HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-06-05 - Orange Coast Daily Pilot-Newport BeachMesa lf t1m4~ Conf~
' J , ..
Docw't[ ExfutiiOn Plot · ·
BJ ROBERT JleDalNIB 1 ............
Sieta..S and l&t111etlft Joa L.
''Jodie''~ ti CDltil MMa to-
., p)•led --to ..... , ... .., to
extort .... frolll a N..,..art Beldl
pbytldait by ........ to .,...
hi.I aDlpd IGllll reldCIDI wltb two
women. -
Superior Judie Byrcm Jt McMIDu
tentenced IMr .. tlvt,...... probl·
When ... tor b• p9a la comt..
the defeDdlllt udlnd • ~ audl·
ble, "GulltJ, Your RCIDGI'.'• Mia~
tiniJy, SZ, WU atUrtd ID a lfriktq all
black eueml*'
'nlouaaDdl mllled tbroulb Oolta
MeA Qty Park SmdaJ to brinl the
three-day 23nd anau.1 ll'ilb Fry to a
close. .-...
Dozens Of cblldrln ure lolt In the
tbronp, but bappUJ ~ll ••• 1'9tu.rned
to tbelr parents .. HJ.ihll&htl Of the alte.rnooft were
the c.rowntn1 of Miu Mermaid and
the Baby Contest.
Fish dhtnera Wll'e terved ftan\ noon
on and apon1oril\I Cotta Mesa-:'<lew·
•Uou. Dinctlf' llMl"4 are Uldt.ed
Anb Republtc <amt>. s,ra. JOl'du
•ad Lebaaca; Arab aatioa wblcb
~ declared war·~ llrHl are
ir.q, Saudla Ar~. «await. Atceria.
Mwocco, Sadu.
WHO STARTl:D IT: Both 1 l d e 1
da1m the .._. attacked allter loltC ---llialld-up. P'IPtblc broke out a1mOlt ' . · dmultaneouM, aioac tbne laraell
Mt &J'OUlld ftebtinc la aJoai ~ 117.
mile E~Isllll border cm tbe Sisal
--JM " ~·· ......... .... I' ••
., " 4-. ' ti.I. POSl'J'ION: rJ'ieDdly to Israeli
cauae, but deeply com.mJUed ecoaom·
' ·TEN CENTS ...
Ont American WU wounded br'
abellfir~ in Tel Avtv, and tbl U. S.
E m b a I I y ,urged all Americanl to(ll"
leave IJrael at ~. · J
Egypt and IJrael llldl lllme4 • J other for starting the war 1'blalr11aT·
ed alonf the G~ Strip aroaad t a.m. (11 p.m., PDT). Tbe trcald and
alr battle there wu qu1etlJ followed
by llraeli air strlbl afalnlt the
Arab air Toree1 near~. Damu-
(See MIDEAST, Pact J)
on l1rael
u.s: has mpplied tz7;tiqpcll1Jl-mlll· -
tary aid to llrael, t88 mtDlon In mill·
tary uaiatlnct to Jordan, IDd S161. 7
mllllon 1B m:Wtary aid to Saudi Arbia
(not dlrectly Involved In flgbtiq).
U.S. economic aid._ $2 billion to Arab
nations, Sl.1. billion ~ llrael.
mitted to Arab forces, baa supplied
bondrecl of mllllODI ol doDan ID arms
to Arab mtiona ID put decade.
REACl'ION IN· U.8.: Stock market
in urJy reporta took ltl 1'ar1t Ioli
1lnct tbe •1sa1dnatioo ~ Prtlldhlt
Keonedy, a typical' war-scare re1e-
tfoii. State Departmeat bamled true!
to 14-Mid-Eut countries. Wb1te Houae
called for lmrnediilte ceaM-ftn, aald
U.S. will de1'0ta all lta ..... to
·dlbt lllh*c . • -C'l'I~ IN U8181 Sov.:l« Uldoa
........ ~ U.S. aad llfttaia Jll'O"
'10ied war by .. ineflfnt &neJf mzwn.
ills" into attacktag ~ ,,.
C~nty Nirrol :
·R~ ·N.:14 .·,.
• '· •. l ' .s
1 In ,Buena Par'IC··
-Judge to Give
R11ling Tuesday
On Murder Trial
Anaheim W ornan Found
Bludgeoned to Death ·
120,000 Swarm ·
An Anaheim telephone operator ear-
ly SUnday provided the link between
P<>Uce and a mysterious caller who
alerted officers to the brutal alayin&
of ID Anaheim woman lS boun be·
fore her body wu foud1
The anonymou eall1r told th• UM-
phone operatOr a woman ·bad been
beaten and robMd in the area of
Adele and Emll1 1treeta, police Nld.
The operator relayed the infonna·
tion to police who investigated -.tbe
neighborhood and found n O t b I D I
company headquarters in Anaheim.
Police 1aid two units cruised tbe
area, but ofticen did not enter homes
becatlff of the late hour. It WU de-
cided that iht call milht have come
from a prankster.
Richard Speck
Gets Death
amils. PEORIA, Dl. (UPI) -Richard
But Sonday afternoon a relative Speck wa.a lelltenced to .death today
found 80-year-old Annie Perepelycla for the slaughter al eiatit youn1 Dan·
bludgeoeed to death in her 21& u in Chicago last summer.
Adele Street home. · Criminal Court Judge Herbert C.
Pol.lee today speculated that tbe vie· • Paachen said th• 25-year-oid Dallas
tim'• home had been ran11Cbd. ~1 a driftef' would die in Dllnois' el~c
burglar wbo awake* the oldster ear· c b a i r ~. 1 pe,idin1 a final order
ly Sunda)' mornln1. by the Illino11 Supreme Court. ·
The burglar probably e n t e r • d The deaitb lelltenc. for the July 14 To Newport Sand through a aide ecreen door ·after fore-massacre bad been expected. The
tng it open wUb some sort ol lharp ln· jury wb.icb louDd Speck (Ullty Wt
~~ -strumeD1. police continued. April 15 bad said, "we Al tbe sen· Newpart Beadl llfq;---rn.: Mrs. Perepelycla--bled to dtaiJi tence at ~tb." TradltiONily, Dli-~ ~-~ts bqb==,..... aid sometime aft.er the assault, a coroo· noia j.uqea ahniys follow the Jury's ·~, Ill&' ~ wa ' er'• clepaty Mid. recommendation.
an ldmaMd 120,000 beeeb flock· .. Death occurred about 1 a.m., the r------------
ed lllto town over the w11bad. deputy continued. At 2:24 a.m. the
Pua leeti felcuel _. 11 flnt.aid anonymous call came to telephone c.U. were logged S.blrday, wblle "
llf..-U Sunday admlnlatered u
re1411e1 and. 15 flrat-akl calll.
W...,. temperaturee -. lo a brisk
·s1.1 dllrees. Air ~ hov-
ered around .., de11'9e1 .....,.. the an..-.
Bill Seeks Open .
Regent Meetings
F·ry ,.Succe.ss
sembly today paaaed. ·.~-o. and MOt
to the Seoete a co~titutional amend·
ment requiring regents of the Univer-
sity of callfornla to conch~\ meetings ID public. • Assemblyman WUUam , T. Bagley
(R-Sen Ralael), author ol the meu·
ure, noted that it· was OJll)OMd by
That old IUD likes the Orange
Coast so well b1'1 1olng to
stJcll: around a , while longer,
suggests district forecaster Joho
Rockey. Nevertheleaa, the temp.
eratbres wUl be a little 1ut>.
nonnal, llke 185 on the -beaches
and 72 lnland.
•student J>Otff'" tn aelcction
and retention ·of facultv TMm-
M1'1 ts a neio CTJI on the VCl
campiu, m&d it mav be hte<Ud,,.,
part Jhrt)os' Lions Club Clftk:ia1I ...
timltM tJlat 10,000 ... ftd ln UM th.rte-·· Mlcbule Qumon, u, of Oolta ....
aa, woa tlat coveM!d dual crotn ol
Mlt• Mermaid aad'·Mlu CoM ......
Tied far \'unnsnp were Kathy ltll·
gen, 17, and Suun Ree•, •~ alao both
bornt 'town girls.
Baby conte1t winner• were, ln the
8 to U months a1e bracket, Trent
Browd, 11 months, •oh of &&r. and
Mn. Jamu Browd. 0( SIDta Ana.
and la 1be 13-24 moatbl croup, Na.n-
ettll Souza. 14 montba, dlQChter ol
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Soma, al 211:&
Atnericu Ave., Costa Mee&.
Takiac second and third place tn
the $.U months group 1'ert Julie
Swnmen, 10 month•. daughter Of
Mr. and Mrs. Rogers Summers,
l&S.1 AJlso St., Costa Mua, and th•
twila ions. Gordon and Doutlaa, Kil·
(SH FISH FRY. P11t t)
· the regeata oo the P'CJUDda that theh-
by-Jaw1 alrud)' require pttiic meet·
However. Ba&ley toad the Assembly
be could cite "e~le after exam-
ple" Of regenta• m p held betilnd
cloled-doort ln vio&atlon ol the. by·
Bagley uid a compani'-11 bill would
1till permtt the repnta to. conduct
cloHd meetinll when conaiderin& per·
Set Paoe 8. • I
IMttlle 11 N1 ..... el ..... M ~ I C*twrlel 4
C........ »M Or-C-'Y ' C-la tt l'taY 1t1¥1tw " c ... -w • 1«111 ~ 14 Olwwat 11 seci.1 Newt 1:i.11 "" .,_. ' " '""' ..... ••twlel ,._ J4 Siar ••-M '1ftltlCI •• SINtl Manllt •t ,.,_ C.lb ff T1 .... ftNll It
........ lt.tclwt " '"'"'"" 1' AM LI_, 1J Tllll Tit.. If
.... II.... 1t W11111et I ~ It WtrW '"°" M
__...-...... llilii .................... ~~~·--------liiiiiiiiiiiiiillliilillilii ................. iiii ...... lliill ........ __ ................... ..
Bello, ap tbin. rm down bin In LllQllL W-J.tb. of edm'll, • fJoww Jp my
bllr .
No; rm not ~ttendlng a teedHn.
.sft.hf crJ me-bl. rm at. ftD.ln. -Our Lapna editor II on a one ~ .,.et. TIC9tioo. rm mnn1 II,,. Get lt?
•.1 Same to you, fella.
. -"*
But enough of Uda .ertouness.
.Let'• aet Oil with lea meamnlfal
'Subjedl. , ~-V-1C1.Prelidlllt H?lft Bumpbrey I tor openen. · ·
Be pumbled tbe ether daJ about
the 1oUl1 lmaie America la getting
&brOad, mostly, h• cays, becaUle of
our neW1papers.
' "Every day, 1'"l read abaut bombs
dropping and rtota," bt &lid. "You
·bow Wily! Beca~ tba~, b what
aome people think • De1'1· ~ He's' got a point, of coune. But 1 =be Wllll"t aiming lt It this
~11 per. We play down thlt1eort
of f . I • lMt week, for lnltlDct, WI didJ1 't
:report it becAUle wt didn't want to ~spoil America'11 image, but there
: were 413 bombs dropped and •7
riots in Newport Beach.
It all toot place at City Ball. Dur· . log a m.._uii1 between Cbamber of
. Commerce\,t!preeentativea and dty
officials over Udelanda ue fees.
* A real fire engine for t2S?
That's what Roger Hardacre paid
tor one 15 years ago.
· . He recalled the acquiJiUOn at a
city employes' banquet lut week.
· ~ Roger' told me be found bimaeU
·the owner of a 1923 Dode• flre
· enctne -"lt w• a .mall one" -· i.fter an auction of unwanted New-
port Beach dty equipment.
No one topped bis bid. It kind of
upset him, but bis kids were happy .
They had tht most popular -
and biggest -toy in Corona del
Mar. Roger 11id be Joined in the
· 'fun by spending eome $400 Mtd
bundreds of hours restorin& the
~-up old ma~hlne.
-·-About four yean later, by which
time bis younnten bad found
other tnteft8ts, Roger sold the old fi~ enitne to an old fire engine
0 1 made a nice pJOftt," he aald ,
"if vou fl~re all tile JabQr I put ht
on the thine was•worth 20 cent. an
hour." • * CoroDil d~~1 ~r's Llndaley hf.
sons Is promment ln the motion
, pictute industry as a producer of
animal pictwes.
Last week\ he released "Good
Times," staI'1'Xlj Sonny and Cher.
No. friends, it is not another
animal pictul'4!.
* 1 It happened neiar the Corooa ~
Mar footbridge a few days ago.
A TV repeirman T"lp~d on ,a
lady11 door. 11I'm aorry to ~
you, ma'm," bt 1ald. ''Bul l'm'Vt'ot·
ried about myself. There's i bird out here and I thlnk he's t.lking
to me."
He was right. The bird, perched.
nn a low·hanl{in~ branch. was talk-
. ini to everybody, tnquhing noisily:
· "Whatctn doin'? W'lfcba doln'?"
: ' The lady Ferognfied the bird and
assured the TV repafrl!lin that he -! -~s perfectly all nght. Tbe y~lf or.
, anti red·f aced wlute-'Wlnged cock •
' ~was "P~ppy." who had obvious·
• 11\1 nown hfs coop at the hOme ol
Mr. M1d Mrs Joe Lynch. 222 Hello-
troDt> Ave
Jt look lhP combined efforu of f8 neighhor8 10 capture the chatty,
frolicsome rre11ture.
And that'g ' today's chatty, trolic-
~ome excl~e. I~
. .........
THI QUllN~ISH -Cotta Mesa-Newport Harbor
Lloll6 Club 1an·ded a trio ol beautiea SUnday after-
noon tn queen C()nte.wt which was ooe of ,highlights
oC Costa Mesa Fish Fry. \New Fish Fry queen (ancj
Miss Cost.a ~esa) ig Michaele Cmnon, 11 (center),
nanked by runne,.up Kathy KilSo"· 17 (left), and
Susan Reeg. 20.
Lti'gtiri:a Officials Brace -
F olf Hippies' I nvtuion ·
•1 .... .., JW.,L . .. ..., ... ..
.. , .............. bteome
• ....., ............. Seaad ttall __ ,.
. ,,_ ward II out tlat Lcalna a.ch
wHl ..... its villtatiaa ....i or eabfran·
talkm. • 1• Jnfer -~ the ••A'Wil'e~'' ·:-
,._ ..... l'lllCIG. .. laun 2.008
~~~=:~ 1119 nmci. Wb1 tMt tll'ft no 11ne
IMllJl ture. •
lAIC-treaer, flower·b t 1 e ck·• d
.... Cllf 'them '... ._, In i..-
~-..... 't boW -~ cl( them 11119 wlll be, tt ... Nice Lt. ROblrt
• Mtua;y __,, ''but ... 'II bl• 1 _.._...,ratt mm u.. r.etftl betlm. ..._. we'll l'Mllb' haw thm..,
MllCM\:u1~·· ~ ... to La-ama'• ll'e96vll cif Arta, 1'tidl annu· Iii:! attrada tbomanda of arU.ltl Miid
mt Jvftn. ft besiDI In I moatb.
lllPPIS &mfl'ING lAclmt City MaNJ• JamM l).
WbeMon ~·repcin. °' tht
llllp'Ddkl bipPl.t' lnv••· bUt Mid
he -lliotblD1 delnlte yet -llkt lnformatlbn l.l1lm Loe Angele1 or San
Jl'rang1I(» police lntelli~ -on
wlich to peg the stcry.
'"lbea lh 10me bllcation• that
·tide JDl.lllt' ~ but I don't bave
anyWng .oUd, no mobllnatton date:
' If JOU ftnd out anything Jet me know.':
. lo in the lnteret of peycbedello phe-
nomena, Jim "'-ton, the Realty
Blll'd and u. aqod p9ople °' Lagu·
m, the DAILY Pn.M -went hippie
bullJing. n dlcWt take lcq. Tine yowig
men, OM ftl!l'bll' I U~ goate. and
Meak:an poDeho oblised 1'l1h an intlf·
view cm a beacb in fl'ont of the now
clOAC1 Barefoot Bar. '
Tbey ldentlfJed thert1Hlve1 11
Hippa. 23; Steve . 20 and Oren Mil·
)er, 19.
"Ytl. I'm th• areat whlte hippit, II
1iid Hippa with a smile, .,tell made."
"A hlpp6e," he aald,. "la en aware
penoa ftlkins in Chritt'~ a.hotl or
p ----··------
,_ -. --------__________ ... ______ _
TOP Wll8 ... -LudDe Ball and Don Adlml took top bonon ln TV'I..., AWll'dl ,....tatkm in Hollywood ml New York SU.
day n1Pl 111119111,.. bcmared tor the "I.ac1 Show" and Don Adams
for UOlt a.t. ... •
-LUcy Wi~ Emmy_ Again;
, .
Don Knotts Tllkes 5th~
• UPI T .......
. FUNNY FILLA -O>medlM Art Carney, winner of an Emmy for
hla role on•wrbe llckte Gl111 .. Show," get& able suppOrt from two ~ Carol BmntU (Jin), who made the presentation, and ~ Ooca, wbo wan wlUa ~ for Sid Clelll' variety~·,
......... 5,1967
role. ,.l.ctant tbqb Jt may be.
The Un1'8d Stata tince World W....
II bu qned mutraal •ecurttJ trea(.
lea wttb a aaUom. It bu JDade uni·
lMerll iommltmeaU to a Dumber ol oa.r eeaatriel .
. 3 rd •• , of l'io~
· ·&mh Hllrts ·Ma ll
. . . ~ ,;../.
At Boston Riots : ._
BOSTON (UPI) -An 11PPU'9Dily
homemade bomb expJoded and cri~
~Y lnjttred a man early today on
the frinee ol Boston'• riot·tml, ~ ~1•1111Uy Negro .Rosbury ledloa.
smp.-fire, rock throw.iDI and loot·
iDI erupted for 1be tldrd cm.eeutlve
alpt SaDClllJ, only a mr blocb A-om ~ lie bomb eq*'dld .
.............. pitdllatbe
--tba_! ~ta~iift"f&tij mfiin;.,.· .r• x.
Volpe to declare RozburJ a .U.IW
erea. Official.I estimated "mllllom ol
dobn" In property demit• ln 1be
ihree nigbta of vioielice.
. . .
mue and Quincy stl'eet. Three ait-
cer1 bm'1t inb> the room a ldbo
dued a man armed with a pUCDl aid
rifle. : . .
Big Power LoM
• ·Strik~ Pam ,:~. -
Of · East Wast
DanleJ A. Hills, 30, said be Wat
wliklq a.Jong Bfue HID Avenue in NEWARK, N. J . (AP -A. lfant
Dorchester when an object landed on C fallure bit aectiou of the kaat
the sidewalk behind him early today. from New JetMy to Delaware
He plcbd up a metal box, about at inldrnonllQg today. Electricity wu
1he me of I camera cue, ..t It U · reriored i.n-,Hdiou of ~ -
pioded. It drove a nail Into b1I left an hour later.
eye and injured bU face, rlCbt hand The ~t bit Newaa and PbiJ.
and cbest. Be wu on the danger 1lat adelphia and other clttea In a popu •
at City Hoepital. lous area that w a 1 not ~ by
The explOlion took place about a the great Northeastern bla<:but ol
half mile from the scene ol the week· Noftmber, 1965.
e]ld rloUng. New Y ort City and other are.. hit
Ten perlODs were injured and 38 by the 1i86 blackout were not affedl8d
atteatlld In the riotiD&. Police with thia time.
attlck dop cbuecl Ioolen . from The Public Service Co. of New
l tonl whole wtndowl bad been brok· Jertey said the falltre OCCWied In
en by roct4browi.DC demomtraton. an lnteroonnecting line tying toeeh'
Young touaba were in the lltreets-..tbe po'ft!' systems of New Jersey.
with ~ rel!dlnt •tgveey Blade ·Pamsytvania and MaryllDd.
Man "mt Be a Leadet'' and ''Unity 'l'he company u1d the 1 p Jc 1f1 c
'Ibroqh Black Power.t• 'Deputy Po-trouble hlld not been loo&'8d, a.-1 it
JJce Supt. .~ 8....,. -Nld-1 a eoukl not .. , 'When service wold be ~·tip tbM blact·poW.r !Md-l'flltored.
er St.ote!y Oll'Jnichael w11 m the Tbe-uUBty ~t of Jti n i n e • area wu beiQ& dlecbd. generatUag ltitlom were kDocted out
• .ID .;
NortAetn, Southern Stqtei VktinU of
s~ llMl!I; ............ _ .... __ , -.n
Fll'lt llw ........... ,, i:14 LM....,
P:ll'lt """ ............ ti• ...... a.A $eC:Olld .... .. • .. .. .. .. • t:• """' t.1 ~ """ ..... f ..... ltll ...... u ... .... 1:.0 ....,_, .... a:• ,. ..
M9e ...... ,. ··"" .... 7:• iMl'o ....................
JUM 1 ,,_ U lw. ft ,,_ •
y....,...... ........ ..........
-· I llflll ~ M ... e ... -•• w..., """"'""' - •.
Tempera a..... ..... "--..... • • 1' • Al . " .. ,.
It • Tr ,, ..
1' .. : : 1' .. • • 74 ... II 0 " .
" p
· waddnte CCllDIJlW1ity of art.Hana
in aerting Its massive power to halt
war ml CClllfHd Jn the world. Be a1ao e.n.d upon Poi>e Paul to eam1llt with
tbe·Ardlbilbop ol Canterbury llld oth·
er prealclenta ol the Wortd Ooad1 ol
Qmrebea "in · order tlW Olrtltiam
maJ. move in this direction· ol ftmcla.
mtata1 unity."
·CrtJiclam came from ·many ChUrch
leaden, 10me of it muted, Wblle there
wwe IOIDe who regarded.lbe prtlpOI·
ala. u not being ao conti9nnlal.~
liJen• former bWlop laid, "Hia
,... will do no good ud will not . i...a.r unity at an." The Rt. Rev.
JUchard Emrich, Eplacopal b1ibop of ,,,,...D, commented: •'} tbink.all ol
U1 desire unity. Bat ODe of ftM great r.-of the world ls not lbat JOO de-
alN unity, bat that tbere are real dif-
fereneea In belief.,,
Support cam~ from BJlbap Edward
R. WeBs of the Welt MJaoari F.pisco-~ Diocese, a member of .lie Nation-
il )omt Comm.Wion on A.,iicaD~Ro
ma ClaJollc Rellltiom.
Minor fires md falle alarma aent IJtbt1 were out, radio ltaUOlll atf
aeon. of firemen to the net&bb«· the air, telephones were ~
bood. Two inddeDtl of sniper fire and state and city govmunenta ~
were reported. Police wete pinned •tied on eme:rtencY power.
down by a volley ol ~ from a In PhilldeJpbia. subway worbrl
third floor window at Blue BlD Av· used 0.1hligbta to lead trapped trP
riders 1n atnaJe me Urougb tt.rbnect / tmmefJ to the street. Water pcllWW Egypt Says U.S. ,... c1own and police aoc1 fir• depart-ments wen put on the alert.
al The P-8Ulfylvania RaJlrold aa.ld Blocked C.an no tra1na were moving into or out ot Pbiladelpbla, but tt wa1 hoped tblt
emergency power would get them romnc agam IOOD. CAIRO (UPI) -An BgyptiaD mill·
tary communique said an Americo
oil tanker ••attempted to bloct0 \be
Suez canaJ today.·
The 'commmdque reported by Ole
aeml-olfldal ·Middle Ealt Newa Apn-
cy aaJd the taDbr "swerved around
around and stood sideways" It Idiom· ~ 40 in the canai. '
Triffic j am 1 were r e p o r t e 4
throughout the affected area's auto-
Jmtic algnal llgltta afiled. ~In PbiJa.
delpbia'1 center city, there Wal a h&119
marl with cars and trucU at.opped.
and office and factory workers mil·
Ing abeut the streets. •
It l a\d I tut pulled the tanker clW
"but again the vessel IW9r'Ved side-
ways." It did not ldentily tbe tanJLw.
In N-.r Jeney, only AtlanUc Qty
eteaped the blackout. ..
Kilometer 40 would be 40 tl1ometen
or 25 mll11 from tbe Port Slid en-
trance to the canal.
Traim ltill opebted In Ile tabea
under the-H""*° Rlver betften New.
Yark ad N• Jersey became they
draw power from both atata.
FIEE ,, ..
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Olllfl111 •• .... ... ..... /.'., -
TO .~
" .-
-~· :€11fiet N .. pl .. ;eff
In drill competition, the rules are clear. Imt ~ -1traigbt ahead mid tend to your step. 'lbat'a exactly ·~ w~t Jeffery SWenc£i,J5, ol Radae Wlac.J did~! 7lOOse slipping ~ IW'e unnenect ipiD darinl
.. ·-'drum and bugle OOl'J>I competition at academy in
Wauk•ha. Wisc ..
~:Bail Sought for Doctor Negi-oea . Riot
In Clearwater
. .
~ .. .
. .
r t..
' f • . \
.. .
. . :, . . ...
• . . ... =~ ~ . ..
~ . . . ; ; .. .. ... -' . . ... .
~OU ean PdY 886AU88
The fun t.iJM of your life ia in full swing. Every
IUDDY day ii yours without wony. Your uvinp account i11
in the extra-protective care of LFSLA. · \_
Laguna FecJenl'• alletl are in exceM of $112,000,000 and
aavinp accounta an inSaftd t.o $15,000 by a perm&IMllt.
apncy of the United State. Government.
IAguna Federal •vinla account. earn cbampiomibip
~denda-the nation'• hi1helt rat.eon insured aavinp.
Service, safety and strength are par for the
counie at the oldeat and largeit Federal aavinp and loan
association in Orang_e Coonty !
\ ,~-----.--·
• .'-4 .-.-_.,. .
*' . . .
'rt.a~ ... .._5-1.r .... .
. ...., ............. ~ ...... .
. . . l ........... ,......,...,. .... ..
••••....t ... L ... ...... . : ........................
I __....,...,ah.Farar ..... .
.. • Clft .. .....,. ..... !"'Y
~ ...... ........ . * ..
Aircreft Schools
·~Operaten ........ .....
A...,tmem Houses
,..,..~ .
---~--.-y timpiftiii Metal c...._ ...._...llU!_ll Auto ftar1 Stor• ':t -·-~":'"" .. MMal ~ ..... ..
Aute Rental ....... Muff1et lftltel ... 1-
. Paint O.len
~~ . Paint Shopt
Aute T• ........ A¥1 QN
..., ww.n Parklne Gar .... .... c.m,.n1.. ... ..... Cempenlea . . -
_lus L5nel _ S..1tlee Stitlon ......
• U-i..J ..._ Cle Laa lus .... r & Service Co. Tai Cempanfes ,,.....s .. ryan""J cw wlllh eomp.n1.. T~ Rental .
. -City Purchaslnt Afentt Trailer Parllt Tralle1:. Sal ..
· c.,tracton Truck· Palntlnt
EquifM"M't Rental Upholstery Cl .. nen
fleet Owners Utlllty CompahS..
·~ S••RCJ
• Dty wall FWshlncJ
• Fsrnlture . FWshlnt
A fffw C•·PoftsWnt
M.,ltod ••• No Ott1er
.... It.
SpMdt Up
Cfeanlnt, ,
Sanding &
Poll sh Ing
of 'IMt
....,; Speed ,., .... ,"' .. A.lrcreft ·~~"""'-...--..---.,....,..._....._,..__..._,,,.... ................. ~~·Surl.;; .............. , ....... ~
Without 1um1,.. AYAlrA~l:E-oMtY AT .. --
I •
607 HILYANAR DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644-1605
htquiries h1vitecl front Jobbers, ACjefM attd Deafen
. " .
. .
EGAS 1nly ~.&O 11cli W1Y -~,_.,,,..,.,.,...... . .
. ,,, .., ,,,. ,. ,.., , .. ,.._kl
/. ·_
. .
' ..
-. ..
8 Persons
11WOLToN APt1 cm>-'f£ATURING · . '1'lll'le ._ PllDli omytn1 . . . ,
a ..,... ., . .._.. ~ be-HAR.l-SCHAFFNER & MARX·ctOTH1NG-:
... -ht d ...... lat co .... w.t 1a ~ m _..·area. MES -TG ..
Tbll'e tra1 .... ol any
ti ...... . .... .,. ehll air petrol .
and air ..int ,..._ cam~ eel,.......,.,., Sun-
da.h.. wi=. -=--~. • tllllltl ta'CllD Klamath
. hDa, On., tolaD ~•10;
8111 · J• to om.ta. Utah.
-and Dalatla,.-Mfim:' .-:-• San
J'iudlco. ~San Dle10 rill-
denta • a ftlcbt hom9 were lat hell'C! from Wedallday.
"• I
• .I
fteJ _.. Robert W. Bra· . .
• I • ~~ u::1: ~llca~ons. are NiDB ~cept/Jfl to f/H ~
wife, ~Ole. following pos/tlolw : ~ The opn.--. plane • •
carried plot wunam. Web 11111••
and two unidentified' pus-MEN. •s ·CLOnfiur-J FURNISHINGS·& SPQ"':-•"-& ... encer1. It lbould have land-1u• ~• ~"JofUt
eel ID-Eb', Nev:, Friday for NAlURAL SHOULDER a.OTHING I SHOES
retu,Un1. • ._. Mt. and Mn. Oweo Lein-........ .
lo of San Joie haven't made MEN'S FURNISHINGS & SPORTSWEAR =~ ~~~ W~MEN'SREADYTOWEAR&$PORTIWEAR :-4 ..!t i:ww =: Experiehm4 Hud ~1er. Window Trimmer, t11kls
Wyo., Jut Mmd117. ' All.~ wlll'be held In stridmt c:onfldlftC:e
.• . ... • :.· ...... .•.
• .
'<1... ,.
Wt Ii atiiedw.y • 5622 Wiishire • 4129 er.nlhlw • U.1.C. Clnlpla.
3a S. Hooww • Anlheim Genter • Slr1t.I flrblra • hl101•111 CltY
PlllCllnl • ~ NM • Toperwa Pim • CRury CltY •Sin ~IO
~ .
Hasn't your family waited long enough? .
If you hav~ been thinkiq-0£ a C.dillac for your family.
1"d hue postponed making the ~ove-we have a tUg· . ' pstion for you. Visit your Cadillac dealer and let him
lhow you just how eui1y a new Cadillac could come into
JOU.r life.-H.\'11 explain how Cadillac'• relatively modett
ta!chase price-its legendary.dependability-and its
incomparable resale nlue combine to make tfil1 motor--1-tr• patest value. And he will be happy to demonstrate
$e many matchleaa pleuures that await your family in
the Standard of the World. Y au'll ditcover lta eztaordi. !
nary comfort, brilliant perf omwice ud anaceOecl ufety :
and convenience. The car'• exceptianal roomlo-makes •
even the longest familytripadqht-anditattady,l.W. :
quiet ride adds rest and tadtfaction to nwj ~Doea't : . . your fainily deserve the .. ,,._b .. t that motoring eu • . .
offer? the a.n.swer,:Of coune, it at your Cadilltc -...... :
He bu the car .•. the keys ••• and a nwnb. of coimnc-:
Ing facts that ~y your family hu waited loaa aoacb· ·: :: ... . ' .. •• Y~ur Cadillac dealer has th~~ •• ~: ~fi . ; . : . ~
· .
~ .. ~ -··a;·-Wll~ . !!.J!!' !. ·~,.... "'· 1"1'Nel:
FORTUNE r.o;r. ~ill~~~~ ~~.m~~'i!i ~o1°" •I 1-.r~.
Gerv ~ ·~·~~ ~· r.:." *' •• ,,'m~ ......
.-~~'b...~A~ ~ ell" Cllt"4 ~·;,:a .....-;r
Coroaa dtl Mar OR
Costa Meta MJ
.110 Sroadway, Costa Mesa.
Imanity Plea
Filed in Death
PAMDJINA (UPJ) -A 1uP111or court jury Wtll con·
1Jder TuudaJ a pl1a b1 tbe attorney for DtnlM Mui• euco •• sa. tbat tbl wau
WU lftjana., Wba ... ldllld
tbt nepbew ot· f o r m • r
Brooklyn Dodger star Jack·
le Robinson.
Miss Casco wu convicted
8aturdl1 · of mamla\ljbter
tn the death of Kenneth
Mack Robinson, 2.8, la at
Jan. 11. 1be vicUm was the
IOll of Mack Robluon, who
f.iDJlbed llCObd tn Oie * meters bathe 1W Olympic
u 1-UU ~~·
7111 Belu An., WettmlJllttt •ms
C!'7 Mahl St. ·
Rantln,fion Beacb _
LE M53t -
'27 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa . .,. ~
MIMORl4L PAR( 0... ... -.,,.......-
m10 Mdrtllut ~
lllWpOrt Buell, Clllforala
. ·
"--·· .. "' \
'°' 10)111111
10)'Mll ,,.,..,.
MWT tn,.ooo.
./ .
'«>ll ltlClM IACH MONTH
SJOO.OO tao.GO =
..... c..tr: 3366 .. u.. ~ e.dl, Celt ........ 67J.3190 • c.. ... ~ n. t c. ,......, . "'°"' 875-•
• ~fUS °'" OM ,....,.., JllHW.11 Oo"m • '· A. rALMU, I*.,.. tf .. ...,.., • MIU llOllQUIST, rrnl4nt
I ..
I • -
,..... --~~--~~~;......;:.__ ____ _...__~~;:.:..;.~--=------..-.--.--.-... ........ a~· .. c~r._ .. ._ .......... -.... ~ ... -..a-..._~ ...... '!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~----..... 11111 ..
I . I
KSJa -.
Our res. 79.88. super Imm loom projtctor bu fl.4
lml. Auto Jold, forward. aWf &nd mertt. .
1 Yashlea JP
93.97 · .
Out rea. 111.88. H.I tJ:B la. Mii Umtr, 1/&00 Jr"
on4 lhuUer, int«Cbaqable leu. ·
... _. .&.25
• I
' I
'3 kinds o! JM&t, chttle, toma~. lettuce aod ooJon
on. a f ~ roll. IndlvidutllY-packa,.cl. . .
. .
1/2 lb ••••.••.• 65•
1 lb ••• ~ · ••.. 1.29
~ .
Fuly Cooked. Great for SanclWlches.
"Hobnail'~ Matched
Kitchen Accessories
~ "Hobnail" design in lturdy • metal acc.s-
~ to bea\.ttify your tltchen.
~ pe. unnlster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • • • • . . 1.0i
c..lc19 Jer ........ 47 lrud ... . ....... 1.17
Wlllte lnlcet ..... t7 s..,_ Caft ••••••. l.S7
C.b Plate w/~r ...••• , •••.•.••••••• , , .97 /
Our rtg. 47c Nylon uteuila for U11 with your
teflon cookware. 'Ibey n1vw ecratch.
.{ nssur . 68¢
· -Our rec. 9.88. Buckto pqet bal ~ top zip, inner
pocbt. lldjUltable _, · plm out.lid• popch with
Our n1. 1.S8. Ntw tl'tlh
ICell&. 140ICIL
K·mut 10 roll peck.
Wllfte and corm.
6WJ\ dpper. • ' '
I Any table lamp, pole
I lamp or IWll lamp 1n .
the atore with tllll ,
I coupon only. Mopday·
I Tuesday·Wednllday.
: ·: ' 1.18
I .-200 count botU1
--· ..
~~ • IDRY
I -
~ ...... · I
:-1 ~57 :-
1 Case ot 24-11 01. cans.
Choice of flavors. n::aL..--. -·········-•••••••••••• ...................
1 Bl.ACK & . WHm
MOllGIJ, .iune !>, 1%7 DAll.Y PJUIT 7
Towel IOft, ~ 11nld, cushioned IOfe. We a r
I with any IWUW ar low
cut abOe: 7K cotMm.
30~ ltretch nylon.
I.lei ' WHl1l
99 00 •
Model AH.of4. 1811 port.
able T.V. by ltCA Victor.
Stand availeble.
Emenon Color T. V •
23" Color TV with stand Ind 5 3 900
remete control. Medel 23-T02.
Regular sn.aa . .. . .. ... .. .. .. .
25" Color TV In walnut oonsole
cabinet. Model 2J..C09 ·52900
Reg"ltr 561.00 ........•••..•..
" No Moftey Down -Up to M "*-te pey
M Warranty Pree Dellvwy
. 8.88
Our re1. 10.97 Uoyda 8
transiltor-tolld ltat41 all
silicone trautlever bu
auperlletlrodyne receiver.
1 POLO SHIRTS : --62¢
I Stri~ _. .. aolids,
100% ~ cotton ma-1 cbiM wash, .~ 8-I 12. Limit . . . • . s per customer . . ............. ..
, ..
.Regularf( mart ~lwppers save hundreds of dollars. evety yeaf\. ,. /
6 annaeneseeemznans a 7 FF I I '
• I :---•
Safe Driver
h In High Gear
eel ita hold oa h No. S
IPOt bl nMlmal impart ...
. far the ftnt three moatbs
Cl( 1987.
Natioaal aalel 1DaD111S
Ray Bben, stated tbat t.aU1
unlta •old for the ftnt four
moab Cl( 1tl7 .... ,...
cent .... ot 1181.
Ne.r DOnm modeil with
taraw eaOnel and a'*>lmt·
le tranm'•'°"' are 1 •1'·
niftoaDt fact.or Jn the 8fow1b
'!be DatNI ~ CGlltln·
uee to be the No. 1 Import-
ed truck ill tbl U.S. • • •
R. W. ''Diet" Wiebe, fer·
m•ly secret.ry manaa• ol
th• Loi Ancel• IDd Or-.
.. County Dodi• Dealerl
~ Sellin( AllOCllCion, ---~.ucutive vice president Cl( -..
40-member deeler ll'OQP by
the bMrd Cl( dlrectGl'I. \....
Wical, a »ye11r vtteru
h11 adrDl~ated ~ •·
Dell ~-ol LA.RSA for
tbt PMt MV8l ,..... Bil
ottice OM&• adYert1Jlng
and promotlonll adi~
of tile locial Dode• Dealer aroup, ID eddtt'oa to ~ attnc • unique eledroale Jn.
naM) ol all MW DodCN
ln the SocMbm'D c.iJlornia ....
~ to Wkk91, tbe
tleetronlc 1~ eublll
..ti deelw to have a ••
lection ol tbOUMlldl ot
Dodge cart and trucb avail·
able to them tor immedl·
• dellvery.
! -'-•
Shelby·Am«l~ t1 burst·
lng It tbe 1eama wttb ac·
tlvlty thele days. They're
pr,eparing three Ford GT
ears for the Le Mans 24-
hour race thla month, are
race preparing Mustang
Group ll sedans which we
presently leadlni in SCCA
Trans-American S • d a n
Obam~~ recea, and
are _puibing their regular
production to the Um.It.
A record April Indicates
that the market la accept·
Ing thls tm of specialty
1 Kind tf nectt11
6 Jolh 8Ullngs1
real •••
10 M•ttnHf 14 Satel lite
of Ur#IUS
ISTw ... 1tones
16 _AtablWt
·ft:'"' 17 tl8'1UC ...,_ ,
M Hlgt)ftf .. wofter.
2 words
20 Cl~ Ml lta 1 ttAll ......
2'1•1 eour• 25«•~ 27 Kind of
tick lfl fooU.JI JO Of sun I• J1 LuenUaM, .tor Cini '2 lct•aHft JJ ,.. prodlfd ,. ....... ., .... ,, San
Franclsoo Tar .
Jl-,ord of .....,t
'9 Juris•
·40 Unfinished .eta me
41 Sllotqlclf'•
•at.lel 42~1•*' .111 ... « 011\Mce '
llfll\I 45 Aklfl
47 Bum ··-~ tt Dl.tlklft or .
.. opera 50 "ldyHs of
fl• ICin.-"
chltKW 54 R•ltlM'• ·r~--"""' 57Ntw~ tOayof ,, .... 51 T1ttan'~ ' h wet.: ,.r.::z friends Abbt.
S9 Rlnfl JO Astrologk:ll .........
•cUon .... ........ '°lr"'of llhetWllfter •lace TRA •SM •··· --61S115 Oown r::rs 43 llost 62 lllfOtle• NC•t 6J stiow ll Oltecttd .. N.Y.CI~ . ~ ---IMdlt.t:: 13 M•dl.,dtH Cot*t.' DOW 1' City of ..,.~ ...
1 U•P.lrt'a . Europe dtW 21 Havin g_ ... ...., decl1i.t r•cMd In.._..., 2 Pwtor •i. of a ont.-ef ...... ~Int .. ~ ) ·~---· ft 24 yrlc pot11 49 See tltwtll" 2S Sporbcaster's ACllltM ..... " .. ~.... 51 ,., ...... 1111\CMI 2' Prono. .,_ I • 5 luect 21or....-•...J:iti1., ' """"' 21 Zof~ Ut11 ·-· 7 Metah 2'-Aw lltdl• 5J b111d 30. atct 111pp0tts n ,o 11tt
I S"1ta -· 32 Eltt1rtalned .,.,.,.
ho( dffert 34 To load 56 ~ CallfonMa 35 "1lll •• •• '7 ct tM-wind orr ... , .. ,, .......
c.arThe-GT ~ 'and d'r 500 54
will appear ln hundreds or ~St~-+--+--t~t::--t--+-+--+¥1~~-.,_4--+.......!
Ford d e a I e r ahowrooma
across the country during
the neit few month).
-----__ ;....::....~.-...:...-.-..::..----------------------·"=------•
.:.:.·· +• =·t
=" ~ -· !I ..... -· ~ =• ..... -· ~
=• i ?I .. ,_ -E =-·~ -
=• ~
. ,
......,, .... 5,1'67
Vote Victory
HANNovtll~ c.n...,
(AP) -The aa .... ne.
ocratic party di '>nnO'lll•
Kurt Georg lQHM.,. ln-
creased lts share II 11le Low-
er Saxony vote ill at.ate P8J"o
Jiament t!ectiom SUD d • y
from ~u to 41.1,.. c.nl
Lower SucinT• U.Utioo-
al lemter, tbe s.rw Demo-
cr•tl, altpped trom the 44.9
per cent they won foW' years
aeo to ..,. l per cent. Tbt
Nazi-line National Demo-
cratic party eot 7 per cent
of the vote and wm Ill first
10 seats ln the 149-member
Lands tag.
I • Adds Drama
' t f I
. .
T J ~ ', [1 l\ (
1:11 ...... ~ (......,,
'U-T• ColwtJ, Ev~ .... .
!'II .. llllt" (._.) '44-2:11 G Cl).,._ .... ti HI I I '
................................. i..,i.. .=:-... Rl!Mlolpll .......
... ..,.. ...,. (.......,, '14-.
.,_ Dll'JM. .,.. ,11 ., • ~ e "'ll .. llWlleiW' _..,. l'--.W."-"'---------_..~l..Ll;;i\Wlim •r.-~...1iMA~~~-~~~mL-=:t:-.:~~!?:!::..J
ti ...... (Mrrtr) 'IO _ KIJ Tt11· • ..__._ CeplJ, Ann .... .... 4:• • .,.. ....... ('*"') ,.._
U:JI ......... (4111111) '57 -Jeff Dell ......... _... HoNll.
a-dltr. • 1 nqu" (d11-.}
-.1-Jlllli IMfleN. ' .......... " ..... . .., .................. .
..... 71 ,..,.~) "!" ......
It l111't ... it. the '"'" thl1t9 at l111crfMttt the C:~1titvtle1 "
th• h114 .f 1 pl1t, !tut 414 y111 1nr re1lly ,,..4 the "For TH
lt1c1rtl" f11tvre I• the DAILY PILOT7 Yeu'll lte 11r,,l1tcl 1tew
Mllclt liif-•tfft w• CH p1 clt l11ta • "'"" •PIH •
I ...
Lido Slate1
Nite Flites
Smqmer llflte :rutee • ..,..
sond by Udo &land Yec:ht Bartl 1o ~U •••
·-. ~ ~Ear Hearing Afd
Clab. cet --.., Ta-.
. ~. t:30 "L:·· from tbl ' ' clul>bome ud will be
. '11111p;llM•~ aid a1ipl riaht into .. .... ..,. ,,.ea;, 16-~~-· No•..-&11 Jlkif S.lht8emtodq. . \
. '239
u ... IMariar llld '""' delediN withla ~IU ol.,.. wit. at.Gui option, No
pair or..,._ It fret.,.....,..•
C... ia •eallfotaf'reeRuriQSAJd conw.lblliMo
(Htilwt'-"S.,,.AM.S.. MMK11• V--"'
~··········--·······~~ . ; .. ~~~~~.:~~?.:~.~
satltd .,,,.., ~1· Allclaullot~
boata are •UllbJt fOr the jwdlr .IDd ....._ compt!l·
tton oa .,_, counea, Jtoew
McGretw 11 ·tn cbafp.
Nlvtl MAIH "'4it ..-f..ciflt ,B5f~I
tn.lika ~ pJunccn, 'nM1allu I
.._ • l*T!lit cempttllMlll air or ~...-rto ~bed• cw_..,_,
Wldl Wlaau w full iw-r• p1...,.
, .. ,.._ .. , ... c .. 11in1 11\Ut and
...i.ak~ . ~ "°" ~ .. Aal
• "'"'" fft(u, CAN'T li<lO AllOUftO • TA"MD TAIL SIYU AllM'ISl4l r1t
llll Ille 8enulM .,. e11e11a· •2.. AT HAlDW.UI STOllft
-. . . . . . .. . ,. ..
I •
-c ' ~· : ~ ........ •• • • •• • •
• • • E111altt-..Jtlll!lf .. I_. ..... 1. • • :, .............. ,~ ...... ,_ ...... , : ; .. , ·. ........ .. ........ ,,.,. : : ~~ l .... ..,.,.,._ _ _,_ .... . : .............. ~ • • •I : ,,.
: .: ; \ ~ ,..... CllUll'. . • • • . IH1 .. .::. : ... ,. ... ~ ·~ ! :: ·1 ~~·=-:... ... ··· ... . :• . . . . · · ·. -· ... ..,..'DcUTIVE• : :· : ' : ~ ~ : : · • -._.,. OAS l.SAelNO COMPAlfT
~ ......., ........... ......... -D7·30ll
COMPLETE ~ Frdm .1120
ratmin.atr~'1emorial ilark
• • ••• OR ntl OLDEST •••
·····~-~ Two. St'l-.'*'1 <>Weed Cclmpioi•
l..oailDl ~.si-. Sharia •
QwWoo Dai. to Saft You~.
· Yada l..m Colt. ucl Without the
Ioc-oa~ ot'Fuaenl
PJOCllliooi 'I1atoath Heavy Traffic
14I01 I 14111 llACH M.YI. WESTMINml
1W-.. W411 ........ 1·1721 . i
'BUT WE AR!~,.
"We. rank No.I in ratio· of net profit to size ..
fortheyean 19'5and1966 for all California UCensed Auociatiom
more than $100,000,000. in size
V\enot~try~er. WesucCeed more.
Your avings insurefl to sis,Goo. by Federal Sa\'ing• and ioan Insurance Corpor&ti~. · . . -
-~~current annual rate, compouncW daily, yields 5.39% if maintained for one year. ..
. -~ ..
Dally Eamingicm Savingsin your Account at the end of any Quarterly Perlod.
Savings received through the 10th of any montl, ~from tt.e lat.
Free safe deposit box for maintaining an account of ·~oo or more.
I -I
·1 T welft offices to aene you
SSSJ ........... c.aa ...... Clllf•••
Houri: f'.30 A.M. te •.JO P..M. • ~ 10:00 A.M. to lcOO PJI.
...... 4066
metmVE omcE
i..1.a1111M .... O....,
WA J.MOl • 9' SM!
' . . . .
~,: . . ,.
; ·.
• •
r .
' '
~ ... -.
10 .. 1t 'prio11 Of .. year
Baby ~Aftatocrat ~rib ana. dN•wobe ..
31.99 ,.,. .... (
A crib wi\h many practioal Jeatur;s, double
drop 11ide, teething roi•, __. po1ititpt adj~
able aprh1g. :wmte a: :'"*mt bh.. .
Orlon• blanket aleeper.
3.99 Yalu• 1.00
Orlon• acrylic Thermo blanket sle~ with
rib collar, cuffs. Sizes ,S-M-L.
inblts~ wear 38 ·
• cozy nylon comforter
5.99 yaJue 8,QO '
Dacron• polyester filled comforter with matc:h:-
ing pillow, acetate filled. Gay pattern:
1nfanta' wear 39
Orlon• acrylic b~cmketl
2.99 and 499 "Niue a.-1.00
Thermo blankets, nylon bound, of Orlon•
aaylic. Pink, maize, blue. 36x50, and 40x60.
infants wear 38 ·
. .. .
-·1'4.A. "Y' ~o ca L 1.=·o ·R n 1 a .
) . ) . : . : . .
may co south coast plaza, 3333 bristol st., costa meia: 546-9321, 675-3411 -slNtp ~y "'"''"' saturday, 1 O:~ ···"'· ~ t:JO p.m~ ~ ' . ' ~ ,, ti. \, ./ . . .. . ··-'· ' ..
FF 7 r -s21
• t I .
I 1boold be hippy ~ hmband ii not
a alobr but I'm beCl""'n& to thlnt the
other extreme ii Jut as bed. Here 1s·
a gmpe of what IOll on ill oU?
boute belOre we leave IOI" an eTt-
nln& and Jt la ~ me cray.. ·
\He IQI, "Do I 1oUt OK?" I .ay.
"\'a. You loot fine, dear." U. ~a,
"Is tb1t tie ri&bt wttb WI lldrt?' I
aay, "Honey, yoar tie II psfect..,
He 1ay11 "Are yoo sure 11\1 J>Utl aren't too lone?" J.uy, '!.No, dear,
sour pante are juat rilht·" He 1ay1,
"Did I 1et I lood haircut Ulia tlmt
or did the bllrt>tr tab· too mudl olf
1 over the ears?" I MY, "Your baircut
11 beautiful, dear ...
Jut .... -out tbl clDar be'Jl
.ay, .... tb1a litcbt rlCbt wltb these
troaura w abould I 10 ~ and put
oa 1111 birdnabanet .. I iaJ, ''Y o u r
jacb\ 11 ~ dear." Wllea we get
In 119 01r be 1a71, "Do you think I
•.abould i.ve putqn mJ brown shoe•?"
I aay, ''™" tbOll are tlnt, dear." Thell When I uk, "Ho. do you think
I look tontpt?"" 1't 1D1Wen, "W b y
muat JOU • always flab for compli·
menta? •rm ,.tUllC ftfal11 t t r • d
bulldlll JOU up."
WMt c:an I do "wJtla a.......,. ~
tbllt -M. L "4
DEAR II. L: Nol I c, • ... 't
trJ.A ... fttll•-.efMID-
celf .. .. ... .. Pe Mu wife
........ ,rtq ........ ~slltlne .. ,,., ....... , ....... ..., ...
e.-. ... Rn ...... " LMJ.
DEAR ANN LAND!lRS: If you do
not accomplilh another tb1J1 la yoar
llf~, tba W1J JOU baVt pat tba ipot-
' . . SC/ffs,iders' SOS Signals Shipwreck Merriment
"8-en" Mn. Midlael Blttreall (left) and Gerald ·at 8 p.m. with t'OCktaik served topside duriDll the ~friibt) answer the ~ call and help Mrs. Balboa Bay crul8e !o~ dinner and mumc by
Emll -Oriat reegi safety On Udo'• ahore where all the Jolly Bogen in the RewpOrt Beach EJb Club.
SUtflllera' will gather for a lhakedown Cruise and Spomon are the Nonnan Milcbella and the Batu.
Shipwreck Party Sa~, lune 10. Festivities start I.Ill, ~UJ=b and Onats. "
' light • mental Wnen 4ieMrVM 'a
scribe to a penon who bu good men-la your Idea ol "m~ Wiil."
tal health. It's like trying to de-wbat•1 -idea ..1 a ..6-L '-tbe ICribt bell. lt'1 unreal Itta a mllllon · J.,_ Ul .wrv "'
miles from nowhere .. It bas no begin· ~:~~ lib a woman who
nlng and no end. ~ ':'::t fCll' the "jugular. Yoa
Please tell your readers who can her an= and if abe accepts
live. reasonably normal lives, free " Lt consider · luckJ.
I wa deeply moved by tbe letter
from the_young· woman wbole moth·
er-IJHaw accused her of 1lllnl her
"nenlll" U an tXCUle to avokt re-
spoQllillity. I'm. an older woman who
mult 1"1rk to 1upport 1D1181f. I .n
the Ylctlm vi ''nervea" Cll' mental m.
nes1 -Or I am ju1t plain nut&. what-
ever ID1bodY wants to call ll ·
horrible depreulom and agonizlnl wll fear1, that they abould thank God for Bew ,.. blw ...._ 6e real , Wq ee.11 ....,., Ali-. Lull-every day. 'Ibey are truly blessed. -en. 8elll ,.. lier ....._ .. ...,. ..
M1 ehllcl:ren think l am fakint Ud
feelin1 aorry for myseU. They are tlr·
ed of me, but the7 .are not half u tir-
ed u ! am -of mysel(. At tlmea I
wish I could just dJe &na get out of
~ -ny, but 1 keep boptng ~
row wUl bt "better.
Meatal ilJneSI is bnponlbJe to de-
STILL FIGHTI:tro 8" ... a.. te Td die Dlff•e11e1.,.
DEAR FIGHTING: I un ... &1or-·· Se'•.•~--,. -.........
eM of letters todaJ fnm people wai. ueU-atirNMll, ~ et1telepe wtfii
cll1re1 your pr0blem. Ytv 1eUer uald Joar ,....._
It llelt, however. Olla .,. u4 tUak An L*len wUI be aJM te Wp
yoa fo~ wrtt1n1. ~ '\ J" wta. 1tm' )nlllem. SW a.. .. " ber M eue-ti tM DAILY Pllhl'
CONFIDENTIAL TO MEANT ddellag a lclll, self· 1-b-1•6111,
WEIL: If a vicious remark like that aamped eam.,e.
• r ' ~---------------~----------------------------..-----~----~--~~------~ -
, .
L111V ... Hortey.~
Buketa of white a**
and gladioli .... tapered
candles adorned the altar
·of Sl Ancnw'1 Prelbyteri-
an Q>urcb ,_. the late S.t-
urday afternoon -eddl8C
1JJikint Victoria LlDn Blur-
ton and _,. Paul Audette.
The Rev. Dr~ Charles B.
t>ierenfteld .pertormed tbe
doubJe rtnc rtW for the
daughter ol ~. and MrJ.
Victor B. Blurtqi ANt tbe
aon of Dr. and M'n. J. Paul
Audette, an ol Costa Mea,
Given in ·mamace bJ bef-
fatber, the bride wore a full·
length goww ~ EacliJb net
trimmed with aleDcoa lace
' appliques. Her flowiDC Uirt
featured a detacblbll Chai>!
el train bordered 1n~ Mtia
and ..., caught to tbe abouJ.
der1 of ber ICOOp neck froct
by satin~-.'
Her l Freodl pouff veil o1
multittered •ilk ,tulle wu
held by Ill Ol'faDU role,
and 1be carried a cucade·
ot gladioU, carnations and
lilies ~the valley.
MW Cheryl Mallott ol
Costa Mesa wore a tript
pink crepe IOWD and JMkb.
Ing headpiece for her role
as me.Id of honor.
WearlDC identical giowu
in a lighter al:Mlde ol piJlk
we~ bridesmaids, the Mill-
es Patricia Dragavon Of Al-
tadena, Nancy BooJDCe ol
' "" Upiand. llDd Paula Audette.,
NB Coup. le W.~d =-~~.:::~-..-..------------wt rtbboe to b1ll tbeir
I ~ Mten«Hnc a beat man ,_ In Seatt e 'Rites '-~*;·~~;:_ ... ___ .... _··.·-0
. rated with flowers, candles Honeymocdng ln L a 1 Merton asked Michael and ribbon were Jerry •·
Vegu ar~ newlywed Brad-Wixted of Pico Rivera to Spencer, Qm. Mesa, John
ley Wldds MortGD ~~ be b1f best man. Seetin« H. Stew~_s;~' and ~C::-~~---"~ bride, the former """'w the ,Cuesta were Jobn Adair BriaJ1 D . .Dl\ITWD, the bride' a _... ~ ~,;: f-a. .
.. I .,. .
Kay 'lbomu, both ot New-of r .-.. Buch. M»ert wat-brotber. . ·°='t w= .-= Insurance
port Beach. ~ ..._... MW Ba!bara Fr-a.atz cir, ......, w ••, , • • .-. The DAILY PILOT
'!be •eddime toot place IOll of Newport Beach, Stan-culated tt,. guest ~ dur-......... a. .. ~ Women Meet Coven •-~ftl'I Friday evenmc in tbe chap-ley Rola ot Pk:o Rivera and ing the l'eeeptioo in •a El:.~·~~ .. DVG'l1 ..
POllCNIA: HOlT, EAST OF &AREY el of tile Ftnt Preab,urlan from Seattle were Verl Vo-Verde Country aub attend,;;;,.: i::-=: w:i ~ . p,,,,;.......__ ... ......, 1..n Best in W..t ~~~~.~-M~~.™~~~~~ft~~·~~~~~ r•~-~~~~~~~.~~~-~--~~---~~-~~----~ Rev. Dr. c. I. Tunlbull led Rolf and Olli~ era. Speda1 iueru au<..i. =-:,.,:: ~-=-· ;;::,. Onbee will be the llilo the coup I e in vow es-1be reception took place ing were Mr. Met Mn. R. ......,. ..,..1 ~ ,,_ r.c.t1M ttie madily dims mretn.I
cbangea. in Selltile'a S«ren~ Hotel B. Rubottom ot LGDc Beach. r.-.::a-~ ~ of the twaaoe Woma
Parenti of the bridal cou-The new Mra. Motton at-the bride's maternal grand-1caC.:.. ... c::.:"..!..,•r;:: Orange County WedHm,,
ple are Mr. and Mrs. Jack tended the \miversitiee ol parent& and Mrs. Elizabeth A..._ ~.::a-C:..:.:--. June 7, at 7 p.m..
Evan Thomas ol Seattle, Oregon and Washington, Grogan of .Burlington, Vl, c~ ..... .:; ii:'.~ New pr........,, Mn.. Lm-
and Mn. Marpret Morton -while her buaband waa en-the bridegroom'• maternal iJ,-:,W., ~--:.ru;;;; en ~ trill· pc ·c •
of PICo Rivera and JOApb roiled at the Unlvenity of gr-andmotber~ -.. t;.jl. ;-. V::, m Yortr.· and Mn,. J'raat c.r, ed-
Morlon of Merced. Hawaii and.Califcmia State Following a trip to Ila-,.;:;:;; !... 111::z:...•ea•u:~~ UCiDiliD ~ will
The bride telected a full Conege-at Lona Beach. wall, the newlywed& will ~-. 1 &.~ o.w • ._. ...,. iseal tbe f1111CN1D. A fBlll.
length wtllte •ilk peMl de The couple Win make side in Oorvdil, on. ~ -T_,.. ~ c..--.... ~ m ltiae-"
aole gown with lice bodice tbtir bome"· ... Jn Ne~ where tile bridegroom at-'·L:-"?j, ..,._ .:::=:: ._. be fMbnd. ,,._Jin. M-
emhellilh"CI W' I t h I • • d wbe-e the benedict iJ man-tends C>i:ec<>n State Uni • 1t ~. 7,a. f,;-.._.. ,aeJ! ~ ol Coda llem W' =.!•=••-= ~ ot the Cb.t .Houae. lily. He jJ' a craduate W:.~~-= ratilig.
allk iDu.don veil. Au-cttnc the bride u
maid til matron of honor
wen Miii Sualll Tbomu
and Mn. James Olien, her .men. JlrlcletiO"'ldl were
the 11me1. Lnrenct For-
sythe of Part.llad. On.,
Romld BoJlid91, Robert
Sarcbett, Guy s~. and
Mia Carole OoJacroul and
MW Mary MlcGowa, all
of Seattle. f
'!be • ...,... were
1owned In full Jenctb pile
aqua empire crepe crea-
tiou, aad wore kmC i1Ju..
lion ftill ol plie aqua.
Flower l1rl w• Miu
CJriltiallDe ·Blllum • ll d
~ ·Explored
Reflectiana lD lHdenhlp
will be the tbeme « a pan-
el dllcuuion when Tout.
miltrea Councll • meet.
tonight, at 7:30, ln the
Greenbrier Inn. • -
Mra. Ernelt Johmon \till
moderate a panel d.lacul·
sion of Council : It's Func-
tion and Goals, and will
stress the dual role it plays
in leadership training.
Partidpatt.ng will be the
Mme1. Richard McEvera,
R. Bruce Horafall, Howard
Jonu and Calvin Olcott.
Mrs. Arvid Smith will in·
troduce the moderator, and
all election of officers will
be conducted.
Program chairman Mrs.
Valerie Kangas will wel-
come all women intereshld
in improving their sldlla in
communication, and addi·
tional information may be
obtained by calling Miss
E lizabeth Neabitt. ~538-7~,
or Mrs. Ken Bur~. 533-
360l. ~
Oldest Fine Jewellers and Silversmiths
· Open Mon. end Fri. Eves. til 9:30 p.m.
Than Nationally Advertised W·atches
of Comparable Quality.
These incorporate all technlcal features
that make for st.r perfurmance -Ind put
emph asis on design as well. There is no
better buy:-
~ A. 17J Stainless Steel, Shock and
Water resist.ant, Date, Automatic $60.00
B. 17J Gold Filled, Automatic, .
Shock Proof ' ..... : . . . . . . . . . . t52.50
C. 17.T Stainless Steel, Shock ami
Water resistant ............. ·. $29.75
You May Budget Over Twelve Month,
Hall 's, Santa Ana •.. Bullock 's Fashion Sq.
Hall 's Pomona Hall's Pasadena
..ULl;.•"ABHIDNllD. •AN-LD
Nothing looks, t:sts. or launders like a • • ,
Full-Fashioned an-Lon 8ROOKV1 s
Favorite Knit Shirt. Knit to M .•. rvl underarm
b~nd. JAikhi~sh and dry. Big•oo1or range.
'Tutn11U..1at11, 100" Du"""'"'*'. '10-·
HYec:llltlt J.JJJt
at Bullock's Feshlon Square~Santa Ana
..hna l5 throligh June 10
TRAVEL WEEK . s. ~Ind. displays of modts of tmtl •••
plMes, bom. campwa ~hd •Porta cars thr~lhout
~~llde. ~
~by the Southern California
' C..tre of the MG Cir Club of En1land
11::45 ROltfn1 R-.iew
1:45 p.m. Nictrt at tht Opera ~lons
2:JO.p.m. Up to the Minute Fashions
3:00 p.m. Pr1Mntations of awards
""Dll .. m--=-m ... M-l'l'OMS °' FASHION
.................. a•a~ .. a .... ~a .. 0111 .. nlililm ........... , .... ~ .... 1111 .. 11 .. 111 .. 111 .............. ~lillll1111 .... 1i111111 .. 111i .. ~ .... 111111! ... 111~ ....... ~ ......... d ... _____ • ~ -• ..-....--
t ~ { -
.,~ ....
• · SometlaiDf' MW baa bee•
• added to tbe lfJ'I cJCle. a
a fast·mOYbtC, ,.._..
edy that ·llltllll tldll*J•
esl>fonaee • ......, -.,
ideas, f=lllll ~ .
Tilled ' lbowbll ..
CinemaScoPe De~e CoJor.
the film '**1'a Doria 0., IDd
Richard HQria. 8be .,pJi,. •
designer ff:I' a cosmetic firm. ~ lrW9
He tuJ'lll oat \o be a doubll-/ . ~: '. ·
spy and eo d08I Dorta. Tbat'a .
oniy tbe ttut o1 the coafu. · Engagement
sion, for each. flnda lie other • '" ~ j ·.
doing dQUble-duty trytnc to Apno.uncea
get inlkle Info on oompetl· · •
tor's proc1uct11. At Reception
International lnJrlgue, U:·
cotlca r.U.U, 1nWpol ~
polatioa, •ulinl are all a
part of th1a alllpeDlful bllar·
ity. In the 1ood cut of ea,..
rice allo are Jack Krulcben,
Edward Mulbar~. Ray Wal-
ston: Ulla Skala and Irene
" Tsu, a lulcloua model wbo
plays her part IDOlt ccaY1nc-
l.ngly. Need a llueb? Try
M ' ~ for family
ud ~ Mr. IDd Mn.
Louts 'c. Lomaatt o1 Tw·
NDC1 MIM41DCed tbe ell·
1ageJDeat ol their daulb-
ter; Mary Lou IAmanto to
Jamet A. Mcl.lren, form·
erly ol Newport Beach.
Tbe brldH)ect 11 • snd-
Ulltle ol St. MlrJ'• A.cede-
•• Loi ...... lier ..
mce, IClll ol Mr. ml Mn.
Waltll' llcLlna If AM-
lea Antaalo ~ .. LI
Veme Co111p. -
' An. Oct. 14 •eddlns .. be-
iq' ,p)aued.
SJ IODBAll llAITINGI . .........
alOlli«.-cie caprlee Lunch, S~akef ·cap . -
·Nightingales' Year at Lido eaday even-
g will l>eil'H.tude V11aie.
Llkewl.ae in ctnem~ope and
Color by DeLwte, this ~u-Wl4h a aucceaful year
ing lcle~ftctlon film stars completed, m e m b e r 1 ol
Nt'..wr .. -i.. Chapter, AmdJ• Stepbft Boyd, Raquel Welch, ·~ii;g· Memorial Bol-
Edmond O'Brien and DoDlld pita!. Presbyterlu, w l 11
Pleasance. gdler for lUDdl tom~.
As if a ''Fi.stfuJ Of Dollan" Jn Barron's, Newport Beach.
wasn't enough CMb, the Mea Fonner Newport Beach
theatre will make an attempt ma,,.., Mn. F.di• I\. Hill.
to continue the &a"• of "tbe will be guest lplU.-md • tell cb8pUr membln about
Htnry L. Jones, ..mtiary
chairman; and Mn. T•·
eace WeWI, chapter cbalr·
man. Nllhtlncale cbalrmJD
Mn. Jack Garpam, will ia-
troclace lhe iuesta.
In charg~ of the event
are the Mmes. Donald Fra·
aer; C&lrk Somen, Willard
Cbamherlla, WllUmn Bron· " man with • wne." '.l'blt fh •. nonnc.. ~-man in black ii walti.DC fot Hbme. · ing, Robert Scbmldt and---------
you in bit lat.eel caper, F.,. Special IUlltl wW Jnctiade
A FeW Dollan Mtre. 1-1a..ec1 n-~ 1.~ Mrs. WW&U' .u-., -
James LaJi'lamme. Mem-
bers Who Joioed durfng the PM! yew will decorate ....
Kids Lilce. to · L
Clint Ellltwood 1* the lead-pi.ta1 administrator; M,r s. ~character and h1a co-atanl;;;;;===========~===========ii iii Fw A Pew DeDan M4re ..
tables. 'Ask Andy• .
~ude Lee Van Cleef and
Gian Marie Volonte. nu wW
be tho ~:.,-al the Meea, be with the
popular, matinee.
June 28th · tbe opening
date far the ant and only
showing ol Tiie Sud Pebbles
in Orange County. Admlssloo
will be by reserved ticket£.
only. i
. • This Ionc...awaited, popular t
a\fard-winning motion picture
will be presented. during mat-
inet performances cm Wed-
nesday, Saturday and Sunday,
during its exclusive run tt tbe
Lido. Of coone there riJ be
evening performances every
night of the week.
Better hWT)' and get your
reserved seats fOC' ne Saad
Pebbles at the box office ot
t;e Lido theatre, located con-
veniently at the entnnce to
f abuJous Lido llJe, ill New-
port Beach.
Remember, fte aa.. Pe ...
' ble1 opens 111 exct,mve Or·
ange County encasement with
a matinee on WedlN6day,
June 28th, at the Udo. In the
1 meantime, heal' In mind that .
the Mesa )4atlneea confinue
weekly, __,.brlat the fuD mo-
tion picture procram ol tbe
regular sch~e at tbe M ...
The programt start promptly
at one o'clOck, opening with
FREE PASSES to ttie Mesa
t>r the Lido ( exoepttng peJ"-
(Qrm ancea of ne SUd Pe~ '11e1 )°'will be malled today to s. ft Weetfall, 91' W. Ocean
Front, Newport Betlch; Dorla
Kudelka, 25C Fairway Dr.,
Costa Mesa; F . G. Filber,
2525 Ocean, Corona del Mar
Keep your cool
this summer in
Trio Togs
tmashing new
''high climber"
Gathered bodice
and smocked
sleeves. c~{Y out
the new in-look:
baby doll. Pi~ dot
.cotton in lime, navy,
'> orange and yellow.
Sizes 5 to 13 • • • $ I 0
.,ff You Need
Me" Whistle
Heart and
'Key '2.50
Colored Gum
8$Us 4.00
• furly
• ~ 3.00
Day 2.5(1
Lamp of
'-........ 3.00
Green Good
Luck Clo~r
Pearl Ice
. Cream Cone
Lacy Antique Jaguar XKE
Heart 2.50 '4.00
A ~
Volkswagen Cfipboard
.3.00 3.00
Scallop and Coffee
Peori 2'.00 · -Pot 3..00
....,, .kine 5, 1967 DAILY l'ILOT J$
• r • "'i
\ ClwuwA .
Disc for
Eraser 2.50
Well l.00
1 Princess
Phone ~.00
707 Jet
G (
Start her one collection
to cherish for.a lifetime.
Little symbols in sterling
silver to mar.le her most
memorable events.
Globe 2.50
Disc 2.50
San Francisco
Troll&y Car
lady Bug
Ship Wheel
Day 3.00
Diploma and
Cap ~.00
Mod Owl
Shar~ner 4.00
• ;r ypewriter
J .00
' .. . . . ) ,,
~ i .. • ., , • , c , .
4 •
Heert of
Pearls ·s.00
--o c o a o a c c 'a LCJ a c: QI = ~ c· •O
'4.00 ·and W. R. Bonball, 308 Am•
thyst, Balboa Island.
\Ve hope th.t you, too, will '°'a.::f,:::j~ l ::'c~!~~ 1 ·~--=~-~=-~ soon be a guest Of "Picture Moft.tlvu s.1.10:00.ut.1111:00'.M. Mon. t1wa.1.10:00A.M. tot:oo P.M. Mon. 111n.1 rr1. 10:00 A.M. tot:30 it.M. •
Peeks" to enjoy a fine motion avnc1e.r10:00A.M.ttllGO,.M. M1S11N111htt11t:oor.M. ~ N1e11u11:00P.M. Hll VIA LIDO • NEWPORT BEACH 673~360 picture ~heduJed for Harbor
area~JoymM~ ·11---. ________________________ --t...,...-----------------:~---·'-------------------~------------'---------------------""'*----------• ~ , "
• -·-
.. .
Baud ~
Letters. .. eet .. letten. DNr BIB:
I e.-'/flllf eolumn tbe atber dll1 •
the ODe ID wtdcll reader Gee er.ta
took yoa to tuk tor devoting ao macb.
·&paee to auto~· You have lllllde
history. It'• the fint time in receot
memory a IPQJ'1:s editor has received
a letter ft om p yooe saiyi.Dg .be cte.
votes TOO MUCH IPa<le to auto rac-
'I'd liU to see bow immune reader
Crain can be to auto racing ii he
gets a good dole of. ll It you will ask
him to wrlte me, I will 111 that he
gets a p&lr ol tickets to the Riverside
~ cblmpJoaabip • Sep-
· tember, complime• ~ Lei .Riclbter.
We m'Cbt even throw,t.n a paddock
pus '° he ~an jet a cJoe41 look at the
drama, col.Qr and excitement ol pro-
fes&ioBal motor racq.
Tb.is ~ on conditicn that after the
race be prom.ilea to ~ hi.I honest
impres&iona ol the race, from ttrtctly
e non.fan point ol view, ud you
priJit bb account.
Are you and he gameT
Dete Houlgate
· Editor'J N o t e to public relatioDJ
man Houlgate: I'm game. It's up to
. Mr, Crain to see i1 he can swallow
"exluaust fumes" for a day.
Once around the circuit in hi(h
Al "Pidle" Burack, .,_..... of
the Badeada Hotel la Lot Aaeelel
where Floyd Patterson ta tralldJlg
for· Friday aJlbt's ftgb& wttJa Jerry
Quarry, reports Floyd ta a "aew"
man. "He's much more accreutve,
baa opened up hJs style .... ..
flgbti.11 •• hll tots," says Barac£
"I tldllk bo:da1 fu1 wt1l be bl fer
a very uetU., ftgbt." 11ckdl for
Friday'• clai• bl the Collan:m.. ...
c1dntaJ!y, are atllJ •• 1ale ud tile
weathermu uya It jeft.lttely WM't
A United Sta~s Auto Olub official
went on record ovt!r the -weekend as
saying, "the longest drive A n d y
Grant.ell's turbocar will make fol-
lowing lndianapoliJ will be to the
Speedway Museum." In other words,
the "airplane" is finished .
TweU,-year•ld Robert Ryu .t R~ w0J reallu a boybeed
dream SD4aJ la T'UUlll wllea ....,.
elevated &e t&e ruk of matador...at
El T.reo bullrln«. Ryu, wbo aaa
been ftpU.1 a1 u amateu ter: Oe
pa1t Ove yean, wt1l be prolQO&ed
twnatador It I 1pedal cefeJMll1 In~ fbe down&en rln1 by Mexleu
m a & a d o r Rani Gal'd1. Gablao
Aguilar, anothb' ludiDC Mesko
matador, wW ee"e u wltMn.
Tract and field fans got their blood
boiling over ttle week~ with the sen·
sational Compton·CoUseum R e 1 a y 1
and director Glenn Davis couldn't
have timed the sale ol tickets for the
USA vs British CommonweJltb meet
better. Ducats, prices at '5 and M for
the July 8-9 event, became av,ailable to the public this morning at au mu-
tual ticket agencies.
UC RJveratcte la golD1 bfl Ume ta
a harry. Ftnt tbe m1hluder tu~
tuUon -bo1ta a baseball &earumea&
of mach mapthlde ucl ..,. word
Jeau out the UCR basketball team
wiU make 1 rooctwfll amt aroud
the world durtnr tbe 1ammer of
1988. Tentatfve plans call tor coacll
Dwain Lewlr" club to p e r f o r m
agaln1t college and club teams In
AustratJa, New Zeal•-'· the Pbillp-
plnea, Japan, Thallao'd, India, Is-
rael, v;:1~. Hungary,, Italy,
Fra.ou tlud. t . ,.~
. ' .
unLI MAN GETs ADVICE -; Cassius Clay (ce&
ter') talb bver bis rejection ol the &mJ with Bill
Rulle1l (left) and Lew· Alclndor durlJt& 8anday'1
Another I Ra-c·e for· ·-Mike?
Solomon Poiul.ers Sacriimenw Bid
. Prep Sports Edit«
SAN DIEGO,-· Mike Solomon, Call·
fornia at.U mile cblllnplon of 48
houn, may pt a chance to show hil
wares aaam.t the f1nut preps in the
nation, if be gets an anticlpau.i In·
vitation to compete in 1be Golden
Wett lnvttatlonal, June 17 ill Sacra-
A bid to run in the meet, wbicb
tries to bring together the top grad·
uatlnl HDlors in each event, appears
to be fortbcomlng after the Westmln·
1ter High whiz galloped home first
bl s.turday'1 state cbamplonships in
Balboa StadJWD.
.. Solomon, the first Lion ever to bal
a state ~ medal, lipped around
four lapl ol the GfUltex onl ill
4:11.4 -11.xth fastest wiDn1na time
in the 49-year hlltory of the Golden
State clalsic.
Solomon, with a personal belt of
4: OU, confided after the state con-
quest that the race wa1 run exactly
as he ba4 hoped -except for a slow-
er lut la'p.
"It WU 'difficult to nm OD the
Graatex track. It bothered my rl\.)'-
thm a oaat cleal -etped•l,J ID Fri-
day's prellml," be said. ·~1Jcal·
1y lt wu a much harder race than
my 4:08..2. I thought I'd win but I
"u · boplllc to run ·under 4: 10." •
Solomon, bound fOf the Univer1lty
of Kansas thla fall, went on to 18)'
he'd been waiting for a chance to
run in Saturday's meet ewr since
1988, when be ran out at the moaey
in the state mile l1nall at Berkeley.
IDs effort bere -was Oawleas. He
came throueh bis first 4tO lD 83 sec-
onds, running in seventh p 1 ace
among the nine-man field. Heading
the group WU LlO)'d Apgar at San
Diego Lincoln, who came into the race
with a personal best of 4:1U.
Apgar maintained hia lead at the
880, being clocked in 2:0l5.
Hot on hi• beell was San Diego
Section champion 'lbomton Bigle1.
wbo had done 4: 10.a and •ho'll join
Solomon at KU, By now Solomon had
moved up to fourUl and ran b1.I two
taps In 2:0U.
He w11 rlgbt on tcbedule.
Wesfnfsl ,•a.atUdblla_...
... fnllt ., a. ..... "' ... .... ~--c-o1u.na&.....................
Be ........ ill a. i.t.,.. ..
.._ lie tlpe.. ,_ tn •• tr
... ti ...., (4:11) ... --
<f;W). • -•
''o..l._.lle .... 19"91' ... -<-...,.-.-..>....., ....
ISttllilW•z! h I
Dodger Traae Talk Grows
. . -' ' .
As LA Invades GeOrgia ·
LOS AN0a..a (AP) -A V8de
with Atlmta 1P91 be Ill the 111Mir1i
a& the ~ Dldler'a .. lllff
to invade Geaqla tGlllallt to .,. a
four.pane --aplM tbe Drafts. 'nte Dodlln _.. ..., in Deed of
more hittial· met Adame la deipes *
for better relief pttddDC. So tber'9
were rumen here Smlday ol. two ,_.
1ible trades. ·
One woold lend Ron Pf!l't'aJlOGI. tbl
..... Sime
'-·-~ft.NllM-.J ~ ... 1.-1. ,_ ' -.......... MIMla. ........ (UI).
Dodgers' Jelt-bandld relief ~
lat, to Atlanta for R f.co Cart:J, t Pa~
1lugging leftfielder.
Another poaibWt;J 11 a swap brYtH-
ing Dodger rellefer Bqb Mills ...
,Atlanta oatdM.-.ftnt buemaa 0..
The Dodgers' crytnc need for _..
punch was evident Sunday wbm lllJ
stran~ 10 bala'ulmer1 in a 4-1 ._
here aealmt ~-&bert9 a.. men~la Ill faur Pirate raM
with bis nth aad 12UI homers fl tbil
.• '3otb came at the expeme of II.er
Don DrysdaJit (N), who had pe trl
innings thiJ 1et.1m1 without allowiaC
a homer befon Otmmte clouted cme
in ttle fifth frame. ·
W L Pd. GBI.
• JI -2111.sn 1
23 • ..515 ~
JI D ..m 4
23 2Z .$U ·~
2J 2S -5 22 25 •• ~
• ,. .• 7 ••••• 11 •a H
-ftlllllllL1'1 _ ... ._., ........ ,
... YMI W, ...... Ml Ollf -IJ ... .. ,
•C.-M "-Or N a...11111111 a. ..... • ...._.7.W , I ll,, ....... I
game ti' a ·dla..UOU. road trip. Their com1lic bolDe ltan&l, will the Balti,
mon Orlo'9 tint in line, Hems po-
lllntlallJ d1wtroul too.
Bat the.,.., ,.n.p. 1,000 strong,
.... at tbl ~ .. --.... squad
--It lld'fld ......., ... from ... ''°"· .... Alld tMJ lnugbt a llrill lmd.
ftl ...-dellned same credit,
tboa&ll. for strOai eftcrt They held
Atlpl Si.te
on for JD 1anl.all, until Minnesota's
..Bob AJJlloli IQpeezed boaie Tee! Uh·
1MDder to win 1-7.
The 10th bmiDg wu-o'M:! by-.Rlch Rolllol' *sp. off loeer e Rojas,
and ~~. a pinch l'UDDe?, gain-. ed !11rf1 ~ a wait and force ·out . MJnMIOta toOt a strong 7~ lead on
Bannon KlDebrew'1 12th homer, but
in tbe llVeatb the Angell came back
wftb four runa to puah the game into
N S .... ~ utra bminp. P.Orfl Ulf~~ 'no.e'fow 1'U111 C:llM OD.bomers by
. -"-.~ ·. . Bob -Ro,.. U!I pinch hitter John . W.U. and a two-run alngle by .Tun Get ~Lowdown ~don ... bard on the TwU!s'
• • ·a • : > :l I lbrtiaC pitcber, Jlm Merritt, who bad
• • .. . n,o~ autouta bllOn ~w~ -·Fr.om Ca8s1us-_tbt:l:i• ~,three runs cime on
. · a twp.nm ~II" by Rkt Reichardt in
a.EVELAND 'AP) _ A -oap el tbe HCODd inniDg and. btta by Jose
l -Cardenal ud·FregOIJ. . -~• f!e1ro llCbJetel wmted tbe ~· Bm Rtpey took the Atigel ~ IOUl'CI lowdown Oil defeat 1ritb a winlome senae of bu· c..-. <Jay'a stand apimt Army m. bom, commeatlu: ••rm at.raid to an·
dldiaD ad --It tlhwaA-.... tbt ~ lt m.!gbt be tbe ulti--~ ·-~· rutmn can ... ; · .. Alt.tr 2~ ·boarl el ,, ... ...,i-..11w cllc:U· · _:n» ~ launch their tz..game,
tlaa we ~ be ii. liDcert ID hLI ~Dame atUd that IDcludes ac-nllllom belW," aalcl JJlil ~ f«· ttoll apfmt Baltimore-tonltbf, with
.., Cleveland :BrowD.• full>eCt ad = P.Jhil ~ D6trolt and . Cleve·
!aMll at the Negro Jndultrial ~ Eco-~ Anpla DOW 11 Joeeea under that --. u.:-(NlEU), wtdcb 1nvlted .n ·man, n 'that much men firmly a;. .. ~ tbe lidewalk ad:t&dMd ID tbl;-cellar. ·
lllllldl tlll NJEU omce, (2ay aplaiD-CAU ... :4r 11 fll ----:•, ·~ rW
ed to tbe profelliODa'I aabJatee l8d W d 4 I t e Tw•. d J 1 O t
LewAJeledwatUCUtbatbenflped ~=-: : ~ ~ ~ =: ~ ~ j : tD ........ ---of :-=· w..o.. 1' s 1 1 1 UllllMdllr, .... 1 • 0 ~ llelcMr& If I I 1 ! ICllllenw, 111 l 2 J 1 Wa, a.t be.It a Kulm . .,-. ,. s • , • ~ " , 1 , , •
nt-1fM _.._. IJ. u--11-... MOA ·~ C S I I I A•IMt. If S 0 1 1 .....,, .--• ..... ..,...uui .....-K-a s • 1 • v-1111. .. ' 1 1 J ol MlllwmmM Ali,,,.. ltltpped ol bl.I ......,.., Ill t ••• Zlllwl--.. c 4 0 0 0 .....,...._ title by boxiDC orpnila-~ 111 • • • • Memtt, , , 1 2 o
M--M----..-... to be ..a-a....a ,_ ....... 1111 1 1 1 1 WOf1ttl"""" 111 O O o o
.,_. ---.__ -~-U1 ltot--Ill 1 •• t lttlefld. 111 0 0 0 0 BoaltAJD &-n 21. Klfllt, Ill • 0 0 0 ....,.. v.......,-.1 ••• ' Be facet. • trial 1D u. s. Di*ict ll'erry, Ill • • 0 0
Coart tMre .Jane 1t OD a cbar&e ol T: ... ..:._ !..!!..:. ~ .. -=-JI I n • 9'adin& tM -na.-draft. · C....,,. •1 • • o -1 ._ ._--.,,, ....--..z MMM11e1 '" .. -1 -I • .,.,, -frdl1 WfU. hlm and be ~ -tallllrw, Mkldlw. OP' -Callfornl• 1.
=. •fnec1 •bil !e1141n1 in dlta{1," .. t.t MlrNMtt I. LOlt -Ce,,,.,,. 1, MlrwllM!a 6. ts ,-v -MllldW, Merr1ft, ~L Hll -••ldllrdl Wooten, ""a BrbWnl' ·guard and m, 1C111111rN m1. v-•• 11>. ~ 111. • alBcer In tbe NJEU. ''H wu a ques-w.rllel m: s -Sdle••· u -c.r-. Oflv•.
tic19 al fdll ad we dill not try to ~ ~,. : : ~· ~· ~o eha~-mind." it.ttt' J 1 I e 1 2 ua llolet 11..M) ~1/J 4 1 1 1 3 , UCLA's 7-foot.l All·Ameri· M1rT11t -"'" , , , • 1
ca bubCIMD pJ.ayer, u.id "We want· =--; ~ : : ~ ~ ed to -ft ~·u be of help to KllM 211 I t e t t u-." = '-V\Ull -..J _ ..,., 'cw.1..a1 "' • • • , o o lmll l A...,....._.,_
St 18 ... -
rt 17 .._114 3
~······ 2$ • .• 5"' JI ji .111 7~
22 23 •• '"'
22 25 •• "" • l'1 ... ll\61
17 31 .354 15
uao .m1~
......,_ 4 llOOHltS I
~ .. Mllflf•. ,,. ..................... '
Sf. ..... 4 °"'"' J
IMI ff~ 14 HN Yerk M
....... <°"""-6-Sl et Afteflll (Ctenl1111r,
Ht. C--.. 4. '"'· ICWKW, 4 111.111.
....... (o-tf. )S) .. "· ..... (JltfW, ~1). ..... a.a. ,,,..,.., •n " ,...,....., cL Jedi· -Nl... . o..e,--. ~
~llm .. 1967
. OllS DBMOll1' ·U ........... , ........ ,... ......,. ...................... . ..................... """ ...... •tv:• .............. ..,...
............... ., ... Ylayl ef
cletti .. ...,. ............. ..... ....._ L ..
$3188 ....... ""
DIUtlla IN COSTA MdA y-... ,.,,,.. ................... . :··-,,,_ _____ . _____ ,
! ROOF l ~omptete $ 4411 . .
I With thts Cou~
Tht Uon star closed the gap to
couple ol strides behind the leaders
coming off the first turn of the third
lap, then he made hJI move.
Dryadale and Bob Veale <7·1) were
locked ln 1 1-1 tie until the Mftllt!a
inning, when Matty AJou and )barJ
Wills hLt two _,out lingles to trtaei'
Pittsburgh's winning rally.
Clemente followed with a 4CJ0.4oOt
drive into the center field pavWoa to
give the Pirates the third and dedd-
lng game ol the series and spoll tbiDP
for the largest Dodaer home crvwd
ol the year.-39,741.
f Good through 5/11/67 ... .......................................................................... ~.~--~--~~~----'-'
J; o I n g down the backstretch he
swung around Bigley, then whisked
by Apgar. He was In the lead far the
flrtt time and there w~ 1Ull 660 Veale loet a abutout in the .-=-
\ .
..................... im.~ ....... '!ll ...................................... l!l .... 1911 ........................................................... ~-6 .............. _::.. ___ --
• '
IS po.
4 •.m,,
I! Uh·
tad on
r, but
: back
~ into
eu by
Y .run
lO bad
me on
l?'dt in
r Jose
of bu· to an·
• ulti·
es I C·
• with
!f that
firmly ,. . , "" I I 0 I
I I 1 1
I t l t
I 1 t 0
' 2 l ' I 1 I 7·
; . ' ' I I 1 J
I 0 0 0
I 1 ! 0 I t 0 I
' • 0 • I 0 0 0
•• 0
I I 0 0
. • n •
1-7 -· loml• '· ... '· " ltld\ard!
ten (I),
Iv• . •• so
' J
' • 1 • •
... ...,. . .... ,,... ·-!JIM
To Johncock
Hehr Catches
1st Broadbill
l"fTTM•... LOI ....... . , .,. ., ....
M.Nt9.d ., ........... '. W1lll. a I 1 I t .......... Ml 1 t Elmer Hehr, Lldo hlud O.berman, c._.... rt • 1 1 • · .....,, • • 1
harpooned the . flnt. broadblll of the :."a:!:...,"• ~ : : : ~., d ~ f
season last Saturday aboard the Dor· ,...,..._ " 1 • ' • "*"' rt > • Allt'I', • I t t t .....,, • I I
sal off Catalina. J, "''"' • -t • • T.,.. Ci 1 1 'The fiJh la now t>et.nc eerved at v .. ia. , ' • • • ......., • • •
the El Peteador restaurant ln Colta ,_' ' t • ' ~.: : : e~!Uer Saturday. BtDrJ Brat ol B. ~ ! :
Balboa Ia1aDd Jolt • tint-boar, • 9' T.... • .. ' "'=· •.: : f minute battlt with a broadbllJ... uti-,.~ · • • • -'
mated at 600 pounda, off Catalina'• ~-'t.':'y. Loa -~"':. :!~ Longpolnt. '°· 21 -••••1. "" -c._... t on. • -The struggle ended whee Brant'• ,.,...,, .. ,...,., ,,. " • •• ....
rod Up broke. ~= ""· Ml ~ ! ~ 1 : ~ Hehr's catch was the first •lin of DNMI• ci.. w1 1 • , ' > ,
big game fiab in Orante CCH11{ •a· ~·....... CT.:_..1
1• J,. !.. ~ 1 c•. ters. IALK -v ..... ,._ -1:0 . ~' -•.1'11.
. ...... __ • ___ Mi
~ ..
.Qa .. 111& ........... ..... ................ lillllld .. .. ........................
""' s' t\ Be'IP f.teilll&.._ 212 ....... -..
"IM*tlliet .............
WllMJa • IMI a Ina wt 1'llllli OCB=JmlF=~tf ... 1111& -~,· .. .. .,... .... -.....tr • . .., ..... ..,~,..
1111 ••• m I -'nt1 Iii,,... •11• .. ............. t'd I a .....,. •• + ...... ., ... .................... ~ ..... --~ .......... n;r .
State ~Meet
Is History .
SAN DIEGO -lt mq nD be ...
ohr bait et11CurJ Won net ._
... tht..-aull ct the -wmala.11-
fcnla state mp ~l ... 5 ••
lllip meef held Seturdl1 • ..,_
Stadium, bert.
The ... dnder b11&1 tn aUendMce
wvt treated to a f.antlltlc ..., fl
t.Jlat -one wblcb proctuced two m-
tiGDal Jnter1ebolalt1c reccrdJ .... tied
~ alone tbe way ' m ltate reo-orda ,,.. tied or broken.
llMvtloul J!JllY Proet« of p..,. illoa'a Mui? Hip and amulnl 1W CftJ ct Moatcomery, SllltA Biia,
. ~.moat cttbt ~
Proctor became Cbt tint triple told medAl winner ID tWo decDt ,,_
bl captured both bur6 facts and the
~ Jump to J*'I tbe Multan,. te Int atate Cl'OWD a1Dct ld.
It ended a~ ltrinc ct "alma&"
for co.ch WUter Opp, who bu IMl
bia teama .finilh MCCIDd ftve tlD*
a1nce 1958 in the Golden State finall.
Proctor, bound for tbt Unlvenity ct
Rtd""'ll nut fall, edlpeed. ihe u.
tioml prep record for the 180 low
hurdlea OD the turn, runninl 11.7, dto-
ll(lite loalng hi• balance when be djp-
ped one barrier. \
Be iowered b1a ~ old mart bJ
a tutb al a leCOad and the Hlted belt
by two-tmtba.
Proctor &at the atate ~ ID ,. uo ldlb bunn. wttll • ..., 11.7,
..... tlllltb oft tbl farm.r Dm'k.
ADd,119-jmpld~tDtlltblt .. ncard. . a..., ......... t}lltJ fl ......
~ a tdpll wUmlr mlJ bJ tbl pr11•cc
S , _ · J · A ct ProctGI' u tbe iau. dlleatlcl .. owmon Oins r ea · ~~-:nmu:e==...im;,:6'
• Gray'1 t.4 for tbe c:t11tm1 tlell tbe
R I T k El natlOllll recClr'd a1d broke tile.._ oster o 1 rac ite · fil~--= :! ttr~.-~_rd =
.............. Blick . =-.... n.t, Midi., .. tt .... aU.LO,.. .... .......... ....,.
~ - --·• - -Tbe 8llllta Rola roclmt Md ~ n_ __ ...,. __ ,,. Set · MN DIEGO -Wefilmlnct..er1llcb ti Bill Kerr wbo WOil Ult 1t21 mile al coml*tition 1o chalt blm to ._ ~Ott 1111111 whiz Mike lelomae joh» the in 4!30.4. ' exceptkma1 marb u Dave M.uta'I
.. clan of Orall Coat area ltarl Newport 11.amar'a . Tod White cap-from El c.rrtto placed HCCIDd ID boat
Fior Delaware • have claimed taW medala in tbl tund tbe mile tn 1116 wltb a 4:to.O. ~•ti 'Wl!h ~.5 and 2>.9. ·ailhnala State mp School Tract Oo1Ca Mea ~·1 Erle ~ WU RcialiPhmia of Ambe1m WU the ~-· fOld JMdlltat ta tbe 1182 D01e vault. '-tbl1'd place ftnlaber in the 100 at t.7~
fta band of area h.-ou la nnall, lbarlng Brit p19C8 wttb Bob ~ md came beck for the 6ow llPOl ID
NEW YORK (AP) _:n,,.u all tit '-lln, with Bantbl&ton Beech IOll of GWlba (Pomooa) .t 14-3. the flrloq. Bowev•. M WU ._.
wtll • _, ftetarJ la 8le ..... illDurtinc tbe Bit ct adullve mem-The area baa aecoantec1 for emir a cilquaU.fied ln the 1lltter Well ol6-
1Wr rt.._ illllld-W-"9 l>;m• blnldp ~I tb able of-the 12 co l d tbkd-ol all tlle st• meet vid«kl da1a Hid be ran in the W!'CIOI lme. t11t '· z I Np u........._ ... ftW'da . · .:. aceampllabed by county #lilete1 The "Nifty~o at-~·
l.J d .-. * Mid llmt ~ .. 'fte Oner• pert~ well in pre-rest ol Orange County ICbooJa have ~red the ltate two-mle recard to
•• 'W L••n Blc~an1 Wi kl w 11 dQ 19 fact, the 1921 balged 19 gold medala in Gol·den t :00.5. However, his dreams al run-
..._ .t Dllauaa rm Jw 17 wD ~ of arBoJ wJbr W'Oll tM'team State title affafr1. Ding under-n1ne mln1*1 ~ lmlllh-·
• ....._ wlllt Mt •5flt81, Dr. tilJe in the IUl annual edition ct the By event, llere'1 the counly'1 other eel by a lead.footed field of OJmptti-
...... la .. ,_. a. •••ed• fa.. cinder -=tllcl state winners: ton wbo refuNd to dwDMI• llllir ...._ IF e . POLE 'VAULT-Harold Sboebridge, m&IC«.
........ {crct1 c h a 1 k • d up 18 Anaheim (lU) 192.1 • Don Bmles Neil Sybert al WatmlDIW WU far
'41 ,_. &It ta Wk wD a. _. poillta la lie meet ataitd at saocttoa· Jl"uDa1oa (12-8) '19411; Gary Doow, Ana~ oil bia t.op· form, p1adllf .....a. ill
.... ,. .... tniimlr' Flm ......, Jr. Falrsnmdl-SIDta Ana (1930) and helm (13-3), 1980. 9:20, fedinf couldcabq tbe ftn.i two ~:', ::=... ~ ~ ~m· FuDlrtGD (1935) ue tbe only 0~ mGH JUMP -Paul Jacqua, San· lapl llter rumdDC wttb the top five
-. ------~ ~ 0r•'8 .CoalltJ ICbooll ever to QAll ta Ana (M~) ltsl; Ed Oaruthen, tbroqbout the {ace. .... I .... .,. ... PB. team Jamela. • • SA Valley (M) lMS; .Gres B •• t, 'lbere ,,. a .urprlle of ... ICllta
""Bit I WllK a. .. at .,_ in · Jt ii Jlltlratln& to .note that Walk· LoftU <'-N> 19M. . In the 4tO u MIU Nnt.cm ~ .......
fllt 1~ .a. .i a. 1 • d 70 eds er " •! tD pile llP h1a tlde-wtD-LONG JUMP -Fred Olborne, tuI-upeet defendinC ltl&t c ll am~••
-_. ~-: i:i=s·~-nmc tma1 wteboat balflt al a ftnt ltrtcm (21~) tm. WQDe CoDltt al G9"-a ._ .--plaot. . SHOT PUT-lollll Raitt, P'ul1erton 11M1PP147.S. O.-TaJlar el Nebo
., ... Amz1 la A p4 " H 'I .. Ital bad an lmpwtn& ($Ml4) 1935. .moDd WU Bat in 47 .I -tbe W
D p r• ii __. ._ lh; Zdith lilt of .._ cbalp1, led b7 ertDttr ., -Ray Cartwri&tJt. Santa Ana time given third place tlDlaber Slllll1
8 nil_.._ ...... 11n. WiJ.. Eckle llGrrtl. llorria won tbe 211 (2:00.8) 1932; Dennll Carr, Lowell Gtrrboa from Centeanla1 llld OaUIU a-Wtedwww4 fr. three ltnlght years (tm-40) wttb (1:50.9) 196.1. (fourth).
Wiii' r.,, .... ..., ,..... .mte times al Zl.8, 11.4, 2U. ~ HH -Earl Job.ll.lton, Fullerton. Two favortte1 w .. knocked olf 1n
Mlpn.,. D 1 ew' Yldlry •tile Manta~ the 100 told medal al (11.2) 1917. the field eventa. Defeadlq hllb jump
.-.-W fl tllie ~ er... ._. lMO to ldl coUecticm with a t .7. 440 -Lanov Carter, Oru1e (48.1) champ Tom Clyburn (Balboa, Sa a
a' ' I tllie P!Wzrn ...... a OOlr"'Vlrlll EIUott toot &CIDI Jwnp · 1952; Randy 'Julian, Bola Grand• Frudlco) aettW far umd, UDllble «xw I ,... ... .. .. redw+1 boan la m4 wttb a ~ -and • (47.4) 1986. to eqml b.il ltat. ncant leap of 1-10 °""'· ....... -., .... 0...-. Al ~ alilld atate CCbiij bbo-180 LB -Norm Paul. Santa Alla made I JMI' •· w M fll 111t ..._...,.,Nell la on 1a 119 wttb a 10.1. (24.0 aJld 2U), 1-.ao CM ran tbe , Clyburn went owr M th1a 1lme u
It' ·c ...... ROif Nkbola of tbe Oll::wu 220 low1). Compbl'a ~tdo Brown WGB It at ua. • Mll7 ._., *~ ._ . 120 1• M&b bardel tn MU.E -Dall 9tm'f, Orante (4: lt.o> &-tv •. ........ 1lr RMI rt ... .. ms ..... ID "' wttb al 1.151t'; Bnace Bell, Le B*a, (4:14.1) And pole •aulilr Vio Dlu (16-1) el.
dda '95 tit D•waa Pd, Wllbe-lH .. JU tar b 04Ddl..11Wdan. 1911; Dennil Cmr. LowtU (4:01.7) Rubidoux faled to mate tbt tlQlil ID
..,. ....... Sinet ... .. bardlel bllft been 19C. bit apedaltJ wbldl ... enatmll.J ~ti• iDdrel for J.ftPI. _,RELAY -a.ta Ana (l :Sl.2) won bJ TcB ~ of JiGllllilli-
Biggs Enters
Record Boob
N llill' Bantiniton mlf daamp 19311. ' 1k1e (H·10).
Price lllCW•
on & labor
REG $12'1
·-•••••• •·en· s s s s s a a ur>v•tters a -. 2 C St ·r 0 0 M V. 0 ° '? • 1 0 0 C 7 9 9 ° ' '79 ° rt 9 7 ° g a 2 C q· -7 0 a S SC S I( o nce . -
7 7
Top Efforta
For AJi(i.ram
State Meet
ly tLOYD Gltlf PIN
DOS, ES MEJOlt -Solomon mo.es mto fourth place
at the halfway mark of bis race, and la dol!tng oa
~o llACa. ' _.,.. AU-. ,_ ... ., ...............
OMI u. flMt fW .....,_, 11• 7.1 -...0.:..,,... Gtr1 IR .....,, lit , .. ,
T.-.i If ..,_..,,, 118 IS.I
Y ... MeN CW .........._, lll H
CIWllY Alb fW ""'90) llt IS.1 C.... IWW CA V...._.> l1I Joi ,..,.... a. co "!Ital ,,. ,.,
... 0.-CW lt9rMltz) n• 1M ....,. 1'1IM cw ....,., ne ... 1
C..-CM V ........ ) 1M IS.I .,.... llr'* c• C..0.-l 111 , .. ,
T.n ... CF ~I IM 1J.1 ......... W.. M C.-. (W .,_.....) 111 •t
..... (M Ve ...... ) "' ,., T,_ /Wt '" ...,.._, lit» U·l ..... lllClrt' 10 ,..,.., 111 ,..,
YOCUT MAID lolka toM es -••. ......... ITS" CGUld _,irl• . • .
...... ClllMM """' ...... "' •.. WQOl7 I l.llA ,L.llT.
~o UC•.~ fWIDllgt.. Maldefl ,-..... ~~ .....
Ol9:ollll llrict "... .... T .... IA..._., 111 1-1
MmliW .... (M v ....... , 111 .. , D .
S.-.... CD Hell) 111 t-1 ... MTII aACL S ........ t YW' eep Sea .,.,,.. V-CR ~) 115 IS.I el( <*ts ~ ......... W.JICf•llr .
«* SIMll .... CM ~I Ill t-1 __ Sf1111a '""'-..... .-4. a-m..
...,, ._. CA.._, 111 7-2 '9L Te ..,.,.... 11"50 • .._,. W*. F ~T• ..... ,, C....I 11' t-I ..in .... lourtll a.. .... 18. h R rt ,.,.._ ~ 10 ""'""' 1IJ U.I MT. t!aott (M v-.1 1a ,.I epo £ ..... IW ...,..,,..,, 111 1-1 awal ._ (W ~l m M
TrW. W Tnoe IW MMor....,I IU S.I "rtllct Hemp IW .....,,..tll 111 J.1 llawPOtlT IAW. ....... )-U -e... ...... (W ~' m i.-1 • .,,11 '"' IW MellonWI) 1n ., ..... : IJ ..,.,__.... 17 ..... • .... 0.:0 c..tl:t 111 10.1 Dori I ID H1ffl 122 ).I --_,.. ._ ....... Jim WlllH IA "IMdll In M llut. ,....,._ Udllr1 -53 .. !Ire ~ T~ CA ~) m IS.I lklrnl' .... rw lllCIMN* ... l 122 S.2 .. -~ l!l .... " ha'--. ~II U T,,,..._J am 7-1 l!-'s Orllf\lft (W lluml 122 ~1 • ~=-"10 .,.. 4 ... ....,, •
, .. A " ....... (W ~) 111 .. 1 Cuold Denced fl VI..._ .. , 1n ,., °' ••010#00, .i::· ,..,.,,. hr IM Veleftlwlel 111 10.1 -0011 1. kdtt f1111111 fG llHt . • • -• 8ftlltn: ,
IC...._ (W .....,,,.,,, flt tS.I aOYAL POLS _,,., tA ..... • • • !:fn:*• Ill Cllflce ..... • '*'""' S
,.,,.,... --.. (0 Lql 111 ,.., •MMA'1 oa .. MAll ... ,., ·-... ..... " ~n .,. .... , " .... •Mll'I l •AU eddld dlltlftCt ITllY fort _,,,.. t llllllut. 11111J ••• DfT1I MAaL .. 11 must -. 1 L~IM WMITI llAL lllACM'--71 8ftglen: 1 Ill-~ •• , T9LL A KM .. MT ..n . f!IClll, 1• callee .... I ...._.., ..
... . • • halllM. -
L..,...._TllTOM. --' "AltADlll CO¥• -4 81Wlln: '
• IUltTM UC.. l l/U mflM. 4 ¥eef lllllllut, U calico beM. 1$1 rOdl cDd
otda e!ld up. Cllllmlnt. ,_ MDOI. IAN CLIM•.,.. -l2 ,,,...,_, VJ
Clelmlng price ~. °"91 '*" 17 llffrec:We, , llllllbut.
P'OVant RACI. ' llKIOlllS. 4 V-.. Kind II IH ~-) lll.. S.I OC:.AllllDI -44 1nglen : J64 ber·
..,.. Ml t11t-Cli lmlfto. ,.~st ..... 1t-l.lltl• "uddlt (J Trv111i.1 a117 7-7 recudi, 1• beu. .. b6nlto. S hellbut.
C ........ ~ UOIO. IHI 8Mc11 Lei-King Pooln ID Hill) 11' 1•1 OXNARD -a ........ , 12.5 beat. 4
,.,. W..W Tour 'Clull. 0.. Spenllh Conqwtf Ml-. ll hlllbul.
£..., ...,..., ltT l"lwal llJ 4-1 IA Vl""Nti.) lU 7.1 SANTA MONICA -1• 1,."'9: ..
._.. Cnellet Cl v.--..1 llJ 4-1 Unlmtlt ID Lonvl "' IS.1 ban.
" .... "'-IA V1llilJWtll "' J.I .._. J~ IW INllOrNVI "' .. , IAll r •o•o ·-· ....... ,_Jf Jn -.,r1 LI Ca C..0.-1 lll M ~ ,........,_ ltu. (!< AIVll,..ll 1U M 1ng...-.: t7 ........ 11. 12 i.reQllle,
... Ltl cw l4entlell.I 'n M , • ..,_.. rw HenMtt> 11' s.1 lll--tlce ....._ ' roct c:Dd. (Diii •·
. T."it ht I '"'
T omorro; 6 '"' ITwl-Nithf o ... w.i...d~I
TitES, EST A BllN -S iomon bolds ~ )MJt w0
one lap to go, having ta 1en cner firrt on :be t.k·
stretch of the third Ia.,. BeJiind llim are LloJd
....,. ..,.. Yow '' IJ...,,_, m •1 Hlall • ..._ cw l lwlll 111 1 .. 1 LIMNlll -n ... ..,.., u ~
CO.... .._ IA ........ , 11l 7-1 Llltt atd MMI (A "M"tll 112 t-1 t Mllllut, 11' Ob lleu.
9'lllllt'1 ..... IM V1~l 11' '°I Cll9ttllt T-IA ,.,...,., lU M LOHI IUCM lhclflc ....... c.tl 0... IH ...,.._, xl• 10.1 ..J ..-..1 co.m Ill ~l 11' .. , 1111 -f6 ....-,: 1' llallllllt, lS ........ cw .,..__l 11) 1•1 ... ...... cellce .... ~ LaMl!lll -• ..,.. °"' CF ~, HJ ).I 1119 Mt!llec (M V1""-lll m lt-1 ......... , IS ..,.,...., ,. ..... 1 llllnl ... (W ......,, IU i.1 e-f'ltr10t 111 (J Tl'vl•l ltlW M nldt ftlfl, '1 ...... ...... t ......_
Two CoronanE
In CIF Golf
CIF team chamf)ion Co-
rona del Mar High sent two .
players to today's CIF indi·
vldual championships at La
Quinta Country Club. near
Palm Desert. • Mike Rechl and Marshall
Savage were the Sea Kings '
bOP"· Other Orange Coast area . entrants are Rand y Karch
er. aintiniton Beach, and
Rick Leoie.r, Estancia
rk San Clemente sent Ma
Pa)llle and Scott Pomero y.
nt Aavored to win the ev~
wr,s national junior cham
Gary Sanders of Bue
Piark. I
' >
th tt ,, 0
._ ._... ~ v~=.., m ,.1 ~ 't"...,: ~ .• ," s.1 ~=., ":',.; ~e11111n: •....,
IH _, ...,_,.,., (D Hell 111 •I W . L. ~ trelllld WllrY. -~~;;~;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;::;:;:;~;;;~~ ~ ID "~ctl 111 1•1 urn.a ,.uoDLa loab 111w1 ,~ .,..,.., " Alvw"UI IW 1•1 , ...... ,. ••• ILU• c'--.. ......., Three Combine for No-hitter
SANTA ANA -~.::J H ar b • r lkulalll ,
pitcben combined loree.i
Tuesday to throw a 81>-blt,
Coast Clippers
The Coast Clippers 8wim
Club has been invited to
participate in the 1967 Men'•
Junior National AAU In-
door Water Polo Champion-·
ships at Modesto, June JO,
Jyiy 1 and 2 .
aULL Lal ..... ellOfhef • • • ,... -'" -
••""" c:a::111 a11 • b.. ~ · · i •:=~~= ~'r' · · · 1-t v.etory .,. tM Salata ......... flt • ' t ... LUY ...,.... -. 119 _,,1 .....
Ana AJlpls. :.: d I : : La ... :ol Ml\.ft CITY. ~::;==========::J
awct Loseth, Daft BM· ~. • • •, NO. I "*· ' • of the -st pe,ular ton , Ouil .....__... and ..... • • I "'"M U C. .• fur""9A. 4.V-... ...... ._. a, Ml 1111. Clllm .... •vne l7ilti0. Claim-"41W1111,•r futw•1 lit th•
nl.J.. "'-16ord _._.._ C!--ta omr. • ', t' ..,. _._ --H ..... ., • •• U it-... S I h DVV ~, •....-r-.,.... F~ '",..... --.. -. ..... lld..-1 CIUb e"nt• " ._ tetet I t e Ana cold in Its tracks. 1:_!.111 ' • • ., •°""'I Hiiia. ~ An• Lindert c•lu•""· It'• •
Meanw b 11 e, Losdh and ~.~.... • ,', SCllM L ..... IH Hlwll-l .11;"';; detly fu t.re of the D~llY ~ : t .....,. U Clllflf'll llt >-I "LOT end Mr rt1den tell Jell MaliDoff were banging ..,_, • I, fci-,lll!Met 10 H1111 112 1s.1 u• lt'1 .. , No. t colu111111 out two bits apiece at the __ 1i_illlll_..._ _________ ,...._ ___ ,w_1 1um1 '" •1
pllte to pace the win. ..... .., ...... ...... Id-' ........... ,,
... t:lnMa, ~ft-:• r
A • • .......... d.• ' • l
, ... Call''• ... ... CAR STEREO ,_, ............ , ......... , .......
$4 f)9r cartridge l11cludel •II costs.
flH ,ic•·· & ........,,. s.fWw:tea ;ea I•'-
' -CALL 534-1566 .~..-1:00 P.M. .
_.._ •
umx •• IA#TA AM WI WCI
1745 Newport Blvd. --646-1&
9S41 &.dell Clow ™· _ _mm m t rnt St _ ----m• so...,
1621 1.t11 lttc* ''"---..Qll GU111
• ---... • • • .. t 2 a a a -..... .-.-w .. 1111111•••••• ......... I02122 .... ~ • ._CM0••M11t°-• --•·a -. •o·•M..........,..-.-.....,.' .,._ •• ._. ·•-•
n ..
I ..
u •et
e t
be .. ,.
h e
IUr· u .
ul to
Tl le
GWC Given 50 BObks
By Beach Accountant
Deep Qoeet Sub
Enten Water
.. -.
Men Given
' ~rtificates
""• si.ort s .... ,.ct
Actdt"'Y Wi""'' NHlll ALrllf AND
CHICAGO (UPI) -The Qlicago Post Offk:e bu $7,·
89'7,lm It doesn't want and
bu no success tu f l v i n g
aw?v. •
~ widelJrOd no-
tices announclng diJcontinu·
uce ol the postal aavings
i;vstem," said postmaster
-Henry W. McGee, "1hese
42,000 depositors have made
no effort to remove their
money from the main post
of8ce and its brancbelO:'
IEWIA ....
IMNll fW..,... CHAii LONI
lll WT IAl.IOA 0llVD. \
U1.10A ~· llHMI ~
• New-Ends Tueed1y
Tippi H•r9n
Marveret Rutherford .. ....,
CftlNI .. .. &ftMBIT"·
TllC""9C LOiiie
N .. rty n eryoM rHde ttlt
DAILY PILOT, lto111t +.W1111t wt•
P•P" for +lie Ft l>11low• Ort nft c .....
Air Crash
Ki11s General
(UPI) -Lt. Ga. Olm R. B.lrchard,~ • ta-
dlW of. the A1uta cam-
mand. and b1I pilot ......
drowned Saturday when
their plane ova1urned on
takeoff from Upper Uguhit
Lake near here.
Two other passengere.
Maj. JC>Hph A. Quminf-
ham, com.mMDder of the
22Dd Air Farce · Airlift eom..
mand and Edward A. Bell-
ringe:r, Alukan command
personnel divisioo, w • r e
able to IWim to &bore.
1be boclles of Blrcbarcl,
~. and Maj. Norman C.
Mill• ol the 21st Operatlaa
Squadron at.Elmendorf Air
Force Bue, Aluka, wert
found late Saturday after·
noon 11Mttng in the' lab.
~ .di1FIN
..... ft1l•leel•r• ..... --J _ _. ___
e 2"4f TOP HIT e
..... L .. '11" ... IM1' ...
.... 4 .:=. wrlltell .r=i:-.... MOST CAH
lllCI. u. .. ........ .. ..-.....
............ ,... ........................ .
..... MMn•
111 Twe Of Hit l..t ,
-wHO'S lllN SLllS-.
· ING "IN MY llD"
.,0 ...
ONN NMNm.Y .... .
SAT. • MIL AT JM PM. "9w 1'hlv ,....,
-·™·-----.-.-SECOND BIG WllK
~ --• ..
pleythe d---. ..... IN THE a.Jff.HANQER
. CAii
~ 11 95 :=-:'.'.~.
.,_,, .. 92.116.
UlirH ( .. 141 ....... , ...... ,.,
1.1'1111 (f.1'11111
LlltU .7.1WISI
L411111 f1-*1SI
f.11,11 •• •11 <L•lll L:itxll
Mii 1_, ff Miles Te Y-
CW'a Uttl
SHOCKS ,_ ........... ~ "'*'
............. .w.. --"" ....
• ......., .. yew -· ""'''"""' .'I ........
2 ~ 798
,.. ........ u.11
Nt ,_, ~I ... , ... ~
... ~ -$695 , ...... ,,,_... "' .... . ..
Va':h S~lly , ........ ................. """"" ....... """'-hllMllllf MOST Ill U MI....._ CAii
S1nt1 An• Store O,pen Mon. thru Fri. I 1.m. to 9 p.m.; Sit. I 1.m. to 6 p.m.
Other Stor" Open Mon. thru Sit. I'·"'-to 6 p.m .
2'M Hef'W '"''-1-.. .._ I IMC~I
n l.A 10. MAIN If.
((tr Ll-111<11411 n......,.16 ---ClllOIT ON THI .,OT • ALL •CCMMllUD NATIONAL ClllDIT O llDS .... HOHOaao --
.----•+ .... _::--...i• ... ···~· ........ ~·~· ... •-•111111• ......... ~,11111•~• ... a .. ••~~., ... a•s•'lllt .. n~•~•• .. • ... a11Cs .. a .. s•rtlllle111111,111'~·•n .. ,•« ... ~ .... a11111~rr..· .. a-.i11t ....... ssmlltlllltlll'~· ... 0MlltMll'•Cllllt .... 11111, .. 11111111111111,•0rllllitlilll'lifilll'li1'illiSllll'lliilliilisllliillilliillilillilllil .... I . .
~ • •
. ... .... .,_ ........ ,...... c. -.: ... .................. ....... ...... ...... , ..... ..,_ ,. caw•-_. :::: .... -~ r,. --=--= ........ .,.. ... .. ,.~--............... "'·"' ..... ' ·•A-... • .......... L~ ... Mllll ..... w~~ ._ • ua UIUIOW' -, o. ....._ .... =•um.,...... ~ .~ .............. ,, ..... ·~ o-&:~., .. .__.,......, -:.,...,..-.w,.,.. ...... =.:. .,..,. .-:: ..: : .. .... ... c-.. • ':::.,·· a... .......... _., ..... .. -=........ Qil-. .. --.---------·.wk'-........ ---..... -'-• ....... ....._ ... am Md'MlliiiJ Ct 7 f tr .. .. ~ .............. --=ll'nleCIMlllf/I .. ~-....... --...... "' --_ ............. , ..... 0 ._.... ..... ...... ...... ~ ...... -..................... ~ .......... "' .. ·=; .... ....... ... .... ................... .... ...._.LM ......... ~ ......................... ..__. ......
tint ___.... fll ... ..... ,.._ L ....._ • LMY la ... ........ "*' . • ......... ...., =·R. em:.. .. ....... .. ..._ .. --.........
a A .... -• ........ _ ............ .._ .. -.....
j ,_, ....... _ ~!3· , ....
J .......... ~ ......... t _....... ... ....
'1 .... :-:--~ .............. . ........... c.e .......... .... >-..... a. .... .., 198 ._, ...... -..... ~
' LEG"· NOnas · ":.:S:L c.n-.. ..,_.
.., y;; ---..... L. ,,..... ...... ....,.. A..:.f I " ..... .... .onca ,. cawuw --IUNallll ~ -.,_ _,. .,_ ..._ • CM ..... ITAft _. CU •A ...... k • ...... ~-~ ........... .._ ........... ...... ......._ .._.. fll BM D. ....... a, ....... Cllrtlflll9 .......... w.....,
":C:.C.-:9'.:::;"'..,.. .. .. ca~ 'if:,, • .... ..... fll .. ._ ..... ...... ,...., .............. dllm...... ........ .. ........... .......... ,,. ......... ......... ......,.--. ..
............ dtltl ........ -1 : .... _..9' ............ ..
I .. _., ........... .......
........ ,,,.fll~ :• ............... nw..., ...... ~------
•• :
.. • .
• ·-
' '
' . . .
r t•
' ' ( .
i •' .
I .. .. '
...l .
I 0
., ........ -..... = .. .. ................. .. ... ................... ...., ..
ftnt ....... f/f ........ Dmil ... I.,., ,,_ M. .. ....... ~ ...... ----................. .,......,._._ ....... ~-......... ~ ~ ~ ...... .......... ,., ...
.-a a 2 2 a a 2 a a a 2
PlOl ,
4 '
A8UllB" DMiiHO J' JI.A. .,.l.Ollf .......
~,....·---· ...... ............. .... . ........ ~ ..... ...,..
1111111 ldtdlln wt.it ..... .
-. .,,. --Jot • ... hae•• ...., ,..,._ A
'"WHAL£ OI' A BUY" .a
-'!'r. .... -Jet "°"''
IBRa -~ ..... 21ta17 .._ 1>1111nr &ae. w.ur
• aD ...... IJect. blt-tn ......._ fll*. wAll ce-
,.... NDrii ••rlll· ... !% ......
. .
~'\',• 1•
..,...., Lots ,,.,,., • ..-.. sn.soo
1Cll IWIP!r, c.11. 5t1-1MO OPIN DAILY. _
In Netrpal't 8elda SJ'am Pa·
• ·~ dftc 0. mctnr1.1 oordl ~I .,WW!i Gil Doirllf Drift fir from
J0% don. 3 Bil, 1~ N.wpart 111..t. IUt CID 11Ut bllthl. ba'1t-n. tlrepl.8ct, St to
8dalt acaiPnd. _.. p. UUS OFFICL
~ AlldQs--. . b b tutr. 1880 *-Bhd .• c.u. JO n macna
• ~ Call Dw-m-en REALTY COMPANY
W. E. lldlen I ,.r 881=!:;::'101
MKNT FOl MACCO ....,, Co.
-~ __ -
5 ...... St.al
'nb hap lrm1Jy home won't
be vumd ... Besides 1he
5 RedzDmMt and 2 QDem
liud bab, 10U pt a com-
Jlletllb' lllOdlm builHn kit·
dM!o, 6rlnl room, and _.
&rate • a in mo t b lSd>
R.umpat room! Short walk
1o ~ u wen .. Catholic
ICbool. For od.1 $24 .B and
rnA.Qt t.erma, you'O bet.
ttr take a look. WALKER
& I.EE, a1 Weatcllfr Dr,
64.6-771l. Open Ewe. .
POOL, m.IDk:ured profealoa.
ally kllpt )'IU'dl. RELAX In 3
bedroom 2 ti.th NrrPCJrt
Beach ...,.anent wttb pi-
vate s-tfo.
293 E. 1 T'dl St.
.. .
t ·aaxaoa et·aa·a·anssuae rsnsrs sesctas ·r r ·•··· ................ ~ ..... ~ ............ _. ........
I ..
. .. •
I . , ,
. I
L •
I. •
5 ..
i ..
NOIJlll irot IAL1 · ns ··" . 1t1NTAL1 ....,.. HNTAL1 f . . 6-LY fl.LOT 2J ; ......................... .-lill..-tss&EiaV1·~c~E~o~aiu:=:..ct=oa=-=-v~J011~..-ro1~1MP...-.-rc-o-v-ME_:!Nf~
!•C ~ ~ 11ll ...._ Unfwu.,. ~ "'"'..._. '
nil 11111'111 .... .._. aass CMw4111Mlr * * * * *. * C1c l1edln 6m ~ IOOM ADOITIQNS ~ W~ Min 7200 ':..:.-._.~ IADIONT SPAC. Ill> Bleh. New kit· iiiiiiiiilil-miiii --~ a ,_ ... -. 1W.BQ6 Ill.AND cben, N~ • .. ,
• 2 ~ ............ Nltt 4 BR. J ... erpG, a.., &ellt. ~-....,..,. ........ ==··~= ~ ......... , .. l~~-='to~2J:. -=:m:.~ 1Uf1~mo. Huntf,.._lwh 4400 :~.~~,_ :=.:::e:a::_
1GW ' •, I 'II. ...,... ;:;;,; ......... M.d9 ~ * ~ Bdrm ~ adulta anlY • ~ 6 t ..U, .... Call Doe ST-G380 BIJ ·--.wee .... $'10 per mo. tae ••Mm At't .. Cit ep,cur C'QRllfER WEST
... ... •1530 T0WNH0UD S • ~ t BL SlT 8d1 Apt., A.. JIB. $f' -.SW MJNST.Elt .AVE .l COSTA.
.... ..u...... Sl6cDo. All .. ~ Ind • ._.... ._.. ODS FR.Ji ft Jufy lat MDA rr. * 49M619 _..ftll'""'"'• WubeN1r7tr.1 ~· WW-Dl:LUXE 2 BIL .2 ~ tt111: JllOl IALI · 1fl0 Qlfli Dl'tl*. "'°'1 C&ll col. .Jr n.w> NEWI 2 a.-; 2 Ba q.t. c1rp1, .. ~ "" '200 Wheddy1 W1ftft .......... o.tt
la:t <m> !t'"f?M ""· * LmurJ ~·-~ 91.\ S'I CIAL CLAISlfllCATION POtl
JI &Pa si~22 2 STORY, a BR ·• ~. 21SZl w~ Dr. a.em AAlltl Ollb'~ pm. 2131 ACRES NATURAL IOIN SWAPPllS
K.-•.eqo cub. w.r beach, acldtdtMI rum• <at end llnet/!o. Lqml) l20 Cent.tr St. * 646-3124 One Ml.la North $pedal llaM
!!_~~ CM.~ Pill. m ., pado, 1P yan1, * '°'•iooldDI AJtlo a.di --· -Um ..... llnr Front.ge S llnet -S ti"* -5 Mcb
_.. ' -crptedor , ....'., ~~ .... $215 RENTALS. Newport IHq. 5"0 11 iw. -Rolebura 00 •u~ -AO ¥Un IMQ.UM • H• Ill ............ ,,_ -_ __, .. _ • ....... "" ...... .. ....... ~ .. -.. ., ... J 81> 1., """ .__ "" --Apta. U~-_ Wat~t _..,. on a.... p&ved 1'0fld. JOO() ac. seeded ,_YOU• ...... Mllll• ...,__ ....S ._ fl ... ftmp , • .., ~ -. ,..... ·-. .--...,_ _, to -.&-. and k ~~INO ~ W.• -!'MDU OIL'l'I ._... tie Shin 2005 lndlCP'a. a bib to belt, o.w I 900 2 BR~ Utll pd. ao pm P11-_._ .cree • PHONI 642.5671
• • $115. Wtr pt ~ -• Cpta, dql9, Illas, WtU I~ no ~ To Ptaco Your Tr......t--'a P1-..n...... a...1
..... ~ tD ..... home. All ~'15 mo Vt'11 I -exqept cairnl. Some be&Uti--I"----;:;n.., 1llQ-cyprea OWOONG S Bdrm • IM .. DIA 11 ' ,..; ame ~.':u ~ i BMlSO fill buOdlC · sites. Hedae WANT POWl!!R BOAT
1:18. IG-mS 2 batb1. DM:l Y*"2 with * ~ * a i at • a t ladation. ONLY fat all or part ol $15,000
patio. $1'5. -.15315 eve. OCCUPANCY i'OR IM. 2 BR. "NewJ.y dee! $S2.50 per left, 25% down, eqal~ .. newer, fully leu-
C:...W till Mw n.so l'OR. Lew. • f · idii'iiillt a -· r...... -... --6 _.._._ or ~. eel, Newport duplex. t.fhl. bltu, Neu beacb. n... u~. llaa.llfs _ .......... ....,... ._... Earl Wiiey ltall E1tat9
SOMlllEll BENTAL 3 •. $225 per mo. trM11'. HIV ._llUI ..... 1 blk to bcb. MWIUO !U'.m:2UJIG, OREGON mn;e.
2 Ba. l'abaJaua View ol . c:or...a .. Mlt S250 ' P. 0. h 1313 11W>E M' FIBERGI.S . a.w1 . 0cmn1..an Fount• v.,.., 3410 ..... Wlils Pb~ ~w~~·, ~-;:.
~ • ....._Ille ._ -AVAD..-'-Br 2n-et... -SAN JUAN ClP!STRANO cm.-oo,_--Cout _______ ... _s1 -~· • a. ~-· y JD * "'·i-• teet * 11+ ~ ~ the 0rteta Pl1nc •· ~~
,. -2 -"'--::: . ~ ~ ~~ II . """ 1191 ~ Hwy. Gm.S. ~. I Min. • --. -~ --. ...,..._.. ~,.... • GndlDc ilc Trlr Par\: or I Btis)' COIN • OPER. a eo111r 'IV, .. tD <ti1dMl ~ ~ ct. lit 6 New 2 la I BR I Ba Apfa AP.uma:tnl R-L* Burt W!-i.an. *Daya• Laandromat in Garden Jaoe la to July 11. $400. lut moan. nml:. 1f 5111-«ill Rd.al Mar· Mn-OuiateDler Spectuuler View MUnt or~. 5'&S-479Q. Grow, Mt $Gmo net In-
fl5.H 1 • 2117 Clnnemon Waterfnlntll.oc . Boat come. TRADE fat Reel E.
3 BR. 2 bL Huie IOUth pa.. S.nt1 Anl Helehh M30 5*11JM , • rrt-tm Sll119 Aftllabl9 5 ~~,=-~~'oos~ tate ar TD'a. 6'4-1159.
tio. Nr belt bcb. Summer 3 BR. Le lt'r rm, End.yard. 2 BR · 2 8d> Al*· Lakee," $UOl)/acre, 20% WILL tnde equity in 24•
ar Te a .r-o.mer-. Eve-Qildnl a: pet OK. ~ tDcl f Allilll)Y lat 1 1 LEASE • ar BUY dn. 117..0 after 6 p.m. Co l u m 'i a Challeagw, ~ uw. Anil now. 548-1249 'f'AllJll · Wft.Ul $315 J(o, Ir ap • $415,000 qp or week ..._ moeir bead life lines pul-e imo.Y 3 Br • 2 a.. 2525 Ocean BIYd .• ~ pit, .iu. '1nc1 ~
e kl. patio.'No dlUdren L1tun1 leach 3705 AJtAaTMINTS 673-1788 -tor further bdo lxchaft!l!e a. E. 62JO lites, 'la( Lido 14. c.u
t1 peta. Calf 6'15-5871 ---D22 llnta Ana Aft. a.-Trott. Mir· ~
--2 BR, View biluae, upper J BR Art. Malta Cllb' IXCw•ti.aGES -M-1nbattn--118di--.-l-B-R-, 2
Veadlln ..,... 2900 a Arch. ma V1ata c1e aa ~ !!. ~ ,...." C&t;allna.1150 .-J.eue. _ ~· ._v I 'hMIR•,...youhave !i, 1:,+ ~me!:;
1 LI..: ap * ' t1o 8 P11. ti. flor wbat ~ WUL a1H1 llf• la. For bollle ID ._ Bi!'Au. Mn s 1r -2 BL LA8UNA MACH •ru I.oc.1. Oii .,••• • ~ c.. <m) 563D.
..,,. I H1r1 • · ,.. n.s. .,.... =·~ °" me AdtD =• .. • TRADS • r--., 250cc.
' Bit's ·• ......_ Den Ra. m 1'l!llPLB lllLLS. OuiwMr tr.a __, Qt. 1 6 2 8R. ...... • u.rm. ~ II b C s.Ale .... A ......... \I
8em ,....., JllrJt. Bwmeat IENTAU -..._ tram S1!0 mo. ~ · l'rtv/P..SO. • Pwla "--f o. For • boat. IDOtGI' A trafllr
.,.;,,,_.. ~ " dp. &~ !Umllhed ,lloDtla to lfo, Aftilable _,._. • W IDlfll. JI 3::,~:: . .ua Ave. or oar wodb $tflO. 8G-321S.
SS.-fer ~ • Jaly k ..,.... 100 a.DT DR. tM-2441 bale Putt/Grwe. Cat Ad) KI ~ .bpi&. _,GO lit W'lllk of Comm1 bide, Oout Hwy,
Sept. ammtt' ~June. _ Goner1I 4000 ltlNTAU ~~~· ~ ... ~) WANT to trt!: Lovely 2 BR OIM. OaDDder other RE or Yo-RaDlltm AiitL· Unfurnished ~--ar • .,_ ..... , + guelt rm, l;eau yd, in N. TD'• fat all or part ol
C I... _. 1-1. & ' llffll MAI Holl,Vwood, w Laurel Can-$15,IXX> eqaity. Submit
I n-.-• C.. Clllte Miu 5100 HuntlNl!M Belch 1r..-yOcl Is ~ or: For: m..3822 or 50-0437. ~ =. ~ ~ -home In .-Bcli. CAI:.,,,,,,. --· ---TIJRN 6 ONJ'VRN •"' VW<rQUUU Want; J.nslewood or SO Bay . IO... ...... ISl Welt 19th a. c.11. IMMED•IA'TE 2 BDRMS,.1 aur, Duplex $22.~ -2 ...... "' acre Area, TD'a Inc or Horne.
BE1TED p O O L; PattiJ11 ""' Lilre ..... " Privacy, pool. e $11,51JO • 3 BR home Han; 95.000 1q ft Y-1
" t>ELUD1 ~2 Br OCCUPANCY Garaae· Avail Juoe 10 146-9666 A.pot 642-2221 A ~lex. CJI. All or
' GneD • r a cl l a D t belt • $115 to SJ.25. Call ~ pert. lL E. Watta '7'16-9910.
------..., .,_ flM1llUee ~ Mfttl&A .,.._111 ,__.. Jiil 2 ba. ,J001, petiol. BUSINISS MMI 15 lJNl'lS A•beim. &OOd * 101111D • 4 Bil, 2 BA. carpn eCc. Priced tram IOUIAIW llll'9AU. Mara K a I. 1111 Garflotld. FINANCIAL ~ Fl'eewa.Y a: ~ ~ bllr. .. V!ictoria. sreat $11.5-$1!0. H.B. Pvt St_ l B1k N off Pinc $38,000 9QUJty for
'litw! Oner ••• tM-ms See Mir· Apt. 5 w-om YOU CAI ,., G~ cu "1nt. 982-3994 au.. ~!!rtutaitl• _!300 . m. lot or ? Owner.
llENTALS HOLIDAY PLAZA 1, 2 ol 3 BR' .. Low rent! Oildc C1.n1 01at and Coffee-548-1521 m-3CMS
HotlM Unfurn...... DELUXE apecJous 1 BR., Mllltt 111:8E 19132 HIJlldacton A'/e, Apt B lbop ODmtllnatian. Still * Trade g Olmetery Lota
Funt. tr unfum. .,a. for lllUUUI; nuu; * 14T·'7fl2 * IJ'Owiil&I Plant area, 10 at PACD'lC VIEW
Genlrll iOQO adult ltvq. From $100. Sboppftl Center. Will MEMORIAL PARK tor Heated p 9•0 1, CU1)etfnc, New 2 6 UPl 2 ti. A~ Reftt1lt Wem.d 5990 any 1l&P«' or trade nt ........ ~'71m LOOKIN~ FOR d rape a, am.pie putdnc. 3117 Cinnamon --Alk b-'Jum or Loon. • 11165 PGmoaa. CM IG-5858 Rm111 lllt· ~ Cbrlat--n Bldi~·car. or store 11t ar • -637-• HAVE: Lacuna Dplx S8M A RENT AL 7 · . m.cm c :zme in 0oa1a Yea&! eq. Newport -eia for licht ~ $5MO, 5 units, FP WAin': Ha..U Ac>t or land
look no fortber1 )'or just c.t1 Mele 41 workabop. 850-1000 IQ ft $39,500. Dwn $4,IXX> 11' ac. HAVE: OaOdo Apt NB . ~u:!:U:::-..! i:: -suS CAsltAS ~6c IQ n. = Eut CM. Owner. 646-ll51 . w~ Y~tln.eooat oaad. ea OWN ttaf'Blt J-tladl ' SMAIL CA!'EINr -BEACH •1911S
, borne. ballt·lm.' w/• cal'-0-:..~a:,.~Badl. fant • ·81£ENS Rootnt fw ._ 5995 ~~ ~ = nw>E -'ri5 Old Coupe de
peting, fam:llr room. Don't •H• ......_ 11t '"u · 3 BI.Kl to bescb! Maid eerv-· ~FUD power. A·l coad!
belita» -call.tor cW.u.. e bik. :!~~). ..__ SlOO lee. (liq TV. $10 wk up. Bvs. W•nhd 63Q5 For: Transportation car + Act-MM1'1 • nvm G1 Ith St, BUdtiaPlo Bch. cmih. 642-3512 X25 Santa WATIRNONT MaJJ!JL>ft. ruBH la ROOM wl1dtcb ~ LOCAL b11slnes11M0 • Acct. L·Ana_,_c._M-____ _
Huntmctm Hartior. 3 BR HOl'POlNT UN1'URN it1 Bad>ekn bome/N~ 40 yrs old will lnflSt
3 bath • ),1rivate bolt ll1p • · CUW. IDcW) OOC No amoldftg. 5'>1348 $10.000 or mere for put-* . * *
included-$G5 -month. $17 10 W_.. • · nenbtp interest er outrisbt &r. Call M F11biaA • ... 1 11 2 BR J'mn/Unfurn REAL ISTATI purcbue of profitable le!V· e Studio • Bd qCa. S BR tJNl'URNlSHED ~.. tee .or mfg buaine11 ~
IC'l·Zlll •Ind UtDl'tr PbaDI ----• .,_, ~.'" .,:· Heated. Poola. .• OISJd Oare ' Onmce Co. Send plil"tbl~
Colfl Miu S100 e l'flW ca& a a.. ~ c.c.r, Adj.. to Shoppl:ac -Income Propor1y 6000 ;iJorax P-S68 c/o DaD,y
t/I' U>V!LY .s • Br. $16 2111 N..,.,n BMI. 2: ~Td':. W~at u1:: --;No~-;:M9n:: ... ~~m::io:nt:--1-=;;;:======
Db1e pr11e, QIU, Frpl. * NOW AVAILABLE SM.Gm New tn ....., 1boRttnc center Investment Oppor. 6310
Feoced. 241-Uth PL (oft Ddwce 2 BR 1llfDm, tile kit· s:a&.400 umual lnc:c:me. Al80 SELL tor cash 10 Iba.res ol ~ label). * M7-tll5 cbn A bath, bltinl, refril, Preltlp Addl'lll9 aYen1 a 1 n rte p-operties Hti Bea.ch Corp. at .$150
UNIQUE Bavt1l fer AduJta. cpb, dip. lldul .. , no pets. ••• ECODlll:Q1 R*9 wtth · lq tmn net lea.ta per &hire. 548.J9U
:a.Br. Gar. Lee ea&, cpta, See to appredata. Nsr Apt MAR'ftNlftUE• major teman1L Call Mark======:::::
Dip, Tropical .alnc· 1-'I. 147 E. 18th St., CM. T Sullivu Apt. M&-8'm or MoMy to Lo•n 6320
blk-Sbop&. im. -.mr 541-m.1. &AIDENS 675-mo
2 BR, drape.I, rqe, relrfs. LARGE :Z.BR. \ lAi'19 Barbel« Fara fl-. $1CJD up _Du_R_~_x_2_1_lt_M_c_h_ ~ rei>raietit several Jrun.
Gee, patio. 1 BabJ ()K, doletl, Cptl. Nr ·Shop's· 1 • uablnl , •••• , from t9S . N.r leech ltv.I. lenden who are oom-
Qalet area. $110. • 2589 Adults/No pets .. IJ I-JOU. 2 Br .nm ... : p sw Vecent. petittve tn rates and terma
Or-. 54M380. Ioq. l'mi ROCHESTER s Br, 2 a.. anfmD •• a«> aJ N ... ....,. won tor all types of Joana $SO.-'r,~GE 2. Br. GARAGE, 1 ~ fr1>lc, pe~" ~Ya • = ',..:.: Ba ~ . ~.tJO · ~ayne~ ~Call Mr. ~ qa, $115, Water-pd. l1m 8t t86-__,..., San~ • • 9' Rex L. Hodaee R.-lty BY APP'I': ~-'1151. Ana Ave. ago, 544-54m, Crtdoa9 ltvlas. oar P •ta. 147.2)25 f 15,000 " 21!BV. MAPLE. 67S-S313 ~ pr, putr-W. ~ . Avau.lle tor eoocl ht A
. 3 BR 1" lletb, de&n A new SPAC 1 BR. Oean! Quiet! tnundl• * 3 lhea on Ya-ac. $4440 2Dd TD loans, 1-3 years.
carpets. Dodlle prqe. V• ww q>ts, drpl, dee bltna, 11th & Santa .An•, C..t.l amual tnc. X1Dt inY8t.. s. Mr. Ad.a.ma, Bkr. 541-2337
cant. $1.16 mo. W. E . Lach-refr11. Nr rbcJP1 A fwy&. ~ ~ A. ff&U. While Elephantaf ~ RJtr.14&139'l8. 5600.2 aft S:JI A: wknds., $99 $39,500. * 548--72~ DJ.me· a • Lim
1 8R-HSE/SllALL YARD· 1 BR Is 2 BR roRN pr a: 2 ni bedroo TRlPLEX, 1 blk to bell, W. ANNOUNCEMENTS
1 BR-~ with pr-~· Adults. 68'1 w. Vlo-1Ya :thl, ca:::t..u=: ~·~land S'l.950 end NOTICES· ip, nr-Sbop's. Q a t e t. tm1a. CM. 548-Q38. ......._._ ~ G •
Idee!toreli1erJy. * 5f3..m> 1 BR, heated pool, no chil-WALLActAvE. ::Jls SEIL=· ~-or-~-=..,-1-0WNER.---111ovnd (Free Ada) 6400
2--BR. DUPLEX/BLTNS. clren, Ideal for bachelort. 208lD Wallace Ave.,..C.M. • Store 50lcl2'/Rear prk'g. P~Vic: 211t .l
C'.iMd prqe. Older pecll)le '85. 1993 Clll1l'cb 548-9633 (just iouth of Hamilton St.) • 2112 Harbor/CM. JE 4-'1561 tuatln/CM.
pref. $115 • mo. M&-m?. ~\es $95 lee l BR Nice-lem1•da Yfllage lusiMM Rentll 6060 ~-84UQ:---n ... -n-----~ BR, 2 ti.. l'ned Jd, pr-11 furn, Cloee to abp'g. --r vv•w G I a as ea. ~
°'1drn OK, nr IChla. $1.50 Laundry prdner. M$-2118 Spac 2 6 3 Br. 1Ya ba. . *FOR RENT*. DIESEL rima, Prescription, in caae
mo. 961 W. Wlllon 549-7341 'N.\SSAU Palma • .l t 2 er Opu, Drpe. 2 poola. repe!r aliop on Bay. SOme on Baltx.. flS.2644 owm Home. a.Ml SllO. furn Is unf. $1115. $140. Htd Hr ~~' • ecbll. equipmerit. A.lllo &bop OC' ol-BLUE Parakeet vlclnJty al
9m.aD dalld OK, DO pets. pool. 1T1 E 22ocl St. "2-3645. r ""'m $81.SC &e with bilbnY !tontqe. Paularino School s.4005.
192t Ambl*n Aft. ~ Mncl'· 2Zll CoUece apt #2 ~. ·
2 • BDRM UNJ'URN Newport Beach 4200 2 ,._~ l'rPc. ev-re, Retall Ster. or Office LMt
HOUSE ID COURT. "'ail"'ta, drapea, N e w 1 Y Promlnent location Bal-----
980 W. 17th St. DELUXE NEW WATER-painted and dee. ~ Broad-boa Ialand, ClO 1q, ft. LAD!D Longines Whi~ Gold
2 • BR. Gar. Patio, Quiet, l"'RONT~ Wee .. or Mq11th way. w.w. carpet. $100 per Wriltwatch -14 diamonds.
Secladed! Adults, 1 '· bllc to durlna Summer. Pvt-pier ' MESA NORTH APTS. mo. Bkr. 548-8636. Vtc: Kress atore In West-
Stlopa. $115. mo...... 11oat. SIPI 8. 9'13-4643 or 2 BR'a'$125 to $160 CORONA del MAR mlnater, Pet-Set·ln Food
NEWPORT Rfvlera. 4 BR (Ill) CR +OM& ALB<> FURN. ~ 1000 eq.rt. IDEAL LOCI On GianVCM. Reward. 966-2027
'l'owllboae tot mtHeue. Deluxe s.ytront 1 A: 2 BR ~ 2-BR / CPTS, DRPS Hwy tor Gitt, Art, or Men'• ELGIN Diamood wrlmratch.
2 • na. 5"-'1151, ~ Apt. SIPI 6+. mo to $250. BUll.T-INS. * $15. Shop. Prk'1. ~ Vic: Fuhion Sq or So.
21T F.drewater, (Comer ol ti'. CALL •1255 $15 ltodoc. Offt 0iut Plaza. Reward.
NllWDM't Hol..ltts 3210 Oaronado) 213:447-G4 $130 2 BR See to •Jlllftdate m n.t·St., Newport :ach. _642-3499 ______ _ ~ :C: OCEAN FRONT fiELUX SpotJeu. Privacy. Yard m.eet7 er f'15.fil525. MALE cat -Blk w/wblte
OR SeD 4 Br, 2 ti., optl, Bealrt furn 3 bl' apt. 2 ba. care no pets. 61M859. 1tomache & feet. Vic: Santa,
d:rpa, bltna. frpk, dble pr, Sundeck, vie-iv, BBQ, praae. * 2 Bdnr11 • m. Cpts Offlco ltent•I 6070 Ana ' 22nd/C.M. 548-1288
n:-IChla. Ytly. 548-530f Summer rent now. 642:.1787 drpe Near achool. ~ 'DfURS, Ccntact t..en.a. In
1 B1l Uni ffoule, Stow A 2 BR Apt. 'ii blk to ocean. OK. 54M484 or &Q.8774. Store '5x15'. 896 W 19th, CM, wb/red cue. W. 18th St.
Caraae. $110. Couple pref. Yrly be. $11» N ly deoonted Bed adjojna 270 family lS 1to11 _C.=M.===Re=w=ard=· =~==· =
Ph 548-0159 incl UtlJ. 673-0184. • ew O\lldmi OK 2 $99 ~room bld&· now under conat. SllO -, · · mo. Genco Ill~· 6'2..4422 Pwtonala 6tQ5
4240 • Ml-Si17 e 2-0FFIQ'S A.ail Gmd flr. -
Rl!DECt 213 BR. Neu 1bp'1 E. Cout Hwy/CdM. Rent 001W Deed mualc b due.
R.ENr or Liii 3 at, 2 BA J\lm. or unt\lm Townhtt. &: fwy, pvt S*tiol, suo. aep, or aa 1 unit. m-5848 lftCf THE APOLLO l£X..
matom buDt 0.. tX> echla-Beau E/11de. 2 BR, 1~ ba. 351 Vtcton.. 548-S23T ens. TE'l' -"Musto ID the
ta; mo. 673-&3 2310 Santi An.a. ~2191 ...,,...,, U'l:'DI'" .. ' SUITE. ~ Oub Mann•"· Call -========--:=======-JIUO NEW Lee 2 BR,, Q1ta, neon ._,. '-"'L Rody. ~5689. •
Coron1 def Mar 3250 Coron• del Mllr 4250 drpe, bltna, ~. wtr pd. Nr • Hunt. HU'bour. * 18141 * "PC. COMBO * ----Avail lat. 548-MC. 548-4601 Bolaa Ollca. (213) 430-S162 "
Coiy 2 BR f'11>lc, dJ1>s, 1 SR Block to ocean.bay $20 Move-in Allowance DANCE.5 * PRIVATE
waaber. atove, ~tr1r. Sl'5 ww cpll, pvt ~tlo, 1 •d· 2 BR bltna opta drPI lndustrlal ltental 6090 PARTIE.5 * 842-6045
per mo. 800 Heliotrope. ult. suo Leaff. 673-7829 ss· mo.. * ' 839-4470 • -----IS YOUR ~ IN ~·-2500' Spink. $200 mo. l'tEDT Someone wtD be Dall.J PllfA Want -.if Need a GarbenltancleT V• DliJL~ PILOT Nr fwya. 929 Ba.ker St. lookq for It. Dial ~
Aln11 a Go-OoJ nnd It with 1 want Id! Oalltfted Colta Men. Kl 9-2271 fM quick, efficient reautts.
, Spili Offed
* * * --------------
end NOTICES BusiMIS s.r.b
Porsonllt 6405 MmlANICAL Eblineerinl -FREE COURSE ln Drafting, Toollllg, Pa
loslc . Sec11~1drfp, • SC>-ml •
<Power or Sail) O:JDdocted Carpentwlftl
by 'Balboa Power 8quadroa
fl United States Power REPAIRS * ALTERATIONS squadroOI. Next count · CABINEl'S. ~ abe job.
June 12th at Newpart Har-23 yrs exper. 5tU113
bor Yacht Club. 'I P.M. NO JOB TOO SMALL{
COUPLE, late twenties, types repa1ra. Add • re-
would like to CDMt other model. Reuonable. 96U3'll
couple• for perti•, danclnc. * nRS'I' -RATE Carpentry • etc. Write P. (). Box BH, Alt2ntiam • ~. b/jna. Westminste.r. Cant. Formica. Reu 6tM1513.
LOSE weiibt aafel1 with Repairs • ~. Dex-a-diet tablets Only 98c New CIODltruction or • J d, at TURNER DRU~~ large or amaD. ~
Newport Beach * 548-1153 DOOR A WINDOW Serv1ee SHARP divorcee wmits to Ex,ert Oii S'nKX doon"; meet lherp man 41).lsb. hardware and glaa.117.-is Write Box M:.s!IS Dally Pi-
lot. c.m.nt, Concret~· 6'00 * AL 0 NE! Meet' single
adults. Oranp CoaDt1 : Box CEMENT wort. all tnes. No
324.T Fullerton. • Tl6-30lll job tDo 1111aD. Free esttm.
CHARTER Golf lleiqberlhip H. S'IVJUCK 5CMl15
avail. 1rviDe c.t. ()III')' Club BLOCK wan. I All types.
PO Box 1427/NB. Brick • woril, Patio roofs, Oiocret2 ... .,., 636-4257.
AnnoUn~ 6410 Child CIN COAST HEAL TH CLUI 6610
Saune-StMlft-M1•111 VACANCY. UC HOME.
by four expedenced atria Ace U , Hat hmcbes, Na,i..
Moo. dlnl Frt. 10 .... pm a.ta Y.... * M54l52
Sat. A ~ 10 am-f pm Cl.A VIS Monte.art Sctiooll
ll2 & 1'th all Newport Blvd. Min. age ~. 7~:30. 1525
C.M. 642-5090 N. Santa Ana, CM. 646-3706 -.. -
Tr•vtl 6435 Contractors 6620 -:..eavtng for K"anlaa City
June 9th, with '66 Dodge fta'nocle1 Mlle .. • • • • • • • •
pickup. Share dri.tnc, Room Addldcm • • • • • •
wUJ bauJ amall load. Alteratiam .......
546-4900 after I PM Frank J. McKean
qaaJ.lt1 wortanansbi•
~~trfnt S.rvlcie 6505 u ~lut. ......
Antwerlnt S.rvlcie e.:=::. K"P •.•
on your phone CUSTOM MILLING
24 Hour lenlee COSTA MESA LUMBER
CALL Ml "8000 No Dn PJmt. MI M9Cll
S.byslHlnt ·'550 Concrete. T.D. Ericbon
U. Olotr. Oy/"e 642-44.11
5 d1y1 week. * Brookhul'lt !Wnodel~ -Lie. Cantr.
le Adams/HB. * 962-2272 DON ltAWE 642-1246
BABYSITI'lNC-MY HOME Addltionll * Re~llng
O>rona del Mar arM Fred ff, ,Gf!rwlck -Uc.
673-<QIS 67U04.1 * 56-21.70
Itek Illy 3240 lade S.y __ __.. ____ _
E. c. ftANDN MHl38 ·sleet
c.r,.t-~ 6626
C.ARPET ~ ._. .... ~~
FreeFA ....... sn.-.
HAULING. gm1 Jani cJeaa.
up. Trea. abralla, tyY abap-
ed or remoorecl Bed-weed-
ille or lpra1iac. Rototillinc.
nl('\ won. "'4121 •
Rernodollng, Kitchens
CABnq:I'S ~ or rd'.inisb
Yo'll'S SUIO _,. Don't pey
$100 lo $1000. rt. est.
D Is W * 5Cl..8fl6
......... tD do 111:)'
out -...... fam1. lllr witll .. e D • aJJow-
mce ud .........
'1teqaires t '° 1 ,_..
~cm t u rre t
Ted -T ec~1ici11s
11mt ..... bowli!dp
" ~oalc and elect· ronlc: tmt aiecry: Cmldid-
... ...., MVe CClllllietld
tedmk!al tnda 8dMJOl ti
m::ieDt mflitnJ electraaict
ClOUl"ll!S bisti1Y deairable.
Radio Co.
324 w. w,,,.,..
S.nt• Ana, C.lff.
m.4600 ht. 2IO
AD ....._...aallealll
• mail ....... ..
__. ..... Ollar, a.I ....... ··-
Opp& badb to w o r It Iii
rap6dl7 sro-mc eompaa.
er f l r m. P1eulmt ~
......... mid aood work-tac ••• ..,. •••
l...al'l'Jll ~ ln Geo
den Grove bM put time
~fert ll*a. a.n, p l ea1ant wan.
Hoaa:a U :lO ........... No
~ necemar)'. Far
Job ....... , Lady 7020 --=------/ hblc Relattolls FAST • accurate t:ypioc
done in my borne mM etec.
Allo Mire stf!llOfttte foe
transcrtbing. 548-007 or
WD.L babygt your home
evenings Own lrallll. 0..
pendable, exp. ~
QUAL Exte. Sec. would Im
position In 111\All alfice
• N. 8. or C. M. aree. N 59'Z
DaJ]y Pllot.
., Sales
$400. per' month ... .., ~
+ cammillllan + mlo al-
lonnof. Woric lom1 -.
A&ea 25 to 35 ·pnfeued. ~·
ceUent career oppcalmltr.
C aJ l MR. BAl.JiJt al
IOYS 10-14
Good routll9! • Good JllQllll
Daywcn. All kinda. Lacuna • tG.f32l • ~~~ arw, ReUable. __ IO_YS_1_0_·-14--1
iWUSEKEEPING. Italian l.aaa-Bucbo So. Lquna Good roatles! • Good prollta!
cook. 64Ml37. DAH:Y PILOT
WANTED lroaiQg, SL 111 Ill'. e M2-C.m. e
in my home. Call u Hl&9 --..~~---STOCX a.ERK
Domestk He1 7035 Start MOO • mo. No erp«r
-----"-'---nee:. S • ~ week. Write UVE INS qe ' Qualiflcalicn tO PO
Employer ~ ff.a Box • 145, * a.ta Mesa.
George Byland Agency YACH'I' MllesiMn wanted.
106-B & 16th S.A. 5U.(ll!l) Power boat.a. New A brok·
CHINESE A: British Uve-ins
~ Agmcy. 673-5630
rrare· Send resume to em
M 596 Daily Pilot.
\ .
I .
lacttelon ....... In MOUntlftl. Twe
Y'Mrl KCOUntfng experience In· mechaft.
ecciounts payable voucher, fournal entry
end flMnclal .. ,.....,., ,......,atton
with ,....... tdledu~ and State s.iel
Ind Property TIX Reports. ..
c~ or" send resume including salary hiatory to:
(714) MfS.8030
3333 Harlaor ~ a.t41 MeM, CaJlf.
Operitor ·
Minhm.mi 8 yem ENGINEER
offset press expel'•
ience on the Fair·
child·Davidlon 500
& 700 prmes, Rof>. ertsoil cimen, and
Bindery equipment
3333 Harbor ltvd.
e . SALES •-
BecaWlf cA demml oppcr-
located in • llW building m Irvin e near 1be
Univmit;v ol C,Uhnta.
We have ail cpalnc tor
an amblt1ooa ~ .....,
neer 1lo work m tpedals ·
~· amod•ted.
wMh proprietaJ7 electron-
ic Jmtn•t••"'b .a .. dliittaI Volt meters, data
ampl&n • llDaD d at a
acqulattloD ljStfml.
To ~. yoq ahoald
ban at i..t • Berhel«r'•
--jn~-...._ sDct a•veral ,... ............
niereW p'Odal:l ~
·lllf!llt. . , .
-Wntty DOW avaBabJe flt ,
Sales. The belt ~ _, labont...._, Inc. ~~~ ~~ 1401 11 C!i~llfornDrive11 Ing Contraotinc firm. We rv M, -need men now. No ellP'1"-J)&Jlal Oppal'tuDity EmPofer
fence neceaar;y, we tram --------H YOU are 1'DUIJe tD worlr..
for a IUccellla1 future bl
management, 1Ve .ant JOU! -* 001: m 82Mll1 far a penmal appointment today.
Excellent comm1Mlon and ln-
auranoe pn>gratn. I d e a 1
1t'Oridna cmdltiom.
• Bonder
• C1rpelller
• Assembler
I .Jllillton,_.....a
·o.ys '42.2400 .
..... 546G1' ... .... 1' ....... --QUI ~AGlllCr .... lllll. ~ WA'l'IDNI air ID •. Greet pallUc ~ • ..,.
au.I. OR APPL'!' ...............
c:.ta Miu
146IOIO 1644 Whlltle1 .. ., ·~ RaD7 aoacl job
· . · . Coda Mell I h .l'Mlly aood caL A1UlllC
M .eqult oppoetanltJ . ~ ~ •. $llO
emploJer .• FantUtic oppty, 11drl *· ,IESEA~
llblUty to c:iompo.e Oft )et,.
ten. SH not a mu.st. • <DtPOR.AnON
PBX = ,~; .. $3llO Mlsslle Sysl•
Uvdy -chaUl!r, quick mind DIVISION :w.: ::n. spot with U.S. attJeDlhlp ~
CALL Trilb Aa Equal OpportualtJ
SECY 1tecpt , •••••••••• S4110t-"'...,---~-----
Pencmable woman, · deal
with cllimta. Accnt exp. EXPDUENcm., l ·
Uberal benefita. .
.Electrical · ..
RECEPl'IONlS'l' • • • • • • $31$ HJth tchool gnclu-VarietJ po11tiGD. Cell · ofc a.tband and 1YPiD1 lldl1I
ate. Three yean •· ctutMs, for pnonable pl. reqalred. Prior bank a-_pedence-ln ~ .Jlke9_~___:. --~ pnfened. -
cal lnspectiOn ... CALL 1'rWI ,
quence pt.nnlng .8TBNO 1'Jlillt ...... to S395 UNITED CALIFORNIA
and checkfnt to I~ Venl!ltDe, liYel7 Job for u BANK .,,.~~tnepec-~~pl. PrilM ~ 4525 MlcArthur ltvd. ..... M.wiprtrtt/... . CatM-. • . ..... port 9Nda dflatlOn ........ cw. ~ -5.M).4424
tion and electronlc 667424
1111m111y IMtft•" mr w~ .. or .• N.S. An equaJ ewortunib'
c1et1ntt1on ,.. .,.. ·Newport • · ~ "
pllance with tpeel-Penonnef Agency Applican~ comldered m
fie l9lt preciWur... merit reprcDw ol race,
Company P1yt F• reUPia1 creed, ealar, na-
Euc Sec_y _. '\:._.; ht $525 tiona1 ori11D fll' ancestry.
Private ~. u/40. Secy, N.1 •.... te $5001-NCft--~-..---Nl-C-·~
SH 90, u/3o. ~
Jr Secy .. , • . . . • $400 0 ran1 e OudY• f.utett
SH 80. art 1n*lc· ~.-• £""'1 needa
Receptionist ..... $340 ~-= workiDI Customer Serw. t. P75 .__. Nol~ 3100~ Fee-relmlloned • . UVUIC OI' """ ' •-.no
Ad. Secy ( .... m) to $500 3200 er dml1at equipment.
A Hean Palcl F• Prefer ~ with at ,.~-pp• . lt.-W Jeut ~ ~· ~· vwn Ofc,1P.lt.. .. to ~,5 Must have llCCQJ'aC>' and
DIVISION Accountant . . . to $700 l(leed. MllD.1 campany bene-u.s a . CPA experience. . lft.a auch u Pld4 vacations,
Mim1e Sytems
~ ~ Engr Exec Secy to $520 sick leave, paid sroup tn-
Enrployer Secy Bkkpr ...•• ·. $450 111.r&Dtt, ,w:reclµ unkln, etc. --.,No,.,..t¥W--H-1:.......,1.____ Clerk Typists .•. , $377 Salary COlllJIMlllQrate with I.. U/ 45. type .. experience and ability. Send
YOONG MEN U.25 AJP Clerk . . . . to $390 tirest1mtoe « complete appllc&. Interested in good Mure in on :
retail and ~-LAz· 3870 Pet"IOllDtl Manacer, Train In cmtract proct9-V"'ti • DAILY PILOT,
q c.wtomer leJ'Vb. 133 Dover Drlw, N.9. P,O.. Box 1.580
ALSO S Costa )(aa, Clall. ma
Alk ~Manager
642-09.1 i--
• Professleul
~ opmino in stoct CREINED
\..-Room .\ Delivery. Med trall9Criber NB to S600
CALL 534-0522 Sales decor exp. ~· to $400 Rill OIAl6E
D•y & Night Shifts
• 8-11 I: 3-6
Monday through Friday
• Painter
SAT., MON. A 'I'UE& ONLY Ins Cleric 25--1>, LB.
PBX Recep, ~ •• to $43.1·
Full ti!De, C1Ver 18.
Apply 1().2
154 E. 17th ST.
oos:t'A MESA
File/Order Ok, u/25 $.13Q
Clerk Typist, Pm''1> to MOO Expe~cied Payables,
Legal Secy. NQ « SA 'loiM! R a.. L.1~ 11 h t Secy &OOd lkil1a ece,.,,.•-, t
H. 's .. '"··· .. :" to U4B ·Trial Balance. A,.
CUst. Serv. Ok. u~ 25 • 35. Permanent.
SA iL'" ........... " $4.10 Start $400. plus.
Vaul1 lJl·elJer, ·
exper., NB •••••••• open Marine Corp.
ACCOUNTANTS -COSTA MESA •Marine Carpenter• 540-3440 e Flberglw
Stenographtt, u/35, Clll $.185
Prod 1'YPist. u/30, .BA $3.10
Girl Fiid~:PBX • • • • $350
For management company In Limlnetors
Laguna Hills. Progress 00 • Marine Mechanic degree required. S a 1 a r y ·u. F L.. _. commensurate to experi· *Help Wanted*• ·nwrine f.,.r •• au
ence with data processing Mold Makers
Screened Penonnel Acenc1
901 Dover Dr., Newport Bch.
lmeedlett prrn A 2
emploj_,.e • ,Mewpart
.... lar ..., ..... opea-
. IDI Sept siM1 UllL
~~beaefhail.llCi.,.,,, ......,,.
clllcoaDt, 'he lnlllruce
• ltoct .... pl& ,,..__.........,
,.,....1nctutl,..11ry ,....,.. ......... ...............
.... 'lroadway's s.mc. .....
. 3llO N. Ml1ileft lf.d..
Alt ·.,qoai '"f.;...;.:
Pretw ........ two
JWI ~~· Qaal. Janalllc ,. •• -d'
c:el1mt '*'!Ill _,.... ·
PRO&UMtll . .. Qlll
............. _.. ................ .... , .. -~ tile .............
mrt· V.tcsz ' ii ....
--......... JD!; 'rt : J , ....... ....
...... , 7
. ~ ..
• I •• I I
. '
Elec1rt1ic' zr,.. I u -.
...... 's. 1 ~I 111 . : ·--·llfl, ....... _" ... .I ',.._ '•" • • .. . . . ~ ·~ ·-• 4'"1 ... aee -EDamiCED"' ...,. Ow a ldlDal. c I •E 'I ....... .. •
.tUi• 11 a' ........ a. 1111' a-_, .. IFTS
~··• cl' · t Gnt-...... ...._ na ...
a.vallai.Je Ill'..._. sn.-.-.._. I"'•
91itie' 211. ...... ML c.11 ...... t:•-·· .. Maa-1'd.. ~ v.c...._,__ ....... ~ ..... .
... of f ' ...... ._.
mer Jlla •a .........
111tw .......... 1 a·
2'111 a.w. Olllla ... .
1111 N .......... Aa
Eqaa.1 GWCWlliwllJ a' iu
BB1CPR WW NB -.. ._ :'r~!-!r M. W. 7550
COllllS .
per ~· Otzillile _, '"' MON10V1A · cbMls a em-, , . • I ii a NIWl'OltT llAOf ~. 9l:ler:lc! ~ • • to flUO
..._,,. ....... --.. --Sl!Q, ~, •••• to $t'15 ---:.w • .... .-.la _. Oi_ 7 'Y ........... -........_ _...,,_ • N• •tacaert .... tD$B>
--E •! ,. .,.._.. """"-" to Pl; tpl'tj aa~ -~ .. ,_ ...... ..
Alt .,. .......... -------.r.ct. n.. ...... to $2br,
lar -ap!I' I * Sill ca, ml. bbd ; 4 tD $425
n.t: m.-. . -le111• ery RefQ> Clert .... .., $2.1• 11r.
LPsltt II I z' ii A..... 1---11 U51V-nL..1 -.pr..,._ t•r ..._. .... ·---·-· eUale. ....... cs. U:• ~ ~ MUG&
,, •• CllllllD a.a to i:• pa -.N
$US,.,.. + ........
...,,... c.11 59tm ...
Put time. Jdle. baan 1lo appt. .
Wilde. ~ Awa. GIRL RIDAY
Free traininc· Call ~ ,,.,,~ a81ce. 'l)Jils, fl,
lec:t 5!).6880 Jae. ,.,.... II n H I •s
.MEDICAL ASS'T. Excell eat ' WW J l1f
~. for . N8 t lirt tJ. Plwe c:a!Ur ..... 2
ftce. Imectlom, Uabt ...... c.u.i 8 . • 8a9lee
1n1urance A Phone, T o P m w. ~ a Be{ieze , 7 6 s.lillllPl sala1Y b-rtaht pt l'all o.ta .... -tlMm ..................
or Part Ume. MMOIO TEMPOIMY wJp A • 1ai
BARMAtds& ••• ornczw .... ~.._
••• 0040 DANCEttS Olle 1r1p • ... a.. • • Olli aJlli. ..,.,.. e $30l)..WEIX SALARY. '° ~ TOP PAY! NO. .._ 't AM. 11t J2 M.. e mE HUMDJNGEL l'E& 1*1+11twlllC t:~• BAR llAllJI tar PLU1B e .._«GT.mt ~~ GllL BEIR BAIL * Oii ~
WANTm • women to tll!IMI'· ~ E. ~ :":. Aa ~ Bts · sn.-r vile 2 teenqers att.emoam, •
12:30 to 5 for the summer-WOKAN/SEWING ED'l!:Bs 11•1 M1 4 W... 7sm
F.amlde, CM. can alter 5 l>DIGH WDm0W llWJD.
.Sch11ll IMtructlon 78
To Yoar ~
New "*ws Jane ~ ., ·JBM 1C.enaDeb
I Aldomatimt
" JBll Prc&nmmias . "1401 • ., '
" Seer*'1aJ..TJpe #PBX ~
11.T.J. Sc:hoola ant 'nil:
~ IChools tn ()r. -se ~ autlWt.wd to
-genttal leclg1!r. Seod re-Summer Employment Rlgb wages! awne to MR. OLSEN po APl>ly 173al Gramercy
Box 2130 Laguna Hi!h. . . ,,, COLLEGE MEN Place, Gardena, Calif.
'@'weekends. 6G35a Fat time. c..ea. ... Ne E11.S1•c•
Help W•nted, FULL awtGE BKl9ii = 3115 E. a-""71 N1c111mwt·
GIRLWomenf • OFFI7400CE HOJIESSES ~~ ~ 1r NI •, Plllt time ..... ~ .... • ~ n-~-
• train by the lame methods
med by IBM Corp.
CARRIER BOYS ,,, mGH SCHOOL GRADS 9"" COOK or DRS . 1,...1 .,.8,8 -.... ..-.... .,. ARJl1 tar ......... -.=__ ~.._.. Exper in Medical Ina form1. 01y & .• Nlfht Shifts ~ • vn.i_·u _a vnc. _ LAGUNA salREI mm, _ .. _ ~ ·AJI* M.Tele GOOD ROUTES "' TEACHERS Thorougtily e.xperienced all
Able to take Dictation ofl APPLY IN PERSON TELEPHONE GIRL '1J Ne. o-t. ~ YILLOW CAI CO. AVAILABLE areas better dlnnerhouae· HUNTINGTO~~CH No exper: .ne(esury Excellent opportunity! Dictaphone. W~~ Box M, ~11 AND :HI s.Ja.ry Work 4 hn per dQ, 4M-tiG. • -E. .. ·a.
DAILY Pn.uT . ALSO Apply in penon e 642-4321 • Perm Positions Avail 3801 E. Coeat HJghway
594. Dally Pit6t. Monday ttirougti FridaJ ~ wk. Apply after aooa .UOUSEKEP:Pnt. Jams ID o.ta .._ IUSINISS·SCHOOLS
• ~ AID~. expei;. • ~A '171_w.:_19111 St., QI. love a clri¥e 4 ... Miit FACTOtY HELP WTDI %100 No. Main
OPTOMETRIST. 0 r a n g e
, County Sal open. Partner-
&hop avaiJ. Not a comm'I
locat!OQ. Send resume to
Box M-597 c/o Daily Pilot,
elp Wtd for Camper Mfg.
Apply: Monarch Industries,
2Ul Placentia,
Costa Mesa
rnJectloo Molding • Sgle.
1346 Logan Ave. C.M.
Needs Garbenstani1e?
Find ft with a want ad!
Large lnt'I Company
.£orona de! Mar
enced. Park Udo eonvaie. '-E. lH • MANICURIST dliDdrm. Lift -. ... ~ -lit Ir w Sllift Suda Ana. Kl 1~.n cent Center. 466 Flaphtp "1' NEEDED BADLY. Verde.._, 1'11iam ~ O)NOU)N. ~.
Rd .. N.B. 642·~ NEWPO. RT BEACH • c;ALL an.om aft.et t pJIL • s... m E. ......... CALIFORNIA
COMMISSION BASIS for ScL--' of Uft-alrcraft, automotive, in-Join the Fullemtel SECRETARY h DENTAL AST wlda s..?a MalllllllUI , ..,..,..,.
dustrial .\ marine perftl. Eam $2 • $5 per hr, P/time. PART TIME Pbyaidanl clflce Elcper PBP t!Jltlr. a.: ._ <XJ0K ... ...._to f'fllll and '* ._ lormlns ~
:lll be hir.ln& 42 men fut! Unlimited potential far Local areas. Pb: 982:8472 Gen'I ot.nce . Wortt ln ~ helpful. 642-2898 aft 6 pm 1lo IGM C WUTa. DDS. ..,_ tt .,_ Mt. tD wis ~. Complete
part time ttb week. aggreuive ind.lvtlbll. sft 4 pm, Mn. Burbeck. NeWport a..cb Advertlaing WaJtrea, exp. food A drtl. ml ~ o..t flw7/0.. 0.<m:D SVN, APPLY: 1Ja1nbw ol aD aemtlal
CALL FOR 646-8961. MANlCURIST needed for Agency A Art Studio. Some e Salary A hours open e e HAIR S'rlUl'r e RAllllURGER HENRY lldDa, bllYldaa1 tmtnc-
PE'ROONAL INTERVIEW SERVICE STA • Saleam111 new beauty lllloo. With agency or Art experience l..quna Buch·~ DONEL O>lmJIUm.. 2l.lf PUCEN'nAIOI tioal.. * 537,2381 * Over 25/Exper. TunF·UPI· guar. Call 615-3420. ~pfu~. * • . 5411-728S EXPER teJepbooe IOlk!llm's mD HARBOR 8111/CX. <Pl.£ wta1 tr_. Ma p for Appf-434-5371
Top pay to rooci man. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED GIRL FRIDAY wtd to work In HB of&e. e 56-J.Jll e SUNNY ACRES llOTEL IDUCAnONAL vacation
Olevron S~. Adams l 8 to 12 noon. Mon .thru Fri. For ~Ing. Typist, $2.!JO per hr. Mult be &OOd· CARE for Girt T, 8117 t , mt 2311 Newpart a..t" CM. Jl'l'O~ 4th rndenHlJ>. Io-"
FRY COOK•EXPER ONLY. Magnolia/HB. $30. call 675-32.14 Filing, 'ftlepbone orders. 713: 435-419t home. 0.. 1r8lla. Call: SWIM INSTRUCTOltS dtv. tMtant leamtnr leslom.
GRAVEYARD SHIFT. SERVICE Sta. Help. Should INSTRUCTOR, attractive Salary commensurate with SEC'Y Pvt 11ehool ln QIM. Mn. Sadler, ~ -., AD 0r-.p QJanty WS1 Chllc:oet lO leuona Type
DOGHOUSE RESTAURANT know mechanics. North HB woman for make-up ln-eXperlen~. Thomas Dtstri· Bua.lneu exp req. Call btwn or 560'7• ewn1ap , Elqier. ~ MJ.lm Sehl 173 Del Mar,
562 W. 19th St .. C.M. area. Over 25. 897-4613 1tructlon, will train 893-0871. buting Co .. Inc., 54G-0720 8 l 9 am. 494-1227 W... !11pt t T Dlnlealm (BARGE m ~t!2:~~ belPI
;. • I ' • \
~ __ • .,.._,_~ ..... -..--........................................... ~ ............ ~ .... ~ ........................ 11111 .......................... 91!111 .... ~ ......... ,.... .......................... .a1
r: I
I -
I• l9 = • -)0
l'5 •
r '
-n .. ..
.._.,,Ml S, 1~7 DAILY PILOT 23
id.ta IM1r9dllft 7600 ~~AND TUDI • SALi AND ~I &ALI AND TRADE SallbNh 9010 Imported Autot 9600 tmpeited Aue. MOO U... Cwt £ 9'00 U... c.,. 9900
-MbllNI hllt. 112s Mllc.e11n11ue . '"°° FREE TO YOU ----· -
• 7 .... :Bw:siUC r-........ .. AURORA~-,11' jib ' SPEOAL WHIM) YOLKSWAGIN CADIL&.AC MUSTANG ~ AMP. * XLHT c<M>1 aoow. '7-:U ~ • all 1.1:.lUftN..LY m • r k • d =.· ~ cu~loa • ;-:; VW 1-, ~t':. U.. M9lws REPROCISSID
~ u Nm m. •·· a.-Dolallle '*"' tateca llild wti1t. Male Id~ ~der *"· moored tn ran 11ne. a.n, uurr IACIU· atter. a. Oltblliltu ta o.. ·15 Mmtus • eyt. llaDdard '-:IJF ~ k terludel ---. • • ~ _. weaned -front o1 1'i' Cari.be'. no ~ nCE. Pm. pty • .,.,_ ptet. s.s. • sentc. tram. RIH, ....., wt1b no f • •P Pliiw & Ql9*90 11• A(tliDp .ad frUt JU. ~~b~l~To Fttnanclo, Balboa· Phone 1!1-&L.-.....a.•I l92"55CM E\'ea. ~. ,. .. '"""' .. C ,.,.,._...._ .. , __ .. .a.....n . .0.14 mo. ilml-• . u-.. H , 81.to ...,._ "" ca-. ;..;,... ~call~'; U eveillnp. ~. • ,,.... ~lll'llil""11 ..__,......,.. ~-u-._, ...,.. ..,.. -:iF.;t ._.. L&Hd -·--··-.... -"' MEICAU'·llli -1 ,_,._ .... 1u11...,.,._w_ -,,., •. .,,..--... ~""·cau""·""""'
JllO•I . t ·~ ': 0...,.. = =,~= J'Rl:I: ._.ID rood tiw. U' s.11. Pd aodhed Nd-:..~ pl:de•= WE PAY . • • Nnpon Be-ell MHIG REPROCESSED
Jl"t......... ............. ONLY t.745 boll' ..... ....., .. • .. l1'f1 malts. 1 ,,., r. ~_'.a.~~ new~ wblels, flll1 carpeta, 011 CASH ~ Mmtuc v.a. amomat1c .~~ ~ 1"RD ..._ -Ult-. an _. be .W. ..._ 1 oaUco rmwe. t'1i ...,..IK\l ,_ new .........,_. temp p.uaa. 1 CHMOUT R/H, w+w trith no cub Ti'lilft ~ -.., ...., ftG SYO .... CIOlftl. Oloftnll ..-. Ill Pait ,..... Old flox.tta1ned, ca1J ated boamt atw gel-coat. 1r, ,,u.ooo mile warranty. down. '51M mo o.A.C dlr • .... ~·: ::iint IWIMONJ:> M., C.il. fll ..._ M. ~· ~ MU1lt Ptrt. a.It -:l =; Sale prfcH tbi. Wft~ Rl!PROC. ISSED ~vi.a. 5G-MIO
• ..... I • Ila ~4 ~ llAll ADQRA8L& 1oD1 $585. / onl.1· for \lied cUli • b'lldla jaat 'M ~ Nova. V... C ~G. ltick, wine
. a.A c~ -:a::=N~~ ::.T·.:.~ .. ':i")' ~ ~.!_em&Jeor .!i!!!!• 113-1* M3-93ll O.T.R. Suauled Retail call U1 '°J' fret elUm•te. ~.manual. w.-w. R/H. color, wire wheel&, 8 eyl. ~· ~· _...,..,.,, rlANQll .......... & --_,..,, VU"UI-UDO M -Barpin! $39m.05 &IOTH OIYIOlfl Rnl liba1'p wttlil DO cam 22000 mi. New tires a IALDWIN OltOANI ~ ~~ 6/6 Owned b1 !'.dpt Bergen'• Sale Price .......... smc.rr down MS.or mo a.Ac. dlr. ~-$11'25. *'-1'33 T.... ...... .,...._,~ -ti> be ....,_ ll6ddll'1 J,,.OVABU: btaltby ldttena, dausbllr ·'Candy' O.T.a. SW Prfoe •• 12826.56 Alk for s.ieia ~ Call Mr. Dni8, MJ.6'80 •86 llUBl'ANG couvt. Auto
mT .. = 7 a, ... u. a.t . ~ ...... Arc.~ bole trained. 7wlu, to aood :::... TC::S co~,~~!· Q.T.~~ Price...:. ·r.;,!!E·86 l82ll Bw:b BL, '54 CHEV. 8 eyJ. 0 r I I· tranl, p/a, 4 bbl, V-1 ....,
8ell ..U. ta a. W.t! u. _._W ~--llome. ~ ev,s l wk· ' • • -ve up '" • w HWJ"R ... _ Stach uphol A: Door mata aood Fnm1wa tlna. Very Sharp! .. _ ~ ..... Q.G .. , -• --. 1.Y found. M. ~ This Weekend --tires •• X1nt ccbs· ... ~. 1ISf -· •Ill · -.• WAJU>'I ~ S1'UD10 <i1.u lllop'r a.tr> C.K. .-. t /6 813-13", 543-93ll Call llfr. O.vla, 6U-5al dlr. KI t.mi 54l-I06l ..... $85. Call wea. 546-0111 ~-111 ma~ ..... c.JI. = 1'0iri'idtii'ri.i. M 0 t b er 19 000 'fi& MUSTANG 2 + 2 :rut-1 ....... ....., ant • 10W • r a U'' ClilMllt <Sbow cat) had kltteu -K...O. · · · $ ' I DESPEIA TE I UMd Cara 9900 '62 NOVA CONY. nm ar beck/289 ma. RAH, PIS,
SM -* PllMf ~ ..... -* IMcblMs alilo eemmt tooll. ....... hou.Mbroken. n_ ruu. l\AtJNG G~~43 I We Haw~ Waiting ! CAltltY OWN -~t have )'OUT 'hk9 Metallic Cold, Fawn. int. Jl1 N. i.-p,4,k 0.. ~· •• ... ...... DumJ1Y level with 30th St., Newp(lrt Beach. BY OWNER * WW Pl1 top dollar tor your c~&r•:rs OCallpm~\bf~.05. $1Tl5 .............. 5'8-1862 77'"2900 -.. -6 --~ ~ ........... _ '"''" 115 lJd9 14. "'"'""'"' _. .. .,... ..,. u-.-..U.G CO""' ..--. IDllcal9 llclllllla ~ ..-.. ~~ .. _. rvn&::I' __, ·~ Trlr and _.., •an~ wheel drive vehicle Tr--rt.tion C•rs . .... -voaAr" ...... ~---- ---,_. ..,,, IDtc'O 8-Di DARLING "Jill" I mo&. $10!l5. ar lllpoJ'tecl car. Call Cliff .,,.,, -;;...~MU• ........ ..._,_ 62 CHEV 2-dr. tqela. SS VI. GOOD CONDI
Tmf ~ .._.I.-. --_ aceord:ka ut be.-(~ ~ Lane Mh-k 1 t ten with ..._ at a.es "' 1 .... " • -• ..,_ ....... Wbt, btlc lnt. ~ CJlllf'Det' $1620. Call m.3t93
ti> ope wD ..... ..., W W 01m111. at tar.. ... Mam ltD-lbota, wdl Foster Rome * HOURLY RENTALS * L automata. IPOl1a ean, Beau oond $1.250. maaai ======-===I
Prielt a•:salll9L "" ,,..._. ~ .,..._ • deat> i. .._ ~ Jll'b SlSO. a IUlllJDer or permaoeet i1· ~ • Rhodes lt trucb • IP' .-er ~ aft s . OLDSMOllLI
IUllUDll' -'·-• .._ _. ---.. L (JU) ftt.18 LI a..mo Fun 1.aoe Bfll'Co., Balboa • A"5'nN fm': ~ !::: CJD 'fl5 ~air • Om, conver·
-DI Vtlt 1251 "· lt.s Amp PURE tnd Welmaruer, um AUSTIN Mild Mollll low wkly tenDI o.A.C. Ubl~. 180 HP, extru! Stzo. TOP DOLLAR THEATllCAL 7M T• , I -PW1Mle Ute JlllDt. wd 50 male. traloed. aood watcb Sp11d Ski ao.ts -~ mi, ·.c com. LoVW! COSTA· CAR co. 548-ml an. 6. nir I ll••"!~a,1..,, -• '1J5. ...... ::-, Needs 1arp )'1lf'd. can su'El llCt IOAT na. fD.5861 JB Hartior, CM. 142«4 ., CHEV 'STA • WAG wttb Late Model Uled c.n
MANAGll 111'.RC m EN· OllnlpWit 115 1" a.1aMed ~-Mere skis Open 1:31 to JO Daib' '113 -f.QC. $«50. * 5'5-38515 at
WIDll...,, tllmt tar , 150. '511'wd 115. Ml-3411. 4 Mc. Pllll.mixtutt, deWe lid rope, ~2 tanks: nae: AU$'11N HEALEY -See at: 2151 <DRVO/CM. UllYEISIJY
·Jtecmdlal Weft :M. • ...,,._.S. ~ homel. .54&-Mf8. 811 fJq new! $lld new $1Bll5. '1 CHEV Btl-Aire. Autn,
No ......... m.au . . Misc. w..... .. .PITS a LIVUTOCK Now • Sfiilr' M. Lockney. .. AH ~ AM/FM/MB Riff. llelt cover, belts. \I ftlUOBllf'
mMftlff rn IYa~ WO I, w·-"--6'().lMC, sa..sni Mlc:h x see Moo or '1'lls Good cond Slll6. 548-)G JUIWI ~':r"'~a~· • I a I AIW .357 MA~BVGER -. 1125 ir DORSETT ~HP Jot\D. 1·9 PM. n1 . 34th St., m . '11 Q,rvy Impala ~ Spt. .. ~ --,__.... .. Hartlar 81.., C'mta Yea EliiS-lllllS.-S Pref9.o' ni IDcb llurel but RARE puu PUPS IOIL Dee start + Trlr. mo '60 AH JOllO AM/l'M/MB Sedan. Fae air, R/H, P.. ~ ,.......,. IOOO I .... ............ wtD tab odlier. Re....,ble, Exedlent Championahlp l3'r1 Santlqo Dr., N.B. Mich X. See Sat or Sun 14 Except1onally Cea! 613-1932
·...;;;;..;..;.;....-----Call 5«)..lMt. afllr . T P.11. ' Baclliround • AllO StGd 642..0US. . P)f. m -ltth St., NB. '65 CHEVY U 2 • dr. Stick,
MODIL· HOME FREE TO YOU _!.. (213) Q>.598S * IMf Sit•. MMtl~n 9036 l!l.&T RAH, WSW, XUfT COND! 'SPANISH . ClllHUAHUA PUPS I AKC " • "" 173-'7880 after 4-.PM.
...... ... Cllat J'Clll 2 BentiM ~ ~ Jim. Rm. Baa. wtii~ Joac SLIP Wanted an Little Island c• ~-'53 CHEVY $50-
._. _II' .. .... ._ cme d till. 0. al .~cmta. 2 male/l lemale. Pd -11' Boal 2 wb June A 2 • fiat ity GOOD ttm. m"195I
el ._. ,.. .a ._ a. ft1t11 ao mt bani A Sbaw .-.. MMJ'll. wka Sept. Uttle Island
a.II Ill__.... fib. Al wlllte
llttala TW Y.w. llt TINY aaHUAHuA PUP-~ ..::=r· Davichc:e ftlli ' Aitalrftls
W t '" I,. yt _., lllXD ... LrwM1 1 ~ PDI. a.-. No ....,... • ==:;;:;====::::-• ...,.. _.. Ga:•• · · Celor 1Y'I ...... .._.,...._.,._ ...... ~ .._ ..,... L111111 9150 OW.1'1-+'•nat•~
Kiiis .. INdroaa a ea. No "'7 ...a c:b1111ra WHn'E ALASKAN SAMOYE Ml1la DeaJa in <>rap -........... room ' $6 MO. a2!m (Clpo. 8-dt) THOltQUGHBllED $30. F.. LEARN to a, In new air· Comity. aD~· 6'11&, ,..._ ~ GQOO Homl for lix moott. male, C%-yn. 64&-'1511 planel. Low nt~. Harbor l°"' Fln1neiD1 O.A.C
aD ~-... --No Depolit • Ftte Same. old flma1 ,.rt colHe ~ DALMATIAN AKC Aviation, lf~lark Air-C&rry Own Contract.. O.A.C. !-b~r~ =-~ ALL RENT ··· •~.:mt s. ·,.._ 10.aa. Shots. Good with port, H. e. 16~ COSTA CAR (0. ~ _. N-1•-' at . . • cu apply ti> purdlue. view Apt. B. S.A. cbiJdren. * 962-~--Mot •~ 9300 UH;.~~ bnt from the llG ONE 3 am: pape, abort hair, Mll'f. c 0 LL IE Sil Sable -~~ 1969 Barba( mvd. 6424874
GI w. 4111 a u 511.f'lD. Call llOW • • • mbced terrier, amaD bfted., male, 1 Tri female. ~ DUCATI 160 er. Near new Open 1:30 to 10 Da1ly
0,. .... A...... . 521•7555 2 ~. 1 strt. 96UU8. Aft· &el $l!O. * 962-oMl Mint ccmd1 In storage. Un.
tt ' p.m. . 115 ,,,,, $15·. GREAT DANE-dlr 400 nillet. ~ JAGUAR
l"OJtN1TURE J Jt00118 TV UMt> · tll 1 p.m. ADO R AtB LE klHleM, 2 PUPPIES. MUST SELLl MOVING'! MWT-SELL! --------
RllGOl.OLY BD'l" BUIU -maathl oJd. 1 'black and ,,,,, TERMS nail * m.ms '61 HONDA 45().CC. JACUA.R. 340. 1981 c:hrm
_, wtUU ma1e t srey female. DOB!lWAN PINSCHER-~ 1115. * 642· 7ll3 wtre w•ta. c speed +
SACllFICE 54S8S. .1/6 FDIALE * 1-YR. OLD. '15 W. Yanuiba 125 CC cwerdrift, ~ uphl. 6000 -----=----.,..,,-.,....,-' A 1 TOED t.w.. --.t ml. printe party. will cm-'83 RIVIERA, Sold, oriain-$1 t5 ~.,. -~ CAu. 5tMIN l.Gw naDeqe. Xlnt. $295. liftr late model car In a1 owner, lull power. $19915.
all kitbinl, 1 wb olil. AllO g POMiRAHiAN PUPS. 5631lf trade. fn4) 141"12! aft 5 or best ofter. Hust sell.
CARS ••• VANS ...
IEACH CITY ="' ru!.t!.'°: ~ wb old S toed. "2·1Bifs AKC/REG. * Deposit '6' HONDA 150. Good cond. pm. 646.Q34
W:.. .... ,,.._ tarp 14 U6l ~~ ~· ,:::' 2 DA.RUNG • Xl'ITENS, T accepted. * 98W463 ~~~tt~ii: mi. MERCEDES IENZ -,5...,,...2_!_u-~-k-/R-u-~-,-G~o-od...,..l CAMPERLAND ::,:-::c ~·;. OOLOR ~ wb. RcwWoba. ~ Henet IUO '6' HONDA tcMr. * Newty --------FACTORY DIRECT
5 bedroom. Rent a NEW &verbaultd. Reduced for BEEN TOLD DEALER FOtt OPEN pctt.. 5 u.. COl.OR TY<-f10 IM. 2 ~ ml1e ldttenl. I .Bliek. TH.I!' aaddle .iDOd n..~ -'-!! * 545-lr.94 ROAD IN ..,.... •ma ' pc ... yo Free indoor aatmna Botll ~/tiler atripet. t'Olldition. $100. 1072 Pall.ud-_...... --iais .-. ·.a. ct.ar, m-nw ~ . Rent cu fT5.34l11 ,~ et. s..ta Ana Hellhta. 1981 SuzuM Ktt ao cc. $225. n'S NOT ORANGE COUNTY
-lii.ps. 5 pc c1bMtt9-AD .-.to~ ~ BUJ KibeDS 1 wem. 11ary. Excellent eoodhkln. ~ STOP Hf TODAY
... ~~U au. NQW 9311 lndtmaplit st, H.B. ""' llUST SEIL! 1 • yr old •--. Tr__. ·-• AY AILAILE? . ,._. 532-1151 CID 531-'IMl 115 'ftlOBOUGJIBllED GELD-T_,_._.'91"_..;i;"=-------~-~ I , tTt4 Nep:' a.d., "'"'9· ING Pleuire Sbo 1967 (Ul:VV t aUMB -1 ca.<>JUANI> TV 2 DARLING black female . or w. '64 SANTA ~. ale.eps 5, 1111 I Ull'IP'Ul
B &Mlflfvl J .... J*llo. 1dttena half Slame9e .• 10 5'f.Gl8. XUfT caw? S1l96 ~~~==--=m.
mi 911" ..._roam ta.-Sp•rft.• a.. l500 wb. okl. 5041'19 8/5 TIANSPORTATION CALL 962--0l38 SPKIAl WITH
ble ... el&bt chalna. WANTED: SIR CAt wry om with ex-...-..... .. y--&...a... 9000
Seldl ......... -S.S. .:fiT MAGNUM RUGER peDlj9e tutlM Medi tipeo--_...... Ttvdcs 9500 COIL SPBllll!f ' llltlde wroQlltlt4rm'llre Pref« 1% incb barrel. 1*t ill &ome. TW T-5480. 6/8 AAA _........._____ KlftVJ ':;-~ ;.-:.=-wm lab other. R•IDM*· fllOVI?iG1 2 "' old Boxer New 196 7
2151 tl'ftle Aw. N.B. Call 541).1349 efta' '1 PJI ~~ ~ RINT-A-IOAT GMC 1/J.TOll -M.-B.Z-.-DJ-SE-.-Sold-new-Special ·Factory
N=-=~ ..,...._ l600 2Yr.oldFemaJeWirebalred ~·~ Handi-Van :::~~-t!'!i.~ Purchase
plane, CQllP. UOOND. POOL TAILIS Terrier tio IOOd ~. needl n rt Deep v 1'uily factory eqtupped Nilciertz. 61UG>. SEE THEM AT
16555 SUCH ILVO.
147-9631· 540-2660
COMO -------
io, beater, ~. · aacri-
fic.• J'Cll' $199 full prlct $25
Dn.. SU ~ O.A.C Dlr .
2l50 Harbor Blvd.. c II.
'65 Plymouth Fury Ill e Four-door Sedats. 81Ue e Powel' Stftrinc
• Aull>madc Tnnenlaion
• Power Brakes
•. Air Condltioninl
e Radio 1: 81.t1r
• 31,000 mDea and bl
lbGwi oom condtticln
•See at
D•lly Pilot
Employe parldnr lot.
330 West Bay Street
o.t.. Mea
or can ea.an and
uk for
.euame. Maucer'• omc..
O..Mea l9-
'Tor tbe tfDf9t leleetlm
~ botll New 6 Ulld Cln"
1960 ptymoutti ' door Sedan
Slant lix enifne. Low mne.
•· Auto • ndlo • Bee.ter. Excellent coadltion. $.B.
nr.,_. 1010 Dip M NEW A 0SD> rGtJm tD nm • ..,,._ •.11 • hp Me!'N'Y $2599 ~ FOR Sale: '56 Merceda Bem •
• scg.aa • 11967 11'UNIWICK p L_A_Y Fu L. . LOVABLE . t.up wheel trailer ·fll'jllfDURY BUI 190 SL moo. Mn. Fred IEACH cnv am. dill. ou, ....,. $275 VALUE roLORroL lllttms to rood Run-BY DAY OR WEEK .11 JD . Earet, m«m • '64 CORVAIR 4-SJ'D. PONTIAC
1matt. a.atiill &rem A NOW $239 bome. 54S-2nl-6~ 536-1611 CAMPERLAND •Monza mgine. New tires, -------• Pd broclllle l1Jftltd. XlDt lGO." miANC'ING FRISKY ldttma, male, fe-Hwy. 39 a Cont Hwy. 234 E. 17th St. MG •• Brakes $685. 540-4136
cand. • •••••• ....-. SICARD POOL mu. HOUlebroken. 545.ns nEE COOMJ: tn Costa MtM JAOORY DllKJ --IOY CARYll
POtmAC....-CUPET 1Jl(l5. NYLON, ms. Main. <>ranp, m.1992 __ 116 laslc S.•--I 548-7765 ·59 MGA!Xlnt ttres. ,Int. • CORVETTE
., Bwnt ar.nce. Oea! $80. * AUCftON * I CUl'E ~tttm. Save them (Power s.il) Cobtuct~ ., w. anted: 1957 tbru 1986 Top, Wire whee.la~ OPBI RO·" Malm 2125 BmtlQr BL, a.ta ._
""'I •..,. 'NEW! * 5tl8l will .a _, from h pound! 5fl.T965 b7 8~ f'otf9' Squldroa Plclcup. Mu.at be clean Uld valve job SJ50· AU UUllUl
llODERN iiOiK D'A U = Wtna1 a •tr7 818 al unttad ..._.Power n110D11ble. Prvt. Pb'· evea ~6555 BEACH ILVD
wtUI IM'lOW«i au& Alll:tlcm Ffta1 ., .... J Wilt Pw'll-. ldlblil. l blk Sqmidrtllll. Next CDUl'le -ICT·USS. RENAULT .
c0oD ..-? .... W-mdy's Auction ""' 6 wtst 1'lllir *ipe 5&62G. .1lme 12dl at N.wpon Ha--'51iO ]JI) Ford ~ tcm. Jt/11, •· HUNTINGTON llACH
.......... 1100 lellDI TGQ'I Bkfl· Klt'll J'REE tD JUQ. I ..a oldcrm 0.ilSTC • trw. Very good boclv· eond. bu 2 new tlNI. $360 --A-
'S'7CVEI1'E F/Back 300 hp, 1(1 6 4444 auto. PS, PB, AIR, PW,
AM/nl, 5,000 mL C09t Onlpl OlmtJ't I! ' ON
'511» Sell $m1. 54HIM Deellr • llollt -.......
'&5 CORVETl'E e e e ...,.
FAS'I'BMX. •• '-IPCI. ==,=,.= ··RD==a:I
$3350. * Call M8.2311 ...
IOl5'6 Napad" Kl.-1/8~adrtOab.1 PM. o/driw, newly reblt me 1962 REN.«JLT, Ilda. aood ... 7-9631 lt.e""~
~ ,;;,; 1'oak, AdtJtml ldUlna. 151T <bnp Aft. lJ' lri. ~ 8282 Dany Dr .. BB cub. See at ~Allldenanl.:======= UNT ~ Eleetrleal Tooll, a.ea!'-. 8CMZM. t/I aD slWed. maboc deck. ti' '56 FORD PICKUP Cemen. l30 W. 19th St, DODGI Rl,lltOCISSID I
!l"V'1 • 1llfrls • W a• la• t' Air O>mpi1eaon. =· Bllw. Healthy ~.new CIO'ler, "95 5~ ., REASONABLE. C.M. , CADILLAC '14 T-lltrd, factory m, foD
t>ryera. 1*1w ....... 0,. LOTS OJ' MJ£ _CHEAP! · •. RGQlebrobll I: lie> Evinrude nail Beaq .~CAIL 536-6813 ---•63 OOOG& $900. Call AD· ~ • .....,. Real •
b .. _.. n... sen-. S.S.S. Hewe Weened. 646-5273. 6/6 cond. Mutt be IMO-• •55 CHEV. % TON PICKUP SPRITE '60 CPE deVUle. Xlnt cand! dtta at 673-9848 before 3 ccmditlon. Lut weekend to
......._,....,. 1 _, ~. C.M. ~ BEAU. Kltteu A mother to M. Lockney $300. Good c.ond! ____ . Loaded! 644-0313 after T-pm pm or .ee at 931 w. 19th buy this one with no cub
UT7 ~ CJll. 5!flll. 5t8-3IH or 5«M2:11 =r~ home, FNe delivery. ~Uu, ~ * 847-3fll * 'S8 BUCEYE SF'iU'tl:ITOI> _or weekends. St., Apt 23, CM after 5pm. down. ~.93 mo. O.A.C cDr.
SAVE .. , ftD"IUG. i.n. MISC room she carpet 6/6 GLASPAR OUTBOARD Ir Tomeau. °'~wheels, '59 2-dr 62 leriea. LooU • =======;;::; _can __ Mr=·=-om. ___ . __ M>...,.·_sao_~·
Mewl 11 eu-tt. 11 o t tom bouaftt at bankrupt a&Je. ~trnl'UL kittens to rood n+' sJue,. oarloclll, peidded C.mpen 9520 $695. Xl.nt cond! 5SOOI runs aood· $42$. FALCON '61 T-BtRD. a.EAN. 1
treaer 1p Ice Buck«. Wlll cover averase room lloalt1. 541-17.11 !Mntnp. S'QDMla. new gel-coe.l new 673-2957 OWNER. neo ~ BE8T
Dlxe ~. $125. 12• .x 12•. $1 ·SS 111 Jd. . 815 2'.0la~, tow rfnl, $195, 5% WE NEED SUNBEAM '60 CJldillac, Cpe de vme 1962 FALCON Statton wap. OPTER. m.uc
55at All brand new. Al*> 3 well cared tor .tritte111, 4 hp Evinrude Anll. Beau YOUR OLD Low mile!I, SIDPr OW'IW'. Deluxe trim, auto. trana ..
WD>bDVOOD Stoft. De. 1951 11etrO, fair cond. mo. old. ""-to rood ~-~Cl M. Lockaey • •b ALPJl'lE. Wire' whls Excellent cond. 546-3025 radio, beater. Recently over· .
o.i. ... '1' ""'*' llllD-$115 ........ , homes. '42ae. "' m.uu. 54H311 CAMPER! I 2 ne..j Urea, as. . hauled engine. Must Sell By Shop Ten c.....,
....... -$'J5. OR s.-1 ATI'RAC 9' quilted blue-de-BEAtml'UL ~ 22' Centqry Rlvm, 110 HP -644-mlO CAMPER Jime tS. Call after 4:00
Jw. ll, u. 13, onq. slped coudi. fro. Heavy ldttat to aood laoine. Grey Marine. Sleeps 2 + WE HAVE BUYERS ON 545-1632 Lots At 0.Cel
tl'A111'0. GE WASHElt 2 • pc bm foam damio 531.f411 815 ~=llentBait :tion; ~ DUTY TO wiRK·:nON YOLKsWAGEN HEAD9UAR~ '6.1 FALCON RANCHO VI.
,,,,, .. ' makes 2 beds. needl dnD-<XX!KJlt,.PC)() 2 )'l'I. old. fl,950 °' Mab Off~. See at A Dl!AL WI YO ,· -wm~ -BIG ::.· RIH. ~ All Under One Roof
t1' GOOD Oaed! ~ illl· DMm -~ blebrb. N•• aood m4 Pacific Cout Hwy 1 llW (A~ _,
SEAM belt electric lr/'fl. ~ fenctq 300 ft. ~ SIT-Del, 54l-9352 ENGINEER 1: wife. botJa A • ~l'll'l!IJ
XJnt cordUoe! • 111 A 12' hilti '1r comp& 2 GREY r.aw. Jdttlnl 9 31 wlbuic aallinc Jmowt. Your VoDcswaaen or Porldlt DIS(IUIM'l'f -. *·Cal tD-JMS telllda oourt. ~ ...._ ~ wtia old ""1 Ml A IWftt • wan\ to crew~ NEW ARRIVALS 6 P9.1 to6 doU... Paid tor VUIUJ
541-'1241. • 5S91IT Sbr expehftt • """'· DAILY -DIR.CT or 1>0t. Call ~ Rounda-1
·" •• i .... ''~d-1"99 1120 PER8DOION area 1\111. nD ldttenl. 3 black 2 af.9446 FROM FACTORY 673-.1"1t0
SPECTACULAlt I • and 3 x 5 $!i0. Kine IRY· 701 Center· a., O>tta :Ii' RICHARDSON Cab l n REPROCESSED I
USED llAOllN'E SALE board $115. =-head.-...... ~ M21t crw.er. Oldie .but Goodie! * CAMPERS ,56 v.w. 2 door .edan deluxe e OPEN ROAD CAMPERS
2 • Stnser PGrtabln. fiHF Recetvu 1-.m MC c::;;· % SianeR ldtten. Ac>Pr' ·.Sl«JO. Sale~ S800. * VANS R/H, 4 apeed wttll no cash •MOTOR HOMES
SJJ• ea. Bendix Model Jt..am.A $tS. -.= 617 548-'1391 down. S2'1.00 mo. 0.A.C. dlr. • ~MOUNTS : a. lie,.. Pw111Wee. Olds Coronet GoM $35-·1-wu 11Sttena. era>'. 6-wb, ' Aux-lnboerd, Sleep. 2. Side _call M~_:_?avla, 642-6480. • CARS
tM.15 ,.. St6-351B • Mother cat. S»OD>. tie avail (Newport Beach) '* CHASSIS. ti' •62 vw SEDAN. $7915. •VANS! • Sl..JDE-INS 2 -o.olel UPii m i I Ftmale KJttma •w/Head • Showers. $1250. MOUNTS ,,, SUNROOF. WSW,
$9.tS •· OhSTEJUHG ~..'....) ..._after 5 5.14-%192 after 8 "'XLNT cond! 64f.1S48 S' Com ~ pc •. <Elil'Opemi a-_._ 11' OtrmOAR1>" I 35 ~ HP. --------• BUY YOUR CAMPER 1nte' fM"' l'r'f!e Mt, del. pi~. 115 t • CUDDl.Y JOTl'ENS to CONTRO~ TR A 1 L F; R * SPORTSMEN '&; VW. Uke new. Must 11C· FROM ~ ~~ Main, HB "Btl'Qy'' .,_ llDOd bame. la.ml E'IC $450. ' * ~ rmce. New tiret I:· radio.
So. O>ut...,...ll Center Dre<>RAroR T sofa, Sfl. KlTJ'ENS. 2 tafllea. 40 HP Atwat 12, Punt. $300 *MOTOR HOMES ~541.-2440 __ • __ FACTORY-TRAINED sm Bl'tltDI. CJf, Scbwlnn man'• bib, no. 982-n15 8/5 Call m.~ p 0 b . ., '65 JJ!'· UKE NEW! SPECIALISTS ~---'-• __._ Port TV, $15. ..... PUPPY SOCim: _ Poodle 5 ll.!il, Newport ~.' · ~OME IN AND Sii St8ndard. ONLY ~mJ.
'65 Falcon Coav. Wblte with
black top, V-8, auto, R/H,
., ....... Thla car is In excel-CAMPER' .aND
Jent condition. With no cash ~
down $44.25 mo. O.A.C. dJr.
Call Mr. Devia, 642-5480 YOU-LL FIND
'60 FALCON 2·DR. $350.
Stick, New tirea, Oirome EVERYTHING YOU'll
rinu. Chnter alien. Cood LOOKING FOR IN cond! Call 'Al' 548· 2282 ey..
WOOOTE '49 Foal 58,000 mi CAMPIRS WITH OUR
Ori!Ona~ Owner A Condltlon
S400 • • • • .. • •• • • • .. ~ml LAROI SELECTION
J' '54 FORD V8 f4ll. dr SEO~
-" Auto. Clten ! Good Rubber
,,,. S96. Call 5*.351&. STOP BY TODAY ~b, ~ ~ PHIL<X> COUJUER mo1, maJe. mQTT t/5 IS' nBEROLASS I 1nboarc! THIM TODAY AT .,, $1250. * CIU ~ ALL IN STOCK FOR
R ~ Oel• -11 Pwtable TV set. $10. • WK old male kitten. ~-.... n~. -HP M....: 11!.acH CITY * '65 vw VARIANT IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ·-MERCURY 14PCa1•1 # -· iu•---,._ ""-.-v ....,., _. '"~ ~ SUPER * flQNl AT No attec:hlntnla t.o bu,J -.,......,,. -•u •15 Cruller. $2200. 147·1676 · ••"""'
do llpq, em~. but. SURFBOARD Gordon A LONG·ffalrtd kittens 1 wk• DODGE GOOD~! * m.8012 BEACH CITY
ton bole, c1an1, .tc. 10 Year 9mlth 10'2" like new. $100. old. ISUT1S t/5 Satll»o.tts 9010 16555 BEACH BL VD. '62 vw Stmrnof.
,.rll panntft. Toan Cll m.-i nu:E kitteM to aood homes -HUNTINGTON BEACH wsw. rlldlo, S79S. DODGE
monthl.J terma for ts. or ANSA·PiiONE Ulld 2-moa. MUm att.r 5 615 ~· YAWL 19861J'Mk decka, 947-9631 540-.2660 672·~ Eve 5'loS5'1'i pe,y cuh· Allo JDa.ey odltt ~ 6 take 0~ Pl')'l:Mnta. p.m. 2 cabtnl, S1111 4. 5'7" Rnd-
Uled and nbullt ruchtnel SJS.1235 ewa CUDDLY Blade Kittens, 8 room. WiOO. * 962-Tm •&& Chev % Ton P.U. wttb
u low u $30. For he . A T ~I. 915-59'1'1 6/6 * 24' GLADIAI'OR * Camper. V8. Stirk R/H.
home demon.ttntlon, phclle JOIN ae •Wfn&WI '-the 538-0425 $1500 for ~ ownenblpi $19()(. or Beat Offer. 940
LA Hlll DAILY Pl1DI' WAJ'ff ADS! ntEE KJ'ITENS 6/6 &33-lO'll after 6 pm. DarttU, C.M. 646~
16555 BEACH IL VD •
M"S Beach tiou. ~. B!r-l"lt selection -vv! See the HUNTINGTON BEACH
DAil.Y Pnm' 0.autn.ed 147-9631 S-4()..26'0 MCtion NCN/!
. .
:;,.~o.9~':;~ 16555 BEACH ILVD.
R/H. $225. Priv Pty HUNTINGTON llACH . ~.
'64 MERC METEOa, 2·DR. 147-9631 540-26'0
HDTP. II • CYL. * $.900.
U M345 after 4 p.m.
OtARGE 11'
U• DAILY PU.OT a .. ufled
The l~ony in
U.S. Gihs
-To tke Arabs
For 11le U.S. lbere u--nuing Irony
lo whit ii ~' in the iDIJam.. ~Middle Eal
Nauer and lie other Arab war-
locks are ~ tbenuelves la v.,.. omoua emxiatkJn Md casttptMm ol
. Gm:
. ·~ .
~ ........................... ...
I &Ii ................ .... ,_..., ........ _, ... ...., ......
the U.S. They are ftuiomly bnndlH
lt 11 "imperialtJtic", the "eaemy, if ol ma, women anil ddICtrea ill hie
and "aqreuor," etc. No vitupfntion laada would have IUffered cl.ire
ls too banb, 110 vilification too a -bunc• and privattom.
treme. , . The mOlt vttrioUc Arab bmeflclary
Yet in the paat 15 years, th1J coon--bu received the IDOlt U.S. aid.
try baa poured clOle to fl biIUoa ii 81D01 -7 EDP*'1 ltlll'e t o t a 11
eoonomic aJd m Eapt, Syria, INq. mare IWI ft.JJ,nimaa. Of tis, t1m.2
Jordan end Lebmon. million .... beat In turplua food; tbe,
Of tit Jmp total, ll'OUDd '1.5 bll-remainder m Ioni-t.m. low-hltereat
lion wu hmded oat between 1981 and lo9Dt and cncUta fior factor lei and
UIS -In the Kennedy and Johnaon oCber proj~.
ldminiJtntioDI. ~
include only ~ b'oQ&h Juae It,
196S, the clo9e of ... last f»cl1 791r.
Figura Oil economJc-aid to tbele five
Arab countries In the earreat ~
year are unobWnlble. Effortl to iet
. this lof ormatlon tit tbe st.aie Deplrt..
ment and tlle Agency for Intecnation-
al Development, wbkh admlniaters
foreign aJd , was fruitless.
'1'ilE8E INCLVDB $30 m1mon for
a PDRr'· plant la ~. one ol whole
,._... ls to npjlJ tllcirldtJ for
NMllr'a hate -apew1q· and wr:mon-
lll'iar Cilat r.UO atltioa.
In mtmy Jmtanca ~ of
U.S. loaa ii in local cunency that
remalm lD Egypt Of the dollar loans,
Nauer ii mlW011s in default oti~
uled payments.
The SDviet UniOn's 'Sixtli Fleet~
Officials l'efuaed to produce the fi.
gures on the lfOUDd tbey an "ltlll
cla.uified. '' ·No expl.mation w11 given
for tbi.a secrecy. ~
Qf.Jne Dell'ly $2 biJ1ion in eccnomJc
aid to Egypt, Syria., 'Iraq, Jordan
and Lebanon, more 1iwlll ooH.11 wu
in surplua food -paid for with local
currency which remains tn these
countries. A llDall portion ii avlil-
able for U.S. diplomatic and '*-'
official expenditures there. But malt
of the currenclet are earmarked for
"development projects" in these OOUD·
SO, IN EFFECI'.. these surplus
grain and other food "sales" actually
were giveaways paid for by U.S. tax-
payers ..
Surplua food shipments to 'EIY]>t The Immediate threat ol the 1-f.
soared under Preaident .Kanedy. ing up ol the Soviet Union'• ...,al
In tU three years in office, they ~ forces iD the lledlten-enean ls pnb---
tilled •. , mlWon. In 1981 they ably men diplomatic than mllllarf.
jumped to ta.5 million &om '42.7 mil· Tbe RUIMD $ipl •• ~ JIO
lion uiJds ~ent Eiaenbows. In menace to our own. Sizth Pleet, 1'b
lJl&2 they again nue thlln doubi.d Its twe ($~ bee) aifttift
to 1~U milUoa. In 1"" they declin-curien, 68 , JDcludiDt Po.,_
ed 101De,... to J141.t million. subl, _, and 25,000 mea.
1be U.S.s.R. ace ue3 hM "8 IN ADDmON to tMDI NIIMI' reveraing • prevlOQI neglect ol naval
huge amount& ol IU?Plul food, the power. Fleet Admiral Sergei Gonb-
Kennedy Acltn1nistnttio al.lo 11'~ kov held ot the Soviet Navy, wroCe
eel a f17 million lon1-term, low-inter· " in .1Communlft Armed For.ces:" "In
est loen fOr the oooatructlon ol faclll· the put our ~ IDd naval avta-
'*·to store the ~ul 1Upplie. of ti.on hav~ operated primarily near oar
tram Nasser was geWn1 from the couta. .. Now ... we maat be ,_.
U.S. virtually for nothlng. pared through t>roed offensive opera-
J..agt year 1tle Senate Subcommittee tiona to deUvt!' cnllhinc etrikes agalDlt
oa Foreign Aid Expenditures diaclos-tea an<: p-oand tmgeta of the imper·
eel that Na11er bad 10k1 l;M't• q_uan-ialista on uy pobit of the world octa
titles of U.S. aurplua O'a1D to Coro· and adjacent t.ritories."
allei/ ~ tram ... the speed''"'
IOUDd for many times the Nllile ol sum met wblcb, o1 eoune. a.a be nuclec • tipped.
'l1fe ..., 'lie Soviet lblpt ... Com-
inl 1Dto the Medita a.nun 11 lilterelt. tni. From the daya of tbe ottoo)aJl
Empire. Turkey under Jt.s "anci~t .
rule" bu claimed and sometimes ex·
ercised oontrQl over pu•ge through
the Boaponaa and Dardanelles.
THE MONTRE\JX coaveotioa, lip.
eel in 1931 and attn in effect, paranteea
freecMn ol ft.nllt for merchant ve.-
sell bl timel ~f ,... md pe1a. Inter-. .. In f'ftlf!r'/ lnltance tbia aid saved
tnese countriea from grim food lhort-
. , ,Ages, and ~the Nme time pow ...
fully bulw•keCI their lhaky economies.
Without UU. U.S. food untold tbouaa.nda
muniat countries -in direct vtola-The fact beblnd the ·Admiral' I" die-. · · ... =-11~~:-sr.=: r~=~~~= Italian Driving ls All Bluff, HravaiJo
sufficient, ,.,.w.1;!fu!;1obile .. ,... ~ ; · · · , .
How to Address Lawmakers
Thomas H. Kuchel (R) a'hd Geoflt Murphy (R) -Senate Office Bldg.,
Washington, D. C. 20501. .
(Oruie C.uty Otiy)
~ RiGhard T. Hanoa (3Wl Dt.trict-D), 16116 W. Crescent Ave., Sutte 510,
• Anaheim; James B. Utt (35tb Dlatrlct-"R), 520 E. 4th Street; Tustin. During
Congressional sestioDt: Hanna, 1511 Longworth House Office Bldg.; Utt, 2346
Rayburn Houae Office Bldg., .Washington, D. C. ~15 •
John G. Schmitz (34tb Dlt~R), 520 East 4th Street, ~nd
Jamee E. WIJetmore (~ DilU'lct--R), 13131 Brookhunt St., Garden Grove.
During legil)aUve aession1: State Capitol, Sacramento, Calif. 96807.
Robert E. Bad.ham (7.llt Dktrict-R), 1649 WeatcWf Dr., Newport Beach
92660. Committees: Government Efficiency and Economy, Wat.er, and chair· 1 man. Public Utilities and Corporatlona. John V. Briggs (~ Dlstrlct-R), 711
N. Harbor Blvd., Suite A, Fullerton. Committees: Finance and Imurance.
lnduatrial Relations, Social WeUare. ~bert H. Burke (70th Dlstrict-R), 17732
JIMch Blvd., Huntington Beach. Committees: Elections and Reapporti()flJTlent,
MaDJdpal and County Government, and State Personnel and Veterana Affairs.
XenDeth Q)ry (69th Dlstrict-D) 1783 West Lincoln, SuJte G-t Anaheim. Com·
mJU,eea: Finance and Insurance. Revenue and Tuatjon, and vice-<:balnnan,
l:ducation. During legislative seaaiooa: State Capitol. Sacramento, callt. 95807.
' , ...
val be.le" -with le~ -ROME -You have to .-Italia t!da dtJ't M-.,., •
UIWllly located aot far from the ~ driv.. to believe ~; and, ~ 'n. &dertcan inOum k even
island oC Kithln, only a ahort steam-tbea it aeeD11 Ute a sequence from man tDClf'moal t.ba It 1'111 after 1llt
ing dl.ltance from troublespotl la aome old Mack Sennett comedy rou-'l1loqtl ' Jtid
Cyprus fnd Ile Middle E11t. -'\ 1 tine Jn ,tpeed-up motion. '.. . . ~egmled db emba1WDiilt, • ~ :-iadi, we are;:,,:.':.., ...S:
OUR OWN SWABBIES tn the Med-In their Utile toy CUI -~ symbol of defe.t Jn tit perpetqe1 ao-mare, md admired men tar Gm ma-
iterraneao often Joklnely refer to .,. tometine llke tbOee Dodiema in , tomotlve cold war. tidal wq of Ufe. 'ftle JteHen'a pu-.
Russlan force 11 the Soviet Sixth Fleet, American amuaementd>etb -which Wh8t ii aJ1o "'1rialni ID ttU mid . .._ "-"OUuta to bit MllnmobUe
but our·oommandera take it serious-have !11°" than doub1Q" lnliUmber tangle ol ~ -an1ell tDe ....._ mea. our own love affair wttb n.-
ly. Qipt. F. M. Murphy obi&tw: durinC the wt decade, Italtana have stands the JtaUan ie,npa ....... -1 .Wt MllD a Plllld ldq mdeld.
''()ooventlooll IUbmll'ines provtde cnated a tratftc and pwkin1 preblem · dmacter -ii that IO f-.r '1f a..
more than a nucent threat to t b e th Rome that ~-midtown Man-lboub, cunee, !multi and -......
powerful U.S. strike force. So do tbe battan or Cbioato 1 Loop teem like a inp,...end lo llCtual pbyalcal comW. .
Soviet surface abipl, some of wbicb pastoral landlOlpe.
c•n-v IW'face.to..urfaee cruiM-mt. . Like tbe cede daelle ol medieval ITAUANS TlllNK it crudely unctv--·~ days, tbere 11 a eode aatemotlv that lllzed -"blrbldo" -to -..ce ID
,----•• Geo,.,e
l>(ar George:
I beattat. to admit it, but tbe
new "~lea' styles fuclnate
me. Quite frankly I see nothiq
partlcuJorl)' wrong with top.
leas badtlng suita, topless go-10
girls, topless waitresses and fO
on. Should I see a psych1atrlat?
• JOE J .
Dear Joe J.:
You 're putting me on -who
evt!r heard of a topless 'tsycbl·
, \,
no stranger c.n hope to lNl'D without filttc:uffa, and aboQ.t tbe _., .., to n, (and aometimea piWul) tnatruc-provoke • llatlt ii to mallDe .. WU.
tton. Itallao drivers will not yield an mate Insult -tla, tlca ol -..--.
J.ncb, except to the imminent threat implJinl that the mu 11'4' coctold.
of brute force. They cut In front of Fiercely pollellive, Md jeaJoua Of
heavy -boles, slither aero.a the path their wives' ftdtlity. Italian m• wU1
of lumbering trucks, and retard pe-strike oa.1.J when tbat line la crund.
'destrians 11 to many movlnt targeu Speaking ol women, the ttemendoal
chalknlinl the ac~y of their alm. Jncrea1e ln •VlilabWty of the auto bu
also changed the habtb of u.Han tlrll
lince I was ll8't here. They are no
longer exclusively at borne wltti
their rMthera, U ln the put; MIJ\1
now drive their own cars, or tool
around 1n tbeU boy friends' can; and
the number of alng)e, Independent
youn1 women now to be teen unes-
corted in RooJe ii u.nprecedeaWNS In
YET, ALL IS BLUFF and bravado.
Autos don't collide nearly as often 11
-the frightened speotator Wlluld lmag·
lne, and tbe rate of pedestrian
deaths 11 no more alarming than any-
wllere else. The born it u.ed as an
inatrument pf terror; the brake ls
used ttrlctly for emerceadel, and ia
. . .. ( .
~ ,
• (
' (
p •
J3. _, ..
I ·~ ................. -.-...,...._.__. __ ....... ~ ... .._._ .... ~ .......... ~ .......... ~ .. ~----................ -. ...... ~~ .......... ~ ................................ .m. ... mlll!l..i .... ..