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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-03-29 - Newport Harbor News PressSANTA ANA - A 1-'AD-- seltl man wbo ,,.. wGl'kl8C u a firm ......., la Hant- -. . . . . t Fiind Grows . -·- -· ... .. 1WilDNGTON CUPn )mbelllldat' Jl(axw~ll D. Taylor dllcuaed tb6 VletDam ltraa1e toda1 with s.crew, "' state Dean Ruak. ,,, --- Prem P-J QUAKE •• : ................ HOftOUD -Will Vi~ Prtllllilteat H111J1Dbrey fo.l»wlnj, America's two. ~ twina,JobJl=bottoalilMIO. Grtnom aJTin in r.ew York ·1or tndWooal ticbr tape throqb lllnltaUan. . . New York Horwrs Astronauts . 134.50 eoch 259.00 p•lt SANT A ANA: M•in •t E!.venth OPEN MONDAY EVENING~ HOME FURNISHINGS W(l)D.Mz\RK ORIGINAIS Double comfort and a double value in custom covered chairs, •• . - A value of most particular excallence when c~mpartd to chairs that cost much more ••• plus an tvtn lowtr prict for pairs. ~ ~y dediccrt9d ffttn, long experienced in d11iontno and producing chairs of quallty. • INTERIOR ' ' ' • . • ' ~ ' ' f ' i ,, ' \ i i ~ •••.• ' 'I..· • .. ,,,,. ,fti n!i, 11 [' J :· 11. ~$; I e-4J j ~ i~ r, ·ea ... 11,i ~ ii;~, i'~ r ~ i .... .. -!l~J'i If If .. -. , .. ~ -,~r,:1i i i 11 i i f ~ i i It ~.! ..... ~:·~i '. • ' " ' . ~ r~ 3 "'1 • '"'· -,:a91 ~ I :i f; .1 f ~ 9 _g~ .. ~ w•i 2 ~= ,-1 11;1 '° ... ~ i11·r·i : i I" z ;; ~ g~~ t .. ~ r f > >o .:% S!O ~N '° tft I ; • 5... ... '" !!I' ,jE,.l .:. :fl ~ ~ ' § • . -i-~~.. ,,, :il ~ .. '~I f fi Ji!Hli ·.,, ~s ~ ~~ . I ni ~ ;.1 i ;: 'i ~! &r ;i ~ ~~ ~i ·1, i 'II ~ ~ i' ! Ii ~ ~ !< • F . . 1111.i !H i ~ ~~Si ·t.1 . -. . . ·-.. . . . ~ ., ....... , ................................ . I' .. ~&I ~l lil . .. ·.. .. ~ ... • • f • • • • ,- •• 1•' ---- . \ \ DnSINT I Silver Dust 1 i.d. lOc Off 73• 2 ........... •• .. - I I 4 t I • • ,. . -. Three Forums Featatbig NatloDal I Authoritiea on the StOCi Markel . Corona del Mer Hie;. School Aocfitorfwn w ..... .,.. 7:JO ,_ Aptl 14, 21, 21 ) C.•••• .. •1 Merri L~. PWce. ,__I $ftth. ltte. .. The Or-. Co.It DAILY PILOT ... pubic .... MAIL COUPON TODAY (fint Come. Fat Served) .. .. ··-,,., - .................................................. --------·-····--··---------··· ..... ~ ........ 0..-. DAILY PILOT '· 0. ... t5'0 -INVESTORS FORUM Co.ti Meu. c.lfomie ----Al thrM meetU.1 AprU 141 21, end 21. ,/ ----Apri 14 Oftly. ___ April 21 orly. ----Apri 21 Mly. Neme 1nJ two ef th,.. meetlftll IM _,,.., of tickets: ......••.•••••...• .... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••a•••• St'rMt ....•..... • .. # ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• City ..•.....••.•.•••••..•.••••.•.•••••.••••..••••••.•..•••••••••• You• it..,.hn.)W ~ tlirofWlaut theWllt-IM bll Nd. whl.and bM~Stlndqtal,a.all.Mloveallln.W..tDD.fllltt~. camplete .W.. Fran~ ,_, who a trilnld to tllll blltll' care of 'PJf car. And whO. ... afl, .. trair.t to tilcl blttlr care d you • I • · •a custaner. So If ....... Important to YtXJ Ind 'f06 ar, smp. lri and pt the' seMci, t'ltld ,.. Of!! throughout the West. Sfl,pln r It the bi& red. Ytflfte nt IM a.vron. l"9 OWlra1 M!JINf. AU. ••• nm••wlce. ' \ \ .. '"' . . '. At the sign of .the Chevron We take better care of your car -- ' . J ,. ' ... . . . .. ·.:: ~"'--....... --~.,..-- J ' . , I \ ..fl.~ I ,;-_.,_.-" • •• #" .. 9 -• • -• -- ' ·Open Every Monday N~ht Tiii 8 O'Clock I Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Tiii 5 O'Clock I . . .. ~County National Bank 10 TOWN & COUNTRY •. ORANGE • PHONE: 541...aU (Acroes Mein Sirwet Iran Fuhlon Square) ._....fW ....... WWWIM Nl•'&WT•I--CMNIM And ••. mueb. KUCH 111i ~ tMrf leulnt 1 Cbrnparible .WW at the TaJ ....,,..._tor 1'0tl1' laVClf'ita wire. DOYLE a IHllLDI DIVILl»,MUIT CO ., t Ill C. -----. I ACROSS " WU. •la.a 62~ 1 A .. •lllf f110 5 Havhtf U Furze hoonflf 66 Tell'• trouble w f IC>Oft 9 Japall'tH .. S'-l'Ylnt IUPC¥t paat t .. e 14 Chinese port 70 Iring upoi 15 Coftstellatlofl oneself 16 lapl111t 71 ICl!td of 17 Halr-clct Deffor9~ 19 G•• ot 72 ..,._ l · dllnce ._._. 20111 .. •1 ,...._ ,...e nc,..-, 21 S.tlit• 74 l'atef 2l S.111 •dY-.nt bunch 75 Thirsty 24 Lover et novels 26 One or ttte Andt,..,s 21 Cashier's '"'°" ... lblllty ,1 Sollled ttle ... ,,. 35 RHuctlen of caplttl «I Te 9M 41 Wld .. •outhtd ,., 42 'Pert. to .,, .,.. U Can. rtlMI l•der 45 Fire's atCOllll*! I It 47 Not again .. ~ Sl Nevadt cltJ '2Alrpl .. DOWN 1 Pvl, "'d ...... 2 So., subatuirte 3 Punctuation nrt 4 Old dfftce dlON 'Fa•UY ••bor 6 Cupid'• ~· 1 • .,.,,"' Fnncio's country. I Away 9 Rnourte of TtllH & AIHrv 10 llftter weather feature .. lJ Ont Jt ChlHdt '' 11 Sftw, •ectf• . a01Mtafft 4J Allow A *' t '.,.,,. • .22 Part of UH • the bud 46 Nuaber 25 ''"ittJnt of,..,, • tlle .. F11M • • -~ CIDllPl .. Oll 11 u'" . so hit conl!flu•ff) 53 Pus 29 s .. ,. lfltfretr Aero~• IWIJ :JO Lovet of 55 Pro --solitude 56 CooU4 lZ lhislcaJ In fat ~ • J7 ltaclictl ' ~ ll R1vtt of C-.ound , • Gtrm&lly ~ Mav~ l4 Take out t .. I t · 35 O .. __ , t " " . .,... tsctn tone vwb S9 Fllhun4 5 " l6 Sailors' necouUy patron 60 Sea blr' saint .H Circle » l>o ,.,. 1ecti.t1 C"°'9 J) Waltd )I Great <on> Lakes u (;rasped secUon 54 Poot golfer lntt~ita11t: 67 Cfoolild i ""'' " Playltlftf ~~...-.- 11 TDft lfl ..... Italy 12 Emu ... wellht <Pl.> rl'oday's Closing Pri~m New York Stock Exchange Li8t . "Dow I•••• ~veraces -'= I Low L'looo a::.. .... ,. ....... -hi • -DOJI DUI -4.A 11111111 ... lll.11 IG.OI ..._. ·-.. ~ .312.0I DUI -us " .. if : ~ .. Dllllla ...... (, • ' ........ ·.. . -. .. . MIL'f'il' ... __ _ -. .... 2', lHS I •••• •• •' j ; . '._.-. .. " '. . . .:J.: : ··~ ' . ~ ~ ~ ' ' I '· . ' I l I .......... .JI ~' , _ \ ,,.. .. ,• ... . .. . :: ... .. . • ,· .· . ,· :; ['. .. .. •• ., •' .. :: ·: ::-r. .. ,: :: .. •• ,., •• .. •• •• ,: J Monday Highlights 1:00 ......-MAN ROM U.N.C.LL, ChanMI 4 - lddJe Albert pm. . NO,_. SPICIAL (Celor), ChlnMI 4 -JonatJt• Wlntln Show. ( l\ • f.:00 ......... -HPUaLICAHS, THI NIW au• a....t 21-Proftle of John Grenier . 10:CIO ,..._...IWI INCtAl, CMnnel 2 -"Cuall at 88." , ................. CARY, CMnnel 7 -NtcUdaml peata ID drama. MOVIES ---------- 'mW '01 'ONINMY 'I 'JJY) ·~ '41lR1 'C 'J.~ 't 'HSt\llHJ.00.1 'l--V~ 'Y.>IHOW.VH '6 'C)f(IVI ., 'li44rl .'9 ')1:>01 't 'il4Wnl.l 'l--4t0nv 'SliMSNY • I I WAS THlNKtNG '6 '50lNG tfo('R) IME CAN°'-i MAKING BUSINESS EXCIPT i:oR. ORI iHING 1 '\.\VI~ c ' Blue Ridge ~~o..• JD~~ ' .WO . ' ' Georp Hamilton '. "Aet1 " oif.' ' • ' • ' STEAK NITES 6 P.M. TO 11 P.M. . ,~., . Siad. l'Olato; -WtJ --~ -· . -1: -s 00 -·; --llaloc4 .; -' .. ,,,, Clor"?~ ~ »read .. '"**•? '\ -iJ..,~ - ·The Paddock . . . ' ' ' C 0 C ic T A I L S "' '-•· t4 111 MAIN ST.,~-~ • ,, .. tLY PILOTIN ....... llalt 11 -. Mar. 29, 19'5 4 Marina Students ' seek Scholarships I ' . -· •:s • 0 OMEGA ·ra=··--·-""!L""" ..... :::::. -------·==-·-.. _ . .:.; .. Gen. Taylor 4PORT I , I ' I~ - ~ .... .......,, . ., his hlfe1 Jnm B1bllcal ............... da)'S to ,. it-- ... -. llhr111 -in.e . • ! ID lnlurance it llas -~ .. 10 .•• tid. qency for es- ample, ii IUbject to call twenty.four boun a di1 . . . A-II, llrea ... Qthtr l1Jlll ol lol,.a do not always occur behrien U. ....., .... s ... -- 4171 ... Ii u Cll - da7I •• , A_portloll cl oar corru• '? 'w Ja ell'ned b:r beinl ... Al'Je at an Um• to OUI' clmta wbeneVll' U.y anla_.,.., •• , ....... For tlM ••• ," dill-~ "1Ctkm I 7 ' , Jiii CA4oL llf ,.,, W'ifllOI' lllsurance M .. CY coa'A---Blod. ![I 9-GllJ " ......... ,.-................. ~ LAii 6 DAYS 'YOl.lllt ' . ClllCE·A.YEAllt Otl'CMITUHllY TO . , ASTRO~SONIC~iSi:fn.eo ) . .... , .. • • • surpass !!! other acbievemen13 Di the re.creation of sound! Tiie Cell ... ,.,.,,....... .. 1.$1119 -two 1-WJcMr.~-U'-•1• ... theoltlrn1111.._.tf11t ,......._ .. ...., W~-WI~ SAVE •too on tbeae magnffirat St.ereo FM and FM/ AM values ... -.... ,..-IOaJorm,IO~that&J . ,_,, I .... ,. d11 l•it-hntltow Ms ·: lli-_.JIO"lliO..-.twolADQ .,... .. ,.,,~ ........... ··~·--Tis-i 1 1,; 2 Ll11~----..._I I ' • ._,_. ·~0111 »C. .... )Rt.allowoftlllk ...... i,.Dol wlJ8u 1 ....._ .... _ ..... !llll a W H fl ( I.,._ II I '11 It..,_.\* btlqw). ., YOUR CHOICE'. •• ,NE~ ONLY~895 -ft()(W ... ,..,., .... 7 ....... _ WI' I ,..,_ fb• 1 w lllOdel2~wlllll .... ~,··~ir ....... ,, ....... ...... ..... YowdmaafA It• ho17erFn1-, ~-..-. :TELEVISION •APPLIANCES .: 411 E. .17th St • Coda Mesa · °""' D111J fo.JI to 9 -Closed Sun. -Toi. 646-1614 For Piwipt ~ Ml MJ7 "SINCI 194,. I . ,. . ' ---·~"'""" ................................ ,. ... ---. . ' I I il il I I ''l J, , 1 • . ;I ; ' ' . • I ·' j l • ·' ,. £j ~IL_ . . . . . . • -----· . .-..:.,__ ~_ ~~;,,_..; ~~-,--. y~~._,;. ..... _.~ .. ~,,j"lp,d"-....__.~-a --• -::::::.,~_::e::;_-,,,,-~--=~ c;;;:-----=----t .• .. .eorating The neatin& inltiDct starts with the doll house and soars to pro- ' portionl approac:hina munificence in "Viewpoint '86" a display of room vtpettea ma aettfop unnsect by profealonal decorators of the area in Balboa Bay Club. Southern Onnge Couty Kappe Kappa GamJlla. Alumnae, Mn. Gerald Doan and Jin. John Cashion (from left) uperiment in the ltJ\t of chlldbood and ·1'91Ult1 ma1 be u eufttna u tbOle to 1»e ahown Friday, Saturday and Sunday, April 2, 3 and 4 tia 10 1.m.·9 p m. Ticket. for viewmg and for a d.rop-tn buffet opea1111td1y are available from the 1ponsoring Kappas or by t.e)e}>...., Mrs. Robert Murrel at 642-0346 for reaenations. f • ,, • • '• . lleveU.n': 11 • , .. ' t ,. -; Wiih Evelyn BJ EVELmWOOO ... ... S'l'OllY in Ne1J. port BMch'• main llbrmy ... 't bl tbl ....... for Mar· jaril Slwp, ddktren'• tibra· rt., ia ea route to tbe New Ya World'• Pair to u- IU!De a new role, that of atcry teller and boete11 In tbe Ubnr1 Pavflioo. Before anivtnc at her dUUbaUon, Marjorie will ~ seveT&l week.I with bWl)da In Wuhlncton, D.C. MR. AND MRS. HARRY CNnph-.Jl of Corona del Mar ftl't 10 dell&bted with the ...,. Cl( the arri•al of their ~upter In Dillon • that Mn. Campbell wtqed ber 1'&Y to tbe home ol ber daUfbter, N'anci. The arrival of Kristine Jlrud cau.Md comiderable u~ 1n the ama11 ...... Sbl refUlld to COO· foril to .... to ... proper-11 ftlcgmed la a Denwr bo9ltal <• lllilM away) and" .u.tJ waited for the lbort emeqeaey trip. Uhree blocb) to the ...n DlDon clinic. To add to tM ccatu· lion, the ton'• ~doctor WU bl DIDY'll' .. • ,ouni deatlJt bad tbe dlaUaction of acbnlttine the lint baby bom In the new community. Grandmother Campbell report& from Dillon that JANET (MRS. JORN) JOuc will be the boate11 tor patroouaea of Trojan Lea· eue during a ptherlnl in her Bayside Drive home. The event will mark the lea- IU•'• third anniversary. Tru?may Club Grub1talu!a VCI Tuesday Club of Newport Harbor extended a help- ing band to University of California, Irvine students in need of financial aid by ~ttlng up a Grubstake Loan Fund. The &rubstake fund was started in 1908 by an unknown miner who lent '350 by runner to one of the Universities of California when he heard students were forced to drop their education due to a lack of fundJ. Re-enacting the scene are Mrs. Laur· ence Wright (right), president. and Mrs. James Gla- vas wbo present a moner. bag. filled with almost $600 <proceeds from the clubs annual benefit) to Dr Jack W. Peltason, UCl's vice chancellor of academic af- fairs. - llA ANDIRSON, ldfNr ....... Mer9 .,, '"' .... ti LibFary Friends Launch New Year While Oranie County's romantic past wil1 be brought to life. h1Story also will be made by Friends o! the Costa Mesa Library. Vera Davis of Corona de! Mar, a member of Orange County Historical Society who this year serves as a director, will be the speaker when the group launches a new year during its annual meeting Thursday, April 29, in Cotta Mesa Women's Clubhouse. Mn. Dam, a native Southern Californian, studied drama and public speaking at Cumnock School and hls- tory at Occidental Colle1e. Sbe always has been fascinated by the heritage and traditions of the West, but a new appreciation for the gallant women who played leading roles in California's drama was reached when ahe, as a staff member of Hunt- ington Ubrary and Botank-1 Gardens, catalogued West· ern Americana material for the library's manuscript de- partment. During the meeting duties wtll be 8S6Umed by new officers, the Mmes. Dennis Hogland. president; Lester Meisenheimer, vice president; Richmond C Johnson, re· cording secretary; Carl Stevens. corresponding secretary. Chairmen will be the Mmes. J . P Puffinbarger, ed· ucation; Robert Fisher, publicity; James Walsworth, membership; A. L. Pinkley, public relations. and John Nolan, social. Also serving on the board wllJ be Del Barriat, treas- urer; William Holtz and Dr. C'ope Budge. ways and means chairmen, and Mrs. Reuben Law, CM Women's Club representative. Costa Mesa Friends was organized in 1960 by the Women's Club which has continued support and interest throughout the y~rs. Primary purpose of the group is to furnish display cases, furniture for reading areas. decorations ror the children's area as well as additional books and records for the Costa Mesa Library Efforts soon will be doubled, because Friends also will support the Mesa Verde Li· brary which is scheduled to open m mid-summer. --Choinpers on the Chips Has. Gals Frothing at the Bit DEAR ANN LANDERS: Nine of ua girll belon1 to a poker club. We've been meetin& every Tuesda)' nl&ht tor alm-Olt 15 yea.n. The stakes are not high enough to hurt anyone and we all have a Jood Ume. The newest .member of the club 11 causing trouble. t will call· her 1Alda. We took her in lul year when her hUJband dJed. Zelda hu two artillcial teeth rflht ln front. They are on a bridge. When Zelda la ln a blg pot ahe taku her teeth out and puta them on the chips for luct: You know as well as I do, Ann Landen, that the cards are 1oing to fall where they are going to fall but tt II amazing the way Zelda's tuck improvea the minute ehe puts her teeth on the cblps. The girla In the club don't like It -not becauae ahe winl, but because It ii a dJJgu.sting sight. Please tell me wbat should be done. -YF.STEl\DA Y'S HOSTE.SS DEAit HOSTESS: ft It bad taste to di .. mantte one'• Mff ln the preMnce of others. Tell Ztld• the tedln would 1pprecl1te It If the ' ' __ ,... .. -,,.....-.-.- would kttp fMr choppers off the chips. Since Z.W. ...,. to be ~hfve 1bout retno¥lft1 thlnp, ttJR•t thet the put htr Hr· l"tlo beedt tr wrhhratth en the ch"9 and lffvt her heth In her hMd. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My parents have been separated over a ye.,.. I know tfie reason and t can't blame ¥om. . ~ Landers, although Mom ls very wiM' and hu giyen us a good set of 1tandards to liv<' b\.. there are certain tblnp a fellow would rather taik over with his dad than hla mother. When we boyo; try to talk to Dad he 11ys our problems are not , ___ ,, hia busineM and he doesn't want to be bothered. We don't like to ask advice from the principal or our minister when our own father tive1 right in town. Even though he and Mom are separated we are still hia children, aren't we? Please tell us what to do.-D. F. J . OIAlt D. F. J.: If your dad 11y1 he's not lfttt,_..., In your problems, take hit word for It. Ht Is prM.bly trying to punish your mother a., fl!tlit, to you kids, which Is a .., (-4 old) story. T• your problems to the prlnclpal, the mlfttst.r, •nd to your mother. I'm su,.. they wlll lfvt you sound counMI. And, If you ne.d a '-cir-stop, don't forget I'm here. DEAR ANN LANOF:RS Recently you prtnlPd a letter from the dau1thter of a !inoopy mother Now will you print a letter from a mother who paid a high price for her snoopines!I? I .w11 determined that my teen·ager, Luc1l~. .. -"-~ would never put anything over on me. I read her diary, looked through her bureau drawers, her purse, and her pockets. I eavesdropped on her tele- phone conversations and did everything imaginable to keep tabs on her. The results were tragic. Lucille became an extraordfnary liar Thal girl could think up things that would bafne the f . B I. Our relat1onsh1p deteriorated into a bitter con· test -Lucille striving to see how much she could get away with and me figuring out ways to trap her. Finally she wound up in serious trouble. I learned too late that trust and confidence are more effective tools for building honesty than sus- picion and investi~ation -SORRY NOW DEAR SORRY: I hope your experience will be uMful to other Thank1 for sharing. o. "" ... ,. • d .. rfltM " • Mdel c,,,.<11, v.. "'" ,.._ ff •-· s...ol let ANN LAMO•llS' _ .. ,. "'T- S-lft• M<lftM wltll .,_ _,, It URn I• atol 1M e ...... ----"-* ......... -.. .. l...-0 "'" ............... -'""' -~· ...... ,,,_ le ,,., "' ure .. Tiii OAll Y ,ILOT .. clttltot e .. _..,_ ... ....... *-'-" . 1 / 14 CosU Kua bltoe twll1w1,.... pat ot ti.. '"en member Santa Aaa Cly1tall wbo were awm; .. "sMnsl Qrmd CMJDl'ion hlCb point trophy after two ct.ya of iD1emift CllCll ,._ la tM Madou1 0nnte Show, San BernarcJino. Pr9d· lion twtrlan .,. ...., ,,,,_, a. Scbool; Diane Green, Davia School, and Lyn KDl•, BM ScMel, err-Wt) wtth tWr COttt-1 award. Herbs Spice Luncheon At OC #Garthn Cen~r .. Bdl .. tMlci .. dls· "" t ......... wll1 be • ..._.., II Ola G.rden Olllm' .. 0....., C..Uty 1"8'•••M, C..ta Mela • .... u Mtb lmcNon .................... ,.~ U, at 12:30 p.m. presented by tlM Oranie County Me- morial Garden Kn. R J. Howilon of La· cuna Beach 11 dlnctor o.f the center. Added display 11.tnu will be herb pl.utl, recipes, pot· ,_.n ............. decofa. tift ad ltmdJ carden lloftt, raffta dolll and 1 ~ other ltema. Priul, 1 nrtDn ud Uteiatua oa ..... cooar, ud cutturt Couple Plmi Winter Date For Wedding Silver Years Marked Tbl9~~~ : ; fe n:wr.. a. Wile oi BlC Sfililtl. T~ hu been an""'JDCld 1lir tilt bride-Ud'• ..-ta. Mr. ud Mrs. W I fl I a m T. II. McNealey. Miu McNealey 11 a s;rad- uat.e oi ea.ta M.-a H l S ~ &cbool and .Ueded Onlall Cout CoDeat w ll • r • m WU a member of Med'ell Career Club. Her ft--. IOU of Mr. IDd Jiln. ..... l uel 0. wi.e of c.oaar.M City, Tu .. WU lf'lduMed from Bil &priq Welt 8cboal and now ii at.UoMd at El Toro Martne Corpe AU Sta- tion. A P'ebnwy •eddinl la planned. Costumed Artists Vie For Pr.zes Fall Date Sekcted For Rites What's Doing MARY DAY, '"42-4311 I Taraisa Art '..earue ~ Enppment ol K • t h· ---------1 lltl and Mo : Ball lund •-Ru""' "--ett to .,..__m TOOAY moTII thab J .,,estl fn _. UI O&J"I lllV • M .......... -..0 TOl'I '""' •· aa Bede Nia been 1n· "IMMn -•lndle vn ~ . ..,.,. costume to ~ Saddleback nu ,.._ -• Strwt. ~1,..1on nounced by· her pannt.s. 1ee<11. 1 •• m Inn, Sant.a Ana. Mr and ._._, WUbur G .,.... """ ,......,.. ., c:.t• rch 1......1 b • llU • • M9I Cl!et'dl .f! 1111 c.v-llt -......,. Tbe srand ma • WU y Burett. 820 St. Clair Ave., ol Mr. ~ c~l' f.1~1 H'f."~ n1• Mr. and Mr1. James Gable Costa Mesa. A mid-August ~~'~ .. ,!:; c~ = '• appearing aa a moth and date has been •elected for ~ '1\!:.. '~~~.. t.::. 't'::t an old name, diaplayed the weddine. •q'-. ......, u..n .. ...., ~-ranaini l r • m Thi bridegroom~lect ls r.:-!· • 1 ''"' · at · c;.. ,,,..., mdeftl dancel"I, to 'hu-the IOD of Mr. and Mrs. '·r.t.r'..!fll!!!.. ~1=. !.:: IOiiil Llid:rec. GrumbKb· Fruk Bede, l9'JO W. Hall =::."~ er P9IDl bn&abel. LD11aa Ave., Santa Ana. ,.;:-'~ ~=t~.=.~ RuaeJl and Pkauo toraoa. A lfaduate of lneJewood ,_., .,....,,,.... ,,.,.. ......_ $e"'• Wbmeu tn ei&ht cateco-Hilb School, the brlde--elect "'r.i~• ,,.. ~ er,~ 1111 .... Miu Kara Haftl. attuded Oranse Coast Col· r,-:e-. : •,;. m*, Mut GWJllll. Z. )Ce for two years. Her 11e1 m. . .. ••· ii l:- J. Jucau. Dr. Nkbolae ftance 11 1 IJ'aduate of San· ~=~ ~f:; ~ Jilt. ud Mn. Jlca ta Afta ffllb SdlOOJ. Ull. WllloD1 M.ra. Don~d Brn·::::::::::=:==::::;:::=::===::====:::::::=::=:=='=:==~I nbW. Mr. ud Mn. HllTJ Gaf.el, Mn. Janc:cur, Mra. &mmnt J'erlUIOft, Mra. M.ui11n G 11 b. It. Mn. Ccrtllne khmtnke and Mr. and a.trL Cr1l1htoa BarlleL . Judliq the COltmDel ..,. l\ei BtaDdt of Corona deJ Mar I Netter Worthll\C- toa, LllUDI Beach, head or Q)apmu Collett Art ~ partment, ad Mn. Robert B o " u • 1, Tortna A r t Lap~l. A. DAMES, frames 12' I. 17th It., C.ta Meta ..._. '46-t172 * Custom framing * Oriqinal Oil Paintings "thin'• ne frame llke A. DAMIS frame" 10:90 A.M.-t130 ,,M. ,rl. 1:00 , ... .-Cl-.4 Mo". Flame of Learning K iiidled ·50 Years By SHIRLEY HV'ITON Of .. Olll'P ....... Foundation Presents Operatic =~Menwtial Tbe West Cout pnnas., of Roa1Di•1 open • ....._,. will be ~ .. ~ .... inC ol AprD 7,~la U. P• vilioo of Loi Aaallel• ...., Muac Center. 1'1111 crform· aw wu cwnmte-ed by the Faith and r r • • d o m 'I ·JUM•Hi\llo; .. ~,ariten . . AJ fruh u young love ••• "Foraet·u.oot.• Jantzen'• tunic top m1lllot. The polka..,..tty nylon top, , back baited In • oontrMt oolor, falla atrtlght and true ever tnm trunks In the ume IOlld tone. Tha anug ftt of the trunka eomea from stretcn nyloft firmed up with L.yeta• $cllnd• $10 DEBBIE REYNOLDI the citizen• of the county The MCOOd feature, QM.. JDd eovironJ. bye OerUe wUl lbow Ii a. lndivlduala who have not ~cw...., ~ DeLun~ been ....chld by the mail· ema:s.....,.. . ~ lnc ampatp llld w o u 1 d U wUl Jella 1 GIMfllw, .., , lib to jota the Frlenda, c-a .... . ~ may call tbe president, B. lo GMAJt, ClwUe ,.a'D N. Daenbera, mat. or aee Toay Curtll. DeblM Ber· tbe secretary. Mn. Law· noldl, Pal Boone and Wilm rence PeW'IOG, S44-47ea. )4aUhau in 1 faat-IMWl& iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~farce that laugba at HDllJ· wood'• maQY coJ.orful1-6ca. lt'• • weird story abcdlhln· caru&D. with llta et ~ • 5Quertno off for eummer, Jantzen'• "Ched!hw Out" awltii 1hott, • 11•me llttl1 gingham llhot through at waist ind bodice ltt'ltl't the 111-glrl touch of rib bon laced •let. Tht two.pito1 aw1m1u1t takea care of ltMlf In a ata~p bltnd of Celanese Fortret• polyutlt and cotton. Tha bra ld1ust& at straps and bldt1 tht trunk II fvllf llnld and beet alpped. $ 1 I mt L CMtt ltwy .• Cerw1 NI ..... 111 Aft. hi IW • Sal Cl .. ttlta • MT 2·WI I llrl StMf & 1,...,.,. HNd•uertera • Drama u the k~e(the double bill at the ~ One la a tlu1lltr. My BWd Bui C.W. and the other la 1u.- pemeful drama. Leve Ru ~,r~ea. My m-1 a.. c.N Fea· tura • cut l.ncludlnC Troy ()nn.lllie, Joiey Heatblt'IDn. Jemette Nolan and 9atT1 8ulltnn. It tel1a of m1Ud up llvel, t.ncled love and • 'bint ol p11cbotic killer inltiDCt. Leve llal Muy F~ fu. turel I ltroo& cut with acenea from Acapulco, Look for Lana Turner. CUtf B.ob- ertaon. H\llh O'Brl:an, Ste!· ante Powen, Ruth Roman. VlrCinfa Grey and Ron H~ man. The latt~r weaves tts ltDry about aituat.lona which at- tempt to MPIJ'ate io.. from what so many wanton woman and 1111leu matea try to tbiDk may be love I CLIFF ROBERTSON MESA MATINEE Wednel· day afternoon will be Live Bu M1117 Faees. 'lbll ahould provide matlnee movie f a a 1 with aood film fan followtai tbe lrtt refrelhmab wblch always open the ecbedu)e at lbe Mesa on Wednesdays at ane o'cJoc:k. FREE PASSES to the Udo or the Mua theatre will _.. malled today to Terry Trill· ble, .,,, Larkspur, Col'OQ d1l1 Mar, E. O. Galbr-. 11.1 Center, Coata Mesa, Mabel Holmstrom, 721 Tustin, Nl port Beach and Aida Brown, 108 S. Bay Front. boa Ialand. • • Each or the above will~ rewarded for loyalty to " lure Peeb." Perbapt too, wUI read your name 1 lttla column one week r soon and then you can tht happy film fans whO • ' all the good m11v}es on thl bil 1cretn In the comf J Lido or Mesa theetres. • ~ ' • td ' . .. t. 'Oriental CruiH . . ' ' J. · · & Slwt Blbeott ol lntne Temce• boll'dat the •ifiw.-a San l'ruldlco-ad DOW ta enddujto the Orilnt. Travettn1withher11 Kn. ~ Ada of Udo lite. Before returnlq home · in Hawaii, Japan, Hon1 Kone and tbe v• Reunion Plam Spark Se.arch A Illa 10..yeer reunion of the clall ol '55 from New· ' gort Harbor Hip School I ii belna planned for a July .... 8CCOldlng to Mn. Lu· dbit Pope Quarry, reunloo cbalnna. ... Orpmilatlonal detalla WWI provided by a nucleus of to oG:t of *'° graduates, wbo met in Tony's Pina Houle, Cotta Mesa, with claumate and bolt Tooy Palafmi.. They include Bob MUum, Dave Stearns, Rnn Newland, EDia Mendenball, X. JolMI, Dick ~dick, Bnace Knipp, Richard Pie-ter. and the Mmes. Kay Hall Jones, Manha Moore. i.d ~on, Cora J>Mera Horpr, Mary Kav Hehn Yoanc. Dian-n11-o Sew r· eon lild Quarry. A .earcb bas been lnJtl- DON1 BUY CARPET Until Yo1 Check ALDEN' I • Monarch °'501" 695 heavy oont. flla. Nylon·lnltalled eq. yd. •ltolow ocit-plle 91s Acrllan - Installed 1q. yd. 9olll ll'ltllflld -• .. It"'*"-., .... ~ ..... Carpet Cleaning I ,.......,......, ....... ALDIN'S 1663 PIMllfttla C-. M-t4121M I Vtare In C-. M .. tQted to locate mlsatne clus-1:.-------..... ._.11 ro.atea. Information regard- tnc anJ -sradultm may be llVMJ to tbe cba!rman NIGHTLIFE o.IY ....... ... ..... , ...... .._ ................. ..... b7 CallUDC &48-3834. --._., ,.,..,, IXltAWN IAU 0. SecolMI Store ... Costa Mesa o,..a,.. s.o.. 1 Open Mon. I Fri. nights 'td 9:00 p.m. '• l7.00 SQUARE STOOL w 1t h tray dewrfy concealed to slide out of sight. Olive w i t h wa lnut ffeme. · 35.00 ROUND OCCASIONAL TABLES in walnut. Eech 22.00 SCROLL ENO TABLE 31 JC IC1 JC 21 " glass topped wrought i r e n with o Mediterranean flavor. 35.00 ROUND COCKTAIL TABLE. 36" diem. by 21 ·· high, glen-topped scroll , wrou9ht iron. ~q .SO Do\tLT PtLO'f/tlft..-IM ~ Mar. 29, tNS Home a Gift Shop by raymor WALNUT MA6AZINE RACK End Table 39.95 WALNUT DOUBLE BENCH upholstered in brilliant ora nge end green flora l. ..O'' long 37 .00 UPHOLSTERED ROUND STOOL Solid wenut frame with olive, gold or bled Neugehyde seat, IS'h'' high. 17.95 OVBlSIZE MAGAZINE RACK CATCH ALL in solid walnut. 3 ' .. long. 15" high. 32.00 4 FT. COFFEE-MAGAZINE RACK J AILE in solid walnut. !1 6" hi9h1 18" wide. 65.00 / WE AlE NOT IN THE RJllNITURE BUSINESS, BUT ••• We do-carry en outstanding end highly decorative line of accent pieces. You see, we teke up where the furniture stores leave off ... with the smell pieces that add e cerlein lift to o room ..• We find thet women buy accent furniture the wey they buy decorative accessories ... e piece et a time. for e perllculer spot. So. naturally. we have. them for you. ------·----_-:..-:..-:..-:..-:..-:.-::..5-__ -_-_-_...._ .... _-_-____ , j .,,, -i - J. n The PRINCESS BENCH in new patterns! Solids ... Spanish Red . a bMtnd of red, pink, orange, or Olive-avocado. Posy Pettem in yellow, orange, pink or blue, gold, green. 19.95 The BISTRO TABLE 26" round, 29" high , gloss topped wroug ht iron. 35.00 NEWPORT BEACH . . -. . ~ l fT ALIAN CERAMIC LAMP in muted green -blue -olive to nes. 40" tell. 69.95 WEDGE TABLE -MAGAZINE RACK in solid walnut. 30" long. 39.95 WALL HANGINGS of hand-screened linen in walnut frames .•• "SLEEPING SLOOPS" ... turquoise, vi~t. gold, ble d . ~5x3 I" \22 .95 1W1RE IASKEr' yellow • mustard -or- ange or blue combi· #letion . 36x33" 17.95 ''CITRUS BOWL" shades of blue, green, yellow or pinks end oranges. I 8x36" 11.95 11 I Yanks· NQt~ ·Kicking -About l\:ea Natives Reatless ly IUD TUC1CH cue ~11 a blS •• tmmelan-4etill ~ • hll fa~. MicbJ IPbi WI I alhd aboul tlll...,.... ~rib tM y ...... • new manaaer. "Yeah. be'a a ru1 W maNIU. Eftl1 plaet .,. puta me, ba11I Alp drop-* ta b'oat ol me,'' Mui-MESA Arts -For tbtM dldal .. la fllltM md tM ill ~llM ~ deed-~:-~~Kam =~-i.~£... ,...., ~'t ~. at the moment an uprlsinf lnumad u IQlle la In-.._, '.IMt .., Joqv la not out of tbe quesdoo. wlvet u ....... CUI llL.J~i~~~!!!!!!J•!J·--!!!~ ... ~~-!~--~~IMd~_i~~~~~~~t-~~~~!!~!!.~~~~!!!:..~L.!!!~~:E::...!~~~m~ The Ho Ho JCam. actuallJ Apecbt >wfdlr, 1llllll4J la Ind1u tn name on11 la t b e ScoUtcl• II ........ II 11 oraanlzation wblda bu bolt-feet Ill ...... Tbl 1111t11 ed the Chlcqo CUbl ln IPrtn& allt8lll II la Mela ..... .. trainlnl beN for tbe pUt lt Bu Ho Ka. ........ 1'D A!f_. Bwler Vpei aprtnitimes Moct11 t b e the trtbe ~ lalll MetMt· Cuba and Kami hlvt 'dftUed tu llllud fior a ~ ti toptber in peec9 ud bappi. bMdl. Gatewood Pon8A91Q nea1. Now there la much ua--... .. .-_ rest a-.--.. --. The CUba ~~~a pow-=-~= = ': du. movtna UKU • ,_,_....._ ... ,... eration to a tawa . l"!o!eee ....... I ' ...... Eacoodido •blda ii ~ ~ ........ in CaUfOfD)e iOllWftd tii ............. ~ the vldnltJ ol s...·m... ........... ..... Ac:tua11 -... a hr hi ·n•. at • &-. • • • • team~ .. ~ ........... -. ... U-~ ....... .. erdw ii u.. OW1l Ill ~ ..... QI.. ~~~~ ..... ~~~~ .. eta left boJdinl the aatcbel. r OI' ... 1.._.. :-~ .. .. one tbinl, they bave co.Iii-~ .... erable moDt'J tled up la a ~ IPriDc tra1nb'I opal stadium called ReodaffGI .. -Amaa wm .... bPO PUeM fife• Part, one of the finest ....-. .._ • the reed. .. i.i--;.;..;..-...~~--- endccurea in the coaldl'J. ... It "*-ud t ~ 1 to~ :,~a~= GllMi It ft1 Pt m CW Def ftlSe tmpreatve. ~latt.r team ....... . .... .... ~...... .... ---u GMmt w . : ...-. ... ~ ....... OWIMI'...,. _,,.... orries ·=::.~--= :a.':91...:~ · • &bl .. .......... .... Grmta. 1t w sa rtwm'a Dodg : .,y ... Cllle· 11 .. .. .. ~ .... = ~ :.~ ers .-..... IA -----,--ne S-. It ... t•• VERO BUCH, Pta. (AP) ~ ~· 'i tab for tba me _, fadll· -Tbt Dodpn are wda1&1d: . Quitting Base ........ • After · Being Slicql . . Newman Seems Set r~·open ................ -u... their dlfeme la JukinC. et ...... tw far fi1 _. 'f'bt caatraet Wider w*b P'leldllll WOii be~ 1 llU BRAWLEY (Upl) _ Fred t1mlt 09V for a 8-dlyl, • -... the lDdlam are •1• 'Iii a almllllll ~ ~ ....... -...... ,.LI -With •L-•en-la I'll.._ ........... Jona w{i! from Newman. who will probably then dtdde lf I •boaJd nt1l9 • TUcacm ii not llaowa bat tf woll ._ a J~I _... _... vr ,_,_ Wl9 ~ ~ _...._ ~.,..._ • wort the Loi An&tlla Anlel ar •" : TIM flllht « tbs Olllil 11 ..., ,.. jmn tba a a 1 1 Illian. 74 11 11 ..-, Utt bome pl.Ue. the Ancell will be c:ounttn1 on alugm lib Joe Adcock eft) and opener ap.lut a.vt1aDd la Gatewood wu to fie-....._._ : part ol a DWI bl-.U ao-m!!:a. GJaata ecm-d Dodlln_~'!_ aam'Ued• 11 CalttJll Sloctley to Net tbe power tbJI year. Adcoct IDd Sboctley will trade two weeu, aeem• Just about ed to ............ tl f•-~m-• dUJ from Ar1Jaaa wbldl WU to \t mj Y m· srGn 11D11 ..... -up D-datill at fJnt bue. l..-t ltUOD, Adcock hit 21 homers for An&ela while Sboct· ready Ull9.....,. --'VAi'"' , • aWUct 1 year ap by tbt ~ far op-...,... ram. ley led Pldftc COlll& L11111e with 3e round·trippen. N 1 ·,, m 1 n ftllt ..._ lD· aloq with pl t c h • r 1 Gary • HOU1ta11 ~ fte A*oe, r;;;.;' ilM ii, fbl Tbe mJndl ta that tbl Na-n1ntJ 1pbu1t tbl b1i11m1 at P'ildler Jobn P'rtDCb Quia ~~;:..:-·:~:! n.~;-z.r-:; .. =-~1:' ... " *' ' T • h··::-bu=~ = yun. lll'tllllDlblJ became 1"IJ'e '° ..... • .... .,,.. _..... .... .,.. Branson Q n11 mp btntd ,. • w ..,.. ... It Saila • Kan T\U'Der· Clltcb-: they hid I ~Jelr Clllltrxl cm I 1t-pml &oR ti llaico P'llit .. • Mf tbl lde*I." 0 WU JM --*810t --.. Del I at t s and• Dt1mi1 • Otbawlie, tbq would ban to~ ID pa., t11M ..,.__.him Rt11b•o. A to ti• r ..... ltllll, u. lut .. a J>Mpb, ad tnfteldln 1ftna. : WI at tbl pUee NDf' ol tb:il ii MUI W'7 II "M ra ••aW abom oar U ma C eoard•· job ap1Mt 8ol&a. toll U.W, JM Kuhm and · ud never 1~W tbelr Florida ud the 11tMtt-waa 6aldlall." tfae Alllla a Quack Vlnaon • bags. A.,.cbtjmlcti. " • --tlae ...... Arbw. ftl Dodllr Wall commect p :-.. Off. es Ali ~ ..... ..~ They .~ ol tbt ~ NowA"-11 ......... •tat-.. ;,/~.~~ For Ford? roves I ve .... farm dub and wm=!DeQt•bortly.,.,,..~ blrlaJ' poan4. vut .... w ,,..,.,...., 11114 ~ ...... ~ cbam-• ~ an -n..<l aaace tar . downed aeu I Md • When the HoU1ton ttna ...-. ... i.c. u .,..... -1nt -. ~~~ • a lqlad w at ~Patm t ded tbe jotat. no _. ,,_ ~ '1...,. IDllGtllJ, Ute Bl:~~ 1~ IEBJl,ING, na. (AP) -PHOENIX, Alic. (UPI)-ruth. in a re.v tftatne OtfJ, Wa iid--.r.ii NewlUD. 8prtnp 6unaay. . • r• ' crttk:aL Ewa the dtbiml "Ho Kam llldMed. ftlldbaf ... bee IO erratic The old ..... ~,. cu•t VNrlll Don Bramon prond and third plllce 8nJlher Ion-bad Clinelud .. ,.. ... • .•• ,. : A.,.cbt Jwtiaa m8dl • M ~ urtler, no that IDIQ ... ,becbmJni to~ 'em, join •em," probably 5uaQy that the conventional n1e Duman, ln ID Offy dirt ~-=p ~ = : fort to bad tbem off • e.. ...... -z=n t&blJ piece wciader tf UW..u IOJ!Mfhtnt appllet to automobile racbla front engint can are atW the car. The time ,., the 150 \'98, wbo i::--ID tbl ft.)' Key v:"·~ry : pa~ btdd1nl t......n to ~ ~ 8CMled no: ~ WrGQC with bSI ~ more than any other field. onet to beat on tbe United milea over~ o;:. ~ track IDd loat, aparbd a rally ln ~ "1 : Artzcaa .,.. tie a COM'• ,...,... a.roup ''I never ued to .~ Jlm Hall'• spectacular vtc-Sula Auto Oub'1 National wTlrn~a.rtbelle ~. hil the alxth. : Sox. DOW ... JM .. t ~. ...... ~ ..:."<'".i:: ~ ~ ~ tory hen Saturday in the J.2. Olamplonahip circuit. Ont It at' t .inc. he ... lea ~!:mto ~ u:s For 76ers . : final llll'tnc it le 9J ldr PuUc:ullliJ If JW an int trouble ~· the fll&bt boar endllraDOt race, uainl a Br&DIQQ,, 44., Cllampaip. atUcal11 bwmd -.r m pe.r Ttlo.11 Carry plut a aacrlflce -The ru ...... fl a. W hm <» I ol tbl bill." Cbnrolet-powered car wttb m. took ftnt in 150-mDe cent of hla bod1 1a1t June a, ICONd two run.a • • : la that tMlr llllliilr ._ ~ -., ...._ ..... 'l'olmny ildll1ldlad a t'11 bJ automatic tranml•ke, ~Y Bryan memorial at ~Milwaukee race, flnlabed ~ by c.mtlo Carreon, T h e Philad4lphla '7ler1 : Bob wttb two oat ID probably will 1et the pece for Pboenls tntemational Race-Foyt wiDDtr of 10 of the DonoYln and Hernandes pro-boulbt WUt Qwnberlm, to : lht dxth lmdq Sandl1 to tbe rport. w~ after aittlni beck a n d 13 bil' car race• last year, duced another run off New help them wtn the ~ : Troy Stanlord Loom : c-~~ "You can't knock aucceu," watcbln1 early leaden A. J. beld tbe Mad for the flnt 19 ~ tnAn~ ~::·blta. with~~·~: : ' KJndlD EarU.., an errc.-by aald a spokesman for Carroll J'cirt aod Ro1er Ward, both llPI ol the Jlmm.J Bryan Joe Adcock drivtn_I tn three do It ~ btC ray. • llCClad blwmn Nate .DU1111r Sbelby bullden of the Ford-*Mot rear enctne Fordl, neat.:",::-=~ nma and Bobby Knoop and When Pblladelpbla p 1J r-: Bnet Coast Sp!l .. -rs btlped the Twtm ICCll'I two Cobra .and DOW bl char1e ol drop out with mechanical ~ace the back ltralght Tom Satriano knockint lft one cbued CbamMl'lain from San : .:;a f,Ae 1IDUl'Ded runs. tbe Ford GT racing program. trobules. P'oyt went out on the ,:f.., ::CS held the lead unW each. Knoop'• wu a lqUef'Ze Franclaco earllet' um ...,n, : M a result. the Dodpra .. • GDd lap and Ward on the bunt which scored Bob Rode-78er coach Dolph ~· : A880CIATBD pagu dtvfdca. ~ 'b1 UC S.. wuted eeven lnnlnp al flDt We ve been worldn1 on m ncth. the 47th lap. At . that time, en. boldly predicted that bit tieun · ta ledma. 1.411 AMa119 l*ddnl by Qaodt Olteln, 11Mmatlc tranamiuion prta-Drl'ftq an OUeahaUJer. Ward spun to n:u.aa Johnny wu ready to dethrone \ie ; The po .. ftll loutMn Cal-Statt, ltd_.. -w .... wllo a1ao bd the tbriD ol dpel u well u other lh1np," Branaon took the lud when ~;o~ ~~. b~ los~ pqe_nntal champtoa Bolton ' lfomia Trojim and the clan-tDCllll ~. tn three nma wttb • said a representatJve for Sbel-Ward went out and uaDy out.-Andretti aJi...-A into the top Lak D Celtica In the playoff&. · tanfGrd lndiam · ...-!...... homer and .. a18ce Oy. . rac9d runnerup Jlm McEl-'t't""' erS Ue The 7&er1 moved into poet. 1erou1 S ·ciaa-'l'bl llMlllmrq ~ u The Twtna finally won tbe by-Amencan of Venice. spot. lion to prove tbetr cballal• tinued to waie aucauful col-IOlete ol tba meet WU Bob pme in the 14th oa 1 ilngle '"I'he automatic lransmi&-AndrettJ spun on the lltb when they defeated the C1nc:ia- 1egiate track battles over lbe m.tnhoft, 1 1badlllt at War· by a-Dodier farmhand Jlm 1lon probably Is the lap In another mix-up 1't'ith J La natl Royal• lOl-M at Oncln· . weekend ren HlCb ScboCll In Dowmy, Jenkina dratted by the Twina thine in international road-Blades Oose Rutherford and Ward grabbed n guna natl Sunday afternoon The : The Tro. capbind no C.:,....., ftalW 1.6-1, be-1ut ~ter. ra:1.,co~=···_ which ~ti 1:d w:.n4fo~edto ~~ LAGUNA BEACH -Tbe victory 1ave Pblladelpbla a 2- : leu than all three plactl ta CGll.dac tba llCOftd ~ lJ a term for the road runner Lo Sea From there lt wu only a tourtn1 IM Aqele& Liken ~·:.:i~e; 0';: :.! : a.ix eventl ad WOil 1J ftrtb ta • In tbl udm to crack the b 1 rd in TUU, Hall's home ng S()fi matter ol how bl.a a lead aUempdq to set in top Iba~ to dete~ the ~r : everwbelmin.I Oo !defttal 11i-»fOll ........ lfl"'1--a~rt1it 1tate -fint1btd the 11 Branson could build IP· for the appmchlni National { Bo ln E-.... -1 : The .._ jlnnp'q duel b&-UT r-:'• lrind owr 5.J.mlle t1ri& LOI ANGELES CUPl) -It wu Bramon'a th l rd Basketball AuoctaUon play-or &too --u . : 21 in a dual meet:~ tw .. ~ John Rambo ....... ~ inl COW"ll with WT laps, ft .. It WU a laq. lonl IMIOD for cbamplomblp win, Re took 0U1, invade Oranie County vilc:J::~::· WU held to • De1pitt tb9 ---·Cl( LGq Belda St.ate and Ed l.apl ahead of the mt of tbl the LOI An&elea Blade1. but ftnta in the 1182 Trenton, N. for the second time In three : however, the wbmbal marb c.utaMn Cl( Sata Ana Col-'' ,.....=': 0 ' fW4.. HJa avera11 speed ilr tM¥ IW1 bad two brlaht spotl J .. 200 and the Langhorne, years tonight, holdinl an l:n-Just •ix field f:1' and 17 : were regarded u leal than .... wmt to Rambo at "~ =: '· ~ v~ '"· " u ti. lJ rten wu 84.723 mllil ~' hi tbe play or Willie Pa., 100. Branson won the tra-1quad game at Laiuna l::tais ~~ an~ :i:: . lm-··'ve Tbl Troj.aa Ill to 1-m. .__ per .hour. ... ad Norm JohnloD. sprint car crown last year Beach High School here. . Still : ., • ._.. · Clllfenda flntt.bed MCGDd :::.:.;:-..... ~:"' Hall aald alter the race be O'Rte plunked in • aoals ~nd was fourth in the champ-Action la slated to aet un-silta. It was Hal Gree~ · JDeet r9CCll'dl bl the•,_. II a ..... ..., JDlll at Tem-"--ca.•·•· uui. a. M ..,"""'would like to start prod to lead the WeJ1erft Hockey ionshlp division. der w•y at 7 :~ p.m. with :ho = .~.~ : burdla with a •• tbne·"1 pe, Ana.. with Al1lou State ~~ ~,"·""*" 2 bil cars for ceneral . Leap, tnd Jobnsco &bould Rounding out the top 10 tlcbta on uJe at the door. I -~ : ~ance Petenoa and trl tllit UldNllt) and Oldaboma. ~~ .. \!,...~ 2 SW..•. bll plans were be 1INd UMlnC the top men finishers were Uo¥Ruby. Since a aellout crowd of~:~':'~_: :f C 'IS) a 1·ao1 tJmt bj ~ ltata't 1JUa WU-Hewell. ..CL. 11. w..........,. 2 vuue. la ~ _..., <hued on Andre1U, Arnold pper, over 2,000 11 anticipated for in~ po · u · · Ila-.,. a llrtlllmlt 41.1 quar-.._.... ~.::.,..~ '-'1111 7TWe're oll men, not mana-ioala IN uslltl> Jfheti flnal Bob Hurt, Dee Jo and the Wt, fan1 are advlled to added 21 polntl to the '19er Bruce Bete. t.r mDe. t.ut.t of the llUOft c1nc11W111 Yt. M......,• 11 T-factutera," aald Hall and Ma 1tatl.Uc» are releMld th I 1 Norm Hall. • arrive early. Ducata w 111 cau1e. Stanford but neiabbor Siii to dafil. • tbl boat IChool :.:---. ~ 0i8k!o. .... "' .. co-driver in tbe winning ear. week. ff• Wll Mb btlon the Roaer McCluskey. driving ran1t ln price from •uo for fin~ 13-~~l. lpW't opepn~,~!f Joee for the f1nt time ln • rolled up 71 poblta. Callfcn&a -.... ' Hap Sbarl>. tlnaJ week ef play IW1ed. a newly dealaned Haldlbrand· adult& to •. 75 for ltudenu q~ ..-r fave nua • .... 11~. l*trllP ....... a ud Olr:laboma Col .. w.::--... K-Cll't •• Ire-The tet!Ond-place car, • Both O'Ree and JobD· Ford for Cotta Mesa's Dan Two IHIODJ back, the ~k-pbia an 11-Poln lead at a.74 rwmen Pal lcbnCa .S 41. ,:_.,,._.. • w..-.... 11 fl-1 Ford pn>Cotype dnven by ~ llOl1 were &but aai, Mwtiver, Gurney, was amone the 14 en put on a atmJlar exhlb ~a~ed 78e~ n.ver were · Da Deutmr led tbl .., callfcr'lda'f '40 relay team tt. 1..-1t .., ,.... vn. A. 11 •· MUil of Hollywood. Calli .. Saturday nlCbl. and the San racers falling to flnlah. tlon at Corona del Mar H11b Ole R .. !.! .... : altbo b ve • ..t 1 ltldlam r9COfd ol 40.3 "-= ,.. .., ,........, 11 T-md 8nce McLaren of New ~o $etl4 cloaed t h e Gurney Is preaenUy devel· School, thrillin& an overflow ar uu.u, UC ScblicD .. ta f:l.LI la tM ad Ila mle NlaJ lqUd woa ...,... "' '% ..,_._ at ~ Zealand, ftnhhed second at le&IOll tar both teaml by optna two Haldlbrand cars and throq with IOmt aparkllna bobbled by • IOrt left foot. led :. and ta l:ll a tM two. MM1tJ ta 1:11.1. .. ..~,._. .., ......., l"Cl.. .. Im Jape. beatinl the Bladea.. 4-2. a Lotu1-Ford for Indlanapolla. play. ~ta~al attack ,.tth '¥1 . w ma ,_ .,.. ; i ~Ef?:Saari Spectacu~ar; f18C. Swimmer~ Win !ftvt ,.... .. ; H1a time, la • ,apeet vie" AME& Iowa t\1PI) -divine team that wa1 a •torJ, ... 1:11.7. OW..-.... Soat.IMra Clllflnla'• IWbD-thorn ID Southern Cal'• aide ; toe* _,.. II .. mll. mlq tea m II It 1 l l tM all tJtroub tbe meet. : SpillM LlnJ Q11 rad tl dwnp _.., t. a Golnc fnto ... QD&1 ract C •e , r• ftl Ila *"Jll'd bre l1llt-t a ID Id .. Sawrcs., n.ilht -tM -•dllla II U. U.S. (IJlnple Ith-yard reJQ -~ ! M .... ..._., Onllll awned RoJ lwt. TroJaaa bad pu.d up ODly a .. l*J<llta I Ua.A far ,,,_ Tro,.. ,.. tMlr balf.p o l Di Mad over la· U. .._ ¢p=Hf laU. Udrd ttn1ahl·NCM twbn· dlana. ft imlil!ll 1't1a1I mlft1 c:ro'ft at tlM Iowa The poblt bet&le • tbat ........,. State pool 8lt:urd.IJ mot. Jut race bltnen Indiana : ,...-.... trailed Ua.A but tt wam't uartU the Jut and loutben <Al almost ov- : Ill U. ..,,.,., ~ fot. went cl Ole Uftll.da1 m..t erthldowtd American : &twed )J Ua..\ '"*1 and Cal wu over Utt trophy wu and NCAA record Of 3;'7.2 • P,617 at a. Lall Ot!Upo. t.beln. tblt Yalt Mt ln wtanlq the : Pt;; b .... tllir colltp Jt WU IDdtau'I IUperb race. . . . . ,, ~I Yale11 'Sten Clark. who h1d eet a new record in tb9 lCJO..yard fttelt11e Ind lrd· ed •JVd freestyle rec- ords with Saari before the CJJ.lfornlan came out on top, t u r n • d tn the mOlt .,.aaatllr time of the meet wben he waa clocked lD • Mcoods flat for the final lei of the relay Sou th er n Cal's relay team. anchored by Swart, came ln third -but ii wu IUll lood enouth to win ti.- CIUH lnd11na finl~h~d • dllmal alxth. TM Trojans flnlahed with 2m p 0 J I t a. lndJtna had 271~ for second place and Mkblpn came ln. third wtt..b 221. Four 'A m • r l c a n and NCAA record& fer. on the final day. Bealdea Yale's relay records, other markl were aet by Saart. Clark and Gary Dilley of Mich· 11an Saart shaved nearly 10 llCODd• off the exltUn1 Amtrlcan and NCAA rf'C· ord1 ln the 1850-yard frtt· style rnanthon with a time of 16:3911 aft• r he was puabed by Carl Robie of Mkh!lan. Saari bad planned to COD· llr'Vt h1J 1trenltb for the final event, but Roble fore· ed hlm to 10 all out -and be dJd. Clark twice ahaved a ten· th of a leCOnd Saturday ofl his own l~yard freei;tylt record of .~.3 aeconcb, lowertnt It to :48.2 ln the preliminary and : 46.1 ln final. Three swlmmer1, lnch.1d- ln1 record boldtr Bob Bennett of Southern Cal, t l • d the 10().y a r d back- ltroke mark or : &U ln the flnaJ -but DUiey came In ahead of everybody wlth a record Ume of :&2.e. Southern California m, Indiana 278~. Mlcb· lt•n 221. Yale U.S'i'., Ohlo State 91 ~. Mlchltan State 90. Southern Methodist 72\1, uctA s1 ~. Southern n- lnof1 ~. ,Ore1on 41. Hart'• Bankmll Look.a Different WlLMJNGTON. N.C. CAP) -The Dick Hart eolflnl fam. Uy. Jta bank roll tlrlcbed by $USO. piled lnto a traD., .fb. day witb 1ta .. certain. • Hart, • 21-yur-oJd club profe11lonaJ from HJ~ . Ill.. had lnt.adld ... back to hla club Job ahet Wilna ll1I 11.Jth wtoter· •Dlf tour. But wbma U.1Au1M Open Tourname9i ta an etOt- bole aoddln-d • a t la pA.,.n Sunday with Pbll ~ .-1 chanp thln1,1.,.... , l II h I II • n IL to II Il- l? " • id UI •• ~ •· d If .. •• !D ra to .i -lD ,.. m n, " c )ft -1-, . .. D• ~e 2- 1n :m er >l· to 17 ri· lS• er ,,. ed ed :hl er he el· 74 re 1h ed '¥1 n· "' • ... Spam CaLmdar I Fink LeadA Area Prep Tennis Results I R~ugers Rip Long Beach1~ 5-l ped from the playoffs on a charae of Ulepl ncaWttnc of playen. Co a c b BW A.lbcrott'1 Rangers &Ot a nUly tMt of scoring punch f r o m lltUe Jackie Olilvt l,Dd Muto Porraa wUh O,uv» ICOrbaC three c o a 1 a and Porru ban'1nl In tbe otber two. A styllab abot olf tbe bead of Porraa put the llaqaera off to a 1.0 i..ct la tbe 1lnt •ix mlnut,. ot pla7. And Ogilvie , toUowecl two mlnutea l a t e r with a IUC· cessful penalty kkk wbldl made it 2-0. After that Lang Beach playen apent moat ol the Ba1eball Stnndings But the point served only to WUe Up tbe apparently oonftdent aancen. Olilvie worhd a clever abot from a alcle antJ.e aod ftNd the ball put L o n I Beach's bard working 1oal keeper to mm tt 3-1 wltb ao m1aue. atlD e. JU1. Poma, wM bid I DUJQ- ber ol aear-ma..-tbrw&b-out the lMt ball. put the ,._ out at rMtJl rib bis NOOIMl pwfecto ol a.. aft.. ....... A wild ecnmb&t lJl fJ'clllt of the loal WoQPt the ball In for the wltb a left to play. Olllvte added the coupe de crace flve mhwtea later. TRY NIW LUCKY STlllKI '1LTl9S ,..,._,, .ll.J,,,,.... GENERAL "IOO··o.K. CREDIT"::' 10 ~OIEY DOWll Easy monthly peyments hlndle the total ......... ... , "'"""' ,wdle• ,.,...... .. •so 15 ., • 75 7 155 10 NYLON SALE 811 mlnp this w11k on brand-new tlp·••llty &•nl Nylon Tirul ll1 •t.Al·tJ11111 fer extra bit ..,.,_ .. _ CIOlllllCT ..... ~ ..... ClllW .. COlln.WT. rMUl!l. "*l,Cllll'tf. 'lNOWnl. ~.\Ml. -OOlllllll: IUlal. fMlWl•. •IGllT. Cllll'llUI. ....... ,..NOC/Ill. "911TKtwlUIS: IU!Cllt ... Cllll'lll8. MCIWIO. 11 IOTO. "'"* OWIOI: ............ CMIWCl'Mll: ........... .....,. .. ~,...., . ....,. ,,,,.. ... ,.. ,,,. Mltl.t..,.,., "'""'~.,.. ..,.. .. ,.,., '-•a II •· 126.54. ..... ,_ ....... Ul1 U 19.05. 28.08· 10.02 ,_ ....... 21.55. 31.34. 11.71 llhU.l.11•1• 2s.05· 35.48. 14.12 , .............. . ' llOa lt.L,h l 26.95. 38.56. 15.3' ••• 14 ,_ ....... I•• Ill 1 ll 31.05. i2.1a· 11.32 , .............. WHITIWAU.S IUQHTLY HIGHU .,..,. tu NO TUDl•lll TllllU NllDID BUIE IA• SPECW fRfE AU6IMlll OICI ~-1J.t11 Ortftlr ... ~~~· ~~ TIRMS ~ Whtie Yeu Wa,._ Tak• Juat A ~ew Mlnut+I ... -.-~ cNdl .,_ .... .11, ,.,,. .... - ~: ·:.c.w. . ,,..., , ..... T..owt. ...... -........ ~..:. ·-- ' ' • .. .. • -... ~ \ " • • ' ' .... • • ~ ., ' ' • ' • .. • ' • lj • • ~ ... .._... HOW THIY ITAITID-A-·· Cal-32 No. 2 UlPJ)eNCI by Jrf Jon.. LA YC, bean away from the ltartinl Unt in tM Upton Cup-Cbahenge Trophy race after she Wll a h:llDD ol a MCOlld eutr~ On Jm ._.. Bl1boa Yacht Club's Ca142 Escap9Cle (No. f) sets tile JQlllf 08 :'Jd Tuner'I Q.a.. sloop Cotton Bloaom, the e.ttul Wlmier tram Siil DJ1io. iY ldt Qib. World's Fair 'OD Schedule' .i , • ' "' Orange Coast DAILY ,. ,., li" -~ \ ) t ~ ~ ,. 1 PILOT I ) 1 1.77 50Pootlol Vfnyl Ganllft .._. 1.14 rlll nu COllJKlf' Jl..ela Jl..JNO PAPl!I ft.Am IN WHl1'I OI COLORS · 56c .... nu. c .. ,,.,. JlflrCA J-8-29.JO JU$T WONDlllUL MAii SPRAY Teny Cloth Sl.l'Pll SCUff S 1.47 .. ,. rw. c..'°" ... J&J9..,.!0 AU(A.laTZll TAILBS, 25'1 Widt Tll. eo,.,,_ 11.-el Jll.3-30 cot.GATE DENTAL CREAM 2 200 HARBOR Bl VO Co•nir of W ti•,,., end Hor bor COST A MESA LEGAL NO'l1CE • • • 41' ~· ... ... .. . . -. . ... . .. 11 ... I . Clfhll ....... }... ... MilWla-N,W. ... ; ............. ~""' ~ : ~ ........ ftllrs. .. :.~ ...... .,... ...... ... : :,,___S..torloel• : ~,, T,.,..,, M Sll,'511 . . • • , XLNT tenMll . . . . ""· • •• NO DOWN V.~ • er tow -....... F'.H.A • 3 btdt'eonl. 2 ... •• Mti., F........ Ilg ...0. sin lot WIUI -' ft Wll • carpet -dr..-s. Olllnd :. • patio. JUST USTtO!I! Mal ,, .. -........ ~ ..... • •: ffld Slntt. lMIHt lot la J . wt&. l bedroonts, 2 NIM, '"' (amlly ,.,... 0-Mutltt llld mnt SEU!! ~ '21.'50.00 • U 01 F'.HA. • -tfrms. .. . . ,. . . .., ....... CiM&i -w lol ,. ..... TlUlnC .. .............. su,ooo ... $105-00 • s.. _,. .,... II "'*· flt $20-.00 ..... ~'$15,tsO 0. ""'* .. 66'1150'. Stalfr ._...,. $llO.OO ptr ...U.. A DmNrT£ FIXEll-Uf'fltR!lll Mo'a flrst??lf SIMPer·Znum Dowlrt9I C.ta ..... r.111· -C-1 .... 10'11.ZS' ... . "'Sllf,'50. Low.,.. .,.,. """' .. --... CM'1'I lst tNSt .... llslsl• Qlple1 .... ~ Htitlll\ .. 11 ,.......,. °" IU!tt ~ strlft. ONlY S2U75. TltV AND WT TidSlll '*Isle . ) ..... 2~CIOIW ..... $Cl.!OO. Jt't ..... Immediate Occup1ncy New CustOm Built Homes Near Golf Course .. In Mesa Verde 8otb oo comer k)ta and rlaftl acro81 w atnet from ~ V...,, Count.TY Club, here an two eiq>ert• l1 planned and well built bom,tll tut demand tM &ttalloa ot uplrlftl cou· plAll wi.o wanl to~ t.Mlr ddWna tA cloM J)J'OJdmlt)' to ICbooll. eburcllee, m&r- bt.a. ebopptns oenten and t~. y.t tn an a- eluve l'MldenUal &rM tar away tnim t.M ooiM Md daapr of arteri&J tnme. 'l'be work at JC ... tar Bu!Jden, t.iw.e ~ homea • one Uuee bed· room and the otMr 6 ~ room 1 • embody 2190 and U.00 *t. n.. ot U.tnc llpaCl6 ,...._uvely. r F&ATUIUCS: Wall to wall ..,, quallt.J Dufenl 01'-. ~ .,~ .. taW· lt,f p&dd.llll, ..... u.-lnl rooma. ..,... bedroonw "'1ll walk·ln --~ ttl, lrlnpl• b&throoma ... "". • JslllM. o,...~11', Newport et V'.etOril • • wt~ Ma.rble P"lbnaftt. aD "9ctrlc ~tdMM. ...,.. flnp.._ Blrctl ~ wartl wtt.b PrulWood at.- bl nm.ta. l'OOll) to room . ..,,. r•. • f . . . •' .. ( .. :~:* ••••••• . . .. * 2 l1td ··~ YICllll .. :*list $tl,t511 ··* c.n •• ·- .;:. Ctlll' :!~ ..... .. . tf AJOI Yll iR Ml Miil .. '..... ' IAt.c:.a and 11W1ie. IM&"YJ ~ ~ 8bUl;e roc6. Call for tuf. """IYJf ·..... tMlr In!=~ ... Id $tSIJP ~~ hr ....... • lar'P' BB bOldlt tdM1 tor tbat s:rowilll' tamilJ. V AC>Jft a\Oft In ~ • 1100 .. feet al ~·.,_·It. Jolullt Panilb ...... aalJ .... Low 4loWa PJ91L IJtrt.; IU M 141 1• .... al .... _,. . ~ ' -~ . --' . . . $16,500 J .... + , lfftily ..... 8M.rp ...... M099 rlebt lll&o uu. beanlttul Mme. OYer 1/8th fl an Mft el ~ ..qu ya.rd .,... JDoell ..n feoa. MOO dll n.t. OI' DO .... CJ. .... l'DO ..,u.i.. Slh.-t/J kra f'}j I ~j . . -. .. ,.., .... ~ ~ _. ·-. l T....eaTrMllT,_ ) OD UM SUtaSe. Mt far trom ~ ua. ...... bon.,. ol .. bom•! • Bit, t B&tMI ap.doua ~ nomt QmvenAenl Calaf .... Doub .. ~ Qua!Jt:J ~· LUX- UllY lllt.chen! nsr per IDOOtll lnclUdee SVDY· T H I N G! Sl900 4 OJllD! .... hLlrprloel .. w. muneml• t.e clMu'IMt to- da.J. CaU now. 0,. 'tB t. M6-T1T1 e M2""1DO -------- Heavy Shake Roof • I' I '°'=' ! • • , - 1111 Wlltellfr Dr. MM80t ~ •••• •t .... OelaA - WOW.Oout~ u ..... .,,.,. ..... DURIXtulii IMP w1111 a.uut .su. a br .... llllt.-m. °"' o( towa OW1llr .,. Mil ..... ...... ~ IMaml ~DRVICr J Hot! Hot! .. -A.IHTA.LS ______ ._. _______ .__,__ _..:,.z;,;..:;;...;U~nfv..:.:.:.~'"~w...I..;....;..;... ....... --.:---....... ------.-.. FUNI apl, dOlll to bl.IA- n• di.It, "° mo. DOLL KOVaE OO'l'l'AOS sot £. Bay Aft, Balboa c..,... .. M9r ·~ .. Mer »ee•eeee•e••eeee I Spectaclllar View of .-• n *"· Cpta. drp1, bit. Ut111U• J>&l4. LS. laS. 4'51 ft--& e-el H L-.. '"lt ua.n•-•·2.4 .... • ~ ...-IBllC& 48....-ma. dllbwuher. Gt.r<lener. ..,. __ .., '" .,.. BA YP'RON'T • tm apt, • ~y f&cil avail. $1730 K. au-.. -paUo. Clean be&dl. Now locrt ·~ A••···· ...... d1a11 08 5:~:A~/:l\oNT ~~~.~~ ::r •. ~~.wtnter. ~r:~ biv:.r'"~ =-== ...... 3-br, 2-bt.. All •lee ilL mlC'n\A.I • v AIL Lee. pool elUI bot ..... ~-POOL + <>JU. Drpa. For appt 23Mlii M•"J>Ort Ml·t'FM leflloa lat.nd US5 IDEAL fOR A.DULW , .. bl\-tat. ... 1• a. 2 u: rental oelJ ftlC>. - ' CHAS. C. ·MARTIN:: .,_,6 day A eve, $75 .,,,, lafboa lal•nd 1390 mo -OD,..... lell8. ~ t •--..L. ... -. 111 Flower near bank. the-fUllN.UNfUltN YllLY Call 873-9811 for fuith.-tntormatlo.a 181Hl _ -..;n _ --at.r 4 market. Ma·8SOI $SOO uk for ~ Mar S • Br, 2 8& ..... . mo. • l.IASE OPTION °" 6'8-UM NIJW unturn Apt. carptt.-•••••••••••••••••• REALTOR U.~CMU .. 1~ II •AIM DEBT 1 Bdrm apt ( i_, duplex) 9d, blloln kitchen. for 1... wtUl opUoq, • Ba"t'• a de&l! Lovely 4 JJL. Ukt new. W&lklJ\f ~ to beach. Every ~<'e $200 mo wlUl opttoa to purchue. Small but conv. Youna t . BT, 2 Ba . .. .. $360 mo. u..~ .._,. S100 couple or snst a . Br, 2 B&. bome, eptd. COST A M!SA S 100 ·.=~ - BR dlll, a b&U. dfPtd • c.rpttel. POOL. aoo D\O. Owner. 848-llft M2-4t21 CwaMl&I 1100 .. -,; -. llDUOD .. $11 Nwl,y Mcor. 2 BA w/ca,.. port. P1&1 JV4, dillpolal. kida OK. nt, .cbOol. Wa- ta paid. 1112 Pt~tt• ..... 531..aalO -I HOUSIS a Bdrma. a aaau '1115 • 100 mo. W.u..Mcea~ ~ttn. 1110 Newpott v4. C.K. su.n• 4,,.t. ~.story 9"' bou-. fl't6 .c Rall ci«i ~· ..... OIUNGm' OOA8T l\LTY. ~ DICK BERG Rlty 9~2-2421 1#iW ·' BR, cpt, dpa, 2 ltlOcka to bch. No Child· ..., undtr 12. $1Tli 1.M. Mtt &Anal Circle. a..1112 a iil llouee, turn or uni. ~ ltnmed. occupancy .... Nl-8031 bhfD 2 • .. a.-ii 'l'WNHSE ww-cpte, wer, dryer, ranre, NIJ11. ._ • Tennla. M8.25U, -.mi evea. i P !hznpora.ry rental to ,.pi party Rea.a. Pac Bpda. #34·S38~ col. UNTA.LS ~ f\irnlahed 1TS W. WllJlon, unit 0 . pr. paUo Cum yrty... '226 VILLA NEWPOIT 2 iR: turn. Ir unturn. w-w BACHl!ILOR Apt • Yf'I)' ~ * * * * * Hom• with an oeean vteW. cpta. dpe, blt·Lna. '106 up. Nl!lLDA GIBSON 1000 eq. ft. ot hJxurtou.a •••·•711 or t4.f.79M. OR 1·6&80 MEDmRRANEAN Adult Uvtnc. W/W cpta. RiNT BY WEllX OR K O. 308 Marine Balboa laland APTS. drp.. Marble pullm&N. 2 Bl\ $120 mo or 182.60 wk. --Garden apartment. around dt.ltwuh9r. nrlmmin& 2Mt Maple 642·*6. Huntl"9!0" 9"ch 4400 pool And puttlfli' rreen.1. 2 pool. It m&AY more utru. * WU.On Weet • J'unl or $l 2S bedroome. I b&tha. car· 1.01 Superior. N..B. untum • 1 • 2 BR. UUJ. pd J>'tl. drape.I • lovely tire· 6'2·307• Pool. Adult.a MM276. place. 1M6 Tuetia. Adult.I till DllL\TX.& APl'8 BLT·INS/PVT·PA TIOS UTD,PD/M2·160' 1 BR • tum .t untum, car, laUJMi?. A4'4)U. 681 w. V\ct.ot'ta.. MJ..elK Nii\V 1 BR ctplx eep. by pu <41ll•t Adult., no pet.I. Ull Dden 648·1021 BACHiil>i Apt.a. TV, Pool. uui.. '3-0 wkly. 2301 Npt. Bl., C.M, Ml .,_7U6. $4:1 • MO/ NEW UNITS ~ .Aarea. a&N .. New- port Btvd. Ul-t'f 5&.. F'urn. 2 BR. Apt.I only. 6~-61&8 2 Wffkl FrM Rettt Carpets • drape1 • Fenced Patioe • N- FuM\lture Bit-Ina • Encl. Guaau * HEATED POOL * 1871 Sl&ter Avenue HUNTINGTON Bll:ACB PHONI 147-1380 $19 Meu North T rlplena I 2 11 BR. 1 ~ ba. Fum/un- tum. $110 up. Pvt/patio 4rpl/erpll. blt·lna. ,.,. Bli TED POOLS Hr. allope. lchi. It OOC. * NIW * a Bedrooma • 2 'ii batJul. iS wall e&rpetlna • dra .. • Ureplac• • bll. Townhou.M l)e.. Heated Pool • '225- PHONm tH• 886' NEW NEW NEW UT15KONTB t11 J'llRN 81' .. N!:WPORT 8BORE8 3 BR. 2 batbll. blt-lu, C&T• pat.,~ 6'2·1W DESIRABLE 2 BR duplu. cloM t.o ~. B&y .. ahp1. Cft. dpt. bit • w.. Y rly. .A.du1.ta. t73.f130. ··-IMrm. . , ' ~ • i.wa.a "'· llDoed S'Ti &:iiN. fui i&dieior ootW.I•. ltJcl llWI. 114 W. Willon, C.1'. Olrecllon.: Drtv.s to Bead\ Blvd. (Hwy. S91 • Slater Av. (2 blka 8. of Warner). J!lut or rental ottloa. ClD.L[) MCtlOA. Pit 0¥.. 1705 &000 IUYS &PA.CS no.JSCT l'OR KOU TILUf "TWIN'I" 6tol...,._~ ID ~ ar9M fer t&mUy 8LAl"l' OJT. K•r beach • ICbooM 1D Liquna ...0 d....ioped oader pewUs'I ooaun.wdtJ. 0.1' ~ ~-.,..1a~ SUM 1dlitdrT-Price nap ---.-.000 tG ~ or 1DC1n ii J"MI .a 9laDd U.DDP"L . C..IOM ldde11 FIMI C..._. a • • W.,.. • .-ar nu deu -rumpae ,.. • tin.I'> c ~ Water1 p4. *· .. tfl.tJ m. iu.oo .,. lllClllt.L QbUcl. cs.oaa.-nea. a.&A.N , bdrm. lee Uvtnc rm, crpt. • ~ Dble pn.p. J'eneed yard. Near &bo1>9. HI Kapolla. Va- cant Call owner Kl f.1293. Ctl&ANt lc9 1 • br ... I' A bMt, dtllp, t,. It.or- .._. ..,.ce. .MIUJtl No pet.I. n-c&rM for. ,. 11. net It. Ml f.l&U. BiIU'TIJ'UL 2 jj( cpt, dpa, blt • Illa, loftl:)' JVd. filed, prdcnc, b~· rar-.... aN x.. hrl• Le . Ms-22t0 . 2 Ba clp!a, ... Cft. b-ID.t, wuh/dJ'f, d..wub, pr, rt 1125 Inc:l • uW/ 8p&cloul 2·BR. CHILD OJC. LUX 11.rden apta. 2 BR. 1 6 2 Be<lrooai• ....-, lndry. Fncd p&Uo. Tota. rum~. Uo!uml&lled , ... , I Map.e, Ml-&ns peta OK UM. 8'7-eet2. ou,eta -Dr&pe.e IMch 4200 DllLUXE 1in1le apta w I Built IM -Ftniplacea ~port _ __ full kitchens • 1ua1u. oantree IMn( with: DA'f e wzn • MONTH P\lrn S7~. 841-fllM. 1 Poole • Tennie Club • UUla, Pbooe, ~ maid Oanu.ntal breurut.a • een. View of 2 be&t.d RENTALS Club 1*a. wtt.b Galley • poola. yacbta, bQ • Udo Putaaf 0..-i · Shutn• Jal' From $119 month.11. boud -Adult A: Family LIDO &BORU BOTlll.. Apta. Unfurnlshed Gener•I 5000 liMUQm • Walk to Beach. .um tilAJUNA I y~ll '°* • Cd)( I •n Udo r1t. Dr. uM102 Co lqe I IQI ~-.. ~ Coett Hwy.2 SWU:PCNO vtew ocea.n. Harbor & IAllA MAR bay. Split level, 2 bed, FURN Oil UNl'UllN Danllb modern te&k. fir•· 'Place. ~·· ,m. A vall-1 Mo. Free aant . 11U1 tft WUt ltth Bl able Aprtl n. ~. 8htt· $90 • up lXSLUXll 1 It 2 Br wood LI a.-2211 or Bachelor or 1 Bedroom "1M It UNFURN' 842-021. 2 Bedroom or S Bedroom DAt'SD POOL . PutUnr Studio or 1 Story ~· .. -..dknt b e ll t • CUTI: 1 • Br apt/ upatn. P&Uoe or B&lconta ........., ...,_ tacruttee • Sundeck. 8pac • c;ioeeta. •Private t.undry FacillUea patio, MW\J dee. UIO-IU c.dl PL 6t6-Tll6 « co0ect att a:ao ua 1111. ""'liifllll ~-_,, 1 • bill Udo lbop I · On t"'. ~tin • Ora caft .,. -.-.iced from Ctwut.el Adnlta/ leale Rdrlcer!toni( A~able. : x:.i:,t. , Ma..o.n OR 3•7tTll. DELUXE FIA.TURES • iiiili dill Kar. a BR. 2 bl.. B • 1ne. n,loe cpL B1Jc to .... Me-. VU1qe. No •175. ld-2211 &ft •. pe --------On 'nle Puttlnr Green. 2 Pool•• NEW • HURRY! FUm, ocean front., b&ch· W&dlnl Pool • 2 Recru.- UTll ~ p •10 elor 1.pL UtU paid, $10 Uon Bldp • t launa 8&tha . Cooltdp/B&ker M.6-MN 1 BEDROOM $90 2 BEDROOM tllO Cpte. drp1. dleb'Wuller <lllpoal, ltll·lnl. Inq. 2279 Miner, Apt. A l(-.r Harbor 6 Wtleon WA TmRl"RO!f'l" 2 BR. Lido Sb.Pf &l'M, 'b-lo.I, r.-trta:. opt. ~ SHO. LR. Dock apace avail. 113-2821. e LJVE KR -OCEAN e Sp&doua a br • 2 ba./blUU. epta, drpe SU& ~ D&LUXJC 2 BR kins atse 141-aOH, ~. &pta. el&c B·lna. d·wuh, CUBTOK 1 ii A;it, I ba, rA beat, atr eond, epta. 11' blk Sq 1 blk ~ dpt. lndry rm, f~d patioe, '17~ mo yrty teue. Aval! b&leony, IV $115. up. 122 Apr11 1 eT....01 ewt. &. Urd 8t. ~ blk £. of MODifR'N • l BDRM • Newport. 146--0e68 · pnv patio. drp&. cpta, ~e I: * D&LUXS * retrla. Adults, oo pell 585. P'ront pound tlr. 2·Br. 2920 Avon. STS-eoet. Cp\I, Drpa. Pll>I. '165 on · leue. Adult.a oniy. Newport Hgt.. 5210 INQ· 2279 KINER 116 u.,_ J BR. tum • un-2 BR. patio, pr. new cpll. dpt. Adulte. Yrly. 2003 Hum Pl. M8-b308. • tum. Nr 9CboolA. Bu~ pool CtlUdnn OK. 2265 C&nJou Dr. 642-MM. . \ lack &.y 5'40 2-BR/ Conv • den. Bltna. Opt.a, °""' Pa*io. Oar · I TEEN CENTER Nr • 8boJ19 SW. llO E . I ltld'• playpou.M. !dull , recru.. only at NeWp<>rt e. Riviera TownboWIU . 2 llU. Pt. "~. t • BR 2 • Ba, G&rll' • 'BA. t ~ tcoc.d , •uo. lilt 'MIJle w 1 ts. ~ wtnteT ph Me-.MN. 6608 • Tennla Cow'U • ~ ...... ~ 1 • ~ ~ .ftom 1106 W · Ocean l"root N · B. on • Child Olla c.nw ~ ......... LoeaUoe 1 Bit ....._ lmec., • CaJorfo Ou ~ • ·· -f~~· ro•P.r:· ~ J: rpe. to 4 br. J • 3 b&. 12'J,OOO Rec:re&. Center. Yra. au~ Newport RJvlera above N-i>ert Baek Bay, betw. Sant.a laabel • Mente Vi.ta St. Phone, "2-0300. MMl62. cw. can an-bank, ........ * 1 Room Boule ~ UblUm SMSO ~ '1 15 ino. OUld OK. a.t.r...t61b l:ut oe Bay trom Newport pvt. pr. AdUlt., no pet.a. Adjacent to oomJ!ht• l!top- Jllvd. rtttit l ~k (J'UJ1-r· NT. K'-Mart. 2'79 W. WIJ. J>ln&' Center . toe) to IOl\. • CALL ~70 Ward Apa~ BACHELOR qle Apl. 17& ~ J'Ulkrton,, W0·32H Wmter or P6 yrly, utlla Nar th .. LMllc JIUl Pl. l·Br I~. 2-Br 1110. .., POOL! W IC. 17TH PL. 142·1MO/ evea MJ-3251 luta Ana A.._ Mt-OM. pd, OR S·UU. 1240 Bal-tao MOVIWN allowance. • !ifiW 'iUt&ide , BR, hPlc. oom • powdef' rm.e • decQ ~ Vlewa ·low dowM • tbe wbol• tiaD cl wp.IJOIU>D'a LOANS DU&~ ao,ooo to SD,000. ll&U attu • HW"- ry for ._ Vt.wa • 2'700 'IWnplt BWa Dr., l,..un& ae.cb. (TVa up llW at TbaW&, elf Oout Hwy.) 4100 boe Blvd. N .B. NASSAU PALMS * -------.._ 8PAC. 1·BR. Dtnina-. Lota 1 .. 2 B.r. Apta. J BR, ept. dpe, bit • tu. (al.lo 1 BR tum> )(aT. Corena del Mar A 'M'RACTIVE 3 bedroom. 2 baUl unturnilbed ~rt­ ment. Fine C.OrOGA ,:Ml Mar area. 1~ 1111· ft. C6rJ)lta. dn.pe9, prqe $186. Call Armo. '* 1i ... Gd J:aatdd•. C:Ul ... •c. 232 RoblJI HOOd Pl. 6'6--06215 eves. c.a ... ,.rtr 1115 BT OWMr blilt coUqa pk loc. oornar, near IChoole 3 br 2 b&, + extn.1 uuao tu-&8151 $49,500 I 4 & S Bdrms MOO Vl& Lado OR l-8l30 ........ Lllnry UDO IAR&AINI footcat• ~ hi Here a. one of our beat La;ua 1":1ylo. f ~ 2 Can 1--W/opUcln, trade, ti.the, lllJ)&l'at.e dJn1nc or Mil ""2l' low low down room tmmaculate candl· lnlan4 ao ~ An (1 bl tton. Near rood swtmm.tni ao. ot Pottar7 IUdll be&ch. P'ulJ price, $151,000. Jlollow stsm t.o Vallq J\&DCbo, tAcuna. ·~11159 ' J ... ':C!Cnz~ p2,IOO. • br, 1~ b&, trPt I I ... le¥el JVCI. Walle to Newf*! leach 1200 Owner' Leavtna' State Wm as 'WllJ.. .=· • dfter&ld. Ba,J, 3 br BACK BAY AREA 3jo3 Newport Blvd. 2~ b&, S hpJ. IU~ d .. I at.or')' eu1tom. ' lp Newport Bch • Oft S-2163 lUM ldl dl.D nn, lltdUded bdrma, I Wed bath• • 1 paUo. ,vu. w/twtn l&nt.or)'. Fam rm P .. AIS..., llMI*' w/UMd brick BBQ. llxlra ~~-=-~---~I 1Den.Ot6 ~J,Coa.rnt' t Hy. d&- 1 T 7 & 30 7 lltt llY nn w /UMd brick frpl. Ceramic Ule kit, dahwmr. Lee walk • In L'-'• Ill• eloeeta. lerviee porch w/ ~­WSbr. J patl.oe • 1 off Uv rm w 11Jat.ertaU • flab pond. Contlnuoue nylon filament . cpt. ln JOld It p, A. PAUUIR. INC. white. Pool ttae lot. Land· 1111 Via l-Jdo. oa MP IC.aped. DetacMd dbl pr. Ul•Um• heavy lb&k• LICJo Nord roof. Pt.800 t\rm. $11500 B&y Vlew cu.atom bit bome. I * OC2AN Vl1llW * No tcs no amor. R.pouu- Md. II.A.LE ~ OR RllN't 1 or all. 2, I, It • br bom•. Cpt., t!rp•, land- tcaplJll. Owner. 1111blutda. uw 7.anito Dr. Dana Potnt. tal-ll06 d.n or 1"11 Jee for $2116 mo. • br, 3 b&. 2 ttrepl, la'• pa· -.::::==--::-:::====;; Beam oeUtq, t.oud yd, It i-uo . .Adult.a 1112. OJ\'l-7t2t. CL&AN i,. 1 br SllS/ Adult. No ~ r A hta.t. dllp. 11e stAlnp mpa.aa, yd e.,./828 11. 211&/ Kl 1-154.2 2 Bil daptx, cpl, drp. elec blt.-ID It.oft. OU. Water pd. 17'11 Tuatl:D. l·BR tfo mo. Watar pd. nn 1'IJUR W-2t157, 5'8-2121 J..Br Ue/ rear I 1115. Pvt fncd )"&rd. 1 child ok. Avail 2m. ... 7912.. iU6 • Mo. a-ar, 2·8&. Nr llCb1a. Aftll' bl. 611-1121 ttkeDda or an 7. NBW 2 • Br, Cpt.e, Drpa, All atraa! Nt • Bhopa. Rle.onab1-I IM-MOO. , iii5RJI(, l"' baths. Cloeed prap. Adlllta: 313B 16th Pt.,l~l LICA8I: 3 Bft tnwn.culate, trpl, cov. paUo. cbolce loc. 411 Broadway. 2 DDROOKS. double pr· qe. Wutalde. &H-1085 XllSA Verde • I Sr, 2 ba. Kr. Kboola • llbop. Leue/ opUoa. f200. W-Ulll. Al.A MOW jpJS. of cloteta~ 1116 ~/l ...... I Furn. 4' Untum t:rom •100 Adults, Ul-8'12 177 .E. 22nd &t. ~mt • "'rn. 1 • J 8edroom NR • OCEAN! 1 br, kltcb. Hll.ATICD POOL • W /W CiUpG • cl:ra}>lll pool, maid aerv, le&ae, Tim • mi.-t.n a-. • l'UIP -.e-6038, M2-011e1. VOLT AIRE • Dl.tiwabar • Htd pool 6 TDd boUM "6. N£4R B&ACB. FROM U'f .50 no up. ~dutt.., *> pet.a. 8TtJDlO W/refrl&', no kit-1 It 2 BR .. Studloa 6IO "·WU.. ~ . eba. ~. I Blt-ln1. Cpte. Drpa. Rl1 ' I SU So. Fairview Rd. WHITTIER APT$. Deluxe Furn. 1 BDRX. Newly Decor. • 0 c • & o VU. M.'9dalllon Kit • Olsp. . Ou. P&tlo • H • & t e d Pool • $116. All Utfi. Furn 1801 Whittler, C.M. 6'6-4332. IA Y APAllTMINTS 03 W. Bay, C.K. 1 • 2 BR Furn • Untum 2 BR fum. 1115. wtw cpta, drpa, blt·lns. htd/ pool. See Apl i. Krr'· 846-UIO NEW-FURNISHED UTILITIES PAID Deluxe 1 bdrm from S106 2131 Elden A..._ 6'2·06&8 $78 UTIL pd. 1, 2 adult.I, no peta. Back ~ &re&. Mll·l:l51, 499-1805, alt 7. iNewpoori Hlfa. 4210 Santa An& • Ml-2028 DARLING tuni Garden apt ! COSTA. MESA 5100 8-m eetl'sa. 2 BR, Bll··--------- ln, WW, Htd pool. Adults No Peta. 6'.2·231'l . 1 · BR. VIl:W! US!'i Completely turn. UUI • pd: M4-03M. . J'URNISHl!lD 1 BR apt. blt • lna. clean, laundry, carport.I. Me-1801. I 2iiR tum, pool, pvt patio. ' Adulta. A.lao 2 e. R duplx • 1 from $96. M&-4664 --- Coron. •1 M.r 4250 Pratlp~ •••••• • • • EconolllJ R.enta ••• MARTINIQUE GAllOINS Bach~lora turn nous n10 l Bdrm ..... From $1~ 2 Bdrm ••••• From $l2S 3 Bdrm • 2 Bath From $150 Bit-in Ovt11 • Rarist • •••..• 3 Pools ••••••• Gracious IJvtns •••• •• • Pua-lllw Surro\&DCllnr• lBUi •Santa Ana. C.M. 646.5&12 646-4233 ... . Verde 311 lMO 'Cl rt PIUC8TIOS bome 1 • BR. Nicely turn. WW-0 cpt.e, Blt.nt. Dabwr too! llOO • mo. M"'*'f· STUDJO-PLUs~ue­ Sbare beth, PYt lllltance. M2·119~9 2 blka from 101t oourae. l.AaM with option to buy below market. Naw avail. 1200 mo. Kl 9-otll 711-A Sballmar. MMA20. OIJW1CJ> RA TURl:8 1 .. 2 BR tun. .. Wlfurn. Soundproof. Jl'rom Pl mo. Euta1d• MS-9117. ~t lp&dout 2 Bl\ 2 -w /~I. 11' blk Wut- clltt lhopplDJ. Ulli mo. Ul-3261 Studio 2 BR, 1 ~ ba, tum " untum. au..-. prtv patio, aw pd. No pet.a. U3 C&brtllo. 541-3193. NliW 1 BR dplx lf!'P. by pr. Adult.I, no J>'ll. $80. W /cpt, dpa, 1tove, rfrla. $85. 24ISJ Zldezl 561-1021. a BR dptx, dpt, c:pt, b-tu, OR 3·7660. W Al.£ to beach .. lllops, 2 br. un1'urn. or tum. Adult& liH L&rbpur. Scenic ~rt1u, 176-11728 or M0-1284 M'H. VERY 11. brand nnr. p!uah. 1 BR. ew•pinJ "'9W, ll'P, 8/1, c:pt. dpl. 11115. . 173-190&. 3 -BR·2 BA, Cpl.a. ffrpe, Ff'pl. J'Urna.ce, Bltn eltc· kltch. Patio, 511 Carna- tion.. 17J..leO'I' Waah/dry, 6-wub, pr, ~ yard. $160. 2'0 Cecil Pl. MODERN 2 • BR. Cpta, 1546-7135 call col 15a.a.at1M. Dt"pa, Bltna. . Poell , ' BR ln trtpll'X, •tee. s-' OR 5·15H, oa a4FM. I inl, re!r16, dpa, pvt pr I e ' BR • 2 BA • e Child OK. 2040 Oranie Nr • new modem fea"'1ru Ave., CK. NJ-221T 846-5038, ~7. JCXCm..t.Jl:NT locauon, 2 •-IL...-I •--..I tr4tttt br, bit· Ina, relJ'16. trplc,-_____ ._ .. _na ___ ~ __ Veranda, garap. 2 BEDROOM 873·5898. UNJl'URNT8HllD LG. 2 BR 2 ba. crpt/drpa. U3:1 yearly t7l5-l)809 bll·ln•. 1 blk lhopa. $115. 27~B C&brllio, CM H\lntlngten IMch 5400 SPACIOUS. New Duplex 2 BR 2 ba. bit • lJl1, frp~ encJ/p&tlo. 2881A J!:lden. 19$ -1110 l"urn • Untum. I.« 2 BR. crp/drpe • bit. Ina. CaJl Mir. 646-4272. $129 New a BR Apt. 2 W..U Free Rem 2 BR untum 1n duplex. Carpt~ • 4rapee • r.;ced garase yard. 298 Walnut. Pallol • H4WW • ~U-16U. l'Umlture 2006 ~ An. uo, eo· Jot. ~noa •Lido Hou ... Te MMOTI. Nord. Low dn paymt. WW le Movecf 1900 Newport --~ a BR. 2~ b&, den. p&Uo. oon.1lder TD u dn. WUI --. .. N ...... --~ ) 8ftaUC_JtL ll1HS l BR, $100 mo utU lnc. 'Blt·lna • Dlcl. Gllrqes epu, drps, bit 1na. 12t * HEATED ..COL •* JU area, U2 cata.Una Dr. trade down on Udo. OW'n· ~"""'"' .... •v~ ... v "' ~ n N.B. 1>&U1 to 6. MM.its er, eT~'13t Wailvpe PwUI ...._ Mt•lllt. SS2,7&o. , BR, S!h bath.I + pool! home for houM nr water l'OWftboWle, tatp umr • tbfiLT Uto Pd. Ko-XUST Sil.LL AT ONCI: ta JCtwport 8&1()06 area. dbl. anu, frPe. W rr· 3 bdrm-. ' ba, IWtm pool cpta, drpa. Pvt. enclOHd llil• IMllM With 80' ca~ AIJdn,J $'Tt,l500. llZ t.inM. • car. Wrtte Kre. Jkm.11 --Beaut ~1 ·--&aa. Pr1Y be&cb. f',llOO. Owner. 213-QR J-~. Po-3~7 w-n .. ...., r--r-• --U r>rUt KB. --"' ..... r. lAue. C&ll Kr. Ruppart. tJD0 lii'li . i&ytront du-a.Ibo. laland 1155 ClttJ•, Honobdu, ,Hawaii. :':...:;" or M-TOot atter pla. OollverUbl• to home. RINTALS -. · Patio. Clean beach. , * $32,500 * ~ ..... "'....... iiliiOii ~. l l' MI ... uM. Yu. only AUOO! ...-bdrm 2 ba peo mo l yr iiABTBLUJ'P'/ But Buy 2 Br, 2 8& bom• Cotta ~ 2100 1 ..... '41-75*. •·Br. Map1flcent View I JUST i..tBTSD. I ADtJ'LT hutn. 8ep , BR a. BJV a. Ba/ liter~ W ,600. Owner, e1a..9l&t Wm. Wlatoft, lltr. homea, attaalllld Pf'&I'!.. ~°' .=i_ #J B&lboe 4 BR a .... KITCH ,. AM. 61'WS81 open 'Ul t p.m. 1 bUt oo~ptet. .,,,.. 4.110. Mendou 6 B:I Camino Dr. 646-7331 mA.STSIDJI: 3 · bedroom ~ .. ...,. 2 • bath. w.w. carpet '°:' 11 1tJ throurhout, dr1pa1. built· De:.. In &lectrtc kitchen. lar11 ~ dll'lln&' area, fireplace, ~ clos~ ruare • '1 o . . ~ m· A_ M8·8AI. wl • "1' _EX_C_ll_P_'Il_O_N_A_LL_~~Nlre! 11.1~ a . br. l'it • b1./ uoo eq· Vlr&'lnla Pl, U ~1655. *l BR dplx nr downtown. * 2 BR nr Kaiaer 8cbool . No dop. M&-2116 2 BR. W·W cpl, B·lna. Fp, paUo, new paint. Nr Pk A 1hp1. $110. MM912. 2 BR TRIPU:X. CloM t.o markets. 1Chool1. $85. LI 8·!870 CLEAN 1 BR &pt-reduced rent tor pt-Ume f&rd•n· Ing 1ervlce1. M8·9H6. CHlLDREN welcome! 2 Br. Virginia Hil~ 7871 !later A venue". BUNTJN<n'ON BEA($ PttONI 147-1310.: Dtt"eC:tJona: DrtV9 to Bfifd' Blvd. <BW1. It) • !later Av. (2 bike B. of W~). r.a.t to rental ottlc.. ~ 11~·~~·1. level or 1tudlo apt.a. 2 Bd- l'ft\9 wlth frpl. Ir extra JtM. COKB. IU,760. Own· eH-22G7 , •· MM7H aft 6. Hun~ leech HOO -1-l&ie-..... 1 ..,.b;.,,,.....,frpl__,,..,.-"Ti-. -a;-~!~ ~ UlO " t BllAOR J'RONT * ' .ti. paUo. Ada.I~ ao pet.I I • P "6. ltove, Dtsp. IV Jkau • ~I. Pvt • patio, Oar. Bllna, Cpl.I, Drp1, P'ruhly painted. $U6 • mo Incl Weter 6 Gu. Msr I Ml e-3891 Ir cl011e t1. pool. $110 mo. M3·39'Tt, 673-•310 •' 2 • Bit 116 • MO CP'I'B, DRPS. BLTNS Ml 6·11'0, Ml 6·126& bath trosn •110. · fill T ALBmkT lf't·1019 .. • aR. &Mt Blip. ""' LA IUE llAL TY tl&l Orana'• A.,. au.,.... 1 C!l.lld OK. '"811,000. OR M'l'tt ew. DUTCH HAVIN 2·81\ B8i Sta/lLiO: MMlll. ett-a7.a, e IN..,. Do~Ju I e 2.JU\ U1'fl'UM SIO. I BDJUf 1-1-. I ba, yard Newpett ........ 1210 • COVERJCD PATIO ~1141 Ml.lntalnld. •115 mo. Npt .,, OWAU, Bt~tf model 0 • CARPETS/DR.A.PU * ilhiit>m * Kt.I area .... 038'. • br, a b&, carpeUna. • BLT-N8 1F'RPL 2 Bdrme, blt1na. No pet.a. u .. DA.D.1' liiA>T ~ paUo. 115·3791. 18'7-1211 e H7-1511 1116. lfl-tlot. Ovetfled ... · .. NIEW DllLlfXIC · ? Br Cpt11. drpa. stove, dsr:.t J*rage, wat•r paid, wa.ah er A dryer. E JIU\. Ml'-3830/ ~lH80t ' . . . . . FREE Rent 'UI Apr lit 1·2·3 Br' from $90/ apt.a, drps. dahwr. Ml 2·n19. ,-A 'l BR Crom $79~ !>~urn It Unturn POOL 2621 Hubor ~6·11Ml . .. "" . . -, ... . ' -. SP AJUCLINO • DmLud 5 Pointt Apts "· 2 6 3 B<lrm • 1 \t bata $99.SO up Corntr ltlll• 4' Del1wa~ 1 i,.. blk to 1torea It thaatft 1 ,..7 -1\f!\2 • I ( I ,I . - t .. ,.,.. .. .. -..-.. .... LEGAL N0'11CE MTIC'll .. ~IC ........... .... TMll l'U.Mtll .. COMMlll-°" TMa CITY Of' f'OVlfTA* VA&, UY NOTIC• II MlutY ,._ llllt • ....... ..,. 1. "" "' 7:• ..... Ill h C-9 ~. Cltv H9I. ·-tAMlr ·-,...,.. v ...... ~ .. -~--~ .. ..... ..._ ............... .--.... : (1) ... 0.. ...... 0 ........ ...... WT .... "T"',......... • .... .................. ---....., ............... - -ttlT.-. ·-.. ....... ~ .,.. "' ...... 1111,,.rt ........... ,... .,__, .. C1 L.-.1 ............. . Ul'\'llcl9I ,_ ......., • n " wlll .. -0.. .... ~ ...... , (JI U. ,,___ ..... i" 1 M _. ,...., .................. ~ .............. ~ ..................... ~ ......... "' Mrwt. w•u...., • • • _.. ........ .,...,,._ .... Cl .... 01u.v.--.•· .. """"wLL ...... ~,. ........ ..-.---..... ......, .......... ... ... _., ........... . • UNTAU A,b.U ... ..._. ··~!!~· .... .. ...... ._ .... llM ..... ...., ...... _..nacre JmAA DOOOLU -I a I > ..'::. ":"::. =:.-~ .... ..... fl c:.-.... , ...... ~ .... ............. , ..... ........ V..., 0t 8 I II Tise 1111 0-.... • ... , .. -m>Dt~--apt,-...- IWf·llll. S.AM .......... -" 1 • ...,, S5I 8TOQ/ UJ'JQG. La 1-11111 ........, ~!~ Ullfwa. J • JIL ~ IJrpt. pyt paUo. a., lfr • LI MTN, 01t WllO. ·.· iia iio. i mr .-aat MW\J ....... . Kt 1111 . H ............. Aapft MLtaJ AlU> lllcn moortQI 1w 1r ~ lloudw. Jl-1 J Jiit. ..... 642-5678 fv loc&tbl Mlllltla aide ot :aa,. or a.""4la. ft: nl TtT.Ull. ...... fer bnt 5ft5 R1Cll 1'00ID for 91DP1oyed , No cblldr9l. UO ..U. Mlo:TMt CK. PWiiNt home. bij S65 mo. 90 Vic- ton. •t.. ex. Ml-JOOL '10 w& w/ifrCii S1 T .60 Wit • UP AP1'll ,,, I IR Wt 1f11 d ....... Oftlr CD•• .. WuNiyU SMI"' Newport Ml-tT55 ftOOX8 for mea • Clea.a, b"'Pl It cbMftW. Clltr BB. •10 up. ~. Oiiif aew, pm. et It ll&tb., Nfrte. • bot plate, "6, OR 1.-cM. ·N' ..,, ....... N DDIB·A·UNE• 7 ew DDIB·A·UD AD. ow = :.· .. ·.== • -Jill ...., ..,. llm flJl!r· DltADLINZs .,..... NOONa...,W... .-••tlrlM• Gwlt .... "" 11'1'.AJCl.ZT OUl:ll'l' HOKE 1'10~ llPJUMQDALS IMPOl14111 Nf1_1JCE! ·- WU'l'MIKSTD m-ocm llWil1 UAL ISTATI Genenl ......... '91p1rty 6000 ...utld-Notlciel We h&n a l'Ml d-.l for yau, A. lon!J 2 BR borne • ~-IA' IS. PAT10 SAL.II, LAWN SALB, ITC., .,. N 0 T A~ · CIPTID • ............... ALL .. ef tW."" wU1 M ....... .....,.. .. ,... _,; tl1r.I hi"-,,.,., ch I~ ~ * No lle111 For Sale Over $25 * ,. • .... ...... fw ... .....,, punctultMn """' ...... '°,.-... ~* ... with CQrlpletaly equip. lie. beauty lbop att&c:Md. + a .· ' -------J BR boma Oil lot ' that ta for '90 mo. ----Oood pod buy al Sil.too. -PAUL JONIS~ 1m1 llMcb ~ MT· --FIXlll U,.,ll I Wllt bliq. tor only '8(),000. WUl Med p&lnt A: ttxtnr but dtll... 1159' llpald· .. able DOW. caD Ml-6221 lrt• ... • I . . fnt E. Olsoa, lie. 11'° If. Kaln,. I.A. R.Jtorn h ' -. '· --,,. . ·,.,_,:---'"'-,; ~ ,, .... , -~ lliil llilili iii 91 r • frr ililll ~-_ .. '•., , . ....., 'AT '1'1111 UACBt e f//fl T.anlt ~ ·' Dlu~A-LINE t L .................... 'own ,•, Ill I ~ ..... , .......... I DIMU, lie. . .... * No fft11 For S• Over $25 * ~ '- LIAll HOU> TWdin "" • t SlduaL Loe. o.c. a1.ttort • MW.1001'~U­ Mt pl!» Sl,TOO tnc. 6il-62n Forest l Olso1, Inc. 2160 If. MaiD. aA ...,_.. IMPiOVD> x..i 1ot1 lliijO 0.2 prop. Jllrtlllll It. .... CK. ltttr. ... 1100. roa LEASE locaU.00 GO l&rp lot. a BDI\ ·~ dbl ,... rac• on 1 acre ot land. C-1 sone, buq atreet. Located al 740 BUer I t,, C o a t a Mea. 1811 I!. 17th It.. C.X. ~MM111 ' RY. oftloe .i.Lfi. bua. It llv. quartcn. Ill., pe.rktns, 8 H W 19th, C.ll. oft Pl&- ,~ .. , .. 6t10 TJLS.rLOOR..CJ:R.illlC CIZDA!llt -br1ck -block -Id. np&lr -pluUr. MMW. EXECUTIVE · CAil W•-' C.rler . ....... S!l X..,.t _. .._ (...._,......, ... ,, . N..,...tAUdo~. o,e .... .,,., •• lu.mmiU' Get rmr .,.,iatt<-ta NOW. Oaas.ct Jilr, ..S· lbom to-6121 ClmLl&Uon DepL RMI lstlteS....._ 30-65 wbO intend to ~ • tull Um• C&NC' with f.h• N aUon'a LA.l\GJ:8T J\Ml. ty Co. KanJ ... -.t. penonal d9llk ln well lo- cated ot:nc.. OaJJ: llt. Giltner, 8TftOOT am.t.- TY, U090 Oout BWJ .. Dana PolnL PBONJ:: 'M-1111 UT,000 l'OR RIOBT JllUi OYtt •O In the Newport.- Harbor ....-.. Take Jdwrt auto tr1pa to contact ~ tomen. Air mall A.H. BJ"OOQ, vie. PJ... Tau Rellnery Corp., ec. TU,. J'ort Worth 1, Tau, mLllC"l'JlOLUX Corp. wtll franchlle men w/ A.·1 ref· erencea. No up. or cap. ttol req. Call Ml-'141 bet- ween 2 • • or TT'-0112 btwn e • I :ao pm. st rPrn1111: JOU a IMPUIY~ JOU a IMftLOYMINT MlltCHANDlll POil MllCHANDtll POia TaAMl~ltTATION . W...l•lnttr··~ 7550 SALi AND TlADI SALi AND TIADI Salle.ta 9010 .... del. w..... noo _,..., "'••:.lleneoue l600 - TR~N~PO"TATION lm~9d Autot 9'00 TRAHSPOltTATtOH TUNS..OltTATION Autee WentM f100 ~Md Ctra 9900 oelflr~­Moa.. Mat. n. 1N1 n 52 : -Chl1coat • 10 ~ ft1"'99 8130 J'XCBAN<;E uu 11C 24' TYPING SCHOOL Beat Plano Buy• in Town: * SPECIAL * lloOp for Ubt of dOI k or na 0.1Mu,LI1·1161 BptNt. mabof. r ;r '393 THIOW PIU.OWS ~a1·• &33·3890 _ ,..,.-• Hamlin 8tudlo , .. &. altn SJ klTE w/tr•ller 1 u.. , • .-, A~ M. W 7600 coMoln, 1randl It players lQD& cond. OR ~·1006 -~--------to cboo" fiom, R.entall • McMAHAN'S c•,_. JW --PIU PAtDt a ~L &ll w. ltth at. eo.t.a w-,.._ rul•ra 9020 JVft lllWl'f tiGilltlon. CoMt. RAKMONl> tn CORON.A ·-•• -------lf'S:•p&.:. c.K. ... 6IN llltm, K.T.o. + l>mL MAR.~ a:. Cout .-Wl-llNT * u aG' r8ROL81 3G · Ill• on l-.......... ..._ MT..-1' Job CO.t ~-......... lll·201C _..,,... ' ·111 than l •--Oon1t Htway· • OR 3-G30. i'URNJTORll 0 -• ..... • yr '.WJ11'. 1Ttl L£ .. T .... 1 • Proj4ct Coord., R£FRIOI • TV'S oi4. FUiiy equip Save Upadt&I aullll .... 12·ai>M Pl.ANO model HT. Aero-100•,'o n... ........ _ ~ '°'J '. 11819 '62·•001. 84M .. a. ~ Cwp. wfU WOKl:H • J'U PAm oSc -•· -. ..... ._ ~ , .• ~ -,J.t.,.1 NI IO .. _.u, 'l'..._t. -· 413 W. letl ~ ~ '9 OWENS cabin crui..,.,· '•"'°'*'~_,•or caplta.i ~ ~~ ·a··· ... ;:;.:.:.~ .. to ... ~ c,e'l~-~7M. Nr. lftw. * ... , ...... *...,.......,.. l~tMo&rcl vs. Fl&phtp,C.U AMW kl ....-. _.,,, -••.. _. .,.., .~ ·~·l.l.,_., tlrail Perfect.._,.; ' 2 ~ • or n•.om :t:: Bee)', eontrllr .................. tl!O -====::;:;::==== POOL ~"'""' • UNG· (Ill water now I HJ·l- J .... :IO pm. &~~sm'o"Ns 3'8 O,,ana 11'5 Brun.wick SU3 • n.w/ ---------t'ree dti 6 tnd&ll/lOO,. lp11d Ski Boeta 90JO Med Btc:y ..................... u& WUltUTZ1C.R orr&n w1 ttnc. •Ut.2 _ Lea'&l MCY ·-...... ·· ·· STll WO chord buttont, pt~U¥1on. TJ'PiiWiUtii( Royaf iSi 11' CURT Cratt RB/7ll· 7400 NCR &100. 16·46 .......... · 3'7$ alti . oandl '117$. I.ans c.m.,-. mlita. HP Johni.1m Lota of ex. LI 8~. • 041..Utt &lall Ut W V1t~lotia, I Vaanciel. JUT Per Hour. Atlo'lal 8 ..U' rveJliftl work. llxpert- t.aeed ~.Apply: COUNTY 07 ORANGE )>ERSONNEL DEPT. IOt.C K. Broadway, lanta Ana tn6) M'f-0047 PART TIME WORK ~ eemm,111 all year round with A YOD Prod· ucU. rr... tra1ntnr and bMUt1 cour-. Call C<''· Md 6I0-6leO I HOSTISSES Pl.-a~ tn ptl"IOn Reuben's Beataurant 261 JC. Cout Hwy .. H.B. *ARGUS* C<>nsult&nlt Arenc.v 111' Npt. Bl\'d., C..M. 6'8·TTN * VALLIRY * mmployment. Arency Good Lilt!ftl• for q11&Jlfted mai It womu. Tacbnical • C9mmcrci.J • • lecNt.ariea • • Oamral Otflee • 1834 Newport Bl. C.M. MIRCHANDISI FOR SALi AND TRADI PumftuN' IOOO DOO~ R ACIOOl'dion fold, ildl h Ml 1-1U5 _ l'205 ltlrdl ftDiell, New PIT il lilli()(; Run&bout, 216 --------.... .e.U h,JI. '75-0TN. Q. 50 mph Trlr. Perl WE RENT CL08JC OUT • Oftj)' • ,..., cmd. ·~ 000. 87:i·0798 ~w (k llled TVa, • oolor n .. ..-.~ waaben. dryara. ~ refrtp. Ito.we. .. ~ to buy. '° Yf'I appliance rell&blllt1. "" • orQ....s .,,... Of i .. U.. Wvno ~ itJWliiOtJT-New Mere Report at the apeclal prk• -· Xlnt Sk1 boat/ Be1t of •1-1$ ...._ ~ etta. Maut ~ell 873·Me0. and bound, ortstuUY -------•••• · priced &t tt.50. call al IMt Snp, Mooring ~ Dally PUot'1 Collta Maaa ----- . JAH'Ae's office, 8-y St. and 'Ibut· WTD! DOCK SPACE for ~ bl Ave., or N.wpo.rt Of· clean 11 ft Sloop · S ~ 8&1boa .BIYd. NJ 1-«hT. 1013 . Main MOVING, muat aac:rltlce. 2 ii\ apt, d'-CK'7k-1-pac-e ...,.to-r KI S.a3'8 a.nta .Ana beautiful '7 •1' It, cbam-25' boat, llf>O. tease. Lido -----..=...,,___,,,,_..,,"'" Jl&l'll• aota iaoo. ortatna1 abl>r area. OR 3·2828. fOI\ &ale -TV A Radio prtc:e 11.t~. 8-ab rraln OfiiHORE moor1n1. To equlpment oompl•l• witb tnahopny tnlq cott11 Boope It other tut.lnl table 4 \I tt IOQC '100. • •• 06-.3882 11tter 5 P.M. equipment. aooo tubae raw Or\ciDel pnc• SJDO, 80t.b It UMd. 8e•tral TV S.ta. like brand new. Call C&r RadlOll. w..n, 641-lOH. ~Ml~:._:~~ . * AUCTION * fON I p.llL All day kt. .. u )'OU wtU ,,., ~ Sun. rive' Wu.tJ a try. Auction htday T p.m. %016 ~ N9W1>0l't MI 8-MM H~FI & Ste,... 1210 Windy's Auction S.rn * SAU * • QUDIN foa.m mat: ..... Ho"* 9200 A.DUIJl' PARK. 10' wide. UJte "9W. W/W cpl, IJI ~ c:@lllet. alumlrtum. aW'Slhls. carport, rock zacs.epr. $3~00 partly twn, l3IOO furn. 548-4898. 'et A.1UaTO Ti-avel Ttlr. HJlch It Haul txtra!! $900, M......._ MORRIS JUNK ear1 wanted. New 511 P'UTW0oo1 wap11. yanl elartlnf. TC)p » Rrcent o'hul Very nn• pal<.. 14T.fn1 M74t'IH •hape. Qood r&dlo. Ovu \2131 83•·5Tlt. 30 MPG. In~icl>f'm11ve e1r ,,,, JUNK CARS WTDI for baullnr. et.cT 83'14809 WW plckUp • ~-•J27 flVlll., wluld•. ONL ONLY $1395* HAllC* YAQOlf ONLY $1495* ONLY $1120* •P\111 UomM, Tu• Wtlit. wall u..... STAllSIURY IUICI 2M E. 17th St .. C.M. MB-m& PEUGI01 PEUGEOT 404 excellent mechanical condlUon, "23· 115 $3rd St. N.B. 175..•813. PORSCHE New Cera ttOO ----- WE1LL TAKE' ANY DEAL. JUST OP'n.R ON&. , NARIOI DODGE 2100 Harbnt Blvd. C.M. Kl 9·33• 7 or Ml f..~l UNTV'llJ\BrrY 01.De nneat for 8'\11'• It .. ,..,. Ice Rlf:MJl:M1'1CR: "Wt a,. never MU.tied UllW )'')U .,..,. 1160 iUABOJ\ aLVD. ec.t&W- DEAL wrm THE DEAUN' DEALER COSTA MESA Chrysler /i'lymouth U.26 Baker. Coat& Mee& Ml·ltM CONFIDENTIALLY YOU'LL DO un11 AT THEODORE ROSINS FORD 20J.4 HARBOR llVD. ~1644-64UUO Us.4 C.n 9900 CADILLAC 19~ CAOULAC 76 aerlee llmou1l11e. l"antulk v&lut. P' .P. 11000. f'a<-t.ory air &11d a I I l h e loocllta CZZ-M2. Call )(r. B">wn M7·2&7D Dir. 818 IC, il\ £an.ta Ana. CMriiOLIT 'UCHlr\'. bDpela CORYert. Ml aLrU lad. R.H., uata. P.a .. 11~. wlndowa, etc. eta anr "8 Mrba." ~ cond. Look• A l'\IN Ilk• new. St.Ill ablU'p 1111.i con.d. l:JccepUonal value. Show• tlneat of care wu UQ6. Sped al aale price SU50. eltOY CARVERe PONTIAC UOO W. Cit Hwy. U i·HM NmwPOKT BU.CB CONNELL CHEVROI.~ l'b• only Author!Md Chev· rolet Dealer In the Harbor area. 2828 Harbor Blvd . C. M. M8·12M '81 CHJJVJlOLiT Konaa f speed. Oo~ua black on- Slnal coupe. Muat fft!! YTB HO. 0DUIU&l •&Jue U9 dn. O.A.C. Will fln&nce t.o auit your bu~et. Call Kr. Brown, 54'1·2576. 818 It Ut St .. S.A. Dir. •ti CHEV. Monsa coupe. UCX MO. F&iitaallc value. ft A: B. A11tomatic:. Full prtce see~. C&ll Mr. Brown. 647 ·257~ 81~ E. 1't St., Dlr. MBCUIY .,. p AJUQ..ANll 2 dr. Hdlp. 8p&a ep.. JIW'aud· u . Loe.did w/&11 xtrat Incl. ... ta, fu.IJ pwr, It &11' cond. UM a..w. 1 uw car tr&df, lhdW• nn.t of care. •· cep\Jon&I YllllM. WH '3615. 8p«i&l .,. pnce Pl{IO. eROY CARVllte PONTIAC 1&00 W. Ott BWJ. U a-aw NJ:WPOR1' BSA.CH 'M iliJlC 1ta • wq. 1uto. RAH/P8/8mot' eonL '225 or bUt otter I MM211. tt!Sa FORD. t cylbldel' rood cond. Ufl, 113-1116. OLDSMOllLE 'M OLD8 cuu... J dr auto, cooaol1 bkt/ 1ta mt 10,600, u.<ld.1• lut. pr. pty Ut99. 8TMJN. ·~ OLDS t8 Con•. 1 • ownr PeL Call Immed I $32b. 873~311', fTl-.1(31. '82 ST ARJ'IRI) convt, I' .P., rd cond. BelOW' BB. S1900. 74-0 W. 18lb, CM MJ,6(>U. PON11AC 'H PONT. Cal&lln& 8tn. wrn. Safari, all xtru lncl RAH, Hydra. P.8. • B, full leather dh.m. trim. ' etc. Beaut. cond. ~ I& rune like new, aold new 6 H!'Vlced, dlr. new car trade WU J31t5, tpaCiaJ SU50. ettOY CARVllte ftONTIAC 1600 W. ()It Hwy. LI l ·MM Nl:'WPORT BEACH CA ..... NENTAL '81 PONT. Tempat lt.n. vn I I WSJI. 4 dr. dlux, w-all 'e2 UNC. Cont'!. 4 dr. xtru. RAH, atnd, Loe.4ed wtl.ll every xtru. etc. Loou A: nma like Incl. 11'1111 pwr. facty. air. new. ExoepUonal value exc. cond. Showe flne.t ot wu U .216. Spectal 11,150. BAR Girl no unltorm U .T5 Ill'. lnt.ervhw Mon uua, Box •prp, C..ter tnme, .AnUqu1 white qutlted spread, S''r 9200 5'7 PORSCHE 1600, Sun· care. New car trade. WH eROY CAIVlle A: T\Jp 1Q-e pm. ~y St. 7712 EcUnier 118, M7..t038. HdKPR/ Part Ume 1 • 5:ao, a or s day• wk. B4Jtto. hlln! OR 3·6812 ~ ... 8J"l'T&R/ BD.KPR. UVS IN/ PSRKAN&NT. MI .._..OS att.r ·I pm WA1"'11D: UoenMd b&lt- ~l"I Ullatant Thun- Fr\.ltat. Box KJ.50 DaUJ Pilot. 82XkiTRIC88 or &ltet• aUoo woman to .-w tor ye.rda.p at.on lti..., or lsnAITl. ... tp Wentecl, -Wemtn . 7400 J:XP&R. Bookkeeper/ Ttl- #. .AllPIJ in penon US N~ Bank 802 • Ith St. Hunt. Bch. UVZ tn hMkpr • compan~ ton for lady in Jl'owltain Vallq/ LI 8·139. OIPTB A: GADO!n'8 MUa to S60 party! No d1l, col or dip. M&-1281. Jll)Q. CltnJcal L&b Tech. a.a pm. Or'• office. ..ra-5350. a '1'IU.lNBS tor Hwt.r\f factory A ! floor Jirl. 2901 8. Oak St.. 8.A. I J... MM., Wom. 7500 MJ-3170 M9·2'7(3 Lepl MCY --·-... S6llO llxec. -=1 _ ........... -460 Penonnel UIL U/M .-0 ald11I -··--330 F /C bklepr to 500 l.&b.\. -"-to :i80 DtnttJ a.-t ..," .... -..... soo PIT. ren oto. bkkpe roech. exp. -·~-· .. 1.80 br. 1111 All. IM Cross DMd9 vot..tmTllllR8 for •mCM In bolpltala. blood tn o l> t l 1 a. convaJ11eent llom• and M~ dlnlca. For Information oaU Kl 1-113'7 or 543-1111 I.I. SALISMIN/lkn TOP COMM! a.t loo ottlce .:. ·~ Ial&ndl Call Olive 11Dt1111h. OR a-auo. oa 8-8051 ev• cornice U 75. M2-S849, MJ..Un. 0 GAJUO!I SALZ -AN· TlQUll FURN -Oak aecnt.ary, walnut amolre, Ka,ple chut on chnL Loll ot otMr (OC>diu. 5Sf.-01M. MAPt.&' .a.rec>. &350; waJ. INt. BR wtt.e • Sl&O; '9 Qwyy l!l1 C&mJDo • sueo. LI M'm. lad$ DBL EXP ANDO All abu lJlcluded Pbo;n1 Ml·381H &ft ~ pm 9300 Jt' ~ IUMMER ,,,_ CLIC.AN·UP SALE' "" tJSSD BIKES Yam&h& Iii OC ...... $4. wk T~tau M ec ...... _ ..... wk roof, mint Uuuout, mu1l MC. Jtxc:all~t condlUQJl. 87~. '64 PORSCHE $4200 646.0l'l'l SUNIEAM 1H1 AiJ>lNJ: for aale or trade for VW. New t.op It: Urea. 876-193t. TRIUMPH NO DOWN PYMT.? BANKRUPTCY? REPOSS&SSlON? DIVORCE&S? C.U Credit M9r .• Mr. Brown, 547-2575 IUICK '62 Buick U•~. 8pec'8.I l&le pnce PONTIAC IU&O. 1 ttoo W. Cat Hwy. LI S.3'4e eROY CARVlae NgwpQRT BEACH PONTIAC ·12 PONT. Bonnn1111 atn. HOO W. Cal Hwy. LI 8-3488 I wrn. 8&tar1. Loaded W• NEWPORT BL\CH every acc.,.~l. tull ·et CONTtNi'NTAL, w/ power. P'acty. alt, etc. air leather. all pwr, uc Beaut. coad. Xtra xtra cond, · u Uc. No t&x, ortc .n&rp, eold n..,, 6 8en1ced owner, $2860. 973--6875. hert wu '2,'196. 8peci&1 ' CONTINENT 52·~ 82 AL •· eROY CARVER• FREE TO YOU Y&mUa 51 oc _ 4. wk ·eo TR a. White . bladt lkylark 2 dr hdtp auto, pwt ttr, l\/H. w·a·W. FAC· TORY A.JR, bucket 1eau. '1696. dan, all extru, lmmac, PONTIAC black, pvt ptJ. l&n tu. OR 6-0928 or M7-o9·U. HOO W. Cat Hwy. LIS.MM BLACK Shephard pup. call Mopeil '1 OC ......... _ 2. wk top. M.Jchdln tlret1, R/H. IU-09&2~ 1-80 t.uaU.U& 150 CC ... 4_ wk Ort'° owner. OR 5·l3'll. CORVAIR NEWPORT BEA.CH' '80 PONT. C&t&l1na. atn. wrn. Satar! all acceu. Inc. Full pWT. fcly. al.r etc. Beaut. cond thru· out. ahowa tlnut of care, aolct new A aerv\ced here WU $1,796. Special $1.~. 'ETS & LIVUTOCK Pets. Gener.t • UGO ' '84 Sood& 8crambler 6. wk '411 BS.A Senunbltr 8 wk ~ Taanab * CC 5, wk No.dn/a.A..C/100<, F'lnc. n.mUa BSA VAUXHALL '80 VA UXJIAU, . l:q\Ub b\l&. nn q. rtd. o.n A·l. 1 .wnr. P26· ..... att 4: iu .. aao: Terry auick 5lh A: Walnut St.a. Hun~n Sch. LE 6-6518 • hbllc Notice • 1912 MONZA cpe, 4 sp, e.xcel cond, recent comp! enr overhauJ. Can arran1e ftn&nce. '1200. 8'15-5'197. llnU ~ TEIUUJ'tC TALlt!:R wp .. t <>au. ~130 BURT'S OTY CYC1£ Im,... Autw 9600 'ta IUvtera.. &tr, tull pwr . Pk:k up one pe.yment of Sl'f. $3,082.31 bal. 011 bank aontac:t. Mr. Allell MT·28'15. Dtr. y '83 MONZA CONV. t1 LOADED! $HOO Mf..4IOM & pm 'ft MONil. 6 ~ lludl· et Mat.a. Owner. tl150. Alt 8: Kl 2·H5'. eROY CARVERe PONTIAC UOO W . Cal Hwy. LI I-MM NEWPORT BmACH GODRI • OUJ' J or • •ua:IWW u..La ....a.:~aa.-.. >y w.i. ~ C,_.'S Clll Woo8a l"Ur.rtun It l>eoor' Baby.&ie. Oom}Uete wtUI C«. Bat4I Is TMkf'l m&ttrea 6 IM'd· Wt• A..W. IJunL BQ. Op.ft I lo T P\!rfect Coad. J20.00 lua wmmAILS Way, 5"·2180 Bartlar Vkw WU.. osii. _H_,,o.,..N=n""""'-::Ma.,,....p...,.11--=Bdrm~--.. -:t Dln. rm .. i, Wine c:M.11, 5 rn09 old, ltlcl dbl bed :'.::~~. :: =· ,::,i• w /mat It •Pr&'• U50. I • dr dJ'UHr w/mJm>r sao. •n-.au7. 2 NIJbl 1t&nda ~. 2 mod UDD BUT 000.01 cork atyl• lampa t 2& R&.UIONilt.It! Dulab mod wal. den tum 2037 • C Anallelm/ CK avail 8TM8'H all 6. roJU'f: Complete hoUM • hold ... at %t7J Arutrol, C.M. or pbon• Mt"'lT'T. COLONIAL 1ftJ'itii Blrdl 19x42x70'' btp. .. t.95. 511-UU after t. mcJ)C dt&k. @&tr, men vtnyl Nr new cond. S150-~1S. CBAJM'SMA.N bome lhop &Lr coxnprut0r w /re,.W.· tor JM. 8 volt oC ll(bt plant 300 w. $10. ';4 HP bench rrllld· er $10. Boy'• 3 8J>d bike, i10. Golt clubs, wooda, trona, bar. cart, fM. 8'1~3866. OU etove wtU\ broiler Office 'umftvre I010 s20.oo Or&l\fe naur couch i20.oo or Beat otter, COMPLE'1'& •t of d1tuxe Double bed with box KU. offi<"• tumtlun mcl. •prinr• A mattrea• '26.00. rid lealher upbolat1red All tn food condWon, cJ\aira. •N-'l:.t2'7. t41·3G80 Aft 5 pm. Bl'G, h&ndmom• renUeman loeldnJ tor • ma11-cndv bride. si,.. muat be ot ell· ~Umt ~.tall, dartt and fairly hefty. Write "Bnck" (th• Royal Stand&td Poodl4 >, Box P-143, DAILY PrLOT. LORR.AINC'I POODL& PARLOR Groom.In(. alyllflf, bath· lq . •tanda.rda invited. Pickup A del. U3 A1ate. Balboa la. &73·'7772 BASSET pupa. AKC, ahow 1toclt bred. Phone HwiUJJrton a.cia. ~H-H08. GJ:!UlAN Shepherd Pup· piu, AK.Cl 8 • wu/ 320 Fullerton, N .B. UM282. )l(AR'tiN CRl:ST Great D&n• Puppl.. 10 wk• • I moe. Mio-NM. * DACBBBUND * Mak, 8 Moa, old, '26, MT-'MI TOY POOdfe. dMmpapAI color; 3 mo old Pa.- para. '1M· Mf.809&. (OPZN BUNDA Y l 1710 Ntv.'POrt Blvd. C.M. •· ')a 8-1"3 1N'2 Ba.A, 650 CC. llUJMJr rock1t, blc V&IVI, Sf70, 147-10.1. 9500 '60 n>llD '1' ton pickup, 8 cyl. auto. lrana. Real •OOd ab&pe '3lt.. Httb'a o.r..• IOt.h • 8&1boa N.& '54 CHEV Plck·UJ> tnic:Jt. '5' Old. •nr. QIO. Ul-3314 9520 DELUXJ: Overhead on '4 ton Int'I. Many utraa! $1790. Trade on e&r T OR. 3-4808 MotorKOOters 9350 '69 MO • Pl.tD 220/ New· ly palnlM, l nd new hel· met. Best nfftr 6"·1377. Imported Autos NGO DANt8H Hana Werner OfflC9 lqutpment IOl 1 ao.fa A lp chr. 1 BR nL (2) raERMO • Fax copy· · ~ oak otflce de.all, cbr lnl maclllnu uo.oo ea. A couch, t1l1n&' cal>ln•t. le (1) Thermo • Fu copy· <>then. 1 w .. ttnf.b .. ......... WO I • Y1l otd BAy O.ldln1. Get More-For Less New ~ fJplriled. M8..tae ,. ... inf machine ~.00 (1) auto • wuber. Uf..'1800. TR~POltTATtoN Oormac Corvette copylnr DAVENPORT I' &lm011t 9000 macblM '30.00. Call Pur· new $100, dble. bet. wal· ~ &_Y•c_htt __ chulq Department nut. &1mot1t. neow box apt. e e Hil,,., I •I 162-41n~T PILOT, • Jn&lt. lncl. 2 alt• atanda 01 etock Newport'• ONLY Ba1 • It., OMlt StOO. tM-S212• UMd M&rtne Hardware Meat.. ON'Nl:DT all madl. tool 8tl>rt. OJtan out tboee 1100 NmW deluxe Kenmore waahv. Ulld • Umea. Full suar. Dryer It B' OE te· trtr. llxcel cond. MM350, avu. SPlllID QU!l~ wuhen sao. 3ot Newport Blvd, NB. 8'2·2111 kJt tt2a. l'lral rtl&'ht Boat 1beda, 8&U Locken It Club9 + •ha« bq w/100 0.ra&"U! CUil tor uaablc balla 112:1. M8·8982 eve. Marine Item11, Flltlnra. BIRD ol P&l'&di.M Plant&, Blocka. Heada. 8all1 etc. o r•I can *'· AnyU1n1 al· Minney'• Sblp Chandlery ter e .pm UU 8. RoA St. LI 1·091. 842-1122 Santa Ana. 6d-3't20 BOAT MOTOR CU:AR'N. lJPB01.8TElUNO • S71.50 'l li'. HP Jobnaon Motor '12& 2 " <~ cran. lG HP lohmon motor $1'5 ma),..... ~fckup. wu.on raclnc Sabot, rer. SU> )(ala. Bii. ~· P'75 reduced tl> PU. 6M t406. HOSltlN A SON 1110 STAbifilR ~· i tqµlJ>· ----, ment. Un new? $'1'0 or ANTtQUl:S, old turn. co · be•l otter. OR 6-1311. 1220 w. Coul Hiway NpL Bch. LI l-'7f73 le.cton lteJN. 1°' JI:. 11th Bl., CM. Open '7 daya. Dir. REVOLVINO 81rtrt Rack -======"::::===-= Xtnl • eanClt Holda ao Mut&cal Inst. 1125 oVJTAR ampttller w/ Tremolo controla. llbtcel. C'Ond. Mt.ot'fl. 1130 GClU MUSIC CO. Otttin Lo not a '6 mo. New o'f ueed lptn.t ptano w/optton to w1. We &lao bu)' UMd planoe. 1801 Newport CM 8tf.18'Tf 221 Ubcoln, Anaheim. IT ONLY TA.Jla A lllP· trn. l"llt DA.ILY PILOT w'Ut IMI• t4I fur 10't DtaJ IU-6C'fl 1Jc1rta, oa. a-nllO. RJJMINOTON etec type. ll>ecellent con41tlcm, tU~. KI 3.10t3. NOROS It dl"Yer ifs. M.&pk bunllbeda t'731 All Ilk• n.wl 0-'l-&no. BLACK It Daoke.r router, ... Ou .tote. tu1l •la. $15. Ml-HIS. SHOP SMITH 17M'Ttl CASH In ao MINUTIS for J'um/.\ppl·'41-91MO H' ARl'iTOCIUff bO&t. motor • trlr • Mr&. •at Por.che • '6()0. 120 • 6t. H.B. 'tO CllNTURY 21' Coro- nado deluxe Runabout 82!S HJ> + landem trlr. Orie c:oet J'7200. Bacrlflc• • U.00. Call "&M>tl" -.2 ... aeo. FIBERGLAS lixT' beam KIJ\c J'laher, '3()0. Cabln cn.tlMr. Of\ 8·2821. lt' CALti'ORNUH, run- a.-boUt UO hp, Inboard. out~ an tottrat. 2 mo old. '*41G. t1MT'SJ. IT a 8' beam n.hlq boat w I mooflnl. Some wortf need.c!. ~ WTD! lJID> SAND DOLLY! 8'73.3838 t' BOAT CLiANINO Harbor Boat lAundry P'aal rel. aer I IU·•OM , St&nd&rd r q 11 I p. 16-HP Column ahitt. Padded duh, Alt"tmater, Heater, B4P.ckup latte Deluxe hom; Armre1ta. Nvton It Vinyl· Int. Cplll. :12 EXTRAS FREJ!:t But. Buy Bv Compui.on SD: Toyota Crown 6-dr Sedan • Only $1996 or Toyotl\ §ta.wq f-dr. Moel deluv wqon on tba road• $209~ p o.m. HERBERTS JEEPS 1927 Ha rbor Blvd. Cmta MrM tJ 8-131~ For Oueli~ l"'porta · QMcJ< JlM Sl..DJON8 OllamMd Value O• Can IO 0., W•rrantJ 6a AU ttl()2 So. Main IHta AH Mll·'ISM A MPH IC AR TAK& over pymt. CM' Mil for ~·: romm. "H Car. boat 1213 t llU-7818. -BORG WAID 'st -B ORGW ARD. Pvf. lhroui,thOI I 'NeeiJ• J>&lAt.) 1276. u 11-110:10 01' &•B-9037 JAGUAI ... )CKE ~ OOi4iiliO aua color. Nr • NtllVI • flac. 4H·622'7 alt 8:30 pm. MG '82 MCA nJAdt1ter (rad) new ti rr~. "Int cond. $UOO f142.:1~•7 or 838·3032 '60 MGA·TWIN CAM 1700 CA LL 6•843()S VOWWAGIN • llY • CHJCK IVERSON Be'a your only authorized v.w. Dealer ln th• harbor ere&. only b• can rtve the brand new V.W. ·factory warranty. And 10U don't even have to ult tor tt. It cornea wtth all our little bup. •%%BANK FINANCING WND. 19'70 HA.ft.BOit BLVD. Cott.a MU& Kl 9-e303 22nd It Newport Blvrl. Newport OR 8.()900 1965 YW's $1515.00 IMPORT YOUll OWN & $AVll 'N BUICK 8Uper J • cir Rdt;p. P"UJJ • ~· A·l Clllllld! Clean! a.,.. H931 pvt -pty SC7-51b8. '8• BUICK War .•• PNI XlJlt • Cond! 18,000 • mJ. U•~. c.JI Kl 6-31%9. CADILLAC 19e3 Cadillac Convertible. fully equlp.,.ct. &Ir condl· t.loninf, wan-ante.Id. J4,0i6. AWll MOTOI CO. Olcbmoblle.c-4111ec 1160 8o Cout Htw..y LAGUNA BEACH HT t -1084 KI '1·3103 '5B CAD • dr full po111er, DODGE ... bODOW"'~ •to- matk:. radio. beater. Rul abarp. $48 down. ~ua mo. bandlea contract b&I· a.nee O.A.C. Trade OK. Call ~ire WltMler Dir. MO.OOH. ·11 PHOi'iffit ruu pwr. Clean. New ti~. 8&crt· !tee $8&0. 192·11~. fALCON ti FA.LOON I door, auto- maUc, radio, heat~r. Very low mJleqe. Ut cSown. "3.39 b&Jldle• contract b&I~ 0 .A.C. Trade OK. Call Georre Wbeeler. Dlr. MO..QSN. FORD Mal A wtn~a. Lc'e eng. .,..•5""'7"""j()=RJ>=--,.....,.tr-a-c::-~-=-b,.l1-:b:-:ar-=-d:a· Air. new ru\ber, 1 own· top • outal&lldtn&' condi· er. Perfect. cond. lt'f·lON uon one owner. Priced to 912·•751, ..u. nnanctnr av&tlable. 'M CADILLAC red conver• tlble. New top. all power. Radio. healer • cream puJr. UOO or makr otter. Kl 9-GIS9. Call MI f..151'1 atter t :OO weekdayL IS'T F 0 R D Thunderbird hardtop. Ra~ black beau· JMJ PONTIAC Orud Prix. Beat J>uy Jn to.irD LNN-700. One own., •harp onfinaJ. 25,000 m1 beauty. All Ule extru. F.P. UOOO. 1915 pl&tu tree. Don't pe.aa thta Call Mr. Brown. M7-U71S Dir. 8lt I!:. lat Bult.a Ana . '55 PONTIAC Wqon. ~ automatic, Power •teerlllc • bra.Ua. New Ur-. nnv paint. lb&zp. 11' IJ1a. C.d.X 875--lW Eva 19N PONTIAC • . . llxcel 1ocaJ tramport, just had tune up, bra.k• reline. Tu· dor aedan, V .&, auto. Lr&ntml.aalon. By OWN· JCR .•• MU...9. '82 TEMPEST Le Kana. f cyl. 3 9Pd 1td tram. Jlx. tru. Fine cond. $1216. Pvt pty. i:v.. or wbda M2..J3M. '83 CAT A.LIN A Ventura J'UU.,.PWR. rerr • AIR., ~ • PIT 171-Ua RA MILER CbOOM color and equip; run factory ~t.y and Mrvtce. CHEVROLET ty. OXB 121 •1193 tull ptice. Call Mr. Brown, '51 M1·2~'7&. 118 IC. lat 8t., w.,.on. PM' ateer., auto, 41.i'J,.. S.nk '. lntnclng I '59 CHEVY-- CARS from llUROPE IMPALA 2 DR·PWR air cond. 57.000 ac\u&l. S.A. Dir. Excel. MOO. &Cl 103!. 832 W O~•wood. Ana· SlHr. A Br&kee • J\/H. ~Im Aut.o. TnnemiNlon • 1 Phone: 63"3930 Owner .. Imrnac. • Mint Llc:. Bonded, Dependable Cond. GREAT BUY!! 1967 Ford 2 dr bdtp VI IT· Bird enr. l 1250. Mu•t HU Pb. LI S.5211 aft 8 PM Dealer. $too. Call t111·18f7 ·eo FORD Galaxle 600, 4 '65 Y.W.'s $t67S 12 month, 12,000 mile war- ranty. DOU:DU TE DELIV1:RY Ueed V.W.'a from UN. Deaa Lewis Co. 196e Harbor Ml 6-9303 CM '63 CHEV Co"alr Monza <"pe. Everythln1 Uke New! Bought blrrer new ca.r. Mtul Sell! PYt • pty, HY 9-23'13 l.A(UJl&.. ''2 CHEVY U 6-dr aoo. Autom. XlJlt condition. Bou1ht new car. Seen! 11()~ 548-8747 VOLK8WAOEJl1 lHO. con· '83 IMPALA 2 • Dr 11895 RAH, PS 19~ HP VB vut, exe cond. Blaupunkt Orig owner 32,000 • mJ. radio, all utru, '1060. M6-m7. ----=_,....,-.......,=""===-240I Sant.a Ana. Mz.1518 '83 IMPALA WAGON. Autom, pwr. R/H. Sacrtl '58 FORD ~ tn PU. after 5:30. '8' VOLKSWAGEN. Radio, heater S.U down. 154.89 month handlH <"ontrad b1l. 0 .A.C. Trade OK Call George Wheeler Dir 640-0394. LI 848'10. ~-CH=n,,,....""'c=""o=NV==-.­ t1 NmED CASH! PVT • PTY •99·3821 FOR Sale! '3T Chevy Sta w&g. new llru. $450. · Call O.S·0291. '°53 CHJ!:vY_S_l-26-. -0-ood-. '81 VW ronv. White. Top shape. Buy tielow Blue Book at Sl0'16. 648·6290. Cond. 2192 Pla~Ua Apt '13 VW DELUXE Ca.mper D, CM. Uke new! 10.000 • ml , . ..,.55.,._CHfi,.,,..,...,.,.-,.,..,., .. -.-uck-.-Gd""" taaoo. can 8U-OUO. UrM, rec. ~It «nr· S2'0. MM'1T all 6:30. dr HT, R/H, PS, PB, rd cond. Muat aell. P6<). 473-IMO alt 8. '80 FORD, OalaxH! 4 dr hdlop, RAH, power 1teer, brakes, gd tires. auto trans. $700. M&-2718. ·55 F'ORD CONV $175 Aulo. Naurahydr • Int. Good cond '. 546·3091. '57 P'ORD VB XI.NT COND! QOO. 8'2~206 '59 FORD nation waron. R/H, ww. ti pwr, lug nck, Oood cond. '695. 631·M29. MERCURY "9" PAS&. WAGON '80 Ml!!RCURY V·B STA· TlON WAG. A/T. Pwr. atrer, R/H, etc. etc. Beilul mist blU• w/pluah blue naup.hyde Inter. A "blf'' w~n "bar1&1n " OlllY $9951 Belt GMAC termt! 9'8 S. Oout Hwy., Laiuna. HYatt '-7'7U 'Ill V W, .unroot. Nbudt ens • clutch, .,.. 'P&int. en~9100. ·e2 IMPALA 2 • dr Hdtp •11 JO:RC. Monterey 4 dr. va, Kanr Ut.rM! Jant • ..... "II t lD I .. &.ff STUDDAKD '82 STUDJCBAKJ:R Wac· on. overdrtTe, radio,. S21 down. month bandlea contract balance Q.A.C. Trade OIL Call Georfe Wheeler Dlr. M0-0394. '68 STICK Overdrive. Body good, enr need• work. sao. 8U.()177. TEMPEST '62 Tl!:MPEST Le Mana conv. Vrry cle&D. Auto, S.c! $1195. S.2-2204. '83 T BIRD 2 dr. bdtp. Spta, Cpl. Loaded W~f!ry &CCeM. incl. tull pwr. tact'y. &tr, etc. 1 owner, low ml. Uke new cond. Wu $3.296. Special U .950. eROY CAltVERe PONTIAC 1600 W. Cat Hwy. LI 8·34M N!:WPORT BltACH • Ptlbllc Notice • 'M T·Blrd hardtop. racL &tr, fully equipped. Plck up OM pt.yment ot $89 • uwma '3780..21 bal. Mr. Allen, M'f-2676 dlr. MUST SICiL '80 VW 0000 COND! 1800 MS-44~ eond! $1818, d73-IT81. ... ... " x ru c ' ,.. ' auto.. P.S. It 8., &Ir, '5'7 T • BIRD Slt'75. J'ull '51 NOMAO.WAG:-$450 buut. cond Looka, rune pwr. Mint • newt 'Tom 962-S7M like nrw, wu U ,4951 Rice" ottl!'fl 52M1tl/. ltM VW . . S~dal Sl.260, home Ml 8·8041. EXCEU..ENT CONDITION No matWr wb&t It t.. Y041 1 eROY CARVER• 1 sACRIFtCll: '1960. 1911 842·2196 alter 5:30 t"U Ml! It wttlt a DAILl 1 PONTIAC T Bird !M\,000 ml. ft!H. '63VOLKSW AGE.N Pit.OT WANT AD1 Fa•• lt(l(I w c~t Hwy. Ll 1·341141 lulht!r Interior Must Mil. S139Fl "42-4463 , Mrvkle: Mt-.5811 I NltWPORT BCACtl M2·1081 or OR 8·1039. \ ~ .. .... . .. ,. ~ .. . -. ( I i ' r 24 .._. • ...,, ........ ... Mir. 2', 1"5 .fl 'e I • W"'!"TC 1 • - , .. • ' / -·~ --------- Once upon a time down at ~~ Rende'lV6us ( ' ... . ,, the swingingest couple. They danced uThe Balboa" ~tter ,than Phil_ Harris ~ or Stab Kenton could play·· . . • ' if you can believe that! . f ' ' ~ I They made such a great pair that they .made it permanent.·Their cliildJ!en grew · up listening tD som~ pretty swinging m~c : ( but la~ ·aaapt.ea to some ... -~ .. • • sounds of their ovin. . -. '1, ~: ~ them dancing uThe Frug": ... But the family still listens to • music ~together. • KWIZ brings back memories tD all of them with its new sound · ~uest yo!11" own nostalgia ( J'fl•Jf 8f . . on KWIZ. You're the one who will have tD tell us to stop! . ; ... ~ .. -' -.. c '\ C;.;.. ON THE REBOUN.D • ' ' . . ~ • I ' .. .. . ' . I • , • J 1 • c ,. • ... c JI I ' • ,. 0 .. • - V.I 111 • • OCl a ID at Nt "' Tt Al