HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-09-30 - Newport Harbor Daily PilotVOL 57, NO. 216, 3 SECTIONS, 40 'A&ES .City Starts Excise Tax On Building 9-Mlle Stretch San Diego Links 2 Fwy. : .. .. ... l.t.Wtil4'ACN . l II 1 II Engineer Conquers €hannel . i ra . I IMO • . Studyi.ng A9,._q Belpetl &tea Senate report AJI AcricaJtul"t Depll'tmeat pelttJ reS)>Ooslble for BUlle soi Esta pbaay deal&. hp a. Se9W Pellcw.J P..el • Communist, aoclallst. NUS and Blrcber • ta)e . part In Bawatl Unlvmlty poJWcal fonam. P• ~ u r,..,.. J 4 VIMler Plre · Ooot.rovusiaJ Propoa1Uon H hJt Oft all lldtl. by attorney ceneraJ and bar aaoclatloo. Pace s. p,.. Plw O.tll•e4 City ol AnaMlrn olndala bave plana for Am.nc:.ia ' Football ~ team ID ctty. SM Sport&, Pap a ' INDEX 01' INSIDB FEATIJllD Boatbtc . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . as NaUOGal N... . . . .. I • • • CaJJlomta New• . .. • .. • e = County .. • .. . I Claalf\ed .. . . . .. .. 35 • .. Notes . . . • • . t'7 • • • Comic•................. ~ .............. . l!:dtt.orlala ••...•...•... 28 1"elevlsloa .••••••••••• II Fin~ .. . • .. • • . . . 10·11 Theaters .. • .. • • • • .. .. li1I ' Ne ....... ..._ - ·--.............................. - FREEWAY PLANNING CORRIDOR -While not "planning corridor" or zone or mnuence for £uture nee~ indicatmg properties lhal will be taken route. Achw ~to be ~ken won't be deter· for lbe future Pacific Coast Fre~y. vaY are.11 on mined untU routine• precisely eng.meered. "Bulges" map rele&ltd by State Division ol Hlghw111 abow m grayed area inclie1te locations of major nsttr· ~__;;,~~~~=--~~~~~~......:..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MILT •UT,,.. ....... HS W-'-, Sept. JO. '"°' 2 Youth f',.... P .. e J MAP ... corridor map la for tbe "pro- tection of the dty" changes with lht future fl'eewlJ at Newport BouJe. vud Ohe future Newport Freeway). Doft:r Drive, Jamboree Road and MacAthur BoWen.rd (the future Corona del Mar Freeway). At ln~ge points, Llqald Cargo the freeway tone of lnOuentt Is enlarged becaUte of uquirementa of higb~pffd off ramps. frontage roadJ and in some cases, dtlficul~ m design be- cause of apace restrictions Club Plans Meeting on Ferry . ~ "•'l . r ., I "i I 1;• •r:, Admits ''We would lib to preclude _, baDdlng wMre the prop- erty might be needed for the Tbe Hartor U&lU Tout· mGQJ. A 1tatioa watoo w 111 Guibm polottd out that Dr pffs1dcnt. Robert Dttbr, ''·' freeway " ma..,. CJub ol Newport Ibo be aboard. ltl cario. Smedley ~m·t usu.ally at· educational vtce presldot; .... Sbe noted ttm ottaa tbe «U-Be8Cb will chalk up a first to-Gu:ibett uplalDed, will be tend local club lost.allations, Arthur Mart.1.11cz ser1eao.t at ••'' · nlgbt wbe'G lta memben con· c:octtan1 viDon ma.st purdtMe prop. duct an lmtallaboll at IH. Tbe fury ts dated to allp but ~ un!queness ol the Har· arm•. Robert Paltv. sa:r• • ~re!f by~rff'tr:, a~ Well. Dt>t euctly at au, from lta &lip cm Balboa 1l1and bor Ughtl affair provtd an tuy; and f'red Kroeger, u Thefts der 16 provide aCIC*a tor can-bot they will tool about New· llt 1:15 p.m. Amc:iac U.C. resiabble attraction. Crouurer. stractiOD eqlliprnat_ "Tb e port Harbor oa the Balboe la-wbo will be dambutJlc The fffry will plug aJon1: FoUowm& tbr tour, dLlria& I lud is later Ud:icwed ol1 .. l~d ferry. a.boerd wtD be Dr. Ra Ip b up and down the barbor for wtuch, Guilbert assured ''the .. A lt-rur-c*I SID she upialoed. • tnco~ prffident ~e Smedley, ol eon.. dl1 Mar, about u hour. aaJd Guibert old omcers won't be tossed youth, l1'1'Uted an a burglary MMawbUe N •., p 0 r l Gwbat Jr. &aid the club founder ol Tautm.uten I&-lo add!bon to toasting. the overboard " everyone • 111 c c:Mret pl.tided iui11Y Beacla dty ~cb.Ja an OOD-bope1 l.O jam tome 40 mem· tematloaaJ. ad Toutmu-1'oasUnuten "ill 1 n 1 t a 11 head for tbt Village lu oe ' day to' rtrunc dist dr timuc t.bth elfortl Jor ,... ~r• ud ~ ~ t b e ten Area G o • e r D o r J1m Gwbert u prutdenl P e t t r l Balboa lJland for the preMD· · al 1 Nftport Bncb MrVlce consideration of the mUre vessel tor ~ unliqoa ttre-Hyams of eo.aa Yea. Shaclrter. adminlltraUve vice talion ol bonorary awardJ. f" 1 t a t t o n u the attendant routine ~on by UM ~all· ~ fon1a fu&bway Comm.LISIOG ~hW!P ~-MIO.tr entere.s STILL oPEN-: f 'ro. r09~ 1 Democ ... n ts Fro111 Pcge 1 ... . ,. ~ ... .. w bb pilea .. a red..t A lbowdown on tbt dt1's • u Fatten DOWNI G ol petty lbtft bdore Newport efforts ts aped~J to d~p FU TD this m 0 n l h at the com· • • • wlll Mlddpal Judp W 1111 a m nusslon's reiular mf'dlna. R • . • L d '• '1 ~who orOued him Commissioners itdcatedl -. e'/YfSt .. ation ea of contusttin in this ca~ to rclW11 Od. 28 for .,,.me Ill their Sq>t.unbe:r ~ F.ast Ttf: McCon\IUe, Bal· O • 1 "a!'.!c.~ ~~· .. e ~~'dbf :,::_ny.· ;.~-: .... tbat they may mate. a t bOa ·~ Collin• Wand, RI) ru uvwu...., INLI -.. -•--'This much I can uy 1no•: • • •1 Newport police said Meet-ae~uon om wbetber or l Elltott .Ir ... ~KOn Bay . SACRAME.VI'O (UPll -1imate1Y 14 per cent of lhc to . \\(' dt> not lUITI bet ,. ., ., .. nabbed a& 1 a.a. ., Lo re-open tbt luue oo the al· Jamea Y. \\ att. Harbor I~· A record 8 J million Cai11or· i.I voter IJ•nup m the state. spttdomt>ten. Thia ti Orm '"" be ltartlld to alk fre ~dopted route through &and and Harbor 1~111nt1 Rd :lnlans hhe reglsterf'd to \Olel Rel{istration for tM U poUcy now and u aJwaya ha• •• • awa1 m ~!:"'"fr.. Rohcrt Coop, "' ocado tolln the !\ov 3 ((!'l)eral eltc· counties totaled 8.812,004 and been · '',. ta. &lllloll at West 1 ua ecway corndor plan·1 . tJnn and Republicans have ~plit thla way· Democrats 3 • • Jlllbway and Balboa BouJ&. n1ni map drew cons1d~rablc 1 Ja ~mble. North nf ~yiide rtlp~d tn thf" lowest pt'rcent· 988,263 Rt-pubbuna 2,681 .50& ''We do oat Imo\\ ln&)y in-:._, TU'd. . fool lratrlc w~Ue It us on Om r.. Corona tlrl \lar al!P ~inc,. l!YJO I On a percentage basis, the Sf'rl 'new car' into a coatracl •": 1 AA attendant told offlet!rl dl.apl.ay al r\ewport Beach <>Uwn are the \lmE'~ 11 P I !'ir.w rf'1Ustrants .11n~ lM Democrall reached 511 S Pf'r If in fact UH' car has b«D be ..,, Meek• la the station Ctt:U Rall1~":i1Y· Pub ~1 r CorneUu' Carna~nn 10 Hazel June pnmary p I c k e d the cent. their hl•hnt total 'tnCf' lUed even shghUy .~;~ ~.._bu..t._ was ~~~.~? ... U:.e~ ..... s t ~e~ ~l5outh of Ba~·side Dmc l ~mocratJc ?arty by a mor? lt·\2. "hen Frank I 1 n D ~·hen all the fact:a are • •' WHAT'S TMAT -Channel swimmer Georp Kacbfrku empt.lei ear of Kl water so ht can bear report.era' questiona. 1o1UU1 .. 1111:sd a -drawer .,..,,., '.... c cp ne ln I ~ • lhan Z·l mariin Rose-veil was pttSidenl Re · , •• dun. n. ett.endaDl ~.rltt Estelle R Kuhl. f"e.rnleaf LQI nw~c llgure.s are baaed on publicans dJpped to 39 4 perl brou&hl out a~ the llmt of the ~1141 ued PGlllPlnl fu. 11Mm be extrWetelcoulhod asc . a,_c~uplc or Hazel. C 0 Rotr. Norlh of a UPl comp1letlon of tota.1 cent. lowest SJnce 1950 whenltn.a.!: ·~believe we will be ··• bnrd anOtber-delk dnwer a ep ne '1f..,, ' a pub·i . · I VUluicalcu • a1un Uc worb officer qulpperl Cout Hlgh"'aY Corona del registrations from ~ st.le 1 Harry S. Truman "'as the na· . Our plea 1, not guilty .. .) ... ~ attendant sald Meebr Ne"'J)Ort c 1 t y engmeen. Mar , J . 8 Tn)or, Shore 14 most populous counue.,, tion 's cluc.t executive Downin~ Hinton and Uc-r P • • Fro111 P••• I ""'-__.._ed._._ ...... l br1· who have now had som t" cliffs: no~t·r Poole. Caml'o which generally total apprcn· In the 1960 Pres ldent_l_a!"' -1 ,.__. to "·'• ro~ltiOD ~.., .. _ •--r -IWJIC a " ime election Democrats had 5 ,,ei were accompan cu •• • C ~-cadan ~.,.... and "hanbled lo analyu the state free" J) Shore~ R. <' Crooke. ll u per crnt of lbe reglstru~t~' coun Tuemy by attomey :., SWIM around' wWJ • cull box. A corridor, sa.ld to<Liy that lnt· b or \' 1 e" Hi 11 s: A K and Hepubhcans 39 5 Thr Bruce Sumner. ~~-• • • • 1")IDD custonMr al the ~map coot.alns no Mflu(;c.1011 ,,. d l ff• I n... t r t I ... , t 1.111'CUS810D t of u.e au.adaat. tailed 1Urpr1ses Phelps. Caml"O H1gttlan11~ l an 8 S Jt June pnmary reg1slrauon ..... an ..rag, nve~. ga or •.••• • driftinl boats and each other 3:8 poHce I.rack B Connrr Lido Tra ll'rl ia .. e Democrats 56 4 and ~c· lor the DMV said depart· •· Se. T • h f IOhd fooltn ; Cl pubhcans 40 6 mcnt records ">howf'd the car t omg l or ,. Meeter a pocUb coatai.aed Park. Vans. Pomeroy . ub-Pair'""' Cars Projectln&. the 14~ 0 u n t} bought by C-0rley Jan 28 had • The spectaton dM!ered u datlt half-dollan and a ter"Y· Fretn r .. ~ , house Drl\C, Finley. Wt~t of 0 -flaures to reach 100 ""r tent hP<'n purch.a~td Jan. 5 by Mr. • IUchlcba swam feebly and a .Ution by ..tta be •u N l'~·J ..... lo th " r-• d M w If __. A J h . Af 11 propositions on the erratically toward tbe Ma· afT'elted °" the bar I I a r y ' ewport """.e .. am e Two <iranRr Coast Conege the lotal registration for lhr an • r~ a rcu . o :l-• ,. !'iowmber ballot wW be dis-rlneland pier char1e police H jd At the LJNK Rialto and Mit.~ Shlrle) El·1 ~tudrnt~ trild Costa Mesa po-slate would be 8,310,000 o(l ~on of ru~nlde and was rt-.. cus~d in public forum 8 P m WithlJI 30 · tu h flowt. tbne .i hla aJTtst. ~ alle~· • • • llntt. Corona Hti:hlan~ hrP Tue,day night that their which 4,853,(XX) w o u I d lJc tunied about lO days tatl"r tod'\)' in the multi-purpose de.red lhr : Cfah e kelp ly \old olficen "I'm going to R W W ha 1 .. f'h1c1,.~ had !Moen tampertd Oc-mocrats aod 3.274.000 Re 1 with about 1 000 mUrs show· " rooia of the Heinz Kalar d ~ crU:twbre the sue you guys for false Ar· Be~ch -wUJ be finished na1 . eason lS c irmao \\<1th "hlle lhPy were attend.lpuhhcaM 1 '°r on the speedometer. . Schqol, iuo Santa Ana Ave .. :ai~e:.strewn sea ~ u rest .. ra1: -or Bu.alnMS Sollettatlon and Inf! P\Pnin~ class~. I The parlv fi~ure1> don't ad<l (~1rlcy clalmi U\e speed· .• Cona M~a. . . Milltr waded out to ofier en· Ew:atnally, lhf' San D«-~n ht, C'lptaln' for thr campa1s:n f;l"!lff!" ti Plnckty Jr . :1201 up to thr total rr"1<\lration hr· nm1·trr sho"t·ci only 14 miles , .. Tiie public Wrvl<'e rottting couragemeiit ~= ~Uexte~th~?~~~ are Ert llotwl. Balboa. Ron ~lll'h1c.m \\ r Costa Me~a cau'" <\OmP. r<>r,ons dr.-!11.1· "hrn hr houl!hl the \l'h1cle. · Is llPom«ed by the League "Don't touch hlm .. son. M to El T ey a Barlow Ilalhoa l5ol.1nd D1tk repnrtl'd that ~meon<' d1,. to ~tatr tht>1r partv prl'lrr-1 of 'fomen Voten of tbe Or· one shout.ad 'let Jum inUe Realtors · eu oro. s lh 'corona !kl Ma; Kae mantlf"(I rm-en~ine block a1 .lencr "hrn re~1stcrin£ or "" anJ?t Coast. tM c.o.ta Mesa u by b1mnli •• With 1 &ec!Dl· 1 ROl'TE ma · · · ~emblv of h1, motor hlltP andtlon£ 111 sphntn p3rt1r' F~ Teacben Jvwl.. logly superhuman dlort, ~-1 How do you approach 'h<' f.~. Corona del Mar: John lrfl the parts scatttrtd on 1\lthoui:h th<-~creas1> to J t1d1?Cl'I 'lccl ~ d~t.pl. the Newport Harbor ctUcltas rose to hil hartds and Honored ntw section of fr<>ev,.a) L •• h Y. lro~~rnads pa II I !hr ~roun'1 f.OI' pc·rccntagt or reg1~tra·1 •.• Hu~• School Datnct Teech-knees. his rcet, and tottered Drive norUi on Coast lit~ z Ip p w a Id. t.1110. Richard ~nother complalnt wa~ rt· tlon \\as only one·ttnlh of .Jurl~,. \Vlnlam C S~ir~ of er~ Assoclat1?n. and the _Or· ashor•. way to WarnPr \venue., turn Kimball. Mariners Mile. Hob· <'t'l\'M from a Huntinllt.on onr J'l('r crnt from lhP l!~i<1 ~1·" pot t I\ c a c h Municipal arigt Coast C1v1c As!loclation Anud appla.we from \ht f 01• Service right to Boh;a Chica. 1 ht' n, rt IU.uon ~ewport·Cost.a ~al'h studl'Tlt. Richard W reR•~trauon figure 11 "'as ci 1'01111 \\ill rrpresrnt U1e llar· Btttce Snmnf't'. member or cro~d. Kactuckas eased off len Or drive west vn \\ dr \4 . wur' 0 N 1 Old fleydt"Ckt. 10022 Forre~t.al sJX'('tacuJar djp from thf' pil· jhor Art>a at the huUhUe of a state commwlon charged a noatrtl plua wtilcb had char-ner, F..dJnger or Bolsa .\\ ,.. esa • •am ea Way who "aid his car had m:lrV perct"nt11gt -I 2 Pt·r \luntC1p.il and JudkW Cow't with rt!\lsinr tltP !\ttlte Con-ed tJ\e bridite of hi" no;e raw The Newport Harbor-Cost.a nues lo Bolu Chtca. th" n 'lewport, anrt '1m Patane 1 h<oen moq·d and thr. ..-park1cenl reprMentmg 8.1000 \<ti .11111~,.., Oct :iJ,11 al the Jhgh· 1titlJtJon. and !\tiles Eaton, and slowly bepn towelinl Mesa Board of Rullon was tum rlif:it . WestcliH Plaza and Westcliff plug "Ire~ pulled lnosf' 1·n. tanr1' lnn ui Carm<-l 1N'1JI "clence turher at Or· the heav) ~rease from his presented the distinguisbed anu Coa4'l f'olle~e. wllJ dis-l'bodv achievement a"ard tor out· ru"~ lhe ar.uu. T~m KeevU. "Why did you do it'"' standing suvice to the pub- DAILY PIWT editor. is thelaol!M'Ont asked Were vou lie and board members Tut.1· R • S k E t C t 7\T th moitrralor. afraid ')" another per.son day by the California Real ain oa s as oas ,· 1 lOr Stblop11;e~ of thr M~ument.a,queried. .. I Estate AMoclation. Chilled nn each propos1l1on will he · 1 just fell Wle IL .. be an· I Art S. U!ltch, CREA prtsl· .. • ffl.,.ttibuted by the Leap of swered. • l wasn't afraid." dent, presented the a\fard al Sut•· Moon, Tide.s' -Lo',::;'';!' ,;. .. o,.;'':;::: _;I 1 ..... .,.,. ......., ~""" .. '"" ,••• "•• .. , W~en Vott~ "You ne<'d some sandals a meettns of the 90tt1 IJttJ'O'l1 ., ~~~~~~~....,~~~~::"· ,'t" !';:'."~~·'·~~rv.H'~ J0~ ~~"':ii'" •"9P"'• -' tcU UC\11 ei• ic Lew Mitt'-"'•cfn'tOr"" l'HJ • .. l'lt IT\1Jf,._ ""'~" ''V•• ' • 1' ht'llUr ,,.,,M M•f'IY ., • .,.,., f'l•d "'""'" ~·~-:;-• 1 • DAJt'y Pit.OT .·ta'-"lr.-..-.M an tld•rly mu' CREA, convenUon ln San ''"' "'M~'"0 C<•• "'"''"" 1"""1 •• ...,. .... ,,~ ,., •• .,.1 1 '"'"'' o4 '"'" """"' '-"•"'' errrt1eously Tue...<tay that the said. addulR. "your feet are Prancuco More than 4.SOOln ... , .. .., , ,, • ... "i ' i • -, • -.... ~ '-• ..... .a. -,.,.. "''I 'llllLW,r''l!rl~ ,,.... .,, """ °""ne • "• "°"' ""oo ,.;:, ... °' .. ; ... -~ uJd I ( reaJton and real estate saie. 1 11 '"' '' 1 " •"' 'I '• i T~ ,..,,, "',.. •• .,_..,. ltew 'fora m""ing wo take pace thatl all so t from that salt t d1 th fl .,.,,...., " ,,.. <~"" Gu•• e1 ...... ,o o.•·-~venlng. Wafer." men arf al en ng e V~ Sw• .,,.,' H •.., \•h' 1 e COASHl VAlLf;,.• -•no ?' -t;:."., •=• -:.~,:J ':''~n{:;.,,.'-;0 r.-.:~ .. _,, ------------------------da7 COnVentJOn u..,. ltttott 1 1' • -S..f\ , u t ,.. """1t IA'" rt·0"'1 ~"""' •••'• ~, .. "'oj '4 ""• '':!.,-, -f!'t'..f_r,,,•'c-~•o ,_.,,. """'9 Ito -.~ ,._.._ -ho r tjt ""O"''''I \U"'""" ,.. ..... ,\11111 W ~l'lf ""u(h ,,...,. ~ ,,_~ ...,. .... 111e Ntwport Har r""'osla • .._ •• ,u•• t•..,..• .. .,., ,.,.,., ,. ·~ "'«• -. ~ -W••"'•••on ,.., . ._...,... . : Newoort Horbor I ........ Maa Board or R~altors had ...... ()(I I hi Q ()(• l. , I. ""' l'M 9M .. ,, • ., ....... " _, ..... .Y.l)n•-, ,,_ .. T4""'r•'•tu,., .,.,,. v dl:f.,,. • ...,.. h ,-,u\taJrfl' lbt Second hlJtheSf OVer•aU 1 .. T( h•[ ()IA ff VAll' r !I -• _. ; ~:~, :: ~i:r.~I~\ r?~ ,!~ ,,-~-:••:•,• no:t~' ........... r8dllg of the 173 fuJ es\att 0 ( > """' "'11 .. It•• lr)Q ••'; I• ·~" .. n M•rllo••n •"'1 .... ,... "'"'"" I~• ~•'1 lllvff rn11~n ()(I ~1 "D,,,,ne ~ne mvc,, .,.,.,:'~ •• ,,. '''"'' • euiv m~l'I•""• ,..,,,.,,.. ~'1 '""' p,,,~ ,. .... boerds enftred ln the compe-l(C • • .. ,~ IOO•Y Ill) •• •• tow •on·o•• • I~ lo6 ''""""' nv" ""''h•rn 'MM•\nl• ,, I .... 11+1-lo.rwi h·PT1otrt•vr1\ r..meJNtt •n fhe ,.._ S.ltfUt ll.IUI t In r IMld• "'" I M c I (°""fa't•b'* d•'f', tt'llt'll Nef'I'• '""' ¥0UNT~fflr4 AQ A\ ,,...,, v-tr• IArlv mo'tt4"1 tttW Clf)Ufh .. 0• I• h ""''~ -'"' O••n .. c-'llf tr t"• "'U<h """'*'•luft '"•""Ot Of ... •'-•C.hl' •to.,. It-• I•.,,,,..,,, C:tll ..... " .,._ -· -••••••••••• -· ~ iloolt ,..,. f •v• W/ty 1\1 -" , •Mf.,n ,.., <nu•le -' .,.0 INTfllO• ... o D<Ucl>T 11((,I! N\ -·lly cltt·-·~"'1 .~ .. allot d0'#11 ......... ~ ... y 11._,0.Y a f'l•ef'! t~Mf'l~t A' °'• _ 5v~ l 1tt11 f9MC>e'•'u'• •t •"("• lit•'"• Speed Limit U+eltli tod•Y I\ te ·~ UOf'H \flt ... ,,, t\ ~aM a.~'-' wa• 14 end tt .,., 11 • .,.., •o ICS to-..H v~llrv• t !"W 1~ ~'' 'i fl'llilt't .,.,, •• , T"9 CO.\I f'\•r'I """,.., •1u • M ..,....,. "., ... , \ti .., 10 ilr0¥rer ... ttl\11 i'T'C'"''"' tf'\d y •' '""• f'! ~"!" 0 .. To Be Posted ... ,~ w ... , ·~··..,,.. , ... , ,.-,.01"\ ''''"' T f>111 peralurt>~ ................... ,,,.,., .• .., .c ~"'" •••l!AllA ANO ,,,,,.,,, .. - J-'"""" jllftt~t (cn(-OIW)n to '"·• ,.,_,.,.J ll}i.f'Y I V'\lt• h1I IMAJt J0Q •~;f llf • C•" ~-"'· 09M v11•at•• •l'td\ .., I aoud"t ••rt• ""°'"1,..• _,M rrt.«f\ ''"' SAN r1•NAHOO VALL'Y -~fl ·~ 51tn1 noting thal the speed -....,..,,,,. """'' ... ,. • .... , •• ~ • ~ .. •"'" <"-' ~ °" '°""y ~ · 11 ' _,__ ti_,,. •· .... I ho Ill llP<-'"''"""' 10 •o lt '""'' •"•• • "'' •"""' ~ ''""' ""'' o••t"• ..,. -,,...,,_,.,. "".,.. JW4 t..s •"1 ml fl per Ur W _. l .. <IOlldt •'>d IOC•I ,,. .,. , r •f•Y T~u•1'1•Y ,.,.,,.,...,. 'lo)! "''"'" -·~ bt placed •Jon& Acaca Street --'9(1 "'"'' •"d """"'"• ... ,.. • IM•l•IAI ... o ((IArltH l A ,., erAtv•• rh1141• .. ..,. 'NI .. ,. .. n. t-0 t..-tw p II d R d d • --'"' I. f'i\LM sr.iNca '"""• IC-• '°"~' .. ~ 11 ...,_ uc ffn a u es oa an , 1tt1o •-•M• ,..,..,... N¥ ...,..,., ._._ Mesa Drlv~ In Santa t..na •• •o 1e1 -,..,..... • "' •• ~:::,.., HellhlS C 1 ·1 • owfN! V•lL fv -... &•"• ....... LJ ... S r i.wt.,.. 1be Board o1 Supervlaon. a 1 or111a ..... ,..'1(1' ·-··"''' (...... I ... .,. 11n1mnry = orda'ed the stem 'l'unday at t0utw1•.. c•t ••n ... •• _ .. .,., v • ~...!'.!."".!Pc~":°.~"~!.~." ,., :'!':~ -··• '"" ..,.,,.. ..,,~ •""'• • :::'! .. ,,, t~ request or the Countv ....,.,., ""' "'.-.i ...., ....,..,... -fl .._.,,. • _,, ·-••u•' <1<·-i~ ':.. ¥= :. \::''::.S..JoO:l ,,.._ Tra(fk r-6..tttflt . ..,. ... '-"1 ..,..., "'°' -... ....., • ., -. -...,...., d _,. ... ~ "f:!""' '-""" ._..,. ,...,. ..... ~" ' ---,.,....,.. '"° JJ 1•11 I-... ~ I(~'°' (II> .. ,.-l-,.,.. "1 "' " 4.l II ,. .. ,, w " " " ,. .. ti '1 u ,. ,, J1 • Q • ., • " • • • M SI : . ti ,, .. .... tt ~ II "' .. , It ,, ~, • n ,, II ,, Ml n ~ •1 .. \<I rt .. rl ~4 fl ,, ,, " '4 ., • )J " 1' .. ,. • .. " ,, ~ ft .It .11 ,11 N .. \1 ., ,, ·~ .. ..... •' .. u.: OK the Ila It{ 1n1 • SlJ tlM tot of Co mr OD ... , Cb ID p11 Ull of db :I; ] 1 ~ pt!• COi mt an Wl l J oi Tri Ju NL tot Ce ID• de1 lef , IUI lat. tJo to ott tfo I I r ( l r I BF J I I I ( J l ( ( ( I ( < a ( r ' ( Co Co II " m GOP Solons Agency Aided Charge Estes -U.S. Feels Red Chinese Senate Years From Atom PoWe~ Renort blfonutlcm Mild LBJ Holds Humphrey HitsBMG Thieves Torture Woman 'Lie, Lie, •·or allemOOn teu. bridre putila, bedtime tnkk ot ;.t dlmert, dtliibt )'OUI' fntndl and fanuly with Van dt ~·a CHOCOLATE COF'fF.E TW();LA YER {'.~KE ... 1~0 la\.'f'ra t'O\tl'9d •ith a rich l'df .. buttmieam lrin1 and <'horolate iprink)ea oo the Ddea. A bre.k that will tab tb. cak.el OTHIR In> f'UUP SPECIALS /'nlUU.<IUH., ocr. 1. I DANISH CWSTIR SAV. ff • Of DAR NU"/': UJAf SAVI 14 ENOUSR W'1'1NS SAV~ '4 plf." I !JI • • = • • • • ____ .......,_._ Hilda Heading For U.S . mm There are sttll many warm days ahead .. and ~ou'li be ahead, if you attend our.wonderful clearance sale! I . Aluminum Company Deluxe 1 ...... ...... ~ II~ ,.,..,.. "" ....... Witllt..e CJ'"'*'• .. .. SAYE NOW Sct.tilk .... _.. .... .,......., ........... -...... ..._ __ . ......,_ ............ ww. ..... ............. ~ $-'. -Msil' ca.illll BM ·-..... "'* -~ i.11. '-fff.ONY $8.a ,_ SPECIAL :. $~9 Jl.99 J Sii SPECIAL CIP ... $359 $-4.69 ':' SPECIAL ... $')69 $-4.9' J DOWNTOWN COSTA M!SA 1802 NEWPORT ILVD . 'HONI LI ..a426 PAY All YOUlt UTILITY lflLS HlltE ton OF FRH PAllllG - f I .. aaAUTIPUL I alO"OOM, 2 •ATH HOMI, IN CHOICI LOCATION ef MHA Vl"OI. 'ULLV CA,_,..ITIO, ,,,_l,..LACI[, D,_A,..H. MANY UCT"AI. CLOll TO ICMOOLI AND aHOlt· ,.ING. CALL: 549· 1712 BIGllllY • CUSTOM QUll TID MODIRN IOFA oe..,.. .... ...,, ,. • r '11 ] ....... ...,.., ... ricMr~···· ....... Y-11 ... the dltlllldf"' .....,_,-..,_ .................... ef 41WfftJ ............ Ceiw--4 '" Hqvlsat. ,....._... ,.._ In • chek. ef ...... c.len. ,.,_. .. , T.atiap1• cu.hlOM ef ..SW ,..... al,,..-ecl Grt4 rewnJWe. Down LAaGI SIU SOFA PILLOWS ..... .... .....,..., feltria. ...., ............... ,..... ,..o:,--4fc ' Wf AU HOMf OUT'" SPICIAUSTS-SA VI MOii IY THI HOUSffUU DAILY 9 TO 9 SATURDAY 9 TO 7 SUNDAY 12 TO 6 AT ~UB -YOU CAN BE SUREI Service Alter aai.- Sad1leetlon GuaraalMd In COST A MESA 1724 NEWPORT BL VD . I' ,. .. ~ .. ' ' .. ,. .. ~ • • i i ., 4 " • .., " • ' 0 "' .. • £ !;> ,. < ~ "' "' ,. ~ ... ~ .. .. ' " " • •• :-.II' • • t , .. ... :· " .. ... .. t' .. "'" • .. .. • .. . ., . ... NEW DEUO_. IDd1a (AP>-Katacbl en route t.o Europe. Fofdp p o 1 l c y alfan· Sukarno told newamen that menta art •bltttnc tn : tflla AJUb tOld ldlD M wua tbt pan of the wotld becaUM or CGaalct db MalaJlla ,.. • tl'e. quarrel betireen Ma1aiala IOlvtd peacifUJly throuib an • ·~ ind lbdooeala. ·• Atrtcan-A a 1 a a ~on _iPri.JI!• Ml.o1lter lAl Bab.clur coaun1alloD. Ay\ab did not co 1>0UU1'1 India 1ovtnllllel.t, that far ta bl.I ta1kJ w lt h usually l'tluttan.t to enter newsmen, ~ me~lt 1ameone•1 arcumeau. h a • '-too early to •• , an ' made atrooa atatemecta of about Paldatan media aupport for Malayata. • N e l g b b o r l ll I Palds-DIFFERENCF.S :• tan, thoulh avoiding a firm Despite tbele dlfferencu ; publlc stand appears to be on what AJUb told Su.kamo, ' ourtln the Pakiatani.s appeared sure ,.._ anxiously c g friends they had made 1 friend. amoni the lndonealans. Pakistani Foreign MhlQter 1 lat MOVE Z. A. Bhutto said Sukamo Shastri made hla first expressed l:nterat lo Pakla· move by raWna the Mala)'· tan's formation of a IO<alJ. aian-Indonealan quarrel ln a ed development croup wlth speech to Parliament. Turkey and Inn. lndoftella Obvtoualy referrtna t.o t h e la c:oatt~ Jobdat. landiq of lndonetlan par• Bbutto tald. troops 1n Malaysia, Sbaatrt Sukamo IJ'at.d nervee ln told the House: ''It would be New Delhl by bacltnc PU. unfortunate Uthe aovett.lpty tan'• aoluUoD for detmnJD. of Malaysia were disturbed tnc the future of ltuhmlr, a by the use of force." lllmalayan state both IDd1a Later he said: "We w 1 n t and Paklltan ctalm. that the independence a n d Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi. ',.., ~verei,nty of Malaysia be C-.M.-- i-1 ..... -. .. p .. .. ~ •• ... • i· prHUVed.'' Prealdent Ayub J<han ol NELSON INS. AGENCY Pakistan wu host to lndone-.._, ~ r• .. ,.. stan Pruldent Sukarno - once a f~uent visitor to In· .:: : ... '-.._ di• -who stopped off in ~ ' RllLS ancl CANI 10I ~. c IPICIAll 33 .h ......... L ... -.i. ·-tNl'I .... ,... (I,.,,. D1p1. THURSDAY OCT. 1d 10 A.M. SHAI' II IAILY POI FIUT CHOICI INFANTS STROLLERS 16~ !~~!~K"~S!J~eft 1• for boyt •ncl glrta. 4.00 Val~ T-SHIRTS l1tfa1tt• -''"'°"' M•ke. t.2t V•lue, 100 BATHINETTE With thkk ~ad ancl H•rd Tub. 22.tl Yalu .. 1688 · With P'Mt -Famoua Make. 1.)0 V•lu1. INFANT SEAT The Or1g19na l Infant a.at 7.M Valua. CRIB SHEETS Curity DIAPERS Tremendous Value -Vou "'"''r bought them at thlt ''-· S.H V•lut. CORDUROY COVERALLS Infant and TNdltr. 2.M V•lu.. INFANTS' •Car lech 2'' 1" • c.· Seats • Jtnnp Seat • Swinp • Cribs • Manvess & All Accessories 20% OFF ) SOlltY -NO LAY-A-WAYS • NO PUNCH aoNUS CAaDS • NO HOLDS • NO GIFT WUP AU. SALES FINAL TEEllS~t:~: nEIYTHING MUST M> WE'RE STAITING FIESH IN OUI NEW STOU I~ PAITI L SKIRT SETS WAIM & WLUl ... VAa..Ua ftUI WOOL SKIRTS ., ...... ~ .... ,, ...... Pal NT IL OU SES UI VA.LUI SHIFTS ALL MAKll A ITYLl8 Lii VALUI IATHING SUITS GIRLS QUtLa C0"DU9'0Y 159 ~~~IS All l lns ••••..•...•.........••••• QUt&.I WOOL PLAID A PLAIN ~00 l1~!_TS All •ia. -2-t4 ................ ~ Ql"LI 1• !~!!~! ... ~.oo-~.:~ ~.I'..~'.~~~.:.~~.~. !~~~~~~--~~~~-~~--........ 1" [Aj:~~ .. ~!!s "-.. ,, . . . . . . . 199 ~rgs~~:.~.~ .~........... 1 ~ 0 10LI •AMOUI MAKl 1" ' ~~~~~·~·~··········· .... ········· ~!!L.!~~~~~.r~ ......... 196 r:sHiRTs M••· 100 IM YalM ••• •••••••••••••••••• •• •• •• •••• • 2300 HARIOR ILYD. • HARIOR CENTER ca.,._ AccMftfl -· .... _.. Hvnttntton a..ch 1--lloclc .... Off Of Beach Blvd., on Edlnpr • .... -- Gt!oup HARBOit CENTER • COST A MESA ltur of J. C. Penn~• Pecint Wlbcln On The Malf - TWO LOCATIO S TO SERVE YOU Juniper Tims 47, MUMS lJunlper Armstrongii Juniper Prostrlt1 47c i 47c ~ ,47 c/' .. Vechii "Ill' '7' Gardenia 47c ClniSSI 111111 Plum 47c Redwood Edlin1 le fl. &rm Seed lb. •tc S.-Count: 1 Seed ftf Kentucky . . 50% 1 SMd of lt19 Or111 .... 50% ma, • cu. n. I ft. tall Pampas Grau White Plumes, Reg. 4.95 IPICfMEN _ ... 9lc 3'5 Philodendron Selloan 47c SPECIMEN MOllTAZUMA PINE EXOTIC $5.29 Come S.. Thla Specimen Reg. 7.50 S Gal. LAltGE BLADED -S Gal. 441 FLAX -6 ft. high Llquld Amber SHADE TREE Autumn Color 5 Gal. 361 FLUFF -PLANTER MIX 2 cu. ft., •et· 1.79 98¢ 1 II. 1RH fERll $6.9S WeS.I 9uallty 1600 SH!R LANE HUNTINGTON BEACH 1 Block W•t of had\ llvd. On Edfnpr Get Off Relief Or Work Ordere·~ c = ==:::=: : LAGUNA If'" An dreh1tectur4l most.,.piece of contemporary Spanish Fobuloua ~. coastol ond o c ea n view. Lo"}• pool and luxurious londscopinq. Split-level with elevotor, 4 boths, 4 bedrootm, den, darkroom, oir conditioned. Bolcony overic>oking oceon. Every appointment is the fined money con buy. One yoor old. The ultfrut. in • home -'for • discrimin1tin9 iMl1er ift • p r i v • t • community with privet• · b.ech, tennis courts, etc. Brochure wil b. Mnt .' on~.U. WlllTI MONARCH, '.O. IOX 371 huu. Lagu,,._ C.llf.,..la • in l CORONA .. ,. ~t~El MAR! CORONA DEL MAR BRANCH EAaT COAIT HIGHWAY AT HILIOT,_0,.1 Come in and get acquainted YOUR CHOICE OF A RAND McNALLY ATLAS OR NEW SUNSET BOOK All NlW 1"4 EDITION SUNSET IOOKS by the publtthtrt of SUNSET MAGAZINE. Come In now, while they IHt end Nied one of thfft exc1t1n1 MW boob. IUCHWALKUrl QUID£; HH 150 photoa Ind drawl=o• ftaelflc Coest plant Ind 1nlmal lite. INTER'°' Alff AND DECORAT : A new bootl Ml of snctkal Idell to be1utlfy ~ home. full ot COOK IOOK Ol F'AVOftnt RECIPES: 1,2&.2 1'9Clpes with that "extrl M>ml· thl ... " DfeMa for l'*Y ocenlon. OOl' COURSE DIRCCTORY F'Oft CALI· FORHIA: New. complete, COWf'I '*"1 400 pubflc a pl'tvet.e COUrMS. IAHlCUt COOi( IOOK: N.w edition. <>wt 500 Nelpes, J 150 ptlQtoa. IO\ITHERN CAU,ORNIA TRAVEL QUID£: Plac:ea of lnt.erut, hundrwdt of ,,.,. & ~. IAlfC ~DlNINO: All of the fund1mentll tecl'lnlquet with t2I IPUltnitloM, RAND MeHALLY ROAD ATLAS: New 1964 Editiofl, 111 50 stat.es. Caneda end M11llco. u ... ,.._.,,, ~,. -h ho111tloolcl '"'"'""lo ttlvlfl .,.,, 4.85~ .... ACCOlllffS 1 lftUllQ fO s 10}000.00 •1 Th rt41rel IHlllft .. Liii .__. c., . OftEN ""DAY8 'T1L •:OO ... M MUTUAL SAVINGS AND LOAN A880CIATION PASADENA i.AD 0"1CI: 315 CAST COLO"ADO ILVO .. ,ASADENA • 449·2345 • 2867 East Coast Hi1hway, Corona Del Mir· 675-5010 FREE PARKING ~ ~ -. T-1011 Polt111iot111 ~~ ·1~ ,., Slrlol11 ~ ·1~ CHICI STEAIS . 1o •• 1 ... 1 .. 11 =. lllt St•b ~~ 79f. ~49l ---· ~ -- 11Ntun I ' A )ICE . 11111 CREAM v Cream Pies ~. y MOITOH'S RODH 29c OtOtCI Of VAltrnd I INCH llD Fresh Buffer ~ 691 Pineapple Dll1~~10 2: 391 Green Beans~:2:491 Tomato luice :.ao~ 2i491 ' Hershey Bars 5t: 10:: 391 Blatz I Look For \ FRANKS MONEY-SAVING f MANAG RS' BONUS UYSI ' All Von's & hopping Bog Stores ,re Featur-' ing Speci Bargain Prices On ~any Items That Are /n Adequate : . local Sup~y ••• Oscar Mayer All Meat 1-LB. PKG .•••• 49c Mountain Ridge •· STRAIGHT IOURION l 86 Proo,__. Y ra. Old-Exclusive . at Von's & Shopping log '-& .. =-·Special Price s3as ~-. Save 30c "'™ SPECIALS IN THE D!UCATESSEN JERSEY MAI>-lit DAY Pl!Slt CHAM, Lo.cAl ot PAl#l.I. sml =~c:.. .......... 49- Brealcfast Favorites SLICED BACON WILSON'S CORN-KING 49' from the 'Com Country' 1 u,. . Pkg. Pork Sausage : 49L FESTIVAL HAM WILSON's-IONELESS No Waste ••• FuUy Cook9Cf • •• Just Slice 'n S.rw S.olooJ Seo-lediom 98t Fresh letl S•pper : 69L Fredi Dewer Sole ~~ 79~ We're ill Keeping Food ices Downl SPECIAL PRICES EFFECTIVE fN All VON'S & SHOftPING IAG STOHS Tllu., Fri., Sat., Sua., Oft. 1-2-3-4 HUNTING TfN VILLAGE SHOPPING CINTER .. IMf Short 11111 T ...... 'f • .._..__T__..... ....... ........... :-.w,c.... ..... .._., ..... 1.• .... ....... ~ ~fl Cllilte = CWll ·-•• ....... c.t. I 'R h' ~· !."" • ...._ ...._, ...,.... n oug ~ ......... ..., CMI. "'' • w. c-• Hltllw.,, .. _, """"' AN"IJPIU. -" r-~'-M :z·-' ~-~~~ tN c~. 1.1 ~ ~. = man made a 1uccessful ... 1..c11.. n -. &.alldJ01 in a vacut field :.-i:..~ ~~ ~-":': here 1\teld.ay when the en- .::. ~ Afedl. 11 -sine on h11 1 m a l l plane c..• ~= f~.~ .. ~ failed. He waan't lnjured and Mr. Million Grow• Fait la County ANAHllM -Orult O>uoty'• l ,000,000th real· dent 1~ •rowtns almost u fut H lhe county and may well develop Into ltl mo t oac.pokea boos· ter. o,ru l'fuk ~s... .... became Mt, ..... at llUtb OD Sept. I>, 119.\ Airport RoadOKd ,....., c..t• ....., •M• ..... the plane wasn't cbma&ed. ...... MllrW ........ ,.... VIile • =-• ....... 0r~ .._, The pilot. WOLiam Allen SANTA ANA -ODunt1 IQ. • "·" •"'-MeW, 2511 Eldon SL. aet lbe pervilarl TUMdaJ 1ppro...S aJrcraft down ln tbe field plans for a 2 ... mJht CICMIDld· north of 1.lnca1Jl Avenue and 101 hllbwaY alol:IJ the welt· east of MuJJer Street. SJde ol Oranp Couoty Air- ._. .._.."., l'olkt II.Id U>e plant wUJ port. "· .,,,,, Mn. '::.: T. 1,._ 11, have to w dJ1mantled a n d The highway an Ht.ens.ion _._ Dr. Cate -.... •· bawed back to the Oran~ or Red JUll Avenue, w1U "O,:: -:.:;.~:::::: ~ ""'" County Airport, where It ts sttttc.tr from . Mac:Artbur "· .., .,., ~ V*L ... c-besed. I HouJt!vard to Pali..-Bold. .,-:, ',!.;.. ~":-=...:-"., ._. Mem r8d.loed the 1'\tller1on Coun~ Roed Commilllomr .. .,,. C..• M-. e1r1. Municipal Airport that h I 1 Al Koch esttma~ the project ~ ..., ... ~ 1....,, ... w eactne had blown a cyllndu wilJ "°" .. '174,?a. .,....,., '-'• ,_, -~ at J:M pm. and Jaadld a ·1'bJs. ap&Umd SUftt91· ~· :' •. ~'"::... ~ mt few mtnutet later. sor WUllam i>tlilJJpe, •·.w ~ ...., • ......., 1 . J..._, .. open up the west aide of the " -C~ ':::.. ~; WI airport, Jltll ~ to th9 ...,. ...... c.t• -... ...._ CGntrof tOIWlll' and prowte few ir • .;.. an 9:!'., ~ .. -... ,. City Of fici~Js "JIUS10ft at the 1urrol.Sldl.ni ........... c.. M-. ...... • industrial ·~··" .,, ... ..,.., ~ v 11--. w• .,"."::, ~..:..:: =. ~i Eye Dyke Sale ,,.,.....,. """' C-• ...... ..., SAN FRANCISCO -Gar- den G~ dty tftldals met with a Publlc UWMfet Corn- Din1eM Cha pter P ia ns ))in oer • -... ...., mluioD eumiffl' blrt loday ::-,'=.e .. w."':'::.... to )ly tbe ~ rules for a ORANGf: -'nw annoal • ~ 0.. L .. -. public beutDc -.... of a dinner or lht Orante Count} =').---:".:. •--.. porUoa et tbl Dyke W • t tr Chapter, the · National found-.__ : = ':i =:-Con,. heartllC will be aUon-March of Dim._ w t 11 :;. -:-.. '::-:. ..:-du ted Oct f4 la tM J~ be h~ld Oct. I at the Orllll• i ... ,.. w.----. ~ ~-·~ Bu""'-.~County Ml'dkal A11oclatlon ... ._... ~ ..._ .,..,a "1 .. ..., --... ._ BuUdm1. ,"!>,~ ..::;:· A.Qctln. lt will CO\'tl' SU. rl Dr. Mtrl J Carson, recent· ~: .. L c"'r."::,. ~.!'°r ~-~~d~bf ly appol.aLed medical dJred.or ,,.. , .. "· ........., ..... IJ•"5MI w ....,. •7 o of the Cbfldrens' HospttaJ, z:.-........,. ..!..::-i:-Gardm Groote Waw Corp., will be cum speaker. Act.or .,....~.._ ~ w. C.--... • noo-protJt e«per..SO.. tor Prestoa Fostu. b.onorary ~..:.., ~~ ts. 75 miman. cba1rmaa of the M o t b e r1' :::.,. ""..,-..:.., ~ March for Dlmts, wUl be the ..-. -. A-. ~-,...... bollond .--wtua 111 l 11 11919 ...... '· ... l .. ....,. Bo 10 :y ~ ed Merec001 llcCrM ~ "' ':.!i~ ... -:J::~· y, '·&Al\lg Dimes Tttn AP Prosrazn :::" ... "..:-.,c.al"'::: • , dWrman for Calllomia. -....,. • • .... Jn Joveuile Hall JtesernUons ma1 be made =..,--._--:=.w"' .. ~ at the ChapUr om~. 1303 S ~ ~ = -. "'-P. FULLERTON -A t().year-Main St., Sant.a Ana, 5'7-tl24. .._ .. ,._ .. .,_ ----= • • ._. Wllll.......,.. old boy wbo aDecedJ1 admit· =..-:_.-=.. ~ x. ted caaal.al a f Ja.OGI fire la :-... ,..._..:-:, ':i.:" the Flnt Metbodllt O>urch =-.._ ..,,., ....,..., S a n d a 1 wbUe rwacttnc -.... c. ._.. Jr. "-._ CMtl of choir lfn&tn, b a a ::..-:'..°':: M. """"' bttn lodeed ln Juvmlle Hall ,.. ._ ....,, t. = tit. for w.181:1a ol p r o It aUon. t"1da ._........, c.. "-· Juvt'ld.M oftkffa aald today. .., ... ::.. ~ (--Tbt lid atttdeatally let .. ralltft. ftre to robet tn tM cbotr loll :: '::. ~::.:-~. with a ctsarette Ugbter be :;:. = f.:;:"' 0 ~;i....,.~-bad found la a coat, iavutl-.oe .._ .,.. ,: ....,.;., gat.on uld. They edded the =: := .=.i:.. \.!.~· boy was on probation for '-• '""' T-L. ..... lhclt. OMEGA BEf<>RE 10'1 lM.1 a -.:la be 1ure IO «• "' ..., o-ga eollccoon. Modcll from ~5 to $1000. J. C. Humphrlet 1123 N.wporl Ave. :Jke S aving.J Cenler . . -.. : .. . -... . :-... -: .. · ... -. Q/ :Jk. :Jalufo uJ CUlltlNT ANNUA L ltATI 4.85% PAID QUARTERLY Savl"19 Realved by The 10th of the ~th hrn From the ht j ,. COSTA MESA , I), •~•~••a•.~ LOAN assN. .. _ Newport llvd. at 19th St. • Costa Mesa Midway 6·3272 • Kl1111Mrfy. 9-3J91 Polltleal Note •CURTAINS • DRAPERIES • &IFTWAIES •LINENS the HOME . SHOP I PC. GLASS Cerdurey Hollywood TV Snack Sets led Covers .... 14.fl R .. 2.tt 9• 199 set WtdJi a.a.ten lleg. .s. . ..... J.H Thermal w...,. M.ple Framed BLANKETS A.torttd Subiech PICTURES ..... ,l. .. r l t .tS Values 9'8ea. '" Qvallt,, A--. e. .. ,. ~ Tem..Prlnt, R.,. .39 PlACE MA TS Dish Cloths Ret-1.00 8 i 100 2 ~1 00 f'aet C•a.r -I I. Irr. ,_..,,.._ Oval' Ottlono• Aat. C..i.rt LAST CALL IEACH TOWELS La,._ Sin Gay Prints fut Color ValUfl to 3.91 1'!, ... .,. c-1 Drapery Bonanza 100°/o Cotton Wash and Hang Draperies GROUP 1 1 SINGLE WIDTH 41" wide • .S4" long OOUlsLE WIDTH 96" wide x 54" long SI NGLI WIDTH 48" wide x U " long DOUBLE WIDTH 96" wld• by M" long TRIPLE WIDTH 144" wide by 14" long ... GROUP 2 $3 pr. $6 pr . $5 pr. $ J 0 pr. SJ 5 pr. Fiabulous Textured DRAPERIES In 8 Decorator colon and most sises from 54" loftcJ to c••"9 to floor 95" loncJ, AT SAVINGS UP TO 50°/o OF ORIGINAL VALUE. FllEPUCE WOOD Beaut ify your Both during ou TRIPiLI THREAT TOWEL BONAN A Second Selections of 10 Fashion Pa from 3 Great Miis Imperial Brocade BY Fieldcrest ReCJ. $5.00 BA TH SAVE 50°/o A IM et Altove Sale ftriw C.llewr(s Grand Salon .::r ,A.. MANTILLA By -A .... BATH 3.25 . • .. . . . . .. , 1." HANO l.79 ................ l .1 CALLAWAY WASH .69 .. . .. ...... 49 \l'O •t abo\f• .. 1~ f)rl('lp r 1t>ld<'1Tll'• ~ ScuJpturt>. C•JI•~ •>'• Madera and '•tin Ro.. 'tr 't ECHO TONE aA TH ~if .............. 2/3.00 By HAND 1.29 .........•...•. , ·" MARTEX WASH .69 ................. 49 Al'W'I at abnv~ NI~ pn N-11 f'•ll•w1y'1 '\;nrl hrtt Loe hi• a nd Tanilrr, f'l~ld· ""' ~ Tf'nrt11n I.arr CANON WOVEN AND SOLIDS SPREADS Twin It Full Your Choke 3.88 5.88 6.88 ~lam of Thf'se Spread!'! Sold For 10 98 CHARM TRED RUGS 1 oo•;. Nylon 1 oo•~ Viscose 20°/o Off CURTAIN BONANZA Outen style, aut. 111ea. b41utlful Mleet1011 of fib r1c:a and oolora. V.11 luu to 13.H pr V1l.1nce to Match Regulu H e: Yard. 2 yda. for 100 QUILTED Bed Spreads Asst. Colors Tu in & King, Queea Full & Dual Aeo 2• 'tS Reg 3• 9S 14H Jumbo 19' We lts Matching Drapes R99. S. 91 3. 91 CALLAWAY WHILE THEY LAST I Throw Rugs l A. II F1 n.t C,Jua11t v \ \ ALVES TO S7 98 2 for 500 MART EX SI. lrr. Tub Mats Rr~ :l 98 ,\,~ortf'd Colors 2 for 500 BED PltlOWS IUpok Filled Printed Ticil Ample Size 1 49 Value 88' ... WHILE THEY LAST 19 ONLY SPRINGMA ID FANCY PERCALE SHEETS Twin Pink & Yellow Only Value~ lo 3 98 2 for 500 :l PC TEXl-GRJP Bath Mat Sets Reg 4 98 388 s.t the HOME SHOP Kl 5-8453 USE OUR Y-A·WAY PLAN ( " !1111111111 If : \I . . -. --: -: ---•• .a .. ---: ;: . : llllAlnl tlllRllll I • • ! I 1. l : l11111111i t I I llllllllll ' z I i i r · : 'inrmu ' j I . •• • • !111111111 -------.. .. ------.. .. : • -: e -i ' -! I i11111111 f • l I i . . SPONG I MOP PAD and cova r1111,.., c-,.. ,......,,.,._.,,..s-. tM.1114 WOMEN'S NEW HIGH STYUD STillUP STUTCH CAPllS =. 3.99 ............. 5440 Beach Blvd.-Westminster • 1400 Edinqer St .-Sar.~a Ana • 2200 S. H)r bO r Blvd.-Cost a ~ '. .. . 11 ·.Today's Closing • l Price-..-s -Complete New Dow lea Stocki 30 lnd.s'll 20 IUila 15 Utla t'• WeUHda~. Stpttmbu • ltM ()pea 171.74 21~ 151.73 Ill Ch 88014 219.49 15.1.80 .low m .11 217.01 152.02 Ntt CloH Cbaap m .J7 -o.n 21U7 •·O.G t5UI +o.4 M Stocki 310 00 311 74 308.57 310.~ +t..M Number ol transactions: 4.72 lll1Won lhanl • Yori( Stock Exchange Lis~ (j I ·-- . . ·11! i ·;ct i1, ~.-1. I ,.,~, ~. ""'ii-. I!( ·-tl!1 -f~!~I o •.••• ; ,., c Ill r-,. -,. = :e >i 0 .% I"\• ... o o• "'= z~ " a % ... . , ... z :;. t 1-i VI UI •• -0 ~ r n ,.. ~c5 ~-i • "'~ ... -t 0 ~fl "= Ill -< c-< 0 -t 0 c c n,." :c.: = mO.: ,._zo -== o~~ -< • t ··11' iillr~§~t ~--· ~~111 Ill z "'n~ • n "' ->n-t i• -t~I ~ ... c ... zo .z.. i .. 5'" ..... 2! ... 2 .. ~l! ! :I. ·!"'n~,_n•o• w a & ~ ... •;10• --1 ,!! CD G ~~"' ·-z"'•n .. I°•> • t ~.-· 1 .• IR ._ ~ i-cf i OM o -t IR -· g ..... ,. .... 5 ......,. er~ =2 !!! n ~ o o -tr-,.. -~ ---o-~ =• .. > ~ n ~=...,..... ... I; ... I' .. ~~UI UI I CD •-r r · " " • • 0 0 c c ... z z • e» a .. "' ,. n % 0 :c c c .-z n "' G ~ > O-·Ulz ..... ·-·- :a c o= ,.. > ,.. n • ... z -oaB ... ,.. . Oo >z "' e -t = -0 c -:I M .. CD G c;-> .. II~ UI M 0 -a -aiiA CD g ~=. ;=n CD 0 .. z ~I .. ,.... ~ ~ ... ,:; -. 11. a.AIL• ..... ,. ........ , ... ., i.,t . ., ,,.. . . ~ . . ·-' !-. . . . . • . • .. . · ~~ ... . "' .. . :~ . . - ,• . . . . .. ~ . ~. Aulo!WASHER Wllll Huge 14 111: Capacity '11 PnMONlll ON K·MART CltilOIT TWO DOOR 14 IEfllGRA TOI FIHZ!I Giant capacity with 2 ·door ronvf'f11t'or• 7,ioro d•C"ff freesn bolda up to 136 It.. of frou-n food. Automabc d.- fro.tinc ln la.rp rt"fngf'r&tor 8"<'tion. Hu 4 eabin"t ahel"9. OO• ali~t abt'lf. H ru. ft. net volum•. Manv .,... •rux• r.-w... · NOW Ol&Y 22888 SAVI $20.00 AT K·MART • MOBILE j I MAID Automatic Dishwasher SM 5004 Spultlinc dlthe. without rlnaing or aeraplng. Fauoet-.no gtvN you wa.ttr for other Ute9 while unat 19 operatmc. RJ~glo give. dishee a diamond 1pukle. Beautiful Sun· burst Tuoh~ r.oun~r lop. New lift top ra.ck m.aiea loadi.nc and unl<>Mi.in1 euy. $ SAVE '30.00 Charv• It at K·Mart COMPLETE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT K-MART CA 'l22Y FAMILY SIZE FREEZER HOLDS up to 420 POUNDS Owu hot •pipt 1torage in tht GE ~ at an nn •1 low prioe. Im~. up to •20 poundll ()( fror.l'n ........ be lretJt at ju.t the right troun UomJ)f'r•ture. a. .. 0-E •ualily at.an.d&.nh !or year• a.nd ynrw oC •••tbh arri-. 88 IASY K·MART ClllDIT HUGE FAMILY SIZE AUTOMATIC WASHER Thl11 hii 10 lh r11p111·1tv GE Wuhn Al • ~Ntt monty- •vinc pnr,. f ull\ 1111fl)m&tir. Hu 2 wuh tf'mJ)f'nturefll, full har\u1ploh. 11pr1tt• rinw, Mfdy hd 11w1trh. porrf'laua 11'1 Anti lnp pl1111 nt hn f,..turftl you'd l"XpM'I tn p11y murh mon for . TWO DOOR REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER WITH AUTOMATIC Dll'ROIT AND ZERO DIGRH FREEZER TS JOJY • Two-door l 2 cu . fl • Qu&lJty GE ron· 11truct1on ia viii· bit throughout. • Magic r o r n 1 r hmces eliminate neoceality of door dnra.nc•. • Protf'Ct1ve Door Rtopa • Automalir Intt"rior Light • Ont·plP~t' 11lM-l cabinet • Qu11"t rrfngPrlll· ing ayatem • ?5 yf'ar protf"('t1on pl11n on M'1tlf'd-ln rtfrlJf'r&tini 11v11tl"m • Onlv 28 inch N wid .... 199~YOUR K-MART CREDIT 15~40 Beach Blvd.-Westm1mte1 • HOO Edinqer St.-Santa Ana • 2200 S. Harbor Blvd.-Costa Mesa ) I \ ? ... I Tiii Kiiie• ORT • ' SpeeCf Automatic Otanger • Ceramic Stereo Cartridge with diamond 1tylu1 • Two 8" Woofert-Two 3•• Tweeters • Record Storage • AJI Wood Cabin.try ANY WHERE~ YOU GO ••• • • " 0 • TUNSISTOiiiiD 9" PORT AILE TV • Plays AC, DC, or Battery (optional) • 9" Diagonal Pidure • All Transistorized • luilt·Jn Telucoping Antenna • Private listening earphone included • All Channel VHF·UHF Reception 95 ' .. UIY K·MAllT CRIDn , • St•eoStor • • Porta-Fl Option • Tonol 1 Tone Arm • Deluxe Trim Escutcheon • Speaker and Headphone Jacb ... . IASY K~MARI ClllDIT • • 11" PORTABLE UHF·All·Channel TV WeJiba ju.at 12 pounda. Up tra.at controla an ..., to ... and ua J'ront IOUn4 too for true ftdelity. BWlt·tn anten- na, caft'1inl handle Blp lml*t polypropylene cahmet. Brmp ln all ehumell t.hro\lah two Mp&n.te controi knob&. • All Cha11MI U..,_TV \ c ........ • • aa · NO MONIY DOWN .... -~, 15 ~ ~ 0 Be at h BI v d. -W cs t rn inst c r • 14 0 0 Edin q c r S t.~ San t J f~ r. ~ .. ~ ~ J ~: S . t·: l i 1 0o1 o Iv d .. -1~· .: ; ~ ,J ~. ~ c s ~ 1 " I 14 M&Y ..... ~t Weil., ....... ,,,. eliminates pre-soaking and hand scrubbing elD.didy clothes! 3 Conwnient Charte ~I RCA Vidor New Vista COLOR TV NEW LOW PRICE Mon~o.. M:A VlC1'0IL Th-. Any O\her Telniaioa.. ..... White •Co&w Jiu d chaMel <VHF and VHJ'> twsSna. J\CA Hirh ftSelltT eolor ~ bninv· ell 25,0(ll) .. c:ballk, pow- sful ..._ \'1118 TUDers. r tUMDM ~ and ..., acant. colcw ~. EASY K·Mart T ennt ONLY TH[R('S A SPECtAL SPEED AND CYCLE TO ~RLY WASH AND DRY AU TH[ f AlllCS IN YOUR WASH BASKET I n.. ...._ ... ..., ' 'w MAGIC Ct.lili" m..w---..... •. el 'If tieaD1 dw 1111111( = I ......... _,JIM ..... ll1P9 ".. • • • ... • • detlJ Dl'Mlftba &pm Md......, .... ~ Allo \aa u.r. nahJnc ~; -.... ._ .. ~ ..ue.i. 7W ll\IJ han h"'*1tad tit,,.. ta a,..._ Won. Hui.. ............. Waad ad rw. d~ s41s WEEK 11M ..,_. ... ..,, -.dWtt Alftoruatie M criltvrt- M indtr9 t1lat •cm., at "dry mouah" ,.a. labr.ra havt tbe "tolldl" et 4f1M9 roa b'lce. Hu 'iOIUUt. and M11'8 -bJiilc. ..iomatic dain~. Au· c>- matJC Dr,.. Wertor ud Ul'1>Vi.olilt --.·r •• 9 ~rnWJ RCA VICTOR M 1 ~ ~rm@ 1n l-0-N-G ~w rista ~LI ~lAlli; 0 Lowboy Cabinets f••furing * l~tt Solid State Amplifier Peak Power {61 w•lh [IA l!Mdlrd) * hpeaker Stereo Sound System * 9-tubt FM·AM-fM Stwto Radio * Studiomatic Wipttd Changu le S'9rto Headphone .i.ct MS£ rv•mv• SMOWPl£CES S~AM I FEl1' flOM Ult Tt Ea- TO blWfCI YOU• KCH- TO IDffTDI 1ll DWIATIC UFtCT If mmsoum get all this and more: •AUTOMATIC DEFROSTING• • BIG 12.3 CU. FT. CAPACITY • 109-LB. FREEZER ~ when you buy this ~I~" REFRIGERATOR:fREEZER K·MART $ OPENING SPECIAL BIG 19'' UHf·YHF PORTABLI TV Ultra m~m. co m p a c t portable tv oUma flneat all 83 channel UHF and VHF HCl!Ption! StatJc-FrN Col· dtn 'I'hroat FM Sound, Tint· ed Gia.a 15888 ALL WOOD Smart col\IOlette tv otfen ucellent all 12 c:haruwl ,. ceptlon, ~.n 1D dutkult atrnaJ .,..._ Enjoy Static> Frie Coldm Throat FM aound. Remote control la avallable, utn. •219 CHAACI IT 15-t-tO Beach Blvd.-Westminster • 1400 Edinqer St.-Santa Ana • 2200 S. Harbor Blvd.-Costa Mesa ,, I . I • " • I CompleW1 automatJI. Jua .et the ..,. to .. eactiol Jmob to th• de- aired lll&de of tout. mp tout lift -a. --ftnpn. ClmJmt plated ..a for ..., deantq. Wealla .... •• Del8X8 Yacuam CANNISTER CLEANER With Dehm• 7 Piece Attalla•• .. ht Charge It J' ' wm .. OHOUSI Po; lallle Mlier ~ With S apeed nrltch, puah -.Utt.oft beater ejector ancl no clog t..t.w. U,htwliibt. 1UY to ltore. 711 WISTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC 711 25 11 · I 'l'rf1t11 Flfp• Over Nell' Datt~e Sii.,..r-old Trec:y Patrick. Oran1e Cc>anty lhrdl o1 Dimea poater sirL W)o rolla tbl ticbtl tor Saturday's benefit dance in the K-Mart perkini lot. 2200 HaltJor Bhd.. aa Gln,er Bailey ud Allen Bna warm up for the spedal mm fma dlDca. The pair ue membe11 ol the Cazadoru del Mar <Ranlen of h Sul ltiB and ICUbe dub, which ls spooaorln& the a pm. event. Mullc will be prcwtded by the ~tchm«n IWfln1 band. 100 Marines Fight Fire Conference Will . .t\id Businesses FlJLLERTON -Aft all-day 1overnment proeur • m e n t eowudJq conf eraca will be coadoeted ben Od. I under tbe auiptcu ol the hllerton Cbamblr of Commeru and Calllornla State CoQece. Tllt eonfen.nc. ii allDld at ualatJn1 Ora&• Coant1 bull· newnen and IDdutria1latl tn ..wnc their pnducta and lel"ricel to mDltary and fed- eral aaendes. s..m 10V11ve~•DJIMll-MltaJ •sen· det will tend experienced counselor• to tbe conlennce, to be conducted oa the Cal State campus. Flnna and ladlftdaah to- ~ la paUdpmtina tn tbe •uian aboo1d ,...Wer tbnuP U.. Bua..._ DeveJ- ..-it Department ol the hlllrtoa Chamber ol Com- ~ 21t Commonwealth A•e., telephone 871-3100. OLMIT. Slidt into the spacious new Font interiors. Insert tlte twm·ecl&e ipitio1 key (worb titlttr side ap). Fut op Ford's liftller ud duiflier 1ew e1alles ... (eidler Six or V·S's~ Feel the smoothest ride of aay cars II tbelr class (or po lbly •DY class). Listen to lite Qaiet 01es. Test-Drive a Solid, Silent '65 Fonl...with EUr ears! Quiet u the meuu.re ol car quality. So take a llc:pa1 pa•d~ ioterion. rid quill*' ~. mt-pd• tell d.riYe &Dd 1: .. -ID th vnraaa •"""' •yloe cvpcuni. ttar mltct ..,. "'."· SUau·n. ~iuJ.latioftt ~ • • • e ---7 qw,.;. ...-.rd Oft f-doar moddll. dltos-• ., wit.It wi~ doeeiL of all 17 Dew J'mdt. Compare their ..ootb., f -• fw4 c.Juic ~wit.It MW !fek11. ill. "Bic S~· Cf9o bu.thed ride, their 41ul.ity feelias a,.U.. UY sine for bc1tft' mJlcage, mott putitb, V.8 llDOO&hDca krollpt. other can .•• at Ul1 price. You'll bow im.me-quletat bod) frame C\tr b11Ut for a ford. d. I th D ~-..... • • aew ron:1 ~ aad Ou.Loe .500'1-umc .olad C'otlttnK'lioft. 1ate y-ae new a-oru. are uae Quiet One1. euy handlinc. unoot.h ride, front and ror an1t ruia. roomNM 2 ... rw4 Gala.de 500/D.01-the eportiest Fonb.. Bucket IUU, and dun loot all '65 Forda &haft. "Bia Six" ii standard. locw 1tuft. 2eo.. •· V.a aandatd. 5pedoul all vinyl iatcrion. J .. ., f-4 Waco--iodudiJJI Country Squira and~ l>ttp-p•k carped•· call'& lnml .-a-Wane wit.It HW duaJ £M:inc ms 1nu. idttl far fuailia ., eo It. t acw fw411 Galuie JOO L~ hat..,_ P~ ncr. Stt •ll lhe KW inadcb Crom ford at your Ford Dula'• eooet ·EL TORc>-About 100 M• <he 1 out tit r n attlOf, 6th riaa and 71 vehklu from Army. at f'or1 McArthur. to ..Uta al &be Marine Corps Air aut.rt ~ ctvlllan c1TW1. -···· -=.:r~~~~ -=-·-· ·-~~ -·-if ·yoii --can't HOIETOWll mm Keginniil'lriiirufi,-oiol I Hllllmml IEICI aQ2 1ilth Sered T._,hx r 5.16-9361 0. M. Sri w-. llwi• ·----...._,,,-- II.a.cl ii ealltrol of the dialt-C W k i.;: ..... naa 11rm1a fin whlcb nrepi ane ee ~t find us tbeareL Tbe Martnr:s. fDlether with Jn Westminster /t.nlJY ad NPJ mu. pro-U you have trouble flndint Yldtd tranJportatlon, ambul· P'riday and Saturday ban ance and medical aervicea. been prod.aimed White Cane 7:.> Lido Park Drive, phone Test t/Jire 101a1 ~rlormllDce M. .. BEST YE4.R YE/' TO CO FORD and maintained 1 e cur It y Daya by Well.minster Mayor 67J..6l03 IL' ort.h find.int ii s~" '"' •A. ,.,_ ...;., _,,u 1 •I~ CtlliJ-niui ~ ........ ,._.,...,__ alon1 the fire llDtl for five WDll.am MaCfil, u part of the 1 ' "' 1 day1. obH"ance ol White Cant you hkf fint food You'll find Helleopters from the Ma· Weelt which ~gan Sunday. ttne Corps Air Fadllty pro-Uons Club membert w l I I at run too at the CA~ AWAY Wkd communlclUons and collect donations for the beM· See them at your neighborhood Ford Dealer's soon! coordination ln the ftre ICM.. ftt al the blind dllrlq t be with Mary .lane Gardner at The tervlce IJ'OUPI were Wb11e Cane Daya' &Mu.al ob-the pLano bar. ordered brto the f1rt aru by Mnatiaa. OE Ell HUNTING ts GO- ING GllUT NOWt STOP AT Git.ANT'S FIRST FOR G U N S, AM M 0, L I · CENSES, 0 I E ll TAGS, BAGS AND ALL NEEDSt ...,,... •Jedllm •f New Oii Milt8ry AmnM. laclad· lq 1D01C ol lbe lwd .. fbtd ra.H~ and ftttlp mnl· tary 1heUt! Thoa .. nd1 of Tents and Sleeptns Ba11 ! txt Umbttlt. Tent. m.• cemplete .•. ! h 1 Po, Ttnta 14.88. lt\ 7 Genie Tents Mt.t., Sleepbtf Ba11 from M.ts to $1.15 Ld GrHt'a betp ,.. ulect tht ene yn Deed! NEW TARPS GROMMETED · READY TO USE. BE READY FOR THE RAINS! . . . . . . . . $3.50 b12 ....... $ 9.60 . . . . . . . . 4.IO 10x12 . . . . . . . 12.00 ••••••• t 6.30 9lt15 . . . . . . . lJ.50 . . . . . . . . . 6.00 12xl4 . . . . . . . 16.IO ::x 1 o . . . . . . . . a.oo 20x24 . . . . . . . . 41.oo IF YOUR SON PLAYS FOOTIALL YOU'LL HALLY APPRECIATE A PAii OF THESE REGULAR $39.95 PRICED 7X35 WIDE ANGLE BINOCULARS-ON SPECIAL SALE NOW 529.95 WITH CASE, STRAPS, LENS . GUARDS FREE! SWEAT SHIRTS Handcrafted FrMt Top GrlNlt LHtherl JumM ""' c,..IN .. ,, Wum, Comferu~ltl lareet all·ANU"4 Metl 51.92 n Colon te Select fllrem ••• Larte Variety 1750 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa OPEN 9 to 6 DAILY -FRIDAYS TILL 9 -SUNDAYS 9 to 5 ,hoM Ml 6-16" fl~ f rM lnformetlon Grant'• Buy, S.11, Tr1de, Lend Money -CMrte It With Yo"r Benkamtricud Luirr Sitt• •11 ff and ... 11 Voa Nffd Thtm And Remember • Everything Sold With Alt Unconditional Money-~dc G u • r 1 n t • • I , ' , . .. WHA rs TM. LA ltST IN MEN'S WEAR? WHY THE FAMOUS STRETCH LEVIS! Greatnt thing 1inee 1llced brud. Thew &rf' rrelly tht latm rx- tra Inn hip-hu1ta1na Ion:( ll'l?J:f'd panu .. won·t .a1 or bac f'Vf'r ... tMy strf.'t('ll whf'n you IM>nd. twist. crouch . sprln~ back to oripnal poaltlon "hen you rt lax. R.ugtd, handl0111#, vat-<lytd. aan· for!V'd dtnim of 751'-totton. ~-;t. nylon' '6.98 Eudlent 1 c b • • I jacket. Warm, comfortable on ~• mornln11 and evenlnp ! Knit· ted coUar and calla. A terrlf· le bar1aln In a terrific Jacket! New . • • Dacron Padd.cf Revtralba., Lined JACKETS '10.88 RAINW.EAR DON'T GET CAUGHT IN TME RAINI GET YOUR RArN GEAR /\ T GRANTS BE r.EAo·.· r:>n IHt: DC:LUGEI llA ANDllSON, Ntw W1' ,,, ......... ._. ... v Sig ma Kappm Set •• Founders Day Fete · Miniature ban.Den repreeent1D1 tbe 100.pllll chapters of Sigma Kappa sorority will decorate ta- bles In Imrie Coast Country Club Saturday, Oct. 10, for the annual Founden Day luncheon of Siona Kappa. The organization wu founded in 1874 at Colby College, Waterville, 'Maine. Nationwide projedl which receive it. sua>port Include the Maine Sea· coast Mia&ion, Hathaway Home for Children. and proototoo research. The Orange County alumnae also aid Orange County General Hospital Mrs. Paul Bulb of ru..nerton, Orange Coo.nty alumnae president, will Introduce the luncheon apeaten, Mn. F.dward DootlM Jr .• n.ationa1 Slama Kappa president. and Dr. Samuel McCulloch. dean of humanities and professor of hhtory, UnJvenlty of California; Irvine. Mrs. Dougw• talk. bued upon the luncheon theme, "Conventaon Wrap-up," will be • re on the Sigma Kappa nat.ional ccmftntton in Hot ~· ~----­--.,...., Mt; 1'P.~~wti05lfi1-r6 UCT"fro Francisco State College, will review academic plam for the new unitenity. Now making b.ia home with his wife and three l'hildren in Newport Beach. Prof. McCulloch ii a na· Live of AU!tralia. He wu recently apPolnted to the board of trustees of Harbor Episcopal School. Corona del Mar. and bas been a participant in many commu· nlty aclJvillcs in addition to h.iJ scholarly work. Mrs. Stanley lAI Llevre, cbairman of the lunch· eon, • tak.in1 resenatiom from the South Coast Area and may be contacted at Ml-70M. Decor•· Uona C<>cllairmen are Mn. Jack Griffiths and Mn. F.dWUl J . Wachter. ALL WltAPPID UP-With~ Wrapoup" tbe theme of their Founders Day luncbecm s.tmday, Oct. 10. Slama Kappa aJam. nae from Oranp County 1n llalDJ ~up" final pJam for t..be ennt when their nlficm) prllllldat, Mn. r.dnrd Doa&Su Jr., will be Pf'l of bCJGor. Allo a awt, u wen • fltatmed .,..w, will be Dr. Samuel II~ 4lu of humaeltiee and profeaor CAUP.UL COMPtLllS--Mdine nam11 to lbe lilt of promlMnt women from the eammunity who ha~ been Invited to meet wtYe1 of Ulllftftity of Callfor· Dia, Irvine faculty members art Mn. Ray Jack· r GATHER YI THISTLES-Scotch thlatle. colored orange and arranged by the deft hands of Mrs. Bruce Piaer (second from left), will center tables at Fl<'· ulty House for the Ounge Coast College FaC'ulty Wives' "Out of Thi! World Luncheon" Saturday, Od. 3. Also working on the annual openlne event or the club year, given to welcome new faculty wives •. are Mn. F.dwin Conry. president; Mrs. John Buller. luncheon <'halrman. and Mrs. Henry Panian. food chairman (from left). Fun, Funds Top Agenda Of Group Community LeOiler.s To Greet UCI Wives ()CC F <Icult y W i t't».~ Heading for Outer Space Twenty·two new Orange Coa1t OoUe&e faculty wlve1 will be welcomed Into the OCC Faculty Wives oraa.n· lullon and 1eated 11 ~ue'lt!\ ol booor durtn1 the 1roup·~ "Out ol Thl1 World" Lunch· col Saturday. Oct. :t OecoraUons In ortnar and pink wU1 enliven Facully lifl ror I.he annual event'- 1cheduled to beain at 12 30 p m. Mra. Brue. Piner and memben of her dtcoraUon1 commJttee plan to uw ornn•e · eolort'd Scotch tmatle for cent.erpl«a, and art creanng place cards 1n thf form or mlnlaturf rock· rta. NaiM ta111 wtll he 11\aped like fbinl aaucers, played. An acUve Y"r for old and MW faculty w1w1 will be, Jin with the luncheon. Jn· eluded are monthly meet- ings and brtdae. book and 11wlfta secUona. Mn. Ed· "''" Conry 11 pmldent. Mrs. James Nelaon wlll be hostcu for tbe new memben: HP.· Jobn Ba Utt M ls luncblcn cbalnna.n and Mn. Henry PanJan belda the food committee. Also assllln& are tht Mmes Earl Clancy, Wallace Kleck. Der· aid Hlint, OIMV'J, Olvid Ep- pel'IC>ft• John Williamson. Walter Oltcl.Jer. John Far· mer, Wlltlam Acktnnan. Jobi o..na and Chlrlel lM. Corona del Mar Wome11'1 Committee ol Oran1t Coun- ty PtdJhannomc Sodety wtJJ IMtt with Mn. Walter Hapn fa her Harbor View Hilla b o m t Wednesday monln&, Oet. 7, to plan J>l'Oll'&m• and projeda for t.bt comma ,ear. Mn. WlDlain Holateln. vice pnaldee1t ot the Oranp counc, PbJlharnonlt So- clety, will acquJllt DIW• comua to u. INllP wtth pbUbarmcnle ldl~ Allo IP"kilC wt1l be Mn. JobD ... ,._.. cbl1r- m• ot Newpor:t Harbor w.,.·, PllllMrm••tc bcNard i Nil. C.rlol ~ IMilck, vSct cMlnDan: Mn. Marvta MeQa1, 'W111 Md me.ans chalnUn, and Mts. V. A. ~. Pt'Olnlk cha~· ' ~ ... ~· .. -'" .. .. ' Vows Exchanged in Laguna About Your . Problems By ANN LANDERS Family Treed f: .. j. . : D&A& :&JIN LA.RDDS: I -tillq I JWB1 1D1D Mme Iii tl I RI aetaaJl.1 mDI to tldl couutry Ga tbe ~;:·· .. fmlt1 _. ...... tMy talk about tbe •1 ! U I "J W• • If & illJpsud llllt .,... ftn .... .....,. crilt. nllCI, ...... fnme4 dott•....h ..... ., .... tnl> tlillfwll1>• .... llllllDld -,.. Uw ... -... ol ... ~I:.::-._-:, t'~ = = ';'= ~ W. ... ID Newark IDd ._ ma. ''ftat'a all they w __ .,.... ,,. barn 1n ,. 1a a. commerc1a1 toada ...... .S = tblt I ~,_,_, ........ ~ ... 1 rr:trr t J: :.'::a:-~ 6., ::: .... ._... ..., ' ._.. mm ,.. ....... .,_ ..... pa..? ............. ._ I -"EW BBJDE ilMMrlftl911l........ D&A& DllJE: .., .... .............................. M+ tllrl'! • frw., 8ld W a.I.....,, 1 11 e••tal• ........ IQ to .. .. -...... ztr ,... ... ....... tM h '• ........ .... ;. Jllllw M I lllaw .. ..., lllllnt 1 • • r redletl t1111J frtmd ,,. !di famllJ 11 1 ' lllll 111 em .... Iii -..., ~ db ............ [. • .. ..... 0w ......... IO ...... ,,..,. ......... M1tS. WILLIAM LU PE ... NGTON LwWe Mw:seft ...... ...... I clDabt Clliat .. a .... I ••Mi ,_. _. _.. • ._,,. ~ .... • • ....... H . Mi~1.:. • .,.. 1 w 1mr1or ~ ..._....., -tr••• ome m ~an -Jiii bw:qtuud la flt,_. Mtl II,. .. --------- ..... Clm .... '*11 ........ Tllamu P'batD y ... of 0... -Mar ad .... ktdt. ... ,.._ .... Jw 0.••Mrtia ....... tsty ..... Int ....... laSU 1*pfo0Dwtlll .. .-exdwnp .. C.. snc.uou• c " " r ( ... La- ... BeKb. ParmU ol tbe ........... Mrs. Jw CN..,.lla ol ~BeaadC. .. Qamberla fl c.-. ...... ,,. brtl Ill™ " ...... ol Mr ... Mn. 'Di1ma1 F. YCIUlll ol MR MDlorcl. eo... Cptb1a Jea awn .... .. ... her .....,, maid " ii• a• r: Ja:DM Cobllle7 ....,... .. bed maa. -... tlll'tde ., broCber. SclGCt Clumberlla. ... tbe ...... Tbe bride la a ~t. el Blmtmctoa B • a t b HICb School ad attmded Ob1o State Ubiventty and ... ,.. State CoDect. Her .......... .,...t.ed from New Miiford Rl&h Scbool, au.mdld <>race c..t CoDeae ad DOW Is a ~ at San Olelo State ~. ~ ..... MR. AND MAS. THOMAS YOUNG To lM in Sen Dieee with Sallie Hey look u1 over • • • IA tbe lfOC8l'1 comer you'll l1Dd a a... whole canned. peeled aDd cored plneapple. • • • A new and beautif 111 tooth-pick aticker·lnner, eai»- clalb' llftl')' with CanloneM Ml bon d'oeuvru of chicken Jtv.-w or c:bestnutJ wrapped In bacon . . . exquisite wltb smoked oysters . • . When the lilDl"I d'oeuvres are fin• Ja.!Md. CDbe the pineapple and pour °"" creme de mentbt to wind up the meal . . • Roll the pineapple ln lhred· ded cocoout and fW the cen- wttll aeedleu grape• and manlCldao ch err I e 1 .•• Y•'D ftDd a dozen yumm1 -.,1 • oae thl1 whole pl.ne- aople . . . JOU could even fill Jt with nowen . . . Cbampape flavored ulad drtsllltc ... how exotic cm a llead ti lettuce become! . .. TabTeua Red Pepper ha* • • . makes your mouth hllppJ ••. Very laity ... lib it ahould be bot. but lan't .•• Fandftod'• lovely long whole sMec• ol fr.h celery hearts. .... trJ ..... •bnt Owfl' ....... .,. .,.= Vows "· : .... -....._. ,,. .... ..., .. , 5 -Exchanged In NB Wedding •-_;__-----------------teven wlt1' tbe ruffly topa la _,, ....._, .................. .. ' ..:f1AI1' 1'0LD I 19 111 II YOO. IWI' eili. : .. l&t.!l_Pl;'D'i .. -...:._ ....... ,.. 11ri'1 1 .... - -• -· .. nn. ,... J Air ... f •llMllMllMllllll!lllm•••mi"°'~~~~~~-ltbt mJdlDt 1pJced 1enU1 ta ~ . . . lril fancy Gar· .... ,..~ ........... .,.. ...., ....,., . ~ IOU..._,....,__......_. .. _..._.._ .. J $ 6 .... ,. J J ---~ ,,-=-~ ___Grw4_,..... ll6clL. will trU ~ la ....... IW ... -...... --liillllil------.nti----~ier-fallher. Jiii' - ---. i-......... .,. ~ .. lMlil Allllcnft .. her 1-......1 ..... bit--.:._ __ ::: tlr .... -,_ i...,. Or kd, .. ..-' *C Ml 11 wa-Lie P9--ua " • --. .-.,., ........ • _. ....., w a.• 1 • weddllSI wtUl a ball Girt m nm4 . J&la ANN IANDEBS: Ill .. .. • .... ...... ... .......... ID St. mdt1ne, WU • c 2 1 b1 lt•'+tJlltr.e ._,... • •· .. ..,.. r:';C Aadr••• ~ a dt Wmbl Dlt wO WIS .......... ..w ,.. .. ~ to lllm. Am I ' I d .. <Jmch. NewJGrt Bwb. bJ a wd purl c:ron. Tiie , I waa .t&a IUcbard four te 1i1cJp ,_ wn 1flU pnb-'!be RCT. Dr. Cb.arlea R. brld.aJ bouquet was of-~ r ..._.,..t 1 blew kllL ._. .._ .. ._ a. nw.aneld offidated at camatiam and pnteala. ..... .......... care ol Tiie DAILY PILOT IM aftenoon cetcmmJ. Mia Pam Pinbatau of :':. ~:,. ~ "; ewlMI., a ._,.,.., ldf. naupta" oC Mr. aod r.c.ta Mesa. a a-MeM State Of ficer1 To Address BPW Oub .....-& all ol u...n pod. Nn addraeec1 me.lopt,. Mn. WWiam Asbttoft of ot the bride. ._ _.. el I wet JOU? ophdon on ~ ,_..=n • •• ,, 19850 Si«up Lane, Hmrt· honor and Mlu SUan Al.h· Mo..&.. mcton Beach, the bride CTOft., the bride's dste:r, ~wwl. BScbard lnliata we atop •• brideimaicl. Both 'ft're "!tbrowtnc awak' money attired in pink dresses 1ritb 68 tootbpute. e prefer• l'f"/'L _, 's ! ---~18· tion matching pink veih and tt ......... Be cam-w llU ~ carried .......,. • pillt cwnatiaal. ; SKIRTS ~ & CAPRIS " ..... -11"" t3 :·2~:.$5 · la lc111...tcanl teel :·sLiJ..,: Doing Slates Talk By Teacher Mn. WiDlam Avery, ....... aua. and '9dur· ... wm .-• a p.m. Man417. Oet. I, to ...,... ben ol OnllCe ODat1 a.pw" t~• ~ Amid.. fOf' Nliiuolul)- c:allJ 81"6 •pped a.Ddrel. ....... ---.. Onmte CGuaty HalUl BaDdlnc. llh and Roa Streda. SanU Au. Co-author of "Help Your Child Lum How to Lum.·· Mra. A very ls danctor of ~:ination ruearc:b ID Puadena. She bas worked for muy yun with MU· roloCic&DY bandica~ dtUdren ln the South Pua· dena public school system and u a private tutor. Her topic will ~ .. Methods of Reacbine a n d Tucb.in« Your Neuro&ocicallY Hand· icapped Child." Newport Harbor Bumesa The bridegroom. son or and ProCesslonal Worn· Mr. ud Mn. J. Pennbai· en wilJ bear U1 addreu by toa ol Adrtaa, MJcb.., et.. Mn. Julia K. Arri.. Ont =-N~ ~ = vice l*'illklm fl cautonda • bell ma. Ucben were BPW ....., a 4mmr' meet· Knox Bardeen ol Balboa r. ... 'l"lmnday • Oct. l, ID land and Lecm Beyloot of Mela V.-de c.-try Club. Sa Bernardlllo, an uncle Mn. Ant allo 1w ll:n'ed ol the bride. M1la Elaine ...... pncra.m coordfDa.. bict ol Sa Bernardino. a tar, ncaadbiC 9eCl'e- frimd ol tbe bride. ,,.. • tay. ~ ""' pnld-Jobt. dellt, JMdel'lbtp ud orieD- tatlaa cbaJnnan; presidml, A ~ reception W,., pnsldlnt and aditor bl ~ Cub Tcnm-ol Slan Mar DlJtrict., and boue, Hantlniton Beach, preGdertl, vice ~ followed the C'lel"emony. 1be r•~ der and trusurer of ber Pamlngt.oos wedding trip club le Pomona. will tUe them acr'0$3 lM U S • en route to Grand ~atlons may be made .., ca1llDi Mn. AJQ Rapids. Gortm at m.24116 eveninp. The bride was graduated ,miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil from San 8unardino mgh School and a t t e n d e d Orange Coast College. Jo'or the past two surnmen 1he has wOTbd with tbe Co.st.. f Mesa R«naUon Depart·I ment, and plans U> continue M.t>le Rom.tn Tubs 8;;i _....., recreation wort in Midu·I~~~=~~~~~ ian. Her bus.band wulr graduated from A d r I a n Hl(h School, aUended Fer- rla St.re College in Micbi· g.an and Orange c.out Col· lcge. He will continue bia studies ln Mlchlpn. I DEA.A EDNA; I .... Ult _.,, bM for Sl.5 wtt11 a DAILY l"ILOT WIMt .._ ....... mt? YOUR '~~ WATCH • ,....,... • OiW •Mi~ s3!.L ~&nl*AW· trbtden alCllC.lJ a.tper: blDaD e.n. and' dark red kidne7 beana son• S}amor· oaa ta a marinade of wt.. • l n e I a r with appropriate amocmtl of onions and red ad....lmll ~mtC.Llrul.Jpl~-, ,.. cokll' met t.utinesi . • • rn be canned • • • what next IA tbe upstairs comer ol tbe Gift Shop .•. Bedlpruda .•. ~st·1 whole lovel1 ltne . • • A complete ranae ol dza (OT twinl, fullJ, QUteftl, ttnp and dual kings ... Pat- tern• ... AD are named and the n.amee tell their story ..• Ptnian Fantasy ... Kon Tiki ... CapUtrano ... Arab- eaque • • Lolu• 14 . . Kas:h· mlr •.• rm ... VeneUan Lace . . . Colonnades . . . are only a few . . • IOme ...-Y old, eome f1"0m an °""' the OPEN MON. world. some even fl"Om out.er FBI NIGHTS J1*:it ..• '''"''°".&1 plainJ, .. m. ...... ,. ....... --wild .•• FIEE S1AI S111 Jes•' D11I••• A s,.daltyt Aa1 tbe dll)clrm•a ....-... •• Wizard fl OI. T Seu, Alice in WCIDdatud, Kint'• Gurda, .., ,.. ............ . Loot tMID ..... Jiit theu'l ..... md plM -~ ,..-bedNca. Ta 11 wD CM bellpw..._elltnt....._ •• CM Welt -...... eolan. bltdDI blue. ........... WI'· 0-.. Sitt'_ ..... . FAST DEPENDABLE SEIV1CI (Of' twtm. fUDa. ttaia IDd tht pmowcue. to matdl emit Ill rqular .. the nnr tlal me Co flt overwjde p(Dowa to to ~\~\l/IM ~ ·~~ Oft tin« -bedJ • • • Aren't we aomtttdn&. Where ebe cao you buy a k*lc-ciP pillow cue alone with a '-1 ol carrots IDd IOIM dmply ddldooa Parlstan IOOr doup bttad ltJcb from San rran- clxo . . . the 1 a m e 10Ur douih l"rench bread atictt you1J find round and about Filvnnan'• Wharf ... Ua1· Harbor SM,pl,. c:.nttt PHOll IJ S-9A&S ally you UU Co ut bread t ~ did.a wttb IOfMdltn&, bot 2300 Harbor Iv-. Open Monday and these Parlst. bread aUcb ~Cliodma.iM.i•m''•~-l.tf • ___ Frlda_lily•N•i11«•hll'•11ti1111 111 9 18P11·mMi.li' make for acrwnptloo1 munch· • Ing an by themtdva . . • Clubs Serve: Serve Your Club . FASHIONS .. - Sale Planned By Rebekam CHOICE BEEF BUYERS L 17th l c..taMesa MIM661 Uaed clothin&. bouMhoid article1, toys and boob will bt offered for aa1e 'lbun- day and Friday, Oct. 1 and 2. in Odd Fellows Hall. 2467 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa Sponsors of the rummage sale, to beiin each day at 9 a.m., are memben1 of Mesa Rebekah Lodge Pick· up service will 6e avlli.lablc hy calling Mn. Douglas Morgan at 548-1931. GouRME1' MIA T ADd time United Fund Ben. an mllnc aptn . . • They only line once • JUf durtnJ the month ol October ... Pleue ~ wtMm vou reecb Into J'OUl" pocket for a dollar ... Thin an 21 acenda in tbe United P'UDd. 'n.111 meam J'OU wm be lfv· tnc only ~ centa to uch ·~· If there weren't a UnJted l"md JOUT doorbell I Near the I i.tmiauoaaJ I Pancake ffOuM - ==~11awnTno DLDIJ!IY FALL "fet The '-'"" w ... ,,__,,,, ,.,.ov. .. COLD WA VE , .... IM n.. ., .,_ ~ .. • -,... .. ••· .,. ........ ..........,. ...... ·-..u-, ...... SPECIALS ..., ·......., 1...-...4~ ..._ --...-P.. --ca.-....... '~ .. . ~~~ ... %.ZT..vr··· ~* .... ~ .~·· ·.iiiii.-...-&.:rWM'nu•--~·'-' ~~~r-./-.- -: A Cit' .... tw btfJ a.lltt ~ ""• on81ne1 .... ;.t•w;.:rn:~ 711 ...... Cohl •• ,. ~~ I" !~ .. -.... 11" , FLAVOR -QUALITY -TENDERNESS FUU Y GUARANTEED Your S•tlafaction or Your Mon.y Back -Pubged Under Svpermton of The St•t• Dept. of Agriculture. Open 9 to 6 -Closed Sunday 270 E. 17th • HlllGRBI SQUARE COSTA MESA Free Delivery -Tel. 646-1892 PORTION CUT -INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED-BLAST FROZEN MANY OTHER ASSORTMENTS TO CHOOSE FROM e FINANCING AVAILAILE Country Boy Ol..llty 8..t GROUND ROlJ~D 59~ Country Boy Bonele11 TOP ROUND OR Chlck•n Fry STE~.K S.,..,ar STEAK 89~ ·1~ Country Boy Ouellty S..f 5 lbe. bo111l1w TOP SIRLOIN 15 lbs. ~ lbe. bontl .. BEEF ROAST \lNLY woaJd he rtnctns 21 timea • Tear INtud of only once . . . Olg deeper and come up with ma}'be a fi ver or a ten . . . or a twenty ... You can do It .. Sixtv per cent of your money wm go to youth wel· fare . . Boya' Ctub, Girls' Club. Youth Center. Bo y c:icouts. Girl Scouts. Campfire "llrla. Children's Hospital ..• 11U1 .vear the goal is Sl29.S.13. '10 a Utne. due to our oopul•· lion lncreue. In ita a years fl( exl~ce our Newport ~ach Unltc<1 Fnnd baa M"Ver not reached lu ioal. All of thl Off~N and Dtrettorf' W'OR without pav. and bf'o lleve me, collecUnJ •129 5.13 "annot be •ccompU1hed with· out boun and d171 ol bead· work and plannln1 throutb· '>Ut the year ... 'I'My"n a 1 'll"eat iroup. 1'1ey serve un· l"eln"''" ind it•e fnelT of ·~tr ft"lt becftuq they lrttow ·i.at with~ JI Itron• ntril1n· ' tar't'nk. youtfl. ~alth. and .,.,.,,Ari" oto("Pm a commu· .. lty c111TW>t nourl1b ..• Bfl '111>oy. Clvt Unllf'd ... atnd vour rhttk In r1cM now tn Now Avtil1ba. -A plet• Lin• of ,roun F~ lotta. , wnMd Gooda -VJ CtM Loh 11• · United P'und, Box I~, llRGllQ._.llM-C)llli--• ~--------ae _____________ .. ___________ lllllllNtwport 9each. .. r f t . t t I I• . r r II t I L '· b I ~ I . h 0 r J· ,. y e . I. I• • ·t r 11 ,. ... 1?.&J.,z._ bh~o,US~ "FIRST MA TE" keeps boats warm ••• dry .. : Flower Shop DECORATIVE, FRESH CUT GREENERY! Wonderful •ccenh for home or office ••• fred.-cut. Lemon. Huckleberry, Euc.lyptus, Lycopodium, Ji l.Mves or l.e•tfter. Fem CJ'""'-JMY.'r• et their l>est .now, thanb to the eoolet weethee where fMY. are «p0wn. P"ed treent now te '"9hteft your home. WHRI THI fUAUTY·Wlll ICONOMIZI UDO MARKET CENTER NEWPORT BLVD. & VIA UDO RictiarCI' s Fancy Meats AIED U.S.D.A. CHOICE lenelea RUMP ROAST .... 89! . t:..n 35c GROUND IEEF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • J u;. Economy Pl $ f • • Rod ~~ ~!!. ~~.·~~.~! ........ 79t Noelhem =~~:~.:':::." ...... :~.~. 89& Produce c.ke County a.rlte++ 2L25c PEARS............. : Cii' ................ 4:19c ~~~·~·~·~·~·~ ...... 25c Grocery ' REE EITDPllSE DIY wamu,•w ... .,...._ .... ·5 • aw. .. ., ... , 2 .. ,..-7 5 f ........ ...., ...... ~ .. ---~-·"Is', .. ..,.... .. • WHIU4..41. 61..,... 47• T , : . -.-.i, a• ......... ,....._ ........ ,,'1114• r I J•ufpe ,,_. w•o••S,eiau; I tl1'lilil 1 'I ..... w ., I .. -"-•'.. ........ 5 g' .... J 'Ru ,,_, -:· ---., ...... ,1crn11 ... ~....,. .... I I ... ' wao•u.,_,....., ........ ..., .. 1¥iit ............. ..,..,. ........... ,_ .. ,.., ,,, .. •.•.. , ..... ,, .................... . _...._~._.,.. .. w_....,., ..... ,t\ THDPmS.w .... ....._te...._...._.._ ....... ...., :n 111 ..... , s' .,.__...., ,..... ..... '1ao.1i11..,..••w+&Dl"C' FREE ENTERPRISE U.S.A. -Ow P"tcious rith+ fO 90 into Nm.a. compete, meb • profit ••• to b.g.in few CJOOCls wJ •+as ift • me marbtl It is iWs me &terpite fMt maim it fl aa._ fw .., AmiricM ~to~ al the tOods and .. ,g we -foY .t .-1.w QOFF~E 79c Candy Shop o.rigokl IUTIER l lb. -- 81~ Oven a.keel __ , .. ~~!5 ____ 2 f• SP ,,,. ~ Anderson Spt.t Pt1 6 ,. Herre U C3ift \.A ~ SOUP 303 can . • • • • • • • for I PASCALC FRUIT DROPS 1 lb.79c The label of Luxury - Callaway's "TANGIER" a.th e1ttence in • beautiful new C.D.w1y design. Excitin9 color combinatiOM of Red/ Peni1n Pink, O.lphinium/G,...n. Old Br•u/. Bronze Green or Antique Golcl/Yelow. B•th Towel __ $2.50 fingertip .. $1. 75 W uh CJoth . . 59e l1 pllf'r Lf'vf'j . ·. . , .. /, H•w•iien 3 SI PUNCH Red •6 01. • • • • for AR Fl.vors, 8 01. 3 79c METIECAL Liquid • • . for Kleenex -~ et. 4 I FACIAL nssuES . . . . . . f•' O.ls.y -2 ,,.k 4 1 TOILET PAPER • .. .. . .. f• S Skippy 12 I DOG FOOD #I . . . . . fort ..-S&W SPECIALS ~ FRUIT COCKTAIL 4 • 303 _, -· ~ ·-· -··-····-··-... for I I APPLE SAUCE • 300 .. ·---s ... ,, GREEN IEANS . 4 f--, .. JuGenne 303 .,. I ~o~ POIS PEAS 3 ... tt STEWED TOMATOES )03 -·------·--s .... ti CATSUP 14 01 ••••• s ... ti ;~RN . C~•m Sty~ --6 ... ti KIDNEY IEANS J a-.-ti 303 -·-.... Frozen Foods Or•ld• -Shoestring • I lb. POTATOES 4 f• St -C&W SPECIALS ~ Nilfl PEAS s I I 0 oz. . . . . . • • • . • . . t. t Slender SPRING ASPARAGUS 8 01 ............. . ~~~~~. ~~~~ .... 3 f• ti ~~~ ......... It.ti V•n 0. K.tmps -11 oi. MACARONI & CHIDI 3 ... ti R99. •2c INDIAN READ ............... 32c R99. $1.39 · a4I 11 CHOC. CREAM PIE • ,. . • .. . •le Delicatessen .. Cr.UW lirNI SHARP STICK CHEIDAI '0 01. • •.••••••••••••••••• ... Hatters Honored On Golden Date A c:uuplo knOwia t.btouit· oil Oranae County for many ~ celebrated lbetr 1old-n weddJ.nJ anniVUMrl' lhls moalh during a party tn Balboa Bay Cob liven by thtlr cblldr• Md &rand· ctjldren. Hoeored were the Rev. and Mn. John Wll- llam Hal~~J o( Balboa .... . Beacb, DOW Nl'dt.mU ti 1'ilJta rbt ~. Hatter WU ftC· -of the Protestant Epb-~ Church of tbe .. l1U in Santa Ana for 14 19ltl. ~Onrda& lo ma. At tbe ~· vl llMlllJ.,.. rilh1ooen fl'Olll the Huw Area be left the eftablia.,.. ~b and opened the mis-'*' of St. James in Bal· bu. now a flouriahlng par- iah also. Bolb I.be IW'v. .nd Mn. Ra&Urr wue bOnt In EDC- land and came wtlh tMtr famllles from London and Tunbriqe Wells, Keat lo Manitoba, Caflada, where they were married. 1lwir thrM cblldren an Marjorie now Mn. John J . Fotlel' G! Laiuna Beach; LIOMt A. RliW ., ea.ta ,.... IDd Norman J. H.ater ti Sin llllllllO. '!be Bev. Hatter allo wrbd ... tbl County O( 0ranl8 prior to bb re- tirement. Lesson Series On Bridge et Contract bridle lessons. AD d&ht-laaoo Mrl•. wW betln at 7:,, p.m. Thun- day, Oct. 1, 1n Balboa Inn, 105 MaJe St.. Balboa. Rea· lstratklll u at 7:15 p.m. Mn. Roy Strotz. charter THE REV. AND MltS. JOHN WILLIAM HATTER Half Century Togethw member of the America •-==~:::!!~~:zr:=::si:::!'5li:::xia1-=:=m1:11C!m--1C?:::::: Brtd&t Teachers Alloda· Uoo. wW conduct lbe -sons on the Gonn point count system. lncludint: bidding and analysb of bids, play of the hand, leads and defense Further information may bf> obtalMd by calling ~rs. Strolz, 173-7939. Tally-Ho C.Nrte. ,,_.. N -Mro J '· '•-•· Mr•. J It L«t.•_. W -.... ( H . 1~11. M 1 t. ..,, .. . . ... . Alumni Plan Dinner 'tfaucellation ., Fonntr studtats of Occl· dt:nta! ~ will attend a dlnMt asatmbllq alum· 11 Dvtna la tbo ~ Coast •~• f r o m Jlwitlo'1on Bc:iCh to Su Cltmcatt for the first time. Dr Arthur G. Coons, rresldtnt of tho college, wtll speak at tho dinner, scbodulcd for ft'rt<Jay. Oct 11, ln the lrvioo Co11t Country Club. Other plans Corona del Mar O\Af'll• for the evtnJn1 Include a talo 8..ut .. e Club w~t 1ocl.1t hour and a mm. • .... ··0x1 Monlaft." pmes hive beM cancelled pcrnumtntlJ. The club Jlftd OrsanJz.ln& committee bffn meetiD1 at 12::.l pm. mcmbu1 are All~ "Vin" every Thursday ln Chrb· Joti:tD8Cft, ch.alnnan. and !'".: juail· linli'aitiluiti, iCtiiroiiiloaiidtili:\tii.,ri. Mrt. ~a,co. Mr. and!I Mn Ralpb U. Deaver. Mr. and Mn. Jerry ntcbarda, Ball~ Abbott. WUUaru Reynolds, Mra. James Ptn· ney, Barbara De Boynton and Pbllip Scblcgtl. W...wna SP.hwMr MADE TO ORDEl La Fiesta , U1 11 .. rlne a.UtH lal• No AppoiallMnt Needed -Open Evenings & S1111day - cona Mau } "u""""" a&Mc1t MA•IOll a~l'I ... CllllUtt 11'11......ui ~ ...... C&lfTll • "°"'" I 10 .... UlftH •1 ~ VI J>'ltQ ..... PALL Permanent WO\'e . leauty special . A lovely 10ft perm tllet will ll•l & IHt tllru aumrJMr dryneu, sun• '•thing ••• ewlm,.,1n9. $8.75 Complete: H1lrcut • lllamP" • let & comb out. ,:;:..;,, ~ T,....,..., Mrt. J •11 -Mr ... #In.NI'.....,_ . .., ....... .... h i -""" --s.. .... ,.,.,. ~ -ltl -Mtt JohA ~. Mr• fret ~ l~~:;;;:;:::~~!!!!!'!!!!'!'!lllllllllllllllllllllll~!!!!!~~l!!!l~'::~~~~~~~~l::I~==~~ N -¥11 J. H v-1111. "' , , I ELLA NOR -~!: Angler'~ Club COSTA HEM '"' ......... ,,. .. , ... ms 4-nJ ............... AAiler'• Friday Luncheon Club meeta nery Jl'rlday al DOOD In the Newport Harbor Yacht Club, 7'lO W. Bay Ave., Balboa. Fu:rtber lnfor- matlou may be obtained by calllnC Don Samis, MM1S7. ARCADE ·~~ SPECIAL REGULAR S\S.00 IODY WAVI s10.oo TlNT '7.• INC. STYUNG 09" tlll Ne.. t wD ti.II .U vi.1. '--'"• • owner .,,. Opel .... 131 w. 11Ul •t.. • ~· v•tta ~ c.titr --~----:; ---~ .. FALL FESTIVAL OCT. 1.2.3 MESA CENTER 221 I . 17th St. 2 Storff to s.,.. Y eu '" Coata Mna HARBOR CENTER Wllt0n & Harbor Whipped Cream Prints 100";{. 0.!'Ton f Po)y,.~t,.rl J>rint' I'>rtp Orv • No Iron 13" Wide ~I· $2 !1'I HAND SCREENED Cotton Prints Jmportl'd • BrilU.nl Color~ 9~ Exotic Prmh on F'lne Broedrloth llnd Tntul'f'fl Wovr• Rrst. U 69. Yd Dan River Plaids 1'l0'.r. Cotton -Drip Drv 9 "11n1Jh Plaldl and Strip(.~ 4 C Samplf' 01t• for F"11 \';11 RA-st. 69c Yd. Printed Mohair Loop r .... iw11f11I C"nlnr Srlrrt111n s4ts ltlt•ttl Wsf. fnr Jarkrl' nnrl UrMMa. Rrr 6 &.; Y rt Wool Skirt Lengths f'nr ~1r11 Schnnl Sim•• s229 r Inf' l.f:'ni:th \bkl':I " Skirt \'a htr• 111 ~~, 'l'\ I' p Keen Edge Scissors FanMt Quality S.1"1'1 lln-~-s149 rnakrr Shrllr,, l'r1mmrr' Rarbl'r, Thinlle'll K1trh1 n Pr Ca I pa ca Knit l'Yo1utth1I S!M'tni: \~ .n .. 1mrn1 s129 i·oordlnatina Ph11n~ !ft SJrlr>"ll. 1'2" W ic11. Rt>a. SI M \'d Washable Taffeta Pull Color Range -46" wide Guaranteed Washable Rq: $ 79 .,.. _ "'" '· ...,, .. """' Jtdl .......... .:.: -""' ,.. .... '--. .,. "'"· ,., ........ ••• hi -'"'"' .. --. .... IN\ ,,. • lllv•. ..,, ,. __ Jr-. -""'· _., C.•or,.,, ,.. r • ,,. ..,.,,.., _ ....... . -............. Oft _., •• 1 • , m Nell W-tdort I~ I•-(-. Its M•ln St , leltio. lt•wtt• ol rt.. i.11 •-"' .... , h i -,,.,, ""'• o............ M •. ' I ~rick- ,,,. ¥t -Mn J•-• 11 .. "'1 l ·W h t Mr 6Nf -..,.~ J"red ~ft•U.., ~ -l .... 'tolNr\. Mvty F iO•H -----1-- Group Hear PerrvMcGee 1 -·~ • .....,.. ·~ ...... ~·· -"'" ,,.,,,.... c..1... "'" ,,.., w...... Operation of the Orange l ·W ,,, _ ~ wnn-MMt~ County Juvenile Hall was M;~ ~"' ,,."',~'-;· L ..,.. ...... ,,.,._ M described by Perry McGee G ,.~-:--,:, t!ttie ,.,..., M,, supenntendenl at a m<'CI · ~ 1....... Int: of the Nev. port fl arbor U LIO• DU~l..ICATI \u:1.1.hary of the Childrrn· .. ..... ".::'-..c~ ':.~~u; llome Soc1et,· of California ...... '"" Tbe mttting v. a~ in the ~.':"".'.:.' ~ ~ ... ,~ ::;... home ol Mr5 Charle-. Mtl· .. ._...... genba~r "Ith the Mmes • .!:..-:; "'"· J ... \AOI....._ c..i Ira W. Smith. Richard Sor· v ~~..;;;!"· c. ,,.,.."' ,,.. l . l'DS~ ilnd Charlc'I Peyton '"' -""" watter o_.,, • ,, as hostesses. Mrs. W111lam K. "· '"'",_ D. Oark presided. ~ACIPIC l'Ult f- l'aclllc , ..... l'ar11 c.~ .......... r------:;iillm...:SJ I-1-.11 It l"9 ........ I~ .. =·· .... IN• ... F·-· ,..., I """""' .......... -~·· "' -"'"' w.11.. .,.._.,, "'" ""G J- ""' -"'"· l.. v ~-·· c ...... Ouoe• :><d c ( ,..,,..,, c ... ,r •' ~ ,.._ -Mt\ '#IH•etn '1•'''"'-''0t•. M" V, H ICtl.n llMAC'• ~~-, l rld .. Ch.C m••l1 •' I JO • m tverv A/ttJtllWMlf 1n '"• I'~,,... (°""lty (lull tlt•tUffs ol h l•d t•n, ~ ' 1 111-S .. '::. -~· '" ··-· ... '"·'1 }onatlum.~' .. I 'Jamboree' I Sclieduletl .\ ''Penthouse Jamborrf' · in a gala rarmval 'rttini: ,, beUlK planned by lhr .Jonathan Club 10 the < apr Cod Room at 7 p m \al •trdav Oct. :l. \hout :100 mrmb<-r<> anti ~llr)tll! are t'Xpectt'd lo al trnd thr party. which "•II ln1 ludr a <·ocklatl par\\ prime rib dinner, gamr tntNl.unmC'nt and danc rn~ \moni: Jonathans srn. rni: on the Jamboree mm· m1ttrr 1" William Lrr· Sp<•nu•r of :'\ewpor1 Bcac h Single Adults Single Business and f'ro !rss1011al Adults or Oranc1• County meet <'Ver~ Frida)' JI II p m at the Costa Mr,a First Method1st C'hurrh 120 \\ 19th St ('osta Mr,,1 rurthcr 1nformal10n I:> ;w;11lahlr bv ralltt•" Mt•\ 1-:rlrrn l\1pplr R.18-00Ci8 choice of registered nurses ~ ~ everywhere ~ ~/ \~' I • I 10.95 Tit: CLINIC t U f .. , I tH SllE ,..M.~~\lQ ....... ' . Uahtwelaht, alove· leather IOft, qu11tty-mfted fOf SU· pmne foot IUI. Y'hlte. LI t-2423 ~-· .. THE SUREST PACKAGE Of BEAUTY YOU CAN BUY IS A HEALTHY BULB! It's true. bocau•e a perfect flower, in mini1turt, i, al~oa dy j1det of the bulb! Bulbs of .a ~indi •f• euy to pltnt, ind they continue to be1utif ul blooms RANUNCULUS "Tecolote" GIANTS T .. ,. rcri.lor;ty ("r +hi~ f ,..,... U'> •• ,.. " 1, du,. lo the r• t'lfln 1f.c P.nl rdn<i"' ,.,r cn1nr~' "rCT<)LOTE (7 .ANTS API= I ~-.EQUALED FOR SiZE, COLOI\ r ~ DOUBUNE SS Of. FLOY/ER. JUMBO BULBS l/'4 ., • I '' BULBS SEPARATE COLORS I 75 dot. .98 dot. 1.79 dot. SO for 6.98 SO for 3.98 NEW DAFFODIL FOR '65! f,..,n r ,.. "White Lion" .39 each 6 for 1.98 I luq e double do ffodil with de'1cotc c.reom w1 d" "'tverloppinq outer petols, yellow ~nd qold 1 u I. fled double center. A beouty! NEW "BLUE RIBBON" DUTCH IRIS r.•r .,... '" ,,. n ·"'· NEW SEPARATE COLOR "Tccolotc ·· FREESIAS .. ,.. iiC' npcn, ( rl\qr11nt. .G? d • PLUS THOUSANDS OF OTHER FINE BULBS HOLLAND GROWN Tulp- CALIFORNIA GROWN Ronunculus Anemones Hyoc nt h Crocus .Sporoici-. · Frclf·: • Mw.Cl"'i B(l'I I 1-· WASHING TON GROWt I ~~·,,ri Alf red DnHodil• PLENTY OF FREE PA'tKING S&H GREEN ST AMPS CLOSE~ SU NOA 'I'S FREE DELIVERY ,, CALL M6-882~ ' " . l· '/ d d 1. I· . .. . . .. . • . . . • • • . • . ~ . IJc First Quality 59c· 3-Roll Box Seamless Nylons Christmas Wrap Ac .. 37c SCOOP! $1.0Q VALUI Daggett I Ramsdell Toiletries CllooM frCll2l Jtaacl er--. a.••• Cuam, C•l• 3-$1 a-. BP4 LoUoa -l>eodoraat er.in. nc ... UPEAT OF A FORMU SELLOUT ••• NOW ATMN GltEATEI SAVINGS! $J.99 Value! Rybutol Multi Vitamin Gelucaps FREI! Bottle of 30 r•Wf A" 39' ~ea.wable PUOITY. l'OUND 211k ~' Vitamins fpso• Slit 7· ~ j wtftl ....... .t llmer Pack •f 1i"A411lt 2-'-25( $1.Jt a.Hie ., 100 5-fories : '°'" S 12' i1mar 11J·ez. 2 ~2Sc POI " Qt, of Mlpsil " TOBACCO DEPT . SPECIAL IOX OF 50 $298 FREI ROLL OF FILM ... ,Wlllle,ld 1hr, 1-.. .. 121 wlttl Mall ,.H 94 ..... ~ ... ltt I• fet ,.,,,,. .. • fltlati ... .............. .....,. ,... ..... ..... All TOUI "" .. TO nmm '°' U"IT 'MOTO,OfllMIN•. :::..:r." ............... o ...... u .. LIQUOR DEPT. SPECIAL Oki Miner Bonded Kentucky Bo.non fifttl s3•• Domlnloa lare IMPOITID C....Wlisiy '3" ..... Key of Ke11hcky lleRded Wldskey fifttl '2" • 213 East 17th St. at 'Oran«Je :osta Mesa ShopplftCJ Center 24 •••• YOU'Li. llCOGNm THI llAMI ON s-.nt JW91Ac1lnt.W. Surgica1 Steel Head Men's Shaver DECOIATOI s15" Value! &ass lase Table lamps lac• One • M•hrplece .S.utltul l1aa ...... la ~~~ caeplemmted bf ....,... kbc 1"11t. ......_ Y• ha" -Uw• at twi~ U. Prk'e. 1lut .. ., &IMS .aftf ... " .. c.., ...... 69c Men's Cotton English Rib Sods IAft tl.11 3:s1• ,. .... Girls' Cotton .Corduroy Jumpers $2.00 Value! Boxed 3-Piece Matched Jewelry Sets . """ ... . . ...... . ...... ~~!!:::~ ::t.tar.:J::: kli1t. llncelet1 A ni•t~hln« .-r- rtnp. Choi~ of FaJl c-olon. ................... DELICIOUS CHOCOLAm 41t LUS THAN $1 .00 PR LI. 2.Pound Box Hoffmans Chocolates SJ.OOYalue! Dtll"""' U911f't• 1Mlll ., C;,..., "',..... llM1Uf'at-. d""' l'NllA, 11uta, t11llll •M dark t._..., ... Regular $1. 96 8 Tnnsistor Pocket Radios ::: $691 JtcVolMsl Prlatff Twry Kttc••• Towels . . . . . t . .. Courthouse Notebook 87 STEVEN GDSON ., ... .,.., ....... A bank Is robbed. The po- lice are caJW. And a few minut.tt llr1w 11ewa:men ar- nve. Jtotr an tM n.w1papu1 I 1Ped Mf? • :11 law dtorce-ment a1en- lie1, .-nolt ol the ttme. 'rradltlonaDJ, police de- parl.mmrtl ta the c o u n t y tdepbou their hometown ntwrpqers when 10me-- tkbtJ blC breaks. audible only on the mth noor . Meanwhile, employes on the lo• tr floors who moved in earlier thlt month were ccmln1 to work in t t. e I r winter clothing. Tbe tern· perature wu a cool 57 de· crees Monday In the ad· mlnistraUve coordinator's office. Buildln& DirKtor Robert 'nlomaa had hil malnt.t· nance men at work today trying to 1et the air con<li· tioner find. As t.be population oi Or- an&• C o u n t 1 increased, COUNTY CL E R K WU- btwe'fet, newtpaper. ex-llam E. St Jobn bas ooth· panded their coven1e and ing but praise for ~&is· • a half-d.cnen daUy papers trar of Voters L l l l l • n Mca.D earq1na police news Angle and her staff. f t o m throughout the Last Friday _ a f t e r ~ty. uveral weeb of working Th.ls pJ'Ue!llted a pro!>-double ahifb -her staff of .!em to tbe pollce. Bec:ause nearly 70 women finished to. JJWl1. pepen uked for checking U1e voter registra· ~ of news breaks, tion affidavits. tha duty oUlcen usually During the last days of dJdD't laavt time to make "&istratJon, they were del· all the calls wtwl some-uged with 23,000 ~ore af· tblnt hlppened. Aa a result, fidavit.s than anticipated. aametlma •one wu ca.11· A total of 463,!M penoo5- ed. 221,991 Republicans and To aolve the p-oblem, 215..-~mocrats -reg- Dtw11DeD deVtled • system istered to vote in the gen- of llOtUlcatJoo 2~ Y e a r 1 eral election oo Nov. 3. •IO. a ryatem which frees "Tbey are doing an af-~-•~ ~ ~.,:i toundlnf, ouutandlng job,'' ·~ St .John aays. wblcb mablts tbft newt-WLtb the ~tJ usinC papen to set die tnforma· elldronlc vote tabula1inl Uoo. aystenu for the first time --l'M qGp>; ~~ eleGU-&t Jobn C11y, ]JGbcw ucA!f) twwimen 11 iacecr wnh i& t.a\:-o in the prtiSl'OOm at th• -retraining his 4,000 election comtbouH in Santa Ana. board workers. Molt newspapers aervln& "Each one of these board the county have npreaenta-memben," St John say 1, Uvu wotttoa oat of the "must attend the training ~ room. At nllbt. on claaet we're tettinl up." ~ ad an boUday• ln addition to usina 1he .ueb cal1J are JD.Ide to . an electronic ballol counting answerlD.t &6Vice which system another ftnt for relays the lnfonnatJon to Orange' County will be in· the tlve pertidpetinl r.ews-troduced Nov. 3. pepen and radio station. "We wm not supply ta- Eacb perUctpant in the IJI-bles and chain and uten· tem pays • a month to slon cords for the ~ tbe &nJWe.rinC semce. voting places," St John Until the aummer months, uplalns. In prnlom elec- wben calls started dropping tions, the county supplied a«. the 1 y 1 t t m worked tbla furniture. wen. IAUen nmlMtnc l>O" Tb1a wm .. .._ the county lice apDd.el of the aystem monr.T, be uy1, because \be are beiDC prepped now. county wtJl bt able to dia· COUNTY aupcrv1'on and their rtlffJ flnltMd movtni MondaJ blto tbel.r office suites an tbe top floor of the ne• m .. tof'1 Ora.aft County Admlnlltn t 1 0 D Bulldinc. Seslda the tnmtable ctt.oa movlDI alwa11 seems to proc!Uce, one tblDI wn buuinl th• mperriaorlal rtal&: A Pld bcm.inS com· lnc from tbe a1r c:ondltlon· lng 11nem. The SOUDd was pole ol. 5,000 dWn and 700 tables. ellmJnaUnc ator-.,, antt moms eorts. Another pbaM of tbe eloc- Ucm -movioC baJlota from central collection polnta to tht counttni center tn Santa Ana -wOT be handled by profes1loaa• moven. In the pa.st, tbe county bind oU • duly firemen to trantpe>rl t.he ballotl. .. It ril coat us leu =-~· wty, '' St John Post Off ice Plans Christmas Effort Longer post office window hours from Dec. 5 to 26 as h o u r 1, expanded delivery deemed necessary by local setVlcet and ltr1e·scale ex-postmuten, 1 six-day weelt tension of tbe ZIP-coded par-Dec. 7·31 for parcel post de- cel post ipeedup are planned liveries, and completion by far the christnla.s 1 e a s on Nov. 1 of ZIP Code parcel alone tbe Orance Coest handling at about 130 more Poat.master General John "sectional center" post of· A. Gronousld ba1 advised lo-fices (strategically located cal postmatten of three new mail passing points I to speed llteJ>e he bas taken to insure up parcel post delivery. "the best Christmas mall According to Gronouskl. 11UVice the postal lel'Vice b.u the Christmas plans are part eveT bad." of a nationwide program to Tbae meaaurea include improve mall service at all ~ed post office window levels. U.S.D.A. "Choice" or Food Giant "Banquet Perfect" T·BONE STEAK s 05 lb. u .S.D.A. -cHOICf" OI fOOO O&AHT -aAMQUn PftffCT".' BONELESS Top Sir.IOJ.~~ .. STEAK·:: - BONE-~ LESS 39 lb. ... . ... "" '· ... : ~ .. u.s.o.A. •a-.JCll"'., f-4 0 1.nt .... ~ ... ,......,.. ? BONELESS:: · ·~ ROUND STEAi<, STEAKS • WTHNGRAIM.fl!DJlfSHP'OIK -==-~---=-====-=-==-~~~· ---==-----R~l~l_-E~N~D-~--====-=-=---:::::=-- SIRLOIN T9' TOP IOUND CUllD aonoM ROUND . . . . PORK ROAST EASTllN OUJH,.flD flf.SH POllC SUCl!D AND SKINNED (STEH) FRESH YOUNG BEEF LIVER U.S.D.A. Grode .. ,., .. local Calif., lonco1ter Far111s -4 to 6-11>. cw;. FRESH ROASTING CHICKENS 59,i. full 7·rib ""'ortion c lb. CmRY STYLE SPARERlflS 5 fASTtlHOWN.fU>nUH POllC -4 TC' l\. AVG LOIN END PORK ROAST . ~ f•IMU JOHN, DUIUQUE IOYAl IUr PACKAGED SLICED r:' .. : :' l~'·/A I I tb. ' -., "' PURE CANE HALVES OR SLICES C&H HUNT'S SUGAR PEACHES c 5.111. large 2V2 bag C':ln ·satisfying flavor! (2-Lb. con, $1 .58) All grinds 1 pound con LIQUID HILLS BROS. COFFEE 79' Beef Enchiladas or Beef Ench ilada Dinners 12.oz. pockage frozen GORDO'S DINNERS 39' PUREX BLEACH Concentrated. Delightful and refreshing' 6 ounce con frozen ORANGE DELIGHT Pacific. Makes a tasty, crunchy crust tor pies! pound package gallon plastic •-:i HI• HONEY GRAHAMS 3:$1 Onlv ot Stons W1tll Jot1 Ot KMll)'s Bohry SENSATIONAL '2.04 SAVINGS! HOUSE OF STUART 86 PROOF ~':o~::~~'"s9~~ Vi"tage Dottd-Aft bcellent light •htn• Wine rrom OerMOny Liebfraumilch Wine fifth 99c U 'roof Cl'eWft .t ICenhic~ $tllilght Kentucky Bourbon f1111 t31t f 1fth c 7c OH EXTRA SERVICES Yoa maJ cas' c•ecks, ,1rcbst "''"' '"'"' tr ,., ltillty 'Ills at'" Fed ll11t C11rtasy l11t• ••. 111 wit' 11 eatra c•1111! .. CHOCOLATf MORSELS POI COO CING l ! NESTLE'S MORSELS •~c1, ll·OUNCf JAi JIF SMOOTH PWUT FROZEN -15·0UNCf 'ACICM;f OH BOY SUBMARINE SAN ICltl5'Y SALTINfS FOi SOU,. CJa ~ALAOS SUNSHINE SALTII CR~ QUICK, EASY ANO DEUCIOUS-ASSOI BETIY CROCKER.· FROSTI UG. 01 SU,£1 'KO. Of 24 fofESTlE MODESS ::~~: 87' . COCI iESi"iFooosHi~~-N~s GRAND TASTE, TEM'>ER .,.... ONE-POUND PACKJIGE FRANK SllCCO, Alli :.~T-'3·0 UNt Oscar NrJye OINUIN! ~ 22·0UNCtJAR Homade Kos • . . ·' k~ u.s.orh.A. HCholc•H er food Giant "lankquot ··;-$ 15 s helv,s fu II of fine groceries Po~!0 ... .!~~-!!.~ ........... 1.~. Low everyday prices (and specials,.too) Club Steak 98 1t. The same friendly people to serve you U.S.D.A. "Chelel" or feed Glol'lt "lol'lquet Perfect" as usual. . " . '-• J. Swiss Steak ~~s 791b . ... U.S.D.A. "Chelc." or food Gionl "lonquel '•rfect" }i Rump Roast Bone-In 79,t,. . . ~ '4etf'. t ---------------u.s.D.A. "CHOtCE""' POOD GIANT "'IAHQUfT PHffCl'' a J • t .. . ' . 1ms 55.t. ) ' l,. AVG 55.i.. ~ 1'""/A MAIO . • ~·lb. 59 ( '• ., lb. ALWAYS A fAMILY •AYOllTll FRESH GR•D BEEF 39.i. GHAT fOtl IA.DfQUINO FRESH GR•D CHUCK 55.~ lfAN, FOi UMmNG MULS FRESH GR•D ROUND &91t. Hunt's. Flavorful refreshment for calorie-counters! 29-ounce can · f RUIT PIES -.FROZEN .:· # lOMATO JUICE It Simple Simon .... o:f:t Supplement in a choice of delectable flavors ! 8-ounce con LIQUID M~TRECAL 3: 69( ·. Solid Pock Tomatoes. Short cut for soups and stews I tall 300 con HUNT'STOMATOES2:33' "Everything's better with Blue Bonnet on it!" 1 pound carton MARGARINE 4:$1 Mann's. Try tangy applesauce with tasty pork roost~ tall 303 con APPLE SAUCE 2:25' :OO UMG & SMACICS-6-0l. PIG. LS 1,,c1 2c oH 2 ™ 45c ASSORTED STRAINED FOODS WOT BUTTER 65c IC)! II SANDWICHES 7t 1 OI ~LAOS 1 POUND PACKAGE ill CRACKERS :J3C BEECH-NUT BABY FOOD iOUS-ASSOITED HGULAR $1U : FROSTING MIX 3t • tffSTlf'S EVHEADY 1-LI . '·.COCOA 57c i:ocl. •ol. Moyonno i1• flovor -1-0r. :~SiN~S 2' Reg. Jars c PIES TIY THIS FOi A VAltm Of UIUNG-40-0UNCf 'ACICAGf BISQUICK BISCUIT MIX 47c 1(.0UMCfON COMET CLEANSER 2 fer ~ JUMIO 'ACICAOE DASH LOW-SUDS DETERGENT $2.29 · IATH-Sllf IAI CAMAY TOILET SOAP 2 fer 2t TOILfTSOA' PERSONAL IVORY TOILET SOAP 4 for 27c MEDIUM-Silt Ult IVORY TOILET SOAP IEGULAI IAI ZEST TOILET SOAP ·, ft°LG H T F lJ I D Fl I ( A Tf ~" f N 4 Big Sale Days Thurs.-Sun., Oct. 1-4 'Ef'l'>ER 'N JUICY CKJIGE ~KS 39c Food Giant/Costa Mesa ~T-\3·0UNCE 'ACKAGE NvJyer· Bologna 59c OUMctJAlt fe Kosher Dills 39c 231 Har1Jor Blvd. Costa Mesa ·To Position Cadet Enroll At Academy . MEXJCO. Mo. -Gecqe Military Academy ~ McCJellan of Newport Bucb Cadet McCleDan 11 ibt IOft ls amoaa the 320 cadet.a from of u-... -u-'f..;: J u 2IS state ud dx ~ CIOQDo-...-. -..... ...... • ~e- tr\es who have enrolled for aenaa. 2ll V1a ~ •• New· the '16lb session at MWourl port Beach. • . . . ---SOWi &p..IScnlMf Powr • COSTA llESA IMS Newport Boulenrd T clepbdne 6'6-32.91 D. D. ~. M"""ler Mesa Miss Starts Early on Career By TOM TITUS and polu lo her fellow mem· °'..,.a.Mt> NII SIMf bers of the Harbor Area U lettini an early dart ls Girls' Club, where 1he ii ac· lndlcativ. Of IUCceu 1n show tive In the communJty work bu.Jlnea, a pretty, freckle· of that orgaruzal.Jon. feced little CostJa Mesa &arl ba• UM imide track. "I like to smg all kinds of Monica Marie Nowal. a song~." she says. "Mostly I dxth srader at Whittler do popular ones. but some- Scbool, bu bttn . In the en· umes " she added. wrinkling tertalnment bust.ness from ' . the day her pictutt appeared her no'it> . I ~tnj? that roman· on the cover of Parents Mag· be JUnk azine at the age of 3. Ber liuddlnl( t ar('er ts be· Now 11 years old. she has 1.11g gwd<'d by h('r mother, bttn SJ.nging as fle1d1 Holli· Mrs "'lma t Perry> Nowu. day to Southern California who has ~lped a number of audiences for the past three other aspiring actresses and years, and shtt will soon be aJso lists two motion plclurH heard on record. slngmg a -"Lightning Strikes Twice" aoni she composed henell. and "Johnny Belinda" -lo Her flrlt song, "Golden her credit. Eyes," ta IOOD to be followed Mrs. Nowak wu ln on one rn~n by another of her own com-of the entertainment world'• ~~€.'~ potjtionl,, called "When Love most famou.a legends, the 4'~.DO Js Over, wntten JUSt last discovery of Lana Turn-NA'/10?fAL week. er. A personal friend of the An accompU&hed Yo u n i future star in 1938. she was _;;;.....;BANK-.~~---==d=a=nc=e=r.=M=o=nl,...'ca_te=ac=he-:-;s::-:h:--uia seated beside Mbs Turner at the Hollywood soda fount.am when an ali(enl nolJ~ her. Juanita Honored Oranae County ChaptPr of Th " 1'allonal Jo'oundation, the NatlonAI Jo'oundallon hos and Mn Dorothy Sullletlan<L refflved 1 1964 award for e\· chapter uecuUve director. cellenee at a mtttinc ol vol -- UDt.ter lead~rs In l.a'I Vteasl .--------. from The National ll'oundu· ~ ~ • I Uon·Marcb of Dimes. I ~ I Arthur R. McKtnlie. Chop-I #•IA ter chalnnan. was prt1f'nted I ~Al~ I the award by 1o;1mer Elllng·l 1TOPS IN QUALITYfl ton, reiional director, who I I commendtd the 0 r a n & t County March of Dimes vol· 11 I unteen for their oulltandln& I ----= Chapter program. The conference was called! to plan the 196S March of Dln1ea against birth dt'ftth I victim& of ~ hlch nu half thr I beds ln the chddren.'>' ho pt-I "~":C,. ta1s of America I UTfLI I Other Oranse Countv drll'· I ~tes to the cunlerence an· LOW IN P•ICl I eluded Mn. H. 0 Boyvey, I I Newport Beach. voluntttr - - ------It.ate women'• advilor Corl MADE FOR EACH OTHER Beauty Salon No~~t Neeea&J7 Now her daughter ts hOJ>f'· fully, on her way up an a dlf· ferent phast> of the buslne&.~ Mesa Student Goes Abroad SONGSTlt!SS -Eleven.year-old Monica "Heidi Holliday" Nowak hu already begun coUtcting mementOI trom her bu=din career as an enteruiner. Moni- ca. shown here with her mother, w com and recorded a song soon to be releutd. That's broiled chic~en served ._ith cll111 puchet-HoU J Just br01l ctucktn pieces on foil (Rqnolds Wt'lp). 10 • 1 utes befon done. pica chined clinc peach hltwll IRIUtld • chicke~ broil until ach peach b tinatd with brown. For • ' aounnet touch. fill Pl&lt hollows with ,.,.... 01 Jell ! SPECfALISING and heat till JWtd. Whit 1 CO!llbinatlon! IN t HAIR COLORJNG • _,.._........, __ ADD BODY & CONDITfON HAil "1.UlfNn Firm Body"' Penn. Good Oct. Only 12.50 Comp. for l..50 ~.R!~ Crane Wave ....•. '7• 6., . ..,... -Plain 61iiiii'~ And'.et . :.::-:-::::-.-:-••---- H1'h itJllnl •• .. -Haittuta si.• 011r Wdk "-'9dttleNlly Guarant.M • Free Puklnt W• ta;.,,.. •II L.Mdlno a ... nn-' P•rmanenta Houm o,.11 :oa111 t a.m. u t ,.m. tat. t a.m. e. • '""" 11M Ncw'-"1 aml. Ph. LI Ml20 c.ta Miia Safeway Stores Have Meats, Eggs, Milk, Produce, Bread And Good Supplies of Groceries At The SAME LOW PRICES' -PLUS BIG llG SPECIALS LIKE THESE - ~olger' s Coffee Vacuum Pack Mountain Grown 1-1~. Regular1 Drip or Fine (2-lb. Can $1.37, 3-lb. Can $2.on CID Puts Extra Cteoning Power in Today's fast-Cycle Washtn. It's full Stref\9fh. G1lloa Bottle la Pllltil a a Morrell or Com Kl ng Canned HAM ~ SIYI s J ,00 01 ... 1-1.. 111 ~~:: ~:~~! 19c Package of 200 2·PIJ each 5-lh.$35 can :>l!!ft!~:c;::~~-:.1 Mrs~ Wright's Pfain Angel Food ·.. Cake ~t.!,!.mi~~ . (R99ulorly ASc-Save 16<) 12-11. 29• 1iz1 l11p1rflll 81111~ B1eon ~1::' •·"· 584. ... .,- Fm• Lii 1f Port :;-; ~::"" I\. 4~ Fiii B1H H1H Leg of Pork ~~~·."',.o1 "· 59' Little Frier Links ~~:~· ;:~~~. ~~:. 69' Sterling Sliced U.s. No l L • · ok Ort·• e County -•• ,, ..... Cake ,....,. .... Skinle11 Luncheon Franks Meats All Saf eways Open In This Area! . ... 4t <;;:.~ 3 l·oi. $) 3=-'1 ... ..... Aa.orted pkp. Shop Today and Save! I . ~ 211 EAST ·17th ST. . . MESA CENTER COSTA MESA . STORE flMJRS: MONDAY THRU SArutpAY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M.; FRIDAY 9.A.M. TO 9 P.M.; SUNDAY (Cosl1 Mesi Store Onl~) 9 A.M. TO 8 P.M. f, WESTMINSTER LOCATldii\I: 15402 BEACH BLVD.~ " ii ·"'" .. . • •' . .. , 10 Trmistor ·FM/AM ii SNUP • -Satin f 1nish aluminum control panel, tbony outer case. Push bllltOll bind sw~ tches. Slide. rule tuning scale, tele-33 00 scop.c anlen~. Wtllef r.llTY use, earphone and Ntterrn. • FAOAL TISSUE Auorted Colors AQUA NET HAIR SPRAY Sty1as letter! H•I• Ctrls • c111• Sett / CANDY BARS • Mii~ C~1ulat1 • f rtlt •1 Nit • Cruel • 11111-& Allltff 1 THRILL for DISHES liquid Detergent SALVO Pn-mHlurecl Dltlfllld T •lets ----------7 STUART HALL Filler Paper 300 Count "Luiu" ~J SOVEREJGN ~ ~ ·~M s~ped. yelloN color c~e •11~ 2 fig-1 111e sun bl/ I d al. Black sir~ g 98 COfd bind. • IOYS' Wrist Watch Tells tune a~ ~te - it's Ytalerproof, shock resis!Jnt acd dusl- proof. r ull I RUie l~r:i­ ll'IOCS d1iil, ~tottO St";· o·d ~nd. Leatw w11st SltiP 8.98 NOT A ONE-DAY SPECIAL! NOT A ONE-TIME OFFER! THIS IS AN EVERY DAY BONUS Wlt-1 IL SWIDA li~•i• Swt1t1Hr at replar •rice If 1.59 Slpr frH CHkhtk bs I •.11~rd 11citi1& HW r1ci,es.. GILLETTE WORLD SEif ES SPECIALS Mjasta~I• Ram • -· Vt1tb •'J1nless ~l~rf '•;.•-'""!~. bla(k• and • np, cf 1 ~ •·:-1 "Sun·Up ' Alter til Sh>:~ 119 1.st • GILLETTE Stainless Steel Blades ___ T v.o d.s.puser paks •":::•.:... 1:1 6 sta1ntes~ ~·~el iiTI : .. 11' ~'ades. ~ 1.71Yal11 LilCI 1.19 All Y°" !Im lt do is &11• IL sw.ei 111 foods IUtly IM t1111fDf!Tlly. 0.- t r stai•less stul 19 nc t rMs. 10 Foot e..t .~ ~ EUCTllC ~~#7' Blankets F 1bric ~ of rryoii, cot· IOll ln4 acrylic • . • 111¥ • 111tee4 llOI 111«1 . Ma-s'-crest r~•lle was~ & dryab'e. ~ Hyle~ bind111i. • s114p f,('' Blend of r1yo11 1nd to111m. Moti.,ool. fully cott~ *''~ nylea aitomatic control wi~ ~lt- b1nd1r.g Aoit~hc hie. control ad,u .ts It r~ l..,.erature. .... , .... _ Slqle C11tnl 9.98 Twi1W 12 49 S ill(ll C1ltrtl • Dn'91ld 12 89 s111111 Ctttret • USE ou• fAM#Y PUI Al PllC£S PIEYlll Oct 1st t• kt '" .,.,.._s...., ~~~-..-- 1020 Irvine, N.wport hach WtSTCUff SHOPPING a -- P_. Pete I Elatic catail Mix I JlltMf.. . f • lllf , ... ..., "" • ! • k:erJttl • z.-i. i ·~ lu : ,.,_,, ____ _..,_..,......a.,,..-.i11 .... ~ ·~:.-5.~. 2i49c I BACARDI Ram Dari dry or ll&W «y. 4 79 ao Proof. m • Lo-Clits Su:t:l?ss Sc:i.S l l ~ RON RICO Rum ~ OI lia\t ~ ~ 4. 791 ~-~--.cs-....-'.""!.,,_ .. GRENADA BAY I F oatball 1ir ., VOIT 111 .. 110 RUM Ottut sin t\l*t teottilt r.d f"U ,,.oflSS*\ll type ~d· Dari. or u1~L 80 Pr'DClf. 2 98 :ts~ sn!'c It 3 69 , ---~-- ti) • bc:ted. lq. UI • , F ISlllOll cottol ~lia •.. colorlnt rose Pl'int. f 1tte~ •otto11 s~UI$ •• a e.aclasrft ··stretc'- t4te'' for fasl smootll ~ mak111. CNer 130 lht!~S ptt squ¥1 ird a~raae. less lllall 1~ $lln~·~ge. --~ .. .- ~~~~~If f~t ....••••. 2.29 ~.~,!~flit ......... 2.29 Desert Flower MW & IOIY LOTION De!11 tfully suntt4 lolioA to slTlOOt~ and softN yw $k·• all ow«. S,.cl•I ~ Prlct S1l1 Pak tf 4 191. t• lee. t• I u. I IL I I 11.. littles 1.00 2.00 4.00 . . . Clothes Basket .~; , "'Utll" -a.:~·~ ,,.._ (261 IHh IO~•"> ' ~; =t :.:: 1· 29 1.•Y1lll • & : .· 26 Mll.Y ••LOTIW.....,.•• Wed., s.,t. 30, 1964 ~ltJiiE PEOPLE'S PUZZLE ~ .. "'NOC)IS .. 'c:>rNVW 'I. "JAJ ~ "9 'N.OD 'I' 'lmOllO ·~ 'H~ ·c 'Ml1S ·a.-..-oo '311X>iN,,. 'HilAO '6 'HOilli:leS ·a 'its110HCJlll '9 'iun:> "t~900Y as.JMSHY T~night on TV ....... ~. G,_ '"""""-"-'-.,_ •'~MAii t ICOU>ltl MOOrW ...,,_ 9-ttl\ll ....... F,..... ._..,. lltf'd." .. tty '""'"'*· , ..... _,.. ltWt' Vt- 'nlt tun week'• telm.ton IChedule 1s publlabed each Friday ln th• w~ ender magazine. a sec- --· .. ftJL.l'IJMl&Z..ll:&P -·-_,.. .Gola b.l.-jbe -DAll. Y PILOT. ' 11 ICO\..Otll 8U.I 811101Y 1) ICO\.~I CAOOOMI ••• ,, . t CAh wt\.LIMlll IMOW Carr• ..._ '" "'"' IW ,,., ...er" •• ....... . . ""''"'"''" '=: .. ~ • lt"L l'l.AY a'r ~y .. , .... ..,..,. .. --.... -1 f'ATTY DUl!I II 8W~• ~,..,...~ICM tll ....._,., •• ...... a.wt .. """' U TH8 •888L •• I DA#WT lt#l'1t t.MOW . '"'.,... TliNEIN I '1 .... •lO"-I K•YC>-kJ ICFOX-1111) • •l U-.1 ll'.'#12--'kl It.I.AG-IC 1 •l>FIC-.. 1 K, .... U'-f11 ICOCM.-11> 1 • VAt-PI S l.0\J0.-47 $ "Gt.A-lllJ OA(.-'1) .-...o~f7t kllO-IMl •H•-tl I !CCI-fl 7 Y.ICA-146 I tl>Ot._.,f kHOl'-f" ~LF-l•J ~IC_...J •NILA-111.J UM$-1 .. f ~ICH-tU IOU-jtl,I 11.FIL.-116..S UK~J KVf!.-ttl t Ull-111..1 ICLAC-$1t .. , ....... Hiil..__ ~~11 l(ltG-1• ICAac.-nt •IEV-111 ~...,_,. 11.FW ......... NA UolO aGaS-ICDI kl'O><-UtO ICMX-)019 kWKw-1• llCltL.A-1111 Kl'AC-lm kltlCl>-11~ kGE*'-11" tcuv-m• tcAL.._10 l(G,>-llll kWll-''41 KGIL-12• KIU-1 .... IC.l'Ol.-IMI ltOAY-IM NEW RATE INCREASE! ' GET $25 MDiJHLJ lllCOME. lnM'UM J~ umiqal Now ••• Gurdia pcye ~I per ammm cmStlCXIO mn.t.. ment tlnift emi&cate ! t:25 l'bKk mailed to you 8'n!f7 month. AW'lld.bl• to CeU. fomia ~a&. onJy. GUARDIAN THRIFT ~ l lllt. ~ '"'"''' • Ceot.Oll) ~WTUUI ~ ........... ,,,. 1l1U 4 KOLOtU toernoH'f f MOVI• ... , • ..,1!1t'W9'1,H O•vl4 t rl1,,, ,r_ ........ ,O'f, I lo!OVll •·sr.--" le Jurv,-, •• ,..,, T!lfl .. Morie llM'Ct•"d.. '~·· • T~ ~ Vt•o ~• ., If\ (Jiit,._. ,_,,,,_ 11 ,. 'O-t.-,,._rOl'I Mi_.,h • II'•" F'°'-.:ntatrt ttno l ou1' Jl)Vrftnrl ''"'f' HIWJ M0\111 IM .. , ,,. 01< I•"""'•"·" J.,.I Mt( ru •"~ l'•rt>il•• ..... 11 ALL NIOHT M0\1111 ' Pi(CldlllV Jll'\ " Robtrt Mofll- rrv '1'f\"' Godfat,._r, .. , J()t\n w..... . ....,~ • .,., ..-u.1<.·· JllO• "4i•llftd. ,,.,, ,,,, t MOVll Tha (Ollftl<V Doctor ' J'"" 11 .. """"' eNt 0'°""9 OJl"'VP._t, S(·hool Set~ Open House •Rack to School !'.. I g ht" 19 planned 7 ~ p m. Oct. Ii hv thr Parenl·Facultv Or J?ani1alinn nf l n•c;l \ I r \\I J-:tf'ml'ntar) S<·hool. I luntan,::- lon tlra1 h Th,. projlram will ~S::tn 111 lhr .tud1l<1num . whnr lrat h rr-; will c-xplaan rurm uluni l and itradini: syst1>m' for tlw PEANUTS HBMAN Mun ~ND :JEFF ~ YIAH YEAH.' ~. Llii ME 110LO YOUR ~ANDl i . -~ "-... ' MISS PEACH MARCI~ ~~sow lEC'fO~fS Too.t'f t I• .,,. p fAMILV RELA110~5 t'VE ~~TO IMl'RM A LITTlf EACM OA'I ... ___ ..__ ___ _Ib POGO & lOAN • HOW IN 10th YEAR l'ommg year. r-------""""'lr-------------- I . . . 1 llaa & MAllt ITillCIT. IMfTA AHA I Kimberly &-7111 . "' Rerl't'!thmenll w\Il bf. ""'' fd at the m~nc and a dlS· cuulon of PFO act.IV'ltlea for lbe 1cboo1 year 11 sckdultd. .. , ly Clyde Lamti Mtrn;THAT P~"'1E9 tM 6000! T~E NEIGHSORS SAIU WILL I PLEASE i'U~N 00....,,._, OUR RADIO! By Men (A) RUSH TO THE DOOR. (9) THROW 'YOUR. A~MS AROUND I. HIS SU1T~SE. (C) WITH TEARS OFJO'Y, S'HOUT; ·~Al DIP 'fOU lllllNG ,,.e r fTo111 an .d In"'-WtA Str.tt JeurMh "W1.,.. ~ • "'- ervidlMI ef ~ .. th ........ , • ..-.." Electronic Marvels Under Development By IUC'K D1 BROW Tbt' air travel lnnovatlona HOU. YWOOD c UPI)-The alao Sft.Dl to be jult atartinS way thln11 are develoPin&, 1l to re.acb the!r PQUntial. Pro- may sooo be difficult to 10 lf&Jn.I now are 11.rnlted lo anywhere. even out ror enter-beint fed from witbln t b • t.auunent or on a trlp, with-planet. Soon, says American Alrlinel, apeclal ooet cam· out runnlnt Into televts100 .or eras will be inJtalled 90 that a reason.able facsimile thert'· pusenaers wU1 be able to 1et of. the take.off "u the pilot att• Tht era of luly video seu ll" Clbe pilot, Jl i. &ooct-to rt· for automobiles is upOii u1 . por4, -4eem't M.v. &-t.eJe.l,t1...---•ion set1. Furthermore. TWA Vrry small television sell t\a• R1 up a department t.n are allo available 1n uowt.na deal with tbe entertainment numben tor the home, • n d ol paqenfe.n 1n fllabt. can ~ transported from Andy~ a &bow bQ111. room to room without t h e nesa traM paper. the Holly· ltttnuous luggint reqwred for ~ood Reporter. aaJd the "pot· sJ billty O{ l.bt varioUJ alrlinft ~ older. bulki.tr portabll'1 reaching an agrfftMDt with· Hand·slud television sets are In thf' next two to five yurs probably not too far off for to purchase a ma)or studio to general use And now ~e product fi1mJ for ln·tht·a I r have \ 1d'° malc1ng strona rn· ~reenin&' wu Hell. . b y roach Into au travel -a.od, Conllnental <Airlines) Prell· rn a aomewhat d.lfferent dent Robut E Six ., form lnto Jukeboxes that of· · · fer a 1ort of cross ~tween 11IE CRA.~ SWlM : movie and televia100 films to Anne Bancroft and Patty accompany the ~rdm&•. Duke •tar in "The Miracle In a.ir travel. the most Worktr" on ABC·TV '• Sun· prom1J1ent video eatrepr'f'~ur day nl~hl moVle Od. 11 .. is Amtncan AlrllnM. wh1ch Louis Armstrong. Sid Caesar. has mstalled.. on some fhg-hts. Abbt> 1.ane and Pat Boonr what 1t calls 'A1trovl!l1nn. a ap~ar on C'BS-TV's f:d Sol nt!w entertainment ~vsll'm for llvrui ibo~ this Sunday. movies, TV and :.ten'Orhonac Hoh llo1lt' ~ucsts on NBC music " This system l!i. t.n TV'i Jack Benny program great part. a franl reaction Oct. 23 ... Margaret Le1chton . to tbe success of the compel-June Havoc and Arlene Dahl t.nc Tram World Airllnu portray murder &u.spects on (TWA) with it.! "in·Ol&bl" ABC-TV's "Burke'• Llw'' motion picture.. On TWA. the Oct. a ... Pltly Kelly play• scr~ lJ mounted at the a taxi drivu-aatborest oa front of a c.abin. On Arneri· aame network'• ''Valeo· can Alrllnet, nlne.tnch video tine's Day" Oct. 18. sets are mounted between ABC·TV outbid NBC·TV each pair of seats m the fl"t for the Academy Awarda ( la11~ ~cllons and on thf' over telrra~t and will continue head shelf an toun~t cahtn!1 l,how1nii 1t rnr at least f1 \.f' 1 one stl for "'rrv nine p.1-.. rnorf• ) ear~ NBC plan~ se ngen 1, lh<'reb~· allov.mc u lo ttlUli.mll the o~nrng ctn·· l't'rtain addl'd degrtt o lpr1 monies of tht Tokyo 1ummt>r vacy. Olympics IJve to Mexico via Earphones a1 e ustd by tht Syocom Ill satelllw. ed-ln travelen In all the .;;.,;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; peraliCMU. • RT t The juke-box device la ~ alled ScopU.one and la remln· ,. ..... ,.:ONlOllC~t.i t or • 1i.m.llar machlnt> t1111td by two (If .~ ft1111ly') at appeared afur World low 111,, •r• utY 11 takt Alie! 1 ar JI. Scopltone r om es lOt1t Otmnce un "swn11Md tt rom Europe. wherr 1mprr1· "''"' fl«luw 11Gftt••1 l!Y' YOO sive musical pru<lut·tion num· ,,., you• •Ol<.e. ben. in color and on lcx:allon ,, MVf' l)(>en turned out f n r . ,. .. , ..... much less monr~ than could Rufllndtr To compltle ~our m be done in thl~ rountr y. The lllOft QUICkly. dial 1"-"'t d"Mt. machtnr 11\ tn operation In some key cities around t h cr----------- country. llcre in Hollywood , tor instance. u has done very Be a Good Neighbor well In a top nightclub called P. J 's, whe~ It Is ~ing showca~. and ls expt!'<'ted to IX' Installed In ~rhap, n" many as SO other loca t 1 o n r. around town in thr nrxt fc~ week"' l':ach num~r on Scopltonc cos ls a quartef. ThP machines arc imported !rom France. There 11 talk that Debbie Reynolcb may try to produce musical numb(!ra in Amtrit'a for the machines. MtanwhUt. rustomen ~ch as tho11f' 111 P J ·s can prru tht ""uni pu11hbuttons and sec the s1ahh or Pans to lhf' 3('C'Ompnni mrnt of music. I If you are a newcomu. or know or a newcomer to Co~tn Mtsa, do her a favor by callm& Helen K1~i1PI, the Costa Mell lloste~ii (bf'twt¥n 8 and 10 a.m.) and she will call on your friend with infor- maUon and &lfta from THE Friendly Merchants LI l-6042 • r r • I t. ~ l J t \ ' 1 I ( I i J ..__ __ e p n I, ll n .. .. D I• I~ ?· ·r a NBlliriQg Traffic Consultant S720 Loot Taken From Three Cars Automobile ~ htt three ftbiclel ln Colt& Mesa Moaday ad walbd oft wltb mon thin '720 tn milcellan- tou• loot, pottc. ~ Tuesday. Two Corona de1 Mar rHl- dents, Albert hed ud Jolm Poole. reparW their can were ranuchd at 111 1Ddu1· trlal WaJ. Taken ft'l"I a top cover, radJo, jack, lpMdom- eter, tachometer, Ooft bM.. bead npu, rtllr bumper .. aembly ad wtDdltde1d wtpw moe... flarr7 J . Homr el '111 Ca- ter IL told pollct 1111 anloct- e<t sJto WU entered in front of Ida home. 'ftie t!def took pllen, drlD blta, h.ammen. HWI ud ICTe'W dJ'twn, U well u llacb, ablrta and otb· er ttema of dothtnc. Pecct and Poole eltimated thetr io.1 at $547, llXi Hot· 1f'r'1 Joa wu lilted at ft75 Troop 280 Holds Court . SeYell&een Boy Scouta tn Ttoop 280, ll\ln.tiniton Beech, were a w a r d e d tenderfoot bedlti at tbt IJ'Oup'I ftnt <'..ourt ol Honor reoentl1 at GW EJenw>,tuy School Blld&el weat to Melvill Buen. 1'obert DalleJ, DannJ Flplnl, Da.td Ftrm, IA.rry FTanto, Stevt Gro111 Steve Hiter, Da.td ~r. Dean Jeoobl, Jtm Jef!erlt, Ken Mmiman, s-.. Morris, Damet Murray, QJand Pee!'- aoa, Jlm Plnklton, Ralph Speer Ind Richard w alter. Kirk Ofdon waa awvded flft merit bedgea, MM! war- ranta went to ((en Merrlman. Ktrt Ocd<m. Ooond Peeraori. Jltn Pinkston and Tony Mal· MS w.iinlhl ol the event was pt .-italloa ol Scout pinl to mot.hen Md neclllercbiefa beartn1 tbl troop'• tmipia t.o fatbera. MICIS U I L'llYI THUa$.:. ..... MT., SUM., ocn.. t, t; I.'· PM5H Fryer Pads ~~~~. 49' ~""!. Ste F'lils GM ... Wllp u. • FRDH EASTIRN Pork Chops LARGE LOIN Ste FAMILY PACK PAN FRY OR CASDOll U. PM>lla IT.VU PU9f ...... ~.::&"a.a. .. U.J.D.A. tMQID Gm .. ...... u.11' fOL8R'S COFFEE 1-LB. CAN SIPEI BlllO Pl.AYEll: w. howit ~ ... ...,ay ef ~ .,,., numti.fl In the ltor9a ond 0"9 '"' .......,.ty un-able to NPloc.e them. Wt apo&ogi~• for lftis ~'-'ce and cmurt you w will ,...,,.,. the gome oa '°°" oa our store delrYtry situation murna to normal. MEANWHILE, Pl.EASE SAVE YOUR SUPER BINGO CARDS AND OISCS -YOUR NEXT NUMB!R MAY MAKE YOU A WINNER! f M:IAL TlSWES KLEEN El PKGL ~ °' '°° T SUNSHINE KRISPY SOOA Crackers ~t. 33c KLEENEX ISAVI Ucl TWO i -ROll PKGS. Towels 4 ROW 69c NOTtBOOK fl.HOLE, 1Yi"x11 ") PKG. Of-300 SHUTS Filler Paper 49c WIDE OR CX>lllGE RULED • Wlll4-·12Z1 S. lls Algtles i.11111 K • Wlll4-SfAltal-1• M1111l1 II Cenlu • COSTI tm-ms ....... ~ ... I. FRESH U.S.D.A GRADE A FRllll ~CHICKEIS cvr UP, PAN llEADY L.B. • WHOLE Ul · 24-0Z. JAA SAVI I• ..... .... U.S. NO. t AU. PURPOSE RUSStT POTATOES But baker grown ••• good oll pu~ po- ~1too!Bokts ooioen • brown on the outside . .• fJuffy.wt-.1tt on the inaldt. 8 -LI. BAG I us. II' I DAILY PILO'f EDITORIAL PAGE Historic Power Move flefreddna news for usen of electricity and for tn· payen -which includes jmt about everyone -came an a ~t announcement by the Southern ('ahforn1a Eda· son Co. Zct1aon has jotned nme other ele<:lrac utility rorn· paniel to form a new organization to carry out the largt·~t nponat power development program ever undertaken &D,JWbere m the tiorld. To be known u "WEST," (for Western Energy Sup- ply and Tr&Dlmission Aaociates), the group covers all or part of nine st.ate. In the Southwest. an area roughlv equal to on•fllth of the continental United States The plan encompasses a Sl0.5 billion, 20.year pr~ cnm. Mo.t important for the taxpayer. it Will be under· written enhrely by capital obtamed from the mvestm& public. No federal tu money will be U&ed, the project. on the contrary, will pay taxes just like other enttr· prba. And it will have the profit incentive which pro- C!~ efficient, non-bureaucratic management. For Southern Califonua consume.rs of electricity. both raidentw and industrial, the project promises .. lignifiant economies." act'ording to Edison President Jack It Horton. These can be accomplished, ht uplained, as a rP sult ol the 1uper1or efficient"y of giant·sized units and by mating rt poaible for the companies to reduce their an· dividual generaUng reserve margio.s. Also, by poohn~ thelr planning and construction resources. the group expect. to aave several billion doUars in building and operattn1 com over a 20.year period. Planta will be l~ted where they can best make u!ie of available fuel sources, whether coat. oil, natural ga.~ or the atom AlAo under study are duat.purpose nuclear pow@r plants m Calilom11. ''t"apable o( 1imulbneously Allen-S~ott producing eledr1c1ty and convertin1 1ea wattr to frtsh water" Some Ldea of the magnitude of the 20-yur proaram, and its meaning to this region of exploding population, <'.ln be gamed from the tact tMt WP.:ST will eventualJy produce more than three times the pruenl capacity of the Tennessee Valley Authority and the equivalent of 18 t;rand Coulee dams. And by 1988, WEST will create an additional annual payroU of $138 million, plus annual tax revenue:s of about $75 million. The 10 investor-owned utilities wiU not exclude public power companies. The electric_ departments of the r1Ues of Los Angeles, Glendale, Burbank and Paudena, together with the Imperial lrnptlon District of El Cen· tro. have said they want to join WEST and they "'111 be anviled, according to Horton. Proponent. of federal, tu-supported power put TV A a<. ross partly on the argument that it would provide a ' yardstick" with which to measure the propnetv of rates charted by the investor-owned utilities. But· this hu never bffn true TV A i3 not tuable, whereas the typical utility pays !.Orne 25 per cent of all its revenuea in taxes. TV A does make certain donations to local government m beu of lUM, but these are just a drop in the bucket compared to what a pnvate utility doing the some busmess would pay TV A pays no income taxes and hu other important special privileges which are denied to private enter· pnse. These exemptions have productd the 1llus1on of "cheap'' TV A power The sound approach to effidency and lower power c·osts in the long run iJ by means of incentive-<inven pri· vate enterprise (the '.'WEST" kind), appropriately regu· lated as a public ut1Lit\· .Dear Gloomy Gus: THE OYER-RIDING ISSUE /ti ail box . McNamara cutsBack -1 t -... .. ----...... -·:.I Convenely, R. H !Gus, Sept. 24), any Democrat who in all conscience could Yole for the arch<onservative Barry Goldwater, s h o u I d not be counted in the Democratic ranks AriSwer1ng tire ABA BJ &OIEJIT S. A.LLF.N ... PAUL SCOT1' ........... ._ Thi D t fe n 1 e De· partmant'a owu confiden· tlal rwpart dearly backa up GOP ebaJbinat.t Barry Goktwater'1 c a m p a i « o cb&rt• tba1 Deff'n~ Secy. McNamara l1 cutttnc bact on euati.al def ena• ~ IJ"IDll. A. pnpared for the S.n. alt Armed Scvi~• Com- rnltt.ee, the 1hrN mWtary scrvtca' uap.ab1lJhed r-ut· b9ct 11lt ~ ibat Secy. McNa.man a1pbed m o r • than a bmbl from tber priority Weapoll lyltf'lm re- quest dwtq 11184. THE RBPORT &bows Secy. McNamara orderin& drutJc catblcb tn Army produdioD plans for the M 60 tank, M-111 armored peJ"IOIUMl eamer, OH (1). 23) belk:opter and a MW 1ntl·tank w•pon. whiJ• Prelldent Johnson w a 1 haillng the adlnin\ltJ'aUon's buildup or ''llmlt.ed war" forcea. T h e Pentaaon <'hief four attack-ario 1hlpe and Sll.I m.ilbon for a new neet ballistic mlaslle 1yslem. THE BLOCKBUSTER - McNamara'• •con om y blockbua~r al.so wreaked havoc witb the Navy'1 ae· cret plans lo modnnlu and upand It.a communications ws~m throughout t h e Sf'Vell UH. The fallout from McNa· man's cutbeck..s knocked out ~ Navy's $66 2 mll· 1I011 request fot a MW "a f l o a t rommuruca Uou 1yatem," 111.6 milllon for commu.nkaUon SKUrity equfpmeat. and l3l5 S mil· lion for tbe naval c-ommu· nJc.tion t)'ltem portion of a nnr early warninc iy~. tern. The Alt Force's atratt"· gk mis.We ud tactic aJ alt· craft .upon• 1yatem1 1uf· fued aubltantial cutbacks from McNamara '1 e<:onomy wave. RE ELlMINATED i,111 4 mi!Uon fro m the Min· uteman m.luUe 1y1tem'• construction proeram and 188.7 rnilllon from their 11upporting facilities by cul Ung out seven.I hundred of these powerful ICBMs. Anothn MO million was 1whed from the Titan HI ICBM mlarile proeram, Sl1 ,_ ................ _..... ....... __ _., --·- -· ......... --"....., ... .,.., P9ll. million from two secret spy·in·the-sky satellite pro- grams, •14 $ million from lhe airborne warning and·----------------------· rontrol 1yltem and S98 4 mlllion from the tactical mlulon support aircraft pro&ram DESPITE HJS 1963 prom· i<it to posh re~arch on the t"fftttl Sovift euper-bombs would have on l' S m1ssiJe 1ellabihty. Secty McNa· mara shelved the Mr Force's request for Sl2.S million to iet Uua program off the ground. He elimln.ated $66 7 mil· lion for nuclear weapon test facil1t.ies, 1luh~ 18 I mil· Uon from a new atom.le dt'· tc-ctlon system prOJt>et and kill~ SlS million ln class!· fled nuclur·weapon~ ra cLIJtles to he <'l)Ostructed oveneu Art Hoppe Howdy there. folJ..s Hn'tl ) all" Time for another nb· tJcklln' tee·vee adYtnlurr with the rootin'·looW! Jay Family -starring ol f:lh11· Jay, the most 11rnrro11' horsetrader who rver tr all ed a horee. For a bf'ttt>r deal every Umr As we join up "1 th 111' Elbie. he's a·settin in Pw parlor, engaged 1n h1' l.1 \ orite pastimr So anY'tAay, Barry. I l:>t lo t h 1 n k 1 ., f.t about how smart you ~t're to steal thh vaJuablf team player away rrom us Ye~ sir. exactly ho w smart And after hi(· unng that I figured maybe vou just might want to en· ~a£e in a little player ~"'ap· pin:: slashed '59.2 m.llUon from the Army'• request for th~ M~. forcln1 111 armored diviU<m. to cancfl orders ror 420 of tbeM new heavy lllka. Hal Boyle t-:Len: You ~111 111\ , .. 11 t('ady )et. o~rator · t1h lhal you Myna Bird' l\1n1l· I\ J:et off the upst.l1r~ t• It phone Your daddy' ~01 ;; <'all coming in Whal do .,.,.J mean it's Bye·B}r 81rd1t ' turn nut" 81rd1f> R1rt1 ' You gel those tad~ •Ill 'l • line bf'fore I whale LIKE \\lf,\T'LL you 1(1\P mt for Gov Wallace, Adam ( 'taylon Po\4 rll and mv tfrarut frtf'nd young Boh· hy7 That bo\ ' Rol ~•d~' t'\J)erien<.e, hol pro~pcd. ;ind I'll bel you'll find he tan RO to his right I halt to part with him, but What do you mean. "\\'hilh Bobby.," I hope you don l think I wa~ trying to hold out on you Barry To provt• nut. I 'II thro>N 1n the Bobb} "ho·~ runnm~ for Senator 11p New York "'ay Too _ Funds for thf higb ... peed, bulletproof M-113 wett r~ duced by $13.4 million by Stty. McNamara dfsplte :.tronc objections by the Joint ChlefJ of Staff. T h e Army'a anU·tank program was alubed by '31 7 mil· hon and one of the .ervice' s 113 3 million helicopter pro· gramJ waa killed. SECY. Ml'NM1AR-\'S cutbacka In hi~h priority naval project.I wE're evrn more draa6c. f'und.K rr que~te<i to modernizr t h ,. neet were cut almost in half With ooe mi&hty stroke or hls pen. McNamara n.nk the Navy'1 ~uelt of 1410 S miJJlon for another nuclear· powered attack carrier. -. hHe orden.n' tht adml· ral1 to develop a new, ff· strlcted role for the~t> aiantt of ~ seas Under tbb new co~fpt. the Navy'1 bu1e attack 11tup1 will have a leaaer part lo play ln uy general nu· drar war, bUt their appli cation In litnlted warfare will be incrnled 1UahUy. He torpedo41d the Navy'' 1240 million request f o r three nuclear·powert'd al· tack submarines, $201 ~ million for seven addlUonal destroyer escort 1hlp~. t131.J mWJon to m<><kmize -Ttungs a columnlat might never know if hf> didn't optn b.is mail America h.a~ morr lhan 20 mllllon letn·aRen :-.0 ii'• no wonder \Ou haH trouble eetting an vnnr riv· on t~ phooe. Womt"n arr R<'ttin~ 1" h rr all the tune Lui Har widows <'OlledE'd .tboul f~ , billion In hfe mwr;rnrr· payment~. t hildrf'li ah11111 SI S ba.J.llon. F.VER WONDt:R why · a bakel''1 dozen" ls 13 instnd of 12' 'nle man respons1blr w11 King Henry Vlll who decrfed that a b11crr"s doz en ol rolls should "'rtRh <11 find amounl on penalt\ of beheading. The bak<'r, decided to throw m .rn ,., Ira roll to be sale Chimpanzees do not haH a lanauage l.ll tht sen<;e that peoplt' do, but they do ha\/' " widt rangt' of vocal ~ounds which oth.!r ch1m panzee~ ~r-em to undn •land This puts them al roughly tht' same conv('r~a tional level as a normal h11 man hu11band anrl "Hr al breakfast lime \\1fEN THE rarst rail"a\ 1.p1t1;u.i1 Wednesday, September 30, 1964 Tbe edJtortaJ paft of t.ht l>aUy PUot seeks to in!orm and ltlmulete readen by presentlne this news-=• ng(qjom and comment&?'. on topics of ln-acl 'tiJnU>cance. by prov1dtni a forum for U. ~n of our rnd•n' op1mons. a n d by pr9IDtina ·.the dJnr.. Yiewpoint.s of Informed olllllttll ~ ipoke.men on topia of the day. ..._,. N. Weed. bflahtr --- on lht Eu ropean c onlment wa , propost'd In lft.15. a Belgian l('$(1slator OPf)C""" 1t on jtround.5 thal thf' , 1 bra lions of 1h 'II> het>I~ ~ n11hl \hake all milk into h1111rr · And the r~ut~ lht~ 'II all 1>1• ()ffi('ll't~ •.. The a11eraR" (ah rnlr 1, !lO n·nh in "'"~ York 1 1t\ $1 JO in Phili1delph1i1. Sl .!IJ 1n C'ht<'llRo. $1 40 in l>en \ ,., anrl 11 70 in Lo\ AnRt'lr~ The latr Eleanor Roe>-'· \('ll recPlvf'd 34 honoran a<'adem1e <lcgrN>~ dunn~ hcr hr1>t1me. ~h.evtd 1 h ,. large!'! numb(or l'\N ('Onf•·r rr<i on a woman Ht:Rt; IS lht mo!lt fa , t malinR hu"n<'"S prrdtc . tion ••h•C'h ha .. comp to our attention all VPar 'Th<' ~pan1"h domination of thr British almond markrt I• ""pl'ctt>d In rontlnur " F1re01t'~ ;irp d1ltrrrn1 from llf'Oplr Jo'nr ricamplr \ male r1rrrtv " attra('lrrl to a frm1mnf' hrPnv nnlv whrn ~hr I\ au hi llfl If \hf' turn \ oH hN hlhl\ hr ln'r~ 1ntr11•'t in hrr fo'OLKLOlll-. I ~ll'll-. lur ;i l'nld v.intrr If aflplt• '"''"' arr lhl('k<'r lhan 11s11AI Anythma )Oll dream of bi' fore dawn on Mon<la y w-111 come tn.ir by Satu,.d1n night. If your right rer bums, It Is a sign aomMnf i• i1a vtna nicr thln1s about you : but a burmnj! left ear mean, thr talk ahoul you 1~ all bad llorse re11l,ter Tn 11·11 a thorouahbred you 11mply fhp lhP lip Mnrt than : 10 <WX> I horou~hbrrd rac rr .. ha',. iw>f'n p.ormantnlJ} and unmi~takably lt1t"nllf1td hv 01 'ntrm of llo tattoomi: ,..,..._,_ No. not you. nrlf'r .. t•rr Yr ... ma'am I m r1•Arfl lft•llo., tlrllo that )Oii i:.11 "' '\o. "'h\ ~hould I I><· rilNi up aho• 1 )IHI ~n1ni; ouund lht' cnuntrv 1 allln~ 1111' a rhrar. tmhorn 1 r""k • I hat ~ Jlli.t pohl1n \nil I 1 c·t kon "e both kno"'. Hae r' thCJl 1n politics lhnr , ·"" ay~ somP irrespon•rlrlr luu'1mnulh saying 1rrr'fl(1fl 1hlt' things ,0, R \RRY. I '"'', .11lul up bet·auM~ I \a-w H•IH pt• lurr IO lht narn~ a·hnlthn:! li.rnd~ "1th nn cl•-;tr 111rl buddy, Strom Thurm11n1! I 1 c1n l tell \1111 "hal .c 'll"' J.. 11 wa~ \\hrn hi> ""nl 11\1•r lo vour lriim Rut vou ,1,,1, htm from u~ fa 1 r itl11I 'Cfuare \ml hi>£ llw i:1m1I 'l"•rt I :im I pr;n •'\ r n n1cht hell hr"~'"'·'' .,.11 hl'frhil to 011 '", r ,,,, 'r;ir~ a( hr ~ l1N·n 111 \r1 mnrr nn tc·~· .( B ~ (;"orge ! I 1r.1r < .c•ori::r ~1 \ hu'>b;rntl ha' one h.1h 11 that annon mr tPrr1lrh f':.,,rry t1mr I nag him hr p<111rs a glas~ of 14 ;iter o\ rr rm hrad What ~hould 1 do ahout th1~., Al.L "1:r l>rar 1\ll Wfl c;,., your<1rlf a '"'"1 lhr· atncal a11rnt -.n11 put lhl~ <11c t on lht> ro:id hu~httnd~ all O\ rr thr <'nuntry 11o 11l paC'k lhr ho'"' to 1land11'\l room onh lo ~"" thi•. JI' ~ Y1>u 'urt do ~trtkf' a hard bargain. Barry. Look 11 h<'re. tn show mv good Jatlh I'll JUSl SWf't'tf'n the pol With Sen t-:Hlland. a COH~ or peace mareht•ra and l\\o draft choices You know . you thoose two young fcl· lows who are pla~u1ng you :.nd I'll see to il they're drafted. Fine. fine \\.c f{ol a deal then WH.\T? Co nsarn 1t Bar. ry, you 'r" dead Mg ht I sure enough did give }Oil all these flnf'. trustworthy loyal team player11 and you dJdn't prom1~e me a thmR in return No a drat s a cJeal You ouL .. marted me aJi?ain. fair and 'q u l r ~' and Of coUr\(' I ti rt~hlh ilP· preciate you rt not l<'llinJ: un how you outfo;1tl'd rnr rm naunna on a .;umm1t meeting with that lhf'rP Khru1hchcv to lalk aboul problem& Uk1' tienernl Khanh. Makario8. lit> c;aullr . And If he 11nd~ out how ta~y I am to d1•al with I '11 never get rid or them. WELL, FOLKS, tune In aaa!J>. And meanwhllc. u you 10 down tht" long trall or flf•. rcrmtmbf-r wh11t ol' Elblt''I eranddaddy Ulled In 111y "Nenr look a Jllft horH In thl' mouth .fu,,t tum him around quid. kick him In the rump ttnd hope he makc•a It hack where he came from '411 h whattvtr troublt1 hr ~ '" brinllnl you " c---.......... To the Editor Mr. Daniel r Bowman·s letter of Sept. 21 repeats lhe classic ··u~raJ" argu· ments for ( l 1 recognition of Red Chtna. (21 US withdrawal frnm S o u t h East Asia, and 131 trade with the Communist na· Uons A1 he states, thtu lff 1 la\ .Red Chuia "-will not disappear 1r v.e Ignore it,"' and "-we pretend that the people we may be f11thtlng do not exist." t lb l Great Britain and f'r111ce are in favor of our doing so. 1 le I It 'II> ill embarrai.~ 11, when the t..: ~ admits Red China 121 l1ie French lost their '"'ar Ln Vietnam and '1ctorv 1~ Impossible so we should -w tlhdra\4 before w1• are de· fe.ated. (Ja1 Many non ·C'ommu nisl counlr1E'~ trade with Communist nations 'II> llhout · lht> ll'ast danj!l'r · 1:lh1 Our ho\.cott of t"11h<1 1, mrfrrcllve and l:H .. ~ ra,tro a ha1'1~ for anti· Amn1can propaganda \OT O'E of lhr ;ih<1H i~ .1 lug1tal rea,on for a1din1t a ~eH·a\owed enrmv to de stro) u~ and the · hbertv and independence we hold dear Con11ider e a " h in tum 1 la • It strnply dl'lf's not folio\~ by any logic that w I' ignore RN! Ch111a i.1mply ~caus<' we do nol <'1'ltfld d1plomallc recognition It 1s obv1ou~ that even o u r hbt>rallv inclined admlnt ~· tration5 havp not lJ?nor<"d Korea or South \ trtnam Communic'at1ons 1•ntirrh '>Uitable lo f'nem\ nation~ Me adequately ma1ntn1nPd hy ~overnment~ maintain· 111~ legation~ rn hoth coun· tri<'\. ( lbl Without thr l ' S all the free nat.:ons combined could not prevent Commu· n11t conquest of lhal por· tton of the world nol )el un· dcr their <'Ontrol ll would behoove Britain and France to :\5sist the U S. in Its re· ''stancf r:ither than under· mine their prot~tor Jn short Bnta1n and F'ranrr are in' error not lht I'S (IBI M~< E ''hrn ha~ lht ft'llr Of Pmbarfa:-.\m!'nl 1 !hr fear of wh11t IP\\N '1olent defeat of the Reds (lb) ONCE AGAIN. It 1~ absolutely ridlcuJou'I 10 bHe our foreign policy on the fear of what others \av about UI -least Of alJ upon lhe rear or w-hat ca~lro might say about us. Any ,tatemenl th.at the boycott as meffeetive 1s simply not true It I\ enormously ef· fectJve. Wht>n Cuba wu a free nation it w-111 aeir-sup- portang Now. though Ru,. SUl continue" to pour nul hons or dollars worth or goocb and 1crv1cc1 Ullo C11° ba shr 1s existing at onl) a fraction of the prt\:lous It>\ rl !) I WOl'Lr> remand Mr Bo" man that \ S 'II> Ith· dra"' nl f rorn Soulh Ea'lt <"hin1t -ould be defrat ll ls precisely our ·ostrich policy · of withdrawal from Path challrn~e that ha~ permlttrd the Reds to lakr mer about half tht world I lave the Rf'd~ shown onv Sl~n II( <1bandon1ng their "orld dominating poh<'Y' \\'hrn do Wf' ~lop withdraw· ing" • If Wt' do \\llhdraw from th<lt lHt'll. lhl' Corn · munlsts will 1mmed1alf'lv OCCUj>\ lhf l'nl1rt ptnui "Ula. Borneo would quack!) fall. Indone&1a. , l a r r rly l·onc-ealmg her mchnalion~. 'tA Ould Join and the Reds wou Id h;n t I ndla !>Urround· rd and v.nuld lhrraten tht' J>h1 lipp1nc·'· .Japan. a n d 1•\ l"ntually Australia. Vi<'· tory tn that arra la po'i.lhlr, hut for \Omr unknown rea· .. on, h;11 never bPt>n th<' oh· Jl'«llvr of pr<''lt'nl or pa\I I' S <1<ln11nbtr.1ttun~ or ;inv of 11' .1lhr' MR. ROW~1 \N al'lo rom pl:11n' that somr "W'OPI<' do not understand thr /\mrrl can<1 for Of'mocratk Action 1 until re<:enUy hC'adr<1 by vice·presldentlal eand1dat,. Hubert Humphr<') 1. When the ADA consistently advo· l'&tes pollclfs accommodat· 1ng to Commumsl Roal,, never mentions a pll\n to rt'duce Communist 1w1wrr in lhe world. and con!ll'I· tenlly fiithts all anti.Com· munlst ,.ffort..s. th<'n It 1~ vrrv dlfflrult nnt In u in · rlude that lh inrmhf'r~ arr nol at u~t ~on on rommu· n1~m ROBERT II. Pflll<'Jo: nation~ m1~ht think of u~ 1 ----------- h1'<'ornr lhr df'trrm1ntns.l f:1('lor in "'tablt~hlni: 0111 rorriRn polll') ~ ThPv ~ur<' I\ will not <1tlm1rr 113 If "" abMdon 01.tr haslc pnn l"iples in the fnrt• nf a llttlt• rmh:irrn~~mrnt • I :la I Nalion!I that lradt- wllh the Communbl.A furn· llh them with mattrlal and reaourt'f'll l h t y nttd to rhalltnge the Free World The free nations cert~lnly do not nc-cd the re~ultlnit ln<'omt' on tht' contrary they have bf.come afnutnl while trAdina almoat u clusi\itl) amona them· Jtlve\ If tht free nal1on1 wouJd agree to a total em· barco nn commtrt't with tht Communl1u, It wnuld maft'rlally .-id ln the non· EHMnfl ·''Id To th.. Editor In Mswer lo lht lc•ttrr or Daniel C Rowman printed in tht DAil. Y PILOT. S.-p1 21, f would Ukf' to offer the followtna I would uy that liberals or pro-aoclall.U are toft on C.ommunlam. Aa cllfd In th~ abovt·mcnUoned lt'tltr. .wt need but look at the rt-· latlonshlps bttwe.-n t h c 1 ' form' of 1ovcrn m e n t,. W h l I t a()('lallat economlr prlnclpala are compatlblt w I , h dfmocratlc political prlnclpl"• It Is my undtr 1Landlnl that wt 1r,. .1 o t llvlrJ ln a democracy No- whM• In our Con1tJtutlon the word democracy ulf'd. ,Vt are in fact a coOJWu· t1ona1 rtpubUc l fo' IT IS true that our oot rtx'orn1itng Red C h I n a 111 unjuslu1cd why would nol the following analogy hold t.rut> A conference betwtfln .J Edgar Hoover. local po lice department heada, and the heads of or&anhed crime. They might even U· tabllsh lines of communka· lion and thertby neaoll•tt <'rt me While 1 ·11 aamlt t h e r t are manv who favor our wlthdra~at from S o u t h \ 1etnam Red Chw among lhem. the only ruson lradl· tional victory 1a not possiblt I~ becaust' or the limit' 1>la«d on our force by our foreign policy OCC would ntt\·er wm a football game H they refusf'd tn get tht ball acrou the goal II~. TRADE WITH Commu· nbt countries may not lend iL~elf to infUtrallon, bu t pray tell me. why wt ~houlrt 111d and abet our entmy. I~ 1t not time lo have Amer· ll ans fnr \on~lltuuon.al A<' lion rcilher than tht A 0 A~ In regard to thr featurr f'd1tonal of the same day. the DAILY PIUYr support.~ Propos1llon 2 b) saylns: that 70 ~r cent of this bond l'>S•1e w tll lf?O to hlgMr cdu· cation: ho\\t-vrr. the prov!. sions of this bill provide for onh 14 Jl('r cent to dPflnlttly ~o for t•ducat1on and M • "h<>re in the ball art anv " t h e r deflnltr provl~lon" nrncfr In other wordA. II arnounlll to a 380 million <lollar b I a n k t•ht'Ck. No· "h<'re in tht btll is any pro- \ uion made ror sped fled 01 tven unspecified amount.I lo ao to partkular coun t I e 1. Proposition 2 is not ~lf· llqutdatlng. and in r a c t. over a 25-year period at the rno st fl~ vorable Interest rates. will cost the peoplt of California 150 ml I lo n dollar~ additionally Pray tell me why my chll,.ren )hould pa) for their educa, lion and thrir <'hlldren'( wht"n I am willing tn do tt r<1lher than leave this bur· lien for them f'' I n a 11 y, "hv tire wr lo ~hflve th~ lh1~ bond l'i~ur will IHI ovrr a vrry shnr1 llmf~ Thank vou for thl• op· portunlly to dluent. rt ls nnt' of the prlnc1pl<'~ t h a I hnH made Amtrlt'O arrat JAMES R. RHYA~ C1llfornl1 Quotes ttphu B. MUct. Jt., L.A. -"While the constrv· aUvc Is aaalnst chance W- posed from Uft! out11de, hf. welcomn chanaea that wen up from tht deep uodtrb~ Ins trencb. ·• • J· t If b ,g i- e IS ar Id It! It! :.I· ·d l d I~ r· C· ·~ •t y, L~ ·~ d J· l- 1r 'l :'I• v ·~ It •O :.-,. lr to s. J. t. H' ll J~ n lY '" a· It r· "· .... st '\· IS I I ,~ _·w-:.l_,s;-:n_•~1 .... ;~-!n-.N-.A.--AD-.' Anaheim Outlines· Pro ·Grid P • Sweet Music Fo"' Yanks ANAHE.IM CUPl) -ctty lot 1 fruchlM 1f U.. pro OOIHeat Anebllin Stadlwn 1Mr U1C * Lei _,. .. , Wiit Ctilt.• omdals, who baft eecu.rert lulUI upend.I. aia be ~ fot a.. Ram foc6ll paa,w, ,.. 11111 ~ lill a ...,.. er tM Lot ~eliil Aaa•lt The couodl, ~. dld IJtart of the 1• ba-.U cel...S a ...., tnra a.ti· llllilllt •• ., '1 Allld- bueball teem f6r 1988, ut not 1nnt Altoclated Sports eeuon. en Pr..._ e.arr-·nil· a1ed 8portl to Die eoaindl their atpb~ for 1n Enterprises, foe., ao n· The An, c b a m p I o a too *ktna t.be bid. HUtml by l'Hd Beckblm.,. pnst. American . IMp clullve btdd!q rltbt. lea·1· Cbuiera, loclted ~ wrot. Cbat "'uotber AVL dmt of the era.· Md.• Cr..nchllit tni the door open for 101 100 m1lea to tbe IOUtb lD Su frlDCblM • tbl Wat Cout Aubelm .......... Tbt dtl ~ yater· other croup to Met tN Dieco, apparenUy wekome would C:reUe men matry M#Mihb llaJW' -Odr'a L. •Eil-••••lilll••••••-••---•I clltmlq mllUoo In ft-City offldall .,.. JooldD' Sporta. u well aa preteat IClODO' P'O'IP that tbe aame ol tN -· -n.andaJ to carry Cor a footblll team and any Jl.m llardy, the IJ'OUP'• mlet In travel for U. otller dub la the ODl1 provWoe ly BILL DONO day a~ a Jr'OUP tranthlM lot tJlJJ city. the elforta Of Auoclated for 1be Su Dlitp Cbaqln (Qack) a.udler tlld the It'• common knowledce amoo1 the blMball set that throu&b a with u,. Al' L oUwtr occupant.I for the 41.· ~rat manaaer and a for· AFL team. vlaltlnc the tbat the dty mlOlt 1trtt. ID durlna the crocl&l moatU of fieptember and October, tbel----.:.-----------------------.----------:--~----,.,......-=---~""""""----~--­Yanllees start ~ dolW' Q1u Wtead of bueballt. But back In New York ·t"hetre ll1t.ni that moneJ bad utUe to do with the suree of tba current Brons 8tan Bt"ftiJa Bombers. According to IOUJftl comldered rehabte, tht Yankees ml&bt itil[ M trai.lliil Baltimore and Cblca10 had it not been for a ...... toncu•luhlng. TuckAr The tumtnc ~1nt or the ICllOD may have come t:; when Yoli Bem atepped to the bltk of the bus and the Va.nkees started m:i to the front. That wu the day Phil J.Jnt eouldn't e between beln& a baseball play· H Veterans Know Willie's for Real er Or a mU!ician and tooted out I few brief notes OD hiJ appv harmonicL . Jl Sl.nce then Liru. hasn't blown a note and Yoei ' ho weeu aco. when out· qier Watter Alltoo celebrated hasn't blown his top. The Yankees, you see, have im-F R t Oelder Willie Crawford Joln· a new ~ contract by put. proved from 4YJ games behind to a rather comfortable or es ed the Los Angela Dodgert, UnJ ai.x rookies in the DodCer LOS ANGELES CAP) -t.eratinc t~riment u mu-I margin of 3 ahead _playing over .700 ball. 10me of the veterans wonder· lineup "The day we cinch the pennant,'' says Lint. ''I'm go-ed bow he could have been · · g to take my harmonica out of mothballs and play 1 By BILL DONER Cfven a •100,ln> bonua 1 a • t Even with Dtck 'l'nctwdl, AnderSen Channel Quits Swim itn in ... _ d-.•ing room. The onlknotes l know now 8"111 ~r June. In his first few work· 2t, at abortatop, the revamp-une uni •""""" , ,, outs the 9 5 1prlnter had are 'Way Down Upon The Swanee Iver . When Oran1• Cout Colle1e trouble hittlna the b•ll catch· ed Loa A.oJelet outtlt averac· ---------- This, then, is the story of the 1964 Yankees_ about to loot.ball coaeb Dick Tucker In& It and throwtni lt.' ed Just '"*r %3 Yff.l'I o1 1111· wsn the pennan~ as U!Ual. No matter lf the dtSCordant orilloally found out there But lS.year~ld.s can Im· Cblcaao won the ~. 4-3, • notes had anythinc to do with it or not, the New Yorkers na loin& to be a one-weti prove rapidly. Tuesday nl&bt. on • tie-breakint el&bth-ln· Ma]Or Leaau~ are making sweet music now. layoff prio-r to the start of Crawford started his f Ir• t nlna double by Jim Stewart "~ And when the World Seri~ get.I under w1y tbe Yanb Ea1tcrn Conte~ play, be major lugue eame. AU be H Allton bad · wall probably shirt into bilh gear. If lhey haven't RCD t.l'Praaed d1'appointmeot. did wu ruot.e two sln&les owever, • Stand• the dona signs yet. they'll see them then. That's when But today Tucker wu all and • double, steal • hue chance to take a cl0te look tngs the real dough goes on the block and even U you're not •ml.la at the thoui}lt of • rat and mate an d.ectrify I n I at 10me of the new talent he musically tndlned, lt'1 bard to overtook that kind of loot. period prior to the Oct. lO ~ cat.ch In rtcht field. hopes will lift lbe acveolh· Pick the Yanb in the junior clrcuit by thrff (amet c~ ~er wlth Ml San All-Crawford was part of an In· pl.ace DocSien back into title ind CmcinnaU in the National by one game. Then stay to •• w0 ege ........ _ ... •. contenUon next teaa0n .... v-y k t t"'-o-· · fl•t e can ...-uic re.. · c'*-\o\ 1th the Ntw or ers o wan i.m .;Jlll;tlcs rn • Tucker explalned. ··o u r kids The Kiddle Korpa 1 to t e ~ * * * cot ben&ed up pretty ~ Alston Back four buea aod the Cubs be-La ,.,.... •Jain.at Groumont Saturday came so raWed tbeJ commit· ~ nl·"• and It'll be Cood for t.ed fOW' enon thne of them .. _ .... . ............ tllem to take It e••Y this 12th Season by catcher Diet Bttteil. it-. titr You can elw1ys tell when the f>AP footbell .... '°" arrlv.._ That's the time of year when telephcM ... bttln an anvil ehorvt • engry mothers demand te know why junlcw ian't getting more of an opportun- ity to dlspley hh AU·Am.rlc.en t•'-'tt.. Eftft coaches with unlltf9d phone numbws aren't wf. and 1pof11 writen are fair t•rN for everyone. week '' la atddlticm to Crawford IDd S~ra like Leanard Sims, Ttacewski, the Dod&et HUI Holloway and Hu10 N LOS ANGELES (UPI>-up Included Wes Parter, W~ &11 watcbed Tuesday'• work· Walter Alstoo~ the mod dur· Ue Dara and Bart Shirley, out from t.bl &)dtHna. •bl• NaUoml Leque m.ana-an 24: DerTell GrifDtb • D d All Une IUfle:red injured cer doce the day1 of John Mc· Bill Slncer. both 20: Jeff Tor ltneea •Ca.lost Grossmcmt. Graw and Wilbert Robimon. bore. 22, and Natt Oliwr 23. Simi, however, returned to will begin hia 12th ~o LOI ._ ... i.n Newport Harbor's '20.0 upMt lou to rival Corena del Mar Saturday night brought the upechd ,.. 1ulh. The mom of one Sailor footbell star was on the phone before the print had dried on Monday'a paper to Inform that the PILOT atory on the game wu bUtz the GrtfflDI wlth a 44-witb the Dod&en nut year-,._, ., ~· : ~ 1! yard Ua the flDa1 period, SlV· and bopefullJ wlth 8 betltt .,..._,. • • t t ic-c-:-:-r~ LnC OOC a 28-14 marlin. bitting club. ~ •,. : ! ! : Oofrel1 .. ...._ .,..,.., J ·Everybody ab o u Id be Alston'• rehirtnc was a.o· ~= ~ ! : ~ ~ ~~ .. ..,:"' " c-.-4 "-..,.... , ready to 10 by the Ume the nounced yesterday to atop ~ " , • • • UTIOIW. ~ ,_ ,.,.._ .. ,._ , 11 ...._ ·.'I. in error. Her argument was that the coaches, not the players. were at fault for Newport'• Iota and the game ahould be repof1ed H such. Further the point· ed out there 11 trouble emong the memben of the Nftport coaching ataff and 1n lnw.tl9at'-" la cur· rently being conducted Into the detper•t• 11tvat&on. Ml SAC cam• rolla around," "too many rumon" which~·... ~ : : : ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ • ...,... ._ T\Jcku u.ld. Los An&e.la General Manas· ~ • • • • 11 L.-" " .SM -......,... .. ~ • F• L• R---••"':.. Alt.tr lookinJ at film• of the er E. J. CBuz:z:l.e> ea..,; wd = : ~ : : : ,.., .. ..,... : : ::: ~ ,_ .,... .. ., igru enuu Groumont same, Tucker bad were ctrculatint about Allton T•.it UlltHO " I J 1 :::..::::-0 1l .m J "" I l'Fn ... L-.. • ASIOCIATED PIP.II praiM for defenalve pl.ayen betnc dropped. .a • .. •• r:-=... ~ : :: ~~ ~ 11 La .,...... • ltke AI Dam. TerTJ Loven Bavut a1so wd he would ~.;. : : ~ • Olk-. ~ : ~ ~ ..... • ... ,.,....._ ..:SDUiONrw-'::: Veteren ar•• grid faM didn't even blink an aye over the Newport Mtback. They 1lmpty remark- ed, "Newport's Newport," and let It drop w .. hout M- in• crltlCAI of pl.ye" .,, coache-t. burg. Norr, ~rie Un0cr make a deal &or more bitli.q-.. • • • • • ~.... s1 • a.-.._ v ... "':i:.:.=-•--.t., N·..i-... Uld and Randy Wilson. "Our dt"--durinc the wtnter. :-::-; rt : ~ ~ 1 T......n ...... ....... • s-,.,... ~ ...--... __ fen~ t o o k e d much Im· · We certalnly don't blame a-'' 1 • •. 11 \Allllt 4 n r ttt• t ~ • ~ " J ob ll la J PtelCllU. 111. ......... rt e I ~ ........... l. C:--.. e ~ .. LAI ....... .. 8fttala 4JTlr 10 ~-·· ~~. ··~1~~~~te~~~~~ ,.~ ,~~==~'~·=~~y~~~·~--~~~~·=-=·~~==-~---~-~·~~·~-·--- After '20 yeen around here. lot.Ing Newport football teams don't come 11 a •hock. ~~~~ U:~~· with our pus ~~ t~ di~ A~ clid ~ !, : : : : Davis, Injured for the Har-Dod•t"r ?rtsldent W a I t t r -"" c • • •. • ,. -· • I e • bor contest two •~u beet, O'Ma~y or m)Stlf (lve coo· 111a1o ,. t 1 > rC"turned to luU·t i m e duty side.rat.Jon of any ()(her man.'' ~--: : =::; . . " . \'rar .ttray-Jrtrln "'Ith • ban( -rnAldnl seven Although the Dodgers bave ,_._, J o~~ '· : oa- unusated tackles •laJn&t plunged from •orld tertet LM"':,,._' ~U:: ~_...,.. tm. <;rossmont. 1''1r1t week lead-vtctors by f o u r stral&bt 1 • • L Although Orange l oasl Colltge'a water polo team er M.1.ke .Donald.Ion had five came. over tbt New Yortl.;::;========::;;J opened the season with three 1tra1ght rousing victories while Lovenburt rootributed Yankees to a seconckllvtslon INTENSIVE in the Bakersfield Tournament, coach Al Irwin says the four. Wllson bad three, Norr. team. Auton aot a rd.atJve-Oncrtbrs Ult DAl\.Y P'llOM Pirates are "a vear av.ay Crom greatness." Llngler, Dennis Perrt.o and ly "iood press" ~ year lo ~ f1' IDcll -.. Jrwm i~ e~peC'ting Jots o( help from the aru high BW Autry two eech and Bob Los An&eJes in Vlew of the otJw ,.., ma • mdl ~hools next vur and this combmcd with hi! returning Mikels. Ken Visser, NI ck oH-years sulfered by 10me lbout """'°'YOU k ' Id ·c the Bucs the state rrown m 1965. George and Gary Taylor ratl·1,P:_::la~y~e~rs~an~d~ln~Ju~rl~e~s.~==~========;;.i aces cou g1v · .. . '--ed up one solo 1top each. 1,.. As for this season. lrwm says. We could i;till u.:: Taylor alone with Slt\f' I OU$:h " . Bndenball and Mike Seim o In S\\ immm$: the RUl !I shoulci l'as1ly rapture the all came in for prl.l~ from F:a!tcrn Conftrenrc ai?atn anct 1{ lr\\1" t·an C'onvmC'e Tucker Monday, Io o kt n g rrark rl1vcr Bob W1lhitr to rrma1n at 0\(' for the entire J:ood as the P1r1te reserves nmpa1gn -thr state lltll' m1~ht not be oul of tht que•IJost a 13-0 senmnugr contest lum · to powerfuJ Long Be41ch City Wilhitr ho\l.rvrr. plaM to transfrr tn l 'nivers1ty Colltge. of M1ch1~an at the rnd of the first semester m t"ebruary T w i ct the Pirates were "Smee M1ch1gan's sw1mmin~ season ts ovtr in March," v.llhtn seorlnc ranae •&&inst trwm explamci. ''Rob would be 1 lot better off to stay the Viku. but both times at Oranj!e Coa.st " drives fiz:tle<I oul Tht' scrum "'as played in Puate Stadium -.1th no lclckoffs and quarter ttmt shortent"d to 12 mlnutt5 ·" n ·1aife-Smotfaprftd :1gaht Add to the Billy White 1tory The little guy took it on the chin •g•in over the wMkend when Long &.•th State smHhed Cal Poly. S 1-6. No leas th•n 33 tlm•t White put the plgtkin in the elr ag1in1t the rugged 49ert end he could con- nect on only 14 of them with thrff being Intercepted. And what's even worM, hit former Orl"f9 CNtt teamm•t•, Newport's Berry Wallace, picked off on• of the stray Mrl•I• and nn 30 y•rda for a long s .. ch touchdown. Wallace it starting at defen1ive halfback for th• 49era. ..>. H Arf'n Grldder• Shlnf' ,' i':r ·,'..< Trojn"• Jlrrd .'1drlc-f' USC'1 co.chlng at•ff, 1w•r• that ol' Doner htd o ned fire the prevlou• week beuu.. llnebac.ker :f:rvtn laln fa lied to ... action agalnet Colorado, made surt tM former Mat•r Otl and Sant• An• JC whiz got In .galn1t Oklahoma. laln retponded with • remarkable ptrformenee, rMklng thr• unaulated tackt.. and helpf ne on • hatMonn more. Only • aophomort, th• aturdy youth ft d•tlned to be one of 'Trorv'aa ala.fll'M ........ While on the subject o Trojan heroes, how about the def.naive geme turned In by lont ... ch'• Mike Glers? 3 Chances ,_ .. , ... "-· ... Wltll-• II ' •le lt<Ubtll• t~ .-.twit fl!. ,_. ~ ..... 11 .. _ Ito a« .. n c ....... l \lf'IClft-" Tettlo Al It M II 1 t I I • • • • ' 1 1 • ' J I t ' e J I J e I I • • 1 • • 1 • 0 , . . . l • • • I t t t ll • I 4 Lot Altel\.11 Al 8 M II Cr.......... I I ) I ,......, ,. l • 1 ' w 0.1111 d •• 1 • OfHftlllll I 1 t t Tr~I II ) t I t ,.,,... ... ' . . . Wiii\ M t t t t 01 ..... :Ill ) I t I "'°""" ... , ••• .,.,,..., • ) • 1 1 t:= ': ~ : : ·.·1 ._._. '°" I t 1 BOYS & GIRLS .... 3 to 1f To eudition for films, which can INd to a pro- feuioMI ~rffr in motion pictum, ttlevision and TV eommerctals. lom• of our ltld• have •ppt.ar.cl In 9UCl'I ,_.nt flllM and TV .ti•-... DIM•Y'• ''TM Tloor Walka, .. Tfte luneca Gatollne TV eommertc.ala. 1"4 Cflov,..lot c.mm.,..,., ''Hudln H•me" an4' (a~ many atMre) .. H•llY...- And Tiie ltaro" In wfl'elt 27 .t our tlrtt •ppMrM wttll F•blan, In U1le NIC·TV ... peclal." CALL 542-7848 FOR APPOINTMENT JIMMY LLOYD 'RODUCTIONS, INC. Stage S Theater, Sth & Flower, Santa An• • 1200 Harbor ltvd., Costa Mew • 1 S440 BNch Blvd., Westmiruter • 1400 ldlft99r, Santi An• -,,, .. f .-ma Pt1T A TIGSll IN 'YOtJa T An ONLY! Glert rlppH the vaunted Olclthoma llM to threda ind wH tht fifth-man In the Sooner backfleld ell afternoon long. Jeff Smith •nd Ernie Pye were other dtfenalv• standouta. tu for quarterback Craig Fertig -thla •uy un throw with anybody In the nation. lut you prob- tbly tlra:ady knew thit If you ¥tched him perform ·-• J ••• _... It t t 39 Tehi. JI I t >' Ci.it--.,. Ht-4 A .... ,....... ""•-..J .,, 1-t9'ttll 1 A-H•t-"'"""· OP'-Ol<H• I, L.M ,._.., I LOe-<:111<.ttt ,._ L .. &,...le\ 1 19-Wllll_., OllWllll-..... ,., 111«• ...... ,...,~er....,. °'~"" ,._ ,.......,, • Oh.r. r •1.._mill .................... lllil ............ ~ on fhe ach at Newport thfa •mmer. O.•!o ~e.nt•I '"-"•" II Tb£s Was The Moment NOW-You will bt 'able to obtain the complete, official summary of the special commission appointed by President Johnson to investigate the ouossination of President Kennedy. It will be rushed to preu as soon as tht report is mqde. public. This Is The Book ( EXQUSIV! TO ) ~A.DBS°' THtS NEWS/NU THE WARREN REPORT '"THI WAlllN uro.T'' Meir IP .......... "r 11 .... . 9Vt th. c.v,... •n4 rHlll1t1 It wltt. ~ ,. ....... .. the edtl,.a huillc.t.tl. T1tis handsome, 1Uustnit1d, • ----· -- - - -:, -- ----- -• L__.I _ .... ~-• Liful' Clip Out and Mail to One of lb• iddl"tMI Ulted Below • '"'"' cowr nmvn " 1111"'•' ' tfftrt4 ,ro<tKolly al cost ~y: WARREN ~EPORT : a&..L It ·11 t itt• The DAILY PILOT · nmMwspaptr. •1 no , a.. 1$60, c..ta Mela lo 1171, N1apert IMch: iiail .. 11 Oft~ th lex 7'0. Hvrift ...... lwh I Iii Mok """-It k 1ie..: GenUemeo: Encloaid It •. . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • for whkl • pleah 1end mt . • . . • . . . • . of the W.,,.. t)wnm'"'°ft t p UhW 11111 '9 _,.~ ~port on President KenMdf1 ••w' •etioe; I _.... 1 tiM ef T1w ~ Pms,. ::. lt will be maUed pottpaid u IOOll u It 111 pu~ : pt'I .. CIR tf die ...... ~ N_,. .•..•....•••..•.••••.••• • •• • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • :I ....,, .,. Tiidi h ,,,.,, Str.t ....,,... . . . • . • • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • • . • • . .. • . • • • • • ' . I City .•••••••••••••.•••••• •••••• •••• •••••••••••• I • ------------... --._ ...... --· JIM FBIYMAN TONY GARDIA DAVE EIK.ERMANN DENNIS Kllfll Prep Players of Week Na1ned PlaJ'll' ti die wt:t i..aan,Jlea deli dft sped•DJI; ol Snport. 1be Sea FUl')'llWl _.. w of the al scruDJD.1ge). He a~ ft.DR for Newport bat be wu .,... ~ 1 1 at4 • * ~ s.. Bmber. ._., 1 DIC nu pidnld ap 75 Judi Mesa def~e ltal'W'artl 1 s 4 rarcls per carry. cbD8ta • the basil ol llit de- ea..t arwa w... tdlDul foal· a.t ,_ ~· • IS cames for u .,_. wt. ftgmed llip!y • bDldm& Gardea .. a pocem .,..,_ fmlilft ........ -.-·_ ~M.artu to a dD· oa for tbe Mr:IDan:ba 111 tbeir Killer lllllftld four paues ban p J a J • r a ,_. ,____ Tcmr G a rd • a. Mater Dei at 6" yards ,_ tl'J. He waa ,it noodldowa Ul tbe 7 .. ._. J+o victory Per Wesw. at for Watm•mter m tbe Lioal' .._ 1w6ud 1a 011> 1 ~: n.n EilllllnDa:m, •mt tm... far a loll• &DJ jf« the Mustanp. lw Yeps. Ha cncked &bl %7 .. win...., Bola Grade. -opmen f« t It•• rad m. Newport: DlllJJil bi.I cam.a. Ba:z1a. bad a fidd d.a7 Lal· li:w li umes for 15 yanb Dlt Oae fll Cbe wwwpdam wa for 1114*AiW........., IWer ........ r ..s. Be Wt tbe pm•, didJlllJ lhll 1a1ba ua.m..q Mesa. Be l&Dd u a\-erage of U ruds a ~ he was a1lo r...m. Wllllll tD Stine Bq· Bayless IC.'Ol"ed Caw clel &hakal ap. with nearly su luued tbe baD %1 times and a U1 . . aedlt.ed f« • oat&1•ncftna las. C... diel Mar taK· Mir'• nnt t.. twdldowm minates IJetl 1.11 tbe &a.I pu· ncbd vp 123 yards lbt was Eiketma.CUI •as utilimd delemtTe .a.art by cwb beek: .a. P'errym.n. Calla • the Sea Dip' .. CGD-aod Mftl' ltopped behi.Dd the tint both atfemtnly and on de--Bm a.wen. SHOULD A MAN DO TMI SHOPP'ING? If lilt M rt lilt I ftlld tlll Mil ..,, II Ull fl ... JlllllS " dill DAD. y P'ILOT. Sun· Up Pools ANNOUNCING OUR NEW LOCATION IN ORANGE COUNTY! • • • J70 L 1M St,....HILLGllN SQ. c-. ..... -646-5081 • • • ....... • SWIMMING POOL • , ... Propetty -Coa ..... - ~~ .... '1695 Open 9 •.m. .. • p.m. 7 Otyt A WM Aho In SAN GABRIEL VALLEY ED. 1..ull MISSION VALLEY 211-2253 SAN DIEGO e ESCONDIDO 2fS.OOSt 74'-2006· c.&llLSIAD m.1025 Four Key Injuries Hit Oil City Rival Western Voted On Top SA.. DAY SllYICE • EASY IUDGET 'IBMS Errors Kill Tustin-- REG. 35c AT •••• GENERAL ·TIRE ~ NO MONIY DOWN • EXPEIT MECHANICS ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Your car•• ..... etv Zone .. ••• had It checked lat.aw? WE'LL DO ALL THIS for only e ,u,,. .. F~ E--' @ ci.-acc ... rocl eNtt MOTOR TUNE-UP 5.77 7.77 6 C,t. I CyL BRAKE RELINE OUR EXPERT BRAKE MECHANICS V ....._ .. -. - -• • -.._ .._ ,..,_..,,,\'4111 ....... WI .......... ~ ' c-.---------.._.._,..,...._........._ .................. _______ _ -------, ___ ... __ _ :!:D :~~I:!.:. 12 000 l!lL£S 20.0C() Y.r....ES Z> oc.> ll1U:S C'br\'l'Oleb. Oodrn. Fords. Pl ymou· ":' 1n~ .\II A"Tlt'n<:a" Uxr. pee-:~ (}! ~ • nn Sl!fhtly !l•trr: TR.EE 1.Jfl:rt.Y.E A..0Jt:ST>1 E."I. '"T GUARANTEED .. _..__..._ __ __ .. ""_.... __ _ -----.._ -"' .. .... ,~ ............... . ,,,. ____ ..., __ ,,_ .. ---11 WE DO ALL THIS • Set ranung • A.4 jwt C..rtuet ... • Chieck Aun Chob • Install ..._ Points and (.ondef..., • ...., AC Sp.Irk Pt up • Check Ignition Wi,... • Check Air Claantr Cost• Mes.'' Oldest Independent Tire OHier JUST SAY "CHARGE IT" PASTRAMI ., Thurs. Fri. Sat. & Sun. OCTOBER 1, 2, 3, 4 Patio Pantry LI a.'125 \ . . . I I t l I I I I I I I I \ DUR\NG PRESENT CONOITlOWS, All l~EMS SUBJEar TO AVA\LABLE SUPPLV AiMlnslD SPICIALS BRCTIVI 7 PUU DAYI OCTOIR 1:/ -Miin 'iiiis1s 59~ POi1f iils:. . . 591 VU°L ciiOPs c~ •• 59~ CWillSiiiiiS ... 981 CLODHiOAsTs~: 79~ SUJEEr uU\CY __ ..._.,._ RlPS. · ~ • 175 East 17th Street, Costa Mesa · MJI COFFEE 2-tt.. 1•' C.R MJI COFFEE S-lb. 223 C9ft INST. comE MJI I'' ' ... ,., 111n. com1 MJI 1•9 10 ... ,., Anthefty'a ELIOW MACAIONI lit. 1ftc '"•· "JI KltcMft ..... POTATO CHIPS T,~k 4tc \ DE\.1C\OUS SMOKED FLAVOR! EADY TO ERVE ..... q,Jt ~NKMAlS:. FIE .. -·~1 BOLOGNA 4 . Hoffnwt'1 39' :~~......... It LIVER SIUSlll Heffnsm'1 391 ~••••••••• I. CllllllD HIMS ~-······ · 139 o..r Mlryer ••• 11.... .... ~~ SMOlll U.S • • • • ~ • -----dcats . Top GIF Clobber Mustangs Huntington . . . I .APPLIANCE COMl'ANY Vaq Coach Hopes fo1· THE HARBOR AREAS LARGEST RCA DISPLAY SEE & HEAR OUR COMPLETE LINE OF COLOR COMBINATIONS RCA V1CTOR -PERFORMANCE PROVED OV£R lO YEARS! • COLONIAL "HOME THEATRE'' ALL WOOD SWIVEL COLOR TV CONSOLETT£ Now,._ RCA.V1CTOR colot tv from any analel An ndutM ftCA vtCTOft dew~ ment calt.d the Automatic Color Punfttr mall• this poalbltt It cancel• mqnet1c d•storoons caUMd by oth« home •P-pl~ remOWI unwanted color are1s from ~ and wtllt9 pteturea. With •t you caa conwnlentty mow your Mark 1 O color tv. FIRST CHOICE IN COLOR TV FOR OVER 10 YEARS! WY MOlfTHl Y TERMS AVAILABU AT DUNLAPS I • ALL·IN·ONE FUN COMBINED PLEASURE lloe14AU'A1f .... " __ _ ... _.....,...__, ----- RCA VICTOR COLOR TY Home Entertainment Center SPECIAL 1964 CLOSE-OUTS RCA Color CONSOLE ln &,.utlt\11 Walnut- <:tant Savlnp-Prict'd Low at $47995 j RCA Color CONSOLE Ont nnly -IH>llrr h11rr)' In W11tnu1 fin1•h C , 11n1 buy 11t nntr -_s3ssaa DUNLAPS Have •-~fleet of radio co"· trolled truclu for l"lt•"t. telev1tlo" • " d •PPll•nce parta In Orange County. DUNLAPS Have o n • of t 11 t lugut stockt of television ll!nd •P· pllaf!Oe part• n 0 r 1 "g • County. RCA VICTOR COLOR TY Home Entertainment Center PLEASURE UNLIMITED ~ ~ RC A VI C T 0 R ·c 0 L 0 R TV Home Entertainment Center APPLIANCE COMPANY I b YEARS in HARBOR AREA 1815 Newport Avenue COSTA MESA -PHONI 541-77 .. Ample ParkJnt flront and ... , Poloists •~~=-·" DAY.:..OOAY TOMOoor ---ZVLV" --------- "MOtlOO c.ur ----"WOMlll o~ '"' wouo~ ~ ..,; ... 111aclllne 1e11 • ~ ...... teM I •••••• ,..,. •• n• •11• .... ·-~ .. --. ~llfMU& b--t:,." f\ r § r 1 ~;,.v • .,,. -PLUS - THUi TUllDA MiffMe S-. 2 P.M. 'lllPAAKIN8 .l .l .. "l j j .I ...-.,. . .. ,. ,.. l . . . ' . . OURiS OAY RICHARD WIDMARK -COMING- "Night of the lgu•MH GARDEN INTERNATIONAL TREATER .. E. c~11ttt ANAHEIM KE ~u SE I: ••• the strip 1ct that hid to 10 undercover in ordtr HOUYWOOD'S to unr.averl Rm 8 Selections of GOURMET DINNERS Soutti~."'U Frleoc1 C~w 'lt'n -C.:Orn f'ritlf'rs ......... 1.M Old Fashlonetl <..n.rli.f'n and Dumpllnu .•.•••••• t.• ,.avarh1n Pot Roast -Ht>lrltlher i;: Sauce ........ t .M Choire Jround 1fo11rr Slpak -Onion Rmgs ... · · · 1.• to rt'si St1r1mp l\r11 ...re ................. i.u Ortll<'d C111e5 l •\P1 and Bacon ................. !.ZS Southt•rn ll:im '-t .. a• -Plnupple R1.111 ....... · · !.• lia'4 Ji1:in .:',•au-f,•"· All This -Plu• Our Regulu Menul Dl•t•t • ...,. Cl ... 41 'u" NOW PLAYING! 'f"WO WlllCI ON~YI BETTY GRABLE rn DAN DAILEY "HIGH BUITON SHOES" , PUf. IUTEl TAT 1:30 Eu. MOit . SAT. & SUN. MATS. a.I.I. OCT. 13 -25 T•O WlllCI ON\.'tl BERT lAHR I DAMN YANKEES" ............. UI ALLEN CASE · Kil SMYTHE ,. ~ rf!llO' Mm WI Ptlf. 11mu Al tJl In. MOM .. SAT.' sn. un. s , ... 70,000 RIADlll A DAY ... . • • rtly Oii llll DAILY '1LOT S unlq&M, p1tkl9M ~ lion (ff llul. Ntlonal and wwtd MW\ ' I l -I ' 1 I I t t • I ' J E t ( I t • ' ' FIRST SLICI -Cbef Ken Cauthra cuts a slice of steak for Dr. Norman Loata. Newport Harbor Hl&b School Diatrict 8'&.istant superintendent (lelt), u Vern Peck, muter of the Seafaring Muonic Lodie. 1881sts at the lodge'• an.oual Comtitutlon Month program. Four Bid Qn UCI . Cottages C. H. Leavell and Co., Of El Sepndo bu been pard. ed a St,m.oot contrac1 for construction of etpt student residence cotta,ces at the Uni· veraity of Call!ornla. Irvine. Leavell submitted tho low· eat of four b'41 on the proJect. acoord.lnJ to L. E . Cox, lfCI'• vice chancellor for bull.ne11 and finance. 'Ibe cottqes wlll be fl. nanced by a loan from tbe Federal Houatnc and H o m e Finance Aaency. The loan will be repaid from student rental feet. Flag Team Signups The two-ttory ltnlduNI are scheduled for compledon by September 1965, open 1 n I u 8 Observe date for the new campus. 1r.1.esan They wtll house two atuc1enta per room, with four r o o m • cluatered around an lndMdu.al Constitution Fete "~~!°°w'lli alao be. aman To Continue ., ~~~e" ~ ~= ::lltie: .. .. .. 3LL CAN LlflEIOY -htuS.r a.r SOAP IOOTH MARINI .. 11 Am ri .-.. Constitution Month w11 ob· Fort spoke on the freedoms tn each cottace. Junior n.u· e cans, •&~ served 1ut week by the Sea· Ind way ol We auaranteec11=-~---=-----11 A to lt, who milled stgned up fariq Muon.le Lodlt In a under the coutltutioo, wbicb . for Weatmlnater aec;reation apedaJ prosram featurlnJ Dr. ts 177 yea.rs old th.la month. • and Park Department• Flag Wllllam E . Fort Jr., e:recu-He termed it 0 the sreatest Sie rra Club Football League Saturday• tive director of the American· document of human liberty may still do IO next Saturday, lsm Educational League. ever deviled." w ·II M et Oct. 3, at four locatlona. Dr. Norman R. Loats, 81• I e A regiltratlon fee ol $1.25 atstant auperlntendent of the provides a colored T-cb.lrt for Newport Harbor Unloo Hi&h SANTA ANA-The Orange each player. Games are Merchants Sdlool Dlltrtct. 1 er v e d u ~t~o~d o~ta th~~e~ scheduled each Saturday, muter of ceremonies for tbe ...... Tu_.-Ocl 6, at wtth tenm matched accord· ennt. mee.....,. ._..y, Room ~O::t1:11:bmk, will Organize Muslc~ U:, ~ ~Ps:;: !: =:cm UbrarJ. tu la t Marshall Ele-was Memben will a.blbtt a1Jdes e ~ c~:ooi 15791 Bulb-Owners and manaiers of IJt.ei c:hlPer of Sweet Ade-thdr R!IDIDU mttnu. A -~f. :warnennrermeaia-re lf'Orei'iii"1Bi' l"c>UntAfb -sfiop-' wbkh new &late of of&era will be School:· 14172 Newland St: ping Center, Warner and Can· Mrs. ~ .v.:1m:r"1of patri· presented by the nominalinl Chica Park 13MO Univenlty nery atreetl, have voted to Pl'fflll committee, headed by Mn. Street and 1 Slgler Park. 7200 form a m81'cllanta UIOda· otk: eon1s. Robert F. Sanden, Coat.a Plaza st Jioo, and Roger Paradia, OH· Abo 1peakfn1 were Don Meaa. Teams' will come from er of the Fountain of Youth Haddleatoo, cha1rma.n of tbel--------- nelghborhoods surrounding Beauty Salon, w11 elected event. and Vernon Peet, wor-.J:::'..:., ": ':-• v:::, = the four areas. recreation and president for the com In I thy master of the Seafarln& .,...... ._,. llfklt ., .. DAILY pa.rU department spokesmen year. Lodge. ~11..oT, ...., Office ... ,,.,. said. Other officers elected were Burglary Follows Robbery Joe Tunstall, vice president; Jess Johns, secretary; Gary Nickerson, treasurer, and Dean Cl:uistenson, manager of the Alpha Beta Markets store In the cent.e.r, promo-tions ctuairman. For goodness sake! Civic and IOclal croupc of the community will be lnvit· ed to sage e\teJ!tl In tbe cen- ter, and the first major proJ· A Newport Beadl market, ect by the aaodation w 111 r9bbed two weekl aio by • be to acquire decorationt for holdup man who fied w I t h the Christ.mu season. S229 Sunday was hit by burg- lars' who removed S180 trom Seven new stores will be an open safe police reported opened in the center ln Octo- M d ' bu and construction is ex-~~!;, aaid thievea entfor-~:Sbu'3~tartg pba':n ~~ You mean you fll\ten't tried servini chicken .nth hot, frliTIM CIMld clinr peldlts yet7 Next time )tu'ra brolJ.. ln1 chitkn, place tt on foll. Then. 10 minutes before It's done, pllce drained elini pnch halves around it. and broil tin each peach ls tinttd wtth brown. Try It tonilflt. tor IOO(lness sahl C\-.. _ •"""eo•• "" ... ed a rear storeroom at the • ~­U-Totem Market. eo6() \V. Ing to the developers, ~ Coast lllghway, during day· .:::E::nterp=.!::::ri=sea:...:o.:_f .:.Be.:..v~erl.:....:Y:.....:.:Hilll_:._.~=============~=~~~=~~=========~~~ light hours and Wt.ed the ca&h Crom the floor safe. They left $150 In the safe. The burglary took place while clerks were busy out front sometime betwMn 3 and 6 p m.. police said. On s e p t. 11 , the s a m e market was s t r u c It by a straw-hatted bandit armed with a long·b11Te1Jed revol v· er. Molho Picked As Designer ~ A Harbor Area Oorlst has • ~tn chosen as one of four d«>~igncr" for the Calilornia State Florists' Convention next month in Monterey. Morrl Molho, owner of Flowers by Morrl at 448 E. 11th SL. Coata Mesa, and 408 E. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, will attend the annual meeting OcL 2-4. HOMETOWN SERVICE Regional Banlcilat Power IN COSTA IESA lM.5 Newport iioJeTUCI T~bone 6'6-3291 D. D. ~r, Ma1t0111 Sttr~in1 tftt 11·1 ,,.,,,,, rowttl.r1 •/ .w11ttn1 Wlif..-ltU. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK HERE'S WHAT PROPOSmON 17, THE "SKELETON-CREW' SCHEME, WOULD DO: WIPE OUT pubflc 1uptnfi1on of nA-.t ..r.ty fn Clllforftla D DIPllVI e.. Public Utiliti11 Commfufon Ind tht l.qtllltU,. of their rf&hb to protect public safety o kill California's Minimum Saft Crew law o LEGALIZE .. ,keltton cmn" c SURRE:NDlR to tbt. ralfrolds control over train Nftty practices c fllE:m Into tht State Conatitutlon tr.. sole richt of the railroads to dtdde safe crw requi,.mtntl o PDMIT tht railroads to put their profits Wen JOUI' aafety c INCltWE 1h1rpfy tht chance of disastrous train wrecb In Cantomla. ~'°" THI ltECOROt PMllDUfTI DIUltCMot. k!ERW!Dr AH~ JOHN90N HAvt AlWATI SUHOHI m IWUlOAD IAmT IAWl- IM CMlfomll M/fli,..,,,, c,.. &11r It 1""' _.a_., ...... , On •llCtfon dey, Tuudey, Nov. S~, the raftroed companlH lrt asking you, tht people of C1llfomle, to vot. 1w1y your rlghta aa dtfzena ••• lo hind ortr to th• 111/roao·, full poww to dtck/1 th• numbtr o(tr1fn cr1wm1n nteHury fol public u(tty. Thia vital control over rallro1d 11f9ty laws Is now held by your ,;11!11d 5tat• L1glal1ture and by the Public Utllltfea Commlulon. Propositio n 17, the ''1ref9ton-crew acheme" aponaored by the powerful Ctllfornla Aallroad Auociation, would r1p11I Catlfornl1'1 Minimum Crew Law-a aafety law which hu prevented untold lou In livu tnd propttty ... i nd given Callfomla ont of th• b11t r1llroad 11ftty rtcord1 In the nation. At th• .. nte tfmt. hop. f1 would tllmlnff• pub/le .UPftYfllon of rsJllWd u{fq In c.11- fornl& It would Me¥I tht rallroed1 compfettty frH to cut the ala of train cnwt •• they ... tt .• .wow "'-P'"ri tat. mlnfmuma aow PNtcribtd by llW. ht lhorf. II wOWd ,... ........ Of puMk""" ... ,, .. ,,_ "*'1 •Utt b.-of Ult t""'1alh. . VOTE NO ON 17 DON'T tET THE If All.AOADS fiAM•U. WITH YOUlt sun r: California Committee to PRESERVE RAILROAD SAFETY ... WIUHUtl IOULIVAltO-IUITI 111'4. LOI AHGILU 41 • OL 1~• '°""*" CaUfomll Co.Qlefnntn: Hon. John Anion Ford • HM. ltCll'f W. J--..p Ult PUMCa1CO omcc: •1 IWa<d' IT'IUT, IUfTI 271 • M 1•.WO ....,. Callanll ~; ... ....,.,.. W. HDlrnd4IN •"'11tatft ffellrpn / AND 100 SHEETS PAPER U&ULAI n. VAL $ WE GIVE IWE CH• STAMPS! FARMER JOHN BACON RIST GRADE l·U. PACKAGE FARMER JOHN-8 oz. PllCJ. LINK 4'$1 SAUSAGE : OSCAR MA YER-Auortecl LUNCH 3~$1 MEATS I OSCAR MA YER-AU Meat or AU IMf WIENERS ~~:: I SiiciD CHEESE'"" BORDEN'S BISCUITS 1 BORDEN'S -3 oz. Pkg. -Eagle Brand CREAM CHEESE U.S.D.A. GRADE A WHOLE BODY 49¢ c I~ !FRYERS I ~~r 3. LEGGED FRYERS 35L LEGS & 49~ MEATY SfL THIGHS Breasts HALIBUT STEAK 69~ SWORDFISH STEAK 59L U.S. NO. 1, RUSSET l-lb.c•~ POTATOES PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS., Fill~ SAT.. SUN., OCT. I • 2 • l • 4 ! MIX or MATCH ~ I LBS. 00 PKGS. SCOTT TOWELS $ 00 GIANT 200.CT. ROUS ~w-1 · 10-0Z. PKGS. MIX OR MATCH .. -~ JAlMll JOHN HOFFMAN'S lmUMAID OSCAll MA Ytll UNK IAUIAGI SLICID IACON SMOKIES ~ ~: 22 ~ 55 ~ ~~~~·· 59:. ) 'It •• ' ll>t. • c NUii YOUNG "°"" llAMD Cll'f.().VAC WU, 4 9 DUCKLINGS I~ 20.or;. Min. Wt. CARNAnON ALBACORE WHITE MEAT u s 6-··· TINS c EA. 2~01 HARBOR BL VD., COST A MESA ,. • . > ..,--( / H -c;. - 0 • • t " I • t l •• i' l t a e t • .. .. -... a La • .. ·h t> • " h f< •! tr !: ... Y• H I D at ,. j()( ·~A :s 1'11 Li h< r) cl I '" m "' F1 ).{ Someone S.. WMtt - G.ner1I owneni .,.. forced to •ll and haV• cut uatr price S!\,600 on w. t«ory a btodroom bom• on th• b&y with formal d\ninf room and tamUy room. Pier and a.lip tn accommodal• 40· foul boai. All ~l carpet• thn:nt1ho11t. If aold tmme- 1l1Attly, 31Mool converted Montuty P'laher charac- ter boat w111 be lncludfd In the .. ._ pnce ot 199.&00. Pleu. ca.U 875-1171 for appointment. Walker la Lee, Inc. Open •vett. CORONA DEL )I.Aft OFFICE 87~·1111 . You mual .. Ul1a • lot.dfd wltb ••tra f•lw.: llat-1 mtry, carpet.his ~· oot. lntuior pl&nter. bubt· tn kltchtn with b...itfut bar t dln1nf .,_, alldtn& rt-doora to patio attu, and all•y cntl"Ul~ to P· ,,_.,, It.a modtrn, Oil a small Jot tor mlnlmum ma.IJltenanc• &Dd ...tthin walk!~ dtalanci. to • fine beach. Out o1 town 'I'll 1< ~J L r .. I . 1-:.' :T/\TFP.': DOVER SHORE VALUE *VIEW* owner will ta.Ile $1100 Tb1 SDoet bOUN for t.bt down. Walker la Lee, Inc. I mOMJ lD udtlns Doftl Open a:.-. 875-SlTl. 8~1 PaDorsmSo Baell B&1 la Ool&n View. ••''" & L... Chann! J:lepneef Value! ••• $39,300 tu1J pr1e.t llaa1 to Own. P\IA to lift IJ'.l! Ste today! can now• ~·7f71 • OPEN 'TlL 9 • •.JP . - Beck Bey Beauty ftla • .....,... ·~ '-th boln• ~ ot IOOO-., ft.. ot cu.tom e)tpna a. dudblf a a.,.elou.I tamil7 room. Lon.It vWw ot ~.rue Eaat Blutt. Auo- Uon at .tu: 2233 Tu.IUn Ava,. Nnrport a.ch. Bun., Oct. Utll at 2 p..m. Broker caoperat.lol\ ln'ftt.. a4. rM DJ\.Wt. B.roc.bun c:oatut1 PllTELLI AudtoMen/Rlp 111 •• "*"-Blvd. .... am.. (2U) llU-4900 :!760 E. Paclllc Cout Hwy. Corona d.J M&r CORONA DEL MAR OFTlCll 67&-1111 • f7 AT NCWPatT a.vD • -TRW ll&S BIL l ff EH DR I ( "S 2780 E Pacific Cout llwy. ~ I Oorona del Mar --------Most Beautiful ! BEACH BEER BAR ~uJ. etW. 11173 H.11 boor lJI , I.. MESA DEl MAR RESALE . . ... Ewnlap C.U 6tO-OS'TI POPULAR "T" PLAN • aioo-your ...._ • M- Ocean and Canyon VIEW M. ,,,, w I t b food and r a m •a FOUR BEDROOM HOMlf ~ over 12400 per Atrou hom Golt Cour.e month. Exce1J9nt locatlon. t1' MM281 Rart>or HlP dllt11ct. I B/ R. ftnplaca. 'la!ftr ..... patio. Partl lloat or tn.a- • tram an., ..... cba.. nia x-Del JU.r bmlS9 H ta priced below all otb1n f 0 IT I N & I Cl S ln w..,.. ~ ot V•1"ft Mt9a Del Ma.r. :r-.tw... • muur W- roam aulte eepara~ troa otMl' bedrooru ~ tbe ldtdMa and tamD:r l'OOll\. J:koallcnt floor pliaft tf JOU baw ta.Jaw or nea· *IUL !:am Mm4t .. ton, llbprot'ed and bu two sa. Uo a.... Bot.la ~ l•~ ana aad mu..t all zaow. Prtcad at Stl.900 &Dd tu,,IQO. wani. • LM. Inc. Opts ..,... • On the Coast on cul-de.-aao atneL 2200 plan l Y pa.rtdnr, rood eq. ft of llvinr apace. equipment, lone S-, Courtyard and double dooT uktnc only $18,000. one tbtq: owner bu -REAL ESTATE I beutbt new boma. ina.r. _ l..u'J• lot on the blutt "" entry, formal dinJnr room, A 0 -C.ocldail JouQcc, I bedtoomil. extra lalSe 3021 HartMJr Bl.. C.K. comer lot. room for boat MMlll STee m.nu or tnJltr. Tt.nNI to ftt. --------•rtooktna .u roma.oUc L&-I bu end food rro--n.. ... •--Cl l &m.lly room with BBQ *-IUft& -....,. •men· 1 A-1 1 c.bo I~ .. ,5 per day. Full ta •nd Catalina laland. 4 ,,_. •' Ol n Ice am price m ,000 bldudln&' U-Walker la LM. Inc. Open eYte. IC 5-t4tl. -bdr'IJI 6 den or ~ bdrm. Only '30,000. I •-een.. .... ClLOry, a-. ' ba. tam rm, walla and etc. HUMT Walla of II.au opeA1ns to ,~~:JUcU*'' ... ----~ hure rtd'Wood deck.a. Roam ·c...~ ..- tor pooL 8~ • tntwcam. 25~ VNa Y\"rctt' Dr. c M. IY•t•m Cat.h~eraJ ceU. M6-~990 tnp wtt.h apoeed buma. ~ _ _ __ _ Every Deluxe teatUJ"I lm-1 OwNER. 2 yr old cuatom aitn&ble. Tb• beat buy In bit bomt, S BR, 2 l>a, )'f&n al $711,000. tam rm, approit 1800 IQ Clarlit HalMT ft. 8 1 IN ln<'I. d·wuh ~l. 171' I 4H-0433 dps, Cpl, AM. J'M lllt.r INCOME i-tucco Cott.a«• and 2-ctor:v Duplex otar Bay and ahopptna. P'urnl.md. 1•7.~. Balboa Real Estate Co. 700 It. B&Jboa Blvd Balboa ORJoJe 3.4140 1; 'ROEN COJumni._l_M_U_tna_ :s bednn, 1 ~ Ba. Hae, nlis.ci found., hlhrd noon Lot 11 OdO wt! b ,,... .. hou ... .tons• a.na. avta· ry. 'nllrty fruit t1'M1 tn· cludlnit 12 1Ubll'oplcala. over Ml old taahloo~ and modem ro.ta. + ot.her rllllnla JO with aalt Call Farrow Ra&.lt.or, J.U 6-·UV. -&ilt.hatOld •tutrt com. Nr ~hio. ttc. '33,· DOO. 0n1y n .ooo dn. I 173-4"3. Executive Homes 3 • ' Bedrooma In C&m•o Kl11\land.a Alt.racUve Term.1 MACCO REAL TY CO. 4701 HampdtD Road Cameo Sbor11 • f7 6-2.02 BEST Buy ln Bay Creal a BR 2 ~ balha. din. rm. Ofolux• POOL., all elec. kitchen. alal• entry w.1. t r o p I c: a 1 lan<™:aptn1. Pl.&00. 12.600 doW'n. No new loan ,..q\ltnd Kin· «aard Real Eiotatr MI 2-2222 \\rESTSIDl!llBR.-newly dtcnrated IM1de • out. Call ownn tor dtla1b. LI A-i2ii Eva:Unp Call 176-6705 or M6-IO'Tt UNBELIEVABLE™ OCEAN AND CITY VIEW I COST A MUA OFFICJC 2621 H.ari)cw 1'J 6-Nn EASTSIDE IARGAIN U>vely ~ Oft ~ ally llica .u.t. °°"" to ICbooll and w • a le u ff On the bluft overlookln1 '™'PPlnc an&. IArp l'Y. Ult city of lA.CUQ& Beach nn. opcnlq Gll'lto OOYU...S wHt. an unobttructab!e Pall o &Dd p"".-loQ&l v I • w ot 8a.n C\cmmta. l..,.....ped ya.rd. Thia I Banta C.tal~ and Em· Mrm. 2 Mt. + ram. rm.. arald bay. • tMtrma. 2 ~ bom• ta an out.1ta.n41DS batha. buuutul W'&lnut Y1llu•. at 121,TOO. ,,.n•led dt'n -rumpu• "" Bey 6 8-cb Realty, Inc. wtlb w•t bar and •lidtnl j 1• N.wport Blvd. Wilt Of ~IHI to yard. An Coa'ta M- abot<>l11lt berraJn at 1'5,· U l-1181 !:TM. M2·128.1 (II)() C-lnrk Hl\l~y ! iH I 411•·4303 * CINDERELLA * TERRIFIC TRIPLEX - EAST SIDE jiiliiiiiiiiiiilitliiiiiiiMiiiiiiiillll••lliiilllllliiiii ONLY 121.tM • Bnt buy • COLLEGE PARK You can enjoy gracious living in one of Cosu Mesa's finest areas. This 1600 sq. ft. 3 bedroom home u ideally located close to schools. &hopping, etc. Quiet TREE LINED CuJ-de-Sac street. Overs11ed bedrooms, fam· Uy room, double fireplace. covered patio, can be youn by simply TAKING OVER the exiltina FHA loan with payments of only 1146 per month tncludin& evervthJng Small down payment Kl 6--4141 *' ASSUME F.H.A. LOAN ONLY 5900 TOTAL DOWN S big bedroorm, 2 baths, dining room, FIRE- PLACE, W /W carpets, drapes, close to all schools 1hoppln1 and 50 acre park. 5\4 C"a EXISTING F.R.A. LOAN which can be taken over. Be quick on thil one. kl 6--4141 'it;! 4 BEDROOM NOTHING DOWN! TO ALL That's right, If you've been looking lor a DEAL better call us on this 4 bedroom, 2 Bath home with Bullt-1ns. Fireplace, W /W Carpets. Family room and much more. We mran what we say NOTlflNG DOWN Kl 6-4141 COATS & WALLACE REALTORS • dMn•t 3 br borTMt ln Cnllf'~e Park ania.. Hard. wd n re, eomtr lot. aba.ke root, Intercom, and many ~ g'"':I' Wifi.,,,... ~ REALTOR 3109 Newport Blvd NpL f Market Bunt Ptua 1 ORlole 3-4360 Open 1:v .. Hey, We've Moved 1831 WutclUt Dr. N.B. 642-3600 THREE UNITS $24,500 NI~ 2 B R home • 2 • 1 B R unite on ru.r ot lot Clean pt'Operty localad (')OM to ahopplftt. Good ret.al &l'IL lb:Nl~nt op- portunity for •mall ln- vut.or. -~-HO ICut l7tb IL Mt-OUO Evo. LI MTN THE fJEAL E S T ATER:.; 4 BR·3 BA.-$17,995 ~ a • Bt'droom, a &th __ C_o_l-lege--P-.-,k--hoJM for only $17,18., Ml Sharp UDO MODEL al pr1~t Cover.cl paUo! S.. only $21 .~. P'ully Im· t.hla super •MU. today. proved W 11pr1nklen. all Call now1 !M Today• bit.Ina etr No dn to VETS 6~6·7171 ,• OP£N 'Tll f or E-Z F'1iA ttrma. SHI • l'7 AT Hlw.icJln' LW • today Coll• Realty IRVINm TERRACll- N W. Cor. Harbor• Adam.a E"c<'tptlonal view honM, •I Kl 6 ..... ,. Kl "1••• pool, & Bdrm. tam. rm. ·uoov, "" """' tvN. Prlll«t r1fbt ,H,DOO. Mn. Look .... here I Raul1ton. I BIR. blt·IM f\JmWl~ Colctw.11, lanktr & Co. EXCl:Ll..ENT 12200 &. Coui Hwy. N.B. e<1mtr R3 lot -room to OJ\ 6-2000 build I f800 + OOST8_"'°"' ___ 7"'1_ C Pat Murphy, Rltr. In WI pymJ1t.1 Oii flto, 113 W. Ball>M BJ. NB. lncla. Pll. Tu .. A Ina. 17J.1TDO Ev 141-4.274 Hu mdoead p&Uo W/ oWNfR. 2 YT old cualom frplc.. b 1 o o k w a 11 bit honla, s BR. I b& fence Call Fannie Prt09, tam rm. a.pprnJt 1100 aq Rftllor. 111 •· ltth It.. tt R In 1nd, d·w 1 ah Coeta Mua, U 1-llOt, rpt tip~. tf!I AM. ll"M ln• BA YCRmS'I' • OWNmft i..r com Nr ..-hs. etc. :1 DR. tam. nn 2'6 MUI. * COSTA MESA * II x •Ta M· 1. prtrM Joca. tsoa, ucellmt ftnt--. ONLY '40.&:IO. JnaWPOBT BLVD. Tl ft. C..J. near center ol t.ow1I, KI &-t4tl. A.15KIMO '4.11,000. 008TA KraA O.P'rlCS "C" Thoma, Realtor .. lit.r'*' Kl ....,1 NEWPORT 2s. .... ODut ~ u t-IUf 1• •cH Npt. Bell. left. Ill MMI ~ --JIOl M_.,.rt BmL UO W. CQaa llwJ', K. a. BCDae fNln ii....-..-. Open I AK 'W I PM ... 02ll ..,......,. ~Dover Shores El&ht rldl)J fundabed Yinr It b9ytront mode1I for JOU? impecl.ion. The futat ..wn1 abttr luxury homes ln Calltornia. I 71 magnificent view • bayfront homes IOld within 12 moot.ha. PINANCING. A b1p peruntalt Of our bay- en pay cub. Ho~er. we also otta the most 1dvantaaeoua tenm on the coat. Prom 5" down With UDUJUalJy equll.tble mterut rata. Consider this contemporary bome. One. third 1ae view lot in Newport Beach wtth 5 tar1e bedrooma. four bat.broom.I ftmll1 room. dininc room, 3438 equare feet net UThlf. Price '98,500 with terrific tlnandn1. A R!.AL BUY! Fully landlc:aped. Other 3, 4 It 5 VIEW BEDROOM HO~ from $59,500 to $175,000. IA YFRONT SPECIAL NEW 4 bedroom home with pier It yacht 1Up, $82,000. 5 bedroom bayf ront, carpetina. drapes, landQpin&. pier, allp $99,500. OPULENT IA YFRONT WITH PIER & FLOAT Everythlnc about tbls 1189.790 model home 1pelll opolence • lntentJon.ally. 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooml. The Impression Of put !J!.ce ~0:-:·9:e~ ~oc:i ~:r i:;~uba~ conJed cUnlnf room. Ba.y 6 Mountain new 10ll from $15,000 on adv1nu1eoua leattbold plan. Three private aandy mmmtna be.acbl'I 1overned by Community A.aociailon, Sales Offlcoe 102e Santlaio Drtve In Newport Beach from Padlk Coaat Hwy .. north OD Dover prtve. .. From Newport BIYd ., West on 17lh Sl•to Sales OUlcea. - MACCO 1491 IAKllt AT HARBOR Kl "'4141 -Open 9 ,.m. REALTY COMPANY , (714) ORlole J.1112. &sUOO Only 12.~ dn I $41,000. MIOO ~ I is11.4t1.1. I 2ott Oo=nodon M. ................. _ -------~- i ' .. G:O.P. ~-Cu w le FWll.t•• a.t'llla ....... OWN • INSTANT HAPPINESS NIWPOltT llACH A.DDRaa s ldrma.·2~ ...... 8&P A.JU Tll d1n.lq' room. Vader ~.000 Looll no nrru... ~ 11a ... I' $15,300 v...., cl-.. borne • Good w II' cpt -CO't'ered ,.uo . DJCe )'&td • wW ..0 'ftlA t•nna • $500 dow1' + domlq COil t.ad ... powldl • Beu.r )llUTJ' - tJa1I .. - ''° s..t 1~ It. ......... s.... M1-t1&s '" oaa . THE ~J L/\L E!..:TATF'.P.': caieDC ... wtdl ..... ..... , .... ._,.., rm.. a ,.,..,..,. .... J"OU cu --,.,.,. .... Ulla wlntctl lo K.Uft J:X'IR.A.I! and a VISW Oaf' to Haft!IJ ht .... pie an4 11DOer U0,000 ID "' RJ..JUIOft HIOBLAHDI wt~' --~ ..... o.ra. tnuftn"lld Pd •Wit ..n. Dowa ~ appt*tmtlt cml.J'. sao.-. i t-f r: ~ .-·~· · '. . . ' • ltlNTALS Aptt. UnfurnfahM HOUSIS fell MIALL HOUSIS ,o. SALi lltlHTALS lltENTAU lltENTALS -ENTAU llNTALS Corona del Mar 1250 L!fun• S..ch 1705 ~!" flum!!_~ .,.!!~~~~~~-·~·~~r~ Apts. 'umldM4 ~"ts. Unfurnhhtd COSTA MESA 5100 ·X.... M9M 1100 BY OWNftll DmRALD BAY tparlOWI a.ta-.---· .... 2300 ~ lay 3240 Coste Meu 4100 Newport &..ch 4200 Gttttrat s000 8 bdrm. hOIM + 1 .... _. born• ca---1•1"' -..1•nld ~ .... -o-BIQ _...__ ___ .. t -------_, SICWDID .._... ..---........ -~ ll'fl ..... ·-..__ "'"'11• • ..L 2 Ill. STUDIO* *WINTER ltATlS _ .. __..- 1t SPLIT LEVEL * rar apt, ao.. ot i.t..,. Nr. for runu1 ll•llll· 4 BR. YliRLY R.mHTAI. 1~ .._ n. Newport &Ack "' Fl'oln ,1M.15 mo. * MESA MOTEL Costa Mesa's lest ••ell ••y bee.ch, &bopl. • kbool. l\.i a.. ta.M rm, play nn. OR ...O.IT S.)"a nn.t a11<11 i.J l.NCL. AU.. UTlL 1i:. be.. y I I 9" " 9A All bealned orUtnp. Jee. library. wp. dlnln1 rm, •• ~rm .. 2 • a l>IU. 03 A PT s • S<U.c.htntUU • Apartmettt a ues C'harmtnr I BR, 2 a.~ Beauty' Luxury )tlt.ehtft, It.all• ot L .. btnell. built.In ran1.e II oven! Carptttll • d ape ! Hi.&• ftreplac•I Clean! Quiet! Conv nlentl Lnv•IY patio! lu~eekl rouble J&r•J•I flp&CIOUll PrtvalA "Homey" 8 a • ~ Art&. Euy Wilk to &hop. ptnic It BUI. 1149 ~- 0•6-7171. MaH bA .... ~ pvt. p&tlo w/nre pit. decka, oo quiet levttl w1. Lido Isle 2351 W/Vf epta, di'}••. rrpl,..• "' P.tlo • Heated POOL Jtoornt, .-1th Po0l. TV .\ ~ Cape Cod • Cuat. ~ for low de aA:. Sll9..MO -~--bit-I.rut INlucl ihiohwuh•r. !!190 Collr1t1 ~"'fl-1861 Maid oervlca. Ull Newport U.-. AJt at.rut 'Adult.I. malnt '38.000. ~ Cam&-PROVINCIAL 1tyle. 3 'RR. WlNTEA mil. 3 BR, 2 ba ponl, Uni.by 1111 n a 11 BHAND nl'w hirntture A I Blvd• N.B. BERMUDA VILLAGE Pnoad ..., .._ UMin .a.r Uon. OR 1-uoA. I ba. play nn hoo1e. UUI 1>9Uo. dbl car. fl>I $2~ lounl"~. &Jl txtn1or matnt rtlr'Jl~ltn1 1 bdrm 'urn efll.Hal t 2214 CoOe9e Ave. "·~: •12.TOO. OaJJ -YOlJ OWN THE-LAND A MWU'll nn, wood.ty pa· t7~·3H9 or PY 3-4~'1 ln•·lu.J. a2.'41 IC• '"•:> u111 Adult11 no p" t '· HD M WI?\&Elf. CLJ:.\N 2 • BR -rr UQ, ocun v~w nr beach yr. ..... td.OJlkl 11>71 Cbllldl, c=ta ~. Nr • Ocean! rauof Car-Phone -646-8b67 .-w•uoo Localed Y9rJ .,..,. OcM.n. • patk. $'7,600. ~u~ngton ISeach 2400 042-0llll. llill·l1>'J I raie/ S!>O . mo loan, lU- .: *LUXURY LIVING* Come.r hom9 a. tS' lot. 2 U..'IT Sltl..ECTION of SM, 1 A 2 Br. c.hlld OK • 1 AND 2 bcdronni. furn I& Uth 12131 382·fll'70 LeMe batha, tars-fam.111 room ctaotc. bl4 1llct !Ilk to pltr 219 2nd St. CorONI ffl Mu 3250 W\fum, vow ra1 ~lll\I. CtrrF 2 BR-nr Ot un:-cpt. • a Bft I be. llllt.Jna, crpt.a, Priced 1n low MO't 12~ AC'R.E 1ltu In SO L&· L.E 6-llHMI -----dnpa, built-In . h.e.lted f'lllt-. fU:'"~·. SlOl llK drpe. nice patio, ~-Le1&11toa Undea., Re&Jtor pna NICE P'ENCED YARD 1, 2, & J BEDROOMS I pool. .. H·i21o. brll Apt I 121'\.2 t OUI St. • l & 3 Bedroom• • Carpeting & Dnf)ff • Heeted Pool FROM $110 MO. pa.tetJ ...... ped. Chol~ OR S--OM8 Ev• OR 1..(,1372 Turner Associates 3 bd. 114 ba. 11un rm SISfi lo'llRNJ&HIC.[>. l NrtlHN I. MJT. 213-2.A.tl'Jl. ll.., Vm'dl locatlcm. call water pd. 636-8266 &fler 8, I CORONA Ul':L MAR 1 HEATED POOL. J It 2 Br , • - -• • • • • aft. I PX IU-1'12. &.Ibo. f'enlnaul• 1300 Loul"" 'l'llrnf'r Ann flhoedea RENTALS -ARMO I Rr tum tio111 s~o c111 Newport Hgta. 4210 WMf 8ACRJFlCE' Mu~t etll s,. 6112 N C,_.t Blv•1 494·11• Houses Unfurnished Rl'alti>n 111t 1.;;~.11. tiltlolt;\.iU, I Ir 'l BR. httt Jl""I. 111 * ~o * _7 fll't 11 ""f"'• bltmi; - -----MAPLE CAPRI e -MARTINIQUe- GAROENS Cat ~LI· DnlV-•· Ca rare lllt-ln Oven I.. Rani• Pool :s !lft. 2 tam rm. bit-In Br 2 • Ba on 1 t .... lob. -soEATHTAKING :.u..w ..: t'.oul :I t \I I Htnbor HI At.lulls 1•1um 2002 Mtple Ave. -•led R IO. D W. new rpt.. 214~ p; Ot,.a.n Wtll Trade I'\ I Genenl 3000 . rn\ ' .. j l.<:t:. I r:rt s~.,. Mo. $1flll z101 l&lh ::t\ Phone -6 .. 2 "598 d fl b KI 2-02~ ev"~ Jo"1t'r L 11 d 1 ,. • .,, 1 ~o 1i'1i.ft, ii "' -v Garbflnre tum 1-·"1111 U 1n I K<lrm t-rom J iii!\ pe. u mlt dn Op!'n Nun BALBOA ISLAND l :do Isle 33S I I•''"" :>:r '1•1111\\ n r.li • •· 249 Prh~ton Dr. OCEAN VIEW ~MT Lido lale 13$1 Br•nd """' 1 hdrna . 2 ha l.OVt:LY :'I 1~: -1 11 . t pl i.; il111111r .)1 1; ::111111 Corona del M,r ·nYOWNiRi:"Br/1'~-n-' 3 and d111 or 4 bdrm 2t., lo,.~rdiiplt't Vitwo!buy tlrp~. bit-In •. 1. \1~ ti.I I•" 2 ntt J\pt~ :.;,,., • •• -• Cpt.a/ Drpe/ Cholu llut-bath• \4 &lie ot claw. npf'n • ., Ot" 1n $95 lit I ""' 4250 • l & 3 B"drooms • Recre•ttC'n Room e 2 ~e1ted Pool1 FROM $110 MO. ~ H<lrm Ftom J IU :J llrhm 2 Ba 1"111111 $1:'!0 1717 Santa An&, C M. 270 JI: lllth St. C M • tHIJ 33U !;46-4233 • ~ ~ C!lrpel.t Ir draJ>f'll Adult~! s~,)() lat ~II tii1·l"tl I l1u1n $116 ( 111 J ti • ltF,l\tTTlP'Ut.. Yltw I: blk :-::-=--~~ .. lllmll lllC to 102 tt uC ~a•1t1tul only. Chntl'r Salllbury, NE\VORIZA:S • t J ·a.,,11 bit-in• Jf.f, E I up. 1 .,.. : .._loe. Full Pria LW I • Rltr. OR 3~ .. . • !i, ur urn 20th ~t Atlulla. 2~.00 S.-~vlew. tll,TOO/ 11.00CHlb. 2351 • •I• redwood de,.k11 &nd th~ ' 3 br. be...> tar !(llf. M11ny W 5 lfF * w.tmtmter A... ~· D.1<1' 1pec:tacular v1-"Ou extru. Call 71-H J73-t17112. A TTRACTI\ ~: 2 br, furn ~1;~~~ ... ~ STUUIO Ari; 1:: E TCL ~ut. ha··• f'Ver aeen. O.lwce Cotta ~ 3100 ---1 apt $12~ mo Ind uttl, I 11... t JOO UUJ • pd.• TWO Bedroom, Newly dr11pc-<l and palnltd. bul.it-IJu. vr w carpeUn1 Huntlntfon leach 3400 Child ok r.-4'1 •• '>l/IJ 2Z7i •3-HltS altt'r ~_P~ A rt11m11lng dflUlCl' 2 bed· * ~Owner * ever deluxe !rature. A .~ NEW 2.BORLJ. Tau.... ---Maplt 2 BR durlex rpl, •·w t!Jl room. ~ bath un!umt~hed S0~.00 rtr month. up to lW•l ('hildren 0 K. 2043 a 2041 Wallace, Pbooa 6U-2020 I b ~ IVl ... ..,BaJ: a . Br. 2. Ba I Acfllll• ru ...,i. 410 ·-·-c ... . lh 8 BR. 2 farn rm. bit-In P. A. PA~ i.Nt. rN uv at $'2 9~ P&rUaJlf • furn Pool $~11 SH·.:Jllf', Cru11n1J 14-HI, iHIJ-'.l'41 ' • .., u1a apa1u.1rnt ompn-t~ '41 •*t lt/0, DW, MW cpl, 3311 Via Lido, OR J..notl Clark Haluv HOUSES I Bulll • Lu $HO • mo. . 1 Pvt . 1.-\~ll. Shih . Jldlw. :'._ ___ cu~t•. drap<>• .. POOL' d 8 ... I 2 B-T--0------t7141 04·°'433 C RP.,..,.., pa. 11 um t dn O A P' R NT LOT -• A c. • "'• DRAPES IMll-0211. ~bdth' I rt'.:~ S.•nu11a huv-8 lb _.300 Princeton Dr. M&-•847. cho'r. R-1 Bid(. •It• on -G 0 0 D BU y S I • F'lREPl..ACE l BR dolJ bouM". k1trh,.11 In' LI l\·~k:°•ll • CM ,. ·~~~ril::~lrlher tnturinallun RY Ownel', bdwd fil E i ld Via Lido Nord. Can have NEAR HIGH .Ir JR Hl<:H • BUIL.T-INS r.qll.lpped, yard fl'n• r•I $:.:0 1 .t :! Ha Apt .A111111,., "" 111 · ~: o\ :-.; f" rt() NT new I\' I ( 119. 50 -S 129.50 3 bdrm. tam rm ~ 2 ... 1 •• SCHOOLS Nf'w llatingt • PRIVATE PATIOS '4k Kl 5-0••3 or I ... ,.1~ r11111 ~tulihil 111,1 .. , , Chester S•li1bury ~ parr • 1 1p. ..•av ~low .. ., ,. • RI Ulllan PL or call Charmin( 3 Bdrm -2 Ba • t1ARA1a:s LE S-t'Jbc) 1Hti.;11:;1i • ~•~n :-,;111 Bl\•I \'i•'" '.! btlr111 "Rik l•• tr. 1 -.. 22 Children Welcome! MS-llM. ~n Hou.It Sa market at '82.500. Udo home With larfe Artl1u SU.'i.~10 LCE 2 .... rm hou·· •<>,• n1C1 -~tu1•'"-an.1 !rrrv s 1•,o m.. ":Ii Mannr AH· Bl l-~...-.,_ Jt 1 OR 3 uu m .,.,, 2 BR Cu111, i;11.1f1~r. n"tt" • Ir Sun. 119~ temu .-.ca y, nc -WO. I •tudJo 41: ·~ bath. Th I • •• ,, .. ,.4o • • ., 7 c ·~· 1111 I 11111 l\n.l I:'" lli'1.& Jill OR 3·1lfloo * OPEN * family home II on • Ip& ~418, 2307 Flonda ri•·t• I.I 11.;:1'11 "' i ollt'.-t '.!13 . 21'. •IOOO --'"""'""'" ·'4"·1 "'I h.lldren ok , \\111.-r pc.I I waler pd Nt ·•·hnol' 11., N ·w MED .. r r. •-fbo I clou1 vur.w lot wtth fruit • BEDROOM .•. ,. ... COSTA MESA 5100 ..... ,,,, DEL"iX .. 2 Ir 3 Br .. ~oN :t -• l1l1nd 1355 .. homf' Hard--NE.AX °U.J!:ME.'llTAHY $'•:1 fh1d1d111 Ill\ I I 1)1 r.A.. 11mt "l ll11l11 Apt ,,r.. u. z. BR 2 bl bo6&M 2315 Vlr lt'f'f'I &nd plt'nty of t>ttl· wood tlool'll tirf'plac' SCHOOL.. 2 BEDROOM l't 1 1 ~ I 1 ovl'r 1: m 1i:e. \\'1111rr • $611 BlHru, FA he&t.. lo&da tit . KIO!& rt. CM. Owner cuaupjl!MEJAfTE I rtoorllv1nr:•,.~ l..tt Ill c;a~t1n1.drape1.gan1e. S36-8l12 I 1'" p;.1·1J:'.11~1.1rn1n111111l·til1I .:.t111;.:1 I •.JI Deluxe Apts 1 ,)1.traio.carNraJISchOC>I• 117~101.1. fUU"I vn1 AJIL ahow vou '34,:.00 U M! per month JI t'B-' 1 4' 110·1~1 • .i~.117"1 fir • 1 6: Nhoppln(. Cor. Baker \:~a:~ '::!~'1.:;,· 0w:; OI BEfR PRICE GOOD REAl f5TATE 1 ~~Jl~~;d~~:11.Rlt~~ .WESTMINSTER _~ 1 8~~~~!;:~~:~;;;:::~,£7''.(~ I i:·;ni'.~:·E~.~ •• ~ 11<:~:~,,;..~:,· ! ~ ~~ ~·~:~";.~~~"::r 1 ,::~; ~~~d;:::: utru f'lr ldloola, IU,300 We CooPf'r&I• w Drokrr• l.1 1! 7729 .I BR, 2 ha. blk w11ll fn1·1I • . . , , I •••tu1 no p~•~ o:n W * ! llt unfurn 11 :;:1 l.l 'X 3 Br. 2 ba. Bll·lna. 3064 S&moa Pl. IHl-2209 on Ba.Lbo. lala.Dd ~n-33'4 t•o.-.1t Ave. HY 4·7!H~ ~un A Ev~~ B irlll, tpt $\1111 •i'i ;,.Ji; ,\Th.l=':-n:-;, I •·blr1 .\pt1 Hdbtu• flh•I *:!Br furn 11·10 ur Owtwr. lJaJ Nntal Tftrly lriMm• --BEAUTlfUl --1 ~I6-2133 613·2A34 I or VI 7-14117 l ~'·;.. u lnrll\, n'111lt11 f::\r'IL\SGE P.l'nt-111 .. I' o 0 L. p•1t1inr 1rr1·n ~~7: 11~!':'· Adi::. ~~:zn~~ r CORNER 3 BR l~ ba. apprmtma.le!y $1,000. . -REDUCED_T_O _ ---~'' \'i•h1tu1 ~l"·r,i::i.. 1:.\1 apt fn1 •f'r\I•"• of p11tln,, htl·tn~. •:llrpt'l' llralN' ptw>I Prlv. 1tor. hdwd. nr. FA beat. nwl A.aklnr; t.3:1200-law do ... n • RENTALS 1-nR 1:.ul\,~r .\Jll l t1l-1Kt' llll<ldlf' .... , "' rrltr!'•I 11-..... ' ~t<' A .. 111111 t S.. C RI .__ " •n,.. · " no um. unruro 147 !: 18th. P-mt. tned, nr ICbll Open II rest ty. OCEAN VIEW $82.50 .,,.ts. Furni~•d j \\ ~..,.,,.l $i.'I • ""' i711 1 plf' en~wo. 1.,.1 ,, Mir. Art 4 Ma-•~U da.lly. m Knowell Pl. IOT Marln• A.Ye. 1Two ~room (newly <t.!C· Vtr~lnlll f'I 61:1·:.?:H'.!. n :ARLY, <"lf'anli bt OIOO· ~ahia M r . ' . . -'- uooo CID to FHA. BaJl>o4l lal&nd P lui l of l.be few larct Ol"'&tedJ homu. Dllpoaa.I, General 4000 l " 2 BR furn • unfurn I an apt Nr Bay u :1•1 I a • I OF.Lt.XE lit 2 BR 2 b&. A.0081: llll-. J:arl >.mu, 2 173-0t30 Iota In L&~ Beac-h 4 water pd. pal.lo. 2 klda -----S711 ~ mn ur 28'.!1 lfar· OR 3-1178 or OR 3·!12ill ViHa Wfft blt·ina. cpl, dpe. S93. Ad- br M.mad od1. J t\ttpl. bdrm• ..L • ~...3... l m OK. ~ Or~!!_~ • N£W~T -BUCH __ _!°~~ M ~41:.1~.:!_-_ ~J1ELOR BAX FRO!'IT , ~~-I (Ith • 1~:. W .,,J.~l.E ~:~~ n::~:!' ::•:..~ _ y llS 8oCfti ~ owrwr. Huntfngt6ft-..ac1' 'T400 rm, Mn rm, tn lht hurt ..,.,~mra. 537--0380 2 BR. <'h1ld OK ~r 1thool:1 ~t • Beac.h/UUI ·pd' Win 1f SPLIT LEVEL * IM&-6Mi. 142-o131. of lhf' city on the bluff I LEASE BACK BA y AREA BAYfRQNJ Htd pool. AIMl unrurn tn · S9~ mo. 8i3·11i!l0 ------ C\WNER, ' br, 2 ba. low dD Ex c I u •Iv 1 comm unit v 3--Br/F & m-rm Beau • cor! 1 226.') Canvon (1r 8i2·0UAt Xfl:WL y ttmoth~IC'd con Ch~rn11n,1: 3 RR; 2 Bath •~ lo 19~. Iara• 2 hr. bll-°" ..._ ~cm. $15,llOO. quiet. no imog A wun-1 P'ence<t ' Ld-cpd Cpu I -uTIL-INCI • I RR -, lrrnpor'-rY t11mllu"'· I• 2 ll•aul~ Lu·wr\ klh"hl'n. lrui. nf'"IY painted, new MO lwf SL, HY ,.J"° df'rtul buy at Slls.OOO 0 ,.,...1 $l&.'5-mo. 261 Br•nt-Red. F't1rn . Prl\'il'" l'A· LC"'" T lo<trl• ot cahlnrt~. hu1ll In '4-.w t'fllln&. larit• tl()jltL•. · r ~ tlO Ill r,· REJo::-;, si..11 I.Ir Adulb, n•1 p,. la. S 100· 1 °" 1 c; ._ ~:l !lh I ..,,, Clark H.alary wood u &-liOO , '4 11·f'<1mmu•la1t· 1 Opo·r -;!~ Jo:M·n til6.ln:; J l:!O "'lnlf'r. ~l~-Oilli 1ll1Jl:f' l'\·rn a1p~l• • •· "1mar. Art 4, •tsr. •tooo Dllf Sb&rp a br 171'1 41H--OtJJ -Walklnir dl1llnr,. to ~h"fl· -ti f~ ~· H111r flrf'l'l•Cf'' ll12·2ili W•t.clltf•Plaa.. Alie~~ -LEASE 4-Br. :i:-G4 Biil· plnq Cf'nl<'r Ttirall•' rtr l.ARl';E 2 r:i: n11"111n CllEERF'l.'L. 1 .It :! BR Cl,.1rn' C.,.111f't1 C'onv1•ta1rn" ------OCEAN VIEW --, ,n,. f"rp l r r.~rd,.nf'r· WUdoParkf>riH 1 •JK nn111t• S''tmo llltr I '~ lo JIZ!\ nw On,,,, 1 .. md\' pa11n1 l'\11n•lttk' 71'8 t.IAPLE ~ 118,lliO. f'fl.48M, tum. 1M-·North1 $1tl-O--li'i:l-1282 or ')i3·140t1 I.I '•"'.!.•:? nr :0.11 ,, lll4.1 p111nt fliJ-331 \, 6i'>.J2ill I •011hh1 l:IHAI:'• i ~,., .. , 101111' I '}ft " • " drp• bit • mo 302• Cl \'eland Av ,. In" r"Cn1 11ut1•n walk UNSURP HSEO atw 6 p m. t , no---trrlL. • I'll' Clun .! •• 1: \ .... •pt hll•t'l jl\I STl'l>IO:; In 2 br, 'i b.11h , l'M\;Alf"' "HnnH•\·" Ont ,.h111•~ AJll F' Op!'n/ 1110 ON Ut4 t.airway, sww en.. tom i.lt • BK. I M. llUf• tam rm. all B/lna. cpt, ctp.. all ~ plumbtq, SS,000 dn. or wtl1 tn.d• Mwn. aou Ja~ Dr. BJ l\J •maJl O' 1 .... P '11 a•lt• n11 JI• ir.. 1 .. 7• Si'~ I'> $12:'1. f;vrr~thtni; I Ar"•· t:uv • 11lk to ~h~p· .\lu•l ~" • ..,,, Cl"TE cl-.n 2 br .... ll'v, E IJll '' ·'""'.JN•rl •""' uup ... Blvd nr . H •"1J.: lh p \\id a•r I.I 11·3 11\1 111 ~ E Halboli Oft :i-nt~ 1•1111:' • 8 1111 Sltll'.O ------ LOVELY 1 BR. 2 ba borne J'unlly rm, hue• llv m1 w..l'J ot rla.u. EXCLUS- IVE ('(Immunity, no 1mor ln Ole heart of LafUJ\& Beach. Po.-.d low at U~.- 960. You n&me Ule tenrui IJldf'. hdwt'I nr' llU' fnc·iJ I 1173-21134 .! lltltrn furn "" .. I ur•rt,. I lilt., ul1l1 -pti, s I 0 0 ff4il· j' Ii I l..A Hc;F; 3 BR 2 b&th. blt- water .It fa.rdtntr pd, Child l -. -In~ rmlll. dlJ>a, SJ 10 2 S.t 6311 3<>42 l>k $96. 1llO Santa lM· Wil..L -11hft1,. -my lc"d'· c r11pt'1i ult iri. ht.I J><IOI I" mn.ulll Point I ,:,o * CANYQNAlnE * lilt $1iX 50 mo. Ll 1-8~2 bel Ml 6-26~2 Coron& <lei \lar home \A • _64fl .. '711, 111s.;!•'•' I Mira Ma r Or 117,"1-:io:,6 I\ or Ml 8-814~. P4ClTtC aHOR.a U.U.TT 80 .... .,. --1 or 2 L.ldat~ OR 6-2309 I -; OH. partlally Cum 2 bl':<.t• 2 b 1 nt ------~POOL/ JUlt Adulta Newport Se•ch 4200 r0cJm, for\:ed &Ir. IOil!'I W r urn -II um. utra ='Y.W [>duxt 2 • I br . 1 ~-:lR "llrw home $120 Cost• Meta 41 OO __ _ B•y Av,. :-;,.\\port 8,.,Hh I Ill . "" w <=rJ•l• •hJ'•. de Ch1ldr•n .It aml .,.i.. "'f'I· • OW1MI', Kl ... 1 °' OR wnt. 1ot00 e..dl Bl. R JI.. Cl&nc Haaey 1714 I lllM-0433 Encl-Patio Ranse/. ---fl00~1~• :SUITE.«;e APTS luv klh·h. ""alk.ln clo1 romr $119 50 Lo $12'7 .60. 148-ltr.3. * STARTING /\T.· ,.. •mpltll'I\ tum, uttl. SF:\\' duplu-up~r. r li•at tU Jl<tlh•I. 1loro1:• [lrart1 MD lilu•. IH&-111311. iT OWMI'. • mt. tr fa.m · ma, 2 ba. B/IDI. dlalrwub- .r, em Opt. nn17 tncd. u..-. ... _,,_ LA RUE REAL TY OOLflEl'S SPECIAL! r -Meadowlark Count17 2 BR ' tf'p Studio -;:m: 8weeplnJ ocean vtf'W • deck. $33.000 M.;-.;--A "--I Mar,-3 -Br, phonf', llmn11, ma1•I ,,.,.v. , 2 hr ¥. \\' 1 pt. d~ bit· 1Y 1111 l!Khool• 2 h I k 1., - 2 b&. fllm rln, ~n..-.-..11 ' • ' 11 r l)Vt'1l•)C11\•11 .. " :! ftt'all"\l _ • __ . _1 "' __ ·•·•!I:?• -('lllltlr.-n S l'i'f'l. Jfl,"1 .$1 Ill I p t .1 bl """' .,... • SI~ PP.R :'.'lTfo In SI '.( I 6P -I ssi.; l...A (U111: airy 2 br No ' · ,.. • Sl7 '.O PE:H \\'h'. · ,.. . "' •· •. 'tJ• "· urP41, l·ln"' , 614 ~ CD loaal '1000 CID or wtJJ t.&U late model car ID tna U2.600. draptA. SIM • $';'1) PER-MO I'" I• va1·bt• •• I\' • udo Lido ,,,. 4351 ITllJ ,\!gr 2.111 c ( lln)fin I rn ... k ,,, .1>hvp11 180. A l:vu '.>411-.}jOI '' r ~·-{•r •H•l ir.:: g o< hi' lf't 633·2&82. 1... Jowa KI .. w1 or ORJ.M•. N Club, kboola • Shopptn.c. W. L.. NEFF, La&'tina Vitt.a R.-1 l'Atate. 2411 N. Cout Hwy. HT t -7878 1 BR. prl'!rr mtddltaJf'd or r•llN'li couple P O Falrvltw A VI' C M. e 10 • SEW l'NJT~ t F1~11~1 \11'1 \lfl:"f!IL\ r ' '1'1" I t:r (, .. I V THE COUNTRY 1 1.A~J-; "J • l.lr -<'otta e-o.r: • :-..:Lr:: ... l . BR APTS. Ul.l'l :\Hllftl; ... HllTl'.:I. 1·11 I' • I' I •I ~' I • l llL. lNCL'D '1 I ,, I •• • HOUSE 2-BR. APTS. HJ:•· (')•l•' D~· Htd -A: M,\HINA d 1\ '• 1oi ... 1121 I • t e MA SSAGE Rl!:ST . t:>fodl 11 I 1 Sl11•1in \J•I• c-1,1 ''"'I '111m Sl20 376 !:. 617 Lf'l11 l'ul< li110 • 1 1 1 h • Lil'N'DROM~T I Pq'" r.1 .. c . kit f'\t .p11• "' fll2 ·0H 9 1200 TllLI B:&A UTirUL home lltENT ALS bu EVERTTHINGt Bullt.-HOUSH Furnished OR 3-00:•3 •-BR / \VUte.)t:-=-o!i Bluff' Elf'C·klt I Frplc i;;;;.1,,..,uz 11· \1"· 1 e EXTRAS AV.\IL ... :,,\fl '"1 ""n. tin• '"'"t•lv l''•"I k rtrr H 'H=' or t 'nrum:--2-B7. 239~,:Stwport M1'·97r.3-LIKE-:111t: llt;\1'11 · I ~;'~ ,.HI.,• \'rM 1111• •tf'(I l'n!11m Jiii• t'urnl s 1111 Ill) Hl'atC'd P ool. LOVl!LT S-Br I 2 Ba/1.49 hmll1 ~·rm I o.bwr I BUUna I Frplo I Cpu I Dfl)9 I Dbl6.pr I Xlnt-<'nnd! 2 • blu :.o Ot:tar or Comm • poola tn R.anJ•, O.en. DWl- w a• h • r, WW-c&ri>et.a. rtnpla.e.. Patio W /Block-..n. VACA.NT 6 Prtc:.d Genenl "000 /Cpt.t I Drpe I Patio. :-a:w ~.tr T\'-~I · r 1 : 1 • '•' • 1un :\rw p111nt . 2264 M1pl1, .. u l-Mf8 WrN;i;-;;-~ &; I 2 BR gara1e. '89 19~11.(' ALA MOAIA APTS. er•· [trp~ lt11lt1. II I.II "' I. 1 1' I Ill ,! .. 111.i 111;12 \\' \\'11...on Arot-0 AJ'I f ~ ~-11'42-3834. Vfl•lnBr<11h l•rlr· J l 'l 'll tit " -• " I " I ,.l)q, I.I~ ,J';'I) f!:\1·1 l 'Tl0~2-e-R: t or FAST SALB at Aw. N B. 2 BR hooir Ch&rhs St. CaJI altf'r .\. 6-tS-7017 :<..1ra W WilM>n, C M "' :: l:lt Tiki hOU1't, H • tlr11J 1':v.-. t;it~·~'IJ~1 r1t~.722R rtnv• ,\fr 1:n B•tli?a hh1nd 43S5 $89 1111111ot• typr aplJI, d~a, 1 q1t rn• lu,f'•I J)lllln, prtv. I• n ' lmmtd -t><"cvp I '23.Tl5a. M 113 7fl0. No down to OJ'• forn!ahl'd nlctly, $HO mo 7-1211 e 847-8.511 •BOHM l"• ba .. S:>1r 1~·· r" rrattnn room. am· $500 DOWN BUYS At.o OcHn Front apt, ff'ncf'd vud, patio Sl'l • pt .. 1-<rkani.: la:indn·. <I• rqzy ~t111I.' r11 • • • 1.1· \ 'l\J ' . . t , rr I.•\: "1\ t11 nu .: u• I 1 J I I I 11 ''I• :; 1 l"I ' hit n '"'" \\ 111 v.1nt1•1 11·111 ii CABANA. It lrlr. Udo Park. Pvt be&t-h. tum. Pfrm. home. $16()(). ....,_ 3 bd t J L b $100 mo Balboa Bay m<>. 8~2-2940 .•a.•I .. r Atl111ta no pet• p\l r11:1u 1 I 1 • l" 1 )( UUW"n I U«O, .. a.1 p rtl OR • ----~·tr ll~rl>or Shp• 00 up llf'"''i' ry :;. ,, '"'' i •' -t._ ... 2 A•• 1ar blt-tn• rop~ u , ... 7u o. SM.AU.. 2 l>tlrm on I"• lnl " I -~a.. "'4U • ,.,. ~,1~, l)f!4-1 ·r1"··•1 \· h"~ln ,·d .\ J 1,:i1 ftttpl, front A ~ yda. 1 NR Park A Sch, ;s BR, I l 'p lo 3 c~1211ren OK. SIM pd St1•1 11 1 J111\ 1 "' '1 Iv "' I hr olt :i i. rn; 11111\ OR~ OWNER. 2 BR Bch du-pl.a. 1IO" t. ocean. 2 yr old. PT.HO. OR MMS. PAT LIKJ: RJ:NT modern, dapl, bit-In r&nJe, ~0· MM· 19 * HARBOR VISTA OH a.;;,;i·1 62.22 ean.ni. Drive. H.B. cpl, dpt, 11. fncd yard MESA d'I 1'1ar 3 ·Br, 2 • 2 HR turniah,.d Al-r:o' I~· I I Hit I~ II\ rm iii I l\f• Call collect DU 74391 $175. Unturn. $1~. I Ba $ti' ·mo 2309 Drak,. • HF:.\Tf:I'l POOL 1 rnll\ rr•1,.1t1rAI• I , •• BT Ownrr. 2 bdrm, drape. LI: 8..1~. St. IM~729 EVES • 2·HF:11RM~ $12fl '" rn°•)"r ~t.•·ppant.: s:.,1 I"'' ol ll•' I\ ti•• u l ~t,..1. IC: I lo-.•• 4 t JJt ,I 1.•J.(1';' Of f 1f: .. -t. I •i I ' Newport Sho.ree 1220 YOU OWN LANO .. tlJ>l. WutlnpOUllC bit· lBFl $M-.-2chlld.ren OK Cpl~ Drp~ Atltlrut W1"h· 111;: ltl Sil'• r"' fl l in&. 20ll20' patio. 636-8391 Cost• Me.a 2100 Smsll yard. rar~e. 21117 ,.r·l 1n •r 2 Bike Harhor lilrn k In "'' •• n Cr. I t I' 1 II 1\TTH,\CllV~; '1 .l< .I nn 111t 1 .. ,. ' I 111 n n••\\ h 1!''"'"'' 1. ·\\·1nt•r Sl1\ J • •I Ir f1 I • dJ t Jt( ~ .!, ; 1 !t • t>.drooma. 3 beU\a. L-vun• &..ch 1705 ln•pec~3:_11~~!!·r rnn· $595 MOVES YOU IN ,irtn.ictlon. Walk lo ~"-Ch $25,850 •21~ Walnut.. N.B (;onttmp1ira ry modtm n~w 148-7736. Ena. &76-~IJ73 I home. hlfh 11bove LaguAA. ON ul. water, brand nrR. Tutd ul use or brick. 4 BR. 21,1,b&, B-lna. C"Pt.. Jtlu1 .It wrourtbl Iron Own mull Mii, ma.k• of· Wide dbl• lrnn iatu Ind fer. 492 &2nd St 042·3129, to eolry ca.rden area Llv- KIOH beamed ceHln.c/ I - Br/ 2 -Bal Built ·In• etc. •22.600 Owna 64246-fT. lnrt room featuru tall lou. vetf'd w1ndowa. hmlly room Mluru parquet hardwOOd noon, l"ttd brkk fl"'Jllace. 12' &lldlng Jl&111 Coron• del M.r 1150 door• to rear yard w1Ut CORONA clel MAR llt'lme ocean view. 3 IR• bedroom•. 2 bath• * clrt1t.~­ lng room In mMter 1ulll'. Quun1 kitchen '41th Dt:atb lri thf' P'amlly, -mu.t Hll lh.la flxtr-uppt"r nut~"· ovC'n, <h11hwaahl'r, befo,. ll la complf'ted. loed1 of hardw00<1 rabl· Oood opportunity to make net• • l>rnk!aal bar. ,. A money In n.lce Coron.a d~I heat. C&l"p!'tlnr Ulni-out double 1arare. KAr tlllllhborbood. Com-3004 Cl"ttl!'ta Wav pi.te prtce for am•ll du-Alta lAK"m• Ltalu pl• and l&rJ• lot. $21,800. 411._1700 Oall LI 8-2048 day• or ---10 6-0938 In tlle tvanln.ca. S W F: p; r ING panor11nur Eld,.n 1146-8073. I Sht1pp1"rr c ,.nter I '>fl J.1;.;1 11tl •, l'\f ONE :O.BR U~·\10. J eR-:-2 ba tammi. , rt ~="1 .\131 ,,. e ri•x-s31'11 s-:-:1 WITH r ·111 r·t ,,, . !n•<l Rd rr'I :.!1 411 \\r•I• \\Ill •Ill I HI : l•lf I~~· ONE l·BR JJl;,.McJ , Artrr 4 pm Ca ll IHll·A~>4l .! BR-Z rblldrf'n -OK N11 man~l• r I\ 17 ~1'.:4 2 BDRM. _ r95 I '' I\ ilh-111 I: \ti 1 • •" • -J .\:~r ,,.,.r ~ ~11 01 I• I lit 'Z 1:r! A pt-N,.'4 frr1n Sff.. • \ 111 • • • r ~•)I 1r11-• 1, 1 , •• ,. • •'1 1 r-•1 1.11 ·" 1., 1 f if I 1;-: .. " 1 t I f 't ·• 1 tq,,.t, ilr.1rf'~. hll· .111·1 r•·li "'' ntl'll C'hlltlr111 prt•. l'n/ $1 10 Furn, U t.\ M IHO<l!'i 11/t,.r 7 ,,. ·' TEltFl'• 1'··1 Huntington Buch <4-COO In• '11\t\ fl: Wth St < M Ct.Jo:.\;\' prtv"t" -:? hdrm duplr• \t, •Irr f'lll•J CAr · Newport BHch 1200 0 d,.n,.r Slf>O ~Ill· t:l.;2 cean Front Triplex 2--Bit \\ 1:a ..-gr Ampll' Park Ir L«,. · fnr<l "" r •I NEW 3 or • B<ll'Tl"I • 2 Ba Ell.'lt~1.J,. Rra•' 1112·0~3" F'rplc, completely I' um ~ ROOM hnu\t •qlh piwu except llnf'n.a. w 1 n t • r 26& I!:. 18th ~t sno ptr lu.ae. OR 3-090t . monlh. C'all lllli-ll!llll l.JDO-Band1:-a BR. 2 liil Meu Verde elf'( B lM, patio, dhl aar' 3110 Ulll pd Community J'<"ll 1-to J une. $22:'> mo 642-3464, 11-48-0030. w1krr;R rurn3 br frplc, cpl11, drpA, OR 3-M&a fVU •>r OR :t-0870 2 ba, \\ LNT~R or Yrly :J-Br / 2-ba Nr-B1y .t C'lf'ran 1 All'" 2 Rr W1ntr1 Rrnl· Al, OR 3.011 • TP.A r1r-: Ir I ,. (•r • r ll Lnv,.lv 1 BH hnme nf'\I ln .\lr•a \'n•1• 1 ;11ir c .. ur•r. lit lh rm fir,.. phl• I'. 111111 rn1 hll ·111 ,.lr1 k1I Ii;: h111 k n1rd 111mp fn• <I ldr;\I f••r • h1ltJrr11 t 'r111v Rll\ In• fli.\,flH! 2"';11 F:: r·,. ... 1 lh' l'd\I ~1· ... 1 •111t 's ';? llH 1•,,1, .. •Ii• k •l•pl Ip f \ 1,,.11 .\T TIH: l.J. •. \Cll :'\r '•h: ''••J•r Io 1hopp111a Jnhn '"• trka. W·O~O F.\"•:. f>.46-M73 C.udr ·~ AduJt Ltvlni 1101 II>\ Y PLAZA _ u1111 R1\'11 111< ...... , h<lnn 1tP• "llh l""'I JI 111 I S 1::-. Wint• 1 ~?Ju \ rh· 1 l11r11 lot 11nt11rn I Ii .: .,1• fl('EA., ( ntid up ti ·, . 14th !'(L I. 2 Ii: I•" ' • kly maid •<'rv ~p111 klrnr.:, dl'C, convenient 1' urn SI Ji • Untum $100 l!l•:;, r'uJT"'' ' Coal& llte1a '. t k N. ot 19th '· • • ,, rnnt I Hr .,1, 1 . 1 1 II t • ·'· ·•Ill :-.1 I\ t, ·:l!'l1' ""'' urn """"'m p.,11n Jant)te, 111l11ll" :l1nM \\' S'tll :! IMnn, 1, hl•1•·k l1o ""'l\n P'ronl :'\R I i11·" h S"-'• & 1'111 :'<l•~I· \\'l;\"TER • 2 ,, 1 111 I h-lrm , 11rpf'I, <lrllpl'I! • 11' m Al,.,, -.•.• i •• :,>11"• '" 11 t .4r1i1i Mrn1 un!urn Yd\· 1:.: 3:tth SI v. knd• \.\'<'<'kd,. I l;lt $till 1111 htil 11111• $2S A WEEK--1"1'11 I 2131 :1:111 l\."11ti I •I••' I'". fl II • \I i ·:~ 111 p.,~ •r •nt tn~lu"C'• TV C1'm'"'"' •· 1111 1·1 l pu " -... • .. ~ "', ........ , "'pl 111 .111111 SE!: !'AT • SI·:-.; l ll1l iii\ I~ 1111 , 1 turn • f' • \l&ld 11ervlet s.. lark Motel ' ;. 1 t \ ' port Blvd . C M \II G-7446 I 11-:1.1 .\:!-, I 41: 2 Br ltJr 11 fror llA t1rlon Quart "'"'r•I pool. No pi"l• or •h11.:,,,. ,00 t'r •I~ '11,;: lll8·112M l!1!1J 1007 w HAY. :-; n I "' 1111!11rn 11111 l~"·I I flln l11·r tt·nt i.t7 1121, 1·HR l'TIL ·"""·l•F.l'" <krnnF11mt V1t•\\ <:?:l"•ll· fd'J'l.FX:.: HI• 1:\ltA1:E "k •ir m11 117.l , 1·~~ I ~!l(l ..Sii a!1~ SNt'r. I [:ft • I 'Tll. I'll' -I I.•\ • 1111 :-1 rrrl (1ft :O:'rl'l•lfl }li11 <:; ,1 .. \1:•:1: l::" I lh ilr•;;:m 1111 Jo: l\A y fli:l·l'lll -'i'•" \I ~·• 1111r11rn1.111~1 1 '.II k 17 -7 It I \ :'\I I '.! h• It fl'" 11p1 • J j • 11111 1111.t 1i•· u1, 11 1,111,I." r.:., l,1 ,Jo; J J:rt :'\'P:\\'l,Y 1 IFX" •lo:• 1;;:1°>\'°':0,I I \I ,I) l'."1FllHN .'•it FNl~l.J\NI> -1 '1""w "' ""'Ir• r1ty and CORONA HIGHL ~NDS ocun. Brand Ot'w . hnmt I BR 1. Jlv rm \\ l h tlrf'-NICE 2 BR, rrilr.-nralf'd • .. · • buUt on 2 lf'Vl'lf! In plc· j Atlult J pl.a.ct, hnttd pc)()I, J\l"•t ~. no 'ni;t• .. I~:\ n.o ( 'hllf • t1 ~· Newport B .. ch 3200 ra::.; r hv w~:p;K a.pt. Priced r1 h t . t11r,.~q11t LA«'lln• Rf'ft•·h -111'-•' llam11ton :.•~·3716 ()("f:,\:.; .. I: I I ·" T t "' • t .\111N1'H fl\Y IK"f:,\;'I: \'II'\\' 11', ··~:.:"':--: fl \1'111:1111: Ou•1tn Furn. l.1:• '.! hr ~1 "'' ·n•~ r11r· f>t t• •I \..•JI (•" I • h 1 t t , 6: 0\1 n flrl\' l;RHIJ:•• !l1w111 I~•\ 11 l'itlrn 1 •r 1 hlk \\ "•t Ill 11.ut ... r ('ur 111 l!.tktr Str•d ~"' $1fr.'I IHll-iC\ii Sti7 ;,11 l ht unf•irn-:-it1.= p.••AI 1lhlf' •Ink Nrwly P·•lnt,.,t 111.l W IUlh. ()It ·;.•, i2tl JI•"> ,\t<J 1;111 • 1iic1•--r:-Br Harbor Estates Apts j <'rit1 r>rp" a11uru Pau,, •. J2• VITJ:lnta !'I U IMOM. ,.. THE GAY BLADE 'l HlJftM .. 2 bathe. built: APTS In• Nrarly ntw. 1125, 2r1:li Elden. • 1·Rr 71 Fl:\ • 2-Br 11 ,·Bil l.ARGE 2 bdrm. bit-In•. e I • llr ~·11111 • nrot 1r•n· 1 t1rrf'l1!, d"Pf''l. 585 l!I =-:rw .. 1 I 11111nlh 67f>-2.'l40. • " \Ii • 'P " 'IT'" - -<"Ill""'• s:.11t ti ,11•1 I l 1F.l.t'XJ:o~ 2 BR 2~ l'llll:-.:1-: •1111 1t111 rl11~• trhoola. r 0 0 Ls. H ,.i-.,,, T -:111111 C111111t1r. !'l1f1.11r.'ts. • '''"m ovmh')u\e 1 ntJf:M Al'l f!Ar""'t;. 1111 I II p ll ,., 111 1, ··~ .\t.-.t 1111,,n kilt hrn rtr 111H.11 f P1 •0 1 SllU m<'I. s •i;: I,. a,. r , A I•,, •ti.I· flll\·3~1111 11111 r :! .JO pm. 11111 apt ,,·a1l•hl,. <1211 UiWF;n l br.-;:-rpl.,drpa. 111111.nr Hlv•I fo:ntn Wtl· low rl'nt to right party. a<•O St. or ll1u hor Rlvil :i.·.i Varlorl11 648-31113. R•·~ Mrr A rt [) l , nnr U ;i.; rl'olt•• oraltd 3 btt, J ~ , .. 11 bit, 1·~t11, drpa, •tmd«k. 2·WKS-:-FREE RENT-• , rm. 21, RATH • :um. I•, RATH e 1.rm "' ~111<11n Apt :-:1;\\' \111 ·<'1''" 111p!! Car· J"'•' \ e ~T.\ 1!°1 ,\ r J llMI 1'1111:-.ifo: tlll Pll I 111 I> • l'•K11. l ·v r \ ;r:d I 1 ftft. lnrll\' 11t· ·1 hfltnr•: f'.m;,f', A•lull" SI ;ltl Op- l'n • 21!\3 Or•na r. 4' Iii· 11:'1:! 3:'>1 Vu tort&, IMll 3103. \\ANTED:-rtnodl f'n'ifi'ii for 1$tf I 11'1\0 2 • I br •pl :.111 fi2011. LO\'ll:L Y 3 RH.lb~ tn• f,.A "uh llryrr paUo, (11111 51:1.1 Ll IHl.'iH 'J rm A l"T GARAm:.M: ult• onlr Jnqulre al 2071 Thurln. f'M. LCJt: .. l hdrm, 1 · ba. bit· INI, q tl, drp, f rpl, 11\lJl pore h A lflll', 64f..:W24. Mar-Ree Townhouse Apts. (ALL NEW FAMIL Y.UNlfS ) 1978 MAPLE __.. _, C l or Im I Lowu lfvl'I bu 2 bf'd· m--..f! room11 huge famlly room l Hr S 110 prr m" I; lib 1 In• lu<ltrl. IHOli W Orun M)O Allpllta. Irvlnl' Tur &rlt• ba~ The •to.""~ Fmnt 873-3117.1 SI"" • nvi 11111 Dr HY t.ll"~il ~, • ht11r I A ~ Hit apt.I ('hllolflll ''" ~ .~ ·ii ~ k s 1 :.!tl "'" ~:ti•• ,, .,,, .. 11411 7302. I • REI 1l:M • 1·11111. .\1111.t Ser'l•r .. r .. rn J ll~1 ·1111 ff p;.~1fl:Ji( ••I illl· l j Ill --· I , I \Ir:~: C11r11 :.! bl lh1plf".'< Adttll • only no I" 1 A l•o '1 hr A flt Jnq111r,. 170 13 lto•h,. 1.-r, CM l..l ll :toll 2 BR 2-BA B,.droom uptta•,.. L1\otnQ room "rea down1tA1r1 VleW I BR. 2 b-. h ted apua w U &mue you __ ' • f'& Main noo-r hM latfl en· WINTER 2 Br furn l bl -AT'Tr: \<' 2 BEOIUI P*"1Ull~mon.blaftne., ....... lo-elv 11_._1 -m from OCtM. •120 RPACIOI '~ lb1 r11m rm S il~ 111 S '-•CllJ•la.. u;r • '"W '''"" • lnrl 2 1 .. 1 ' ' 1 I 10 '111/4' • lllfl -;;;;,;;;;;-Jlt&.A.L,._ .__, cttnt,,. room, electr1c utua OR 5-1784 " •·•· 4 , ) ra """ 1~11 .,. ''" J t•&M St . 1 ·RR l 'Tll. f'[l' ..,,... •• ., ••a .....,. kl'-...... • ~-NW'UnM"\ Ga.rd,.n •f'r.' llM'I. S23\ :1 1~ 11J•,; Ac1111t11 No nrlJI S'ICI "'l.v rra &. Oaerlt. B-:r. C.dX. ... -.... n. mu~er """"""""' ...... .-vRT S HORES -I . ., ~2 and l ~ batla. Th• WT• Nf'\lt a br, 2 ba, pool. ll!M! mo I yn . lH A'imM' l"Jbdnn. ,,I -213 • 2tllh l't. I eervlc• room II th• nnly 642-3~ or 8T 7-0lU, ~ 8-~421 "n•_• wkende I l•1b & ,hower Watf'r ~· 1---i:BR YRP:>: tm'L·- YISW D1JPLllX J'OC)fl\ wltbout an ocun 4 BR, 2 b11. fncd yard:la SllO. 1021'1 Anahflm Ave. RF'AS·RltNT' J'Olt. I.A.Lii Br OW'ND view. All room• lead to Corona del Mu 2250 r•r. r11rJ'<'lr I pslln. nr I :'14,. fM17,1 1'.\~11 W n11lbt'la Blvd : WI.. I Ilia ._ l anft II ! 1Nndtck1. Opian bouee w111 Hnl\~ $1 2.'\ mo H.\~ • ~ ('[ .,. . --. - --ram.;. otlMT bal llt.off ~ t>elt1 dally Btltf'r hur. 2 RR nr bur h, (•m,.ntr, &iprdur 1 ~f'd I ~•.A." J Ur, $U Incl uUl•· t BACHELOR apt. nl\. l .6 ..._... C&.111 To Jun,. 1~. Artt, "" fW'I• -' lral LAn• 1 ln•111tr• :l'\,. 8&111A lllllht'l, I hlrK k 111 hr,, It flt 'l 1~1· '""!.',.. .. OC'e6.ll f"J, prt ... N1 un<lrr ™•.000 1 ~ ~R. frpl, tn Clttfhftwo r• .\f "ttrr :.·:in PM ftDlll Mua DY 11'\A. BoUI It aho1111f erll qulC"kly. ll7:l-~\40 llT:l·•M I f'Vl'll I Sll\ll 11111 1·2 \"T 1 ... l.~4 ,,., . • • .... P¥' ~ r p Ownn A Mf'dAlllon Hnrn.. D-fbo ---Plr11tr Htl 171l· 14:l1 . ~l;l;Ofil apt ( pt11 Nt , W'lih etJ t'iftanc· l'IJ~ O&nyon Vlf'W Or I ~ • 2300 1111" ll11tl n•. Nr • llllr· .... _ _._.. .. ... t r A-•na .... ('I\ r ,, ••• ,.,,._~ "'" Sh11p ... n1. IW8-4781, -· ... -.• .-. ~-._w .... EN. Pt. I BR. con• den WU ... un A I pm. PrihdpaJa C.nut Hwy to Tballa. turn 2 rpta. ii .car. JIM>. I Action Numb.r: -RA«m :inRAPT-: S60 1ft17, ~ft tn Canyon VI-Dr OR 3·4'"2~ •v"' wknrf• 67S-l3l I liTJL • l'Oll l'UC& UX:! f•411·:1~1111 Jttt II pm -if :: llft '1j'lll nr "'r.11ri ltlll WA.Ah tit,\ JHll w1nl•·f ('All OR :l024~1 t afl I ,":II l Rr uprrr. r rlY plrt ~ 111• I f'r nt yrl\', f . .-1u1 prll't<1 117~·0121 """' 7 rm I Hr1l11•1nl,"° Ad11lt11. $1~-A m•mth 21131 01'1ln(" Ave. C1 l1 :,111-~ i&4. <ENTALS.---- Apta. Unf urnl1tt.d General IMM~Ct'l.ATK 2 BR 11p1.. • r1 11111· rlrt·trll" I • n r k1ld'lrn~ • '"' \' 1•1rw • SllMI In $12~ J'lf'r "'""'h • Tn ,.... rall 114:.1-11,.~o ,.,.r. ,,7:1 .. i1111r1 EA.CH unit 'ti.it P r1v1 te rcnwd Patio for a., a.a. A80Vl avtr•Q• (.•rpet1, d rap.., built.Int. ACCEI$ rrom l •tr .. te with Ample ,_trk· Ing OOOD •'111• w.1llung dltl1nce to downtow .. Clo,. lo acho•'• ... WC PAV g "· w .1tu. lrghh. 9.trdener ~•uted Pool ltrv1ee. S 125 PER MON TH TELEPHONE l I : ? ( : I • • - llNTALS • • • • • • IOAT SUPS AY Al UlE FOR RESIDENTS 2 Bdrm. -2 leth Apt. NEW -fully Carpeted l Draped. Refrla.. elec. Ranp; Dtabwuber. Lars• Balcony o~er­ looklnl Barbor. Spectacular vtn ot ocean ancl BaJ. Llrte POOl PLUS Hot Water Jiu. Ill• Pool Jaw for adulta. 2 El.Halon, ample Pvtmi. $390 Mo. on yNrs l.ue. • Cll 673-1788 for •ppt. Mr. HerrMn Trott, B~r. • • • • • • • RINTALS Aptt. UnfvmlahN PTHll c.un..m .. luper\ .s.w.,~u.._. TTO RWC'IWI. tN•aoa.. Dupla, Unfvm. llAL UTATI • OeMral RIAL UTATI ... ...... OOAIWl!f'"4 VALi.ft » Ml'tl • W~ !fr. La ~ Oolt Oou--.. IWt hW ~lr. Pl.tit er M -.Mo• M.GOO ffT ...,..,._mT. COSTA MISA 5100 Huntlnttoft leech 5400 -----------------LAROll 2 bdrm, bit • tu cai,,.t.. drapea. U& month. tT&-SMO. tffwport IMc" 5200 VILLA NEWPORT ATTENTION! BARGAIN HUNTERS WZ HAVJI BMutltul K .. Apt.a,, WeN ... 'haeta WANTED-Gan&• Bp&e• J.D Newport or eo.ca 111 .... tor Ito,..,. Of f\lmtt\ln. C.U KI &-OtH. FAJWHOUBll.--1\A-N ..... CH..,..., OR COUNTRY ROJO. ' OPTic& r AClLJTlD lxcfM .... 4 l. E. 6230 Bot .a N pt Bc1l toe.. IAI. suo "'°· Property Owners ~ l\ENTAUI STI mo. up lDcl uU1. PAt!L JONU Jl&A.LTT 2001 W. BalbO& Bt.d. Npt. Bch. OR MtlO EXECUTiVi air condlt.io. ed ofttce IUit•. On• and SPACIOUS DILUXI two man Ol'ft~ All vt· 2 & 3 llDROOMS DOUBLE 1ara1• on weat mu-. tnclwt. ~I Ml-8027 lldt of Coet.a Mesa.. 11ervlee. From S'ft Q~ j l.uwrious Ir S~clous untum 2 Br '" • $115 64&.7'61 or su.nes. A.NOie COU"NTY BAH1C 8tudlo A 1 1 .. 11 Apt.I Unfum 3 Br $133 • $HS ----BUILDING, 8uJte tU, 2IO D~ w/W cpt&. tlec dt.lh· Furn. 2 Ir. $139.SO I Rooms for lent 5995 1:. 111.h strett. eo.ta w .. 1 wuh•MI. b .. ted ~ '1M Furn. 3 Ir. $169.SO BEAUT room for 1entl• •4&-HlO Conl&ct R.lc:lr.ard or IAwt9 to $146. A.dult.a on 1 . no man. homey atmospber ' J'Oft--LEA.8--IC--PboM LI a.ae3' uTUm• pet.a. 1401 Supertor Aft.12 WEEKS FREE ROO pvt. ent. lei. pr, 'paUo w / <'R'Icz.awtu 6 Sste-of· 642..aoTt. BBQ. Je0 mo IHO Santa t\cee a4j.()ranc• Cty AU-r' BSA.CB Is OC&AN ~ % BL to Pan, Mods1I J BORK. uppu dupla. 14 Carpet.I _ Drapa _ A..na Av• N.B. L pan, Vie: U Oil c.J. Cam-a Br, w/2 •·,.,.,.~Pt. blk to OCMD.. Cpt. drp, r.noed P-.U.-N.., p L ll A SANT Cbrt.uan pua. Herr D. 111_,er 6 2 1Dl'8. Wut c.c.ta lto•e, mrtr, Yrly l.M J\trnltw. home. e.mp&oy.s ptl'90D. Ion lnc.. ~. Jleaa llOGM or Dupla.. '115• !~ .. 11''4 42zld It. Blt-hw -J:nc1. O&rape 166. 890 Vktorl& SL J'OI\ .-at. or .... llualtl'ft ~ .. ,000. U0,000 KI .,........ HEATED POOL 146-3()()1. ofc. Ofc w/Uvtq qtn. Mr. equltJ', .. '1600 On. rotnfD,.............., wtllt. dllelt. AS.11-YJ frin4 Ill-. MMW attw a, SJl11' Of ~ ICMMt 81t. p.m, Vie. !fwport 81". 6 HarllOt 8J.-d.. QI. ITS-tll7 CHlHUAHUA. fou , '* lbop'PIJ1( C..tM. "6-TSU, l'OUNI> • PUpp7, ana11 lea( b&1tM ~ •la.It• "/)roW'a ...... 1*4U1. roUND-medal. ifV Ol,Jm· plad fl'Oal Lo6daa. Vlda· tty ot Cd)(, • .,,~. 6401 _' _______ _ * ODlLIUDBIO ln HW\ t-a.ch Tua nJte. Ott\ to ffU' UtU. , l r l from beloved tat.bu ~ dlec1 ...centJy. it.ward tor Into or return. ~10.5. LOST (-) Mu'1 rel.low sold nonnUnea w.sdJnt band. &a pol.&lb9d ' 0 1 d qee. \'1o. J.AbrMlor 6 Baku atreeta. Oa.D tT&-Ull l:ltt. • •:• -I OJ' ltl•ll'll after l :IO. TRI::00L0ft ma.M bMf'a. A.aa. to ''Ladry ... w.,.. lftr le&t.tlu collar. "2·16D. L08T wb.Jt.e lbql'J ba.11' q , malt, RlU poon. v1- clnll1 K. 8 , Bowttac A.I· lay, Hwy at. R..ward. ,.. 1-UOI. Oftft f....,. tAJJ pee;&> Vie. Qoldm'ftll 6 Mo ma-. Reward. • nu 1 BR PaUo Apt. cpta RterMtlon A,_ NmAJl OOC. Oookln( i Comm. 6 Ind., C.X. Otb· JACK lrtOC&Dn.L. IWr drp9 , It.oft, retrtr • -~ ho:n• pr!•. 2010 IUl1&.D en frclll M5 up. ...._2UO 8a.lbo& 1*land OR 1·2220 A'M'M =: D.AJQI tu paid. A.dult&. no pet&. v·1rg·1n·1a H·1tls Way, CM. &U·MM aft. • 01' M6-lt10. HA vm 5 ACftii • Benet No'f'ke ~ a.. au. 2e20 AYOll. rw qr:.&ft u PM (•HI. 115 • MO. Small tu.ns..Of. Wut b:acol'M property. formiAC/M .. t~ for 1-en~ ev• PL&A.SANT roama In rt flct UO W Cout Hwy Oran~• County. fttaltor br/hr i.af~ 2·BR I 2·8& Oupla& ~JWl· 71'71 Bl&ttr .Ave. home. Rea.a ..-i.. ca.ta Bulle • "1'' l'fB. 64e..Ut3 Mt-OJIO. " MJ..MM. ~ >": tna I Cpt. I DTp. I ,. Hunllncton SMcb ....... Ml 67695. ' 1MornlDC'll BAVZ a BDJUI. 2 '-th. -*--FA_l.,...L,......,s'""''""',..c""1A""'L,........,*,... bllu to Octu! $lS$ ROOK In pvt home to em. NW~s-cla r•"«DM Steam Ba1M A~ yrly-1-I 111 Cedar, PHONE l4T-0160 ployed lady, kttcben prt•· Industrial I'~ 60IO ut. prop. or acnap "SUlTID IOO" -l1a..laU <N•wport Sborul Dtrecuona: Drive to Beacb U • "'"•1t _..:...;:==+=i~~R~-jPi(Wi~:X.:r: aouu,.u Cailt. ~f::g~ --tfWt'. StT A Slat ~ea. _~_. -:.:.. • D.vtn '01'1D e RMJtor. 0 IS55 VfrLldO NJL -i-mt;" ii?'&eiD, CP't.-rc. . --~-f . • $12 60 • WK. UP ••• S .. E OUT pr, 1120 1-. tot~ Mtb A• <2 blka S. ot Wamn), R.OOMS. xrrt:HJ:NB CLO TIUl>ll l:qultJ' bl l t.o 4 SL CW) 2 .... um. Eaal lo rental otflu. I &djoCD1D& K-1 loU Fou~ Bldp. Oly °' 1 MONTH FIEE 21N~ Newport. ~65• Fu117 lmpl'09ed Or&q9, tor equ.lty la If.._ Corona •• Mar 5150 rd 5"' Neu • MW .~ modal baaM GI' Dupla IP JJUTUA.l. le ~.,_ ~-.... -.. ptobleme. JA. T..MOI. loal n..dl Bl, 8t&ntOL ...... . ---..... "° DOW1I ••noun .......... 008TA MaA a..aM.aM - DON'T IDtftlJ 1111C'1'8s ,.. CU'P'U ....... Lmt.re tMa • • • altmla.- •l• ..... I U ..... Rm.t ei.ctrio .. ·-fl. RMda ~ c.t.a K-. LAWJf ..W.. llew A e4pd try loce.I r'W « a' J'u1J Ume • wacaU. ratM. J'r'M ..U..ta ut-out w NT-ltd. NOW OPDIHO • Jolaa- .on•1 ~I •· 7ft Drper I TNe ~ I ~. Won "Y 'lt/lO/ JOB/°' YtilV m-all iif.OAtiW Q1tdlls .,..... ....... tne ........... . a... ..... MMTtf. k I " iii.WJ ' ,·11 o-1 ~ .... ...... ~ tas. .......,..., ...... * oAl\DiifDICJ * "'°'" • s • er, 1' • S D ~~-... Reul llMlt1.. Ufi -·-= ,s; _........., . ...._ ... J'DI M'T.U aft IA JIAiiQlttfjiQ!IMA.Jf l'Lo\.Ks~Wlf 11.AJlf. NI IUt . ....... .... DNJa w1lb • mont.N !tut, Room & Boa DclUl1" 1 w /dock. n+-621-n• or FRENCH REGENCY ~ y~ atn«l• men. Stay at. Btu BrooLI oo. u a.T161 wrtt.e mi N Ohio. Tena !!ltpnl 3 bedroom, 2 ~ 2 bdnN, blC..IM. crpta, d1l'9. Uie Roya.I Pad. Rea.a. UDda. iLCOHOLiCi ~ L 0 • .,. moua. Harbor A..rtL nm. 171-1ft'-St Boan. lririf an-a ...... a.a ui-. tne rw..a. .... a., 6 W'l. I0-11• -::Z:lnl-:'""'ll:'IZlr"Zlr:B'I---:::======== bat.ha apt.a. 200 1dl trom ~ I..aund17. M0-1ta1 Commerdal 6015 _H_A_VE_,,,......,.N..,.,IWPO,,,....,.~R=T=-- bM.ch. PaUo·blt-tn l'llll•I HMtM l'oel BEACH RUIDINCI K4TffiAtNr 'ttl'..AU.AOS A n..r&py, 100 Mala It. B&lbO& 1AD. ITW'fD. SXPl:RDC1C'CZD .,., I I ~ ... .,,IT ovtn-dlahwuh4tr.~~ Lii 1-tTIO or Kl 5-M.a "'-tell, Trlr. Crta, 5997 1 HUNTINC7TON BEACH 1 bedroOm. 2 -~ wat • nrep~ • a.n .... ,,. I 7111 TALl!ltT -------C·l oomen "'· 8-d11 Blvd tncam• or a.c,..... lout.b· I ft 0 .... -.1tca. IOC!IO ...... -.rdnll. iLiJHowOHll if.a 166 ., ~: wtaa t Jn•· tur•. pro'ltdlnr •tt.tnr N... 1 bd penthouM. Irr l'l:sc:i;xa;r~ le proped ttospttal. ldtal em ea.utomi&. Raltor, ~ 1•=. ~~ 9UD deck& ~ JUG, 2 Dr'~.:'~T:.~.toO 146--0i21. IAnlW&P'PI .. ...,., -... pa1 I u •erttr I IC n- 4ute Trlft1,ut '445 .u: •lllJOlr9 ..-. ,.. 1 ,..rt1aa Wit • bd. rrpa, xtra bath. A t • o --H-... -v-,-s--... c--·=1..,,..•1-2a01 B&)'W1dl Dr. CdN etudtc.. Oolt, lrl' pool. 48 ~ x 170. UUOO "' HIM';." • LADT needl tnm. tr-... M tn. Tdot • oolt .CS. • , .. __ IL a. mat.or • ,.._ • _... ~ -Heut!f! 6111 ... Wiil • 11 U7 OR l..UU he. rm. etc. n. bu.a to Tvma. PAUL JONU .:: , UAR.iv partly furn. ahop ,. *di.. 14T·101t. IUC.ALTT 14T·UM Wa.nl Ora.op Countr LD· to Ooucta-a t. .. .._.. --------Jo'. ........ ~ ... tlhed 1 bedroom apt. Sun· STUDIO TOWNBOUUI lndultrt.I lt~tal 6090 ~~· IWlt.or, df'Ck. Yi.w • lt4c&1 for For rent 01' iee.. • SUO. 81,...I• $6 ---Douhl• al l1dft __.,'7, B.AUUKO. ~ d•w a lloe JI , ,, --. Baft •aaviCI oeiktOIY -u ...._ ~ --. • TU-. d · ... , LI a..UIT. llDDtJ d!9. UI w"rklnr sal. •~· mo. In-I bd.nn ._l 2 ba bl -L \ J.l Cl&4.N J IW u.._ ..... l'htl!ln~ ultlltl• ·-~ .. .... .. • t• WHkly us. ~2'3030 Mfn. For ease 1"• W!lft'. Mea 10ea&o. .Avoc.&do. CdX. tTJ.7'68 lfta, 1nbr/d1')'9r le ~. -OC!AN HOUSE-W Up tor ,,..ba. Otfu- K38 Ada.DY. MOTEL 1250 -.. n. u.nlte. Prim• Oft M%15. .,,.,.Me ..... .,. :::--==-:::r-··-~..,_......,,....,,.. ,_Pam _'!!! lronfftt '7SS ~=-~u:.==.; 8PECIAL .... a.wtDI -· .... .._ ,_ JlOO-NZW 2 bdrm. bll·tna. ---------Wlnt•r ft.at.. .... WHkly )OcaUOn on Baller SL IUllNW and alltr 6. 2 81\._V_u,_IUndec __ Jt, __ cp-t.. madllnM adjusted. oOed DtONJNo ta., bome..-M1I> _, a a..un • dp'I. 3 bO!a bMdl. U M 213 87~. it;. ~ 1::!7 rm. 2 1100 Month. H•t«I pool. Clme to airport • ,,_. , fllNANClAL LI: a-m1 or LA T -2no l:ln-at.or, TV, Com PI ~ ... ,... lp&ctou8 aJr eon- nltnt&rJ cotfa. K.lt. ••ail. dJUoo.t crl'ftce.. 1133 mo , •·~ Opportvnltlet 6300 • clanied. SXpert WGltl• 8&Dla A.na ,....._ U. D.. wttte ...... Qr' a llW\lhlp. IO Jl"I _,.,,. ~:n'::' IWlp'a. -.... ,., ...... 011ta All war" par. Pr-.. -. Ill-. Lido lilt Sl51 $99.50 Utll. Pd. Nice e20t W. Cout Rwy. NB. l:'r ... call Kl 64079. --. on repa.tn. ~U. otONIMO 11 per ~ • • r. -:,-:-1-.,-...,--ca1~"':''iiii6-ro-w-.-, Al~ ...... 1lftas ......... hrnMr ........... BA Yf'RONT Apt. N.-.ly d4K. 2 br, 2 ba paUo, 1runny. Wlntl'r $200 mo YrlT $32~. IP'um U6 morel 2 BR, blt·Lna. carport. 911-66&0 or IU..i760. 8ridrwwtl, ..WllO. ........ ftll ........ BryMt Wint .t A•llOI', 177 • C Rlnl"l!ldt, N B . MMO,, Huntln9ton leach S400 N SW 2 bdrm. blt·lna. <i>t. drp, laundry rm. ,.., blk from btatl\. 1101 Walnut. AtL. 5:30 63MIC>l lade Bay 616-tlT& or "6-'140 -,rtfront 2.1.., 2.a.- wiNTm RENT AL 21J..DI-a.WIO s. AM Hel9htt 5630 DELUXE Coat.emporary O&rd•n apt.a 1 or 2 br. WUJ tum. $115 to UM. 1672 Orchard Dr. MMHl. Dl9T ANT IUCSULTll 5240 The Back Bay's Finest Address! LARCC: Up to 1.8~ sq. ft. of llvublt artl LUXURIOUS: 2. 3 Of 4 bedrooms, 2 l 3 ba1hs, PLUS den and family "'°"" Nylon c1rptttd, completely dra~ed. all bu111 ..... mclud1n1 dishweshtr, private patio. fireplace, AM· fM rldt0 a Intercom systefl\, t1u1• mnttr bedroom aultty 2<111ttachtd llract It 1'M'f doorstep. lnft. tar TV anteMI. tome wHh IUn decks. Gueat Homet 5991 STANLET QUEST HOM:& 14102 Sprlnlfda.le. Wtet· minater For Ambu·men le women. Ralu a.clJUlt· Able. m..0021. W-4411. Mat0nry, ttc. ~ DlOJONO lo 111 Mme. ,_. .,..._ d •stnc. ftwo WUlll- emable. ma Or1inCe • .,.. l"C __. WUllC. ,..,.. J A T WA80N1\T Apt A, Ml-S.O. ...._ M .U.L J:'Na. Walla. flllca. ..ndt, Wack. .,...~ 2 .... c~llf'nl locatlona .,., t ••-'1 BOUR. rs.. --._,, ...,. 1tnn•. atat• n.o • .._, --=z::=:--~=---""l'W-aYatlablt lD a-ch AttL _ _ Jwl&fl'I. IM..A Vlctof1a. Ri"ftliib: 11191te ..... P'or lntonnallon. call 8.tt.90 Colt.a K-. t4J..410l mu wuta c. ...._,. urnanterint -u-~ .. NSW ln4. bldl forltut, OX 8..2201 ',.-Apt ._ n~ 5999 aql..!.an, llOOfoou:• a:o. 1~ or A::,:~~:'~~ M. * CARPENTRY * Jaftlterial 6790 ~ = •=---.. Loc.J ---------l'4IV 0 .... w AI.La • Wtndowll -Quo. .... ............ SPACIOUS dbl• • 1torq• 17th. A Monrov\a. PbOM M:INOft REP......-.,........,, I Mite. ltental1 ,......,., 120 • mo. ~74 Oft 3·8017 or M.J 2-llOl. SJATIOM fOR lfAi mm.vu. CABIJfl.'TI ~:~eel~ ~ J8 .. air NliJlli 10lll' 1 Banta Ana rr .. r 1 cx. 1 M-f2too-;;q-n. ittT Su· IN O.\JUGA 111.am or klm 9..,. CIU1 ~ wt~ ,_, 14.2-0449 pntoT, CM. 3 phue, 220 JCxc flbopJltn1 ~nttt Loe, N\1 JOB TOO alilAU. T. V. IH6-SUO. ColJtee ltlldlld wOI ccme OA::R'Aoll-for-1torap. ownu Oft a.na. I lctulpment Furnl1hed H 0 ANt>l:MON wnmoW£WALIA to JW ud ...... WiMll7 Cltan, Plaaler9d Eut.ldt NEW BL.DC nu Ra.n· ,,.. Co. Training IHMlTI ...... ODlf9 ........ ~Id...,...... C·M. 17 60-mo I dolpb. CM 7000 lq. tt Min.Investment u no wwu aa 1-1112 waxed. ,.,... Mt. ...... TUJlfll uP It ~· tl1tpert. Ml e-21oa. Part or au fUtr 141-7800 112.1110 Aft 5 293·2981 cARPi?'i'FER wotll b7 UM nt1Nd KaYJ ... wut.t 1123n-ATOIUr.1r.-oAR"': P.IJ\TND want.ad. t.o a· bour. No Jotll too emau. LAnchca'*" 6110 :::' :~ '::..: I AGE C on c r r tr tloor. Lott 6100 p&nd nt&bllahtd din.Mr ClOM • ln Hl-4751 ---bou.M. mOCl•Y bM!k i.t Tf. l4t.-ltH SUMMIR IND PA.RT 'nine.. tit.e ......_ BAT r I\ o NT 1.cr -AM. &at-7112 or PM, il!::Mooa,. AD0:-Bl.TILD SPEClAL °" eu't1 .....,.. Mu- i O~e~ll:p~,~~i. nr J(kt rho!,.. ft l BldC .tte on Oft l ·MM. Owner. P'rff ~taUOll a.nd Mt. WIC WILL IN a TA LL l1td. act It. nlMk Via Udo Nord, Udo ble. Call QordM M'f .... TU. A.VD. SID J"BONT -...u1. OR ~·1184 ''an have pltr • allp. Meney te Leen 6120 lEPAllt & RIMODSL YA.JU> J'OR JUft '*-..,,,T..,..O~UHQ,,..,,..,,-ciea....,.,._.--... --..eis-.,....1 REAL ISf ATI Way bflo.., market at 11\D SS"l'DIATll THD oomn.tn OP' tun Ume Job cturt., 4aJ. I Gener1I ~~·~~do Realty, Ill" I Refinance .. Buy • LI '""" or 6ll~ J'OLLOWINO ..... oa.,....,.,,.. ... _M ____ _ I P .... 6000 rot .__ Rotot.llllal • ~ iio ... owun or CICllltra.c. n~me __!'0~· .,_ -BT OW'l'.ltr Rilot. 2lht11Tl~. Build WORK~Kna 900 • debDa I ...,.,. tu1J tori. Oood .... ., ... J;XCLUSIVE l11t1n1. lit i 1 lt bloclll to beach. 18600. Call Dick 147·t73t c.ovtr eprtn.llkr IJWUll'll • ~ ...._l. lime ntt,.red PaUo·tri-, 12~~~.: ~4~ LOT r:;.r:a ~:':: ~rr..-ooo CA1.L ·•o.ne .. tor mnall or ==~-pl~ ~o'7i 6!t~ =-t _. pie.'!. 2 BR. 2 ba ta 3 yr. 1, • OLK TO OCEAN! VA IO yn 100,. to A0.000 lfl'• )oba. n-•t. U 1" pl plant.I· pl&nUnf perm lu• than 2~ vacancy fac· OWNER OR 6·31lt Conv.ntleMI Int. Loent exp. 147~. I t,,,e tawn a ~ w1ta ..,.Ol\~,,,,MSM-.--. ----- tor. 541.900 E q u I t Y -R·2 6 u.. _ ~ Y" up tAI muleb.. All worll A mat.-Oil'iiiliiL .._. 6 ,..,.. .... c ,. __ ,,,__,.,,_ .a..&AA ·-Monk ........... u lsl'TU. Sl!UOO COLD MJ:DAL-Comer. nr Udo. Oil a-.uu uo.ooo. Tol&I t.o..11 r .. -..,,.nt, ...-KnlJT9 -rta.I fully pr . ....,_ LION • plex, two·2 BR. S.vlnp and Lean t\naAdAI anll OU- 6 ..... -... IO .,_ up tAt SHAW a SONS I pa e". ~. onen a...U. ~ ........ ~ 7020 two-l BR. 4 Yrt IUll Ula.n Acr.• .. • 6200 .,... .,. ,.. 8Pmct..ALmNU IN ........ -·'"-·t ... 9 •l"".000. MID I lb II &n 1'"" "'ua Ol' wn.•...., ..-.-.fto Q 0 Y 8 a Jlf. U, ~·· 2'\ v •r an r y fa<"lor "" .. EXPOSED AOORIDOATI: I '----I SAN CLEMEN1t Loan FM lll•n al .me ...,..,.. r·-.... .,.... -1rtw11t •~uoo Equity, 120.000. IC 1 '°" "' 1.f. . ...._ lApJ rouna~'l/Pattoat ean 14T-6UI. ..,_. ....._ .,.. 6 Contidtr t"df, romp&ra· I vurn ...... ........ .... ble equity rrtn. only. P ft IM E COMMERCIAL SIHI• Morlglge l"rff-Dl &48--0MO Ttnna IMatenry, lrtd 6UO tnttW. CUJ~ ~ CART&J\ CO ~2 w 19th LOTS. Five ot Ul~m In JrOlll84. UoN -.. ~· pnm• location PrtC.O 336 East 17th Street w H LD..LT-:"°'Uc. cement IUILD, ltlMODll ,.,...._ sno .. Mill st., c M. "'2-0183· mm 11e.100 to 12uoo coat.a M._ contra<"tor All lJ"Ptll RIPAIU l'.>afte."7, t'll-191&. Next Explosion Call nnw for mon-Inf or· MJ 2-2171 or Kl o-oeu Quality <"onc,..t• wol'll. 1 Bndl. block. eallCr'llt• • a o o 1flc • • p a ft. naJI Area! ma!IM 1~ Y-.n 1oan ape.rie.noe 111 F,_ eaUmal-. ~ I t:a.tpe.ntry. N• 10' too ~ 'l'lllr'-.P t"9.I ml· N W .... MllllAn '""'ll•r i" I Kartior Atta r>TIOS-.'\~1q. fl Jtt,60. ama1.,~ ."!:: Drt-""1~1 anoa. ftMnClal ltat.MntJI, r "" ..... " '"' '" l\J:I'R.1'.Slll111TlNO Brlrk Plant•rs. Land.erp. • -or•• ..,,. ..... ~ ~ Uubor. Oc .. n front 4 SEMP• I: 1 pluu.. 2 Br 2 Ba 8ff ._. Wuttrt\ Mo~ Corp • Sprtnkl•rt.. /.11 Cuttom 1 bank .tahmat NC!Clftdtta. mlln of iurt Low itn., CaJlf Loan UorrtL I Duisneo.. 6.H-M2'. ,.,.rhantlnt tic.. hll or Put ~ OwTw 49fMt40 971""842. IEAL EST AT! Metr0po1Uan I.Mt Lu. Oo. CEMENT .Ork. Pat I o a. '•lntlnt 'I.so .-IH,...u.,.,&M_•_·.....,,--...... - --36U kal Cout Ktfb"'1 a.Pd oUlv wt1llla, .tc. Equip. for -UJjy • Ph0iCii1'&ii7 • C·l Bua lot aurroundtd by Corona dtl Mar IT&-2101 M•)Or Savtnp 6 Lou •wln1. bleaktnc out ooa· . PAIJnU.O <>* ~ • ..-... ,_.. Prot .. 1on&1 bld.ra. p,...nt Tram • Ctmm .• Apta. cret•. au.im. INTDIO" -llXTDtlOft ..u .._ ..._ ...,. Income $200 mo VALU~ 1-..1.._ T-* ~ .....,._ * ..... ''"N .. ••nooo ..v1NI-·-w1: ~ llld Trut Dtedl. .~ IEST p•acU-- -..... .,.... 11111· u-M .. 119'_.• Ill .alMn ot LOT ~ .. -· • ... I L. w llbt ut-.!IU ~ " ---... ----,.... Ou 11•• ........ tun PRJO aat.:ioo. Pay· .. creaqe e rr or ror '1Mn oanaat wo11t1 t....t-••· * ..,,. &Ii * arr-. m •• mtna ••"below tn<'flme.1 uoo -acn. 1 5'8-ou•. ....,.., _.._,. " F9' V*'1 ,.._ * • ,.......... WfilLU ,...... l&OOO dn. IWldlu. Blu ORANGI COAST J. I\. Kmt.LEY CDUINT le BLOCK BJ\111 ,,_It.at,.""-! .....__.. · -_ ...... ....,..1, IMl...-r. comm • ftt1htaua1 ....... --•---1 RL TY 1 08 ,u.i Pauoa. ~ 11cswat111 lilI ..... 1 ... 1m wa1 ...,..._ a. a...,. I UNITS \ • i.oan.. 97M 4 an .. 1•i.t-:t. * ,A,,_cu0 1 * ut ona °'""' ..._ 17th A lrvtn .. c. M. -====------.i'uM'O iD'DiW mtfATll ''' .... •1 -1.-, ............. . '!OP-· s "' 'C Thoma$, RMHir .--. ... a• AMD1 tht most eompl1t1 "fun" centet UYWMUll Arts Crafts, I Sllllerd Rooms. Photo Llbi loun11, Cou;tyard, Pool, Recreation HalL Puttlna Green- All for exclusl-wt ult of r11•dtnts. lu.st llited. Oto. ta. Oood 1148-SOU llvn Ml·<M18 R .. 1 !1tatt LNM 6340 AU. TTPa INTlllUOA • llXTDUOll -=t•tlud.-=r:==--~=--=--...--.. return on lnYUlmtnl. Call -in ------PaUo..Drt....,., ·~ No * to .,,.. .. * iiOlift"liT. rn if, SAVl Tllm t --··11 I COA<'tr .t..A VAU.l:Y UIT It 2ND L.OANI Jo~ too lfnallt ·M.$-nu , .. dla --.... 1t mt, -or ...... •· 2(1 A~ on Waal'llnaton nr. JACK SMl"l'U co. ..._ -._...-A. A. McDaniel, Rltr. fif'mllll1A Dunea Golf 1 .... N B-d-•" •-nt.a O.meat WMk. No JOI» l09 oU.ul ..... &atct ............. a...& --. DIAL -·--I -1md. ft.a. IUtftkJL tJ.IO llr • ., ,. .... N..,.n ....... ""· 11191 tlubor 81 t.1 1-Ui.'I ;:\~.;..~•ltis.:O ~~·::I AM. PH. MWStl. r.: .... JI ... MMT& CUI. A T:-,.w;;;;t 61'Jlll ONL'f $250-$275 Mt. Ttlt't Lian Phone: (Arta 114) 542-030D tr 142.0370 Silu.114 lllp lboft II~ kl lly • T11illa Awt.llUt, bt~ Slrlta lllMI IM Melltt Yhb A...,., I tri•.,r" (11, I \ ., ' • I ,• I ------=-----. C•~ •1 "'-' eu-1w · 1 -, ... , ... k111Ultt. HUD wo r•mu &IWWW LIWWW .,. ..,.. C-a Set OCM.tll V\•W dupl!."11:: ~y Of llel ...... T!WaU Dt•• ct...if.... Dlrtct OooU" "' .....,... awl-ALL ~ OVAJU au.,, 111 . ..... CH,,Q. m :;;.~~caUol\ ,, hll&W..,ltv.trl ~I n.ttorMI...,..... T .. .,.. ldMfl ..._ ......_ ~ . __ """!" _____ ,. ~---~--~-. • JI\ ' .. . ' ~ . .. _.. . .. .. . • W!!"' ~1-· JOU " IMJ>lOYMENl I MERCHANDISE FOR -~ ~· _.--· _.. ··------SALE ANO TRADE JOU & EMPt.OY Hefo W•"ttd, - ---- -------,;...·;.__ Women 7400 Furniture 1000 MERCHANDISE FOR 'MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANOtSI FOi TRANSPOaTATtON !TRANSPORTATION 'TRANSPORTATION 1 SALE AND TRA DE ~I ~o ~ADE . I _!~LE ANO_ T~D_E 1 a";..t"snp, M;~lnt ~ lmport9d Autot ffOO UMd C." '900 Television nos 'Aiscell•neoua _ _1600 ""·~~~ NGO u: WP~ tor-= I PEUGEOT I IUICK ttllj, W.m.d* MM 7200 SllllfD DAllROOM TEOllCWI flh,.nce Co. Cuhler Ku•l havt m11\ 2 yni eav l'lnanc• operation ~ day wttlc. Hour• 10 arn- 7 " Ill Sal, n~ or mort' ll"l"'r.d1nc on qur.I fop "l'Vt•rlunlty fur • 1ir;ht 1•ar. lv lop bt'ndlt. Ph 11 n t Mr Hall fl.0-271.10 I Hall F'lnanr• Cn I .'128 \\' llllh St., C' \t WOMl!:N .. ,.,11,,.. KIU I Jrnb wanted tu 1t&lhl'r If•· fnrrnatlon !or nl'\lo l'll~ d1· ""'"rv $1 30 hr ti&aC' The D~"f PILOT ha.a ..n p1a\ 1;c.><>d h•n•1" '1'1x optnlnl' on tta •talt tor a •flt'lll111e It nttal •PP• .,. M1Ded d&rtlroom trchnl ann• u,..·nlial Applv 111 daa wtao wt1J alao have roeraoll g~7 w .~h "' l<'UH~llLHJ:o: RETL R.\ t:lJ FROM Moua APARTME\TS RENT -LEASE OR BUY 2Sc a d.>y . *. * _, Tv·, ..-St"'"'' ..... wa~her-1 ,,,-flr\rr. .,. Air l"un1ht1unrr11 lP.>~ .\IW>EL~ llll'llHI•·• •II p11rb lahor '1 IN'rv11·,. fnr •• lung aa \'l">U 1<:(11 C'.\1.l, NO\\' KI i-•H11 bl ~2 t'tJS~l'\fEH r.JTY I * PUBLIC AUCTION * I ~:.~·-11~.:·~~~:· ~~~o,:n~~1~r:~~ MoWte H..... 9200 'r.I U: ~412 &ft t. BANKRUPT STOCK FLOOR SAMPLES -REPOSSESSIONS BEDROOM H H~l 1 LR£ In Provincial, £uly American & ltah:tn Provincial; Quilted Sec- tional& & "i1 1 ., -L1tl' Modt>I Stoves & Re- frageraton & Many, many Items too numt>rous lo mt"nt1011 >.ruST 8.ttLL! -es Riviera PORSCHE 671110 Obit· Expudo S • PORSCHE Lele ·~7 1800- Bn1/ Awntn11 I Stora&• • C"ab. WlU talc• C'amp~ Ttlr u pvt-da.. 7~2 Oarfleld Sp • 61, Hunt - Beach. OUTSTANDING BUYI Conv NEW-TOP-SHARP• $1.•00 Pvt-pty IH-7U• evea. '62 -FORD trUck. a· Globe Catl\J>er, xlot ~on4. 51 TR-3 milt• offer. CY 8-1309. QC rKY x 10' 2 bdrm. 'fll Crut 7: 30 THU RSDA Y,. T .. I st L&k .. , awntns. atr cond PRINZ ~ 1929 E. CARSON, ARTESIA Sto,..,.. atted. Bridt patlo. 1 'fl3 PRlNZ--.-CTL. St'd. IHTI'O-L 18 Orfaet HunUn,.ion Sho~• Tl'lr I 4 SPD Att,..rUve Te&! KNlffiO f ABRl(S IJ11pllr111or w atand A Park. #t. 636-128'1. Blut MU!i> hl1111ket wa•h SAC! 'll:l M:;fi'trlalr Mobile HOmt $595 FULL PRICE! P'OR ~.\It CADILLAC air up- 19&3 Cadillac Coupe de VIU•. tully equipped, rond1Uo~. le6lhtr hot.tuy. $5,1116, UM l'tllpOIWblllty of opu. j Hrn J 11n 11•,.r 1 1 • ~1 .u nm elfftmntr ""' "m Tura th,.,1 f'·r1 l'R.tlls machln"• WOMAN t rt r I I I ,. S:• n I j h•f'Wk In "',.II lt"pl hnrnr I ·.! •la\• l"'I wk II HO Rl>C'J< M .\t'l.P: l11rl11•h"• ll·IW' 11\lllJ: nn .. ovmulr 1111>1,.11 llou ... tut ol Ur111111t111 lS-111'1 talrrn •t•I"" ll\mp• •IC' J t~'""'" aul!l".A cn111pt .. l• wll/I I&: lrtplt 1lr\'lllM"I pl•I? 11111 ror, l)<*lf•r !>f'd I\\ II l\Jtt 1tan1la twin IJt'CH cneat, iuxe m .. pfl' <hn1n1 room ltft "Ith ml\tcnin11 Ouffl'I • n u l r n Ori1t10.,11v pnr ... 1 lo M"ll lnr I 111'1:\ • ~ow on •'lit '"r onlv I •"II I'll\ $'..'fl t1010. n • Si "'k Y.'111 iorparhll' llr1ni: In a•1 "r•'f't'lH It"'" r tll w pur1 IU•&r n u 1 o r ~1&11' qr,t I II h. :?u~:\ \\" l•t ~11n1a A111t WE RENT Srz•.n IHI\ 'l'lll alt 4 2 bdrm J()" ~!\' 12000 ~ t GMAC Ternu' IHI 8. Hrr11 nant4, Ma11111 • ' \Ill! 1'111 _ ---1 rl~n Ir t•k" nvf'r pay-, Cst Hv , IAIUn& HT 4.7144 ALLEN MOTOR (0. nut~ Sru Onh II ~" '" BOOK SALE mtnl!I nf 168 mtinth I "J r "' v:n H~ ~ • <"cHil 8 1 .. 00 TITLES AT ~8•9973 RENAULT \le .. ia -. ----1 ----JI~~ C~11t HIWIY A thoroup knnwll'Oll'f r,f pbotosrw.phy and mfrhan-LI " 114\:'I At• I '"" 10 LBS. FOR $1 J0l{47 HNTVF.RAAL. 2 BR. '82 Renault Onrdln• M.000 LAGUNA BUCH· ~ft 1\'JNO' Ml :-T .. ~I 1. · l'l•1th Fwt11•n Half • f'tlr«' tront kit ntw l'rt. rtp . mil• 4 Ip<'~ 179!1 I HT t-l()I)( Kl T.310:) tc:al aptitude u• major ~1rr1.<:H, "" h••mf', " 171 10 hqWajt• ot lbu Job. I :'>JO M thru f! $~0 wt< GREEN'S Discou nt furn iture ph• "'rn 1·1>1 \\ 'lill"r• •Jr v ft•., lronf'r1. retni:a ot11vu f'IC. O Jlll01'1 ln t>u~ 411 Y• r appllanC'e 1 f'llab11- 1ty 1\l,L P'l'H!\11 If \11 p~perbar·I(· 1• rrtr• I A·1 rond $3200 P&C'lftc 1168-381(1 Att II P.J.{ • R I ··SING-CALL LS S11ml' Mapll' •• :·• l1\1ll• Trlr Pk HB ~6-3183 ,_c_A __ ~------- ;-; "·. .~~~-l.ll~h ~:>Oc~iot~H:~ BAYFRONT trailer• p ac I VOLKSWAGEN JM:I Ca.dlllac Coupe '1• B•bY Ktrl 641 ·3817 t\U Tbll ta a t O-hour a wffk EXl':-On1y---:'i&Juwoman poe1Uon with aome t>Yf'r-for !lporbwur Mlop, lull Ume. llme MI fl-.">2M 117 NO BROAL>\~AY SA:>ITA A "1 A KI 7.4101 Jessee 's 1013 S. Main _ ~l N Ill In I 'I , _ I avail Oct 1 Up to 30' 221 1 '65 & '64 VW's VUle, tuUy tq\llpped. air l'l'llO~Tt:RlN • -1711f.O 1.EFRICERATOR wl th lttb St. N.B. Mr Ma.o.n, 1m!edlat. Delivery• VW • condlUoninf, LOW mH._ 2 pc C!:Uf'Ort'lll\ cr•rt•· I b ·er tap" lank 6 bar 0 " 3·9910. 6008 -ua~ "6L J&.2i15. men/ F~ eJJl·d<'l-fll'kup with aheh·t1 $7~ 847-3~~' 1a~OUSE TRAILER 1 Dean Lewi. Co Applie&nt.a attould apply lb pcnon t.o the Penunnel Depvtmttit ot the D>J· LT PILOT'S Coata M'l'u ott\c:e at Bay and Thurln •&net.a. ------NICKT-Bf'autv operator. Bu1y Coat.a Meaa Shop 646--4936. ()pe11 Dally 10.9, Sat 10-1:1, Sun 12-3 16 M&1n H B · Ekmy", HOTPOl:-O:T push • button MAK!: OFF'ER • MUST 1 Authorut'd Volvo Dft.ler ALLEN MOTOR (0. 638-6400. I ele( ·r"n~e $100 Dtnellt SELL 11981 CUmbtrland 196& Harbor Ml 6-9303 C.M. ~ DAil Y PILOT F't:._LL_TTM __ p; MA ID- FOR t.tOTOR HCYf!';I, CALL HY 4 4~i'l:t FOOD Ir c·rw:ktAll ~<1.1trr • I Hrnry ~ North, rnr f' 1h- udt-• Ir Npl. Hlv11 :: rf'n 3 day,. • 1 ~'·e"' <~n I BABYSITl'ER for 2 • h1ld- Save so•. or Better LIQUIOA TING FURNITURE from luo111g ml9• •l wholeure- $79.88 ICI 3-R34S Santa Ana Mi1cell•neou1 * AUCTION 1600 * II \ "" wlll 1rll or buy gn• \.\1nnv a lr\ Auction 1.-'rtday 1 pm. I ZOi.'.>1-, Newporl Ml t.>-!16U ~•t ell.t·t11blt w e chairs C1r H B ----------- $SO Iii 7 Otr.~ -t VW lSOO CC '64 Camper FUPNJTURf NEW · • · 2ix6' Trlr All ~et up, ready j like new, fully equipped. • w "A '~""' •l•l\'tlit°•iu In move tn. $82!\ HO 12600 Kl 11-ljl>S Show Room \I 1 t I !I . JN•l I .\ IMlrl\l TV ~ Cabnllo Rp 12 CM ---- ·u -vw-:-1mm&c-1. ALL n · 11t.1nd ,,..,~ f'll t r hf' Tr all· , r •~·· ...... '17111 Motorcycles 9300 tru i1116 :,411-0994 Su 639 B. Btrnaro, C M al USED PRICES! 1::\S r:tni.;• 36 · Wr~tt·rn fll HONDA ~•:\ trt11I blkt '&T VW Bua, lc>od rond~all "Irr $~~1 tSUl-9!\lH 1000 '!"1'' n .. o. u 8_96~. .:::::~=======::: lranll 63&..a90e "'ler I 30 Ape ..... Women 7300 DAY-Nun.ery helper. I RUTH RY AN AGENCY Fountain Vall•Y 1-47 ~l-44. Nylon l /R Euly Amer. l /R 5 P'-Bi R Dinette Seh $119.88 $79.H $'29 II Windy's Auction Barn WHITl!:-Hide-a-bed cover. , loaded W /Furnitu re 3 Rooms for $2'49.95 No Money Down No Payments 'til November $3.1 7 PER WEEK ll•1lh , 11'"11 grlll A stnr· Xlnt """cl ~-~""' l h a n 1 around, H9~. Call "r:CYI' A LY.AK IN YOUR ':lfl-27 14 -__ _ TRAILF.H ' Call Al A Y AMAHATRAJC:StKF. '81 ~~-~~I ~~AN Bob a Pam tint; 4: Kool-I Ukt n•w W Extru! SHO. OR 3•33j3 I ntw, $35 Kit tel, • chat~. Co.t ~. tell for $125 ual fnr quick, df'~nd-'\18-811!1& Oom• In today Jobt.-.1'Mn, Wom. 7500 !At u. tlDd JOU that Wanted, R.E SaJ•smrn I JUST RIGHT posJUon. Uc.n.Rd. Top tomm.INtona and •II other price rang- M. In 111 depta. Shop e111l"ywhere but tee ua befOf'e IOU buy. Noth· tng dow11, l yrs. to pay. $1.2) Nit. , ... , . , ,, , I WROIJGHT-IRON 1tem1. made to ordier ~uon· able 648-Sl!\3 or :>41~518 able lf'rvlrf'. 646~04 7. 11-END OF MONTH Auto Service Parts 9400 VW '63, t"<I' C"ond. 1980 Raymnno C~t 641-4011. 1'711 Npt.. c.K. 14M~ noor Ttmfl l 'qlU Beach BJ.Yd. S.T-9817 1~ W. 17UA. M7-1 : ·~lllftlA@-:1 LIQUIOA TING FURN ITURE 2200 H•rbor Blvd. AWNINC--Al~m-lOx20. ~x1·f'lltnt ronr1 $ l 71l ~411-3341 alt. ~ PM -' CLEARANCE of New -t'~r1 -~ '' tnrv tfO.t Olll• -flrfJOMtl!• , 11nn• -Ban1<n1pt ttock. Fl'w !'\llmplu pr.1 r~ l.I\ mi tf'l ....• •t $i'1 !f.'i t:nur he1, tied I \'J•C' S'./'I •1~, Rel rip ··--U!• !I~ Ranr,es • We.~hl"n S~" w. CLEARANCE • &..'.VW, ll.lnl rond. In mi t"hor ~amrl• CIOll" Our.. , , , · or;>o1<Ht I l lJO. p~t_ JllY ~~~t~ SAVE S S S $ , p1v Hall ·:.4 \'\\', ~~nroof A bar· I J.!•ln \l , .. ~ 1115-3973. .# _J _ B1ll 1 Tire Str•lc• ---H411'p Wanted, Rllrw, llflO Npt. Bh·d.. CM •Women 7400 I Ofc 846-3928 Jl!va KI 9-103I WANTED TO BUY ~._! 614 ~l.h Rt u B I Auto• Wanted 9700 -wa. ~ ~~ j LE 6-8101 JUNK een wanted. N"' M.~ .. I or 4 hour1 MJDOL&~a«ed couple"lO .j ,oa need to r•m to mana.s• J!\ dl:ir. untum. tfJ pe1' day No expert· apta for 1., rtnt No f&r· ..._ WlU tn.1.ll you to dtnln& nr rlcantn«- K·Mart llt~-C-mttr Used Drafting Table 1 RIDI·: the "'lid surf! Hobie ---yd •t.art1nr Top $ paid llurlhoard, 911", ucrlltnt !Trailen, Utlllty 94SO 1-47-8721 SH-4m • M2-2%0 BUY -SELL . TRADE APPROVED C''>mtr nt Vlctort:i A 21'1!1 llarhor LI ~ lft;,1;0 Or--n 9·11 :0:111 I "'•-rtf 17~ c 2131 834·67111 I ;rd\A •l11>n . .,... ica " HOMEMADE Camp lrllll-1 ====.:======= ~profitable rout.e with 648-MM_. _____ _ picWco a.1.. plam.. 1'or 3 ALL Br.f'd dnr (ronmf'r "'° 1&mp1-and dt-1 for n • w •hop Pmml.&- 1&119 wr1te to 8tudio Olrl 1.na tutuN' Rel HE 4 -0~26. Ollllnttka, ~pt UC022, HJ: ~26.'• 1101..iSE FULL °" REAL I C D F U R N IT 11 R f' .\111at ~ ovn 41! tn 1 .. ng'lh C:HJ:Ar 211A·~fh ~t A In rf'IU•)nthh• t·rml11l1on .11.'\.7010. tr 8 ll ll 11t•I ronr1 llllO \\',\;o.;n:o furniture, an. '42·HH7 a!ltr !\ pm New c.,~_9800 l 11111r• t le Wood'a Fuml--====;,_;;;-:;;-:;,;-;:. ____ ....._ tll 8 Clo~ ~un Hunt B<h l '11nl!l1'f \fr Dill :-,, t 1 t•ttC' :!384 'pt. B c M. Trucks 11111-fLU ---------- <laeadale, CalU. -----Krnnrl att?nd1urt -Vl'll'f-1'.JRT UrM lelqihone tnary hoeplllll )f"I" or ff'· 'lll"Of1'. DO *>llclU~. 8 lo I male. Apply 111•1 nnly ~pm. Mon t.bru P'rt. Must 2017 Harbor Bl•·d. CM. ~·rood lelepbooe •olc. 4L ~ty. Npt Deb I School1-ln1truct1on 7SSO oMc.. Xlnl worlclnr cond ~ tor tnt'"1-. 4 to 1 CARTIER Pk. Mon thru rrt. ---~~;;;... __ .....;; __ ~- Cafe, Rntavrant 8014 COF'F"!:E ahup tf1111pmtnt l'(ldll fn11nta1n ~1H!-,,!tOO 11131 :-.' t>w·port Rh 11, ""'r DAILY PILOT BOY'S 27 C'i uhmrn J .... rniltr B1kr 111 · """"I I DA Y SAL~FRI. l.Jke n""'' $'.lo .il \I' ,,.. f'olnl"Pc<i J:la. .... Kl ·'·l.1'.11 """ 111pp1·r bmln, p lC'tllrt BAR(;AI~ 1 l'\l\I H':P. fnt11w11 fft \\tl'r, Wn••1· ~II,. <"l cllt11nr IU• l'l' 11 /., v. 11•· ti U t lo n 11 Maple nil • 11111 I -n1 II A· Iii>, l •1111 n1n l'hv(I" 1hn Appli•nces i;··r· <>• 1 1 (: z .1 in 1 1 hi.. A la.t1clf'r bark ---p t.f :1-11 s ...... r1.,n Fll"i •hr~. "'"" •rth•lc'tl ,.,U I n KEFSf': A. ~frrntt r,a all C M I t:O.'l.Y :.!lilll Hl\/f'M!ldf', ·iii~. rant;r r>"rtr1 I r 1111'1 I School of R •• 1 Estete fralur!'!I 1111111111• $1<11, NF,SCO rl1 -r<11\. l• r ""'' ~\i A(~~f :'r:u~,ti;;.'I"'" S~n-e Wftlc.a count prtparu !H~-9~7'.! nr ~1fHll!.1 ~ S:.!~. En• lu Br t t " -__ tfRRY CHRISTMAS\ you f OT on1. St.al• Uctl\M t~RNAT10NAL Har· b<•lkCUI; $"l(I ·~-10 -PETS and LIVESTOCK l I \r t r P. y r t ~ •,11 ,:z.,· fl n~" lhl m1•ltl ra 11 .. ~. -1 1 more .AVON 8tiop. 1«-1tatrat.1Dna no.,. accept-llnl'd S~!'i IH:!-H97 j J l2 r1 I C" O r11•11(l $:!'1 nf;t.TA tl11<1r ni•w1d t1flr~~ j Pets, Gener•I HOO 0a,. UD Cbmt.mu ed. Ml w. 191.b St.. c.M. ~ l'r<1t1 .. ~ lllJ"' rro llflJt'r fl'''"~ HeAV.V 1Ju1y ..... today for a choice tu. '41-0llS. 17'1 1117.:!l '•:l r11·"' · $12~· Orindrr tlr • y1 ,, "' • h .. m.. tnilnf'd rftory. Anfiques a 110 [I" i'"'.J'flRT " malrh· Tll•Hld u... Marhn Olltflt I 1111111k1 \' ""''"'" lnv1ng Call eolled. • e.30-MflO PIANO LESSONS r1t Or-:-; •• , ilor I• 0 Penn Rrd. hiini• ·o1~ ~~.!1. ;,1 ~."<00'I -pn. Bv "" or nov l>e A :\'TH.JI ·p; • ti In 11 , .1h • 11 "' '" ·n' rn;.t ni: 'ht1ir rr .. J ,(, 1111•· \omp • $11!1 __ _ l!t GISTERED LIURSES SI •\ r i,j 1 \\ \\ ll•llll ._. ·1 I h l I " ., rrte Al [.f'11rnr'1 I r111m1t Ootk 1111>.r hi&ll I fl" "''" 'uY l(r mat 00 c t 8820 3:to to 12 ahlft for all OR 3-321H .. n11111wt,. "1111 t>l'•l .\ I.I " "I'll I• ' n• \\ Ull f1 lfl Nl!ll I ~-. ___ ·-_ oipta.1nn-8t.J~b'•1 =::. -1hr>tl 1·1• l'h Kl 1·17:11 H~.Al"lnTI. J\lc .. 1 fll,.11'1 \l!i\f,'\r; l•bll' hl'd Mmpl SIA~IF.~F: J(o.plt.a.1 It new Cblldren.1 Agencies, M, W 7600 2 ~I 1~; 1 h11r.r1 ~rr•·n '""' •1• •k J ·, <•hrnrr.r 1"1' Ji• Ill\ 11 r11 Sota, 11\t,. 11111 .. ·•. '' i.:1~11·1 1'•! I ~It.al ~ Onuis• Coun---I lhrr It 11"'1111, luu• tll'W "I (I' r I' k .. fll'\\ ~3 • I I• JI':'• Din .... 1 $ti.'\ till> 1!1~"' ti,&itoealPhary Aptmployttl ~ • .A/-,~-t h<•lh $~'• ~16·1'1!•~ :-.; ri:1•.,'1_'10" ""·~·-. t 'l'. Tr 1i~1k louni:f' •·hr $40 SIA~n:sr. kl't•·n• •h••I• '-'et\t.a. one trwonne •~.;::/-"'" '-I'>-' vr•· ••I' 'l-701!l 10 A .\I tn """ P•tr·•·r~. :o17.,,11;-. olnce. KJ:llOI( 8-11_81 ~~·llfMl. h " 8120 I E .\l'TIFl I. "'•1•11• 111• 1 I \t Sewing M•_c rnes __ _ • EXPERIENCED -,, .• I 1 ' " I •• 0 882S I r.r r h , I~·. r I I I I• •I Thur . Sat. 12 -4 p.m. og_s _____ _ WAITRESSES !l to 35 Apply 8 tn 11 A- % to 5 . Rf'Ubf'n IC LH Rh'· rtbnat, lM E Cout ti\\ y N.B, Ftalr For Decorating? P'.Afll while 1how1n1 bf9u t.lf\Jl tmportf'd d~oratnr ~r1ta No f'llll\'U· .611. Mrs. Rul.herford, n •--OJM. Mll>DLE ~ woman t or p&rt time cler1caJ Servlcl' atatJcm work. Npt. I.Acuna Bcb area )fWlt havr own ch. Ph. Compton tp-&llll. • )} 1> .... t ,I).,-.,~ A'f-r .. 1.JJ-.~ '•~ 11110 .1111 ::-;n l •u1 \rHt knt1' .. .,-\\ "r" ••nr~ "" 1•1 ri 1r ••ffnrt.1 I• p11I ,\ 1111 111 I hr lllt:HT )1tb, .,-:-.; ,. " p" r 1 l'r11111111•' uumwlt1r~ arr 11 1111•J In ft.•hlt-VUll IPnth • lllllfl'" .,.. ". l .,. ''"''"' !Ill •hit· ~ •l t 1• '·' h• n )Oii \·~•I mtr ntrk•·~ .,-\\'r k r10" V••ll pt fl'I h v.·nrk ' 1, ,,.,. t" houv ., "'" '""' 111~ •en· t• ,..,nllhlr 1l rftrf1 1"'1111 h11r~r1 11v 11,,. •·111rt1•1 ,., v Your Lou l Agency l ., W ,~~ t1' I ' • • 'l I•' '11">41 Mnlp Sin~· r JMlf .. t ,. •· 1 .,,'ti ~·'• ,, :\KC ... \{'n .< ~· 1 tl!I •~•'\\ n1,•11rn111, (•; ·., \In 'a 1;.r.111 h & • • · ' ·' - i 1 •• a: "" \li t1 • ,, hun•l1111p• :-;,,, • .,,11, ""''" ~I Ill\ 1:11q; 11n ~ "<r• 1 • , 11 k 11,, !i· ~ ,11 I' • I ' • '.!11 l'ttO :ifh k 111111.:h.111 \\ 111 h" n fl, h s""'"'' .\1 111 ll \. \ I• 1: r I I\ \111 r "'!.!'• • (. n ..... •lnll. all HI'· 'Z I~" -.:p t:h I 1· \I 1 .. 1 }. , "ttli,.11! 11 11 • ,. '""~ ti:ond f'On1!1 1 .. 11;•1;12 ,1 ... l,,J [!ill•• ,.1,,, • • • "':1plr &1rnt· Musical Inst. 8125 ---I' C1R :' 4, (.F, ~111 ... •r \' t H1unp1 n M"•ll' ~ .oo 11 J:••.,I <tinchtll>r\ •\di i;111.!,::•11, ;,(Irr A p n \\ \:\TF.£1 n1.11 ~L\RTJ~ 1~l'IT,\lt 1' IJl,() IL\:--· Jrt r. tr~ •, t •, Piano' 8130 --------<;11t'L[l \!l'!'W 1 ·1 t :-.. ,, t ,, ... 11t1IA from J•i :.tl , !Ill • ,1 .. ,.,.,11 a:, \'\ 141 ~: 1'"PI"'' "1t11h 1 1 I •n I I I ' Ii•• 'TV ('0•11" Ii ,. I lff' '\ll)ll \\F,lf'\1:11111•.:.r· •· , l• I 1 .! .or ·h 1 • r ,\ I u11•I \1•k• ,,r, .• ,1t-.7·.:-.. \I I'\ I\ 11 •Ill 11 I' h •·" \\ I I 111rh \111•1 11< c .. ,."'. \ '''"' f ~ ',1t(I r r n n I h I "" 1\1 f H\C \t •1.tr+ lf"I 1 fttr thl t _!n 11n• • I I. 111h1 ' it J ""' J' t f' 'HOI I 1od t ,. 1 i.:' lt.1• ~-r• r• l. , ,,.. , .. ~ r 11 • , Si :.o ,.,, m.•ll $1 n tlblr ~ '~ q ~ • 111\11· I 11 nook Pf"'! , 11111 flt S7 f• • I , 'J '. Smftll T'""' . 1·hro"1" c·h111 • , ( '""~ $.">'I 1 :1~ t 1>11I111 Ill I: II• 111'1 ~l'Vlll•". B"I 1 \\I I ti IHI ' lhl~ \< kn.-1 '11\llll:' \qqr t rrlt r11: r n'' fnr I t 'l111•tnrn,• I• \ •th• 1 1 l1r• 1•11• 1 11 r r I 1 t \\'ntr • I •.11 h tnind 111~1 I I 1. lln 1· ·• , '''' ,,, I 1.IZ T/\YU1H •I hli< , .. 11 I +) • At I 1n 11111,i:h 111 II llHI I• 1111 • :\Int •,• ~111 1 ht Ir• 11 II • tt;cn \ rut' t .. " '' 1 .. ,1r11: 1'"11;.:r•"I ••nl\ I A. I hi It .. , I 1 ! I • l f.,t,1t(\ firt \~Jlt 1\ktk :!7 1.111·:11 I ''' 1'1 \ !-\ftn fl I• " . rrr,.11~ ,\. hunrl Jl'·i 2 11111 m.\lr STANSBURY BUICK . . . .. .,. . . no•>-m1 lo r1 11n guar I.I -..1;-.1 t><-11.rr I\ rm I .I " !•';:11 llftf'r fl r m 1961 CORVAN $895 C' 111 ~ 11\·•i-•i O\<'m'r M c-u1-:vv-,., tn11 fl" k.ur & un·ptr P. H, In n V. 111-.J ()rig r1Wllt'f r;tl, """" $1 ·9~ l.I 8-fl 124 UNIVER&ITY OLDS P"lnett for Sain Ir It"· Ira RE)f~\fBP:R. "Wt a r~ nrnr aallsfled Until yn11 arf'" 21<!!1() HARBOR BL\'O ~ta Mua -1961 CORVAN $9SO Call M"-4"4T ,-BUICK ~RJVJF.RA-. -lmm11r' t ... kl' -n " v· ' ': 000 ml P\ I pl v 13 000 ~41 .RJt«) New c.,, 1150 So. C.out Htway LAGUNA BEACH HY t -1()1)( Kl 7-Sl03 CAR LEASL"JC-C .\LL I It :'l,-CaJ1llal' Sfdan °" v11 .: Lol\df'd with all "rc··-1r. le!I Extra, fXlta eharp. Sho\\' r1nul ot 1 11re Only Ult:\ ROY CARVER PONILAC HOO W. Cout Hwy Newport Buch U 8..J4M ·~ SP.:DAN de Vlllt, wh1t9: tart. air, tull pwr 47.· 000 ml Ortr p\'I nwnf'r, IAttk1 It run• Ilk,. """'· $1~. 5'11-tlOllll --·~7CAD cotrrE~­ GOOD CONP' A• ume loan MS-1~., CHEVROLET Br;A. UTtl'1..'L' 60 C'HEV. v.a IMl'ALA • DR SlUMln( all tnmne Whitt W/lmmal'. lUf'QUhlH f'llddf'! du.h Inter. f> Cl, pwr./11tur. R H , tlt'. IC()t<t MW '3 714 121. Dir. ruar NOW S1395 ! Rl'11l GMAC Ttrm111 9411 ~. C.-.t Hy Lanna llY i ·iiH 1M4-Ch.vtll;-Mt.llbu vi $23!19 00. Ju•t llkt n~w. 7 .000 actual mll'9 nn I he SJ)f'""nmetu, N~· 1 ar 1W&rranty •till .. rtttth •· Hu n\dlo, hutf'r with econnmh:&J I •Jlffd t..-n•· ml · ICln, Don't bl'!lllata on thl•. It'• an Out•lan.J· \J\c bu1. STANSBl'RY Bl'JCK US.ED CAM 1920 Newport Bh·d. S.8·9022 J'l60°Rtl Air Sport Cot~ Radio hl"alrr, white •l•I• wall automatic tr•n~m11- 1 Ion Ml 6-81'11, l'Vf'I OR 3·5i20, ----'61 C"llEVROl.ET Stat1 .. n w 111rnn. V 8 • dr autnma- llf' tr&ftll, nullo A hl'11trr, EX(' F. LU: :'llT ("()NI.> f. TION Pn\"alt rarty, JiU 6-1711, See aftrr 6 pin. A Wffktn.Ja. 22fl2 Rf!<J- l&ntl~ Dr , ntf :l3rcl fl 1 :;. <'ORVET'rl-: on, . s " a11t11 • lr"n9 ' \'trv fl'W Cl"11•lr~ Ilk.-ll' . 18.,0. M8-I011l4 5!'1 WAGON V8. n-;;, m0: tor • tran• Jl50 W lPlh It Placfl!lla 'H8·368'1 i4ss Ch•hve1i"f'"Impa1a air , bucket 11..S. blf •n(. Mu~l Mll. 648-lSSl> '&O Jmrala • 4 donr, f>O\\ tr brakr~ A 1tttrtnr $1200. LI 8-0263. 9100 0CtRK1 recertlonl•t. 110mr lfl" 6 day 'Wk. hrs In ~ur eatldactlon Xtnt ntflce eond., Npt. Bl'h Call for tnt•rvi1w • tn 7 pm MM thru Fr1 87~·21\25. TBACHER-nfleda chlld l'ar" f9r e yr. old girl from z;. PM. Mu1t llve In H"r ~f Vltw Elrmrnlary 01 o•rt. 97~289•. ~,.. I• I,,.,. l 'r.Nt "' • ' t lk Lri;1tl .:; .. n• F<' Hk1·r q S I~· 11p $\olll l1p \~ ... ,.,., (lff• r• In ft Ill i' •11"! 1 ()! p111•t r111nn tnr S7 \•'• 111 1)r1n• h ~ o I "' 1 '" r1 • ''I''' •1f rrnl .~I H•·nt ",,,. ''" •111 •• t lt••l\ .. t p ni 't • _.., ••.'7fi J \.f I ~. '-'f''u' 1· .\I I 1• ~ * GARAGE SALE \ • I \ I i • s· ,., .,,,. I' )'I •nr ir:ln"" ,1.,;;;. I 1\f\t' l'l'1n:1•ttFI• rl« h'l-1 \I l~I •I'll \l\.'i I• II il1 ~ 1 S 111 ft r rJ ~. I~ :!Oill d•H• ur hlk I'" .!~1 •• 1\f,o .\Ir• I '.' I I I 'tn I '"'J:I' 1:1 I •I ' $:l:'i ~:11•1 • 'II c·11r-\.'Y S1·1l'iin -flf'llV· n1·, "1,F.A!ll' $32:'1 Pvt • r1' 1~f.·11Ht1 f'A.:1t~;J-. -, :-.; ,. ' I 1 r r • r a 1 nl. A· I Mr• h·• 11nd' ~1\ll·llllf1"1 5°/o OVER? l'tr~nnnil HI'!\' i11111 17·, Hk pr m t i" $ -.,w1 •1r· Organi 8135 -----Art J11rr<tnr nrnl1• f.l>r•1 llf' /\111111, f( fo: A•l\I i: np £F · travel agent 1Jo lth la\•uil rtr ''"11 '"'' t.UO-tnr. S•nd rewume & 11\\l\ICl:O.:I• 111'!~\:". 11 '1arY Upt'l'lt'd. Rl'JllY I d:lntldenUal. Box M~3. ~1 Pilot. AISEMBLER for rnbhl"r .. tn dl't1ng IUIU Pl\nnr 6fl-2Mfl between 8 .30 A 1t 30 am only "i>XEN 21 .--nv_f'_r-fnr .-atlldt alH Call OVA 'OOH COSMETICS al lt)l-M2:i ffiCHER nffda ma!ITT,. "'°"'"n tor •lttf'r ~ h~t· SUPERIOR • • f .. , ' ' OH 3 0&68 d1"11t11J1Jl r•''' f'' I< l\ f •r $.:'\ •Ill' 11 $1 • I • I I h \ :'\r:\\ 11"1111111>11!! I I 1111' 11 fll lr'flll 11• Ill I'll! '"'' I• tiunlil <"h• ••"•" ft or i inn I flllr ln~l1>1111rt1I• All r"f' I ----hr n1.1kr• ,1;,11•11 r1m I,.~ *VALLERY * l'••uth1nn.1 !I 1..n1)';•'.fot n .... i.r F,mplO\'TTll'nt As:rn1 \' .!''ti P. r.,,1111 • Clfl :I i;<n11 C:'ll 1111 focfa\ I r•r •f(ll;\' A Pl·'I. \t.\J: fi~l\-llfl';ll :.i•,:i•u.11 lf\~.l \111:\'1> tr•~tin :\I , Ci• I th,. Jnh• \nll 111111 "; 11..i i \/~ nlol ~'""' nrv. l111t1ni:~ 1f1\ll~ 111 111 tl\1• ••I'• r ,,., r l":l1Nr\\J11lltlllvn c·\I "" 1.1 .. :.:11 l!S>r Nr Karbnr A B"krr MERCHANOIS! FOR 1lI 8-91\119 I SALE ANO TRADE J$BYBJTTER It II~-~ -- Radio 8200 DRASTIC ft. Hl«Jll or Colt.a'" r1r1 Furniture 8000 '• I I I I' r .. 1 t. t ' •• , \\ ". FREE TO YOU 11~1 . ':1 \ ~I f .~. f. I.' 11 I f •ti I 1.-tr J,..11 • ....;, • J r • t 11,, ". I 11 1: I A [) ·~·: h>iU"'d £"'' Iv 11 h ,, ' • ~ • ' , ,~"I ' • I' , ' ' J ~ ' I t ! \I 11 \11 I ri ' r ft f ' I t f Iii I 1 rw '•· , .. , I' I 1: II I • I 1 J "" 1•, •• ' 1111 I 'I ~ ,. I ' T• \ 1 I 1 d 1•11 I• I I' \'ol 1 I I I• \' ,. I I I• .. ltdnK t::•, 111al1 • \\ .-11 111 irkr.I fi - 1 11111>1 :'T\ 'CJf.:R ~Kf'.H nu k· K ('nmhu $7-, \• ll• ,. :-;\1 ·1 :1F11·~: '.ti 717, ill' •,·1 •ni;tl11' "2"0 11 m111!1• 11111'1 l'I lU-:HfU-:11 :! \I nit! I ln1r $ H\'1 -i.:nlrlr•n m A I ,. ~ ri;h1•n_ 1 " $11~ A ll 1111· $:?"• T\\ "'" ·•R 1133 TRANSPORTATION t ...... •,tifl 1111 FOHIJ 11 pwk11p t1rrs F.,.r,.111'111 cond ${1(M) Mll-107{1 Ntw ----- • ~ rmr. wn:K-mpor1ed Autos 1 Rdrm ir:nm p. S1 ilboats 90 •o -----9600 I II" bax 11pnng H n (} l' I': ~-lfl \\-s;::lh'll· I $HI !\fl " .,."I ni7.••I A111,.r ·Trlr .Hh1l5 For Ouafity Imports 11'11 111111..nlll\" Jo:,.,1, ,~· Mll•t ~di' A,.,1 Chl't:k JIM SLEMON8 1"h11lr• ~l:l \\' Clttrr !dA·t'lfl:! I ()111mnnd Value UM'd C&r• ,, ="""l lo ,\I' I --~ Day WarTIJ'lty on All \tkt Power Cruise rt 9020 I IMl2 So M11ln Sant. A.P.A t •1n '"' _ M.:$-73?\4 I upn,. • ,, _ •. uprl,. s11 ·,o <111~1 r 1r1 t'•tl:! :?~I 1111 111 1 k • • 1 .. ,,. 'r •k• 111.tl :-;, • :-k1tr ALFA ROMEO I 'mi:: \I'' h Ar 'f i.; n• '' i:l.1 ~ h1ft11p ,\ LF \ no !'4pr1n1-1·pf', Im· I 1 '" :-Jrt Illl•l · ''"1" 1'11"1 lf\rhl 1"""1" nuu· 111 .t 11111, rm'C'h xlnl. 1 I • • ti I 1ti-i'" •l,pl f111 l1 r $1 i!•O p ,·t ply. :\fl 111 1-·1 I• i; 'J Ii.ii\ I •1tk• ""' "1 flit :l·:tlll6, Ml 6-4AA1 . 1 '111 ' I h4•W rul<t tli:! I•~·• I • Tlnlh "<lrnt 1tt fl l'M 1~• 1-'t, 11"'1 Tro111n Y. ~·I\ FIAT "1 thru Bun. Ref Writ• .,.... .n..11)' Pilot. lJVi · IN HoUMbeper A BabJllUn, 111 • t " trle. llat. I tdool ... t.oys ...... HTL 4 ROOMS lromJllf't• h1>UJI" CLEARANCE' Z~~1~111d;~r";;::t~, n·~ • YOUR CREDIT Camou• model rans". lftt.:, nn Pay only $6 GO Wffkly I NEW• USED I ''I \I.JI: 1Cn1tlnr to h11d11r h' hr• '"I 1'11i:111r. ·:,fl l'"lAT V8. 19!Hlcc. 160 ,, • l"ptn "ln'1 mo-l11.1M•I T\\' :l-:1371 --1 HP RH, BJUTOnl wtre 1 n t ttdarter tor ---whef'l", ltallan fu t bark i40By .. n... _, born• a .,_ 7:45 tJl 4:~ Brl.9- CM·Bak" ..... CM lt'Hld.. ru:"'t nm.an to t.by1fl i · hMwtl fOI' worldq ...... Owa tn.u. -215M. iCiJlilit 6&1t.eda1't. , ........... ,. c.: ... .. -. out of town l'nodlt "'•I· Demonstrator 1r GOOD come HUIJ ll'l· Rl\J 1 t 'RI'. J 17H N"wpnrt. l "V«"' TV's & Hi Fi-Sterf'OS j Meu. IHS-0!\U and Equipment I 'lNj nr ~ • ititlahlr H !'t E 17th St Ml 11 llllll'. _.t. b le a r. h ,. rt mAhnit, round Ubl,,, 2 e!'Cl lrAYl'lt, 4 upbol. clUUn. I~ 9!1. 171-4121 REt>WOOD Pal.lo Fuml· w,.., cuatom ma<1• for ~ DtC'.k. 8'7.e7at. :,.....,...._,, - \'llTH THE DAIL V f,ILOl CLASSIFIED 1 • ,. , to •i"ly F'nrd. j Muine Equ ip. 9035 I c-ou~ Orts. cond. S2t00 ,\ ' I 1 u1d nf'W 11'' F ord :l ~f.ll'S, "f' lo 20 $1 ;,o fl.49-31111 A pl'f'oure J"ll\te. 1 . -----------• 111 -I\ :17 ~ 1u•r ,,,,.,, , .. r mo1n lh ( "11 1 HILLMAN , , ' ~II. II 4 I • • • tl~:l-:l•\11:: -~--- • At ~·f't'ktn•l --'1\11 HILL.MAN HUIKY rnn t * \\' /\ :O.:Tf:ll ION WAGON I 'r '" f''(r "'"1 n:i--1 I \f \HI Nf; ~:~1 ;f NE:S 2 f>R. flTAT ( ·, nr•• A ll I A-1. \ nT~ Ill·: ~1 2,,111 rrbutlt mlr. 4 !PO. R H ,, ,-0 M:l-O!IOI\ F'IRR'l' $3P:l1 j --i ---Rr.-t OMAC TrrTM' 144' f' \tAPLlt Boat Slip, Moorln9 9036 Cit Hy .. lAf\lna HY 4-1744 l 1" '''·' ma.pl• f11ml· -_ I' II t 1r r r n •,.cop l'f'frlf. BAL la rl'•ldrnt af 8 vn 67 HII..l.MAN ro1"t.. new "u~ m ,.. pcl"'l&bl1 TV. •·tllhl'~ lo puf't'h,.•• •. hore j battary, runa :ldn t.. 1190. -'-.J~~· .. ~------mnortnf . OR 3-3059 _t.o_R_11_-M_211 __ ,_.,--- NOT NOW! Since we've 5een our bHutifuf New '65 Mercurys & Comets we've merked our 'M's way below this -For the buy of e life+ime -SH our big selection of '641s TODAY! DISCOUNTS UP TO 51000 JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN • MERCURY 900 W. COAST HWY . NEWPORT BEACH u 9.5544 OPIN IVIS & SUNDAY • UNl'°RTATION TltANSltORTATION TllANS~TATION .; ~.._..,--~-"°°-~ c... ,,. u-1 Can .. __ Directory for QUALITY u~~n CI RS PlymQ\lth • '28" 1114· Plymouth ru..,. 2 Dr. HT. N *1tJlne·Aut.o- ftl&tlo • 1\aa\o • tt .. ter • Power st .. r1nr • U,000 1 mil• warranty·Llkt ntw. fiord· Utt 1953 J'ord Victoria 4 Dr. ftadlo • Realer • Auto- matic. Cle&n • Good tec· ond car, Mtr-cury. 16119 ton Mercury ' Dr le· da.n, Radio • Healer • Automatic • Power ftlffr- lnc • rower Braku. Wt'U dJcker wttb you. Olda • 111199 1llO Olds waron Fttat.a.. Radio • HealeT • Auto- maUo • Power Bt.eertnr • A '"'°" you'd be proud to own. Olda • 114Dt 1169 Olda 08 4 Dr. • Jl'Ull poMr With ractory A.Ir. Clan • one ownn. Olda • Ull9t 1959 Oldt 8uper 88 4 Dr. H.T. r un Power.no nner car al thl1 low price. Olda • $409 11111 Oldt 88 4 Dr HT. NI pow9r • Hurry Oil t.hll o.ne • lt'1 better than )'OU lblnJt I Valiant • Slott JM'l 2 Dr. RT. Valiant. ltadlo • H .. ter • Auto- mat.Jc. A·t condlUontd Warnnly cu. Plymouth S7Dt 10!9 r1vmoulh Fury ' Dr. H.T. Automatic • Ra.din • Hnlf'r • Poww 8l•rtnr • Ukt nnr Cut• • dllifm Plymoutb • 11099 IMO Plymouth t-~n· «U Wqon. Radio ·Real· ,., • Autcrnatk • Powwor 8 l• tr In I · WM>ktnder IJ*'faJ. P lymouth • 12Dt lh8 Plymouth 4 Or Radio • Htetf'r • Auto. malk Htre'1 \'ntlr lnw prtc~ tran1'pC>rtAtlnn •• f'ontlac • 52099 ltft2 r onllac Catalina. Radio • HMt., • A 11tn- matlc. 2 Dr H.T. New Tll"N. ~It performer. R.ambltr • $1 lDt 11&2 R.amblf'r Amf'MC&J\ Wa~on t Dr. Ali·FW Radio • HNt"r N\ce lltUt Compact Wai-nn. Rambler • 11299 1181 Rambltr ClUltc \V..,;on A•1tnmat1r. w .. 11 nr'f'd rnr and 1 Warranty rar. Ch••. J.wt lP~ Chl'vrnl•t 9'-1 Alno T\&dl1> • Hl'atf'r • Auto- matic • V -11 • Po'A .. r SlMrtnf • PO\ffr Brak .. A black bnuty Cadllla.o • '"" IMO Pi"tw.>od 4 Dr. H.T. run Powel' With Air. The bfft that <lM m.a.ltt9 In mint ront!tt Inn Df'!lloto • UD9 1 tM Tlf'S1>t1> Rportlll'rlan 2 Dr HT Full power • A ,,.&} ,n<Wt tn'"llJ"Orlat l1>n llpt'l'll\I C'"hl'\·1ltr • SI 1119 ll>eO Chrymll'r Wlnt!11nr 4 nr. 8'-11an Full Pov.on • A lerrlllc buy at thll prtOt ChmJtt • I 1999 1991 C'hrysln New Yc:rr1r· er 4 Door Hardtop Jl'Ull ~" w1th Air Condi· tlonJnc A llharp ca r wtth '''a!Ut Chrv1lf'r • SlllPD 1IMl1 Chrv1ltr Ntwpnrt 4 t!r Sf'1An Full Pnwl'r "1th Air Cnnt!1t lnn1ni. Rare Rrntl'h r 1Alc1 lnlrr· lor A rf'al bnutv. Monz.A • Si:tllt 1982 J.tonu C'J>I' rtAt!ln • H•tn" • A11tomAllc. I.fa· roon "1th blark bucket ••alJI Thll Onf' fl prlcf'd to It'll nnw• DOOlfe • 19!XI !tel nodft Lancf'r 4 floor Aulmatlc • Radio • Huter Thi• h1 your rhance for a compact at " Mmf'ACt prlr t. Doc11• • 11099 tflft-0 Dodr•. 4 Dr. 8f'dan- R.at11o • Hr&tf'r • Auto- matic • Power 8lHr1nf. OQOd family car lm Pf'rtal • $181>9 l!l~9 Imperial Crown 4 Ot &ulhAmplM P'llll J'OWf'r with 011aJ Air C'rindlllnnlnr 11 ni1 r.(lt)(!. \'rar LlfrJOntAn1 Tlr'1'• ( 11•1lllAI' • $1 ll{)fl J 11:'\~ C!'•llllAI' Jo'lf'f'lwnnt! }'1111 ro" f'r • Yntt l'An'l nffnf'tl nnt to buv at thl1 U>W Jll ll'I' T·Rlrd • $1991> lllel Th11nd1rblrd. Jl'Ull J'ow•r • Powder Blu• Swine A way Whffl. Thi• your chance for a T·Blrd at a low pr1ce. Rambler • Miit 1151 Rambler cuatom ' Dr. AutomaUo • R&d.lo • u .. ur JttcondlUomid and ,.ad1 to fO· I THEODORE ROBINS USED ··CARS $3295 60 lllD Full Power. A.tr. FWYMl $1795 61 llRD Full Power, Air L YG~7 $2395 WAGONS 63 FORD Country Sedan. Loaded, Air. $2695 61 POtmAC Jl'uU Power, Air. 2121A $2895 60 RAMBLER Cross Countrv. Auto. R&H PR.1721 $1195 59 PONTIAC Auto • Power S~i. RadJo & Heater. OKJ911S $1195 61 FALCON Radio & Heater. Auto. P'XH842 $1295 TRANSPORTATION 62 DODGE DART V-8. Auto $995 62 PLYMOUTH V-8. Auto. $995 54 PLYMOUTH Hot Rod , Sharp $295 SEE THE '65 FORDS NOW ON DISPLAY SERVING THE HARBOR AREA SINCE 1921 THEODORE ROBINS FORD B H b USED CAR CENTER 8 Y 8 r 0 r 2054 Harbor Blvd , Comtr of Bay Pl th and Harbor Chrysler ymou ' Costa MH&. 848-1644, 64&~t~O Inc. ,.,, Acrt1 of s•w & SllVICE 14al ••kif' It. 1t 3100 w. Coast Hwy.-Ntwp<>rt Beach --Wl)VJ: JI CONNELL CKJIWtOLft Formerly MUler-Coml.U OLDSMOllLE 1 Oevrolet Ul>t Jeer CaboYer u'- 1 Ru moved to 21.21 Bar· fro.at mount wlndl. 1 ply 'U OLDS ' dr. bdtop, pw!'. M&-1200. Millt&rJ Jeep 4 W D, Pvt.. p&rtJ, $900. bor Blvd. (al Adalnal I ur ... SUM llr .• brU.. Very clean. 141~70. OWNER mu.t iACRI· hunlerl IJ*:lal. '695. ncz. '11 ~ K~D Cburolel lMO ~ ton P.U. eoucurr ... cul Wllq u A to tn• XlaL VI. Auto. trana. Perfect '117 Olda. Nlclt eoedl New ..Oii.. u Condition. n.o~. u,.. •CO. ... Ml·- CIOlld. ,. Ord 1 MO p. u. "' lol1. 142-12tl ma '68 OLDS. 2 dr. bdtop. PS. ~...,,,.,..,= PB, Dffdl tnCtne work. '117 CHEVY 2 door Bel cl.an! SlOO. Mt4M2. -----..---.-Air. MOO. llM-30711. No Dn. a.nk Terms MC -------- 2 8 0 8 HunUnrton Ave.. HERllRTS JEEPS H.B. 1921 ll&rtMn' U 1-llU 'la Widfi CMnoJtl l:U• cuUvt CpL W /blue lDter. A.tr cmd. M.000 mi. .... l'fl.JITt. 18 CiiiV CONV/AUTO R 6 Bl PB/ PB/ RUNS Oood I MOO 147-1 lA an 11 llO. COMET 111 COMET CLUB AUracU\'t -..Jd ITW" •/A.IT. btr. •tc. 'lbe cvJit1 tllbpael ! RRST $9951 a.t GMAC 'J'ennl! t48 II. Cit B.t .. Lacuna HT t-T1'4 CONTINENT AL 'M OOHTL CONV. VDT CLE.AN! MI •un EVES. CORVAIR Jmt a.• local mttes. AT 1st QAULITY FAMILY CARS WITH WARRANTY 1960 CADILLAC FIMtwood - Late '63 OORV AIR "MON· &A.. BDTOP ltSD _.. factor'J wane~. PIO .. JVB. lattt:J ....... -. In beaut. EnnJne wtltta. ... /pluab r9d padded dull bucket 1 •a t lntn. AB- llOLUTJ: ''Jimll'r' CONDI! Ult6 FIJU pc>'ll'9I' with air. Thi• ~ car la w•U worth your appnWa1. l\&D poft!' wD ~ a.tr ~ Look at th1' ODt. RMall $32m. Our Price BEST OM.AC Terma• "48 8. $1425 1961 THUNDl•llllD SA VE a. A l"Nl ~ car for • prb )'OU ca.n"t bMt. $1175 '-$2690 1'62 OLDS"Sterflre C-wwtlW. hU power wttb lad«)' atr. l\tot.aiJ D!llS. OuPrb ... Oout Rwy, Lq1m& &ad Kl'att 4.1744 -.-81-CORVA..,,,IR=-::CP=E-. - Baul. teal blue w/ blue Inter Std. &bJ!t, RIH.. -.telJ bell XlnL thru • out! Dlr. JU&r. ONLY $8991 LOOK AT THESE CARS - CHECK THE BLUE BOOK COMPllE JHE PRICES EUEWHEIE S..l GMAC Termal t-te .. cat BJ~ ~BY .._T1'4 'el Moma 9P0rt coupe. All cxtru lncl ~/H. 4 1peed. One owner. Show1 flnut ot care Extra. extra lharp. Special $149~ I ROY CARVER PONTIAC 1400 W Coeat Hwy. Newport Beach U 8-34M 'H CORVAJR-Mol\I& cpe .• auto. Sharp. Only :u.ooo mu... 112". owner u 1-2400. WANTED CORVA.IR bJ pvt. ply~ trom yrt. pty. '425 max. Auto ah1tt. U l-MS6 ena. CORVETTE 58 CORVETTE hdtop, 4 IJ>d. MU•l Mil Aller 8 l PM, ('all OR 3-7892. 447 Udn !'oud. U do bit DESOTO ~l DE SOTO Spo_r_ta_m_an_ I HT, Ftrenyte Ser1u. PB, I PS. Kd rond. Call aft 11 pm ~47·3949 I I FORD I 'M FORD 2 DR. Park· tan• War. R/H, V-8, au- to . pwr 11tr Perfect Ntnd uurld• A out. New bnku. A Une. 6"·2180. FORD, 19119. OaJule 2 d:r. R A H, auto tn.n.1, u~ cond . ms. e.te-&904 or e.te-&Sn i6RD '51> Gal VB. R A: H. I P 8. Auto. H .000 ml Ortf own. Od cond SM 875-SOOt '11 Oelult. 2 dr. ~ "ba~. powtr ,.tr IHI>~ ra11h. f\48-<HOll -·111 FORD • CONV- ~YTHINO ' SUot Call A&n&helm T:'4..t6&4 1967 RETRACTABLE bd. top conv. Not ~ ti lbeM M'O\llld. &4&-00IS. '&II RJ).C() w l\UN Ooodl Ntw "'"9l ....... 72. ·111 fAJJitAm: llOO, M convt. S2~ lte..f&ll2 an II or wkndl. '17 P'ord Ra-n-c-ho-. -N.W tran1 Ir llru. Rut11 rood· Call MMUO 8URJ'ER 8~1. Cntry Mdan, auto. Pl. R ill lM ~ Wiu. au ...... ~7 P'ORD-WA0:-: SJ71 M::'T L1 anCJ</1\A DIO OOOD.eondl U W84a 'nT CU M V-t 1962 PONTIAC Cetelln. 2 Door Ha.rdto., wtth Bonnevtlle enstne. Autom1dc. redlo. hHtf'I', WSW tlrtS. A Puff! $2017 1961 CHRYSLER New Yorker 4 Door Hardtop Full pov.tt with &Jr. Just plain Immaculate oiw owner car. $1161 ltSf OLDS ti 2 Dow Hertlt., Full poww. a.n u • pl.D. $1090 1959 OLDS Super N 4 Door Hardtop. Automatic. power ~H>r· ln1. l>O"'•r bralcts, radio. hfater. $1040 1959 PONTIAC lennevlla. 2 Door Hardtop. AutomaUc. power llftl'- Lna. power tnkea. racUo. beater. $1190 1"' Pl YMOUTH PUllY ' Door .,.... ........... ,.... ..... er, poww' ......_ $550 4 Door. V-1. automatic. ~ '-*'· $525 300 SSOO 01 tbe P1rci111 SA VE s to of A QUALITY USED CAI 1961 CHRYSLER Newport 4 Dcior s.dan A t»autlful fenory air rondltiont"d car On. OWntt $1741 1960 OLDS Fl .. te Wagon Automatic. ~ 1tl'ttln1. radio. h«tar. A terrific bizy on thll car. $1353 1962 IMPlltlAL CROWN 4 Door with t\i~ry concelvablt utra in· cludlnl dual air condlUon1na and 6 Good· )'ftl' doublt uf~ Llff'IU&rd tlrw. Abeo- lutel,y the nnest OM owner lm~riaJ &J\Y• whett $1350 19'0 DOOGI Phoenix 4 Door Sfodan. Radio. heater, 1utom1Uc. V ~. pov.~r atft'rlna. $125 1960 FORD Sunllner 2 Door Hardtop. Automatic. V-8. J'Oftf ateertnc. rad.kl. beater. $l40 1961 VALIANT V200 2 Door Hardtop. Automatic. radio. hut· er. A jewel. WHAT KIND OF CAR DO YOU NEED •• F amity Car -Second Car · Transportation 1960 CHRYSLER Windsor 4 Pnor ~an Autnm1tlt. powu ltttnni- powtr brakM, r • " htatf'r llNI n!<¥' famll)' car. 1960 ,L YMOUl rt ~ M9ur"Mn g Pautnat'J' Waaon. J'or th• bit rarnllt 1t a low. '°" Pria · "u 1961 RAMILlll Claulc Deluxe wap. Automatic. nu bl1 economy neon for only ..• $1074 1961 DODGE L.tncet 4 Door Std.an TIO Autom11 •tr. radio, hf'atel' 1HI COIVAJlt Menaa C.... AutOIMtk. ndto. ...... an• BAYHARB0R 1425 IAKER ST. <AT HARIOI> 1951 CHIVaoLIT W Mr 4 Door. v.a. auklmltk. pGIWW' ~ poweT' tnbt,. powel' ~ ~ beater. 1951 ltAMILEl 4 Doo,t' Aut~tic. ra~ heater. C.U tcOnWQI. S47S 1951 PORO 4 Dr. Ttwft Vktee4e v.a, radk>. heater. N.50 WE GOT 'EM Spon.am1.n. Automatic, powoar pcrwtr brakes, radio, beater. New incl UMd C11"t I ~ Her'Mr a1v4' .. Colla M111 U 84471 Ml-111' ~_ .. __________ .., Autom.aUc. X\nl coad. Prtfa~ partJ. UMnt. ' t New 1964 Big DODGE CLUB SEDANS Low As • • • Fully Equipped, Automatic Trammlulon, HHter, Tlnt.d Wlncbhl•W, .. c. 00 . • s 08 NEW CAR DIRECTORY USED CAR & TRUCK DIRECTORY SILECT YOUR NEW CAR BY STOCK NUMBER No. 3042 NEW 1964 POL.ARA MO. 3113 cu. tn. tn&ine. SOI) qlOrt packait". Ute packqe. t~01\t. powM ~ braka. wtndowl. \f..M. ra- fk>. aJr condJUonJna wtt.h heater. tt- tractabl• 1eat btlb. wtndabJ•ld wuh- rn A varia.ble Q>Hd wiptta. tlntrd '1All all. wtilt.e a.id• wan ttrn $.1473 Full Pricf. No. 31169 NEW 1964 POL.A.RA 4 Door Sedan. 383 CU. In. ~rtM, tu· lON paint. buJc radio IJ'OUP, 1&f'1y group, lite pacuar. t~u.-flltr. powtt b1'91t• Untrd alas. •IL Whllr <idr wall lire•. rc-tractablf' IW'al tw-11 tJM9 Full Pnrr S25 DELIVERS AN Y CAR DURING OUR BIG SALE OAC 'lo 3783 !'.f:W 19f).4 DART c:T .! Door Hardtop 2'l5 ru 1n rn111n" automatlr powrr ''""nni: \1 \I 111- dm 111r rond1llnnm1t with hr111rr l>ackup light~. 1m11'rl i:I•~~ 1111 11ton" •h1t"1'1. lrfl ()tJl'lldP rrmn1,. rnnlrnl mirror. "'hllr Sidi' ""all lln'< S2R?i full Pric,., No. 2938 NEW 1964 DA RT 4 ()oor ~dan. Bir 6 cyllndf'r rn1inr. 11utn- matlc. white aid,. wall 111 rs. 1m~ control df"vlce $2097 Full Prl<:f'. No. 3008 NEW 1964 BIG 0001.E 8" 440 2 Door Tutont paint \1 ~I radio. hutrr. \aria bit 'IJ>f'f"rl "1pn~ wlnd1hleld wuhtra. whM'I covrn1. power l!tttrlna. 11&tl'ty pRdd('(I '111,h. beck\ap Ushta. autom.1tic. rf'tractahlr ~•l belta, tlntf'd 1tl&u wlnd~hll'ld. white aldf' wall lirf'• tT7'19 F11tl Prl<'f OPEN 9 A.M. 10 10 P.M. 7 DAYS A WEEK Nn 3914 NEW 1964 BlG DODGE '11" 4 Door Sfodan. Autnmat1c pov.- TUton .. paint automatir powtr ,,,.,.r. me. powf'r tail aatr window. ~1 M rs.dlo. factory 11r condHlon1ne anl1 hlfatrr pllddrd dHh llnlrti 1la all rematr rontrol out,ld,. mirror un- d~al w1t/l untlrr hood p11d. wh1tt 11dt will U~•. SJ.1.1.8 Full Pnrr Nn 3584 NEW 1964 DELl'XE DART no 4 Door 6 Pal!Wnett atauon v.11- ~on m C'U. In. "'&IM· automatic. M M. radio, heater with drfrosteT. root Jua-~ rack. air foem front llf'tlf safrty paddf'd d&lh, retractablt IMlt l)eltll. b11('kup li1tht1. tinted 1la1t.~ wmd~hi,.lrt. whM-1 rovrn, unf'lf'f"ll'lll Ind UMPr htlot1 fl8d whtll' •tdl" v.all t1rr' ~:?f\71 Full Prier l'o 3Tifi ~FW 19&1 DART 4 Door 6 pft~o;eni:rr wai:r>n 2'25 <'11 in rni:inr ~utomatir, h('tltM' With drfr0<1trr llntl'd 1tlll'ill wtnd,h1rld "hill' ''d" Niii llrt', "hl'f'I Cl>'rr' S.:4411 F ull Prier Nn 376'.\ .._ EW 1964 RIC. ()(}[)(;t: 11 .. 4 Door Srdan. Automatic, pow- rr 111~rin1t. h~IM" with dtfrn~tf'r, tlntPd 11111•• all, ston,. •hlrld• rt'· mo1r ,,""'"11 nuU1dr mirror. 1.'h!IP c1d,. "ii II 11M'" S:.!546 ~·u1 1 Prir1 -.;,, ·11:1, '-n\ l4f>-1 Air. £><>[>';}·: ').( .: I •~•r 'Y·rian A11tomat1r, Ill,. p.u ka1:1 1.nwrr lt·rnm:. hralrr \.\Ith ti• lroclrr p11rlrtr'1 1fa•h r..tn111:1hlr "'Ill"''"' h;,ck11p fli;:hl< tintrtl "'"rt •h11'1<1 \\h<·l"I rn'""· wh11r """ \•:ill llP~ ~! t•rj Full l'rlrr .._n lt>~I NEW lfl64 All. f)(JOCE · R · iOO h11rk~ <l'AI P<ilara Convrn 1blr JR'\ 1·11, tn 1 n2'""· r11d10. hr11trr "\th rtdr<Krrr "h""l <'0\l'f'I, hll!"kup h1thl•. anahlr "P"'"d w. f\!'r'! j(lO .pn11 VM'ka1:e. au1omat1c, powt'r '!IM'rtn1t. power b1 akP~. powl'r top, "'' rar•ablt wat bf>lt, tan1"'1 11:la'' ,.,,,1rlr l••fl mirror. \.\hll1• ''c1" '""II llrt'• q1'l.1 Full Prin> :So ~l :'\EW 1964 POI.ARA ·l flOor }larrltop B11i 8 <'~ ltndrr rnsr:inr 1iu1omat11 powrr 'ltf"f'rlnst. r11rt10 hN1trr " 1h drfro~ltt piiddrrt dash rll"MTIC c'IO<'k, ltntPd etas,,, b<1mprr 11111\rrl,, whttl <'Ovrn. outsldr lrfl •ntn'(w "h"" •lrlf' v.all 111'1'' ~2'l l 1 F11ll P1 '"" 'llo JR79 NEW 196<1 DART CT :? Door Hdtp 225 ru. ln. mflrw, man· Jal 4 •s>Hii ll<>Of' mountMt trtnunt, 11e>n. M ~1. rarlJO, hf'atrr v. lth d#•· frn•fl"r t intMt 11la -s. stOM ah1,.ld~ white sldf' "'all lir,.• $2437 F'ull PnC'<'. No 1K76 Nt.:W 1964 GT 2 Door Hard top m ('IJ In. Chargtr rn1t10I', hHt· •r with '"" mrlltr. rrtractahl,. ~I btlt~ lln\<'d windshirld au1omat1c. "'h1tr Ut1P wall tll''f"I tl476 F'ull Pri~. "lo. ~ NEW 1964 DART 270 '1 Door gN111n. 225 cu in rngan• man- Jiil -I \~ floor moun1Pd trao~m•'· 11on ~\I radio tw>11tf'r wuh d••lr<hl· "' rMraMablf' 'l•'llt hf'll • w1nr1'h1rlr1 w1~h"r' &. variabll' •r"·"rl " r" r' 11 tl'd \.\1nd,h1r d \.\h1l'I ro,,.r, 011t- 1d,. rl'molP l'Ontrol mirror "h I•• .1rtP w31l 11rr" S~>sR Full P1 ,, ,. No, -"9RR NFW 1964 Bir. tJ<>f)(~r: 'R" ·HO ~ Door '.\RJ ru 1n f'Olitlrlf', l\JlOl'T\8t1r powrr lltf'f'Tlnit. h•at•r wllh dd~rr, utrophon1c radio. n·- t111ctablf' ..-at bf'lt<1. barkup ill{ht•. w 1nd•h1rld wuhn Ir vanabl" l""'d "''I"'"· tlntNI w and<1hlrld, whl'd m\ ,.r, out'lldt nom<>1r <'Onlrol m1rrnr w.hll,. 1d" "'"II t1rr·" 1~'77H hi I l'n•" "" t'l'.'lli :-.; ~:w 191>4 A 100 "· n• OITlJ"lr I I io.,;:r p,. k11p .!:!°> 1 ~nginr 1 'I" r1I '' nrhroml"•h t 1 ;ir • mh~l'lfl 1 Yli..I'\ lit"'-11 lmr h<, lllor 1 1~.tr lu:htrr frl'•tl •Ir hr~·· -t rlf'fl'n!ltl'r Sl'1'17 Full f'r1rr i 00° o Financinq Available on Any Car In Stock During Our Oi..,posal Salf' '-:n :\11R :'\!-:\\ l'lft DATU 2-1) 1 Door 2'lS cu in 1•n1onnr· 11u1nm~·11 powPr ~t..rr1n1t M \f oc11n. f'1f'l••n "Ir rund111onani: & h•·ftrrr 1,,. l<i;p lijlhlc tinlrf1 i:IB•~ .\ !iPPI f'tt\• I rtonr 'hlrlrl~ 0111• 1rlr rl"mnt,. "''' 1 r 1 ,.,nu wh1tr-''<fp \.\;t fur'' .. "'•: Fuji Prlr,. 1960 BUICK Elf'rtn 4 Door S Win· ~ f1 II power, onf' ownf"r, }f'W'al '"lllr with artua.l mile• Slf;96 Full PM~ 1962 niEVROU.I ~uprr ~JlOrt R11· dlO. hNlH'. tull pow"r hurktt araU ractnc r~ color. nPw ,·inyl 1op S~ Full Pri~. 1957 CHEVROlEI' 4 Door V-8 rn· iPne. radio, hHlff automatic tran'· mJalon. rrel aharp car. ~~ F'ull Prl~. 196.1 DODGE Dart Thr m~ r>OP· IJlllr Of lht' DoditP ltnf! W 1th rlllilll hN.trr autl)mat1r t r1m•mh•1nn an•t Jnly $1695 Full Prirl' 1962 DODGE Oart 4 Door Radio hntt•r', automatic tran">m~ ion, rul clHn car S 1195 F•i 11 Pn<'f' 1960 FORD St.I.lion Waron. V-1' tn· ~. radio, hf"alf"r automallc tnn•· rruuiOn, powrr 1<trf'nn1t ~9."i 1'·1111 Pri~. 1961 FORD Falcon 4 Door Rarl111 hralf'r run• ftnf' '~ F'ull f'nr,. 1959 F'ORD r.1111,lr \'.11 rnc1r11 full powl'r a r?al Jfral al lh11 prll'" 1695 Full Pn~. 1965 MUSTANG. Bir V-8 ens1ne. ra- dio. Mat•r. 4 sptf'd tran<mla11on. local new car trade-in. S'.l'l9:') Full Pru:~. 1957 OLDSMOBILE Fiesta Station Wa1on. Hardtop model. Full powrr !le A stee.I at $495 Full Prl('t' 1961 OLDSMOBILE Dynamic "88" 9 ~nll:ft' atatlon wa1on Burgundy finlah, full vinyl Interior. full pow· ~ ~I Moton frnf'll1 quality waiion At thl~ low. Jov.. pnrr 1219!'1 F'u II P ricf' 19S9 PL\'MOliTH Cuo:tom ~uhurhan. V-A ,.n~n,. w11h full ~l'r. p•uh ho•· Inn tlriH $.1!}5 f'lllt P11•,. 1960 \'ALIA.VT V-100 4 Onnr R1d1n, hf'lll'T" stick §hlfl 2 tn l'hon<.f' rmm 111 S79'l Full P riN- 1962 \' ALIA~'T S1.a11on Waeon 4 Door Fully f'f'!Ulppf'd mdudrn1: ~r condthorun1:. SI~ F\JIJ Pn~. 1959 F:DSEL. Full pow,.r. o~ own- 'r. hkt nrw ronrl1t1on ~ Full Pm·,. \'rntura H11rillop radio hl":1IN .'l I n1n'm"•1on nnr $1995 Full Pru r HURRY! Over 125 UHd C1r1 On s.1. Ovr1n9 Our DISPOSAL SALE l'l59 PONTIAC Ronnr,1llr \'1 1'1 Full powPr. 10<"111 onf' ownPr :.!~ O<Wl ~1111111 m1IP• """' r11r tr11rtr-tn $1 »<1; F'11 II rr11 ,. I~'.\ RA \181.ER l l!t"''r 2 Donr Sf'. t111n Radin hr11trr H111nm1111r lrtn•- m1<U11on. llkr """', $16~ Full Prll ". 1962 RAMBLER Sf11tion W111ton R.11- d10, hr11trr AUtomall(' tran~misMon UJ93 Foll f'ri"" l!lfla RA \fBLER S tal ion Wai:nn R.1- 110, hrarer 't1rk ...n1t1, nrv. motor S995 Full PrlN' 1960 F'ORD PIC'Kl'P F1111~ Slake. ~ Ton with V -R. automntlr. floa1 rng rf'lr uclf' Jl 195 Full Prl<'f lOO:Z CHEVROLET PICKUP 4 cpH'd lonr bf.<! 1111 nrl1tln11l f'ltN'I· ll'nt MrHtltlon $15~ Full Pn<:f'. 1962 t'ORO PICKliP \'-R 4 ·~. '') IH1rl~ IOC'IR b!'d on~ir•• I pe.mt. i159:> fo'ull Pnr'f' l'lti2 c'llf.\'ROLJo:T 't TO-.: PllK- 1 'P '\ JJW-rd. Ml).17.11i s1m f'ull Pnrr 1960 H>Rn •, ro:-.· Pl\Kt;P R.t- ;110 (;.)J'l-r.'i ~·1::, f u I Pncr 1961 FORD PlCKUP Eronollnf' p11.:kup l..oo. aJ new nar 1 rade-1n $995 full Prt~. 196ll CHt."\'ROLF.T PICK l 'P "• Tnri f'll't"l<1rlr ll'lfllt h<'d. f11""t 1nli: rur '"Ir Sim Full Pru r l!lf>4 JEEP PICKl'P 1 \\!h('l"I rlmr. lonr bl"d. To"' n\ldl' bociy radtn hMlt. •r. •lrp bumJlf'r m ~rhr11d r11m tn· 11nr. llkr nl"W $2695 Full Pnl'f'. I~ C'HF.\'ROLFT ~ Ton P1r kup.' V-8. lonit brd, J.'lM"t~ldr bodv, 4 ·~ tran•m1~1on. ldf"al tor camp<>r $1996 l-"ull l'r1n·. 191\,'l F<lftr1 PW"l 'P '" Tnn \'.R :1 •Jll"'(i, ~I\ lr~lllr tll'><i~, rt& I •h11rp. S l!i11!) Full 1'11rr. 1!'164 H 1rtf1 l'l<'k'l'P 1, Ton f\ "}I· inti,.,. 11kl' nr·"· Slfi!Y.> Foll f'r 1rl' l'lfi:.! C'll~.VROLf..,-PtrKl'P '" Ton \' -R. lon1: hrt1 FIN"l •11'fr. 3 •(lttd tran"m11~1nn. $1495 . l!)M STL'DERAKER PICKUP 1., ron. < 'h11mp mf'l<frl. \llN att to ap- PN'<'1"" S~I'.:~ Full Pricf'. l!lfl.1 DOr>eF: 11., Ton 14 Coot titakr ti.idy n too modtl w uh :lJ.000 miles ldt on ra, tory w11rr11nty. $2795 Full Prirr 1~9 l-"ORD PICKUP 1, Ton V-8 lonr; l>MI. Slylr~ldr body. CU\tom cab. 5995 Full Prltl' l'liS OOOCF: PTC'1<1 'P '" Ton F.xtra nlC'f' onr $59!\ F11ll Prll"t'. WHEN OTHERS WON'T HARBOR DODGE WILL!!! Ml 6-5091 Kl 9.3347 ODGE COSTA MESA OPEN 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. 7 DAYS A WIEK' New&. Used Truc~~s And Cars Are Right Across The Street At 2145 HARBOR COST A MESA