HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-12-08 - Newport Beach Daily PilotOroo M1orof 1lo1ng Serv1oe 1010 E. Laoy st. Anahe 1c , CCU.1.f . NBl. CCMP. VOL 59, NO. 294, S SECTIONS, 38 PA66 THU~SDA Y, DECEMIER I, 196' TEN CENTS Space Treaty Signed e . , At-large Electio~s . International Law Decreed Urged for .Council Greek Ferry Sinks; 181 , ISTANBUL, TurU, (tJPl) -A Buh fire toucllecl oa by a ,.. atove aplolkm ripped throuC}l an army ber· F-___ ..i D d !'llCkl and conapsed tbe roo1 ~ ~ on panJcky troops I D I Ide, AmENS '(UPI)-MountaiJl. mll1tary officl.at. l.1lllOWJC*I oua waves t:btown up by a today. They said 15 IOldMn f1IU p:le bcatteNd tbe t,000. were killed and mare tho m Greet steam ferry Her• 100 lnjured. J t1ion to P'ece• eerty today Offlclala said the dtath toll ~ ,F..::::t :::& ~ WU expected to rlJe ttd that a e 1D tbe Aeiea See mlQJ of the aoldiera lnjured with ~~ 1oP of llfe. lD the Wednetday night blaat in. G"9k M1nlatr)' ol Mer· were ln terioul condition at cbant u.tne laid the Ber• tbe army field hospital to kUOD carried 1M puMfllln bi and 70 erew members and w cb they were ruabed. uJd then were '5 known The nplosioo and b 1 a z e -avvlvon. ThJI wwld make collapsed the betracb Of the tilt feared dtetn toll 111 in beadquarten reitment of the ont ot tbe worst ablpplnl db-Turkiah 3rd Army in the •till"I ol tbe ckcade. Yeslldert district of tbe vU. 1bl l1IMDMr ferry ftl en la&• ol DumJu aear Enwwn ~ fr<lm tbe fabled lalad the taraest dty ln .,teni HI'S a1coV1a1NG of a.ti tt PitMUI, tbe JIOl1 T\u'tty. Chlf'IS. Wrt o1 Atbeal. CrttaDI ill Atbma ftOnMd tbe ofOce of the TJpaJdot st.mthlp Offtoe ~,, wild w1tb user am1 Weleh Claims ,ner. Tbey au.eked with, ________ _ of Few ] esuit Sc1wol Set Near UC, Irvine clu~ and rocll ud broke ~::;:.;:..; .Birchers Helped W Ekct Reagan ll•ftll''llA Ind I cnaiMr and _ . -~1· to tbe 4laaat. LOS ANGEL&S (AP)-ftob.. pNpoeclerant maJoritJ of our that be would not rtpQdlate Ullt It WU &be votiM of the _... wbllf lJ .. s. Air foret trt Wtltb, founder of The mt!Jlbvt undouWedlY work· Ill «I......,.. ht knft Uttle millions of CODfffllild Callfor--.. fWw la frOln Germany .f obn Birch Society, N1I lta ed for Requ, aol Iron .a.a.at. U lodet, mtmbera 19rat ttllt MllS lat po111blt mtmben Mlped to elect a.. ll'*klallJ aaade 8tRb npo IUPPQrfild Ida bt aal4 1t was nlans tbM wtn ftlPDllllble ~¥On. HtllcoptAn ftnd pubtlcan Ronald Reapn tn· PGft of a.,. the dalef lMQt '1tcaue they' accepted his !or Mt. Ru1111'1 tltctJon." fllril wWcti ut ap tbte ua. wnor of CallfornlL la tllil wtllole e&mpllp.11 • pollcl•, DOt becauat be ac-A spoBemu '°' Gov. Ed-lbie CooatanUne bbnaelf ln tht Dtcember buJJetln Durlat Cbt ~palcft, Dem-etpt.d tbtlra. mund G • ....,,., wi.o wu de-n.,r tYV thl dll~atl>r aree to the Birch SOclety member· ocntl llMd Ruin '° N-A 1pob1man for Ruaan fe•t~d bJ ~ ID Novcm· Ht n.. bowl ln hi own lhlp. Welch d • c I art ct tbt pudlaa. ·~ t:Na the uJd tM11: "Mr. Welch hlJ ber. COIDIDIDtld: "lt'a what ,._ lo "' tbl dllaatsr that sroup toot no pOUUOa bl tbe lltrcta ~ lad o t b t r a npt to hb oplDlona. which we've bMa 117lq all aloec·" 9t1 111111 tbt ..-la&o ~ 11bern1torla1 campeip. poape "'1 called 11"1llCGD-en. baft b • t ft proftd Wtk*....,.. tUt thcM111.Ddl m al JDOal"Dbe. " t,1' WeJdt wrote, 14& Hndw. repllM ""81· bat Wt prtls to tllillk 4S. W'ELCll, P• I) The ll'eather Schoolman Opposes Districts CH-Cll-ClllLL l', nvr D-R-l'! ''Sure Ws chilly," admits district forecaster Jack Frazet, "bu1 It's dry. Isn't It?" It's going 10 slay that way on the Oranae Coast Friday with clear skies aod ~mpttaturea cUmbJng no h.igher than tbe mJddle 80'1. So who's complaining? IND.EX OF INSIDE FEATURES . ..._ • --·~ • *'"' """ ,,. .. (.I ...... • /I/Mi l.AMln •• ,_,. ff·lt ( .. Ult .... J>!t ...i .... ' ·-· M.Mt.th M-JS c-lc:• at ...,... " ,.-...... n c-.... .. ............. 1• Tti••"'• JI DI..,_ • ............. µ1 ,..,, , ..... • •eirlN ..... .. ~ J ... T«•w " ... .,, ...... • 0..... c-tY ' ·-, Pi-,... ........ .. ..... -..... ...... Ce .. • --~ • ~ - ..... % O~LV PIL~T1 Ne'ln·Prtu Th11~y. Otcembft 8 l9bn Copter Beseues Marooned JVoman ••1 went outside and the Ana Mount.ans. sons' lteera wu drowned JoMf(lft re.called. -+1f• didn't to ••Ye their c~W.. b,_ flat tho Marine helicopter cttwmtn the wlnd·wblpped d e 1 u i • have any water -.UM there Rescue teams were to re- wind .. w mt 04 w1tlch blt the rancll. was DO electricity. An tulD to the ranch today to iround. 1 never &aw NU<.-h a lUted Mrs. Evelyn Johoson Mrs. J obnJoo wu racutd there wu oo medicine, ao aid lltt Jo.l>UO , huabend 'torm tD 1A1 life. And rro01 Mr borM Ult of tbe affer ber '°"· T'bolliaf' John· telepllane.•• . • 0 -' • from WtJcoA&in " city of Orange ill tbt ru11ed aon of Orui' failed to rtacll Mud 1lidta aad lilClt water Mn. Johuon Mid be:r hut- TMt wu the · story of a ~ canyon country wblcll bOrt bar b7 ,._.. IDCI otldiD't wtpef M roMI lo tbt blMl taUers ftom • .~lht ear.old wOll\aa rescued Wed· the brunt :>! a 11~ atoml dl'lYt lntO the back ,eowtlrY aoa'• rucb at OU~ Moo· bell't coodltJon and aswma. ~esd from bu new ranch that dumped mort tbu 14 to rttcb hlt parenll l»rn.. 411. . Medlc.IAe and food were tak· horM If wllkh bad becOme a l.oches of rain on the area. He called for aid and • Ma· Roofs on their bam and two en to him today. . 1loa without food, water. The ordeal 1sn'l over today rlne helicopter I l fle d bls wa~t IOWUJ' w~e rlpptd oil Tbe Johnsons. for~r resl· :.ii in 1 trtclty or phone for Mn. Johnson's ailing 60-mother to safety. by the wind Tuesday. dent.I of Sllverado Canyon, sent~ ein e ~e middle of a year-old husband. He is still She 11 etill ill. bul . resting Then the John~ nan out moved to their pre.mt home sea of mud and slime on lone-marooned at the ranch, car· comfortably al her soo s homeloC basic food supplies on Wed· when lt was new two yeara ly 81 Ir: Slat Canyon Road Ing for 12 head of catlle and today. • nesday morning, alter staying ago. The home wu &everely lD th:cfoothills of the Santa ~o harse.s. One ot the Joba· "It started Sunday,' Mrs. up all night Tue1day trying damaged. Boo.le ~P.,.e Sex' IMt Appointm e nt Front P .. ~ 1 • MILLER ... ]. V• Judge Give n physician ... Mrs. Dotter is the lister of · the plaintiff. h • Miller. 244 Cliff Drive. New· C t J d port, 'would receive a one-. oun y u ges ip third s~are or the estate if his Dealer Convicted In Obscenity Trial ~ourt ftghl succeeds. 1l pre· sumably would be less iI a Anabetm·Fullerton Muni.cl· helm cowt. followed sp«!Cula· settlement is reached before· Bl WlLUAM REED They said they felt that Bray J ud ti 11 ... ,. Mk ......,.rt hand. ,.,. O•Hr .... ...., knew of the obscene cbarac. pal Judge Jame.s V • ge Oft ea er wa w • vrv " The estate includes some · ter of the book he sold at bl.I was named Wednesday to the ed by the DAll.Y. PILOT that real property, but consists HunUneton Be a ch liquor T H t Li I.lo Stor 18812 third and Uul vacancy on ht would Lill the fiDa1 vacancy moi.lly of cash and securities. store OWJler WUl1am C. "8Ul" a:ch aBlvd q r e, the <>raaae Oowsty SUpertor ca~!>' :::!!i:1~:S~ fath· Miller's attorney, Roy WO?I· Bray Wednesday wu coev1ct· 0 e fen s.e attome1 Dean Court bench. of ,oJ. and estsent of sey of ~ewport, today ~echn· ed on a c.harce of selling an Pie'! said be would ask tor a wltud]~ti J~, :~m~:,1 Wwiert.oA, efiiag~r In private :r1 a'°se~ec:e~t the possabillty obsceo~ book. new trial '1!beD Bray appears appolnt.4* tn swearing In law practice between 1950 Woolsey did 'confirm. how· The . JUT), after s It l Ing for sentenCJng at 2 p.m. Tuel· ceremon!es Monday In the and 1913 ln Fullerton. Much of ever, that his client's mother. through a four.week trial, de· da!. H that m.ove falls._ Plc1 Superior Court. of presiding the work involved service to Mrs Eleanor Miller, would liberated f~ four hours ~ saJd he wll1 file a notice ol Judge William Murray. the dtie1 of Placentia, La testify as a witness If a jury ~! ... !e:U-a!,,11~• verdict intent to appeal the caa to f -·- ''It's golng to be a big Puente and Walnut trial does take place, as ....... ray ..... ...,. higher courts. day," the judge ~aid. "I'm Judge wa• graduated from planned. Mrs. Miller lives wtth The verdict wu t.Tnpered. AJthoug~ be won only a 20 --.~·-·•1 certaJnty Jookill& fonrard to rupted when be was called her son, who is unmarried. however, by a findlnJ of the percent VlCtory, Deputy l>llt. the challenge of serving on back Into tbt U.S. Navy be-jury that Bray wu mnocent Atty. Allan Stokke said be the Superior Cow1 bench." ~ 1961 and 1.953. He ~ad DIVORCE? or: lour other cowrta or sell· was pleased at tbe decllion.. Othen appointed by Gov. served ln the Navy durmg The ~eruor Miller and his g obscene boob. He added he felt the comma· Edmund G. "Pat" Brown World War U. first wife were divorced in The seven • woman. five-nHy through the expression al were Dlat. Atty. KtnMth WU-Judeg was graduated from l956. t~ ;11e h time, s~e ,;u mu jury heard the case In the jury has bad an opportu- llams and Santa Ana-Orange the University ot Michigan regor .al0 :Je re;_ v a the HlUltington Beach • seal nity to rule on the lr:inda ol Mun..lclpal Judie H. Walter law school In 1950. Earlier be suW~ll .:ie:i: l Beach Municlp&J Court of books to be IOld ill tbt area. Steiner had attended the UnlvenJty er us . ~ge n Judge Walter W. Cbanunu. Tbe ~ppolntment of Judae. oC Detroit as an undergrad· the now-contes~ w in ex· former Newport S.acb city 'TOUGH' DECISION l·"'-j d t th An • uate. plaining the disinheriting of itlorney. Jury Foreman Stanley WU-prea w.ul u ge 1 e a hls only son: kinson said that making the "Followlag the separaUon 'PURE SEX' . decision was "touib," but the or myself a.od my former wt<e. Jury member, wd t b • Y feeling ot tbt jury was de-San•-Goe• IJp, IJp, (Jp she continued to be very bU:t~r found the book. "Just for finitely that the one boot ts .,.. toward me. My son lived with Klcu." to be "pure sex" and obscene. He added. "Bray . . · her many years and shared obscene. in term1 of the law. 1u ew the kind of booka be In time sequence rhotography. old St. Nick r06e to the he1aht1 of the .chimney her bitterness toward me to was ldlln&." today in bis annua appearance on t~e ramparta of Newport .Beach City Halt Williams Must Resign Twice to Take New Job the extent that since separa· The foreman aaJd be ftlt tht Santa ta central character tn traditional Newport city hall display of moftnl ~(in~~.~~~ E~P~J e~~~~~.~ __ d_e~~--u-~_d_e_u_~_d_~~h-~-·------------------years before the divorce). the -..... Olroline SturU. a Uterlturt DisL Atty. Kenneth Wil· served in UM pr01eeutor'1 of· ~o~~:er r::0::1basbe:~~ STUDENTS ':r :' U°at ::n= ' If.ams named Monday to tbe flee stnce l958. Deputy J'z:~ time exi1ted between my son • ~ular pa~back n o v e l 1 ,,,.... P.,e 1 S to S • D -;J --1 ~uper.lor Court bench, mu.• t F~bl =~~~mme and mysell ... We have been -the apex of l:otelllgeoce. than was proaecution expert ELECT p igns emarureu realgn from bJs present office or eoa:ty• Couuel KuYPU' and are .. now completely es· No. He ls dimb!q hi&ber, witnes1, Dr. David H. Malone, • • • t th rvts tnnged. hi H iJ an aloD and wbo admitt-1 he worked tit F M • T twice -once for the curren alJQ.. oplned that e 1upe • The prominent Southland gher · e e ... tow .. 8l use tS unexpired term and again for Ofl cannot tea.Uy eaU for a attorney died at Hoag Memo-sUll 1°~ blgber. I will fol-UT~ : Jack P. Nel-. ~ DOW. or arirters 0 tile four.year term that ~-spec~~~~ ume a rlal Hoapi~ lut Jan. 23 He lost!:·t Kw Pre, rapoact. toa, driver tor u.. boot dil-He DOted that the unified pns ln Ji!d~nty Counsel neK.,,er•a Ol)bllon ~ wlHd had bed ~for aome ttme. eel to Or. SU:pirp' oplDklM bptor 1'bo claiqled. bit had diitrict, which covers t w o Newport Beach municipal tion arrived at Clty Hall la ~~ ru . Wllliam• WU We6tilday after Mn. Janice He was ... tbal, "A ped.utie: ~a .. 0 tbe ctUIDl ct .. dtl .. Cl( unequal me, w 11 IUtboridtt. 1oday ~ ttulY-time for lllcllllkm °" -~lat1 ~Tiune ' . nmary Boer ot Santa An.a, a long-Coun9el .opposing Woolley 'pralealonal' jarlia. tlkxll· Uie boob wttb Bray. ... fOnztecl -c&Wt t be lal • petiUQn bear111g .. ctty Co\mcll ~ Monda1 lctr! for tb.e 198'7-ft term. tune c;rltic of l:jty :rem-:,a:~~ ~~pr'::I; ~ta. etc. Ls u u a.t 1 Y II.If. ~-ufd.~e welOt, WJWD. ..ubt1 ot one of , tbt dua :,u.:, :;!~en:: :! L P'lrat,. D~triet Supervisor :ell(; e:ned . :.:-o1 ~Mn. Nonna Mlller; and Ed fli~~ toot~:~ W~ (Newport). Weat Bluff intersections for The &Jflla~s alcot fill 15 'itf Cye Fu~= belmth& ~ Dexter Pen. ?tfcHale. Loa Angeles, ~bo IOitty tn the cro.UC mlnd of He opined that the city of the protection Of 1Chool chD· paaes. !,w !o~~ted th J • man. represents Mu. DoDer. a penplrlng young fool (.read p...,_ P .. e J Nftport Beach 11 a homo-dreft. The Marlnen Elementary week. Penman, Wllliams' so I e student)". geneous poliUcal unit where One of the moat populu Sdlool Parent·F~lty Or· the cblef 1$1lstatlt automatic· opponent ~ the June 7 prl· Profeaor Sb_ a pi r o wu WELCH . consideraUoos of geograpbk petttioaa ever circulated In a lanlJ.ation asond the • ally tUei over on .• tempora· DW'1 elect.ion, tamed 7ueo 'Sexng' Tn•al prompted to write a letter to • • • balance are not of overridln& dty oellhbortM>od, tbe petl· uu -a.1 spoh ~·'-~ buia ln such caset. vota. Williams got 172,& ua the editor to upl.aln wb1 be oa. ,..we wu gi1,;- ry CbJef Deputy Dist. Atty. In spite of the lar&e mar-YOted against Propoaition 2 of Birch Society memben importance. around tM Wtltcliff·Harbor Cecil Hleka was tecommend· Jin. Mr1. Boer claimed before U d W -the recent bond iJaue for wanelll in recent Jean tD CoundbDan Cook. who G d ff• Highlands aru owr a t.brel· ed Tuesday for the top spot the l\lperviaOrt Tueadl.1 that D er a y unlvenity mad colle .. build· hante California' politleal -· with Forlit ad ~ uar It, weet period. ~ Wllllams who bu been W1Wam1 won became the lng1. c · s 1eJ ParlOGI faces ~lectioa dJJtrlct atfoi.ney since 1957. word incumbent wu printed Jn Full He said he felt tht ''tax· ell.mate, enabling Rqpn lo la April. 1981, diaagrees with • • OPPOSED The ~year.old Rick.a bas beblad bis name on the ballot. erlOD payers are bein~ badly lypeci become a candidate. Strauss. lnJured ID City Trllffic Entinetr Rob- at Irvine.·· Uruverslty moo· ''Al a rule about 1J per· Coot said toda7 tbat tit e ert Jaffe today lndlct~ he Jurors were to be selected ~Y ~ ~I 7~!;<1 :i« "Di cent al the tot'at field staff W'fJ city's segmented geographic Cr }k la opposed to the stop dpa C . . A at Anaheim • Fullerton MU·~ ~/~~ ;. enroll· ct»uld afford, and hence at make-up,,"must be taken into osswa at tbla Umt. He feela, bo'lro onservatwn rea nictpal Court today in the ed .•. " Just 15 ~t of our total accoullt. ewr, they ma be warrat- trial of a theater owner and Ht urged that those studmtl :::i.,~1;!· !:, .._ ill ctl· CATION A ldlool croasiq l\Wd ed ill the ~ ed • u B his manager accuaed ot mow from the "Junior plaJpal" "So " Welch's bulletin stat. Be aaggestecl that ii a wu injured seriously t bis CM)' cound.lnien art ft• Vrg .. n pper ay inl "Saus," a movie allei• (junior coDegea) ~tb Jiii ed. "Wbfle t)>e labor and CilDo ~ 1"ft to be uiack. J)el'· lllOf1lliD& "When be WQ sttuclr: pect.ed to authoriJe a staff ., ed to be ob by Anaheim than a B average ., .. .., tdliU.. of JDdl4'1Ml hlpl it 1'0UJ4 • wiler to a car wtdlt atlepti.DC to •tudY ol tM illue Moadty. scene and atop botharinC m ... behalf ~' fov coadbntD fro ID P traffic at a busy Hunt-lntenediom when tbt Portio111 al Upper Newport the rupervilors Wednetday · pro1ecutors. 1bt political lclence ~ en oa R.eapa ed thre. at large. lngton. Beach ~section. stop stgm an requuted are Bay should be salled for wild It cllmued • Jen&tby study Eumiutioa 0( jurcr1 It.mt-IOI' laid be WU not ~ doabtedlJ..:1 it WU the Now, .n ll'Vlll are eleded It ..... tbe nm acrident In· .Highland Ortve at Mnf-. anlr al d bird. populatlons ttea b S ed Wedaelclay after MUD.id· to limn "to a bunch of liq. lftll'llD1 from dl*ieta. volvtng a croaalng guard tn Dri· and Santi Dfi,.-t or.=ae 811eounty aupervlsors by a group 0 led c ;'d ~;pal Judi• Lotan Moore ruled loudmouths who want to talk~ ~~-~;11:':.i: CoaDc'Jrban "°'11t. Mw-liuntl.Dpm Beach rtcorda. ~era tlO vt • ld Tue d pervisora accep g that the movie is not privllef' about education inttead Cl( do-l9UJ UJCl"Q .....,.... • ••• .clclrsed Stra9"'a plu. Tbe Victim. Har?)' D. liyve, Marla · Schoo' PFO tr-1 were to . Si ay. bids "in principle." eel under tbe First Amend· tna it." which bad helped mlfhtU1 tD .tn..!.-.. 11 .. " i. ... &A "fd of n 9t.b St. suffered a era ., •· And the wtld areas ol Syc· . · ab a Rea _,_ .--~· -. ~ • In fie chairman Mn. Jobn La Flal Park to be de-The board also authorized ment to the U.S. ConstituUon. m ible ran ~m~ 11ke to ... the ractt w l cl t Jeg and pouiblt • Montagne w'bo prepne4 the an; ore d . Santa Ana Canyon the naming of a special com· Accused of ~splaying ob-even . ~ iD the f I r • t optD. Wna1 injuries. Ht wu tateD ~Utioo 'M.ys that "Marl:o· ve ope 10 . s c e n e material are Jack , place. '"rm lrit.aested ta bow fOOd to Weatmimter Hospltal. • is •bould be used 11 a test area mittee °* will serve under Flack 6() owner of the Gar· New Satellite Some al Brown'• eampalp a mm JOU art not tD wblrt Police aaid 12'41 accldent oc-en Drlw dM fUDDel JMo "for the development of ef· the Regional Pam Advi!ory den t.bea~ la Analtelm, and leaden &11etUd tn the ract JtQ lnt," roritt declarld. curred about 7:30 a.m. on wtd~ekcbool ~ C fectlve m~emeot proced-Committe.. manager Leonard Stephenson S king 0 b• that Rapa dreW ..tvice ad Sbou)d strauu obCala th• Warner Avenue al 8 Street 00 ~ .. ure5. for public and ~~bool ~: o t be r recommendations 54 ' ee ~ . r l l 11nanda1 support from a requtred. petition &llDatunl. while Hyve wu attempttn1 to Marlntn l ' u~tional purposes, a sp were: Trial dll the misdemeanor number of perwona they Mid the av 6'uncll would dtddt atop ttlUic OD Wame:. CAJlS 'SPEED' I ~·~~dc~m~~e ~or :iatural -Parks should be used to charge was expected to last CAPE KENNEDY. F J a. went uodat9d with ~when to put tbt meaturt Ii. Officers aald a car drlvtn "Many hllb acbooW"a ut .....,, s or 00 urg · serve the public and schools two weeks, court aides aald. (APl -America's new ATS wing cauae.a. fen the wttn. CoancDnata by a 17-year-old boy turned theJ• tbroueb ltr..U Cs.ml· The com'!'lttee was fonnedt in the study of natural hlsto-Prospective jurors were multipurpose sateOite drltted Reaean denied that be w•. accordJDI to tbt dtJ ._:onto Warner Aven\le from B aao and Jllablud) to drlV. under auspices of tbe coun Y ry. asked Wednesday if they could q Democrats Nkt, a tool of MJ'• oMce, woulcl ~ tlle Street and ttruck Hyve. ~ to 1cbool, N well M panau schools olllce. -Planning for these pur· return an impartial judgment slowl~ westward abov• t b e extremist.I, and 1aJd UIDlft opCila cl c:alllna a ll*ial vtctim wa1 in the croanrallr:, bWTytna to work," abt addl. These recommettdatJoos poses should be contJnued to on a film tnat t:ovotved both Pacific Ocea today, a1mlai and figures uaec! 1n acc:aa· et.cu. er ~ hi tbt dm· police aa1d. Identity ot the "Realdent. trtqunO, noddl were presented with six more augment the use of o p e n normal and abnormal sexual for a stationary orbit %2,300 lions apbalt b1m were ~a. matndmlat wl1b 1 ~ driver wu uot immediately can conslderably exceed.., in a report formally given to space of natural lands. behavior. mil~s above Christmas &land. curate. tllctlon. available. the tpeed Umll" SJ Newport Harbor 1.?J tij;1t.11 Robert N. Weed .. ..-.1.w Thomas Keevil .... Jack R. Curley ...,_......, Thomas A. Murpbine ,,..........., PauJ Nissen ................ Ml'mber. Assoda~ ~, t'nltf'd Prea lnt~matlonaJ Ml'mber. Audit 8111'1'11u ot Circulations Mrmber. Callfomi11 NeY> 'f\8~ Publlabers A.uoclatlon Member. National Editorial As.sodatlon DAILY Ptun Mifll wlllcll 11 l*"bl-.,_ .._ .. ,... II llUIJI .... In -••I• ..,,,_ ~ COii• MnA, N-1 le.ell. Lt_. llHc:ll HV!lfi"910ft 84'.cfl. FOlll'llli" V1ll1¥. Wttt1nln$1tr '4 I r t• I•" t ' tfl•IO!I. tJlllMll!lld .. ,iy s c• ,.,... .. Irr or-cMet !'lltlltll'"- c°"'"""Y· 2211 w .. r •••bot '""""•~ '""'"°" ~ •nf l•r Str.M Mii nowta A-C•t -· CM......._ OUice la Newport Beach. 2211 Weal Balboa Blvd .. ~ Teltphone C714l M2....:121 For Classified Advertlslnc. CaU 642·5678 f'rom Westminster and North County Telephones. S40-122.0 'lo .,..,, ,, .. ~ •..,ttr.i., .. ..,,..., .. , ,.,., ... 01 -""-"'' ,..,fffl fftot • rt°""""' .. w1""'1f Nitti.I -ml•llOft .. COP¥" .. ' -· ..... ,.._ _,, .. 119kl 11 ,._.....,, -cl\, Ct Ul....,lo i<;11.>cnf>lloll bo, c.1'""' ti.JS """''~"'· ll'r "'Ill '2 CG, mll"'" CltsllMI'-11.U, ~. I Tornado Mo ving Through Southwestern Mi.ssouri Sun, Moon,, Tide1 ntlOAY "I"' -'1'!1 • "'· "' , .. 1 "'t:.. f,y : ::: .i J t:= .. ,... 7 1f•Jfl '' - .... .._ .... ...... ..,. • 4S .. "'· ltlln • GI •·"' ..._ 1 .S. •"' =-1l ,~,. r:.:..•11 1': ,. Temper~ture~ ... .. A lV SAJG can mi ed. aut pistol • gon fo gun ac night - the cit a U.S. said. The med.lat bu Man adm day. . • •ugu I i ~ I 'I ~t,e- 'ed a. ~ ' I I! t:e li •:mi I ' . : l Jtllt I :tkm: ... ' '' . 'nigh ' -1:01 ~ .Mi.£ of 1: Mtsa. =~ Mesa ed by two Snellit vi emu sistm grand icea 9 morn~ tuary, Mesa. REE, Walnl vived R.eev« ter, ). to, ar Elean Servi• Bell J ~1 I&. Ir Memc BUN" bywi Wayn daugJ Ruth dren, cbtldl 10:30 nla1 I .CLAJ ~Vee! lcea Fam! Hom• SAN" ed., ed b· Robf ADdr Lape ten, Gaut Man da'/. llyC VAN Albe imi to: f Ma, CODI ~ 61.'~ H1111 v. c Sant Stan Bae! Gla< and San held a.m CU: M• Job1 Har JJ Pl .. American MPs Nab Mayor of Saigon SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Gov.-etect RaDald ~ bu t.-oten with tradition mtt utM A.woctm JUl&ice Mlnb&ll P'. McComb~ the California Sapiw Coat to adminlster his oath of office Jan. 2. it wu NpOrted to. day. Tbe oath traditionally hu been admllllstered at in- 1 iugural ceremonies by the high court'• c:b.Jef justice. 1 : ~ McComb waa a diasenter when the court in t• • • voted ro nuJWy the 11184 i>ropo.ition 14 wbicb ,.., aim· . ed at repealing the Rumford open houltns act. 1 ~ ' Becauae ol • campe!sri aiamt the justlcea wba Jolnoo 11 td in the rulll\e acafmt the propotltioa, MeOmb wu • lhe biggest vot.geUar amoag the flve fUltlcel appear. : : in& on the Nov. I f~aJ election ba1Jot. : • Tbe other four Justleea on the baBot. tnclocftnc OlW • 1 JUltlce Roger J . Traynor, had ruled aiatntt the J"POli· . : eton. : : : McComb will adm.l.n.later the oath lhartly after mid- •night the morning of Jan. 2 1n the Ciplrol robmda. ·:OBITUARIES RUNT, Francis M. SUrvtved bywUe,Rom.Anne: twoaon•. M-~er 1"---wayne L. and Wanen; two uru. ~ daugbten, Edith Collins and1--------- Ruth Jones; elgbt grandcbll· s ' c . T :.::.1=~~~-:, upreme ourt, ests 10:~ a.m., Peek Family Colo- nial Funeral Home. H arml.ess Error R ul.e . a.ARK8()N, Jamel M. Sur· vived by wife, Dorothy. S.V· tees FrldQ, 1 p.m., at Peek WASH INGroN (UPI) -attorney ceneraJ fOr Olllfar· Famll1 C o 1 o D 1 a l Funeral The Supreme Court qaefdoD. ala. araued aiatmt ,.......J Home. ed Callforn1a'1 ''harmles• er·~ the caM. He said tbe com· ror" rule Wednelda7 iit bear· menu were barmlea WcaUH SANTELLAN. Robert C. Pua-1ng an appeal by a couple 4Mdence •lalnat tbe .,._ ed any DeC9mber 5. Su:rviv-COllvicted fn the nrarder ol a daDU Wll ID omwhel.mla« ed by .Ue, EmllY: dau&bt.er. Lodi, Calif., bartA!nder. tb.tt tbe oueicome of Gae tdaI Roberta· aeftD br«her1. Roy, The coart Maret arguinata would haw beee tire same Andrew..' Pete. John., Rollllo, ln tbe appeal Of Ruth mu. ..,_ U tbe mm!Dllltl bad DOt Lape, Emlllo, tc.D d four ail-beth Olaipma, l4ISteDced to bed lmde. tm, c.men s.atuo. Rome llte lmprilonmeDt, and Thom· U..W qwtlrem, by b Gaudan, Eltnort Montana IDd u Leroy Peale, eerttenced to court. Smit!! ooaceded tbat Mary Mend& s.rvtca, J'ri. dJ• in Cautornla'1 ,., dwn-tbe State Sqpr-eme ())mt Ub- da.J, 10:~ a.m.. PMk Fam. ber. They were convicted of lJ would mew a mn.a. Uy Colonial Funeral Home. the fatal sbooting of 8iily CIM.t.oday beeaue of the r.d- Dean Adcock. wboee body eraJ court'• neut rullJIC oe VAN DE WALKER. EveRtt wu found in a dttch in Sac> comJDelltt bJ protecUt.on. Albert. Ate 74, formerly of iamenro County 1D late 19S2. '1f the ~ wu ao im1. San Jaclnro, San Jacln· The couple appealed ro the onrwbelmlDC." J....tlce B1- t0. Survived by wife, Eunice Supreme Court after the Call-ron 1'blte aabd. "wtly did Ma)'; 10111, Albert L., of Wl .. klnlla Sapreme Court held U.. JnMCUt.or feel tbe need conaln: Lyle E. and Harold L., thlt • proacutar'1 commenta to eoaunent!" ~ of c.o.ta Mesa; du&bt. on the failure of ~· Qap-Smbh Aid that the com-~.Mn. law'• B. MacKaven, man to ~tily wu a mm. --' wu a matter of ••court- 6!. Nevada a 8lancM M. Rill, ten errol' wtl!eb had not -'· room dramatic•." u&wthorne; brothers, Harold =r5 the ~ of .. White •uaesw f:blt tht V. of Mlcbt1u, Ralph ~· ~ t.O, ADfelet attorney Mor-parpoM ol caJUni tbe Jury's Santa Ana and Royce • N LaYiD8 .,_a thlt 90 .uatlon to Mr&. Chapt!Mln'1 stamon; mten. Mn. MW violation of a defendant'• con--fa.Dure to tutily wq ln1Jmd. Backman. Lasun• Hlll1, Mrl. st1tuttonal rtgbta cout.t be ect "to tJetp the case" of the Olad.Y• Garbin, i..suna Hllll, consldfred ''blrmlen •• ' proeecutlon. and Mra. Charles MerrUleld, The "1 .... court nd~ In an "Certainly," SmJtb conced-San Jaclnto. Services were ...... ed beld toda.... Tbunday u ·~ euller case thlt comment. on s·mJ"· -•~ '""-' .,. ' · a defend9;nt'a faillD"t w tatl· .... -a U411rw• •· a.m .• Bell BroldWIY Mortuary fy .,. a \floi.tioa ot Ids coa-ror" ,,... ooe whld1 did not Cba]>el. 110 Broedway, Costa atitutional richt qalnlt M1f rauJt bl a m.t.curtar• of M... wltb Rev. Herbert tnc:riDdnlt:lcl ju.dee. ==-~~=~ Arlow £. 5mlll. aalltant -------- MI.ft MOB'l\J.dlEI c.n.a _. Mar o• C.-at... MIM04 BELL BMA.DWAY MORTUARY Ut BrMft"~ .. llltla . u PER t'AMILT (Uam.L l'UNDAL90llB .... ,. ........... --DOTB'I ll08'n1D f ...... ......... a.- LE ... PACIFIC VIEW NIMORIAL UU: ....... CIMll"PT QUMATC)t{Y MArsur:IM ......... ,,~--- Pre- Christmas LAMPS ACCESSORIES OFF ' . . 2211 HAllOI ILVD. PltORSSIONAL COSTA ~ CALIF . IN1'BJOR DISJ6NIRS 6464271 646-0276 Mideast Crisis Syria Takes Over Pipeline in Iraq DO YOU WANT TO BUY A WATCH? For the first dMe MJt., four ot the "'- Swiss Made Watch ~nufKturen: ''ta fltllilippe Girard Perrepu:x I Movadol R°'8 _. mmblne thefr full Unes In 1 limuh...,.. showing in one~-heh line's R~ will be on h.nd to help m.ake )'Our Mltdloa from lhe l111est c.oUec:tion ift ~ IN NEWPORT BEACH I 3412 Vta Udo One day only I Friday, December 9 •i• RO LEX ~ MOVADO I G1··. Pt .. ' . I --- PAT£K PHIUPPE • B.D. HOWES and SON PIN& J&WIL&U POil TKUI O'"&.UTIONS LOS ANGELES • 3100 Wilshire Boul...-ud PASADENA• 336 South like Avenue and Huntington-Sh~raton Hote NEWPORT BEACH • J.412Via Udo-SANTA8ARBAAA • 1•25S1,11~Strttl GOLOWATEl'S • ~-Scottsdale I " I - If Convicted Sheppard~lanned Suicide Cal Stiidents Study With End of Strike ,. .. .. ' . -• I c...w. .... ... .....,.,.. , ... y., .. ,., ..... ..., .... " ........... .... ,,.,. .. HUN'ftNOTOft CIJitT IR llACH & IDfNOllt · HUNTINGTON llAC~·5501 ti I FOR DAO SLIPPERS , Union Says -;=;;;;;;==~~~==.:;1 It Doesn't s111 Ttiev .. 1141 ef ,eln ef tt..lt fevwite atylet 1Nl"4111t •lee• fetlllfe11tt,t.eMell4w_... NYLONS 2 '=: '1.00 FOOTWEAR Glm NOW ••• Wt ,,. nry 9ratlfl..t wlth the ,..,.._ .r~wd to .,, n•me ch•n .. contest; W• ecknowhdge ywr . alncert lnter .. t •nd extend to •II 0"1' dMpest lflf• ltude. Wt h•v• chteen "GINTRY LTD.", submft- t.f~ Dr. Shven Koffler, M.D. Ownership, m•n- "'"'-' ,.rsonnel, q...,llty · & 11rvk• r.m1in un- ....... Hepe t-... you ...,, fot your Chrltft'J'• .....,,.,.. OPIN DAILY t;J0.'100 SUNDAY 11-6 '"· M0-'500 2l01J tiAREOR BLVD .. COSTA Mi.SA tONN MltY NIGHT . FR& PARKING l \ 524 W. 11th. Street Coda Mesa COWIOY IOOTS · . hck.,.._ 1..,. '•I Stu4y cet11fnictiet1 ..... ...,..,... ··~· ef ,l1ytlf1ie ..... Skft I Vt te ), TOPS IN FASHION Tiie •~•Ice ef tlte IN .,,.,4 -i. ... ""'~ -.lt .. e..y T. str111 , • • se .. • .. 11. . POI THI PAMIL Y ••• . MIX .AN.Y_ l _ PAIRS MARKID 2.79 GIRLS' BLACK PA fENTt Sine 11/s M J. .-:::~---.;..:~--:::--:;...._.-::~~:;;~;;~;;;:~~ --------• Central \! alleg LET'S BE FRHMDl Y If you have new netchbOn or lcnow of anyobe movln& to our area, please ten us so that we may extend a friendly welcome and belp them to become acqual.nted In tlletr new surroundlng1. 494-9368. Flooding. Chases 700 From Homes Huntinaton Be1ch Visitor M7.SU3 Costa Mesa Visitor 541-1351 Harbor Visitor 133-1069 So. Cust Visitor 494-0579 Flaible, feather-Usht l'lonbeim unlined .iyi. provide truly euy roiDc no matt.er how torrid the J>&C*. Duhint sood looa with f&mOUI F1onheim quality ht eVfll')' detail. teU's SHOES HARGE ACCOUNTS. WELCOME ..... "' 'fl '91 ... RVINE TOWN CENTE AT THE GATEWAY • UNIVERSITY OF. CALIFORNIA. IRVINE Happy Thursday .. Friday .•. Saturday? :Could be .•. if you 'discover' Irvine Town Centtr. Tocl•y. tomorrow .nd S.turday, the rM(or rnercMncfjsint m • rts .,. feeturiftt , week~ 'specials' th1t ac+ualy do add up to • penny aved· heN •nd there. TMy 1lso Mid up to bumper io bumper tr1ffic, fNr\ing lot hassles, crowcMcf, ~ comfort1ble shopping conditions and 1 fru1tr1ted fetliMJ of ''Why lft\ I Mr.1" No one wonclers about th.t et Irvine Town C.nter. CUSTOMERS er• her. bee.us, the drive to lr¥ine Town Center is 'countrified' I and plff 111nt • • • precticely treffic..frH. The ptrl:ing lot hM yet +o1 be filH. The ahops are never crowded._ Qu1rtty is hith .... service f •st ind courteous. _ WE ere here bee.use we're proud of 11 the •cfv1nt19e1 frvine Town Center hu +o offer. Why not join the group for 1 HAPPY Thuncl1y ••• Frid1y ••• ~twday? Pennies 1. Schrnenniesl . . • UniteCI Stefes Postoff"ece • Univenity look Siwe Udo Fashions ' Woodruff's Men's Store M. Ru. M Suppliet WofAIMria Tec.-Toc Mif•t S.nit.Y a..... ' C.mpa ..,., Shop • Joly lt09" Rtstaurlftf (openiftt ~ f,....61obt Trtwl DAILY PILOT/,..._,,_ f Union Rejects N ew 1 ~~iiS=:::=::=;;m====ii=~ End-strike Offer Fn:m !be c.ra. of!atfn' W....Pak~· .Mp. wt. Sl h. $tf ' In Calffomla, CLUNY SCOTCH outsells 27 famous brands.-Why? ....... ,_"., .......... flfttf Kotd ~ '" Scot· IMC. talny .. !Wit. .. Hd ahMys tutes __,._.,,._ ....... IOmlD tN SC01UND THE "CALIFORNIA . . . SUNSHINE 'GIIT'' for Snowed-In Eastern Frie:Dm ... • .t 1*jlml ............. )0 .., .. d1611-llr· ,_ c:M be ...... o..• ... 1 .... . ..... ,..,at& ... .,, .. $34.95 be die~ f/l 6'1 eeoe · a ... _., bl tt..91 ~ «aedJ-\.6...ta -1.-Shll .. tbk 'TawlHlrJ1.J111· -(•. . l11wrt~)to . -.tt.-W.-..0, ~-....­ IMl·MWI01'1Qf81...., I fnltts, .... • i ..... ahnoads-~ ,.., ~-.... ..., pacpp\. n.i...sof tbt.nb ~pt ..al .... yoa pd JOO decided cm this~-~ UildoD 1'k No. I 15» ~ ......... 11.s. IAVI 10"-l •.• now pu can ,._ ,._ wfft,..-' ,_.., """"' coefs.~ I ... Pak atot.. ..... carw...-tlft 11h c'h RI .. • ladw. I fNlt a.cl Date-Nut c.llM. Gloced ffvfb, Sa"'9 C1aua ~"Ml _, ... Oi1 nhlt CcMred ffv~ l \ - f DAILY '1lOT~ Theater Notes -'Littfu Sheba' to Cash, Rain Checks 1M9 Join the GltfB I 1967 Should Start-Right Now .. First National Bank OF ORANGE COUNTY f"M 00HWMDrT LOCA'nONS TO K1tW YOU _.. cna • ~ oma • llAJOl oma • IM.Naf ontc1 • llA*ll on1e1 ....... ,.....c.ilm a.-• ....... ,.... Mlll~Dl\..U' --..,, .... 16.-S .. ..... a..,. a.... a.,. .... .. c.....,._ l) Mld-wlriter Is tile beat time to 1kly OH air concUtlonlng • bec:auH d11ler1 are 1 ... Wtr Ind often otvt off•Huon dltCOUl'lta. (AM JCM1 dee't ..... a .... I Ml ..... ...,., ltUd11, gu air condtdoft 11 econonileal, ...,...., mlr)lmum maintenance and otteratH °" apeclaf ~IT)l'll~ rateL So. be smart. Install ou aft conditioning tl'llf wlntert c.11 Kl l-021' ~ I • PUiiif°"iiiclibN · •1~tfOWMr . ·~11111 ................... I_... JllDAY ., ........... DEC.11 ' al Wilahln IMI. LOS ANGELES (Downtown), Calif. , .. ,& 25. COSTA MESA FOUR·rLEXES ' ,, .. ..,.,., ......,iy "'~·ti -~-"' ...... LaolW. m. ... .... -...... e:r.-.H n.~m.tt:..'· v...-.~---z• u COSTA MEU. CALIFORNIA Hen It = Income end lrwutrnMl ~OM of ~ • talle5t 1f17Wll'C ....... ... c:ontlfl\I a bact1e ~ with 1 blttl, l ~ wfthWfth l blth. 2 bedf'oom 1 ~ baths, Ind 3 bedroom z bllttts, with bullt·ln own end l'9fll" dlll)Gll~~ ~ dr. The' fCM.11..plexes allO hlW ..,..... • un al9 quite ~ous. the 3 bed~·::"~ = lG 111'*9 feet. =Its al'I c ~~la, Orll'lp Coll .... and N rnllea from the of C.llfomla. lrvln-. bltflellt ft PIMM~lt • WIN C.11llW T,.._ .... .... ,"'.., 'fl'rlu ,., p,., ~n/Jli.f .,~#n .... J.WERSHOWc.1.~u::·"' .. , ....... Jiii---. "'..... .. ..... • • • • • I -G1 IN - 1000! •Deck 1cf11r h911c1 ~· ... t ... ....... triet. -Ee I • t Vt t ~ TC r' ~ I • - - GOODWILL INDUSTRIES 590 w. 19th c..t1 Mew 646-247t Mon.. thru Pli. t tm t Set. 9 tlll 5:30 1 GOOO WILLY S&Z: Deck the halls • • • and 1 dear the closets for the MIW.ys. You can tMlp tltt han.llcappell by tfvi- ... the things the famlly ...... t. .t•NI te Mn- ....,.. .~dwtll .... tries. Powell Dollyft'~od ~anteen NolV Only 1'le1nory r--l '~ ~ To Pay Off By BOB THOMAS .... _ ~tto Gls passing throu&h On Oct 3. 1943. the Holly· World." Only men and wom· Hope. Danny Kaye, Joe E. AP Mov•·TelevilJoa Writer Los Angeles. Some even got wood Cantetn first opened en In wtlform were allowe1 Brown, Dlnab Shore and His D b a chance to jitterbug with Its doors on Cahuenga Boule· to enter that way. AU others Betty Hutton, and they danc-e t HOU.YWOOD (AP) -No wa Tw'ner or Joan Craw· vard Juat south o( SUMet oame dlroulfl 1he rear door, ed with 1tarleta lo the music one paid m\ldl attention to ford. BoWevard, 'nle buildin& bad and so mt of ~ollywood'a ol IUy Ky1er, Harcy James tbe ""'' tblt the clty h9d once bot14ed a theater that highest-paid producers and and Dub Elllngon. WASHINGTON (AP) -ordered the rain& of the Le-BE'M'E'S IDEA wu apUy named The Barn. dtrectora wubed dl.sMt for Rep Lionel Van DeerUn aa: 1 Grand 'lbMtu .. an unwe The C a n t • • n oripatecl Studios and guilds donated the guests. CROSBYS SING • . Y 1tructun. with Bette Davis and her IO<>ds &nd se · to d E ht f th t "My favorite memorr, wu be will drop hii opposiUon to But to three mlWon serv· then agent, Jule1 Stein, foun· orate the lacervt~ a rer~: very nig or e nex on e Christmas Eve, • re· seating Rep. Adam Clayton k:ilmen and women of World der of the giant MCA corpo· blahing 1oC val~ed at Sl5,000 three years. H~~ en· call11 a volunteer. "Bin& Croa· Powell In the new Congreu ii War n and 5COres of movie ration. Both saw the need wu accomplished with a1tertai.oed the nation a fighting by came to the back door the Harlem Democrat "can ftcuru. the event would have ror Hollywood to of!ef' a be· S200 outlay. men. They were served up with his four young socu and return to bJs home tate ol significance. For the Legrand wn for serVJcemen like New hot dinners by such wait-asked if the family could en- s wu once the site QC the Hot-York's famous Stage Door SIGN POSTED resses as Belt~ Grable, Jane tertain. The five CrosOys New York without &OOia to lywood Canteen. Canteen. The pair propoted Over the front door ap-Russell. Paulette Goddard, sang 'White Christmas' and ;ail. u During the three years ol one and drew immediate en· peered the sian: "'lbrouah Ann Sheridan and a youthful yuletide carols, and there Ve Deerli.n'a statement Its exl.ltence, the Canteen thusiasm frOm tbe film com· 1bese Portals Pass the Moat Eliubetb Taylor. The boy1 were few people tn the Can· came after Powell disclo&ed offered topootd:I entert&in-munity. Beautiful Un.iiorms In the were entertained by Bob teen with dry eyes." through an aide that be In· tends to begin immediate payments of t6() a week to a Harlem widow who holds a tl64,000 l i b e I judpnent against him. Powell's chief aide, C. Sum- ner Stone. alJo aald that lift. er the tint of the yeer Powell would mm a tta~ ''CODC«l)bl& a personal ma. Jor financlal effort toward the re.olution of the •·,,,.,--... judgment." Van Deerlln had announced 9 TIL 9 PM ".,...,... fNM 11..• KN .... ., ..... ·• .,,. .......................... ,. .............. _ II F •1111-. •A9'KIT PHOTO ,. IAIKST .... P.0. .. 2111 SAN DllGO 12, CAW. ~conomy Bargains earlier be would cballente Powell's right lo a seat ln the 90th Congress when convenea Jan. 10. 'Jbe Cali- fornia Democrat Piel in Sall Dleso Wednetday ~ -.t be dJdD't boW' .......... ID up ta. ml .,.._ woald e e llaaitawJ•t.IJl1 ~I eoD- ll« .... ., ... ........, earlier court ..ten. SOME PEOPLE AREN'T GOING· 10 I LIKE THIS HURRY MODI LS SELLING FAIT l Values Galore ••• • \ Clothirig ~PRICE WOMEN'S I WINTIR DRESSES AND UP ·uy·1 ..... lxtra MEN'S, COAT fWWlfttw a... 'tour Style ... Fabric AND UP 1 lox Springs ·-11nd se Use These , 1 Booths In Your NelghborftOod But be ~: .. If , can rtturn to Ida llomt state lfewYcn.._ ..... j~ then I 'WOO't 41bjec:t him being IW01'D in." U.S. Plans To Bee( Up B52 Force · N,._,, But Kern thinks cult ..... •• wlll ... p.._...I 25 LIGHT OUTDOOR CHRISTMAS LIGHT ' SET Se -•m th• ptiu et tho beflfiel111. Why fool erowncl, ll~ ••II• for 1011, encl it'1 flilllft Uke ff.It thet pro .. It. w .. ttt~ ... bulb1, Oftl IOH evt, t1te rut shy lit. 99 RIPLACIMlllT BULBI UL APPROVED IMooot .. Jc ... OUTIOOI 9t .... ........... You cebb.u H9' on• to co1h tlie ~l,.,os. (Whet'a ~. tallti111 abovt>. Authutic tt.1111. fin to -It co- ""L ...,-..,_....... 69t CHRllTM~' CAllDUS w -~·· '"' ·~· 4r1'f•n. ••lttl•••· 1Tltat'1 wlt•t thy olwayt ••YI. ,,.tty et1 tht .. ,.... ·•••••••ncy ,,., .. h •rMM to oniey itie t..tWo.,., ... th ... 11 ., ... , .. • flat. letter they tlt91114 •M JM "'911 ~1t Y"· ion. RAIN Gunl• ., ... a-1 •• u,..i-"''· .. 14et ...... Ftffi• 1111t .... 109' ~1ce .... PllUTONI Allft· FRllll WOllDIR COAITlll lt'a a •oll<ll• It coesh.. Fu11 f~ the nry littfe petMn, just 40fl't I.+ hi"' take It ol'I tho freowoy. 299 ...,,rythl119 pre-cvt. Color tile .tvff. We hen ell kincl1, this i1 !-.. 0110 of Hie a,.-cieh . 20 Inch S.nt1 Cl1us 99 WIATHIR ITRIP DOOR KIT Cvt your fuel bill, 11cwre those 4'refty Joon. Thia ~It will handle tllo dander.I ~oor. &Jc FURNA Cl . FILTERS fiber9leu l>ocly, MHnt clH11 hu t. All the ,.pwler tins we WM uovnJ hert . 37c ea. Mo .. tliee,et ..... tWrfMt ............... .,., ...... "'"' -. We ... ell H114t Iii ............ .....,) . ......... SftLBIR DllAGlftR Bllll lit OIDlltS SOLD OUT Unicycle . 'l Did,,.. b-~-· di~ef-4 ..... ,.~ ..... TI.oy Mtter ......., HHt to "' reely. '( Kids fl911re the"' .vt ·~H~ pretty fad, Htoy rW. like ,wot. A fvt1 ffiillf. We Hiit e•r ewe frtld OM t1olo a...+lier tllY'• order. ·997 GINIRAL ELECTRIC GARBAGE DllPOIALL One of tllo hell naMu 111 cll1po.e" '''"" 1111 .. ai. • 91ut 11•ico ~ .. ~.We he4 to lMiv • ten te 9.t ii an4 we wl11' we 2 4 • could ,.t "'°''·Super 1ne11t, powtrful, !if.ti,..• l•brlcatNI ~arlfttl, .. ,t to ln1t1U. \ . - • DAILY PILOT/Ntws-Prm All Polb to Close 7 p.m. For the Record St John Wants Vote Reform Jfeed11g• BirClu Boyt Club Tournament 'Smart' Bero Breaks Noee BOLLY\f~ -1: .. -..:,~1 Mic ...... N . Pr Aid ShOoaal at p .... ....... ...... ew eu e di• of tbe TV ~ ~!=!¥~· ..-... .... SrMrt'' Nrin bit bell ... t : W:"'"....._ .. c.... IACllU!ENTO (UPI) -. peedtl4 for ..,.. .. ~ wtdJe •· .... _.... .,.. ..,.. ...,.... Nmc:)' ctn a.no1c11. ,.UU.. stir Don Adlnu rteoYtn c.& lleWacater fot San )'ran. ftoa a broken no11. die» teJmlion ltation KPIX, Adams, wbo po1tr111 tt.t P'•1e4111•-•iors bu .,... ..,..... • ..,.. bumbllaa hero Ill a 1w•1 J • • .-._. aJdl to Gov.•lect Ronald Rea.- smart., 1ufftHC1 Gae lnJ'm1 nr_ -___. ...,_ • ..... ,.._ Mn. Reynolds, •. wm Wedwday nilbt wblle re-~ :.-=. ~..: = ., .. joJa tbe..wf Jan. 2 u au-heani.DC a flPt IC9M WlGl fll • .... .., ... ....._ ........,. dltant preu ~ lo actor lteve Gra'flrl. ~ m.r.aiz.:. 11.1111 " 111 Lya Nofslter. Here'• how to reach Los Anseles lnfomudlon Operators 41rte;t from Oran1e County phones. Just dlal .. , " •nd then the ArM Code "213," then 111•1212. • -- ~ -· Now you con get Los Ang•l•s Areo 12131 numbers from Information Opero tora who handle only th• phone numbers for that oreo. A,.J "*-'• "° dtorge '°" ""' .. rv;c •• So pleose don't forget, when you're colling from. on Orange County r: -mm = 7M telephone and you need a "213" Area phone number from Information, just dlol "1" and then Areo Code "213," then the number 555-1 212. Thank You. @ P1cific TtltphOM r FREE KEYSTONE SAVINGS = SAFE i A N D L 0 A N A S S 0 C I A T I 0 N ~ TO Sii ... DEPOSIT It.-" r. <Alptn.. PruU.111 . 1t,,..,,tt, awr l 1U.out1.ooo 11y • aa IOX KaYSTONE aQUAR& ; ~ncy "I"' $5,000 AIWCIM M•lft Office. ~ W(ITMIHm" ···"'" offlu ........ ~~· .,Ynp Ht H. ~llf -9H0tltt 1•01 l ltldl louteverd -.. blJinea troe.W1y.ltolll1tNfl'• •I Wff1tnln•ttt Govttnment " 1•7.U O TW l ·20 1 llYE••--r • l Pc. DllEI Ii SE1l • latte m•-proof top_~ bble Witb self ectie • Comfortable dlcoratM ehllrs in choice of cotomt ...,. tCH:lean nqahyde ' SU •u l!slele It E. t oec-HOTIC CIWltert -·" .... ... """' llWI .. "" C' ·-veudltf'1 ·~­VIN. .. ..-.c .. ...,.. --· __.... flttt po.t DelM = .... • 1,.9 Al WLI I ....... f'llbll .... 1 • ii!~ • • 1 I. j::;;' I HOT j ~ e::.~ ,1fi: !!ii .. ~ ••• •• : l , :• rz dru ' •• l'vt . Dec. .... ·~· .. "" .. ,, ,,,. . .. " = • •• ~ . "' f .: t I I • II If ~r U •• L&GAL NOTlC& LEGAL NOTICE COSTA MESA CALL 546-5525 ~.._...-.,.~~~HOUIS OPEN MRY DAY 9 A.Mo TO 9 P.M. TILL CHRISTMAS S,.Cfel ,r1eee eeM th~. Sun. FREE! SICOND 11EE · FOi DEN, KIDS' ROOM 3 ,T. TALL WITH $10 PUllCHASE SANTA CLAUS WILL IE HEltE WITH GOODIES FOil THE KIDS, SUNDAY AFTEll· NOON, DIC. 11 AND 18. • • J JUST ARRIVED! THE WEST'S BEST ·•· CHRISTMAS TR ·EES • EXPERT FLOCKING -8· ALL SIZES. ALL VARIETllS OF THI FR£SHEST, FINEST Ci)UALITY TREES AT THE BEST PRICES! SILVER-TIP SCOTCH PINE DOUGLAS FIR NORWAY PINE • FIR WHITE FIR PLANTATION FIR PLUS A Huge Selection Of Flocked Trees All Types, Reedy To Gol • • BE SAFI ••• FLAMEPROOF YOUR CHRISTMAS TRiil SPECIAL! STURDY IAKID ENAMIL CHRISTMAS TREE INSTANT SNOWFLAKES I 1 qt. No. 8 CALIFORNIA FLAMEPROOFING r' STAND llEG. 1.25 aa-SPIA Y SPARKLY SNOW ON TREES, WINDOWS, Glml lnouth .... " .,.. . . I t KM, yeur ,,... frelh, In weterl Our Flower Shop CHRISTMAS Is lurstlnCJ With 111• IAll IOOT Most Chr.ishnasy Gift ROSES 41 Plants! In Ful Bloom! ARRIVING DEC. IS • POINSETTIAS A Gift She'll Treasure • AZALEAS Thru The Years! •· .. CHRYSA1)11£Ml14S NEW FOR 167 ••• Rl~A8'. Y P'lllC!DI Gay Princeu GAi Y WltA,,IDI ROllMlll Hollclay · L&lcky Lady .. PLUS 50 outstanding new verieties including Tropicana WI PIATURI WORLD Matterhont • wtDI WIU seaVICES . live A lift That Ion Giving Pleasure Year After Year! ·98¢ .. AMT .. DWARF PEACH TREES ARRIVING DEC. t 5 Covered with blouoma in the aprin9, heavy with fruit in summer . • . luxuriant foliage malcea BONANZA an ornamental beeuty all thru the year! Full 1i1ed peaches, sweet end deliclouJ • . . now even jn the smallest gerden or in patio pots or plantenl , I - J. CWLY PllOT /tffts-Pms TllwscSiJ, Oec:amOer 8, l 9t4 ~ /( f •• ~ I ••• • • • to pause and express our heart{ elt thanks to neighbors and friends of the Harbor area for their loyal support of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce and its member busin~s m1ti 966. We look forward to an equally ~uccessful association in 1967. NEWPORT HARBOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1907--1967 ON JANUARY 1, 1967 THE NEWPORT ' HAR· . I BOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WILL BE CELEBRATING 60 YIARS .OF SERVICE AND LEADERSHIP TO THE COMMUNITY! AJ,J, OF US WISH EACH OF YOU A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON AND THE MOST PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR EVER! 1966 OFFICIR·S PUSIDENT1 JIM IUKSHIU ht Y. PUS: JOHN MACHAI ,,..,, v. rus. DON FLAMM TUASUUlh llLL RIM& lXECUTfVi M6R1 JACK IARNm COUNCILMAIHC Dtmtef tlUCTOIS "" Dick Rldiucl1 Tll•4"IM• R•l.1111, Sr. Eclt•' •. HIM Dr. N.,.1u11 LHh D•11 FfHUll R•'-+ Sc""' Hury W•rl•v., "" fr.4 w. .. ,. J .... LMb , • .,... n ... ., .. .,,. w • .M ..... ~ ....... U.W a.rn•tt JoM. Vl!Mrt Rich.am LW• Muk.t Til•Mv• Robl111 Ford U11lt.4 C.llf. le11lr·Muln•r1 I r. An't, S.pt. Scti .. 11 l'tlllc• Aero1111tre111c, Div. Ford ~ &.°' .... ' c._.,.~., ""°'~ lo11k .f Amori~\.U• lranch Se. C.llf-1• Wi1011 C.. , ...... .._... •• ,.n ... , .. H• ... pert N•t!.ftM l•11k Attor11oy lerMtt Mortt•t• rwnic VI-Memorial rarlr ltr••hlr•'• lte&+•11r•.t l111lr of A1111rlw • l•lka llHl:.e11'1 leriHtMf '1ty1ici"' llHI fit• .. Swp't. fle-11t•ry Sch .. h Col4'w•ll h11lt•r C.. DllKTOU AT LAlM ~. T-0 .. 11 D.D.S. Ed Hlrlti u11c• J ....... Joh11 M•C11U Mllr11 My•n Pnl Pel111• Wlllie111 lti119 Stov. Trenr Se111 O.w11lat WH.lfr.4 hnfl ltelph '•"• Lo.11 MHli1 MONOaAlY DIUCTOIS M•yor Pe11I 5'rll'Mr Dr. D•11l•I A14'rlch 001111 Dw11ce11 Chui .. H•rt Huvey H11rlbwrt hobel Peu• Teel s.1,... ICen SelllplOfl wui;.,,, Mn•11 Dlllc:TOU 'aOM THI JI. CHAMIH ltobui I. Mih1• lob Hower~ ACACIA HCltOW CO. 1mw..tdtltor .. •• AO WOR'-D ..... ~...., .... ,,. ,..,. .. ......._.aM ALaaanote'S IMC. .... Clllt ...... C.. A LITTL• SOM.,... ... Mlf V .. ~ •I erLal fl. ALLllOM. D.O.t. .,, w.ctdlflf Or .. NI AMLINO'S N•WPORT NUIUalY ,,.. •. c .... ""'" ... ANOlltSON-ANICH m ,.,...._or .. NI '· I'. ANOIRSON tMt c-... Ot .. St. 116. NI ALAN V. A•DltllWL M.D. .. , iM""' Dr .. It. "· •I AltCHll AUTOMOTlVW ,.. w. c.... ""'·· ... /l.ltllTOCftAT SMUTl'Wltl .. w. c..e Nwr .. •• /l.ltltOWMUD Hl&.ICOfl'Tlhl HftVl(I _,. c-or .. R , .... NI AltT'S LANDI ... ,., . ._. ....... ~MMOlt Cotlf'Olt/I.,..._ .. c-Or .. NI ASTROf'OWU UIOUTCMIY 1m c_ .. 0t .. •1 A & W ltOOTl•lrt U6o4 •• c-"""" •• AXIUON flllHINe TACKLI CO. 1"' polaafllla, NI t.AICOCI( ILICTltOllllC coar. JMI M-ll'fC.. CM aAclC UY YnlltlNA•Y lfOSpofT.A&. C24J llrdl SI •• NI IAILIY'S TV s.tLU I sa«YICS uetW.CentMWf .. NI UL l•ACH CAl'I ,., ....... ., .... _ &ALIOA IAY C\.UI 1111 w. c...a ....., .. NI I ALIOA CUANllU .. L ...... 1 ...... NI IAIJOA IM"OVWMINT .t.IJW. ,.. ....... 1 ........... ULIOA IN• , ........... ...... t.AUIOA ISL.4"0 'llltY ...... ..., ....... aAl.aOA &.IOUOa STOite • ,.. ....... llhe.. .. _ IM.MA MA•IC&T ..................... 9AUOA ...... ""'" .... 11n1w.c......., .. •• a.A4.90A l'-VIUO. CO. ................. Ml.MIA allAL UTATI CO. ,. ....... ~ .... MLMI-TMIAft• ,. .............. ..... Jim w .. 4' 141.IOA T1lNISflart CO. tflltt..w t wc..tM a.M.aOA Vil.UM l'MAllMAICY »1 _.,. Al'9or•t ~ •C>U.t.«AM4 ............ MNllOO lt/l.TTAN StlOP .............. .........,,..~..,. .. 1141 L C:.-....,., QIM aA&.Tlt MOltTVARY OP COM Jiii L c.-HWJ. C4IM 1Ai.40AT HlfTAU JWl-.....r ...... aALaOA YACMT CLUI ..,...,....or .. 111 ML.aOA YACNT IASI .. INC. .,,...,...OfM ... 9.t.NK otr AMl•ICA. IALIOA lftAMCH 611L ...... ll'IC....._ tAJtl( 0 .. AMlllC.. COM altAMCH ,,.. .. ~"'" .. ~ tAJfl( Oii AMSlllCA ,...,,.. ......... ....,.. °" AMlllllcA. WWITCUJfl lfl61""'9A .... Ml ltOlllAU> fl. aartLOW Ul...._A'fllo.11 MltMaTT MO!rMA .. .,,, •• CIMt ...., .. C*' Mltlt Jfta\JtY 111,_,...A_ 11 YM....,_A...._,MI 'STI IAftlllTT I CO. m o.vw orJ NI aart•o••s 1'11 w..tclN Dr ..... aAaROW'I Olf'T. STOltl a.v .. LNl. Ml IUTIL&. co•"· 1Mt •• Celll '""" NI t.ARTMOLOMIW & PAULSON tm •. c-t .....,., C4M e.t.SIN MARINI, 1.-C. m......-llt'.,1111 aA>CTllt & CIClltO. IMC. .,. ""'.. •1 IAY \,~~CM ~TY·I .l'f & .... '!it ., ,.., ~ ... eu.1 .. c .. IAY SAlla:s ~·.i~:~.·~ ~ T. Cenl ...,.,_ ... a II a INN • C..•t HWY I 't:'Jl~,.._."'ii•'"''., 'ti\'-• al/f}~a·"Jit4f. IA.~ ~lM"u'VL.t.:!1 ~VI I ' ...... NI 91~'ir'\X .. Ill U Y TIIA?_L 1tv.i•t aomi ~ :t19,11:=·~1et~ii.OiM CONTACT LaNt llt -N. ~ ~~ ,..111 (JI,' ·~MJ: .. ·~~ C~'$-RAlfC~p N 1~0 Jlt. llll ....... St .. c Ill C\'~~"· MIMUY c':Ji.",, NSV1~1~ m n .. tt .. N• QOIMNI. D9ft1' fllC. . ....., ............ .. ettOWSU. naooit a CO. m1a.C.......,.,UM CltUTTINOlll & CO., l•C:. -'-DP.,NI ..... ...... w ........ ... 0-.. Dr .. '" JI.AN DANL 11111 & !Mlle, II I OAILY polL.()T .. , & """1fl. CM OAVIO J . OALH. 0.0.S. 1AIS I . CMM Hwy., UM DllllftlLL'S TVIC I~ 11• INIM Ave., NI OAVIY'S LO(ltl• .ULW. Pn Dr .. NI IVIRITT OAVll & SOllS me L c-""'" c• HAllVIY OAVll & It. M. THOM ... ON ~ .....,.,, l lVC.. 11. *' ... C VII TIS I. OI 10 YMTotl m OOVW Dr., NI OIUNIY taos . ..,. "°° co. -uttyotlit, ... t>ILTA llMICCWIOUCT'Ollt, HtC. m lftll tf. W.t, NI YIU OINNll 1art•1tl01'S "" -ltW Or. Ill 01,.INOA IL• ..... alCT • IQUll'. 1MaA.~CM t . I . 01 VIR• INVUTMINT1 llQ Wal<IHI Or~ NI o•w•Y'l RUllllM nlJ C..,._ Or .. CM DIClf'S DOCK 1711 w. CeMt .._..,., NI OILt.MA•'S Hn/l.UIUfltT trl ........ .,,,... ..... TltOMAJ DOA•, 0 .0.S. '"' ~0r .. 111 Mlnllt DIVILMMINT CO. ... o. -tll. CM\ "PRY MICltotC & A110C. -C-Or.,NI MICKOltY 'AltMI °" OtOe MU,,,,._,.,,.., NI lttMll • HIHI• 119 MetlM, II MIU ... IURI INC tfJtC-Or .. 11 ...... NlllTlt MAHOll NJ...,.._ or .• •• Ml·TIMI uouo• 4" L ll"llllt.. CM MOAe NOi po iT A.L .. ..._. """' NI NO'-LIOAY f'OUPOllT , ••. c.-!fwy., ... o. "' MO\.MeltU & IAWYaa lMIWdlcllf!Dr., •• JM, ... MOUTl IN & $Otll 11• L ll"lll St .. CM ..... M..C.~·· MO l .,C-.t MwY. C,.,. llOUH Of' COi.OR • ...._.l ..... NI llOUSa w naav .... C...t....,,.11. MOWAAD't allTAUl.AlfT -· •. c.... """· NI Le. MOwata IOll- Mttvtlt U-. .. a ......... W1¥taU..•• Muetta A••c•ur co. ........ 1 NUMl'TY DUMf'TY CMIL.04la""1 SltOI' ... '""",. ........ •••o•••c M. MURO ,,....,._. ......... . ttUU'f' fllOINHa ..... llfC, P.O . ._,,_,CM WIX 11uaw1T1 at Dolf ........ •011aT MURWln "' ......... I I II COttJIOllAnotl --~Or .. MI IMOUITlllAL MIOtCA&. • ...,. •• ..,.. CO.I'. ..c...11r ..... '"'" ... t141S .... ,.,. •. c .... ..., .. NI lllTWlto'lt aY TOMt ttu ................... 1tenaMAT"*AL sacu•m11 COil'· "'De.-DI'~ ... , ..... t!fV91TOU MA•••a. 1•c ....... or .. NI 1..,,.1 COAST COUllTllY CLUI WLC.-...., .. NI TMI IRV•• COMl'AN'I' .,,,. ,.... tsLAWD MAllltltf .... .., ......... laLAtlO VARlaTY 1.-1U ..... A-. II Tita ISl.Alfl>ll IU Jlft ....... Dr .. N• CMldC 1vaUOt1. nee:. ,,,.......,, ......... ~ .... Jltla.c...ttwr .. caa MY a ltPNO ................. ..,... ... ueuea .... c.-...,..,. ............. ,. ... Cllllt ...., .... JOU y llMaltl tu....,...t.we ... at llOhltT W. JONIS ......... IM..NI JOllDM a la•J.t.Mt" l!K. ttq Wlftdlfl or .. Na '°''"" nn a. c...i ..., .. c.. ICAllAM'I .. .... ., ... llAltlN llllAltHTA. TIVO\.I SCH.IAU ...... Qllt ""'" ~ KA•MAN ANSWllllMe llll'V.Ca 9'I ~.._,CM 9'4,MICMML ............... ftM lrlU.Y .... IWllltllla !HM •• c.... ....,,_ NI a•GUY -°""'Dr ..... MA••T KWUO, INC. ,.o.. ........ OoelALa W, !Cit.UAW, J•. ... C......,, .. MI 11'"'1 UDO CllfT'H Ql.l'WU.P .. Or .. H lfl ... 't LIOO ltlCHflllLO .. ..,.,. ....... NI lfOCM llAOIO ITATIC* "' ........... .. •NuotlW CltllNllllY , .0. a. mt T.,. N. I.AM •OHie I ICHI ... INC. .,. w. e.. ......,.. "' ltlCllAaD A. •HH\.. ~O. ................ 1 IM*ALO "• DWell .,c...er .. •1 «V\Jte'I UMB WAit .... c..-. .. c. '91VYIM UIY, 0.0.t. ........... .....,.,.wtll ................. N. .. \A -.u.eltlA :T-=:-"' &..\ A ltln.t.UlMf'T ...... ,. .... 11 1'MeU~ C:O. , .............. ~UUllO.M.O. . ........ """ ... .. ,. .. ......, •• Cllllf .....,_ .. -.aco.M11n ....... VlaLMl._...111 '--..... llllC. ................. UDOTMU.n• ,.,,.. \.la, ... uoo ISU YACHT nu• l'..O .......... LIDO l'llUtaULA CO. ... 0 .... 1*"' UDO IMAVI ... MUe Jm Viau... NI UDO S•l .. YUO . .......... UDO SMOllU MOTi\. •11 L.Mt , ... Or •••• UDO TOYL.AMO MO Via Liii. •I u 00 ,..,,. V1I\. "4Vla "*' ... LJelfT"OOT llhL SIT.ATS -~o.-..... l lNe, 90ltoo.I & AUOCIATH ... c-lit"-... THI LOO« .... ~ ....... ~ t..CM9 MACN l'ATltOL ... a.hc.c-MwJ., .....,.._ ........ ....... A ..... 11 lot A...ul AlttWAYI •w . .,....ut "'°"" w. \.OW9T, ,.. "'.,.., ...... NISMM lUSIC t11 "" Di-. .. Lvoeet. MllOaL a HY.ANT ...... Vll ....... WI MACCO COltl'. ,. ...... rus. •• .MACU Y a Otct<S . ......... MAClllAI lllALTY CO. .., ...,... Dt .. "' ........ S'l.llC'nttC 1191 w. a.t ""7 .. "' MAatll• PIOf'IU.llt SHVICI ,,.. •. c......, .... 1M1t1•a 1AL.D & RllVICa. Ille. ..... ...,.,,., .. ........... .,.,, ..... LOoUe ms....,0r .. ... MAH9T a.\ACrf ,, .......... I MA•ICSTt ... o•IC'nC*I, INC. .. ~Dr .. •• MARIL YN'I IOV1'Nn COlll .. OltT 1'U~a.w1 MIU. DOltll• MAHHALL ¥1\'ll L.Mt ..... Ill MA•Y Wall OAVIS SCHOOL -~11 .. 111 ltAU'H P. MAStclY P.A .... 11'1. NI •10ttea I. * CAN, M.D. ......... .,.. .. , ...... . 'ATWICIA I. MC llfllWA. M-0 "'Vie'-· ... MC LI.we MOToR CO. 11tw.11111m11 ....... ,.... l"ltlR> A. MCMAITI• .., ...... llo'.,SJ ...... a1QtAQ N. MllltllN, , ... D.D.S. , ... .......,,. ............ . llV9aftT M. MIC~ ...................... ......... a. MJClfSl.INA a AllOC. ..C-..IW .• NI L N. Mtua• co.tn. CO. GD~ DI' .. WI MILO MllA&.nt «.U. ............ MtltACU ... ODUC'tt CO. .,.,..._..... ....... I MlllAMt I IMmt Mil VI• Liiia.ii ...... M'" SJCIC A•IWCY flt W. C:.-........ NI MO#TecNQltY C\.IAMaH 11• ,,.,,..,,. ....... MOMTMAltTa tc~ .... ...._ ....... ,,.. MOIUllS l'Ull co. .,......,....., ... ntOMAI /I.. MOH tl'M......._.or,,lfa N.l'.t.U\.'I ..... c..... ........ C4M Dlt. WILUAM 0. MUf'P .,..,.... ........ ... 'A.Cl( •• MU\.U.• .. .......... WM. ,&T"UCtt MUttHn', M.O. , ........ .,,, ..... MVTIIA&. MY, & LOA .. Attll. tl6' L CMlll ....,,. C#ll NATIO&U. mT9MI ce!IP. ......... ~ ... A. I . NAlk'-M..O. ~Vlll ........ NI .,,., nao MAIN co. ........... •1CMA•O A. Nft9U. -~ ...... °" lfl T'Hi=:-T '" . "'· .. """"'"" ~ *Al•• P.O.a.-"'1 ... llawPOllT MLM& NfMY ( ..... , .......... ·~MWIMIA._ &WM-. .... ~ .. ......._. aaa(M alC:llOW ... ..-..... • ..,,....., 9bOI ,,,_ a.ua Ml4Vtlllt ........ ......... , MM'll ,..,.,,. LOM8 -w. Olllt """". •IWf'MT ......... ~., NllW ......... ...._ .. ...,,,..,~­..,. .. -•·c-""'" .. "'WNRT OVWIS. tlllC. . ......... lalboa The Newpott Harbor Chamber of Co....-ca Is tile OfflcW Cll•*• for ... City of ~-.. S.... • lalboa lllaftd •Corona chi Ms • U• Isle • ..... ..,., ..... • Um"'dty"-rll • W•New,art at.<W''t'.tf\."'"11'22 ~.... ~.,.. •• • ( l ' \ ~ ... "" I '" n l ,, I n J DI ,, Tl ' T 0 • u " nll TlCllM-IOH!a CO. lM .....,,. Or., HI 'MOMAS DllUllllTllle CO. -c--0r .. 111 THOMAI IULTY tM w. te.t """" ... "DI OlllPICI IUP" Y .. ,...., ....... TC*Y ltln IMO!" '01 HH • MlriM A-.. II DI MUIL TOlll ... ..._,. llW,._ CM DOM I WI TOlM •A""-W#lf1l.M ftAUTWWINtlMI, ..... N-..rt .......... 'tlUITY ILl~IC CO. , .. TWiii .......... NU ... (. MAlttMALL J4I I ... , ,-1, 11 I.ION C. MllQ tM •thtt ..... llNllT A. MllllTT -0.. ...,._, 0. ~CM Dtl. IDWUO W. MILUM lllJ ... , tU• '"'-Ml WIU.Wl J.. ~ll'W ,, • ...,.., .. cw. HalllW PAVTtCW ,., ................ . IOell L f'eol.I .. ,......, ... c.... '" .... ., .,. ....... ., .......... . ... ....,... '*' ,....., ..... c .. 'tUIMlll'I DUHi MAIVS'r IOMIU MW, c-t MWf,. Ml 11WI ... ,,...., ..... TttQL WAallll l#VatT. CO. TMOMAa W. 90U\'8 IMI .._, ..,,., •• ao1 ..,..... cw .. ,., OMlll T\ITTUI HA&.TY CO. MAll'UD L nevta -~ .. , n, ..... ._ • .._ ... llCMAlD L.. UllO .. WOOO. DOI WIWAM n'Otll .., .... cw .. 111 .,~ .. UMIOtl .... IC P.O. .. 1111. ...... M. C. TM04lll1Vle UNIOll OIL llll'VICI ITATIOM al Vl9 ......._ wt •LC....ttwy .. UM UlllOll 7' ITATIOlf .... c-....., .. CeM UNITID CAL. IANK. OllANOI "'4 .. AllT W. T\K1tH l>.0.luMI, .... '· W. WAllALL ... 1 ........... co. Al•"°•T a~.......... JOH• P. Wll.Dla UNITIO CAI.. IAlllC, MAllMHS ttt ..,._ Or,. ut. M-I, 1111 Ill. IDeA& I. WITMll 1tlJ w. c-i Mwy,. 111 P.O. ._ ..._ '-- UMITID CAL IAlllC. CfM 11. WM. LU WOOD IUSL C...tllwy,..(MI tllllTID MAlllll ....... lftl o-. ~ Ml llltllll PIM'r Al.Ult MJI W. C_. HW'f,. Ill .. ,,_ .. Miii Dr .. ll UNITSO l'AICIJL HIVICI c• ••• UI W. Hiii Sl.1 NI ...,..,. AMI.Ille UMIVSIUAL "OllTIA" AlTIJn U• I. CM.e Mwy,. Ill !771 lenllll'I Ot" •1 llAllL Aft .. ICNf UHAMUI SQUAii COIP1• "" '°"" ....... ~ ... c!~ et LOIU*I AUITIN -· -nu........,~11• VALLILY IOAT llNTAU .. L l#lf ,,., II VAIMA HITAUUllT' f11Lle ... IMI ....... VALUI ANAL YllL lite. flt w. c .... Mwy ..... CL.Alie YAN MOU , .. w. c ... ""'"' Ill VITA .. lllTIMATI APPAllL ,.,. """"' 111 I VILLA MAll .. A ltJI UYll* Of',, Ne Vll l.A MAMAeaMSMT lltC P.O ... al.1111 VIA LIDO Dlllet M61 Vie "'*· ... CKAIL .. WAii ,.. • aM 11~ Ill "Al I\. WALKWe ............ ·~Ill WAI.Kl• & LIL lllC. tMJ~or .. •1 WHOS IALOWIM tTUOIO MAIY IAlll llU S. L8m. COM DOT'Ttl HAil Y .. ..... ., ... uaaou 1111e .,. ........... .. llATALll IOOllY tMt H...., View qr.. CO#ll LOUISI IUIWL"-llJ T-. Ill Dll.leltT CNUICM m Miii ""11111 """' COM CMAllOUTTI CLAb llt,.....,.COM "•11sn1 eotnl91 au 1. c...r ....,., c.- 'LOtllltCI COO« ,.., ..... ftf1',. c• ..... ,~COO« -v..ce-. .. 1 1111 ..._., 1....-., CM WIU.11 MAI CCNllOY WAID & MAIJlllMTCMt L_., ,.., ..... 0.... Tw .. COM COMPANY VteOIJllA CellLY .. w. c.-"""" •• •1 .... Ill •oy '· WAID CO. '"" • ._..,or .. ,., WAltllH HOI. TV Mlvtta. llllCOllf'CHlATIO , ........... . WllTHll TIT\.S eUAAAWrT COMP UY "' ............ ... WAT911 & TAlllUftllll 1111 w.edllf °'·· ... IALf'M W. WATSOll ~ leelllllf'I or., "' WlllllHT & Cu.(, J4tl A V19 °"""" Ill IVAll WSLU & ..,, ltC. ,.., ........ .,~"· WUTAMUICA ... ma INCOllNM'Jb ,,.., ...... .,, .... . W8TC\J,P ua ... ....., *IW-..~r.'!19 WDTCUf' .. ~UL " ............. . Wft'Tt\."" "'-'IA ~I ,. '""" .... ~ .. Wll1TCL"f' lltOD ... lrvllot. ... WllTCU,, TUVI'\. IHVICI , ................. WISTlllf ILfCTlOMIC COMl'Otlllfn Gl1 lltdl t. ... wnTl .. CAMHI -~ ... WllTI ... Tm.a 941AltNfftl ~AllY ............... WDTCWll & CUllV ••. c-......, .. (9 '· M. WISIACM , AMOC. Ji41 ................. . WILLIAMI ..,... .... .. .,,,.__.,.,.,.CM Ol:OllOa WILLI ....... 11" M""9rt ...... MU.Toti M. WILL.IOM a illOC • .. l .C...INY .. COM AOltAIN WIUOtt & AllOC. m "· """' 1...., or .. H llMIST C. WIUCMI .&a. UMWl9lllreltft..W OIAJf~I~ .... De.-Ot .... WOOOY'IWM.Aa' .................. mtW.~....._ ... llO'l'I.~ ,.. ........ """'. ,,.,,... a IMlaMAll AllOC. , ......... .,, .... XlllOX COllPOUTIOM ~.-.. ... YILLOW CAI IM I. Hiii II .. CM CUllTU C. YCMHHI ..... ~ .. A l.CDM AllOCtATI MDllllS llOY AllDtlltllll ........ .,, .. c.. lloetlll a, IDlllTT ......... COM llUll .... 9" -...,_YIM Dl'w '*'- W. 4 CO&.UWI -....,,,_.,,.CDM 'UOM WALTft CMMMZA P.O. .... , Me WIU.IAM .. DAVIS _ .... .,, ..... CMML81 O. ~lllrY m1LO-...._, ..... ............ .... ............... A.1.¥111 .. W. MtvttL* .... .. ..... ,.~ .. . .,..,_....,,.CM ... .,... "'""" "' ..... MUVMll.,_, •• leawt9A..--.......... .............. ,_..,_ •• CM '-......... ,..tf,C....., .... CU-..Mllf .......... .-..... 1ae ........ 1-.. C.. .......... .......... C91111 -=e:.:=-..... M.,. .. .._ ... ,,. ... c. c. L.ua-.an mw . ..,.-..-. .............. , .......... .. ,IJA .... OIUI .... lltl SyMe L-. •• LOii OUITMAJI llllYll!e~ ... , • .,. 9Dft..kvn .,..,...... ........ _. ... .,,. ILLtoT •vt. u. ......... CAIOL ,.IMCll l1.lf •• c.... ..., .. ~ WI .. ., ••• "°" P.O ........ AUCIA 014COM4'111 ............... "°""' .. u..,,. ............ MARY ....... .......... PAMILA .. ..,...,... UN~"-' .. MUlllft. M'"""9 116 Aac1e ...... CtlM "AY MAllllSOtl ...,..... ........ MAIY LOU Mfuerttl .. ............. DOU IOU. ITPft U.. .... tee Pie MlllTll ..,...,...., .... Ha'TAM04E ............ ... ... ~ ........ COM I VTM I. IC llHlllOY .... ..,"'"' .. l&.eMn.oQ -~A ..... aM ¥1 .. ltttA kUUIAWllC • ...... u. ........ lUTM l.QY ..... -.-.. ... UU&.Ate LAM,_. --~Dr.COM eoo.1LAWIOll M~CN tuoYI Wtt• '"·---...... SUIAMTMMAICMI ,_ ............ LA"-" MC Vtellll ................. l~ITrl~L .. .._ .... "" "'""'°"" • .., Mtf 11 I A CM ,.... """""" "" ...... -...... MMllV&SVI a. MUllUY •1141Aw..CM """"°"" ... L tCCWTI 111c..-.• IU'TII PALMH • ...._,...,,CM YIO&.rr M PATTW .... ......... tlAHLNAM P ...... '9111 .,.. . .._.. -~·C91111 1.0Ull8 flall: I ff . ,.. .. llfll.• ..... ........ -. .. MDL UY UILtMa.CM ...... , ....... "" .... ., .. ... ~ ...... ., •C--.•·• ...., . ...,..,.. ..c. ............... ~"La:-...._ .... ._., I•• .................. ,.....,.. . .... "9tT~ .. __ .. IVI JIKI lfll __ ....., .. Tests Start On Friday Talk on Taxes, Investing Set IWOI: I ID AND DOMllTIC PEWTER-SILVERWARE COCKTAIL ITEMS For Your Holid•y NMds EXECUTIVE GIFTS MEN'S ANO WOMEN 'S JEWELRY ACCESSORIES ) I rlllnd.IJ, Oectfllbw I, 1'66 Elegance· ... with no breakage worry She'd 1dore her most fonMI tebl. with the elegence of CENTURA• T1W.W1,. ••• 1rtd enJoy fh Cl,.~ .. bffuty for everyd.y, a wel. No WOfrf 1bovt breeblige from tvef'Y*t use ••• er chipping or cricking, for th1t mAtter .•• beceuM Coming 9uartnt• CENTURA T ablewtn •91inst breakage for three ye1rs. If it brMb we'I replece it free. CENTURA T1blew1re is 1 fine cer1mic with 1 surf1ce so h1rd 1ncf amooth th1t it's 1 br... t. kMp sparHlft9 dean. CoordlMtecl serving piec" ere It home tn frMW, oven or on 1 iMner. CENTURA T1blewwe loob and feels. even "rlncJt" hke the fintat c.er1m~ Mttint the cen own. Why not? It pot,.Wy isl , !11»-PIECE STARTER S1ET Al White-$26.40 Pltllf ...... Jr Gold lalMI $41.IO OTHa CllOUIA M=TS ROM $3.tl SID $40.00 ~(qtnda11J ~ • rNDMOUAL KNIYIS PROM $4• SET·S .._$10 .. - CUSTOM INOIAVINO AVAIL.AILI oa.o1a IAll. T. c:..,.tlf'Mfttlnt lft¥ t.W. • • , I ....... hf fl9e IOUf'mlt • • • 0erMr lllllM, I ....... lft cutlert• One .. the .. ,.... ............. th. e,.......,..... tM ......... ywr ,,., ...... ~--~-------------1 DEMONSTRATION SAT., DEC. 10th~-~ I 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. ly Gary Woock I ~------------------~ .... a......_°"' hW.tt ..... YMI • Wn!Ye T•• c;,cle ef Ce1t+re~ll ceriro/e 1111 hM Ml •"-"" te\le Mr .. ,y ~e"'1l119, Hfefy. • lluoh ~""'" ....._,. wM s.r.1y.ic.., t..•. • 11.11., "'""' h .. c1 ,,., .. liieUe ef etM •• -•lilH<ll tree~•. !lf•l'tct9' fter11 dulf .... 41ft. e Dul·Mer Jleft 111•1 rlfht hell4 t..ff. e ...... ......... lireh 1t•11• cwtt.r •114 Mede Ill ... .,.., •• e f...,,, eecJ.t9' ..tw bell' tu+ dirt e11d 4111+. e N- •• , .. ..,.,, • ..., i..k wnf lltt "UMll" eft.t sew ilte4 le .... e ........ We4tt·L..k Mlttf L...+w petltle111 •'* .... ...., et t ,4r left e11d rltM Htlt1. • l it U "• """ ~ .... , .. Wlttl ~ ef •·14111 IU.00 DOWN $23.00 Pllt MONTH HOOYIR Slllnless Steel FRY PAii • llMOVILULI COHTIOI. f'Ott LUY CUANINO e N10t4 OOMI LIO J'4" 8/aaka118obr- . t" HOlll SHOP R·1150I DtWALT It's 15-Tooi.ln-a.t Thi DtW11t ~ ~ WOOdl#Df".dnfl S.W, .,_._ ..... ...._ -- buff, pollrh. and ••• JOU won't 11111-II ... It Clft do Wttfl ~ -It lft ~-••• Garllt tadlJ far • dlllolltlltiutit $15 Down-:-$11 Per Montll Weber Bar-1-Q Kettles Cove reel Llt.ftme ,...c. .. Flnhh AIUMlnum Alft Cetcher, LetalMPIJlturW.Uttllty Shelf White Wtll R..W. TI ... ~ 22~# ...... Dfllft. 29'' tt.ltlhf. Copper, Yellow, Orty, Gleft llut, lted '57'5 Black $49.95 HOOVER Cordless ELECTRIC KNIFE • L...nwtlONT • llC"-"IMMU e ATTUC'TlV8 TWIN CUTI.lay GlllAOI MOLLO'# OllOUNO STAIH\ASS ITtll 11.AOll. l l ADV TO USI IN UCOH0 5. •ICltAAGU WHIN ..OT IN UH. , - DISCOUNT FURNITURE aNTERSI c.. .. tiWI ..... l"f , ................... ... ........... .., ... .... ......................... _ ........... t' •• ... -~ .. $68 . ;; DrpmtQIAS.Cw' .. ....,.....,_... ..... _. ............................ ..... ......_ ......... ......... .,£.. 211.11•111111 ••• '156 I 7 • 1&B a __ ..... ,_ '39" ... • . ,\ . . """' CARLOADS OF QUALITY DECORA TO '~TOCKS.:-· must be sold by ChJistmGs! ... .,.._ ..,.. QliM ...... ............... ......., .. ... ................... ... _ .................... .... ................. 21UI ns. fllll ••• ,48 · l.rmalw QliW Secti..J ............. ., ..... _ ' ........................ ,i .. ...................... .,..., ............... ............ -m , ~ ..... sne = ""w· .. ..!.. ~ii ............. ...,,~ .. , ............... -. ........................... . .....,,....., , ...... ..... c..,..•-- 211.11"'..... . . • SJ68 ....._... C•IHl•I r t ea~ =••rt '....._~ ...... ..... c.w ....... ..... ,,.. ............ ,,, _. ..... .... ........ •a DI ..., ~.a ... a a •a)'' .. SOUTH MAIN .,._lll.IJIU\tfPHOll 111 • 2•••· • I ,\ .We. .Maple Dinette w .... \aide uteMI ....... ,~ .... $ .......... ··u • , ' M p Alr11 E. J,.- ~= B•t tim• ty wt. the J ra. wa Chrl.11 after In Vle The Hlib been wile, mo the year. In mot 3087 Mesa st a1 Clau1 a Cb La1 Area butioc mud M.M. Jl.j s, M• Jr. • Beac from rine full No c ... K I I I~ ii it I I :i : I I is =~ • I I a . ~ ii n I • • • • • • • • • . ' • ' I •• : i • • I I •• . ' I C ' I : . I I : t • 1 : I • I I I : I • I I I • • • :1 • •• DAILY 'ILOT I Nfts..,.._ J 3 Mesa Airman, p I ans '.---iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ........ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii__._ ____________ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii----.. I Party for <pphans Alrm.an l?im ClUI Robert E. }Jatbrop, II, la b\14?! ar°'ncl to 1atbtr tbt dJe:Qti for & am.tmu-. 84't he needs ~. tlm• lt 1b0tt, alnce PJt· ty wUI be for 57 la lhe ~ ~ x.a-ra. • La~ It ChrlJtm~ after ~1Aeab in Vlt • The fGr'lier Colta "''Mela High kboo1 .eucs.llf baa been Mpll_, fNm hJ.a wife, baby 41&.ICbter and mother ~ than a year. In a ?,_ctnt letter .to hll PARTY 'o" ottPHANS m o t b • t, Mrs. Opll Koen, Airmen R•rt I. Ltttt,., 30l7 Murray Lane, C o 1 t a • Mesa, be 1"'0te, "We have at a r ,t • d 'Operation ~ant.a San Francisco, 9&629. Claus, to brine the c:hildms He 1ald that servicemen a ChriltmaJ part~ at his base in Jepan are Latlwop ub Harbor lending a belplftl hand to the Area 1e1ldents mall contri· two French and three Japa· butiona or lifts to his com-neae nuns at the orphanage mud MadQuarter1, a34 Ith by chopping fire wood 111d M.N.s.. U.M.R. No. 2, APO repairinJ the buildings. Marine Captain Gets School Assig1'ment Marine C&pt. W. W. Bobbe overseas asslgnm•. But Jr. of 360 Y Place, Laguna you couldn't actulD.y call it Beach, ll going to be away a vacation, either. from his job at El Toro Ma-Hobbs is scheduled to Wl- rine Corps AJr Station for a dergo 12 months Of post sra- full year. , duate study toward bJ1 mu. No, be Ian 't toiat to an ters desree ·in financial man- agement at the American Univer alt y, Washinlbl, D. C., under the Navy's post cractua~ training procram. One of t b r e e offices • 1 e c t t d for bla particular c:ouree, Capt. Hobbs ii ooe of 130 Marine olfictrl ~ for the entire ~m, 18 of whom are attmiates. A 1962 lraduate ol Pena State Universlt,y with a bach- elor o1 science degree in fl. nanclal ma.nacement, he ii ICbedultd to d e p a r t for IChool next June. The c.aptain applied for the course In Auiuat and was se- Jec:ted by tbe lpeciaJ educ.· f:r.t. prveqw.fte traininc SeJectiDns W«'t based OD requiremen&a to All lpecific billets, ~ management, ud ba1ic etJaibUi~, with a u.a~I U"Uftl a• ltronl mathematics 'blct· --ww-FOWMl becoal.nl mc:r..iq· Ctp. • *~ ....._ Jr. l1 IMCMll1J. ........... r-•••••••• .. •• .. ••••• .. •• .. •• .. ••• K) .,-.,,,..,,,. IJIJl#~IJIJtJllOll Q! t .,. -• . ~""'--~ -~ . . Jtl L 11• ST • . <OBA MESA , .. ;I t • I I ' "l • \ .. ' .. ; • • COLORFUL FURNITURE! I · Solid .. State S~I! THESE ''oRl!AT G-l!l'VALU~S ~ -Get E~SV TERMS, Too· . . J UH~YHF 100 MILi RANGE SPECl.AL VALUE eo1:r •;;i;'.11 $ J 9 8 8 *ln1talecl I ................... ....,, .. ,.... ,. I • J .j IWLY PILOT /Htw1-PrtU CLASSIC CA••leW 3.99 Completely dcmic -.oly· core ocryflc with tlWW-t"llCk and long 11M¥81. Gb#ing '°'* of bfue, pink_ Mint, onqe, ft'IOim, belg9 and ...... 1l•Ji6.4 ....... , - Pretty holiday frock-sheer royon/catote · ch I ff on sl..ws on a ~ ooetate shift. Fluid of line, belt it or not. Block only, 10-20, kalf 11 .. 14Y.l·U*· ._.,, ..,.. ... xm 11n1111 iav .... I."._.,,,... ~ Da -.....e ftYloM, told by boK ol J po; .. onfy. Micro . mah OI plah• WCM, ~·tap and toe, ~. Paris MittaNf ~ Betgt • ._.SY.a-11 . ......,_ BABY MAI ILllPml 3 FOl 6.97 2.29 ... Strftslng Pok-Nit shrinkage control ond a versatile gro-fea- ture. 100% cottons, plastic sot.s. Gripper waist, O· l-2-3-4; elostlc waist, 3....._5-6-·8. dVldrttl'• 808 VALUE· PACKED CHRISTMAS GIFTS •••• ltAIWS S.99 .. •OYS' .... Tl 2 POI s.oo > Warmth without weight, soft nylon/acetate blend. Smartly atyltd pctjamoa with '"10Cked yoke, ~ce of yellow, pastel pink « btue angaf. S.M-L. S.ts ... ••lw Lush cottoti vtlouts, wide choice of styles, crew, V- neck or tWnley. Gold, bur- gundy, btUI'., · whftt, olive, block, rtd, •II ot a grwot saving. Siu 8-16. .. : ....... 12t ...-122 IUCTlllC RAllKITI I O.D "·" " ,..,,.. Twin am, alngle control, wiring and controls en ffrst qual- ity, guoronteed by M"'f Co for 2 years or we'll replooe the bfanket. • ~.99 If perf. dbl., aln;le.coMrol ---·----12* 21.99 rf per+. cb.ble,..., contn>ls U.• 49.99 king size, dual coliitrol ---..Jt• ....... Handsome rayon/ ocete>M drow drapes, meticulously tailored, hong beautifully, resist ~inq. Whltw, ~•,gold, crw- cado. Other widths ond lengths, 2.9' .. 1t.H . ......... MIWI .... ,. 3.99 7.H Ntlll•rfy Choice cotton velours prized for gift-giving, mony collar styles including convertibl-. zipper. Burgundy, b I u e, gold, navy, tan, bu~, ond moN. S-XL. All wool wont.di,~­ mohairs. mqre. l, 2 Clnd 3 button ,,..... eadt a.tit hond tailored. ~ ~ olive, grey. 36-46 reg.. 36!. -« lhoft, 3M6 lano- "'!' .......... ,, PILLOl!CAU ~· 1.99 2." ...... Two hlg~t c;otton percale pillowccses, ftJWY _.._ - colorfut tmbroldtred motffs Jn ~., nowfty INitl•usw, flt a 1C1Vlng of 33 ~ 96. °"'"' 131 s11op everrdaJ, •••II., ...... 1a1w11.,, taH •·•· TO hi J -- 1 Jot au, tw wl .., .... .. di p ·•: 111 -ci a II llJ _ .. -- Glitter, GaJe~y Reign at · C~ndy Cane B ~ll ' Sparkling conversation, sbJmmertng ball 1ow111 and glowing oandJeUgbt will add to the luster o1 the loog anUdpated 18th annual Ca»d.Y Cane Ball tomorrow nJ&bt IA B&lboa Bay Club. ffJgb on the holldlly IOClal calendar, this tnditlonal pi. II pr .. sen~ by the Junior Auxllllry of Newport Betcll Aldlta!ICI League llO support the league's Childnn'• Dental Health Cents and numerous other community pbilalltbroplet. Gaiety will re.\gn from 8 o'clock on, accordiq to ball cbatnnlll Mrs. William Thagard, wbo .atea pdvate P"ball pM'tia> have been di9counged so all pertygoen wm arrive f'Ol' the openln1 festivities. a ~host cocktail party. Following a gourmet dhuM!1i t~ be 1ened to the apected ~ cuaplas, w1ll be dancing to Freddy M.arWl'I mnd. Gathering 44 ~est.a around t.be1r tables wUl be the M.eun. and Mmes. Wllllam baB011, Ted Paulson and Dentel Guggenheim; Dr. and Mrs. JOl8 Bf'Ockman and Mr. and Mn. Conrecl Schweitzer bave invited 34 friends to be seated with lhem, while bo6Unl tables of 24 will be the Mean. and Mmes. Albert Au•, John B. Parker and John W. Klug. Twenty-two iuesta will be ~ with the John L. Caahlom, Mi· ct.el Blake. and Mr. and Mn. &neat Scbag Jr.; 20 will join the G. William Grundya, and hoetlnt 18 partyioen each will be the Barry Jobnaona and the Walter Koehl with tbe Warren Sturtevanta. Mr. and Kn. DMtd N. Blbbud bue lllflttd 18 trModl to tbelr table, while die Mean. IDd llmel. Orn1 HCllJDm. 'l1Modore N. 'nberg and Banns V. Baumama will line 14 guests lllt4ICl with them. and llx couples will jo1n the William C. JU.np, Gene W • ..,... Jr. md William Von Ellens. Tebles for 10 will be headed my tbe Mean. and Mmes. ai.let Damall, Gerald KJ.naale7. Theodore Bobina Jr.., IUdwd Newell, James Peoney, Byron TvnuU. Jr. and Dr. and Mn. Albert Pizzo. Hosting four couplet each will be Dr. and Mn. Joeeplt Bmb and Mrs. William Ivory and Keart. and Mmes. James Petera Jr .. John F. Slaughter and Thagard, while ail guest. will join the Robert Be1nt, Jay D. Buchanan1, Jamel F. Crou1I, Kae A. £wlnaa and IUcbard S. Stevemes. Joining the Rolly Pul.ukil will be the William A. Wlttnl&DI and J. F. Faeter1, whUa Mr. end Mn. James Sink will host tbe Robert Shel· tom. s.ted at the chapter memben table 1ri1l be the Jesse Curtlses. MU'lbal1 Niedecken, Fdward A. Pellelrim, W. M. Joneses and Robert Ramu~. ' Included on Mrs. Thagard's arNngements committee are the Mmet. Robina, Kingsley, Scbweiller, Hibbard. Robert H. Schock, Bu- chanan, Ring, Auer and Darnall. • TOMORllOW WE DAN~ -Ready to leave for one oC the holiday Mn. William R. DuBois. Mn. DaBota is dWnnan oi the benefit highllgbtl an the MCial ca1endar, the 18th annual Candy Cane gala, toJie pn.ented tontpta.._ Bay Club. 6et ___ IWI, ar& (from wt) Jlr. 9Dd Mn. John F. Fletlcher and Mr. and .. p ... Keyno~es Caroling. Mate. a ll'eeD tree green- • ta tbe alopn edopted by B'.e)w6es, • junior guild of ScM6 Cout aiOd Guidance Cllnlc'a Barbor Auxiliary. 'lbe ereen tree they are speatina of 1J a Cllristmu 1 tree and tht way they will make it ereeoer is by invit- tna all auxllW'y members 1 and their families to p i n f on folding -type money as they pus by the focal point ' In the Cl!arlea Kelley1' home nut Sanda1, wben Key- not.-pres«it their annual Cbriltmu C a r o 1 Open I Route. JUIUon wfll entwtain cueits by Wollilt and dls· plaJln& tbtJr haDdanlted wares, which will be Clffer- ed for sale. Juniors devote their Sat- urdays to atafflng the thrlft ebop, wtddl ftnancially sup- port., tbe cllnJc in ill work witb emotionally disturbed Suri.Mier Sleighride Chartered cblldren. -GREINIRY POil A TUl--Addbag their t.tnandal cootributioll to Ke)'llOties' -am.stibas benefit are (from left) Lynne Puterbaueh. Paula Slftcue and Mi· Co • rponaon are M r s. John SpcUD1 .and Mn. Kelley, with €andy Marrs .. Keynot.ea pnaident. Pee.kin& la tbefr Cbristmla stoctinp e.rty are (from left) Jlil. A.. G. Kellam, H. steven Tl'M'or and Mrs. c. 4. ~Jr., wbo dJlc:over Santa'• early ll"rival tbe home ol Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Silm Jr., prealdeots, wbel-. they wm driDt a eup ol cheer before travel· in( to the Bilbo& Yacht Cbib where they will warm tlJjejl' feet to ~ping muliit provided bf the Bumooail'I. -ebaela Kelley. This money. tree will be the local point of the Ke,notet annual Cbriltmal c.oi <>peo Houe nm Sunday. has ..W iaditions te the Surfsider s=· de. ?demist of the couples dub will arrive · at Don't Mas~ Negligence With Aura of Innocence -- DEAR ANN LANDERS: After a long day at the hospital (I am chief of auraery) I picked up the peper and turned to your column. I was over· whelmed by tbe Jetter from the db· 1raQ&bt woman whole brother commjt.. 1'ld IUldd• alter be bad run over a dUld plut'Q1 iD tbe 1treet. Alt lloUr ago I bad to face an m- cutlW mo4Mr tad t.ti1 her that be!' ~year-old, ......,. IOD Del died OD the table. H•. too,,,_. ridi. ng bU triq· -cl• ln tbl street ud bad been bit bJ a truck. Bii ltttle body wu 10 en~ 1led with the trike that the boy and 1he trtb ...,, laW tafatber on the .tretcbet. . • 1 camot coat tbt t111111 I baft been ~to a. GMrllDCJ room to~ mbblq pm'eutl ... ~ ... play· ANN lANOERS ~ lie ha the atnet.. Somttimea we ar. ~ and can mend the broken body, bat tDo ofta WI calmot. J weuld Uie to '* tbe paeats who .. NaCdea tbta eohmm. ••no 100 want ~ cbDd to trow up to be ID aduJtT'' You 'wtll ot course reply. 11\Vhat a foot- llh q\IJ8fUolll'' But l wem you, the But t1mt you aJJow b1aa to ride h.la trfD llJ1 plaoe ._ dtto.el, bt may not com ...... ,.. ~-.ANONY· MOUi.MD ·. DEAll llDt ...., ... ,. tat- ... die U.. ... a.Mt .. write. Over ................... ,...J' letter, ........ -wtll ~ 1"1 wan1ai. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I used to tblnk Y0'1 hid a Pod llJ\le of humor but I am bellnnlq to woader. Your reply to tbe lout couple wbo named their poodle Pearl. aftlr' tbelr mother wbo bad jut .... WM -.b. 1 IWDld mJ b1m1ter Uly, after Mom, llDd • WM honored. I'll bet lt that mother aamed Pearl was alive she WOlllll be lmored. too. -MIKE DUI& lllll:t D fearl were alive IM't _......., '9 ••ired, ._t Pearl IA't .... I..l!iill tlllil's die -.eruee. U'I CJ&·-& .. after ae lvtag, 1"1& 1~•11•-c:: le ume a doi ... a llU I llJr 119' motlter. ~ DEAJl AN1f LA)mERS~ rm a high schocal ~•read aomethlng in a psycba1oa '** that sounded a lot like ,_. colmnn. It w11 atralgbt to the pollll ad It made a lot of r.ense. on.,.. print ~ttera from girls wbo gel ma. "'* •ause they engage In J>'NIUrital IGUl relatlon1. Parenti could Wp fliliiilt RCb trouble ii th'1 undentood a few tblnp. Here II the quote and I hope you COllllder Lt worth publishing because 90 percent of the mothers and fafhen In thil coua*r1 never see a psycbo1op boot. "The parent. ol tbe oppoalte 1U wttldl a powesful lllfluence oo a child's attitude towant tu. Tbe 1m. pad ol a fatbef'I penouUty OD bll daqhter ta often far p..-. than be IUt.l)eCt.. A lfrl wbolt father doet aot admire be\' or tab an tat.wt tn what 1be doei oftq feels ehealild and tuma to anolblr ma&. whole admiration she bopea to •In. ln an attempt to 11t· taty the emotional needa not met b)' her father, lht may try to bold tbe devo- tion ol a boyfriend by .._ too htl.f of betlelf. Th1a c:ouJd llacl to Dll.Yd· ca1 lntlmley. •• -ldl1rR&AL 1oss DEAR MONTREAL1 The quote 1M1 ant la excellewt. l& expre11es la r.-. right, e.uy~ lanpa«e .. ti die majer .ruMlll for promlsc111tJ'. I appredla JOU aendlDC ll .. me ... 1 bope l& mMet • deat. What la Frencb t1ning? Is It wrong? Who abOllld Mt the necking limits - the boy or the lh'l? Can a shotgun wedding suCC*!d! Read Ann Landers' booket, "Teen-Age Sex -Ten Wayt to Cool Il " Send SO cents In coin and a long, seU-addreaed, 1tamped envel· ope. Ann Landers will be glad to help you wilb your problems.. Send them to her in care of the DAI.LY PlLOT, enclos- ing a atamped, aelf-addre11ecl envel- ope. . \ • 'I DAJl y fllLOT /Nrwl· 'ttt' Weston-Neff Vows Said Jmt for Fun Beach Rites Card Fest Songs, Slides Await Society Cbriltmu I o D I I ud Rall, Clolta Mesa M 7. ~ D . l [} a1.ldta wiU bl eQJoyecl by P·~ ~°:ii 1:e Jlf• ea t p members of the Costa Mesa-anted b~ Mn. Mabel Rag. Bay Cfilel Fuchsia Soclety oJe and pest, are weJc:ome Let ,,_.. • Ulht wtl1 ta tbt AJDlricaD Ltika • aa.L Newport ___,i::::==--= .......... ----League Dances be tl»t tbemt cl a OlriatmN ..::,_.:.;,..:.,..,:__ ___ ~.--------- ~~ ~ 'l!: ... ... . ' .. ) ' Ma. AND MU. M. J. WESTON ............ Califwnl• .... ~ a FAMOUS MAKER SWEAnRS ~ Puloftn J .'14. "lid. loys" ......, ...... NOW • 151~ •1500 CLOSING OUT • • • AU. FALL Ir WIN111 SHO.ES-1/2 PRICE! Twin ClilrtltmU treea IUr'· rounded the altar of Ctuiat Churcb b7 the Su .. Lu- lee Kay Nert and Mlcbul Jay Weston were married tn a ceremony perfor~ by the Rev. Edward C. SmJtb Saturday atternoo1t The bride ii tbf. daughter of Mr. and Mra. Edward B. Neff of Santa Au, and ber buaband ls the IOll • of Mra. M. Jane WeaJoQ el Cos· ta Mesa and the late Mr. Abe WeltOa. . Memben ot the Ametance Leatue o1 t..l\W a.ch wlU brint tbelr prtCAriatmal Ma10G acU\lit.111 to a fe.Uve cle11e wltb 1 Ju.It· for-fun dinner dance Saturday, Dec. 10. 'lbe Capllttano Beech Club wW bt dee> orated for an Informal iv.uni of coorivW menymatlnr by Mrs. Herman 'Nhltmor• and Mn. Thomli Croaon. TM ntnln1 will befln wttb a hippy hour a e p.m., while dinner ,nu be terYed at 7:30 p.m. Under tbt direction ol Mn. 1bomu Jonee, mtmberlblp chairman, and ber com- mittM the petty wtl1 honor the teacu•'• put presidtlltl IDd new prcwilional group. The e.ent a1ao provide. the Jeaiue'• neb- uloUI auill&ty of buablndJ the opportunity to Join the Wd·wor.tine philanthropic women In an evenio1 ol relaxed Cbrlltmn celebn· Uom. Faah.loned by the bride, her whlt6 crt~ weddin& aown featared an emptre lace bodice and a chapel length train. Completing her euemble, a crown of eatin peta!J and pearls top- ped her tulle ¥111, and lhe e&rrlld a cucade ol gar· denial, lilles of the valley and ivy. ._ ______ mmll!I ______________________ .. Mn. Richard L. Kael. the matron of honor, wore C id • I..-M~..J..Jl­a red velvet empire gown. up Ila &ne IUOle' Red velvtt with a bow and ----------- oUc Wo-. ~ lliNdt, bt tbl Woma'1 aulltlloult at 12:80 p.m. 1'utlda.1, Dec. u. Dtcontlllal plallled b7 llta. J. WllllalD DIVIMJ and Mr1. David Encbo8 will lDcll* andlM, pola· HttlM ... Wl1 wtiAJe .. ••tad tl.Plft" wtll ouMr luQcbeoa tabl•. CbaJrmu °' tbt eftlt la Mra. J. J. ~ wbela laa1lted b7 .. MIMI. WU. llam •• llrilcoD. J'rtCI !'-' nln, Una1a Prtllcb, DaJdlJ Prybotf., V t f Io I Gibbs, J'ranoil reaot. P. J. DWoe IDd Bulow lllMI. RttlrYadoDI and r.tW lnformatiae ID&1 be obtale- ed bJ caDlaa Mn. ---..... tulle DettiD& formed her cron. and lier bouquet ot w!dte snowflake cbryun- tbemuml wa.a tted with a reel .l'lllwt ribbon. Experiment in Coed Living Empln IOWD• with red velwt bodlcel and white crepe aldr" were worn by M1sJ Mary King, brides- maid, Md Mias Pamela Pblllpl, junior brldelmaid. The brldqroom u.ked bia brother, 'nm Wllto!I. to be his best mu and David Wild and Jack Burr to be Ulbera. Rlck Nefl, the trid•'• brotbet, asved as junJor ulher. "More" played by organ- ilt Mrs. Mae Driver, ac· computed the bride's pro- ceuion to the flower adorn- ed .u.r. P'ollowin( the ceremony UO (\Mita gathered in the bome ol tbt brlde'a parenta to concratulate the wedding couple. A blue sailboat floated In Ile pool, and red and wb!te carnatioos sur· roan.ild tbe four-tiered wed- ding cake. Mia M.-y Jane Pruit. dauChter of t b e brtde-aroom .• IOdpareota, Mr. and Mrt. 'lennlth Pruit of Paadllla. drculated t b e ......... Also Ulistin( at tbe ~11 were Mn. T. Doa.1 Wrl(bt -' lln. . IUcblrd Burdict.. By GAY PAULEY NEW YORK (UPI) .- Collefel and u.nlversJU• take note. There' 1 one DllUlual co- ed lnatltutioa ~ hnk· ly II dtdlcaw to cupid OD an lnCenWloDel b a I I 1, pl.acts no rettrictlona on ltl resJdtata CGDcernlnl hour•, and' In 21 yean of It.a ~ pollq ~ not once bid tbt lllO>tat b1nt ol ICudal occur. Thia aperi.mat In coed Uvtna Iott oa at aa uppll' eut lldt brllldl °' tbe Yount Men's ~ Y o u n I wom•'• &ebnw Auocl-acsoo. And Kn. Alnham N. Roten, a vice preddat and vohmtaer cbalrmu of the Y'1 rtlJdenot com- mittee, believes It lJ the the only ooe ID tbt Un1ted Stat• with i&t policy of ruidenc. for both IUtl. Mn. Roltn illl't offer- ing acMce to campu.a olfl. clall on tbdr eften contro- versial policlel of vlslttnc bourt bl resJaence halls. wbat tbt Y'I IUCUUW 41· reetar Carl Urboat. cdld "more .,... tor prlvecJ." IDd ,..u.m wil coatt .. to .... pool IDd .,.. ID all., tbl Y I et t I I IOllM l'I0,000 ptrlODI Plr JMf, ol ID .... wbo ,._ Udpate bl dusroom ac- t tv 1t.. .. pldtn ... lfOllPI, tpCll18 ID4 cultuf. al twntl. Resld11t1, -.... ~LDUJDbtr 211. abollt n· _,, divided ..... .. MUI aD:l ...... bJ rtf,. trtDCtl IDd wbta poatbll penoul ......... r:,r la .,. frolll 17 COllM from all parta "' tbe WGrid. At p re 1 e n t. P'rlDct, Wt1t G • r ma a J, ltalJ, Cambodla, Moroceo, 'lbl· 1ud, larael and • o m • South American countrt11 are represented. MlfT1. aaea bayie been equa.ll1 ln- wut bu happened i. terutlon.l. llCHAID CA11JMqi COATS INTO ITOLU IDT\'\..... •ICl~lfT 1 CUM~•I ITOllMI • •. ~........, .... ,,c.-... .., ,.......,... ~-.......... m unslngweBf- nylon • pa1amas LuXUl"f ••• comfort ••• end HIV CM • • • thet"t nylon tricot peJlmM bv Muntina· wHr. Elegant looldng fOf lounging, ptfftcdy comfort· ~bltbll11pj1119 ••• idMI for the man wtM> ..-. A'lail· 1bl• In • wide rtftle of flltMoft.rlghc com. 13.00 .,...... Store . 3321 I. Cont tfithway, C..... _,Mer 11 1 Aft. Def IMr, S. CS.iente Special au.ta iDduded Mr. and Mra. Myle. O'Don· nell, the brtc»sroom'a broth. er·in-llw and allter from Pasadena; Mr. and Mn. A. U. Bammertl, tb9 bride's lfandparenU of Newport Beach; Mn. Clan Wolff. the bride'• ll'l&kwat from SIDta Ana, and Mr. and Kn. Norma Coon, t ll • "But at tbt Yi" lht laid, "We try to be per- milllve ... we•,. deailnC with YOUDI -ctulta. We doCl't breatbe dowa tbetr necU. I think tt lJ a trib- ute to them that we do not have to supenile .•• that tbeJ an culdlnl them· 11Jva." stead bu been a nry ac-'1be Y'a match • mUlnl tlve cupid. No ooe bu nputation brines in some kept ficunt oa tbe total ycanc women "!rankly namber ol marriaiel lupln1 for ~.· ttace the Y wet eoed, r.ut Mid Urt.oat. "It prob9bly in 1912, the y-.r Of ~ does the ume for some of Zellhh, tbeN Wf1t 17 mar-the boya " he added, •• AJ. rtaces between rtlident tboulh they're not ao can- coupl• ad n1ne more 1dld~~abcl~~ll~1t.~·-· ___ _!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ residents married to non-- 11at Y'• aperimeDt hi- bride'• CC*llD ,._ .... Moma Invited .. 'l'bt .......... ... ,,.. .,.... ... n. OiiM To Gathering .... BICla kMol, ... -........ aJ\ammM., •••lie• mp Scbool IDd Puld-Qty OoUece. CmTentlJ ~· ~ nonberD C.tlforaia, the DIWtpeds ri1 IDlb their --bl a.ta ...... Air P'orct mohr• bl tbe area are invited to a meet-tnc of tbe u. s. Air Foree Mothers, Fllgbt 11 la the ltGDa JCaf Mobile Homes, Santa Ana at • tonll)rt. resident.a they had met at the Y. Mn. Bolen recalled that the bappy day fund. made .., °' yoluJltary coatrlbu· tlens to flnance obRrvances °' birthdays. wedd1n.p and cacb. W"ellt broke, hll'PIJ1, .... · Cunentty. there tire e i 1 b t eqacementa. llesl· dents move out upoo mar- riage. Tbe y lDtndl to contin- ue lta ~of cupid when late nut year Jt will opell its .. u. (S story mmex U:nked by car- rldon to ltl preMUt balld- . CAMPUS CLOSET NB Altnua After sreettnc new mem- ber-I, motben will tptDd tbe evenlnl maklnc c..ty lavcn tD be sent to or· Dbanales ID Vlet:Dlal and to ehlldrtn iD tbe .....,.. IDi· ~Ulh tbt new .,_ bed resfdeoce wtD be for wOmen, with · lie 'P'ttftt baild.l.nC tolnl beck to the men. tbe y wW IDCOUl'IC' match-making with NI· a where youn1 ptrlOlll call Jnp&re •nacb. with ''courtlnl cornen," er f . . WOMIN'S WIAR In College Center-2750 Hartlor at .._ Chrlltmn Ley1Wey -S4()..1as1 With" Hood $40.00 Without Hood $36.00 llAU'1HL C01.01t1 • :J~e {ja'J ef aJ'J 2435 I. COAST HIGHWAY . 174 A OIL MAR CORONA DIL MAR uomwu• SAN CLEMINTI, CALIF. 673-175* IANKAMERICARD 492-1271 ' ~ .. •,,,.. tat at Mardl Air F o t c t Bae. F u r t b e r intor1DMaoe lllout the lfOUP may be ~ed bJ calllnl Mr1. Robert Rolon, at ....,. A &IFT MOM WOULD TREASURE FOR A LIFl11MEI -----:-, .... A••llll ... .... "clllh .. , ........... NIC~D AT f2S.00 fWllfl 1 .... ) , ................. ,., • AnlleW• I• 141C wt.It• • ' ,.,,_ , .. , -lwi,M If .... ,.,..r.,. n .. 1,11. • ~ ....... ,.., De.. ...... pa•• a.•-.... . . . • ........ '--------mi t IUDGIT TllMI I MUNGED • IANKAMIRICARD PHONE Kl S.9415 HARM>R CINTll HUNTINGTON CINTllt 2IOO Hara.... ...._ & 1cn.r Cetta Meaa Huntlntten hlch Ol'IN SUNDAYS DIC. 1 MI 10.S '.M. I \ ' ---- and••• dutch C09t. 5ftuP in whltl or etlftlll-3/4 llnatf\. Stal &14 40.00 oi... ..... I DI .... Ila& I ..... -\ LOINI: ......, .... M flJU Mitt ......... ,_,..., 1..0 a.M;; W ,_ ntlWlftul.a......, ..... , ,, ........ -................... ~ . . • . . . - .Cl ~ j .CHRISfMAS CARDS .... ,. ........ -..... -......... --,._c-111 ... .. ............ WESTCLIFF PLAZA llVINE AND WISlQ.IFP DlllVI A Y ery Special ChrUtnuu Tree · Oub Pours for Bruncli .; ' Members of the El Toro Officers' Wives Club will galher in lbe Of.fittn' Club at 10 am. Tuesday, Dec. 13, where tbey will be treat- ed to a Christmas Clwn- pagor Brunch by wives ol Manne Helicopttt Train.int Group 30. Musical entertainment will be provided by an 90-- voice cbotal p-oup lrom Del N or t • Elementary School, Saata Ana. who will perform a propam of holiday soogs. Resenatlons for t b e event may be made bef«e noon tomomrw. They ~ M obtli!Md bJ c:.alliaC Mn. Hazel Todd at m.24M or Mrs. R. T. W...-eu at m. 146$. BeauWul swan pin 18X gold with dbmond e11t sapphire paved body and diamond p1mnap. $1250. Ooo of many individual pieces. Your x.m. lift is something special i! its from MARY ELLSWORTH JIWIUY AM9 ... Al:f IMOP AT THE NEWPORlll INN O"N DAILT DCIPT MOl9Aft MW'IJI USE YOUR an.-"- MAT o,. 'II t P.M. .-.CllDl--IT CAllD .._ M flt. Of91 ... AT,llC.11 A Symphony <>f Light.a Concert wu staged in honor of preschool dea1 children from John Tracy Clinic, Costa Mesa branch at Bullock'• Fash.lop Square. Enjoy· ing the program were (trom left) Mrs. Arthur Oben and her son, Michael; Mn. Rajendra Desai and her charge. and Mn. Carl Pfetzing and her dallfhter, Bobl Lee. Children were able to ''listen" with their eyes as the e1ectronic Tree of Ligb1s changed colors in response to the music of the Orange <»unty Symphony Asaociation and a 7~voice~~Ch~onl~~Sin~·~f~onla.~~--=-~~~~~~~~.Jli!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!l!m!!!!!l!!l! .. m!!!!!!!!!m .. .._================================ Tri Deltas Beckoned Harbor Area members ol DeJta Della Delta sorority and their husbands will en- joy a Ohristmas cocktail and buffet dhmer party Wednesday night, Dec. 1{, at 7. Stagfld in the Newport Beach home " Mr. and Mrs. John Young, the t'Yent has been pWmed by ~· James C. Rmaell with U'te assistance ol Mrs. Lyle Jacobeoa, Mrs. Ron Wn'd, Mn. Dou1 Nft'comb and MN. Dooald Adkinson. Included In the agenda will be-• gift ex.aballip of ........... heft .. a GDC&ID•Bfetlnae deal OD tl+at pub bedspread yoa'ft df 8 1 1111 flll OW 11101! .,. I , ' I I I I • • • • • ••L••&• •cm ll1lli Ell ••• m ... .... ..,,, :l'I -?JP ll»IJ• .,..,_......,,..,,., to ltllCllWt ..,,.... .................. ,. Ilic ..,r ._ .. ..._ -. ••llli1d ......... Miier. I M .... .... .......... _ ............ . ,.,._,_,,. t I f Sg911tllbd -·- 11,.....,_ ... .,....,. .... ,... Sift tnill 11111 ••• I ,. ._ .. ~ W ont,. ....... ___ 1111& Our ........ .., ......... u. .. , 'efMMllllllld•• ... .., ...... 114,.. ........ ~ ., St - ltPtll• I SElUR 1IUlb It an utra ,,,,,,,. MlUla11 \ .... ··~ Im.,,, ....... .... ....... , ... ...... fuly ............. .... tiabfll ......... . 1 a • 1711 .. IYll I I •WlBClll • ZL" I •fllSI! PHONE IG.o262 •9" .. t• ., .... .. _ &ltd '- , J .. Jf DAILY m.Ol /Mlolft-~ 1...,, °'""""'I. l~ ~w,TED ROE~ :.... Lunch $1.SO Dinner $.2.25 & ... 75 : 1'70 INNIR NEWPORT BL VD.., COST A MISA WI MAVI THI FINEST SELE'110N IN OaAMGI COUNTY ... Af TMI LOWBf flJCll OPIN SUNDAYS 12 to S --AT 6 N:llAT -..nl 'TIL t• Reg. 15.11 Permane1t 10.00 ONLY L...,. heir Wt w Mln•••I• ..................... .................... f ............... , ... 1rr-w ~ IOTOAS. '" IP .... . ----........... ...... .................... ............. L for A Perfect Gift 6lfl CEl'fRAftS AYAIAMI Sent1'1 Helplf'I are at It •'"· Don't FORGET Our ChlldNn'I P1rty Dec. 23, 3:30 :lo 6:00 p.m. Santa Wiii le Here. .E JAUllTA'S IWf1'Y SAlOll Simplicity azu •' 9397 U-4 "" 11r._..._..1fr~- Kecp lt dmpJe, and let the f Ibric alldt down JOU? f i g o r e without clutclWla anywhere. S o f t l y curved colW' emndl aliptly to cap upper arma. Printed Pa1tern t3 17: Women's S l 1•1 M. 31, a, 40, 42, 4f, 48, 41. Size 38 requ.iru 3% yards •lncb fabric. PU'TY CENTS l.n coln.I for each pattern -add 15 ~u for each pattern for f irat.clau mal.llnc anc1 spe- ci.al handling. Send to M• rtan Martin, the DAil..Y PILOT. 442 Pattern Depl, 232 West 18th Sl, N e w York; N. Y. ltfll. Print NAME. ADDRESS w l t h ' Mr. Claus Helped By FV Junior Clllb . Inf&&Md with .. Cbrb~ mu 1plr1l. memben CIC tbe Fountain Valley J • a l o r Women's Club are buaJ ten1q u Sanlia'a ~·· Membera of the Jl&lllor AuxilJary, tbe De'eue. will altMr for • wwbJtop In the FounLain Valley lllllH of Mn. Robert Som m 1 .d 10:30 l .1D. Saturday, Dec. 10. Thelr project will be mak· in& tray and nlahtat.and &iftJ for patleota of th• Garfltld Convalescent Ros- pit.al. Htmtinlf,on Beach. Directial their eff orta are Christmas CMered At Party Mr. IDd Mn. McKay Pruitt wm open their Seal Bead1 home Sa1urd.17, Dec. 10, at • p.m • .,_ mem- ber• ol Mil UpcDan Qiap- ter. Beta Siona Phi lat.h- er with their hutbe.nck f <r • Cbriltmu party. Under the leadenbip ol Mn. RJcbard Somer, the IOCla1 commkt.ee bu plan- -a eorm.inc ot aamea ad ~"' a:1on1 wttb • buffet and Oft exchange. The foUowb:I Monday, Dec. 12. members wm ex· Fellowship cbase a.tlatmu cl:l'dl od st Andrew's Women's glfta daring a meeting ln Fellowship meets in the the home of Mn. Ben Mel-church, 600 St. Andrew's llnctr.tbe meeting 8'enda Road, Newport Beach, at ls the m~· of final 11::.> a.m. every fint Wed-nesday of the month. Child planl f« a pw· •• ~ ty tbe ll'OaP II llYiaa '1 -;;;car;;;;a;;; .. ;;;;;;;;;;pro;;;;..,;;;;;;;:;;-.;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;I Orange C o u nt 1 Juvenile :- Hall f« Glrla. Uiirversity Office Equipment's Cliri6tm'" :JouMa11Unl o/ Porlat"fe~ COMPARE THEM ALL! Ofivefli HERMES ---..--$29,50 SMITH COIONA FIOM Wltla Tracie ----------------------------· USED PORTABLES .................. '14.95. ·---------------------------..... SMITH CORONA BK1llt POITAIW e 10" or 12" CARllAGIS e 5 YR. GUARANTll FROM 127'8 UNIVERSITY OFFICE EQUIPMENT UA DMSION OP HAltVEY SOMERS, INC." 1913 HARBOR ILVD., COSTA MESA e Ml 6-7119 e K1 f.20n 1 IU MIWPOlf ... ,,. COSTA M1SA. CALIP 541-9120 ........... _ ZIP, SIZE aad STYLE B'nai B'rith MJllBD. EX<LUSIVE! NEW ! L'cba'lm ~ of B'·•1iiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiii~iiii~iii~~~~iiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiii~i;.iiiiiiiiiiiit We're proud to ten you nal B'rltb Ghil meeu tnll ----~E.fvi~t-----at~~ ~~l~1 MAKE 11 AMusical Christmas YOU CAN M~ E, HER GLOW Quafilg Jruim.menb al :J)licounl Pric~JJ = - ----- . :: : THIS 'CHRISTM~S IN SHl~ERIN& ST AR DUST KORET °' WIFORNIA'S nJmVB BrAIDU8T KNIT SIPABATIS -or llAYON A!Ci> lllTAWC GUnlll AND GLOW IN GLAMOUR COLOBI mar WITH SILVD AND OPULIN'I' llmArm.,Y GRJZN, GUNlml'AL, BLACK. PINJC • WHitt ~AR1UNGLY B&\UTIFUU IANIAMUICAU .. NHS' CLUI CAITI • Alfetll Ol YOUl AV AIL.ABLE Bur NOT SHOWN. OPERA LENGTH SKIRT-$11.00 H~ PANTS-$15.00 SHELL TOP-$9.00 .. ...,,CHANI ACCOUNT. AT NEWPORT AND HARIOR IL VOS. FOLK GUITARS PICM DRUMS GET: MARTIN.GOYA aurfAll USI OUR LAYAWAY 'LAN SHOP WLY '.VE WILL BE CLOSED -.,.~ DIC. ~25-26 I MAJESTIC HEAVY DUTY 4 PC. DRUM SIT W/CYMIAL s154so, ~SB OUI I IXcmN•. NIW RECORD DEPr. MANY MOU lT HU•I SAVIHSI COAST MUSI€ OPEN EVENING FROM MON. DIC. 12 Dl,.AftTMIHT aTQIH 1139 NIWPORT ILVD .. COSTA MIU-646 om • CAT tNTllllCTIOH OP HUIOI a NIWflOIT) ! SAR mae, ren G Salur( honor abowe Host aes Li dtz o jane's Julie a h1g1 Sett. caaior home guest' Laun< which arran low fl Incl guest. Glo~ granc lo-be of Ti ter; l the t Sanj Geor1 Ana. daugl vu Mr. o( C.C cemt derg: husb. point to lb Th atten Sebo Jege Tope - Tt I Ed .... , ' --acort1 lo ,. .. _,, LAC A, II ~ n1 c. Jdlll Clau ltoy -· Llltt, Moon '**' ,., IOMI '-II-,,..,.,. Ma"" Ul. "" fllo" •• II Mn, .... , Mat1I T" A. • °"' Harv C, ' ,..,., Tll Mme -. • :1 Peering A round SARAJANE B a r tho 1 o- mae, who will marry War· ren Guy Jhrtlln1 Jr. next Saturday, WM the 1uest of booor al a eurprlae bridal shower Sunday. Hostesses were the Mis· aes Lee and Linda Fernan- dez ot Santa Ana, Sara- j~'s COllSlr1$, and Miss Julie Tate of West C'A>vina, a high school friend. Setting ror the happy oc::· caslon waa the apacloua home or tl'ftl honored guest's moeber, Mrs. Sara Launder of San ta Ana, wluch was decorated with arrangements of fresh yel- low Clowers. Included among the 35 guests were Mrs. Marla Glover or Long B ea c b, grandmother of the brlde- to·be: Mrs. Ernest J. Merk of Tahoe Valley, her sis· ter; Mrs. Al J. Fernandez, the hostesses' mother and Sarajane's aunt. and Mra. George B. Herllby 'of Sant.a Ana. another aunt, and her daughter Terri Berllby. VISITING HER parent&, Mr. and Mn. James Tork or Costa Mesa during De· cember la Mrs. Paul Pen· dergast of Topeka, Kan. Her husband is the newly IJ>- polnted executive MC?elary to the governor-elect The former ShU'Oll Tork attended Costa Mesa BlJh School, Oranp eo..t Col· lege and the Universitr in Topeka. Tee Tattler MUA VllDll ~TEMPEST •· ·~ GE'ITING 100E'lDR old lime friends and show- ing off lbtlr ntw bome 1D Baycreat were Mr. and Mn. Robert J. Lucu, boats oi a party attended by 120. "Still exhausted" from the gala, Mrs. Lucas said the party was to "herald ln the Christmas 1 e a s o n." Guests gathered ln the din· lng room and under a tent set up over t.he patio to en· joy coclrtalli and a bllffet. Attending the party which was decorated with autumn flowers were Dr. and Mn. Robert Beauchamp and Dr. and Mrs. Tom Robinson, all of Newport Beacil. Arriving from Corona del Mar were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hea- ter and Mr. and Mn. Wll· Uam D. Ulsk. AlJo traveling from the Newport aru were the Messrs. and Mmes. Arthur Svendsen, Donald Spengler, Robert Anderson. Marvin Sargent, Raymond Carpen· tuud Donald Swedlund. Ml.SS SUE Darling, daugb· ter of Mr. ll!ld Mra. Law· reuce Derllng ot Corona del Mar has affiliated with Alpha au Omega at San Jose State College. The aociology major wu graduated from Corona del Mar High School and at. tended Orange Coast Col· lege. Cheeriness Promised For Lunch Harbor Area Alumnae Of Alpha Chi Omega are com· pleting plans for an annual aimtm.u Cheer 1.nncbena Which wU1 take place ID the Mesa Verde Country Club oa Saturday, Dec. 10. FesUviUea will be opened with a bappy hour at ll:30 a.m. and Juncbeon will be terved at noon. A gilt U · ch111&e will be the high)ipt of the afternoon. Program chalrman, Mrs. Ronald Ga8)1ano, is assist· ed by Mn. Edwin Freund, Mn. Phlillp l•mdale, Mrs. Kenneth Cooling ad Mrs. Gordon FioeJdlne. All area Alpha an ome- cas are invited to attend and may obtaln turtber ii>' formation bJ cail1qr MW umlotte Out at flS.3dl. An~ bwrtUal ~11·;,, hcnr a siNai1e'iiiilc1er-) -'*' -.anee Nlleet. 700!' rood tMte. You'll love '" pill'feet at ud 1"1GcMrful .,..tW~. r . SELLING OUT COMP.LETELY ,_ _ _....., ..... .,_ .... ... HM.AL DOHtm _. COWUfl .............................. ....,..,...... ........... .... .,.....,..._uw--i.e.... .................. , ...... ""9fefe, -................ .... ...... ......... ,..... __ ........................ ....................... w-........ -....._. ............ ,..,..., ........ .................... .., ... . ... ,.., ................... .... _,...,,_,..... ........ .. ,... ......... w.-.,... ............................. . .... .._. SLIPS AND HALF SLIPS - We t.ature the famous KAY· SER BRAND In top quality lln- gerle. Sb•s S, M., and L In half 11fp1, and 32 thru 46 In full 1llp1. Whltt1, blacks, and col· o"' Nylons and cottofMlacron blench. All a.r. pric...laahecl for Quick Oispoull For exam- Thunday, Dtctmbfr 8, 1%6 DAIL V PILOT /NeM·'ml 1833 ---NEWPORT LOOK FOi THI SALi SIGNS Women'&-~ Sportswear, Lln.getl9, Acceaeon.. and Uniforms ••• The Finest That Money Can ·auy ... To Be Placed On Sale and Sacrificed ••• At Ttrrlfic Prtu R• ductlont ••• Dvrlng Thia Gigantic Quitting ButlMU Siie • , • Entire Stock Must Be ••• Hae Te a. Sold ••. And No LOIS Of Profit Wiii Stand In Our Way. STOU RXTURES FOR SALE THE onDEns AnE ... SEll OfJT ENTIRE STOCK REGARDLESS OF LOSS Open Ev.ry Nlfht 'TU 9 Except Saturdey Cl~ Sunday ,...,. Wlll Be No Let-Up To Thia S.crlflce And To 1bt Pr1ce Sla1hln9 ••. Untll Thia lntlre Stock 11 Liquidated ••• At Ctet • • • NMr Cott • , • Below Cost ••• Makts No Dlfferenw ••• For We Know That Extremely Or .. tlc Price Reduction 11 The Only Thlnt That Wiii DllpOH Of This Merchenda.. Qulddyl I RRRIFIC PRICE RIDUCTIONS I ~ IELOW WE UST A FEW OF THE MANY GREAT PRICE REDUCTIONS! ladies' Capris Mostly in 1tretch f1brlcs in popular cotors. QUEENS CASUALS, Mil LEE, and KAYSER Brands. LADIES' LADIE.S' DRESSES I Odd Iott, broken sbea, in· complete style ruM. Ree. $3.91 to $11.91 YOUR CHOICE OF ENTIRE STOCK ••.• Y2 PRICE! -BLOUSES La rte MIKflon of fresh, new blous.s purchued for this .... M>n's .. mng before we dec:lct.d to Quit 8usln"'I Most are the famous MACSHORE CLASS. ICS plus LEE MAR end GAY· LORE Brand._ Spedal Group- b v Fresh and crisp, the season's newest styles. colors. fashions, and fabrics. One and two piece •••II y FOREVER YOUNG, KOREU., MYNEnE;W:KY AUGHN, TONI TODD, PAm PEllll, Mcm- TRICK, ADRIAN TABIN, JERRIE LURIE, AC1MTY. CASUALMAKER, and other famous brands. Sims 7 to 15, a to 20, and 101/2 to 241/J. Al........ . ple: S,.clal Group- rtee. to $4..SO SALE PRICE s1 t• !~~?~~!~ .. and pMded ttylea. EXQUISITE FORM, WARMERS, JANTZEN, Ree. to $5.91 SALE PRICE Another Group- R-e. to $7.91 s2&1 s32a c aly reduced for Immediate doMowt! For u ... pie: Special Group- ReCJ. to $12.98 SALE PRICE ••• Another Group- .... to $6.00 SALE PRICE $268 PETER PAN•nd other popular branch. sa.. 32 to 44, cottons and nylons. Three of the rep,.. 1entative pric. Nductlons ue .-shown -f« example: 3rd Greup- lt ... to $1.95 SALE PRICE s311 Reg. $1.50 SALE PRICE All other slipl', not Included In the ,,... la.t.d .a.ow. - AltE AT LEAST Vs OFFI NIGHTWEAR Gowns, PJ'1, and baby ., ... Melt ef the ttock ls KA YSlll MAND plw 1CNM SLl!P· IASI. Celtonl, flanneh, and nylena. T~ ..... l9c. trl"' 1tylel. Siies Smell thrv htr• i..,.. w 32 thrv 46. Do net ·~ to find an ·-end styM In MCh price ..-.. All tfe Dratlcalty Reduced fw 1 ........ llte LlquW.ttenl For Instance: S,.cfetG....-•:t to $1.00 SA I PRICE $2&8 Another Gteup-s391 ~ .. $11.95 SA I PIJCI 3rd Group-s591 R=t to $12.95 SA I PRICE AU others -AT LEAST 1A Fl ~-$1.95 " $3.00 $198 S"AlE PRICE Reg. $5.00 s321 SAlE PRICE All other brauiere1, I"* tween end more expenaJV9 modelt, ARE NOW AT LIA.ST Y, OFFI ,GIRDLES Panty & girdle styles, good ... l.ctloft from which to choeM. WARNERS, JANTZEN, MlSS TEE by Curtis, FLEXNIT, SILF SKIN, KAYSE~ eftd SOFT • SKIN REAL -FOltM lr•nch. For lnlfanu: SpecJal Group-s1aa Ree. to $4.00 SALE PRICE Another Group-s2• ~to $6.95 SA E PRICE 3rd Group-s311 Reg. to $10.95 SALE PRICE All others ARE AT LEAST Y.t OFFI UNIFORMS ~ ............. "'~ _. ..,_,, IOI RANS. WIL.IEO, UNDA LANI. OONNA ••Y ... ....... ,.,... ..._,., Slsn t,. It _, 121/1 .. n v •. Reg. $6.91 to $16.98 YOUR CHOICE OF ENTlll ' . I' STOCK . • • . II ~ PRICE! ' ' SALE PRICE 3rd Grovp-s391 R:t to $9.98 SA E PRICE AH other Mou.es, Mt lnclucled In the price groupe listed above -ARE AT LEAST 1/J OFFI ATTENTION! This GrMt S.lt IS NOT RESTRICTED To ~a-I ltemal EV!RYTHl .. G IN OUR STORE IS NOW 1/3 TO Y2 i~ .. lAYIR" ............ .....,, I .......................... ,.... .............................. ........ si.. .... ~ ...... ALL SAW ill flNAJ..-fte ....... • ead-t-• ............. ~ -. • fl/It wt4,1a1-IAMIAllDI· CAD WILCOMI DUii ... THIS SAUi NYLON HOSIERY Top .,-Uty nyions In regular knits or rneth, popular shed .. or white. BERKSHIRE, LARK· WOOD, end HANES Brands. lpoelll G""'P-6 7 ¢ With Seama ::t $1.35 & $1.65 SA E PRICE Another Group-83¢ Seamltu •ee· $1.35 ~LE PRICE lrd Group-s100 SeemS..1 --: $1.65 SA I PRIC! AU other hollery, Including utra'4hMrt end Supp-HOM, ARI NOW AT LUST Y, OFFI Another Group- RecJ. to $19.98 SALE PRICE •• 3rd Group- ReCJ. to $24.98 SALE PRICE • • • • All other d,....., not included in the groups allow, in-Mta •n and mcM'e expensive /ric. groupa-.ARE AT LIA.ST~ OFFI KNITS & • SUITS Ladles' two and thr" piece models by TONI TODD, MY· NETT£, KORELL, PATTY PETITE, FOREVER YOUNG end other popular brencls. 100•1. woola, or Ions, blends ind acrylics. NewHt fall and winter stylH and colors. SizH I to 20 and 12\.-'l to 221f.a. Do not expect to find all sins in NCh price group. All are ruih- 1 ... ty pric. aluhed for Quick S.lllnt Action. For instance: Reg.to$24.91 Special Group-s11 aa SALE PRICE ~~~r,:roup s1 gaa $39.91 SALE PRICE Ree. to $49.91 3rd GroUp-s25aa SALE PRICE All ott..r 1ults ln our stock, not lnclt.aded In the groupt llst· eel above -Altl AT LEAST ~ OFFI LADIES' SWEATERS Pullovers and carcUpna a. ala. wools, 10C1'.4 acrytk, fvr bt.nds, mot..lrs, etc. .._..r and bulky knits in .;... s-11 through ExtrH.erp. HIDY KNIT, HELEN HAltPU, DOTTY MANN, and othef' well known branch. Entire stock ii aale priced to Mii on aithfl For example: Special Group -Mostly Pvll· overs Ree. to $7.91 SAU PRICE Another Group -Maltty Ca~ dig•n• Ree.to s711 $16.91 SALE PIUCE All other aweaters, not lndud- ed In the t"OU .. above -lno t..tw .. n and mor. axpw.W. groups -ARE NOW AT LEAST l/J OFF! Waitress Skirts Black nylon with 1l11h pock .... Aver199 lengths, 1iiet I to 20. Reg. $5.91. s3.u $6.91 SALE PRICE .. • 28 DAILY 'fl.OT ;MtWl-flrtss Human Rights Toasted at Tea A tu booori.Qa H u m a n JUabU Day wDJ be ~· .t a.,tt.ei.,u.of Wom· en Voten ot Orwnp o.t dif'1le eu.mw -e•. P' tl:r'I ot tbt Unn.d N.U.. A.11oclatton ttom 2 to I p.m. Sunday, Dec. 1L Jolnlzli the tu, which will take }8ee ta the ~ .. dtl Mar home of )fr. i -1 Mn. Sir/ Glardtno wtJl be motJon peture and t.elevillon actrus Mat'wha Html SlrvtDI .. ~ will be U. Mme.a. Ba'J Eld- er. tea cbalnnaD; Robert l!;Uana, pteddmt :Gt tlle- <har• Coast w,.. --WOIMD Voters; 8eDice H a r r l 1, president of tbe CouW.ne Chapter of the Unlted Natiom Auodatlaa -A. J(. .,.....,., ff..-, ~. Holbrook Mulford. Ella GIMllr, Maybelle Pdlt and Harriet GouSd. Flower Spny 'ntarsiJ Cardigan Wltb Full FMhlonad 8Um Skirt Holiday C.okn All Orbl All WllMble 1 Skirt .. $13.00 Card.ipD f 18.00 FUI Gin WRAPPING ~ I ladies' and Children'• Sportswear ows J404 VIA UDO O• of tile Udo Slaop1 Give The Finest In Something Intimate lllus1ratid Long Robes $25 Short Robes $TB Matching Gowns Also P.anties -Half Slips Veta's I ITlllAll AlfA II r. f. ~estminster HaJls Decked for Action Members of the Oraese County Legal ~ Auoc:iatlon are dectinc tbe balls of Wa1mlmter Mall Banquet Han for a Qa:lat· mu perty Tlnnda1, Dec. 15, accordlnc to Mrs. Walt Wagner, chairman. HoliaJ cheer will begin It S:3D p.m. WbeJl Tea and Jtrr11 and Hot Battered Rwu are served by Mn. Ralph B. Peaae, put pres- ident and Mn. Robert F. Matthewl ol ~ Lquna, vice pres1dnt. A roarmet buffet dlnner, featurl.ng ham, turkey, dnubtc. areen beau, tots.- eel aa1ad IDd .,... ltrudel w1D be aened at '1:• p.m. P'or tbt occaslan,= °' 10 wW bl dewt. ~ th U.. • tncb bigh D cUe.-catered bJ eadJea in bold abades • nd qd creen. To tit ln the proper boll· day spirit. t.be ll'OUI> ~l participate bs Yulet i d e games. u. ~ ol 6bort <llrtalmal ,_.. ud tbe ablCiq ol e.oll, ao- cardint .. Mn. VI ~ miJtrea of die.-. Amonc t 11 o • • ..... , Mrs. Waper and Mn. Dodge wftb t b. • arTall" meal.I _. lift. lildrFT and Mn. Dauld A. BD- cbop ol lhaltbtPa BwtL Spedal •••• h will .,. Mn. Ea1a .... Jett al New- port Bach, ,...... al Je. pl eecretmes -· ...... TbomM A. BArw. t1le •·l"'datMn·• ~ elldecl B09I al tbt v ...... Mn. a.&rala. All members mid tbeir CUlltl an umw to at-........... ..,. ... obtained bJ ~ 11n: Waper at 87-2551 la Uae da.1 or at 17«-Dtl bl the evenm,. by wwww. .. made by ~ tbe 1uxilluy'1 Junior cuild. rr.tmg for the holiday me will be a skit, enciUed "'lbat'1 No Lady -Tbd's OUr Pl"Mident." writteb and directed by Mn. Stuart WDaon (second from rl&ht). a.t tndades (from left) Mia L.Jnn Ollon. lfn. !YID Prichard IDd Kn.. Bomer Howard. Newly Marrieds .Jn Mesa Horoo Cotta Mesa-Bay C 1 t 1 t I Fuchaia Soc:tety meets ... ay second ~ at 7:30 p.m.. ln Amnu l.ep. Hall. 565 W. 1ltb Sl, Coati Mesa. Mn. R. J(. H.aI1 at •tm 1U1 be CODtacted far eddlticmtl w.mauoa. Guild Leads Celebrations In celebratlon ol the hos· pita!'• 11stb birthday, mem· ben of the Martin Luther &lpltat GaDd wW serve coffee and cake to holpl· tal \1.ritan and pa IOftM) from 10 a..m. to • p.m. .....,, Dec. 12. The public 11 invited to come to the hospital and enjoy t h e refreshments. Those interested alto will be oUered a tour "-hoJpi- tal facilities. In Lurtber CODUD~A· tion of tbe occaliOD, t b e guUd bas anrded tu hos- pital with • new movie pro- jector wbkh w1l1 be UJed lor ed~tton 1ecture1, ot eomM I ean't wte, but I uvor all putlea !n JQ' perky Kate Greenaway. It'a done fn crflp Xode1 pol)'eater..and-cotton that's wrinkl .. proof and Diida DO froniu wbataoever. KT ~wailt and I ea6 an frc8ted" with white Cltm7 Iaee. In red or Da'fT. Sizes 2 to ax. 3 to ex. 11.00 -7 to 12, no.oo. ~DUHVl'Y CHILDRENS SHOP 1 OSI lnl• Ne•port ... di Ill TM Wwtclff Plae '42·5262 '"Ewry • is 90ing to l.itlo tO • their Christmas Shoppinl". o.e.t _,,Ing and cmtom liftl -Stroll tM ilMlter'ecl walb of Lido •• ...,.,.. plly dec:bd wWl flowen . • • · JO .,._ to attend your every abopplnJ need, '°"' jewelrJ, foot ._! 4tc. We fllltUn tbe flDllt qaality mert.bandfle, ..,. 1'f'bd to ~ Jam • at Lido where It'• alwa,.. &ood Anthony Shoe Service • Atklmon'1 B. D. Howes Ir Son e Bank of America Barrow•1 e Bay ClMDen e B4frbldtt'a Bidwell'• • ~ Burton Kini'• Udo Richfield • Udo Realty Udo To,llnd e Lido Fllhllnl Udo Travel • Newport Balboa Savtnp and lMn • IUchud'• Udo Center e Sec:wit.J 1'lrlt Nltlonal Bink The Sboe TNI • Vla Lido l>r"8I and Profs I kmal 8'nJael Plenty ol free partllif. All 1bops open 'till 8 p.m. from Die. 18 'W Cbriatmu. ... Lec1 Or. Jan man ol t. vWOJl af teae. wUI ing Utet ll&lona" • at the J City-Hall Thll ii th1'~ spontoret cooper at! .. Lecture Set on Religions Dr. James Cau.niai:o. chair· ton Beach Public Library. It man oi tbe IOdal acience di· rs Cree and open to the puJ>. vWOn at Golden West Col· lie. le .. , will lecWr9 OD, "lDlpi,r. Dr. Ca~-. e PrllbJ- iDC Uterature ot Great he-tman minister wW delcr1be U&Jona" at f:~ o'clock tonlght wlat he COlUidus the 1QQ1t at the Huntlngton Be a c b algnillcant rell&ioua opUoo for Clty-llall couocU cbamber .. -people Uvtnf-tn ttt&-Wt1t.en Tbia ii tbe fiDa1 lecture tn World. He a.bo will caulder the curreat oommunlty aeries aome unusual and rare piaca spcwored by Golden Weal iD of art forms by aQdio.vtau.al cooperation with the Huntl.Dg. effects. • OIW..-...... a..w.. ... OllllTMAI HOUIS ........... ....., e · t:11 .. •• ...... 1:11 9 • DRESSES • SWUTBS • BLOUSES • CAPRI$ •Slim • SUPS • PAHTIS 19e ,~· ELLA NOR ~ Slwr I *lxchnlvefy lorte & half ebu I.A 54402 I; 1169 Newport IMI., Costa Me1it • ~ : •'la .... s.... ef tM ..._.. rrmu a 't\. ALSO ltl N. HAIOI e ......_ Jodie ~ member of 196e coart of Queen ~ ol NMional Date FfllUval, la shown rih mt ... tn Gem ad llJnel'l1 DeplrtJDeDt of famed allow staged each year in Indio. Thi lWI edition o! the date festival will run Feb. 17 through 26 in the Coachella Valley community. 'YM' Slates Scuba Class Spac.e Expert Transferred , Albert o . Tinkelenberc bu 'Ibe Orange Coast YMCA 5 recently transferred to the ~ ~ :!-·~or:::cd Westeru Divbion of ARINC boys. Res ea re b Corp. in San- HJ-Y memben will be par· ta Ana. In his position aa ~ tlcipating in the skill class staff consultant. he will .,. plus non·Y members, under the direction of Bob Hawkins slat 1n developing the cUvi· ot Laguna Sea Sport. with sion's space capabillty and umtance from Len Cleoc:leo-serve aa consultant for pro. in. YMCA volunteer ~· pulsion and space veh1cle Cost for the course 11 $32 tor non·Y membera fl5 for problems. members and wfii 1nclude In hls previous aulpment certlfication. inlunoce. tn-at tbe comp~y'1 BIDtlvllle, atruction, pool and neceuary Ala., office, Tinkelenbefl di· equipment. rected the company's rell· \fll:bnum for the dau ts abillty services on the Sa~ S. Hip acbool boys inter-urn launch veb1dea for NA· eated may call the Orange SA's Marshall Space Fli&ht ~-=._-=._-::_-=._-=._-=._-=._-=._-::_-=._-=._-=._-=._-=._-=._-=._-=._-=._-::_-=._-::..-=..-=..-::..-=..eo.t YMCA at 54MS4'7. Center. A SPORTS CHRISTMAS llFT LASTS All:-¥.EAi Tennis Rackets 4" to 39'1 Mens' & Boys' Tennis Shorts 4• to 8" Tennis Shirts, ivory or white 500 Tennis Shoes· Sox· Hats Sweaters· Bans· Presses SWIM FINS MASKS SNORILES IEUY IOARDS WIT SUITS SWIM TRUNKS H.._.&Gloves Golf lals ·Wilson 128·10" DI. Practice PutffncJ Cups Wllcmlo Pt actlce DrJvlnCJ Device Golf Gloves .. IASEIALL SHOES TRACK SHOES SOCCER SHOES . TENNIS SHOES Deck Shoes· Basketball Shoes GOLF SHOES IASKETIAW IACKIOARDS & GOALS VOWYIAU.S & Nm 4 59UAU IAW F0011ALLS SOCCU IAW IASDALLS-Mm-GLOVES IARIELLS DUMllLLS CHEST PULLS DOOR IAR GYMS HANDGRIPS JUMP ROPES ' t fllilrMUy, Deetmbtt 8, 1'66 DAIL V PllOT /NIWf-"'51 Jl RCA VICTOR UHF/VHF "LOW BOY" ' ' 25 inch COLOR TV • lCA Victor, tM MOit trun4 ..... I• electtettlc1I • lCA Vlctw _,,., clrcllitry, flnelt 41uollty ceM,....1ttsf • lritht, ca..r, reellttlc c.a.r • true It's e1Msi .. 1 •All c1H11t1tel UHF-VHF reception, ....... friat• .,...r • Full 215 14. h1. •ieweble pktuNI s 88 Genni Electric 19 COLOR TV nl81DlllE s~~ Dish mobile ...... -· ....... ...,, ........... ... ......, ....... _., ... ......... "CUSTOM DELUXE" ............. w ... c,.1a. ...... ....... ·~'!.:. ....... ......., ..... ~.ntN ,....,, t.ft. "I llCM SllYKF' ••• $29.95 '39888 519888 ITH WITH A PUH SUITID TO TOUl IUDUT e UVOC.VIMG CHA.RGI PUHi • IXTIMDID 'AT 'LAH -TAKI U' TOH MONTMS TO PAY e USI YOUa IAHKAMDICAID COSTA MESA 546-2936 546-2937 ' ... - ' I - 2J OAJl Y PILOT Ntwi-P~~~ 'Top' Takes Ove r At Ma rine Group Rere~s Wate r Tha1 Buns Uphill DAILY 10 to 9 SAT •• SUN. 10 to 7 GENERAL ELECTRIC ELECTRIC KNIFE 16.97 ,... I K-1 IEG. 19.97 'Toastmaster' Electric Automatic Broiler 10.44 ~ l:se for everything Crom hors d'oeuvres to steaks, chops or TV dinners. ~pid actio~ coil beraUng ele- ment, automalic thermostat control Two-po6ition tray with wire rack and hinged handle. PRESTO PROFESSIONAL HAIR DRYER Model HDP·l .. "RELIABLE" 5 QUART FRYER· COOKER 6.97 ~g 7.84. Laree 5 qu.art •P fryu. Kade ot beavy gauge aluminum. Features quiet Drain Baalret & Automatic Signal Light. FOSTORIA 3 QUART CORN POPPER REG . 3.58 ·2.47 ~-qu.rt. corn popper bas transparent g1us lid. coil beating element, st.ay-cooJ bakellte handles. Top Wts off for easy cleaning and apraying. With cord. 19~87 PRESTO SUPER SPEED COFFEEMAKER ·14.97 "PROCTOR" AUTOMATIC 4 SLICE ELEC. TOASTER 14.97 Our Reg. llL&e. G1MnriD1 chrome body. Select-ronk color control makes toast the euct shade you want. roasts any kind of bread ••• eno frozenl UDICO AUTOMATIC CAN OPENER AND KNIFE SHARPENER Mod.I MC-115 9.97 I ,/ Beg. 11.97. AD eledlic Can-openitr bes magnet that mtcbes lids, knife sharpener in back mates bandy 2 in one kitchen tool. Enjoy professional type hair drying in home with this oew portable hair dryer from Presto. Dries bafr evenly, carefully. So gentle no net needed. So comfortable you never need ear pads. Large hood accommodates ~Ir style. Lightweight, compact, tbJa la tlJe ideal home travel hair . Fnl1y automatic, no C'Olltroll to .el Brews perfect coffee evfJt"f time at cup a minute apeed, keePI coUee sipping bot to lie last cup. Signal li&ht telll when it's ready to Ml'Ve. omc••l Q J.OtHCT .OMEGA WOil.O'S ~WMftlD WAJW I , HAYES JIWILERS 246 Forest Ave. Laguna Beach 4*3513 AAA IOI' ,,.. ~ SN N .,_,.,,. BOAT BUFFS Almon Lodrab.y it tha only fwll. ti"'• bNtlnt eclitor work in9 Oft 8JIY newtpaper in Or1n9• County. Hit ••· cl11•l¥1 'o¥tr .. I of bHt• Int encl y.chtl119 11aw1 It a cl1ll1 future of the DAILY "LOT. PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS.·FRl.·SA T.-SUN. "PROCTOR SILEX" GLASS ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 16.27 Our Reg. 17.88. As lovely u a carafe, yet it is full1 automatic and electric! Bowl ia cryatal<lear glJ.al With delicate gold design -lets you see u you aetve. Males 2 to 10 cups. Cool grip handle. M.d1. 1930. "OSTERIZER" 2 SPEED BLENDER 18.44 Our. Reg. 19.88. Oflen b1 end lo lpeed9 at the tum of a dial for blend.Inf the flalfielt ameW.t • .. heaviest batters ••• in llCODdi! 4 cup capadty. Mbdel 449-26 HAMILTON. BEACH ELECTRIC KNIFE W/ftAT Model 270-T ~ .17.96 Hole in the handle tor comfclrt cuWQc .... gmfe ..m safely. confiently. Blada do not touch tlhle. Sprfnl lOlded OD/off iiatton ~ flqertip COlltrol. 2200 HARBOR BL VD. Corner of Wilson and Harbor COST A MESA -• , I • - • 1 I ' , OP!N DAILY 10-9; SAT. & SUN. 10.7 A&llOll SEAM- WS NYLONS ·2/97¢ Ou Ref. 74c. Petite, C8 • ~); avence (9- l<>Yl); tall (10.11 ~). 3 Days only ! PANTY ·I-HOSE llYlOll Tl6lfTS °"l~G.,~om· en'• average, ta 11 slu:s. S e a m l e 1 1 stntdl. Co I o rt. 3 Daya Only. GIRLS' Oil'*® STRETCH HOSE a.II ~" 75cx, Orlon3 acryUc; 2S'l(. 1tretcll n J I on. Sizes 6-9~; miaea' 10.11~. "OVER 111£" CROCllfl HOSE Ow §§~ •. nylon .treedl, in 1 • aJze (ftbl 8*-11). C.01- on. 3 Dey1 Only. ' OllOll/llYl.Oll 800118 48t. 75'J' brulbed Orloae acrylic, 2S'XI atretch nJ}on. htze leilure bootle fit.a 9-J L Col· on. 3.Pc. Matchecl . Luggage Set '.8.88 0u ne,. H.44-. IAng-bound vinyl covering . • . 15" van· lty. 21 •• overnlgtJter and E 24" tourllter. Blue, lflY, -navy. 3 DIJW On17. CHRIS1MAS 'AIMMI Savel '..1.33 r ~ Cannon9 42x36 "Casablanca" Cases in SeH-Tone Stripes Dltcoant Prf ce Chan)e It 1.32 Twin fitfJ'Jd, flat sheets; stripes, solids ... 2.37 . .Dou· ble, fitted <II' flat; ~pes •.. 2.77. Solid _deeptone cases ... 1.12 pr Solid deeptone sheets; fitted. flat ..• 2.57. Our reg 57c bd'le 3 terry dish cloths .•••..•.•. 44c Reg. ~ bd1e 3 terty dish toweh ....••••.... 77c "SIGNET ALL C01TON 72x90 THERMAL BLANKET 0.. .... 3.11 Costa Miia Olly 2.97 A Beaoon Quali&:n:lkel . . . The "Signet" t ii all light·weigbt wlntel' warmth and comfort. 100% cotton w/100% nylon binding. Allorted colon to match any decor. . ~Rayon Nylon Blanket 2.97 Oil Be&. J.T1. U'I 94~ Tl· )"GO.&"-111tm with Pemap flllUh: P1Pd with 5'' satin biDdiQI. Wdgbs just 2~ lhl. 2 DQ• 0n17. 'Fruit of Loom' Pcitch 9ult 4.44 Ov Jles. S.2!. Colorful cot- ton patchwork quilt in ddce of 2 pattern. with all-around rofflini. 72x82'. ••• with col1oa flll. 3 Days OD.ly. 20x26" Plump Acrlan Pllow 2.&17 F1uffy Ught "acrilan''. Ac· cry.UC fiber filling. Corded ede•· Pink or blue printed tiatnJ. Pre I I y Candles For Christmas Red eyllnder candle w l th mow trim, holly. berries; I" Chrlatmu tree; 1Utt.er tear drop ahape In e o I d. red, P'MD and silver. Plastic Place Mat S.ts 1.57 G.E. TWIN HD SIZE AUTO· MATIC ELECTRIC BLANKETS Our Reg. 12.88 l Days Only 9.88 GENERAL ELECTRIC'S ~ic blanket •.. a fme blend of 80% rayon, 20% cotton, with an all-nylon lml<ling. 72x84" size with slo.&l~ oontrol. Pink, beice. blue, and graen. For convenience, cbar1e it. 'Weclcli11CJ Ring' . Bedspread 97¢ .___., __ , On Ref. I.JI. Frinced cot- torvcbenllle spread in pop- ular "Wedding R1Dc" pat· tam. Twin. double. Choice of colon. 2 Days Only. loxed Pllow Case P*s 1.57 Oar Rt(. ua. Ca.sea are 42d8". with herM.it.cbed or rsped bema, pntty em- broidery patterna. P I n k, blue and 1otd. 3 l>afl Only. llew Decorllor r oss Pillows Our Ref. 1.37. Center but· ton or bun pillow, 12x l2x 1 ~ •• ' with Kapok Cillinc. Jewel-WM I 0 ) I d s and stripe•. a Days Only. ~~=~~ Tortoise-took • ! ii Sewing Box ~"la • 2.97 ~1 011r Ref. l.17. PlaatJc with A rich tortoi:IHbell look. , It's 14i...x9\!o:8" ... roomy enough for all accessoriu. 3 Daya Only. Spun Rayon Place Mat Set 1.57 0. ••. J .... Set of foaJ' I lhll" p1ac. mail, f 0 11 f US11.. matcbln1 ........ 3 .......... Pilt. .... to1d. w!dle. a n.J• OlllJ. ' . ) l°htlrldlJ, Dtctmlw 8, 1966 DAILY ,.LOT,,......_,,_ J3 THURS .. FRI .. SAT. & SUN. Cannon® "Portrait Rose" Jacquard Pattern Towel Discount Price 1 62 Charge It . • 22x44" bath ai.7.e. Assorted deep rich color tonet to choose from. 16JC26 Fee. Tonl-t"4Ntdt ........... lie 12d2" Wuh CletfMo.match .••••••... tic Cannon9 Terry lath Towels In Solcls nd St1 lpe1 0. R ... 54c 46-3 Days Onlv 22x'4" beth .. al.. Multi-etriped ''Bol._- towel1 by Cannon and aolid color ":r...a" In put.ell and vivida. Mmhlnt Striped or Solld 1h 12 Walh Clotha ...................... 14c ~!1-!:'~ -~ .~~~ ·1·5·~'~ ' ..... 2k K·MART AUTOMATIC ELICl RIC BLANKET o ..... 1.96 SlllC)le Conhol 8.96 K·Mart automatic electric blanket in ~ wetpt blenda of 80% rayon. 20" cotton and 111100 bindlne. Double rect. f72x84 atze). A.ut. colort. 3, 4-Pc. loxed Gift Towels 1.57 Our Ref. UI. Your choice of 4 k>vel7 petterna . • • ~ duding "Hll/Hen" Mt. Popalar colon. Sift Clrl Ott. at Kmart! Cblrre ltl Ov Re1. lie. Gued or kitchen Con! Mta tn m1111 ...... I DIJI OnJJ. , • % I CAIL V PILOT /Hrws·Prtn LEGU OTlCF. • Thund.ly, Otctmbtr 8, 19&b LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE TO: DEAN WITTER • CO. "--llltftd ~ • '"" «1p1 of 100r ~ f'f h NPOrt. "Poeitiw lnvestmui& Policy tor 1967 ... .,s'"tcrt•·-----------Z9·--- P._.H...,--------- OVER THE COUNTER -A· Crossword Pm:ile Market HERE'S A CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION Give your kids or grandchildren a ONE premium Ufe policy. You pay S75.00 and policy II paid-up unW child reaches 23 yeara of age. (Connrtible at lhat time.) CALL IOI PALEY Phone (714) .. USOO .ACROS S t l C'"''" bn nr. ' ,.,,. 10 NonMl!M! 14 Produce l119lsl1tioll n Jason's Shilt l6 Spact 17 Per1. to lht H t lh 19 Slat~ Abbr. 20 Kind or slory 21 Most fooli sh B Confess 25 Recent: COlll b. fon11 21i Hudson Bay, for one 27 Pose 1 quHtlon ~Cheese 31 Mac1d1111i-. for ont 33 SI. Pttrr~ or Ml~tlon 34 Resign )6 Churchill ~2 Ct rf'!l llfW S3 Concllcted 54 Fai11~ ... llltrtr: Abbr. "ht 5' Lt 9 llf bolt 61 Wltdt w oHla.ily li4 BteMlll **1t ~ f' ... mif!o. li7 Stete HA nlct· name for Califomta: 2 word) 70 Mongrels 71 Color 72 Claw 11 Zodiac 7 3 Cost-of· Sign h v1n9 11,m ., 12 CaltgofY 74 Cost-of· l of ..,.,b liv1n9 It""' 1ntl1ction 75 Ellflausltd 13 -Maria DOWN 1 Ptl'll1l1 2 Arrow poison 3 City in Morocco 4 Sh1rp S Coated 111 etrta1n manner Ii Fedora, for ont 7 Arts' 1l1ltr I Onct "°" 9 Hay f1vet Ylctilll's nt111esl1 10 8rancti11 f 18 PhoCo• 911phtt's products. 22 St"11orlan 24 Btoul'lflt undtl control 27 .Ass1sl1nt 28 APtrtur1 30 ltU • 32 SUllftl 11 35 Kind of 1111dlc.in1 31 In large quW1tltl11 31 NU11btr 39 Snow VllllCll 41 Undtr· •~ding Thursday's Oosing Prices -Complete New r/lw*1, '*'~ a_. l_'M ____ o_AJ_L_v_,_11--'.or ;_Ht"&,... H York Stock Exchange List ., J ~ - ~ARY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Better System Needed To bear the ~ up and down tbe. state, ~·d think Callforniens really expected an outgo1ng poUtlcaan to bmd over h1s appolntmeot privileges to the ''other party." The topic, of course, is that teries of "lame duck" appointrneot.s Gow. Brown bas been making to the ber:ich ~ of new judges picked from the handy waitiog list ~ available Democnfs-before Ronald !Wagao takes O¥eres governor. The rush of appointments is indeed a political ~ euver, and, amid the hubbUb, Gov . Brown undoubte_dly is going to make some ~tiooable choices. (Thia 13 un· fort.Un.ate. becaWle one of hi& strong points u eo~ernor up to now baa been a generally excellent a.election of jUdiclal appointment&.) lf the "death-bed0 appointments are wrong -and there is com:iderlble fJJPEll't opin)on that they indeed are -then those wbo I.NI tamentfng the loude3t should p~ ceed pTomptly to enact a better system. . . 'The task won't be simple, es a veteran Califonua poUUcal analyst has pointed out U the constitution ~e &mended to pr-event a defeated govern« from. ma~g a whole series of sucb ap~lntments, as Brown ~ ~omg. when would such an inhibWoo become opentive. Jis the losing incumbent a loser the morning after the election OT two or tbl"ee weeks later when election result& •e offidally certified! H the latter. then he could certainly do jlllt what Gov. Brown is doing now in that interim period. A constitufional bar to "deatil·bed,. appointment.I rewarding political allies may not be f~ible. B.ut per- h.apl better protection from the standpoint ol Judicial qualllicat1on1 could be bad by requiring that all Judicial appOl.ntments, at any time, be made from ao adequate list certified to the governor by a bi·parlisan board of lawyers provided to the governor by the bar ll$80clation. In the final malylla, the ooncem tbould not be which gcwem« made the appointment.a, since there ii no guar· aotee that an incoming govem<r'a knowledge or judg· ment will be any better -or lea political -tban that of an outgoinf governor. 'I'he job 11 to insure wett-<1uaUned judicW appoint· ments in all periods of the poliUcal calendar. It is a Job lbe lawmakers and the legal profe.saion can slop talking about and start working oo any time now. It's a Miserable Choice Gov-elect Ronald Rugan hu inherited a financW mess which he saya could lead to Issuance of warrants, or IOU'• for future payment of bUla and aalaries. Tb.ii, of course, could severely damage the state's credit and would be used only as a last resort. It may come to ~1. but c:Oance,, are Mr. Reagan wu firing a couple ot sbota for effect. to dnmatite the altuailon. The problem Reagan face. Ja a revenue-outgo gap three to seven times aa great (depending on whose figures are used) as tbe one Gov. Brown bad to deal with when he took of.lice in 1959. Brown met the emer· gency with a tu increaae and tbla is what Rea~an will have to do. But how to do it and still give promwed re- lief to property ~payers! Callfomia continues to ~. And more and more public services are IOOgbt in the ·wake. The money must come either from the people or from tbe th.lngs they produce, buy and eeU. t It's a miserable cllolca. So Jnilerable that it uDa for an end to political bictwip& It's a cue of all b.andl heaving to, findint 01lt the eact situation, and then working out a truly long~term eolution. There aren't any more accrual acoountia1 giaalcb to fall back on. No magic of any k!nd. Undoubtedly we am flDd a way to cut state ex· penses. But even lbec, outgo II ec>ing to be greater than the income. New reveaue m• be collected in ways that will be least painfUJ 1o indlvidUaJs .t least harmful to the expansion of Oalifornia'1 ecoD01D,f -the jobs from the business and indmtry we need to provide the needed tu revenue. '-f)nlfl One I• There Wlao Knew•' A Number Of Stray Tlwughts 'He's the Man Who Fights the Bull~ P ............ Pel'Jilnftlel: Attempta at disarmament only r• lien the aympt.oma of the war-d.11- eue, wUbout cleanlq out the balic lnfedloa: ad If we could learn to loot upae ,,. u the molt ~ pudemlo dileMe o( mmMnd U a spedM. w m1tbt a. blCta 10 focua u ... --a. u. and falla - IWWD fior ~ U W DOW do for ............... • • • 1t .. ea. olll fal1ac1 "' ...... ("an.r thll, tberetrn c a a 1 • d bJ thla"), that makes us believe tbat a ~ Je"1 ol educ.atson Judi to high- .,. earntnc.power; cone,. Jl'lduata make more not becallae they are bet.- hlr educated (except in a few special- ised cans), bat becaUle they come Qom a aod.al and ecooom1c milieu tb1t brinp them ID cmtact with ridr .. opporbmlti-. • • • When wDl men tenerailY be&fn to recognize that woman'• whole mode of thinking lJ quite difierent -neith- er better nor worse -from that of men ; and l n 1 t e a d of deprecating "feminine logic," admit that It can sometimes see around corners block· ed to men's villon? • • • It ta e11tirely possible that by the year 2000 we shall be living in a world witbout work, u it is understood to- day; but the liberty of leisure will b&- coma a bell. rather than a heaven. 'So you'N gfvirHJ up smoking, eh7' unless we train ourselves to find new and proper objecti for our energies, aggreasiooa and aatisfaction&. • • • The sreat.e.t danger for both Uber· ala and c:onaeivatives doa not lie in their opponents, but in the utremll\s within their own ranb -far the lib- erals aN conatantly being teduced by their IDOlt fD.lberal elements, while the conservatives are pulled by the reactionaries in their camp: b o t h sides bave more to fear from their "friends" than from each other. • • • Why dO grandparents and grand- children get a.long 10 well together? ~ the beat answer is the one I beard from • ~ recently: "Because they have a com.moo ~ ml1 -the parents.'• Caw in ·Action DEEP IN THE BOLE People over thelr beads in debt may wipe the al&te clean through bankruptcy and •tart all over. Most bankruptcies are "voluntary": the debtor goes to court and files a pe- tition on his own. Under "involuntary" bankruptcy, creditors are not aatlafied with the way the debtor pays bi.a bills. They thJnk some others are getting pref er· ences, or that the debtor ii biding his a6sets. Jn 1ucb cues, the creditors ask the bankruptcy court to take over the debtor's asset! and dtvlde them fairly among all his creditors. ONCE IN BANKRUPTCY, a debtor has several duties: Ht must "tched- ule" his asseu and debta. He mu1l tell the court ot everyth.lng be owna. The court names a trustee to help ft look over the assets and sift through the claims. Tb• trustee collects the debtor's asset.I. Within alx months all Dear Gloomy Gm: When will people realiD that when red Ughta on a 1Cbool buJ are Oaahlni thq mu.st stop completely until tbe fluhlng stops! Apart frclm p.rott1ctln1 rh1ldrcn's lives, and the OOla· tl'sv lnvolve<f, tbt flM for vio- lation l1 1Wt. Only maniacs lly on by. -0 . C. S. B. D. A. ( l~ ' crediton must file and prove their claims to the court's satisfaction. Claim1 are then "allowed." The cred· itora can ah.are the aaaets, iI any. THE DEBTOR MAY keep certain things as a grub state: His clothing, hou.sebold fumltlft, • small home, a '250 car, toola, boob, hil im\lrance, and some cash. Certain debta get pre.lerence: Tax- es, rent due the landlord, wages dut to employee&, mortgage and special creditors do not Jor.e their security. Crediton with no preference share wbat' 1 left. After bankruptcy the debtor geta re· leued from most of the rest that is unpaid. But 1ome debts never get dis· chM1ed:1'axea, alimony and support Pl}'Dlents, bills owed for g e t t 1 n g things by fraud, and bills owed be- cause the debtor harmed others on purpose. The debtor might also be d~ nied a dlscbarge ii he lied to the court about bis assets. A DEBTOR MA V go through bank· ruptcy only once every SIX y e a r s, though he might set up corporation• whJcb go broke more often. Tbe law abo bas ways for a person or flnn to clear up debts outside or bankruptcy. Many a debtor and hit cndl*'>rs work out an agreement or "arrangement" with tbe court'• ap. proval to pay off bis debta or a part of them. After carrying out 1ucb a plan. the court may discharge the r~t of hi6 debts. Such agreemenll take many forms which are designed ao far as possible to the lndivldual'1 particular circums~nces. Notr Ca.l1/omkl law~rs of /tr thil column &o 110" ma~ ktt010 abou' our lo IOI. \ The tart for this k a bU ol. dogerel from the muter tlpter of buDa, Do-mingo Ortego: ''Bull fight critics, ranked In ron Fill the enonnoos plaza fuJl. But only one is there who KNOWS And he's the man who fights the bull." A theologian, with appropriate ref· erences to the decline and fall of Rome, the liquidation of tbe once powerful Britlab empire tbat im· poaed "peace" on much ol. the world, Md a few apt qUCIUs frclD the ICl'ip- tlrel llboat ftllit;J and .. foll7 of W. conclpdet: -LEI' VI Mal', tblnfcn. be lured Into pladn1 oar truat m. dwWa « ta princes; nor ought we to be ""1fied up" with pridl. Ovillzation, fl it b to survive tn the twentieth century, ~ not be maintained by a Pax Ameri· cana nor by the pretentious power of any other sJngle naUoo. Only a wwJd. wide communJty ol peoples, w b e r e each learns to raped the culture and traditlo111 of the other in a genuine spirit of ~, can there be found w or I d and convert lta weapom to prunt.og boob. It is not t.be little Nassers, or the larger power p1-y1 of Ru.ala and China, or tbe desperate effort or the Soviets to bring oft the ousting and downfaD of Mao and h1a group that del-.y1 the coming of the Kingdom of God. It ~ just that "we" are puffed up and put our trust in chariots. This aort of _proae 1s a lot ol very damp mewllnl Md puling . .Allo, it wu 1UI more clearlJ and strongly a., a Naaar.e.almolt 1,D j11ar1 ago- WllA'f ABOOT THE man wbo ftCIN tbebuD? There are aactew ~bs iD the wortd. Frl9Cle ail Cblu. ......... .... bave tbem. '11Mre is a prolGend lhitt i.t w~Mf power. Atfa, not Europe. ii tbe new tbutet. Tbe United sta1et, u the majoc workt power at this mo- ment in ti.me and hi.story, cannot fail to involve itself in the massive shift of power that bas been evolving 1ince, roughly, 1948. 1be Prealdent, the &eeretary of It.ate, the cabl.oet. the cblefa of 1taU, Two Radical Plans Destined to Fail Two radlcal yet simple propos- als are likely to take up a good deal of the time of the incoming 90tb Con- gress. Although cliacussJon will be high, neither seems likely of adoption. Standing in the way of both ls a rile in federal spending to $125 biJlion ta fiscal 1967 and possibly as much u $140 billion in fiscal 1968. Tbe first la the proposal that the f e d er a 1 government guarantee, by one means or another, that every person or famUy will receive a mini· mum income sufficient to prevent pri- vation or the bumlUatioo or being forced to go on relief. The prealden- Ually appointed National Comminlon on Technology, Automation and Eco- nomic Progress ia among the respon- slble IJ'OUPI tbat bave reeommended such a course. THE REPORT TO the President 'aat June by the Wbi~ House Confer· ~nee to Fulfill These Rights -a civil rig!tts •ymposium -carried a recom· mendation that "there should be ex- plicit acceptance of the government'• responsibility for guaranteeing a min- imum 1 n c o m e to all Ame.rlaam" through guaranteeing jobs to thole who can work and higher welfare benefits to those who cannol That the proposal ii attractive, even in con. servative circles, is evklenced bJ a dii,cussion of the income plan that the U. S. Chamber of Commerce is 1pon· soring. THE GUARANTEED annual In- ---811 Geor ge ---. Dear ~orge: I could never understand why men whisUe al a good · looklng girl There seems to me to be no earthly reason for this. I have thought about it a great deal and 86ked other people. I defy you - ls there any logical reason why men whistle when they see 1 good·look1ng girl! T. Y. Dear T. Y.: First. let me tell you about steam and a teaketUe ••• come Idea JI llbl1 tD pkt up a good deal of btpartiJaa npport. but Its fu· ture appean blocbd • 1eat temper· arily by the cost of the *• In V:let-nam. Mach tbe same II the pr0tpect of a second radJcal sodo-polltkal pro- po&al, the idea of fedtraktate rn· enue llmtn1. Thia II a coocept wbicb has been klckine around bl Wuhi.ng· ton for a nwnber ol )'M.?L W ALTEJl W. ftRl,t.n, tben cha1r· man ol the Council of Eeonomic A(I, vtan, two yea.rs q o arced 1bat a portion of federal income 1u collec· tiou be diverted to the states to u.. u they needed. President Johmon en.. doraed the Heller plan in principle, but decided against submitting 1t to Coqreal. It is DOW undent8od that the plan ii atroagl.y opposed by tbe White House. However, Rep. MeMn Laird (Wll.). chairman of tbe House Republican Conference Committee, in a •peecll on Nov. 18 before the NaUonal Con- ference or State Legi&lative Leaden, said tax·sbaring with few or no strings attached should gradually supplant the multibUllon -dollar grants-in-aid tO the states adminiitered by federal agencies. Laird gave tax-sbartq a G.O.P. coloration by pointln1 out that be flnt propo5ed a plan in lt68. BEP. HENRY 21. REUSS (D. Wla.) A Columnist Opens His Mail Tbings a columidlt mlpt never know ff he didn't opea bir mail: American women are eolnl in for iDluraDCe la • blt wa,. Accordbll to an lDllmtrJ atimatit, a.,. DOW on $130 bUllDn tn Uf e inluraDct. The av· era,. woman aecuUve tut y e a r boulht a Sl0,000 poUcy, the policies bou&bt by bouaewivea averaged '3,- 800: l! people could digest grass and otb· er plants as readily 11 do sheep and cows. by •imply getuna rid of the world '• Uvestock the euth could sup. port 14.5 billion more human beinp tban U now has. ' A NOlSY DOME We can make you ~tlcallY ill. ScleoUats bavt found tha& noJJe tevs Of 100 to 120 decibln can ca11H patrfc ulceta and tempor. ary deatneu. And you can reach that llveJ by ~wtaneoual.y turaln& on a vent fan, the d11hwaeber1 the 11.rb•&• dispnal unlt aod ~ r9Cllo or televt· tlOD Mt. We like to thlnk of OW'ttlvoe •• ln· vete:rata travelers, but aomt to mll- Uon U. S. 9dulta have DIVer 10D8 mor. tbu 200 mil .. from home. Aad lbfM IUt ol Ovt b&VI IMVC' lpeM a mpt bt a motel or bottl On1J five percent ol motor trtpe are for mon than soo mUea. QUOTABLE NOTABLES: "lteep your DOH Oj.lt of other people's butt· MU. If you follow th1t *Mee, JOQ'd never have to allbt a black eye." - Jimmy Durante. In 19311 only 14 percent ol peraou of "coDeee age" were 1cWall1 taking college couraei. Toa, an amai.lnl O percent art. TUbercuJo&l.e, OM ol mankilld's old· est d..IJulet, " .,.. DO mana coo-quered. lt 1trlkt1 some D0,000 A.mm. cam yearly, ud t ,000 dle ol it. Ute 11 settlnl taller for woma aD tht Ume. Modem plt complaln daeir foundaUoa prments are lrtMmt. but the &1rdla the' wore bad about 1500 B.C. were m• of heavy U. rlap. FOLKLOR.£i You call avoid U'I bid luck that come1 from bttakbi& a mlrror lf 11"& C!tOM ) ount1f Gr Dad a • bW. To ... 10Uf future butband, Je41, flrlt «mt wtd .. WiDt ... l'Olllo ........ lie& at .. .. throcaP a .ma ICarf. ht a raw po- tato ln JOU? mouth ad Jc. WCllrt cry wbOe peelbtf ..... All 1tctdaC palm II a tip JUll wil ~ bdo _. apeeted~. It •• Mlpel de C.ftDtN w» ftrtt ..-Ved. "DWfec:e ls u. ... .. oi 1DOd lDck. •• • --W- Th am.,, December I. 1981 rM ~ ,.,. ., ... DoQf PUoC aub to "'1_. mecl ..._. ..,..,, ,.....,,., .. ~ -ac•PIPf'I"• ,,. tau _, eo. ..,,.,., -.... fl/ "*"" -llpl/ltmtOf, .. ,,..... • forwA ,_ ,,. ctpt .... ., .. ~...,.,. ... ., ~Ck Mtiia .... .,.,, ot t./orfNd ~· md apoUsW. otl toplp ., dw - .. • . \ •one-stop' shopping at its finest! Open Evenings' Til Christmas ·TLe NICEST TLings llre Wrapped In Our ·Packages! t \ a.. • I • I - . Anteaters Host Omalev, Titans Coach Danny Roeet• and tbe UCI Anteater bapt.- beli Lorees entertain coKb Alu Omalev and tM 11· tam ot Cal State Fullenoa at e: 15 tomorrow nlabt in CampllJ Hall in tbe Orlt meetlD& ol the au.on be- tween the two Or1n1e County acboola -and one tbinC la for certaln -one ol the two will ban ita fir.t •ictory of 18-fT. UCJ nu droWed lu tint two aames to N e ., a d a Soutbera IDd Cal s t • t e LM1 Beidl. botb ta ,,,,,.,. time, and CaJ St.ate Fuller· ton hu gone down to Cal St.W Los Aneelea and Sao Fernando Valley State. Ro&er1 feela tbe Anleat· era will bave to "start at· tackln& the defense with the b.llb.post oflense, rath· er tb.an being attacked and put on the defensive by the oppo.IUon's delenae." UCI is certa1nly much atroncer than l.ut year, but tbt teams it plays thll ae•· ICJll ~ of the ullbre to tu• full advaatele ol zne. chanJcaJ mlatakes, either on offense or deftnH. "We haven't been able to pllt everytbtnt tof etber so far." remarked Ro1ers. "Our oUente Wh oil, the defense wu oa ln the Ne- vada Southern 1ame. At Looi Beach, we had num· eJ'OOI Japaea on defenae and even tbouah we acored llO point.I, we wena't work· ing u a unit oa olfense." Forward Dale Finney'• 14.5 per iame a v e r a I e leada tbe modeat acorlnt attack thus fsr. C t n te r Mark NelJon la the ltCOGd beat scorer at U.5 a.od ltada 1D rdJoand.iq. Gard Tom Bryan bas averaald 9.5 points, good taOUah fOr third on the team. The Anteat.r B e D C b st.renith will be bNtded by 6-3 Eldon McBride who had an outstad.lq HCODd half in relief ol tbme1 .t Loa& Beacil and acored 14 points, M li2 M1te Reek· man, 6-11 a..rlie Bradde Mld S..S Fred Kern. Rogers has gone to his beocb often and early aod with Utt.le sacrllice in t.al· ent. Hit early NUOft pre. d.IC!t{oo as to the f1ne ct.ptb ol Ule Anteat« squ11d bit been proven. . . .and so hu hi.a prediction as to the ~en ol the tchedule. Junior guard Darrell Mil· bl# will draw th& unenvi- able taal ol tryiftf to stop the a.point·a·game scoring of 1ltan guard R o la n d Owens, a bona fide All· AmertcaD cand.ldate, aod at 5-9. one ~ the smallest. Omalev will surround senior Owens with four oUJ· er sen.ion in u Attempt to break into the winning col- umn. Two newcomers to the start.in& lineup prob&· bly will be forward Myroo Brown and euard Ern!e Clayton. Coach Dick Davis' UC I juntor Varsity quintet I~ for Its fourth consecutive win tn the 6 :30 prelimin• ary attrecdon -callut the ntan Fro..h. Rrutkr1 Meet Rio Hondo OCC Tests Harbor Kiefer, Mikels, Redding Awarded Bue Grid Honors Altbou&b jt will require • ly a month to aee bottl Oran1e pres1. tresb from • 1pectacu· bit et travellng, area jaycff Coast and Golden West in ac--lar 111·98 wln over prevlou~ basketball fans will receive Uoa ttU week.end.· ty unbeatea Cerritos opens their first opportunJty in near· 1be hl"1 • 1COring OCC a· aotivltJea F r i d a y' nlgtrt aplnat Loi Angeles Harbot OD the Seabnk court. ____________ , Saturday evmlng, the vii'· tQllly untested Rustier• fromi--------- Bud Tucker a.... Wllttacki.Rle OallfeJa ........ Actioa 11 tet to cet under _______ llJllll ___ I..., both nlgbta at a. Congress Fer Bob Wetiel'1 Cout«I, the club with Barbor will N!'Ve u a final tuneup for T p b next week'• imp«tant Cbaf. 0 ro e LOS ANG~ -Jim Healy, the ulevllfon tbrolh, fey Tournament wbidl get.a tbe other day revealed a startling item ot intelligence under way Wednelday. in tegard to the impending strike at Santa Anita. Hopeful of mnaln.ing on the There is 00 way the track will open tta winter meet· plu1 side ot the ledger for Athlet ? ing on schedule, Healy pointed out, bec1ua be h• it the remainder of the 198M7 es• oo excellent autb<>rity tbe cater~ hu cancelled an ord• campa.Jp, Wetzel will open fc. .omethinJ like 400 CMes ol wb.iltey. with~~~~ Pro Gridders Under Fire This would appear about u f1nal as JOU cm ,._et ~onnnta But.ca RollJna at Clearly, it is out of the questiort tor a race tract to open cent. witb 'John Vallely and without whiskey. It m11 be possible to ~ggle along Bart Carrldo at guards. without vodka. bot whiskey is u eaential to a bone Tbe Buca bold impressive meeting as bay. wiDJ over Cerritos, UCLA "Mr. Healy'• lnfonnation may or may not be au. Froab (91M2) and Palomar WASHINGTON (AP) thentic." aaid a Santa Anita aopkeaman, "but be may (I0-70), but bave fallen to the Rep. Luciea N. Nedzi, D- reat assured that If and when we open, the whiskey will UCI Jayvees (S>-51) and El Mlcb., can.ct Wednetday for be on hand. Furthermore, it is S-5 the hone playen camtno (112-101). a CoDcresliouJ tnveaU1a&n will consume every drop. 0 Golden West, meamrbile, Into the apparmt lmmun.lty More seriously the officl•l let it be known that the hu made only one appear· of profellioul athletes from .chances <0f Santa Antta opening for bUlinela Dec. 26 a:nce tbua far -fallin& IMl tbe mU1Wy draft. we "not at all bright." to Sa Diqo Mua a fort. He m8de 1dl request aftlr' Creating all of this II a union w~ ebneel ma-nl&bt back. ~aU.oe In a IDaJllllne ot tuel da'b and Janltort and aJDec1 maintenance tndea. IUcll Va Dir N .. 1111111 a It .1 """! ~ _, two et --· d mandl involve more -md certlla r=tl ,....._,,_ fo • 0 a11 iuc UDJOO e ~ _, ..... • 1111.a.c la •l wtn dnfted into t.e cwertime V!'an.gemeata. 8bonlr Mn .. Bat IMw-. lie a,•_. Gllil yur aJtbouCb a ·~Y beca\Jlt tMn II m WIJ fW a trO to •• •• --. ~· Cll tllllll art duct I dq of racine ill 1-U. alJlm tM ~?'la V• Dir N, ~ m la and • and bt a- fJlll,s. A1mllJtol 8Ce and JcMbo State ceUent bu.1th. l'wrl•fe filipllftrt .... 1'1'1 lmpll~., ... ..,.... .... .,... ............ tnuftr, pat tD • qaltt la. 1'tter to Rep. L. ..... baJt •Ofmt tuo Roode> and clel Rlnr, D-S.c .. ...,... tben atole the second ball of tbl HOUM AnDed ~ show by ICOriDC 20 l)Ointa. es c.ommlttee. Neda NlmlJAti Bilbruck, me&mmne, dz. to crowmc CODCel'll onr i. DENNIS Kllf Ellt DAN MtKfU McArthur, Ober Win Laurels AU • Eastern Conference football tack.le Dennis Kieler won tbe coveted "Pirate oL the y e a r" award at w~ nesday night's aMQal Or~ Coast College fall s p o r t s award banquet in the Pirate Student Center. Memben of the Coast foot. ~ ball, water polo and cross CLARENCE OLIVER country teams were honored. KJe!er, called by Bue coach Diclc Tucker "the finest of· fensive tackle I've ever c°"ch- ed,.. played high school ball al Westminster. Freshman qua.rterbadt De.n Mikels was named most val· uable player. The 15().pou:ndo er was the conference's No. 3 passer and bit on touchdown passes in eight straiCht games . The Rod Gould award, alv· en to the gridder playing the most mmute1 during the ata· aon, went to Lacuna ~adt lll'Oduct Clarence OU.., a -. laalve bect.oaemlve end, ,,.. .-0 p~ tzo. ~u.e"a111er= bl tbl moat IDMlilt.ed tack· la, we.at 6o BID lteddiDI. MMt frithtenlne It the pr•p•ct of thewlNh of horse players bttnt rendered home...._ flnMclalty, everyone wltt auffw lnchMllnt the 1 ""'°" members. The Stete of Cal~nl• wllt fMI ~ the pinch to the moum fvl tvne of $150,000 t. $500,.. t 000. day. zled ti)e first stanu and end· equltta in the d!'lll ed. up wltb 25 coo:ntert. Wlth tbe latest revalu.aUon Water polo Nrl Don tlld and Jfin lV.uKe umed CllR- tain'• awardJ and Ch a r 111 Appell was named Clpta1n _......, _______ .,....__.. __________________ lfor the cross country team. The RUJtlera make tbelr about pUoc>tbalJ plaJen, heme debut Tuelday night kl Ned.Jl Wd, public con.Ode.Dce1~lf.!!~~!l!!!!!!J!· OCCs Baaf1 Pet.er&OD Gym· wUl rucb a new low. s.i.;. Weary Lakers The Pirate of tbe Y ear award for ,.-at.er polo w e a t Rest, to Wallace wbU~ Blake Cox won lhe same title for Cl'GIS country. The contrad In question CorMI up for NMWal every three year& IM ffw the pltt alM wtwe, Santa Anita hM btert .. led .... ..., ... "'9 .,.w. . die. The contract ema,racea all •Jer tncb ht Call- fomla and eicplNI at the ~ of tM o.I tMr meeting, but the union flndt 1tt ,_,,,... la ......, Mrved by pr ... ntlnt lh ........... lwt ...,.,.. Santa naalum lpimt pow«ful Ml uked that the inquiry allo San Jacinto College, rated u incJ\lde profeWonal buebalJ OM ol the heft Jaycee qul.n-and b&Uetball players. Award winners: tetl in the state. Nedd. a member of lbe A • B v • • ~~ce;~eymml~: wm.t . arry ISlt TW.Yff' ~ 0... tt-. c.o~tary of the "-... ---•ldl: Fo11. Miit• .. ,..,.. Ar1 Geuld, Anita 11 tchtduled to open. • Sports ~.u: ,... .... ,,, -M9'e = l.alTy He,_, Jedi K.-,-Gen. Wl.m1on Willoo of tbl :,..,,. ~ ~ ~ In hocb y, this 11 called I ,..., -'"· lft ...... ball, It i1 a aqueeze play. In rtclftl, lt le clll'llMd effective. National Goard conceralnl L06 ANGELES (UPI) -gamble and bad Darrall 1.m. "'•• MoW9 lrN1111t«>. Ray ".,....· alleg1ti0111 of prlYUe1ed 'nle weary Loa Angeles Lak· hoff intentionally foul pa u 1 :;,ce J:,.•~,:--.. :Ww~:::C-J?:; treatment of profaaional A8SOCL\TED PBESS era 1et a day· off today after Silas with elgbt secood.s left. w&': '. veer ~ _ 5,_ .,.,. athletes by reserve aod wimalDg an overtime match Silas, • 4115 per cent tree throw· -. ,.,.,., '"'""· LWTY 1rec11My, o.. N -odatlou c...c11111e• B . f guard un1ts. You can say one tbiq tor with tbe St. Louis Hawks Wed-er, missed tbe 1hot and Im· :;~..,"r.:i.~ ~ -lll r"f L> s Al much U be WouJd lite Rick Blny: bl cloela't }It De"'-.Y nJgbl, l»-128. bofi CODtrOllfd the rebound. Cllvdl l.eftdtn. T... Memlne. Mb The garbled negotiitiions take~ regularly eytey llCi to see bU favorite tulDI eon-miAllll a fn bltMr' blm. Tbe La.ken will play the Elgin Baylor's season blgb ::;;c;:-,.=.....,~ ~;',..~":':; three years. Tanforan in Northern _Gl"llia Wll c1-<l tiDue ln~ N~n~ be ~ i!: ~~t.': ••d, San Francisco Wamors Fri-?f 4115 poiDta kept the La.ken :::--.!'=. •: s::,!'.*'C for .five weeks nine years ago. Santa Anltl'a opening w; PHJLADELPHlA _ The tbinb It as mor....., wroDI • don bl 4-1 after the off day. Tb e t.n the game u West missed U "-'111. Mb ,........,, • ...., v.- . postponed for two days six years ago. Pbfl.adelpbia Pbilllet sent dit· to dllcriminate i~ favor of ketblD Aasoci · ._.. Waniar1 will bring their bot o! bla first 19 shots. Hot sec.-=· wa1en. ,,..,. ••a11t. • 1 ~t Three years a~o negotiations continued until two aatisfled Ray Culp and an un· pro athletes aa it would be int by • wide marg. bid ond ball sbooUng by Gall Pertklot~•• -C••lt Alltfl, o... ,,.... ~ays before Santa ~ita's opening and raclaf was per-disclosed amount of cub to to dlJcrlm.l.na~,.~~.= ~f;1>i!:2!t1~-=: Na A SU11Mll .. 1 Goodrich also helped the Lak· 5~·.a~;E: '!,.~ ,milted to l{et under way through a truce .,,_nent. The the Cb.lc&go CUbs Wednesday ~ r::ciu Army Raerve nesday nigbl ......,. Dfv= i.a• fld •• ers stay close. ..., r=: M•• v... w11:.::v= track operated f<?r two weeks and wu then clo9ed for a for left • llander ~k EU.· bave continued to swell chJr. After scorinl fl pollllll ::.:!"• ,:' ,2 .iW · 4;; sr. LOUIJ : ,, ! =· v blldy wii-.,,.... -week before a final a~eement wu reached. The days worth, a ~game wmner two l.ng the. Vietnam war and c::f. aplnlt New York 'hMda,J""" v..-u u ...., 12 5 , tl 1 c•oss couimtY -were sub6equently m~de up by racing on Mond~ys. years ago. waltlDI U.ta bave devel , ni&b1, Berry wu held ID it=.=: ; i~ 1: :: -..=. i t~• ,... . , ...,...,.,_ _ ,. ,,,. This year accord mg to the Santa Anita offk1al, the General Man a I er John Nedzi aaid by the Bullett md Ol1l1 man· • ....,. °"'..... ~~~1 1~ t1 11911 1..:-c... RGI! c-..o.. track could t~lerate a delay of about two weeb. Mon. Qu.lnn the of °:se ~ea.::'°:: Nedzl uted Resor and WU-aged to conned on elgbt of:"~,_.. 1: 1 ,,• ~ ~ ·~~ i ti ..:;, · ,;: ~~ -1.=.,:t days could be employed again and there ta no •Pl'inl ~---.... ~ be bM '-Tl~ IOD to secure reports from all 33 shots from the Doer. '1'bl ~ """* '~• 1:, ~ ~ Tlir.." • ., ,. ,:::~ ul o.vw Ftc111tr. Jedi ~no.,, 0e1e .._ harness meeting to follow. ...,._ -.. unit.a in which profeuloaal latter figure tboWa tllat m.111 w , , , .. • • .:.._ .-1• ~c11 L~ ANHt.•~ .., 1 ~~:,!"~~ 1~":::· t• "We would be seriously hurt:' the spokesman aid rlpt • bander Joey Jay, re-1thlete1 serve. IDdlcatln& them or not. BarrJ Dpt oa ,... v.,. :, .. Detroit m '':"" 1 ~ 1 *"" -llllfi G111n1t. •rvca 1Mr1t1M. "in the matter of our stakes races. These are conduct;d C!ellily releued by the Allan· aucb ln1ormation as date of ahootlng. ~ •. '~~~,~ ,., ~· 1,,. ii 1••M2 WATH POU> on contracts That ts the horsemen are contracted to ~bB~vea,. to ~or the !int application, date ot en-Baltimore l &ft 61 Je1t .11.1.~ ...,,.....,., .. m. °'~1" •imo f tt rwo • v-r 1t1term111 -1>o<1 CM4. run a certain. stakes ~ a certain day IJllllll tr g. Uatment, jUJtificatloD ID tbl parding BUTJ to *-Qlll• ,;: ~-,., "· 1a , .. -· 11n • t4 °'"' ~. 0.11 Le~ Jim · ... _ --11-tme t tit lenDt playen ID e. f l t a t r.,..,-, ._ wr,1 JI ,,. v'°"''"" Jim W•"-"If, for instance. we were forced to puab our Derby DALLU -J..,, Le~ nent """"i CIJld ~ •:. oi ball Ben warifJ held him to .. """'--. c11icwe •• •-n ... 11. 't!,. f' C 31 i1'1-' .:W~'••~ -~"' .. S:;:. ahead two weeks. we would l<>Se a lot ol quality horses u, ftnt Nepo to 1et •• en ~~tmo °"t. erd, ~ ...... .....,._ ..... 8 of 15 9hotl from t b • "':i. l.Alllll n. S8ll l'renci-., "-'hi. "?ou~ -s1. 1.ci:.1., 11,~ ..._ -.. ,.-•-· which would be returning to the Eut where they ree· .aletle tellolusldJ .. U.. co~.... en an r~ _. O.:or #tt. u..1.,•1 tiwi.-s1. 1.ou11 u, l• ,,!:;'~'l::w;. °O::: '~,..!o!·":= 'Ularly campaign.'' ~west C.Geraee, AJ'I tam. wben Warley wu •Jtetmd sbootblt Rkk Barry into the • ._._. 7ML 0011•"' Hf! .._, """' ....., I Aside from these problems, Santa Anita '1 only addi· he uddpMel flaldl91 Ml u the hall ended lifter pt. sports Arena. Barry current- Uonal worry comet from the boraemen. They are cur· atllletl~ edaeatiell..: UD:C hll 1ecqnd ttclWcll f~ 11 leads the National Duk· rently sponsoring a move whereby they would nceive a ~ ~,. ': Mil WlYM Htgbtow1r md G a 1 tCbaD Asaociatlon with more Lgreater percentage of the track'• tUe in the fona of • 4l9INe ~ Jobneon took o9W. tbm •points a 1ame. rtarger purses. · e ' C. la the meantime. tbl B.i. Jerry West proved that be This, at the moment, ta the way matten stand. · T ne ~'~-Bua~ i.u. playing their f1tat llUDt •11 the belt clutch p1-Jer o ., .,.ayer ..,_ wu -under new coacJt <;-. Sbal, In the tame Wednesd.ay night /tlere .,,,_ Jt11e Cftfere.nce'a ~ wttJt un raced oU to a 20-l le.a lD the by blttlilt a 22-foot jump shot Ids perf•nauce at SMU u ~ .. "·,,~,~~·,F. _... °'' openinl momenta, feD blblDd with four seconds remaining A su.-tlOft h• been IMlle th., a strike at • ..,._.. •11 teuea, ~ n; 9~ "~ " earl.1 {n the third J)ef1od llld to liv• the Lakera the win this time would ... mo,.. tl•Mlflnt th• ewr ...,.. decluecl, "I llan .. plus ... Mt IO then waced • whin.lii1 ~ over the Hawkl ln11much •s rlldlcal ...... "' CaUfwNa't radftt fer le•vll• Solllllen MeUte-e~= 'UJ.s*'A ,, S2 •t the bel1DniDa Of tbt f Wett. held to One basket ln picture .,, a'**' wMn tt.. ,.. .......,... tlh dist Mt my ,_., •u ~~.... i:J.~~.. ,. quarter. tbe HCOnd ball, made two In .... ion In January. Fw ... thlfte, ,,..... racing beea cncened ud I wW c,..~ I'. ,...,.. \. • ID other NBA lamt1, Bell-Otld foala and four free daya for aU tracb la Nlwd .. • al.-t a cenalnty. talk t.e lalm • ._ ff." k lllf.. t ~'f~,,. 91 a • belt ClDclarlaU U.Ml , Cbrowa ill the extra period to In • sen.e, fhM, 1M .................... thla ,.,... DEJJVPD Colo A brief ~·~. ·Mt~».;,• • Yort edlld Detroit 11.a. wrap up CM Ltktn lentb wllf'" "*-·I 1 __.. . ..-...1~-........... L __ .... of __. OH~.. • -~· '-,. • ue PbDadelpb1a toot Chica-a•.., .. '"'v •r t me ope,....."f -T.,,. ........ cap .._. rebellion by all 11 Nesro tt"*" "l· ,.'.St. I! IO '117-tm aocS Loa Anctlll Rookie i.c;, H~ e1JD01t knowfno preclMly _., they ere teUdnt et.ut. 1'1M players on the Denver team ln ~~· °'~· • -SL Louie ~UI 111 .,..._ n 11 be bit 11 v e handicap, of _,,,_ appU• te liioth1.W... the American Football Lerue . , t11 _.... e. Nu.t. II 111CCusloa to keep ' 5ofMwhen tlurint alt flf thll, "WIS •""9•tell lw e.oded. _.. "a · Jobuoa ICCl'td le pobdt a Lou.la la coatention ID tbl th•t a truce lie 4ecl1,.., and ........,Ions del1y.t "Al far u l'm conc:mted .-. r..&r. A-• pulJld down 11 rtbOmdl .,.._. ad his Wt t w 0 until aktr the letltl•tvre eoft""'9 which WllMIW tb1t lJ a clOHd IDddlat. •• a:: It:: 1111 Jf."l;,1 1~~ f. • ltedlnc the Bulleta, 1ut bl ,...._. i••• the Hawk• tbe1r allow t1lks .. lie conducted°" tOrMthlnt ,....,.,. Coach Ray Malavut said af. ~~.t~ '-i "91.~-VTI I tbl Eat«n Dlvil1on, to -.1Mt·1~ Jll,.JJI, wltb 41 ling a concr ... •it. Thh wouW • ..,.., te make ter Wednad.ay'1 Pr act Ice ~~~£11' ~~ •r,!lT fttlb •k:t«J. ap!Mt n • •11111 • to. Alcindor lnjmed'. Kicked in VSC Tilt LOS ANGELES {UPI) -The USC Trojans weN! unable to atop UCLA's £CC>ring ace Lew Alclndor but they l1lJ1 have slowed him down. ' The etant aopbomcn cent« milled practice Tullday wben a Jea Injury IUfferect 1n bat sai, urday'1 USC.UCLA 11111 began swelling. AJdndor WU aecideatllly ticked ln the •calf of hla rflhl teg dm1nl the BftUna' 105-90 Ylctary, but the tnJury 'WU not -;:• t.cl then u aertoua. 8ruina coach Jobn~en aid he did not .. belltive the injury Wll lefio\11 and tbllt Aldndor would start 1gatnst Duke in tbt opens' of a two- aame aer1et Friday night at Pauley Pa.WOn. . . The ooach aaid ht bad his star ab~ Uee on}1 fne throWI Tuelday, but that A joined rquJar drills witb the club on Wed~. more than • llttft ....... "We had ID excellent prac. ~u!!,-. 1'bl Wamon, who Md l:llllt .... later, w. It ft mak• .. mUch MMe, In fief, ft wlH .,tte lice and I don't think thl1 ~-·,'\> ~·· .... • Well ..-a 1~--~l bit --N tbriw1 '°' the likely never come te ,... thing will have an effect on , J~.' IT" .. ~ •· • °' wn lad bJ Nltl ·1nurm.a ....,, ft tie lrid the LU· ~ .-. .. ~... OW' play at Q11t!and Suoday.'' · ::,.;~ = ~'1,,._, .... • wt&ll • ,....._ .. 01i111t ftild ...... tMk a ...._,... ......... ~~illlllll ... '!'llllll~~~~~lllllli--~~lfti\I l I . .. UP ! dwil ney rina - -LO "'*' c- .. , .. T .,.. olds "" "''" Min Ole "*"'""' c.wlout • Melll«'t Z. AN ,....,... IW't LI ~· Y....Slt l Clldle II lO Al "'-... ·~ ...... IKOtl ..... 8111 ., .. ... c .. ...,..., llvm "' MAiie'• ~ °'"9' ........ ... u ..... ... '';,,~ ....... llUltler lflowllll ne••• ~,: ... 00 Madl•Y u ...... ..... tlhl c ._.Ito byal • C)Nelw ...,_ a .. 1e . ICAI ..... .,_ 0-11 " POUi ..... .... c. .. ... .. ..,.,.. =:', ""· .. Nldll ...... v ... ..... c a•L *'"' .,idlll ....... ,.,.. Cllllfll ... .... , ...,., .. . ........ l8a I = ""· ' ...-1 ~ "'00 _,, .. ... .... ""· . • • \ Jn Overtime, 60·59 Soph's Foul Shots Win for ·Oilers ly EAJtl GUSTKEY ............... Roy Miller, a lo-y~-old aopboroore transfer from Vftlice ~ in Lot Anaeles, calmly canned two free throws with Z3 second.a left lD an overtime period Wed- oead1Y nltbt at Westminster HiJb. ScbooJ to give Hunt· l~ft,on Beach a thrill1ne 60-~9 victory over North River· Sl~. The victory sends Elmer Combs' talented caca-1 into • Friday •em•·ftnu pme with Tourney the winner ol too:lgbt's Eltan· d.a-Westmlmter club in the =::!:·Marina Rotary Box Scores MlJ1er WU eully the Star of T-..n the four tourney pmes played AT WE5TMllOTU ~ .... "'.. """ Wednesday at the Marina and ~i.:~· •:• ""'· ,.,._,, IWHll· WetUnlmter gym&. But for the ..... .!..~: Maler Del. 6:4' P.111. II• record. Marina moved into the AT MAAlllA -,,.,. ... Ve!IW ... seml-tlnala wlth a 874 win ._.. Ai.~~00 ':;:-~::;:. 1'*'::-'I. °""Bolla Grande in a. re-,.......,,, "'•'*-'>. · ~ malnlng winner's bracket ... . ._. ., ...._.. .J.. ...... .. 11 " ,...,. .,wyed WednudaJ night. 0....-Gr-a u • 17....., In conaolatioo action. Ser-VALINCIA , .. , vite ..-blpped La Quinta. '1M5, HMtlltoll ,~ ~ ·~ ~ and Valencia beld oU Garden::::;: • 1 1 u r--..,. t t 1 I uivve, ~. "• • a , u ...... _ H ti "..... t ' s I i lftl UD' ngton-North Rtver· °"""' , s 2 u sJde struult waa dolt all the ~ • • • • way. When regulation time ex-1CMet1 : : : : pired, It WU 53-53. The Oiler•~· • • • • tried to Wm it lJ1 four qusterl T••tt ,: 1! J ~ by Mtt:i.Qc up Gree Snyds with •UDlll HOV• c .. 1 -----------·•ix secoods left but Allan Rob-LAMa '~ ~ '~ ~ inlOD waa fouled. He miaRd v ... °""'* 1 , • 1 UP _SHE GOES -Marina forward Mark Miller casts oU wlt.b a long jump shot dunng Viking-Boda Grende tilt Wed.De., nJabt in Westminster-Marina tour· oey game at Marina. Miller aant the lhot. ftllt on to acore 24 pointa t.Dd Ma- rlo& won eMily. 87-85. Los Alamitos Rustlers Race Entries Take 12th the free throw, and the tlne-~= ~ : ; : minute extra period was in· o-• • • • '---' left I 1 ' • VO•cu· Miiier $ S J ll Miller started lt off with a~ • ' • 1 . __... ,.,, three-point play m the opening"-• 1 1 , nd Rob1___ -i-•-•-ed O'ar1e11 o , > 2 aeco a, w.vu m .... WMD r•ai. 11 21 u u that lead wi1h a bocket a min· sun •w ovarttn ute later but North· Riverside's ~ " 21 ,. 11 u-«r fllundiY, !>«ember 8, 1961> DAIL. Y t'ILU I /fffWt-Pftll In T ..... Gra,,.,. U u ll 12-" Ourne Bill Bakft' aank a lone one to -••NA ml Y ~~ il tiin~7 andl Combs or· ••w ,~ "• ,~ T~ SPEED MERCHANT -Huntington Beach sophomore guard Mike Contrenl U'l'rcu a e ou = , , J U fWhed the form that earned him a 1tarOng 1pot in Wednesday n.lght'i Buntin• uK ALAMITOS 1wn1a 111 1tocMt IHelvY , ... 1 m G 0 1 den Wett Colle~ Sub center Jim James put ..... .,.,.. : ~ , , ton-North Riverside thriller at Westminster Wgb.. Guarding Contn!ns 11 North'; =\~~~= ~1== :n~~.~~ ~~Ri~~~~~.~~= ::~1s~_D_a_v_e_~ __ a_d_u_._H_u_n_~~gto_n;~w_o_n_~_o_v~~~·=~~~5:9:·----------- '"" cu.cm • .,,. .,.nlL ,,._.., '!~!:'·~= =, ::: Westminster Hlgb Sc boo 1 he promptly fouled M.ille:r with:::-.. , , • • :1 .,.. Olft. Cl•""'"'· l'vrM "-Cl•""" Ol>lclt ....... '""""' ,.,, .. , 111 star v-•-·jl N••lo .. ___. 23 Jecooda left and that WU Tlla• ~ 1! 1s' J lllt ..-1« '2000. ~·~ le11"9 IJ-Dnvetl 111 Aat...,,. """ • e&pLW.:u thal 11 MIK oi.111••• n Jldt • ....._, 111 ••uY cw.HUT 1>-11 .., '*" ... 1.2th place in th UCLA,._ •OUA ou1101 cu1 T· BAKER TOP .... ...,., '"*"' A.cs.Ir! 111 Ma. JIT o~cic 1J.11 .., w _. ... : e .... _n In the end, the difference 'o ,~ ,, .. ~~. ~~·c-:-:~~~l m IUWUM lllllTO , .. 11 .... -.,..,, Collegiate WresUlng Touma-WU North Rivenlde'• nkkel = ~ : ; 1: z.o AN ••-1wa'"" ,..,..._, "' ••v•WT" ucL • nr-. ' ....., ment over the weekend at aod dime offeme against Hen!'"' • i > ! TAR GRlDDER T...,... (H~ley ,,...,., 111 .... Cialmlflll, hne 11-. CS.lltl1"9 Full --,..~, MA .l.Z ---I 0 • • ...... L.-.., 1 1,.10 llfie:9 ..... enuu. VUUW9 _, Zi()IMI 11nneDM. J Ull:I JUllM I I J 11 ,,_... ...., CHofteft l"attle1 LAN M4'ftCAICll CHe<vy ,. ... > 11• N . Riverside _,,... lexed •Y•d l 0 • Yflllll• l ytlt (OWWfte _... .. , ,,, <>Iii V• t.Nny PV .... , m e1'10 drew a bye in the .... -WU perp Cart I • ' : c'=" ~:..W'~':a..t~· .......• :: = ~'::' ,'/::;' ~~l m nrtt round in the J».-""" throughout and puled the L.rtrls ' • • , Hallback Jeff B a k e r Mater Dei Wants . Hunk of Us-Van "'" . . . Nl'\.lll eoe c•1 iw111 ,..... r~ "'o ~-• 11, _.__ . ...,....... time by puatng the ball back ""'"""* ' • ' • wu named most valuable " ctoM .... va110t1 LYT• 11o11 cooild ""· IWVlw <OWMt """"'' 111 uans, but went on to def~at __ .. 1.--.t. n..1.. one pl•_,. ~11er 2 > i 1 player for N~rt Har· --.... -.. ~ CJ Wllllw!I "'-' 116 tm --El ,.. __ ,_ ..._ lVA "°' VIUJ , -• _..,,..... • 1 • ' -~ ,.. u. ...., <H.vtrt c,..,, '" ma en uvw ~. Baker could blt from the out-"...._ , • • 2 bor Hlgb School' ar lty By GLENN WHITE Although lta a MmHlnaJ1 Hcott0 ...:1-• Y.,., * .,.... •Y'f o.-tlMll kalllt> . tit Pboe.nix and ArlJ.ona West-side 'and be .a1.o-•t boot T•ai. • • u u s v s . PNp £-.f. EdtW battle ... the _....... ..i1-. ...,. arid .. Ill Gr... 1 .-, ,_ MIU J.,... .... , I.Ht Me..,_l m """" I kMt 1W ~ football team at a fa}} .,,_. -w "'v• ~ -s1ta •VT •••" 1•11 ~ ,_., w1t1 em to take the class title. enouib. ..,..,,. 21 u u --." apo .... -ards program .... PracUce tetliclu ·-o--·. lnatioos, fan 1Dterest ii -- ..-. C.. (J-aa-tWy1 11' • • ••• """° MA.COCK ls-11 ...... IHI LA Qulllla 17 I 1• u-f,S l ~ •" •• -" ·~ .,,_ "'""" •-._,,, o.a 11 LAITY wr'llMl 1u :::= · ... T1rr1W•1u , .. ,, ,...., Nerio wu the ooty wrest-The Estanda·Westmluter ls suviT1 C7'I ... _ ...... 00,.1 auditorium The next Ume Mater Del ...... ~ as the two tMaa .""" MIM CJoe _......l lit ..... ·-•-1 LUC """' 'j ...... ·--1.e.1m Hl""" 1-----n of Orang.a,.._._.., """" ---Ml*llt'• o.o <W•,.,... , __ , 111 __ Kl. from Orange Cotmty and tbe key tilt wuigbL It atarts 0 _ "' ,.., ,, Tl' &IN IMl&IJ' ... ~ "' \.NWlv .. -i:.._. ,._ o.-a. n ,_ '°"1111111 111 ...... ,," llM:L a Ytf9, > -tldl t 1·30·1-th lJ , -.. ' I I > 1' Tuesday night. pplay-.... in •-.S.-.... (l-1.1 bead OD for • ...__ A-a c;:-it..,aen ,,;.;.;. ~> 111 _. .. "' ~ M --.. ,_ 11• the Eutetn c.onference to a -i.u • om pm. ...... . Mltdltll • • ' 1 will .... •w .,_., .. ~ 'QN • ... I.UM :: t"':'::.:'"" ...,, ml.::,':::",,_ .._ 1 m tab a llnt pla<o modal wlmler meo11 H-\':w : : : : Eric Scott WU named day 1:."ial: :·~.::bu~ the dub al the .. ::!' ,";"r.:::, '~1 •-m:::: J:::":~ = _, m OoYe W•l'o Baljlll )k:DOD-::-FridaJ lllPt at= : : : •: varolly "'Jltaln ud Pele um when they bani beado In Cooaerv.Uve affldals -sur•eM• DADDY ,, ..-. """' Ludll ICltliM ,,,.,.,,_ er..11Y1 117 1el -on "'· "'--' -~'" but • • W1ecN1 s o > 10 Martin most improved. the CIF oame of tb mate a •'--nJ ot -ooo 1 ._ · • · • COf'nJ UY IAltl (loll a :: ... ':"'~: ~ *ellll m .. U&e u.i-.• .... ~, ' Mc1Da, U upedlld, bad lit• Tllala tol U U 7t Jerry Trapp WU desl.g• • e Ctn-wuv -, ~or ...,.., . . • aVM M• ca.1> _. PetaA .., Jo _... ' 11' Joat biJ ltlCODd ane to drop tle trouble .... -........ ot Bolla LA 9VlllTA ,.,, tury. the ~e ••• 10,000 mon ._ .,.. • · • -MIN .,.,. ,...,..,... Jtreufl m out of -+ltlon. _..,.,..... H " "" Tl' nated the most insplra· Anaheim bosa Clare Van· tbao tbe c o u n t 1 recard nt••o uce. "' ,_,._ IM'*" 1 .., Llrfle o.-,..,, A4t'1 m com.,-Gnnde. The Vitblp were up Krft. s • 1 u tiooal Sailor varsity per· Hoorebeke balUtJ at those •blcb saw Mater Det hllmJI. ~,:::-sf:..""""" ,.._... 11• a-. ~:O-~i.ri-'.!ld '"' ~ Twenty • eight tu.ms com-by 4WO at balttime and main-:;:.JldtJ : ! ; 2~ former. who prefer to make Ana-late Servile, 3M, e.ner tD s.. Oelplllll c1.wtt ,,_.1 1• .•• LUCICY tOTTP cs-11 .,,.1 ..w petecl, with Pboenlx, Cerri· ta1ned that advantage the rest Manin ' , l u John Brittingham was belrr. the favorite. the year. = ~ 111.:..~ :~ :::::.· .:.:r--H ''"' 11•11 to1 and BakennlJd taking ot 1be eveninJ. Mark Miller,=:: ~ ~ : ·~ "Mater Del baa been However, in view ol ,_. =:.~c.= <'!::"'~) n: "'""' llAC~ -yMll. ' Y"f oiai flnt. eecoDd and third. In an an.tournament choke ~t .. .;::.. 1 I IJ l named MVP for the jay-ranked number ODe tn the erating interest tbrouCbaat .,. "-' ~ C4191111 ·m .,... • 1111 ...,.. A -.. .._ rua tbat order Curt Alder from year, topped all acorers with ._.. .., SJ " • " vee team and Bill Roth-state, CIF and co u 11 t y the Southland, and a brMk :::::.W ~~J.-1 ~= ~ ";: ~..:r"'1 :l; El ~ ""'"-24pobrta. Fellow regulars Lar-..,,.,.. ._,. ::-:;--:, s ,...... enl?efger was voted capo We're fourth in the C1F rat: in weather coadttlona, a a.ttom o.et ~ a-.-1 1• o. Miit o... <~ f'Vllilft) n ---.v won tbe ry Baker (12) Mark Soder-"°"" It._... i• ,, tt t ._,, tain. Bee and Cee MVP ings so how can en.yoae pick crowd " 40,000 mQ' tam ·~.~ ';'.J~J;'=.l.i te ..::! ~~~ .,J= =l m moat valualfe WftlUer trg.. berg (14) aDtl'J0 Mike Shelley KUNT .... TI* ·w"ri·~, TP W l D D e r I were Dool UI to win tfle game. oot Friday' :=.·-~~~~a ~ ... ;i ~_::.=r ~' ~~ phy. (15) ~the supporting atara. :".:::'-~ ~ : 1~ Smith and Ron Martin. "Mater Det bas wanted a AD reserwd teats hfte o-n ... '"'" · · •• ~ = ~ ~1 : The BusU• and Ormi.ce Tbe Vlklnp bit 11 of their """*'" • 2 , 11 Thirty·six letters went hunk of UI for a long time been sold but p1eatJ ol ,_. POUllTII ~ .. -.. ~ .... • ~ ~t.r*~J:rl .. , -.: o-t matmea wfI1 Co acaln Ont 13 lbob. :~ : ~ ! ! to Bee players, 41 to the so I know they'll be up for en.I edmb1loa ducata .. -:=.. • • • .,.... .. ..---._ ..... ..-a1n tJl CJ.II -SaturdaJ ID a 006-day ~ Vale.Dda kDockecl Gardtn ~-2 1 o J ~.. 21 to jayvee play· the game. Bat I've been beat sale et tbe ctactJrnn ::::, 0,:.:.:0: =. -~?, ::'. ·;::: --O·ll .. -...-at Mira Coola JC Ill -oot al the tomument ...,;d ! : ; ; en and 32 In the vanity. belo"' '° It woo't be ..,.. Both le am' -Ill ,..,.,. • ._.. ,...,_. Malrl m "-----'..._ with ltl -.... win at w--'-· ro111a 2• n " .. Mike Wilson waa nam-thing unique U they win," • e et 1 y prac1ke Hldcm ....,., "* .,..,,.. ~' ,,, .A. """'-"""'-V\>--cauaano. _..,.. -WWUt· ..oant arvaas•o• un ed most valuable player says the ADabe1m Fo:t. wtth too.nine up 1t11imt1 ::.-.:::;.~ ~~ ll: >< >< >< Or..,. Coo& toolt 11th In I« Ill the ,,. p.m. pme. "'" ~ ~ ·~ "; and captain for the var-Bob Woodo, coach al the today. Mldlt o.e ,,., t,_ 111 I I ....... ,. OM a..team Ua.A meet. No-Valencla jumped off to a fat Mart1t• • • • o aity water polo team . Mon arch 1, reviewed his 'Ibey were able to get oat- Velda ._ c WrtlMI ,,. .. ,_ M;41an• te -" ster -el c 1 art plcted ap four _., -c .. ,. l 1 • 1 Brad Shoemaker w a 1 d h -... ..., .. ......,. ~....., ...., 111 • • leed --'-and didn't reUn .. ,... ' 1 • " game plan thb afte:moon aide drfl1' Wedne· .. -y _.._ u.r ciwer c ,..,_, lD ..,.. ......... .,.... " "" ""' .,. qulab It until the tb.lrd quarter --, > u deslgnated most tmprov· an as ge:ner.U, been antldpated rains falled to .. wieo ~~~-::..-= ~·-~ ~ __.......,-""" potnt. with a palr of plDa in wbeD the Ar-auta crept to•-• 2 * 11 _ .. of the t• l_..ermen. pleased with this ........ , mat.erlalize. *"""' .... CAI -I.HI -,.., __ .. ,...........,,. -1Wl.. ..... und . ·--,.,... , 1 ' > ICU v ~.. ~ ...-, --~ • • • nM CUl"f'M ~o a1 _. TV ~ .., ,,_.,a .. ...,. """ ~ bracket. 0th-within lix., 56-*. Valencia ro1••• ,. , " ,, Bee and Cee MVP win· wou.outs, despite be 1 n g Neieher foe had any con- wttM wit .... "' • • .......... .,... ..... tel. ,._,.,,. f----' I-..&--tw da ·-~ M.I. t ......_,_.,....., • ._....,...,...er """' tcorers were Sam IPUJ1ed again, bc>We"r stav-ners were Dirk Munte&n "'~_. muvun o YI· ~' ..... wee and u Va C:.!:. ~ ~...-~ =-Mt, um ....... ,._ ~ ,._ Peter10n and Ra.7 Naylor. ed off one Jut Garden 'Grove and Bob Lyle. "I think we're ready to puts it. "you don't nonnaily :'"ear ,..,.., C-Wl 111 :,..~~ ~-.-:.:, rally In the fourth quarter, and C.alendar In cross co u.n try ~ 1 a y." bet~· "We bit much during p 1 a yo ff ..,., "'"' cJ.o .....,._, 111 ... ._ llfla .-. ,._ ... 1w11 ,,.. then won it bandlly. awards, John Partridge ave • grea -ol respect preparatlon anyt>ow.'• Nr ""'*' ~ '"""" , ..... , 117 1111111 _..,, .,.. ~ was named most valu-for ~elm · • · but we Anaheim wu sclMdoJecl ,....,._. o.e ,...,, M91rl '17 .... -.,.... "' ,..._ ..-91 B Ri Servtte rebounded lmpres· certainly aren't al r al d ol for workout 1 at Et Taro ~~ 11~=: ~'~ ~ ... *:,!rw.!' = .:.-....= 8r0D8 p livel7 from an UDiDlpirtng 85-Ff"Wat1 ~~·~~~ennMB!~~ mcap-ost them. They have good oV"er· TuesdaJ but that plan ftzzled ._..., t.HIWI IC.mlll> t11 ----. • 65 lots to Bol1& Grande in the '"' all te ---' ... _ _. Mt. w.a t1t-44 .-..1 m ..,.. wy, ...,. "' Metll'1 ,...... The P'rtan~ 79-e5 in tASKEn-.~ v111n ......,. improved. am • .,...._ · • • """' re when the banger ICbecluled ·~•......,<LAW•~...!........ m Hll .. ,..., _..t SA Malm opeaer. w lltg1'oll leedl. tttMc1a. .. __ ·.... •• MVP for the jayv-har-probably u fut as an-.. for us-"""ml a , __ .. -- .... ..,. •• (Joe -1 114 I. T....... en over La Quinta was never In w .. ..,,.,,.,.,....,.,. ~-'i:.:: -. . ,~ ... .,.. ----.,:::t:: ::?t.':i"i:":".,. .. .,;;.;; ~ ::,.•J: doubt, althouP the Mi.a :-',.f.,':7':';,,."U;::'; ';:"'.,'::: rlen was Bruce Bllnn we•• met""' oeuon." lbe Colonilts ........S ill ~ ........ -. tlt-1> .... :: :.,.o=, Pountatn v-tt----' its were outsc«ed -only three o.... .. ,...,_ ....,...,,.,.,: <>r-while Phil Marshall earn· lt's Anaheim's vaunted their own dry gym. --lllf • • • • 4 •II ltedltt .__, vv-n-.,, c°"'' •' .__ x. 1 J.111. c.1 11ai. ed the frosh-soph award. speed that leads many ob-Mater Del was more fQr.. tuml UCL a ~ , ,_. .... 1."Dadl ..... (int ever varatty wratl1n& poillta in the MCODd half. '.:.u_11•_r1o11.:.....;;.;."_uet.;.:::...•::...:":.:"""::.... ___ .==========='servtt1 to ~ve the Colo-te, drawing a w at• fl. ::. :. ;.:-~ ~r-P4::'1 ~ ::9~ '"'°° Tu.my afterDoaG Stlln Huff. w, m.pound n1lts will emer&e victorious tlght ha11gu for tta MODdq wttb a anub.IDC 44-1 victory Sentte pbotmu. ICONd 18 ~-and Tueada1 practices. 0'9ff an outcl.alled Santa Ana poiDta and PW Grimm had r-------------17. But La Quinta'• Manball ---- Sal.Dt conUnseat in a non-Wadi emerged 1op sccnr with s·ave* RACE 'RESULTS league ~tch. 21. ...,..atQAv. "' '· 1• ao A ..,. a. u ...... , And, the bod.a coupled the Oombs, who uprused dls· a.r • ....., c ... 9" .. (W ,.,..!,.~a: t.: victory wltb another root ln appotntment at bll dub'• sec- ,IHT aACL • ,.,... wNlll t ~ Liiie ..,.. '" c,...1 ue the junior wnlty class with ood-balf performance Wednes· :,.:"c"°:-':.";' ,,,, .. •:,:-..-u1 ~,,~ ,_,.. Lat ..,, u.. • 35-3 pastln1 of the Salnta. day nlpt, wu dtllghted with :: = :=-;~r-'> ,_. :_-: •-~ '"~ Mltcb Valbuena and LarrJ the polH dllplayed by tlle cool ,,,__.. lilt. '°'"' ua. • .,.,..._ 1 ,.., .... HJcta led coach Ken Dud-Miller. W::,-:J:, ;.,.r-e ~ ...,.... r,-. • 11 °'* M .... ,_ ,._ dridge's outfit wtth euy plnl. "He really malntalned biJ _ uce. • ,.,.. , ,.., = .:= fr'=... wt :.:: ?:: ~ ,.v..., ~...., '" .... Alli ~ oo tbole two foul shots," ......... -.. -a _... ,.,_ ~ ..._ CJ ~ ta "" •-(l'Vl ....... AM CIA. I --t.a ....... "' .. ---~ ...... (.l ClllMml ut ""' -· =~C c:"::.ttel UA II':: 1~ T':i.21..J~ .._ ..... ._. ~~ ::,.•-:.::,> :~ ''Jh played jayvM ~ootball ......-n. ~ Ult~·""·.,,.. Oecll. ""· .. .,..... ll>-4'•'91•..., CIA>• .... CM tbJI year, 10 be bunt been .,.._ .. ,,., ·---....... tw tiH. w. ou\ for butetball too long. ( ldWll -~ MeMo --............. , • ""' (l'V) ... r --1 _... of hi .. ._ c.-.. TillY Llll''· srnwn. uc1. • ,...., t ,_ 1~ '""' • ~ ,.,., ,., m ._. ,,....... m . .. ~v oou1u ... T_.. a ~ ~"-=. ~c!:; w-, .... 11A1 • ,.... ll'Vl ,..: Combt ............ -0 10pho-• ,... ...... · -l.'9 la-0911 .... (l'V) ...__ c;.,.... (IA) llW& KV ~w • ::." ...w .,.. _. .. o.t ._ =-~~ i\!..~' t: ~ •:r,,_v.._. fl'Vl ..,.... .,_... more. (Miller and Mike Con· ,. -~ Wlil IL __, llAl 1IJI. treral), a JUDJor (Grtl Sny· ~-· uce. ·r ',_ .... n--1' .,,... ,,. I~ (l'V) ..... f'tfla PAI 4er) and two llDlor1 (JaCk t:..""":t:W~I ._. H 1.11 ,,:::-::: ; ::u-:-~ .l,._....,_ ll'V) .. -=-e CIA! BrobaJn.• aa4 BobinlOD) but Ere, r:.:..T' ... !: °" -....... ~ ~ ::;:-..,,"r.= ..., ...... IDdlceted M wan't entlrtly 1 •Ill. I*"" .a. • --. t .,_ .... IN! -..., .... lltllflld wlda the comblna· lert!CMf -&.-. Mt. ..,_... ..._ *' .... It! .,._ AA ...._ .... • ,.._ _.., tlOD .. ?*' t';. ~ OC .... I I.At Ut UI ......... :'3v°" m .... Mt .~ .... 't .__,. • _ _._ ,..,.TM UCI. • y.-t ,_ ~t ......, ~ 8"1111) Me = ~:>. -" ... J:IP. ne u.'f'IB IVUlN OUf t ... v ..,. "' .. •• A .-. ,... .._ re ,.,_, ... u........, cl'VI ':.. ... : !:,a .... a.. -' ad I'll ahutne nw.-11 .,. ~ .., . ... • ... ,_ °'" c...,.1 aa we ue ... .,........... ;;::c;;: l::l : ~ : ;!_ peoplo soaDd uat:D •• do." Wtlll IH ~) 1A &.• -1116-M -'Cl', n-..-•· ,W.t IC ...... ... Nltml llK .. ,,.. ,..,... , ,._ .... ·~~ ,,..,, -..., .... • .. --... effective I.II It Jiit. _, • A11S&a:c-. ,_.. P& UI I•• • jPVl -1 tbl _...,, •--'•• Jl'T pointa .':::":...-w:•,:. · .._ "-' ~..!": .. ~T~ , .. t: u ;:::a ',W, .:.\ ~ '"/:... • ... ~r;·-.-,.;:, -.s agile 3:~: ~ : .... , ,., .... r:.:.llafllt' .... e:=:;;:"' -... ~ = IUwrdde'• .. . . .. RlAl IPPIN' WlllmY INXIAW>Ng ' f l t -- After Chrhtlw, 141 ..... ndyb wUI t. off to his Tahiti,........_ fw ••at eome tl'WMftdoua ....... ,. ... ..., ....... eff the 9Mlth tip .. Moorea. la ..witlOft .. the UIOO ,._.. tnarfln tt.t w" U,..,ht lair haftdllne In .IU19 of 1M6 elf ,,,...., thr" more fish -uthf ht one _. In Qcto&er In the same ..,.._. acwl..t 1,800 ,ouM&. G.tttftf • fhh of this ..... tab ,..,, bt~ .. fult tM .... IMlftg of your~ In theee waters. Accordlnt to o.-n..ietytre, ..,_,.. la • shark Wt 1irhlch hat to be coped wltft too. Bears Grab CM Grid Title 'lbe Corsica Buri, cbam- plom of the 24-team Costa Meaa Recreetion Depvtment 11.al football le.ague, have en- tered the Oran&e county chMn- plombipl, beg;lnn.ln1 Saturday at Buena Park when they open against Fowitaln Val· Jey. The Bears nabbed their tJ. Goose Ue by beatlng Uodber&h school. 13-12, receT1tl7. The team is made up ol seventh and eightb grade players. COSTA MESA -1745 NEWPORT BLVD. -646-1666 ......................... w......, Lee~ J70S~C..t.C... 2· PICl<ElllNG Action Oil Ci!); Ba4etball Results . . . ' ' ... l I f 4 IMll t t I • ..... HIT ~fP' ...... . ' . ·~ I I t 1 -J • ' • ,.,,... J J ' ,o-i.. • ' J ',....., t I t t GeMwr 2 t I ·~ .... ' .. ·---• • "" ""' v•~• I I I ,r.-, I I t t T ..... • • ' •°"" , 1 ' t ,...enc . . . . ... 4 t I I "'"" •• J ·~ . .. ' .. -·-' t t 4 Ndlllll .. 1& a.ill ... kllll 111 •t 11. .......... ... . , •. .,.... 11 Mjllt ..... tw ,._ '"'"' 11M)llt ....... 14. .... tlllll' ,., II UYCO SAii fOl JHI HOUDAYS .. ' ' ' I t I , i ,. ""~ I t • I ' . . ' ' . ' J I I 4 t I • 11 J ' • ' • • J l • • ' • • a -.. " ",.,,. t • • .. t • ' • I t 4 .. t • • " I J I • J • J : • • • t • • • • • • • • • • • > ' • J -• "" "" ' J • • I I I I ' . ' . t J ' I . ' . . I 2 I f I I I t ~ •144 Each F .. turing JULIE 'ANDREWS ,Acidemy Award Winner Starof"M• P~" "'Souad of Music~ and "Hanii" ANDRE PREVIN Composer, Planlft & Conductor •100 llmlt-P« ~. U"llefl•I NI JI Sl.N. Stene S'.M firt$tone -COMPLETE .QUllllTY BRAKE RELINE $. 88 Al •• 1-11 c ..... ~ .... SlltMrMltW 3 YR. ·30,000 MILE GUARANTEE .ALL NEW PARTS ••• Hlll'I WHAJ WI DO ••• • WM 4 WhMlt wtth Pf....eon. Qvtilty len49d Unl"I e ,_, tt.w Wheel Cytlnct.n (NOT IRUllT) • ,,...... °""" """'"' • Arc OritMI u...._ .. Pit Drwtt • New ..... ,,. SfHi• ... Al wtMela • ..,.._,,_.o,....s..a. • llM4 -,._ Hy4reulc ,.,....,. • lepeck,,_.~ ........ • ,.. a..,.. UfetHM lreke A1Jtv1tm•ftt ~ PHILCO COLOR TV .... Ml11ttre ... PllCIS STAIT AS LOW AS 536995 PHILCO 11' PORT ABLE TV TUM-MAT! with lllf /VHF -· ~-·'- Ji' . ' , .. I . 1!1 • ,•.j• I , .!111 11 , l ti.I , ~ * .. • MOOEL 1216 FREE 2·YW $8495 WARRANTY!* YOU GIT THIS WllTTDI GUAIANTll: PHILCO DllTIU•UTO"I, INC., L ............ Ohrltl .. fPO), wenaau t• "'''"'' u.1. purcllutt, for twe (t) ~·,.. ...... ,.,,..., .... ,,... uct111111 or. 11 PDt•1 1pt1111, ,....,, (IM111fl"I lllW Cfll ..... ) ef •llY PIM dl'fKtlv1 I" ••111.,.lel er -rtr...111alllp ,, ... ttr ... lltatl .. af TV "' 111• warr1,.ty ,.,.tlflute te • ., •vtMri ... Pflllff •"''" •11ncy. ·ES 1: ~s10 1 -.. STORES TO HUNTINGTON BEACH FIRESTO"E STORE 16171 BEACH ·atvD~ 847-6081, , 8 A.M.·9 P.M. -SAT. I A.M.·5 P.M. . . C:? DAILY PILOT /HtwS-Pm.s FRANKLIN RETURNS -When Aunt Clara con- jures up Ben Franklin by mistake on "Bewitched '' at 9 p.m. tonight on Cb~nnel 7, Samantha uses her magical nose to keep him out of trouble. The pro- gram fea tures Marion Lome as Aunt Clara, Fred Wayne as Ben Franklin and Elizabeth Montgomery u Samantha. TELEVISION VIEWS Prime Time Has Specials By RICK DU aiow HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The television netwofk.s presented some prime time specials Wednesday. and miraculously none of them managed to be about the 25th anniversary of the attack on Peart Harbor, which drew this nation intx> World War ll. Well, you mow bow it ii -there's only 10 much room in a prime time schedule for worthwhile stuff. The evening's first special was a very flat 9<>- mlnute production of Noel Coward's "Blithe Sptrtt" on NBC-TV's "Hallmark Hall of Fame." I ban sug- gested often enough that 90phiistlcated gaiety ts al- most impoMible to come by ln American televilion productions, and thil broe.dcm wu a aevere caae ln point. Heaven knows, the Uffallmark Hall of Fame" could use a good comedy now and Chen, but Wei;tna. day night producer-director George Schiefer sMmed out of b1s element. "BLITHE SPIRIT" is a comedy ln wbich • har- ried fellow finds hhmel! in a truly, eternal triangle -his dead ftrst wife comes ~ to bunt him and . his irate second spouse. In WeclntldJy'• production, Dirk Bogarde played the husband, Rolem.D'J H.an1I the coquettish spirit and Raebel B*rtl the boelJ, angry second wife. The buabanct euen~l] la 1 .traigbt man in this play, but tbt lnoom.paranie Mill Barris did what she could to make thlnga aucy - and that waa some help. I think, however, the chiel problem was that the accomplished actress-authoress Ruth Gordon was badly mi6ca.st -or mlsdlrected -in the cnacial role of Madame Attatl, on whom much of the tone of the play depended, especially at the start. SHE HAD A PEWmomenta hen aad·tbere, but while she should baYe lfno the prodadion flight with a zany, way-out, .ophistbted Uptness, she unfortunately came across • a n1 of cute old land- lady from the Bronx. 'l1te part fairly cried out for a Beatrice LUlie or an Estelle Winwood. The resutt •u that "Blithe Soirit" emerged mundane, heavyhanded, a ghost of Its former self. revealing bow very thin the play really is -and bow dependent lt la on the entirely right sparkling approach. Over at ABC-TV. also early in the evening, an· other "Saga ol Western Man" docutnentary was broadcast -tbla one a bt'blical ntncing of the story of the nativity, "Christ Ia Born." With the stamp of producers John Seoondlri and Helen Jean Rogers the hour, which ril be repeated CbriltalM Day ai 4 p.m., was pNClidably uplifting, with an eye (or beauty in art. nature and the soul ANOTHER PREDICT AIL Y fint-clus hour was Frank Sinatra'• secood all-mualcal cpecial in two seasons. this one for CBS-TV. He is one of the few perform ers who actually makes it _potsible for a re· viewer to simply sit back and enjoy. He was excel· lent last season . he was excellent Wednesday (with bis daughter Nancy as a splendid guest) and he will be u cellent so long as he chooses to 'perform. He is at th.at point nQW -in total command ol all his facilities, a complete master. Bis rendWon of "My Kind of Town (Chic~go)'• is the ablolot,e end. • WORTH MENTIONING • 1:00 8 e ClBmlJ '"1111 llm .......,... • SlurlfY Booth. In Ille ,.,. II Ami• WillJfleld. htada tilt ell<ttll wt of till T ennmft woti.. ,.., f!llf wu tdapted lor telfticlotl by the 1uthof. Other ust "'''"'*' ,,. '•t Hinllt. as the Gentlemltl C.llt!: Hll Holbrook,. ti An11ndl'e '°"' Tom; ind llaltl1re lodn 1 htr d1uaht11, llufa. hPtd ii l.oMell II - ~. ttie ~ .. Mffcl4 " °"'4 SvsstlnL FR IDA Y 1 :00 D '11lt loy ~ Cu&flt • OMl" (drtllll) '6l-W111d1 Ht•rix, lllett -~" · 1MmME MOVIES ON A PINHEAD It i•1t'I quite tit• ••"'' thi"' •• i"acribi"t the C0Mltluli1HI e1t ........ , •' • ,, ... bvt ,,, y•ll •• ., rully ... c1 '"• .. f., n. ltecer4 .. f .. 11ue 111 the DAILY '!LOH Yew'4 b. 1u1prlu4 .... ,,___. '*fenNtfM ""' ua ,.u .... 1 taell ''ue. Dt. KILDARI ~----i l WAllm> 1llNCS5 RJR US ... eont OF U! ... MfD ALL ~ WANT 15 TO T055 CUI( lN'e5 ltllfA'f BECAUSE OF A CRAZY tOTDI T*l lQJ OM SOM!1*1G TO J«~. ~ f ,,_. h C~ M. Schlll r----:::::::s!:;i=:::----.., Jy hn lald f F M ind Jour Fri• YUi to coll• De Uhri lat b•• Friends Give UCI Library 1,000 Books More than 1,000 wlumu cula!lon. pbllosopby, flcUon. natural and 2,000 periodlcall and Two major contributions blJtory, poetiy, ceoaupby JC11JT111ds-ol~~-addedu~ U. volwne nre mllde b1 Dr. and related subject.. Frteoda ol ,..u~~.·-.:._: Adolph Kroc.11 al L •I an a Dr. Ltnkey said the Trot-veu:lt;y \AUJ\ll&Uat &.I YUie, &Kb a books of ~ral al in to ~ library's permanent in&«~ ud Joba Sc 0 t t ltt collection la ol gena · collection lD recent wed.I. Trotter ol Loa An&ela, m taut coverlq a number of Dr~ Maryall Lakey. gl.fta boob" ad i..-joarnala. ,..an. Tiie joum.all ar~ from librarian It UC(, aald the TroUet only recenUy m~-dupaa. arta and c l n e m a 1.ast group of a Jin' boob ed trom 0rao1e CoantJ to fleldl. bat been procaaed for dr· Loi An&ela. Other contributon lnclud· The Krocb colledlon in-ed in UM recent tabuiatloo llil~I. duckd Gilly books of late from Orange County are the I 1915 and 1911 publicalion and Santa Ana public library, npresentalJvu .from Ute Maurice Forley. San\& Ana; fidda ol religion biography Dr. Sherwood E. Rowland, -----·----' UCI facuky; Burton Brooks, •-==========JYorba Und-. and Mrs. Pau- Glenft,_. St.le. s,.,... o..w ...... ---"RAGE" ... ..... Deys "' May" Comfnt We4._ Dec. 21 ........... u. Mlmn ..,.... ftNf1•1cMNh"' WIOA 111A11E ............... ,,,..... 0,.. ·~· ( CllU Wini .~ Ol&T I ·-MTWNYe i · ~E LAVENDER : r · H1LL Mo . . . I . ~ ~ . -'• '•: r~~ PACIFIC THEATRES -B~ono-J'..'\r -~, ... ......, ..... ............. ~.,,..... .. '"ICMOOL JOI ICOttNMIU'" ..... AT-'"ICAPMO.lT" "ll.ACI OllPMIB" .... "'MODISTY ILAtSI• ..... a.... ..... Cll• ,.. ,.,,. Ult (IJJljj ... DIRECT FR OM ITS ROAD SHOW H~GAGEMENT ~ COMING ~ INDS TUES. ........ ....,.l. antastic vo age FUE PUKING WT FUJl.lllJ.JD Wiii line Bu.un. Laguna Beach. DAILY PILOT WANT ADS HOUSIS FOlt SALE 1000 NOT OHi CENT &re i. die bely "' • lifetime fer you CI~ Thia"'" 1er II beillc tnmfcrftd It wUl pQ A.LL of >'C'U' COIU OD 0:M Vtt)' lovely 4 bed- room, ML bath. recenL11 lie" home wtth fireplace ' red bridl patio wlth beauti- ful .urroundinp. can lo ae. WALKER 6 LEE 2629 Harbor Blvd. HHe1 Opal Eves. . . /u1/1 ,11 ;::'·-r.-~ . \ . , . .~ ,,.,.., 94.INM fOD STB.LA ITlftld "RAGE" ... '111 UIE llHD" MMll SrlWMT MA.._,.O'HAU GLINN FOltD "RAGE" plnt.r/the caretaker n..... ...... S.11. ,.,,., ... I ....... lft. IMOW ITAlll 7 PM. eotmM..SIMOW SAT.& ..._flOtilJPM. NllPAUIN• HOUSES FOR SALi Gener ti 1000 SJIA ftOdH 1'ltl • SAT • S\11'1 t~~~ 2211 (lfhlrile Pl. 3 Bit, 1 ~ Ba. taa1b no. an quiet CUI de Sec. Aa im-~ bomi on~ ly lndlepd pool llJed lat. Ownrr ~avlnc lft9. Reedy for lmmedlat. occupancy• $218.SOO • oo excellA!nl tennt. OP EN HOUSE niURS . FRI · SAT AFTERNOON Try and kit This! 300 Robinhood LiM S BR, famll)i nn. 14 bathl + two ~ badll, tnced eor- nu lat will\ room roe boat. tral ltt or pool. $39, 1'50 • oo your tum&. GALLIRY RIAL TY 430 w. Coast HIWQ Newport Beech 64&4295 ------ ""' lulllpm ... Three bedroom. )~ b • t b C\BI'OM HOME wt1la 21'll· 71' RUMPUS ROOM. Open bHm ~and l tlraa ftttpleca! Ex~llent upper bl1 klcadoa Oil quid b'ff- lined Cl&l-de-uc ltreet.. Onl1 a lhort dri•e from Unlwr- lit1 " CALIFORNlA. IJt. VINE. Extra wide &al .nth )'ard. ~ EXISTING K 1lrt 11U I09D • SD2 Pm MON111 TOT Al. Price: $M,l50. -Era Oa1I '1W11& TWO· TWO. TWO · 2 Bedrooma, 2 Bau., 2 }"'\rr placet + Den. s.tmmlac pool &: 0oeao View. F• land. See 55.l Seeward 8d.., Corona m,ht...,., OlM MO,CXD. Mia LftlJ c.11 •• , .... ,c.. lmLc..t ....... ..._. ..... ~ Ill ..... .._ ----~-- ..,... Cua• ... la 1:... • "' _ .. o...c...y ... .. ....... -...... -................ -nm. .... .............. f1aa.• ~,.. 1·,·1 m~sa lt •i' l ' I .. t t.i r '..,,,,. • .,_,~,, fhin411, Dtctmbtt I. lM DAILY PILOT/,....._,.,_ 3,3 HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOi SALi * General 1000G.neral 1000 * * * * * •• Dover Shores 'Uew JJome6 Three private beaches. Developm final four luxury home1 $5,000 carpeting and drapes free. Excellent financing from lO<:o down. FURNISHED MODELS OPEN DAILY 1112 S1ntl•go Drive A lovely three bedroom three bath plus activity room, Marina View Home. Ready to move in for Christmas $81,400. 1136 S1ntla90 Orin Wheddyt Wtntt Whtddy1 Get? SPECIAL CLASSIPICATfON flOlt NATURAL IOl.N SWAJtPIRS Special bte S lfntt -S tlmn -S bvckt ltUUll -AD MUtT lf!ClUDe l-Wlllt ~""' .. ..... 1-Wlltt ,_.., ..... "' tf ... S-VOUlt #INllW ....,.._ ._, 11119• ti ~ TMINO lfOlt &Al.I -TIAl>H ONlVI PHONE '42-5671 Te Pia~ Your Trider'• ParacllM Ad COCO equity. 2 MU. Deluxe DELUXE Mobile home, Well-loc•t.ed. EullkSe. 4 • Bl)"lkte VUJap. 2 Br, i pl~xn wlml mo. Inc. t111JOrtl, l:ndaopd patio l UP OI New View home. Four bedroom, four bathroom, View dining area. O"r 3000 square fetl. An ouutanding floor plan by Burge-Roach. Ready for immediate occupancy. $88,000. Ample financing. W111t bowie w/acreare. laundry. ttT~. Trlde, ~ T.0 .'1 pl\ll cub Of T cal Income Ot yacht. 545-nn. ~~ oun 8ayvl.. lots from $11,.500 to $33,.500. 8ayfront homft from $79,.500 to $169, SOO. OPEN DAILY In Newport Beach from Pacific Cout Hwy., north on Dover Drive. From New· port Blvd., Euton 17th St to SALF.S OFFICE: iohn macnab ftEAl. TY COMPANY 111 Dover Dr., Suite 101 AGENT FOR MACCO REALTY CO. 642"'235 Ouplu CdM Exc:flanae fpr Mtn cabtn, vac lot, Jd units. aaeaae. ot ! PROPERTY INVESTMENT co. 642·'156 'SI Uncoln-Ha.rd Top. Runa like a new c&r·lteal at $2!6. • or tRde IOI' dependable Station War;on. Auto. tnnL 6'15-llJl al\. 3 P.M. t' WANT CL£AJl CAR TRADE l ~ • Ac/ Palm Sprlnp area. Value $2500, or Equity In 1~ • Ac/ BaJ • 111ce $1100, $U.mo. 536-t ln TRADE: '63 Rancbe.ro, VS, Cobra Cam. roR: VW Sedan or Bua. 54M660 SEVERAL ADJ • S AC BIG FAMILY! llG FAMILY? ~~:iue~~ooo8~ Mov' Into OYu GXl sq ll of t.u:cury SpMlsh Styl«d Home Mtb ~ bfdrooml 3 Baths • 2 Powdtr Rooml 3 Car C1n1e • Dining Rm· ~Uttd lO $89,500 Call Ted Gilbert f'Vf't. M2-34ST 4 8dnn + tamll)' rm + WANT DUPLEXES ot TRI. ~ nn + 15'C25 Uvtn1 ~t ss.un. rm + wethat. 2,(XX) ICI· ft. + '60 AUX. SLOOP or luxury uvma + llx3I • FAST! BHAU! SWpa 9. ADtbDl'1 Poot Who'1 ftnt. e TRADE ALL ar Lt for S.U.500 FP. M&-SSU. • Go1nC Bultnnl, Income. e OR!!! * * ~!H9 $2400 Eq. 2 BR ~ nr. Btooldlunt A Ad.Ima Ul.560-BaJ, 5% ~. S8S MO. TOTAL PYM'T. kr ! • 646-3389 <r Ex-N•Y>' Hull needl wo.·jr. Make eood (.'Otl\lfl'• lion. Trade tor 1mall 'R -------• ---D-l-vor_ee____,,S.,....,-1•--Cru1ltt or Sall or ' 1 ' L&rp modml home on S2000 val~. OR s.o:i40. quiet C\l!-de-cac Dtll' Bad 33• BEAU. SLOOP Bay under "forced u.le.'' e VALUE ON SURVEY 11x27• Jldfled llvlna room. • Want $3500 tn rent of Apt wood floors. pool· all.ad e ar H°'*. OR't ~ yvd. In OiM Ht SctlOol * * * --------· HA VE ele,ant, luxury wa- terlror& dllP&u. 2 yra newt Pier It Ooat. e' Frant on water. WANT pYt t Br reti. an water •/pi«. m..3931. WANT TO or CYCLI for BHu '63 BUICX 4 • ctr. Air. Full Poftl'· * Local OWNER.**~ FREE and clear 1SO' to FOi water dock pdv. 2 bdrm. 2 f ASTI ba. HOO 1C1 ft. BllJ:ll, ~le. -cpta. 6 drpa. Waot mM Bar at ! Qwn. S36..al36 TRADE $'1500 equity in f lm apacfoiua 3 B~2 BA home In Sun City for Utt value local u ea.. H. c. Gooder I tftftlll 29011 Glen Oaks Dr· 5«>-3191 A\llVIU NEWPORT BEAOI Octm- front 2 BR. 2 ba. pr1• '" lat T.O. TRADE $25,000 equity for clear lotl or aauce. Owntt/ Aat· m-4343. TRADE &3'. North Bristol Santa Ana. N .000 eq. for ~ad> prop. Orall&e Ctiw1t1 or San Dleao C.O. Prindpala only. 54.1-951& pl TRADE my $1200 .quit)' e In CHOICE Saltcn Sea e CITY LOT e for e LATE MODEL STA· WAGON. * S4&-0T9I e 'SI IMP Al.A 3 • 2'1, e 4 • SPO. Sliclla, R1m.. e TRADE FOR '55 thru e '57 BELAIR CPE. •CALL~ Tb1I l{>ace reaentd for YoW' trade. P\eue call 142-5678. * * * Wl DlD.Y PIDT RD DEP1. Dllltr1ct. Alr1 nuooabla oiler. \IH!!!!!OU!!l!!!!S!!!!!IS!l!!llFOlllR .. SA.Ll!ll••HOlll!!IU~S~l~S-~FO~· ~.-·SA~L~ERI THE ~JEAL E !.-·r ATERS T f::I E ~EAL E .s TATE rx :--: ------- 1130 w. Cout R1lbw&1 l4U4'12 EVES fTS-WO DUAM HOUSE 400 ~ "'*'8, N.B. ' Bdrm + Fam1lY Rm EXOTIC GARDEN Richard.oft RMlty 642-3600 4 ldrm -$22,750 Move in btf°" Oriltmu! Huse familY n:n. for esUI'· ta1nmt'Ot. built -Ins: 2 batba. COffttd patio. cul.dHiac: ~ 540-1720. TARBELL ~ Harbor c..r. Meta 1100 •SACRIRCE! DUPLEX (MACO'.> aun.n • f.atrm UPSTAIRS • 2-BDRM DOWNSTAIRS • RELATIVELY NEW ••• • CID LEASEHOLD LANl> 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 - s MONEY TR.EE W1 k b it grow • 4 BR + ram nn + dine, 2 baths, w w crptsl drps. all elec. kitchen. fenced yard le patlo. $'23,9i!O • 'nulf sal~! cu.tom Built 2 BIR It F'am· Uy Rm. Comet' Lot. ())olce Location PratlKe Art a M\UI. See $31.950. Pri~ to ~II. • tn WEST NLWPORT e$36,500 POR QUICK SAL Et e 112 W. 40th STREIT • CONSIDIR TRADE •FOR VACANT LOT A T 541·m6 or 5'1-1lll MORE CLASSIFllD ON PAGE 34 u R D A y ' ) -- u DAIL y PILOT /Nrws·PftsS Tnund<l1. Ommbfr 8, l~ RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS RE NTALS RENTALS RENTALS REAL ESTATi Gen.r1I MORE CLASSIFIED ON PAGl ll HOUSES FOlt SALE -Mtw 0.1 Mar 1105 BY ()lw"l'lrr ~ Br. 3 ha. fulq qlll.S • drpe. J....ndlcip' ,. Onb' $35.!f:JO. Call foe Appt. ~mi HoUMS Furnlah.d HoUMS Unfurnllhed Apta. Furnl1hed A,ts. Furnished Aptt. Unfurnl1hecl Aph. Unfurnished Apta. Unfurnf lhed Nwport Beach 2200 Newport Beach 3200 Costa MeM 4100 New: t a.. h 4200 C t "---111100 por u .. c Co&t1 Mew 5100 °' 1 ,..... ~ Rooms for Rent 5995 Loh ,100 TOWNHOUSE. L.se or •*· 2 BDRM Ii ck-n with bullt losl--------STEPS TO BEACH • • --------2 IR' $85 $ 5 l BR "l ba or 3 BR l'ii b11. 1rtnd.l<'aped. cfose to ~ SUS WITAS NEW\. y DECORATED I • 9 ROOM/ TV. PVT. HOME-Swetplnf OeNn Vtew Frplc, d• paUo. cru. drJ.19, SJ~ mo. 548-3701. • 4 Br-2 a. Furn·Dphc SPECIAL Priv/fe~ patio, ,~. <AntlemlJI pref. $10 -wk. $5,100 Laauna &.ch small bltN. 2 ·cat,,, .. lit4 pool . .;;;:;;;;;;;=;:;.::;:;;:::::::=;::::;;:= ,.__._ M , .. e .,22 111 --. 9"--. le••• dlsr-1. water pd, 2 child Fountain Valley. 961-4819. leYel lot, $2,000 down $30 se.3155. Aft 5 pm A week'-Ne-rt H.... 321 O ...._.. en • newfft ,...,,; • _.... -..... ..... OK "'amener mo Ind int •~ enda &G2•9T qr &46·100l. ..,..-.... apt&! 1 b~ I. b&ch.@) • 546-6687 or ~6-4711 SAVINGS ii2s Pl~ia "B" fl.2.50 up. Nt>w! W/W ear · · ------HILLSIDE ROMi:/2 • BR. ---"""' Or A • '"" pet. Ktt. S!-mi..priY. 1~ E L. .. E ~ tOR UNF'URNI 2 Br·2 Ba. Q>ta. t:>rpt, Htd AntilOn.Y HOT POINT LOE 2 br unfurn S12Q ehldm 4-NI' ~ ve • ...,,.Q380 Albert Pt., C.M. 646-1369 xc,.,.neet1 • __, P'rpl, Patio, Blw. ll~mo. Pool Sl65-A 11 r ok. New l br furn SLJj. e REDECORATED 2 ·Br. uwc Sorry -No lddl or pell. ! mo. va 11 ter ZU7 Elden 51 .• c.~1. adulll. no pet~. pool uni Umited Time • NEW CP'J'S. -$115 -mo. Room • •--rd 11:~ WAn, ..,D 0 .,_1,._ Vf Kl ",,,.,1 Ott. 15. For appt: 49>5696 1 .__ E Gt • _. ~.,.,v ~-ll•· ,.......... 471 CATALINA DRIVE. U bll Cliff Newport Blvd.) .,.. $100, 24«>'~ · 1 h. 140 • B Shalimar. 646-6487 Gara;e in Jllew)Xll't 'Be:ach 1~ 6-46-4664 ASK MANAGER. -c ~u ....... ,_ 2 BR, new pa.lot, stove, rt'· *A "SWlNGINC PAD'' area. all .,._.....,., er Coron• del Mer 2250 Newport Shore• 3220 $17.50 Week w .. tcll-ff_____ 1.2 & 3 BR'• frig, cpt6/drps. Adults -no *FOR YOUNG !rfEN. KI 9-33l1 uk tor Ceorp Newport S.ach 2 HO\ISES ot1 1 LOT! e Strpe to OC'ellnt View! * s..u Vw! 3 Br. 2 ba Rivier• Beautifully Furnished pets. ~-.6713 BJMSM/Yowrtain Valley Dell. Bayfl'\lillt Rome. Patio. Call • WATERFRONT/3·BR.. •Studio ll Bach apU. 1 BR fum, z br rum or un· & Unfurnished E EST Tl -~-,-7tm--EQ__,..UJ1Y-=-k>--- colltct 1713) 681~ • $250. Blt.n1, Cpts, Drpti. •Incl Utill A Phone ll!fV. turn, bltn~. l.'PIS. drps, hid King SlZed roomB Newport Be.ch 5200 R t.L,,.,.1 A • 3-Br boa>I tn Costa Men. 210 SPACIOUS 3 BJM Ba. hom• • SeU or Leue! 546-.J505 • Ma.Id Service · TV avall. pool, near ahp'i:. 1800 West· Rt>nt From e TRADE tor '66 or '61 Near beach btutl. $250 mo. •New Ca:fe & Bar cliff Dr. 64~·36lS 12 5 GARDEN APTS. lncom• Property 6000 • PORSCHY.. * Ml·-ell e S40-3llll e Bick S.y 3240 2376 Ne..,.,,,rt Blvd. 548-975S lBR. S85 -util-pd-:-Adu!~ $ 1 • 0 LEASE OPTION • $49,950. * &&2·1~ = Newport Hgh. Owner Anxiou1 -4 BR -.--1 .. 4--0 b Blk Ch.ck our TAX SHEL TERI R E W eel 6240 .,,, 5 BDRM. 3 BATH. $17.50 WHk . "'>v· r'& Jrom 8Y % ar 3 BR. 21i!i ba, Frplc. -· _. __ a_nt ____ _ SALE/LEA.~E. z.ctory, 2 ba, Lido tile 2351 ul CPTS. DRPS. BLTNS. e Bac .. -lor •-1 BR. &: "' <from tram It library Year Around R•tH n... p ti U-1-...-.f .. Submit-" ...... ~ UC "' rn a 0. neated Poolal ""·-~~ buil .. _ .... u l'NDMDUU w~"'""" """"~Yu. ..... ~r,,..~ --------•"""-""'"""" 317B Cora111do. ;;.13--1426 or vwn~ _ .. ,..., ~ ,..,,» 642·7000 WlJln'ER rental, Neowly de-~J., mo • lease. ...,.,......,. • Healed Pool 633•8146 • Ext1'11 lar::e kitchen with Deluxe. $200 to $250 mo. well located. well rent-• Low eqlllt)' or Lieut! 3-Br corattd! 3 br, 2 ba. $200 mo 3 BR, BACK BAY. C1ean, e Unen1, TV, Ma.id Service ----bollt·tna. C.U &46-3864 Aft-or ed, Wlita fM Ille In San e Home. * ~75 220 to June lst. * 962-0.1]5 carpet11, drapes, blt·lna, $l60 avail. * 548·2129 "' $68·TRAll.ER 30' I • Beautitul pool and clUb Area 213 653-oTl'O Clemt'lrte· XJnt manase-mo. Kl >8562 _! 450 ~~· • Baylhore Trlr Pk IJ.5_ boose. -BLOCK TO BEACH ment. Needs t.o It'll be-8,,uNS!NNICSl!Land 81lbo1 lll1nd 2355 HOUDAY PL.AZA e Weekdays m3i 79().2'7({> • Private pa.rldng & l'torap. 3 BR. 2 IA BL T·INS ton Dec. 3lat. Will tall· "' "' Newport Shor .. BY OWNER- 3 Br, 'J ba. $20,500. ~6·7011 240 --------Coron• del Mu 3250 DD.UXE spacloua 1 BR. • ~ :M8·55.5l tMr. PACIFICA LOWER DPLX $165 or tuma to suit you, can Bus. Opportvnltl• 6* CAPE COD. 3 Br, 11.i ba, ---------Furn. Ii unturn. ai>ll· for . ___ >______ LSI -alto take traM tor build- cpta, frpl , patio. S200 mo. l BDRM le. sun·rm,. home. adults livina. F r o m $100 VlEW 2 • br Apl/ $160 • mo 205 41 it. 67S-3529 • ~ty'.~ :ly ~=~ LAUNDRIES 5ll Park !Zll) 745-0706. or ~ecorated ~~t.inkCpts. Heated Po o I, carpeting, Yl'l.Y· WW-cpts. 6307 Sea-APARTMENTS L·UXURlOUS 2 BR. ~·n· Call 548-8482 CX>IN OPERATED 1213) 842-43.S!I ... .,s. stove. ~u·lg, IN M'· drapes, 11 m p I e parking. shore. OR 3-0404 or L:_S-5646 .,.,.. 1'bouwlds of Women BY OW~ER/ 2 ·YRS NEW! RENTALS ator. lmmt'd. occupancy. 196J Pomona. C.M. 642-.5853 FURN Bach Apt. Cpl'd, drp5 710 West 18th St. st.nr. Frpl, r a n g e, encl WANT PRIDE ol OWNER· are awltchina laundries 2 STORY / 5 Br • 3 Ba. Cpta, 116S Mo. IOC'I. gardenn -------$1 gar, cpts, drp&, patio. lndry SHIP, Tu sbelwr. Spend-to me tbe new n..-, BJtni. f'l:lcd. l...d9Clld Houees Unfurnished S.y le Beach Realty, Inc. * Studio Apt. ~·:1 util. JO'.! Und St !Comt'r or Pomonal rac. AdultJ only. $140 lie. able. Room to build! Drive ...... ~ u•,,,...,., Costa Mesa 646-7968 fRIGIDAJM S4A-25.58 or 546-6846 eve:::s.= ""~neril 3000 2407 E. Coast H1wa,y, CdM • Blt-inll • Htd Pool 532 Irvine. 548-2939 aft 3. by • 1920 WALL.ACE/CM. H -_,_________ 615-nxl • 2 BR. 1'11 batns l' BEDROOM. Util. pd. $75 UPSTAIRS 3 BR . 1 BA. Du· P\eqe don't bother our nice Corona del Mer 1250 FrH Rent1I r-...,1·ce 3 BR, 11'-ba. Nr stores & • Adult& -Priv. Patio 1817 West Balboa PrclsEcUae ~.... plex/ yrly $175 • mo. Inc.I· qulet Tenant.a. 8 .. Ul.ill Jet Action -· • ~ 675-4869 542-2415 • • • ooom.y ~·.. $69 soo C I I Wuhe BAYVIEW • POOL Looklnc to rent? ocean. Uv rm-14x22' Oean lOZ.4 MISSION DR., C.M. MARTINl'-'UE util. * lt6-A 34tb St. * · * ommerc • r redLloed on « have booae to rent! Attrac Reliable renters wtd 54<>-1559 Eves. & w~ N H .. 210 ,.. 3 BR·l BA. TWNHOUSE OWNER * 54S-8007 11 YoQ have ever Uioacll* 8' ::;:t~ llwel 3 Call p.w.c. 546-5440 S1&5 mo. lse 673-7040 ACAPULCO APTS. ewport gh. .. GARDENS $725 . mo. CPI'S. DRPS. HUNTINGTON BE AC H &'Oina Into buslne9I fer JOOt· bdrm. 4 ba. Tam A Din . IRVINE TERRACE e w. 18th Ir: Wall~ Newport Heigbta 1 br, furn Avail Jan. 1st. 642-2657 8 • % Br Unl~ mo-aell ••• but baven't toaDd Rms. Mllrit 1H to al'Sftd-Coate Mesa 3100 4 Br-2~ Ba. LANAJ. All e FURN 1 • Br. $130. newly dee! pool. uti1' pd. Bachelor Film from SlOO up 2 BR TripleJt. Newly cptd inc 3. bib Beach! $6S,500. the RlGHT ~ ftnd are • • • elee -kitchen. 673·3301 •Adults, HTD. POOL! $95 mo. 3226 Oay. 548-7325 1 Br w1furn ..... • from $9.5 drpg. di.t>, encl gar. Qule~ ~: 638-7130. 494-6350 out J:" EASY lt i. to bave R.c. GREER. Realtor Nice 1 Br. House -BARGAIN HUNTEP..s e uTIL . PD! 64&-3850 CLEAN i . 1 Br. S$ op. 2 Br unfllJ1l .... from s:us St. Adults pref. ruo. 548-9409 --------YO OWN f'rlaidatre Olllo :U16 Via Lido OR 3-9300 Good location. Stove ol re-2 Br, trplc. cpta, drps, PAY By WEEK OR ADULTS * 646-1801 3 Br. 2 Ba. unfurn •· Sl40 up ===:::::::::;====~· * 1-2 Br/2·Ba. UNITS 1-yr Laundry. frlgerator. $110 month. fl"5 mo. * 6-t!-7545 MONTH. 2 Br. furn. utila pd. 2471 E. 16th St. *Deluxe 3 Br, 2 Ba unfum, EHt Bluff 5242 old. lD San C1emente. Room Ololce Jocatiom availablt. Bllboa Peninsul• 1300 Chas. C Marti $35 wk or Sl2S mo. 2269 pri/pool, fenced •• $200 op for Pool! ** Near Bee.ch! Write or Call Coiled • n Newport W"t 3375 Maple St. 646-1461 or Coron• d•I M1t 4250 Gracioua liv\ne, c a r P e t•· 3 Bdrma 2 ba, with !rplc, $65,500. $9000-dn. * o.y,, BAWQA PEN. Point. 2 DD REAL TOR 543-lJ45. drapes, gar, park-like IW'-aundeck. pool I: rec fac. 638-7130 or 494-6350 eves. Coin·O·Matk Uv. w/<lttplaoe, den, Game 1999 Hamir, C.M. MS-1195 Walk to beach. 3 Bdrm, film O u:Ni Winter MO~THLY roondlnp. cpta. drp5, Ir: bltna. 644-1643 MODERN 2 unit commer· !qvJpment, Inc. nn. l bile. to ocean 1 blk. to OCE E rm. 2 ba. cpm, drps, bltna, $IM> M mobile home, com-ratea on Hotel 11th & S1nt1 An1, CM. 848 Amip Way daH·.n~ lee.-d • CdM • 5139~ Lantershim bay. LOVELY LDCA'MON AN VI W dlhwabr. pniener, 3 yein pletely furn heated pool, Jamaica Inn Hotel 613-ll20 646-5542 6416...f.233 ~ Bl s.w. CM. rr athoola 4 BR, new! Lease Slll>· S62-4389 adutta ally no petg, y 0 u r Corona dal Mir 5250 no oUICH • 10~ mpendable vd., North Hollywood For inf. please write ~· 2 batba. tam rm Bit-ins. SHson.a Mobile Estates. BACHELOR 1 Bedroom Apt. en $15,lm dowll. Bia. (21 3) 877-3421 er. MRS. RAY BAXTER. mcl/patio l Yrs leue -$2SO Huntington S.1ch 3400 23.59 Newport. 54U332. FUmilhed. All utilitie.s pa.id HARBOR 546-5040 Fuu.ERTON RT. 1, BOX 361 MARA-mo. Sir> mo. 67>3276. ------ THON. ru. OR CALL 673-6810 ma 646-QOO $390 mo.. HUNTINGTON 2 BDRM 114>t, 301 . 33rd at. * 011nnel Reel * TRIPLEX • Ith DELUXE 2334~ w. Valenda NARA.HTON, FLA. 743-mll VERY dean 3 bedroom. l HARBOUR. New 4 br, le yearly rate $135. no Pets. 8albo1 4300 GREENS ~&!!~ l~ ~· (714) 525-7833 den, Pvt boat dock, Tennis 615-3336. APARTMENTS iiiiilmiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil- 1351 bath~~!_ cul ,:~i.: crt Ir: swim pool priv. dble NEW 1 bdrm duplex. tep. by FURN or Unf. 1 Br • ms.~ BA. CHELOR • tJNF'URN. Spectacular View B·-1--· lt-til 6060 --------MC .,.....,.,,, ..... e ......._..,,, 3 .... ~. dr ... duJ ..,.,_ 2 Br -f155. New pa.mt. cpts -·-•11 I .. _ prage, .,., .. .-. pe, ... pr. Quiet. l a t no ,......... from $90 Waterlroot/Loc -Boat Lido l•le DISAPPOIN'ID?? room, w ., carpeta, .... pes. appliances, Ma.Int Free. Just 24!>2 Ddeo. 646-2768. drpl. Mod, quiet, clean. 1 UDO IA YFRONT :S~ month. Aient off the water. Mr. Fabe.in Sir>. LARGE 1 BR fum., ~lie ocean/ bay. 675-5475 alt 1 2~· 30~~... 2 :~~ 2A:1'~. 2 Lob with --ls Asst. __ ..... ______ Bier. 847-25.ll. qe oee.r mkt. child ok,': .. MN a UNFURN. LEASE • or -BUY • E. 17th Street, Ollt.a Mesa E•celt.nt Location CNf!I' prap $115,cn>. At. I BR· 1~ ba.1'11>l. Family-2 BDRM bola, ~ wa. 11atiie 324 E. l'1111 C.M. 1 ic 2 br 1pU. i ottlce w/ $350 M .l $45.lm tndfw tttmt. rm. Eec-t>lba. . WW-cpts, tel', mahmmnce .t drlpes 962-286B • apt, $75 • ruo. Utila pd Heated Pools, Olfld CU. o. up · up e 1120 sq. ft. Ccmmerda1 T. O. Jteea'a, Rlty. m-68'15 drpe, tee patio. Nt-MaJ Co. ind, no does allowed. $105 Winter • Yrt.y. ~·per, Adj. to ~_:-m~~for~~~ bldi· DO YOU WANT MOU OUT OF LIFE? IP SO, INVP:STIGATE THIS RARE OPPORTUNlTY. SMALL INVFSl'MENT REQUIRED; CAN BE FI NA N CED. POSI· TIVELY NO SELLING. NO INFORMA110N G IV EN ON THE PHONE.. CALL ONLY FOR· APPOINTKENT (714) &41·9929. OR WRITE. GIVING BIUIP HJSf'OllY 6 PBONI NUMBER, DAILY Pl· LOT, BOX M488. A Sll!lln, Sc!hla, .t FNy. -... ,._,, 841 .... ,1• BACH. L a r I e. beautifully Call LE 6·3911 "'"" etenco W1:1, at .._. --.... • '"'~ .... o P\111 600 eq. ft, 1torqe •--L 1 ~-u-......., 0.... turn bor 6 Adams. Costa Ma&. Herman nut. Mir· Huntfngton _.. -S115-lno. 548-1168 OJI 549-0W OLDER 2 BR-1 BAm. ! Adults. $120 mo. 1915 • CLEAN APTS/ $60 -mo. 546-<Xm> • 17% omtl per lqlate loot Lease/Optton/S.11 2 Bdrm, 1 be.. Open beam 16441 BEACH BLVD. Parsons, apt. 9, Mgr. e tmL . PD! 673-9945. $100A -$105 IncludM pe.rldni Nr. n.-t •• ._. """-1.. cell ln li• .. rm. bltn kit. CALL 536-2177 BACH $85, 1 BR $95 e 315 E. BALBOA BLVD. ' -2 br -.... -'-........ .. n~iv2e !~ Luxury . ...._..........,... _..,...., Sll5 mo. plut $l5 dean.lni Furn • 2131 Elden • Adults. * OCEAN FR.ONT * "'"' • ....., ....... .-. .,. ... -. • un, ,_ Pvt. 119tlo, 2 Realonomk:a Corp. 546-SOll ' BR l'i ba. blt-lnl, cpt/ fee. Call 646-1993, 200 Del fountain Villey 3410 l blk E. Npt. Blvd. 642488 • Nice t-Br. Wlnter $70. ~~A· dullM;-~~. I. Nr &bop-~& mlngJd•·'"-s:i." .... ~~ IUSINl!SS OFFICE dl'PI. pool. block tnce. $200 Mar. NICELY Fum. 1 BR Trlr • UTIL·PD! 673•3619 ._ .. vu.v ...,..,.. ..,... .. _,. FOR LEASE per mo • $'26.Em, tnteri«c 2 BRM. 1~ Ba. Pool. Sauna "' BEAU.% SI'ORY/4 • Br. $70. 133 E. 16th Sc. HARBOR ESTATES erJ1malca Inn Hotel ~ Newport Be a e b Jae t palnt.ed. EXlST1N No Peta. ADULTS ONLY Om. New cpta, DrpB tiJru. OO·'""" Lido '-le 4351 m> Royal Palm Drive S14 % M&-lD. B E lab out. tee yard. Ul<IJ U BJk West of Harbor, 2lill & Cout Hwy., OD4 loc:atioa w/paonmic ..... A• C. REALT! m-cJ.13 3 0 .._ ...__· St, CM Qlal. TemaL (%13~ SPACIOUS, 2 br, chld W.. e 1 • BDRM/UTIL • PD! comer-of BekeT) m.mo ~ ~~ In ~-~ $2500 TOT AL ~ ~-~ ~ ooOed. ~ mo ind utila. 22Tf •GARAGE. * $13S · mo. MESA NORTH APTS. • COROLIDO APTS. J~'~ .U: =- ,.. __ ,_ •-__.___ .,. 00 c..... ..~ .... ~ ..-5 P.M'. Maple Apt c. CM. 543·5913. • Call 673-<mT eves. .,.., ·---. ....,.,.. ... 1 . ..,. .....,._ .u .m ~ .. , 2 ic 3 SR • SUS to SlS5 2 BR. mod. frplcs, pool, 121 sq ~ Onl;r "50 mo. *I ft.. 3 BR. 2 llafll. 22x28 Mesa del Mc 4 BR. 2 bL Coastal 3700 ~ ~et l br, 2 ba, =: Balboe l1l1ncl 4355 uut nn washer/dryer. Allo cblldren, $140 up. SnmlJ Shown aQ1tilDe. f~ ro«D.' : ~ old BJtm. c.iia. ·drpl, $190. LAGUNA Hil1ll • br, 2 ba. ~FiPl~~S!: ~~. fum Apts. drpg. cpta. blt-1'urn1abed Apta. om E. {U4) 646-CJm. 56-nt6 Vacant. 546-3585 bltnl epta ..._... d k 1-t YRLY/Furn Upper 2-Br in... rar. Pool. Coil.st Hwy. 673-3378 CORONA DEL MAl 8 ..... ~u1aR Rl!ALTY ' ' .... ..,, ec • .. .in. $60 Adult male lhare lwe n.,.;; •--t·utll.'. OR • .......; Cooli-'-!Baker 5*-8688 ~ "' '"" J Bdrm ffome, Diel yard. fncd. la ava.11. 837--456(). Olstom 4 BR hse w/..,, ...., lla;1 .....,.,.... ... ~ · OPEN Set. I: SUn, 5m k.a· OFFICES 01 847-8531 ~ea. 646-5671 H> Govemor. nz. otht"n. 64l-5046 Evening two after 5:30 1:4" weekends. EXTRA clean 1gie 2 bdrm Ill> da. Nt'W 3 bdrm, 2 ti. a.pt. aETAIL STORES OWNER offers attn.c 3 BR (213) 216-9651 Duplex• Unfvm. 3975 $90 Untum S105 Fum: ~ • apt with pr. built· Blt IDI, RlrO, diehwlllr, E. O:lelt Hlwq. Variable ,q. rotl &U..Z ... !lwdllll .. J>r.p- 2 ..... p--'"'-.,....A.. ..__ ""'"""' 3 ~ 1u ... _ Huntington S.ICh 4400 tns. epts. pool, iwi patio, er frpl, cpta, d.rpa. all e1ec. foota&e. -. 11 mi-n.. ery • y ..... 111111f¢ eompt -.. ......_ .__ ....,.._ ..,,.,_,. ........ 711 .,... BE THE FIRSTI C1em 2 br, 571 Joam estdif1 --1 Sl6,900. * 5'H522 Forced beet, stoYoe a ctrpe. TO LI 8-383l * U 8__,.., • EXECUTIVE • W Plua, cio. to AUD 2 nn dlx bacbdor. attnc w/unusuat ~ wan• roam lad aD eq'llp $l30 846--v•o• a:hoolt. 363 E. l81fl CM. 675-41<8 eves. uty. ~T or e 9 t L liar tabdc:llllrm d ~ Sant• Ana 1620 mo. 1286 walk on the carpetq In \bfs D:D.UXE 1 Ir $95, pool, 00 Adulta cmty. ~ QUIET newly dee! 2 br, 6'13-941.. •...-1111. ~ 6 t. J.drjU. ro:; ;.~RM NF.AT 2 Bedroom dlJplf'X dlJdm, ideal fOll bacll. 1m e SUITES e EXTRA dMA l"" 3 bdrm 2 cpts. c1rps. ranp a ntnc· CORMm / GARAGE TYPE ~ ~ctieaWtu ... • Mllll WHAT WILL 321 & 21st Sl. CM~ with drapes, bultt·~ oven Church, 548-9633. full batb1, carpeta, ~ Gar. Malla. $150 .... BLDG. ~ Body Shop. ---.. -·-..,_ ~..,...---....;.·-------~ md ~. plua ditpoM). LOVELY 1 ·BR. $99.50 mo.. bl1 inl. pvt~. pd. Dr 673-'1'9'25. Tire Stor'9 or AalD. Uphol. 5M-N6&. $32,000 IUY7 2 BR. QIU. drps. pvt pad~ l'enced bade yd. QUIET GARAGE. NR·SHOPPING • APTS. • W-.ot:ff Plaza, cloee to ti" MODERN 2-Br. S13S-nlo. • l9lSO NEWPORT/CM ~BAR..,..,.--/-JUM'A ........ -mwn'--.- w/lllulde prdm. 2 d!.ldm STREf:I'. Near shoppln& ~ferencea. * uo o_, • ICbools 367 E. , .... •~ tt. N -i.. "' ~-Read ttlil c:aNftlUy I: )'Oil OK. 9l!O-D W. l'nh St. center. Drtve by 1S3 Scott .,,,....,....,, . ...,w ....,. .., n,,t. Cpl», Dt,il, Raup. • CAIL 6424911 ,....., ~-• w.u..-. •• .m ..... ___ __.. --.... t BAl"LI'll'I "R 0up•-1..... 727 YORKTOWN c.M. 646-5«!0 a ...... -. • --m1 -. ••~ -~ om-Sett « Trade! tM4i5I ..... .,.., .... ~. &IJllO' "" • 2-BR I New cpU. drps, $110-Pl., C.M. (near 18th 6: Pla· ~/UnCAAJ.,, N . ..,x ...,,.. --~ .,,,,. "'H•• ,._.. --A* tcr "Mr. lfowad•• 66x316'. pool ts 3>x40. mo. Ger. Ftnoed, Wms--, eoent.ia) th.en CALL 6T3-8'm ...., w. ewly painted! (2 bl ks North of Adam& * TOWNHOUSE * m n.t a, Newport Bed. ======== ~ are allowed & tt1eft Pd. 2635 Eden * 6'13-52'10 tor appointment to see. _Pleasant garden. 646-2118 Just ol1 Beach Blvd/) 2 Br. l ~ be.. patlo, cpta, Lklo Isle 5351 mel.7 er '15-5525. Money to LNn 6320 ~ .:-; ~ ~ WVO..Y 3 Br-2 Ba/Bltm. $11Noo. ... ~ ~anlnz de:polit. S90QU1ET-MO. ~~~.ONRAPT· • e . 5g136-~1118 drpli~: !:..!°i.n. e UDO NORD APT. • 850 aq..ft. Bids. with Jae end ----------._ ··-QJts 0rpa. No ,_... ........,_., Sm es °' r _,., i.er. epu, ~ 8'DN. fncd 1f'CL Adj Ga 1 Sta. $75,000 hardW'OOd 1loon. .... • .... im. SHOPPING 642-4529 • Completely Furn. 648-8265 * SCS-1'168 SUndeck. ~· OIQllel '~ ....., .. nt • FOR lit TD .... prop OK. walla Ir ~ 1be wall 1933 ADlheinl * .. 31. RENT AU FURN l BR ~Jl(. Wtr d • Util It linens free AVOCADO ROY AL ooly. * 1.-.. ~ Allo ..., ...u ... 2nd to wall, me-. .._.... WESl'SlDE. : BR. S.O.•, Apts. Fumlshed :no JIN, 185 mo. 1635 ,.: · e No Lease e tmmacu1ate1 11r 2 br. cpts, •Slip Ann. * f!S.Gil« om. a.tat .o70 m. ~are lnclDdl!d. Jn a dlldm OK. wm pd. Pl'-in drpe. btd pool. wuber/dr>'· 11r. Ac1azm. lier. S.2331 beaudful 61n ""'11" IDca-tee. $115 mo. SO.WO c:c.t1 Mesa 4100 Ave. era. pn.te, Adult.a only, DO Huntf"lfon leach 540C1 "1RH dlb a mtr. A S. .._..._. -IMINTS don. N ·-• No Depos1't • pets. &C-8042. 9-9 daily aafuna • a ..,.,,, 8 ~ -.vvm. Rex L Hadgea lt•fty Newport leach 3200 ewport u.uh 4200 *2 Ir Studio O.lux9* ..-. a elltr C • ~ ..t NOTtCIS 847'1525 ---IJ l NEW 1 br, blk to ocean, $25 Wk .. $95 Mo. Bltns. 11ni ba., dabWT, cw. Oceanalre Apts. q • ulil .. 581 w. m ,...... (P,.. Ms) 6400 L BMch 1705 sov"AiOsf'O'oc"iiN Vicloria Pool! Sbagr cpu, Car-Phone1erv1ce. FreeTV (JO 119tio, drpg, cpt, $125. FURN. UNFURN St. Loddlart Ralt)'. _•e_u_M______ No lee.at, no depollt. Optlcn port. 1 adlt. $118. 673-7629 daysl. dishes, coULe pool· !)48..6l'j7. , NWPl' BEAOI Of'FIC'E I: MALE POODLE PUPPY to ~. Bawtlful 3 BR, l SHARE -my-2·BR HOUSE side. Sat. A Sun. LOVELY 2 br hie • apt. lg 2 M 's. Y'OID' cboJce of brad LAW 8ufte. 1'lnel& Joe It Adams Sc6ool. Mellla Verde. looking for a L.arp LACUNA HOME at afTe- away price? 2200 sq ft Uv- 10g area. 4 BR A den. 3 frplCI, swim pool, io9dl d glaa&. Miss\on Rlty. m 4 ) 4l»--07Jl. l.O\'ELY 2 1tory 3 br. 2 be y,;,. S:-'.'S mo Avail ~· 11 r •'c ar~a. nr be1d1l M.'. ~J.".6. Oally P1ic. Wut adll I >r batha, A family rm, carpet. m .,,, ON THE BEAOI! Furnished patio, encl pr, cpta, drps, new decoralot' flD"nlture • .BJdt • S15I. '* 60-2330 549-24'1 1%J! ed. drapes. blt-U.. Winter anor ,., CALL 83l-1071 Larg bedroo 2 bath dl91>. Nr IChl '1m mo. 'NT1 18ll Talbert, RB. MT-1Dl9 LEASE OFnCE SPACE MALE~ f'mol. GrQ rental $189.50. Yearly $235. e 2 ~ • W~ Apt. 2. 6fU996. { PRIME LOCA'M<l'll 6 White. Mq .. dlilda Omstder' eeUU. .. 'low u BAQ{EL()R Ir: 1 BR-FUR.\ ~~;:· ::'.'.out. ~lk c~ 1 BR. w/w -drpe. Bltlns. r::t ~~ ~ ~= Newport Bea<:ii. f0.TC24 ::"'.pet.=,.,,&46.la~------ SSOO down. 673~ Heated Pool, e11bana, car st0tts $125 up Key at mi Refrl&. Cosed garage. J:l'i. Inquire %321 nortda' C. QmcE Ir 1tAn for ftllt. UTn.E Doc· Vlc Si&lW A -~ ~ Exe loc:atioo nr ahop-Ellis. Apt c. OWner eves MACULATE! $80 • $'90. Must 5J6.$73. Upcom1.ns at& CUft Dr. cwt Haven. Cmtom-llt pq989. AdVlu:.~ ... ~ !'!,~. 642·2815. att! 2188 M•ple. 541-1008. Call Owner "5-2130, m.im MMn5. "'"".., ..,....,,.,. NEW JndMdual boull!I 2 ti' NEWLY R.EDEC! 2 -Br. • ==,.-------2 BR 'JWnhse. 11i>l BA EJec:. Bdrm1. fireplace. cpU, drpe. $lt&-mo. Cpta. Drps, Stcwe. Industrial Prop. '°'° FOUND• amall smolaey l"1 Ran~. Fria-Wufl/Dr)'t'r. patio It aatall!· 2652 <>nap W.e~~ . =-D1 'l\llt.ln. Oleta Dlorp. PATIO ls GARDEN· Apt. A. MM856. 100 eq. ft. SHOP Clll LOT -------- ER. 3 Pools, Club bee. Uto DON'T ~ 2 br., llit be., OCEAN VS. I Nt • Pier, 66X165'. Price $a,& &lme Lost 6401 uni. $130 Fur. No. Brook-r-tlo. pr bltm drpa C!Pb. Sbapl. Deluxe iw. &zn. me adJointac frC1PUt1 Uo -------...;;.;.1 3 ldrm * NOW AVAILABLE Delwc~ 1 BR furn. tile kitch- en le. bath. bltinl, nb11. ci:its. drps. sdnlts, no pm, See to l!pp!'t'date. Mer. Apt. 1, 147 E. l8dl St., C D. 548-ti2J. ' NOW'S THE TIME FOR WANT AD DIAL 642-5878 hurst..Adam1. -.ms SUO 2348 Santa Ana Av~. deck. $125 yr-around, D ' avalblblt -.me )ll'b. Bm WHJTE '!by Poodle, White 1 Br duplex. CJIU, drps, No 54M72a. lit St. Hmdrtdcs Retil Dtate, UT3 Collar w/ Pbllr fWoe. ri.t8s1~'::i~ :: ~omJa E/side. 1 BR. Garage. Carl>. D~ ··3= ~ ~~~ ... ~=,to~= S.19·9773. dlsp., Drpl, Ave &: retrfg. 401 MempOla, 536-1331. 4 113-6'1a5. e BU< • OCEAN! 1 It 2 br. lndry rm. A•all. t'1e bit. $85 Blka Eut of. Lelce Park. Conwnerdal 60l5 ::Pt.EASE:--:-:-=:-:-be-=-lp-me-tind-. -m>'- e F'urn ~ unfunl. Bltna • _548:.nrr "Sam". He i. • male SeaJ. e Pool: $115 to $1$ mo. 1 BR ruR.N -2 BR UNFURN L1gune &each 5705 "' W1LL TAKE 111.000 pomt 81.amtet a v er J e 215 14th St. !'1.16-lSJO Car/lndry Incl. 1tdulu. •la Pr.peid intertat on b1mny. ~Vic cc.ta 4705 1-BR I MODERN KrOCHEN. Pallo, Gar. $125. SubWt tU April 31 or )"11y, 4~ RENTALS Apts. UnfurnltMd Cost1 MtN 5100 * UKE NEW* 2 BR with prare SSS. Priv/ frn(·td petlo, dlspsl. wattt pd, 2 ctdkl, OK prdenet. 2118 PlaceoUa Aft ''If' $37.()380, ~ Bedroom, t be.ill, pn.. vi1tt patlo. ,.,...., dOM 111 S9S prr month Sith .t \\'ratmlnstl'r' Ot' &OCJ62. 687 W. Victoria, 548-IL38 OOWNTOWN LAGUNA APT. e 10,«at lq"ft Olnl'l bids· Me& 56-1030. * PRIVACY + 1 Br, '""'• ~ dnlped, AJIPll't Conllia • l~ TOr 1W1e FtmaJe Wht. 2 Br. Front house. blC(I atwe, reb'la. pnp. P IMled. 12'' • lllftldable. Vtc Warner Drtvie-111 lllL J'Td. pr. $95 * MB-3197 mo. t.. eH555 PJtnc •ONLY. ~ Uc l$1S. Slt ~ IOUll C Nice 2 BR Triplex Rent11t w ... tect 5990 fttdvstrill Rental '°'° """.-.... --.. -I ·~· Adulll • no peU. UUU19V1"u n~• ", .. .....,. 113·8 Scott Pl. Call ~um HSE Wtcll wtdow. 5 c:hldm. 2600 Sq. ft, SprinkJmld. I.up ~ Nr-Dowr/Wt1t-..: NEW 2 A: 3 br, 2 ba, Bllnl, A pndmthcr clupentel:y door, &mall ofDct. le 1111* dUf ....._Rew._.. drp1, cpts, pnge, patio. need dectnt pl to Uvt. $100 fl, Mr. Jolnoft • ParaJIN!t. YOUNG mai. m.uo:.:sz. 181 Del Mar 548-8278. IMlC. 60-BO rics. 929 kker St,, a.&& 0nna del Mar era, iteet• LG Redec. a tr, 2 bl. Bltns, BUJLDING aultahle founilt Keaa. Sft..mL ....... J ~ ews. pnp. COlll· ln. Sl.10 mo. ~ ~ 8t leul •·•a.. 6100 LOii' s.J fl* ..._ u a.on 30'. H1lh c:.UbW> U&bt. -. 1!ald.' Vic. a.a. a GOLLY MISS MOLLY. Fm QUSet. Cail MtQG. SAK PEDftO, OC£ AM Q ...... CIC M>lGI Rent Kida ot. 2 Br •lit-mo FROtn' I.DI' llO'dn', on ean,on. CM. 60«m ..._ fw a..t 19'5 etreet s...1 a bids ft w/ ...... ..S 2 Bdrm, pri>are dlap, pr, PLEASANT a.tldla llcat. ~ :.:: :: c=: l'«7l' ........ b _,. f~. pl'dene:t, $90. 231 £ ldt pm •• -. • Vidor-a a.ts prrml _.., to cl e • t • , but ,_, ..._ I~ 18th St. 548-2.184. ia St., C.a ..._ ....,,. WW. ~ oe w.Qtt'e ~~~ 6 LIS ~i NICE 1 bdrm, $85, Garap. Private, ftD'll kU1I pd. .ctp a am fWdt: t1tit ~ ~~TJ. atov~. refrtg. cptll, )I) Ctt.a1 lor ~ $45. f. bcf'I ttbUs, CDlnll re-~LCOHOUC!--All-IOI_"'_"'_""_" • Avoctl.do + ~12 ~ t1den Ave., Ol io.U modl ~. TbcAil COit tlutar Ana. PboM rrH1M 2 Bedroom, MWfY decorated. • ROOll 111 ~ $24.'JID. tJdllllw la $7*. l• )t Roun. / Bullline, IV92t· Patio. PS e Kltc:MI priv. ~Gib. ~ ~ w I_. 111 .,_,. a Go-Ool 1-1 it J mo. m ~ • m & Drcl I Cl(. IDu Pill c:aD cm> m ... · . Gllr9' • • L. I ANNC and -, ..... -Pl• .... --Anni -COAi Seu! by ,. Non. Sat .. 1J2& * ·1 C.M. SER' ...., WILL .cno. days. ~ ~ Eves CdM Bab I 2590 *WI bam• Mod! e.un DAY ENC ft!'.& Satil ... EJ . : 1111.& ~~-­~ AJ lae. c.,. m ·] " CDI .. -I ~ CEM wall Al Call CD! I ~ 1- Cmc I Sn PAT O>r Re) QU~ Wa 842· ( --- - LI = H a ll ci • H e: • • c ANNOUNCEMENTS -I SERVICE OIR!CTORY JOIS & EMPLOYME ....... Jo•~ & IMPLOYM rllUndq, DK«mbe, a. lW> DAILV ,tlOT/NrM·Prm U end NOTICES I "' I ~ ENT JOBS & £MPL0Vt.-INT I ~s & EMPLOYMINT JOIS '~PLOYMii.,'llf'1NTrl"MMiW'11'&7'1RcH.::nAr.,NFF1om11sr.e~fO~ • .--r.u:-:i,_11S1_,_n:-.""!~'~ _.:;,~;;O~ISl.::;f;...:09'~ Perteneh 6405 Ge,..enlnt "'°iH•lp Wanted, IMt\ 7200Htlp W1nted, ~ 7~~ Help Wanted, M9n 7100 Help Winted, H.lp Winted~ SALi AND Tl.AOI SALi AHO TRAOI EUROPEAN CAADENER SERVIC E STATION Women 7400 Women 74001F11tnlture IOOO Musial lftlf. 11 2J ftla••l1111 I Plrly! "' Part o.-Complete yard! Nfedl alU with ·~ OLDS TRUMPET * -• CALLU .. S.U - MODEL HOME SPANISH ,...,....,., ti' VDrl Reas! 5Q.Cl!7 DETAIL DRAfTSMAM Pt-rmanmt. Onlaa O 11 39.1 E. l'Nh 9tlCM PIX ........ Combo tor your Generel Servlcet 6682 Dace • .....,._ WeddinJ ·Banquet etc. SAW WINDOW QL\NERS ''\tlllle for all occu JM€• Winda'in, w • l l '· blbldl; AID COOIDINATE-0-GRAPll OPERATOR Afencle1, Women 7300 1 JO l O : p.m.• p.m. SEC It IT ARY SHIFT "*'le btatlona Type nunlmum 45 w.p.m. on deCU'ic ~riter· Must have at lee.st 1 7ee.r recent ~n.oo.. can ..,.. ludy 11ovu. csita. 11oor wued. .,.., • m.1su • ~ 541-SMi * * ~Wf-30, woukl-tii;""lo -CALJ.. NI.KE m.1760 mftt attractive, etnfrN JUuon. JWUabae Repairs. lady, n-:io. ~m4 Paint · Ptumb'r -~tr)' Some previoul experience u a draft.men . Willing to learn to operate a Coordioat.-0- G rapb. A good beginning level pollUon wltb potential to grow ln our drafting organiution. A "~" Job wlth in- ~ dutla-Prefer I.II\• ~ pc:nooable leCl"d&rY U/3.\ \\' ;:ood lldlla. J4M.SSIX). N-.port ...,...,.,.., A .. ncy Prefer sharp lndlvtd- ual with exper;.nce oo tS08 board, but will coraider recent ex· perienoe on muWple board or heavy PBX with phone company. Light typing lo train oo teletype. Excellent rompensation. COUDIS RADIO CO. 6730 COUIS RADIO CO. 833 Dowr Dr· &42.JS70 19700 Jamboree RMd Newport Belch 133-CNOO Applkantl rev!-..d • mttft wtdl no bU.a toward Rt«. Color. Creed or ~x. 6410 COAST HIAL TH CLUI ~St.-mM•tt .. • b1 fOOr ~eoced i\r'll tile& thru l"rl. 10 ...... pm Sat.' &ID. 10 a.m-i pm lJ2 & lab cd Newport Blvd. * "Slald" 11 1-dr wit!» .. ! e.M. 642..5090 ~~---.,.IRO~N~IN-C-_------~------~----~ S&RVICI Dl~ECTORY s1. Hour RD:EPTIONIST, metta pub- ......... ,ttl '"° 541).00TS lie eu.lly. eJal ~ peJ"· 97-ftl QU•'....., •--'--by ...Ut)', l)&bt ~. e IC p __... ......... pe. retail • dMlll ~ ..ie.. Wl.1.L CARE frlr 1 or 2 Pre-In by I ca by &. Nottllo& Some pute up • ad make ~ home, week-CNU JOc, * ~ "" awn. ""' • ..., -M 41,ys. \lk; WUlan A Punoml _. -....-.,.. .,.,.._..,, a.ta Ma. MIH.115 Muonry, Irick 6PO TWO WOIDID will dean heme BABYSJTI'ER I MA'IURE ~el)'. $11. ~ CdM ON.LY.~~ an . Pl..ANTDtS-VENEER. etc. Domeltk H.lp 7035 I Eves. Elp. aood /Inf ts BRlCK • BLOCK • STONE • • --Al Malane MUOD&rY 841-7890 Babralltlnr In my bmnt>. KERMOSA DO~C I ~Orange, Cotta Mesa. Papethentlnt EMPLOYMENT AGD"CY I 646-61'17 Painting 6850 Uve ln • Uve out houle-* Will do blbysittini ln In)" kroepen a N. Maln St. rm. home. anytime day or ~ INTDl. or Ext. PAJN'ItNG 30t Santa Alla ~ Mother Exp. Call 89'.z.6701. IMMlD. SERVICE. lAJC&I Experienced -Permanent SABYSITI'ING / llY HOME. rd.. FR.EE at. 541-llZT. Uve·ln Ollneee Domecticl DAYS. * GOOD REFER· UC., INS. -lnti:r/Exter. 1 &: Brltllb Oloa, NamlH ~. * 642-6182 coat 6c sq f\ + $S.OO open-Mayflower At$ey· 6TJ.5630 me <~ ll:ltcb. u I IM). LIVE IN1 6Sto 2 eoab 9e 1C1 fl. $UO apen-Employer pe.ya fees -----.....;;..---U.. QUALITY material le Georre Byland ~mr:y CU!m>W ldtc:hen eabineU. labor. ~2653 attn-S p.m. 106-8 E. ~ 8.A. Sf?~ ldot work, l"lllbl prices. EXP. painter psperbana!!r. Shop sn-o.m: R.e9-M7"9132. 111t a ~teriall • wen-Help Wanted, Men 7200 REPAIR * ,A.LTERATIONS mansbiJ. R.eu. ~ CAB~ETS. A1!7 liu job. ~~. 545-Ull. s.16-3884, 23 yn ~· 5CHT13 897-5982· Weatmnatr. Admi•lstrative -PAIN'nNG ·PAPERING Trah1ffl 18-28 -----CARPENTRY. add's, palloe, ftmodl. Over 15 yrs exp. Satlsfaie:Uon l\W'· 962-<1!64 • t:xpu. CUpeotu. Repaira • Remodellnr. 1ari:e "' 11nau. Reuonable! 646-GU .,..,,..NO JOB TOO SMALL! .., All t)'pel Home Repairs. Re...,.,,..! ** m-cm No job too small! Lie .. LD· IUl'ed, Bonded. Fr" uUm. HUT)' H. Beagle 494-1003 --S20 PER ROOM ' up. lntft'• ' Exter. lit c1 .. work.~-147-1351. Reloute In LAS VEGAS tmematlonal ftrm with JlO 0Ulc:t>1 t.hroughou t the world 11 openin& a new branch alftce ., Lu v e- cu. Nnads. niere are aewnl opfnirlp at die tralntt lewl for young INTERIOR • EXTERIOR l.aoir Rle· Satlaf actlan l\&al'- aol.eed. JWf. 6U16I& Cement, Concrete 6600 -INTER.I--OR--*-EXTERl ___ OR_1 men who UT uoaMJd ol GET THE HOLIDAY bad worit and would be SHAW & SONS PRlCES NOW! t 60-7'528 ab&e t.o re:loc:ate ln Laa Vepa alter one wen IPEClAl IZING • PAINTER e lnl1de or out-traln1Dir 1Jrogr&.m ln our aidf>. By room. hour or job. Lena Beach Olvigioml mP0SED AGCJlEGATE Call "HQea" 646-3372 OfQce. J'oundatiollal Patioe PAIN'nNC I INT • EXT. No experience nece$1ery HHm Since lMS. No~ b Thie ~ pro'fidel a 1'oee E.a-cam,.,.Tenm e:IP!I'· 117-IOO c o m p l e t • penGDllliud ===:;;;:===I trainJn1r JJ"llt&m dedeDed CEKEHl' wan, wood Jlences, ..... ---.LI .... -to ~etop a man'• po&.m-*· C)i•nl!f!IQJ bus fmce, r._..._nt -~ tiaJ and pr$8oN bUn for ..,.. *-Patios A topa. PLUMBING. Uofmed a. all l'llPfd promotion • merL ,.... u. 5»ta &a)ltlme. wodt 111ara.nteecf. ~ ~ Month Salary CEMENT W'Cl'tr, patb. aide-&: rtrnoc\dhc· * MM5l3 For c:iamkSeration apply ta walks, pookleclm, driveways. pamn to MR-BDtG. A l a o •wlc Is ~ Remodel., Repelr 6940 Sunday, Dec. Uth at 4 pm Call alt 5 ~ ~ CREW!' JtOOM !J>GdATDt INN CEMENT work, all types. No Room Aclclllofts ea E. Pad& °" R..,. I ~~ ~ Alt•wtloas i.-. Beedl. cam. 1--1-S'fup t USE OUR DISCOUNT No phone calla pleue Oanc:rete & Block. a11 types. PliAN AND SA VE I Small Jotie too. MHm $$$ MONIY $$$ PATIO-=-3SO aq fl $89..50 RemodtU.ac t.o ~ O>ncf'l!te Sawed. Removed, and PLEASE JOU. Replaced. 842-1010. 100~ F\nandQI available QUALITY Brick-Slaoe-Slate FREE DTDUTES Waterfl\lll • Brick Patial llltt Wey Construction Kl-G359 or ~l-3083 ~es. Uc 6 Bonded m.61\.1 NEED a ~! Ot.ll 6'20 Dao. Need a plumber! can _______ _..:....:..::.;:. Don. House ~ al ail)' Contracton· kind. Dea II ,_. man! Renodfll.tl . • • • • • • • • Don Bovee 64S-Gl Room AddiUom • • • • • • IF YOU Med R.moddlac ~lioat · • · • • • • • • PAIN'nNG ••• JtEPAIRs iJ:.~: ~~ CALL orac ••• &0-rm qu.iJlty worlcmansbtp U C-IM. Bonded CM1 Contr. L.1 1-1444, evea. R.emod. ' add!. ~m. Ftnanc'' arrn&d 615-3271 E8. WE W1I.1. • 6'25 BID R!lAD'f for HOLIDAYS wta cteaa c:arpctl • tun. 6950 JOU a IMPLOYMENT RICE a.EANERS ~ ,,_ W1ntN, Min 7000 E1·pe~itor COOrdiaator ........... "' tteo-tf'Oftk lnduttry work In erus ef achedut. Ing, expedltlnt end coordinating mettrf.. ala In the manvfectvr- lftf Ktfyltles. Hlfh tchoot • , ... u ••• ._ would like aome col-..... Collins Radio Co. 19700 Jembo,.. lt.eid ... ~h . SAi.ES BARiii BIOS. New Hlmd~ Beads bu 1111 openill& for: e A qualif*I t.om. furnf1hlnp .. tesmen e An experienced TV & Applfanct ul .. man Commil.aion t.iJ1 Apply WIER BIOS. 13 Huntington c.nter Huntington leech • Boat Assemblers • hllftrmlft • Molders • Bonden • Painters JBISBI MarfM Corp. 235 FISCH!R COSTA MESA 54G-"40 COOK ~ prelt!l'T'f.4 but in necl'IUt'Y. Exeellent future ... ftne ~ and beDl!ftta. ApplJ Ill ~ IDIL Saacll ShoD 3446 1. eo..t Hwy. Cotena ckl Mir Cook Mele 21. No experiltllce ~· Apply Mon. • 'lbun., t.5. Shakey's Phu Perior 2215 Newport Blvd, Costa&«... ACCOUNTING SECRITARY Ute SH, 10 ke7 1dd macb A Cll)e. ~· Modela • career Alf!MY mt W-.ClUf Dr· Newport ~ 642· 7424 7400 Secretary Chel ..... nt po11tion NqUltlftl minimum of a ,..,.. teeretarlel experience. Shorthand minimum to w.p.m., typh'I SO w.p.m. elec· trlc typewriter. Excel- lent ciompent.1tion commeMUrate with uperlenc.. COLLINS RADIO CO. 19700 J1mboree Rotd Newport Belch l#4600 All appliciafltl ft"rinVfd on marl& with tlO bias lOOA'Vd Race. Colar, Oeed or St'x. . BAim IROS. N.- H nti n gton leach Store Has optOlnp for 1.11 exi-"enoed CLERK Some phone wotk, fi)J~ &s •aried allier duUes. Apply BAllEI BROS. 13 Huntfneton Center Huntl,.ton 8e1ch mctmVt SKROARY Good Wrihand ind typ1nt tklllt required. 5 dey WMk, Tuel. through Sat. , ....... nettf position, ur..,. potential. Good 1tert• Int .. ltry. Call Mrs. Moo~ 646-7436 Secretary Good SldU. COLLINS RADIO CO. 19700 Jamboree lload Newport IMc.h Calif . 133-4600 AD appllcanm ""1e'ftd ml merit wtth DO blu toward ~. Color. O'Hd °" Sa. The wont famoul "HUMDINGIR" ~S: Ba:rma.ICS., .... Girts. Dandnr Girls. R._ n11t1oni1ts. F1ocw Glrla. ClMinge GIJU. No niier· ~, we traan. $300 week salary. Five~.~ ply at Humd.ioctt No. 1. H..-r Blvd., ! miles Saudi ot J>ll.. neYland. c.c. Phone 638-S483. or s.12-3118 « gz'f.z:M&. F1nt1atlc Opportunity 40 hew .....ar DIVOROZ will 9tleJri6cle Tele¥Woft l20S bu vWI> for a woman In Permanent ~ Dtnlnl roam llt. W 1 i our Dl't;lona) orpntution u.... -benefits Jbch+ ~ 8:!. amn~ WE RENT -due to a promotion m OW' fTI99•J ~ .. ,, _,.,_ -.........., .. ranb. She muat 1w willml Apply a-3:30 Mca thru fri. 6Wr'8> ~ $:50. WW!bn/ New. 11MJ17 •••, Nllalll to learn ~ phue al mY Drytt P5 4lllCb. Jl'vw9' TVt, ccb' 'IVS. p II • • o • bulineaa, with biO tnw.¢.l:Y VIRS (0 mows ~ ~ -~...... d .___ ind attractive. U lhe ..; •• 1. UJ DI .,.....,"'n• r Ye r 1, •-• , ,._. • • SELL ar TRADE 14' 3-pt'. refrp, lt°"9o a• 11 t he u1n.. abe will ba'fe alary, .,~... 9 ... _ -·. DI.-I buy lat.er, ..... w1lh.. oVttWr!te, retle'Wal. com-3-W Wa-r ......... _... ~ ,_.. """"' ,_ •-· ',... "'••• c-........ w/ 0 ---'b'-No "--'ta I No Omtradl miSSlon and frei! leads dally. S t • ' .. -_ _....,.. ........ .,.,-.,, "" -...-an a ~na _._ ... _., -or _ .. _ .._ YrM StrvSce a Dibv-For peraaoal Interview Call ........ _.. -•......., ""' ~" MR. GEDIK. 494-lllO Betw. equal ~ 6 tog• IOLa + 1$. MMt39 ., Yra. An'-~ 1~12. Mon-Ft!. Ml ~ '1 MOVING Dec. JJ. MUil Sall! J ..... •, Kl MS4a H y' A 1!..-G Bdrm a I>tntnc nn eeta. 2 1DU s. Main &.. s.nta AM ane I ·~ 0 Sect. Davenport. ua't t.abo • PHD..CO >I" •klWllte Learn to be a Go-0o Girl· lntroducillC) In, deak, chHt. REASON· • TV. Remote ciant1'ol. $1$. Top ~-~~ New Product UM ABLE! 56-215i aft.. ' P.M. • GOOD Clllll1! ~ SWINGIN'EST IARS E.xLiti01 ~ potmllal. IUY ANY FURNITURE RCA 2S" 0..-'l'V-itm.. IN ORANGE COUNTI· tull or part time. Norrcan.-Dinct from mfl. at wblMle Commp ~ Xbt s Locatkms! 8ictlnl additiao far ltle me-prices tbnl me. save le> '° cmd! ~JJBS. m-oiso P'or tntf'Niew call: OMlful aa1e1 perlOI\ dellr-'°"·can Mr. F.d mG63. PACl<AJID.BD.L 2S'' lofti1 640-9!9. 642-llSO uk fi>r LOU trc ti.1eeb1.e mc:reue 1ri In· MAHOG. -drapletd c1n1ft$ oamoi.. PllRriX!1 COHD- 1784 Npt. Blvd .• CM come. No competiUon. Pre-t.a1ft w/4 chaira 125-2'"'PC. mON. sioo. 5IS4T9 BOOKKEEPER--antadon of line will be brown qu1lted Sec'l. P>. 2· Local Co. bu apmlne for al· tnade al Sbtraton 8"dl li•'a·nn. dw.in. 193-3'113 HI-Fl & $..,_ 12t0 Lractiw ciri. ~ to l>, ~ :r~ar :!_· FridQ, Dec. MATQl'G at 2 YOU'm BOGEN Stereo ~ 10 Knowltdce oC S.H. It TWlna BEDS w/~ 2 ctn.ft, Watta ..lo---.. _ It able to meet pubUc. ~ Nie ltand $45. ID-CT -.... _.. ........ llDdlrr. ~ ~ week 9 to No eXDM°le•C• SPunaa :....... 44 ._ ~OO -~~~ '1im· ~ de9ired. Foe r-"' ""'"'° -eel. uvm •• ... ._ ----· I AM. 1t&JPt ~.Y,15 "Jb:o Umdu-Nec.....vl Paadena mamkm. $4,D. 6 PM • .... Full er Part ftMe ~ o0ef· OUaer ftlrn.ltun. ======== lJVE • In mothtt'1 HeJ:.-r· lbekpr It cook 5-dy wk. Li home. w /2 acbl IP cbldna. le pvt room "I on be. edly Ir TV. $D1 mo. Req, driYer's Uc, or own tr--. Rell. 495'5928 LaJUn• NlrueJ PART nt-1 WOii MQll have dun CalUorm.e l-541-1456.----:-:=...,.,,,.---Carner" & Equip l300 drtv~ record. AllPIY * MOVING * vaLLOW CAI co. l'8"lliure Far laJe 111 £. 21th a. U08 Welk:Wf Dr .. MB QistaMen •MINIATURE INFORMATION NP?dllll e CHDIPANZEE. Sportt"I Goodl 1500 F'edenl. State, OJudty • • a • • Sl&~ ___ _.;:; ____ _...;_ Qt.y O'fil Serv1.ce joba. caJ1 U8fld Ski ~ Ga.Joni g.mg or write tD om. G1t91! Sea. 1022 Come'" ua at - ware Aw ., HB. C~tu. YOU W'Ol"l't believe It _ all SKI MAAT AVON his openlnt EXPER. MAnJRE CPLE mllkr 1 root _ antiqms, ~am W. Cit Hwy NB fw nHt m1ture WO-. <J'fLY! lhMp 11 -ari11.1. Jmk. looclla _ ~ . .0. NEW Surlboerds PIX Trainff lft. No experience nee· Ute malnt. S48.f432 afttr 1 vtr. O'm'alet. ~ fun. lor Clrlatmu. 16& 54M86T ..,ry. pm. bnw, ~r. flrmbn, or Bank E~nmcr Call Coiled s»Sl60 RE?. Q>te. •1ott>l • olflct. ·---key collf.'ction • mac Mhcellaneout MOO APPLY IN PERSON -....._.. Mr. Jftlldns or Mn. 8'uttl bper. a..vtklans Wcift 111 e'llft In exch tar ~ i:m. Jamboree MOVING to Small Apt. Be4 Security Fint National Bank 311 Forest Ave. lafUM S..ch ta "'1ly salon lo work any nice apt. No exp nee to Eutblull to CllCllO to spread, full sb:e SS. 2 Blonde llour. any day, anytime. $2001, 49'J.200i 2845 Catalp&. Dec. 9 6 1A. t.Se1' •nd tables $2.» -, F\111 er Jll,rt ttme tn P~ ScL.--t... •--A-...alon 7u" Fri. Sat, 9-S. White dlina la.DIC'. Cold bu4 Ult lllJTOUDd1np. Good Ill-. ~,.._..,_, -with aha4e S3-50· Blcndll rat ~111 ~on.. c: 37 COURSES Appliances 1100 dlo ~ Farmala • m--. JUnlla'er· FOR 1aN A WOKEK • (J)L[8ll()'l' re!ng, apt Ible lbe 7-9 S7. (worn cmcie). WEST COA.Sf JUST LIKE NEW' m.. Women'• coat a.bout 14 • DENTAL ASS'T. Trade • 8uliDeta ScMoll 96l-2G92 aft 6 pm.. A steal! $15. (Juat ~ Part ~ a~ 21 to 30. nJT S. Main St.. Sant& Au In Aueust-) Grey Huah ~,. STATION A'M'ENDANT. (Offll SHOP Will train. Slmple bldcp'g, M>n&6 Antique. 1110 py tin -womm'1 T AA EXPER. Patt or Full time. 'J'niUw req. Wrllt> qualifl· 12027 Garden Gron Bl, GC SJ.SO. Wblte Hl&lh PUppJ • HAL'S StrvJcoe SWian. ( uHIER cadions to. Ml"I. Schmutz, 531-nu "' OLD wooo DUO< ties SJ.50. Other aJ1kln> • Ccr -Wa.mtt 'Cl.aner>'· JU 390 MERMAID sr. IDmtJ.rct.on Beacb 5J6.88S5 ,,,,, OEXX>YS. Sornt' pel*d, 291.5 Androl pt. CM. 546-0m • HlJNTJ.NCroN BEAOl LAGUNA BE.AO! M. l y-n:..-,._._ .. _-;;-oa ane retlnisht'd. Old Hand EVERYTHING al --so~ Over 21. 3 to 11 still\. --rv....... ~11..-UU1.JUAu PLASTICS TRAINEE WOMAN d<-iilrlni; nicl' norne baa made avaDable to de· Blown Apothecary Bdtleii off marked price • CON· ~ Mold.I,. • Sgle. SHERATON for gentlt'man rrqwnnit RrVln& studeota e plan {J'OCl) ~. most with TENTS of ANTIQUE SHOP • SMALL JtARTS. INC A 1mllll r.alary 10 hl'lp care -1\erebf they can take u oric labril.. E:xtn larp propprty told -bldg:s to be 1346 UXJAN AVE., c .M. m1Dimlll'll aa.1t.anct. lq u 1ll Dd-lo 1191 for Mortar • PesOe. CAIL l"t'm(JIVed: ai.o CONTENTS . MACHINlm BEACH INN ~ tjieir sectttarial train.in&. m-sno of 2 story ~. Pae. -wA!TRES.5 ~ to r,. ~97'23 8 MAHOG. Onppt'ndale dJD. Coest at Warner, 9anmt Medlmn tD laJ'p tneer lathe 21112 0""-n .a_ EXPER • ONLY N'lGHT cla.~ Tues. Wl'd., lng chairs includ. holl It Beuh: BE'Ilf MAURER 6 6 tune ~the aper. .,._ ,_..,.. DOGHOUSE Coffee S110p Thurs. 7-10 pm. Typing. hostess -need refm .• "'° GARNER I: EVANS ANTI- To $4. br. +OVERTIME HWlfinC)tOn leadl 5'2 w. 19th SVCM. aborthand. ~ d1ct1tion. CO\lenni; mo., Sheraton Q~. Sat I! Sun. Dec. 10 ApplJ la 1*"IOlt --M-OTEL MAID. ~ ktti>init· ~ly Priest 1tyle mahofot sidcl>oard, le 11 lopes at 10 a.m.) ld .. r lnchmr... \ ADULT. Muat ~ ~ BUJintss Colle,t>, Newoprt ataiowood stnnglng Ir mar RACING PIGEONS 2tal °"" 9t. Nt'ltpor'C Bch. lCWSORY portatlon Ao phol'M'. . Beach. S48--97'23 flU!U7 l.lllay of conrh lhell Entire flylJli leanu & ~ INSURANCE FOR APP'T 893-247t OIIUSTMAS Problema! 10 & urn1 U75. 494.3243 eves. en: Havene61. Bestln1, moo _11ect_r:trt_1c._I ___ 6640_ • ~. Paintu • 1S Yft. exp, In N .l, • Stnd1 Cl' tempon,,.. • Call ~. 49MG3 * M rai Slll:f iiffii>wcm-woman to =enr~ = doel EXQUISITE Mutrrp1eeei I: W~ atnint • Mf'nlbeJ' Cjlllt. T .... u etll'e for ~lderly lady. l..ivc L.I 1-2859 Chll t Tnllnl 150 1"I' old "Ck>n rest> o4 National J.aoc, It soco Pnfer at )«ut 1 ~ ~ p -'tb •. • ta. f>vt.room. Mu.~I dnvc, Sehl 173 Del MC:: . Yal" Tai-try 5'X3'. Pt'r· Oub. Singles from Sl.00 cent experience. ~ ~~·~,~=\! Openina tor •'<>mfO with rd.ettnce&. OR EiOOl : fect cond P\lrt' gold, sllv"r pg1r from U0.00. A I 1' .... ~lence M>llln1t Olina A DftAi>tRY workroom Ex""r Agenci .. , M. W. i600 dread, nmt'sl o;1lk Priced cntf'!I. atiiwu-c Ii c11rrytni• OPWTOI COWIU RlDtO co. 19100 ~ ..... Newport ... ch 13M600 MOO plua t'CllMl. u.a, Comm;si;icln bull. .~ to sell $5.~ 61S-m.l'> After Call 646'"2977 afltr 6 PM. MR FAJUIA Kl T-01ST Ubfnl comP11\Y bcneflt.e. med\ operalors. E.xper Ott Multllith n-r. S p.m. '6 srn 7' Ion;-0,-3 M•..ia l.l-~-~--•-1.. tra.tntt. 8 e • c b Drapery. """'"' ----"' ...,.., ~uto ----n 'VJ'" ... 3909 to SJ.so lJour .. CENl:INE mo bar•lools I pedded IClllll • Need .. _..~ -··......... l 11WER BROS. --Electronlca .....,...... AmPntan cht'11 • Y h._, '-c .... KA. sin..--u.-•ch apoN ---;7 u;:.,; AIU\ EXPDt B Hut 1 Opfl'llff'T ~r. to 13 hour .... GradUated drawrrs ONE ~::n.:il'·m. p;;·i.:; =..v. lmow\tdp. Exccllmt frtnce U Huntlntton Ctntw Wtd. Busy mop ln Hht Sch. WILLIAM PENN family ownership. &lo-mJ er l~" • 6 blades wlhtlskel• beNftU. ~ply OOSTA CAR Hvntlntton &each • . A42-1lt!i A.89X1Bff1' N:f'fW!Y DUNN'S CLOCK SllOP " rill CM ISO. 84'7-4711..1 ~-1J&8M li&rtlar Blvd., •. ~!URANT")'Nft olllELP•· ,.._ 1856 Newp->r1 Blvd ,,,.~ Antiq. Oodc. w11ch r"llf's. KIRBY VACXCM CLEANER ._. ma. You '"•n count -a """"" " ...... ta MNa 142......... -W "" c • -...,. _ _ -• £J>h, ~I. ~12-1842 Tak,. OVl'f P8Ytrlf'l'lt" of $8 ~ e MACHINlSTS Western Girt e ~ AnER 1:30 p.m. MERCHANDI E fOR pt'r moolh on Kirby vacu- Exlit'rtf'ftelld onl)'. hll tbne. to flt right In u i:zNi> ~nclt L~r-pnic SALE ANO TRADE MYtkel Inst. 112.5 um compktr and iiueran· Top np! Call lknard If -L-h-~ L--n ._ for tldrrly IJ!dy. 2.30 F 1 IOOO 0 tttrl Cash bfUlnc,. $44 72 a.mer h> I0-3:3G INlW --pm • lO: 30 pm. ~.2179 • urn ture Ul.BRANSEN 2 '.\lanua.l ~•t ~fr SJ!>.7'2119. An•· •A1tT1No·-R--wortd-everyda...t -........ ;.... .. ~ --1'rlillil. ~-w/ """t"Us:sJol\. h m -.. .... ,. "'"''n.c..~LArEfl. SACRJJ'ICE! ~ ~~ ....... ~ ('I ........ ··-ft..& ,.,._... 646-7451 -· ..... R.om .,._, ------• ...,. ,...... ~ -•.ua a Rel1aunm. UJ FURNrruR.£. J rooms com· elec • iult.ar. Fut ictioo, K £ E P S A K E tn~rlocldn1 • 8-:::1\ -. X1nt. rd. MEDICAL r: NEWPORT mvd.IN'B. plete. 9 Pc. llvt.na room. 9 W/ CAM· lllint' 642·i02I-11:edchntt Rt • ~~ \(-ct. • ec. M4f/DaU1 PlJot. TraMCrlptfonlat Kii.i> Babysi1tn, 5 d1111 wk. pc bedroom. dinette, dlaMa. RJO<ENBACKER-ELEC • tmall ~Ide ltonfs. F irst Sil~ '* MAaaNJIT I Jolt a,.,., ~ X..R&y a ,,.. .-manmt CliJ'9 far 3 ct11i. pictarea. pillow, etc. Bal· GUITAR. Model 45(). u~ or-trade for elec. stut out- eq111r. * ~ Ill'. Mar o1oo Ile-ports. "111 or .-rt *-· Rdtr. MH07• aoce only $338: $2.50 ~k. NEWl 673-6l80 after 6 pm. board motor ln rood CClftd. ~ Co. • f.2f• ru. Exp, onb'. COnt:aet -Pifiine-Ra'EP1'10N1ST-ll11b, 1714 Nrwport Blvd., MAR11N OOl - --836·1'0 _____ _ TERMINAL WAY/C.11. D. BrimlJK'?'· call r17-cg b <Mt.a Mna. Frtt dellvny I iruitM. and KMfmD f cs esrocx_CLERX_•_ --NEDJcAL !ifX"'Y--._. -~~ la"·~ M'AKi cHRtsntAS MERR~ := :,':;~ 67~95.sirio. "' n ORI . i !XPD. lntCTVicH btwn front A b..,rlt P Um,. Rta ''fflDCPR • Baby(ltttr 4 with • 11""'~ 1t1ft ~~"11 -ALTO l\A,X "CICUo-··.-., FOR SALi l' •10 AM DAILY Bc:h. 645-U C!hlilm, J tn IC'tll. $'> d•v : ~~um di .... .., a APPRAISED SIT'> RrmMnl&. Sampte. A MID· 1510 NEWl'ORT SlVd/CM --Df:'llTAL A.,f:$f.--0.. cat M-1'!\1t r · _... • t'nth '\at Onl)t R 1 m . to J - -& South s.. -....... m. ~, p m 9.IJ Bakr.r, a..& .... _ f'UU. time-a.vie. Staooft PART TIME ----.,._ Altcndaat. Elqlw ~. --548-'IVT4 • W<*AH/UYE JN. TROPICAL rtSli MXXllU>IOH/Wllrllmr. ~IATt.'lUNG SET CE WA.~H--= t e la txcbUp lor S.b)t-nl W. WUeon. a.ta *'-MeiW-D. UKE N£W! ER' DRYJ:R. UKE NftJ a.TJU IWbn. elephantaT Dime-Hint • 11ttt.,.. * w~ $43-19$1 ats. • ean s.tt-tm Call~ • \ Ja DAJl.Y 'JU>T,IN8'-P'mi TWllSir. Olclftlbtr 8, lM UtMi Cara 9'00~--M-.~ • ....,C,..,..HA~N=o-.1s=1,....f0=1=--.,-MlltCHAND1SE FOR MEttCHANDISI f'Olt lOOK AT TH£ REST ... BUY THI IHT1 lt'1 laty To T.tl The Dlff#ence. I CADWC' '62 Town Sedan Air -Jllenlne, Ml -· $1695 CHEVROLETS '64 Impala 4 0.-14 T. A-lit ,.,.,_ .....-.. -·-"'-' _, ......... ,..... ht•'9<. $1695 '62 Nova 400 !oft-1'4!k. ,,._,.. mlu~ radio.,,. ...... $895 '61 Nomad , .. "°" w-. .-oc 11-mlulofi. ..,_. ,,__ ~adlo. ......... $895 ~ '65 T/llRD AW e.dlllOfllM. lull ,.,.., • $2995 '61 T/llRD Ai c-lllleftlfl ............... $1395 '61 Ctry. Sela. , ....... w-..... 1'c .,_ ...i..i.n. -..,..,., ,.,.., ....... $795 '60 T/llRD ~···..-.i-· ....... ...... -.,._ ,...-..... $995 '65 Nc:oR 4 ..................... . $1195 I MEIOIYS '65 Coloey Pk. ..... """ --'"-'--........ ...,,~ .... , ----~,.., ........ $2795 '63 Comet 0111 111111. ~ ..... _ ,,.._,.... ...... . $1095 OlDSMOIU I '62 2 DoorH/T ... Nr CINll ........ Ml .... $1295 PCllllAC '64 ..... ... ' Or. tt.T. """ ............. Ml -· '61 American ........ W..-.~ktf'.,. "'""""',...._...._, $495 [ VW'S '65 Volbwapw ,_I 0-tMM. ...... ....,, $1595 '59 Volcswateft 10-WM..llMlt.MIRr. $595 '65 GMC Hll!Wl-\111'. "-* ~ rldlo. ....... $1495 • 64 Chevrolet Mo Ton P'l<t111t • ..,._,11c lr•-mtuloft. rM.. ,_.. V ... (l/elOm OI b. $1345 '63 Ford 1/J Toa P'k*w J .......... $1095 STANSBURY IUICI usmws 2100 Har bot llV'lf. Costa MeM "6-9022 SALi AND TltADI SALE ANO Tl.AOI SALi A.ND TRADE MltctllaMOU9 MOO Mltc•llaneous '600 MllffJlaneout l600 . AFFIJ:IATED CRAFTSMEN .a~~1l1ateo-cRa~tsmen ANNUAL FACTORY SALE Dec.. ' ,. 10 9a.m-9 p.rn. 2121 CANYON DR. . COSTA MllA -----~~- AUCTION 21715% Newpori Blvd. Behind 'l'«ly'• Bid&· Ma&,. <l>lta Me.a ~ OPEN DAILY t to • IF MERE BEAUTY, POWER AND PERFORMANCE DON'T MOVE YOU ••• . • •• OUR PRICES WILL! ROY CARVER Pontiac 111644441 2925 HARBOR BLVD .. COSTA MESA MIRCHANOISI FOlt SALi A.HD TRADI TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION I TRANSPORTATION FREE TO YOU SaUbNt1 9010 Imported Auto. 9600 Import.cf Autos 1'B.a: to apedaJ iood tiome, $100 fenced yan!. Lovable youni WIU. RESERVE YOUl\ lbapy amall btHd dol· ltlaftder s.JlltMt 1.o¥ee dliJdttft. 19t·l00. FOR SPRING DELIVERY U/10 * Mar vi.ta Yac:tlt Salff * ··---P_UP_Pl_ES_/ _Part--::ee-.,-,-.,. 1700 w. Coa•t Hwy .. N.B. Prtfltr home w/chlldrt'n. ~ oc f73.5Tl~ XL.NT tranaportaUon! Good bu,y! 'SS Datsun Rd. SACRI· PORSCHE YJCE S&50 cub! 117~1\ -------- SI/NB. m·)C211 .,, rrooo EQum oo e J.Br Cotta Mna ~. ALFA ROMEO • TRADE tor '615 or ·n --------e PORSCHE. * 642~ ,,,, '60-PO'RSc::llE-- ,,, SUPER 90 . ., JMMAC! 548-6832 50-«ill 1219 Sabota by SW.• wu..o LOV .... .,. f K!Lt ~. Factory flnl.ilwd ALFA ROMEO IU>WL cornpamon o t $350 Hoakln Wa&.tnport. 1220 ~.t home, pure Ind Sell w Cout Hwy. Olll 541.:rm Po6nt 1P')'td ~male. he ---------to cNaJi!ied home. 548-3778 UDO 14 #1654. Medium aftw 5 12110 Blue. Xlnl CUICI? R.acln1 --· ----Record. CUltocn Board l LAAGE SEUX."I'ION FROM TtiE LARGEST DEALER ON TKE SOtml COAST RENAULT WHITE PtJPPY I wk& w/ Rudd~. U295. * 6'?3-t9l9 brown IPCJl ovr:r 1 eye. 11• M•"-Sailboat Ex U t • All MW ••• 643~ 1219 .. ..,. · et en ~o Spydor 1600 Hubert's Auto S.rvlco New Renault DeaS u-s can Qimplete Auto Servb AD Credit Cardi ~ JJll Pa.rte Ave., CJ(. ~ · cmd.ltloo. Sae $1:iO ~ tnde! PlJPPlES. f,_ to &ood asg.18a) • GTV Coupo ~. Sooth ~ tnct. ALBAIBOSS 22• w/keel. Dae • Glulla Supor Sedan Call 96r.Z-4012 after 6. 1.219 Aili .,1 jenny 6 iptnn, ~ 1l TO aood borM, beautiful ~fl cond $1000. S48...z.J01. •"1lis male urer cat. part An· M _....., fOI', eround 4 mo old. Poww CrvlMrs 9020 11M•W'• AduKa pleue. will deliver. bprKelled SUNIEAM ~ 9 to 5. 1211 21' VEN'T\JRA Glupa.r cabin 900 &uh o:.t Hwy. '60 SUnbeam, fully factory BATMAN & R.ob1J1. 2 trlmd· O'Ui.ler· 21.0 Cbryaler martoe Llc\ma &Md\ ... '1503 equiPl>td. $596 Ml price. ly 1Uiode bland Red roott· eQCIM, a:.ma.t °""• mil.It '60 ALFA Cpe. Mutt lell! COSTA CAR a>. ena. Need p>d home> .. to ~-Univ~ Tab O'Pmt». n..-SU 3574 Fore1rn I Domestic 12/10 di>' ()ldsmoMle, 2llO Har-......,.., • &46-Sl'TT. bar Jlhd., ea.ta M--. EYd, S«).()'151. Carry own contract oac FEMALE pup 2 rooa. Woo-~ 1969 Harbor, Of, 642-4174 d • r f u l penonallt;y, Wr1 1uu ,..__,, ___ ''T-... ltl " IORGWARD pretty. Loob Lll<e German ._ vw.n. tm an TRIUMPH Sbort.halr. Pointer mother· Ex. cand. $4,SOO dn. ~ '60 STATION WAGON ED--------- e...m4. 12/I sine ~tty ~uled. ·~ Trlumpb Spttnre Marie MANY cat1 I ldllen. need IMt Stlp, Moorlnt 9036 $2'75. 642..1547 a1l g p.m. U 1000 mi., R I H, owner rood bocnel. all are• lanky WANTED moorin& or allp !or '57 8of'f Ware! tn:nl to Dsrope. $1T15, 1#.ana, fats It t.a.111. 546.oflS e&tamaru 36.x15'S" OaJ1 t-;;5:;;;;26.-32=:;;;;44=· =====- ti.fore 4 or 1W T·!>m-UIB 548·8198 t= ~·~ FREE ro rood home with ======== VOLKSWAGEN yard. l·yr old HOUlf'broken Mobile Homot 9200 DATSUN Inna.le q . Lows ~n. 642-lfH 12/1 lOdl VDruS 2-BR. 0mp--------- An! >Ont c:oadl New WOW! '67 VW's Discount Prices lmmedlat• Dellv•ry 1NTERCON'T'INENAL SOf' A. ltunt1, mtdl cmer. 540-1'&2 ll/10 PETS & LIVESTOCK awn'p, SJOOO. ~ Sa.t/SUD. (:Jr c.u <n4> &11-mo II CY CL IS 9225 Cata ll20 ~~~~~~~~ WANTA DIAU TRY USI At!I'O IMPORTS rA, 5»-llll wa ~.ma l..!!!12'J91!1!!!!!!Harbor!!1!!!!!!!1!!!!!!8Ml.!!!1!,!!!G!!!.G!!!.!!!!!1 ZIMMERMAN Will Buy COSTA '8IA YClllll' VoDarnpn or ~ Motorcycl• 9300 1HO Harl»or 612-3551 ~ ':. ~ ~: b Howcla Aclclicts 1966 Honda 160 cc: ScNmhler. $395. 94& ~St., CM Call S46-6315 HARLEY Davidian 3 ~· er. Runs perfect. Fine tcr m~ aervk:e etc. Only 1295 Costa M.a Qlryaler/ Plymouth, 29'l9 Harbor Blvd. O.ta Yea 546-ltu. lJ&6 SuzWd lSO cc 673-1190 HILLMAN . R.,rO<Maed R-.,rOClOlaed ·57 V.W, S\mroof, fully re- '59 Hill.mm MJnx -San. F'ul· stared. Bllldc ~ $67 11 factory equipped $296 full full price. price. COST A CAR a>. COSTA CAR 0). Forelan A I>omntlc Foreiln I DomHtlc Carry own contract oac Cany own contract oac 1969 Hart>or, CM. 642-4174 1969 Har6or. CM. 6f.2..4874 1980 VOLKSWAGEN, ~ cond IN~ A out. sa>C1 KARMANN GHIA tins. ear lhon exce.1 care. ~ '57 IARMAJI GHIA•'" vw. 11.10).MJ. e NEW~. VOLK:SWAGDJ. Radio and • M~. 846-()631 ewa. beater, wbtte side wall tires. '64 VW CONV. Blk top, TUr- $~ 1 quoi9e bottom. 10,IQ).mj. Vf!f'Y a..EAN ! 675-1631 VOLKSWAGEN '64 WHtllba· Ua camper. Millt 111.l • Malce ~ * 53&'2771 1966 vw. Rada. tllDed ex. hamt Q9tem, in Xlnt oand! $1685. pvt pt)'. M2·S41S. 196.S VW Convert. ll!IO 962.&!116 aft 5 VOLVO • Usocl Ca,. 9900 STANSBURY BIHCK • A &lance If These Prices Wi11 Tell . Yoa lhey'ye Been Cut To The Bone! 1965 IUICK •tvt.re. Al• Cllf'dl!IMll\e. Ml -· $3295 STANSBURY BUICK • 1965 IUICK t1t'(lat11 I or. 1M•11. AU1wNtk rr....mi..,.,. _, n.n,.. r-41o, ....... $1895 STANSBURY BUICK • 1964 IUICK 11ectr• m • o.or ~ Air andf!lonllle. Ml ..... $2595 STANSBURY BUICK • 1964 BUICK 11tctn m ~ » ~"'·-· $2295 STAHSIUltY BUICK • 1964 BUICK WI~ 4 O.W 14....... Air CONJ!~ •utanwik ..._ mlulol\, -... ..._. ...-......... ,..,... llNt'tf'. $2195 STANSBURY BUICK • 1964 BUICK l d•ln 2 O.W ~ Air ~~-­ ll'lbslol\, -.--. -tnkn. redle. ~. $2095 ST ANS BURY BUICK • 1964 IUICK Le kw.4 DeorH1 ...... ~ ,,.lie traNl'lllMlon. ' • w 1 r ~ -...... tedlo. --· $1795 ST ANS BURY BUICK • 1964 IUICK Le lellrt • °'°' ..... .,.. fMlftc .............. , ~-....... ,.... -· $1695 STANSBURY BUICK • 1964 IUICK 119dr• m ...,... t oe.. Aw Clillldtllftk19, -,._.. lf>9, -............ ..... .. $2195 STANSBURY BUICK • 1963 IUICK u ..... Dew .......... Alie. IMllc ............. , ••• , ........................ ,... ..... $1595 STANSBURY BUICK • 1963 IUICI l.t ...... ' 0.. ..... ,,.. --·-"'*'· .... , .......... .,....., ..... ..... $1395 ST ANSIURY IUICK • 1t6J IUICI IMdel Oelll.-4 DW ..... ............ ,, ........... ...., ....... ,,,.... ..... . $1195 ST ANS&URY IUlCK • 1962 IUICI ..... Dal!Mt ....... ... Alltlllwflc ""*' ...... ..... ....... $995 ST ANSIUltY BUICK • 1966 IUICI ~ t DW iw-. NI ................... $2995 STANSIURY IUICK • 1965 IUICI lllYIM t ._. ...,... -~ .................... .......... ,...., . ....,.., .-r ..................... ..... $2495 SfAllSllY Im •ws 210011.nor.,.. (ost1 Mesa ,., "" ' ( 196! ........... 1; UMlllUU d, l'Hlb DAJLV 'JLOT/~·"-s •-------ITRANSPOlltTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION I T-..NSP09tTATION TRANSPOlltTATION TRANSPORTATION TlltANS RTATION TltANSPOlltTAT noG U-' Can 9900 UMd Cara 9900 Ulad C1rs 9900 Ullld Cert 9900 UMd Cara t900 UMd C.n 9900 UMd Cara '900 U ... Cara '900 BUICK CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CORVAIR FALCON FOID MUSTANG PON11AC PO~C 'l1 IJUlCK R.lVlERA with ruu pOWer plua factory 11r 1963 CtlVIOlB '63 CH!VltOlfT VI 11 Pau. Sta. Waa-.i'IC• tory A1r • Cood . Power Stttrina· A beautiful, low 1964 CORY AIR MUSTANG '66 1961 pftlml( R.,rac•ttd '* OTA F•M•ne Atr l pwr, um. Ill ~·18 UIUIA ROY CAIYll.. '64 Palcon, automaUo, radio $2-,650! O>CMf of Mahdm -PONTIAC coodltJcnlnc. New pe.lnt and !Ow m.llnp 8)' owner IMPALA t Door hardtop. VB !$$2Z-Call between 6 p.m. tniine, poweflll.de tr•111-mileaae. one owner car. MONZA bffter, low mJJeare. Mini )r 19th c.?lf. OR 3-Tm * OLDSMOBILE c AT A tTN A convttflble. -u_....._ BL, ....___ ~- lftf'll extenor. $1197 full ~lwffn 5 • T pm. Hydramatlc tn.nmlilltoD, ,,_, ~--~ - ~ • p.m. ~ mlillGD. ndO and t.t•. Full Pr!~~ JOHNSON Ii SON coui,:. c ~ ~ pt1C\". ,..... 1960 -FORD m c.1. 360 bp TOP DOLL•• )IOWW1' lltlMrinc. Pow • r 1(16 4444 <nrrA CAR. -... 8u1tt by ta l!Jd1le ~ ~" brakN, ~ and hfater, ~P CoatY• Exc!111tft CADILLAC ~ aldt ...n ttru. $1U7 l..J.ncdh.Men:ury GOO., radio ud bMtlr. ~te Fcnip A Domutlc drap mo or bett offft' For v.'hile tk11 wall tW&. o..,ler IDr ltolll • Rcaaoe .S Carry own c:ontrlcl 08C ., •• _._ . Late Model Used Can $589 8e'.ntlY • Hari>or, CM 642-4874 -~ t ------· -,---r--.,..~---:;:;;:======-1'62-<fALA.xn: 4 dr-sed ' P/S, a t• PGllllllc Crand P1tr * Costa Mea Bn.nd1 si~ wall tfrel. 1941 Harbor BlYd. 642-~ $10~• l.960 CADILl..AC Fleetwood 14-dr. Fully loaded, tac llf, cru1M coat.rol, lmmac. Pvt. Jl(Y. '1300. m.m1.9 '55 CHEV. 2 dr aed. v.a, ltidt, loocl bod,y ' num1J'I l"J'. ll9S. * 615-1146 FORD Au C'Olld. RllH. Good rood. UNIVERSITY cond .. Prwll, bra1o9 ... Makt! rtlrr! ~ don. fllllO ad, excel onl. '13 CADILLAC Coupe, Must eell • Make alter FULL PRICE '65 FORD '65 COUNTRY Squire all e);-OlDSMOBIU :":' p';°" ntail 5e-8' Eooooline with larse 6 eyhn-tTWI only IDXl m.llel. perfttl 5.J6..2'm CHRYSLER dcr enitm. Onll.IO-mlllk oond. Reu. ~...zm. mo Harbor Bt.. Cott• Mesa ttU "'GTO D5 H.P. ~. 4 apf. 292S tnw. Radio Ir butar • a ~ roRD StatkiDW-~ Hew wWe on1 tSea. ll• CHEVROUT Hart.er 11¥4. '65 CHRYSLER ataaon wq-ltU beaut!M ooe owner club MUST Slil.L! '40-122 :: ·e aau .. 2 • ~ H,_ Dlx. Hart. 11¥d. ftlllD 500 ~ ~ ~S.· COlfA MllA Ll-...A......-II d Waaon with eome Cam]>tr St N 8 -·-........... r COSTA ...... OM O'll'Dlr· ......-... -· "' ~ ::~Ea~: ~::!t · ~HN'50..1&so1N ·· ~~acuiv ~s~·c~~wr~~1111 Kl~ ==u=M=,=u=1==• R.,ro ouud 19113 CHRYi Mfr. Sedan. Llncoln-Mcrcury 11113 OLDS Sta. W..,-i. En-el ll.,roeeNed -1961 CHEVROl.D ------.---. -- iMJ>ALA 2 Door hardtop. '62 <lle'Vro~ Bet·A.itt. auto-X1nt cood! Maey Xtru. lleproc:e•..t Costa Mesa Brandi . BY OWNER/ '60 Mere Cot. cond. Pvt pey • Miaiit tell. 'fi6 Pontlar Le Mw. OW' '80 RAMBLER, 4 dr, ~ Radio a.ad beater, wtute aide ~at.le, power ~. Ra· Prl pty. 546-5984 '63 Corvair Sp)tdtt. 4 on °"' 1941 Harbor Blvd. 641-1<ki0 ony Pie. Wq. New enc. •$300 under bk • at 11&00. metal ITtY uterior, whlte medl condl New tl.rea, 1 nil Urel dio, beater. Sl22S lull price. Doer plus ~ 11.lcb, ll•rocwed Bart It Paint. PIS, Nl'·M"<lf Call Gey wtldJI • 56-H>9 vl.nyl boclctt aeata. m enc· m.I. $JJ5. m-«lll, m.eo&11 ·$8JJ COSTA CAR co. CONTINENTAL competitim OlWIP in col«. '5T fotd ftandlero automar-tires, Seat cov~ See to * ,64 Olda Dynamic a pwr " on the floor. $23'f fll.l1 =m=:c«IW:;;:::::;:::;:==:::=ir::=~t I Forelan I: DornHtic $997 ~~ 00 le, v.a, nidlo. heal.er, ;:;:!•le! Clean! -atrn's. pwr bnns, RAH, pricrCnsrA CAR <X> T-llRD Carry own contract oec '64 CONTINENT AL · w+w. S5lf7 fl:lll lltb. -...,.,. me5. Owner. 53&-o236 · FULL PRICE 1969 Harbor, CM. 642-4874 4 Dr. Sed., IOld new by UI to c!n,.~ Ir~ <:J:BrA CA.ft. <X>. '59 MONTEREY $350. New ~!:.n "=:e '65 CHEV va 4-dr Hdtp. local Newpcd ... ,... 18 ~ CM N2-41?4 ~ ·~ teat coven, tlra I: qiDe. PLYMOUTH 1"' Haltxr, Cll 6C-4114 P/S-8, RAH, Air eond! and llwa.ya lenk:ed m oar • ...... ,,. .-n --· oac &t6-4319 or 6'1'5-3123. 2925 Htrbor Blvd. COSTA MHA Kl 6-4444 Many extna! New let top. &iCflC>'· A ~ ldce cu OORVA.lll Moma 't2 l'Dld 198t JW41cr, QI IU-4874 COSTA MESA ST•de tires. VERY a.F.AHt wttti sold at.rim' • bel&'e ooavm wblte top, • apc1 • rom BRONOO Spor1.1 MUSTANG CHlltYSLl!llt/ Orig owner. * 131-4943 lulber tntttkr. EYtrJ mo-1l"lm.. .R. • H. ace! tu. 4 fteel Dn.e , . .----celvable utra lnclucHnr A cond. No oU lea.Im, 35,000 Leal tt11D 1500 -WE MEAN RACER PLYMOUTH 56 CHEV 2-dr. 283 Corvette Alr-codd. NI Price $S1.95. mi by oric '""*°• eo, 1T-mlle9 ~ radio. Sl99S , Costa Meaa t'Og. -156 rear. New Kaya JOHNSON & SON Eves 613-2854 da.n 54M511. MARQuJs MOTORS 66 Mu..ta.ng. Jry ITH'fl, bef.f. ~6-193-4 dutdl. ~SJ)d. CbrorM whit, '13 MONZA S Ider top cond LAGUNA BEAat ed 1~ night traN, ram "For the finest aelec:tJon '"1!!!!!111!1!1!!!!!1!!!!!1!!1!1!!!~!1!!!!!!!!11 Sllck:a. $650. 54HJ19 Llncoln·Mm:ury ftl£I\ Whit p ~--.. , · $'7503 indU<'llOn manUold. 4-57 ol both New A Uted Can'' I• •------~ , eo.t.a Mea Brandl ~· e w,.,,.....,.. •nt. rear end, tnctJon bars, ET ======::;:::: ...,_,..,_ 63 CHEV. IMPALA 4 DR. 1Nl Hllilor Blvd. fl2.'QI Bkt aats. 673~. 67>1122 1962 Forti mags utrol Cllaler sl.lcks ~ticlc~~ ::::::. :: ·~'tt.f~1A~~:~: '63 CONTINENTAL ·~ CORVAIR $625-Big~ Ranchero ~. 0S600 dn A: .. k; __ PO_NTIA __ c __ _ From tine cmdltioo. "96 TAKE ONf!r pynmta 1966. 4 Dr. Sed. Faetmy air caad. ~.~~~e~; ONLY $695 'o/pymnl!. 549-J?lS 1960 BNITll( tuU price. °'"· El cam1n<>i m. Air and Ill oChe' emu. A Pvt lit>'· &42-931. . MARQUJ8. MarotlS 66 MUSTANG hardtop 6 cyl nlllllA COSTA CAR CO. oond Cl.11 962-88 aft s. beaut1tul ~ exhrior aport coupe, fac air, auto 1962 POllTIAC CATALINA 4 Door ~an. VI ~ne. bydramatJc t.ran ... mlalcn, pawer ltftrini:. power brakes, radio and balw, wbtte aide ft11 titt1. $111 Foreign A Oollll'sUC ,60 ~ Con P/S-P/B l Interior. AlWQI aetYiced 'tll MONZA/SeU or Trade! LAGUNA BEAoa1 tra1W., RAH, new car ttr-2 DOOR. HJdnm1tic: tnn. cany own cootracl oee Auto. cnme vc 0atr 0 1 m OW' ahap. Dlacount-4 to ~ paint. Blk Vi.Qyl top. · tN-1!!09 ran1y less ttian 11.cm mi. ~on. power ...nnc. 1969 Hui>or. CM. IC2-4874 9)0. • 642-1.490 Ge l\tU Pl1ce. D>O-ml. Ml-Im, S43«l6 '&C GALAXIE DIH>r. R.&11, Br1l1sh racing gn!efl w/ 111dio and he&Nr. wbl-Ude 'el CLEAN Olevy Bl:I AJre JOHNSON & SON eves. P.4, /rJr COid. New Urea .li ~ige vmyl top, Sprint :700. wall riret. '59 nruNDDUmU> good t:t.r.. low mti.. cand ! Sac! Owner ... 2-dr, V . 8 Auto, R/H, kJW ..,,... 'tO DlPA.LA S • CYI'; Uncoln-Mercury Bettilry. ~ 548-4117 Pvt pty $2550. After 6 pm, $6JJ mileqe. Military ltatus Fully auto. R.\K, Xlnt ccnd. Costa Meaa Brandl DODGE •ft• 6 PM. 549-1778 VAUANT nlceuftatea sale. , I.owner. ~ll86 a.fter 6· 1941 HIU'bor Blvd. 642-7000 16l Falcon wagon, S90C> d,._ ' __ 65_MU __ ST_AN_G_, -.-apd-tnna-, JlO'TS.. i16-28S4 eves. 64 ~A.LA VI 4-dr. All '66 CONT'L CONV. .., '65 CORONET 500. luxe interior, extras, safety oventzcd ti.rel, dJrorne '66 IMPALA / BLX·INT. pwr. IJr. Xlnt CICD.i! 20,to> MA..R0<1" w/WHn'E TOP. .., ~ GOOD COND! equip, ecooomica1, 1 owner whtt!Jr, 4 bun( carb, All Stick, PIS, R.\R, I.ell then ml. Pvt.,.ny. * f73.225I Xlnt condl Los-ml. Oril• ""' $2000. * 6'75-4301 962--m9. dtluxe! Rldt, $1895. 54MT39 FUU PRICE 1000.mi. Take O'pmta $83-'8' IMPALA Sp( QJe. VI, 1ct)'-tQU. Take o' a.lance '6l Dod .. Dart Coav., R It '65 FAJJU.ANE 500 va • NEW '67 MUSTANG. mo. Pvt. Pty. m-tT.19 aA.· auto. pwr at, RI}{. A·l rA pmm. * 1-mn to S..pm, H, w/w titt9, $1a7S. PYt Spam CJ». Auto. PIS. • S25l'l. Call Jl.m Murdock er 6 pm eond. $1SC5. 847-Ma 540-Cto or 54U649 eves. l't)'. 548-5024. • Rlt.H, $11$9. * 546-3687 • 673-2951 or 546-10'10 2'25 Haner lfvtl. COSTA MUA 'Sf PONT >Dr 8ta -"'I· Stldt, v., 0000 --4! 2131 RO'UllLE I CM. 157 a,ev, 2 dr, Hr, Newpt. •UTE '6'5 OiEV '66 CPE, leatti. air, In W'8r-.., '65 POL.AR.A ""''5& FORD V8 -$250. e '65 MUSTANG CONV. new mg &. tires. Bell otter. • l96 cu·in. 425-HP, Posit. nnly. $C15. $115 c:alh db lo' ~T COND! Auto. RAH, New pajnt, e V8. Full pwr. LOADED! Kl M444 1964 TEllPDI sm. waaon. Xlnt ca:idldcml Private S4U.136. e '4pd. $195 * ~ or oom tr. Dir 642-0m. ""' $1500 CALL ~ RUDI GR.EAT! 671-2957 ·~.(Q).mi. $2095. Sl>WO Pa1't7. ~--------~ 9900 UMCI Cars 9900 Used C1rs 9900 Used c .... 9900 UMdC1n • 9900 UMCI C.rt 9900 Used ,.,.. 9900 Used Can • WE'RE DEALING ON -THE '67~s · . ' . NO PAYMENTS . .'TIL NEXT YEAR Tracie HW wh• used ccr values ere the hltffst ••• Huge •scounts Demos.. Exec. Ccrs & New '66's . DON'T JU~T -READ ABOUT-'·OUR DEALS, ·GET ·o·NE. . ' '&& MISTAll SALE All With Fectory Air c.ltloe 1S To Choou f,. ~~·~52487 Drastic Reductions On All '66' s Left In Stock • UP TO 51B DISCOUNTS -MOST MODELS WITH AIR CONDITIONING USED CAI SPECIALS-24 MONTH W ARRAll,Y . PICK YOUI MODB. '65 FORD LTD bt• ::.r~.Vff-.~~ Ofl.Y ''4 PL YllOUTM *'~ ~ 'l:rl.r~ ONLY THE FINEST USED CARS IN · .ORANGE COUNTY PICX YCM MOOR PICK YOUI MODll '62 COMP ~a 2-4r. ~ ... ~1= .,.... ...... ""' llff~ ..... ONLY '63 FOM FICt. Air Con4. G1'4•••.._...,... ... 1/4 ..,.._ -k. .......... ....,..., ONLY 1799 $1899 s799 s1399 s1999 PICK Y~ MOOR '6S IUtCK SICYURIC ~-~~C---Z.'S MT '62 T-lllD Fe<10tY 1lr -~ '-'' -I• c.11of\111y ~ ..... -etlei.. ONLY '66 FORD 51lule 500 Lr~A"1..t.r~.: Ofl.Y ''3 OlOS, f~A~ ~~· ·~..:-:..:: ONLY '66 T-lllO R"' ::F"~· Tr= ~-.•• i•-"""-"' ...... car _rT.,.,V ONLY 2 Blks. No. of Santa Ana Freeway At Beach Blvd. & Commonwealth ~2199 $1699 s2399· $1699 s3999 LA 1·3110 "' . r ' \ > ... t , . . . ....... S:t DAJLY PILOT/Mrws-Pms Thllrsd"1, Oectmbtr 8, l'M» Ured Cars 9900 UMd Can-9900 U.-C•n 9900 UMd c_.. 9900 UMd Cars 9900 UMd C•rs 9900 UMd Car1 9900 UMCI Cal"I AT DUNTON NO. 1 VOLUME DEALER IN ORANGE COUNTY ' .. . BRED FIRST· TO BE FIRST · •unlqae In aH the Wo~ , 't/1 Thul ...... l'eUli • Dwr ...... .................. , .... , ..... with,.... .... ..., ... ... 4· DOOR THUNDERBIRD .... _ .......... _ "Ride the New .... '67 Ford" - FOR '67 FORD OFFERS YOU YOUR · CHOICE OF 47 STYLISH MODEL·S. USED CARS PRIGED RIGHT! OVER 300 QRS AVAILULE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ' * llilller TrMls II Dlllen's * llllr ..... Hsn1ei11 If DlllH's * Credft Ullom AcceptM If Dn111's * Up II a mos.. ft1111ei11 II DnlH's * Y•1Wur111Y .. .._,.,.,., AT DUNTON OPEN S Daya a .-~ t P.M. s... a Sun 'Tll ' A.M. '65 IUICK ·u FALCON '62 FORD '6' COMET '64 CHEVROLET -[~~2895 ~..... ~795 ~ •895 =.:~ s1995 =-~:~ s1295 · '61 FORD '65 MUSTANG '64 T-BIRD '65 FORD '65 FORD --~ s99s ;.a:..--:: s1395 =~:"-'2495 =~5 2295 ==--s1s95. '64 FORD$ '65 FORD '65 PONTIAC '65 T-llRO · '65 FORD . . ~"i':Z.~ 1895 ll~l 5)Z95 ~1 52895 ;_::..~s2995 Jk~ '1895 ~-=~COH·895 ~5.!~~so1L6ET95 ' ~~~~,.;NI~~,. ·~5": :!~:;Ks199·····~· ~!!·~Ds4195 · ~~A:.:' ::: 111 •.. H H. - • ftctery llr. w._. *• ... ~ .... # .._., llr. ~· , . . . .. .....~ • I PllTI 81. I IERVIOE DEPT. Open 5 Dtys A Wtelc Mondey thru Fridlf 7:30 A.M. ta 9 P.M. t>hont After 5:00 P.M 546-7071 .~ MUSTANI • FALCON • fAlll.ANE • FORD • THUNDDlltD • llONCA> • ~ • IANOllO • JOID tar Tl UCIS •W CIR DEPT. 546-7070 r r -CM llPT. 146-7076 ,... ""· 146-7071 . . I - I 1 u Gov the star hi• ti on lica R u 2. ' flyiJ JD9I ··1 didJ war flCI tioa •• tob if s a 11 terf GE B COii nat em tbe au do A ftlCJ abl ... :: fuJ ... I tu ... "' ... t: J G. tier tio rel jb tlo tt tio J Di& Nci an ] I bo tb lei Vi WI Pl t a1 .. ltt ca •• .. H fa to w bl p