HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-10-15 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' I ... ~ . I . --............ . • ewpo~t.·Y f.~lltsman • ' > • . ( .. ' . . . Wins ·openhlg. 1Raee. F_or 8ly1Dpie .S-ars· . ~ -. • I 1 ' BQrgaining u~andit .S_ought ·in ' Of,. CdM· -. '"' - • HoldQp Bank .. . , .• ' 1 t I oas am1 ' . . . .._ ·- TUESDAY AFTEl!NOON, OCTOBER 15, l 968 ~OL. l'I, NO, 1• I S•CTIONS, G P'AGU Astronauts Make Ship ffourforTY SPACE CENTER, Houmn CUPn - The three Apollo 7 astronauts, floating arotmd lnaide their cabin in the weightlessness of space, staged the se- cond act of ''The Lovely Apollo Room" television series today and took viewers on a. guided tour of the ship built to takev men· to the m"'1-"-,,™ 'bne" w. olily Qi1i!triif Apailo or<1Wli""""''-~ two a«obata r,.J;,, ~ Wany· SObliri .. ll!d Walttt ~." iald Donn Eisele as he appeirec1 tit the """"" In ope!lini 'the SecOnd dB)'. of Apallo'a live telecaata to earth. ' Alter a couple of jokes with their col~ leagues at the Houston Space ~ter spacecraft, Commander Scttirra took the little five-pound camera and gave mlllldru: of earthbound television vtewerll a look • at the inside of the 16-to\1 spacecraft as it swung Qver the United States on its 60th orbil- Apailo 7 eotered its fifth full day In s~ce at the end of the telecast-and it ap- pefu-ec1 sound ~ugh to complete the full 11 days of its demanding trial run. A full success might clear the next Apo~o ~ for a flight around the moon m December. After the telecast, the astronauts told ground control they had cracker crumbS all over the cabin. "We have a gripe,'flil'the radioed. "The cracker type food, the c h i c k e n sandwiches, they're crumbly and we have crumbs all over the cockpit." The "space spectacular" began at"7:;9 a.m. PST and ended 11 minutes· later. It was four minutes longer and just as clear as Monday's transmission. Another show is likely Wednesda7. Despite nagging colds, which made Schirra irritable when ground controllers woke him up early by mistake today, the bearded astronauts were cheerful and grinning again. (See story, Page 4) After Eisele opened the telecast, Schir- ra held up two other hand-lettered cards: (See APOU.O, Page J) Bargaining llood Sought in $1,000 CdM Bank Heist Newport Beach cleleclivea an<j the FBI today are litlll ...ting the bargaining bank bandit ,.11o·too1: about $1,000 from the Corona del Mar Sflcurity Pacific Bank, 343S E. Coast Hllbway, Jusl.befor< it closed Friday. , · · The robber is deacrjbed as a i.Mafia •ype" ni.n abo,it 5 1ee1 9 1nchea 1an. o1 stocky ~ ~iµt ~ swarthy ~plexion. He was didlell in a black suit,• white shirt, black Allrow brbn straw bat. He also wore heaVJ tramt 1U111li1Se1. , Ac:alrdlng lo palice, the bandU ap- proached the ll\BM8er:O desk at the bank, showed a p;.stol and aaid, ••t need $5,000." • He was ~ty told that that ml.1th mooe:y nm t ava.tlable. H• then lllldl "Well, I -$1,000 at ti!ut." Manal!er Join Bullard waa lold lo IO lo the vauft lo gd>the ..-,., U _.,y, Bullard told the thief that H would be loo IU!J)lclooa a. move !or him lo 'make. The Ible! a""'1 Tbe bandit filially oetlled !or '1,00ll. AB be lefl the bai\lc, talln. Bullard with him, IUSJ>lclooa employeo fu11nedlatel1 called police. Builar<l wu rtleuod unbarmed by the thief at 'Ille -ol ""'"-end ~-~ I Pismo Clam? I UPIT1111t11tt1 Y~,Virginm,~erelsaPbmo Beach. And helping the San Luis Obispo _community prove it is Lynn Melia, 19, contestant in annual Pismo Clam Festival queen contest. Festival is scheduled Nov. S.11. Intensive Search Enters 7th Day For Coast Family By PAMELA POWELL Of tM DlllJ f'llot lletf The inlensive air search for a Newp:irt Beach family of five last seen Sept. 28 in a Cedroa Island,. Mexico, grocery store entered its seventh day today as one U.S., Air Force and three Coast Guard planes combed the Mexican waters off Baja · California. Robert Emigh, 35, his wile Patricia and their ~ children left ·san Diego Sept. 25 on the 40-foot yawl Tiare for the first 1~ of a cruise to the Caribbean. They mJssed their scheduled arrival in Puerto Vallarta Oct. 5 where they were to pick up the boat's owner George W. Drucker, a Beverly Hilla attorney, and take him to the Olympic yacht races in Acapulco. ' , . . , , Drucker. notified . the Coast·G!Jlrll who tiegan an aerial aearch'last.W~y. Since then there has been no tr~ of the vtsseI. . l!:mlgh, a Newport Beach.yacht'broker, ha~ IOld the .family home lo We hil famil1 on the cruise. <rile dilldl'en, two (irla and a ho)>, are 13, IO 'anil 5'- uv:;lal., i. -~,:.~; b, :..Ue.1 the Tim in various races including 'the TranaPac in 196S and 1967. He has also ulled pNviously in Mexican waters. The yacht, equipped with emergency par Including three bigl>j>owei:e<I radios, lw been docked !or the put amral yean al~·, n..tauranl, The. Tiare may have. been at ibl: most atnme po!ni from land oCt. I when the ttopl"!l llomr Paulinl' bit llleo a-Had the yacht been -In the lllol1n radlo transmlalon would bave been loll. Druck"', the Own<I', bad been llllYinl with friends In Puer1o v allarta but haa --..-to Newporl lleach lo \eep In looch with lhe Coat Guan!, friends aald. ' . ' ~ •...... r° .. .M~' 'J~. '._ ,... M. ..- ., •. -. .. " .. ' • • .. ,.) .,;--'-"#>-·. ' I .r .UCl's FacultJ Backs Cleaver, ·Chides Regents Girl's Bi'te Senth Intruder Barking •Heart Ltta~k · ,~ ' ' Things got a little bot for the "health v:;:4!::00 -She bit' him. And her .·• -. ~ ·, · · , '. · , inspector" W h e n he mSlthed into \be a · t, who bad identlfied himsell. as . · TwO b~era,, stud1?1t.s at' Gardtn steam room of an~ '!o~en's 8f1D "John Weaver, 39; health iM~or," Grove High School, Re ·to appeal-In By THOMAS FORTUNE Of #Ill DtlilY Plllt Slaff and <leclded that h ~a official !IClUuny promptly · fled through rows of hghtJy Juvenile Court today on charges of .shou!d·lnclude the dimensions of a l!lhape-.clad women. · , · ...,, .... 1 The UC Irvine faculty M0nday soundly defeated a resolution interpreted as a cel)SW'e of the professor who has invited Eldridge Cleaver back to campus. ly glM lttendant. Police are Investigating the Incident m~er, armed robbery and, ~ping. Karen Kerbo, 22, an e :i er c I 1 e . which took pl.ac;e over ,Ute w~kend. They . .~ by Ana¥illfP<>l!ce' an~·booted sull"rvlsor at Hoild~y Health Spa, lol~ . have, eatsbilahed that the city health Into !he county juvenile ,hail ~tllrday oo police that she provided a sharp answer department l'las no "John Weaver" on,tt:s . the charges were Dan1@:1 WAyn~· $mith for the inlr3der's hot -handed in-booU. 16, and bis brother, Donald WiJllani, is: ·of 11562' Donna Lane:. · · · ,. · Meeting as the Academic Senate, the faculty also took a strong stand asking UC Regents to withdraw censure of the Berkeley profeaors ~n&ible for the course Cleaver is teaching there~ Both votes were decisive WiUl only a ·couple cif hands · raised in opposition to e._ch. Dr:. 'Kenneth Ford, • physicist and .chairman or the Irvine · Division of the Academic._Senate, estimated about SO of 'the divl.siob.'s 215 members attended '.Newport Sailor Scores ·Jn Star Olympic Opene~: . The pair was· artested,during .a holdup ~theah. p&yvjew Mol,e) a~ lll6. S. W~ SL, eun. . They are also chargf!ff' With the hbtdfip of the Dunes Motel 'iri Ahahcrinl, bn Oct. 8, ·after· whtCh· itS m1nagm.;.'wu11atn H: Heaselgrave, 53, suffer.eel· a. fatal beart ·attack. lfis· death reslllttd iJ the ·murder. charge against .the brotbeta.. -.:• • , Kldnapjog clw'1ea "arise fr9ID ' Ibo youths forcing the owners. Mr.' and Mfs •. : George. Lc@neaa of the SleyVte..· Mbl<I 'M>m.thefr office to theli bedioonl'whefe Monday's session. · The special Academic Senate meeUng, carried over from last Thursday, also was attended by about 100 students wbo6e spokesman said they were there to back . the !a<:Ulty in ill 1taod opposing the regents. Thursday the Jaculty had voted to re- quest the regent. to rescind their ruling limiting guest lecture appearances' on a l campus to one per quarter and t}Ol to! , submit to the regents a report justlfying' standards for experimental courses. ~ At that aesslon, Dean Qi the Graduate Division Ralph Gerard introduied a resolution disapproving of a professor· who uses bis classroom or bis position for : d-cUy partisan acUvltlea. 1be resolution clearly was almed at ce.nsuf'ing·Dr. Stephen Shapiro, an mis-· tant professor of English whb has invited Qeaver,. the contl'oversl~ Black Panther le;ader. to lecture to one or more of his literature classea. Gerard was nOt present M on d • y to speak in favor of hill re.olutJon. In a written introduction. to the resolu·' (lioe FACULTY, Pa(o Z) ' . By ALMON LOCKABEY DAILY PILOT a.aflllt l dtlw ACAPULCO -Lowen Ncrth of San Diego and crewman ,Peter Barrett of • • Newport Beach started exeeuUng a pro- grani 'of long.pl~ revenge over the "Great Dane'~ Paul EJv1trom Mooday by , winning lb• !lrat ra<e of the Star clasa in the yachUng Olympics. Nottb,ll!d'~ got their North Star crankerl up'a.fter the first mark and pull~ ed from fifth to first Place and went on to beat Noi'way's Peter Lunde ancl'Elvstfom in what ls shaping up II the n'laln feature ol the 1110 clasa Olylfiplc aailJnJ< games. The Star compeUU~ ii clearly a battle of cliamf>ioos. North · 1s a three time forTner .world· champion, Elvstrom is the current holder of the gold star, Durwood Knowles of the Bahamaa ls the defending Olympic ·gold ~edaJlst, and Timar Pinegan of" Russia Is the lt!O Olympic gold medalist Alter a ohaky start.North aod Barrett, the Finn Class silver medalists in 1964, burled them all. But aa North ll!d Bar· rett well tiioW, one race does' not maie a series ... Bitrett tw bis own l"l!d&e against •Elvstrom whom' he bu 00ver OCC' '];'d B k bea~ In :he Finn claaa. s i;, ur e WORLD'S BEST 1 Elvslrom Ill con.ldered by many to be R ad f A ' t • the world'• best small boat sailor. He has e .Y or c W~i WOI) lour Olyoipic.)lledala In the _stnglo . • ' . handed cllaa &lid la bldalng !<r bif·!llth Orange coast Olympians tal<e a rest-· in the star._ · ...,,pt I« hammer-throwing history pro. NOrtb got the best wulher' llari. but lessor Ed, Bur~ of "'-·Coost-College1 hallway µp the weathef !OJ II wu eYident -who today ,11 warim.; up I«' CODM • that El""""' and Ltutde bad him 11<"' peUtioil Weclnelday In Meilco CilY alld }\nowles anll Pinegali\ WOro' looillg • Voll<!)'blll, .....-~ llld traci>aclliill. 'iOQd on !he lee side GI .the c0une. Bot.:a are ail cov....i Iii tpildal -loCla,y "7 -Wind slilft be!Dfil No<'tb'1 cauae end u DAILY PILOT Sporll -Glen. Whit4-• the Poz-ade ~ m>und llle !lrat 11\fl:k ·reportbc ~ _.Mexico Cltr oo a' wu Norway, lltnbilTt, ~. Pap .a.. Flnllll!I ll!d Illa, United ~tatea In thit ,Almon 1.ocDbey, ))&!LY Pl L 0 Tl order. ' · bootJoi editor, 'coytl!'I tlil!' um., Ol1m· On the downwind lep It 1\'U ~t plant with bis esdullV. '-' from r had the bat boalspeed at the 'all Acapulco. • the lriangle, mor~• the hall'tvay ' . palnl,'be rounded overlapped with 1.uncje .and Elvsti:om. ' . · From there.it Jook'ed tiki a·OOw to bow : they 'were Ued1t&gether. '. " r.1 • ..;. duel f>e:tween North' and Elvstrom • ."At 0¥ · Tl)i.ow_nets''lKln, Paw, 191 Calledlpolice second weather· mark North ·W¥ ~ ~ .when he heard~ thtt 'banditl tj(ncdtb ·~·a)iel\d ol· the IJ'O•t Di'"' wll)) 1par<1111 .Jn.anoiher room) Patrobna11:Jqe · Lunde a close,thlrd. • ' Karns arrived mlmrtes liter and arrested · Again North pi:ov.ed his . superior the two boJS. ' ' · ' downwind ability ·as be surf~ down Uie ;,;. .1 t, · mounUng seas to a comfortable one . mlnu\e ~ 50 l!OCjlod l<M.wbici).he ~aid Dri T Qlr-, . •\· the liiillb-. .t.qn<\e m~\vhfle will ; • ver , es,t • ,.;... J ·; pushing ElvStrom and nipped hinibY. less . ~4·" r ' !. ,, ·than a boat letlllll ,1 the finish. AUstfalfa Hcif,LlSTER (lJPl) ~Peter ii. Smith, was fourth, Sweden was ,f I' f t b and 1 '191' 'fVU killed In an auto" accldent>MO(lday Knowlea of the Bafuuitu wia futh.• • .20 mlnuty al~ .~g.hls drivers' test. SECOND· BEST 1 . • • . ' S".\'th ioif!eted Olj ~~nt hOiri >I· Second best .u:s, ·pe;r~ was lack, 'lost"°"~\ of.~ car and crash . turnediln by,;Buddy ·Freidericb ot New 'into a fence· , . · .Orleaoa in the Dr,agon Ciaaa. lie lilils!""1 .; ,..........,,-:i.,..,-~ _ _;...._...:__..;.,, ' second bebind East GenDaw'• .. Paµ! or--ii. ' ' ' . c,_-I Borom~. . · -.... --• In the highly eompeUUve .Ffnn! C1W . (See ACAPVLCo', Page Z) ' Pilot Presents· . ' '." . Mexican P rogress , While. ·the rworkt.'1 ~are'. riveted ,9'\ . Olym~competillan hi Me~ City alt<I . Afa . , lb!!r• ll ano!ber 8Bpj'CI o! M~x· it¥' i'>AILY P.ILOT will zero In 0n . beglnnnlng. Wtdnesday. ~'"' ' Blifugual !'eP,01\er Bruc;e B lb s o n · l'<CtDU.Y ,completed a 2,llOO,nilll tour lo emnlne 10veral boolltrap ilii>~ -·"'al' In variobs Mulcalt ati!M undet the :~Ices of the Partqen·GI The Alliaoee .for~. • , • On bis, 'l!"!k·I ... t4or, e.cio traveled I by air and 1and to lntenlew moro thin l'>O· -local lea""'1 In lour 1'\UlcU l · towm to brlog bacir ·-of -on • ~. ~ end ~ GI )lmcw ~ .. •eel 1'1rt>ieis GI tlit Al!lance pro-jects. • l • 1 S!ll'PriJel The ttm'• out, •nd jt•I going to. stay oui,for a wlille -I at least thro\lgii. Wednesday wl)en I the mercur.y ,moyes up to 74. along the ·0r"Iile Coast. l NSiDB 'l'OMY . ·The• o.O<tem da~ • veriloii • •J. ~ '. Jplu\nv ,4ppl<serd Ja at """~ (ii ' lM .l!altp<I~ ilrtiblno moriJ;limo '-~~lief•~~·,..,. I C""'""9 . ,, .,,. ' _.... ' .,, 1 -· ... a ·· ,, •ew.. .. 1, ..... "' ~ ' ........ .,.I Otllll ....... \ , ..._ ea..r • •'*-'-........... 1MI ,,~._ •tt ...... I -·••••Ii•• tr !:" -....... ..,,, '~ tt-n ,....._ '' ... ,.,. ' -" ........... ,, ....... 4 ~--R 14; ....... • ,_~ u ..... _ ... , ' ) ! ' icm Sta• .. Sadd'leback To Review Dress Code ' Saddlebod< Colltp lnllteel Monday nlpt told • protatJnc -II they will DOI -llJll)ellCI .....,i.tlona aplNI l<q. lllWm(lt balr .. boya, but wm llltm ·1o -t-. -_ .... uld tbor will -wl1li a -......i11oe In 1evtewb~ the compoo drell code following llluden boll)' eJectlam Oct. '°· Trustees lumed down a requm by stu- dent IPQl<-.n Stoll Ke!1100 that the dreSI eodecbe temporully ""pended un- 111 then • All .i.u.od -ol -ball ol -l!lril; arauecl with the bOlnl for two boun ..... the nile thal boys' balr and bunts m\111 be neat .lnd ·trbn and not unkemDI. · ' BiWdiillemllerl patiently hw'd every student wbo bad somelhlng Io say. Studenll ...,.. orderly, SJl"l<lng only when called upon. But while each aide lr<at<d the other coorteouJly thert .... little *laC eye to eye. l'IR8T POllTION Tbe flnt pcCllon of the studenta w.,. tbal tliey wllllted the dml code abo~ ed. Keoy<n -ted • pet!Uoo be Mid bNrl the lllnabftl ol IOO 1tudenll. When It beeame apparent l11llteel wauld not eumtnite the dreu eode, tho -t uked for a dellllitloo ol unbmpl bait. "Give 111 ... ~ .deflnltloo • that we can all apply, ~ an Innuendo like unkempt," student Morris Walker asked. Board members said they would oot be put tn a poo!Uon of ~g hair, and nol<d tbal.lbe lludent govmunenl com- mlttte coWd oddreaa !taelf to ddlnlng -"SpeclllCI of the dress code are all sub- jecta f o r W.C:Usslon," Board President M I c b a e J Cl>lllril said. He esplatned. however, why bt would 1nlilt it not be ·-alloplher. "MllJJI' tducatn bava sa!d d,.... baa nothlnl ta .do.with higher educatioil," be said. "My feeling ls that higher education tn this state l.! now reaping some of the frults of permissiveness.•• PROPER DECORVM He uld tbat education demanda proper decorum be obeerved In the clasaroom. Lae Coollng, who Mid be la an espelled T-, Odobor 15, 1'!68 • I I DAlt.'I' f'ILOT ltMf ...... PROTEST COOE -Sed~ebt•ok College.students Neal Feldenbauer, Stan Kenyon and Les Hel4e Cfr<lJ!l left) aJlpear before cullege trustees to ask for new Iooj<' at campus dress regulatioos. Trultees promised review of controversial code, but said It will remain In efiect for now. student from the dlstrlct,.aald he wants· I don't like It on my sOn. But it doesn't the word unkempt to be lOterpreted ra. inU:e him any leu a person. He's ltUl lionally. "I undentand unkempt to mean my ldn," be Aid. uncombed,"hesaJd. ~ ·Collins answered, ''Your It came out that Cooling was not ei· respoosibiliUe1 as a parent are dilferent pelled because his hair is long, which it than ours." Js, but because he had previously flunked County School Board President Clay out of Orange Coas~ College. Mitchell was present and remarked that Many 1tudentl m the audience had other junior college dlstrlcta have klat generally shaggy ha.Ir and several had bond elections because the adinlniJtratlon aideburnl, mustaches or beards. 1 did not satisfy the: voters. . The adn:µnistraUoo apparently bu not "This isn't jlllt an 1asue· of you fellow• been all that slrlngent in intelretl.ng the 'who are sitting here today who have done ruling. Counselor to the st ents John ,nothing to build Saddle back,'" be said. Flood II.Id no student bu been expelled "The board must keep 1 good rela· because of hair, and on1Y three or four Uooshlp with the le." have voluntarily withdrawn given the TrusteeJ Hana ~ said that If a stu- choice of cutling 1L • . . dent wants an education he 11hould be Gordon Sanford, the father ol one of willing to cut hl11 hair. "Thla is a value th~se student.!, was pre.sent and said he judgment you have to make," he said. ob1ects that his son cannot attend schO?l '"This value system Ls going to be carried "merely because of the length of bis lhrou h Uf " hai .. g your e. r. "We've heard a lot of cheap, little FRANK STATEMENT . political platitudu thrown around," stu. "I'll frankly state I don 't like long balr. dent Morrla Walker commented. -. -------------·------------------.-----~ • • New Jersej ~uns Bl!lst Reds · Into Tonkin Gulf SAIGGN (UPI) ~ The baltletblp New ~mey -up' to the laland holding Norih Vietnam's beavletl -e barter!" And lltorally bluted a . cbunl< of the lorlral Into the Gull ol Tookin with her ~·ll!lli .... • ......... 7 -Wfi"en .&M amoie cleart!CI away a 11.S. aerial spotter looked for a comer ot the once letha1 Hon Malt llland and shouted into his radio: 11It'a down in the ocean!" The spotter .aid Monday's barrage by the wor~'a .. op_lf acUve bi\~p "toot away a lara:e allce of the island illelf." 1be New JeJ1ey, in ber first ~ks of Vietnam Wu duly, ·bad aalled through heavy monsoon raJna that he.I'd bact American airttalt Sbe pulled into range of the North Vietnam guns and for '° mlnutes poured in 2,700 pound shells. Navy Signalman I. C. George R. PoUer FACULTY CHID tlon, bowever,. Gerard obterved : "PoliUclanl, led by the Governor, have made throuabout the state a majc:r Wue of Mr. Cleaver and the Ulilveralty. I 1uapect tbat polltlcl were not entirely ablent In the origlnal cbolce of Cleaver for the Berkeley course. In any event, the predictably strong reaction of the faculty has contributed to a confrontation of the University and the people of California that both the far left and the far right welcome just becaUH it ii d<imaglng"to all that our tnsUtuUon ltanM tor. "The original 1-la DOW lost In rlalng emotions. aeaver'1 pn,bably v a I l d qualifications are irrelevant and aldu are widely drawn on the question . of academic freedom. The Regents are responsible for tbe total well-being of the Ulilverslly and, whether or not their parUcular action was the wi.sest posaible, I think most of us would agree that they could not ignore the public clamor." . RESOLUTION of Colwnbta, S.C., otandlng on the New Jeraay'1 llgnal bridge, uld the raio blocked a lull damage .....,..,L Bui he aa.id: ••Jt )coked _like we gave them aome ptdly good bella. There WU I lot ., ....... There wn no report of the North Viet- nam~ guns gelling even one shot at the New Jersey. The New Jersey's attack strua near the seaport of Vinh and only 15 miles south ot the 19th parallel, th e norihernmOll boundary ol U.S. boms bardmenta since allbut North Vletnim'a IOUthern panband.le was put olf Umlta A..-U I. , . Tbe big ship, recommissJoned for her third war to do what she did to Hoo Matt. pushed 30 miles south or the parallel. There sbe blasted storage areas the .,....-..... 1 North Vletnameae had,d"8 lnto caves. Her 111-Jncb pns dien cUt ill live plac• the roada leadln( to the big IUJ>Pll'. d-area. • The Nd J""1'1 nine lt,lnchm .,. nol. llOllle8d .,, ........ ., -tbal oftett· bloot U.S. air trlket. American l!JlOketmen 1ald ·u.s. Jeta · flew Ila mission& Monday against North Vletnam but the rain and low clouds llmlted damage reporta. Sunday a Navy At allweat.her intruder · jet crashed due to wlknowo ca• 2j miles southeast ol Vlnb, ,lb 'twHllli1 mw be!J!i llaled u m1,.m; lo acUoo. · ii\ Sooth Vietnam, mUiiarY aou;cea sa!d U.S. force1 caught I& COmmtmisl armored vehicles: near the Cambodian border and vnleashed a massive. aJr and artillery' attack aga!Dit them. • R:EG~ ... ·, .-·' "', ·). ~I .... litlitlon w &Ooil \ID' becaulo ' "f lnteipiot ft tbal 'the,facully l1t11lnc 1 ls 11Di~~r.. ''DIJClll}» • H_if)r<pottd' rq ·r,spond to nu ... "'-11.'ID let" *" oll ---• -1niinla1 ' -)' uiiiif s llliw••t.. -., D •JI a r le ::J -of Ille queallDot ol'facttlty ?dm&~~1o· • · ..... &nlrol-~"1bodill!cellol'. ~~llM9' ...... ,.. ~. i J-~ "'! :lo illllIJll'oval. '1 think of-Ille action the U. · Ge0rge llelter, -t pro(.-of s. Setiate took ·1n "'peet ·lo Senator Joe-physics, author of tbat1'901utlm, agreed eph Mcc,rthy. This sounds like some-that was the spirit in which It was of~ thing tha& would go on the record of an fered. · lndl.;.i.a..al." Prl v-.i or to the Academic Senate meeUng Van Hoven argued his Berkeley col-Reiter and Shapiro addressed students leagues had followed proper procedures brought together by the Student Lobby in .setting up Social Analysis 139X, the ex-for Academic Freedom. peririiental course on race with Black "Since Preaident-clark Kerr wu aum- Panther Cleaver as the principal lee-marily dismissed the university has been turer. ' deteriorating," Shapiro said. "It'• too The resolution passed near I y late now ~ say 'Don't rock the boat' unanimously. We're past that. The boat ta punctured Chancellor Daniel Aldrich Jr. told the and it b sinkfu& slowly." faculty how he will interpret their earlier Reiter saJd the regents tried to cIOak resolution not to liltX;nlt a report when their acUons u a political compromise · called upon at the regent's meeUng in but the only ones compromised were UW: Santa Cruz later thil week. faculty. "I do not lntttP,ret it aa aaylng the Al1out 100 ol the 150 or .0 atudenU who same to the regenti as Mr. Cleaver may attended the rally then trooped to the have said to them ," he said. "I chose to Academic Senate meeting under urging believe that the faculty bu not resorted they make sure the faculty stands up for to thumbing its nose or name calling. academic freedom. Westminster Raid Nets f'ro111 Pqe l Dr, Gerard'• proposed resoluUon read: •'The Irvine Dtvlllon of the Academic Senate hereby 1oes on record aa sup- porting academic ~om only when lt Is exerciaed with rea-1bilil)'. Academic freedcm bu been achieved by professors on the basb ol the wladom ol protecting the expert from the premirea to dl8tort ACAPULcfi , hla acbolarly examlnaUon GI a topic on U. \• • • the basla of h1I objective and full From Pagel APOLW TOUR. •• ' · ·• • · _ · , knowledge. When professors act in class, 3 on Obscene B hi the'~ was dark horse Pblllppe Soria d' in their prolesalooal capacity, in this 00 • . ap ··Cf · .Frahci . over Norway's Per 'spirit, all memben of the University · _ -·~let Russ!U Valentin .. "~uld su~.them. . . . · , 11~,,...lllJrd. Wiili• ~elde, the '·"The Ideal of a ocliolarly elcanilnaUon "Deke ~ayton. are you a turtle?" and 0 Paul Haney, are you• turtle?'' INSIDEJOU I Dlvlalon," and -back lo ~ urly Mercury days of. the space program. "Did that go out live?" one of the utronauta asked u the telecast ended. They were told it did, via coinDW'Clal networks to.home viewers around'tbe oa .. Uon. A Westmlnlter liquor atore -accused by pollce of peddling 1<1pacu ol oboctnl- ty with blow-by-blow descrtptl<>na of various acts -has been raided follow· ing a three-month police invesUgatlon. Wllliam Hemlunr, :n, of 13191 Peek Circle, Westmlnsttt, was idtnUfied as cnmer ol the Hi-Lite Liquor Stor<, lllll Beach Blvd., i.., a point of pornograpl\y dtatrll>utJoo, pqllce claim. AllO arrested were employe Harmon Stul1I, 51, of ma Autumn Circle, Hun- tington Beach and Arthur A. Zerla, 33, of 1m1 Ravenwood Ave., Garden Grove, a truck driver. Bail was posted for all three men, with Zerla being nl•aaed on a 11,2!0 bond, whlJe Henshaw and Stuart wert releaaed Oil only $3li bail. Police refUled to explaln Zerla'a con- necUoo lo the C&H, nor bl.a much hi&ber bail n,ur.. . Convictloa cm the ml1demeanor cbarge1 coold bring up lo 11.000 fine and odx monlhl In Orange Counly J all for Hwbaw, Stuart and Zerla. The state Alcobollc Beverage Control boan1 <ABC> 11 also checking Into the cal< to determine ll the clrcumstanc:es could call f« a llcenae 1W1pension or other dlJclpllnary measures. DAILY PILOT N..,_,..... c....M .. """""".... l.ewll•IMdl WM I rhf ffflt.11 YlllhT CAUH>lNIA OltANOI COM'? "UILISHINO C°""'AMY •oDort N. Wori l'rnldtnt •I'll l'ioltlll.,,., Jocl1 R. Curloy Viet l",_ldlftf Ind G_ .. IMNttr Tt.011101 Kt••ll .... Tho11101 A. M1rphlno INnNl"I Edl!Qr P111I Hb1111 ~--COit. ~I .IM W"t .. r Str.tt ........, IMdll Oii W.t .. lllM '-'~·,. L•wnt tMoctl! tn .. _. A- H\llllflllflll fMdll ...... ''"" · 1084 ,1oldJnedilllJt from West Germany, of all aspects of a JM'Oblem and of a ra· The three men , atrested Frida)\ WUI be finished 11th. Uonal and arUatic erpos!Uon of thee Is Astronaut Chief Slaylon quickly radioed back, "you bet," Haney, the "votc9 of Apollo" at the control center, wu also watching but a controller aaJd "Haney isn't talting, Wally, he's just buying." arralgoed nrutldaf ln West Ofangii '-Prirttltr,mamd both -the Flying not always achieved and occationally County Munietpal ~ Dutchman and 1.5 Meter cla&ses. there 1' reason to suspect that \ pro-Monday the astronauts held up a card askinl viewers "to keep those cards and letters coming ln, folks," and toaay the mlsaion control center reported they in- deed have started to pour in. Thant Proposes 'Big 4' Meeting On Boosting U;N. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. !AP) -U.N. Secretary.Qmieral U Thant dlaclosed to- day he has sent to the four big powers a proposal that their foreign mlnlsters meet to consider ways for strengthening the United NaUona and iuleii of in· temalional conduct. Identical letters to the United States, Bri· tain, France and the Soviet Unlon, dated OcL 7, 1UQested that the Big FOllf leaden could produce concret< resulta "U an agenda could be agreed upon which would be realistic and not 9v~am- bltious." He propooed that "a modest 11art could and should be made in an aUempt to deal with the basic problem facing the nrganlzatlon, namely how can the United NaUons be enabled to develop into a really effective instrument for peace and progress as enviMged in the charter." He suggested that the proposed mee:Ung of foreign mlnisters might ~ followed aomeUme in 1969 by a Big Four summit conference. A U.N. spokesman said Thant had not received anv tonnal replies to his letters. but that he had discussed the matter with French Foreign 1t11nlster Michel Debre. Brlti.ah Foreign Secretary M I c h a e I Stewart and Soviet Fore:Jgn Minister Amret A. Gromyko and that the lnltial reaction of all three Wlll "not negaU•e." He added that there was no reaction from U.S. Secretary of Siiia Dean Rusk. Silver I juing Follows Oouds LOS ANGELES (.\I') -Th• weatbennln, who falltd to pleue Southern catUomla fire offlct111 Monday. JOUght to btlna: smllet to the fact• or other outdoonmen todly. Clearing skies and temperature• 1llghl- IJ abovt Monday'• blgb of It are predlcted for today and Wadneaday followtng thl• momtng•1 txpected 1eat· terec1 abowm. Monday'• l1gl!t ralDfall meuured only .ot of .. locb In downlOwu .... """'' .. areu to the IOUth rectlvtni even less. Coullly fl rt offlclall a n d U.S. Fomt Service !pOkuman &aid there wasn't enough rain lo end fire bawd condlUons tn Attgclea NaUonal Foreol Ind other bruab and timber area&. t ' ---------· The worst haasle OCCUrTed In the FDS feJSOr }w used his class or his position which finished with red flags flying from for distincUy partisan acUvitfea. Thia b at lea.st four boats: Bob J~1 of·the U.S dutnJcUve to his studenta:, h11 col- wu seen leav~ the courae balfWay up leagues, his lnstltuUon and to acholar- the second wealher leg. ship. Under such conditions it b: the He lodged a protm agalnlt the race reaponalbilil)' of the Ulilvenlly com· committee, ~tendJDg that a abort munlty to disapprove." starting line and an improper weather leg contributed to b1a colllalon with the Eut COUCHED CABEJl'VLLY German boat. Assistant Professor of C l a s s i c s East Germany In turn prolesled Theodore Bnumer, opealdng for Gerard, James, Spain protested New 1.ealand and eald: Canada wu proteBtlng Greaj Brllaln. All "ft (the reaolutlon) la couched very protests resulted from. e-0W,Stcn on the carefully, yet I believe every senate starting line. member in the room knows what It II about There an rules of due process for WINOS ACl1VE caiJW'inc a senate member, including fil· Winds for the race ranged from about Ing a complaint, a heiring, 14 day• for IO knots at the !tart to U to 14 u the reply, and secrecy U the senate member race progressed. A long rollini swell wlshel." coupled with the wind generated chop Those faculty members p r e 1 en t resulted in some sloppy going on all three overwhelmingly voted the reaoluUon courses. down. Following are the first alx places in • The ruoluUOI) that was passed, asking each clus. the regents to llil.hdraw their censure of · STARS the Berkeley profeaaora, was authored by I. Lowell North, USA, 0 points Assistant Professor of Phyalcs Gerard 2. Peder Lunde, Norway, 3 Van Hoven. 3. Paul Elvttrom, Denmark; 1.7 4. David Forbes, Australia, I 5. John Albrechtaon, Sweden, 10 6. Durwood Knowles, Babamu, U.1 DRAGONS BLOW OFF STEAM Asllatant Profusor of Phllolophy Stanley MllDllt Aid he wasn't IUJ'! Van The turtle sequence referred to an Jn. aide joke at the apace center. According lo lradlUoQ, a free round of drlnU la In order for anyone giving a negaUve answer. The club la called "Interstellar AaaoclaUon of TurUe1, Outer Shell Pope Criticized At Notre Dame SOUTH BEND, Ind. (.\I') -The en- cyclical by Pope Paul VI banning birth control is "grossly inadequate and large- ly fallacious," the ch,airman of the Unlvenlty of Notre Dame theology department sa1d Monday night. The Rev. James T. Burtchaell, at 34 the youngest cbalr?nan of the old1.~t department at the university, 11ld in a rerJUlar lecture in the law building auditorium, that "'Jbe pope has made an unfortunate mlatake. It la difflcuh for me to follow the papal argume:nl The en- cyclical ii Cf'OUPdtd upon novelty." Among the communications was a tel_ep-am from s~er Dean Martin, who originated t.be "cards and letten" line on his television show. "First you steal my song, 'Houston,'" he 1a1d. "Now you steal my 'keep them letters and cards coming'. It'• 10 to one when you land you'll start drlnking." 11P.S. llke all Arnerlcana, I am proud of you. "P.P.S. I was higher last night than you art now." NOT ALL PLAY It wasn't all play for the pilots, however. They used, the TV tranamiuion to show controllers some water con. densation inaide the apacecraft, where they had to mop up more than a pint Monday. On televWon, Schirra abowed none of the early morning lll'llcblnela be displayed when the control center woke ~u too early. He matter-of.factly the camera acrou the IUl'J)til-- 1Iy 1paclo111 apacecrafl cabbi and <1• plained the varlolll dlala and ln!lrumenla televlaion viewers were seeing. l. Paul Borowski, Eut Germany, o J. Buddy Frelder!ck1, USA, 3 I. Slephen TUpper, Canada, 1.7 4. Theodor Sommencbleld, Norway, a 5. Robin ·Judah, Great Brltaln, 10 I. Aage Birch, Denmark, 11.7 UMm'ER I. Louil Noverru, Swltaer!and, o only , ,,,,....:.:../(/ I fDllB: has it! DEEP <;tefl11i- Z. lludolf Hanmtorl, \Veal Germany, I 3. Giuseppe: ZUchinetti, Italy, 6.7 4. UJf SundeUn, Sweden, I I. William Solomons, Australia, 10 I 6. Robin Allber, Great Britain, ll.7 .FLYING DUTCHMAN I. Llboo IJllrich, Weal Geonany, 0 2. Bjorn Lofbrod, Norw1,1, I I. Carl llynea, Australia, 5 4. Lev Rvalov, Russia, I 5. Bertrand Cheret, Franct, 10 e. Hana Fogli, Denmark, 11.7 FINNS 1. Phllippe Soria, France, o 2. Per Werneaklold, Narwp, S 3. Valentin Mankln, lluUla, I 4. Ron Jenyns, Australla, I 5. Jobn Maynard, Great BrlWn, 10 6. Andrew Zawleja, Poland, 11.7 Heart Attack Kills Air Force General SHANNON, Ireland (UPI) -U.S. Air For<e Brig. Gen. Edward SCOll dled of au apparent heart attacl< today altar hit commerdal Jlrllner 1ll&de an unacbednl· eel landln( at Sbannoo Airport wlleo be becamem. Scott, II, WU head of the Amerlcan Excblnge Sya""1 -the PX-In Europe. He WU .. • commercW Dl&ht '- Wublngloo lo FnnldUrl. ~ • cR,,,,cr CL ERnlntT THE ULTIMATE in CARPET CLEANING ICONOMICAL reduces th• n1ad for fr.quint profe11lon1I cl11nin; b .. cliutt I+ 1'9moYtt the d••p:f. embtd- i:lad toll 1nllll .JtiaYtl no r11I ue In +ht c1rpat ftbtre to collect dirt. CUANS 09 1ctu1lly rtmovtt son from· both th• P.ilt. of th• c1rp1+. and the Ctr•,+ b1c.kl11g. USTOll.S PILI tho powerful utr~•· +ion ·~"' rtfl'IOYll moisture. Im• ft'idi1tely1 thU1 avoldl119 · lkrink•t•• and lifts tnattelf pile t• 'like 111w' 1 ,,, •• ,.ftC .. SAR. PlOCISS tcleo!lflully ~•••I· oped •p•cleUy ffr the prtft••ltnal c1rpe+ cle1n1r. ft I• ctrnpltttly 1aft for 111 c1rpet fibtn. GINTU ACTION u111 •• \n11h11 or 1crubbln9 adlon, •• It dot' not .. it• tort I~• pllo of tho c•tpol. SOIL llTAIDIN• AND MOTH PIOONN• tr• lnolud11f et 111 nfT• cost, Oir 21.t Ytar of Sorvlco in Or1n91 County 2950 RANDOLPH COSTA MESA PHONE 546-3432 t I ' I c I ] I ----------------.--·-----·---------- Yoar Hemetowa •• Dally Paper VOL 61', NO. 248, 3 SECTIONS, 42 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1961 TEN CENTS Caught in Bold••P Teen Brothers Face Murder,: Kidnap Charges Two brothers, students at Garden Grove High School, were to appear in Juvenile Court today on charges oI murder, armed robbery and kidnaping. Arrested by Anaheim poUce and booked into the county juvenile hall Saturday on the charges were Daniel Wayne Smith, Smut Charge Nets 3 Men In Westminster A West.minster liquor store -accused by police oI peddling sexpack.s of obsceni· ty with blow-by-blow descriptions of various acts -has been raided follow· ing a three-month police investigation. William Henshaw' rt I or 13191 Peek Circle, Westminster, was identilied as awner of the Hi-Lite Liquor Store, 14111 Beach Blvd., long a point of pornography distribution, police claim. Also arrested were employe Harmon Stuart, 58, of 17162 Autumn Circle, HlDl· tington Beach and Arthur A. Zerla, 33, or l3121 Havenwood Ave., Garden Grove, a truck driver. Bail was posted for aJI three men, wiUl Zerla being released on a $1,250 bond, v.·hile Henshaw and iiiluart were released on QQ\y $315 bail. Police refused to explain Zerla's con- nection to the case, nor bb: much higher bail figure. Conviction on the misdemeanor charges could bring up to $1,tm fine and six months in Orange County Jail for Henshaw, Stuart aod 1.erla. The stale Alcoholic Beverage Control board (ABC) is also checking into the case to determine if the circumstances could caJl for a license suspension or other disciplinary measures. The three men, arrested Friday, will be arraigned Thursday in West Orange County Municipal Court. 'Gladys' to Reacl1 ·Hurrica11e Force MlAMI (UPl)-Tropical slonn Gladys formed south or the western tip of Cuba today with 50 mph winds and weathermen predicted it wou1d reach hurricane strength of 75 mph winds within 24 hours. "It ts too early to determine whether any portion of the U.S. mainland may be aUected," the first advisory on the season's seventh tropical storm said. However, storms forming in the northwestern Caribbean a r e surrounded by land and must hit something before gettin& out. 16, and his brother, Donald William, 15, of 11562 Donna Lane. The pair was arrested during a holdup of lbe Skyvlew Motel at 1126 S. West St., Anaheim. 'Mley are also charged with the holdup or the Dunes Motel in Anaheim, on Oct. 8, after which its manager William H. Heaselgrave, 53, suffered a fatal heart attack. His death resulted in the murder charge aga.imt the brothers. Kidnaping charges arise from the youths forcing the owners Mr . and Mrs. George Losness of the Skyview Motel from their office to their bedroom where they were tied together. The: owners' son, Paul, 19, called police when he heard the bandits tying his parents in another room. Patrolman Joe Karns arrived minutes later and arrested the two boys. 4 Men Su e IBM For $218,000 In Fraud Suit International Business Machines and one of its subsidiary companies are being sued on fraud charges for a total <1[ $218,000 by f o u r francb.isen , including ane Orange County man. 1be four men, including Melvin htoort, who works for the company in Huntington Beach are each claim.log $50,000 dama~ plus lo.u: of earnlngt tn separate Superior Court suits. • Moore claims in his petition that a representative of S n a c k -T I m e , 1 subsidiary of IBM. promised him he could make between $600 and $900 a month initially by installing and stocking coin operated coffee and c o o k i e machines. But nine months after signing a con- tract with Snack-Time in July 10, 1967, Moore alleged he found he was averaging only $150 a month. He is asking for $3,920 for loss or earnings. The three oth er franchisers. all from Los An geles. signed contracts with the company about the same time and claim- ed they too have lost money. Tonight's Council Meeting Canceled Tonight's regular meeting of the Foun- tain Valley City Council has been can· celled, announced City Clerk Mrs. Mary Cole. The councilmen and city officials are attending a three-day session o[ the League of California Cities in Los Angeles. Stea111ed IJp Girl's Bite Se nds Intruder Barking Things got a little hot for the "health inspector" w h e n he marched into the steam room of an Anaheim women's IYin and decided th<it hi s "official'' scrutiny shOuld include the dimensions or a shape- ly girl attendant. Karen Kerbo, 2%, an e x e r c i s e supervisor at Hol,i.day Health Spa, told police that she pr4vided a sharp answer for the intruder'• b o t • h an d e d in· vestigatiori -she blt him. And her a.asailant. who had identified himself as "John Weaver, 39, health inspector." promptly fled through rows of lightly clad women. Police are investigaUng the incident which took place over the wee.tend. They have· established that the city health department has no "John Weaver" on its boob. Dash to Safety Woman shot in leg during out· burst of sniper fire in Panama is helped to safety by weeping friend. U.S. has become fuctor in struggle betweep. military junta which seized power and defiant President Arnulfo Arias (See story, Page 6). Ruling Slated On Sewage Outfall Contt·act {-legal ruling on who shoUld win a massive construcUon contract will be mode it 7,~ p.m. we.fu.sday In the board .room of ibe orange County Salli· taUon Di.!ltricta0 lOS.U. Ellis Ave., Foun- tain Valley. Dlstrict.s Manager Fred Harper sald at· tomeys will deliver their opinion on whether the low bidder or second lowest bidder should be awarded a contract to construct one or the world 's large5t sev.·age outialls from near the Santa Ana River out into the Pacilic Ocean_ Doubt arose over the correct low bid- der after Peter Kiewit Soru: or Richmond, Calif., bid $8.4 million but forgot to enclose a $50,000 cashier's check as call· ed for under bidding terms. The second lowest bidder, Healy-Ryan Conslructon of Long Beach, at 110.9 million, protested the Kiewit bid after learning the other finn bad failed to com- ply fully with the bidding terms. Pilot Presen ts Mexican Prog1·ess While the world 's eyes are riveted on Olympic competition in Mexico City and Acapulco, there is another upect of Mex- ico the DAU. Y PILOT will zero in on beglnnning Wednesday. Bilingual reporter Bruce B e n s o n rec~tly completed a 2,50()..mlle tour to examine several boot.strap projects under way in various Mexican states under the auspices of the Partners of The Alliance for Progress. On his week-long tour, Benson traveled by air and land to interview more than two dozen local leaders in four Meiican town.a to bring back a series of stories on the mood and progress of Mexicans in- volved in Partners of the Alliance pro- jecta. Real Space Show Trio Give T.V Viewers Look at Ship SPACE CENTER, Houaton (UPI) - '!'bl three Apollo 7 utronaub, floatln( lnlUlld ln!lde their cabin In the welgblleameu of opace. staged the se- cond act of ''The Lovely Apollo Room" televl&l.on series today and took viewers on a guided tour of the ship built t.o take men to the moon. "The one and only original Apollo orbiUng road show starring two acrobats from outer space, Wally Schirra and Walter CUnningbam," said Donn Etse!e as he appeared on the scfeen in opening Rising Taxes May Be Price Of Land Hold By BRUCE BENSON Of flit D•lly P'li.t STiii The problem of a property o w n e r developing his land from a bean field to urban use is that he stands a decided risk ot gelling run down by a reaper of ris.ing taxes. Take the case of Henry De.Lapp, for ex· ample. DeLapp, a HunUngton Beach resident ' for practically all of his 55 years, is holding onto 40 acres in Fountain Valley. The ar~ is developing just fut enough to pramj.Se him a handsome profit when he sells the land as an Industrial parcel. And just slow enough to be wiping out his capital u he stru.ggles to pay tax.et on lt while finding a buyer. "The land bu always been a source of income for my mother," DeLapp said. .. B~ !\9~ the crops we grow on it won't. even «enerate enough income to pay lht Wes." 80UTU OF WARNER The DeLapp acreage stands on the south side of Warner Avenue, halfway between Euclid and Newhope streets. Founlo.ln Valley officials have tagged it as A·l (agricultural) and master-plaimed it for M·l (light industrial). The owner's dilemma is that the area's present development stage makes U dif- ficult to en.tice ·legjt.imate industrial users. DcLapp races the prospect of taking a drubbing by having to sell it on the cht:ap to land speculators. "A:> a practical matter, no industrial user will develop it right now," De.Lapp reported after a year of searching for buyen . "There's industrial land already jmproved with curbs, gutter!, and better freeway access in other places." He cited the Segerstrom and Irvine In- dustrial parks ln Costa Mesa. GOOD PROSPECI'S Industrialists say the parcel has good prospects in perhaps 10 or 15 years. Meanwhile, DcLapp is faced with repeat performances of last year's economic yield. He grossed $6,000 from crops, spent $12,000 in taxes, and went $6,000 in the hole to hang onto the acreage. · Government officials, both in Fountain (Ste FARM LANO, Pase Z) Westminster Fourth In CIF Grid Rankings Westminster High School's varsity foot- ball team has moved up to the fOUrth spot in the CIF AAAA grid rankings after three of the top six teams fell by the wayside in weekend action. The Lions knocked of! Huotington Beach, :r&-20, to up their noc:onf to 3-1 and U in the rugged Sunset League. For complete detalll ol C!F ranldngi, aee aportl pqea. the lJe<Olld day ol Apollo"• Uve t.lecasts to ur1h. After a couple of jokea wUh their col- leagues at ·the Hou.ston Space Center spacecraft, Commander Schlrra took the little five-pound camera and gave ~lions of earthbound television viewers a look at lhe inside of the 16-ton spacecraft as It swung over the United States on ita 60tb orbit. Apollo 7 entered lta fifth full day in apace at the end of the telecast and tt ap- peared sound enough to complete the full 11 days of its demanding trial run. A full success mlgbt clear the next APollo team for a flight around the moon in December. After the telecast, the astronauts told ground control they had cracker cnunbl aJI over the cabin. "We have a gripe," the radioed. "The cr_acker type food, the c h i c t e n sandwiches, they're crumbly and we have crumb! all over the cockpit." The "space spectacular" began at 7:H am. PST and ended 11 minutes later. It was four minutes longer and just as clear (See APOLLO, Paso ZI * * * More Spa~e Plans Doug'las Hopes for Another 'Triumph' By WILLIAM REED Of tM Diii'-" Pli.t Sl9ff Even while Apollo 7 whirls around the earth today, engineers at McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co. Jn Huntington Beach are planning what they hope will be another triumph in the space race. Past the dreaming stage and well into construction in anticipation of testing this fall is a sort of do-it-yourself 11pace sta· tion to be built from used up rocket cas· ings. The space station will be built In space Crom the spent S-IVB top stage of the Saturn IB and Saturn V launch vehicles. Just after astronauts Walter Schirra DoM Eisele and Walt Omninpam wefli into orbit Friday, they turned Apollo 7 back to slmulat~ a docking with the last stage ol the Saturn lB which propelled them into space. Some day, astronauts win dock the spaettraft in the S-tVB and leave the capsule to bea:in the do-lt-youraelf iplct staUon job.I' . The orbiting laboratory will be 21.5 feet in diameter and 30 feet high. Floor and wall partitions will be installed In tho 10,000 cubic foot hydrogen tank prior to launch allowing the astronaut crew to establish a five-room, t wo · st ory laboratory. The astronauts will have to seal of( cpe.nlnga in the huge tank which were us- ed when the tank was a rocket stage. Food, water and equipment would be_ aent into space stored in the airlock according to H. E. Bauer, director of the Satum- Apollo programs. Testing this fall includes astronauta and engineers c\&d in space: .Wt.a telttl\I their abUity to work in the. hard to reach sections of the orbital worUhop. The tests wijl be conducted in Alr For« KC.l:ti jet aircraft flying roller coaster patternl to give brtel perloda ol wel.gbUesS11C61. The fUghb will be oul d Ille Wripl. Paltersoo Air Force BMe, Ohio. ·Hanna Reveals Personal Assets Totaling $392,8·21 Opening his bankbook to get an ex· ample, Rep. Richard T. Hanna (0- Westminster) disclosed personal assets of $392,821 Monday and called for fellow legislators to make their own financial disclosures too. The announcement came following an Oct. 4 call on the noor of the House for a mandatory accounting by all lawmakers, aimed at securing public respect for the nation 's leaders in lheir personal mat· ters. "While there Is no requirement that I as a member of Congress disclose my financial assets, it ls my conviction that this should and must be made man- datory," Hanna declared. · He reported assets of $502,895 and liabilities of $110,074 at the end of 1967, as prepared by a Fullerton accountant, with a gross figure or $42,000 income, adjusted to '28,500 net after deductions. Hanna also confirmed he pUrchued a house and three-acre lot at !Uvt,r Roads, Md., for 1139,000 oo July 1. denying the cost was $250,000, as claimed by baCkers of his November election opponent. The $250,000 figure was quoted In a Washington newspaper and annoµnced m Garden Grove Monday by attorney William Whitlow, an avowed supporter of llafina's Republican opponent, Bill J. Teague. In addition to lhe Maryland acreage, Hanna maintains a 167,000 ~ In the Huntington Harbour marina subcUVislon of HunUneton Beach and recently aold .a 168.000 home In Virgin!>. Congre~smen be elected to lour-year terms instead or the current two years, thus giving them more Ume to do their 'vork and leas time to bother Clm· palgning. Coal Miners Get $7-a-Day R~ise, Christmas Bonus WASHINGTON (AP) -The nation'' so~t ~I miners 'have a $1-a.day pa~ raise m a new contract that also provides ChriatmaJ bonuses for men who shun wildcat strikes: "This is the best contract ever negotiated," said W. A. "Tony" Boyl-. president of the United ·Mine Worl:en , Union, at contract · siJn1ni ceretllOll1a Monday. "I hope lhll ll a alp ot 'bullhJ new relatlOM betweeo coeJ m1nerr and their employers,'' said George Judy, who s.lgn- ed for the; Bituminous Cool ()peratoro Assoclatioo. He called the contract "ex· cellent." Judy said he can't tell whether the wage increases -which ralse base pay to $3t.25 a day. in the contrad's third year -will force coal price boort.s. UCI Chides Regents Over Cleaver Hanna a1&0 proposed In his an- nounetme:nt Monday that 111 governmen. tal hearlnp except those Involving na- tional aecurlty and defense be opened to prcaa covera1e. He also propo.sed 1he Idea Iha! • WHtiin :,urprLSel Thfl aun'1 out. ind 11·1 aoing t.o stay out fCJr • while - •• I..,. through Wednesday when the mercury movu up to 74 alooa 1he Orange Coaat. By mOMAS FORTUNE Of ... O.lr P'lllf JI ... The' UC Irvine faculty Mooday 10Und1y defeated a ttlOlut.ioa interpreted u a censure of the professor who bat tnvtl<d Eldrldg< Cleaver bock to ..,.pll. Meetl!li: u tile Academic Senato, the faailty l1so took a otrooa o1and asl<lnC UC -ti to withdraw """'""' ol the Berkeley prof"'°'1 ruponsible for the CCAate aeaver la teaching there. Both vo&M were decisive with only • =~e of bandl ra.iled In opposition to Or. Kenneth Ford, • phyllcl!t and dlalrmao of the Irvine Dlvlsloo of the Aeadoinlc 8e1111k. esUmal<d about 50 ol the dlvillon'• m me:mben tttended Monday's acsslon. • • nae special Academic Senate meeting. carried over from last Thurllday, also was attended by about 100 students whose spokesman sa1d they were there to back the faculty In ill lltand oppooln( the regmts. 'l'bunday tbe lacWty hid voted to re- quea 1he regt11t1 to r<IC1nd 1helr ruling UmitlntJ 11"'1 lodtaO _.,...., on a campm to ooe per quarter and DOI to submit to the 1<gent. a !<port justlfylni atandards foe exptrlmen1af cooraes. At that sesa1oo, Dtan of the Graduat. Division Baflit Gerard Introduced a· resolulloo dilapproYlng of a p:of ...... ~ho QM1, his cla.woom or bis i>cxtiUon ror Qil1indJy portioan activities. The ruolutlol!. e1-ly wu almod at cenlllrln& Dr. _,., Sllaplro. an uai.. !ant prfllwar ol Eri1lilh ,.bo bat inYIUd t Cleaver, the controvcrsla1 Black Panther leader, t.o lecture to one or mort of hiJ Uterature classes. Gerard was not. ptt:Se:nl M. o ad a y to apeal< In favor of hll moluilon. In a wrttl<n lnlroduction to the reoolu- llon, ho-er. Gemd observed' "Polltk:.lana, led bJ tbe Governor, have made thnloglloul the IUl& a ma)or 1aoue of Mr. Clea-and 1he Uniffnity. I ouspec1 Iha\ politics ,..,. nol entb.ly ebsenl In tbe ortpiat cholct of c. .. er for the Berktley eoura. In any oven!, the pr<dletably ltrOQJ ruction of the facully h>S conlributod to a coojiontaUon of the University and the people of Ca1lfornla !hat both 1he far left and the (ar right wek:ome jut 1*ause It II damagln& to a111ha\ wr t..UIUilon lltand• ror. "~ Ofi&inal ltsUe 11 now lollt In rl.!J.ng emotions, Cltaver's probably v a 11 d qualifJciUons are irrelevant and aidea are widely drawn on the quutlon of academic freedom. The Regents are responsible for the total well-being ol the Univenlty and, whether « . ttOC-tbeJr partlcular llCUon wu Ille -poalbie, 1 lhlnk moat of 111 would qree that tbey · could not lgl!".:e the publl< clamor." Dr. Gtrard'a proposed resolution rtad: . "™ Irvtne Division ol the Academic Senate bercby goe, on neord as oup- porUng ~•dt:mlc fretdom only w.btn U b turclsed with rerponsiblllty. Academic fr<edom lw been achteved by profeaors on the bosla of the wlaclam of P"'l'Clln& the export from the -to clialart his ocholarly uamlnaUoo ol a topic on 1he bu!J of hll oblt<ll•a and lull (liec FACULTY, Pap I) • Company Sued For $2 Million Parent. of a-U.year-old 8eaI Beach IJo1 are llU1nc Foremoot Dairies and 1hrea other compani• for a total ol IZ m1l1fon. reaultin( !run ~ lojury to their ch:~ .. EmerD.. _.ting hll .... Gordon. clalms Ille company Ir liable !or IZ mllllon plua yet...-n med1<al "'8ta and lou Of Wnlnp becaUM of "dlaabJ· • tni. aerlous and permanent Injuries" 11111· fered In the. June 22 accldenL 1 ~ to the Superior CGurt 11111~ Gordon Wat l1ru<1> and drlfPCI wblle rldln1 hll bley<le by • 11'....-llolry truck al 1!1111 Bay Qlvd., 8eaI -. t . \) INSIDll l'ODAY ' 'riw -doJ ..mo. of JoNn•v Appluttd' Ir at ...,k In th< Mfd11><rt. icmtinQ ~ .... Hedi """ °"" i.wr.. ,.,,. 4. .. _ ... -----" -' --. -. ......... ..... ti •aMdl l 111 I 11 ,... ...,~ • .,.. c... ' .......... l' -,, ,.........,. u =-,: ............ ,, --.. -~ ·' ......... , .. ,. =-:r.!1· ·-. = 'I --.. --.. • ' -- 1 J DAI~ V PILOT Owners Call Conferen~ I FightBond · '!bl cblltman ol the l'n>l*IY Owners Protective-toque ol HunUngloo Beodl bu call<d'a praa c:onler.oce for 'lllur&-• d111 lo dlJeilss opposition ol hla "°"P lo the $U mllllon -lllue propoolllon of Huntlniloli Belch UDlcln llJ,!ll School . . . Dillrlcl. ,' JOHph Ftnn said the conference will be at. 2 p.di. at hiJ home, 17581 Gothard SL Opposi~ his group WU the cause for a prea erence two wteU ago by Ill' ~~:t:.""· bllb tchool dlllrlcl "' . hrm's Conference wlU have U..dded scope of dlacusalon of the appoolUon of the POPL lo' the propooed . chart<r amendmtnl which would make the. clly att«ney's )'OB!Uon appolnUve and oo the POPL hlCklnl of Iha walioo Amtnd· llltO~ PropoolUoo I. The POPL II a aecrtl orpn!z&Uon with an unc111clcied number or memberl other than the five who •lane«t the qmplr ballot .,_.,,II qalnal the hllh ochor boodllll~ Fi'ono Pfl9e l FARM LAND. •• Valley and, elsewhe:rt, are aware oI the problema and aympatheUc. "Problbq" UM! most corrunon lnterlm use the GWMn1 put their land to is agricu1ture~" said John Richards, Foun- tain Valley:aMOClate planner. "Moat of tbem rely on that, but if prlcea don 't Work out they run the rt.sk of loalnC the land. We're the first ones who like to aee the land Ul9d. for 10111ething ralber then jull have It Iii !her., bul any interim uae w1JUld have to be wltbin zon- ing rules." The luue, In a nutabell, nplalntd Rlcbardl, k bow to hit upon a profitable interim use •htch iJI compaUble with the Jong-range goals laid out for the land. 11We've had reque!tl ·for trailer parks, for eumple, but the problem there ls that if we allow a park to go in it can become amorttzea tn eeven years and the owner then find• it llD't economlcally feallble to take it out. "It's already paid for, and he would be laking a r11t o1 swltchlnc ill usa .In'° something more speculaUVe." i. The city In lhal cue would find 11 :hu lost acreage 1Iated for I n d·u •tr 1 a 1 purposes, he uld. Founlaln Valley hu 1112 acru ...,..i for Industrial use at present. Of this an\ount, 17 acres is actually '-betng uaed as revenue-producing fac~ land. • Richard.a expecll mol-e industrtallsl.! to take advantage of the area within the next decade, substantially increasing the proportion of M-I lan4 in use to M-1 land zooed. 11te Orange County Assessor's office expecta to see the same trend occ'ur. For that reason De.Lapp's parcel carries an aueument value clOlel' to that of ln- dlllirlal land then qricullural land, detpl .. lhe fact DeLapp la sUll UJlng II for cropa. "We go on the formula of what a knowledgeable buyer would pay a knowletlgeable 1eller," saJd an usessor offlclal. He conceded that S12,000 for the DeLapp acreage "certainly indicates it can be used for something other than raising crops." One answer in providing relief to the owner of · empty 1aod caught in the wqueeze of urbanluUoo is to grant him spec1al 8SRllSJl1tnt favors up to the time hil land ls p.it to the use for which it ls zooed. Orange County Supervisor William Hlnteln loday reported lhal be and his colleagues are looklns lnlo lhe possibility. State enabling legtslaUon known as the Wllliam&on Act wu rectnUy passed granUng relief to owners of 100.acre parcelJ or larger. The Irvine Co., among others, ls ex- pecl<d lo explore lhe possibllily of pining tax advantages oo Its huge land holdlnp sUll .under lhe plough lnslead of the bulldow. DAIL Y PILOT . OAAMG& COAST P'UllllHING COMP'AH'f ll:oD.rt N. Weed '''"'""' • P'ut111.,_ J1ck a.. Curl:r Viet ,,..lellnt et>0 ~ M.tntttr n."''' k•••il .. ,,, Tl10M11 A. M11rphi111 #N,..1 .... E•liw AllMrt w .•••• , Wllll1111 k11d A-iei. Hlfllllntton lffCll Edl!Dr CJty Editor H•""'41•• IMdl Offke JOt Ith Str.1t M1lli119 hl•r•••= r.o. ••• 1,J, •2••1 ..__ ft-' litedll "11 Watt lllbM lluln1rlf CMf• ,lll\ilM; -_, • ..,. ""'"' ~ hlc:ft: "' ~' ............ - • • -~ ----... --... -.-----< ~ ... ' '1"hlte Tag Day' Coming Vp DAil Y PU.OT IJttfl' ,._.. Huntington Beach High·. Schoo! students Ellen Gar-chants are otfering dllcoonts to cua1omers dl&play- rett, Alison Rice and Dellby Mannasm\lh (from left) ing tags, which s~ll for '!. Money from 1ag sales are doing their share in advertising annual "White will be!leflt Amencen Field Service clubs in Hunt- Tag Day" S&tunlay. More than 200 of -city's mer-ingtOn Beach Union High Sdloo! District. W. County firm Calls for Cou,nty Air Expansion From Page I FACULTY CHIDES REGENTS • • • knowledge. When professors act in class, unanimoUJly. or in lhelr professional capacity, in this ChanceUor Daniel Aldrich Jr. told the spirit, all members of the University faculty how he will interpret their earlier should iupport them. resoluUon not to submit a report when A Westminster englneerlrig nrm, with a called upon at the regent's meeUng in "The ideal of a scholarly examination Santa Cruz later this week. recently constructed 1760,000 plant in the f II " I bl d f o a aspec o a pro em an o a ra-"I do not interpret it as saying the Irvine industrial complex, ~ calling for tional and artistic exposition of these is same to the regents as Mr. Cleaver may the expansion of the existing Orance not always achieved and occasionally have said to them," he said. "I chose Lo County' airport. . there is rea/JOR to suspect that a pro-believe that the faculty has not resorted In a letter addressed to Orange cOunty to thumbing its nose or name calling. of V he1_ fessor has used his class or his position "l interpret lt that the faculty iJ saylng supe.rvlsors, K. W. eari.on oor ID" Trlndle-Nelaon Inc., ol 13794 Be~b Blyd., for distinctly parUaan acUvlUes. Thia is we are not prepared to respond to you aald the airport "it aad wW become ' destrucUve to hll students, hll col· (justifying experimental courses) until orange County's jnileat industrial leagues, hll lnstltuUon and to scholar· clarification of the question of faculty development." MtP. Under such condiUons It ts the control over curriculum," the chancellor Carl!on polnled oul In lbe le\laJ' thal respomlbWly of lhe Unlverally com-aald. "the entire Irvine lnduatrial comp)eJ .Ls mw:utY to disapprove." George Reiter, uslstant professor of I _, a. eni ... physics, author of that resoluUon , agreed ~~~J ~ause ~~conv ~ '1' .:. CAREFULLY I that waa lhe spitlt ln which it was of. "Sh uld · ou cU(t.U..~ept ·of tbi"' 11:'...... ~ Professor of C 1 ass I cs fered . airpo~, y;u w..._Jai'd41{l,ltM~t~ .. . ~ .. , ~; , speaking.j>r Gerard,1p'.,1110~rlor.,to.:-.th«\;.Na~temit:: ~meeting most luxurious lndurtrie.1 cOmptex: u;. the .:lb_~, -.; .. • ... . . . "ft! Reiter and Shapiro addressed students United States .. ~. ~ "ll: <1:1'! re~luUon) JS cobched very brought together by the Student Lobby ~ f~~~~ su:r:,~ :!e ;~~ · ~a:!~f · iny~~ 1 ~e~;;e~ha:erta~~ 10:.t~~e;:~~i:~~;k Kerr was sum- s ~ the 1~ airport .. 50 that it · aboUt. There ·are rules of due process for marily dismissed the university has been c:;'d g 4:!bl ,ntegral Part of the censuring a senate member, including fil~ deteriorating," Shapiro said. "It's too C o~es faO~ang:'.. ing a complaint, .a hearing, 14 days for late now to say 'Don't rock the boat.' oun Y 0 • reply, and secrecy if the senate member We're past that. The boat ii punctured Beach Mailman Ole N. Hanson Succumbs at 81 Ole N. Hanson, a postman for 28 years in Huntington Beach, wbo held badge number one, died at Huntington Intercommunlty Hoa:pi1al Monday after a abort Ulneu. He waa 81. Funeral services are to be conducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday al Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Costa Mesa by the Rev. Andrew C. Anderson. Mrs. Hanson , of 812 13th St., Hwi· tington Beach, is survived by his widow , Alfreeda; son, Orville of Huntµlgton Beach; daughters, Viola Jane Stawart, of Castro Valley, and Carol Warner of Santa Ana; nepbe\?i', Raymond Evans o[ Ulan, MlM.; and four grandchlldren. wishes." and it is sinking slowly." Those faculty members •Pre s e n t Reiter said the regents tried to cloak overwhelmingly voted thC resolution their acUons as a political compromise, down. ·~ but the only ones compromised were the The resoluUon that was passed, uklng faculty. the regents to withdraw their censure of About 100 of the 150 or so students who the Berkeley professors, was authored by attended the rally then trooped to the Assistant Professor of Physics Gerard Academic Senate meeting under urging Van Hoven. they make sure the fa culty stands up for BLOW OFF STEAM Assistant Professor of Philosophy Stanley Munsat II.id he wasn't sure Van Hoven's moUon waa a good one because censuring faculty members "might be a good way to let regents blow off steam." However, Engllsh Department Chairman Hazard Adams said the word ·•censure" means more to him than just disapproval. "l think of the action the U. s. Senate took in rl!Sped to senator Jos. eph McCarthy. This sounds like some- thing that would go on the record of an Individual.'' Van Hoven argued hilJ Berkeley col- leagues had followed proper procedures in setUng up Social Analysis 139X, the ex- . perimental course on race. with Black Panther Cleaver u the prjnclpa1 lec- turer. The resolution passed n e a r I y academic freedom . ACLU'!> Fall Fiesta Carded in Huntington . The fall fiesta of the Orange Coast Chapter of lhe American Civil Liberties Union entiUed "Una Cuchipanda" is scheduled for I p.m. Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs . Robert H. Coe, 16852 Harkness Circle, Huntington Beach. The fiesta will feature an exhibit by sculptors John .Asletlne and Larry Liv· ingston. Further information may be ob- tained by calling Louis B. Mulvey at 833- 1234 (e:rt. 276). Newport Eyes ' El· Toro Ai'rport Newport Buch city COWICllman will soon urge a countywide effort. to convert El Toro Marine Corps Air SlaUon inlO I regional airport. · 1bey see it as the only ru)J.st.1c alt.ernaUve to e:rpansion ol Orange Coun- ly Airport • Councilman and fonner cttt manager Roberl Shellon tod1y said the Board ol Supervisore, every other city in the coun- ty and all county Jegtslaton )rill be uked to join a "united ftont" in aupport of the plan. . Newport Police .Arrest Stop-(;o Thief Suspect A 20-year<ild transient waa arrested Monday by Newport Beach police on charges or involvement ln two armed robberies or the Stop and Go Market, 9060 W. Coast Highway. ' Walter Adolph Honkala wal arraigned on two counts of armed robbery ln con- nection with the market holdups. He faces prellminary hearing Oct. 21 in Newport-Mesa Munlclpal CoUrt. The Stop and Go Market, twice the target of a masked gunman, was robbed Sept. 24 and Oct. 5. Total loss was $287. Newport Detective Sergeant Kenneth Thompson said it ts not unusual for a thJef to strike twice at the same place. ''This sort of thing happens quite fre. quenUy. They think lhey've got a good thing going and feel sale ," he said. Thompson said in the first robbery the gunman wore a Halloween-type mask, while on the second, a hood was used. Honkala and a companion, Jeffery John 11arris, 19, who · Jives in the Colonial Hotel, Huntington Beach, were arrested by Newport officers after their car was stopped for a traefflc vlolaUon at 1 a.m. Monday. Police said this morning Harris was cleared of involvement with the robberies and was due to be released from custody shorUy. Officers said the men were arrested after a search of their vehicle turned up weapom fitting the deacripUon of thole U5ed Jn the robberies. No adclresa was listed for Honkala. He Is now in Orange County Jail under 112,500 ball. T "" Chamber Backs Appointment of Beach Attorney Proposition "0" whJch makes the Hun- tington Beach City Attorney an ap- pointive rather than elected post hu been endorsed by the city Chamber of Com· merce. The Chamber Board of Directors ap- proved unanimous ly a "Yes-on-0" recom- mendation, because of what the chamber called Hwitington Beach's need for a municipal career lawyer who would be exempt from a four-year popularity con- test of an eleetlon. Chamber . executives said the City Council's hiring the attorney would be in the city's "best interests," as be would be directly responsible to the cowx:ll whlcb could remove him by two-thirds vote. The board said It felt popular control could sUll be exercised via the right of recall, a feature of the Proposition "0" package. To go into elfect, the proposition must win voter approval on lhe Nov. 5 General Election balloL "El Toro II our ,,.. hope, ~· U ll'a lull a shorl-run oolilUolt lo ...,_ Jfl noise probltmt," he ukt He will ln!rftduce I molUUon lo thel effllcl al lhe Newpotl cowx:U'• Oct. :13 meellng. "It will be carefully, bul forcefully, stated,•· he said. . Its adoption Is virtually assured. Mayor Doreen Marshall said tfM rest of lhe council "agrt<• wboiehearledly" wllh Shelton's views. U1TLE DIFFERENCE Shelton said the County Airport Com- mission's action Tuesday Jn lopping three regional aJrport altes from t h o s e previously under comlderaUon, and ten- t11UveJ;y adding two otherl, made little difference. He explained: "The advantages of El Toro for at ll:ast inttrim use fsr outweigh those of all the others, including a aeadrome. Mostly it's a quesUon of Urning. All the other IK!bemes involve a tremendous amount o[ lead time for engineering and economic , ftaalbWly studles, alte acqulslUoo and actual construcUon. Financlng could well be the most critical problem. "El Toro, on the other hand, has these advanla&es: it is here; it has the capaci· ty to handle large jet aircraft and it can meet a crltleal and immediate need." Joint U!e of the airfield by military and civiLian aircraft Is possible, Shelton Aid. "It's being done at other.airports." OPPOSE AIRPORT Newport councilmen are alttady on record opposed to a regional airport - large enough to handle naUonal flights - in the San Joaquin Hills south of Corona del Mar. It and El Toro are the only lites remaining of five originally recom- mended for conslderaUon by Wllllam L. Pereira & Al!lsoclates, county aviation master planners. County airport commiaafoners Tuesday proposed two more, however. One Is Newport real estate developer George S. Freeman's floating airport plan. The other is Jn the Prado Dam area near the Orange County-Riverside County boun· dary. El Toro military spokesmen have pro. tested all propo!als for U5e of the ln· stallation by any civilian aireraft. "But that's to be expected," said Newport Mayor Marshall. Councilman Paul J . Gruber, who Is among 1,000 ming the county over noisy jet fllghla oul of Counly Airport, aaldo "El Toro is the only way we can get those jels out of here. There's not another locat;lon ln the county that com· pares with It." Shelton !!aid the Newport move would not be ·aimed at "pressuring" the federal government into ytelfilng the site. "We would be seeking the cooperation of the federal government. It's a matter of persuasion. "We can bring thlr about 1f the agen. cles: in the county and o u r people In Washington join forces: and form a united front." From Page I APOLLO .•• u Monday's trarumiuion. Another show is likely Wednesday, Despite nagging colds, which mado Schirra irritable when ground controllers woke him up early by miflake today, the bearded astronauts were cbeerfu1 and srlruiing again. <See s1ory, Page•> Alter Eisele opentd lhe .. lecast, Schir· ra held up two other twxj.Jettered cards: "Deke Slayton, are you a turUe?" and "Paul Haney, are you a tartle?" Astronaut Chief Slayton quickly radioed back, "you bet," Haney, the 11voice of Apollo" at the control center, was also watching but a controller said "HaneY. isn'l lalking; Wally, he's just buying." He was acilve ln the prince of Peace Lutheran Church of wbJch be was a charter member. A veteran of WWI, be was also active ln the American Legion. He worked' with his lather in a business in Mkmesota as a youth, homesteaded for a time In Moo1ana before corning to Hun· tington Beach ln 1931. Premiere Slated Of 'Jazz M~ss' only , · ' has it! Interment ts at Westminster Memorial Pari: following services Wednesday. . At Golden West • " DEEPSTMniq CRlfPET CLERnlnrr THE ULTIMATE in CARPET CLEANING Schools Support T:wo Propositions 'l'ruJtea of Huntington Beach'• Ocean View School District today endorsed pro- positions N and M on the Nov. & ballot aimed at providing a new central library and a neighborhood parks sy!rtcm . The Weat Cout premiei:• of "JUI Maas" will take place Oct. 2S at Golden West College 'with its compoRr, Joe Maslers, appearing " gueat ·pianist. Masters wrote "Jazz Mass" ln 1965 for a religious art festival, recorded it for Columbia Records in 1966, and won wide critical acclaim, including a Grammy nomination. ICONOWICAL r1ductf the 11etd for fr1quent profe11ionel cl1oning be· c•u•• lt rerno¥el the doo111ly embod· did 1011 and lea't'11 no re1 iduo in the SAii HOCUS tcltntlftcaDT. J ... i. opM 1p1cially for tho itro •••lot1el C•rpot cl••nor. It Is cornplet1ly aeft for all cerp•t fib•"· The proposed library would be ttlilt on a central city park site near Goldcnwest and Talberl Trustees said the city continues to grow at the rate o[ 10,000 new residents each year• and dted the need to provide ex- panded ptrk and Ubrary faclUU" lo terYice the burJeonlng popolallon. Realtors to Hear Talk on Irvine Memben of the Hllllllnalon Beach Boord ol-~ wW l!tar a broaldut Lalk WeclnMday on the put, plft<lll Ind fuwr. of 1"lne Company land. Wlllfam L. Aldrich, lrvlne d1reclor of advtrllsln( and public rtloUont, wW ad-m-the reallon at I a.m. al the Sbtra-lno, IUU Ocaan Ave. L The Mass Is lhe only modem in- lerpretation done enlirely as a choral wori:. • Muters ts rehearsing for the upcoming performance with Golden West College's a cappella cholr and the Orana:e County Jm Eneemble. Gerald Schroeder, college m u 1 I e leacher, will coodllcl and mllllclana w1ll Include Jack Jqnd, former Slan Kenlon dnnnmor DOW wllb the Mork Davlcllao Trio. Dies After Test HOLLISTER (l11'1) -l'ellr B. Smllh, '11, wu kiDed In an auto acddent Monday 20 mlnuteo af1tt pa.Wng hla driven' teat. Smllh IUffuecl an apparcnl heart 1t- 1ac1:, loll control of his Cit and ttuhed into a fenct · carpet flbtn to collect dirt. CLIANS 1• •cht1lly rMIO't'•I ·soil f,..,,. b•th ~ht P.ilt ef thct c•rpet arul th1 car••t b•c•tn9. •UTOUS PIU tht powerful ••tr•c· tlon proct•• 1erno't'tl rnoi1turt i'!''" rnei:ll1ttly1 thus 1v0Jcjln1 ahrlnk•t•: end llft1 ' mttttcl pllo to 'Jlk1 ""' 1 •ppHrln~t. ..Mn.I ACTION u••• 110 ltrvdtot or acruiiiltlni edion, •• It cf••• fttt 411 .. tMt th• pll• ff th1 ctr,.+. _ SOR. I IT A I D 1116 AllD MOTH PIOONN6-tr• incl11tl1d et ,.. odfe coit. WH.111 TOU fl8 ~\".k~· 11111Ui11 CALL RUG & UPHOLSTERY Cl.EANERS ' o ... 21st YHr of Sirvlc9 ifi Or0119t Coumy 2950 RANDOLPH COSTA MESA PHONE 546-3432 I ' • ·Una Bea eh Today's ·Closlllg • • EDITION N.Y. Stocks ' voe. 6l, NO. 248, 3 SECTIONS, 42 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, ·1968 TEN CENTS Festival Puppet Theater Proposal Defended By RJCBARD P. NALL Of JIM O.llr Plllt Ir.ff A proposed little theater under attack by one ex-Festival of Arts director was defended by another former board member who initiated the plan. Clarence Upson Yowig had called the whole project asinine and said he ,doubted if more than 50 persons had ever at- tended a puppet show at the temporary theater now used. The new theater and multi-purpose facility is to have :seating for 230. Stuart D.Jrtee, former F e 1 l l v a I treuurer, said, "the puppet theater grossed over $17,.500 (last season) which indicates an average attend&Q;Ce of more than 200 persons pe< performance." Durkee said the facility planned Is to be a little theater that wUl be used for pup- pet shows during the Festival and for other community fun~ during the off- sea.wn. The atage b to be 23-feet deep and 5B- feet wide, be said, "1th a proscenUwn 11· feet high and 24-feet wide. Dlrl<ee said, " -fact to mute Clartoct is the project was coocelved origjnally by me and Don (Wllli.tD\&Qll) had nothing to do with the project until he was seJected by the board u architect after the board bad approved the concept . of lhe projecl" Young had referred to the-theater as a "WiWamson-Jnspired project." Yowig had also mentioned the need for a facility in the center of the grounds, auch as a bandstand, to beaulify the grounds. Said Durkee, .. What Clarence wanb la a good, oki-fasbioned VJctortan &azebo stuck up in the middle there. That's what he's always wanted ; I don't know why." Yoong had also mentioned need for enclosing the Festival restaurant as a project or more urgency . Durkee said this is being considered by Ol.her groups, He said the FesU.val is on record as tuivtng no objeclioo to ma.king the restaurant an all-year, all· weather laclllty but 18la'lt would not be of benefit to the Festivll. "My c:Oncept 18 that whit we.'no doing (the theater) would supplant an enclosed mtaurant," Durkee said. It ' would, he said, make the Festival facilities available to the community ·on an all-year basis. Be.skies the 230-seat theater, the new facility ii to house th& children's art u- hlblt, the art free-(or-all , usen dressing rooms, patio facilitlt.s for the cast, a public tdepllooe center, janitor storage and Improved restroom raciliUes. lt woUld off-season be used to .tore the panels which form artist exhibitor bjlotha during the Festival. The f a c 11 J t 1 presumably cwld also house other arts or crafts functions oU-season because it would provide shelter from the weather. -Festival· directors are to study bids on the' facility at their Novem~ meeting and decide if they will proceed . It has been estimated the building might cost fTS,000 or more. Spacemen Give 'Lovely Apollo Room' TV Tour Chide Regents Holiday Okay As Mistletoe Sprig s Saved Viewers Given Look at Future UC Profs Den y Censure M T . Shi oon rip p Of Cleaver Invitation A jolly Christma.I tradition got a bit singed Monday when a mistletoe plant burned in Laguna Canyon Road_ However, county firemen and a neighbor with a garden hose helped salvage enough sprigs to get the yule season launched. •• Capt. Ray Russell or the county lire department llid tbe blaze at the rnisUetoe plant of Kathryn Holn, 21056 Laguna Canyon Road, did about $1,<XX> damage to the contents and another $1,000 to the frame structure, a converted dwelling. Next door neighbor, Robert Turley, 21062 Laguna Canyon Road, reportedly helped knock down the flames with a garden hose and was credited with saving the structure. · 'I'he fire started at the kitchen stove where mistletoe sprigs were apparently being dipped in hot parafin as a preservative. Mrs. Holn had gone next door when the blaze broke out. Russell said the structure was piled high with cartons full or packaged mistletoe ready for shipment. Firemen dragged many or the cartons to safety as they mopped up the blaze. OCC' s Ed Burke Ready fo r Action Orange Coast Olympians take a rest - except for hammer-throwing history pro- fessor Ed Burke of Orange Coast College -who today is warming up for com- petition Wednesday In Mexico City. Volleyball, water polo and track action are all covered in speeial stories today by DAILY PILOT Sports FA.itor Glenn White reporting directly from Mexico City on Page 18. Almon Lockabey, DAILY P I L 0 T boating editor, covers lhe sailing Olym- pians with his e1clusive report from Acapulco. Lagunagrins By mOMAS FORTUNE Of th• Drilh l'Uot .swtt--The UC Irvine faculty Monday soundly defeated a resolution interpreted as a cen.st1tt: of the professor who has invited Eldridge Cleaver back to campus. M.eeOag...as the Academic Senate, the faculty also took a strong stand asking UC Regents· t.o withdraw cen1ure of the Berkeley profeslors ~ponsible for the coune aeaver is teaching there. Both vo~ were decisive with only a couple of hands raised in opposition to each. Dr. Kenneth Ford, a physicist and chairman of the Irvine Division of the Academic Senate, estimated about SO of the division 's 275 members attended Monday's session. The special Academic Senate meeting, carried over from lasl Thursday, also was attended by about 100 students whose spokesman said they were there to ~ack the faculty in its stand opposing-the regents. Thursday the faculty had voted to re- quest the regents to rescind their ruling limiting guest lecture appearances on a campus to one per quarter and not to submit to the regents a report justifying standards for experimental courses. At that session, Dean of the Graduate Division Ralph Gerard introduced a resolution disapproving of a professor who uses his classroom or his position for distincUy partisan activities. The resolution clearly was aimed at censuring Dr. Stephen Shapiro, an assis- tant professor of English who has invited Cleaver, the controversia1 Black Panther leader, to lecture to one or more of his literature classes. Gerard wu not present M o n d a y to speak in favor of his resolution. In a written introduction to the resolu- tion, however, Gerard observed : "PoUUcians, led by the Governor, have made throughout the state a major issue or Mr. Cleaver and the University. I suspect that politics were not entirely absent in the originaJ choice of Cleaver By Phil lnterlendl ~' ~• Deparfm~t? I'd llkti to r-1....,•lhfnt 1uapicou1 loint on eut1W. ••• '' I • " ' - for the Berkeley course. In any event, tpe predictably strong reaction of the faculty has rontributed to a confrontation of the University and the people of Calllornia that both the far left and the far right welcome just because it iJ d~. to a11 that our lnsUtuUoo stands for.· "The ori&inal issue is now Jost in rising ematlons, 00\ler's pr0bably v a 11 d qualiflcationa are irrelevant and sides are widely drawn oo. the question of academic freedom. The Regenta are responsible for the total well-being of the University and, whether or not their particular action w'as the wisest possible, I think most of us would agree that they could not ignore the public clamor." Or. Gerard's propooed resolution read: "The Irvine Division of the Academic Senate hereby goes on record as sup- porting academic freedom only when it is exercised with responsibility. Academic freedom has been achieved by professors on the basis of the wisdom of protecting the expert from the pressures to distort his scholarly examination of a topic on the basis or his objective and full (See FACULTY, Page%) Cool Machine Gives Students Hot Lunches The machine age didn'l sil well last year with Laguna Beach ffigh School students who complained of cold vending machine lunches and soggy buns. However, there's a cool new machine this year which school officlala say the students have wanned up to . It vends malts and freezes. The new malt maker arrived last week and does a brisk business dispensing 20- cent malls and IS.Cent free:.es. The frosty device was purchased for the stadium snack bar as an additional lure for students to stay on campus dur· ing lunch hour. Students with passes signed by parents may leave campus to lunch elsewhere, but the administration is encouraging them to stay at tcbool for lunch. Ex-Costa Mesa Aide's Secretary Mrs. Bezar Dies Services ror Norma Jean Bt:wr. former aecretary for the city man.qer o( Costa M .... will be betd at I p.m. Wednesday at Paclfie Vlaw Memorial Park. Mn. ll<ur cllod Monday II the Good Samaritan Holpltil, Loi Anlelei, lfttr a lengthy lllnao. She WU 14. Survivors include htt hu•beOO, CU : two sons. Frt.dtttck am Erlci 1 daughter, Robin, all of the me, IS« Uppe< Rim RDct canyon Road, Laguna Buch; mother, Nonna Davi.I of Lacuna Beach; father, .Enrin Datit: of Palot Verdes: a brother, BW Devis of Huntington Beach. The &v. ll<llu TUn>er ol Lagun> Buch Preob)'tertan Cllurch will olflciot.. Jntermenl wiU be al Pacific View Memor11I Part. ' SPACE CENTER, HOU!ton (UPI) - The three Apollo , 7 astronauts, Ooaling around inside their cabin in the weightlessness of space, staged the se- cond act or "The Lovely Apollo Room" television series today and took viewers on a guided tour ol the ship built to take men to the moon. ''11>! or,billn~ s s .Suri ilfeulefM'1'J'ap Tq,aight -. ' from ouicr space, \f.lllJ •~Oncl Wal~ Cunniiig!i&n," aald Eliele ' as be appeared OQ the screen ta opening the second day of Apollo's live telecastl to earth. Peter JfAu>wR. ~ curl at ;!'he Rtvennouth at Santa Cruz II> this \ scene trom. t>tiriills CuYler's,sUrflng film, "The Nomad~." Surf. movie, two years in production, will be shown at IAlguna High Auditorium at 8:15 o'clock lDll!ght. After a couple of. jokes with their coJ.. leagues at the Houston Space Center spacecraft, Commander Schin'a took the little five-pound camera· and gave millions of earthbound televWon viewen a look at lhe inside of the 18-ton spacecraft as it swung over the United States on ib llOlh orbit. Apollo 7 entered its fifth full .day in space at the end of the telecast and it ap- peared sound enough to complete the full 11 days of its demanding trial run. A fun success might clear the next Apollo team for a flight around the moon in December. New Jersey's Guns Shell Red Po sitio1is on Island After lhe telecast, lhe astronauts told ground control they had cracker crumbs all over the cabin. "'We have a gripe." the radioed. "The cracker type food, the chicken sandwiches, ~iey're crumbly and we have crumbs all over the cockpit." The "space spectacular" began at 7:29 .a.m. PST and ended 11 minutes later. It was four minutes longer and just as clear as Monday's transmission. Another show is likely Wednesday. Despite nagging colds, which made Schirra Irritable when ground controllers woke him I.IP early by mistake today, the bearded astronauts were cheerful and grinning again. (See story, Page 4) After Eisele opened the telecast, Schir· ra held up two other hand-lettered cards: "Oeke Slayton, are you a turtle?" and "Paul Jµuley, are you a turtle?" Astronaut t:llie! Slayton quickly radioed back, "you bet," Haney, the "voice or Apollo" at the cootrol center, was also (See APOLLO, Page %) Stoelc l'll ar lcets NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market widened Its.advance late thil afternoon in more acUve trading. (See quotations, Pageii: IG.11). Blue chips improved their earlier performance, boosting the Dow Jones in- duslrial average nearly three points. ' SAIGON (UPI) -The battleship New Jersey sailed up to lhe island holdi.nl North Vietnam's heaviest shore batteries and literally blasted a chunk of the fortreas into the Gull of Tonkin with her 16-inch guns, U.S. spokesmen said today. When the smoke cleared away a U.S. aerial spotter leioked for a comer of the once lelhal Hon Matt Island and shouted into hil radio: "It's down in the ocean!" The spotter said ~1onday's barrage by the world's only acUve battleship "took away a large slice of the isl8.nd itseU." The New Jersey, in her first weeks of Vietnam War duty, had sailed through heavy monsoon rains that hefd back American aircraft. She pulled into range of the North Vietnam gunS and for 30 minutes poured In 2,700 pound shells. Navy Signalman 3. C. George R. Potter of CoJwnbia, S.C., standing OO ·tbe .New Jersey's signa1 bridge, said the r.aln blocked a full damage assessment. Bu& he said : "It looked like we 1gave them some pretty good belts. There was a lot of "Smoke." There was no report or lhe North Vlet· namese guns gelting even one sbot at the New Jersey. The. New Jersey's attack struck near the seaport of Vinh and onJy ts miles south of the 19th parallel, t b e northernmost bwlxlary of U.S. bc>P> banlo:ients slnce all but North Vietnam's llOUtherD panhandle WU put ofl limlta April I. The big ship, recommWioned f<>" her third war to do what she did to Hon Matt, . Teen-age Brothers Face M!trder, Kidnap Charges Two brolhen, ltudenll at Genten a!ltr whidl Ila llWll,.r WllUam H. Grovo Hllh School, were ln appear In Heuelgiwye, SS, 11111.....t 1 fatal hurt Juvenile Court today on chargu o1 attack. !pl death -tt.d &I the ~er murder, armed robbtry Ind kldnaplna. charge apJnst the brothers. • Arrested by Anaheim police and IJoOkod Ktdnaofnl charges ar~ from the Into the county Juvenile hall Saturdiy on youths forcini the Ownen Mr. and Mn1. tbe charges ,..,. Denlel Wayne Smith, GcQrg• tosneu ol the Sky\'lew Motel 16. and hll !Jrotllcr, Donlld wuu.m. · 1~ from their olllco to lheli bedroom where • ol 11161 Donna Lane. they were tied toc<tJ1er. 11ie pair waa arrested duth11 a holdup The ownen' IOft, Pau1;11, called police of the Skyvt.w Motel at llll S. Wat st., w~ be beard tbe bandlta (1ina his Anabetm. , parenll tn •oolher roqin. Patr<>bnai> Joe j They att al., chsrgod with the holdup · Kama 1ni.,d'lnlnuW~ltr IJld amllod ol Iha ou ... Motel &I Anihelm, Clll OcL IJ, , the two boys. . !. • pushed 30 miles south of the parallel. Thete she blasted storage areas the North Vietnamese bad dug into caves. Her 16-inch guns then cut in five platta the roads leading lo' the big supply dump area. The New Jersey's .nine 16-inchers are not bothered by the heavy r.ains , that often block U.S. air trikes. American spokesmen ' aaid u .S. jets flew ·taa missiOOS Monday against North Vietnam but the rain and low cloud! limited damage reports. Sunday a Navy A6 allweather Intruder jet crashed due to unknown causes U miles southeast of Yinb, its two-man crew beirig listed as missing in act.ion. In South Vietnam, military sourcet said U.S. forcea caught 15 Communiat armored vehicles near the C&mbod1an border and unleashed a maas.ive air IDd artillery attack against them. Thief Gets Music A burglar wbo used a hidden key stole a hi!i record player, seven albums and $4.50 from two Laguna Buch aislen Sun- day . Victims of the theft, ~d police., were Lyle Johnson, 15; and her sister, Gwen, 22, both of 6111 Hyatte Way. er ..... ,...!. ~ £!~-·-"'" Surprl5e! The sun's out, and It's going to stay out tor a while - at least throUgh Wectn<lday when the mercury moves up to 74 aloni the Orange COut. I NSIDE TODA)' The _.,,. dalf 1'tnio1l o/ Johnnv Applc1ccd U al wort fn the Jfid1D<1I, 11MDiftg marl! .... 11cdl htr1 and thtT~. P• f . ~ u'1 =" 1~ Ctnilct 1• lllf#tutl ...... II c--. , ...... ...... ... DN9 ..... ' °'*"' c..r ' rw-. t ..... ..... 1).JJ ·~ ,... ll '""" ltolt ... ... llllMM ,, .... ....... i.11 .,._. at-11 '·~ • Ml .. .,. C.ltll • .,........ ,, ,., ewaw " • ......,. • • ...._... ,. .......... lt ........... l1 .......... ... , , --- % DAILY Pl\.OT • Coast Sailors Ill Olympic Star. Race ., .&laJM Lt)CSUS\' ..... T.....,. ..... _. ACAPULCO -Lowd! Nor111 ol San Diego ll1d; ......-~'"" ~"' Newport Beach llilMI execu!lni a pro- gram ol """'"91anned .. veog< over tbe "Grul J:ilMT. Paul EJvstrom Monday by wlnn1na tbie: flrat race of the Star class in tbe yoclttlllg Olymplca. Nor111 llld Batretl got their Nor111 Star eranked~_all<t the font mark aad pull· eel from Ill"' to fJrst pla<'O !llld went on to beat Ncrway'1 Peter Lunde and Elvatrom In what la 1111aJ11n1 up u the main feature rt the P"'class Olympic aalllng gamea. The Star compeUtion is clearly a battle or chaaJ,ptons. North ls a three time former world champion, Elvstrwn Is the current bilJlder ol the 101d atar, Durwood Knowles rt tbe Bahamal II tbe defending Olympic :gold medalllt, aad Timar Plntgu .or -II tbe IMO 011mpic gold ...... JI .... Laguna School Trustees Meet On Negotiator Lquna_ Beach Unified School Dlltricl -toolaht ... to negollalo with tbe Teachen NegotWlng CoondJ on the ~blllly of a profeulonal negotiator reprtMiti}ig the board 1n future aaJary bargaining. . The stage waa set for the meeting two weeb ago when trustees diacuued the need for more expertise to bargllnJni to keep pace with ne" 10pblstication of l<acheri In praenting salary demandJ. "We are going to have to get more aophlltlated In len!lJI ol the fmpacl OD tbe aa1ary acbedule,'' aald trUltee Wllllam Wilcoxen at the time. Tllo boanl allo agreed that 11 did not want to jeoplnllre !rlendly relatJoaa with leachen In tbe amall dlalrlct. Metbcxll· ol negollallng dllcuaed In- cluded, retention ol a pofealonal bargaining Orm; lbartog the COii ol IUCh expertlle with olher dlllrlcll; « lralnlni a negotiator who II part of the ad- mln.LstraUon. Air West Asks New Routes in · Nevada, Utah Air West airlines fled for new routes today in California, Nevada, and Utah. None of the proposed new flights would dlrectly affect service at Orange Cowlty Airport, a spokesman said. In a request to t.be Federal Civil Aeronautics Board, Air West joined with United Air Lines In asking permission to tranaler certain United fllghi.. to Air WelL Tllo Indirect elfecl on Orange Com>ty Airport would be to provide travellers with a greater range or Air West desUna· lions out of Las Vegas. The airline cur- renUy connects Orange County Airport and Las Vegas with regularly scheduled jet service. The proposed switch would give Air West routes into Elko and Ely, Nev., which lie between Reno and Sa1t Lake Ci· ty. Air West also uked CAB approval to establlsb service between San Franciaco, Nevlda and Utah. From P*IJe 1 APOLLO ... watching but a controller said ''Haney: isn't Wking, Wally, he's just buying." The turtle sequence referred to an in· side joke at the space center. According to tradition, a free round of drinks is ln order for anyone giving a negative answer. The club is called "Interstellar Asaoclation of Turtles, Outer Shell Division," and goes back to the early Merazry day> of the space program. DAILY PILOT O~G'E COAST Pl,lfll1SHING COMP'ANY Robert N, W1•d ll'rakttnl ,,.,. Pullllllhw J1ck R. Cwrl1y vie;. Prnlftnt 1"4 Gentr11 Ml"'"' n..11'111 ll'••¥il .... Thom11 A. M11 rphin• Mo1111111nt fdltor Rlcht rd P. Nill , __ ,,,,. fdilltr P111I Nl11111 Mvtnllll'!I .,_ Ytn1 .._. Offfc. 222 F•t1it A"'· M•Hl"t At1•r•u1 P.O. lo~ 666, fl6~l ............. Cotti M-: .)JO Well 811 SI• .... NIWPO'l't teldl: 1'11 Wnl &#:lboill louNY•rlll HWllll!ltWI le~: JOI Slh $Ifft! I Allor I ~ IWt, 'Nclrt!I ond a.,..; lloo fllrl!le ~ """"'1 the li'lt Wk Illa 11111 CIMi ~ tdzl!R Iii Ull; II -*"'°"• ==-lo loo, -~-..:.::" .. U ~ • ... lhllloll ..... on ~ '"' On riJdmt against ElvzlrOm whom ht lw never-~ .1!orth had tbe best boat '"°" at the end beaten in the FiM. clus. ~ 'ol th9i triangle, marking '\6e bill way Elvatrom ii com!dtred by many to be Point~ he rounde<I ovulapJ*!-with Lu.ode the world'• best email boat 1aUor. He hu ~illd....Elvst.rom: . -won four Olympic med.all ln the single From there 1t looked like 1.,bow to bow handed class and ii bidding for his Uftb ~ 'diJel between North and Elvlitom: At the in tbe Stm • second wealhtr mark N'*°1 was 2S • ~ seconds ahead of the greatDa.ue with rm ~:i! c~ lhlrd~ved $s superior downwind ability as be surfed down the ' ~ mounting seas to a com?qrtable on·e minute and 50 second lead Which he held North aot the best .waather -start, but at the finish. Lunde me&Dwbile was halfw_iij' up the weather leg it was evident pushing Elvstrom and nippe({ him by less that,Elystrom and Lunde bad him beat than a boat length at the fin!S)i . Australia and Knowl~ and Pinegan were looking was fourth, Sweden was ' f i f t b and good'cn the lee side of. the course. But a Knowles of the Bahamas was sixth. wiDd lhlll helped North'• cauae and as Second best U.S. performance wu l'"' . Ja%% Goes to f:Jaurcla " Mark Davidson and solist Mitzi Interlandl rehear~e !Or contemporary jazz oratorio to be performed at 4 p.m. Sunday at Cotnmunity Pres- byterian Church of Laguna Beach. Davidson, who '#rote oratorio, and Mrs. Jnterlandi will be joined in performance by Faith Lutheran Choir and Children's Verse Choir of Huntington Beach. Nixon Steps Vp Drive, Seeks Republican Sweep "" KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (U PI) - Richard M. Nixon, claiming he is ahead in every major slate, said today he will go into a high gear "Operation Extra Ef· fort" during the last weeks of the presidenUal campaign. boplng to win a · Republican sweep In November. '"Ibis is going to be the biggest finish in American polltical history,'' Nlxon told a news conference. He said he plans JO nationwide ratio broadcasts of 15 minutes each during the final days or lhe cam- paign, and will appear on a four-hour, prime-time television broadcast Nov, 2. the Saturday before' the election. Jn addition, he said, he will "whistle slop" through the key states of Ohio anrl Pennsylvania "by car, plane and train" during the final days of the race wllh Democrat Hubert H. Humphrey and third party candidate George Wallace. "Our polls show that we are leading In every stite," said Nixon, "but we're not going to be overconfident." He made the statement before leaving for raWes in Miami , Greensboro, N. C. L WV Sets Topic Of Fair Housing CriUria for fair housing and just how Orange County 1neasures up in applying them will be d.l.scuJSed Thuraday by the Oranae Coaat Leque ol Women Voters. The l :JO LM. meeUbg b IChedUled fot the lntmalth Lounge, Town Center, 4201 cami.m Dnve, Irvine, rcaturlng Mrs. Rochelle Savlt~ of the orange Cow>ty Fair HOUllniJ Council. A tal>Nf meiSige from Whitney Young, exeartlve dlrtJClot of the N1.tklnal Urbln ' l.Algue, will optn 'lbur&da.y'• mttUn1, to which the ltnf!'ll public Is Invited. Younc •ddressed the Nattonal eon- venUon of lhe Leagui ol Women Voters Jn Chicago tut sprin&.. ~. and Knoxville, Tenn., after a long weekend at his island headquarters here. Nixon said it was his last long weekend before the election and that for the final weeks he will rest on1y on sUnday. "Humphrey knows our findings," said Nixon . "He is panicking. He is far behind and consequenUy will be swinging wilder and wilder." Nixon said he hopes "Operation Extra Effort" will give the Republicans eight to 14 ntw Senate seats, 30 to 40 new seats in the · House and nine Lo 14 new governorships. "The governors are our b r I g ht est chances," said Nixon. NiX51n uid the four-hour television broadcast will be divided into two segments so that both the eastern and western halves of the country will receive them during prime time. "I think this is sort of unorecedented," he said. Rites Conducted For Mr. W cs tlake ~'uneral services v.·crc C'anduC'lcd Sun- day a~ Laguna Beach Fuhcral Home chapel for Frederick J. Westlake, 94, or 41! Jasmine Sl Mr. Westlake, a Laguna resident for four yean, died Oct. 1 I at the South Coast Community Hoopllal He WU the former owner of Westlake Art Studio in Ontario, canada . servtces wt.re conducted by the Rev. Baird COffin. Interment ¥>ill be ln qtath&J!!, ~ 9!1larlo1 ~na~a. SUrvtvors tnehll'fe t.-o daughters, Mrs. Ullus Black and Mn. Charlot1.e Steele, both of Laguna BeAch : 1 m, William lllnlon Westlake of Detroit; and four ~ ' =."l.t1'&i1it1"~~ . =~~~.='Tl! -, behind East Germany'• Paul pniles'-' reBUltod from collillOllJ oo tho -· •tatllngline. In the bJgbly comptUUve FIM Class Winds for the race ranged from about the winner was dark hone Philippe Soria 10 knots at the start to 12 to lt llS the of frl,llee over Norway'• P e r race progressed. A Iona; rolling swell Werneak.Jold., SOviet Russia'• Valentin coupled with the wind generated chop Mankin Wiil\ thi(d. Willi< l<uwelde, the resulted In some sloppy going on all three 1964 gold medalist from We.t Germany, courses. flnisbed 11th. Following are the first ail: places in Prolesla maried both 'the Flying each clas:!. · Dutclunan and 5.5 Meter claaaea. STARS The wont hassle occlifred ln the FDS J. Lowell NOrth, USA, O polnls which finished witb red flags hying from 2. Peder Lunde .._ Norway. S at least four boats. Bo6 !aines ol 1.be U.S 3. Paul Elvstrom, Denmark, 5.7 was seen leaving the course halfway up 4. David Forbes, Australia, 8 the second weather leg. 5. John Albrecht.son, Sweden, 10 He lodged a protest against the race 6. IM'wood Knowles, Bahamas., 11.7 committee, contending that a short , DRAG<>NS starting line and an improper weather leg l. Paul Borowakl, East Gel'IJta.nY~ 0 contributed to hia colllillon with the East 2. ~udCly Fftlderlcks, USI\. 3 German boat. 3. Stoplleti Tupper, can.da, 5.7 East Germany in turn prot<sted t. TlieodOr Sommerachleld, Norway, • S. Jlobln' Jlldlll, GE6il~ 10 a. Aage Birch, Denmark, 11 .1 UMETER t. Lou.la Noverraz, Switzerland, o 2. Rudoll Hantl.!lorl, Well Germany, I '-GIU!eel"' Zucblneltl, Italy, 1-7 4. Ulf Swid~, Sweden, I ' ' s. WµJ.iam Solomons, ~ustralla, 10 6. Robin Al!her, Great Biilaln, 11.7 FLYING DUTCBMAN 1. Libor Ullricll, West Germany, D 2. Bjorn Lolbrod, NQlWay, ! I. Carl Ryne1, Auslralla, 5 4. Lev Rvalov, Russia, t 5. Bertrand Cberet, France, 10 6. llaM FOt1h, Denmark, 11. 7 FINNS I. 'Philippe Soria, France, o. %. Pit' \V~ktold,-N91;Yl)l, I I. Valenlln Mankin, iltll8ia..5 1. Ron .J;enyns, Australia, a· ' 5. John Maynard, Gr.ea!~. 10 S. Andrew Zawleja, PoWlcl,.!L7 Cleavei: Skirting Law Lectures in East, Breaks Oakland Court Date . OAKLAND (UPI).>-Black Panthel' Eldridge Cleaver's busy schedule of lee-- lures is causing him to run afoul of the law. The mililant black was in Cambridge, Mass., Monday for a lecture at Harvard University when he was supposed to have appeared at a court bearing in Oakland. Alameda County Superior Judge Red· mond Staats Issued a bench warrant for Cleaver'• arrest but held the warrant ln abeyance pendin& Cleaver's appearance at a hearing rescheduled for Thursday. Cleaver had,been due io court in con-. He attacked the grand ju?y; system nection with a moUon by Attorney which Jhdioted the Panthers ~ asked Charles Garry who is seeking to quash an . Judge Stakts, to subpoena ~ 60 can-- indictment apinst six Black Panthers · dida:tes .for the jury along JJfth the 20 charged with attempted murder in a Superior Court judges wbo selected them. shootout with Oakland police last April fl. Garry alleged the judges chose the pro- Garry accepted the blame of Cleaver's spective grand jurors from among their absence and erplahl~that he forgot to -own·acqaaintancta Ind issoclates. tell Cleaver of the hearh:lg before he Oew Judge Staats refused to' llJimnon the EaSt. , . jurors tiut dM ~ to emusider Garry's Garry argued against the Panthm' In· request ·lhal the :IG-judgeO be·l!"l>Poenaed cUc.tment on the grounds Qlat piey "were to deterinu)e ~ ~ fcir selecting not indicted by their own peers," the gi'and jury. ~ • ~ · · · From Page 1 FACULTY CHIDES REGENTS ••• knowledge. When professors act In cUlss, or in their professional caP.acily, in this aplrtt, all members of the University shoul~ support them. "The ideal ol a scholarly examination of all aspects of a problem and of a ra- tional and artistic uposition of these is not always , acllleved and oceasionally there is reason to suspect that a pro- fessor has used his class or hls position for distinctly partisan activities. This is destructive to his students, h1a col· leagues, bis institution and to scholar- ship. Under such conditions it Is the responsibility of the University com· munity to dlaap_prove." . ,ASfil~t . J>rofessor. qf c 1 ~ s sics The-Odore 'arunn~r said: iajd; . •. '•1't'. (J.he resO!uUon) Is couch,td very carefully, yet I ' believe every' senate member in the room knows wnat it is about. There are rules of due process for censuring a senate member, Including fil- ing a complaint, a hearing, 14 days for reply, and secrecy if the senate member wishes." Those faculty members p r e s e n t overwhelmingly voted the resolution down. The resolution th~t was passed, asking the regents Lo withdraw their censure of the Berkeley proressors , wu authored by Assist.ant Proressor of Physics Gerard Van.Hoven. Assistant Professor of Pbilosophy Stanley Munsat said he wasn't sure Van Hoven's moUon was a good one because censuring facu)ty members "might be a good way to let regents blow off steam." However, English. Department Chairman Hazard Adams said the word "censure" means more to him than just disapproval. "I think of the acilon the U. S. Senate took in n:spect to Senator Jos- eph McCarthy. This sounds: like some· thing that would go on the record of an individual .'' Van Hoven argued his Berkeley col- leagues bad followed proper procedures in setting up Social Analysis 1J9X, the ex- perimental course on race with Black Panther Cleaver u the principal lee· turer. The resolution passed n e a r 1 Y, unanimously. ChanceiJor Daniel Aldrich Jr. told lhe fa cl1ity how he will interpret their earlier resolution not to submit a report when called upon at the regent's meeting in Santa Cruz later tbis weet. "I do not interpret it as saying the same to the regents as Mr. Cleaver may have said to them," he said. "I chose to believe that the faculty has not resorted to thumbi!m its nose or name calling. "I interJiret it that the faculty is saying we are not prepared to respond Lo you · {justifying experimental courses) until clarification of the question of faculty control over curriculum,'' the chancellor said. · George Reilf:r. ·assistant professor of phys.iai, author of that reJO!ution, agreed that was the spirit in which it was of- fered. Prior to the Academic Senate meeting Reiter and Stlapiro addressed students brought together by the Student Lobby for Academic Freedom. "Since President Clark Kerr was sum- marily dismissed the university has been deteriorating," Shapiro said. "It's too late now to say 'Don't rock the boat.' We're past th.al Tlie boat is punctured and it is sinking slowly." Reiter said the regents tried to cloak their actlons as a political compromise, but the only ones compromised were the faculty. About 100 of the 150 or so students who attended the rally then trooped to the Academic Senate meeting under urging they make sure the faculty stands up for academic freedom. Benaderet Rites Set HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Bea Benaderet, star of television's "Petticoat Junction," will be buried at Forest Lawn Wednesday following funeral servi~ at the Chapel of the Dells on the cemetery grounds. She died Sunday al 62 in Good Samaritan Hospital, where she was being treated for lung cancer complicated by pneumonia. " only , ,-yo~/// REINCARNATION HER TOPIC 'My1trc' Rockland Reincarnation Lectures Slated Dr. Patricia Rockland, who stat.es that man lives through many lives, will deliver three lectures in Laguna Beach on the subjects or reincarnaliMt medita- tion and h~. Dr. Rockland, who holds a doctorate in psychology from UCLA, calls herself a mystic. She claims to have given over 1,000 life readings In the tradition of Edgar Cayce. She believes many of man's present problems are linked to hiJ actions in previous lives which must be discovered and analyzed. Her first lecture "Reincarnation and You" will be sponaored by Spiritual Research Associates at the Woman's Club, 286 SL Ann's Drive, Friday at 8 p.m. 'ti I . ICONOMICAL reduces the need for frequent profe11ionel cleenin9 be· ceu•• it remove1 the deeply embed- ded 1oil and leeves no ra1iclua in the carpat fibers to collect clirt. CWNS DllP actuelly removes 10\1 from both tha pile of tha cerp•t and the carciet backing. SAJll Paocus sc.lentific11fy deve1· oped apec.i•lly for .... prof•11ionel carpet cleener. It is c°"'pletely ••f• for ell carpet fi&er1. llSTOllS PtLI the powerful ••tree· tion proca11 ramo"•• moi1ture 1m- niadi1tely, thus avoiding 1hrir1kaga, and llfh matted pile to 'like new' aRp•ara"ce. .i WHIM YOU WANT THI flNm- MNTLI ACTION u••• no bru1he1 or scrubbln9 action, so lt does not dis· tert th• pile of the c•rpet • SOIL RITARDIN5 AND MOTH Pl~HG .,.. lnc.ludecl et "0 ••fre cest1 ND UTIMAft CALL RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS Our list YHr of Sorvico io Or1n9a County 2950 RANDOLPH COST A MESA PHONE 546·3432 .. , , ' I .. Debate ·Showdown? National Press C_lub P osesNew Two-way Meet WASHINGTON (AP) -Rl!publlcan Richard M. Nbon haa oo far Ignored Democratic ~idential opponent Hubert IL Humphrey's lat.est demand for a debate, but a new National PreSs Club of- fer could bring a showdown on the i..ue. President 4ll•n Crom1ey d15c1osed Mooday the preos club baa propooed a Nixon-Humphrey debate that coul~ be na· Uonally televised u a neW11 event and 1htla lklr! Nllnn'• ob)«tloo to llJ1I' debate requlrtng equal lime tor thlnl party .... dldate Geor1e C. Wallace. • Neither Nuon nor HumohreY· have acknowledged the J>reu, Club lrivtteUon but lfumpbray aides call tt a "money In the bank" .widby lri tho evont NJxoo turns down HUmphrey'1 oUer to pay for a three-way tdevlaed' debate SUnday nllht between 7 and I p.m. PDT. • DAILY rtLOT '1att,..... PROTEST ~ODE -Seddleba.:k College students Neal Feldenhauer, Stan K'"1yon and Les Heide (from left) apPf'lr before college trustees to ask for new look at campus dress regulations. Trustees promised review of controvi!rsial code, but said it 'will remain in effect for now. SaddlebackRules onHai1 Still Stand, Will ~Listen' Saddleback College trustees Monday night told 45 protesting studenls they-will not now suspend regulations against long, unkempt hair on boys, but will listen to student advice. Board members said they will work with a student committee in reviewing the campus dress code following student body elect.ions Oct. 30. Trustees turned down a request by stu- dent spokesman Stan Kenyon that the dress code be temporarily suspended un- til then. An aroused group of students, hail of them girls, argued with the board for two hours over the rule that boys' hair and beards must be neat and trim and not unkempt. Board members patienUy heard every student who had something to say. Students were orderly, speaking only when ca1led upon. But while each side treated the other courteously there was litUe seeing eye to eye. · FIRST POSITION The first position of the students was that they wanted the dress code abolish· ed. Kenyon presented a petition he said bears the signatures of 500 students.· When it became apparent trustees would not eliminate th e dress code, the student asked for a definition of unkempt hair. "Give us one clear-cut definition that we can all apply, not an innuendo like unkempt," student MorrlJ Walker asked. Board members said they would not be put in a position of measuring hair, and noted that the student govenunent com· · mittee could address Itself to defining standards. "Speclftca of the drtss code are all suf>.. jects for t:l.iscussion," Board President Thant Proposes 'Big 4' Meeting On Boosting U.N. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (APl - U.N. Secretary-General U Thant disclosed to- day he has sent to the four big powers a propoeal that their foreign minlst~a meet to consider ways for strengthening the United Nations and rules o( ln· temaUonal conduct M i ch a e l Collins said. He explained, however, why he would insist it not be abandoned altogetber. "Many educators have sald dress has nothing to do witb higher education," he said, "My feeling is that higher education in this state ls now reaping some of the fruits of permissiveness." PROPER DECoRUM He said tliat educaUon demands proper decorum be observed in the classroom. Lee Cooling, w~ said he is an expelled student from the district, said he wants the word unkempt to be interpreted ra- tionally, "I understand unkempt to mean uncombed," he said. It came out that Cooling was oot ex- pelled because his hair is long, which It · is, but because he had previously flunked out of Orange Coast College. Many students in the audience had generally shaggy hair and several had sideburns, mustaches or beards. The administraUoo 1pparently has not been all that stringent in interpreting the ruling. Counselor to the students John Flood said no student haJ been expelled because of hair, and only three or four have voluntarily withdrawn given the thoice of cutting it. Gordon Sanford, the father of one of those students, was present and said he objects that his son cannot attend school "merely because ot the J~ngth of his hair." FRANK STATEMENT "I'll frankly state I don't like Jong hair. I don't like it on my son. But it doesn't make him any less a person. He's still my son," be said, Collins answered, ''YOl:ll' responsibilities as a parent are different than ours." COWlt}' School Board President Clay Mitchell was present and remarked that other junior college districts have Jost bond elections because the administration did not satisfy the voters. .. Thi.I lsn't tust an issue of you fellow• who ate sitting here today who hive done nothing to build Saddleback," he said. "The board must keep • good rtla- tioruihip with the people." Trustee• Hans Vogel said that lf a stu- dent want.I an education he should be willing to cut his hair. "1'1ls l.I a value judgment you have to make," he said. "This value system ls gotns to be carried lhrougb your life." "We've heard a lot of cheap, little political platitudes thrown around," stu· dent Morrit Walker commented. Ni... bad unlll I p.m. today to '!""'Pl Humphery'• oiler. Waila<e accepted tt Monday "8Slllllllni,~. /ibon accepte" and .aid be will pay llll abut o/. the cosl U the debate comes off. Ni... baa laid ll\Y delilte that would roqu1re equal Ume and thua clv• waliace added expooure "would DOI be In the n&· Uonal lnterett.'' but cfomley ,aaJd t h e major broadcast netwtl'b could cover a Press Club Nixon ~ Humphrey debate u • JeaiUmate newa .. event wit.bout runnlJll atouI of the law that requires equal Ume. A Nixon a I d e aal'd be did not know whether the Republican would accept or reject fbe press club Jnvitatiob but com· -led: ''Tbe action ol the Democ:ra~ed Congress In refual!ll to change Public Low 3fiO (tho equal Ume law) means that the matter now appean to be ckleed." The proopect of Humphrey deballn2 tapes of NiJ:on's statements was raised Monday by his daughter-in-law, Donna Humphrey. "H Mr. Nixon will not agree to debate personally," she told a ·Charlestoa, Ill. crowd, "I think Mr. Humphrey will ~ videotapes of Mr. Ni1on and debate the tapes." Humphrey clalmed today, Nuon Is afraid to debate and prefen television ahow1 ~ by Madlsoo Avenue cam- paign agenta. The Democrat said the public should join in "smoking Mr. NiJ:on out" for a debate. "Let's show him who's in charge " Humphrey said in rtmarks prepared f~ a Kansas City appearance, "Madison Avenue or Main Street, USA." Humphrey Urges Students: Don't Boycott Election KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI) -Hubert H. Humphrey today urged young studenta who are disenchanted with the presiden· tial candidates not to boycott the election and · said that if they do they will be .. 'betraying everything they aald they were for." Humphrey asked thousands of cheer· ln«i studenls, "Are you goJn«i to be part of the political· action or are you golnl: to opt out~" He added, "to those who opt out, I say they betray everything they said they were for." Humphrey spoke to about 4,000 persons jammed into the sweltering confines of the Rockhurst College Attditorium in the first of a series of appearances in Kansas City. The crowd was comprbed mOstly of student.! from the Catholic collq:e but It alsb Included a aprinklln«i of JP'OWllUP•. one basset hound and a periodically wail- ing baby. · The crowd was overwhelming pro- Humphrey but at one point the vice pres!· dent was interrupted by scattered abouts of "We want Gen!!" Humphrey Snapped back, "I do too!" After the applause died down, Hum· phrey added, "You eee how quickly we can rtsolve these·things." In his opening remarks, Humphrey at. tacked Richard 14. Nixon for his refusal to back educational legislation and added, "I want every boy and girl , rich or poor, black or white to have an education." Humphrey received a boost just prior to lhe speed! when the Missouri student coalition for Humphrey-Muskie issued a statement urging supporters of the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, Gov, Nelaon Rockefeller and Sen. Eugene McCarthy to back the Democratic ticket. "We believe Sen. McCarthy'• un- compromising posiUoo is wrong," the statement said. "Most or us were disap- pointed in August, but we are not willing to set politics back 20 years becawie the candidates are not perfect." The statement said "emoUonal self in· . dulgence on the war in Vietnam - however well Intentioned -can mean leis federal help to those who· need it most." The vice president apI>tfil'ed Monday night In Evana\lille, Ind., where he drew a crowd of 14,000 at Robert MemorW Stadium. Mayor Frank McDonald called it the biggest political dinner ever held in that city. McDonald said 10,000 persons paid $10 each to feast on chicken, rolll and salad and listen to Humphrey. Heart Attack Kills Air Force General SHANNON, Ireland (UPI) -U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen.Edward Scott died .of an apparent heart 1ttack tOOay after hl.1 commercial lirllner made an un11Chedul· ed landing at Shannon Airport when be became ill. Scott, 52, was head of · tbe American Exchange System -:-the PX-in Europe. He was on a commercial flight from Washington to Frankfurt. Stea111ed Up ldenlical letters to the United States, Bri· tain France and the Soviet Union, dated 0c:t.' 7, .suggested that the Big Foor leaders could pn>dUco c!on<rm results "ii an .,.ma cauld be a,...cl apon wblcll would be reallltlc ond not overan>- bWoua." He llf...-IN""""od that "a modest atart could and should be mad< In an attempt to deal with tho basic problem facln1 the Ol'Jl•nlxatlon, -elf bow can the United NaliOllll be enabled to develop mto a really effective instrument for peace and progress 11 envluged in the charter .1' Girl's Bite Sends Intruder Barking He suggested thal the proposed meeting of foreign mlplsten might be foll<>110d oomethne In lllG9 by a Bi& Four IW1Unit conference. r 1 Tblnp IOI a lltUe bot for the "health inspector" 'ff h e D be marched into the steam.room ol 1n Anaheim womm'• IY1'll and decided that h i 1 "orflctal" scrul.lny should Include the dimensions of a shape- ly girl attendant. Karen Kerbo, 22, •n e 1 er c I se supervtw at Holiday !kalth Spa, told ,POllce Ulat,111f ~l<Uid a ~ Olll"tr for the intruder'• ho t -b 1 n d e d In- veotlgouon -ibe • bit him. Alld her ....uant, wbo bad Identified hlmlelf u "John Weav,,r, 38, .helltb lnlpector," promptly Oid 1hr011gh """ of llghUy clad women. Police are lnvest11aUn«i the lncldenl which took pl1ce OYer the weekend. They have •stebllahed, that tho ctty beailh department bu. no 0 Jobn Wuver" on Ua boob. T...Wy, Octobtr 15, 1'168 DAILY '1LOT I ' VALENTINO: VAL'EN'TIN'O: THE NEW NAME THAT SUMMARIZES ·ALL 11-IAT IS FASHION TODAY. ITALIAN, BORN 1932, WITH COUTURE ATELIER ON VIA GREGORIANA, ROME; DESIGNER TO THE MOST ELEGANT WOMEN OF THE INTERNATION'AL SET. SOMETIMES CALLED "THE SHEIK OF CHIC''. .. ALWAYS ACCLAIMED AS A MASTER, MORE INVENTIVE WITH EACH NEW COLLECTION. RCBINSCN'B EXCLUSIVE SELECTION OF ORIGINAL VALENTINO DESIGNS, IN SUPERB LINE·FOR·LINE COPIES, WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN NEWPORT: THURSDAY, CCTCBER 17 OUR ILLUSTR'ATIONS: BLACK WOOL KN Ir DRESS, D~FINITELV BELTED WITH GOLDEN EAGLES, 130.00. SHAPELY COAT, IJVHITE OR PEARL GRAY WOOL GABARDINE, 225.00. THE DESIGNER ROOMS. OUR ENTIRE GROUP OF DRESSES ANO COATS, CHOSEN FROM THE FALL COLLECTION OF THE MOST EXCITING, TALKED-ABOUT COUTURIER IN ITALY BY OUR REPRESENTATIVE IN EUROPE ... WILL BE SHOWN INFORMALLY ... ORIGINALS WITH,THE UNE·FOR·LINE COPIES ... ON THE FOLLOWING DAYS: THURSOAY. OCTOBER 17; FRIDAY, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 10 ANO 19.~.., _._--" C;lt?i~rm~- N no~ort Cmttr Robinson's N noport • Fasbio". IslaKd • Pbont 644-2800 ' • I OA!l Y I'll.OT If popoorn eaters at movie tbea· tera acrosa the nation know any~ thing, Rlch~rd Nixon has the pres!· deiltlal election in the bag. 'Ille "popcorn poll" which picked Harry Truman over 1bomaa Dewey in 1948· and winners in every presiden- tial electiM since, bu predicted the number of jl-votes ·each candidate·will ·recOlve. lJ the elec- tion were beld·ti>i!llY., )l!Ovlns .Pop- corn Co. •rs Nixoni wouia receive 54 pe"""1t o( Ille vote, Muborl Hum- pliroy woold g~ SO pen:ent. and' George W1ll1ce-l6 ~ • . Retired Episcopal Bis hop JarMS A,, Pike ho.I hif ot.Ot\. tiitw of the e~ction. He 1ummed up hi.I feelings in a sermon at Grace Cathedral, San FmncUco, with the obleroatum "Thank God onl11 one: of the three can bf e~cted. • Pikt'llXl.S <Ulivering h.b first aemwm ot the c.atht'dtal since retiring aa bi&hop of Calif· omia in Sepkmber, 1966, . ' ' Ter.nce PHcefull,. an E,ast Coa~ insurance executivej g~ If bill from the gas company, 11181 _yr>set hitji, Peacefull said that ~ ""'f. floods in bis aJS il Gu Co. rep sentattve drove··Up ~,asked, , 11 your gas all rl«Jjt?". feacefull .re- plied, "Yes." F'Or lhl' be said; he received a bUl for 1attention to your equipment" of-.fl.95, • It took two years In llttpll"!' but the case against Elo C1nf1dori, 23, was !inally «!111«1 in )llllan, Italy. A court of aPJlOll]> ruled that Cali· tadori must •erve 15 days :in jail for stealing eigllt c.nts from a news- boy in 1966. • Ambulanct drivtr Don Wil- !ianu wok« up on a ttrttchtr in Bournemouth, Enolond toith a sore back and a f"Mgtng head in his own ambulanot. Ht 1oon had a red face. A ooli.ag~. told him holD a QUlt of toind blno om of the ambulance'i rear doora dotor\, knocking him un· conicioui. "I'U MWf live it down,,. Williama ICrid. • Fred CorfM, Mlllnlng for the Galifornia Assembly. says in Sacra· mento that in the last 139 days he has pushed tile doorbell or knocked at more than·45,000 homes. He bas found three housewives who an· swered the door in the nude, been bitten by several dogs, put a gopher snake bact in its cage, rescued tw., cat& from trees and picked up ooe bundle of laundry and a blanket to be dry cleaned ... • 0 1 suppose that a nation bent on turning out robots migbt insist that every male have a crew cut and every female wear pigtails."-Jus- tice William 0. Douglas, dissenting Monday from the SUpreme Court's refusal to heQr the appeal of three Texas youths who were barred from school in 1966 for wearing !hell" hair too long. ,/ Hanoi Split? Bid Seen to End Talks Deadlock From Wlr'I lel'Ylcel PARIS -Asian dlplomaUc IOU!'cts tr> day threw a little l1Cbt oa the ntum to Hanoi Monday ol top necotJalor Le Due Tho. 1bey SI)' he wW urge Ho au Minh to odopt a '"more llulble pooltkG." '!'be lnlormanll, wllh clooe contodl wtlh the war nepliatlciol, Mid that lluot "" .·.._. ,, NATO to-Watch Mediterranean Soviet Forces : ·. From Win Senicel , •NAPlES. Jtoly -The oouthem Euro- ,pean headquartera of the 'North AUanUc Treaty OrJanb.atlon 11 creating a new .command, to keep watch on growlf1C Soviet naval power fn the Mediterranean. The command, to be establiabed Nov. %1, will be .callod Maritime Air F..,,.. Meditefrannean and wilt have its bud- '<l:uarterl )n Naple!I. lt will be headecfby U.S. ~ •. Edward C •. OUUaw. U.S. . Horaclo -Rlvero, commander of ~ oroOI ,Sootllem Europe an- nouni:ol' today lhat the eommaod would be 1"-'I "to, eoOaunoje arid lmpN>•• air turVeilla:nce ol. the Mediterranean ~." 1111 brief etatemenl did nol mention the So\ilet Unloo. llaWever, the Sov!tl build- up ol a powerful ldeditlmlnean fleet ii the obVIOOI target I« the planned NATO survel.Uance. More ,fhan 50 ~iet naval 1hip1 art presently in the MediterraDean. ac-- cordlng to recent .._a. Elpt. ln- cluding a cruiser, have left tbe BJ.act Sea and passed through the Turk!Jb ltralll in the past 10 daya. 1 Meanwhile in Llobon )Odaf. U.S. Gen • Lyman Lemnitzer,l>upNmt c:ommander of Nortb AtiJIDUc , TralT Organlzoti111 ,....., Mid that ill -ct aqieaillll NATO would be -·to U10 nuclear weapo111 early in the CoalDct. Lemnitur also to I d\a packed 14th General As3embly of the AtlauUc Traty Aaaodation (ATA) !hot the llovltt.led In- vasion of Czecboalovakla~ bad "aerioul implicatiom" for the Welt. · Speaking of a~--· the general laid 'the aiUel wouJd be fon:ed to comnUt ruervet, to tnc1ude nuclear weapom, at an early point in the conflict." wu gpllt betwttn 1 pro-Soviet moderate • tactloa favoring an atterppt to break the deadlock in the talks and an unyieldin(f JM'(>Otinese racUon advoc:atin& an allo(!Ut military effort. They laid Tho will oeek e stzoogthtnlng of. the moderate wm, and dedi.bd a freer hand for his delegation. The delegaUon, ·headed by Xuan Thuy wJth Tho acting as Hanoi's top·man in the b<ckground. ·hu '° far had •riCJd ln- struetiOM to retuse substan:Uve t.alkJ before an unconditional U. S. bombing "'1t. Tho'• sudden departure for Hanoi Mon· day coincided with diplomatic reports that the Paris taJks were in a dicis.ive stage and that a break in the five-month dtadloct still could be achieved before the Nov. 5 prujdential electiom. ''°'nlO'• departure has been motivate<! by the Hanoi delegation's apparent con- vietlon,~hat a deal could be struck if their dlplomlts wer' allowed I a r g e r . el6crnobm," the diplomatic source said. He · pretjj~1?4 Tho would return 11hortly, ~ha'ps next wttk. China President Relieved of Duty By Mao's Forces TOKYO (UPI) -The regime of, Chinese Communist party chalnnan MaG 'l'IHung today announced that President Liu SbaCH:hi has been deprived of all his of6cla1 posts and ranks within and outside tbe·party. The announcement culminated a long struggle between MaG and Liu which has divided the' government, party and the people of Communilt China. Thousands of perlOilB have been reported killed in the power lltruggle aince Mao announced his cttltural rev01u· tlon in early 196a and unleashed his Red Guards . The Maoist ~ements repeatedly de- nounced Liu as China's Khrulbcbev, "a leader following the capitalist road'" and other derogatory temui. But hil name wu rarely mentioned specifically and no move wu made to depose him from his aovernment or party posb. OblerYvl said Peking's announcement tndlcated the Maoist forces felt they had 1ailledlenough,.lllrellilh to challenge Liu and hlJ followers. School Troubles Continue fu Largest Eastern Cities By United Pres• International Negro students held an overnight sit·ln at a Philadelphia high school today after racial trouble broke out at several other secondary schools Monday. New York City schools were closed by the third teachers' strike of the fall semester. The one-third of Chlc1go's Negro high school students who stayed home on their first "liberation Monday" • returned to classes . 'Ibe overnight t:it·in at Phllade1phia'1 Benjamin Franklin High School followed a day of trouble at several high acbools which saw 71 persona arrested. The vJolence came when two schools which had been closed last 'I'bur3day ind Friday -Bok Technical and South Philadelphia -reopened peacefully as police kept guard. The two had been dos· ed after racial trouble flared in their nelghborhoocls. Sporadic incidents occurred · at four Philadelphia schools Mcmday: Franklin, Olney, Dobbins and Edison. Explosion Shatters University Building ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) -An H· plO!ion shortly before midnight Monday shattered windows and a door of the University of Michigan's Inatitute of Science and Technology on the North Campus at Ann Arbor. There were no known lnjuriel, although police who moved immediately to seal off the area said building custodians ap- parenUy had been In the area Gl'lly moments before the bluL Dodge City, Amarillo Broil Wlwoping Crane Flight SpeU.s End to Indian Summer Callfortdo • v.s. s--... " .. tllltll .. ""' ....... "' ---...,..,.. ""' Cl#twlt 1n11i..i '"'""""" --..... .., """ . .... ..""" ~ """" .. .... ... . Mi.Ji'* -" ,_.,.,. ... first : :: ·~ t= :ir:.: .._..._..., ....... ......... .cti .... n.w ... Ill ,,_ """ c-d!MI--· Iv! "" 0 ... w. .... '"-_. If\ -..""""" ~ l'l'lllllont Gt ~ ltln 11'1'1 ttlf llllMMllt -!Ml' wilt ..... M'llte ......... 'Otrttffltlftt "" lkllnfMtlllf ---•Ir tlow _.... 1111 '"'"" "-Gulf Ill MMD It a a.t --.,.llifA ,,...,.,. .,... ,,. ........ ....,. TM .,.tftnl .,....... dlWI ,.II\. ~...... 10 llttlllel'lll -If Plllil\lr ...... ,.,.. hi ""' ~ ..... CWl'li'rll .....,._ Gt "-Aldtr ~NIM. ~ ~ -coMll'IM IO ,,.....,._ .... ..., fel "' ..... JIWdl " "-IMI lft ltlt ..... ...... ~. , . - TetnperatMre• Mltll t..w PAC, ·--.. ll ·" -M " • ltttel'I" • .. .......... .. ff ........ • • -• • ·" ""'"' • " c-.. • <-• • .. <_ .. • M ...... • ... -.. .. ...... .. .. ·-· " H .n .... -" n -.. » -" • -• " • ,,_.. Ctty • • l.••~ " y ... -" .. ·" M-• " M-N • .. :r::.i.,,. " .. .. .. --• .. ... -.. * -n " ..... ••"'-.. H =-· • " .. .. -... ... n .. _ .. • .. .... (ll'y .. " "" '""' • " . .. ... .. M ...,, ....... " " It. lw11 .. .. .. -.. ff W llltt Cit¥ " " ... _ n * •• "" ,,ltl'l(kco " " •• S.lltll l1rti.r1 " .. ...... " .. -M " " T-• .. " ... -,. .. A. ' Russ, Cuch Leaders OK'. Troop Plan M0600W (UP!) -Sovie! a n d Clecboelovak &ovtl"QQlerlt leaden reach· eel general agreement today ill pro!onj!ed talka to grant -"-the rtgbl to ttay in occupied Clechoaionkla in· definltdy. Eut Europoe diplomatic .......,report..i. Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosygin and Czechoslovak Premier Ohlrich Cernlk eoded their olflcW talD !&ta lbil af. t.rnooa and communique lo upecled to b< relwed laler. they aid. '"Both aidel were 11Usfled," the ln- 0 lannanll laid. Tbeae ooon:es refuJed to -any delalla. But other lnlormaala Mid tha m i I n outlines d the troop ataUoninf: Qreement were tettled wUh only some lepl and technlcail clauaea ltlll to be wofted oul 1Lut minute hitches preveoled tbel.r """pletlng the Job MOlll!o1 niPL A Kremlin -"""'"'°1 ... p>atpon-tl. Clecbollovlk newsmen •nnmaned to Happy Birtwq11; ;Ike ' • . • ~ 1 , U,tT......,_. lhe 11"1 fortreli-..... -bome. Tbm •N no Immediate espluatlon of the Moodq' night cmnpllcaliolll. Fonner President Dwight D. Eisenltower and his wife, Mamie, wave ·to crowd as he celebnite. his 78th birthday at Wder Reed Army Medical Ce!!ter, Wastµ?ill/IOD, Monday./Fom!Jlg a "V" with his fingers, the formeT president said bis best birthday gllt would be a booming Republican victory in neit month"• election. Cerni); and a Clochoalnval: delegatton new here 1.1...i.,. Tiley went lnto im- . mediate nigoliatlc!os wtlh Sovie! Premier Kooygln. The -laid they dilcusaed a key treaty parqraph !e1al!Jillg the "'temporary" Wtlnnlnc of teveral Soviet di~ ID Clecboalovakla. ' ' , Spa~emen .B°"gg~d· RI ~~emor's .. . · Daughter Dies Colds Hit 2; Cunningham Next? Of Ho:rse Kick SPACE CENTER, Hooston (UPI) - The common cold has bugged Apollo 7's crew, proved their doctors on the ground "only human" and given the phy11lcians their first crack at practicing real space -medJcine. TwG of the first Apollo crew had colds going into their fourth day of the mW:iGn today -spacecraft commander Walter Schirra and navigator Donn Eisele. And an utronaut physician rtfused to rule out chancea that Apollo 7 engineer Walter Cunningham was not catching one. Dr. John Ziegltclunid aald the colds pooed problems of dl8comfort for the crew and would necessitate special medication -decongestant tablets -tG keep their ears from hurting on re-entry. But be a.id It potied no threat to the flilbt. Had the same problem cropped up on a lunar filght -and the fourth day of 11.1ch a fllgbt would be the point when the astronautll reached the moon -it would have llmlled adlvltie1 and might have cut exploration to a bare minimum. But even this flight could have iooe on. What the colds have done, besides make two space crewmen very un- comfortable, has been to give the landlocked spaCf: medics their first chance to diagnose and treat reaJ earth- type Illness in orbit. "If we're going to have medical situa· lions in space, we started out with the easiest condition lo 'treat,' ·,. Ziegl.!chmid said, "because there ls really no way you can treat the common cold except to make the cold sufferer more com- fortable." Treatment, in the case of ApolJG 7's ail- ing crew, has: been to prescribe aspirin, decongestant tablets and lots of water. Diagnosis has betn llmlted largely to lmening to observations from the crew on their own ~tlon. PROVIDENCE, R !. (UPI) -Tribble .chafee, 14-year-old daughter ol. Rhode Island Gov. John Chafee, died today, three days after she waa kicked In the face by a horse. The girl was kicked during a riding show at Barrington. R. I. The horse lash-- ed out with bis hind quarters and cauaht Tribbia under the chin efler Ibo alid backwards off the anlmal. She had been kept alive since the ac- cident through the aid of a heart stimulator and .respirator. She never regained consciousness. Med.Jell bulletins from Rhode Island Hospital had listed her condition u . critical and unchanged unUI today when it was announced the child had died. Gov. and Mrs. Chafet have another daughter and four sons. Chafee'a op- ponent in the Nov. 5 election, Democrat Frank LicbL, canceled all campaign ap- pearances as soon u he ltarned of the accident. Get $100 or more monlh aftir month after month! l11111ino ••. H1rin1 a reiulor monlhl1 chock to look fnlnl tol Many of ttiost 'lho han a .. nd1rful MONTHLY SECURITY ACCOUNT ••• ori&inatld lid 1;., llllld by Nnport lllbOI $al\ftll ••• 111"'4 bf limp~ oPlftiOW I 4ividlld"llaiOW ""°SI """1lt Oll!tn -a lump •m. llAll lltE COUPlll 1111 CGlll'l.[J[ DEIAILS Oft TllE MOllillt.J S8lllllJ .!CCOtllll • ~ ~.,...... . --· WM~ "OIJ nTAJit Ill llCJI. AN fSTAtr Of't ::ft= YOU llfl.tl $Alla. lO,_. $1»s,m $200.Do fll:ll; 4'tlSTAltqt t ·.fllrp ,,,..,. S 1.ns.oo .. __ 11,...a bUJs.m • 1'.oo to,..,. • o\11S.QO -u,... ~ lfrMlr......, s-. .,... ttt.ma ::: ~,_. 117.JIOAO mG1Jo INISr ..... .'..... ..""" SIJ,411.00 1•--10,_,. ~ ,...,. s '"'DM --,,,_. ~ IHWIT .,.,.,,. lm.oo ,.,_. ~ SIJl;l.00 10,_. S"MOM wrntrl' ....... :;:: 1Jl'N<i 111.JCIOAD : = tow-rs --.0. ,.,..,. SlU50.o0 l -1f.,..11 117.»s.oo •Atr JJl'lftaiellt 1,. 1'0.00 10,_.. iq ............. llr .:-= ell lllOll In ....... -CWflllt ...... :::~~ .r:~ir:!tt~-.. ~· .... ~~1£~ PWt. • {"""'4b _.... .. """'"1-elf k tl04 ti *'• C.11'-"!I Fl•UI CeM ....., 1IMc' ......... "' .... ...i.t11oo .., N( .. i. Ml "11111 .. ,...,. "' .. "' ............ "' ,.... .. .....,..., r....,. llltilfnwtt ~lltll: "' .... Mt ..-iillJ II -JJ )'MB,) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • : DOWPORT B8I.JJOR 8RVIDO : e , .... _lfll ' AM•._A • ._..,1.-f... e : ... -V.. &Ma.~ ...... Cl ...... • ..._ IPJ.llllellM &.~ -...c-n. ... Mar, QIMDrntl NG1 • ,._.,.... : e "°''°"°"' 111 '*-8 .. OM Hlll'llll"M Ml!lleft !)ellart • e f',A. PAUl"'-.Qlll"INl11oltt11a.n1 AIHD l\.OlllQtUT, ........ • • • • • • ' HAM • • • • • : ADDRESS • : I 0 : CITY TATE ZIP' : : DIPT1•0t ..._.._..,..,,..,.._ ... ,..._ : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • " ~.For The ... , i Record - BALTZ lllORTVAllD!S C.... ... lllar ORW. OoaM-MINlll BEU. BROADWAY MOll'l'UAJIY llt --· Cella 111-u uas DILDAY lll\OTllEll8 BatlJlllH VaDey MorlaarJ l'!tll Buell Blft. B-.... Beadt IQ.Tm PACinC :Tin llEllOllUL· PAD OeaolerJeM-., °""' l5tl Podllc View om. Newport -. Clmmdo' -,PEU ·FAMILY COLONIAL l'VNE1UL ---· ... Wu* t, ..... ' Wi&'I lma'IUOT ..... II i}'._ .... wmrrcun llOIL'ftJUY ·~-... ~­.. 1771 Patrolman· ' Asks to Be . ' Reinstated ........ '• i. FAl,IE. TEmt ......... su,? 'llla"t ...... ~ .... , ... ,. ... Jw& ... -.:r-...:: .... 9'°'irt'7 .J, ... ,... "'1Ule • .. = plt.W:I. ......... a.... ~·--·-~~'::.~ &r..:r::. .... -' Tutldll, Oci.btr 15, 1968 DAILY PILOT f GUt Worth Mllllons San C"lement,e Man Donates R.anch ' - Tbe ru-aooda manulac> lurer !OWlded Ille firm In 1131 . u one of the city's first in- dilllr! ... Dotpl1e Ille !a<I that .. po<k.,. concept l>u, boon cholen for dtVeloprneot ol lhe prime acr<1ge, BYU olflclala Mid Monday tbat it woWd coo- fonn to Sin Clement••• mUt« lair The ~ fl localed In I sradllllll' cie\ielopinf -... tW and recreational aru. Qll..u.iied about why Dr. -.. .-to -bla holdinp to lhe . Qiurdl ol J-Cllrist ol l.alW Doy -· ·~ unlYe!JllJ, W1lkinloo Aid lhe- 11 not I 'Monnoll. "Re Ii not a .-ol lhe church.'' be ukl, ... ctuaDJ 1 think he la a Metbodlst. Re'1 jUlt I fine man." lfT'S BE FRIENDLY . It. JOU have MW~neJahbon or 'tnow of anyone movln1 to our area. pleue tell UI IO that we may txten4 a trlendl:r ~lcune and help them to becOme acquainted 1n tbtlr new IUlTOWldlnp, how WrlllY are YOU when you borrow money • Elit!)rlainment Huntington BelCh VlsHor 536-9626 Southern California Thrift & loan specializes iri per.sonal, business and Trust Deed loans ••• Stop In today end see how wa can solve your Imme. dllle money problems from depend· 1ble funds ovailable ri1ht now. The Thrifty way can son you money. • Sol~ers Protest Shooting of GI • • Kids Uke to Ask Andy Costa Mesa Visitor ' 642-6014 So. Coast Visitor 4940579 . Heritor Visitor 675-3433 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA THA~FT & LOAN 170East17th st., Costa M ........ 148·5\MS 1359 Wllthlt• Blvd., Los Ante/es, •• 653·1220 1be pl()t isn't much, but 'yo e got to read .the int· uction ! .: .... _,-·~ . • ' . . ~====-:ir ' Perhaps it's exaggerating tq say our phon'e . directory introductory pages are pure adventure. But )f Y,OU want to call a ship at sea, the front pages tell you how. They're easy to use, too, 'for ' everyday in(ormatfort. • · · ' For example-how to dial long distance call~ 1 ' • ' f ••• ~ ~-~ >=::::::, ... •; I direct-how _to find Area Codes for other com mu· nifies.::how to reach Repair Service day or night -how to figure costs on many long distance calls.' '\ If you still come up with. a question the front pages can't answer, call your local telephone Busi·l ness Offrc~ ~nd ask for ybur Service Representative. Welre here to help. PdcT~l1f611•@ • • •, ' ' • • I I I • • • . , le ,DAILY l'ILOT PENETRATION tll••rty •¥•ry•fl• N1c:h th• DAILY 'ILOT, homef.own "'"''• ''"''' fer the F1bulou1 Or•nt• C..rl. ·- ~~ ~UTU ASSETS OVER S42s,ooo,opo.oo I ' • INGS • 1 OTHER BRANCH OFFICES ~( Wnl Arcadia • Covin• ~ G .. nd•hi ·' I ,\, ==--... "'-··---- " .. t·! - " . • Prices - - Com-ilete York - - = . = • -.-... '"""'· Oct-IS, 1968 DAILY PILOT J.J Stock Exchange List ' • I = rt= n = DAILY PROT EDITORIAL PAGE The Gun-buying Si)ree ' ~· . Webster's first deftnition. of "fear" is "an unplea· sant often strong emotion caused by anticjpation or awattness of danger." 1 , Unhappily, a great many citizens of the United States are in tile grip of such a raw fear a1 lhe nation has never known before. at least in the Twentieth Cen· tury. Its most tangible manifestation is in the enormous increase in the sale of guns and ammunition to private citizens, especially during and since the summer riots of 1967. President Jobnson'.s commission on violence . in the first such data ever assembled, has trai..."'ed a distinct correlation between rising racial tension and fear in the nation and sky.rocketing gun sales. Items: -For the first six months of this year, 1.2 million handguns were produced or imported, 50 percent more than the total production of 1967 -which in turn was 33 percent above the 1966 total. -"Estimated production and imports" may be re- garded as sales figures. -In the first six months of 1968, manufacturers produced more tban 20 bullets for every man, woman and child in the United States. Al!. never before on such a scale, Americans are arming "in the cities and in the countryside," as In· ternal Revenue Commissioner Sheldon Cohen testified before the Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence last week. Llttle W"OOder, in the fc:i:e of such a fear--driven vote of no confidence in the protective ability of the nation's police and armed forces, that Congress passed the strongest gun control bill in history last week. A compromise with a stronger measure asked by the President, the bill bans the mail order sale of rifles, shotguns and ammunition. This is a followup to a simi· lar limitation on handguns written into law earlier this year. Besides making it illegal to buy through the mail outside the state of residence, the bill bans sales of fire- arms Or ammunition to juveniles, fugitives, mental Jn- compelenls, drug addicts or persons under criminal m. dictment. It also forbids over-the-counter sales of pistols to anyone. under 21 and 1ifles and shotguns Lo those under 18-with similar age limit. applying to the sale of am- munitiQfl. Congress eliminated the h.i.ghly....controversial gun registration provision. even though many gun owners would like to register their hunting, markmanship and collectors' firOOrms simply for their own protection in event of thett and us' for criminal purposes. The new gun bilJ, when the President signs it into law. will be no great deterrent to the hardened criminal. Mosl mUrd.ers, however, are the result of violent im· pulse wif:bio. families or among 11.1Cquaintances -not the acts of kue criminals. It follows that the less avail· able guns and bullets are in time of fierce emotion, the less likelihood of their lethal use. This frightening fact about murders is what makes the huge 1:1pswing of private gun sales so worrisome and such a Utreat to the nation's domestic peace and tranquillity. A Chilling Prediction Noting that famine is not just a threat, it is already here in \;he worJd, and that the present world population of 3.3 billion will be more than S billion in 1985, UC Ir· vine biologist Grover Stephens offers this chilling pre. diction: "I think we are going to have a cataclysmic crash in population.-It's typical at the end of sustained growth for all kinds' of systems. Whether it will be caused by epidemic, nuclear war ·or something else, I couldn't say." · This best fed nation in history should hwnbly offer up its fervent thanks -and not ju.st on Thanksgiving Day. ' ' Nixon·Hutnphrey TV Confrontation ' Rodney '/!:11,lists ~illie Debate's Dangers, Futility WASHINGTON -Running through the text or the Nixon-Kennedy debates of 1960 one is struck by the absence of any logical Jssue upon which a voter might have chosen between them. In fact, U a choice had been made on the basis o! issues voters would have been misled, much as they were misled in the 1964 campaign by Lyndon J o h n s o n ' s assurllllCi:S on the Vietnam War, and in 1940 by Franklin Roosevelt's implicit pledge to keep out of World War II. The debates of 1960 got Richard M. so does Nixon. If they have been fully briefed, as they undoubtedly have been, t 1 they are in possession of important top treaty commitments." Nixon did that. "In the fourth of the Nixon-Kennedy debates, Kennedy made the most d a n g e r o u s I y irresponsitlle recommendations that he's made during the course of the campaign." j secret military information as well as the official insight on the Paris talks. Only the very naive would suppose that the Johnson Administration has told the enemy, through the press, everything it knows and all its intentions. Nixon and John F. Kennedy into a SHOWERED BY criticism for those Between them, Nizon and Humphrey could so obfuscate, the facts as to com· pletely mislead the American public once again on their own views but more im· portantly on the present bargaining posi· . tion of the United States government In a life and death matter. frightful tangle of contradictions. On the who wished a softer line in Cuba. Ken· issue of Castro's Cuba each emerged on nedy then shifted his position,, denying he the side opposite to his convictions. Ken· advocated intervention in Cuba and nedy was the hawk, Nixon the dove. A saying merely that "we must use all NIXON AND Humphrey may as well covert operation alr~ was in JXJCW, ,a~~~~W~and tbe.plOl'~~'l~ de~~ al;all ~.they de~ate Viet· for a U. s. 'backed. fuvask>n or Cllbll'fl:J 1 ~-or llie' go t, to IM '~ ,_:.n~ ~ caitta1k endlessly aboul law anti-Castro forceJ. Nixon had advocated forces of freedom in Cuba know that we. aruf brtl.er. endinx up at about the same this in inner councils of the Eisenhower are on their side." plaoe, without doing much damage. But · AdminlstraUon and felt he was in large Thus the main issue of the debates was their debate on Vietnam cou1d mean life part respoMible for adoption of the plan. a fiasco. Elected president, Kennedy let or death, ~s it enc<ll1?'8ged or discouraged the Eisenhower planned invasion 10·· the North Vietnamese, to the men who ·forward, and his associates have been:. .are defendlng;Hue and Quang Tri City. KENNEDY, BRIEFED by Eisenhower officials, knew jt, too.· Jie called for SUI> port for the JUii-Castro forces in nile "who offS-evenWBI hope of overthrow- ing Castro." Nixon re.lat et in his book, ''Sb: Crises',: "There was · only one thing I could do. The covert operation had to be protected at all cos\!. I must not even suggest by in1plication that the United States was rendering aid to rebel forces in and out of Cuba. "In face, J must go to the other ex· treme: I must attack the Kennedy pro- posal to provide such aid as wrong and irresponsible beCause it would violate our apologizing for this ever since. . ~ut if there is to be a debate - All ·that the debates in 1960 did was to regardless of. the !nodificaUon of the confu.se and mislead the public and shbw eq~l time law by Congres.s -let it be a a tanned and masculine Kennedy in.con-: debate, and not a .television show. Let it trast to a Nixon pasty-faced from pan--\ nm for a couple· ol hours, or as Jong as it cake makeup. .llffds to run, for a full exposition of views of the opposing candidates. Newsmen and television panelists have no place as participants. Entertainment formulas should be banned, and the can-- didates should be on their own. THE PERSONAL contrast would not be all that sharp in 1968. bul the "debate"-· if it could be called that -could and pro- bably would lead to just as many con. tradiclions and fabrications about Viel·' nam. Humphrey knows some thlngs th~ Johnson Administration docs not wish emphasized at this particular stage, and Even then, a Nixon-Humphrey debate would probably end in a phantasmagoria of false impressions, misinformation and . rabricatloo. South's Inferior Education At hand are the 1960-1967 public school dropout rates for the United States. Georgia, where Governor Lester Mad· dox has been doing so much for educa· tion, has slid into 50th place. Kentucky, with the huge blight of the Appalachian coalfields poverty, is 49Ul. Alabama, v.•here Gov. Wallace did so much for education, is tied at 48th place with f.lississippi, where fonner governor Ross Barnett did so much for the schools and where Governor Williams presently is a servant of the public. ALL SOUTllERN states are dovrn at the bottom of this st.atislical bog. Virginia, a border dominion, is ranked 35lh. One then deSCi'nds to the 39th posi· lion where South Carolina rests, high above other Deep South states. Publication of these abrasive facl.'I never falls to set off the shrill. ceaseless )'apping of those who seem really paranoid about any criticism of Southern conditions. There are others who, either lhoughtles.sly or callously, explain that it i1' lhe Negro child who drops out or who has a low learning level. They do not setm to know they thC!'rtby confess that the Negro children have, in· deed, btt!n discriminated against lot Dear Gloomy Gus: -ll. O'L. ""' .............. .......,.. ...... ... -·-vr ... ., ............. ... ,.... """ .... I-......... .,.., ...... . , M;' :,l' generations and t h a t the schools pro- vided for Negroes were, even as the courts found, Inadequate and inferior. The truth is the South long has betn, and in many places still is, running schools that aren't good enough for any children, of whatever color. These oulraged defenders of the system that has for a century contributed to downgrading South()rn education. wages and industrial development to the sacrifice of the educational chances of generations of children, white and black, are determined to continue it. This often is more true in the areas where the: changes in agriculture and population have impinged so harshly on human beings. Access to education, opportunity and a fair chance in the rural South was o(ten li.rrtited or absent YET. TllERE arc many ~·hu defend the most shabby or the political demagogues because they p r o t e c t "Southern customs.'' This paradox of the poor white Southerner cheering the prac- UUoncrs of political policies that for generation!! have retarded the South is OM of Lhe more Inexplicable con· tradicUons. As the dropoul report was being tabulated, Southeroel'I in Congress managed to add to a major appropriation hill a.n amendmcnl thnt wilt prevent the federal government from carrying out measures necessary to raise tilt quality of Southern educaUon. "'hich. year by yc:u-. sinks lolll-'tr or barely n1anages to otand stilt. THE CANDIOAC\' of G!'Orgc \\"a"llacc ls anothtr example. Herc is a m11n who l)'mbolize!I and urges lhc majur policies and attltudta that ha ve brought the South so low in the essential indices of a good life and opportunity. Yet, his following is fervent, large and vocal. What. for example, does the study show about the dropout family? Its findings are relevant to the overall problem. " .•. The parent is often indifferent or passive about education. The father has completed only siJ: rears of school, and the mothe.r bas completed only seven years. The parents often encourage the chikl to drop oul. . , . " Here the picture comes into sharp focus. The parents themselves know no bet· tcr. They. too, are victims of the Southern policy in which a segregated system created a poverty of educational opportunity in which the schools, as William Faulkner wrote in a piece of satire, were "not even good enough for white children . ., Yet, there are lhost who heatedly de- fend things as they are. who think thal ir somehow George Wallace and others like him can but get into power, CYerythlng will be all right. ---iWWW- Tueoday, October 15, 1968 Tht editorial pcpt of th.e Dall11 Pilol 1e1k.1 to inform nnd 1tim- ulatt nadttl bu presenting Utb netotp0per'1 optnfon.a and com- mcntcrv o7t tOJ)fcl of fnttren and 1fgnlfica.n1:t, bt1 prooidlng a forum fO'T tht t%J)'rts.rlon of our reackrs' opinfON. and by pre,,e-ntino th.ti dtvtrst 17ftto- J>Ofnt.s of tnfornud obrnwrr and apokc:men on iopic1 of the da~. Robert N. Weed, Publllber 111, His Cause "Hi, Millicent. I guess your folks went down to the Support Your Local Police & Cut Local Taxes Rally?" "Yes, but come on in, Rodney. I'm just sitting in the living room all alone, ad· dressing 'Stamp Out Red China' pam- phlets for the Young Americans for Individual Freedom. But what's wrong? You look depressed." "Oh, it's this book I've been reading by a couple of political scientists, Rogow and Lasswell. It's called .•• We~_ It's called 'You Know, Culture and Politics in America'." · .. You know?" 0 YEAB, YOU KNOW. It says the reason we're ·young Cof1$ervatfves is because of childhood conflict.! over ••• well, you know. Aod we've got unhealthy, repressive attitudes towards • . • well, you koow," "Oh, Rodney, what bosh. I've got the nonnal healthy attitudes of any red4 blooded, patriotic American girl. I can ~ven say the word.'' "You can?" "Sex!" "Gosh, Millicent. You're. wonderful • And t want you to know 1'11 never think the less of you for doing it." •'THANK YOU, Rodney. I guess that takes care of those sick, lnow-nothing: BCifntists." "Not quite, Milllcent. You see they also saY that these same childhood connicts produced all these dirty, lopg-haired Left Wing Radicals -only they're rebelling against these restraints. That's wby they believe in free -excuse the word - love." "Ugh! Those scientists are righl Free Jove certainly has no place in our free enterprise system." "But don't you see, Millie? The basic problem, if I can speak frankly, is that because these beatniks believe in licen- tious free love, they're going to -forgive me -outbreed us Conservatives." "I don 't see the connection. Rodney.·• "JUST TAKE my word for it. Unless we do something, they'll overpopulate the world with little Left Wing radicals. They'll overwhelm us by :sheer nwn- bers." "Oh, Rodney, what can we do?'' "We.ii, first let me put your Guy l..om· bardo record on in case anyone's eavesdropping. The~. Then I'll just pull these shades. Yoo never know who's watching. There. Now come close and I'll whisper my plan." ''GOSH. RODNEY. v.•hen you look into my eyes like that. .. " "It's up to each of us to do his or her part., ~fillie, to save this great country or ours." "And when your vo.lce &on all huslcy' like that. Rodney ... " "Sometimes, Millie, we have to violate the conventional morality In order to preserve IL Somellmu, we have to sacrifice ouraelves on the altar of freedom to keep our Nation strong." ''Oh, Rodney, wl'IM you take my hand In yo"" like tbat. I JuJt men Inside. I'll do anytlllng ""' ut." "Anything?" "ANYTHING." •·1 triew I cou.ld count on you, by golly. P.teet me In front of the Youth for Wallace Jlcadqu.artcn after trukful and we'll pas.s out these bumper •tickers. ThC!y say, 'STAMP 0111' (foraive me, Millie) SEX!'" • R:aiii:sts Show ' . . . Their . Ignorance Many animals don't recognir.e their own young. It takes them a long time to distinguish between th~ir own children and other babies or the same species. The most obvious fact about the human species stares u:s in the face so freely that we fail to see it. And that is the utter diversity and individuality or each member of the human race. No two persons -except twins from the same egg -really look alike. Every fingerprint in·the world is different. So is the precise composition of blood. Nature has made us the only individuated species in the world. AUfOST NOTIUNG in nature is without a purpose. There must-be some reason that the higbest member on the evolutionary tree is also the only :species in which individual traits are more distinguishing than generic ones. The reason is not far to seek nor hard to find . Among humans alone, it is diversity that protects and perpetuates the species; while among the lower animals. it is blind uniformity that keeps them going. They adopt to their en- vironment; we ~e m!)de to change oufs. And if all of us were more alike than dif· ferent, we would become extinct when conditions drastically change. THUS, THERE ts a biological as well as a moral imperative against all forn1s of ra cism in the human species. We need millions of different kinds of persons in order to ensure our survival; reducing the :species to one particular kind - whether white, black, yellow, or speckled -would sharply lower the odds for oor continuance on the earth. All foxes behave like one fox, all clams like one clam, all owls like one owl. Only man runs the gamut or actions and reac· tions. And, just as nature may produce a million spermatozoa in order that only a few may tum into living forms, so it pre>- vides us with the widest diversity Of in· dividuals so that a few might survive tbe most cataclysmic changes in the en-- vironment THOSE WHO PRATE about 11purc blood" and "race lines" are as ignorant as: they are mischievous. We are all of one blood and of one ancestry, and our family ties as a species are far more significant than our superficial dif. ferences or ethnic background. The paradox In this whole matter ts that we are created so highly in- dividualized in order to secure the welfare of the species; yet unless we pl<l_ce the welfare of our species above 019.". own partial loyalties, we will lose our individuality and the earth along with iL The only effective way to guard our dif. ferences is to affirm our unity. Marching on Washington In an address at the Lincoln Memorial on a warm October day in 1967, David Dellinger declared the "beginning of a new stage in the American peace move- ment in which the cutting edge becomes active resistance." His words prefaced the celebrated March on the Pentagon minutes later. They sound propbetic now. The first anniversary of that event. Mon· day, Oct. 21, is due to usher in a new round of antl·war demonstrations over the nation. The Student Pifobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam has called for demonstrations, Oct. 21·27, on campus and off. The National Mobilization Com· mitt~, which Dellinger heads, is pro. moling peact protests in major cities. Nov. 1·7, plus a student strike and a boycott of the general elections. A massive demonstration is planned in \\'ashington as far ahead as next Jan. 20 inauguration day. ' THE ~ELEBRATED t\1arch of ft year ago ls still clouded in controversy. \Vas it the heart:felt response of a concerned Quotes Robert nt Vore, Palm Springs ~n de,_Jtr, on dlfncalty of ('Ontrolllng: trlmlnal-uae of'weapoas -"Let's face it. tr a crook w.anta to buy a gun bad enouJh, he can.'' Leon Cbevaller, S.F. 01'.man after btlng allot at by snlp«s -"Well, we put out ht f-ire anyway." Wallace SU!per, stanford m:atl\-'t wrUin~ director -"lt'11 not the writer 1 duty to JOlve, but ooly to state problems oorrtoUy." Aasemblymaa John Stull, Eachtlt11 -"'llhere ls only one way to change an onlerly socloty, ..00 tllol ts with l>alloU. WI><• bullets .... od .... ted, ll Sa time to blow d>e whistle." citizenry or the handiwork or agitators! The thousands of participants included middle-class Americans and costumed hippies, student activisl.'I and organized mothers for peace. As if renectmi its split personality, the March was a two. stage affair: The first, an almrut leisure- ly bit of speeclunaklng at the Lincoln hfemorial; the second, a sometimes bloody encounter with troops and marshals on the steps of the Pentagon lasting until the early hours of Oct. 23. ' Even now it L:s not yet clear whether the March was the catalyst for a broader base of anti-war activity which was to follow. But at the least it became a fixed point for labeling developmenl.'I before and after. In the "after" period the can· didacy of Sen .. Eugi:ne J. McCarthy plac· ed the peace 1swe in the mainstream 0( American politics and dissuaded an in.. cumbent President fro1n seeking re-elec- tion. Jn the view or its leading chronicler novelist Norman 11-taller, lhe March 0~ the Pentagon was "an ambiguous event- whose essential va lue or absurdity may not be tl:!abllshed for ten or twenty years, or indeed ever." B11 Geo,..e ---. lleaT ~go: l recenUy have been tNnsfu. red. Coold you tell me ho'# to · meet rome nice girls IA a atrange town like Chicago? Deor G.S.: G.$. l live ln Florida and don'l ~ how to meet any nice girls m a strange town like ChJcaio. However. I could put you l!J touch with some strange P'IJ in 11 ntoe town like M1amJ. -----..,.,,..--,.,--------------~-·-~--------------------~-·-~---~~·..--· .. ·---·--·..---·.--,, .................... ..-----~·~7 ~ T_,..,, OdMll' , .. 1NI LI ..... U JEAN COX, 494-9466 Time Allowed For Applause Queen of Hearts Guild members, Childreo'1 Hoopltal of Orengt County, will take time out from preparatloos for tile three-day CHOC Fair next weekend for a champagne tea bonOring affiliate members at 3 p.m. next Thur.day. Mrs. George Gade will open her Emerald Bay bomt to about 70 active and affiliate members gathering for the-annual event. During the tea William H. Spurgeoo 111, new appointed execu- tive vice president on the hoepitai's board of trustees and director ot development will brief the membership on the hospital'• future. A third generation Orange Countian, the speaker has a wide acquaintance with hospitals in the area through bi3 participation Oii many hospital boe.rds. Arrangements for the affair are being made by Mrs. C. Rey. nolds Hulst, hospital committee chairman. Assisting her are tile Mmes. Dwight Smith, James Wheaton, William 'lbomas, Monte Warr and Neil Nelson. Host...., greeting members end welcoming af!ilateo, will be the Mmes. Gade, along with Mrs. William Gwinn, affilifl,te chairman, and Mrs. Macauley Ropp. guild president. Decorations in all fall colors are being planned and canapes and ' ' ON THE BOARD - A busy week is seheduled for Queen of Hearts Guild, Children's Hospital of Orange County. Mrs. Geor~e Gade, boStess (center) and Mrs. Thomas Fleming, membership chair· man• (right) listen studiously as Mrs. C. Reynolds Hulst, hospital- ity chairman, briefs them on plans for ch~·mp8.gne tea next. Thurs· day honoring a:ffiliate members of the guild. The women also are anlicipating the CHOC Fair next Friday, Saturday and Sunday. cookies will be served al~g with rt!freshmenls. . Guild participation in the long..,waited CHOC Fair, to take place in Fashion Square, Santa Ana, Friday through Sunday, will include three bodtbs where art, tarts and cookbooks will be sold. Ann ua l Ch ristma s Bazaar One -stop Shop Set in Church There's more than one way to trim a tree, as any churchwoman of st. Mary's Episcopal Church, Laguna B~ch, can testify. Throughout the year, nimble-fingered women have been working wit.h tinsel, glitter, greenery, pai.Dt, paper and ribbons in an effort to create new and eye-catching Christmas decorations. In addition, they have bee<l sewing, embroidering, knitting, growing plants and wrapping gifts. The reason for the, year·long efforts is the third annual Christmas Bazaar which offers buyers the op- portunity to do all their holiday shopping in one stop. It will take place in the church, 428 Park Avenue, from 10 a.m. 1'o 4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. a . Here, baked goods will be on display, along with Christmas decorations, gifts, and a treasure chest brim- ming with white elephants festively wrapped and ready to be placed under the atristmas tree. Shoppers also will be able to lake a break and nouris!iment by enjoying the coffee and sandwiches which will be available throughout the day. Mrs. George Campbell, president of the group, also is coordinating the bazaar. Mrs. Edmund F'aircbild is treasurer, and Mrs. Robert Burnside, secretary. Committee chairmen include the Mmes. Francis Nau, han~c~aft; John ~r, sewing; Ch~rles Thomas, knitting; Lyman M. King Jr., decorations. Carl Rankin and H. E . Kinkead, treasure ctiest; George Davenport, plants, Edwin Cuttjng, invitations, and Al Keith and Robert Sdmitzer, food. ALL THE TRIMMI NGS -Churchwomen oi St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Laguna Beach are hard at work on the patio of Mrs. Ftancts Nau creating holiday decorations for their upcoming third annual Christmas Bazaar. Mrs. Marie M<:Lemore (standing) ad· mires a tiny tree which will be sold while Mn. Robert Bumslde, bazaar committee secretary, works with Mn. Stuart Weber and Mrs. Dorothy HobSOll (left to right). I . 1 • It's No Whitewash.-Pink Silk Will Suit This Occasion 1 l I ' ; DEAR ANN LANDERS; A bouquet ol onions to you for the advice you eave to that ·poor kid who had a baby out ol wedlock and asked U .it would be all riil>I to (el nwTled In a white ....tdln& &own and have her J-year..id dlllll>ter u a no-atrL Jllll bee&• Bella made a UUle ~ is no reason she should pay for It for th• rut of hlr life, II it! ·1\'111 lhould Ille bide her he.d In the -like an ollrltb! ~l:mwlwhat~. Beil& tal<es her child ever"here and • calls heneil Mila Jooeo. 1 thbik thll tak- es 1 ')ot "-couraat1 and &he la to be ~ mired. Now lbat Bella hu a chance to marry a alee fellow, whJ ohoujd Ille have tho dream ol her llle 1polledl '1bia Ill> • ,l ANN LANDERS ril fortunate lirl hu alwa11 wanted a lovely while wedding, with ....... bloaDIN and evel')'tlima. You were mean to llY no and spoil a young malden'1 dream. -A CLOSE FRIEND DEAR CL<l611: A lir! w .... bd a ddkl • 1 t of wedlock .. no malcka -ao forpt 1boat "'1poOlq .lier tlrum." u• allowa .... -le "" ... llawer rtrt •• lier weddlq alle will be 69 •bJeel ti rlclll;J t ?rtrved rldk:ale. I. 11mtbod7 • I . cu talk Mr into ww1n1 1 pink 1Dk nit -in the pa&or'~ ttady. DEAR ANN 'LANDERS : You keep ln- alatlni that alcollolilm is an lllneU. I know for a fact you an wrona. Alcohollsm IJ no 111-, it IJ hered!Laey. The family I~ Into is living proof. l knew when I married Jim that he had a drinktng problem but I didn't know he would take gin in a bot wattr boUle to the bolpllal when be bad bis &ell bladder out. Jim's father baa not drawn a sober breath slnct I met him 21 years ago. His mother hu not uttered a coherent sentence fn the last IS years. Jim bu three brothers and two aisttn. The ooly one in the crowd who doesn't drink is a lister who la a rellgklUI nut and I think a few drlnD mlibt Improve her penonality a lot. J won't 10 into uncles and aunts, but at every family wedding or birthday perty all they do is drink. Noboci)' eau. They have to call the fl(e department to come get the food becauae they hato to throw It out. 'I1lil bunch is living proof thU alcoholism 11 heredlLaey. ft's notJ)OISlble that everybody In Jim'• fiunily caughl the same illness. I hope you will be bij enough to admit you ate """" and I'm !\ ri8ht. -DON'T TOUCH THE S'l1JFF MYSELF DEAR m.JP'F: Tiie upertl 1sr-tllat a tendeacy loward a1coa.ou.n. ID&1 be beM!Laey, • 1 I alooltolinl is 1 a I II> llerited lib c:toHed 1eelb .. i..ter-cap ears. U to Uppem iUt 1091 llllbad't clu la loaded llflll ...-at pnbleau ud C • t J ID cMlt dlil I a m. I tlCipl llaldl-lloou. DEAR ANN LANDERS; Belen a womae marria lltCOnd Ume for bolhJ -Ille hava the rtpt to -bow much money the mu eama, how tOUCh he hu in the bank, how much he hu in ltock11 bondl and real eat.ate, and bow much inlurance be carriel? When a cet· taln lady uked me -quullom, I u1d, +otJoem•t cblradet count?' .. s b. replied, "Yea, bUt l can learn that fnn your behavior." l\'.bal do you 11&1 abaul. thll matter, Ann? -WARY WALLY DEAR WALLY: I 1a7 I,,....._. tHrtptlo_ ... __ , .. _". qae1U-btftre llte man1N. T•• div--.II ate -·-,..,.., wllo mantod llnl ...... ia.. ' When n>rrumtlc &!-tum to -embraceo is it la¥e or chemlaln! 11-4 for the booklet ''Love or S.. ahd How'le Tell the Diii'"""," by Ann Lmlft, Enclooe • loaa, atampocl, IOll-I i I envelope and II ceota in cala with .,_ requoat. Ann Landtrl will M sJad to lloip iltl with your proltlema. --to hlr la , cm ol llto DAlLY PILOT, ~ .tamped, lelf-addiJJAd......... • . . ' ----. I . In Stars' Homes .. • He 'Furnishes' s·pecial Touch By JSAN OOX ... D*"" ,..., ... -Alu Clark•, hlll wife and two youngsters live In a rambling, yellow tapo Cod home which 1l<Sllel atop a oecloded knoll In Emerald Terrace.. ... ln&ld•, though understatod, the • alm<llpbere ii one of 'tt'umth, riCbness and com· fort. A -of periods, in- cludlq a chair from the Napoleonic period, 1U1 old Englllh desk aod Chlneae print ICl'eei>, ii II In HceDenl taste -u 1t should be 1lnce Clarke ta as interior decorator ol aome merit. Prior to moving h I s fumlture and family lo Laguna some three years ago, Clarke had a home in Beverly Htu• which now is owned by Juliet Prowse. Clar~•. who hu • In the decorating bualneA Io t ti years, wu b or n lD Beverly Hilll:. H1a father WU the busineaa manager for Barnum and Balley Circus, however be decided to follow hls arllstic lntereats and ·lft<t complelln& mllilary BetVice went lo UCLA lo 1tudy Interior design. A few of those who sought hia professional advice wl!:rt Doris Day, the late Mr. Clark Gable and Donna Reed. A .man with definite tastes, be feels there have been aom11 •-.,... unfortunate p e r I o d 1 in decorating tr.ndl, including Clarke tackled Miss Day'• Cblnese Modem which was home some se:ven years ago popular in t h e 1ttos. "It was when she purchased It from pretty horrible, but I'm not Alfred Wallensteia. r<Spollllble," be laughed. "I The Day home, done ln wu still in ICbool." Country French, i I con-''The Scandinavian trend, n temporary ln design but tradJ.. he said, "waa basicaDy a tional in f'llmlsh!ngs. Colora. Clarke reported, are sunshine nothin.I period. It came right yellow and straw ( h er after the war and people were favorites) with off whiteJ and just feeling their way around.'' accents or Freoch blue. He think! Mediterranean Mtsa n... ~-'·led a soda •fumtt:urt is attractive but ~ UIAIO warned, "When llOIDf!thing ii fountain be installed in a cor· overexposed, people get tired ner of her Jiving room in lieu ol it. H 1 were working for of the tradiUonal bar. "She never serves liquor," Clarke IOphlsticated people with some e:a:pJained. Instead her guest. amount of. money to invest, I art treated to healthful juices. wouldn't S U 11 e It Mediter· rueu. Miu Day bu one problem · F.clectlc decorating, ac- most women would cheerfully .... -i~ .. t.o Clarke, la "in ... Ec-wish on themselves -closet """ ...... 'Sailing , Sailing •.. ' space. To make way for the lect1c, he uplained, la a mh:-lute of types and periods of kin . star's gigantic wardrobe, the furniture. "If it la done ......... Bas g in tne sunshine of AlohB·land are Mr. and decorator hooked two .... _.. Mrs. Alvin D. Penhall of Balboa who sailed to the bedrooma together to make • :"~.!.~~best decor," be __ P_a_cili_c_I_sl_en_d_a_boanl __ tb_e_SS_L_ur_lin_e_. _____ 1 closet. ,., __ 'I11e movie star's bathroom "'uu-ke defmitely wrinkles up Is minus a tub, since she l.s a h1a noee at what be calls ahower fan. She bathes ln a department aUn window ~:""":--------------! m:irble stall with antique gold homes. "I am. against the Idea 11 fixtures. of aets ol tbinp, such at 4fu Tc care "She has marv<IOUI tam, bedroom aulteo all in the same lllle 0 ' I INTERIOR DECORATOR Bruce Al•n Cl•rk• .. --------=----=----- as can be seen ln her classic pattern. Somewhere, things wardrobe. Sbe doeln't go in lhould be broken ·up with a -$-------------~··:.::iL for ostentaUOUJ things al all, coolralllng piece ol furnilutt. There is a job fur yoo In the llarilor Area -a Horoscope and she loves antiques," Deccrattng, according to the position needing no other qualification but your ti.me Clarke said approvingly. v-:teran, depends greatly on and willing hands. He worked on the late Clark the te:rtile indult:ry. Leo: .You Are Gable'• rambling c o u n t r y "Currently we are tn the Thousands al these openings are avalle.ble for Engliah home in Encino, also period of mOl'fl el e g a n t men and women from teenagers to senior citizens. about seven yean 8g0. fumiabinp, al\boUeh 1 prefer Now is the time to get invclved in your com.- Gable, it aeems, never ma4e thil 1n an ·underatated manner. muQittes' needs. You can help a youngster to learn many ch a.n i e 1 !from the Somewhere al<>f18: the line, the or ease the· burden of lonellness for the elderly. original ho1I1e be. built with textile lnduatry 'iltatted com-. ' POSITIONS PROMISED Carole Lomtiard many years lng b a e k With ol!f tapestry • Winner Today ago, although thert ha\l'e been .weave1-and brocades In a AwaitQ:l,g yoor telephone •:all is the Volunteer M!Veral new Mrs. GlbJes sJncre fresh up-to-date approach and Bureau. Mrs. Linn Arkush at 642--0963 is tile execu- then. "I think ·thi.5 annoyed hi! in more vivid colors. 'I11e five director and will personally assist callers from wives," Clarke confided. He furniture had .to change to ac-9 a.m. to noon every weekday. said his work with Gable was commodate the weaves being She will custom match you and the job with the WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 16 By.SYDNEY OMARll 1'1be wlae man controls hf!: destiny •• ' Aatroloq points the· Wiy." ~ . ;U4l!lt~Nardt 21-Apr{I Ill ~ SpolJ!gbt 111 entertalnmen~ utilizat.¥m d creative .......,_ Pcpullrity aoan. Opposite • allracled. Salel ability eqes upi. Y o u r argum-a re convincing. Strike while 1rm 11 bol. TAURll S(AprD :JO.May IO): CoodltiOlll whldl lllect *""" ty are ICmlted. Day to build for future. You cmne upon m.. formatk:m wblch bad been ob!cured. Take advanlap o( added knowledge. Go toll GEMINI (Moy 21.J'mie 20): Ideas can be trandonned into money. Key II wllllngneu lo accepl ldded -billly. Journey, delllngs wlth relative also highlighted. Older pera111 deserves attention. Give it. CANCER (Jmie 21.July 22): You are able to rid yOU1'3elf of proflt.<lralnlng burden. Ac:ceol on money, poaesal/JQIJ. Impor- tant Ullgnm.ent CID be com- pietod. LEO Individual helps aell Id.... products -&el together. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Cy· cle contlnuea high. Circumstancea turn In your favor. Give attention to personal appearance. Combine forces with CANCER in- dividual. Ycu're a winner to- day. Aet like one. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.22): Fine for dining out, attending theater. Bruk from routine. Get fruh ouUool<. Mymry could be tolved. Individual who ill quiet really is on your aide. Be receptive. Heed inner voice. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Friendly gesture by one you ...,peel highlights daY. Some of your hopes, wiabes come closer to reality. Welcome aoclal activity, contacts . Utilize ahawmanship in pulling acrou viewpolnL • SOORPIO (Oct. 23-N09, 21): EJ:erci.oe CllltiCll In dealing with auporlorl. Bome may be lrrtt.able. Don't compound er- ror. O>ect details. Have facts at hand. You emergt vic- torious, but be a graciOWI -..... SAGl1TAJllUll (Nov. 22- Dec. 11): Good lunar upecl lodoy Mtrldel with c:on- ltnlctf'N loa1·r•o1e in-....,_ Your ldeu click. Im,...uat per1on1 are ~ im»r.al I~. Oiangtl -:i who cw-I )'OU --CU'lllCOJIN (Dec. :a.Jon. II); ~ opllll for borne hnpoMllMllt acpreanta eood lafltl t Klb ae1tur1 ~Mt II i'elllkmhip ___ .. ,..._ ..,....,_ ......... t'llloLGofor~. AQUAlll\Jll (Jan. 2G-Feb. 18): Spotlight on marriage, partnership. You learn how to get along with those of o~ posing views. Accent on public ..iauons. Be lair bul firm. You're l-w1Mer1f'm8btrt. more of a replacement ~ woven." time you have to offer. The bureau is located at 325 cess than redecorating. 'Mle decorator, whose wife I! N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, "He's one of the nicest peo-president of El Morro PTA. ple I've ever worked with," moved to Lacuna because half MISS YO~,R CHILDREN? Clarke said of the male star of flis busineas was in the You might eajoy several days a mOTtth with "He was easy ioinl but area, however he still mam. som~ delightfu:l children wh? need Bn~ would ap. decisive." ~· . _. t&i.ns a Be,verly Hllil office. In preciate your time and attention. 'Ibere lS a 12-year· ~mriiil:li20>: KOep rt.oiiillim coocerning . Don~ a Rffi1 (,,.,.;, T<iJ!r : lilclillon;-.be ~Y ~pe•e\l .a old boy and !().year-014·1w1ns living in a foster home. Owen) colled;on ClatQ.a!!Oq!r ~·The SOI .. ~. ,. ~· children w~ ,b;nefit from cultural;~ . m 1"8tl ago lo romodeJ ..... -,~ ;' Beacll, ,jjjJ, Mri "~out.side tbl'.litJ'tne.,Tbe ~ Home Se.V!Ce Ii>:>,, French townhou.o. · Rlch&nl Hoh ol Comlli del i eijilesttng your help. For fUfther information call' wort, health, diet. Fine far gllning greater understaoding with those who serve you. Show appreclaUon for utra efforts. Reunion Indicated with form.er UIOCiate. "She 1 o v e 4 to mix veryli';;;M;;;ar;;;;;i .. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iitbi;ie;;ibi;iurii;ea~ui;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,I modern artists wJtb very lradltlooal furnllhlnp, 11 wu a very ,nice effect," Clarke recalled. IF TODAY IS YOUll BIRTHDAY! )'OU . have un- derstaoding of b a r m o n y • mllllc. You con bring peace to tboee who are disturbed. You have made changes -now you can find peace ol. mind. GENERAL TENDENCDm: Cycle hilh for LEO, VIRGO, LIBRA. Special word to PISCES: go out of your way to aid ooe who helped you In paal To ftlld eul Mirt lud!v fw you 111 -9M iow ...... '"""" Or1'161T'• bodl.let "$tCrWt Hmt. for Met! eNI w-.." s.rwi "'~ 1ftd • ~ to Onwrr ~ Slcntl,. W. DAILY l"ILOT ...... Gnlld c.nn1 ., .. tlall, NW Yert. N.Y. 100!7. Silver Sands Thi!: f~ and third Tuesdays at 8 p.m. members of Sliver Sands 2M, NaUvl!: Daugbtera 91 the Golden West gather for ml!:l!:tln111 . Lake Park Clubhouse in Huntington Beach is the meetin11 place for the first session, Mrs. Jack WllM>n, 548-1479, will furnish location oa the next meetina: date. PEO Hosts ' Area Event · U oalfilialel wtll be guest& ol PEO, Orange Coastal Reciprocity Bureau al the meeting Oct. 11 at 10 a.m. in the Fiesta Rocm ol the E a 1 tbluff's Adminlltratlon Bulldlng. Hoalels chapler for the col· fee are CV and HX ol Hlln-tlnaton Beach and QQ ol 5an Clemente. The program entiUed My Journey From a ForelgrlLand to callfornla will be presented by Mn. Alex T homson of Laguna Beach. The speech wort the highell honor bealow· ed by the Intern at Ion a I Toasbnlstross Clubs. All PEOs are asked to Invite · • area unafflliales. ReaervaUona- can be made by calllng Mra. Lyle ottennan at 847..ootf, or Mn. L.R. Mackie, 491-IOll. AMlltlU"S lAllOQT ~--,!-J.rifl DRAPE RY L-Ot{, lJJjC LEll,N ERB R.nove W1ttr Dem1ge e fLAMI PROOflNO IXCLUSIVI GUARANRED DU.PERT CLEANING Dr•pery CINnlnt. Nrf.ct ...,.n11... of tht ~· .. your cllr•pery. er 100% ,.. 11l•ctment If clMnabl .. e No Wlltt>d HMd1 e No Shrink.,. • Perhct lftft Hem1 • Water ltaln lem.vel e ~ PINt Pollflftf e PreftP19MI IMtall•tlWI OUI IXCLUllVI SllVICI DRAPE RY • ....,_,..,., ·-·1 CLEANE-;R:S~~··_·M;~_;:':....:,:;:':~~~:":'":,... ... 1 • p,_ LNn Dn,. Offfw .... &any 20% 540.1366 0 642-0270 f702 NEWPORT Bl.VD., COSTA MESA I OF OHIO Jiii/ii'/ J/Jl/ll llllll /fllll , A NNIVERSARY CELEBRATION OCT. 16th -OCT. 20th HOME OF WORLD FAMOUS BEEF STICK . CUT TO ANY SIZEI ~~ '1.59 discount on whole stick, HICKORY FARMS BANANA CHIPS 2 ~k: $1.00 AN UNUSUAL SNACK ITEM ITS BRAND NEW Swiss Flavor Cheese ....... ,.1, R.s1.19~ REGISTER POR A DILUXE IAltN Gl'T PAK TO I I OIVIN AWAY FREE PINAL DAY OP OUR CILEllATION FREE HICKORY PA.IMS OLD PASHIONID CRACKERS WITH PUltCHAll OP Cheese Ball MAKI HICKORY FARMS OF OHIO TOUR , •• CHRISTMAS Gin HEADQUARBRS GIFTs OF FOOD All SUH TO PLE.t.51 TAlll IT WITH TOU OR WI WlLI. MAIL ITI WESTCUff PLAZA 1062 IRVINE AVE. 01tt11 1,,.111"'' •Ml S11iwl•y Newport 801ch, Callf, 41 TOWll & COUKTRY 777 S. MAIN ST. Op•" f...tfl lfltt t11d SvH.•t Or1090, C.lif, L ... Hl!ALTH SPAS ' ANNIVERSARY . CELEBRATION " ... lnnlnt , Our 3rd Ilg y- in Or .... Co1Mty" Ladies "Join the Beautiful People" at 'Holiday Health Spas, shed pounds, re- arrange lnchei ..• have a healthful, shap. lier ~gure, add zest to your rue •• , e ....,.,.,. ,,........, Ledlw, -·-.~,. ..... • """"""' Ovl- • ltlf!IM SI•"' ll•MI .-.. ·-........ 11-. """' (:"'""' Tt C"'-Pl'llll CALL OR STOP BY TODAY FOR A FREE TOUR Ol'IN 7 DAYS -3· BIG LOCATIONS Costa Mna Anahlim Onngo Ill $. a.ell ...... f,11 E. K119119 :llOI H-'-llft. ~:.1.!'J. 11-.. w. ~ H..., t. Or-/l.'19. 1'<11"1'. ~1919 ltNI ..,,, .. CnflW ..... c... ~"' c:w.t..- 549-3368 ;;6,0;ii HIALTH IPA I ' ·----·· -------·------------ Newport Darhor· Today's ·c toslng - DAILY PILOT '-.-f ,,.. ' ---c.-___ I Jf.. EDITIO N . ' . ---------N.Y. Stocks voi:. ir. NO. 248, ) SECTIONS, 42 PAGES ORANGE COU NTY,. CAL IPORNIA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1968 TEN CENT.S Newport Sailor Wins Olympic Opener Astronauts Mak~ Ship Tour for _ TV SPACE CENTER, Houslon (UPI) - The three Apollo 7 astronauts, Ooating arowtd inside their cabin In the weighUessness of space, staged the se- cond act of "The Lovely Apollo Room" television series today and took' viewers on a guided tour of the ship built to take men to the moon. "The one and oniy origtnal Apollo orbiting road show starring two acrobats from outer space, Wally Schirra and Walter Cunningham," said Donn Eisele as he appeared on the screen in opening the second day of Apollo's live telecasts tD earth. After a couple of jokes with their col- leagues at the . Houston Space Center spacecraft, Commander Schirra took the little five-pound camera and gave millions of earthbound television viewers a look at the inside of the 16-ton spacecraft as it swung over the United Stales on its 60th orbit Apollo 7 entered its fifth full day in space at the end of the telecast and it ap. peared sound enough to complete the full 11 days of its demanding trial.run. A full success might clear the next Apollo team for a flight around the moon in December. ' After the telecast, the astronauts told ground control they had cracker crumbs all over the cabin. "We have a gripe," the radioed. "The cracker type food, the ch i ck e n sandwiches, they're crumbly and we have crumbs all over the cockpit." The "space spectacuJar" began at 7:29 a.m. PST and ended 11 minutes later. It was four minutes longer aqd.just as clear as Monday's transmission. "AD.other show is likely Wednesday. Despite nagging colds, ''which made Schirra irritable when ground controllers woke him up early by mistake today, the bearded astronaut& were 'cheerful and grinning again. (See story, Page 4) . After Eisele opened the telecast, Schir~ ra held up two other band-lettered cards: "Deke Slayton, are you a turUe?" and (See APOLLO, Page Z) * * * Apollo Crew's 'Turtle' Joke ' Amuses Members "Are you a Turtle?" asked the high-- flying and fwi-loving astronauts today as they placed a card with the printed message close to the TV camera for bet- ter reading. 'Thousands of "Turtles'' chuckled as they admitted to membership in the very old club whose international membership claims many famoUs pilots. '-One of the four requirementa for a member in good standing is a prompt and profane reply aJong the lines of, "You bet I am." "TurUes" in good standing felt a com- radeship with the weigbUesa astronauts as they new through the atmosphere with the greatest of ease and with a chuckle for the "TurUes" on the ground. Bay Club Sa ys There Will Be Something Afloat The Balboa Bay Club sWI hopes to float some klnd of harbor cruise vessel, although it's unlikely it will resemble a Mississippi-type steamboat, club olllclala said today. Bay Club Vice President Richard Stevens said the club ts aurveying local charity and soclal or&anizaUoos to analytl) "the frequ<ncy of poulbie uaage and the si;e of group1 who woold utlUJe the boat." Earlier this year, the club ,... city -permission to putter about the bay on an _,,000 cocktail Joungt "l\tamboal" But it turned out to be too COlt1y a venture, and the club conslder<d other types of boats for the aame purpoee. "We looked ill over California for a llUltable uistlng vellflt'' aald Stevena, "but we were unable to llod coe. There are algnifk:ant legal and -lad«I ;n. YOlved tn various size boats and we want to be wefut to determine the -poai-ble size and cooflpalloo." 'I l Coming Home DAILY ll!J:U>1: Stiff hm I l Big band leader Stan Kenton will return to scene of former triumphs Nov. 2 when his band plays benefit for Junior Ebell Club 'of Newpllrt Beach starting at 8 p.m. at Balboa Pavilion. Welcoming•!{enlon qre Mayor Doreen Marshall (left), wllo has declared the'4a!f,_'.'Sliin Kl!l!ti>n Day," and Mrs. Edwanl Wbitehouse Jr. of Junior EliellJ. -- UCI Profs .Deny ·ce~ure Of Invitation to Cleaver By THOMAS FORTUNE or ""' DtlllY P111t 11trt The UC Irvine faculty Monday soundly defeated a resolution interpreted as a censure of the professor who has invited Eldridge Cleaver back to campus. Meeting as the AcademJc _Senate, the fiCulty also took a. strong stand asking UC Regents to withdraw censure of the Be,rkeley professors responsible for the course Cleaver is teaching Utere. Both votes were decisive with only a couple of hands raised in opposition to each. Dr. KenneUt Ford, a physicist and Pilot Presents Mexican Progress While Ute world's eyes are riveted on Olympic competiUon in Mexico City and Acapulco, Utere l! another aspect of Mex· ico the DAILY PILOT will zero in on begiruming Wednesday. Bilingual reporter Bruce B e n s o n recently completed a 2,~mile tour to examine seVeral bootstrap projects under way in various Mexicao st.ates under the auspices of the Partners of The Alliance for Progress. On bis week-long tour, Benson traveled by air and land to interview more than two dozen local .leaden in. four Mexican towns to bring back a series of stories on the mood and progress of Mexicans in- volved in Partners of the Alliance pro- jects. chairman of the Irvine l>ivisioo of the Academic Senate, eStimaled about 50 of the division's 275 members attended Monday's session. The special Academic Senate meeting, carried over from last .!fhursday, also waS attended by about 100 students whose spokesman said they were ther~ to back · the faculty in its stand opposing the regents. Thursday the faculty had voted to re- quest the regents to rescind their ruling limiting guest lecture appearances on a campus to one per quarter and not to submit to the regen,ts a report justifying slandards for experimental courses. At that session, Dean of the Graduate Division Ralph Gerard introduc~ a resolution disapproving of a professor who uses his classroom or his position for distinctly partisan acUvtties. The resolution clearly was aimed at censuring Dr. Stephen Shapiro, an assis- tant professor of English who has invited Cleaver, the controv~rslal Black Panther leader, to lecture to one or more of his literature claMes. Gerard was not present Mon d a y to speak in favor of hi& resolution. In a written introduction to the resolu- tion, however, ~rard observed: "Politicians, Jed by the Governor, have made throughout the state a major issue of Mr. Cleaver and the University. I suspect that polllies 'were not. entirely .absent in the origlIJal choice of Cleaver for the Berkeley coyrse. In any.event, the predictably strong reaction of the facull1 has contributed to a confrontation of the University and the people of California illat both the far left and Ute far right (See FACULTY, Pase l) Barrett Victor in Star Class Race By ALMON LOCKABEY DAILY •IL.OT IMllns •.rttr ACAPULCO -Lowell North of San Diego and crewman Peter• Barrett of Newport Beach started executing a pro- gram of Jong-planned revenge over the '1Great Dane" Paul Elvstrom Monday by winning the first race of the Star class in the yachting Olympics. North and Barrett got their North star cranked up after the flrst mark aqd pull- ed from fifth to first place and went on to beat Norway's Peter Lwide and Elvstrom Hearing Delaped in what is shaping up as the main feature of the five class Olympic sailing games. The Star competition is clearly a battle of champion$. North is a three time fonner world champion, Elvstrom is the current bolder of the gold star, Durwood. Knowles of the Bahamas is the defending Olympic gold medalist, and Timar . Pinegan of Russia i! the 1980 Olnn.pic gold medalist '" After a shaky start, North one! Barnt~ the Finn Class silver rqedalists in l9M., buried them all. But as North and Bar- rett well know, one race does not make a series. Barrett bas his own grudge against Elvstrom wbom he has never beaten in the Finn class. Elvstrom is considered by many to be the world's best small boat sailor. He has won four Olympic ·medals in the single banded clas,,-and is bidding for his fiftb (See ACAPULCO, Pqe I) Back Bay Swap In County Bog By TOM BARLEY Of 1M Oallr l'llel ll•Jt That off-again on.again re-examination of the proposal for Irvine property is off again -at least for the next two weeks. County supervisors today postponed discussion ol the controversla1 Upper Newport Bay land exchange to Oct. 29 to the groans of a crowded hearing room. Supervisors' Chairman C. M. Featherly won board backing for the deferment on grounds that "this board needs time to analyze new information on the pro- posal." Featherly later refused to comment on the new mfpnnaUon. But he revealed that tt CalU to the attention of hls board early · today and involved future tax aueumeatv on the subject properties. It apPW'f!d today that supervisors were -facing mounting opposiUon to the long standing pr_oposal tl)at the .. ""'Jlty transfer 4SO acres of (emtory lo "the Irvine Company in exbange for 157 acres of Udelanda held by ·Irvine. Opponents of the land swap haVi! con- demned the transacUon as being·nothing 1 more than a bid by Irvine to have the coastal terrain removed from county ta:r roles. County Assessor Andrew J. Hinshaw joined their ranks Monday with a scathing indictment of what he called a "legally improper acllon" by the board. ' Bargaining Hood • Sought in $1,000 CdM Bank Heist Newport Beach detectives and the FBI . today are still seeking the bargaining bank bandit who took about $1,000 from the Corona del Mar Security Pacific Bank, 3435 E. Coast Highway, just beforti it closed Friday. The robber llJ described aa a "Mafia type" man about 5 feet 9 inches tall, of stocky buikl with a swarthy .complexion. He was dressed in a black suit, white shirt, black narrow brim straw hat. He also wore heavy frame sunglasses. According to police, the bandit ap- proached the manager's desk at the bank, showed a pistol and said, "I need $5,000." He was reportedly told that that much moi1ey wasn't available. He then said, "Well, L need $4,000 at least." Manager John Bullard was told to go to the vault to gtt the money, if necessary. Bullard told the thief that it would be too suspicious a move for him to make. The thief agreed. The bandit finally !etUed !or ll,000. As be left the bank, taking Bullard with him, susplclot11 employes immediately called police. Bullard was released unharmed by the thief at the corner of Narcissus and seashore. Hinshaw told supervisors that the Irvine land, current1y asseued at $1.5 million might well be worth almost dou· ble that in three years time. The assessor, in a renewa1 of what appears to be a Jong time feud with the sprawling ranch complex, warned the board that it should wail for a court ruling on the con- stitutionality of a 1957 act which makes the trade possible. Hinshaw furtheJ stated that. his office could not accept such an exchange since It would not altogether remove the Irvine Company's responsibility for certain W• es on the property. Supervisors have explained Ul4t the deal would result In mulU-million1 dollar development of Upper Newport Bay. The exchange, th~y have Jtated, would t lacWtate~Cllon ofm'>atge .publlo Dcult. to 'S•teti'' 1 waterfront parks, a navigable waterway, mar'lne stadium,' UCI rowfng course and Woriiau shot in leg during out. other public recreation faclllties. It would bunt of sniper fire. in Panama also insure that Irvine shoreline holdings is _helped to safety by w;eeping would be developed, It has beeR otaled. friend. U.S. has become !!actor County Admlniatrator Robert E . In struggle between mllitaiy Thomas stated last week that the deal jun~ wtµcb ·Seized power and would enable the county and the Irvine defiant -President Arnulfo Arias Company to dredge the Upper Bay under (See story1 Page 6). a single contract. Thomas said it could mean a "possible aavtng of $1 million to each party." But a deputy county counsel tater told Supervisors that dredging contracts could not be signed since the county auditor would be legally bound to refuse payment on them. Intensive Sear ch • For _Coast Family Enters 7th Day By PAMELA POWELL Of tfle 01llY •lllf St.tt The intensive alr search for a Newport Beach f'1flilY of five last seen Sept. 28 in a Cedros Island, Mexico, grocery store entertd its seventh day today as one U"S., Air Force and three Coast Guard planes combed the Mexican waters off Baja CalHornia. Robert Emigh, 35, his wife Patricia and their three children left San Diego Sept. 25 on Ille 40-foot yawl Tiare for the·first leg of a cruise to tbe Caribbean. They missed tbelr scheduled arrival in Puerto Vallarta Oct. 5 where they were to pick up ·the boat's owner George W. Drucker, a Beverly Hills attorney, and take him to the Olympic yacht racea in Acapulco. Drucker notified the Coast Guard who began an aerial search I.alt Wednesday. SJ.nee then there has been no trace of the vessel, Emigh, a Newport Beach yacht broker, had sold Ute family home to take bis family on the cruise. The children, two girl> and a boy, m II, 10 and 5 respec- tively. W. County Firm Calls for County . . Air Expansion A Wesbnlnster englileerlng firm, with a recently constructed $750,000 plant in the Irvine Industrial comples. is calling for the expansion of the elisting Otange County airport. In a letter addressed lo Orange County supervisors, K. W. Cai-Ison of Voof)leis-- Trindle-Nelson Inc., of 13794 Beach Blvd., said the ~rt "is and will become orange Cciunty's ~ greatest industrial development." Carlson pointed out in the letter that ..'the entlre Irvine lnduRrial comple1 11 being built because of Its convenience to the airport." · "Should you curtail development of the airport, you would be jeopardl.tina; the most luxurious industr ial complex fu the United Stale!." . The firm urged supervisors to take "a strong stand" on protecting and ex- panding the existing airport "so that it becomes a stable, integral part of the County of Orange." Orallflll Weather Stop, Go Suspect Arrested Emigh, a competeot si<lpper, has sailed the Tiare In various races including the Tta.ruil>ac in 1965 and 1967. He baa also aailed previously in Mexican walers. The yacht, equlpPed with emergency gear jncludlng three high-powered radloa. bu been docked lor the past oeveral years at BetUhlrf:'• Rtstaurant. Surprise! Tbe sun's out, and it'• &oirli" to stay out> for a while - at least through Wediiesday when the mercury moves up to 74 along the Orange Coaat. • -I NBIDB TODAl' • A »year-old tranalent was arrest¢ Monday by NeWpOrt lltach police on chargea ol _ tnvolvemeot in two armed roll!><fiea of the Stop and Go Market, tl060 w. Coast lllghWay, Walla' Adolph llonkala waa arraigned on two counu m armed robbery in con-...u.. with the martel hoidupo. He ,..,.. prellminlty hearing Oct. 11 lJ! Newport-Mesa MWllclpal Court. The Stop and Go Market, twice the ~ d a maaW gnnman, was robbed Sepl. M and Oct. f , Tola! Jou WU 1187. ( ' ' . - Newport llel<cUve Sergeant Kenneth 1bompeon said it is not unUIUal for • thief to strike twice at the tame place. "Thfo -ol thing happens quite fre-quenUy. 'llley think they've got a llOOd 1.hlng gotna and fffl aaf'e+'' be 11'1. Thompaon said In the lint robbery the gunman wore a Halloween-type muk, while on.the second, I hood WU ued. Honkala and • companion, J<ffely John Harrta, 19, who Uva In the Colonial Hotel, HunllniJl!o lltach, wm anested by ·Newport olflctrs after their Cir waJ stopped for a traeffic violation al t a.m. Monday. Police laid tbia mornln& Harris was cleared of involvement with the robbMies and wu due to oe released from custod,y lhortly. Of!ioo't said the men wue llTf.Sted after a tearch of their vehicle turned up weapons fittlng the descrlJ>Uon ol those used in the robberies. No addrea was llated for ltonkata. He fl now In Orange County J all under llZ,llOO ball t' Stoek M•rke u NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market wldenecHUI advance fate thil llttrnooa in more acllve trading. (See quolaUOM, Paaes 10.11). Blue chlp1 hqprovod llielr earlier perlonnanoe, booctlng the Dow Jonu ln- dUllrial averqa nearly three polola. ~r I ' ' z DAil Y fllOT New 'Jersey Blast~ N. Viet Isl~nd Strong_hOld IAIQCll (t1PI) -,..,. ...... ,, .. J...,1111oi1.,111111 ....... ~ Norlh V1-.. heavl..i ahore batterl'* and literalq b\utlld • chunk ol the f-lol6 tlll GuU ol Tonllln wllb her If.Inch 1\1111, U.!;. spotesmeo aald today. When the smoke cleared away a U.S. aerial opol14r looked for a corner of the .... lethal Hon Mau l&laod and lhouled lnto h1I radio : "U'1 dowo in the ocean!" 'l'll .. 1"ollor lllol M~ ~., Ibo '""4't ollf O<llvo llfl! ..... •'loOli • .., ........ 1111Mllllaillllilll." • "" ""' '-· .... lint ..... Ill Vllltlllia Wiii 611, bed tlllod .,_ heavy monsoon ralna that hefd bacl American aircraft. She pulled lnt.o rqe of the North Vietnam guns and for 30 minules poured In 2,700 pow>d lh<!IJI . Navy SllDIJman S. C. G<orge R. Polter Ex-employe Sues School District A former employe of Newport..Meaa Unlllod llchqoJ Dlllrlct bu named the dlllrlct, Ibo Stai. Compenaallon lo- !Ul'ance Fund and a private detective agency u defe.ndanll In a $1.5 mllllOn compl&lnt' which alleges fraud, con- spiracy and lnvuloa of hll privacy, WUllam. M. Snyder of Garden Grove ac- cuae.s trustees tn hll: Superior Court peti- llotl of coosplrlng wllb lbe atai. agency to engage a Orm of private detec:Uves to lnvestlgai. the dlnblllty he allegedly in- curred while working for the dlstrlct. Snyder states that be had worked fo- tbo dllltlcl lar II )'tl1I when he -· Former Governor Candidate Dies Private funeral eervicu were schedul- ed In Santa Ana today for Rei Qoodlell, 1124 Republican candidate for governor of Clllfomia, who llved at Le1lure World, SUI Beach, for the put ,.veral yW"B. The 81-year-<>ld lormer San Bemardlno County Superior Court Judge died Friday. 8urv1VOl'I Include h1a wife, Helen, a aon, Rex Jr., and a granddaughter 1n'd -f,gandlon. GoodHll ran far C&Uromll governor in !IH, after eenlni u San BUDll'dino Cotmty lllltrlcl Atlaroey. !rGm 1110 lo 1111, prior to ncolYlnll a Judgaoblp. seriQua lnjurlu on the job on Juoe l3, 1961. Those injuries, be 1 t a t • a , nec:eultated tbe performance .of two spinal fusion operations and led to "great pain and pbyliclal 1ufferlng" which has left hlm unemployed fOl more than five yean. Snyder clalml that trulteel and italA! oUiclal! con!plred to hire Krout and Schnelder of Santa Ana, a private detec· live agency, wllh a view to invesUgat.ors obtalnlng evidence ·which could be used against blm at a state compenuUon hearing. Last Oct. 25, the suit states, a priyate detective hid near Snyder's home while a woman operative gained admission to hill home by "fraudu1enUy pretending" that she was an Orange Coast Qillege student "making a market survey aa a means of paying for her edUcaUon." Snyder clalms the woman tried to enlist hil sympathy by telling him of ber poor financial circumstances and of repairs that police had order.ed to be car· ried out on her car. He claims that she pleaded wW!. him to Inspect the broken tum slgnall on her auto. While tie was checki/lg the car, Snyder states, the private detective to:<>k movies. This was, he alleges, with a view to c~n­ vlnclng hearing officen: that h 1 s (Snyder'•} injuries were not of a permanent nature. Snyder, at this point of the complaint, adds •10,000 to the •t.& rnllllon claimed far further injurlt1 caused by the labor be carried out on the woman investiga- tor'• car. DAIL 't ,ILOT Sllff ....... TALKING IT OVl!lt -Lou Yantorn (lelt), cbainnan of Harbor Area Coordlnattng COUncil's Youth Committee discusses plans for coun- cil's panel d!Kuss!on Wednesday night on "Hypocri•y Hangups" wit.Ii students Caro! Olander, Stephen Jump and Rick Miller (from left). DAILY PILOT OllAHOI tOAST ,UILISHll+O tOM,AMY Robert N. Wttd P1'911dt!ll tnd Pullll....., Jacli k. C11rl1y \llot ,,_Mimt tM OtMrtl #.9Mttr 11iorn11 k11wll , . ., Tliorn•• A. M1rphln1 Mtnttlne Edltw Jtroft'lt F. Callin• P11I Nl11tn p.i...,oort 8tlCll Attwr!l11"9 t llY Edlltr Olrec!Gt N_,.n IMc• Offln 2111 WMt l1U111 lo1111¥11cl ho4t111nt AddrtH: P.O. lt1 1175, '211111 .._ Olft- co. .. M-: DI W11t lit ttrwt L...-911d't: m "'"""' A¥t-~ llHdl: .. 1111 '""" Students, Adults Plan Discussion On 'Hypocrisy' Studenta and adult leadtra will hold a round-lable panel d 11 cuss ion on "Hypocrl!y Hangupe" Wednesday at the 7:30 p.m. meeting of the Harbor Area Coordinating Council al the Hoag Con- ference Center in Newport Beach. Adult dlscll!Sion leaders will include Robert Williams of the Juvenile Division of the Com Mesa Police Department ; Bob Hughes, vice principal of Corona de! Mar Hlsh School; Mrs. Alice Fox, pro- gram dir~tor for the Orange Coast YM- CA; Charles Godshall, principal of Nawport Harbor High School: Dick WaW:, past president of the Newport Mesa Educ1Uon A.S9oclatlon; and Kim Strutt. youth coun5e.lor at St. Andrew 's l'!ubyterlan Ouaoh. The panel will review yoolh restrictions by echooll. law tn!Cf'Cement agencies, c:hurchta and parents. The meeting Is Ol*l to the publlc. Further Information mt,y be obtained by ca\Ung 814-2994. Diea After Test HOU.ISTER (UPI) -Peter 8. Smllh, n, wu killed 1n 111 auto acddmt. Monday 20 minutes after pa.ulna: hit ctrtvera' teat. Smllh auffered an 1pporent heart al· tack, lost control of hi. car and crUhcd into • fence , ' Ill c.llldi'•. l()., .-.ulil .. tlit11 ... J...,.. ~ ...... iil4 ....... .....,.. '\: nl .. ... , . .... ... -!ltdJ "°' 111111. ftlli ,,.. a litl of smoke." There was no report of the North Viet- namese guns setting even ooe shot at the New JerHy. The New Jersey'• attack struck near ,.,,_ p .. ,, J ACAPULCO ... In the Stan. Nortb got the best weather start, but halfway up tbe weather leg lt was evident that Elvltrom and Lunde bad him beat and Knowlea and Plnegan were looking good on the 1ee side of the course. But a wind shift helped North'a cauae and as the paiade started around the· first mark It · twu NotWay, Denmark, 'Sweden, Finlind and the Unlled Stales In that ocder. On lbe downwind legs It waa evldellt Norlh bad the but boal speed at Iba end of the triangle, marking the hallway point, he rounded ovetlapPed with Lunde and Elvltrom. From !her• II looked like a bow to bow doal)tetween Norlh and Elv.Wm. Al the . iecond weather mart North wu S5 seconda ahead of !he great Dane wllh Lunde a close third. Again North proved his superior downwind abillt7 aa be IUl'fed down the mountlna: aeu to a comfortable one minute and 50 second lead which he held at the finish. Lunde meanwblle was pushing Elvatrom and nipped him by less than, a boat lencth at the tiniah. Australia was foorth, Sweden wu f l f t h and Knowles of the Bahamas wu si:1th. Second best U.S. performance was turned in by Buddy FreidericU of New Orleans in the Dragon Class. He finished secoDd behind East GermanJ's Paul Borowski. In the highly competitive Finn Class the winner was dark horse Philippe Soria of France over Norway's Per Wernesklold. Soviet Rusala'S. Valentin Mankin was third. Willie Kuweide, the 1964 gold medalllt fl'om w..i Germany' finl>hed lllh. Protests mamd both the Flying Dutchman and 5.5 Meter classes. Ttle wont haasle occurred In the FDS which flnllhed wllh red f1aga flyfnjf from at leart four bo1ta. Bob James or the u.s wu aeen leaving the course halfw11 up the 9ea>nd weather leg. He lodged a protNt agllnlt the r.ce commlllee, contending that a abort starting line and an improper weather leg contributed to hil colllaloo. wltb the East German boaL Ealt Germany In turn proleslA!d Jame1, !pain prolelted New Zealand and Canida WU prOteating Great Brit.am. All protelll resulttd from collitiona on the atartlng line. Wlndl for the race ranged from about 10 lltots ii the start lo IJ lo If .. Iha race progrolled. A IOlll rolllng nell coupled with the wind stnerated chop resulted in aome sloppy aoi.nl on all three """"''· Following are the firat riil. plact1 In each clus. STARS I. Lowell North, USA, 0 poinllt 2. Peder Lunde, Norway, 3 S. P•ul Elvatrom, Denmark, $, 7 4. David Forbes, Australia, 8 5. John Albrecht.son, Sweden, 10 6. Dunrood Knowles, Bahamas, 11.7 DRAGONS , t. Paul BonrtYski, East Germany,() 1 Buddy Freidericks, USA, 3 a. Stephen Tuppet, canada, 5.7 4. Theodor Sommerschteld, Norway, 8 S. Robin Judah, Great Britain, JO B. Aage Birch, Denmark, 11.7 . UMFrER L. Lout! Noverraz, Swltierland, 0 2. Rudolf Hamutorf, West Oennany, 3 3. GiUBeppe Zuchlnetli, llaly, 5.7 4. Ulf Sundelln, Sweden, 8 5. Wlll.lam Solomons, Australia, 10 6. Robin Aisher, Great Britain, 11.1 FL YING DUTCHMAN t. Ubor Ullrich, West Germany, o 1. Bjorn Lolbrod, Norway, a 3. Corl Rynea, Australia, $ 4. Lev Rvalov, RuMia, B 5. Bertrand Cberet, France, 10 6. Hans Fogh, Denmark, 11. 7 FINNS t. Phlllppe Soria, France, o 1. Per Wernesldold, Norway, 3 3. ValenUn Mankin, Russia, S t . Ron Jenyns, Australia, a 5. John Maynard, Grtat Britain, 10 6. Andrew Zawleja, Poland, 11. 7 From Page 1 APOLLO ..• "Paul Haney, are you a turtle!'' Astronaut Chief Slayton quickly radioed back, "YDU bet," Haney, the 0 volce or Apollo'' at the control center1 was also watching but a controller u.td "Haney Isn't talking, Wally, he's just buying." The turtle sequence referred to an in- side joke at lhe space center, According t.o tradJUon, a free round of drinks ll ln order for anyone giving a negaUve &Dl'Wer. Tbe club ii callea "lnt.erstellar "-JaUoo of Turtlea, Outar Shell Division," and goes back to the early Mereury daya of the spaoe program. "Did that go out Uve?" one of the utnmJuto aated u the tellCUI tndtd. They wtre told it dtd , via commettial nttworkl to home flewers around Ult n• Uon. MoodaL 1111 utronaullt held up a CJl'd askl111 v ewen "to keep thole cardl and letltrl mmlnC In, folb," and today the mlnlctO <onttol <Olller ,...cad u.a, Jn. deed baH atar1ad to pour In, Amq tbe contmunkltkN WU a telegram trom alnger Dean Martin, who orlainated the "ca:nll and Jettera" Une on his televiaioo show. f • • ................ ... II .. ltlo ,....., Ot bound111 of U.S. ltom- llnOe a\111111 llarlb Vletotili'1 u•n panhandle waa put oil llmlllt April I. Tho b\c lhlp, recommlaalooad lot her third wor to do what ahe did to HoD Matt, p!ll!tad IO mllao IO\llb ol tho pora\lal> 1bere abe bllsted atorage areu the "=='"' t. llJt'.:i-the roada i::J:° to the big aupp\y dlll!lp area. Tbe New J.,.y'• nine 16-lncbert are not -by the heavy rains that often block U.S. air trlta. Amerlc:an l(>Okeamen ..i.t u.s. ji!ll new 1111 mlllioaa MOllUy a1a1NI Norlh Vietnam but the ra\11 and low clouds limited ........ ....,a ,.. ................. Jet crubed 4!>e to Wlknown ca1t1a H mUes !SOotttMf ol Vblb, Jta two-maa crew being t»ted u m1asing in acUon. In South Vietnam, military aourcea aald U.S. forct1 ... gbl II · Communlat armored vehtcles 11e11 the Cambodian border and un*9bed 1 mallllve alt and artillery attack against them. FreM Pllfle J: FACULTY CHIDES REG£NTS • •• MOVINCJ UI' ley Club'a ltewn1 Stevens Named Vice President Of Wrather Corp. Richard S. SIA!ve1111 ol Newport ~h hu been named vice prelldent and lilall-- tant to ·-the preildent of the Wrathe'r Corporation. Stevena wW cont!nue to llef'Ye u vice president of the Balboa Bay Club. He baa held !hat JIOl)Uon •Ince 11114. Wratber Corporauon owna Muzak CorporaUoo, &he Lulle and Looe Ranger i.levtaloo P!'Ol'a!N and the DIBneyllnd Roi.I. s!Ovena cumnUy bolda the JIOl)Uoo ol llrat vice preoldatl and a -of the Newport llarbor Chamber of Commerce. He fs a member of the Commodore's Club, a director and member of the ex- ecutive committee of the UCI Foun- daUon, a director of Frlendl of UCJ and a member of the Clti!eM Advlllory Com· mittee ol Orange Coaat College and the Budget Advisory Conunlttee of the Newport-Mesa Unified School Di.strict. Air West Asks New Routes in Nevada, Utah Air West airlines filed for new routes today in Callfomia, Nevada, and Utah. None ol the ~-' new fllghllt would dlredly affect ienlce at;Orange County Airport, a l)>okeaznan 1aid. In a request to the Federal Civil AeronauUca Board, Air Welt jomed with United Air Unes in asking permi&&ioa to transfer certain Unlled !liibllt to Air West. The indirect effect on Orqe County Airport would be to provide travellers with a greater ra~e of Air West destlna- Uons out of Las Vesu. nie airline cur- renUy connects Orange County Airport and I.as Veau wllb regularly scheduled jet service. The propoaed swltch would give Air West routes lnto Elko and Ely, Nev., wh!cb Ue between Reno and Salt Lake Ci· ty. welcome ju.st because it is damaging to all that our imtitutioo stand& far. "The original Issue ls now lost in rising emoUonl, Cleaver'• probably v al i d qualWcaUcm are lrrt11vant and lldtl are widely drawn oo Iba quaatloo of academic lmdom. Tba Re&Ollllt are "'1J01111blAI for Iba total will-helna of the Unlvonlt7 and, whether or no1 their PIJ'tlcu)ar action wu the w1lelt pouible, I think moet q1 111 would qree that Ibey could not 11nort the pubUc cl•-·" Dr. Girard'• PlOllOM4 ruolutlon read: "The 1rv1ne·01vflinn ol the Academic Slltlte hereby -Oii record JI IUp-porW\i academic fl'eednm only when 111> eurclled wllb rupona!blllty, Academic lnedom bu been achieved by profeuors .. the bull! of the -ol protecting Iba -lrom the pnaaurel lo dlatort hi.a tcliolar)J mmtn1uon of I topic on Ibo bull! ol bi. objecll" and full -ledp. Wbm pro!-. act ID C!lass, at in their prdeulOllal capacity, ID this lfl)rlt. all members ol the \lolvtnity aliould aupport them. ,.,,_ lduJ of a tcholarly u1mlMtlon ol all upecll ol a problom alld ol a ra· t!onal and -Gpooltion ol -is not alwa11 achlevecf and oct.Ulaoally there la ...... to ouapect that a pro- f.-bu UIOil hll clw or bi. pol)Uon !or dllllnctlY )1l11lan actlvtUea.. Thll Is dutructlvt to h1I ltudenta, hll e<1l· .. ...... bi. lnelttutlon and to JChol'1'.· lhlp. Under sud\ condltlonl It ii !he reoponlibllllJ of !he Unlvenlty com· munity to dlaapprove." Aaalatant Profell(I' ol Cl a 1 1 I c s 'Theodore Brunner aald : u1t (the raoluUon) ls couched very carefully, yet I believe every 1enate member 1n the room knowa what Jt is about There ll'tl rule1 of due procea for cenaur1nc a lltDI.~ member, lncludln& fil· Ing a complain~ 1 bearing, II day• for reply, and aecrecy il the ""'"' member wlahes." 1'b6le faCl.llty fnemben p r e 1 en t oVttWbtlmhialY voted the ruolution down. The resoluUon that was passed, asking the regenll to withdraw their censure of the Berkeley professors, was authored by A.!slalant Professor of Physics Guard Van Hoven. Assistant ProfeMOr of Philo!IOphy Stanley Munsal 1aid he wasn't 1ure Van Hoven's mot.Ion was a good one because censuring faculty members .. might be a good way to let regents blow off steam." However, English Department Chairman Hazard Adams said the word "ce111Ure" means more to him than just dlsapproval. "I think of the acUon the U. S. Senate took in respect to Senator Jos- eph McCarthy. This sounds like some· thing that would go on the record of an Individual." Van Hoven argued his Berkeley col- leagues had followed proper proei!dures in setting up Social Analysis I39X, the ex-· perimtnlal course on race with Black Panther Cleaver u the principal lec- turer. The retaluUon pa88ed n e a r I y unanimously. ChanceUor Daniel Aldrich Jr. told the faculty how he will interpret their earlier reaoluUon not to submit a rtport •hen called upon at the regent's meeUnc in Santa Cruz later th1s week. "I do not Interpret It as saylng the same to the regents u Mr. Cleaver may have said to them," he said. "I chote to believe that the faculty has not resorted to tbumbing it_, nose or name calling. "I interprtt It that the taculty is saying v;e are not prepared to respond to you (justifying experimental courses) until clarlficaUon ol the quesuon of faculty ·, only , ,,..,,...::./{/ conlrol over curr1culum," the chancellor said. George Reiter, assistant professor of physics, author of that raolution, agreed that was the spirit in which, Jt wu of. ferlid. . P!'tor to the Academic senate meeting Reiter and Shapiro addressed students brought. together by the ~titdent lobby for Acad!mic Freedom. "Since President Clark Kerr wu rum- marily dismJsSed the unJverslty has been deteriOr'ating," Shapiro said. "It's too late now to say 'Don't roclc the boat.'· We'"' post that. 'lbe boat I> punctured and Jt ls sinking 11owly.0 ReJtt.t said the regents tried to cloak their actions as a political e<1mpromlse, but tbe only ones compromi!ied were tho faculty • -About too of the 160 or '° studentl who attended , Iba <ra\lJ then trooped to the Academlc Sell!lle meeUng Wider urlfing they ma.te oure the faculty otanda up for •cade!i>lc !reedom. Architect Pushed To Serve Term With Arts GrouP. Newport Beach architect J. Herbert Brownell bas been 'recommended by member1 of the Clty Arta Committee to fill the unexpired tenn of Tony DeWp, UCI art instructor. U the appoinlment ls made by the City Councll, as ~' Brownell of 70I St. James Place will serve the remainder of DeLap's term, wbJch ends in January. He would then be reappointed to a full three- year term. The committee ii charaed with ar- ranging for art and photo exhlblll at City Hall. An expan.!lon of responai.billUes is foreseen with development ol a new civic center. Other committee memben a r e Barbara Slabler, chairman, Penny McManlgal, Dorothy M. Deny and Virginia Whttehou!e. Mrs. Stabler has aaked the City Council to expand committee membership to seven and terms of office to four years. The reque1t ii now under ltudy, Car Burglar Swipes Stereo T_apes, Watch Two sisten from Irvine loat •m worth of , belongings Monday, when a car burglar btoke into their auto whl.le they watched a movie at a Costa Mesa theater. Judy A. Steele, and Virginia S. McQuaid, both of 18732 Saginaw Drive, told officers that 10 stereo tapes and a watch were stolen from the vehicle, park- ed in a lot at Adams Avenue and Royal Palm Drive. Benaderet Rites Set HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Bea Benaderet, star of televill.on's "PetUeo1t Junction," will be burled at t'orest Lawn Wednelday following funeral services at ~ Chapel of the Dells on the cemetery~-She died Sunday at U In GoQ.I sCnarllA!n Hospital, where lhe wu be1nl treated for lung cancer compUcated b' pneumonia. THE ULTIMATE In CARPET CLEANING ECONOMICAL reduce• the nteci for frequent profe11lontl c:lttnlnt be· c:au•a tt r•rn•.,•• the 4't•pz ernDed. ded toll 1nt1 lllYH n•. r111 we In the cerptt fl~trt to ctlltet dirt. CLIAMS D• 1c:tu11l'f temtYel 1011 from both th• pile of the c.atpet tft4' the c1rptt becking. llSTOIES PILI tht .powerful e1tr1c· ' t ' tion proc:e11 remove1 . mo11 u.re 1m• medittelJ, thus tYold1n9 1hr1ni:t9•t end lihs mtffed pilt to 'likt fttW •p'e.,..f'lce. WHEN TOU WANT 1'141 flNUT- SA.Fl PIOCISS 1clentlfic1lly dt•el· oped 1pec:ltlly for the pr1fe11ion1I ctrpet c:lttntr. It i1 completely 1tft for ell "'P•+ fibers. OINT\.I ACTION "'''' no bru1h11 ot 1crvll"'l"I ectlon, 10 it dot1 not di1° tort the pile ef the c.arptt. SOI~ RITARDIN• AND MOTH PIOOPINe tr• lnclut1e4 at 111 erirt c:11t. l'ID UTlMAft CALI. RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS Our 21.t Yaar of Servi .. In Oran91 County 2950 RANDOLPH COSTA M!SA PHONI 546-3432 ( t • • • ~ -------.~~ ,~{raps Up . .. ' -Wrapping, taping and tying up flnal arrangements· for the Giii Box on Parade and Honie 'four are members ol the Auxiliary o1 Hoeg Memodal Hospital, Pttsbyterian • The big money raising event ot the year will ~· th• bosplta1 building and expansion fund pledge made by the auxiliary. . • Homes to be toured will be open both days fr<>nl 10 a .m. to f p .m . Tile Gilt Box oa Psrade will have the same boul'S, plus Tuesday evening from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Hospital Conference Center where wtv .. will be able to bring their husbands to do some eeriy Chrislmas shopping. · Imbued witb tbe holiday spirit will be homes on the tour wblch will sport Chr!Stmas finery, according to Mrs. Philip S. Doane, vice pretid111t in dlarge of ways and meana for the auxiliary, and her assistant, Mn. Michael Mullin. Homes included will be lhe Gary Myers residence at 1&15 Harri>w .Place which will be decorated and staffed by the HW!ter Chapter; the Brad Millers, 1906 Gelaxy Drive, Afliliant Chapter and tbe home of Chancellor and Mrs. Daniel G. Aldrich Jr., 1392 Galaxy {)rive, Nightingale Chapter. After tbe home tour, ticket holders may attend tile Gilt Box on Parade under the direction of Mrs . James LaF1amme, chairman of the Gilt Box at Ule hoop;iBl's cooference <:enter to sample Mreshments and browse through new merchandise. '~ Mrs. Willard Cbamberiln1 in charge ot toiletries, will be olferlng 11ew coordinated bath accessories, items tor milady'a boudoir, spetjaltiea . for men a.s well as inezpensive stocking fillers . . Mod gorillas, lsrge orange lions, roonkeys in all sbapeo and sizes, and· Italian dolls that waJi will be featured by Mrs. Robel't HOO,on who selects infants and children's ite1t111; · · Mrs. Edgar Hill has selected handlcnlt, madline washable sweaters and afghans from size six.and little girls' sweirten from size f to 8, u well as band knit bed socks .• The lingerie section, presided over by the Mm.es, Douglas Dreyer and Gordon Quinn offers robes,, slippers, gowns, pegnoir sets and unique one of a size lingerie. . The paper goods section, acoording to Mrs.· Jam .. Decker will fea- ture stationery, games for men .and teenagers, felt calendars and memo boerda and boxed Christmas cards. In tbe miscellaneous seot!on, Mn. Mertln J . Lockney will be offertng coordinated colorful straw article.. ideal for home, patio or boat enter!aln- ing, Chrtstmas candles, mµstcal .kissing an¥els, elves, and Santa·s and a wide variety of piggy banks, not all 11piggy1 in shape. . Jewelry buye.r, M,... James LaFlamme will be displaying a wide se- lection of jade and pearl necklaces in various lensths with matching ear· rings, handsome crystal and gold-toned filigree Jewel boxes as ·well as Diller types of moderately priced jewelry. Tick.is at $2.50 may be purcll8sed at the Gilt Box In the hospital, at the homes on the tour, at the C'Oflference center or by calling Mrs. Dixie Moaaco at 67~110 or 675--0187 or Mrs. Doane at 642-3089, NOBODY'S 'LION ' DOWN ON 'THE JOB -Not'~t Hoag Memoiuu Hospital, Presbyterian, especially•not where the Gift B9x is coo~ cerned. Showing some of the specially chosen items featured in the Gilt Box are (left to right) the Mmes. Francis T. Eddy, G<Jr. don 1QUlnn and Douglas Dreyer, all Auxilia·~ me~bers, 'Items will be featured in t!b.e G\1t Box on Parade ·Oct. 22' and 23 after ·the Home Tour on the same days. Tour proceeds will benefit the group's building ftmd pledge. ' Fun.ds Harvested at Festivals FRUITS. OF THEIR LABOR -A .;.;.,,11cqpla of funds is expect<!ol following Ule ·Autumn Soiree Oct. 'II, to be presented by Irvine Terr~ce_~hilhamooic Asso- ,<jates. Arranglng ·decor !Or tbe event are o(lelt.to right) Mrs. William Ouimette aild Mrs. Joilll P . Condon; . Sa1uling autumn mid Its fruitful harvest will be two fund-rai.sing festivals to be presented a week apart for the benefit of Orange County Philharmonic Society. One ,-ala will borrow Its theme from the Fatherland, while the other is a typical Americana harvest. Newport Shores committee will present an Oktoberfest from 4 to 9 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 20, hi. the Newport Shores Clubhwse·. German cuisine w 111 be served buffet style, and party. goers will be seated at tables covered with red checkered '.ablecloths and centered with beer stelm. To liven the evening, polka rm.lSic wW be played and a dance hutructor will give polka lessom. Mn. George GlaM, chair-man. may be called at 642- ::&M for ruervaUons. Tickets are $1.50 per couple. AsslsUng on her committee ::irt the Mmes. David Tinder, invitations ; Paul O'Shea, hon d'oeuvres; Jerry Hendrick- ~n. refreshment chits ; Ocee Ritch and David Tingler, dee· oraUom; M 8 u r Ice Parole, prizes; Robert McGlnJey, en-tertalnmen~ and John Burton, clean up. On the following Sunday, Oct. 27, Irvine Terrace Phil· harmonic Associates will pre- sent a cornucopia of delights during their annual Autumn Soiree.. A scene of harvest lime will be recreated in the Balboa Tueld~ OctMNr 11. ,,_. Ml-CM • I'•• IS BEA ANDERSON; Editor r 'MY KIND OF. MUSIC; IS POLKA KIND OF MUSIC' -This Is ttie toe-tapp1ng Uleme of Newport Shores Committee as members prepare for an Oktoberfest Oct. 20 when ·funds will be 1rarv .. tec1 for ttie Orange Bay Club, setting for the din-chainnan. ner dance which ls scheduled . Serving on the UTange- to begin W!lh a eocttail hour menta committee with Mrs. at 5:00 p.m, Prescott are the Mmes. Wil- Muslc for dancing will be liam OUlmette, chairman; played by . the .Retrogressive Robert Ramsay, John P. Con· Five Plus Three, ~ don,, Mllllcent SaUsbury, res- Mrs. Frederick Pres c 01t t, ervaUom, and Cora . Peggy I County Philharmonic Society. A.Gemian beer gar- den setting will be created, and ready to set the tempo for Ule gala are (left to right) Mrs. David Tingler, Mn. Robert McGinley and Tingler. Wallace, chalnnan Norman Hull and Bertine Trell~ llal· sOn. . DecoraUons are the respon- slBillty of Mn. Charles Ste- phens, chairman, and her commlttee, the Mmes. Albert Maxted and M. A. Mander· bach. Mrs. Claude Patterson is hospitality chairman, aasilted by the Mmes. Clyde Yarnell, Robert Lang, Edward Pelle- grin, o. VI. Rlchud, Edward Hartness, Cecil Shirar and Mary Graham. It's No Wh.if,ewa·s:h.-Pink Silk Will Suit This Occasion DEAR ANN LANDERS: A booqllel of onm to you for the advice you gave to that poor kid who had a baby out of we(!~ and ..,ked ii It would be· all right to .get' married in a·'ll'lllle wedding (OWD and , have her 3-)'eaM!d daagllter u a floftr&irl /1181 because Bella made a ·Utile mislalte ii no reason abe sboWd pay for It for the rest of her life, ts tt! Wiil shoWd ll>e1hide her head in the -Ill<• .. ootrlch! Eyeryone knows wbat happened. Bella taltl her cbDd e~ywbue lad calll berieil 11i11 Joqes. I thinlr. !bit tat. es a Joi of ,courage, and Ille la to be ad- mlnld. Now thet Bella hu a chance to marl'J' . a nleo fellow, whY lhould Ille bavo the d r • a m cl. bet 1ife. apoiled1 'lbla w.- • ANN LANDER S r fortunate gltl bas alwa)'I wanted a lavel1 white weddl;ng, wlt.b orange .bl\)llSOIDI and • • everythlni. You were mean to aay no and ' spoil 'a )'llUlll maiden~ dream. -A amE FRJEND ' ~ -~ ' EAR CJA>llE: A sbtc.,. ........... a dalld •a t ii wedloet ii 1tt malftn -• - lfl<t alloal ·~ .... -.· u Ibo aDon lier dllld 11 be the nolter atrt 'at lier 'W<ddlq tlie '!Ill be the llO)J«I " ~-... riditale. Iliope -ebodJ -- ... talli Ht lllto wurJni a plU lllk 1ult -la Ibo putor'1 llady, !JJµR ANN LANDERS : You keep in- atstm1 • lhlll alcohollam II an· !llness. I know for a facl· you are wrong. Alcoholism ill .. mn..., k Is binditary. ~ family I morried into la livinl proof. .I knew when I married Jim I.bat be had a· drinking prubienl but 1 didn~ know be would take gin in a hot water boUJe to I.be hospital when.be bad Illa 1all bladder --~ Wt. Jlm'• father bu not drawn a sober breath a1nce I met him 21 yean ago. His mother' ha.S not uttered a coherent sentence in the · 1811 • 1! y~. Jim bas tht'ee brotlieri and twO mtm. The •GO!y oOe in the trowd who ~'t drink, ls • lister who ls a r~ nut Ind I think a few driniu might impr.Ve her penOOal!ty a lot. r I won't go into uncle( and ,1t11tl, but at every 'famliy weddlllg pr birlbday party all they do ii drink. Nobod1 eats. They ~ve.in call tJ>e fin 4'll-to come 1et the food because they bale .. -tt oul · ·~ -This . bunCh -1a 'livlnl • pniol tluil al~ la beredltary. It'• Dbl poalbl• that oVeeybody in Jim'• llmlly caucht the ...,. W-. I.hope you .W be biC eno<Jab to admit you .,. Wl'Ollll ,and l'iD rlg!iL -DON'T TOUCH THE STUFF MYSELF DEAR STUFF: Tile -._ 11111 • tmdeaq ttward aJooiMUam may be lloredilarJ, b 1 I al~ II a ti ... i,erlted Ilk• q'llkN teelll .. lnlq-<op ean. It 11 ..._ tbal,.., -...i•1 du II loaded ·,;i111 -pnl!leml ud t lle7 all tt.oH IM 1ame e1e1pe baleb--. . DEAR ANN LANDER!: Delore a woman men1es (-.cl time Io r botb) dou abe have Ibo rlJhl ' to know 1- mucb .mooe, ~ man eamt, how much ' be bas In lbe bank, bow much be hu in '- lloeb,-boiwll and-lul eltate, and how mucb inlurllll<O be carrlel! When a cer- tain lady uted me these questlOlll I said, "lloem'I dllract.r COWll!'" Sh I . . . replled, "Yet, bu~ ·1 ~ learn tbat tram your behavior." Wh/lt do you say aboul thiJ matter, Ann! -1\'ARY WAJJ.Y DEAR WALLY: J I a y a Woal.a.a. Us the dPI to no.( the auwen.IO -qaesd., b t ft re. tltt ml!'liet. T • • divoree ""'"' an loaded wllll peope wbt married llnl aid ubd later. When romantic g1.n... turn to 1!ll'lll embraces la It love or chemistry! .Send for the booklet "Love or Su: and How to Tell the DillmoDC<," by Ann ' Lmlers. -a long, ltamped, .. ~­envelope and 31 cenls in -wi1h :rour request. . • Ann Landers w!ll be llad to be!P JOU wllb :rour probi..,. Sooil them to &er in care ol the DAILY PILOT, enc!OlinC a llamped, ..u.-......... I I ,14 '!'!L! "1.0T I •• r t -· --- In Stars' Homes ~ He 'Furnishes' Special .Touch llllidt, lbqh -toll. the atmoopbere ll ooe ol w ..... 111, -and -fort. A -ol periodt, ln-dudlnl a chair from the Napoleoole period, an old "Enclloh deal< and Chl.- ,.mi ..,,._ tt II in ucellenl teote -.. k ~ .. ..... a.., ---.... Claro 1111 lnl.-lor dlc6r•tor --'" ii-f 1 r 11 ol1C1Dtmerll. -.-••••In -11 Prior lo ,....... h j. HlllL 1111 --. tltl lurnlktre and fanil!y to '"·•--• -Lq\1111 10111e lhree yun a10, and Jlallq Clmll, bowHer be Clarke had a home In BoverlJ dlclclld lo follow 1llo ulllllc Hllll wblch now II awned b)' -~=::~ Juliet Prowae. w.lcr A few ol -who 1011ght illl""- 1111 pro!ualooal ldvlce wen A mu with -tulel, Dor!J Day, the llte Mr. Clark !ti fllll tltlrrllavo --Gable and Doona lleod. uol<rtunato 1•rIo4 • In Olarte tectlld Miii D1y'1 . ~~..': home IOllll ••to years ap popular ID t 11 e 1NI. "It wll when site purdwed tt ,,... prttly berrlbll but I'm DOI Alfred Wallenstein. ftllPGM)bll," he Wct*t "I Thi Day home, done tn WU ltUI ta a'!bool" Country French, t I ~ ''Thi lc:tndtm'flla trend," temporary In deJip but tradl-!ti Mid, ,.,... be1ka11y I Uona1 In lumilblnp. Colon, ::11.1_..... II CIDll .o.w Club reporttd, ""' aunaltinl ... -·-yellow and str1w ( h e r aft«' war and people were · 1 .. or1te1) with ell wbltel and Jml fltlinl tllelr w11 araund.. """""'of French blue. HI tltlnb-.Medllernneln •ft-Da ~·~~ •••• lumllun II aunctlVI but ~ 1 ~-a ~ womed, .. _ ....etbln(J ll founlaln be lnlta1led In a cor-mempoM. _... ~tired ner ol her llvlns room In lieu ,......... · of the tradlllonal ber. "Siii ol H. II I were -f<r ---·--.. Clar"-oopblll1caled _.. ---··· -·-..,~, -emount ol nmey lo lnveet, I explalnod. lllllead her suesil wouldn't 1 U I I e 11 Medttor· en lrated lo hllltblu1 jui..,. ·-· Miii Dq bu ooe JWOblem 'Sailing, Sailing I ••• most women would cbeerfu111 wllbonthemle1--c- mpece. To man WIJ for the lier'• glpnllc wardrobe, the decar:ator boot 1 d hrO bedrooma toptber to mate a -decanllnl, ... cordlQI &o Clarke.·il 11bi.11 Eo- llotic, be aplalned. II 1 mis· -ol """ and perlodl ol Ba ~--"II It 11 dool !WO' 1..n1 In lhe 1umblne ot. Aloha-land are Mr. and Pll'IY, 11.11.tltl beet-·" be Mro. Alvin D. Pfl!ball ot. Balboa w!lo Nllecl lo lht -. Ptc!l'lc lllond abotlrd lhe SS Lurline. ~~~~~~~~~--~--~-! ~· mavll Illar'• ltltbroom Clara~wrlntlelup II minia 1 tub, 11nce 1be u 1 Jllo · -II whit be calll lbower fan. She batbeJ In 1 dtpattmmlf: lkl't wlndow ·~:""c--:-:----------t bomll. "I am qalnlt the Idea ' marbl• 11111 with anllque gold ol .. ., lhlnll. ouch u tf itne 1b ~·hu marveloul tuta, bedroom mtt.. ail In tbe ame .llll INTEltlOlt DICOltATOlt Bruce Alen Clarke •• can be ,... In her claulc pettem. -. thlnp wanlrobe. She doesn~ go In ~ be '1troten up with 1 -·~--------------"'~k for ooteni.u ... tltlngs 1t aD, C!Cllllrullns ~ ol lllntiturt. '!bore la a,joll lor you In the -Ana -a and site loves · anUqueo," -~~.~the pollUon needing no <!Iller quallllcaUon but ycur Um1 Horoscope Clarke laid approvingly. ·--. -.....-.,...., on and wWln baDdJ He worked on Ute late Clark the ladle lndullr)' I · Gable'• rambling c o u n t r 1 11CUrrtrdlJ wt U. In the 'lboul8Ddi of these opedng1 are aYlillblt for Elllliah borne In Encino, alio , period ol ' mon e le I• n t men and women from leenlgen lo 1enlor dlllenl. Le·o: You Are Winner Today about oeven yean ago. IUrnllblnp, allboalb I prefer Now 11 the Ume lo (ti Involved In ycur ....,. Goble, It seem>, never made tltil In 1n undlntated 111111111r mun1u.,· need1. You cen help a yoonpter lo leal1l meny ch a n g ea from Ute 8omew111re IJons Ute Uno, lb9 or ease Ile bunion of looellnel1 for Ifie elderty. , =ali!.°':rnhem:\:! ~e':r!:Tt1t ~= l'OSITIONI PltOMISID •IO. although there have been Wllffl ...i -In 1 Awa!Ung your telephone "all II Ille Volunl"1' lllftral new Mn. Gables lince 1reab up-to.dale approach and Burau. Mro. Linn Arkulb at M2-09M I• tile execu- then. "I think tltll annoyed hll In more vivid colon. The five director and will penonally 118ist callen from ..iv.,," Clarke confided. He lundturt hid to chanp lo ec-9 a.m. lo i-. evory weekday. · llid h1I work with Gable wu commodlte the ,....., belns She will cwlom maid! yoo and the job wlUl Ille . WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 16 ., llYDNET OM.Ullt 1'11ie wile man contftlla hiJ destiny ••• Allrology polnll Ult ,,.,, " ~- AUii (lllard> ll·April It)' ~ .. ...--i. ulfllgfloa Ill cr11th1 -Popular!IJ W1'I; o..--·-·---.,.. up. Your "'•~-'"'"""" a n CGllYinctnf. lltlllJ -Iron ll 1¥>1-TAlllV l(Aprll flO.liay IO)t CClndltlaol wlllcb lfflcl llCIJrl. IJ In -Dq lo build far -Y• came -In- --hid been ---lldf .. tqe ol addld-.._0o1o1L GICllllll (liq 11.Jlllll Ill): I-cu bl lraofarmod Into -· ICly II ~ to ICCtPI -~IJ. J~dellinp wltlt nl1Uv1 Ille bllltJIPled. Older -d111r•• attention. GM ll CANCZll (J-11.Ju)J 21): You an able lo rid ,..,.it o1 prollWnlnlnii -Aoceol .T .. Dou. lmpor· tat t can be ca& pllted. lndMdulJ belpe 1111 ldlll, .,...i..cta -lel loplbor. LllO (Ju)J II-Aus. 21): Cy. el• conttnue1 bla:h. ClrculnllancM -In """ favor. Gin attention to Del'IODll. appurance. Combine lorces with CANCER ln- dlvidual. You're a winner to- day. Ad Ute one. VIRGO <Aus. n&pt.12): Fine !0< dlniDs out, altendJni theat.r. Bruk lrom routine. Get rr.sh ouUoot. Myltery could be IO!Ved. lnd!Yldual -11 quiet rulJ)' 11 oo Yl'lll' lkll. Bl .-pllve. Heed mner -· LIBRA (Sept. 13-0ct. 12): P'riendl1 paturo by one you mpect hlshlllbll dey. llome ol your hopes, wlltteo ceme do8er to reality. Welcome eoclal acttvlty, c o n t a c l 1 . UUll!e lbcrwmanabip lo putting ...... vllwpolnl. SCORPIO (Ocl SI-NOY. II): EtrorclM ··-In dellins with ouperton. Some may be trrttable. Don't compound er· .... Chlct ~. Jim flC1I al bUd. You _,. vlc- tor1aat, bul be 1...-w1n-.... l40ITl'4IUllll (NOf. n. Jlec. SI); Good Juner ~ lodl1 -with """ ollucll,. lo D I · r I D I e ln- dlcdw Your ldw c:lk:k. llilfailaiS plflODI In ,.,.,..., --·d. a.,. ... Ool wllo cippoMd )'OU ...... -. ~(Dlc.JWa. U): "'-1P1111 fer home L.' t' r-..:~.:-,:e:: ...... cn2• l'lildUdR ............ ,..._ ....... _ .. inbeln- --Go fer IOCllrllr· • I AQUAllWI! (Ju. fll.Feb. 11): Spotllgltt oo marriage, parbnblp. You leem bow to aet eioo(I with -of op. poolns 'riewa. Accent oo public relat1onJ. Be fair but firm. You're a wtmer if mature. PUClll (Feb. It-March Ill): Keep reoolullool coocern1n1 -k, bla1lh, diet. Finl for tilnlnl -"' undentandlns Wltb lhO.. -..... -Show appreclatJon for extra elfO<ll. Reunion lndlcelod with lonner euoclate. II' TODAY U YOUll BlllTBDAY you hive UDo den:tandln& ol b 1 r m o n 1 , mullc •. You cai> bring peace to -who en -bed. You hive made ~ -now .,. ...... flnl! peace ol mind. Gll:NEllAL TENDENCllllh Cycle hlsh for LEO, VIRGO, LIBRA. Speclal won! lo PISCES: 10 out olyour wey to aid ooe who helped you In put. T• flncl M .....,, Mtv tw .,.. 111 _.,. ............. ....,. em.n'• .... '"llerft Hl!ltt fw Miii efMI W_, ....... Mrtllilttl Mill • -a ft Otnerr ~ ltCf'ltl. flle DAILY ,ILOT, ...... Grind c:tllt\"ll It• lier\, N .. Yll'\. N.Y, 1 ... 7. Silver Sandi The !Int Ind tltJrd Tueodlyo at I p.m. membert of IUver Sanda 18'1, NaUva Dauabtm of the Golden WOil ptlter for meetln11 . LU:e Park Clubhoose in Hunting t o n Beach II the meeting place for the tl.rtt teJa1on. Mn. Jack Wlllon, 54&-1171, will furnish locatioo on the nen meeting date. more ~ a replacement pro-woven." time you have to oller. 'Ibe bureau is located at 325 ce11 than redeeoraUng. The decorator, whole wife I.! N. Newport Blvd ., Newport Beach. 0 He'• one of the rucest peo-president of El Morro PTA pie I've ever -ted -." moved to Lquna becaUll hali MISS YOUR CHILDREN? Clarke said o1 the mall star. of bll -wu In the Yoo might enjoy several day1 a month with "He wu easy going, but area, however he sUll maln-som~ deligh~ children who need and would ap- decl.aive." tains a Beverly Hills office. In preciate your time and attention. 'lb ere is a 12-year· Don a 1 Reed (Mn. Tony eddWon, hi recently opened a old boy and 10-yee.r.-old twins living in a foster home. <>wen) caDed on Clarke 1boul lhop, The Send Cutle, in TbOle chlldl'01l woold benefit from cultural exper- lill yean .,. lo rtmOdel her LllUDI Buch, with Mrs. ionce1 oulalde the home. The Foste< Home Service II !l'nnch -· lllchard Holl ol C<lrOlll de! requelllng yoor hnlp. For further lnform1tlon call ••• 1 o • 1 d '° mb 'ffll"/j;•"'•";;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;th;;iiie~b~ur~e~a~u.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""iJ -.--,,.,,., trldlllonal fllrnllblnp. n wu ~~Nee~~ .. aarn fJ~~i~, @f!'-oifo PEO Hosts 1111111'11111111111111111111 Area Event Un1fflH1tM. wUl bl put1 of PEO, OrtD11 Co11t1J Reciprocity llurllU It the meettn1 Oct. 11 at 10 a.m. ln the Jl'lella Room ol Ute E 11 lb1Ufl'1 Actmlnlmtllon llulldlns. -chapter far the col· fee an CV and BX o1 !Im> l1naton -and QQ ol 11111 Cl-ia. Thi ........ -1111 Journeyri.m1ParellnLllld lo Ca!Uomll will be pn..i.d by Mn. A.lea T 1tom1on o1 La.... Beach. Thi 1-11 won the blfbell boner bellow· ed by the Int era at Ion a I Toastmiltress Clubl. A.II PEOI uo uted lo Invite area unafflllatet. Reeervalklftl Cln be made b)' caUJnc Mn. Lyle OOerman at M7.oo.t or Mn. L.R. Mackie, 492-1031. DllAPERY ~~~~NEllS A NNIVERSARY CELEBRATION OCT. 16th ·OCT. 20th HO~E OF WORLD FAMOUS BEEF STICK CUT TO ANY SIZEI ~; '1.59 di.count on whol• 1tick. HICKORY FARMS BANANA CHIPS 2 ~: $).00 AN UNUSUAL SNACK ITEM IT'S BRAND NEW Swiss FlavorCheesell ..... ,.1t ~~.19 .. l9Mn1 W1ter Dllm1 .. e PLAMI PIOOPINe EXCLUSIYI REGISTER FREE GU41lANTEID DllAl'HY CLEANIN<5 Ort,.,.., ci .. 1111111. hrfKt ............. ef tlMi m .. YMfr llr11...,., .,. 1tl .,. ,,.c.,..ent H c)•n• e N• WlltM HM41 • H• lhrlnbtif ·~·""" ..... •W•t#lt.Ma....,.. • PtrfMt ,. .. t , ...... e ,,..,_._., INtalt.tt. OUI IXCLUllVI lllVICI • ,, ....... , ltfMVlll • ,..,,. Mly .. An• .... e ,,.. latltMM • ,,.. ...... Drt,.. FOi A DILUXI IAaN Gin PAK 1'0 II •IVIN AWAY FREE PINAL DAY OF OUI CILllflATION HICKORY PAltMI OLD PASHIONID CRACKIRS WITH PUICHAll OP Cheese Ball MAD HICKORY MIMI OI' OHIO YOUR ••• CHRISTMAS Gin HIADQUAlftll erm OF FOOD Alli SUll TO l'LIASI HlctlH'y ~,,.. af Olla ha1 1 wW1 1t11rtm111t 1f Chti1t11111 t lk ,,._, , , , f1a+.rl"I .._ fl111 ,,1cu1lty f1M1 '''''' 1111:1. All •r• c1r•fally 11l11t14 •1'14 t.11atlfalty '''"' t. _ti~~" •¥tryaH aa .,.," ll1t. Oar fri11141y cl1rk1 ire tr1l1114 t• help yaa \11 "'"" w.., IN ._., t lft ,.a •• 41.,J.., 411rl111 tlt1 111111¥trt•'l c1l1!.r1H-.. • TAD n WITH YOU OI WI WIU MAR. Ill Off I• ...., & any 20% 540·1366 642..0270 WESTCUff PLW 41 TOWll & COlllTIY 1702 llEWPORT II.YD., con& MESA I 061 IRVINE AV!!. o~ '"•'"" aMI S1114.,. N1wpo.t hoch, C.111. 777 S. MAIN ST • 0,.11 ~ .... aH S1H1J o ... ,.. C.111. ---- HWTHIPAS ANNIYIRSARY CILltRATION Our 3rd .. y- in 0r .... Cecmty' X..die. "Join tO:le Beautiful People" at Hollclly Health Spu, 1bed pound.I, ,.. unn1e lncbu ••• hive 1 bealtblul, 1hlp- ller lirure, add 1111 lo your Ille • • • • ~ ... """-· Lelllw, -·-•"-•-........... ......_ • ._..""'"II- elArlOtll ... ·-., __ Ill_ eMMYC~ 'tic--..,... CALL Oil STOP BY TODAY ' FOR A Pill! TOUR OPIN 7 DAYS -S BIG LOCATIONS Costa Mesa Anaheim Orengo flt •. t.dl M¥IL -...... 119 lJllH.W.... J~J. 11 ... w . ......,., M_.., •Or.,.. A~ ,...,. , ... lllt 11111..,., ... ,, .... , c.... ....... CtllW ...... (..., ,...,. lll'ltta 12UH1 •, ) ·--------------------------'-----~---- Mesa voe 6f, NO. 248, 3 SECTIONS. 42 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1968 Real Space Show Trio ·Give ·rv Viewers Look at Ship SPACE CENTER, JloUllon (UPIJ - The tm.e Apollo 7 astronauts, floating around inside their cabin in the welghUessness of space, staged the se- cond act of .. 'lbe Lovely Apollo Room" television ·aeries today and took viewers on a guided tour of the ship built to take men to the moon. ''The one and only orl&inal Apollo orbiting road show starring two acrobats from outer space. Wally Schirra and Walter CUnningbam,'' said Doon Eisele as be appeared on the screen in opening the aecond day ol Apollo'• live telecasts Irvine Faculty . lo oarth. After a couple of jokes. with their col- leagues at the Houston Space Center spacecraft, Commander Schirra toot the litUe five-pound camera and gave rnillion5 of earthbound television view·ers a loot at the insjde of the 11-ton spacecraft as it swung over the United States on its 60th orbil Apollo 7 entered.its fifth full day In space at the eod of the telecast and it ap- peared sound enough to complete the full 11 days of its demanding trial run. A full success might clear the next Apollo team Profs Deny ·censure Of Cl.eaver Invitation 87 THOMAS FORTUNE Of IM Dlllf P'lllt Sl•tr The UC Irvine faculty Monday soundly defeated a resolution interpreted as. a censure of the professor who has invited Eldridge Cleaver back to campus. Meeting as the Academk Senate, the faculty also took a strong stand asking UC -Regents lo withdraw censure of the Berkeley professors responsible for the course Cleaver is teaching there. Both vOle.! were decisive with only a couple of hands raised in opposition to each. , ·0r. Kenneth Ford, a physicist and chairman of the .Irvine Division of the Academic Senate, estimated about 50 of t.he division's 275 members attended Monday's sesslon. The -ial Acadmtle-Seoale meeting, ~ed over !nm Int •'l'bursday, also was attended by about 100 stu4ents whose spokesman saJd they w;ere t¥;re to back the faculty In lie. stand opposing the regents. Thursday the faculty had voted to re- quest the regents ·to rescind their ruling limiting guest lecture appearances on a campus to one' per quarter and not to submit to the regents a report justifying standards for experimental ·courses. At that session,'" Dean Of the Graduate Division Ralph Gerard introduced a resolution disapproving of a professor who uses his classroom or his position for distinctly partisan activitiea. The resolution clearly was aimed at censuring Dr. stepben Shapiro, an assis- tant professor of F.nglish who has invited Cleaver, the controversial Black Panther leader, to iedure to one or more of his literature clas.5e.5. Gerard was not present M o n d a y to speak in favor of his resolution. In a written introduction to the resolu· lion, however, Gerard observed: "Politicians, led by the Governor, have made throughout the state a major issue of Mr. Cleaver and the University. I suspect that .. politics were not entirely absent in the original choice of Cleaver for the Berkeley course. In any event, the predictably strong reaction of the facu1ty has contributed to a confrontation of the University and the people of California ~t lio!IL the far left and the far right weteolne Just 'because it is 'damaging to all that our instltuUon stands for. .... "The original ltlUI ilt.JXAf lost in rising emotions, Cleaver's probably v a I i d qualifications are irrelevant and sidea are widely drawn on the question of academic freedom. The Re~t3 are responsible for the tota1 well·being of the University and, wheth!'lr or not their particular act.ion was the wisest possible, l think most of us would agree that they couJd not ignore the public clamor." Dr. Gerard'J proposed resolution read: "The lrvioe Division of the Academic Senate hereby goes on record as sup- porting academic /r:eedom only when it is eiercised with responsibility. Academic freedom has been achieved b)' professors on the basis of the wisdom of protecting the expert from the pressures to distort hi!! scholarly eiamination of a topic on the basis of bJs objecUve and full knowledge. When professors ac¢ in Class, or in their professional capacity, in Uiis spirit, all members of the University should support them. · "The id'eal of a scholarly examination of all aspectB of a problem and of a ra- tional and artistic exposition of these is not always achieved and occasionally lhere ill reason to suspect that a pro- fSee FACULTY, Page Z) OCC' s Ed Burke Ready for Action Orange Coast Olympians lake a rest - except for hlmmer·throwing history pro. fessor Ed Burke of Orange Coast College -who today is warming up for com· petition Wednelday in Mexico City. Volleyball, water polo and track action are all covered In special stories today by DAILY Pn.m Sports Editor Glenn White reix>rting dl.rectly from Mexico City on Page JJ. Almoo Lockabey, DAILY PI L 0 T boating editor, coven the sailing Olym· pians with hill eiclusive report from Acapulco. fOI' a Oighl al'OOlld the 10000 In December. After the telecast, the utronauta told ground control they had cracker aumba all over the cabin. "We have a gripe," the radioed. 0 The cracker type food, the c b t c t e n sandwiches, they'~ crwnbly and we bave crumb.1 all over the cockpit." The "space spectacular" began at 7: 29 a.m. PST and ended 11 minutes later. It was four mlnuW Iooa:er and just as clear as Monday's transmiaion. Another show is likely Wedneaday.~ Wife Accused Of Shooting Mate in Bar A Costa Mesa housecleaner accused of blasting her husband off a barstool at Ye Olde Inn Sahu-day in wild west fashion - then replacing him at the counter for a drink -was arraigned in court today. Crescencia M. Lakes. 39, of %659 Orange Ave., was scheduled to appear in Harbor District Judicial Court on SUBpi· cion of attempted murder. Police Lt. Glenn Walker said Mrs. Lakes entered Ye Olde Inn, a lounge at 2376 Newport Blvd., while it was crowded with Happy Hour tipplers late Saturday . afternoon . Mrs. Lakes however, didn't concur with Happy Hour spirit. Investigators said she approached her husband, Monte Lakes, 30i of the same :iddress , from his blind side and fired one shot, knocking hini off the bamool with on •\l<!ominal wp\llld. • , , . She find orJe mOre shot from be!-" small raliber reV()tver, catchinR the victim 1n mld-afi< ml "°"'1illng him In !be but· locks, inve!t!lt'ators charged. One more shot waa fired , but the slug \',1ent wild. I Lakes, smarting at both ends, walked inh~ the men's room with Ute 3s.sistance (If other bar patror\.s. "police said, at which 1i.fne Mrs:Lakei took over his spot at the bar and tossed off a quick one. Police arrested her at the scene •vithout incident and she was booked Into Orange County Jail, where she has rc- •11ained in custody since, pending ar- raignment. · Lt. Walker said ~rs. Lakes apparently relt some degree of ill will toward her voung husband over a personal issue between them. The victim was reported in salisfactorv condition today at Costa Mesa Memori.il Hospital. where a nunie said be would be up and around before Jong. Ex-Costa Mesa Aide's Secretary Mrs. Bezar Dies Services for Norma Jean Beiar, former secretary for the city manager of Costa Mesa, will be held at 1 p.m. Wedne3day at Pacific View Memorl•I Park. Mrs. Bezar died Monday at the Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles, after a lengthy illness. She was 34. Survivors include her husband, Gil : two sons, Frederick a.00 Eric; a daughter, Robin, all of the borne, 1844 Upper Rim Rock Canyon Road , Laguna Beach ; mother, Norma Davis Of Laguna Beach: father, Erwin Davis of Pa104! Verdes: a brother, Bill Davis or Huntington Beach. The Rev. Dallas Turner of Laguna Beach Presbyterian Church will officiate . Intennent will be at Pacific View Memorial Park. · , DAILY PILOT Sll ll Plltll New World Arrival Born on Columbus Day, first baby delivered at new Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital stares in wide-eyed wonder at eomplex world she y<'l must le.am about. Little Beverly Lynn Mlller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Miller, weigh'ed in at seven pounds, eight ounces. Mother Cynthia Miller will soon take her plnk-blank<'led bundle home to 184 .E. 21st st .. Costa Mesa. ' For Lost Coa$t Family By PAMELA POWELL Of IM DallY 'llff Stiff The Intensive air search for a Newport Beach family of five last seen Sept. 28 in a Cedros Islani:I, Mexico, grocery store entered its seventh day today as one U.S., Air Force and three Coast Guard planes combed the Mexican waters off Baja California. Robert Emigh, 35, his wife Patricia and their three children left San Diego Sept. 25 on the 40--foot yawl Tia.re for the first leg of a cruise to the Carlbbeab. They missed their scheduled arrival in Puerto Vallarta Oct. S where they were to pick up the boat's owoer George W. Drucker, a Beverly Hills attorney, and take him to the Olympic yacht races in Acapulco. Drucker notitied the Coast Guard who began an aerial search last Wednesday. Since then there bas been no trace of the vessel. Emigh, a Newport Beach yacht broker, had sold the family borne to take his family on the cruise. The children, two Car Burgla r Swipes Stereo Tape~, Watch Two sisters from lrvine lost $1ZZ worth of belongings Monday, when a car burglar broke into their auto while they watched a movie at a Costa Meaa theater. Judy A. Steele, and Virginia S. McQuaid, both of 18732 Saginaw Drive, told officers that JO stereo tapes and a watch were stolen from the vehicle, park- ed in a lot at Adams Avenue and Royal Palm Drive. girls and a lK>Y, are 13, 10 and 5 respeco tJvely. Emlgh, a competent sldRper, has aalled the Tiare lrr '!ariOUS ,races including the Tran.sPac in 1965 and 1967. He has also sailed previously In Mexican Waters. The yacht, equipped with emergency 11:ear including three high-powered radios. bas been docked for the past several years al BerlWtire's Restaurant. The Tlare may have been at ita most extreme point from land OcL 1 when the tropical storm Pauline hit the area. Had the yacht been dismasted in the storm radio tranmiiuion would have been lost. Drucker,· the owner, had been &taying with friends in Puerto Vallarta. but bas ~ince ret~ed to Newport Beach to keep Jn touch with the Coast Guard friends said. ' W. County Firm Calls for Count y Air Expansion A Westminster engineering ltrm, with a l'eci!nUy constructed $750,CW. plant in the Irvine industrial complei, 11 calling Jor the erpan&ion of the ezisting Orange County airport. In a letter addressed to Orange County supervlsora, K. W. Carlson ol Voorheis· ;:i~::~~~··1~' = ~ t!:!~ Orange County's greatest industrial aevelopmenl " Carlson pOioted out in lhe Jetter that "the enUre lrvlM btuatrial comple1 .is being bulll bjcauie nf lie convenience lo the airport... "' u~IT•_..... Coast Sailor Shares Win "Should you cw1all development of the: airJ>Qrl. you, would be JeopardWng the most luxurious IDdu.rtrial complei in the United ~tatea. •• • The firm urged IU~rvisors to teke "a strong atand" on pr«ecting and es· ponding the existing airport "IO that It becomes a atabte, integral part of tM County of Orange." ,.\-- v ... 11 to Sa fet11 Woman shot in leg during 'Out· burst of sniper fire in Panama is helped 1D safety by weeping lrlencf. U.S. has become fact<>r in strtlggle between mllltary junta which se!%ed power and defiant President Arnultl! Arias (See story, Page 6). NEW YORK (AP) -Thell<lek mmtt widened Its advance late this •fternoon Jn more •ell,. t"1dtn1. (5« quolaUon~ Paja 10-U). Blqe chlpo Improved tbclr earlier performance, ~ Ille Dow J,... in- duotrlal 1Yttap nwl7 im.e points. . \ • ' Vic tor in First Star CUis s Race of Yachting Oly mpics By ALMON LOCKABEY DAILY PILOT ....... lftlw ACAPULCO -l.mr<fl North of San Diogo and cmrman Peler Barrett of ' . Newport Btach lllarled .. ...,tlna a pro. gam it loof·planned revenie over the "Gi'eot Dane" Poli! EIYllrom Monday by winning the flnt race cl Ille Star clau in !be rachtlnJ Olympia. . North and Barrtll Roi their North Star cranked up alt.er the 1tnt mark ind pun. ed from flrt.h to Ortt place and went on to beat Nonray'a Peter Lwld• and Elvstrom in whit 11 &hlping up 11 the main feature of !be n .. c1u1 011mp1c •11ln& 1ames. Tile Stat competltlai ii cltarl,r a battlt or champions. North ii 1 im.e Ume former world dfampton, Etvstrom ls the current boljler ol the gold llir, Durwood Knowles of the 8abatrw 11 the defending Olympic . aoI<f medaillt, and Timar Pin<gan ol Rusm. II !be 111111 Ol)'lllplc aoid meclallal. All« a lhal<7 .n.rt. North and eamtl, llMt Finn Cius sllver tn<dalllil In 1116!, burled them all. 8"t • 11"'111 and &r· rett well knOw, one ntce does oM mate.1 series. Barrell bu bJJ own l"\ldle acainst Eivatrom whom be bu nevtt ACLU's Fall F:iesta beaten In the Finn c1aa. El-ii COOllderacl b)' many 1o be • Carded_ in H~f;ipgton the warli1'1 bat amall boat Allor. lie bis . · .... four Olymplc: medals In the afnale • Tho fl( llala' of the Onno Cc!lit !\anded claal and la blddlni for bla ftlth ' Ch4pter ol the America/\ .Ctltl l.!bert!u In !be Stan. Union entfllt<! "Una CUctil~" ii Nortll rot the bc!t weather ltarl, but • puled for I p.m. Satardjy at '!be hallway up the weather leg It wu 'V!dent liom< of Mr. and Mn. Robert H. Olt, that Elvatrom and Umde had him beat Il86i HartneN Clrtle Huntlnlton Bellch. and Knowla and P!negan were foqting The Qelfa 'will r .. \.in an eihlbK by iood cltt' !lie lee lfde ol the c:ourie. Bui;\ ICU!pton JM.I> Aalell• anci Lany IJY. Wind shift helped Nonb'• .._ and a lllP!Oft. Jl'urtlie: fnlonnatlonll>Of bo-o!>- lho parade llarled mund the flnt m.t , talnod bJ calllni I.cull B. Mulfty at II). (See ACAPULCO, Pof• tJ !JM (mil. t'll), ' ' • Today's• O nlllg N.Y. Stoeks TEN CENTS Apartment Block OK'd, 2Held0ver. Only one of a handful of propooed apartment developments was recom- mended for approval by the Costa M~ Planning Commfsslbn Monday, aa com .. inis.!ioners held over two and voted no on a fourth. ' The condllional use permit opplicaUon by Oley-E. Aleteeberry, of 121 PuweU Place, Newport Beach, will go next to the City Council for final action. Atteberry proposed an ti-unit, three- lfory project on property from 237 lo 2451,i 16th Place, in an R3-CP zone. T h_e commlsaton's TtC0m1Qendatkm against a variance for a lknlt project, making a total of 18 units on Gerald G. Terhune's property at S52 Hamilton St., In a duplei zone, will probably be ac- cepted by the City CoWlCll. FURTHER sruDY Held for further study at the com· mission's bl·•eekly Ot"t. 21 session were: -A proposed condittonal use perm.it for a »unit development by Sparling Enterprises and Allen Thomas, tn a com- mercial zone at %140 Newport Blvd., an "1lrel now developing toward motel and apartment use. -Another Sparling job, Dover Vill age Corporation's sugl{ested 10 unit develop. ment on proeperty at 5.94 Hamilton SL, where the zoning is for duplex density, reouiring granting of a variance. A ma lor rezoning studv on land In the area of Southern Calilomia Colleii:e, Orange CoUntv1 Fairl(l'Ounds and the Costa Meaa Civic Center was a1ao held over as requested byl the Bible school. SCHOOL OENIED A condltlonal use pennit 90Ught by Tbe T>otphin Club "Die •• of !Olll Comtnodore Ro~d. Newnor\ -Beach. for i .private school in the old Costa Mesa Police Department at 1957 Newport Blvd., '°"' aJM fortnall.v recbmmended for denial. The pro,lect waS dropped before llCboo1 ever began, but action was lnadvtrtently left oDen on the matter. Action was also continued Monday·oru a conditional use l>ennit soupt by the lnJtltule ol Ablllty, io operi ,. llmlted counselllng service branch offioe at 145 E. 18th St., by aopotntment only. OperaUoo of the or_Ranlzatkm•a church quarttrs aJ ' 1848 "PlacMua A\.'e. has sparked heatetl debate before.the Pla'n.- ninR Commission and City Council In the pa!!t. Neighbors claim disturbances of an wrts. pill! objectionable aDoearance by bearded, long·haired parishioners are dropping their propertv valueS and the ci- tv has yanked a permit for the church at that location. Pilot Presents Mexican,frogress While the world's eyu ~e riv~ted on Olympic compelition In Mexico Cily and Acapulco, there is another upect of Mex- ico the DAILY PILOT will zero in on beglnnnlng WedlleS<lft1.' Bilingual reporter .Bruce Be n a o n recently completed a 2,\i(IO-mile , tour to eumlne several bootstrap projects.under way in varioua Mexicaa states under t.be auspices of the Partmn of 1be Alllanc:a for Pr<>V-." On hl!i week·1ong tour, Benson traveled by air and land to Interview more than two dozen local leaders ln four Mexican towns to brlnJ back a series ol stories on the mood and progreu ol Mexicans In- volved in Partners 1of the Alliance pr1> jects. : . Surprise! 1be wn'1 out, and il'a golng to stay out for a whUe - at least throua;h Wednead•Y when the mercury moves up to 74 along the Orange Coast. INSIDE 'l'ODA I' Tl!< m<>dtm dop ..,.al.,. of John•¥ Appl .. erd It 41 vm~ f" • . Iii• Jlldwell, oh'dfnQ marl,.... 1 ; 1ttdl lure and ""r•· Pao• S. ! = ... ': r:r:.-,; ... <..in. ff ........ ,... ll ~ , ............ +4 --I --' °'*""' ... ,... 1•u !5..... ti '""' , ... : ""' ,.n =~ '•;: ,.,. Cllll ' ,, . .,_ ,." -. ~ ......... 1t -~ u ..,..,.... ... --' t DAl1.Y PILOT New Jersey Blasts N. Viet Island Strollghold '""'" C1Jllll -no ' ms •t ""' J...., -up lo the blaDd holdlric North v-·1 ht.a-shore ballA!tlel 'and llltnQJ -I ~ cl, the In• iolO lbe Goll ol ~llb W lfolndl ..... U.S. opotesmtn Nld today. When the lll:IOte cleared away a U.S. ow1a1..,.... looUd lor a"""" or the ooce lethal Hon Malt 151and and ahoutod into bis radio: "lt'I doWll ln the ocea.GI" . . ....... '* "GDllV" bamao., tlle..til'l ........ Wh't ..... . .......... ,,.. ...... ...... .... -.......... lnl-11 ~ lllt,l.i-tlHuelt heavy ..-· raiill tbal held blclt American llruall'DO ~Into~· or the North v1e11wn aum and for ao mlnuteo poured In 2,700 JiOwwf lbeU.. , Navy Slplman S. C. Georie R. PoUtr "'C4 .. '8, -.CiJ~ ... -1e., .. = ..... -............ t .. .... , ...... _ ... ..,,.. .. ... ol smoke. 11 • ' ·: 'lllere was no r<p>rt·or ti\; Nortb VJ&. namese guns getting even ooe abol at tbe New Jersey. - Tbe New Jeney's att.ack struck oear . . . .. ., ' .Ex-employe Sues I',.... Pqe l ACAPULCO ••• it w.a N<nray, Demnait. Sweden, F!llland..aod the Unlled staW In that order. School District On the do!nnrind lep It·-mdtnl Norlb bod lbe best -lpood al the eod cl the triangle, DWldng the hallway polal, be -O'ltl'blppe!l with Lunde andEl-A formtT emploJe 'cl Nftporj..lle1a "nlfled ·llc:l1oor-bu, IWDOd . Ibo -. tha Stale Coaipenla1ICll In--.nace J'uDd and a s:rtvate detecUve -M defendonll la I fU mllllon -.'Omptalnl wblcb alleges ·traud, con opiracy and illvaaloo of bis privacy. Wlllllai 11. Soyder el Gardea Grove no _, tnlilteOI 111 bla Sllperlor Court pef elm cl -"'ill8 wllb lbe stale 11enc. lo engqe a firm cl prl•ale detecllves I lnvatlpte J)>e dlsablllty be IIlqedlJ m cumd Wlillo --!tr the -Snyder· --be bod warbd f"' Ibo --II ,.an ...... be dered -. l!!lurlts .., the job, ap June 13, 1913. 1liOoe li\jurlel, be a ta t e s • D'C"f"'Sltlted the pes:ftwnwic:e m two lplnal -operallm& ancI led to"grut pain and ]lll1llclal llllfferinl" -bas kit bJm uaemployed for more. lhan five years. Snyder clalm1 that trustees and state officials: conspired to hire Krout aod Sdu>eider" of Slnta Ana. a p-ivate detec· tive agency, wilh a view to investigaton ---wblcb could be Uled aplnll blm al a lllale compenaallon -.... Lall Oct. IS, the IUli -· • private detedive hkl DW' So:Jder'• home wblle a ....,,.. ..,.nllYe pined --lo bis -by "lraoduleoll1 prelet>dln&" tba1 she ...... Orange <:.a College -''milinl a market wvey u a means ol layin& for her education." . Sayder da1ml the ........ triod to '.'nliJi ll1a ~ by tellinC blm " her poor flpgdal drolmstancel and ol repoln -pollce bod ordered to be car- ried aut cm r.. car. lie clalma lhal Ibo t>leaded with blm lo lnapec:I the --!'iPll e11 her auto. Wbill be waa chrilng Ibo car, Snyder states, the prlvat. delectln --'lllls ..... be aJlegel, wtlb a view lo .,,.. YtncinB bearlll& -that b I 1 ~s) tnjuriel were not oC a permaneat nature. Snyder, at l1ds point ol Ibo cxmplainl. addO $10,000 to lbe fU. mlDlm claimed for lurlher Injuries cauaod ·by Ibo labor he carried out on the wcman lnvtstiga· tor'• cu. Fnxn lbeie ll looUd lite• bow lo bow duel bet•-Norlb and EIVlliom. A1 the &eCODd wealber mart North WU 25 --" the put Done with Lunde a .._ lllinL Again Norlb prv9ed bia oup<rlor downw!JMI ablllty aa be IUded down the mounting seas to a comfort.able me minute and 50 -lead wblcb be bold at the fin1lb. Lunde meanwhile was pushing El>llnJm and nlppell blm by .... lban a boll length al the flnlalL Aam'1ia waa fGurtb. -was. fifth and Knowles ol the Babamu ... abtb. Second best U.S. performance was turnod In by Buddy -ol New . Orleana In the Dragoo Clul. lie llolabod ...,.,,,.. behind East Gennany'1 Paul -In the hlply compet!U.,. Finn Class Ibo winner WM dart bone Pbillppe Scria of France over Nr:nrlY'• P e r Wemeakiold. Soviet Ruala'a Valentin Mankin WU third. Wlllie Kuwdde, the IBM gold medalist from Wen Germany, finLVled 11th. --both the Flying 1latchman and U Meter - F..-Pqe l The wont basoJe occumd In Ibo FDS Wblcb flnllllod with red IJ'P llYinr from at le85l fOQr boats. Bob Jamea: Of the U.S was seen leaving the courii halfway up the aecond weather leg. FACULTY CHIDES REGEN'J'S ••• fessct has used hb: class or hill position (or distinctly partisan activities. 'Mtis is destructive to hia students, bis Ci!)· leagues. his blMltution and to scholar· sblp. Under llUc:ll conditloos It Is the ""flOllSibllily of !lie Un!v<rolty com· muntty to dlaapprove." Alr'stiml Proiea« of CI as 1 l cs 'Ilieodore Bnmner aa1d ' "It (Ibo molutlonJ II eoocllod Vf!ey carclull:I', yet I believe <W1 ...,.le -Jn tho nsom a-. -It Is -. 'lben are ~dqe proe<111 for ...,...... ..... 1e ber, including fil. Ing a compl.alnt, a , Jt days for reply, and _.,,, Ibo senate member wishes." 'Jbose faculty members pre 1 en t overwbelmingly voted &be re!Oiutlon down. Tiie nooiullon lhal WU paaaed, uking the repnil 1o wllhdnlw their ""'""' or the Berteley JS'lllelaort, WU authored by As1i1ian1 Prof.or of Pbyalcs Gerard Van Hoven. -Profesaor of Pbllooopby stanley Munaat .aid be wasn't an Van Hoven'• motion wu a good ooe because censuring faculty members "might be a good way to let regent& blow off steam." However, Engllah Department Chairman Hazard Adams said the word "ceDS1re" means more lo him than just disapproval. "I think of the acUon the U. .• S. Senate took in respect to Senator Jos. : eph McCarthy. This sounds like some· thing that woold go on the record of an indlvldual." Van BOven al'(Ued his Berkeley Cill· leaguea had followed proper procedures 1n aet.Ung up Social Analysis 139X, tbe ex· perimental cooree on rac:e with Blick Panther Cleaver as the principal lee· lurer. 'Ibe. resolution passed n e a r J y unanimously. Chancellor Daniel Aldrich Jr. told the faculty bow he will Interpret I.heir earlier resolulion not to submit a report. when called upon at the regent's meeting in Santa Cruz later l1ds week. "I do not Interpret it as sayinf the DAILY PILOT ~Ge COAS, PVll,..ISHIHG COM,.ANY Rob.rt N. Vleod ,ralftnt end Putllllheo" Joclr ll, Cwrl1y Viet Pttslcltn! Ind GeMtll MINPf.I Tlie"''' Kee•il Edllw Thomt• A. M11rphin• ~""'"' Edltcr P111I ~I'''" AWwt""-Dlrkfor c-.-..-•ao Weit ''' $tr11t M•illnt AJ4,..tu ,,0 . 1011 11~0. 92 ~2~ ..__ ~ lt«Pli mi W•t .. ..._ tou1tv11t L_... -...ct!: nt ~ A-.,. ~ e..o: -jrll '"'"' , He lodged a protest against the race same to the ~gent! as Mr. Cleav~ may committee, contend.ing tl\at a short have said to them," he said. ''I chme to starting line and an hnpropet weather leg believe that the faculty has not resoded contributed to bis collision with \he East to thumblng its no.ti! er name c.alling. German boat. "l in~ lt that .the faculty Is aaying East Germany in turn protested we are not prepared to rapood to yoo James, Spain prolealed New i:eaw.t and (julllfying uperimental counea) unW Canada WU Jll'Ol<sttna Gi:eal Britain. All c1arilicatklD of the question ot 1aculty protellla reau11ed from coJ!lgiorw oa the control over curriculum." the chancellor · starting line. aid. · Wlndl fM the race ruiged from about George, Retter, ualstant profes;sor of 10 knot& at the start to 1J to .14 as the physics author of that raoluUon 8creed nee progressed. A long rolling swell that w~s the aptrft:-ln which it'..._.. • ~ wUb the wind generated chop fered. ~)};r t·u1: ~·tticH:Ot?Sf.M»tome aloppy gofli& on all three Prior to the ~ca~· ~-· "ni~.: .·· ' .. " · Reiter and sf,ft i 1 st~~· .. ..& .. ~ the Cirst~x places in brought togethe , b ·. ·dent ~.•.,..ea""' _ . .:;;.' .;. . . for Acadenlk Frbedom. • ... · .... 1 • STARS "Since Pre<Mlent Clari: Kerr WU IW!I· 'l, Lo!!<ll Norlb, USA, 01>0ints marily d1smlsaed-tbe unherstty hU been I.. Peder Lunde, Norway, J deterioratlrig" Shapiro said. "It's too 3. Paul Elvstrom, Denmark, 5.7 late now to 'say 'Don't rock the boat.' 4. David Forbes, Australia, 8 We're put thaL The boat ii punctured 5. John Allft<htaon, Swedea, 10 and It It slntlng slowly." 8. Durwuod Xnowlel, Babamu, 11.7 Relte!-l&ld lbe rogentl trlod to cloat DRAGONS their act1cos u a pollt1caJ compn>mlae I. Paul Borowsld, East G<rtnaey, O bu! lbe ~Y ones cxmprombed ,..,. th; 2. Buddy Fr<lderl~ USA, J faculty. 3. Stephen Tupper;.Canada. 5.7 About 100 of lhe t'° or 50 atudenlll who 4. 1beodor · Sorrun~eld, Norway, a!tendod the rally tllen trooped to tho I • . AcademJc Senate meetlng under urging 5. Robin Judah, Great Britain, 10 they make sure the faculty stands up for 6. Aage Birch, Denmark, 11.7 acadenUc freedom. . 5.5 METER 1. Louis Noverru, Sw:it.r.erland, O Hessian to Stand Trial on Assault, Battery Charges Trial was scheduled today for Philip "Fi Ith y Pill" Cerasco, a Cerasco, a Hessian motorcycle club member ac· cused of taking part in an Aug. 7 vengeance raid at the home or a Costa ~lesa man . Ceraaco, 20, <lf 1325 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, has pleaded innocent to an assault and battery cbarge In Harbor District Judicial Court. Ht and a score of other Hessians were rounded up •fter lhe chain-whipping at· tact on Robert L. Glazier, 30, or 1846 Placentia Ave., but almo«t all were subsequently relessed. Glazier was shot during the melee - not seriously -and Frank M. "Wild Mouse" Rundle, 24, of lSS Albert Place, Cosla Mesa, ill currently undergoing psychiatric tests as a result of hls role. 'Ibe former mental patient Ls charged with usault with intent to commit murder, assault with a deadly weapon a n d burslary for allegedly leadlna the ratpack. Two other Heulans are currently &erv· Ing slx·month sentences Jn orange eoun. ly Jail after pleading guilty IQ the atiack on Gluier, who had fought Rundle several days beforr. $5,500 Damage Caused by Fire A Colla MON ramtly'1 borne llllltalned -fl.51!1 In damllt Monday Jliibl aller a pan left beaUnc on the lfove sparked a blaze whtcb d&mastd the 1tructure ond fumiahJncl. Ne. one was lnJured, however, 1n tbt f1re at Mrt. Nora Cox'• residence at 1855 nlinoil SL, accon!ing lo the Colla Mesa l'ln Deparlmonl. . A total cl nve unlit rollod ou1 on the i:P p.m. aJ.rm, but the mldonil and nef&bbort had alreody beiun lo cooln>I flames .. smoke and .steam poured from. thekitcbeft. 2. Rudoll lfarmslorf, Weal Germany, 3 3. Gluaeppe ZucblnetU. Ilaly, $.7 4. U1f Sundelin, Sweden, I 5. Wllllam Solomom, Auatralla, 10 !. Robin Alsher, Great Britain, 11.7 FL YTNG DtrrClllllAN I. Llbor Ullrtch, West Germany, 0 Z. Bjorn Lolbrod, N...,ay, 3 3. Carl Rynes, Australia, 6 4. Lev Rvalov, Rus!ta, I · 5. Bertrand Chere~ Fralll". 10 6. Hans Fogh, Denmark, 11. 7 FINNS t. Philippe Soria, France, o 2. Per Wernesk.iold, Norway, 3 3. ValenUn Mankin, Russia, 5 4. Ron Jenym, Australia, 8 5. John Maynard, Great Britain, 10 6. Andrew Zawieja, Poladd, 11.7 Students, Adults Plan Discussion On 'Hypocrisy' Students and adult leadera will hold a round·table panel d I 1 cu 1 1 I o n on "Hypocrtay Hangups" Wednelday at the 7:30 p.m. meeting of tbe Harbor Area CoordlnaUng Council al Ibo Hoag Con· rerence Center In Newport Beach. Adult diacuaslon leadera will include Robert WiWams of the JuvenJle Division of lhe Costa Meaa Police Department : Bob Hughee, vice principal or Corona dcl Mar lllgh School ; Mrs. Alice Fox, pro-- gram director far the Orange Coast YM· CA; O.arlea GodshaU,r principal or Newport Harbor High School; Dick Waltll, put president of the Newport Mesa F.dl.K:ltion Association: and KJm Strutt. youth counaelor at St. Andrew 'a Presbyterian Church. 'Ille panel will review youth rertrlcllonl by -. la'w lol-t agenclea, -and parento. 11>e meeting is -.. tbe public. FurUMr lnforml1loo may be~ by ca1Unc-. Hoµse Vacated Jo ....... wtioJnoirat.IDto a new borne loot t1on1 a SllS. -tbonch and ll1eel vi.. from Ille vacant boull at !!all Elden Ave., owner Zelma J, 'Dturaton, of :1273 Avaloo Ave., Costa Meoa. told pollce Mond1y. • • MOVING UP Bay Club'• Stevens • Stevens Named Vice President Of Wrather Corp. Richard S. Stevens of Newport Beach has been named vice presklent and assis· tant to the president of the Wrathe.r CorporaUon. Stevens will contlnue to serve as vice Jft!ldenl of the Balboa Bay Club. He bas held that position since 1964. Wralher Corporation owns Muzak Corpcratlon, the Lasme and LclJe Ranger !devision progrll!Dll and lbe Disneyland Hotel. Stevem currently holda the position of flnt -preeldent and a -of the .Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. He ls a· member of the ComDlodore's ~fi."''t d!Fedor and ' member Of. the ex-. . . . ecutive committee or the UCI Foun· daUon, a director ol Frlerxls of UCI and a member of the Citizem Advbory Com· mlttee of Orange Coast College and the Budget Adviacry c.omm1Uee of the Newport..lleaa Unlfied Scllool lliltrid. LWV Sets Topic Of F au· Housing Criteria for fair housing and just how Orange County measures up in applying tllem wW be discuued Thursday by !lie Orange Coast League or Women Voters. The 9:30 a.m. meeting ls acheduled for the Interfaith Lounge, Town Center, 4.201 Camtrus Drive, Irvine, featuring Mrs. Rochelle Savitt, ol Ibo Orange COuncy Fair Housing Council. A laped messaa:e from Whitney Young, executive director of the National Urban League, will open Thursday's meeting, to which the general public is invited. Young addressed the National Con· vention of the League of Women Voters In Orlcago last spring. Mest Reali•~ .. :N ~w:port ;Eyy~.s , ' . . . , ~-I I • -• • El Toro.,Air·port -· . Newport ·Beach' city ""mcll,... wW ty to bandle laJ'81! jet aJrcialt and It can "°"' 1lrl" 1, COW>IYWl4e effort to conim meet a critical and ln\Jnedlalo need.• El r ... Marine °"'JI& Air Siolioo Info s · Joinl uae ot !he airfield by mllltary and re~. air(IOn. · · ' r • d"1llan ili'craf! I&• "°"3lb!O. Shelton sald. 11'<1' ,.. It • Ibo only reali>Uc '_'It~~ dOne at other.'aiqlorl&," ~ve to apanslon cl Orange Cam· OPPOSE A!RPOl\T . , ·. IY Airport. NOWJ(ort »..,.1ncllmen ,are alreody on COmcfln>a• and former city muager rocord ._.i to. a .rel!m!!l alrport - Robert Shelton today said the Board of lar«e enough to handle national 01ghls - Superilsors, every other city in the coim-In the San Joaquin Hilla south of Corona ty and all county legiBlators will be alked del Mar. It~ El T0111 are JJ:ie only sites to join a "united front" in support of the rem..1pin« ~of five .Otigtnalt;y recom· plan. mended I« conalderalloo by William L. "El Toro is our beat hope, even .U l~'s Pereira ~~la.tes, coun~ aviation just a short.nm oolilllao lo CIW' .Jet nolSe •• nia,W. plariners. , · · problems," be aiud.. · . '. County airport cl>~¥>nors Tuesday He will introduce a resolution to that proposed two ·m·ore. hOwever. One ls effect at the Newport council's Ocl 28 Newport real estate developer George s. meeting. • .. Freeman's f1oe:tJn.1t airport~_ptan. The "It will be carefully, but forcefully,, ottier is Jn the PradctDam.uea near the siatod " be said. Orange Coonty·Rlv~lde· County boun· Its ~doption Is virtually assured. · · dary. · Mayor Doreen Marshall said the rut of El Toro military spokesmen have pro- tbe council ''agrees·wbol~'' with tested all pro~ for ,we. of the in- Sheltoo'1 views. · stallatlon by any dvrn.n aln:ral!. "Bui Ll1TLE DIFFERENCE Shelton said Ibo County Airport Com· mission'• action Tuesday 1n lopping three regional airport sites from th o s e previously under consideration, and ten· tatively adding two others. made little difference. He explained: . "The advantages ol El Toro for al least interim use !ar outweigh thoSe of all the olben, Including a aeadrome. Mostly It's a question of timing. All the other acbemes involve a tremendous amount of lead Ume for ""tllneorlag and ecmomlc fe-aibllity studitJI:, lite acquisition and actual coostruct.lon. FinaDclng could well be the !DOit crltlcaf problem. "El Toro, on the other band. has these ad'vanlagea: it ia here; It baa the capaci- that's to be expected," said Newport Mayor Marshall. Councilman Pau1 J. Gruber, who ls among 1,000 suJni the county over noisy jet nights out of County Airport, said: "El Toro is the only way we can get those jets oot of here. There's not another JocaUon in the county that Cilm· pares with Jt." Shelton said the Newport move would not be aimed at "pressuring" the federal government into yielding the site. "We would be seeking the cooperaUon of the federal governmeol It'• a matter of perauaaloo. ''We can bring this about if the agen-- cies in the county and our people in Washington join forces and form a united front." ... Supervisors Delay Action On Upper Bay Land Swap By TOM BARLEY Of "" Dmltr ,.,.. ... ,, 11lat off.again on·agaln re-e1.aminaUon or the propo881 for tfvine property ls off again -at lea.at for the next two weeks. County supervisors today postponed diJcuasion of the controversial Upper Newport Bay land uchange to Oct. 29 to the groans of a crowded hearing room. Superviaors' Cba1rman C. M. Featberly won board backing for the deferment on grounds that ''this board needs time to analyze new lnfonnaUoo on the pro- posal." Feat.berly later refU&ed lo comment on the new infonnaUon. But be revealed that it came to the attenllon of his board early today and involved future tax assessmenU on the subject properties. It appeared today that supervisors were facing moonUng opposition to the long standing propoaal thaJ !lie county transfer 450 acres of territory to lhe Irvine Company in exhange rof U7 acres of Udelanclt held by Irvin<. Opponents of the land swap have con· dernned the transacUon as being nothing more than a bid by Irvine to have the coastal terrain removed from coonty tax roles. County A8sesaor Andrew J . Hi.Mhaw joined their ranks Monday with a scathing indictment of what be called a "legally improper acUon" by"tbe board . Himbaw told supervisors that the lrvlne land, currenUJ usesled at ft.5 mDUon might well be worlb alm<lol dou- ble that In three yoars . ttme. Tho useuor, in a renewal of wbal appean to be a long tlm~ feud wtth the IP<•l'llng ranch compla, warned the board that it sboukl wait for a courl ruling on the con- aUtutionality of a 1957 act wbJch makes the trade poasible. Hinshaw further stated that his office could not accept such an exchange since it would not altogether remove the Irvine Company'• rsponalblllty for cerlain ia1· ea on the proP.8rlJ. • ·. only , ~Y,/ DUNS: has it! P££PS7Uwi-,.£, CL£Rnlnll THE ULTIMATE in CARPET CLEANING ICONOMICAL roclweos tho nood for froqwont prof•11ional cloanin9 b .. eo1110 it tomovo1 t!\o deeply embed· dod 1oil •nd loevo1 no roalch.t• it1 tho corpot fU:torS to collect dirt. CLIANS D9 othlally romovot 1011 froM l:toth tho pile of tho cerpot ond tho coroot b•ckinq, llSTOllS PILI tho P•"'orfwl 01tr•c· tion ptoc••• r•movo1 mol tturo im· medl•toly, tltu1 &YoicUnt 1hrh11to90, ond llft1 rnettod pllo to 'lllto 11ew' opp••r•nc•• WHIN TOU WANT THI PINDT- SAlll PIOCISS tclentlflcelfy dewel· ope4 1p•cielly for ffie prof•••lonel cerpet cl••n.r. It i1 compl•tely wfe for all carp•t fib•n. GINTU ACTION u••• t10 bru1ho1 or 1crub"bin9 octlon, •• It cloo1 not dis. tort tho pilo of tho corpot. SOIL llTAIDIN5 AND MOTH rtOOffMS •r• includ•d ot no o-.tr• co1t, • FID UllllATI CALL RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS Our 21st Yttr of Sortie• iol Or••9• County 2950 RANDOLPH COSTA MESA PHONE 546-3432 ,~ I -------· -.. ------------.... -.. ~ .. -. . BY WILLIAM REED" Reeds ••• ------· - -- Ferm ·Vtufer Fire Use o.f · League N anie Prote-sted BJ .liluJcE BENION In the Wind ' s.nta An::.~:er"';anlce 11oer bad "no objection to biJ conUnued use of the name Property Owners Protective League U he adds the words 04of Hunt- ington Beach." Going into the last few weeks of the campaign to acquaint all voters in Huntingtoo Beach w;tb the need for a $6 million bond issue for parks and a $3.16 million issue for a new library, campaign money has become a critical need. Bill Brazney, Jerry Matney, Jack Green, Roger Slates and Jack Froggatt are but a few of those civic leaders who are trying to keep income even with the outgo. These men know how desperately parks and library are needed in Huntington Beach they are out workin·g. 'There is a small army of residents solit:iting votes, but the need today is for cash to pay the bills fur campaign expenses. * It takes thousands on dolJars to mount a campaign in a city of 100,000 residents: Yet the end re- sult could well be a benefit to all. Fine parks and good libraries are not only points of pride for existing residents but they are a drawing card to bring desirable new resi- dents, businesses and industries in- to the corrununi:ty. Businessmen b e n e f i t because parks and libraries keep happy citizens home. And citizens who stay home are likely to shop at home, too. Housing developers benefit because parks and libraries are selling cards for their subdivi· sions. Obviously, those who live near a park or library enjoy clear and ap- parent benefits. So there are both direct and in· direot benefits in building a finer Huntington Beach for tomorrow. How much is it worth in dollars and cents? Only you 'Can answer that. If you are interested in help- ing out, contact the Conunittee for Parks and Library Bonds, 302 5th St., Suite 204, Huntington Beach. Valley Planners To Decide Zoning The fate of a proposed 163-space trailer park to be located on Ellis Avenue west ()f Bushard Street may be decided Wednesday by the Fountain Valley Plan· ning Commission. The agenda calls for a public hearing on the use variance application submitted by developers Morita and Kuida. Planners at their Sept. 18 meeting deferred action because the firm's representative was ill. However, nearly 40 residents from the nearby Cedar Glenn housing tract packed the commission session to protest what they termed an encroaching "trailer city" in the south section of the city. isSued a "hands off'' warning ioday regarding the Property Ownero Prot ... · tive League of.Sant.a Ana. ' Mrs. Boer. president of the league, charged thal Huntingtoo ·Beach resldenl Joo;eph S. ferm is Illegally using the name of the group.tip advanCe Some of hi!: OWll causes. .., Specifically, she sa1d Fenn baa publicly argued against a Huntington Beach charter amendment and a new school bond issue. Ferm stated in bot.b instances he ls chairman of the telgue, and used Us name in connection with his public pro- nouncements, according to Mrs. Boer. "Mr. Ferm ls not one of our mem- ~rs. his group is ~bartered in Hunt- rng ton Beach." She said h~ Santa Ana-based group Ferm. should also make it clear in his public del>ates that he speab "only for his local group," she added. Mrs. Boer saJd her league disclaims all ~ponsiblllty for the aguments Ferm has advanced u.sir\g ita name, Ferm'a Property Owners Protective League recently ~iticized a $1.5 million ffilUesl to bring Huntington Beach lllgh School into conformity with state earU}. quake safety requirements. Ferm has refused to submit hlS organization to much public scrutiny. Lil· tle is known about its activities other than that its members conduct their business secretly. Ferm himself was unavailable today for comment to Mrs. Boer's chargea. State Inspection Team Studying Golden West Golden West College u n d e r go ea scrutiny today through Thursday by a seven-member inspection team to see if Fountain Valley Chamber Plans Halloween Party The annual Fountain Valley Halloween Celebration is set for Oct. 26 at Fountain Valley High School. That's five days before the real HallO\\'een, but the day-long festival may prove to be even more fun than the treats of the 31st. Time schedule for the Chamber of Commerce-sponsored celebration : -11 a.m. parade from La Paloma Avenue and Magnolia Street to the High School. -12 to 1 p.m. costume judging in the amphitheater. -11 a.m. food and game booths open. -2:30 to 3:30 p.m. ''Sing-Out IUverside!" concert. -3:30 to 4 p.m. judging for Little Miss Bar-B-Q contest, sponsored by the firemen for kindergarten through third· grade girl with the most original costwne based on the theme "Bar-B-Q." -4p.m. barbecue, menu of beef, baked beans, cole slaw at $1.25, adults; 75 cents, 6 to 12 years; and free to under 6 year olds. -7:30 p.m. bonfire. Valley Fund Unit To Meet Wednesday Community Board members and cam- paign workers for this year's United Fund drive in Fountain Valley meet at 9 a.m. Wednesday at the Banlt of America, 17181 Brookhurst St., announc e d Chairman Chuck Dizon. The Valley's 1968 VF goal is $24,500. it's up to snuff for state accreditation. The inspection panel wil file a format report on Its finding at the junior col- lege. Results will be disclosed in early 1969. The team will make one of three recommendations -full three-year ac- creditation: conditionaJ accreditation, or reapplication. Golden West faculty and administrators engaged in more than a year's seli·study of their overall program before the ar- rival of the inspection team. The college staff compiled a 300-page report .of their findings, which ac- companied their formal application for accredilation. * * * School Teachers Meet Accreditor ~t Valley High .Fountain Valley High School Students were let out of school early Monday so teachers could do their own homework. Classes were dismissed at 1:45 p.m. to give high school staff members the op- portunlty of meeting Webster Wilson, chairman of high schools' accreditation commission. Fountain Valley High Is but two years old and complete accreditation is possible only after a school has graduated two classes, reporU Clifford w. Hepburn, an assistant principal. Wilson's visit was p rel im inary to give the staff information aboUt the process, said Hepburn. In March, 1869 the commission will come to the school and reView all phases of teaching, stu- dent activities, disciplinary procedures, counseling, administration and commun· ity relatioru. Following the investigation, the com- miss'.on will give formal accreditation with a one to five year expiration date, said Hepburn. Gfrb of the Golden We•t Keeping 1plrlta bright for Golden West College tllll fall are song leaders (!roµi lell) Mary Hannan, Ken Wisgerbof, Kathy Quinn, Connie Bergstrom, !Wn- nie Guss and Shirley Palla. Girls will have th.U ... f worlr. cut out tor them Saturday when Rustler foot- ball squad travels north to meet top.raled Full6r- ton Hornets. Grune will be played at ~eim stadiwri. 4 J .. ' ' • -·-~~ Tuesday, October 15, 1968 CAIL V I'll.of S VALENTINO: VA L'EN 'TIN 'O: THE NEW NAME THAT SUMMARIZES ALL THAT IS FASHION TODAY. ITALIAN, BORN 1932, WITH COUTURE ATELIER ON VIA GREGORIANA, ROME, DESIGNER TO THE MOST ELEGAN T WOMEN OF THE INTERNATIONAL SET. SOMETIMES CALLED "THE SHEIK OF CHIC''. .. ALWAYS ACCLAIMED AS A MASTER, MORE INVENTIVE WITH EACH NEW COLLECTION. ROBINSON1S EXCLUSIVE SELECTION OF ORIGINAL VALENTINO DESIGNS, IN SUPERB LINE -FOR-LINE COPIES, WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN NEWPORT: THURSOAV, OCTOBER 17 -, OUR ILLUSTRATIONS: BLACK WOOL KNIT DRESS , DE FI NITELY BELTED WITH GOLDEN EAGLES, 130.00. SHAPELY COAT, WHITE OR PEARL GRAY WOOL GABARDIN E, 225.00. TH E DESIGNER ROOMS.' OUR ENTIRE GROUP OF DRESSES AND COATS, CHOSEN FROM THE FALL COLLECTION OF THE MOST EXCITING, TALKED-ABOUT COUTURIER IN ITALY BY OUR REPRESENTATIVE IN EUROPE ... Wl tl BE SHOWN INFORMALLY ... ORIGINALS WITH THE LINE-FOR -LINE COPIES ... ON THE FOLLOWING DAYS : THURSDAY. OCTOBER 17; FRIDAY. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1B AND 19. :.i.·. ~ ~*~&Its Newport CmUt Robinson's Newport • Fashio11 Islpna • Pbont 644-lBOO ~ ' ~ • • ·. . . . :i.• • . • If "pop::on> eaten at movie tllea· ters acrot1 the nation .know any .. thing, Rlcrh1nl Nixon has the pn!Si· deotlal eldoo in i!le bag. 'Ille "popcorn poll" which picked Harry Truman ewer 'Thomas Dewey in 1948 and lrirmers in every presiden.- lial elect!Oll since, .bas p~cted the number cl(, ill~ vot .. each candidate :a~ve. ·II the elec- tion ~re. {Qdl)>, lli~Pop­ corn "'· llY' NIXM would f'!MIVO 54 percent o/ lhe vote, H"'"" Hum- phr•y wwld get 30 pon>enl ancf ' G .. r!IO Wa!l•co )6 ~llt. . '. Rettrod-Episcopal B ! ' ~op· James A. PfkA! "ha.I hU own vi.ew of the 1l1ctton. Ht 1ummtd up hil ftel*"al in a sermon at Grace CotMd"" .San Francisco, with the obttrVCtkm "Thank God ofllp °"" 1 of the three can b1 elected,., Pike WOI delivering ,.., jirrt Sl!f"t't'Wrn at the catJwdtal since -retiring °' bilhop o/ Calif~ ornia in September ... 1961. • Terence PNcefull,.'11! Cout insurance u-ecut;ve, got bill froi!i the gas ClOll'l'BnY lfll'I pset hi!n. Peacefull '8id lb&t 4er :recfJlll floods in hli area o G8' Co. repre- sentative drove' up ancJ asked, Ir~' ls your gas all riflrt?" Peacefull "'°' plled, "Y .. ," For ttlil, he saidt1 he received a . 'bUl IOI" /'attentioo to your equipment" ot ll.95. • It took !:we-years -In ilt111U011 but the case against Eio CenledoP(, 23, was finally aelllled in l\lllllD, llalY• A court of appeals ruled Uiat Call· tadori must serve 15 da~.in jail tor stealing eight cents frclD'l a ne"f .. boy in 1966. . • Ambulance drlotr Don WU. liama woke up on a 1tTetchtr in 801tmemouth, England wid&/ct-< sort back and a rillQing head in his own mnbulanot. Ht 1oon 1 had a -red fact. A eolltagut told him how a gust o/ wind blttD one of the ambtilanct'I rear doors down, knocking him un· conscious. "I 'll mt>er live it clown," W illfa!711 llOid. • Fred CorfM, running for the Oafifornia As.sembly, says in Sacra· mento that in the list 139 days he has pushad tbe doorbell "" knocked at more than 4:~,000 homes. He bas found three housewiv81!11 who an- swered tho door In tho nude, been bitten by sevC'll qs, put a gopher snake baclc in il5 cage, rescued 1we cats from .trees and picked up one bundle of laundry and a blanket to be dry cleaned." • "I suppose that a nation bent on turning out robols might insist that every male have a crew cut and every female wear pigtails."-Jus- tice William 0. Douglas, dissenting Monday from the Supreme Court's refusal to hoar tlie appeal of lhree Texas youths who were barred from school in 1966 for wearing their hair too loog. . . ;. ·Bid Seen to End Talks Deadlock From Wirt --PARIS -Asian ~Ille -to-day threw a lltUe Ulhl .., lllt return to Hanoi Monday of lop lllfOllalor Lo Duo Tho. They ssy he will urct Ko Chi Mlllll to adopt a "more ~&ible .-uon." 'nle informant.I, with cloao ...,llcll with lbe war oegotia.Uons1 NJd that Hanoi . NATOtoWatch Meditemmean SbViet Forces 1'1'filD Wlre ServlcOI . NAPLES, ltaly -The 60\.lt.hern Euro- . pean headquarters of ti\• North AUaollc Treaty Organization bi cruting a new corrunanlj· to keep w•lcb on ""'*lllJ Sovtei J\JVal power ln tbt Mtdlterranean, The command, to be eatabu.Md Nov. JI, w)lt Ill callod Maritime 4lr ForcM Medlttrrannean and will have ltl head· q)ltrllrs la Nap!;,. JI will be hMdod by U.S.~ Adm. ~"'d C. Outlaw. U.S. AdJn. Heraelo Rivtr0, oomm1Dd1r of 4lliod ·For.., Soulhenl !!uropo an- nounced todly U..l lhe . .....,and would be fonned ''IQ coordfnall Ind lmpnwo .;r IUJ'Vtillanct ol the Mtd!ttrranell' ....... ' Ilia brltl lllal<Olllll did nol mtiilioo the Sovtol unton. lloW...r, U. 1oYio1 build- up ot a pcnnrf\&I M--llMI II the Obvious tarp! 1 .. U. planned NATO survelllance. More ~ than 50 Soviet nava1 lhlPI IN presently in the Medit.trr:llltlll, ac-- cording to recent rfDOril:. Ellht, in- cluding a cruiser, Ji.Iva ll!l lllt Blick lea and psased throug~ the Tlll'ldllt llralll in the past 10 @ys. Meanwhile In Llibon today, U.S. Goo • Lyman Lemnltzer, ;suprae oammandU' of North AUantic TrulJ Orpnllatlan , ..... Mid that la -" ......... NATO would be lorcod lo .. llllCllat weapons early in the coafUoL Lemnitur also I o I d a DICkod 14th General Assembly of U. Allantlc THl11 "Asoocl8tion (ATA! thal U. llovitt-lod b> vasion of Czecbol!llovUll bid 11Nl'1CIUI lmplicatioos" for tho Wiii. Speaking of • bypobtloal _..ion, lhe general aid "Ibo allioo would bo forced to commit Fflll '"' to ilcludt nuclear weaJioos, al ID Mr!1 J(olol In Ibo conflict" wu 1plH between a pn>Sovilt moderate laollon favoring an attempt to br<ak tho deadlock in the lalka and ae unyleldlJul pro.Chinese faction advocaUq an all-out mlUtary efforL They said Tllo will seek a strtngtheninc bf the moderate wing and deraand a f~ hand for hia delegation. The delegation, headed by Jtuan ThU)' with Tho acting m Hanoi's top rnan in Ute background, bu so far had rigid .,_ structions to"'" refust subetQUve WU before an W>COndillonal U. e. bombinf ~all. Tbo's sudden departure for Hanoi MOll-d.'1 coincided with diplomaUc reporti ttitt the Paris talka were iri J decisive stase and thal a break in tht (io.:e--month deadlock still cou1d be achlaved before · the Nov.' 5 presidential eJecUw. "Tho's departure has been ·piotiv&ted . by tht Hanoi delegation's appt.rent cort- vjct.lol\ that a deal could be struck if the.tr dtPl_o!T1'1ts were allowed I a r g e r •lbowrCpclm," the diplomatic IOUl"ct said. He" pr¥.ict.ed Tho wou1d return shortly, ~rhape next week. China President Relieved of Duty By Mao's Forces TOKYO (UPI) -The regime of Chinese Comp!.unist party chalrman Mao T•~ung today announced that President J,.11.1 Shao-chi ha! been deprived of all hli olflclal ·posts and ranka within and outside the party. The announcement culminated a lone struggJe'between·Mao and Liu'. wQich haf divided the a:overnment, party and the peos:e of Communist China. usands of persoM have been repo killed in the pow.r struggle since Mao announced his c:ultural revolu. tion in early 1966 and unleashed his Red ·Guards. The Maoist elements repeatedly de- nounced Liu as China's Khrtlahchev. "a luderfollowing the capitalist road" 1nd other derogatory term.a. But h1a namt wu rareJy mentioned specifically and no move wu made to depose hlm from his IOYVlllMllt or partY posts. Obltrvtn aa.jd Pe!tm,g's announcement ladicolld Ibo Maoist fetteS fell they had liined tnOUCh strength to cliallenge Liu and !Iii follOWVL School Troubles Continue 1In Largest Eastern. Cities By Ualted Pnu lllteruUonol Negro students -held an overn1ght sit-in .at a Philadelphia high acboo1 today after racial trouble broke out at several other secondary llCbools Monday. New York City schools wtl'1 cloaed by the third teachers' strikt of the fall semester, The one-third of Chic1go's Negro high llCbool student.I who ot.yed home on their first "liberaUon M"1day" returned to classes. 1be overnight sit-In at Phlladtlphia's Benjamin Franklin High School followed a day of trouble at several high schools which saw 71 persons arrested. Tho violence came when two achools which had been closed last Tburaday and Friday -Bok TechnicaJ and South Philadelphia -reopened i:ncelully as police kept guard. The two had been clM· ed after racial trouble flared In their neighborhoods. Sporadic Incidents aceurred at four Philadelphia schools Monday: Franklin, Olney, Dobbins and W-. Explosion Shatters University Buildinf; ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) -An ex • plosion shortly before midniJht Monday shattered windows and a door of the University of Michigan's lnltltute ot Science and Technology on the North Campus at Ann Arbor. There were no known Injuries, although police who moved immediately to seal off the area said building custodians ap- parently had been in the area cnly moments before the blast. Dodge City, Amarillo Broil Wlwoping Crane Flight Spells End to Indian Summer CaHfor1tla Saull'll"' C.llfwftll ... ... ....... er_, tod1y .. C191 fer .. mo - 1,,. wlok!Y iaotterld ,,,_.,.. •'- co.1111 Jl$M, Ceut.I ·-·-... Alie" .. •111.,..,i.w lltlll•l"dl .... ..... "-(IMIMI" ·-.. --... -....... ·-,.,, Wll'lfl --·-11:.-. Cll'Y ..... "-._._ Mtlfl ..... l"rtc. " .u .01 .. . " . .. .. .. u M " ..., ,14 '1 S7 .. ~ D .. " . D .... ,, .. " ~· ,11 " ,, d " " n . " . ~ n A ,. " .ot l•rtv """''"' '• .,... ~ clMr-1,.. 1'I ...,.. ci.r •1111 .._, W ,,,.,_ la! ........... ""'1111 ...... ,. 16 111,..iri. T•Y1 flllfl, .. ,_ n. 'r.....,,.. ,_.....lllNI r •"I I. "'-• Jlltfl of N '9 1 ... If "· t~ v.s. s .... _.,, II 1'1t """' IA 1119 ""'-4"' CrlNt _,. ·~ 1111 _..... tllfllo11 ..,,._ ................... t.-. .... 119"9!1 1.n """' .. ' .. . "Mtf!lfrt. ~ ,_,.. ... ltr1t • ..,. """ ft«ll • er•-1'"""9ill •t 1t1t Ari!-N1'*"9I Wllllllff ...... ""'" ,,.,. ....... .... "'4tlM Md! ""'· ,,,,... n.w '" '""" """" ~~-. M•"' ""'""'*• M---~ N .. Vitt" ....... ..... 1"-111...- "'llMtllllfll• a " ... " .. u " " .. ... ,, " .... """--"'" --11 .. .. ,.,.. .... ._...,_ -.. .... -s-. 111-•. l'Wa TUUOl'Y ltCMlf llltfl ., ..••• ' ..... 4:ill •• 111. 4.J WIDfllllDiY "''"' w .............. 1t:a '·"'· •·• ,.,. ............. , ....... ?;ts l.ft'I. u ................. , •••. 1.;M •.111. t .I ...... fMllil •.. ·•••• .. •:OI 1.m, A,, MM9 ..... t):" 1,111, Ith t :OS •.111. .... ··-6;11 •.1r1, s.fl •:If Im. .... ....... •. """ ""' •. 'Ott .... (Id, • "'""· • ,. .... " '411 "" u ... """'"""° '""" lllf Its ..i""-1 -"' mlllklll1 tll • liln Mn fllt •llMMf -"'91° wl" .. ., • .,,IM> .......... Tlww..,.,M 'tlle """"'f!M wtr'M .ir new ~ .,. frWlll Ille-~N " MMD 111 • ... __. ...nw. """""' KrW fflt ._11:4#1 ....... TIM """"-_..,.,., dtlll r11ft. dlf"'"'9 1" «UtloNt -•I fl!IMf ...... ,... "' "" ""1t'ltftl 111111 ('ll!ltrlf ~ .t ,... ltedl' ""-t•IM. ..__.. ~ ..,.. ~--to ,. ......... "-VY '" ...,...... ltllldl "' ,,,,. hi! "' ,... ........ """" -·· PlfttWrlll -II.NW (lf'I' ... '""' ·---· 11.LM .. -"" l.-Clf'r ... -"" l'"r•N':lteo 11111• llrt:Nlrl "'"' ...... ·-W•tlllnt• ., . .... " " ,, .. .... .... • .., .Gt a " .... .... .. .. .... n _.. ·°' .ff Jt .Of " d .... .. " .. .w .D& " .. ) •UPl ·~I Bapp11 Blrthilau-, Ike Former President Dwight D. Eisenh~wer and his wife, Mamie, wave to crowd as he celebrates his 78th birthday at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, WashingtOn, M0nday, Fonnine a · "V" wilb his fillitro, th• former prendenl taid his best birlhdlY Cit! would be a bOOming Republican victory ln next morith's election. ··Spa~e1nen Bugged Colds Hit 2; Cunningham Next? SPACE CENTER, Hou!lon . (UPI) - The common cold ha1 buga:ed ~polio 7's crtw, proved thelr doctors on the ground "only human" and a:lven the physicians their tlr1t crack at practiclng re&.! space medicine. Two of the flrst Apollo crew had colds going into their fourth day of the mission today -spacecraft C<Jmm.ander Waltei: Schirra and navigator Donn Eisele. And an astronaut phyaician refused to rule out chitnea that Apollo T ~eer Walter Cunningham was not catching one. Dr. John Zieglschmid iaid the colds pooed problems of di>comlort Jor the crew and would nec55itate special medication -decongestant tableta -to keep tbetr ears from hurting on re-entry. But he said it posed no threat to the rusht. Had the ume problem cropped up on a Junar fii&ht -and the fourth day of aucb a tlij:ht would be the point when the utronautt re1ched the moon -it would have Umlted acUvities and might have cut exploration to a bare minimum. But even thla fliiht coUld h•v• IOllli on. What the colds ha~e done, besidea make ·iwo .-pace crewmerr Ver)' uri- comfortable, baa been to 1lv1 the landlocked JPlct medics lh•lr first chance to dla,nose and treat real earth- type illneu In orbit. "U we 're goin& to hJve medical 1itua~ tlo11$ In 11pace, we started out with the easiest conditton to 'trut,' " ZlosiJchmid nid, "bec1U11 tbert ii really no way you can treat the common cold except to make the eold sufferer more com· fortable." Trf!atment, tn the case of Apollo 7's ail· Ing erew, haa been to p~be aspirin, de(Ongestant ta bl eta and lots of water. Dtainosta bu been JlmJted largely to listening i<> ob8erv1Uons from the crew on their own condition. , Russ, Czech Leaders 01\ Tro~pPlan l\IOSCOW (UPI) -Soviet 1 n d --<;IOOhollovak coyernmant le•d ... reach- td -II agr-1 today In prolon&ed talks to grant Rlwlan troopo lhe rlg)1l to stay tn oeeupled Clachcltlovakta ln- definltcjy, l!;ul f:uropean dlplomatia ,....., repOrted. Soviet Premier Alellel N. KOIYllJI Ind Cr.echoslovu Pr<mlor Oldrlell Cernil< ended their ofllelol talb lite this of. temooe Ind """""Ulliquo ta apoeled to bo roltutd liter, !hoy llld. "BCllh aldea wire utllflld," the in- lormanll ssfd, n-....-... rtfuaed to dlaclole any d•toll•. llut •Iller lalormant.s laid !ht · m a I n ouUlnet oI di1 troop ltationlna , •treemtn~ were settled with only som• Itpl and toohntcw cit-1WI to t>o worked out. .Lut minute hltcht1 prevented their <ompletlo1 ti\• job Monda1 ntclot· A Krtmlln llgnina ceremony wu poatpon- tl. CltChollovak n1w1men IUlll1DOned to the. Re4 IPl'.ti'.ess were 1tn"t home. There wU M lmm.edtate nplanatlon of the _Monday m1ht compllcaUoru:. !Jtrnik· Ind '' Coechollovak d1ll1atlon flew hett M~y. They went info im- mediate negottitton.s with Soviet Premier K°'yp. The sources aaid they dlacu...<t a key truty paragraph 1 .. aUling the "lemporary" lllttoninl ot 10vval Soviet diviSlonl \II ~wo. RI Governor's Daughter Dies Of Horse Kick Pj!OVIDENCE, R. I. (UPI) -Tribbie Chatee, 14-year-old daua:hter oJ Rhode !&land Gov. John Cbafee, died today, three days alter she was klc~ed In the face by a horse. The girl was kicked durlng 1 riding ahow at Barrington, R. I . The hol'K lash- ed out wllh bla hind quartera and caught Trlbbie under the chin after •ht llld backwards off the animal. She hid been kept alive since the ac- cident through tho aid of a heart stimulator and respirator. She never regained eonsciouaneas. Medical bullettna from Rhode Island Hospital had listed her coDdltlon aa critical and unchanaed unW today when It waa announced the child had died. Gov. and Mn. Chafee have another daughter and four sons. Chafee's op- ponent in the Nov. 5 elecUon, Democrat Frank Licht, canceled all Cllllpaign ap. pearanct1 u soon u he learned of the accident. + Gt! $100 DI mon month 1ft11 lllOlllh llfltr monlhl lmqlM , •• Hmn1 a 11111lor monlhly chtct lo loal fomrd lol Many af thou who havo o wondo~ul MONTHLY SECURITY ACCOUNT •.. ori1ln1t1d ond lon1 tt1ttd bJ Ntwport 81lb01 S.vlnp •.. it1rt1d by slmp~ oponln1 1 divld1nd.qrnln1 NVlnp tcc,.nl. OlhtJS l""lsd • lump sum. llAIL 1ltE COUl'Oll FOi COlll'Lrn DmlLS 1111 T!IE llOlllHLY ·IECURllT ACCOUKI' PUii. IN\'UftM)IUt YOIJ l ftll'o'f ~ IHVISr ..... ~ llWelt ........ ti lee. tlM tf h CtllftMI n....w Wt ...., 1IMllri ............. '"""""' .., .. """ "' lf#b .. ""'"' ..... _..""" " l•lftt" 111JWtlW. """ ......... , ,.. ...... atlt .....,.., .. -u )'llft.,) IACH MOHi~ ....., VOi.i lrTAIN YOIJ lfCt"" " '""• AH UT~TI or 1.-\CH \'Ou 1t1"41N ssoao 1a,..11t •••nao MOH?" rot -'NUT"nor : rs: ::~"' I 1:111:00 ::·: ~~l'fflt Sl4,7JlllCI · ,...,.. 1 -un.o0 s>«i."oo w... S)(l,ISO.IJll IHVIJT .,.,...,.. JOJ'Uili llt,1tt.OO 1100.oci ltlr-r( 117.lJOOC. 'tHWn ........ 1100.CIO 11,..,_ SlS.•n.'oo l lSO.OCI 10,..,. l4J,a •UO.llD 10,_. I f.UO.OO S1JO.Oo lS,_. ~ ·--·· ' '\JJJ.00 ............. s WMJT....,.... -1.1a.oo ,,,_. »6,MO,oe WMn..._. . s11o.oo ,,,_. s..is.ao.m • •oo 10,... ..._. s1n.oo 10,...,. l lU!O.oo 1 SOD.Oo u.,..,. 117,,,,,. -.u ........ "',...., • no.co ,,,_. .., .... '11 I ... •lfr _, .... 1'f ... •fl ..... " -"""-....., ::: :':"' ~ =:.~~:...··.:.::::.:.~.,:.":'~ ·····································~···· . • • : DDWPORT BUI.DOR 88.VIDG : • ,~ M SUI AH• i.e"" •••-IATIOH • : »M Y\l l.W.., ~ hlfefl. c.w.ma. UMt • ,._. nNllO • a1 .. 1. eo.n Hw,., ~ '" Mar, C.lltomll tllH • .....,. '7NIN : e ""°",... '"'-•'If 0,.. IWIMlirff MllllM o.ti." • • '·A. 'Al.MU.. Chlltll'lln .r tho IM~ AQHU au>MQUltT, ,......,... • • • • •• • NAME • • • •• • • : ADDRESS • : • • : CITY AT II"' : : O•PT. j!OI • ~ INI ..-i - - -1°"""'1!llN•OI : ········································································~····· ), ·-... " ' ~All Y PILOT /J I ., . " ~ ' • • ' ''. . : ·'.·-th .. I'' • said Mrs. McKay (SAVING 1A4DE ON HER $38A6 PURCHASE) THIS TESTIMONIAL IS FROM· ONE Of MANY CUSTOMERS WHO MJ.OE TiiEIR OWN SliOPPING COMPA'AISON TEST AT FAD. EACH CUSTOMER DID HER WffKLY SHOP· PING AT A NEARBY COMPETITOR AND THEN ON THE VERY SAME DAY SHE PURCHASED THE IDENTICAL l"rEMS AT FAD WITH. THIS BIG SAVING. • -YOU TOO, C:AN SAVE AT LEASf.lO 'r. EVERY TIME YOU SHOP AT FAIULOUS FAD •.• THE FAM~Y DISCOUNT SAVING CiNTER. . -.. . .. . -.. ... . ' PROVE rr TO YOURSELFI WE'LL PAY YOU $1.00 TO MAKE YOUR OWN S~OP· PING COMPARISON. COME IN AND'ASK YOUR FAD MANAGER FOi A "SHOP· 1'1NG COMPAllSON'' CARD. I .. ' • ' .... :\ .. r ' • • :.. "·1· • ; • I a ' ' .. :~. • • 11 .. l " f.i '' NO STAMPS • NO G-:4MES~ •.NO .GIMMICKS JUST EVERYDAY LOW P.RICES plus 4: STAR SPECIA~s1 - • •• •• 4 STAI . . ;SPllCIALS • ' are extra REAL WHIP MORTON O FROZEN MORTON O FROZEN taVlnQt WHIP Macaroni 3-COUltSE made pouible . and by apeclal purcha.. from TOPPING (:lfeese . DINNER the maliufacturer and pa•· ud on to you ·everyday. ·PINT 20 OZ. DINNER All. VARIETIES . PRICES EFFECTIVE 19< 36 . . 5. OCTOBER 16-22 W!o. through TUES. • STORE HOURS ' DA~Y 10 AM TO 9 PM SAVE 14c SAVE 7c SA.VE IOc SAT. & SUN. 10 AM TO 7 PM U.IJ»,.&~ (H.JC.1 -·BllF . . . feotu•ing our own "TENDERfUlH beef, guaranteed· ' ·: tender and ·flavorful . . . ' . . . . .. ' ' ' .. ' . . ' IYl•YDAJ' 10W DISCOUNT. MIAr. ,..,a ... U.S.D.A. CHOlcf ;,; TEN~ERF9i' • iC..oE'tuT •• , c CHUCK ROAST ------·-·" .. LI. . . ' . ' . . . ~ ... , .. U.S.D.A. CH01Ct q• TENDERFUl'. FYLL ,CUT . . ... 7 7 c ROUND STEAK . -. . LB. . . .. U.S.D.A.·Cl!OICE,«TENDERFUL'.STµICS., •, ' ·•119 ' ' TAft.S T ·BONE or 'LUB1EMCMD . . . LI. LEAN O Dl!PENOAllLE QUAL"'. t'. ' . 4·3C GROUND •• . .... _, . . . . LI. U.S.D.A..aiOta"' T!NDE11FUL-I ~ T~H 7"9' C ....... -. SllOULHI •L'oD .. ·. . ;i. IATH.111.A~KHAWK ... HORMfl 81.Acil,i:..aii_ " 6" , s· C SLICED BACON '1~~~:::.';" ' U.S.D.A. GRADE A FRYERS WHOLE ;29« BODY " .. , · LI. FAD o 1ST QUAL!rY o SLICED BACON 1-LI. ... 57• -' ' ,.v. . ~=-==o=~===·~===;!:~i::·~=~·=1=0=c::::· ... :::~:" s~f~;. j 5 .. .~ .... ;t;. l;;N;;p;;:;_ .,.:::;:.~::;:L::_:;; __ =.=.=: • FIJUIT ici~~~~ 23·c. . ... ~E 22' Cocktail sAvE 4c JUICE · '.rv16 ;.z.. · · · :::::::· ====::::::::: Globe A· 1 l -LI. 21 · 0 SAVE C Spa9heH1 4c · . . ' ' ' ·11reiu1c1<·· · 4· 1· , 40 oz. PKG. • ~A VE Sc •f,ACl~~·,,~~12·. 2' TISSUE ' ~~w 1. . . ' _, •I ' . .. ' • .. "MAYONNAISE 4$ . . . c ~llfV. sC~Dl?~R;~ QT. o'..sAVE IOc , . i '' . ~ . . . . ' · ·-· .... ~~-· FRJSM; :PRODUCE · -~-ll\ill·---------• :. • • ' : . ' I 1 • ~" :,. • ' ' ' ' ' ' iiHRiPe:gj;'-.. _ . 1·1 -~ .... . . ; ' •, •." ,"' ' · ... $ . . s Or.· l"Ka . GALLO DllY ·SA\AMI. ...... . • OZ.•PKG •. . GAD.0 DllY SALAMI ....... . • '1"1L1..••~·:' ·• ~· ·o_z'..t.~u•a 22• HUNGRY JACK.B!S•ulTS ..... ' . . . ' ' U.S/NO •. .,,.. •. ~l!~;YElvir .1.. L 29 I.AM.~ "\t "' .. · .. :' .· ), .' .. ~· \ ·~ -' -· ' · . '"' ·· '.' t S ·· · • -~-D~ODOR. ; · .... , '·" "' .......... _. . "'' 88 EXT.aA .~tGE '."', "-..-, ~GAiO£N'..PafSH'• Tl~DfR · :21~~·~~· ' · s.a .. nta·C"'r•3g· ·~--,"---.·o·.a•• .. -~·:.~·-8, "1 .~.,$1 :••;1.n41keff . / 1111 CU"'U r · ... ... . . Prun•.s , · . · · ... · "" ~· " EA. • , . -·~~~1· AS.P~ll,~: .· ! . -iAN~~A~21~,! toli"''ia 3~tOONT 0 , " . • ,. , .. ... C . . ~-39c a· 1 ; \ . :~Q_llJISll:· ~:=-.~:POin'S . ; ' < "t I • f DAILY PILOT Tut:Mi11, October 15, 1968 Johnny Pot Junta Now In Control Of Panam@ He Pl.ants Marijl4Q.na Seeds CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP) - Jolum)t Pot, a lllOdmMla1 JobnD,J .Appl H 11 t la belal 1ou;iht by ...,U of the Federal Bur.., ol Drlli AOOle Contnrl for plaNl•-1iuana aeeda In -Olllo and other atates. According lo -lllt hippie p1an1e< sc:atlers m.n. juana aeeda In llttlt - pasturo land and 00 -" ahu I • Wml. '!Ilia lie ....ii detaUed mapo of bla laleit planting• lo fellow hip. pl .. """' he a1opl to real. Afltlls aay the gar1ahly d,_f hippie -he WWI a bid derby hat, a malhl -eoat, barpndy trouaen. and pld aandall -II about tlx.foilt, 140 pounda and bu a ~ Vao Dyke bellJ'd with "'°""' shoulder-lqth hair. '1'1111 51'arch for the rreed ~ II being lnteoaWed becal 11111 la the time of y-be replenlahel hh Med '"""· In late Aupl and Octoller the marijuana plant la ~---Jllmtiy Pot waa ltlveo Iii• nlcbame II)' ao 11eot who bu chuad him from the Um· berlmlds ol Wublniloo and ~ 1hroUCb Kanw and ' PANAM.( (APJ -'1111 Pao-Junta appelnlil to be Orml)' In control I~ alter a call lrom de~ Pnoldeal Amu!lo -Ar1u lo< total •ar against the new -t failed lo produce ~ ai,. ol orpiiiiod noillU; ... A 1pokesman for lbe Na· llooal Guild, lbe <OUDlry'I army, said the COUQlry WU quiet Heavtly armed guanll pa1rolled the capllal Monday, ready foe aoy lhowl ol unrest, but none developed. Idaho lo Obio. Arlu, overthmm Friday 11 Jollooy earrleo the aeedl In day• alter hh Inauguration, a mailman'• poµeh. remained in the aafety of the He travels on foot and will . U.S. controlled Canal Zone. He accept rides only from Joog. aod about IO 1UJ>llOl1<n, in- ~ truck driven. He ap-clud.ln& memben of bi 1 pean only durin& the wly cabinet, are registered as morning boun and near dusk. "guests," a canal company Jobnoy Pot'• talk of plan· spokesman Hid. Tl>ere wu no Ung II relaUvely euy. Marl· lndicalloo how long Arias juana seeds need merely to be would remain in the zone. scattered on fertile ground lo The U.S. State Department grow. They need almost no said it did "not condone tbe culUvaUng and will nourish call lo arms" by the ousted aoy place weeda grow. preoidenl Robert McClolkey, the department press -'Chesty' Puller's Son 1pokeamao In Wublngton, said he did not know how long Arial would remain in the zone or whether U.S. facllltles had been uaed by him lo lllUe hil caD for re1l1tance. Prevloully Secretary of state Dean Rusk had upreasecl "profound concern" over the rem.oval of a CODltltut1onally elected chlel of allte. Loses Legs in Vietnam DA NANG, Vietnam (AP) - Madlle LL Lewll B. PuDer Jr .. IDll of the IDOi& decorated 15th Heart Transplant Patient Dies HOUrnlN (UPI) -Louil J. Fimo, ttie world'• 15th heart tramplanl pallen~ died of cardiac arrest •t lO:J) p.m. Monday nlPI at st. Lulle'1 Hoopllal. Fierro, If, of Elmool, N.Y., had been readmit¥ lo the hoepllal Oct. 11, complalnlng of mu.sea and vcml~t1n£ A bulll& Jrom the in- dicated Pllml ·-by tissue rejection. Dr. Denton A. Cooley's se- cond heart tramplant patient, Fierro had been working as an automobile salesman since he wu released from the boopilal in August. He received bis new heart May 21. -In the hJa1ory of the U.S. Marino CO!l>I, loot both bla lep In a boeby trap uplollon Oct. 11, Marine headquarten for Vietnam said '!Ueaday. II could DOI be learned Im-mediately whether the 23-year- old llOn of retired Lt. Gen. Lewi.I B. "Cbelty" Puller was still In the Navy hospllal al DI Nang or had been nowo out of the country. lllJ lather-in-law, Col. Robert Todd, said al Ft. Belvolr, Va., that you n I Poller'1 reMn lo the United Slalet WU upecled by the end of the week. Marine .,kesmen said a booby In~ made from a 105mm howilzer shell exploded as Puller was leading his pla- toon five mllea IOUth of Da Nang. He waa also wounded in bolh hands. The --t .... rived Jn 'Vietnam on Aug. 3 and had been serving' with the 1st Marine Regimeht's Znd Battalion. Allhouglf in the war less than three mooths, he has already been awarded a Bronze Star for valor In com: ba~ The leader ol the coup .and Panama'• n e" provillonal prealdeot Col. Joee M. Pinilla, ff, WU directing aflaln Of state from the beavtly guard- ed presldeotlal palace. Moms March For Spock LONDON (AP) -Britllh and American mothen op- posed to the Vietnam war marched around the . U.S. Embassy for a half-hour to. day, some puahlng children in strollers and holding up copies oL Dr. BeoJamln Spock'& )lal>y manual. -... :1' Actress Vanessa Redgrave, Joan Lestor, a Labor member of Parliament, and three other women deJlvered a message to the embassy protesting the pedlatrician's cooviction for consplrlng to e n c o u r a g e American draft evaders. you ·invite this little number. Let's face il HavingSeagram's 7Cmwn on hand won'tguorantee you a suceessful party. But when you've bent over backwards to make sure everything else is just right, isn't ita good idea to serve the brand of whiskey most peopl e prefar? And here's another good idea to get your party off to a flyi ng start: A kicky "7" symbol paper dress lfor the hostess with 12 matching place mats and napkins. To get your Party Kit, simply fill out the coupon and mall It to us with Y,Ourcheck or mone}'order for $2. SaySe.1&11m's1nd81Sure. ,---------------------------~ I Send to: 7Crown PerlyKit. P.O. Bot133, N.V.10046 f I GtnUtmen: I'd like to 11tour pertyolf lb• f!yifla r.Lert. PIH st send : I ma P1rtyKlts. l1mendotin1S I I Cht<tdrts1tlze:T-.4-6( I e-.12·14 ( I I T..,,11-10( ) Bp~IG-18 ( ) I I 11a ... ____________ , Md-j' I Cllr. Sbll Ziii L VoW .... .,!"'~.:.~:.~~~~~ ••- Guards Fire on 75 Inmates . He said 10 of the leaden ol be pul In Isolation, and lllll>U> the atrlka had been traoafer· er Inmate wu placed In IJOla- N!I to Tu<br Prlloo rann 1o 11oo a1 CUmmlm. s1RH~ .w1rH ATTORNEY Russe LL PAR.s'O'l:s' Prosecution 1fv Try Sirhan as 'Loner' LOS ANGELES (AP) - Sirhan Blahara Sirhan ap- pottnlly will be tried on the bu1a that be alone murdem Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. The chlel depuly dlatrlcl at· tmiey, Lyon D. Comploo, said al a hearing Monday that the lnveatlgallon ol other poulble IUlpec:tl "ii nqaUve and of UWe value to anyme." 'I'hll WU the flrll public stalemeol along -llnea by the pro-IOCUlloo, The deleoae requelled - and received -a delay from Nov. I lo Dec. I for the start ol the trial. Monday'• bearlog, luUng 71 minute!, wu tbe aeventh and longest for Sirhan, 241 a Jorda· nlao lmlillgraot. SltUog In a padded chair, he leaned over from time to time to confer with his attorney, Ruuell E. p.,_, H~ on I y statement came wheD Superior Court Judge Herblrt V. Walker asked if be w o u 1 d waive the statutory .timeJ'or his case to be heard. "Ye11 sir, I will," Sirhan repllW swifUy, in a low voice. SJrUn again wore a tieless blue , lhlrt with gray slacks light« than ones he has worn befbrre. He waved to his motbW, Mary, and brother Munir, 21, who sat across the imprWlsed courtroom near his beavQJ guarded jail cell. ln.uklng the trial postpone· ment :Parsons said another defe• lawyer, still uniden- tified, remains involved in anotMt case. Panons later told newsmen he Undtrstands a New York attorney, known as "one of the abletl in America ," also will join;* defense, making it a tbttt-man team. u . -lb ~eletler ~1 .ful investlg1tlori. All but one of the 24 priloo- ers who were wounded weni taken lo the hoepllal Infirm. ary. Urban said Herman Ooadi 30, of Natchez, Mlu., w a 1 struck In the eye by hlrdahol and taken to 1 lJtUe Rock hos- pital. Urban said about HMr pri. sonera refused to work Mon- day morning but that about 21 changed their mlnch aod went to wort. He said Gary Hay- dil, In associate superinten- dent fired 1h4 first shot. "Mr. Ha yells lold them to ·go back lo work," Urban wd. '·He llred.hla shotguo In 1.h e aj.r a.s a warning shot, and they did not move. So be fir. ed Into them. 1ben they mov-ed. !I Two of the . inmates who wert wounded told newsmen that no warning shot wu fir. ed. Urban, .who nld he did oot wl-the shooting, reported that the hunatea were wound- ed In the head, back aod arms. "Those who were wounded in ·the. bead were 1itting down," he said. "The others were standing." Justice's Wife Loses $23,000 WASHINGTON (UPI) Police dlaclooed Monday that Mrs. Abe ForW, wife of the Supreme Court justice, was robbed of $23,000 worth of jewelry and $900 in cash Jn a safecracking at her Washington law office Aug. 2$. There was no explanaUon for the delay in making public the robbery report ..... _., . I . The Sheraton-Humboldt is about as close as you'll ·ever get to cloud 9. ' Opena bonus account for $1,00J or multiples thereof. Earn three extra annual paytnents of~~% by keeping this.account lntactlor36 months. This Is In addition to Anaheim Savings current high interest rate of 5% per annum compounded daily to the date of withdrawal. lmmHlate Wilhdrewals In the •~nt of unexpected emer&encies, you can · withdraw (in multiples of S1,000) all or part Of your bonus account savin1s and still receive earned interest computed at Anaheim Savings regular hig'1 rate of 5% compounded daiJf. lhe balance of your bonus account will corltlnue to qualify for the extra l' %. ltt us ftlna/tr 'lt!'if -~ ... h•ndl• •11 d•l•il1 •• 'ANAHEIM SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MAlll OfflCh Jl1W.LlllCtltAYf. ,411M•lt$1ntt I 170S.lrnllrd. Allllltlii, C1llfQll Mutj~rt•n l11t~,C11lr. lrei,C1lif~n11 PR. l·U»: lf. MStl JA. 1-4111 Pll!E CONVENIENT l"ARKlNQ AT ALL 3 LOCATIONS Caracas Is an application of a system developed by us. In fact, without it and other of our developments, air travel as it is known today would be impos· slble. The Avis car you may have rented at the airport is another example of how we serve you, worldwide. When we entered this field through Avis in 1965, Avis had a fleet of 25,000 cars and trucks. Today it has grown to 85,000. Competition helped accelerate this growth and the growth of th e en· tire industry, which now has more companies operating within it than ever before. Most important, you now have a wider choice of car models, rental locations and prices than ever before. ~ : , The cablegra"' 1111tt told your " family back home J hat you'd arrived J , safely was not oniy !fiandled by our subsidiary, ITI World Communica· 1 tions, but also was ~nt out over sub· marine cables and ij,peaters designed, manufactured and Ii by one of our companies. I t • Managem~ •J>er1i1e ' . We have sone n o all these flelds , -and mal"Jy mor -p'cause we are a corporation dedlcatelf to meeting the / You arrive at this hotel by cable car. From the windew or your suite , you are !urprts!ll'tl>'flnd your:ielf look· ing down at the clouds. Through them, you see colorful caracas on one si de and the sparkle of the Caribbean on the .. other. You are 7,000 feet in the air at the Sherato n-Humboldt in Venezuela. tlnulng Medical Care Centers. These ' f will provide a full range of medical . ~ services for patients requiring recuper--l ation and restorative services between acute hospital care and their return to daily living. needs of a changin,g=rld. We have i The Sheraton-Humboldt Is one of an international Sheraton chain of hotels and motor inns 1hat an now serve you better because it is part of ITT. Needs of a chanslng world It ls sometimes said that the only constant is change. To help meet the ch.ll lenges of competition and the changing travel patterns of both tour- ist and businessman, Sheraton plans .. call for a streamlined chain of facilities and a fast·moving International con· structlon program. Detailed plans are now being worked out for over 25 new hotels worldwide. In addition, the Sheraton ch1ln has been carefully combed by • • teams of experts to upgrade existing facll ity and service standards. Sheraton ls also expanding Its In- terests into the field of medicine, to help .meet the future needs of you ng and old. Th is new venture Is the de- velopment of what Sheraton Cills Con· Such a faclllty I• to be built' clOSe to the University of Vermo~t Medflaf Center Hospltai In BurTini!fon. Ra'tes will be substantially lower thon the existing pri vate and se'mi-prlva.te rates at local hoopilals. • _. ·~ This unique development is but another example of hoN ITI's resources and philosophy of competitive growth can respond to changing needs in a changing world. • tick to the Sher.1ton·Humboldt ~ven before you checked in at the Sheraton-Humboldt1 other of our re- sources were probably helping make your trip a pleasant one. If you left your car at the airport back home, it w.11s very likely In one of ur P,Jrking spaces. One of our com~ paillti offers parking space for 1'40,157 cats at airports, and at hospitals and centra.I business districts, in 88 cities, loc1ted in 40 stiles, the Dlstrlct ·of Columbia1 Pueno Rico and Clnada. The Instrument landlns system of .. ~i!luetla lntematlonal Airport neor gone into them sut ssfully, because l we hlv. •· strons .m ment 9roup ,_, - with the expertise to operate econom· ically and to exercise effective control of all our global operations. ' .. ,..Your trfp ltl'Vemmltla shows ' whitw111edolrilforthetraveler. We a~e also actl.te fni:'educational tralnlns and data processing. We offer con· sumer loans and mutual funds. And ~levitUrSeno,we have become the world1s largest international home and community builder. Such vital in- dustries-and there are others-now account for about SOo/o of our sales and revenues In the U.S. mandyou In all these Industries, our re· sources and our standards of perform· 1nce generate Increased competition which results In growth and more ef!J. cient use of manpower and materlal. That means a better,more comfortable life for you and people all over the world. And at Sheraton hoteh from Hawaii to Tel Aviv, from Montreal to Caracas, a more exotic life as well. International Telephone and Tele· groph Corporotion, 320 Pill: A\oenue, New Yorlc, N.Y. 10022. I So~e 'Very Costly' Kuchel Wouldn't Change Any.Vote WASlllNCITON (AP) - Veteran U.S. S.n. Tllomu IL Kuchel, (11.Callf.), retired by the wters h\ calllornla'1 'June primary, admits that many ol the votes be cut were "very cooti, polilically." But be llld be would not •lw>B• any ol tbem U be COll!d. . Jtucbel, the Senate's deputy minority leader, made the comment Monday during a rouncJ of tributes to bimself and ·nine other senators wbo are leaving ofllce wben their cutttnt tenna end. Prtllding over the occaslon wal 11-yW'-old Sen. Carl Hajd .... (0.Arll.), closinl oul a M,yur .,_ to eoocr-. He hu repruented Arboaa to Wuhtoctoo llnce It llCbleved statehood. Kuchel cJa8'ed u hla moot 1rqportant vote the one be cast for the nuclear test-ban treaty. He said when be lost tn the primary to educator Mu llaf. ferlJ "I winced, to say the least, but time hu placed tbe matter in perspective." Rafferty Could Hurt Nixon Says Cranston SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Democrat Alan Cramton says strong support by Republican Richard M. Nixon of GOD senatorial candidate Max Raf. ferty COll!d backfln! and cnst Nixon the preaident.lal election In California. ferty Jn the Senate u part of his team. Cranston, however, remark- ed that "Nixon needs Rafferty just as much as President Eisenhower needed S en . Jneeph McCarthy." Mc Carthy, the late Republican senator f r o m Wisconsin, "almost wrecked the Eise nhower ad- ministration" with hla char1es of Communist influences in government, Cranrtan Wd. "The key question of this election is bow much will Raf· ferty hurt Nixon ,,. In California," the J)emocratic senatorial nomlnef: declared late Monday night at a party unity rally in San Francisco before flying to Lo.! Angeles. "If Nixon really supports Rallerty, he will damage the moderate image be bu tried so hard t.o build," Cranston said.' He added, "Rafferty could wreck almost a n y ad- ministration" by wild charges. Cranston'• rem.arks came before 2,500 persona at a Civic Audltoriwn rally w h 1 ch organizers had predicted would d r a w 5,000. Tickets were priced from $1 to $10. U Nixon lost that image when the Nov. 5 election day comer, Cranston said, "If it's close, Rafferty could cause Nixon to lose California." Cranston contended, "It's wideJy known .now urat the man Nixon really wanted on the ballot with him i n California was Sen. Tbomu Kuchel. He didn't want Raf- ferty." Pair Endorse Transit Bonds LOS ANGELES (AP) - Ra.Uerty upset KucheJ, a 16- year Senate veteran, in the June primary. Nixon endOl'led Rafferty during a Los Angelea tour lut week, uytog he neecla Raf. The city's propooed 13.~llllon rapid traruilt bond issue ii supported by two fonner gov- ernors, Democrat F.dJnund G. Brown and Rtpubllcan Good- win J. Knight. Tbey ur(td support Monday for the prof. sltion, which will be on t e Nov. 5 ballot. , Crossword Puzzle ACROSS l Reduct to dl1rco1I 5 Girl: Slang 9 French Hebf!W sch.olar 14 Can. group sh1ll1t to DA.lll:Abbr lS Persian greatly adortd 16 Allen or FtCMle 17 D•dJoct 19 Fill to P,111 20 kind of .. ot. Zl lnt)r111I r1eofds ZHOcwt.: 2 words 25 Ito of hMllufe 26 s...,~­publlcatl"1 28 On t'1t go 32 "ll111'd of Oz" cll1racltr 37 N1rr1Uves 31 -age 39 Jeweler's wait 41 Supportef or a theor,: sumw .\2 Kind of ••tdl: Var. 4, , •• , . through. ' 17 ' " .. 48 Absent: Ytslerday's Puzzle Solved: Latin: 2 words 50 Invite the 011PG1IUon of 51 Aw1t1n suddenly 54 Pltct of lnsttuctfon 51 Trtnchennen: 2 WOids 62 kind of look 6J 8u1lnt11 ......,i.u .. •4 Ctrtlln COllllOllllJ l""•:.0.•. .n11rs w 1;arm '6 Adlft pow11 10 Hoat of 44 Llndtd 67 Rose's hf the lravtl properties frtencJ 11 K"P clear of 46 Lott of hilt 61 Wtll 12 lbnch 47 Do kind or wpntzld ••IDY• rtp1vlntJob 6t Coots In ll Ptni•lan 49 Con1n1 c•lalt way ~ndlJin: 'l{ar. SZ Pltct of 70 E~nl!d 11 tSUOJ' bJ sanlll grief 11rtt1 1111chlntri 71 Sta 111111 22 E911 ,, Group of 24 stl1ver's r1l1tlves DOllf conc1rn 5S L•• 21 En••• lrratlon1I 1 Gre1t 29 Hu•• 5' lnltnlatnt Lalct1 fish bones 57 Fits ant 2 - -punull: 30 G1t111nt within 2 words 31 This: Sp. MOU.tr 3 Kittel of~ '2 R1lltlY1 58 Klld oftolf 4 Story ttllw of ZS Acrou slrot• s "Lord-" » ltet11 of IPDttl 59 Ru1lan • lllt of ... l11Mnt 11•• tt•e tllt Biblt 34 C11tllft1J;ool '0 Dnt of 7 &fntnt lJ Statr. Mbr. 04ln'1 1 Fragrant 16 Flexlblt rod wolves Qltortsln 41 klm duck 61 Scissors 9 Deflect 4!1 ~lell stroke light reys •1ttrl1I 65-tvtn 2 I • 4 •• • ••• DILDAY BROTHERS D1lNTINGfON V All.EY MORTUARY .... , For three aaierlliOftt our tamnr his tc:rmi the commuoUy at time of need. 17911 Beach lloolcvard, Huntington Beach (714) 842-7771 ,. • • TueM!a,, OclObtr lS, 1968 DAILY PILOT 1 I' boy's sweaters by famed maker • 5.99-6.99 reg. 8.oei-13.00 ' An assortment of machine washable and drycible cardigans, pullovers, mock-turtles and v-necks. 8-20. may co boys' furnishings 23 ' . Rival blender and drink D)lxer 10.99 reg. 18.99 Two-speed blender that mixes. blends, purees, and l!quefie& .Males_ delicious additions to every meal and parties. may co small appliances 7 4 English shoes at big savings 15.99 Made exclusively .for us in England. F!Iie supple black and brown leather in both oxford and slip-on styles. may co men'• shoes 60 Durac:rest 8 piece bloc:k set on sale 9.99 . reg. 11.99 All the sizes you use most in the ld!eh· en. Comes.compl.,te With handsome wood mounting block. Great gift may co housewares 29 , VALUF.S IR E~Y .DEPARTMENT ' ' save.on Tasco blnoc:ulara 14.99 reg.24.99 S.ea Pilot model #304, views 358' at 1.000 yards. Many more sale priced Tosco binoculars. are not shown. may co cameras 37 Surety washable electric: blanketi 12.49 IWIANJ.14.98 17.99 full-I control U.99, 19.99 full· 2 controls, 18.99 , $35 king-2 controls; 29.99. Pink, blue, gold, green, beige. may co bedding 41-all 16 stor~• Surety Petite Fleur no-hon lac:e tablecloths Englander mattress. spring 5.69 54"x'l'.2" ob. reg. 7.00 11.00 72x90" ob. or ov., l."1 13.00 72xl08" ob. or 90" round. I0.9i: 9.00 72" round, 7 .SI: 1.00 na11klnS. ~19. Washable rayon and nylon blend in ecru, gold, while, avoca..:o green . may co linens 30-all l 6 stores 33,99aa. reg.44.99 ' .. Regular or extra length, twin or full size.'312 coll inne~ring ·uni~ quilted sag-resistant pre-b'lilt borders, sealed aluminum ventilalol'll for freshness; handles for turning. Save 11.00 now . may co sleep equipment l 45-l6 slPrea may co south coast plaza, 3333 bristol st., Costa mtSGi S46-932l1 shop monday through saturday, llO:OO a.m. to 9:30 p_.m. ~ • • ' ,. \ . .I ! \ I . I l ) • lt OIJLY PILOT Black Demands Met at U(JSB . QUEENIE • ,. SANT A BARBARA (lJPI)~ Twenty member& of the BllC:t Students Unton who 0Ct'UP1ed • building at the University of California campus ftlr 91> hours wtre granted virtual amnesty by the odminlstratlon and won sevm of ~ eJ&bl demaod.s. The Negro students tarlf Monday barricaded them&<lves IMlde North nan. which bousea a $3o mUllao cocnput«-by_. ping c1esa. ta&les ud chairs against Ibo doors. The -ts prUeslld what they said WU dilCl'\mlnatkla on Ibo campus, partlculatly la the athletic deputmenl, and said they hid etba11sted of- ncial chaMels " .pn>test 1n lhe administration. Campus ··-..,...i In all Ibo --.. .,. Ibo firing " Joct Oo1lce. - ::.:!.":: ~·~= -of Ole...,._ oduca-tlon depar<menl. · They left Ibo building when they learned of • -by ARTHRITIS? ff' "" -Rff•rillf fre111 pein, •-•• ., 1tiff11•sa ceu1•til by AriilritiL. Ne•riti1 or Ahtu111•· tis"" I ff.ink I ca11 help. KAYE SMITH tho Sbldent Judicial Council In mete out -a "cuspended sen- ~ of au.spensioo" against U d. them. No action was taken agalqlt the other eight. The aentenoe means the stuctents '1!111 be allowed In re- main in llCbool so 1oog-as they do not putlcipate In any fllrlhor ckmonstratlona during the fall quarter. University Cb.a n.c e 11 or Vttn0n Ole.Idle met with four of the J!SU lltudents alter Ibey loll tho building ud then lssued a stateme.nl «WlWe I believe that the Ylolation today or university regulation • • . warrants suspension from the wtiversl- ty, I have decided In suspend suspension since t h e s e I ~:=;;;..71:;.}l<t><.Jt..;.:; studenbl on t be i r own left1.:.:_:~:;;.~..;;;;;;;;;;_.;,;.;.. ... -.;.;;;;;.;;;;;.;.;;_;_ __ ~ North Hall without damage to • lbe computer center or to .. He's good, but f-rankJy, I was expecting more of a. other nioms ud offices in the swiDgillg piano-bar • • • • b uild Ing before final --------------------I disciplinary action was taken by me," Cheadle said. Dr. Lyle G. Reynolds, dean of students, said ten sherUf's deputies and a number of highway patrolmen sent to the scene were withdrawn at the request of campuJ officials because the BSU students threatened to destroy the valuable computer equipment "We'll be accused d being soft on these people ," Reynolds said, "but all the same we saved P> million worth of computer equipment which would certainly have UC Police Arrest 11 For lliegal Office Sit-In BERKELEY (UPI) Univenity police M o n d a y were forced t.o arrest IJ students who staged an illegal sit-in in the office of Universi- ty of California President Charles Hitch. was simply repeating a longstanding university policy when he issued his statement concerning the boycoH. JJOl Tenv 1.-co been destroyed if the highway ~ Wlllhllppl ,,104 patrolmen or deputies had The 11 were part of a delegation of about 25 students from the Mexican-American Student Confederation which was protesting Hitch's stand on the California table grape boycott. The group sought Hitch's resignation Sunday after he announced he had ordered the university to remain neutraJ in the lhree-year dispute between grape growers and farm workers. iiiiiiiiii~~tri~·ed~ln~e~nter;;;the~~bwl~Jd;i;ng~.-".,, I See by Today's I Want Ads: e SHOES, SHOE'S. SHOES-- Oioose from 200 pairs of v.'OfMl1's children's, and odd sites -soJd by priv- ate party. e FR.EE RENT! Your house41:eeping aerv- ict!s in exchange IOI' a roof ov.me.d. e A<XX>UNTING Applitude'I Part time help needed for CW1e man office. e Col.leae Students - Sl!veral on · campw; jobs ot!ered in today's da.ssi- Oed. e BJMND NE.'W BUG 4 mos. old VW, good a:Jndl.. tion. and reuonable. e 9:lME1'HING FOR NOT- HING~ 01eck the IBEE TO YOU ads in today's Classified section. The sit-in started about S p.m. and two hours later police arrested nine men and two women when they refused to leave Hitch's office. Hitch had met earlier with five members of the 70..student confederation. He told them be However, Hitch said in- dividual campuses may stop buying the grapes "if . • . there is not sufficient demand to make continued service economical.'' T h e confederation de- nounced his statement as "reactionary and racist" and demanded his resignation. 'Pirates' Sentenced For Stealing Ketcli LOS ANGELES (UPI) -~ee modem pirates . who 'pleaded guilty In !teallng a lo. foot ketch from tts· berth at San Pedro were sentenced Monday to up to four years in federal prison. · U. S. Dist. Judge Irving Hill pronounced sentence on Ronald P. Jage1:, 14, an.AWOL soldier, from Fort Rucker, Ala.;-DeimiM>en ~ ~ 20, AWOL from Great Lakes Naval Station, Ill., ~ John William Berry, 23, a transient. Peter Hanswood, 18, also a transient, faced sentencing to- day. All (our pleaded guilty Jast Aug. 28 to one count each of concealment of a s t o I e n vessel. IDRIT- ICA MONTI SllEEPSTUI$ !110$ OCTOBER 31, 1961! THE CARRY.£1TE RCA's Ilic screen color pollablo boasts New Vista Chassis with 21,500-volts of picture power, color-quick tuning, smart cabinet and disappearing handle. EL·410 $29995 • 102 sq. Jn. picture THE SANFORD The color console value winner. Giant s creen witti famous New Vista color quality. New tran- sistorized VHF tuner, Solid State UHF, hand· somti'contempcnr)' cabinet. $45"9& Gl.ClO • 29Ssq.1n. pldure ., . Wil • W•Jln H,,.,.. rw w lw lo T lWwlail dt/IS YI• Wedn .uh • 4 sraH1lnsl F•tllll! ll\ll t11 two to so rrnc&U; Salt Lalo CHJ, Tolm!Ut, D11nr, 1'11111il, SU »lop an• lM Aat;elts! Dozens of FR.EE prlzal THE CANDIDATE The creat way to co RCA color! Vivid true-to-life New Vista pie> ture with locked-in color purity, one-set VHF tuning, pop-up handle, Sportabout Chassis. . EL-442 $35ft95 • 108 sq. 1n. picture 7 · THE KARLSBERG Automatic Fine Tuning 1hat means fiddle-fre e viewing! Deluxe features and perfotmance, dra· matic Danish-style cabinet, two 6" oval duo-cone speakers. all range tone control. GL-700. 295 sq. In. picturo $600 Por Week 'Ibey and three juveniles Jed the Coast Guard on a 12-hour chase. in the Catalina Channel before a cutter snared the sailboat with grappling hooks and the pirates were arrested. AUTHORIZED RCA FACTORY SERVICE 35 Minutes from Orange County Airport it~ s Fly to Palm Springs in a Powerful 20· Passenger Aero Commuter Turbo Jet At the foot of Mt . Siin Jacinto lies the recreational oasis-Palm Springs -a wonder of auractions for the whole family. The sparkling crystal waters of palm-lined pools-over 320 hotels havt" at leis! one. Twen!y-Qne public 11nd private golf coursf's 11nd pf'rff'ct ye11r round golf we.ilher. SpPct.icul.ir a.eri~tr11mway up Mt. S.in Jacinto. Ari g.illcrics, health spas a.nd fine restau r.ir,ts. fun .ind relaxation just minutes from you on Aero Comrn uler. Aero Commuter has more flights fro m mo~ pl.1Cf'S lo Palm Springs-convenient service from L.A. International, Orange County and Hollywood/Burb.;ink Airports. Servic' a.I Los Ang'l's Airport is located al Wt-sler11 Airlines Sattlllle, Gite 51A. Call your Travel Agent or Aero Commurer: lOS ANGELES ... (213) 636-21:21 OR:ANGE COUNTY .. , (714) 827-7700 HOll YWOOD/BURBANK •.. {213) 345-26.51 nt; ...... - TO,MORllOW'S SEllVICE ... TODAYI ' Actor's Lung Non-malignant SANTA MONICA (AP) -TV & APPLIANCE CENTER Actor Robert Taylor has t h e good news : Small tumors found in his right lung weren't malignant, a spokesman for St. John's Hospital said Mon- day. The Jung was removed Tuesday because of a fungus infection. HARBOR CENTER 2300 Harbor Blvd. Ph. 540-7131 Costa Mesa Tayl or, 58, veteran star of films and television, was tlsted in good condition. How long would your family last on$25,000? Five years maybe? Then what? Invested 111 6X with 1 monthly dr:n•o'ing account orssoo. it would lastjust under .f ytars and 10 monrhs, Now ask yowxlf this question. 1-iow long could your wife and children live on your estate? Would there be enough money to ensure 1 mortaaac-r rce home 1 For your children to arow on? And how 11.bout their education? In btber words. enouah to ensure continuina family ICCW"ity as Iona as il's needed. These important quntions nttd txptn help to anawcr. Th11'1 -why Manu· facturen Life hu developed 1 special FUtmtcial Plarutilfl &,.....i«.,. Herc's how it work&. Throu1h the Manufacturcn Life Rcprucntativc, the ~rvice focuses on you and your famil y, your present s.itua1ion and your objcc.. tives. It cuts out all auc11work and i:cncralitics. For example, it will be.Ip you dctcnninc 1. exactly what you want your estaic to do. 2. Whether your prea-- ent estate ia sufficient and 3. if not. it will sU.1#$1. the next &tcp towanls achicvinJ your aoals. As part of this 9Cl'Vicc the Manufactwen Life RcprtKntative will plot your indi· viduaJ Security Graph-I.he cleareat way V.'C know or to show you how )'0\1 uand. Wh1 not gtt in touch with the well in· form ed professional from ~1anu · factutcn Life. You will find him a com- petent adviser who will respect your confidence and under1tand your problems. MANUFACTURERS LIFE . · INSURANCB COMPANY -.-' ·- J , L Palaloqtas, C.LU. Acency Msocl1te liUNTINGTO°N BEACH .Tel: 5'7.5621 I . L s. Gllbre1th A19ncy Assocl1te l::fUNTINGTON BEACY Tel~ 547-5621 lri•J.T........, Aaency A1soclate NEWPORT BEACl:t Tel: 547-5621 ' • • • • ,, , • • • • , ' ' ' • • • ' • . ,, ' '· .-' ---...-----------.... --.......,. .... -...--~ -,..-~ .... -- - ---· - 11111day, 0<-1$, I~ OAILY ~ILOT I Gift Worth MUUon11 For The AFS Sponsors, . Stude,nt8 -Meet .San Clemenw Man Donates Ranch . .. ~ poCi.d ... illtlid lht twO.day eonttrm lncllldlnl "'"" hllllllr.i!'"· -Cll!IOfnlanl! .. .., navt u~ .•bi;* lilld• tho M'I Aln~C&llf Abrta( Dn>tl"IJD, ' I Worilhop ....ioN almod •I , ,' .. . ' . , IAN CLIMJCNTS -A Ian CletMnte manulacl""''' gifl ol=· t.011 ocrt\s 0( rollllll . worth mUllonJ il. taro 11aa a~ Mon- dt!:' in "'°"' Villi. bl' or, ,llOlalt of BrJcblm '1®'11 Unfverolly. ANAHJIM ·~-Vo rol,n otlld111t1 and. O • ll for• ·a ·c1u-who blva i\lipad bril1c lhtrn to tl1ll Qouft\11 under lht alllillcta ol Ille '.\merleaJI Field Servloo (,USl wUI moel hero Nov. I l!ld' 10 dllrinl! an .,. AUoCl1llorcia Conl- odlodlllld ,II lhe l>loneylaJ1d Howl. Aboul 1.1100 ~ v.· 11• lmjlfo•tnJ and ~ tlM ·Afl PIOl!lm will ba hild No«t.fqll0wedby11a~ . Canc:lida•es' allht .rally al the" Mabalm · t llf. Jlay R. -·.....ml ,a,... 'both aiclei ol "Iha' Slit Pl•IO Freeway. lhroloO flan Chlnonlt will 1110blfil1 be developed u · a OP<11"ltnil towlllloul< conclomfnfum pro. Patrohnan - Asks to Be Reinstated SANTA ~A -A fonnv . CoUlornla Hlsnway Palrolman hu pot!Uoof'! in Soperlor COW'! for two rt!nstatomllll to th• force 'oecau1t of 1llepd failure by Ult CHP ond Iha Stilt P""""'1 Board to prove ri o 1 t of itl charaea agalntl bhn. Bll!10n. Bodoiiscnab, 11 , GardOft Grove, ,..kl a writ ol mandatl in a complaint filed Con~ylOUon Clnlar, wliero AFll 1111 Arlh111 llowt Jr. wtn faa\\ll'ld -11er. · Buµday, N0v. 10, will be AFI Day at Dtsneylllld, with l))IOla) ralal olfarld for con- '-" ~to. Otb•• evenlt wW ln•IUd• a· lullday brwiCll for th• lo < • I 1 n otudutl .... lhelt >.marlcu brother& and •!lltri. '11111 ytar_ ll IOA!io otudontl "" •ntndlllJ Oranp Coif! hill> oe!IQola from HuntJnc!oo boaeh to-Sall Clomento. · R~traUon feea of II p " adtlll, ilO ""'" per otudonl or 12 for · ao enUro faiullr wW ba In a!f!OI unW Oct. U. Altor 11111 dato 1 ... will bt doubltd. Dolatltd tnlonnau ... about worUbops may be oblalMd "1 c•lllna ifl.;llfl, or 4M-11C1. with lht COU?11y celtt. '1111 , motorcycle officer, who ...... 1 __ ioneeri Plan ed 16 yeara with tbe atatl ~e force. was tired 1ut Occ. 3 f o r '1lnexcusabte nq:lect of duly, iniubordlnaUoo, willful Entertainment di1obedience Ind ln· A free 1venln1 of 1n- ettlc:iency.'' tertalnment. ranging from t " : .~ jeot~ • Talks Slated r1, 11!1•tro1t1 iu.ntl .. 11 · ,Platlnl4 , for tho ""• a top ' ·BYU afl!e ..,phulaod, ANAllEIM -Apar\Olont "WI do nof plan to· dlvolop OWftero, builders and Inv..,... It omwlveo, bot onfJ oo 1ef.. will hlar Oran&t County Clll-tlq.111.n ti> lhl·h anda·of dldatet for ' •fllce opaa) on ....,..,. wbo wW," ~d David oPll' ilollaing, "'bolclllld root1 Haflh~ •salatant to BTU and• · _.._.,_ la .1 ••· Oct prajlcl .. I Erneot L. WllktnlOll. . . .,_w_ WI a -' l)r. Jleeves and Ills Witt 21 tnltltne al I h • °""I• who maintain bom11 In W =~ A-t 11 o U II v,..s, Nev., ind in Nowporl Uon. Buch, aro In !'mo todly to Aaloftl .tllool tllJl&Oled to ba be boftored al a llpOOiol pr-t al lh• I p.m, -a...mbly Oft Iha llJl!varolly maat1nc at 1 h • l>llnayland eampua. Hotll 11'.1 "-tbl.Ymaft 1111> >.t Itost one eoocepl ol natb Cory, Jfllln 'V. Brffll, to-devtlo~· w R~b1rt H. Burki, beta drawn \IP by eonsr-nan !Ucllard T. Han-OmnfmWiCll Inc. al Loo 111 . and c&l)dldatll Al"1or Anitlll and Ill'-to lht Fritl, · 11111 Taque and Brueo Saft ct.,.ente Ctly CounotL Nutando. Ian Clemente Clljl MIUltr Tlelcalt art IUO In advaoct Keo Carr lllid Monday Iha!, and 110 at tho door, lloHPv•· ._Ullly tho J1aovt1 ranch ti... may bt mida by con-ts undevel~ped caUla lll"utns laellq Ille •aaoclalioo1 al Ill-land, oho Nl'inc l1a Wll IOll. '"'l"IM<I by Iha IU_ddeft gift. • Soldien Protest Shooting of GI Dr. -· .... -lb• land tn tho ear)1 IMOI, altar •hooainl San .Cle111aolt 11 tho 1111 for Oil lloevu Rubber :me., which manufactw'tl a pallftled air Wacica -oo)a, BodenlCbali wa1 f o u n d karate exhlblUoo lo borber guJlly ol lnellicloney In that l1a sl>op q\1111el linlllll I 1 failed to In"' wlficlenl tlckotl schedtlled Thorlday by Posl ind ~ uproducU~" of cit.I~ 455 of the American Legion at Uont l1Ued "to keei> pace with the Leston Hall, .sea w. lath SAN l"BANCISCO (AP) - thit ot hls fellow ofltc:erJ. The St., Costa Mesa. Twtrity-eight IOldlm nfuHd veteran oHICer Wlll found to Doon will be open to to work at the Sin l'rtncllco be nol gullty of · aU oth" members from 7 to 7:111 p.m. Prllldlo llocliadt b\ protell of chllfg... '1111 pubUe Is tnvtled beiilM!nl the fatal shoottna of a )otno&I• Kids Uke to Ask An'dy Bodentehatz claims th1t the at T:IO, wltb the lboW-llatea soldier durinf an llClpi at· rullni It 1n1t11ncient lfOWldt • .:to:.:be::=:gln::.:al:.:l:..!p:::.m.:::_ ____ tem::::p!::t:.. ----------------f o r hit d1'miSlal. Aid be'- ,,,. ftlbbar coodt manulao- turer founded lbe firm tn 1139 now mrntY N .., ol tho clty'1 llral· ii> d...trlea, Dalplto tho foci that no packap, haa -•hooen ~ do ;rv:en1 al lhl ·are you Wzn< ICN!tte, YU olllclala oald MOl!daf lhll ti .....id...,. form to San Cl 111u·n·h 'a maoter plan. Tho~ la IOcalad in I when you borrow f.ac!u dev•~ """"'" al and "'""llOll trll, Qu,.ilooad ,about : Dr. Raaver. cl>oa to claaa 1111 holdlnp . .. Iha CbUl<ll al J11111 Christ ol Lallor ~ money · ~i.·. ,poaaored llJl!vtrll\)', WUkinton uid lho.lnc!llltrlalfil la• 1t0t t .Mormon.' "Re' la not t tntillber al tllo church." hi Hid, 11a~ I tl!lnl< lit la a Molbodflt. a'a just; a ftne man." . lfJ'S BE FRIENDLY U )'OU have ntW ~bol'I or know of anyone movln& to our area. pleue ttU us •• IO ihl.t wt ma)' attn4 a friendly welcome and help lhll'\ to -&cQ\latnted . tn ltlolr .,., ourroondtnp. Hu11llnglon le1dl Southern Ctlifornia Thrift" Loan ;::1111ns In pe11onal, bull11111Md VlsHor at Paed I011nt ... Stop In tod1y and,.. how we c1n eolveyourlmme. lu.HH dl1t1 mono1i problem• from d•P!!•d· Costa Mesa VlsHor obi• fund• •••ll•bl• rl1ht ~ow.'Th• Thrifty wry can aavt you money, 642..014 80UTHERN . So. Coast Vbllor CALIFORNIA 494-057' THRIFT& LOAN ·H11bor Visitor 110 r1at 17th st .. Cost• M1N ••••• a.1.5045 675"34U "'' Wll1hlrt llv•., Lo• An1•l11 , •• 153·12!1> . . further asil the court to order ~··~tea1encleshenam11~ ..:.-----------------------------..-----------------------""''i Ii•• hbn bact pay from tlle dote ol diamisul. The fonner offiCer repeat, tht allegation he used it· thrie d1y1 of public hearings laot Fe~ary -that hit only ol· CUN!llilGHAM fenM bad been to refute to tn. ·• J•dl ..,,..,.. "'""'Mlllnt. 2011 com-vent traffic offen1t11 · wbic:b " mOllOff "°"' H"*"'"' hKll. O•.. Id bl him to k ,.. of ••h, o:"*"" 1>. 1urv1\lllill bY wou ena e eep up ,. w•1er · Ellltl ...,...., dl:"""'9f', -Wh' with the output of tr1ttle eita~ t.!!" ... ~~~ c;~ ~ N':t tions maintained by hiJ fell°" .,• """ ~ IC!ft,..... ~ HIWW otflc:ttt. ' · • ~ llf<.a.}•flf te.11 ,_. 'ai'"*""~;: .... BOdenschatz aska: the' cOurt · ·~ ~'~ s~i;::. w.t~'" 'to rule that bis employers bid 1 Church, with Dr. Clllrlft ~ t " ill dv , eo1t1ctit11W. '" .. ""',.'· "''"'--c-• e na spec c a ance r-. • """"'· c11NCM w .. 1tt Mor1vlrv, 11•1 quiremenll" in terma of traf- 1u111rttf'. cc:1t11 '""'· fie citations ind be could ;. BIBBY -: JOflt J•""" 11bb'I'. 1ssrr a.,. s1.. hardly be expected to conforrn H•clendl H~'9. SurvlYM 11'1' ... ,. to a polley that did net exist In .,ta. Mr. Inf Mi'\. J1mn 111111'1', " •!.-_.,,1 u 1'19 Mini/ 1ttnfl11,.,.b, Mr: 1nof Mi'\. ==·~=·=---=·=·Oft=S='====I Laull llilllfw, An..1t1 11111 Mr, .,.. Ml'I. •1191'1 OllflClll, e# A._,,_hn. Gr•-1" ""'*'• Wed!lltdtv. 10:30 AM, Gaad ~ CWN!WY, wlf!I • -~ •w. F .. t'ICI. ~·sll tftkl•tlM. Ol· DIVOICn fllLID -. ~ "'1 Welti::llff MIM1vlN, JoM-4111. M~lll l . HUO.O.. VI •1t111mlll ,, ~ GORBUNOJ'F IJlllOll, Jr. ,. Wllll11n Gomunotf, A'9 '1. llMldtnf J~ 1;..Y.: l:*IMrl "1 flr'llltl'kll: I . . • et 1'90 I'll~ ()ftve, C111tl "'-· Gtll'll• If~ w MMtt f"tlll i-Ser¥ie.t, Wld1*dli!' t. f"M, ltll ~ ·-O:Uf4, 11 lntf\119'1', Ctlll f"9"111• D. f"1tt:tr vt ltwtiM L. •1tt:w . MMe. BEZAK ::;;1110.LJ.=r',...~/.r"'~"" '''. N-. )•n ""r. ,...,. u.-~ ~i';.e~ YI ""Jmf, ti: . NQ;' C."vet! Jt9", L ..... ~ ...m. Pili 11 Mn 1M Vt R •• • • O.tl 9' lltlffl, ~ lo!. lurvl\lllill Miu lllllll Vi.lr1 vt AIM • ltv ~ 0111 '--. 'ni:lrlcll:. ~· .-:~ Incl (rlCI °"""""' ·~11, Ill of M~-I Jlfie Jtnl!t VI ~ J .... ~ fbl IMm•i 11'191W, M,., Horm1 Devll. Mt~ G fl_..-it!!t n J-.11 llwlln• LllllN INt'llJ '9""1· t:rwl~ 01y11. 1"11 Iii kti-.11dtmtm VI 0-141 WM1 ••loll V'""I ~. Mr. l tl1 l)l:vl•• t.T.' Hu~HMllri 9'1dl. $ervlcH Wlft t. ~llLOCUTOIV O=J ;. 11e111 wt111 ... dt:.,, 1 l"M, l"1dftc view-•-.,~.,.,,:n..-11111 "' 1. C111..i. ~ •w. Dlllle1 ·Turntr · Jollll l"t1(e, Ill VI Iii~ lllullllll otflclttl!'lll. lllftfTMnl'> "9<1fle Vitw l"rlet Ml!norill "'l't, D11'1!Ci'e41 !tr f"ICl1'" : v,. -'R.wsoN Ji'ire Calb •• Oil N. M""Mlll. AM 11, el 111 l)ltit •! It., l+u,,,....... l..efl, l"t9ltll IWW •' Ocl*r 1L ll/rYl\111111 bY WI.. Ir. _. tr.ldl1 .... °""t.. HelllOlll 'WO :· Q~ Vloll S"1W11r1 IPld C.!'11 W1 . .....,1 1M ""-'' :fnMCtllldM. i- lc• wm M htlll Wtllf,,..,.,, l """ 1"!11\0t et hlet Luffler9n Ch\lrcfl, Mew v.,.. lntieml""'· w"'"''"'"" M"""111 ,,,_, OINdld bY llllllllS '• MDl'tu•rY· llAL'l'll MORTUARIES Co,... de! Mir OB MUI · Colla Mou Ml .. UN BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY Ill Broodw01, Colla Meoa IJ ..- DILDAY BROTBERs Hmillqtoa Valley Mortury l'llU Beath Blvd. Hwtlflllloa Beath UZ.7'1'11 PAanc \'JEW MEMOJllAL P.\U Cemtter7 e MorturJ Cllapel -Padllo View Drift Newport Beath, Callfenla -PEElt FAMILY COLONIAL J'UNEllAL HOME '1111 lltlla ATI. w_,. .... •• Dll'l1l'I MORTUAJll "'Male Ill. a~..:,- wura.ur MOBTUAJll "' II:. !Tllo II., Coota -•••• .... IMdl 7:'5 '·'"· ~. JIUbfJc •• ,,,, «IO ......,..,.. Dr1Y9 t:tf •·"'·· ,..,. ,. .... ,. M91119rl"'1 .... 1;:17 1.m., INlt Jn, 1P bloet all Gol9tn ••1n · 10:11 1.m., ... ._ 111 )rid SI. . ..,_ ... lO:lJ '·'"· Mcwldlly, ur fir.. Diii V1t. 12:4' ••"'·• "'4:Uf, UlU GtlMll Weet ... f :M t .111 .. 1'99C119· f"'2 S.l\19t 7::tt o.m., Tunley, IWWlt 1Nt1 Ktfdl Jlelllll'•lfl v.-., 1'211 1.m. Malld1r. ,,.. .. ,.,..., Wirf """ .. n Dien l'"-Y J;lf 11.m... Qr 11,..., l u"'-rC tnd 1111 Dl-F-'I' -·• """""''• .... f :lf' 1.m. Mn1y, -H,. """"'-411 W. AdllM A~. 1:27 •.fll .. t'um.c. !IN , ftOI Nevttl111 11:'7 '·""· T.,.....,., tNetl fl,._, brl,. d•lt •lid fdlnttr .• --10:09 '·"'· ~y. llftlltY •Nie 11 .... -.,....,. Avt. 11:18 '·"'·• urmtv llllllto fl ... , ~cit,.. fhur llUlrllonl 9"d 14111'111or vi.. 1:15 •.m .. ...-"1ct ult, .tt17 Md'lldlfell ''"°' . ·--11:• 1,m. """""""· ,_.., Tliw. 211 ICIMJI( IOI.cs 11:t4 1.m., 111» '""'"-11'111 ltrNt 1nd INl!ll A-1:41 •.m., ~ utttltv .,., '°9 ftnfll!lll WIY • t:t1' •·'"·' ..... '"""· ........ •nof W1~1te9ll S:.9a '·""·• •trvt1ur1 t1,., 11S5 llllnols. ........ _ l :rl '·'"· Tuet411'1'. a r f119, toU ll'i.. -·~ l :AI •.m,. ,.._, 11• kMf U111 ---,. 11:09 1.m ..... .,, -11111 ,,.. Nitro .... lolll'HI w.,. l l;!I 1.m,, Mlf"'* '"'°"· tJO# l• ,_ ca""" • ..,, n.a °'""-P· 1f:t4 1,111,. ll'OJ#ff !lilt IN llell, 1DO ,_ ........ t:ll •• m .. 11 .... 1 .,..,, llun'llM. Ml JM It. , '1• ''"',,.... .............. "-" mlle '*111 ti II Tn ltlCI °" l.a-c.-".., .... .. , ....... ,, --·----"'---~~ ' 111e plot isn't much, but yo · e got to read the introduction! • I .Perhaps it's exaggerating to say our phone directory introductory pages are pure adventure. But if you want to call a ship. at sea, the front pages tell you how. They're easy to use, too, for everyday information. For example-how to (lial long distance call~ .- direct-how to find Area Codes for other commu- nities-bow to reach Repair $ervice day or night -how to figure cpsts on many long di~tance calls. If you still come up with a question the front .• pages can't answer, call your local telephone Busi· J nes5 Office and ask for yourSeivi~ Representative: We're here to help. "6,T•llpl• @ 1 -·--------·'-'---··-'-·--·------·~-- • • .. " • I \ t . ... . ~ -·-·-. JO DA!LY PILOT r .. sdot. October is, 1961 LEGAL NOTlCB LEGAL NOTICE -14r--C:-,., ... ... .... ' . A ='~·ti?·~ Jill r.1: ::;.~ e,'ljg 'H ~ ~ 11~ i ~ .:..:.~ ':o~:~·.J.. 5U .. ••t=Tr~~~~~Mn OP OVER XHE ··c OUNTER . . ~~,.,. ~ ~= c~ :+: ... iiS""~fol'f tt Hi= 1=-' .... ,,AT•°" ULl'°"fll\4 ."°41. U.1..1..otttfLt. ...,. TM• A" f:#j f\ .. \II Yi ... .. ... lf 41 t -. TKI COUNTY Oii' OUlrtel COUNTY 0. OU.Mel A~ l ' J3. ._ ~ ' _:; ·tt n)l .. lJ'I" • ~ = •-: £1~hi of ,1..:tE~1:11L JAf.OICl(l, IE1i.t.of 1.o:t'~NE1. ~ w .. NASO ll ll f M---"' ~-L--111'!!Wv~"!\Jl'A~J.'?"'"' ~lf:1 l dl'I t ~ ' t: Ii: JIM·~·!'\' ' u_. ... Ill+,. Ct<euHI NOtlCI " Hlll..IY GIVIM '° flit .. rn I ~· or .... "-'1Yt ~9UW 14, 1968 ,.... Ill .. ~!!' .. ~fie ! -"' ro .. ,., .. ~. 4S'h !:!i I:.~ I HO'fLCf IS HERE•1' GIVEN to W.. C1"M1lton of fllf tbo"' Mmtd citetdfflt lllft-1 M\ii i.w Cl9M C .... Z,,"f~., 11 1r!: 1 U lo\ 11\t +l Ill Al P.C ~ 1 -1l C"9CIJW.ottl>etbowflMld~IMt t".,._MVll'lllClllll'l*l'llMtllle -A AM..:;:C 1i1 !,.j 411t ''j" l,CfUI"' = IW--::-~ ·~.!:".!:v~.!!:."':o ~"';:..: :: ~~ :='.. 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M.-.....1. lol1'1111 JO tl'll .. ,,,, ot Mid ~I, Au I •Ill I Kfl 111 22\'I 24\ot ri ~ Ollll L 10'4 11 If M,",.\';1 , > '"i.lj l\tmca St! 3 7• Jtl.4 ""° S4 -14 ,.111 lJOa 1S ~ _,.. w!lll!n ilx montht •"-" ttll llnl 'Mb wllhlll tll --1lttr tlM flr'lt .WU<--"81 Ei.. 34 Sol .,..!!!"1'.,,','~-, In< JO 3t 2f 1111011\Slltl t t ~ 41 41i. A • -"i Nmow '-" ISi jN6 ~ na • 1..-I'! llO •10 Iii + ! "" ·,I O.ml~f.INf ...,,C_I, ... ] II rsMOtor ~11"'a \'", ~-~··"''.!•'·1·'·",,. ' -" " 'll ~Ba 7 1'11Arm1tub1.'0 l$im!ll\'ll '4-~C,!J.n~vc.-,. lt1,,. ... ,,. ......... -_., 11 ottflltnofl« lloll"ll'lknotlc.. t•nr, nc 11ri. Wl'.o '11'1 -P•tt11l1 -,\Ii!""'* olnN•t~>.' 1\1 Y ~''"._·-~l•.~'•«1' 1; -ni(k I.Ca te 11 Ji =11JiCI F ~'f 11• I l•llJi+ O•ted oc~ I ' f6I ltUISELl D ,,,.... •1111 V•n ,\ l()flofll :10 ..., M l'lllr 1,ao " Cfl .• ...-IJi ·-,.._ -10 28 ,. " ~, .. v .... ...., ,,..rv Anti J1""1dte • .. :.....,..~ to111-r,1.. • 1-'i •63\o\ 60 nfOmll! 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"" lSV.~ ,,o::t .1'• 11,, ,3r ~==ac , Llt..lJ 3~ 1111~.:U ... ,1•,fc 2: ~ 35'A 3'14 +nAIClf¥Er 1.~6 20 ml~ ""t*"'" r, '1~ '2 32 '2 -'4 Publllllfd Ort1111• Collif O•lPY 'Piii!, Alttrllft' 1tf M1111•14,..., ~f:" '"'f'*"1'a A ·~ No t:YG;16 9-l'mll Co .10 lj• O> , .... ~ •wl F .. o.•• Iii ""'°'' ,q 1 ~ r :f' = ._ !l!R~lcll ..l;ft , 3: l:!Vi lft " I~ .. l't :;:,:.• .~ xi•' = ~ mt~ :t ~ IS. tt. n llld Now'n~m.!i o:·.rr1 Or'"" Cout 0.1~ '''°'· '*" Mttm::r..~:r~ I~ ,~it 1~ L.I. ,r.:1cn I 1'1"" •leco Co lM -Milli 7''11 v. Am ou.1ven 2 1)'" 1 ... 1~ -~Alt Rldl "'pf l u In 11' '11S t Ito Cl11eltPH .to lO ~ ~ ~ ·-·-· ---;~:;;-::;-;:;;:;;;;;;;;----f:.;;:::c'-"'C•::.:"':::.":::.· c'"'=---~',,...::::= 11111 °lo"T1a !Jv. ~Wi y ~?'~~~""tOV"'• 16 1"' ,1 11eca-~o •v. ~ ·'° ":~ 2:: 2r'" ~i\..:'f..si ,,.n ~f~ ~'U ~ :t \: ::~: ~:,.;to J9l 1!~ "m ~ -· 111 &Wg'.. ';'.1~ M 1; ff~ n:t+1"" LEGAL NOTICE or Slru:J ·"' '"' 9\'t 11' =Cf! ~II m .u ~ ~v..if" ~:r1t1t \'%: 1,,. 6S 6' " AmE~a 1.10 S> s2v. u . + "' Au~PI ·~ '~ n'h. ~ """ +1v. ~ft$Glo1''/·M a 117 #t"' '~Vi -14 LEGAL NOTICE ~~:.,"" l'let) Mtcll ,1· l~ 11~ ="~11:1~rnt1 ~01/0 gYa7n .... ~YI ~~ ~OIJI e,.!o"' • st~ ~ ~,14 :eiir1i:so ,J:rt ~ M ~ .... ~ ;1,. :.r 1.r': ~-.. 11 1iVl 1r~ 1~:1 + ~ c::B!lg 1'.20 l~Q. !!~ .. ~~ -! ~ NOTtCI! OF SJ.LI! 1-l W..i C, 1.25 111,(i 1214 1\4 N=I I Houllll Cor111 lS 1511:11~ Tr1v.ier1 ln1 ~ :U'h ~ Al\'loffol1t 1'0 '' i)" 17'4 111'1 -141 AutSoltlr . 195 1-.. 23'\ 24 t V. Coll Pal 1.10 •• _,. w "'" Notlo:-II ""'b•c l 1iol ~ 0.. (0 lt'1 Hltn~llMM 3 3" 3 N Elec Corp 1'-..... t Trvdt Unwrl A••n 1.• 2:l 211 A ~ i.:IO Ut Jt Milli Ylli -'Iii Alllomtn I 64 53'14 S2'A ~\I I'• CoUl~Alk 1.20 )!I •!14 41 41111 V.- Tr•Utr Trffl """' sc.ttr Ill '·2m7 Elclon 1ndus 24 15 tll'I OC..ntrum .«I 121/, U14 1Wi UnltlCI \""Cao Am .ICI :m.. 3Af1 31\li Anti-ill! 2 11 U'lli UV. 11'¥1 ... Aveo CP. l.2D 29l '516 4..~ 4.1\li +1111 Cot!!nRea .90 :st 60lli to\oio <\O'h "" U• Hew.t NOTKI! Ofl DllfOLUTION Effdro Ce,.. kl< "' \OV. ~ 0Den ~°"' C-~ ..... 24111 2:5YJ ™Ii U"lted n1J! Litt ' lo·· . 10 Al'll .2' '11 2'~ 21l'o tf -'II-Avc:o P'3.:IO 41 90 It ltt i~ln/;: 1J! tJ ~\lo ~ 5J -i. NOTICE IS HEJi.Ei'!' Gl\'EN tMll, Hof!<:• II hlrebf 1!vt11 111111 !tit 11::~~ ~ l .CIO JOlllo lll't ~ ~:C g1~fflvCo.o 13 '' 13'1• U5 Fld Gu1r • 751/o 76 1'"' ~l~t 't~ 1 1~ ~ 1~ A:;r Pd .2' 6 ~ • " + llo 0 · 115 ~ ..a lk Il fijrw&nl to lllt i.w macl4I •ncl l'l'OVIOIO. """"""IP lltmotort ·~"""' ~ Vlf'UI .. J=..t In" ~ 37'4 -36 p,J v~""'6i1 . i1 l!11t rs:vi ~":.-::llt'.~~.n f\ nt ~ AmM:g, .to .3. =,. --~~ .... ::: ~ac 1:0: "J 1ml 1~t: 1~~ = ~ ~"~.·",, II re"" '•''•"' ' ~ ~ ..,... 11ndenl91!ed. Bett.lrt J1 .. ,.GODUl'ft. ANOltE IRUNET ANO !UCHA.RO A_, lm'!tr &nl'lhtr-.~ llY. ~ ~ P1 G11 &. W~ U\fo 27~ 2'14 Wll .. lrt ,,,_Co I • ti,t '"" ."~ C J..:tO 101 '°" 11 -~ ;, · -8--okAPr.' ;,. \ll l1 lt .i;; :a will ltll 1t oubll( eudlofo, •1 ttl' Ruiwn SCHllAIER.dol"' but.I'*& \lnDlr the firm Fl'CI 1"11" CorP ·~ 111'1 25)/o ~ '1krrn1r Mor1 Co if" l~ ,:.;: !''*\11T~1SI.~RN IAN~~ ~ "' ~· ':ff 1 ll'4 1"'4 +11\11 I 'N 1 4/i 103 3I 31V. lJl'r _\lo o1 i '"":' llf rm .... - Drl"1!. emt1 M-. Ortnte, C.1110"'11. •I flll'rlt lfld 11'1')1. OI ARTISTIC CARPET1 ~~t'w:Esrfi:v !!.!;'° ~ ff f: 11.=.c:' I Coro'° J'/o 1 J\lo hll'!I nk NV 1..., m ,,_ !m ::...~MlUlt1 : fJ l.."°"• l.~ g""' :':,'. B=llT .'60 125 22 21,_ 22 + '°' om n f.# n M\'f - CllY Cit ~. ,... ..... tooowl111 City OI-""'helm. '"le or t1Hlornl•. Wlof; F1"d>lr ud11 1N """' ,ro Rllll9r'J llrOf ;,. . ~ uw. %J lrtf NH 811; Chi 2 ,..,,., Ar:tntiL l.C 1 114 511\ fl 14 :.'..iv. h G~a 4.50 n10 7f 1~ 11 + \"I ~~~. ~,·!!! 1 '" 20% ~ -* 10:00 a'clotS. A.M., on FrlA'f, 1M 25!fl OF ANAHEIM"' l6$.I W. UllCOln ll\ld., Flekhtr 11:1 Fund 10\lf 1, lflh Ro.dcr•f1c Mf 7J 11 11\.\r 11 o11t 11 NB Chi l.:llO «I $ .. ~ .Adml,1 ' Jt ili>lo f"'iZ 8•11GE 160 25 Ulli Xl\41 33111 --. om Iv .IOrt Ill 2 2' +'I Cleoctlbedp_r,.,,,'-lli O<'llM1at·dl'IOl-Silll~.INl,dlnol¥-SHJC&fllllyl.iia 1&.,.. blli :1111/o Fl,.IN11Cll'l2 7f 79,,.,ArProd .2(1b "" ~ INll G ptCI 110 66Vt 66'11 66V.. "'"E"'' ..<Y 31 """' "'t; ~AV. ... Ont Ill lffl Tr1lloer, Tri$ ,,.,,,,. M bY """"'91 -1. . SW Rsrcti &-G.11 Inv ,)0 lJlll ISlll 1•"" frenklln Nolt lk 2.20 .n .QYI 41V. Ar Pd pl'-7S • l"l'l'I 1211"1 +Jih 8-Puftl j40 ·M ~ .0• ~ +11' ~w off'·t3 1.J ~ ~ t :t ·--· >.O. ,,-... "'"''' L'~· leld lluslfttfl in .... flflvr• Wlll be COil-~~~· Onlnan<t 4 s . .f'IJ Mfr'I. H-er Trust t.• 03\ll 6'\,\ ...... Alrfl.edtq l JO lJl If\ J2 BtngP pl 10 4"""" ~ 4111,lo_ +111o ' ' • ~~·,, '" .....,, .....--................ •>CH• o _...tr,,..O,Nmlc 11,L tf -Morolo '''' o.• ''"' ''''" ,,-, •"~10-.,,,.,,, o , • ''" 10 ..... 8i1111!' -25 • ~ ,()\\ 4l'l'o -'Ill omsa -····• Numb&r NONE ...... ._1 It A.SCHA;AIER.111 SorfngStrettC.:.ll! ,.,. ·~v.N1!-l-otNA ... 35 .... lS ...... 619Vt1fV.l,a ·····11111011"i:w .. ,,. ... 4l 6S i 2'11o Mllbl n ~ ... ~•ld 111e i. 1or -.e --or ull•trlns llldhlldu• • ""'° 11\i;H '-aot.iy rftPOnllo. Co S&L !"nd•rd P1dflc c"or, l•V. 1.ia.i. 13'4 WESiEJl:N l•NIUi • Al c .:io l1 •2'4 Al'h ·~ +·1.4 B1nl CR .25 xlt 4M "6'16 .ov. ~ ::r~f f= 1~ l3\\ + lien cl ""' UNltnltnecl •tr S!Ot ... , ble f(lr Ill tr•nNdlons 61 laid bu•1"'51, ast lalo!+Explr I ~ l'I• ArlI""I Btnk 1 2~ ~ ?1'n A ClnAlum I 211 25YI :Ii 2J -Ill Ba.le lllC .Ill lU ~ 23\11 24Vi Iii °"ldli pj 6 11 103VJ l(IS\,lo 1 .:;_-1,l; ·,Olltlht!'" wltto cos~ 61 ....... 11111111 •nil tll• "" 'Wftttctrlwl... Hrtner " I y I ". ' Stell 111$JI "" S'h ••• 'V.J!i IMlk d Am1r!c1 l.20 11\li II\', .,.., •'1'1~ ~I!. .1,.,0. 2.16 llllo '11\li """ ! ,,., 811ttMf ,20p lS Uli:i ··~ 1"'-"' on dll pl ~ l' nv. 7f -YI pe10-ol .. ie. l~m1Nltl'CI ~i.tlon1 thflrt!n.. S..nM! lllClut ..., .,.. ... ., a nk _, ... 1 Sf 1 80 Olio ,.... ..... .,.. ....,. I g l,l lJ 1 Ball! tile! I UV. .n j1lto -\"I °" pfC,,65 · 110 15 !' H •~•-· lO ...... t-0..-0.... O ,... 'l'•l'Ql'I' lndulfrl-12 '' 11 ,• "' ..., · ~ ... ..,.,. A -Lu3 0.., *' .._ 'L B1uschLb .IO :l'2 D 41 1 ••· -1-1-· I I• n-•• •• i"• < Oiled "'-"""'" , 19611, • """''"""""" ' • ..... ~ ·--S • T•-" ill -•L ""'"· " A 0 • ·-"" ... Y' I " 010 ~ ... >" • ~· 0~ '"" •• l'I" ... ltldlard A • ""' 43 Ml 4' """v"' ......,. _.. 19111~ f.'3 1 66 66 I rLlb .II • - -Ol'll'ood I J8 16 -111" "'"-S1rblr1 Jene Cnboi111 · 5chr11er H R d Tt11rm1t P-•r JOI 11 11 17 Bev. Hm1 NII -12'111 1!1h 11>.lo A lee .11 4f !'/ Z2'!i. 23\lo + ·~ •vukClt .50 21 15\t Ii-151' -Olk I"' d ,.,.· ! 1 109 I 1 • PubllJl>ed Drlflllt eo.11 De!l'I' 1"111>!, Anclre Brunet as ecor TrlMconl Gas p\pe l.llO 2Dl'o XM 20\'o Ctnlffltlti V•lltV 8k lYv. ,,.... 11\lt A, ..... j «I 12 47441 "' + \Ir BHrlnDI .1!10 11 31\'I $ -lllo fl"lltl!t" I 116 .M !m U • 0c11111er 15, lfY 1m.a 517'-0C Tr""" c°"' 1n11 ,','•" ,2l'Z ~ ~y~u_u, H~ 2~ ... ~A,~"• ~,:N~ 'j l$'h ~ -v. Be1f Fas 1.tt " 78\.'t / !1 -ill cnN11G 1 ro us 1""' 21~ -\'i f'vbll11wd an"" Coetl 0.11., Piii>!. Udlco Coro ~ .. 17\li Crocker :l .., 1h 3'V. 361'1 f v. 8•• F pf2.10 l 91 .i T• -on!lPwr t"to 11 12 •1 12 + v, LEGAL NOTICE Octoblr 1$. 1961 lnwt H~! Ji'LRftl1ur lM 13 12 Fldelltv"C~~l.4DI 3'1l'I 111'/o 3911\ A • l1 2'"° 26~ 441 a.a.man .51) )9 41:W. 11\4 _;m -~ ClllPw p1i50 i:t!~ 1~'71. ~. ~!._. _ 11 ,.• S. M h m· Id er:..".•'°' 1m '¥>.,.,,. 1::i firs! ea!ori:>Or111on. lll't \r" H~: ~J ·11 ?3 m? = mz ~ r:1~'1n~r :n ,.tt ~ ~v. 14"1 t ~ .,,..l~lct 1-: "iSj ... ....... '-' •AR 1.. IX ont s x·,5:,~ nou,, • ... ~c 5 .sv. A4 Fl~t Sicl.lrltv Cp 1.311 ll :lS ll A Jee! ... , ., 16 •1 ~ """' " :kO' P•t .50 " ~. [ S'l\li •.• ' O!!I C•n ·, 41 11~ ~ .. LEGAL NOTICE .. ~~ ...., ~ fM. 4 G11 ..... 1y Naf 8k 1 16 11 16V. A ·60 ;" i\i Jf'\l llll4 .:.::·" '1,Hem .11Jb., ll '" "~·--1. rcan pt l.JS 1,•, -= ""Poli +"" SU,Elt!OR COURT Ofl TMI! V1r9dlne lndut 1nc lt 20\lo It 1,,_111 81M 2.4 36 24 Alll1Chtl '50 zrn, ~ 'Ill How !5 .., -orilC-70 STATE 01' CALIFORNIA l"Ott Vireo Mf• cy!'.ll· .l6 •'I• ' Ni MLibef"' N1r lk .l.11 1'\lo I ™ AITIN!1,tGet 0 2 ~ lt'lll -t ~ f:" lnterc-0... '17 151\ lR. "' -\'o r CoP • ..... !ft "'· A-41l9l' P<tlSQ Newport Balboa Savings and well• lnws · • 1"'-~ l'i, s.ni. Mor11ca B•nll .S2 15\/o 16'4 lSV. Am Pl>ol C'6t ws 1614 M 1114 ,,., e<ICIK 1.111 '1 '1\\ Dllo D'llo t \.lo on1C1> ""2..JO • .itl't , + ,_. THI COUNTY OF OllANOI! W...thllffllrd R.V) Co tV. 9\li t V. •null("""" S.nl! 12\lr 13\li 13"" Am N-1 1 Ml '1l6 18 V. eml1Ca-1.60 ll tR 611/o 69'4 -11"1 ~~t cf11J! ~13 Ji"' ~ .::·fh CERTll'ICATI 01' •Vt\Nl!SS ~r 8•V Fill COl"ll ?Vt 3\lt 2:w; Sec PK Nat 1.28$ 50"" 511111 ....... AR:11rch ·oe. '6 111:: !Ml't 166 -4"4 endl~ 1>f_ 3 6 7"" 13'olo 7AI \It !Mlglnw ·I: M m. ~ -~ OltOE• TO SHOW CAUll: l"ICTITIDVS NAMI! Loan J --~· ... . hi ~ -.o "'" ,,. ·-· ... So C•llf hi N•I I.«) 49\'J JDv. '9\li Am Se.e··· •• , •. , ... ,. •L S-'Fln '60 11 ~ 41\.lo .fS\.lo -:w; -· ... , ' -· -· '• 1" the /Miter of JOSEPH MtCHAEl Thi Ul'lder$llned do ceM!tY 11\eY Ire l'l~u1,J8w.OO ac ev wr;tf .. Co (Norm1n) 16 1~-1J Sumitomo I-Ctl .IOI 3lv. .,,,., '1T Am Slifii'. .i1C1 34 19 n ~ -~ 9enl'IF Pl4:30 ~ Im tflto 811'lo -141 "''j Ori i lO 311 ~-· ~"""" ".i:1 MORRIS, fOf ClllMe ot Htme. condvdl-e llllstntu II J007 Enlero>IH d uJts • th (' st b 'fl!O<I lllllus Cm 26 27\lt 26 Surl!fy N•I Bk • 10\li 111" 10\lt Am 5mtll 3 95 6m, 66~ 6J +at, Sll!lf §llft.50 ~ lt~ 3' 3' •·· ontOll pf! » "" t •. ' WHERE..,,$, JOSEPH MICHAEL Street, (:'.;.1• Mew, Cllllornla, unlltr !tie recor res m e lT 8 .Y .. uba lnclU$ 5"' pf .JO Ill ll!h 111 !-!~,"'"•'>~ •• ~lo" .. , !!". ~ ll"'-~ •,m5oAlr 0.70 4 61 59'1j, '9'111 -'1"1t .·.~ .... " -•'"" ,Ji,,_ j01)! + ... •. CMf jll J.I 2 !lli ~ MORRIS, h11 llled hlt P~!llClll wllto ffll llCfltkM •lrm ••me _, DETTMAN, f 1968 rd' lo ch • uoYTt Pf .JS :l'2 23 22 \:111~ NB Prioeni: ..... im 21'4 2:2 m Std 66 '3 -fl '2 -1 Bt:fi::i; Pho ~ 4'" •6.., .. Con el ·61 ll!" 1l!)! I I ::; • ·-"' o , aceo ing airman SAVINGS & LOANS •• -1 c " ... t' co11trD1 0.1, '" .... ~ ~ Clerk ot 11111 CIXlr1 '°'° pennJ1~klr! to PYLANT AND STARNES •Ile! ttl•I Mid ( Nie Wflll F..-iro a ... 1,1(1 5'VI Will ~ :'rv!!lum 0~&, ll ~ tttt ;fiZ ~ 1c~~pl ••• ~. I 61 ~ 61\.'i -v.· (Ila"" 1111 n1me !ton'! JOSEPH llmt II ~9d or 1tle 1o1i-1 ... penom, of the board p . A. Palmer. Arner S&L Utah°":fs'A s!I n "l..7:1 ACF·Wl"li ~ .. ~ 'D~D$ •Ill St! 1.60 m *... ~ 3ll't 1 d; COii'. 50 J 14\o\ ~~ ~r: t l! MICHAEL MORR!S to JOSEPH wllo5e ntimes Ill lull Ind .. ~eel of Lo . . Balmonr S&L .. )Alo', 25'4 .~ ... ·-'"' "-~;,, __ -,. 103 91 kl Tllree .60 11 ll 32\11 ~ -'Ii oo-ln ,.... '' ,''{',• " •• ~ Ml~AEL JAC08S; rnldence '"' .. follows: ans for the first SIX COP Alllal!Cf: c-t\1 10 t•t. "' ~ ~·~... -\~ \~ IJO BllckOk 1.05 n 51'4 56'.lo !l\lo +l'lli Cooi>er TRI 11 27 ~ ~\It .:..::·ik_ NOW, THEREFORE, IT' IS HEJi.Ei'!' HOl'nlf f . Sl•fnn, :inA Hulhl!r Lint, Columb!I S&L 6 6 ~v1ni1rev6s• .Jr. 6t 13 1'° MUTU aun L-ava I )l 2'Ai 29 211 -llo C-T pfl fS 21* »'4 21'1. + .. ORDERED ,..11 111 ~ 1n~re11ed In N~ llt•ch, C.llltfnl• months t 0 ta I e d $5,500,000, i':}lt-:i'. ~ ~Id .:.i---3~ 1'141 :if(! Arlel'l'1 owt cv •Vt c no ~ AL ftl111: "'II 1JO 21 ~ S3 5.1111 -'" c-1ai>a 1.70 20 • ~ '1\i + \l -,-. •-•-·•• --·• 1, °"'" w1111,-J Doff--'''" D••• ed th f ,,_, ·•-,1 ,,.. In!" ,, •-~ ••"••-, .• -''' ,-SOW• Brill d 2:w. 23\lt iw. -"" CwpRp .~ 25 .n'lt :.iiw. 4• t "'" m ""' "'~-' e~ • "' · "-·~ ""· compar wi $4,500,000 or ,1:..:. ~.:.. ....... ,-•,~·. ' 0 .. "':. Bu11vm "5,;;·,,"'" 1u 1.*I soelfl11 1.20 313 " 57-. nv. -11'1 c-1~11 1.20 1 '"" 2m. »Yi "" """I 7 •I tol N. lroadw1y, s.1111 A111 on $trtel, Fo1mlell'! V•lllJ', C1lllON'd1. '2JOI ·~' ""' ,, ~~ y., 10'.lo eu11um: g 6 ti: 108 Hll ~Cal .!Sb 51 61~ -61:\lo t i Cor!nll'IB .JOe 1 3'1A 3'1'1 ..,,., + ~ NOVt!mber 29. 1961 •I t :30 otclodl. A.M,. Ill John 0 . Py"""'· !1112 SUlhor• Drive, the first half of 1967. ~~~~"'frit1.~(li ,m ,~ l~ Can11d1 Orv (V4\lilll U2 130 BolieC Pll.40 11 71\\ ,,... 7l!V. .,. C0<n PCI 1.10 •~3 .... -U\lt ~ + "" u ld d1v, encl ltotft encl ~ thow Gll!M, Newport Bud!, Cellfomlt Pitltlc $eY I. Ln .30 31v, 33 :JOl,\o Coi.r.111 En11 ' 13 JS 15 FUNDS lorld Sirs 1 :21 15 271h 28 t "° CorGW 2.Jnlo .lS 317 313\l;o 31:M --3 u e,,.,. lt>e'f ~1ve, Wllv ulcl 1ppneet1on tor D11tc1~10, lffl Assets reoched a total of 11.1ve,.1e11 Fir. Corp '7/o ~ w. Control Dll• ev :WO., 11111 162 s-Mntn l.'2 1 JOv. Sll'lt 50V. 11o Qlr()flte ·* lol '' 61\li '' +1 d'llll9t ot namt $1\0Uld 9'0f be 11r1nted. H6mer F. Stetntl Jr. _... T C I 4'11i ftor Wnt F -!'to 1' ,~,, M Bonlln 1.20 13& 311\ lO"" ~ -V. Cow1a .!iO 153 17'1l 17'\o\ ~ +~ 1T 15 FURTHER ORDEJlEO 11111 I Wllll1m J. Detlmln $109 800 000 Jul 31 1968 In rlnl "fUsuaAilcE STOC~S S'll FN£ Coro ev31'681 151! Bor;Wer 1.'H 1<\0 35 )IV, 30'l + 'II> Co~flclca1 ..50 1l " SN. .!5 f''" COPY of "'ls OrCler ta 5i-C•UW be Joh"O.Pyl.lnt ' ' 00 y • • AmGtnln1 .40 26\lo )&>,(,UV. FruehtufTrev476 10oi 11• 101 BormenF .IO 6! 251\ 2'"'° 2•~•·• Crantetr 1.60 2 Ml IS .• .II 14- T OF C LI' th ' ndi 1967 'od ...,,,... Ge ...... 11 l.IO pf 35'1. 3'"'-35V. PIC Alrll"" ~ 12 -93 91 " llol Edll}.OI llU '2\IJ ., .... "'1'lo -\lo Crompl(n .to 14 2l 2"A ~ ... 111.1bn.tiec1 lnlt>eDl'•noeCo.1$I01ltv P\lol,STAE A ORNIA, ecorrespo ng perJ . AmGu1rllfe l"-111111 11'-'11 PacO...lllrMx1 674 oo" ,n flMIMtCP 9131 30 lll _.,.corui.eHln!lt ':Jll5 Dv.15 I~ t _.per 1>1 otner•l clrC11llllotl, OJl:ANGE COUNTY: Am Hert Lfll lt11 .ID UV. 1"'6 l•llo P'OY!ev Pet W. 76 Ut "' loltMeCp pf 2 S2'4 52'4 S~ -V. CrllW Cell .fl 318 3'114 :r7'4 -. f111bllilhed !" Cotl• Mes., Calllomll, tor Orr Oclobtr 10, 19611, before me. I 8 SS et 8 a M 0 U ft t e d t 0 Am NII 1111 Co .:II I~ 16'4 P!i ttld CV 41\ 17 ll'CI 1"'5 Oct. 14 mt 11.:1111.22 "-·r111-Inc ~U 2114 21\lo 21'>4 + \lo Cr-n Cork l 11.11\ ~1,1, 11~ - Faur !A) 1uccesllwe wnll:1 prior ta Uld Nct11rv Public 111 11111 lor H iii Stei.,, A..-.ut l(lf C9" 1.60 l6V. 37•4 l~ Ttln tlmart CV 5 IO llll 10:! 100 N1EW YORK {A.Pl Slock );ll() 25:1' Sr',nUAlr 50 42 ?3 ~ tl + "°' CrownZe 2.20 111 '1\lo 5iAll S7\ti + ... , cit!• ot helrl.... pe"°"11i, el>Pffrtd Horner F. Starnn, $104 750 000 00 B.ntfld11 Slcl co .. 15 11 uv. ~ Thr1 lm•M ev 6 11 llS 1'5 135 -1M foll-lfl:ll quo. Select 9 Sl 1021 Bria SI 2·io 1 S4o/9 ~'h s...... -~ Crn Z au.10 fl«r 731"1 nv. n Vt -II> P • ' • • Bor'lfltvllte $~1Yl11 Lilt ' J\IJ 2"' W..llCtr Sc1'll , .... ., •"'• 2111 l1ll(l{!J, MW lied by .... , P•v 9 S1 10 •O •"•r., "" 71 1S 1•v. t"" '.. Cruc 511 1.20 2" ~ 4$\.lo ISt.4 + v. Rooert Krwel1ncl Wlmam J. Dtttm1n •"" JoM 0. vllnl AssociaUon sa"m' gs totaled ~Ill Lil• IM Co 2!\lr 21 26 Wevra Mio ~ 17 1"'2 u s rhl! Nlllontil A11«[ ln\I R!'tll '32 '91 B;~llMY pl 1 " fl'n 51V. 511h -"' CTS (O<P ... ~ ~ ~ ,. ,._ 1'· Jull~e of !tot know11 f6 m~ l'O bt ""' o"'ilOM whoJt r llf..We11'!rn Stile .10 'l6 16\li 26'10 Well• Fargo /l!o It ~ 9S alien of S.,W,!t!et ls!el .28 «I ft lit 61._ H lt 1 n .n All'& 11 'I'll Cudl!lly Co 19 2' 211141 23:wi -'*" SUl>erlar court nemes •rt sullscrlt>ed to tr1e w1111111 1 ... $8SOOOOOO al th d f th tilfflllC01"11150 51 mo Sl Westwi.call ev6 1' '" JI De.alers, Inc, arelvnr 1t J61718 1ki'nuG 1 611 11 Jl~ 31 11\o\..=-11icudat1Y Pf l NV. ts\lr 16\.lo+l ·1 YOUNG,,RENNElt&HEW$ •lrument 1nd1clVIOWl«llrecl llleYe~eculed • • e en 0 e NAFlntinclil ~ 51.,., ~'NllllltkerCo4""-17 20!i 21) 200 ltleprlc•alW!'l!chl~ llff2'.119BwriCo 151> 10 11 l6'4 17 ... C11lll11¥1.lS I 7l'lio 291'> ~-1"' Alllrtlty1 el L-the 11mt. f st · th ·od · l9G8 fNA flt11ncl1I pf' 32\lo l)'lo l2V. MUTUAL FUNDS ~~~ tie~':c"rl~~ k, II'! F~,.:,23.0J Bw~ onft..JO 6 T.Wo 1)'4 2:M -·v. ~::-;:1n'Bl~9 ·.~ ~ Al ~ IO'I\ -~ JU Wnl Tlllnl 51""' (OFFICIAL SE"'ll tr . SIX·mon pert tn • c~-!.~ i~ ~: .... ~.l2' ~~ ~t!'.~~e:.ri~,I~ ~?:~ lJ.'9 11n ~d (bid) °'° bough! P";:~ 21.71 tt.11 .·~.~1!1' .J ~ ~ 5v. ~ i ~Curtin Wr 1 I~ ~ ~ = ++:t . SIM• A"I• C1M,.,.lt J-h E. Oavls a n mcrease of 7.7 percent over Ecluc..fon 1 ... Co cr1 Am 2'1 24 22 O'Neil fomd • ' .. llktdl Monaev· CU'i 8 2 21,612•.73 wn ,,._ ' 19\li ll V. 161"1 'h Cull« H 1.10 110 l!R't 311oto 3IWo + 14 l"btMt 541-ull Nolar'I' Publlc • C1lllor11l1 Empire Get\ltll Alo 1111 l'I• ParlfnQoinl Mui ftd Jit".64 \"1"63 ]() i,O ~n 3.l:l 3.64 Cus BS 10.:U 11.211 gNnlWldl OS ~ :29.'J ._.,: 1oto CYCIO!>I 1.80 16 3514 31\li 11\4 -~ AnomtY• 1« PllllloMr Pr1nc1,..1 Office 111 the first half of 1967 For me~ N-world .20s 36 ~ 3sv, UnlflillCI 11 . .is 1in n ·-u A~T/tets '·'° 10.o.s C11• ~1 t .66 10.~ 1~~~ 11if' ~ ~ 2714 2~ .,., CvP!'uilM 1.40 ll 561'1 Sd'h .561-\ + lo\ Publ!>lled Or1not Co.Isl 01llv Piiot. Or•nvt Counf'f • Fanneo Undwrl'9rs 2 60\'t 62'/o 60 Var>dtrtllll Mui Fd 111.111 11.0I 9:n ~~ 1-::. r·a 1?·: E~: si1 2~:tt J·~ Budd Co ".to s1· ~ Xlto. ~ --4\\ -D- OCll»tr 1s. 22, :it •nd November J, MY Comm1u1or1 EKP1re1 Amcao ,Jf 1:22 1c0111~ s,• · •,•,..",tinlltfl t1f 1~ 1!~ 1~ +·"" D•~ Rlv 1.» 56 """' 23'4 ?3'-" -a lffl 1713-Q JuM 21, 1910 Am ftin :J.IJ 1.11 .~ l .6-a -' · > 1~ 31...., ~ ~ -I Dan1 Co 2.20 2t 5"-5' 5.f\lo + PublllMcl O•e1111t c°"" Oellv Piiat. Arn Olvl11 12.Ull.ll "° Cui SJ 9.1710.n e"i' ~ n 3'l'a lll\.lo ~ D•vcoCP 1.60 '1 49 •1\\ *\Ii+~ LEGAL NOTICE Oclobw 15. 22, ,. 1nd NO'lember 5, Th M f M ~::: f:.C" 7J3 ... e:i ~~r.~~ r:~ ':~ l~no:aJliorno -11'14 11l4 l<'l'a t 'i4 g:~cop('t~ 11~ I~ 1~vr 'L ·+~· -----;:;;;;;-----1·~··~-------_'.'.'.:"':'":1 e en rom errlll .Lynch present Am Mut 10.n 11.93 ICnkkb a.64 t .'6 Sunk II fpl . .IO 120 5of\I< 5l;'!o ~.· 1 gPL ptA 3.75 110 el"'-'3111 ill ,..2ttSJ' Arn PK 9.>0 O.'" L•xincit 11.•2 12'.4 !klrndv .60 S1 l1'.4 301' ll•t. + 'Iii elPwLt 1.lU 72 24 ~ Am NGw J 11 '-OJ Knie-Giii 1180 IJ 12 Burl Ind 1.111 '2 411 """" --"'-tere Co 2 62 S6!'r.. ~-. 'i"·~" CEJlTll"ICATE OF IUSINl!SS LEGAL NOTICE Andi« Grouc>: "'Ln Rsch 11.Jl lt.1• 8umM1h1 I 4' ?lO'llo ZlO 230 -'I'll Del Mntt 1.10 lll1 31\4 uw. ~ ' FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME Ceo 10311131! lbenv 11..11 j.tl SUlhUnv .20r 24 36111 :H"'-:J6 -~ DlllaAlr ,j() to 33111 32'ilo 33Vo 4t 1tltl he 11 conductlnt e ClrPellng incl 9Alt 11116 , lmr 10.6611.611 Llfo I"" t.43 t.21 -C-t.lenllM!g pt I 7 ~ 44 1-4 The ~n<ler'llened doet tlerelrl> C9rlll'I HOW GOOD ARE 'THE BLUE CH' IPS" Grwth lS)•11:25Llle Slk S.S1 .011 8ll1l1rsSI! .llO 16 '1'fio •l'ilo 11~+"'oennMf1 '.60 137 56 54~ ~ 'Iii llOQol1119 bus\nf'u •I 16Sol W. Lincoln Blvd., SUPl!RIOlt C(IUJlT 01" THI! • RI Inv ll.Ot 13.ll Loo0 ""oSIY!,.-, Fds: C•bol Oo " IO ~ ll'!'o ~ ~ Derltsy l."Xll 10 11 13~ 14 + 'tAi A111he!m. C1lll .• un<ler tht lldlltous fi rm ITATE Oft CALll'Olt.NIA l"Olt: • l"\b0Cl1!d 1.n 1.17 11111 -· 2 I0.52 ' I '' • ,. ' 1-~ 7 " °'"II.Gr 1,10 hi 22 21V. 21:\t ·-• '"nht""" ~rll 11.311'-31 I " n 236,0 I~ .rn T " De~ pl B U 111"'-6$l'o ~ . ntme of ARTISTIC CAJlPETS Of THl!COUNTYOFOllANGE Fom t.•10.•o Mu 11.0IU.fMr:Ual!M .ltt ~1' 1'l'h 22V.-'ilot>es.o!olM:."• > -·· '° """""+'" ANAHEIM encl ff11t u ld firm It comPolPd 0·2087' "i?, B 11.i°61113 ~nhll'! 10.t' 11.96 •m~'::_ . ..4S0•• ~ .~ ~. -,.,. -• !ll"d[S 1-'4"" tl _ra: 25* ~ + ~ Of "" ~11ow!fl11 """°"' wtioH neme 1~ SUMMONS s~ In '1s MHs Fnu 13.6014 u amo """'" "" -T• · · · · Ed 1>1S.so i 101111 101 101 11111 •lld oli ce of re11e1~· 1, •• -1-f) Sc ep :79 1'.11 Mn1 Gth 12.n1•:u 111ne•11W ·" 13310 ~4'. 1.-i"' 1nw. +'II Ste.I ·" 27t ~ 21* ~ ..... • ~II: ~~ ~ "' PAULINE EVANGELINE M A• IE llabson I Ill 811 Mau Tr 17.Mi IJ.08 dn Pie 3 l7V. 16V. n + 'IO De"Mter ,)Of 17 «I ~ 311~ ±_1l% TOTH, Pll!nttfl, w. LASLO TOTH, •• AS PRODUCTS .TO BUY? Blue A;ld 14:3115.'Jl Meta 14.931'-'3 dn Pie hi 3 9 '514 ~ ...,,.. · Ciemlrttt 1.to n '5 ~-+"" Jl:!d'llrd A. Schr1Jer, 113'1 Oono\i•n D"'9nd1nl. •'' ondllk 1.07 1,8 "'81~1'1 25.'.l:tt.:n tan.ol R•nd 1 ~ U\lt ,Jl.,.. >r4 +1"0 Dt1St11m 1.40 lit 35'4 ~ lS -~ Roed, Roumoor, C1lllornl1 PEOPLE 01' THE STATE D F # ·" A$ ( osl Sitt 9.M 10.7.5 McOon 13.26 l•.53 i•nlee<o 0·!!_0 I) ~ j!li o,v. OlaSll pf Cl $!2 ~1 0M1_ •,,• • _.,,, Wllness mv hind tflls 30!11 dn Ill CALIFORNIA lo ttle l bo\'I 111med • OMP•Nll5 TO INVEST IN? Olton 9.49 10 37 MIOA Miii 7.\11 f·12 "' C "'"' 'Q"' ...., -D11S p101.20 ,....,. '" 21'11 ,. t leptembtr, 1961 Dmnda1ll: t' '• ""' ~ St 16.0J lJ'.lS MooctY Cp lf.27 2 .DO 1rt>1"" .,1 . .-i ~ e'lt-47 ~ + li:i Dl1n.oStr .20 o 14 lJ\'i 15"' -li • o•-•~, y •·--~tort• " 0 Blodc 170f11Tl"""°°"'* 15.IOU.2'11df$lt . •• 7"!4 ....... +1i.01c111>11on 4 li26V.:2S"'-•~-...,,,,u . Schr11ef-ou""' , .. re ... ell•~'"" I wr... • C d 10.6311°4-I MortOM Fur><11: Ciro C&Oh l 1110 "'°"' IO'llo 113'1' -V. Dlet>old 4ob 95 11\lo G"lo 14 ...• ~STATE OF CALIFORNIA ten Ple1dlng fn resPOllSI to the verlllecl I • h C1neclllll 1f'.10li°.l1 Grwth I!.« t!.n 1'"'1',Lt. 1-.~ 24 HVt 36~ l1 i °" 01Glorgl.i .to 1<211 1SV. 21\11 25~ + '4 COUNTY Df LOS ANGELES, ••. comPl•lnl ot IM •llov• ,......., pl1lnl11t ...,.!) W it th t cooperation of Ceolt In~ 9 " 10 31 lncorn 5.10 .59 iro. ' .,. 11 .., 1-..... , lS \.Ii DIGlorg pf.!111 1 21\lo 2161'1 m.i. + 14 o.. t~t1 JOlh d•v ot SoH11ember, A.O. with ~clerk. or !tot ebove Mlltled _,,, C11>U s~r 1'.69 9'.53 ln1ur 9.l6 I .26 •n> S!I 1.60 T.l 3914 •-39\4 •11 Dllllnvhm .36 4J 36\'I 36 3' I" -1961, btfort ,,,.., the unclenlened, 1 No> 1" Ille ebcnle tnl!tlftt u;llon brouthl • CM! Shr tl.3111•.!IMIF Fd 22.U2).96 Carrlef-Cp I J! 71'4 1411:1-1'4 OlnenCI .500 '211 ~V. 511\ .54\.lo=V. C~1nnl1111 Funds· ' MIF Gtfl 6.79 l·:U Carr pl'l.1! ..,., 3111'> J!\lt JIWt . . Clstny .lat. 11 7! 74\1:1 1~V. ,.,..,. Public In 1nd loo-uld County 1NI 1galn•l YOU In ulcl court, wllhl11 TEN B Belen 1• 1t S1 Muto Glh 5.~ .~ Carr(;<!'fl .6°" 6 3-f\li lN> <U\lo + '4' 01•1 Sti~ I JI 4" ~?\'o '71' .:.:1 · .._ • Si.It, '"ldlng thl!rtln, dulv cammiUlonecl Cley1 1tltr the .. rvlc1 on YOU Ill ltrlt sum-uffums" Com S!k ?.7i 1'.c Mlil S~r1 21.88 22.81 C1rt~ .6 1t5 11'/i 17:wi 1.,.... -Ill OrPl!l>Per .IO 11 l!lllo ~ '9\.lo -,_. , •tld •WO<n, 11enon1lly M>l>N•ed Richard men•, 11 $trved wlttlln the lbovt Mmed -Grwtt. 9 40 10 27 Mui Tru1t 2.t6 1.9'1 Cast JI 155 2(llh 10\li 211\fio + '4 OorneMI" .90 lS ~ 6.t'ilo 65,. + °' A Sch ~ k to ! cou!lly, or Wlltoln THIRTY clln II tervtcl ..... •; 1ncom f4110:11 NEA Mui 12.0l 11."9 Ca1t Pl Al.U l 26\!o 16'4 2t>V. + '4 Corn Fu Un ll IM \$\lo 1$V. • . , . r. nawn me obtlllei>erson el•t!WMtrt. • ••••• Soeclal 1:01•.llN•IWSecll.ll12.ll CllTleCk1.70 33 .lll'h ~~ !7V.~1•4DO!lne!l""''·60 IO 41\lt •1 41 .. :-• ...+.ost Mme Is iubscrlbtd to Ito~ w!lhl" D rt' t Sf C!M1t Grouo· NII Ille! 11.011•.01 C~stleC-t wt 16 """ ,.,-.., !9\lt -V. Oorr 011Yer 11 2S"" 24'" 2Sl'l +1l.ll insfnlment, Incl •dcnowlKIOed to mt 111•1 You lrt hettby fllllllled Iha! unltM YOl.I epa men ore fund u ·:M 1619 N•I ln11tst 8.49 t .18 CeterTr 1.10 110 41 '3\lo .._,.,. .. ,. OovtrCP 1.20 l 1'111 1( 7, -~ M execlf!e<I ~ samt. SO flle I wrllletl retPO ... lvt Pludl ... , Hlcl F"'nl lo92l11i0! Nit Sec$": CCI M1r<!dl 60 11.,., I""" llo'ft -\Ii OawChm l .IO 45 1414 13111 13~ -~ In WllfleH Wt.tA<ll. I hive htottu"IO set pi.Jnllff Wiii l•k• lull9menl tor 1ny rnontY Shr'tllcl U .. \111'037 81/,.;,; 12.53 ll.69 CCI M r>fl .25 -1 ~ •""•• ~ -DrevoCn 1.iO 29 "l'lo 41 Cl.4 + >Ar. mv hand tile! lfflxlcl my ollklel 1t•I tfll « clameees demellcllll In tht vtrllled Chemk:,I 19.71 21:63 &ond 1.11 7.01 C11<:0 CP .80 20 l2V. 3214 + •to Oresl!lnd j .40 m JI :iw. iii -l i;omplilnl 11 irlll"' upon contr•Cf, ar wlll Colonl•I: Dlvld S.73 6.'l6 CtllriestCP 1 12S 69 .W 6Mlo +.\lo ~tssr 1>! .20 I! "61"1 .t'i\lo .f5'4 -1411 d•r 11 1nc1 Ytlr ln "'Is cerllllai.. llrat 1bovt! appJy to th!! court tor t nY ot!M!r ~lief Eoulfy S,96 6.fl r Stll: t0 r. o,.0:w Ce1tn PfA4.SO 1 71 1~ Jim -'4 reur pf ft2 17 41'i't ~ 41M1o -3' wr er1. , •• ,. 1 -'''" 1 1 /; Tuesday Funu 1'-nl6.09 ,~ 00.1 ,, .• c..,eo 1111-,lO :11 Jl\\ ~ !'I'll +1v. u1 .to S9 :io• ,~,~ ,.~ -. ~ (OFFICIAL SEAL) em1, ... n ... t vtr cornp•n . Grwltl ,.,.... .I . CenA111.1lr Ml J Aol'h UV. ""'2 OU~&Pwl.IO 39 ,., ,. M Id Tham I YOll ll\.l'f $ftil tht lodvlct or •~ I °""" 9 ll Grwltl 12.071,.U CenFdry .:ior-17 29fa 7""" .. ..., + ... ~11 Ill .60 ll 3J'i't l2"I XAt. -V. arQ •• 1" .. 1ny melllr c .. IHICtld Wiii\ ... com· Cam~! Bd 6.20 1.74 Nat Wll'St 6.68 .:12 Ce.t Hull l.411 1 11V. 21'4 'l114 -"' '" Cp $4 .Ul'o CA'& .. ;.i.+1~ Not1ry Public. C•l1lornl1 I IM omrnonwltto fd$: NNWrlll 30.0S30.C! Ce<11lllL1 l.24 29 l' 2:Vlo 1~ -.\lo ""' Qnt l.7St 109 171U. 1111 110 "'-lV. PrJnclatl Dll!ce In '~ "1 • • iurnlMlll. S~ en-y C.o I'd 23.73 25.93 N.w E"' 1l.7t IL1S c lllLI l'f•.so i250 15'. 75y,. 75'.'.-2"'-duPont l'l4.50 J 7'V. 11~ 11'--:tt Loi Anoe"'• County lhll.rld lie c_utt.,, wllllln n.. tlm• llmll Octo'r 22 \"~ 11.9113.02 NllW Hor 31.&731.61 Ct"lllPS 1'12 n :22111 21;.i. ""'-+,,., llYPC111t olJ.50 ~ '1\IJ 61\.\ •11,1, ~ N,1,IOLD THOM.\SIAN, AllY 1hl'td. In 1111• IUflln'HIM loo-1111"' I -II· nyest 1.21 1'1.~ Nf'W Wlcl 1'.0Jlt.S2 Cenft..tEI ·" 20 26'4 at. 26 -l'I O\lq LI 1.66 IS :JO 29 ... 29;.i. ..... U5ST1mnctll""· t...111M11,..tothtclfllpl1lnl. Stctt; 117112 ttewon 16.116Jf..Uce!IMPw1ot 19 '20Yo 1t~ 10 +.,.,oq A,20!lft.l0 1l0 3' l6 36 -1 Ttmrr1ce. Cihl. J'0501 O•IKI Serrtember 10, 1'611 lwl1tl AtB (II 1; N()fetil 11.76 \•7' Ce11t ~ 1'70 '6 "°"" o1114 ~ -Do 1.151>'11.07 zlO 34\lo 3' ll su...oc w. E. sT JOHN, at l O O A M 1 w1tr1 c o 2.0D i.16 =" 1~·~ /0·g'! ctnt Sor• :to ,,. nv. E~ n + .... O...qLt o11>1 2 11SO nv. l2Vt lz.lili + .,,. P\ltll\$M<f Orange Coe•> Do>" ,,.,, Cltr1t : • o 1111-1,, 'olo"o 11·1• 100 F: 1ti:11t't Cer•o !.~ 170 CV. ~..,. ~ -~ Dq 3.Upfl.8l U.O lO\lo lO\lo Jll\4 -\'t " omP d 1. 13.3' =:,ms 11 711f 1 Cerl·lftd .eo 13 :k~ 3-1'/i lol'Ai _ v. Dvrno In .561 119 24~ 13\lt 131"1 -'4 ~t>er 15. n, ft 1nc1 November s, sv R:Obtrt I!. C1rrll10 .~ l:,·Ug·~ ":ell 72:_.,23:,3 cert·!«! "'·'° ' ~ lWo 374 -11o OvneAm .40 787 2m 72\IJ 21'\ +iv. .---o-=c.,-=-o-~---'-rn.._ J•M•> A. ,o,-,, .. ,c.ler--Inv liU li'1 t.:2610.r. Cu9f\&A 1.IO 11 lilo Sl'i't SOii ... 1 -£-fo-l Fa-Li'on Island onsm 1nv , ·i.a .:21 Penn Sci 9.119 9. cF1 ~· .to M 20\\ 2D 2t11o + Jlli e.cilef'm "° 13 29,,.. ,,,,. .,, LEGAL NOTICE U4 Wttl lttfl Slrwl · al Conv sec li6t 1),!S P1 Mui 22.11 22.11 C~adbn Gctti 201 ltv. 1~ 1"'--""Eisl Air ~ 21' 28441 lrn. 21~ -'Al Suite 212 ·orp ld lf1:1 11 ll Phlll 16.1317.61 Cl\ampS 1.20 U3 ~ 31"° 32'lli + 'II. E1$I Gt!•. f «I~ ~ «I -"" ... ' •• '".. Stnll Ant, c.a,...,,11 117'1 Cnrry C• 1i3115"41 Plltrlm 11.111?.91 Chm9Nlt 1.60 \II Sot.,. S3'Ao 531i + ~ EHi s 511 '° 11 .,. ,,,.,_ ~+ ,.. •• ,. --•• , c ....... w (ol() f\9 Piiot 9,2710.U ChartN'I' l.10 17 5t\O sm ~ -Vo' "' . • ••••• ''''" 11~ + v. (l!lt.Tll"IC.\TE 01' D1SCONTINUANCI! .,,....., "" fllltl N B h dtVeql! M 11 57 fl,5' Pint St 11.Y 11.'9 Ctle>eBk 2.111 4 93~ IN lw. + I', l>l u! t l..IO V> '" 2~ +V. Oft USE ANO /OR A9ANOONMl!NT Ttle: llUOOl ewport eac Oec1t 11'1( 15.3616'7' P\oMer Uoevell E !Coda-_.. UI M Hl~ M +lv. OF 1'1CTlT10US NAME Publlll'IKI 0.-anoe Co.1! OtllY Pllol, Dltlawere 17"41 1tro Pia" Inv 1S.!616.S1 Eaton'!'•. 1... n lJ-. JV\lo JJV. -v. October lS. 22, 2t ind November 5. Dlvlcl 51>r 1:01 i«I Price TJl 'l6.l6 26.16 Ei!Ofl pn.19 1 le.\> 3fP4 31.,. .•.. THE UNDERSIGNED do htrl'bY ~lfl' Ifft 17U.U Dowrti In I 71 ,·_., Pro 10 n 11 19 eusco Ind 1 so ~ 5ffi 5.Sllo -"' lt\11 efffttlve S«ilernber 1. 1961 ltotYl-"'----------"--=1 T I h (714) 644 2200 Drexel 10:19'¥J:29Provldnl 6:28 ,:M 0 Ect>llnMI .M 411 19111 11'4 19V. + V. ct•secl .. do butlnt11 UllGtr !tot llcllllou1 LEGAL NOTICE e ep one: • Drvtus U.111111.21 Pvrll1n ll.89 11.15 BofA Continues '••"'• •,'"' ·,•, " .,,, ~ •1 + .. firm n1mo of AJl:TISTIC CARPETS Of E1lon&-Howtrd: Pull'!1m Fl/l'!dt: S I'm. · I ~· SW. 5S'4 + VI ANAHEIM, •I 1651 W. LlncDin 81\'cl., ~ti 1'1.0 ll,ff E<rult IJ.97 17 . .U ~~ .I009 1j-! sr-.... riv, -~ • Antl!l'lm, C.lilllrnl1, wto lch tlll•lnHI Wli NOTICE OF TltUSTEE'I SALi h ll.to lJ. Geort l6.M 19.20 E V c • 1 S\li .WO ···-· formerly COl'l'IPOlled ., -. ······-. NO. l"CL *' Extension 75 nv l .lll'I ,.l! Grlll U 22 u.s• To Show Garn· s led Au«. 96 ZJ:loli 1'.J!J,, 23'11 ••••• v m v ,,... Sotcl1t l!.9~ l ,44 lncom 9:11 10.69 Elt,!Sp 1.011 l5 JO 'llS'4 29•;, -14 ~....,,,., wllost na~ Jn lull and Pl•cn On November 19, 1'61, et 1:30 o'clock StDClt 17.119'19.il lnffil9.72 f .SJ EIDlnW•I~ 10 20';, 1q.\li lfl'a-"" f/11 re.tderltt ••• 81 lc!lows . ..,. .. 11,...... P.M., ll\lklt '"' moln lobby or ttlt tbenl 1,.11116,01 VIII• 1•-061!.JI EIPaooNG I 1~ 191\o UV. 1m .••• Allll•• l runel. Utl Del Nor .. Dr .. SKurltv Tlllp l111vr1nce ComN ll'f'I otllCf jg""'I G~ 16.l"l 17.71 RtP T~h 6 11 6 75 Eltrt CP 1.10 3$ '1\o\ ~ ~ _,,, (.,......, C•lil, bulldl119. ll! NOl'll'o Sr<11dwiv In !flt Clf¥ l!tl'QY 15.98 15.'8 Rtvtr~ 1e:to 2Q:66 SAN FRANCISCO -Con· Enr• '711.ID tSll 35\lr lS lW. +2 Rlchllrd A. Schr1ltr, l1J41 DOtlOV•n cit Slnl• An•, County 61 Oret111i. $t•!e of ~nl!>rl'e 11.t:IS 11.0t Scu«ltr f un!h· • • E~r E1 1 Ml 66 96 95'/o 9SVI -~ Ro.1C1. Ra1smoor. C•lllcrnli c 1 I 1 1 0 , n 1 1, 0-.LlFDRNIA E~~tGll~ ~·1'ff·~ 1111 Inv 16 . .016.~5 tinued gains lD earrungs and EmenoAfr '.fo 11 ~ 60 6CAI. +"" Wll11C'$1 our h1nc!s 11111 :i:llto Cl•Y of RECONVEYANCE COMPANY, a c.tllror-~.:J:rtlM0 u,,''o•' ~,,:1,1, i':f 1 ~J:~ ~~:! dt!poSits marked Bank Of ~~j:, 1i1!o rr ~'4 ~~ = ~ 5'Plember. 11169 nl1 Con>or1llC111. •• Tnalee O< wccntar · · Com SI 12.6C1161l • ' rf t th EmPOl"C ll 6 J.Ali ).IV. 34:wi; 'JI Richard A. Sc~ft\er Trullff, O< tubdlluted Truite<> under ll'H! ~';;'~Miu ll.JD~~.lf: Sec Olv U.5' 11:" AmerJCB S pe ormance a e EEndJot.M • .50 ~ ."!Y!_ "•••L ~•L -_ .. ,;_ And•• Brunet DO'Pd ar Truit m•at bl' NEWPORT Flu Cop 1•.n 16.0.S Sec Equll 19.5J 21 .11 e nd of the third quarter presi· llCIJohn "'• .. ~ .. ,, ,.. ... ,.. .. STATE OF CALtfDRNJA, SHORES CO .• 1 C~•rtne~~IP rtc0rdtd Fld fund 20632230Sec lllY ,.6510.SS ' Enge1M .'llb lit 61\/J ~ 61\lt +I"" COUNTY OF' LOS ANGELES, II. an Ncv~mbf• l, 062, In I* 63(11, P••• 'Id Trnd 11:1JU.".o Sele{ Am 12.1213-11 dent Rudolph A. Peter son E<1u!G•• J.10 ~~ •'"" ,~ •• ~ ?!.~_ .. ~ .. On ttlls )O!" d•' -• I .... D f MllC!•I Prwnn· St! ~s 11 '° 20.11 ESB lllC 1.2(1 .., " .... -u• ti> Im • ... 1!1 of OfflclAI R11<:ord1 ot 0•11'1111 Counl'f, o,nm 1.211 f06 Sl~ml 12.0t 13.11 reported. E1oulre .JO :II 77',\i 11 27\'i +Iii ~~· ti;'°~ 1mt. !tot Ulllltrol,nl!CI. • Sl1te of C11;1or11t1, bY rNIOll Ill dei1ull 111 ltldust 5".45 s:t1 Smllll S 10.~110,D C l'ldated net Operating EHeK W 1.10 6l 50\I 50\IJ SCIV. -Ill ' c l"f u < h and lor .,.Id Counlv •rod lht pevment Gr .....-f0<me11<;t of oto!!t•• IM:om 1.05 8.11 Sw lnv!'SI Un.ov•ll OnsQ E"'YI Cp .60 11~, ~· ,"',,; ""rn: '+' " l•lt , .... !ding lhe~l", dulv commlnlc"Pd tlon1 •etvrecl ~rtb,, 0 "•I•-·' -•"II f1I lnGth 10 59 11 61 Sover lnY 11 ll 17 '7 ' f \h (' t ' E"'YI Pt2 ~0 ~ n '4 •nll 1-.i, ~non1!1'1 11>ot1rec1 Rkh•ro ,nc1EIKllM 1~ Seti u,,d;r o':ed ;T~1 "" lnSI-11:_.,1 f st StFrm G1t11.1' 6:u earnings or e 1rs rune Eurorna .':io. 10 1r,;, 17"" ~ -"' A. Sdlrei.r •nd Andre &Nnel known to h•vl"g l>H" re«>rded •• P•O'llcled lo• l7'r ~J:I f:o /f:l#. · s,;:~e~" ~~~ 56.9j) months ol 1968 amounted to ~~~:iP t~J: :J llU ~}! ~ 1 ... ~ rne to bt !tit i>eriOM whott n•mll'S are l•w tnd more lh•n lhrH monttis hl!v!no l'I 13 "o ha E """ llO 11 lt 1e Sllblc::rlbPCI to tr11 wllllln lnitrumeni, •nd e11pseo 1lnct wdl recorcra11or1. w11t sell at You'll see •n e xciting sttg• pr•s•ntation of th• f af •st p roduct1 of well known F,:. J~ X:n 12:~ ~r:;~nc1 1::~ J;:~ $l05,079,000, or . ...., .per 5 re F:~tor1:r~lab lS 60.,., ,,:Z 60\l:I l~ ~":"~eel lo"" ""' ~ executeel :~~~l((:~~;L~ :1: t:~~Lblc:~N~ f~O:" 1!:#/~:n st:r~'R-Fe::.,1.11 on shares outs~nding. This ~:1~~fi1 '.~~ ~ n~ ~ T2'4 ~ In w11nu1 """e•loOf. 1 Mvt ~er.unto"'' oF THE UNITED STATES oft AMERICA t:ompani•s -fa1hions, hous•w •r•1, sporting 9oods, color T.V., appliances, Frellknn Grouo: sa1 2l.2'11l.19 was a 13 percent increase over FAlrmQnt 1 ,,',' •,,'}~ ,~• "", ...... ,.. mv llltld •net •fllWKI my llffklil ieil 1~ AT T!ME OF SALE.I wlltlollt wirrinrv Com Slk I.Oii 1.8! lnll 11 3J It n .00 I st f1l1t8tl .40 ·• 1Va Jg~-• elev Ind •9r In 11111 c•rtllletlt flril 1bcrvo ····-· -,_,,, .... ,. "'" --····· d I y 'II I ONT( 13.N 11.,, 5tO(k 1&:20 16:;>0 the lisame per1 a year F•rn Fl" 1.JO t6 25\lo 14\, :UV.+ "" wrltt'ffl. •• "' '" v , ..... ~ c1m•r•1 •n urniture, ou a JO h••r M•rrill Lynch 1ccount •x•cutiv•• d iscuss y,111 7.lt 1'.15 s1er1 1nv 13 n 1~ H th · f' F'1~11ee1 tnc :JS .n"" 31'/i 31% -.,. !OFFICIAL sE.-.L> or encumb•e"cn . lt>e 1n1em1 convtved to ncom 2.u J_n SUP lnGlh i.~6 t :16 whe e earnings igure w as f•rWt•• Fin 11 1 MV. ~41'r 25'4 +1"' Ind ""w htld bl> II ll luth l•uflff, In •nd FuP'I(! Arn 12.ii 1j·26 TMR AP 'Z1SllO1J $92 -9 000 13 26 pe hare F•r•l!Mft.to JO "'"' 6911 ~ + ..... =•(Id ~~11t1n 10 ttot klllawt"' <1escribPCI prapertv 1n 11111 th• securities of the comRanie1 that ma~.• +h•1• products, It's truly '" unusu1I 81bnr~~r;,. .li:tr I ::f !:!~, ,','.·~! 11 ',:!~ dur'•~ng'' the' 0,'ame. per',.00' las·t' ~~~ \~o ~ ~·~ ~ : +-'Ai Ol l"Y ubllc • Ctll!Qrnl• County ~rod St•lt · Grou1> Sec . f;m;:,"'Gt 19 tt21" F'edPic EIK 10'2 2~ w,;, 27'4 +\lo Pt1M:l1>1I 0111c.1n P"'RCEL ""· Lot 15 ind th!! d ·II · f t ' I h d · t 1·•-Aer0Sc10.1111.71Tn•' 12:8114:01 year F P•c P1l .26 1 2'""-11'11 V'ilo+'4 MAltOLD ri:"°OM",.';','..~ i~l'f No•lt>e•••e•lv n.oo '"" 111 Lot ,6 1~ an •lp9Cll Y in orm• 1v1 pro9r1m or ' oppers •n '"ve1 ors • 111:•. corn it U.44 la.111 Tr•" CaP 111 " 11 olJ • FedPiPEld 1 20 271'1 21"' v,.. + ~ IUS TwnllH llVCI ...... ...., Btoo;k s. Trld No. 17'1 •• show" or>. ~F U, d 111.flH.21 Twe..C G!h 6:31 ,:ll'CI Deposits increased 12.4 per-F Pl! al'l.ld rtSO 21V. 2'1.'t. m:21tlo .,, ... • rn&P 11\tref'lf rl('O(dPd In look '3 P•o-rm nd 13.l ll·" f'NenC Inc '" '71 . Fl!Q'D Ir .95 219 37\!o Jt'lo ...- Ttrrenn, (llf. ':::« 5 I nd a ot MltcelllMOUI MIH, ~«:Ord; Put th. dtte on your c 1i 1nd1r and r•1•rv• your s•ats tod1y . Simply ctll th. = ~:~)):~ Un!ld 11.52 n:5' cent over a year ago, reac hing ~~roMc'.~ 1:20 n ~~ l?~ -"I ,llbllsho!cl O C of 0rlfl11t County, SIAtt ot Ctlltornl1 HM\ ~ul S.9' 4.55 Unoted F\lncll' $21) 782 947 000 flbr Cp 1.111 12 56\"I 56 uv. .:;_ 't4i Octot:ltr lJ. ;:no;, oesl D11tv il>Hot, EX Ct Pllne t lltrel ro m t'h • b h b Hl ft0\111' 1.69 1.dt ACcm l.lt t .60 • ' ' • flelclc!Ml.111 15 uv. -u '4'4 , er>O" No.....,ber s. No!'ttlf•1ter"' 1s.oo tee I o1 Lot 1s. num •r s own • ov•. rTWtrt lf.tS 21.5' -1nam 16.15 17.4' F111ra1 1 .~o "131 lll~ ~ ~,.. _·~\'! 1... 1111.U For "" PU!"ll03t of ••Ylllt l~e otot1,111-..,. 1•,tw 17.54 Sden 10.00 10.,l f l" fedfil!n 111 33\li ....... .... i===========~~~.llK!J"eCI bv Mid Oetd ot TrUlt tnciw°i; H Mlrnft 16.JS 1\.9l tJnfCI Cen Unev1ll f '"'"~ l.!iO J5 64 ~ + il .... .... .... Hllb!lhm11 12.551 _uv11u•Lln.Funas: Assi"sstan.t VP F•IC~" ,,~ ,,6 JS'Oto :u\i ~- PENETRATION N•trfy •v•ryon1 r.1dt tl•1 ' DAILY PILOT, homttowl'! "•w1. p•rr ftt lht f..tbula-us Or•"9' C.•tf. • ~ .. •r11n 1 .... •J<11enie"1 ot trvsl" 1ncr JDS S."3 J.90 Vfl Lin io.n 11.ll Fit Net Str1 19 21v. nv, 11 p1 ule. SI G~ 6.01 ,,SJ lno:om 1.11! 1.n ~lschbdl 1 30 ~s 561\ 5'~ ~\lo=.,. D1~ Otloblf t, 1.... 9 fm" '" 11.YJ lt.60 •U 6 Wl'fYll F s!>erSd '14 4* 26111 2J~ \\ _ 14 CALIF0"'' OECO""EY•··ce ""' "' •'5111.2' 'l•nod S.90 •.e fll"lkoM f '" ,,. ~ '.. .. "" " Inc ~nd ~v•n vi[ 1nu P1 6.09 ,_,, Joe Bellusclo of Santa Ana Fi. e .c-1 34 ,,\l '" ; i4 -,.. ~~::~~~,.. MERAILLLYNCH 1PIEACE1FENNER&SMITHINC 1'~.!~ 1•:t:1tlJ~.ii';/111111:#11lH h as been appointed asslstant ~::~1~. Y .= ~ !3\'I+~ I v Su111n1111 l'"or1hencl .·~~ 1.J1 f.'-1 W~ Mu I .10 "·21' vi I FllPwLt 1°76 Ill 66~ 6S'Ao 66~ + 1' Vice Prnlclenl 1001 NORTH IROADW1'Y, SANT/\ ANA 9270! -T1I: 547 .. 7272 ,, • nchlrv 7 w'''~ lttl ltili ct president "'th the Na· ft1• Stttl :t0 ' 19'1\ ,, 19 •• I ll>ubll•hed New..!~"'Nrwt 'ren c:om· 1"'ei•s111 •.u 1.24 ~111111 1tHl1:.. tional Division of Bank of ~~C«•10 : ~~ l... §}? -j blned wllto Otlll' PJIOI, N""90l"I le•cto. Op1n d•ily 7 AM ft I,µ_ s.t ... rd1y1. AM •• 12 t'l(IO"· 1: ~ ~i_..g/!·tt I~= ftnf'f:# America'& Los Angeles head·~~~ rr;.tr 31•1 ;W$1~,I, ,~ 3;11.,-• C•111or1111. Oc~ 1s. _n, "· '"' 111Mt """' 1,,. u.92 1i:U wi.ct111 1.3' t.li quarters the bank ced FOOCIFilr '° ,, 21~ 21~ ii" + nwst Grwo: Wo1111 6.09 6. • announ • FocM c1 ".10 111 1~ u 1$1\ + ~ MUTU A SSETS OVER '425,000,000.00 HEAD OFFICE 315£ntCohtrodo llcu-... ~ •• O.llfoml• 91109 INGS • OT1i1!R llRANCH OFl'1C€S ,.. w..t,t.>COdl•·Co¥lno ~f Gltodale _ ........ -Ill o/ mJ lllfd • • • J • "' ... 111111. =-· lrDm .. al rlClipl ...... --~-----------------------.... -- -.... 4 - • DAILY PILOT Monday's Closing , Prices -Complete New York ... --- -.. ·----..--------.. -·--------:--:---.,.,-------~----..--------• . DAD.Y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE The Gun-buying Spree Weboter's nr.t deflnltion of "fear" ts "an unplea· sant ~ stn>ng emotion caused by anUcipatlon or awareness ot da.Dger.'' Unhappily, a (l'Ut many citizens of the United Stat.es are ln the grip of such a raw fear as the nation has never known before, at least in the Twentieth Cen- tury. Its most tangible manifestation is tn the enormous increase in the sale ol. guns and ammunition to private citi7.eos1 especially during and since the summer riots o! 1167. President Johnson's commission on violence, in the lint !\!Ch data ever assembled, has trac<d a distinct correlation between rising racial tension and fear in the nation and skyrocketing gun sales. Items: -For the first six months of this year, 1.2 million handguns were produced or imported, 50 percent more than the t.otal production of 1967 --which in turn was 33 percent above the 1966 total. -"Estimated production and imports" may be re- garded as sales figures. -In the first six months <>f 1968, manufacturers produced more than 20 bullets for every man, woman and child in the United States. As never before on such a scale, Americans are arming "in the cities and in the countryside," as in· tenral Revenue Commissioner Sheldon Cohen testified before the Commission on the Causes and Prevention ol Violence last week. Little wood.er, in tile fi.t:e of such a fear-driven vote of no ~dence in the protective ability of the nation's police and armed forces, that Congress passed the strongest gut'! control bill in history last week. A compromise with a stronger measure asked by the President, the bill bans the mail order sale of rifles. shotguns and ammunition. This is a followup to a simi· lar limitation on handguns written into law earlier this year. Besides making It Illegal to buy through the mail outside the state of residence, the bill bans sales of fire-- arms or ammuniUoo to juveniles, fugitives, mental In- competents, drug addicts or persons under crtmlnal In- dictment. l't also forbids over-the-counter sales of pistols to anyone under 21 and rifles and shotguns to those under 18-with similar age limits applying to the sale of am· munition. Congress eliminated the highly controversial gun registration provision, even though many gun own,ers would like to register their hunting, markmanshlp and collectors' firearms simply for their own protect:1on in event of theft and use for criminal purposes, The new gun bill, when tile President signs It Into law, will be no great deterrent to the hardened crimina1. Most murders, however, are the result of violent im· pulse wiUrln families or among nr:quaintances -not the acts of true criminals. It follows that the less avail- able guns and bullets are in time of fierce emotion, the less llkelihOOd of their lethal use. ' 'Ibis ftighten!ng fact about murders is what makes the huge upswing of private gun sales so worrisome and such a threat to the nation's domestic peace and iranquillity. A ChiJling Prediction Noting th·at famine is not just a threat, it is already here in the world, and ~t the present world population of 3.3 billion will be more than 5 billion in 1985, UC Ir- vine biologist Grover Stephens Offers this chilling pre- diction: "I think: we are going to have a cataclysmic crash in population. It's typical at the end of sustained growth for all kinds of systems. Whether it will be caused by epidemic, nuclear war or something else, I couldn't say." This best fed nation in history should humbly oiler up its fervent thanks -and not just on Thanksgiving Day. Nixon-Hunaphrey Tl' Co1afrontation Rodney Enlists Millie Debate's Dangers, Futility WASIDNGTON -Running lhrough the ·text of the Nixon·Kennedy debates of 1960 one is struck by the absence of any logical Wue upon which a voter might have chosen betwe£n them. In fact, if a choice had been made on the buill of ls.!ues voters would have been misled, treaty commitments." much as they were misled in the 1964 Nixon did that. "In the fourth or the campaign by Lyndon J o h n s on ' s Nixon-Kennedy debates, Kennedy made assurances on the Vietnam ~ar '.and in ·,. the most d a n ~ e r o u s 1 y irresponsible 1940 by Franklin · Roosevelt 1 DJJPllc;ll r~endatiOns that he's made during pledge to keep out of World War ll. the coorse of the campaign." The debates of 1960 got Richard M. Nixon and John F. Kennedy into a SHOWERED BY criticism for those frJghUul tangle of Coptradlc:tion!. On the who wlshed a softer line in Cuba, Ken· issue of Castro's ~ba eac.h.,em~ oo nedy then shifted ha position, denying he the ·side opposite to bis conrictiorio. It.,.. . · ad"""'\ed jnleqeotloo to Cuba and nedy was the hawk, Nixon the dove. A •.. S8Yiri'i merely Uiat ~"we must use all covert operaUCiD already was In progress avail8ble communications, and lhe moral for a u .. S. backed invasion ol. O:iba by power of the government, to let the anU.Castro forces. Nixon had advotated forces or freedom in Cuba know that we this in Inner COllllcils of the Eisenhower are on their aide." Administration and felt he was In ,Jarge Thus lhe main issue of the debates was part responsible for adoption of the plan. a fiasco. Elected president, Kennedy let the Eisenhower planned invasion go forward, and his associates have been apologizing for th1s ever since. KENNEDY, BRIEFED by Eisenhower officials, knew it, too. He called for su~ port for tbe anti.Castro forces in exile "who otter eventual hope of overthrow· ing Castro." .• Nlxoo relates in his book, "Sil: Crises": 0 Tbere was only one thing I coo1d do. The covert operation had to be protected at all 'C06ts. I must not even suggest by implication that the United Stat.es was rendering aid to rebel forces in and out of Cuba. "In fact, t must go to the ether e1· treme: 1 must attack the Kennedy pro- ))061.l to provide such aid as wrong and irresponsible becaux it would violate our All that the debates in 1960 did was to confuse and mislead the public and show a tanned and masculine Kennedy in con- trast to a NixOD pasty-faced from pan· cake makeup. THE PERSONAL contrast would not be all that sharp in 1968, but tbe "debate" - 1f it could be called lhat -could and pro- bably would lead to just as many con· lradictions and fabrications abou\ Viet· nam. Humphrey knows some things the Johnson Administration dots not wish emphasized at this particular stage, and so does Nixon. 1£ they have been fully brlefed, as they undoubtedly have been, they are in possession of important top secret military information as well as the official insight on the Paris talks. Only the very naive would suppose that the Johnson Administration has told the enemy, through the press, everything it knows and all its intentions. Between them ; Nixon and Humphrey could so obfustate the facts as to com- pletely mislead the American public once again on their · own views but more im- portantly on the present bargaining posi· tion of the United States government in a life and death matter. NIXON AND Humphrey may as well not debate at all unless they debate Viet- nam. They can talk endlessly about law and order. ending up at about the same place, without doing much damage. But their debate on Vietnam could mean life or death, as it encouraged or discouraged the North Vietnamese, to the men who are defending Hue and Quang Tri City. But if there is to be a debate - regardless of I.he modification of the equal time Jaw by Congress -let it be a debate, and not a television show. Let it run for a couple of bout!, or as long as it needs to run, for a full exposition of views or the opposing candidates. Newsmen and television panelists have no place as participants. Entertainment formulas should be banned. and the can· didates should be on their own. Even then, a Nixon-Humphrey debate v.·01.Ild probably end in a phantasmagoria cf false impressions, misinformation and fabrication. South's Inferior Education At hand are the lll&S-1987 public school dropout ratet for the United States. Georgia, whett Governor Lester Mad· dot has been doing so much for educa· tlon, has i;\jd into 50th place. Kentucky, with the buge blight of the Appalacblan coalllelds. poverty, is 49th. Alabama. where Gov. Wallaa: did m much for education, ii tied al 4Bth place with MisaisSlppi, where former governor Ross Barnett did so much for the schools and where Governor Williams presenUy is a servant of the public. AU. SOUl'BERN states are down at the botlom or this statistical bog. Virginia, a border dominion, 15 ranked 35th. One then d<scends to the 39th posi· lion wh<l-e South Carolina rests, high above other Deep South states. Publk&tlon of these abruive facts never fails to set off the shrill, ceaseless: yapping of t h o s e who seem really paranoid about any crlticlml of Southern condlttOM. 1bere art othen 'Who, either thou&btleuly or callously, explain that it is the Negro child who drops oot or who ..... low Jeamil1g level. Tbey do not -. to know they the"'by conl• t1W the Nern> c:hlidr<n hsv., io- dold, -dilc:rtmiDalld qlinst for ~ Gloomy Gus: --0. O'L. ,..._.,.... ........... ... ...... "' ........... ,., .. ... ,...,,,, ..... _ ....... ..... generations and L h a t lhe schools pro. vided for Negroes were, even as the courts found, inadequate and inferior. The truth i.s the South long has been, and in many places still is, running schools that aren't good enough for any children. of whatever color. These outraged defenders of the system that has for a century contributed to downgrading Southern education, wages and industrial development to the sacrifice or lhe educational chances of generations of children, white and black, are detennined to continue it. This oflen is more true in the areas where the changes in agrlculture and population have impinged so harshly on human beings. Access to education, opportunity and a fair chance in the rural South was often limited or absent. YET, THERE are many who defend the most lhabby or the political demqogues because they p r o t e c t .. Southern ('UStoms." This paradox of the poor white Southerner cheerin& the prac- titioners of political policies that for gcneratlon.s have retarded the South is I one of lhe more inexplicable con- tradictions. AJ the dropout report W8$ being tabulated, Southerners in Congress maneged to add to a major iipproprlaUon blD an amendment that will prevtnt the federal aovtrnment from carrying out mt.a.sum: neceaary to raise the qUallty ol Southern education, whlch, )'<!Ir by year, sinks Jowtr or barely manqes to stand still. so low in the essential indices of a good life and opportunity. Yet, his following is fervent, large and vocal. What. for example, does the study show about the dropout family! Ila findings are relevant to the overall problem. " ... The parent is often indifferent or passive about education. The father has completed only six years of school, and the mother has completed only seven years. The parents often encourage the child to drop out. •.. ·· Here the picture comes into sharp focus. The parents themselves know no bet- ter. They, too, are victims of the Southern policy in which a .segregated system created a poverty of educational opportunity in which the schools, as William Faulkner wrote in a piece of satire, were "not even good enough for white children." Yet, there are those who heatedly de- fend things as they are, who think that i[ somehow George Wallace and others like him can but get into power, everything will be all righl --~-- Tuesday, October 15, 1968 Tht tditoriaJ VOUt of tllt DaUy Pilot 1e1k.s io inform and sUm. vlate rta<Ur1 by pres•nting 1hil ntw.tpaptr'1 ophliom and com- mtntary on topici o/ tntncrc end rlgni/iccnct. br providing a f°"'m for th< upru.rioo of our reodtrs' opinfoni, and bt1 pre1cnting tht dfutr111 mt'°" f)Qintr of informed obstrWn and ipokt.smm on topfe.t o/ th• de;>. Robert N. w .. c1, Publisher In His Cause "Hi, Millicent. I guess your folks went down to the Support Your Local Police & Cut Local Taxes Rally?" "Yes, but come on in, Rodney. I'm just sitting in the living room all alone, ad· dressing 'Stamp Out Red China' pam· phlets for the Young Americans for Individual Freedom. But what's wrong? You look depressed." "Oh, it's this book I've been readlrig by a couple or political scientists, Rog ~. and • Lasswell. It's called •.. Well, it's called 'You Know, Culture and Politics ·in America '." "You know?" "YEAH, YOU KNOW. It says the reason we're young Conservatives is because of childhood conflicts over ..• well, you know. And we've got unhealthy, repressive attitudes toward! , • , wen. you know." "Oh, Rodney, what bosh. I've got the normal healthy attitudes of any red· blooded, patriotic American girl. I can even say the word." "You can?" "Sex~" "Gosh. Millicent. You 're wonderful. And I want you to know I'll never think the less of you for doing il" .. THANK YOU, Rodney. I guess that takes care of those sick, know-nothing scientists." "Not quite, Mllllcent. You i;ee they also say that these same childhood conflicts produced all these dirty, long-haired Left Wing Radicals -only they're rebelling against these restraints. That's why they believe in free -excuse the word - love." "Ugh!. Those scientists are right. Free love certainly has no place in our free enterprise system " "But don't you see, Millie? The basic problem, if l can speak frankly, is that because these beatniks believe in licen· tiou.s free love, they're going to -rorgive me -outbreed us Conservatives." "I don't see the connection, Rodney." "JUST TAKE my word for it. Unless we do something, they'll overpopulate the world with little Left Wing radicals. They'll overwbelm us by sheer num- bers.'' "Oh, Rodney, what can we do!" "Well, first let me put. your Guy Lorn· bardo record on in case anyooe·s eavesdropping. There. Then 1'11 just pull these shades. You neve r know who's watching. There. Now come close and J'U whisper my plan." "OOSB, ROONEY, when you look into my eyes like that. .. " "It's up to each of us to do his or her part, Millie, to saw thia great country ol ours." "And when your voice goes all husky like that, Rodney ••. " "Sometimes, Millie, v•e have lo violate the convenUonal morality in order to preserve It. Sometimes, we have to sacrifice ourselves on the altar of freedom to keep our N..,tion strong." "Oh, Rodney, •hen you take my hand In yoon lllte Iha~ I illSI meh insldt. I'll do "1)'1hin& yoo ask ." "Anything?" "ANYTHING.'' "I knew 1 could count on you, by golly. LAW .N ORDfR ! • Racists Show Their Ignorance Many animals don't recognize their own young. It takes them a Jong lime to distinguish between their own children and other babies of the same species. The mo.st obvious fact about the human species stares us in the face so freely that we fail to see it. And that is the utter diversity and individuality of each member of thf! human race. No two persons -except twins from the same egg -really look alike. Every fin gerprint in the world i., different. So is the precise composition Of blood. Nature bas , made "'-tbe Qlllt _ todl_vld.aled sPecles in the world.: ' AUfOST NO'J'HING in nature i.!1 without a purpose. There must be some reason that the highest member on the evolutionary tree is also the only species in which individual traits are more distinguishing than generic ones. The reason is not far to seek nor hard to find. Among humans alone, it is dlvenity that protects and perpetuates the species; while among the lower animals, it is blind uniformity that keeps them going. They adopt to their en- vironment ; we are made to change ours. And if all of us were more alike than dif. ferent. we would become extinct when conditions drastically change. THUS, THERE IS a biological as well as a moral imperative against all forms of racism in the human species. We need millions of different kinds or persons in order to ensure our survival ; reducing the species to one particular kind whether white, black, yellow, or speckled -would r;harply lower the odds for our continuance on the earth. All foxes behave like one fox, all clams like one clam, aJI owls like one owl. Only man runs the gamut ol actiooit&nd re.ac- tions. And, just as nature may )lroduce a millicm spermatozoa in &oder lhat only a few may turn into living forrns,·so ·it pro- vides us with the wideSt divdsity of in· dividuals .so that a few might survive the most cataclysmic changes ill tbt en· vironment. ' THOSE WHO PRATE about 11pure blood" and "race lines" are as ignorant as they are mis.chievous. We are all or one blood and of one anceStry, 'and our family ties as a species are far more significant than our superficial dif. ferences of ethnic background. The paradox in this whole matter fl that we are created so bigbly fn. dividualized in order to secure the welfare of the species~ yet unless we place the welfare of our species above our own partial loyalties, we will lose· our individuality and the earth along with il The only effective way to guard our di!· ferences is to affirm our unity. Marching on Washington In an address at the Lincoln Memorial on a wann October day in 1967, David Dellinger declared the "beginning or a new stage in the American peace move- ment in which the cutting edge becomes active resistance." His wards prefaced the celebrated March on the Pentagon minutes later. They sound prophetic now. The first anniversary or that event. Mon- day, Oct. 21, is due to usher ~a new round of anti-war demonstrations over the nation. The Student Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam has called for demonstrations, Oct. 21-27, on campus and off. The National Mobilization Com4 mitt.ee, which Dellinger heads, is pro- moting peace protests in major cities, Nov. 1·7, plus a student strike and a boycott of the general elections. A massive demonstration is planned tn Washington as far ahead as next Jan. 20, inauguration day. TllE CELEBRATED March of a year ago Is still clouded in controversy. Was it the heart·felt response of a concerned Quotes Robert De Vo~. Palm Spring.a ~n dealer, on difficulty of controlling criminal ust of wea.,0011 -"l..tt's fa"e it. tJ a crook ~'lllnts to boy a gun b;d enough, he can." Leon Chevalier, S.F. fireman aJt«"r being shot at by snipers -.. \\ltlJ we put out Ile fire anywa;y." ' Walllce Steper, Stanford creative wrtlinr dlredor -"It's not 1110 wrltn"c duty to solve , but only to state problenu COITectiY." Autmb1,ym1a John Stun, Enclnlt1s -"Then 6s only orie way b> OOange an ardcrly M>oiety, and that is with ballots.. When bull«s are edY00;;1ted . it is Ume to blow (be wlUstle.,. citizenry or the handiwork of agitators! The thousands of participants included middle-class Americans and ~med hippies, student activista: ind orPntzed mothers for peace. As if reflecting ·its split pers·onallty, the March was a two-- stage affair: The first. an almost leisure- ly bit of speechmaking at the Lincoln Memorial : the second, a sometimes bloody encounter with troops and marshals on the steps of the Pentagon, lasting until the early hours of Oct. 23. Even now it is oot yet clear whether the March was the catalyst for a broader base ol anti-war activity which was to follow. But at the least it became a fixed point tor labeling developments before and after. In the "after" period the can. didacy of Sen . Eugene J . McCarthy plac- ed the peace issue in the mainstream ol American politics and dissuaded an in- c.umbent P~ident .from seeking re-elec- tion. ~n the view of its leading chronicler. noveliSt Norman Mailer. the Marth on the Pentagon was "an ambiguous event whose ~tlal value or a~n:lity may not be e11tablished for ten or twenty years, or Indeed ever." B11 Geot"ge --~ Dear George : I recenU, have been tra.Nftt· red. r.ould )'OU tell me bow to meet IOme mce stri. in 1 otranio ll>wD like Chlcoiol Dear G.S.: G.S. I Kve tn Florida and don't know how to meet any nice girl.I in a stranie town Ille Ctdcago.. However, I could put you in touch with aome rtr&nge girl! in a niCfl town Ute Miami. THE CANDIDACY of Georgt Wallace la: another example. J.fert is a man who symboliz.ca and urg@s the major poUcies and atUludcs that have l>rou.\ht the SOuth Meet me 1n front of lbe Youth IOf Wallace Headquarten alter breakfast and we'll pass oot these bumper stlckera. 111ey uy, 'STAMP OUT (forgiv. me, Millit) SEX I "' ~ ., , s a> pa a z a ca;cxps;:zq;9ie¥ s µ; s s PP•,.••= • = • • • • • = • • • • • • • • • • • -- Lures • -I •( • ,......,, OIMNf' II• 1HI "' , ... 11 JODEAN HASTINGS, '42-4321 Semiformal Ball Catalina Sailors rnstall Commodore .. Catalina Island Yacht Club memben and their families will &teer the reciprocal coune to that of mainland yach!lmen when they journey to Hwrtingtoo Hart.our ror their annual meeting and . Com- modore's Ball nest ltlO!lth. A fl!6t!ve weekend of activities will take place Sallm!ay and Sunday, Nov. 9 and 10, and conclude with a leburely return on Mon- day. Veteran's Day. The cruise to the mainland will begin with a Nonpredlctable Log Race wtth the fleet's estimated time of arrival between noon ana 12 :30 p.m . An o!llclal cruise boat will meet the visiting •..Uors and·log their arrival. The member wlloee 1ime is cloeest to a pred""'rmined time will receive a trophy. Following an escorted toUr of the hart.our channels the men will' n1ber for a business meeting and their wives will enjoy a poolside lashioo show in tile Beach Club. An informal cocktail party will con- clude the afternoon's activities. At 8 p.m. dub members and wives will return to tile Beach Club for tile &emilormal Commodore's Ball and an evening of dining and dancing. • • ' .. .. • ' • • • • ( • • Preparing steammg kelltles of spaghetti are (left to right) Mrs. Norman L<nnoreaux and Mrs. Arnold Podsade, members of. the Hurrtingb:m Beach Wom- an's Club. The group will serve an 'Italian dinn~r during F'Brmer's Market between 6 an4 9-p.rn. Fn- day, Oct. 18, in the clubhouse, 420 10th st. The ·proj- ect which will benefit the club's many philant:hnr pieS , will feature a market place overflowing with. tables of real and artificial llowers and plants, bak· eel g_oods, linens and boutique items. Each member is contributing thiee items for the sale. Chairman of the Farmer's Market is Mrs . LeRoy Benson, and Mrs. Dan Ruberticchio will be assisted by her hus- band in serving the spaJlhetti. Tickets at 'l.50 fiJr adults and-75 cents for children are available from Mrs. Mamie Seltzer and any board member. On Sunday the islandera will enjoy brunch and helicopter rides will be available. Serving as bos!I for the visitors will be the HunUngtoo Harbour Corporation represented by Mr. and Mrs. Don Byrnes and Mr. and. Mrs. Don Seymour, and liaison is Dr. Gl"'1 H. Gummess, &taff c:om4t modore of the c..talina Island club, and ·Mrs. Gumme&a, Harbow9 residents. .. Members · Listening 1 •• t·. . • • ' Memben and guest.s attend- ing the M 0 D d a y Morning Club's meeting on Ocl 21 will be "hearing volcea" but they won't be having halluclna_. tions. Miss Ginny Tyler, who does voices of babies, birds and other animals for cartoons and commercials, will be pre:- sented by program chairman Mrs. Russell Reilly. The HunUngton Beach Club will meet for a 10:30 aan. IO- clal hour 1n the Sheraton. Beach IM. Reservations for the buffet luncheon at 11:30 a.m. can be made by calling Mn. Sherwood Obon before noon Thursday, Oct. 17. net. ets are $2.50 each. Miss Tyler bu appeared in . many Walt Dimey produc- tioos, and other cartoons. M PolynMia the Parrot, she taught Dr. Doolittle to talk to the anlmala -la the recent , . movie. The enterlllnlng and infor· mative personallty'1 unique ability has led her lnto many humorou.1 situations which she shares with her audience. Table decorations for the Mooring, water taxi service and accommodatioos ror changing clothes will be provided for the more than 125 island gue&!I in addi- tion jo use of the Beach Club pool and temiil court&. . .. ~~~~~1""~m:ed ~~ Coffee and Tea for Company I DELIGHTED GOURMETS -Looking rorward to a salad iunclleon Thursday, OcL 17 are memQers ol. tile Monday Morning Club's new gourmet section (left to rtghi) Mrs. Robert Parker, Mrs. Donald Snyder and Mrs. Wilijam Regan. The meeting will take place in the Christ Presbyterian Church, and interested members may contact Mrs. Snyder, 968-3154. Mrs. Edward Howard, presi- dent, will conduct the business meeting. Women lntemt.d In JolninJ! the Moaday Morning C1uli may cootact Mn. Jay An-dren, Dlmlhenhlp-chalrman, Mrs. Leland Parker pours for .(left to right) .Mrs. Allen Hughes and Mrs.< Chester Haug, provisional• of the South Coast Chapter ·of the National Charity League. An orientation coffee will take place tomor- row ID-the HUDtlngton .Beach homa of Mn. E. Fred Grether to acquaint ti!<! proopecll.-. m«nben with the activitl .. and services of the Mn1Jrollt org~ Uoo wbich is compnsed of pat.roae.sea •mid ·Tlck· locker crooPS- It's No Whitewas:h-Pink Silk Wil:I. Suit This Occasion DEl\11 ANN LANDERS : A bouquet ol onions to you for•tbe advice you gave to lhal poor kid who had a baby oul ol wedlock ud asked U il would be all rilbt to gel married In •·white wedding gown and htvG ber S.year-old -daughter at a Dow<r atrl Just btCIUM Bella made a litUe mistake ism reason abe should pa,y for lt for Jl!e rest of her tue, ii Jt!·Wb;y should she li!de bor head In the sand like an ootrlch! Everyone -. what happened. · Bella talt., her child ....,...hero and calls hen<U Mi58 J,..... I lhinll lhis talt• ., a lot of coonge, and she la to be ad- mln!d. -tNoW that Bella hu 1 chance to marry a nice fellow, why should she have the dream of her life apolled? Thia· un- • fortunate l(lrl hu always .wanted a lovelJ whlle weddln&, with l>'anie blD6IO!lll and everythina:~ You were mean to 11.y no and spoil a )'llUlll maiden's dream.--A. CLOSE FRIEND DEAR CLOSB: AJ clrl ·• U. bl a ~ • • t of ndlocl ii DO maiden -IO rorret abcHlt "•polllq btt driam." 11 Pe allowa her cbild lo Poe the flowet' clrl al her weddlq abe wUl be the Abject of ricblY duemd~I bape-bod7, can tall her Into wurin& a pink allll nit -In the p111«'1 allldJ. DEAR ANN LANDERS: You keep ln- llltlng that alcohollsm 11 ID Illness. I bmr •for a fact , 10ll an 'IITTlll(. Akaho1ism Is no IU-, H It hmdltary. The family l married Into la liVinl procL ,I knew when I maRled Jim that be hod a drinking problem bul I dldJl't !mow be 1 would take gin. In· a b(lt water boWe to 111e hospital when be had hit 1an blodder -' cul J1m'1 father bu not dmm a IOber. lnath atnc:. 1 met him 21 yean ago. Hit mother hu • not Uttered a coherent -·Jn the lul 15 yeon. Jim hu three brolhen and lwo 1illers. The ooly .,.. In the crowd who cloe111' drlnl< Ls a lister who b i religious nul Ind I think•• few drinkJ ml&ht Improve her peraooallty a loL I won't go lnto uncles and 1unta, but at ....,. famDy weddln& If: bil:lbd111 porty all tbey>do·la·drlnk. Nobody·eall. They have to call the fire dcparlnJenl to coma gel the food.becauae Ibey hala to.-b oat. r ' TbJt ·bu.1Clt II llvlng prool that ak:ol>oUsm b heredllaiJ.. ll'•,n<>I poeoible thal •w,rl'~ 1n,a1m'1·foinlly caugilt the .. .,. JllneU; I hope you '!Ill be hll -.p to admllJOU are im!oii aod I'm . . . ) rll)ll. -DON'T TOUCH· Tlllt rrtJJl'll' MYSELF DEAR S'IW'F: Tbe =-aal • tee•mc, &oward al-.. Jal1 be ltendltaly, ba I -11 Ill t. borllld nu ........ -.. .....,_ ean. It .. laappem IUt )"Olr Rlbad•1 du h loaded with ·emotleul prallems aad O•y an . .-the ••mt ------DEAi\ ·ANN LANnERS: lio!.n a wodlm marrloa (lllCOfld time for both)' -Ibo -the rl&ht .. """ how . much _,. the•man eum, how much be ~ ln"lhe bank, bow much he bu· Jn -· -·and ml estate, and how much lnlurance he wrla? ·When a cer- tain liq. alUd .me. !MM quell!OM, I aald. "Doml't c:bmder c:ouul?" Sh t • ( replied, "Ya, bul I can leani Iha! lnll!l ,_ beha'flor .• Wbet do ,.,. ..,. lhoul this malter, Ann? -'WARY WALLY DEAR WAU.Y: I 1 a y a·-.. ... rtpl .. -... -·-·-........ ef•re •ilM'rlll-T•• d1'Dftecoorllan_,_,... .w .. ......Wflnludaltid.-, I ,I -' . ' . -.,.J._,4._0_A_ll_Y_P_IL_OT _______ Tuttd'1, °''°"" 15, l'IY In Stars' Homes He 'Furnishes' Special Touch By JEAN COX .. .. OMPr '°*' llfff Bnlce Alan Clirke, h1a wUe and two younpten Uve in a rombllnl, yellow Cape Cod home which nestlea atop a llOCluded llnolJ Ill Emerald Terr .... lnalde, tllough understated, the 1tmospbert ii one of warmth, riclmess and com- fort. A mlxWJ'e of perloda, Jn. eluding • chair from the Ji•poleoole period, an old tna;lish desk and Chinese print acreen, it la in es:cellent INTERIOR DECORATOR Bruce Alan Clarke Horoscope Leo: You Are . . . Winner Today WEONESDA Y AQUAIUU8 (Ju, IO-Feb. OCTOBER 16 11): ·spoW,iu oo Dwrtap, ' &el a1oo( with -of op. l By SYDNEY OMARR pannet.i,Jp. You learn bow to "The wtae man controls b1t posing vien. Acceot oo public desliny • • • Aslrolol)' polnLI ralall°"'. Be faJ>. bul firm. . the way~" · •·. fou're a winner If JUture. . ' ' ' ARIFZ (Mattb 21-April It): Pl!CEll (Feb, lt-MattblO): SpotUgbt Ill enlerlalnmenl, Kl'fp resoluUOlll coocmilng utilization ·o1 c re a t I v • wotk, health, diet. Fine for : Oppoal~;,.. ~=-: gaining greater underslandln( .vith those who serve you. •· abWty loel up. Y o u r Show appreciation for utra arguments a re convincing. efforts. Reunion indicated with Strib while iron is hot. fonner usocl.ate. T·AUBU 8(April IO-May 20): CondlUOlll which affect aecurf. !JI' TODAY 18 Y 0 U R ty are accented. Day to build BIRTHDAY you have un- for future. You come upon Jn. deratanding of b a r m o n y , formation which bad been music. You can bring peace to obscured. Take advantage of thole who are disturbed. You added knowledge, Go to It. hl'ie made cbangea -- GEMJNJ (May 21.June :JO): YoU can find peace of mind. ldeu can be lrllMformed Into GENERAL TENDENCIES: lam -u II 1hould be 1lnce Clarke, who bu -In llit Clarke ll as interior decorator deeo(atl.ng ba1llnt11 ! o r 11 of some meriL years, wu b or n lft Btver),y Prior to moving h I 1 HWa. His father wu thl rumtt.ure and family t o bull.nesa manapr for Barnum Laiuna 11>me three yeara ago, and Bailey ~ however be Clarke had a home In Beverly decided to follow bis arUlt1c Hlll1 whlch now ls owned by in~resta and. after completln& J ullet Prowse. military aervict went to UCLA A few of those who sought to study interior desl.sn- hls profeulonal advice were A man with definite tutel, Doris Day, the late Mr. Clark he feels there have been tome Gable and Donna Reed. unfortunate p e r J o d.1 In I kl ..... , decorating lrenck, lncludfnr C arke tac ed ~ Day 1 Chinese Modem wblcb wu home 10me 1even yean ago when ahe purchased It from popular in t h e 1MOI. "It was prelly horrible, bul I'm not Alfred Wallenslelll. "sponsible," be Ll.p.!. "I The Day home, doM in wu still in school." Country French, I I con-"The Scandiiiavtan trend,,, · temporary In design but lradi-he' Uonal ln furnishings. Colon, said, "wu bulcally I Clarke reported, are sunshine nothing period. It came right yellow and straw ( he r after the war and people were favorite!) with off whites and justfeelingthelrwayaround." aceentl of. French blue. He thinks Mediterranean Miss Day. insisted a soda furniture is attracUve but fountain be J.natalled in a cor· warned, "When IOm.ethlng 11 of 1 overexposed, people get tired ner her J vlng room Jn lieu of tl. If 1 were working for of the tradlUOflll bar. "She tophisticatedpeople with aome ·never serves liquor," Clarke amount of money'"tO invest, I ezplained. Instead her guesb wouldn't I u 11 e It Medlter· art treated to healthful juices. ranean. Ml.u Day hu one problem Eclectic decorating, ac- mo1t women would cheerfully cording to Clarke, ia "ln." Ec- wlsh on themselves -cloaet ledic, he explained, ls 1 mb:- space. To 111ake way for the ture of type:1 and pertodll of ltar'a gigantic wardrobe, the furnilurt. "If Jt 11 done pro- decorator ho o k e d two perly, it is the best decor," he bedrooms ~ to make a commented. clOBet. The movie star'• bathroom Clarke definitely wrinkles up 'Sailing, Sailing . , .' Basking In the swiSb!ne of Ak>ha·land are Mr, and Mra, Alvin D. Penhall of Balboa who sailed I<> the Pacific Island aboard the SS Lurline. ll minus a tub, since she is a his nose at what he calla shower fan. She bathes in 8 department store w I n d ow ~::"'"---------------\ marble stall with anUque gold homes. "I am agal.nat the idea 11 fi turea of sets of tblnp, IUCh a1 4fu Tc Gire ~'She .hu marvelous taste, bedroom suitea all In the aame lllle Q , ., as can be seen In her classic pattern. Somewhert, thingl wardrobe. She doesn't go in abouJd be broken up with a ~fl>---------------=-_:-::.!~ for ostentatiOUI thlnp at all, contrasting piece of furniture. There ts a job for you in the Harbor Area -a and 1he love1 anUquea," Decorating, according to the position needing DO other qualification but your time Clarke said approvingly. veteran, depends greaUy on and willing hands. He worked on the late Clark the textile industry. ' Th. usand Gable's rambling c 0 u n try "CurrenUy we are In the O S ol, these openinga are available for En&llah home ln Encino, also period of more e J e 11 n t men and women from teenagers to senior citizens. about seven year• 110. furnishings, although. 1 prefer Now is the ti.me to get involved in your com- Gable, tt seems, never made this ln an understated manner. munJti~' needs. You can help a youngster to learn many ch an I e 1 from tht Somewhere along the line, the or ease Ute burden of looeilnesa for Ule elderly. original home he built with texUle industry started com-POS o Carole Lombard many years lng back with old tapestry ITI NS PROMISED ago, although there have been weave1 and brocades in a Awaiting your telephone •~all is the Volunteer weveral new Mrs. Gable• since fruh. up-to.date approach and Bureau. Mrs. Linn Arkusb at 642-0963 is the execu-- then. "t think th1s anitoyed his In more vivid colon. The tl.ve director and will personally anist callers from wives," Clarke confided. He furniture had to change to ac-9 a.m. to noon every weekday. said hill work with Gable was commodate the weaves being . She will custom match you and the job with the more of 1 replacement pro-woven." time you have to offer. The bureau is located at 32.5 cess lhan rodecoratlJ!I. The llecoratar, wbooe wUe ~ N. Newpbrt Blvd:, Newport Beach. "He's one ol the nlcesl peo. president of El Mom PTA, pie I've ever worked wl1h,'' moved to Lquna beca"" haU . MISS YOUR CHILDREN? Clarke aid of u.~nWe-Nr.-d. his bul1neu was in the You might en JOY several day a a month wt th "He wu euy ioln(, bul area, however he still maln· some d~ligbtful c~il~ren who need and would ap- decilive." !&1m a Beverly Hills office. In preciaU! your time and attention, '!'Mr. ii a 12-year· o 0 n n a n..ct (Mn.· Tony aCldlllon. )lo NcenUy opened a old boy lnd !().year-old twiM lmlll In a fos1er home. Owen) called on Clarke aboot· sbo[i, The. s...i.,.~. lo .. , l'Jl~e children wou\d •bebellt;~ 'cultural <mer· Iii years qo to r<model her l.ollUJll Beach, 'wllh Mn. ltiices ouls!de the home. The ·~ Home Senlice'& P'ronch townhouse. Richard Holl cl Corona del req•esting yoo,. help. For turther Information call "She Io v e d to mb: veey Mar. the bureau. modern art1!ts with verylo;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iii;i~ii;i;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,J 1ra<11uon11 fumlahlnp. 11 .,.,1r a very nice effect," Clarke recalled. PEO Hosts Area Event f.l~~ltl~t1 @~- \ . Or OHIO 'Jiii/ii'/ J/Jl/ll llllll llll// mooey. Key II willingness to Cycle bJib for LEO, VIRGO, accept added ,..~bllily. LIBRA. Special word to Unaffllialel will be guesta of Journey, dealings with ffiaUve PISC~: go out of your way to PEO, 0ranp Co 11 ta l also bighllgblod. Older penon ald one who helped you In Rec:lproctly Burau 11 the A NNIVERSARY CELEBRATION desentel! attenUon. Give It. pasl meeting Oct. II at 10 1.m. In CANCER {June 21.July 22): te """ out Mio'• l!Jc:kY tw ,... "' the Fiest.· Room of the You are able •A rid ·-·--11 of """'"' ffllll '-· DIWI' 5'*'" O-rr"• E a 1 tbluff'1 Administration ..., ,,.,..... ......,, bodl:let ''S«nf Hinh fot Milfl •IMI 8""""" profit-draining burden. Accent ~ ... Serid b1J1hda1it _, • Clllb --.......... OQ m""'-....... i Im to Om.If'!' A.Welow s.ua. "* DAIL y Holteu chapter for the cof. -J• r--ssons. J>Ol'· ~1LOT. a.»•. ontld o.ntn1 '"· fee are cv ·am HX of~ tant assignment can be com-!Ion. H-""' N.V, 10011, pleted. LEO lndlvldual hell" lingt4n Beach and QQ cl San eell Ideas, products -get Clemente. together. Silver Sands The program enUUed My LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): ey. Joomey From a li'orelp Land I t I h I h The flrsl and th1rd Tuesdays to Callfomla will be preaented c e c 0 n ° u e 1 I · at a p.m. members of Silver bu Mn. Alu: T homlOl1 cl Cln:wnatances turn In yoor ,. favor. Give attention to Sands 286, Native Daughters Laguna Beach. The speech personal appearance. Combine of the Golden West gather for won the hl&belt honor beetow· forces with CANCER in-meetings . Lake Park edbythelnternatlonal dividual. You're 1 winner ~ Clubhouse in Hunt Ing ton Toastm.lstrta Ctubl. da A~ Uk Beach is the meeting place for All PEOe: are uked to Invite Y· ... e one. the first """'..,;,_. Mn. Jae• ·-·-u VlJIGO (An•, 23-Sept-)·. -~ • .... w~u alel. RuervllJou --Wilaon, Sl&-1479, will luml!h can be made by ·•"'"• Mn. Fine fo< dlnln( OU~ aUendlng -.. theater. Break from rouUne. location on the next meetinc Lyle Otterman at 147..oo44 or Get fresh outlook. Mystery iidaitei.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiMrsiii. iLi.R.iiiMiiicklei;i,i492-iilii032. OCT. 16th ·OCT. 20th HOME OF WORLD FAMOUS BEEF 'STICK CUT TO ANY SIZEI ~~-'1.59 IOc Ii>. eddltion1I cUsc·ount Oil ·whole stick. HICKORY FA~MS BANANA CHIPS 2 ~ s1.oo AN UNUSUAL SNACK ITEM -could be solved. Individual who is quiet really is on your side. Be recepllve. Heed Inner voice. • LIBRA (Sepl. U-Oct. 22): /?_..;.t,.rJlDRAPERY (..,Otl, W,J,c;.~ EA NE II I I IT'S IRAND NEW Swiss Flavor Cheese ..... ,.,, .. 51.19 .. Friendly gesture by one you respect highlights day. Some of your hopes, wishes come closer to reality. Welcome IOClal activity, contacts . Utilit< abowmanshlp in puttlng ; across viewpoint. . ' SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21l o Exercl!e caution Ill dealing with tuperkn. Some may be lnitable. Don't compound er- rcr. Qeck detalll. Have facts at band. You emerge vie- ~ but be a araclOUI win- °"'· &\GmAJUUI (Nov. 22,. Dec. 21): Good lunar upect kldaJ -wtth con-llb ..aM Jonc·-ran1e in-cllc•-y-Ideal click. Important p e r 1 o n s are ::--: i:ou·::~~ RelMve W1tw Dem11 .. e ,LAMI PIOO,IN• DCLUSIYI t;UAlANTEED DlAPHT CLU.NINt; Dr•pery Cl .. nlnw. Perhct ,..aNI... .r~ tt.~ .. ,...,, 4r•,.,,., .,. llO ,.. ,1acement If c• .. e Ne Witt.I ...... • Ne lhrlnkqe e Pwhct 1._ Htru e Watwlt•h'll......r • -'""' '.w"" . , ..... , ............ ... OUR IXCLUllYI 11av1c1 . ,,,,,_, ............ er.,...Ma, .. ~ e ,,... Lllttwtte • ,,.. LeiM e>r.,.. REGISTIR ,01 A Dll,UXI IAtlN Gl,T PAK TO I~ Gl)llN AWAY At!E · ·'INAL DAY 0, ou• c•LlllATION FREE HICKORY ,AIMI OLD ,ASHIONID CRACKERS WIT~f"aCHAll OP Cit .... Ball MAO HICKORY ' FARMS OI' OHIO TOUR •.• CHRISTMAS GIPT HUDQUARftRS •ll'TS OI' FOOD AH SUH TO PLIASI TAii n WITH TOU oa WI WIU MAIL nI ---c:APlllCOllll !Dec. ts.Jan. It): .._ -1 fol' """" lmpiONimlnt r....,.ntl cood irtJ ~IM"t. Maki I e 1 tu re wlllll! -relali<m!Ifp .... -.... to,... Ae<>enl ·•-Lltobeln-.-.aor...llClrlQI. Off ... -·-""' 540-1366 20% .48 TOWll & COUllTRY 642.0270 1702 IEWPORT BlVD., COSTA MESA • I /• 10'2 IRVINE AVl o,. .. t..fllt1t• •"" '•"'"" N••p•tt le•ch, C.111. 771 S. MAIN ST. Op.11 he11t11tt •r' S.114.y Otal'lt•• c.nf . ... .. ~ ~-.. ------• HIALTH SPAS ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION "a.tinning Our· 3rd Ilg Year In 0r • .,. County" ' Ladies ''Join the Beautiful People" at Holiday Health Spas, abed pounds, re- un.nge inches .•• have a healthful, shap- ller figure, add zest to your life .•• • IMnl~ Slffln II- e lllllvlfflil..,. ·--e s11111 ... 11- • ~"' c ... rws T1 Cllo9M I',,_ CALL OR STOP BY TODAY FOR A FREI TOUR OPEN 7 DAYS -3 BIG LOCATIONS Costa Mesa Aneheim Or•nve 5lt 5. 8efdl &IW. 4n t: Kii•!!• llOO H-., llwl. "-.,""' c......-549-3361 (Hwy Jtl • (or:k.o Jllkl.W.~ '°'-......... ,,...., ~1111 11•1 ~c...-~-,-,. .. .,. P1"111 ,,. 1264311 • LINDA CURRY Candle Ce remony Summer Wedding Plans Announced A summer wedding next· year is being planned by Linda Curry and Greg Alford. News of tte forthcoming event has been annotmced by tbe bride-elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E . Curry of Newport Beach and · by Miss Curry herself during a candlelight ceremony attended by her Delta Gamma sorority sisters. Miss Cury, a 1965 Empire debutante, is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School where she was active as a song leader, and now is a senior at the University of California st Santa Barbara. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Alford of Balboa Island, is a graduate of San Marino High School where be served as stu- dent body president in his senior year. A studerrt at UCSB, he is a member of Kappa Sigma. Information 'Accounted' At Dinner To acquaint the business community with members of the Orange County chapter of Women Accountants and with the aims and goals of the group is the main purpose of the annual public relaUons dinner. 1be seventh annual event will take place Thursday, Oct. 17, in the Golden Pheasant restaurant, Anaheim. Keynoter will be Michael T. Moore, account executive who spent severa1 years with the Central Intelligence Agency in Washington, D.C. prior to his present position. Hts topic will be the Growth Approach to Investment Selec· tion • F.V Fr iends Discuss Books, Peace Corps "Momben of the WeddJni'' will be dis<ussed when the Book Dbcusslon Group ol the Fountain Valley L 1 bra r y meet.t tomor~. CoUee wW be served in the library at t :30 a.m. followed by the discussion of the Carson. McCullers book. All interested persons ani ln'rited to attend and Join In the selection of books for future discuss.ion. Additional information may be obtained by calllng Mrs. J a m e s Schendel, cbalrman, at 847· 16'18. Speaking at the regular meeting of Friend's of the Library at 10 Lm. Friday, Oct. 18, will be Daus Burns, Peace Corps worker. The meeting w"I take place ln the. Fountain Valley home of Mrs, Robert Cardinal. Bums bu be<n associated with the Peace Corps since 1965. He spent two yean in Venezuela as a community development worker, an d since his return to this country in 1967 tias r:ecrulted for~ the PeaCiO Corps In Chicago and the midwestern statea. The 1963 graduate of Miami Unlvt,,ity, Ohio, presenUy Is serWill In the Los Angeles ol· fice . A question and answer period will follow his talk, and refreshments typifying this' area of South America will be served. All members and in· terested persons are invited io attend. and membership in Friends ls open to ill Betrothal Revealed Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Skagp of COSta Mesa have announced the engagement of their daughter, Net a Skaggs to Charle. llif. Emmons. Ml!s Skaggs b a graduate ot Newport Harbor Hlgh School where ahe was active in the conce<1 band, 'l'ri-Hl·Y tod Glrl Scoots. She majore4:..-in education at the University of Oklahoma wbert she was a member of the unlvers.lty choir and now atten~ Orange Coast College. . -.\ Her fianoe, son of M. F. NETA SKAGGS Emmom ol Duncan, Okla. and the late Mrs. Emmons, ls a ____ E_n_u_•_u_oc1 ___ _ graduale of Duncan High r,....,, °''*' l5, 1968 Republicans .Ring Belts star A~Y'!'"'""'IJ.l be the P<Oll'llD'at 'the meet· b,g of Htmllngton Harbodr Republican Women's Cub• at 10 a.m. tomorrow ln the Hunt.. lngton Harbour Bud! Club. Members will form teams for door·to-d o or campaign work and address more than S1M10 pleca of mall . Preced- ing tbe workshop will be a brief ·business meeUng con- ducted by Mn. Norma Ends- ley, president. The club's Republican head· quarters ts located on Pacific Coast Highway near Ye Olde Dock Master Marine Center and i.s open dally Crom 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. DAJ~Y PILOT l!J Potluck: · . . Planneil ' BrW!ng of tbe plmt,t '11!11 mark tbe blllh , poillt cl , • potluck dinner pl.moil by alumnae of Immlculate..Bean College tomorrow. "' 1 A Mexican fiesta lll ii'! theme. An Jnlonnal, coo;Wll hour will beiin at 7 PJI!. •In the Tultln bcine of,Joln. J<llln D. om... Dlrectlog the Orance-CauntY chapter is' Mrls. Jame. >cap. pa!SO. Aoalltlng at UJ! ~Y. will be Mn. J, ~ M!11f'· -~ Donald Andull. Ill'· Frank CUrran and , °lrJ.. I Lanada Moudy. • " -. will be • llltd to oupplement scholanbip ta.lb for the college. 1 I School and also attended the University o.f Oklahoma where be was an education major aod a member of the Boys Glee Clu~ He will be entering the U.S. Navy thia monlh. Wives' Club Views Styles · Election Measurecl No date bas been set for the wedding. Officers' .Wives' Club of El What Ia Your Pleasure? Toro will be .treated to a fall That's the theme of the din- style show by Sax of Tustin ner meeting Thursday, Oct. 17 ' .. woman in business or tbe·J>l:O" fepions may c&ll Mrs .. R; ~· Holman at M&-n11 eve~. Lawyers' Wives Ey~ Schedule Thursda Oct of the Newport H a r b or y, · 17 · Business and Professional•••••••••-Convention Leader Guest s.-: r::PE:: ~~~e!t~i~~ women's c1ub In !he Mesa Verde Country Club. The Ocl 17 meeting of the L t T . A G h . a.m. for a social hour. Lunch Presenting the pr 0 g ra m Lawyers' Wives of Orange ec Ure Op IC t at en ng will be served at noon with the whlcl! will cover the pros and County wlll take place in the fashion parade scheduled to. cons of the 11 ballot measurea Queen's Inn, Orange. An ll A detailed report on the Laguna Beach Woman's follow. to be voted on during tbe a.m. social hour will precede biennial convention o.f the Club members will greet Mrs. A Chrlslmas workshop is November election.a will ,be Peering , Around , the noon luncheon. American Association of James McCalla of Tu 1 t l n, planned for members Wed-Mr La M 1 nd ting will be Retired Persons In Pittsburgh president of Calilornla Fed-. -·•· Oct 30 . the M . s. wrence argo 8 •••------Opening the mee will be .riven b• W E •·-·le eraUon of Women'• Clubs, 11c~w1.y, · ' 18 anoe Mrs. William Ha!tins. 'Ibey Mrs. James P. Slack, presi-a· J • • ~ • Corps A1r Facility Officers' will be inlroduced by Mrs. H. ENROLLED as a freahmin dent who will call attention to AARP state director. Orange~ District during their Club. Gordon Baker Lloyd will R. Hope, IegislaUon chairman. during the 101st ye..µ-rof Qw9 Mrs. DeWitte C. Chatterton, His timely talk ls scheduled Fed.era-tin Di meeting at 2 present demonstrations at 10 A question and answer sessioo College of the Holy N111Jlil, chairman of the organization's during the next A ARP P·~;.,~e~:i Miron is chair-a.m. and 3 p.m. will follow the dlscussion. Oakland is Nancy Brum~ugb. annual Kate and Advocate meeting in the Senior Citizens man of the tea which will be ·Lunch will be served at the Guests are welcome to the da~ter of Mr. and Mn.,J. C. Ball Nov . 16. Recreation Center, Newport served at lile close of the club. Reservations are not re-8:SO p.m. meeUng and any Brumbaugh of westinbiiter: Also on the agenda will be a Beach at 12:30 p.m. Thunday, meeting in Laguna Beach quired and oo fee will be __ .:.._ ___ :.._ __ c... ___ c... _____ _ report by second vice presi-Oct. 17. Woman's C1ubhouse. charged for the workshop. Th G t 0 C t' dent Mrs. Stanley Gould who Everyone 55 and over is fn.. Future events for the group Further t n f or m at i o n is e rea range 00 S S will oulline plans for a Legal vited and those attending are include a bazaar Saturday, available by calling Mrs . M. J. N 1· Paper! Aid workshop scheduled £or ,...:as=ked::..:to:.:br::lng::!.a:.:••:c:k;:lu:n:cb:._..:N:::o::v:.. ,:Z·:._ _______ F:.:l::bl:cb::..:a:.t ;:638-402::..:::::7· ___________ 0_. ____ :_ ____ ~"'."'"~ Oct. 2.1 at 9:15 a.m. in the First American Title Insurance and trust Company in Santa Ana. Miss Shona BishoP' will entertain with piano selec- tions, according to first vice president, Mrs. Welsh Morn- ingstar. An art exhibit featur- ing membe,rs' works also will be displayed. Guests will be greeted by Mrs. John Teal, hospitality chairman, and her committee. Kids Like to 'Ask Andy' . l\YHAT ARE YOU "GOING TO DO ABOUT TODAY'S ,LOOIC LIKE A ,WO~ LOOK? Fly Air California between Orange County Airport and San Francisco, Oakland Celebrat•, of counel What'• the pOlnt of being a '#Oman If you dan~t look like one. How tO do h? lea.,.;1v11y, Comfortably? Just w.ar Go•sard'1 flair und.erwlred bra 3490·_ ahttr nylon crepe fficot with lightly fined cupL Yao'll iwpriM yow,.lf with the superb lhaplng. Rib bony wlN framing doe1 It. The leotard ttmch bock of nylan ancf lycra spandu: d ings .like a new ddn. In ~it• and fashion colon, Ancf note thls11lze1 ~21 thl'\I 40DD. PM: Good Hov1•k•epins1 S..I al Ap""""I I« fothloo comlol'I, S.. and fry flolt 3490. Today 1 9".1ior loolcing like a woman at and San Jose There's something really special about Air California se rvice ... You. For without you we wouldn't be wherewe are today ... Orange County Airport. We can only express our appreciation through our service ... Try us. Roomy new 113·passenger 737 Boeing Sunjeta. ~y fUQll SQl£DUlE . Onmt• County·lloh Franc:ioc:o: 17 Fllahts °'"""' Ccnmty.Qaldand: 12 Fllahts Orange County-San )ooe: tz Fllghts Call Yom TNnl A1•t or Air C.llfoarlai Ormse Couty (714} I .. Ult •1a1 IJS - c.irr:Dindftielllstl --s..-,_ -ll1DlllTmR -(loailioc ~ 27) --~ .. _,. (llcin·1Dec .... ::.::Q:._iiijiiiiiiilll.:::::.l .. rt1 AIR CALIFORNIA THIE l!ASY WAYI With a mpttmam cimoh purc:haae at your oearbr JXD1ldpattnQ Enco °"'"'..!w· )'QI.I can have o beautUul Anchor Hocklnq Jubilee qJaa ... abeolule}J frwl Why are we be\nq to 900d to you7 11'1 the Ti9ef'1 war of lla)'inq ··thanb " b r qtv1nq him sucfl a raWilq Vlotory tn bi NCl90i. "Sen. U. Tlqef' campalqn. 'n'I' Jubilee qlCJ!IMI are qi quality - ~ la mocado qreen. 11.y oomt in • a popular t I " oz.. she and are atx:kabla. Later. the amaller 6 o:&. 1!ze will be available to add lo Yol1l .. t So qet 1n on Uw action. Stop by your nelqhlxxhood partlclpa\lnq EnCo aerYk• ilallon tmd 11o:t1 collectinq this beautifW 9kmware today. . It's one of the many .ays YQUr Ena> dealer mys thanb lo tho.. o4 YCN who "Put a ?kw tn ~ 'l'ank41" i ,, ... ..,.. •mT ......... 111aa11,....~ Compla'8 your Mt wUb .. tho --. Jublleo pttohoo. . Aa ,..,.J,- Enco """"" "" ...... delall>. \ R...bloOll &l~C...., . ' • ! I I I I I I . - JI DAILY PILOT GENERATION GAP -Deborah iYlnlA>rs and Nehe- n:Uh Ponol!, who playa an analyst discuss the young girl'• problems on "The People Next Door" tonight, In color at 9:30 oo Channel 2. The daugliler o! a nrlddl~ couple, played by Lloyd Bridges and Kim Hunter, turns ti> dtilgs when she can not communicate with her paiont:a. Mitzi Better Than Show. By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -With a little more taste, Monday nigbfs onerbour Mitzi Gayoor variety special on NBC-TV might have been a knockout. She Is a versaWe and llalented lady. AOOve all, she is one of that fast.vanishing sbow business breed - a genuine trouper. In Las Vegas, her act never fails to score tremendously wllh audiences. She oings and dances well, hlll a way with a comedy line and g\vee 100 percent. MONDAY .NIGHT she revealed her abllltiee when the writing and dlrectloo sl!owoased her prop- erly. However, there wen juot enough times of queotiooable guidance to take Ille final shine off the hour. · Above all, she was ill-served by weak, ghn- nrlcky and corny lines that she was compelled to use tor her opemng and cloolng, and the trans!llooa !>«ween her numben. Her tendency to be aomewbat ovel'<:IAe did not help theee remaru either. Nor was It parUc:ularly tasteful to go from a prodlJCUon number into a Pa company commercial. And, as a final drawback, the occasionally ex- cessive laujihler 'and applal\H iow>ded wmatural and o!fmslve. . . • . , ,. • so i.liucH l'OR l?IOOI '· . th~ nioln complalnu. For when the ma!A!rial and direction were good, she was very good, and that's u much as you can ask of. an entetbatner. For example, there wu the sequence of take- offs oo late night televialoli movies, complete with Ph!l llarria as a UBed oar salesman whose commeT· dala Included tis lure: "For you Sunday 1hoppen, a chapel of your cbol.ce." At. tor the movie takeoffa, MlH Gaynor team· ed charnrlngly wlttl George Hamilton -you remem· er George Hamilton -In spools of Rosalind Ru5- sell and Dorts Dey !ilms. At. a Russell-type efl'icient businMswornan, Miss Gaynor got excellent support from Hamilton's outstanding Cary Grant Imper» natioo. MISS GAYNOR'S other nl1D)ben and sketches ranged from a Letin dance produclllon to a lovely, bittersweet, filmed lmpreesion of a young tomboy out of. step in a new school. This l~ sequence was done as an acted-out monologue that began as rather seif<00sciously "arty," bUt wa1 finally effective be- cause ol. Miss Gaynor's genuineness and COftllilit.. meut to it. Miss Gaynor also bed her moments portraying lrritallng types -from a tee.n-<1ge bebysitter to an overpowering busybody who takes over planning another woman's party. And she scored as a hill- billy girl In a Judy Canova-type country mus1' se- que<1Ce -a11hougb her rendition of "Gentle On My Mind" unfortunately came out without sensitivity in the process. One other 9t:lcky moment, in a dressy number, resulted from a dramatic ra;itation with- in a soog -wltli the effect being unintentionally funny. MISS GAYNOR should have another special. She can carry ll Besides, all the guys I know think she's 1exy. I guess maybe !he is. But if you want to aee sex appeal, catch Barbra Stresiand in "Funny Glrl." Talent can make you believe anything. Dennis the Menue PEANUTS DR. KILDAU GORDO JUDGE PARKER t,fOON MUWNS .. .• TUMILEWEEDS MUTI AND JEFf MISS P&ACH -·-· Wlott CS "n4E 1!91AY W.1"" Of' A 1'95T ALWAYS OM TM& PA!fT WI! Nllv.ft :JTUonro 11! I l By KH Bald . 1y Gus An1o1a' By Harold Le Don ~ Tom K. Ryaa ly Al Smith IF I STILi. CAN'T 91.EEP, I'LL SIND )t)IJ il-\ERESTI ly Mel --- IF r t<NllW TWIT ,p r Ill! SIC fl .. ..-: Hon I'I> .. "~'"~ SCJMliWH8UI TUE '>UAY D THE I O'CLOCK MOVIE -~ .. ---... _ ...... _. .... -(Cl (IO) ..... -(IO) ·---(Cl-°"-· • ,. 2 u .. ..... SctlenlfW: ..................... ....... ........... * Color! JAMES smyARf . ' STAlll IN "STRATEGIC "31 I'!'~ !lf • ~..: '::: !llR COMMAND" -Plrt II °"'·" ~ Kio "'""' frlr W...., '" ....,.. M•1111.t ..,. __ .....,., 111-(Cl (30) 1111 ......... Ill_.,...;. .,,. a me - -!Cl <IOl QI , . a-""' (30) ·-.... -... ... (Cl (IO) r. n. P'lttc;:tlw ... .,... 1 TllCha • lltb' Slldtii lftd 111 u ·Clf ..... ttll'lll bit; ii.it IM 90ltltl u tucblr. ·-J4(C) Iii ..... ., """ (Cl (30) Ql-(Cl(!O) J. P. MN"' _. lw _..., c::oupla ind their bwi1 .. chJlllM and ·tti• lhltttrilll tffec:t Oft thtli .._,.~ mlddlt-dla 111'1 wllll tht dllr.amy ttl1t OM dtu&lltlt II ta~ Int 4nip. • U NYPD: Excellent POLICE ' * ACTION MELODRAMA n IDJ m"""' !Cl <!Ol ...., fifpp1r.''Vlctoril StOlll. • z .. ,..,... old student trore Wllmlnttot\, Del., Wiit, la found dllf la Ctntrtil PQ. Altholl&ll tht ,aliol .,. oomlnca4 ::;.,~~=~~ .... JllflOClllt. ... Ill t11't .. .,.. relhd becalllll " lntoncllllivt ..... e... TOii bqlll 11.t C. C. eoa.;. ..,_ a-tc> C30l '" • .,... Ill -" '""'' (Cl (30I "!I-.......... ID"'· ....... Cwftiw 111 ... ............... .,...._11kOD "TIM P.R.PN-EnluatlftJ."Jo.. .. .... ,._ "-(C) (~ it. ""' " .. ~ ... •·-" n ll2l rn·n.r, ,.. tcl <&a1 rt111111 •Ml fllllllc nlatlonl fol ~. ~ • K., MldfM fn11.11111Ct & Tl\llt Co., ltctura tUllb; u the WllPJ moth1r Alt~ on ttl• fl11tl pllell Of I publlt rtla· Kiii( " I meltrt d' Ind Rob .. Uonl pro1um. Goullt .. thl ft1h111d 1ttnlctloll II II ID III"'°' ,_ (Cl (°'l ~ncy Amil. Tfie OllTlond. Brothm .. ,..wu...-. """ ...... IC! (00) mTl"l6 W Cllll,11 Ill (C) (30) ... "' ,_ ... IC! (10) ·-·· .... .,_ -· -(Cl (30) • "' -cw (II) ·--- DAmllE MOVIES 11118(Q .,..~,. Ilk ... ( .. !Mn1 ind Sophi• G~• holt~ H tht •lywld1 f!nbl" Oft tht -Of 1111trlmoflJ. . llJ ,_ "" (30) D "'-tc) (30) Buhr Wri m-• ,,,_ tci (10)"' MTRIO. Sajld ltlhn, Jae.le KthtM, lrtnt ltyrn 1rtd Jack Htttr Jr. IUllL ....... ..,.. ... _.(b m.t) '51 -Ralph Mt1Ur, -·-~·-­(•""'Q .,. _ ~ .. ,.,., """' P'tlwlr, N .loteok. . IO Iii "'Ille A11•1111•n ,.._.. (c::oll'lldy) 'S&--OIMI de Hewilla"' _...,.<-n)'M-......,..,.,... .. , .. lllc*lll c.t-. [" Not· t• • .,.. ,.. llf Lit" (dlMll) ••• .... -fllidlltj WW.. .... MIMrt. ......... ..., ..... (_,, 4:11. (Cl """' .... ., •• - •q, -I~ ........... PMllttte tM) "57 -t.: ..... ,.,,.. ---"-· Complete Printing Service Top 'Quality -Fast Service 'ill·''f:iilijji 642-4321 2211 w.i l•lboo 81vd. '• • ' ' Doll~ C..-.lt\. Ends Tonight .. ....., . .,.. ...... ~ "SALT AND PEPPER" IM~·LMIMk• "NO WAY TO TREAT A LADY" ITAITI WIDNUDAf o,.. ,,., ,., ........ 111-. lltnllltul• Now-Ends Tuesday ENDS TONIGHT --HIU.llOUS CO-NATUll---lllR!WlA·.l!l!iEllB!IOO> ~ r..r.i,.... -T"M.f•-ai. .. SEAN ... CONNERY I BRIGITTE BARDQT . 1SHALAK01 TECHNICOLOR FRANSCOPE - I 2nd Top Adion Hit •llllwnl "111 icMul1mr !!! --- 2nd TOP WEEK ... __ ICll-._ JAMES DEBBIE GARNER REYNOLDS MAURICE RONET Open Tocl•y 6:4S PIA Dl•llMAU "El vtRA MADIGAN" CAIOL WHITI •• ' "POOR COW" MakbyD...- lotlt f.t•t11,.1 h1 Color ~eet SMA l'ld8 PANAVISION' COLOR BY D! UJ)f ·~ llllClt -.. .,. -I .. ,....... """ .. -OI. ..... Ends Tonight ..._. ........ ... "TEXAS ACROSS THE RIVER" --· Starts Wednesday ... "EL\(IRA MADIGAN" Pl•.,. ........ ENDS TONIGHT Jack Walter Lemmon Matthau The Odd Couple ... Burt Lancaster .. 'Ill SCAlPllllfJERS" Starts Wednesday ..... ' .. SPECIAL MATINEE WodftOldoy, I ''"" Adm. $1.00 . Nffrly enirye111 rt11'1 ttr1 DAILY PILOT, ltorn•tow11 t1twt. ,1p1r f., tht F1Mll1u1 Ot-11111 c ...... ' I -----, TutMbir, Oetobtr lS, 1968 DAILY PILOT J7, Long Beach Offers Fine 'Teahouse' Melodyland Stage Gets Girlie Slwiv ~I LUXURIOUS NIW '? f,tclt'd /11''1 ,• t ~ ' ' . .. ... , . ..,,.. ~· . . ACADE• AWARD WINNER By TOM TmJS ot .... o.llr ,, .. lltfll If, u SU1nl sagely says, "Wisdom m a k e a llfe en- durable," then wll -In hilarious abundance -makes a three-hour play not only en- durable but immensely en- joyable. The Long Beach Community Playhouse !""'l•CUon of "The "'TH• T•AHOU!\.,f.~ TM• AUCJUIT A COll'lldY tit '°J;i P1trlck. dlttehcl '"'M ...... "' ""''"· g H«m•n. ,..,,. and t ~ llW,.,,.,, -t.d '"'= .... . ......... ~-Od. w .... '-• 11.-dl Cornmunlh< Pll'fhouw, 5021 IE. f,~';: =· lllHfVll~ SlllW ............... JtlffY Arodtnon Clllltlln 11*1' ............ Jim' Ademl Lotvt lloMonl ............... IC.tlto tto Colic;inel P.,.., •.•.•••.• lton Atllsrtton ~· ~~ICl'I ••........ Mlri: .. hit ~~~-D .. ~~.:::::::::::~~i' lmf: Mr. Svm1l1 ......... c~ .. • Hirt Mr. Omura .............. lt•1'fl Mr. Hall11de .............. ,-~-Mir. IC_.1 ............. ,,..1¥1n \'rift Mr. 0Mlr1 ...... 11..,. ll1n'Wlfl nl'CO MlM Hl11 JIN .......... lr!i5'"'"' Oki WDmM ............ G_tr• s,r11 H.,. Oll,lllltf., .......... Er ..... Ollldr.-.. • .. •• .. •. . .. . IC1r1n V..av, Rl!cN'ld9 N11111ell, Mire .. Nim~ N-r.ri. Arw;i.tt Mtn ............ G«nfi S"IYI~ Teahouse of the A u g u s t Moon," closing a highly suc- cesaful ah:-week run this weekend, Is Indeed ·overlong, but it ls so well staged and ex- cepUonally performed that time is hardly a factor. Thls saUrical jab at the U.S. Army's occupation force's ef. fortis to bring democracy to the people of Okinawa at the close of World War JI contains bwnor tha1 wean well the test of time. Some of Its ltnel are · even funnier today becluae ot evenls that have transpired since that period. The plush community playhouse -where there la no such thing a.s a bad seat - provides the perfect aettin& for ''Teahouse," and director Elaine Herman bas staged a akilHul and imaginative pm- ducUon in lbe lorge honeshoe layouL '"ftlrqh Tbeae Po r t 1 l 1 P:aas the Most Beautiful Glrll in the World." necklaces, rlnp, and earrings allo contribute to the aur• of glamor IWTOWKII111 t h e Alhton Girls, n 0 w in· ternaUonally famous.. Film DeJ>ut 'l'bll sign adorned lbe '1a10 Earl Carroll tbeater- restaurant in Hollywood. It could be reproduced a t Melodyland Oct 22 when Bar- ry Ashton's 91amorous "Fem- mes De Paris" revue opens a four.,.eek run. HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -J. Ahston Is the new "Earl B. Peck, loot-alike cousin of .. T .. ~--1..:ta& tOIEPH E. LfV1NE -.. Mll(E NICHOi.a LAWRENCE TUllMAN - THE&RADUATE /Iii AllCO o.AS9'I' /IUI CO.Cit '"'-""-----~ PIM P1t.r Stltttt hi "THE. PARTY" The cast ia uniformly ex- cellent, bUt most ou~g . of the' lot is the Sakinl of Jerry · Anderson. It would be hard to imagine a finer performance by an Occidental in the role of the .Okinawan rucal com- posed of equal parts of houseboy, whe<leM!wer and con man. Anderson even adOpts the difficult OrlentaJ sqaatting position as lbough he were born to it. of lbe island commander' Colonel Purdy. Albertsen delivers thE; rcquirtd bluster and bombast, but goes beyond this to sketch his character as a smug, self-satisfied officer who strains for restraint in the most dilficult of situations, thereby humanizing him con. siderably. Carroll" of show btW.ness. His President L y n d o n B. ~======== knack for selecting b I 1 J-Ohnson, will make his gorgeous "Ashton Girls" from all over the world ror hia movie debut in Colwubia's "House of 7 Joys" with lavish -and daring -pro- dUctions, coupled with his Dean Martin. Kids Like to Ask Andy On the diate!f side, Keiko Ito Is a lovely .na ucellent Lotus Blouom -A.~ her comic ta!"*' are well displayed in her allempb lo get Flsby Wo .a kimono. For pure, outright comedy, Irene Nlshino's Miss Higa Jiga is another gem. utiJltk: taste in creating llun-l"iiaaliiiliiiliiiliiiliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili ning IOWM and C06lumes, bu I 1' Jerry Adams ill hilarious, ii occasionally ruffled beyond his character, in the role of Cap- tain Fiaby, the goof up reserve of.fleer whose task it is to JI"'· sU11 . Western tradiUOJ'I ir. a downtrodden 0 t t n a w a n village. Adams appean to be striving for the comic in- deciaiveness of a Gierut Ford, and frequently it getl the hel- ter of him. The most Im agi native performance or the night is given by Huntington Beach's Ron Albertsen, who gives a decl<ledly ""' in~tlon Ed LltUe, a fugitive from the Costa Mesa C I v I c Playhouse, brings down the house in an ouUandlshly funny sumo wrestling scene with' an actor twloe hia size. Allan Jones contributes a fine sus- tained bit as a military head shrinker who turns out to be an agricultural nut A fine production well worth the drive, "Teahouse" winds up 111 engagement t h I 1 weekend at the playbol!M, 5011 E. AMhelntSI.. LslC-. been compared to Carroll at 'his prime. Ashton'• kwellea wear revealing costumes, b u t always in good taste. Usually between 21 and 26 years ol age, they bave cover girl faces and pin-u" tpea. Ashton perooo.olly oelecta them ofter exhausUve study and dellber•• Uon. They come from virtually every naUon in the World. Tbey welll' coitumea and bats imAginaUvely concel\'ed by Asllion'1 designer. A aingle C06tume for a 1how'1 star may c:oSt as much u $2,500. An ostrich-feathered ha t would colt up to $300. Hancf. lllllde sUppen ~ COii IW. •1pta1I•• bractlets, Ready ReservAccoum You've exempted your exemptions. Deducted your deductions. Subtracted your losses. Rec=: figures. And you owe more thari you'd ·OD. We know how it is. So we'd like to call your attention to the fact that Ready ReservAccount Is a taxpayer. It can supply our money to your .checking ac- count to help with the payment due on your estimated 1968 California Income Tax. All you havo to do is write a check and extra cash will be deposited autO- matically. Interest· free if. repaid wl:thlri 2S days. Or repayable on an easy, conveni!m,t basis. If you have approved credit and collld 1ISC somo ready money before October 31, visit Security Pacific Bank soon. Ask for a Ready ReservAccount by namo. Or just ask for the checking account that mates tam less taxing. I ' ,,.. __ pmN • • SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK llt1"PMI _,_ ,, I Hl•WAY 39. DRIYE·IN SHOyt STARTS AT 6:45 P.M. THE GRADUATE Pl.VS JM PUTUU 'hi• ....... "'THI PAm" WT COMPl.ltl SHOW STA.ITS AT 1:41 P.M. • • . ' ' ; • ' ' I I ---------·--- Tilndll', -15. 1161 .OCC' s: Burke' Throws· ·Hat Olympic' ·Ring ••• Ill ' , < .•. :,t I ' • , • '81 GLSNll 'lllln'E Of ............ MUICO CITY -OrAnlO Coul Coll... biltory lnllnlttDr F,d -throwl bli bat Into Ibo Olympie rinS WeclneedaJ mom1n1. facfnC lhe -Id's ~tell hammw tbiOWd1 tn qualltying ' ai:ttm ol tbe Olympic G11111t1. Borlls, oomlnl o/f en .....Uent eel of pre-Olympic ""'kouta, fl&W'eS to get by Wedoetday11 eUrntnaUons. He's the .Ameri<en .-.d-bolder (23>11). · Anotbor bombardment of world end Olympic -WU expected thb al· -wllb flnell on lap kr men in the toO meter hurdles, the 800 meter nan IDd Both Polls Give USC No. I Rank To the IUrpriee ol abaolulety no one, USC is the oatioo'• No. 1 ranked football team today. -°" the otreqlb of their 4--0 record and tbrlllinl fl·U victory . over Stanford Saturday afternoon, the TrojlM were rated over Ohio SialA! In hoth the UPI eoacbea" poll and the AP 1porUwrilm' poll. • USC bumped Purdue out of the No. 1 posiUon. 1be Boilermakers saw their top rating and Roae Bowl hopes knifed by Ohio State's I3-0 upset Saturday at Col· um bus. USC is the third team in four weeks to hold the No. 1 spot. PeM State, Kansas, Purdue, Notre Dame, Florida and Ten- nessee are rated in that order tbrougtt eighth by both polls. For its game fight against USC, Stan- ford was given 12th by UPI and 14th by AP. . Miami (Fla.), in and out of the ratings the past few weeks, returned after a week's absence to take No. 11 after stun- ning previously eighth ranked Louisiana State, 3<M>. Syracuse t o o k 13th in the YPI poll, followed by Nebraska and newcomer Texas Teclt while Houston, IOttt last week, plunged to 16th. Missouri was listed 17th, followed by Michigan, California and Michigan State and Min- nesota in a tie for 2001. AP POLL 1. klltlWn C:•'lfll"'lll tnl (4-01 2. Olllt "* (121 CMl 1. ,_ IM!t (J) (UJ .f. ~ f41 CH) $. hNllt (loll '· Netrt 0-C*-0 7. l"ltt'ld• IHl ' I. Te~ ( ... 1) t. ,tlr1f;1n..s CH ) 10. GMr11ll IM-11 11. SY••CUM (a.I) 12. Mllml (1"11,) (a.II ll, Hebr1lk• l>U l~. lt.nfenl ().I) \ lS. T-Ttdl (M1 ''" Mt111N'"'1 ca.u 17. T~ 11-1-11 , .. Mkf,ipn 11-11 ·''· IMl#ll C>-11 ~-M.....,,.I l:loO fJPI POLL "' "' ... ... "' ... ... '" ... ... '" '" '" " • " " • " 1. SoutMm C•lllornl• (21) 14-0l m 2. Cltllo Slllf ti) {).fl 296 3. p.,... Slit• Cll (+-OJ 770 4. K•1>$1S ()) {4--0) 2~9 5. Pu,.,ue ().1) 1so '·Notre O.rnt (3-1) 1u 1. FIOrldt C..0) 125 I. T--C*ll 116 t. G9M11l• ll-t-1/ H 10. AJ1t111111 {4-41 61 S!'l:Ond l0-11, Ml1ml fFll.I IU/1 12, Slanford (lSf; 13. 5YrKllll• (U)i 1 ... Hebrl5111 10)1 lS, Th•• Te.;h Ith 16. ~'°"' {I); 17, Mluavrl C7h 11, Mlchlo•n <O/; lt , C•llllKl'111 (S)1 20. lie, MldllfMI Sl•lt _.,d M rone1Dt1 (2). ottier1 r«tlYlnt Wlte$ -Arll-SI•"-· MIH1Uh•-pt, $ooJthlm M1tl'>odl1!. Schmidt's 69 Paces Haig Qualifications Mark Schmidt of Yorba Linda shot a three-under-par' 69 in a driving rain over the Com.a Mesa Course Monday to lead the qualifying for the non·PGA pros and amatuers for three places in the $120,000 Haig Open Goll Championship . The 72-bole championship, the richest tournament ever held in Orange and Los Angeles Counties, will be played Oct. 24- rl, at the Mesa Verde Country Club. Pinky Stevenson of Long Beach won the second pro spot when he defeated Ame Dokka, former public links champion from Los Angeles, with a birdie on the + first extra·hote of a sudden-death Playoff. Each bad shot par 12. Bob Clark of HunUngton Beach won the only amateur spot by shooting a 73. Ronnie Reif, Haig Tournament direc· tor, said tbere are still openings for the • :. two $5,000 pro-ams which will be held al both the Mesa Verde and Costa Mesa courses on Wednesday, Oct. 23. .. ,. TODAY 7:M :Jep.m. WEIGHT LIFTING Po~aibte coveragt, Ugbtwolght flna!J. BOXING .-Po 11l blt ... ...., .. trials. BASKETBALL -Potsi· bla flnt rouad eovor•C•· W1il1tfty i.,i p.m. llASICETBA1.L -Polll· ble flr1I rocm ........ VOLLEYBALL -J>Qod. bh! coverage, Pollnd VI U.S. (meal. TRACK -Rammer throtJ ' } • the dJacuJ lhrow. W001•n have flnab In the 100. \ '1bt men'• !iurdle race abould be a cluale with lhe Amtrican duo of Geoff Vandtrltock (IU), Ron Whitney (19.0) battlln& a fine eel of forelp star& And In the d!Jlous, Yenk Jay Sylvester now Jooms as the favorite after the prellms. He wu the only petfonner to crack the zoo.loot barri.,, coming up with an Olympic record heave of 207-t'1:. That was just one ot many marks which took a battering Monday. Jim Hlneo won the 100. tying·hlJ world record ol I.I end lowerin& the Olympic 11u!dard by a tenlb of a IOCOlld as be shaded Lennox M1ller from Jamelea end Charlie Greene of the USA, hoth of whom ran 10.0. The slowest In the tlih~men field croe>ed the flnlab In lo.l. . Poland's lrtha K1ruenltdn equalled~ mmet ttte world 100 mark tor women with a snappy 11.1. Her effort ls also an Olympic record. Today she aces against the American field of Wyomla Ty u 1 (11.2), Msrgarel Balles (IU) end Barbara Fer· . -. .,u (U.i ). Thi latter ru 11.1 a!JO .0 lllO We u Tom varr'.u __ qa1ns1 MOndoy but had a L! mile _per houl' atcn,,." the fawrito1 W~ Klpruiu! al K<oya. wind, nullll)'lnl lhe docldllg I o ~ . ....,a ' K!jjru&ut nu Ibo lfCOl!d• qual!JyJnc COllliderattoo. rnort -a • J:lU . ·paolad llondl)'. Allow® wlndqe II U73 l\IPH.· ' Austria'• RaJ11b Doubell zipped to a 1:15.7 ' llumal!Ja'I Vlorlca VlacopolNnu fOI In-to head Mondaf'• quallllen. - to·lbt·flOba! udllvee when slit capturod But a~ todl)' shoold tbo fOClllOd lhe IOlll jump with a bop of 23-41>. on lhe ~-hurdle duel. And Randy Mallon got the Stan and Vandmt.eck.b lhe world record holder Strip .. Cylnf on the Olympie lladlum but ,r a e e , a great chere la ·try!oji to victory lt&tt for the f1nt time in tbete out(aee Whitney. · Gam01 when he put lhe lhot ~~II -on· And·from abrold come$ well latent u ly five and one-half inches short of the Reinhard Schubert and Gerhart Hennij:e Olympic record be set In Sundly'1 quali· of Germany · (botli with a ~l.i to their fyJnc. . c:redlt): -Ft!nalll of llaly (IUJ; ' 'l'!li ,U.S. hu ... ~ left hi· lodly'I (lrut Britain'• pair ·of llaYld Hemery and JObn Sherwood (each wllh a 49.3). · WbHn.,•1 Olympic mart of a Oat could be betlered by tbe lint bill doun flllilben. Otber Amerle&n1 to ataJ alive alter Monday's actlao an steepleehue wl>il Georp Young, dtseUI thrower• Al Oerter and Gary Carllen, pole vaultert Bob Seag:rtn"and John Pennell. Oerter. tbree-llme Olympic a o Id medalllt, bad a best of 19'-9 ••. far short of gollalh Sylvester . Vaullm bid to desr only 16-1 In the ellmlnatiOM. But high l!Cbool hoy Cuey Carrigan of Washington fell by the "ayaide going out at lH. Poland Next Foe '"''' ......... ' For .U.S. BJ GL'NN 'WlllTB 01 1k DlllJ P'ltt Sttfl' ME)UCO CITY -It's rest today then coma the mome!Jl of truth for Ute United statea women's volleyball team as it trtes to regroup for Wednesday's crucia! baWe with potent Poland in round three of Olympic Games compeUUon. Coad> Harian eo~·· gait dropped Into the celW" when they "Jost three of four Monday g~es to 19ugh-Ciec:hoslovalda • 7-15, 15-11, 9-15 and lJ.15. . 1 AB Cohen puts It,· "We 1lmplf ran out of gas against Cr.echoslovakia. Bul we played well and tltill feel we can hang In there for the bronze medal.;However, we have to beat Pollnd .. U we can do that, .we can afford to • later to Russia." America's ca111e was aided con· siderably when Peru stunned Korea. 15- I3, If>.6, 15-9, M<mday mornin,;. Korea ia considered a challenger for the bronze medal, but like the USA, b 0.2 1n com· petition. Poland and the U.S. appear to be rea.sonably even matched. However, there can be no more letdowns like the one th• Yaw came up with Monday alter they bad Ued the Czecha, a fame each. . , 1n the key third (&me, the Amerlcens Women got off to a U lead, then were outscored, IO.I. Tney fought back to a 10.9 dbad· vantage, then fell apart again. And in the final duel, they were deadlocked, Il·all. Then the roof fell on them as Hun. tington Beach's Jane Ward hit the ball out of boUQds to lose a aerve, Marilyn McCreavy hit the net on servea to give up the ball again. • And Newport Beach's Ann Heck came oU the bench to yield two points -one by driving the ball into the net, the other by slamming It out of bounds on the game deciding point Miao .Wsrd played inspiring ball the first two duela. Cohen conUnued to play musical cttalrs wlth bis lineup, running 14 &iris on and off the floor in a futile attempt to get thlnga clicking. Supposedly, he had at Jut found his starling lix in Sunday's setback to world champion Japan. America Wal the villain Mooday, u lt was Sunday -against the Japanese. Every error -and there were several - was greeted with loud boo!. A Czech miscue W a s received ln &ilence. And when the Czechs fell behind, the groan of s,ooo chanted • ' c z e c n o ! Czecho! Czecho!" So n.ow com~ the do or die struggle for Cohen's Co. Poland was bronze medalist in t h c 1984 Games at Tokyo and has ils entire equad back. ~LDEN FINISH -Jim Hinet of United States crosaea finish line first In 100 meter dash t'o win gold medal. Hlneo, nm wind-aided 9.9 to edge Lennox Mllltf·Of Jamaica (IOWllQ le!t) and.GJW!ie«treene of U.S. (behind Hlneo). Miller won Alver medal wlt!le Greene grabbed brollze. Clarke Recoyers, Seeks 'Gold Medal in 5,000 First· Track Medal 70,000 Fans Witness Mexico's Big Moment MEXICO CITY -It WU Mexico's big m o m e n t of the embryonic Olympic Games. Some 70,000 ~ -mOltly Mexicans: - jammed into Olympic Stadium, hopeful of one of their fe\f entries In track and field would somehow succeed against the great legions of world talent gathered here. for these Games. . _ It was late Monday afternoon .. Ttte 1 i g h t s were already on ahd the dark .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, WHITE WA.SH Vllllllllllllil ' ' GLl!NN WH1Ta clouds that threatened to drench the huge crowd had passed 6Verttead. There was one event left to be com· pleted on the day 's program -the 20 kilometer walk. Russia was suppo$00 t.o doininate it, but partial reports periodically Oasbed on the huge electronic scorebo~ showed ttlat a Mexican ni.melS Jose Zuniga Pedraza was a contender. . After five kilometers he wAs among the top eigtll while the Rusa;lana held down three of the first four plaecs. When the 10 kilometer standing went TV and triple jump qaallf,Ylng, 110 hurdle· beata·for men. WATER POLO -Po$8l· hie· cove.rage. PENTATHLON -Possi· ble coverage, swlmmlilg. 1::ro.s (Re-run ?·l:IO) TRACK -Pole vault, j a v e 1 i n , 3.00'.> meter 11et!plecllase final& for men: women's 400 meter fina.IB . W E I G llTLIFT!NG Middleweight final 3,30-9 p.m. BASKETBALL round coverege . First up on the board tte wu still a serioua challenger, some 20 seconds off the pace set by Vladimir Colubnichiy of the Soviet Union. By rl.ow it was dark and all the other events were over. Yet the majority of those 70,000 hopeful Mexicans stood faithfully by, hoping for a miracle of sorts. After all, none of the ex- perts had given Pedraza a prayer of finishing among the top 15, let alone get- ting in the medal class (first three). But wtten the· 15 kilometer standings blinked out on I.he giant board, a great roar emerged from the crowd. Two Russians, America's Rudy Haluza -then Pedraza. Could he hang on? All eyes focused on the south end of the stadium, wailing for the parlicipants in tttis 12Y.r mile ra ce to come down the en· try ramp and on to the track. Th ey seemed to sense ttlat ttte walkers were coming near •.• finish line judges v.•ere in place. A great chant began : Mayheco, clap, clap, clap! Maytteco, clap, clap, clap! It was repeated several times . Then the first glimpse of a competitor! It was Golubnlchiy, followed by another Russian. And hot on their heels wa1 Pedrua. The applause and cheering was deafening. It got more so wbe.n Pedraza began to cttop the deficit. He passed the second Russian with ·320 meters to go. , And he was swiftly gaining ground on the leader. A tt:old medal Waa definitely a prospect for Mexico. The spunky MW.can continued to hack down the disadvantage untU the la.st 50 meters. Then you realized he wu not going to overtake the Russian. Golubnlchiy won by 1.Z seconds - . hardly 1 declSiV1! margin for that grtat a distance -but nevertheless enough for the gold award. But the 70,000 who saw It ttappen Wm! apparently just as jubilant over a silver medal for their newly crowned hero. And to show their appreclaUOn, they stood by for over an hour. waiting to P,,y tribute to him when he took the second step on the victory stand. When the formal result w11 announced and the medal wu draped around h11 neck It •as a most memorable actne. The cheers and applause were like thunder. And Pedraza responded by tum- Jng toward all sides of the stadium and throwing both arms up as if to I.Ake those people Into his heart. (\ !=- UaS.Mauls Brazilians; Spain Next MEXICO CITY -As expected, the United States mauled Brazil, 10-5, in the first round of Olympic Games water polo play Monday. Coaches Art Lambert and Monte Nitzkowski (Huntington Beactt) had an easy morning of it at the University of Mexico pool. Ttteir chaps never trailed as Gary Sheerer got them on the scoreboard 16 seconds after tlostilities began. Sheerer was high scorer with three goals. Dean Willeford, formerly of Huntington m1 Beach and now a Balboa resident, picked up a tally. And so did Dave Ashleigh of Costa Mesa. It was 5-2 at halftime. Then the Brazilians hit a quick score at the out.set of the thlrd period to trim the bulge to 5- 3. However, Bruce Bradley, Scheerer and Fullerton 's Russ Webb each connected on fourth quarter goals to put the U.S. safely in front, 8-3. Ttte Yanks are off competition today, then return to the wars Wednesday to take on llghily regarded Spain. Results ' MEXICO CITY -Auatrali&'s Ron Clarke, who collapsed after finishing sixth Sunday in the Olympic 10,000-meter race, snapped out of it early Monday and said tte intended to seek the gold medal in the 5,000. "I think I have a chance;' the 31-year· Angels . Lose Don Mincher BOSTON -The California Anl:ela were relieved of first bueman Don M1ncher In tile American League's player espansion draft thls mornina. Mine her, 30, was put on the expansion block by the Angela after a mediocre season. Seattle picked .him on the f1nt round after Kansas City telected pitcher Roger Nelson from ~ttmort. Also plucked on the tint round were Boston infielder Joe Foy (Kansas City), Cleveland outfielder Tommy Harper (Seattle) and Detroit sttortstop Ray Oy- ler (Seattle). · """'"'' PllChet"t: J•ck 111111/lllhlm.. L.A.1 Mlkt ~-· Phll1 s..;!p Sulnn, At1...i11 9111 l~'!t5.'ti.:.J · rN JKt!IOl'I, Phlh BO!) ll..,-nold9, ''Jn. Dft1..~g:. In.I ~·~ ~~~·~~e;_'jf, '\_~~ •mr~1St\.i J:::.~I Mc.Anll!ly, NY ; John Gltls. H , OuUltl<lert: Medi .i-t. ln1 G1rv Suthlf'.!11'<1'. Phil; Manny MOii, Pith Jews Alou, SF; Ty Cl1n1, SF; Jim F1lr.v, LA. lnll•lllll•s: Donn Cltl!Otnoll, P'lttt J-. Herr•••· Hou; Jim Wl!lle""" Clil; A"91!~, Al!; G1rv J l $!1dl, Chi; J-L1bW. StL; l'I 1temen, Hou; John llDCc;1bell1, Chi ; llon II 1•01 ... Pltd'ltrs: °"" Glu~l1 Hou1 Oldt $111N, Hy; At S•ntorlnl, All; c i.1 K !Vf~I "'"* 11.llblrt. Cl'ltl Did< K~\ey, A!ll Mlk• 1tnt. S1"1 Tom Oull•s. Hou: Dldt J11Ns, Cllf1 , ll:ol)IL'ft, l"ltl:1 lllty McCool, C:fn1 At McBllfl, 1111 l"rM K~ Cll'll SI-N'l!n. Phil. • Outfl•ldtn: 01111 t~ lfl1 Jtl'l'r'tSri NY• NI~ Coit.rt, Hill.II L•"" Sllihl1.~!_l_.A.I 1'91.LAI T!lflY GonllllZ. Pftlt1 IVlll .........,1, 1 <111Nt Wl!11....,,, LA; C!1r-erno O..ten. All lnfhlkl•l'l: Jlllt Ardl, Cl'lll Zol\i V-1tts. U.1 Frtnk 1>9YllMll'I, $tl.1 ~ ...... , "'l!J ll:tf•I Jloblff, SF; Ff'9d KflldaH, Clftl ll:ort llOell!'n. llltt. old Melbourne travel agent said In his quarters after recovering from sedation administered last night. Heata In the 5,000 sre acbeduled today. The long dislance ace, who has set 17 world records 1n distances ranging from two to ten miles, fell sprawling on the track after the exhausting 6 miles, 376 yards and wu unconscious for 10 minutes. Dr. Brian Corrigan leaped over a fence and massaged Clarke's heart while a Mexican doctor administered oxygen. "Ron had a circuJatory collapse," Cor- rigan, the Aussies' team pttysician said. "1 don't ltnQw whit wou1d have ttappened If oxygen hadn't been administered im· mediately. He was in bad shape. His heart beat wa.s irregular." Clarke, wtto ran the laU'er part of ttte race without vision or memory, was taken to the Australian clinic wttere tte wu given sedaUves. "I don't remember much of the race," Clarke said. "I only remember that I thought I had a good chance with four or five.' laps to go, Then my lep and breattt qui~ on . me. It was a narrowing ex· per1ence. Medal Count MEXICO CITY -Medal standings after Monday's final events in the 1968 Olympic Gamea: P.U. I PT I~ Stein .... .. .,.. 1"91111 ' ' , .. ' ' i ~7. ' ' I ' • '"' • ' Ill:. ' • • ""' lr111~ ' ' • • ' • ll'l'l•k• • • • ~ii! ' . ' • • • ' TV:i. ' • •' • ' NBA Magic Number Is 13 By 11IE ASSOCIATED PRESS The National Basketball Association opens its 23rd ses&ion Tuesday night with five new coaches, two new teams and one major rule change. But as far as figures go, the magic number is still 13. That's the uniform number Wllt OWnberlaln will he wearing for the Los Angelea Lakers. Chamberlain, the league's Mott Valuable Player in 1967, was traded by the Philadelphia 76ers to the Lakers fot gusrd Archie Clark, forwsrd Jerry Chambers and center Darrall Imholf. The deal gave the Lakers whal many consJder to be lhe most powerful team in NBA history-buttressed by lhe All.Star ' trio of Chamberlabl. gusrd Jerry West and forwsrd Elgin Baylor. While the Lakere figure to t a t e the Western Division crown, the 75en w 111 probably have to baWe off the New York Knicks and Bostoo Celtics u they ... io repeat as Eastern DlvislCIO klngs. With Chemberlaln gone. lbe 'll<n' of· fen.slve tactics will get a druUc overhaul. Coaoh Jack Ramsey promlaes an ... citing brand ol hetketball hued on defense, fast-breaking end pin-point shooting from the outalde. The Celtics, prermlal champions of lh1 NBA and wbmerl Jut year over Los Angele& in the playoUs, may be In for a let-down this year. Joining the NBA art two expansion teams -Milwaukee and Phoenix -and five new coaches. They are Ramsey (Philadelphia); Dick Motta (Chicago); Larry Costello (Miiwaukee) ; Geroge Lee (San Francisco) and John Kerr (Pboeoir). Tbe major rule change b that only one io.teeond injury timeout for each haU will be oDowed each team. Cblcalfl> end the Knicks open the aesson In New York Tunday night and the rest of !be twns all get Into action by Satur· day night. Detroit Is at Baltimore, Chlcqo sl Milwaukee and Clnclnnau at All&n14 ,Wednesda y. • ., ' Vallely Joins UCLA Team For Drills By EARL GUSTUY Of tM o.llY """ ftMt Those thousands of boun John Vallely spent dribbling and sbootlng hla Voit in the alley behind bia Balboa Island borne are beginning to look Ute money in tbe bank. After record-filled careen at Corona dei Mar High School and Orange Coul College, Vallely turned out IOI' basketball at UCLA this aJtemooo. On Monday af!ernooo Vallely and 19 other candidates were introduced to sportswriters at Pauley PavWon. Most of the )alter appeared akeptical of Vallely'• chances of cracking UCLA'• atartiog lineup. The last junior college transfer to start for the Bruins wu Ke.Ith Erickson, wbo started in 196.'I with only El Camino JC experience. Can Vallely do it? "If we had our first game tomorrow I'd have to start our Rnl<rs at guard," Wooden said. "I've worked with Don Safer, Ken Heitz and Bill Sweek before and I tnow what they can do. But from what I've seen and heard of John, I certainly don't rule him out as a starter." In addition to the three seruor let- termen, Vallely must contend with two other J~ transfers at guard .-Ken Booker from Long Beach City College and Terry Schofieta of Santa Monica. · "The starting guard spots are wide open between those I.ix," Wooden em- phasized. Although organized workouta began this afternoon, Vallely and the rest of the can- didates -except for Lew A1cindor, who has been running laps around the track- have been staging full-court afternoon games every day for the past two weeks. An off-stage observer of these pickup g a m e s bas been Gary Cunningham, Wooden's assistant coach. "The on1y question we bad about John was whether be coold handle the ball and pass well enough." Meanwhile, Vallely, tanned from a summer of beach volleyball and five pounds heavier at 178, remains calm. "I'm not going to make any predictions about whelher I'm going to start. That's up to the coach. I'm going to play u hard as I can in practice and then we'll see what happens." VALLELY & FRIEND -Ex-Orange Coast star John Vallely poses with UCLA's most distinguished citizen, Mr. Lew -Alcindor of New York City. Vallely hopes to become the first JC transfer to start for UCLA since Keith Erickson. Basketball practice started today ·in Westwood. Two Inches off Center Gold Medal Scared Gossett Tells About Winning Kic k- As a high school quarterback in Cecil Township, Pal., Bruce Gossett was just so-so. AJJ a punter at the Un1versity of Richmond, Gossett was good enough to be signed by the Rams u a free agent. That was 1964 and Gossett was boom- ing SG-yard punts all through the ex- hibition games that season until be suf· fered a major hamstring injury in 1 practice session. Never again, the medics told him, would he be able to punt a football. He asked head coach Harland Svare if he could try to stick with the club as a placement kicker. Svare said yes and GosseU turned .... ·{ ' l ~H · .. ·:1 ' EARL USTKEY himself into one of the National Football League 's most. dependable kicken. Sunday, be booted hia 89th field goal as a Ram. It wasn't the longest -'ll yards -but easily the most significant. "Ama1ingly enoup, I've never kicked a field goal that decided • came Uke lhat " Go11eu 1atd Monday from hf1 • Fountain Valley bome. We asked Gossett U Ult tick went 1traigbt through the goal pottl. "It was about two lncbel to the rt1bt of center," be said. At 1:2S p.m. Sunday, GosseU wu tbe most nervous man 1n the free world. World Series ·pool scheme last week. On the morning of the seventh game, Loos approached the sports department and suggested : "Let's have a pool where you predict how many times the an- nouncers will say: • There's no tomor- row.' " * * * BASKETBALL DEPT. -The odds on Orange Coast winning a third straight Eastern Conference basketball cham- pionship are decidedly long. E:oacb Bob We&zel will have a lot of speed and adequate scoring power but backboard 1tnngtb the Pirates won't have. The two most notable newcomers are Pbil Jordan from Corona del ~far and Steve Turley, the ez-Costa Mesa guard who tranaft.rred from Dartmouth. Wetiel also landed Jeff Sargent (Costa Mesa), Rick SUcklemeier (Newport), Jim Kindelon (CdM) and Steve Shelby (Marina). Tramferring from UCI is Mike McCartln and from Portland University comes Mike Flaherty. * * * OLYMPIC DEPT. -Sa n Jose St.ate . appears to have more representatives on the Olympic track team than any other U.S. College. The list includes Tommie Smith, Ron- nie Ray Smith, John Carlos, Lee Evans, Tom Dooley and graduate Ed Bu Ke, the OCC history instructor. Chris Papanicolaou, the pole vaulter from Greece, attended San Jose and competes for his naUve country. Results From ' Mexico City M9t>'1 i.hol Pitt lln.11: 1, II.Midy IMbotl, P.ltnN, Ts .• ,1 IHI, '*' tncllel.. 2. 0-.. Woodl, L.1N1 Anotln. '6--0\lt. l. Edutrd Guldtln. 11:1,,tl•, .S.11. " o""'° ~·"· E11t Ge-rm.inf. u.w,. s, O.ve M ... 11rd, Mllunl1Jn View, Ctlll., u.t. '· Wfl.litYll•W kom.1r, Poland, 63-J. 7, v-G••bt. E11I G.1rm1nf, 62-5\lt. I, Htlnlrltd El!rlenbsch, Wtll G.rrn1nf, a'I~. .'·. Pl•rre CGlnard. Fr•nce, 41·~. 10, Trevooff Glodtllr. Wnt 6trm1nf, JMV.. 11, Lnlll MUI•, Hrw ZHlltnd, 5'-N. 10, Jeff TNll. lr11eln, 4'1·""· Mlon'1 100 mllto; ffMI: 1, Jim Hlnl1. OH.lend, C1llf. f.f IWGl'ld ltAd 01f!n91c '11COnf, IS.!9cl record 10.0 sh1rtd tw Hlnn -1rv1 olh.lrl!. 2. l.ennailr Mllltr, J•m.tlce, 10.0, J, Cti1rll1 Gr-, SHffko, W•W.., 10.1. '-P1bla Montas, Cube. 10.1. 5, 11:- lltmb\IQ., Fr1nce. lOll. 6. M!l Plllftdtr, Sen Pedro. C•IH .• lO.I. 7, HtrrY Jwomt, C•Mdf, 10.1. I , JHll R1veh1m1n.1nli118, Mad.l9tK1r. 10.?. l'll-lll1Gm1!er rice ••lk nn111: I, \lllOl!mlr Go!u~ nlctilv, 1 hoor. 33 mlnutu, 51.I ltCOndl. J, .kite Pectrez1, M•~IDO, l :S-1:00.0. J, Nldi:Gltf Sm"•· U.$.S.R., l:Jol:Q.J.I, I, Rudo!P!o Ktt\rtt. Rlv1rsld•, Ctllf., 1:35:00.?. J, Ger!Mrd SHrllnt, 611t <hrmltAY, l :JS:V.J. ,, O!IG 81rcfl, U.S.S.R., 1:>6:",I, 7, Hllil Reimann, E1ll Germ1nf, l:llo:Jl.1. I, Sttf1n ln- gv1rssan. Sw...,.,n, 1;Jo6:'3.4. f , LronloSI K1r11C11l1t1111u, lhJ,...nl•. l:l1:07.6, 10, Ptlff Frenkel, E•st Gl!"f'n.l"f, 1:J1:20.1. 11, "'""""' Juws. an111n, 1:v :n o. 11, Pis. ciu•1r t ui.c.11u1v. 1:l7::n.o. l't•th.l!"wt lll>I we!Olllllftlnt -!, YOll'll.-, Mlrlk4, J1p1n. "5 lbs. J, Olio ShtnldI•, U.5.S.lt •• 151. J, YOllllfukl Mlr1kl, J1P11n. tu. 1, J.., wo1--.1, Pollnd. 142\0. J, MiK lYJllW Nowtk, l'ollnd, flll\'>. '- NtSn:llll h ~hn1v!, tr.,, IOolV.. 1. Moo YO&l!'lf. South Karn, ID-I'!.. 1. M•nuel ...,,.tros, Mnlc11.1 mv.. •· Mr.-.. kautt.ri.v. &ufg•rlt , 71J:\li. o, J•nos El~. Hut'llll''I'" 112111. 11. Olt!Cor lltUld'l!T", Wt!O GenMrtv. 116\0 . l:t. lldefor!so Lw. Pltnll<Tl1, n l. t • M•det Kt im ... , tndan~l1, 7'°V., l.. Enr1q.,. Htmtr>dOl. Pur rlo Rico, 7'°V.. lS. McltlOnltl GOll'I, In- di•, 75'V.. 11, NGt Rlnc!n<», Flnlltnd, 75'\'>. 11, P96ro &err1na. l'uer111 Rico. 710\lt. U, En•n Tlmuer1, Th•ll•nd. 105. 19, C•rlos Prnr, Nk1r1ov1, w ..... 211, FritnCl•co Ed1tVt1T l1. G\IA!tm1I•, 411111. WOl'n9n'• l•,•lln fln•I: 1, Ar11111• Nnntlh. Hunoerv. lft !Ml, .... Inch. J. MlllHI• Po!!\tl, Rum1 .... '"'"'· l . f¥• .Hr*a Autl•I• lf0.5. '· M11'1.11 ll:UOh. H ....... rv. 114-11\lt. l, D.1n1r\1 J1wor9k1. Pol.Ind. 11~11. •· Nll•W Urt>tncll. Yu~ .. 11.. 111·10. 7, Amill• IColQll<.1, Wl'SI Glr"*l'f. 111.1111, .. ktl1.1 L•Ul'l.llt, Ftnl1nd, 1n .o\'t. t , •~r• Frlldrld'I Sl>rll'lt L-Hti11h11". N. J .• 11~. 10i Lldl1 Tllm;;o,1. lluh\t1 US-2'Y:I. 11. R-. E11lr, NII Olwo. CM°'·• 11+-4. lt, LUCYnt kr1w.:!!lkz, Poltncf, 1#-1. U, f>.lhl..-.n. C.MOr. 161-:SV.. 1•, V1*1tl.,. E....rt, ll:uu11, "7·10. 15. 511..., Plat!, 8ril1ln, 1Sll·N. ''-Er\k1 $tr .. Mr, Avttr1ll.I, dl9Q<t1llllrd. Womtfl'I lo!lll !"""'° lln.11: 1, VIQtlU \ll~NA\I, llum1n111 n fftt. 4\'> lncti.1 {World .Ind 01fm11le r«.ard. 1 5i.d record 2:J..Jv. 1t1 tw M¥Y R-. llrl· 111n. 1"'41. 2 $hell• sn....-..ovct ar111o111. 21.11. J, r .... !lane T11f;hw1, R11..,11. i l-lOV.. I. 811f11'111d Wl1Ctor1~, Etsl 09'""'"'· 21414.. J, Mlrotl•-Samt, f>il!tl'ICI, J1.2v. 6. lnw•ld ltd...-. W"' G«m."Y· 11·1\lo. 1, Eltrlt 81rlllel11tn, NOl"Wlf. 21-0. I, H1.,,...,1rll Rawnd~M. Wtsl G•rrn.1nY. 11-0. t, Vlalet Odoll....v. Nl9e•11. JIM'A. 10 . .W.rtht W•-· L- ltldl. C1Ut .• '°"'· 11. Wllfft Wlllt9. Chic-. 1'·111'1. 11. MM!r..., 11n011. l r11•ln. lt-4\lt. tl. AM Wiison l rl!.lln. 1N 1'. 1 .. l•rt>.11 Lahlll'l"I, l ... t Cierlrtllflt, 1• "'· .................. ..:...{ -· .. 1_.. -........... . "' • OCC Strains to Get Ready For San Diego ·Mesa Game By JOEL SCHWARZ Of .. DIHt' , ......... Almost a week qo, BF (before Fullutoo) Diet Tucker said be was going to have a bard Ume getting bis Orance Coast Collea;e footba,ll team "up" for its game ..ttb San Diego Mesa College. Wln or lose against Fullerton, Tucker said it waan't going to be ao easy job. But little dJd be imagine the monumental job be'• facing this week alter Satunlay olghl'1crushing26-17 defeat by Fullerton. '1bil Saturday ni&ht'• game tn San Diego may prove to be u import.Mt u lasl weet'1. Fullerton ruined a perfect aeiaon for the Pira"'5 and -pened their South Cout Cooference uue hopes, but the season ill less than half over. If Orange Coast ta a good a team u it bu looked.in winning three off our games, it will have to ahow that tt can bounce bade alter a heart-bn!aking iDss. · A Jou to Mesa, would eliminate the Pirates from Utle contenUon and possibly cruab team morale. A win would keep the Pirate cham- pionahip hopes alive and c:ouJd carry them to .. •1 -lllld pdllibiy a berth in the 1tate pia¥oflt u another con- f erenee team b'iPI Fullerton. "Mooday ii the barde.t day we'll have," TUcker told his talented and gutty UtUe quarterback Paul Lemoine aft.er 1 llighUy lqer than normal drill aeaslon. The Pirates were naturally 1Ull a litUe dazed, but the session went better t h a n could be expected. flennil McGavict and Ethan Oliver were tlring quips as Orange Coast went thniugb a punt .,...,.,. drill. "'Ibese are good kids and we should snap out of it." Tucker aaid. "We outplayed Fullerton. but this week we'll really know what kind of a team we have.'' After viewing films of Mesa's 46.f defeat at the bands of. Fullerton, Tucker said Mesa has a fine rwlning came. "They gained more than 200 yards on the ground against Fullerton and U you look at Mesa oo offense you wonder how Fullerton beat them .f&-0." Orange Coast came out of the Fullerton game with several injuries, one a damag- ingooe. · llelenoive eod lllct Wblte llraiJ>ed toee llgamenll lllld wW mlsa Sa~ ~·· game in t\je border city. Tailback Ramon Rlcardo, the Pirates• leading ground e:alnu, hurl an ankle in the fourth quartet against Fullerton and missed school Mondly. However, Tucker thinlcs be'll be baek and ready to go Satunlay. Rober! CasUlio, the sure.banded spilt end, didn't oggravate bis hip point lllld wu 100 percent Monday. However. flanter Bruce lllcu ii lli1l slowed.up by hla chronic tendoniU.. ftlll:ATI: JllOTl:...._.h'Mtnf lt.i-.t ..., .... OCC-••lltf* Mfiie -,,_ ........... .... CM~ H•I S~ ""*' ht Mlf Mt dll9I .... .I 119t-tw ... -_...,llt ...... ,... ........ ..... kttl ...., .. "" Miii 111t. Or .... Cent _.....,. .,,., • ..,... au .,.,.. ,. *· .., ... ,...,....., ......., -r·\ll•t llllt II -~I • tu1t1!..C.,,...., ,.,,..,_ llllf ~ w r ... Hlto Hlill~ I llCtnd fflr llCllMI - Cf-•1. Mii fttl •~I=~ Oftn .. c-t. lllllM et "'9 OCC-l'J.; 111111 H.lriMI .. ~ JllR "•-I WM ,.,._,. .. 9lt l ff lllt ...., ..... TO -It WM Mw9lll I• ftM lelll1ll ...,..,., 1"' ._. IC"""' Q.r..,., •11111 Jiff S""-"• ...,. _,., llit9 .. "'~ ,,_ -llt ........_ 81'M¥ •IYM It l'hllll llllt Stew-•l*'t -11111'1 alMI ltll .,_ OCc ,...,_ Oii .... ""' ... Ill ,,.. .......... ,.. Hdl lt1llw ............................... llldl: .-n1'1111t11M9..,._L_..llM_._.'11"N1 --• ....,, ... ""' .... Hfffttts. lllftlMI Ill t• ef 1:7 t«\llls IW 14' ., ..... 1111!1 -TD. GWC Will Pray A Lot Hornets Next on By EARLY GUSTKEY Of tM DlftJ Plllt Still Golden West College football ooach Ray Shackleford was asked where he'll begin in preparing for Fullerton Saturday night at Amhehn Stadium. "We're going to pray a lot," he said. Seems logical. 111' amazing Hornets in- creaaed their unbeaten string to 44 straight games Saturday night with an in- credible 2(}.17 victory over Orange Coast. Fullerton will be lopsided ~avorltes to Monarchs Rated Third In Angelus Grid Race By ROGER CARLSON Of 1M DlltJ Pllft lllff ln four!pr'tSellOD llDlel with the stif. fest of compeUUon, St. Paul High School has ;roved to one and all that, for the mofnent, it bas the best team in the CIF, let alone the Angelus League. Romping at will over the likes of Los Angelee High, El Rancho, Long Beach Number One CIF Rating To St. Paul Mighty St. Paul High School grabbed off 11 of 17 posalble first place votes m dominating the Top 10 prep football teams of the CIF. The undefeated Swordsmen bombed third-rated Lakewood Saturday night at Anaheim Stadium, 21-7, ~ looked im- pressive in doing so. - Westminster, meanwhile, quieUy slip- ped into the fourth posiUon alter three of the aix top rated teams auatained defeats over the weekend. Second-ranked Santa Ana fell to ninth after absorbing a 14-7 deteat to Western. third-rated Lakewood dropped to seventh after the St. Paul 1058, and llxtb-ranked Loyola came a cropper to Biabop Amat, 29-13. Blair takes over second and Bishop Amat ii third with one fint place vote. ..... 1. ll. Ptul (11-0) (") lft J. 81•1• (..0) 1• ). l llllap AIMI (Mil (ti.) 13' 4, Wttlmlnll.11" ().1) " J. Slonlt t1rtr.1r• 1,..11 a '-Allthlllm 1).11 • 7. l.lk-.1 (J.IJ 11 t. Ar,..,.,. (.0) M t . Slnt• Anl U•IJ JS 10. Wiii TO<Y•ra (U} 2' Olll.IB: P.IHlllM 20. lltdllnlll 11, Wli-I. Notre Dime L Lne11 7, Wild CcvlrMI I. II lt•ndlo I. ..... l, '9vl!IM f4'0) (t) 1• J. Lotr• 1'-DI !JI US l. ..... MonttOmtf'I' (.Ml) (J) !JS 4. Full.lrtoll (ol-DI (II l.f J. SOUtll "•*-(J..l} 7J •• Moml"'lld.I ().II 41 1. llotllnw •Hlll1 C4-DI $0 1. c...-r 1•n 41 t. Sen Mlorl1111 IJ.-t.11 U lG. St. a.mtnf IHI M Olller"I: G-W '1. at. Jol'rtl ~ ti, Cltrtmont 20. llldWlll l'tl'k 11, lffulll htdl f, U1111o!d '- P_oly and Lakewood, the Swordsmen have their be.st team ever and are elpeCted to make shambles of the rugged Angelus League. Another Angelus League team with a 4- 0 record in preleague · actfon is Bishop Amat, recent easy conquerors of Loyola ,(29-13). The Lancers are also among the top 10 teams lo the Southla.Dd and are a strong bet for second place. Third place goes to Mat.er Del, with the Mooarchs given a good shot at aea>nd after geWng a booel to their sagging of. fense. Mater Dei looked IO-SO in losing its first three games, but did a tllmabout with Long Beach WiiBon, ripplnl the fHth rated Bruins, 32-25. • Servile is down and the Friars are not t zpected to make the first division. The balance of teams, Pius X and St . Anthony will fight lt out to keep out of the <ellar. HANDICAP J. St. Paul 2. Biabop Amat 3. Mater Dei 4. Servlte 5. Piu.s x 6. SI. Anthony Schedule· make it 45 in a row Saturday evening against the RusUers. ''The only thing I'm encouraged &bout is that Fullerton beat Coast," Shackleford said. "If they'd lost to Coast they'd take it out on us." The Rustler bos.\rnan aays b I 1 quarterback, John Inglehart, will have his soupbone well lubricated by Saturday. "We're going to have to pass on them sueeessfully to have a chance," he say&. "Wirh Fullerton as big as they are I don't see how we're going to move the ball consistenUy on the ground. But then, their pass defense is outstanding. And we've jusl got to have better pass p~ tection." ln Golden West'11 IG-0 win over Mt. SAC Saturday night, lnglehart was under coo- sistent pressure from the Mountie linemen. "If we can't give hlm more protection than we did, against Mt. SAC we're going to be in rough shape," be said. Shackleford singled out Mike Jones u GWC 's player of the week. Jones led th• Rustlers ln tackles again Saturday, giv~ ing him 27 unamsted tackles for the season. A film review of the game also ahowa tacide Harry Holmee turning in a GracJe. A effort. Ditto for defensive end Bob Serowik. Tailbaci< Dan Boen is listed bi Shackleford as a "very doubtful" partici- pant for the Fullerton game. Cagers Romp MEXICO CITY -The UnitecL States, defending ch~pions In the Olympic basketball tournament, steamrollered Senegal 93-38 Monday for an impressive second straight triumph. The American five led by I-fool.I Speoei!r Haywood, stormed to a "'15 halftime advantage over the onbn•nned Africans and continued to pull IWB.J in the liiia! JD rnlnu"'5. "I knew I was gotng to have to tick I field goal," be said. "I just kept walking up and down the sideline, trying to postpone It as long u l could. It was a UtUe dbcomforting know· Ing I'd have to kick of.f the dirt, but I was concentrating more on tic.ting the ball hard and quictJy. Irvine Race Looks Closer "I didn't want to eue up on tt and I dldnl want it blocked. I kk:ted It u bani u I could." 1'>e bolder, Ed Meador, greetod Gossett on the field with u bpf'eaion of a man who had just watched hill houJe burn down. ''l 1atd IO Ed: 1J'm awfally ICUtld, Ed.; He 1atd to me: 'I'm teared too, 1'nKla.' " Goslett deacribes hlmaell .. a "punch ttcker." "Ever gince I kn the iwnllrln(, I haven't been able to lift 1111 lee mare than a couple fetl oil the lfO!llld. So I don't follow thto<Jlb at alL" * * * SERIES DEPT. -Cbuc:k Looa, um. !,ant managing editor ol the DAILY PILOT, eame up w1t.b a refrublnc1y new. By ROGER CARLSON Of .... 0.ltJ "''" 11.lft Observers of the prep foolball tcene ln lbe Irvine League again are stringing along with lhe perennial o n e -t w o Anaheim punch of Loara and Magnolia to dominate lhe action ln 1968. However. the margin la a great deal closer than in past yean, with upsets ex- pected to prevail weekly. The Irvine League elevens completed four week• of non-leagile 1ame1 with an overall record of 15-f. No telm bu a bing ftCOl'd, wUb the four Oralli< COUt area ciubo, Corona del Mar, Colla Mesa, Foontain Valley and Eatm:la all boldinl :t-2 recorda. Here'1 how tt lookl: Loata, the defending champion, has to be rated number ooe off its One 4-0 preleague IChedule, lncludin& an ig.14 win o v e r No. I nted South Pasa'dena (AAAJ. • The Suons, however, are ranked as strong a.a the past. Many were picking Magnolia to dethrone. the Saxons, but the Sentinels' 26-25 loss to La Quinta last week put a damper on those thought.a and the Magnolia squad is picked second. The remaining four teams art 80 close, th.11.t at first glMCe, one might just pick them in a!phabeUcal order. However, Fountain Valley may come In with Its best record ever and a thtrd place fln1ah on the basis of 1 reliable coo- venion and n.Jd goo! kicker. It'll be that close. Fourth goea to Eallncia. 1'>e Eqlea have run hot and cold, loelnj: the unez. peeled and "lnnins Ukewill. Lack of a J>Ullni attack aerlously handlcapo the Eagles. Ito powtrful runnln1 1ame keyed oo one back. Costa Mesa ta relegated to fifth, despite having lta beat team 1n yean. The Mesana appear one year away from I Smuber. Corona del Mar gets the Jut spot on the totem pole, deapite winning big in iii last two outingl agatnst Garden Grovft League competlUOn. The four Orange Coast area's overall recorda al S.I fa< all of them indicates the cloaenesa. And Loara and llqnolla are not thal o-. . It -to bl ihe beat,.., ever In the Irvine League. llANDleAP t. Loara I. Magnolia J. Fountain Valley 4. Estaocla $,Colla M- l. Corolla de! M1t ,, PRl!TTY REMINDER -Oonnle R<!lcbter hoicis up tiets lo !lit Haig Naticm1 Open Golf Tournament, wbldl 'Mil tie held Jn Oolta Mesa, Oct. 2S-27. Pre-tnumoment aalt of lid<ets bu be"'1 extended throu&b ~by oftlclall. . I · 1 • i 1 . I • -..... ~ .... • ••• "• ... .. .. • ........ 11 -• • '. -..... J ,, .... JI DAILY PILOT --- Johnson, Kelly. Top Prep Stars of Week Runners, Passers -1'CI .,.. ""' 1, ~1••> .. "' ... II .. I.I # JU' 4Ji . ,. .. ., • 1t t .......... (WM) 1 .... (Lal £. ...... COMO L DeM~ (Mir) 4. ~ (llVI '·~(MO) • m "' 'II Ill ••• .,, 1\1 IJ' t. ....,.. CH•I . -... .. '" u t. l(ufln CLll 10. .,,.,.,. (OIMI ._ .. PA PC f'I •Ye !'CT. Kell\r CCMI Al If 1 Ml -"' Terry (Cd.Ml Jo' 2!I 0 .OS .48 ~l(LS)D ,. S .. A1 Miione CFVJ .fl 1f t In ·°"' GIGIM fM\IJ 5' H t 211 .4M ScerlM: wim-.kl flt> o. H•,. rl1 (FVJ :M. l(ullft ILll .. l!u.11 ICI,,.. M. ~ (WM), ...,.._ (WMI, ._ !WM), """"" CMHI. CU,.. " fNHJ. Wdla CNN) • ..-.i1 IHIJ. ..--c•an, ,...,_ c••>· Ht!IM llrllD), ~ (MO}, Cltfllll (P'VI 11-CCMtOMA Hl MAR (H) .... ~ M'N AV• PTI J5ill'll.11• "' ,... '-' ' I) H 1.1 I 27 " 1.t 11 u " ,.. • 1•:1.1• S:tS I.Ill <I IS U t ' ' 1.1 • t ·t •• • I I I 1t . . . ' ·-,... PC Pl ..,. l'CT "Ut.OSAI QllTA M•U. lt-D -Tea..,.. .... "' :DU."'' 0 .. ,,, . " .. J.1 • w :n 1.1 o t :N t.t It ' 11 1.1 • .t101.f 0 s ' 11 • S I 1.t I 1 1 I.I t 1 "' .... • " ·11 .... • -....... .... -••II' ••• --....... == ~ .. • • • • . . . ' . . . ' • • • • • • • t ".n ,. ..,.. flCT • 1' 1 ...... 1 ••• ·-UT, ..... ..,. • .,m .. U M 1r 1M '·' • :n ff 4.J I '""'' . " " . 11111.11 v .. DrN••• ' "* S.t • = --=- 1 , 1.1 • 1 4 ·l.I I " ....... ..... • • • 11 . . . ,, I I I I • • • f '"' PC ... .,. A'H .,_ "'''" .. ~ 11 • • ,,. ""' HUNTAttl vau..v CM> •USM" .. "'-Co-··---... ....... ._ ,.._ -·-Htnllll ·-··-sei-io ... TO WY• avern K 17'1 6.1 ' " "' '·' ,, n 111 I.I I 2) ,,. ... • l ,. ... • 1 lS lLI t ' lf ... .. 1111.11 lSf O.tt .. ' 1.1 • 1 I I.I I t ' .... . ' . ,,, .. . . . . ' I I I 11 ....... PA ,C "' ,.y. PCT 'MleN '1 1• 2 31:!1 .4'3 ,_ 1151U,..., SWGtlodf t o o I .oot lfUNTINfTelf .....CW (141 -· 1'C9 wve av."' 11 2ll .f.J 11 .,,. ... ,, 2'11 1.11 .f ff .f.1' • A1t4.512 1111.SI ,.1 ll , .... 1 1 T.I I , ·2 ""·' • l<l ·UI • -3 .... • ·-,. PC Pf NYe l'CT """11 " ,. ' .. ""' LAOUNA tllACN CMI --""" w,,_, -.. M<Mo-'"""" -_,, .... ,,, TC'I NYe AVI l'TI "' JfJ •.• ,, 5& '6S ..... " 11 Ut 6.1 411 I D t.2 I 10251.JI 1 J 3.0 • 1 4 ~-· • I I I t ...... PA PC Pl )fYt l"CT W/-....,kJ S'I N I .. .An MARINA (M) ...... T<INYIAVOl'ft "221 '-'' 3'1!'Jl.2 1 "*''·'' " ·" -M ' -.. ..... """' -• • • • • • ·-... PC Pl lft'9 PCT "' ". • .. .m ,, '"·· 1 1 • ti• -MA1\~:! CM> =' -= ·-..... --· TCI NY• Aff Pfl 11 tll ... 11 :: ::: t: : 11 ., '·' 12 • ,. u • , 4t .... . . . '' • • • 2 ' . . . ' ·-PA PC Pl ..,. PCT Mtlfollll.WI D I 1 lfl JI' ~~ n 1 e 111 "" MIQI ... VllJO CMf -TClllYeA¥e"9 :111•s.t11 •u•~•• 2A "' .. ,. • J ,, t.t • • 1t 4• • 1 • ... • l ' .... • . ..,. .... . ·- . . . ,, . . . 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"' "' ,. ,. ,. ,. >N "' "' "' "' '" "' "' "' "' '" '" T• IW. <I lr1tt!IWI JlfnmJ MIC ltr Ill ~I Scdlf' Gm (J Mabll6al INht Ollt (l AdlllrJ "' "' "' '" "' "' '" "' "' "' "' "' '" "' MVINT" uea-ut ,..,.., • ,.., ...,. 11111 • Ill G,_.. M MllU. ,...,. .... L'9Mrllns Rtbel (1 T LIJ!Mm) llllCIMJt OGbl" fl Collh'ISI Tiie Mtrdl WltMI IR Adtlrl ,ltl:fln OlllllY (W Sl'9USI) .. 1 ..... Oii'"' (J M,tlwdl) ANc11t llO'rlll IJ Wtborll Tllltw hr IL W~ll ,.,..... 0111 (R FlltVtl'•I '" ,,, "' '" "' "' "' '" Wiii! L.lldt (0 Ct'*81 Dm4 RM r ..... r IC Smllll) •letn'M UC~ y1nt1. ....... UlllrlOrtH AM --MlttMlilrl (H CNlPf) litn. T-CT L•ml HGDlll'tr. (J ICa""1 cos,. Klill IK Mclt..,,.okh l #dfWtll' IN ..... ) WtMlJW 11rM1t CD #lorrl1) Dll/1119 OM Cl llll'*lrfl ,,_. Go IC lrnlll'I) ._n Mlll9cll n 1111 Mtlr) Mitt. T tan ii-It li1nk1J "' "' ,_ Mm. "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' '" "' llfllfTM UCI -olDO Yl~L 3 yew ... Mii .., hi ~ A Mflw•. ,,.,.. ., ... Mr ......... hY It ~ Llpl\tm) V,.,.,., lta.11 CJ lltkN,,AO Cll•lv• lrwwil CJ Wthonl lu'9u!Ody tit-(l Golll114J ltovtl Tr.-(It 1"*11 Sllvw lar Lw {' Cl"lllllYI Ytoldlt L.,.., IA A1'11ltl S-lttlt VII (0 Moml) P~ lltoct .. CD Gtnlon) C.llcftl Mi. II Ill Adtlrl "' m "' '" "' '" "' "' "' '" MARK ALLEGREZZA P-•ln Vall•y VINCI! MOL~ Morino ' 808 TRIPP Nowport lt•rbor 808 PllTOLISI ~ ..... I BOB HAUPERT Meter. Del _ RICK BROWN S.n Clemon!• RAY JOHNsON Mi11ion Vi•)o RULY MEMBRILA W11tml"1ter High School Grid Records '" '" "' ,. "' ,. "' '" "' "' Pr.II ltACa -• .-.. I -.......................... -,........ ... CT l.lllMMI ... ,,. "'-co c:..Ml'l QMy "' .. (l ........ ,, ..... "-' "'"" ....... J ·-.... u lttflll) ........ (I c """"' '" "' "' '" "' "' SOVT•COAST .......... =~-' • " ........ IT ; IE&; j ,. .... • ........ .t~ • J ,f ut • MT.MC • i.~ • r. ~ ft • --E ~..:-1 " ' Los Alamitos ResulJs ·- ' l . -·-----·~~~ 17 ""...,.. 'I ~-•°"Do I t:'Sr-- SA" Dll•O i& IAWTA ANA J~X. • II • •••ependeat SA~lliAtK Cef UttltNI• ,,..~ EFIYtl~ CRESTVIEW • \ .. ~ " ,, .. " " • 1 " • " " " " " " ....... ,. • ~nft ,..,,.,, 1 t.C~ ,, .... ""''' 1• L . a. f!olY ST ANTlfON'I' ':~l ' A19"111W ' Mlfllclfl 2l El lllnCN ST PAUL 35 LOI ""'etlt "n L.li. Poly 21 Ltk-.od f'REEWA.Y LEAGVE •\ ------------------------- " • •• " Jayvee Grid Summaries Elttntlt I I lJ 0-IJ C--Mr !'Mr O I ' 0-' T~ fl) Lw P'ritdtrtdorf, Kur1 TI>onMit P'AT \El hit KtlMr T-""-" (caM) llldl ~ Stn11 ..,,.... v11i.,. . .._. ·-- LEGAL NOTli.'I! • • ,.. . . • ·WITH ' ' . • ''tt ..... • . - ·-·-.;_ .. .. --'(-• ... • •• oi:t .. ;,. . Don't iust SIT there! ' Grala hold of the BIG action today! Dial Direct: 642-5.678 Just sar: ''CHARGE ITI'' '(North Ce111ty, '40-1220, toll fneJ ' ~~. -, .. \. . .,, , '· .. ' ' IT'S EASY TO PINC ' PENNIES~EVEN DOLLA~S / ,. . ' ... -PENNY PINC .. HER ... , . ' WANf. ADS NEW-LOW-RATE · -3 LINE.S 2 TIMES 52.00 .. IN THESE CLASSIFICAnONSI - • -l'llnlol01tw II• IOlt 11111e .. ::~ Teloelohll ... I014 ...,. a ...,_ . llM IOlS T1p11tA1111Hro llDI 1020 c:.m. • a '""'""'""' -1100 5"""""" .... 1110 ..... ' .. 1120 . I ......... UIO 1125 MIMllan.. UIO e EACH ITEM MUST II PRICID a e NO ITIM OVllt 110 e-NO CCWAlllCIAL 1'1-e e NO COl'Y CHANGll e NO AHUVIATIONI e Let PILOT PENNY PINCHER Want Ads Work for YOUI I ! /, ) l . . • ' . -. ' ' ' • I • ' ' I ·' • 1 I ""-1• -. . . , .... ,. ' . . . ~ .. . .... . . . ... . ... --. ., ., ........... , -...-........ ' ...... 11...01 ·--- Evoryont H11 Something Thet S-e Else Wint.-l'BE BJGGES'I' SINGLE ~PLACE ON l'Bll ORANGE COAS'J'-PBOIVE DlllECI' """"78 You C.n S.JI It, And It, Tred o It Wrth 1 Went Ad HCUSES FOR SALi: HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALi H OUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOil SALi HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSU FOR SALi llfNTALS RloN rALS "-,urnloliod General 1000Genoral General 1000 Genaral 1000 Genarel 1000 MtN Yarde 1110 Apts. Furn ished -Gene ral 4000 Hunll""°" leach 1400 1000 1=======;;;1 BUILDERS CLOSE OUT ONLY S NEW HOMES AVAILABLE RANCHO LA CUESTA, in Huntington Beach, has the best values in· a new home in lhe entire area. 1 & 2 story, 3 & 4 bdrms, 2 batb3, quality construe· lion including all kitchen built·in.s, fireplace, fully cupeted, shake root. concrete driveway, large lots. Wal.king dlJtanc.e to Public Beach. (Localed II BlllDiltoo & BuJbard) $25.050 to u1,100 FHA · VA · Conv~tlonal s.11... 2300 , 0wm:a Anxious • s Br. • LOOK Broadmoor Harbor View 3600 Seavlew s.. Doubl• ...,..... s3.000 """" t11o ,_.. .... • LEASE. -Balboa Dupl ... Corona. del Mar down. Aaaume ex l 1 t l n I rind ttrll V«Y unumal older l"'urtUbed 2 B r . . J.m... ExM:utlv• 4 Bed room $69 500 6~~ loM. ruu pr l c e 3 Bl\ home., lb:2t' U\ljn& macula.tay elem bugain Tri-Level Model -$79,500 11uatle ae • ..;, Th1o 10,,.i, l2t."10. -= ....... wood 11oon ..,,...., r.r. odu1t .....,,.,_ m-m1 lmpr11tlve Home Mltdte1 Md,.11 3 bdrm home Is lo&.dcd with 3 BR. 2 BA, lari"e tam. rm. wtth carpet !S6Jr.J..UJ' lot com· fC.t:nl tAL~ 2500 WAVECREST DRIVE ..,,.ntnc. """ ta too•t"' "" w / wet""' + ""·din. rm, P•td> ,..._.,"'°"'"'°""'I> Hou ... • Unfurn ished a comer lot only one block Ii:. ttfV. patio, nu carpet. plt\i. $1S,7m full price, CORONA DEL MAR totbobeach. Lar&•""'""" Cul-d .... c. Top Cond · Gonaral lm1nfn1 3300 Square ffft es ln both the livina room $27,950. Owner ~1661. 4 B .., 11.1.. •--n .. • and the famly room, built· R. a -¥ .... ....., room, (Broker Cooperation Welcom ed) 1n kitchen and like new coo-Newport 8Nch 1200 &lriw:n. New borne in Turtle VON HEMERT D£iCORA TED VILLA dltton tn""• and 0,1. Don't 96>-4471 ,_. .,,,..i s•• .. ul! Rock, ~· to UCJ. swtm· 644·0070 '" w. one allp by. CUSTOM SPANISH ~H~O~U~S~E-of~tha~MO=~N=T~H··' ~-~ S27S mo 3000 Dave GambiH, Rltr. RENT 3 Rooms Furnltul'9 $25 Month FULL OPTION TO BUY No deposit o.•.c. H.F.R.C. Furnitu,.. R1nt1fa 517 W. 19th, C.M. ~S-l481 1568 w. Lncln, Anhm Ti4-2800 4100 can tu-1ftt •nrcl•1 w...., 10 & 1 ASSIM $11,700 'l' Showo by Appl. UPPER BAY VACANT-TERRIFIC 11"5; 4 BR. 2 Bath•, fo..:<d 2200 ELDEN l.:::==~~=~==~==!i==~= Q1L1ncy f(,ul Estate 3100 Ft. under mlsl.Soa tile f 9R • ovtt 1900 1q.. It. )'d.; w/w, frpl. 4 children Comer Virginia B/B 2828 E. Coett HW)', 01M root. 5 Lge. bdnns., :It' Only $28,000 . llCCePl:llhle. 53&-6980 Bkl' New 1-SR Fum. Adulta anb ---·--- SIX % F .B.A. LOAN, $1S8 MD. P. I. T. L J'"cQ' bed- rooms, d l n In 1 room, 1% baths. OOSl'l to ch u r c bes and sc!VJO!s • Newly pUl.ted in and out • FUll p1ce only $21,0C!O. SUBMIT 00" DOWN -AN EASY WAY 'IO BUY. *********** HORS6 ANYONE! We've found a place for )'OQ to keep them. LARGE 56' X 24T LOT with fencing and HORSE CORRAL. Comfor- table two BfDoom home • Dl!tacbed do u bl e pnge. A4L THIS FOR 0 N LY $20,0CIO. Call Today! HARBOR lsUND BAYFRONT A rare opportunity to live In cne Walk to Harbor Hi VA or FHA Immacu1ate 3 BR home with custom frplc + Jara~ lS'x 20' tam room. ())mer kit. VA appraised at $22,250 Unusual customUed 3 BR with beamed ceiling llv. rm. • bJ(e trplc. &: outside BBQ. Many many other extra.a. $23,950 &srf~ realty 2414 Vista Del Oro Newport Beach Es La Vida at the "Easy going Blufts" Siesta time all the time if you ()Yl?I this Inviting spanish 3 BR, 2* bath split level c .. fronting 00 the majelltic rolling g:remtll'lt 545 Vista Flori awaits )Wl' inspection Call fu' llPP(. to Re 644-1133 EvH. 644-0505 Wanted HURRY TO MURRAY '?bat's riJ:hl, b!tt« blll'T)' to MW'!'ley 1..ane!. Just list· ed and It won't tut. 3 BR PLUS dining m:xn PLUS 1~6 RUMPUS ROOM. All the extru you can think of indodirlg HAIRD- WOOD FLOORS with w/w carpetinj. NO OOWN • LOW DOWN - you take your choice. Price $26,950. JQ)ii,.. co: TS ~WALLACE REALTORS -546-4141- (0p.n Evenin~ BA YCREST AREA 4 Bedroom. 3 Bath dretUn home built to:· a disaimin- atin&; executive and Ill& de- """""-!amily. Del\ihtful decor. Large living room, huge family room, 2 fire- places and wet bar. Localed en a tree t of expensive homet!. If yoo can alford the $50,IXXI Price Range, you'd better see this today. SOO- rnit your smaller home en our guarantee trade plan. 2™3 WESTCLlfT DRIVE MS. 7711 Open Eve1. M6A VERDE 2 STORY 3 & 4 led'm Homes s BR, dmtng room • 3 """" We are aJm!Dtly aidi:n&: m with large enclG&ed yard. the rekJcalion «. a l&rge Near all schools, a .park &: ~d~~hMpf coune. VF:tS ~ Thstem firm moving to Or-DOWN . FHA OK . ...,. Coonly. We haw ... $31,500 buyer's end do mt need Iona: term liatinga. We 8ho an purc:hasin&; equities. Newport al 67W770 mstr. •ulte w/friil. Formal HAFFDAL REAL TY $110; 2 BDRM. duplex. Lari:e All Electric I 'l::=o=o:C::!=o=o:=o=I din. rm., ~ l.lv. nn. w/ "Homes 1o Match Income" 0c ... -......, Nov. ht Newport Heinhts I' ---!n>l. Panel"' lamlly rm. w/ ...... W/w: ""'"''" ""' -~~ . .,, Qc f f ff 14711 \l'untt ..,...... ... OJ<. $3UB! Bkr. l150 month • Rent SPECIAL! eln 'on Ome huge ttpl., w" w. Spanish Ow T I _, tile floon, cusL carp. & ner. rans err-$155; 3 BR., !enoed yd; pr· $25 Wk. Up 501 Tu1f1n. 5 Bednns. 4 Bathl. Fam11.J dra9es. 58' Cov. patio. Proo M1J!ll aell large 3 BR, aepar-age: stove, w/w; children&: • Studic " 8acb apta. OPEN HOUSE fess. lnd·"""'. 3 car ............ ate dinln& room. almoet new pet OK.~ Bkr. cl "'· , -room. 2 Ftreplaces. 46X32 -.-a--<P !fhlg carpets 00 a lart;e COl'-1.,;"""=='-...;,.~~~-e la Uwa ~,_,., m't'. MON & TUESDAY tieeted, filtered pool. l{xl.8 Every extra! $79,50l lot Only ...., ~ $175; f BR. 2 blthl; fenced e Ma.Id Service • 1V avafl. C.omer 3 Bdrm, 2 be.th Pla;yrm. with aoda fountain BY OWNER MS-1.8t& oep•u'i Jon:''R.ilty ya.rd; bltns., w/w. Olildrm e New Cafe A Ba.r spoUees l'lome. Move-in. con-and · wet bar. All copperl ::::i=o=::i:==::=o=o=o=o: I 847.laiS Eves. 53S-1l24 • pets O.K. Bkr. 534-6980 2376 Newport mvd. 5C8-97Sri dition. OwnOT ''""""' .,.._ ........... s e p. .....,..,, H rbo H' hi d * I -I IR * ""°"" $33,,.,, · """'· Wrltten up tn Arohl-a r lg an I BY OWND\. Amune S!IO• Costa Mota 3100 ""je with your terms tectural Digest. Must see to See this bargain, Beauty! 4 loan. No qual. on lovely 3 C~ts. drpg, displ, patio, gar, Bay & Beach aPPttclate. Price $llii,OO>, or BR, din. nn., 2" tia, !r'plc, Br. 1% ba. Fam rm, frplc; •:· !o~;..!~~:·~ Adult!, oo pets $1.10 mo. See gubrn.lt trade. 2772 , Strand, quality crpta .l drps. On elec bltna; corner lot. $3,000 ...,.... to appreciate. 21>17-B Olarle RNlty, Inc. Manhattan Bee.ch, by appt. quiet Cul de, l&C st, $34, down. $24,900 M'l-2413 CM. 213: 781~. ~ St., 518-6000, 646-1841 2!l2S W. Balboa Blvd .. NB G hqm R....i... N•lsm S 673.3663 Evos. 673-8086 cm> 54><1., ~ 376-0501 ra ·-.. r Fountain )'alley . f410 i:.sm 2 "'·· ""· '"'"' cen: SUS CASITA 2 BR. RM. houae furnished N8.t N.B. POlt Ofc.. 646-zt.14 filed yd., ·patio. Adlta. No Furnished 1 Br. I: Bachelor R3 I SIS"" Owne C()RNER LOT ..... S13ll Yrly 67;-7629 Apt.< New Ustiiwa :.n ~· paPers: 1 S:, First T ime Offer.cl for boat, camper oc trailer 3 BR 11iii baths, 2 car gar 2110 Newport Blvd. Cameo Shores Rm. hoose with extra Jot for Baycrest • Uke new spacious ownerJ. FlWGl terms ~ with extra 1leeping room. Medallion by Hotpoint building $15.000 cash to 4 BR, 4 ba, ditt/rm, fam. OK here and you cab walk U75/mo 642-1273, 962-4219 CHATEAU L POINTE Delightful Home W/View, 2 loan. n4: 328-6385 rm., unuaual den w/wet bar, to iibopping and schools. 2 1 BR, 2 ba, den W/trpic on one 3 Fpl lg Pool $62 500 3 BR. 2 "Ba. Large ye.rd. Lovely !urn. 2 BR apts. Oif. side. one BR, both, faro rm WORKING MANS CASTI.E1 ~:, :~ .;_,..:, . BR and den. $24,950. Lease $230. Cankler, water at re et parkin&:, carports. '· N Own G ~ ,_,..., Rex L. Hodges Rlty, &47-25Zi Incl "0 "724 Hid pool Adu!'· •· other side. Exe Door plan "" 0 to .I. 3336 Via Lido 615-5200 · .,..,..... · · LZi, no pe ... tor two-family living J74.500 !n ~;:i~an~~~w:~o l;P;;;REP="At=o-,to"'t"'er-.. ...,....,s,;=.~ooo:=, Santi Ana 1620 Newport Beach 3200 1941 POW!LSONMONA !~ C.M. Mrs. Long· Mrs. Raulston '"'1u.."~ .... + frinci""'I 1t ''""r leisure. 2 ---------"~' -x...,.. ... ,,, ..... mo. taxes. ..-,,-~ BY Own C I t I I BIR. !Urn util pd Hid Jo Hansen, Brk'r 646-8226 BR, 2 ·BA, bit-in kitchen, er; 0 m P e e Y · . · . trplc, pe.tio, clubhouse, furnished 3 Br. 2 Bath. Has pool. Adults 646-5276, Costa Meta 1100 heated pool, private bee.ch. everything including pool --=-"-'°------Coldwell, Banker & Co.1 -:;:;:;~;-;-:-;;-'.;:;:;:;;:;'l;ea,.~~t"~V~llla~.~·~··..''~n-~sn".'''.,,.. ~um~.;,~ i:;; lY'::i'. &st. ~\ 1-BR., furn .. utilities, M>bet ,,.. •· CMtt "-COLLEGE PARK 3 BR Back Bay home 2418 · adultt. $75 Month No pets. surance. S.W. Sant• Ana c.•0 2557. uo "'7 N""" ... ell. c.11..-Sierra Vista, priced to sell .roo-' .._....... "' MSSt 01 s.... VACANT at $32,500. Call Paul Nordin I .=128=·="10=-~"""==-==== rea ty 1 '2'""BR=-A'"p1'",-,.,.tili"'·C'""'-""..,-· =sllS 4 Bedrooms 2 Story • fllA LOW OOWN 882.sMl. or 38'l-549.l for ap-Le;una Be1ch 1705 2414 Vista Del Oro Avail. Oct. Z2. Oill after 5 •VA NO DOWN pointment to see I -~-------Newport Bead!. pm. 646.2558. Jc-.~~~'OOmLl .5' Z&baF· ths, FURN. 1 BR. beach cottage THE LITI'LE BARN sss"=°.-1-ma_o_o_cv_or~30-. -u-.~, ..,-.d. r .. ..,,p ...... ..,. 111 ';n& ~-Bayshore Park, Ind lse $50 Bluebird Knolls, Lagma, ap. Enjoy Uving No pets. Back Bay. 545-1551 Unbelievable • 4 Bedrooms ily rooms • Kitchen with MO. $1600 FP 644-21.89 pee.rs like old barn that has Tennil • Boatlni • Golf att 8 PM 2 batru • L..arre Uving Room built-ins. E.xcellent condition · been added ooto. Ol.d brtdt Swimming or just rellX I -,=...-=~,.-,~~~ & Family room . Good size throughout. $26,4'.l>. Quality BLUFFS &rea: 3 BR. 2 chlmney, r "e !am/rm, liv S85. 1 BR, Ea.stside. CM. I t Low ........... Bath&· ___ .. o n -t l -. All your outside Ya.rd I: garage. Adults. o • ....... n moves you plus tenn.o; here. • 1..'\.U..I •• e,.c 0 pou · rm, part/mod kitch, $16,950 • maintenance included e S'B-1497 e in. Owner lesving counUy • THE REAL ESTATERS By owner, $41,!:60. 644-0655 owner help finanoe. Mis&ion 2-3-4 Bedrooms Z7,900. MG-2313 646-TITI LUXURY Condo., pool, tpl. 2 Rlly 4%0731 Georpoo1 Back Bay settinc UPPER 2 Br. furn. new cpts. ~!~ s~~i~G Double Your Income !:;.' :;,-,.,,~:;;:;. ~~-BY OWNER .• BR ' BA, Ol's= ~~ ~:".;.,,;'th'"'';:J,,~'"'d OK .-..., large deck, beaut. view Ph.· ,.,1133 Nassau Palms 1 & 2 BR. •"" -REAL""' oce'" & Catalina. $35,,.,,. ~ •••• 1.1 .1. by Bdding Units to 3 alre8dy Newport Hgts. 1210 ll39 Cresta \:Va.y. 494-9'132 l '~~~~~~!!i!'~~j Pool, $13'.> to $150 WW "ant1ti~" built on this choice Costa \ 111 E. 22nd St. 642·3645 Mesa lot. Size Ei0x300, bas *PLEASANT OJtt Haven 3 RENTALS BAYCRIST • Custom 4 BR, ...,.. IN 7629 Harbor Blvd., C.M. H F I ... _... ..,.,., CL util. Cozy bacb. plenty of remaining build· Br, 2 ba + 2 Br 0ceflll Vu ous11 urn 1.._ f ba, fam -rm. formal Apt., upstaira. 1 Adult Trip,ex able ~ace, and is close to income Apt. $49,500. 548-7249 Renta•-to Shara . 2005 din/rm, HIF pool, yean 6'Z-5583 Near Golf Course main btu>ineu section. ,. lease. 1;=========o Will Trade . askin. · g 137,500 Newport Shores 1220 WORKING w ,., "C" Thomas, Rrtity Newport Baach 4'00 (X)S'fA MlliA • 'all unlta 2 oman mi...,. • · 22f w o.:ut ff 548-SSZ, " bedrooms witn full bath up BURR. WHITE, R.ealto•r I ... Fa lly H Kl I c be' n pfoM1'eli& avail-. wy. 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. -lie m Ome able. References. ca 11 MOBn.. HOME, 2 Br, 2 Ba, l'.nd 111 bath down. Carpeted 675-4630 1v11: 675-0998 Walle to Ocean, walk to Club-before n A.M. Tues, Wed & Corona clel Mir 3250 l8x24 living, b u i I t -1 n 1 • We're excited aver tb1s love-and d"PCCI, separate car. • ........................ .;I wa.sher/drytr, utilities in- ly f BR &: family room Victoria b lit . and house, with 2 Pools, Tennis Friday, After 1 P.M. Thurs BEACH HOUSE cl .. •.•, ~7S. Ad"'! _"Pi•• ports, u ·In range ov· No Down Paymant Coum, and childrerui Pl•v. Ir. Sat •. all day Sund-"" Ir. uuo:u ~· ..... ...., .. hmle near Westctiff 9w:ip-646-8811 en. ~~·r.i...,. "• .,.., •. ...., ...., On the beach at Big C.orona. only, no children. 673-8531 pq Center. 2%. batfui, all Neat 4 BR ·Ir. family room grolmd. 5 BR, 3 ba, $39,500. Monday. 548-9731 Fantastic view, Ire. living af'teI' 1 PM. electric built _ in kitchen, ORANGE COUNTY'S only about Sl9'i including,'===Call==5<8-=1'90=== CONSIDERJATE A dult tn rm .: 1 BR.&: ha., bl.tna, ~O~N~Th~,~ .. -y,-noc-.~L~;d-0,-1um-. disbwa.sheI', over 20:Xl 1q ft, LARGEST t.axes &: insurnnce, if you'ttl · share beautifu I apt. avail. now! 6'15-5«i0 eves. 1 BR. . newb' painted interior, 2 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 Assume 51;4 0;0 YA "RAN<;c t:OUNTY'S I a Vet you make no down Balboa P1ninaul1 1300 overlooking Emera.Id Ba.y, t 'N~EW=~,-Bd~rm-.. -,~Sa~ .. -,,,,.~. yearly: ~~tio $175 Mo. patios, huge muter BR with Mesa Del Mar LARGEST paymmt at all. priv. room. Refer. exchange. Blt·ins. cpl.I, drps, garqe. LARGE Apt., I BR., will G.-.cian bath, luoh w/w arr-COUEGE PARK • BEDROOMS. SWIMMING 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 ~ S'6·5!10 Just a Come On • • .,.._ I =o$27S-="""==·=o67>-=l=o"'===-,,,,,. ., ,,.1y "'"'" 1150 mo. pets & dnl.pm, $31,500. -, ., .................. ..,...... (near cm emf theatre) W 'll _...... • ............ · 1 ATnt Girl to do housework, 1 • Just of! ocean. 549--0IST EZ terms. BeeutifUl e.orooa model. 3 POOL. Modern as lomorTGW 1' OLLEGE REALTY e say '"''"'c an., ....... 'fi JU~ temporary, in exchange for W1stmin1t1r 3612 kitchen with ·built· in oven. 2 BR HOME 1500AdlmsatHarbcN-CM. to. get you to look at tins rent. Oose to Golden West 1---------6210 Oceanfront 3 Br. 2 Ba. f.ac BR, 1% beths, large dcdllie nmge, dUihwasfler and dis-Wood floors, patio, dOllblc "'1:~~~~ ... ""!""'' .., 1 pnze Penin11ula property. O:IJ\ege. After 5 PM 84Z-7624 2 BR. Duplex, blt-in stove, 2nd Story. $250 mo. Call " ::?-j ~and~:;;.;~~ .. d =· ~ roo:~ ~ garage. Right in town. OwNEiR bought new heme· ~C1!2~: i:v;clook mi:~ CdM HOME tD share with ~~ ~=~5 ~r age. 1~~~.~;~ ocean. Adults. -------· _,--. ~ '"'....... baths.,..,____,~ lo 8,. .. __ , $16,lfiCI must itel!. 3 BR Eastmde lat~. S4400l.' • girl. 21-25. an 2 Br., full/I ========= ~~ I-Ba"·· c M ·~WO ... c:tw> ....... _ ...... -· _ _,, -~'.~.~" -·~ DUPLEX home on gorgeous lreelined BURR w' HI !um, $75 ea. 673-0.172/673.oe61 .J-UJ Mo.. yearly lease. """ "<=I, · • ~ "' •""" '"' ..................... e. ...... street. ~llent carpel!, TE, Realtor Laguna Blech 3705 644-06.17; 548-2035 S BEDl(OOMS • 2 BR each side, hardwood built-ins, &epara!e detachel 2901 Nt'Wport Blvd., N.B. Newport Beech 2200 t ·M-O~N~AR-CH--B-A_Y_A_R_E_A I =========I noon, double garage, good garage & """"'en•-01 only 675-4630 1v11: 673.5122 Belbo1 .. 300 Eastsid I · 25 ......., ... .., LOVELY OCEAN VIEW. li --"'-----.:::::1 S20.950 e ocahon. S ,00) Sl78.50 including taxes. SUb-3 BR. 21,i: ba, tp\., htd. pool;; BR & d 2 BA ~· D with terms. ·t .. _,_ en, , ......... , rps, "-"~ to m--.,. to thi.. ORANGE COUNTY'S m on """'"· CALL 540-1151 L'd I I dbl. gar.; condo., lam, area. -..1 1 l300 Al>o •"'='l .... """' .... ., "' Wells-McCo1rdl1, R.ltr1. !opm eves~ Heritage Real I o 11 1351 871-8811 days; 646-1002 or ... ., · poo · mo. large famUy home. Close to 143 Bro•dwoy 645 "181 '93 E LA17tRhGSEtS64T L "94 1810 Newport Blvd .. C.M. Estate All Th' Pl c1..· n3· 4J.4..3954 Eve1 avail. 2 BR. 2 ba. $250 mo. shopping, BCbJols_ & church· '"" " • • --. 54S-7T19 Eves. 644-0684 II us rt9rTn · · adultA 496-1243 betw 10.S pm O.EAN Bachelor Apt.s, All util incl S75 up 315 E. Balboa Blvd. BALBOA 673-S!Mj es. Just iput 00 ~ market, Evenings 642-8453 HURTING Big Family Home Custo~·blt 2 bdrm, 2 ~th POOL, 2 BR, 2 BA, lease. this "IVOl'l't lflst. Slm perl """""'""'""!!!!!""!!!!!~'IOwner has bough t another 5 BR f /din beauh!ul comer location. Beach, Oubhouse, Adults. month includet taxes and $145 Mo. Easlside OOme and must sen their HARBOR VIEW poo1::;: :,·~ea~~ ~''7o.. :~a~~· 144 Baysid~~~~ge, N.B. Oupl1x11 Unfurn. 3975 B1lboa l1il1nd 4355 insurance!! bee.ut. 4 BR. 3 Ba. home: a Contemporary home ready to chtrch. Owner an:dOUIS for R. C. cftEEll. ~t~ No down to V.A. buyer -sep. tam. & util. rm. are move into. Two king size oiler. Try· S5,oo:J Dn. 34.16 Via Lido 67J.9:rJO Coron• de l Mar 2250 LRG, 2 Br. single gar. O'pts. Adults pref. $125 mo. CM area. 548-0066 . I ·1 ' ' ' 3>t3 \VESTCLIFT DRJVE 646-Tn.l Open Eves. $0 Down· 4 Bedrooms Nestled on quiet cul de sac. Immaculate! 4 good size bed:t00t11s • 2 delux: baths, ligantic palio • LuShly land- acaped grounds • No down GI • Law down ntA . 28,950. l!\s~;i~G .. -.REALTY •• "anvlim<" 2629 Harbor Blvd., C.M. MOST "BEWITCHING" -$22,9501 ~for an eciive, grow. ·• in& tamlly 4 enllertaining. 3 bedroomll, 2 bah. "f\ln In" family room. Semi-tinidled pn.ge, rid\ wood pa.neq . gn!lllt for .. Tem PllrtiK." Jr. Estate 1112ll:'d ~ 540-1720 TARBELL 2955 Harbor Want Mon For Y-Money? ~·· tod&.r'• bat value. 2 Bectl'OOml. ~ ftllte:I $145.00 pays all for 2 B.R., l"llly • few of I.he reatureti. BR 2 ~ d · Orange Coast P roparty • ---------~ ~,. F P ~ ' ..... N!ssmg rm. 9'9 V Lid N d -· RENTALS shakl' n ...... • "'"~ · · ·cov· •n>fesl!i. lndscpd. w/cmnp. $38,90J -Try ID% down. l3'l M3.l.-guerile, QIM 673-8550 4. 11 o or CHAR.MING 2 Br. home. er'ed pe.tio • d~ garage with sprinkler system. New pa.int I :!~~""'""'""'""'""'"""1 $110,000 -10-/. DOWN Private patio. Vaulted cell· i--A-'p'--t-'1._F_u_rn_l_1h_ed __ _ lld:led v.'Gl'k!bop • large R-'l inside & out Carps., drapes CORBIN-MARTIN OWNER moving, must selJ 4 Rlctiardaon Rulty ing. New shag c I' pt' & . General 4000 lot. and many decorator items, REAL TORS j BR. 2 BA all elec bit-ins, 675-I031 Custom drps. Comp 11---------(oleSWOrlhy & Co malreo th1'"" .,,; .... -· 3036 E. Coost Hwy, CdM lonnoJ d;, "'" l•m rm. ======= """""'· Now "'""· B-1 • value. Talk to ua about llfi· 675·1662 Anytune I crptd, drped. Good neighbor· Huntington Beach 1400 bar. Good furniture. Walk to ing your home in trade. hoOO, close to schools & lii;I~~---~~---everytbing. $185 on yeU'ly 642-1117 Dorado Development &12-54!fl 1 shopping areas. E'l"cellent leMe. 673-5513 1004 H&rbor Blvd., C.M. L /P I H ~ ...• ••1 ~ ~ ,-,o=--:-------~. Open Eves. JUST LISTED ,.._ 1 11s• 00 Orne ""-3· ..,, ·"""· .ni?' Executive Choice! 1 BR, RetU' house, new wall VT eaS<' with option. Good BY Owner, Hege Park Spacious 4 BR ln exclllsive to wall carpet. $100. Mo. WIU. TRADE 6 Units Pride ol Ownership. sized 4 BR .with family room wtpool, 3 . 3 Ba~c, estate area. Highest quality Utilities; pa.kl. Prefer adult 1Jving room has beam eeil· Top ~tside kn.lion.. N<> V8· & fully equipped pool. Under large panel fm . m, construction thru. out with working lady. References ing and pe.nen~ 3 bed-cancies. Lart:e double gar· S30.000 &. S235 monthly. bu l It.i n w · asher. formal din. rm., covered required, 673-7074 after 5. + 1 tantity ages. Good financtng avail· ~ .. 6.,880 Sll,OOl Call 6~1983 or patio and hardwood floors. Goodrooms ,~...,.,. Hroom, a ,· eble. Shown by appointment. .,... ~ 67'5-4825 rA.n. Y PilDT WA.NT ADS! ne"IP .................. " !R..ltr. 646-.3928 Ev1! OO..()Uf) (lie;irclllf!Ntl'lealr!l Realist\cally priced at $38,. """"'"· Will """"" FHA *LACHENMYER LLEGE REALTY , IMMAC -Uke new 3 BR. 2 950 -t""''· VA. East.side. $26,0XI. 1500 o\dirTl$ It Hirbor,CM. ba in beautiful Monticello PBcilic Shotts Ree.Icy JEAN SMITH DAVIDS 1 ,...,~~""'"!'""'~""'• I condo on Fairview Rd. Lets 53&8894 EVE"s. 962-8701 1 ON Realty I ' of extras. Will ••ll rum 0•1~~~'!!~~~~~ Priva te Beach! Reak'or COMPACT & COZY on a lazy lagoon. Modem 2-unfum. 400 East 17di, OJsta !Mesa Cl<"M 2 BR hornt, larv lot. story 4 BR & bath, f'plc in ANXIOUS 546--Jroi CAN YOU SALUTE? 646-J2$ Eves. 545-7731 close to eve~. See ii master BR, Tennis, Club-E-SIDE 3 Br. home by Many veterans do not know S C 21 500 and make offer. hooae I ground owner. Frml din nn nu they are qualified to use PE IAL -$ ' I Rilr. 2TJO Harbor 5S c M w pool, play . d1--&: •ha• ·-··. ~: lot. their GI eligibility MORE SUBMIT No DOWN · · · Asking $47,500 . mu!il sell! "" ,.. -........... ,u· 546-5460 Ev 5454941 A11sume 5%% loan. 1980 THAN ONCE for VA IOM~ Or Jov.'·iow down to others! "· 642-3737 Raym nd Con tended ·ra N~ location most cooveril· T R.Y OFFER M. E. VOGEL. Broker 0 Ave CM 646-49'24 gress ex expi • 3 BR Be ch hou 2 -1 BR HCltlUS &: 5 '"''"· lion datn for many veterans ent lo f'Verything . 3 bed-a Be nr. Bay $15,950 · . y,.,.. a." .........._bi .. slill ell· c:....cious 1-LI · fi room for l more unit. East ..... ,... ....... .., room., 2 baths. aepe.nite _... '6""' vrng rm, re--..a..ie. We can help! can Vil· dining l'OGm a~ting thoae plaoe, lge lot. Sl9,500. Best buy ln town. Stt thiii Side C.M. By owner. s:Ml.800 5'"' holiday meals. Le~ tikd 8alboa R.tal Esta te Co. sbarp 2 BR l + bath on !)46...8224 lage R('tl] Estate 962-4471 and paneled kitd\en. Com· 100 E. Bo.lbo& Blvd ., Balboa large EAstskle lot . Compl.. E:AST SIDE: 2 Br. fr pie, GLEN MAR pletely miovated tn*ie and ORiole J.4140 rrdecor. CALL MR . NEi.,.. S18.500. no down VA, R·2 FIXER-UPPER out. No Down G.1. 54().t73J Moonv1ow & Sunbright SON 54().tl5l !open evesJ 1='"'=·=5'9-'==;3298:,=====-4 largf! BR&. l'l bak CiM"' TARBELL 2955 Harbor Atrium with tnnsll.ICeflt g1aM Heritage Re9.J Estate Mesa Del Ma r 1105 pcl!l/drpes. Nice comer" lot. ceiling• ~ tiled lloor. $19,500 G.I. or nu. RIJ9{! DELUXE Apia., 1 BR, mo ideal for bachelors 1993 Church 548-9633 $110; 2 BDRM. 4-Plex Palk>; firepla~. Children 0.K. Broker 534.$80 OON'T JUST WISH tor some. thine to tumlsb your bomt . •. find put buys bi tQ. d~·· Oaulfled Ads. WINTER rental S165 mo. 2 Br. Furn. Close to .S. Bayfront. 546-l'l.'il Huntington Beach 4400 STUDIO Apt. 2 Br at beach. Othen available also. 219 15th St. H.B. No. 1 Laguna Beach 4705 NEW Furuished 2 BR 2 BA all ele c built-Ina . Panoramic view overlooking Ali.o Beach. Mature adults only, no chldrn S185. 49'.J..3TJ5 I BR, NEAR OCEAN 49+.7<00 after 4 k wk cnds , M Jot • 5Txlll0 -room b' Spanloh Charm 4 BR 3 ""°' -..,00 • rnA-VA no down G.I. 3 BR-2 BATHS BRASHEAR REALTY 4 BR 3tiatb HACJ:D«M. wttb ~ 88,)1 vt.w. S67.000. WJ% • 3 BR, friptc . fam mom Thia exdtingbi crMl«I home 847.f631 Eva 541..:uG " 2. mon wdta ~ $1f.l5Q.. IAll'• .... ..._ • ·t THE REAL l!SMTIM ~ '*'nn NNsls Hor_ All°"" SBR,2111._rm.,..., elocJlllt-roRT!N (X). -- '. ! tiled root. ~ dinlnc flnanctni •Vl.Uabit, e Cpta/&,,., enclosed yd. l"N.IUrH a tutlh tropcal pr. BY Ownu, 4 Ip BR, 1" BA, roam. bl.Ip 1 • m • t'OOmt Ro&' J. Ward Co. fit&..1560 :.~ 642~· .;:,e~ dm a1"'0Unded by llP@claJ 2 Sl!Or)'. VfJtY aean, Pool =~ '"': :..':'" N I e KENNEDY """' deckhw. H .... .,...,, .uoo lot. M""' .-B<ot ·-e-sl d 'Pa!rib!d. w I xlnt c&rll('a, location. Priof!d to .u Pele Bmft Riiy, 2 .....:;!';;;.; ,...,:nk!tal PANCIWOC Bay v;,,. at kftd>. bltna. !n>l. Walk to $29."" IBA. 847-m! the Btltta a er. 3 ha.th. wet a11 IC:Mol• lneludlna: o.c.c DOUBLE me iot. 3 BR. 1% la WMtditf Pr 6C6200 fot MWbweds. $27,5(1), bu, S prof. lanl&c patio&. Dorado 0evdopm81t 642-Mfli ba Lo dwn nlA. Prindp;m · ~e Wlllianaan, Rltr. By Owner * 644-U4G -1 .. ~t --· ·--r-"-"':rs 613-4350 Eves. m.1564 THE QUICKER YOU CALL, ... ....,. £.-& -1• ... ~~ Alllfl'IYll a Go-Go! nIE QUICKER. YOO SEU. Wldle ~ • /. ,, ..J__ -_._ _____________ _ ·--------------------------------·------·--------~----~·- ·-~~------___..,,....---..~-~--. .... -.-.................. -........ --... -.i "~ ... . , r.....,, -15, 19'8 MILY flUf -....... INTA(S • --• •INT.ALI ' ' ~ RIAL_ISTATI ~ll~~R;:-iiii--j!!~~:!!~~~ Aph. ~rnlshN L 1'pta. UnfvrilloM( Apfl. Unfur"""°" c>-rlll ' FINANCIAL _ Auto '!"r'" DAILY . PILOT CLASSlfllD lltltq 1100 ll"'llllllMn luch uqDHuntlngt.n llooch s4dil AclMio 6~ R .. I llfm L..,. 6340 0 llAM!n'ID> ,.._ ~ OWN YOUll s.r:r •...,,.. BW A Cito. -Moudl'• , .. , .. .,..,. aM ..,.,, .............. DIAi. DJftBCT--80""7a Ra;;J,. n A A . 1MMED!ATE occuPANcv owN LAK17 ~-=::.= =.,.• ... °'*'ex. • '' 0 .rt4 ~dBJJ _,,.,,,16., ' 9.~~:gi~o~~t ·M~=~MS ~1.!C:-..;;,,;. =.,.,~ !"!'!t!!"'!! ... ~ Just Completed UN" "'"ISHEO-ADULTS-NO PETS ::!,-., .. .., ~ ....., =-~ i:":.'a:.•w'::; auumAN., ~1 --.. ~ -HOUSU fOlt SALE t~1\~:r:.::,uTY !!! AP6ff1uents Now Av•il1ble rvru, ~ IWW a .................................... 1us1t1••• a1NTAL ........... • • CA11:,.ns • owu ANSWllJ eo.nn ""Mill *-. '11111 ...,, .... m COITA MUA. ~ ................. 11• 0'"1C• Q"1'Al ••••••••••• •• we e POOL e PllJVATI PATIO •-111-V·"-·~·:·~~~'~'l=="'=·=-===IC-=UIT==i ap ~~. ·--~ MUA Dl:L MM .............. 11• INDlflTaW. '""'"" •••• .-LUXURIOUS, SPANISH STYLI e AlC £ATIOH IA ...,. ·-~· " ._ r-wm!U • ,__ MIUA Y•.•o•_ ..................... C:OMMlllClAf., .. .:.;...;;·1········ ... -· I • 2 "IDROO"· -R ·DULTS ONLY ll AA • HOTPOfNT APPLIANCU. ---c.ur. 11 IOi9I t. M2-G4I. C.M. CCM..Li• ,. .. _ .............. •n• IHDUIT•LAL -·-•••••••. -• ~ rY "" HUNTINGTON SEVILLE Mo ....... TD'• .... ,.,=.....,==,__=...,=c.I NIWPOaf ''"'"' •.••••••.•.. t• 1.on ............. 1 ........... •1• • , '!._-.eout. ·,,_.,' bour -~dlet"ll ' • • -:"""' WILL ~, llO' '*-..s NIWfOl:T NlliNITt •••• -..... 111• ltANCMU ............. .,, .. ___ ,,,. • ~ • $ L._ LI I Rm. ~ -IALIOACOV•• .... 1 ......... it1• ''"'ui..ova ............. i11n r-. un"9n vng 1'112 Sh" 1•17"1 H II I I L AN*'200DT D antttoc:eu ~near Sprki,cdl1e M.-.aY .-. ............. 1ne "c•u:• .. , ............ , ..... -e bcreetJon Rm. e Sh-. C.rpota • •"'" ,. • •• un ng on UC111 · ·ft11 • View ' ' ~ Edlnser 1 tiloct trcm. er.. 11AYc•11" ............... ,. ... ,m LAk• u.-Olli ............. .-s ..i. •· ........ -·-Pih (lit Sltnil Wost of leech off. Ed.inter) , DESCRIPTION: -·-"le""t,..1-....... ·~ de~ .............. -,_,. IA'l"JHO••• ................... tm ••SO•T ,.Of'ln'I' .............. _ .. _ __, • fully lnaulat.d ....,..... -_.... .3l,:llU<JI ~ $!£~f~~~~:::·:·::::·:·.~~ 51'3::fl:iii~~::'.'.'.:5 • PumltvreAvall. will• ind colllnts ~R.OlfLn:IS~T~ !'::r ~ :,~:;::: :!re.~~ if:,:_ = -::r:z:n ~ u"'1v1utTv rAu ........... 11" 1u1Dtv11MH1 u11D .......... mt 1330 P•lllMldts ROid,, Costa MtN Ph. 549-2500 ~ ,...... "' "' ~ 1tl) + 1allw (lmn.made) al-~ wub ,,._ -·o.. hol.&r IG-36tf lllVHI• ...................... lt:M ..... L llTATI SlltVICI .... .... General -·· '"""..... . ...,. ~k.. IAV 1 ........ ,., ......... 1• '·'· UCMAllOI ................ San NEW' J ldr, I ba,, frplc. reeQ' tbrft, and an4 d11* and *500,000 tnvffted. (flt) •-11....a.IHI-1-1 .... r::r.:~","lw.Ci.":::::::::::::= ~~s~N~s: ~~ .......... -Located on: Palisades Rd. between ta Ana Bit-a. crpta. .... prq:t. ROOIM .... ltont 5H5 all 'rcuw!. .it rcundJ Wat.r ~or «·121D ~ .. 2335':&er;A~ QI cottOMA DIL 1111A11 ........... 1• A,e. and Newport Blvd. urs. i.... '13-1635 i*UlW' to .,.., Md dt-$t,950. lit TD 00 m•enifka.t • · l ~ ::.:''.~~~.::::::·:::: auft!~~~.~u11tT111. -2 BR. c:rptl -drps. blt·bu SU UP ft. •lkitd>en fJ:5 ~t ~ on! ~ 'flew t.aiuna 'Beacb Irle~ Ml-.ry .tc. llAY II.LANDI .................. , ... , IUSlllUI WNllTSO ~: ......... 6m Wilk ............ -e-t40 ~ I.IP· Studio Apt,. 2 s Tl WHAT TO DO Wl'nf YOUR lot. P&)'llble Nl.50 Int\ incl. " ... -LIDO IM-1 .. .................. ...,,,,, ... , -6llt -~ Nt_. Bl ,.,.,, tu•-..• • .,. --. ~ IALIOA ISU.llD .............. 1141 I .. , "' 5 NI Aclts. 00 pet&. m-t27S "t""' • v., ..-.. _.....,..., ~T 81' ti! di.Mt S )ft, 10% dbc. =~=~:::m: =~ii":::::~= =~M~"I:.1.11~~:::.:·: •. ::: RENTALS Cost1 Mell lyv . . . iFJ.1iil:t Mu .over z 1,. ~ ~ • &iva M U". ( 714 > BRICX Qmcnte. CarPmtr1 l'OUKTAIN VAi.UT ;.,. r11t0Mt.Al L.OMt ............ -. Apts. FumhfMd --.... H~ •--~ 5400 ~GM SlO. per week 321:1 2 Watrl!r lid, ntm. tio&tlnc M-1U7 .......... .! ,._ .. 1-._._ • 11 II.\\. alACM ....... ::;;;;;:::1uo J~~V.YJi.CM.~ .......... = 1 BDRM, dean.~ New ;:;;:;y;;: ~ E.18th • • · • "'-.uu' ....._ ... om& iuMslT •U.CN ............... 1• ~llAL 11TATii LOAttt ·::~:::::.,.. L-un1 ... di 4705 earpetl, ~..a. SJ.25. Nev · · ' E. St . .,eo.t& Meta S. Tnllll' P9rti: wttb ..... .,. u--Wan .... ~ .1.•50 )obs OK n-F.at ~ GA•ot:M ••ov• .............. 1-0f, MCHITMOU.'"" 0.. ...... -occ Adlt• no pets.~ NEWLY Omni~.~ tJr, • !Nat l(leCet avalllbk. • ......... , ... -t:::.:~.::::::::::-::::::::~= MOMIY WMt110 ............. 6111 3 BR 21& BA, .ii elte' built· LGE. 3 BR· 2 BR. It 1 .BR. =~"125·· J~, :i Gu..t·Hornee: 5991 "n.tlD tbewateralli buk COMPE1Tneti DOW ext lvtlMM S.Mce 6562 ~~,.C~NW°.::::-::::::::·\': ANNOUNCEMENts· Ina. PaDonmic view owr-(tum), ci>ti. Qa. blb!.s HlD1~ ~1!e .. oU St.ch PRIVATE a.rtal. ~ Sft thf llUl wbUe )'Otll' II· pan&ri,; 'lbll prova their Servicftl '"Y•" tWtmttod oUT Ofl' STAT• ................ 1• ind NOTICES !oaldn& Allio Beech. Mature 2885 Mendoa Dr. 54&M21 • Adam u-Apt A. room fw amtiul&._. ...... talk, abnand., pecua. • J)C1lln.m a IUCCtu! Plu. ,, ... tTAlf1'0ll ...1.·•··"'"'"'"""'··lf1l l'OUND CP"r. Mll .... adult.I-"' dilldren. $220 I,,,,.,. ...,,.T -Jicoota, fte SfOWI tb --.J n OO)OQO. et ~ 11\111 •do )(IQ D1it4 IYMIM1Tl!'ll ................ 161! LOIT . , ....... ::::::::::.' .. Mtl "''"•I" DO 1 BR pdn apt. l[pl.. rnta dl'pl 2 """'"',.• .... ..i a...... o.-. Nice ~ il lovtne 11 W-·l.-,. '"-•..&.... _, t!)' ~ ~. ' n IOmtobe lo do.._,.. ~T MIDWAY CITT ,.,., ............ 1•1• Pa•SOllAU ..................... '89-3'19i ' . -!' pool ~n u ..... ex. "'~t" v .. T, 5'8-C"1'5S "' -~'fnl;Y w1th in leu tb8Jl J )Tl. IOlnc! J ,,,,,_ 41-:!:l: :~ Hfli'"'""'""~: ANNOuNC&MINTI .............. ,. Bltm, Ia pr[. pat:m, . Qit-. Drp, 1 Sb', Ck. Like cue. camper It )'CG' on Ja.U, u.ve llme prooam and Bookte9tncT a Stc:retar!ll· OUNOI ........... ::;::;;::·::,._ ~i::::Ali"·:::::::::::::::::::::a JURN19HED Ro:lm. pr1vatt Adults. no Peim $1)). 546-6153 new. Aval Oct. 1 $U5. 5999 to ft112. 'neect $ttm. to ltart. ~ SUbctitute! Dill 114: IG-00 , run1M ........................ , .... l'AID otm1AllY ................ 11 bath A eatrtnce. $65 mo. 2 BR. dlx. JOOS O>olldee· .Ml-1337 Misc. Rent1I• 5 .. _ 10 .. _ 20 ... _ --u.iatant ,,_,~ or 8C7.&:l&. ""YES" ii .., NO•TM TVSTI• .... -......... 1645 l'UNlllAL DIUC'JOa 6N .... tDI after 5 p~ --....-n.....~ --14~•~ middl 2f ffoQr ~~~DO .WYOM ""'""·:t: l'LOalJTS ............... ::::-::.,.,, Drpa. cpta, bltm; tlr 1 BR. tpt. New, privacy, nftlll&f l!IRAGE at Acrft AvalllMtl Wlo' not Cai me at (114) ~ . -! ~. Olf ~· U.OUMA M1Lu ....... :::::::::,,. CA•o op ntAlllCI ............ 611• RENT•LS $1Ci. M&-0&33; 546--4021 eve pnce, )'l!'d. $135 Mo. .alVIOI . Vtl mil . now tc> inQQire aout after T:JO PM. -~a:N er-u.•uMA llACN 1ns i• M1M01tl4M ................ 6111 "' SO.: 612 BOOKKEEPING Fer 8erricl LAGUNA N1Gu1" ·::::::::::::·1n1 ~===~ ~W..+i""""'"·m: Apta. Unfum1"*9 WESl'SIDE 2 Br., new CIQ., 1 $20 MONTH thtll eJfdttnr poati]IUea! WANT $15,000 1st TD, ........ __ n..n.. -'-SAN cL1M1MT1 ............. 1111 <•M•T••· ca-........... ,, Go I ·-•-, bltm. Ad:ulbl, no Owner, MT.e&«I Ev• aftlt I ..,.n.t1-for 2 • • • ,_..... • .......... ..,.....,, en..,..,....._.. '"" .IUAN CA.l'llTltAMO tnt -• • .... _......... nera iilVVV -~ s ·-5620 ---· """"' .,_ ..... C.''IT ... o ••• '. . ..... ,l'U CR•MATD•lll ................... -$125. 548-6'lm. 1nt1 ---· a North rr l Blvd. NB P.M. uoooo toW nlue Mr R.euonalM, (M WM. JO)'Cl ..... , .. , ,,_IMOllAL rAllCI ...... ,, ... 6111 ·"-• ' ' ' • RH--DAMA "°'"' .,, ............... 1no .t,UCTION• ................... ..-s EDR.MS _ !!$ Baths a..t County Cllriwite (nev liOlfll ~tall . Jooea lfT-llll6 Ev~ 1 . ............, oc~~~t:.··::::::::::::::::::::~:: ~t'.,';~" s1•vtc• .......... = VEN DOME From $130. Ste Manaeer RMllor &tSllB55 Mount. & Dtieel'f -6210 ~· =========I """ D11.Go .................... 1rn A•• T1tA11iti0nAl10if"'"...... 1162 w Center LW 1. CM t.wcury 2 BR. 2 BA mi;; ~ .uooo ftllr bt TD Carpont.rfne UfO lllVl•Slo• OOUNTY ......... ,. AUTO TIU.NSl'O•TATIOff:::::.... • '~ • . Centr.i ht. tlev&Ur, . .., ~E Fer Rent $l5 mo. DUPLEX. i:i.eti Ede ·-...... . . Oft :~:L:iu~ ~~~~.::::::~;: ~=~~~::OitiNii' ....... = MakernervitiamNOW pr. All utll me. $Zill mo. 1<1t B QM?brook, c.M. be.Goten. Air condltiMed. ~ lbC. kl ColfJ Mem. at e HOME REPA!a e :¥llf:l~C:0ftk:ui'::·::l: SERVICE DIRECT.ORY Newly Recfecoratecl Newport BMch 5200 SANTA ANA ~ Omtlct Mr. Simplon Br1cbd patio, 1 toot Ienced :'-a'~~ Boa Cabinet.· remodel l:na. RENTALS ACCOU"1'1MO ..................... c•--10Shoppl~,P•rk 1323N. SpqeonMT·'ZROI I , ' 6000 rev J'Vd, lbCle CIJ'P)f't.J..,,="'=~""':;.,=-Prom~ r•a•o•&bl• · ANsw1•111e 11avtc1 ....... • -... nceftll ratty· Wed 1bowft9, new -ANNOUNCEMENTS M6-G2t · . h A,PLIAN'CI •••AIU. Plrtl .. "1• • SJadoul 3 Br'a, 2 Ba B/ B ......___ I~==,,..,....,.==== HoUHI Fumb Id 1os•MALT, 0111 ................. me Swim Pool. Put/ L-eune 9't1Ch 5705 WANT 2 _ 8 imtta, inter job. Loe9.ted kl El eentn>. aM NOTICIS REPAIRS 1tr ALTERATIONS ••N••AL ..................... -~~~ ::,A::,;;;.-;·tik:·: • T....., ~~fa '11 S Bl!Z>ROOM, 2 bath, lace ODI. B ava...___ $11,IXI • •ell tnlt reblml r .. Dn,n:...., ... _~a.·-R•MTAU TO SMA .. 1 ......... -1A1vi1ntN• -. • Fltil, .ua&JV•-T c ...... _ 100 CLIPP DRIVE ...._.... $100 ftll't montllb'. Owner l'evnd (l'rw A•) 6400 ~ • .,. • ., """!'# - COSTA MllA .................. !!• SOAT MAINTllllAMCi''::::::::... 1145 An1helm Ave. pool. $250. I -..-praa:e ............... y--.. ;u-.......... u Brk:r. * rr5-0250 , ____ a •• ...i.-.. -... ...:. ,,25=-==-"'=''='""'===-==:1 MlllA OIL MAii .............. llN ao-• ""tONA" ... .... ••·"to -h· U\oOA""n. • """"'" '""° """"" --~ --~-LAD-~ ·~ I MISA Vlll:DUl1• ....... -•• . ....... COSTA MESA . 642-2824 _..... Vl.MJ• Y,.rl11Aue.1. I Bdrma. 2 BDRM. home PLUS &-1 5 p.m. ~ -ftuoa D ',0 1'•'•'•0•'• ',".•a~ ............... t1n•,.1 \'l,~l"o'::1'1~~.'~~.::::::::.: lay & Beach y-~ ... --1 -..__ BR. unltJ. 2«1 AYOCado, • Lquna Beed\ the weekend Cement,· Concrete 6600 -............ CA'fe•ING N7I --.iy -,_,.........,. of Sept JTtb, (213) 13&-6561 ===l ~.:l·1;··:::::.i::::·m: u11N1T~~~~e1 .............. := ~:_: -BDRM .. ~Ytoo"~. Re1lty, Inc. atepa: to 6boN • Sbop9 CM. OWNER 5tU6l2 lxth.ntM, I. L WO betWtf'll 1 1 1 uk ior Ct'.tlatETE wen, pooldldal IAYIHO•EI ................ nu CIMllllT ~ ...................... !"'... • 2025 w. Bel.boa Blvd., NB Oceanview from rif!l:Y A~ ' ' 6060 11 AO\E8 maaniftcmt octan &the • llPldalJJyl Patios Block =~~L~::R••.::::::;;::::::::! ~~::f.ftfot.,u~·::::::::r,: Bn*er 5.lf.'980 rn.38S3 Eft1. ~ tra:n Sl50 mo QI). 1-luil""' ltent1f view South Lcuna. hilltop ~ON a1na11"'1 ·wart". &G-1111 ' .._i,;.. UMIVl:RSITT l'AllC ............ nn e.t.•reT CLRANiH ' .. .... ......... -~ • • 1Rv1111 ........................ m1 u•P•Tu.YbfoaaPAiii·..,. 5100 $8S MOfltH 2llSHarbOr' CM land new Roekwe11 found ~ In vldni17 of BEST in concrtta. Walb, a1oc1e llAY · .................... n41 DU•••••• ..., COlta Melli REAL ISTATI · , • • A·~"· plaot .. ~--Yor'~ • e •• ~ Blvd. poo1 . ---~ L\ST ILUI',. .................. 2241 ................ •· ,._,..., ..... _ ...,..,. ,...,,., ... • ~ .-- IRVINI: Tl!•IU.CI ........... nu OEMOLITIOll .................. utl • Gen.ral Modem ~um IQ ft, am. ltrUctian. $1T,000 per acre. 9lil-MM KJ...85lt ~~~:_: o•L llllA• ........... = :~N~':tA~'ltVICI .... -.... = (Incl ALL Utll) "' -tn •out on 2 WQt llirl• etnr home. 1--::-===-=-==...,..-I ·· .................... •ou•,M•lllT Ri:iri'AU ·::::::: .. HARBOR Ront I w ~• 5990 ·-~., ···--~·--ou1o. en•>_., M•• A11n..~ATE White •CUSTOM PATIOS• IAY ISU.NDI ................. SIM Pl!NCIN• .... Larp: 1 BR. upltljrl apt, I I in.... rwu ~~ ~ ~ OCIDCl'ett -·-;~~JiL~su.ND ............... =~ l'Looa1 .. :::::::::::;:::::;::::.... peJnted lmide N ' or a'l' .. 1210 penkn e&t with ilea coUar. A ttuNT1NoToN inctr :::::::::i1• l't.1RNAc1 R•rA1•s..., -... w• GREENS newly • ev ./ FAMILY retum1lla from w•e~uSE ·-+ Ccmi!!' ol. 19th • Anahel1l, State Uc.• ~1010 l'ouMTA1N VALi.SY .......... M11 :~:~:~lN~ii:Vicn· ........... Hoar HolpttaL Prefer dl1tl. Europa 1n Dee detlre )lf&I' ~.., -sq. ft. R. L Wintff· 6240 c.M. 6'&-6121. aft• a· P.M. l==========I lllAL •ucN ................. we C1RA01N• 011c1Q ......... ..-Rltr. 6f6.6lrfi ltue on unflrnllhed M . br otnoa, eooo IQ ft fnod hdtp • Chll~ C•re 6610 ~:::.·~~nm·:::::::::::::=: ou.ss • '.,·,:··········:::::::::::=: BACHELOR • UNFURN. NEW P 0 RT HI dew a y bouae, EanenJd ~or vftw yard. U55 ~ OJyn Rd,. wi.TDt.iRcm' home with BASSE'ITF __ ._,_ ,.1!,~ !._~ ~? IAMTA ANA .•......•••••..•••.. U11 Oltll'M TnUMI ········-······-,..._...._ ..... or lte brohr m.IQIVU UUUJll WU&. ""'"" --· ~· <m:>.:o......vvw WllTMllUTI• . ' .............. 9'12 OUN INOP \''' ................. '711 from $1 00 avdlble Oct. lSCl. 2 BR. ~. Anll8ble Oct 11-24 cb:k on .:iiuth aide Udo We. 60-"'3 \,AA>•A ~ .-~ MIDWAY CITY ....... ,,,,,,,, .. Ml• MULTN CLUU .............. 1711 ~.. ·-· ..__ to dUoaa, J. A. r--. Bal .. __ Island Send -...t-.1.-to Bax M•:==-.,,.--,--,--f Ue'd. -'&9 W.. Ope. T a.m.-IAllTA AllA Mll•Hn ........ MM MAULIN• ..................... •nt bJcl. utn. ... .-. c-Y"-• .. -.pea, opei .._...... 8Vllllil ..---· 'lf'otllm Jamal I COAl'fAL ...................... me r:TuJ::ii ... "'=r:uTIN """"'nt beam ceillnp, $165 mo, biabco, P.O. Bax 505 , 350 C/O 0.lb' P!Jot : "' nn, 5:«5 p.ro. P1ume4 ~ LAGUNA llACN .............. E'.S INCOMI T • ..... Im ·l ~ 2 .i; 3 BDRM. utlls brl. adultJ. 546.am l.,una Beadi Odea 0( Two. Sl!'iCI 6 $1'15. &USINI$$ Ontl .,... .._ Call IDd i&enUfl J\eu. n.tea. 5&990:.t u.ou11A 111eu1L ............. m1 IRON oru~i;.ik,"'"·"·"• PURN il tJNFURN JUtr ~ ~ :~ ~::~~riiU.NO''.'.'.'.'.'.~ 1•0Ni11G ............... :::::::::= Hated Poot., Ollld Can ! BR Bullt-inl. *med aeU-1·2BR.ruRNor~b!l. . . lllNANCfAL ' aaw care bl 111.Y bomt. u•inu.No 10c" ... -.. """ 1Nsuu.T1Ne1 .................. "" inp, fireplace, 2 b&tba. 1 ~le, wartdnc dtce OHi Rent 1 6070 BIA " wbt. mile· ~t With North fflillthcbt · !leldl OAMA POINT . . ............ v" :=~~~r.C...'\ui9 "~·"·:: Center, AdJ. to Shoppina: -block to beach. lhia@nt (a.C.J., Oftr '21) • ce I . ' lus. Opportunities 6300 dvtt collar; In vkinlb' ti.. ) vu. Rda. tts:.em . e~~~:~~E.c,o,.uT~~ ·•••··•· = JAlllTORIAL .. .' ... , ......... :::.,,. ND pets allowed Goodwin Oo. <n4) 'l'D-9™ wor1dna wife. No kids.,., . LAGUNA ,llACH CANDY KalNr Scbool._~.M. ~ OU'itii, .~ Lad)'.·Q~ ~ suMMIR 11:1NTAU .::::::: ... m• JIWl:LltY 111rA1., ltc. .,. .... -. 2700 Petenon Wa:t, at H.,.. or l!'VI!'. Ptl1'-_ --Air Co•d(t(--·• SUPPLY ROUTI. ' iRTii!iE ld ...... -"'"' 5 -.---. •-. ~~ coNDOMIN1UM ................ ltU ~Nose.t.,IN• ................ "1• her" Adami, Costa Meu. WXURY ~boat •~t> -1 ,...._ " 811911 '"""" _., -----"J.T ...... _. .r~ .oul'L1x11 •uu .......... ,..m1 ~~~~"aiticK ·:::::::::::·:: 546-0370 avail; pool; 2 Br. 2 s.. $115-boUlle f15 • SllO leue OK. ON J'ORES".t AVJ!:NUE <Put or l\iJl nme> cid, vtc. 3ltb A feubort. $4.50 a.y. 648-6219 RENTALS MOVING 'I. tTOIU.el ........ ·"* 1375, Bkr. 615-211fi * 5f:2.629l * D.t a;acu 1ve.llabll tn ...__,,_, ·---._ ._, .._ 615-6108 amn c.-. ~ • mt l'AINTINCI, 1'•"""•1111 ...... f.IM t:1t dfict MnA1-at &.M.-..al ~IN' ,_ up., Hou-Unfurnl1hed ,,.,..,,.,,...................... LARGEIJlll.2Br.2Ba.apt. FREE SERVICE TO .. ,. -~111-:;:::o_ -work. eo.,. orOHIU>'STri.,.Jo,Tlc.Bad< -.•1• <Pmandl GIHllAL . · ............ , . .-::~~°c::.UPHY····· ............ = Excellent, pct -Uke 1Ur-New drpe, cptl. Year. lit. OWNIR-MANAGElt ~ •• =:.. ~=:' Evetl ~and Collect· Bay. Call A id an tlf)' Narth kB. Ml-0855 .. -- , f:llti:~uMA:R .. :::::;::;:;.:;:~:; :~:;~~·· ••. .._. ... .._ roaodinP for adulta ~ $161.50. tif.tm'J EYes. ~;;;;;.. bea~ inc Money from.(:dn ,ap.r.. M2-lm MllA VllDS .... -......... 1111 POODLI .. --·· 1 ............. lllM_ tn,..~-A quiet. ~• .... ~~ 2 Br 2 Ba ·• ~ .. flQKER ua ! · • ~ T'W--Ill ~-voUNG ~---Vic COLLEOI •AAIC ............. JIU l'OOL IERVICI .......... DWcrimln& l'ILIH ,,...........,._ . . You atltct )"OW' own tenant panel.s putittonm&. T w D ·-...... ...,........ ....~-•" .. • ~ ... -. . NEWPORT ••1ocM ............ noe l'OWJa sw111r11f9"'""" ··•• Uve Tenant.I Acrou from tbco'•· 1e ACTIVI RENTALS eDtrancel: J'rmtlca on Cbunly and .U'l"OIDlirla: Fairview A Newport BlYd., ::::~=~ ~:::11 ··:::::::::::: ruMr •••v1c1 .... :::::::::::=: 1. 2 il 3 BDRM. .APTS. lrYine $185 to $200. "2-0239 .S3.41,12_ . Fot't9t Aft .. rte' leldl to areu. qtandlfs NMU::o Pro-c.M. Identil)'. 5t!Ml835. llAYSNOAEI ............... ans ~~~J,11~ ··~"i:;L ""··· .. ··'"' POOL. NO ClilLDREN ,. MUDdpal -Iota. '50 dUCb and Nationllly Advfr. a ... --, Tie Del Mar A .EJ. DOVlR fKOllls ............... m 7 REMobe.1J:G & RE,..Aiii"'"::: MARTINl"'UE N-rt H..._ 5210 RD'lNm Quiet retired ..,_.. _ _. Wl!STC\.IPI' . . " ........... 12>1 •IMODIL!Ne ICITCNINI "I" ••-pll' mcmth for spiCI• DIM" u.Q ~'. ~ toQJ doQ; C. it Cd Ii likutit;y, UlllVIRSITY l'AllC ........... 1211 sc111o•s 1HAara11 ........ •:g GARDEN· A-. lad¥ need '*1Jy Unt 1 Bd Uld dWn a•allablt flor •. CIUb ~ n-..o .. 1 ...__. .. -...-. l\llNI .................... -.. -ll'WINO .... :,._ r•~ CUSl'OM: studJo apt. A4iltl Rm ecit tn CM. No peta, ~ ,..._... ,,__. ::c: •AY · .. " ............... n.. s1w1N• MAC:HiN1· itil'.OAib itu 11th Ana c over 18. 3 Br. 2'it bath. max 15 Mo. Cao 66-:WO ~ ._. InttMft: MIM, ado MALTESE klttan bt 5 ~~~:!A'*'i~~~:::::::::::!: ;~r~i1~:N•~. ~ .. ~::=: Call~ =eraon· ~ J'tvlc, pn P*Ho. tltc: Jett • a11er e. :"1:ai~~ '~ ~ =~~ cKd. v1c. 31th ar ~ I ALIOA .................. ·'* l••M1T1 cotmtoi. .......... •m lm SUrta Ana Apt us c M sep din rm pool. $350 mo. DESPERATE 1o1~--. m.61!19 l~Y llU.MDI ............ -... SIM y\t:· f::: &'Mi;Mi""'"'"'4 • • · · ~ 6., 6 It I l'amil7 W/4 ~· P.O. Sox 38t6, =,,..,.,,_...,..,--.,-~ LIDO ISLI .................. *"' TRiiii llRVICI ....... ,,, • .......__ • Mil behaved ldda need. 3 DAILY PllDI' Anaheim caw. 9'Jlm D~tAL Nt:l.in• lcKmd (13 aALaoA isu.110 .............. ~" Te:L1v1110N • ··iri"ii'rC."' "" NEWLY DECORATED --...... BR. home Jn be9dl ·--•• m J'OREST A1rrtJI~ • Beadt tn ,_.. ___ -.. ··-N•wrc•T Wl"IT .......... ans UP'NOLITeRY "" .,,,., --. .,..,... • ..,.., Dlslrlbutonfll ----MUNTJNeToM ••ACM ....••... *4• ··········· ·····'"' 2 BR. w/1V9P. bltnl . dis-N rt Sho OI 5220 to $150. Refs. Box p.e LAGUNA BEAOI p ~~-v-HUNTINGTOM MAR BOU I ..... MOS WliLDINO . ffn -1 -water -u _..,,. r n..v .. Pilot MUI a-"'vunU"; .nc.r•i call • l'OUMTAIN VAU.IY .......... :MU JOBS &. EMPLOYMENT -.-... -------~ 60-0250 suL •ucM · ·· · ··· •··••· ..... Mse JD1 wANTEo Mit11 ,_ %116-F PIMl!Dtia Ave. -$115 NEWPOKT SHORES WANTm 1 BR wmn Apt, J«JDl2lN OITIO: .SUITE Full & Part Time OAllOEM GROVI .............. M71 JOI WAllTID: .............. ,.. '""" n ,.,. ___ ,._ Avo .• ~~ 2 BR•~ on yo••'• I-'"-o ~. LONG llACM ... ' ............. me JOB WANTED ...• .•. • ~ 611K81... ~'IN -ual -C.M., Newport, O:ir:cna del $115 per momb. SincSe omc. No lllllilC -..v' OllAMOE COUllTY ·············"* MEN I WDMilll -can Betwttn u flGll. mo 548-1290 Mu t ------. fl---Sect ...nee ""'~--JAJITAAMA .................... MU OOMEITICllELP ............... 711! -• or---·0 ~mo. """"' _.. ,..,_-~ tD ... appolntedGOll>Channbrae1let w11TM1NsT1• ................ Mu ACllNCl•S. ,_ .::::~::.;:::::n• • 636-4120 • Gar or csrpart necetalf7. 1.erQX. carpm, air cond., to 9ll"Vlel rdafl wtJtb e. ·"-'--'ty 3.,~, 1 3._,_: MIDWAY CITY , ................ 111' MILP W.llCTID MH 1* Ea-Bluff 5242 .e.•"-..i-1-Mrfictl -""""• "'""""' • _......... ».NT& ANA Me10Mn ......... we AG1Nc111 ,,.;.... .......... ,,.. Gracious Adult Living •• ~ aftno 5 p.m. ........... • r--•· tllbUlhad 11)' the ccmputy Inn. s ch arm. "Kr11tin COi.iTAL ................ 1100 HILP wANTID wftM.i ...... , .. 2 BR 1u ~.. I ON.nee O:lunty ~ Bids (KcdU -...i.-1 ...._ ... _.._ .. '-lAQUHA llACN ........ : ..... v• Jol1-Mt11 a w-.... ...... 75" , 71 .,.. , w w cupeta, PRESTIGI Town ·Homes 3 BR Home. Leue or i... 230 E. lTlh St., "-""" M...'. .... .,.. ........ _ _._ Ktllit, Kevid." 1tewan! $50. LAGUNA NIOUl!L ............. 11'1 AGINClll Miii 1 w.Mitj ..... 7SH -... ~· -For loa .. , I br • d"' • • br 'ff/ -~· m • ....,.i-oppoftanlty '"" -• u... IAN CLl:MINTI .............. mt ICHOOLI .I. IMl'TltUCTIOH ::::1. _ _.. ' "l' ... _ • • _, ...wa a,.. Jt.. Nattrftl JUtr. ec.lASS • '"'•w'"""'' ,;'~=·=,...,--,--. CAP'ISTIU.NO ............ mt JOI ,. •• ,. .... ATIOll ,.. -pool with 2 or nt batba. Gold tendancf ll'tt. Ph. se..mr . •$50 JtE'WARD for Ntmn cl CAl'lnllANO 11.t.cM ......... 11>11 TMl!AT•K:AL · · ....... ,,.. Mell Eait Apt ·•-~-POOL attlp.m. 21lOOMO!ftolnawOIC1f1To llQlllf1 mwit M•t car, 1_, -• _ ' ~:=~~~~i~M ·:: ... ::::::::::·:;: MERCHAND1sE· ;c;·R t'6 E. 18th sti.:m.t Medalllon .u CIC\OU"'· RETIRING Marina SersMnt Hall. CarpeU • drapH. ao baWt m, and moo.trm0 ~ 1n r~"A:T'i: Dt.1,.L1x1s uNl'U•N. ......... nis SALE AND TRADE z.car pr. Rmt IWtl at __ __.._ 1 BR -·· ~ -·. utl. inc. MUMO . hmmDmt WUrld bJ ID---...... ••~ -... . IUMMll lllNTAU ......... ,.,,, $2:50 mo. ~ '-"'l"I' y .__ \;all _...NliW RENTALS ~~=rc~~:u· ... nUlll .::::::: = .... 8~2 '!. ~Br GAE &n471 Amllol Way, N.8. HB .... 5'0-r'rG I ~ ..... ,-2. tDdult.; ~M·-For7 n.,~_. '"1~ J'LUJTY Grey klttm White Apts. Furnished Ol'l'ICI •outl'ME"1' ............ , _...... • ., . ptt. ........... .... .. _. qtra. -.... o.I~ .--. w----.i .. -N s.nea 'Ana • no•• 1ciu1,MINT .......... •11 ~ drps, hltinl. ease to Room ~ R 1 5-. o:i.ta MeM. 6'&-2Ut dude""'--runber ---r . OIN l lU.L .................. c.u:s. RISTAU•AMT .......... 14 ........ il Khia. Olildren OK Coron• del Mar 5250 I ... r '" 77"1 _, _,......... • 23rd. QI, •1t1-1m COSTA MllA ..................• , .. •&R eou1rM1MT ............ "1S ...... & · .,. ......... ,, ._ d BEAUTD'UL cftlce lipaCe ta INVESTOR WANTED • .._. B--•··• -· MllA v1•0• ................. 111 MOUllNOLD OOODI ........... nio up. . nuvm _.. WOmilft I)' .J-• ......,.,.. ''"~ N1wPORT ''"c" ............ •no ......... ,ML• ................ 1n1 m•eou •. A t 2 M _ ~·-. ••-~, u Glmdal• F-. B\da., Your $10,000 wW :PUt a lore ··-~·"; lkilnaed, ....,: N1wroRT "'''"n .......... <n10 l'U•N1Tu11:1 AUCTION ........ Inf eae AW-. P , gr. • WUIAe'I' --. ..._ OBI JO Mo."' 615-3793 ee:Sed .... """'""" ~--· ...,.,....., Nawro•T IHOllJ ........... •n• 4PPLIANCIS ................ 11• ~ dt11n!. E. l9tll St. CU. · n ...... ..,. u.11,N-T ed. Vic. new 'T'. 546-9351• Wl!ITCLll',. ...•.....• ·•'JO l.NT1au1:1 .....•. -... 1111 SHARP 2 •-iu di in 54• ._ prodgct on tha rnukel Wttb-1---------UMIVl•slTY PAlllC ........... m1 11w1No MACNINI ........... i1Je ac • .,. St.. Stu D, .....: ...-..1• L....... 6100 In p r '· •••s IACIC IA y ' ............... 4'HD MUSICAL INIT•UMENT ....... 111 Like new' Crpta. d~ Nr PRIVATE ••• cne ,..,, it will be ..m-,_._ ... _._m ______ _ •An ILUl'P .............. att Pl.llllOS. DR•ANS ............ 11• ooc IL Sou. ... ........... ....:, ___ • llelptns nn .. 1nC )'01I tn txeelll <i $200001 COAONA DIL MA• ........... IHI •ADIO " ..................... --UI ...... L r..u. ON TEN A,_..,.., bl&& Non llDOker 8 ot ~fflcent ' * 5111..i... Ad ..... * IALIO.l ............ ,., ... ..00 TILIVll!Ofll .............. , .... OM $1'5 5f9..1225 ~ • ' lift' )'9al' fl'arn DOif 00. J .,,_. ~ IAY Ill.A.NOS ................ AJM Ml-1'1 & ITl••o ............... alt . 1 • 2 BR. Furo 6 Unfum ~W>';.40IM. • t2(l. Aftt:r 1:30 IW Lot hMr1Oft!!'100"""' twtomen You • .,, _ _. ....__ " ... LIDO llLE ............... 4ll1 t A•• 1t1co•o1•s ......... "* LA.RGE db:. 2 Br., 11$ ba. I p v•-.u $58 9maD llut lewl La &....l..~ """"'L ~ • w IALIOA Ill.A.ND ....... , ..... AUS CAMl•AI a EGUlrMIHT ..... G £ bl ... -ta_,_, .,,,. Frplcs Pri / atiol I • ' In th9 111UWJU7 wlit1nc 1D 10 MW --i .. ~ mobth MUNTINOTOM aUCH ......... 44tl HOllY IUPl'L1as . ............. · · i -· '"" PoDla. Tennis • Coctnfl Bk· NAnlNSTS, 2 br, $15. tllCh. l\znl Boadl kit, $10):). dn., -· ~ ~•--_.. _ _.. _, ~-•., ._ A.a ,.ouN'"'N vAu.•Y .......... 441• sP'ORT1No GOODS .............. E 16th PL CM 548--"32 tcint u-... ..___, MA en•> _.mo ..........,., u... -....... ..,. ---llAL llACN . . .............. 44H l lMDCUU.••· ICOPU ......... • . flt. 9 bola Putt/Gl'HD. ! ilLQM' prtv-. H.B. UllL -mo. •1· Call afttr lD A.M. for -5 ~ ~:.~-:~~·· .. ··········:: ::ll'~'t:T'.0tf' ................ , L4RGE 1 Br. near occ a 800 98. Lane ow ~XU 9ID-3l2ll .. Afters. TJ\iPLtX 1ot oo a tan. <n•> -.-.. ~ .!!..~ -· · · .. _ ._ .. _ ,.., ............. ' ................. I Soutb O>llst Plata .,.._,_ 1 Q;ft ... ,. l4'JIJ w ,........, 41'--· !JARDIN Gaova .............. 4411 MACHINIRY, ltc. .......... ··'"' · "'"'""'' (MacA.rtbur nr Coast H-) ROOM for_. Go Wtrt Wallaff CM K-lot~ Ool I -~--~~ · WISTMIMITlll .................. 11 LUMll• ...................... ant drpa, abutJ. $125. 5t1-1225 ' ··~ ·~., -' • ' ..., -n9 ftto IWfMtlf -..•uul ~ .,...,., ~IOWAY CITY .................. ,, ITOIU.01 ...................... 1111 ~. M. required .• No IUb. Owner Box N2, Golden opportunlko in bMch 4111 llS-3200. IANTA AKA ........................ IUILOIN• MATl•IAU ·······"* Whit• tlepbani.! Dlm•·•·Une QIABGE m 89'1·2399 beton 2:30. 8«lon&, Aril. v .=;...;;,;..;...;.;e.-_,~-~ SANTA AMA Mll•KTI ......... ~ IWAPI •. '"' • area. PhJ!Ups • Serv1ce MALE Bui necu .. D .. Jn Tu1T1N ... . . ............... -PETS and LIVESTOCK LOt GoU COUl'lt vttw SSOOO -.."-. 1 1 ··-~~ ~ 11 COA17AL ................... A1eo ''" .. IMIU.1. -Newpert Belch 4200N ort Inch 4200N' ... ch 4200 ' ......... or ...._ .a.w.1 .... --.. .., me LAeUNA IUCM .............. •IN <ATt ............. _ ~~ ewporf eqo!ty. WW Mil OI' tf&dt, D ... -ui. A Martn. Dr,, .._..._...., wom&ll for COD)o LA•UNA NIOUeL ......... ,, .. 4"1 ' •···· ................... -... •U_4,_ ......,_ ...,..,._,,. IAN CLIMIMTI .............. 4111 D09I ....... , .................. ..,, 1.:-'-'i-======= Newport.Beacb; 321.MaJnA pal\lbp A flm. Send bUIW, DANA l'OINT 41 .. MO•ID ., .................. · ... j Ml~ /&~fl' I; ~ ...... u.-• n...1. ,.,,_ h < l ~ .................. LIYllTOCIC -d.fiQ Q.• .,._.,, n111a. ._; lJM 8. IL!UC, p DO.. reoen _..o , ~:~,~~11Ttf'M":::::::::::: .. ::=: CALIFORNtA L'rv1NG P\!o -p CltrwGNftl 6175 BrlltDI • wllahiN, aanta &oBW,JJHl~~HB RENTALS Nu1t11a1u ................... .,.. i Aila. Cmtect: Chuck AL(J)HOLICS ~ I L-~ IW'IMMIM9 l'OOU ............ IM ... ! .. 4 N-p'-tf-'Lt .. .s wr-i .._ __ ,_.a-• ,..__ .. t.t... PIE •AJD ~~ Apia. Unfurn ,,_ • .,.., ................ :............ "" 0 -,. __ .,.,....,......,~ _,_,_ .... ~~er -50-7217 .. wrllo lo • •n111•1 .............. , ....... .,. n•· -ruo n•· n··~ PO .__ 4-,..__,_ ... c:rT~'!-L, ... ·.:::::::::~:::::::r.: T"rANS1PORTA.TION... Gt.onano-latfwJ rl 'IM INTIRm .~·:-.... -·_::: .. -~ ............. Miu v1•0• ................. 1111 four con.led wonk be-...._.., .... ~ ~-,~A -ta 6410 llllWl'OllT lllACM .............. IOA'fl& YAtNTI .......... ... .... -· --i...-.o.. Tbnalllrumdnl--· W'8 avallblf. JU •• tn.at n MIWl'O•T Mll•HTI .......... nll t.AILIOATI ............... Mi• te our ........ --)'HJ', call DOW. Mlfct the ltnM.tlOn 0( tha ___ 1--,-,.-•• -u--.-lth-.---~-.. -NIWl"O•T SllDlU ........... SDI POW911 CIUllftl ........... ... I I ·-1 • L n.. TV9119 WllT(Lll'I' ............. ,IUI .,. •• D-11:1 IOAT .............. "'E p T I ~ propert;y to .Wt )'OW ... R.tNonoblt snuid &of .. UM~VllllrTY rAaK ........... 1211 IOAT TllAILl•S •. '..:.l. .......... fm -• dori Try th1a 5 Acre navtil -· OID m--"'. Ill ~~.~ ~tto llACICllAT ..................... .,. •OAT MAIHTllMA ..... _....... 1• 1 1 r 1 -• .._ ... ~ " .... "" UST ILUl'I' " ............. na •OAT U.UNCHI.. ............. lf'OY• cofnlll'ic tnto fbli lift> I Pl(. --u•••G-co•oMA o•L. MA• ........... nM MARINI 10111,, . . ... ...... ,,. I _ _ ~ J"\all --n.t itM :=3::1 O'l'l'.llol#Wn -----• IALIOA .. "'""'""""'··-IOAT-SLfP, MOOlfll• .... , ... MN ,,_ _ _.,.,.,.,. Sq;Jlftllle1Mt ~ ,..._ -10... U JD IAY UllANOt ......... -......... ""' Jllt\ltcll ................. I J'ar. OOll)plite .ieetkn ~ _..-::::::,. • .......-... t' ..,,,_ • LIDO IJll ................... 1111 IOl.T lllllTALJ .................. LED A. ---..... ..O....I'-........ It ._ .. _ ... _.-_ .. _ ..,.,. JO ..... pm LU.IOtfo ISU.llfD ,, ............ Jm IOAT CMAltTSI ........ -......... _ ! .,_.,,,. -911"_.....,.. uui.; Bes Ji t• Oal:r P'Uot llt .. -~ HUNTlll•TOfll llACM .............. l'llHlll• IOAT$ .................. l I I r r w Small with ~ -~., 1'0Ulf1'Alll VA.LUY .......... Mii IOAT M0\11"9 ................... ,:LLJf ' A I ·-B.adt. (21S) ..,,. laAL IUCM .................. MM MAT ITMA91 .... _...... ..... ~ IMC ftC. f V91f t n..... .1:•10 -• "°"• 111oeN ...................... '°"Tl •AMTWo .............. ~ f. lilt.,, ""'-A n 11•~ zrr:· .. Oll/Jltll COUllfTY , ........... Mii °'lllCIU." ................. fl l 0 '--.-.an. 'tt. ·~ Punef'ltl .. 12 0A11Du ••ov• ................ " l'LYut• ustotn ............. ., 1 NAiis Oniwt. Oallf. AC.nVE Or 11eat \Wtnlrj;~=:;::::r;;;; WIJTMlll"11• ........ -..... Mil .. ,La HOMll ............... flilt Fct ""'" df--t.... ha.._ NJ..-.......__ ._.._ --IDoll --I MIOWA'I' CITT ................... " MOl'oa ~ .... -......... l'J'll I --"' ... -.. . .£.W# ...... _, .. ,..., 0 r w--•-IAWTA .-..... ................. ...,. arcYCL11 ...................... weight problema "1 'Miik In nwbtt. wtttudioM A .,,.,... ,..., U.HTA AffA MllOM11 ............ ILICTlltc CAltl ............... I -···--L -"""" ....................... -M""'"" ~ ................ "" •1,my • eep. Haw f'!o rr1 Iha HOW'S THI :.."::.~"':::;_ .. " !.' : .. '! MIMOlllAL PAIK ~O:,~L aWM··::::!::::::;:::: =-=~~ ... ;··::::::::::: .. :: N' 0 XVI C on~-1 Qllt.• ... ~="°Pro~--~ -.1113""' ..._ .... u._ • ..,.._.,.,-u.eu11A llt•UIL .......... """ AUTO HllVICID. , ... .,. ........ -• • -...,...""'y-, • ~ • -, IAlf CLllMlllTI .............. 1111 AUTO foou a 1ou1,, ....... Mt• A. c..i. tM .,..... ~ TIMI FOi er.nae A,,. .. Clf, C..W.f!::otw,_,.lo IAN .1u...-C.VlltaAllD ..... .J7tl nlAUAa. TU.!taL ..... -...... .. 1.a. :i.:.tfle ~ -~ o.t.tu. POINT ...... , .......... 1141 -m1t.1as. .._, ............... ..,. LL.- UAL ISTAT• ,. . .!!!" .............. -...... -""'._ • -"'UICI( CASH lo 1-· · '320 C..•llfY .... Gonerol .., t'LW.~;~:::::~::::::::51 'I' ' •i• -,,_ •1• ,.,....._ ..................... --..... .,.. .......... i THllOUGH A • .,._ .,, '"'Trt • • Ciiio 00Mrtt1~ .... ~ ..... .Ml J11011T uq_ ~'!ll!.!.!'""'".... A'fd. tar SIOCl lit er W TD K'NJM 1 ai .. 'I UNI' •ur.u.s w: ............... AWTMMtlL "-'UilJQ _....... m. w .,,~ e.m. ~ ..-_ -,_ ~ •OO!ll'S "" ••11T ........... ..... It.Cl CAat. llOOI ........... D "l.Y PILOT llr ·~------•-•-•r. · ........ ..,. .,,,..,._, ,............... ,. ·--•-· llo_.,hlma ;B~W"..J::.L•• coum =: ~~~~ .. :::::;:::::::::: •• ,. __ ...._.._ ,.... ..... ~--. ... ,.,... M•IC ...... u -.... ........ .................. SCIA ... • .,_ ANSWll IN CLASSIFICAnoN -oo WA.Hr U .., -...,. ·~"aw,. -OfCOMS NOf'lllTY ............ u1ao CA&I ........... -.... -"""'51• 17 !PllD1~!t!d!!!!!•~·~,,~---~!!!~~--------·J i. , , IAJB f:AIHI c. L A s· 5 I F I E D IRIT I • llYll j • I --. , -· DAIL~ flLOf '-· Oc-u. 1961 I * * * * * * SR•vlCLDIHCTOltY JOIS a lM~OV,,_l(T IOU.A UU!l.O'tMIH\ J0&S & ~OYMINT JOU & EMPLOY/tllNT JOU & EMl'l.OYMENT JO&S & IMPLOYMINT Upholltt!l 6990 Htlp Won...i. -72llO HtlpWMhd,-7200 • Holp w1nleil HolJO:::'"" Aoencl11, MM & khool"ln1tructl•n 7600 CZYKOOKl'S o..tOO> llpbol• • w-7400 7400 w-7550 . ...... -~ 1$:. -Co. J. w. 1tcibl-'• **** ..,.. ~ Floandtc • ._ r.ll>lao'*"!I I . e U.ElllC jZPIST bolltl A alrtO'a. &d.J.CSC. l&n Newporta-h --pin ESCllOW ........... -.T)'pe Premier N...,,... Bhd., C.11. . N-e Stomp & Coln OFflCER EO '*1llrl ell!!Ctric. VOTE JOBS & EMPLOYMENT SPORTING GOODS' Dlplrtmonl . e PERSONNEL CLElllC SALESMAN Slliot.nd__..._ PollUon avtillb&e ID o.r Now- Dlvtnl&d dutn. ~ Job Wonted, LAdy 7020 rd time em~enl tlon. _ ..... - .....,,.,wpm_ 'PDSOHNIL FOlt A Xlnlpl,)'~ but not a mmt. port --MW-Part ttm11 I: AM: to 12: noon Computer OFl'lCE Work/ ....... 0.-.. ........ mu:J:I ftVll ,..,.. ~ _ .. ,_,_ ....... In AlHNCY tlonlat/ N>llc Rdatkm • """""' to pvtlcipola APPLY PERSONNEL ln ..i. fllCl'OW and loo pro. M..._Call....,.....i~ --by -:..O"':r.!! %.."'.1' ... lM Mon ttJN !'rt --belamlllu ' (flt) 49t.&tOl 441L17fti It. AGE Wl21•11p Wll'ltt WMddyl; Gott woman . llaYI .... Foliilon ltlond with lcana ·cm l!utd land.. TELONIC ..... - SPECIAL CWSIPICATION FOR -·"' ""' _ .. AJ>l'IYln-Newport Beach Interviews wUl .,. conduct · ENGINEERING CO. -· NAT\JltAL ~RN SWAPPERS al:tlo. 642-2931 OI' wri~ B. Pmncy'1 F-I-An.....i-"'"1 .. tid tn cu mah!.~~ Lt9un• &;each, c;eUf. 11M L 17th St. CAREER Spoclol ltlle . Budd<. 21S Tua"" I'll t :30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. ...-C.U PtilCl•ld depcr:bnen I AD,....i-Santa Au ·--Stlmoo-5....._ CASHIER Monday U.. Frldoy I o r app:datment.. (21S ) ... _ 141-tnl COMPUTER IWL.U -AD MUn INCl!Jl>a . w A1'l'RlSS Equal opportunity .......... OUQ$1 S~ARY: accurate typ. PROGRAMMING l-Wl'*t .. .... .. ....... .......... c. .... tr--. u-21 lbett\Y), but.,.,.. Hobby Dept. . ln&:, telephone., clerlcal, fo FEMALE 20W1tb ._YDUll ..... _., • ..._, ...... et .......... rxpnitnee. Tryq to pJt MClllCICJel' Glendlle ' .....,,HIMe l"09' IAL• -faADU otilLYI Newport Bnch actverti&lnl Total C~pt coune In PHONE 64W671 tw.tfbmd throuib law ICtlOOl. RE PAID -·-BUSBOYS 'Retail toy ""' -- arenc;y. Knowleda:• 0 f computer programming. To Pio .. y..,r Troder'1 Porodbe Ad DeeCk expertenc@d n-.n 1D Federal SIYings ad'Vertiai,.-he'2ful but not A new. up-to-elate p,..,... ·-· DISHWASHERS --. .....,._,.. euenttal State talary tx• --25 Good quality oil ...... Port Owi.otte Florida, kit MATlmE Lody wtU do Conlad MR. STEM. &M-0081 ....... Box ...... Doll> ... $500 r1tion for 1 lrlaht Fu-- inp., D1rope&n artilb, all a>xl.25 ft. 2nd door from wa-housework S2 hr for • tn • PU« Auto ~nee pttferttd ture C1 r•r. (named, up to 24 X 4A ln lenrny, tree A: dear. 'l'Nde day. """' ooll'· ......., or Full Tlmt Karts Toys «r:l North Brand EAR.ti YOUllSELP' but train woman sizie. Approx:. $500 value. hr oqulty In home, duplex, 6'1Ml92 T&.W Evonl"9 Shift SO F11hlon l1lond ci.n.w.. Calil. A MERRY CHRISTMAS with varied I bookkeeplns" COMPUTE)l-AGE f'or car, or ! 644-2002 uni.ta etc. ~1441 aft 1. PART-TIME Clrl Friday, Newport Beach "" -Opp. !>nployor lellintr exclwdv. BEAUTY b&eksround. DRAFTING WANT: Olev. ot Ford truck :Ji' 1WIN SCREW Olbln Steno work, A.M. P'clttTed, ._ .. _ Civil ,,,..,,..,.. • W1lfrff1 .. OOUNSELOR Kilto. u ... Ap~caot "'fs ho 24-to-36 wHb Modern van. Have Larnbfttta Silver Ouiser ftr late model pld(-experienced. 96&-2i93 9-5 p.m. * CIVIL DESIGNERS • Food Chockor ttttlled ill a career or pt. olory 500 tr•lnlng lncludn Ml- So<dol ISO. Hal only 635 up & camper, alS> U" ftbef. NURSE. Dependable. Exp,, RfUBBI E. lfE DRAFTSMEN • Cocktoll Wottreu tlm11 faahion businels call Shortha.nd 100, type 60. vanced conceph In mlll!s + ca&h. Gets 0/100 glag -... ""'" shots: car; ~ 1713) Mon exp'd In d>dlv!m> APPLY JN PERSON 6'r.j...fil85 or 962--llJlO One to two yn ott1ce drafting and technlc•I mi per pl. 5.'£.0071 saw.~. 631~2993 ln/OUL """'· S t r • e t dnicnen. AF1'ER 5 P.M. ·-"""' •xp. d"lgn to mMt the new Free & clear leued medi-Mqnlficmt Exec. M&Nicn! DAYWORK. Genenl aean-151 E. Cout Hlghwoy ~ .... d_ KARA M'S WAITRESS Stct'y Jr TraloN requirements of tod1y't t'"al tjdg. $ll5,tm. ·Want Im-"'-" """"L ..... ..,.;., trc. Elqlerienced. Reliable. H-rtllooch Must know ClrMce Co. It.an-SOI 30th Stroot SURF .. SIRLD1N ... $01 now-ldu l•bt. proved Comm!'l'C'ial or ID-flnelJt const, 4'1SO sq. fl '41-"'63 ......... Nowport Btoch 5900 Padf. Cout HWJ' • Type ~. short.band '80. AUTOMATION ~-Roy J. Ward CA $175,000. (eq. $100 Ml Trd, CARPET Oeening, wlndmn, E. L. Pusron & A'*---An excellent opportunity ...,,.,., carry 2nd. Bkr. 547..&e -'"""'"" • waxed, J. w. Robinson :B'll5 Blrd:!. St., N.B . e SALES-DREAM JOB e to obtain experience. Ex· ELECTRONICS walls washed. 531~ Cail N~ Harriaon 5tC).8!ll1 MOTEL Maida fc:r new 50 Keep your important job u cellent company beneftt&. 36wHkt HA VE: 6 DELUXE, 2 BR Newer 4 Br + guest hotJ.o!e, Hu openinia for unit motel, open.inc in CDlta wile &: mother & earn a Dlllwory Girl $103 Prep1rn you for Jobs In: units. Good net spendable + wrlc dlop. San Gabriel REPRESENTATIVE Men. Start 'oV'Ol'k Oct. 28th, wkly P9Y check. ~. WANT: 16 ot more unita: Valley. Trade for going btJS. Domestic Hele; 7035 • Outside Dra,.ry FOR STABLE CO, Interviews to be held aip. 5'4-3854,6J&.3497 Pick up I: delivery. Good Comput•rt Orange County. Call Mr. lness, prefer liquor or dr1J& s.1 .. ShaJ'1) in appeV&nce wltt. prox. Oct 23rd. Apply tn cbivin1 record. Know Communlc:•tlons MAnJREHouse keeper U eL Nellon 54().1151 Heritq:e RE store. 4!}2.1845 DOMESTIC ability to learn &: 11ell. Xlnt wr!.tm& statinz name, ad-FCC Llctnalng 1!i cu ft W"1i:nghouse refri&. Ocean View-Nr. Npt. pitt. A .... ........,.;llM opportunUy for right man, dtnl, telephone, qe, ex:· •anted. for 2 *1u1ta & lD Fiio ct.ru $111 Industry White. 2 yrs old, seldom 4 \alltl tum. Best rental Ma>Fri SAlary + bonus + comm. pttlenoe, to Box M-C:6, mo. baby. Pvt rm. bath. , ........ tl5ed. $125 value, tt'&de far area.. $58,SOO • take sm Me HELP Fuhicm bland Fer appt. call Mr. Payne Daily Pilot TV. Perm. Job only , Must be 5'4" tall I: hi&b PHONE: -frttU'r of aimpen.ble val-in tnlde. Owne" ,..,.,, N..._Beech 541·7182 Week.ends a: eves ochool .,..,,. 547-9471~ ~. 962-7ti89 Court ·Ave. 6T.J.«l27 An"luol-.... T.lOO • *WAITRESS* PRACNCAL Nurse • Addf"'°""C $325 '65 F'" Chuntry Sedln Sta-96 Ar:.. rec. spot nr. Idyll· •m-N.V.S. DISTRIBUTING Experienced boo8ekeeper for e I d e r l y Type 40 accura ly. Live in or Uvt out woman; no liftinr, live-in, tiOn Wagon. f\iD. pwr. and wild. riYer, trout """"· HousekHpers DISH MACHINE OVER 21 Newport Bcb. Call bef. S PIX •:;:r--lst ACADIMY OP 9.1.r. Value $1!0), Take P.U., Cilllnptr i-.ds; on hwy. Val. MAINTENANCE OPERATOR NIGIIT SHIFT PM 61J-5'DI COMPUTll TICHNOl.oe.l Motcrcycle, ! , trade 11,ic sq. It. Trade fDr local Excdsior~ MECHANICS <40 Hrs per wttk APPLY PBX e~ence, type 45, • dlvlllo11 of 847-1'l07 at n .oo sq ft. 646-1615 4:JJ So. Broadway, LA gm,3 Cost1 Mese Memorl1I FL YING BUTLER CHIW ~ fur year o!d front o ftce. Appearance U11lwnlty Ce ........ C.. {213) 683-M47 (21.31 63).1735 boy. My home or )'(lm'S. San Clementi! Income • 2 2 BR, 2 BA house, unique '-'"1 --Dept. Hotpltol 6™1171 Must be mature, capm!e, -no mlnJ skirts Cl' high S.1'9 407, Monti T.-r ltorH • 2 lobJ 2 offices l private beadi &: heated po<i., LIVE INS hu t openina hr men ex· 31.1. Victoria St., CM ANlst•nt lovine le-energetic. E. OJIJla hair dos. u.t ..... i.:s. .... Aptl • Will take TDs or bit-in kitchen. .fireplace. Employer i-YB 1tt1 perienced in genenl main. For lnteniew call Tolllypo Oporotor Mesa.. &CU483 aft. 6 P.M. N ....... Ald Tral-()mp, c.llf. 92'11 George Byland Agency smaller property. Make otl· Sl5,<m equity, ~ far 106 B E. 16th S.A.. "47--0:lSti tmance and res-ir' aldlll. 642-2131 Order clerk &: diversified dut-CLERK-Typist, (elec lanorall "' $431 · ••••••••• I er caWi not necHSU)'. Call land, 'ID'L 6'lJ.M19 ni"" ..,.,,. $181 ....... • TUNilJP SPErlALIST lei. Stoe.k brdteraa:e expert. mad>ine), ...... knowledge So~ exPerlence ~ I r11•11 1111d 111• fr•• i11- OlinHe lire-ins. Oteerlul exir::ell.m.t benefits program for1T1•tio11 on: OCP I .... 3262 and USED CAR ence prefm-ed. Startlna Ml-or PBX helpful. XI or over, tempttaturea I: bl I 0 COMrUTER·AGl I Trade, 3 Br. house in Wood-nus SP AC!: imIBRVED Permanent. Experlanced. and advatloement opportun.. MECHANIC. ary $.nS. to $400. per mo. 6 day week, induling Se.t I: pressure. Will train. DRAFTING Far East Agt!'l1cy 6'2-rro3 Illes. -Penoo!l>dDopt Mu1t .... 1!%Celt GOODBODY & CO. SUn.. Call 49f..852l Typist $1'8 I 0 COMrUTER I land Hilla, for Laguna or HOAG MEMORIAL bac-""' 1Do]>. Top I Newport """"""'· C>ll 213-FOR YOUR AD. PHONE Mn. Luce, Npt. Bchl54G-8121 SHARP BAR MAIDS Ir: GO Type 40 to M accurately. Pll.0611.AMMINW I 58S.a&27 alter 6 ooly. Agencies, Men 7100 HOSPITAL pay and full benefl.tl, ~ GO DANCERS. Top ••1ea. General ottlce experience I 0 AUTOMATION I ' ~..5678. TODAY. :ll!N-Blvd. tact service manager. ~ ASSISTANT MANAGER dffiffil. I ELECTRONICS $2.50-$3.50 to atart. Call for * * * * * * N..._Beech E. ht St. Santa Ana. For 1be Groovy Store in interview . 54&-9983 SASSY L ... 1 Sec"ty TraloH H•m• • , , ••••••• At• •• I .J/l nWNPOrt . Auto-Salesmen '41-2681 Fashion Islanl. Must be ex-LAS.W 2901 Harbor, C.M. I Aoidr111 • , •• Pho11• •••• • ~ . personnd eBOAT~ P<rl'"""' In high lulrlon f/ GIRL FRIDAY, mature, lo $400 I City • , • '• • • , • • •• • • • • • • I Ne\111' American Moton deal-• CARP>Nl'mS aportft'ear and dreSlel. Ex-Shorthand 90, type 65, no St•f• •••••••• ZIP •••••• er In Collta Meea, needs 2 periead only call for ap. attradive. penonaJ.ity, prior legal experience I • •• ...... SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY agency exp., and aggressive aaJes. e MOLDERS poinbnent AJ:Py, Bay Center TV, 2002 neceuary. WW train. An IJFE:IThlE gilt, eypewrtting. Contr•cton 6620 Gener•I S.nlCM 6682 ProfHllon1I SeNlce men. Exl. pay plan, and e GELOOAT REPAIR THE LOOK, 614-2400 Newport Blvd, C.M. excelleni opportuni~ to Olildren grandchildren, or for ttw employer new oar demo program, + MEN & WOMEN HOUiElKEEPER I: O..ild break into the legal el.d. ,..,......,, lndlvlduolly tu· • INSTRUCTORS. F u 11 • ROOMS ADDmONs • UN{ Coot Main!. Paint. ind the applicant Bcnu pl.an. u )'OU are wm. JenHn Marine. Corp. time. No expe'f'ience Care, pvt rm &:: bath. TV. Collector $400 tored. Qill.coat 10 leuoo 1Yl> L. T. CoMtructian Oean, aft hn. Janitor s~. 833 O..or Dr •• N.B. ine to work, qualified, and necessary • we train ycu. 5"' Day wk. Perm jot!, pd Not a collection agency. 1nr: school 113 Del Mar, CM Family room&, k1tcbell or Resid. a.nm. [ndust. 235 Flacher, Costa Mesa 't'ac, ref'•. s:m. mo. 540-9212 Would like AOmeone with 54&-2859 unita. Single story or 2; Licensed &tS-283.1 642-3870 549-2743 want to Join a ftPUtable • DISHWASHER e M111t have neat appearance WAITR,ESS 1eneral office back· _ _.....,....,.. company, appliy in penion, It good figure &. be able to For Mexicu around. CHILDRENS ART CLASSES plans custom designed. For Exp In °"""·· .... 1900 Harbor Blvd., O>Sta EXPERIENCED • 6 to 10 de&l wilh the public. Apply Food Re!ltaurant, Cost a Now enrolling. estimates & layout, phone H•ullng 6730 ~math to $15,000 Ml!!&. Ask fCIC' 'Mr. Bothm, p.m. it. person, Holiday Health Mesa. Phone 6f2...&274 ModlcalTl'allKribon HAllBOR AJ<rS 64>-9590 c • 847-1511 . App ni.,. BS>E • tn $15,IXD or Mr. HaytS. Zl years or over. Spa, 2300 Har1>or Blvd, C.M. NEAT Oeaning lady for apt. ... $447 YARN ART Q.ASS&e; SURF le-SIRLOIN Ucenaed Coo.tract.er lJTE Hauling-Trimmins Sr. gen1 Att1s •• 11:> $11,500 5930 Pacif. Coast Hwy. AUTOMOTIVE BOOK~ cleanin& at 1959 Maple Ave., Type 60, use dicta.phone. by Oiarles. Tapestry, wall Residential • Cbm.men:i.J Trub, Gange .aemq:s Staff Acct. ••.•••• to $10,W> CAREER KEEPER.SERVICE C.oata Mesa. Must know medical ter-.............. 673-9131 Ma.int & Repaira. Free Dt Na.me it. Reasonable NEWPORT BEACH CASHlER. Dally s&les, mlnology. Jr. Acct. •••••••••• 11:> $9,<m *MODEL* ORGAN 01t PIANO 67>-2129 BIG JOHN Ml-4000 DectmrdP Tec:b •• , to S7al> OPPORTUNITY! sun.nary & joumUs. Ex· Jobi Men. Worn. 7500 Acct"t Clort lo $175 * u;ss:x<S * & e & J. HUFFMAN e (l.EAN Lots. ........ Pl\ Rep .......... "'$1,180 Jotn todays futl!lt: arowinc PROTOTYPE MEN per:lenced. Call office mgr. Good with firures. Op-..,.._ Room Add. Kit Bath cabL etc. Thie remo't'al, dump, + CU' + l!'xpelWf' pro~Mutual Fund sales """"' DOT DATSUN ANCIBIT flt ..!RINER erate 10 key by touch. OR M459 e LI 8-4780 lklp .. ~. ftU. No experience DettlSIU')'o Top wacea. Mmt have own INC. Hoot. Bch. "'"" "' THEATRICAL 7900 Addlll°"' * Remodeling grade. 962-8145 Holp Wonlod, Mon 7200 We·tnJn. tun or-part time tools. Contact Rick -FOOD & C.ocktail WaitreSlel Underwriter Tral11H SCR,AM-LETS Fred H. Gerwick, Lie. LITE Moving &-ba.ulilJs. Mutu1I Fund Advisors, 1682 i:,acen1:1a. C.M. for nerw restaurant &: dinner 2607 W. Oout Hwy. $325 613-""1 * 549-7170 Yard ~ gange cleen Up. Inc. SAl.&C;.PART TIME house opening in Laguna NEWPORT BEACH Thi.a fl an excellent op- * 84Z.'l490 * * MANAGEMENT * Npt B. lfi03 Westclltt 642-6422 Noed 2 neat, aareastve Beach area app. October 12, Now taking appllcatima da.ll)i portunlty for the carttr ANSWERS TRAINEE )'OUQI' men to work 2 eve1 It MUST BE ATI'R.ACTIVE. for lunc:heoD help. minded gal, High school C1rpet Cle1nlnp 6625 *LITE HAULING•. S.A. 1212 N. BrnodnJ Sat. Great for collea:e Phone h appt, Mt. MOSI, e WAITRrnsD; grad with 3 yn: office Cee.n up. Free est. ..... _ty In .... 51T"331 atuJenta. $180 mo. 4~2:271. bet 2 &:: 5 pm only e BUS BOYS experience. P!nntt -Alder -Basin - CARPET & Funt. deaning; *~7849• bnnch office o.f natlon· He•vy Duty Mech1nic 5.)4.3IJ!1 e MORNING e e DISHWASHERS Qlr\ve:ii: -EXERC1SE for l day aerv1ce It quality wkte organization for a.g· WAITRESS Apply bet. 1 &:: t P.M. MALE •Fat man '""""""""" V.'Ork, "" Sterling hr ?.fin. of 12 yn: exp. on vehicles HELP wanted: Jack in the weight problem.: "I walk tn brlghtneu! 642-852> Housecleaning 6735 gressive, well spoken man, .t equipment. Job l!idila: in. Box. Part "' lull tlm•. Experience preferred FULL TIME BOOK-~ sleep. Hive to. It's the \VALL to wall cal'J)et dean- able to assume responli--know-of hvy duty Flexible houni. Must be 18 COCO'S KEEPEJR. 1580 Monrovia, FEE PAID miy EXCERCSE I get." JACK'S hskp'g. :nr bu!mg, blity minimum training. equip, tune up &: spedalized )TS oki. bt I: Coast Hwy; 17th &: lril.ne N.B. Pti: &U-.2666. Aft 5 pm. ing • expert _,,,,, crpt clean'&· Windwa, etc. $129. ptt week salary tool.a. A bulc knowledge ot Beach So. of Edinger. Newport Bead> 646-"'32 MERCHANDISE FOR cleaning. ~3780 Comp hse clean'g. 548-7'.i!43 For interview app;rintment die.el le-heevy duty ~. DRAFTSMAN, Jr &: Sr need- Salnmon Motlwatod SALE AND TRADE call 539-1183 mornings only. NEEl>ED Shampoo Lody. FRY Cook, broiler 61P nltea. -$600 . welding Ii late model ve-ed, e1tabli1hed ottice N.B. Sm. Dtn hee. &: Bar. CdM . Gardening 6680 Ironing 6755 Worlc Thurs/Fri & Sat. Must Young M million dollar Furniture 8000 ASSEMBLY hides. Salary nnge: ;583 .• ()pporttmlties DOW, ~ pay. nave Calltornia IJ..ic. Hunt-No drinker. Tel 673-1122 company looldng for ca- JapsneAe Gardener IRONING IN MY HOME $ttl. Contact Penonnel ........ lngton Harbor area. 847-«Xi5 Maki I: Malnt. man. Opie or reer man only. Salary Quality Kin&:-Siz.e Bed, O>mplete Yard Ser•lce . $1.25 per hour Electro-Mech•nlc1I Dept. immed! H.B. Union AUTO MD::H.\MCS, ex-aft 7 PM call 847-6358 single. Need tor Motel Apta;. (not draw) + bonuses beautituJ quilted mattrea. Exp. Free est. Landscaplrg. ....,,. Production madllnery. ... High School District 536-9331 perlenced, with own tods. quarterly. Thls ii a split foundation, bit-in pUoant must have a finn CASHIER 2376 Newport Blvd., C.M. chance of a lifetime if Oean-up. 540-1332 -546--0724 IRONING n hr. s.bysit~ FIBERGLASS Have plenty of wtrl-. 1747 frame. Never UBed. $98. "'"""""'"' In mechanlcal Anaheim Av. Costa Mesi & CO<m.E, To ........ 28 you have what It takes. Worth $250. 84U536 Japanese Gardening 75c per hr. Allo dressnak· as.sembly and ability to per-COUNTER GIRL wrlta, a.ta Mesa; lurn. ProreMional Melnt Land· ing Xllfl & Tustin areL CM. tonn electrical wirlni of lmmed openinp lor tiber-RELIEF Shirt RN or LVN. 9:J) AM. to 6 PM apt. plw aa.Jacy. 642-28:5 S.P'"itM rraloH DUPLEX bed, like new! $3.5. scaping. Oeflnllp. 64&6553 ,......,; Apply in person, LAGUNA ... $800 2 eold nateahyde recliolng machine controls. Call (TI4.) glass Finlshen &: AMem-Monday thn.! Friday Married, CLEAN-Up, tree serv, rototll, &42-6956 for appointment or BEACH NURSING HOME. Agencl .. , Men & '"'"" college. cha.lrs, rperlect cond. $90 L1ndscapln9 6810 biers. ApPly BRO'iYNLINl!: 450 Glenn~. Lag. Bch. Call 833-0Q)) Ext. M)6 Interested ;n career. each. 646-5497 B&y Crest. gradina:, sprinklers, lawn.1, mail resume lo w= Womtn .7550 Periodical advancement hau.l 'g. spray, 646-5848 GARDEN ARTS PACK MAOHJNE OORP .. Dlv, Tridaitt In~el. ~ FRY Cook3 nttded, relief * BEAUTICIAN * Leaving Country at Once PlannfnR before Plantine 886 W. 16th St., N'PL Bch. CJmpton Blvd, Redondo Bch. ahift &: dinner shift, part FULL TIME ARGUS EMPLOYMENT CPA MUST SACRWICE cmnplete e JAPANF.SE GARDENING 213/ Tr.2-6311 time available. Hyatt Coffee VERSA TILE Typist • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • $350 $9H. ho n09otlallle household. New decorator Service aeanup, Landscap. * 642-7657 • Full time ing. 531-7034 a!t 7 p.m. Experienced BROILER MAN Shop, 144 s. Tustin, Orange ffi6 W. 19th, Costa Mr!la Saleo .,_ " •••• " .. • • $400 De ..... or eligible lo• lumlhlre. 755 W. 18th, Apt P1perhllnging Mlint•n•nce Min Full or part-Ume. Xlnt P9Y· Experienced 642.""1 Time Keeper •••• to $l.3S ht. same. Knowledge ot R.E .. 2-B, C.OS!a Ml!Y. See bet S Gardening Service P1intin9 6850 Good company benefits. Apply in person MARINE CARPDn'ERS TEACHER Wants babysitter MaJnt Fo~an , to $800 mo. Insurance and Corporate am to 6 pm. Experienced, Free Estimate MASCOLAS 545-9121 fo 3 mos old child. dally 2 yr exp u malnt FOl'ftn&JI tax. BEAlIT lounge chair &: ot- call 847~ TR.IM only • l&nd'g, prim'g Call 1or appointment RESTAURANT 7:30 to 3:3>, lite housekeep. ARGUS EMPLOYMENT Accoutoftt ""'""' decorator fabric, 546-5ai0, ext. :Jl EXPER. Gardener Comm. & A palnt'g. Do it bet the Joseph Mllgnin 1615 E. 17th, Senta Ana Agencln, Women nG0 q. Rd'ereno!I required, ·»13 Westdilf, NB ~7196 $700 ... $900 $125 (coat $300 ). Ladies 1.1). Rea. fut est Fall spec. f'tltns come. Call Jim * Sralery open. H.B. 962-1636 1SM E. 17th St., S.A. 547-63.16 Experle~ 0-2 yean. BS tique pink secret.uy de&k $16. mo. 67'5-()fOO aft 5 PM 642-46&.l "" """' opportunity GUARDS OOUSEKEEPER ., BA Acctg. Recent SlOO {cost $250). Misc items. LAWN RENOVA'IWG INTERIOR & EXTERIOR _.,. Securit;y work in C.O.:-a. Mesa See Bett;y Bruce at _...,.., School1olnstrudlon 7600 graduate on. Xlnt oppty 495-4926 Free estimates Painting. 30 Day SJiecial Auto Sales AMERICAN POLlOE mi.tu Gxec Live ·Jn. Salary open. 6: benaftta:. EDP helpful. TWIN Bed~ $15 s . EM tables PATROL .JJ. newporf Non-delen1e line . -Lie. & ln.11. Chuck 66®:19 -"'"' preferred. Ex· Call collect 213/ 29f.829f or 67Wll4 $00 Sofa $50 Kitchenette set MOWING, E.dging vacalawn. PAINTING , A-1 work, ... ponding new "'" ,...,., ........, LIVE-IN ma~ beb:r"sitter school of APPLICANT $45. S<;.1!!02 Con'! cloai!Up. 11.ouling. terior exterior. Reu. State needs aggreuiVe &alesmm. e INSTRUCIORS. No ex-Agency ~ C&ree!' Gkil Ii lite bakx-CM ... for PAYS FEE MOVING To Iowa, ff!W misc Odd Jobe. * S48-6!t)S Ucenlll!. $1900 Will train. See Mr. Botben 410 W. O>a!t Hwy., N. B. motbtt worlcin& Ve!')' O d d • business """' left. xlnt con d . perle~e ~ -we Ql.t le F4ie LA,.,_n PAINTING, Ext, interior Uc. or Mr. Hayes. train. Net1t apptaraoce and By appoint. 6f6.3939 hn. Rm a: bd + $25v.fl:. ~ .... tz'.li , ....... Reeaonatile {rices. 60-7350 MaintenaJ'!Ce'. Licensed lne. IT YT"I exp. Free Ht. 1009-Costa Metia able to ~ with the public. 642-3J4S 833 Dovor Dr., N.8. $2. 0 ..... Recliner & day beef 548-48<Wl/~2.110 aft .. Acoustical ceil. ~ c.u..ux:; E Student. perman-Apply in peraon, Holiday For td:rson1I & -SHAMPOO Gifl-.lic w/exp. 646-0153 Will \o to $3.00 an hour Good cond. 846-9481 I.J:1N COST MAINTENANCE INTER Or Ext. PAINTING, ent, part-timed~ llChool. Health .sp.. 2300 Harbor conf dentlal pllce"!9nt E:ll:dUSlve N.8. Salon-Part afttt months. No e~ MOW.EJ>GESPR.AY IMMED. SERVICE. Local full time l!R1l1\ITler' at Chevnin Blvd., C.M. « tun time. Call 10 to t, M Based on 1ttt known needs ol required. Local refs. -Office Equipment 80ll FERTIUZE 96z. 7349 ttf. FREE est 5'8-1627 Statloo, on beach in Laguna. STOCl<Cl.Dll< -DRIVER • v .. i.,..., • thru F. 644-1484 or 644-2151 ... loaJ "'""""'"· perienced. U out ot area. """"'""' Land"""" No hippies or Jong hair: $450 per month to start. No Placement Agen~ WOMEN'S H&lr StyU.ta. Lo. c°'"""°'"' ADDRESSOGRAPHs. Hand Plumbing 6890 must be 18. Sft.lary & comm. exptrience neceuar:y. W'rite Cl! fol.lowtna: pref.. Be1utlfW. or electric. Record. Service The :nl'IKt 1.t Reuonable 542 w. 19th St., c Learn Income Tix to 118,000 yeer, acct'g &: Suppijes, 774-6200 Price 496-3383 Ev~ with ra.19'.'fl. ~90CJ3 qualifications, weight and 646-8831 new salon. N. O>eta. Mesa, to degree, 1upttvigory fXJ'>. Plwnbinc 2~ hr. ler'Y. Work hel.gbt to P . O. Box 14.5, open Nov lit. 540-2247. Jon -don. Positions t or Fut expanding comJ)8-ny iruar. Lk., lnlur.; remodel, A~SEMBLY <bJta MM&, cant !Qi27 i1'aduates e&rn S4 to S8 ht. looking for person with Houuhold Goods 8020 General Services 6682 CARPENTERS Holp w..,,.,i PBX t~eopbon<t o p t r a t o r lt!pair, rootu sen. 531-7566 GELCOAT TOUCHUP ~ wanted for euly a.m. Womon 7400 -'"""'° ...... Kemmer Tix CouiH villon on the futur@. ORIENTAL RUGS PROFESS. wmdow, waUa 1: S...1"9 CHOPPER GUN OPER. ·delivery of newspapers to .,..,, Huntington 8oadl -!SK Harbor Blvd., C.M. s.1 .. -"'$700 Private Party. 499-3154 tlr. clee.nkta:: busin e ss, 6%0 1 YEAR EXPERIENCE homff. A;lproJc: 3 hrs. per ElCPERllllcttt -slrl. varied Sdfts. 531)..Mg] 548-2.404 Exp. ln nur.eey I: prden mid., • o:mrtrue&n DRESS~1AKING • alter., Columbi1 Y•chts day. Hnta Pinc/ F'ntD Valley part time, woman's Wem1nc mu. Tln>o ...... °""" READING R••dines1, Wes. nrw opportunlt)' G1r1ge Sale 8022 O'yataJ Wlndow Ceanlng t I an 1 by ex p.ar t 27!i M<.O:lnnkt Ave., C.M. &l'M cnly. 847-2.n) llCJPM'l!!l. OR 3-m> front mot~ Laguna_ BNch. _ ... __ for rirht man. ""° Eodmatae Ms.rm Seamstreutrallor ..R. e a 1 , BUS80YS NF.AT Acipearing )'OUfll tnM ~~21 Over 30. S De,y Wk. incL bUuctlm on lndMdu>I Lob T-lclao GARAGE SALE NeedC'd, HY>tt bula. Ttetin&: and diagnosil Leevtn& slate! Evl!rYt:hln& HAUUNG, Yard cftl.p, odd -·-CoUee Sl>op, 1'4 South to bt)p in 1 man 4M:C'OUntinc Sat ... SUn. Call 494--8521 ... $110 .... ·- Jobi: .ic. l'REE CV I: attic oltlct, port time. -included in lee. 60-99.J) Goes! J-Jid~-bed, 2 Htl • Drtumakins· Alterations Tu.tin, Oranre. WAITRESS: ~. Sm din. Exp. helpful. Cood In bunks, 1 maple, 1 metal, clnUp for salnpble tltml. Proftuk»W Ir Fut ~ GIRL FRIDAY /Bookkeeptr Houae A Bar. CdM. Neat, *CLASS OR math It PhYsiCI. Know Jim. $4J-5325 Reuonable. -DlSHWA~ Needed, £XPERlENCm TIJRlU:l' tor lnL Dee. Studta Part pleuant, alert. m-rm Att mllltAry apeoclftcatlons, Jif'fcy-1..ynn doobl• bed wlth e1 DAY~Homell: Altoroll•-2-51"45 }{yaU Coffee Shop, 144 South LAntE <PERA.TOR. TAP· time ~ -&f4-..0&.n or £ve. PRIVATE* 1lldt rul• A micrometer. 'Pline matmu. l i • I n g "'"""· Oranp. . room and kJtchen w. and opt. .,.....,, Qpla, wall~ Nm. acc:urai., a )TL exp. MAnc a>RP. llSl(PI\ ---· 5 UVJ:.IN -hr Plano, ·-Gulur Stoclt Clorlt $2.IO hr. Chain, antique dret:sera old -.. ,......., "2.ml. F\JIL Tlmo ...... ..... c.M • -days. Ltvt tn or out. lo elderly gmUeman on Balboa .........__ Work In tool crib. Must but xlnt ru atove &: el~ -... ltrfshtnnot TILE, C.romlc 6974 open. On Un!V'ft'ltty cam- rnY °""" """"" -only. Hn .. Bob. lids. S!&-Ull Penn. 6t6-85I> after S. CZYKOSKJ'S °"""" know various machine l'drlgen.tor. Calfee tl.ble, dli.iJi lill dirt from .... pta. Call 83J..6!0I SlDO WRk to IWt. Upholstery Sdlool.. Cootinu. too IL CROUNDs Kttper. rdired. lJVE -IN -· llabt HOUSECLEANING. Patt lampa. llvtng l"OOl'll tt:row ----.. * Vl!l'1Wo tht Tllf' Man * The O>n.,. Coll.. Shop bouaekttpq:. s ,.... old llJ time $2.:1> pet hr. MJn 6 In. aw a ...... Day 1: live. 1331 Mol"'••ce M.a.tk rup, ktlch@n utimdla. 904 ---pkt .... Olll. ""'*· lnotall ........ lArlt llPt-cortiplex. 2 OaYs 5G Wnt 19th St, C.M. 39tb St .. NB~ wt!:. H.B. -._ 99)67'lJ. Newport mw .. c.M. gc.1~ $1.U ... E. Balt:loa Blvd., Apt. S.. 2 16-!'ltl da:t -Sl!Mt!Se -No Job too amalt l'luter Wffk. 67!>-3'.m) WANJ'ED: 2 men to worlc: TIJTORING 2 Ye&J'I l!xp In rn&lntaln· doors 1ruth of Mahl SL Jn 2 Exp Nul'Hrymon ruu. '!\me countB rlrl. EXPERIENCED dental --tar RlBULTS petd>. Uakfn« •haw e r full time m &!rvb a1aHon. ... .,... era UnlvenS11 aulttut/te<nW,. 2$ • "5 All le'reb: math, srd acbl "" . ""'"""' .... ........ >Id ...... ~ ' ....... 1147-1907/"6-0206 .,. 2MO. 6C2-E9XI Ml--"" ' carnpus, CaB &.13-«IOO )'ti of atf. 6f4..0022 Id., HS pl\ylka. 9lt2-4IXB pacltqjna machine. P.M., Wttkdaya. e 11 d 1 1 Wttk~. l .L.-~------------------------------------------------------·--·-~----------- • .. -. .... .... -..... ..--. ·-----, . -~ -r---.-.-... Tutld>)', OclOl>lt.,;;15~, ~1968~~~=T!~!!!~D~ALL~V~Pll.OT~~~ ' MERCHANDISE FDR MERCHANDISE FOR I MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDISE ,OR TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATIO ::: RAN SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADI ••LI AND TRAD~ SALE ANO TRADI Sf*d ~ loito fOio Campers 9520 Imported A-HOO •·~.,. Wan¥ t700 llMd C1rw I IOOOFumllure, IOOO Fum~~re ao:oc>'u)~ 8000 1967 CHRYS. glaa 22· 'IWln l96S FORD 11 T PU TOYOTA n: PAT·.. COMIT Old World I ~ 7 ~~:s J ~.·~ .. .:·:: ~-=~ ::·.~":~.":. 1969 I 'CASH '&$COMET ea. ... 111i.. Spanish '-' u..n i..u .... m.1 """' 1WtGAJN1 rm. ~ TOYOTA ..,..i -• ...._, RAH, I M d 13, ~. Area ~' -1961 VW -· Mly ..iuJp. t\: rebuilt enc!ne • enl7 4000 e iterranean Mec11Mtra11M11 1r STIJYD<s Kott!I """'· !18 po1 wt ., lio>. a1moo1 ..... .,. ~ ,,,_ Juot • mt1es. "°' '"' btot <6er. h F He-3111 cu lri, tiq(l/ f!ll!& Slll)O. PrL -... and Dflw Todaff .a . ll>o ·eotl-. Mult ..U 1115..!MT l Spania urnitur.e louthft.\lnUfactu,.,..show-nS...pllt o;o ·i.. • ., eo """"~ " L &R0 .. 11 ... H.Q!EYJ!.lfT CORVETTE Af Teti'lllc SaY!ngs! -ipo.1n<J 91·1258 ,..,. 1...:a. _ R-lvod cancell•tlon of $22,000.00 8' Wood drved 'arm divan; lg. man's chair; Dune But19l11 9525 _., W/MJ Sp1nlsh and Modltarron11n Furnltur1 beauL fabrlca. 6 Pc bexaaon dark oak dln. llootSllpMoorl"' 9036 . IHPORTS ==...:; ~1 CORVETTE 213 Al -Top 9--"-..i, w/black ot avocado trlmed chilli; G Pc • WANT Ollp tor !!' Sal~ ~UN~~·~·"""; ~. IQNlll ent<imotlc, t:!o25. a-'223 A ·D111liit•"•'..._ H ... 6t 0. D..,._, ~R aet: 9-dr Mr. & Mrs. dres!er, lJ m.lrror, Suitable tor ltvt6boord mapzlnfi tea-~· 'fOYOTA-fOL"' ~ C.M. 56elT Items u foll<iwa: Gorgeou,a 8 ft. e111tom quilted 2 ·commodes. decorotlve lwi1dboard In Span· t>e....S "All ~· ,.~ ,._. JtPI: ill ....u-U. '* He~. c.1o1. -WUI Bly CXIRVm'E 11111< °""' !!!· , '°lawith'aeparatelooaepWowa with b••vy oak laboak.oravocadodeolgn. Via Ot>ono. NJI. Ph ,"""',.. 10 -te! BIU'UlYN ' · • i.. 'sp4.PIAJS -lrltn decQt and matching c)lalr, 3 matching oak Jtema Sok! Inclivlduall7 536-&ll Ftbel'flalo'-· all t.ethec ruuu;1 Yoor 'ro-...m • -1'Wt Pb. -' 90cuional tables, (2) 58" 1all decorator lamp1, Shop Around":-before you buy llt l,JSI 9 00 biter., -· 1u-111c ITJnlVlnlY'IAI A,., .. -PU! lar ' hanging. chain' &wag lamps In wrought Iron, an VALl,IE $895-FULL PRICE $42'.95 Aircraft I m.... '. ~. -· .. not. COil Rilpli ·• COUGAR ' .8-piece king size master bedroom suite in pecan or terms u low u $3.00 week PARDO ~ E••Y to R••l:h •t Gtrfitld 673-1190 : paneDed Mediterranean style with top quality No Down-Use Our Store Charge Plan MOONEY s~ REP. Imported Autot 9600 '"' 1••ch lMPO TS WANTED '61 COUGAR 390 hp. auto 15 yr. warranty king &ize mattress & box springs. No Fancy Front-BUT Quality 'llalues lnskle 11JGHT Tl\AINING 18881 B11ch Blvd. o..!t Cowitiea trano. 1\1>. ,aJr/oond, white I Spanish decor dlnlng se~ etc. APPROVED FURNITURE ~ ~l?.~1610 • Sl>Ot CUh fer -Hun!lngto!I Beoch TOP $ BlJYE!t ~'!:.,", -. 1 .,. ::;.:,1°' 4!: WM1o .....,., •• ,..,,., $1111.00 ----We pay mo .. lot e.DY lrnpon Ph 947.9555 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA =-2159 HARBOR, COSTA MESA rea:ardlea ot year, make ' Orla· owner. Blue Book, ::"'o~;~·I·~~~·~···~ ·······-······-····'698.00 ~12 Years 6im8 location-aam~e owners Mobil9 'Homes 9200 ~ oondise~n. ~ L°:t ~R~ 1 M~~:~~ •;,::h1·~~11~_••tt H. aei:! Beach i:J~f.e ~·~ $3100. ~1461 r:r~1Pl~~1~b1: a. ~~~~:.:!~'::1~!1~~1~11 s~:J~Y ~-:_, 1:.~! ~ °:b~ ~~~ ~=t~~ Blvd. TOYQJ A UMd Cen 9900 .. DODGE Ccodlt Approvod lmmodlatoly 548-9660 park, Roady to move tn. . HEADQU4'm:fts NllD A CARt Include• retrlierated lir ELMORE CAN'T BE f'D'llA.NCEDT '61 Dodge Ch11'99r At Ba•,bor Bf••d. co• dltionln& , dUhwuh" DATSUN •!l.ank;nlpt! •l!t-tonl lmmac,.dlr, v~. autom&tlc, • 1 .., landtcaplq, carport, patto • eBad Credit!' • Dl'l'Or'Ctdf radio A beater, lolMled! Ex· + Pl1nos & Org1na 1130 Mlac1ll1naoua 8600 awn1ftas , aklrting, new 167 DATSUN 15300 Bea.eh Blvd., Wrtmnatr eMUltary eNew .bf Arel! cellent -condidOn. French j B n * Aucno.N * nerpo~ lined drap ... S.rial Statton wago", 4 tpd, die, Phon• -· M•k• .. yd.,. Paym,.11 peen, .,.,., 1>laok !endeu Clun Out Sale 111 No. &-<m. FuU """lOSOO: ,.,, """1lentcaliltuoo. ww '661'0YOTA' McC~llTHY MOTORS 1ee111er 1op, 1'115 °"" de!J.1 ' ·. Fttmlture u ""' will ..u .. ""' Call Dllil Wide Sal .. " _.., .. $125 cub dellwn Siad"'! w-... hi/!• ext., lQI So. Mlln • l'.dlllcW ..... "'"''" ... ....em er ' • , • Stelnw1y Grand; Artist Mod· • atve Wind) a tl7 Cbapman Mobile 1 n c · or wfl1 take oldtr ire.de. with matching blue int. Must C2 bloob N'. of .stan) ,-===· ======I 1844 N Bl d C M I nly) el; Wurlitzer Baby Grand Auctlona Friday 7:30 p.m. 531-8571. Make payment. of $39.8&. see to &.ppredate! 3 Sdp., Santa Ana Ph ~31iO't .. ewpolt Y • OS!G esa O SSS6: Stemway Prole"'1onal Windy'• Auction B1m • Skyline '69 $6999 Ca !I after ll, '91-&713, w/OD, dlr, pwr ..., wJn. WE ,• FALCON ._., •st't 'tll t-W.._, s.t.1S.1.'tll1. Model $595; Tiny Spinet pi. Behind Tooy'J Blda. Mat'l N"" 20x+I, 2 bdrm., center 545.0634. dow. $85 C.sh dels, take old-'PAY CASH __ , ano $345: Gulbransen· Spin-2075lii. Newp9rt, CM 646-8686 kitchen, Palm Sprinp Man-er car. Pymnts $39.00 mo. FOR '61 F.u.a:E, 6 eyL auto, j et $395; Tbomaa Qrgan $1$. Put yourself in oor PJace er, f\llly hami!bed •ind'1. all GLAS OM7'13 ot ~ Transportation C1t1 clean. PIO. m.-.Hl3 alter f ,.A::!P:iP::;ll::•:.:•<:;ff::.,_. _~_.;;8.;.100::.:c Muslcit lnrt. 1125' Theae and many mo~ &t ; · · Harbor mvd D-I 1b.H.t:rl kttch. appliances. cpts., drpl. We Carry Our Own Contracta '""'========I 1. WARD'S BAU>WIN STUDIO 20% dn., euh, tra* or equt. '•llS • $995 GERMAN lpOJ'tl 5tt1 Anniversary Servtna ..;;;; ALTO Su-Mortin, ...,1 oon-IBOI Newport, C.M., 642-8484 3100 McFadden, S.A. ey, ST7 mo. O.A.C.. · car. Ovl>d cam, C tild. xlllt • TRIUt1!'H The Communley! FORD U CU. -Ft. Westinghouse refn,;erator~ White. 2 years old, aeldom uaed. Like new. $125 or will trade fm' treezer of comparable v a l u e . 962-1689 .~; e VACUUMS e $10 up. Repeirs & · parts. Reatonable. Coast Vacuum 333 E. 17th, C.M., 642+1560 USED Admiral refrigerator, .· 12 ou'. $50. """'11 FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, cross top freezer. Vecy good cond. Slfi. 842--3628. COLDSPOT Deepfreeze Good cond. Cheap! ~2877. ' 13)7 Donegal Pl, CM , FOR SALE: WeatirghotJSe Retrlgeratoc, $15. 96Wl83 Antiques 8110 AMERICAN primitives; buy, aell &: trade. Tbe Dowry Chest, 501 31st St., Newport Beach. 675-2491 V ASr 8l"ock Amer & Eur furn le clocks. L arry Morgan Antiques, 2 4 2 8 Wewport Blvd., CM. * CASH FOR ANTIQUES * Mtatea. entire shops. stocks etc. 548-1383 Sewing M1Chinn 8120 1957 SINGER Walnut console included transtl r service touch-0-matic, autx> zig zai. button' holes, bl1nd hems, fancy Stiches. No at· taclunents needed. $37.85 Cas:h or assume $4.10 mo. Guarantee good. C &.11 . 526-fi616 FREE TO YOU dition, used. $300. or best er~ Open Sunday afternoons SWAP MEET Rick Bildino'a Sublnlt 642-395216734lll eve. ,,,. _,,, Top~. T _ mJ. Newporter Moton ---'-'-'---·I fee. 213-430--074:l "' 546-6380 83 HAMMOND Mol>ila World -·~ ~ -'80 FORD will !rad Ev Sa • •·-JAGUAR Many extru $1500 or Best 2036 Harbor Blvd. ,,_ n-... L-"'-UPRIGHT piano, e Organ w /Leslie speakers, er;' t. •--... 19432 Beach Bl., H.B. ilii2-13T1 . Otier. 548-4784 548-529'1 54M511 ...uuvertible. ..~ _., for stereo soond gyste~m & stool, 25 '(Jedal&. Good oond. 531-1172 aft 7 4.16 s. Hlrbor BL, SA 531-8770 , 1utomatic tranmlaloa. TV"' what MV< ;ioo. Woold !lire""""""' to take WAl.N\JT Bullet,...,..,. $50: 35' !OT trlr. Furn; ......... 60 Jaguar 3.8 VOLKSWAGEN BUICK $299 613-8793 (Ne<r peo.maits of $63.<6 per dinette 11tt $50; maple tier patio tum. $1':'m quick sale. Slim 4B,l6S actual nu~e;:.55821 _____ . _____ 1 ___ _;:,.;.;...;.;..;___ BLUE CHIP AUTO SALES COMPLETE U..dwig drum rtn'I. Balance $1500. 66-1'7'91 table $15; Lie Colonial 2912 w. est Hwy-NB Sp. n =,,;:·=====~=I 21'6 Harbor BlYd. t $200 chair $40· vacuum $10· 3 pc -'60 Volkswagen $699 '83 BUICK La Sabre. Air c.o.ita Mesa ae · · 546-1374 Hammond Spinet organ dinette 0 set Sl.5: ~ut 50XlO Mobil lune, alum. KARMANN GHIA Radio, heater. cmd. Power ate er ln I• fH2.9100 AMPLIFIER F.piphone, bu reverb & tremoiq. Llke new. $50. 962-8741 H.(I. Planoa & 0'llaM 1130 ~-. e PIANO SALE e ALL SPINETS, CONSOLES o.,.i GRAND Slashecl for lmmediat.e Sile! Mendelssohn Grand .... $699 Aeolian Grand ............ $895 ~·zer Gran~ •....... $895 Linde~ Gran4 ...... $945 ~. Steck Grand "" $995 Fish~r Grand .............. $995 Knable Grand .. ~ ........ $1495 Chickering Grand .... $1595 Yamaha Gr~ """_ .. $1-695 New Yamaha Ofgans from ............... ~··---$795 e No Payment 'Til January • Bank Terms • Free Deliv~ry e Trade·ins Two Location• To Serve You: w/percussion, reverb &: fabl.e.11 U>; m&ple room ·~· cptd., drp!:., re--'61 Volkswagen $799 brakes. Rebh en&· S850, -62..:,,F_AL_ro,.,.,:N"eoon,;....:.;.b'y_Squltt __ ,I repeat. Save .$225. divider $75. 540-6987 frig., bltns. 54S-1Zl2 ; MG.ll44 SACRIF1CE J968 Kannan Sedan. Radio, hee.tei·. cash. 6lJ.486l auto, 4 dr. R/H. $S50. 410 """ .,met •'""'· $395. G.E. Au!D. w..,.,., v"'ted MOTOR HOMES 9215 Ghia. ~/"'·,i' body work. '63 Volk1w1gen $899 CADILLAC Emerald Boy L.B. 49MOl2 SCHMIDT-PHIU.JPSCO. space beater, coppertone ~'1890 e mctors. BLSedanCH. lPRadloUTO, h~t~· ...... !---------,64 FORD Fairlane, 4 dr. 1001 N. Main O 20th mat:dled 7 cu. ·tt. retrig. and UE A ~ Over ~ ~ .. 1968.. Wr. All pO.rer • xlnt con~ San1a Ana ....,,.,,, --· walk· MERCEDES BENZ 2145 u.-Blvd. Prevl-··"· """"' dltton, n<mi ..... 1615 er; artist's studio euel; ele-COlata Mesa .,._., 642-8119 &t:t.9700 * OMHllac1 * Tel1vl1lon 8205 gant rococo mi:rror. 1967 Merced• Ben1 All color•, modell, fUD c.:::::=::.:.---= HOUSE lull of Nmllllre for 196& VOLKSWAGEN. good aJr --•••-•-MERCURY RfNT or Buy New Color TV $9 PER MO. RENTAL CAN APPLY TO PURCHASE ORDER BY PHONE · Newport•r TV Westinghouse Hdqtrs. C.M. 548-8511 9AMto9PM ?Daya RENT TV $10 250 SE Q)Upe 58'1 P'Wl', ~Nl-......,..,,g, sale, al8o huge raraae sale. Automa~. Jh-condittqned, coDClltioo. $1250. 892-• 6. Save up to $1500! '67 MERCURY °"1gu. Full Everything from W-. to --... ..._.__ lM12 Buebird Lane, Hun. ALLEN """'"'tt· Yenow w/ bladr: in· C B unli... 642-4503 pwr. ·~ "•• pwr, ~-.. tln&too Beach ~· · ' • {IWI' windawL 10,(0) Actual ----Oldamoblle.Cadlllac terior, Xlnt cond. 18,000 ml. ml ,_, __ B--... MUS7 Mcrlfict lmmac. USOSo.CoaatHi....... 642-7423eV1!1.5f8-9661.da,ys . . ~. one """"'. , .... ., VW 'GS I """V new thru.-out? grttn • new w w, Lftguna ne1cb , 494-lllW 's& MERCUllY, dttin, gd BAYSIDE MOTORS ~I mi $1495-536-llll!i '~1 '67 ELDORADO oond. 1115. 64>-4119'1 all day l3Xl W. Coast Hl&hw&&' ,61 VW, Xlnt cond. Pure white landau top, week-end• and after I cwi N~ B.eact:i * 646-6005 31.000 m!. SlOOO French Datt red botti>ln. Hu\::":: .. =•=daya==·:::;:::;:::;:::;=I WE need quality (no Junk ;~;;;:,;;:;;~~= Bob Wttaon 646-0Xrl. hid special care, AM·FM/ p1 .... 1 • Furnl-. co1M = c11r1stereo,a1r,ful1Pwr.l285 MUSTANG TV'•, st.ereoa, appliancs. 1961 VW • &ood mndl~n. ca!h dell, or will tu9 older I --.:.:.:;::.;:.:.:.:.;:.:.:..:;. __ I toola I: otfice equipment. $1550. Contact Mr. Jackiaa trade. Will finance private '86 .MUSTANG \'I. Avto TOP CASH IN 30 M1mrtn Glrla Schwinn 3 Speed 642-Z4lil between 9 &:.S party, .after 11, 494.9m or trut. 35,CXKI mi. Prlv.' Pty. 531·1212 · * 893-«65 Bike, 3 Years old. tz, '68 VW Sedan; 80» rni,, 4 54~. C,oppe'r color. HI-fl * WANTED * • ~1826 • moa. old; extra•· $1bJ ,64 COUPE. De Vfilt>. Xlnt Blaupunkt AM-FM. Sharp! 642--4283 After 5 PM __ .... Full 1,.th,-. All ex-Excellent Condition? $1,416. WAN TE Misc. W1nted GOod Used &; .Mtique tum. Mof'Orcycl" 't5 VW .BUS , . b;; Prt pny. eall 5tl-f574 ~ff aft 5 PM' wWA. all n" ADMIRAL "Col1r TV. ~~~ '141 TRIUMPH Bonne~"Ex-l:,,.=l\IEllCED::::::::::;;;;ES:;:::Bem=::230SL;:;:OI Good condition dayt or 645-2653 eve•. ~""':::....::wl::kndl.:::;;=--~=I Good cond. 20f3 Federal e $3683 e eel.lent condition. 19 41 hardtop,-white wfblack ln-644-1363 '6& CAD COHV: Ill bluk, 1985 MUSTANG o:mt.1 V-8, No Deposit • Free delivery Option to ~· 712-9110 l ;:•:;••;·='CM'i::.0:6:;'6-4m;.·~=== I WANTID Oib with ,.._ M.eyer Pl., C.M. aft 5 except terior, R&:H, 5 new tirea 1965 VW Bua Oeluxe, split 11tereo tape deck. Xlnt con4. late .eries; delux int., low i:ft' ~ eond!Hon. __ ......,,, Moodaiy. $4390. 842-8197 seat. new paint Phone $4,(0). 49f.-93M, Mt. Wood. m.I. 1 owner, spotlea, MlWt Hl•ff'"'ll Sflfii'. 8210 Sfi.(648 FOR Se.le Honda Super 90 '65 MERCElDES 220 SE 524-6831 after 6 & 1wkendl: 1965 CAbAUJC Cout>e de coell=:_..::673-c:,:-=·c.. __ _ SI'.J!iRm • 1969 Universal . Excellent condition. Beat of. (blv, Red w/wbi~e top. 1961 VW Weetpha!Ja Camper. Ville O:Jnrt. XInt cond. Prl '68 MUSTANG V-8, 289 CU tn. soUd state ·console model. PETS •nd L.IVESTOCK fer. tot B C'learb'ook Ave., Xlnt cond. 30,<ro m1. $5800. Xlnt cond. Many extra. prty. S'Z750. 893-8681 Power atr'f. Air eaid. LIKE NEW! Balance $83.00 p ,.._ I 8800 C.M. O>ntad. Mr. Simpson 675-1636, ~16.18 $1450 Call 5'18--187D 131000 mi. $2650. 847-12T7 . oh, =ara or i;mall pymnt.s. Credit -'57 TRJUMPH Boon. Must MG 65 VOUCSWAGEN CAMAltO '96 MVST. t+t, 4 tp. Tape Depl 535-7280 D<Xt Problems Corrected. Sell! Sacrlfk:e first $850. Good condition $12)0 Stereo. etc. .U.000 miles COAST MUSIC . Barl<infr, refusing to oom•, '""" xmt cond. uk foe MG • -• ~ CAMAlW Qmv. 321: 1%100 . .......,. . 1839 Newport Blvd., CM Miscell•neous 1600 ~e~~~~~~;i.t~Ni· <lwck 673-0l.93 --;55 V.W. Xlnt cond! auto., p.yr. steer. 10,(0) 646·0271 Ch. n·srmas Gifts? ·~~~ -k-& ~·· .,. B.ENEUJ 50• """' ....,, !800. ...... IU60. Pri•. -OLDSMOBILE ""'Iv ...... -.. ~1 ~-$150 or be&t dJ.er.. Stlft, Service, P•rtl Phme 846--0778 615-IQM eo.w . ~Find good homes for 114 S. El Cimino Reil For those friends and rel~· $:XI. caB after 5 PM * 4&4-1235 * Complete new MG Inventory 1967 VOLKSWAGEN, exc ~ C.. 1111!11 Oldl male dacbshund, altered. San Clement• tives ., hard to pleue TRY --645--15'75 1966 SUZUKI 8), Xlnt. '$160. See the new Austin America cond, 12,(0) iniles, irtvate CHEVROLET r~~r~·~· :R 1: ~1.~t."' ';';'~; 492-4642 • 'JR'EAsuRES OF Pr=P.t. ~.;:':. .':: c.u aft 5~ Here Now! .~~~~ .. ~brom... '&2 CHEVROLET ~-:; =' ~ 1~ Redwood Ave., C.M. after OVER STOCKED ALI BABA $65. 962-4370 LlKE new! BSA VICTOR O>COa m•ta. new paint &. lmpala convertible. Radio, Santa Maril; F.V. 841~fl81 5:30 10117 200 3419 Via 6i>orto, N.B. D 1825 SPECIAL engine, $1200. 548-2863 h!ebtt, autoqi,atic. ,,,, o•~ . 4 _._ ._.:.. i-. FREE"' home< wltt. leoced ""'" daily U>cl. !iunda;<a .. .,. ' •,• . ...., ... alt ,,., 1967 vw, perfect """'ttloO $599 MH. w.;, """';..d'.un~ yud1:l3 ·moritholdFoxter-llam-S"::fJpm,ClciledMoo. 3 ADORABLE Poodle•. Orig. pri.,.te owner Phone BLUECHIPAtrroBAL&S 96).6319 , ""· 1ema1 •. Hes bad all P'klnoS & Organs ._, ""'" • allnr. Auto Service sioo w ~--u-u•-mi 21<0 -Blvd. shots. Aho -Fox tenie!' and SWIMMING POOL Mllllt aell! A steal! AKC. & Parts 9400 • ~ h"'' Costa Mea lS64 OU>SMOBaE ste.J&e. ---N .... Uaed • all makes • II Ft Pqot, Filter, sumce 67:>-2383 "-"Bel<..,.,,.. VOLVO -....Uont ' -.. $1§11. aft~5. 10/15 models. Famoul name Sklmmer, Maintenanc. KIL GERMAN~. 6 wkl OFFENH.AUSER .taggered 642-9tOS EXroJ1'IVE Oar 1968 Can flmnce. ~,., ORGANIC Fertilizer, aged brands must be Pd at buge FREE Ground Pad. for ale er Pde. • AKC. dual quid rain manifold Auth0r1ud MG Dealer · 1969 Chnroiet Impala Sport Cpe, '68 OLD6 98., 4 Dr • .Ml. eoa:!, , .horse manure combined discounts by reliable dl!'aler $149.11 Champfonehlp stock Pbooe new, never Q9ed, for 398-4211967 Rm MGB, wire wbeela, PS/PB. ab-, auto tram, fuUy equ~ Xlnl · eont. with wood shavings. Good to make room fur QU'lrtrnas SECARD POOL 892-0096 Chevy!, 2 Holly 600 CFM ratlio. Low mileage. 613-7642 VOLVO $2'115. Kelley 81ue Bk. $3365. $3S60IBett ¢.s.-5&311Zl mttlch. 833-5332 between 8 & stock. LMt dwlCt for IO'N· 323 S. Ma.in, Oran&e quada: cart., new. DeYer Prlv party, 982-lOEM 5 or 546-4931 after 5 10131 Ht pri~? Rent or buy oo 532-1992 •TOY POODLE PUPS AKC used, 4 Corvette 15" rims, PORSCHE SE'.f: AND DRIVE TQDAYI '61 IMPALA. 4 dr lf.1 WI PART Austnl.ilan ah~enl easiest tenns. m•l~J,,:-~ • T' wide, with beauty rlma & BIG SAVINGS ON '68'1 ttrea. RAH, lo\IJ ~. xtntl--,...,...;.,o-:...:.---1 al 6 lov ~"~--~ 'til 9 ~ m PRIVATE Party ... :ixi oenter .-,, 1 pc, -" PORSCHE 911 S L -nd one -•• "-~.mosmi; ~lU\llS~: Gould'Mus1c:C:.:np.ny ::en~ ~1~~ Ho,... auo ~cUrlml~~15~~ . 4 to ~from fleM f.lDi6 1~. =~· =· C.M. 10115 :lM5 N. Main, S.A. 547-0081 na.rTOW width le othen. Call CUSI'OM esta-n saddle i " wide &: beauty rims &: $0095. + 100 miles JW .....-u..• .. .....,. .,,..,. • GERMAN Shephenl male 9 OUR 58th YEAR ...,..,,, "' ... 15881 Willet Be~ 'offu~ c>n anytlm; ctnter. Aftu 5 PM. 536-Till'l J & M· MOTORS . IMPORTS =b;..~",·,-*·~ mos. Shots, trained, gentle, Lane Huntington Bcti Calif TOY LYO -tho-ed to &<1. born<. Fall $1ia--Specl1l1 · .__. 831·9682 T Hor T V I 9425 , OT,r,.YO t>1111 $100. -.1118 , 546-5133 10/15 we need room tor Oltistmas H E A 0 competition down TRANSPORTATION r• , re, e Gardm Grove Blvd. it Bnch ~Harbor, C.M: ltB-"303 '&I afi;vy Impal&. t:XCtl Kl'I't'ENS -White, ma1e, 4 merch&.ndille * B-3 Ham-hill. Merker Rotom&t Bin-TRAVEL Tr&U«, good COD-(1) 89'U651 or 534-2'lae 1800 S 'frr Sport Seel. Pm cond. low mileage, Power --~-eau·00 female g m.and I: PR 40, like new ding. Eli215 cm, $50. Le Pr8'>'1Je 9 Bolts & Yachts 9000 di"'-, al-frlur. ~ '9l PORCHE SWu'oot Oiupe. .... ...... , me owner. s.nso s • B, -~ ~. --•·e ~. :::·M&-7001°2396~ $2250. Hammond M·lOO A, ~675-~boots,s '18'C!NTl1R.Y~etn. ~ ~~..-Lua. rack AM/FM. Coco ~':"6'2-83.77t0.AMto9PM ~._.~ -uua- Ave .• c.M:. 10/11 save 20%, Baldwin CT-2 · ""'" ..... run &bout-Good coo-m.ata. Heed l"t'lltB. 4 new~ Mr. Knme:r l.,65::!:::CllEV~:'...,... SB~,~ ..... --..,.,-.-..,.-. ;;c:i::;J Thee,ter Hol'8e9hoe, 6 mos. SIGN • nuorescent 002', ....... .., Trvcka 9500 eW tires. New\' fttit trans. " ~;r-2&45~'. old. S1500, Uaed Hammond plus3X6'reacterpanel.Cut :=SGS. B-2:324 or L1 1_ FORD 11 T/PU, Sl!-'0-Call 493-42Zi <ays. Antlqu11, Cl1sslca 9615 =~Sl.~~~79oJ~J.d.i,,;::;:R::0=Y=C=.a.a.,.. 'Spinet S660, Ullf!d Grand pi-iron double sink. New G.E. -4C ._ ...... ._ C.M. MZ-2264 16117 atlOI • SAVE? Steinway con+ slip In range. fted.'..E Rentals S.llbolts . 90lO automatic, lood rubber • eves. um HUDSON ex c e 11 en I '55 OIEV. 283; auto., new PON11AC 2 BLACK & white~ Siamese ~e. 'A Price. Sohmer Con-2167 Hartior Blvd, CM. $150. eT.M020 PORSCHE '61 Super 90 mecbanical. 'and ~ paint and~ $200. M2..f283 • , .... kittens. Hsbrlm. Eves. aole $716. CULTURED Marble pullmAn, '62 ISLANDER Jt No 83 Omvt. Reblt q . To~t yr cond. 'Extra pu-tg. Best of. After 5 PM •-aatlllr 81., Colla 675--0319 lO/IS """"""-Monday & Friday eves. GE .. ~ ii: dryer, reel Mc G J 3110 n M • r'I n ~ JMpt 9510 ~u u.mee.u. Xlnt cond. fer. Call lifter 4 PM.52f...2888 '85 CHEV. Ims>*, ~ PB, Kl 6 4444 6 AOORABLE puppies ~·SUndayllto4:30 type la'MI mower, all leu fl-ber1la11 w /IJ(ll.den '121NTE:RNA1I0NALScout. ,._,.,, * 962-28Tl * '48 MG TC, Brltiah radna alro::ipd,lJke1JeW, Clrllllet c..t:f•; 't;o waiting for good homes. HAMM ONO than 1 yr old. 548-<1159 mabopny trim. Sp r Uc e l'OW' wheel ditw • travel '&I PORSCHE Deluxe C greei, rtgtit hand drtv'e, 549-Gm Deal• b ftOlll ....... a.ti ·6'73-37811 16115 In CORONA DEL MAit KIRBY vacu.um cleaner A ep&rs, 1xlt11 •tl,nding top,newtiresSl95caabwill Coupe. Mll'lt cond. xlnt cond. $1660. ~-'fl IMPALA. 4 dr, alr/CGl'!dlleo ::::;:lfb.;;....:'-~~~--1 BEAl!TIFUL Ioog bai<ed 2851 E. ~t H"' m<>ll •«....,,.ta. Be1aD<e 155.ll -Main, '"""'Jib oil accept trade.11C4m -am/bn. Prt "'1· 970CI 3'1,000 1111, RfH· -'11S5 '67 Pontiac Sprint ·'kittens, 3 wht. 2 tabby. or $1.86 per mo. Credit dacr<lll, plus 11PlMa.ktr rear 497_1374 Autol Wanted '4&-9740 lfter, 5:30 pn LQADD>! (Jke. l)fW': fbnM1at. -• 1011.1 ~ Lay Away Dept. 535-1289 ::,.~· :=: 1\'ii':!: Caiilporo 9520 .60 PORSC>e-Sop. °""" *We N~ ·112 OlE'IY Bel Air, e cyt. ' 'lbll car 6u )Yd L0\'1IKl LOVABLE ldt .... need &ood YOUR CHRISl'lllAS P!ANO POOL TABLES, T""'la Tbla, -pulp!~ ~· laaten-• n. pm, Xlnt. Acc.... dr. pwr -R/H. Call CARE. $150 CUii delo:.._~ homes. 5'1..J851 before 6 OR 00.CAN NOW Poker Tbta, E :x er c i •In 1 inp, file ~en, new plore.! $2100. Bnt offer _ Used Can * S4W795. or take older trade. iue p.m. 10115 While choice ta vallent Equip.~at d1"'!'!11! .... F'*· held, tklYt, tulfiovtt1, etc. 5'f..S300 We will pat cub fM aooct 't'IS ~ ll,.2 dr. brd ~ '°"' l*.YJDelltl. Alf/flt 11. BEA.CLE" I Tttrier ~ WALl.JCHS MUSIC CITY Call ~ ~...... Be.utltul oondltkml $fi,8. '64 PORSC!IE, red, Chrome late model uted can, or wW Rill $lli0. or b8t ofter 49C-S713 er S6-0S34 ~ t female, 1 wkt 96'2-tm3. 3400 s . a~ C.M. UPHO c -$79Ji0. 2 615-3744 aft • PM ftd)'I. aQ wtfttll. AM & FM. $3100. t# tab 108 di:! Cll' tn 1J"ade. 515-6851 -fD.Sn2 'a) P\Jntiic, sOod CCJl1dldaD. 10/16 !WB-218> pc, (!:uropee crattamm) day wkbdil. best tfter. 83M398 Befcq: )'OU ..nor trade can '83 OfEVY u Ntwt~ '3'15 or Beet-ca. 1,·-.,~A!UOU~=s--~..,,-..,kl"'"",....,.,.-.6 w l ,_,," r.... "'· det, -· :ns * D•-saLE * >Ir. u._ Rill. lllll5 • -·-· Ul1 tur o.,rd r·e-Main, HB "Berny" fJ3ti...641li. 11;;mv "' • ....,.._ w1m. """""'· ~ t01H s:ixi ,,. 'make oaer -a .... nllD SUNBEAM --• s.mc. il!Yi2I TORO .. •DO 1 BLK. doc 6 moa. Gld tntra 5'Mtl9 or 646-15115 DRY Firt!'W'ood. Dlctl~t 1T O'l>Q' ••.. lUiO . 1968 &.-Bl.Yd., e '58 IMPAU Xlnt cond 1 __ ;.::..;:.:.~nA;;..;;:..;;;,...o..I F>fendly. 54Wl!il 10/15 HAMMOND °""'· Mod<I ~".'~101i.d<cd. IZ-11 !llariMr, -.... l3lltO 1916 SUNBEAM Rueda ..... « O>ata M.,. f42""'23 ' thruout, air eood. S&crillCal '&7 T01a<AOO ~ .... I« 2 l\ABBITS ""' """"' t:..133 -Uke •"I! 1815 Demo .... ISO ,..i. Muat .. ,, SlllO. Pri 1"" WE PAY CASH .~· Cill do>s. _ ilt Olll1 ioO.s.1. tiim -10115 .Prl••t• party. 711, SU..1333 ~GG~ORJ~~ ~~ .Fun :.:i.e.:.c;;:s: ~~u.i~.~~'Zu~ FOR YOUR CAR 1:.t. ~-r"i~ ..:ms"* l'tr- • ~~~--.10~. COftnOrwan.Xnhcend. YARDl ·616-llS! · * ; " -IWI! CHIP . .:._,._,."'! ''" ya.Ila.- -· -w -· 1'115, * ~7. KilNM6RE A .... -• -~~ llOO AUTO SAW ,.-=~~:§§:==·l--!!.-~~!!...'-l-1 MAlCtil A "',!'° ..:..-:=: ~ -piano A ncly --0: ooucb; ,... • AUaCAN 0.-. !l too, TOYOTA 21415 u.--Cl:IRYSi.D :i..,._..: lar cub -bencb.-finllb,=, A •-r. a-~Tf -r Cnllaort 90'10 •a J'Grd, -. n\ b. X!nt TOYO!'A co.ta-'dt>or --. I aueneo Ml. Dill IG-5m sa er 1>m cller. · nREWooo. n.ctJpytua tnd CRANCE or • U6ettmel Own CltWlf: WGO. ~ .,._7CU 1.ANl>at.utSER &em •111 NL'WPORT-Irr, Pili. _.. , today! SMAIL ~t piano , O.range . 631-6143 . a twtn ~et, YJ' Ou1t ff'a8-cb-.mm.111a-199S Hdlp. Good JOr rD(l.tft. tuf'TJUl't"Wl!Rltlr._. IVJL Air ecin4. Rtd •~ i'fiismtiiEYliiS&'ll• NO mattu wtiat It Iii, Yot1 ~ rood ccnfitlo&, DEl...tVERQ). Craft, a'OOd c o n d l t I on . Ifft ae~ .._., !M CM tatns~ des tr t. Ddv~ to tb1Dc tD ,.... ,_-11D1nt ~ i)p. U» ml. WCI! aa.&fttd'a ecU.. ....... ' can tell U with I DAILY l'lll. 64M647 DAILY i'ILCll'WANT ADS SloriJl<I 11,500. Ow nu D.\lLY PlLOI' 0 I ... 1IOljOOI o1t Ille -· TIM , , .. f!Jod-"""fl ... ....o<. -.,llW* n. • oil It -.a ...... PILOT'ij'ANT All!! 64U61l q!OijU\E m am !!13-lJLTSl -...tlon N iifi.Jar ~ """*' ....... ' t \ I \ ' \ l I J I 1 ' ... .. • If DAILY I'll.OT .. Reaaefs-of thts·11ewspapeft. -.Sp~clal INTRODUCTORY OFFER brings you as much as . . . I -· ' " $. • Pays up to $10,000.00 tax free cash for each hospital stay if Pays all cash direct to you (not to doctor or hospital) • No age llmlt-no medlcal examination required • Pays In addition to all other coverage you have-Including Medicare .- • Pays you cash benefits that Increase each year ... to a maximum of $130.00·A·WEEK ... at no •xtra cost to you! • • • *Pay~ $100.00·A·WEEK cash each time you go. to the hospital ••• even up to 100 weeks *No salesman wlll call . SPECIAL LOW RATES! EXAMINE POLICY IN YOUR OWN · HOME-MONEY 'BACK IF NOT 100.% SATISFIED!' ACT NOW-YOUR ENRO~LM~NT FORM MUST BE MAILED BY MIDNIGHT SAT., OCT. 281 OR IT CANNOT BE ACCEPTED • ' ' I -' One out o! two families will have tomeone'ln tbe hO.pttal thl1 year! It could be 7ou -or some btiloved member of your family tomorrow •••. nm week ..... not month. Sad to aay, vefy tew famiJiea ·haw ·anywheni near .enough .COYJr~ -t.o meet, todaT• aoaring hospital coata. Thue cosUi have tripled in Jiutafe·w eliort yean. Tbe)' are e:rpected'to double again in tile few years ahead. Stop for a moment. Think how much a long stay in the hoapital wHl'coat you or a loved one. How would you ever pay for costly, bu,t necp.aary, X-raya, doctor bills, drug• and medlcineaT What would you do if your pay check stopped, but llvinr expense_1 kept going on the aame u ever? The aame rent, phone, food, all the day-to-day eroenaes that never atop. What fa .the aftrage breadwinner to doT We believe we have the answer In the famous Presidential Extra Cash Plan that ••• PaYJ you $ r 00.00 a weelc: tax .. fre• ca11t when you 90 to the ho1pltal. Now, Pre11idential'11 economy plan en ab lea you toenjoythI1 pro- te<:tion. Mail the Enrollment Form, We will tend rou the actual policy to look over at home. No rush. No agerit wil caller phone yeu. 1'ak.e 15·daya to decide. Show the policy to a friend, a f1mi11 adviser firat..You lose nothing if you don't want the policy. But if yon do want it, you're· entitled. to Presidential'& apecial low rate. descriliea below. So low, you'll fl~d you get Pr'9l:ection at a price that'• juat a fraction of what you'd upect to pay. Your cnlt 1Jen•flt1 lncr•aN eaclr yacrr- crt no extra coif to you I Your cuh benefttl automatically rise JU?' aft.er year. You get peaee of mind m you don't-have to worry about rlainr cost.a. Your protection aut.om.atically fJJ.cnaaes $8.00 a week each year. TM ftnt:yur you set $too:oo a weell:S.You ~t· .... 10a.oo i weeJc. tn the eetond 1ear. $106.00 a week in. the third year. $109.pO a week in the fourth year. BJ the eleventh year, your _policy will be worth a full 1180.00 a toHk in benefit payment.· ••• at no incnue tn COit to 70u! Thia pneroua cub reaene protection will belons to JOU: for-u king u you keep the Jl!)llq. You can 1ee that YOUJ' inluructwill bt wo1*)l mt&Cb tnort than tAi Praet\t "faoi Ylhit" of.:the polfq. ~. nr tnctUMd pqmd to JO\\ 1rlll help ...,_with rioinc--""4 ..... of .u ••• ··~ T .. f11erHa1119 .....,,,, emne to you Gt no extro cost. Y• ltlU prf tlle ,..utcrr low P....WentJol premlumt What otMr-Plan proteeta 7ou lib thhi tocla1 t What other Plan bep1 P~ iotl" aptnat rtab:ac lirina-oc.t. ta the years· ahead without fftiftuina' 1our prmnlhmaf And that's nat alL TIU,,.J*ial Pnoldenli&I Exira Cuh.Plan.(#HPllL-1067). .. , •• Pop FO" $I 00.00 o w••k CASH fW • r•9fderell nvn• af •ome. Yies. In addition to the.$100.00 ~.Y c;htcke '!9 send you durinr yoar hoa,pi'-1 ft&J, we pay you an extra i100.oo a week if the doctor ... ,. you need a full·time re&Utered rillne to take care ol ··-·· -~-. PAYS Up"' $10,000.00~ for -occldeftt or Illness. ltlrtin& the wt)' fil"lt day in th• hospital. PAYS $100.00 A WEEK CASH-If you need 1 full· 1 time reclsterld nurse when you come home from the hospltll -up to 50 weelca. PAYS $1,000.00 EXTRA CASH for occidontll dfftll. PAYS Up to $2.000.00 CASH fur 1a:.ldental Ion of -llinbs or eyes11ht. PAYS $100.00 A WEEK CASH for each presnancy, . wl\en you ao to the hospital, n.sumlns both · h'Ulband •nd wtf1 have been enrolled In tht Fam1Jy P11n With Matemity. PAYS Up to $5,000.001t the rate of $50.00 A WEEK when a child aon to the holpitll for any a~· . dent or illness when you are enrolled m ttit fami(y Plan, PAYS YoU cash bentflts that Increase uch yar ••• to a maximum ·of $130.QO.A·WEEK •• , at no extrl COit· to you PAYS you cash· benefits for holpitaliution for lftY 1eeident immediately. Any sickness is covered No' bqlnning30d1ysafter Effective Dateot policy. 111 limit-no rn,!dl~I e~minatlon required . ' . If YOU AA' 65 Oil.OVER YOU WILL COLLECT $7C!_.OO.A·WEEK IN ADDITION TO MEDICARE Why are smart folka over 65 now hastening to )'.lrot.ect tbems!!lve11 with the Presidential Extra Ca11h Plan in additiuntto what Medicare will do for them? Even though Medicare ii.a great.boon to folka over 65, it will not, of course, pay cill the billa that quicld,y pile up as a reault of illness or Mcident. rte9ardlea1 of your a•e, you stJfl need · additional health protection. We have designed thia plan a• the imporl4r1.t tsdditiox to what you receive from Medicare -or anf other health inaU:rance you may have. Remember, al checks will be eent diTectly to vou (nat to the doctor or hOs- pital), to give you that "extra" help juat when YllU need It mo11t. Uee the tax-free caah any way you tee ftt. And you will be il•d to know 'the checks will 'be big rmi1/ In addition to what you rec:elva from :Medicare, Preeidentlal 'paya yon $70.00 a week . , • EVEN FOR. 100 WEEKS if neceuaryl· Yc>ti o'"' reuiv• u """'" u 11,000,00 for mo4 iUr1.e•• or infuf'JI wMn.· Aolpkliudl How C<lmfortlng it;. to know that-after your lta7 in the ho .. pital, if )'Oll've been there three daya or more, 7ou caq return home to recuperate and yet not be a burcten to your loved onea. Ye1, if your doctor 1471 you need. a registered nurse full tim• within 6 day1 aft.er )'OU c:amt home, we'll .end )ou cbedta !or 1100.00 a w1•k-for aa long u 7ou need th• nurse -even up to 60 11u11k1. It'a like havinr a 1'1Hrve of $6,000.00 caab to draw on when you need i~ Theae benef\te tdso iKcre411eacb year b¥$3.00 a wMk. Another exceptional featur. you have with Pre1ldantial ... ••• flays you $100.00 a week 'ca1h· maternity benefJt1 -up to 100 weeJc1 for each ltospltal lfoyl Ontlna17 h011pital insurance may take care of part of your ex- penMe when 10u Co to t~e hospital to have a bab1. But what policy can JOtl think of that lrive.a you caab to buy all the thing11 JOU n~d for the new baby! "N'Ow, If both hu11band and' wife are in1ured in the wonderful Fo.Jn.illl Pkln WitA Mo.t•tnitN for the entlra period al tha prernancy, y~u get extra CNh to uee--any ••1 you want. If a pregnancy, cliUdbirth or even ndacarriage: putt you in the hospit.l for one day, 6ve days, 10 day• -u long cu n•ot110.rv -you get $100.00 a week for e'Veey da1 o! your conAnament, up to 100 1¥eeb. All th•' odded ca1h henefits. Yee,_ In addition to $100.00 a week for hoapitatir.ation ar •100.00 a week maternit7 beneftts and '100.00 a weU for a rer• istered nurse at home .•• you get all t hie: Added cub benefits: it.000.00 cuh to your family if death occurs within 90 daya from any a~ldental injury. Think of how handy the cuh can be in time of lou. It can take care of burial upenses without burdening your loved one,_ A&led aidt beDtlb Up to$2,000.00cuh for accident.al losaof lhnba· or eyesight. wbe"n the Jo1s occurs anytime within 90 daya of the accident. Tfte Josi of a llmb or e1e11lght is a terrible thing. Noth· Ing can replace the laaa,. but a check for $1,0-00.00 or $2,000.00 will bring mater peace of mind during the period of adju11tment. Added casll· beDllb Chooae •it1Lw Family Plan .-.. and your clllldren will be covered toot Pruldentialfa7s up to $5,000.00 any time your JGUns.ier goea to the b011pita ••• for ton1i11, appen- dicitis, or anv otMr tllneu or lnjn1'J' I Yes, you will receive $50.00 aah, week after week-for"' man7aa100 t!HIU, if neceuary. We pay your premium• when you are not able A• a special con1li:leratlon to yon-If you are haepitalized just 6 weeka ar more, all p~IUINI t.hat come due while you are still in the bo1pital after tht. period will be paid by Pre11idenUal. And your prottttion continues a& U you were paying the premiums yourself! Then if you leave the hospital and mu1t return for the ume condition befOre you have resumed full normal activitie1 for 90 day11, Pre11identlal will again PAY ANY PREMIUMS WHILE YOU ARE JN THE HOSPITAL-TO A MAXIMUM OF 100 WEEKS per conl\nement! This meane you pey no pre- mlum11, yet your full protection remains in force -11ou colt.ct ttp to llOJJOQ.00 /of' so.oh confiM'!MK-tl 1Hl5 UM111D INA0UMfff1 Of11R INDS SOON Amo1lne ·LCrW a.t9s-.Money..aadc Guorant .. You can DOY' have your A.rat month'• protect.ion at the special LICENSED BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA :' J:u~ ~J:t~-FlllST--Y>= TlttPRESIDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF AMERICA ,.. __ ... .._..,,..,..._ IKB' 11401 ROOSEVELT BLVD~ PHILADELPHIA, PA. 19154. Applit.ltion to: Tbe Presidential Life Insurance Comp1ny of America, Chlca101 111 ... for 'fhe Presidential Hospital·N:nu Pl1n. J-577·1·'49 NAM[ (PIHM Prlril) ADDRESS· -----------""""':::-::=-:,..----------~ -Stl'Mt or ltO # ______________ _,.TAT..._ _____ ZIP ____ _ DATE OF BIR'IH __ .,,...,,..... _ _,,-,....--=-~GE. _____ SEX ~ Dq Y•r OCCUPATIO'"-------------------------~ I Ibo he""1 opply for covorqe for~ momben of my family listed below: 100 NOT lr<lude namt ttlll 1P11'•1t abOYtJ Ploill li'1 lddltional dtptndlnts on sepmts pqL RWTIONSHIP SEX Ye•r AGE •. I'; I > 1ow rates liattd beklw! But you must act immsdillUl;V. Your~ quot for this wonderful lncoina Protection Pllin must be mailed on thi convenient" fOJftl. htlow NOT LATER THAN MIDNIGHT of the date in the E'lirollrnent Form. Thia midnight expiration hour caxJtot bo s:rtndsd. U your enrollment form la mailed later, it oo.•1&0t bs o.oupUd. Fii•• are the ONLY excludonsl Your Preaideiitial Polic7 coven eve1'f conceivable kind of eick. ne1111 or accident Ucept C<lnditiona caused by war or any act of war; where care U In a Government hospital; mental disordere; tntoxicante.and narcotlc11; t>regnancy except u provided under the maternity benefit prov111ion; and expensea resulting from any aicknu1 or tnJ.ut)' :rou had before the Effective Date of J"C)Ur policy ••• during the 6rat2 yeara only. This laat item i• a rul help if 7oll'clreo.d11 have a health f'°b- lem, If JOU are alck be/ore yau take out thl11 policy, you wil •till be covered for that condition aft.er the policy bu been In effect for 2 yean. Of COUl'9e, meanwhile every ""'° C<lndition ii im-m~ dia.tel:V covered. How caii tlieH-hrga1n"tow tofe1 ·1Juy so muchP You can buy ordinary insurance at any time and pay the regular :ratea, if you wish. But Presidential can now provide you and your entire family wi~b $100.00 a week tax-free Income Protec- tion at special low rates only becau11e we enroll a large number of people at one time -dinot b)f ma.ill This highly efficient "Mau Enrollment'' method cut.a co1la to the bone -end tM 1a.t1w i'llfl cr1pa.audonto11oul Malc:e your decJslo11 carefully Think how C<l11tly a.boapit.al. confinement will be. Imagine payin1 for those indispensable x·raya, doctor bill11, medicine. &nd drugs that are not covered by your preae.nt insurance. Would JOU bt able to afford the quiet and privacy of a private room and a private nuree, should you 110 desire? Or a telephone to keep in toueb with loved onee1 Or the rental of a TV 11et to help paea ~e lonely hour1f Who would pay your l:lillt. that keep on com.inc in at horoeT MIDJ' folkt have loat their li!e savings, t.bei!' • cars, even their hom.u tryina to meet sudl apeDM&. And no ou lmowa whoa b2m ii will be nut. Wiry you must crcf Wore t~ dead'IJne dot. 1r.own la the •nrollment form -fuJf a few day1 from tocfoy - Why must you act before the deadline?-Baeauae, a11 mentioned above, we must receive 11our Enrallment Form th.. 1ams tift'WI u !M!~':a;;.,~==::: to ~~:aavillp that come 200 1957·'59 = 100 Jill ·If llloltfl U lllo1 l Woifa'I) Hospital Dlify :: ~~~-~~-~~-~~-~~~~-;~;i;co;C:::~:·~'."'.:::.:i :;~;;~ica;.;I ~~;:·~'.~;.;.~. ~ Physlciana• Feea 100,.......,.7 .. ~.~.7.~ .. ~.~.7 .• ~.~.7.~ .. ~""""·~··~·~·7·~··~·~·~··~·~·~·7·~··~·"·~··;;1· Prescriptions and Orup Ill'-,+.,,-~,,.--,+.,,--,.!,~-,+.,,-=' 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 Socl•I Soc:11rlty llu/11lin, July lff1 Govt. f\gurea re.veal your pnsent health prot.ection .•• tMY ftO llmJl•r pro'9at rov aga.in1t tod1111'• ririr1.g tMdical co1UI Don't leave your loved ones defenee- leu! Ad at once to add up to $10,000.00 to 70ur health protection. We mail you \}1e policy•• aoon u we receive the Enrollment Form. When the pohcy arrivu, uar:nine it in the privacy o! your own borne. Take all the time you need • .Jt'• a very short document, and you'll be pleasanU, 1urprlaed to discover there ie NO FINE PRINT. Then-'"°'° it, if 11ou wit,\ to lotMOM JOU trust. Per- hap11 your lawyer, accountant, or banker. Better still-1hoxr it to vimr t>Wll iuumn.ct1 man ••• 1t1•n tMug1' M may v•ry wieU b1 working f<W 01&0tMr iMMra110• compa.nyl If be ia a per110nal friend1 he bu your best interests in mind. So you can believe him w.oen hfi tella jou there ii no better barsain available an1· wheR-atanypricel Mon•y bade 9uoranf..-ln CG'M you chang• your mfnd Even after JOO mail your Enrollment Form below •. , aven alter you axamhie the poliey in your own home and talk it over·with anyone J"OU willl ••• even alter' all thi11 you are still free to return the pollCJ within 16 day1 aJtd '"!':¥ pq.n11 vou po.id will b• r1- /11.Mtd. o,t °""' Thue will be no obligation whatever. Meanwhile, all dW'inl tbe 15 days 7ou are making .up your mlnd-7ou'll De'protected by $100.00..A-WEEK extra ca1b bene-fits juet as if you !lad already said ";yea." That'• right, you will be fully cove.Nd all this tim• for an1 accident which puts you in. th• hospital, even if J'OD l\na1l7 decide to return the policy. However, aftM ,-ou've aeen the polic7 for younel~ you will lllNIJ' q:ree that thia t. a trem1J1doua value and you·JI want to continue this $100.00-A-WEEX utra caah protection undar the Plan th&t•1butforyou. Pl.AN I -INDIVIDUAIJS) ONlY' Pl.ANt If )'OU wut to cover 70unel! -or JOQnelf and ona or more adult dependents (incladlng your spoue) -then this i• tq,e Pl&n!or you.. Each penoq muat be 18 orove.r, and 1hall pa7 (per pel'IOn) the rats ap:r,olflfccaab le to hia or her qa. NOTE: Where tbtn are no depen m.ts, PLAN I f1 the moat economicaJ 10 ehOOM for• huband 01' wile (or both). THESl22 QUESTIONS AND ANSWEIS ' Jsn you ltow ,relldentlo1'1 COSJ 01 UVING IHCOMI U- PLACIMEHT HEALTH AND ACC/DINT '1AN glYu you tha prolHtion you need -at ama1f11gfy 1-ntll 1. How much will my policy IJ'J. ma when·! to tt tl'le hospital? Tho full omountl Vou or• pold SlCI0.00.A·WEEI( u•h ..., • .,. slntl• wo1k. And It slort• tho QI')' fi,.t doJ )'OU or1 In tM hoopltol. Clf you oro OV•r 6!, you .,. ,ni1d S70.00 • w••k, In sddllloll to &"f M•dleort i,.n1flt1 )'OU rec.Iv•.) 2. Wiii .i m Plld If I am tioapltellnd for ie. thin • tun Wllekr You c•rtah'!ly wlll ... rtoS•rdl••• of wl'lotl'"r you are In tn. hoeo pll1I IOf •• short • !Imo •• on• day , •. or •• Joni • tltM as e -•k, month, yur or more. S. no.. thl1 Piel' ow ma from tht first day of hospitlltmtlarl? Y•st ~u r1e1lli• lun e111'1 b•n•llt• of Sl.00.00 • wo1k .i:artlq tho Y y flr1t doy you •nter the ho•plt•I. Tho covorq• blald when e teeoiv• your llr1t pr1mlum -th•l 11 ttlo day ~u ,,. cowr for eny oceld•nts. S!eknne coverq• bq;fn1 30 doya oftw • •ff•etlY• dlt• of tho polley. 4.. How uctt do I r8C:llW fof • Rte11twed Nune et Ho:net SlOO A-WEEl'.C 1o~ up to SS,000.00 1ftu you htv9 bNft ho9, plt11f1 d for 3 do~ or morto, 1nd·your doctor h11 you -ploy e full.ti • ,..1ht•r•d'nu,.1 within !S doye oftor you lt•Y• the~ 'pltal. ori ~·,.. from now It will t11~ /ncrNlld to $130.00 a wffk b.nefltt .•• 1t no art,. cost to you! I. Are .,,, ac:clderttal death beMfltl? Yn. ,000.00 cs•h le pold to your ••toll wt.. .. th occurs 1ny ti •within SIO d•Y" of •n •eeldent. I. 'Will I Pllld extta If I klee • Umlt or ~ YU. ild•ntl•I poy1 Sl,000.00 f1)r cOmpf.te aceldtlntol Ioli of Ollo l'i nd or <HI• foot or oflJ)rt ol ona a19: S2.000.00· for to• fA both lldl o' both 111•1 or •lllht of both ·~ •.• wh•n dl-M t oeeu,. anytlmo wttftln 90 doys of the •ccltlant. 7. How ... reoeNe for ... ~nd,.? If )'OU h•Y• th• F•mlly l'fen With Mlt"fTllt)', ~ "°""" SIOO.OO·A-WEEK for ooeh P"Oananey, dllldblrth Or mloe.rrllp that r ult• h• hospltol connn1m.,,t wl'lo11,both h'u1bond M4 'fl'-••• a lied under this pl111 for tht .ntl,.. period of p,..rit!ICJ. & ... --..... -.. -1!1>" ' ,ff f 9fft ... Hp'telzad fw tfle ...,,. condition? iq•l'J· You otm1.u.ct $100.~WEEK toJ,. tot.I of l~ Md lf you-~-a"-1)' ~ fuH'llOrlflel -.rlvttlll Hit doye. It'• -Id•'" a -conflMtMl'lt. W J'O(a can eot.• a11 •dCl'lll-1 100 Wffka. Of COU,... M)' -ciondftl°'! le ct1V•• lrnmedlately for • lfull 100 'IW."kl. , t. How •Y I uN U-. IMnpftt pi)'lt••tlt -._.., -' You '" y uu lh11111 In'"' woy you wi.--1°' l'losoit1l 1fld docUlr bins.· -t. toed. ho\IMholO .~., ·~ ... nm .. entl111 ~ to you. lO. MIJ I pply If I am ewr m Yos. )'OU m1y, FolU 01'1)' ~ON -ICOMO to •DOly-there la -oat ill'!lltl Mlmbtis 6! or r ar1 peld $70.00 • w•k plus all Modfco .. btMfito. 11. Can I collect from f'r..tdentlal 8\llfl If I cMoy .aw ,,,...,..._, Of courwo .. Thi• pl•" will poy you In •Cldltloil to who.tev•r you m'oy rocolv1 from'"' otli•r pollclos. lnollldlflt MMieort' for folka ..... , 66. \ JZ. WhJ dD I neod tflll ~ Pilft In Mdltton t11 my-...,. homit.f ond hulth ln1ur1neeJ Whfl• ho1pl1ol eci1ts how tripled In roconl , .. ,.., 11~11'ffOW pooDle tievo trlplod lholr lnsur11lc•. Tho chancos ,,. ,one In -n d11t you wlll need monay te t.1k• e••• ol on your otll1r oapen1•1, 11 woll •• your h11tplt1I blll1. Your l'ro1ICl't'lltlol d'lodll &rt nithed to )'Ou by •Ir mall to us• •• you ••• flt. JS. Wtiet IMnltlb do my •ll&lbll, clepandant chlkktn pt? If you 11loo1• • fornlty Typ. Pl•n, your d•~dont olfalbt. d!llo Clron, •In l month• to undor 19 yoars, would.rteolY• 50"-of 1U tl'lt e111ih tHln•Htl of tho l'len (exeludint: Woht1r of , .. mlum). J4. Mt,y I edd totu,. depencl1nt chlldl'lll to my poilC;J •k It la ' l11foruJ · Yo1, lndffCI', II you h1vo tho FAMILY l"LAN WITH MAT£ll:N1TY, Ju1t notify us wh•n thoy ore 3 monthl olCI ond th1y wHI bit ""'" erad without "'ldoneo of ln1ur1bllll)' ond without 011y •dcllll011ol e,h1111. J5. Wiii my prottctloft lie canulled beuuM I have too msny clelfM1 No, d•flttltoly ...otl Pr•1ld•nli1I au•r1nt1•1 n1V1r to eoncol JOUt prot1tetlon "eou10 you h1Y1 too m1ny el1hn1 or btle1uu of idol Y•need •I•· W• ol•o au1r1nl•• n1v1r to r•lu11 to r•n-"'" policy uni"• th• p,.mlum It not ~Id b•fore tn1 •nd of ttl• :Sl• d1)'. 1roco p•rlod, or unln1 renowol Is dec:lln•d on oll polltl• of thft IJP9 In your ontlra 1t1t1. (Of couru, II doc•P'tlon le u1N In mUln1 oppfleoUon, tho pallcy moy tHI ln1fl1et1Ya.) , 11. wm my r•tM be r.!Hd •• I 1row older or If I haw too """f "'''"'~ No moll•r !'low m1ny tlel!Tls rou h•v1, er rea•rdl••• of how f°"8 you k••P your policy, your ••I• will rwm1ln the ••m• •• ft woa for your 111 wh•n you opplled. Pro1ld•nl!1t l\ll•lnl••• nevor te •Cllu1t tl'lil roto uni••• th• ••I•• arto odju1ted on oll pollclel flf thf• bPI In your •ntlro 1t•t1, 17. Whit 11 not cowred by thil pollp;y? Th_o only conditlo(I• not eovor.cl or1 tl'!oae CllUled bv: m•rrtal di• otdu"S: lnto•leont1 orod nercotlc•; 1xp1:n111 ••1uldn1 from on1 olelln11• or Injury you had b•for1 tl'i• pollc)' ElfltCl!vo Dote (du,. ln11h• fl1lt 2 y11r1 onlyl: •ct ot w1r; who•• caro I• In • Gov•rflo mont ho1p1tol. £\IERYTHING ELSE IS CO\IEllED-lncludln1 P''" none}' Ml•n bQth hu•b•nd •nd wif• liov1 l>Mn on111l1od In the FAMILY PLAN WITH MATERNITY for th• onll,. pt:riod of P1111' noncy. la. Whet.,. the Nqulrementl t9 enroU In.,. of these~ Plen11 · You-~t not h1v1. M•n r•""'" 1n1 tio11t!t. l'!otpltol er lit. ln•u,.nca: on-cl, to quollfy hir onro11ni•nt, you· m....-.t ,.,,11 your fne exominatlon form before mldnlal'it of the dote in tM form, JI. Wf'ly I• this orr... nod for• limited tlrne only? 8.uuse, by •ntolllna • !Or&• numb1r ol peoplo at tflo "'"'time. ullderwrltlns. praco1sin1 ond polltJ l11uonco cotts can " kip& at e mh!lmum-ond we con p11s lhU• aovlnp on to )'OU. 20. lnldel tht: savlnp, . •rt tltlN ottw adYlnbPl to )olnl!W ,,...ldentlal dUfirc this enroU,rnont pertodl' Vos. thort e•rtolnty •re. A v•ry tm1111rt1nl o.,, 11 th1t you do not flO•d JO compt•\l •·re1ulor 1pitlle1\lon -/1111 your b'l•f.fa""' In ttt. lowar l•lt· hond corner ol thl1 P•I•· Al.a, durln1 tl'i11 •nrollo m•nt period tn.ro •re no oth•r r~uirto!Tl•nls lor 1ll1tblllty-•nd no "w1lv1t1~ or r.1trlctht• 1n4or10m1nts con be put on your po/It~ 21. can othlf mlll'lben of my famllJ "'• ffv•ntql of this lplClsl offlrJ Y•s. as Ion(•• th1y otin mitt th• few requ1rs111111ts MNaolll under Qu1otlon l the JnO?lthlJ pnimlwn for tha ult. to naure , u ' .------------'>.,.at lnroll!M'lll Monthly ""'"fufl'I Thia entitles you to all maternity beneftLI. It also coven all 1011r TH"E •-TOUI LOW ••~ 1• -_....,. 1 unmanied, dependent children between the are• of a mon.th• w """ Mi.. _..-. •• • • •• • _,.., -· 5 and cnda 19 years Who live at home. Future dependent ehbdr.n 40-49. • • • • • • • onlY $4.95 will be covered when thet reach a months of are and without &IU" '" ................. ,. so-n •••••••• onb' $5.95 additionalcharp. ...74 ............ $6.95 "'AN 111-PAMllY' PlAN W"HOU1 MA11ANl1Y' ............... , ... .. ............. , ...... 71 Md CMr • • • •IY $8.95 Thia, l"1•1' la .!01\tbe family that fa·no lonrer srowtnc. ~o.,th• ~ SAVE tvEN-Moll (over 19' 1) -._ __ ::,.;., . ..,;I. ... ,art.er'-Ult ·~.f thJ me>n\h1Y J>ftmlum f!if'th• tidJllta to be·lnatirid.·Juitt .. ... . •L. _,r! .,..,,.... ..w. "' 'add' ... :wlth uCtpti.Oll.Of chil4ftn 1e~to be born. PLAN ·llI : year Of · MJ...-~a~. aent wfwt ....,."11'· 1 co..U.•attrour munarrled, dqelftttnt t!ltldren Mtweail .0. .,.. PUN'll -fAMILT l'l.AN W,lrH M#,fJAN11T '• of~;llfoo,llia ... d under 19,..,. jiho u,.,., home. " ' • ~~ i. fof tlW'famil:t that Ja aUU P"Owiite T•thl totaO. of MOT!t~nl\!l.r Montf'ilr "'""""""...,_~_;,-'"' · .. ., ' + • ~ -"--I t•• , __ ,_ , .. ~ ~ )'OUI' ... time en...,",....n ' .,. •--,,,..,.,.,..,,.. .... -ebntlnu. 10 PtY1 Ill wllt .oe I ~O!Mtluf!r klc,._ " JW ,... en..-... -.._u .. i. ttt9 "81lt. o,. J'llV ti-·llflfOU_,I 'ffN' 111h Cil'll MWf be chwnpd beeeuae of l'loW ""°"~ OI'' Mw •tttn 10\I co I~ trem u .. -or btcou10 of •dv•nctd •P-but Oflly 1t "'"'",. Is ~•n.t1I note ~lo up or down, on •II potlei.o oi u.i. t)'Je """........ . ~·1·· Act nOw-.''lat•r'' may h too latel TnlEJll'J;tECIOUSt AdqulGltlyl (No aaleaman will call) Cit your·~tlTqltqi&llt .fonn.l':nto the mail tod411 with1our 6rtt month'• p~cnUlin ~rd.inc to tha plan 7ou choose. Remember, JO'Q mu.a$, bf! ·~pie •tlitled o~ JO\lr mone1 will be refunded. But JO\& muat &et~ t no,, • .atmembe:r, once J'OD aufl'er an accident or aidmna, it'• TOO LATl'l to buy protection at a11v coat. Tbat'1 whJ w• urp JOU to ad todq -bt/ars &01Lhinc unexptd;tll hop-