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1961-08-07 - Newport Beach Daily Pilot
• Awd ... , ............ SPACIMAH DUltlNG nAINING-Soviet spaceman Gberman 'ntoY ndtnee in c.enlrltul• durlJla tralnini for hi.I orbital ffilbt around UM earth wbicll, accord· in& to 1lt.>1COw ndlo, eoded succeafUJ.ly tocfay The announcement uJd nt.ov landed an.er 21 !lours and 18 minutes of flf&bt wb.lcb took ~ awna t.bt earth more Ulm 17 tinlet. Breakthrough Reported in Huge Rockets MOlll LOCAL NIWI,. •• tha11 all otMr p11pmi, plua ~It ol all lnl~J. ftltioul .t.i. Md c:euaty t'fJllf• °' C'OllW'que!IN!. Sev.tl PIR~• ol today'• lllUC c1rr7 local M1" """1• sniuped IAlpdMr fw ron•tnleoce And doo·1 mia l.M •ut acb. pqu 59-tB. Toda7'1 · ~: Pr1ilt, apprf'htmkm ·'"'~ .. , .. ,_..._., Hft'I ••••• P• IA -rucued •ltlr 111rf-lalbed btadw "'* 1'1-. ,.., .. U. IM 'Trl<'lt~a Hlfrline lwedl anotbtr IPPl"O"•l C.U., Nurs ....... hi• U ~-.Id you nm II 0. bclmll fell? ~ .• hlf9 IA Boommty .... lax ill(f'MM "--4al ,,,.... . ,..,. , • f'ullmon JC athlfotic tl1n-ct()I' in., ,._jp llp9IW • • • • • .. • • • . • Pl(• IA Y.cht J\adac Ullha .,.... tnlJle ...its ......................... a.tty i..c- ...... ..,, memben ................... lNI n1111 t• rtiu Cemkw _. TV ...... r.,. G Tdov lands After 17th Gtollal Orllit ~ •..a11d ..... MOSCOW -8"W c-Df•d Gbenlwi TllAIV ........... ulely ... ~ teday atw ~ die ...,.,. 17 U4Da. ud -w ..... .......... uid ~·. •xt pal •tolandamu•IM._ --n. .. ,_.,dd ~ ..._ to ny artUld ttw earth tllreuP ~ -... Ill orbl t5 bow. IM ll mtn.tH. He trneled .._. •.• iniln -far ~ lo to•o «he ~ aod bee\. "Comrade Tito• le htaltby and '-la very wll." M4COW Rlldlo utd. bl Loedoo. KefllleCh Gatland. ~ ,......., ol the Bntiab la- ~ ~. llUi be ... pedeid die R.....-to ~ • -1111 the ---119 .., *7 .... added Uiey .. , put - Vol. 40, No. 156-2 Sections, 20 Poge~ -·Monday, August 7, 1961 lOc NB ··Lifeguards . Rescue -.. -- 590 ,, . • 1n Crashing Surf BRIEFING SESSION NB Coantil to Hear Huge C:rowd Throngs Area On Weekend • •••11•rl ••rlter ll•llY I LOT SECOND FRONT PAGE '-1011 •1·. \u~u'l 7. 111111 Page 3·.\ Runaway Boat .Trailer Rams Auto, Injures 6 A 11rn,."' ., h n" I .-• 1d It f4ilt 1 111• 1c·i., tht n rfll;•,flili("(i Tbttr r tr c·1A .. hN1 tiP•dufl .,,,,," l., .1.*f ,.• •'•it •hf' Rf't' hft .• d Wft'f' lutal ~'"' ""'£" 1•••1•h• "" 1 o. •t 111:11 ""''~' A«0"11ni: lo j>Olu·~ .,. ... , t-k"t 111 I 1 .1m ' """ '\, • )IQl I U~.u It ,I' 'I '•11 lllj' 1 1111 ('t" ollot'r ~l'\Cldl-nla ID \• \\ /..111. >U. ll<.!~uu.... rrrrt Rrl!!"h """' 1h .. ~ -MM! ·''•'I I I ~·I II .. l ... \\' • l "" "" ffi .t11nkani: 1lt11t'L' hHI ''"' 11 id I p ..... f H;.•1·1 t. • \ J. I lh 1, '·•nlA \n, ~ • , 4, koolt•d h't' 'P"' f•o<t Rt•" h 10 t&la.lt ....... HUNT CONT~NU ES I Boat Overdue l On Trip to NB by' Al.MON IAX'KABI':\ 9-et.11111 Uher 1~ l°OIL-.1 lou~ld IH•I 11 Io h l laun< hnl 11 M'lll • h lw 111~ .lt> f•••' I r eh111 n111sr1 S..llv l\nn 1rpm1 .. tl OVf'nilM' 111 O\lr"' I"" t Rt,.. h 1111 " lJ 1p ltom .\lall\llO' Ba~ I l U111tl 1,u;ud tulll'I\ llum '''" port and I AIOI: 11<-H• h • ufll lllUt"t OVt ~drt h II ... mu111111,.: ,,..,., "' rht-<k ol hw1ho1, f1u111 Al.tm•lt" Hay lo N~\\)JOI\ tu1111·1I tip""""" oft~ Y<vot•I tif'f'Or( u.I fhP H\t' 1f11• '' '""' ~,., h\' Lronuu1 t•1.1'4"I ''"'' lo •t the t ·~11st <.u111 <I lhtol h" o•mplm ~r llan ¥ ~It·• n I"' \01:< 11 ·""' thn.-.. mt"mht ' of t1 "" ••• m.. luuf llt-11111 t1•rl l\l,1111111" 11 .. 1 "' '1 I' 111 y1••l~1riA) dtlll harl h<ll dll 111'<1 I" 7.IOp01 ~-•"" h1ou~ht lo lht U.;ahui Pt t.M• lfl•t·nt II\ lh~ f1~t11n• hnAI ""• t Hm "'° •HU o( ( 1 .. nt'\ " I,,. 1-.1 1 '\t\Ap(11 tft~ hi\ flMfl•JMHh·tl 111 llo,q,: f',,..l,1111.rn Uo"l"l •• ! !111 111.1 fllttl ,,t I ...... ftl I I ij" '\.1t111ti n , "'' i 11 Ht1 •t.:• , Ir • rl ,-1 J.iilU .11t11.il 11~ to )11 It, hot f )t p.t! I HH'll! I t .~ \. I ,, i.. I I '" ' 1t , , ft I 'L ' \\ttlt ,,. I ' I I fp,6.,1 Ill "" ... ,, , •• 'I I Tl I' hf.,t/f I II ,H•#f , .. ~' I 111 .. Iii. 1 ,,,.,, 1, t.11.o 1t hu.il lu •· "" '4· pu mo uf tfrunk d1 " ~lu·r1 1}11 1 1111 111,111._ If 11 ,,, .. 11 p tnc \\t'ff' fC11~1ifrt '••ti llhtn, 7, ul I""'' to•• , l•I , ud .. ,., .• h.lnd ~I '"" pon 8",. .. h If,, ,, 1 1111t hi,,. 1 '" 1 , I t • t \\ ,1lfN t· ( .&nltJJu 4•1 uf NOT ME -Sue "naU beath·goer s stand on beach nur 40th Street but refuse lo enter w1ler. Haurd- 041' surf reaching 15 re et ~as reported at The '\\edge at the north part of the Balboa jetty. Olheri;, no\ \O "ary or dangers ventured lnlo the surf and had lo be rt!M:ued by lifeguards A total of 590 "l.'11.' saved during the weekend. The1 e were no dro" n· 1m1,h11p th•· ,,.,,..i \\I. 11·1•11•111 lo thf' ( 0,1 .. 1 t,u.od 1111\ n1rn11m.., -"ht hdrJ .. I( liu-d llfl lhtH \1\(.1 "' ol thr ._ r u1M:~1 t ,,n~1• :-. ,,, ,,, 1thr llltmtlP IJ,111k 1"11~ ""'""'" ,, 11. t,, tt II .It" I 10 • ... 11" I•·• ,. '" ,. ~~ I'll I H1 .tt 'I \110\h ... t '.,, I ' lfq,.' t11I "1 lll!lllt•I -4• 111\' '~l" fNll" l.1tt• ~t :\f"frJ>Ort Sf:\lt, 1t11iih " "101,. line· wil m1u 1 ~, r ,11111 t· th~ ,•1 ti H11.cid, U , l..aJ:•i''·' Long Illness _ Takes Mesan RI-•• h Clti/J Explor•s N•wport-on Own * Four-year-<>ld l.Anora Rivara of MJra Loma, Calli .• la reunited wlt.b ber Pf!""• Mr. and Mrs John ltl~ara •t the Newport PleT tut nllbt alteT abt d been miss1n1t for three hours. Looking on ls Newport om~r Hal Sbeflln. Child WU founct ln 7400 bl<K·k o( Seuhore Drive near Santa Ana River, almoal three mUes from p1rr . .Shr told parenll 11he Wl6 following 1 l1dy with a do& Cues like Lh11 kept police and hfe1itu1rdl bwy all weekend u ptima~ crowd of 300,900 flock- ed to Newport beaches. A in."'"' lawt ll<w plAn Inf ••,,. pm)"< t 1• OC'hf'<iulfod tn t. -.rim 11 I tfod tn tlw H1.111t 11111M1 11 ~ a c h I 'la nr11 n ( I Oft'\J'l\lallOn Ill a J.iou\ th,.... wttl4 11 t• ~•n( prf1N1rf'd 1 hv arrh1tf'ct 1" tlltam I. Pl'rf'tr• •rwi ... lo(!(' "'" ,,,.. <l'OIU «~ II an 1m JW>rl•lll olf'f' tn tr111<d1't m1n11 1tw tod•I """'" ,....r Uw Or111411 t'oun '' IJ>~ Anl!f'lee < ount\' 11.w '""' a I ~ tnarlN ..-1.a•lllC el WUl ""'' "" i.landl r•namc In '""' lrnnl I Jll Kl'" lo II ..-r-1 •nil pn7V•t11n1 •bou1 4.DOll hotlW' ,.,,.. I rng~ REDEEM YOUR LUCKY BUCKS HOME Hd GIFT SHOP Au9uat 1 t• Au9u1t I 4 ... "4 LIDO :com Parade Prize to· Boys Jt•tl(ltlf.od tu t1i1 '" tuw k ..t111t •hlr Ill tl'il "''·'' 11•1• •. ,. •1 111 111 hoAI V.flff" twmJ.,. 1.1~-·u lu .1 hu p1ti1I al ~111 1>11·~11 -.uu~ .. ""••( '"'"'" f'1 lo• itl tw1.-.t1n~ ,,., 11&. 1 rt 1 11 • ., 1001 llc•surt m<'11l 1 r1•111t·d ,,,, ""''~'m man ~ulfr1 I'll " hr,111 ;11 t ... l aho.lrrl thf' f1,h n~ ho.11 ~·, Hm.., f'tJtht nulr' ""JI h of 'tir ''"o•pot1 )PUV lhl• nlOI nini.; lll l II ,,. HC1 1m Al Solc-m 41 Bearded Youth Beats Boy, 13 ,, '"' I,, I ....... , t Ut loo! 1 1111~t I 11,;,n '-' H ll f• 11 l't-lt·• ·'·" I• d t'fl " "'L..:_hl d~" ..... It I h \tit \ ·~·· lt.-. I _.,,, Ht1•1 I .• ,.. t IL't I '" '·• •• \t·d ~• 'u:ht l1u111 1111 lttr t.11t ,1 'Ii 1.4ht fl It• I I t' I ••"t~ d ho111 ,1 if! 1•·111 u11d1 1 H ,. • '1lri!lh• 1~. 111,,,1 C1u,11d 1ull11 flntH \• .,,,.,ul Hi.uh'"'''' I to lhr .. ,,1 .. . .a 1 nl w l2 ,..,,,1 riout•lf' ender t • lS.1 ,,.. 'f'I noon Jfft r ,..n. ~•t If purtNt htkmf,,! \\'11tt"f '""" milt', nit L •• r1dHt.·oh lhf'tfMl1 '4·•"'''L I''' t'ff hr f"'f'fjC. 'f'V. UHf I .., t t ... , ii "d'\ ht IOL OIJ1f'f al .• ,, h\ ,)n f It plm1· ~ •<'ol I l\fllt-.,,111 rt11 t "" f,L1,trrl p\Jmpn1 "'tt •h,.. r-1at1 i\ml Jt11 ,I•'"'-'ii.·· ff"~ld 1.,.j tn nru ot u.,. t11hlt'"l v.1·1~~1· 1•t nl Hw ..r.,.,~·n rhr tu~'' t,u.-ud ~ .. ,, ~ti .. lt.fttf'tff' to '4'nrf'' nl hnil'\ v. tlu. h 1 nn 1)111 nf fut•I or "'Hlf• 1 ••I •"ftJ,!UW htd11n• 'h.1nruJ nu•ff I I t11'f " 111 th· v.rrt" hO t1o1 ft1 Head-on Crash Kills Youngster I \ II IHI I '''04 Htl,.d , .. , f •• nu·r· t 1! •! 1' t• fl, 1r f ' 'fl fl' 1r~ 1t11 )'• • •rrt,e} •h•n ._r 11>lhdl'd ~ .. don 1n 1...1 It • • • "',. ,, \\ ..... ' . ,,,.,, ... .,.,,,.h1 ~· 1... '""• t1u d "'' l,t.ttf.11,( ....... • 11.0 • •. ,, "' :4 •' rh1~,.n h't ht' l.•I' ... \ "' .. u _...,1 Clo! I HfUMf hy th• 1,419,., " \iii I H • ' ..,, J,. ft ,, Fresh Lean Ground Beef GQ-•ltYt ti.at 1"" CGR dip ••d on L1u1t• ...t l1nw Wax "'"''Waxed lb. Paper 100 ft. roll 1oc Peaches Faye Elberta Freestc>net 22-lb. Lug ., .,, lb. 1oc ,_.. ""'""8 -..., '""·• •'"' We41., ..... 7, I , •• "'6t .. ~ .... w.,, ..... .......... _ ........... ......, .. ____ .. _ .. ._. .. __ ........ --. ... --....... ~ .. _......... eGCW'fllllffl ,_ 4N9/0tl..., ""-"' sro• ~--............ _ ,__ _,.. __ ...... ......... -----~ ,llCll IPfllCTIVI AT 211 I . 17TH ST .. COSTA MllA M4 6M N. COAST HWY., LAGUNA UACH