HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-01-20 - Newport Harbor Daily PilotOf THE WEEK I
89 5
l 1~f'd Car CentV •
1011 ~·1 1 . 1> p. 111. Sat.
1,1,1 Lilt" H1tti~-
llt1rn 'on t:Ct One of
I'• 1 Ill· \'HUL t;T El L'ami1111 V.f,
"' !1• JI•·•. powerglidt, II"'-
' ·, • ""~ 300 brak~ 1219
... •'<•H\ r·11·t:. r11d10 •.. beats
I 11 '"l''<!•"n -
"I 11Hl 1 t'.11il:1nf" 500 ~Yhllft",
or1.1t>I,. h • .rdtop, radio. hut·
l-H d0111•1la l uU pwr 11711
'".., r ••HI 1 l"nunrry Stodan, rildif,
'" '" 1 lp1Joni:111c power Iles-
~·"! /.,,,~,.~ St•
1·• nn 'lll·l \IHHO. fordo1111k ,
,,i,,, h~-.1t1•r, power 11~ !
1" ""'" 11111noc"Ulate ~
'"" \If tl• l !:' :'\lontcl.air ~
,, ,,,,.1,. 1~<110 .hfater. ml'tc:o.
n .•' hl,u~ "ll h 10'h1te lop A
!•• 1 l'I \ \1l!\ TH '.:'.>uburl>an wa;. .... ,J, l'l\\Pl\Tlt touf)l'll
• -' f'I \Ill!\ Tll :...11,1)·
"'"'' 1 ... 1,., h<·11lr r. aulomati.!',
•• ~· •• , '' •flj.' 110!IS
11" 11 • nd'! fl 11oy.
~, ''-.. :ior1 R#;or~
t "'o 1 • '' • ... ,.,t•' "'Jturr. t pa•
.,.,._.,., "•1m•11o,ornn -..·h lt e..
t "I \"'"'"'. t n11•-(l malic, r• '""A. ~ •.. •'• ",,,1,..11• 'fop C(ln·
r ''"" I.'"' , r f,~,, nffcr.
'oil . "'
HL" .. " .... 11.i
'" ,., 1•1rm•r r. l'\lll
r•·~· '"' 'ond1tmn. Tak.• r • qf, do,.·n SJ 1 II& week.
.,. \l ~nar'r rolltc-1,
n n ~·11r11
I ••I\ ,,; /'rrm1r r l"on•rrt1·
,~ I"'"'"· TJkr over for
~ ..... 11'.:llQ ... OJOl'k. C'tll
,..,. t \1~n •1.Pr NJ])e.c-1,
n•I<• • • • IJI
l• I II\ • •• hardtop. r .. d1u,
at.' ~ 111.rn~· • lrtru.ffil~IOO
"br~ "h ,,. ~1de "all•.
I '-' \~! f, ;;,;·, ~l\t1
l1 I II\ 1·• ·~ \I •nl•'' • 1"0
"1 .... ""~'
" r.1 ......... • 1. I .. , \ltll-
1•r 1 ""''' • H! rt\ •11111
r· I"-· 1, ro , I··~ "'4 dl lO'I
· :: ... er,
,,.. 11
" ..
Nl ~H
•• oJ < .. 01'1•
I\ I '" ""
'" ~
5'•> '''·I• I ·•
MOBILE llt!IO t"n rlMr.
tt111~ Ila.ho. hra1 cr SIJS.
Kl $--19:!9
IM1, • door Stt11on wa«-
adlo, lw•l.er, •utomalic.
lire., tood condition, will
ble. Liberty 1-Qlt.
ir.t J · d e • ,.. defin:•
He 1 ow whol.eull!'.
SEU fin. lran~tlMnl
. . hffik-r, .ulomJtk
"111 .... t'l'S. Hun'JI Pri-
7 Ml M'1ll
DJ::BAKJ :H \~ t'..50~oi°
, ... ···--... ·--·-···---:--... ....
r--,~ :"ffnf!.~-~~~-~"~~,rpjec .. >'
" ,Hiilitl•_.,. l~h Ceuple _, ... u., ..... .,._ ,_ -.., ~:, ~~ 4-tt folle91, See orticlo In ""•Y'f Woolton~or Mo1nlM~
• '
I ' 9.. . ;...• • -~ .. , . . ~· .=.· .... ~··. -_-:---·..... -... _.,., -r-.... ~·-~· ;•~jay_ MG-de Bal~-BOu...__
v.f.ren disc jeckey Al Potko, Leguno leach, once toQH • .. •c•
erM-.R, drew 6.,000 to,lelhoa'1 lentleavout l•llroom1 toyt Weekemler. . . . . . . -.,u Week's TV, Want Ads
' 1how, "Miami Undercov.,," is featured in W••k•nder Telnision
..... -~·-.
with "full week's log. Rea.d ma9azine'1 wont od1 for\ bttt bert4Hn1. Vol. 40, No.-15 5 Sections,
,; •· 60 P~ges Friday, Jonuory 20, 1961 l Oc
Kennedy Asks_ for Sqcrific;e from Nation
Bal Residents
Hit Skyscrqpers
Halbo.1 re:.1dcn1s -b v a four-to·one l:OUn l -a rc
oppc:'5ed lo :h e invasion nf ·n1ulti...s1nry ap11rtmrn1 h ou·~'.'>
and butldtngs In lhtir neighborhood or anyl'I here on the
pen1oi.ula ·
This ITilS rr11t>a!ecf 1n " l:anva.,s "' all µen 111 :-.ula r'.·~i
denls by rnen1 her.~ of !he Ralboa Pt'ninsula Point As•n
Cuban 'Bonds'
Raise Money
For Guerillas
nf 51 '""t
1(1 l/ran:r t '""'" 1tnd
1n lhr l nllrd \t1o1 .-, 1n a~ "''"•\
, .. 1 • ...-t r llur1 '" l~J ..... "'"""' r .. ,
" i;:ur r1ll>i ll l"ITI) nn" ""''~1111. 1n
l..1!1n An,..ri,an ct10ntNr~ ia !1ghl
l'"IMI l:""tro n. '"boodf" JlUaTlll1~ IN'llh.-r
lnl rrt.sl on monr" '"'"~rd 1n " / . I rm. ""!f 111<' r,lurn ol llw 1n
•r•1n .. n!
Th<•it •rrv apPf'.~ral"r R'"""
In~ ••M .> ,h,.,,p 1r Uo,. ull,r 1 j•A
I"" ,.,,.ild h11rdh '"'-r,.a,.,. 1hr
conhd1•n..r ~1/ 11\oo n1•r•1111 •I
thou~h p r • •(In• ~"ll•nR lflf'
'lwmt· .,.....m ,,.,,,., .. •n •hr11 rl
fol! In r,11"' hu-.1, 1n f<i,:hl llwo
C ,,1..,n 11trtll'I"'"
Thr h<·"'1~ dTr M< ~"" h" \ ""
c:11 .. 11i<d 1~ ..... 111,, t'hn>t•ana dr
I 11ha krK.>wn In hf< 1111 1nl•n•a·
'"'"~I lln!• C'f-.T1mun1•t ori;:llnt?alJ•lfl
IOfllt hf'~ h• ft l0<rnrr I ""'"
,.,.,.,\.,tl(lrlllry "ho h /IQ" i:rmn'!
1lw hon<l• 11rt hPonR t•irrulattd
llllmllril) by prr."'"1• -..ho J l Ollf'
1,,,.., 11Ctutlly loutht "'lh ~·1J1tl
t :.,tru, bul ,.Jui ljit-N ,..,,., l1nrr<I
lu Ott 10 tho~ <'011n!r~ -..1iw1 hr
1"•~1 f~li t uha la :--0• 1r1 r<Mm " ....
\ •f••~f''rna n f,,, 1hr nt~d"''·~
'"'" 11>t l uliion llt•mo1.11111r
• 11,.,1,~n \"irn1111~rd -"I>" ~·k
... ! not In "" 1drnt1!1nl. 'did ltw
f_,.,.1• cu11r~n11 .. 'Ill 1.-1.,111 1.,1
li>dl 'norwy pul min 1lwrn ,.,II hr
'"' 11 .......i .. n,.n • a•t•n • rn"'""
"• ol •"h" an<l"h" l"Trr.··<t·~
I "" d••fr,1h•J1
fin W fl'\"f"91' "Do' r.t ;hoo
!••r'lll• 10 ~"''h ., .. 1 .. 1 ... t
".,,, dlorl l"-''I"',..., '~•ho• •••e11n1 ----~'!'*-
Tht' feelu1g 01 hnnll' n11 n·
r1-~ is 1n ch rt•ct l·onfll(·t \\ll h
Uallloa n1en han1~ "'h" h.n t'
opl'nl" s tatrd thrir f'nthu,1
.1•111 for 1a!l bl11ld1 ng' hf'·
ll'lren R Slrt'r\ an1t A!l.1r-
ado Strrt•I
:•'I 7••1 !l"•l••rh .,,.·n•·: WI lh,.
1,..n1n•uho not JU•I nl('ml"''' "'
thr •mnrn,•·men• RH'"I' ~h,,nl
~ lhH·d .~ lhf' h•llol• "'1 ' rrllirn·
"' 11 ""' h, tao lhr rrn,..I r\to>n·""'
I'·''' ll~ ,./ t»•l•1f'1•1 mt<"''' 1·on
<"' rn 1u~ 1h1• 1,.,1 \•llHlo '"bf rt .,f
!:oil hu1ldor1~• 111 '""I~ rl tte.u·h '"I<"" U•" 1•,1>r lx-t·anw .. ~~'
oon1rn, f'J •y la,,J y .... ,
lhMl1 l'i---
/\ 4.l.aQ.Qi.111! t"OO.'ultJtrll OJ milkon~
• •1 ud\' nf <k n'l1• awl r.<Hrm~ I"
l"P nl;r Ul><Wf" I rontrB<"I "lth th-to
l"llv I •"ltn<•il
In •hf' '!llf'•lonnn11i•·o: vnl 1n
P.alhtu1 re,.do-nt• t~ 1m11r11-·
nlf'n! ~H1'11' R•kMI ' l)o Hiii 1h<nk
•hr Ha lhua l'f'tllM•irl,. l''0<nl A•-
""' 01111..,n 'h•11J!!I c·nnl1~lJf' 11> pr•·
II nl f)l'\lUb1lum ,\,•n,1!' I>• "N""'
·~ ..,..,1.,-tinrv l"<ll!dln,, ''" li or
""'"" ""'"'n•"I" n... ..... , ... ,. 1"1 pt'f(f'<'i I(• l>f' ..
l'lt>U' of doM'lJ""'"" 111 th>-"m' an
"""' ~1ni: ,, '"" /'MIHl.•Hla ""'"! ·\<~11 1.111011 1 .. n11;:!11 al a ~•
:tlf' """l'OI! lh•tt<'h ! 1t, 11.11'
Alt H11I001 r~•wk"n" nr<• Jn••'•·d
to au .. ,..j a.ro1'11ni: tn !>lhn~i.
of 1h,. omr"'""""'"' ~rr1<•i• 111 h~•
Qu•·•lwn• ,.,l ,.rl nn th,. <.111.e~!um·
"·~"" 111"' "'It "" anah 1"11 If•
rr. nm111 .. 11<1~
lot lhf' ~ IT 1 I Oun• ol
0Ufrr"R~r <t/ Op1ni~~
\\ lul.. in.-ri11! .. r POff' ,J Ojltntno
I•· ,.,.,.n l\,1lt'l)a 1r>1rlrnb al\ll I~,,
"'"•'ffif'O '"'' ~'"" kr>n"I' 100111
\' ,,,.,. l/iP I' .... !• •~ lllf' 'l!f\r,
,., !P a1111J~1tlf'r'1 l'lannrn~ < 'lfl'\l'
IJt" 11•~rlr< Ro11n.-11 '"n1onuo'1 h••
"''""'"" •!11<1·, •I tllf' ' h Jtum
lllf' J rtndl"'1nl nl IOllJI·~ aiul rl<-n·
1!~ ,.1th 1hfo 111·1 t..11l'11ni,: ,,,.,.,1,.,,.
MARCH OF EGGS F~ DIMl~·aie flarmoll, W:t,
•ntert•hlnM•t <'h.airm.an O{ ....... flf. ~ blfteftt
bre;ikfasl and horse sbow. and John KalM-r, ma11.11er
of Ail· American Markel in Colla Mesa, lake lnwen·
In '"''!"'" hu r"5!11ur ao1 until th~
lall h\11lr11nt i~~u .. 1• ,1,....,w.J hy
"""f"''' ttra•h ell\ ~O\'Plnmrro!
Th .. Ji.,1lri1n; <lo-~11rln1"n! nm·
<l.i-mnr<i \hf '•7 \rar-eM rr,!1111r11nl
•lni<·!11rP l;"t ''"r ""'t11n11. J11n
I~ A• lh•• ~ ln.11111. d~lr l.a"hhllf'
•nlunlarih •hlM'f! 'r" '~81 •
Ulllf'r h<l~I"''" fllllllP" lln<I I ... ,~
fur an 1n•Pro111 '''"
!Ir I" "I"""'" In IHJ11.l ~ ••,
.. 1,,1•« l•!·'Hln,.·01 biuld.n~ ~nd
, .. ~1a11r.1n1 '"' h" M11lttr.i. hfl~(r.-.n1
pr Uf"'P''
Hrpt'll •nl( tht-u Hnmml J11ppor1
nr ll!f Marrh o[ 01 Jnr1.. 1 ht
llran~t Counr) A''t)<'\!ll'd Flnl1n~
1'hiO-•nd Slwn ff • He.orn .. nnot ~
Jflull'<I 1hu ~l!•r by t~,AI! Amrr•·
< "" Mtrkrl• "''II ,tai,:f a l'hur k-
,. aj!On brttldtsJ llrod hon!f" show
All proc.'f'oClld• ~o 10 lhr l'olui fund
~mu uni!< nr tl'lf' ,. .. .,.,,,..,nu~.
unrlf'r ! .>j•I ~ ... ,. .. Titom;u nt lllf'
OlOl.lalr.I I"''"' -..1'1 Jlrf'l""r"' and
"''''r l111·dkla •! f1<)nl 7 a rn !Jil
"'"'" •n lllf' a~rorul•ur~! l<\J1klJ11~
~·~hi""" "'"'11• "'" <("lv>tJulrd
101 lh• IKli •r ''"'" -..t,,. h 1 .. ~m•
fAORI _MKAL lllWI ••• -----
...... --,...... .... "' Ji ---.. ,, ......... , O..· dtJ C*lftCH
lllep ' OY'tt" the line 1 ~ ........ ,.·,..,."'
Ytur f•T'Orita
1. top flWllff
C4rriii*' ................ ..
. ..... ........, _ . ...,...,, /
w ;...rr 1 .... -l!llltt -ICC
ctiurcti cM.111181
world pr.,.er '
a.rd! """' .... ,..,. tC~ ..............
btttJt AMhMI .J _ •• -......... -.-
--. • --· .. ··--·~····· .. ·-----·--
-·"" -...... -
\My .t -iMcerln for Stutday•• cvnt · at· Orant:e
e • u n t r ra.traroubdit:o-Benefil is rocponsored by Kai&U'• llrm, county l!llOCiated riding clubs ai\d
sheriff• reserve units.
"'tnr,I " r~1~I
Ceremony Installs
Chief Executive
A110Ci1ted Pre11
\\'AS /11 1\'UTON -Jobn F. KcnnNly iry !us fi rsl mo-
l ment.• ii~ pr~:<ident today ln\'Hed the Cornmu nist world
to JOln 1n ii nel'I' b1•g1nn1ng of "the t1ucst fvr peal't'" and
"hsk~d 1\rnrru ans to be prepared lo n1ake s<H'rif1(1"'> fur
L e1r country
:\ftt'r taki ng the oath as lhl' nat1on "s :151h l"h 1t•f r~
ecu llvf'. at 1 ~ 52 p 111 1E . ...,'1'1
-5~ nunull'S ;oftrr he he·
t:a rne Pn'Stdt'nt -Kl'n nrd\
SllHI II\ his 1n aUGllrill ati·
d ress:
"' hl·~1n 11110•v.-trmrm
,.,, l1<lth .. d ..... lh.1! '1\11<1'
•-~ n"t a "I:" nr "eak•""' 1<m!
•1 nt 1•rol) " a lwll•• •uhy11 '"
pruot L•"t ''" ""'"' ,,,.~Oi•alP <lul
of l...i1 R"! J,.t 11• n+·•~• l<".1r 1"
llr ""rl 'I •'I hlll h •111r• ,.,
plnrP """' prnhl"m' Hn •I~ ,,, '"
>lrtd nf hrla~lflroni.: lllf' 111~>hl1·m.,
lh111 d1• •ti~ u•
tinw, furmulau· """'">\ dnd I""
d)!.e ll''Qftuaal • f•w !llf' •n•pec•hon
and 1-onl rnl ul ••m~ nod hrtnK
(},... at.olute P'I"'"' tu ~tro)
other n•hnn• untlt'r lhe abJ,.oslutf''
1vl\lrol nt Hll n~uon• '
Aul 1 ·p••atrdl• iY> 1~1t in.-+'nm
rn"n''t h'•M '!II '"~"" 1l·~t trf. •n
fl'lld • "" ~oflrn•ni.: ol A111"1 h an
'l'o• A"" 1•,i,.,.•
'tJ'1 ..... ,, nlll'"" k"""
Comedy Sidelight
Cau sed by Smoke
" ... iru1rrrupt "'' P 111'"'"""' .turi~ 1hf' 1naurur,,1,.,n
, .. ,r,,,, .. ,, r .• ,,., """kf "'
"' ,,,
" ! 111!
J "l!lll~ illf' ln\r)<dil .. f1 hi Ato II
h<-hu1• ll olh~rrl I 0Jrohn.al ! U>h
'"I! -rnnk" ,.,..,,.<!fl'•"' •h•· I•-..
11·1 n
:O.L1r\,.,( h_v a h•'.•lo r ur11l"'
1hr !l"'"lt."r ~ ~l;ond. the l•r r "'"
qu1(•ltly r 'ttnRut•herl.
C•rduuol Cwihlfllt wu t,i n
A r1ilhn1 •m•le
t\Pnnnl~ • !: ... .-,
Navy Divers
Pr ll .. ,.i. '" lt.•'11 '" 1'1 ' ""0 s h D th -" ....... ,., ... ""cl .......... ., : earc ep s
!on~ tlir '""" nf hi• R1lm1 n"IP~·
tum, 1~.1 "'" .... , ""' pt 11 I' /,.." ,,~, h11"!~11 ""'"I ;1111
f1 .. n l•h•t• '"1'1"•11 ""' 11 "'1u! ur
<>UI""" •~• 11,.. •'> r,..j,·r In ~·
~,,,,. q,,. "'"~I M•tl ''''"'"j ol
l1 hrrh
For Airplane
,,, J•'! ···~•·' f1 .. n1 '·''' 11 .• ·
·' t. fr·~ 01<11•._~, ..
d••" ""' rt .... ' ""' ""
ho• """~
.,,i 1lw ! 011>·•! '-1, '"· ,., np !tor r<l.o 11 '" ''•
•' " '''ml'• 1111· ,,,i, 1·1
h. o111.,.,. ·"~ ,,...,,1 '"
orll· "hf·n "'" '" .;,.
""' •ull u ,,.,,, h.,•.,u1.J t1 .. ,.1.r
l'r !M• I• rl •·II I,."" 1 .j,,,,o
lhl'\ \\ill !I•'\• I I. l'Plll'I"' ..-1
'·''' 111 .• 1
~ ''""'''"' I "'" '.
rri1I•.., ..,.,u1h 11/ 1 "'""·l ,., \I ,
1n<1a\· •tt."1wf In lloP "''JlloH f.,I,
-.111•• tt \\nt o1 \\,,• \I !,
t .. n I•·• ,\, ... " •"'"d 111 ,,
...... 1., ',, .. 1 •
\loltftn "'"' • ,j "" ,, ! 1 .. 1 .. "'·' \l1!i .. ,.,.1, "''"'''"!\ 1,.,,,,. '"' ,,, '1 i.,., ·"~ •·\1•·1 ·r·I In '""' utlu•,.r •a•d ~ pn •l1 m 1U,.,,
in'"·!12.rt.iM1 ,n,,.,., lr~ff" ~'~""I'
~r~ ... ~ Ml u"'hlt l<n thr 1n1rr
f•~ I tr!•·•,.,,," tu
, ....... hi' .. 11.'.
\l<onr•• I"" 11 .,., .
1!~· ,, ........... "'
"''''I' ·ol 11 .. .,.i,, .. , i,.. • •. .J
i...1 " ,,,. ·~···· ~n"'
'", ... 11 ... ,., "
1,. " ·"' lo<' f> '""I lln"r I"
". "."'' ..... 1 ltt " .. '
"\I•" I".! '"I• 11•11,.I '" I "
.. .. .....
II ' •l~l••mnot "~· '" I•'•"'
·' , . .,,,,l'ldml ,,, ·•·II T ... .,!. n1·;~·· •
'"" .. 1
'·•" "" "' ' ·" . .. '' ~ .. ,. "' ~ ro1,I ~'".''""I I Of'"
""" I' •
l·L1111•·d ~ I•••
th<· !.11.oln\
' ~t>.. " ., •. .,
. " '·.r I.,.
I·" lo • ,,,,,.
1,,, ·~ , ...... 1•"· '
"~" ,. ' ...
lh~ n1,.•l•"1 ,, •"
In " ' • , 1 .. , 11 .... "' , ..
o"!I' ·"" '"' ·,
ITU n .1Pu1 1"" 1 1 Tor<> \t111nr '~"
n··· f•' "'' • .. 1 .... i., ,;,,., r n•I min . ,, ...... '• '· ,.,. ""'\ ",.t .11 .; n '"
' " ' .,, .... .,., '
" .. 1.1.·
•• '" ... ,. ( 1 ..... ' 1 .. '" .•n~~ •t
.\11ul1• .. "-
WASHINGTON -•• r. S.0.
nedy ~JM'nt tilt fl'N& .._... * •
lf of h1• innugural day wWch-
IO~ ttH> la•! or1 < of 1 glosq re-
vu~.blal!f'(i in h" honor by 1 ~ce
c-a~t of tloll\,.ood and B~ay
Ji~ ll'lll(':irt'rl lo ~ hn\·fng the
Ume ol h1• lift
But -.ht n th,• ma~..:ve lllow
ended at I 30 a m ·llO nunutea be-
hind 5eht>•h1lr -l\toa~y ..truck
5"rlom nok ·
hrnn~dv {"ommf'"la
h ' 1111-. 10,11111ura11on day."
•1.t1" · I hope t.'lat all
u "1.f JOln L~ ndon B. Joim-
111\ ,, If m rommn11n1 WI
fr n '4' ol the eoo.tJ.
h1 ""'"h .1•1d h•, "'II'. Jacque-
i:w .1•1.1 \'11 t' J'• l 1dtnfltleet and
II' .lolm!no rlrr.1 1' to the Na·
1nnal (;1111rrl .. rmory through 1
trn~tn:;: hl1nrl1ni: mowstonn It
a~ 0i1t' 01 ·"' "111 •l m "a'h
~Ion , ht•l111'
Sn u" .md "'' 1h11l qu11 ~ 1·
nrmed "'' th" -trffi~. and ~·1~
rl'<h 1 ( • 1r. l,·fr ?bancton<'·f hv
ir n,. nrr' 1·1111ri 1hutf'd to 0!11' ul
gr~.111• r ''"'''" ltw 1 11 ''"' hr" ·er SHn
Ken:wd1 ' 1~1r ,1n i "in r fnl
tnR 11 • naJ trool • ~· ti u.: up
apc1ol 11111
1''1nl \pJH"U••rr
It ~ .1 . \I h • '' 1 -r for
Ill .JPI'' Jr,llll I •/IM .. lft(• btrlh d
r ...-..'<~HI 1 hi..i Silt' """'' wlutc
I. ottum.in .1nd a diamond anc
N".tt1I :-w< klJc.
ht> l.l'nnf'd1, reached tilt ar
d hair huur Jlter lilt
1<:JuleJ lo lx-s.:ro BU'
, I t.t lu11• rhuu .... nds o
1' .n 1 •,e d1td1ence rtad>ec
1r l..J<t1 tnct; fJLv1t'r, OIW of !ht
11r11.ldlb in the cllhl. wu report
,tr d1ttll'd .;t ~ Br11.b'h Em
•1 (!ll\1~r lm<illy mMk! II ;,~r RuoM'vPh, aliio »<.-hedulel
u~at "tlh tl1e r1.ft, didn't gel
ht s«6e at all.
pa.1totl> 10 order to aJv• oth
l.iJM 1.0 arrtv., Keaaed)
his wilt waJl.ed In I n!OeJ>
room for an boor m•tad o1
' to th~ir but The show WU
to •a.rt 1 momtlll after
took his <.elil It WH an hour
l l•N PIM<e
TOMORROW-In endless battle ol outs versus
Ins. which keeps any administration honci.t,
GOP leader Pat Hitt tel!., GOP women how to
, build part)' during next four years. I .,, I
I Harbor Sketches I
'Now Is the Time
For All Good Men'
"· R.>!-lFllJTlll\I.\' I
l ht-'' llie I)( n·1on;•I• <la nl 11lnn lhr~ ·re oil and II" .. ~ I
,.1th the con p.1r11•:•1'1 J,J"' me nf th, n.tt111n 'I
\r,t<"rday Hr1·ttl•'1<.1n '"11nn.1! t 'omm1lll'l',.nm&n r 111
hll c>l Oranct "Pttl..l' h1>re on th<' ".tit h Ml role ol the c;or '
: lllto ll"At lour ) '"ff' -!hr tole lh11I I\ ha.~1c lo ~ t"O part)
, t)'Mem
t o•fa '"'"'' nnd 1111 ~· '''t'r. ghf lold the f"eder1tf'd Ht·
puhl1ran \\ un'<'n 111 '• "1"''1 H11rt.or what f~ ~htm ind what
to do dl>.1111 11
{ !'hr \1 "" , J, • 1 r ~ rllo14 ·~" l'llh•r th1t ~1'1'1f>c! lo ~am
I 1Jfl11m1•m "' lu' ••"''" "', c;or 11omen lounged In comfortahie 'i h.J,,_ in !ht•'''"'"'''" ,,w,.n>0m II\ 111n a pnv1te dub. ll~t!'n·
1 1ni: 11 .t.-ntl.
' f'JI lhe pr t'lit1ll "orlwt mmM> 11ooJ. u, .. d to li~e on Balb<ia
I hl,in<i and npre'""d a ~JJol'nal ron<1,..-,.1 for the group
I[ ~I~~ .he had iu•l ret11~ from "1llhtn1tton i nd Wi ni·
Ml to about I.hr naflonal rather lhttn Lhe .tale ~ne ,.hl~h
'ht ,. oot ot tooc h with.
'I' ''t'1tlit I'd IW,. to relate a coupl.e ol peraonal n~rif'tltt•
ju't to show the love and 1111.ttudt on Capitol Hill for ~ Nii.
·~rile da1 1 111T11ed lo W..J\ingtoo Dtd1'1 a«rtllry l,.lled
t.o au &l I'd. brou'ht an .,en1111 d~11 I aa1d, yn. 1 abort dtn
--~ "Would I ll'lf'n tart to fill 1n 11 1 Amalh•h d111ntt the
Nlxona "'Ve i;111ni: that rul'!hl • A Stnalor • ""lft had JU.St ,...
~·~61 1»
• It """" a •mall1•h d1~r lw "uh ma ton. JIJ"l 4& &IM'Ms
"' ,.t'f'e M"aled al tal;lt-s ol four IJI tht f' Slrft't Club ,.huh
JMMi I.Al be lilt! Lodlle hnmt. nim1tJ11n.p _,.. Vlc:torian ,. Ith.
out too much Inna anrl tilt 1~re wu 1ll'n4»t cozy
"But ,.hat impressed mt ~'' tht lov1n1 t.o&sla lo Nuon
1 by l-«'retary HI' rt er. l'tarl Mr•ll. <..iov Sh1Vtn and llw-
1 "be" ..
I P1t ha.i I bo atltnded lht lorm4'r VIC'e prealdtnt .• hirthda7
perty. So many uked t.o come, 11 twi~ bad to be planned at
1Jar1ttt quart2n and w111 !tn11ly tit-Id to tht Ml)-flower Hotr1.
COOAITl\llll ball the firal noor.
"Ike wil.b all hi. greatntu '"''" iwver a pany man.'' aa1d ,
Pat. N1011 'lll'a•. -Clnws to htJ own df'tr1nwnt
"Ht"• romlng buck now. ~·1 Mt 1mpoH on hrm "'1th our 1
•mall problema. He11 nefd alt hia ipare time to build c-11ndl-
dait t• for au."
Bad: i.o. lht Wuhinita.1 llC.'ent Pat said, "Tht hoM) moon 1 ha• Jtarttd 1od ~ onl) ftthns: at the ~nt I• ont of ~
o,:lf'nflnn Canarw.• alw1~ • J!Of'!I r••y at fir11 to 111v• • "f'W I
It Prr<tr1t'nl a chance to kttp hL• PfOm1"1
• ni.t'1 why tlwrt'I IO lilllt diffkully over thf. 11ppo1nl
'I -nm °' c:.oi-t poaa. 8 111 Kenlllldy "111 have to woo Con~• bff1111'l' IM rltt
ll<wl ,.~. -o c~ Jl.f! h" ti. h-M wootr In l.'ndc:•n Jnhn"ln nl
~ .:-.. ... .... t ·~
· .tohn•nn kno1" how lo att 'Ahal !Ito "•nl• ,.)w-n ht ,.aot•
It and hn•• Iv "aol• 1t bv fair ffil'illl• or fnul
. flt h:t• ;1l•r.;irl l!'l!~ tht rh:Urfn;\n•h1p nl , .... ri.omn-
~ll(" Mlllrit• tn tho-!'1-nlJll' Th11 II a d~ <"8llf"U< ~l<i l'lf'(orr
I lhr r":1UL•r "'~<ion 11 l1mt •""n 54-n11li>r• ("11n "'' rln...-n thrtr I, hatr aod >fl"ak frankl1
'I ".lllhn<on " alrrll<iy ~lritnt of IM ~nRI" llav1 ni him
I Ind thr raUCUI ii likt l«fl(!Jog 1 tape rec.-ordl11a ri&bt bark ,
lo Ktnll"dy.
I "But t~st of all lo fece la Piun Salln11t-r. Re Mwr-v~ )
I mort crf'Cl1t thnn anynne In th" campa11[11 for <Tf'•lin11 lht
lmqe of Kennedy for the eornrnon rrutn •• oot ol thtm. Sal.111-
Rer II an 1rtld. lit evrn INde old Joe KenMdy looli: Ii~ •
hunlJy p.trlarch " I
Pit paid trlbut" lo the local preu for r1imM11 Ind honffty r
but o# the naUooal ne.., arrv\ce the warned "Tak• h11lf ol
I 'lll'bal !My •Y ud cvt thet 111 half end ti.lteve OM fourth of
t.bll. ..
She poinetd out that Ktnnedy h1~ aMO\t~ II" wilt t1lk
to the people \•la TV. 11U.1 provtcl I poltnt mtdlum •hen ~:i~o·
ho'lrtt tdtd it ind the GOP mullt qtch ind ob)ecl to whit tt
dttd'I I.kt « the *""'nh•Crltloft wiJl b@coorne 1 OM•man n1~.
.. ····-..... , .. ---· ·-·-· ... -............. ·-·.
ft ... 1 r ... w«' ..
Jliarroi prl'~nt a rtal prohlem
INr-r to police ofhcrrs as protectors of
1 lit mu•L aiirtt to t'f'l'nm rnmmuntLY hie 11nd propN"I) An
n11tnwnt rf he btto!TW's 1eadd1<·l· addtc-t ""h a medru m habit mu:.L ru dnd to th6 rootrol of the :\al· t steal S 100 wnrth of ~liable mtr·
tmr tl'>l dlandiH a day to pey for drugs.
Authonl1t'\ d1Her on poll!i1b1hty
of rebablht.aUn1 confirmed ad-' community
diet.a. u•, mllhoo.
·--............ --~
l111noia ls c!ktion is from ~nzedrint "~. 1 any parent.
M1cb1&1n nies" lo mariJUana. to heroin. 1 Del Duo Pollom, Colt.I Maa
mos~ heroin ustrs fall Into the 1 PoUc-e Dept., 11ya OrliQp County
poat·JUVM!le %1.30 age bratkrt 11 ort.tn lumped wfth Loi Anaelea
Coont_y u part ot I.be overweeo-
ini: metropolitan 1rea with lb
lu_hr-t rate of addiction Ill the
\\~ .tre drawioa ourer Ind new
places for <'rofdJ lo p ther .,..
optnin~ up 'fltat'1 why Ficht
[>ope ) ear 11 1mportam to us.
newport harbor tlally
Friday, J anuary 20, 1961 Paee 3-A
Brush Fires
Under Control
A "urpn~ ram v~;.11 th.11
"'tpt in lrom lhP Pal·1f1<' 0< r,m
tarlv th" mnrnt'1C <1.1mrr•wtl :i rai.ti~g brush lrre rn 'o u t h r r n
Oran11e Counl\ alto" 1ni: 211•1 "1· "1
f1rl"frghten to hrani: 11 unrl1·r 1 1111
u s F°""'r f\' n I I I ' I A I • 1n
it had ...,,,rf'<f 3 3.11 "' '"' 11! ht•t•h
along tht roa" north f r1Hn 1 .1111p
Tbt fire ,.3, luwtwd ••I' 111 llw
\1;J•1'lr r!r:r.ul:•: -: .1 I 11
Pf'nd~ron ahot,r • 1 \ , n• It
Thfo lort~lry t1ervu:e Nld Uwre
11tr•rf' oo 11ructurea burMd or a-
d.mi;t'rrd. nor were thert injuries.
~ .. " "'~-14! ,,,.. Anoth<'r bruah Cll'9 broke out
n•'.tr Ntn ( '"~nit y t 1 l t rd 1 y
"twn a motorcycle cr..tied nqr
lht off ramp of the new Hlghw1y
1111 f~"JY about 12.IS p.m.
t 1111 Oefmse mutual aid uniU
r11'h1nl( to the <:Mnp ~
r ....... rf' dl\ertrd lo aid I.be San
1 "11w·a.t .. fue depertmenL T b e
I •· """ t~l1n11msbed about •·JO
I m alrl'r it burned about a
b1;rn. d •• , ' "'"' , .•. "•1'?11· .. ..i "c' \ I ~ltTIM rnutuaJ aid lllliu COfTier of nran.:I' I ,.. tn' v •h<ir• , Big Man Greets Big Little Man a11 .. mooo •rt<l •prri! ·~ ~ ... ,, ::::r.~n~~~f~~Han:
rnn"•l'<C,.,..ll'J lnhn \\' \lrC'orm:H k nr \l:t<;~;i. frprf Rothrnhf>r~ of I"~ Anerl("'t . Mr\orm:irl<'~ l"n .... ~-· __ .:_t~::~. din-.1 t•n l~··:::.:_1":1 I/ • \I ~ ... ·-., .. ,.. RM >NI • ""
chUSPll.S 'i'n.ghli. \clna11 m .. 1111 nv U!dtlt·r ol \nt' L·::; time i~;n~ and i11rmer t:On!\li\ucnl. u .t :.ur...-iu-'*'"" 1n;; untl.> cor,11 r.:"'I from or .. 11~· \1:•:,.:t\• 1 11"
Housp of ~prrsentat1H·~. v.f'k omf'' to his offi~ in elected < ongrcssman in 1962. The Calt f~rn1a legl~ R1"erside ;and ''" 1>1rco <()1111 ...
the Capitol. As-.embl) man Ru hard T Jlanna (( rn laturr. no rngagf.'rl 111. dr1rnn1al rf.'appor11onn:ietK...~ ·C'lm...t A,~. NB A l~rt of Orange ( ount\ lfann;i, "ho I~ \ l\ll ing \\'a•h· <;Ur .. In Sf'! up a n('\\ ( ongrt",!110~31 dt~tnrt "htrfi "tll The M>Olhf'rh '" .. rt I' "''" ~· Homey
mgton 0 .(. for the Kennedv 1nau,::ur:it1nn ;ind othrr 1n1 lude the pat I of Orange ( ounty v.here Hanna I fanivd the flamr, al-a c.1rrir.1 .1
bu11ineSll, was presented to the majority l<'<Hler bv /\I· ll\eS lltoavy pa ll ol smolce and aJH •
into t.lw l'lt'lll'p!'rt 1·o~l8 \It~ 11rt<' s k p
I * * * * * * * * * Onc-Lliousand :IC~l'J of e.r ee s ost IT Sub • burned brusb wu oo C~p Pen I I . WO m1t s ., . dJftoll property '" San Dlt~o
I JFK A k f County. At the heightb ol lhe Ry S..1.111..t '"-llnte. 5 5 or acr1 ice bUiu aircralt werfl M"nl 111oft in l Th<' ll11rhor Aru llM .. flnil P·1er 1·1ds l.O Mlempt to bomb ill fonnrd M'hooJ hoard Cl~ fltl" tbe I rour-<l1slrict election April 11. (C'ot1lhivMI from p"" t·Al i "1 special plcdR~O convM't our11pread or I.he deadly atom, yet Hr"• Waltl'r R. Buimpr, O .
. I lnl( world. rather than lo do!Tlf'~ 1ood wordJ lnlo Rood rl-11 In •I both tac111a to •It.er th1t ~ St--L Market •n 11ttorney. who ....... "
I Tbt qmc two b1ddtt-1 who 111t> I tic i~-· Mw a.lhance lor progTtss. I tam bliance of terror that llayw ~ thrtt exptrtnir four-yeer ..,.. •
mlUe.d bid. iaAt month lo ~ l "Lfl th O d RO forth .. he l\M~Y aildt~J ii particular lhe hand or mankind' a (ID I J I 1 lhe C"n•la Mt~a l'lrmeo!MJ edlell co~loft1 °" the net of 8-lboa 1 t
1 r ... _ __,d pll"lge to th .. l 'nited Nation! I war." Sh G • di~trlct.
• • I pMX' ar!N'd ur I' tn 1 ...... , re••, I ' ows a1n Baraniitr. o( 3181 ...... A ..... P~r J1Ubm11ted frah appllcahom .. h !Ito h. h lw-t .,.M The President u1d "we re-He compttued h11 mnaege to C"osta M"""· said he '11u 90 .. 11 Ntwport Beach City Hill to-1 al 1 Im-<' :• n ~n . new n11r plt'Ci11t of !lllppttn, ~o pre-rriend• advl'rnir~s end ftUow· to f!Tlnd" and la -Jdlc .me.
day to 11 """ g~11 100 of ~ri 11 ~nt _lls bt<-ortJng mtm:ly • fo"'.m I Americana Into I.Ml-~ of AliMCtalf'd r,...,. "becauoe y want to talr.e 911 •
K1'1111\f'th Farmaworth ofrttfd lo n n• -born in th1• N'nl•Jr~. trm· for rnvttth·r, to llt~l(Ulen ill prep1111Jd tut. Mt ~ mart NF:W YORK -G11os ID teled· ll'f'f~ in local lldleela .......
Wt•re to expect two yura of 1nli-f:w~ ind 11nll· ras-. 1bt world hu lo ~ rep1ewnttd u fallina 1pert 111 .... '°' ,.... ~ l• be 1<.'ttpted. -~fOijill SUU, Xiitt1 l.fld <Ammuolsl ~ In Vltn.
pey 1 montbly retttal let to the J>ef'fd by war, c!l1eipl1nl'd by a: sb1'ld of the llflW and the wruk. than hll{ tht nw.,. '-ctJI of ed lndusWl1 ind uhlil.iet kept 1Ure my k.lcla U YI U. riPt ..S
t'1tv o( m per month plu. Si.t I cold and b1t~r puce. proud ol1 i nd lo entarae the area to whidi I prevtOUS lnau«ural eddr 111 • -the ltodl market h~r In mod· ol 1<rhool " · I I · -Ill wnl may run " 2 499 His plea to ~ wu · ~ I per cent o( ~ year Y toUI <Ur anc1tnt lwnt.aae, ind unw1U· ~pltd wttAI 1 plea to "my fel-er.t. lndlnc late thra 11rtemoon Bw1aear ii U. ,...._ • tw9 ~. P'll'ftSWWth eho .. Id be illg lo W'!IMlll or permrt the slow Tl.'U. .Yffftllritl J lo• <1tlltftl ol 0. 1"ttil _ V > r w the day wq ,.ti· ctuldrlll.. ... I -I. W I
•ould l'pencl mo to St.090 °" int-Ulldolnit ol tho. fiwn.n rl~• to t At ltt1gtb Kt'nnedy llddtt.'U!led not • bat AmttiC9 wOI de fw ,_. melecl at S.l million Illar-es rom· gra<lulte fl Ua.A ml tlle lew
prowmenl.t. which thlll natloo lw l1w1yt been himitell toberly to "thole ~ but :kM , • ._.....,. CM d9 W ptred wita.Ut ml1JJon Tbursda)'. achoo1 at l6yola UllhwlltJ. 1.--• fut." .. aid. "'We,.... ..,.,..t our C~t•llH Uu lfld Sen. Kudwl.
~ f.._ ~ Pldod .,_ #'.nwtler liow hlnl Uiiq
apt itmJ ~ tftq Int)' '-II per clflt ~ U.. Ume. 1'le
';.t7 ta ~-I ..,.... ...,. lliw*wt .. "'"""'•eur ......
R11 IHc•il' ~ t .. " ' 111 llclt el .taati. • .................. _..~ ... . ....,,.. ........................... . ...,.,.., .............. . "" ........ ~ ........... It'•-.... ... .. c.ilit ...... lllllHI. .-ia.t ..... ,.., .,..... ................... ..
ftr.tllll ftnf .. Ille~ fl~ fw u.. tm
......... ,.... ........... UM. • wlTI ~ ~ ol
ltellf It .......... ,. .. .,.
• .,, ......................... ~CoY.
._. ............ a1tellltlpw ... .. ,.
John Kirk. who prtvlOU51y .,.. C9mmtlted .. who man themsdvta our ad· lh freedom of __ .. .a.la_ cl. lrld.lool to abouL I AnflJa .
led pi!r' --.-.. fifa"9cl lie ~" Mlllft nnirry:.. patu Allllllll b)' atecb outnum-
would p.y IJCID 111 mot1t.hly rftltltl• Tbtn I.he new Pmidettl made "We orfer not 11 pledge but a .. 1~•~1 =..Ille ': C::-~ beittd i.tra. ~
pt111 1 ptr mi& ti ..,_, He 4kl U.11e pledaea to tM peopln out· request -that both lldt.t ~ ~wtU ,_ ~ .... -leJthDore 6 Oblo laluea were Pol ROid -
1111( ti.chi* propoted t.'1111t ol !JD. ••~ the Iron Cudaln--p&edgu. u IDl!W the qum for puw W'ote taiiv. ti . ...,.. ._ tau... houri lb ,. .. ,,,.,,.., .,...eel •• ..ti.& bl ,.,...,.. tbe dark powers ol ~ ... .,. Ollf -. • • ....... te • avtiancht ol Jdlllllll If 81 1'1111 °"1 a..dl'• .............. ,..... .. ,., • ,... .a.rt ...... .,, ec-......... ... ,.. .............. -..; . liQ ............ "" ~ '* I• 0 I .... a.tlil ..... die .... amp: wtlJ fn ........ • •elf.ft! ... • ~ti ..... II • NI fl lllM .......... bf New •
lllrt, .._ .._. ... Qli To er. "*' ........., fnm --~, . . , tlil --, I * ff , .. 0... ...,._., A ....... II& ... ....
...... ....-& .... ..... ..a.&a1 a.ttu.t •·our ..ct Wit ·w ~ .w. ,. to .,,,... ~ _. MCr11ct tW " .., .....,.. ... o1r half • urt111 • 11 && ....... •
for ..., WI • ._.. cl ,.,... .. ''""'al ~I ftlltr91 ih.tll t!M WGQders ol ..._ tMtHd 'ol .ut elk ol ,.._" • • 4-po1Dt8 Mid the "ttamped" bt 1t...r ~ .. ~· .... U.C • partlaa J ......_ • 0.. ftlt 11.t•~ ,.~ merely co bt re-Ila terrcn. ,....,,.,.. Mil u aplorw ADii lie rtllt8d Ille plea: "Wldl C!IOllllDOe, ~ ln the merier bOr EL LMle _.. llt. 19
plec 'a eod t• be 1-.d for ..... ;Wed b1 1 fir ..men Iron t.yr-the lltar•. ooequet' the deltrta. 1 pod coeedlncl9 our •11 eure tlfer pl aie..~ Is Ohio, ... at tlM DI ...... ••Vie ,..,,.... Ooomlio .. .i. t.. 119111. eradbte ctt.we. hip the ac..a ,_......,. .._, tie ... .._at.ta. ~llMr llcd Md Oporto,·~,_.
cW. • km .-• ..,., U-. ,...i.. ill ti. ......... IM w:.• Illa 1111 ..._ ti ........ Ill • ,. ._.........,alter the lint ,......_ e. .. ~.,.....-.
nil Ida ... bid hruwwtll Md •W.... " blf u. ........ _.,.,.. ... ........ ..., .. ..... ........,_ c .................. ..
.... .-,.., , .. ftoni Ml'° 1truau"' to.,,... the ...-, aid.,.. .. u.. s..-s ....._ ... ......, ..... w.;I ....,Y.,.o.&ralllleb1plaot ,,.. ..... •t ,. ..-. ,,.
f'l'l llld.,.. ~ fr09I ,, ,_ lllllllPJ1 .• ~·eur belt ..... W. ............. , 111J .... W ....... llilt .... • _. i. 0.. "*"" plehn, llllt .,,.... ,.t.llc la lllvW ... ell .......
t9 Mt 11W mil. e. litll lMm flW ......,_, .. Ctll ti ...... .....,.., hltli Oed'e __.. ..... 'tnly .. oar nly ltt lluyl"I ol 860 ll«k hal wtU ~ 14 tht mt NllUoul
nt•a,... 'Ile! 0. "I"'-To t.ba other~~ rlPU7 a1anned ~Y I.be ** ew.." •' 1d ~. ClmllT P'Olmdallon. , ..