HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-07-25 - Newport Harbor Daily Pilot• Yot: 57, NO. 159, 2 SECTIONS, 20 PAGES Arollnd tH World NEWS DlGEST W:onlan . , Found. Fire Breaks Out In Pool .On 2 New Fronts Ba~ Clah Site Of Tragedy . A U.yur~ Maka 1"11m- SAN BERNARDINO -A tnllllft land and air as-an dlM...,.. ~ n~ liDin uult wu mounted today apinst a wtnd·wblpped brulb after • ,......__. ~ fire that hu ICCW'Ched more than 17,000 ICftl of~ ....... ...__ "' ... .._ ....::=~ able water-ched. 11119 uuWU111 "" a ... ~ U.S. Forest Semce officials aaJd eight converted pool at Ute Balbol Ba7 au. World War ll bombtrs carryiDJ fire.retardant IOluU.. V\etarta Ovda, •be waa were beiD~ aided by fin rootract ·belicopten and U IJllploJed u a ma.Id b1 UM Marine Corps helicopterw from El Toro. MCrlll. 81!!HwmJe7 tamll1 Ol OfficlaJa said l, 100 men were flahttni oo t•o new Nrwport Beacb ~ .. ltlab. fronll that broke out Friday. • WM .. ......--at t:• One tonrae of flame jumped U.S. lll&h•l1 ee at .... Ii~ dedar9 at Hoec Cajon Pua &D4 nvept eastward· into the San Gabriel PniA)lwlam BOlpltal. )(ountams. DI .. U. --4 .....,. Tb• Callfoniia HiCbway Patl'Ol blocked RIORJ -' •w ... 'flllba • Ult ee. the m.iln artery to the east from 8oatbln Calllornla. Orlllll 1c.t II M 111m1. Also cloeed were the Sant.a Fe and UaloD Pldftc nil Oii rrtdlJ = 1 .... linn throup c.Jon Piia. • ~' rt. /t . Id .. be itlft:fl• • to .... v.s. •• N.., s,1 rr ... --::_ :'o!-=..~ · WASHINGTON, (UPI) -Presldtnt JohMon'a dis-o.briel JUwt la l..i Baela. cJoisure of tbe development ot a 2,000-ml~an·hour dr-Ufepardl tecin•ed bli plaoe wu aeeo today • a reply to IODl9 GOP char,. bod1. at 11:11 a.m., lbaut, • that the ldmtntstntklo bad been ne&lectln& de•elopmenl mlmltM tiftlr a 01 J ·• of mtnned aln:nft. called ... .... ' At a newt conferace. JohQloo re'Nllld am u. Miu a..·1 _. :"~::..f'Ji.~~= ~s.~r'f!r:lf. g!c Air Ill million. be al14. would be to eer'a Gftkil~ :a «ii~ the Air orce flan oatltandlnl klal nnce 'l"eCOG-lipij tlilll1 Ill I • -s n~·· ability. ~ MOSCOW -The Sov'-t Navy claimed .-ay Its nuca..r..,ower9d 1ubm1rln.. ~n fire rock ... underw•r. W_,.rn obnnera NW the dalrn, pubUlhed In the tr* union new..,., Trud, It the ..-t forthritht Sowlet tt~ yet thet Its nudelr ""° de,... ,._. c.en fMfdt the UnftM( StatW ,...,.. rocbf.ffrlnt submarlnea. . • Sbe .... pstled IDt'CIBldeD1 &cml tbe pool at the plush, bayfroat dub at 1:50 p.m. Rescuen applied artlJ1c:lal resplraUon ud Nlhed ber to tbe boapltal. Newport Belch pollce said abl bad been taklnc nlm-mlms 1119on1 ..S appueU, ... pr8dldDC .... 'he Botbamleya .,.. .. Ina at the Balbol Bc1 Club • WASHINGTON -The 20-nation Organliatlon of l Amencan St•t'-" wa~ prep&rcd today to pun.l.sb the regime of Cuban Premier Fidel Castro for agression against Venezuela. Broker Held On Swindle Diplomatic sources wd 15 nalioM, two more than the neceaary majonty, were l1ned ue in favor of econo-Indictment rruc and diplomatic UDCtlcJm •t: CUba. and wwea desiped to halt the spread o nbvvaion. SANTA A!fA _",....Ne n Ce Udo tale wltili brobr1---------..-.-' • • WASHINGTON-11'9 Federel Avl.tlon A~ todey onh.....t 111 U.S. 1lrpl1nes operatlnt Lockheed E1ectrh to Inspect them for poqlbt. crKkt In ff*r outer wing 1urf1c" within the ned 50 hou,. of flight tlrM. '"'-FAA 1etlon followed discovery of corroded rTMt1l In the wln9 atrudur• of an Austr1ll1n EIKfrL ,. ~:='1!= Home From ·world Sail: Jurf -Indictment w Ill c b Caltech to Expand . •• . . . ..... -........ -----. -... f ~ II r-• . . -: . ---di~ 5 . .JU.UL.; ~· ~-.l Mlil•"'"!I-----,_..,._, .... 11 .--h~ :&~---~---~ I -' ;:~ ;:t .f. cft' .... ' d '"• ;--. "'· Cft -I ~· ~~-: . c: .... .. . -·.-_, G 5cr1 • le 11 " i J .. ·- ~ __ :t~r-~-·_, z >~ a:. f I r~·i · ::-·· ,. '1· -· =-; l ·-·1_--... ·.1 -i =<-I .. ,.."' ! ll ~· 0 a· f ~ n . JI • -'. . c.. ... ff .. ·· !C c m ::a~~ ~. 1J f I.!< ~ !!! Cit i I 0 >• • -I sf U c~.iflliHP!I;~~ .. -ft •• ~ -· ~---~· ••• ·-··=· -· A• .:_ -·--ft·=·~~--_!••~! ~~~ ...... ~~. !"~ "C ft i-. l1rn•·1••'1911-~ ~t [f D!ftl -·• - If -ii ;: ~ .. !-~tr .. !' !' !\ ,. . .. !\" \ •' ,111•, .. i.I Jr . i!i ih: 1 . ,_ . ~~ : .. . . t ., ',,; . " - ' " " ~ 111· r~l 1~ i ~ l f l .. .. . l l . . . . . . . . i ; ~ ~-i ~i ~ " ~ j !:t - ' wf tJJ; 11J.f • I iii em; !,lhf Hd!!1·1 ~ r ~s· bt -a ~ -r • "'r o ~ !. :a • ~t'-~ -. ·: . .... . ' • .. •' I ' IL I ~·--~--·---' Er I: l' • '< !!i 6'9i . lfff[i ~ J' .. 11r :;; ~ II!) IJUi s ttJ ' ....... ... -..,·!·a .... · j\t I a·~ #3 q•a ~ ea ~ "ii Jr11~ i 11'1 •.•• 1 ua ' ~ I r=· L. :-~; .1~ .. :~ .~~I ,,r., ci , = j 1• ··1:DHr -. ... 9'9'°'. ~~~~:! ; ;;:;;: .. -4 . • • "tit ; : : : . ~ I . . . "' . . . ~ . . : : : .... .,. . . . ~ ~ i-- . . . .... ... . . . . . ~ ·---~:::: w )I -.......... o, : : : : 4!:';-.... ~ ...... ;st; ... G .. It & •••• i! . ~·~~~. loo a •.MM ,C:I ....... -...;I ..... n a ~' 40 ~ [ i• . i~ihl~ JI } It 11~; i~ dl~,;i~ IJl <r ~i"" ~ Q~~ ~ .. o Ii! 1= :r I ~ • ' -\ &,---...._ I ·t ---:' . . .. . 'j Bonneta are the order of the d&f at the Girls' Club in the top photo u youn1 ladJes cot out the patterns and try them on for the. In the lower picture, the f11ture homemakers learn the fine art ot ' _, • l • ·I • I , . • l • ) I 9 *"·-· 1 f'llUTONI ITOlll .,_, .... ,........ ......... ...... ,.. ... •• 9 ,.... .,., .,. ......... ~ '46-M44 471 ... 17th It. C.M. ......... La Ceclllte hie ... MIXICAN flOOO ........... ~ oa,.... OW IONOM ua:PD ... w. C...t Hwy. NIWPORT llACft ~ Cart Dosh . • ltlJ -INCOMI COMML -ACltlAOI .....,£11th aan.r.v.. LI a.HS4 1610 w. c... Hwy. NIWPOltT llACH ARMO l1111ton NIW HOMll-ltllALIS CCIMMlltCIAL 67J.7NO .. ... , .,. .• ·~ 0.""'.., _; L~-DtNNF.a COCl'l'AIU Oil a... MSO VIA C»OITO N..,.na... ~.·' ..ll), ....... , { • '. • ., '1•.,1, ll~A IPllt!TJI! JOM I. COAST HWY • i-C_Olt_ON_IA_Dl_L _MA_l_1• Wlfl •~-=-~~--------1------~--------·1-~~--~~-----ITI~ Doyle C' ..... ,--~~~~..-i..-... ht lllm · •• ....,. INTlllOI 1 u ·c ~ f.B , 'lb Chi elL tictp; the I arrh the ID t 'lb u. )'Cid ft = ua. ter . pu taler ten COIDJ enae proe and lDdll bru chUd Fl! of u Chui Tick. mav doo-r f IJ rp WI Oum th• day Steh of I Hon: ham Carl bad. . T horn dllc Lutll Dt at ~ haw tbe Hon s. Lm ra f 'I . ,, ~ ec.t Nl'll ~ .. Lm. 11 • ; Celebrated (,By Mormons ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTOR¥ --------------- FOURSQUARE CHURCH .,.. •• "' • 'I' f . lllrt';.. ......... .. ChadH W. Smith, Minister SUM>A Y WORSBIP lJ A..M. A 1 P.M. "An Hour Wttb Ut b l.Dvomd-Not ~.-it" Newport Harbor Lurheron Church ISOJ ClJO Ur .. U .._ 1'111 ... J ....... &A ..... !BAHA'I FAITH ... "O -ii M1 ....,.. I .... --L CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 w. WU... ca.ta ..... D. O. BURST, l~=========================.1 1:16 A.M.-Eut:J """" ' Ms'rt• .................... ... ._ ... {Home Head f Pulpit Gue.st Wb11e the Rn. Frank w. NEIGHBORHOOD CHURCH 685 W. 18th. COST A MES.A fuftd•rMttt•I · Scrhttvr•f • lncte,.ndent JUOCOA#IH1&\ -ltlt1Jof11•&1 -tNf'\l,.IHDfN1 I I • 4) e Ill\ • ~· 11 em fY-"ti~ ' C a "' -·. (lwltf " ... ··-• ,. .. ,.. ...... '-· -'"-n• IFlt O•H•fl G••,11t11-., •• ,,.., -111 • t• FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH tk:Csla .. ... dt .... l\llllEla 0. .... 3' ........... "'"°""' ~.., ....., ........... t:JI...... ,,...,., ,......., ...... t , ... ...... ..,.,.. t 11 .. ,. • UA. °'* .................. , .. y-,._.. ........ •M ,. ... Gunn, putor, 11 ~ vacations ' v-..,,.. ........ ,,. ,. t:• A.M.-l'am.11.J Wonlllp • Chard Sebool . 11 :00 A.M -S.n1ce of Worship NurMrJ ~,.. avatlable at all .me. WILCOMI HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH ............... OOftAllllA BOllDT I. Bl:tlll. Pubir- -.............. ~ ......... 0 ........ .. ·.:..:•.J ........... . ...,_, &--. ............ . .... I'\' rht• U H'lll ~~Utac? the put prea\!n'l:r oo un-CBURCB: LI Mnl day wW be the ~ti v. ~?~.toR Nurse"' •child cart provtded PARSONAGE &e-Ollt ...., .............. ,._ ._.. Steinhaua, necu ve uu~ '1' ·~ --. ---. .... n:tt ...._ a.IND.\! ID'DS of the Callfo1-ula Lutheran • ......, r,...... u.. .. '* ,.., Home. which Include• the Al·l'====~============~J ......_....._ ,,.,. hambn In Alhambra • n d Car11bad·by-the-Sea In Caril- bad. The•• an rotlremtnt bome1 e>per•ted by tht Pa· clftc Southwest Synod of tht Lutheran Cliurch tn Amerk•. Durlnl the adult study hour at lO ~ .•• Rev. Mr. Stein· baUl~ll the story of the Callf om.la L u t b t r a n Homea. s.rvtcet an at a and t : U a.m. SUDday Church School b HUNTINGTON BEACH First Christian Church 1207 Main St l.Exlngton 6-2589 Wn11ters: Tbomu w. Overton-Richard E. Learoa -S~RVIC!S- e NOal'fUfO WOftaHlP a ria ... tt·• .. , .... ~ ..... .. e YOtrlll MOUi I .. P.114 e S\'.,._INO WOlla1' t1a f'.a. ~-~..,...,... ... ··-- IWISH CmmRYA1M T9'lf llAICll Semc. Held P'rMl;f It_.. I P.11. UNJVBRSALISr CHURCH, 1258 Victoria. C.M. Rabbi s. MJdlael Rotb Cant,_ Bemard lhl'lhaU put ot th• family ~onhJp at':===============:;;:==:;;:;:;::_J t !llLDl. ra ~===-=========:::::=::::===:==:=::=::::::=:.I Lutheran Churc~ ef the lt..,rnctfeft (L-) f 'Freedom' Topic . ,,.. J\n. Richard J. Dun· meetin& at tbe John R. Ptt1110n School FA!~~B!P1JST C~'t!CH 2oe11 Farnsworth Lane, RunUniton Beach <'tlr-. ,._,,_ .... • ,. ....._, o... _ S.S. G:SO a.m. (Beetn. Aus. U) Wonhip 11 a.m. a..~ ... 41 .::,-...., ...._ , .. ..., Rev. ~le B. Johnaon NM780 ...._. ...._ .. ,. .... .._ .... ..., • ~ ... , •""'4 .__, -.. ....... ..... .... • .... , ...... .,..., ..... ,. •. r•wi. ~r P'tnt Mtthodl~i!lmmz::========================~ ~=. ":::ou:!'i ~~-~ 'RINCI Ofl 'IACI LUTHDAN CHUaCH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:] ..moa topto for tb1I Sun-Mesa Verde DriYt IDd ~. Colt.a Mua .-: da.1 .,, "Called to 14'reedom." Wonb~ Service and S:S •.... O~~ t:so and 11 a.m. ~tt "11btp HTVtca Cbrt.Uan Day Scbool (thru 5th Grade). sre planned at t :IO and 11 Andrew C. Anderson, Plltar-049-0&e2 a.m., church acbool, t :ao and 11 a.m. 1'------------------"u TIDE WAITS FOR NO MAN Md " ,... -' to ... tllll U* .. " out, ~ u. DAJ1. y Pn.ors DllJ u.. uw.. Wuth- ., -It .... Ill Ult r.t " ..... tM-'d-11~ ............ ,_ ...... ..... ""'"""'· $1.50 " ~. ~Jtlofl lflftr'NllOfr. ,.... S..556J. Attend The Church Of Your Choice This Sundaj -' SUndaJ School • • • • • • • • • • l:tl a.m. Morntq Worship ••••• 0;. 11:00 a.a Tralntq UDlon ......... 1:11 p.JL IMnlnl WOnblp ••••••• T:IO p.a. Wedneld11 Sinke •..••• T:ll .... ,?irJ/ -'Hl/l.rrn &ptill c,.J. • (ACROSS . r&OM IV&am A. RIA acaoou '50 WUT tlf.:MIL ,_ .COITA MllA UV. 0,YDC aJDllOU. .... U Nm r FIRST CHURCH OF CHRJST, SCIENTIST, COSTA MESA C... -W-'I 0. I SM I . ••.•IL.C..lllli .......... a.. ftt fllll ClillMI It a.ti&, 'r' 1 t II ....... ··-·- ' FllST PllSlnDIAN ·CHUICH " ......... .... J11 II. Clnflllll. ..... &i•......., 9:00 6 JO:IO A.II~ t• P..IL _., ldllll: t: 6 at a Pin01111I -..... ... ill;: ............. ,!t.11. Ytll6 Grollpa: .._, MGi t I• SU 3 I · Flrst ChUrch of Ch~. Scientist RBJGIOUS SCl!NCEs Giants Bomb Dodgers SF Explodea For 11-3 Wm Blanked By KC Pirates Seek 9lh •• Ill Y ahlcs, Russians Clash~ In· Olympic Prelude LA Hosts Classic Spikefest By GLENN WIQTE LOS ANGELES -A pr-.. lude to tbt Otympic Gama will be ltafed at Memor1a1 c.ol1Mum ben Ulla .,..... and Sanday ... u.. Sof\lt Unloo meets "'9 United 8tata bl a dual It.ck and fleJd a· truqama. Today'1 aC'tJon. which 11 a- pect.ed to draw I01DI 75,000 lftdonadol, beClol at s:• wtth open1.ns ceremoala. TM ftnt ev111t lJ IO minutet lat.er. San411'1 balt ot tbt p~ pua dartl It 4 p.m. with IOIDe •,aat fut anttdpated. World recordl. • w11 aa 1IWb llDd I ta d fa 111 ltud- afdJ, wUJ be tbrut&.S ·ln Ttrtually t v e r 1 •nnt f« mena and womens compeU. tfon. ,,...._ ... _.-Global marb hnt b •ta __ __. __ changed 1' times ln the ~ viou1 five meet1n1J btttrea tbt y ants aod Redl. Meet Faet1 ./ ( 'DI ndl ::a • -..... = .. , c:& .. I ::I ..... al wm ,,.. ... .. -Dll .... ~ r::. INI pan na thN tA 00 COllU ••411: 18. I Ju11 feab: antk; L(1 -I - = ........ ._... .... -..... c --.. . ...,., c-.1 ...... ~· Ullilll .... .._.. --..... c.t• ' o.-. c..-..... ....... c.... t ;• ...... ... 119 .... llllfld\ ~ C"'-"l ~ Cell• ...... --~ ... tM!flN (11111. a..<!' .. _ _.. ......... •Nie ..... lJtl I I 0 O.M. .... ' l ....... led: ..... ~· Ma In HE -Ma: eo. ti much warm nlm lifcu VtDICI Alli. WDIG arom ,... .ct a ... to .. tab - .. ... ... ~ • -.: 11 r 1Ff ij1 e iiJ illl 1111n:1i5 Ei ~ l i~J ~; ai !f hif!ihd f i1 !d :uhsi Hi Jti nh1• •111 r11 J'! if h~I nh1P 111 ~·I ;111 e 1'11 i 1r-~1t:<1 :i•1-1'I .;: l : '~~i ! ~ I'',' i,1J: '1•1 ~',1t11· fiiit' 'P,., iu u~ ~11 u•,11la1.! Ji1 ·~· i aff •ir1!1 :~1 :111 l·r• s .11,1,.1 • ! .. ti T . , .... I.: rlJ l '.j 111 Jdll.t.I:?' If~ ) ~-ii' '· ii'I -i ~ TilPi i: '·111 11 ~i· JJi1 • ''i"f• i '1111 I • r \ i· 1 J.~1 iii !.1i.i~ i •. ~1ir i; ;o!lf~ ir~g ~ ~ ~ 1i;jrlll' 1! 11 5;. !;1 t! 1,1~1, ~I tu '•'' 11 11 ~ i'•'i~J~11 11 11~iJ 1_111.11 !' ~!t!a.. ti'! 1:1 IE r ... ia!t:!f::: ~ t; ; rl :i ;i~ 1J Ji 1r•1J .' '~! nt i p -s•1=•i I~ 'I Jli ,j, i! , •ill • i I •:!~~ .~ ~nil 11 h lsf f,.a!t. ~ Cl ::i.. 1 <' Hint h ii ;Pi. ii ,~; ~i h d I nr =•• 1 . " 1 m " " 5li Jusil. -· !i !It ~ uit "f.I gl · 'II 111 nf nl; '" 1! i!(I ::Y J•I HI iihJI ni !Ii Jifi~i! 1rh£1 '!'lil''l!;i ~!QJi'sl ,i "I 'I' ~·I '(Ji ~hf I i l f :1, 13! ' :~1 ~ 1 J ·~~ ! 1; ~;:,,: 1;3i1 !J 11 ~i !i:!I !l'.r J:I J~ irl 51 1? 111· J · ~ 5IJ.&: r~ ~;ii I~ :i !!1 !a ;a ~:! ~I!; 11 . :,I • .. t~ Ji _;, J I ''· J; ii i I • :1 Ji ; .~ J:; pJ I . Pi ij ;11 •• -· . a~nra h sil ~ ti d I: ii (, r n! fl II m.J L 1l.:M1 ~' n ;~! d :this~ d .r. J1: J1 11u1 fl, 111 lrn , JI:·"' ' ' -~ '\_'~•.~ ~ .., -fllta ! g- 1 = • ('D {II) = .., Q.. .... •• : :·:' . .. ~,. ·~\ ·~· • J ; . By-JOHN GlEGOR¥ N•w conctpfs in ~ospitarrtafion lind an~xtension of emergency • fetet1ifies et H049 Presbyterian Rospit•I becom• feelitie~ Monday. ~ 'Otdic:Otion ceremonies ond o luncheon will mark the opening of & '$400,000 two-story emergency end inten,ive core bYildinq. the most significant oddition to. Hoog since its foynding in 1962. "" . Yet thi, is only the fit1t p~ese of o $3.2 milr.on project. Long- ra~ plons ere being mode to build o four-story wing that will lricteose bed C4pocity from 197 to 325. Loter, onother four-floor addition will be constructed. Following a Patient EXPANSION PROGJtAM -Hoag Presbyterian ROlpltal, ltandlng since 1962, ha undergone the first pbue ol a f3.2 million ezpan. • a Dope liod vrojed. Behind the main building lies a '400.000' ~ buildln1 now oten for emereency and fntenstve care peffenta. I •••• They netped Realize the New fl ... _ Brownell m a tour of ti. ll'1t' emuttDC1 ward. The three were infhlaUa1 in protWna eoncept tor new tntendve c.are cent.r and eJDll'llDC1 ~ Emergency Ward' , dirt, there are now 3.ooo ~quart' noof fcrt or ba5emcnt 1torage 1pace, 4,$00 square floor feet of emergency ~ard space tnd S.100 squart floor feet of intensive tare operation& n~E BEGINNING -Ambulance 1ervlce8 will find new Hoag buildJn& alfordt eitsv arcess in unloading the patient at one of •~ platform~ at the •merl'!DC'J enhance. Here, Bay Shore Ambulance attendants prepare to ta& the patient tnto the ward where be will be lt1JU{erred to a movable aurney bed. (Tuin paae for lther piciur.J ~. • 1 • .. .. I • THE COMPLETION OF I HOAG M'EMORIAL . HOSPITAL WING ~MlllC~N OPTICAL COMPANY .............. IAILu.CIE• ..... -. , .,. -.raY Ulll PNMNAIDWAll aY 1 • WALia HARDWARE COMPMIY .... ,.., .. AWNAW. ..,_,IUCM C.ltYARNER .. PACIFIC SURCllC~L ·'COMPANY ~ ...... .I • CARE OU ARTERS NOW . SOITH COAST COISTRICTIOI COMPAIY GENERAL . 1CONTIACTOI ~--549-1161 1111 l IA .. ER, COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA Tit. o,.nint of the new winCJ at Hoag Memonal Hospital solves the acute problem of caring for emergency c•MS. WHh the new s,.cious waitin9_r oom •facility, the •mer9ency ward can handle more p a t i e n t s in a •horter 1p•ce of time with greater efficiency. This $400,000 addition gives the hospital and the Orange Coast area a much needed intensive care ward featurin9 16 cubicles with round the clock nurse service and a new m•n1toring device serving et an alarm system for heart, pulse rate and muscles defets. Emergency bed capac- ity ha1 been lncrea1ed from l to 11 while total bed capecity has been upped from 197 to 325. The new wint la easlly the most important eddition since the founding of tfle hospital in 1952. ' COMPLIMENTS OF A FRIENDLY SUPPLIER CRANK BROS. ROOFING CO. Rooftn9 , 541 . 5569 116 COMMERCIAL WAY COSTA MESA ' .. CUSTOM CRAFT MASONRY CALIFORNIA REDWOOD MATERIALS 646-2401 1111a•u11W Woy C-Mela UNIVERSITY OFFICE EQUIPMENT Ml 6·7119 1911 HARIOll ILYD. COITA MllA WARREN'S STEREO TV 673. 5477 2t16 EAST COUT HJWAY CORONA OIL MAA Coast Ambulance Service Side Room S..,ples MeclJcal Oxygee S.-.iu a.47 . 6011 17112 BEACH ILYD. -HUNTINGTON MACH ' SEAL'S AMBULANCE SERVICE 541 . 3456 S35 CENTER STREET COSTA MISA HOLLISTER'S NURSERY Flowers • Shrubs • LanchcapinCJ 646 . 1121 19-69 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 541 • 126-4 407 BOLSA AVE. NEWPORT BEACH ORCO ELECTRONICS Electronic Pam Ir Eq1lpment 646 . 4407 16n SehERIOR AVI. COSTA MISA DANIEL GLASS & MIRROR CO • American Sheet BA YSHORE Metal Works AMBULANCE SERVICE . e1a11 ...t P•"'"1 1512 N.wport ltvd. COST A l(ISA f I AJr eo.•11uw1wt OXYGEN AND SICK ROOM SUPPLIES 3002 South H•lllday S~NTA ANA I : 646-7431 r 472 North Newport llvd. Newport leach, Calif. -.. . . .. ......... ___ , - • 'I .. Df. ..,.. 8pOCS dOtitl· • ~eolli!Dat.iry. Sldtdl • H~~aod hb archn- r--tra, and Stne Allen lD a 1Urgtcll JNll and eown. 2. Tht ~· of Dft'l-paper beadlln6 wn-. an O\'et tbt country c:ontllllUn ... to ltra1n JwmaD cftdullty. Wbo htret theM ~? '1k Lot~-newapapm are . Ole WOna .1 mo.. but nm • the more dvillied N • w Yort one1 rometimet per- mJt Mr hired bands to lap.e iilto odd uqge. BOMB RIGHTS WORKERS HQ IN MJSSl.SSIPP!, aa1d a head· line on the HEW YOR~ J>OST of Juq 8. Whal doCI tru. mean! Tba& tt.e bead· quarters bad been c:rookad, and the bomb Ht it ·t.raltbt? u Jt maDj that IOl1\eone. bombtd die dvtJ rigbtl beadqulrterl, wbJ doelll'tit ..,. .of ,,. ~ piled Abject tbat lW a ""'~Jlowlnl DfYV lbouJd bt aMd. bm all tOo • often "-· WbY tGUldn"t u ha~ bem: CIVIL RIGHTS • HZADQU~ BOMB- ED IN MISSISSIPPU Jun aUtn&. ('lblt quetlion mark Chere la m I n e, not the bNdllne'I.) SloppJ ~ =adultt tMcbel Ollr kids asap. I coofeu to try OD tbJ.a lla•. l don't want to Me bead.Unes that "1 QUITS SPAN, SUR· VIVES ON 'OOPTER that ~1U.~ me lb.It a man jumped off a bridle and wu saved when hauled aboard a be.llcopter. a. IBVING 8BULMAN (J SOJJPOM attt 11 the way bl.a name Ji ~> bas 1'rltten an ableeM book called. I .....~!ffOin tbe coveT, Mil· f _, ·ltW. t IUIJ*i the Utte ls a.ta.;, but some modun i • 1 w n e r believes an H ~ to look like an M, '••~ prcCer to lh1nk of It ........... lt ls an at.most U9Hllilllble book that ~ .. aiee tO set nl) prole.uioo ' ~ ihout 25 years, u a ~ of mine, Maurice 1o-., and I agreed tbe odMl',fidl,J. &mnrd G e l a. the~. ought to be harlftb!pped -not be· e&UM,of the lurid deta.lla. tbe dlaJocue, etc .. but be· came IM nevt'r should have petiD!tted a book s.. badly wrtttan ta see print GeiJ and ShuJ.ma.n should be ubamed, but will not be. '-Tbere as a lady named AltraCI GUberto, married to the Brazilian singer Joao Gil~ who may be the lO •¥0cal Uraetson li-UI • P".., -t wor111 wtOdn a nar. r baH thb p~ Oil blr rtc- ord of TM Giii Fnm 1,_. .... rtCclrded OD the V~ ve l&bel,' aloq with Stan Gm (Lola'I sister, Bob and a., ODce aaJd -Whatever Lala wAD:ta. Lola Gets). U M..)',Jft8din bavt not burd _tbls JtCrmt. 1. wie tbem all • ·to ri&lb Cllt and bay lt at ~ Ob, 1'41 coodneu. Oh, whit • \!Olce. The tecord ta a.PPamitl1 at the top of tte bestuller u.u. and in th.It cue that la wonditl"ful. Oh. what a drtYe. that 1*· aa Nova aound! a, w.hat t.endemus -wbat h o t breatby nolle1 ot -.hit U lma&lne) is the warm Bn· zJllan night! And Stan Gm \U!'ely must be tM snet.t ·uopbooilt In •.• wen. ln the Wtttttn Hemlapbere. I ' -haven't biin llO Alda la~~. • I. LEO DVBOCBER and I dltcUNed dobtl b&a We story tocet!Mr a few months aio. I no• be&ln' to uoder· sta.od why bl lost interest 1D tb1s projld. e. A 100C1 tblDI .to do at a cookout 1' to tlk. zucchl.nl and tpllt tbea W>itbwbe ~ falrlJ JmTOW pieces, CMt thens wtdfOU, fPrlnkJCI wtlb ul& and pepper ud perhaps a tiny bf t of Ort· lano. and eet them on the fire Just befon the bambur· sen and bot dogs an put on. !rake off when crisp 1. lt bu been Wd of otb· en, b\Jt whenever a pictun! of Wllham Scran1oo falla be· nea1b my eyes I am remind· e4 of that boy Ot'l Mad mag- u1De11 C'O'Ver: 'What! Me worry?'' a.. Woody Allen is the hm· Platform Plank COMMENT A Variety of Offerings Is Not Wrong, --J. c .. -,,, .,.;~ -Available in Paperback \ ··M~~I~ 6U~DLE FROA/\ \-\E.A\Jf..N E Hal Boyle R.-arlcs That Drlt"~ .'t ftagl~ Girl• lnsnn~ By HAL BOYLE Would you ordrr mr a doz· put you down for a burk~ By W1LLLUI BOGAN Poperb a c k publbhlng mows no formal seasons. and July brlnp a variety of pe.'tinent ofleringa. Some topical Items which caught my eye: John Howard GrUfln'1 ex· pl0f1vt penonal adventure. "Black IJke Me" <Sllnet: 50 cent&), 11 u account by lbe white writer who dyed h)J akin, shaved b1a ~ aod lived for an aaonlztq stretch u a Necro 1n the South l.ncludtn1 Mi.aslulppl. TRIS 18 ONE of t.be p-eat contemporary American horror stories. yet exhilara- ting stuff. A 15-ye:>r-old boy of my acquaintances j u 1 t read It and mows more about Ufo in the U n It e d States and Cfttalnly more about tbe meaning of clvU righla than be did wbcft ac.hool let out in JUM. •EJ.. pedally recommended. Wben lt ~ tn tu Harper edition Wt menth. Mm1i:n L\ttber Kini'• "Wby We Can't Watt" drew thit comment from John HO'W· ant Grtffln . "This la a mag· nlfi~nt work. one of the two or thrtt mol>t import.ant boob of our UJM .. .'' Just weeks alter lt.s hardcover debut, it LI iuued in a flrrt printing o( a ball·milllon ropltt by SI.pet (&I) centa). Thll cont.atna a compre-- henllye Jtlianent of Dr. Kini'• uarmolent pbilo. ophy: la cledle.ied to bl.a chUdnm "for whom J dream one day 5oon "'Iii be judged onlv bv the "on•tnt of tht>lr character.·• and prc~cnts for thP first limt> the fa. mous ''Letttr from Rirmtn~· ham Jail " DUE LA TE nus month "The Nlgbt o( the lgupa." text of Tenoeuee WUJ1am1' play geared to the J o h n ~vGeorge!r Remarks that single girls en rose~ for twr '• And if Gee. over the yrars Es· Pear Geor"e get tire<. of during Leap you have tim,. on your mereJda, l ~utss you 've put ~me time aJ(o } ou mrn lunch hour I ~11 r,. would out a lot of dollars for of-t1oned In 11satn1t tht com· Year-or any other year· a.ppreclate it 11 '.· ou · d stop Ike !>howers mon mistaken belief that red· "Well, Esmerelda, you by and pick UJ> a couple of "Whal are you waiting heads are bot-tempered f Hust.on -Richard Burton movie vusion (Signet; ~ cenu). Ort&lnaD:y produced on Broadway ln 1961., tblJ obl.erve1 • l[rOUP of rult.ry Wllllams characters living undtt press~ in a Mexi· can ~astAI resort Might want lo have lhis handy to check the plcture·a ac- tion. Do people ~ally re.ad plays? Signet tells ua that nearly • mlllioo paperback copl.es of Wllllams' plays alone are ln print, lnclud· in~ "The Rose Tattoo," "Suddenly Last Summer," "Baby Doll," "Sweet Blrd of Youth •· Morley Callaghan's ··That Summer 10 Para" 10 e 11· Laurel. 60 ttnta J ls a ncol- lfiction of the Canad l a n wrllet'5 uperience& in 1929 Herb BANNER OVEI\ tht-r~C'­ ord counter In a store that shall be nameless~ "Bl&· gest Bargaln in the History of Entet talnment ~" Dir;· playE'd beneath . The John F. Kennedy Memonal Al· bum. marked down from $U8 to 19c. MME. P J E RR E Moo· teux, whose fabled husband died early this month. will not be long in 1tt!u1ion or rt'tlrement This (all sht' rmbarkc; on a roa.,t·to-eo:i~t It cturc tour at about the <;;ime ttme :wr book abo11t llfr with the mat-c-tro. "Jt'c; All in the Music.'' wW be published ... You'd think a aoclallte lawyer wbo ape- ciallz.ea 1n fancy dl\IO!'~ cues would know better. but it's jolt M<>th« examp~ o1 "Do u I uy. nol as I do": his open affair w1th a blo~ divorcee It boiling toward the h~I RAY MOORE of Seat Ur, a GOP convention official, found out that Barnaby Con· rad i.s a moet unuautl man 1\1nore rented Mr. Conra11·~ Tclel{raph Hill studio, sight uniieen, for his stay here-- and stnce Barnaby was out when be, He.m.hipay, FUz· aerald and otben 1n tbe famous cut of characten were creating their o w n kind of literary hlttoJ'1. 'lltta 1.~ particularly lnteresttng In h"bt of Hemlngway' 1 own account or the Parb y~ra. "A Moveable Feut." Re- comenc.led, lt only for Call· aghan's account of the bos· lng matcb betweec Hem.int· way and him. TIMELY REPIUN7l'S: Clinton Ronlter'a ·"T b e American Pruldeney" C~f­ net ; 75 oenu); Roul1tt a ··Parties and PoUtics ln America" <Signet; ee Ct'Dtl) .John Kenntth GalbraJth'1 "The ACOuent Socltty" ISig· net: 75 cen'-' 1 -tbe latter more talUd about t h a n • read. so here's yo1u chanc:e. (_._ Caen oC town whf'n Moore arriv· l'd. he left a note of tn~truc· lions for him. u follow "DEAR MR. !'tfOORt:: The bull11ght painting on the bathroom door conceals the liquor supply The spigot above lbe bed. when pu$h· ed. releases a stream of Jltn Beam. It 11 marked. 'Bourbon.' Pullin& lbe bull'• tall causes the auapended mm-y-~round pi& to u,bt up. ~ skeleton ployi ng lhe guitar on the Pht does not work The hl·O h con· rraled in lhe old Victrola tn th<' ri:(ht of lhP 'lhs Ma'· frr '~ \'otct>' mod<>I doJ,! You asked IC tht•re Is ;i lutche· netl8 ll Is In lhr hath· room" I presume Mr. Moore had a pleaaant stay ln Urls typl· cal San Francisco pad. Les Malloy'• 10-ycar-<>ld David went to church Sun- <ay and returned to an· nounce· ''Dad, I'm not go- ing any mor&-thty'rr just summf"r rcruM". Ilettana Bund~en reports "I ~aw a dirty movie at the drive-In shield ncrdcd clranl~." last nl!i!hl my "ind· shlcld needed cleaning ... (-~ ......... know there's such 1 thing theater ticket11 for lonlpt. for'! Slr Galahad~" can understand this natural as belnl too choosy." 1 think J'll surprise the old "The thing I like about mistake on your part as this glt'L Gee, thanks, Csmercl· you, Esmerelda, la that you mJalnformatlon has become 0 80RRY, Ma'a01. but da, you're a ~l'al doll. I know how men really feel. almost folklore. However. J I fliNJlc l• we don't serve lacUet with· don't know hnw Id get Now you take my wire. for would appreciate It If you'j \ ' out eicorts at the bar along without Y"" Pxample She doesn't UD· would not continue this rr· • Wou.1d you Uk• a table?" "She's marnNt In her derstand me at an ." roneoua legtlhd. If you do 1 Saturday, July 25. 1964 job." ''I WOJlldn't exactly call "Let's go dutch " personally will break <'Ver/ 'Die editorial page of the Dally Pilot seeks to inform her an old maid. But then. "WE'RE T \Kl \1 • ·1p an , Her elbow is worn out bone In your it$r.. head! and stimulate readers by presentina this news-on the other hand. she cer· from throwing rice at other RED • talnly lm't cetUng any office co:Jecti1•n for fessl.e. girl5' weddings." Deer Red paper's opinions and commenury on toplcs of in-youn~er." She's mar111nl! .lirn-you "IF YOU want to know !\orry wl' all make mis· terest and slgniflcance, by providJng a forum for "I'll foet Es"herelda ,0 know, the guy m thr 11\lp-how the pension fund opcr· takes the expreJaion of our readers' opinions, and by .._ .... .,..1 J Aft alJ ping department I lo•· do J .. 'd ....... presenting tb• diverse viewpoints of inf or med ;;"do.!!•:"iia!:· m~ ~ you llke tbat"-~he·~ bere =er~~-;;_ Y~ ~';s as~ (Send your problem• to observers aJ>d spokesmen on topics ot the day. do In lbe eventn&s." only three months. and l8t bactward and forward.·· Georae, the e 1 P e r t on ltobert N. Weed, Publisher ''WIMG abe nnt came 10 __ •~m_a.n ___ altead __ __:Y_·_:.:Sb=lll~~l.J...:..~~~~=::::.:•..,=-.:...,...:.:::; ________ e~v~erytbln:..:.::::::l~·-=.••~en=-=experta::!:.:::.=.·~).-!:::==::::::=::===========================' work btn, •he had tbt litute of any llrl m the place." "BONJ;'f, U you take my edvke. ,ou1l ~·m&rrJ any of them. All men are bum• •"1'W•1· alld oae's U aood II tbe otblf. Tbl matn thlnC II, 1'oi11 bt hrie • .tead, job ~ • to I wott ..,_, _,,. : "At ........ she'd... .. CtndlNllia -JOG bow bow ...... 0 are. TblJ. .. Clll ill ttie1r 1MI ~ tut tom• Joe 1n lblll\QI armor t. 1otn1. to pllop up OD a whfte bone and ...., • thehl away from tt alt!' ' I "'nie llna ID htr bot>t chett b turn1lll y.UOW.'' "Good ~_I aim.t f~ IO&..at'•·~··· ~ .. NEWS·REALS • • (2IJCl'1' ot Dnw• I '5 MT-'QU Buh1. Bch. TIRl:8 Colld a-1eo x u 2-aoo x 15 ia udl. 122 M-cnol.la Apl C C.M. "IS 1% H.P. EJitD D\c. I UMd u Am ,.,.,. on I Pwr boat, wtda WOOd it.or· .... bes -U.4'16 MASOOlNi TV™ I $& 0aaM tallle '10, I ~ ~ "'*"'• I HIS. BlOWll ..... c.rp.t. , t iq a.nd J*I. m . OR MllSU PRILCO t'i"' TY. '10. crm Mt wttll 2 ...... N. 6t5-11"1J. NORGll &etrlc clrycr, rood J ccmdltkle. uo. 111-lOll. t>miii'rii. m&J•. r ... -a..ts.o.p. ..u ~ .m...~l 2BR.4ND ....-~ foe ale. cee mp OM 9' .... m .. r. u.. two I MS4UO. BANLUN, J'rlCtd&in re- • frtcvator, ·=· M2..,... BABY c:am.c-. $1 .r.o. 8troller, I-', Playpen and . fad. $8. Ll A-1'60 REKODEUNO M t t a 1 wantrobe, 110. c~ ""' $1~ Pull 1lmrp. 11 . .,,. place .c:rwm. 11. Ou1ltmu bPta • llLUd. $3. Lamp. IL B•ncb u,tlt. TIC. Stool. IL a.a. Wt.a. ll.JIO. Wall upt. Tio RD17 oat. 12. Bed • ebMt. '25-Kat olll•c ...... uo. R..sio. ~- 1 J:IKU1c dock. R a o x I pocket booD. 11. Cand- J ~ bo&der TSc:.. ' dWn l u MCh. Wb.lte naupa,.. • 89C'lJoaaJ uo ... piece. W bl t • naup.bJ'de cn..tr, PO. WhJte nau- 1 phycM ottoman. $10 TV, I _... pl.ctm'e tube. IU. • 1 llhutten. 11 .-cll. I 8&r llloob. '5 ea.ch. El«U1c f can opeatt, 12. Carpel II: ped. US. %340 tr.tden A.. CM. KENN'!:-r->Y--7-<1_r_a-,.,-. •-r mach.tnt.t tool bn~ ISO. Coac:o lutchl'n •ltp .tool, I Wt• new, $7. Part.able ' allier, 17 • .u.orwd .U. Oomin,r wve. $3 to SU... IO, Includes bdl. 2 ~ I I UIO ... llkl llnl'. Llbb,a blue Willow 1tu.ea. nt'W, I la -. e cs. I oa. 15 oa. ... • QT prNSUn cooker, I 1.0te rmr, Ill. Dania&l ; modmt lamp, •2w· tall, I I .... ,. twitch, Uk• MW, 116. Bra"*1 0\-al rq, t' x 9', ~~lll'nt rond. but bu1 n~ rlran1na. 1111rnf· I~. 12.'. 2 Bird CA~ l round, I ~taniular, S2 Hrb. ~M903 HIGH cha.Ir, J9 M • p I• ~rt" table. UR. Pa Ir tablt1 lamp11. M c It l I d • pi.1 lRllv, 16.. Ml e-111e1 CUSTOM macJ. f'Olt wooda, •23. TV couch. Teti covtt- llit. SU. T y p • w r t h r table, $t. Wooden deU, I II\, PtJ\( pCJq tab}•, l'f. 20·· Ol~l.9 b'lke. $8. PaUo chalr1, S2 M<il. N • a r nPW n-apontor tnolb, lltl. JJ9o~ travUM rod•. UO. Garden too I 1. booJc•. ~ tD 12. 'M~ JiABY Jlema.. Jump chair, DICK ~ VERIOt &El OUICI WHWRH DllY PILOT CWSIRED WANT ADS! EVERT nruRSDA T A SUNDAY 'l:IO P.X. AU TTPU FUR.NlTUft& AND APPLIANCZI N"SW II: USED PAn AUCTIOll Wll BUY FOR CA&H, OK &ELL ON OON8Iama:NT um 11. CA.RaON -A.&'USIA 1 CAJUAU> PURCllA.aZ ot flne Kroehler Cbln. W1lll' Tl'adJUanal. HJ. Ba.ck .Danl9b Styl• Ba•• tnp up to 't ot' mon. Group A, 199.99 valu• now '41.11. Group B, lltt.~ vaJu-. now '61 .... Croup C. 1139.to nloa now Ma.81. HUB · u..eo. etx musematJc bOt· tl• OllDJ>I• u.ao. BaUl ~Ila.Ir. 12. l"ri~ d1"1911· • nett, '5. Tba,1U ~ua• p 1 a 1 p • n • p&d. 110. lllroller and hlof'bair ped.t. I •1 •ch. KAJclt I~ a a ck llhtl•rs. •2.00 nch. LIM~. ROODY,,..._.,1 __ -& ___ l> _____ f'ild_. •u. Custom "'1llt Ba.I· rod, 115. Pall Mon&ftt nel WU.la I l!M, ... llO&t J bua!CM', IUO. Boat f., l ftlt bit..,. dW'pl\ ... 0..""'" .. ,.,., ... n tr.,.. • ..., u• •air••· ex. ~~ & BALANCING mT &:rbor ...... c.x. ..... nbWJdhl&', w • lb ..... ~ .... plDdbis. ..... ant clrtft u.. ......... 4na tva. .... p~. •bofe..rwt.aD auto p&rta. 646·7197 6T VW Dix • --SIU at Ob!& ep.. -UOIG at vw camper ---tNa at Poncbe 18008 _ nm M aaq.,, Caaelle --UllS Mon to cbomt from JIM SLEMONS DI PORTS 1302 a. 1h1n l!lt. :lvetom T•tto,. APEX 11'\lirmal ,..., for ....... ~pert AttlnUoa.11 UUifWIJIOrt~ oaa.i. PICJiDONe lnt~ fate b1a4 'l"umblent 11 n('b. 116.0IM. BLOND ~. Mlnw • Nlt.e 8taDd SA, Bed 6 M&ttna ns. a IDaDd End TabJa .. I oaa.t Tabla us. a».Ull u . usn::u. ~ •u. m.ctrtc ~••P PWow .._ N.,.._ 1)1.. neu. Tabl• $1, II ,... ... ,. mar l:Dd Tab!• -., BB ~11 8uDd&y • CHAISE 1ouJa19 UO; Pkt· lonn rock• no; 'lto'bn. 110. 111 Lido Nard. BICTCLll Bo7 r lcbWiiiii •1 UO. LI a..«>07. DA VDO, Browa. Ideal far .. OI' pMl J'O(D. m. Ml-1151 an. I p.m, liiD en.an .. cJla1r $8. eac:h, AlJlo 50" double HOD upt 110. u a..am QDUB Hufty btcycle 18", Oood candtlloll.. .. ...... 230 BIMPU:X m&lt&ie. ••• l1eCltrlc dock u.. .,.. u. 0&e noor Matar sa. E1ectno band 1rl1Xw p. Nl-U03 OAIJ dJ'yer lD ~<.Oft• dlUon '20. OR 1-2002 6 IMPORTED watnul (iD. In« c.ha.I,.. Ill •OIL • kltcJlen chair&. fair oond1o · "" '5 e&C"h. rr .. mat.ch-in« t&fll•. Call OR 1-ttfl P ADDLl:BOARD. Elccel· l.nt oondlUon. OJ\ly 110 Oall e4M11J. i arra t>oz rprtnl' • .__.. .prtq mattnaea. J~ tor c:ouch99 or comer '8d9 ta chllda room. Oompa.t.41 wtt.h m.tal rrwn. •~· par Ml. OB l-2002 fOiTABI...m noonl Jl.a~r. d1amo.d Meidl• ua. LI i-OJH • l\fplac•mta • • JftrrDla • ·'Nt~· • Sbollwr Doonl • • °""AU 0.., Situ~ CRANCE GLASS CO • Odllp Appli11ee ' : ". ~VE TIMEI DtAL . I CLASSIREO DIRECT • \o • DO lOO WANT '"11 ~I I ................. Ill ' ......... .... , a.,_ ..... -~a._,..._,. .......... ......... ,0... " ta 3 ... -tllll _ ... ., ..... ~ bmkF .......... . ............. Olaly ................ ..... f/6 ..... Kl ... ,., • DAN&Eltm -...,,, 'nt ..... fll ... OOLL•oa PAaa._..__.. tllia.arc.._a. .......... , ...... lt11tu 1,l.._J •••a 011111,em. .,1-twaDta..._. .............. .A. ., l>OW1I a .. ,.. ._.. ..... ,..a IO Ml41 • Colts & W1llle1 Rttrs. I j I ' ! ftll 2 lllr7 4 bedroom. 3 bath home II 2 ,_. MW. You11 be delltbted with t.bt ..... entry, Roman bath, marble firep*-. faml\Y room · and Motber·ln-1.aw sewtne room. ~. drape1 • ballt-lm are included. wm trade for Ormie County unita. Alkiq f74,500. DOVER SHORES WATERFRONT COLLEGE PARK 2521 Veisar Pf•e• Open S.turcl•y & Sund•y f • 6 Cbarmin1 Contemporary 3 bed.room, 1 ~ bath. paDIJed Wrilly room home. Fu.Dy landscaped. hDee p1Uo. butlt-ln tttchen, 2 fireplacu • only $29,950. IRVINE TERRACE T DUPLEX 3 bedroom ...... plm 2 bedroom aot. Both with pier aid lllp. Cutam, OWMr ba1lt. Alk· ing ,97,IOI. 33M Via Udo. N.B. 11J.Ual • DcmtLmfal + II I.bl .... ,~GllW. ~ ..... .... n>ODI. ~ ...... IK '-lb ......, 'ftit ._. of• ,....,..... ....... ._tu. Jla.Ce; llltltft·la eleeta1e kit· c:1M1A, w.a to wan earpet.t ~t _, cuato• dmpM. IUdly liMI doofl O..t~~-..- Y•CliM~ FitW It, fltlll It WHlt AW_, IJj ,. ..... -tl'elll ~ """"-~ .... WILLOW TREE oa • '9i.t ..... near E. lfU. Bt. Md W-*cllla P1ML Budy to ICbool&. ...,.... lot 9DMd ,_ ~ mdt. a bdnM. blt.-lD llltm. WU. ~ ..... JUdl ft.). .. M.rdW'ood no.. uan. .. r.c.d Jani wttll .. w ............ are1a111aurArtl••r "Gellwy R•tty HM The flk,__., . Contemporary With Heavy Sh1k1 Roof COUNllY CWI DIM Executift'I home, with Oftr .J~ ... feet ol well planned Uvtnc -·rit.KM RUGE BEDROOMS plua a aeparata oatc. -Loot at thia home and see quality thruOat -run price $39,950 . COUIGE, PAIK rouB BIDROOJf I: POOL. and needl a little = .. WUl sell , AA. with low down I $21.995 CHIAPIE S11.ft5 'COSTA MIS.\ t!1rie bedroom, With ucel- lent carpetlnr • tlraperia Owner tramlv· red and ready to move -Call U1 to Me tb9 but Cor the lZAST - market ------- (lkj•). Tucked away beb1nd a lnaM lllllded e 1 m tree, carpet Uh pri lfOUDdJ with wtnd.lnf brick walkway. !Wmantk 1\ate entry and separate double doors to a dramatic Uvtn1 room with beamed ceilin& and m enormou.a open brick fireplace tndadtn1 wall of ricb knotty pJne. Larri aeparate I.Im.Uy room with anoit pit and BBQ for indoor enter- tainment CID alto be dtrided ln- to additional Den or Bedroom and lt1ll enoqb room far famD1 reunions. 2 spaclOUI Wrooml lnc)\ldtng Muttt Suite with pn. nte bath. Corral 1n rear wtth ~ ~ for Pool A tnmen-cSoa. 10Cation and Vahle, only ~,MO. , WY TO LOVE 2n •. '""' ,,...Ml ..... COSTA MllA .. ., .• .. .J ' • .• .. . . BAR~UE Toor ip&Nribs arocmd Uill lovtly l&J19 pool tn Lbe nu ol. Ulla • bf' homl. J\lat ltepa to Orammar ec1'ool la Junior B!ah- P11c. nt,HO. . - I COSTA· MESA 19'1 }nine Fri .. &.s.t •• 1.5 2 bdrm-. 2 kt.bll. 4en, bullt.\nl. lMI• pool uuoo. '\ BEACH DUPLEX 106 Olive THE ~E./\L E S T ATER!; T HE ~J E AL E S T J\. TER ~; au.iao full pric. for lhll mo. dean born• wttll ~ do.a + lmpoullda. KcmtJl.. Jy paymenu would run auua tftcludblc -· 4 & Fam. * $21, 7SO = ~ .,..,., -~ $14,950 ~ ~ :.~ '= ~ near llChoob ~re·1 a,_. ~ It or not a quality b&rp.ln! ( spaclou.t BR! 2 bWlt mod411ft bonq home B&tha• luxury kltc:henl "° &Mt 1Ttll ~ fOll' oaJ.7 llt.NOI 1f' m a 11 1 Quality carpet.a la dNpM! M6-.eo l:"9 &46-0116 dotr!l. lluy t.mm! 22 x 10 Pool-al.Md yard. Room for GOLF COURSE MU by to thla ' BED-ROOM (tmmac ulat.1) bame wtth DINING room &ltd tamUy room. tbe priee 11 cmtT uo.000.00. OPD( SUN. 1 :00 to &:00 FA.KILT ROOK. Wall to boat It trailer. neeo ..ti carptUn•• On.pea' do'lm. 1120 pn moaa Pool tdaed lot (t'f x UD) I A.ct ~·· Sff today. can a1.o room for boat or I now• t.rafkr. c.n now. Bee to-~-7f71 • 0P£N 'TIL 9 da.Y· t..._ _ • "Kr ICW'IORT a.vo • ~·7'71 • ~ill9 . • r7 AT NC'tWICJRT a.VO • for lD.lpectjcm. ~ Jan. --------Don't Miss This One x .. Verde. 1'111 W.-mt Dr. Ml NOi 8AYSHORES BA YBJlOIUI% DR. -Oor. lot. I bctnna. J baths, blt·tna. plana for cxpe..mlon °"' pr. NICI: • AUOO. , •I BR • w I • cpta • Drpe • l!nmacul&tAI lnaid• and 1 out· Bil Elect. MM1M. > * JRADE * • Dita OcDI 41.000 equltJI. NEW -BACK BAY 4 BEDROOMS Hut-walk tn cloMta. all eJectric kltcben. ~ w/W ~t. Beaut:i. tnJ l&ndKaphe wttll .prtn- Jcler qst.em. B-.1 bobby f'OOGl onr double ~­ ~ dtU. J\lll prtoa "1,JllO. To _. eaJJ BEACH ~REAL Tl • • • ONLY $2,000 DN. a B& 2 ba., frpl. CU1tof1s crpt&' II drpe. Walk to 1-cll • rt cl\Jbhouae wtt.ll 2 beatlld poor. etc. Alk1nl w.aoo lAra't cor. lot \111lh a beau· 1 WtlJ 3 BR ~ BIC rnut•r BR baa It.a own ~ b&th. G.1! lttt. ~ rm. A l&tl• LR w1UI OJ'epl&cc. An 1Cx:cellent bu7 al m .t:io. llXCEl.LENT 1ocat1oD bl M ... Vude °" CUMlt..-e. S ~. I bt.tJl bof:M., L&UI &lld ~· 2 ar.- p I a c 1 a. Touc:h.pl&w • w t L c h a 1, carpel.Id Is draped. &2'7.000. fJ\!!';'ICMr'.!'!l! "'~· .... Phone .Anythn• --CciRNER fiuPLii _ _,_, __ on ~tA, Odi. Coe Cll taic. po&I wtta ,.,... to ~ toCIDl to l4cl to ,. .. - Tl ' I -( ·j · -, · . ~· ..... F : : r ,\ .. I : J;• · . OPOONG . ........ pqd,. w • ...a J inon ·~ new •. -,,...,..,.,.,,..,,.;.,n.,,,;..,...;....;~­ wortt m aa acti"9 ,..... &Dl, ,,.u Ol'l&Q¥ omoa. ~ ciimmt'lklo .,qt + 8oDua. Trt.1ntnl ,.... sr..-. C..U Mr. NcCarclle Cor J.ntcniew. 6-W·7171 • OP£N ~L 9 •,,AT ~Jj _,.. • .....:-u ._. ....... .. ... --~===--:-:-~-.,,,,=--OPEi HOUSf 2 TO T P .K. Sat. Ir 8uD. 20TI J"edfta1. Colt& ., .. Pool + a br, 'Pf.U0-euport. nice land1elll*! t .r on t ~ ~ commJtment ol. 111.200. hJ1 ,no. 118,800. TIX HALE RIAL TY "6-172' $950 DOWN To nlA. Nice I BR hc:llM. B.archilood noon. fJ'ple. 1111 1'110. lndudl.q pi:t:ld- pal • lnw.t. can u. LI 1-UOt, ltLTI\. Co.ta MM.t 1100 "CAN DO" Ml kl03 $500 DOWN ,Want Qpl&& JI.-ttx• appw. ~ Oout RltJ. in. • b'llDI. 1' ... lack ~ Rae.Jtor IUO W. Oout Hich-.Y LI .. ma l:Yee Ml e..1'7N ,.., aft. ..... ftl2lL =------""'""!'-- Mt ... OCiAif ftONT Peninlul& Po&nt. e bdrm.. Vtty lpecl&JI Sil~. a.lboe ltetl Estate Co. TOO &. Balboa BIT\1., Balboe OR.lol• &.'140 2'00 . IQ fT 4 tw, I ba. tam. rm. I frplci.. drpa. I '°1000 WMStr m.1tt. ··--- S•ts DOWll R. L. STRICKLER am 12. ~ RWJ. OcDI ' 01' M610 AiiitoAiN-,-,.-· pptL-· -14'- tncJUdlq alt c:ott.t ' mt I aca. tn ctt)' et m:.iondldo. In an.ta Meaa I C.n bulld H untt.a. Only MAHON REALTY •1~tGO. t8lh 1a Oran,. A. A. McDANllL Ml-IA67 En MI e.tt(ft DAL'l'OR i'ili OPPOllTUZUri M llM &r~ Blvd.. C.JI • a buatn.. or JGU.r _,. la 1.l .. 1181 ta tM Q•n!Oed eecUca to-ll• J)a07 Pilot ...a Ml •• Oblek ll .,,., to.., .. .at • SAT. It SUN. 1-6 P.K.. 110 1Cm08 ltOAJ> vs... d .... i..uutu1 yard. Very Uvt..!Q. Wortll ...tq ·~· D. V. Franklin, Rltr. ' B&.&.triD'bL >w. I br, ...... ,.,, t'Pl> , ....... "9C I ...... .... ,_, IJe ,.... ,.., ~bl a.q. tt1I-. MI .. _. i100 J)LX Dapla frcmt. Priftte. -.-..._..._..____ I lw, I M, fUr ""'-dlb· 1 LG&. w.. ~.ldabMI .., ... •/W epL,, drp., 1 ,..._ u ........... ... WaR 1 .._ to N...,,.n ....._ • 1m .lt. .,,.. ,..._ 1111 ao.:1199a.. U MUI. • • lllFJll • . .. I a J .... Mf .... ept.1. --' . • ""' • 1. ............ .uiaata ,...,. I, 6 a; ...._ I& 6 U.. SW. Ne -: •o..t ...... 9U.. frMftl '"*'· I ,.U-. Ai. pr, Ad\tlta, fenced. $100. 12& ct.a.IDJ de})Ollt. VJ T·lHl Kl • ..,. LOVELY S bdrm laome, ICa• tra IFS U~ ltm, Dtninl ANa, h"'-. Wac.. pd. a..an hdfk Sanda Na-MW I -..2 M.. ltUWIU, .... frplc. ....-.r. fee.cl 111a-mo. ton CoraUJ u.s. an.UM 2~~!J BR 2 M, L)T o14. Foe9d w/ p&Ue. Anti • Aq llU\, Sttl ·ma. U.2'tl .._ 2 BDIUll. c.rpt. ....... f.....S. Wl·IDa. ••nee. flit !J&.•1111 11r..r • Rh 1 "· ii;li-irt-IDa, pn patie, u .. "' ,.._ ... Ult. • i1*k toil blH. c:: • -..... .... -.aloe baulJ mhap. AJt '41 kl1I ...-a.t.owa la ~ 2 bdnn. 1 .:llJJd ob7 221 tlb It. IM-11.U . WISTMINSTllt uo Jnu.1"0 ""' ' Wrrn, t s -bll·tal. frM:d :·_,., CllD ..... • ,.ll ••loom. 1 n" .... -... •ao.1• 15901 DiaJMM p .. ~ ... f7 'mt. ii• W/ll"C eeeaa 6 movntaa .w.r 1221 ,.~ m" ~1111. aENTALS lpta. '""" .... 1 Cotta"'-' 41 00 . 0 -· *BAHIA MAR* J'UJ\NlBBED l • J ,_ Ked11t• .,.n.mimta Poot. pvtttzia' Adult.I onlJ. Start Ul mo. m w. 1tt.b, Kea Ml-Of!n, Ch.tHu LAPointe 1'41 Pomou. Collta Kela. Lowly 2 BR apt.a, tum 6 uni. 14 bnted pool. front A rv.r puklllc. 'ii bile to aboppinc, Adlll, no ,.U. t•TiiCturn 1a u:ntUrn apt. STt 50 ptr montll and up. JSJ'l Harbor ••. c.x. N-1'U 2 idl watartrent •PL: New· port. P'l.lnUabed. P h o n • 11Ml48 W.U~ or N2-tm wulrctay1. IKA.LL 2 BR QneT Oii wat• ff'CIDt, l 111.IL to Udo .,,._ N• '*1ldna °" pett. OR I-OMO JUt. 5fu Voltaire :Jrom$87.50 AU NEW GARDEN APARTMENTS OOIA l.Aal OMt ICttOOll, TWO 110MOm AND STUDIOS. MO"l'PCCNT Mm.T.U.S, URICUATm, CAmTS' OMm, PIUVAT£ 'ATlDS, flOOL. ltCIUTION, MD CHIUllUS ~ SCPARATt ADULT SlCTIONS. 001 So. FAIRVIEW Rd. .. t • ._ McP..._. & l'l"t St •• SANTA ANA 5'1-35'2 ... -~- LIVE WMr• The fY!! la • • • DOWN BY THE OCEAN mart ea," APARTMENTS AND VJUAS 2002 ~. c..t1 ,.... $110 Mo. Up Ml 2-0591 2 bl«ks wut or Harbor •t 19tb, then North on Maple • Unlum. • P'unl. • 2 ' 3 ~OOll\I • Dr1pe1 6 Cupeb • Deluxe Ktt.cbnl • Garbaae Dilpoaall • 2 Poola • RecrealJon Room 'nauau Pa/'"'; A'A~TMENTS 1 n I . 22N1 St., C..1 MM1 •.J62~• •. ear,N " Drt!H'I • ffeltff '"' • OJWra'a Pll111 .. ...i $100 .... "' Ml 6-Ult • hnrlsh4 6 Uldwndahtd B--l.:UIL,. LARCH DELUXE APAA.TM&m 22t4 c.t .... A"-. c ... , Mell $110 Mo. Up Ml M'67 • !6J~d,.... • rma.•u .... . • Lar1t fft ..... ... • Lnety PaU. An• 1 *"' .... Ru· • 0r.,. •• ~ -• Vldlda, --• ~ .... ... •C6ct ........... ... ·~ . ' llMTW , ...... ~ • •• lldt·ta ...... .,_ . • I 'M&lil ' • _,,. , Open da1J1 'lU . p.Jn. MJM. ....... • '"' fto• MT.TUI Of' Pn\O.UU.mlfto.MO. M1.0lll0 OOJt01Q DEL JU& Koath oa 1-tn ti..outuJ 11.. ....... quiet e:irelD. '*" 01 &l17 Clu• ~ ,,.... cHstaDM t.o *'P--:--:z~..-........ --~ APARTMENTS For ....... Livint 'TI'9 Lururieus Harbor Townhouse 2 • • • r • • • u.r.1'1116ed octy •ti. --.... •tu-• apta. W'IO' ,_, man T CUpeta. Cira,_. Medal- U. ldtcML Qcq90UI M&&..s pool. 2211 &tW B1Y4.., a.ta Kea. J:n. ter fllw.a Jb1'lor J!b4... or wa.on 1t. VILLA WEST I Mna. 2 k Gold ~ ha ltudio Apt.I. •POOL • PuW. 0..... • Becrw.Uon Jlm SUMMER SP6CtAL Swim tree 'W AuJ, lit 1 It 2 BR. rrt ~ pool 11rr1~s.s. M1.QN OraftP! C.Unty MOO SUNSIT HACH lpujou 0ce&n ~ I br 8tudto Ul, Btt·lna. 2 ,..,. A.dutl.11115/\ltn. 111-TM•. lncieme '~·p•r!J .. 2 llA04 DUPLIXU 1oiw.1 .... Ooee to _,. • -.ch Shopp~. and Lido. Prbd rl.llll Call for Appt. lo -· HOU8S 6 APT A. llttk mooq mUU la R\l.t> of eo.ta x ... l'f•wt7 --.t.t tMlct. • eut. S.. tn •""*"t.. ••..,I h ._.I •\ l 1 ' .. 6 \I. "' t. ' .. OOLI> >«zr>4t1'JON .... pJuu. l Ooeta ~t fl oth•n 111 c-... N..,a.1 Joe. call NJ.llN New Delux• 14 Unftl Neu K.-OMo O..t# Ul.000 Da. ~ ox. Roea t. 'build. t.... Slt.100, l •I JIJl tam. 6 """'"'-POOL. flA.000. tullpdea.NI I-* $1500 DOWN* • Prt.. PatSo9 • Oupeta VILLA H.., Trtpla .. • I left. • Dnpel NEW~r s. AM .._...,.. sao ow..u uait trat sroumt L.lau:ry .Apt& for ,...,....., ,_, wh2l bpl. ...... not • 11!t..IN • 4I>ULT8 ONLY TN w. 1.1tA at. '"-NOT .Ul&)ta wt.o Jfb an Of'e&D DELUXE Contamp.rary tn. ~W. ~ Modal view. 2 Bl't, 2 bu, w /W o.nka ..... 1 or 2 br. ~ dally. 1111 K1.J91', ,... cp\,a, drpe. ~. WW tum. '116. t.o '161 Kan«. WU-.. 44' MM 1-lted .-1. 1'01 au,.. ~~ Dr. ifiiirol\T s-unlta "" 2 NO •• llvlnl' &llov• or N-nor A.n. or NJ-I0'7t. N, ft..• tou nn Blay. JU.""9 1cr1r. AD .... 2 br. 1 n • ft.-.._ U-'-, saoo ..,.., fTl.ooo. ~ ..,.,5 Ill&..~ drp .. car port for fliiif -2 Wl'll: mo6-.,...,,_.., ""'""' =<21.A._,>,..,....._,_ _ _,,,,~~ 1 "*" .,.. •r>t.. ._... --. ar.pt. "14 lilt. cft'a. NEW NEW NEW id ._. a.. iiiJlll d:ra,... no.• • l'd'r. 1.,. Orea -SI.lit. :eicr.eee • pool. pm. p&Uo, 1aimd:ry -·-·•·•-""-• •-Sl ...... ... ••• IO""' ....__ . 1'111. I mtrancu. I blocJu .. __ ---. ~ 61 •1&0 ..U. -.... .. .,. __. -·" ------mo. ~ uut. aai... N.uro.nRT 8Rft9-14..._,, • ._ ---..._... P'e:n.tuul& OR S.-UTI. an.-v VA&AJ It -.top. OLUdllw OK-=~~------ftl hill a. OA tnde. 0.-.., la.atta, no ,.u. N'r ....... IUI NSW 2 B: Slfl &n; '• u ~ JUUOt. 1nd. all UUI. 1'11 Kap... ~ ,.UO, 1rtJ BOW, 1150 I-~ t= == 1N1 J..-., Ill Ol'6. CK. MJJJT4. mo NJ.nit _.,...._, · MARTJNlQU!. 1-BI Ji1iBiif POOL Bandy-WA TIRPlONT YIL Y. GARDENS beacJa nao · mo < teue > 2 br, 2 ba. trplc, beamed Carpet.a . l>npll. ~ nt.. •19* Dr ITMfH etWDp. brick patio, cpta, Jltt,ba OY• 6 Ruf'9 .,., bll,tna. 8-L dock I ._ ..... .._ 52"' •Y&ll. i... n11 1aehad -Pool ---r -uUl&. Avail A\11'. lMJ\. B&eMJon t\lra J"rom Sl lG 1 Bdl9l, _ r..:a JlOO NEWPORT ttlVIERA Shown •1 appt. Ll A-3l:W 1 Bdnn --..... 1125 PN9ll1• townboue .A.pu iOiil'THING Oltferai! I atra-J k J"nm '150 1, I or 4 11r, I. J Ilea, den J ·bf. Cpu • ctrp., Blt.loa, im a.at& .A-. c ,x. • tam ""· o,u. drpt. bit-pr. am,1411epc1 yvd A m -. sa a c.x. 1AL h .t.to.. mnc1ec.U Pallo. Quiet . .A.du.Ila. 1on. Ml llU HI tm uao.uTI lmJ.. 1-, .... Am.i1c&D Pl CK AnflaWe A lat 84J..0100 -"2-oaTO OPSM IUZ -S\IJI 1 to I u~ .::t,.:!t. 2 J·br -w/bllU:u. ..... c......., Ml 5250 llb&Umar Dr -ex. l&.rf9 ~ dWq ' DUDJUrk T,lSO "l:dn&" rm .. la', IMn.i rm w ittre. DUPLl'Dt 1.br rpta-drr1 plate. A.4ulu only, t1PPD. J Jdl. qt.a. *"· EIU01C CLZVICLA~. ft.ltr ~f'-Crpl • paUI) I rar bJt-lNI, kJt. •/Detu• Adult.I no Jl'Pl • •n~ •.J · J C 1 t J818 TUltin AY-e c M. ..,.r, 1-.r 'I· e 11 o ~8-UO'T ,.71,.•• Oceu, uao mo. tTl-htL FREE LOE :I br,2 b&. f&m·rm. ifObikH ATrlUCT!VE BIUna -c-,ll • drpa , p. 2 n, dl.lpoa.. ~· J 1st 2 Wb rat W/yr .. ,...... UTa, Oft IH161, dl.Odra 01[. Wattt pd. '111 mo. le~ JIJhpt, 1 \9 MI l..&aao llf ,IO mo. Na.00&1 N B. l.'!00 Sq. Pt. 2 atary, M·l Bids. w/ lh'blr quutan abon . OWNER -OR s-0m ., .. ,... 'repeny '°50 ll:LL OR 'nUDI: P'Olt J\..i LANI> TOP JNVE8'J'M'ENT PftOP1CftTY M.~lCAL tx111d1.n1 run, I~ ahowa 10~ ntl n. tum. Ectnt. locaUnn tn CM ~n•r will ttll "11 Cln, pymnt to ault, or wtll trada f~ It-I larw1 In Stt. Hunllnrton Bttc.11 C&ll Mr. Olbborla. '47..24U n-. Oft 1--0JM ~ llitt.a., ...,..... ~ 2 iJl Lili!: CPti dtpe, ;cnn; rastdde Joo. 2 bf, eDCL pati9. KM9 OIL blWfta. clUlawulaer. Qent. .i..,. 6 ~ Jfe lawn Drtft ~ ... at IOet -• LaUDd(y &Ya.IL 1'UMlore nr. 9aJr.a', C.X. OJl 1-0UT att. I PM. can . .-0. 4n.U. M....a .:::::::======== or .al MT.-0 ..._ 1-llR. ~-prap. no CASA bit fWt APTS. ..... UGO ::..ta.,.,~.ctwata C.)I, ~ hftttl -PO-Dn'--,-n--u.,,.--. -,mt-Oi:OiiN 1 br. dup. tor.... Costa Mesa Nd9COF&t-5, w/w npt, w/pr. N-ly r.dec:. 2'0 ltor. and OttiCH fOf drpe, lltoYe, l'drtl', I UO Calaltna. NB I ),... . lblcelltnt locatltlna 1-. 1612 C, Miramar 2 BJ\ unz\im dupln 6 l&r 11& 11p nrw1y dee. 117 .. llO. 7102 17th llt., lUt. M~ Office ltlftfal 6070 MFG. FOR LEASE 2.'00 aq. fl. or 2 a.para!• 1230 mq. t\. unttl.. Prtme lneaUon on lkltcr ltreet cloee to ~ • ,._. ...,.. ...... air ccmdt· u.t4 em. Wtal ... tmt. nm.__. ., • •· l ~ I" .. ' • .. = • l· • ~ . -" IO .. .. .. .. ,, '" I ... • " c. .. • .. r ... .. .. .. u .. , .. " ' • "' .. IO \ }., • a = IO ,, •• .. •• IU •• ,, .. I " ;o - " ~ , .. • :; .. .. 'O I• .. .. .. ~ • • I f • ' • ' • ---.. WAllTI• IUSINISS 1"4 "NANCIAL l=:I =:."""'.at ::m=..,.. ~ I • • • • • • - • • • I . . • • f .. . . . . . \, " -.. .. In 7Kt, therw 11 more than one. There •re • _,,.. of hunchd of hm, end th.y .,.. the &di OM of tMm Is in ttM peper to do en lmpetfent ~1 ancf ~ OM of them ~ witff IUf* stre"flh to get th.t job done. nt.. are tM Dttt. 9htrm of edver+i1in9, the ,Went Ack. Eadt y.ar over 300 miCoft of thetn ere bom in the newi~pen of North Americ&. Their lives ere lhori, bee.use they clo their iobs quickly and dis.ppe.r. TM little 9ienh ere waiting to wor\ for you. X ou can hire one for •1 r.ttt. e1 pennies • dey, end it wil clo eny OM of hundreds of useful io~ Jobs which can be done no other w1y. Read the Went Acts •nd lff whet they ere doi"9 for your neighbon. It Is very euy to pu+ • W 1n+ ACf to work. Simply pid up your phone incl can 67&.3311 Direct encl e1k for en ed-visor. A friendly, weft tr1ined person wil help you wotd end place your ed. .. \ .. .. \ \ . -..,,, . .J. , FOi FAST CLASSIFIED RESULTS •· DIAL DllECT 675-3311 •• JUST SAY "CHIHE IT!" / • . .. •, ' • • •I • GRHN'S Discount furniture 8DU>ain Napa. fW"n • tall ebe9t. dnmtr • mir- ror, llftl deak. chaJr. A* lftlD aim dlvu. M.Uo- pll(I .... dM9t. Mah 4rGplt '*' .bUque ..... tel clock. Ll ........ °""' ..,,,.,..., •11 YARD'il _,... ~ ... • r .,., T, .. , qz • .......... BJQ u.u: amt.I.. TV'a. net• bar .... ccia.. tbll, ,. IMD¥ 1IAml bt U.t. tam.. pelt'1 MoW MOO Pad& Oaut mw.:r. u a.aoa. bB: iieedbli 110. CMlt ..... '11. IOe&. It.cu. nu oaac-, car 111 um i)it Hrn fiO. Clae1l ..... UO. Kl9c. It.ma. nu <>n.np. Cll 14&.a11. 1100 CflXD'IJ ,. llaTttt ea.. tempo Pl ru,.. wtU. ... d. Cost .... Bell ,,. ... 1 Tl ol4. NI-HU. Mutkal Inst. 1125 I MOD n.auz. AJD. lDl· JIDMa 8plrr, ,.,... .... W/foC pedal. ' • lwtnwwt Jacb $100. ... AH iitOrud ptano. ao . -.. ...-6m, Wood. ctutnet -Via Cordon. 171-74<MI OOlfili orpn Walnut nntah. laDt-coad ! 8&crl t I c 1 l'f...S Cub! KI t-o.39 11JO OOULD XtJ'GC 00.. YOURS FREE! (A~ lllfbUy at NSWPoRTD\ INN I •rtnrunr Auru•t 1. 100.. find your name ln lhe want ad pq.. of UR DA.IL Y PU.OT t.bcn oome to aey ot our br'&ncll of. "°"' and ,., )'OW' ,,... albwa. ~ LA.ICX> llountala Mui.er ""'-Your a.n- loe )llCka», HUB AUTO SUPPLY n10 8&tMr 81Vd.. C.M. HI .1'96 UPiioLBTiifiio-,11.80 I pc: <European cn.rt.a.. mai l"rff at-del-plckup. IU Mam II.JI., "'lkrnf" 611-MOG. ftfiUriTtiRli mm ' bra lune, AntJqu~ A mod n. ITI\, bnn. • 4lD nn lacl dee. ltm>a. ldt.dl .. bu l'ldptl. llilv.r p!&ta. ool- ltctloa ot ~ wat.tr WILL cleUver au art to your Jl'Ol*tl -4IU1 paymmla w Ill tra41 tnt- Uwit dMda. Call CIWMr Merk DoWT\IA; Kt t-tW • J"Q.UI( rUIMr ...,_ • .......... 0... ....... .. .... ...... '11; Qar. =-=~=~-=-----"- 'ffiW ... Jy box sprtnp i foe.Ill rubkr m&U.. dbl. atle SIC>. NOf'I• uto. WM!ll'J m&c:b .• tJuaJ C)'C. w/lbtl ruur, ltu. c:ODd. NO. 144 E 20, CM. liiil\80N-n" T.v. au: Motorola couole HI rt, AIM oonct . ..._.,__ t BINOL& beauty resl iQS 11Pr1DP nuo -.ch. PUr Maplt kltc:bcn daalrt t1. Mcll. Good Ir W ...... Mc-....... ca.c.. trio cw.. '4, x ... .,_ door '4. "---cleu- cr '4. a.&. put.I • equlpmeitl II 111-14H K.B aDtTA do'9"8 _.,.... tT..M. -.,. M.ndl- ~r UO 14'.;aclll DINlMJ TaMI c)4tn IS. Oki tnlQ ... .DuWlll C.-cl ... 1ftM.e la.mp P. Mocllls bit •• ............. .,.. Sl .. " ,.... IDKk lllUGIDa: wood pa e.t.on $2:5. AM lii)OscAD-'1fM.t x-U- 1. No conllftlfdal firms dll&lr II.ID studio c..-woae ,,.. .._ t x u Pad OI pmih bulJnea ml'J 111.10 Oolilll SJI, Mllfle fSI. ~ ltF Hit IOc .......... colJQtL Jmick a.ell llbe1I • to -Mlnw ... ~ poww ...u ..... tabla .,... pl&Al ... QA ....... . 2. EACH ITEM for ~ w:ll fl. Ctrade ITO\tl A.pt ... iu four wle must M priced -1tatu• IUIO, l..ami-.... """'-..... broOer $23. Dell ocr.w to Nat a lltDGo • ...-ptario tw '7.11 a maath. nlD Dl:U'Y· DT. No limit Oft month ct nnt&L Rct Dl&.J' bl appli.d loW'ard purc.blA. Ml-lSTO. llOl .N.wport. c.x. F"ofrli'ln1• clue ,. c c. • SlS 11. 22211 Buta Ana Aw T v -..,._, -....... _ lt -POO-.... -, -----... --1 ""'1 -no prtct over • · · ._... -~ -.-.... __... • ••r, qu&1lned MrVlct on c B 3. DI .. 'E • A • L I N E c.M. tna ur • FRU m . AI<c.. ' rcmaJ-. i ft.aJe. 'W"-..1111nir.1"S11n.-iiC::~ ~-... :-.ci~r""'\llMf'"X:"' Tran8"ivtn, M a r l n t M DRYER, Uectrlc $.26. IQ .... ,. t wtt. old. W1U take ... DAU Frenci. Pro•·Sptnel "9o/bencb. Call ..... oa. Jy • -.st.,.,. He UM. in:mw A <if Grand P1ano. r eoncert a. PboDe 041-1447 Jltadio.TelepMn-. • au ech •rt eccepted end ..._"" ~tor iil. at 0 ., 1 ~ now. nJ-.-'-I 2.w.., l\a4Soe u l owut d ntqw :t:? -...--... • aw -.L.1!.L~ -• u oe"l'ICR. tRmb antlnal _. SU.,..._ IX 12-... -•. • .. old. 6'-. caD ...t, Karme • M 0It11 t .,........... ---· --·~ CommunlcatJcma. B&Jcer service to our JMtroM lrte cltPJMT lilodel u. wWI ~ 'l'Ul• SUO Va-al\er • at Bn.tol. c.x. encl the DAILY PILOT !:' !.. ~:r1lk~ = :-w.owii~~ ~~u:-::-zu=&:-::c:-~:-:-a..-.-.-.-i-=1 1 AtrrOHA.TIC Roper bal'I reMIVtl the fi9'wt fo Mil ffW sa. ~ C&lllMt pa, ll'lr1'oT S2. Bl.re4. ~ IT1Mra Dble. broUtr. Xlnt • cond ! .. __ •an-I -....... --flJ • -limit tM. -...L.'""41tioft '""" '" ..-.-.... .,_ . .-WD P 0 0 D Li ._ lz=. "5. 8'1.1124. " ...-fill -.foru.bl.I ™ lifoww' sa. ... Im. .... --* AUCTION * to one d•y eech .-. orup l"ec:ctl)' upWI. BiltmJ'tn,a1a .... a.i.. Bl-'*,..... ..... tea.min. Orfent 1135 9 x ti CAXPINO tent. ~v-tenld ch&tn UO. ..a. I potat kllC. male 110. .,,,...,,...,,..,.,..,...,,.._,..,..... __ __ ----------U you will lll1J or w1 I n ulle4. Va.Jut '40. WlU HJ". tu.k ftC'Wm c:J__. ~ potnt lt&meile kitten J'Am snx:u1.a., San t"• wtad11 t.17. ..u HI Call. eu,.u• "1th t.., pa.rant.. PO t11n&.11 IJ6, ~ood pen· Qt on orpna la pi· A.uc:Uon J'r1d&:r 7 p.m. oi8lPftaAJUJiii Liiie 110 1'6-Mll •la JIO M. can weekend.a a.w retumld tmn demo 20751.i Newport KI 8-WI &45_.724 PHOTOOkAPKJCRS .,.. or aft• &:II OD w.Ud&)'S .. at J'air. Lo down pml .. Wi-..J , •-C't&J ftlten Mri• Vt Cleo LI .. -. Lll.llll z,.s t.enna. eoathl&nd'• ~nav Auction 1H1m SURFBOARD • ft. Hobie plilt• -.. ~ mouDta ======== Larrw. o.w. BAK-WJ:DdlWOOo &cm• UIS. MI UDO belna. -au. FREE TO YOU MOHD ct OOBOJU Dl:l. top Pl u a p . lbcel, COME and bf"OJlfte: I' Ad· tff-9004 MAJl. JIM I!!. Cout Kl· cmd. .._ olf•. M6.ICICM. ,_table wroqllt t r •a -1-ciliiT----ot-dra-_,..-........ iil- W*'T -t1Mt30. But amom na\1Pi1dt idd90&: J1u1 aheMI SU. CoTW • tto. 1 record ..._ COMPARE ~IUiOi*~il"' ._ ...... BUJU\Y. bed. llblt cond 1100. Mat-table 112. Stee.mtt trunk ho1Ckr • room dl'f'\W ... tl'ffa, 1prlnJ1. Holl)'Wd 112. O.C-Orator pueJ. 11. kl • lwa. ...,.tttl .... t200 bed frame iaG. 8ludlo Muke ISOc. Shadow box BOODLE buQ1 A pJ a 1 IOT'l'mN '° l'OOd ....._ --------C'OUCh U 5, m.wa. II.DO, aoor IM\p~ $5. lntNit tle&l u . ---llkea cll.lldna 2411 ...... WE RENT POif. biliiiwiMr uoo. ~ IMlldlt 11.IO. ltolr• _, Ana A••. CM attar 5 pm 41M1' lampe u . .......atM wa.Ilt•• U .50. rodtlnf 'l/Jfl !f.., A ullld T\'t, radios O.PJ ~~ StO. Carrtd Iron 1tooll 13. Bedpan hon1 12. I ll*d b~ ON5 mall black ud lft7 INBOARD OUTBOARD ctmlC 17 ~pba. wam.n, dr7-Orient Chit S&o ISt-1176. ii. lhopplnc cart ll,GO. Diida "p&lr, $3. ldtten. ~ f/JS "' lnlMn. nertp, MOVDfOI U14 Con"'f (.if BU•) U .. MM ~ p .. -M i.. ..... etc. Optbl to bay, Uv-rm • Bldrm..tum sc~ Oood t '-· DO !CA.LE, _..._" to .. I MO bladt pam Clllllll-40#& .., ere.. cna '° -·-"·-nlJaJ:>U· vv•-" u----Jail wllla ~ • 111 RP. Bu Yla:rl ta,. ,._ -...-LI &..0118 mot« HO. Xotor 115. pGQDda, Good for.,..... 04....U. f.a ,_... Ul'tl. ....... 11 ltJ. w6vfNo! Marble top cof· u l-300T «e. Price u.ao Lr a.uae pl tank. rtc1t IQide...,.... Jessee's ,.. W>ie.Jamp...refn.. iillJOt dOOd condiilOll 8A.81' cnla, s'OOd CODdlU. Wlltfll p II pp 1 wtth • """· All -,.... ""*' ux.. =''::::II _____ _....__ COll\l!IOd9/mmor, 123. micc.ne~t bqtnlltrw 111. Danttb modem .,,. black•i!pOU. 7~ old. bed trlr 1 013 s. Ma In OR l-oGOI. lnlll\amtnl, ),U 1-2729 '" ta.bl• 112. ~ raoww, Oil M6l'1 11115 ft•dJ to lauba JC1 MMI Santa .An& iJ.DO I8L£Tberm ruft 2 Llofh' m&pn1 ~d au-0102 J'Rllll nn Dirt. Just come $2695 ======== I-burner dble-over 1100.1 t.abl ... '6. Bar a Qu.. LUl'J."MAN balance. ........ • pt It, 12tl Yorktown T...,..._ l20S W..Uf\l'hoU,lit troet ~: $4. Touth chelt a cSuk, lft fN.l'U up to 00. Pltoe H.B. T.Ja --------ret111 S&o. Amana 12 HO Kar ptlCk I~ U.60 LI I-UM OOMJI It eet our darUq tRlmlS ,...... sao. Whit.a C1tb. . ___.... • w1t1 old ,. •t a.et• matt A: ~hut HO. Ken-ruk. We&therpfoof, UI. OIJUA II" bike, 3 ....... ., ........ - _-u.. moN roaqJe 115. l.c"e T• Ml 1-1114 W LI ..._,, hand br&kee 111. Ml-1111 :. le:. =...:. = SPEOAlSI x4S" mirror W/blk shadow 21", a i!iPitB bo71 bike, Jl'RAiiiD pic:tW'M nl•• a.,.. w/ftf~ •·tM ,...__ f U d box frame it&. Muslft IH 2'" Boye medium prtnt.a, lvOf'Y ftJlWa. JWtot,. ~ 111 a~.~ '°""'ranee 0 St blond ma.b-dtntnr .. t. O-w1lpt. Sn. II" Olrla., Tlk lo IJ. U I.list o.nna lhepblr"d w b 0 •net New rtental 1t7l1, ebony liePI ....... T&aa D~ Mat taMI '10. finO leal*S our ti.city u d Demonstrat0t 1-J*ided bDl·VlftYI cball"I, IADY 'l*lals. 2 Play ,1w looll • llullet fl. fw.. We live at ltN TV's I HI FJ.Sttteos Table Ol*'9 to lOt". C\-. ~na. fT lia. Stroner. '4. II' tiatenatoa taMer •10. 1'allbl. Coeta M111. tam pta&.. Ht1J'I (IJ)tn troet Jump -.t. n. PottJ 1 pr. fllldd•r jllCka '2. 9ot• LI 1~1 'f•fr tnet Eqvlpmet'Yt Ohl:ll&-on w/h9YJ brue ehtr, u. hdal ear. II. U. cal'P'r wtl>t .. .,. ts. VOUNo orui• c&nary <:CHM E.ly For hardwaJoe .... OR MIU ICl Mlot ......... ooolt# ti. MO' and c.11' call n• eaeo. lect S.lectfonal iPARfiH Wroupt hon lllviNPOltT. cu tom ___ ,.. U. 1223 Delwl T·21 ... & lTUl a Kl ..... Tllllll. • O&ta KMI ce ~-.._, t--4 .W Lane 0.11.. ,,_.. Bake 6 li'lbMJL Mt CdCftd atlanti • 111USIC or1111'. UM ~Ult Q, ..mu. • Barpb\ UL ~. ..-_ ¥. ... 1111 • ......,,1. ....no iAiiir •lti ... -.--~ ......_ ........... 9'QM • i'Aii1Z, f\andtun,• ... lift rliiiiii: iiiil;;;; I Ml ..... _.._ eaL TW ,_... • -~ ms.c. woocr1 ru"" llft. tie wi.. &alJt7 E1CttUO iMatet hla a....-, .. ::.:.~ N)t .. OJl. &": ~~a::-;?~ m; ~~ kiiii ~ l"IUl'f\.ili" •GG r loo r dla.tn "' Mcll. n· .,.. ••k .-&. • .. ol4 • ** WANTD>: u..S. ltlt· knatb w~ pwa UI. 9> half .......... tent ah, In or 1llp-ln Pl ranp '. Malt'hl,,. ••11 110. M'atch· pluUo P11" U .IO. ~ blad. TW 1..a411 HJ.Pl 1210 O\ld. •• ,.OA RAUi: tar"'"""' 111. Mt-Mat Ml·SllT -- -UM.-;...2_TO_N'S_l_le.reo--A-m lhoparnlth Mark v w/(" l iiUooa • &lr&Uon •rtn• ICll •"-tee. ROlltr •ltata 6 rm rad.lo. 1100. 1 Joint.tr ,.. eaw Ar .pray 1utt11w. l'1r l900ltr . 0~1 &lat ..I 110. ..ch. ,.,,._ -.0.21. nu • ltaK· pn.. AU ue&11 • .-. U60 """ pow. ...._. wnttT •~· J4t-ota ~ .. A. l'lnl! ~ . _ ...... w. u .... .. ....... • • • • SKJ BOAT • I' J .. POlqdm.~. ~~r~ I OIL ... 1 • USED CAR SALE ........... tnq MftlD.ooNNSU. CBJl'VBOLm' J004 ~Blvd. • Ptt. Kl t-3063 COSTA MESA •.,.-PASS. WAGON ·a CBJ:VROLET ··ur V.& Bd·Alr t DR l'latton wapn w Ip{ I. pwr. .uer I brlU. rlh. pwr. r. window, Showroom rond. ! Beaut Autumn Gold w/lmmac, fawn tn.tu. ONLY $2095 ! MERCURY •a MrriOR V ·8 R R P8/ & Aul.Q, ft 2.)0 I bat of. S..ut. Arcuo white W/ ta> tTa.ont l&ddl• pe.dded duh-tiua-__ O_LDS _________ l_LE __ el .. 1 Int.er. A.IT, R/H, MOI Showroom tr.h thnl..ouL -.-A-Ul_C_OH_O_IT_ION_E_D_I ONLY $1295 'Q OLDSMOllLE Beet OMAC Ttnn.. 9'Ct 8. Oout Hwy .. IAc1ma Beach. HTatt '-7'74'. 42 dlx l'aJcon 4 cir, W /&lr, clean. P¥t ply. SlllG, 2166-B Ml.Mr, C M. 'Sl FALCON Sta. WllJ. 4Dr. Dlx. ~ auto., h1ll t ... th.r, llhow1 ouutan6- ln1 rart, Local, Diet. OD.17 Slllll. ROY CARVER PON'l'UC HOO W. C.out Hwy. Npt. 8th. LJ 8-Mtf. CO'l'LAIL S-uutul m. rooa Wftb bladt landall top. m&khJn( bladt vi"11 badt•l .. b, fact«Y air cm:idjllontn.. r&ltio. beat- ~. ~D powll.r $2895 1 TSAR WARRANTY Omega Olds '80t Barbor Blvd, • n.Klf..~ COSTA MESA .. ... ... IUICK I ... CHEV~'lT.P.:T 8ED FORD • A~l CONDITIONEDI I .... tit _.._.M '11 iUJCK llmc't& 4 Dr, I 1895: ' ·~ J'ORD V-1 8TA. WAC. I 'S OlDSMOllLE Popular ··~l·Alr" 4 DR -·tu "Country Sedan" CELllBRlT'l' 4 DOOR SZ- H.T. AA ulna encl. • en. W IPow • r I 114 • • M';del In all an:ttc while I DAX. rucory air eoodi-~ H-~ P8ft!! I Trua. Riii Etc. la •nuu1 w·A T PWT •tar R.ftH tlonblC, aato., radJo and 1956-f90S( Conv. ftllilmt ol c:&N. 11193 c.det Orwy XJJ\t C:c.ncJ Dir V~ "··t~tn uh. Tr~i be&tar, ~ stee~. ROT CARVER PONTIAC Dir. Ouar Blut> ~dcS~ dub lntt One vwn~ cu In top OOft• MB W 'Jile/Blllet Top t• W. Oout B w '1· NpL 8;: SG~t ~•,:-;.-! ,.,.,,·a111. r dlUon flll Pflci $f495.00 BdL LI Uta. I.Acuna &•rh ONLY S795 I ,_ BUJCIC HARDTOP. HTatt 4-7744 $1295 1 TEAA W AJUUJn'Y Omega Olds J".bQ1 ..... .s. ·a CHJ:VT n "r Non 1959-2205 w._ ~ = 8pL Cpe All otru " llsB. Jtt B1lct naDa1t1e OAC, IAcl. Ria.ti, auto. l...otal &.t CKAC TertN. 1146 S. Coaat Hwy·~ l..qun&. R'Ya.tt •-7744 one owner C'U. Shows UM 2004 Rubor .... fl)I Price $1495.00 tDU~ MO~ ~~\~~~7~NTtAC '62 FORD Fairi&.ne 600. u 150. '66 Ch... -!.; ton Jl~tltup W /e.ampt>r, $7~ Pvt, pty )Cl t-&840 e Ph la t-aooa COSTA MESA eAIR CONDITIOHIDI '60 OLDSM081LI HOO W. Cout Hwy. Npt. * '!Iii Bti'iCK * . 959 -D~ 1900 Tab cmr pa1111e:au.. 2083 Bth. U I-MM. 'M RETR.AC-SKYLJNER ·~t CHEV. I Parkwood Sta. f"P R IH WSW $1\9:1 or Wq. All n:tru. RAH. bf.st otftr. 147-7074. BAB. Blue Thurtn. Apt. F, wor. a StTPf;R Sii RO LID A. T COUPE. F1w:t.or7 &lr COD· dlllonlnc. r&c!lo. ia.l«, full pown-. a.ua .o..r with ma~h-lntaior. hit Price $1245.00 . ,. '1963-220 , .... Ccmd.. Uw ..... Jl&bt Blue 1111 P.rice $2995.00 VOLISWAGEN PO, extra llJ\a.rr rood, --------p..m.. C.M. Boo.. tlnHt of ~re. Only ~ FORD wqon, VS, t dr. "JT BUJCX STA-W.t.O S11'6. N~ work but f ' ~ .t.•1 «lad! N-J*l:Dt. VI/ ROY CARVE'~ PONTIAC lranap. 87Ml80 t'Yes $1695 ] Y'tAR "AJUlANl'Y w RIB J:xtru! i:.to. I uoo w. cout Hwy. roR aa.1. 11149 Ford. m 142~ Npt. Bch.. LI 8-MM. 2413 Santa Ana An., CM 'IT wtd1e B1ddt .,_u bd-I '9'l CHEV, V..3 Be.lAJ.r 4 Dr. :Ml-3142 \tter OPM top. auto. trua.. tall "'"" I AD ntru Incl. R.ftH. PC, I '09 Ford 8taUoowqon. 9 .... tires. MW ,,..._ r~, PB. ta<"t a.Jr. Extra pa. 1700. irood cood. 2234 Omega Olds deaa. "00· M&.Tm. • b a r p condltlon. On I y F"lorlda. H.B. 038-7198 '111 hd/tp. A/T RiH P/S IU9.5. -=-~7-F'()RD STA-WAGON P!B. c1. rd.~. 18i ~ z.' ROY ~ARVER PONTIAr. un I 21'\0i tart>or Blvd • Ph.10 9-~ COSTA MESA l2Dd. ex sm 1•00 \\ C°"'t H.,, \' Npl M&-M77 Reh w 3-J.44'1. ------•31 Cantury 2-dr Hdtp --·~3 1-·oRD Surl·W~ Ra· r2 ~TA WAO I.PASS. REA.L CLE.AN! $3~. 'fil CHEV Imp KT;-powr I d10, ovtrdrh·e.. But nftf'rl Ll 'f;r~AGF: llACJIC PS1B &M-lTOS •tt, auto. Riff. 1:0.000 •f'll unr SU. 173-807.'>. l.F. UTrf kf'pt ml n~n 54~3 ~ LaS.tw. 2 dr Mt.op, att ' Imported Autos 9600 lmporttd Aut• wUdcat CAJ, l OW'1Vl', low •• I -;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ml. Xlnt. LI 4·11111 · ·.. ftlpala 8S low-ml. one • lad1 owner R/R W /W 2 Or. HIT. '06. Riff, pG\ll'•r P'cty &1r oond. ~ lo •P· 8/B. CIO. Orey 83,000 m1, pr~t•! 544-tcm .. B n.t. CM. CADILLAC '64 CHEVELLE 'allbu ala. wac. R1 ff ll·paaa. f:7cJro Xlnt-c'Ord' 1.ow .. nl, Prt- pt v u .1100 ~2-1212 *VOLVO* NOW IN COSTA MESA hkt Advent• of Our Introductory Prtc.esl FREE RADIO WITH EACH NEW CAR SOLD! '59 VOL VO 2 Do6r . S695 '63 VOLVO t22S, 4 Dr. $1995 1 64 OPEL i Or. Dehm Mofltl Kadet S 1695 '60 RENAULT Oauphine . • Oeluwe Interior. Radio l1u11r . 59 TRIUMPH Roadster . • '60 VW Panel "lurfctt 0~11oht" '60 vw FREE LUBE with Service Work $495 S995 $995 $995 "''· t14.SO T11ne Up $80§ Thl1 W"k .,,,,, •....•. , .•.. •• 0' FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS FOR VOl VO PO RS CHE VW And All OtMr lmportt DEAN LEWIS co 196e lbrbnr Blvd ~ MI e-g303 . . . ' I -·-~- END OF MODEL CLEARANCE SALE 0 OVER -·LARGEST SELECTION IN ORANGE COUNTY 1964 OLDSMOBILE NINETY-EIGHT • ST ARFIRE • SUPER 88 DYNAMIC II • JETSTAR 88 • F-85 . 175 Factory Cars To Choose From MANY SERVICED FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY LOTS WITH AIR CONDITIONING We Honor All Maior Discount Cards Take Advantage of Your Membership Cards. Buy a Car or Use Your Card for Lease. • SPECIAL PRICES FOR ALL CARD HOLDERS • FEDCO • MOORE'S • UNIMART • FEDMART • U-DISCO •CAL-STORES• TEACHERS CREDIT UNION • GEMCO • SAYE-CO • CO-OP DISCOUNT STORES •CONSUMER MART OF AMERICA • 0-ME<iA REMEMBER "WE ARE NEVER SA TISRED UNTIL YOU ARE" OLDSMOBILE USED CARS 2004 Hantor llvcl. Kl 9-3053 COSTA NEW CARS 1680 N~ llYd. MESA LI 8-3448 ' SOOlt to be UNIVERSITY OLDSMOllLE ·At 2150 HAUOl ILYD., C .M. ~ ...... • • F n a u " 04 Jj I • • • 7 • h a1 .. .. " .. • • "' u at .. .. • I ,.. c " ' • ca M lft DI >• .. ,. m pl ap ... u. .. • Gt .. " j ·'