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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-07-18 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesal
Laguna D _eelare.s. War· ·on Hippies
Desp.ite •nitler . . .
DAILY PILOT Girls Plan Mexieo
I HURSOAY AFTERNOON, Jt.rl Y ~a, 1968 . .
I WL. Q, .. 0.171. t IKTIOHS, N pMU·
• • (/r ;ra·I ··., ;n ·e Ill oa e
·War · V6wed on Hippies ~arihhea:D · fJruise
3 Remanded
To Juvenil~· ·
Laguna Council Pledges 'Hard Line'
Of ttl• P.ll)r P'llol Slt fl
To the applause or fed· u p
busiMssme n, Laguna Beach city coun-
cilmen Wednesday night pledged the
city will take a hard line on hippies.
By 4 to 1 vote c0uncilmen passed a
resolution to do everything legally
possible to discourage hippies from
staying in Laguna.
There f o 11 o w e d an airing of
grievances by several businessmen.
Two hippie spokesman and Coun-
cilman Charlton Boyd , the "no" voter,
cauUoned against persecuting the hip-
To use the hippie's ow n
vernacular, speakers were "up-
tight." Repeated reference to hip-
pies as bums drew recurrent applause.
Arch hippie defender Robert O. Bland
s·aid such hysteria last time came
from Adolph Hiller.·.
More than 100 persons were present,
some having to stand.
In thrashing over the hippie pro·
blem, city government mad e
bllsinessmen more aware of the linita·
Orange Coast
Weathe r
It's hot and humid over the
• rest of the country, but com·
. fortably warm and pleasant
•long the Orange Coast. and
it'll stay that way through the
weekend, with morning and
evening clouds.
11 persons perish, nble of
them children, in a New York
tenement fire and polict ar.
rest sailor oti cMrge1 of turn-
b1g in a false alarm. Ste Page 4.
•lrtll• I Mwllllfl I
C•llto'""' r ""'""" 11 Cl.aitltol tt..M NM .... / ...... ' CM!llu II DMlll *"ttl I c""'_.. It or-c-f'f' 1 Ell~ '"' " S.Cllt <•........ I' •~t II JKWI ..... 1). t ,lllMc, M-11 s.-'b tl·H
''" Cllll I S!Mt Mllrtetl M<IJ ......_,,. II ,............ U
MwrM llMl!lf ti TllNlln '' All• l.....,.. IJ _........ f ,,.1.... :ti •• ""'"-11 Mltrltotl t.ktMet • ..,,. ,._ ....
tions placed on local law enforcement
by the sU:te Legislature.
Councilmen pleaded that to a gl'eat
extent tti.eir hands are tied. "This city
has very little if any local option,"
Mayor Glenn Vedder said.
Irt was Pointed out that hitchhiking is
legal from the sidewaik, t h a t
panhandling must be observed by a
police officer for an arrest to be made
and that housing violations are dif·
ricult to enforce "because hippies
don't sleep in the same place two
nights running."
Councilmen pleaded for residents to
be the city's eyes and ears and report
violations or be willing to make a
citizen's arrest.
City Manager James \Vheaton 1aid
in Apri.l, May and June 578 arred.s
were made compared to 258 for the
same three-month period last year.
"'lbe record s:peab for Jtself," be
(S.. HIPPIES, Pafe %)
Jurors Indict Official
Who Exposed V anscourt
An ironic echo from the past shook
Orange County Wednesday when the
man who helped nail a chief deputy
public administrator f o r em·
bezzlement -then took his job -was
indicated by the Grand Jury on
similar charges. .
Arthur Charloil, 33, of 123 N. Trevor
St., Anaheim, is accused o!. six counts
of misappropriation of public funds
totaling fl39.67, a penny anti amount
by standards of former deputy ad·
ministrator Louis Vanscourt.
The defendant is a former FBI
agent who quit the bureau after 10
years to join the Orange County
auditor's staff, later helping to expose
VaDScourt and devising tight methods
to safeguard against embezzlement.
pear before Judge William C. Speirs at
9 a.m. in DCpartment One, Superior
Fourteen witnesses -including
Olarloff, at his own request -
testified before the Grand Jury prior
to the Wednesday morning indictment
against the suspect.
He is specWcally charged with pick-
ing up property at Orange County
Hospital, including cash, and failing to
later deposi~ in the P u b 1 i c
Administrator's vault.
The amounts Of money allegedly
stolen by Charloff, who was declared
bankrupt in January, with debt1 of
$43,859 and assets of SZ,402, are almost
(See EMBEZZI.E, Page I)
OFF FOR CARIBBEAN -Skipper Martin Eder (with cap) bolds
last minute crew conference before taking off from Newport. Harbor
on ''leisurerly cruise" through Panama to Caribbean In 37 foot sloop
Crew members are Oeft to right), Joan Marcbart, Bob Mitten, Eder,
Robin Block and Ululani Townse11d.
CbarlOU rose to chief of the Field
Audit Division before being transfer·
red to the job previously held by
Vaoscourt, now dbing a one to ten
year pri1on term for taking aome
'15,<KXl from the e!i?tes of dead
·'Amateurs~ Off on Cruise
Charloli is accused •of the same of-
fense, involving theft of money from
the estates of six county residents, but
the case againat him is ooly . '39.67
over the misdemeanor level
The incidents allegedly occurred
during the period CbarloU held
Van5<ourt'1 old position and AprU of
this year, when be retigned to join a
tax consulting business in Anaheim.
The suspect was IJ1Uled at his d-
llce Wednesday night, booked into
or.a.nge Cowtty Jail and released on
•t,2.111 ball, "1th arraignment ochedul·
cd nt.1t Tuesday. He ii ordered to ap-
Two bachelors and three young
women aet aaU from Newport Harbor
Wednesday on what they hope will be
a Jeiaurely cruise down, the coast 0£
Mexico, through the Panama Canal
and the Caribbean.
The voyage wU1 be made in an lslan-
der.J'T sloop launched earlier this
month by Lllander Yachts ol Costa
Skipper Martin Eder, 35, o! San
FnmCfsco, 1aid none of tbe party bad
any exte..tve oaillng experience.
But'" dm't anticipate mey-trouble,"
he said, uq we intend to follow the
coast line to Panama."
Eder raid be b• no particular
desUnatlon in the Caribbean. "We'll
just be cruJslng the lsl'ands.11
Otber1 in the crew are Bob Mitten,
30,. from ObJo; Ululani Townsend, 28,
Honolulu ; Joan Marcilart, 29, San
Francisco, and l!oblll Block, 21, San
Edl<r llld there. wu no Parllcular
purpoe to tlie crulH exctpt to have
lun ·and lake a few ploture1 for the
producers of the )'!leht. He said the
trip had been plllllll<d !or about three
·~ ..
Eder laid be hu beeo1 sailing about
three years in the San Frahcisco Bay
area but .baa never ~taken a long
distance Vo)'9ge. Mitten's oailing ex·
perience bas also been collfiDed to
&ailing •mall boots OD ·s.n Fr81lciaco
Bly. Nooe ol tho wo11tn have bad any
sailing experieoce." ·
Eder aid be bacl ·11ie ylcht bailt
with diesei'auxUioTy .,._ IDd oxtoa
gas tanks inltaDecl to flvo greoter
range uoder power, Ezlra wator will
be carried In llv .. 1allon pl..Uc Con·
(See CRUISE, Pa,_ J)
' A
Federal charges were filed against
four o( the seven youtf)s arrested
Tuesday in Cata'lina Channel aboard a
~en 40-foot schOOner.
Arra.Jgned Wednesday on charges of
taking a stolen vessel outside the
three-mile territorial limits were Jack
Darrell Bethany, 24; John William
Berry, 23; Dennis Seaman, 2J>,
and Peter Hans Wood, 18.
Two 15-year old girls and a 17-year·
old boy were turned over to juvenile
The four charged with the federal
offense were remanded to the custody
of the U.S. Marshal in lieu of $.5,00)
bond each.
The seven "hippie types" were ar-
rested after a several hour chaH by a
Coast Guard cutter climaxed by the
firing of 15-rounds frOQl a 50-
millimeter machine gun across the
schooner's bow when the party jg.
nored commands to heave·to.
The 4-0 foot 1ehooner, Resolute, once
owned by actors Speocer Tracy and
Djck Powell, is now owned by Ed Fa·
bfan of Portuguese Bend. Fabian uses
it for charters to Catalina Island.
Fabian said the schooner was stolen
from Fleltz Landing in Los Angeles
H&rbor. Entrance was gained by
prying apen a batch; and the mooring
lines were cut.
The owner said there was no further
damage to the schomer, but that it
was a "filthy mess" below when it
was finally recovered by means of
heaving grappling hooks aboard under
way; in the channel.
"They would have died of Poisoning
from tlhe dirty dishes ood cooking
utensils , even if they had gotten
away," Fabian growled..
Eve:t after the yacht was boarded -
West Indies pirate style -by !ederal
oUieers and Loi Angeles Harbor
police, the youlho IJUt 1q> 1 brief strug.
gle, tlreatenlng oflt'cers with machete
~ knives, accordMg ,1D reports.
O!ficen Nld the youlllo decllned to
state where they we?~ headed, but
that charts aboald indicated they had
aspirations of .rung to the Soutb
All of tbe auspeds decllned to give
their home addre111e1.
Prize Marlin Landed
SAN DIEGO ·(UPI) -Tlkltn Pat.
teicson o! 1-laJ'illac:h lUded a llD-pounil Matllil-a•bt,c1owod llsblnl
, Pole off Son Dlec'O'• Pohlt Loma
IVednesc!ay. Pattenon, using campanlon Dwight
RuW>'s rod, battled tile tropb1 O.b 21
~ ~
UPI T ........
Come•hl" Freed
Comedian Dick Gregory is re-
leased from jail as a trusty at-
large after serving 40 days of
a 90 day sentence for illegal
fishing in Olympia, Wash.
Gregory had consumed only
water since beginning his sen-
tence June 7.
Bal Isle Man
Presumed Lost
Off Laguna
An elderly sklpper has been presum·
ed drowned , four da)'3 after his
motorized skiff was ' found empty off
Laguna Beach, spinning lonely circles
1n the sea.
Roy Carmack, 75, ol 801 lf.l N. Bay
Front, Balboa Island, had borrowed
the 14-foot outboaul boat from a
neighbor sometime Monday.
The boat was found abandoned with
its engine still running off Emerald
'Bay near Laguna:.
The missing man's daughter-in-law
today told the DAILY PILOT that. he
had been tinkering with the engine.
"He wasn't especially a fisherman,"
· Mrs. Carmack said of her father-in-
law. "lie just liked to take a ride
"He had a boat of bis own, too, but
he was doing some work on the motor
Of tb1s one for the owner .11 The owner
was ideutified as Allee P. Sogg, a
· neighbor at 228 Pearl St., Balboa
Carmack was described as a retired
· Loo Angeles insurance broker, who
riiade his hOme on Balboa Island about
four yean ago. He has an only son,
George, ol Glendale.
An immediate search was launched i loc the skipper aflter the skiff wes I diacovered, The U.S. Coasl Guard,
, Navy aircraft and helicopters cover~
i waters to no evail.
2 Boys Attacked
In San Francisco
teen-aged· youths were attacked, one
fatally, on the city' 1 stneu during the
pasJ: 24 hours in separate incidents.
Robert Allison, 16, Hollywood, son of
a Hollywood hotel owner, was shot
under the left eye by a nnall caliber
pistol and beaten by two would-be rob·
beri while on a walk in the Fillmore
District. 'Ille robbers overlooked the
boy's money. .
Allison was taken to Mission
EmergenCy Hospl'tal where 1urgeons
said light in tile eye was endangered.
Otls Rhodes, 19, San Francisco, was
stabbed fatally Wednesday night on
the sidewalk in front of the Sunnydale
hou'1ng project in an argument with
David Sterling, 16, a student at
Woodrow Wilson HJgh School. Sterling
was held by juvenile authorlti~s.
.........,.... c •• , ..... H.....,_IMc. lepNa..clt
WntWnter h111twi1 Velky
Robo1t N. Wood
l'f'Ttldlnl and Pllbll""9"
J •ck R. C11rloy
Vito Prelldllnl eM Gtonlrol Morwter
Tho'"•• Ko1vil Editor
lhom11 A. M1.11ph;,...
Mt11tt1l111 E.11111«
P111I Ninol'I
Ad¥frtkl111 Olrtetor
Calo Mfto; DO W111t !o't SffKI N-..i ltllOI' nn Wnt eo1t1H .., ...... ,,,
L..-9"dl: m F-1 A-t'lllnllnelDn a.Id!: Jiit 5111 S1r"I
·SAIGON lOPI) -Woves Of U.S.
B5.2I blasted Ncrtb V 1 e tu a m e a e
mlssUe batteries today irt the first
such raids ot ttte· war for the giaDt
jet..~ American ~llldquarters describ-
ed the blitz JU&t above t h e
Dam..ilitarlzed Zone as retaliatory.
The eight-engine Stratofortres6es
unlooded Ions or blockbullen on
Surfiioe-to-Air Missile (SAM) bases
rour and 11 miles north of the DMZ
protecting tnflltratlon trail! through
the six-mile·wlde buffer
Just below the DMZ1:U.S. Marines
fought two tiattlea wltn )'lorth Viel·
namese troops ·beUeved to h've been
f:reahly infiltrated · into the south.
Marine comma.D<lera reported 7'l
Nmh Vl-eie killed in filhtt Wtd·
neaday that cOl't Dloe Leathernecks
From P .. e 1
petty by comparison to Vamicourt's.
Count One -Oct. 'lT, 1967, fS.01
from rthe estate of Albert J. Stone.
Count Two-Nov. 16, 1967, '49 from
the est.ate of Joseph Babicz.
Count Tbree -Dec. 3, 1967, "8.84
from the estate of John D. Retzlnger.
Count Four -De<:. 15, 1967, '3.30
from the e5tate of Anthony P. Man:.
Count Flv~ -Ile<. 23, 1967, f!Jt
from the estate al Lloyd S. Smiley.
Count Six -Nov. 17, 1967, f.1.SZ
from the estate of John Gi~n.
Charloff, through his attorney Mark
Hurwitz of Orange, denied the
"Mr, Charloff · vigoroualy denies
these charge& and cooslders them to
have been irTespo!l51bly insUgal<d,"
Hurwitz said .. "Jt hu been charged
that after a complete audit of the pub-
lic administrator's office and of more $2 million in cash and personal
property that was,sted to that of·
lice's care in 1967, approximately •239
remains unaccounted for."
Hurwitz added: "I submit that to BC·
cuse Mr. Charloff merely because of a
$239 discrepency that was allegedly
found when he happened to be tbe
chief deputy is grossly unjust.
"It is particularly defamitory in
light of the fact that CharlofC had an
honorable career with the FBI and
there after headed the Orange C.Ounty
Auditor's team that ~red a vast
number of inde1cretions by
Rocky Ex pecting
Gen. Eisenhower
To Endorse Nixon
From Wire Services
Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New
York said today he expected former
President Eisenhower to endorse
Richard Nixon for the Republican
presidential nomination. But he in-
dicated he felt the endorsement would
not have much impact with convention
Eisenhower called a news con·
ference for today at Walter Reed
Hospital, Washington, where he has
been confined since suffering a heart
attack several weeks ago, He was ex·
pected to endorse former vice rnldent
Nixon for the nomination.
"It would be embarrassing if he
didn't endorse him," Rockefeller com·
mented in Dayton, Ohio.
The New York eovernor said
delegate1 to the convention were in·
terested in how 1uch people as
Eisenhower stand "but in the final
analysis they decide for themselves."
"The delegates are interested in two
things," he said. "Picking someone
who can do a job for tHis country, and
a winner."
killed aod 10 wounded.
Th< U.S. commaod sought to play
dawn the ·ssi strikes as an escalation
of tbe air wM at a time when Presl·
dent Nguyen Van Thieu and Prealdent
. Johnson were hecdi.Dg for a swnmlt
nieeting tn ·Jtawa1t · '
"It's a kind of retallatJon, you might
say " a for AmerJcan he~quarteri siid of the·B52 missions.
The raids reflected U.S. determination
to knock out the rocket emplacements.
The Soviet.built SAMS with a range of
60,000 feet art the ~ weapons in the
Comlnwilst &rafli<i1 cgpable of h1tting
Ule hlgh·altitudO B5%s ol the. Strategic
Air Command.
DefeMe Stcrelar)'. Clark CUHord
slre.sed allied effoit. to scile ®wn
the level of fighting N be left Saigoo
for the Honolulu swnmit.
Clifford told newSmen the United
States could lJ.alt all bombardment of
North Vietnaht without eodugerlng
allled troops U Hanoi would take an
"import&nt and serious act of
reciprocal restralnt."
The two fights below the DMZ
erupted about seven miles fr<>m Camp
Carroll, a bJg U.S. artillery outpost on
h.igh ground overlooking the barren
wastes of the DMZ, when helicopters
dropped about 500 Marines into aa
area where North Vietnamese activity
had been reported.
Artillery and air a.trikes supported
the Marines. Fifty-six communists
were reported killed Jn one clash in
Which nfue Mfa'ines were kllled and 25
wOWlded. In tbe other fight, tile
Hippie Off and Running
~!arines killed 21 North Vletnamese
while suUering l!i wounded. C~W! of u .S. helicopter gunships on
"Firefly" patrol 19 miles southwest of
-Saigon in the Mekong Delta reported
destroying lo Viet Cong supply sam·
pans and damaging 10 others in a
series 'or raids over a three-hour
The strikes were part of the au.t-
talned allied campaign to crush ~he
Communist threat to the South Viet·
namese capit&1l. . .
Air war reports 1ia1d American
pilots flew 117 missions into N.orth
Vietnam Wednesday. Re tu r D 1 n g
airmen said their bombs and r()(!kets
destroyed or damaged -41 truck!, five
antiaircraft.6ites and an ~sortment of
boau ferrying weopons and mn•
mtmition toward Uie DMZ.
Ul"I Till.,,. ..
' An•unidentified hippie "beats feet" as he is chased
by a club-wielding policeman during ano_Uter rock
and bottle throwing melee in San Francisco's
Haight·Asbbury district Wednesday night. About
20 persons were arrested after several hours of
San Clemente to Curtail ..
Attractiveness to Hippies
You can't le~late against long hair.
but the San Clemente City Council
Wednesday took steps to make their
city less attractive to hippies -if in·
deed they consider it attractive at all .
The emergency ordinance recom·
mended by Police Ohlel Clifford Mur-
ray will prohibit people sleeping in
cars, trucks, buses, campers, on th e
beach, in tents or other temporary
The law -. which applies to private
as well as public beaches -may bring
a sharp outcry from southlanders who
travel in camper trucks on legitimate
weekend forays.
17. operator.of a psychedelic shop.
They charged Ulat she sold a poster
depicting a couple in a centuries-old
se,.; act to a 12·year.old girl who
vistited The Mind Garden, at 204 S.
Ola Vista.
City officials studied the demand
and decided lt would be on dangerous
ground if they took such action.
The law prohibiting sleeping in
vehicles and the like -similar to one
currenUy in the Costa Meaa city hop-:
I per -bas full suppOrt of the San
Clen;iente Chamber of Commerce.
Workers Seek -·--Aid on Jobs
Eight of the 20 former Westminster
city employes who lost their jobs
because of this year's budget cutbacks
and have asked the city's help in fin-
ding ottler jobs, are now at work
outside the civic government.
The $4.8 million budget approved by
councilmen June 25 eliminated 4;.4 jobs,
mainly in the public works . depaf{.
Three city employes, wbo were af-
fected by the cutbacks, were transfer-
red to other jobs wiUtln the city ad·
'11he rest of the affected employes
are looking for jobs on their own or
are appealing to the clty for help or a
transfer to other staff positions, City
Administrator Robert ·Huntley said.
Hanoi Takes
Firm Stand
On Raids
PARIS (UPI) -Hanoi said today it
bad no intentton a( 1COllng down Iii
military effort in South v'I.e~m In ex.
change for a total halt in the bombing
oI North Vietnam.
"The United States has taken the
liberty of askia.g for reciprocity for a
cessation of their bombings against
North Vietnam," a communist at.ate•
ment said. "This is inadm.issable ar•
"The Vietnamese people &hall pay
no ransom to pirates."
The 16·page memorandum vowed.
North Vettnam would t1g1it until "final
victory" against the Amerlcam in
Vietnam. And, it said,. ~le all over
the world were ready to ftelp.
The foreign ministry communique
was released only minutes after U.S.
Defense Secretary Clark M. Cllfford
restated the American bargalnlnc
position in Paris -that the ·bombtnc
would stop if Hanoi sealed down lta war effort.
So far, Clifford told reporters ln
Saigon, Comm1.11ist negotiators have
shown no sign of willingness to do sq.
The statement today made that clear.
The communique reiterated. tbe
Communists' unyielding demand that
the United States halt the bombing
first, then wait for Hanoi's reply on
the battlefield and in Paris.
"Two months have elapsed, but the
Paris talks have made no progress:•·
the memorandum said. "The sole
reason for this is the utreme
obstinacy of the American aide,"
It also firmly rejected American
demands that the Demilitarhed Z-
between the warring nUJ.ons be
restored to its original "buffer,.
status, with no troops or arms.allowed
Such a move would "tie the bands'~
of the Vietnamese people, the Com·
munlsts said.
Van Thieu Vows
'No Surrender'
At Summit Meet
SAIGON (AP) -President Nguyen
Van Thieu left today for the Honolulu
meeting with President Johnsm pro.
rnising that he will not allow South
Vietnam's allies to impose "a solution
harmful to our national interests."
Thieu's chartered Pan American
\Vorld Airways 707 jetliner was ex·
pected. to arrive in Hawaii this af-
ternoon, after a brief refueling &top at
In a recorded nationwide television
address shortly before taking off,
Thieu declared, 111 will not go to
Hawaii -to surrender· to the Com·
munists, to sell the nation, to concede
territory, or to accept a solUition in-
volving a coalition with Communists
imposed by the United States. such as
Communists and ·a number of
unscrupulous politicians have falsely
He, said his firm statement was
made necessary by rumors spread
with the intention or dividing South
Vietnam from its allies.
"Not on1y are we defeating the Com-
munists, but we are dally becoming
stronger, both militarily a n d
politically, for an early victory and
early restoratio:J of Peace."
Old delivery trucks and· small
economy vans are hugely popular in
the mobile hippie crowd, many of
them featuring built-in bunks and
other facilities which eUmlnate paying
The City Council action followed a
recent protest petition signed by 700
citizens demanding seizure of the
busniess licerise or Miss· Cyndi Wild,
al JJ. J. (Jarrell
From Page 1 to 40ftfo oii HIPPIES ••.
said. "Where we (police) are ther~ or
a citizen exercises his ~sponsibility
prosecution is made."
The-J'e!lo1ution, authored by coun-
cilmen Richard Goldberg and Joseph
O'Sullivan, says the city has received
unfavorable publidty and the Police
Department has been unjustly sccused
of ignoring the hippie situation.
It decle;es "this City Council doe11
not encourage or appreciate the
presence · of hippies," and resolves :
-~lice are doing everything within
legal limitations to support the law.
-The solution to thls unpleasant
situation must be found through total
community involvement.
-All legal avell\les will contlnue to
be explored to discourage t h e·
presence of hippies.
G<lldberg introduced the resolution
by saying Laguna resident& are falltng
victims m abuses by a few -,"that
portion of the hippie element whl<il 1n
any other age would be defined u
Jn opposing the resoluUons, ~
cllman Boyd saJd he wanted to raise a
voice of caution. "Do not Mc.-omo too
deeply involved · in symptoms:•• ht
warned. ..Work Just u hard oa root
causes as on a symptom."
'Ibo '8udienco then had ils '''Y,
Bari McHugh of McHullll'• Toy
Shop1 said he refers to hfpples ••
bUmJ "to knock: down thelr ego" and
d-not tolerato them leanlJ>t
his rtore or sitilng Ofl the sidewalk.
"They can sit in the gutter where they
belong," he said.
He urged merchants to discourage
hippie patronage.
Hippie defender George Reiter, 9'l8
Meadowlark Lane, asked bow one
defines a hippie .
"I can tell you one way," a w001an 's
voice interrupted. "You can smeU
"Here you have a class of people
being regarded as non.people," Reiter
continued. "Many are serious ,
religious in all sorts or ways.
"If you think of them as the sort of
thing you like to run out ol town, it's a
short stop to using the law against
tllem," ht cautioned.
Mrs. Noni Francis. of. Francis'
Sportswear, said she objects to filthy
feet on her storefront and on city
benches, hippies sitting on flowers and
to glrls only 13 or 14 yem old
panhandling her customers.
From P .. e I
·\alJtera, giV!ng a capacity of 00 ,.nons. '
The skipper aaJd ... there wu no
special equipment aboard the sloop ex·
cept for the usual electronics such aa
r.adlo·telephooc, direction finder and
fathometer. ~
Yo11r fo•erlto lnt1rlor dotl1n1t will bo hoppy to 1111.t yo11 ,, ••
H .. J.GAl\1\fIT fURNflURE
0,. ...... ,,,_ a M. -
2215 HAU OR llW .
"46-0275 "46-0276
Duntingtoll -Beaeh.
-....._ Your. Bo•etown
Dally P~per
vot:. .6 r. NO. ·112, 3 SECTIONS, 34 PAGES THURSDAY, JULY 18, ·1968 TEN CENTS
Coast Pair Victims of Jet Hijacking
Mn. Alm• Gulaby
Son Ronold Gulaby
V W Stripped Ne ar Station
Brien Kyles. 17, of 228 8th St., Seal
Beach, haa quite a shock in store when
he returns from a visit to Mexico. '
The Volkswagen sedan he ~park4
ed some 30 feet from the~ Beach
Police Dept. for fear jt might be strip-
ped while he was out of the coon tr y,
was •tripped Wednesday night.
Thieves took Wheels and tires and
damaged the car's ferider. They use::!
'Pure Accident'
garbage cans to hold the car ~p while
removing some $'axl worth of tires and
mag wheels.
Brien's father told the DAILY PI-
LOT that his son had worked verY
hard on the car. "He was afraid to
drive it to Mexico for fear it might
be stripped there. He parked it in front
of the Seal Beach police station be·
cause he knew it would be safe there.''
Judge Acquits Stanton
Officer of Manslaughter
Of tlle D1llY PUlf $!1ft
St.anton Reserve Police Ofifcer Allen
B. Christian is a free man today.
declared not guilty this morning by
Superior Judge Karl Lynn Davis of
charges of involunt.ary manslaughter
in the death of a fleeing suspect last
Feb. 9.
After U1c prosecution's c a s e
presented by Chief Deputy District Al·
torney J ames G. Enright was con1-
pleteri Wednesda')', Christian's at-
torney Mat.hew Kurilich ~f Fullert~n
entered a motion of acquittal for in·
sufficient evidence.
Christian shot and killed Paul M .
Aguilera, 19, in the early morning
hours of Feb. 9 when he aod Jerry
Naranjo were stopped for questioning.
Aguilera fled when officers they
would have to take the pair in because
they lacked identification.
Qrristlan followed the youth and after
several warning cries, shot. The buJlet
hif the youth in the neck and emerged
from left -cheek.
Christian. 42. a Huntington Beach
businessman is a volunteer rt:serve of-
ficer serving without pay. He was in·
dieted by the Grand Jury Feb. 14 on
charges of mans~ghter.
When the tri3.I began last Mondar.
JU.dge David permitted a change m
'plea to involuntary manslaughter and
aireed to hear th~ trial. wif:bo~t jury.
_ ~udge J?avis ~n di~m1ssmg the
efiarges Uus ml>rJUllg pointed oo~ \!tat
w)Um Aguilera fled he was c0mrrutting
··::Testimony of investigator J ohn
dter of the district attorney's office
quoted the defendant as saying he
didn't mean to shoot the boy and didn't
see him. l believe him," the judge
said. "I'm convinced that it was Iii
pure accident. The shot was meant as
a warning. I defy anyone to hit some·
one under the same drcumstances
in broad daylight.
"l think it was an acciderit, a tr.igic Everybody Js l!iOITY it hap-
pened,'"Judge Davis continued. "t
have a reasmable doubt fillerefore my
decision is he is not guilty as charg.
Gier's temimony \Vednesday no
doubt contributed heavily to Ute
The investigator quoted Christian as
saying, "I shot once a warning. I did
not see the suspect. I didn't see
anyone. It happened so fast. 1
hollered for him to stop three times."
"I asked Officer James Bradley
twice if I shou1d fire a warning shot he
did not answer the first time then he
said, ·yes, fire one off.' "
Christian added: I didn't meen to
kill that man. I thought I was shooting
over his head."
Gr ove Gi rl Hm·t
In Auto Wreck '
Sheryl LyM Spencer, 18, of 13682
Da'fto·son St., Garden Grove, sufiered
facial cuts and abrasions when the
small foreign car she was driving car-
romed into a barricade Tuesday night
and overturned.
The accident occurred at Brookhurst
Street south of Heil Avenue, Fountain
Sausalito Approves
Tough Gun Control8
SAUSALITO (UPI) -Sausalito will
have a tOugb gun law regardless of
whether the &tatt legislature enacts
one or not. .
The Sausalito City Council Wed·
nesday passed a firearms registration
law which calls for a S2 fee for each
firearm or a maximum oC $15 for all
.. -eapons in a collection.
Woman, Son Lose Race to See Dy ing Mother
Of tM C.IW ,,~ trlfr
A Westminster mother ol two and
her l2·year-old son, making an
emergency trip to the bedside of. her
dying mother, were aboard the Na-
tiooal Airlines DC-8 jet hijacked t.
Cuba thia week.
Mn. Alma Gubsl>y and 1on, Ronald,
l0&t ttieir race wiUl death.
Anotbet' son, Richa.rd1 15, told the
DAILY PILOT today that Mrs. Gul•by
lear,ned on her arrival in Miami Ul.:i.t
t\er mother had died during tbe 12
hours the jet was.delayed In Havana.
Mrs. Gui.shy and her son went on to
Mobile, Ala., Wednesday, w h ere
funeral services for her mother, Mrs.
Esther Joh·nson, will be held tbi1
Mrs. Gulsby, who works in the note
department of Newport National
Bank, received a call fro m relatives in
Mobile Tuesday, asking her to come to
Vanscourt's Successor Indicted
her mother's side.
Richard said bis mother was told his
grandmother had "taken a turn for the
worse." She had been hospitalized the
past four week5.
The.son, who stayed behind with his
father, Ronald, a manager with
Rosmiore Electric Co., now working
at Leisure World, said his mother took
the first plane out of Los Angeles
International Airport.
"The last time we saw her was 12
midnight Wednesday,'' he sDid.
Mrs. Gulsby's plane landed Jn
Jlowton, Tex., where the hijacker put
a gun and phoney. hand grenade to 'the
pilot and told him to fly to Cuba. The
plane was tmal>le to c on t a c t
authorities on a brief stop for refuel·
ing in New Orleans, La.
In a phone call home to reassure her
family she was safe, Mrs. Gulsby said
the passengers were not harassed by
(See HIJACK, Page %)
New County Embezzling Rap
An ironic echo from the past shook
Orange County Wednesday when the man who helped nail a chief deputy
p°'blic administrator f o r em-
bezzlement -then took his job -was
indicated by the Grand Jury on
similar charges.
Arthur Charloff, 33, of 123 N. Trevor
St., Anaheim, is accused of six counta
of misappropriation of public funds
totaling $239.67, a penny anti amount
by standards of former deputy ad-
ministrator Louis Vanscourl
The defendant ts a former F,BI
agent who quit the bureau after 10
years to join the Orange County
auditor's staff, later helping to expose
Vanscourt and devising tight ,netbods
to safeguard against embezzlement.
ct\8rloff rose to chief Of the Field
Audit Division before being transfer-
Barricades · Up
Again Around
Burned Bitilding
Barricades have gone up ag.ain
around the controversial building at
the northeast corner of Main street
and Pacific Coast Highway in Hun-
tington Beach following its partial
dest.ructlon by fire.
City Attorney Don Bonfa explained
this morning that the barrioades,
\vhich were placed around the building
several m ontooa f sh gwonlla gi
several months ago following a
Superior Court decision that the
building was dangerous, have been
placed today not only on the sidewalks
but in the street on two sides of the
building Qs well.
The Fire Department today listed
the cause of the fire in the tec0nd
story of the old bullding·as vandalism
either incendiary or accidental.
Bonfa said that it appe.-s the city
will have to wait until appeal and post
appeal periods have been completeJ
before proceeding further in the city's
attempt to secure removal of the 64·
year-old. two-story brick building: .
"It appears the city's legal pos1t1on
'vas not enlarged by the fire and all we
can do is to wait for the appeal to be
affected by the passage of time."
The time involved likely will be 60
days or more. Max Hotner and Martha
Holt, owneni of the building have part
of that time in which to refile t:.e ap·
peal whiclt was rejected July ~1 by the
Appeals Court in San Bernardino.
In addition, there is some confusion
on whether the owners will have yet
another 30 days in which to comply
with a Superior Court order, ordering
the building either repaired or
ln addition, (he owners could appe:;l
the matter lo the California Supreme
In the meantime, the building will be
barricaded and watched to prevent
further damage. The partially burned
out building had been described by ci·
ty building and safety officials as .. ex-
termely dangerous."
red to U1e Job previously held by
Vanscourt, now doing a one to ten
year prison tenn for taking some
$15,000 from the estates o! dead
Charloff Is accused of the same of·
rense, involving theft of money !rom
the estates of six county residents, but
the case against him is only $39.67
over the misdemeanor level
The incidents allegedly occurred
during the period Charloff held
Vanscourt's old position and April of
this year, when he resigned to join a
tax consulUng business in Anaheim.
The suspect was arrested at his ol·
fice Wednesday night, booked into
Orange Cowity Jail and released. on
$1 ,250 ball, with arraignment schedul·
ed next Tuesday_ He is ordered to ap-
pear before Judge William C. Speirs at
9 a.m. in Department One, Superioc
Court. •
Fourteen witnesses - including
Charloff, at his own request -
testified before the Grand Jury prior
to the Wednesday morning indictment
(See E~IBEZZLE, Page %)
Stranded on Isle·
Valley Man, Hostess Rescued
By ALMON LOCKABEY .......... ,.,.
A .Coalit Guard rescue team \Ved-
nesd.a·y picked up a Fountain Valley
man and his woman companion who
had been stranded for three weeks on
a non-inhabited island 690 miles south
of Honolulu .
George Hughes, 35, who identified
himself as a Fountain Valley boat
builder, and Barbara Gcegory, 29, a
Conner airlines hostess, fetched up on
a barrier reef that gurrounds Palmyra
Island a few days afret"" leaving
Honolulu on a voyage to the Marshall
and Gilbert islands.
Coast Guard officials at Honolulu
said Ute 46-foot steel hull power vessel
was loaded with 1,200 pounds of cloth· ing that Hughes proposed to take. to
the naUves in the South Sea islands.
The couple waited 19 days before a
daily "mayda-y" message from the
yocht was finally monitored in the
Cook Islands 1,000 mUes to the south.
Coait Guard Honolulu sent an HC·
130 rescue plane from Barber Island.
The plar>e had to land on a deserted
airstrip through tbosuandJ of sea birds
which are now the only occupants of
the isl.and. A jeep was sent from the
plane to the beach to pick up Hughes
and Miss Gregory.
Hughes had been suffering trom an
ear infection from the time the boat
was &tmnded. Miss Greogry reported·
Jy treated him with shots of penicillin.
The Coast Guard sa.Jd the boat was
aground in about two feet of water and
apparently was not e x t e n s i v e 1 y
Hughes was quoted as 5ayi.flg he
would like to resume the trip if be
cwld get help in getting his boat ofl
the reef. He said he built the boat in
his backyard at Fountain Valley.
"Thank God you are here." Miss
Gregory was quoted as 9aying when
the rescue team arrived on the scene.
Because of the pain ol the ear in·
fection, Hughes said he didn't think he
was going to make it.
_ "I really had pain. I really went
through hell." Hughes told rescuers.
The boat was valued by Hughes at
about $30,000. He said he and Miss
Gregory took off on the voyage "lo
escape the rat Mee" o( Honolulu and
mainland living.
Hughes said he would come back to
Ute ma:lnland and eam enough money
to all over again -either by
salvaging the stranded boat or
building another.
Miss Gregory was identified l!IS a
ronner United Airlines employe who
had lived in Honolulu about three
Beach Police Still Hunt
Harbour Bomb Suspect
liuntington Beach police contin'ue
their search today for the bomber who
exploded a hand grenade Sunday In
the front yard Of trucking executive
Lee Brockman's Hunµngton Harbour
home at ~6641 Bolero Lane.
Pollet believe the bombing attack
stems from Brockman's in·
volvement in the labor dispute
between the Hearst C«poration and
the newspaper guild. The victim's
trucking firm bas continued to deliver
newsprint to the strlke-boand Lo.!!
Angeles facility sinct1 the strike began
on Dec. 15.
Tire marks indicat.Lng a speeding ac·
celeration were noted In front o( the
Brockman house, said Robitaille.
The grenade blast sent front yard
rock flying as far as 150 feet and im·
paled a border fence wtth shrapriel. No
one was injured in the explosion.
Workers Seek
Aid on Jobs
Ex-County Aide Arthur Chuloff
Newport Woman
Helps Nab Two
h1 Thef t of TV
An observant Newport Be a ch
woman who became su s picioua
\Vednesday when she watched two
men taking a neighbor's co 1 o r
television 1et tipped off police who
later arrested the pair at their bomea.
Robert !senor, 20, of 724 ~ st.,
.and Jack Fiarres, 19, Of 15Ml Las
Flores st., Westminster, were booked
on a variety of charges, including
burglary and possession of marijuana.
Various items found in each Jllan's
l1ome were seized as evidence, In·
eluding $120 worth of neatly packaged
marijll'ana, 23 keys to Las Vegas and
Anaheim hotel rooms and a loaded .22
cal. derringer pistol which belonged to
Many eredit and idenWice.tion cards
with names of other persoas -
suspectedly ltolen -were alao
Tecovered, one of them registered to a
London , England man.
Police todey. refused to identify the
woman whose television set was being
taken in U'le suspected Newport Beacb
bur l , or her n i bor.
Showdown Due on Bonds Det.ecttve capt. Earle Robitaille ss.ld
that It appeared that the bomb was
deliberately placed to do as much
psychological damage and as little
physical damage as possible to the
Eight o{ the 20 former Westminster
city employes who lost their jobs
because of th1I year's budget cutbacks
and have asked the city'• help in fin.
ding other jobs, are now at work
outslde the civic government.
It's hot and humid over the
rest of the country, but com·
rortably warm and pleaunt
along the Orange Coast, and
l\'11 stay that way through the
weekend, with morning and
evening clouds.
ll"llSmE TOD,\ Y
Cit y Council, Commission at Loggerlieads
A showdown between members o{
the Huntington Beach Recreation and
Parks Commission and the City Co!.1n-
cil over a bond issue proposal seems
almost assured today following a
spcciaJ commJttee meeti ng of recrea-
tion commi&sloners Wednesday night.
OomrnJssioners m eeting at tha
·J\ea'eatlon Center di1CUs9td mainly
the ........ ,.,,, • bond IJsue proposal
should not be offered to the people on
I.he Nove.mbtt ballot.
The special bond study committee
almost adjourned without setting a
tentative figure for a possible bond
It had been ordered Monday by the
City Council to come up with the bond.
needa. •
Cou.odlman Jack Green publicolly
upllraided Ibo comn!lulon and Diroo·
I . • -~-· ---=--'
tor of Recreation .and Parks Norm
Worthy lor not producing the bonding
plan .as had been ordered by the coun-
cil several months ago. Councilmen
Monday said they wanted the figures
by Aug. ~-
Worthy told his !ive-membe:r special
<'ODlmJttee Wednesday that • bond
iasu.e proposition in N o v t m be r
"prd>abcy wwld DOI -a chonoe ol (See SllOWDOWN, Pqe %)
Union pickets appeared at a store ln
Huntington Center the evening alter
the bombing to protest patronage ol
the Hearst advertizer.
Manal!<' ol the, Howard Whll·
taker. reported'lhat the '1four or five
p t c k e t s demonstrated peace!ully."
They appeared Monday night oofy, he
Robitaille said that his department
is in contact with the metro aquad ol
tbe Los Angeles Police Departm<rlt
whioh ii lnvestigatJnt acts ol vloltnce
nsulliaf from lhe blllier n~
'I'll• '4.8 mllllOn bud.get approm by
C<lllllcllmen june 2S ellminaled 44 lobs,
malnlJ° in the publlc woru <!<part.
Three city employes, who were af·
fected by the cutbacks. we~ transfer·
red to other jobs within the city ad·
The rest of the .riected employes
are looking for jobs on thelr own or
are appealing to the cicy lor belp or o
transler to other Ital! positions, City
Administrator llobmt llualle7 uld.
' ll pus.., pt.Uh, nfnt of
& chadren. in a Sew York
kn....,.I fir< l!lld polkt .,..
1'el t aailor on chargie1 of hlnl-
ing in a falu alarm. Sec PGqd 4.
' -
Thursday, July 18, 1968
OFF FOR CARIBBEAN -Skipper Martin E der (with cap) holds
last minute crew conference before taking off from Newport Harbor
on "leisurerly cruise" through Panama to Caribbean in 37 foot sloop
Crew membtn are (left to right), Joan Marchart, Bob Mitten, Eder,
Robin Block and Ululani Townsend.. !.
5 Novice Sailors Leave
On Calm Ocean Cruise
Two bachelors and three younh
women set sail from Newport Harbo~
WedDesday on what they hope will bP
a lei1urely crui&e down the coast o
Mexico, through the Panama Ca11n
and the Caribbean.
The voyage wm be made ln an Islar
der-37 sloop launched earlier thi
month by Islander Yachts of Cost.
Mesa .
Skipper Martin Eder, 35, of San
Franclaco, said none of the party had
any extemive aall1ng experience.
But we don't anticipate any trouble,"
he 1&ld, 11a1 Wit intend to follow the
oast line to Panama."
Eder said he has no partlcula1•
'.estination in the Caribbean. "\Ve'\.
.ust bt:: cruising the islands."
Oth~rs in the cre\v are Bob Mitten,
·o. from Ohio; Ululani TowJJsend, 21:.
lonotulu; Joan Marchart, 29, Sar
."rancisco, and Robin Block, 21, Sa11
Edler said there was no particular
purpose to the cruise except to have
fun and take a few pictures for the
producers of the yacht. He said the
trip had been planned for about three
Beach School Committee
Readies Trustee Report
The Citizens Advisory Committee
established by trustees of the liun-
t:tncton Beach Union lligh School
DiStrict held its 7th meeting this week
and began the work of consolidating
infonnation into a Teport to be
pres!:!nted to trustees by Aui;:. 5.
... The committee ha,, been charged by
the trustees to study and report on
future school &ite acquisitioo, school
coostruction an<l the financing of these
Berg Jr., Merwick J. Black, Mary J,
Coe, Marlon Dohl, J osei>h S. Fenn,
Scott Flanagan, Dr. Max L. Forney,
Dr. Ethan F ullmer, Dr. Luster Hauth,
Mary Houseal, Bruce Hunter, Joseph
A. McHugh, Carolyn R. Mitchell, Dr.
Loren Moll , Mrs .. £ugese
Dick Nel'io, Gord.on F. Powers, Evely~ •
Salee and R. B. Wilson.
l\'ex_t meeting will be July 22 at 7:30
p.m. 1n the District Board Room 902
17th St. Huntrogton Be11<b. '
WOON CUJ'I) -Waws ol U.S.
ll&ll ..._North Vhtoam•••
mtuflo ........ "10da1 la tlla flrtt _ ..... .,..,_f<rlllli!Wlt
"'"' "-'""' lludquartors duc:rlbo ed the bUtz just above t h e
DernJUt.ar11ecrZone aa retaUatory.
'Iile eight-engine Strato!ortresses
unloaded 1ons of bloekbusters on
Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) bases
four •nd 11 mil" north or the DMZ
protecting infiltraUon traill through
the 11x·mile·wide buffer strip.
J111t below the DMZ. U.S. Marines
fou&bt two battles 'with North Viet· Damtse 'troops believ'ed to htve been
freshly infiltrated into the souU1.
Marine commanders rePorted 71
North VtemameSe killed in fights Wed·
neJday that-cost nine LeatberneckJ
Fro. P .. e .l
again&t the · tUJpect.
He II specl!lcally charged wilh pick·
Ing up property at Orange County
Hospital, including cu b, 8Dd fllllng to
later deposit in the P u b 11 c
Admini1trator'1 vault.
The amount.'!! of m.oney allegedly
stolen by Charlot!, who wa5 declared
bankrupt in January, with debts ()f
$43,859 and assets of $2,402, are-almost
petty by comparison to Vamcourt'1
CoWI~ One -Oct. 27, 1967. $5.01
from the estate of Albert J. Stone.
Cont Two -Nov.18, 11167, '48 from
the estate of Joseph Bablcz.
. Coun4 1bree -Dec. 3, 1987, $48.84
from the estate of John D. Retzinger.
Count Feur -Dec. JS, 1967, $.1.30
from the estate of Anthony P. Marx. •
Count Five -Dec. 23, 1967, •~
from the estate of Lloyd s . Smiley.
Count Six -Nov. 17, 1967, $3.52
from the estate of John Giblon. 1
Charloff, through bis attorney Mark
l·lurwitz 0£ Orange, denied the
"Mr, Charlo!f vigorously denies
these charget ud comiders them to been in'esPofllibly instigated,"
1-lurwltz 1aid. "l t bas been charged
that after a oomPlete audit of. the pub-
lic admlnl~trator'a office and of more
than $2 m11Uon in cash and personal
property that was entrusted to that of·
fi ce· in 1967, approximately f239
rema1.ru1 unaccounted for.''
Hurwitz added: "1 submit that to ac·
cu se Mr. Charlo!C merely because of a
$239 discrepency that was allegedly
found when he happened to be the
chi ef deputy is grossly unjust.
"It Is particularly defamitory in
light or the fact that Charloff hat! an
honorable career with the FBI and
there after headed the Oranie ~unty
Auditor's team that uncovered ·a vast
number of in d e 1 ere ti o n s by
Bird's Screams Save
Boy, 10, From ·Fire
SANTEE, Calif. (UPI) -Pepi, a 15·
month-old pet mynah bird, Wednesday
screamed "Wake Up!" and probably
saved the life of his.10.year·old owner.
Bobby Galles Was still asleep when
Pepi was apparently upset by a !ire
that had started in the kitchen of the
Galles home here. Hearing Pepi's
screams to "Wake Up!" Bobby got out
Of bed, noticed the fire. and ran from
the house.
In a ire\'ioua ineeting the committee
aug.gested that an attempt be made to
HCUre a ldlool site in the Seal Beach area from the U.S. government on the
Wupom Depot property.
Fro111 Pflfle l
l I ' • '
• • : • I
An&Wen have been received stating
lhat land could not be mede av&Jable the ultimate needs ·ol tbe,
country were not known at this time.
The committee spent a greet deal of
time discussing details of site ac· ition proeedure and bonds sales
and repayment Monday.
Committee members in attendance
included Mrs. Yvonne Barber, L. K.
Barickmafl, Morton A. B-aum, A. M.
Reb•rt N. Weed
P'"ldrfl! ltlld Pub11"""
.i1cli R. c.,r1,r
Vlu l'1ei.""'1t lftll Gmw1 ~r
Tho11111 IC11•il
Tha'm11 A. M11rp1'in•
~1>11ln1 Elllfor
Albert W. 1!1!11 Willie.., Jl1ed
.Auocl111 HunllftO!Oll fie-et~
EGllor C!ty EG!lor
"111tln9t•11 I MClll Offlc.e
JO• fil l! Streit
M•ili"'i Addt1111: P.O. le .. 790 ,16~1
Ott.r Offlc:"
H-1'1 8e1C10; 2111 Wnl 81lbo11loulh1rd
C.0111 Mat: a> West 11., ll~•I L.,.,, ... lle«ll: m Fort,1 Anfllle'
DAllV Jl:JIJ)T, Miii _.,let! II~ ... ~"'"' .......... dll1Y lllcwt .......... In ...,.,..,, edllllN klr Hwll""'911 "'9dlo """°" 8IKllr c.11 Mftl, ....._ 9Nol. ~alft VlllW .... '#nlnllrrl•, .._ Wltll , ......_, tdttilll\. ,.,1111\ftt :.':I: .. mt
Wttt II'* aMt.. """"°" .... :Al Wt"lt I rr 11tt.t. CC11l1 Met,
, ... ,. ... 111 41 '4J-4JJ1
fr• w ... , I 1t91 C .. 54f.1lll
C._.... .U.•11.a., '41·NJI
C..,filllt. ,.... Dt~ COil\J "'*'"''"' (_ .. ,, ........ ,,.,1 .... liilllilrlf'-.
toltltliritl mtUtr 9r _,,..,.,...,,_. lllftffl _, °' , ..... ~ wlltleut ..-c .. : """"""" . _.,,""' -· ~ c.llU ....... -111 "' ......,. ....,,. 4
Clllfflrnl•. ~a ..,, br C•f"l•r '1.7' -"""'• ..., _. a.• ,,.,,,.,.., ,.. .. .., 4WIM!k!M. 11.n .........,,
He said he had made a telephone
survey of county agencies planning
bond elections in November including
the Jluntington Beach Union Jligh
School District which js likely to ask
the voters to approve a $22 million
buUding bond program.
He quoted district Supt. Max Forney
as saying, if the park commission put
a bond issue on the November ballot,
"It is doomed to fall and would cause
the high school bond Issue to fail
He also pointed out that the district
and Anaheim, also having a bond elec-
tion coming up, began at
least . as early as March for the
November election.
Committee members, whlch are to
report tonight to a special meeUng of
the commission, were on the verge of
deciding against presenting fi gures to
council , in spite of the order to do so,
in order to keep the issue off the
November ballot.
But new member, Dr. Ralph Bower,
representing Ocean View Sc h o o I
District on Ule C()mmission, reminded
them that "City Council 'vants an
answer now.
"We need to have UM! figures to
show them that if we pass a bond jssue
tomorrow, this is wtiat we need, wlth
the recommendation thlllt the issue ha&
a better <:hance of passing at a later date."
At that point, committee membtrs
began working with the 'JU millloo in
park goals bas set up for the
coming 10 yearfi.
This figure includes acquisition or
515 acres of park land and the
development of 615 acres alrtE.dy
belonging to the city or to be acq\llred.
The C()mmittee decided $4 ml.l.U® of
that can come trGm ollier revenue
sources , namely an anticipated 9-cent
increase in the tu sum city council
allows for the part department and
tho fee subdivlders pay the dly to pro-
vide J>Ol'kl near -developmentl.
At Dr. Bower's recommendatlon.
another estimated $3 million was cut
from the park projections by
elbn.inating the purchase and develop·
1nent of a central city pa rk golf
course. It could be built in the future
with the floating of a general revenue
bond, the committee agreed.
\Vh en the committee adjourned after
a four and ooe·half hour dinner·
discussion session, it had a tentative
$6·7 mllllon bond proposal.
The committee had also drawn up a
list of rtasons for delaying the bond
election until June. 1969 :
-Not enough time remains before
the November election tcJ appoint
citizen's committees to get a tavorable
public behind the issue .
-The city master plan is being up·
dated as to park needs by the Planning
Commission now, and won 't be com·
pletely revised until October.
-The bond election should not
become involved with political issues.
-The National Recreation Assn.
recommends June as the best month
to hold park bond elections, Worthy
said he lett"ned Crom Cypress city of·
-The committee needs a legal opt·
nion on whether the city can develop
land acquired on short-term leases (if
this i.s legally ?051ible, leHing of land
would sao.:e purchase COits).
J une was chosen becauae it la le;
enough away from income tax
deadlines, because kids cre out ol
school and parents are woadering
what to do with them and because tllat
date would give members 11 mootJu:
to prepare for the electiOD.
The proposed bond figures include
about $4 million for land purchase
'960,CKX> foe developing currently-own'.
ed parks, and $3 miWoa for developing
park& yet to be acsuired.
The"e flg\ln>s will be preseoted to
the commission tonight. Jf it ooncw-s,
the ~ommendat.lons will go to the
councll, which wlU make tll• fiDaJ d«isloo on Whelber to put the bcoS
unue oo the November bl11ot. . ,,
k1llt4 11111 40 wounded.
Tllo U.S. eoll>llW>d •ou&ht to play
down tbl B&l strikes as an escalation
of ta.air at·a ilme when P~iai·
dint Nauyen Van Thieu and President
J ohnson were heDding for a swnmit
meeting in llawaii.
"It's a kind of retaliation, you might
say," a spokesman for American
l1eadquarters said of the 852 missions.
The raids reflected U.S. determination
to knock out the rocket emplacements.
The Soviet-built SAMS with a r ange of
60,000 feet are the only weapons in the
Communlst arsenal capable of hitting
the hJgh·altltude BS2s of the Strategic
Air Command.
Defense Secretary Cl.ark Clifford
stressed allied efforts to scale down
the level of fighting as he left Saigon
for the Honolulu summit.
ctUford told DIWllDID th• Unlled
States could ~alt all bombardment of
North Viell\,8m wlthout endana:erlng
allied troops if lliinoi would take an
"imPoTtult and serious act of
reciprocal restraint."
The two fight! below 1he DMZ
erupted abouf seven miles from Camp
Carroll, a big U.S. artillery outpost on
high ground overlook1ng the barren
wastes of the DMZ, :.vhen helicopters
dropped about 500 Marines into an
area where North Vietnamese activity
had been reported,
Artillery and air strikes. supported
the Marines. li'ifty.six communists
were reported killed in one clash in
which nine M&s-ines were killed and 25
wounded. In tho other light, the
Hippie Off and Running
Marlnes killed 21 Nor1h Vietnamese
While 1uller1A1 II ,.ouaded.
Crews of U.S. helicopter gu111hlp1 on
''Firefly" patrpl 19 miles southwest of
Saigon in the Mekong Delta reported
destroying 10 Viet Cong supply sam·
pans and damaging 10 others in a
series of ralds over' a three-hour
The strikes were part of the auJ\.
tained allied campaign td crush the
Commurust threat to Uie south Vliet·
namese capit&<L
Air war reparts said American
pilots flew 117 missions into North
Vie.ffi!~ Wedoet<iay. R e t u r n i n a
airmen said their bombs and rockets
destroyed or damaged 41 trucks, five
antiaircraft sites and an assortment of
boats ferrying weapons and. an·
munition toward the DMZ.
An unidentified hippie "beats feet" as he is chased
by a club-wielding policeman during another rock
and bottle throwing melee in San Francisco's
Haighl·Ashbui:y di strict Wednesday night. About
20 persons \vere arrested after several hours of
Valley Bobb y Sox
'feam Scores Hit
Fountain Valley's all-girl Bobby Sox
softball team won it.a first round in
area C(>mpetition and will enter the Se•
cond phase of the week-long tqurna·
ment tonight.
The minor league all-star team, for
girls aged 9 to 12, \\'ill play at 6 p.m. at
Dale and Chapman, Garden Grove.
Tuesday night , the girls beat
Southwest Garden Grove 15 to 1. They
made 16 hits out of 42 times at bat,
'vith one double and two triples.
Maureen Carroll of Fountain Valley
was the winning pitcher.
From P age l
Cuban officials during the lay-over.
Richard said his mother added that
his brother had been "calm".
"He's a strong little b:<>Y." Richard
The Gulsby's have lived in the
land scaped grey-and-white s t u cc o
house at 15551 Aster St., Westminster,
1 the pa5t five yetrs.
Ronaki is a student at McGarven
School. Richard recently m oved here
from Alabama.
The older son 5a.ld his mother and
brother are back home next w~k.
Board to Mee t
0 11 Bond Report
The 11untington Beach Park and
Recreation Commission will meet
tonight to t he recom-
mendations made \Vednesday night by
its bond study committee.
The study committee was set up
\vhen city councilmen insisted Monday
night that the park board come up
\vith a fi gu re for a proposed
November bond issue.
'fhe special 111eeting of all com·
mission members, which is open to the
public, will be at the Recreation
Center at 17th and Orange at 7:30 p.m.
al .JJ. J. (Jarrell
20 °lo to 40 °lo off
MW>lt r.-111111 s '
2115 HARIOll ILVI>.
COSTA MESA. CALIF • '04~0115 ·....0276
(· "
--~ .
Kitchen at Sea . ' Weddjngs, Trot~s .
Pilot's Deadlines . . . . . ·Captain's .-Table Fillip
•• -~ 111 -. .. .,. .,.1ctt 111 .• -tbwe era 11verat Cood ""!t !flt_ ,.,,, • .,,._ ......, ,,,.. .. tw ............ ..,...,.,, cwd ltewl on. tbt m11ket.
By NANcY R y D g N -odd I CIA ol ,....ublol
WOODWAllll (dr-) Ind Z or S tlblol-
HEW YOllK (WNI) .-poomolw!nl.Hnt.llldyw
lllltNo.IWbea,..ilmplf .have a 1ood Boe! pft· up 111 --a dbl-BooQuianoMO inlteod of -~-up a caa ol ...., pUln ,.,.,Jmow.~
• .
OB 'S NIWI I ...... H MON.•:::'
t :• .. •:• SATUADAY
t i• " 1:00 · Cl.OHD
1812 Newport Bl., Costa 't1esa
... 646-7167
Sup•t Rich with Coco• lutt.r
Y•llow • Or•119• • Avoca<lo
81111 N" I : S..lurto ...
llChtwo!Chl -If ,.. ... flltitlC out tl>e 1allly I• tl>e
flret llmo. A -,....t
saucepan. two· qumt
1aucepan, ,one 1klllet ad
one mall•· pat fw bolllni
egp or Jll'JkioC llUCI ..
ODOUCh. U I e dlopo1abJo
aluminum pans for oven
cooking. U YO\l aan aplurse,
etainleM It.eel cookware ii
Ille veey belt w h II e
alwninwn and il<m po4I and
pllll ~ to ruot.
2 llblapoom ·butter
l CIO tu.., dr>ilied (W
To avoi6 disappointment, prwpee11v:
brldt1 are reminded to have their weddin&
stories with 'tilaCk ·and ivlllle aJouy"photo.
grapba to the DAILY PILOT Sqclety· Depa:t-
ment prior to or within one week alter the
For engageintnt announcements 'it fs
suggested that the story, also accompanied
by a black and while . glossy p I c t u r e, be
submitted early. U ·th• betrothal annoll!1ce-
ment and wedding date are six weeks or less
apart. only the wedding photo will be ...
To help fill requirements on both 'l\'ed·
ding and engagemenl &tories, forms aretavail·
able in Ill of :tli.e DAILY PILOT o lie ...
Further que1tiona will be lll!Wered by !foclaJ
Notes .WI members 11 1142-4321 or 494-9486. lobster w crabmell) •. I teaspoon dried mliiced lla.,.....,_...,. ____ .,,...,,,.,,...., ___ .,J
1 can con·den1ed
mushroom, chicken or
c<>lery soup
llA ~ups hot water
1·113 cupa quick-cook ·rice
a.ounce cao sticed carrot.I
l> teupooo salt
Newlywed D.W. Finn·s_
¥, teas p o o n W«ctlter·
shire sauce Honeymoon
drops of Tabasco Following a·H·a wait an· ~ squeezed lemon honeymoon,', Mr. and Mrs. dash pepper .
Melt butter, add tuna, David WlWam Finn now are
onion and heat. Remove residing iii: ~ta Clara.
from beut end 5tir in all iii-The former Joellyn Perry,
gredient6. Covtt and cook daughter «'( Mr. and Mrs.
over low heat until liquid ii Harry F. p ....... of Corona absorbed (about 10 ...... ,,
in Hawaii
parents. Special. g u-e 1t1
attending were Mrs. Trem
Carr and Mr. and MH.
Harry F. Perry Sr., the
bride'• grandparent!.
Pla1tic JinN • L•c• trim111•d
minutes ). Stir' occas.ionally del Mar, exchanged . vowa
to keep from stickirig to pan. and rings with her betrothed
SEAFOOD NEWBURG . in Our Lady Queen of
The bridal couple are
graduates of San Joae State
College, wben the bride
pledged Kappa Alpha Theta
and her husband afflllated ,
will! SiJZma Nu. \.tf== COMP. AT 98c EACH
Clowns 111d ell type1 of 111im1l1
A1.co11orlo1 1114 •~l ... f• 4'or't
flow•t doc.rot1d
Whit• Chi110 1 i11. lti9h
IOvt 1f b111krupt -1tockl 12 p1irl
H'AIR 'IPR~Y (Profa1l9n1I Sis•
Yeur choic• style......., Tiki'-loy1tt1
.. ,. ,..,. 99c
•••. '"" 7!1c
•••. "·'° 99c
•••. ''·" 68c
•·•· '"" 68c
IOllY PINI (Y. ...... ) 58"' Rt1bbw tipped • if1ck • Ir.wit • Silv1r rt19, $1 .2' .,
IPONGll (12 In P1cka .. )
For 111 hou11ho1d eh1r11
•••. "·" 68c
.. ,,.,39c
2..tableJpoons, butter Angelg Catholic ·Church.
2 tablespooM flour Gi-In m lag h 'h 1 cup cream . , arr e y er
3 tables:poom;. cat.up father, she wore . ~ fl~r
2 tableci;poons sherry l•nith lace gown wit?, tram .
2 te W-~"-Mlld>lng lac• formed her saµceaspoons ......... nu~ headband which caught her
1h pound ,hrimp shoulder-length veil and she
1h pound crab mttt carried two orchids on a
salt prayer boo~
Papriloa Wearing powder b I u e
C&iyerme gowns end tarrytnc baskets
Melt butter and stir in of multi<019red f J owe r 1
flour, blend. Add cream were her maid of · honor,
slowly, stifTing all ttMt time. . Cathr-:e.n lJennett , of San
When the sauce is thick stir Fraocu:co, ~ bridesmaids,
Worce.ster&hire sauce. Add Mrs. Larry Shutt.en of
Wimp and crob meat. otir' Oakland, ).In. Paul Kanter
all uriw -ii h"""1. -of San J.,. ond Miss
with salt, paprika~ a few Patricia Bodnar of San
grains cayenne. Just before Carioa. . serving, add 2 t.ablespoonl The bridegroom, IOD of
Sherry. Serve over rice or Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J .
noodles Finn of San Mateo, was ~
· attended by his brother,
POTATO CAKES Tom .Finn as best man.,
l quart unteuoned ~uh· 'Ushers were Trem P erry,
eel po\aloes Ill• bride'• brollier; Mike
6 tabl .. poom m~k Cooper of El Cerrito, the
v, cup minced onion brldepoom'1 cousin; Steve .MRS. D. W. FINN
-Sint• Cl•r• Home IPIAY ON ITARCH
f11tltlHt • l1r91 1111 ....... 39c
•• ,. 1...,,39c
2 tablespoons b u•t t er ar Carty, Santa Clara, and
margarine Dennis Reno, Palo Alto. ,---~-----1 shorieuing,.. c:ookiot oil A reception tollowod In ,----------,1
llh tealpOOOI salt the home ·of the. bride's
luff1t c•n• Yo1r C1'1!it1
TIAI!' CANS (22-tol.) HIAVY PLASTIC $, 88
L•e:•111,.licf • or11191 • 9"•" •
y, tl!upooa pepper
I egg
Flour (small amount)
Beat polak>es aod milk
togetller thoroughly. Saute
onion in butter or margar-
ine. Stir into potlloet with
other ingredients, • z c e p t
fiolU". Chill in ice boz 1 to 2
e Mix your yardage any way you like -you don't have
to buy 4 yards of eny one kind .
e Every yard of meterial in our huge 1tock goe1 on sele -
e If your 4 yard unit consists of v•rious prices, the 5th or
I c yerd cennot exceed the lowest price of the 4 yard unit.
c.ta Mooe
H1 .... Colller
2'00 Hirloer IMI.
Huntln ..... -h
5 Polnta Canter
11517 Main St.
S1rtt•· An1
2014 S. Main It.
Honer PNu
17111 ' lrlotel
c:-. Mooe
221 I . 17111 It.
hours (or do at home).
Shape into tmall cakes and dtilt llchUy will! Oour."Saute
in enouah boated lhortening
to prevent 1t1cklng until
nlcoly brown on both aides.
Makes aboUt 24, enoueh for
Junior$ Leo.rn
Gar~en Tips
Tipc .. (mlellint and
landscaplnc will be re.,.al•d
to South COut Club Juniors
when tlley cmvene at 8 p.m.
The meella( wili be con·
cluctod In tile~ Ni(Uel
home of Mn. Pa4riek D.
Crail, and tl!O opeuer will
ho from tl>e Bamboo Goroen
Center, D-Point.
·-by calling Mn. Adrienne ~te at
'Batter Up' ----ol 111o Goldin liorbor Quh
wiD ho -.-.1 ..... lo I p.m. &mday, July 21, in
Coot& MM~· Pork.
The ~ ii lnvi:ood, and
admloaion ii fl.211 !« adult&
alld 710-, d>lldren under
Do111t Give. Up
Proll•lr Ha• It
/11sl Jo till' '°" _, iJ1• of
IJJ1 11/'' of fatOlll 6r.,.Js W'
'""'' WI Attt1, Ji111J • jlfJJ of Utffl htlMM.
• HtH1'lOOH Ht1'fTAGl
, .. ,..,,.. ... ,,,.,.
1975 Long leach ,,..,_
C....flfZMltlMt ........ -.....
LO ... llACH
Phone 591°1347
I See by Today's
Want Ads
~~-:J..,,,.,."'5::i e You can ctve the wh*: famll¥ a oxnlortlble ft.
catim bl l&rlt Cu.
tom Tent• Trailer cd at·
-... ~..ii...~10.-ms • • • VtrY reruonet11it!
t A pj owtll-1918 Duno..__ .. _ ..., __ _
""" ........ A -1 flal -e Atwln--to.
the parents .mo mull: 1MlY ht &lpUcttt.
e A unique iboo 1u boot
otm.m .. , N1utJCIJ l>eo-
orator Items.
e A 1l'Ol'tltie wt.lhlni ma,.
chine tor tt. Pl!l'IDn m
the ........
F c ·~ 0
12 oz. plastic bottle of 3 9 C lotion with spray dispenser.
By Helene Curtis. .........
Great holdin1 -lormulas ...
desipd for normal. d<y • 4 8 C Ind llanl-lo hold !lair. 13
oz. " Hel ... Curtis. -.II ..
. '
COMP. AT 19c
Sttinless steel double adged 39 C blades ill packages of five.
For tht close shave which .
spells comfort.
5 oL kin1 size tubes of'°"' 49c effective dentifrice. AT 1sC
Annual half·PJlce spec-
ial priced IVli lower at
W.F. 10 oz. size sells
normally for I.SO.
In two phMelti\11 sunt1:
"Black Slltin" and "'White ggc Satin". 3 01. 1erosol purse COMP.
flacon. Gift boxed. AT II
"I Ibo"'. •Anlllllh" and
•20 Carif1 frll'-$1 .ln1M1tl 1pocfll-a lioiltod COMP.
Medicated to refresh and 88< protect Soothing for stffft. COlllP.
mer sunbUm. 10 OL AT 1.48
. TANYA TANNING BUTTER r<ir 11moolh tan. l!i cow 59c ot comblnolloo coco-AT Iii nut. eii & cOcol butter.
For quick ,IOlitf fl hay
f-ond oti. -sac tt .. •1"'11& lloll1• ol -· 24!»bltts. . ll IJI .
~:::..-:; -.49c M,L 11• ·
" ---.
/.~-;;;; .. ~c=--os~t-:--.~M~m~'';._..-:_:: •. = ..... ::A ... :--:::._;::;;:;;_~. ::::::-esa ,~~.r .. .:::.::~ i
-'....... PrMWly&ll .... t. -·•1, I . . '
' I ,. '\
.. -
The Clergy's Obligation
Churches and churchmen lncreasU.gly In the paat
several year1 have altered their traditional roles with
their congregations and will} the problems of the world.
Rather than interpretation and guidance, religion has
ta.ken an acUve, participating role in the sociil con·
&c:ience of the nation.
Clergymen and church leaders are found in almost
every type of campaign based on personal rights -
from the Delano grape strike to counsel for draft evad·
ers to the basic civil rights movement.·
Traditiona1isls don't like it. Almost every sect had
its protests as churches moved lo the activity centers of
the nation's problems. But the leaders of the move-
ments have countered that the church has too long been
passive in curing the ills of the world -they say the
preachers have talked and not acted.
\Vhether or not this aggressive outlook is warrant-
ed is up to e·ach church to determine for Itself. Ho"'··
ever, on occasion the zealousness on the part of soma
clergymen Is so outrageous it cannot pass unnoliced.
Such was the case in San Francisco this week when
clergymen of varying faiths chained ·themselves to
.<\WOL servicemen in a flagrant defiance of the law.
The clergymen, led by the Rev. Thomas Dietrich of the
Howard Presbyterian Church, told lawmen that they
were violating a church sanc tuary. by arresting the law
It was a bizarre scene. The youths declared them·
selves "free men" and the clergymen led an unclassi·
fied type of church service as part of the "service of
Lawmen simply used wire cutters to snip the
chains to take the eleven AWOL men into custody:
Even the strongest activists in religion's growing
Nazis Also Had
National Anthem
Right-winger< are lond al pointing
out that the institutionalized form of
tbe Unit.ed States i6 a "republic" not a
"democrc:ocy" -while conveniently ig-
noring the fact that tbe three most
repressive governments in the world
today are also "republics:" Russia,
China, and Spain.
It is equally true that the word
"democracy" is as ambiguous as
"republic" -for Russia calls itself a
··people's democracy.'' even though it
lacks any of the political liberties we
woold c<1nsider indispensible for frie
proper use of that word.
THRO UGHOUT Europe. political
labels are nearly meaninglesi in
terms of what they truly stand for :
"liberal" partie!!i may be on the right:
"Christian Democratic" parties may
be neither Christian nor democratic;
"socialist" parties may be anti-Marx-
ian; and "conservative" parties may
be to the left of what i1 called
"liberalism" in America.
Our own political labels ol ''liberal"
and ·"conservative.. are likewise
historically misleading, for• "liberal''
in the clc:ossical, old-fashioned sense
was a believer in laissez.faire and
freedom from government in·
terference -which i6 now considered
the "conservative" position in
. .\merican politics.
CNCJDENTALLY. "left-wing" and
"right-wing" are wholly accidental
terms. having nothing to do with
positiw or negative implicatioits: it so
happened that in some European
legislative bod ies, the more pro-
~~r "l'r"". • , .. , , .-:I'?""' ...
-:'1·. ' < ..,;. _ _.
gressive group of delegates sat to the
left of the pres.iding of£icer, while !he
more conservative group s~ lo his
right -arid this nomenclature has
been transferred t.o modern times.
"Liberty" of eourse, is perhaps the
most widely used {a nd misused) of all
political words; our "Sweet Land of
Liberty'' implies individual !reedomli
above all else. but as used in Nazi and
f'ascist ant.hems, "liberty" meant fhf!
freedom of the national or r<>c ial
group to expand and overcome other
racial or national groups. and was
considered a collective, rather than in·
dividual, virtue.
AS PROF. MARIO PEI, the linguist.
points out, modern political terms are
usually semantic smokescreens: we
have "pat:ification" used in connection
with the destruction of defenseless
towns; ''liberErtion'' for indiscriminale
bombings foUowed by forcible o~
cupation; ''transfer of populations"
for mass deportations ; and
"elimination or unreliable elements"
for imprisonments and summary ex·
ecutions without trial.
Indeed, one of the great new fears of
modern man is "logophobia'" -!he
fear of being labeled with a certain
word, which deeply inClucnces ou r
public-statements and private c-on·
A Pinn to Suit Us All
To the Editor :
It has taken the tragic death by
rlro"''ning of the premiere of Australia
to alert thinkmg people everywhere to
the urgent need to register bathing
suns. More people die by drowning
each year in the United States than die
from gunshot wounds and, if you
really think about it, you will realizf'
that just as ma ny lives will be saved
by registering bathing suits as b\'
registering guns. ·
Once all !hf' bathing suits are
registered the gove rnme nt ca n enact
""fi'M'1!i!gislallon necesi;ary to ha\ e all
the ~Utin2 suits cnl1ecled and put in govenhit~nt lockers al ~r;• l'rnmfnt
1Juperv:iseet swimming lacililies, man·
ned, of course, adequately b y
r.. alrucl,y _. a ZZZ-21511
llceoae plate. Tell R, B. B. !Gus
7·10 tttey'U io next to lll·AAA.
'· '
-M. B.
..._....,.__"-.:· ,J"1'"" ... .
: ' 'Mailbox ··
Letters from readers art welcomt.
Normally writtrs should convev their
rnessages in 300 uxm11 or less. Tht
righ t to condense lttttrs to fit lp<lCI!:
or elim.inatt libtl is rt:served. All let·
ters musr include .rig11aturt mid moil·
i11g address. but nomts will bt wit11-
l1 r /d on request.
life.i?uards. Backyard swimming pool~
"'·ould l>e outlawt?d.
(lf. COU RS .. :. certain criminal
elements and mani11c5 will not register
the-Lr swim suits and will continue to
~"'·1m at non-governme.nt fa cililie5, but
sllff ~entences c-ould bf' mPted out to
thesf' violators. Some dithard nudists
"ould also doubtless flaunt the law,
but the vast majority v.·ould be law·
abiding rather than go to j ail and we
c-ould save at least 20.000 lives 1 year
in lhe United Slates alone -far more
ttJan can be saved IJy confiscatinr all
1 expect all thoi;t in fav or of more
rigid guo control law s to get behind
these proposed swim control laws. if
thl'y are interested in saving
Rtgistralion i~ th t firs! slt.p. If we
can 11vt ju~! one lire. by rtqlurin~ the
registration ol '"'Im suets. it will be
worth il •
awareness of its challenges would have difficulty de-
f.ending the right of clergymen to stage such an ex·
hibition. It is not within the bounds of moral leadership ' to walk away from the obligations of law and order.
Let Wallace Speak
Governor Reagan says his trip through the south is
meant to counter a serious threat that George Wallace
just might be elected President of the Urllted States.
Very likely one of the major reasons WcllTace has
become such a threat is the distastefully rude recep-
tion he has gotten in many northern cities. Time after
time Wallace has been prevented from even expressing
his views by jeers. hoots and unbelievably bad manners
from the audience.
In some cases people who came out of curiosily
to hear the view of the Alaba1nan actually were won
over because of the childish boorishness of hi s detrac-
tors. A St. Paul "'oman told.the Pioneer Press last week
that she was glad she went to Minneapolis to hear Wal·
lace because "now I am glad I came and saw the kind
of brats we have got in this country. I wouldn't have
believed it."
The scenes have ·been more than episodes of mis·
behavior. They have been raucous and bad-taste at.
tempts -successful attempts -to prevent the views
of a candidate from 'being heard. •
If WaUace's views were heard and understood, he
wouldn't be the power that Governor Regan and others
in the country are so worried about today.
~;_ .
Tactics Mav ''Dange1•011s Dr11g ••• of Gre11t Coticern'' .,
Get Rough
l1i Chicago
Vice President Humphrey's to p
aides are increasingly tearful that pro·
tests and campaign picketing thus rar
are only a mild prelude to massive ef·
forts aimed at disrupting a n d
discrediting the Democratic National
From bit! and pieces of information,
c<1Uected across the nation. they are
convinced that campaign strategists
for Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy already
are engineering much of t h e
demonstrating against the V lc'e
President•s cl.:•mpaign appearances.
TKEY THINK some McCarthy iUP·
porters. privately convinced I.hat
J1umphrey will win the presidential
nomination. would like to make a na-
tionally televised sha-mbles of the
Democratic Convenlion as a step
toward forming a "peace" party.
That is the background for Hum-
phrey·s recent plea that all candidates
join in repudiating "abusive tactics"
which are. he said. ''so characteristic
of tola\itarian politics.''
'"History is strewn with !he tangled
wreckage left b~ militant minorities -
rach of which thought II had cornered
the 1narkel in social justice and vi.r4ut'.
and had disco\'ered the tl'ue belief to
the exclusion of an others.•· Humphrey
said. in a speech at Poplar Bluff, Mo.
accuse McCarthy, persona!@, of
engineering disruptive anti·l1umpN-ey
protests which have marred the Vice
Prti:sidenl's campaign. They say the
senator may well have been insulated
from "low road" campaigning by
some of his supporters.
Here are some of tM incidents
which have been under careful study
by Humphrey's campaign headquart-
Philadelphia -ll u m p hr" y was
subjected to a noisy demonstration
when he spoke at a supposedly non-
political July 4th celebration at In·
dependence Hall, The •lumphrey slaff
has obtained copies of an ad vance
handbill issued by ' ' Mc C a r I h y
volunteers'' which urged McCarthy
supporters to go lo Independence Hall
and show Humphrey that "we want cn-
dependence from the Johnson Ad·
Clrveland -The V i c e President
was pickel.ed in the course of a cam·
paign visit to the city's J-lough area.
Jfis staff is now convinced lh8t the
demonstration was planned by pro.
McCarthy outsiders. H u m p hr e y
workers began making inquiries whe n
t hey noticed. ln the. admittedly sparse
crowds, that anti·Humphrey pickets in
mostly Negro Hough were mostly
wh ite.
Loa Angeles - A major J11nti·
Humphrey demoostretion h1d been
planned for laet Wednesday night,
when tlumpbrey was unable to keep a
speaking en g a g e m en t at the
Hollywood Palladium. Abotlt 2.llXI
anti-war demonstrators marched near
the Palladium when Sen. Walter F.
Mondale. D MiM,. substituted for the
ailing Humphrey. ..\ides iure
McCarthy 5Upporters helptd th e
"ptt"Ct acti041 council" in ptannint the _ ... ,
RtMrt S.. ARea aDd Jth1 CamribeD
Ma1·ijuana as It Really Is
At the annual meeting oI th•
American Medical A!Sociation last
month the A.M.A. and the Nation'al Rese~ch Council O{ the National
Academy of Sciences ' condemned
marijuana as a "dangerous drug of
great public health concern" and con·
eluded that its legalization would lead
to even more serious medical-social
consequences ttian now result from its
use. _
One mooth before. the United Na·
tions. through the Commission on
Narcotic Drugs. declared. ··Marijuana
is known to distort perception of time
~nd space, modify mood and impa ir
judgment . and may result in un·
predictable behavior. violence and
adverse effects on health,"
Even though no physical dependence
develops with marijuana, continued
abuse of the drug leads to
psychological dependence. with lessf'n·
ed intellectual and physical activity,
and a proneness to anti-social beha·
NEARLY AU. pot-5mokers are in·
tJ·oduced to marijuana as a way to be
"in," and to demonstrate ln·
dependence from a generation whose
drug of choice is alcohol. Even though
they claim the experience was
pleasurable, most of them do not
repeat it more than a dozen times. But
too often . -whether the percentag~ 1s
20. or Jess than 2 is immaterial, con·
tinued use of marijuana marks the
beginning of varied attempts to
resolve deep-seated personality con-
flicts by spree.type abuse of other
drugs. Although few ever take heroin,
many do go on to ''speed," goofballs.
LSD and STP. alone or in combination.
Among "hippies," whether in Lagu.
na or Lido Isle. Balboa or Bo6ton , are
tens of thousands of American youth
who are hooked on drugs. While mari·
juana is their common tool to achieve
"happiness and independence." count·
less numbers of these social drop-outs
afe Uterally."blowing out their brains"
through regular use. of a potpourri of
amphe.tamines, bm'Oiturates and
UNTlL RECENTLY, most mari-
juana available in the United States
was not of high potency; street
samples often are adulterated With
harmless materials. However. more
and more hashish. the stronger and
more dangerous form of the drug, is
being smuggled in from those coun·
tries where hemp still is grown. lep.111
for export. But the United NatioN t.
working diligenUy to eliminate can·
nabis cultivation aU ever the world.
The purified actfve ingredient a{
marijuana, called THC, is now
available for scientific research. ln •
recent study at Lexington's Addiction
Research Center, subjects were uked
to smoke cigarettes into which varying
amounts of THC were injected. In tuf·
ficient dosage, the man-made pot in·
variably caused psychotic episodes
with delusions and hallucinatiON.
Since THC has been synthfflzed and is
already available on the black market.
a federal regulation to control iU:
manufacture or sale will be in effect
early in September.
THF~ A.!\1.A.·N.R.C. statement ad~
vocated more flex.ib le laws with less
harsh penalties so that tile court.I can
have leeway in handling the
user, the chronic user. Ille person
6haring his drug with anothe.-, and the
dealer who sells for a prolit.
More important is the need to
establish educational programa in
primary and secondary schools, as
well as colleges and univer.sities, to
emphasize the nature of marijuana
and the harmful effects from its
abuse. No longer should pot be a pi'in·
cipal issue in the credibility a:ap
between youth and their elders.
Hopeful Voice from Moscow
F'rnm Nnle1 i\1adt In !\1oscow:
1·ravelers pick up grains of 1pecula-
Uo n as hungry pigeons pick up bits of
crumbs and grain in city squares.
Before leaving New York on Pan
American's inaugural of commerci::.I
nights from New York to Moscow, by
way o{ Copenhangen. there was time
to talk with United Nations represen-
latives of two European nations. They
reflected what is a current belief. or
conviction , encountered in travel and
talks with newsmen and diplomats.
This conviction is that the Soviet
Union is prepared, as it h· a •
·demonstrated in the recent non-pro-
liferation treaty with the United States
and other signatory nations and in
other smaller but significant actions,
to join in efforts to reduct tenslons.
TllE 'WISJI. of course, mav be
father lo the hope , It would be .in er·
ror 10 consider the poss ibility in terms
of idealism or any abandonment of
Soviet positions. An'Y changes tha~
c()n1e will be sired by pragmatism out
of the dam of reali ~m .
Tllert seems lo have been, for ex·
111mple, a very earnest wish on the part
.----B11 George ---,
Dear Ceorge:
The big boss in my firm has
hired a girl in my department
who is so sexy nobod y gets any
work done. Sile dresses demure-
ly and •ll tb1t -as departme-nt
manager there's nothing 1 c an
really object to. But, !rankly,
c.orre, sit<'• just ... ol those
well·built 'redhei'lds ttiat men
can't take their eyes off of. What
should 1 say?
Dear Perplexed:
How 1bout "\Yow!.,
! Stnd vour problems tO George
and let · him evade L11ue1 for
you .)
Ralph McGill ,
of the Soviets t.o have Egypt's Nasse!'
reach some sort of accord With Israel
that would defuse the many PXplosive
crises in the Middle East. Nasser was
reportedly disc:ippointed. So, on e
assumes. were the Soviets.
The fact that no official com·
munique was issued after their eon·
ferences extending over a week in
Moscow is viewed as sJ.gnilicant by the
foreign COM'espondents in Moscow and
E urope.
\\'HATE\1ER the facts. one may see
lhat the sell-interest o( the Soviets is
no"'' rnore '"~ply involved in lhe Mirl -
dle East ,,1an f'\•er before irt her
history. ;\ German already ha ,
published. in Rheinischer Merkur, an
article about spreading Soviet sea
power which begins: "Looking from
the Kremlin all the seas seem at th•
fin,c:ertips of Ru ss ian destifty.'' A.
ralher wry British comment was that
the Soviets had not sent their fleet into
the Mediterranean "just to get a SU l'l·
The reality of the situaUon i1 that
thf! disappearance of the. fleet one•
sent lo sea by the British empire
already is having a profound effect on
power politics. Th~ now are two
great fleets in the world -and onJ.y
two -that of tht United States and
the U.S.S.R.
shift5 and alignment6: will occur. It
ma)' bt SAld now that tht Mlddle East
is much more meaningful a n d
rtrageHcally vital to Ru~h• thPn Viet·
nam or Southeast Asia.
It would be folly to Ulink the
KrcmJln plans to desert Hanni or any
other Communist country.
But It i~ nnt too muc h to hope the will try tn pt.r5u1de tMm that
it 11 In their st.ll·lnterMt to f I a a I J y
agree. to negotiations. One of lhe com·
ments heard is certainly a n
oversimplification -that Hanoi is
resisting negolit-tions merely to prove
she can be as tough in negotiations as
in guerrilla warfare .
A more realistic explanation is that
the continuing activity ol the peace
cult in the United States leads Hanoi
to believe that by delay, U. S. public
opinion will force the administration to
accept a peace siett\ement very 'a_J.
vantageous to Hanoi.
IT WOULD BE to the Soviet J.d.
vantage ·lo have peace in Southeast
Perhaps the mGSt powerful piece of
reality is that of human oeedr. Th•
United Stat~ has its massive pOverty
and educational demaonds . The cities
do need what Vice PN!sident Hum-
phrey has called a Marshall Plan.
That will cost billions. The Soviet
population and cities have increasi nt:
requirements -also expensive. ff
help is to be 1?iven other nations. it
must be in a formula of more butter,
less guns.
So. the very realist1c need of world
~r today LA a detente. A man
Thuraday, July 18, 1968
The tdiCoricl page a/ the Dail"
Pilot xW to in.form end ttim..
ulak noders bf prtstntino th&,
nttDJpaPtt'I opfntom and com.
mtntarv D'l'l '°PiCI of inttTert
and nomfioonu, br prwk1mo •
forum for the e:rpreuicn of
our rtadtrs' opinions, and br
Pf'~ntting the diverse vittDo
point! of itiformtd obstrvf"TI
tutd spoke11T1t11 01' iopici of the
Robtrt N. Wted, PubU1her
I )
Lag.iJna Beaeh Today's Cosing
voe. or, NO'. '172, l SECTIONS, 34 JIAGE~ l!A~1JNA BEACH, CALIFORNIA JHURSDAY, :JULY '18, '19'68 !EN CENTS
Taeties Deeried
•• ows ar on I s
Bland Banned
Sc ru tiny Due on His Complaints
Laguna Beich police no longer will
be asked willy-nilly to investigate
harassment complaints brought by
Robert 0. Bland on behalf of hippi'es.
City Manager James D,. Wheaton, in
a memorandlllll given V/ednesday
night to city councilmen noted "The
time ha! arrived at which we will
carefully screen complaints in which
Mr. Bland 'is involved before an in·
vestigati'on is undertaken."
Bland is referred to in the
memorandwn as the "Big Daddy" of
local hippies.
Bland, contac<ed by the DAILY
PILOT, gave the following statement:
"It is obvious that the city manager
and the chief of police of Laguna are
trying to avoid answering troublesome
and legitimate complaints of police
misconduct in Laguna Beach by a
personal attack on me. The point is
that the complaints are signed by in·
divi.duals, including Laguna residents,
and not by me.
"I think Laguna citizens wW see
through this transparent smoke screen
and get to the bottom of the charges
these city officials are trying to cover
Ex -FBI Agent
The memorandum states that Bland,
756 Bluebird Canyon Road, bas been
dir<ctly connected with row-bar866-
ment claims, all of wbich were ruled
Wheaton wrote that be. and Police
Chief Harry Lalx>w are concerned
about the wasting of police manpower
in investigation complaints that ha'll'e
been labeled fri'vious and with wt
He said that they are also disturbed
alx>ut ttie effect of p u b l i c l t y
originating with Bland. "He issued
press releases aloog with follow-up
telephone calls to keep the matten in
the newspapers.
'' ... in the guise of the 'Big Daddy'
of the hippfes in Laguna, (B land) is at·
tempting to practice police harass-
ment in reverse," Wheaton wrote.
He suggested that the bu
come to frustrate Bland's campaign.
Bland earlier in the evening told
councilmen, "'nlere are 10 or 11
unanswered charges of police harass·
ment." ffe left before the memoran·
dum was past out.
'lbe councilmen received it without
Successor to Vanscourt
Indicted for Embezzling
An ironic echo from the past shook
Orange County Wednesday when the
man who helped nail a chief deputy
public administrator f o r em·
bezzlernent -then took his job -was
indicated by the Grand Jury on
similar charges.
Arthur Charloff, 33, of 123 N. Trevor
St., Anaheim, is accused of six counts
of misappropriation of public funds
totaling $239.67, a penny anti amount
by standards of former deputy ad-
ministrator Louis Vanscourt.
The defendant is a former FBI
agent who quit the bureau after 10
years to join the Orange County
auditor's staff, later helping to expose
Vanscourt and devising tight methods
to safeguard against embezzlement.
Charloff rose to chief of the Field
Audit Division before being transfer·
red to the job previously held by
Vanscourt, now doing a one to ten
year prison term for taking some
$15,000 from the estates of dead
Charlofi is accused of the same of·
fense, involving theft of money from
Elderly Bal I sle
Man Given Up
As Lost at Sea
An elderly skJpper bas been presum·
ed drowned, four days after his
motorized skiff was tound empty off
Laguna Beach, spinning lonely circles
in the sea.
Roy Carmack, 75, of 8011h N. Bay
Front, Balboa Island, had borrowed
the 14·foot outlx>ard boat from a
neighbor sometime Monday.
The boat was found abandoned with
its engine still nmning off Emerald
Bay near Laguna.
the estates of six county residents, but
the case against him is only $39.67
over the misdemeanor leveL
The incidents allegedly occurred
during the period Charloff held
Van.scourt's old position and April of
this year, when he resigned to join a
tax consulting business in Anaheim.
The suspect was arrested at hi1 of..
lice Wednesday night, booked into
Orange County Jail and released on
$1,250 bail, with arraignment schedul·
ed next Tuesday. He is ordered to ap.o
pear before Judge William C. Speirs at
9 a.m. in Department One, Superior
Fourteen witnesses -including
Olarloff, at his own . request -
testified before ·the Grand Jury prior
to the Wednesday mornirc indictment
against the suspect.
He is specifically charged with pick-
ing up property at Orange County
Hospital, including cash, and failing to
later deposit in th• P u b l i c
Administrator's vault.
The amounts of mo1ey allegedly
stolen by Charloff, who was declared
bankrupt in January, with dtbtl of
$43,859 and assets of S2,m, are almost
petty by comparison to Vanscourt's
Count One -Oct. '7• lll67, $5.01
from the estat. of A11?!J1 J . Stone.
Count Two -Nov. l~ 1967, $49 from
the estate of Joseph Babicz.
Count Three -DecJ 3, 1967, '48.M
from the estate of Johb. D. Retzinger.
Coant Folll' -Deci 15, 1967, $3.30
from the estate al. An~y P. Marx.
Coant Five -o;::, 23, 1967, •130
from 11le ulat. of Ll~ s. Smiley.
Coant Six -No • 17, 1967, f:I.52
from the estate al. J bn Gibson.
Charloff, through ' att«ney Mark
Hurwitz of 1•, deoied the
"Mr. Charloff
u,... chargeo
(See EMB
RoMrt ·O. lland
Mrs. Noni• Francia
Bort McHugh
George Reiter
The missing man's daughter-in-law
today told the DAILY PILOT that be
had been tinkering with the engine.
"He wasn't especially a fbberman,"
Mrs. Carmack said ol b~ father-in·
Jaw. "He just llked to take a ride
S ....... inters Given Go-ahead
"He had a boat ol. hit awn, too, but
he was doin g some work on the motor
of this one for the owner." 'lbe owner
was identiifed a.. Allee P. Sogg, a
neighbor at Zia Pearl Sl, Balboa
carmact was described •• a retired
Los Angeles insurance broker, wbo
m~e his borne on Balboa Irland about
fOW' yean ago. He bas an only son,
George, cl Glendale.
An immediate search wa1 launched
for the skipper after the skiff was
discovered. The U.S. Coast Guard,
Navy aircraft and helicopters covered COO~ .. at«1 lo DO avail. ~
Slww Opens Friday I f Booths Are Up
The spllnter festival wiU open Fri·
clay oigt, providing bootN are ready,
for a lil:-wee.k run.
PhlUp Polle. attorney for realtor J .
N. Val-. spolo! for the protester•.
He &aJd the primll'1 issue 11 whether
the council wishes to allow in •
primarily resldtntial erN a carnival·
type activity.
"I know most of the people involved
In the 11-. I do not 1 .. 1 II will at all
be a Clt'Dhal .cm01pbere," Coun-
cllman RJchard Goldberg corrected
Poll< a a I d the only experltt1ce
residenta can draw from Is year
when the Sawdust Festival was held
on the 11~. "'lbere wu a compi.te
and nagrant ab..., o1 the r111>i. of
residents lo re-gard to parking, noise
Ie,vel. lllumlnatloo, gerbege can uao
and J)enOnal tboft," he said.
"The PI....a.a Comm1salOI) Imposed
Many Air Gripes
At Council Meet
ot Ille Plttt s,ett
To the applause Of f e d • u p
bwinemnen, Laguna Beach city cou~
cilmen night pledge<! the
city will take a hard line on hippies.
By 4. to 1 vote councilmen passed a
resolution to do everything legally
possible to discourage hippies from
staying In Laguna.
'nlere f o 11 o w e d an airing of
grievances by several businessmen.
Two hippie spokesman and Coun-
cllman Charlton Boyd, tile "no" voter,
cautioned against persecuting the hiP·
To use the hippie's own
vernacular, speakers were "UP-
tlgbt" Repeat<d reference to hip-
pies as bums drew recurrent applause.
Arch hippie defender Robert 0, Bland
said such hysteria last time came
from Adolph lfitler.
More than 100 persons were present,
some having to stand.
In thrashing over the hippie pro4
blem, city government m a d e
busine.9!1men more aware of the linita·
tions placed on local law en!orcement
by the state Legislature.
Councilmen pleaded that to a great
extent..their hands are tied. ''This city
has very little U any local option,"
Mayor Glenn Vedder aiUd.
It was pointed out that hitcbhiltlng is
legal from the sidewalk, t h a t
~andling mll6t be observed by a
police officer for an aITest to be made
and that housing violations are dif-
ncult to enforce "because hippies
don't sleep in the same place two
night& running."
Councilmen pleaded for residents to
be the city's eyes and ears and report
Gen. Eisenhower
Endorses Nixon
For President
President Dwight D. Eisenhower en·
dorsed his former vice president,
Richard M. Nixon, Thursday for the
Republican presidential nomination.
At a news con!erence held with a
limited number of reporters at Walter
Reed Army Hospital where he is
recuperating from a seri'ous heart at·
tack, the five~ general recalled his
standard practice over the years has
been to re£rain from endorsing 3IIY
candidate until that candidate has
been oolllinated by convention or
"I trunk however, that this Ylar is
an exceptional one," he said. "The
issUes are so great and so confusing
ttiat I would like to break my own
He said most adult Americans have
expre!tSed themselves on this subject
and he feels entitled to do so himself.
1·1 endorse Richard M. NU:on for the
Republican nomination for president,"
he then added.
Eisenhower said he was taking this
step "not merely because of his (Nix4
on's) great service to his country dur·
ing my administration but also
because of his pertonet quaUUes."
Among those qualities Eisenhower
stnssed "1ntelli1ence and Integrity!'
'Ibe!'e had been speculation
Eisenhower would make the en-
dorsement sihce shortly after be
acbeduled tM news conference.
Before the announcement Nixon told
newsmen he did not know what
Eloenhower Intended to oay -but ad-
ded he hoped the atatenient would rup-
port hla candidacy. Ho called the
former president a revered figure
among people of boll! poliUcal partios.
County llromen bepn llghllng a
.-i. lruab !Ire l1' Alloo ~
ohu1ly before noon.
Dooena of fire 1nlcQ and bulldoten
--dlrpoltbed to the .......
violations or be willing to make a
citizen's arrest.
City Manager James Wheat.on said
in April, May and June 578 arresU
were made compared to 258 for the
same three-month period last year.
"The record speaks for itself," he
(See HIPPIES, Page Z)
* * -{;("
San Clemente
Takes Steps
To Bar Hips
You can't legislate against long hair,
but the San Clemente City Council
Wednesday took steps to make their
city attractive to hippies -if in-
. deed they consider it attractive at an.
The emergency ordinance «<;om·
mended by Police Chief Clifionl Mur-
ray will prohibit people sleeping in
oars, trucks, buses, campers, on the
beach, in tents or other temporary
The Jaw -whJch applies to private
as well as pubUc beaches -may bring
a sharp outcry from sou'thlandera who
travel in camper trucks on legitimate
weekend forays.
Old delivery trucks and small
economy vans are hugely popular in
the mobile hlpple crowd, many of
them featuring built-in bunks and
other facilities which eliminate pa)'ing rent -
The City Council action followed a
recent protest petition signed by 700
citizens demandJng seizure of the
busniess license of Miss Cyndi Wild,
17, Opellator of a psychedelic shop.
They charged that she sold a poster
depicting a couple in a centuries-old
sex art to a 12-year-old girl who
vistited The Mind Garden, at 204 S.
Ola Vista. ·
City officials stud.Jed the demand
and decided it would be on dangerous
ground if they took such action.
The law prohibiting sleeping in
vehicles and the like -similar to one
currently in the Costa Mesa city hop-
per -!las full support of the San
Clemente Chamber of Commerce.
Stoelc llf•rlcea
NEW YORK (AP) -The stock
market worked irregularly lower thJs an.moon In active trading. (Quota-
tioos 26-27).
Losses outnumbered gains by about
200 issues on the New York Stock Ex-
change. The Dow Jones industrial
average was down between 1 and 2
It's hot and humid over the
rest of the country, but com-
fortably Tiarm and pleaaant
along the Orange Cout, and
it'll stay that way through the
weekend, with morning and
evening c1oud1.
J l pir1on1 perish, niM of
thtm children, in a New York
tentmtnt fir1 and poUct a,..
r11t sailor on c1'argn o/ tv,..
ing i• a falu alann. s,. Pago 4-
.... I .._ . ,_ ... ..... .. ·-.. lf!tllitl ,... •
.. .... , t 11 ·-..., ''" Cltll • -.. ... .... ,,
AIM LAMlrt 11 .,... . ---·
-. :. ..... 1: --. ::'c:=-:.' ,: .......... ,,." :::r ...... :: -. ,,....... .. -. ·-""" " --.. .. -
! DAILY PILOT Thu!1CUy, July 18, 1968
Rec Director Studi·ed
Mft-yor Appoln&a Group to Review Plr;in
.Mayor Glenn Vedder Wedaeiday J1iCbt IP.J>O.lpltd a three-man com.
~-~ the need for a full-time
~ recreation director and
Fr\. iili IG Qlj' 1)1'\!!lc!l ~fore gext
Named to the committee were coun-
clJnien Roy Holm and J o 1 e p h
O'Sullivan and Mike Hoff, director' of
recreation for the Boys' Club of
Laguna Beach.
Mayor Vedder said ll'!m' T•Y\!lr of
tile School board told llliil -ro<rea·
U... ~eed• could put iT ~·n~ ~n tho ¢· IJ Pl!!~ ·iu r41a. !IJ lkii'l ll!!n'k !ll!J !! 10," Ill mn~k· !4, "!Mil It \illl M • ~ ~ndillin
!'111111 l!M le • 111 1M !H!l!!l> """'· In otbtr agenda matter1 , coun-cilmen : '· · •
-Graqtec! ~r~i11lon to teen·agers
Richard and· "RObert leronman, llob
Thacker and Rob Collins to sell cor-
sages across the street from the
Festival of Arts with some prollla to
go to South Coast Commqal'y
Hospital. '
-Approved transfer of 11 q u o r
license and dance permit with sale of
Boardwalk Bar, (formerly Barefoot
Bar) by Fre<!erlck 11 Jli<hman to Bea,
jamin L. WlljlaJll•· -Dlroq,d cJIY ¥\prney !<> draw up
u,,, ......
Hoc Stvtt Bvrn• DftJO
Dean Martin burned both hapds pBinlully when a trick camera h•
was ualtig caugbt fire during filming at Columbia Sludios Wedp••·
day. Diilo Was filrnini 1'llou1e of Seven Jon11 when the acci~ent
occured. The bums did not appear to be 1eriou1 accordlona to studio
haW been irrNpon1ibly in1ti1al9d,"
llurwlla Hid. "It baa Qoln charaod
lllal Illar I OQlllplola 1udit of tho pub-
lic admin¥trator's oHice aTid Gt more
lhaa A Rlilli• in cuh &11(! penonal
II'~ tlll!I WU en~lod to that of·
1100'1 •1111! in 1867, appn"1mawly Sl.'19
IOJlll!M ......... 1oc1 fqr."
Hur.witz added: "I 1ubmlt \hal to 1c-
Clllt !\Ir. Charloll merely llocau141 ol a
U diacr,pency that waa all•&edly
foun<t wh•a he happened to be the chi•I 4eputy i• ITO<alY unjust.
"It b particularly defamitory in
u,111 ol tile laet that Charlott hod an
bwl•aQlt career with the FBI and
Library Friends
Asking for Books
There i1 a campaign under way in
l,aWDa lleach Olld the platform theme
i• n.e Involved."
'Ibo Meqnai41 ln4 friends of the
Lilrary an 11~kin relidentl to con-
tri-· tlltlr ' -book• a11d PllWblth to 10W It the Lltuna lltaeb Bocll Fair this !all. "'-Id& frun die book lalOI will lo
towudl buutlllcallon ol tho olty. Bar·
ftlJ art located at th• Chamber of
C.Omrnerct office, tht Latuna Beach
Library entrance , the Laa:una Federal
Savinas and Loan As&Oclation and at
the Safewa.y stores.
O~llY 1'1101
-~ C.0"""9
OftANll COA•T PUlllltlllrtG COM,ANV
Rob•rt N. W114
P~tl-1 ...... P11bl~
Jtdt R. C11rl1y
Vici Prrsl*nl lllf ~II MINttr
'"···· )(,,.;1 ....
Tllo1111• A. Mu•p~i~1
Mln&tlnt Edi~
11 ul Ni 111~
""""" -Oflk• JIJ F1r11t A••·
Wtllltt A4t1retu P.O. 111 ••• t2•1Z --ca.. MMl '31 Wt.t lt't $lrt1I ,...... ... Mlri: nu -..1 .. _.. ...,...,,,d
H""""'11WI IMOll • 1111 '""'
there after h~ded the Orin1e County
Auditor's team that uncovered a vast
number of indescr1tion1 by
,, ..... ,. ... l
11 condiUan& to alleviate the very pro-
blems that happened la1t year," Coun·
cilrnan Josoph O'Sullivao an1w1rad.
111 like to t:hlnk there are in thi1 very
complex world more answers f.han
'yes' and 'no,' " Couneilman Olarlton
Boyd 1sr..O. "'1'111 Plennlnr Com· · mission laboriously set up tliese 11
>.mon1 lbom: tt.o S.wduat Splinter Group Will provide more parking than
last year, hire private guards, arrange
for daily trash HrVice1 and have 10tne·
one pick up dally.
folk's other araument was an
emphatically rejected. He wondered
wtiy the spllnter artists couldn't aet .
back' to&etller with tha Sawdu1t
Festival ,llti1ts.
11U the trend continues ," he 1aid,
Heve.ry vacant lot wUI baoome an art
extubit or a PIYohedelle 1xpr111lon."
Mayor Glenn V-atopped him
"Mr. Polk , you've touched on a way
of lif• of La&una Beach," ht 1ald.
"There alw1y1 wtll be 1pllttin1 elf
unle11 wo wi1h to expand th• Festival
and tbet would be very difficult."
O'S ullivan noted the highway pro·
pe.rty i• acried eommarcial and that
11, "a fact of life" for ntilhboring residents.
View Blocking
Meeting Called
Residents of Arch Beach Heichts
will meet tonl&ht to discuss the block·
in& of view1 by speculative con·
TI1e me.Una will be held at th• Com·
munity Room of the Laauna Federal
Savin&• artd Loan A11ocJation
building, UO Ocean >.vo ., Laauna Beach.
The problem aro11 when builders
constructed tall hou1e1 on a5·foot lots
that blocked Ula views of establi1hed
ho1neow11er1. A question coocerning buUdi~& ordinanc11 wa1 brouaht up,
and Una will be di1 cu11ed tonieht.
Homeowntrs will hive an op-
portunity to air their problem1 ud
it.ll&e1Uon1 at this meeiina.
LONDON I UPI) -Home Secretary
JUHi C&Ulch•n today aimed the Brtlltl! eourt Ofdtr ntr1dlnr J1mn
E.vl Ray to tht United States to 1tend
lrlal • ll!t ... u .. d •lll'tr of Dr.
Martin Luhr Jllll Jr.
t:'Jr,~~\!t"tl .. promotional act!vitiea dUr"tfg af:1t year.
-Gra.nted sawdust F 1 1 t I v a t
marionette lhow 111mption from
paying Sl~ per da.y business license
fee. The Festiv~ of Art.I mariont~
•l!ol! i! ~J exemp~ =!'~ ll! ~Cl pro~lh>a compln4 and 1!1111ln1 oo beacbu. ·
-Renewed without cost Boys Club
variance whi<!li Md ltPHd.
-Accepted '13 ~. bid ($10,000
u!!l!>a!AI) lor rtl\!fllclng ol
'tr!ilt, Te!l>Pla !lilij Drive and I lilf1et.
Sawdust Gets
Break; Access
<Mt Only $100
Ill • •l!ddlll turn ol 1vnll, the
Pr•Dfl Oowity Flood Coatrol lllttrlol
told th• Sawdust F11tJval not to worry
,tloul ~ '1,000 dlj)Ollt tho arlllll dug
up et •n emtrllllCY mHtinl last
'!'Ila dopc11t wu la be put towards
th• !1plllln1 ol • brldl• 1pennln1 a
Qooc1 controJ chaan11. Cu1tomer1 had
tg Tlllk around the f1nctd channel,
· !Ulnl them 1bout • blocl< nut ol the
But tho 1aw -op1111d Tutlday
nifht 1nd It only coot artlata •too.
llobort Burk, permit on1lntar !or
the dlatrlct, told tha D.\ILY PILOT
µit tl,000 wasn't ntedtd. Th• district
ukld for •100 la cover l•bof ex·
P!ln•••· lit 1114 this wa1 a 111tur1 to 1how
tho public tha dlatrlc1 11 In I•..,. ol arl
Th• bond, h1 uplaintd, WM a
ruar1Qt11 tht Sawdust Ftttt'val would
replace tho 11~ of luc1. Burk Mid
•too would 1nllll1 ftoocl control dlltrict
omploy111 to do th• -k le their own
Tht Sawdu1t Footlval allo -od a
clly buJldinl departm1nl inap1cllon
alter t1<llor bllna thr-.ld with
clo1ln1 down.
Board Orders
Laguna High
Decor · Changed
11w1·v1 aot pink on 1v1rythln1,."
That wa1 the pneral fnUn1 as
1wlod by th• Laaun• lltlch 1<flcol
board thla Welk. ln order to cbanlt thl pr11ent
La1una Boaoh Hlth School d1cor11 the
1cl>ocl dl1trlct 11 utlinJ lcr bld1 lo :
Paint 1clenc1 bulldinl• lnlld1 and
Oijtllde and repahi door tram11; re-
rool th• 11rl'1 &YlMl•lum and the
audltorlumi paint outlldt of the
auditorium and c l • 1 1 r o o m
bulldinf 1 and the lnltd1 of the
audttor um, and to rlllOYlh Ole
library bulldinf tncludinf hNllng,
lil1>tlnl, Clrptlinl end painllnl ln&lde .
'rho -wllolt projtcl !1 11poclod to
coot 1bout MB 471. Th• boll'll 1ilo docldod t.o ro ahead
in ordarin1 1hrtt portable clu1room-
q1 to Ilk• the pla.. ol 1111 twc
cl111room1 1ltdnl Mone on tht North
Compuo (the nld Th-Schoell that
are 101n1 In be torn wt, Dr. Norman Browne, pmldent of th• board, quip-
ped, "Oo thty eomil In plakf" when
d11cu•:J color1. In Uon to that purch1H, the
1chool dlttrlcl 11 l•IJll to buy two
1clenc1 Jabl, otflct turnltur1 and
toach1r1 d11Q and a d11k Ind chairs
for tho bu1ine11 oduo1Uon depart· molll. '111• IOU! coot will "run about
'66.000. Owen Tait, 111l1tut 1up1rlnttndent
or schools, adviHd the bolJ'd to make
for1l1n tansua1• an tltct.lvt for six,
1ev1n and tl&hth IJ'adll. A new
ClliforrUa Jaw ' 1iat11 that foreign
1,nrua11 can't bt requlrtd of
W «1ter Tax Rate
Dips for Laguna
The water tax rate for Laguna
Beach residents will dip six cents thit
fisotl year from 61 cent. to SS ctNa. LaauN Beach County W a t • r
District directors are recommending a
proposed budget ol $'749,817.
They are leaving the nnat budget
amoWlt to be set by the cowrty auditor
after r.issoosme nt role• are (!ompltted.
But his ips.tructions are clear : set the
t.a1 rat• at II Wt& per 1100 ot ... IS·
ed valu aUon.
Th• board did not -la nallect
t.a111 not nttdtd; tlnct. build:lnl needs
are lots tile tu raw ... r~ ex· rl:,nld water dlllrict. 0 I a e r • I
111r WllUan1 V. W-hNd.
Llauna llucb Couaty W 1 I 1 r
Dlltrict wk11 Ii> all of llll city plus
Eme.r&kt Bay and 1 om t unlp·
corpor1tod c.,,yon a11U but not Soutll
La111D1 er Llillln World. l
UPIT .....
Hipple Ott tslfd R•••••
An 111!14•nlifild hiPpl• "bea\I feel" ll he i• clla•ed
by a. cluJ>.wleldin& pnllcoman durlnc another rock
and ]1olU1 lhrowillt mll11 in San Franci•cn's
Haighh\1hbqry district 1Ve4nesday night. Abnut
20 persons were arrested after lieveral houri ¢
1aid. "Wbtre wt (police) art Ulere or
a clti11n 1xarcl111 hla re1poQiibUity
proupuUon l• made."
Th• n11oluUon author,cl by coun-
cilmen Riobard Ocldblri and JoHph
O'SuUivati 1ayl tht c!ty hu Teceived
unfavorable publiolty a~d the Police
D•r,•rtm•nl h&I b•~ ~nJu•Uy fe•u•ed
cf 1norln1 tho hlPRI• 1Jlµ@µcn .
It deolar11 11"111 Clly Council does
not encouraae o~ aPP.fllciate the
pr11tnct of hlPPi••t'' and r11olv1•:
-Polle• are 'dolnf 1vor~hln1 wllhin
11111 limltationt tc 1uppatt the law.
-'!'tie solution ~ tht1 unplepant
•lluaUcn muat bl lqpnd ihnill1b total
community involv1mmrt.
-AU 111al 1venu11 will oontique to
bl 11111lorld lo di•l'OUT•ll I h e
pretence of hlppl11. Oclilbor~occlucld the r11oluUon
b uylo Ill rolldllltf ara lal~ng. ~ctim1 fo a UNI by a ftw ~ ''that
porUon ot thi hlppl1 1!1m1nl which in
any other 111 would be defined as buma."
In oppoaia1 t.hl r11Blution1, Coun·
cilman Boyd Said ~e wan~ to raise a
voice of caution. 1'Do not btcome too
deeply involved in eymptoms," he
warned. "Work just as hard on root
causes as on a symptom ."
The audience then had iii ~-
Bart McHulh of McHulh'! Toy ShlJI\ 1aid he refers to hfpiue1 as
burnt Hto knock cy>wn their 11011 and
d0t1 t1ot tolerate them le•ninl 11ainst
h11 ltort or 1lttin1 on the 1ldewalk.
"ntey can lit in the autter whir• they
btlanti'' he 1ald. Ht urttd mtrchantt to di1courage
lllPP1• J>1lron11e.
HippJt dlftnder Gtor11 Reiter, 928
MeadoWlark Lane, •kid t>ow one
d1fln11 • hippie.
11 J can ttU you one w•Y1" a woman's
voice J.nt.rrupted. "You oaa smell
11Hert you have a cla11 Of poople
beina: r11arded as oon-peopl1," Reiter
conUnued. "Many are s er i o u s ,
reli1iou1 in l)ll aart.s of Wiiys.
"U you think of them as the 1ort or thini you like to run out ol town, it's a
1hort rtop to using the law against
them," he cauUoO&d.
Mrs. Noni Francis, of }<'rancis'
&port.iwear, said •he objects to filt hy
feet on her &torefront and on city
hlnch11, hippii'i slttina on flowers and
to a:irli only 13 or 14 years old
panhandlina her customers.
Laguna Sm·f Up,
40 Rescued
The surf is up and there ht.Ye bee'l
40 rescues along the Laguna Bea1 t
coatlin• the patt three day1 to pro vt1 it. ~ '
A tropical storm off Baja California
has caused the unusually large
number.of rescues for w.ek da}'i, with
the IUl'f apparently bteomina worse
.... doy.
Monda,y, five rescues were record·
ed. TueSaay the figure jumped to 16,
an~ Wednt.say thil't were 19 relicues.
Norma:J, for three week dayi is a
total of around five r11auec! according
!<> 1.a&ul\i Bncb lile&uards . .
There were three-to-four root swells
Wednesday with a water temperature
around 67 d•ar<es·
Dynapte Thrown
GLASGOW, Ky. (UPI) -Dynamite
wa1 throwq from an automobile at
Oov. Loui' B. Nunn't hou11 here
Wtdnl1d•Y ni&ht but the 1ov1rnor pd
hi1 family ;wera away and there wire
no injurie~
Waves of Planes
Blast N. Viet
Missile Bases .
SAIGON (UPll -Waves cf U.S.
B52s blasted North Vietnamese
missile batteries today in tile fir1t·
such raids of the war for the giant
jet1. American headquarters describ-'
ed the hliti just above t h 1 ·
Demilitarized Zone as retaliatory.
The eight-engine Stratofortresses ·
unloaded tons or blockbusters on
Surface-to-Air Atissile (SAM) bases
four and 11 miles north of the DMZ
protecting infiltration trails through
the six-mile-wide buffer strip.
Just below the DMZ, U.S. Marines
fought two battles with North Viet·
namese troops believed to haye been
freshly infiltrated into the south.
Marine commanders reported 77·
North Vietnamese killed in fights Wed·
nesday that cost nine Leathernecks
killed and 40 wounded.
The U.S. command sought to play
down the B52 strikes as an escalation:
of the air war at a time when Presit'
dent Nguyen Van Thieu and Pr~siden(
Johnson were heading for a summil
meeting in Hawaii . :
"It's a kind of retaliation, you migh~
say,"· a spokesman for American
headquarters said of the B52 missions~
The raids reflected U.S. determinatiod
to knock out the rocket emplacement.,
The Soviet-built SAMS with a range o(
60,000 feet are the only weapons in th•
Communist arsenal c&pable of hitting
the high-altitude B52s of the Strategic
Air Command.
Defense Secretary Clark Clifford
stresa&d allied effort& to scale down
the level of fightina: 11 he left Sai1oa
for the Honolulu summit. .
r--:--:""'.:~~~~--------------i f A MONEY SAVING EVENT
al ~ J. (Jarrell
20 °lo t 40 °lo off
Y.wr f1••tlt1 h1f•rlor 411l1n1r will b. 111,P'f ft 11tld Y••. '• 0
JllC :111111:11111!
lllltfltol llllU&i! F! ............ ""
' ' i
, ..
' •
. ,.
' .
' un.Y ' I
Mom, ·son on Hijacked Jet
Westminster Woman's Mother Dies During Trip
By lWiol MAJOR ·-~ ......... A Westminster :mother ol two and
her l2·year-old son, maklng an
emer'geDCy trip to tbe bedside of her
dyin g mother, were aboard the Na. ..
tioll61 Airlines pc.a jot hijacked to
Cuba this wee~
·Mrs. Alma GUI.shy and s0n, Ronald,
lost their rac.e with death.
Another IOJI, Ridlard, 15, tokl the
DAILY PILOT toaay 1hat Mrs . Gulsby
learned on her arrival in Miami that
her mother bad died during the 12
hours tbe Jet was delayed in Havana.
Mrs. Gulsby ud blr 10D went on to , Ala., Wednuday, w be r e
funeral 1erv\ces for ber mother, Mn.
Esther JohnaoD, wW be held tb1'
Mn:. Gulsby, who works in the note
doparlment or Newport National
Bank. received a call from relatives 1A
Mobile Tuesday, ber to come t.
her mother'• aide,
R!cllenl uid his mother .,... told his
grandmother bad 0 taken a tum for: the
worse." Sbe lied been bolpltali.zed. the
paotlour ....U. ·
Tho ...,, who slay«! behind with his
father, llonild, a ma1»ger with
Rossmore Eleetrtc Co., now work.lac
.at LelaUA World, aald hb: motber took
the first plane out of Loa Angeles
Internlliollal Airport.
"The last time we .ww her wa,, 12
midnight Wednesday,'' he said.
Mrs. Gu!s0y'1 plane landed In
Houston, Tex., whUe tbe hijacker put
a (WI and phoney hand gr<nade to the
p;lot and told him to fly to Cubt. Tbo
plane was unable to e o n. t a c t
.authorities on a brief atop for refuel·
ing in New Orleans, La.
In a phone call home to
Pair Stranded 19 Days
Coast Guard Rescues Valley Couple on Island
By ALMON LOCKABEY ............
A COast: Guard rescue team Wed·
nesday picked up a Fountain Valley
mari and b11 woman companicm who
had been stranded for three weeks on
.a non-inhabited island 690 miles south
of Honolulu.
George Hughes, 35, who identified
himseU as a Fountain Valley boat
builder, and Barbara Gregory, 29, a
:fonner airlines hostess, fetched up on
a barrier reef that Sut'I'pUnds Palmyra
Island a few days after leaving
Honolulu on a voyage to the Marshall
and Giibert islands.
Coast Guard officials at Honolulu
said the 46-foot steel hull power vessel
was loaded with 1,200 pounds of cloth·
ing that Hughes proposed to take to
the native! in the South Sea islands.
The couple waited 19 days before a
daily "mayday" message from the
yacht was finally monitored in the
Cook Island! 1,000 miles to the south.
Coast Guard Honolulu sent an HC-
130 rescue plane from Barber Island.
The plMle had to land on .a deserted
JUrstrip throogh thosuands of sea birds
which are now the only occupants: of
the island. A jeep was sent from the
plane to the beach to pick up Hughes
and Miss Gregory.
Hughes had been suffering from an
ear infectioa from the time the boat
was st.nanded. Miss Greogry reported·
ly treated him with shots of penicillin.
The Coast Guard said the boat was
Prize Marlin Landed
SAN DIEGO (UPI) -Tilden Pat·
terson of Imperial Beach landed a 102-
pound Marlin with a borrowed fishiilg
pole off San Diego's Point Loma
Patterson, using companion Dwight
Rutan's rod, battled the trophy fish 2S
agropnd in about two feet of water .and
apPl!-enUy was not ~xtensive l y
Hughes was quoted as saying be
would like to resume the tJ:ip if he
could get help in getting his boat off
the reef. He said be buUt the boat in
his backyard at Fountain V-alley.
"Thank God you are here," M.i5s
Gregory was quoted as saying when
the rescue team arrived on the scene.
Because of the pain of the ear in·
fection, Hugbes said be didn 't think he
was goYlg to make it.
"I r eally had pain. I really went
through heU," Hughes told rescuers.
The bOat was valued by Hughes at
about P>,000. He said he ancl Mis!'
Gregory ·took off on the voyage "to
escape the rat race" of Honol1,1lu and
mainland Jiving.
Hughes .said be would come back to
the mid.nland and eam enough money
to &tart all over again -either by
11alvaging the stranded boat or
building ano4fler.
Mis~ Gregory was identified as •
former United Airlines employe who
luid Jived in Honolulu about three
Hanoi Won't Curtail War
In Trade for ... Bomb Halt
PARIS (UPI) -Hanoi said today it
had no intention of scaling down itl'
military effort in South Vietnam in ex·
change for a total halt in the bombing
of North Vietnam.
"The United States has taken the
1iberty of asking for reciprocity for a
cessation of their bombings 11gainst
North Vietnam," a Communist state·
ment said. "This is inadmissable ar -
"The Vietnamese people shall pay
no ransom to pirate5."
The 16-page memorandum vowed
North Vettoam would fight until "final
victory" against the Americans in
Vietnam. And , it said, people all over
the world were ready to help.
The foreign ministry communique
was released only minutes after U.S.
Defense Secretary Clark M. Clifford
restated the American bargaining
position in Paris -that the bombing
would stop If Hanoi ll<Aled down its
war effort.
So far, Clifford told reporters in
Saigon, Communist negotiators have
shown no ,sign of wiWngnesS to do so.
The statement today made that clear.
The communique reiterated the
Communists' unyielding demand that
the United States halt the bombinR"
first, then wait for Hanoi's reply on
the battlefield and Jn Paris.
"Two months have elapsed, but the
Paris talks have ma~ no progress,"
thll!: memocandum said. "The sole
reason fcrr this is the extreme
obstinacy of the American side."
It also firmly rejectll!:d American
demands. that the Demilitarized Zone
between the warring nations be
restored to it! orlgin1l .. buffer"
status, with no troops or arms allowed
· Such a move would "tie the hands"
of the Vietnamese people, the Com·
munlsts said.
Reg. Pric• '4
' ll<KS
Reg~ 3.00
family ahe was •II•, Mrs. Guliby lllid
the pusenger1 wue not by
Cuban Cllllclala during the lay .. v« .
Rlcbll'd said bis mother added that
hb brother had been "calm".
"He's a strong little boy,'' '.Rich'1'<1
lill id.
'nle Gulsby's have lived in the
landscaped gey•and·whit.e a t u c c a
boose at lSS.51 Aster st., Westminster,
the put five yeU 1.
Ronald JJ • student at Mc\.arven
School. Richard r ecently moved here
from Alabama.
Van Thieu Vows
'No Surrender'
At Summit Meet
SAIGON (AP) -PreSldent Nguyen
Van Thieu left today for the Honolulu
meeting with President Johnson pro·
mlsing that he will not allow South
Vietnam's allie' to impose "a solution
harmful to our national interests."
Thieu's chartered P·an American
World Airways 7'11 jetliner wa.~ a ·
pedled to arrive in Hawaii this af·
ternoon, after a brief refueling stop at
In a recorded nationwide television
ad.dress shortly before taking of!,
Thieu declared, "I will not go to
Hawaii to surrender to the Com·
munists, to sell the nation, to concede
territory, or to accept a solu..tion in-
volving a coaJltion with Communists
impOsed by the United States, such as
Communists and a number of
unscrupulous politicians have falsely
He said his firm statement was
made necessary by rumors rpread
with the intention of dividing South
Vietnam from its allies.
"Not only "re we defeating the Com-
munists, but we are daily becomJng
.stronger, both militarily a n d
politically, f!Jr 11n early victor y and
early restoratlo::>. of peace."
Expansion of J<'ood
P .rogram Approved
has unanimously approved a two-year
$100 million expansion of government
programs to feed hungry school
children after being told that's 111 the
extra money Agriculture Secretary
Orville L. Freeman could use.
The autbor.lzation, which is now ex-
pected to go to a House-Senate con·
ference to be cleared for final
passage, was passed on an M to 0 vote
Mr1. Afm• Gulslty
'°Pure Accident'
Son Ron•W Gul1by
Judge Acquits Stanton
Officer of Manslaughter
Of -..... •11i1t ll•ff
Stanton Reserve Police Ofi(cer Allen
B. Chrl.!ltian i.!I 1 free man today,
declared not guilty this morning by
S\lperior Judge Karl L)'llll Davis of
charges of involuntary manslaughter
in the death of a fleeing suspect last
Feb. 9.
After tm. prosecution's c a s e
presented by Chief Deputy District At·
torney James G. Enright was com·
pleted Wednesday, Christian'• at·
torney Mathew Kurllich of Fullerton
entered a motion of acquittal for Jn-
sufflclent evidence.
Christian shot and killed Paul M.
Aguilera, 19, in the early morning
hc.urs of Feb. 9 when he and Jerry Na~njo were stopped for que1Uoning.
Aguilera fled when officers &.atd they
would have to take the pair jn be<:ause
they lacked identification.
Christian followed the youth and titer
.several warnlog cries, shot. The bullet
hit the youth in the neck and emerged
from his left cheek.
Christian, 4.2, a Huntington Beach
businessman is a volunteer reserve or·
flcer serving without pay. He was in·
dieted by the Grand .Jury Feb. 14 on
charges of manslaughter.
When the trial began last Monday,
.ludge David permitted. a change in
plea to involuntary manslaughter and
agreed to hear the trial without jury.
.Judge Davis in dismissing the
charies this morning pointll!:d out that
when Aguilera fied he was cemmittlng
a felon y.
"Testimony of investigator .John
Gier of 'the district attorney'• office
quoted the defendant a.!I saying he
didn't ipean to shoot the boy and dJdn't
see him. I believe him," the judge
said . "I'm cuivinced that J1 was 11
purl!: accident. The shot was meant as
• warnlng. I defy anyone to hit some-
one under the same circumstances
in bro1d d1eyllght.
"J think it was an accident, a tragir.
thing. Everybody J~ sorry It hap•
pened,"'.Tudge Davis continued. "J
have a r easonable doubt therefor e my
decisioo is he· j, not guilty .&.!1 charg·
Gier's 1estimony . Wedn~sday no
doubt t"Ontr{buted· heavily to the
decision. '
Thi!: Jhvestigator quoted Christian a~
saying, "I shot once a warning; I did
not sll!:e the suspect. I didn't see
anyone. It happrenM so fast. I
hollered for bim to stop three timeft. '' " " "'""'· "I asked Officer .Jamee Bradley
twice If I should fire a warning shot he
did not .answer the first time then he
said, 'yes, fire one off.' "
Christian added: 1 didn't mN!'I kt
kill that man. I thought I wa~ shootina
over hb head."
l\'lan Kills Seli While
Held by Policeman
SAN DIEGO (UPI) -Barnard
l..em, 50, pulled a pistol and killed
himself while he was being held by a
policeman Wednesday.
Pbllceman J. E . Mun sterman was
ctipatchtd to the 4500 block Of. Tes:as
~et to check on Lem after an apart·
ment manager · reported Lem.. was
behlvlnJC strangely.
STORE HOURS: Daily •:30 till 11:00 p.m.
MON.-THU.-FRl.-9:30till 9:00 p.m.
-U,. Y °"' Blnk1mericord-Mtst1rchor9-
Y oungltncl' 1 Chug-0.-Pty Even
• '
1~ .. , ...... -
Strike Still
100 Guar(ls ' •
Mn. T-N H. of
!Mio, dlod Tueedu' at tile age of
JOL Sile la IUlVlved by 101 descen-
dmta. BOn1 In Mexico, March 7,
1117, Mn. Honwi411 moved to
C61oti4o with her huablnd In 1900
and bad lived In the Coachella Val-
ley llnce 1908. She Is IUlVlved by
four daupten, 25 grandchUdren,
18 sreat-grandchlldren, and four
great -sreet -lfBDdchlldren. •
MT1. JOAnM ame11 17. wif• of not1d
bcndl«ader Reny Janu11 a1, o a" ~
birth tO a dz povtul,. 14 oumt b()JI,
Michael .,,.,.,u AtlthcmV Jamc1 Tuc1-
dow bl La V •OU· Mr1. Jcmac1 U a
fonMr Las V•IJGI •hoto¢1'1 an4
l•TM•' thin! tof/•. Tll<y ... ,. .,,.,,.Wd
wt rtor m Kl'M. Jamel Mr two '°"'
and 11D<1. doughl<ra b1I l1D<I pr•1'1ow-
~·· • A Fannlngton, Michigan man
will tell you that 110D1moldn1 cen
be detrimental to your health.
Lloyd Schw•rh, 40, said two men
approached him on a downtown
street and aaked him for a cigar-
ette. When he an.swertd, u1 don't
smoke," they hit b!m over the head
with a wine battle end fled. •
Thi Ea1tma 3tmbatldng Att<>f>
lallbn (ESAJ lnw.l< lo flghl for
vour right to oo 11Dfmmfng
ft01old. In ackllllon lo aUU.11< c:onu•" and """"""" of • king
and q1141m of nudlnl at '" fl ... dor· eonomllon In Pa!TMrton,
Po., Iha ESA prom1'u lo form •
nudln pollllool ocllon oommlllH
1o toork for """"'" of l<abJa. lion ,,_/Ufng IM nudln ,.....
,,..,.L Among U.. Qoall b abol~
doll of !mos bannfn.g nude bath·
tnQ on pubUc btachl1.
• D..w a.rnott of Fort Wayne
Ind,. reported to dty police that
four bubcaps wen rtolen from his
car parked In trunt of his home.
BarMlt later called back to aay
tho bubcaps bad been returned.
The thief Ii.ft them on bis porch
with a note reading, ''Sorry, but
they didn't fit." • Alllert F, Morah, of Garden
Grove, has a goal of "a quail in
every pol" Manh, who keeps
about 5,000 o! !hi blzdl and hopes
to breed quail to a larger dinner
table site, says 4'Amerlcanl don't
know what they're missing if they
have never tasted quail or q u a i I
CIIlCAGO (UPI) -Tolepbcme In· ataUer:• Wednelday rejected a new
contract -1 b1 the llllDolJ Bell
TelopbClllO Co. Cid mod a complaint
with the NaUooal Lobor RWllDlll
Board, addirig still another obttade to
the Democratic National COnvention.
Estimates of the tlme needed to
begin installalioo of the miles ol cable
and wire needed for news media and
other communi.catlons at the con-
vention -.1cheduled to open here Aug.
26 -range from "immediately" to u
. much as three weeks.
No new meetings bave been set
between company and union. An
llllDob Bell apokemwui 1aid Mayor
Ricbani J. Daley or.medlatora w<Alld
baff to call the two sides together.
Democratic leldera have threatened
a 0 new look" at ChlC1go •• the cOn·
vention site 11 the dispute Js not settled
this week.
Leaden of the International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
said Wedaedy the company merely
juggled lta previouS offers which have
been refwed by the unioo since ita
strike began 71 day1 ago.
The NLRB complaint, which could
be resolved within two weeks or take
as much as a year to settle,;e1
Illinois Bell with unfWr labor pactices
and teeks an injunction agabJst the
campanr. "for refusing to bargiin in
good faith."
Speclllcally, the complain\ charges
that Dlinois Bell bat refused to budge
from a "p!'edet«mlned package im-
posed" by it.a parent company, the
American Telephone & Telegraph Co.
It charged the company with us-
ing subscriber m<>ney to wage a
neW'SPaper advertising c a m p ,,. I g n
aga.tnst the mton.
James W. Cook, Illinois Bell Pr"i-
dent, said the union's rejection or the
rtviaed three-year conttact offer left
the negottaUons at a "total impasse."
Casting Plant
Blast Kills I,
Injures 29
CHICAGO (UPI) -One worker was
killed and 29 injured Wednesday wbtn
an exp1oslon ripped through a die plant Jn a northern suburb,
tearing apart a corner of the 1.afge plant.
Wcrters at the National Die Ca1Ung
Co. ln suburban Lincolnwood were
buried under debris and had their
clothes tom off from the force ol the
blast. Many wandered dazed through
the wreda"ge and were burned by
fires which broke out.
The blast hurled chunks of concrete,
glass blocks, bricks and pieces of steel
ont>o parked can a block away,
damaging them. It knocked out win-
dows ()( factories acrossthe street,
slashtng employea with glass.
About 100 persons were in the
building, 200 feet by 350 led and ooe
story tall e:s:cept where the blast oc-
CUITed. The blast leveled a 60-by-40
foot section where the building ls two
stories tall.
Killed immediately was Russell
Long, 54, Chicago. Tht injured were
taken to various hospitals.
Nine suburbs and Chicago sent
police and firemen to the scene. Fire
Commission.. Robert Quinn o f
Chicago satd it was possible an
acetylene tank exploded, touching off
a larger blast and fires. He sald eight
small fires had been reported at the
plait in the last year.
Shown above are the remalnJ of twn automobiles
In which eight persons were ldlled lnstanUy Wed-
nesday when the . vehicles collided head..on, seven
miles north of Sed8.lla, Mo., on U.S. 65. The car
on . the left contained a even per-•. one of whom
JUtvlved but remains In cr!Ucal eoncllUon. The car
at the right_ <arned two petson;,
False Alarm Delay
11 Die . in New York Fire
NEW YORK (IJPI) -Nin< children
and two adultJ died early today 1n a
fire that swept a tiny gray stµcco
house where four families lived: Fire
o!flclals said a false ilarm. delayed
some units.
The fire department said the false
alarm drew firemen from the neare1t
station to a building seven blockl from
the blaze t.hat enlUlfed the two-story
hou1e in the St. Albans 1ection al.
Queens. Police said a suspect in the
false alarm had been arrested.
One ladder company saw the flames
on the way back from the false alarm
and stopped. All the other units went
back to the flrestation and had to be
called out again, the fire department
F.Lre Lt. LawteM!e Trotta com-
manded the ladder company that was
first on the scene.
"We looked down the block and saw
this massive flame," he said. "We
went down and saw two men jumping
from the secoDd floor. We tried to
Police Arrest
Slaying Suspect
In· Philadelphia
suspect in the .daying of a young
policeman was acrested today inside
hil girlfriend's eouth Philadelphia
Phillip O.ark, 27, broke into tears
when detectives put hlmdcuffs on him.
Clark had been sought 1ince last
Mood.ay after patrolman Roa F.
Brackett, 25, father of a four-~ar-old
daughter, was shot with his O'W'b. cun
while !lttempting to handcuff a ntpeet
in an $80 trolley holdup.
Detectives said Clark, who became
the object of a nationwide police alert,
refused to open the door of the ..,.n.
ment. Police smashed tt tn and Clark,
whimpering an unarmed, offered no
1be arrest came hours before a
scheduled 10 a.m. funeral nrvtce for
the stain officer, who graduated' as
clau valedictorian from the Police
Academy only two years ago and was
twice commended for braver,..
break Into the building but the beat
and flames forced us back."
The flames left black scorch stains
that curled along the stuccoed side of
the 20 by 40 foot dweJ.Unc that a city
offidal said had been zoo.eel for only
one family. He said there would be an
investigation into Why at least 15
persons were living there.
Five persons-were taken . to nearby
Mary Immaculate Jiospitat. They
were trealed. and releued.
It toOk firemen 30 minutes to get the
Marijuana Crop
Sheriff_'• depuUe1 hwvelted 2 3 9 car<fully t...led marijuana pl111ts In a
canyon gully el,ght miles n.orthwest of
tltls northern San Dl«<o County dty
The "weed" was located after the
sheri:ff's department received an
ananymoos call.
flames under control. Then they be1an
poking through the a.shes for live
coals. They found fout bodies in the at-
tic and seven bodies on the second
Molt Of the children were huddled
near the windows. They were ap-
parently overcome by the smoke and
intense heat. ate out virtually the entire
interlOI" Md firemen used hooks to pull
down dan11erous celling beams. ~e
building burned With 1uch intensity
that houses on both sides were seared.
Fire officlall Identified the dead IS
Darlene Black. %, Shella Black, 9, Bob-
by Jean Gibson, 10 months, Shetta
Gibson, 4, Bertha Gibson, 1, Bwle
Perry, 29, Jalmia Jerome Perry, I,
Rectna1d ferry I a, Denise Perry. 4,
Charlene Peny, '3, and Charles Holst,
24 •
Police aaid Penn, Coon, 19, a Naval
medical corpsman Attathed to the St.
Albans Naval Hospital, had been ar-
rested. u a ruspec:t in the f&se alarm.
. .....
~ •• ,•/
Help Quell ' ,,
<· ' _,
" ,,
'.Akron Riot " > ,. ,, ·-•• -·
AllJ\ON, Ohlll (UPI) -About 100 ':·:;
National flll'drrnlll tool< to tile : ' ol this Industrial city toolr7 llld ::
-police quell a window· '.: llhUbing sod loollnl outbreolt b7 r<W-• •.
inC rang1 o! Negroe1. Pollce 1hot a ;:
wOunded a Negro boy. •·
Ofllclals 1ald the outbreak could .,
fcrce cancellation of a plaDDed al.· •'
ternoon visit by Gov. Ntleon ~ ;:
Rockefeller of New York, who was "
campaigning through Ohio. ;
PoUce used tear gu to diliM!rse tile •·
pngs, which atoned aut.omoblles and
firebombed at Jeut one store in the ..
Wooster Avenue district of a •
predominantly Negro section near the
downtown area. .
Order was re!tored at sunrise
following the arrest ol '5 persons. Some ol the trouble ;pilled 1o«x> the __
downtown section end the Nil aide.
''\Ve ne\•er g~e up any 1ectJon ef
the city," Police Capt. J<iui Traub :
said. "Where was looting, we _.
rested looters."'
A 16-year~ld youtt:i, who police sald
WU looting a grocery. WU &hot in the .
shouldrer. He was reported In fair COll-o ,
dlt!Oll at Akron Geno<al
Police said a Negro man was drag-
ged. from his car and beaten. He was .
treated at a hospital and released.
Gov. Jam .. A. Rhodes -'100
National Guardsmen Into th l 1
northeastern Ohio city following a H•
quest for a"Ssistance by Mayor John
Most of the Guardsmen were
deployed at the High Stre<t armory
while the others, with rifles and
bayonets, assisted police wearing 1teel
helmets and anned with ttree-foot
long riot sticks.
The outbreak centered in a five-
block arta of Wooster Avenue just
west of the downtown secUon. About
every third store in the section was
broken into and shattered gla1s
covered the sidewalks.
'l'lle disturbance first broke out late
Wednesday night but order was quick·
ly restored by pollce. Shortly after 11
PST % a.m., it erupted again and ·
Mayor John Ballard requested Rhodes .
to activate the guard.
The cwse of the disturbance was
not known. Police said 80-degree
tolnperatures ond high humidity fore·
ed large crowds into the streets.
New York Sidewalks Hot The Travellers. Showers Bring Welcome Relief to Humid Midwest
Cau1 ...... 1.
Tll9rl Wiii bt COH'9t i.w doUdlnen
dVrfN •11Y ll'IOmlne Plwn wtlli c1w,.. .,.. .. lnN_,,,,,. .. --l\HVIY
~ """"' •1'1111 C'1mr rlll ff!w mitt.
fllttrt, '#lno9 -llO!lt _..., Yl rllblt ~ H: to •• n-.11
T-flrf9 I'll-W"'-'lay •Mrll
"" Ol'wlM C:..t -· 1Mt. Wiiii. lfl. "'"' WW ,.... W91 -.U. WIMr """' --"'"' .. iM ..,.._,
·-· ,Int """ .............. 1:• ··"" ,,. flint -""' .............. n:M t .11'1. t.i 111111 ............ f rot•.11'1. f.J f'lrtt 111w • ",. .... ., .... I ~-1,1ft. I.I
M-. ·-It:• 1.111, let. l lM •·""
lull lllNs •.• '·"'· Sttt t i• '·""'
a..t .. ... "'"' •. '"" ""\" JufJ IS Avt. t Avt. I -
r ..... perature•
"ltll L• ''"' ·-.. ..
AIPCMI ... " • AttMlho " " _ .. -· N n ......... n n -u ..
''"" " .. ·" Cll!Ottlo n n ·" oncr-11 " " .,,_.,. • " ·" ..,_ N .. --u " _,,, n • ·-.. • ..... -.. ll ·-.. -" • -· • .. "' ::=OfY .. " " n
Loi v .... '" I: L• ANiloM ..
""'"'' '""' " " ... _ • .. -• M-• .. " --.. ,.. _ ... .. 11 ...... " " ....... .. .. , ... """' .. • ,..,_. .. n -· , .. .. -.. " ......... .. .. ..... "" .. • ... ....... •• .. ·-" • . ,,, ..... .. • "· ""' .. " ·" .. _ n ~ loM Ub tltr .. ... _ " .. "'" ,_Ital n " S.111) •• .._.,.. n .. ..... .. ..
-OM " " """"" , .. 11 WQlll,,... .. " j ...,
Cocktail drinkers, arise. And lske your cocktalla with you
Now )'Oii .. n, because Club Cocktails have arrived. In .. .._. '
Each eight ounce can is lresh·sealed, made o! qulck·to-chnf
aluminum. Each holds ... ,3 perfectly blended drinb for less'
thin a buck. Even flip top. We L"ve them fun names because '
they can'° fun places. Bikini ortlnis 1nd Surle(s Sours at th~ch. How about Marine Ma;yantas and Malnsell Man.
ha ns on board your favorite boa.t SnowbunnyScrewdrivers
basica a frozen like. Or Downlleld Delqulrl1 11 the pme.
C_lub Cocktalls·ln .. ns, To llO-They're what the aood life II
•II about.
Club Cocktails
THt Cl.UloCOCllTAIU, 2MI l'ftOOF. THt Cl.U. DtSTIWNQ co.; HN!lf.OllD.~
Mexico Pays H.onor to Role
Played by Hero Pancho · Villa
Pancho Villa may have
lived the We of our present.
day romantic fiction-a ban·
dlt w)lose heart U in the
right place. t b e
legendary Robin Hood be
was a champion of the poor.
Forty.five year1 ago the
,fier c e ?/.exican
revolutionary died, a n d
since then his legend has
been clouded by
To some he was a patriot,
to others a phqlderer, a man
capable of extreme cruelty.
To the Mexican people,
however I he b a national
hero, and his name is
inscribed in gold on the wall
of the Cltamber of Deputies
in Mexico City.
Villa ii one of the ~figures
in a new narrative ~ of
tbe M e x 1 c 4 a Revo1utt~1 "Her.le MeDH.'" 'fl: I
auUlor, UCLA prolellQf ol
journalilm Wtlliam Weber
Johnson, finds t h a t th•
revolutionary often acted
w1tb remarkable reetraJnt.
For e:icaJllple, Villa wa1
teetotaler, he smoked only
rarely, a.aid be on 1 y
occ:Wonall_y UJecl prolll!l1¥·
l!l .a~.l~J •J _ .. ,4~1!o t~n! '!." ... ~ u~~ · ... ~ a
nill!TllH l'fl.'q!•Y · 'WU not,'! M -..lllt ifY, ·~·u -ft
makes her happy?" !Ihe
ceremonies were not legal,
and be left only o n e
officially recognized widow,
wllo lives ii\ <;bihua@ll@ City.
Reagan Recall Group
Anticipating Trouble
A spokesman ~ o r a
movement t o recall Gov.
Reagan indicated Tuesday it
may prefer to put the
question before California
voters at a spe~al election
rather titan on t b e
November ballot.
Edwin Koupal, general
manager of the recall effort,
said he might prefer a
special election about Dec.
20 because of the complexity
of the vote.
At an airport new s
conference, Koupal
mentioned a possible
extension of tile , petition
deadline to Sept. 30. The
groop has been shoOting for
a July 31 deadline, which
would put the question on
the November general
election ballot.
Koupal said the
committee was less than
100,000 signatures a w a y
from the minimum 780,414
required to put the question
on the ballot eOO predicted
that the group would collect
up to 2 million signatures by
July 31.
Commenting on estimates a special election would
cost between $3 and $4
million, Koupal suggested
that "the oil comp.rues
volunteer to finance it from
tile tax break Reagan gave
them last year."
A two-part vote would be
required if the r e c a 11
question Is on the ballot -
one yes or no vote on recall
and then a vote for a
gubernatorial candidate to
replace Reagan.
"Artistry in Moving''
~ "" -lo!4 hll!I l!!fM WI! l!!t ~'lit 91 !!!I fltlul l<1119r, Vl!ll-C1U
down drutlcJUy oa. hi1
coasumptJon -truly a
Spartan sacrlfice fq:r a
veteran catue·thltf.
for the
580 Broadway
(the equipment to ·make one, lhlt la)
USE·!IATfS --1 ,. I e Al 0oy -
1 I09 Newport Blvd., CM!~-.
=·-· ·--------......
~ r::::-·--IWAUl l
"''"'" ----.. " ·--PU1Mt11• ·---·-... _ --_ .. , -· ...... _ -:::... ...,, .. _
~:. ----==--___
""!~-• M.':.-
C11lil•1 klffa,.
Little •••I!,
"~M1Wlilt1 , Pl1k,
• ~·· $.ANDALS
f J!" L
Coffee Break Theirs
Wist;onsin Town Takes Credit for Idea
'*"::' . ~.
. ~' ~~~-::::::~
MIN'S l'AlllCS
a.fords or Slip.on styles in
~11, black, 11i1vy, grMn.
10011 ADAMS
... CMllDll!Ul •11-t i. s.. °'1 Drltl
9 ,11·9171 ~... .
Readership: You S~ll it A-n-n L-a-n-d-e-r-s
r •
I :
,12 DAILY 1'1LOT
' .
Thul1day, Jul) 18, 1968
. .
An Open Letter to Air Travelers in Orange County
Frequent air service from Orange County Airport to Los
Angeles has been desperately needed for a long time.
Cable Commuter Airlines, understanding this need, es-
tablished 32 commuter flights daily between these two
important Southern California communities.
Efforts have been made to prevent the contfnuance of
this service, which has been endorsed by over 2,000 Or-
ange County residents who have flown on Cable.
You have been told that we will not be allowed to prO.:
vide this convenience between Orange County and Los
This is not true. A competing, complaining airline is us-
ing a governmental agency to protect its inability to
provide even similar service from Orange County Air-
Pending further notification we will continue to handle
all passengers consistent with the lawful orders of the
Civil Aeronautics Board of the United States of America,
and the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Cali-
fornia .
Tomorrow and all the next tomorrows -fly the pioneer . '
in commuter air service from Orange County to Los An-.
geles -Cable Commuter Airlines. The connection you've
been waiting for .
Call your travel agent, -
your favorite airline or
Cable Commuter at (714) 985-2113
Kitchen of Seo
. Weddings, Troths
Captain's Table· Fillip Pilot;s. Deadlines
. ( ........... II ... ti~ wtklt lfl I ---.. MvtraJ --' _,_ ...... .....,. --'"9lnJ ·-"*'" • ~ ... ...,, c....i nen oa. b msket
Br NANCY R y D E N -odd • caa of wplabla
WOODWAllD (cir-) and 2 '"'a tablol·
NEW YORK (WNS) --of-· Hoot aod ,0. -No.1Whonyoullmp!y· have a 1ood Bet(
g!w up on ~ a dln-BourlllilnOmlO IDoteod of
nor, -up a •• of -plaln you.Jmow.-.
BOB ,s~~ t :• to 4iOD
U.TU"OAY ' ,,. to Si• CLOllD
1812 Newport 81., Costa Mesa
.... 646-7167
For M1dlt.rr1n1111 Fur11lt11r1 V1lu11 to $1.00 •
Super Rich with Cocoa l utt1r
Y1llow • Or1n91 • Avoo:1do
•• ,. ""' 78c
Jllid Ni. I : Sollqo ., To avoid disappointment, proapective
l1Chtwtllhl tol1ol! lf JOU an brides are reminded to have lheir wedclin&
llltiul out aw. lall7 f• b storle~ wllh black a11d while gl°"sy photo-
-limo. A ODO.q..t graplul to tho DAILY PILOT Society Deport.
• a u c • P an, two • quart ment prior to or within one week after the aaucepm, aae •kllllt ud edd' ono 1111all pot for bolllni w mg.
egp or .matinc ,tauce •• For engagement announcements lt is
oooucti. u a e di1PODble sugge1ted that the story, also accompanied
alumlnum paoa tor· -by a black and white glossy. p I c ! u r e, be
cooking. If you can oplurse. submitted ••rly. If the betrothal announc ..
Malnless It.eel cookware ii ment and wedding date are six weeks or leas
Ute wry bolt w h 11 e apart, only tho weddlnt photo will be ac'
alumlllum and iZ<a pol& and cepted.
pans l<"'1 to T!' To help fill requlrementa on both wed·
OCEAN CER ding and engagement.stories, form• are avaiJ.
TUNA AND RICE able in all of the DAILY PILOT offic ...
2 tableapoons -Further questions will be answered bi Soclal
1 c111 tune, drldned (of Notes. staff members a,t 842-4321 or 4~9466. Joillter•crabmell) I teaspoon dried minced 19.., _ _, ____________ _ -i · can cond,en1ed
mua:hroom, chicken or
~locy 10UP 11,2 cups hot water
1·1/3 cup1 quiet-coot rice
8-ounee can stl.ced CIITOtl
II teupoon
¥• teu p o o n Worcester-
1hlre 1auce
dropg of Tabuco
II oqllffzed lemon
Newlywed D.W. Finns
Honeymoon in Hawaii
Foll<>wina: a Haw a I I an
honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs.
David Willlam Finn now are
residing in Santa Clara.
paruits. Special g u e 1 ts
attending were Mrs. Trem
Carr and Mr. and Mro. Harry F. Perry Sr., the
bride'• grandparent..
The bridal couple are
graduate• of san Jose State College, where· the bride
pledged Kappa Alpha Theta
DAILY '11.11' .. 11
• OUAlllY • SENICt • lllSCOUllT • llt1Bl1ll1V
Pl1tfic linH • l1c1 tri111m1d
M•lt bul*er. ldd tune,
oni.oc Ud beat. Remove
from bdt and stir in all in-
gredient5. Cover and cook
over !ow heat until liQuid is
absorbed (about 10
minutes). Stir occasionally
to kee:p from sticking to pan.
2 tablespoons butter
The former Joellyn Perry,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry F. Perry of Corona
del Mar, exchanged vowt
and rings with her betrothed
in Our Lady Queen of
Angels Catholic ChtD'Cb.
and hor hU1band aHlliat.ed \1"!== with Sima Nu.· '9' COMP. AT 98c EACH
Clown• ind 111 typ11 of 1nir111l1
Acc111oriet a11d 1bj1ch,tl'1i1
Flower d1cor1t1d
IOut of b1nkrupt 1tockl 12 p•irl
H•11d •nd body lotion
HAii IPRAY CProfeulMl•I Ille
Ye11r cheico •fylo -Tiki -A•y•tt•
•••. 1,,., 99c
•••. 11." 75c
IOllY PINS ( Y, Povnd) sac Au~ber tippod • ll•ck • lrew11 • Silvor Ro9. $1 .29
IPONGll (12 In P•clui .. )
Fer •II heu1•helcl chere1
f•1lfleu • L•rt• cc11
lPf'•Y COii
luffet c•111 Your Cheic•
· TRAIH CANS (22111.) HIAVY PLASTIC s 1 ••
lecki119 lid· er•nt• • 9re111 •
2 tahleepoo111 tloor
1 cup cream
3 tablespoon< cat.up
2 ~egpoons sherry
2 teupoon.s Worchllhin
II pound .mmp
1fi pound crab meat
Melt. butter and ltir in
flour, bland. Add cream
al<>wly, Mining all !he tlm•.
When the sauce ii thick stir
WorcMersDire sauce. Add
shrimp and c'9b meat, Air
all until w<!I beooted. SeMOll
with Nlt, paprika, a few
grains cayeme. Just before .....nne. odd 2 tabte.pooos
Sherry. Serve over rice Of' noodles. ·
1 quart uneeuoned mash-
ed polaloeo
S Qlbt.spoooo milk
y, cup minced onion
2 tablespoons b u t t e r or
mort(ening or cookinc oil
111 "'-salt v. t>eupoon -1 eggr
Flour amount)
Beot pot.-alld milk
to&..o>er thoroughly. Saute
onion in butter or margar-
ine. Stir Into potatoot with
other ingredients, e x c e p t
flour. Chill in ice bo:l 1 to 2
e Mix your yardage any way you like -you don't heve
to buy 4 yards of any one kind.
e Every ye rd of meterial in our huge stock goes on sale -
If your 4 yard unit consists of various prices, the 5th or
I c yerd cannot exceed the lowest price of the '4 yerd unit.
Colt• -HotlierC.-
2300 Ha ..........
Huntlll(llon INch
S 1'91nts Ctm.r
11517 Mollo St.
Son11 Ant
2014 S. Mein St.
Har Pla11
17th a 1r1o1e1
221 I. 17th St.
Given ~ marriage by her
fa ther, th~ wore a floor
length lace gown with train •
Mat.ching lace formed her
headband whleb eaugbt her
ohoulder 1"'gtb veil and Ibo
carried two orchids on a
prayer book.
W•arilll powd•r b I u t gowns ... d carrying balkota
of multi-colored f I o w • r 1
were her maid of honor,
Cathnon Bennett of San
Francisco, and brldelmaldl,
Mro. Larry Shutt.n • f
Oakland, Mr1. Paul Kanter
of San Jose and Mtas
Pabicia Bodnar of San
The bridegroom, .. ~ of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomu J .
Finn of Sin Mateo, was
attended ~Y hil b;othtr,
Tom Finn •• beat man. Ushers were Trem Perry,
the bride'• brother; Mike
Cooper of El Cerrito, tho bri4egroom•1 eouain: Sttve .MRS. D. W. FINN
Carty, Santa Clara, and., __ s_an_t_a_C_l•_•_•_H_om_• __ I
Dennll Hmo, Palo Alto.
A ,,_ptlon followed Jn
the home of the bride's
hour• (or do at bomt).
Shape into anall cak91 and dust ligbUy with tlour. Saute
in enoQlb heated 1111«1oning
to prevent 1Uckln& until
nicely brown on both sides.
Makes about. 24. enough for • •ervin••·
Juniors Learn
Garden Tips
Tips on p!<dening and
l~inc will be revealed
to South Cout Club Juniors
-tlloy convene at 8 p.m. lxlclq.
The meeliag will be con·
cludod In Ute Loci-Niguel
bom• of Mn. Palrick D.
Crell, ond Ute lpHker will
be hm the Bomboo Garden C.-. Dana Point.
Furilter inlonnalloo is
·-by ..nmg Mrl. Adrienne Knute at
'Batter Up'
Amual ponoato brealdut
of 111e Goldm -aub
will bl --7 a.m. to I p.m. Sunday, J~ 21, Jn
c.ota Mesa Pwk.
The f>llllllc It lnvQd, ond
-· Ion It '1.21 for -..i11.-..--12.
DH't I.Iv• Up
DAVIS Pro•••r Hu 11
/111l I~ tifl1 JOM Ml iJ14 of
t/,1 IJ/'1 llfJMM#J Jwt111tlJ WI
'""''· fH llfJI Ji1t1J 4 ,..,
•/ I.bit# J1low.
DIXON '°WDllf.MAKtlf.
«..UASTAN A"-..,_,.
Yo.w f•oril1 ildwicw ,,,;p-., .,;n J1 IJ-fJP1 IO 11.1Jist p11.
,,.. ,.,.,,.. ... '"'
1975 Lent Btach 111"L
C....,ftM....., -.... -..... LON• llACM
Phone 591-1:147
I See by Today's
Want Ads
"..Jt:::i;J,."'"7~ e Yoa CUl slw the wbcJlt ''. ~ ...
-In 11111 11'111 Qlo. tom Tent 'I'nlller ud U.
....... .,. tl9lt, eeU ClClrJtUt.
td. -Ill. --""' : .. ...,, .............
II A Pd n"'"1 -1181 0.... BIJIO with 115 .. ----tqm ..... I A Niii fan -· .. _...,.._.,.
tho ....... ·-.... .. ,q,lbto.
II A -lh>p Is bot! ownen .•• N.:utk:al Dlc-
oraler' ttll!nw. .. _...,...._
chine for 1111 -... ... _
12 OL pl11tic bottle of 3 g C lotion with spray dispenser.
By Htlene Curtis.
Great holdint ·formulas ...
designed for normal, diy 48C and hard-to hold heir. 13
oL By Htlene Curtis. -.Al ..
..... ,,,,,,,
COMP. ii He
Stainless stee l double edged 3 9 C blades in packa&es of five.
for the close shave which
spells comfort.
5 OL kin& size lubes of COMP 49c effective de~tifriu. AT 1k
Annual half-price spec·
ial p1iced Ml lower at
W.f. JO DL size soils
normally for 1.50.
In 1'M> prwocativl scants:
Satfn~ 3oz.1trosol purse: COMP. c "Biid< s.tin" llRI 'White 99
II-. Gift holed. AT II
"T1b!r, __ .Ambush" and
·20 .... r 1r1111nces. $ l An""' tplClll-1 llni!tld COMP.
offM'. 2 llll. llas. · AT 111
Medlcatid to refresh and 88' protect. "SoOtfling for suin-c.. w IUftburn. 10 oz. A11M
For 1 llllOOlll· 11n. 1~ _ 59c
OL COlllbinatiel -•Iii nut oil & _. bullor.
roi • .llilll " lllJ
fMI' .. OU. 11 cur· sac
tlnio •lilrlioL -" -· 24-.,.
Hind ... Ill ...
sorted i:o1en, .._ s, -· 49c M'L •• " /.: 'Jllll
:§.-:$;.. Costa ·Mesa
J '--------------..
The Economy Cut
The ·Ciergy's Obligation
Churches and churchmen tncruslnity ln the pasi
several years have altered their tradiUonal roles with
their con1re1ations and with the problems of the world.
Rather than interpretation and &uidance, reli&ion haa
q taken an active, participatinc role In the social con·
science of the nation.
Clergymen and church leader& are found in almost
every typo of campaign bued on personal rights -
from the Delano grape strike. to counsel for draft evad·
ers to the basic civil rigbta movement.
Traditionalista: don't like it. Almost every sect had
ita prote1ta u churches moved to the activity centers of
the nation's problem&. But the leaders of the move.
menta have countered that the church has too long been
passive in curing the ills of the world -they say the
preachers have talied and not acted.
Whether or not this aggressive outlook is warrant-
ed is up to each church to determine for itself. How·
ever on occasion the zealousness on the part of some
cleriYmen is so outrageous it cannot pass unnoticed..
Such was the case in San Francisco thts week when
clergymen of varying faiths chained themselves to
AWOL servicemen in a flagrant defiance of the law.
The clergymen, led by the Rev. Thomas Dietrich of the
Howard Presbyterian Church, told lawme": that they
were violating 1 church sanctuary by arresting the law
It was a bizarre scene. The youths declared them·
selves "free men'' and the clergymen Jed an unclassi·
lied type of dturch service as part of the "service ot
Lawmen simply used wire cutters lo snip the
chains to lake the eleven AWOL men into custody.
Even the strongest activists in religion's growing
Nazis Also Had
National Anthem
Right·win.ger• .,, fond d pointing
out t.hat the inltttudonallud fonn of
the United States ii a "republic" not a
"democracy" -while cmveniently ig-
noriDC tht fact that 1he three most
repressive govemment.o; in the world
today au also "republics;'' Russia,
China. and Spain.
It js equally true that 'lht word
"democracy" is u ambiguous as
"republic" -for RUll!li.a calll ibelf a
"people's democracy," even though ii
lacks any of the political liberties we
would consider indbpen&ible for the
proper ol that word.
THROUGHOUT Europe. pOtitieal
labels are nearly me&mngless in
terms of what 1hey truly stand /or;
"liberal" parties may be on the right ;
"Chriatian Democratic" parties mAY
be neither Christian nor democratic;
"socialist" parties may ~ anti-Mar:r:-
ian; and "conservative" parties may
be to the left o( what is called
"liberalism" in America.
Our own poliUcal labels of "liberal"
and "conaervative" are likewise
historically mi!:leading, for a "liberal"
in the cl•aical, okt-fashioned senst.
was a believer in· laissez-fain: and
freedom from & o • • r n m 1 n t jn-
lerfettnce -which ii now COMidered
the "coneervativ1" position l n
American politics.
INCIDENTALLY, "left-wing" and
"right-wing" are wholly accidental
terms, having nothinc to do with
positive or negative implications; it so
happened that in ICllnt European
legislative bodies. ttJe more pro-
gressive group of delegates sat. lo th•
left of the presiding officer. while the
mort conservative group sat lo hi!
right -and this nomenclature ha!
been transferred lo modern times.
"Liberty" of c:OurSe, U perhap! ttie
most widely used (and misused) of all
political words; our "Sweet Land of
Liberty" implies individual freedom!
above all else, but as used in Nazi and
Jo'ascist anthems,, "liberty" meant
freedom of the national or racial
group to expand and <1vercome other
racial or national l!OUp!i, and wa!
coll6idered a collectivi!, rather than in-
dividual. virtue.
AS PROF. MARIO PEI, the linguist.
point.'! out. modern polilical terms are
usually semantic smokescreen•: we
have "pacification'' used in connection
with the destruction of defenseless
towns; "liberation" for indiscriminate
bombings followed by forcible oc-
cupation; "transfer ol populations"
for mass deportations; and
"l!'timinatioa of unreliable elements"
for impr'isomnent.!I and summary rx-
ecutions without trial.
Indeed. one of the great new fears of
modern man is ''logophobia'' -the
fear of being label~ with a certain
word. which deeply influences our
public . ilatemen11 and private con-
A Plan to Suit Vs All
To the Editor:
It has taken tht trajic death by
drowning of the premiere of AuslJ'alia
to alert thinking people everywMre to
the urgent need to register bathing
suit!. More people die by CV-Ownint:
each year in the United States than die
from gunshot wound! and, if you
really think about it, you wUI realize
that ju1t as many lives will be uved
by registering bathing suits as by
regiaterillg &Un!.
ODOI aU the bathing suits art
rep.tend the government can enacl
the leeialation nece!sary to have all
the blthin1 111illl C61lected J1nd put in
govenunent Jockers JI\ rr:·~ernme:nt
1uptrv:ised swimming faciJJties. man·
ned, of, adequately by
l 'ft alre.dy lee.ft a zzi-a&
licea.te plate. Tell .R. 8. 8. (Gus
1·ll) tbey"ll 10 nezt to lll·AAA.
-M. B.
.,... ............... ._.... .......
-llf ....... _SI , .... .......... ..., ... ...,,,.,...
r.etttrt from reader.t art tfltlcoml'!.
Normally writers 1hould r.onvey their
111es$ages m 300 word$ or k1s. The
right to 00'7ldeR.1e lttUrs to fit .space
or t liminaU libel U re1erotd. AU Ut-
ter• must incl1'd.c signature and mait-
ing oddrts.t. but names will be toith-
/1eld on r1:ques&.
lif&guar4.'I. Backyard swlmmin1 pools
would be ouUawed.
Ot" t'OU RSE, cer1.-in criminal
r leme:nl! and maniacs will not register
their swim suit! and will continot 10
•wim at non.government fadUties. but
~tiff sentences could be meted out to
these violators. Some dJ.eha.rd nudi1U
Would also doubtle11 flaunt the law,
but the vast majority would be
abiding rather than go to jail ud wt
could aave at least 20,000 Hvff a ;y«ar
in the Unl tfd St.ales alont -far '"°"''
than can be saved by eonn.c•tiftt all
firearm11 .
1 erpecl .1U l:hnM. in fa\'Of nt mon
rigid tun control l1w1 to 1et. behind
these proposed swim control laws. U
they are nall)' Interested in savill.1
R•cialntloo ii tho first mp. U we
tan aave jUJt. one life by ~Wrinl the
reglstr1tion el swim suits. ii will b~
worth ii.
awareness of it.a challenges would have difficulty dt;
fendinc the right of clergymen to 1t.aa:t auch a.n ez.
hibition. It ls not within the bound1 of moral leadership
to walk away from the obligations oI law and order.
Let Wallace Speak
Governor Reagan saya hia trip throuih the south is
meant to counter a serious threat that George Wallace
just might be elected President of the United States.
Very likely one of the major reasons Wallace bas
become such a threat U the distastefully rude rece~
tion he has -gotten in many northern citie1. Time after
time Wallace has been prevented from even expressing
his views by jeers, hoots and unbelievably bad manners
from the audience.
In some cases people 'l"ho came out of curiosity
t.o hear the view of the Alabaman actually were won
over because of the childish boorishness of his detrac::·
tors. A St. Paul woman told the Pioneer Press last week
that she was glad she went to Minneapolis to hear Wal·
lace because "now 1 am glad I ·came and 1aw lhe kind
of brats we have got in this country. I wouldn't havt
believed it.''
The scenes have been more than episodes of mis-
behavior. They have been raucous and bad.taste at·
tempts -successful attempts -to prevent the views
of a canltidate from being heard.
ff Wallace's views were heard and understood, he
wouldn't be the power that Governor Regan and others
in the country are so worried about today.
Tactics May
Get Rough
In Chicago
''Dangerous Braig • • • of Great Concern"
Viet Pruidlent Humphrey's to p
aides art increasin.gly fearful that pro-
te~ and campaign picketing thu~ far
are only a mild prelude to massive ef-
forts aimed .1t disrupting a n d
di.screditing the De-mocratic National
From bil.!I and pieces of information.
collected acros! the nation, they are
convinced that campaign strategists
for Sen . Eugene J. McCarthy already
are engineering much or I h •
demonst.rating against the V i c e
President's campajgn appearances.
THEY THINK some McCarthy •up-
porteTs, privately convinced that
Humphrey will win the presidential
nomination. would like to make a na-
tionally televised shambles of the
Democratic Convention as a step
toward forming a "peace" party.
That Ml the background for Hum-
phrey's recent plea that all candidat.e1
join in repudiating "abusive tactics"
which are. he said, "so characteristic
of totalitarian politics."
"History is S'trewn with the tangled
wreckage left by militant mi00tities -
each of which thought it had cornered
the market in social justice and virtue.
and had disc<lvered tile true belief to
!'he exclusion of all other.s," Humphrey
said. in a speech at P0plar Bluff. Mo.
accuse McCarthy. personallj, Of
engineering disruptive anti-Humphrey
protests which have marred the Vice
President's campaign. They say the
senator may well hive been insulated
from ''low road" campaigning by
some or his supporters.
Hert are some of the incident~
which have b@en under careful stud}'
by Humphrey's campaign headquarl-
er5 :
Pblladelpbla -Ii u m p h r e y was
subjected to a noisy demonstration
when he spoke at a supposedly non-
political July 4th celebration at In-
dependence Hall. The Humphrey .start
has obtained copies of an advance
handbill issued by ' ' M c Cart h y
volunteers .. which u r g e d McCarthy
supporters to go to Independence Hall
and show Humphrey ttaal "we want in-
Oependence from the JohnSOfl Ad·
Cleveland -The V i <' ' President
wa.s picketed in th• cour11 <lf a cam-
paign visit to the city'1 Hough area,
Hi& ataff ia now convinced that th•
demonatratiori was planned by pro·
McCarthy outsider!. H u m p h r 1 1
worken began making inquiries when
they noticed, In the admittedly !parse
crowds, tlHlt and·Hum.phrey pickets U,
mostly NelJ"tl Hough were mostly
white .
t.01 A.Jt&de• -A major antl-
'"umphrey demoMtration had bee.n
planned !or lut Wtd.ntsday night.
•hen •tumpl\rey wu unable to keep a
1peakinc 1nca1e mtnt at the
Holly-PaHldiwn. About 2,000
anti·war dtmomtratcn m.cbed ne•r
Ille Pallodiwn when Sea. Walter F.
Mondalo, D lolim., .w.tituted for 11\o
altint Humphrey, Aides are iur•
McCarthy oupporlon helped I h •
•'peaee at:tion council'" in plannlnc the
~ &. Allee ud Jolla lllunpbeU
Marijuana as It Really Is
At the .annuaJ. meetillg of th•
American Medical Association last
month, t.he A.M.A. and the National
Researdl Council Of the National
Academy of Sciences condemned
marijuana & a "dangerou! drug of
treat public health concern" and con-
cluded that lta legalization would lead
to e~n more serious medical-social
consequences than now result from its
use. _
One month before, the United Na-
tions, through the Commission on
Narcotic Drug.s , declared, ''Marijuana
is known to distort' perception of time
and spaci!, modify mood and impair
judgment, and may result in un-
predictable behavior, violence and
adverse effects on health."
Even though no physical dependence
develops with marijuana, continued
abuse of the drug leads I o
psychological dependence. with less~n
ed intellectual and physical activity.
and a proneness to anti-social beha-
NEARLY ALL pot-STJlokers are in-
troduced to marijuana as a wa.y to be
"in ," and to dem onstrate in-
dependence ftom a generation whose
drug of choice is alcohol . Even though
they claim the experience was
pleasurable, of them do not
repeat it more than a dozen times. But
too often, -whether the percentage i1
20. or less than 2 is immaterial, con-
tinued use of marijuana" mark! the
beginning or varied attempts lo
resolve deep-seated personality C()n-
fliots by spree-type abuse of other
drugs. Although few ever take heroin,
many do go on to "speed," goorbails,
LSD and STP, alone Ol' in combination.
Among "hippie!," whether in Lagu-
na or Lido Isle, Balboa or Boston, are
tens of thousands ol Amflican youth
who are hooked on drugs. While mari-
juana is their common tool to achieve
"happiness and independence.'' count-
less numbers of these social drop-outs
.are lite.rally "blowing out their brains"
througb regular use of a potpourri of
amphetamines, barbiturate! a n d
UNTIL RECENTLY, most mari-
juana available in tile United States
was not or high potency; street
samples often are adulterated with
harmless materials. However. more
and more ha.shish, the stronger and
more dangerous form nf the drug, i'~
being smuggled in from t.hose coun-
tries where hemp s-tiU is grown legaHy
for export. But the United Nations is
working diligently t.o eliminate can·
nabis cultivation au over the world.
The . purified acti've. ingredient nf
marijuana. called THC, is now
available for scientific research. In a
recent study at Lexington's Addiction
Research. Center. subjects were a~ked
to smoke cigarettes into which varying
amounts of THC were injected. In suf-
ficient dosage. the man-made pot in·
variably caused psychotic episodes
with delusions and haliucinatiOM.
Since TiiC has been synthesized and is
already available on the black market,
a federal regulation 1n control its
manufacture or sale will be in effect
early in September.
THE A.M.A.-N.R.C. statement ad·
vocated more flexible Jaws with less
harsh penalties 10 that ttie court! can
have leeway in handling the oceasional
user. !he chronic user. the per~
sharing his drug with another, and the
dealer who sells for a profit.
More important is the need tn
establish educational programs in
primary and secondary schools, .Iii
well as colleges and universitie!, f'.ft
emphasfze the nature of marij uana
and the harmful effects from i!A
abuse. No longer should pot be a prin-
cipal issue in the credibility cap
between youth and their elders.
Hopeful Voice from Moscow
Jo'rom Noles Made 111 Mo1<:<1w:
Travelen pick up grains of specula-
tion as hungry pigeons pick up bit! of
crumbs and grain in city squares.
Befort leaving New York on Pan
American's inaugural oC commercial
nights from New York to Mo.scow. by
way o{ Copenhangen, there was time
to talk with UniteO Nations represen-
tatives of two European nations. They
reflected what i.! a current belief, or
conviction, encountered in travel and
talks with newsmen and diplomats.
This conviction is that the Soviet
Union is prepared. a:\ • lt h a s
demonstrated in the recent non-pro-
liferation treaty with the United States
and O(ber si1nat«y nations and in
other smaller but significant actions,
to join In efforts to reduce tensions.
THE WISH , of course. may be
fat.her to tht hope .. Jt would be an er·
ror to consider the possibility in terms
af Idealism « any abandonment of
Soviet positions. Any changes that
C"ome wiU be sired by pragmatism out
of the dam of reRJi!'lm ,
There seems to h11vt. ht.en. ror ex -
111mple, • very earnest wish on the part
Blf Geor9e ---.
Dear George:
The hie boss in my firm has
hirM a girl in my department
who Is so sexy nobody gets any
work done. Sht dresses demure-
ly and all that -a.1 department
man acer ther• 't nothing I c t1 "
really object to. But. frankly.
George, she's just onf of
well·bu.ilt redht~8 th1t men
can't take their eyes off o(. Whal
should I Ny!
Doar PO!lJlaod:
How about 11Wow!"
(Send your problems to George
and let him evlde i$sues fOt"
of Ute Soviets to have Egypt's Nasser
reach some sort of accord with Israel
that would defuse the many explosive
crises in the Middle East. Nasser WJI!
reportedly disc:-ppointed. So. () n •
assumes, were the Soviet~.
The fact that no official com-
munique was issued after their COfl·
ferences extending over a week in
Moscow is viewed as significant by thl'I
foreign correspondenU in Moscow and
WHATEVER the facts. ooe may see
that the self-interest of' the Soviets is
now more deeply involved in the Mid-
dle East than ever before ilf her
history. A German already ha5
published. in Rheinischer Merkur, an
article aboul spreading Soviet sea
power which begins: "Looking from
the Kremlin all the seas seem al l)!e
fingertips of Russian de!tiny." A
rather wry British comment was that
the Soviets had not sent ttiftir nl!let into
the Mediterranean "ju!t to fet a !un·
The reality ol the 1ituation is ttlat
thP dis·appearance of the fleet once
sent lo sea by the BriUsh empire
alrtady i.s havin1 a profound effect on
power politics. There now are two
greal fleets in tile world -and only
two -that of the United States and
th,. U.S.S.R.
IT IS 1NEVITA8LJ:; that powPr
1>hifU and alignment$ will ~cur. II
may be said now that the Middle Easl
is much more meantncrut t1 n d
ltrageUcaUy vital to Russia th.-Viet·
nam er Southeast A.sla.
It would be folly to think the
Kremlin plans to desert HanOl or any
other Communisl cOUntry .
But_ it iJ n~I too much to hope t:tie
~it:b will try t~ persuad• ~m th1t
it IA lfl their 1tU-1nterNt to Ii a a 117
agree to negotiations. One of the com·
ment.s heard is certainly a 11
nversimplification -that Hanoi is
resisting negotisition! merely to prov•
she can be as tough ill negotiations as
in guerrilla warfare.
A more realistic explanation is thal
the continuing activity of the peac•
cult in the United States leads Hanoi
to believe that by delay. U. S. public
opinion will force the administration lo
accept a peace settlement very ad·
vantageous to Hanoi.
IT WOULD BE tn the $<1\'ieol ad-
vantage to have peace in Sou theast
Perhap! Ule most powerful piece of
reality i$ that of human need«. Th•
United States has its massive pOverty
and demand!. The cities
do need what Vice President Hum·
phrey has called a Marshall Plan.
Thal will cost billions. The Soviet
population and cities have increasing
requiremenu -also expensi ve. Jf
help is to bt given other nation~. 'it
must be in a for mula of more bul:te.r. tun.s . t.
So.· the very realistic_ need of world
power today is a detente. A min caa
Thursday, July IS, 1168
Tltc. «rlitoricl page tJf th« Dailt1
Pilot Jf:elta to iftfMtlt eftd stfm..
ulat« rt.adn1 by. pr«atnting tPtU
ftewspapcr'• opinions nftd com~
m~tary rm topia of
nnd <ignlfi<xm«, br pr-~ •
fontm for Utt ezpreuiott of
our nadon' oplftloos, and bf
presntmo tV diwn~ Yino-
poi•ti of ln/"""'d obnnicn
and f'POktrm.n Ol'l topici •f the
Robert N. Wood , l'ubl11hor
IJH--(C)(30) ~Olll lit(I)-- -D -... -.. an: (C) (90) <C> ~ tat S,ln Irr' (COl'll-~ic Tlm r.onw11 *1&Strua edy) 65 -Owld Nlv-. Franoolll:
Kirin Ch1ndltr, 111111M Bob Thomas Dor1eac., Cyril Cll .. di.
ind PrvfUSOJ Jultus Sumner Mltltt
•tt Stwt's 1ums ton!atit.
D Sb: O'Clock Mewlt: ('C) "'Owt 11 SliM" (uilllld)') '66 -Jon1th1n D1IJ, Klrtn .ltnllJtft.
....... ... (C) (30)
mu ,...,,., (lo>
f!J'#Ut'• .... ,
llt Enlrl llllllbr•
.... .,_ --(C) (60)
ID"° - -!Cl <!O!
ID"'"'"' ""' (SO)
eD Splctnl•: (C) ''flyinl It the
Botto111 ol th1 Set." Host D1vld
Prvwitt boards 1n undtf&N "Alvin"
for • tour of ldtntific '#Ott off
G1111d 8ah11111 blind. 111-.. IC)
u1 II cas ""'" -tei t301 Walttr Clonklta.
IDF..., l!O)
m I lM i.., (30)
m Clllpt'~ blalld (30)
e 11cr11111111 .-111
8) LI Cltnt Yttl1
7:JO fJ Km s,.cill: (C) (90) "Bl1tk
on Black.'' Tllett 111 no white ltcts
flt' voices in tb1 progr;irn, This spe-
a.r tells how it feels lo bt 1
Ntfl'll ln South Ctntr11 Los Anaeles,
11111 !ht Nqroes of that 1r11 tell
it 1111 hroadc1st r&presents the
lower middle lncGmt group In th1i1
community. Southern C11tforni1
viewl11 will have 1 chance to 10
insid1 black d!urthts-lht Sctnt of
1rowin1 controwrsy between wouna
and old. Viewers will h.v1 a a:llmpse
into th1 m11nin1 of tilt word 30111
-a co11eept few whites hi.,.. mr
111 -·-
t:lO II 9 CiJ -. (Cl !!OJ """ S&uth." Sgt Friday ind Offic1r
G1noon *Ith for two chlldrtn who h1v1 disappe1red mysteiiously from
thel1 front y11d. (R)
0 llll (}) -""" (C) (30) Jill offers to letvt th• .)Vinttri'
hGmt; steYlll Cord fl!Mb H IJI.
ctlmlllltinc paper; Frid con-
fron!J Dr. ROrlli.
ID r....i ICl !30!
m hlbur. ''Voll Don't 86cl
Down." A. fillll about I Clftldlll'I
cb:tor's •Ptfi«lets irt In Aflica1 "'"""'-
10:00 0 til@ Diii Mlrtll ,,....
1111 Soldchgn: (C) (60) F111P01t
siltinc. feil dancln1. Ch1nnel swim-
min& ind other ftds and folblts of
the Thirties ere ribbld bf »ey
Heatherton, Fr1nk Slnaltl Jr., end
th• Golddiuer erew.
Oli"'ll Plltlll• "-IC> (60)
0 Sulptnt11 n.tre: (C) (60) "Kill
Mt on July 20th." .lack Ktlly, Kath·
ryn Hays star. A men mponslblt
for his bralh11'1 duth hires his
own murderer 90 that his lnsur111e1
will go to his brothets !amity. Ht
is unable to conttcl the killtr whtt1
events dl1np his mind.
0 Secret Aalflt (60)
m latl ltllui• ..... (C) (60)
CD CrHI Mo111tnb in MllSk / lOll
P1lntlncs (C)
Eii) RlD 11w1w. "Fluidlcs, 1968."
Dr. Hibbs tnd hi1 1uesb consld•
applieatioo in many fields fOf
fluidics. 1 techn!qut usln1 t lttNlll
of lluid to c:any lnforrr11tlon.
0 fa(!) Daniel Boone: (C) (60)
"Fort New Madrid." Daniel Boon•
leta himself be captured b~ sold itrs
of· S!>lln IO ht can 11bob11e thtl
country's plan lo up.nd northw1rd
from Ntw Orleans. Captured H part
of his 1ssi1nmenl to sabol1111 com-
pltlion of a fort which Spain hopes
to u11 as 1 steppin1st11nt, Boone
is tl!rown with other prisontrS, in· 10:30 ID Ntn: (C) (30) Bill Johna.
eludlna: on• th1t Is on the same
mission of S1bo!J1e. ;,l'J Conway
pests. (R) 11:00 El Elmn O'aotl Rlpert: (C) (JO)
0 Ltt'• .... Ille Ric. (C) (30)
0 @ (}) SeceH Hundrld YNrS: (°f) (30) "Lovt on !ht Double."
Luke, pretendint le. be Kan, l1nd1
both !If lhtm In tmublt by pttinc
them both rom1ntically 111Un1lad
with 1 clri prettndinc to bt her
cousil\. BmrlM McKinsey tuHls.
1J MHllM $ Mwil: "TM Qolt
11111 Mrt. Mill'" (comedy) '47-Ru
H1rri90ft, Gent Tlemey.
ID Trd • Coftteq11111C11 (C) (30)
ID""' -C60l
ll!)f .....
Iii) N... Citl Maicail
1;00 e loaln1 (C) (2: hr.)
D @(J)Tht Flylnc Nun: (C)
(30) "Tht Hot S$1ell." Sister Ber-
lrille h11 '" opportunity to repay
C.rlos lor 111st help wMn her frltnd
becomes i11YOtved with a croup ol
Jeny Dunphy.
D 111t 11111 11111r ~ CC> (30)
George Skinntr.
0 Ntw1: (C) (30) Btllet Wtrd.
1J Merit: "SN Wlhi" (1dvtntun)
'57-Rithtrd Burton, .loen Col!i111.
m L• er..... 1C) 160>
ID MOYit: "lnvillblt ~ (drt·
m1) '3'-Humphl1)' Bot•rt. ffil·
lltm Holden.
11:30 1J Mo.It: '1111 Two-lllldtd Spr"
(drama) '59-Jack Hawkins, Git
0 @ [IJ"" ,_ -(C)
O Morit: "Sptcill DtlM!f' (com·
edy) '55-Joteph Cott111, Evt Bir· ...
II li7J (}) i.., --(Cl
underworld ch1r1ettrs wllo plan to 11:00 m Sot Pt}'IMI IC)
bkt over h!1 dub. (R)
m Hlltl (C) (30)
fl'.l PllJln1 Ult Cuittr
el Lt Prohltlldt
12:30 m All·Rl1hl Sbow: "The Corn Is
Green," "Blues In !ht Nl&ht," ind
"Vice Squad."
m Aetit• T11Mrt: "ll1ctny, 111t. ..
UO O llJ<Il-· !Cl (60) "•I In 1 Dq. Wort.~ Officer Eva Wllit-l t:.O &:J Mlrir. "Dr1np" (drlrN) '57
field mult face th1 fact th1t silt -Jeff Chtnd!er, .Jo1nnt Dru.
his killed 1 17-ywr-old b07 In tht
lint ot dirty. (Rl
O @(})a..ikhld: (C) (30) "To lwlwi or Not To T•itd1." Sam
obtys D1rrln'1 11t1Mt "no witch·
mff' order, mn wlltt1 \hqt•
e1uctit Jn lht r1in witll 1 nit tire.
m Mtl¥ lirllfll (C) (90)
m 11ovr~1 11nd 1t1 1301
1:001J Mowil: "JuM IOI IUIJlllll"
(muslcaQ '59 -Jo Morrow, Btl1n
D"""' ""'·""'•-(mysteJJ) '39--Soril ltal1att, Gr1nt
11:001) "Slill OOM Hhl WM(' (com-
ldy) 'J3 -Mn West •30-0.,
Prirteat" (oomedy) '34 -Sylril
11::l0 m "St11t111Mt1t11 Mrllllf (d1a1111>
'46--Miureen CYH1r1. "Wlawtl_..
(music1l) '43-Son.11 Henlt.
l'lO m ... _ ......... (dnmo) .. JO O 'TM lllllfllMIW Mii .. Lldf' •5&-f'1ul Luba, ~ Wlllh..
(itr11T11) '50-R®llt st.ell, 'Kli, 4:30 IJ ..,._ Piii h ...,.. (cort-
.lurado. tdJ) ·sa -P1ttt Sllitrs, TtnJ-IJ ..,,, ,...,.., ....... (cornedt) Thoma.
'50-Cliflon Webb. fC) "l4atr
Tlllll UW' (dr1m1) '56 -Jtmu ......
B "I Wa • C..•1111id "' .. ffi• (d11m1) '51-frink Lovejor,
Dor~ Hirt.
l lOlD 'lb.I WI.
JIM, WE STARTfD Wlll1 )'t)U.
~ ~
""\ (' ~ ~'~
.. ~ lllSIN!SS 5RRAND! C-'M'1'
ITWAIT1 'IO.l~ ON 'ltllllt HONl!'tMOOl'J/
ffO! l. lMtNI( IT
CQ.ILD IE. '/!J('f
. . -. . . . . . .. .. . .,. . .
IT A l!ITl
ly Gus Arriola
' ' .
ILLUSION OF LOVE -Gene Tierney, above, star1
as a lonely widow in the motion picture comedy,
"The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" tonight at 7:30 on Chan·
nel 9. She finds peace of mind and material for a
book by magically falling in love wilb tli e ghost ol
an old sea captain.
Quotes From
Teevee Scene
HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Quotable quot .. from
the television scene:
-From the current issue of TV Guide mag ...
zine, in an editorial about video violence: uTbe
television industry's initial response to public out-
cry against violence in America was to be expect·
ed. In effect it was: 'It isn't our faul t. We didn't do
it, and furthermore we won't do it again.'
"NETWORK OFFICIALS, who usually are
busy describing the tremendous impact of televiJ ..
ion upon the nation, quickly pointed out that there
is no conclusive evidence that television violence
has any impact upon the nation. Still, just in case,
they rushed emissaries to Hollywood to urge writ.
ers and producers to reduce violence in future pro--
JUDGE PARKER By Harold Le Doux -From critic-commentator Marya Mannes, dis-
cussing acid rock music on Tuesday's ABC.TV
evening news :
lf ' :· ..
' " i....:
WQ =
""'" ";?
= -.
!Vefl:'I OTHe1' CHILD IN "THIS VV11r
IS HAPPY Hl!"M .. ,
WUTS 'tt> MAll:R'I ME •• ,t.NP I
I ntlNIC OF HIM "5 ,t.
MLL M,t.VE 10 9E OLPER',
"60KE W.T11RE!
By Tom K. Ryan
ly Al Smith
"IT IS THE NEW ILLITERACY, and lhe young
love it. They love it because they would rathar feel
than think. It is easier. It is also easier for those
who cater to them. For, to blast the senses -to
blow the mind -you don't need tr:aining. You don't
need knowledge. You don't even need talent. All
you need is a boundless ego. A manic temperament.
and the loudest amplifying equipment you can get.
Then you can do yo ur thi ng!
0 In this new illiteracy a man is called a music-
ian if' he can scream incantations and swing his
instrument like a club. There is some very real
talent in the contemporary arts .. But there is a
world of difference between, say, Simon and Gar·
fu nkel, or Peter, Paul and Mary, and this riot ol,
the soul. And like all riots, it is essentially des truc-
tive and degrading."
-FROM MAE WEST, who bas a planned lel&-
vtsion special in the works for Robert Wise Produc-
tions, in an interview with Dave Kaufman of the
Hollwood trade paper Variety :
"College kids see my pictures on TV, and I'm
getting lots of fa n mail because of it. They have
formed a fan cl lb, and now it's worldwide. In the
last five years, I made two rock-and-roll albums.
I was a blues singer, and there is a similarity be-
tween blues and rock. One of my albums sold 100,·
000 copies.
they were near brankruptcy. They asked me iJ I
bad a property. I told them 'Diamond Lil.' Every..
one said no to it, because there had been no pic-
tures on the '90s, and they said it wouldn't do well
"I told them I had packed them in all over the
country with the play. They finally figured they
were going broke anyway, iO they may as well
make a picture, and they did it -as 'She Done
Him Wrong.• It saved the studio, and it changed the
fashions of two continents."
THE CHANNEL SWIM: Supporters of Sen.
Eugene McCarthy for president have purchased a
half-hour of prime time on NBC· TV to promote their
candidate , . . The broadcast will be seen Friday
at 9:30 p.m . PDT ... the 1964 Republican president-
ial candidate, Barry Goldwater, appears on ABC-
TV's Joey Bishop Show tonight, along with singer
Ray Charles, comedian Shelley Berman and star·
let Poupee Boucar.
Dennis the Menace
IJ!GU, NO'l1Cll
-~·~~-~~~-~---~~-~~~~~~~~~ ... ~~ ................................................... 11111 .... 111 .... 1111111111111111 .................. ,,."' .. 11111111111 .......... :"'l"'"""""'"'"""~"''<'"'f·~ ~~\
Thurtdlr, Juti 18, 1968
LtGAt NO'ficg
Pays Again
Newport Balboa Se.vings
and Loan Associatio·n.
dividends for the recond
quarter of 1968 were paid to
savers on June 30, ac·
cording to Pmldent Agn.a
This marked the 90th con.
secutive dividend paid dur•
ing the anociatioo's 32
years or operation, making
a total ol mort than $32.5
million of depositor earn-
The finn's assets cur"
rently exceed •100 million.
It was organized in 1938
with resource< ol 113,500.
UCB Takes On
Clearing Work
In a move to cut down th•
paperwork involved i D
....nty deallngo , tile United
cattfomla Ban1c has become
a member of the clearinl
corporetion of the Pacific
o.ut Stock Exclwlge, l& .... -
Thll will permit the -to procem tbroaiti 008 ac.
count ii• --transac.
-wilh alJout 90 -~ ol the brokerage firma with
..-lt cloeJ -· It Wll explained.
Thursday's Oosing Prices -Complete New York
l'h~ • .1111118, 1968 D/<ILY •llQC 27
Stock Exchange List
Everyone Ho1
So""'thing Th1t
S--Else Wint-
Tllurtdl1. J'~ 18, 1968
You C1n Son It,
Find It, Tr1d1 It
With o Wini Ad
Gonor1I 111111 ..;-~~r~1liiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1~00~·~·~·~,..~·~•liiiiiiiiiiiiiiii10ii-Clii-Cli li0~11~·~111ii·lljiipjijiiiii1•iiiilOon ;;;'"~r~1:I ?;;;:::::1~000;;;; -11 1000 ~ Vonlo 1110 ~rt ltgtt. 1210 Huntington ...... 1400 • UDO ISlf ; """' H1rb0r View Hills UNDER ns,ooo Estate Sl1• Lot LAST•~;, ~uR1TY VIW(OIOOOUSJ HUGE LOTS {3} LOOK-LUUll 10%DOWN wlthicar...-..•.andlllloCa>ta>tmont*"the..-nt. C:0..... dol ~ s \Ill + fam111 """' 1% S Br, S bolh ,_,, J\llt otJ Ver/ -!table borne . ldeaJ
l!ee tloll dllnnlnc. quollly i Lwp fGmltlll ~ bolll ....,,.. Jocatod l>olh.oewty dac<nted. Nico Olli Drive, asldn1 $33,900. lo• ent<rlalnlng • ,. br!lht
BR + li:rmal dlDlng nom 60' 200' 2850 IQ ft OC: tlWll· Thia .,.e-ID thll htN•nd's mt .... patio, fenced yard. GRAHAM REALTY ~Ul:t I:: cheerful. 3 bedrooms, tam·
1llol _ ..... a _... X lool; BR J bolh """"1 4"1-.._ ... 6 --....._ Mlrtln R, i. $4$.6332 <Noor NB ""' Oftic<l u, room Ibo -e ol ..,,.,,
-ol the Bldt 8"' 6 Noor Ooun (ho Sl.,,le) ... ...... A --6 Colll. fMio BY °""" Maa Verde 4 Br. memorie._ Elllclency all s.dlleo BM*: Mt. 1 blk Dowr porch roe:. must be IOkf, CUllNI ,_ mom• at • I Ba. tam no. 2 brick frplcl l•yth°"' 1225 built· in kitchen. Most con-~ nev New Back ky Por swlmmfn1 ,..1, tenn11 court, Owner bN *° tru*rnd •""¥· s..lbb' )deed ha '111.IM. °"' _,. crpts ~ wnk!nt. Alluring fireplace --Ou-llHmlnton A baketbllll, "'"It •"" ., ..,.. .a. --5 = ~ ,... N.. -. ,i.,i... Oulllty Plus '""" add<d clw'm to .,....
law 11--e!:.,_?Vd t-I -'Ible pnlon, etc., etc. ,....ol4.Nam.,oor-~ llaW1hwB1..S. 12T,,..,>i9-2'!Uaft.rlpm BAYSHORES tousllmgroom.Fon:,'.'.!_~
.o.... _..::;.~.a _,0th· Com-'olofy willed tnr or Sun. beat """' added ~e -.-..~ -<"""_... ..... ..., "' '" ' tram. PadAc o-s& HW)'. GI' Det.aU.t to auit a pertectlonill. ieahires 842-6691 ~ w/.w Cl.'!lcll 4 o» PLUS • COATS N...,...t Fwy. Tum cm San f BR• den,~ Ba~ 2 Bdrms, with new n>etY· TARBfil 16lll Beach Bl
tnm ''*"" .. P<rioct homo A ~~-Hiiia -~~. tbfo =..,.· ~.:=;,"!.!;;_ call thing. Tey 132..00. NEED. FRIENDS? tor.,•--•· t.o.r ~ W•" •ca -., ~ ...._ , __ -· ~ Laney Roel EJ~ .................. • .,._"' · _.. ~ 1--~·""""-----fer 1&1114:. sa.MG wtmdl .,.. .,....., 3 BR 2 bath with. swimming
at 1'UOO • Owner wtll help RIAL TOU OWNER 5'9-1174 ,.,....,.._ 21121 E. Coast Hwy., CdM pool & patio, eloctrlc built·
tlnance. NEW 3 BEDROOM •. 3 BATHS --.15'4441>-44141-Will Soll FHA or VA SHARP s BR,' Frpl 417'. 673-.'lno In R• o, '"""" &dl"apa•,
fOpeft h•.anpJ S BR, 2 batbl, llvin& roam dR to ICboolil em .. ume . fefrlng: It landscaping. :NI ~l'\l l -\\11 111
~l\H\\11\\ & . ICOME Pl.US +ad,,..,.... room with 5\o\9' loan. 121.SOO. 1614 Dovar Shor" 1227 prb $16,600. Owner''""""' tlrllUoe. douilrle piqe. ~ 5*-ctrn state. Takes $2600 tu bend.le h f \ J I l I
ll»:I Baker, CM 546-54<0 4 BEDROOM • 2 BATHS S11ARP SHAIP PrbdtDllllfUtat$23,tw. N LOT·La . View. Low • no second. •
3 Duplexes ~::1s::;::1:8~~.2~;~
Nuxe 'D'tplex J BR + .._+...._ ..... + deluxe kitc:bm -
1 BR i: 2 BR, all \Wun
Rllr. 846-3'JS Eva 6'2.0U:S 3 BDRM. Fam nQ. r lffieb:Md, 80 x 120' av. No. 11y
lA ....... VU. OICloocia "8,500. GI Loan 285 Santiago $21500 bulld .. COWGE PAltK * vw;nr!IUl ~~~°'::~ yo•r....,...._,..;.;,. C«BrookbW>t&GaruOJd I BR + fam11y + prafcakD-l SL, 9&.2-4-471 546-8103
illage Real Esta te
$57 500 From $.5,350 down. VA & FHA term" anY landacapa<IA .,..._ $19,900 Ollt<DI, """°bll< :HOO oq. Unlverally Park 1237 S BIOROOM •
.. I •~• -1 .. -· •'MJL Q..EAN" WU MN! 1t. 4 BR. 3 Ba.; din. rm. I:
On choice ~65• Eutside Br.hurtt at Hamilton, Huntington Be1ch
lot. CUJ.-de-aac • near a.~ (1st al9n1I North of Coast Hlghw1y)
Income $430 by Sept.
an _.. "-' • ·-s Bit l%. bath, CQllWftd p1.tio. i,m.. rm. 7122 Canary Or. VILLAGE 2 lux. extras. 3 Br, F~IL Y i'.lM ~at":: .sus:' :; Meer .u. $M,O'.D Ope:n Dall)' 545-(IMT 2 ba. atrium.,, i t· ft ceillnp, Truly a fine family home.
_,_ Rltn. 60-9730 Eves. 54&-0120 ·-h1.tn1 3 hLlh gardens, mimnd Rkh wood paneling .l book· Uc Church I: 19tla St. Excel-Near everything •• lent rental reoord. can now "' Vlctorl1 mcmth tncluds tv-,-....... · 3 BR. 2 &. Fam nan, • cloetl 1tam a p a et o u 1 euea over fireplace with
N-rt • llEMlmJ ' &pica. cloae to ooboo1a A ' Ex ~ "~"·· 1n ll·'··
.,. _..,_, "' •ee. Sherwood Estates by the Sea ~11
ftJ;nmll aboppln( IZ 900 lll9' _. ent-p;,500. c. .. Indirect _ .. _ ··• at ' ' . *5'5-0622 VHt. Nr UCI 833-030C room. Spud!h modU pre-
Anytlmo T1l1phono1 961-3036 (10:00 lo 7:00 4allyl DAVIDSON R_.., ========I OWMI'· Vails thruooL ~stair-Vktort1 ~· 1 , . w.,. ' """"· Ex_ ....... 1 .. nlnpl 646-1111 POOL Newport IMch 1200 Irvine 1231 petlng & ""'""'· Built • In (°""' ~a+"'.1::. ~ K!ng's ~· IRVINE :..-,,;..,:.-:::;, ,:.: ------· ---YOUR OFFICE
N1w 5 ledrooms 1 .. n1,...i On. "' M yd. $21,500 Lovely Ranch -home In 500. By ownu. 29743'13 or !ouml In tu lrlghor -
lay Nit Rltr. l'l!IO Hutlot 58, Qtl this quiet I: desir'tble area. Village 1, 2 BR Spanish, homes. 84UOOJ. ~ • C WALK TO IEACH -Ev<L -J BR. -""· Fplc, kit· .....,. belt locatlon, nr. UC!, TARBD.L, 16111 Beacb BL 4CXXJ Ill ft ot bHt C\ll1Dm con-CI no down nfA $2350 down chen w/quany tile. blt·ins, ahoppln& & recreation. iit,-
l'IClt alul • ·-BAYCRESI' -bed--Formal dlnlna rm. full ~--.-. Owner Coal• -I 1100 .-. .. ..,... patio, enc11,-=""="=11=. ===== Beacb -•• ty !aon nn wtlh eocloted wet ~--•w yard, booutlfully ludtc•ped.1· READY to RETIRE? %~~ ~ewport~ room, two btUh home with · bar. Pool-site 1ot Yo'I own. tranderred. S BR 1 batb, Victoria Mesa Eatate aale a,t $32,500. 01-Eastitiluff 1242 « just plain laying around
.__.... two fll-S...-IPfl.dous electrical Jdteheo. 241.4 Vista Del Oro Fine Vkw •••••·•··. $89,500 larp kltc:nen with bu.llt·in U--fen conaidered. -this Immaculate 3 BR pool
,_.._,. room, -~-.... 2•100 llqlal"9 ket toP qua).· Newport Walter Haa1e l'an&e &; OYto, tuzaJb' room, nvlllel GRAHAM ~TY. f45..2414 BLUFFS, Rare ''G" PI a n: oriented Townhouse baa the :. = .:-~ : tty oonstruction. An .-tiltion-RMdy by November ......,,.. ll!IW&te l1Yina" room lf1tb 16 NEW HQME:S CNear N.B. P.Oll C>mee> Si:-,dool 4 br, l ba, By fantastic price ot $15,lrlO in-
bat boat marina. on J 7 el 18) l4llM!I feet O:: Preseritly • • • ~. c:mrpets. dnpes. Low da. 6'.4" »yr loo LOY/ DOWN Owner. $37 ,!ill50 644--0740 eludes 2 ear (lll"81e, tiec-
$35,1'i0. ~ :nrt!b!ot. ..,.ce-e ....... :! Under construciicm lancbeM--In -~ .. ~ .... · ._,From $24,9v~-, Neu' newt bdrm 3 t... tnil. Corona do! ... , 1250 trlc built-ins & carpeting I.
Ull; ·---~· 2 . 3 -4 Bedrooma Coldwell, ........ & Co. -. --v .. ley Road at ...:wnm Elect bltJn kl Ho deck 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;~~;; I drapes. Hurry & call A ''Ring'' CUl be ll8ed u otftce, hobb).> Ccmp1ete kttdlenl -ular loor plan I: ext.-lor (Just E of Brookbunt L Pa ' '1• Pacific Shores Realt;y •"'·•SPRING """"· et<. A "WHALE OF Doub1o ..,..... ~= =::., In t111o U... .. .., blutt) ; ~ _... LOWEST PRICED M7-8'16 ""''· "'2-SQ
-A BUY" at $44,500. Good f'Plco -cumn .,.,..&( "'""" .. •-~ me lots. !ae -· R. c. GRi:ER, llH!Cy 2 BEDROOM ..... :. •REALTY ..,,,_ •vallale -deolgn LOOKI • 4 IEDRM • land.~ ""°"' .,. levol. 3111 Via Lido 1173-9300 Two botb homo In CdM.
•• Loaded wtth tile COOL POOL • $23,250 Bunt-in electric ldteben. Hu room for additional
"AllyUme" ao.e tu ahopping -ac:hxll$ "O" DOWN G.I,. 546-81.Q.1 962..WTI O:lnventent to 1boppina cm-EA8'mLUFF 5 Br. 3 e. 26(1() Unit .; ••••••..•.• $26,600
54tM824 Onircb,. • beuh ·etc. LOW DOWN FHA 4 BE~ .. "AMIL Y 11M tor, nev -.. J and i "I 11· Exln. larp walled DoLancy RHI Ealale Qw.., c•~ 1st TD, small
mt Harbor Blvd., CM. Would yoo beUew "THE Good 'Ol ~ "fi4:f50t BORNS -1 I: 2 lty, ,,,.._ ='"" ::: i-:,9oo.~ -E. Coul Hwy., CdM dn, low b;.t."' & no loan costs.
HOME SWEET HOME $'3,900 to 121.0Xl _ .. -•• -er """'--NO DOWN PA~ plocu, ...,......, ... pen.., . 673-3770 3 BR 2 both•, lg u.,taln " left ............. ..... ..-• ~..__.. al fencing landscaping Hoult s.t • SUn-t finish $20,900 Ph. "'1131 with 1he tun ,..·u hove E>reollent .,_....., MlchHI Kay, luildor 29111 Ouala St. VIEW Of HARBOR rumpu• room o ., Alw;me }ow 51.4 % finaneine •L'.,... ._.._ -here all ..,.... ... Over-well malnta,,,.. hDmet I: 8".~·-615-4320 you choose. Professk>nally ._.. ......,.. ... -.-.....n.. -21 ti.1ba. Pbme: 642.2121 EvN ~106 ~ er landscaped . .. make Pll.)'lbl!lltl ot $U6 1. Eveningl Call 6t6-llli0 sized bednna. 2 baths. 1S x .... .,.._, CWI Dr: N u...i ...... ....... . "'° -.... c .,,. A • 30 ....,.. patio wttb BBQ F.,.u, ._ -VMJAHr-MUsr SEU. • ..._ ·-Quelnt ...,,., i.,... """"' BRASHEAR REAL TY llsbtU ....... p&tlo -... 4,000 Owner Wanls d1on a tabl .. od.1.-.. a lovely off lhc -.. ell built-In ...... 3 BR 2 both -"' Acnm ,,... porlr. 2 ,...,. ....... a llrep!ace. Reduced 847-8531 Ev ... 839.1537
-• "'Fne" pool. Kine SQUARE FEET l5 x 30 Anthony pool beet ldtch.n • -tno. quW ......._ I a r I e Br. 2 bo-dln rm. """· lo 131900 A 5 I I 0 1
Uc! bedroorm, bmal dln-NOW the heat! Prtce ~ Brk:k nrep1aor enbancn .!': ~d ~ 1 ~1 wt th :=· ~::,~~ .= cORBIN-MARTIN ssu~n 14 10 ~tbe"=~ 5t~~~e: -=•d!ytr,d!ahwuber. ::e.~=-com-kitchen, rood car~;t~ Oosetoalltchll.FincavailREALTORS S74-l6S2 WITH LOW DOWN
-nil-._ Ira...,. ...., ... .._.._ldtcll· REDUCED $2750 plete thla """""plcturo .............. la rge dbl $43,500. 842-5841 Beaut!lul3B<.So.ol Lov•IY 3 & taonily =m.
.tJWl 8C&J. 81. Three car prap, one Hup ~ story ree. room TARBELL 29rli HARBOR No down ~t GI or low &arqe. Total ~ ~ IV OWNER ~y. By OWller only. Also have reposses&ionl.
TR.ABELL l&lll Bead!. Bl. with boat door to rear yard. euUy convertible to 4th & down nlA. IM8-0llM "'21.,850 Try M down -VA ar Beach borne. PU'fect ecMJ.. Reuonable. * 673-6636 HAFFDAL REALTY
Pool me lot. Live In New· 5th bedroom1 + 3rd bath. WTSIDE CHEAPY TARBElL 5Gf EDDiGER low down ntA. ~. tion. New rec room. Nut to INVFSI'OR Siieda.I Two good "Home to Match Income" --------
port Beach's ttnNt area at (Go ~ to Paulerlno CALL LARRY 5(0-1151 park, beacb. I; watertrvnt. bouesO(ldoublelotinQW. 8740Warner 842-4400
tbo be.rpln prb ol only East to Van Bunoo North to $14,500 .... .-J H-Real Yoo own Wfd. R • 2. CJWC Own« $58,500. 67>-4169 SEA HAVEN
&e.cb home. I BR, 2 betba.
$49,9!50. Call for appW!tment Ce.non East to Rooaevelt) Cun small 2 BR home Oii lohn macnab Estate I 80% IOI.IL. $26,960. 67J.l2S6 COTTAGE
today!! Submit your smaller Only $29,750 R-.2 iot Room for e.notber 8.ACRIFICE-Must ~II -Balbol Penlntula 1.300 For retired or newly.
home on oor guaranteed H thll NEW lJSTING ha MeM Dfl tnde bdcre Jldy 2>. Bay wedi. 2 BR, carpets, drapes,
11nt time o&nd. Comer
.._ ~ liv rm, veey beat
trad9pl:an, Newport ;:~ W'TY c.-. wm't IAYPRONT LOT Mar, nat J • rm, VlewOlatomCundo.~br,2 9 lSW~tBaylve. electric built-iM. Clean
OYn-TO ft ot Baytront. wtth w/~ded carp et Jo a. ba bm. 2,000 aq. ~ 2 atey, •• sharp home. Only $18,500,
at Piet' I: Slip prtvUea-. We front Mdns Cftatinc. eftcl. w/poolJ, golf, etc.. Lou ba1 3 plus BR'a.. Unobatructed LISTER REAL TY
Victoria willflnanceliD9' toeppnw. courtyard, walldnc dl..tance $29,300.0lfer! 11J....t351 Vft of .Qq. Private patio, 16612 Beach Bl., HB M2-i633
ed client with rfabt al ap. kl all aehooll b:lud:lnc OCC. OWNER 'l"l'an&rnd. LUx-wet bar. H --$<1,!100.
G-.. -Rltr. 646-1111 ..,,..i cl....._ Ottend at IZ,,.., ,..,_ 3 B~ 2 both condo, OPEN SAT & SUN 1·5 OME & INCOME
8'7H.!iO oPDi EVES. 2>U WESTCLIFF DRIVE (Open C1ll fer ~· Cn1}4fll:e Realty ~ frplc, pool, eolf. FM J4nd. 3 BR 1% bath older home +
ADDRESS OF 846-11ll °""' Evtt. IYanlngal. f4l_.U BY 0 W N E R : CU.llrldp By """" 132•500· ~9fl Barrett & ~0, .,., new duplex. Cloee to 11" Hou-POPULAR ~ ~ -~. • 1rt " 64Z-337l • -•mr· """hi• ,..,.. • DISTINCTION-$24,ooot '" --... ~• prtco
~ -4 bedn>om Littll l'ricl ME$A VERDE· $U,500I STAGE COACH >r, 2 bo, -lrJ tam"'" 2 '!'lll SQ. 11 -1 br, °* bo, 642-4353 BRASHEAR REALTY
hnmelntlle.,.., ·-Laro> 3 be<!rooon, 1% both 1/1 F1m time "'"rliood . he" CHARM-$l3,5001 :::'.1_~1"11A R ·~~~ ~-':.:~.~ '::i 847-8531 Ev.,. 008-11'18
bo .... cbarnUngb-ftre. homeoncloaetoanacreol 4 YEAR OLD today & oold tomom>w. Loveat!lnlaiance1c,...., -~·· "~-'v· ......... 2146 M' WALK
....,. -on huge """"' land. Brand new ..,,,..., $39 000 Londlcaped to perioctloo • ...._ A ,..,. ._, cmnJ 121,900. 50J..1957 0< .,.._,.,, ., achl'• • ....,.,....,. A 1ramar TO BEACH
nan· ilolated In rear over-freab p11nt, new ftoors In DUPLEX • 1 your own private park. s tmae. KJng-alred bedrooma, EXCEPTIONAL IUYI clt)' llb. Oner • 6G4'll&. Neer new. Owner tram:fernd Hdwd flocn 2 story 4 hr 2%
-• -.U, lud· ldtd>eo and botbo. 121,0Xl Ono block to......_ 4 bdrm .......,.. """bed"""""' 2 """" built-In bU m ...,. s Br, 2 be. tam nn, cpU an WESTCLIFF JEWEL -muet llell. 4 BR. dlnln& bo, """ 'l>lt-bu. m'eoo ~ )W'd & Dice ne1ab-wttll no down to Veta ud uwer. 2 bdrm lower, al\W.Y3 hi.Iha _ family dining area den. Brick flnpiaoe la Uvtq rma, blt-111 music tntercom, NewlJ dee, 3 BR 2 hetha nn. FHA am be a.sUned ' '
bor1 bomeL euut-tn kltcben, "1lt $1,lSO down. to a new r«1ted. Immaculate. Low ott delipt1Ul ..u built lb room. DellabUIJA C-'O\l'ftd tmc:1 patio, q eor lot" w/2 Family nn. Omnd patio. OPEN SAT & SUN 1 ~ 5 Aak for Betty Hidca
....,, bandy. Excellent ..... mA --... -°"""'bu --ldtchoo. Pride ol ........ patio. 0.-. r.. ..... ID-dbl -... pj,500. By l u . 95 0 Owner, U08 -....... "'""" .....,. .-. -C "'-orlh & ( "" ,..,. S'l,oxi .,. quid< --°"'"""'"t -.. _......, a............. Pemiln>l<o I.oau.-Pile Banelf & Co. 847-Ev.,, -TAIUlllL, 5&:l4 EDINGE>t Omw J 0, ale ct ttado tor s.v.rty to puk, llbrlty, m•Jnuhop· TARBELL lSlll BMcb Blvd. BY OWNER 3 Br. w/w W2 11! ... tand n. .. 11aibor BY OWNER< B<, ,..,..,.,,.
7771 Hll1a or No. Hollywnod ..... ping a -54<>1720 Colonial c-r ..,,.. In Uv rm • ball. Wood lllghlanm: 4 BR. 2 Be.. 642-4353 ......... I ....... • ....... Cool Ill 642-673-S'Jltl EYK: tl73-Qi6 TARBEU.. ,,.,; HA!U!OR PANELING Lra beck yu 132.ll!O 543-2841; l-'11t-211tl8 dnped. Rctrig. bltn nnae: w!tbadlvelntothe~ W< llaibor lllvd., C.M. lay & llach $500 DOWN ·=~~.:'d.!:: mA APPRAISJ:D at Owner 1351 Excep""'ally clean, FHA
pool ot thU bi& 5 BR, 3 bath Open Eves. ltMlty, Inc. On this t betroom, 2 es, Nice ne1lhborbood. Call ~~~ WW Sell $11,500. LUXURY 3 br. 2 bath condo, lido Isle 5%% loan. $18,500, $1.COO ~:. ~e! ':::S:.~ FRUIT TREES 2125 w. Balboa Blvd., NB family borne a to for' lnform&b cin1y ~ --~ ~ pool, goll, tee land. • SACRIFICE • dOWll. F.asy "terms on 2nd.
yet It ii lmmaeulatt. One Applet, oranges, nectartnea thing. Just u;trod~ i;ez-Gallasher hu the teJ. FOR Sale by owner, aave ! ! I Owner lransterred. $32,500 Owntr Must Sell Spacloua 2 ~•Y:i:-7581, 968-4760 eve.
loan ot $31.500 with fi.6~ right at your door. aean, The lest $21,500 Buys lll.&l'krl _won't be l1'0\md J ff M-l..11 B L 3 Wt, ~U c:pWdrpt, nkoe By Owner. M2--33'7l . Br. home oo 52' atrada cor-__ w=::....-----1
interest. will not be incrft5. neat Eastside with You'll agree when you lee tt long! $130 per mcatb fn... • I uuu1e yard. xiot I 0 c . nr MOVE In! Near Dt'W • BR., ner kit at ONCE! Reduced -:----:--:-----1 ~~~ ~e~ellibtful larp =~ -~·1!; ~~= =~ne-: eludes Principal I interest. 222 w. Wison, CM M2-68l7 ;:a'mlai:~ '34~ -·-~~~~CJU. ~~;i !i': to ::i~9at ~~ :~ Pount1in Valley 1410
COLLEGE REALTY 546-5DJ master bedroom and l2x22 buie lol There's 3 bed· BY OWNER Must lell t tr. 2 62nd St. Owna-615-0141 Owner Open Hout Sun. l~. LARGE 5 bedroom, 211' hlth
1am1ly f'OOl'll. • $21,950 • 101' rooma, 2 baths, cozyld ~ EASJSJDE TRIPI.EX · be. tam rm, bib& frp1e. )&. BAYCREST BY OWNER m.m.l borne. ~te fa mi I y
Home Sweet Hom. s~· fires>~ a;Jt ~ ~ Ind lot. SZl,950. 5f.5.-8S82 s Lart-e Bdnna. 3,250 .Ill· n. 75·· on Lido Soud roomied :u-ua Completely
-$20,900 2313 646-7171 ~lbCfll'Peb. ~ G. 2043 WESTC.:w.l''F DRIVE 2 BRI tad!, eondltiaft. 3 BR, l;i ba, flm nn, ~ Ivan. We& built. :ret land. 2 ~t.e Iota . each bu = Sehools~~1:..ence:
Delightful oovered pet1o1 Open Ev... ~ for a-i .. tment. arage. 646-77U Open Eves. !!_ ~ dole )II loc&UQo, !rz yard, xt:ru. 5"'9'. Sou 2lQO Windward Lane Per I: .Up. 3 Bel heme on 8 D • "-'>'Y"• an
Free swim pool too. Khla _....., SA. Hel h I """"'-... in.too Owner 5$-2SaS l BR, 1% BA, xlnt Joe. 45'. Guest bouae A pool ~lrao Fr e ew a1 .
aized bedrooms. Formal din-• I ft 111._ Welh-Mc:C.rdle lllttrs. 0or lot. m .500 TRADE on JJ'. $250,000 • aubmJt
in& room. Picture window1 <blloe loc:atioL.:1-'Ai Acn ol 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. MESA D!l. MAR 3 Br., lam 1L Rom Mylft Jt.11J..C191 R. C. GRIER, RNlty LOVELY 3 Br. 2 bl with ex-
oY'1'look the park-like yard. Level ll"Ol.lndll + nlltic J S.-7721 1.-... IM.(ISN nn. $211,0lll. OWNER. Im ... ~·ur _,__ ~-S SUS Via Lido 673-9300 tne. Patio, l&r&e lot, Auurne present financing Ii bedroom tree lbedecl bomt · Pr.lldk> Dr. -.....r ~ • ~. oceu .... _. $25,950. 962-1678
make payments of $125 a GER + poalble vvlanoe tlO tun· BR, 2 BA, all c<8venlerlcH. Lido Isle 1351
month. 846-0004 Corona del Mar 842-te 7682 EDg'PEN EVES. ... -"'tml!L Only m.... PENINSULA PT. -v-1110 °"""'· X!nt -5"-UM
:t'ARBEU. 5824 ............ 219 JASMINE .....,===-:-,-,. ==-1 .... 7171 J46.JJ13 0.-Blt. Bnulyl 3 BR., LOVELY ..... v-s Br BY°"""' (Jlll "·-3 ... TWO STORY L1run• B11ch H Oj>on Dilly 1.S GORDON G. DALE OPEN EVES. hm·rm. trplc .. JSec.-llltclo. · _,. ..... nr -4 Bdmu., s l>otla, p1ua dln-one1$°~~ttage t bowe1 rrom tx-ach 3 BR. 2615 ILACKTHORNI Neu Ocean. $59,000. ~~=.:..z=-'25.S00.&4&-9m ', 1ng_ Some view fl'om ap..:.
11;;;; 6 ,.; .. ,, plore. 1% both, 14x>l ttvm1 mom NEWPORT IEACH B111>oe llall EatalO 0>. Cu ,_low ID-DIAL dlftct .....,._ ...... 1"'tr. Nit•. l«e. """""patio
Ddi&btful ooverf!d petio. + large family room, larae 'l'Ot ll. Balbc. Blvd., Balboa taellt-= ad. then Mt '**° lld WALKER REAL TY
. kin& sited bedroopJs. For-1:1replace, huge kitchen with You are thl winner of OR.Im. MltD 1UI O:JwMry Oub Dr. CM. •i:t.e phGae riac! l75.s200 5el467 Eve1
ma1 dlninc room. Picture buDt·ins, 11'.!patate d t n In 1 2 tieketl tlO t.,
_ HuntlnftOn leach 1400 wind••" ovarlook !lie tree -. lel'Vk• '°""· good LIDO THEATRI 5-A COmfort" V I E W i:";;•':woo~rt=lo=oa=h===' ...... =::=•::..,::"==:1;:N::ch:==:-=JI---=-""--==...:..:.;;;; -pant lot....,, ..... yon!. -l dnope1,3 car gu. fll,JOO I .c= = "'---MWlll 61
ao.muo,. .... rall ""'"' _,. on alley + ..., deck. si-tng -"J...i". S -OCEAN .,_ -_. A nu """"
_"'" tbu ...... ..... ...... vacant """'°"'· THORouaHL Y .. _, _ell,,,..,, !OYoly --· , Oc & I Sleeper ""''1'1 Rltr. -ET ....... 93(1! MODERN MILLIE ldtd>eo, _., _ _ w.o--. ,14 l>otlla. . ean on
'l'ARlllCU. 2llti5 -*LACHENMYER Juet cllp thla "" and -extra .. ..,,....._ '11 llvltlc-Dolt1 R11I ...... '1'1111 wtJI -........ 1' .......... -,..., WOill' NESnE IN It lo "'' Udo Tb,.,,. In rooon ---11r .,..,_ 84Mtli u bdBr • .... _,.. in value., .._,
Hewett Meilel a tb1s S br. 2"' hi borne. Newport Beac:ti with lden6-}cured A1"ll11wnn:clJVd, MOST =~ 1:..' 1=i:1' ~
4 BR S ~ -elm nn, • ~---• In -•-•-· llcat!on. double ........ Fercod air -· J BR lo °"""'" ~-b ll~··. , ·-..... -.. ~ •• --. --a .. ~ ru-•--;=-=,-,.,..-i h<ot-qualllyoupo ..... S.. •-• ~--~~ ~~ lt'a -••• -•·•·-.·-··--•·~ ..., m w/wtt l>or, I cu ..,,,.w """'-rm. Pleuant 1 ''Thi World 1 --..... -·• 1arp -~ an4 p&tlo .,. juot 1 few pr. OOntrld DOW for ..... J6Ho ...... oft comblnatloll TIARB· )'OU...:.U. lov,!!fm~~ .. ftrpelt ..... Ala ol. the "" that l'Dl.R -a ORUT ~ 6 -•-at Y-'"--~" --·~-11eiPtL PJ,1$0. VACATI N HOUSE. N-librvr, multeta. -...--""" ;;;:.: .:e,:,~ -._,. "NEWPORT afA6i'• N--J1oo1tr an4 wltlo!D ~ 10GGDIG ...... cl tht ~,-. "~ ~ ~"'=" __ -· Hort.or View Hllh, CdM 4 + 1 Be.Ila, $33,'lal 115-llG Balboa Pier. "'8JIOO, -,_ .,.. -.-. 4 + + (&tr)IJ.y ml, dlninc D a -..L. >
SALB 1SSOCIA'l'li ""·..., ""'· '"'""'".,, 0c-~ "-:1:. ~~ Si91 DOWN '"RR WHln, REALTOR ----e.,. ._ .... __ __
-I "'·'· --n BOYD REAL TY ~ ... -E><coa .. ul&tlw~ Sa 2901 llowpwt IMI,, NnfM -• -·· ~ -E. ~VIEW -S'l5.llOO" i BR. 2 bo, all bit>.~ t:l1'ta. f7• .,_ -•--•• '"• 1 ~• .... .-. -C.... l!wy, OOI 11 ,,_.., _.....,... .. • -.....,... 61!>ml up 2 lldmu, 2 bo. IOxl2T ...-nldJI, -Tr om . llOlllJI 142-9111 rut Oooll 11..,.. ilrtplace. lltlow nwt.11 Pl.IOO.
socx rr 10 •no OcO.. dd -m.sTe Dia! IU.!678 tor RESULni llOha IC-4080 --.... ....., -
-----------~-~-~--~-.........._ .. __ _
Sbort Walk to Beach • Nortb
end, GCelJI lldt of hwy. 2 br
den, patio, 2 frp1a' .
1pectaeula r view fl.
everyt h l n1 & has
....,..i,,., t.o.r Int, no
point ..... 145,100, Ba.
-'-'""'----.:.-----------------~--~ -----------~~-~---.
Newport Barbor DAILY PILOT Today's €:1081nl
voe. ~r. NO. 172, 3 SECTIONS, 34 PAGES NEWPORT BEACfl, CAllFORt:llA ,THURSDAY, JULY ·11, ·1969 J'EN CENTS
V anscourt Case Echo
2nd Aide Indicted
DAILY P'ILOT Steff Pllett
SLICING THE SLOUGH -Workers pl Orange
County Flood Control District dig opening to install
large, !»-inch pipe replacing two smaller pipes to
let tidal waters flow more freely into stream (back-
ground left). Owners of trailer park (near Santa
Ana River background to right of stream) fear
faster waters will erode away their land.
Slough Soon Through
As B~<ic~ish l~~ :B·qJin
The stagnant waters of a lazy ti~
stream in N~rt Shores will be con-
verted soon iDto a fast-flowing cur-
rent. ·
Workers are in the middle of in-
stalling a large pipe at the mouth of
the stream to allow an unimpeded in-
flux and outflow of water,
But viewing the $10,000 project with
some alarm are the owners of a
trailer park abutting the tidal slough.
They claim the new setup is going to
cause their property to slip into the
The concern of the property owners
Js expressed in a letter sent by their
County firemen began fighting a
i;izeab}e brush 'fire in Aliso Canyon
lhcr'tly be.fore noon.
Dozens of fire tnicks and bulldozers
""" dllpotch<d to the ......
attorney ~ the city of Newp;art Beach
.\nd to !be Orangt"C&uitty Flood Con·
ttol Districl
The property owners, Mr. and Mrs.
C1frence H. Hunt, want city and coun-
ty officials to Construct bulkheads
arobnd the land abutting the slough in
order to preclude erosion.
Otherwise, the project could lead tn
the "jeopardy of flooding, death and
destruction," the attorney claims.
The mouth of the slough is near the
Santa Ana River bridge at W. Coast
Highway. The tidal stream empties in-
to the river a few hundred feet inland
from the ocean.
But the slough then goes on to weave
past the inland boundary of Newport
Shores, separating the h o u s i n g
development from oil fields or G. E.
Kadane &: Sons.
City officials point out that Newport
Shores residents for years have sought
action to clear up the swampy waters
and stench of the stream. 1'Most of the
people owr there are for this bigger
(See SLOUGH, Pop !)
Laguna Vows
'Legal' War
0Dl'It8 'ffippie~'·
Of .. Dallr Plllt ltetl
To the applause Of f e d ~ u p
businessmen, Laguna Beach city coun·
cilmen Wednesday night pledged the
city will take a hard line on hippies.
By 4 to 1 vote councilmen passed a
resolution to do everything legally
possible to discourage hippies from
staying in Laguna.
There followed an airing or
grievances by several businessmen.
Two hippie spokesman and Cou:.1-
cilman Charlton Boyd, the "no" voter.
cautioned against persecuting the hip-
To use the hippie's ow n
vernacular, speakers were "up-
tight." Repeated reference to hip·
pie1i as bums drew recurrent applause.
Arch hippie defender Robert o. Bland
said such hysteria last time came
lrom Adolph Hitler.
More than 100 persons were present.,
some having to stand.
In thrashing over the hippie pro·
blem, city government made
businessmen m ore aware of the linita·
tions placed on local Jaw enforcement
by the state Legislature.
Councilmen pleaded that to a great
extent their hands are tied. "This city
has very little il any local option,"
Mayor Glefln Vedder said.
1 lt was pointed out that hitchhiking is
•legal Crom the sidewalk, th al
panhandling must be observed by a
poll~ officer for an arrest to be made
and that housing violations are dif·
ficult to enforce. "because hippies
don't sleep in the same place two
night.s running."
Councilmen pleaded tor residents to
be the city's eyes and ears and report
violatJons or be willing to make a
citizen's arrest.
City Manager James Wheaton said
In April, May and June 578 arrests
were made compared to 258 for the
same three-month period last year.
"The record speaks for itself," he
(Soe HIPPIES, Pace %)
An Ironic echo from the past shook
Orange County Wednesday when the
man who helped nail a chief deputy
public administrator for em-
benlement -then took his job -was
indicted by the Grand Jury on
si.milar charges.
Arthur Charloff, 33, of 123 N. Trevor
St., Anaheim, is accused of six counts
of misappropriation of public funds
totaling $239.67, a penny anti amount
by standards of fonner deputy ad·
ministrator Louis Vanscourt.
The defendant is a former FBI
agent who quit the bureau after 10
years to join the Orange County
auditor's staff, later helping to expose
Vanscourt and devising tight methods
to safeguard against embezzlement. ·
Charloff rose to chief of the Field
Audit Division before being transfer·
red to the job previously held by
Vanscourt, now doing a one to ten
year prison term for taking some
$15,000 from the estates of dead
Charloff is accused of the same of.
fense, involving theft of money from
the estates of six county residents. but
the case against him is only $39.67
Troubles at Ho11ae?
'Drowned' Youth
Sought on Land
The body of a Long Beach youth
reported drowned more than two
weeks ago in a Newport Harbor sail-
ing accident has not yet been
recovered, causing police to speculat~
the victim "may be more alive than
Police today discl~ed they have not
ruled out the possibility that the
drowning report on Robert James
Spencer, 20, was erroneous. Spencer
was tbe skipper of a rented, 14-foot
dinghy the Sunday afternoon of June
30 w~n. ~ ... &Ii j.Qt~ tbe, ac·
cordirig ·to a glrl ~friend aboar·d the
Divers engaged in an exten.sivt
search for Spencer's body to no avail.
Since the accident was reported,
police have' shifted their attent.iGn
from the harbor to land. Lie detector
tests are being scheduled for the girl
friend, police said.
Detectives listed several possible
motives for Spencer to want to falsify
his death. The youth was involved in
child support payments with his
estranged wife, they said.
Spencer also was nearing draft age,
it was pointed out.
Police said their investigation to
date has turned up nothing concrete.
other than that Spencer has disap-
peared from work and home.
"It could be he really did fall
overboard and drown," one in·
vestigator said. "And then again,
maybe not.
The girl friend told police she was
riding in the bow of the small craft
when she heard the sound of someone
being struck.
She said she turned and llaw Spencer
fallin;g backwards, gasping for breath
as he entered the water. The victim
came up once for air, then sank out o(
sight, she told Harbor Department
Elderly Bal Isle
Man Given Up
As Lost at Sea
An elderly skipper has been presum·
ed drowned, four days after his
motorized 1kiU was found empty off
Laguna Beach, spinning lonely circles
in the sea.
Roy Carmack, 75, of 801.!h N. Bay
Front, Balboa Island, had borrowed
the 14.-root outboard boat from a
neighbor sometime Monday.
The boat was round abandoned with
its engine still running off Emerald
Bay near Laguna
The missing man's daughter-in-law
today told the DAILY PILOT that he
had been tinkering with the engine.
"He wasn't especially a fisherman,"
Mrs. Carmack said of her father-in·
law. "He just liked to take a ride
"He had a boat of his own, too. but
he was doing son1e work on the motor
or this one for the owner." The owner
was identified as Alice P. Sogg, a
neighbor at 228 Pearl St., Balboa
Carmack was described as a retired
Los Angeles insurance broker, who
made his home on Balboa Island about
four years ago. He bas an only 100,
George, of Glendale.
Campaign Losers
Coupl,e' s Loaned Furniture Gone
More than three months after the
election, the biggest contributor to
Newport Beach City Councilman
Donald A. Mcinnis' campaign turned
out today to be a Lido Isle dentist and
his wile.
Dr. and Mrs. Donald McAnlis o{ 103
Vlo Lido Soud contributed s.125 -in
One sofa and e few tables, to be
And all of it was demolished, ac·
The furniture had been loaned for
use at Mcinnis campaign head-
quarters in a wooden building at 2607
W. Coast Highway.
"°1rs. McAnUs explained sadly that
the sofa -"actuaUy, it was a sofa bed
and a real good one" -and the tables
were to have been picked up prior to
the scheduled demolishing of the cam-
paign headquarters building the day
after the April 9 election.
"But we neglected to go down and
pick it up," she said. "So when the
demolition crews came in, out went
the furniture along with the rest of the
debris. I guess it was our fault."
Newport police received the loss
report from McAnlis this week. It was
reported presumably for insurance
'Amateurs' Off on Cruise
Nin.'( PK.OT ..... """"' OF~ FOR CARllBIAH -Skipper Martin Eder (with cap) holds
last minute crew conference before taking oU lrom Newport Harbor
on "Jelsurerly cruise" throu1!.Panama to Caribbean in rr foot sloop
Crew memben an (left t), Joan Marcbar~ Bob Mitten, Eder,
~ llloclt and~ .,.......i. t
' l ~
Two bachelors and three young
women set sail from Newport Harbor
Wedoelda.y on what they hope win be
a leisurely cruile down the coast or
Me~co, through the Panama Canal
and ttle Caribbean.
The voyage will be made in an lalan·
der-37 sloop launched earlier this
month by Islander Yachts of Costa
Mesa. • • ·
Skipper Mu1.ln F.der, 35. of San
Francisco, said none of the party had
any extensive sailing experience.
But we don't anttclpete any trouble,"
be 1ald. "11 we lnteod to follow the
cout. llne to Paoama."
Eder said be bao no particular
duUnaUon ln the Caribbean. "We'll
just oo cruising the Jaland3.""
Others tn the crew are Bob Mitten,
30, from Oh io; Ululani Townsend, 2.8,
Honolulu: Joan Marchart, 29, San
Francisco, and Robin Block, 211 San
Edler said there was no particular
Purpoee to the cruise except to have
fun and take a tew plctures for the
producers of the yscht. l~e aald the
trip been planned for about thrl!e
Eder said he has beta sailing about
Utret years Jn the San Fraocllco Bay ffu but bu .....-taken a long
distance Voya·ge. Mitten 's &ailing ex-
perience has also been confined to
sailing small boats on San FranclscG
Bay. None of the women have had ariy
salllng experlonce.
Eder ,.id he had 'th• yad!t built
With dieN:l auxiliary power and extra
gas tanks installed to Ii ve greater
range under power. Extra water W1U
be carried In five-gallon plasUc con·
tainers, glVing a capaclty ot 60
The skipper said there WB3 no
special equipment aboard the sloop ex·
cept for the usual e1ect:ronlc1 1ucb as
r~~~lepbone, direction ltnder aod '"'""\l eter.
over the misdemeanor level.
The incidents allegedly occuned
during the period Charloff held
Vanscourt's old position and April of
this year, when he resigned ·to join a
tax consulting bus.inCss in Anaheim.
The suspect was arrested at his of.
fice Wednesday 'night, booked into
Orange County Jail and released on
$1,250 b11il, with arraignment scbedul·
ed next Tuesday. He is ordered to ap.
pear before Judge William C. Speirs at
9 a.m. in Department One, Superior
(See EMBEZZLE, Pace Z)
Ex-County Aide Artflur Cherleff
Newport ·Woman
Helps Nab Two
In Theft of TV
An observant Newport B e a c h
woman who became 1uspi c l ou s
Wednesday when she watched two
men taking a neighbor's col o-r
television set tipped off police who
later arrested the pair at their homes.
Robert lsenor, 20, of 724 Clay St.,
and Jack Farres, 19, o! 15841 Las
Flores St., Westminster, were booked
on a variety of charges, including
burgtary and possession of marijuana.
Various items found in each man's
home were seized as evidence, iJl..
eluding a120 worth of neatly packaged
marijoona, 23 keys to La1 Vegas' Ud
Anaheim hotel rooms and a loaded ·.22
cal. derringer pistol which beloneed to
Many credit and identification cards
with names of other per!IOl'ls -
suspectedly stolen -were also
recovered, one of them registered to a
London, England man.
PoUce tod11y refused to identify the
woman whose television set was being
taken in the suspected Newport Beach
burglary, or her neighbor.
\Yestminster police have also placed
a hold order on Farres, because be is
named in a burglary warrant there,
carrying $11,000 bail.
Wea tiler
It's hot and humid over the
rest of the coiin'try, but com-
fortably warm and pleuant
along the Orange Coast, and
It'll stay that way through the
weekend, with morning and
evening clouds.
11 per1on.r pcrl.&h, ntnc of
them children, in a Nt10 York
tenement /1re and police ar-
rest aailor on charge• of tu,.
ing in a /at.e alarm. Ste Page 4. ·-' .. _ '
(1-!tMri ..,,. ._., ~
C~ II '"""'' .... .. lllfW1tla... It ""'-... ,, l'lR Ct!" I ... ,.... 11
Mtfw lladlle n """~ IJ ..... . ---· ~
-. -" ......... -.. . --. --. Mei.IC......, •• ..... --,,.,, ,_,, n .. ''"*' ........... , T-ft -" -. ... _.. n --..
2 DAILY PILOT Th1ll1day, JUl1lS,1%$
~e.t Newport
On Beachfront·
" '
By JEROME F. COWNS ..............
• The city o{ Newport Be1ch has nG
inltnUon of building a sidewalk along
U.. beadilront In w .. t Newport.
1bat assurance waa given some 50
meJ'r\'bers or the West Newport
Improvement Association Wednesday
nlgbt by City Public Works Director
•Joseph T. Devlin.
The mettina of the borneowner1
group WU held at City Hall. Its
purpoae was diacusslon <1£ a $30,000
engineering and ~ading study com-
pleted bj' Boyle Engineering of Santa
The 18-month study established
pwUnc requlrements for ' 1 a 11
poaalble'' i;ldewalt, alley and street
end improvements from McFadden
Square to the Santa Ana River jetty. A
routh estimate on the cost if all th~
work were done would be about
$500,000, according to engineers.
Devlin. Invited to the session by
newly elected Association President
John Shea, fielded several questions
on the study. Most of the homeowners
seemed concerned about an Ocean
Front sidewalk.
They don't want it. they said, any
more than they want a beachrront
roadway. Yet grading requirements
Cor sidewalk construction on the beach
are among Boyle's 52 sets of plans.
"We would construct only those im-
provements that the people in the
aeigbborboodl affect wanted." Devlin
said. "The grading for the sidewalk on
the beach was included ln the study
onJy because we wanted official
grades established for all possible im-
provements in the area between
Seashore Drive and Ocean Front.''
The city official emphasized that
Boyle's task was nol to make recom-
mendations, but lo d e t e r m J n e
engineering requirements.
With aJI • grades DOW established ,
Devlin noted, the city can put In new
alleys, aidewalks qr pave street eodii
whenever property owners request
them and make arrangements to pay
for them.
In the past, he pointed out, the city
was unable to move on individual
neighborhood requests f o r Im-
provements because the grades of one
area affect another. "It was too dif.
dcult to do the en·gtneerin~ ori a
piecemeal basis. Now it's an In one
package, and we're ready to go,
whenever we get a request."
He emphasized:
,;The city isn't pushing for an Ocean
Front .sidewalk, or anything like it.
But it could be done if the people want
it. and only then."
He said there an two ways In which
property owners can get their Jlleys
paved, street ends improved or
sidewalks constructed. One is by mak-
ing a cash deposit with the city. The
other is through the formation of a
special assessment district.
"In all cases," he said, "the con-
struction must be ·initiated by the
residents themselves."
$100 Million Army Pact
Awarded Aeronutronic
· Aeronutronic Division of Philco-
Ford COrporation of Newport Beach
hM been awarded a three-year $100
mlllon contract for the prOduction of
SbJDelagb anti--mi.sues !or the
U.S. Army.
Tbe lint Increment of 135.7 million
bu been narded the company with
the remainder of the contract to be
lunded on oonual basis.
The contract represents the fifth
Hearing Monda y
For Costa Mesa
Beating Suspect
Costa Mesa resident Richard Lloyd
Rhodes remained in Orange County
Jail today in lleu of $31,250 bail pen-
ding a hearing Monday on charges of
beatiqg an attractive teen-age , girl
with a foot~long wrench.
Rhodes1 29, will appear (or a
prellrillnary bearing ln N e w p o r t
Harbor Municipal Court at 9:30 a.m.
on two counts of assault with a deadly
· Police claim the suspect surprised
the 18-year-old brunette waitress at
the driveway of her Newport Heights
home as she wu returning from late
at night work. Police said the girl did
JH>t-lmow the a¥allant. No motive was
given for the attack.
. The 11.ttacker·hit the girl ·on the bead
aeveral time1 Yrith the wrench before
her acream1 alerted her father inside
the home, officer• said.
When police arrived, they found. the
father hacking at a nearby car with an
axe. SitUng behind the steering wheel
was the suspect, police s~ld.
The girl was hospitalized and later
reported in satisfactory condition with
head injuries.
N-,et't le.c•, C•llfwilhl
Robe r! N. W11d
Prt1.o.nt •"'<I Publllntf
• I
J1ck R. Curlty
\Ike Pr~~I 1no """"'•I M•,..ttr
Thom11 1(,, .. a
Thom11 A, Murphin1
M.tn1olnt EOllor
J111m1 F. Collini Ptul Nl111n
Hf'WPOl"I BtK~ Ad~1rll1I"' Cl!r Editor Olr~lot
New,_. k.cll Office
2111 W11I l1lbo1 l1ul1Y1rd
M1IU11t Addr1111 P.O. 1011 1175 •2••J
Otll9r Offtc• ,,.,... ~ m Wt1I •1v llrftt
U-lNCfll tt2 FOIHI AWllUI
ltwlttMfon tNcflt :iot Jiii I ll'"'
such for U1e missiles given to the
Nev;-port facility by the U.S. Anny.
Actual production of the missile
system is done at the company's
Lawndale facilities so there will be no
increase in the Newport plants person-
nel because of the contract, a· com-
pany spckesman said.
Shillelagh is a gun launched guided
missile system for Army combat
vehicles now being used by troops.
The tank-type launcher ol U1e
missile can also fire conventional am.
munition. The missile Js effective
against moving or stationary targets.
Louis F. Herlig of Corona del Mar is
Aeronub-on.ics' Director of Tactical
MiS6ile Systems Operation and is in
Charge of the project for the company;
From Paire J
Fourteen witnesses -including
Olnrloff, at his awn request -
testified before the Grand Jury prior
to the Wednesday morning indictment
against the suspect.
He is specifically charged with pick-
ing up property at Orange County
llospital, including cash, and failing to
later deposit in the P u b 11 c
Administrator's vault.
The amounts of money allegedly
stolen by Cbarlo!f, who was declared
bankrupt in January, with debts of
$43,859 and asseti of $2,402, ·are almost
petty by comparison to Va1U1court's
Count One -Oct. 27, 1967, $5.01
from the estate of Albert J . Stone.
Count Two -Nov. 16, 1967, "49 from
the estate of Joseph Babicz.
Count Three -DeC\ 3, 1967. $48.84
from the estate of John D. Retzinger.
Count Four -Dec. 15, 1967, $3.30
from the estate of Anthony P . Marx.
Count Five -Dec. 2.1, 1967, S130
from the estate of Lloyd S. Smiley.
Count Six -Nov. 17, 1967, $3.52
from the estate or John Gibson .
CharloU, through his attorney Mark
Hurwitz of -Orange, denied the
.. Mr. Charloff vigorously denies
these charges and considers them to
have been irresponsibly instigated,"
liurwitz said~ "lt has been charged
that after a complete of the pub·
lie. adminJstrator's office and of more
than S2 million in cash and personal
property that was entrusted to that of-
fice's care ln 1967, approximately $239
remains unaccounted for ."
Hurwitz added: "I that to ac·
cuse Mr. Charloff merely because of a
fl39 discrepency that was allegedly
round when he. happened to be the
chi ef deputy is grossly unjust
"It is particularly de(amltory ln
light of the fact that Charloff had an
honorable career with the FBI and
there alter headed the Orange County
Auditor's team that uncovered a vast
number ot in de scretlons by
LONDON (UP1) -Home Secretary
James Callaghan today signed the
British court order extrading Jame.s
Earl Ray to the United States to st.nd
trial as the accused 11.lytr of Dr.
M&rtln Lu Iller Kini Jr.
Ike Gives •
' SuppQrt \ '
To Nixon
President Dwight D. Eisenhower en·
dorsed his former vice preSldent,
Richard M. Nlxon, Thursday for the
Republican pl'tlldential oominallon.
At a news conference held with a
limited numbet of reporters at Walter
Reed Army Hospital where he is
recuperating from a serious heart at-
tack, the five-star general recalled his
standard practice over the years bas
been to r"1'ain tr•m endorsing any
candidate unUl that candidate bas
been nominated by convention or
'•J think however, that Utls year is
an exceptional one," be said. "'lbe
ts.sues .are· so great and 10 confusUig
that I would like to break my own
He said moat adult Americans have
expressed themselves on this 1ubject
and he feeb eotiUed to do so himself.
From Page J
said. "Where we (police) are there or
a citizen exercises his responsibility
prosecution is made."
Tbe resolution, authored by coun-
cilmen Richard Goldberg and Joseph
O'Sullivan, says the city has received
unfavorable publicity and the Police
Department has been unjust17 zccused
of Ignoring the hippie situation.
It declares "this City Council does
no•. encourage or appreciate the
presence of hippies," and resolves:
-Police are doing everything within
legal limitations to support the law.
-The solution to tllis unpleasant
situation must be found through total
community involvement.
-Al.I legal avenues will continue to
be explored to discourage t h e
presence of hippies.
Goldberg introduced the resolution
by saying Luguna residents are falling
victims to abuses by a few -"that
portion of the hippie elem~nt which in
any other age would be defined as
bt.tms ."
In opposing the resolutions, Coun-
cilman Boyd said be wanted to raise a
voice of caution. "Do not become too
deeply involved in symptoms/' he
warned. "Work just as hard· on root
causes as on a symptom."
The audience then had its sty.
Bart McHugh of McH ugh's '(oy
Shop, said he refers to hippies as
bums ''to knock down their ego'' and
does not tolerate them leaning against
his store or sitting on the sidewalk.
''They can sit in the gutter where they
belong," he said.
lie urged merchants to discourage
hippie patronage.
Hippie defender George Reiter, 928
Meadowlark Lanet ;;sked how one
defines a hippie.
"I can tell you one way," .a woman's
voice Interrupted. "You can smell
"Here you have a class Of people
being.regarded as non-people,'' Reiter
continued. "Many are serious ,
religious in Ji.ll sorts.of ways.
"U you think of them as the sort of
thing you like to run out of town, it's a
short stop to using the law against
them," he cautioned.
Mr s. Noni of Francis'
Sport.swear, said she objects to filthy
feet on her storef~ont and on city
benches, hippies sitting on flowers and
to girls only 13 or· 14 year! old
,panhandling her «:ustomers.
* * * San Clemente
T ak es .S teps
To B ctr Hips
You can't te'.gislate against long hair,
but the San Clemente City Council
Wednesday took steps to make thelr
city less attractive to hippies -if in·
deed they cOnsider it attractive at all.
The emergency ordioortce recom-
mtmded by Police Chief Clifford Mur·
ray will prohibit people sleeping in
cars, trucks, buses, campers, on the
beach, in tents or other temporary
The law -which applies to private
as well as public beaches -may brlng
a sharp outcry ~om southlanders who
travel Jn camper trucks on legitimate
weekend forays.
Old delivery trucks and small
economy vans are hugely popular In
the mobile hJppie crowd, many of
them featurillg built·in bunks and
other facllltles which eJimlnAte paylng
The City CoW1Cll action followed a
recent protest petition signed by 700
clUzens demanding seizure of the
busniess Ucense of Mis1· C)'ndi Wild ,
17, operator of a p.sycbedellc thop .
They charged that &he sold a potter
depicting a couple in a centurles~ld
.ex art to • 12-yev~ld &irl wbo
vlatl!"1 ti.. Mind Garden, at :IOI S.
Ola Vlsto.
. City offklall studied the demand
and decided. it would be oa dangerous
groWM! II they took 1uch action.
Tho law prohibiting ,gleeplng In
vehicles and the Uke -tlmllar to one
currently in the Co1ta Mesa clty bop-
per -hu lull auPPort ol the San
Clemente Chamber Of Commerce.
Favored Court Sites
Lea ve ~NB Out ..
Ten proapecUve altel for a future
Hari>or JUdicW D!&lrlct bullclin& bave
been plnpoioled by a special study
commtitee w1th t~e of them recom-
mended for 11trloua conslderatloa.
The HCOmmendltlons wUl go to the
Boin! o1 SUpervilon 1'lelda7 with the
"'il••tioa that the comm!~ he In·
•tructod to proceed -...... detailed studln of the three ''belt'' locations.
'Ibo 1upav11Gn bave alloealed
$250,000 toward Ille allocaiioa in the
I-budget but DO balldq la "'.
peeled unUfthe JiSt.IO lllcolyear.
The moat lavored attes .are on the
Orange County Falrgroundo opposite
the Colla Mesa Civic Coater and north
or the Conaa dOl Mar freeway
between J-.. -and '!'Ullin Avenut.t. '
'1'!>'"1 ate II••• "good'.' rating la on
West 17th Street it Pomona Avenue in
C.osta Mesa.
Other alte1 elven ugoo11u and "fair"
recommendationl end their colt per
acre for development are:
-Corona de! Mar Freeway and
Bear Street, near South Coan Plaza,
$40,000 an acre.
--lfarbor Boulevard at Baker ,
-Fairview.Road at Adams, '4(),IXXI.
-Harbor Buulevant at Fair Drive,
'80,000. .
-We1tcWl Drive on the south slde
ol Dover llqod, '100,000.
-Jamboree Ro..t west aide, near
Newport Center, a propooed Newport
Beach Civic Center alto, ltltl,000.
--Newport Ce-lo --pro. poeed Newport Belch Civic Center
site, '80,000.
Because of the number or "ade-
quate" 1ite1 available, tbe report sug-
gest tbat coet of •cquisiUon and site
development "may become a very
subaanlial, II not controlllng !actor In
final aelection."
It is pointed out that joint use of
parting facllities could reduce the cost
of deve~if!t~~t and maintenance. Close pr ty of mwdclpa:l _pollee
fac::Wties could reduce cons\riJcUon
costs, II la Nied.
Harbor Sc1wols Closer
To Fair Drug Policy
New pollclea for dealing with stu·
dent drug users In the Newport.Meaa
Unified School Dtltrid without af,
fect1ng the rest of the school enroll·
ment Is a step closer to reality today.
The plan, wblch has evolved over
the past slx months, will empbasi1.e
rehabllitatlon of the students rather
than 1"fllishment.
Trustees of the school district have
l1anded a proposed. policy for the
handling of students involved in the
sale. use or possession of narcotics or
dru~s on campus to the administrative
staff and local law enforcement of·
ficlals. They are to review it and make
recommendations for p o s s i b I e
Hopefully, the proposed policy,
drawn up by Trustee Roderick
MacMillian, will be bnlught back to
the board summer, in time for
adoption by the time school starts.
The school district has been forced
this year to expel two students for
possession of drugs. The expulsion
meant that the students were not
allowed to return to any of the district
One of the two moved out of state
Jmmediately after hia: discharge, said
District Superlntenderit Willlam Cun·
ningbam, and the other turned 18
years of age April 16, which will allow
him to take Adult education courses.
' aut had these two students been ex-
pelled aild remained In the ditsrict as
minors, they would have faced a possi-
ble permanent termination of their
education and might have become a
detriment to the community.
With this ln mind, district trustees
called a meeting last spring with
police officers, judges i&nd juvenile of-
ficials to discuss what kind of general
student conduct policy the district
should develop.
MacMillian's proposed policy on
drug offenders was developed after
that meeUng.
The pro)Xlsed policy would, ac.
cording to MacMilllan's report to the
trustees, "in a sense isolate the
youngster from the rest of the school
and student body and still afford him
an opportunity to continue b i s
academic education."
Trustee Lloyd E. Blanpied Jr. prais-
ed the policy, saying "we ought lo look
to the police and laws for punishment
and we should provide rehabilitation."
Under the policy proposal!!. a stu-
dent suspected of dealing with drugs
can be suspended or expelled from
A review board would go over his
case and interview him and his
parents. If be was judged to have
"potential development. . .as a func-
tional citizen of the community", the
board would recommend that the
suspension or expulsion be put aside
and the student assigned to regular
classes on probation.
He would be required to :
-Perfor'm satisfactorily in a 11
-Attend designated meetings with
other students involved in narcotics,
-Be isolated during school breaks
.by reportiµ~ to a couuselor. .
-Stay away from campus except
during school hours '
-Stay out of schi\ot social and .. ex.
tractin'icular activities. '
-Present himself for revie\f at
least once a semester.
"This action is deemed to be in the
best interest or the youngster in help-
ing him ln the right manner to take a
positive position in bis. community and
become a functional .member of the
«:ommunlty and of his family in the
future,'' MacMilllan reported.
Board president James W. Peyton
commended MacMillian for coming up
with 14a rather personalized approach"
and called it "a step in the right direc-.
1ion." •
• Ill Cold
" "Cons.ide.ring the quantity, of
available sites at moderate cost;
budgetary considerations appear to
rule out further conside.raUon of fouf
sites," the report stales. They are
Harbor at Fair: We1tcll!f at Dover,
and the two joint use sites with a
Newport Beach Civic Center.
.. Were one of these sites to be
sponsored by an Interested group,
such as a municipality or property
ewner, further study may be Jn
order, '1 the report admits.
The Newport Center sites are feas i-
ble only as part of a joint development
with the city, It la stated. "Uolo<s
Newport Beach acts to officially com·
mit itseU to a city civic center in one
of these area.s, no furthtr con·
sideration is warranted."
The West 17th StN!et at Pomona site
oilers the. lowest cost of all, the report
notes. "It is near the existing courl1 the historic center of Newport Beach
and Costa Mesa and the exisUog
Newport Beach city hall,'' it ls stated,
"Only the question of locating the
court in what is now essentially an ~
dustrial neighborhood is question-
able." ;
Development costs per acre on the
favored sites are Fair et Newporl,
$30,000-$70,!XJO, and Corona del Mar
Freeway between Jamboree an(\
Tustin, '30,00-$40,00'.>. 'I1le West 17th at
Pomona site is lowest at '30100 au
The sear~h for new sites has been OIJ.
for a year because of the inadequate
present facilities at 18th Street and
Newport Boulevard in Costa Mesa.
Deficiencies of the one-acre site have
led to "expensive short-term solutions,
inlcuding leasing of space from
neighboring properties and trailer ren-
Facilities with expansion possibilitie-i;
are considered urgent because "«in-
trary to general eountywide eX-
perience, Harbor Area growth is eX-
ceeding pcpulation predictions."
The supervisors committee which
submits the report include Joseph J.
Smisek, building services directQI"
David G. Hitchcock, budget director;
Forest Dickason, planning director.
and Stanley E. Krause, real property
services direction.
Detailed work was carried out under
the direction of R. J. Pflimlin, senior
real property agent in Real Property
From Page J
• < < :
' pipe, I would imagine," says one citt
aide. •
The protesting Hunt couple havt
built the trailer park on their proper!'
next to the mouth of the slough. Thq
apparently fear the f a s t -m o v i n J
waters could erode away their Janq,
turning their trailer park into an
unplanned-for housetrailer marina. ;
But it's not too likely, a flood control
district spokesman indicates. He sa:A;
a sluice gate will be Installed in t~
pipe, allowing the city to control 11*
W>lume of water passing through the
stream. ;
' •
I' ,
' ' ,
al .JJ. J. 9 arreff
20 °lo to 40 °lo @ff
Ill!'" -....... ' ""' -
-.111 M6-0176
.. • ' ' ' ' • ' .
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" • ' " • • • ' • ' • , • • • • • ' ' ' ' c ' I • 1 • • s • ~ • ; • • • • • • • • : • • • • • • = ,,
I Me~~o Pay~ ~.onor t o Role
I . . .
Playe4 . by ll~ro Pancho ·Villa ,
... _ ...
--~offee Break Theirs
Wisconsin Town Takes Credit for Idea
STOUGtlTON, Wis. (UPI) in the naUon. custom, he said. And Jt was
-ThiJ community of 6,000 Ha.naon nid the wagon. in· spread to the rm Of the na·
1 bu.taken credit for starting du1try run by Targe C. lion "by young men going Pancho ·villa may Uve in a new ~ative piatory or When )di doctor told him one or America's most Mandt, wbJcb produced from Stougtrt,on to other
lived the life of our present. the M e-1 <f <(j '*' n Revolutlant', meat. was GM Cw Or biJ r.:pWar curtoma -the col-33,000 wagons a year at the" when the wagon ln·
day romantic fiction-a ban· "Heroic:, Malet." The_· ·violent temper,, Villa 'cut ee break. . turn of . the· century, ctustry closed in the J9'l0s.
dit whose heart ls in the autbor, U~.' professor ot 1 .,n drastically on bJs Now a grwy :suburb o! employed many of the men Hillside Avenue never wa~
right place. Like •t"i.. e journalism·, Wlam ' Weber.... ""· Madison S"ughton once Jn the city -about 1,000. officially named "Coffee
le&endary Robin ~·le J()~. Qi:ms that the cOOJumpUon .-truly a was a b~g tobacco and Thatleftthewomentowork Street,"Hansonaaid,but"a
was a champion, Of the~· reWh{tiooar)t often acted sacrifice for a wagon producing center. It in the tobacco warehouses. lot o{ people still call it
Forty.five yJ1r1 1+&0 the witll ~rbl,t);able restraint.~.·~ veteran catUe·thief. traces the coffee break j'There were a lot or that."
11 er c e 1' • x l can' "¥.-~ . , , Villa w11 MDJTARY GENIUS habit to about 1880 when tobacco warehouses In town ''The city councU did con·
revoluUonai'y dled1 a~nd tee~~~bt ~oked only . , Norwegian i rn migrant and it was pretty common slder changing the nama
since then hll,. l6reod, hfjll rarely~· # )ti.. only · ~.•military tactician, he I mothers who worked in then for the women to work in back to Coffee Street," ho
been ~clo¥d~d by · t i~. WU. a &DUI. He-Uo:bad ......... \i~· '· ri· boqm1ng industries ltarted them," Hanson said. said. "But residenta oo.
controversy. · · Hr ti~·~e·d an IDeredli.le memaey. and · ' ·"l; ' it. :Moat of the women lived jected because they would
To some .be' was a pattlot, wo.aa., I · t~ be hi ~ in hb'au the : . ,. ~·· Rolle H. Hanson, a retired nearby · on "Coffee Street." have to change the ad·
to others a'p)llnderer, a man · took ~a · Dtiiii • be complicated 10.a.~ 0 f
f columnilt 3lld vice president They went home once a day dresses on all their records,
cap.abla· ol-~eme cruelty. u-1ly~ wpt• . · •a au · t.. of tbe Stoughton Hlatorical to check their children, the like Social Security."
To the Mexican people, ~ail•. cer~y. "Why cond~trng a : cai;n~aign, , '' soclety, said the clty'a claim home and ho1Y the ne'xt meal Hanson conceded that
however, he ts a national not," be would aay, "if lt down' to the last round of to the coffee break was coniing along. Stoughton's c laim ""
hero, and his name is makes her happy?" The ammunition. originated several years ago "It was called Coffee birthplace ot the coffee
in&cril?ed in gold on the wall ceremonies wer1 '}not legal, Tb e re v o 1 u ntionary i.--in his oolumn. Street because every house break is not unimpeachable,
of Ult ~am~ of J>epulies and he left L:eiy one boa st e d a bout h j s He had been"-told by a cof· had a pot of coffee on the ''but no one's ever cballeng~
in Mexico.Cfty. offJclally recogniled Jridow, "~me," or manliness, lee salesman that Stoughton stove," Hanson_ said. ed ii."
Villa ls one of the figures wbol1Ye1iDCblbub~City. but be.was Mhamed •of h1s conaumea more coffee per This bec&ine Uie timeout It is something to discuss inablll~ to react or .write.· ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!~~""~plla~~dw~n~a~ny!..!eom~.~m~unt~ty~!far!!!:..,Wha~~t~becam~~·~a~n~a~ti~on~a~l_.:~o~n~th~e~n~e~x~tc~o~ff~e!e~br~e~a~k. Leabdiii proved tou&tiefl· Reagan Recall Groilp
Anticipating Trouble
than hi1 mill·tary
encounter&, and be
remained 1em1-literate. He
had a great respect for
education, however, and
whenever he saw a group of
children playing idly in the
street, be · ordered th e
construcUoa of an o t be r
A spokesman f o r a
movement to recall Gov.
Reagan indicated Tuesday it
may prefer to put the
question before California
voters at .a special election
rather than on t h e
November ballot.
Edwin Koupal, general
mana.ger of tM recall effort ..
said he might prefer a election about Dec.
20 because of the complexJty
of the vote.
At an airport news
conference, Koupal.
mentioned. a possible
extension of the petition
deadline IA> Sept. 30. The
group has been shooting for
a July 31 deadline, v.rthich
would put the question on
the November general
election ballot.
Koupal said the
c'ommittee was less than
100,IXX> signatures aw a y
from the minimum 780,414
required to put the question
on tbe ballot and predicted
that the group would collect
up bo 2 million signatures by
July 31.
Commenting on estimates
that a special election would
cost between 13 .and $4
million, Koupal sUWJted
that "the on cOmpanies
volunteer to finance it from
the tax break Reagan gave
them last year," ·
A two-part vote WOuld be
requiced if the r e c a 11
question ls on the ballot -
one yes or no vote op recall
and~.then a vote for a
gubernatorial candidate to
rep~ce ReG1gan.
Th?"P Koupal , a Los
Angeles cars ale1 man.
appeared CXUldeot about
rai&ing enoulh slgnatUHI
before the deadline, IOIDI
observors ~lated Ute
drive might 1-: in trouble
because of ta~ ol. a later
election. ~· ·
Koupal ad t h e
requireme t that all
signatures on the petitions
be aecompanied by the
signer's precinct number
was a stumbling block.
However, be ~· 80 pereent -about ,000 -
of the ~.QOO si natures
collected "' date bar• been · "precincted." '
Koupal said M-y in
Los Angeles the movement
was in danger of being
buried by an avaLanCile of
paperwork and admJtt.Jd,
"We're in tcoub1e." i
But be backed down 'from
the 11tatement at Tuesday's
news conference and said he
didn't mean it.
Though no legislation is
pendini, Koupal sald he
hoped the Legislature would
eliminate the p r e c i n c t
number 'il'equiretnent before
the July 31 deadline. 1
He a1'o laid he was
thinking ol Ille [ll>Oslbility ol
'filing suit in eadi prednct
against ttie requirement.
M e anwbile, spokesmen
said ri:tore 'than 250 persons
were workinl ·m Los
Angeles to ipatch voters and
precincts. POr Los Angeles
l'.;ollJ!ly al9ne; 1he spo&smen
said the 1'1sk required 47
pounds ol precinct maps for
18,000 precincts.
school. · · -----.. -a
He could be
companl001te in an ua
when massacres and
executions \Iller e
commonplace.· He
sometimes spared hi s
captives and saw to it
that the wounded enemy
troops were treated in his
own field hospi'tals. Even in
battle, tears for his fallen
comrades came coursing
down his cheeks. Muell of
the plunder he gathered
helped support tbe widows
an4 orpbant of b1a soldiers.
Even though his nanie is
linked IA> many g r ls l y
crimes of the revolutionary
period, "Villa once said, "l
fought ... so that poor men
could live like bum an
beings, have their own land,
send their children to school
and have human freedom."
A sentimental journey led
him to his death in 1923. He
was returning from a
christening when he and six
cohorts in a, touring car
were ambushed.
Two and _ a balL .yeps
Iattr, gavf Hbber1 dug up
his body and behtiaded it.
American &eientlsts wanted
to examine bl!: brain 1or
clues to hi.a puzzling person·
aUty, it was rumored. To-
day, wherever his }\ead may
be, Villa's countrymen h'ave
come to the conclufi'on that
his heart was in the right
Recruitirig La g Told At Colleges
At the end of the prime
recruitment season, only 43
percent of next year's ex·
pected faculty vacancies in
the California State Colleges
have been filled, .&ccording
to a progress report releas-
ed !<>day.
Dr. C. Mansel Keene,
usistant chancellor o f
faculty and •tall affaln fo~
the 19 ·college system, said
1,160 full • time academic
posts have been filled out of
' a toUil ol .. 2'16 OXJ!ecled
"Our salary structure and
teacbfng lbad make· it ex-
ce\dfngly dillicult for us to
compete realls.tically i n
today's teachtr market,"
Keene sald.
He estimated that 732
positiOns w;n probat;ily be
filled m a .part-.time basis;
leaving 824 full-ftme faculty
members, or 307 percent ofrr===========,J
the rota!, still to bt! hired.
While recruitment efforts
will continue Uirough the
summer, he noted that most
w e ll · q u a llfied faculty
meriiberS have already set-
tled their plp.ns for the
following year by May 15.
On• •f flt• 111•1t pop11l1r
111ewipe p.,. feet11re1 la tfi•
atrflr• U1tft•d St1t11 11 th1
AMII WMl1r1 .. 1.-. w •.•
tl•lly k .t9Te 1f ... DAILY
PILO"' end our reeden till
u1 It'• ••r No. I column.
(.Jhe equipment to make one, that is) ~-· ·-·-· _. .... _
••• I". ·----' ----PAl•Tlll' ... ,,..tff
::..""'-" ·--,.., .. u•• llllAlT• ------· ·-, ........ --... .... -"'_ .... ' ·---·-..,_ --........ ·-_ .. _ ·---AroZ ,,_. •• MiDa ~la •lull!.. .,._ """.,. .. ....... ,,,,.,., ........ -.: ......... --.......... ~"""' .,,_-----... todo•tbe ' i \ i '1f'a pe' ----...... -~ ......... -• ,..-· ...'
_ .. _
RE RIAL _.,.. .... ' .. ,.__
help O'll ad ... "" ....,. ..... ,.. ... to II .. ,
CENTER ~-borrow •lml:la ·~· •t .u, ... apt .,... ----' ----·=:-·
".,, .•11 . • "4 '1).1.., ,., / ., 0 . . ' .,,
Oxfords or Slip~on styl•• in
btown, bl•ck, nevy; 9rfffl,
10011 ADAMS .. 91 llOOllMUUT· 1Nrit te S.. 0. Dntl
Readershi p: You Spell it A·n·n L-a-n-d-e-r-s
Thursday, July 18, 1968
·An O_een Letter to Air Travelers in Orange County
Freque nt air service from Orange County Airport to Los
Angeles has been desperately needed for a long time.
' Cable Commuter Airlines, understani:ling this need, es -
tablished 32 commuter flights daily between these two
important Southern California communities.
Efforts have been made to prevent the continuance of
this service, which has been endorsed by over 2,000 Or-
ange County residents who have flown on Cable.
You have been told that we will not be allowed to pro~
vide this convenience between Orange County and Los
This is not true . A competing, complaining airline is us-
ing a governmental agency to protect its inability to
provide even similar service from Orange County Air-
Pending further notification we will continue to handle
all passengers consistent with the lawful orders of the
Civil Aeronautics Board qf the United States of America,
and the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Cali-
fornia .
Tomorrow and all the next tomorrows -fly the pioneer
in commuter air service from Orange County to Los An-
geles -Cable Commuter Airlines. The connection you 've
been waiting for.
Call your travel agent,
your favorite airline or
Cable Commuter at (714> 915-2813
' '
, ·--·~---•
Costa Mesa .-Touy's Closlng
~or. rr, NO. ·112, l SECTIONS, l4 PAGES
Ike Gives
To Nixon
Preiident Dwight D. Eisenhower en·
dorsed his former vice president,
Richard M. Nixon, Thursday for the
Republican presidential nominatJon.
At a news conference held with a
Umited number of reporters at Walter
R.eed Anny Hospital where he is
recuperating Crom a serious heart at·
tack, the five-star general recalled his
•tandard practice over the years bas
been to refrain from endorsing any
candidate uiitil that candidate' has
been nominated by convention or
"I think however 1 that this year ii
an ei:C«Ptional one," he said. "The
issue1 are to great and 10 contusmg
tt:iat I would like to break my own
He said most adult Americans have
expressed themselves on this subject
and he feels entitled to do so himself.
41 1 endorse Richard M. Nixon for the
Republican nomination for president,''
he ttien added.
Eisenho~ said he was taking this
step "not merely because of his (Nix·
en'1) ereat service to his country dur·
ing my administration but also
because or hb penona1 qualities."
Among those qualities Ei~nhower
stressed "intelligence and integrity."
'Ibere bad been a.peculation
Eisenhower would make tbe en·
Clorsement since shortly after he
scheduled the news conference.
Before the announcement Nixon told
newsmen be did not know what
Eisenhower intended ·to ~y -but ad·
ded be hoped the statement would SUP'"
port hia candidl<Y. He called the
former president a xevered flture
amoog people of -political parlles.
Hearing Monday
For Costa Mesa
Beating Suspect
Costa Meaa resident Richard Lloyd
Rhodes remained in Orange County
Jail today in. lieu of $31,250 bail pen·
ding a hearing Monday on charges .or
beating an attractive teen-age gul
with a foot-long wrench.
Rhodes, 29, will appear ror a
preliminary hearing in N e w p o r t
Harbor Municipal Court at 9:30 a.m.
on two counts of assault with a deadly
Police claim the 1w:pect 1urprised
the 18-year-old brunette waitress at
the drJveway of her Newport Heights
home aa she was ~g fro~ la~
at night wort. PoU~ 11Jd the girl did
not know the assailant. No motive was
given for the attack.
The <attacker hit the girl on the head
1everal times with the wrench before
her screams alerted her father inside
the home, officers said.
\Vhen police arrived, they found the
father hacking at a nearby car with an
axe. Sitting behind the steering wheel
was the suspect, police said.
The girl was ho1Pitalized .a~d la~er
reported in satisfactory condition with
bead lnjwies.
NEW YORK (AP) -The stock
market worked irregularly lower this
afternoon in active trading. (Quota·
lions 26-27).
Laguna Vows
'.\t, War
On Its Hippies
Of ""° Dltl1 Plr.t Steff
To lite applause Of f e d • u p
businessmen, Laguna Beach city coun-
cihnen Wednesday night pledged the
city will take a hard line on hippies.
By 4 to 1 vote councilmen passed a
resolution to do everything legally
possible to discourage hippies from
staying in Laguna.
There followed an airing ot
grievances by several businessmen.
Two hippie &pokesman and Cou•1·
cilman Charlton Boyd, the "no" voter,
cautioned against persecuting the hiP·
To use the hippie's . own
vernacular, speakers w e r e "up·
tight." Repeat.d mereoce to hip-
pies as bwns drew recurrent applause.
Arch hippie defender Robert 0. Bland
said such hysteria last time came
from Adolph Hitler.
More than 100 persoru: were present,
some having to stand.
In thrashing over the hippie pro-
blem, city government made
businessmen more aware of the Unita·
tions placed on local law enforcement
by the sts.te Legislature.
Councilmen pleaded that to a great
extent their hands are tied. "This city
has very little if any local option,"
Mayor Glenn Vedder said.
It was pointed out that hitchhiking is
legal from the sidewalk, t h a t
panhandling must be observed by a
police officer for an an-est to be made
and that housing violations are dif·
ficult to enforce "because hippies
don't sleep in the same place two
(See HIPPIES, Page %)
JI.. l EDIJ:ION N.Y. St.eeks
County Aide Indicted
Man Who Nailed Vanscourt Faces Embezzling RaP,
All irOnic echo from the past shook
Orange County Wednesday when the
man who helped nail a chle.f deputy
public administrator for · em-
bezilement -then took bis job -was
indicted by the Grand Jury on
similar charges.
Arthur Cbarloft, 33, of 123 N. Trevor
St., Anaheim, is accused of six counts
of misappropriation of public funds
totaling $239.87, a penny anti amount
by standards of former deputy ad·
ministrator Louts VanscourL
The defendant is a former FBI
agent who quit the bureau after 10
years to join the Orange County
auditor's staff, later helping to expase
Vantcourt ud· devising tight m!thods
to !aleguard against embezzlement.
3 City IAH!atimu
Cbar!O(f rose to cbier of the Field
Audit Division be!ore' being transfer·
"red to·· the job previously held by
Vanscourt, now doing a one to ten
year prison term for taking some
$15,<m from the estates of dead
CharlofE is accused of the same of.
fense, jnvolving theft of money from
the estates of six county residents, but
the case agalnst him is only $39.67
over the misdemeanor level.
The incidents allegedly occurred
during the period Charloff held
Vanscourt's old position and April ol
this year, when he resigned to join a
tax consulting business in Anaheim.
The suspect was arrested at his or.
fice Wednesday night, booked into
Mesa Favored
For Court Site
Ten prospective sites lor a future
Harbor Judicial District building have
been pinpointed by a special study
commtttee with three of them recom·
mended for serious consideration.
The recommendation! will go to th e
Board of Supervisors Tuesdey with the
suggestion that the committee be in·
structed i. proceed with moce detailed
studies of the three "best" locatlons.
The supervisors ba\'e allocated toward .site allocation in the
1-blldret bul no balldlng II ex-
peotod unW Uie 1969-70 flacaJ year.
The most favored site1 are on the
Orange Coitnty Fairgrounds opposite
the Costa Civic Center and north
of the Corona dfJI Mar freeway
between Jamboree Road and Tustin
Third site given "good" rating is on
West 17th street at Pomona Avenue in
Costa Mesa.
other given "good" and "fair"
recommendations and their cost per
acre for development are:
-C:orona del Mar Freeway and
Bear Street, near South Coast Plaza,
$40,000 an acre.
-Harbor Boulevard at Bak er ,
-Fairview Road at Adams, '40,<XXJ.
-Harbor Boulevard at Fair Drive,
-WestcWf Drive on the south side or Dover Road, •100,000.
-Jamboroe Road west side, near
Newport Center, a proposed Newport
Beach Civic Center site, $90,000.
-«ewport Center in another pro.
posed Newport Beach Civic Center
site, '90.000.
Because of the number of "ade·
quate" sites available, tne report 1ug·
gest that cost of acquisition and site
development "may become a very
substantial, if not controlling factor in
final selection."
It is pointed out that joint use of
parking facllities could reduce the cost
of development and maintenance.
Close proximinlty of municipal police
facilities could reduce construction
(See COURT SITES, Page %)
$100 Million Army Pact
Awarded Aeronutronic
Aeronutronic Diviaion of PhilcG-
Ford. Corporation of Newport Beach
hu been. awarded a three·year •100
million contract for the production of
Shillelagh anti·taok missiles for the
U.S. Army.
The first increment of $35. 7 million
has been awarded the company with
the remainder of the contract to be
County firemen began fighting a
sizeable brush fire in Aliso Canyon
shortly be.fore noon .
Doz.ens of fire trucks and bulldozers
were dispatched to the scene.
funded on annual basis.
The contract repre!ents the fifth
such for the mlssiles given to the
Newport facility by tile U.S. Army.
Actual production of the missile
system Is done at the company's
Lawndale facilities so there will be no
increase in the Newport planta person·
nel because of the contract, a· com·
pany spokesman said.
Shillelagh ls a gun launched guided
missile system for Army combat
vehicles now being used by troops.
The tank-type launcher of Ule
missile can also fire conventional am·
munition. The missile is effective
again~t moving or stationary targe ts.
Louis F. HerlJg o! Corona del Mar is
Aeronub'onlcs' Directo:-of Tactical
Missile Systems Operation and is in
charge of the project for the company.
Orang( County Jail and released on
$1,250 bail, with arraignment schedul·
ed next Tuesday. He is ordered to ap-.
pear before Judge Willlam C. Speirs at
9 a.m. in Department One, Superior
Fourteen witnesses -including
Charloff, at his own request -
testified be!ore the Grand Jury prlor
to the Wednesday. morning indictment
against the suspect.
He is specific.illy charged with pick·
ing up property at Orange County
J.lospital, including cash, and failing to
later deposit in the Pub 1 i c
Administrator's vault.
The amounts of money allegedly
stolen by Charloff, who was declared
bankrupt in January, with debts of
$43,859 and assets of $'l,402, are almost
petty by comparison to Vanscourt's
Count One -OCt. 27, 1967, $5.01
from the estate of Albert J. Stone.
Count Two -Nov. 16, 1967, $49 from
the estate of Joseph Babicz.
Count Three -Dec. 3, 1967, $48.84
from the estate of John D. Retzinger.
Count Four -Dec. 15, 1967, $3.30
from the estate of Anthony P . Marx.
Count Five -Dec. 23, 1967, $130
(See EMBEZZLE, Pace 2)
Ex-County Aid• Arthur Charloff
Not Fair Ga1ne?
Pair Nabbed on Rigged Win Charges
Two plainclothes detectives posing
as rubes in search or diversion ar·
rested a pair of carnival gamesters on
rigged win charges Wedneeday at the
Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa
James Maxwell, 38, and Sidnay
"Turk" Grall, 41, both of Los Angeles ,
were booked on suspicion of winning
by fraudulent means and later releas-
ed on •190 bail each.
Costa Mesa detective Harry Carter
and Newport Beach detective John
Simon were detailed to prowl the
Orange County Fair and Exposition
carnival for violatlons and stopped to
watch Maxwell.
He and Graff were running a Ball·
Roll boot.ti, in which customers paid 50
cents for a ch.a.nee to roll three rubber
balls down a box·like device.
The point of the game is to bounce
the balls over a low barrier, causing
them all to land in a special com-
partment, but no one seemed to be
making that third shot, the de tectives
Carter laid out 50 cent6 for a chance
and put twu of Ule balls into the com·
partment as conq~ionaire Maxwell
stood in a certain ·~ but missed on
the third try.
Maxwell had 8'tepped into another
spot, he noted.
The men idenUfied themselves as
police and received permission to ex~
amine the Roll-Ball device, allegi.'ng
they found it was "gaUed," or rigged
to make it possible for t.bem to win
The rigging consisted of coonection
or a loose board in the gaming booth to
a metal rod arrangement, so the
operator could maneuver the bounce
barrier, t.bus putting the last ball in a
No-Win spot.
Carter and Simon said Graff,
operating the other Ball-Roll table
during their probe, burridly handed a
stuffed animal to Fort Ord Army Pvt.
Chris Hiller and declared him a win-
'"''· Hiller was listed as a witness in the
case and Roll-Ball tablH were con-
fiscated as evidence, should Graff and
Maxwell, due for arraignment Tues·
day in Harbor Distriet Judicial Court,
plead innocent.
Carter said James Lantz, concession
manager for S.J .M. Fiesta Shows.
denied knowledge of the alleged game
"Of course, I know it -now,'' he
The detectives also booked into
evidence a total Of $54.70, with more
than '30 oi lloat 11\UYl takm fmn Jllu.
well, \\ilo ran the allegedly rigged
Watson Says OCC Needs
MoreRoom,AsksBond OK
"Either there are too many students
or we just don;t have enough room.
That's it,'' Dr. Norman Walson.
superintendent of the Orange Coast
Junior College District told members
of the Citizens Harbor Area Research
Team (CHART) this morning.
struction ls not monumental. but It'•
functional," Watson said. "That's
what we pride ourselves on."
The master plan for Orange Coast
(See WATSON , Page%)
Police Review School Drug Policy
In justifying the need for the tax
override conversion and $7.25 million
bond issue which will come before the
voters Sept. 17, Watson said 80 percent
or four out oC every five high tchool
graduates In the area who go onto
higher institutions attend a junior col-
New policies for dealing with 1tu.
dent drug uurs in the Newport.Mesa
Unified School District without af-
fecting the rest of the school enroll·
ment Is a step closer to re1llty today.
The plan, which hat evolved over
the past six months, will emphasize
rehabWtatton of the ttudenta rather
than punlshmenl Trusteu of Uie school diltrlct have
handed a propoaed poller for Uie
handling of studenta lmolnd in Uie
Hle. use or po11eNlon of narcotics or
4rugs on ca.tnptll to the admlni1traUve
staff and local law enforcement or.
ficlall. They are to review it and make
recommendations for p o s 11 J b 1 e
Hopefully, the propo!ed policy.
drawn up by Trultee Roderick
MacMllllan, will be broualtt back to
the board this 1UIDJ11M', ln time for
adop~DD by the tfmo achoo! slartl.
n; -dlJtrict hu ~
thill year to expel two students · for
possession ot drugs. The upulJlon
meant that the students were not
allowed to return to any of the district
One of the two moved out of state
immediately after his discharge, said
Diltrict Superlntendent William Cun·
nine;bam, and the other turned 18
years of age April 16, which will allow
him '° take adult education courses.
But bad these two students been e.1-
pel!ed and remained In the dltmct u
mlnon, tbey would have faced a postl·
ble permanent termination of their
education and might have become •
detriment to the community.
With thiJ In mind, district truslffs
called • meetln1 last spring with
police officers, judges .and juvenDe of·
flclalJ to dlocuu what kind of.general
student conduct policy tha di.strict
ahould devllop.
MacMllllan'1 proposed poller on
drq -. .... deftlopod ~
that meeting.
The proposed policy would, ao-
cord.lng to MacMllllan'a report to the
trustees, "in a sense Isolate the
youngster from the rest of the achool
and student body and atlll afford him
an opportunity to conUnue h i s
academic education."
Truotee Lloyd E. Blanpled Jr. pral•-
ed. the policy, saying "we ought to look
to the police and laws for punishment
and we should provide rehabllltatton."
Under the poUcy proposals, a 1tu·
dent suspected of dealing with drugs
can be suspended or expelled from
A review board would co over bis
case and lnterv1ew him and his
parenta. If be w11 Jud1ed to have
"potential development. •. u • rune·
tlonal cltlun of the community'\ the
board would recommend that the
auspenslon or expulsion be put aside
and the 1tudent aulll"'I to relu!M
clult1 OD probation.
He would be required to :
-Perform satisfactorily in 1 11
-Attend designated meetings \vith
other student& Involved Jn narcotics.
-Be Isolated during school breaks
by reporting to a counselor,
-Stay away from campus except
durinc achool houri,
-Stay out of school social and ex·
tracurrtcular acUvlUes,
-Pretent himsell for review at
least once a semeater,
"Thi• acUon Is deemed to be ln the·
best lntore1t of the youngster in help.
lng b1m ln the right manner to lake a
posiUve position In hi.I community and
become a functional member of the
community and of hit family In the
ruture.'' MacMUJtan reported.
Board president Jame1 W. Peyton
commended MacMllltan for coming up
with 0 a rather personalized approach"
and called It "a 1tep In the right dlrec-,tijon."
"Twenty years ago we went on a
pay-as-you.go basis. 11tls worked fine
for a period of time." Wataon said.
"But when enrollment started to
climb as much as 30 percent a year
and the assessed valuation didn't grow
at the same rate, we knew we couldn't
rely on this method."
The bond Issue. which would be mat·
ched by state and federal funds. would
cost the taxpayer $5 a year or, .. less
than one cup of coffee a week,"
Wablon said. The override conversion
would be no additional expense to the:
The )Oil c.nt tax override, approved
in 1962 for building, by a slmply ma·
jortty would be converted for general
purposes. The bond issue, which re·
quires 1 two-thirds vote to pan, would
provide needed buUdlng fund• for the
already overcrowded cam.puses.
"Junior collete bas to take all
ahtdents that come ln. But where are
yOU f""C to put them! 0Ur COO--
ll'1 hot anti humid over the
rest of the country, but com-
fortably warm ind pleasant
alone the Orange Coast. ind
It'll stay that way through the
weekend, with morning and
evening clouds.
ll p<TIOM p<N~. nine of
th.em children, in o New York
ttntmtttt fire and polftt 4"-
rest sailor on charget of tu,..
(ng i n a JaUs alarm. See Pagt 4.
=" .: ............. ' --. --. IK"9 C..... U "'"'..... ...., ..,,. ""' SMdl ,_....1141
T....,.IM n -.. -. --. --..
z DAllY PILOT T~y. July 18, 1%8
B52s Blast-Vief
·Missile Bases
• SAIGON (UPI) -Waves of U.S. 8* ~lulec\ Nqrlh Vietnamese
mJulle, batterlel today in the first
• ralda ol tbe war tor the &lant jela. American headquarters describ·
e4 the blltz just above t h e
Demllltariled Zone as retaliatory.
Tbe el&ht-engine Sttatorortresses
unloaded ton& or blockbuater1 on
SUrface-to-Alr Mlnile (SAM) bases
four and 11 miles norlh of ·thf DMZ
protecting inIDtraUon trails through
the slx·mile·wide buCfer strip,
Just below the DMZ, U.S. Marines
fought two battles with North Viet·
11amese µ-oops believed to htve been
h11ll1 lnfiltrat.ed into the 11outh.
Marine commanders reJ)Ofted 'n
NoRh Vietnamese killed in lights Wed·
nelday that cost nine Leathernecks
tilled and to wounded.
The U.S. command. sought to play
dowu the 852 strikes a1 an escalation
of tbe air war at a time when Ptesi·
dent Nguyen Van Thieu and President
Joholon were heading for a sllmmit
meetlng in Hawaii.
"'It's a kind of retaliation, you might
say " a spokesman (or American
headquarters said or the B52 missions.
The raids reflected U.S. determination
to knock out the rocket emplacements.
The Soviet-built SAMS wlth a range of
60,000 feet are the only weapons In the
Communist arsenal capable of hitting
the hlgb-alUtude B52s of the Strategic
Alr Command.
-Defense Secretary Clark Clifford
stressed allied efforts to scale down
the level ot Ogbllng as he left Saigon
for the Honolulu summit.
Clifford told newsmen the United
States could halt all bombardment of
North Vietnam without endangering
allied troops if Hanoi would take an
"importBllt and serious act o f
reciprocal restraint."
The two fights below the DMZ
erupted about seven miles from Camp
Carroll, a big U.S. artillery outpost on
Nude Photog1·aph
Leads to Arrest
LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The editor
of the underground newspaper "Open
City" w a s tree on $650 bail today
following bis arrest Wednesday on a
charge of publishing obscene matter.
Police said the ar-Ns't of John Bryan
stemmed from a photograph of a nude
woman which appeared in an ad·
Bryan tssued a statement charging
that bis arrest was in retaliation for
his paper's critici-sm of Mayor Sam
Yorty and the Los All·geles police.
Vice squad officers declined to corn ·
ment on Bryan's chargel!. They said a
warrant for Bryan's aITest wall issued
after city officials and municipal court
judge James Brown examined the
adverti.sement and decided it was c:.c-
Bryan will be arraigned Monday.
'' ..
high ground overlooltlng the barren
wastes or qie D.MZ. :.vhe.a. helicopters
dropped about .500 Marine•· into ao
3f'Qa VJetnamese activity
had been reported.
Artillery and air strikes supparted
the Marines. Fifty-six communistl
were reported killed in one clash 1n
Which nine Mtrines were killed and 2S
wounded. In the other ftght, the
Marines killed 21 North Vietnamese
while suffering 15 Wounded.
Crews of U.S. beUcoptcr gunships on
''Firefly" patrol 19 milM southwest of
Saigon in the fl.1ekong Delta reported
destroying 10 Viet Cong supply sam•
pans and damaging 10 others in a
series of raids over a three·hour
Ttie strikes were part of the sus·
tained allied campaign. to crush the
Communist threat to the South Viet-
names.e capitt-l.
Air war reports sald American
pilots flew 117 missions into North
Vietnam Wednesday. Return 1 n g
airmen said their bombs and rockets
destroyed or damaged 41 trucks, five
antiaircraft sites and an assortment of
boats ferrying weapons and c:im·
muniti on toward the DMZ.
Trash Charge
Hearing Set
For Tonight
. A public hearing is set tonl~ht on a
move by the Costa Mesa Sanitary
District to enact a new, more
equitable system of assessment for
trash collection throughout the city.
The rneetin~ is scheduled in City
Council chambers at 7:30 p.m., at
\vhicb time the public may discuss the
mater and question the five-man
board or directors.
Essentially, the new assessment
district plan will take the burden of
routine domestic trash pickup off all
property ·owners and give it to those
who use the service only.
This means that re s ta ur ants .
markets or other firms which must
pay for private rubbish service, due to
their large trash output won't pay for
the coffee-grounds and beercan in-
Sanitary district officials say their
already-established assessment on
property throughout the city will re-
main in effect, but m·ay drop as much
as 19 cents per $100 of assessed valua·
The new. assessment on individual
trash collection users will raise their
. cost for garbage pick~p from the c.ur-
rent 92 cents. Per month to about $1
per monht.
Officials say the total figure -
which includes less than $1-per·user-
per-year. for ove rhead expenses, will
come out to about '13 or a little less.
,.,.... p .. ,, 1
COits, it Is stated.
"Considering the quantity o f
available sites at moderate cost,
budgetary considerations appear to
rule eut further consideration of (our
sites," the report states. They are
Harbor at Fair; Westcliff .at Dover,
and the two joint use altea with a
Newport Beach Civic Center.
"Were one of these sites to be
sponsored by an interested group,
such as a municipality or property
O\\'ller, further study may be in
order," the report admits.
The Newport Center sites are feasi-
ble only as part of a joint development
with the city, it is stated. "Unless
01!.btf<it COA~f PUlll~HING COMPANY
R.•b•rl N. W•ed
PrM!dtnf PWU"""
Jet~ Fl:. Curley
\lfU; Prn •«"I tn~ G·~•! Ml"""'"
lloom•< Kt~•;l
l ai10•
Thorn1t A.•
M1n•tlnt l(lllor
P1u1 Ni111n
Adver1l1ln1 Olrt<lor
C"t. M.,. Offlc•
llO W11I lty Stietl
M•llint A.ddrf11: 1'.0 . l ox 1560 •2624
OtMf Oftket
,...~! ltKll: 2211 Wnl l1ltc. l o..ltvtrd
Lt.9'11'\1 b~Kll: ,lf l"Of'fll .lv(ftU~
Hvl\llnltoll 9"tll: Sit i•ll Sll'ett
Newport Beach acts to officially com-
mit itself to a city civic center in one
of these areas. no further con-
sideration is warranted."
The West 17th Street at Pomona site
offers the lowest cost or .all, the report
·noti::s .. "It 1$ llear the· existing court,
the historic center of Newport Beach
and Costa Mesa and the existing
Newport Beach city hall," It is stated.
"Only the question of locating the
court in what is now essentially an in·
dustrial neighborhood is question·
Development costs per acre on the
favored sites are Fair at Newport.
S30.000-$70,000, and Corona del Mar
Freeway between Jamboree and
Tustin. $30.00-$40,000. The \Vest 17th at
Pomona site is loll>·est at $30.00 an
The search for new sites has been on
for a year because of the inadequate
present facilities at 18th Stre·et and
Newport Botilevard in Costa Mes.i..
Deficiencfes 'of the one-acre site have
led to "expensive short-term solutlons.
inlcuding leasing of space from
neighboring propertiel! and trailer ren-
Facilities 'with expansion possibilities
are considered urgent because "con·
trary to ge neral countywlde ex·
perience, Harbor Area growth Is ex-
ceeding population predicti ons."
The superVisor1 committee which
i:;ubmlts the report include Joseph J .
Sm isek . building l!ervlces director
David G. liltcheock. budget director:
Forest Dickason. plaMing director,
and Stanley E . Krause. real property
services direction.
Detaile_d work was carried out under
the dirM:tion of R. J . Pnimlln, genior
real property agent ln Re•l Property
Sert Ices.
Fro'" P .. e 1
College and Golden Weit calls for
12,!500 d•y 11tudent.s at each campus.
Golden West was bulk to hon1e 1.500
students. In the tall Uiere will be !\,000.
SOme HunUnaton Beach students will.
out ol .-alty, be dl""1ed IO OCC
whlcll ls alAO o""""owded. ~
F'ro111 Pa1e l
n\ihll runnln1."
Councllmen pleaded tar residents to
bo Ibo clly'a eyes and eora and roporl
violations or be willlng to make a
citizen's arrest.
City Managef James Wh eaton 1aid
in April, ME')' and June 578 arrests
were made compared to 258 for the
same three-month period last year.
"The record speaks for itself," "he
said. "Where we (police) are there or
a citizen exercises his responsibility
prosecution is made."
Tbe recoluUon, authored by coun-
cllmen l\lcblrd Goldberi and JoJeph
O'Sullivan, 11ys the clty· has reeelved
unt1vor1ble publldty and the Police
Doparlmlnl bu been unjullly 1<Cuaed
of !poring the hippie slluatlon.
II declare• "lbls Cily Council doe•
not encourage or appreelate the
presence of hippies, 0 and reaolves: ~--Police are doing everythlng within
legal limitations to support tl'le law.
-The. soluU.on to this unpleasant
sltuatioD must be found through total
community involvement.
Fl'OIR Page 1
from the estate of Lloyd S. Smiley.
count ,Six -Nov. 17, 1967, '3.52
from the estate of John Gibson.
Charloff, tbrollgb hls attorney Mark
Hurwitz of Orange, denied the
-All legal avenues will continue to
be explored to discourage t b e
presence of hippies.
Goldberg Introduced the rt1olutlon
by saying Lsguna residenU are ratting
\•ictims to abuses by a few -''th~t
portion of the hippie element whi ch tn·
any other age would be defined as
bums." '1
In opposing , the resolutions, Coun~·
cilrnan Boyd said he wanted to raise Z
voice of caution. "Do not become too
deeply involved in symptoms," h8
warned. "Work just as hard on roo'
causes as on a symptom." . '.
The audience then had its say. ,
Bart McHugh of McHugh's To;
Shop said he refers to hippies aa bum~ "to knock down their ego" and
does not tolerate them leaning a1alnst
his store or slttlng on. tbe sidewalk.
"They can sit in the gutte;-wbere they
belong," he said.
J1e urged merchant.s to discoW"age
hippie patronage.
Hippie defender George Reiter, 928
J11JeadO\\'lark Lane, asked bow one
defines a hippie.
U .. • "I can te you one way, a w~an s
voice interrupted. "You can .1mell
them." -·
"Here you have a class Of people
being regarded as non·people ,". Rei.lefi
continued. "Many are g er 1oua1
r eligious in all sorts of ways. ~
"U you think of them as tbe sort of
thing you like to run out of town, It's a
short stop to using the law against
them," he cautioned.
OFF FOR CARIBBEAN -Skipper Martin Eder (with cap) holds
last minute crew conference before taking off from Newport Harbor
on "leisurerly cruise" through Panama to Caribbean in 37 foot sloop
Crew members are (left to right), Joan Marchart, Bob Mitten, Eder,
Robin Block and Ululani Townsend.
chaiges. ·
"Mr. Charloff vigorously denies
these charges and considers them to
have been irresponsibly instigated,"
Hurwitz said. "It has been charged
that alter a complete audit or the pub-
lic administrator'• office and of more
than $2 million 1n cub and personal
property that wu entrusted. to that of-
fice's care ln 1967, approximately $239
remains unaccounted for.".
Mrs. Noni Francis, of Francis~
Sportswear, said she objects to filthy
feet on her storefront and on citj'
benches, hippies sitting on flowers and
to girls only 13 or 14 years old
panhandling her customers.
* * * San Clemente : 5 Novice Sailors Leave Hurwitz added ~ " that,tQ ic·
cuse Mr. CharlDCf mertity becauae-o~ a
$239 d.iscrepency that was allegedly
found when he happened to be the
chief deputy is grosaly unjusL On Calm Ocean Cruise "It is particularly detamitory in
light of the fact that Charlott had an
honorable car.eer With ·the .FBI and
there after beaded tlnrOrange County
Auditor's team that uncovered a vagt
nwnber of lndescretions by
Takes Steps
To Bar Hips
'J'wo bachelors and three young
women set sail from Newport llarbor
\Vednesday on what they hope will be
a leisurely cruise down the coast or
J\.1exico, through the Canal
and the Caribbean.
The voyage will be made in an Islan·
der-37 sloop launched earlier this
month by Islander Yachts of Costa
Skipper fl.1artin Eder, 35, of San
Francisco, saJd none of the party bad
any extensive sailing experience.
But we don't anticipate any trouble,"
he said, ''as we intend to follow the
coast line to Panama."
Eder said he has no pafticular
destination in the Caribbean. "We'll
just~ cruising the islands." ""1 •'
Others in the crew are Bob Mitten,
30, from Ohio ; Ululani Townsend, 28.
Honolulu : Joan Marchart, 29, San
Francisco, and Robin Block, 21, San
f'rancisco .
Edler said there was no particular
purpose to the cruise except to have
fun and take a few •pictu.res (or the
producers of the yacht. He said the
trip bad been planned for about three
Eder said be has been sailing about
three years in the Silo Francisco Bay
area but bas never taken a long
H. Salt Esquh·e
Back i11 Business
JI . Salt Esquire is cyoking with gas
The newly opened fish and chips e m-
porium at 2750 llmbor Blvd., Costa
Mesa. is back in business after being
shut down due to a College Center fire
some weeks ago.
Owner George Rotolo suffered ad·
ctitionally when a stereo sound system
worth hundred dollars was
stolen from the gutted shop the day
after the blaze.
The blaze temporarily shut down
0U1er businesses· in the commercial
building because ilames which erupted
at the fish and 'chips shop 1knocked out
a main electrical system.
Cafe Tea Sipper
Aide in Theft?
A young woman who sat sipping iced
tea Was apparently one of two lookout~
for an older man ~'hile he jimmied a
hallway cigarette madtlne and go t
.away with $30 lrom a Costa Mesa cafe
Daniel L. Bears, employe of The
Cottage, 562 W. 19th St., said the tea-
sipper sat with another "'·oman who
ordered nothfng and they both left
moments after the burglary suspect.
The cigarette machine w a s
discovered tom open a few minutes
later when an employe entered the
haUW3y where it is located.
Thief Gets $230
From Mesa Fling
SOmeooo "110 wandered Into •
storeroom al The Fling Wednesday
can· finance a .real runa: today on $230
in cash which· was hidden in a cloth
bag, Costa Mesa police said today.
Ed Elsenbeiss, owner ol the bar at
145 E. 19th St.. said employe Jo"hn
Divi ne dl1covered the theft,.whlcb oc-
curred dtU"ing bualness hours. The
tbief dtscf.f'ded three prsonal chec:P
round with the money. l
distance Voyage. Mitten's sailing ex·
perience. has also been confined to
sailing small boats on Sc.n Francisco
Bay. None of the women ~ave had any
sailing experience.
Eder said be had the yacht built
with diesel auxiliary power and extra
gas tanks installed. to give greater
range under power. Extra water will
be carried in five·gaUon plastic con·
talners, giving a capacity of 60
The skipper said there was no
special equipment aboard the sloop ex·
cept for the usual electronics such as
radio-telephone, direction finder and
Walnuts Missing
An apparently quite young burglar
who made a squirrelly attempt at
breaking into the home of Mrs. Lois
Young, at 911 Darrell st., Costa Mesa,
finally had to be content \Vednesday
with reaching through a ripped win-
dow screen to steal a 49-cent bag of
diced walnuts, police said today.
Beacl1 Police Still Hunt
Harbour Bomb S~spe~t
lluntington Beach police continue
their search today for the bomber who
exploded a hand grenade Sunday in
the front yard of trucking executive
Lee Brockman's Huntington Harbour
home at 16641 Bolero Lane.
Police believe the bombing attack
stems from Brockman's in-
volvement in the labor dispute
bct,~·ecn the llearst Corporation and
the newspaper guild . The vlctim·s
trucking firm has continu.ed to.deliver
newsprint to the strike·botllld Los
Angeles facility since the strike began
on Dec. 15.
Detective Capt. Earle Robitaille said
that it appeared that the -.bomb was
. deliberately placed to do as much
psycholog.ical damage and as little
physical damage as possible to the
resi dence. ·
Union picket11 appeared at a store in
Huntington Center the evening after
. the . bombi(lg to· protest patronage ol
the Hearst advertizer.
You can't legislate against long hair1
but the San Clemente City Council
Wednesday took steps to make their
city lesl! attractive to hippies -if itf-
deed they consider it attractive at all:
The emergency ordinaince recom-
mended by Police Chief Clifford Mur·
ray will prohibit people sleeping in
cars, trucks, buses, campers, on the
beach, in tents or other temporar;
The law -which applies to private
as well as public beaches -may bring
a sharp outcry from l!Outhlanders who
travel in camper trucks on legitimate
weekend forays.
Old delivery trucks .&11d small
economy vans are hugely popular in
the mobile hippie crowd. many of
them featuring built-in bunks and
other facilities which eliminate pafinl
rent. "'
The City Council action followed t
recj!nt prote~ "Petition aigned by 7CI
citizens demanlting seizure of Uj
ba&niess license of Miss Cyndi Wil'
17. operator of a psychedelic shop. :
They charged that she sold a poster
depicting a couple in a centuries-otJ
sex aM to a 12-year-old girl wmi
vistited The Mind Garden, at 20t :Jo
Ola Vista. ,
City officials studied the demaii
· and decidedJt would be on dangero1f
ground if they took such action. >
The law prohibiting sleeping 4i
vehicles and the like -similar to ont
currently in the Costa Mesa city ho.
per -has ruu suppOrt of the s~
Clemente Chamber of Commerce. ,
al _JJ. J. (Jarrell
to 400/o off
Y111r r1,.w1tt lf1t.,f.,. 41tlfft•r wlll ~. h.,,., h 1hltt ., .. , , , •
. ~IOW.L '
lllTllOOR DIS-
M6-0271 MMJ76
Building Review I •t i ' ''f~ • ., . '!'_:.:""'. :.~ ....
Volunteers Asked
Reeds •••
For Design Board
" In the Wind
-------~ 01' Greasy Murphy was al the
: big fire downtown Tuesday and
~ tells me that there were a Jot of
J ··Fire Department critics in the
. crowd.
The second venture by the Hun·
tington Beach City r.ouncil into review
of architectural and design standards
wjll be limited to looks at civic
buildingc, the City Council has decid-
The city is asking for volu nteers to
staff the newly creaUd Design Revie~·
Board. Any registered voter of the city
is eligible for appointment to the five-
man board. The ordinance required
one licensed .architect and one licensed
landscape architect on the board.
Applications mu st be received by
the city administrator's office by Aug.
16 to be considered. A let'er ol ap-
plication and a brief restime should be
sent to the City A.drninlstralor, P.O.
Box 190, Huntington Beach.
Objects Gf the board Include en-
couragement of har111onious an d
esthetic development of civic struc-
tures. facilities, landscaping and
architectural features in city con·
struction . "Why, the OJ' Chief Ray Picard
. , is so efficient that there warn"t
.• enough time for the fire to ra1Jy get
·. goin' be!ore he had it out and the
· boys moppin' up. Beach Methodists Offer
· "How are we ever going to get
. : the old downtown redeveloped with
.. men like the fire chief around ?
--Even the outlanders from Costa
. · ~1esa got into the act with a ladder
'.truck. They got the same kind of
3-day Seminar o·n Sex
business over there so why can't
they stay home and mind their own
A seminar dealing with the place of
sex in interpersonal relationships will
be offered this weekend by the Com·
* munity Methodi st Church of Hun-
tington Beach .
It's true that Chief P icard 's fine "Sex -A Christian Vie\.\'" will
·.:crew did attack the fire im-emphasize personal attitudes about.
.. mediately and in force. It was a sex, while going into the biological
· good show while it lasted which functions of the body .
. was only 45 minutes or so. Police officers did an excellent Teen-agers in grades 9 to 12 ""'ill hf>
~ job of keeping the la rge crowd of admitted to th e seminar if ac-
each family &!tending the conference,
which will be held at the church at
6662 Heil Ave ., Huntington Beach.
Play Under Way
In District 55
Of Little League
. youngsters away from the old two companied by one or both of their
stor y brick building and still allow-parents. 1.itlle League District S5 :\rea I
. ed them to see all the action. The session begins Friday at 6:30 tournament play is under way at the
· The fire is sure to leave a lot of home of the Bolsa Little League, p.m. with a potluck supper. The se-H d questions in the minds of those who azar .4.venue and Newhope Street,
have watched the battle of the city cond and third sessoins will be Satur· Sa nta Ana, and will continue through
·vs. the owners of the building over day at 4 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., wilh two Saturday.
the past couple of years. meetings lsu nday. Tournament ?lay begins at the area.
Adults and teen -agers will meet then district, sub-sectional &eotional * together tor all sessions except the one and regional levels before progressing lo th e Little League World Series.
There's little doubt that the fire Sunday afternoon. Ocean View Little League · won 'the
began upstairs when some of the A $4 registr.ation fee will be charged 1itle of !966 All Star Southern
unofficial "guests" got careless California Champions.
with fire. It's been known for some So far Stanton took the measure of
time that hippies and others have Pool Available Fountain Valley stars on Monday by a
.. •
• . ..
...... ~---
'· ': ,. ~,; '.! '} .
BELGIUM BOUND -Kathy Crozier, 17, (stand·
ing), studies Belgium travel folders along with
(left to right) AFS representative Mrs. Lind a
AFS Student
Reddish and parents Mr. and Mrs. Keith Crozier.
Kathy is Fountain ValleY High School's first foreign
excha nge student.
Valley Girl to Spend Year in Belgium
used the upper portion for living score of 12-0. On Tuesday night Oce an
quarters from time to time. F'or weekend p a1·ties View took Westmin ster American by a ThP Crozier fam ily of f'ou ntain ~turly at Imelda lnstituul with her host twins Dlrk and Herman. 19; Ingrid,
The most immediate quetsion is score of 1-0. Wednesday night it was Va lley wilt be short Gne member Fri· sister Ingrid, 17, in the "modern scien-17: twins Erik and Helga. 13: and
11'1\.11t :indowiththeburnedoutshell W . t H' h Sh 1 wMn . Bolsa squaring off .against day when daughter Kathy, 17. flies tific section ." Hugo, 10.
of a building already condemned as estmins er ig c 00 s min.11: \Vestminster National. from Lo!\ A n g e I es International Courses squeezed in the six-day Dutch shouJd pose little problem for
un safe. pool may be reserved for private Tonight Stanton and Ocea n View go Airport lo New York nn the first leii!: or school week include c h e m i s tr y . Kathy who has taken the closely
'"' It's a question for the lawyers al it at the Bolsa field. Winner of the her year-long adventure 11s a n phyl!ici;, biology, hum anities and three related tongue, German. throughout
,,. ;\nd the city has a fine one in Don p~es on Friday and Saturday even-Wednesday game meets Robinwood American Field Service foreign ex-foreign languages. "I'll be loo kinf!. hi1{h school. She expects to return to
· Bonfa. He is sure to come up with ings from 1to 10 p.m., the Recreation Little League of Hunting.ton Beach on change student. forward to the Christmas and Easter Fount:ain Valley in July, 1969. when
·:·an answer which will protect the Department announced. Friday. Game time is 5: IS p.m. for all Mi!ill Crozier. thr Valley's fir~t holidays:· admits Kathy. ·"School she will re~eive her diploma from
:•.property and li ves of those who evening games. foreign exchange student, will spend a begins Sept. l ." Fnuntain V"Jlye High School.
k d · th Id b ·1d· For additional Information con-· c · H · · J · u wal or nve near e o u1 inl!. The District 55. Area final s are r ear with the Jan De Lael family nf Miss rozier 's Dutch .speaking, nine-er overseas experience 11 01n y
·:·but if the old building goes it wilt cerning fees and re~rvations, contacl Saturday at 2 p.m. and will pit the Antwerp, Belgium. She sails from member family includes Jan, the sponsored by the national AFS
·be at the expense ol a conversation winners ol the Ocean View-Slanton New York, Saturday. father, an accounla nt: her mother organization, the Fountain Valley AFS
.°:piece guaranteed to raise a hot the Recr eation and Parks Department ga me and the winner of t h e An "A" student whose specialty ;,. Elizabeth, a housewife ; and seven chapter. the big'h school AFS club, ud
·debate anytime. at 893-4511 . Robinwood game Friday night. math and physical science , Kath y will brothers and sisters -Hilde . 2.1 ; the De Laet and Ctozler families.
. '~ ...
... ... .
... .
-' ..
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iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
... IOYS IMl •llLS
Reg. Price '4
Ra9. 3.00
Dn D._ 10l-..r. Ce"-"
R~,. Pti~t $)
Requlerly $5
OUR PRICE • , ••
51~-~ GIRLS SHIFTS 51~~ Multi-Color
$2~~ Si111 3-14 $2~~ Val. to $1>
STORE HOURS: Daily 'I: 30 till 1>:00 p.m.
MON.-THU.-FRI.-'I: 30 till '1:00 p.m.
-Us.e Your S.nkamericard--M1sterchar9.-
Youn9!.ncl's Cher9--0r P1y Evan C1sh
~ .......... "9111
Mn. Tema•• H. Hem.Niu, of
Indio, died Tuesday at the age of
101. Siie Is survived by 101 descen·
dents. Born in Mexico, March 7,
1887 Mrs. Hernandez moved to
eoiOrado with her husband m 1000
and had lived In the Coachella Val·
ley since 1908. She is 6Urvived by
four daughters, 25 grandchlldren,
68 great-grandchildren, and four
great • greet • grandchildren. •
. ~ ~ .
Mrs. JoAnne Jmru1, 27, wif1 of noUd
bandteader HafTll Jam11. 66, O av e
birth to a si% pound, J4 ounce boy,
Michael Everett Anthonll Jamts Tues·
da11 in Leu Vsgas. Mrs. Jam.ea is a
forme1' Las Vegas 1howgirl and
James' th.trd toife. TheJI were married
last 11ear in Reno. James has two aons
and two daughters b11 two previous
marriages. • A Fanninglon, Michigan man
will tell you that nonsmoking can
be detrlmenlal to your health.
Lloyd Schw•rtx, 40, said two men
approached him on a downtown
street and ask~ him for a cigar·
ette. When he answered, •ii don't
smoke," they hit him over the head
with a wine bottle and fled. •
The Eastern Sunbathing Assoc-
iaticm (ESA ) fnknd.I to fight for
your right to go 1wimming
naked. Jn addition to athletic
conUsts and crowning of a king
and queen of nudism at Its five·
day convention in Palm.eT,:~.
Pel., the ESA promiseB to form a
Yist political action committee
tO tDOTk for passage of legisla-
titm benefittng thf: ttudlst move·
ment • .Among th4 goals ii abolf..
tUm of laws bonninQ nude bath·
ing on public beaches.
• O.vld ll<irnett of Fort Wayne
Ind., reported to city police that
four hubcaps were atolen from his
car parked in front of his home.
Barnett later called back to say
the hubcaps had been returned.
The thief left them on his porch
with a note reading, ''Sorry, but
they didn't fit." • AllMrt F . Marsh, o( Garden
Grove, has a goal of ''a quail in
every pot.·• Marsh, who keeps
about 5,000 of the birds and hopes
to breed quail to a larger dinner
table size, says "Americans don 't
know wha t the y're missing if they
have never tasted quail or q u a i I
'nlul'5day, July 18, 1968
Strike Still
CHICAGO (UPI) -Telep-In·
1flaller1 Wednesday rejected • new
contrac:t JWOPOMl by the nu.nots Bell
Telephone Co. and filed a complaint
with the National lAIOOr Relations
Board, adding still another obstacle to
the Democretic NaUonal Corlvention.
Estimates of the time needed to
begjn installation of the miles of cable
aod wire needed for news media and
other communications at the con·
vent.ion -scheduled to open here Aug.
26 -range from "immediately" to as
much as three week.a.
No new meetings have been set
between company and union. An
Jllinqis Bell spokesman 1aid Mayor
Richard J . Daley or mediators would
have to call the two tides together.
Democratic leaders have threatened
a "new look" at Chibago JI the cOn·
vention site if the dispute is not settled
this week.
Leaders o( the Intern atlona I
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
said Wednesday the company merely •
juggled it. prevk>us offers which have
been ref\lsed by the union since its
strike began 71 <ll!Y1 ago.
The NLRB complaint, which could
be re!Olved within two weeks or take
as much as a year to settle, charges
Illinois Bell with lUlfair labor pactices
and 1eeks an illjunction agai.ngt the
COIDJ>"¥1Y ''for refusing to bargain in
good faith."
Specifically, the complaint charges
that llllnois Bell has refused to budge
from a "predet.ermined package im-
posed" by its parent company, the
American Telephone & Telegraph Co.
It alsG charged the company with us-
ing subscriber money to wage a
newspaper advertising c a m p a' I g n
against the union.
James W. Cook, Illinois Bell Presi·
dent, said the union's rejection of the
revised three-year contract offer left
the negotiations at a "total impasse."
Casting Plant
Blast Kill s 1,
Injures 29
CHICAGO (UPI ) -One worker was
killed and 29 injured Wednesday when
an explosion ripped through a die
casting plant in a northern suburb,
tearing apart a corner of the large
Workers at the National Die Casting
Co. in suburban Lincolnwood were
buried under debris and had their
clothes tom off ft-om the force of the
blast. Many wandered dazed through
the wreckage and were burned by
fires which broke out.
The blast hurled chunks o{ concrete.
glass blocks, bricks and pieces or steel
onto parked cars a block away,
damaging them. It knocked out win-
dows of factories acrossthe street,
slashing employes with glass.
About 100 persons were in the
building. 200 feet by 350 feet and one
story tall except where the blast oc-
cUITed. The blast leveled a
foot section wtiere the building is two
stories tall.
Killed immediately was Russell
Long, 54 , Chicago. The injured were
taken to various hospitals.
Nine suburbs and Chicago senl
police and firemen to the scene . Fire
Commissioner Robert Quinn o I
Chicago said it was possible an
acetylene tank exploded, touching ofl
a larger blast and fires. He said eight
small fires had been reported at the
plant in the last year.
Instant Death
Shown above are the remains ·of two automobiles
in which eight persons were killed instantly Wed·
nesday when the vehicles collided head--on, seven
miles north of Sedalia, Mo ., on U.S. 65. The car.
on the left contained seven persons, one of whom
survived but remains in critical condition. The car
at the right carried two persons. •
False .Alarm Dela9
• 11 Die Ill New York Fire
NEW YORK (uPI) -Nine children
and twG adults died early today In a
fire that swept a tiny gray stucco
house where four families lived. Fire
officials said a false alarm delayed
some units.
The fire department said the false
alarm drew firemen from the nearest
station to a building seven blocks from
the blaze that enj:ulfed the two-story
house in the St. Albans section of
Queens. Pollet 11aid a suspect in the
false alarm had been arrested.
One ladder company saw the flames
on the way back from tile fa1se alarm
and stopped. All the other units went
back to the f.itestation and had to be
called out again, the fire department
FJre Lt. Lawrence Trotta com-
manded the ladder company that was
first on the scene.
"We looked down the block and saw massive name." he said. "We
went down and saw two men jumping
fr om the second floor. We tried to
Police Arrest
Slaying S11spect
In Philadelphia
suspect in the ~aying of a young
policeman was arTested today inside
his girlfriend's south Philadelphia
Phillip Clark, Zl, broke into tears
when detectives put handcuffs on him.
Clark had been •ought since Ja1t
Monday after patrolman Ron F .
Bcackett, 25. father Of a four-year-old
daughter, was shot with bis own gun
while attempting to handcuff a su!pect.
in an S80 trolley holdup.
Detectives said Clark, who became
the object of a nationwide police alert.
refused to open the door of. the apart.
ment. Police smashed it in and Clark,
whimpering an unarmed, offered no
The arrest hours before a
scheduled 10 a.m. funeral &ervice for
lhe slain officer. who graduated a1
class valedictorian from the Police
Ac1demy only two years ago and was
twice commended for bravery.
break into the building but the beat
and names forced us back."
Tht flames left black scorch ltalns
that curled along the stuccoed side of
the 20 by 40 fOOl dwelling that a city
official said had been zoned for only
one family. He said there would be an
investigation into why at least 16
persons were living there.
Flve persons were taken to nearby
Mary Immaculate Hospital. They
were treated and released.
It took firemen 30 minutes to get the
Marijuana Crop
Sheriff's deputies harvested 2 3 9
carefully tended marijuana plants in a
canyon gully eight miles northwest of
ttrls northern San Diego County city
The "weed" was located after the
she:ri.ff's department received an
anonymous call.
. flames under control. Then they began
poking through the ashes for live
coals. They found four bodies in the at-
tic arid seven bodies on the second
Most Of the children were huddled
near the windows. They were ap-
parently overcome by the smoke and
,intense heat.
Flames ate out virtuaJJy the entire
interior and firemen used hooks to pull
down dangerous celling beams. The
building burned With ·s·uch intensity
that houses on both sides were seared.
Fire offi cia1s identified the dead as
Darlene Black, 2, Sheila Black, 9, Bob-
by J ean Gibson, 10 months, Sheila
Gibson , 4, Bertha Gibson. 7, Bessie
Perry, 29, Jaimia J erome Perry, 8,
Reginald Perry, 6, Denise Perry, 4,
Charlene Pmy, 3, and Charles Holst,
24 .
Police said Penny Coon. 19, a Naval
medical corpsman attached to the St.
Alb81ls Naval Hospital, had been ar·
rested as a suspect in the false alarm.
100 Guards ..... • li
Help Quell
• " " ~ • ~ ~
' • • • ~ '.Akron Riot • "' • • ~• •
AKRON. Ohio (UPI) -About 100 :
National gua.rdsmen took to 1he :
81reets ol lhls industrial city toctia, IOCI., c:
helped police q u e 11 a window•~ ~
smashing and looting outbreak by rov-~
ing gangs or Negroes. Police shot and t
wounded a Negro boy. c
Official& said the outbreak could ~
force cancellation of a planned at-..
ternoon visit by Gov. Nellon A. ~
Rockefeller of New York, who wu " • campaigning through Ohio. .;:
Police used tear gas to dJsperse the_~-:~
gangs. which stoned automobiles and -.:
firebombed at least one store in the ~
Wooster Avenue district of a :.,.,;
predominanUy Negro sec'i.ion near the ·
downtown area.
Order was restored at sunrise
following the arre·st of 45 persons. ~--
Some of the trouble spilled intn the
downtown seetion -and the east 1lde.
"We never gave up any sectian. of~
the city," Police Capt. JMD Traub ·
said. "Where there was looting, we u-
rested looters."'
A IS.year-old youth, who police Kid
was looting a grocery, was shot in the
shoulder . He was reported in fair Corl.·
d.ition at Akron General Hospit:il .
Police said a Negro man wat drag-·:
ged from his car and beaten. He was ,-;
treated at a hospital and released. :
Gov. James A. Rhodes ordeml 700 .·
National Guardsmen into t bis
northeastern Ohlo city following a ·re-···
quest for assistance by M-ayor Jobn
Ballard. ..
Most of the Guardsmen were ·:
deployed at the High Street armory
while title others. with rifles and ·.
bayonets, assisted police wearing steel ,
helmets and armed with three-foot '
long riot sticks.
The outbreak centered in a five-"
bloc k area of Wooster Avenue just ··
west of the downtown section. About .,
every third store in the section was
broken into and shattered glass '"'
covered the sidewalks.
The disturbance first broke out late
Wednesday night but order was quick· _
ly restored by police. Shortly after 11 '•.
PST 2 a.m., it erupted again and .
Mayor John Ballard requested Rhodes ·
to activate the guard.
The cause or the disturbance was. :-
not known. Police said 81).degree
temperatures and high humidity fore.
ed large crowds into the streets.
. ,•
New York Sidewalks Hot ' The Travellers •.. , . .
S1to1.vers Bring Welcome Relief w Humid Midwest
PM-MM> !OQ bl1n~••td "'"'" (II
S<11111'1t"' C1lll&rn•1'• ccwu t e.•11' •11-
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61Eles lll!••tir1nv w~r• "'"""·
Ntedles recot11eo 1 11~ W!<1"1'\d1v,
~ Wltmt•! •PC! In t~e ... , .....
In l at A~tele• Incl "kl"lly, ... fly
mornltit '°' cllH\Pllec! •n•o •unny ~~•
1rwl•Wtrm lfm~r•tu•tt. TDll1¥'t ~I•~
Wll 11, Two dftlr""' we•mr• '""ft WMMtdl'f'l m1•IM \lm, T~o IOW It>
"tvllt .s.
T,.,,... w11 "'°""'•t• lo •~• ••• lrrlfl l ... I" ""' bl1ln. ._ct.s flld >orM low cloud1 •"" IOI \lflm rnldd11. Hla~ lt1T111er1111r•• _,. -· n Ind Wiier Wll t!.
~lM Mid *-h -·· matlt'f --""" "°' ll.allted ,,..,,.,.,,...,_.
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-~ IOl:li'f Wlucled: L-1...a. ,, ........ t. Morlkll .... ,,, lkH'·
._., ..... Mt. Wllloll J .. 11. "•tmdlle ... ,. """""'" ....... "'"" ~""' 101·111, ...,.,lotld .... , .. San °'"°
&'H ft ""'' Alrt<tr1 7).TI.
L.OI ANGELES ANO VICINITY -~ ....,,. ...... ,.,,. """"""' _.,,,
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Cocktail drinkers, arise. And tak~ your cocktails with you.
Now you can. because Club Cocktails have arrived. In cans.
Each _eight ounce can is fresh-sealed, made of quick-to-chill
aluminum. Each holds over3 perfectly blended drinks for less
than a buck, Even fl ip top. We gave them fun names because
they can go fun places. Bikini Martinis and Surfer's Sours at
t he beach. How about Marina Margaritas and Mainsail Man-hat~ans on board your favorite boat? SnowbunnyScrewdrivers
beside a frozen lake. Or Downfield Daiquiris at the pme.
Club Cocktails in cans. To go. They're what the good life is
1tt about.
..;...-; =
Club Cocktails
\ a •
' ' • • • • ' • ' ' • • • • ' ' • • ' ;
I• • ' • < • • ,, • < < ., ., • • ' ,
BY Plill ••land1 Thundq, .Al!Y 18, 1961 DAILY PILOT S
In One Week, Guns Took Lives of 192
Snipers Must Have
No Emotion to Kill
The ability to go for long
period. without food or
water, to control emotions
and to kin "calm1y and
deliberately" and without
remorse are the m a i n
qualifications of a good
llliper, 1ay1 a proposed
Marine Corpc llWIUal.
In effect, it add&, the
IDiptt eannot be made -he
must be born.
The 240-page n1anual is
being circulated through
Marine commands for com·
menl and bu not yet been
Wri-by Maj. Robert A.
Russell of Vista, Calif., who
commanded early pickup
sniper teams in Vietnam, it
lays out the first formal
training program on the
oubject aillce Word! War IL
The document says that
candidates far s n i p e r
training should u n d e r g o
psychiatric screening t o
make sure they have "cer-
tain essential m e n t a l
"A sniper , •. must kill
calmly and deliberately,
shooting carefully selected
targets," the manual says.
"He must not be suscep·
tal>l• to emotioms of anxiety
· or remorse."
The manual says "a pro--
l>'t mental condition cannot
be taught or tnstilled by
Russell, now retired, told
newsmen at the , time he
Fred Kopp
Gets Post
Fred Kopp o[ Newport
.Beeach has been appointed
art director of Paul Mitchell
Advertising in Orange •.
Most recenUy Kopp WWI a
graphics director at
Autonetics Division of North
American Rockwell Corp.
More than 75 national and
regional awards in the
graphic arts field have been
reooved by Kopp.
The native Californian has
had nine pieces of his fine arts collection appear in the
Otis Art Institute or Los
Angeles County galleries
"Taste Of Angels" ex·
. '
completed U1e manual more
than a year ago that sniping
i.s a "very personal kind of
fighting -you can see the
look on people's faces"
wh en they are shot.
By this, he meant that a
telescopic sight brings the
face of the often unsuspec-
ting victim close to the eye
of the sniper, even from a
thousand yarda: away.
"It's di'fferent
spraying lead all
hill," Russell said.
1-lis manual says a sniper
must be highly intelligent,
because he must learn a
wide variety of skilb: such
as ballistics, radio opera-
tion, adjustment of artillery
£ire. map reading a n d
military intelligence col·
Iection and reporting.
Sniper teams, generally
two men, must operate for
long periods by them.selves
and this means, the manual
says, the sniper m u 1 t
display decisiveness and
Stressing coolness, the
document says that "even
an .instant of uncontroll
emotion can be fatal"
"The sniper must possess
true equanimity, a perpetual
self·Possessi"on and serenity
v.itich fosters maturity and
patience," the manual says.
Background as a trapper
or forest ranger would equip
a Marine for sniper duty
because "the sniper must be
able to reach his firing posi-
tion undetected" and to use
the unusual behavior of
wildlife as indicators of an
enemy's approach to his
Because a sniper often
operates for long periods
with very little sleep, food
or water, he must be in
outstanding physical con·
dition .
Glasses are a liability, the
document says, because the
lenses may reflect the sun
or other light and betray the
sniper's hiding place.
A sniper should be a
nonsmoker, the man u a I
says, because "smoke or an
un suppressed s m o k er • s
cough can betray t h e
sniper'• posi'tion, and even
while on a mission, refrain-
ihough be may not smoke
while on a mission, refraln-
m e n t ma;.' cause
nervousness and irritation
which lower bis efftciency."
Love the
Sound of
From Fashion Island, Newport Beach
~ ..,
87 fte A111d1ted Pnu
Deolbl by 11re ...... total· ad ill .....,. the naUoii, !A$t
-. an AllOc:iattd !'Hes
·~ ~. and more
-IO percent rerulttd
lrom ·the dalll!fl<Me 1111n« ol
•·budruD, lb0ti:1U1 or rltle.
10n/a of the dead WU a
FGrt X..ucltrdale, F 1 a • ,
-·· Mra. catolyn White, -durillf .. argu. ment wffll·ber hmbaM .. She
cllilll't want him to brlnt a ri'1e into the house •
The survey sbonl 121
bomlcldes, 40 •uicldea . and
31 accldenlal llioOtincs in
tbe week .fr<Jm' mldnllhl bornlddea, 10 ·~ suicldes , dUf!nc an ar~ -
Sunday. July 7, to mldnJabl ...i.1 wu a cc Ide n.1a1. her hOl!teu over a d1sh of
Sunday, July If, llllnol1 had 15 gulllbot homemade Ice cream,
'!be homicide total COllt• deUbl, ol which 9 A building auperl!llA!ndtnt
p&r<d wilb a w" ·• t 1 y bomlcldea, allegedly shot three men to
average of 125' r-1td by The ourvey coatalnecl !be death Jn New York Clty.
the FBI In 1966, the list lamlllar plcturt of cr1m.. eliided a police dragnet and
year for wblcbtflgures were cODDeeted 1 b o o t 1 n c 1 • surrtodered. eventually to
available. donieot!c quarrels wbdh en· . police Jn Graham, N.C .
8\JRVEY T•....,., cled ln CUJIPlaY an d A, ••·ager 111.,,ecttd of .....,.... delpcmdency which gave prowllng In Portland, Ore.,
An AP survey durlnc !be woy to l\llolde, It wu -by police when be
week endlnl .~ ... :IS tallied nwaled bow' o .-.. reluled to obey an olllc:er'•
llill ~ot deatba, Jn. · pathellcelly almple cllapute orders to halt. The youth,
eluding 115 iomlcldes, 65 ends in tragedy, 19, was deaf.
suicides and Ii by accidents. ¥r•· Albertine Wiggins. p• ~ AJIG•~n c&u!ariua ""h 21 bad the. 22, .... abol to death with a ~ w~
highest firearms toll last .22-caliber plltol in Winter Two men areued over weet. Of th!Ke, 10 were Haven, Fla. It • bappe!led what recordl to play on a
WEEKDAYS 9 to 9 SATURDAY 9 to Ss30
M'Nlillwll ,...,.,,_. t11n 24. ltU.
"A nico nylon bru1h by
Tip Top, it'1 fla991d ond
•ipp1d of f1p1Nd nylo11
lliow'1 thot a91in71
Soft .1pi;n9Y rollor ""ith
b11ilf i11 • tqUINI 1111k11 it
011i1t to point yoor
1co111tio1I 1•111119. fOf
1tou"•• Y•O could •1a •
Q-Tip ~t fhot 111ltht·1 ..
This is n11f, 11v11 "'''s
1..4 cl•1nln9. Juet put in
poi11t troy, 111, 111d whon
fini1h1d, to11.
lrln9 yo"ur •wn conloifl•r
ond fill lior 1p. M1k1 it a
"''''' 0111 pl1111, tli o firo
d1p1rhti1nf in1i1t1,
lo Your °"" ~ntaln•r 2 2 C Gal.
x 12 Pla1tlc DROP CLOTH
Cloar p111fic 10 yov con
111 whit yo11'r1
prot1ctl11l. (I lift 111in1
111 whtn w11 tlirou9h
11'al1ttin9 • , • "'Y f11r11lt11r1
n1•1r l11k1tl b1tt1r.I
· A pr•tty good br11ih for th• prlc•, fin • f,r lo11th 11p job1,
1111011 corn ... oroo1, or hobby work for tho •1d1. If yo111ro
dolnt YOll! OWl'I •• ll VO '""•Y· wfay 1poMI oll tho• ...... d on
tho oq111prnont1tS,,-nd1t on. wln.o, worn•!\ on.d 1on1.lJ
Your Choice
3, 3V2 or4u
Paint Brush
Tho Nol stuff, 11 .. 1w1 11ylo11
for 111 polnth19 lolu, lrtftrlor
or 1.-t1rlor. 1.., 111 thr11111d
11v1 $3.DO off tlia r19111ar
119 Ea.
In whito, con be tintod if yo11 'd
liko. A 9ood ptint 1111d1
11p1ci1lly for u1 by th1 D1f1111cl
Ch•rnicol C.rp. of Norlhw11t
Caroful ,,.,.r1 tl1n 11 tho
1otr1t • 1 tood point Job
110 ii ch11ln9 tho kids ovt
of tha lio111al. Fl1k1 off tlir
old wltli •n• of tha11.
Thi1 is tfit !0119 •no, for 111hid1 ~~--work, c1ili1191, OI' for 1t111dln1
out1id1 i nd dolnt tho ln1ld1
!ltrov9h •wind-If Y•• don•t
llk1 to 91t f•o clot• to your
5.11; Wooden Stepladder
If y111°r1 9oin9 up in Hi• world, thl1 wlll
h1lp. Stllrdy wood1n 1t1pl•dcl1t ;, 1111fvl
for pal11Hn9, 1torin9 tfllff 111 tlio top 1h1lf
in th• h,11 cfo11t, ond d1cor1tln9 tht
Chri1trn11 tr••· IC011'111 •••n•r tkon yo11
~------------- - - -----------
la...,, Julio box In Eloy,
Aris. Someooo pulled a IUD •
and Louis Martinez, 29, WU
allot fatally. Martin
Gonzalea, llO, 1urrendered to
police. ·
"A brutaJ, senaetess ex· ecuUon" waa the way police
described. what happened in
a Marylaod robbery. A w.n.
dreued. man entered a
a &ndw tch shop near
Baltimore, took '169 from
the four customers, then
ordered them to the noor.
He emptied bis 31k:aliber
pistol at tlM victims, killing
A domestic qnarrtl m
New Albany, IDl.1., IDded
with tbe fairly routine entry
of "murder-aulckle" 111
police records. ~t IL
Schaller, 61, and hls w:l.fe1
Phyllis Ann, 34, bad en
argument. She was running
from the house when her
husband shot her, then turn-
ed the IUD oe hlm1elf. ·
Dealba m the VieQiam
war have averaged M7 a
week 10farln1968. The Na-
tional Safety C...CU 1ald
n-aftic deaths for a week in
July averaged around 980 .
SUNDAY 10 to S
Th110 IN j111t th o tickot (fr.mny, I th~tht tho ho1dlino uid
Orlrlho11 for f1n1ltwo, twch op, ond td111 work.. M1d1 of
i•rtyfOfto wll1twor th1t lo. s..14 if bo I ,,..., betwoo11 ..,.1 ...
111d Jork1 Th111 lmi1ho1 ore tH1nditio111fly 9111r1nt.od ond
toll M nff ..-or inti '"'•
• •! •••• . . -... ••
Y 011 can buy 0111 or I doion •f th.11 for •4cllnt 11111 1IMI
ol19111c1 to tho fiNplot•, 1n •nhy• a 11rn1r 1t11 In don or
dlnin9 roolft. l•t your lrn19Uietion tun wlld, D•c•r•tor
1pp,..v1cl: "'lrror tllo II s1fc.. IM111tl'1il e11cl: ooq," lftltoll.
TI.• bait buy In on oll b.11 p1in t
on tho rn•tl:ot todoy. A•1ll1itl1
io o ••rioty If color• •IHI whit ..
. .Gal.
Y•u con brush It •11 or r•ll It .... It's ••1y to point with
li•m99•nl,1d S,rod Hou11 Point. It tloo111't run ot ,119
l1e1tlld1Ilk•1 now kind •f lio1i1ry l, ••• 9tl wood, rn11enry,
or prl1111d lftltel, Drlo1 I• JO rnln1ff11 cl11n up wlllt 111p
111411 ••tor. 6''
~~--.---~-~~~~ ............................................................................ ~~~ ....................................... ~~~~~~
C DAllY'P!l.OT Thursday, July 18, 1968
'5 BUllim Slash . ' .
,Defense Mon.ey Cut
' . W ASlllNGTON (UPI) -
Tbt Uouse Appropriations
COmmlllee cboppod t h •
DefeMe' Department's t'J·
quest for new money from
fT1 billio• to m.2 billion to-
But th• panel said tills will
cut IClull mllitary spending
duriog ·this fiscal year by
only •U billioo.
The committee said some
1 ~ the money could be saved
tn the deparW:nent's big spy
mactrine, which according to
the committee collects so
much useless lnfONnatlon it
tends to lose . what is im-
portant. It called r o r
r e o r g a niziltion of the
Defense Intelligence Agency
and or the tnteUigence uni ts
of the Army, Navy and Air '
The saving, added to already imposed or
in immediate prospect as
lawmakers approach the
end of the cbeck·writing ,
process for tlle current 12
months, brought Congress'
total prospective cuts in
Britllfu Clears Way ·
I .
President Johnson's 1pen·
din g plans to only $4. blllloo.
That means Job c.:.;on .
himsell must plck the ipots
to impose additional cuts of '
fl billion, .tQ comply with oil
congressional QI'der l o
r~uce his o.veraU Qudget
this ycai: by '6 billion. }fe .
had proposed to spend about
$188.6 billion .
Congress ·ordered th e
s pendin~ cut -',ptus ,µ.
propriations cuts of $10
billion and a rollback Ui 1966
g o vernment , employment
levels -as its price for
passing a 10 percent tax
ll\lQll Jljjm&Q!! flllllft1id, JI
nOlll"llil>Oats llltOIY lo riteh
ita goal o! a $10 billion ap·
propriation reduction.
, . .·u,.-,...-...
MeJ. J1mti Low t.l•I· Frod Thomp1on1 Copt. J'!I Cupentor . .
North Vietnam Frees Three •
Captured American Pilots
Soviets Demand
Czechs Shape Up
MOSCOW (UPI) -Soviet
leadera, mindful o! the
blood7' RUMl&n lntervenUon
in· ltuniltY In 111511, tooay
dtm~ Czech05lovakia
give up its "completely
unacceptable'' Liberalliation
and1 return to firm Commu·
nlst party ru!•.
''Ille indicaUons were the
SovietS· wanted &t· all e05ts
to avoid the threat or use of
malclng ... a breach In tho
Socialist system and chang-
ing the balance of forces in
Europe in its favor.0
But highly able diplomatic
sources in Moscow sald the
Soviets • would resort to
millWy force only ·if there
was an actual tbreat of the
overltlrow of a Communist
regime jn Czechoslovakia.
force in CUcllOJlovakla. But The th~ danger remained th at
events might overt a k e Orange· Coast's
peaceful intentions. M C I t Czechosklvakta, in th e ost omp • •
heart of Europe, is a key PRINTING part o! Soviet strategic
delellOes In the west. SERVICE The harsh note t o
F~r Ray Extradition
LO!iOON (UPI) -Bri-
tola jeday dropped I t s
dlapi: ~James Earl
lloJ, .-i'ilo!RS, the last b&r·
-to bll eill'Oiltllee t• ltlltd trial for the ~ur~er of
Dr.'MarUn Luther King Jr.
Ray to be shipped back to
the United States he said,
"Your guess is .as good as
mine." But it was con·
·-ltlully R.,. '4'"1ild
leave in a day or two.
' TQKYO (AP) -Notih
Vietnam released three cap-La w Passage tured America_• mers tooay
, to an Amencan antiwar
Gun Control
Czech06lovakia from the
Soviet Union and its four ·--m.!L.11rtJil{1}9 _
capital, }'riday night. to 11anol last Frid">'· on an loyal Communist b Io c ___.-
The t-lanoi broadcast call· International Control Com· partners said they would Phone 642-4321
cd it "a very &ignifcant ac-,Jm.lsisiioinijptianiei.iiiiiimiiiJ·~·nieiveiriaigireieitioiimipieiriiaiLii"i"~i!eiimi.iai~I
tion taken when the u.s.\1 'F bl ' ,committee in Hanoi', the · UVOfll e,'.-.Nlflll Vitll11lll41M-r l di o
government is intensiiying\
ill Q'imillll Wiii' o! ag-
gression against the Viet-
na1nese people." i
Ray's Alabama attorney
accused the United States of
taa'Ding the cue into a
Yakee Stadium-P.T
Barnum affain
Illy was tjlatged in Brl·
ti.In witn illegal posses~on
o( a loaded weapon and
poteession of a fradulent
pusport when he ·was .:ir·
retted June 8 at ·London
Airport. London's Cb i e f
Me t ropolitan Magistrate
Frank Milton took just 60
1eeonds today to dismiss
those charges.
Ray's attorney, Arthur J.
Hanes, called a news con-
feftnce two hours later to
make his P.T. Barnum
Asked when he expected
"The government people
are being very polite -
They just don't give you the
time of day -They don't
tell you anything," the dap·
per former mayor of Bi.rm·
ingbam said.
His face hardened, "But if
~hey want to play hard ball
we'H play hard ball. . .If
tbey want to play soft ball
we'll play soft ball." ' Hanes said he still failed
to understand the U.S.
Justice De pa· rt men t • s
refusal of his request to ac-
compijny Ray on the flight
The U.S. government has
thus fci'T refused Hanes
permission either to travel
with bis client or to speak to
hlm once Rey ls handed
ove:r to U.S. authocities.
Supporters of a gun control
~ill featuring registration
and licensing ·of firearms
claim strong bacldng on the
House floor. -But two con-.
gressmen with near life:and-
deatb power over t b e
measure say they still op-
pose 15uc-h provisions.
President Johnson's pro-
posal to ban mall-order
tales if riDes, shctguns and
ammunition survived its in·
itrial test in the House
Wednesday when members
.agreed· by voice vote to con-
lider the bill.
A bipartisan group an-
nounced it would offer an
amendment to the bill to in·
elude registi:atiOO a n d
llcensing when it .comes up
for a vote Friday and a
spokesman said he thought
chances for passage were
~ 33'''wide -.I
Now Only
The bi1 capacity 4ependable Admiral
q1uliTJ lree1er/refli1e1ator-never
llelo1e offe11d 1t s1c~ a le•, lew price!
Some Wil• ~d .. ir1I ClHH·
l[V(R adj11tabl1
SlltlJtS! Uniciu1, fl11 i·
tile, Ntw mt'l't Jt11t
slltl•tt up, lta•n. lo
'"' 1101111111 ~u win! llltffl,
Wit~ ldmi,al '1WO·TEMt" Cllll'llS!
NI• CuslOffl•CIDI ! . 1111 food• 1111 ••r • .::::,
1011 ••nl tlltm, ill .I "
11o111 ''''''' 111111 ,.. A • '"'""'"'"""' lil -Minh.
Adminl Ouplu Quilltf •ta
once·t·fear price!
The Friendly Store
1115 NIWPOltT l'I. VO', e COSTA MESA e 54J.77M
I . '
reported. The ,. Americans
are expected to leave for
Vientiane, the L a o ti an
Mail Strike
Hits Canada
The pilots are Maj. James
1'"rederic-k Low, 43-year-old
Korean \Var ace f r o m
Sausalito, callf.; Maj: Fred
Neal Thompson, · 32, of
Taylors, N.C.; and capt. Joe
Victor Carpenter, 37, of Vic-·
torville, Calif.
They had been in captivity
OTI'AWA (UP I) from !Our to :stven months
Canada's 24,000 post at after being shot down over
workers went on .strike to-North Vietnam. The North
day, paralyting all mail Vietnamese said earlier the
service in this nation or 20 pilots were being released
million for the second time for humanitarian· reasons.
· in three years. Three Qthers were released
The strike began Officially last February.
reg. 199.00 98.00 '
PFAFF at 5 a.m. EDT after the col· Radio Hanoi said U1e
lapse of bargainin,g over a airmen were turned over to
wag~ increase. Anne Scheer, wife of Ram·
Picket lines were . formed parts . magazine e d i to r
before dawn ~round pc>st of· Robert Scheer, Vernon
fices here ·and in other ma· Grizzard, an anti draft
jor cities. No f u rt her organizer in the Boston
negotiations were scheduled.-are a, and Stewart
uiitil Sunday. Meacham, peace secretary
icg. 99.00 59.00
model S 1, not shown
·Can't come ja? ••• Call your nearest
Broadway for a. no obligation
Home Demonstration
The last postal worke1's of the American Friends
strike, in 1965, lasted for Service Committee , a
three weeks before their Quaker organization.
unions won wage increases The committee flew from
of 11 percent. Vientiane, capital of Laos,
Now its
Sewing.Machines, 809
Huntington Beach
$5 becomes 810
$25 becomes 850 ~
$5() becomes 8100 . ·
flOO becomes 82()0 .
. .
Corne to Chevron Island
Five times more cash prizes than any
Chevron Standard Game ever. And now each prize is worth twice as much! ---
Amen? MPs
Cut Chains
Of 9 Gls
Nine AW O L wvictmen
made a qUick transition
from church to stockade
Wednetday when military
police unceremonloualy ot-
llclated at the end of tbtir
~hour anli·Vletnam . war
prolelt by cuUing chains
that bound each to a clergy. man.
John Roblnaon, 18, a
Marine enlistee f r o m
Westport, Conn., Hid: "CUt-
U,,g of these chains -not r~ break the bonds. I
hope whit we're doint will
give ,.... oort of enlighten·
ment to others ...
Ei&ht of the servicemen
began what they called a
"Community Service o f
Liberation" at 1 p.m. Mon-
day at How ard Prefibyterian
Church here, each chained
to a ch\D'cb leader. A N.nth
serviceman joined t h e m
A bomb threat Tuesday
night resulted in a 11
transferring to St. Andrews
Presbyterian Church i n
M:arin City, across the
Golden Gate.
Military p o I i c e had
observed the proceedings off
azid on but took no action
until the service neared ibs
They were invited to
SF Hippies,
Oash Again
-Club-wielding p o 1 i ce
drove several hundred bi~
pies off .Haight S t r e e t
Wednesday n i g h t as
sporadic violence flared for
the s e c o n d comecutive
evening in Ute heart of hip-
Long·haired youd!s hurled
rocks, bottles, g a r b a g e ,
Molotov cocktails aOO burn-
ing trash barrels into the
streets in the center of the
H a i g h t -A&hbury district.
There were isolated in-
cidents ol window" breaking
and looting.
f'Qlice were pelted with r · ga:Wage and obher debris
thrown fl'cm windows and
rooftops. Molotov cocki.ails
were dropped frun rood's on-
to the streeb:, where they
burned harmlessly.
Capt. KeoneUt Fahns said
about 20 per8006. were ar-
rested during the outbreak.
Police arrested 38 persons
durling the previous ni~t's .
violent melee.
', U .. 1 T....,.
CHAINS -CUT -Oliver Hlrscq, 21, of Washington,
D.C.1 one of nine Gl's who "resigned" from mili-
tary duty and began a 48-hour "service of Ubera·
tion" in a San Fi'ancsico church is cut from his
chains by Military Policemen who arrested the
AWOL servicemen at Marin City Wednesday. The
GI)s, who bad been chained to clergymen, moved
to Marin City church after a bomb threat.
participate in the "com-
mun ion" by the Rev. James
Symons, co-mfnister of St.
Andrews, who said: This is
Christ's table and all here
are invited to share in this
The MP• made no move
to join in, but stood directly
behind the chained men .
Symons said: "God is not
dead ••. The brtad is risiqg.
The bread is revolution. The
revolutionary J esus is win-
ning," as wine was poured
from a silver chalice and
bread v.·as broken.
"The world is beginning
.• , Join the fr:et?dom meal.
The war is .over and the
liberated ·zone is at hand,"
he said.
Then with the f in a J
';amens," the 18 men were
led outside where huge bolt
cutters severed the chains.
The servicemen . w e r e
hustled into ·two ·waiting
patrol wagons and taken to
the San Francisco Presidio
Biddle's Bill on Drug
Laws Given New Life
(es, it's easy to sell
fine fumitllre any
time of the year.
f ••r f•Ytrlh l1hrl1r •lltffr wlll •• ••111'r ... ,,,,, ..... .
Since 1916
furniture Opm 0~;11 9:Jo 10 l:Jo
Open Fnday 12:;0 tdl 9
' ,.1 975 LONG BEACH BLVD._. LONG BEACH 591 ·1347
.. -..
Th11rsd11, J11ly l8, 1968 DAILY PILOT 7,
2 Police Officers
Held Under Siege
. STOCKTON ( uP!l -An
angry crowd of some 200
youths burned a patrol car
and held two police officers
under siege In a housing
project offi~ for over two
hours Wednesday night in
the second nlght of violence
in the predominantly Negro
southeast di s trict o! Stockton.
More than 100 sherifrs
de p u i1 es, highway'
patrolmen, and poUce of-
ficers f r o m surrounding
comunities were mobilized
to free the two officers, who
finally sneaked out into a
waiting auto.
Patrolmen Richard L .
Hartnon, 24, and Charles M.
Ser geant, 25. were -trapped
inside the office at 9:25 p.m
'''hen they saw a smashed
door and stopped to jn-
vestlglte. Before they could
leave the building, a menac-
ing crowd gathered. Rocks,
bottles ·and firebombs were
Two sheriff's department
Newton Jury
Moti()n Fails
community relaUo'ns of·
ficers entered the project
about an hour later but gave
up atter about 30 minutes.
They told the youths that ii
the car and oflicers were
releas'ed, no arrests would
be made. The youths refus-
The officers were told that
the policemen would be . 1'..l"os't Like freed Hone man arrested in lf.1
Tuesday's disturbance was
,. •• ,'-Th• .m, •• , turned Gov. Reagan .that one down.
As 30 units of . law en·
ro£cement officials moved SAN FRANCISCO (UPI)
into the area on the east · -Gov. Ronald Reagan
side of the office where would be retained in office
most of the crowd was by an overwhelming margin
gaJheted, the two trapped if a recall measure were
officers' auto was set ai!re , placed b efor e California
by Molotov cocktails. voters, the Mervin D. Field
At about the same time, Poll said today.
officers ll a r m o n and Field said a voter opinion
Sergeant dashed from the survey completed this week
\vest side of the office Into showed 61 perce nt of the
an unmarked car. voters oppo&ed Reagan's
Tbe crowd d i 1 p e r 1 e d r ecell, 31 pen:ent favored it
quickly and the area was and 8 perceat had no opi-
blocked off for tbe night Dion. ·
Water HHlers
30 GAL. $«.II
40 GAL. $49.88
50 GAL. $64.11
30 GAL. $64.11
40 GAL. $72.11
Tlllt q...-llly 11u1r1ntfed 11111 lined
""'"' htl1tr II """lNllll llJlllt 1dlty twlll, II rtCll.l!rM bY lew. Wt l!IYI
""" 0.'f ln1f11ltTlon I Y<lllt blf, ff -wli.11. All nomMI IM!lollllllon Nm ....
eluded. bl' Noon -11111111 tl'llt ...... AIM _,_., 1Nttll1110fl IY<lll•
tblt, Ah wertc dcoN ""' m11l•r 11tum1>-1r..
New Smog Controls
Sent to Governor
California ma.y be able to
cleanse its air ol virtually
all auto-produeed s m o g
under tou~ new rules ap-
proved by the legislature, an
expert says . •
But the effort also could
present "quite a trying
periOO for some of the
manufacturers to meet all
these requirements." said
John A. Maga, chief of the
State Air Resources B<>ard.
The meaS'Ures were before
Gov. Reaga,n today after
final passage in t h e
A55embly WedMsdey on a
vote of 73-1. Reagan is ex·
pected to stgn them next
The bills would impose
strict new ~mlts, getting
tougher: eadt model year
from 1970 through 1974, on
ttie emission of the prime
smog-producing agents from
auto&, buses and trucks.
• If new cen don't measure
be sold or registered ln
From 1973 on, the effect
could be the elimination of
up to 90 percent of the
polluting agents normally
spewed into the air by
motor vehicles, Maga said.
"CerWnly for s o m o
period, pertwps 10 years
from now, ttlis is M>out as
strict a standiard as Js need ..
ed. for , motor vehic l e
emissions," Ma«a s .a Id,
visual delights
up to .the limits, they can't lm••-~!1'111!!1!!1!!1!!
At The Right
MODIL NO. "" s31•s ., .. "''·'' OUI PllCI ••• , • •••••• •••• ,, •
MODIL NO. .... s41•s 11•. Sit.ti
OUI PllCI , ................ .
MODIL NO ... ~ s31•s U•. Sit.ti
OUI PllCI ••• , • •• •• ....... , •
MODEL NO. 11; s54•s 116. S7t.tS
OUI Pll.CI • , ••• •• ••., •• •• ••,
Have we seen you in our files?
Maylie you've alrea(ly joined tJie big liappy group at tJie new location of our
South Coast 'Ibwn Branch. If not, you'll find us at 3300 Bristol St.Teet,
Costa Mesa, across from the South Coast P1ua. You'll also find us willing and
able to provide more than 80 top notch banking servioee, plus a privat.e confer-
ence room, pleasant customer waiting area and ample free parking.· Everything
you r-1 for t.otal banking convenience.
ComeuiandmeetManager Keith Garton and his friendly, courtoous staff. We're
looking forwrud t.o -U,g you;
Bank of America
' N A TlOl'tAI.. Ta\,leT ... Nl;J •AVINOe A••OC-014
M•M••9' .._C.lll:AI.. ll•lil'OalT iN•U•-<::S C~TM>f'tf
South Cout Town Center
3300 Bri.tol Street, QMa Mlm
fl D.,LY PllOT Thursda1, Jul1 l8, l'68
For the Record
Huntll'!llton 8110. lllot•ry c I u II, 8Mch '""' Hutillntton
Sffcti, 12:\tl "·"'· M1rlntf'• Llont Cklb, StutT Shirt, 72~1 W, C:OUI Htlll\W1"f, NfWPl)rt 8tleh. 12:1'5 p,m.
GAll:tll!H P Alll lt' Gl!H•lt Al HOSPITAL ,..,. " Mr. 11111 Mn. Don!ld Sklerveo1, 1.SIO s-St., Wnlfn ntttr. 111rr.
Mr. 11\d Mn. l!ctward Bein, ~llllf Orlvt, HuntlO!llon Btech, .. ,. J1111 lt
Mr. and Mr.. $~~• SI'"°"' 16n::I Jtl· ft'er Clrci., Hvntlft!llOl'I lffdl, 1tr1.
Mr. trod Mr1. K~ 11. F~, 7'5.1 E, G1rfltld Ave., Hllfllfnr!oii Be.cit, bO"f,
lAS VEGAS, NIW., -Mlrrl111
n~n lnllftl here lllCludt:
GONZALES-SCHOTT '°· Fred L Gon.111es, 70, end Rebecc• Merle
Sd'lott, 16, bo1n of H1111tr1111ton Buch.
MC COY-LAMM -J~ne :JO, LIY/T\lft
0. Mc:Coy, ll, of COl'OI""' clel Mar.
Ind L1ur1 R.e Ltmm. 29, °' Rcrw-1....S Ht!9flh.
ltOONEY-O"NNOH -JuM )I, Ly1111 Wiifred ROOM'/', 21, 1111111 NINI (illll!Ollt n. both cr1 eo.te Mfsll. CUltCIO.te:IHG -Jul'f I, luce'tllc: P. Cvn:lo. If, of COltlo Mesa. Ind
l•rblre J, klll'f, 41, flt N._,
R°""ld Cll1r1H Smllfl, 25, and Jerrv
Steoi'>Pnson, 2~. bolll of Lag11111
HIHll,r, 31, Ind H1rrlell Sve Crtlg,
3G, both ol Wt1tmlnstw.
HOPWOOD-llEESl -J ulV 2. Johft A.
Halo..ood, Jt, d H-rt Bt'°1, I nd
INrllu Loull• •-)1, of l11
0VEltLIM·lt09V -JulY !, Wlllltm It,
OWrlln. 49, Ind ""'"" (, Rob'r, •7, both of Ll~VM BNCll. MC OAOE-TAYLOR -Jv1v 7, t..Rnld
J. McOldt. 71, 1nd ""-rvanll1 Gt l'>I!
T•ylar. 1t, boll! o4 COlll MDI.
WALCZVK·HAMLIN -JulV 3, C:mll S. WlklYk, 4o\, of HIHlllMIOl'I &!~ti!,
and Freclll H1mlln, •1, of Long
a..•ch. RAZEE·LOESCH!.lt -JulY •· Pl!Hllp l " It•-· 21, •nd Lor""" Carrla loescher, If, bolt! af Colli Mn.I. RO~ltE -JulY 4 Chlrlls Gwlnfl It•, 14. al' WalmlMfw, fnd C1rol
MldMlle -·· 21, of Cosl1 ~. STEVENS-CROME -JulY 4 Ronnv H,
Sh!Yirn1, 71, •nd k11hlttfl P1lrlcl1
(f'OM, '9, bo1t1 o4 Hunll1111to11 8!1dl.
FlllAS·ROORIGUEZ -JulY ,, ltoberl
C. Frias, •B, of L111ullf Be•cll, ll'ld
A1111,lln1 M. flodrltlll!r. ti, of
AtUollelm. EDGEltL V-ROSE -JulY '• 8Yr0fl I 1-
rnont EdtlerlY ••• of Cos.I• ft',nf, Ind
Jl!f'llllNr Allrll ROH, 26. of south G•"· GEORGE·ZALl.ACK -J1t1V '· Rkllarcl
$.!m!H'I Gtortt . Ind Vlr9lnl1 .t.M
Zallack, 10, boltl of Hunll"9IO!'I Seacl!.
SWANIGAN·DAVIS -JulY '· Htrbn l v. swanltan, •7, 1nd Mtrvl H. LJavli.
'~· both of Hunll1111lon B~atl!. GOROON·SKWElll -Jul\' 5, Rld!1rd
DIYlcl Gorlkltl, 37. I nd OIN Skwllr,
~1. both of Wt1lmln1rw.
Coron1 del Mar OR 3-945t
Costa l\tesa 1tll 1-UU
110 Broad•·ay, Costa ?tlt:aa
LI B-3433
Cemetery • Mortuar1
S50I Pacific View Drive
Newport Beacll, California
7811 Bolu Ave.
We1tmlomr 19W5!5
mllfabl l!I. e .. llllCtol Beadl
427 E. 17111 IC., ca.lo ..... ··-WESTMINSTZR
Mor1Pry II C<mele'7
14'01 Beaell, W-1ultt
Tll:OXlloMIHUAAUEll -Jv,., J,
Gfot•t Allen Trent, M. •M AFMll'N
A. Mtlllm1""°' n. tiotll of H!.lnllnelllfl ... <,,.
CANNQH.KLIN! -JvlY L Rldllr• M. c.-. Jr.. Jt, "-H1111tLn11lon IMdl. 9flll leitY ... kllnt, '9, of
l'tdflc P1llUO..
BUltk'e:·HIU. -Jul)' S. l.tdtt 0 . 11\lf\l.11 '5. of Hllnll~len 81at;11, Ind Thlim. Re~ HIU, ... , of G1r1Mn ·-· Nl!UH~Ug..HOOo -JulY ,$. Donllll F.
NfUMut. 11, of L .. llftl Hiii$, Ind
Ftort H. Hood, :N, ol Huntrnglen
l ffdl. fRfEMAN-F1$HER -J11IW S, Edwl11
GAlllm Fr...nlfl, "' of Lont e .. e11, Ind Ct<el l YI flt/llr, 2!, d c ... -
0.1 .wir. HAltltl~LIFFREIHG J ulY 5, WLlll•m H, H1rr1 .. tl, of ..... VHI$,
Nev., Mid C1tlllffll Meri. Lllfr-1l11;i,
211, or Wtttmln1tlt'.
Hur1t, 11, of tltldwln P1rk, Ind .san-
clr• SUI Hfftll, lt. or W11tmln11tr.
AlllHIER·llllGGS -JulY 6. Wllll1m
NMI Abtllltf', Jr .. •J, Ind J•lnMlll
F. lt!H.. ~ tlotll ol NCWPOtl
"""· EVANS-llO'NEll -J111l' '· Jim~ E.tw1rd Evin., Jr .. 31 , Mid ld1 .t.M 11o-. tf, botll of Hunllntlon Seidl.
PVTEL·8RIHICIMN -Julr 6. Frink J, PYNI, 33, ef Loni Setc:fl, 1ttcl
81t"1111dtM 8, llrlnkm1n, n. of
llNOSEV-SOVTHWARO -Jul1 '• 01nlel l lndsl'Y. 74, of M111lot1 V!elo. 111d Rotern•rv 1out11w1rc1. 21, of H~n
t!1111lon lleld!. PASCUAL.CM\PATO Juh' f •
Wiiiiam N. P11cv1I, '" of B1lbN, Mid ~rt LM C1mp1lo, I,, of
P1lmtl1". JONE5-$HAUGER -JulY 6, Jtmes J,
Jonas, 3l. 1nd Ctllll K., J1,
bolt! of NtwPO<I INdl. CHAFFIN·MAGGAllD -Julr '· 1ton11d K c111111n. ,,, 1nd Br•nll• K1re
Mi1111rd, u, boltl « Wttlmln&ter.
GOW .. N·8EARD -Jull' ,, ~ohll Gowin, 3'. Ind An" (, l ll n:t.: 35,
bolt! of Fount1ln V1llew. WENTWORTH-LUTH -JulY J, Cr1!1
Wentworth. 39, and JOln Auct.11 L11t11,
36 belt! ol Costt Mna.
PAfrERSON,CHAPM.AN -July '· Rhel>ben Diie Pallt<llDll. 2', •
Ml'lllrl'I Daloret Cllll'IYllR. 22. !lath
ot H11nt1no-ton Btfth. SEBltA·ROSERTS -JuW .. Htr•"" L
Sebrl JI, 1Plcl Pltrkla Morllll
1to11trt.. $3, both ol N.......-t ... di.
Fire Calls
H11t1llnll"" a11ell
10:1)1 1.m. w~nesd1Y, ~rt11 1111, 1$Nl OriOlt LIM 4:!1 P.m., me<1l<•I 110, m1 Llbtrl'I'
11 ~SQ'· :.~:. 8 tar lfre. PICll!c COl•I
H!tllwar '"" Admlr1lltv 5:20 1.m .. T/\ur5'dav, medl<•I 1ld, lS521 Plartt Clrclt
Fw11t11ft \'11111 s:• 111.m. W~n.,,01v, reKu., Alie. Ind
S..,, ,AnfQniO Jltj •1«ll
t:lD 1.m. Wtc1neM11, flra ll'Weltl9lllOl'I. \IOI McKlnley c .... "'-11:11 1.fl'I. Wednndll'. t.I• alllrm, C1br1llo Ind Fullwton
1J;5f P.m., ~t. 7015 Chtr-lt SI, •:Of "''""' rTKue, 7100 1i1tt10r lllVf, ••• 3:06 a.Ill. Tllur'4tr. ftKut, .... G<Nemor SI.
Pilot Visitor•
fDUrs tra ~ Monctm • 11111 Fr'd1y1 for JCnQDI C1-of fir*
t rlde -I anc:1 1~ -a"-or-e1nl!1"'-fl( It 1t1st Illa! aM ~ e1,_t11t.rltllld 11!1Duftl_ ""'l' un Mr.. RIQO 11 IM DAIL V PILOT.
Family TIH
Tests Ordered
In Assault Case
~uen.a P.ark •"Oman wti,o
lhot her husband five times
1011owlng • 1am11y 1 ii I
Wednesday pleaded guilty I<>
ass-ault with a d e a d 1 y
weapon and not guilty by
rea1on of insanity.
Judge Robert P. Kneeland
took · the plea under ad·
visement and ordered that
Mrs. Nancy May Ruby, 42,
be sent to Oalifornia Stat.e
Prison for Women for 90
days of psychi:atrlc obserw·
ti on.
Mrs. Ruby bad received a
previous ~ty hearing and
Judge William C. Speirs
fomd rhe wes sane and
capable of standing trial.
She is rt.ill charged' with
intent to commit murder in
tbc near-fatal !booting of
her husband Jess Ruby, 48,
on March 22 in 'tile couple's
Buena Perk home.
She allegedly Ibo! him
while be was aleepiDg. He
staggered to the phone and
called police.
Flood Control Budget
Needs Told to Board
County Flood C on t r ol
D!Jtrlct officials convinced
the Board or Supervisors
Tuesday that the district's
budget could be upped
'500,000 to '8.4 million with
a lower tax rate.
Chief Flood Con tr o 1
District engineer George
Os borne wk! auperYilors
that the district h a d
estimated low on assessed
valuations and the tax rate
oould be reduce one cent
from-27-to 26 cents: Of the
tax figure, 20 cents goes to •
operations and six cents to
bond retirement.
Osborne said the district
would put as much into flood
control projects as possible.
He said the increase in the
budget will add four pro-
ject. 1o the procram,
The largest is wort on the
Santa Ana River Channel
for two mBes east of
lmperial Highway. Total
C<llt is e9li.mated at fl()0,000.
To Suits
Slttgers Tonlglai
1 Monty Montana, Bands
Highlight County 'Fair
·Young GOP
Fights Law
LA'. HABRA T b e
Orange County Youn g
Republicans Jt.Gt week voted
unanimously to oppose any
Monty Moatma, tr 1 ck 'lbl Matlnea will present federal firearms reglstra· SANT.\ ANA -The Ove-year~ld .k!Yo:lvtng use rope ..USt atooc w 1 t h tbe Pacent. tl tile Flag at tlon or
of ~ter in the 541.nte ABa ~mben ol the U.S. Marine 2:1)" p.m.. In the am · "Yotmg Republicans are
River basin may be settled C«\>I ' and the Killcsmen phlbater. :Ibo presentation convinced !hot registration
: °!::.i· it waa rtpOrt~ :=.. °!'1~1: nC::"~ : :r:= :es~ of ~= ~~ua~~~!"ct t~=:~au!:•~
Attorneys f<W" four water tertamment at the Orenge military unlkirm1 tl the resolution cbainnaQ William
d!Stncts in Or an g e • County FtJr today in Coste -ne bUtoriC.l period .as E. Mero said. "Many sup.
River' id e and Sm!. Mt':'t s even I n g a tbat of tbe 'nags they carry porter• of g\m registretion
Bernardino cGlllltioo have BGrbershop Quine! coolest -lmn Ille Ulliform of the ·indicated thainglstratlon ls
ti.tio d <.~ will be held in tile om-Oontlnenlal Anny 1o ~" a first step toward total pe ne ......,....,.. Court .J.:n._ __ ,..__ t • 30 bannin'g of gun ownerlhip." JudgeJoiw>P;MCIM.,,...yof....!:~::;·~;;;;~;;;;•;::•:':::P:·m;:;.=:=:=COI=.,,.==·==============:;;;;;;.:;;;;;:;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:-. 1"10 County foe tile .. 1. •
Judge McMurray h a s
presided over the litigation
since its inception. The suits
!.nwlved 1,200 water users
end have cost an estimated
$3 mllllon to date with 22 at·
torneys illvol'Ved.
The lawyeri proposing the
settlement r.e, pres e n.t
Orange County W a t e r
District, Ol.ino B a s i n
Municipal Water District,
San Bema:rdlno V a 11 e y
Municipal Water DU.trict
and the Western Muni~
W-ater District of Riverside
The case was brought in
1963 by the Orange County
district seekin& a largor
Dre ol riVff -and .-iecl _.. por1UJc users
as defendmU.
Attorneys I« the •er
districts in a joint .statement
said the massive water suit
~;~on~ nearing a con·
A eolol!ul, flct·fiUod 1>oo1 •t tho
1968 Pmldential Etction process ...
tan; sheets for home use as you witch
the Republican and Democratic national
C«Nentions ••• tllly shetb for Dection
Day' •• hblOIJ, foc1s, flauru. 111p~
char!J ••• Ml'f flml1y ollould hm one
Stl[I ill pl ,_ 1111 • .,., ...
wlt1!11t ollllptia.•
• MttlAIM~ • --7812 Edin1er Ave.
Hu.ntinatG11 Beach
Oii Edinier, ne1r BeWI
8814 Knott Ave. Buena Park On Knott, near Uncoh1
euv· 2 ••• CiET 1 FREE! ~r:J~~
of Top
Quality Plants
to Choose
to Stock
on Hand
Buy 2, Get 1 free!
H1v1 fr11h fruit in your own back yard l
P1ache11 AP.ricot1, f i91, ApP.l•t.
MlH.i c.1on
.... He Del.
All 9rades-1mall, medium, la rge.
Gr•atly enhance• the beauty of
flower b•d• and 1hade 9arden1.
3 cu. 179 t;T. BAG ~i
l ac•
Economy Planters
20" dlamotar
trMI. Firm blnd1 Fer thrubl or 2''
and strong wood. 1Hh
the Neighbor's
Bring Him
wilh you
Aslr: us about •..
METHOD of plantin9 your n9w
lawn. Pick up a copy of our fret
plenting instru ctions.
U1a f,, riutic t •N•ft ,1th1o
l1111tlf11! 111 1 tt.pic1I t•+•
tl111. Fr11h rro"" tha raJwoed
98' ..... , ,. '·''
hfm' hrUtil11I ... h .. Witt.
Silver Spade
.. ...,.. .. -~ ... • •RIAll:I UP AOO l l • w ... ""· .......... ...,.... iw-..-,..,
l .... llrHW, .... ......... ""'di'" ~ ........,, llltkalf ... •"..,..._. .........
L1. 4.S
C1i. Ft ....
11 •••• •r more
SUNDAYS 10 a.m. TO 5 p.m.
2640 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa
Call 546-5525
Silver Jtledali•t .
Cadet Sgt. Dale W. New of Costa Mesa (left) re-
cenUy was presented a silver medal by a represent-
ative of the Sacramento chapter of the Reserve
Officers Association at the University of CallfOrnia
at Davis where New is a plant science major. Sgt.
New was cited for hi& outstanding qttaliUes of lead·
ership, moral character, and a high aptitude for
military service. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Don
E. New of 222 E. 15th St., Costa Mesa.
Letters Help Sustain
P uebloSkipper's Wife
These letters have helped
sustain me . They are the
\lOice of America," says
Ro se Bucher,
She is the wife of Cmdr.
Lloyd Bucher, skipper of the
U.S. intelligence ship Pueblo
held captive since Jan. 23 by
North Korea.
Mrs. Bucher has received
about 12,000 letters and
telegrams since the seizure,
aDd she said they've been
comlng in at a rate of 300 a
day since mid.June when
the Associated Press car·
ried the story of her plea to
"remember the Pueblo."
Most letters merely ex·
pres1 sympathy to Mrs.
Bucher and all Pueblo
fa'milies. Many applaud her
campaign to keep the public
from forgetting. Others call
for action to· free the ship
and crew.
Course Set
In Marriage
To help awaken a n d
clarify feelings that made
them marry in the first
place is the goal or a
weekend exper ien ce
workshop for m a r r i e d
couples to be held July 19 to
21 on the UC Irvine campus
by University Extension.
Deadline is Tuesday, July
t . to enroll for "Dynamics
of Marriage."
"It will be a unique
workshop in sever.a I
respects," explains D r .
Ge<>rge Hoff , Santa Ana
clinical psyctlologist who
heads the worb:hop staff ol
rive professionals.
"Since happiness begins
with a positive outlook, we
intend to errip hasize wtiat'l'I
right with • .marriage and
how to enhame it. Also,
we'll examirie marrfage in ita varied dimensions •
p s y c hological. physical. I n telle<tual, philosophical
And environmental.
"Instead of a weekend
retreat this will be a
weekend 'advance'. Rather
Utan reflect and meditate.
we'll emphasize interaction
between p e o p I e wit.fl
lectures. discussions and
basic group encounters in
"hich people can b e
'. "There also will be sports
activity and social get-
togethers," sale! Dr. Hoff.
Fall Injures
Film Stuntman
Stuntman Tommy Sutton. :«>, injured when bis horse
ltwnbled during a 1teer rop-
lnc contest. Is rtpot1ed In
aerious coodlUon but Im·
proving at Holy C r o 1 1
Sutton, husband of actress
JW Townsend, suffered a
broken ankle, smashed chin
bone and 1 fract\U1ld akull
In the accident Suaday In
"J do remember the
Pueblo, and I don't want the
public to forget," wrote a
woman who said her bus·
band was an officer of the
lO!t submarine Scorpion. "I
am to relocate my
family in Sen Diego. Is
there anything I can do t<1
A disabled World War I
veteran from Dierks, Ark.,
wrote: "I am 100 percent
for our government to go
and get the Pueblo and ill
men." ·
An 11-year-old girl from
neartiy National City wrote
asking for "Remember the
Pueblo" bumper stickers,
and said: "I've started a
campign ta get the Pueblo
"You have made me, as
an American, wate up and
realiu what ls happening
around me," wrote a woman
Crom Wichita Falb, Tex.
Mrs. Bucher place1 only
one letter m ttie "crank"
category. It arrived recently
with a San Franci sc o
postmark. A family friend,
U:. Omdr. Alan Hemphill,
was unable to trace the let·
ter to its author.
"I doo.'t believe the person
who wrote it bad the con·
viotion to sign his real
name," Hemphill said. He
didn't describe the Jetter.
Mrs. Bucher'• efforts in
behalf of the Pueblo take up
most of her now.
"Rose doesn't have time
to really be alone and think
about it," Hemphill said.
"We keep her working."
Mrs. Bucher interjected: "I
don't think my husband
wouidWant me to sit back in
a rocking chair and worry."
''Bucher is a man of ac-
tion and so is Rose,"
HemphiH said.
"It's very encouraging to
see that people do want t.o
help, that they don't want to
forget," Mrs. Bucher said.
"When my husband and
his men come back, we're
going to duinp this mail on
the deck and say, "Look
rellas, this is what people
say.' "
' AF Awards
2 Contracts
The United States Air
Force has awarded con·
tract.s to two Orange County
firms. Rep. Richard T. Han-
na (D·Westmlnster) an-
nounced today.
The Autonetics Division of
North America.rt Rockwell,
Anaheim. waa awarded
17911,000 towards an In·
tegrated Avloalcs controls
and display ltudy. Hushes
Aircraft, Fullerton, received
a.,1,063,331 fixed-price pco-
visioning order under an e.I.·
!sting contract for pro-
duction of tpll'e parts for
prototype tactical air , COii·
trol operation centers. A-bol allo bttn awarded . 1 U.S. Navy t'Otl·
tract ol $1.277,744 !or
design, development and
fabrication o( two acou.Uc
soun:es antennae for the
Nav1'1 acou1tlc1 com·
munl.eatloa PfoCZ'alDJ, Ha?lDI
-·Ju~ 18, 1'1611 DAIL V •ILOT 9
Short-sleeve dress shirt
has permanent, soil-release finish
reg. 6.00 2/9.00
Li<tweiaht broadcloth or oxford cloth shirts in a blend of
• • Dacron polyester and cotton. Broadcloth : spread
collar .in white, blue , green 01 maize; new deep shades.
Oxford cloth: button-down style in white, blue, green
or maize. Rolled collar in double-track
striped shades; sizes 14\1 to17.
Easy-care pajamas in
coat or shorty styles
Coat slyle, reg. 8.00 2/12 .50
Sho1ly style, reg. 6.00 2/9 , 00
Pa jamas in easy-care Dacron• polyester and cotton
blendstaywrinkle-free, never needs ironing.
Selec\ from solid colors, hi-fashion shades, and for the
first time smart patterns; sizes A-B-C-D.
reg. 14.00 9.99
• In washable , permanent-press blend of Fortrel poly·
e$ter and AVril •rayon. Needs no iron ing, Plain
front, belt loop model in all wanted colors; 30-4Z.
Buffums' Own short-sleeve
knit shirts are washable
reg.10,00to11.00 5. 99
Soft Orloneacryl\c knit keeps it's shape througlt
wailt in gs. In mock or full turtle-neck slyles, Excellent
choice in all current colors.
Store for Men,
lewport Celllel' ;1 Faslllcn lsllnd • 644-2200' • llon., Thins., Fri. 10:00 till 9:31J Oller m,s lt(X) 11115:311
. ..
1st Part of Laguna
Crossword Puzzle
1 Sh1o's
olf1 cr rs Ii T rrnc 11
~1ound '
CJ S!lt
10 los r
st1 r ng!h
1• Co•1ctrn1n 9 15 ·--d•~it:
~~s ert1o n lli lnltr-...
17 Otvi lfo5h
16 Cloy w+th
n ve1~h un·
dilltf 1~ Ga mbnl
20 Item of
Va 111 '
21 Cr11 ~rn
l 11.·o rds
Zi L~;JI atf,111
2~ Ft ,.~le 1ufl
2h l oc:C ~t
27 P ciss tss•~t
1~ '!.t•.1dy hAr~
j\ P!u1HJ" nf
n• ,;s 33 Mtans o!
j ) C.au5'"
17 l 1a\11t.1••\
~l r,1,~cn
4Z Kind o! ni.\
4• 1.1,1odr ~5 Gr a11u ~·
47 English
sarid hil l
48 Sta bird
4' Upholstery
fab ric.
SI Foot11firil
53 Dress up
54 .A l ..
57 Kind of
59 ····lint n
fil Hockey,
t!c; 2 wo1d s
64 Nor1-
1-7 ~11hOlll
clothing b& lndtJl ge 1n
v!antonn ess
b~ ~1011te··--
70 On \Oii of
71 lsla1111t
72 C.hem1ca1
1 J Asl1
10 Eastr r
74 Oeoend
i~ ····11\US•t
1 F Am+lv
2 Dutk Qtnu~ ) B o.~l•nQ
2 'llOl'dS
4 Pfobe
5 Not moving
It Lest
!empOradly 7 Gem
8 U.S. fur
merch ant
I/ Waver
10 Equal:
C.omb. form
11 Without au~U1ing rise
11 English·
13 Stl fl
ZZ I.l et~!
2~ t.!tmbe1 of
~S emitic:
Ctopl t
~7 Tht or estnl
locd 11 on
2S Kind of test
]() l.!11111\t
32 Erlibl e p1rt
of a n111
34 Te11ilo1y:
J6 Proles sio11
)8 IJ .S. author:
2 words
J9 Learner
41) Pro duced
43 Kind of look
41i. Bark shrilly
50 Having
less re sou1ces
52 Zodiac sign
54 Not lo ht
don t 1ga111
55 Sh1rp
Sit Put on again
58 0 ill
60 Conc e.r.J;
lt2 Ca lendar
.tbbrevi ation
03 Sl~ve
lt5 Take ii on the l~m
bb Dix , ~leade
or Ord
" .. .
Double-header Ends Ruii Sundav ---
The Most T •lktd
About Movie
"l'U.Nn Of THI Al'ES
Smith, Coime.palilt n
DAILY ••ow 2 P.M.
Ptofft et 2:11 • i :JO • I O:ot
with the year's happiest
... Walt'DIS
,,..;;~ .... i-..Ilio_n,;.,;.ai_m_[fj}!f1]7fJMm{Xl/}Jw
•utA&.Dll'fl' altt:r• TOMMY lE~HNICOlOR flfiJ&(ff (Mjflfm'jfll W1](ff{]j}
C•1t1l'"1 J•ly J4.J7 O"ty -W•tt Dh11my'1
llUllY I& -21
J'UI llf.IAlll ITAll llDWS
Wod .. July 17
l1 Fe1tival of Nations" -Casl of 150
Fri. &.S.t., July l g.zo
Nino Tempo & April'Sltvenl
The Back Parch M1jor~y
Sun ., July 21-Gltn C1mpbtll
Com ic Fronk Welker
* tpr'1ec\l&tr n..w .,._ *
Gi1nt New "Krutlon Vlhlcle I. .,_, St.ow * Jllfllor F1lr &. $m1H Anlm1I F'1nn * * 1,000'1 OI [1hibit1 * '91C1 lo kienee
Ft•turet * SP"f•I Chl1dren·1 Snowt * * Htlicopttr "Id'' * C1ml¥1I Mldwt )' *
IL\ Cham~onship lodeo
Fri.-1 pm.; Stt.-2 "·'"· & I p.m.;
Sun.-2 p.m. & 7 fJ.l'l'I.
CATES OP£N IOA.M.DA.ILY Newport Bl,d, & Fo;r Dr .. Co•I• Me,. ® l'\JN Melltt> .AmtAl!T10N& f'Oll. Tiit WH0lZ PlUll11X! I>
CUITAJN 11Nl 'Ol It• It.AMI STA .. l tlt , .....
--.. ·-
performances ~nday at 3
................ ,.1-tnr
111,.llN,_ ('"""'I
..... k llln
"ft. ,..,,.. • c ... ,
SilspenM e Or1f!lll
,,,....,,., Ht"""' e C1i.t
"Welt U11til Dllfli"
s....i, D111nlt • Ctl•r
"SWHt New-.r"
lllllwl, "'"·111114 (•lllNY l.wcNle 1 .. 1 M1nrr ,_
"YeWI. MllHI, •H O•r•"
1t1 Cll¥
Iott H-l"llrnh 01111t
''Tiie Prhett NeYJ •f --.. 1 .....
TIM Tim• Is NOW!
J<>hfl w~~"' • Co..,..
"THI •"llN 111ns"
Cn1r1.i..., t-l•tlOll • Coler
JUlY 21
4:Gll P.M.
II& 111111 ....... ,., . ._,T111Un•tu11 ..,._ ...
tol"~!I'• Ol('!U•U ,..., .. ,I
Stariley Kram!!r .. -·-Spencer I Sidney I Kathari,..
gua1111 who's
coming to dinner
~ T£CMNICOl.O'!" ~ N .. lrts -1:JO '"-' f :J O
S.1. •-4 S•11. -2:J0-5:0D·1:JD-f:JO
1'11lti••ly 11141 l•Ml•Y
M•tl-Delly fr•ffl 12 N1111
l .-;:~·. Greats
& OURS~'
"YOURS. MINE & OURS"-2,30·6,JO.\O,\O
NII lrt9. I
"'f'OUMO ....... llCAIU'"
Sttrrll'I Tk Y-t A11t•rJU111
---..... ---------------------
Mexico Pays Honor to Role
Played by Hero Pancho Villa
~ MON.•Fll.~ DAILY f·6
SUN. 11·5 X
1/3 off
Our Entire Stock
of Sport Coats, Single
and Do uble Breasted Styles.
$31.00 .. $20. 95
3a.oo . . 25 0 95·
45.00 '' 29 .. 95 .
Mr. M's For Men
Magnolia at Talbert -Fountain Valley
He could be
compassionate in an era
when mas sacres and utlo n1 · were
com monplace. He
sometimea apared h 11
captives and sew to it
that tbe wounded enemy
troops .were treated . in bis
own field hospitals. Even in
battle, tears for his fallen
comrades came coursing
down his cheeks . Much of
the plunder he gathered
helped support the widows
aDd orphans of his soldiers.
Even tOOugh his name is
linked to many g r i s 1 y
crimes of the revolutionary
period, "Villa-once said, "I
fought ••• ao that poor men
could live like h u m a n
beingr, have their own land,
send tllelr dllldren to lcllool
and have human freedom."
A sent:Imental journey led
him to his death in 1923. He
was returning from a
christening when he and six
cohorts in a tourJng car
were ambushed.
Two and a ball years
later, grave robbers dug up
his body and beheaded it.
American scientists wanted
to examine bis brain for
clues to his puzzling person·
ality, it was rumored. To-
day, wherever.his head may
be, Villa'• countrymen have
come to the conclllli'oa that
his htart was in the rigbt
15 Firemen
End Course
Nine Orange C o a s t
firemen were among 250
fire fighters convened on the
UC Davis campus June 17
through June 21 for the
fifteenth annual Arson and
Fire Investigation Seminar.
Certificates of completion
were awarded to J. W.
Trotter, Corona del Mar; W.
C. "BU!" Noller, Newport
Beach; J . W. Van Dyke,
Hun tin-on Beach; James
Presson, Uaguna Beach;
Harry Bainbridge, Se al
Beach; Douglas Spickard,
Huntington Beach; Floyd
Warr, Fountain Valley;· Bill
Raymer, C:Osta Mesa and
Jim Hunt, Huntington
(the equipment to make one, that is)
u-• e.uie1•TOOU ·----------.... , ....
10\llPMllT t::' ...... ---l•Y•LI• a "''"Lnl -·------··-·-c •• ,, •• ----·-· PLVMllH ·-· __ , ..... ·-· -------......... -· ------......,.,. .. , .. -----------_ ... _
='-=' ~------::..
VSE·llATES --1 " 1 e Al Doy -:,-
1I09 Nowport lml., CottoMIM e -642.lllO
liB ·'-·Jul) 18, 1968 D~LY PJLDT, I!
---• Coffee Break Theirs
Mlt.MCM Wisco11.sin Town Takes Credit for Idea
Oxfords CN' Slip.on styl•t in
brown, black, n...-y, CJ'""·
f ! !1~ .
. .
5191 mlNGa'.
10011 ADAMS ·
.. ll'llM9IALI
147·9121 ..
., llOOIHUIST lllolt 1w S..-0. !Intl
Readership: You Spell it A-n -n l-a-n-d-e-r-s
fi 9
. '
I .,
Thund11, Ju~ IS, 1968
An Open Letter to Air Travelers in Orange County
Frequent air service from Orange County Airport to Los
Angeles has been desperately needed for a long time.
Cable Commuter Airlines, understanCling this need, es-
tablis~ 32 commuter flights daily between these two
important Southern California communities.
Efforts have been made to prevent the contfnuance of
this service, which has been endorsed by over 2,000 Or-
ange County residents who have flown on Cable.
You have been told that we will not be allowed to pro~
vide this convenience between Orange County and Los
. -· ---
This is not true. A competing, complaining airline is us-
'' ing a governmental agency to protect its inability to
provide even similar service from Orange County Air-
Pending further notification we will continue to handle
all passengers consistent with the lawful orders of the
Civil Aeronautics Board of the United States of America,
and the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Cali-
Tomorrow and all the next tomorrows -fly the pioneer
in commuter air service from Orange County to Los An-
geles -Cable Commuter Airlines. The connection you've
been waiting for.
Call your travel agent,
your favorite airline or
Cable Commuter at (714) 985.2883 .
~-· -
. -' ~~··--···· .. ..,, ' ..... ·-~· ·-
No Siestas for 'Alpha Xi
-Thoughts o! wide-brimmed sombreros and bright 1trlped 1er-
apes will be in the heads of Alpha Xi Delta members thia week u
they prepare for their third annual Bridge Fiesta.
But there will be no siesta-taking once play begins on July 24.
at the Island House in Fashion Island. The only respite wij1 be the
salad luncheon, being prepared by Mrs. James Deindoerfer and her
ln tune with the Mexican theme will be the entertainment con-
sisting of youngsters, 8 through 12, from P rince of Peace Lutheran
School in Costa Mes~ who will bring the sounds of "The POP Brass."
The musica1 group was awarded a second place. trophy in this y~ar's
Lion's Club Fish Fry Parade. Both popular and Mexican tunes will be
on tne program. ·
Contributing to the JJlopd of old Mexico will be the decorations
featuring brightly colored yarn and tissue power~. made by Mrs.
David Wing a nd her committee. T'1Je. decorations will be a.warded a.s
prizes to the highest scoring .bridge players.
Alpha Xi Delta is a national sorority which is celebrating its
Diamond Jubilee this year. The sorority was founded at Lombard
College in GaJesbury Ill . wilh.10 member's. It now ha s a membership
of nearly 50,000 wonlen of which 6,500 are in 109 collegiate chapters
and the remainder have membership in 165 alumnae groups scattered
all over the world.
The annual fiesta. hosted by the Orange County Alumnae Club,
provides Southern California members with the opportunity for an
afternoon of reunion with collegiate and alumnae friends. Mrs. Lee
Stewart, president, invites memben to call Mrs. Robert Pond at 833-
0331 for reservations.
TllurM1,, .l1lr II, 1H41 N..cM-M .. LI ..... 11
VIVA LA FIESTA -Heralding tile advent of tile third annual
Alpha Xi Delta Bridge Fiesta Is a member ol "Th• POP Brass,"
Greg Prechtl, 9, ... 11ted hy another member, SU1an JCaI1, 11.
The group will entAlrtaln at the J uly 24 event at Fashion Island.
Mrs. David Wing (Jett) and Mr,, Lee Stewart are making final
preparations fOT the event which will pivot on a Mexican theme
and will feature a salad luncheon.
UCLA Koppa Delta s Ge t the Pict ure
Barbecue 'Trumpets'
Horse Show Opening
Trumpetfng the &tart of another twcrday equestrian competition to
raise funds for the John Tracy Clinic for preschool deaf children a nd their
ftarents will be an appr"1ria te party, featuring an old-fashioned western
Sponsored by the Orange County Guild for the clinic, the gala will
begin with cocktails at 6:30 p.m. Friday. July 26, at the Flying B Ranch
in Hall Can~.
Diners will be served at tables, covered with red and white checker·
ed cloths and enhancing the setting will be strategically placed decorated
ranch wagons.
Dancing will follow to the mu.sic of Dr. James Holloway and Doug
McNeil , according to Mrs .. Jack Smith, party chainnan. Serving with her
are the Mmes. Delbert Boyer, Herschel Hoopengarner, Wilbur Hawley,
Leonard Miller and Roger Marsh.
Opening the competition of the fifth annuaJ National Peacock
Hill Horse Show wil1 be Harold Coll inso n, hornblower at Hollywood Park
and Santa Anita race tracks.
Show activi ties will begin at 10 Saturday for entrants 17 and
under. Afternoon events will begin al 2 p.m .. and Sunday events will open
when Mr. and Mrs. Bernardo M . Yonba Jr., honorary horse show chairmen
and Mrs. Spencer Tracy, clinic found er are escorted around the ring.
Silver trophies will be awarded in all classes Saturday, and on S~
day trophies and ribbons , including perpetual trophies in eight events will
be presented. •
Perpetual awards include the Jack R. Shelton Memorial trophy. the
.I. Howland Paddock, Robert Guggenheim Jr., Monroe B. Lukather, New·
port Balboa Savings and Loan, 0. W. Richard, Peacock Hill and the Guild ..
clinic Challenge trophies .
Concluding the show Sunday will be a a cocktail party on the lawn of
Lhe riding club for se nior ex hibitors. Hosting the pa rty will be guild mem-
bers under the chai rmanship of Mrs. Carl Robbie.
The 35 active members, dressed in yellow, blue and green print shifts,
wijl serve as hostesses during the show and along with their husbands and
children will •tall food and drink booth•, parking lots, gates, box seats and
sell program books and souvenirs.
It's no puzzle for Mrs. J . P . Anderson and Mi ss Penny Waldorf
(left to right) l!I S they finalize plans for a bridge luncheon and
tour of the bay to which collegiates and alumnae or Kappa Deltas
are invited. Mrs. William E . Fortner will open her home at 10 a.m.
Tuesday, J uly 30, for the event. which is being given to raise
funds for the purchase of a painting fo r the UCLA chapter. Mrs.
James E. Palmer, nations; province alumnae officer will pay
tribute to the campus chapter durin& festivities.
Tickets and information are available by calling Mrs. John Vogel-
zang. ticket chairman at 5~2053. •
'F I at so Could Start Exercising Brain
someone spoke out against e11:ercise.
Yes . you heard me. txercise is the
most overrated and frauduler.t form of
se lf-torture ever perpetrated upon the
human race.
Last week I attended a convention.
One of my good friends broke hi1
ankle jogging in his hotel room ,
Another frieqd told me his wile was in
the hospital with a fractured hip. I
asked if she fell. "Oh, no." he replied.
.. She was doing be.r daily nercise1
and auddenly something gave."
Wit.bin the peat. ti~ months. I have
lost three buddies. all under 50. One
dropped dead on the golf course and
tht other two were lnvf1.erate tennJs
I 1et all tbt uercl" I need 1cdn1
as pallbearer Jor frie nds who were
hJpped on weight control and physical
culture. Set the public straight, will
you. Annie, old girl~ -FATSO WHO
DEAR FATSO, Every oew 11d
tlte• papen priat 1 1tory about '°"
meeae wt.. doked to death e1tln1 •
piece of lteat. Yo• haven't &1ve1 ap
1te1k btcantt of it, Hve yoa'!' Well,
the es-tmplet yea have died add up to
1pprollhn1tei, IM II•• W.1.
Proptr exerclae neYer k 111 ' ti
anybody, but the lack of e:xerclse h11
pul a '* many people 11 their
irave.. I agree th•t 1 person who 11
not accustomed to exerclae 1boald not
lah llP iqaub 1t II. Seai!Me eserdH
I« pHpie ovtr 40, however, la YhaJ te
die clrcal1tory 1y1&em. A pllydel••
can ten yoa bow much eserclH 19'
what type ... belt for yOll.
married my huaband tbra years •So I
knew ht would b1v1 tor.y a_.-t for an out ... f·ftdlock chU • We art both
intelligent people, colliege grldoate1,
and I was sure thll uDfortunate In·
cident would not mar our marrlap. ·
Norm m-'e ft cte.-from tht CMUit
that. the chJld was not his but he w11
accepting the reapons:ibility becaiuse
he fell 1orry for the girl Md it seemed
like the Christian thing to do. Also. he
didn 't want to risk a lawsuit becauae
of the hurt It would .. llll 1111. qed
Wt DOW' have I ton of eur oft l8d
tvf!ty peeny counta. I ,_ tlle '40 1
month Norm nnda to support a child
who la not his. Both my in·l1w1 di~
this paat year and now I feel then 11
oo reuon for '"' buabllld to ht bled
as Well as Body
by an anocrupulouo. lltl. Don't :rou
-thot Norm obould deny thlt he II U.. fllthor Ind put u end to tht
racket? -DEPllESS!:D
DEAR D.: son,. •w.11 IO -fer
,..h 1 deallL I'• -11'1 eanala
y----~ .. --11111 "" ller7 la I -rt ti law. 81 ...
10• •&reed .. aecepf: d»e 1fta1tlon
•• )'ft 111arrted_ •Jm, keep yoar wm aad eo-die S4' 1 meolll Ille
prlco Nora mul ,., fer u old
MY TOSI: Of OOU1'H dlnCing 11 llln,
but lt l!oo II f1"1 to he married to 1
man 'flho ·un hold a 1tead:y job and
make a liv:tnc. Tbe be1t you can 11t
tut el 11111 relallrnlllp la 1 low .Uvu
cupt and sore feet. Cool It, Babe.
Jng about it. The way to make a mo._
taln out Of a molehill Js to keep 8*1• inc dirt.
Alcohol is no shortcut te 1ocial IRE•
ces11.lf you think you haw to drlM: to
ht acc .. ted by your friends , aet th•
facts. Read "Boo7.e and You -hr
Teenagers Only," ~y Ann ~
Send· 35 ceota in coin llld 1 1..,. Mlf·
1ddrelaed, 11amped envolope • wt1b :rour roquol. ;..
Ann Linders will be &!•d to be]p·,..
with your probl8ms. St.nd them ti. her
in care of the DAI.LY PILOT, @leiol-
inl a Mlf·addr11sed, 1tam~ m.
v1lope . -:;.
I '
' • '
. ! j D.111. V PILOT Ti..ndoy, Ju~ lA, 1'68 r Double Ring Rit~ Fair WinnerJ
! ~ouple Exchange Vows Peering
Around Busy Ha~ds Fashion .. Heirlo.oms
~ ~
I .. -.; •• ~ .
•• 1\y ~ . .,, •• ' . " ~; . ' '' .. ... • ". _,
•i ~ I i st
' .. A •
Wod In Idyllwlld
Membership Perks Up
For Summer Coffees
T•• Commu•ltf
Pre1b7ttrlu Clnrcb,
Jtt,lhrtld, WU tho Mltlne
-for tho _, of
Alm Eltubelb Sovafe and
llemds M. Des Jardlns.
The llrlde, dauabt.r of Mr .
and Mrs. Clllrlot E. Sl•'fe
of Huntington Beach, WU
st-Jn marrlqo bJ her lather, Conduc!h>g t b •
dciubJe.rinl ceremony w a • Ille Rev. Arthur E. French ·m.·
FCO' her wedding Ille
el ,._bnlldered lace over
-deelgned wilb a ICOOp9d neclrHM, 1 o a c
-.., and featuring a
chapel train. Her bouquet
WU a tpra)' of prdaiu.
Hor maid of lioaor, Mill
Carol Babcock of Elko.
Nev.1 won a jonqu:ll-yellow
peau de .. sawn with •
Door langlb train el em·
brolderod cbllfon and Ille
carried a rpray of white
Brldesmalda Miii Pauline
Nellon of Jacllloii, Wyo. and
Miu Laurie Wlldom of Roll·
lag um., were " Identically
attired In ...,.. of powder
blue and thoJ carrlecl yellow
dally sprays.
Ll Dale Hitchcock of Ven-
tura served u best man,
and Ulbtt1 were the bride's
brotben, Richard a n d
Chester Savage.
More than 75 friends from
tbe coastal area attended a
receptlq,n for the newlyweds
in tbe Silver Pines Inn,
ldyllwild, when the bride'•
COUllin, Mrs. Dona1d Savage,
and Mrs. WUllam Wisdom
served punch. .
Following a wedding trip
to Yellowstone, Denver and
Green Bay, Wis., the couple
will make their home in
MJcblgan w h (! r e the
bridecroom is stationed.
The aon of Mr. and Mrs.
Bernard Des .1ardins of
Green Bay, he attended
schools in that city and the August will be mem-The member&hip drive University of Maryland. He
bership month for the Green will coo.elude with • month-iJ a veteran of Korea and
y~ey Wooiao's Club and to end social for members and Vietnam and hu served in
interest p r 0 s p e c ti v e new reSdents. the Air Force for seven
members and help new Club m embers who al· years.
residents b e c 0 m e ae-tended the recent 1W1U11er The bride a l l e n d e d
quainted, bhe club will workshop in the Dimeyland schools in Redondo Beach
nv\Dsor 8 series of ccffees Hotel included the Mmes. and the University of ~r-Robert Brandt, president: Nevada where · 1he was a
during tlhe remainder of Ju-William E. Peart, second member of Delta Delta
ly end througb August Wee president; Gr e Io r Y sorority.
Bahe Wand, da ....... ol
Mn. --,ol --.--M&ICMd lo tile position ol
..-uom .,.mlcrAlr
Well. She will be sta-
in Los Anl<*·
MlM -atlamM
-Ana Junior CoUOse
and ;. • rocoot ... ~ of
Weawr ~line Penonne1
-I In K.anlu Ci!J, Mo.
and Mrs. Roy Fo:r and toa
Dennll from Colta -were reunited with the
lon!jer M I 1 1 Jacquelloe
Morvalllle, former A F S
student from France.
Jackie, U ahe WU known
to her fri...U at Costs Mna
High Scbool, now ii Mrs.
Jacque Rode. She wu the
llnl AFS 1tudent at CMHS,
and rulded with the For
She and her buaband: were
vWting Tucson for the
Na1itmal Parachute meet 1t
Moram Air Field. Out ol 137
contenden, Rode pllced
Mrs. Foz: found out that
Jackie had accomplished 150
jumps and Jacque has taken
1800 jumps over the 13 yeen
. ' 11J UY LAlllON granddlildnn all "'Pl'd the -.tad by 'El.mer d<mond several day1 ol
• .. ..., ,... -ruga H Jricelesa too, for Gobrue&ce of Corona del stead)' wort:, for MVtral
_... -lllill lo eadl Ilea a llllOll "'I IUdo Mor "1llla Mn. DOrls ht· yeera.
' .. for tll,.. by lb 1 I~ 1uct asblitad her ...... Mro. -· a residant
11111. ' irrandalo!Jw •. E a.• b rue place mlit'-tile cllllieull ol Lag ..... b• been WOI•• Mo--!Ins poiliootlom lal<H 2..1 w .. b of patient J>anilh Medallion 1tttdt and Ing "oft and Oil" for 30-3I
wlD -ba -6o _. work. . , ~ o1 ~~ gold ~ears.
""' -Iba .... ..... -ol lhe ..--.......... ---The -·nd demomU'a· !a•-fa at latllq also !*' ape<l Ill.-a wb11>eri. . · t1C1111 --· at the fair ~---... 5'7'' ·n1r -.. Ibey · Mn.--s~ba~tuclc and Include ......... knitlinC
lllOIT)', ~ Ill ·Mrs. Gcibrut-ore momberl ol , Friday. tope111T • msklng 1-ltlNI. • evldtncod by Dady, wllo -ii tho raci-. ·.,. -~ w ...... 1 ~ and unusual ...n
Iba alliblil ol ...,_.,,, pient ol lie prize for bell Go!td, a !$.year orpma· hajlcinp Sunday. a1 well ao
.. and weavlllf in t b I room fun.lill>lnga oller~.2 tion dtdicaled to holpi!lg daj)y recipe audlOll1 and
h;rlnenwtinf MCtiop ot tbe Homa ~ ti. '-'"• Mw weawn aet started. style shaw's by winner. m "* M.... Boal llovlllMn ..-g• the ....rmg apparel °': ~ .,... O""=w::: ..... ::::· =· :::•::·""=":::,:::'°"':;:::"':::· ::;.,...~,,;""';;;;,lr,:Jlri;;•~«~..,;;:~±~:"';:·::*:=. dt==eatesode==::::::•·='=====; _, ........ _.
by .... of Ibo priae·'llilmiq -· Tiie .-old art ol -wNVinC .... uplained bJ
~ Horry L. Diidy ol eon. -and Mn. v. c. Inmon of S...ta. Ano. 'Ille
rup are -.ec1 frml
b'~ llri!'< ol wool aboot 1"
t.o 1~" wide. b raided
toplber just tile -boir I&
braided. The ·~ •• join-ed by -g with a Ila~
long needle and heavy
Briglll 00Icr1 and heavy
teftlre unde!'toot make tbe
rup collector it.ems, said
Mrs. Dady, who woa •blue
ribbon for her 5'7'' -ond brown rug. Mrs. Dady'• 15
he bu partlclpat.d In the .---------.11 sport. In 1957 an.r hJg flnt
jump Rode won the French
national competlUon which
be held to 1967.
standing scholastic achieve·
mont at tho University of
RedlandJ laat semester is
Mfss Johanna Stabo, daugb-
lef' ol Mr. and Mrl. Fred
Szabo of COila Mesa.
MARY DAY" 642-4321
With a grade pol n t ---------"II
average of. 3.75, she was 11•101.v
11 •• ~ -'""e Ip r Ing l'evlltllll V1lley Nllh ,. MIW.111 ~ vu 1111 TOf'S c• _ tll9C'rMllOll c.m.r, semesta"s honor role. Misa Hvlltl,,.111111 -..cti, 11 1.m.
Szabo ir a g:reduat. of ..... ,.,... "11Ny "-"-°"' -no w .•• ,, ""·· ll11bol. -· E5·tancia High School and LK• '" LNTMr s.u-D-c1u• attended Or•-e C 0 a 1 t -w11tmcn1 Sdlool. Hunn,,.,_ IMd'I,
.... e • '·'"·
we·ve Just made a wonderful buy
en altverplated tea and coffff services by Gotham Silver1mlth1.
And It ft 10 very handsome. The large chased tray It footed.
Cotta• pot It O·cup capaCity, tea pot 11 B·cups.
Creamer and covered 1ug1r included. Please act soon.
Our supply It llmited at this prica. 151.15, the $-piece 1et.
M4.fl10 Oolle1e. ~~.: ~
Ia hlgh acbool lhl MIS,_!'~"~'"~~~·~"°"~"""~·~'~"~"~· -.lo ......... ~--~~--~~~~~~~~~--~--~~------~ named junior ..S senior
sfrl<ll·lbe·y-. Zoata sir!
and received the Elks Youth
'Ibe Mesan will be a .......,..r. II> ... leJl and
wu a member ol. the
lnlenlotlonal Clim • n d
p«fonned In the Gorman
drwnll. "Y edermann. •• Tile c"fees take place F 0 r r e s t . r e c o r d i n g Atte11dlng the wedding each Wednesday at 10 a.m. ..__ B k were t be br1'degroom'1 ---------in the homes of board se<:reUIUy ; u r e , cor· ,,. ---~,_Mr respondinl 1 e c r o I a r y ; parenbl and Ibo bride'• Kids Like to
membenJ M'...:::""""1 n~'" h :'rt vs. Doherty, and Dnid T. Dee, grandmother, Mr1. Irene
· iu._ 0 ~ ' ways 'and meam chairman. Savage from Denver. 1 Ask Andy' mombor!lhip dleirman. .-=========---==::..:;=..::.:=::...--------'---I Any new resident wishing
to iatteod tbe get-.acquai.nted
sellions may obtain ad-
c:titknal information by call·
ing Mrs. John Summers,
96UllO!, or Mrs. Dooeld W.
Burke, 9SHl931.
Clubs Toast
.. _·Breakfast
VARll!TY 0, SUMM!lt
SUMMER WARDltOll! •• ,
Memberw ol area Bela
Sigma Phi chapters will be
among the representatives
attending the bi·monthl1
-m<Otillg of Ille South ..... Caliiornia Co<mcil
tal<ing place Sunday, July
21 , in h Anaheim Con-
vention Center.
Sign Post, U.S.A. will be
the theme of the meeting
\\'hich will begin at 10 a.m.
Attending will be the Mmes.
F layd Shaver, Roger Denig,
Be<ty Row.,, Robert Buclt,
Olarles Agte, Robert Smith,
Ron Bowles, Paul Kiunke,
R i chard Cummiilp
Richard Da'Vis, and the
Misses Joy Damron. Vaierie
Roop and Chris Klein.
Emblem Club
The Elks Lodge is the se l·
bng for meetings of the
Emblem Club 2Ql .: Laguna
Beach. Members gather the
first and third Tuesdays at 8
Hunllnaton Beach Yhllor ·
Cost• Mm Vlsffor
So. CMSI Yisllor
Hmtior YlsllDr
• ,.. --llllebllon •-al-uwvlq .. --~1111-.-... ....,-a ~--help
a.a Ill --acquomi.d lf.fhllr ...., 1wrOUBdbtp.
' .,
llKIHIS ••• ASSORT!D COLORS. 2/1,00. 4/1,tl. 6/2,,t,
lit• Y•ur
S.lly a. .. ,.
Matttr 0.•rt• .a.okAMet1 ... ~
1 .
ll!G. Y:ALUl!S TO
5916 Edinger
Marina Vi11091
HU11tinglon lch.
We bring bacltthe30'1 blonde look of
Garbo, lmnbard, Barlow-and take it rii!it
Int.o '68 with the llGftatpasteJ tan1nreolara.
VlitAolltJ* Ml& NioeCliupeolor11011't
rubolr,la8taforw '1,eullaJ'lf?elbed
whenever yoo w!ah. And t.ollea
---· ....... ----
; ---er-;::r
ANO SET IMM. thru ,,,,", r
IA/tor I p.m. 12.501
"'· • Sot~ s. •. fJ.00
---......... --MlliWOIT ..... W. JlllFPX .......... ------fll ......... -. ........... 5::. ---_._ ------·---= ,
•• • ..
Ir ..
i ..
These Labels Adorne
The Smart Young
Crowd Of The
Harbor Area
17th & Irvine, Newpolt
'$porlio $/rorlit'
••• pMftot
"" tlte llt:fille womtn I ............. _~
,...... ... linlt In • brW
,.ntt.t Md V...etla .. •· __ ...... )ult
... rflhl •mount of «tntrel
•.. •lflM••IMdlrll
J"Klt'IPO•bi ktt-. .,._S.! .
.... .w<L
Mrm1A11 APPAii&. --··•1-........... ,
.. -·. ... ..... .,; ' .. -
•one-stop' shopping
at its finest!
A Sun and Swim Suit
lllM.ul ....... ............... ---
~ '32:J
of the NEW
Linen Weave
•, , 1l•y1 c:rf1f11 a114' fra1li ho•r .... ,
hour , •. l•e1011 -• ••rnarkable
wa1h '11 waat b1e11cl af 61 % lll1cre11
itolyatlff, 15 % .,.,JI rayan , • •
r•ti1h wri11kla1 wh111 you weer it,
tncl ket,s I+. 1fyle-li1111, with little
91' no pre11i119, wli111 you wt1h It
....................... r.n .••
.... ,..._, ON\te. IN!Nty,
J\nhtrt .
'mtr~.!!!J ~ WIAI
The 1968
Foll Message
One frcm cur Collection • • • In por• <•mol helr, m~Clo
like e shirt end belted . Shown with ploeted skirt in <lyec;I·
to-me~h tweed or' doeskin nennol.
WHlcllff Plou
Newporter Inn
'!he Movado ..,,.........,. "STAltDMr C:.-
watch hu • huvy duty-cw ht ... -
--......... to the dejllh of iOO '"'-So ,.,... ...0. how to wony obout It "'""'"" a leolc. Ml
-· • ......... -indicaliw to toll you -11'1 -........ up.
Stainles steel, self·windint alendar. $14S.
Ottter WetM ,, ... w.+dt .. St111r+i111 At
Martha · Ann Chittendon WeCls
.. -.....i·. l!;piacopal a adt In Honolulu waa tbe
~ for tile mornlnc wed·
.. al -Ana Cblt· ..... Md DoYld Albert Fersuto,,.
Tbe Rev. Dr. Paul
Wheeler joined In marriage
Ille daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. Rea Forry Chittenden
of Honolulu and former
residents of N°""·-·~· ~ ·
Fem9!1•-Mnit lir@nd•
redUctd'. to . low,. low
price• fo r quick clearance.
f1slllons for • • •
171 4) 644-0 170
Oii'•" cl1ily Ill 0.111. to 6 p.111.; M•11. e11d Fri. t• 9:)0 P·'"·
0,.11 1 U F.111111• Ch•rgo, le11k>.mwict rd or M11+.r Cherg•
! :
r • • • • • ' • • ' • ' • • •
and Ille IOfl of lf.r. aod Mr1.
J. Howard Ferguson of
MIH Diena Jonu al
Ccrool.del Mar wac mild of
bonor and Richard
F'erguson W.U best man for
bis brother.
'lbe-new Mrs. Ferguion, a
stud.tot at the umvertity of
Hawaii, graduated fr o m
C....... del Mar High School
and Orengo Coaot College.
Her hU&band J1 an alumnus
of 1'llDlbou -111d Ille u · of H. He now is a captain In
· tile U,S .. Army .utiooed ·•t
Schofield Barrackl, HI.wail.
CHARLtTTI DAVIS 1,... .....
Charlotte Davis
Will Marry
In April Rites
Chari-Dolllj w 111
marry ScGlt Vold In Cosla
Mesa on ,\priJ 5.
T he i nc•.1 e m e n t
amounceraent wfs made
during a !l!Dlly dJa!>er party
in t.he ri of hlf parents, Mr. and 1. EJMer Davis
of Costa .... Parent.s of
the bridflroom-4\ect are
Mrs . Alice Terey of V an
Nuy• u4 Rod Vold of
Garden Grove.
The brl'9-C~brf attended
Coit& M ... lllJb l!chool and
Orange O>tillt Colltge and is
em-oiled in a beau&y college.
OC Single Bee•
The tefODd nd fourth
Friday ol !lie moolll Orange
County ~ Bth gather
in Doig -School, Garden
Grove. Aetivttitl: ltegin at 8
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~···· ..................................................... 1111!1 ............... ~
'Autu•t Br ide
Date Told
Mr. and Mrs. James J.
Eymann Of Pabn Desert
and ldyll~d and former
residents of Newport Beach
have a nn o unced the
engagement of t h e I r
daughter, Sally A n n e
Eymann to David Carroll
An August 24 wedding in
San Francisco is planned.
The bride-elect Is a 1959
Coronet debut.ante and an
alumna of Scripps College .
She now is designing and
manufactwing w o m e n ' a
Her fiance, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle D. Ketchum of
Birmingham, Ala., is in the
U.S. Air Force a n d
la staUooed at Hamilton
Night Owls
Horoscope •
Sagittarius: Changes Begin
FRIDAY LmRA (sept. 23-0ct. 22): independent. ·If 1 In g le, lecU liquids, Including on.
grabs headlines. J UL y 19 Social acti'vlty b r l n a: s marriage is on horizon. If
By SYDNEY OMARR pleasure. Key Is to avoid married, travel and an la """ "" ..... , ludcY '°' vau 111
"'Ibe wise mu controls extravagance. You want to addition to ·family ar e :;::. ·~:,: or:.;11s"::1 ,:er::
his de1tiny, • .Astrology expand, but do so without distinct possibilities. women." Send 111rtN1or1t •lld 50 •"''
G E '' E R A L T E N Ill Om.Irr Ail~IDIY Stcre11, Ille OAIL V points the way." neglecting eneotials. U you n · · • PILOl. llOll :t2All. or1N1 centrel
ARIES (March 21-Aprll move too quickly, you must. _D_EN_CJES __ ,_MD_n_;ey_n_e_w_s_af_._,_,._,..,_._._v_...,_•_.v_._•M_u_. __
19): Be wary w h e r e retr~ your steps. 1-
Po91eesion1 are· concerned. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.
Element of d e c e p t i o n 21): See 'persons, situations
caUMI loss unless you are in realistic light. You gain
on JlW'd. Oteck security througfl patience. D o n • t
measures. Heed advice of Ml6b. Wait and observe.
family member. Give attention to
TAURUS (April 20-May partnership prop o 1 a. Is.
20): Romance indicated -Study fine print. R e a d
the romance of discovery. between the lines. ·
Means you gain greater AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
insight foto c h a r act e r , 18): Although you may be Q Sal8 91U1 :av: o!m .. -~~! M~ rill'~. it ii lli'i:e-r 19 ·Your OME"'"A 11erv1 .. c,qli"
••--t. ~j'.....~ ... be praotlcs . , 4 i> ii I) e ! \:1
-,.. •• .,.. -especially where pr~y. ·e "IAMOND SPECIAL15TS Y"\11\119l" , Important P!'nJec~ · a r' e • v
GEllllM <May 21.June coiiceme~. Toke nothini !or . REMOUNTING & DESIGNING ~); study TA ti it US granted. Be aware n! subtle ' .
message. Realize lflat some nuances. , . Complete Gift Department things are better left unsaid. l'IICE8 (Feb. 19-March
Indications are th at a 20): Some news reports 90 Day Accounts -No Carrying Charge
clandestine meeting is on · m•y lack basis in fact. Wait Bankamericard or Take a Year To Pay
tap. Many seem determined lor all facts before taking N•• 2 Gl'Mt Sf'ofls Te"'"'"
to reveal secrets to you . act.lon. Older fndividual is HAllOI SHOPPING-HUNTINGTON CINTD
CANCER (June 21.July ally. H"'9. voice 0 f CINlll llACH I lDIN•••
22): Some of your desires experience. ~ght '0 n 2300 HAllOI ILVD. HUNTINGTON llACH
may not be re3listic. U you mtna1e1, vWti , short trip. COSTA MUA • ui..t41S ltJ-1101
persi5t in Mk:ing f 0 r fF TQDAY IS YOUR o,.. ...... ,....... Prt. Tl ' , ...
impossible, you i n vi t e =B=IB=THD~~A~Y~y~ou~ar~e~o~ri~ginel~· ~~il~iii~~~~~~~~~iiilil disappointment. Key i 11 in appr~ch. i n v e n ti v e ,
mature approe'ch. Then the ·
sky is the limit. Think.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):
Find the reason why. Means
ask questions -obtain
answers . Take initiative.
Opposition is weak. Display
executive ability. Many wait
for you to set example. Do
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
You can proceed despite
doubts exp r esse d by
relatives. Trust your own
judgmeN.. Your intuition
rings sharp, true. Share
knowledge. L e a r n by
Musical Program Set
A musical program is in
1tore for members and
guesU: of the Night Owls of
the Hoot 'n Holler Roost
when they gadler in the
SeniOI' Citiuo1 Recreation
Center, Newport Beach, at 2
p.m. July 21.
Performing will be Skip
Barter, 14, at the piano and
guitar; Veronica Moreno,
12, a vocalist; Paul Lani, 11,
at the piano and drums, and
Diana Coate, 10, a pianist.
Each will appear alooe
and finish with a jam
session wi~ Mrs. J. S. Hill
at the organ.
Patriotic colors w i 11
decorate the refreshment
table presided over by Mrs.
Clarence Rainl and ber
committee .
Tickets are 50 cents.
Further frlformation may be
received by calling Mrs.
Dolly Stewart at 673-7386.
REG. 4.oo •••••••••• 3 .27
REG, 3 1 50 0 1 1 00 0 0 ,00 2 .97
SP RAYED , REG 0 4,. ?~• J ,9?'
COVERED HEELS, REG , 5 ,75, 4 .97
HANDLES, REc;. ••• 1.97
Orange Coast's No. 1 Paper:
;, .. d. "'"'" ""' ''"""·
5188 1utom1tic 1otk cycl1, d••p •c·
tion 1gitefor, 2 j1t •wey rin•••·
G'""" flow;"' ''"' . . . 5148 ·~:::::::::::::ii!:::::::;;:;;;;;";J dureble pr•1• c•r• for no·iron ' fe .. ric1 , , , 11• ,._, li11t IC,..••· •
Frl&idoire Side-by-Side
with 191-lb. size
ff'MZ'9ft All frost-Proof!
• f!Olt-Prool! You'll M'm de· 1"'1 .'l_~!. • Just 32~ wide!
• Rlp-Qltck Ice Eject11r -fast, •fl • ltlno¥*t lr•rs !or 28 ... ,
Ice Ejector Kil
OW It .... Prlc1 111.ts
411 EAST 17TH ST.,
F~gidaire Frost-Proof with Automatic
Jee Maker
• No fill or spllll let Maler Pitts
aibes in dDor 1erver! • rr~f. Proo!! You'll never delrost 8211n1
• 125-lb. sin top freerer for the' 11tr1 room rou want!
Daily 9.9 -Saturday 9·6 I Closed Sunday l
(Sales) 646-1684-( Service) 548-3437
Marilyn Yamer Now
Mrs. Sherwin P. Rubin
Sisterhood ·
Temple Sharon 's
Si!i~ meets Ul~ fourth·
Wedtl~y of the month in
Temple Sharon Religious
smoot., Costa Mesa, at 8
of togetherness
·-· ICI-.,. ... ..
Yoar inspilin( dloicl
...... tolllWi .. ... .....,
~J1 ·1tdM!y
Now 2 Greil Slores lo Sene You
H1rbor Shopping
2300 Horbor Blvd.
C0&t1 Mosa 545.9495
Open Mon., Thun.,
Huntington Center
lloach & Edi1191r
Huntington Beach
Fri. till 9 p.m.
..... -.. . ... -· .. -
' Youth Bring• Home Triple Honors
Eihibitlng ber thrtt llbbaDI -.Jn ~· Del Mar
Hone Show at the l>ol llar Ollml7 Pair iJ Pamela
Hadley. AccomplU!flnl bor., bor journey to Del
Mar were Mr. lid-Mn. Wllllmn lladley and
Pamela's irieiid Caron Gilbertson · 0111 w r!Jlil).
llurlng tho oihibiting tho """P ,,.... po.ti of La
Coate Hotel and Spa In Carllbad .
. The -Tee
SAVINGS OF lO~o-600"/o
• lllFIS
bg. ~10.17, NOW .... S.f9.5."
bg. 4-1.C, NOW ....... 2Jt.7."
• lllllT TOPS & S11W
bg. 5-7, NOW ........ 199-3."
bg. 9-22, NOW •••••. 4.99-10."
bg., NOW .... l."'35.,. ··sum
bg.45-125,NOW .... 24. ..... "
•SWUTllS .
bg. 111 12. NOW , ...... , • , ·'" • maw lltllPA• .
lllg.~12,NOW ........ 1"'5.99 • .IWlllY •
. bg. t.11,lllW .............. ..
bg. !.SQ.6, NOW .. ; : .. 1.59-199
•=u• •swwu
bg. 4-7, NOW ........ 2.99-3.99
Rog. 3-7, NOW ........ 1.99-3.99
bg. \o S, NOW ...... from 2." •swunas
bg. 5-6, NOW ........ 2.99-3."
• DllS$ SlllTS
Reg. 5-12, NOW ....... lf9.I,"
• SPOii' $1111$
Rog. 5-10, NOW ....... ltM99
Reg. 7-10, NOW ... , ... 4. ..... 99
Reg. 12·25, NOW ...... 7 ...... "
• SPOii' COATS Reg: 41M.5, NOW •.•.
• IDllUllAS .
bg. ~ NOW ........ 1994"
• nilllWUI
.... ~10, NOW ....... 199499
• SOCIS R1f. 1·1J0. NOW .. 991 a fw IJI
Reg. 2·5, NOW ...... ut l llr 7
Reg. 18-20, NOW .......... 11.99
Reg. 2.50-S, NOW •• , , •• 1.JN,99
bg. 2.50-5, NOW .. , ... 1.JN.99
• lllMUDAS
bg. 4-5, w:tN ........ s. ....... '
Now Open 7 Days • Week •SAN QEMENTE-111 i\VENIDA DEL MAR
1 i
----. -. --
~ ' C54 I . MAIN 331 [.17th ST conwnaence
at 0130 A.M.
81 MIRll
. . . . . . . .
5 cro . . . .
Here Is How It · Works
Dress Shoes
; -• . . •
Choose from among
n1tion1lly 1.lvtrtl11tl 111111ity f1etwaar
........... .:.,"":::. Salel'rlco
1'4.95 12.99 6.50
Pick that trim casual or lusoious
flat that you've been admiri"g in
store windows and fashion ma9azine1 ...... ,, .. Salfl'rlco
'/2 9.95 1.00
10.95 6.99 I.SO
OFF 12.95 7.99 4.00
15.95 I 0.99 I.SO
Tho•••• of Pairs to Pick "-
BankAIMriconl .._ llodrr Char(l<I
Cardi W•-
0pB flt. -9:30 to '
0,.. Sat. -t:JO to t °'" s.. -10 to s
• -., • ' ' .
------.. ··---._. ~ . . .. ... . .
World's Smallest Full -Frame
35mm Precision Camera
FROM ..•
z.i .. Te1wr ~m f/l.5 len1, relro1cl1bl9 mou11t. c;ompur t aoeed
ahutler, CclS •-ure meter!1111 1n1em. bo.tlll-111 111,11, bl'llll1nt vl.w
flro:ltr Wltll ll!lf l Ytd rttlt!t, •IM'rfUrt click 11111>1 IYl•V 1131 ''°"'
~U. fTYll~ O!ller lfflu~I -11111 It -I I , , ••
· Westcliff Cameras
1'4ontgomery • :e::"
' . .
~Delly I A.M. -9 P.M. Sot. I A.M. • 6 P.M:
M ........... s. ... A-s&.. ........ ..... .. ,.
79~ 10~ -.........
24!0L 98~
t ' I / •
• . . . . . . . .. ~.... .. ------. •• -.......... --•• ,. ~ .... : ~. r ~#' , 7-··..,, • , __ . ----
3 SPEED 14'' ' Each
Sturdy High En•m•I Finis h
Choic.• of Colors
•one·stop' shopping
·at its finest!
Paper UnAmiteJ
in Westcliff Plaz• features
those cool coifs for carefree sum·
Phone Now 548-0460
We Never Rush You Through
lndividuel Styling end Your
Complete S1tisfaction Is
A Musi With Us Here At
W estcliff Plaza Barbers
• . ~,~ ...... _., .. , --. ~~ . . ,_,,,... . .. . .. . ..
Kitchen at Seo Weddings, Troths
Captain's Tabl¢ Fillip · · ., Pilot'.s Deadlines
'( .......... "... .... .... .. • -tben .. ltftf&l __. ~--........ ~ ·-.. W I tli1• ~) c.-d ... (IG ... J1111'bt
BJ NANCY RYDEN ~odd a eaa oi ~
WOODWAJID (clraad) llld 2 er s lablol-
NBW ·yOllJt (WNS) --oi -· Heot and 1"11 -*-1Wbe,...olmPl1 ba•.e a 1ood Beel
11 ........ --. • clbi-Jlour1ulln--"' .... -.... -.. -plalll ,_ ___
IAl•AIN Clll1lll
1112 Newport Bl., Costa Mesa
"· M4-7U7
Sup•t Rich willt Ceco111 luttar
Y1llow • Otlll"f' • Avcu;edo
-Ne. .I : Sl>l>Jr'ft '"' ~t t.ollon JI ,OU ...
fltlloC out Cbe &illl1 fer Cbe
-time. A ~.
&&Ut:lp&D, two• quart ..._. --1 and ... • .. 11 pol for boillni
eggs er meting sauce ...
eoouch. u • • cll-•ble aluminum i:-m far oveu
cooking. H you can .,iur,..
ftainleu l'leel cookware is
the very -wbll• aluminum Olld iron poll and
pans tend to rulll
2 tableipoons -
To avoid dlappoinlment, -~rospect!ve
brides are remlndO<\ to have the\f wedding
stories with blact and white gloesy pbot<>.
grapbs to the DAILY Pll.OT Sodety·l>epart.
men! prior to or within one ...U after th•
wedding. , .
For engagement announc~ents tt iJ
suggested that the stor)\ also accompanied
by a black and wblte &lossy p 1 c t u r e, be
submitted early. U the betrothal announc ..
men! and wedding date are six weeks or less
apart, only the woddin( photo ·will be •<>
To help f1ll requlrenienta °" both wed-
~ipg and e.ngagement storlet, forms are HaiJ.
able .In. all , of the DAILY Pn.<JT, offlc ...
Further queaUona will be 1111Wered ·by Social Not~s 1taff membera al 542-021 or 49'.94l!I. 1 can tune, -(or lobolerorc:HbmMI) 1 t.11pom dried minced .. ___________ ... ___ _ -l can con.-den1ed
ml.tlhroom, chicken or
colery ooup
11h cups bot water l·IA cup1 quick-cook rice
8-ounce can sticed. curot&
Ii teaspoon
Newlywed D.W. Finns
1.4 teu po on Worcester·
shire sauce Honeymoon
drops of Tabasco Following a H a w a l l a n
in squeezed lemon honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. daoh-Melt butter, add tuna, David Wllµarn Finn now are
onion and heM. Remove residing in Santa Clara.
from beet and 6tir in all in· The former Joellyn Perry,
gred.ienta. Cover and cook d ht t v.. d Mr over low heat until liquid is aug er 0 ., ... · an s.
in Hawaii
parent1.') g u e s t s .
attending were Mrs. Trem
Carr and Mr. and Mn:.
Harry F. Perry Sr., the .
bride'• grandparenta:.
The bridal couple are
graduates of San Jose State
College, where the bride
pledged Kami Alphe Theta
DAll.Y J'.11,DT 3zt
. • S1NCf 1929· '
l'l•1tic li11111d • L•e• hirn1111d
abs o r ·b e 'd (about 10 Harry F. Perry of ·C«ona
minutes). Stir occaslonetly del Mar, exchanged . vows
to keep from ~c~l to pan. and rings with her betrothed
SEAFOOD URG in Our Lady Queen Ot
2 tablespOOm butter Angels Catho:lic Church.
ond her husband alfillated ._ '"l== with Sima Nu. \, COMP. AT 98c EACH
ClowM and en tvl'•• of 111ni11•11l1
Aac••~i•s ertd · Mj1cb tl'•rt
IO•t ef Nnkrupt lfockl 12 11•irl
HAllll IPIAY (Pr9feul...,al llze
Your Ui111ic1-1tyl1.-Tiki -l111y111tt111
•.•. "·" 99c
•.•. "·" 99c
•.•. "·" 68c
Rog. $1 .SO 68c
1011y .. Ns <v ....... > sac l•bbet tipitH • ll111cli: • lrow11 • Silver R•t· $1.?t
l'°NOll (12 1111 P.c:ka .. )
f., ell h1u11holO &hor11
•. ,. ,,.,, 68c
•••. "·°' 68c
2 tablespooM flour Given in marriage by her 1 cup cream 3 tablespoons cat.sup father, she wore a floor
2 tablespoons sherry length lace gown with train .
W · Mat.ching lace formed her 2 teaspoons crcbeabire headband wbich caught her sauce Ii pound ohrimp shoulder longtb ..U ond she
i,, pound crab meet carried two orchids on a
salt prayer book.
Papriloa Wearing powder b t u a
~ gowns end carrying baskets Me~butter and stir in of,multi.:cotored 11·ower1
flour, blend. Add cream were her maid et bonclr,
r;lowly, stirring all the time. Cathreen Bennett .Gf San
When the sauce is thick stir Francisco, and bridesmaids, W~er&hire sa·uce . Add Mrs. Larry Shutten of
ohrimp am. crob meat, lll!r Oakland, Mn. Poul Kantor
all uotil welJ heated. Season of San Joie and Mils
with talt, paprika, a few Patricia s.dnar of San
grains cayenne, Just before ea.:i':· brlde'""""m, aon of add 2 tablespooll' ~-Sherry. Serve over rice or Mr. end Mrs. Tbomu J .
noodles. Finn of San Mat.eo, was
attended by bl• bro~,.
POTATO CAKES Tom Finn as bett man.
1 quart uneeuontcl mllh· U1ber1 were Trem Pe~,
ed potatoes the bride'1 brother; Mike . 6 0ab1">Jl000" milk Cooper of El Cerrito, the
F1•ltl11t • l'''!'' "'" •• ,. ,., 39c
•••. ., .• o 39c
Y4 cup minced onion • bridegroom'a cousin: Steve
2 table11~1 butter or Cl.rfy, Santa Clara, andl;========~I marganne , Denn1a: Heno, Palo Alto. I
shortening or cootinC oil A rectpUon followed fn
11h teaspoons salt the home of the bride's II t.MpOOll pepper PIGI ·FRUIT COCKTAIL 3 3ft~
luffet c1111 Ye11r Cheice
Tl.UN CANS (22101.) HIAVY PLASTIC $ 1 88
l1cki111 Jid • '''"'' · I'''" •
1 egg ·
Flour (small amount)
Beat ~· and milk together thoroughly. Sraute
onion in butter or margar·
lne. Stir into potatbe& with
oUier ingredients, e I'. c e p t
flour. Chill in ice bol: 1 to 2
e Mix your yerdege •ny way you like -you don't h•v•
to buy 4 y•rd1 of eny one kind.
e Everyy•rd of meferiel in our·huge stock go•• on s•le -
e If your 4 y.rcl unit eon1i1h of various prices, the 5th or
I c y•rd e•nnot exceed the lowest price of the 4 y•rcl unit,
Cotl•-.Ha .... ~ __ ...... Hunt!"""" IMch
J ...into Centor
11517 Moln St.
Senti Ana
2014 J . Moln St. -....... 17th a llriellil
.221 •• 17th St.
hours (or do at tiome}.
Shape into mnall cakes and
dust lighUy with ftour. Saute
in enough heated shortening
to prevent atlcking W1til
nicely brown on both aides.
Mak .. alJout 24, enough for
I aervinl•·
Juniors learn
Garden Tips
Tipl on garoenlng li1cl
""1d>c<opil>g will be reveal<d
to Sooth Coat Club Juniors
when they cmvme at 8 p.m.
'!be meetiag will be con·
duc>t<d In the LocUD0 Niguel
home of Mn. PMrid< D.
Craft, and tile epeaker will
be from Ille Bamboo Ganlen
Center. o.,. PoiDt.
F-lnlmnltlon ls
·-by a!1iDg Mrs. Adrienne Kbutt: a t
'Batter Up'
Annual poneaQ ~
"' tile Galdon -Qub will be --i from 7 a.m.
ID I p.m. 8unday, July 21, in
Coola -· Pork. -publlc la lnvad, and
admlMOll la '1.:ZS I« -
...i 71 .-.. -under 12.
Da't Give · Up
Pnll•lr Hu It
J1111 If> t ivl yo• a iJ111 e-/
llu t1p1 ofJ.l.m()llJ lwatl.J "'' ~""'' fff llfJI JisuJ • fN
•I """' J.i ....
O/XON IOWDl./t.llAKI.._
ICA.IASTAH .,., __
Y • ., {•"'* #Jllrior J1np-
,, wil b1 bitpf'1 I# tUliJI 'JO•· •
1975 Lont Beach Ii..!. e... .... ...... .. .__ .... _
LONe UACH ,,_. 591-1347
I See by Today's
Want Ads
'-<t:X:~-~ e Yea mn stw thl: Wide lamil1 • o:mtx'tltie ,,..
cation In tbla 1arle O»-
tom Tart ~ Ml! at·
tadlllbie tll!!nt. liU a:etafn.
l!d. .. 10, euy ..,..
-••• Yel'Y wllMe! e A Sold metal tw<e 1961
"'"'" --111 ... """ !Miit bNuttful 0.-tom ft'tn.I. A n.1 flm
e A -"""" llrciller tor: the p&r8lta wbo mmt -·-e A -. obop b: "°"'
oWntrl '·. ~ f!•utioll OM:> -·--eA __ _
ehtne b' the ,.._. ea
lbe mow.
BIG 32-0Z.
IZ oz. plastic boltl1 of 3 9 ·c lotion with spray dispenser.
By Helene Curtis, .
Great holdint ·flnmul8' ...
desilllfd for ftOrmal, dry 4 8 C and h·ard·to hold hair. 13
ot BY Helene Curtis. · -···
........ _,
Annual half-price spec·
lat pricad Ml lower at
W.F. 10 oz. size sells
normally for 1.50.
COMP. AT 89c
Stainless stee l doubla edged 3 9 C blades In packages of five.
For thl close shave which
spells comfort.
In two pnM:K:ltM scent~
"Black Satin" and "ilhila ggc Satin". 3 oz. aerosol pursa COMP.
fl aeon, Gilt bond. IT II •
"Taber "~" ind
"20 w """-$1 ~I 1Ptci1l-1 Jla\tttd COM,, offer. 2 oz. sizn. AT tis
Medicated to refresh and 88( pratect. Soothing for"""° cow.
INI' sunburn. 10 oz. AT tAI
For·• smoot11 bin. t!!i _ 59c OL combllllllon ...... IT.;
nut. oil & -• bultar.
ti•.olll!JlaL -" -· eec 24tablotl. AH.a
Hanil -111 .. 49 aGltld 1:olorl. -.. --c M;t. ••
Costa Oh& ! I .., •• t:;::; :.,.·n (, . ! -,. ............_-------=-----~ .. 1 •
. I
.. --.. ---. -_-:::---:-~~-:~-~---.:-.~~~~".'"~:-:-:::::-::::::_:::::::::::~~~--.. ~ .. -~ ....... -, ..
The Economy Cut
The Clergy 's Obligation
Churches and churchmen increaJingly in the past
several years have altered their traditional roles with
their congregations and with the problems o( the world .
Rather than Interpretation and guid8l]Ct, religion has
taken an acti\'.e. participating role in the sociaJ con·
scie nce of the nation.
Clergymen and church leaders are found in almost
every type of campaign based on personal rights -
from the Delano grape strike to counsel for draft evad·
ers to the basic civil rights movement.
Traditionalists don't like it. Almost every sect had
its protests .as churches moved to the activity centers of
the nation'• problems. But the leaders of the moVe-
m.ents have countered that the church haS too long been
passive in cu ring the ills of the world -they say the
preachers have talked and not acted.
Whether or not this aggressive outlook is warrant·
ed is up to each church to determine for itself. How ..
ever, on occasion the zealousness on the part of some
clergymen is so outrageous it cannot pass unnoticed.
Such Was the case in San Francisco this week when
clergymen of varying faiths chained themselves to
AWOL servicem en in a flagrant defiance of the law.
The clergymen, led by the Rev. Thomas Dietrich of the
Howard Presbyterian Church, toJd lawmen tha t they
were violating a church sanctuary by arresting the law
It was a bizarre scene. The youths declared them·
selves ''free men" and the clergymen led an unclassi·
fied type of church service as part of the ,;Service of
Lawmen simply used wire cutters to snip the
chains to take the eleven AWOL men into custody .
Even the strongest activists in religion's growing
Nazis Also Had
National Anthem
Right-wingers are fond ol pointing
out that the institutionalized form of
tile United states is a ·•republic" oot a
"democracy" -while conveniently ig-
noring the that the three most
repressive governments in the world
today are also "'republics:" Russia,
Olina. and Spain.
It is equally true that the word
.. democracy" is as ambiguous as
''republic" -for Rtw!iia calls it:sell a
"people's democracy," even though it
lacks any of the political liberties we
would consider indispensible tor tbe'
proper use ol that word.
THROUGHOUT Europe. political
labels are nearly meaningless in
terms of what they truly stand for :
"liberal" parties may be on the right:
"Christian Democratic" parties may
be neither Christian nor de mocratic:
"socialist" parties may be anti-Marx·
ian; and "conservative" parties ma:y
be to the left of what is called
"liberalism" in America.
Our own political labels ol "Hbera\''
and "conservative.. are likewise
historically misleading, for a ''liberal"
in the cl&issical. old-fashiooed sense
was 1 believer in laissez.faire and
freedom from govern m en t in-
terference -which is now considered
the "conservative" position i n
America11 politics.
lNCJDENTALL\', "left-win,g'' and
"right-wing" are wholly accideMal
terms, having nothing to do with
positive or negative implJcations: it so
happened that in some European
legislative bodies, the more pro-
gressive group of delegates sat to the
left of the presiding officer. while !he
more conservative group so.( to his
right -and this nomenclature has
been transferred to modern times.
"Liberty" of course. is perhaps the
mosl widely used (and misused) of aU
political words; our "Sweet Land of
Liberty" implies individual freedoms
above all else, but as used in Nazi and
Fascist anthems, .. liberty" meant the
freedom of the national or racial
group to expand and overcome other
racial or natioool groups. and was
considered a collective, rather than in-
dividual, virtue.
AS PROF. MARIO PEI, the Linguist.
points oot, moc:krD poli tical terms are
usually semantic smokescreens: we
have ''pacification" used in connection
with the destruction of defenseless
towns; "liberation" for indiscriminate
bombings followed by forcible oc·
cupation: ''transfer of populations"
for mass deport a ti on s ; and
.. elimination of unreliable elements"
for imprisonments and summary ex-
ecutions without trial.
Indeed , one of the great new fears of
modern man is "Iogophobia" -the
fear of being labeled with a certain
word , which deeply intluences ou r
public statements and priv<:le con·
A Plan to Suit Us All
To the Editor:
It has taken the tragjc death by
drowning of the premiere of Australia
to alert thinking people everywh"'9 tn
the urgent need to register bathing
suits. More people die by drowning
each year in the United States than die
from gunshot . wounds and, if you
really think about it, you will realize
that just as many lives will be saved
by ttgistering bathing suits as bv
registering guns. ·
Once all Lhe bathing 1uits are
registered the government can enact
the legislation necessary to have 111\
the bathing suits cr\leclfod and put in
government loc\.:er5 at er:;.el'nm1Jnt
supervJsed awimming fa ciUUe.o;, man·
ned, oi eou.rse, adequatel)i b y
Gloom y
rve alrHd.Y .... , zzz.200
llcemo plot<. T.U R. B. 8. I Gui
7-ll) llw,y'D 10 nm lo Jll·AAA.
-M. B.
/,etl.t'f'S ff'Om readers ore we /.comr.
Normally writers thould conve11 their
»ie.ssages in 300 words Of'; The
right to con< letters to /if tpace
or eliminate libtl U restroed. All let·
tcf'.s must include signature and mail·
ittg addrest . but names will be 111ifh·
Ii t'ld on request.
lifeguards, Backyn-d ,o;wimm ing pools
\vould be outlawed.
or t·ouRs1-:. C'ertain criminal
f'!ements and maniacs will no1 register
their swim suits and will coniinue to
S\l:im at non.government f12cilities. but
litiff sentences could be meted out to
these violators. Some diehard nudists
would al50 doubtless flaunt the law
but the: vast majority would be law:
11biding rather than go to jail and we.
cou ld sav, al lea:oi;t 20.000 livti.g a year
ln the United Sta!Ps alonf! -(ar morf!
th~n CAn be saved by coofiscatln~ l.11
I f!X'J)ecl ai ll lhoSf> tn favor of more
rigid gun control law1 to get behind
ttiese pr~ed 1wim control lawa, lf
they are really interested in aavin&
Refi1traUon is the first step. U we
can u ve just nne life by requiting the
r1ei1tratioa ol awfm sulta. ii will be
Wortll Jl
awareness of Jt.s challenges would have difficulty de-
fend1ng the right of clergymeA to stage such an ex·
hibition. It is not within the bounds of moral leadership
to walk away from the obligations of law and order.
Let Wallace Speak
Governor Reagan says his trip through the south l.s
meant to counter a serious threat that George Wallace
just might be elected President of the United States.
Very likely one of the major reasons Wallace has
b ecom e such a threat is the dista~tefully rude rece~
tion he has gotten in many northern cities. Time after
t ime Wallace has been prevented from even expressing
his views by jeers. hoots and unbelievably bad manners
from the audience.
In some cases people who came out of curiosity
to hear the view of the Alabaman actually W(!re won
over because of the childish boorishness of his detrac-
tors. A St. Paul woman told the Pioneer Press last week
that she was glad she went to Minneapolis to hear Wal·
lace because "now I am glad I came and iaw the kind
oi brats we have got in fuis country. I wouldn't have
believed it."
The scenes have been more than episodes of mi s-
behavior. They have bee n raucous and bad-taste at-
tempts -successful attempts -to prevent the views
of a candidate from being heard.
If Wallace's views were heard and understood, he
wouldn't be the power lha t Governor Regan and others
in the country are so worried about today .
Tactic;s Ma y
Get Rough
In Chicago
''Datige rous Drug ••• of Gr eat Coireern''
Vice President Humphrey's t o p
aides are increasingly fearful that pro·
tests 111d campaign picketing thus far
are only a mild prelude to massive ef·
forts aimed at disrupting • n d
discrediting the Democratic National
From bits and pieces of information,
coUected across the natioo, they are
convinced that campaign strategists
for Sen. Eugene J . McCarthy already
are engineering much or I h e
demonstrating against the V i e e
President's cc;mpaign appearances.
THEY THINK some McCartby iUP·
porters, privately convinced that
Humphrey will win the presidential
nomination. would like to make a na·
tionally televised shambles of the
Democratic Convention as a step
toward forming a ''peace" party.
That is the background for Hum-
phrey's recent plea that all candidates
join in repudiating "abusive tactics"
whi ch are. he said. "so characteri stic
nf totalitarian pol~tics."
"History is strewn with the tangled
wreckage left by militant minorities -
each of whl ch thought ,jt had cornered
the market in social justice and virtue.
and had discovered the true belief tn
the exclusion of aoll others." Humphrey
said. in a speech at Poplar Bluff, Mo.
accuse McCarthy. personaJTY, of
engineering disruptive anti·Humphl'e~
protests which have marred the Vice
President's campaign. They say the
senator may well have been insulated
from "low road" campaigning by
some of his supporters.
Here are some nf thf' i ncid~ts
which have been nnder carelul study
by Humphrey's campaign headquart-
Pblladelphla -){ u m p h r e y was
subjected to a noisy demonstration
when he spoke at a supposedly non·
political .July 4th celebration at In·
dependence Hall. The J1umphrcy ~1aH
has ob-lained copies of an advance
handbill issued by ' ' M c C a rt h y
V(>lunteers" which u r g e d McCarthy
supporterg to go to Independence Hall
and .show Humphrey that "wt want in·
dependence from the J ohnson Ad·
Cleveland -The V i c e President
was picketed in the course of a cam-
paign visit. to tile city's Hough area.
His staff ia now convinced that the
demonstration was planned by pro-
McCarthy outsiders. H u m p h r e y
workers began making inquiries when
they noticed, In the admittedlf sparse
crowds. that anti·Hwnphrey p1ckel5 in
mostly Negro Hough wert: mMtly
Loa Aa1ele1 -A major anti·
Humphrey demonstration had hee n
planned tor }&S( Wednesday ru ght.
when Humphrey WAS unable to keep a
speaking e n g a g •mt n t at the
Hollywood Palladium. About 2.800
anti-war demons'ltators marched near
the Palladlum: when Sen. F.
Mondale. D Minn .. 1vbstituttd for the
ailin g Hu1T1phrey. Aides are sure
McCarthy support.ers helptd th e
"per.u 1ctlon council'' in plannina the
llfW•t Rob<rl &. All•n alHI John CUftpbtO ~
Marijuna as It Really Is
At the annual meeting of the
American Medical Association last
month, the A.M . .1\. and the National
Research Council Of the National
Academy of Sciences condemned
marijuana as a "dangerous drug of
great public health concern" and con·
eluded that its legalization would lead
to even more serious medical-social
consequences than now result from its
One month before, the United Na-
t.ions , through the Commission on
Narcotic Drugs. declared. ''Marijuana
is known to distort perception of ti me
Dnd space, modify mood and impair
judgment, &r1d may result in un ·
predictable behavior, violence and
adverse effects on health."
Even though no physical dependence
develops with marijuana, continued
abuse of the drug lead~ t o
psychological dependeru::e , with lessen-
ed intellectual and physical activity,
a!ld a proneness to anti-social beha·
Vlor .
NEARLY AU pnt_.-nokers are in·
troduced to marijuana as a way to be
"in ," and to demonstrate in ·
dependence from A generation who~e
drug of choice is alcohol. Even though
they claim the experience was
pleasurable, most of them do not
repe8'l it more than a dozen times. But
too often. -whether the percentage is
20, or less than 2 is immaterial, con·
tlnued use o( marijuana marks the
beginning of varied attempts to
resolve deep-seated personality con-
flicts by spree-type abuse of other
drugs. Although few ever take heroin,
many do go on to ''speed," goofballs.
LSD and STP. alone or in combination.
Among ''hippies." whether in Lagu.
na or Lido Isle , Balboa or Boston, are
tens of thousands of American yooth
who are hooked on drugs. While mari·
juana is their common tool to achieve
.. happiness and independence," count·
less numbers of these social drop-outs
are literally "blowing out their brains"
through regular use of a potpourri' ol
amphetamines, barbiturates a n d
UNTIL RECENTLY, most mari-
juana available in the United States
was not of high potency; street
samples often are adulterated with
harmless materials. However, more
and more hashish, the stronger and
more dangerous form or the drug, is
being smuggled in from those coun -
tries where hemp still is grown legally
for export. But the United Natk:m. is
working diligently to eliminate en•
nabis cultivation all over the world,
The purified active ingredient ft{
marijuana, ca,lled THC, ia now
available for scientific research. In a
recent study at Lexington's Addiction
Research Center, subjects were asked
to smoke cigarettes into which varying
amounts of me were injected. In 1t1f·
ficient dosage, the man-made .pot fn·
variably caused psychotic epi9ode1
with delusions and hatlueinationa.
Since THC has been synthe6ized and is
already available on the black market,
a federal regulation to control its
manufacture or sale will be in effect
early in Septem·ber.
THE A.M.A.·N.R.C. statement ad·
vocated more flexible laws with less
ha rsh penalties so that the courts can
have leeway in handling the occasional
user. the chronic user, the person
sharing his drug with another, and tile
dealer who sells for a profit.
More important is the need to
eslablish educational programs: in
primary and secondary schools, ''
well as colleges and universities, to
emphasfze the nature of ' marijuaria
and the harmful effects from it.3
abuse. No longer should pot be a prin·
cipal issue in the credibility fap
between youth and their elders.
Hopeful Voice from Moscow
From Noles Made in Moscow:
Travel ers pick up grains of specuJa.
tion as hungry pigeons pick up bita of
crumbs and grain in city squares.
Before leaving New York on Pan
American's inaugural of commercial
flights from New York to Moscow, by
way of Cnpenhangen. there was time
to talk with United Nations represen·
tatives of two European nations. They
renected what is a current beUel, or
conviction. encountered in travel and
talks with newsmen and diplomats.
This conviction is that the Soviet
Union ls prepared, ~s it ha s
demonstrated in the recent non-pro·
liferation treaty with the United States
and other signatory nations and in
other smaller but 1ignificant actions,
to join in efforts t.<l reduce tensions.
THE WISH! of course. may be
father to the hope. It would be an er·
ror to consider the possibility in terms
ol idealism or any abandonment of
Soviet positions. Any changeii tha>t
come will be &ired by pragmatism out
of the dam nr realism.
There seems lo have been. for tX·
ample, • very earnest wish on the part
Dear George:
The biJ ~g ln my firm has
hired a girl in my department
who is 10 sexy nobody geU MY
work done . She dresses demure·
ly and all that -11 department
manager there'• nothing I c 11 n
really object to. But. frankly.
George. she'J just one of those
well·built redhe~s that men
can't take their eyes off of. What
•hould I say?
PERPLEXED o .. r Perpltxed '
How 1bout "Wow!"
(Send y(lur problems to George
and let him evade issues for
you .)
of U!e Soviets to have Egypt's Nasser
reach some sort of accord with Israel
that would defuse the many explosive
crises in the Middle East. Nasser was
reportedly disappointed. So, one
assumes. were the Soviets.
The fact that no official com·
munique was issued after their con1
ferences extending over a week in
Mosc<>w is viewed as significant by the correspondentJ in Moscow and
WHATEVER the fact.s . one may see
that the self-interest of the Soviets is
now more r'::?e ply involved in the Mid·
die East L1 an ever before i.rt her
his tory. A German already has
published. in Rheinischer Merkur, an
aorticle about spreading Soviet sea
power which begins: "Looking from
the Kremlin all the seas seem at the
fingertips or Russian destiny." A
rather wry British comment was thai
the Soviets had not sent. ltlflr fleet into
the Mediterranean "just to get 1 •un ·
The reality of the situation i1 that
the disappearance of the fleet once
sent to 1ea by the British empire
.already is having a profOund effect on
power politics. There now are two
~eat fleets in tht world -and only
t:wa -Chat ot the United Stale• and
th• U.S.S.R.
&hlf~ and alignment& will occur. It
may be said now that the Middle Ea~t
is much more meaningful • n d
strqetically vital lo Ruuia lllon Viet·
nam or Asia.
·It would bt lolly lo think Ill•
Kremlin p11.ns tc desert HanOi or an)'
other Communist country,
But ll h not too much to h·apc ttl«
Soviets will try lo perauade li1<m lh•l
It lo in their to II o a 11 y ,,
agree to negotiations. One of the com·
ments .heard is certainly a n
oversimplification -that Hanoi is
resisting negoti~tions merely to prov•
she can be as tough in negotiations 1s
in guerrilla warfare.
A more realistic explanation is that
the continuing activity of the peace
cult in the United States leads Hanoi
t-0 believe tllat by del'a,y, U. S. public
opinion will force the adminiltration to
accept a peace &ettlement very ad•
vantageous to Hanoi.
IT WOULD BE to the Soviet ad-
vantage to have peace in Southeast
Perhaps the most powerful piec1 of
reality is that of human need!; "1bti
United States has its mamve pbverty
and educational demands. The cities:
do need what Vice President Hum·
phrey has called a Marshall Plan.
That will cost billions. The Soviet
population and cities have increa1ing
requirements -.also expensive. U
help is to be given other nations, ·tt
must be tn a formula nf more butter,
less guns.
So. the very realistic. need of world
powtt today is a detente. A man can
Thursday, J uly 18, 1968
The tditOricl pn:pt of the Dailr
Pilot 1rckl to i1t/omi a:nd. 1tim-
ulate read~r• by prtit.ntino thtl
tttWs pnperii opiniont and com-
mt ntO-ru on topie1 of inttrut
ond rignifico.nce, b'1 providma •
jMUm for the uprurion of our ttadm' opmron., ad It,
prtsenting #Lt dfwru ritfo-
points of in/OM'Md obmwri
o:nd JpOktsmtn on topb oJ the dav.
Robert N. Waed, l'Ubl!ther
Thursd,y, Jufy 18, 1968 O.llLY I'll.OT JI
Blasts Composition of PGA Field
SAN Mn'ONIO, Tn. (AP) -T°"""
in& 10H proc, who'contend they draw
tile m>WcU and build tile -· haw charged that tile field !or Ille PGA
tournamebt ii overloaded wtUt dub
"The IJll8ll numbOr Ct louring proc
in the field ls ablurd." Jack Nicklaw:,
the toµrn1;111ent . favorite, said bef\)J'e
the battle for tile PGA tiUe began to·
"The lllllllber Is much, much too
low," added Nicklaus, • member of
the Players' Tournament Committ.H.
"It'1 untarb.ulate -to say the least -
that what oliould be our beat lounla·
·Easy Time
For Hewitt
Of 1H belt.' !"Ii.I ltllff
LOS ANGELES -American ~
holder Tmi Hewitt figures to have
things her own way Friday in ttie Los
Angeles lnvitationa1 swimming ex-
travaganza at Los Angelts Swim
By the entries listed for the !00
meter butterfly, the 16-year-old Cor-
ona del Mar sensation's biggest rival
will be the clock.
Coming back-from reducing her U.S.
standard to· 2:22.0 two ...-eeks ago at
Santa Clara. Miss Hewitt is now one
second off the world record held by
Ada Kok off Holland.
With the absence of such key talent
as Ellie Daniel and Diane Giebet Miss
Hewitt is 4.3 seconds faste!" than her
closest rival -Kendis Moore o! the
Phoenix Desert Rats.
The only other competitor with a
st•b-2 :30 timing is Sara Wiley at
Miss Hewitt goes in prelims Friday
morning with finals due at 4 p.m. the
same day.
She returns to the waters Saturday
for a rugged test in the 100 fly.
matching her 1 :lli .8 lifetime best
against Wiley (1:06.0). Moore (1 :07.0),
Sharon Stouder (1:07.0), Sydnee Arth
'1 :07 .5), Laura Hastings (1 :00.4) and
Giebel (1 :00.5).
Says Rod Laver
ment hK probably the wnktlt fttld
we play ln all year,
"It'• gelling better, but lt'• still
ridlcuioul," Nlcll!l.... said. polntinc
oot tilat nearly two.thirds ol U.. )88
entrlel are club prol"aiooal1.
Doopite tile big numbs ol club pros
-who make a living u 1prde11looals
at golf courses·anct rarely wature out
oa the pro tour -the touring pros
have woo every PGA tiUe in modern
"We know that no club pro ls going'
to win tit," said Noble Qlalfant
of Denver, vice preaident of. the PGA.
"But w1 look at it as more than just
aaotner·toumament on th• toar -••1
lot the --A11octetiui.
"And ln the tuture tilert1 will be
m<r• touring pros In tile field because
we. are letting up a "*1al club J)l'(I
tournament and only the top ~ lrom
tMre will quauty for next year'• PGA
tournament," O\alfant said.
The touring pros contend that pro-
bably·50 or 60 of ttielr colleagues are
good enouith to challenge fur tbe title
but can't win berths ln the tournament
because of the number ol. &)>Ota allot· ted to club pros.
The size of. the field also ill \4Mer
Ire, with Arnold Palmer -who bu
neYO< woo tile PGA -.._ Ille
"A flekt this 1b1 is very unfair to
the players themselves in their owo
champlONhip," Palmer sald, noting
tilat today'• flrlt -t<>ed Ill al
1:30 a.m.
Frank Beard, another member ot
the Playen' Tournament Committee, criticibed the nUmber ot club proe:
In the field.
"But I think maybe we can wori
tomethlng oul, and I'd ratner not
make any comment ng'ttt now that
might make things wor11, '* Beard
Nicklaus 11ld he thought the PGA
"b movtn& .in the tight direction" by
setting up a December tournament for
club pros only, but he and Johnny Pott
were not pleased by the decision to
allow the top 25 llnishen tbel'e to play
in next year's PGA meet.
The quaillying rule under fire by the
touring pros ls one that allows ane or
more club or golf-range pros from
each of 38 sectiooal playoffs to com·
pete tn the PGA championship. That is
being revised, ChaUant said.
Adi past champions -many of
whom are now club pros or past their
peak as goUers -also are eligible for
• WHAT'S GOING ON HERE? ~ These four Detroit Tigen look like McLain (bottom) lost a contact lens during pre-game warmups. At
they're either involved in a crap game or are playing marbles prior left ls Bill Freehan, Dennis Ribant is at top and Jim Northrup is at
to Wednesday, night's game at Oakland-Actually, Tiger pitcher Denny right. They didn't find the stray lens.
Tickets for the }\)ams.New Orleans
football game August l at Anaheim
Stadium are oc sale et the Big A, the
Coliseum, Rams box offices and
mutual ageocies.
They are priced at $6, $4 and $3 and
will be available through this month.
1be Anaheim Stadium ticket office
opens at 9 a.m .
Last year the two National Football
League rivals drew 26,oo:> at Anaheim
when th@ Ram.1 won, 18-7.
Laver, Emerson Collide
In LA Tourney Semis
INGLEWOOD -Rod Laver and
Roy Emerson, the temris pride of the
Orange Coast area, match talents
tonight. in tile semifinals of the Na·
tional Tennis League tournament at
the Forum, here.
Tonight's survivor will move into
Friday's fiaais against the winner of
the Ken Ros.ewall-Pancho Goozales
confrontation this eveniiig. Rosewail
and Laver are favored tc be the
Scheduled doubles matches Wed·
nesday night were called off when the
marathon show lltretched till mid·
Laver b: back in action for the first since Sunday when he teamed
with Emersoo to capbure the Paris
doubles title. And he says he's fit and
ready to play tonight.
Wolt>es Bo..,, Z·l
Tornado Finds
Fifst Victim
PASADENA (AP) -Br an co
Kubaka &e0red a pair of goats
Wednesday night to give the Dallas
Tornado its first victory in North
American Soccer League play in 22
games, beating the Los Angeles
Wolves 2-1.
Kubala scored both goals ln the 1e·
cond balf, beating Los Amgeles goatie
Joe Dean.
Pro Tennis Image Hurt Laver, wiho recently ·won the
Wimbledon Open singles title. drew a
bye in Wednesday's opening round of
the three • day affair while Emerson
WM ripping Pancho.Segura, 9-7, 6-1, in
his first-ever confrontat:ioc with the 47•
yeer-0ld victim.
Emerson wound up meeting Segura
when the latter bested Alex Ornedo, S.
6, in 4lm elimiDation set earlier in the
Gcw:ales. 40. relied on his famed
serve to take commMKI of Fred Stolle
Wedne&dey night. 6-4, 6-f.
The first score came in the 51st
mim.lte as Kubala scored from 1ix
yards out.
The Wolves led. 1.(1 earlier on a goal
by Gerald Light.owler, scoring with
only four minutes gone in the contest.
By Losses at Wimbwdon
Exclusive interviews with the
world's greatest tennis player -
Rocket Rod Laver -and one of its
newest pros (Roy Emerson), prcr
duce the following fact and opin·
e Professional net prestige suf-
fered a m•jor blow •t the Wimble-
don Open when m•ny am•teurs.
bested the ch•p1 who make their
deily bread by playing tennis.
• And the pros say it is a handi-
cap to be playing each other stea-
dily, then drop into a classic like
Wimbledon w h ere you're up
against opponents you've never
met or seen before. e There1s • f•ir chance Georgl
MecCell's pro group will pl1y in
WASH ...................
Moscow sometime follow ing For·
est Hills ection.
• Laver says Emerson and Tom
Okker of the Netherlands are two
of the quickest fellows in the game.
Emerson is not so sure how fast
he is in a foot race but does admit
lo having long jumped 22 feet as
a 16-year-old.
And he says Okker "moves rath-
('r smartly" on the court.
tournament at Oakland next week.
"I'm mentally tuned to playing in
tournaments almost every week and
I've gotten stabilized rather than
going up and down in performance
ability. I feel very oonfidenl," he
e Emerson Sfly1 .40-year-old Pan-
cho Gonzales his been aible to staiy
in so long is because he is 1bl1 to
conserve himself ind Ms the long
reach. 'He m1y be 1bl1 to play pro
anoth•r five years," he opinft.
e Roy, who lives in Newport
Beach (Laver resides in Corona del
Mar) says there is a strong chance
he'll be the touring pro" al the Sunny
Hills Tennis Club, now under con-
But he doesn't plan to stay in the
USA for any prolonged period.
He, wile Joy, and kids will be
back in Australia in a few years so
the youngsters can begin their ed·
ucation there-if all goes according
to rurrent plan.
Bud Tucker. long time columnist
for the DAILY PILOT. will be
sblftln& careers In September.
Tucker wtU join the administrative
staff of the new San oteco
franchise in the National League.
Hts post bas not yet been defined
but presumably It will b e
somewhere In the publlc rel1tloo1
Tucker, •z, 11 a past president
ud board member of ihe Southern
CaU!onil1 BMebaU Wri1«1.
ln women'• hostlilities Wimbledon
winner Billie Je111: King stopped Fran·
coia Durr, 10-7.
'Punching Bag' P11nehes Baek
Los Angeles played wittlout veteran
goetie Melcohn White, out with 1 leg
Rocky ruvero of. Argentina (right) sags over the
ropes at Madison Square Garden as Frank DePaula
of. Jersey City explodes with a rally. DePaula, 1
punching bag for most of the bout, suddenly erupt-
ed with a wild barrage of blows in the 1ixth round
and TKO'd the Argentine.
e Both were surprised to f• re so
well in the Perl1 tournament which
lmmocllatoly loll-ocl Wlmbloclon
(Laver won singl" then teemed
with Emerson to cop the doubles}.
Coach Sees Little Hope for U.S.
• Laver believes Stan Smith
(UCLA) has tremendous polenlial.
"He holds hi S' poise and isn't tern·
permental. With be, Bob Lutz, Ar·
thur Ashe and Clark Graebner. the
American entry should be very
strong in the Davig Cup."
e Also tmpres1lng The Rock.t is
Jerry Alex•nder, • 16-year ... lcl
Aussie. ''He's 6-1 MCI has all the
equipment to be 9rMt. He's out-
9rown himseH. But in three to ffv•
Y••rs he should' be tremenclaus." e Laver, who readily admits he'•
h aving his greatest season ever, wlO
take a 11).<fay holiday in Honolulu
wilh hia wife Mary followinc tile
Of ""' ~ ...... ,,.,,
Obviously, Alfred Salen is not a ntlll
e•ily impressed .
Hi1 Mexican Olympic water polo
team WOJ all but drowned by United
Statl!s: AAU champion Phillips e6, Wed·
nesda.y night ln &n international brawl
at Golden West College -an 11-4
debacle witnessed by come 400 ali?
cionados. '
"They !Phillip•) play an antlquaited
style of water polo. They 1re very
ph ysical and for that type or teem
they should penetrate thrH cw four
men in the fou.r meter are.a .
"But !boy doo't do that. U they play
t.h.i3 way in tM Olympic Games at
Mexico City, tbey .-on't come wtthJn
sevsi: goals ol anyone," said BaJett, a
Yugoslavian who is serving as director
of water polo ror tile Republic ot Mex·
Mont< Nlt>kow•kl. Phillli>• coach
end assist.ant U.S. Olympic water polo
coach, rebuffed Balen'1 words.
"We normally do penetrate more.
But playing in a Mallow end pool like
thJs made Us vary our tactics. It ..:·
tually wan't mum of • game. n was
very phy1Jcal and I b~ tMt on the
pool being shallow," sai.d the HU.ti·
tington Beach resident.
"We played a fine second quarter.
But alter we got ahead &..() we lost our
momentum. Dave Ashleigh feJ·Costa
Me11 lllib polo coadl) IDCI RuM Webb
stood out for 01 ...
Balea also ripped the, officiating of
Kent Taylor, a USC type who was
under tire from playera on both sides
for his efforts at whl1Ue blowing.
"This same Philllpo team 0111Y beat
us •-3 in the Pan American Gemes
last year at Winnipeg. There we hid
qualified officiaJ.1. Here we lose 11-4.
And this olficial was very poor.''
The Yanks weni never ehallenged
by the Mexicans. Webb got his mates
orr to 1 1-0 lead 32 second& into the
ga me and St8ri Cote added a penaity
goal with 11 seconds left in the fir st
period to make It 2-0.
With Dean Willeford', Broce Br.adley
and Alhl<!lgh finding the .-..ce the
score twelled. to S.O with two minutes
left YI the hall. Then Mexico countered
wtth 1:3'7 remaining on a penalty to
make it 6-1 at intermission.
After 1wapping goals In tho third
stanza the ioeM'I made thrir kine turgt
of the evening.
They picked up a ponolty porlO<to
and ariotheT goo! to reduoe the 1ap to
7-4 with 3:10 left ln the
How•ver, Brodley gut -bock then Webb picked up two tallies Ill 1wlll
falb.lon to wrap up acoring.
The Mexicans •e K"'heduled ta play
Corona dot Mar July 25 at UCI Ind
Costt M ... ,luly 28 at Orange Coalt
Coll•ge durlllg their tour or Ille
the toumament. Seventeen formrr
champions were set to tee ol1 todlJ oa
tlie par 10 Pecan Valley cotase.
The course has draWD critldtJ11
from the touring pn11, too.
NickJaus said three gree.ns "are the
slowest I've ever seen for a major
tournament," He and P.almer were
.among the long hitters who were
unhappy about·having to tee on with
irons on several holes to avoid driving
into Salado Creek which snakea
around the course.
The long rough along the fairwayt:
also has dr.awn fire, but the roulh wu
trimmed Wedn.,clay.
Halos End
1st Division
The Calilomia Angels, -briel
Oirtatioo wtth the first dlviaion -· porarily over, will •tt:empt to mab up some lost ground on the med .,...._
nlng Friday night.
Off today, the Angob play tho While
Sox i!' Chicago's Com.Lsky Part P'rlMy
eve.rung_ It's a four .. game ieriee, the
Ang<U playing Chicago again Satur-
clay afternoon and twice Sunday after.
The Angels then fiy to MinneapollS
OOr-a three"game aet with tbe
Monday. 1'ueittay and W~. A
brlef loor-game bcMne .-with ..
same two clubs begins next Friday.
The Angels dropped their second
strai.ght-tn Cleveland at Ambeim
Stadium Wednesday night, •·2.
With the defeat, b Angels weni
dropped to seventh place in the
American League. After their HCODd
straight win over leader Detroit Moa~
day, the Angels were fifth.
The winning pitcher Wednesday wa: ~teve Hvgan, who hadn't won a game
Ul well over a month. He'd been
~nocked from the box 10 1trai1ht
tlmes before going the route Wed-
nesday night.
S11rdlf', rt Jonn.on, If
Caroan11, d
M1vt1, 11
"""· lb Alcw. c F11H.-r, lb Ntl!Oll. :lb
L,I,._,,, u
Hlrt1M1. 1> Ha..,..r, ti
., """ lllt•l'lll •DD 0 0.Vl!llb,cf l D 0
0 0 0 I McGlolMl11, • O O O
Jl20Fn-J,a l 10 •OODM!ncheo",llr l 00
I 0 0 0 Klrk11<1trlek. rt S I t •011•eldl1~,lll 00
J230$elrl111C1,C l 01
2 o o o A.JlodrleveJ.. 311 l t 1
•llOHetll,lb 1 Ot
•Ol J R-J..1111 I 00
lOIDROClto!r..<: 1 00
1000R.Cl1r1t,11 I II
Mt.F1rlane, •h l O O
MftHl'Jmllh, 11 0 0 0
MlllfDll, d I 0 O
fat.It U 4 II • Tolalt 21 I I
C ........ nd , ................ I~ 200 010 -4
c.111orllllo • .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. oao a aoo -t OP -C .. v1l1nd 1, Callfromia I. LOI -C ...... land f , C.llfomla 1. 29 -C1rden.I, A. ll:odrl_..
SI -NtlllDll. S -O.v1llllo, F1111tr.
Hll'91n (W ... 10) • J 2 2 ' 4 ll:l;Kf!O 30001 1
ll:.Ct1,. !L.1-10) • 7 J 2 I l
Mntersmllll J 2 0 o I •
McGlorl'tllll t11111
WP -11:, Cieri!;. Pl -llltrl-. Tl'"' -IJIL
Attefldlno -IJ,117,
Dodger Plight
Nears Bottom
Of Standings
Di.nth place with the Mets. the Loi
Angeles Dodgera looked down only on
the Houston Astroe today after drop.
ping the 12th of their last 14 games.
Ninth place became a reality and
tenth a definite possibility Wednesday
night after the Dodgers dropped a 7~
decisioo to the Cincinnati Rech, whom
Dodger Slate
J11tY 11 Oodtitrt t't Clncl1111et1 J :Oll p.m. 1(1'1 (Ml)
J11I~ It Dodten w Chk"1t11 7:15 1.m. ICl'I !HOI
JulV 211 Dodgen w OtkatD 7:5S •·'"· 1(,1 ""' Jvl\' :n Dldten"" Chic-l!:U '·"'· Kl'I Ml
they play B'gain tonight. Loi Angelet
now ltanda 42-50 on the s.euon, the
same a the New York Mets, with a
won-loss percentage of .457.
H the Dodgers had any consoiation.
tt millht be in the fact that they weet down lighting, !or once. 'Ibey ICOnil
lour """' on dx hits in the 1..-cause, for them respect.ab1e figures.
But the Reds did even better• wMh
their 1evm runs and nine hita.
For the lledl, tile game mapped 1'
aeven-pme loeiftll etrea.t.
Tied wilh Loo Angelea 4-4 In Ibo
eighth, the lledl got Don Pavlollcb
and Leo Cardmoa on bue when Jim
Grant nlked Ille !trot and bit Ibo ,..
oond with a pitched ball.
LOI ANetLll Mr 11 rM Cll'fClfllN.ITI .a r•tllll
4 2 I • 4 l I I 4 I 1 1
W.Devlti, d • 0 t I llLllJ:, 7b ~lcll, tb I I I t A.Jd!ll-. If
Hellw , c: ' 2 I 0 Piftloro, d L~. :It 4 0 I I L.Mey, rf
l'llrl\', r1 I 1 t 1 lltfldl. c
Plttttr, t• ' I I • ,_J.. a o-.......... ,1' 2 101~,1•
Geb'1tltM. "' 1 • 0 • ~ •• .. y ... ,lf ltll...._.
v-11•. ,. 2 1 t t Atllrflltto"I>, " l(.lol"r, lb ! t 1 I M,,,__ flill ~ •• 21 1 0 (\11 .........
F•ll'W, ,ii t t t 1 w.octwlrf, "' GrMt, e t 0 t I Clrnll, '
A..ilr-..11' 101 1
ll ... 114<y, -" 1 t I 0
•••• ' • ' i 4 o I 0
1 I I I I I 1-I I t 4 I •••• I I 1 I t I t t 0 I I t • • 0 •
Tete!• t1 4 ' 4 Toll lt JI 1 f f
L• "'°""" . . tOll ,. 21t -4 Clncll'Mll .... l' .•. lot otl '*': -7 • -tr•"""· tf11C71, .....,,.,,.,,.", D, -c• dM•n I t.O• -t.• """'-1, C111C111Mt1 ,, •
-ll'e!1tw t. HelW . ""'-· '""-" t. M. .,.._ Ml: -Cll'fiftft (!), SI -•u11, PflllMn.. I -,,,....... II" -ll!ICfl. ,9"¥, l'•Jr"' ~ • '
.JZ DAILY PILOT • Thursday, Jul~ ltl, l %8
LOS ANGELES -The latest ln!onnatlon to be
wbllpered into these ears connected with the contlnuJng saga
Of Wilt Chamberlain and hls recent nuptials with the Los
Anfeles LI.ken ta rather astounding.
lt ts now suspect that a portion of Wilt the Stilt's salary
wUl be paid by the National Basketball Association. Of
coune, lbls sounds incredible until you examine the theory.
For~ openers, Chamberlain's salary is estimated as high
~·~,<XlO.per season. This is an extremely large tab for one
i'teani to p1ek up. The entire league was hardly worth that
much money five ·years ago.
<lt._ The reasons behind such a move by the NBA are beyond
:m&ernaL The agreement was made, according to my
abourcu, as a direct measure to keep Chamberlain from
'lumplnc to·~ new American Basketball Assoc iation. Turbines Aren't E~tinct Yet
Aces Set
For Cup
Thirty players, Including 23
trom the North American
Soccer U!:ague, have been
1eleded to represent the
UnJted States in the World
Cup soccer qualilying mat·
ches which begin this fall.
The 16-nation World Cup
tournament iUelf will be
played in · MeJ.ico City in
The biltory is all recent, but the great dread of establish-Turbine-powered racing cars have been under fire from devotees tcreechet aw11 in his U.S. Turbine I. which will be in action Sat·
ed. leaguea has been of its super stars jumping to the "other of t.rie piston-pow~red machines, but in drag racing they're be-urday at the U.S. pro drag championships at Lions Drag Strip in
Announcement of t h e
squad was mtlde by James
P . McGuire of New York.
cbairman of the select.ion
committee of the U.S. Soc·
cer Football Association.
league," .coming more and more common. Here, driver George Hutcbeaoo Long Beach. I
It is no secret Chamberlain talked at great length with -----------------------------"'---
repreaentative1 of the ABA . It is assumed he came away
with a proposal whereby he could virtually write his own
* * * ~ (ad wblcb quite likely alarmed the NBA was that
the 1ttw Jea{Ue bas e1tabl11hed quite a strong foothold on
the West Coast. 1be Oakland learn of the ABA bas a
aaper star la Rick Berry and recently grabbed Alex Han·
um, Cbamberlaln'1 old coach at P hiladelphia.
BW, one of ba1ketbaJ1'1 most respected
• eo.cltel and gentlemen, Is now lD Southern CallfC1rnia
with the Stars.of the ABA. Had the new Circuit been able
~ tit add Cllamberlaln, say as a player with the Stars, it
would llave marked a hJghly triumphant moment.
* * It is not in the least out of the question that the NBA
..fiaured to combat such an eventuality would require the
-Haources of more than one team. Hence, a league-wide
~g of force!.
": · It wa1 further logical that the battleground ror any such
!)truggte with the ABA would be established on the West
"-'Coast. In the heart, so to speak, of the new league's strength . ~ The NBA , of course, had to consider that allowin~ \Vilt to
come to Los Angeles would virtually assure the Lakers of one :'or. more league championships. It was appa rently decided
that this was a small price to pay for dealing a crippling blow
to the upstart new league.
There was also a super salesman beating the tamborine
in favor of the move. Jack Kent Cooke. owner of the Lakers,
is one of the most convincing human bein.[!s on the face of the
earth. You would not anticipate Cooke having anv trouble
&elling the NBA on leaving the cause to him on the grounds it
1would be in good ~ands .
'.;P~ Complettn«i a league-wide agreement would also ex·
i..i • plain the 1trange delay 1urroundh1g the announctment of
Sports in Brief
Art Ashe Beaten
In Clay Nationals
Defending champion Arthur
Ashe and Jaime Fillol, the
second-seeded foreign entry,
were eliminated !rom the
Nationai Clay Courts Tennis
Tournament \Vednesday in
th ird round play.
Ashe, the top seed £rom
Richmond, Va .. was upset
by Patricio Cornejo of Chile.
Cornejo. No. 7 among the
foreign entries, 4-6, 11·9 , 6·4.
Ashe was down 2·3 in the
first set, then pulled it out:
In the gruelling sct'ond set,
Ashe raUJed to tie the score
at 5·5, a nd took the Je;.d
temporarily at 9-8, but "'as
unable to come through on
match point in the 18Ut
game. Corll€jo then went on
to win three straight games
and the set.
by Ga1ton Roelant1 o t
Belgium a& Bruuela oa Aaf.
7, 1965.
FUU.ERTON -Only five
Los Angelf!ll RamJ wen!
missing from tr&ining camp
\Vedneid·ay including three
standou.t defensive stars.
Merlin Olsen , a 11 -pro
,lineman last year in the Na·
tional Football League, was
en route from Utah where
he was attending
school at Utah
But mammoth
S tat e
Roosevelt Grier and David
"Deacon" Jones were miss-
ing and no word had been
received about ttiem by
Ram Coach George Allen.
Lorry Keller of Westmin-
ster and George Burden of
Costa Mesa are pressing
for the top spot in the mas-
ters' division of the eighth
annual Cal State Bowling
Keller is currently in the
second spot with a 1,284 pin
tally, just eight behind lead·
er William Schell of Ox·
Ward's-Santa Ana
Showdown Near
In Metro League
Of ... Diii~ '"" , .. ff lt11 time for the quo
to It.and up and be counted.
That -.Id provide the
letting in the Metro League
baseball ranks Friday night
when Ward's Pirates -just
one game off the pace -
takes on loop leading Santa
Ana College.
Acti"on in the league's lone
outing of the ni ght U billed
for La P alma Field in
Anaheim, with the opening
pitch slated for 7.
R i g ht -ha n de r Gary
* * WARD'S ,lllATt!S AVllAGES
, .. y.,. Al H Ave. ltll
&•lleY :16 \J .•11 4
Florn '' 1 .m 1 Jenkl111 'J9 11 ,JI? I 0111-boul 2' 1 .16t J
"'-' l ,2$0 , Sw1lm ( 1 .250 0 fto~" 11 ' .190 o S.lblrt 19 s .17' 3>P• 36 ' .161 3
P inter n 1 .1'1 1
b u"kelberttr 11 J .10 I
Ollvtr .r.1 S .Ht 1
Dunkelberger will have hls
5-1 record on the line for the
Pirates, wbO have come out
second best in a pair of
earlier meetings with Sarh
Ana ~ason.
Santa Ana won tho6e
Te1m W L tGa
Sent• An1 I 1 1
C'11Prnan J 1 1
W1rd't Plr1tn 7 J 1
Gold-en Wtol ' 5 1 l..°"9 flffd'I CJIY 1 7 1 C11 Slf'9 O 9 4
Frkl•Y'I ScMduls
" ' '" "' "' W1•d'1 Pirtle• YI. »"'• Alll " l • P1lm1 Field, 7 p,m,
Onh' gerM tchedul!!<I.
decisions by 7-0 and 6·4
margins, but Dunkelberger
wasn't involved in either en-
The Chicago Mustangs
and St. Louis Stars COD·
tributed five players each.
The St. Louis playen are
forwards Pat McBride and
Carl Gentile, and defenders
Nick Krat, Ed Clear and
Don C.eresia. 'nle Chicago
players are forwards Larry
Hausmann end Ed Murphy
and defenders Bob Gansler,
Adolf Bachmeier and Tcm
Cecic. ,
Other NASL selections in·
elude forwards D i et r j c h
Albrecht, Cleveland; James
Benedek, Houston; Barry
Ingold, Los Angeles; Rusty
K i ndrat i w and Mike
Ma 1 iszewski, Baltimore:
Willy Roy, Kansa,, City, and
Paul SideropOulos, a n d
defenders Kalman Csapo,
Washington ; Ferenc Jani,
Houston; Joey Spec a ,
Baltimore and Gene Tober,
Clevelarld; and goalkeepers
Gary DeLong, Vancauver
and Sandy Feher, Houston .
the tran1actlon which sent ChamberlaJn tn the Lakers.
The wor1t-ll:ept secret of all time was permitted tn lin-'er
fer almo1t a mouth befnre the Lakers and Philadelphia
76en "revealed" that Wiit would become a Laker. The
time, required to wort out the details of the deal would
explain tbe delay.
~ Tbe pataiea, of coor1e, would be the Philadelphia
.!1peeple who gave op Chamberlain In exchnnge for three
,• l:tadle1 In mediocrity named Darrall Imhoff. Archie
1~ Clari!: Jerry Cham ber&. The 76ers, of eaurse, had to
be 100tltecl nnanclall y.
Fll!ol. who upset Texan
Cliff Richey Sunday for the
\Vestern title, fell to fifth·
seeded Marty Riessen of
Evanston. lll., in straight
sets. Riessen, a clay courts
finalist last year, won 6·3. 6·
Char les Pasarell, the na·
tlon's top ranked player who
is seeded No.· 2 here. ad·
vanccd to the quarter-finals
by downing George
Scewagen of Bayside. N.Y.1
4·6, 6-4, 6-4.
Huntington, Eagles Wii}
In Prep Water Polo Play
W1thlle lO 1 .0167 1
PllrMr 11 0 .ooo 1
(rl111 • 0 .000 0
&r•-' 0 .000 0 Allen 3 O .000 0
Tot11t 341 ff .IM 1'
,ltchln1 Summ1ry ''•¥•• .. . w Pinier I 0
Ou11-1lblrttr J I 5w1lm I 1
l ,d. '·"' .m .m
Despite being a mere one
game off the top perch, the
Pirates are nestled in '(fiird
place, with two-time defen-
ding champion Chapman a
scant one-half game back of
the leader.
Golden West Co 11 e g e,
holding the fourth position
with a 4-5·2 ledger, returns
to action under the lights
Sunday when the Rustlers
take on Long Beach City
College at Sha ffer Field in
Orange. That outing's billed
for 7.
Of the other seve n
players, five play for
semipro teams in New
York, including forward
Siegfried S tr i t z and
defender Helmet Kofler of
Blaumweiss Goltschee; de-
fender Werner Roth, Ger·
man Hungarians and goalie
Victor Gerley pf the N e w
York Ukranians, all of the
G erman·American Soccer
League. and forward Pe~
Miller of New York Inter of
the American S o c c e r
Defender Lou Meehl of the
Philadelphia Ukrainian Na•
tion<rls and forward ~uel
Abauriua or the Los Ankeles
Armenians complete the
t. n e move of a league to save a supf!r star Is not
''wltbont precedent. Member11 of the National Football
League once joined forces to keep John Brodie frcm leap-
tn r to die other h~agae.
Keeping Chamberlain is a rather wide·s\vcePing victory.
The big winner is Wilt but the NBA· triumphs in general and
the Lakers in particular.
You e nvision the coach of the San Diego Rockets. his oafs
trailing by 40 points in the first quarter. turning to his owner
add moaning, "That Chamberlain is killing us."
"Don't knock liim," the owner replies. ''\Ve are paying
part of his salary."
c ... rrllltt. IHI. SGV Trlbl;nt, IM.
' ' ' STOCKJIOLl\1, Sweden
The world record In the
3,000 • meter steeple~haae
was cut to 8 minutes, Z4.!
seconds Wednesday night by
Jouko Kouha of Finland.
The old mark was 8:26.4
At Costa Mesa .High School ,.
Huntington Beach and Es-
tancia continued their win·
ning ways in the Costa Mesa
Recreation W a t e r Polo
league at Estancia High
School \VedneEiday night.
Huntington eased by Foot-
hill to the tune of 8-1, while
&tancia was swimming by
Garden Grove, 6-4.
Bolsa Grande, 4-0 In loop
action, was given a 1-0 for-
feit decision over Santa Ana .
It was the second f<ll'feiture
Murray Doubles in Open Spikefest
Bob Murray of Long
Beach State was a d<luble
winner in the open division
of ttie AU-comers track 2.l"ld
field meet held al Costa
Mesa lligh School Wed·
nesday evening.
h1urray took firsts in U1e
220 and triple jump.
Complete results: -100 -I. lhkkfll lM.lrln11 1. You1111tr !l'lorl.S.) 3. Wllllems IH&1 Time: 10.6
1» -l. MUfflY (l...&.SI.) 2. Plr11t (UI 3. wun .... , IU) Tlmf: 75,,
HO -1. Men" (Tusllnl 7. Sctlmlh lOCCl l . Murrv (Footnlll) Time : s-i.o
180 -1. Mvldoor> IMe!~r Oell i.
El>ec-r" U':1l1n<:l1J J. KfllMllY CCM) Timt: 1:10.l
Miit -1. kMl\11 ((Ml 7. Melfi
40CC1 l. Hmomlf\9 !OCC) l ime· 4:51.t
11Hl-l -1. Eaw1rdt (T1t11!n> }, Col·
t.<' (l"VI !. Whe (H&) Tlme: '·' UOLH -I. EdW•nfs (T1t1lln) 1. WIH
CHB l Time: 14.I
Mlle W•lk -I. 0¥erton ($1r1dt'nl 1.
Cr.erry fC1ned4ll l. ~ldd t'tdMI
Tl""': 7:16.S l-mile -I . Splc;ef" IN&I ,_ Hemming
(DCCI l. ~Jn '(0CCI Tlme: 16:"1.IY
PV -1. M!cllltin• (U) 1-leltl>I: IJ-{>
1-lJ -1. Slllelds CGWC) 1. Schmlh
(U) 3. Efllfsln fU) Heltl>I: 6--4 TJ -I. llourr1y (U) J. Sheild•
(GWCJ l. Cotte<" "(VI Oltl1ncr: "°"4
LJ -I, ~wlSI (Eltll'ICi.1 J. MICh!llM
!Ul l • ..-.r111ur (CM) Ol1t1t1Ce: J0.2 SP -I, p~ (CSF) Dlsl1nc.: fb.
J1ve4ln -I. Gfffl.llrt (GWC) 1. l.Or•
rllll !GW CJ Ol1l•na: 1111-10
Hltll ScllMI
100 -I , O'Dell !P•clfluol 1. Asher•!!
(CdM) J. Eaw111ts ITutTl"I Tlme: lC.•
no-i. e1•ken CMlrlMl 2.
0•1w1ng ICM) Time: n .o 44C -1. LIMlll fs..dd!ebitrtl J.
8'11.,-CNHI l. ~n !E•l1ncie l
Timr : .W.I
11111 -I. Oowti ... !Me~ Dell 1.
M1rtlMl !CMI Time: 1:1f.'
Miit -1. Rlcll P•lesl (CM) '· Oo<wl--111<1 /MDI 3. l..e.ona (MDI Time: (.SJ.7
IOl-IH -1. O'Dell tE1tlt Rockl 1.
H\bbt IP1cillc1) J. PrVore (P&cltlct)
Time: t.1
UOLH -l. 0-0ell !E•tle Roe~! 1.
Krn"edY ((Ml J. D1Vor1 !Ptc!l!c•I
T!mf: U.•
J.mlle -I. M111<1 !Tustl"l 7. l..!Pt~I
(s.e-ddlrblct) 3. Dr•" (CMl Timt ~
16:49.G P V -1. A~rilOll t5Al Hrl11M: 1]·0
HJ' -1. McGiv""y IHBl J. llul•rr
CNH I J. EllW1rds CT1t1llnl Hrlv"t: .. ,
TJ -l. Ar>Ckroon IS•l ,. Edw1rdt
CTlllilllll J. Arthur (CM J DllillMf: :JI.'
U -1. Ancleoon (SA) t. Wllll1m1
1R11'd!O) J. Hibbs !P1clllc1l Olsl1nc•: ,,.J
SP -I. Po~" (U) 1. Mt"I• (CM)
3. EdW1rOs (Tulil!"l Olit8ncr: ~·l
Dlsc1a -!, Edwar<h tTut llnl
Dl5t1"«: 119·1
Jurtl., Hltll
100 -I. K~!1Y (CMI Time: 11.5
no -I. Tlce< (Etl•nci•) 1. K•llY
fCMI J. Olsw1no (CM\ Tlmtl : 17 l .uo -I. Tla-r (Es!1ncl1) J. ICelh'
!CMI l. Oow1inl IUl TfrN: l :Dl.7
Base ball Standings
W L Pct. GB
st. Louis 59 31 .6.56
Atlanta 49 41 .544 to
Philadelphia 46 42 .5.13 12
-~ Franci&co 45 45 .500 14 ~·cmcinnati 4~ 45 .489 15
,Chicago 45 43 .484 151,1z
'!J>ittlburgh 42 48 .467 17 il.G• Angelr:1 42 Sfl .4r.7 lll
.,New York 42 50 .457 18 '•H-··~-J9 -52 .429 W\I ! WaDNllOAY'I 115UlT5 t Heusten I, Att.nlt ! ... c:~ 7, la ,.,,,.,., '
l'l'ltlbu~ k l'tew Yo"'-2·S Chlcltla M, Phlldt~l.I •1
S... Ft..W:llco el SI. Loult. ••~ TOOAY"S GAMIS
,._ YoA: !IN"" 741 M P'lllitll.l••h !Ellit 1·11 ... '
lM ""'""' (IC:lkktl l·JI .i c;....M.oll ICM•v•t
), """'
\\' L Pct. GB
Detroit 57 33 .633
Baltimore 49 38 .563 6'12
Cleveland 52 41 .559 6'12
Roslnn 46 41 .529 10
Oakland 4~ 46 .483 131-2
!\11nnesota 42 46 .4n 14
California 42 47 .4i! 1•1~
Kew ''ork 41 '46 .471 141'2
Chicago 38 48 .442 17
\\"ashing1on 31 55 .360 24
Wftlll"<Jl!>tl 1, 'lfW YO<~ I
CMc100 1, B&!!lmort 0 llo~ton ' Min~t.OTI 5
0.•11n0 J. O"""' 7 (l•v•l•"ll t. Cdtlfornl1 2
AO -1. Murri' CFoo!llUll 1. Tom
OISwl"ll CCM) I, J. DbWIJ'ISI (CM)
Time: J:ll.D Miit -1. MU'l"rtY (l'oolllll1) 1. T.
Ol5we119 ICM) J. Jgf\11 Olt,w1111 lCMI
T[mt; S:,2.J
701-li"l -T. Helln (f:tt1ncl1) 1.
TomDlin (CMJ 3. ICt!IY tCMI Tltn1:
1101..H -1. Kellv (CM)?. J. OllWlnt
(CM) 3. MrlKI> (SI') Timi: 11.I
J.-mlle -1. l'ltkller (Ni"l) ?. Dowll"'
Time; 17:!,6.I
HJ -1. J. Ohw1.,. (CMl 1. T .
Ol•Wt "'ll !CM) l. IC. OlsW•lll JCMI
Helolll: +I
l..J -1. J. Olsw1ng fCM) '· J. Dliwt'"' (CM) Wiii Chllco!T ((hlndltr)
Dlslence: lt-1,,.,
GrMI Sclllltl
100 -1. Dowl!ng 2. 81rMlt 3. M.t'Kfl
Time: IJ,6
440 -1. A. 01SWlnt 1. Ot1n J.
McDc!Nokl Time: 1 :tl.1
110 -I. &tfll4!11 l . Oe1" TlrN J:lJ.I
Milt -1. J, Oowll'"' I. It. Oltw1"' l lmf: •:11.1
..O.w11k -t. H1119 2. Ohw11>1 a.
MIH'l"IY TJrN: ?:ti.I
the MARK Ill
Aflllllll IJ•rwlt Ml •I "*''""' IC.•u\!I ).t \, ...... • .... FrlllldM9 IM<!C8ffllktl: "21 11 lt l9'11\
C.rltM r-41. fllilflf
Ofl!w ·-'°"*'IN ••
Dlol'fl! f\Y•l\&n '-1\ ti Ot1~l1nO llr•111Mc .. 11
llO\"On l\.<!"11-• I) •• Mln"f'loll•• !Bo1....,u 111 ll•llltncv• 11.--••G i.11 H Chio;-!Fl\Nt 1.S Ot Pr'DllY l t l
WA1~l ... I(.~ (!i•n"A~ l 11 "' N•w Yo·~ l &t~~ Ii•~ 161, "•oM o~r~ •~ •t~ltd
"The most outhoritativfJy
1t11led, decisiv.il11 individual
niotor car of thi.t gmuration"
Orangt Co.'s Oldt.1t & Mo!I Rtsprcted L111co!n·J\fercur11 Dealer
Johnson & So n
642-0911 545-1278
ORD ER THE lt6t'
A•All .. AILI ON 1t61
in the early season by the * * * Santa Ana &quad. OOLbt:N Wt:ST AYEltAOf:S ,11,w . Al H Ave. ltll Rancho Alamitos, mean-McGllCkl11 ' ' .4o '
hi) t k the f 4~ Elder U 1 AU t
w e, oo cue rom u~ Merkt "° is .us 3 D s F' h R ~~?~ar~~ai~ ~~? i :~ ~~ ~ eep ea is eport
It was the third loris in four ~~~bauer ~ 1: :: :
outings for the Newport =:_-: 2~ ~ ::= !
squad. E.1trl9 ,, , .u1 1 '--djng the ~g NII T..c1 11 S .167 1 Led M.VlUI r-" Cl1111e~ 1S l .170 I rade for Estancia was Don cor~n ,. J .101 1
0--dall who ·--~ t'"-~r 16 1 .063 0 nal.I ' WUut,~ Ill~ Miiiin lO 0 .OllO 0 goals wbile teammate Bntei! H1ma11<1e1 ' o .ooo o
Littell WM busy ICOring c;.T':11 ~ 10: :: :i:
twice. ,11mr"' 511mm1ry
Bruce Williama rounded ::;:, w 3 L1 out the scoring fer Estancia MIPIK 1 1 ...... • 1 with a tally. ··~ ''°*"la'tt' ('00\tf'KI.
iiiimiiiliiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiii ----
Ll'iHT • SMOOTH 30.00 COMFOtlTAIU ----··········-·······
SOFT · SMOOTH • TOU'iH -·--36.00
Masks -Fins -Snorkles
Duck Feet Fins
8.95 I"·
Baseballs • Softballs
Volleyballs• Footballs
Soccerltalls • Basketballs
Playground Balls
,ct. ... '" .000
HEWl"ORT (Art's Llndlntl -111
e1111 leo ; 73 •lb<icore, 53 blrr1cudt. lll
bonlla, UI bl11, 4 ll1tlbut. I01ve)"1
Lodl:et") -1' •l!llltrs: 781 11bflcore.
62 bonito, n 11nd bess, 17 barr1cvd1. &1rp, 11 •ntleru lQ.I bonito, l ba,.
retvdt, \26 blu.. 15 l>tUbu!, 16
SEAL IEACH -19 entler1; n bar.
rtcudt, 1J bonllo. 110 und lwl~i. 5
lltflbvl. &ergt , :16.11111le"; I bl1r1cud1,
<68 bonlla, I Hncl b&Q.
I.ONG IEACH C'•clflc SlllffttlMllltt
-16S 1neltrt1 M elblrore, ' ctllco bell, 17' bonlla. fPlenool~I LI•
Yfllowl8!1, 4 barr1C\Jd.ll, 6 l>tllbul, 31'
•ntl -n1 111111en; in 1lblcol"1, n
lwlrr1cud1, 19S bau, 21'0 bonllo, t
wll-iall, 111man1 P'l.-J -u l'l!lltrt; 1 barr1cud1, 1llO bin. :io
bonllfl, I ll1tlbllt, Barge, '3 111111<!n ; 13
barrKVC11, 11 bin. l.r.I bonito. l hall but.
SAN ,EbltO CNwm'I llndlntl -109 •nvlfr~; 3'9 1lblcore, l yellowhil,
U ba"1cud1, 441 e•llt"O bin, 11 l&nd lwlH, 1 Mllbul, I Hlmon, (27 bc"llo.
U!nd !I. 1.....-i..,1 -60 1nvl"'; 1110 •ll>lcore. 2 blrr1cW., 135 u llco bel1'
lllO bonllo.
SAN DIEGO IP"!. '-1 -9°'
1119ler1; 1,1!,6 1lbllcor1,,, yel1Dwt1!1, " bonltg, 1' blrr1t'!.ld9. (lmPel'let &e9d'I)
-19 111111t"; 2t venowlltl. 2lt berllfllft
9l barr•cllll1.
Tennis Clothes ·
Ladies Dresses 13.00 -14.95
ladies Converse Tennis Shoes 7 .25
Men's Tennis Shorts
Men's Tennis Shirts
Men's Tennis Shoes
7.75 & 1.95
R·aleigh Bikes
Tires -TulMs -Repaln
At El Nlgael
Brown Garners
Junior Tourney
St.eve Brown wen the
Southern California Junior
Golt AslOCiM.ion tourney at
El Niguel ln Laguna Niguel.
Saturday, defeating Tom
Minor, three and two on the
16th hole.
Brown, who plays at
Stardust in San Diego, is
heB<l<d for UCLA in the fall
on ~a goU &eholarship.
Minor, from Candle wood
CC in Whittier, will attend
San Diego State.
Mi.kt Nichols of L o s
.-4.lalmitos copped first place
in the first night with a four
.and three victory over Rick
Ewing of Bakersfield.
Action on Saturday In
men's club compeUUon, had
Clement Burnap and Burke
Wilson taking honors with a
81 in a partners-best ball
Sa•t• A-
Harry Martin and Horace
Benjamin square off today
for the champiooahip of the flight in the Santa
Ana Exclusive Tournamtnt.
Regular Exclusive flight
has narrowed down to Lloyd
Stocker and Jack Triplett In
the semi.a along wkh George
Smith and the winner of the
Al Honer-Wendell Finley
fhuf1day, July 18, 1968 , D41LY PILOT U
Midway City W~s
Ove1· Newport Nine
Midway City ls leading a Bob Leavy singled home
charmed life in American Dan Cltirk ahd Tom Kini for
Legion baseball. the first two runs.
1'he league leaders, tS-1 After. taking second on the
with three games left c>n it3 throw to the pla~e. Leavy
schedule. pulled onE: out of romped home on Bob Slal·
the fire in the bottom ol the -=l=o=rd=''::::'=l•:::g::le=.=====
eighth inni ng to d r op.-
Newport Harbor. S-3, at
Westminster High School
Wednesday evening.
The win clinches no worse
than a tie for first place ln
the National League.
Newport, which had led by
a 3-1 score at t'he end Of the
seventh inning, was under
the impression the game
was over .
Me•• Vertie
Harold Johnson al Irvine
Coast Country Club scored a
hole-in-one on the 205-Y.ard
par three 18th hole on Satur·
.MluioK Viejo
Dr. William Foote Jr. of
Santa Ana became the first
member of the Mission Vie·
jo Golf Club to break the
par·72 course when he fired
a 2-under par 35-35-70.
THE CHAMPS -Defeating 127 other teams for the
title, Fred Patterson (second from right) of Irvine
Coast and Jerry Frick (far right) of Riviera CC
won Irvine Coast's recent member-guest tourna-
ment. Helping to hold the Thomas W. Henderson
perpetual trophy are (from left ) Bob Smith, Jude
Poynter and tourney chairman Max Miller. The
Smith~Poynter team lost on the first hole of a sud-
den death playoff.
Officials pointed out that
!he contest was a nine-in-
ning game. however, and
play conlinued.
With two out in the bottom
of the eighth and darkness
closing in, Midway City was
down to its !<:.<St man with
the bases empty. JohnSon used a 21h-wood
in turning the trick.
Trout Plant
The following waters are
scheduled to receive plants
of catchable-size rainbow
trout this week from the
Department of Fish and
Game's Southern California
Anglers are reminded that
this listing is tenative and
may necessarily be chang-
-.,. Bouquet Canyon Creek.
Crystal Lake, Legg Lake.
San Gabriel River East
Competing with F o o t e were Tom Albach, Bob Har-
ritt and.Max Bayha.
Co•t• Me•a
Jack Towle scored In 80
to take low gJ'OliS honors in
men's club action over the
weekend at Costa Mesa Golf
and Country Club on the Los
Lagos course.
In low net, it wa~ Bill
Wallace with an &1·13-70 tak-
ing top honors while Don
A1freds {83-12-71 ), Ken Har-
ris (92-20-72) and R a y
R i n derknecllt (85·22·75).
Five players tied for the
blind bo~y at 75. Those
were Chuck Roberts (97·22·
75), Willard Lechner l90-15-
75), Mack Harris l84-9-75 ),
Bill Waller (91-16-75) and
Alan Chirgwin (87-12-75).
Tustin Hurler Tosses Gem
To Pace ConnieMac_kPlay
Of 1111 DlllY Plkrl 51111
,Jim Langrill of Tustin
hurled a no-hitter at Hun·
lington Harbour Wednesday
night' in Connie M a c k
baseba'.11 &t Golden We st
Kauffman & Broad
pitcher Tom Lindley. "'ho
shut out the hosts on lwo
hits. He walked two while
striking out 10 in the six-in·
ning tilt.
Marina scored its three
runs in the four th inning
when Vince Moll and Paul
Fleming opened matters
wtih free p<:6ses to first.
Rick Saeman ca m e
through with a single Lo get
the fi rst run home and
* * *
r1eming came in on 11 p11ss·
ed bal l.
Lindley added ta hii; cause
with a double to gel Saeman
home with the third run o!
the inning.
l~untington , meanwhile.
was handcuffed by Langrill
and his Tustin mates.
Tustin scored one in the
first and seventh &1long with
two in the sixth to wrap it
* * *
Adams Set
For Irvine
Former UCLA baseball
star Gary Ad ams has been
named recreation spnrt.'>
director at UC Irvine, ii wa s
11nnounced tod ay by athletic
Three straight pa s s e s
loaded the bases, however,
and then Kurt Dedr ick hit a
clu tch double to knock in ttie
tying runs.
John Hogan followed with
11 si ngle and the winning run
wai; in.
All of this nul Ufied a
Newport upset bid in the
si xth inning when the in ·
vaders tallied three times lo
break a scoreless tie.
* * * director Ray Thornlon. s< .. t b, '""'""
Adams. 26. ta~cs over the N ... ...,,1 000 onJ O!I-~ ~ ~
post September J, sue-Mii1w1y c11y ooo 000 1•-s ' 2
Mlft1¥ CUI JU ceeding Thornton \Yho wa s • 11: "' 1:11 ltus•P.11, :Jb s O 1 l promoter lo the AD's jOO w. McC11r1ney." 1 o 1 o Sml1!1.!! 1 00 0 following the death o £ Jim Hoo•n. i11 i 1 o o
\V C f d ll:l•l•r. 7b J I O o ayne ra'.'1 or . ~:,11,~~k.c ,1 ~ o o '
A three-year ba se ball let-Jt11n H"'""· 11 } ~ ~ 1
[~•'>' Wiik M>4CO 111111111 -·
tl'lan 10,000 l•1n1ml11lo11 preblam1.
You Sii lr11 towln1. • lrH road.
chtck. 1111, 1lllcl1nt 11rvlt-.mMI
times in juet one day. And with
AAMCO, )'!)Ur tr1n1ml11lon Cln bit
prot.c:t1d 'ht ovtr 500 AAMCO ~
t1rs cot•t to
Every "'lnula .,.... a hell', -C"• P'"°"".,.
1745 New,.rt II. 64'·'''' I lucLAAd 8•ne,o ooao erman a , ams P. Mcc1rtn•v· 11 1 o ~ o G•rden Grove w1·11 supervise intra mural Tn1111 JI s ' ' Ntwii.l'I ill ""1 G1..,11 Grev• atv'-•... U .....
sports and recreation pro-M•r1ln. c ~ · ~ 111~ Sant• An• RIVERSIDE COUNTY -
Hemet Lake.
COUNTY Arrowhead
Lake, Big Bear Lake, Green
Valley Lake, Gregor y Lake.
Lytle Creek Middle and
North Forks.
A field of 300 juniors from
the Southland are scheduled
for tee times at the Costa
Mesa Club on Monday in the
quaWying round of the
Herald-Examiner Southern
California Junior G o I f
Marina. meanwhile., knock·
ed off San Clemente by a 3-0
tally atter "losing" the first
game of a-makeup double·
header via the forteit route.
The umpire refused to
grant coach Ray Allen of
Marina a conference over a
judgment call and when
AUen persisted , the official
(not of the Orange County
Official's Association) ca11·
ed the game in the eighth in·
ning with San Clemente in a
5-4 lead.
5nrt •Y IMhlt1 . ' .
Tu~11n 100 DOJ 1--4 I I
HuntinDIOf' 000 000 0-0 I 1
Hu11tl"'"'".r.~) • H •II
grams for students and M•llN>U. 111 ~ o n o U:,~~""':::• _, •;"~: f fa~u~t~~mes to UCI from UC ?iI~.;~~0
1, gl' g!' .m •· •:-1
"· ......... ; •••••• IMl·t41'1
M1rm1 ui Riverside where he held the Jl:I~~~?·~' ~ Al II H •ti , ""A ll•rla!'! • .,.cf I Cl
c1mo111t1, 1b l 0o ; o .. _sa_m_•....:.po_st_s_m_c_e_1_~_. _____ ,c"'c'c"------'"'---''--"'-"'-------------? ~ i t ) : i i
McD•n11, 31! , 0 o0 00 Crtsu. cl Moll.c 1110 l'lemlflo, Ill ! 1 0 0
"""rll...,,, II ,' 0, 0, 0, ~•em•n. rl
~·.n """'"""'..,"""'"""...,....,...,..,,..,....,..,.
-..o llulr, o
5¥MCH\J. 2& Mlllt1. ( lt'>'Cilr. lb E1rl1y. 111
81111111~. II Clteed,., l1ldl. rt
l, i : i
! : : g Lindi•~. p 2 0 •' ,'
"'"''" II I •
Hollywood P•rll 1lllrles for Frld•Y· Jll-IY If, 1961 "vtntfl•l'l>lrd dt Y -llrll 1>11111 :45 p,m Clt•r .. l••I. 1"111ST llACI!. 1 1·1' milt•. 3 vt&r oktt. Clelml1111. PurM 14500. Cl•lrnlnt ~~ll~ ~~ru., /W M.tiornev 110
EQSTOOO (J P1lomloal •m •m ~tin Rose /Fl ClmPlll
Slnvlnv Story cs TrtVll'IO) Green Port (L PJnc1y ,,,
8111 Mv1ltrv !J Trull lol CtndY 8UMY {J P11omlno1 T. Hart fll Yor~l Scottl•l'I Im. CJ ~llefll C111lr1 Quelft CF G1ru
'" •m lV:
'" ·~
tl!CONO II.I.Cl! Or.t IT'il•. J I. ~ old mtl*n 11/1111. Pur1o1 MSQO. Avlvli.h1<,... \W Ht•mtlll JU Gondolt Girl E Medint) JU
iulv••.,./" Oi1r) :n 01..nc111 ( G1rr11 OJ S«..:IY Jtn {0 Htll! 1111• Lt Jty CW Ht rlldt) • FINI 8tlCOllY tW Htrrls) l,>1•
Am T1c•lnt (0 Plwcll 1• lmbrlmt CW MlhomtY) 1 • S.1 lll9 {A Plntdtl 11~ AIM llNtllllt !llntlt Jo fJ Limbert! Ou1lltv CDlllrOI (W M1110!'r.tYI LOVlllY Elt!nt CA 0111 )
Oulllt1lan (1. l'!~y Jr)
'" '" •m
Lttu,,. lll!Vlltl IA Ol1ll
MIH Ktl 81rd {W Harm1!rl
8t1u!Uul DrHm IJ Limber!!
NeV•d• Love (M Y1ne1)
Mabel's H-y CJ Stlk!nl
Fr1nc:lnt M. ID Plerctl
F'" Samole IA Plnedl}
$COOP Time (l P'lnctY Jr)
"" "' "' '" "' '" "' '"
EIGHTH llACI. 6 fur""'9•. J """ nl& & Up. L-'!H Ind Flow.u Hl!l-dl<.-D. Pun• added. Grnn 121,100. Ta winner IJJ.70ll.
Travtll"ll Dull (M Y1ne1J Klum• Geort• fW M1hornt¥) Y~~"' fA Pl-ti soe Kin• (J Selltro)
Tltl9 rn1 (L Plnc•1 Jrl • er-ci $11.00WS ID P t ree)
'" '" '" '" "' "'
Marina had two on base
with two out at the time of
the call.
CoMell Chevrolet,
meanwhile, was forced to
cancel its scheduled game
with Mission Viejo when the
latter could not field a team.
West-Grove traveled. to
Brea for a night contest.
and came home a 5-0 loser.
blanked on two hits.
Marina's 3-0 blanking of
San Clemente was led by
* * *
l!olln•lt. ti Cnlner. rl M•r11, u L1n1rlll, o Wl..,,tmull'I. 31! ll1ffi,rty, l b Swtln, II MIH<>11. 211 fl lYA!, t
70 0 D 0 Tntlll 141 Al 11 H Jl:lt l 0 0 0 ~ ~ ' :
!, i,1 i 1
l & ~ I
2' : : l
101111 1 l ' 7
1111 ClttT>IMt (I \
JU\u. c 0.e!'!bl....,, 711 Pre1111, 11 Dl1tn1n,, 111 Par1mo. Cl I DYlt. lit Glbloll. H
HI-. M It. AUen, rl To1111
... ' . ' . ' . ' ' ' . ' . ' . I o ' . " . • i
Hedgen1on Lewis Faces
Test in Lopez To~ght
Hedgemon Lewis. t h e being compared to Sugar
brightest new face in box-Ray Robinson at a com-
ing, is confromed with hii; parative age, has captured
biggest test at the Olympic the imagination of Southland
.i\uditorium tonight. fi'ght followers.
The 22-year·old L o s 0 1 y m p i c matchmaker 'ctr• ,., IMll~ll . D . ff d • 11 11 Angeles City College student Mickie av1es has o ere ':r't~·Grnv' o~if:~ i i who has defeated all 22 of $4.S,000 lo welter world
& "::!"c~.~~~J 1i:111;::nc!1~'·~~ Wffl-Gre¥• ... ~•1 " H "''' his opponent_,, takes on ttie champ Curtis Cokes lo meet
11500. Ctnoll. u ll :' ': 'g world's No. 2 r a t e d the winner of tonight's Jim Wllllt (J Sllllf"1! 118 Stnty, " I nd' R d c.rtvio iw H1rrill 1M ~:;::,·.:. 111 1 e 0 e we terweight, I 1an e !crap.
Son Jtd< (J Arlerllurnl lU ) O Lo Le ' ' f' · I b Jd g conhder11• 1w Htr .... nl IJ' =~r1~. c 2 e : g pez. Wls 1nanc1a ac n
s.cc1>1rln Pippe tw M""°'""'~l 1,,•, Mick c1 l o 1 o The f1·~1 w1'll nol be com., from Ho 11 y w oo d Prlnc1 H-cw Hartld<l 116 Mcoc'.ni kl. lll , o & o 5" ~.,:~1"'11 11 ... J11111111 u, c1rn.i.. 11 1 i e n televised. figures Bill Cosby, Ryan
w 1fl90Ver c L1m111r11 12t Tnt•11 11 1 0 Olympic s p (l k e s m e n O'Neill, Robert Goulet and
THlllD •ACE. 6 hirtong&. 1 YHf old .l'!I!!!!':; ....................................... ..,,....-.._., f h Ch ' C II ""'""n coll• & 11e1dlnt1. Pur11 $4500. fflV?!O &. & A!&§ ·--U<="' predicted a sellout or t e r1s onno y.
Mv Ooublt !R s 11...cc1 111 l bout. Three th o u s a n d Whil e. Lewis is 22-0, op·
81ut Cobr1 IL GUllN~I 111 R ' R t ' ""5 d I 22 Sky 8111! IJ Tru!lllDl Ill ace . esu s general admission 11eaU; 'Nill ponent IS JV" an a SO •
Tri ck surv•Y"Dr <E Medin•! 111 go on' sale at 6 p.m. at the years-old ... 11:1111 Lome (M Yar>f1> 11a
Kerrv'• T1mt1 IA v111111rue111 111 box office. Oddsmakerli say the 1crap g:;:rm~::u:~ ...
1~o ~!~~u) ::: , .. ..,..,.,, • ..,.,...,.,,..,. ••• .., ... .,, ..... ,,. • .,. Lewis. who I!! already is.a tossup.
Tell (l Pll!Cfy Jr) HI WWW ;; •11wewt .. ----------------'--------------!
Ml!rllotlCllll CS Trevlt'llll Ill HOLLTWOOO PAlllt tESU1.TS A .. Oaotltrv. SCI• OI lu1ton1, E&tle1
Mr. Ovdlev 10 Ht!!l Ill WllOHllSOAY, JULY 11, 1"9 P1!. Snlfl Htn«.
Sue Ml~ (0 P'ltn:e) 11 1 Clear & '"' No Su1kri.t.
l"OUJl:TM llACI!. JO,, lurlont1. 7
""''· Cl1fm1nt. PurM MjOO, Too claim· .... price IU,SOD. FKUllY (lull UC ,,
lllvtf1ldl. St!I!'! Abbn' fJ Ptloml""I
N111Mn Delroll (J Mllerll
Slllnlfl9 llusll fJ L1~rtl
Wtkl Kula 11. PlllCIY Jr)
Yo-LI..... !J Arllrtlllrn)
"llllfMMt Ill: llltnc:Dl Pellll Owl fW Harmtll)
S-tuml {M Vantil PtHll SPY to Hall) Mr. l!"'lneer !W MIMmlY)
"' '" "' "' 11,1 11J •
"' "' '" "' l'll"Tlf llACll. 1·111' ml~. Flllle4
11. mi res • ve1r olds I. u11. Clalmln1.
Purw IJOCIO. TOii clalml111 11r1ce N JOO.
M•rv lmmKul•I• w-n·1 Gufll:I. ,._dl1111 Corntr (A Pine.ti) 120
!1budlt {0 Pltlral lU
Go siear.r 11. PlllCIY Jrl 1n
• PllYllll MIHrmtn (J Lamber!! uo
ll1re Qutorttv 10 Mall) lU
11id11111lllt Miu {A D111} Xl!S
H!t lll\t (L Clfltol1I XlOI
SIXTM llAC•. Jt.. tu•'-•· ' Yt1r etd1. Cl1lml111. l'urH M500. TOii clal.,..
i"t llffl:t 111.500. Wiii llt0ftl'$ Mtt'flOl'la1
Otlll'hllul S...mm1r !JI: YllMt}
F~I llultlt (II: Medln1I
ObYI IA Olar! lttWl't lltwant fJ l 1mbertl
Cl!mll A~ro» (J PtlomlM'
5tcolo (W H.,rl1)
Gtttlnt II:"" !W HarmaU) 5h1119 Min tW 141~1 Rldln1 Gamlllf!' (0 Pltn:tl
Pt~r"I Pence !A PIMdeJ
'" "' JllH
"' "' "' '" '" "' '" Sl\llNTlf llACI!. Dl'lot mlle. l"tHi.,
.. mtl'll l .,._, Didi & 1111. Cla11ln.d
Allowlll'UI. '""''" ... ONwtrY Aid .. .....
Carroll Returns
From Top Tour
Oranp County'• Corky
l'lllST tACI!. 6 furlon111. l "''' 011111. Clllmlnt. Purse MOOO. SE\lllHTH llACll. 6 furbnt1. l ¥t1r
Ltrlay'I Ltd fP'IMde) 1.10 ~ . ..a l ,Oll Ml llllle1. AllowMKl'!i. P'UrH UlOI .
81Unton. (M 'l'IMI) 4.ta l .Dll Ol1mond Ola IStlllrl) 11.ta l .40 l.MI
levtloff'I Pride (Mtl'lameY) 1.tll Grn Crlcktl (W H1rm1til 1.211 !.IO
Tlme-1.11 21$. Flr&t Oanu (II l l1nc:11J 2.IO
Also Rln -Hel'll Ant1I. lh•'ICIYl!lon, T'-1.10. LlvtlY Moflh'. Falller lluln 1111. In A AIM ltan -11.., Jolie. SUpio!y IMI.
w111-r, 1r1&• \111!1. ioi.-1.,. Ktvl". T....,tv Wini. C1Jt'r1111 Ml•.
Scrtld>MI _ El 11,.le<'n. kr•ICl'led -M1rull1.
SllCOJtO II.I.Cl:. OM mtk!. S 1.
y"r old ,...18en1. 'ur1o1 1000.
Full of Trouble (J Lamllefl) ,,. l.lo(I ,,Ill)
Fleet Alloll (Plnc:1v Jr) J.IO J . .O
Mtl9'1 Ire IA ,lned1)
Ti,,,_l,3' 1/5.
AIM ll•n -Kl"t 1"11111are, Send
Metil, Pa,...rMI IC"'9, Tl/It s ltnn.
Hel'I P-1. Fllmllll U,._. No kratd'!I$ .
DAILY DOU•ll, l .. 1.M•Y'I llf & l·fl•ll ol ,,_.., PloM Ul.Jt.
TMltD llACI!. }\.\ furlnr!n. ' Ye~•
flld mtlden coll1 .. "ldl1111 IH'..:I In
C1llf, Cltlml .... PIJt'M MOGG.
Mtrk Ill 14trt (A Pllltdel
Tl.2!1 t.Oll J.M
E-Sm!ll'I (Merm1tr1 l .tn l .1111
ll r1al'll Stll:llll•l'lt (Hertackl 1.00 T1,...._1,o,, l /S.
Alto llan -IUnr IClnt. Dr~11on Hone, Sun G-. HIM1Mr, Slllv
lt-rll, £1M;f!w;ll .... 1, Htl'mlll'I
Clllol, fWo l!ttlt. H-1111.
kr1ldled -Dll!tl'rttUI kitl\..,....,
Ntlflen O.tntit, l!-nt1: of Tlmt. llt
CNff, lroii. Admltt L Fe•ttt.
PCMl•TM IUICL ' fllr-.1. l 'lffr
t* A/loWellalt. '"'"' l.DIO • HJ..,.,. (Pl..e.¥1 11.. 1.... SM
Med/WI CJ ~l s.. J ... CWM DMclf 10 ... ,...._.,.,, l .. -AIM 11111 -1toM•1 Comet. ""' A.,.y, "llM liliee.wn.
HI krtfdift,
l"ll'TM llACll. ' fvrlonls, I Ytl• •Ith
& .... Cltlr!'llN. l'\lf'la Mo.. 5kY Counfry (J Lamlllrt)
'·" •.M a.• ICllltlll ,..._.... (YtMJI S.• I• Sol *~"' (,,,.., ,,. TI! l /S.
llGMTM llACll. 1.11i. "'111!1 e11 lhf!
""· l vt<Or olds & 1111. Alto...1nen. Puru t.IODll.
"'•I'll .,.. FHt l'll co l'lrrt rl J.IO l ....
H\llf'lup Kldl IE MMlln~I
Ov! ol Fccv1 (M Y11111)
Tlmt--1.G J/S.
l.6f J.ta
"" AIM fl:t n -P'ombll. ltl:llm& It. Jl:otd Mtktr II.
Nn kralcMJ.
HINTM ltACI!. 10)!. mlk!I .• ¥11• old•
II. 1111. Cl1lml"t. 'urH SJtm.
M!rlna<111t ll""~rtl U.611 1.DO ~.M U11111r1llell !W H1rm1!1I 10.00 1.«I
8re""•'• JOO> (5 Tr1vl1>1>) 7,00
T!m.._l.50 JIJ,
Al10 lt1n -"·PMrnt • .1-Wlr\ ltull!r,
Prlnct Oele, M1rt11l0 II, l'rttWtYf,
DtVll'I El".!. A -0 . Port~r lrtlMd 1111..,,
SUt tclltd -.-.dmlrt 1 ll1ddY, El
Sailing School
Jr. tnd Sr. ,,o,11m1
les1on1 Aveileble
'• Sahah. Lide1 i nd S1nll hll
of Your Life!
tuesday at beautiful
MON.-SAT. AT 7:45
Turf T1mct Dlnln1 ..•
Ttbla N•MrV•tloM Call:
(213) '31-ot22 (714) 1%7-4471
2FOR 8 60
tf or
Pl.,.. .... '2.W ,_ li,,.1"..i. _... -...
..... -' trwil-iii ...... ,.. -
8.4$.15 8.85-14 8.M-1 5 t .00-15 t .15-1/i
Fill ....-.BW.U. Wikt, CNy1&n.,
la,,.,..,I..iMolM, Jlnc11ry1.
Oidfno6Aif, T-at11, T·Bitd•
T•k• Month• to P8YI
limitad time offer/ Buy _, --,,_,, .. ..._. ,,,....._ IMf9't ... p;lllk>:Np ,..... It",.....~ ..................... ..,i.,i.. .. ,.,_ .....
' . Super King Size!
NH IMny 1llty wtrl
lflllt •ll!lll'l CllLW wttll
11111tlalor ...,. ClltH IHrlC. ONL"l99cM-.i f.C»4l c ,, 1111
two .....
CArroll reb.Jrned from a 10
day Europ11n tour
spomored by Jantlen Swim
wear Soturday n1«1>t.
.,.. ~ -,,,...,. Oant1:, l'lth> 0
p...,., l'tlfhM tlll'r. Sli.111111 l'flel, Sllnr Ftr, u · Tonwa, Ht""'11 Hlftt,
Fll'SI ,._,.,. \ ~
..... Mnr---1 ........ .. ...,.....,.......,.,."" COSTA MUA-NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON BUCH
The +a roted Dana Point
aurfer left July, 4 ror his
.mlrl,.Jnd )1D1kel which took
him along Ille «Niii• of
France and Eneland.
krtfid1911 -,,_ ....... att9llrr
SllltTI' ltACll. ' "''""""· ' n ar old ftllltl. Altll'WllltRt. ,._ .....
C11t ...... I.• IP1trr;1) 23.• t.... 1 ... OOfillllt IM1"°"11n')t.A •.Ill 11:"9"'9 lllflt IJ l_.,.,.,) t..4i ,,__,,11 l lJ.
A'91:1 11111 -Ott,...,., •• Ow,,, Hehl
S•ILIN• SCHOOL ""....,_,._,..._
• 16171 lle•ch Blvd. 147-'0ll
I ,•
-. . ~ . . .
,._,July ll, 1968
Off the Board
Sea Refuge Trek
Is Hair-raising,
.. .. Dllr, ....... , ...
What happens when four top surfers, a writer and
photographer put lo sea to avoid the Fourth of July log
jam that pervalls along the Southern California Coast!
Lots of ezcitement for one thing, with some halJ-.
raising thrills that the wave-riding company hadn't counted on thrown in for good measure. • ·
0 0ur goal was San Miguel Island, II reported Steve
Bigler, 4-A surfer fr<!m Laguna Beach. •
Bigler, accompanied by Malibu's famed Mickey
Dora, San Diego's blonde innovat;er Skip Frye, Santa
Barbara's Bob Cooper, Drew Kampion of Surfer
Magazine and surfer lensman Brad Barrett, tried
several locations in the surf-swept points and reefs that
abound in California's Channel Islands.
"We wanted to get to San Miguel, as I said before.
but we never made it to Santa Cruz. The seas were just too big and the wind was fantastic.
A Sut!ces•ful Failure
"You might say we failed , but it was sort cif a suc-
cessful failure. We learned a lot about how to do it the n~Xt time,"' confided Bigler.
"Dora began to feel queasy hallway across and he
spent the trip with his head between his knees. In soite
of that he still managed to be his old funnv, witty self."
Bob Cooper, the only experienced Channel Island
surfer in the group, led the surfari to a spot called
fjYellow Banks" where an audience of sheep watched
the surfers perform in the 65 degree water and five-foot
"We spent the night on Anacapa in the park. The
channel was simply too rough to cross either way. It
was wild, watching those 40 mile winds rip the place to
shreds," said Bigler.
"Cooper, however, was disappoint~ by th_e surf. He
wanted to ahow us what it could be like. Still, we all
realized that the place had fantastic potential."
CREEKLINE EXPRESS -In a left reminiscent of
Hawaii's Banzai Pipeline, Pat Tobin of Laguna
Beach squats and grabs a rail as the lip of a power-
ful Salt Creek peels off. This Orange County surf-
Ari ,,_,.
ing area, slated for development by the Laguna
Nig uel Corporation, will soon be closed to public
surfing. Prices recently went up for beach access
and the cost $2 per car for the day.
Surfing At Huntington TritonsShy
At Bul,Zer
Scene Ideal Conditions
Bigler noted the litUe group .saw many g~ spots
that would have great potential wtth better cond1t1ons. •---------• For 'Unde rdogs' San Clemente finished its
regular season in the Costa
Mesa Recreation basketball
league at UC lIVine Wedne6-
day night with a 66-65 los s
to Saddleback.
Al"'a"• the Other Side
'jThere are literally hundreds of unridden breaks.
One side of the island will always be blowing offshore.
so you can count on good waves ~n one side of th~0island
in the morning and on the other in the afternoon.
Bigler and the group finaJly headed bac~ be!ore t~e
winds came up, with plans and ideas brewing in their
minds for the next trip across the channel. . .>
"[ think the Islands have more potential tnan the
ranch for instance (the Ranch is a Santa Barbara Surf·
ing spot closed to the public and patroled by ~ dep~ty).
"One of the greatest things about the vanous island
breaks is that no matter bow many _people dream about
doing it, the trip is hard and reqwres good "!>Oats and
planning. F or that reason you'll never get big crowds
Area Sports Briefs
Albacore Outlook
Warming Up Fast
A CaY!arnia Department
of Fish and Game official
said Wednesday the 1968
early-sea.ton albacore pro· tus ls "roughly compara-
ble to J.ut year, which was a
sb&de better than average."
Jim Phelan of the F&G's
Long Beach office said the
albacore 1ituatJon is
"Wc:nnmg up fairly fut."
He said about 8 , O O O
albacore have been boated
o£f the Southern California
coast so far. An average
albacore season ii listed at
around 75,CXXI fish for the
July-Sept.ember run .
The best year ever was
1962 When 229,314 albacore
were caught.
Albacore are being caught
now from 30 to 40 miles off
the coast from Coronado.
V'ic Person at Davey's
Locker reports t h a t 57
albacore were caught on
both Monday's and
Tuesday's runs. but that the
Tuesday excursion had only
35 anglers.
Davey's albacore boat
leaves al 9:30 p.m. each
night and returns roughly 24
hours later. Fare is $18.
with a bunk.
George Newcomb at Art's
Landing rep orts 13
fishermen c a u g h t 76
alba core Tuesday , lhe big·
gest at 17-18 pounds.
Art's Landing dispatches
an albacore boat at mid·
night each night, returning
at 7 to 9 p.m. the follow ing
evening. Fare, with bunk, is '20.
' Slorillf! Conlert
Tiie btllk of lbe California
prep football 1tar1 of last
; Standings
' ! W L ' . • • ' ' ' ' ' . ' . • • • •
season who will play ln the
North -South Shrine came
next Thursday night will at-
tend USC la the fall, a poll
Ten of the players have
announced for the Trojans.
The next most popular
acbools were Stanford,
California and Arizona State
w:lth four uch.
One of the 10 future Tro-
jans wa1 an Orange County
star last season, fullback
Tom Fitzpatrick of
Another member of tbe
South squad, end John Con·
over of Santa Ana, will at·
tend Arizona, Bia teammate
at Santa Ana , back. Marv
Whitaker, goes to Colorado.
Anaheim ruard \\' a y a e
Bugbee wW enroll at Utah.
Health" Maril•
Phil Doane ol. Newport
Beach set the pace for his
fishing foursome out of La
Paz over the weekend , lan-
ding a 154-pound marlin.
Also on the trek were Alan
Kenison and G e o r g e
Messenger of Corona del
Mar and John Watson of
Newport Beach.
The foursome accounted
for three marlin. n i n e
dolphin. eight roosterfish
and four :sUlfish.
Brul" PrevieUl
UCLA's offlclal 1968 foot·
baU press boot ls now off
the press and a limited
number are avallab~ to grid
This M-pafe publication
cont.ala1 all the pertinent in·
formation on Tommy Pro-
tbro'1 IJ68 Brul111a....Featured
are lnd.lvtdaal thumbnail
1ketcbe1 ol tbe top playen
and 1110 e rundown on each
el UCLA's 10 opponents this
Fans may acquire tbl1
.,bfble" of Bruin football by
teDdbil a check or moeey
order for $1 lo UCLA
Atklede News Bureau. 485
BtlpN Avenu e. Los
The first 4-a contest of
the summer season will be
held in Oceanside this
Saturday and Sunday.
Among the top names
noted in the Western Surf-
ing Association's list of
entrants are Corky Car-
ro 11, Skip Frye, Dale
Dobson. Mike Tabling,
Cheer Critchlow, Steve
Bigler. Mike Doy l '.
Donald Takayama .i\nd
Davld Nuuhiwa.
Three to four !oot surf and
sunn Y skies marked the an-
nual Katin Underdog Surf-
ing contest held 1 a s t
weekend at the Huntington
Cliffs area.
Winners of the Men's
Division -1. Hoku Keawe 2.
Raul Duarte 3. Vernon
Junior Finals -1. Greg
Armer 2. R.alph Herrick 3.
J ohn Guild.
Boy's -1. Bob Irvine 2.
Craig Degan 3. Re e d e
\Vomen's -1. Carol Hays
2. Kathy Murphy 3. Wida
Prizes were awarded by
Mrs. Katin who donated the
trophies and trunks.
Surfboards were donated
as prizes by Hobie's of Dana
Point, Goride's of Hun·
tington. Rick Surfboards
and Aussie· Surfboards.
Bing Surfboards donated a
car rack and T-shirts were
donated by Hap Jacobs.
Richard Meyers and Dewey
, Running the program was
photographer Leroy Gran-
nis, while Jack Haley was
MC for the contest. ·'
The loss dropped the Tri-
tons to a 2-5 loop record.
Troy ripped Fullerton, 68-
33, in the second game to ,
clinch no worse than a ti e
for first with Foothill.
Troy leads the league with
a 6-1 record.
Footltill, 5-1, tangles with
Mater Dei (4-2) tonight while
Estancia (3-3) closes out the f
campaign with Buena Park. i
Score 111 OUtrlen ~ St" Cl..,,..nlt :1:1 II 10 I•-' l5 i· S~ddl~back 12 16 1S 11-$ '6 i St n C'-lllt (6Jl
FG l"T PP TP 8 e11lt'"l11 J J 1 t
il!i.n 3 11 1 P~ter 1 031 OlrlSIMSell 10 ~ J 11 L~":1~1 J •~ 11 ii ,
Contest is Reset l
The J.U. -1 Laguna
Beadl Surfing C O D t e S t
pootponed last Saturday, is
rescheduled for this Satur·
day at 9 a.m. at BrookJ
Stteet l>Mcb.
1-Seclor men'• surfti'lt.
2 -Junior men 's surfing.
S -Women '• 5Ul'!lng.
4 -Senior m~·· board
City recreaUon officials
taid that appli<:atima were 1un being accepted for the
<Ollloat, but will close at 5
p.m. Thursday.
5 -Jr. men's board rec·
6 -Men's body surfing.
7 -Sltld boardiog (boys
under 12 years or age) .
' ''ERNIE''
Tire Service
Bl (1ood1 i( h ---
-When You Buy The lit Tire 1t Our Low Price-
SIZE T•i.w. •octrw.11 T.w ... w•tt.wo111
1• Tiii JIHI Till 1• Tiil . Jl!d Tiii .,_,(). 14.60 7.30 17.55 8.78 7.00-11
7.75-14 16.40 1.20 19.35 9.61 1.1s.1 s
1.25-1 4 11.85 9.43 21 .IO 10.90 1.15-15
l.SS.1 4 21.95 10.98 23.55 11.71 1.45.1 5 . * JONES TIRE *
2 ... s139s
A Tl,. "'-'" Pal<;011
l vlck •n Cht•""8
'°'"""' Cll'flftO
MUiTllll --!::== "K ....
·~ •IMt ~ "-'. ...m....w, fel llfetl"llll _, ~ .. ,... .. ,, .... , ..... •'•ltlMl!f,
30,000 Miles or 3 Yr.
No Money Down
• Use Ow Own Choice Charge •
' '
' •
• lankAmericard • Master Charge •
Stw. Heurs: I a.m. t. t ,_,,.. M-4•y thru 'r~1y
latvN1y I a.m. t9 S p.m.
-S4M343 • 646-4421
Aqt!eo,ColllondallOC4. 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~-11•
' ~---l I I •
""."" .. -(<) (Ill) •• Oiinphy. 111-·-. ' I QM ___ (<)(30) 9'1X1 f)IBJ(I)""""" NllOI -
8 ._ Allll Ate (C) (!!)) (C) "'MMfl tt1e Spies An-(com·
Comic Tim Conwi)' mncstms ttty) '65 -DiWld Nivtn, f1111COi1t
Kirin Ch1ndlt1, 1utho; Bob Tllomis Oor1e1c, Cyril Custd,
•nd Prof~uor Julius S~mntr Miller fJ ~ tJ) 11111. l lr1: IC) (30) "11'1
111 SliWI. rutst1 ton11hl I MOif. Mod World." P'art I of two
0 Sii O'Clod llhvil: (C) "Out 11 parts. Aan Is otft11d 1 1ll&h·f1:tilen SllM" (COl!lldy) '66 -.lon1t111n modeHq Pb INt will tlM Mr to
Dfly, ltlrt11 Jtnosen. Ctlifomll Witt\ 1 bldltlor pbotoJ· m ... .., ~ (30) raphtr. G;llY Mir~ 111Ut1 (R)
mhl-..,(30) QJT<W-(q (!O)
l:lODINIC--(CJ (iO)
a"" --(t) <30> m._.., Fltlw (30)
QI MdWt's fllnJ (30)
m Sptchm: (C) .. Flylnt ti: tbe
Bottom .of ttlt Se1Y Host 01vld
Prowitt bolrds 1n unde/Sel "Atvi11"
for 1 tour ol scientific wor' ofl
Grind Bah1m1 Island. Ill-" (C)
7:00 ft CIS &.nine ~ (C) (iO)
Wilttr Ctortldta.
OF .... !JD)
m < "" ..., '30>
m 11111P11'• hl•nd CJoi
m!Mlltl Fi11
Ill La C.111 Veci1
7:JO fJ llCIT Spedal: (C) (90) "Bl1e•
on Bt1ek." lhert 1r1 no.White fau1
or volcu In ttle prOIQllL This spe.
cl1I tells llow It fttls to bt a
Negro In Solllh Ctntral Los An11elu,
illnd th• Ntt~ of that 1re1 tell
ll The btoadcast reprnen\s the
lowe1 m!ddl1 l111:ornc rroup In their
community. Southern C1Jiforni1
vlewe11 will lllYt a chanct to 10
Inside black churche1--th1 scene of
1rowin1 controYmy between younc
and Gld. Vlewen will hne 1 tlimpw
into llte me1n!n1 of the word aoul -a concept few whlles h1v1 l'ltr '"""""·
lO:IXlliliH OO "'• • .., -the Cci1ddruws: (C) (60) FltiPOlt
si!tina. hn danclnt:. Channel swim·
mina and oth1r fads ind fl)iblu of
ttie Thirties 1r1 ribbed b)' .lot)'
HtithertOn, f11nt Sin1trl Jr., 1nd
thl GolddiUW UIW.
0 -.. htnt• ... (C) (60)
0 SUSpenM n.atn: (C} (60) "Kitl
Me on Ju!)' ZO!h.'·' bet Kelly, Kith·
l)'ll Hays sta1. A man responsible
fOf his brotheta d~1th hlru hi1
own murderer to that his fnsur11ic1
wilt 10 to his brother's family. He
Is un1bl1 to conllcl the killar when
evtnh ch1n11 his mind.
0 """ -(iO) m JKt: ta111a11 .... (C) (60)
ID Grllt MOlllnb Ill Mlllk / IOG
P1intinp (C)
fD Id RMftr: "Fluidica, 1%1."
Dr. Hibbs and his ruests consider
1ppfic.ation In many fields IOI
fluidics, a technique usinc a llr11n1
of nuid to carry lnform1tiol\.
D ~ Cil D1niel Boone: (C) (60)
"fort Ntw Madrid." Danit! Boone
lets hlmwlf bl ctptured by mldlers
of Spl!n sa he can sabot111 thrt
country's pltn to u pend northwtrd
from New Or1•ns. C.pluted IS part
of his 1ssi1nment to ubot11e com·
pletioo of a fort which Spain hopes
to u~ as • stepplnastont, Boont is thrown with othtr pritoners. in· 10:30.Q) Ntwt: (C) (30) BUI John&.
tludlna ooe that Is llfl ttia 11m1
mlulon ot sabobat. Q1ry r.onw1~ au•sts. <Rl 11:00 e DMn O'C'9d let*t <C> (3{1)
O llfs " " 111 ~ (C) (30) Jerry Dunphy.
D Gil CJ) Slcond Hullhl fMn.: (~ (30) "Love on the Doublt."
Luke, pretendin1 to bt K&n. l1nds
both of them ln trouble br pttln1
tllem both romanllcalfy tntan11td
with • 1irl 1Hetandin1 to b• htr
C01Jsl1L 8Mrl11 MtKinse," 1uesti
1J MIUlofl $ Mowie: "T1lt lllOll
1nd Mrs. M11lr" (comedy) '47-Rex
Harrison, Gene Tier"'Y.
m Trdl w Col!Mq....-(C) (30)
OJ""' M_. (GO)
m-m,. ... Cit MM:ll
S.-00 II lelin1 (C) (2 hr.)
O (HJ(f)De flJin1 N1111: (C)
(30) "Thi Hat Sllell." Sisler Ber·
trille llH 1n opportunil)' lo repay
C.r1os tor past help when hH friend
bemmu Involved with 1 aroup of
B Tiit lltil HHr NM: {C) (30)
Geor1e Skinntr.
0 S»riel " t11e c..1u1y (30)
0 Nen: (C) (30) Bart• W1rd.
D M.W. "'tie '#Ill" (1dvtntun)
'S'i-Rieh•rd Burton, join Collins.
m .. -«> <iOl
ID Movie: "lnvllllle stripel" (dra·
m1) '39-Humphrl)' Boa•rt. Wil·
liam Holden.
ll:JO 1J MDrit: '1'9 T..,..Hlldtd Spy" (dr1m1) '59-Jeck H1wtina, Gil
0 ~ 00 "" , .. ,... -(t)
0 NDrit: "'SpKlll DllivtlJ" (com-
edr) '55--Jowplt Cotten, Ev1 Bir· ,,,
uJldnwo1kl ch1r1et&is wbo plan to 12:«1 m Jot ,.,... (C)
lit• llWf his club. (R)
mN..i (C) (30)
fr!) "1)'1111 IM 'vitar
e> ... rr.tilbkW .
12:30 m All·Ni(hl Sbow: '1he Com ls
G{een," "Blues In the Nl1llL" 1nd
"Vic• Squid."
l:JO D ID 00 lrtmide: (C) (60) "Atl 12.-. -M . ...... .. Id l •57 In 1 D1{1Work." Officer Eve Whit-:.... -OVll: ... 1n10 11m1
field must face the facl that Jl\e -Jeff Cl11ndle1, Joannt Dru.
h11 tltrld 1 17·)'11r·old ~ In the
lint of duty. (R)
1:00 ID Movit: "luM It• R1lrtl111" D @(I}llwllcbtd: (C) (30) '1o (musical) '59-Jo Morrow, Brian
lwitth or Plot To Twitch." Sam DonllV)'. oiJ-n D1l'fin'1 l1test ~no witch·
m ff' order. even when they'll
caurtil l n tbt rain wil11 1 n11 Ure.
m Mtn Crfffill IC) (90)
m Rewin~ Klnd (C) (30)
B Mme: "Mr. Wo~a. DttectM•
(mY$1ery) '39-Boris Klrloff, Gr1nt
11:00 o "SM Dtu Hi• wronr (com-
edJl '33 -M11 West "30.D11
Prinetu" (can1ed)') '34 -Sytvi1
Sydn eJ.
12::30 m "S.nti1111nbl Jowrney" (drama)
'4&-Mturetn O'H1r1, "WirrttrtlN"
(muPttl) '43-Sonji Htnit.
l :JO m "CMnelt l111111ow" {dr1rn1)
t:lCI D 'Tie l•llfialrt« 1M IM Lldy" . 'S6-Paul l11kn, Ka, W11S1.
~~:) '50--Robflt Stadt. KlfJ' 4:30 I) "Yow Put k lhwlt11(" {eom-
ecfy) '58 -Ptttr Sell1rs, ferry. O "F11 NIMll'• SMe" (corned)') TltotNs..
'50-.Qlften Webb. (C) "llatr 8 "f W11 1 CoilMllftitt f• Ille
1111• UW' (dr1m1) '56 -.1111111 FJ1• (dt1n11) '51-fnnk Lovejoy,
M1t011. Dotothy Hirt.
Dll Wiii' M 1">A a'9.
THINK t C.001.0 EAT •••
·-· ·-
If.:· ..
' " . ' t.;,.
15 HN'P'f HE!RE ...
ly Charfes M •. Scliull .... ~ ..... ~~ ..... -.~~
l llAvatT 8WEP '/00 "' A l.Olt611ME 1 llAWT MISSED
IT A !!IT l
~011 nl1NI( IT
REWAADIH&.. """ ....
1<• M H1AO Ofll tot.It DtPHPfMf~ I.1AM
UMtMGo 'ltll.l TO ACaPT nos
,45516NMEN1; DR.1'1EU.80N-
NiiYMROf '\'He
:rt.~ II& e,l.CI( ' I"' PN~ Ml.,U"!ES. 11
OOll't iC! 'WAV, ii '~~ If
1 UICf ~VERY MUCM. •• eur
I . POtl'r WP.NT 1D MaRT IUM !
By Tom K. Ryan
By Al Smith
I +IAVE···
ILLUSION OF LOVE -Gene Tierney, above, stars
as a lonely widow in the motion picture comedy,
"The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" tonight at 7:30 on Chan·
nel 9. She find s peace of mind and material for a
book by magically falling in love with the ghost of
an old sea captain. · .
Quotes From
Teevee Scene
HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Quotable quotes from
the television scene:
-From the current issue of TV Guide maga-
zine, in an editOrial about video violence : "The
television industry's initial response to public out-
cry against violence in America was to be expect-
ed. In effect it was : 'It isn't our fault. We didn't do
it, and furthennore we won't do it again.'
"NETWORK OFFICIALS, who usually are
busy describing the tremendous impact of televis-
ion upon the nation, quickly pointed out that there
is no conclusive evidence that television violence
has any impact upon th e nation. Still, just in case,
they rushed emissaries to Hqllywood to urge writ-
ers and producers to reduce Violence in future pr°"
-From critic·commentator Marya Mannes, dis·
cus sing acid rock music Qn Tuesday's ABC-TV
evening news:
"IT IS THE NEW ILLITERACY, and the young
love it. They love i~ because they would ratiwr feel
than think. It is easier. It is also easier for those
who cater to them. For, to blast the senses -to
blow the mind -you don't need training. You don't
need knowledge. You don't even need talent. All
you need is a boundless ego. A manic temperament,
and the loudest amplifying equipment you can get.
Th'en you can do your thing. ·
''In this new illiteracy a man is called a music-
ian if he can scream incantations and swing his
instrument like a club. There is some very real
talent in the conteffiporary ·arts: But there is a
world of difference between, sa:y, Simon and Gar-
funkel, or Peter, Paul and Mary, and this riot of
the sou1. And like all riots, it is essentially destruc-
tive and degrading."
-FROM MAE WEST, wlio bas a planned tele-
vision special in.the works for Robert Wi se Produo-
tims, in an interview with Dave Kaufman of the
Hallwood trade paper Valiety:
"College kids see my pictures on TV, and 'I'm
getting lots of fan mail because of it. They have
formed a fan cl'lb, and now it's worldwide. In the
last five years, I made two rock-and-roll albums.
I was a blues singer, and there is a. similarity b~
tween blues and rock. One of my albums sold 1001•
000 copies.
they were near brankruptcy. They asked me i1 I
had a property. I told them 'Diamond Lil' Every-
one said no to it, because there had been no pie.
tures on the '90s, and they said it wouldn't do well
"I told them I had packed them in all over the
country with the play. They finally figured they
were going broke anyway, so they may as well
make a picture, and they did it -as 'She Done
Him Wrong.' It saved the studio, and it changed the
fashions of two continents."
THE CHANNEL SWIM: Supporters of Sen.
Eugene McCarthy for president have purchased a
half-hour of prime time on NBC-TV to promote their
candidate .... The broadcast will be seen Friday
at 9:30 p.m. PDT ... the 1964 Republican president-
ial candidate, Barry Goldwater, appears on ABC-
TV's Joey Bishop Show tonight, along with singer
Ray Charles, comedian Shelley Berman and star-
let P ou pee Bou car.
Dennis the Menace
. ' -
JC OAll.V PILOT Thu..,, .!ult 18, 1'168
::,"'; -IUCT-•nc9 •LllCTION Pf.ICtMCT t10. M -... WllmW lcN9I. 1• Nortll • wtlltt* ~I Include 111 tht .,._ ........ lft II ..., 9IWll 11 ... .,.._ A-.., c-tll ~ C.Hlomlt Or11'1M!IY votlfll M'klllct• -H.,.._ ::: : .:=..v c.:f or:::: IL•~-l"lllCIMCT IMI, M 111111tron tlKfl 111 _. a W ftMol !IOI"'
c.111...,. ht lfl .ai..,.. """' ..., lhl$1 Ille!• •ti tN .,.,. •Mbrtc.I "' llort of S...I 2ft 1r1111 •lltlln flt .,. ..,._._. ...... "' TU~IDAY,.. Oflllllt C-'Y ..... .,.,_,. -Co.It OtMn Vltw $dl001 0!1trlet.
,,.,. -........... , ........ -~ •• -.· ~;. .... _ ......... ~, .. I P~ING PLACE lltrelll wn .... , DI~ "'-........ ti 1:• V«lildr: r........, ,_... _ • ""°'" View ldlool,. MOil W1lkllll ~ A.Mi ._, 1·• t"dllca '.M.. ...,_ "'ldl A. "" llli.rl'iltllloltil • .. 1 Hutollt!llOll .. Kii. C11tfom11
......................... ....,. .. ... ~-1tr911. a.. ,._, Ca..,._.. a1cT1ot1 , •• ClllC'r llO. II ...... ,,_.. .._ • 111Ncfrt ~ tlwrt ILStttOll PRllCNICT "°' B tJllll lndulle,..11! tt19 .,._ tn'IWMM 111 11111 ............. ._._ fl,_. IMll .... Ill .. -~ "' °""-~°'WtlM .,,_JMh; _ Hvft>
..w :-, _,. ., ..., DkMtt " .. =.1~ ~~ .. ~ tMt«i leKll u• .no 1n '"" ""'' ,.... :·~,., .~:·o.r.:--~ ~ '"' :"..~ =-..=0t1::l~ Mlfllfl ..
$1, 191,000,000 • ,....._ -tw .. tllllwllll ..... '°'-.UNG PlAC:I ......... tflel i. llt POU.llilG PLACE thlnln lfllil .. .t ..-.1 wu.. kMol. ltl WllMll ltt91t, catt Htrbow V1tw SdiooL GO it1c:twk11
•1 .... dl&tl •rt ildlMI _, ~ C.llfenQ Cltclt. Huntllll'ttll llMdl. (1..,.,.,.,.
ft) .. --• ..... ~ el 11.ICTIOM r«llClltCT tlO. M B.lCTtofil NICIMCT MO. ti .-.a ~ ftll lncludlr tll #le -tmllread ln llUll 1..-1u ,. ,, .. ...._., i..
ttJ 1M ....,.. ., ,....,.... w ..., or._ C-IY wtlnt -lndt -COd• 0r..-county \IOtl"i .,.inc:11 -
...... .. N llNiM llu!Wlnl • IMla Oft, CIA. tM. •nd UI. ~ 1':,, MldW.., CltY _. •lld
...._, .... ltlllll llO .. mw lit POLLING PL.A(I thenln 111111 lie •I Off. •nd t11e1llOt't1olto1~lml11tlv134 .......,., .... c:ur'Alllf _........, AdoWM lcMDI. -ClllWlouM lloM. IYIN wlttil• .. W•fnllMlw ICMOI .. a•e 4 w ,_..., ' ClMtm liMN. C.llfotlll• Dlsfl'ld
fll) .. ~ ,.,........, • IL.m~ ,_llCIMCT NO. Ir l'OUIHG' "-ACI ~ thmll ... •I
; 1 11Ac ., • _, mdlool llulltl!W Wll *"""' •II ti. .,. • ..,.._ Ill .JMile ~ ldllol, 1411J l'dmn
----. ......... • ........_. IW fn Or.,_ ~ \IOflfc 'racllltb -C.S. StrMt. 11\lctWn' Cit¥. C.llfornM
.,. .... --CillilMl!y1 ,,,... NS, ... llA -.!Cl UI, It.KT-P•ICINCT lifO. a .............. « 11cM111 tiv1i.n11 POLLING PU.Cl' tlllre411 .... n tie et .... ti ~ tll 1t1t •IW .ntbr..., fn
.......... MflHIA. _....,.,.... Mete ..... lcMol. 2"' Nor1fl ... Or-COUlll't' ""'"' llf9dlltb -.,. _., ......, f/f • ,. ~ Ytrde Drtw, COit• ~ C.lltotnlm w•mlnder :m. s», enf 116,, -.I
,......, ILKTM»4 P•ICINCT MO. • O..Oen ~ ... CfJ ... NII-I 11 .. w .. 1•1 If h al'llH lndu* i ll .. •l'M wntll'KM "' POU.O+Ci 'LACI! tfltttlft tlllll 111 et ...., .....-U 0r-CWflfY ..,..,,... llf'tdMtl wiin. w.,_ 1111'tf'1Mdl•• "'-'· 141n
.. .. ........ -.... ..... MIN on. ilt. •nd M . Newtancl '""'· WfttmlMlll'. Cllllfiftnll ...... •Ml .._, ltOU.INCi PL.AC! tller9hl shill bl et .LICTION PltlCINCT NO, ..
.. , "" _,.,.. -., .... Mlectt ., Clllfomle ktlool. = c. I 11 • r n I• th•ll tllcludl •II the ., .. etnbrlK .. "' ....... '""" ... Ill *"°" t•n ., A-. Co.ta Miu, Ctlllomli Oren" Count'I' vo11... Pl'KlllClt -tlle ~ Codi.-M Witt .,..,idl1111 ILl!CTION PltlCIMCT NO, 2' Wftlm!neter $ ind Gei'OWI Grow m _,. ... llr1llM ....... fl flt ffMt llMll lnclvOI 111 the 1r1t embrlttd 111 11\d OJ(,
eM/er ....._..._., .:::;...-ri,.=:-Ort"'e COWi'\' voll"'I llt'IClnclt -H1111o POLLING PLACl t111r1ln ltlall bl ti h'i °"ur ::" ~ Cit t(llool...._1 llllf!ot1 letdl "'-'lt. 317, illd 31l. Mfflrt kflool. 1611 Tl'hll A,,...,...
01 .. --W ~· .. of .,.y POLLING PLAQE thtffln .... II 9t •I Gerdtll OnlW, C1tll0¥11!1 ---JD/Ill H. &<ler Sdlool. '291 9-1"6 ILICTIOM PltlCINCT NO, ., ~ r':'.,:.. ::..1'::'...: A¥Wl', Hunll1181on &lac:ll. C.lllon1l1 at.ell ll'ldudt •II IN lrwit _...,_., lft :::..-.,. a jtll iacetlon • In 1~ ILl:CTlON l'ltCCINCT NO. • Or""" COll!lfY VOlh" 11ttclf1Cli -Cllller locM'lln. ..-Wll lnc:llJOe i ll It'll 11'91 trnbrKtd tn Wntmlfllter M. tlt, nt i lld n1.
Aft et tht .,....,. p11r•e1e, Or111M COlllll'\' ¥0111'11 11r.cl11Ct1 -Hllll' l'Ol.LING PL.ACE thtrtl11 lhall be et _..., ,_,.... -Pllftb't 11f1ft111 afld llM!On &Mell, ltl, 2111, 301 ind :rrt.tnd kYtnlHMll Strwl ~I. 7S71
.ii.n ..,.,.... -11 -111191t ,.,.. ltltl potfiOn ol Sl>!IMt letclt i n 1\11111 Wfftmlr1slw A\linw 1 , W11tm1Mfer, MtltlOfl wl~I" t11e Huntl1111011 l ••dl Cit)' khool cat1tor11l1
S.ld ir.oM., ,,_.. fl lie luued 11111 DJ11rld. ILECTION l'ltlCllKT NO ...
tllld af\111 11ffr ~ 11 1 rmt1 of 11111 POLLING PLACE 1'!1trtln ahill be t i l.(I!' 91\11[ lncllld1 tU 1111 ltN emb"'Cld In
uOlldl11t flW MfC9llt "' "'"""'' end Kirl"f' Lll•l"d $Chool, 1CM!l Df'ano-COUllfY voti.. "ldnch -N•l'ble 9Mllllb' tor "" fltt1 .,..r 1111 Crtlmrr Li""' Hunllnulon lt•dl. Weslm!11111er 211, flt, 11'-114 111d tll. bo11C9 1\ot\19 t. r-., tlld lltf'llinnllllllY C..lllornle POLLING PLACE then111 tfltll Ill 11
..,_,..,. ILICTION PltlCIMCT NO. ti Golde11::!i Sd'lool, ".U Hood Drive, f1w n....,;.., di .,._ 11w WhDlt DI' eny WU lnc:llldl ill ft. irtt tmbrlctcl lrl Wettm , C.Uflmlli
"" of .......... " tllll aNll l'IOI ... Or111oe coumv Vllt111t1 llttc:lnct, -HUii' 11.ICTION NUINCT MO. " Cllld :as""" from llw ~•of llw t1o!101 lln9!1111 8eadl 17,, 191, io tnd l07. lfloll Inell.Ide .•11 1llt ertt ll'!lbrtt fd In or 11w .._ .. o1 illY .el'lil flllrtof, POLLING PU.Cl!! IMttlll 111111 Ill 11 Ortrl!N COllnf'I vnllne 11rtclnc:I• -
,.,.. tM PUtPOM of Midi .. 111d elK!lon. John R. P•lwt0n School. ~Od6l Wfflml1Ut•r JI,. mm. •!Id T.11.
$116,000,000 -19S(
County Growth
Industry Keeps Increasing
tt1i Dtltrld ..... II bl ind It It lltrel>'f FtmswMlll Line. HunllngtM llecll, roLLING Pl.ACE thlriln llh< ~ •I di'llded Into -"".._. 170 lo!tf EIK-Ct111Grlll• J.e<illol• Sa-1. .5tOO lrOllUolt ROid,
tk1f1 Pr9Cllldl. ~ fNWI I Ill U. ILIECTION PltlCINCT HO. 22 Wntmlnst1r, C..tHornlll ~Oilfhfl¥, a .......... ,..,.,.-.. ... "'.,._· thlll lncllldll l tl lllt 1r1o1 tmtlrQd In ILECTION Pll:ICtNCT NO, ft TM wtliW S"C~ ..... _ Or .... CWftfy ¥011 .. Pf'9Clnct1 -Hv11o lh•ll lncWdl ell 1111 trft embt'IC'd In
dlll'r ~ •rt • ; tlnebl IMCll 161, 1'4. 1'1 •nd Jn. Ortnte COllnfY wofl111 pr1Clncll -
al.KTICMI P•ICIMCT lllO. 1 POLLING PLACE lllerllll 1111111 bl ti FIN Wutmlnster in. in. ind 2.S. .Mii lrM:llol09 el ttlt itM ~ In Sl•ll1111, 10t Lake $!nit, H11nlln11hln l'()LLJNG PLACE tlltr1I~ ttllll tll II
Or9111e CtulllY vol'INI ...--..... ·~ llrtdl, C.Utornft 1'rtnk N, Ets!Wood Sdlool. IS552 Indultria1 actlutl"° . t uf..M.1..i .. a ufeottr ef'lecta the 14.-t9ffdlf19,.,, .... ..:o::i:-"•L•CTION PltECINCTHO.JI Uftlwers11Y Street, W••lmln1t1r, .. _, in 1epara eIDaD ............ "'!> JDaDdiff ............. e'L.: ....... __ the
POLLO• l"L.ACl! 123 I! 111rou lndlldt •H "" ••M lmbteud tn C•lltDl'lllt Orange County Will reach establiSlwneots, about 150 of -~ Ul;)L~
"""' ·-..... _ ... ~....,.... Orll'llilt CQunry VOllnt Pl'Klncft -Hun. ILECTION PRl:CIMCT tfO. II the $1.7 billion mark -the value J ... _ ·--~-:·bed pro-EdteW•tlr A-. I "'"'°"lied! uo, 165, 175 •nd 177, lh•ll llldi.ldl •II 11'11 erM •mbrKI( In ..... which have more than 100 w WM:: w.u.u.rm
ILICTION l'tll.C.MCT .:::-:...--"' POl..LING PLACE! f!llreln aNll bl II 0r•"9t Ctvnl'/ ¥11111111 11rec:lncl5 -1967 U.3. Manufacturing duct coming out of the plant, 1h•" ~ '" ""vott ..-Inch _ HUfltU,.!On Bt•cll H1g11 Stllool, 1tts wn1m1,.1rer 210. m . •nd nt. Census ....,_:i; .. ,. to . employes. -~" the ~ of .,,,_ .. c~tv01, 1:1os anc11• Mlllll Street, Huntlnelvn •e•cll.POLLING PLACE lhtr9ln •h•ft"' •• • ac .............. 6 m-auY ... v.JI raw
N--1 it.e,.i .:,.11 "' at C•111ort111 vr.·11n1a K. 80GI ldloa1. 1:1m H•m"'°" formaUon compiled b y Tota! emplo,ment l n materials end labor going
POLLING _ ..... ','1.m. •• ~ illd ..... ILICTION Plt9CIN(T HO. M PIK•. Westmllll!tr. CflllWnl• Crocker • C1"tizens National ()t'anae r ......... h·'• m-··lac· m· to th• m ---~~-~-g ·~ Newport C.~l"lllm ahtll Include all tlle er.. l!TllltKld In ILICTION PRICINCT NO. '4 6 ..,.,,,...,,,.;, <>UU.l. ~"°"'u.; r w
111\'d .. ,..~c=-fltO. , 0r111111 cou.., "",. t1r..:1nm -H-1111n 111C1uc1e •II n11 tr•• emb••C'ld 111 Bank. turing is now about cess.
llLl:CT ""' -emllriC!llt In tlnetoll a.... lH. "3, tnd m, nld ... , Or•nte CovntY wotlnt 11rtc:l11Cl1 -"tufto The 128 000 n•~ · t b .ii.n 111Ctu1M en voti ..,~Inch _ POrt1on " Foun1a111 v111r ... ooa 1Ytno lll'llllvn a.tc11 111. 1n. ~ •nd JOt. value added by , coml"'LL~ · w 1 According to Mc Can 11 , ~=."'on ~.,, .nc1"" w11111111111 Huntlneton ••ct1 c11y lctl80I POLLING PLACE t111rllft w11 bl •• manufacture in or •n g e 90,000. five years ago and Orange r... . ..1-.. has a very ll'M PLACE ~ .-u 1M •I CllY Dltll"ICI. Hllen F. Slact l11"'1Ndlal1 k!Mlol, Co J4 000 ~ ~-1 POLL,, ... NrolPOl1 louilYlrd. ......... l'OLLING PLACE llwreln 111•11 be " '311 Ltrdlwood DrlV11, HunHMHNI ooty bas moved ~ from ' ~ years ago. bigh "value added," not only
H• , ~ R • ...,,,. lchGGI. 1m1 Herdl111 lffdl, ca111or111t $116 --..:11•-• 1~• to ~15 Th · in --··•-~.~-~-·· f · e .. c11. Cellfon\li MO.. Lant. Hvntl111ton 8elKh, c.ntornt. ILICTION PalCIMCT NO. .. llW.UUU lb ....... ,.., e nse ~J.Uc ~-.use 0 Its gross ex-
ILICTIOfil "'c:="tr1o1 .-.KM "' IL1ECT10N ,•1c11KT HO. • nu IMtlldl a11 1111 .,.. 1mtw-d 111 million in 1958, to nearly in Orange County :in such a pansion .in employment and
llltll lnclUO.C.::,, wtiflt erecll'ICh -ll'llll lnc:lude •11 1111 ''11 •mbrac:ell '" Of•fl9e Count¥' wt1119 ..,•tlncti -Hvn-$1.2 billion at the tiJne ol the time, .......... , •• to-. baok p•~·, but beca•-e tfle ~~ ·-on •ncl OTP encl "-P<lttl-of Or111111 COUnly YV1111t tlneton BHd'i 113. IM Ind TM, ind ""'"""~ WJ ,__ ..,.
,......._,, ~Inds -Hvnt1n11vn 11..a., wn1m1,.11r \111. last census in 1963. survey, ls one ot the most "mix" of its industry is IUY~IW ~Cl' """"" Wll .. " 5111111! S.1dt 15' Ind 15' 1v1n11 wllhln POLLING PL.I.CE !herein th1U be If According to economist "-matic industrial •-v·L.n. beavt"· WN~ wi·~ elec-PO~ $ller9I COtnrnllnlfY AllGcllitlefl Ille HIMllllQler! •tad! Cit)' Sdlool Glll Sdlool. 15:212 \llctorl1 LIM, H11"I· u.1• uc ,._,,,-., "'16"....,.. "ll
' 1 --·· --. HeWJoOrf Dlsfrlct. IMllCln a~cll, C1lllornl• W1"lbn· ... ~---0 rang. m~ N~-00 -rd. --.i---• ..-.; .... __. ..... ac· BUlkHlll, ll ~,. ""_.., POLLIN(i Pt.A.Cl! "*"1ft 11\en bt 11 ILICTION_ 1'•9CINCT NO. U -~'""'--"1• 'O::lft. _,.....,. a'""v U.VUH.'lt alal ""l""-",.~ 1~:'~iJ:'~;;b.ct NO. I Wom111'1 Cfllblloua, ltOI ~wltw at.ill lnclilCl1 111 !"-1ru embrlcM In County now bu &bout 500 The WIJue lidded b 1 tiyitiel,
lllci. II .. .,_ ~ liJI Drlw, $1.!flltl llelell. Ct111ornlt Orenoe C.OUnlY \lllfl111 llll'Klnc:h -,1----'----------------------'---'----------ltlall IN: ~ YOtfn9 ereclndt -IL9c:TION PRICINCT HO. :M M~IY Cll't' 093, and fhOSI PO!'ll-ol ':;:;:!,i ~ _,, otS. elld 1"-•nd shill lncludf •II 11'11 1r11 embread .In Mld#•'I' CllY on, Wtstmlnt!er :ul •lld
C 11 IMS' Ot1 eM oos. Ori11111 Count)' votl"" P•Klnc:fl -"-Hvntll'lll'lllt'I llteCll ,. lyln. wlltlln IN ~IMO l"t.AC1E ....,.... WI tie et tlll;!On leedl '°'end no, •!Id lhtt ,...,.. wwm11111er Sdloot Dlttrlcl. p~twll')rl Hillflh Sd!GOI. -IEHt lSTl'I llM al Sllnlet lhlcll 1" "''"'within !"-POLLING Pt.ACE tlllttlft tfllll "' et SIT'~ N-' 9eed1. C.llfWrllto F-itln Vi'llrf $dWlol Dfllrkt. Cecil II. D1Mll l9 Scl'lool, lSIOll V•ft
ILICTtoN PalCIMCT NO. • POlLING PLACE tlllltel" Wll 1M i i IUrtfl Slrtel, MldWIY Cl1Y, Calllvmf.I
"' II lnclllCSI ill 1M -~ "' Andra Arw•kll Sdloot, 1"'2 Ln!"'llln t:LICTION •••ClfilCT MO, a 1 ~ ..... enctnc:b -UM. Hlliltlftllllll INcll, C.llfotn!I 1M11 lntlllde ell 1M I NI l!Tlbrtcllli 11'1 ~ 11..cti tU. 071,"' and°"' IL•CTION PRICINCT MO. P' Ort"lll CovntY YOlln1 11f1Clneh -Seti
POLLING PLACE 1'heNlll IMU .. et Wll Jnc:lllft •II 1111 .,. • .,,brictd In Beach 2'1, 263 end )&l. tlld 11111 POt1loPI
Hor1ICI ... klft l11"""9dltte tcfllll, !000 or .... '-"' VO!ln• ;inclncti -HUii· or SHI lleltCll 2'1 lylfl9 wttllln tlll! S111
Cllff Drlw, N.,.,.,,, 8Ndl. Qttfonlll rll!llOl'I 8eed'l 2Q.4 207 tlld JDJ. Beldl StltOol D!Jttld, IELICTl01' palCIMCT llO. , ,,. POLLING PLACE llwr91n thlll bl ii POLLING PLACE ll>tNln thtll bl if
i hilt lnc;ludl ell J11e •"" '"'lwaad "' JOl'ln D. BllWrd Sd!Gol, 1 '• t t Marv E. Zoefer Sc/IOOI, 12111 Slrwt Ind
0,1noe CGVnl¥ YOll!lt wecfnCli -Edue111oit Lan. Hvnlll'llfolt leldl, Co.111 Hlvl'lw•Y• S.11 e .. ch, C1Utornl1
N""'"'1 Beed! ............... 11
" .~b'm': P•KINC'T NO. • ~~crr!c~!:~~C~CT•r~~· :!breced In po~litta PLACE llWrltn tflllft tie et WU lnch,ldi •II 11'11 erH ernbr•ctcl In Ortrlllt Covntv m11111 ,,,_cinch -5"1
Mtrl'*" ~ 2100 Mlr\Mtl Drift, Or.nte CGllllt't VOil~ pnclncb -Hi.1'1-~Kii 1Sf tlld 2'7 11\d W"tmlMttr '1S.
Newport Bffdl. C.llfortll• llntton 1.-c:ti 2llO and 2CIS. •nd lllOle wtlont of Hunllnefon B•d!
EL•CTION Pll:llCIMCT NO. I POLLING Pl.ACE llllrffn shill lie 81 151 Ind SUMet BeKll U7 lrl119 Wl!l'lln llli!I lllCIVdll 111 .. •"" erntinoc:M Ill "oblft II, Werdlow Sdloof, tlfl Pliontef' the kt! Bet<:h khool Dlrlrld ,
Oftnee c-'ll'r ..... jlf'ltlndlo -Orlw, Hunlllldoll llNCR. C•Hlotlll• POLLING ,LACE ther9ln llMU -et J. N....,cwl &eecft Oii ... 1111, COtR Mlt& ILIC:TION l'alCINCT NO. Jt H, McGtlleh lnh!rrnedlila ScMo1. lev
010 hyvtlW ... end Witt _.., el IM!I lfldudi ell ll'le il'M lnlllt1CIMI "' llovle.,..rd Ind 8olle AV9nve, iht B~leW "' IYI• wftlllll 1'111 f\1.-t-Orifl8I c-tfY votlne Preclnch -Bffdl, C.l!IW111t Mell Unified kheol Dt'1'r'ICI. F_,.lft Y111w 2111 •nd H11n11noim IL•CTION PltECIMCT NO ...
POLLING PLACI'. tller'lln shell .. " BMdl .. end 3lf, llld llllf pnrtklll ot thlll Include t ll the tl"ll embrw.ecl ln
WOGdiMlll Sdlool. 2015 Tllletln A-. DeJllJ IOI IVl119 wl~l11 tlli l'ovnt1ln Ortn9' Cov11ly vorl• preclncll .... Jnt
Cml• MeM. C.Qfomle Vellq 5dlOtl Dlttricl. 8MCll :MO and )II, ELlt:nC* ptKIMCT ... ' POLLING fl.ACE rtiiftln 111111 bt •t POL.LING PLACE "*91ft 111111111 ii Olrl
ah•ll lncludl all lllf .,.. "*""" "' Wllll1m D. Lemb kttDat, 10251 5elllll HOii,., t41 &ewnlll lttwt, lell
ora""' ~ ,,...... ~ • A_, Hun111111.. IN~, Beach, Ctlll11tn!• N"""" hedt -.S. leYYlew ... Mid Cillfornli ILICTION ,RIClllCT MO. JI
C0tll ~ •1 lllld Oil. ILICTIOlf ttllKINCf Jt0. .. 111111 Inell/di tll tlMI INt 9"9tieid In
POLLING-PLACE tllen!1ll •P .. el 1111111 ln:lud1 ill Ille ll'ie _,,brlC'ed 111 Ofal>Ot Clluflly ~ prKlndt -Atl
MOnla V1-td'lool. JIO Mmtf9 Viste Onl"'lt' COllnf'I \IOll"' 11Atlnct1 -BNCll 252. 2S2. US I nd 151. A-· a.ti ,..., C.llflDmle Founliltl Vallft' 014. OIS. .,, Ind.. POLLING 11'\.M:e tllet'tlft ll'llP lie •I
ILliCTIOfl Pll:IClllCT llO. II POLLIMO PLACE ~Ill WU bl ii SIOlll ~ 1'21 MOll•rey ltoed.
thall lnc:h,lde 111 .,_ -..,.,.. 911 '-italll Y•llly kMol, t1tl1 l""'-11 Apl. It<;, SHI 11t1c11. C1Ufor"li
Ortf191 c.untr wlN pndncfl -Street, Folltltill'I \11Jltf, Cllllflnll• ILl:CTIOM Pll:ICINCT NO. 71
P1vler'llll 21111 el'llll ._. "'1'M et 91.ICTIOll PalC'INCT tfO. 41 111111 Include ill Ille ir9t lmlnwd Ill
P1vleni. IU Ind C.-,... • ., ... Miii llldudt •rl Ille ,,.. embt'Ked 111 Orwlll COlltWf vellJlt PAClncfl -IMI
witMn 11'11 Hc&,art..%\91 Ulllftell lihool OfWlle Cov!O' vo1t1111 .-clncb -8-dl 251. 251 11111 115. Dillrld . ~ Viii.., 117, 205, end 20l. P<>l.LING Pl.ACE tlllrflll Wn lie ii
POLLING PLACI .......... M .. trt POLLING PLACI ll'lll'tl11 '1lell lie et W«Mn's Dnl•ll!I ~. AmPl'illt!Mtr..
v1 ... ~ 2S11 omien1 ~ 111111 .,.,,., c. Fvnon khool. 1111 El '-'" '"' Oo1cMn R•tn Roed, 5ell him. NE~ PRESIDENT -Costa Mesa accountant John T. Castle receives congrat-..,,,., Cl'"'""' A-. l'eulit.ln V1t1W, Cillforftlto Cellfornlli uJ ti f Mal An ll · ht f II · hi I stall ELECTION PUChlCT .... ,, ILICTION PltlfCUfCT "°· G ILECTIOlf ... ~CINCT MO. n a ons rom com ge ' ng ' 0 owing s n ation as president of
1h1n lnc!Vdlo •" "" -"'*_.. ~ lllill 111e.1ude e11 ,... 1rw ""br•nd 1n 111111 1nc1o.ldl 111 ~· •N1 ""b"eed '" the Orange County Chapter of the Society of California Accountants at I-"·e Or-c-" ..... lftCSftctl -OnTllfl county vottnt •reclndt -Oringe COllll!Y YOl!lltl ;inclnct• -IMI ~ ......
N--' 1Mct1 ., _, 1n, • .,... Fount111t vann '°'' oo., 012, •nd 204. ~•ch w. 265. 2M, 112, •nd :i11. Coast Country Club, Other participants in the ceremony were, from left Rob-
_,1_ Df NewJIOl'1 lteedl ew 8lld 110 POLLING f'LACE fht-.ln wn t. et POLLING PLACE 1t11r11n th•1t Ill et rt J k S ta B b · d" f SC ' 1y1no wtt111n t11e tu 11rt._ Ul'llfled JoM c. McOowell klloot, 11'110 OH 1urn1ne Tree c 111bhovtl Lgunoe. 1uo e ac son, an ar ara, executive trector o A and Billie F. Boyle,
Scrioot 01JTr1ct. Sfrftt, Fovt111111 "'''""· etHfWnlll Golllfll R•in RGaCt. Seti 9••t11, Orange chapter secretary. Angell , of Newport Beach, is the secretary-treasur· POLLING PU.C::I!' ....... wn ... el IL9CT10fl Nl(INCT NO. u C•llt<>rnl•
COl'OM' dll NM Hi.ti ldlelll. ,,.. tflall lndlldt •II "" ll'Q ll'T>brK!M ... ILl:C'TION PltlCINCT NO, 71 er of the state organization.
E•.tblllff Ol1W. ........,, l•aClt. ~ COvllf'I votlnt ..,mnm -tMtl lndUdl •It 1hf ltlt tmW_., '"1--------------------------, C11llOl'nlll Fovnteln Va11rr ON end ttiet portloll 9' Or111111 COllft!y YOll111 ,.-.cl11cit -SNI
ELl!.CTtOlf PltlCllllCT lllO. II ll'ounttln Ve111Y 01• l'l'lnt Wflllln ll'll 8e1cll :W, "'6, 21'11, 271 and tn.
shill illducll ii flW el'M wnllr'lal le FcivMellt Vellty klloel Oldt1d J>OLLING PLACE tnerlWI IMtl Ill II Or•~ CtunlY votlne ~ -p()LLING PLACE: wit " ,, Norlhwood ClllblloUM -Lobb¥. 1421 N1-1 li8dl llZ. ltt. 1& and l& Ar1t1ur O Nf4111M 1cMo1, Q1t Gar'lltnti NGrthwood ltoed, SMI 9Mdl, Caltfllomle
POLLING PLACE lllareln llMll 111 et A-. F-t•l11 V1lltY, C.Ufonl19 ILECTIOH l'll:ICIMCT RO. 74
JGnft ltnld9nc:e l•r ... ). JOI Grlllllil ILICTtolf Pltl:CINCT NO. .. tl\111 lftcl•IClt ill 1111 -embrlOlll 111
C•M1, .. '* Island, Clllllllrfllec t.11111 ~ ell 1f1t '"" tmbl'KICI Ill Or111111 COUnl'I' vollno PflC!flCh -Sftl S.LECTION PRl:Cll'KT MO. II Orillllt' COUlll'\' votlnt Pfl(lncb -BtKll toll. 24' end 274.
lh•\I lnc:llldll ell 1111 .,.. en*iClll '1 ,..eunttln Vlllly Oii tlld HUlllll!llton l'OLLING PLACE thettfn thell bl 41 E1 Or11111 COun1Y Yellfll llfl(1!!Clt -Bud! lfS iftd tf1et _. ... Df FOlllllllll Doredo Clubho11M Loung1, 1:14111 El
NtwPOl"I B..O OIJ, ....... encl lt>l. VelltY Giii !Vint wll!lln tlle Foul'lltln Oondo Drlw. SHI Bitch Ctllfnrnla POLLING PLACE 11>er1lft aNll bt 11 Vellft> Sct1001 Olltrld. Eadl t1U1lllled elKlor d t1\d Ortntt
Cor-det Mir SchOOI, •10 Clmtlkwl POLLING PLACE tl'lt-rt!lt allt11 be 11 Coed JunlDI' COl!ftl Dlrlrlct llltll bl tn-A~enw. C-del Mar, C•llforni. hrnet O. Hlll'!llr School, llMIS S.nli titled Ill l'Ofl 9111¥ ln the School Oltlrltl
!ELECTION PRECINCT NO, 14 Yntir S!rwft, ~ntall'I Vlllft', C.llfomli 8ond Electlon Preclnd d wllldl M '-i
.,.,II Include 111 the -lnlllt'Kld 11'1 n9CTIOM PRICIHCT NO. • NJloent.
Ort"°" C-"Y YOttftl ;inclnclt -lhelt lncfUdl Ill Ille -· etnbrKed Ill Tht tletllon l'ttvtM wlll IM ~bllcl't' H'WPor'I IMCh CIM. Oii, la. tfMI 1111' l!ld 01'9f1M C-ty YOlll\9 lll'fClndt -Hun-Clln¥1Hed llY IM COUlll't' S11pW'l11l...O.l'll
ll'ltl -'IOI! d Emertld .. , 121 1¥1111 tlflg!On IHefl 'l'4 ltt. 171 ... Mld#'IY d Schools otl 1111 lt'lfl'lltl dlY titer 1111
.. 1111111 "" "~ UnVled ld'loOI Clly ~10 ind 111111 llOrllolt " l'Gullltlll .ilCllon I I "" Ol'lb M th• Or•~ c-
Ol•trl<t. Vill9y OOf "Intl wttlllft Ille Otftft Vltw l't' Su11erl11lendel'll ol Sd!Gols. 11M Wtst POL LING PL.ACE 111trt1n lhetl Dt et l'lre $cllOOI Dltll"lct 111111111 S!rl!fl, St!lli Aria, Ctllfor'lll1. •I
Sl11\oo\, 11Q ,,,.rloold AWN.If, Cllt'Olll POLLING PL.ACE tfltl'l!n alllll bl it ,:00 o'tlocli A.M .. St!iternbtr U. lffa.
dfl Mir, C.Mfornla Crnt VJ... SC:hoot. llOS2 LIM Lent A"ll<:allont for 1bMnl YVtff boellob
ELl:CTION 'll:ECINCT ltO, IS Hunllll!Jlon llHctl, C.Uforn/t ' m•r bl !Mdf In Plf1Gll or tr!" m1!1 11 the
•11111 111C\110. 1\1 ll'll INI 1mbrecM Ill ILECTION PltlCINCT NO. 4' Off!ct of !tit Govnt¥' Su11erlnt11'\Gfnl of
Ortnoe CO\ll'llf vvll"" Prtcll!Cb -lll•ll hic1lldl •II lfll 1._. lmbfectd In kt11Gl1 not rnon lllln M nl'l'·nl"" nor
N"""°" B.-m IU. 011 t lld otl. Ort!~ (OIJlll't' votJng pr~ct/ICb -Hllll-ltH "'•" -....... "''°"lo 1111 llKllon. POLLING Pl.ACE flltrtln thlll be 11 tlnotGn ... di l•L JM !1'2 end t7l. 1nd tUCll b1llols ttl•11 be n'l'Umtd to l'llm.
Hl+'bot View $diool, 900 Goldenrod POLLING PL.ACE lllt~ll Wll lie it Tll1 dt&dtlria for flll recalpt el tbHnlff
Awet1ut. Coron11 dfl Ml•, Celltornlt Ae11Cllo lt'ltw Sdloot. l'9'4111 9 Slrftl btllots 11 five o'ciocll P.M. on 1111 ~Y
l:L&CTION 'ltlCINCT lfO. " Hvnlllltloll lffcll. Ctlllorftl• ' bl!Ori Ille tlectlon. llltll llW:lude 111 tht tmo tmbtittd Ill ILICTION l'•ICINCT fllO C O.ted t11i. 2111h Illy f/I Junt. lNL
Orlf\91 C.-ly voting Preclnctt. -Cllllt ll'lltl lncklllt ell Ille _..· embrtoM JI! ROBERT PETl!!llSON ,..,...,, om, OM, '°" Ind CIOf. Or vetl CounlY SUH!'lllttftlllfllf POLL1NG f'lACE ltitf'dft 111111 tit el 1"9'e COVIii)' I'll tH«lncb -HUfl. Of Sd!oG!t
""""' ldaoc>I, OS Et1I 11111 Street 11"9bl Inell 111, 174. 211 ind I F H J l(odl DtlMllV GooJlt Melt C•llfoml• • WHlmlf\Ster 2• ind lfltl llOrtlon r1' r r • • ILKTION ;:ltt:CINCT 110 IJ Foun!t!n \lt lllY 011 lylfto •lll'lln fllt Putllllllld OrlnM COid Dill)' Plkl!,
111111 lnc1Vdt 1M ri. .... • lll'lbrMt<t 111 Oc:Hn Vlt• School DlflTJd. J~ n . IL ts. 1"' 116MI
Or9nllt eov"" ¥Ottno Dtt<l11tti _ c nii POLLI NG PLACE lherilt1 w11 -. 11 LEGAL NOTICE MIN oot. 001, 017, OM. •'Id 111. w.,.,._,, Sd>ool, IHI Halt ,,._,
l"OLUNG PLACE ttiertln thlll bf ii Wntmfns1er, CellfMflll 1-------------MOlelly Hlth k'-1. 1901 N ILECTION "•ECINCT HO. • p.znu
&c.leYird, Cotti Me-N. Ctllfooml:""°" Wlt11 l111;1Ucle •!1 tht ll"te embrtetd In CllttlPICATI OP OllCONTINUAMCI
IL.IC'TION Pll:ICINCT NO, ,, °'1""' COlllll'I' votlne ~lfldl -Hirn-o• USI ANO/Ollt .la.ANDOHMINT
111111 Inc..,._ ill Ille irte tmbrtetd In llntlofl B!tc!I 111 tlld 11'1oM PGrtlcln' of OP •ICTITIOUJ MAMI ON ... Cwnllt vetl111 prr(lf'ldl -CO.ti Hunllno!Orl Betch 100, Wn tmlnsltlr 1:11 AND DISSOLUTION OP PAll:TNl:ltlffll"
M-. OU. m ifld OlS. 1"!' 1~C. illd Mldw1r Clt\I °" "''"' THE UNDERSIGNED do lltrabY Clf'fltt' f'OU.1NG PLACE t~!11 allJU lit et Woll'lln !hf" OC.•11 Yltw School Ol,ffld . 11191, tlleclfn J\llM K. IHI TI'leV ('Nteel
H ... !Ce!"' lnl'lnMOl•ll khoR, 21JO P~LLINCi PLACE l!lt1eln tlll11 be •f S11r fl do buslMH 11ndlr W. flcllt1-Timi ~· Ml A-. CGtll Mtu, ... _ ~I·,.. 9411 Warlll, Drlw, neml of CASA LA PM.MA it iOClll W"' ~ W Cl,y, ... UIDl'lllt Coe1t Hlthwty, N...-t Ii i c II ,
ILCTIOllll NIC.llfCT NO. ft ILICTION 'RICIHCT NO. .. Cellfor1lli, wllld! tM~ .... ~
IMll lllduM •I It'll .,... lfl'lbrk~ 111 111•11 ltlclVdt tH "1• •l'N ..nllrert4 t11 com~ Df 1111' foltowllll o:w.t.'iltorll. ~ c-'tlt Mltlne Pfedncl\ -c .. rt ?', i"'tl CGUllfy YDtlnt .,fldnm -H\11\o ..._ "",,,. In 11111 11111 e-. "' l"llllllMCll Mlil 1111.-Ir\, a .,.., 1411. netOl'I e.tcti , .. nt llld lft. .,. • 11111ows, '°"""": ~-PLACE ""'* """ .. " l'OlLING ~CE t!wtl11 wn bl '' Ol:NlllAL PAR'nllltS 0-t Junior c.!ltel, 17'11 Gollitn Wf'rl CoH111, 1$1.M O.ldttl Wtlt Wannll\ltM C-lrvcllofl C,,. JOO
AIM. Mae. C.lllWl'llfl .~~ Mvftrinelllfl B'9Cfl, C•llltnll1 Norlll NtwPart Boult\I_,., N-.wt • PltlCINCT MO. • ,.,,.... 'ltS.CINCT 110, Jt 8et>dl. C.lllor'ftl.I. .... _,.... ell h -tmbl'Kltl fr1 ttltll l11tllldl tit Tiit tN1 1n1brt<14 tri T111tln Ylllllll Inc,, 1 Ctll!Of'ftll
°'91111 e-itf ¥1:111• lll'lelndl -C11t1 Orll'ltt c-ty """~ .. .-:lnc:1'1 -Hv ClniorllfOfl, -Wftt CDftt ""'""'91, -. oo en1111 M • RlvtrYltw PO"L"'•""' lhtdi tlt. m, 'OS 11111 JO). ~-.ort letc11, C1t11or1111, L MG '1...1.CE lhtrtlll 111111 be It LIMITEO PARTNl:ltl
... Pl.ACE tfllfelfll w n bt ii L•rk ........ klloot, 11!00 'lfltllural Line, l'l'll'lk H. Arrft end loll, I Ctlllof"nhl ..... "' .._1 Roff Cllllft .._H11ntlllftoft IHCll, Ctllfot11!t C""'°"tflaft. 4000 Wttl Cotti Hltl'l\¥1'1', •llienril ' K'TIOlf P•IClltCT NO. " NIWDOM Seidl. Glll~mli. .~ -ltCf llO. • llltll lndlldlll I ll lht lru tlfltw'tet4 lit c.f!fl(lt. fot' fr'lllMdlOtl 9' """"""
WI! 1lleWf ell tie ~.~--tn :,.:;: ::'1:'=. ~1=1 _; Hllil> =It'::' =~r'::'...:.~ ': ~ , .°""91 c:.ntff vofille ............. -C'Atli P'Ol.LING PLACE ll'lft'tlll Vitti b,. II In h Olllu el tht (OlllllY Cltrt: al ... ""· "° ..... 1'1. ser1111 v..... SdoooL 16"7 T""" u,.. on .. C-1'1'. llildt!' "" ,,....lllonl el POU.n•o Pt.ACE ft'ler'tlll ...... .. el Hvllflllllon leKll, Ce111v111. hcllell )'6ti flf tllll CIYll Ccldt. ....,. Sdloel. ION P1 u lerl 1t e ILICTION PltlClllCT NO.. WITHEU Our l'lilldl tlllt 2.flfl Illy" MIN. C.lffrornll ""'" Inc"'" •11 "" lrlt lfl'll:lfk9d 1JI .tvne. ..... ' ,..tcllC'T NO. B ~ ((Mii'\' Ylllne llf'«lllttl -J1U\t. W-inetoll ~ Ca.
...... Ill 1111 il'M ~ ti! tl'lflon e.lldl 110, 1'1, .... 1'1. '"" m, ~ G, Wirmlntlllft a.. ea.Ill ¥1'1111t llAtlncll -cat. POLLING ~l nw.!t1 111111 bl It PtrtMr
111. -m:2. ,_ C YlllHI View ldloel. S»l 11-~ Tltttlft Y1'111.-. 1.., PU.CE tllWelfl 111111 IM •I Hullrllll'IDll tNCll. CiUfomlt ~ ... ,
l'&ra ._.., -,...,. 0tnw IUCTIOll NllCIJllCT ffct.. II f?::ld a, '1Nt-. Jtt,
_ ~ -. Cellronlll ltletl IMllldi •JI rPtf lret ""brl'CH tti F~~I A• .,. ... •~·-Nl!CmCT a a Or._ C.-.. """' ~nc:ti -Hu,._ ' rw .... ll'dt* •II tflt el'M '"*'9cld fn trnt'll:lll 9"d! llf. JM, • 8fld ID. t='l t'* Ir or.... c...., ..... ""6dndl -c-rot.U,.O l'f.Act'! ""'* .... "' ., Pr .. 1'.t ""' .
GoodbodJ know•
what Investors should know :
about oll stocks
.. 1 ..,. sttJdl> of the .,.jor oil companies prepa1ed lo ift.
tonA the substantial investor, Goodbody reviews some of
the 1actors that make investments In the industry particu-
iarty interesting at this time. For example, oil companies
Uve shown steady k>ng-term earnings growth, and have
paid generous dividends to their stockholders over the
years. Taxes and employment costs are lower than tvet'llge
and the industry provides an Slflation hedge for imeston..
Many oil stocks are near their k>ws of recent years. n. rwport discusses the technological progress whk:ll
bn MO'l9d Dl'll companies into new areas of •ming!;
belt• drifting -hods offshont, i"""'1'10d seismic ond
ireophysical techniques, oil production trom shale Ille! re-
... ..., towerd oxtnctint! edible pn>tein from crude (a
po$$1ble boon lo on underled world). In lddltlon, tho study
reports on the oil industry's reach into new areas: coal,
lortillzer, uranlam end solphul'.
Goodbody's analysts concludo that this well.managed
Industry bas p>d gn>wth potential and they recommend
MWf'8I "-ues subble for Yarious objecttves: one, ttn in-
wstnient grade lave for Income and moderate growttr;
-1lso ._"*11 grade, prima~ly for gT<>Wth; and
t.wo issues for capital gains potential in businessmen's risk
poftfo4ios. _, your in...,..ment objectives ""Y. bl.
,... ll>ould rMd this study. You m61 h3'19 1 -bJ wrilJloC
lo "Oill" et tbe -below.
nfAIUIHll 1"1
M......_ """'111t SfMt •4 C.-..lltp 1.ri-...
...-br olrlc•11 Lag1.1no lkodi, Lonrrhach, lOi Ang•lft,
hv•l'ty HUit, Rinrsld•
ena ti OlfNG, nttO~ M ~TtOif
Install New
The Orange County
Chapter of the SOciely ol
Calilorni.a Accountants in·
stalled its officers for the
fl.seal year 1968-69 at a din·
ner dance at Irvine Coast
County Club, Newport
Those elected were John
T. Castle, president, Costa
Mesa; Boyce W. Garvin,
president elect. Santa Ana:
Delbert M. Lefmann, vice
president. Newport Stach;
Billie F. Boyte, secretary-
treasurer, Orange. State
s e er e t a r y4re1sure.r E
Malcolm Angell of Newport
Beach was the installing of·
The Orange County
chapter is one of 2.8 mating
up the state organir.atlon
which la the lll'gtst in the
United Stlites.
The soclel;y pertlclpales in
an average of 12 study con-
ference1 per month; plus
three-day tu conferences •
conducted in northern ud
Southern C1Ufornia fe$J>tC·
tive1y; plut an advanced
study conference conducted
by profesaionals in the Jn·
dustry in a three -day
semlDar beJd at Cilifonlia
Slate Pob'technlc Oollege at san Lui. Obispo Utt Je«er
put ot Aoeufl each year.
MIM flli. ... -. .. ,,,,,, .. .-.... YffW lc:Net, JMI Cfilft °""' ~Cir•• C:01rt Dll~ l"lkl! JVne flOU.M l"l..Aea _. lllllf .. II ~ IMCll. C..1"'""41 ~ttt ... 1¥ ._ \1, 111, INI lllMI. ., ~-------~----------·
Kida Like to
'Aalr Andy'
• -------
What's in Your
S~~ Deposit Box?
Do you lmow precisely
what ii ID your sale deposit
If your 1are depocit boz
were burglarized, would you
know at once what clalms to
make, wbat papers to try to
duplicate or replace?
DO Y 0 U periodically
ebect your box's contents to
mW 1Ute your documents
are up to date and you
haven't o v tr 1 o o k e dim·
Pott.ant deadlines for act.ion
on your securltle1, your in·
surance policies, other mat-
Do you have records
OUTSIDE your box to prove
what is IN your boz and the
value of the cootents?
The answer to each of
these questions should be a
firm "ye!," but I openly
confess that I re<:ently had
to answer each with a
lbamefaced "no."
TO EXPLAINt a ft er
years of maintaining a box
in my name in a location
which ii now out of the way
for both of us, we made the
deciajon that I should go to
the box to check its contents
.and to arrange a transfer to
a more convenient area. As
I wmit through Utt box, I
became ltupified by own
stupidity. Here were
valuables I bad forgotten we
had, contract:s I had vainly
searched for, documents
which had become obsolete
and worthles s .
M. 1 reviewed tbe con·
tents, I •ked. myself :
HWhat if the box bad been
burglarized?" (It happens
rarely a but it happens.)
"What claims could we have
made with assurance?"
"What records would we
have had and where would
we have found them to pro-
ve the validity of any
Ask yourself these ques·
tfons about your own box
and I suspect you'll be as
humbled as I was.
WHAT. THEN, should you
do? U y,ou also have been
lax, do at least these eight
(1) Go to your safe
deposit box at your early
cc.nvenlence and thoroughly
check its contents.
(2) Start a Ust of what Is
In your box and put the list
in a safe place at home.
Your list should include: an
identification of e a c h
valuable in the box; vital
numbers and dates of stock
or bond certificates, in-
surance policies, etc.; the
date you put each item in
the bos~-ol COID'll tbe dat.
you remove .,, ttem: the
date of YO\D' most recent in·
spectlon .
(3) KEEP TBIB lDventory
1Jj) to date •
<•> COllect receipta or
other papers which prove
you own the items in tht box
and put them 1n a aaft place
outai'de the box. Then yo11
will have the essential
papers should you ever have
to make a claim.
(5) Check your insurance
coverage to find out if it
covers the contents of your
safe deposit box and if IO, to
what extent it insures yo11
against Joss.
agreement you sign or have
signed with the institution
from which you rent your
box to find out if the agree-
ment includes clauses which
limit your protection. For
instance, are you allowed to
keep casta in your a efe
deposit box? It~.s quite possi~
ble cash fs a prohibited
item ...
(7) Be sure your wllls are
where they st;iould be, in the
1afekeeping of your lawyer
or in your ltroogbox: at
home and not in your I&!•
deposit box. Wills do not
belong in your safe deposit
box unless the boi: is In both
your names and there will
be no undue delay in getting
essential papers 1bould the
need arise.
(8) Check with each other
(husband and wife) on the
location of your safe deposit
box, the number of the box.
the contents of the box, the
place you keep the keys. If
the box is in both your
names , each of you shou.ld
have a key. H the box is in
one name, you might give
eacb other the right to open
it so tha~ there is no snafu in
case of emergency.
overwhelmingly against any
loss of tbe contents of your
safe deposit box due to a
robbery or some other
catastrophe. This i's obvious
from the way boxes are
built and the location of the
But this doesn't lessen the
importance of knowing what
b in your box and of taking
basic precatuions to protect
yourself against loss due to
your own ignorance or
Because of my ow n
failures, I am capable of
writing this list of rule11. Let
' them jog you into ap-
propriate actions lo benefit
Computer Tabs Grads
For Business Draft
college student who woITie's
about the military draft, and
the football and baseball
drafts if he's an· aUtlete,
may face a business draft in
years to come.
Of course, it won't be a
compulsory draft like Uncle
Sam's lottery, and there's
little chance of its ever
becoming as confining as
the annual gridiron grab.
But the businses draft is
on the way, thanks to the
electronic computer. A
number of recruiting firms
are getting into il Their
purpose ls to feed the names
and records and as much in·
formation as possible abc:rJt
prospective graduates in all
the colleges all acros! the
land into computers.
The computers then will
digest the information and
make lisls practloally in·
sLantly or au potential
employeJ on au the cam·
puses with the special
qualifications a particular
company neem.
On one occasion for a test,
one of these firms. Com·
pubjob, tnc., matched its
computer against the efforts
of an experienced human
recruiter. After a day's bard
work, the recruiter came up
wllh sevtn potential can·
dldates for a partlcularlf
sophisticated job. The com·
puter turned up Dine in 28
Compujob is t;yplc.J of the
firms get.ting into t b I s
business. Others l n c l u d e
Grid, tnc., sponsored by the
Colle&• Placemoot Council
of Bethlehem, Pa., and
Re~on, ln c.1 which
rpedAllzec In wing the <Om•
....... In -tbe Uiilt .,
Negro college graduatn
with job opportunities.
Compujob, a sub&idiary of
National Student Marketing
Corp. of New York , is run
by a couple of ripe old
veterans, 21-year old Tan.
field Miller and 26·year old
Edward Swen, both
graduates of the University
of Pennsylvania's Wharton
School of Finance. Swan ii 1
Compujob's approach to
selling its services to big
companies is to warn them
that traditional recruiting
methods are too expensive
and too slow. It also advises
that sb.ldents tend to ignore
business unless something 11
done by 1 company to
establish rapport with them
on a big scale.
In spite of that, Miller and
Swan say they have had ex·
cellent luck in getting pro.
specUve graduates and col-
lege authoritJes to provid•
information for their com·
ra their nm efiort it took
only one month to get
resumes from 68 percent of
the prospectlve M B A
graduates of all the major
graduate univusitt
bu1laea 1ehoot1 in the coun.. try.
Thek' first customer wu
Joseph E. Seagram lie Soni,
Inc., the big distiller.
CompuJob's pareot com.
pany, National Stud en I
Marketing, finds tummer
Jobi foe coU.ce -.... and does youtll oriented pro-
motional Wildt oo moro 1he
2,000 conere campuses for
such clients •• F o r d ,
Col&ate Plimolive, Tline,
Inc., and-~
• I
~·· ) • I I
• I • I• j
l , l r • I
' .. • I l 1 I • l ., • • I t
r f • ' ' 1 ' l
: ..
I • .
l . •
l .
l •
If you've ~scovereCI tlie DAILY PILOT, you'rfi 111 worldly wise 111 +li11
bird1 on St. Mark's Square in Venice. They know where to find food for.
the body. And you have found the piece to find food for the mind. Th•
DAILY. PILOT doesn't spoon feed you with pep, either. The brig~test
kernels of national end local news ere mixed with the meatiest edi. pages and topped· by an exciting mixture of feet.urea , funnies end
ehoto1 for. dessert, Se.ark up your. reading diet with the best.
On The Square
;lust like the pigeons •~Joying a summer liollday with tfi;~
attractive tourist who brought the DAILY PILOt to Venl•,
you'll finil you're In good company If you take Into your home
a'lld on your own vacation "the newspaper nearly avaryon•
"ads alon1 the Oran1• Coast." •·
' •
. '
' ·• . .. L-----------~------------~--------_,,,=---.,....--..... =---------------------.,....-----""'!"""--..1·
' !
• • . ' . . • -· .. .. . -. • • . -...
ta DAILY PILOT Tllilnd>y, July lll, 1'168 •
Everyone H1•
Something Ti..t
Someone a .. Wont,,_
You C1n Sen It,
Find II, Trade It
With • Want Ad
0-rel , 10Ga General IOOOGenerel 1000 1oaa Gener•I
1000 -··
1000 Meal Verde 1111 H.w,ort Hgta. 1210 Huntintfon Beach l.COO
Se. UU charming, quality 4
BR + formal dining room
that com~ a. 1Weeplng
\lliew ot the Back B~ &
Saddle Bad!: Mt. 1 blk Dover
Shores ne6r N~ Back Be.y
Marin.a location.. OUtstand· ............. .,.. yan! with
sprinlden., lovely p a t I o.
Adult ~pied home with
quia.Ut;y w/w carpeta & C\15-
tom drapes 1l perfect home
for entertaining • Low prire
at S52.~ • Ownl!r wUI help .......
IZ.'!J I' \l I .\\ 1111 I
.,._,..,\I:\ \II\\
~1\!l ,(!O
60' x 200'
Nnr Oc11n !FM Slmpl1)
For swimming: pool, tennis court,
badminton & b1aketblll, fruit and
vegetable garden, etc., etc.
Completely willed
Modem custom residenct
on street to street tot
..... clOObouae
with 4 bedrooms, 4 ti.tha
family room
2 private enclosed yards
$74,500 excellent terms
Contact John Abell
Eves. 673-7365
---~-~ _,.. -
lOOK-lOOK Harbor View Hills UNDER $25,000 Estate Si1e Lot LASTING SECURITY
10% DOWN with ' car """"· and rw $23,5001 • Corene HI Mar 3 BR + family room l% 3 Br, 2 bath home. Just oU Conte11tment for Ute preeent. Large FamUlft Lil* built bom,. located bath newly ....,raw. Nice Oil! Drive, uktns 1'11.!ltlO. Verr bolJ>ltAble -e ·Ideal
·-'-Thia In dw Souttd&nd't Jn0tt de-patlo, 'fenced yard. CRAHAM REALTY 646-2414 tor entertaining a 90 bright 2650 "l It ot "··•· _. -• lalctnattna ....._ Mortin It. I. 5416H1 CN.., NB Poot OUkel • cheerlul. 3 bedroom•, fam . klUI 4 BR 3 :fonnal din· Scboolll I: CIUf. lrvUw lJ;)' room the ICftle of happy
inl: room, family A: aft'Yice C!ampw )lat m 0111 •nt 1 BY Owner Meaa Verde 4 Br. la-'---1225 memories.. Eflictency all
porch home must be: Pd. awq kMlbb> lll'to.d Dia 1S..tamrm.2 llrlck frplci 1•--bullt·in kitchen. Most con·
Owner bu been tnmfe""1 i31 llOt) to S48 900 bltnl, new W. 01'($ tJu'u. "-••"ly Pl venle>t. Alluring fu'<ptace
& must Rll. Home -5 LU'sK HOMES out New pailat. P.,Yhle. ..... as Jenda added chann to gnc-~eanOO!. Name )Qr~ Dlrtttiou: MacArthur Blvd. $2'7,B se.27ll after I pm k>lul Uving room. Fon:ed alr
Ill&'.· from Pacillc Cout 8_,. ca ar Sun. IAYSHORES beaL Many added dduxe
Newport Fwy. 1\tm on San i--:,;-;Bll;;;,&,--,,d..,~. 2"'i;"Ba;;:-,-;dtn;--lnetai11 to suit• perfectionist. fee.hires. 842-6691
5414141-'°""" '-lnpl
Joquio BUii ~ tbeD rm., i )'HI'S new. Pool 2 Bdrms, with new every· TARBELL, l6lll Beach m
follow ..... to model uu. ""' yud. 139.250. Call ·thfng. Tr> $12,5'0. NEED FRIENOS?
OWNU. f<r appt. 546-3642 wlmds De Laney Raal Estate 3 BR 2 bath wlth swimming
siJ..U7i Wffkdaya. 2828 E. Coast Hwy., 01M pool &: patio, electric built-
Will S.11 FHA or VA SHARP==~,~Bll~~, :Frp~l ~Lg-ydc J,~~!!'!6!!'!7~3-3~77!!'!0~~~ J 'tn R & O, carpel& & crape"
3 BR, 2 baths, livini; room else to ~la can auum~ I'. _ fencing & landscaping. F\111
I o:::=z=z=z=z=z=z=z=: J ~ l6x20 rumpus room with S!i4 % loan. $26,500. 1674 Dover Shor" 1227 price $16,600. Owner Iee.ving Ii tireplace, cbtie garage. Iowa S46-C8J7 state. Takes $2600 to handle
J:1003~Bak=::=..-.=:c.M=:.=::,....=:"":0 J 4 BEDROOM· 2 BATHS
3 Duplexes Luxury Buccol•·Built HomH
From $34,550 to $36,275 -
Deluxe Triple;,: 2 BR +
family + living room + deluxe kitchen •
SHARP SHARP Prlcedto,.ll futat$23,000. 3 BDRM F N LOT-Lg. vi.w. Low -oo "'"""'· Rltr. 646-3928 Eves. 642-0185 rehoolli i_'J6;:;1 Gr;n·~ leasehold, 80 x 120' av. No. 11y
COLLEGE PARK *lACH£NMYfR S\<%. Will C...:, """'"'· 285 Santiago $21,SOO, build P, 1llage Real Estate
1 BR A-2 BR, all deluxe 1614 Iowa st., CM 546-0801 your own-$4-2039 eves Cor B1'00khurst & t.iaruetd
$57,500 From $5,350 down . VA & FHA terms-
On choice 106xl6.S' Eastside Brookhurst at Hamilton, Huntington Beach
lot. CUI-de-sac -near Catho-(I st signal North of Coast Highway)
Income $430 by Sept.
3 BR + family + profe115ion-
ally landscaped 4 sprinkler-
ed lawn both front I: rear
yards. Allswne $19,CXXt GI an at 5'A% • $156 per
month includes everything.
$19,90Q 962-44TI 546-8100 OWNER, Republic 2400 aq. University Park 1237 5 BEDROOM ..
''MR. CLEAN" was here! ft. 4 BR. 3 Ba.; din. rm. & ---"-'-'-'----
3BR1%. bath, covered patio, ram. rm. 2722 Canary Dr. VILLAGE 2 lux extras 3 Br, FAMILY RM
Uc Church.&: l9th St. Elieel-Nair everything , • ~
lent ~w record. Call now
Near all. $44,000 Open Daily. 545--0987 2 ba, atrium., ll' ft ceilings. Truly a. fine family home.
Rltrs. 642-9730 Eves. 548-0120 =~-=--:c--· -bl 3 lush gardens, mim>red Rich wood paneling & book-3 BR. 2 Ba. Fam room, tns, cl t • fi I wtth • KElllUEDY 2 ~'ct, close to achooll 6 osetl, g am 1 p a c 1 o u s cases over rep aee
for appointment to &ee.
Gl'fft Value
In a custom Newport Beach
home. S large bedrooms,
family room, two fireplaces,
2% batlui. Overlooking fu-
ture park and close to fu-
ture boet marina. 0 n I y
. nm; ••v-entertaining $26,500. Exe. in-indirect lighting in living shopping. $25,900. 10% down *S45--0622 vest. Nr UCI 833-0304 room. Spanish motitt pre-
Vlctorfe DAVIDSON Realty =======:1,own=="=· =====I ='.== .. °!::
"46-1111 u.--. ~~ 3 BR + Newport S.ach 1200 Irvine 1238 petini &. drapes. Built· in
·~ ~ K" ' Pia --------ki"'""'· Electri< ..,.., (Opeol -+ -lwdwuod 1ng s c:• IRVINE -_. ... ...,,, features Ewftlnp) f!n, .ep play yd. $Z,SQ) Lovely Ranch style home 1n 500. By owner. 297-4373 or lounq in higher priced
Sherwood Estates by the Sea
Tolephone: 968-3036
YOUR oma
AT HOME Bay rest ·~~'!!'~~!!!'!'~!""I Rltr. 2150 Harl:lor 58, CM this quiet &: desirable areL Village 1, 2 BR Spanish, homes. 842-GOOl
' C WALK TO IE.A.CH 5t6-HiO Evel. 5t5-4M1 S BR, dlning rm, Fplc, kit-green belt location, nr. UCI, TARBEl.L, l6lll Beach BL
«DJ !!Cl. ft ol. befi C'Ultom con-GI no down FHA $%liO down dlm w/quarry tile, blt·lns, shopping & recreation. $24,·
Large BA YCRESl' toor bed-stnictioa. Fcrmal dining nn, full price $26,150. Owner Costa Meta 1111 nook, cuvered patio, encl/ 4t2-2741.
room, two bath-· with re ly tam rm with""""""" wet od 3 BR 2 bath yan!,be&utifullytandocaped.J"'======= READY to RETIRE?
spacious electric bar. Pool-size, lot )'Oil own. tranderr · ' Victoria MelCI Estate -.le at $32,500. Of. E1stbluff 1242 or just plain laying arowxl
100 f t ol qual ~.fi4 Vista Del Oro Fine View •• ••• • • • .. $89,500 larze kitchen with tailt-in Ho fen cmsidertd. -------this immaculate 3 BR pool 2• square ee top . Newport Beach Walter Haue range I: OYID, famU,y IUOm, ntel GRAHAM REALTY 646-2414. BLUFFS, Rare "G" PI a n: oriented Townhouse has the
lty constructiorl. An addition.. Reedy by November ......... teparale lMnc room wttb H NEW HOMES (Nall' N.B. Post 'Office) Spadous 4 be', 3 ba, By fantastic price of $15,860 in-:ed~ffii:a;!!~!:~ Presently••• flnplace, carpeta, dnipes. Low dn. 6%% »yr Joa LOW DOWN Owner. $37,950 6M-0740 eludes 2 car garage, elec·
··-uoo.r oomtruotion landoc•pjng • -· From '24 950 ~ built · & "-• the rear ot double gange. MO"le tn lmmed. Most pop-• ' Near new 4 bdrm 3 ba, trpt Colona del Mar 1250 u•C -ins""'
can be used as office, hobby 2 • 3 • 4 Bedrooms Coldwell, llllk• & C.. ular floor plan 6 eXterior Vallq Road at Victn Elect blt·in klL Patio, deck:J;;;;~~~~~~;;;; J drapes. Hurry & call
A,a "Ring" room, -•-. A "WJW.E OF Complete kltchena mt a. c.-....._. ·<Jut E. of Brookhum near ocean --""ble _ _._ Pacific Shores Realty """"•SPRING ~ Dcd>le........ ---tn ""'...... .. ... bluf!) • ~ ·-· LOWEST PRICED ,.,_ ""''· 962-54!0 A BUY'' at $H,500. Good IU Niil CHI ... Qnb' $1),SXI
• Financing avaJlole. Fl>lct • cuatom ca,,,.tlng Lido me lob, ... otmple It. c. G1lEEa. J<eoll;y 2 BEOROOM
•. ··•REALTY -"'""" LOOK!. 4 BEDRM-:-tud-HJeh above ... love!. 3416 v1a Lido .,,_Two bath born• in C<IM.
• Loaded w:ltb tile COOL POOL '23 250 Built-in electric kitchen. Hu room tor additional RUSH "Anytime" Cloae to llhopping. achocU "0" oowN G.1.'.. 546-8100 962-44n O:invmlent to lhopplJll om-EAS'IBLtWF s Br. 3 Ba 2600 Unit ••••••••.. •• . $26,600
54<>4824 Clum.., -....., -""-LOW DOWN FHA 4 IEIJRM. FAMILY RM ter, near tchoolL 3 """ • " tt. Ema i.,.. walled O.L1ncy Rtol Eot1te Owner ,.,,.,. ht TD, unall
2629 Harbor Blvd., C.r.f. Would yw believe "TIIE Good 'Ol SwJUner-$24,tSOl BDRMS • 1 I: 2 sty. 1lre-)'llr'd. Huce patio. Plnonft. 2821 E. Coast Hwy., CdM dn, low int. I; no loan costs.
HOME SWEET HOME $23,~ ~:'·"" time" con!d ..,,,. ,.....,. NO DOWN PAY><Em' ~: ......,,,., droperiu, =.. ':"4 ,;;;..m Open 673-3770 3 Bit 2 baU.., tg """""
$20,900 with 1be tun )'CQ'll have Ettellent Dtl&bhc:ftood of .colrn!5, landscaping. rumpus room to finish a:i:
Asslm• low 51"% tinanclns 22DLllltt Ph. 644-1133 bett all,...""""'· 0v ... ...n molntalned -. • MichHI Key, Builder mi~ St. VIEW Of HARBOR you d>ooae. Prntemonally
A make payment.a ol $126 a Evenings Call 646-l<M I~~~ sized bedrm& 2 baths. 15 ;,: frimdb' people. 2 Phone &C-2821 Ews 6CS106 6H-ll62 or 615-4320 landscaped. month .. Iese: than rmt. De-----~----,1· ~ -~ tio with BBQ, "no-n... room o::irr.w:imt. VAOANT~ST ee... • CUtt Dr. Newport HelabtJi · , __ · BRASHEAR REALTY 4 000 0 W Is A Ii ~ ~·~~ po ' :::"'"'.,. • _ _: all ~1n "'--3 BR • bath ~ A'"'"' from parl<, 2 otory 4 Quaint h<Mne. -•• li-l!ihtful COVS'Od patio -od· , wner an con ....... B<ijacen, ... _ ~ ~ -· -· • ~.., Br 2 ,,. din ...... _.Reduced'"= Ev ... 839-1537
Jaomt • .. ,._ .. pool. Ktng S"UARE FEET 15 • lll Anthony pool • beet !dt<bm -d!ll!wul>er mo. qUld cul...._ l 1 r r • , . rm. crpto, ID 138 900 A 511 o t
llfa!dbedrootns,fonnaldin-"P NOW the he9t! Price includes Brickf1replaoeenhanca )hr-COTe red patio w'itb drpe:,kitbltna.Treelhaded cORilN-MARTIN ssume 14 10 ~=..:=11= 54~~~~. REDUCED $2750 =Acicyer,dialwller. =--~~!::t..°!: =--'..:"'"ca":',;,~ -=.:!,.:'.'Fine~ REALTORS 67~1"" WITH~;~ OOWN
Split nil tera. lt's ador-room and huge family kitch-TARBllL 2955 HARBOR plete this P«fed: picture. throughout, I a r I' e dbl $4.3,500. 6f.l..5M.1 Beautiful 3 Br. So. ol Lovely 3 & family room.
able! 842-6891. en. 'Ibree car garage, one Huge 2nd story rec. room'loiii0iiOii0ii0iiOii0ii0i'"'I NodownptymmtGicrlow garage. Total )llice ooty IY OWNER highway.By owner only. Also have repossessions.
TR.ABELL l6lll Bee.di Bl. with boat door to rear yard. easily convertible to 4th 4 down JliA. 84&-0604. $21,850 Try no cbrn VA <II' Beach home, Perteet condi-Reuonable. * 673-6636 HAFJ•"DAL REAL TY
Pl:lol size lot. Uve in New· 5th bedrooms + 3rd bath. WJSIDE (ffEAPY TARBEU. 5824 EDINGER. low down FHA finazx:irw. tion. New rec room. Next to INVESrOR Special Two good "Home to Match Income"
Oc:ean Front port Be8cb'1 finest area a.t (Go Falrview to Paulerino CAU. LARRY 540-1151 puk, beach&: waterfront. bowle.loodoublekltinCdM. 8740Wamer 842-44ffi
the bargain price ot oo1y Eut to Van""'°" North to $14,500 _, eveol Hen .... Reel You own Ian<!. It · 2. awe Owner $53,SOO. 67>-<169 SEA HAVEN
Beod> -.. S BR, 2 bo.tbl.
$49,950. Call for appoinbnent Carson East to Roosnre!O i"ohn macnab F.atate 80% loan. $26,950. 67J.2'J.'i6 COTTAGE today!! S<Drutyoormnallor 0 I $29 750 a.a., tmall 2 Bit home on I 1300 ~-on -·~ .......... ". _ _.. n Y • R·2 lot. Room for another SACRIFICE-Must Sell • Bllboa Paninsv a For retired couple or newly-........,oc ..,... •--·u:a.1 NEW USI'ING in MNa Del trade .. _, __ July
..:i.;..-unit. HID'J')' ttm cne won't ., .. YPRONT LOT .... __ ""'"""• 20. Bay weds. 2 BR, c~ts. drapes-, ~ N rt , _ _.! -auu-, DMt 3 A: fam nn, View Cllstom Condo, 3 ht, 2 • A tectrl buil First time ottered. Cornfto
lot. large Uv rm. wry belt
location. $47,500.
George William!IOO, RJtr.
646-Tlll Open Evet.
OISTINCTION· $24,0001 19 -·
Lowm pri<ed 4 bedroom Little Pric:e
home in the area. 2 pullman Large 3 bedroom, 1%. bath
be.tbs, dJanning brick fire-home on close to an acre ol
place sets off ·huge living: land. Brand new carpets,
room • iBoillted in rear OVE!f'-fresh paint, new floors in
.kloking a beeutifully land· kitchen and bath!. $21,0ll
scaped yvd & nice neigh-with no down to Vets and
bn hOlnes. Built·ln kitchen, just $1,150 down to a new
vet'Y handy. Excellent fin-FHA financing.
;"~~:.·=ER Colesworlhy & Co.
Cnol 111 642-nn
with a dive Into the sperltllng lrot Harbor Blvd:, C.M.
pool of this big S BR, 3 bath --==Open'=,.Ev=e~"=~-
former model home at only FRUIT TREES
twpO lalil Over 10 ft ot Ba.Ytront w1th w/\tpll'aded car pet in r , ba bm. 2.--. ft. 2 -·. 915 West Bay Ye. e c t ·ins. C 1 e 8 n et ...__, """ -.. ... ~ sh8J1) home. Only $18,500. 642-1771 Pier A-Slip prtvUeres. We uvm ~r crnt:q encl. w/pools, golf, etc. Loan ba1 3 plus BR'a. Unobstructed LISTER REAL TY
Vlc!orfa wf1l finance 100" to aPSRV-courtyard, walking distance $29,300. Otter! 6'13-4356 View of Bay. Private patio, 16612 Beach Bl., IIB 84l"6633
ed d.Mmt with rlabt of ap-to all .tcboola including OCC. OWNER Transferred. Lwr;-wet her.
646-1111 ..-I°'....._ one..c1at125,!llO. ·-·-ur1ouo , Br. 2 bath"""'°· OPEN SAT & SUN 1 -s HOME & INCOME (n.... Coll for Appl. """"' Realty -3 BR w,..n 642-IUJ · ·~~~~!"~~~!I ,..le, pool, rolf. Fee land. l\; bath older home +
DUPLEX • $39,000
I BY 0 w NE R : Cambridp ii)' -132.SOO. Pele •-rr-elf & Co. • .. , new duplex, o ... to e 64.2-33TJ. e H shopping. Flexible tenns & POPULAR model O>ll ... P>rk. 3 kw I-;:;;;;;--;;;;--.;;--"~;;;--;.--I .
MESA VEROE-$23,SOOI STAGE COACH br, 2 ba,""' kw lam rm. 2 2'00 SQ. ft -4 br, 2i; ba, 642-43S3 ~RASHEAR REAL TY
Yll'St time a.dvertiled -here CHARM-$23,500I used brick frpll, cpta:, dlJll-Frpl. Le Family Rm. Dbl. 847-853l Eves. 968-ll78
today 6: sold tomorrow. Love at first eJ.ance:! Cyprea, lndacp4nc. A Ruatic Beauty. Ga • Pool • walldn1 diat
IAndlclped 10 ,..n....., • ...., • ""'" ,,_,""""' 111.900.540-7957orl30-2S37 to """'• • planrnQnd " 2146 Miramar WALK TO BEACH
your awn private par1c. 3 fence. Kina:..flzied bedrooms. EXCEPTIONAL IUYI dtJ lib. Owner • 642-09315. Near be'#, Owner transferred l!dwd Doors, 2 story 4 br, 12~)
One block to ocean. 4 bdrm eeneraua sized bedrooms. 2 nlltle built-in bv in cozy 3 Br, 2 ba. 1am rm, cpts an WESTCLIFP: JEWEL -mutt sell. 4 BR, dining ba. elect bit-ins. $26,600,
upper. 2 bdrm IO\ver, always baths • family dining atta den. Brick ftnplace ln lMng '1111, blt·in music Intercom., Nl!'WIJ dee, 3 BR 2 be.thl nn. FHA can be B.W.lmed,
rented. lmmaculate. Low off delightful &11 built in r oom. Detttbttul awered md 'pa.tio, Ira ear )at w/2 FamiJy nn. O:wa'td patio. OPEN SAT & SUN 1·5 Ask for Betty Hicks
tleasehold. Owner has reduc-kitchen. Pride ot. ownership patio. OlSkm teatures ID-dbl pnpti. $2(,500. By $ 4 1 , 9 5 0 Owner, ~ Paci.fie Shores Realty
ed price $2,000 "" q<rid< refl<cted -cmv ...... t -• out.llU&91 Owner M&-71!6! Pemb<ol<e LD m-4251 Pele Barrett & Co. ..,...,. Ev"' "2~:1E6
sale or trade ta: Beverly to perk, library, major shop-TARBll.L l51ll Be9Cb Jlhrd. BY OWNER 3 Br. w/w lBJ2 Hflhland Dr,. Harbor BY OWNER 4 Br. townhouse 6~~No.H~~ P~n~~~!~oa Colonial CorMr «1*tnU...rmA-W.Wood ~hlanda; 4 BR. 2 BL 642 .... 353 washer I dryer, carpeted
IWW:>,C,i..,w ....,..,, n.J'l.n.D "' 9 o: PANll.JNG Lrr kek yar .,...,950 so.447; l·'f29..29CI draped. Relrig, bltn range:
Bay & Beac:h $500 DOWN s::,'.D":~bo.~= nrA APPRAISED at Owner Ex"ptlonalty dean, nrA
R"lly lnc . ~ .. '150 wm Sell ..... 500. LUXURY 3 br. 2 bath condo, Lido Isle 5% % loan. $18,SOO, $1000 ' ' On this 4 bedroom, 2 bath es. Nice neighbodlood, Call •~ • -I"-"'--"-"------I
135.000. It'• a ""°"'"""· )'Cl it is imm aculate. One
loan o( S31.SOO 'Aitb 6.6~.,
intl?rt'st -"1.'ill fiat bto increas-
ed. A real deligbttul large
lamily home.
20"5 W. Balboa Blvd., NB family horn Q(llll I tor infonnaUon. cnJ,y Lou ~1281 frpI, pool. adf, fee land. • SACRIFICE • down. Ea.!y terms on 2nd.
Apples, oranges. nectarines ~""~""!~~~"""'I thing. Just ~trod~ ~e~ Gallagher has the ke~. FOR Sale by owner, "ve !!I Owner ti'INfen'ed. $32.500 Owner Must Sell Spacious 2 Days 536-7581, 968-4760 eves
right at yoor door, aean. The Best $21,500 Buys market -1''0n't be around J H McAJdl B k 3 tldr, fUll cpts/drpa. nice By Oimtt, 64.2-3371 Br, borne Oil 52' strada cor-& wknds.
neatF.astsklebungalow'With YC?'llagreewhenyooseelt. tong! $130 per month in-• • e FO er yard. XJnt Ioc. nr MOVElD!Nearnew4BR., nerlote.tONCE! Reduced l.-::-----------------------------_-_JI
separate 2 car garage, cov-Its located in a lovely new eludes principal & interest schls/1bopa. Atldn& $24,SOO. trpl., DIW cptl. nr. beach. to sell at less than lot Fountain Valley
ered patio· Ha.a extra large schools and shopping end a 222 W. W\!Ol'I, CM "2-6817 548-7313. 642~m $28,000. Open Wttlomdl: 351 value. Price $50,IXXl. By
master bedroom and l2x2'l huge lot. There's 3 bed· BY OWNER Must sell. 4 br. 2 Gnd St. OwnerfJ5-0144. Owner {)pm House Sun. 1-5.
LARGE 5 bedroom, 21,i bath
home. Separate fa m t I y
room. All blt·lns Completely
carpet~ A: draped, Fenced
Near Schoolli, shopping and
San Diego Freeway 842-2342 •
Home Swfft Homt
family room.· $21,!llO -10% rooms, 2 baU.., ""Y brlci< fASTSID£ JRIPLU · ba lam b!IM hpl Ir BAYCRUI' BY OWNER ffi.7611 dO\\'l'I. tin!place. Large kitchen !nd. nn . .,.~.,.· .,~_c. · 1:>..1-a ---~~~~-
Delightful <'O\'ered patio:
546-2313 .tb mode bui Dee lot. $:23,900. ~. S l...arp .-n ... 3,250 sq. fL 75' on L.ido Soud
646-7171 pllWl& ....,,,_tsrnnoo!~~~~ ... .! 2C»3 WES'fW..u F DRIVE 2 SRI each, fine condition, 3 BR, l !ii ba, tam nn, f?pl, Ivan Wells baill l'ee land. 2 eparate lots -each has
F'ree & pool too. King
slzed bedrooms. FonnaJ din·
Ing room. Picture windo'>l.'S
overlook the park-like Yard.
Assu1ne present financing 6 make payments oJ i l2S a
Open Eva1. Call ~fu;;~lmeit --~· 646-Till Open Eves. f: o d close in location, Irr yard, xtral, 5%% loan 2100 Wind"1.1U'd Lane Pet" & slip. 3 Bd home on
S.1.A. Hei,hh E1tata1 W~~-McCardla Rltrs. $21,900 Owner ~2526 ~~~o't1,i;137B.SOOA, ~t.~ 4!; ~~~ !b:': THEQEAL
E S TATERS <lWJ Ce locabon + %: Acre: of l8IO Newport Bl\od CM MESA DEL MAR 3 Be., fam ""' •• Level grounds + rustic 2 5e ·• · · nn. $26,<0l. OWNER. 99l R. Rou Myen Jr. 673-ii756 R. C. GREER, Re1lty LOVELY 3 Br. 2 ba Wlth ex-
tras. Patio, largt l 0 t.
$25.$0. 962-1678 bedroom tree shaded home 7'129 Eves &U.Q68t Presidio Dr. 5'15-5487 BEAtn', redec, ocean view. 3 3416 Via Lfdo 673-9300
7682 EDINGER ~=i:e=~~~ PENINSULA Pt. MeN Verde 1110 ~!~~~~;::'· Lido Isle 1351
&42-4455 OPEN EVES. 646-7171 546-2313 Custom-BIL Beauty! 3 BR., BY Owner: OiU Haven 3 br, TWO STORY
GORDON G. DALE OPEN EVES Fam-rm, trplc., EJee.-Kltch. LOVELY M6 a Verde 3 Br. dealrable aJW. nr ad\ls. 4 Bdnns., 3 be.tbs, plus din-
mooth . -. Corona del Mar
TARBEl.J.. 5824 Edinger 219 JASMINE
Honeymoon Cottage Open Daily 1-5
Laguna Bffch 1705,
-$20,900 4 houses from beach 3 BR.
Fruit trees Ir f\o"1.'ers galore. 1~ beth, 14~ Living room
Delightful CO\'ered patio + large lam.icy room, Wye
King 1iud bc.>drooms. For: f~pl.act", huge kitchen with
ml.I dining room. Picture b11ilt·tns, se.parate d i n i n g
2615 ILACKTHORNE Neu Ocfftl. $56,l'O>, lam rm. ManJ e "tr as l ~,soo. 64&-em tng. Some view trom spac.
NEWPORT BEACH Balboa Real Esta~ Co. ~g~::a chili!: DIAL direct 642-567B harp matr. suite. tge. shady patio
Short walk to Beach -North
end, ocean 1\de of hwy. 2 br
den, patio, 2 f r p 11 ',
spectacular view ot
e\'erythlng .tr has
~rything. Low int, no
point loa..n. $45,700. Bkr.
Yoo are the wtnner of
2 tickell to 1be
'T"lfF ~t.·/'.!,
E:o·T I\ TF:R :_; 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboe terest loan. your ad, then sit ha~ and WALKER REALTY
ORlole 3-4l.f0 31.2S Oiuntry Club Dr. C.M. Usten to the phone ring! 675-5200 548-l4GT Eves
window• overlook: the ftl't' area, k'IVICe J>Orch, good s-. a Comfort • v I E w
... u.poo11npar1<.1Jkeyan1 "°"'b&"''"°'·'"''""'· LIDO THEATRE ·--$1l,500
Charming spilt rail feice: ~ge °" alley + sun de<:k. StMM·lng SpotleN ''Jewel", 3 oveniz.. OCEAN from dlnln&' room I:
Payment.a lea than rent. Rl; ~~acant. Anxious. THOROUGHLY ed bdnnl, 2 bathl, all blt·ln lovely pnSm kltchm. 4
S«l-l'llll *LA E•u. ,.._,.. MOQERN MILLIE kitcben, wry cbeerlul with larse ~·a 2i; bo.tho.
TARBELL '95S l!trbor CHENMYER extn .. ting ..... "' llvlrc· 0.11• RMI E•l•hl
lv•n W1ll1' NESTLE IN Jwit dip this ad and take room overloob nestly man-646-4tl4 It to the Lido Thtatre in
Ntwnt Model In thLs 3 br. 2~~ ba botne. N""'l>Ol't Beach with ktenti-kuNd i: well groom«! yard, MOST
( BFt 3 ba, fonnaJ dtn na, Lowl7 atan• frpl in NcdJ _flca=tfon;:;,;·.-~,.,....,-.,--I ~e PJ'3#. Forced air Reuonahle 3 BR In Carma lam nn w/•-ei bu, 3 car ~ UW. nn.1"euant ,.....__ W-_.d . . ~uality ~· SN del Mar H0
ia:h OiW1ct. lt's
pr. Contract now tor Aue. patio .._ orr combin.aUon 1 nw un it· Yl).l ll love it. 846-0001 the lharpe&t In Santa Ana
completion • choo9e JOm' ~ • dining nn h thole at y Oltr Feet'' TARBELL. 58'.M .El>INGDt lfelght1. $22,7511.
owa eotoro AND eu>etJnc. ..,.-"°"*""cloy,. Hotbor View Hiii• CdM "NEWPORT BEAOI" Newpon lleodl ltealty
Roy J, Ward <b, 646.WiO SIS.900. 4 + + f•mll)t nn,' dlnina 4 + 3 Baths, $33,lOO 615-™2
SALES ASSOC!ATIS 8'-"'" .... bar, Immediate<><> ~~~I $695 DOWN
85/15 ..Ut. M..._... .......... bOO down. E>ccollent nt!a!>borllood, I .t
opportunity, Doublo ,,_ Tl BOYD REAL TY "OCEAN VIEW· 12',900" 4 Bit. 2 ba, au blt·IDI, crpb, 1~C:M~~!'a:.ppt. 3629 E. ~H1'1J, CdM 2 8drms. 2 ba, 50>ll2'l 11>rnklrs. tencecf. I' r om .-_"!' ~ .. ~ 11:,?·,,..~, ...,al "-1" .,_.,
30 llrtplaet. l'elow market! $2.4,900. !.-_;:SOCK=:..IT::.~'IO:::...:;'Elll1=-...1--.;;...,.;;....;;~_-__ ..;•..;.·~· ~ VO ~ .. tor R&WLTS HOME "2-4090 ....... ~ --.
l========='-=======1200=1Hunttngton llt1ch I.COO Newport Buch 1200N~rt Beech
Oceanfront Sleeper
Thia will actualb' ''lletp" li ptOple aa well
u bein& a "llttper" in value. OJder, but
nletb' remodeled. thil 5 bedroom, 2 bath oceanfront house lends ttaelf to carefree .
beach llvinr.r.:e living room, dining room,
large front and patio are just a few
of the qua) tlel that make this a GREAT
VACATION HOUSE. Near library, markets.
and within eQY JOGGING distance ot the Balboe. PSer. $58,500. Terms.
2901 Newport llwl., Newport -h
675"4630 .... 642·2251
Spadow: 5 BR, family room, NORnI LAGUNA. Two tine
in lovely 2 story Cieri Mar. quality f\ani1hed duplene,
A must le't & ~ at $28,500. mly steps from excellent
Poul Jo-Reilly beach • ri'11ing. Pr.tent
847·12&6 Eves. SJG..2465 irummtr income ovu $2400
DELUXE ~nhou8e. 4. BR, mo. $.19.500 ea. Bier, Mr. Pickett. 546-7391 wet:kdlr,)'I, llt BA. crpll, d!ps, bJt.\n .t9'-J907 evm\ngs
rangt, °""'· wutier. dryer I .,iiii;ii&Oiiiii;;,..,.. .... I ",.llif. Pool,""'"""'• MAGNIFICENT
dub bouoe. Take over Si! OCEAN VIEW
Joan. $131. per mo. includftl $5,$0 • ainall, but level lot.
all. Only $1?,950. 962-32fi6 $750 down • $53 mo. l714l
Movlnt S1crlflce 4Jn.12J.o
3 BR ..... cpWdrpt. 2 .. , I ~~~!!!"'!!\!!!!!!t""'~' PJ'llt. Le )'d. $133/mo., BY OWNER. 2 BR, den, l"'
min. dn S2SOO .. low price ba, Desirable cliff sectkn.
SJ•.SOO. IU!<. 962-1219 135.000. 494-1892, <IH'l37
... * .•
. . . . .
. ' • • • '• 'I . ' • • • • •
Th"""1, J,1y 18, 1968 DAILY .PILOT ,• ........................................................................................... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ................ ~----
SOHETHIN6 NEW-SOMETHING DIFFERENT!! NOWZZ 1--P-,-=.L~o;T~P=E =-N....:;:N=v=p=1 N===c=H=E=R=-.1 \ \Yf.,'f I • -·''
)) , 3 11·nes 2 t1·mes s 2°0 DIAL 642-567' .... C1 !If Toi,._ S40-1m ..... s.,. "'CHAHE 111"'
.. ~.
-Unfvml-Aph. Furnllhocl Apt1, Unfurnl"'Ocl Apts. Unfuml1hod L .. uno looch 1705 1-..;.;..""-'°-----
I--'---....;--'= Cosio -3100 NeWporl llooch 4200 Co1to Mou 5100 Corono dol Mu 5250
NEW4BR·3Ba ::::::..:.::::::--:~::-:~1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.1 lii;iiiiiiii~~iiiii~~iiiiii !am nn, View at Mllll VmY Q.EAN 3 B R , ! 1 L'ii5''Pf03~LTY ="· .. ~:;,,~=: * Chlnnel Reef* HARBOR ~~;
I a-~ ~:e_nnec•"' """,.._}_ Mootb to month lease. $%15 APARTMENTS GREENS ~ Ort• -'6"'-Qetl ;n-.w per month. Vacant. Booker. SPECTACULAR VIEW
546-041 Waterfroot/l« • Boe.t ON TEN Am&S ,,L::•~g.:cun::•~N::l!Cgu::•::l _ _;;l 7:.;0:;7.1 =3~B::R~-~2~8~A~T=H~S~-I Slips Available BACHELOR • UNFURN. 1 1; 2 BR, Furn le Unfum
,-2 BR-2Bath Apta. from $100 lromllSO mo.1'rplcs/ Pri/ * Monarch Bay * S. Cout'• finest exclu.slve
be•ch commun11y hJdrs o.H·
er 8 new 3 & 4. bdnn homes
wtth magnificent Oct:en ud
h1and ViewL
$52,lOI -195,<m
499-2850 -
S•n Ju•n
Capf1tr1no 1720
home, fireplace, w a 11 e d
yard, double garage. $27,000
Bethke Realty, 494-2858
Hou ... Fuml1hod
Rent•ls to 2005
EMPLOYED Lady would
like to share htt home
$90/mo including util. Near
Warner S.A. 5f9.-2302
COLLEGE Students need 1-2
roommates fer .summer to
a.hatt lrg 4 Br house in Npt
$70/mo. 64l-68'll
r:~ard~;;t::; • LEASE. or. BUY JncL \HD. PlltD I Pools. Tennis· 0.
month. Days mu 5'f>.M91 • $145 Mo. a;· up • $59,500 up 1 • 2 It 3 BDRM. ~:!a~ 9 bole NV
••k 1-Da•'d E"e"'""s c-" 2S25 Ocean Blvd., CdM FURN. Ii: UNruRN. .... "" •• • • ·-.,., ... ~1188 _ 4-.a.~L--•-c... 900 S:ea.Lane, OlM: 644-W 673-6568 v•.r • ...-•~ 11uu Heatrd Pools. Child Can
Hennan Trott, Mgr. C.enter, Adj. to Sboppiq _ (M1teArthur nr. Cout Hwy)
-.c1o1Mar 3105 No peta allowed BDRMS · .... BEAUTIFUL W•terlront 2700 Petenoo Wa,, al Har-2 , l~ ba.thl, heated
FOR iease; 3 BR. 2 Ba., tam. Apt. 2 Br, patio, boat dock, bot• Adami. Ol&ta Meu. pool. $111 Mo., yearly
"'" t I Avail. now. 6H-ll30 rm. home; bltn&, carp., Wav -aumme.r ren a or 5'6-o370
drapes. $225 Mmth. 545-al63 winter le&&e. 3403 Fin.le,-1---BEAUT. Modern 3 BR apt.
675-4039 I~ near beach. Canyon view.
;, "=s=a=. ::,y=-,-ar"i,.,--. -A"'w11""'--:1,..-~~ ~du!· ...,ta 11~ Moo th to mo. fl"5, 613-1244
mediately ~ mo.. inclu. """'AlllJ&• or tl reqwr-ing peace a: quiet
uw. G'P.r22S6 Discriminative Teoants
1, 2 & 3 BDRM. APTS.
BAYCR.ESI": Qi.arming I:
immaculate 4 BR-2% bath I --..,,..,,,,:.=,:=,,.,.,:--home, glused to patio It 2 BR., nr. ocean.
heated pool 2 ~ces. ~le 1ar. $1'5 Lease.
built-in kitchen. carpets &: Avail. Sept. ht
draperies. $400/mo with 128~ 46th St. 548-8379
pool care. 2 ye«r lease.
Beautifully decorated &
dramatic large Sp all i s b
home, 4. BR-3 batb.s, dining
rm &: panelled family room
on large landscaped lot with
·sunny patio. $450/mo. en
years lease. Realtor 00-6200
OCEM'>lFRONT Attnc. 2 Br.
furn. Apt. Winter or )Tly.
Avail 9115. 64S-S832
1 BR, fW'D ~ 2nd
floor apL Lido Ille, avail
Augu.ot 6T.l-87l2
Coron• del Mir 4250
18tb .l Santa Am. C.P.f.
Call Mrs. Hendenon 646-55C2
1m Santa Ana, Apt ru, c :M.
Lido 1110 5351
Le. 2 BR., m.ty, 2 t., Lie
Adulll. 6~1502, "673-3389
Hunllnt?n llooch 5400
SPLlT level 3 Br. 1% ha an
elec bllinl dswhr, dlspl,
crptl, drapea. llM::I gar .l
-Patio, pool • !rplc.
Call 53W190
21 YR College girl would like AV AIL Aug 1st, cor Unit fac-
to share apt w/same. Call ing pool. Carpets, drapes,
Robin 642-1950 aft 5:30 blt-ins, 2 car carport, 3 BR.
SHARE Apt., priv. room,, entry &: refrig.
• 6f6.21'12 •
2 nice bedrooms, upstairs.
1% baths, carpets, drapes.
Private patio, garage.
261-D Wallace Ave., CM
(just eouth ol Hamilton St.)
Large 2 BR. with garage.
$105. Disposal. Water paid.
apt. Frpl: boat &lip avail.
Loe. $295; w/ollp 1325.
DELUXE Waterfront 2 Br. 2
ha.. $275 leue. Slip avail.
59'l-6863 aft 5:30, wkend
2"h baths, $250 mo on lease.
RELIABLE LADY 673-3663 E-tea: 548-6966
TO SHARE APT, Bay .l Beach Realty, Inc.
642-3645 2025 W. Balboa mvd., NB
WANTED girl to share 2 br I ".'~""""""~!""~~,. apt $70 E . Co.sta Mesa. Call l-4 BR Newport Beach home
646--0683 aft 4:30 oo quiet cul de sac. Large
Newport Be1ch 2200
home, compl tum. $560 mo.
Avail in Aug fOl' 4 mos,
Gorgeous new pool home. .. ,__
fam room -Jiving room,
over 2100 sq, ~ Water &
gardener inc. $325 per
month Wlfum. 646-4316
Nowport Holghll 3210
81lboa 4300
2 BR, 2 ba, carport. to Yrly •
qual tenant. $167.50. 1544
Miramar Dr, ~1358
Lagun• Beach 470S
NEW fumished .2 BR 2 BA,
all electric built-ins. Pane>
ramie view overkioking Ali·
., Beach. $185. 499-3755
Gardener, •
2176 Placentia, Apt. E
Call between 2 & 5
• &JG.4lro •
1 & 2 BDRM. API'S,
From $13 J.Ionth
Carpets, drapes, all built·
ins. Adu1ts only. No pets.
384 Avocado, CM M~. Apt 8
LEASE 2 Br. 1% ba. Frplc.
dwshr, waaher/drytt. Pool
Sl.60. ~ .tt 6 p.m.
Laguno IMch 5705
LOVELY 2 br 2 ba view apt
with garage. No steps. Lse
SlTh mo. 494-7891
81yshores 2225 5990
NEW Dehn J&e 2 BR. 2 BA,
N, l..q\ma, 1 bl.k to ocean A:
park. Lease. fM..4060 eve AVAIL Sept 1. 9 mo lse. 1 BR, Oen vw, S min toaltBch,
Br 2 ba ts patio, $150 wk. Coll. e = 3blt.;s, i-i5o ~'. pm, 944-5n7, 691'r752'Z 1-N-'-o"'wpo"'-rt"-::.lloo=c..:h...;...:5::2=00:: Rent1l1 W•nted
Water paid. 646-2891 .CtNlALS
BAYSHORE.S 2 br, fli>I,
patio, near, Sept-June
$]&), yr round $275 Mn.
Humphreys LI 8-5.551 days
Corona del Mir 2250
2 BDRMS. plus prl.v guest
qtn, lge. encl patio, lease.
Adults. $1$. 67J..3285
Sent• An1 Heights 2630
FURN. 1 BR. house, all
uUI. paid; fenced yard.
ptta OK. $135. 546--0347
Summer Rent1l1 2910
AUG. 1·31. 3 Br. 2 Ba. All ap-
pliances. 2,000 sq, ft. living
area.. ~ lady ,
gardener. ~ patio, fire
ring, children'• play area,
l &: 2 Br. Furn Apts. %
blk to ocean. 1200 W.
Balboa Blvd. Balboa. $7S
wk-$150 wk. 494-5189
Apll. Unfuml1hod _N_owpo__:.._rt~S_h_o_N_._,_220~1 .Go....::n~.~ •• ~,.:::~.:::.:;;;;5~~-~-ol
NEWPORT SHORES l~wiiiiiiii!ifipm I 2 BR & 0.n "" ,,..,. leue VEN DOME $190 mo. 642-3430
Coron• d•I Mar 3250 ---· ----FOR LEASE
2 BR, elec blt·ins, crpts,
drps, w/pool, $235 mo.
G.H. Robertaon Rltr. 675-2440
Huntington looch 3400
3 BR. Cpts. &: drapes Avail.
Aug. hL Fenced yard.
S140 lease. Nr. Beach Blv.
17650 Van Buren 842-699'1
3 BR. 2 Ba., Cll!ll., drpa. Gas
bltna.., dishwas~. NetU'
ICbools. 531-9563
1 Br. O>uple preferred
$S0 mo.
L1guna le1ch 3705
BALBOA Ill. Attr. l BR apt MONARCH BAY ARE A COit• -5100
(slps. 6); avail. July, A\l&'. LOVELY OCEAN VIEW. 3 SPAC 4 BR 1
Sept. 673-1503; 499-2316 BR & den, 2 BA, cptJ, Drps, · ., am. nn.
fri>l, pool. $300 mo. townhouse; Newport Upper
NPT Bch 1 BR, sleeps 4. 1 adults .C~l243 betw lO-S pm Bay; pxll, rec. fa c 11.
3 BR 2 ba duplex, cpts/drpft,
all elect kitchen including
double oven & diabwashe:r,
patio. l blk to ocean. % blk:
to bay. No pets. $195 per
mo. 1st &: last ycly lease.
673-8316 alt 6 PM
B•ck Bay 5240
XI.NT location. Heated pool 2
Br. Adults. No pets, Ref!.
East Bluff 5242 blk tD Ocean, $60 per wk. Orlldren, pell QK, $260,
July. Avail Aug. 6'2·12'1'l Loguna Niguel 3707 W"""7 PRESTIGE Town Homa
2 BR Furn, oo SEASHORE 2 BDR tO"tVJ\hBe l'ii be, bll· For leue, 2 br A den & 3 br
Dr, NB. $175 wk. 6'&1700 3 BR 2 baths, 6 mo. old ins. crpta, drps UfO me with 2 or 2% hatha. Gold
(633-4863 After 5 PM) home, large backyard. $225 Adlta:. 3<X1i Coolidge Apt 17 Medallion all elec. Your own
1 Bedroom furnished apL mo. 495-46911 3 BR. 2 bll. All crpta:. Show· key to pool. 2-car gar. Rent
* URGENT * YOUNG Lady with multiple
IClerosia and well behaved
German Shepherd~
pe.nion needs an unfurnished
one bedroom house or apart.
ment with fenced or encl-
osed yard. Old Huntington
Beach location prefefl'l!d,
Reaaonable reot please. am
on fixed income. Phone
5J.6..1937 If no ans. ph 536-m5
Ap•rfment W1ntecl
Before Sept. 1st a two
bedroom unfumithed + 2
bath on lat floor. E&ly
couple with no children or
pets, Recent owner with
befit rl refete11ees. Undei·
$175. 646-4579
BUSIN~ Womt111 needs 1
Br unfum Apt, CM ,
Newport, Orona del Mar,
Hunt Bch or Laguna., To
$100 mo. Gar or carport
necessary. 6U-<Q6 a.flu 5
pm .•
ElDERLY ~ would like
room Ir; oo..d wtth
pel'l6iontt. Kitcbm pr iv.
WANTED: Corona de! Mu
unfum Jeue. 2 or 3 Br. hse.
with gar. c~ JVd nee.
for 1 mn ehiJd. $200. 67$-4693
2 or 3 BR ho111e EMt.Ude
Coata Mesa or Newport
Beach to $150 &l2-8748
1 Block to beach. Weekly Condomfnium 3950 tng Fti, Sat &: Sun. Sl&:J. starts at $250 roo.
$.S5. Newport Bch 642--0316 2'l8l Forham Dr. &t6-49l9 l=S<&="=A""""=· =w=""=·=N="=·=lldo=·=-I ROOIM for R.nt VICI'ORIA Beach (ocean $300 DELUXE 3 Br. 2,000 aq. rr "' ... "' 2 •-·~-· OOOL _,_ n>om ID l"'lv a1 6 ft. Newport Back Bay. View ~.. uo . gar, ........ ,)', Corona del M•r 5250 ' ...... , '
side) Pl refrlg, .l rMi'!. 3U ?.tesa 1..;...:.:;.;;;...:.:...;....;._..:.,:::.;; heme: ldtdL prtvfl., phone:
$150 wkly.1-639-5663 Pool. All elec. bl~ crpts, 0r. Adult1 $90. 548-2407 UKE new 1 ft-3 BR 2 BA. in room. Empioyed lady drpr. Dbl gal'• ~,WIU M<UI!" f d t CM. RENTALS llYourAdinourclaaiftedaf Cllrpetll, drapes, built-ins. pre e rre • Wn
HOVMI UnfurnlslMd .<.cN 1 AL: hhed Somecme. will be Joo1dnr b' $225. 719 Heliotrope, 642-6ll5 1..,;646-;;.,;l39l;;;.=---..,.-.,.--
•lOO Aptt.. urn tt Dial 6C5678 Eves CHARGE )'OW' want rd now. Costa Mesa ~
l--E-D_D_Y_GO-LD_E_N--l.c_o11_a_-. ____ 4_l_OO Huntington lloach 5400Hunlington llooch 5400 Huntington looch 5400
301 CANAL 525 Wk. Up
NEWPORT BEACH e Studio • Sam spta.
You are .the wfnner ol
2 tk:kclll to tbe
' Showlng
Just dtp dlls .tt and take
It to the Lido 'Ibeatre in
Newport Beach with ldentl·
2 BR., cup., g~. ll'ltrr. le
exter. comp. redecxr. Adults
ml.7. M Mcntb.
2811 Walnut, CM.
LEASE, deluxe J BR Meo.
Ucollo -· pool l recret.tloa. .MUI.ts Ol'lb' $115.
5 ROOM hoJlt OCI ~ acre.
Ooub\1 Kan.rt· $125. 2635
Santa Au Aw., CM -S ea, 2 BA., TowtdMlle, new CM • ..,.., -., Pool. nr,
00:. """ -lJ!O 2 br, _, .... flood yd,
-. wottr pl, llfli. GI" (213) a.6915
l>lol I046ll lor ll!:SULTS
e 1Dcl Utill 6 Pbane Rn".
• Maid Service • 'IV avllll. e New eat. I: Bar
2376 Newport Blvd. 548-979; -* Lge 1 BR*
Crpts, drpl, dl.spl, p. t lo,
pr. Adults, no peta $ll0 mo.
See to •ppreciate. 20(7 • B
Otarle St., 548-6030, 646-184.l
1 BR., util. pflid, adulta, no
~ $95: Bach. apt. for
-ma. .,.ey, 100 Incl. util. 548-Z..1
NEAR 0CC: 1 BR. furn, apt
wlbltns l all util. b'n.
54-5648 Alter .t PM
2 BR. tum. Adulta.. no pet1
AvaiL AUJ. 1.t. SIJ>
161-B Scott Pl. 6*-m3
1 BR. ftlm. chplex;
Wl-50; dun & attr.
OLX 1 BR. ldeal tar badL.
Pool. mo. 1993 a...dl St. --
·-----------S@\\~}A-~t.~s· .
Sol••• Sim pie Scrombl<d WordPu.ttle fOT a Cl111c7<1'
_ 1 r r 1
• :-.! •!
I ...
'INIOMA I Tho,...Jetogomnbtcr. h4....,..1a...,1......,1-..1-i fined as btealclOst In
_ . . . lunch in Now Yortr. dinner In .._....__._.,_..__.,_.,San Franciaco and -In
~LAOl.EN. l ~uonosAJ,. "'-...;........._-... ___ 0 c-,,i... "'" _,. ....,.
· I I I' .I 1 1"" :!::t!.:::,, ~ r:t! 1• iog_ ""SJ~~'.!\IDERS r r r r r r r 1
·~illlmSTO l 1111111 . ............... .._._.
llal __ , ..
C11tT1"teAT• o• aut1H•ss
l'ICTITIOUS HAM• LEGAL NOTICE TN t...O.ri1.i1..i don certlfY ... h eon---,-0-,.-,-,-0-,-,-.. -,-.,-,-,-,-,-,,.--· 1 dud"'-t bullf\915 ti 11• w .. 1 lrlh ltrNt,
NOTICE IS HEltEIY OIVIN tll9t t COllll Meu, Ctllfornlt, "°'*r "'9 tlc-
JiUbllc "'9rl .. Wiit .. lltld bY b City ltflOlll flrrn ntrM of MAllUCIHG SUPPLY COMPANY tnd lhtt Mid flrrn Is com-Council or tllt CJIV of C0.11 Met.I on _.. ot "'-fllnowl"' __,, .mos.
Autwl .S. IMI, .t tM llovr of 7:3t o'Clock M!M 111 fVlt tnd Pleet Of mS0mm I• IS W .. IOOll fhel'Wftw ll tM INttlB IM'f' flol ....
k ltffrd, k'i h COvncU Chi""*' et tM ., .. ' • "'1 F o CIW" H.IL 71 Fair Drt.,.., Codi MeM, "" lft '"· Crllll'ltk>ll. r trJ ,,.. ,.111111111,. _ "' ..,_ 111 llud. San oi.oo. C1t1f, l!ll'lll: ,...,,,__ 011 ... J1,1ly 1'-IHI.
11._ Petllloft N6. 1t.J ..... blllw tM Nldlolat C. Ctvmpton "9fltlon ell Thlocllan H. LI,.., 2011 vi.11 stir.. C1llfoml1. o,.._ c-tr:
C.lflllo "'-'t hldl. fro rn-fnlm Oft Ntr 11, lHI, before me, 1 "°''"" l'vOlk Ill Ind for lilld St.ti:, W-llY ll·t 19 C2.CP t"-totleiittlM dhcoibell IPM9rtd Nlchole1 C, Cn.i~ k-I'll
rul ..--rtv: """' to be the MrlOll .....,._ ,....,. If ni. nor1tl __..If ell lot :ir. l"llNltw 11UbKrlbed to the wlttirn a-ts"-t 1r>Cll
P'lnM Trld, Gcwtll'll ~ tllt Id;-~ Ill tlt«Vlwd fhl' Mll'MI. .. 1ttrtY 2U.OO ,...., n IMwll Oft I matl (OFFICIAL SEAL)
ncvrdtod In MllatllnM\11 Mli>t look •• llose!le c. ICnCUf
...... 7),,A:_. flf °''"" Coullty. N 0 'OM-' 00-... Said p._rn Is loulwcl It 21'1 o 1"" I.I ~-• "" ..
....... ~. PrlnclH I OHt~ 111 '" Or1""1 Coulltv Raine Petition NG. R·IMI. bl!!W tllt My CommlQlon Ex,Jl'N ~ntlon 01 Fr•~ X. Sh09l\o 1n1 Wti.t JulV 1, 1tn
P11'k '--• Sanl1 AM, I'll r11-I _. l"llb•1hed Or1"99 Coe1t D11tY ~ilt. Ju.
llofl flf Lot I In llod E el tfll 8erTy ty-11, 2S Ind All91.11t !, I, 19'1 lUUI TrKT from Ml fra Cl-CP. Said pr-rty It loatw It 1ti. flD"'""-~rly c«Nr el ltllllt Sll"MI Ind Newpwt loul.vlnl I NI It ITIClrl pertlcullrlY dtscrlbtd 1n I m» on fl,.
Ind IYlllable fol' '41blft 1-tlon In
t11t offle1 of tllt CLtv Clttk.
NOTKE 1$ f'UllTHEA: GIVEN ltl1t 11
""' tlmt Ind PllCI lbovt-""1'1110Md 1nv
1nd 111 ""°'" lnltl"tlttd "'"' 11>11t1r •nd·be he•rcl b'f tri. City C(IUll(I! of 11\t City of eo.i. MtM an Mlf rt-pefl. ,,_
Ctty Cieri! of !tie
City of C!lllll ""-
1'11blllhed Or•l'lllll Coat 0.llY "lot, J11-tr It. 1M4 no.a
l'011 TH• COUNTY O• ORANG• .... .._
LYNN \I. EVANS tta1 "ltd htrtln 1
"111\on !or Pl'llllllhl of WIH Miii Cedlcn1
•nd for ls1u1rw:. of Lttt.ra Tnt1,,,.n11rv flt ,.,.. 1'~1111_,., r.i1rtnca to whkh l1
mtlte tor turthlf' Nrllcul1r1,, Ind '1111 IM nme •nd Pita tlf heiring Ill M,,,. hM *" M1 fot A1111usl f, lMI. II t:30 1.m., In 111• Cllllrlroom of D.,•rl'!Mnl Ne. 7 of
•Mid aM.lrl, 11 IOI NGrltl 8rotdWQ, In IM
CJty of StnM Anti, C:.lllomla.
D1tld: Julr 9, 1961
C°"nty Cltrk
w1n.c1, ....... 1111f cr1111 m .,._ Dt1 .... S..itt " N"""'1 ~. C.'""'1111
Tth """'271
Pullllttled Or111W1 C... Diiiy l'llDt, Jlltf 11, n. 11, 1m 11...._
aUl'llUOll COUllT 01" THI ITATa
NOTICI 0, Hl!AltlNO 01' l'l!TITION
l'Olt P1108ATI!' o• WILL ANO •o• ·~:1!7'1IR~ TltJ~l!':ITNAOll:, OltAkl!', .........
NOTICE II HEIU!9Y GIVEN Thll EL8EllT o , OWEN h11 filed htr1rn I
Pfllllon for Proti.hl of WI II I nd for
luulr>c:t of lelltr1 Tnt1m.nt1rv to Petl·
tlontr. reftrirnce lo wflldl 11 mad9 for LEGAL NO'l1CE f\lrhr P1rllcul1r1. 1nd lflllt tllt tr,.,. Ind 1-------------· l pit~ of httrllllll 11\t Mflll 1111 btfll Ml 8Alt·1't fol' Auvin.t f, Ifft, 11 f:JO 1,m., 1n "-
NOTICI TO C•IOll'Otl:f aM.lrll'oom of o.,.,,met'I, No. 1 of nld
ILl .. E.101 couaT o ... TH• court. II ll01 Horii! lrotdWIV, In lfll C11Y
STATI 0,. CALl,.OltJflA ol Slnl1 Ant, C1lltornl1.
l'Olt TH• (OUNTY Of' OflA.... O•fld Juty 1,, INl.
'"-A...ut W. E. ST JOHN
h .... of NORA I'. MINADl!!O, Oecett-· DAVID w.ft'ftv Cllrt
lfNoTttl!! 1$ HEllEIY GIVEN fie tN lft Wftl !It Sl/'9f
cndJ!ors of Ille 1bow nt/nf'lll dtCff9nt Wfe tU
!Mt 11! HnOr1$ hlvll'lll clllrN """'' 111t \M """""" C1M"'11l1 M1t Mid dtcedtnf .,. r1<111lrlf .. flit """'· Tiii Ult) ,,..,m
•llh Thi Mo(llMry VlllldMn, Ill 11\t olllct AltWrM¥ lw "'11"-of tht cltril. Of ft!O ibvvt tnllllld court, or Publ11htd Or1nt1 C:0.11 01llY l'llot, ~ ,. ,_, ftlem, wmi tht neenurv IY 17, 11, 14, lNI lm.41
\IO!ldllr&. ft The OJ!Mlttlltlnld •I 1111 9'flce of hl1 Attom1r, Orn,19111 o. Mottrl!I, 1111t IMctl lovllvanl, Sult. ...,,,.., I,
Hut1t1fltfon Mlad'I, C.llfornll 1"1lldl It Ille pleao of bu1lr1tn of lllt Ulldll'lllntd 111 1!1
miners Pfff•llllN '9 tlM "lite ef Mid dtcecle11T, wlthlr! SI~ m0011h1 1tt.r ,.,.. nnt
p\lbtkatlon of l!!t1 notice.
Dltld JulY 10. lfft
Cht'lel P. MtntdlO
Admlnltl,•tar 01 the E1l1te tll lfll
Abow n11"ed dtcecitnt °"91111 D. Mttel"ll
Ullt .... II 91¥'"""' ltllte lll1m!Mlf" I
HUntllltftll ..... Cllllwllla
T1h f'HJ 5414124
""""" fir Mfn!Mf"" Publlslled Hu11llneton l11th D1ltv Piiot,
Hunlln1~ llUCl'I, C.Hloml1
JulY II, 11. 2$ • A\111111 1, !NII 111141
ClltTIP'ICAT• 01' SUSINlll,
"rht Underllg!'ltil dol>I CtrlltY hi II CO!l'
dUcllnt 1 bu1tnns 11 20'l .tire! SI,, N-rl ll11dl, C11t1otn11, under 1111 flo.
tlllow firm 111me ol DRAkE DEllON Ind 11111 11ld firm 11 COmPOl...:11 Of W. 1111..,_.
lnp "''°"' •holt n1m1 In full •1111 1iec. of 1'91!dtncl II II lo1loWI :
t..on1rd C. Kttor, SOS E'11t Al°"9,
Glff\dor1, C1llforn!1.
Dtlld Juty I, 1961.
Lt'OMrd C. K1ior
fief• of C1llfornl1, °''"" Co•mtv: On JulY I, IP6f, ~ ,.,., I NllhN
.. utlllc ln Ind for s.tlld llat., --llY
....... rtd LIO!llrd C. kltot It_... Ill ,.,. to ~ 1111 "'SOii wlloM ntme 11 11111Krfb-N to !ht wllhl" Instrument and
ldl!IOIO'r.dttd JM IXKU~ !fie s.t1m1.
(OfP'1CIAL SEAL) Orm1h v, UH
Nol1ry Publk-C1tl"'"l1
Prlr>c:!Pll Olflc. In
Or1no1 COYl'llV My CCll'ltmlQllft EU!rn
M1rdl 27, 1'1ll Pu\llshed 0!'•11111 Coal C.llY PllDt, ,.,,_
IV 1L 2S Ind A1,11isl I, I, lfft lJU.a
' -
. -.
' \ -..
• ' • • •
f 1
, ... .. . ----•' .. ------. .
.t.ptL Unfurnished
~· for R•nt 5995
~C room. Men only,
poo -smoker. Refs req 'd,
··th ol llW)I, OIM. $:20 wk.
'"6~4 &tt 6
·wi:E Rm., "°"' loc. 0...
-=eniltl borne;, .$55 Wtth
~tche.n prhrll. 54S-599$
I G.11.lo.t H-5998
r PRlVATE Room foe elderly
•IUy in llcerwed guest home. ,_,
: PfifVATE Room for am-
: OOJ.atory lady. Good food .
}!\!'; '"""'"""""· >18-4153 ' -...
Apt&. Unfu!'"nlshed Gen•r•I
MiK. Rentals 5999 Income Property 6000
1'\TO Cilrlget f(_. l'ellt I I ' D Ii hi I 110 <acb. 918 Palm St., nYeS Of S e g I
Huntington Beach \ --~--~----TerrU!c leverage ttt.mendous
Garage fur rent depreciation wrlteotf o o w,
Single· S20 monlh land to improvement r•to).
642-J&t5 NO exterior maintenance or
REAL ESTA TE yard work to worry about.
Gen•r1I Complete recreation facili·
tiea and good established
Income Property 6000 tenants. Buy 1 to 20 unit5
6 Houses en comm. acre,
room ror more. 165-169 E.
21st. Colta Mesa. Do not
disturb tenant&. Prine.
only. By owner 1-T:>S-0328
and laugh at "tax lime",
Monticello Hom••
546-12 10
Courtesy to Brokers
Businus R1ntal 6060
Medic•I or
Prof•ssion1I Suite
s ·EE FREE ...
Check ·the classified section of today's DAILY PILOT to see if
your name is published. It ca n appear anywhere in the Classified
Jwt clip your name out of the classified pages and take it to the
LIDO THEATRE in Newport Beach and say you saw it in the
DAILY PILOT. (You'll need identification.)
-'It c..,...nt, Concrete 6600 ---CEMmT Work, &ti k1ndl.
lnltant credit -all major
credit card& incl oil card•
honored. 12 Mos to pay.
Reasonable Prices, Local
Contractor. Work Cuar.
Free Estlmate1 .... 642-9496
FLOORS-Walka·Patlo1 It
Expoeed Rocb. E x p e r t
Workmanahip. 642-8514
Block walls. Abo C!X)Crete
sawing & removal. 842-1010.
CEMENT Work, all typeis.
No job too small. Free: est.
H. STUFLICK 548-8615
l icensed -Quality
* *
WINtddya Wont? Whaddy• Got?
Specl•I R•t•
5 llnH -5 time s -5 bucks
l-Wht1 nu Nw ro tr-. t-~t rvu •nt Ill tr.._
t-YOUJl •'-¥1111• Mdfta ~! 111111 _. 8Ctnt1ltlfo9, ...... OTHIHG FOR SALi! -fJlADES ONL YI
PHONE 642·5671
in Orange. 74147 E. Chapman.
ApProximateiy 25c per sq. ft.
Key at 42 Plaza Sq .. Orange.
R.ltr. 646-8811
OFFER GOOD THROUGH JULY 30, 1961 ONLY Cement work. 839-5<156
To Place Your Tr•der'1 P•redlM Ad
Child Care 6610 3 BR, 11h BA, Newport Bch # 62 Balboa Cove& 3 BR
water!ront with pier. WW
consider anything in value
lor dUference above i;fi,OOJ
loan. I.J 8-77n ;?WHAT : ., ' • ' : \, j, . :···. ' .. : )•·' •
•• ..
: "' ' : , .. ,.
; ~~ ' . '
; I• I
~ ,,, ...
.: """ ...
"' .. ...
'" .-
···~ ••
'' "· , ..
..... . . . ".
... ...
" ' ' • • • • • ' • ' . • ! .. ~· • • l . "
• • .. . • " .
' • • • . ,,
IT IS • • •
REAL ESTATE BUSINESS end ANNOUNCEMENTS ------_.;.;..c: 131.500. EquHy $15,250.
General FINANCIAL and NOTICES . CHILD care & recrea._tlon WANT: land, resort, income
Prestige Store in prime
location. 25()0.Sq. ft. Alr
cond. See al 1801 Newport
Blvd., Costa Mesa or call
Mr. Ward 642-8484
program. 9Jc Per hr. Bal or ??? R. Ross Meyer Jr,
Acreage 6200 Bus. Opportuniti• 6300 Per1on1ls 6405 Isle Co1nmunity Methodist 673-6756 :.;::..:;'-"''-------1 1--'""-""-''-----=-= Church, ll5 Agate, Bal ls.le. l=---------ATIEJiTION NUTVIU..E, U.S.A. is now FLY TO CATALINA 10 to 4 Mon thru Fri CitTUsgrove,frostfreearea
DEVELOPERS & accepting applications for DAILY FLIGHTS FROM 675-0950' . EXCHANGE for Income
franchises in Orange Coun-ORANGE COUNTY AIR· ===~------fproperty Orange Co. or cit·
INVESTORS ty. Locatloos are waiting in PORT, Catalina • Vegas SP~ Summe.r program. rus land No. San Diego Co. BALBOA ISl..AND for leue.
Store or office apace to
900 sq. ft. 67rr2065
* 80 LEVEL ACRES * Anaheim, Laguna B c h ' Airlines. • 546-6612 Ages 2 ~ to 6. 8 a.m. to 5:'.JO Fortin, Rltrs 642-500}. 1703
Ideally located in high-dry Balboa Island & other areas. p.m. ;IS week. CI av Is Westcli!f.
Office Re nt•I 6070
desert (no smog problems, $l4,950 cash req. Fully MEMBERSfllP Balboa. Bay Montesorrl Schools, 1525 N. ===-=~--~
wonderful dry-air!) Leve I !leCured invest. 5 h 0 u Id Cub. DISCOUNT, Box M161, Santa Ana, C.M. 646-3706. PRIME $7400 2nd TD on
'""'· pump & well on prop-Daily Pilot. j ;o========="lgorgeous 5 BR. house, pays , return lat yr. Call for appt 1~ M w t ~-~ •LAGUNA BEACH erty. Just 18 miles East of 642-ml Ol' write to 1617 ALCOHOLICS Anonymoua Contr•ctors 6620 •u o. an vnuige , ..... ty,
Air Conditiontd Barstow {where great ex-Westclifl Dr .• Suite no Harbor Area. Pbone673·8724 hoExm•4•34J . p~~:,.,9546-Ev"'30
ON FORES'..: AVENUE pans.ion has already begun!) P .O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. Lk:ensed Contractor t. ; or JJO-Lll• es. Newport Beech, Cal. 92660 Residential -Commercial Desk spaces available in 90 man ·made Lakes in DYNAMIC FRIENDS 1965 YAMAHA, 80, TRADE
off,_ •··'Id. ld -' I t UNIQUE FRANCHISE Maint & Repairs. Free F.4t f 25 "· of newest "'e ........ tng at area! e..... or re so r With sterling qualities for <r sq y...,. new carpet "-loc "· · downt d I 1 all u For men & women with mgt 673-2129 & d -d l'k d' h P•uue auunm own eve opmen, a ... a thosewbocare.539-3l41. pa .11a e I enew is·
Laguna Beach. Air condi· growing, fish ralsing, etc. ability. No exp; we train. Additions * Remodeline washer for clothes dryer.
tioned, carpeted, beauti1ul . , , opportunities boundless. Offered by lnte.mal.ional Announc•ments 6410 Fred H. Gerwick, Lie, 53&-0334
paneled partitioning. Two This ia, i. rare ollering, af. Yardage Fair. $15,<m to 673-00U * 549-Zl701'H~a~v-,-!Bs,-.,t;-,'5~5-,,2-~D~,-.• ~F~o-<d°".
.n-•• ,,. -n•·g• on fonl' •• · tor 1 $25,000 invst o"""s r etail L" tt H Ith ua.i ... · r•u"' 1ng u1e mves a grea .-~·· 1se e __ ea PATIOS e Patio Covers New tires; radio, heater, Forest Ave., rear leads to f •·-• p na1 · store in assoc with this fam· u,....,.,., ClI'CUm· Room Additions, Llc. auto. Loaded! Want furn. Mu-J··' paoong lo•· $50 " 1 .... __ , ... ous Co. Jim Ow-s, <« "'1 Hospitality i.!i Our Motto '"" Y""' ...... ances orc.e , .. 1s _,e; o....-~ .. ......,...,.,.. 642.5952 DayS-Eve-Wknds suit. for apt. 400 N. New· ,_ month for space. Desk _,, J il BEER & J FREE SAUNA WITH ,..... er, sm .... er parce s ava -p zza, snow cone, port Blvd, N.B. 646-1676 and chairs available tor $5. bl 1 SWEDISH MASSAGE Businesa hours answering a e be ow market value. popcorn etc. SlSOO full Open wkdys. 10 am. U pm C1rpet Laying & Carlsbad 10 acres equity
•• _,, .• , ovo;iobl• 1_ IIO. Call owner: 847$40 Eves/ price. 628 Victoria at San ,i_.. Repair 6626 t.i,ooo 1,, dupl•x co'rono d•l ""' • " ... "' weekends. Clemente pier. 492-5541 Sun......,.s 10 am · 8 pm ""
All utllltle• paid except I ~c..,-==~-=~== 519 E. Broadway CARPET • Lie. Contractor Mar. one with 2 BR & 2 ~A
telephone. 10 LEVEL Ac. COLORADO Long Beach (213) 437-7069 all prices . lree estimates or R·2 room to build,
DAILY PILOT RIVER. nr BIG RIVER Reil E1t•te Loa ns 6340 CAROL LOPICCOLO 546-4478 evenings 944-1818 or 941-8218 222 FORESI' AVENUE devel, Riverside County.
LAGUNA BEACH $7,990, noo dn, $Ill mo. BORROW on Your Equity formerly of Playboy Beauty
4!M·9466 675--5017, L.A. 213 467-2133 Private Znd Morlg, money Salon in Westclilf Plaza, has
joined the staff at DELUXE OFFICE Free appraisal. No oblig. PETER CHRISTIAN CARPE~s BUSINESS ond ALSO HXXI SQ. FT. ·' -Newpo<ter Inn PRIVATE R"~ROOM __ .. FINANCIAL !IO?'o 1st TD loans to STI ,500 ~· 1 auu Beauty Salon &1'""0 kl ·• f ·11 · Only 11"" Serving Orange Oity 18 yrs, ~ t. .... en SCI bes. ..., Bus, Opportunities 6300 o .... n Sundays by •ppt • mo. Year Jesse. Sattler Mortgage Co., Inc. r-
STORE ROOM COSTA MESA AFFILIATE 336 E 17th St., Costa Mua Babi & Smith Bldg. Contr.
~SQ. IT.· BUSY THOR-INVESTOR 642-n71 54:..00U now constructing a Gold
OFARE . LEASE $200 MO, Medallion Home at 432 v· ·" · MANAGER ANNOUNCEMENTS M•ndou T''''"" C0<ona
$25,0CO C:ash Required
Orange County based fra.n-
and NOTICES Highlands. Corona de! Mar
.1 ~4\J 1 chlse marketing & W es
.:IJ r... 1 .in ::it. · compan)' seeks a partner/
Found (FrH Ads) 6400
Eve. 646-5752 manager for this o1Hce. Ex-
Office Rental 6070 pansion program requires
the services of a rompetant.
reliable, sales oriented in-
dividual with a background
o( past successes. Franchise
exper. helpful but not man·
datory as present mgr. will
work closely with this of-
Air-Condit ioned
Offic•s.& Desk Sp•c•
with central secretarial,
ax and telephone answering
serVice, up to 2,000 sq, ft.
The Mutual Bldg.
2863 E. Coast Hwy, CdM
Call 8 AM to 5 Pr.1 675-4070
MEDICAL Suite partially
furn. Dover or. area. Ample
psking. Larger ec' pt ion
area, 6 exam room11.
Laboratory. Large front of.
fice. Dr'11 private lounge.
Approx 2,000 sq. ft. 644-2924
between 4-5pm.
This is e.n unusual opportu-
Yoo are the winner ol
2 tickets to the
nity for a sophiaticatt'd, sin-Just clip this ad and take
cere, aggressive thinker lo it to the Lido Theatre in
join with a established org. Newport Beach with identi-
that is fast becoming recog· fication.
nized nationally.
Qualified per&on will draw FEl\1ALE Shellie. brown and
S250 a wk; sal. + 50~ of white. Appean to be young.
the profits which should far Vic. al Edinger It Warner,
exceed the invstmnl in the-off of Magnolia,
first year. ~7~ 7120
Mortu•ry & Cemetery
Complet• funerals
from $245
Cemetery lots
from $130
Includes Endowment Care
Everything in one beautiful
place means less cost
No traffic problems.
14801 Beach, Westminster
531.1725 893-24Zl
Cem•t•ry Lots 6418
Wil.L Sacrifice 4 Space
Family Plot. Harbor Rest
Memorial Park Cl't1-
Call coll. eves 1213) 591-2080
Dr•periff 6630 74 FuU Dress. 16,000 miles ;;..;.;;:;~*;.;.:Z~A-F_F_!N_O_'_S_* __ TRADE $$()'.I equity Ior
PICK UP. 25 % off -All fabrics * 847.9805 *
18Z2 1h Newport, CM 642-6866j:;-o:::==::-cc::c,C.-c:-;c;-:--,,-"'=========l4 Income units on nst St.
Electric•! 6640 in Costa Mesa. Trade for
----------!house or trust deeds. in·
ELECI'RICIAN, Licensed & come $402.50. Owner.
b o n d e d • Small jobs, * 549-0SJ.l *
~inten. It repairs. 548-5203 NEED MOTORCYCLE
Floors 6665 Have 1964 Simca, rebuilt
engine, new tires. $450 or
LINOLEUt-.f, carpet, tile. Re-? .................. 494-720-I
model, repair. Many rem-
nants. Free est. 839-16TI, *
541-8654 * *
Gardening 6680 SERVICE: DIRECTOR?
ANTHONY'S Housecleaning 6735
Garden Service
Exp horticulturist.
Reas. monthly Gardening
J ap•n•se Gardener
Exper., complete yard
service. F'~ estimates
548-7958 • 546-0724
CLEANING • inside-out.
Painting, rug cleaning wall
washing. Free est. 646--5103
Interior Decorating 6737
• Residence · Comm'I e
• Painting. int. & ext. e Custom Drapery
• Custom Car-peting
JAPANE.SE GARDENER e Wall Coverings & cleanup. Reliable. • Color Coordination
Reas monthly rates. FREE ESTIMAT~
827-5248 alt 6 pm Licensed & insured
CLEAR • 4 Units furn:
ocean view, % blk. Npt.
pier, best rental area. $58,·
500 take sm, hse in trade.
2006% Court Ave., 673-6627
LAKE Tahoe. View Lot Na-
vada side, paved $12,500
clear. Exchange for 110me·
bodys headache! Units;
TD's. or ? Bkr. 675-5'rai
4 Income unit$ on Zlst St:
in Costa Mesa. Trade for.
house or trust deed!. Jn.-
come $402.50. Owner. ·
* 549-(m] *
2 BR furn condo. on Bch
nr. Venice, Italy in exclus-
ive resoM area. Trade for
local area 3 or 4 Br. home
or vac. lot or boat. 646-1277
DELUX.E 3 BR 3 ba furn
on Golt Course, pool, wat •
erfa\Js, hobby sbop $15,500.
eq. Want Units or 7, Dania
Rley Co. 642-6560.
Will trade for house, lot,
car, trailer or ?. Beauti-
ful 3 BR 2 ba, pool, 132x135'
excl. Palm Spring11. $40,000.
Rltr. 675-1662
40X80 ~ORE Bldg. w/20x30
Warehouse; lge. lot: W. Holt
Blv., Ontario, val. $70,000
Trade up for commerc. in
Cd r.-1 area. 1 • 986-6090
EASTSIDE Ct-.1 . 1 OR 2
BR. TRADE 1sr T.D.
* * *
!>1;;-. 11 1.._~ OIRl::C 1"0RY
Plumbing 6890
PLUMBING 24 Hr. aerv.'
Work guar. Lie., insur.:
ff!mod~. repair, rooter serv.
Plumbing -repairs, remodel-
ing, Electric sewer clean-
ing. All wori< gu ar. 646-1407
Remodel., R•p•ir, 69401
Carpentry • Paint • Plaster '
& Concrete. Dick 642-1797 · FOR RE'~N~T-
Approx. 450 Sq, F'I. CRJlleted
&; drapes, air-cond.
1515 Westcllff Dr., N.B.
If you can qualify, have the: TRI-COLORED Australian
req. funds & att ready to Shepherd !Border Collie)
roll up your sleeves to go Vic. F'alrground.s & Hixh
to work immed. -Write Sc~l. C.1\1. 543-0076
Garage stalls for rent.
Hoists. air compressor &
accessories. 842-6020
way thru college. Allen 536-!!5!3 Sewing 6960\
8!'08. lndsc grdnrs comp. j------'----I
lawn care. 646-4203 Ironing 6755 e SEWING • .ALTERATIONS·
Contact Mrs. Rainio 642-4ClXl
~lodern oUiccs, carpel!!, air
cond. parking. From $65 per
month Orange County Bank
Bldg. 230 E. 17th St., Costa
Mesa 642-1485
EXECUTIV·E Office 11ulte.
320 sq. ft , Glendale Fed
Bldg, CdM. Reasonable.
Up. 1770 Orange Ave. C.M.
BEACH &: Slater stores for
lease. 1050 sq. ft. -Im 11g.
ft. {213) 382-2397
about )'Otll'St'lf. in de t ai l I "PA"°"R=T~-1-,.,.,.,-~,.,o-ctt-o.--f~oo-n~d~in
lgive phone no.J & you will vie. Sanla Ana Ave. and
be contacted for a personal Mesa Dr. F1ea collar and
interview, All replies in leather collar. 642-4816
strictest confidellC'e. Write
P 0 WJIT Tom eat w/grey tail. to: . . Box 900. Costs Meaa, Calif. Vic 16th &: Tustin, C.M. --Un usual Opportunity
A business of your own with BICYCLE. boy& found vie
no limit to income. $25,000 Orange & Del Mar, C.M.
To $50,000 per year & more. 548--6178
Retire on $12.(XX) to $18,000 FOUND : Small blk & wht -
a yr. in 5 yr.i, It )'OU are a Pllrt Springer Spaniel -t.1esa
promotion man or group or-Verde area. 642-3165
ganlzer. it will pay you to I -=s~L~K~•~W~h~t-. -pup_p_y-.,,~'o-.~N~p~t.
look into this opportwtlty Bcb. 673--£613
from a 50 yr. old company. I ~=~-~~~~~~ Small invest. req. Call YNG Grey It white kitten vie
lndu1tri•I Rent1f 6090 Thurs. aft. 9 AM 535-Bln CdM. 673-8300
Ext 106 Mr, Drake. SKIS. Identify.
4200 sQ. Ft. in modem con--
crete building M-2 20ne: S300
mo. (213) 434-5082
Lot 6100 ::..'------OCEAN VIEW LOTS
WHY Work for someone
elae?' Be your own boss!
You C'a1I have your own
yardage shop in the hel!lf't o(
C.M. f, natural for someone
who likes to sew and make
money. $5,000.00 to get in -
includes $8,000.00 inventory
80 x 135 level • •··•••· $2<1,500 and . fl.xturea. THE REAL
SOx 1.2{1 level ••••·•·• $17,000 ESTATE.RS -546--2313 71))(101 ............... $10,000
UndergroUnd utU • terms SERVICE Fluff & Fold
R. Nnttre!L!I Rltr. 642-1485 LAUNDROMAT Established
PARTIAL Ocean view: Cor-12 yrs at 783 W. 19th Costa Me:11a, netting $1300. Long
ona de\ Mar. Oloiee 0 '511"° lease. 11uit couple. Owners
lol NOT leftsehold. Lovely retiring. LI 8-5640. 7 AM 6
trees. 673--2010 Realtor. P.M.
l LUl'S on NB BEAUTY SHOP 6 mo. old, terms or trade. Fee: owner mu!t leave sacrifice
1impl,. 646-856S $2,500. Beach area. TifE
R1nches 6150 REAL ES'l'ATERS 646-nn. 1,,;;;;;;;;;=:;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;; I for "Van" fOI' this and
3 bedrooms and swimming
P,OOI. lncludel 2 bedroom
guest house and 8 m.ll bun.
Norlhca&I ol Tultln on 3 ac.
l'cl of genU, 1loplng land
l!flth'el)' fenced. $98,500. For
further infnrrnation please
c•ll Glenn Thompson with
Eckhaff & A1soc., Inc.
1818 W. Ch111pmM Ave.
Orange, Calif.
541°2671 , Eve$<~1 538-6171
()(her B.0 ·1.
New marketing program
$1700 inventocy. Al Jarvis
marketing director 642·9762
Beech atore, rwlm wear,
shlftt, aouvenlrs etc.
Sl.iOO r1111 pr1c:¢.. 626
Victoria at San Clemente
pier. 49'l-554l, -492·1221
Dlol 6U'°'61S
For Daily Pilot Want Ad.I.
Lost 6401
$.iO RE\VARD. Male black &
while shaggy mut1 , 4 yrs,
med alze, no tags, name
Igor, near Saddlcgack Inn,
Laguna Beach, 494-8862
BROWN Alllgator bi!Hold ln
phone booth next t o
Albertron's mkt. 19lh &
Harb. Rew. 642-7890
BI..K Dachshund mix femaJe:
dog. Tan marka. Wear[ng
plastic flea collar. Farview •
Paularino, CM vlc. M0--8507
PART-lrlah .ettor found in
vie. Santa Ana Ave. and
Meu Dr. Flea collar and
leather collar. 6G--4816
2 LOST kittens, grey, 4 moe.
old ; vie. 1200 Baltm Bl•,
NB. REWARD. 673-3703
BOY Sblack rim p1"HCl'lpUon
1luaea nc1r Main• High
Sc:hooJ 8<2-27'5
LA DIES gold
bracelet. Reward .
1WIN blue blby atroller Vic
Lag Bc.h acrosa A r l
Festival. Reward. tD7-2638
GREEN Schwinn 10 "(lffd
bicycle. Reward. 842-2145
Babysitting 6550
MATURE girl aged 22. Ex.
per. w I ·2 years w/mentally
retarded children & 2 yrs aa aide. Referenceis.
Have transp. M,§-9588 after 4
LICENSE!» Babysitting in
my home. Any age. Day or
1-l S Senior girl will babysit
for babies Or small children
your home. XI.NT REFS.
BABYSI'ITING in your home
by the week. penn. You rum. transp. 642-1407
Brick, Masonry, etc.
BRICK, Concrete, Carpentry
Custom Cabinets. Small jobs
OK. Free: Est. 962-£945
Bulld1r1 6570
Higson Construction Co.
Inc. IA -Medallion Builder)
CABINETS. Any site job.
23 yrs e:xper. 548-6713
Cabinetm•king 6SIO
CUSTOM kll. cablnet11,
bthrm. puUmana, fonnica
tops ext· work reas. 847-9832
Cer pent•rfng 6590
Too Small. Cabinet tn pr-
age11 A a t b e r cabiMt11.
545-8175 Eves 646-2372 Dl.)'I
H, O. Anders0n-·-~--
CaJ)><nlet", 14 ""' bow"
Rtmod.i1ng -a.,,.;,
536--3900 &fti!'r 5 PM
Professional & Fast · MOWING, Edging, vacalawn. KEP!iART'S Cust · . ReasonabJ(', 646..&1•~, Gen'I cleanup Hauling om ironing .,.,
Odd Jobs. * ' MS-6955 has moved to 130E17, Suite Alterations-642-5B4S
T, Cl\1. Open Mon-Sat Neat, accurate, 20 yrs. exp.' GEN'L dean-up, tree serv,i;1;;R,;ON.,;IN;;Go'-~p;-:'=CC.C:C:'--,-
rototil, gr11dlng, sprinklers, . • ermanent only.
lawn!! haul'g. 64G--584S Bnng own hangers. $1.50 hr. TILE, Ceramic
' My home. 646-55TI 6974
e JAPANESE GARDENING * Verne, the Tile Man *
Service CleMUp, Landscap. Ja nitorial 6790 Cust. _work. Install & repairs.
ing. 531-7034 alt 7p.m. No Job too small. Pla6ter
Cut &: Edge Lawn BRIGHTER SIDE Jan Ser patch. Leftding 11 how e r
Maintenance. Llceru.ed. Crpt cleaning. firs, wndO\VS repair. 847-1957/846--0200
548-4808, 545-8570 aft 4 Pl\1 lndust'l, Resid'I. 548-4134 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT
Yard Cleanup Lawn l\Tcm·ing L•ndsca • 6810 Job W•nted, Men 7000
Light Hauling Power Tools ping
Exp. &48-59631962-2272 GAYNOR'S LANDSCAPING
PttOW -EDGE -SPRAY St11te licensed contrctr,
FERTILIZE. 962-7349 Residential • Commercial
Japanese Garde~
Professional MAintenMce
Gardening com11lete service
30 yr11. exp. Rellable,
dependable, 642-4389
RELIABLE: Reas. Oriental
care, Cleanup, odd jobr;,
Vincent. &1.2--0326
Yard CleMup Free Est
No job too big. 89J.3581
CORR.AL'S Lndscpg &
Rototilling Serv. Free est.
(Have own equipment
P•lntlng 6850
PAINTING And Papering. If
you call me we both benefit
Exclusive buy oot expensive
7'ry me and see. 541-3157
6612 PAPERHANGER. \Viii paint.
_P_R_O_FESS ___ -w-,,..,-,-w-.-w-.-11-.-a: s amp I es. FI 0 ck s .
F' o I ls-Vinyl. SCHWARTZ Or. cleaning: bu• in e 1 s , 847_1659 resid .. It. construction.
Crystal \Vindow Crllning
Free Estimates MS-8737
Painting -student wants
paint job5, experienc«I,
no job too .&mall! 842-$67
Hauling 6730 INTERIOR l EXTERIOR --"-----L rrrLE G1AiVT TRUCK Painting. ~ estJ mate.
H1uUng. 6' height, 10' bed. Uc. &: Ins. CHUO< ~3-5.114
You name It I haul. Reas. * Paperhangin& *
Big John &t~ })i:prrt
I HAULING Ttuh pickup ~8-1444, eves.
Trimming. Arcythlng . \l:e do PAINTING Intl!rlor/Exterior.
it all. ~r work 545-2792 Free estimates!
EAN • -·-.. * 6'1.2-4669 * a. ~. a:•rages, c.1 -=-===~~==~ Trff ttmoval, dump. aklp, e PAlN'MNG I FENCES e
l>Ackhoe, fill. rrade. 96l-1745 InttTior A Exlttlor
DAILY Pll.oT DIME-A· 546-7881
UNEs. You can UM them PalntiJ'lg, exterior, mtmor
b just plllfti• a dq. D1aJ Uc. fna. 17 )Tl ~. Free ell.
"1·5611 548-5325. Acou&tic.ol coil.
EXP. Import auto mtthanlc
geeks employment wit b
company ill Orange Co.
yrs exp. seeks employment
in Orange c.o. 83G--1018
man. 17 years exp.
• 642-7320 •
Job Wa nt<td, Lody 7020
LADY With nursing exp. will
care IOI" lady or gent In your
home. Llii:ht housework OK,
Beat of rr!e•'ellCe• from
local res. 548-453·1
DAY\VORK, 21~ • 3 hour8
mornings. 5 days week,
• 335-043 •
CARPET Clear.Ing. Floor
stripping, Waxing, Walla
\Vindow11 wa.shed. 5.'ll ·-0567 '
Job Wanttd
M•n & Women 7030
Dix only, N.B. arft pre-
f~. elqlt'f. ii refs. Avlll
Sept. 1. 536-1"'6
Domntlc Help 7035
EmplO)'cr payg ft!f't
George Byland Apncy
100 8 E. 16th, S.A. 547--0J9ii
OI~ live.lnf,, Otttrful .
Pl!rmanent. E.'qltrlmced.
Far East Agency 6t2-87m
23 t 0
tlolp Won!M, -7200
Rotardlooof ...
• or ..,.,..,nee
$975 FIRST MO.
Potential tf )'OU t.incfl'e.
b' want to wont and eam
hie money, can fallow or-
den, you &hould write
one order everyday and U
)'OU cu do that
I con offer · you
• $125 wMldy' .. r.,.,
• Now C1dlllac fum.
• Work ' hrs a clay
• Your office 90 days
• EJCec:utlve treinin9
• Bonus pl•n
• No canva11fng
1500 Adam.I, SUite 303
Costa Meaa 11-4 pm dail,y.
8. S. M. E. ......
greduate to Service
Field Account. ind
supervise new prod ..
uct development for
division of n.tional
company. Salary
$I 0,000. Excellent
(714) 646-9641
A qualified perM'.ln to be em-
ployed by a Nationally
Known develcper gpeciallz·
Ing in developing regional
lhopping Ce!\tert 4 other
conunercial projects. Appli-
cants should have an engi·
Deering degree er equivalent
construction experience l>U""
ticularb' as a construction
estimab:r, Mall resume to
Wlmne.r Co. Inc. 1PJ Avenue
cf the Stan, &Die 407, Los
Angeles, Call.f. to the atten·
ticn of James F. Brewer.
Famous Hamburgers
155S W. Adams
Join todays fastest growing
profession-Mutual Fund sales
No experience neeessa.ry.
We train • full ar part time
Mutual Fund Advisors,
Npt B. 1603 Westclitt 642-6422
S.A. 1212 N. Broedwa)t
Immediate opening in the
Orient for man with back-
ground as foreman cf large
U.S. Yachtbullding com-
pany, who la expert la ALL
phases cf glass tooling, die-
sel. cabintry, etc. Tep op-
portunity and llaz'y for
rl&bt man. Send l'l!9UIDI! to
Box Ml.SI Orange Coast
Pilot, Contidentlal.
Help Wonted, -noOHolp Wanted, Mon 720Ct
r-.,, .iu!J 18, 11611 DAILY I'll.OT
women 7400 Joloo Mon. Worn. 7500 Furnll\lro -Fumll\lro IOlltfumlturo -
·PROOUCllOfll J. c . ..
TRAINEES PEllll£Y co. Pianoo & O,....=:.._;:;;;::•I
* De~orator
Poaitiona immediltely
No experience necesaaey, over 18 years. High
6ChooLgraduate. U you have Ille aptitude, we
will lnill you. Permanent empk>ymenl Ex·
cellent opPOrtunity for advancement
1.vailabh1 at our Harbor A
"" Experlencad Noto Teller
Newport leach
H11 potltlono
For sales In
Receives cancellation of $22,000.00
•nish and . Mediterranean Furniture
AR New Top CjluaHty lrand NatMs
!spec1-;. Sale'f ,,
e WE offer cur att111!4 ..... ,. _, -.-
' ..,.... • al _,., "!il\i
mer Sa1e pricu! INTERVIEWS MON. THRU FRI. yl New Accounts
e WHATEVER'°" aro ~ tna for • we have tt A ~
price )'OU will PlY·
· SPS ·Western (oxporlenco. proferrod).
J1' Teller
(oxporlen<11 proforrod) e SPORTING GOODS e HARDWARI
A Decwator's Dream Ho111e Is On Dlsploy
· Over $100,000 Worth of Spanish/
Mediterranean Furniture to Choose From! ' 2701 So. Harbor, Santa An• PINN apply 1n Ptl'IDn to: e COSMETICS e SEWING MACHINES
1801 Newport, CM
Decorator's Del~
t!lQ)trl.. Items •• follows: Gor9eous I ft. cu1fom quilted 1of• with ••par•t• pillows w~~th:· ~ )'Ollaci1 Alt equal opportunity employer Se<urlty Poclflc
Natlon•I lank
2280 Harbor mvd .. CM
Equal Oppty Employor
Recent ~Gen . · wJth hea•y oek trim decor and matching ch•ir, 3 matchin9 oak occ.•siontl the outside, Lii ---------------::nf' eroua: tables, 12) St" t•ll decor•tor l•mps, hangin9 ch•ln 1we9 lamp• In wrought M1yer Baby. we dJd tht,.Jp.
Logic Design
Excellent ground
floor opportunity
with a rapidly ex·
panding Oran~e
County Electrorucs
orgaruzation. Call
or send resume to
2230 S. Anno St.
Santa An•, Calif.
An equal opportunily ...,....,..,
Loc•I m1nuf1cturer h11
Immediate openlnp for:
• Wlr-n
W• ire 1n at1bll1htd
commercl•I firm with
llberal fringe benefits.
Only people with 11
least six months •x·
porionco should apply
929 Baker Smot
755 w. lllfl
Combination Une mecb9nlc
4: transm1sllon overhaul
man. Must have Otdlllac ex-
perience. Excellent company
benefits. Contact Mr. Bob
Ropiski for interview.
2600 Harber Blvd
Colt& Mesa 54().9100
Retired man intel'e5tl!d
employment to suppU..
ment retirement Income.
Nlght mm ' p.m. *" 11 p.m. Phone
673-3131 fer •ppt.
1740 S. Coast Hwy., Laguna
491-9358. Mr, Wood
DISHWASHER, Full time, 3 nfEhtJi, 2 days. Mk for Ter-.
ry 495 E. 17th, O>&ta Mes.a
Agencl•, Women 7300
Agency tor Career Girls
4lO W. Coast Hwy., N.B.
By appatnL 646-3939
program. intn, an l·piece king siz• mister bedroom suite in pecan pan•led Meditffttn· aide I oot1kle, eboey ...
APPLY IN' PERSON ••n 1tyle with top quality I 5 year w1rranty ktn9 size mattr•11 and box aprinvs. Many ether Grand ~ AlTERATION
Monday lhru Ftida,y Spani1h dining set, etc. WALLlCHS.MANNING.!
9 30 to 9 30 MUSIC CITY ~ : a.m. : P·~· Any piece can b. purchas•d Individually. Drop by •nd see our selection So. Coast Plar.a. e st).ifg
of top quality Spanish end Meditterr•n••n furnitur~ -fant1sticelly pricedl
r.,. high Jl)'8de luhioa
store. Expt'lietice in both
men'1 and women's pre.
1...-.d but will traln. Olf.
ers pleasant environment
and good company bme-
tits. Apply:
J. c. PENNEY co. C--'ate H-"' -.... $1521.DO NOW HEllE -the -"'''P"' SuPl!l'IOlmd!ng T·200
Fashion Island
Newport Buch
For private bome. Full or
part time. Any aa;e.
Uvt in or «rt. 1'lll or part
time. Ne fee!
1638 E. 17th, Sota Ana
N•wport C•nt1r
24 FHhlon Isla nd
Now~rl Buch. Calif,
An equal copc>rtlmlly ..,p1oy..,
Wu Ben's
Newport BHch't
newest and most
exciting Canton-
ese restaurent now
accepting applica•
lions for:
Dispatch Girt
25 to 40 YNrS. Must know e Food Waltrft1e1
local area. Apply In person • Cockt1ll W•ltre ....
YELLOW CAB CO. e DlshwHhort ·
186 E. 16Uo st. e Buslloys
Costa Mesa • Cooks
KINDERGARTEN Teacher • Bart•nden
with credential$; fur child
care, part time. Must have
car. Apply APROPOS No ,
29 Fashion Island, NB.
9-12 and U Dally
::T~~~~·~-·.~.~ ........... '69800 ~~~·:
Terms Avall1ble -Newcomers to C1llfornl1. Credit Approved lmmodlataly ""i'~ll'i'~l"'J:~~!!!!jf
:J.urnilur11 5-ie:1la-Ol •
New Showroom Samples
, 'I1le most elegant grand
""-e've seen. Glorious mne ,;
action. Burled wain.rt, jusf
$'12$. Fully guaranteed, :
Gould Mu1ic Comp1ny j
2&t5 N. Main, S.A., 547-06811
Wl1RLlTZER Studio pianci
$300. good conditioo. Pboo~
T•l•vl1lon ' 8205
TV Conso1e, 21" 1a11.. Good
Condition. f.!6.
O'.lUCll with m..,.. bock-Hl·Fl & Steroo 121
cue arms, needa repair &:
recovering $18, Surfboard,
8'4", good oond $25; Beaut
walnut AM/FM Stereo cai).
lnet with mono phono, xlnt
$100: bed divan & 2 dtrs, all
lor $12; old J r. encyclopedia
$3; Lionel Micro6ccpe, xlnt.
$8; chldm's books 15c-25c;
Few LP recorda, mono 35c:
STEREO 1968 aolid state, ;
ccriaol.e model. Like new, ;
Balance $'19.35 or ama1l ·
payment&. Credit Dept. i
535--!2Jl'l '
DRAF7ED • Sacrilice!'66
Adm ira l solid atat~
AM/FM setreo. Cost $400;
Sell $215. 615-4353 •
Wanted Will S.11 Any Plec:e lndlvidu•lly Patio Joveseat, blue Doral,
81111 CJe k T • xl:nt $15; chaise, $10, both S ·
•1 r • ypld 25 l E. Coollt Hwy. 8' Carv'ed arm divan, lg matching chair with redwood; ml'°" 1 t • m , porting Goods 15Gt
Recent exp. nee. Small cm-N•wport Be•ch beautlful fabrics; 5 pc hexagon dark oak din· cheap or free; raiding chrs SURFBOARD 9'S" ,,~~·
gential office. So. Lagbna in t 'th bl k d fr ed b · lllc -~ area. Start $376 per mo.I---------g se M ac or avoca o am c au-a ea. Laguna Bch, 494-1701 mahog stringers, mahog ·
4gs.9461 for Appt. & vinyl cushions; 5 pc bedroom set, 9-dr Mr eves &: Sun. block, 1imi·!pttd Skag. X1nl
Ofhlt Operator -& Mrs dresser with lg framed mirror, 2 lg GARAGE Sale Huntington cond. 830-1954 • DENTAL Auitllllt, chair Salary $458-$566 od & \ hin b db d side, err-.. jn--.....1 No p•-e · comm es ma c g ea oar • H a r b o u r H om e • SURFBOARD lO' Ueed twice ··..-~ ,,..., Position to be ftlled imfMd. W~tin,gbouae wall c v en Like new. $50. &124283 aft
calls. Apply at 8102 lately. Applicants must ONLY $429.95 (new_I, c_ameras, go.cart, 5:30 ',\ Weetminllter Ave. Suite B, have one year experience m al t Holp W1ntecll Weltmlnster. on otllet duplicat<r, able to ($895 Value) . usic 1 ns rum e_ n ts SURFBOARD Velzy 9'8'\ ;;;;;;w..-;;;:-:=;:-,,~c-cl lu~ture, .-ports equip. j; good for beg\"""' Goo4 Women 7400 WOMAN To work in Donut do light-table and dark· m.1.SC. Sat &: Sun July :zo,.21, ___ .. •As ,,,,., ""'A' • , -.;.__="-----'-"'°I Shop 9 P.M. tc 5 A.M. Apply room woril:. or TERMS as low as $3 W"k lO AM • 5 PM, 4111 Pieraon ... vuu . .,., · ...,_,...... ,
Young Attrectlv• in peaon. no phone calla No down -UM our 1tor1 ch•rge plan Dr. 842-6592 Mls--'la·--1 •• > Women for Safes I. pleue. Winchell'• l):r._-t Audio Visual Operator ~ ,.._. ouu
CuatGmer Rll1t1ono ....... -H-Blvd. Sal..,. l<364S30 Approved Furniture GARAGE Sal" Remodeling • 1.DC11J. MVice eomp.ny. SeJ. !Wltkm to be tllled lrrimed-must 1ell var i o u 1 ap. cusroM built g\m cabinet, e· SECRETARY • (No Fancy Front-BUT Quality Yalu•• ln1fd•J pllances, cJd &: new, aome lot"kl, $200. Sterling .nve? ery plus commission plUI ""'~ 55 lately. Duties include cp-2159 H bo Bl d C ••-nA ~~. benefits. Car nece•~"" •cc'll:C ... ,,_ wpm, bDe SH. Ex· ., _ _,_.,_AV ~·' ar r v ., a1ta ~•• 54S..9uvv furniture, Sun. only. 544 s. """""'= ~ $350. Also
-# _, per helpful. Pleuant Jnaur. eraung v.u..,... · · "'fUJP-Open 9.9 Dally-Sunday 11 -5 Ba)'froot. Balboa lsle d:lafing dish, large tray+ minimum. Apply 9 a .m. &nee re.. ....... 2:MO ., ment also performing light l y -,,;-.,.,;;;-o:c-'-";;'-.,=-1 s· 1 trand bl a~--12?90 Western Ave., Garden ° ,... · .ror appt maintenance and records 2 •ars same location-same own•r. GARAGE Sale: 369 Vista mg e 1 ue ....... .,....,. 546-7370 pearls $.15. 548--0012 ~e '(If GI"!M! er call 1197°1093 · oo A.V. and office equip-~~~ I &ya, NB: SM. &: Sun. 12-4. wknds : Just dip this ad and take Girl Frld•y ~CE Manager, l u 11 ment. Applicants lhould •I '/' Stove, ~r. waaher,
it lo the lJdo 'I'1eatre in dW°ge bookie~, thru have audio • .:_,_, ,... -•--~ dryer; couch; dinina aet·, DEC 0 RAT IV E Bi-fold
N .,. __ .... with identi 3-5 Year& well rounded ottice .. ___ _,_, • ..,....,... .... em.~ -~ ,_._ ewport ~ • experience 60 el ..........,,_,, atatemenL Atuo trcnlCI experience. kitch. aet, etc. interior doers (4 pane.-,
-----------I typewriter.' A=cy = exper. New dealership HB JOBS A EMPLOYMiENl JOBS & EMPLOYMEN·r 2 SOFAS, s·: Blue tweed each panel 17"-" x 6' 6%:•
ttal. Copable ot •R.,,,....,;,,.. area. Ken Robin.Ion Sll.--6050 APPLY rugs, Polaroid Camera, Quality hardwood, antiquj!
College Sfudenls
'l\Us week our company will
employ several colltge stu·
dents to aa&ilt in lccal Ana·
heim office oo a full time
basis during the summer,
$115. per -k
Jobs designed to give stu.
dents practical manage.
ment expdience. For per.
QIM1 Interview call
539-11B3 from 9 AM to 2 PM
--·-.. ~-·with 1 Jobi Men, Wom. 7500 Schaol1-lnstructfon 7600 white with KOld trim: all respons1billties. Salary com· ...,.,...,..._,. teetype boat. 2050 E. Ocean Frcnt, hardware. 499-2152 c2'
mensura!e with ability. experience. Shorthand ,.. Orange Coa1~ CoHege BEA:.JTICIANS MUSIC student want 1 Balboa, 10:30 Sat & Sun S37.o-079l j
United Appraisal Co. qu!red. Call 6'll-70C6. 2701 Fairview Road . & STYLISTS beginning students en Flute 254 BROADWAY: 14" Band
547-ooJS Santa Ana Ask tor Mn:. Alward Costa Mea. 8*6708 Needed for a beaut. dept. er Clarinet. p .oo per lesson, saw. Oller pipe machine. FOAM RUBBER, cut lo slzf.
CoffM Shop WOMAN-Respca., neat to 11tcr-e salon. Xlnt wages, ~194.2 O>leman stove $8.50. Lug· Uph •~ lab r I c Ill,
C--•1er/H-drive n:ter.b:lg truck C.M. PART.TIME commisiuui 4 store bl!ne-OPENINGS for piano gage $t.$10 naugahyde. Fact. cutlet:. ..,.. Low pre. A-1 Foam Fabrtc DAYS area. Rell 962-524' CU GENERAL OFFICE: PBX flts. Special conskleratiorui students. Beginning or ad-MOWERS, stove, refrig I & Upbolrtery Su~y Co., 3tl.
Cocktail Wa~reat p.m.) exper,, Sat. I: Sun. 3 p.m. : ~~Ul. ::. F:: vanced. Including church furn. El Ogle Apt B a.ta E. 5th St., S.A. 835-1181 •
DAYS *THE TRIP to 11 p.m. or Fri. I: Sat. .,......~..... playlng.642-8161 Mea BOUND carpeting, betcL
Apply ln person 1n4 Placentia, CM. Now hit. 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. tervlew please call &W-2313 1 12 18 • ., 1~
Sheraton Buch Inn mg Waltresaes & Ber Malek, KEY PUNCH: alpha numeric ext 296 aak for Bob. SALE AND TRADE . llOO ny on. x • V7:ll x • = a. ... Ave. 21to30. Open• PM 029 sat. on1y • a.m. ro ''"' Now Hiring MERCHANDISE FOR Appllanc.. ;;:,,xi:. ~.'::..W.
Huntingtm Beech WANTED experle nee~~: All shift Furnltur• 8000 SCRAM LETS chest $40. 642-5845 ;
3 G!Rl.S ci>Wnldt dtntal .,.,_t '· FULL TIME e Fry Cooks (24 hrs) • • VACUUMS e •
Euypieasantte lephone ~f46..~ 548-88H er A.CX:l'SPAYBLEOLRKS: • Br~ll1r Men 6' RIVERIA lolabed ANSWERS $10 up, RepeJN a pan.:
work for ~sonable girls I: . Working lmcwledge of basic e W•1tr1KMt w/shepherd casters, good Reasonable. Cout Vacuwd ~en. 5 de,y~ 32% hrs. MEDICAL ASSISTANT aCCOU11ttng. 8]Q.Q440 =~·~: ::~:11~:ee:: Uaable-Bofey E. 17th, Qr!, ID-1!1! for ten•r•I produc-· to start. t.tartim· ~ersonable, attr•ctive NlmsE AID: 1 yr exper, ll UPHOlSI'DUNG -S'l9.50,, ti k A 1 medlateey. Apply 9-2. 657 injectlons. 40 ht wk, No Sat, p.m. to 7::1) a.m. table $20. 2 antique rocking Bangle -BAGGAGE pc. (E\npeaD craftmDel>
SALES on wor • PP Y · · 19th SL SUite J, c.osta Mesa Garden Grove 53().{;690 MEDICAL LAB TEOI: C.allt. Agencl••, Men & chain noo ea. 642-1093 The new jet age can be de-Free eet, del. pickup. 2i5
REPRESE>ITAT!VES 1987 SINGLE eld •·· ~ M Sal ·•a.1.. r-.... f"k..1.. " W 7550 DOUBLE bed, llollywood ftned as brt!akfast bl L:mdon, • Leadin&: independent Placentia er.., t..Ua .. ma e,.........,. w,..,, ...,,...,,! uc. 2:30p.m.to11 p.m. omtn MK:hinNewYork,dinnel'in Main,HB"BemY'S3&-MIS
dalists d line in lad;y needs clean up&: also ELLEN CARTER RN'a: 3 p.m. lo 11:30 p.m. frame. Like new $40. 1981 San Francisco and BAGG-$240 'REFRIGmATD> Ar
:: mutual~. e~in~ Costa Mesa live • in companionship. L1dle1 Haberd11her le 11 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. ARGUS Maple Apt. F ., Carita Me1111. AGE tn Buerm Aires. co n d f ti Oner. Sell S$t
in Orqe County. This ts an Separate room &: bath, ~2870 EKG TR'H: Tues. thru Sat. JOBS GALORE 646-l709 WHOLESALE To Dealer1 FloW"l!scent 1i&tlt I I. U
opportunity to enter SALES board&: salary. No smoke LIVE-IN babysitter, in 9 e.m. kl 6 p.m. WORK NEAR HOME ALL Maple, cdfee tab~, Apt ownn & ipublic, retrlg~ 548-2001 ,
I dignified professional sellln11: POOtlon open in Marketing tn or drink. 549-3132 6 to 7 PM exchange for room & beard. Can or Apply pl.aid 6 mpl chair, round + FIUS ~ full er_,..,. time lnvl!ltml!llt WANT M ... M w t Weetmlmter H ...... itaJ 200 E s "550 lamp table, other pieces. era.tors guar $15 Crose top H RMd:I F'8I 45c 11 -· Salea Div. Must be 20-27, a ...... e oman o Mctherworksnightll.Vic.of -~r • Xff ecy .... to., 646-286S $25.Sqtop$50.Dbledr.$1.ii. dozen (c bang•• wt.'1
exp not necesaary, we train. neat, with car, work ln bakery. Fu.ll time. 0.C.C. 646-4045 Hospital Cin:le, Wffimin.. Fun job at bench F'rol!t tree X top $85. Dble dr market). De 11 ve retd 547-6621· Mutual Fund some college. Start '600 per Exp. pref, Apply at IDLE Hrs make Dollar&! Be ter, S93-t541, ext 331. Equal Acctg Clerk ...... $400 GREY Fcrmica top table, 2 F)oost Free $100, Al90 ~ ~or 968-2030 :
lnvestcn Inc. 2100 N. Main, month. Rapkl advlll1C'emenl French's Putty 1170 w. a. Fullerette $2 hr &UU'· We cppoJtgnlty employer. Happy Mesa group leaves, 6 chain. Xlnt cncd. en/dryers/frttuni'l'8ngts.
Santa Ana APPb' 1-3 p.m. LIDO DI& Ba.ktt St. CN train. HB Mn. Dre e 1 Tr•lnNI. , (8) , . to $346 Call aft 6 n-1., 540-1188 We will nev.!I' be undenold, "ro!t!!!!~ M.':' be a:?'
MAN 20-30 TRIBtrrORS 12732 Garden WA I TRESS, Experienced, 540-1932 M"AURANJ ·Some or oo typing SWedish modern chair, like A-OK Warehouse, 'i'722 GM. te
For lawn cutting route. Grove Blvd., Garden Grove. mature. 3:30-3 p.m. 6 days. Blind Stitch ·Opers. llUI Con1um•r Credit . $600 new. SacrWcel $2.5. 3~ den Groye Blvd. I Blck: w. of cura · 548-5967 ,
Steady S dayll. $400 mo t.o PLATER Sundly .oH. Acil>l1 ln peraoa -... ach t __ HElP ~ exp + 2 yrs coll Seamw, c .o .M. ~ Beach at G.G. Frwy, ~ lfart Apply I A.M 20086 HAMBURGDf. HENRY ~· m · garmen ...... · $ I def $650 BEAln'Il'UL Autumn hde ~Dr Lq\ma mi:ueJ In-Immediate q:iportunity for 2136 PlaoenUa Cotta Meu 15*> Monrovia N.8 , 142-2666 a "· · · · +· • to CASH lor furn & appli&neell. P 0 RT A 8 LE W a• h I n mink stole Like new M .. 16.
., penoa exper. in Pl'f!CiskJn ; DRAPERY OPERA.TORS Floe co. Car bonus We sell good used fum. 1172 machine, Hoover; near new, offer. 6.13-74001541..sia ;i,
du.!t:rhll Arm. «IMlm elec11v .. plating fior printed COMB. Sitter, howJekeeper Apply: Clanic Draperies Qua1l&d to work Jn high Tool I. DI• m1n •. to $4 Npt Bl. CM 642-7015 J50, 36 8-4:30 ; ~: ~~~= circuits a e d multilayer for childrel ot sch o o I 3853 Birch, NB. 546-1431 ~~roe:; Moo-::; 55e ov6Ume $700 Dinette table A: 4 daafn, 6t2·9317 ~r 4 PM I& -n: Beautiful W•~
board. te~ Sept. thru June. • Fri-p • upv .. to $3.S. Leather rocker $22.50 WASHERS -.95·, ,__ s•-eo cabmel ~~ -.· dept, Full time. Pleue. no CHEMFLEX 7:31)..3:30 am. 2-4 pn da.ltr'. PIT $2 hr par. J\al1er day nf.&!lta, all day Sstur-Exp. Some oollege ailld' deek $12 LI l-0981. .-... ,, \Ci w1w
•um m etime &pplJcanl :r1111 Birch, NB 546-7190 543-2712 Bnllh ......,.,. -· ll.8. d... Sacond eook •.• oft $22 ' ' ' ll>: ..,._.. $75; Re!rta.. AM-FM pbono componon ..
Must haw dri't'el''I Uc. $1.15 Equal CJppOrhm:ity anployer HOUSEKEEPER. Care of F.V .. Mra. Brown M0-1932 • 2nd Cook Fine beaeh hotel 3 PIErE Sectional $75, living coppertone ·1: Avoc.; Guar. $100. ~1027 or 494-1701 •
To start. !H6 W. lTlh. CM SERVICE man.c:itioe micb elderl,y ladJ I: tt bakpg tar 2 BARMAIDS •• Wagtl e W•ltres1 ;:n = $25. ~end.:= 546-l<m '$1 lJNC'OLN. New biiliJ::
SUMMER EMPLOYMENT ""' oppor for top all adult womon. Good ..wy, Sharp, Go-Co. s-,. • Dlshwuhor AllGUS EMPLOYMENT t MAYTAG "'--all-·--· Prof-Football Team needs aromcf man to nai San Must sleep In. 4!K-7786 Lusy, C.M. 545-0083 0Uers picasant environ· CONSULTANTS AGENCY &)oer. Xlnt cood.. Nrly new. Good trans. S50. 873-0081
neat appearing, aggr'K'dve Oementie lhop, hand le STDIO fer office hldg, Free SALES, Part time S2 ~ br, 1D111'1t Md good cxmpan,y 2CNJ WestcllU, NB 548-1196 Offlc• Equl,..,.,.. IOl l $100. l-&n--llM SMAIL teb!tt1'stor. I
yoong ... ~.!. qes9 17 ! .. ~ customers. C.all Cb u ck tent 2 rno. thm low' nnt. goaranteed to start, Over 21, benefit., ApPly: 1624 E. 17th, S.A. 547.Q.16 lDM Typewriter. Fltxowriter LATE-MOde.I electric range, for pr1&e er patio. &0--
pffi. ~ a.m. -•· 1-Ai.. .,... ..Utino ...,.., 5'thl746 • IUFfUMS' auto. 1'yproriter, Royal Push button model. $l5. altttOp.m.
345 w . .., st..1'1sttn. SERVlCE Stalloe Attencltnt canMr.lllclanan~ ~·--· Fashloti Island /J_nawport . Stm>dard, lloJal portlble. $46.95l9 l'CHAR=;;-·"'B"ao=n.-=BBQ=.-:::0.!!"· v:!'!.~.MA.N~x;:n:, =-~lY·J:.times!:. ~Y~:e.M~on2d: ~~t!:;;:!'·= Newport INch personnel ~~:C::;...1°K!te;'k Sewl'!Machf"" 1120 ~oo:::;.~-;
pmnaD<l1l employmon!:__! lS45 Adami, 0... M...: Fri.Smooldlfrl."5-k. BARMAIDS A DANCERS r•ftv-·MONEY·-::;-8Q8ncy lled~Prinl Copier. M&-l567 SINGER Touch A Sew. lllade .. oroer-°""
• .,.., R..s.E---• ••• ·----• • PM ~· ~·~ -or W.126t 'I~. CM ---~i.. • Tap --lite, leoc A hllh odlool ,...,;,... ======== ....,;al rlg "'l model No. D«orabr ....... _,,. lllECllANIC. Expe.. with BAllYSl'ITER. -ble Costa Mesa Ji46.993S ... Gey llennott. Sol•i>' ~ 133 Dover Dr., N.I . o., Sole I022 "8. l'll........,i new 1961, othor -\Fry Cook Exper. own tm>ll. Sl<o<t)I, busy pi over lJ. 5 da)' wk In MAIDS NEEDED. Exp-partlmltl" S.• 3 PM . 642-3170 549·2743 ago ""'"' aoed. l!SS. mJlM 'IDINGllr-1>1>tlwtfi
BOB'S COITEE SHOP llhop, aHra A.vto Repair watufront borne, $2C> wk. er1enctd. 642-3030 Dtaneyltnd Hotet * BIG GARAGE SALE 8:30 ".M. tot:-'! P.M. _,. 6 oe.r locb.
1«19 s. D camJno :RetJ. 1747 Anabtlm c.M. Ml-4n7 Refs. 213 ~aft 6 pm Newport OJameJ. Inn. ~Man; dbhwuh!r: SchoetMftlfructfon 7600 335 Unlvmlty Dr., Ol Tmn I I $50. * 11$-
San aemente f92..135l MEmANIC • Elcper. <bsta IJCENSED Shampoo pi PI' t-l or 1-6. p.. cut parking •ttendant; 2 bul • Sun 646--454:1 Muska nit. 1125 P\llL(X) ph::m I: tWlo
Flloorgl-Ropolnnon 111... Auto W--needed TOP PAY. ...,,.. ... No "Uq. SI pu ..... At>o1Y la..,... U SCHOOL Odldnll's vocalial GAMGE. Sale Sit 6 lM1. FENDER Telecalta Guitar --ea $10; vml6 1
PermmM!!Dt polHi<l1, Pit Placentia, CM. * ~ hr. guar 6t&-&89'S aft: s · ne PW.I~ Im n.teL OlUcaat JO.t.n.:n • C'alter St. Apt c. Com Pmedtand. Like now.Sic. A: mirror $10. S40-08'l(
J>ll', -ti, -. Npt. PARTNER Nftdod for nn. PART TIME JlmAURANT J ~ M W 7500 440 ~. OI!! =-Scbool. 511-2!19. In -. $llO <Ub only. :IMll l'llddl llE1'111GDLUQIUll. lid:
173-DO newElll!l:trlcal•·"*• Hll.P~A 1!'19.. Pbal'9 1 1 ,.,_ -. REAL UI'AT&. lbaaldll't ,c.M. GARAGE I.Al.£ St.J.ptAHB eldl0Ubllib11•-4A6.L
FRY COOK ~ -54 '"" ,..._ llAKD\ -F.ar11 morn1nr A "°" llo ..utnr 1"' bottal . 1'111>11 of -~ ClothiJw. -NEW r.nler Gulllr A ami> Ille dint l!IO. l ~"""'-l'l>lol Batlft' SERVlCE Shd. AtttndallL BABYsrrrER, Daltr. 2 nlle "1l!111. No pl>ane calla .,.a I Huntln&tnn 8-dl! 'l'Hc:beo dnrl"l JDJltar -108\i 1-OdM. lln.r. Jlbo-ADDING -Cll· W
·il.ataarant.11 ...... Booch. -·· fall tlim. ,,.., cbllclrln: Euts!de Oolla pl-. -·a llall1ll Call for -. Wllp R. E. l'<i.. --Slf.'11152 mE QUlaa:R YOO SEU. man Joctm -.,,:.-..
Caoact -----(ar W. lf) CM. -,,,_ --Shop. 2911-. CM -5tl am Wl!lw .... ... Dim .... THE QUl<XER YOU CALI., Whlw-llt 135, <IQ.SIC I
-1. • • '
. . .
~ DAILY PILOT Th>lnd11, .Mr 18, 1968 /
AND TRADE SALE ANO TRADE SALi ·AND TRADI SALE AND TRADE Doge 1125 p._, Crulsors 902o' -cyct• noo Imported A-HOO TOYOTA
' ·~ • •
-i6oo MllCO!laneout ~ Mlacalla....,, l600 Mochlnary, ate. 1700 GERMAN SHEPHERD OWENS :ID' El<J>-..w... WM. H. McDONALD WE BUY
•LVIS E, GRANGER Jr tMnAl AUCTIOll · "°"""'W wbool -. PUPS twUi 327. Do!Jbl• ..... ,. 2216 SANTA ANA ANY CLEAN
1MM1HG POOL "'3107 PLATTE DR. .rur .,.,2001<11c .. SISOO: , mont111 o1• hull. ,.,k<d •-. 200 cosTA MESA , •n MODEL "'°'• l'OW, SWf1<1 COST A MESA t.oilte, S.Ooca Falll, low AKC REGISTERED """"· Monet gu llnb, 60 ..,. G==-Kit ~~r:;~ j~~,1~'i:" ~ ~..: ~; Cbamp:..•:s llnH :;.~· =. ··~~ ::: Yoo:~:: :m: ct SPORTS CARS.
$149.U You are tbt winner ol 7:30 PM wtt.b 1 pbue, motcw 'ms· Quality le Temperammt tank, winch & roller. Ttak Top Dollar To You
ICA.RD POOL 2 tiektta to tbe: Lott of Meclltt.eranean tumt-Will trd 613.$174 aft s ' Sholl & WonniJli awim step, dockpit cover, LIDO THEATRE Golden We1t
s. llaJn. °'-LIDO THEATRE """· e .. uWlll hlt<h .,..., Podl.,..wtlh .. ch PUP nylon linM. st .. ., 6.112,500 Showlne AUTO CENTER Inc 5'2-1992 clivans. loY9 IMll, velvet • 831-3865 Evet. an. 6:,, PM by owner. 546-1200 THOROUGHLY d ~!'!.":!~·!!'!!!!.. THo~'Ou~HL y chair<, commod.,, cott.. FREE TO YOU w ... ,..,. &11e • AM SACRIFICE 22· , ab; n MODERN MILLIE ~~:.-81;'..ia'60
TAILES t.able1, dlnlng room groups, ..... rrALIAN GREYJIOUND tt\liler: twin 35 HP
\lied. $97..$0 \lP. Table MODERN MILLIE china cabfnelt, decorator TO Quail!Jtd home : btAut. pies. AKC ree. 01am::-EVinrudes; ive bait tank. clip this ad and take ALFA ROMEO
Poker tblu, btn A lampa A plctUl'ft., bedrOOftl AKC Male St. Bernard, 4 breed. Ideal pem. 1 male, 1 covers, '-extru, Xlnt cond. It to the Lldo Theatre' in'l----------1
frM la• v ....
Vaatlon With A
'68 T'"" Sedan. Tbe. mmt
IOQKht a f t e r ecooomy car
bW1t ...... Artie whit. with
cm.t:rutin& Interior, Auto-
me.tsc tran.t., radio. heater,
etc. Up to 30 m.p.s. wUb 90
h.p. -the job. Six to cbome from u law u
lndoor p.mes, etc. Just clip thia ad and take acla, mirrors, bunk beds, yre. old and companion; temale. $125.00 eec:h lnclOO. Sl ,315 534-4252 Newport Beach with ideftd· '59 JUL1£M'E aprinc coope
t prictsl BAOCiER it to the Lido 'l'beah-e bl de1ka, che5ta of drawers, amall, female . white Weal 1~n _.__, ...... pope'n ,.._,. ticatlon. AM/FM, new-tiret ' ~l. MOl'ORS Newport Beadi W'ltb identl-dine ttrt twin , __ .a .. >t> ...... ,. -..111 ........ MUST Sell, 3.J' Kt ttenburg , GS. Main, Orange fication . ttet1, ma •st•, Higbuuiu Terrier, AK C · 646-1481 . Cru!ae twu: HARLEY Davidaon 196 3. Xlnt ccnd. $950. 642--3186 TOYOTA
Frank 538-031..L Open cpm«:r ~1~· relrdigentOl'll, MUST GO TOOETIIER. All MA. LAMUTE Olr}'t!I:~ ensfn1e~~t;i S ~~ Fully equip. Sell outdaht OI' Phone 894-3320 rn. exoept Wed. Y" SALE Y" stoves, w1uuenr, ryers, ahota. Ranch preferred · trsd 1 ml blk E --•-AUSTIN HEALEY
JOc & UP ~ ! dist1wuht>n & ' MUCH 56-3&U 1/18 6 mos old male, xlnt breed-_892-c-=1'='1=1=~.,,-.,,-~= e or• r e. or-15.100 Beach Wvd., Wstmnatr
AL Gold wed d Jn g MORE! ing. Muia. seU this weekend, 2J' OORSETI' Fat';Jon F/G 1966 Crown Im Per 1•11------:::-:-:-::'."'.'.'• I '68 TOYOTA 21 ••-•-11= GE ' WVAB' E -·-Ion g ~--ltt 13,600. Wurllbu 1-1 'USTIN HEALEY, -.. e .. ""' WINDY'S AUCTION ~ '. ,..._.,, · 673-3007 Sleeps4,galley,encbeadLo ...... ;• ON ,. & llO GE d r " c r ! D..EX:'TRONICS! haired Calleo tabby cat, all .__ Ph 96, 6156 piano like new $tCO. 546-2376 needs GET OUR LEADERSHIP
U5 M.abog. cont~ode !AtrrOMOTIVE! ahots, loves children, Will ~'.. Schnauzers, Ch amp eng '"'"s. ~-FOR Sale l96S Honda 450 a little work, $350. SAVINGS BEFORE
h\li.'tt antique chest ! ELEX:TR..ICAL! :ms'Ai: Newpon Blvd. .., spay. Also htt adorabie, &1r~, ahots, ears. Eves 25' OWENS Cab. cruiser; s c r a m b 1 e r. 1400 ml. 968-21379 YOU Bl!Y! ! !
Gaffer le sat t t er MANY MISC, ITEMS ~ind Tony'a Bldg. Mat'la. !Ong-haired yellow male kit· .f94.-.3573. Days M7-9561 ext xlnt cond., loaded; sac! Pur<:hued April '&8. Uke
Uher $50. 6'4--0'183 FRI. • SAT. -SUN. Coala Me5ll. 64&-86116 ten. 542-200'2 7/19 205 547-TI03: 675-5008 eves. new $1000. Call 545-.2045 aft DATSUN
11 • fABRI'' JULY lS.20-21. OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 2 GREY And blk, 6 wk1 old Al<C Sable Collie pupt;, 6 PM Daily ---------
U 875 WEST l&th St., CM kittens, 2 male, 1 lemale, 6 wla.,, sired. Speed-Ski Boats 9030 '67 TRIUMPll 500cc lots of FREE LAS VlliAS ! ~ FOR SALE THE ARK OF USHER Misc. Wanted 1610 hsebrkn, and long-haired $50 & Up. 642-7318 -chrome metal Hake paint VACATION WITH A
Naulical Decorator ltetn111 . varlet;'. 646-1996 after l $55. Weimarann · ·g rey SKI~. SelJ propelled, low miiei. f\-luat see to .. p. 1964 DATSUN PICK UP ta. aamples & Mill HATCH COVERS WANT Dyna.tone facial ex pm 7n8 ghost", puppie1 term 1 skier controlled SKI-BOAT. prec. 642-9012 aft S PM 11RUOC. Thia _is the most 1966 Harbor, C.M. &$-9303
Sat. OnJ.y 8 •-m. to 2 WANT nautical items con-m:Reu;se. ~.l" .... ~. exi~:1~ BEAUT. ., long.hait'ed Maltese available 839-1146 Safe, fun, economlcal, xlnt IOOght afte.r mileage maker ---;r=o=y=o=r=A;;---
929 Baker, Co!lta Mesa signed 4:17 29th St. NB ,,..., .... ,w.u • 0 ,__ k tt 10 '·-cood., like nu. Skis & ac-005 Honda Scrambler going. 4 spd trans., bright
E 67>2152 or 962-8434 evea .......... ese I en, wee-. Irish Setter Puppies cegsoriea. Must s e 11 ' $325 or Best Ofter red with a nice contrasting your WMf ad now. · ·: SU~ brown & Siamese AKC R"". Males & femal,. 0•0 ~13 386 E -b CM
~ " :c
~ " "' i'
., ::: •• ;<:
~ ~ .. ~ "' :; ::: ,,
:2 . , ,,
:bffice furniture
:<>ffice Equipment
:."Store Equipment
X:afe, Restaurant
~ar Equipment
~ousthold Good1
~ewing Machines
~ft\uaital lnat ruments
Pianos & Organs
Rod lo
Hi-Fi & Stereo
Tape Recordera
Cameras &. Equipment
Hobby Suppllea
Sporting Goods
Binoculars, Scopes
Ml scell1neou1
·~ e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e ,. -------------,. • . , ..
• ~ ~ .. •
• No lttm Ovtr $50 e No Commercia l Firms e
• No Copy Changes e No Abbrfti1tion1 •
~. sacrifice? 2131 834-3448 or '""''""" · "'"' • Interior. OnJv one and it's point•. All sh ots e 546-4789 • J
968-2470 11'llJ _ <'113> 3'18-ll23 Moto"cooten 9350 gotta go fast. Only
FEMALE Shellie, br--and HorMS 8830 17'10" SANGERSK4270iev. $1095
...... Inside adj, cavatati«t plate. Allstate Motorscooter ELMORE MOTORS w~te, APPl'.ars to be young. 5 YElAR old gelded Palomino Used l yr. $4300 542-5184 "Cntiiaire" Almost new
Vic, of &:linger & Warner, $300. Spirited & gentle, eves. Sacrifice $210. 833-2079 TOYOTA
o f f of M a g no Ii a , &!7-4601 Ph. 894-33'.!0
847-6609 7/19 _. _________ 1LEAVING State must sell. Auto Service 15.DJ Beach Blvd., Wstmnst.r
ORGANIC Fertilizer, horse TRANSPORTATION 15' Fiberglass ski boat 40 hp & Parts 9400 '66 Datsun Sta Wag
• _...... .... . outboard , . trailer, cover & ...... 1 p 1 .,.
manure w""" ..... vmga:. skis. $675 or oUer. ~7616 '59 MERCURY CAR PARTS .....,. UJCe. ear grey Wl Comb I n e d mulch & Boats & Yachts 9000 for sale. Call &t1_3940 matching interior. Excel·
fertilizer. 546--4931 a f t WE MUST MOVE THE 14' FIBERGLASS, 35 horse for further information. lent cond.. Under guarantee.
5:30 8115 Evinrude mot<X", trailer & $175 cash del! or trade.
FIDMAf..E ong·hain!d black FOL~OWING BOATS! extraa. Rum like new. $33.5. ::--,.----.,---.-1 Pynmts, $33. mo. call attar
shephenf, good w/childrm. l!ti8 16 Century lnboanl $15$ ,.....m===&fler=;-;'-pm==== Trailer. Travel 9425 11, 494-9113 or 6.Jl.3617
9 mos. old. 125 E. Pomona, 196318' Crestlinerlnboard OVER 50 MPH. 21' Centur)'l.EA ;.:..::;VlN~!.G..:S;_la:;lo:.;m:.._uat_ael!:...::13':::1========0!
S.nta Ana, between noon $1T!li Cormado; 1!A~ent1059' must &ell, 'r.6 Aristocrat trlr. Sipe 4, 3 , ___ ._G_LA __ S __ _
end 4 p.m. 71'6J 1960 20' Ho"···~--• ~.,. =-==·=·="="=·=-===== ' ....,. .. .........,.. .,\ vu ~er .stove ice box, used 4 '66 GLAS 4 spd. British
FR.EE dirt • Loose m board •.....••..•.••.• $1995 Boat Trail•rs 9032 times. Colt $1400 sell $775 or racing green 1300
parkway. 3501 Sur Iv ie w 1966 16' Chrysler out'boerd offer. 646-7616 C.all 673-llm aft 5
Lane, c.oret1a de! Mar. ' $1695 e WANTED: BOAT ~STOimJiRAWGiiE;;,1n->:.,ij·J,;1,;;ni;,bboru•""'··1 ,;;:~~;;;;;;~==:I
&M--0523 7!20 WEST COAST YACJITS TR.AILER, am. wheels, for etc.$7.50permo. Work
BLACK, Male Labrador Pill>' 3333 W. Cout Hwy. 12 to 14' boat. 543-9849 space. 642-2601 & 54&-3261.
PY 3 m... ,.,... •• g-·... Newport Arches Martna '67 K Gh' w ~ N b e ds . Easy towing . 1rman 11 hom• w/li yd. Loves pt. Bch. 642-7111 Boat Maintenance 9033
Complete! $400. Sport coupe, factory air con-
chldm. 642-94U 1/18 JULY special. &ata hauled, SK 1 pp E & B 0 a 1 'l12 Larkspur Ave. CdM dltloning, German racing
ADORABLE maJ.e kitten ia bottom scrubbed & painted, maintenanc~ work wanted ..... HIGGINS fold-up trlr., xlnt red. This car ill in perfect
looking for a home. Mother $1.90 per ft. •• .Jl6int & zinc. power only. Part _ time cond. Must see! 8840 Universe condition, Take older trade
W .. S'·-•••· 6 w•·-. 201 30th All . other maintenance • , c:.o ~u-. r 1185 h d-' di Will _,, 1\11 ,,.,,, .... ,,.,,u Ave,, Westminster. 847-2394 ° cas t:.1S, r.
15300 Beach Blvd., Wstmnstr
Phone 894-3322
. '64 VOLVO
122 S. 2 door sedan. Con·
course condition in artic
wbite with contrutlng red
interior. Dependable, mili-
bility & roomy. <me of the
liner autos, This week end ooly .
Ph. 894-333>
15300 Beach Blvd., Wstmnstr
YOU BUY!!! SI N--a.••h 7/20 engine work, see us--======~-:-: finance pl"ivat• par••. M-~ ' ~ .. _..' -. Newport Dry Docks 675--1505 . --·-··-· -18 ft. HOUSETR.AILER, I 0 w pumnts, Q.$n3 ~;
MARVIN bu a beard. He'aa On the Bay at 20th St. Marine Equip. 9035 FURNISHED $450 639-3617" ej""• t•...:1
black male puppy, 9 weeks MA INT EN AN CE -25 WATT heath radio tel. 324 E. 20 St. Costa M~ lS64 KHARMAN Ghia, Good ttlll. UUl.Q :· 1J°"'·~~ =k~/~ STORAGE $100. Heath RDF $35. '66 NIMROD Ten~ trailer. cond. Best otter, IHPORTS
a ap uvg, Paint, Varnish, F1brge\ass * eves. 545-8776 * Have everything. Mmt cond.. 642.(£j6 aft 4. pm.
FREE to loving home Cocker Fenced YArd. Rea.s. rates _ =======":'=:': $9$. * 54!}-0938
type -l mooth old male • 1 642--&'.>62 lif no ans. call) Bolt Slip Moo ring 9036 ~~====~~~~l~M~E~R~C~E~D~ES~~.~E~N~Z~ I 1966 Harbor, C.M . yr. old female Call af1er 6 64G-?524 543-8716 Truck. 9500
p.m, 531-1631 1/'JfJ 18' LYMAN le lander, WANTE036' Mooring: Cher· ;.;.:;:::,. _____ ;.o;o 1----------l ---------I
3 PUPPIES 8 week& old • Lapstrake, Inboard, Bartel ry or 4th of July, \Vill buy, '65 DATSUN 1ii T. dlr. pick , VOLKSWAGEN
half Awstralian Sulky. Will unit, bilge/bait pump inst. borrow, lease, rent, trade. Up. SkJ blue. Thia is tbe
pay new owner tor shots. Last hauled 7111. Hun-1,,n,,'°"'=544-,...,--35-78....,.D..,•,,",.·..,.,-,,. work horse <l the truck : FREE LAS VEGAS
548·9439 1/19 tington Harbour TI4 _ WANT to rent !I.lip or sk:le market. $12S. Cuhor trade, : VACATION WITH A
841 7035 tie fOl' 22' sailboat. 642·242'1, Pymtl $36.116 mo. 494-9113 or 196'7 VW SQUARE BACK
MIXED male collie 1 yr. old ;;<e;;-=.,.,,===..,..=-.1 ext 341 (8·5) or 541.5753 after 639-3617 -• • STATION WAGON. Tb e ~ ~3294c:1wlith 26'\VHALEboathull,bottom 5·30 '66 DODGE Van. V-8. Auto. ; mo&t popular wagon built.
-, ter p/m 18Jlded, recau l ked & .·DOC· K SPACE $1 .50 ft.• R/H. All winOOw, Lo mi. • '• ' Milage plus dependability.
1 3) painted, Buda Diesel. $1800. $1700 *499-4ffi5 Burganey with It. biege in-IADORABL '==="E"2"mo="o1"d'"'ki"·1'"""'"'' I Fathometer DE726, $450. Pwr boat up to 2'1' '60 MERCEDES, '61 eng.; terior. Radio and all extras.
.to good homes. 642-1323 67>-2152, 673-4370 ===·=67l;;>-4=7'=7=•=== Jnps 9510 22,000 Mi, Xlnt cond. Just as nice and as fresh as
afternoons alter 6, Fri 9 pm NEW, unfinished 16' tbrglss -.;.;"";;,-;;-~;--;;;;~-·1 ,..:"''!:::""'~:>;~Mt~.,.~5,~3<1~P;!.M~.'-can be. Save a group of or Sun. 543-7186 1120 boat bulls $750. Choice of Boat·Ylcht FREE LAS VffiAS i '58MB190 SL money. Only
SHEPHERD. Collie 6 mOI outboard or In-Charters 9039 VACATION WITH A Priv. Prty. $1450 Firm $1995
old, !•male. ....,_k..,. boanl/o,tboud. &12-4420 _B_L..;.UE_W.;.ATE...;_R_CHAR--TERS--1964 JEEP WAGONEER. 4 • 675-2752 • ELMORE MOTORS
<IT. 6 P'"·· 4 whl. drv. WAG·I=======' I Clloghweoh"~. ;,. ... ~:· Lo "11'20' CHARAG·•y CTEm-~':.'r· .•• 20fu'n, Z1D'-4<1/ Uk·r>;!~e9000Skip24. ~~ail ON. Complete with lock out 1959 MERCEDES f:J~Z, 190 TOYOTA
......... "'' ~ • ... .. ,,. ay w • ...-1111, hubs. Blue with a beautiful Sedan, good cood1tion, $450 Ph. 894-3320
1WO CUte and playful male harbor boat. $1500. 675-4020 matching interior, and only 642-700 lSJXI Beach Blvd., Wstmnstr tiger kittens. 20312 So. West 21' CAB ,.._,_, al-2, Gray Boat-Yacht '-'"" ,.¥ Ch 9039 25,0IXI miles. Take it to the '66 VW DELUXE
Cypress, Santa Ana Heights marine eng., head, bait __ •_.rt_•;_"..:..._____ market or camping with MG LOADED! 26,000 miles on
546-9963 1n8 tank. Sacrifice $850. 842-2896 • CHARTER THE FINF.Sr equal ease. \Veekend only speedometer. Belonged to
3 BLK & wbHe 7 week old '68 l.M.P . 120 Mere Cruiser New 40' Ketch $1595 '68 MG little 'ole school teacher in
kil.'tens, Weaned and box I.B, Trlr. 40 hn Cost $4200, 673-2511 e 675-2400 ELMORE MOTORS GET OUR LEADERSHIP San Clemente. Take $175
trained. Very I o v ab I e take $3200. 545-2518 Sailing lessollli, 40• sloop TOYOTA SAVINGS BEFORE cash dels, dlr, or trade.
546-0096 7m 24' CHRIS Craft Overniter Reasonable rates: avail for Ph. 894-3320 YOU BUY!!! Pymts $36.86. Call after 11,
FRISKY 3 mo, old puppies, 185 ph V·8. New. ~h &: Ski. charter 646-9550 548-2592 Beach Blvd., Wstmnstr Ii L 4M-9773 or 639-3617.
Ught brown, white hair on $2350. 673-3478 ,64 JEEP Wagoneer • 4. whl ifltM llft! • 1964 V WDeluxe Sedan. 45,000
nose &. tip d. tail, Small 15' FimJRGLASS, new top & Mobile Homes 9200 ond & l4UI UUIO miles. White. 1 owner.
breed. 540-$&5 7119 windshield, 18 hp Johnson, drive, hube, air ~ ' R H, fMoru·-Locally serviced. Pri party .
horn _, S650 i:•o 40' 1 Br. 100 n to Bay custom rea.r pa · lmmac. ".-vn' S $950, 675 ""35. ~o y,·, n,·,.· n. NEEDS good e. 3 • two ... ec starting. . ,_,....9868 $2100 613-9060, 615-2526 ~ .. u
month old kitten1 Very 88.lboe Penn.Be a u ti l u I =~=~~~~~,___,, LidO hie. After 6 pm. · 14' BOAT, ideal for fishing; CUSTOM Tent trailer & at· 1952 WILLYS Jeep 4 wheel 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9300 .,.-.,o;-=;:-=;:,-.....,--1
playful -Weaned and box good trailer. $125. tachab!e tent. Sipe 10. lee drive, Oiev 327 eng. Extraa '65 MGB, lt blue bomb! In '58 VW BUS, 8•000 mi. on
trained. S46-l403 7119 • ~5370 • box, stove, toilet. 2 full foe.m too numeroua lD mention. SY/inging condition; n ew ring & valve job; new
BEAUT. young female Seal-View S8500. 673-3418 548-00'12 Pirelli tires, detachable lug-brakes on all 4 Whls,. new
point Siamese, All sholli. S1llboat1 9010 ,,-,==crc::o::;::::-,.,..,-tires on rear; good paint.
•. ·----------HARLEY Davidson 1 9 6 3 , '63 MILITARY Serlea WWys gage -ski rack, cha.ins, wire Qw"ek ,.1,, $500. ,.2 m•• Will ~Ip on spaying• 11 -"'ti .,_ k .._ "'' .....,,.,.. ...i.ft-es S4Z...200"l 1119 17' SLOOP. Sleeps 2. New Fully equip. Sell outfight or Jeep. Exce ent '-"""" on. wu.1 . .11, disc bra es, extras .
· standing, rigging & out· trade for smlr bike. For sale $1.'200. 546-4900 Leaving country, must sell '67 VOLKS\VAGEN F a st
3 MOS. old ~man Shepherd board. $475 or trade tor VW 1966 Crown Imper ial -at once U,743. 646-lcm or back with very low mileage.
'mixe d ma I e Pu PP Y · <r truck. 642-3192 o r O\rysler $3,600. Wurlllzet' Campers 9520 4M-11fil _D_Ir_.,,,",.'-"77""'51_,,-=-,--
894-l279 1/20 548-148'1 att 5. piaoo like new $400. 546-2376 40 FT. ACF BRILL '52 MGTD Roadster '67 VW, 15,000 mi.,
COlLIE, male 2 year old. • SAVE $1500 • DELUXE Trlr, Cab an a "-verted Continental Trail-Complete re.stored. Raven radio, xlnt cond. $1650 M .. ha e fenced yanl " ~· bl ck ~-Ex • 546-m4 • u v · 29' AUX SLOOP, F/ Cooler 2 BR, }71 BA. Util. way bus. All new power a exte1·Nr. cellent
546-9965 7119 demonstrator. Sleeps 6. Full room. Lage closets, many train, engine, trans, etc. oo:nmtion .. $19 cash dels. '68 VW -stereo radio
MALE, Part Dac h ah u n d galley. Slip avail, 67J.3570 extras. Adult Pk Priced low. Fully 1elt contain!d, many Will fin. pnvate p&rcy, after PERFECT CONDmON!
Good w & t Cb d og. EMERGENCY SAie! 0 f 646-5592 custom features, including 12, 4!M·9113 or 639-361'1. •673--4661 • ~J.942 1 n8 beautil•ll 24' Ta h l ti a n 1966 Pacemaker 10x56' 2 ceramic tile in baths & ldtd'l _ F'OR Sale '66 fl.IGB Rdstr. '62 KARMAN Ghia. Nu paint,
REAL CUte Male kitten. Trimaran sloop. Be' t &-. Expe.ndo living room. en, fully carpeted through-22.000 ml. Xlnt cond. Radio, new tires. Good cond.
Black with white markings. d.fer. 631-9458 $100 &: take over paymen.ta. out, etc .• $9500. will consider wire whls, wsw, o'drive. $995 * 842-4988
H.B. area. 536-0136 1/19 SCHOCK Endea•or 26• sloop can Dick S4().4ll3 trades. Prefer JO to 40 ft S2000. Call 545-2045 aft 6 '67 vw Bug, l2,000 miles.
BED div an , needs nee eq. O'u.11e. Terms 8 x 40 1960 NASHU. 2 Bl". ba. boat. Bus. phone 89"2-6655. Daily >..1nt condition. $1675. re~lstering, Wf"OU.&ht iron, 834--2037 d a y a , furn. w I awning. $1850. Home phone 530-M96 Al Long 'SS MGA, mecb new • Call Chuck 54~9413 Days
legs. 646-76'.U 7119 541--0157 eves. 548-8'719 GEM Top Tinted glass. Less Rebort'd, pistons, r i ng s, '68 vw, J4 ,000 mi., $800
4 MO, old gray male kitten 18' OlARACTER Sloop Xlnt MOBILE borne 60x12' double than 1 yr old. valves, bearings, clutch, down, take over paymt's,
all shots. Very affectionate cond. SeagUIJ mg. Compll. expando. 1'1ake offer or Xlnt cond. * 646-.26l3 brakes, 14!6ls. 54T.J3TI Mike 962--0436 After 5:30 P.~!.
646-5102 7/18 boat covers, etc. Muet sell! ll'ade. Mil-5690 Dune Buggln 9525 MGB '63, WW, radio, good '59 vw, new brakes, re-
KrrfEN -Cuet lovable asking Ul50. 675-5364 ELECTRIC CARS 9250 ------t cond & rugber. Low miles. bit trana, good tires,
female. Neecb good' home. e SAILBOAT & trailer • DUNE Buggy 1968, cold One owner. SJ.200. 494-9660 1st $475 takl'I!! 548-520)
673-3896· 1/18 16' Skimmer w/dacron aana. ELECTRIC Autoette and bat· mcl&I fiake, oostom top & '55 MG • TF, in good con-'61 vw Squareback Fully
BLACK half.Siamese kitten.s. Jn good shape & ready to lery charger, good cond, int. '60 eng .. trana, front diUon. Wire wheels $750 equip. si.tso. Call after 6 0 R got t Am 842-603() $275 646-5393 end. Mags, wide ovals, cw;t 546-3754 pm. ~.1 , .• 1 Ho u1e b roke n . · ..-rvv· 1-• M -~
20 --~ Ith eJ<haust, street ei;,.... 1.1.'!il '64 MGB ..... Xlnt Cond. """==-=:-::=~=I 3-4325 7/' SCHOCK -..t w Mini Bikts 9275 sell.Makeorfer.968--1570 V.W.Late .'eJoneowner:\1nt
BOYS' dog -all shot.s, dolly. $.llO. :.:;::.::...:::;:.:::'."'.".._,=--.....;. Wire Wheels ..... $1650. cood? $1100. 6 4 6-3 9 3 1 , ~1970 MESA MINI BIKE BAJA BUGGY BUlLDERS 642-2398 after 5 Pr-.1, CM 67J...1747 eves
license, 1 yr. old. Great pet• Completed Buggies &: Acees-_ ' "°'"""'°;:--.,-,=--c--o I 521-1616 • 549---0744 f'V4!. 1120 SAlLlNG Sloop 24' hingfd Sales • Parts:• -Repain llOl'iea. Used vw Parts OPEL '64 VW Sunroof, $M.1 or befit .;._ ________ I mul Race « crulae. Xlnt 2267 Harbot' CM • 548-3007 '3106 LagUna Canyon Road of1er! Ask for Ken. 494-337ti
1642-5678 I i '
PETS and LIVESTOCK~ cond. Make of1er. 962-2872 Motor~clH 9300 Laguna Beach 494-8100 .54 ~·-
pl boL -1 n.l\.IJETl'E, stick, 4 ipd. Autos Wanttd 9700 Cits &120 FIBERGLASS ma e " . Radio, btr., w ind w hi I! 11---------"""'-------:-I Complete, S150. Ocea.ruc 66 YAMAHA. Xlnt cond. S200 Imported Autot 9600 __ .. _ gd · -~. I W•u•n"r• . Utts. .,, ,J, SIAMESE. Burmese A Yacht Sales, 6f2...51S1 & take over sma I pymll, ---------·• 646-.ITil
Penrian kittens. Abyssinian, :xi· Olpper class sloop 540-4865 alt 6. '66 Datsun Sport !"=========!
BurmellC', Sia.mcse s I u d . Juat painted. $600. 65 BSA 350 cc. Good conditioo Roads:ler 1600 PORSCHE Your Volkswa~ or Porach9
546-8858 • ~2176 * Gorldl!'s bron1e, plush black ' Pl.Y top dolllira. Paid fur
$400. interior. Low, L.ow n1ilea. ---------or not. Call Ralph
Will Buy
2 BLUEPOINT Slameie, 4 14' F1berghw sloop, )ceel, 675-t746 Take. older trade or $175 "r.6 912 Coup1e. Concourlie 6; ': _ .i I 90 mos old. Shots Ii hsebrkn. 1 safe & fast. New sails. $595. HONDA 160 '65, Xlnt con· dcla. Cal.I &her l PM, condlUon. AU extras.
fcmle, 1 mle, 494-6327 Fun Zone Boat Co., Balboa dltion. $400. 494.9773 or 6.19-3617 Must see to aJ>llreciate. AUTOS WANTED
18. Mollbu ~ . .,, ... , Call &M--0675 i>i;;;oiiCiiili'Oi"'T.ipO;rtil,;8~"~1~°"~"~"'~"~· ~826.4321~~,_ I Will h 1 1m~~ vu e Spot Cash for lmporU , pay cas or """'""' top condltlonl $895. '64 HONDA SUPER l1AWK We. pay more tor any Import li6 PORSCHE • 91.2: lmm11.c. autot. Up to SSOO. Try u1.
e 11 WEEK old, ll"l'llll min. • 962-91574 • 30.l, good cond, $275 or best regt1rdlesa of >"!Ar, make oond. Loaded! Must sell! ' ELMORE
blk. female Poodle, • Iba. ls·"N"o"we=1"'R"'D:-;N:;:o:-. -56t°"".'x"1::ntC11 ~or:.,•:"c,·ci"::2-8'M=•'MC;:::;-:;;;;;:;;-or condition. Try 111 be( ore 548-9534 Af1er 6 PM 96U G!lrdl!n Grove Blvd •
$."ii). ARC. MS-98¥.1 cond. Well equlp. $-100 '67 Honda 300 Scran1ble.r you 11elL ELM 0 RE 's& PORSCHE Speedster 1700 DON'T Trade your old car ln,
AKC BASSET PUPS * 673-8l82 * 1200 mUea. $3'/S MOTORS, ls.»J Beach Blvd. tt, Bur&ch exhaust, trafllist .1('11 It to .JtnP.MG-...smo Ext
Trk»l~. Ree.ton. 54G-36J8 SOCK rr ro 'EM! Call Otucir $4~9413 Days Weat:nln11trr. 89W322. ignit !1411-«134 &ft 6 43-4: 531>-1879 eve
J,. I
Autot W1nlod 9700 Used Ciro 9900 U-Ct" 9900 UMd Ciro 9900 UIOll Cira ""
2828 Harbor mvd.
Costa Mesa 546-1203
WE PAY •••
tor used cara • trucks just
call UI tor free estimate.
Ask for Sales M.anaru
l82ll Beach Bl.,
Huntington Beach
CAMARO '61 SS 3'0 4 1pd.. '60 MARK V
new tiret, low mi, like neW! 1960 Unc. Cont. Mark V 2Dr
Make offer. si+2199. irr. A rte.I luxur)' model,
onyx black exterior with 2
tone leather interior. Thls
one )'OU. must drive to a~
FREE LAS VEGAS pred1te. Full Price
'64 CliEV EL CAMINO ~tAL-lst car lot oa Harbor Blvd.
1Bu. Th• """' -"' .,,.,. JOHNSON & SON
model going. Sparkling ado. Linooln·Mercury
be beige with ivory bucket Colt.a Mea Branch
seats. A.uto, P . Str. All kinds 19il Harl>o:t Blvd. 642.7(!)()
of extras. Goorgeoua & show· -o.,--:~:--.,----:-~
room ""'"'· Th~ w .. ''"" '64 Continental
ooly '64 Lincoln Continental 4 Dr
$1695 Town Sedan. Has tull pow-
ELMORE " .nth '"....,, .~. 1mma~
TOYOTA ulate W'u out with silver
Jl.10TORS metalli: liniab. Now lhis
Ph 8M-33a> S'/'<KXJ.00 car new can. be
15.ll) Beach Blvd . Wstmn!tr bought for $18!li.OO. -----~· ---15l ca.r lot m Harbor Blvd. ~n1c'i ~AS,_ JOHNSON & SON
15 VI -AtllO lllllt,
--..... SUIO. HOLIDAY ltAMILllt
J • '67 fOID • J
CUSTOMS 1969 Harbor 81\ld. CGlta Mna
3 to ctioo&e from. 4 Dt. V8,l:=========I
a uto., Mtl 209' down ar
trade S45 per mo. ~
No. P7717
2000 Harbor Blvd.
Costa P.1esa &U«nO
'65 COUllTRY
'66 CUTLASS .. °"'' cuu.. Cpo.,......, air cond., tull power. A local
one OWMr ear. Priced poo
be-low m1rket valt.M.
lst ct,r lot on Hartxr Blvd.
Costa Meea Branch 1su Harbor Blvd. eu.m
1963 OLDS Oxivvtlble. P/a.
p/b wbtte w/blue Int NI.I
tirK. X1nt cOnd. -. WW
take trade <n4) 111-1r11
1967 CHEV, c:AMARO R/S Llncoln.Mercury WE BUY Coope. The nillyo """"· Bur-Coot• M ... llnn<h
Automatic, RAH, ~ power,
20% down or trade Hi per
mo . 30 mo. (PCC941)
'66 OLDS Delta 4 door wt~
air coodltioninc. D 1 r .
54&-T151 ANY CLEAN gaody .nth whit< trim. Blad< l>U Harlx" Bl"'1. 642-7fEO
LATE MODEL landau top,• spd.,....., av-'63 CONT. $1299 $1095
als, plus all rallye extra.s. AJr conditioned. AU power
SPORTS CARS. ""1tiv"1y "'°""""" .....,_ '"""'· Meticulot1' """kept
Top DolJ&r To' You 'lllis weekend~ it llPtlrklin&: new looldnJ:.
FORD Golden w .. 1 $2195 Specw.
'65 JET Star 88 2 dr hdtop,
very cln, iee to apprec. «ii:
awner 5l&-o7n 8 to 5
1984 Newpcrl Blvd. TOYOTA J=l969=H;ar=bor=BI==:""::· ;"°':";:M;: ... :;: J 2060 llorbtr Blvd.
0:>6ta Mesa 64U460 Ph. fe4-~ O:ieta Mesa &Cm10
'61 OUlS P'-15 Wqon. FAC
ADI ~ aow. 1-------15.llO llea<h Blvd., Watmnstr CORVAIR '64 FORD CUSTOM ·-Used Can 9900
'62 Foni 2 door. Aut. shift,
power steering, etc. $480.
'&t Corvair Oub Crupe. stick
shift, radio, htr. $590.
'63 Mercury Station Wagon.
Auto. shift, power steer. $840
'61 Metropolitan Hardtop
Vsy econcxTtlcai. Sound. S460
'Ell Rambler American Sta-
tion w..,... Rue good ......
'ffi Valiant six Cub Coupe
Stick ahlft, l(IOl:less. $950
'66 Rambler American 2 door.
Stick llhitt, radkt, heater.
. 1~9 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa
You are welcome to look Sun.
Now averaging 15 Cfil'S per
week that can be retailed at
..,,·hoiesa.le to the public. Beat
the dealers on these older ......
2060 Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa 642-0010
e Bankrupt? •Repossession'!' eaad Credit? e Divorced?
e MUitary e New ill Area?
Make Payday Payments
1420 So. Main &: Edinger
(2 blocks N. of Sean}
Santa Ana Pb 54Z-350l
1 ·~·C !ino.ocin<J D•Dilabl(•
Al ,o """' carr1 o~• ""'"
$49 TO $499
i~ )/, I-I arbor 6!•<:1 sz9~ s-1s.ss11
TEAOiER'S great looking
'62 Skylark. R&H, P.S., air,
WSW. leather int. 43,IXXI ac-
tual miles. Best offer
Mus.t sell! '66 Buick Special
convert • low inileage • v.a auto, extras. Owner
leaving for Enrope. Private
party. Offer. 646-2676
l~ BUICK pwT. atr & brks.
Good tranaportation. $100
89'2-9170 after 5: 30
1961 a.a Cpe DeVille. Fact.
air, tun power with all othe!'
extru. Only gone 51,IXXI mil-
es, 1'\111 Price
1st car lot on Harbor' Blvd.
Costa Ml!M Branch
1941 Harbor Blvd. 642-'TffiO
1964 COUPE de VlUe. Black
w/black let.ther interior.
Full JIO"ff, fac alr cond.
Tiit wMel, elee 1 e a t 1 •
Tw1Hght Sent. Auto dimmer,
pwr trunk releue. 29,<XXJ org
mi. lmmac. Xlnt cond. Must
aee to ll()prtdate, $3295.
FREE LAS VIDAS --------1
1960 CHEV IMP ._,. • VACATION WITH A ' ~spt'62C "L Cpe. Dark metallic bhJe with arv11r 1kewood
ell original interior, pwr. Wagon artlc white with ~
111:1'., .auto, etc. Immaculate. trasting blue Interior. Frft:b
Only and pretty u can be. Get
$695 this mileage maker, This
ELMORE MOTORS w"""""' ~95
TOYOTA ELMORE Ph. 894-3320
15.llO -Bl"'1., Wmnnw TOYOTA
'66 MALIBU p~':,
1966 Chev. :P.1alibu V8 Cpe. 15.JXI Beach Blvd Wstmnstr
Power steering, radio & , "
heater. Daffodil yellow ex· 63 CORVAIR. ~I good 2
tericr with bl.ack vinyl in· DR 4 sp. Ex. meChanically,
terior. Reduced To Make oUer! 6t6-l587 alt 5:l'.>
$1895 '65 CORVAIR Cor&a; 180 HP,
1st car lot on Harbor Blvd. turbocharged. S900 Ca sh JOHNSON & SON (Cbe,ry). 675-4-099 Aft9 PM
PLYMOUTH VB, automatic. 20% down or1---------1
trade $2) per. mo, 24 mo. ltlflt PLYMOUTH lbtlcm
NOY704 Wl&'QD Godd cmdl.ticm ....
$595 '61 Sl'A;::. white,
TlftODORE ROBINS ~'°'.":.: """'· !WI •
3:liO Harbor Blvd, FREE IAI vroAS
O:w!ta Mesa .642-0010 VACAnON WI'I1I A
'63 GALAXIE ""' VB. 2 dr '63 PONTIAC
Hardtop. Power aiteerlng, LeMana Coupe. Dark mlCallc
auto, radio, heater. New ~ witlt. D'C
tires on back, Vtt)' good 00 budi:et IN.ta, Jtick .... 'Wiil
front. In A-1 stiape, ready to new chrome wbtela a--.
go. 646--0W. after 5 or all "New rebuilt "326" VI tnsW:
Sat-&m I: clu.tch. relM!y to 113, Nw, '61 Ford, P'CllD, -$1095
bnnd now ""' -::._V~ El.MOii 1t1ck lbllt, ..., .-TOYOTA
-· """ -. -u llD1Qll ......,; ..... _
'57 FORD, rtlllt. -.., ... 1 :m!!!!!_!B~s1~oll~•~'-~=·~'~!!I
titt1; M>lo., -.... 4 IPllD
"'""'· $100. -ENI IPICIALll'IS
Selected Allte
ms2 Harbor mvd. 531-4516
PON'TIAC --··°"""-Kl6-4444
Onmct Onmtr'• ......,.
Dnl• ... -• -lllld --'61 PONTU.C Ba ftD e v 111
o:mvt. pW'I' brM, atrr. 3111 Cll
in. $300 or nu (2JJJ .,,,_
'llO PONn4C v • ft t u t &
brdtop, x1nt md,
-........ ,., !WI,
$475 IG-1431
'85 BONNEVIl.LE ' door htrd top. l'Ully equlppod V.!:_~erw'sw°'' •PSato., P~ and witb aJr. $1900. Dir. '63 Bel-Air station wagon; lNUBU:le, • ·• -M~T7'51
R/H, P"'T. steer.; $950. 1967 COUGAR. Original brakes, wheel coven,~ I AIR~l:allpowr 'fil5 a 842-7007 a condition. $2550. Ume frost. lal paint. (WJB.397). Sold
Dir. Pbont: 548-7151 new for $3695. 3:1% down er Bonn.ville. Xlnt cond. Great
'67 CHEV.11 Station wagOll tra ... -$76 36 tourina: cu. Under Blut Stick shift. R/H. $1575 ~ per mo. mo. Book. -..3'12
Original own". Oll-2628 __ D_O_D_G_E__ $2795 '64 BONNEVILLE
'61 CHEV Sta Wag. Auto, NEW l968 Dodge aw-ger. THEl\N\llC ROBIU' Q:Jnverttble Air coad.
RIH. Xlnt rond. $750. Big e n g i n e • Loaded! Vll\lll&; ft.I LOADED-
546-?568 alt 6 pm including air conditlonina:. t1295 * M4-Cll53
'67 IMPALA. Loaded. Candy 40,(0) ml. left on warranty. FORD '63 GRAND Pri:I:, tu.II pwr,
apple red. By OW!ler $2795 Take over peyments of m, xlnt cond, pod Uni.
546-2792 $90.80 per mo. Winn DiO Harbor Blvd. $1250 173-3247, 6'1l-6133
'52 QI.EV. Xlnt running cond. =A="'=.'='~="=· -=="="'====I ~Chl~l~a.."M~•'!'"~--."'.642--001~~0 '68 VF2ITURA Coov. 8lk .I:
lmmarulately Clean! FALCON 2) '67 MIJSTHIGS whl, lotd<d, x1nt """'· l3000 N• paint. * 61'-W4l------I ( All' prt pt)' 529-SI Ftll1rtD
1965 CHEVROLET Station , U11 Sl'All am:I" PClrfr1AC wagon 11750. Will take trade 61 FALCON 2 to d>ooae from . Factory
Dir. 548-775! 1961 Falcon Sta. Wag. A real warranty, VI, automltlcs, Good CCIDd~ ...
, economy model with std. with or wtthout power •eer· 1 ---------55 CHEV 265 eng, ~ans trans. and thrifty six cyL ing, R&l:I. TEYS'M • UJD813. '65 BONNEVILLE Cmvert.
sus, 456 gears, traction bars, eng. Fu.ll PriCP. 15% down ar trade $66 per Full pow., tact atr, rood
$2j{I. 54~1500 ss9s mo. 36 mo. on •pp. credit cond. $1'15Q. 6'i-.a
'63 IMPALA, 2 dr 'ht $1095. 1st car lot oo ilarbor Blvd. $2195 !-==='=='=====:::
:_. ~;..,';",:",.;. ""'' JOHNSON & SON RAMIL.El
1963 QlEVY Nava D Station eo~":\':":·~~h THEODOR£ ROBINS NEW ltAMBLER SALE
Wagm $800. l!m (Apt 21 l~l flarbor Blvd 642-'llliO JaTellnl ·~·Americans
Monroe,"'-'· 5.l'l·l405 '60 FALCON $395 . FORD ~-~..ii:;
Xlnt. Pvt pty. M6-9828 Mee tor --' oldtt CIU'I iQ
CHRYSLER m> Harber Blvd. • .........
'64 Cl-m.YSLER, PS/PB,
going overseas, must sell!
$T:i0. 1818 Viola ·Pl, C.M.
Chol• M... 642-00IO ~IDAY ltAMILER
__ FO_R_D __ I 2. '67 MUSTANGS 1969H.-Bl"'1.Co ... -
AIR COND. RAMBLER ·a a...k: V8 Station Wq-
cm. Auto, hlft, radio, Mater,
...:Ir. Ao WNIUtlly """' .... llsaJ.
htr, air, vinyl top,, xtnt
cond. low miles, $11Xl COMET 67l-1819 aft 5:30 .I: wkf'ndi,
--------'65 FORD Galaxle S 0 0
'61 4 Dr. Comet Station
Wap Automatic. C a I J
~1842 aft s
convertible air condltlonlng,
and power. $1600. call Olr.
'60 FORD Galaxy Hardtop
• 114>-3628 •
2 lo choose from. Factory
warranty. V8, auto., with tit
without PS, R&H. TEYrM •
UJ0813. 15% down OI' trade
SIG6 per mo. 3S mo.
$2195 HOLIDAY ltAMILllt
1968 Harbor Blvd. Cotta Mna
'13 -' Dr., cutom 110
lllmbler. Must .01
$550. or bnt ofter. -...... -SACRIFICE! '68 Cad. 2 Dr.
Cpt. De Ville. FWI power,
Mly eq!Q, "Factory MW"· LEASE Fmm Orange Chm-'&1 Ford .f"a.lcon, 2dr,
S6.250. 213: 592-51163 aft. 5:l'.> ty's old~~ M~~~ stick. Likt: new. $500.
__ _..:_ wknd Cbugar unuershlp. JUlllwu1 *~S-:ll52 * PM wkd.yl; .. IJ'"'"e . • Son. Newport, Costa Mehl ........_
'67 CADILLAC fl Donldo, &G-0981 '63 COUNTRY Squ:n, U ...._
air CCIDd. to.ded wttb xtru w/wood trim, di ooad,
$6200. Call OR l-7692, 6 to 9 CCJPrrr, '64, 4 dr aed ..... tit, air, sum or best~ •. ~ ~.-fully equip, Lo mi., xtnt, cood Pri $l!lj() '63 Gal3xle Ford.
$Z1X1 'M CAD Qmvt. Every M8-Mn v prty; . T·Blrd enrine $625
DIG Harbor Bl\'d.
Cbsta Mesa 1041011
'66 MUSTANG, 6 qi. low
mileage, radio ' llieattr.
$250. cUh .I: take Mr
payrnenU ol $52. per mo.
Extn! I • --'< tllt ji15i5i:L1NiNCCXl6'1J<Uf..--j;;;;;;j,.r,,-..,Ok1~~·!_-~~..;!,·=-~ OM °"'*'· 43,lm cood, lHtber. 32,600 ml. u.. '60 Ferd H&tdtop. R/H pwr
miles. &G-00 eel oond. $2600. ~1530 atrg. WW pablt 9111 col«.
'51 CADILLAC. whlte beane, DON'T ciw tt awa.y, pt $200. 54W'121afttt5 pnt
excelltnt ccnd. -M111t qa!Clr alb fbr n wtth • '59 l'ORD OlaYwtfble. Runl 'tl5 MUSTANG ra.tba.. .. ; ~u. 817-0262 H.B. oa11y PUot want Adi but needs W'Ol'k. soo. 544-8914 map, low down, 151. montb.
SOCK rr TO 'EM! 642-5678 . _.,,'"',..'-'-s . ...;s._1_tll--'11>¥.;.:... __ --'_Pri_v_. "',.,.,,.--'"'·-'---=--
W t.AHDAU -by oner,
aif' I dltll blue, ml ttir'.M.
'84 T-BIRD, new t1rts A
-.... mile., xlot ...... -.w <llor. 11)-11.U
2 dooir -Mo. .•.
A trvly fin• luxury car,...
Brand N•w 1961 lmp•rial Crown 4 dr,
hard +•P· Complat.Jy loadall with •¥•ry cOft.
ca1¥abtit extra. Sav• I 147 •II this b•aut. Stock No. 922
DAil. v 1'1101
0-frMt • Mt lllldlln Ill ,...,.,... .. all It clw alft prices. ~
Jl'011r1. I Dow hlntklll -· V-1. 1vtometk. '""' Miit«, ,...,. .......
1111. Hiii
........, I 0.-H.T. VI.""""""" ,.... ............... ~ ---$1195
frMiu:Wt. YI ....... ~k .. _ ......... ,... .,,. .... ..,.
............ I'#/.
P'\llT j DCICll' l'olrd!Oll. VI M91M. .,._,k tr1111mlsalon, r•dlo. MM•, li'OWtr 1tHrl119. HJJ.t $3291 $1399
'6B PLYMOUTH '68 CHEVROLET Nwti.' DM'. 'no ...... ......_ a.ort P"wy t Dr. H.T. Auf91nelk. , ............ a.-........ r.-. ""'9t", _... •'"r.,' -llnbl, WSW, P'ACTORY AIR
CC*OITIONIHG. aat fad. . $2291 W1ro'Mty. #f4I
$3325 '68 CHITS.LEI
'63 VOLVO ~ iiuu1""1k VI. """""""' ,........,.,....,.....,1r19.....,..
I Deer. 4 _..,, """'"' '"" fliw.
......... _.... _ _,... .. u ...... ... ,,.,,, ...,., .........
$999 $3491
All .clvortise<I un .,. plus tu ind licenM
Pricel 9ood 'Iii 10 PM, Sunday, ~uly 2[
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4 door. Fully •q11ipped i11clutlln9 Super Turbin• 1utom1tic tr1n1mh1ion, ll•"'''
1t11ri119, pow1r ~·••••, r1dio, f1elory 1ir cenditionin9, whit1 w•ll tiro ..
tintH 9lt11 111411 other 1cc:111orit 1 too num1ro1n io offer. No. )Ol
Brand New 1968
. lquippM wi#i Y-1 1n9in1, 1utom1tic, power d 11ri119, r1dio, whiN will tir11, tinNd 'illto 111d YOUR CHOICE Of FINANCING " lllolun wh11I cov1r1. No. 262T
234 · E. 17~ ST.
Opea M...., ....... h ·l'rld.y 'Ill t p.Mo
Opn 'Ill 6 en SolutcMJ -CLOSID SUNDAY
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Service Department
Specielizin9 i~ the service of alt me~••
and mCdels. OPEN Monday through Friday
7:30. 5:30, Monday evenin9 until 9:00 .
2100 HARBOR BLVD. c~~~A 548-7767
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S•d•n d• Viii•. F11ll pow•• 1r11I f1ctety
1ir r.ondltioninq, lik1 new.
lllWY.ILUl.1001 PllCI -14210
Montc11ir H1•d+op coup1. lt1dio, h11+.
1r, 111lo"'1lir., power s+11ri119, f1 ctory
1ir conditioni119. Und1r l1ctory w1rr111·
l'OOLl'S PllCI -"$3288
H1rdlop co11p1. R1dio, 1'11!1r, pow1r
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ditio11in9. l111d111 lop.
llLLIY ILUI 1001 PllCI -13J6CI
l'OOU'S PllCI -
Skyl1r~ 4 door h1rdlop. Jl1d io. h11+1r,
1ulom1tic, pow1r ll11•in9 . l1clory 1ir
llELLIY ILUE 10011 PlllCI -S2lt0
j ~OLl'S ;1'988
' , El1ctr1 4 door h1rdlop. Futl power i nd
/ f1ctory 1ir conditionin9.
l'OOLl'S PllCI .:....