BEA.TINO . TO M.um .....-.. ., .. aa.11 ...... i...-ft•'llM• ····--~ 11,..... .......... . eeu.· PAINTIN& Dft'Dloa -DTSIUOA ALM> M.UlJJfJ9 P ADn'INO, LICZN'!ED -Ofl'U1tlm ' Glenn Johnston IOl 11.St AL rtewpon Bucu Harb« l1 Tl •tuo CARPENTER Repair Work OlJe:I Your Harne NM ~ or~Ulllt o.n ......... LDlerty .... ~, ~ WOTll OU&la&LMd Ttuo Painting, Decorating Pa~r lian(in& GEO. BURKHARDT LICDfUD CON'nt.A.CTOR t.n.tJ t-Mll OOMPLETE P A..tNTING 6 P&peT Ha..n,ul.r Senice EUOl:!ftl 0 . 84 tmDD.a 600 SU\ It""'-N-.ort BMcb Rubor m• t.tl FURNITURE Dt.stlnctivfly deaicned Ma~. ,..,.Ired or ,..OJll.&Md C. EVERETT SMITH tU · 29tJi It., 1'1..,..port -..ch Hu. ~ 44>• or .. ~ ll&U WEATHERSTRIPPING SCREENS · · · AWNINGS ,.,... Eallm•l• THE AWNING MAN U 1-•T'H RED ECO RA TING C&ll Cur fl'ff ..um.t- lNTSftJORA 6 &X'TDUOR.8 Eap.r1enced color '"~ Complel• d«orau-i wmce. L. B McKENZl&. Kar . .&14 lotl• DECORATING PAINTING Interior -Exterior Free A11istanc1 in Oecor•tin4 LICENSED -IN8URED 1:9timatM. C&U HOME BUILDERS Hubor Soot .,. Harbor 8309-W lSlttc PAINTING BUDGET Interior & Exterior "-~ ll&r ...., ' ' ... I P' .. C8ll ' Your llelu~t1or CJUiiMifut ~-~Ula ..... wu..-•r.ct..,... .. , ........ I laU• -- superliuous Hair Ptfm•eeu7 nmo•e4 ~ tac. um.. a.p. EY•brow• Nd ba11 bee -.pec&-No mote t....-iaa cu..&N 1. 8R1' A.HT It. &. Dttc WANTED Kl 7-3606 ~--~--------------IJGllllUA.L Yaa.r auc...at NEW 8TOILllJ BLDG ·~ OMllt .... "1.IOQ. 0..- er ..U • trade! Udo'• ll&loft ot 8-ut7 Rar. U7t . "' !!:xpenenceod tunulurit flnllh•f v.ho <.an malth colorw, malc.h al&inl It do production 9J>nlY• lnC' P~d Va• aUon, 1roup In· aura.nee, bOnua plaa. 1165 ~ Comma.tr 48---.Al!: A ROUN for Be.at -VI. .,,.. Cfe. Jl. B. A.ut.o-• l:l X 61 on l'fewpo.rt A.H., co.ta. ~v~.•A-.­.. .ooo ...-. . 1111 taa. wm exc:h&n&'• fOt Joc&l L9oGIM. Mk tor JM.U OUVal. (m... Hyal& •·T ... ). J'OUND beauUtul blonde Cairn terrier, eMall t•mala. ..:o ldeaU· tlc&UOA, 1J nol dWllfll Will ..U rood l\ome. No ,...,..IM'\1, U a.-0687 or U ll-Jl:l3. k K&DO& T~ 6 prunlnl B & H GARDENERS All Power Equipment Cement pauoa. CleAa "P )Obt, any alu Truck truh baUUn1 n. •Um&l•. LI l ·S:Jn. 7,trc SEAMSTRESS Dlll:HIU:tlNO &Dd IJ.TEIU TlONI &ow. I &.IL tb I ~ lfM Manrovta. U.ta ,._ Llbut7 ..... u Roy's Maintenance Complete Profe11ionel Hou1ecleanin4 · COLBY It CLA YTOH, 181:1 Pia· renUa A Ye., Co11.a w... U R·Jl~l. 9cll ----------WA.NT BOYi 1ll to 14 yur• of a1a. l.<J rW Newa·Preu 11>UlM ------------tl\at ar• open near your home. <'all Mr. Parker, Har 1818 'Hie l:~PP.:RlENL'l-~D fountain wait· reaa. \'incf'nt • Udo [)rug 10<: 12 HAIR IiRESSi:R, male or fe· 11Ulh . 1:.JOd wonuna con<llllon• 1•>0<.l t'llcnule 6(1~ l·omrruulun Marto'• Smar\ ht Har 6104 Corona dt'I t.far 10< I l ._Mbltt .. ·•·- BED-SPRING a.o4 MATTRESS SlO • A million othrr t>arct.Jn. In FKE&Z&R. NO'T9 1311 cu. fl 111'!>d • montba. Holda <>vu 800 It.a t<*L P4. l>n. to $197.7:1 rrom .-tliul Ma.00. tlo dab Dn. Pay only $2.78 ,_.r '-' .. k. BAUGHN'I TURN. wanbou111 HO W. lTU. St., toeta Nua. l blll. W. ot \lu 1 Jk'wU._, Allf'y. ato~ boun: Monday ~ J'nday 1·11 Sal. I to 6 ~un. lA.-6. LI 1-318'. NOkl:E 1u dryer, -.rand new 111~7 11\0det on ale tlrill w•lr tor onl7. •1UAO. M.IO down, Iii •o moet.b. FT" wt.alleUOn. If \'OU buy thla Y.'Hk. JAKIC'8 Al'PLIANCt8, 19'7 Harbor 8.t..Il. on Ne#pC>rt Bay In a N1tw t 4 ft. Sandpiper c laaa aallboal. ~•116 l~ludea daeton eall. For ln.formallon .top ln at :a3t W. Cout HIJh· w.:y, Ne.rport Beach or <'•II Barbor 4.273. 72Uc Mr YAWL. :I bertb.a. Cocnpletely nt1tltd. All new ninnlni r11· 11"'· New Jib, Main It mlr.· •~• lood .nuent oon•1 l\ ... i.dy to •II UOOO AJlf'n l>'oer ,__.. Tr&ller Park JM W. Wu.on. C M llcll She ftt'a Barptn Spot i.,·°" JtotroLnt R..t~I t..~•r YEA&:. END SPECI.A.LS ' ! maUc Orin.. Uk.e new. Jl7'5. Har. llOl. title 1186 VoDarwqren. aun top, R A H. waw• ui.. Red lealbu upholnery. OaU Har JtOO. tell 'N CHEVJ\OLIJT t-dr. HCSa. HOO mllea. WU! talre Uta lot my .. wty ot UW. ... a.t Port Clea.ntra dayL 17U-A N-port >.Ye., C. W. aC'f'CMll from kt.way, tell Mot~r Overhaul 5 Cyla. (&ml) '8.88 ltltbta (ma.t) MAS NO MO~ DOWN Up to ~ Mont.ht to Pay INCLlJJ:>• ltota ~ 6 Pvt& New rtap. wN\ ptAI, 1'9tYe rnJld. fttts.a.p et .am u4 rod 1-rUlp. IDapll1 _,. u..- up.. 90-4&)' or '* mUe ~ &.nlAe. <U.ltan'I .. OIL llX'nU REBUILT ENGINES BUILT IN olU OWJI f&C10r)' try I all1ll.s rn&Cblall"C.. Don't OOl\o Floor WUJng aod bultln1 W llldOW Cl-.aJ.Dc Upho1.atery Oeantn1 apptianc.. a n d com- pltl• furn.ialunp and Clothing for the EnUre Family l"ro.u Top P'rtt&.4!r r-h ta t ".1t><lf'I Ah1IVN In di>IW aJ\d "'' t'O t.hlnJ: f'd . dn to JU3 OI ~'o CAah On P1y only 11 9fl l"'r w•k. J only Por\.&ble rwrt orran d-· tend wttll LU ml~• maa. monat1 &I.Or modrl term• S2(J 00 Buy diree1.. Pa Uoe Color wand wtroua Ren.tu. 11uwn s! oo P""' rno Block mu.t meet our ~ REASONABLE Phon~ Liberty 8-1332 ttc .. FIX-IT". lihcl\a.nlc&J Ul4 Clectrte&I Ma.llltell&n.c• a.tvioe ALL WURK GUA.RA.~Kl:D Har~ t>M4 01 Hiia t6cJc: CLEANING and ll'Omnr, by lll• da). ~J""r1•~ H • I n o a w&.D4 l't-..1.,s.ci. I a ll Kl a l\096. ~11 10 flOt:flltWORK. W&11l •I "'a ll ) work ' dan • ""..,I< H"f•·• •nc•L Hatll«'. Kl 3 :11:1 .,.,.. lilt II GIRLS VETERANS INDUSTRIES :.:1 q Locuat 13• W. A.n&btim 402 E. •lh St 12101 F. Rolaa O~n Mon. & 1-'ri 'UI g r. 0 RI: RT W A T S 0 N OIL I PAINTL"iG '12:1 -u x l~ framed A. un... J~•L nu •3•2 ~fore e f' m t:ltfc DRAPERIES and SLIP COVERS RR ING YOl "R F'HH::"TJS 1.1 'rll.LE lJitA PI-:HJ 1-.::s BAI GHN"lt FUR!'; w~. '160 W. 17th St . ~oat.a Mw• J blk W nt VAn'• O.,W1tn1: only :n.&uhlul Mallo~ny Qu,.•n Anne Klmbllll ltpm•t. allcblly dan1•19'I tn •l\lpmf'T'lt Save S t:.o 00 AllPy Rlore hnl1r• 1fri11•1a}' lhr'1 F'nt1• v II \! RAl 11 lo 6 2 nnlv f)ulbnnMn Spttif'l•. J S trn 11 ·~ 1.1 11 q "-IJ I rr •111~ I hlonelt. ,..nt&J r,.turna -----• • Ran 1100 00 WY. H0N0ft all l!Uloount urdl I -ABC-, FEt>CO R c Hi; u L 2 only em aUNt 1111t1tt1 11pr1rhl 'T'EACHEJ'.S, MILITAJtT &.nd' ,xano-. •..-ti.ti tull II li•\"bollrd USIO~ rarda. JAKE'S Ap· i Tuma '-'IO 00 down, 117 !Ml ~r pll.anc .. 1, 1937 H&r b<ir, Cc;iet.a mo MH• 1 onlv Blon!U Maho"any Jua. -I • r~rh flf'lnf'l fll•nc., In perteet WHI'RU'OOL A torn.auc \\'Lill ".vnt'lrllon. SavCI 0~ 00 "f The 1111 lm putaJ :Modrl u-1 II mnnth• f'd r>n lo 1 ,,nly Kimi.all rtlon1e lplnel, JUSl.U f"'ClfTl ort(lnal nu oo I r"o•.11 r•t.airn 1 an l be \olO No <.-....h Un P1y only U 112 from n•W 81Vf' Ull-0 OC:> per '"'"" J only ntW"Jr 11•monatralrir. 1w~ 8AUOH1' 14 nm~ wa...,,ouM rnMual l:l•l'lronlr (ira&n, •tlll ~ W . 171h 111_ (;()91a .Meaa I nrw 1\lara.nl""· at J82~ 00 1 blk. \\ or \'1U1'1 BowUn1 Aller Store t10t.1ra M~a\ 1 ""!\" Vloor 1lt>moN1l~tor model, Um.a J."ndav 9 fl Sat t to 6 t•moua m•I • £1nlmn~ OrclLll El in ll :, I.I Ii 11 111'1 In 8•1,.m M•1 I• N.,,., G uar811 ,,. .. f'•·• 1 .·.00t' !l-Wul.ed to Buz OROWTH A."[l J'ROMlfflf •:-01' I lhrhor ~4 • • Mii~ - I < 'II\ J 1i:.,1 .,. ~lltht 120 Bau Plua ~ ,..UC. ud otJ POltT m.oc:a FORD t1'3i..i) -1 HOO CHZVROLl:T '".cA au1ox •m.ot &CJURO (t "1\.J __JlJ6.00 f>t.1m., ~· A Ford t _,106.00 CHRYB. a. 011 a<Yl'C.I --1120.00 ITUDD.ua:R --.SUO.ot OLDS. A PONTIAC• --'1'0.00 HUH lllO ot UJSICR llO.ot tlUOSON (I) ra ........ 114000 PLUI INITAU-\TION Open 0..Uy • to • Monday 'Ul T p rn. lu.11du 11 t.o ' BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS SlO It. aJ It. ICJ l..uH t.OAH CAM -'1't1:111 TOWlNO 8TA 'I'll BONDED SID'S GARAGE (~OW RAIN'S> UNDER NEW OWNER r OR ~----- IU.\IE CIU:.\Tt:C• t.JP•.:-.l>!l.S IT11 •It l1r .. lr•I Mtt I A,"'' 111"1 • .... T r rnu 12 1 00 dl:JY.a A I! OO per mo l Expert auton10U,,1 ""°~ IUld TELEPHONE Property Owners Attn. OPERA TORS I 1f! voun wAn::n MP.ATER Ft:l.l l'AY /\:::. \'IJI l f Alt.'li "" of ti.a tu.a ru •N! l""n"'t' lror, <'"f'P"• brau alum1n1m1 YREQUl::"fT L~CIU:.AfiES 111 111 .. ,. •II> d~•t ut II f lood ,.,,., l.nv cr1•nt,t y lmm""11al • 1..it..-r•I T'r•d<'• Cor .,•nlmt TeTm• 1•n•~ repa.tn 1 SOI& .I'.. Cel. Hlv. ay, C.O.M. 1)nq::• 1•n'• ''-Jr•fl H~adquartarw Har 278• JUNK 6d0 fHIAFF:Rl' F tJR M l:SIC RIOH HAHN'~ l'LL.\SA:"ol nn• ll't;l'I "'' \';•r hcim .. -· I 1 ir i. "T' I all I.I e 11n1 lT S Tl""' T O l Al.I. ll>Oitc 4:1 i.3 ....,: APPLY -~ ~lnr•• I t i)• S\•lf"N f'10r• !l.antn Alli\ KI 2 W i 2 •ot IC. 20th St 8 3() TO 4 30 A n •ll.JWrl abt:ut '"• rr.nt1H <tr> WANTY.I • tn b• v • lat., modrl lJJ v.~ THIRO ot )"(\Hr •·•t«r nutu nofnrntf\n and cu ranr--1 SANTA ANA CAU. VfJ'-11" •utht.lnl.l'C! UAY _. JAKT.'~ "'pnal'IN'• lt1i Hu I NlC:trT JPIJl&n W•ltr Hcatrr br>r, nn~a M"•· l.J ll·~H PACIFIC TELEPHONE WANT Lady With car 10 taler «:hlld \Q 1u~ rrnm ..:hool ancl tl•IP moth•• with llJht )101~. work, • nra a llAY or mnr •, l> •da)'ll • "'·itdl. U oo fir. pl111 .-, 110 orcll.ld. C U.X. Har. •lfT. lUc COUPLE ~ ..... J1w Be<:htolrl-ffar. 53311 rnr Jl'r,.e lr1111·~tn•n -F0t· & <..:~bl• uwd car. - JO•Jr local cte&* wim wUJ lie W. 1'0MOkROW t.o ~lr 11p Wbat hi Mil• TODA T ! (.,'Meli: lN 11..0 CllU8 tn lJ» ~ 19Ct.Jon IP· Oay Kwp houH A r:Qo>k t o1 rouplP I ----------- an,1 l'Af'e tor U1\'al111 molhrr SAVE UP TO 70., no.ro • rnoni l'•lu \i O(h'n I• Ralboa Covr..JI I Call Mr ltbt"1o Kl :'> 11~ Jewatry, -~. abWa.,.Ut&. lk 111 .. ndala. 11&.wware, rup, etc. llOM., Fk.EE SOME 1-'ICS NSW U.Unaa dailv, ntftcf', <» m•Uo uio olb41n A&.80 ~JOU FOR MEN WHOU:.'iAU W AR&HOU81l, Mfo • lrd. ~ blk . .oUUI ot IA· tr11n1 ff.acil CllJ HaJ.l. HAR.ROLD IMPORTER Open t.o pulabe Me& UU\I Sat. I lo 0 p rn. J u N E r A ft ft A R • empt, A~. tOI'-Slnd St.. Npt.. ~ .&a'091 tTOm C."'ltJ Hall. Ml'LTll,.ITR Utbof"ap!I Nod9l 760 ~ltt ,,_,. Prtwet• ,.rt)'. U..CDD PtnorlneJ ~· Top JM ~nwa au ~ks.I MEN Ir WOllEN J.J l-8BT. tell NKW c.ooAUon. llM.Y 121UI aH · ""°°' ..... nia. Ranp. rttrtr· erator. n&D 6 tw111 bedroom HI•. cluun. tllvan, mi~. R...- an&We. UO •o.dwaJ. COit& ...... k11 S%-F'umltnre f'or S.~e -I MAHOGAN'T IN"'rl'!&n' 11!'1 w:i- m rt •hntni.; Hl•nl!ln~ tablfl SICI 10 rh111rri 11phnt.w~ -i... $2 ~1u:•i. Har 38:l2. 9p11 6 RooMft nf turn1ture~ 19M -o.;: •rsl ltl"('f rk R•fr Rrart<f ~ ... Tappe.r. ft.n,... I oompl~te bedl"OOnl• 1 pltu dlnl"t' room, 10 ,.Ke II~ NOITI 1T011Jl Pd. Dn. le• S'Tft 00. Nn t:Ut1 Dn Pay •nly S7 84 per JWf/>ek IUUGRTl"R P"UR.N. ~IN l\GO W. lTlh St.. Coet.a M ... 1 blk. W . ot Vu'• &>wUns Alley. 81.ore hou.n, Monday lhr\l Fri.day 9-8 •• lat. t to a. Sun. 11 ~. U &.3114 ROUND tt.rk mapi. dlruna tabl• It rapCaln• chlllnl. maple T"Ol'lc• "'· ~. cotftt la.bl• It .iae. t~ lbr outa.. lOC\l • ftOOM9 tlantilun. tnctude9 1 ~ 4ilWI• room JT'OUP. 10 pt.et ~ f'OOln, oom~ lleell tOflt. 1 "9 Admlt.i mr .. lt.'Wl W4•<MI ~. rrtddle f'&!\l'e. J!laJa.nce lefl on thla '611.d. ~ __. Dn. ~ay only 14.11 per w.lr. RADIO $2h0 lnrh1•t"" 1'-rll• and labar 2:1 yr1 1<:• prrlenr• ACME TV le RADIO U:"!·3hL Rt Knowlton H:ltclronica TV ANTENNAS l('IHr ReaJn -HI Galnl lnallllle<i cnmplr•l.i to your Ml $9.95 ' TV Antennas $7.95 IN8T Al..l..i:.0 A11tainu '2 N and up ACME T.V. '" 31st 811. Ra &3CM HUr Knowlton Elf'Otrdblca TV REPAIR Harbor 472~ N.,.1>0rt RH<:b .vnenca.n Motora Aulhor\Md Puu 6 ~rvl<'.• for bol.ll Hud· llt'ln tV\11 N uh A utn r&dlo t•· paJr a.rd hydramallr lrana 8J*-:1a1Wna In 111n .. up. ot all m&k•. Htte ON DJSPLAY 14'57 PAN AMERICAN PARAllOUNT BOLJl'.S.AERO-KENSKILL ~ •. 8pec. ~7 60' I Br. P&n·Am. 1396 7U~ IT '!I' l Br. Pan-Ara. Tt86 MN :lT •o· l Br. Pa.n·Am. M~ 6196 &7 .S I Br. P'lllnm. 1196 48116 57 •o• J. Br. P•ram Uta 1996 &7 37' 1 BT. Parun. tOIG N~~ !'17 ,o· Puamount W6 28111' ~7 u· x-aiuu n•& 2650 r.T 11' lteDltldll 21* 1N6 &1 "' F.n:IUl T&a6rm 2715 "'6 If 11' Ee>llma 1721 J5IO d:UtCTED Uam> Tl\AD..ER.I M 2T' ~or M tO' Pan.Am. N 21' IC..-SU 4t •· &epber Spec. UM a~" 1llll 816 • PORT ORANGE • TRAILER 8.ll.ES ~· ~o -tum1ah..s 2 Md.rm. 11114 IUD porcll upper dvplct ua.r .tllac-e. Winter '100. ,_,.., ,llO. Ut1llt1u paid. Hu 61161--W 12t1c: M._ ~ diaUWlt. Cl )9r leut. DA VY, 3•H Vie Oporto Ha 6646 lltfe • • • • ON BAI .MOA l8LAND am ua tor ,.,.1,. and ~a.I l'ULa.J,I. PR.IV>. Tll Ori' JCJ:S WI U1 f!1aae ONm 14 e~ht.eian a.er-. ._. ILIUIW•~ MrYic .. s.cr.u.r, • corner of IC. uua Ill. ... "'-- notary aY'Lllabl1. OroWld Ooor, Ua """•· for eal•I NELDA GIBSON, Realtor aot M&dn• ...... ~ 60% BALBOA. lBLA.ND N-'l'rtdcit 8141., UOO N_. 720 A.CBI lm,.n&I V.U., fw port Blvd., N•wport Be&c.b. aaJ -•-•A a. " • t AdJ~ent to South 0o&.st Co.) e Or tr-w -oom_ ... utt\ce. •&.nd atmi·prtnlA 4-Jl cla! proper\7. AM tw v .. Choice Winter Rent&la on B&lboa l&l&nd 6 Udo We Sma.11 6 _, or l&rf'• • cklUM ep~. H&r, JOU. 8rtUth. (C\le. U ._.,.,, m to "°° moat.la VOGEL CO. JOI M.a.r\lle A.,... BallM>& laland Pia.. Bartlw 6" 06 Be.nor 10U ~Hu ..... • '6Uic NEWPORT N•u HO&J -F\Jru. I Mrm. dupln. ~ $7G mo. 1nc:. 1iUllUH Ull Jun• Ill. U ~* IUc FURN 4 BDRM, a btllh dupl"" FA ~&l, &arb&&~ dlllp(IUI dlahw&Akwr, la11m.h ymatt d1 \ · ., U2~ p<tl m"nlh Har ~\lllOJ -UO -•1U1 It. l~l:l d-&-Apta. for a-t STUDIO APT .. tum. Full lol<h· en. JUb dlapoMJ llll.l.lllu p&id. ITll mo. Har. noo. tl"l 1 Co&at, N . B . tUc CORONA r>r.L MAft unfum •l'I A1'11tlt• ,,nlv SO~ 1NOU8TRIAL bld11. for 1MM. T\ll·up. 10,00U mq rt. Ready now. 10,000 eq fl ll'eb. 16lfl AAA·l Cac.:IUUu, par~ tor 700 cara 8outh aid• Bakers~. uoo· IC a• t F&lrvle'*. Co«& Ml'• ownera. l.Jb 1-4821 - Ult 1-2616. ltfe 1000 OR 2000 S(lU AM n:rr . new bldJ bftnJ ~·ec:ted. Ju.al oft 17th A N•wport Blvd. CIOM to S.Jtw&y. Call Mra Ahr.ina Jtru Olli! ur v.nte 11!1 Via San Rf'mo. 1.ldu Jal0t llt22 NOW LEASING TU(lO SQ li'T All or (••rt. U1ht mr1 . ator•1•. l'"omm•rclU OOQ· rr~le Ult·"I''· l blOl,k ort Har- bor Blvd. l..1oae·ln. l.J 8· THI • 9c22 NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY mo )'Hrty H•r Miil) 11<'11 WIT1i • 1-lOOMll and balh. at· Ful\Nll.HICD lovely n.;,-; t>.d: I tach~ Lo atnn l>""\.lnWllMd If l'lf'Sl.-.<I Low nint -any i.- room apt.. flnplace. 1artia1r .on&bl• ottrr ar«Vted 4IM dl.poe&1. butlt·ln atnu, l:ar&l:f' 10 l'le&IUL C&U L • 11 I n I lo • "n11 July lat l lOl'I month rail S-2191 or -303 IOI St., Hattior Ill~. 030 W, Balboe Bhd 90ttt HW1t1n1wn Boch ~Uc U!'llF'URN. larre 1 ~"n ca.racr I Ideal Location For apt. Hw4. moort pan•! hetal· ( clllpoeal ,.,:.,.. l"l&rly I f\&&WltNCI) AND :17 Marfpl11 Ave, Corona del SNACK SHOP Mar. Har U .. ·M 111'10 I nruvJ:.[N l..lQUOR STORE ---· GIFT S~OP Ol:Lt!XIC f11mi..htd A pt• l'lll· Next to ahopplnf ON1t.er. ~ lllu lnr. 8lflll" J•O mo lJb le, 1~ 13 "' U7 and W1Jd&,qa. '-"'° mo. unlll Jun• l~lh P'or appolnlment. ca.11 Cb&r1el Adulla only. Kar t.344 Mtlc R JtAtunJn, owner. t>ayw: Har BAY VTZ'W 2 bdrm. ai;ot_ vrry N~ly turn. T\', n.ibtw>r t.111 """· 1~ wardl"C>W.1, rood ~t. 1,_. blk to .. .11001, rlotM to n · c.llmt bch.. UUllllH lncJucs.d, 112:1. -11111 W, Bay AV•. Rar. JM(, • 117Uc ruRN. DELUXE APTII bM'btlan.. UUI lncl R.tuon· able Wlat.r a. )._rly f'Pnt&J.I lo prcfnnd ~t&. U:llO Wftt Balboa l!lh·d., Hn<'l'Orl 8-cb Ha.r. 1032. 71Uc t.0Jt. l JIOJlM. A.PT. H .,..I 1 · 111111 -I:•• l...J M7M. BALBOA ISLAND R E A L E S TA T E Mtabll.abed buaUH'lt.ll for Mk.. Phone liar 1473.. I.le 5.">-Mont')" to Loan . "" --.. ... .. ------- LOANS TO B(TlLD. DO"ROV&. BUT, MUl>EIUOZZ. OR "&rll't AJICCJI w. Buy Twwt 0.... Nl:Wl'URT BAL8UA 8AVINOI .. LU~ A&k.>ClA. nuH UN Via U4o At.. &u. UOO tlil tleoon.Uct a.Ad tu.mlatl&d. On ·------------ bMuutw h'l'll.M\41a Potnt. ltOI I:. Balboa Blvd. Har 161'. NUc LIDO lSLI: CHOICE Unturntahed yearly l ~"" Vuy altnlctJ•• ll•lllc room. l&rp ftnplace, tortled air bul. ltltJI ot tile and rupbOardl. dla- posal. pn.J«. to yd.I lO prt• ••I• llleac.ll. 1125 mo Appotnt- m•ftt on&¥ Ha Ut7. tttc: LUXUIUOU• BAT VIEW 1, I and I bedroom Curnl8!ted apt.a, NUst be -n to be •P- pnclated. Har. 2'60. " • lttc NEWPORT 1111..A.ND furn. or unfurn. apt&., yearly. 2 bdrm wllh f'Jlo('lolllld p&Uo 6 bat-i.- qu• l bdrm Upa!Aln WIUI larre bak.nny. U l..&ln or Har 1217J ftt.C.: BA.lBOA. 1at..a:. Y •r lll'OUnd l.AYelJ 1 BA tront apt . Alc.-.- ly tum. I rupo!Ulltl• ~ adulta. SA. uut. pd. 1..-. fOf" .... AW. 1m&ll ~ns rm. and bath. euta1d• l'fttl"WM:'e, na At.11nt1c 1.0•. .,,u SINGLJC Apl. fumllllwd. 1 lad)'. JM ""°· nH.r atOl'ff, bua, 11· brary, l"anel Mat. Ulit. U I •t & 2nd T. D. loans •tn1111 aJJ o~· eouney Trust Oeoeda Bourht A Sold Royal Mortgage Co. Harbor 6123 1I02 "-ioft 81Yd .• Nprt. 8Q. LOANS for Homes I.AW Int.rel\ IO reu lAue Construction L04ns SDI BOB liftl..D 2810 CA.8'1' <X>Aft al.VD. Con.Al d .. tl&r au.or ... Rep,. POUUJ:R MO&TUAOll 00. .. •tro ute lU. ,._. ID Mllll ""° NEED MONEY w. b\17 ao4 •ll l'1nt Mid 8«'0Glt TNtlt o..dil. CON11TRUCTION LOAMI Call Mr: Aduu, MOJtTQAOJC LOAN DEPT. n. Vopl Co.. IJOl W. Olalll 1:l111lway. N.B. LI 8-2•&5 . • • • • ''HOT AREA'' :II ACRU ~. W• Rlvtr11de: ti,.. ac,.. M-1, 11~ ~ M-1. located at LU iuacture of t-maia ~ bu pand alrecta oe all t04U lld .. w1UI M spur &aOM • •U-Wt. 11-.r ... ~ : F11MWa7 and alle ot a.-JU.,. eralde ,.,......ay. WU ~ wllll P0.000. dow'& -wW -- Ill.Ju trade. A.lk tor a.. 8laYN. (lh•. U '-'Mfl). • • • • LEMON HE16HTS REALTY E l 7lb I& TUSTIN Kl 7'"60 TRADE BY OWNER Jl0,000 .. tllTT la ..... . ~ewpol'\ HeiPta tor .... • •--..t Luld, aw ~ lllJ Le »0.000. C&U TOpu ~ IOowaq). ~ I ..... ANTELOPE V .u.L&T ~o' ~m • ..,., ' l~ana a.,.,., ...., .. "ti IOO' bMk to JU. w.i ....... hc\ory, etc. JO. Wut .... Pf"lp. WW .._,,,.._ T.&. ...... •·'7M4 or wrtlA ._ N4 c/e UU. MW~. ...10 LAGtTNA. DI.CK. ,....._ NDIT vmw, HSW I Mita A 4m randa l,-pe ._.,I '-U.. hdwd noora, natural A.JW r.ati1n,.ta, built In o•m. ,....... cWpoal. • ah&ka reot. ...... tully ~Or&t.ed 4 r-.dJ m OOCUl*ACJ, l&Adecapecl. .......... lu syawm • dbl ,..,...,.... AA for Ul.600. llN T_,le mAI • Drt" OwMr u ldO'T. 1&1• • BACK BAY RJ:.B11UCTED LOT, TblOO, ... lltr.._ cwt., 9( .... l UO~ 914-alb, ... ,.0, Geo: Everson Rea~ 1117·A HSWl'OftT SLVJ). ooeT.+. MD.+. \A~ Bl"-from 8&!..a.rJ . LI ..... 11 Jlaa1ler .... ORJVJ: to IOI De A-. 0.-. Rlpl&ada. TUSTIN ST. HUBERT WOOD Juel _:,~ ..... -...; lllllury home, , J ....,..._ • ... MIN larp 0 Uftl!S r• ••' and Mil. t n.r plr ._ ..._... IUtL-IM.n, bNUtMt ,_ .. ~ ........... -~ lq tt. 100 tl. rt61ltap. """ a:u.~ W A.1.K&ft 6 LB IMC. 1Ttll a&at& Qua .A-. Uambi ...au• Ida ~~~~--~~~~--~ BAYSHORES I a:DIUI.. 1 ...... II ut • ,..,J... ........ ,..., ~ .......... .. liable .-rtJ'. -O.•lllr Dr. u..Tll. ..... aU•DtAMl.o...a HW'"ed' aT OWl'f&J\ IC'llW''I· ...... 6 Daf • .lf ... I a ,._. .. ' UO TuaUa A. n., N nrport n..d CACl'OU no-All Anwnean parkif\C IQ\ I MOTHERS fll'!l.rER. l1v. In f>rtqte 'IJ&l'l~ Mat ,.. '*" .. lft&A pnrternrt Har ~•111. klJ C £. R&FJUG&RA TOR. •nat. 1""'1 frame, &l«lnc l&wn mnw. llAUORN'l!I FURN. wanhou.a MO W. lTlll St,, eo.ta w..._ 1 bill. ... of Van'• am.una A11rr. 8tnr11 boure )kil'lllS&y Ulna F~ t-9. Sal. I to 6 Sun. 11-11 .. u 1-1114 ~. l~U 0&-•c~z Wuted a. Rl:NT.U..11 and SUPPLIES Nm·PNllf JI•• n-• and fl4v:& N".ra.I c.IMU8 local 2IMI r A8T SltRVlCE, ~O!'tfADl.E 2200 W, c.oa.R Wahway picture c:vnrl1e o1 Uie J:Suboc'. 1 Th&at (~ for •I• at di .. tJat.l.na,. atra latp ltrtltl nm;' -wMee pord\. ~ M ~ l\t -Ule. F.4. •t -.._.. ol as.ru. U l-1W • '"· •lectrk ~ dtppc"I. nt· ton llCT9ft. Har t!lM-J. klO IJ.ervl('• Call• till • P·""-lf.-.port Beacb u ..... ao ..... ua.r.. u.m.. a -11.. COWIL u 6·ll69 Mr. Ra&. 1...1 -..uoa OPEl'f I a.m.. • t pm. nfllrY dl.7 IOf a IDCl9Ul, 1'7tte u .. uu. td1 ' ' .. • • • KAO UOT A. • . . )lqrid Ploover Ga..ct,a Klap~r Marie Men A.I Kunb Paul w~ Boldu Jane Oertl~y. See. ' . · .r~· NEW YEAR · '1~ Ill ~ . ~ w. Balboa Bhd. • Ji>ab E . Cout HicflW&\' Harbor M63 T • ·~UNQ INVJC81VENT 'Hlrbor UM BALBOA ISLAND COSTA MESA OFFICES ArtlnU' Tietz. ..,.,. . BA(BOA I • COMMERCIAL BARGAIN R. C. Greer, Jqr. R. F. Geddea. Ker. I Robert Qooe.en Worthiqtoo L¥ Mildred' Stoney ICUn« Gould. Sec. Betty litilkr . . Paul Biel 1998 NEWPORT BLVD. John Van 8urt . Marjorie~ Ann Hutdtlnaotl. Sec. I . ho ltorw plua tm.all apartment EUtililit liariDe 4venu.e location FULL P.!UCB: $28,600, Terina • 1875 HARBQR BLVD. LIBERTY 8-ll&f HM W: Ba.Ibo& Blft. Hai-bar aeee , Eaclualve wit.ti LIBERTY 8-771• ,. WM. W. SANFORD. and Associates 1.-8oUD • Charlotte Fuiola Hub Powen • • Nona Hyer Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa laland Har. 24e2 ,,. p. a. pa1mer i n c o r p o r a 1t e _d .. develop,ers of Lido Isle 2 Outstanding Lido Homes 'THIS IS A G,OOD. ADDRESS Bot~ Wrth Swimming Pools UDO ISLE 83e VIA' LIDO NORD 1 MAKE IT YOURS 125 Vi• Zurich • A CUTE HOUSE IN PRIME LOOATION • 3 bedJ'OOID. 2 batll O.Corator. builder and deeipter combined talent.a to brine you the moat charmbl1 home pomible. ... I People f&Qliliar with Lido la.le know that thia addre9 ia the flnest locati9n po.Ible. They a.180 know that only once lD & bbM IQOOll ee,p you buy a brand new BA TFRONT home, and decorate it to your t.ute. At ttUa addnN, you can do juat that, -80 call nol,r ~d 8ee wbat'• in etore !or you. Price $120.000, with attractive ter"IU poe- ~bif'. • ~Room18x22 1 •. Swmy paUo • Quietest Street OD Lldo e Larp Ga.rap !or Mrvice & 1toraie e Carpet. and drape. 10 with e Excelleat controlled beaunr 4 bedrma. 3 bath.I, built-in own, ranee and diab- wuher. Larte lMni room openinc on patio, •ith •himmering •wimminc pool. U you rally want the btat. --. thia now. $60,000. 2 $32,500 On 2 full Iota, -belt workmanahip pouible. Each room t.utefully decorated. I.Arce 2..tory 3 bedrm. 2 bath home with l&n&l facinr laJ'I" pool. $74 ,500. LIDO LOTS I OPEN HOUSE EVERY AFTERNOON OFl'ERED BY OWNER lOci2 • Jt'or th• !in..t Xmae pl"fJllellt po.ible, co~ to Lido late Headquarten. We 1till have a.nllabl. a t .. ehoice buildiaa' 11itee, -both on t.ae water, and oo en. .tr.ta. Come ln and ~t ua show yog •hat •• han. CUFF HAVEN CV8'TOll JILT. I MdnD 6 ._ OCUN ntOlfI' I ti r,, 11.IDl I twu., ...., rwfni;. ltuv• 6 l\ BJCST BUY U N G O 0 D HAPPY NEW YEAR ... -Ip. '°' -.tUt patio .. ..... l'"""7 .... ~ ar.- pa.ca. 0,.. IMAlll --· A u.17 rme aa-. at m.aoo. NOT toN .... cJd. llboW'D "7 appt., 8.EACH. - --JUS.~ -OCJ1:A,N FRONT 2 b r , t urn., lc'e· Uv. rm , nr.-pl&L-.., n-u 1 worll. ~ - -LO 00" S p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. manegement 3377 via lido, harbor 1500 p. a. p'91mer inco,.P~rated ole heruon co. manapment 1700 w. cout h.icbway -liberty 8-5573 ' COSTA MESA 1 911DftM. NOMI: GD IOx10t tot OciM ID I:.. lllde.. Pl-4. Cu llLllN • mo,. unit.a B.srpJn at BACK BAT I b r.. proYUlci&I, ....... It•. nn. !l"pl&c ... 2 baln c-add room SPSCl.AL -,16,:.W ff* wtUl tUOC> down. I BACK B.A T I b r • tltm rm • J f1~l&c:9a. l,lt'. lol. on l>f'•t •. I •ll'Ht.. rnon n11ht tn BL'BJ.UT l\i.~ on Ordl&rd Ave. a I .~ l'\Jl-4f'oUpper aam.. I BACK BAY Iola -JM(ICJ ....... LIDO ISLE'S BEST BUY! I J UST 4 11:1. YEAR!) OLD LARUE LIVING ROOM. Ir B1':AtmFUL PATIO IJBL. GARAGE &i l''I REf'LACE ..,.. • ~ uaoo dn. I Mtee> UP. F:Ml:RALD BAY VIEW LOT - J ll~T ... $26,.500 lX)WN PAYM~T ••• I $6.000 ~· I a _,t w. U.S.. Nearly n-,.or .i. or traO. tor Harbvr tllDOO dL _, will IU• l•t• l ..,._ rt11a h•1111• i. .11 untllnil ~ondl· I ll<•r. You don'l h•\·• to apend ...... .., • lraUer la lnde I a 1~nny on II May we h.an Claire Van Horn lhf' 1 lua11r vf •hQ'l<'tn1 It lO Mesa.Harbor Rlty. REAJ..'ruR ><>u • I tr:C. Sqmalr A UeoaS•I• nsi w. Coe.al H"'Y t.J 1Hm NEWPORT BEACH 1 -O..w at. LI a..11 C&lJ .v.-.. 1.1 -·3209 HA 303'1 a.ta M.-s-RA .... w DUPLEX IRVINE TERRACE I BRAND NEW:!! rty Ameri!'an. R .. ry •h•k• CLOSE TO OCEAN 6 SAY VOGEL · VALUES CORON A I>EL MAR Hard to Jl(>heve? It'• Trut ! South ot the H11hway, 2 bedroom home, com· pletely funuahed :l'il'w Willi-to-wall carpetmc 10 livin( room fl dmette 011~1 Ir f'xhaullt fan. On an R-~ lot Wlth room for another urul. Full pncf' onl)' $11.~IO low down paymt"Tlt. NEWPORT HEIGHTR A ~ Home a t a Bargam • 2 bedn.oma, lar&t hvmg rooni with bu111 cell· mg. flapt.one he&t·<>-la~r fireplatt. Handy lulchen. La.r~ ~m.-nt patio. frwt trees, fenced ya.rd. Homt an f'U.ily be enluged a t lo-· c04lt Try and mat<'h Uua home in the Heicbu for only $10.500 -term11 root. ~ ttr.pl.ac.. Yard &J. JUST ••• $18.!W)O ~ ._.. -Donny..._ low9 20 1l •O pool. Carpet. I DOWN PA YME)l'T $4,000 THE VOGEL CQ. o.a ...._ 4 i.ctnm., J •tM. ctra.,_. J bdrm~ ~ J ba I ~ ...., ctn.r, llluilM• ll'Wly lanes..~ Drt,,.e by 1 What a 100.1 fttl1n1 to ha..,. 2661 E . C.O..t Highway, Corona del Mar ....,. Cid ....a. .i.ll• 'l'OOI, 1U8 Dolphin T ... ra~. Appl your t•nan\ plly your lf\lvnt }{A: 1741 -HA : 07~7 OPEN DAILY ~ n.., &9pL mo. only. Own.w Raz 6097. $79{'>()1, and tu:M tor you!!: lAl a.a ------------__ a\T,IOO wD ...0 dllw1I ,aJ· Down. ~·1 1 ahuw you th11 wvtly MW OU· ..,..t. 00 8D T1D8 LOVJ:LY I plu and Ooubi. Oar•s• and HOK&. HA vs JOU -aoo o. An.a. explain l.M nnanr1&1 ~taill • Corona Hll'hlandl ! to you A 0000 -LOW P'JUCICI) I 110K&. o.r--cat&Maa and INDUSTRIAL 1&u.. N.....,an Bta.' N•t and CLIFF HAVEN l"ROM 1 te 120 At'RU. rrom eMan. I ....._. Ool7 JJt,750 lAr wnl lot 1 llm i. 1:1000 to uo ooo Pf'' a.c:re. Get . P corner • " P 1n Pn the 1round floor and • UU.. 1\111 price "500. Call )tr. in.le• youralf • lltU. fortune hAvr+le Davy, Rltr. Odaat. Bartlor 177~. qu.lck. A •""•l many J"'OP'- • ~ •qpen. Bar M4t a~ dOln1 IL -EARL W. STANLEY, Rltr. . DUPLEX Seven l1lend1 Realty & Investment Co.· :IOl4ln<t lilt~ Nnrport S-Cla Har. 3M8 te-~• Kar. ~7 BA vs J'Oll ... aoe o. Ana, Corom H~?. --...-----...;____ OPEN HOUU:. IOI De Ana. _EXCHANGE Die "*'lilW'f S I llpot .. ... ,...... Glos .. Put ""o.tlr. .... Corona Hl&'hland&.. $7850 - 0-...-~ ' ..... 1*ta. o.r. aw an. ~ • ,.... .... , OlltJ' ~TIO Dal Ma& M a ,... 509 De Ania Corona Hi9hlend1 See. thi.I 2 or 3 bedrm. homf'. Lare• room. Excellent buy tor quick aale. j : ' * bobby A HAPPY NEW YEAR ~ DUNCAN HARDESTY, Reattor Frank Droban Dide Ebeliq Jack Stodatill au.ty (loodman Dano BuWtJ. Jr. J..d 8lnWa Bob Ba.rd-, em ~ ••.At tJM Brtdp to l.&ao Ide"' 3112 Lafa)'ette Aft. · Saner •TU I -l ~ p.np, KW xx LOOK xx I BDIUI run. Oldn' Bm.\111 ta 1 BALBOA REAL TY CO • Now la UM llm• to OCJOllld.r I burm. '9.1 .tat-.. I , 1 , a-t Yalu. oa UM P..WWW. II PolAI., AU.l"llCUY.. • p • c I • I built. 1 Mdroom. ai.uww ti.rt~ ~ baUI boOae.. Ho~ by or cMn .,_ In addlUoD. 1.A.rp Mdroome. o._..t .. doubl• p.l"8P. s;i.aoo. pod tarma. Oftl7 I ' ,_,.. old. I J t Allotbmr P9IUMuJa po&al ft.I.. lie. 2 ~&Ad CIODYtrti· hie den. OD "O" 8tnel. 114 baUaa. rorced-&1r beat. n..n are t.lw. aboat tbi.t pl&.c. vou will Wea. U2,000, i.nn... •31 Pennanmt bay ~. ICut I ot NBTC. PracUcaa7 i.y froat. 4 ~&Ad Oical7 I f'urlUllMd. TtnUk: tot 1Vre tamUy. &27.ooo, '--· I 1 t I If you tall• pride bl your I propert,. and "1ab • -."""I tuJ • mut apt.r'lm81\t buf.ldJ.aa -uu. •ttr&clt1n property. OnJ'J ' ,..n old. --,UAll llu I bedl'OOllU. a.pa.rai. C'OftNCl aarpna. ~ and tars-v.tWtJ room. ... w. • • • • r • buUdlas today. JM.000. .... I f l A. lot fGr t bUk o.dy ··nx.-......-<lllCl9t.t1 •••ti. I Mdla tg eutlMs ~ ,,_, .......... ...., ~ ....... .,. .... ...,., .i..-.--. ~~<:!~*.~· .. ~ •i.. . Jr JP' I .... nn.. fmoed .. ............. pocl OODdfU.. -.. llt. Need9 oeq s:llOO DL 1111-l Pill\*~ lOI lC m n.. run N•r .,_.. .. -., IWtmlmlllS ,.. ................... ...... ...,......, ··~ . . . . . fU9 ........ M..LIMllD CRAJU.a a. ~ ...,..,. Opp. 8Wlr'• Marktt. LI ~ l)a79: Jlar. 1111 ~ u · 1-67• OR.IVS l4I 809 0. An .. , Conna lftlc H)ftlkndl! .. ,..toe aa.IOO wtUa ftollbnf. OoM --· n llMJl ~ Ana Lot 'II X JOl-·-. U00. .. 000. BALBOA IA y J 9dnM .... tiui&l7 ...... I ftdJ NEWllAN PROPERTIES .. t.N. I ~ W/W ear• Utwrt) 1·217& or U l ·M30 9'v ... 111\(13 \\', Blllboa BITil Har ~IU ' ,.Una. tU IClDp ~. u lOU 1 lOr ll I ._.,._ llto ,Join · in E~endin9 ·H»PY Hcil.JDAY GREETlt'GS , and BEST WISHES lor a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR NON· VETS! These Homes Cann~t be Duplicated . . . At This • Price . . . $10,895 Iaimed!ate Oocupe.ney NON-VETS Total Do"1l Payment 3 Bedrooms-2 B•ths -2-Car Ger•9• Costa Mesa SUNSHINE BEACH HOMES FULL PRJCE Jli)~ $'79.!50 PER MONTH WILSON • PLACENTIA ·furnished Models Open Daily 5 Minu+H from the Oceen Neer Schools & Wortc OOilT A MESA StJNSB]NE BEACH HOMES Off ICk . . • Front or rear li~ room.a • Plenty ot clo9eta. . Dtnl.nc spe.oe in kltcllena • fO pl. water~ Natu1'1 birch cablneta • Coofetti tile bl,kttch- eoa • Maticork noon • Wood aUd.lnr wb>- doWI • t,000 8Cl· ft., lot.a • Rock roof•. A.lumlnum ecreena, ANOTHER ~· V. HUNSAKER. AI...EX 8'1D"I DEVELOPMENT An Owner's For Sale Sign Merely Brings The Lo_oken! ' A buyer p~!en to dal with a Rah« . • • beca~ ne knoww va.haea, under'ltud9 ftnendnc and lmowa bow ·to ··pui the deal tosetMr" to proteet both buyer &Dd .ner. Whm yog buy or ..U eouult a Rahor ~ a member of t.be BALBOA . o..a fftlld. t\mdllb9d ' bed.rm. 1 ........ er.. ,a.c1at.1 1..,..1m111t111a·o. -•eu k1ioe '1UOO..:- O!f ma P.DCJR8ULA -NeW I Mila dd fwll,J room. 1% batM. AD moderil bllllt,.;lll ,__ hara ""-J1t1o. 110,000 wm ba-"" aw eo oz' I l"iar '-ell. COAST PROPERTIES CO . Rtrl'H JA mED, a..alt.or Mildrtd !UIP and (lytYia Thomi-m. Amodatee 301 E, Balboa Blvd.. B&lbo& Rar ~ ar '680 I •