HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-12-03 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' c .. . ' ~-.. ~·~--..~-....... ----~.,.. _, I • • • • . . ' -' r• -N~.: L~:Wy.eJ. . -. .. ,.. _ 1 ! • ' • - ''• • .. ~J . Deities · . Wia~.µltg ' • f;ablnet l'o~·t' . -. -. . . ' ' . . ' ' - ., By WJWAM REED . 01 t11e ~.Pli.t l"il Huntington Beach police tod&.y .ordered their fii-st $42,266 patrol helicopter after gaining · authorization for the mini-air force Monday from ~City Councll. City' councllm1m approved purchase of the Hughes 300 patrol chopper after receJving a recommendation to buy the craft from City Administrator Doyle MlDif. ' - Htintington Bea& will become the first Chotiner Denies· Rumors of N~on Cabinet Position By EVELYN SJIERWOOD _Of tlM ~lr..tltll_ Sf•ff -• Newport Beach attorney M u r r a y Chotiner, close friend and confidante -0f President-elect Fu.chard M. Nixon, today denied a variety of poSsibiliUes about bis rumored cabinet appointment. ·He Iba denied he will see Nixon, Who ls dqe to visit the govemorc con- vention in Palm Springs this weekend. "There is absolutely no fQundation to the .statement that I will be named solicitor general in the Niion ad- mlnlstrallon,'I he Mid today. A teleVfSJon . newsman reported th.ii rumor l\londay night. . 4 "'tii.ei'e ,15 no .fouridation to the rumor df an appointment to· the Supreme Court either.~' ChotJherisaid. j -' ' ' • -Orllll!le CountY. city to employ such airborne .police patrols. . _ The: ro41.ry-winged craft will come equipped for law enforcement work, com· . plete with floe.ts for water landings. COST 110,IOO tli addition to Initial cost, pilot training ·through an instructors' rating Will cost $10,000. Operation· maintenance and repair services will be contracted at a rate of $23.50 per"hour. · Miller, noting that .surrounding cities .have : <JiscuSsed , possible purChase Of helicoPter,a too, said there might ,be the poSsibllity 'of setting up a mulU-eity helicopter service and repair facility financed by the cities jointly . Two police officers will be trained to fly the-helicopter and could be on regular patl'Ql u early as April. Miller said that there is enough on. budgeted money in the city's capital improvement fund to purchase the (See flEUCOPS, Page 21 Lq,gunan, Friend Return Home After Storm Passes A Laguna Beach skipper and his Gar· den Grove companion, objects of a • night and morning sea search for their missing boat by the U. s. Coast Guard and Harbor Depa1'ment, put into New· port Harbor under a~iliary power Monday afternoon., Mike Efseaff, 29 of 1565 Catalina Dr., La_suna Beach, and. Russell Reed, 27, ol. Garden Grove, arrived uninjured at Owens Pacific followk1g their 29-hour channel crossing in heavy seas. The men bad been reported overdue a~ 6 p.m, Sunday from. the weekend cruise to Catalina Island in Elseaff'S new 21- (oot Venture sailboat. The men told · Harbor Department " ' olricers they left the Island under sail at about 7 a.m. Sunday with a fleet of .other craft'. By 2 p.m. the charulel became rough and they decided to turn back to the Avalon Harbor. · Howe\_'er, in heavy seas, the craft be- gan shipping water-. . The men then rigged sea anchors from the craft's sails to ride out lhe wind-whipped waves. Efseaff said that as soon aS lhe wafer calmed down at day-break, they cranked up the small outboard auiillUJ and beaded for N<Wport_ They had been blown to the Vicinity ol Octanslde. ' ,, -.......... -• - ' .. ' u t ·Dr._ ·~·-In She(.pard SUed for Drvoree· , ' 1 • . .... ,.,, -• ~ I "" lly ._ ·Ge~~a•~:·_wue. . ' ' -' . TUESDAY .A;FTERNOON,. DECEMBER ·), '19'68 • VOL ''• NO. 91, I l•_cTIONI, M PAl,IS ' . ( \_. . Police Bust New Protest At SF State ~ SAN FRANCISCO (UPI)--ClulMwing- lng police broke up a 11nall band of demonstrators today al Sill n.lsco Stat.e College. Eight yciutha. llDd 'two girls. were ar· .re;s~ in the c;1asb outside 'the b!JSineu and social scien~ bulld1'1· Same , ol -tbe--demonatrator1-~ere-bloodied--in--'tht----DJelee.. · ' · · · ·t 1 -The •vtblOaCio', !W'4 .. about• -,J\oiur ilter" .clal<s rol\Dlled for . the ......S I • f f - I •·· under lht '0 -'""' ~=~--" ,,,,...,__actlq ~'""TT."""'" ...... ' .. ,, . -~.lht f.loot'f·\lngltllj~ -' By TOM 'BARLEY Of .. n.!IJ' f'lllt ltltf Seven insurance 88.lesmen were at· res~ today and ts others were being sought in a roundup sparked by the Orange County Grand Jury's lndfctment of an Encino insurance company on charges of conspiracy and gran(ftheft. - District Attorney Ctcll HICk8 said t!le indictment follows a pl'obe of Regency Investors Inc. by bis invesUgators and agenta-0f the attor:ney general's. offict. In all, three company executives . and 19 salesmen are n<\ltled in the charges. Booked today by ·investigators on charges of . conspiracy . and grand theft are Hru:ry L. Hibbard, 58, of 2856 V{. Lincoln Avenue., Anaheim; RlchJrd M. Silverstein, 38, of Sherman Oaks;, Robert E. C. McCulloch, ~. of San Diego; Thurlow W. Harley, SS, of ~·Angeles; June .V. AdaTI\ll, 25, of -North Hollywood; David M. Kane, 37, of Beverly Hills and Cleo M. Johnson, 51, of Santa Monica. . Hicks ·said the compariy, .and . its representatives sold more thNt .$1 million worth .of life insurance pollcje1 issued by Nebraslta 'National Llfe ~urance Co. in Orange and · Los Angeles CO\mtleS. Earlier ~investigations of the Regency group by the Caillornia Department of Insurance resul~ 1n the refund of more than $6S0,000 in premiums to policyholders, many of whom lived in Orange ·County: , . Hick• absolved Nebraska National Life trom any complicity in the case, The Regency group . operaied1 as · an (See CONSPmACY, Pa8' %) _ Nose!' ' . .... ,tr ........ ST~"!D!NG .FlRM . SF Stet•'• Hayakaw• -bad •tha·.IUPl'OR of-many. .,; 11.f';'Jl» ·:' lludenta. ~vlxti-vowed an(attempl lo OU!lbim. ' • --,-( Students. sU'eamed lo morning clwes u lbout IO ph:k•ts paradell:at the maln campus entrance. There was little banter ~tween the students and plcketl cbaJ!. Ung, 11J01n the people, not tbe pigs." But; wiihln an bour, a group of 11 mWtants ·began a noily demonstration outside · the · busihess and social scienot building. A squad ol 30 unifomu!d offken marched· to. the · area and chued the demonstratorii with clubs swingin& as '(See SF STATE, Page It Sam Sheppard's Wife ' ' ,......,__ .Sues Him for Divorce CLEVELAND (UPI) ~ ·Dr-·Samuel Sheppard, who •Pe.z:tt nearly 10 years in priSon in t b e ila,ying of hi s first ' -' wife ,and then was acqultted of her death .at a second trial, today , was. sued for divorce by his second wife. Mrs: .Ariaiie Sheepard, who married Sh e'p pa ?"ti in July, 1964, after cor· respandil'lg w~th him. While he w a 1 in prison, asked the coutt to enjoin• him froin threatening her with "great bodily hann." Sheppard·, who was convicted in the l~ bludgeOn Slaylrig · Of his preg'nailt wife, Marilyn,_ was acquitted in 1986 at a secoJl!i trial, ordered bj . the U.S. Supreme .COutt; · · 'l11e divorce J>eUtlon,-filed in common 1 ple8.• cotu't.· stated : · \ · · "'rile defendant threatenl'to and unl.,. restrained by t)lis court will perpetrate on her ~son, .acts of vl'ol~ to her irreparable". aam"age 8!Jd -.real boiilly harm for · wlYCh she Has · no ~adequate remedy at Jaw." ' -. atti-active 39-~eaJ;'-qld Ari~e. 1 a t d the sheppards h a d· Uved• at their bo!ne-ift Bay Village ·until a tweet ago,· wheb· both moVed oUL . . 1 ,; • ~ r, I .,_'tpsey .said1 It Wa!( hot· known .when S)\eppatd ~w is-staying., . · , .Sbe,PPll"I n~entlY, ~liried' from , tljo staff or ' 0$leopathlc HoSpltal j n Youngstown, Ohio: Ife "Ia defen<!atil ID two wrongful death suits resulUng frotn -attona be·peil~ed at'the boopltal . The SUita sought . a total of. more thin •1 ttWJion.. , · "' . l . flqfenpe Marstelleo, tile l!Ull"l'lntend"l'! of lbeJ>QaPital.•sald "Sbepparcl.submltted his resignaUon Nov-. 21. ,Marsteller 1saitl the ras.lgnllUOh:wu not'reQaeiteif. 1 T -•--" . ' . . ,. . . cea.&1 1.1 l .' We.ilaer -, , I • I l Caqipa,fgt) ~ for Nixon'• unsuc- cessful bld 1... thel iiresldency in -1960, Cbotiner '1M been .in aclvll!er durinl the redmt; 111ccessiurcampaip_ ~' be traveled ttom hil home In NewpOrt Beach to Nixon'i 'New v,;t headquarters. Man, 70, Struck By Auto, Dies Thief Gets Jail., 416 AA Meetings Sh~pl1rif ,lTiel the former ~riane Tel> benjolijlnn&, a divorcee. t h.e .n living in Germany, alter she began cormponding w t·t h hlm ·while be·~wu Jn l he Ohio Penlterillaey.-' ' . J'"'7 &.-Dompsey, attorney for tlJe ' ~Lots ol slm' ~ a minimum of t clOl\CJs -that'i W!djleaday'a I weather plCture" IOP the CXatige ~.with :~~.....-~ liOrn n _by u;. -, ~·;it thlend. I ''I will '.be in New York again this ~kend," Cbotiner concluded, "and do no: eJl)ecl, to see Nlxm during his visit tO P&lin Springs." ' ' \ ~ayless Laundry Also Moneyless The P11lea la~t In Laguna Beach wu temporarl\Y moneylesl Mon- day. Police said a burglar pried open the o(l1ct ol the 1tnicture at 1040 S. Coast lligbway, took a r1ng ol ttyl, unlocked idODey lloxes on .. ..n drycn Rd too\: l(1e nickels. -- An elderly Sanla Ana man ~me Orange County'• 119th traffic victim of the year MO!MfllY when be died of Injuries IUffered Sund'!Y--. ' W-llltam Kirtzer, 1/o, of 1708 ~W. 9th SI., died MOl\!lay at the Orange County Medical Center, the coroner'• office reported. . ' • . . , !OrUer Wll _llnlck by a car ·wblJe pulling a amall · wagt>n loaded· with old · newspapers, police laid. Tbe accident occurred al Brillo! Streel ..-ar !JI' Streef in Santa Ana. Offlcen said the car wu driven by Anita W. Blackie, 35, of 11111 Swu Circle, Costa Mesa. Tbe accident la under investigation. A HoUywood'burglar who favors forays to Costa Mesa was sentenced Monday •to a staggering tQtal of f4 months in Orange County Jail, eight years ol pro- b4Uon and Alcoholics A n o n y mo u s meetings for 411 week&. William A. Rojas Jr., 23, had given alcohoU!ln u the teaaon for his criminal record spanning the lu~ 10 yea~ "Don't t e 11 me , alcoholism," snapped J u d g e William A.• Speln, "I'm· go1n1 to tell you that l won'& t r•e a t yW· anJ. differenUy than any .other defendant In thl8 courVoom. "It's ttme you were hit in the nolt,'' he added. • • Judi•-Speirs ,.t, Mlde a long chain ol evidence and reports from the deleo- dant'1 psychlatrlsl and warned that next ------................ ,.. t i m e Rojas cermes up r or punishment -if and when -he will go to state prison. Rojas "as sentenced Moodaj on two separate offense•. · One brought nine_ months in '!""'ty jail and five years' probation for the attempted burgl11ry of the SatUer Mort1111ae, .Co., 136. E. 17tb ·St., Costa M ........ , ' ' ~ .. r., .as1,J--P~tlqn YiolaUO. . ai the result ol . hls-c:OnYIC\ioo.Ior bttrgWy Of the HOddei' gecvice rfatt<;I ti\', lje~)>er ol !KT . ~t ltoJu.an .adl~ five montlls In jail and three l ..... tD pn)baflon. In addition, ~e m u a t d;lc>k "° l!IOC• and att!nd regutru-weekly -.unp of Alcobolics~""°"1maul, wlliCb ~es up to 411 meetings. .. . , • ' . ' 'Rat Fink'. WdntS ; , , I .His Tools Back· The faclt are true; but fhe name -bavt to be c111118ed• to" proetct the ,,.nty. . • -· -• COiia Meaan Wllllam L. Eclaneler ol 361 'Princeton Drive Io 1 d pollco th~ someone Ll!qle a 'toolbox aiid conientJ worth' lllO SUililjJ1 aaillnl lhal ht,. al owner, wu ldeDlWed on the lid· at ·the box. r . "!llD Is a Rat Fink,• a.re Ibo word! ' pahfted there, lie laid. · ' -, l INSmE TODAY Czechl, "101Jo1ve had !itt!e to I cheer aboMS loliirrers m1ouino theii lattit 4 attroctiOn.' pedc,. -~. ,oldU' ben«ith• Pn!Q11C'• ·main 1qttoi'<-Paa• 19. ' . l • --~=·-..,___,,,,_.., ___ _.;_._ ________ ... ______ ... _ii • f ' • I Nixon Names Presitlmit Of Calwch as Adruer nw 'ftm: (tiPI) -Pt -, 2 • " ..-e .,.... ... taxi• .... -.. BiaM4 M. Wilm tldmy .-ell b'. 1.-• ...._ rr-D 8 ''1J ,_ c I • A.CS 'g,p ·; 'tf6tCM wiw h£$ Z .. Y..' F ll'o • 1* dil!f -------¥¥ J t•e ppci•--lililts.'-e ! Tni _., 1 7 9 1 r a t'll. • ..._. tf ~ .... 2Z ,.... ... Mft -.. I 0 1 .. Clill!di .. ._._: r-• ..,...411 JI\ -sq iiil a .. ,_., , ... ~ y ........... V I ____ la_ .. _ :::::=.1•='· • . & ... ,,,,., .. 1 di. "I .. Ill& ... I* : yn1 -- _ .. di..., .. .... -·-I ... T C -.. .... -••• ... &- .. 'j .. ..-....... . DP '' all. ~ ... ,•DP'' Ill . 0 llt ~ Bllll Plllft ' '; Iii.I _. p 7 ..... __ ,,. 5chlml'Wc •. Mt ~..._-., 2 ,--~ ~ .. +' Or .. I 3 7 ..... (mt. .. ··-·-...... ee, r= : ~.-._ .... ._ .. fl D 3 'I& .. )1111 d ....... e-9111 ... illlllnll .... _,la ___ ,. I W lalila_..,. ___ _ """We -.. --.. £ ' , ._. wlm•J imam.., a.t a ...... illlfnl po •w••' ,_o·z a ii -* P• ; _.. .... lie ___ ..., __ +' ve·111.i~w--....-.. ·-~ .. ---_.. ........ , .. - _._ I ': -... ---~ ··· ------m.-e .... t6lr -.-z-T•e,. _ .. ..,_la_ O e ._ . cm pw•\ , • .............. ...f'lllll't .. , Fstl ... _.D.Me b-.. JI. a... ...... p ,, t • c-4 x. om....,•~, &fl. -·---Dr.am.. '!1sw , W ,,._ z' 'g ,.,...._ al •twtaAJ .. CS ...... b ~~Il l>' l OT r ..... c.-.._ 0 ........ .... -7 a =~==-:·. -C.tl:m .. --c =· -...... ----Lc:.i., ... ..._.. ____ __ ---_..__. -·-... _ ---------------==·-=-;;;;;;;;;;;; ...... - DP '7e,a...m&W•· ,---........... ._ .... ----·-• t & 111:9 ....... 'P , ~~-:a- .... 'P.-tfljlaner ......... ~--.. --... ~ D1ras Adk ti t•e I I 5 'p ., ... h+T.' ~~' P c J11111Et.•i P 5 • t-•e-'*1 -'* _,,. -I a ...... ..... p •• J SF STATE ••• : -· rt m1a11•an ___ ...,.,,. -- _., .. p 1 ......... • -----Olml: -., ', ,,,... - Mll6B' .... " ••••t • 7 I •• bes-'hw ?i.. .mdie &t ~ li*r. 'Dil lilllf. hstc4U, _,..... toalat-- ........... f& .......... o.,.a.aa "cd •Mk ... -• --bf """"" -•'J'eJ tm .._ · · WiMI . ..----· -.Aa tbt • 7 _ .... itgi ........ is. frail fll. tilt '4 .. ria tan ~ 1 Sal ..... I ..... ta ... " : : .... jft ';aj a .... :.-..: I a:.;.: ; ... '..a.·~!' ... :: ills-az ,-_,.Hf C .IJIJa ta ~ I! I 4 M 'ej, ---•t I ••..rJi -, ......... _, , ....... Ill-* -Gomp ..,.,., -«ll!ml ==-=-~:-;.:-=:..-.::= -ll:ltny .. • a --'"", -a pwt.&aa lmlaJ ,._. .., .. m.11) --· -. ..,.-...... . a ~ aia 11a « ' aftel'•••• . ··~ Station Holdup Suspect Nabbed __ ,....•q' ... -~ arfr .tomy - ---.. ·--_,,tlllw 'a --B. ~.II, ms..,._a.--.--,_....,_llod<_a._ -cc .... , .... lie =.:~::./-al=: ....... JhWC .... I , ...... _,,A, E' I ~ -Grwa...... =pp _ .. ~- a-Loft (A.mos JIVIO()tl (llPI) ---~ =j M-a(ila,... alftM .... ; a..: •. .. ,.. ___ .,., ' • • • • , I 2 Pl3.11e 'ftiief 'Cliickens Ont' Y oath Ditches t_raft in ~ .Saped' by HelicOr-er ·= an. Jl c. (llPO - &•s .. .._ -· ....... ..__., ':a. ~ ..., ...... 1111 .. -_,... ~--I TJ..,.,_.W ·-.. --la .. ._ _., ........... _ ·-..... ,,. 9 •• __... n a ~ C I 0 al e. CllliJ& Gmlll .._ ----·---.. -,-•4atsT PTJL .. ~-Li:i: ---... --.-,. a ..... , Ir' ..., . fr a ._~--' ---·-·----. _ .. Pi,. a n m ..... ~ ... _. .. ._ ___ .. ..., ... ... A !!ll'lr ... .._ .. .... I 'Z~ -_-..v ! &-4 •Zi ~-... -•$ --~ ClaotJ' .lil.-t - -~ .. -.:aumofa~am. .... AMWw 11w ii ea' .-,. ... i ?L.-Wat--.ar--• ... ...,. _ __ ... ____ _ feel-~ t ' ..... s • 111-. • a "'' 4 · a ... tt ---··------.... ..,...,_ --rat ~ ....... ..... ti;JI~-..... . p.. ....... .--·-.ta I,,.,._. .. ...... .. "" .. I ····-w -'--: --·-----.. 22 i1t ., • ' -ilft ... mjml .. .. ""3llm lnW.. ---il --°"""' .... ---· ... ........ : ...... ~, .. l't•• P-.e J DF.IJOOPS ••• =e'!s -wl ii hill Clit i.. A•·· ...... _. .. ._ -·--dty ........ . -··-·-cnl!,--. 4• 4' J1i1so • t•*'+J t •at ,.,. ., ., citTa -. * mm .............. __,. ....,_ ............ _if -................. .... ---•--ajllllliar ---.. --..r~ .. .....,.._ . --Dmltry • &e w .. ,._ mllnd ... dlJ ii ft1*W bf' Jal md b -•c fl. )lillD ........... -• ..,. ... .... .,. ....... .-. Gl?OilMl••uo Slim Piclrma Sues Over Knee Injury VBAU& (tlPI) ---llll)saA _... _. tel1•l•I•• ..... -. -..... mz.-*7 .................... ,.., a 1111 0 -*7 IEil)' 4_ ..... ___ ..... 6t"*w~Plla .. 'lrlnllal• ..................... --· ..... ---loll fttdlir la Nlft lllMJ ....... o.t.m.a .. .....-.,. 7, 9 t ' 1111-o.r, ' • -....... ~-.,, .......... -""' .. _..__.,. a ,,.. I 'Delli&, .-......... -......... , ta..1, ~: .;;:::;:-.. ::: ·-------.. 1111-··--·-____ .,.. ... ----·laat" I .. --·----_____ ....,,, ·-... -....,... S '·'*milte ·w _____ .,. __ .............. ... -a1.-..·-~-°'ll---­__ .... -.. jliollll la .. .. .... !h+ :•• ... .. ---....,.. .,. iC-*1 aa.r C!d ~ 7 ·, • .,..c.M~- ... Ell& -W iw, Jf. J .. ftl ftJtnC la ~ - --wldl LI. Cmdr, Jim • :ri a JS.,ar YMID frosD --.il.'J: . "Wtn.t-• ... -- -·----aid, "lie -&'c"81'~ .... -llJilc ;.t -a.. ..... IOlll -al .. -lie ..., did r<ipClild __ _,_ .. __ _ I 11 ....... dlt~.:Jr; r 0 r · ............ .,lbe .a a Jp ..W CM plot ID tbe I ' , • . ff ae: • w.w atiaDpt .-as ¥ .:-.. -doll'll ..,.,. UPIT ....... ... -. "I ........ -· _,., el PYI 111m.....-1ir •ct-..... .., -°"' • " lllis: lie 1114 1'm_,.,. IL ,._. ... -.. .,.,. n. iMI --·-... _at 21 fttl, He -• ....,. ... laodiie -... dldl'I ..... "' ...... , ti,. .... .. 11 -- -.. • .Jlandlo ..W.. ~ I td' JP wa ~ ti Id .. a. -.. -ilnnp!vlJ. He .-.... bnagll& ........ I Illa CitJ c..a Guan! -"'""'.., and ---•••T<l!irt .... ""*"'°" .-, . "lie~-.... ~ """" -"""'" llilll ClpL F, T, v~ the bw'• c• ' a dar~~~ 1r2111't quelltir1rd s• • ,,_ r-.e l CONSPIRACY •. DUUdl Ptess SeueMriu Meet Km. J!apJwO C..:peulB"(loAJ. -widai7 lo Mn. Lady Bird Jti , "'"1 Km. Cen:y Ya di!r, Beuwl. press secretary lo Mrs. P;d•'ria NiJm, cW ""'"c 1r~1 Jllafic•taJ Presa Club dinner )h#Q. South Viet De'legation Arrives for Paris Talks _..,.. w.· .. Dr...., --w.+z t\ a I" I• -7 7 I i = , I T-J bp.ri, _ .. _ _ .... __ ..,., --~T .. - • . UROC to Study College Crises ' DLstwbwts ml 0zs 1 • l'llrgt and UUivasity ~ ii op ltd to -the mu.. """"" -the boanl ol go>ti .... al die Wnit<d Republicans of Califwuia .ll their meeting at the Newport« Inn thiJ weekend in Netirptl't Beach. The boanl and m.,, ~ IJllOC's l,!OI members are ,.,, ........ far tbe two-day meeting starting Fridoiy. Sen. John -(MlS lisl) will deliTI:r the ~ --• • baDqutt Salunlay. Other speobn -Dr . Warnri CmoD, whnhd:.dr.slite ..atant "'Sen. John SdJmitz oi-,_), Members of tbe UROG .Casta Mesa unit and the ....iy farmed -UROC chapter are eqwted ID llUelxl the ~· America, Europe Schedule Launches WI PROCISS 1cl...tif;u,.!l..~= oped speci.ty fv tfMt ' I ctrpet c.lee111w, tt is ~ wf. for •II car,.t flben.. MNTU ACTION .,., ......... er scrubbint actioft, " it ._ Mt .r. ... tort the p;le •I tit• ...,.i. SOIL 11 TA I D I M e AMI WO'llt PIOOFIM4J .,. MIMM .t .. ..tr• eo1f. •• J • • , . . , .... • .. I ~. •• . Oally _P ..,er VOL. 6f, NO. 290, 2 SECTIONS, 2f PAGES --, . ... . j ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, D~BER 3, 1968 TEN CENTS • .. , • ... ·- Huntington ,to Have First County .· Helicops • • By. WIWAM REED or .... ~ '"" ,,.,. Huntln~ l!each police loday oi:<Jered th<lr. flrlt $12,286 patrol IitllCOpter aftel' gafnlni authorization for the minl·air force Monday from the City Council. City councilmen approved purchase of the ffughes 300 patrol chopper_ a{ter receiving a recym.mendatlon to buy the cral~ from City Adminlstrator Doyle ritiller. Huntinglon Beach will become !be lirsl Police Bust • . New Protest At SF State SAN: FRANCISCO (UPl)--Oub-awing· ing ponce broke up a small band of demonstrators today at Sa.11 Francisco St.ate College. Eight youths and two girls wett ar- rtSted in the clash outside the business and social science building. Same of the demonstrators were bloodied In the me lee. The violence flared about an hour after clases resumed for the second day under the get-lougb administration of acting .president S. I. Hayakawa. Although the S.foot-6 English professor had the !Upport of many of the 1!,000 students, activists vowed an attempt to oust him. Students streamed to morning clas&!S as about 50 pickets paraded at the main. campus enti;ance. There was lltUe banter between the students and ptc.Jtets chan- ting, "Jain \he people, not lbe. pigs." But. within an hour,· a ~ 20 militanb began a noisy demonstration outside the b~ess an~.,social ~ence building . .\ squa4 otSO tinil'onned officus marched ~to lhe ai:ta : and chased the demonstraton with · !=J.libs 1 swinglng a11 they scattered in all dfrectlons. "Run, run, they 1re com'ing," shouted some of the demonstrators as the oHlcen converged on them. othen screamed, "J>iU 'off campus.''. . . Another group of . a b o u t M demonstrators began chanting outside the balldilig later. This 'lime, l:iowever, they Pf'Sted lookouts to alert them u police again converged on lhe area. One youth, screaming obscenities, was chased a half mlle by ofifcen who clubbed him into submission. Within minutes a paddy wagon hauled hlm to jail. • As the demonstrators regrouped ln front of the cafeteria before several hundred student onlookers, the ad· ministration received a telephone bomb threat at the history. language and literature building. A squad of officers began searching the multi-story building. 'After the college reopened Monday, Hayakawa resuspended and promised "new disciplinary action" against Black Panther George Murray, whose original suspension for urging minorities to carry guns on campus touched off the current turmoil. " .• ... _ 5TAN~llO !'111(11 SI' _., tt.y.iuiwa • . Orange CoontJ city lo · employ 1Uch airborne police palrofa. ' The rolary·wlnged craft will come equipped for law. enforcement work, com· plete with floats ffl' water landh1gs. COST 110,IM In addltion lo lnltial coot. pilot tralnlng through an instructors' rattna will cost $10,000. Operalloo maintenance 'and repair services will be contracl'ed at a rate ·ot $23.58 per hour. - Miller, noting !bat ourroundbig clti~ have c!lscu5aed ~ble purdwe ol helicoptera too, aald there mlgbt ~.the posslblllly ot setllag ~P a multi-oily belieopttt aervice and ttpair iaclllty f1llanc<d by !be ciiles jolnUy. · Two police officers will be trained ~o fly the helicopter-and could be on regular patrol as early as April. Milltt aald that thtte la enough .,,. budgeted money In the city'• capital improvement fund to purcba.5e the ~i f p """ i 4 j ~JI'-.. ~ . J ;~ ~1tl'!u. u ... , .......... Distaff Press Secretaries Jtleet Mrs. Elizabeth Carpenter -(left), press secretary to Mrs. Lady Bird Johnsqn, and Mrs. Gerry yan dcr Heuvel, press ·secretary to .Mrs. Patricia Nixon. chat during Women's .Nationa1 .Press GllJb-dinner · Monday in Washington, D.C. · ' The speed limJt on Indianapolis Avenue in Huntington Beach will be reduced from 40 rililes P,er hour to 30 mph in about two months, bllt there is con- siclerable question about whether a speeding citation would stand up in court. Councilmen agreed to reduce the limit Monday night after hearing the results of a traffic study showing that the posted 40 mph was not an unsafe speed and that all drivers checked in· a radar study were driving faster than 25 mph, IDost over 30 mph. 'iJ:~-.. r ... ·:."·.J~,, '1" ,.,~~ , .-•• . . The councilmen said ·they did not lhirik this was right and that .speed limits should be set acCOrding to the way the council saw safety problems. Councilman Heney Kaufman v.oted against the reduction saying that he ac- cepted the engineers reporL Viet Tot's Fever Contiliues, But Co ndition 'B etter' The reduction came after residents in the area east of Beach Boulevard asked for a crossing guard at In- dianapolis Avenue and Farnsworth Drtve to watch out f&r children going to and from Peterson School. Delighted Childrens Hospital doctors Director of Public Works Jame~ today said there was a "significant im- Wheeler said that the acc~ent record provemenl ·• in lhe condition of a 22- on the street "does not sh that the month-old Vletnamese child who ia posted speed is a problem ." awaiting heart surgery at the Orange He said that a driver cit for ex· County facility· ceeding the 30 mph speed li ·1 could But the little girl's high fever and bring the records inlo court showing ear infection had not subsided to the that 40 mph haa been considered a point that surgery could be definitely aafe speed on tbe street and that lbe scheduled, lhey saJd. accident record supported that speed All preoperative t~t.s, including the limit. · vital heart catheteri.zatign.bad been car- City Attorney Don Bonfa agreed that. ried ·out and the rest depended upon the courb might take a different view the continued improvement of the fragile of the 1peed llmlt on the street ·than patient, they added. the C0W1Cll. "A court Just might decide Nguyen Thi Lanh was brought to that 40 is a safe speed flmit." Childrens Hospital last Thursday from Councilman George McCracken said her home in Da Nang, South Vietnam. that the burden would be on the person Two aJtematives face iier surgeons : Open cited and that "if we lose one because heart . ~-ery with it& c om~ le t e someone went to all the trouble to take reco~on of the organ's arteries our records into court and all that, or a compensating procedure in which well it might be a good one to lose." blood vessels in the chest would bt Councilmen Jerry Matney Md Jack surgically rebuilt to insure a fuller and Green challenged the method for setting ri(:her supply or blood to the hearl speed Um.Its as ou.Wned by Wheeler. Nguyen has had three severe heart The public works director had said ' the spasms since her anival here, doctors limit b set at or just below the speed said. Oxygen is being administered from of as pUcent of the drivers using a time to time arm the child Is receiving street. antibiotics for the ear Wcclion. '"Voluntary' Bill belicopter now 'and I<> train the two .,. deleted lrom the 11111 Jiudael al officers. the deporlment, the aa•inp •ould bl A dec;lslotJ, would be made Jn June ov~ $80,000. · wben the 11169-10 city budget ii aet on Dell•~ of the helloopt<r CJiodere<No. wbethet.Jo ordtt a second aalt, Miller day ii apocted by Jan. l·and training ot said.· · pilota will begin u .... -u they an Although Miller ernphaahed th a t 1elecle\I by !be police chief. • purchase of the city',s own alt force Training wW ~ of l1x weeU of "should not be looked on as a money ~ ground 'IChool and about 'three months aavlng lllO'!t,'" be pointed out ·that U of flying, lccordklg !<> repraontadveo two patrol cars and the eight police of Hllghea Tool Co. . olllcera needed to gperate a patrol car At lwl two olllcen on tba force llr<ody att In cia.. 0 aludyb>c the 1llC . ot helicopters .. • police 1oaL Two _.. o111-.,. ·~.the ..- achoo! tralnin& M bellcopton .,,,, al thetr .... -In anllclpatloa o:. the depaftmeal'• acqulaitloa "' llr.: belloopter. ' Miller aald !bat the --.,'llltll hellcOpler patrol In the c11y ,of' Llltewooo baa been an '"11 -reducllOD II: (See BELICOPI, Pap ll Insurance 'Raid'· 7i Arrested in Investment .Fund Fraud By TOM BARLEY Of fbt 0.llr l"I .. Stiff Seven ln!urance salesmen were ar- rested today and 15 others were being sought in a roundup sparked by the Orange County Grand Jury's indictment of an EDclno Insurance company on charges of conspiracy and grand theft. District Attorney Cecil Hicka said the indictment follows a probe of Regency Investors Inc. by his investigators and agents or the attorney general's office. . In all, three companJ executives and 19 salesmen are named in the Charges. Booked today by investigators on charges of conspiracy and grand lbeft are Harry L. Hibbard. ~· of 2858 W. A special el~loo In May to give Huntington Beal:h votera anothtt dianco lo approve bood& for parks ·and possibly for a new libr1111:. b un~e'r considetatlon by the City Council: Mondaf ruiht the council ordered. the parks director and the city librarian tp studr means !or flOllix:ing the parks and the library and report tilck to the council. Voters gave a 82 pereent.~ majority to park and library bond me&Sures on the Nov. 5 ballot, b1.,1t the measures needed a two-thirds majqrlty. Some $3.16 million had been aaked for a library and $6 million for parks. Couhcllmen want to. be sure that lbese amounts are the Jean needed to do the job before asklqg voters to approve bonds again. Librarian Walter Johnson said his board already is loo~ng Into aJternate means of llnancing library construction and will have a full report on all possibilities ready for the council. Recreation and Pafks Director Norm Worthy said he will have a detailed report ready soon including plans on how bond money might be spent. The people are already paying far library construction through the trash collection fee . Approval of bonds, or use of joint powers or non·profit cor- poration financing would not result in increased taxes. Approval of park bonds would have cost about $6 mort per year on the prop- erty tax bill. The earliest possible date for a special election ls May 6,..&QQl.mcilmen were told. Old Manuscripts Sold LONDON (AP) -thirty-seven manll8Cl'lpts dating from the 9th to the 16th century were sold for the equivalent of nearly $874,000 In 35 rhinutes at Sotheby's today. They were all from the collection of the late Sir· Chester Beatty, a native of New York City who made a fortune ·in mining and became a British citizen in 1933. Lincoln Avenue., Anaheim ; Richard M. Silverstein, 38, of Sherman Oaks; Robert E. C. McCulloch, 39, ol San Diego; Thurlow W. Harley, 15, of Los Angeles; June V. AdamB, 2.5, of North Hollywood; David M. Kane, '11, of Beverly Hllll and Cleo M. Johnson. 51, of Santa Monica. HickS said the company and its representatives sold more than $2 mllllon worth of ·life inrurance polic~ issued by Nebraska National Life ln!urance C.O. in OrMge ·and Los Angeles counties. Earlier lnvest.lgatiorui of the. Regency group by the CalUomia Departmelit of Insurance resulted in the reJD;Dd of more than $650,000' In premiwns t r policyholders, many of whom lived ir Orange County. Hieb absolved Nebraska National LifL from any complicity in Uie cue. The Regency group operated u ar. agent of the Lincoln, Nebraska organim- Uon and there was no evtde.nce that the Nebraska company was aware ol the Methods used, be said. Hicks said the Regency operatives aold N.ebra:ska National 1 Life'pi?Ucles ''lmder hte guise of being 'higruy prolltable. profit sharing contracts which would be· come self supponing and ~ addltkn re- turn a sui,,tantial income within rel· atlvely few years." B·each Lif egua!~. Chi~f· · Vinc~~(;£~~ouse Resigns DA IL Y P 11.0T Stiff l"llfff FROM SEA TO TRACK Huntington'• Moorhouse Monkey Stays If He's Got A Nice Home Chances are good that tr the eight ounce squirrel monkey owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ted G. Pierce of Huntlngtoo Beach has a good borne, he will be allowed to stay in the city. The fate of the tiny monkey was placed in the handl of the City Council P,fonday when the city administrator denied a pennit to the Pierce family lo keep the "wild animal.'' • Vince Moorhouse, Huntington Beach's dlreclor or harbors and beaches, Monilay announced bla re.&ignallon eUecUve Dec. 31. Moorhouse, who hBI led the elly LUeguiird Department since 1957, will &m1p1e the post of vice president and a:en~~ mabager Of the $2.5 million ' Ontario Motor Speedway, a poflfUon be caUed "a tremendous opportunity/' TIY.: speedway u npeted lo open In 19711. He begaii his career with the city 1n 1949 as a aeaaonaI lifeguard. After a lour-year stint in the U.S. Navy in underwater demollUon, 'he returned to the city as a lifeguard lieutenant in 1955. He wu promoted to captain the following year and finally lo lileguard chief In 1957. In 1966 he was given the Utle of director of harbors and b e a c b e s. Moorhouse ia credited with setting up a strong organJza1'oo of lifeguards and amassiiii a safety record which was hailed in every seaside cominunity. Moorhouse saJd he is leaving his city post "very reluctantly." 'nle city council accepted hla resignation "with deep regrets.". Mooi'house, bis wife FranC-..s and their four children will continue to live in Huntington Beach. • HJi resignaUon plans have been a poorly kept secret. Three executive sessions by the city councU In recent weeks have been aimed at finding a means to keep the lifeguard director on the job. · Councilmen have not announced plans for filling !be post. Weather Lots of sun with a minimum of clouds -that's WedneMay'1 weather picture for the Orange Coast, wtth temperatures rangin& Crom 67 by the sea to 74 inland. JNSm E TODAY Schmitz Blasts Sex Classes Councilmen pushed the animal's fate right back into Lhe banda of the ad· ministrator and told him to have t.be animal control officer mate su:re that th• monkey wu RCUnly kept and woold not cau&e trouble. Czechl, t0ho't11 had Uttlt to cMer about lattl;, are en;ovmu thdr lat<st Gt~ pod< .. trkm mall btl\IGt~ l'roflM'• main 1qoar1. Pog• II. Stale Saiator John G. Sclunitz 11 out to --. compulsory ,.. education. Tbe Tustin Republlcan laid ,Monday In Sacramento th.it he will sponsor Ieglaiallon lo pr<ihlblt public acbooil from requiring studenta to attend classes Whidl llOW II" be)'oad tbe. Bjnil and -ID-declared that aome •1 educaUon """"" ..... lranl< they llierally •P- _. Cllllripl -phlc ~ • and encourage the alarming pr>ctlce ol learn-by-doing. 1be concept of. aanctloned learn-by* Ing -In other flelda -ll often pral.sed by educaton. The John Bircb Society member said his bill would require achoo! dJstrlctl to make sex educaUon clau aUendance voluntary, but would not lry to outl.aw It thn>ughout the state "because of my f I rm bellol In local control ol p u b 11 c ' J - educalloo, .. he oxplained. ' Schmitz charged !bat parenta ol ..... children have even been warned agalnn reproducing and distributing to other families the sex education materials glvep lo youngsters In achoou. Tbe Republican OOllliden reference lo physical dlflerencu between men and women a bit leu serioua when lifted above the clauroom level of boys and &iril lollether. I ~ A Una! declllon . WU dmye\( ,,. '° daya while the matter la ~ bu! cooncllm<n lppeared sym Plerct, of 146U Cbalet e, aald he ~ had the animal about • year and thlt It 111 11 big u U ·will ever grow. He llld h wu Cl8ed ....,pt In the evenlnp when It wu 1llowed to play with tile ®1dren. -· "tt'a vf!tJ time, lofet cbildten -.od do$I and wal<bel IeleYlolio." l'itt<e told thtCOWICIL - ' ~ -. ~.. 7 c......... ,,.,. C-ta • ,u ·-" DH1li ....... ' .....,... , ... tt ·e:-· " . ,., •-""' I ---" ..... """'"" JI ~-=----' I --. " . --" __ .. ::= .:::."' . ,: ---it-" ..... , .. ,7 Ill« Mlftl:ftt ?t-11 -" -. -. ·--" --... • ' l, lM A 81...W n,mc W' ........... .,._ -LWwood, !'I. :r.. '11111 ..., .. loll 1111 _... ln'!llc to lud Ill blned7 Allplrt. ad -u,,. cnft l~ hours Tater lo the loay wain d the Atllallc ofJ NO<folk, Vo. llt---~lnpocl -Olfldd al °" CoMt Quid llatloo he!;, Ilk! !be pilot. Jlilll I>. Hlmpblll, , -ef ~·'(3liickens: Out~: ' Cral D:l Ocean, ~a'IWl y H~licopte 1n the attempt to pt 11emp1im -... aale!J -Ile -aierted ..,. Klmled1 .. , tOld lllm 'Don"~,' and - tower dlld•I• him lnllnlclloMi,.. ~low dOwn. drop flapo, lllal "" "' Ill ea1d Raodle, • 111-yeor ~ Ouud ..... • 'I'm aolDI Jn, plWI talt ,to me.• 11le frGm Eal -· N .. J., Wll f11lnc -t'l4To ,...,laCt"l!.;had -II D In a f1ud wing alr<raft with LL .Cmdr. feel. He -made a pretty lood landing John Macdonalcl, a Uryeor veterao &om -be didn't break UP and dldn1 tum New Ml1flrd. N. J. over:" "W• lall ccntact -bllD for -11 wu 111 bour and 10 tnlllllel, Rlndle ....... • ·~·· RIDlla llld• "Bo llld, blfwe I belleot*r WU ablt lo Wll ....v.rtnc ·~.-a, lllll IOI ''"Iba actda TO ,... -,.01. · waa J!Ylnl juSI above the wave fDlll He wu"brought lo the Elisabeth City 1:1, of Brld; 'l'owmlllp, N. J., -beJng held 1ID<k:r armed guard for l"BI agents . f-. cblcQp..,. bUI -· ·llani>bl~---11 ... --the cblllJ moat cl. tliO time. He oever cll4 reapcmd Coast Guard lllaUon lhlvertng anll bY. ~··~,time we &vi .llW' eralt hartfooted and droaaed oolJ In a T-lhlrl aJcioJioTcle, bl "'1d Jurti !be "'2Jer ~.• Md cor<iurof plDla. · wal«l ,•boul. lil,mn. ofJ Norfolk 111 .' • ~ • and· It ml'"'*' JfW bta P~ · CbiNbo Ill rlll out OI Juel and be wu· for.ti! 1n· di!&. He CIUDI to • ~. who did moat of the llWJIC "Ha doesn1 1ppear JO be -1n WIOOI "1th Hempldll, uld the pTlot In !be COhd!Uon," 1ald Capt. F. T. Merrttt. hellnnlnl !)I the cllldllq attempt wu the baae'a co~ olli<er. "He tooklllfJ at Jn MafiOta . · . E>Pansi•• North American Rockwell0 Au!Diletics Division projecl at Laguna Niguel ii eaplained by DirectOr Of Fac:!lities Dwain C. Fre&- bur& (left) lo cluster of clignltarles fOllOwin& oymbolic aroundbreak- lng ~onday. Site wort 11 dnlsbed tor . .lhret-Ueted A.utonJtlc1,plant (background) surrounded by parkjng-(center), mannfaeturtng plant pad (foreground) and roadway. · Nixon Names President Of Caltech as Adviser NEW YORK (UPI) -Praldeol-elect Rlchard M. NIJ:oa -y named Dr. Lee A. DullridlO. pr..tdent of the Ca!Uornla * *· * Three _ Arch Bay Friends Enjoy New Nixon Ai.de lllJtltute ol Technology, u bis chief 8Clence adviser and char1e<1 him with b~ t h o gap betwen th e politlw and lnlellectull C<llDDlllllltlet. DuBrldge, 1 friend of Ntron'• for ·n· y~. will retire u presklent of Caltech lo lake the poeWon. 'll!O 17·JlfNJll! pllJ1lclsl Aid be WU delllbted·wltb the poolUon and would ad- vise Nixon on ways in which the federal aovernment could ltlmu1ate scientific and leclmologlcol reo.n:h. Dr. Lee Alvin DuBrldge, chooeo by '~ will not be hJJ polltloal advisor PreslderJt.elec Rkbard Nixon all his nor ecooomic aavW b1ii\ will try to sdeDUfic adviltr, "coma: to bil charm· get the best scientific information in Ing. UUle house hm In 'nlree-Arch Bay Ibo counb'y and praent II lo him," and thoroughly "'1'11 the quiet and DuBrld1e aid. the beacbel,"' lllUl'ca tn the nclul1ve South Laguna ruidelllial area aaid lhll Nlzon intnlduced Dullrtdp lo......, .. momJna. at hJJ Hotel Pt.mi boldquarlln and ~"':ll'~the=~~ ~=--him u -ol Amerlca'1 Iw1na and 1111 wife ar. ''Very ci:; unobtrusive Nollna tbn wu 1 !mtlencJ fer -1e ~and~ ~ ~ ~ ':; In the IClentlflc and -- pt aft1." munltlto "pnerall;y lo lake 1 rotbet The opolullman added Iha! t h e dlnntew of the pollUCll oper-," Nim> Dllllrldae home .at .a Por1ola !load bas said that oae of DuBrld1e'1 Jobe will "a sora:eous View." . be 11to reauure them that 'OUI' tnterat The DuBrldges bOOgbt the house ln is not only In what Ibey can produce the prlvale beach community about 1ix but In bow they can counael us." yean qo and joined the uaodaUon lluBrld&• aid ha would oeek to· and du!> there ~ afterwards. Before stimulate bulc unlvenlty reoearch and that, !be ..,......... uid, they~ that be boped federal pvernment a home In !be Capistrano Beacb parUdpetloa In IUCb _.... would She uld !be Cal Tech bead Ills iocreue. Jle Aid bl cumntly UW DI wile keep ia tbemselvea moot of the 8ClenUflc laa d the United Stalel behind time, altlloagh Mn. DuBrld&o bu at· the Soviet UDion but added, "w1 mUll Lmdld 1Cme GI the IOCiaJ. tvl!Dtl at guard qalDlt ft becwnlnc IO." the • Nlsm'a badquarien allo arlDllOUDOed_,ooed rl, modeet aod llockJ, hao aprm-d I w o major tut forcee, del<rlbed u •a pleuan~ allghtly one oa llClenco and the oilier on opece. rumpled Mr. Anybody'." r-°( h • 1 aro to alu"1 Wayt In whlch I be 1!iJ1 c a r e e r u president of I he Nixon admlnlatratlon ean participate In Puldena ICbool bepn II yean ago. space aod 8Cleoce programs aod report He lint r«elve<I public attention In their llndlnp lo NIJ:on aod DuBrldge. 1940 when he acoept..i a U. 8. aovern-Dr. IL Gulford Stever, prooldent of men! poet aa director of the radar Carnegie-Mellon Unlvenlty In PIU.burgb, de.,. el op men t project at the headf..&bt lclence group and Dr. Char!ee MusadJUaetta lnltltlJte of Toclmolol)'. r ....... Nobel p!'lze.Wlnoig physiciat at the Univendty of Caillomla, heads the 0~111 PllOT l ..... N.Wffi .......... _ n .... ic.im1 -n ...... A. M..,4111• -·-NMrl W. ••*" WI••• 1 • .1 .......... ...... ....... 9-cll 1!•1w Qfr l.,,.. space group. Both received tOOr doc- torates from l>uartdge's Caltecli. DuBridge, a modest but brilliant man who worked durtna college U a door-to- door salesman and once wanted to be a newspaper reporter, has been president or Caltech for 22 yean. He bu devuted mo..t of bit weer to the pumtlt of pure science but dur-lne World War ll w a 1 director of th e radlaUoo lahonitory at the Muaaclmaetts. 1nstltute of Technology, which developed t b e microwave early warning radar. • quite Oldted but c.-~ liter wasn't queettooe<I al all. ' """'· ,. .. e J • HELICOPS ••• ,. the crime rate. ff "Such a rednctJon hert, if lt could lead to a lllmllar redllclion In !be bodget 7 • " !he Po1lcil DepartllleDI, coald he .. lllCh u ..... )'llt!J," South Viet Delegation Arrives for Par.is Talks · . .. ,, ( . .~ PA!\11 (IJPI) -A loatl!: Ylllalm flilall -boldlnc _u,,.. arroqlllg 'EQUAL REoocnON ' deleptloa-lodq far Ult~ lbt -- Al1hougb the cound1 approved the ~ unanlmoosly, wllh C<uncllmao rlonaJd D..._aipley .ahltnl, Co.mcllm.an l""'1 Kao"'"'" polDled ..ii Ibo! • ......,. tlon in the crime rate would not neceaaariJ¥ >ttsu!I in an equal reducUon In the pollct budpt; -. . . Parll taltl. Batb U.S. and CmunqnJtl !CllaD'1 "IUfar duUal an u 1t1'1 offldala prodldad ...._11 far the Ua1ni man with 8outh Vlelnam'a parU.. lalb would ba -pleted 11111 -and moot. Ht Aid Wad-11'1 arrival wW the formal -would ba&lo Dal bl Illlll Doc Kbot, -K1 11@1t1nt week.' • :wbo wW llm u delepUon opo- ''U tbe ctlme rate were ~uced to ...0, · coOJcl we eliminate the · police force't" be uted. Miller aid that qulcl ....,. to trou!ile !PQls In the dty would he ... of Ibo main benefl1a of using !be helicopter pall<>L Notlnl that the dty la IOmt :II aquare miles In ..... be Nld lblt the bellcopter will allow ttspbnle to any trouble lpol In eec<llldl rather than the much Jonaer time needed for-driving acroa the dty. UROC to Study College~ . N&Uj'fll Tbteu Nhon, -"' - lo VTce Prelldenl N111JOD Clo Kf, .,.. rived by plaol lo -South Viti- ...... flnl delalation offlda1 to - at !be 1CeD1 of the lalkl da1a;rtd I month ..,. • Salp boyeoll. 111"1 Commm!lal ...,.... Aid_ - and Iba Vlei Coo& -up IDdq to prwnt lbt Uoltld 8talll with 1 combined rooponu to Ila cllplomatlc packap aetUna the dote and --for the upanded !alb. The """""' aid that .... Iba. four sides meet the Commnn!N w1g. rejtd llJll' Idea of ca1llna II a lwo4ldtd-.,_ The .Amed<ana want the United ' StalOI and South Vlelnam comidered .. ooe .team, tlle North Vlelnamw and the Viet Cong u the other. Dlplomate believed the flral meeting or the espanded !alb mq come oa Dlsturbences on California colle1e and W-.Y of DH! W¥k. . university campuaea ia expected to Nbon told newsmen another member dominate lh4 luuel cominl before lhe ol SoulJi Vieblam'• IQO.man deleplion board of &OYtmorl of the United w_ould ll(rive Wedneada1. SdatlJ Vie~ Republlcw of C!allfornia at their namese sourcea sald Ambassador Pban meeting II ·the Newporter Inn lblt , p-..,;> µilg;" wj>o will bead Saigon'• weekend 1n Newpmt Beacb'.r·:-m " "'''~iimg ~teiltii'':at ··thi1'tata:,:t·WOUld The board and many ol UROC's _9,000 arr1.. Tbursd3y or Prlds1 wttn Ky memben are exPeded for I.he two-day himseU upected shortly thereafter. Ky meeting tf.uttng trlday. will supervise Saigon's negotiatidds but Sen. John Hlnner (11-1111 Dial) will no~ fer now, attend negotiating sea!lom. deliver the keynote addreu al • benquet The lalb lbem•lvee wero expected Satunt.y. Other 1J>Uken Include Dr. to open at Jut, ~ly mly DH! Wamn Carroll, admlnLstrallve usiltant ~eek, diplomatic sources aald. lo Sen. John Sclnnill (11-Titltln). American and North Vietnameaa or- Fire Dis~rict Approved For North County Areas Deaplte requesta by lhtte dUea that a decla1on be held up pendlna a l!udy, the Local Apncy FcrmaUon Commlaalon bu approved the organtzaUon of County Service Aru No. U. Included In the area are the In- corporated cltlt1 Of C)1ft111 Los Alamltoo and La Palma and !be unln- corporaled Roumoor area. Beach Cat Thief , The bulc roll of the new di.strict is estimated. at $861000 for eJ&bt fWIUm• firemen, It i.. e<pected lo cost eiSht to nine centl .ml the local tu rate. The dtlee of Seal Beacb, Fullerl<lt and Buena Part urged that the formaUon be held up until I League of Citlell l!Udy ol the county fire lllation oetup ii completed. The new cliltrlct bu requested • ne1' lire lllaUon In Cyprea and the laking over and relocaUDg of the Loi Alamitos volunteer atatwo. F0neral Slated Wednesday for Ex-SA Fireman l"tmer&! ll1'Vlcea win be held at l :IO p.m. :W-1 for :Wllherl Arthur Hadley, 11, reUred battalion chief of the Santa Ana Fin Department who collapaed and died Monday wblle playing goM II the l!imllnit<in Beech C<iuiilry Club. Mr. Hadlay lived al 3711 Cltannel Plw, Newport Beach. He suffered an apparent heart 1ttacl< wblle m the 11th ,...,, of the coune. He w11 dead on arrlval at HlD!tington Interc0nu111tnity llDapltal. ~eel will he lield at Brawn Colonlal Chapel, 204 w .. !'Ith SI., Santa . ·Ana, with interment 'to follow ar Fatrflaven Memorial Park, Orange. The Rev. Harry E.~-ollldele;. Mr. illdley la llllnlved by hJJ wile, Margaret, of the family home and a sister, Perl 0. Wagner of Santa Ana. He joined the Santa Ana Fire Depart- ment ln 1111 and •&. promoted to bat- tallan chief In 1814. He retired NO\O. 30,· 1956. lie was a member of the Stnta Ana Elka Lodge and the" cau.tornia State J'iri:manl1 Aieoc'attoo. Rosary Tonight For Mrs. Spei.Ser " . A rooary will he recited at 7:30 o'dock lonlahl al Smiths' Mortuary In Hun-tlnilon Beach for Mrs. Charlotte Spelaer or 220 Ba!Umore SL Mn. Spelaer died Sunday alter ahe wu atruck by automobile oo lhe walked lo A~::!~ acbedulad for I Lm. Wedneeday at Ste. -and Jude Catholic Church. She will be buried In Calvary Cemetery In Loa AngelOL Survivors 1nclude three niecel, Mrs. He!en Johoaon of HunUnaloo Beach, l\frl. Paul Bashor of Orqoo and Mrs. Orio Brown of San Gabrie~ and a nephew, Paul Joh\>'00 ol Minoelota. J~hn Don, 46, Named for Perso~el Job John Don of Hunlinilon Beacb baa been recommended by the OCeaa View Scbool District Board ol TrUllees lo serve on ~e district's personnel com· mission. His 1ppolntment hlngea upon rotlflca- lion by the State Superintendent ol Public ln!truction. Don, 46, is reUred naval lieutenant commander and currenuy RtVtl es 1eneral manager and prealden1 d Af<o Space Parts Weal He Uvea al 16111 Bedford Lane. Pending his official ratification of ap- pointment, Don look olfice lod•1. replac· ina Commillioner Norman Whipple, who bu aerved in the volunteer post for the put two years. The three-man persoMel commiaaion is the district's official agency govendng employment and related act1vtUes of , the non-teaching 1taff. Commlsalonen aerve three year terms. Sewer Outfall Construction Due in January; Conslru4i!lll . i.. expected to begin In mid-January on an '8.9S mllllon sewer ouUall at the mouth of the Santa Ana River between Newport and Huntington Beach following award of contract Mon-<laY nlahl lo Peter Kiewit and sons, Inc., ol Richmond. - Directors ol Sanitation District I awarded the contract after the Joint sanllallon boards voted to 8<olpl the bid whlcb caused considerable con- troversy in October because Jt wu ·not 1ccompanied by a !50,000 Porlormance check as will required by Iba bl<I tpeclf"lCAtiOnl. A ruUn1 by the llnltatlon boardl' attorney that the check bad not been included beca111e of an "oversight" led to acceptance of the bid which 11 aome II million 1... than that · ol the next lowest bidder. Construction ii expected to be com· pleted within two yeara and will be cooduded on a two lhift per day buis. Sheppard Resigns YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (UPI) '-Dr. Samuel Sheppard, who opant almolt 10. yean In prllOn for the 11164 llaylng of his pregnant wUe, Marifyn, before he waa acquitted at a IOCOl1d trial, baa resigned from the Ital! o I Youngstown Osteopathic HospitaL Flees With $100 ''HAT' THE HOUDAY. RUSH Cat burglars Mooday eacaped wllb 1100 In change be'°"llnl lo • YOUlll Hunllnlllon Beacb beauty operal« who works Monday nights. -Mn. Lindolyo Lee, =. aid abe return-' ed lo her home at 7'111 Fir Drive lo find the "mad money" gone from the lara:e vase ahe thought nobody toew aboul Police tbeorlled the burglar entered through a window left aJar and look all the money he could llulf Into hll pockets. .. T CLERhlntT THE ULTIMATE in eARPET CLEANING H ....... • .... ~ JIM itk SlrHt M.m11 ~= r.o. a.. no, ffMI ID Nose!'· .... .,,...., W.'r• 0r.,..., b,.m. 9-•lity W•rkM•J1Jhl, & lit.f1Jl•ffM ~:: ICONONiCAL r.Jue<t "'' ,..., 1 .. frtquent proft.,lonal cleanlnt ., ... Ctlllt ft rtlftO\I' .. tflt clt•f?fy tmlt•d- d.d 1ofl Pd 1uw•( no i.siclrit• 11'1 th• urpet fibers to toffect dirt. CUAllS -.. 1u.1fy ,.., • .., ..if f,..,,. botft t\e ~ii• of the c•rpet an4 the carpet backing. · IUTOUS ,.. th. pow.ml .x1r ... tion ~.,....., .. MOi•tw•-... m•cHat~, ftiw ....Whtf 1hriHa90, and llft1 fll•ff•d pl'r. to 'lili ,;..• •ppe•rance. --............ , .. , ...... ........., c:;-.__, ........... ...... .__,,, __ 4 • ·I I Thief Get,s Jail, 416 AA Meetings A lloll)oWood i.-tlr wtio fam·fOrl)'I lo Colla ~-;:_. •tmced Ma..s., to a llalilorinc . Iola!: d u mcmlbo In <Jranae .qo,.,i, Jall, ofc!>t yoan ol,pro. baUon Mel /Jcoliqllct •• o o y mJt u • meeim., !or •1J ....U. · '\llllllani A. Roja 'Jr., D, bad Clven --·•tao-f•btacrlmlool .......SIP' 'lllll.lollU,...._ "Don't tat! .. llcollolllza," auppid J a d 1 • Wlllllla A. 8oeln. "I'm aotn1 to tell, OU Cha I won't tr i. t "°"' IQ1 ~ -.,,, -delenclanl In Udo-. "Jt '• time )'OU were btt in the note." he added. Jllill• S'pdn at! -• Iona chain of evidence and r<ports fnm the del..,. dant'1 Jlll'cblttrlll and warned that non 1 .. t I m e Rojas comes up f o r punishment -if and when -be will 10 to state prbon. ROJu wu amtmoed Monday on two separate-. One hrooa)1t nine monlba In county jail and five years' probation for the attempted bur*1"7 of the aaw ... Mortpp Oo., 13' B, 17111 St, Co1tA 111-. llr1y !all Jlllf. --U·the...ild hll """1dlon far barll"7 of !be Bedder --In September of 1117 bnlu,ill RolM ID addiUonal five lllOlllhs ln Jall and tlno.JOlrl In pr®allon. In 9ddtUon, be m u 1 t drink no men and ·-rqul.w weekly meetlnga of Alcol1ollct AnonymouJ, whlcb ta1liel up lo 416 meetlnga. Y • .,, ef bJttrio l lK•· All W•ti 00fll 111 0.r Pl•11t. frff &H. .., ..... 111 y,., H11t1•. w..6. TOU WANT 'IHI FINm-"" ll'llllA11 CAU R~G-:& ' UP TERY ci.IANl!RS 0... 21st v-of S-lc:e io Or.,. County 2950 RANDOLPH COSTA MESA PHOH! 546-3432 "-T11-WDol!li7-I l ,(. I '-~---""----=----='-'--......................... ==---------=~,_,-,,==-=-_,.-:_.=====-"~ -======::...::.;_ ___ -=:..::-.;:-:...=-:.-=----------- . • • • La ·DD& Dea eh .. . . . .. ' VOL 61, NO. 290, 2 SECl'ION~. 2-4 PAGES • ' • ORA'NGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA . " [ • • • TUESDAY, DECHl !, i,61 · ~ I f ._ ' ' I I .. ' 1· ' . • Compromjse on ·nu.sines·s. ... • • By RICHARD P. NALL or • Dell• "'"' ... ,. Laguna business lnte""5 working with . City Councll committee Monday nigbl ,. amm.ertd out a compromise in tbe proposed business license fee hikes. · The· lncrtaae 1n tot.al revenue to the city, wblle.bnposslble to estimate, will be IBrJe!Y paid by 1maller busin'15'"· aCcording to City Manager Jm>ea D. ~ Wheaton. ' Tbe city lnlllally proposed taklng the c<ilil!i off lbe allillng .llCAle that lloppod at. ·a $100 uCense for bnsi"'MH bating f!OQ,000 or groater "°" rocelpta. . · Repl"eferitatives of U. Chamber of Coounetce, led by Publisher Vernon Spitalerl, counteled will! a proposal that uistiDg ratea be raised ZO percent across the board. Tbey. opposed plaCiog a greater charge on a 'IJ'O&' greater than $100,000 coo.. tendinr that It might drive larger business out of town or discourage aucb businesa from coming to town • . The city ~ intended to rabe lhe · rates '° tbat bullnesa croutog II mlllloo or .more paid $7SO, pie top rate. Couocllman Ricbard Goldberg told fellow businessmen at -the MOl)day meeting that he saw no one preaent in lhe category of $50,000 or less groaa. He said be felt a straight 20 percent lncreale wOllld be placiog a heavier burden on tbe "litUe fellow that doesn't .do the volume.." • an urv1ves • • ·.Insurance 'Raid' 7 Arrested in Investment Fund Fraud (' ·By TOM BAJlLEY Lincoln Avenue., :Anaheim; Richard M. Of IM O.llf' '119' 11•" Silversteln, 38, o[ Shennan Oaks; Robert Seven Insurance salesmen were . ar- ted tod and 5 ~·--be E, C. McCulloch, ·39, of San Diego; res ay 1 vw=3 were Ing sought in 1 roundup sparked by the Thurlow W. Harley, 65, of Los Angeles; . Orange County Grind Jur}'s indictme.' rit June V. Adams, 25, of North Hollywood; David M."Kane, 37, of Beverly Hills o( an Encino insurance company on arid . Cleo M. Johnson, 51, of Santa I chara;es of conspiracy and grand thefL pistrict Attorney Cecil Hicks said the MOnica. indictment follows a probe of Resency Hicks said the company and its investors Inc. ~by 11!5 fl.lyesligaton and representatives, sold more than '2 million agents of the altomey gel:ieraf•s office. Worth of life insurance pOUCles lksued • lli all, thN.o complll)" aeeu6ves and · by Nebra!U' National Uk lmurance Co. 1$_ Mksmeo att named in the charPi-in Orange and Los Angeles countie&. .Booked today I>)'. lnv~a on .~...Jnv,.1JiaU9.!1W!L.l!!L-{\egency chatges 0£ conspiracy aOd atand theft iridfj''by' the C~ent o( are Harry L. Hibbard, 58, of 7.856 W. Insuraoi:e mW.ted iD the refwid Of more . I lll"I Ti ..... PRESIDENT,ELECT NAMES SCIENCE ADVISER Calttch'1 DuBridg. Joins NlxlRI TNm Three Arch Bay. Home For Nixon Science Aide Dr. Lee ·Alvin DuBridge. cllOOen by President-elect Richard Nl11'.on as his scientific adviser, "comes to his charm· ing, little house here in Three-Arch Bay and thoroughly enJOys the quiet and the beache!," SOOI'Ce! In the exclusive South Laguna residential area lald this morning. (See story, Page 2.) Payless Laundry Also Moneyless 1bt PayleSI laundromat Jn Laguna Beach was temporarily moneyless Mon-- day. Police said a burglar pried open the r office of the structtlre at 1040 S. Coast Hlghwa1. took a ring of keys, unlocked money boxes on seven dryer• and toot lhe nickels. ' .. A spokesman for the Thret·Arch Bay Association said the Caltech president> and his wife are "Very quiet, unobtrusive people who spend lime here in the sum- mer and llOIDe weekend! when they can get away." The spokesman added that l h e DuBrldge home at 31 Portola .Road bu ... l((l'leolll view." Tbe llllllrldgeo boull>t the ...... In the prime beadl eommunlly about m ,_, ago and Joined the uaoclation and clot> there abor11y alterwards. Before Iha~ the spoteaman· said, they owoed a home in tbe Capistrano Beach area. She said the Cal Tech bead and hla wife keep to the~lves most of the lime, although Mrs. DuBrtdge has at· tended some of the social eventa at the cJubhou.9e. DuBrldge, 67, modest and stocky, has been delcrtbed u "a pleasant, slightly rumpled 'Mr. Anybody'." • tft8.n $650,000 in premiums to policyholders, many of whom lived in Orange CoWlty. Hicks absolved Nebraska National Life Crom any complicity in the case . The Regency group...: operated as an agent of Ute Lincoln, Nebraska orgaplza. tion and there was no evidence that the Nebraska company was aware of the methods used, he said. Hicks WCI UteRege-ncy-operatives sold Nebrask,a National ~-(>C!llcies "under hte auis• of belni rugruy . profitable, prof.it sharing conlracts which would be-, come &elf supQOF'tlnj: and kl addition-{~ tum i '" sllbsfahllaJ 1nccme wlttiin rel· a lively few years." ·Fantasy on Stage For High School "The Mad Woman of Challlot" will be given at Laguna Beech High School auditorium at 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The student play, a fantasy, concerns the vagabonds and eceentrics or the Chaillot district of Paris when rutb1ess business interests plan to tear down the city to get at the oil they Utink is beneath t~ surface. Director ls Ray ~{8M,d.1 Ci:. Linda Burrttl stars as the mad W0"1i'1~. Nick Enright is the rag picker. "1od Van Wart ia the villainous president. Twenty five oth· er students round out the cast of the Jean Girau'dOUJ: play. Water District Looking at $23 Million · "" .. "-"''0~·\··•;~...; Expansive North American Rockwell, Autonetic1.Division •project at Laguna Niguel is explained by Director of Facilities Dwain C. F'l'ee-- burg (left) to cluster of·dignitartes. following symbolic groundbreak- ing Mooday .. Site work' is finished : for three-tiered Autone,tics plant (background) surrounded by parking (center), manufaoturfug planl. pad (foreground) and roadway. ' Motel Owner Files Appeal Gets . U.S. Grant ·~ Q D .al £ Addi• . A federal grant of $!07,03! has been ' ver en1 or . t1on· made to the Moulton Niguel Water District to underwrite water delivery and reclamation facilities for the Laguna Niguel Mission Viejo area. The district won approval last July ol a record $26.6 million in bonds for developing water supplies, reclamatlon and Sf!wage dispos.al. The district's biggest customer will be tbe North American Rockwell plant In Laguna Niguel which will eventually employ 7,500 persons. Stock Jlarkets NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market underwent a mild and Irregular decline Tate this afternoon in fairly active ·trading. (See quotaUons, Page:1 10..11). Ca11aptts '.Junleets' By JEAN COX • ot me ~u, '"'' s11H '"rhe decision not to do anything whfle wa!Uni for ~e commerclal·bolel zone to be completed ls not yours to make genUemen ," motel OOrner Loren Hane'line told Laguna Beach plannera Monday night. Haneline has filed an appeal of the commission's denlal of his request to add 15 units ·atop his Sea!-Vacatl.on Village complez: in Laguna. In his letter or appeal to the City Council, he asked for "relief from the imposlUon of a disastrous building moratorium." ' Although planners denied his rtquest Nov. 18, he was back before them Moo-- day nlgbt to .. i Im' another hearing. "Thb Ls my fourth appeal to gel some new units. I need some more uni ta· on that ground gentlemen," he said. He i.nsjJted hls variance request was turned down not on· lta own merits bu1 because cornmlsslonen were cooling their heels while walling for .. the . in> plementaUon of a commer¢al-~ zone now under study. · Planner Dr. Robert French asaured ij'.anellne the commias.lon's denial wu (See APPEAL, Pa1e I) Saddlehack JC ·Okays T~i·p~ ~· By TOM FORTUNE ot .. ~ Pn.t Ii.ff Saddleback Junior Collega Dlalrlct truatea Monda )'frlght •WoVed •-• to send colleie officla1s Cl"OSI country on visitl to other junklr college e&m· puses. Th< round-robin trip to Ft .. Worth, Dallas, M1am1 and SL Louis will be to gather Information in planning Sad- dleback's permanent campua. Tht.stee Alyn Brannon oppOsed the trip, calling It "a JWlket on taxpayers' rnonef."_MJchael Collins and Louis Zltnlk outvoted him with Patrick Backus 1 n d • Hans Vogel aboent. Authorized ·-WU $517 to 'lleri<I Supt. ~ Braner and two board membera. n.. two board members lh favor, ............ eacb sald be eou1il not mlsa • week of wort to · go ,OA the trip. Sure to•go, besides Bremer, I.a arcbiteet Rabert Lowrey, who will pay bl1 OWn way. Ramberg and Lowrey ·As;;Ja~eS is the l'fChltectural firm that wW aealill the permaner.t cam.pus. Dr. Bremer aa1d he would try tO contact superintendents and arcbJtteta of lht tar fluna campuses to arranp ------- dates le< lhe vlsfta wll' ln Jintw'l" Lowrey bulll • -for 'fllillllC the JD011 remott jlmle< .one,., Miami-Dode, arguing lhen lllat II WOitlcl ob]J ' make ,..,. to make stops aloag the "!Y· . Dade County, tl'la., .00 Orange County, Calli., are similar Ii be4'I two ·of the fastest growlna counUei In \l)e country, he said. Ultimale Miami-Dade Junior college <l'fOllment .,Ill be 30,oOo, L "bOes lhat llgure ring a l><ll!" he klked.. . ' • It it Ute UlDe u projeclod for Sad· <See VlSITS, Paile I)' l • • " ·set ' ' • bullness. -rale. CbUdll aai,t If he bad to pay !lliO to do $1 m1Dlaa ....... k II unfalr. lie told the -that -... -· rt~ by a bank DOI pll7lnf -tax tep:,_nted $30,000 lost mtnae. Re""" gested that • peyatclan ........ '111,000 milbt clw fe0,000 ~ a gOtM in t b t same category operated on • 1 ',~ -I marlin alter ,._; 'Motel ·owner Merrill Jobnsoo med (See UCENSES, Page I) . ' orm Skipper Gets Home Day Late · 'A. Laguna Beach skipper and. his Gar· den Grove companion, objects at •~ . night and morning sea search for their . ml&ing boat by the U. S. Coast Goard and Harbor Department, put into Nev•· port Harbor under atWllary powu Monday afternoon. Mike· Efseaff, 19 of 1~ Catalina Or-.. · Lall!''" Beach, and Russell Reed, 17. of Garden Grove,.81Tlved uninjW'td el ~ Pacific follOWioL their 21-bour channel crossing in heavy seas. The men bad beeq reported overdue t t e p.m. Sunday from the wee.keod crulst: to C.ai.!ina. ioland in EUealfa new 21 • foot Veritun sailboat. Tbe men told Barbor Deparlmet0 ' officers they left the island under aall at about 7 a.m. SWldaf with a Oeet or other craft. By 2 · p.m. the cbarutel became rough and they decided to turn back to the Avalon Harbor. lfowever, in heavy seas. the ~ be· gan slUpping water. Ttte men then -rifted sea anch~ from the craft's saill to ride out the wind·whipped WaVeJ, EfJeaff said that as IOOll a1 the .water calmed down at:d&Y-bre.at, they crantetl up the small outboard amillary ann headed tor Newport. They bad bee11 blown to the vicinity of Ocean.side. Laguna Trustees Set ··secret Meet Laguna Beacb Unified School Distri< ~ees will meet in secret ses.sio-: tonfgb~ to disCuss salariea: for next l!thool • year. Superintendent William Ullom said re- cent legislaUon permits the closed-door meeting prior to beglnnlitg of salary negotiations with teacher represer.- tative:1. Ullom represented the board In the negotiations last year. Trustees since have , discussed hiring an o u t s id c negotiating team or appointing someone else to negotiate, but have taken no action . 'Trustees had sald they fell k placa! Ullom in a dlfficult posjUon, as superintendent, to be placed In lhe ro1c of negotiator. Trustee Larry Taylor sald he feH lhc board would be taking a look at the projected budget to determine where JI stands on future salary posaiblliU.._ Oraage w~~·· -Lob of &un With a minlnium o1 clouds -lhat'1 ~!dneoday'a weather pjdure fCf' &he Orange Coast., with temperatures ranglnc lrom 67 by the sea to 74 Inland. INSIDE TODAY Czech.I, aoho'w had littU to .,...,. obo'll la!tfll, .,, 11\JoVfng -lal<ll ~ ,,..i... lriaft ""'" rioncalA ,,_., -lql!Gi'I. PG(lt 19. • • I ' • • ' • r I DQ.Y Pl.OT • • TIM'tdq, OKtft\fllft' ), lM ' _ .. , •. _____ .;..:;;:.;...;,.... __ '"-- LAGUNA HIPH SCHCIPL FACULTY TAPS TRIO AS OUTSTANDING TEENS Big 'lllrM (!nm left) Stovo Wlnbowokl, Doutr Schmitz, Stovo Klo1tormen ~~~~~~"--~~~- J'roM P .. e I LICENSES ..• ~'What businesses were complainln& that • the larger bi1stnesaes were Jetting too much of a break. 3 Teens Honored Laguna High Faculty Picks Boys Goldberg said, "l don't feel anybody "•is saying IL You may bear it lf you ~ flat rate everybody up 20 percent and "rstop." • Gordon Strachan, appliance store " owner, maintained that increased sales taxes alone would cover the city deflcit , discussed earlier. He saJd he had yet to talk to a . businessman who has not done a greater volwne of sales this year. "l sold 20 percent more unit.s," be said, "and there was an lncrea8e also In the prices." Spitaleri. who had earlier sugguted it would be more equitable to Increase property taxes which businesses pay also, said "lhe property tu is aacred. You don't want to upset all those voten." Viet Mayor Joseph O'Sulllvan said pro- perty tues have riRD each year for ~three yean.· • -OP lU Slevt KJosletman, Doug Schmitz and Steve Wiezbowakt bave been chosen by lhe Laguna Beach Hl&h .Scbool faculty u Oulataoding ~ ol America. SeJecled "' lhe baslJ of leadership, aervk:e, activities, acbolanblp · a n d sports, the three will enter state com- petition apomond-by Ille Outstanding Amerlcanl Foondllloo. • 'lbe foundation aeeks to live naUonal recosnltlon to lhe abWty at-youth. Two naUOllll 1rinDon will be aeJected lrom IO otata 1rinDon to reoelve 1~000 l!Cholanhlpo. Kloslermao. IOI! of Mr. and Mrs. Walter IOollerman, 11101 Villa de! Catalina WU named to lhe llnt team of the 19U Coach'• Crestview All-Team League. lie .... hOoored by lhe Oronp County sporfJ wrltm u lineman ol lhe year. He baa-played football for Laguna lour years, Ihm with lhe vanity and has played two yean ol vanity baakethall. He ii a member ol lhe Lellerman'• Club, lhe Key Club, Put presl~ent of lhe Catho~outh Organlulion, pres!· dent pn>tem of Student Congrw and Yi'as the outstandlng member of the The group eventually agreed that lhe ••tall category of·nta will begin at a mfi1bnum of $25. Businesses grossing $25,oofl to 1112,000 will pay I $25 minimum plus 77 eenta for each ad- dlliOllll 11,000. Hence the 1112,000 groos would pay 1101>. Businesses grossing from lli2,ooo to . jwtlor class by pick of the yearbook .wr Ian year. Schmitz is the eon of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Schmitz, 8'10 Mamanita Drive. Ht is president of the Associated Stu· dent Body, member of Student Congress and has lettered in football , baseball and track. He la a four-year member of the Letterman's Club, worked on the yearbook and new~per for two years and is a member of the Key Club. , Steve Wler.bowakl ls the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Wiezbowski, 5656 Park Ave. He was . first team quarterback on the Coach's Crestview All·League Team and wu chosen back of the yeai' by Ille Orange County Sports Wrtlers AuoclaUon. A vanity letterman in football, baake~ ball and tennil, WlezbowsJd WU elected mayor of lloyJ Stale during bJs 1unJor year. A member of the Boys Club B o a r d, he is & three-year member, of Let- terman'• Club and Was p(.esident of bll chureb clasa. He ii P.t Jlle pilot program ol leaching etemeljfag 11<bool youngster1. • . ISll0,000 would pay 1125. From llOOOOO -s h L. _loll ml!Hon I b e lee would go to 1ioo. out aguna .• For II mllllon to fl mllJJon lhe lee would be $175. And '2 mill,lOo. or o v e r: . Post -office would pay ~= of llOO. • diliA~F~1~.~ lfo Merge With Laguna's Ibey would pay regular retail raiea. • Tb e council will likely c:onlider•I be rates in ordinance .form at an ad~ meeting Dec.r 11 and, given majorify consent, hold a second and final reading Dec. 18. The rates then would be effective next year. Deadline on Friday For Artist Entries Entries for lhe Dana Point Art Guild's quarterly diiplay ol painllngsln a banlt here should be 1J11bmllted between 10 '.Ind Jl a.m. Frld8y, the day of the ;how's ()penlng. The e n t r Y and selection of eligible works will take plaee at the Community House, 24642 San Juan st., Dana Poinl !'he <Jhlblt will be held at lhe Capistrano DAILY PILOT OAAHOI COAST rutuSHIMI CtJMINfY a.Mrt H. w-i ,,. ....... NIWllr J1cl a. c.t.., Vb,,.... ......... ~ 1\tM•• t:....a ·-· 1"1Mt A. u.,.w .. MtnHl111 ... .-- ~lch1r4 P. w.n •••• Nl11•R lMuM Midi ,.._,"'"' c.llr 1.tlW D"1dw 1"luth Laguna P .. t Office will be cnme a branch of the l.aguna Beach Office ih a , consolidation move that will eliminate some delays in mall, Assistant Postmaster Grady Crowley announced today. Crowley, in charge ol the South Laguna Post Office, said there will be no change in mail delivery service, except that tbe mail will more likely be on time to Laguna Niguel and Trearure Island Trailer Park residents. 'Ibe consolidation will beCOme effective after Christmas, on Dec. 27, he said. The new set up will have South Lagunn. and Laguna Niguel mail sorted together wilb Laguna Beach mail at the Lag\Dla Main Offloe. CentrjJUzed eorUng will be more efficient, Crowley said. It also will alleviate: confus.ion that ·bas: made many letters a day late. He explained outs0f-atate post offices haven't all kept up with the new Laguna Niguel address and oflen .. n11 Jetlera to Laguna Beach inalead of Swth Laguna lo< IOrting. Similarly' 'ITeasure bland letters, which an delivered by Laguna Beacb although the trailer park II outaide the city, often are sent to South Laguna. In either case, the letten have to be forwarded to lhe correct office for llOClin& delayinJ lhem I dllj'. Crowley !aid Ille South Laguna Post Office -will remain open, transacting postal business as always, and lett~r carrieri will continue on their same routes. Military Service Held for Colonel Full mililary honors were accorded Col. William L. Woodruff, USMC, (rel.) today In graveside rites at Arlington National Mllilary Cemetery in Virginia. Cot. Woodru(f, mana ger of Anthony's Sboe_Stor~, 3433 Via Oporto, Newport Beach, s l n c e his retirement from t h e Marine Corps several years ago, died Thursday at Nashville, Tenn., the victim of an auto accident. He was 62. Killed instantly, acrording to reports, he had been acrompanied by h1s wife's father, Ben Whitemore, 80, who wm uninjured in Ille crash. Col. Woodruff served m a pilot with the Marine Corps during 30 years of military service. Survivors Include his wife, Anne, of the family home, 16571 AlUanee Ave., Tultin; two sons, the. Rev. Ronald Woodruff of Nashville and John Woodruff of Costa Mesa; and sb: grandchildren. --Of .. 212 ...... Jr,..,.. M1lh'19 .u,,,..., PD. lee 6'&i. tJMJ Fron• Page I -Ofllo-. ~'::r.lt.,.:r .. -::. -=m .... •na111,._,.,....._ DAIL\" PU.ar .................. .. ................................... ,,., .............. ..,.._. ..... t.:t.! ·~.: ~ct.M .... Ibid ...... ,.,,... .................. . , .. , .. ~ t#:::-=r~ .............................. .............. "-'-...... trt uta 1 ·11'41 4ff.M6I •• -........... Mlo4UI = ,_ 0-... ~ Pl'''J ................... ,. .... w ., ... , •• ,_ -- .-: __ .. jU:Al • .,,... ....... _ ................ ..... -··.,&:':rtt ............ -~..... t. tLM •ls lilP ..... ..,. ... """ tUI .....,, ,.,,, ...,,~ ' COLLEGE VISITS ... dleback. B.-.. llilll 'be· 1a1 1o11owed u. pro- gress. <>f Miaml-Oado since II '1P<fl<d in !Rand tt Ls 'known !or Its innovations. BraDrlob wu not convlnctd. He asked ij ardlileclUral lllld . . . -=• educ:atloo journal! badn, .~ tho anonnalloo. _ Arc11Moc1 LowNJ llilll the)' ·w to a a1iool; .-v~do DOI I 11 -·-I .....,, .... ,.,. ........ of lbe jlmlor ci>lleg" -· w..14 J!o thlno dlllennUy • ''The <Oil of tho trip will ..... bock .mrtl -..... ·In .dlfldendl," prodJcled Zllnlk. "Each llqUlre loot ol llvlng is ID 1wfl:Jl lot of money." Co!Uno noled, ''Tile nve or uo .,. &olni to be l]ltl1dJnl Ill million ol the taxpayers' money. To be afraJd to . spend 1511.io Is lhe cl~ example of belOI --and pound loolloh. ' We should l o o k before we leap w I t h that bundle." Prompting recall of an earlier split board vote, Business Manager Roy Barletta said be just put a $250,000 federal aid application in the mail at S:tii p.m. (Monda1). lie re~ "Dr. Bl<mer lllld I were here all day Friday lllld Salutday and Ray C21ennak WU here TbanksJIYlne and Sunday too preparing lhe appllc.alion." "I hope lhe federal government gels all Utree of you on some labor charge," quipped Collins, who wu in the minority on a S.I ote Wt week to submit lhe appllcaUon. - Seriously, he added, "despite bow we persooally feel pn federal aid to educa· tJon, we all appreciate tbe work you've put 1n." • ' -• . pe~l Fees to. -Rise? ' based on add.IUonai factors. In other business Monday night, plan. ners : -. -Warned C. C. French, a cement contractor for Allen OldsmobileCadlllac at 1102 S. Coas\ .fflgbway, that-streel end curb lmprovemenla should liegln Immediately. • "U diligence.. and perseverance are not defnonstrated by the Dec. 16 ~Ung, variances for the dealer may be revok· ed," planners said. Earlier, planners rerommended lhe Ci· ty Council revoke the finn'a variances because they had not gone ahead with street and curb .Improvements which were cond.IUons elf. variance approval. The City COtmcil ,.., )be matter back to the commission because the firm apparenUy was moving towarda the re-- quired publlc improvements. -Referred to the Dec. 9 study session a request from Dr. Werner E. Khron· prois, 595. S. Coast Highway, to build 12 apartment unita without regard to zone boundary lines. "The applicant and other property owners in the area are going to have to meet to discuss the ingress and egress situation there." City Planner Al Autry told commissioners. · -Recommended the Orange County Land Use Committee deny an appliclition permitting a 100-bed convalescent home by the Alpha Beta market, South Laguna near the intersection of Wesley Drive and South Coan Highway. Outry recommended the comm.Wion request denial because of the pniblem and congestion which would be created by the introduction of emergency vehicles In a residenUal area which Includes -a nearby elementary school and shopping ~nter. - -Referred back to the' 'p1ailrung'1a'taff a request for yard determination on an irregular lot with the reconnnendation it follow a variance procedure . lly Phll lnttrl111dl ( ''But I was Just hurrying horra• to catch the 1un1tt. Surely you c.o undtr1tand that.'' ., Nixon Names President Of"'Caltech as Adviser Tony Saffo and R. E. Blanpied asked for yard determination on their property at 400 El Camino del Mar so they can build a fence. Planners, rather than have such matters supervised by staff, said they wanted each case to come before them individually 10 precedenls Yi'OUldn't be set. NEW YOR\( (UPI) -Presldent .. Je<:I Richard M. Nllon loday named Dr. L<e A. DuBrldge, pre1ldent of the Calllomla !nllltute ol Technology, aa bJs chief llclence adviser end charged him with bridging th e gap betwen I b e poUUcal and intellectual communiUu. said that one of DuBridge'.s joba "1ill 'be "to reassure them that our interest ii not only In wbat they can produce but in bow they can counsel w:." -Referred to study session the 'estab~ishment of special setbacks on the . Port.fflno ·Tract which is being developed above. NYes Pia~. DuBridge, a · friend of Nixon's for 22 years, will retire as president of Caltech to take the position . Laguna Swim Meet Canceled ' -Deferred to the Dec. 16 rtgular meeting a decision on a sub:livision re- quest Crom Jerry Habeck and John Hedges who want to split tbe.ir Jot at 1947 Rlmrock into three parcels. Several decisions regarding sewage, drainage and access wW have to be made before a permission may be given, Autry told planners. The 67-year:Old physicist sa1d he wu delighted with the position and would ad· vise Nixon on ways in which the federal government could stimulate sclenutlc and technological research. "I will not be his political advl.!er nor economic adviser but will try to get the best scientific inlonnaUon ln the country and present it to him," DuBrldge sald. The Laguna Beach Recreation Department's swimming meet scheduled for Wednesday has been cancelled becaµse of a broken boiler •1 the high school pool. . -Approved a sign for a new Italian delicatessen going in by the Tic Toe Market, N, Coast Highway with the stipulation that Arden-Mayfair Inc., owners of the market and lessor to the delicatessan, promise in writing that the Tic-Toe Market sign eventually will conform to new sign regutallollll. Nlxon introduced DuBridge to newsmen at his Hotel Pierre headquarters and praised him as one of America's tearing scientists. · NoUng there wa1 a tendency for people in the scientific and Intellectual com- munities "generally to take a rather dim view of the political operator," Nil.on "We don't want to subject the ttds to the cold water," saJd Norman Borucki , recreation director. However, he said the competition has been rtSCheduled for Monday. The boiler will be fixed this week, he 1aJd. The re-scheduled meeUng will begin at 1:45 p.m. .. N-D"'!"7 W•'r• Dr•p•ry bperh. Q11•lity Workm•11•hfp A ln1ttllatio11 .... ._ SJ!!!!!!t y .. ,. of bperi- 011co. All Work D•-h1 0... P\tflt, ft-tO fat{, 111•!•1 111 y,,, H•-· "BEAT' \THE HOLIDAY'. RUSH only ' has it! ~/(/ DEEP s-·z=m=z-71--· CR/fPCT CLERnlnU THE ULTIMATE in CARPET CLEANING ICONOMICAL reduce• the need for freqwent professional c1eening b1 - ceuse it remo•e• thr cleepz 1mb1d- cl1cl soil 41ncl l1a¥et no resi u1 in th1 crrp1t fib1r1 to collect clirt. CWNS DllP ectually r1mo¥11 soil from both th1 pil1 of the carp1t and the carp1t bacldnt. IESTOllS PILI th• pO'W1rful 1.+rac .. tion proc111 r1mo¥Ot mol1hr1 Im· m1cli1tely, thu1 evoicllnt shMn•avo. encl li~s mettocl pi'I• to 'Ii•• 111W' app1ar1nc1. WHEN TOU WANT THI FJNEST- SAR PROCESS 1ciantificrllr. cla••I· op1cl sp1cially for th1 pro 1ssional carpet cl1an1r. It i1 compl1tely 1afo for all carpet fiban, GENTLI ACTION ut•• rio hru11'e1 or 1crubbin9 action, so it clo11 not cli1- tort tho pil• of tho urp1t. SOIL llTAIDIN• AND MOTH HOOflNG-er• inclucl1cf at 110 extra cost, FUI ISTIMATI CALI. RUG &' UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS • 0... lht Yoor of Sorvico in Or11190 County 2950 RANDOLPH COSTA MESA PHONE 546-3432 \ ------------~' ---------------~~~~~~~~~~-------------------....:.-------.i UPIT ........ -'T~, -),1%8 DAILY l'ILOT $ South Viets Paris • Ill . ' ~ ' ' ' ts Due Soon' Both S~ Predict -Ar_~ang~me ' PARIS (CPI) -J. SOutb VlflNm ~ urlwd today !or)!>< •'""""'1 Plril ~ llolll U.S. and Communist C)llld.ok Jjrodl<tad .,,..,,._ for llie lalD woWd be COl)lple\ed tbla week and ~ Ille fur.lat -CIO Would beib> ~ r ' IL ' !-' N._i 'll>leu Nbon, special ualslant lo VICO Preeldeol Nguyen Coo Ky, °"' rived _by Plane lo become SOutb, Viel- 1nam'a firlt dele1atloD officlal lo appear al Ibo. ..... ol the talb clelayed • • .,.;.lb ·by • Saigon boy<otl. Hlgb Communllt """"""' eald Hanoi and , li1e Viet Cong t.amod up today to present the Unlt.d Statea ,.lib a ~ . combined -to Ha dlplomallc J?llckage oeiunc tbO .'!ate and basic nlles I« tbe npeDded 'lalb. The ...,...,.. lald tbal once the lour aides .m .. t the °"'"'J""'l'I will reject '°y ~ of calJln& It J \>rOotlded meetlJ>&. The Amerlcan1 'wllll 1hl• Uolted Stateo • and ,South Vietnam · consldered u one team, the Norlb, Vie-and ·the Viet Cong 11 the other. · , . Diplomata bellevtd tbe first meeUng qf the e1panded talb may-come on Wedaesday or oat week. Nhon told newqen another member of South Viet.nam'lflOO.man delegation would arrive Wednesday. South Viet.. nameae source1 said Aplbassador Phan r DUc 4.c. who wlD -,lolroa'a ~tam II the~ ......... .rttve Tbund&1 "' Fr\<!11 wftll X)' hlmlell ~ iborll)' -· K1 will supenlee S.U.00'• --""* Mt. for now, atteod oeaolJailng -.. The lal)a, uiom.tvea were nPe<ted tb open at Jul,. possibly •'11.Y -1 week, dlplomaUc --· American and North VletnllDOIO of· ficiall' w..-boldini -UnO arranglns the conference. ' 't ... 1 . Nbo11'1 regul~ duUes ,an oi Ky's Ualaon man wltb SOutb Vietnam's parU. menL He said W¢ooday'1 arrival win be Dang {)qc Kbli_. inother Kj assistant who will serve as deleaaUon spokaman. " ROCK-THROWING DISSIDENTS PERFORM BEFORI; CROWD OF ONLOOKERS A.T SFSC BUILDING President"• Offtc:e Pelted Monday Fi;tllowlng Tangle Between H•y•k•w• and Demonstrators Higher Flight Ceilings Urged For OC Airport Sam Sheppard's Wife Sues Him f Qr. Divorce , Ul'I TelePl\Olo STANDING FIRM SF State's Hayakawa Reagan Praises SF State Prexy SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Gov. Ronald Reagan predicted today that if acting · President S. I. Hayakawa is successful in keeping San Francisco State College op- en, a majority of the 18,000 students vdll rally to his support. "I have to commend Dr. Hayakawa,·• Reagan said in an impromptu news con- ference at the Sacramento Airport. "I'm banking on him." "Dr. Hayakawa has shown great cour- age," Reagan said. "As the majority comes to realize that the school can be kept open they will rally to his support." "I know there are going to be contin- ued efforts by the dissidents," Reagan said. . The governor left a few minutes later to address the National Association of Secretaries of State at Anaheim. He plans to attend a meeting of the Rept.lb- lican Governor's Conference later in the week at Palm Springs. State Fish, Ganie Director Resigns SAC'RAMENTO (AP) -Walter T. Shan~on, who started out as a depUty game1\ warden in 1936, announced today he wftl retire Feb. 1 as director of the State fjsh and Game Department. Shannon, 61, is one of only two holdover department heads from the fonner Democratic administration of Edmund G. Brown, ousted by ~publican Gov. Reagan in 1966. J Police Move In, Rout A higher flight ceiling and increased visibility limits were urged Monday for Orange County Airport as an aftermath of the Nov. 23 crash of a Cable Com- muter Airlines plane in which nine persons died. CLEVEJ'.AND (UPI) -Dr. Samuel Sheppard, who spent nearly 10 yean in prison in t b e slaying -of h l s iirst wife loo then was acquitted oJ' her death at a ~nd I.rial, tOday was sued for divorce· ~y hl1 second wife. ''The defendant thnatens to and unless restrained by this court will perpetrate on her person acts of violence-to~ber­ imparable damage and great bodily harm . for which she has no adequate .remedy ~t law." Protesters at SF State Mrs. Ariane Sheppard, who married Sb e pp a rd in July, 1964, after cor· responding with him while he w a s in prison, asked the court to enjoin him from threatening ber with "great bodily harm." Sheppard met the former Ariane Teb- benjohanns, a divorcee th e n living In Germany, after she began corresponding w I t h him while be was in t h e Ohio Penitentiary. SAN FRANCISCO (UPl)-Club-swlng- lng police broke up a small band of demonstrators 'today at Sa!! Francisco State College. ' Eight youUu; and two girls were ar- rested in the clash outside the business and social science building. Same of the demonstrators were bloodied in the melee. The violence flared about an hour after clases resumed for the second day under the get-tough administration of acting president S. I. Hayakawa. Although the S-foot-6 English professor had the support of many of the 18,000 students, activists vowed an attempt to oust him. Students streamed to morning classes \...'. Venezuela Voting Se€Saw Battle CARACAS (UPI) -With slightly more than a third of . the vote counted, Rafael Caldera seized a slim, inconclusive lead today in the closest presidential election in Venezuela's 147 year history. The Christian Democratic challenger, camp.aigning to end the 10-year rule of the Action Democratic Party (ADP), surged slighUy head of the ADP can- didate, Gonulo Barrios, in a seesaw battle. More than 36 hours after the polls closed, official results showed Caldera with 368,942 votes and Barrios with 332,684. -Closest among the other {our candidates was Miguel Burelli Rivas witfi 322,684. Slim Pickens Sues Over Knee Injury VISALIA (UPI) -Slim Pickens, Hollywood actor and t e I e v i s i o n performer, has filed a $125,000 injury suit against two Porterville gro'ups. Pickens suffered a knee injury May 4 when he fell on a dance floor at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall in Porterville during the annual Porterville rodeo. The complaint, which was filed last Friday in Tulare County Superior Court, charges negligence in maintaining the dance floor. Greece Assassin Suspect Returned ' ATHENS (AP) -A I e x and et r Panagoulls, the man . who tried to kill the Greek premier, was reported today to have been brougfit 'back to Athens from Greece'! execution isle. Informed sources sa.Jd Panagou1is, who had been sentenced by a court-martial last month tc die before the firing squad, was moveJ! Crom jail on Aegln!i Island to Athens military poUce headquarters. as about 50 pickets paraded at the main campus entrance. There was liWe banter between the sttil:lenls aod pickets cban· ting, "Join the people, not the pigs." But, within ·an hou r, a group of 20 militants began a noisy demonstration outside the business and social science building. A squad of 30 unifonned offle&S marched to the area and chased the demonstrators with clubs swinging as they scattered in all directions. "Run, run , they·re coming," shouted some of the demonstrators as the officefs converged on them. Others screanied, "Pigs off campus." Another group of a b o u t 60 demonstrators began chanting outside the building later. This time, however, they posted lookouts to alert them as police again converged on the area. One youth, screaming obscenities, was chased a half mile by ofifcers who clubbed him into submission. Within minutes a paddy wagon hauled him to jail. As the demonstrators regrouped in front of the cafeteria before several hundred student onlookers, the ad· ministration received a telephone bomb threat at the history, Jangu,ge and literature building. A squad of officers began searchi~ tbe multi-story building. After the college reopened ~Monday, llayakawa resuspended and promised "new disciplinary action" against Black Panther George Murray, whose original · suspension for urging minorities to cmy guns on campus touched oU the current turmoil. ' Clifford L. Fraizer told the Santa Ana City Council that current ceiling limlta· tiol'I.! should be raised from 400 to 500 feet and the minimum visibility lengthen· ed from three-quarters of a mile to one mile. Fr;:E' r , a pilot and fixed base operator at the lrport, told councilmen that cur· rent 'mums are a hazard to residen- tial areas and motorists as well as plane passengers. Fraizer emphasized that installation of an Instrument Landing System at the airport will not eliminate the possibility of more fatal crash·es unless current minimums are raised. He said no matter how advanced the approach systems, they are still subject to equipment and human error. The council said it would ask County Aviation Director Robert Bresnahan and the airport commlssioo to study Fra.U:er's recommendations. Gls to Observe 2 Holiday Truces SAIGON (UPI) -The U.S. command said 'tO<t~Y American troops in Vietnam will observe the single 24-hour Christmas- New Year cease-fire called by President Nguyen Van Thieu of South Vlelnam. A command spokesman said the State Department in Washington had ordered U.S. forces to join the South Vietnamt!e in the truce starting at 5 p.m. Christmas Eve. Sheppard, who was convicted in the tSM: bludgeon alaying of his pregnant wife, Marilyn, wu acquitled in 1966 at a second trial, ordei:ed by the U.S. Supreme Court. The divorce petition, filed In common pieas court, stated' Man, 70, Struck By Auto, Dies An elderly Santa Ana man became Oran1e COurity'a 199th traffic victim of the year Monday when he died of injuries suffered Sunday. William Kirtzer, 70, of 1~ W. ·9th St., died Monday at the Orange County Mecilcal Center, the coroner's office reported. Klrtzer was struck by a car while pulling a small wagon loaded with old newspapers, police said. The accident occurred at Bristol Street near lat Street in Santa Ana. Offlcen said the car wal'! driven by Anita W. Blac}de, 35, of 1858 Swan Circle, Costa Mesa. Tbe aceldenl is under invesUgaLion. Jerry E .. Dempsey, attorney for the attractive 39-year~d Ariane, s a i d the Sheppards h a d live'd at their home in Bay Village until a week ago, when both moved out: Dempsey said it was not known where Sheppard now ls staying. Sheppard recenUy resigned from the staff of Osteopathic Hospital I n Youngstown, Ohio. He ls defendant In two "'?1)ngfu1 death suits resuJUng, from operations he performed at the hospital. The 11uits sought a total of more than $1 million. . Florence Marsteller, the superintendent .. of the hospital, said Sheppard submitted his resignaUon Nov. 21. Marsteller aald the resignation wu not requested. 51 Nations Seek • Pollution Control UNITED NATIONS (UPI),_ F'i!ty.oiie nations today asked the U.N. GenUal Assembly Lo do something about man's pollution of the eatth's land,, sea and air. Swedish Ambassador Sverker Astrom presented a resoluUon sponsored by his naUon and 50 others, includJng the United States, which propoaes a U.N. conf~ on human environment ln 1972. Instant Christmas Club ·------------------------------------· ··~No-boun"""=·=-~-ce.Accoun-'-~~~t_A~pp:..::..liTcati;;;;;;;;;;;--o_n~~~~.L...~·-·~r.::::~~'--::::---_~_ ........ T .... ~ ......... =~-Q-~-~.:...i·~$~,,.-....,."=".,.,,,.1 I Your ntm. Add.._ si... Zip Code How 1.of1J1 I ~ D Sln,1• D S.pmr1tld D Merrlld D Divorced I P!T"loul aodrea s.xi.1 Stc.Yrlty N11mbw •• Employer a1111neu ..:klr9M How lone~' OCtupatlon Monthly teU $ ''°"'""'°""°""'°"'"'°',.-~~~--j-;==:::;:=::~~~~~~~~~~+.,,,,,,Y~~::,,,,;;""'-:::.,.!,,,,~~~~...L~hol~me~""=---~· I Emplc)pr'1 pl'IOM nllmber For>Ml'empiayw Formar employtr'18Cklrftt HoW !Ori& 11mpl(¥1d1 I '~ -I Spou.H'1 emplo,-.r Spou•'• tml)iO)'tl" .odnH 5Pouw'1 emp!Oytr pl'IOne no. How ton1 emplo)'llCl1 OC:Wpmtlon Monthly teM $ Yrl. Mell. home Pt)' •,.:""':::::':,' ",::"':::_'~:::::'J"l!-§'!i!"'i!t'i!!"O!!;""i!!!' ~""ifil'";,'";,;'°"'!i!!;'i:~::"':::_"':::_•_:'""::.:::"::"':::.""::".:;":,:' ""'=:.;-::'::,.:.:':-:::::~:.:"°"':::::_' _____ _J Au\OlllOblle flnenced ~ (....,..11 dNr) flltKh adOl!lor\el .... l It ' Him. Mdreu .kco\lnt n111T1bw hllnei dut Mo. Pl)'rMnl I Nim. flddr1w Account llUl'l'ltllr hlenei OU. Mo. PIY""nl Murat l'lleM'I rier.. •:-.::::,--~~~-+,,==-~~~~~~-4~~=-+~~~~4=~~~~~~· I N•rne AddrNI AccoUnt numllllr ... 11ra G\19 Mo. pey1-11 NMrat ,.i1Uwe'1 edd(9M I ·---------.------------- Santa ClaUA la an inatltutlon, A big, wann-hcartcdJ $900-million bank. Us.We've got the solution to your holiday money problems. -------------· • Gov. Reagan Says Finch Will Accept Nixori Post Cut this out and cut out worrying. It can open a $300 to $2400 No-bounce Account,• depending on your wi shes and credit. Once approved, you'll be able to write checks for money you don't have in the bank. Our computers will quietly male automatic loans to yout account to cover those checks. The strings attached. Even though it's Christmas, we can'tbe foolish. So there's an interest charge -l'h3 per month on the average daily balance due. Where to get your Chrutmas greenery..-8end the No.bounce Application to the First Western branch where you have a checking account A checking ac· count is necessary, so if you don?t have one with us, drop by any one of our offices and we'll handle things from there. If you need money, we want you to know we can help. But whether you do or you don't, we wish · you a good Christmas and a good year. We want.you to know that, too. SACRAMENTO (UP.I) -Gov, Rooaid Reagan saJd today be beJievea·Lt. Gov~ Robert }{. Finch is "pretty decided" to accept a cabinet post ln the Nlx'on adminJAraUco, • RHgan said there are probably "about a dozen people" on a llsl of posslble successors for Finch as, lieutenant governor. But Reagan said "I wor't discuss any names" unUI after Fitlcb submits a formal resignation. "! get the .,_img that he 1' pretty decided in his mind that that's where /, ,•, he will be" Reagan said when asked If Fioch would join Preaident-elect Richard M. NiJ:on In Washington. Reagan was asked if be had ruled out membr.n of the legislature as possi- ble lieutenanl gubernatorial candidates because of the Republicans' thin margins In each house. "I'm not goini to rule out anyone, .. he replied. Finch to ld newsmen Monday that he ind Reagan talked aboUt candidates for lleutenant governor during a 90-minute private lunch in the eovernor'1 office. , ' • UNIVUSl'l'T PAIX onia: 18022 Culver Drive, Irvine No· bounce Account· • T .. • '~ w .. .,.... ..... at.lfl T!I; Procrastlnatora '.club ol Ame~ca will celebrate lta 10th &nnjj.ersary at ilt =ventlon. at Atlajlllc City, ;N:J. T!le 'maJii' ltem on the convention adgenda ls the nom!Mtion ol a ~residential can- ~ didate. Delegat.. from U stales will )e able to cast ballots 'lor either Miiiard Fiimore, Gaorgo Waahl~, -H;rotd St••••n or Rfch•nf Nixon,:, ,, . , •. . . u.s~ ,Cites ' ' ;· .455 DMZ . ~ ·1 .. '·. '\ Violati(jns '. . ' . S~loo:! lAP) -'Die tJ: S. CoroJnand "'1d IOdjy !bit rtCOMalwn<o bu . • d~ ·45l ln<llctU~ £t. l'!ot\b Vie~ ~-.. ••tlvlty In lhe.di:riiilftarbod -~ lllhCt the bombi6& ~t on Nov. I 11\d In at lull JD of the Incldenll Amerk>an planea, artillery or Wll'l\lll>' llred . oo ·, the ~oemy forces. , 1 Previ~~!J"I U'~}l/mmfnd' !iad l'!port4il .idlb """"' dolo the DMZ on $.'pee@~· abice' llii'~I hll~ ooC;lsl.on1·11b!~·tlio~'blld called ·~t• llll;lj(.,ii'ol ~/activity. '.J'cidj'ii; <!'. U, isr ..,ot'emW)"d\!e10led !bit ~1 .... ,,.,. .lija M<l>•'litlo the ..Utliiim "tiill •.et'·Mle··-.. UF tim<s .and . il!to; !!!•, no~. i~ .Notti> Viet~ ~~ nan fiye1t40es, . - , ";rh• r....O . we did 'IJ9t.. report the ~II 1!>4flbi! iPu!~ : .. ilot llplfl- • . . New Dnrest Hits~clwoh lnNw:York NEW YORK (AP) -Bands of atudeni.s oPl>Oled tq the l...,U..Oed ocboQ1 day !Ut reou1ted lrom lhi clly teachers' olrll<e plherecl In Jlfllleo\ outllde four blih ocboQla la Manhatlln and Quew • today. • The new unrest came a day tftet -and aludent v""'11llam 6roke oul In the OCean 'Rlll·Brownavllll dlllrlct In B...ti)'D and eltewbere In the city, ...i attor the atate ordered the cloolng • ol • llJ'lle.lorn Broakl)'D junior h{gh ICbool "tmtll further noUce." A low bundred llUdeoll 11thered , outside lllree hl(b achooll In the Bayside oecllon of Queena, polJce nported. In Manhattan, UO atudenll protesllDJ an 1,30 1.m. early openlnJ jlllllliled the -oulside Stuyvesant HIP School, theq ·en~Jhe · bu1ldJng 15 minutes late. .. .• State EducaUon C.O'mnuuumer James In WOlverhampipn, England Definl! Scrivens, %2, swal~owed, a ri% inch fork m a restaurant. A.fUr IUTgtOttl _f'tmo'tlttf the· fork, his--mothlf' Mn. Jitltn Strivens ezplaitltd, !1Den'nf.1 hod . bt-tn balancing the jor1' O'! Pf4,. nose'' when something startte.d·~ him, he opem~ II# mout!r on4 ' tM fork··•lid. .in ap4 down. ' Cant.''. ~e spot~,~ ;"In some mes th, .~arget waa. oliscured and we cou\d not. ge,t ~ acc;ur!te assessment. . In other ,caaet •. -~· weather precluded ··~ ~en\.,;YOI! 111ighl call aome of :;l ' ;f iiariw!ng aDiHnfeidiction fire, II k • «I. -~1 i,ro8d W.ilere activity had _beeo SCENI THAT OTHER STATE COLLEGES HOPE TO AVOID Police Chase Dissidents Off San·Frenci•co St•ft·C11rft.pu1 .Mondtiy E. Allen's order Monday followed clashes • -betwien • i'OC!Ahrowlng · studenta and ·police. In the elght«llool decentralized listrict t b a t has' been the focus of the city's conUnuing school crisis. Aller.i alao announced that Assoclate Commisslooer .Herbert F. Jolinsoo, I he sta!Hppolnted trustee trying lo run Octan HJJI In the altennalh of the -teachers' strike, wu. being temporarily relieved at his own request ~ "'!'!lt" . . . ' . f :.. \1fllle, t tle Qiajority of t be 455 °in- • cJlg,~ tit enemy activity or preaence '----•--•!!!l!-1!1!1•• ' mo-the; demllltBfu>d r.oOe" were i.1>01ed • , • · ~ 1naliiilfieanr bY u. s. miclquaitm, the Hotelkeeper Brlen .·T!bloy. of IOlals'made~'lhat North Vietnam.,. Bournemouth, England is looking~ ac~v~ m. the ·:.one cont.itUlea· to ·be for ~ man with a good .thrQWing b~k _and that U. s. planes ~ ground aqn as the 'rest11t Of the new trade. fore~ are on the alert. to retaµ.ate .. description act. Tb! .a~·is·designed mc1i:~po!=::~ :~~:1~:~cl~: to ~rninat_e advertt~~en~~ that. . acUVitj on traU1, bunkers, sampans, are · untrue.-Tokeley, whos~ hotel Ugbts and small groups of soldiers on is more than 270 feet ·.-fro~ tb.e. the ·~ve. · ocean front, wants to adve~ it. 1 T,he 30 "significant" incidents in lhe as being "a stone's th.row -from the· bMZ 'included iwo 'attacks by North sea.'1 Vietnamese machine guns Monday on· e an American reoonnaiasance plane. A The Reader's Digest has announ·. cbmmunJque said_perican bombera:at .. ced that its employes :will work tacked the two gun positiona, <Jeatroying , M one and damaging t.be other. None ·ot only four days a w.eek ~ach. ay. the }>lanes were -hit, the communique DeWitt Wallace, c~airman of t~e added. magazine, said the purpose of the The Sooth Vietn~mese F o r e i g n innovation .would ~e to give 2,800 Ministry announced today that the North em,Woyes 11 a 1ubstantial amount of Vietnamese 138th Anny Regiment had ad41,tional leisJ.tie." The iemployes returned to the southern half of the currently work,a "35-hour·week. DMZ on Nov. 21. The ministry said • it had protested to the International Control Commission. 1 A bevy of beauties surrounds Hugh Hefner publisher of Playbou m.aga· zine, on the set of hi& tetevirion ser- ies "Playboy AfUr Dark ... The series which will feature n9ttd staT1 is sche·. duled to start in Jari1'ary. •• A suit which questioned the con- Auto Industry's 'High Pressure' · Tactics Assailed WASHINGTON (UPI) - A Federal '.t'rade Commissioo consuJtant accused the auto industry today of hiah pressure sales policies which he aaitf prompted dealers to cheat their CUBtoa:iers on re- pairs, fiilancing and used car .deals. Dr. William N. Leonard told the Seilate Antitrust and Monopoly SUbcom- mittee that car manufacturen push their dealers to sell new cars, even at low profit levels, and consider repair work "a necessary evil." The result, Leonard said, is a long list of dealer schemes designed t'o earn fat profits to make up for tow markups on new cars. . . "Many dealers will mate $400 on a used car selling for $2,000 and only $150 on a new car selling for $3,000," he said. "The rfuiult is the buyers oC used '• ' . . B~arty o~~asion • . First Transplant Year Ago Today • ' ' 1 • • ' ' CAPE TOWN, South Aliica (UPI) - Jut before noon a year ago-today One of the .aweating 1urgeons p.sped• and said, "My ~. it's going tow o·r k!" It was· the cOtP.@Ietlon Of the ,firit. suc- ceutal ttana:p~t of·A.hmnail heart; Sirictt Dr. 'CllriaUan Neet;bling 'Bamara, 44; transplant.ed· the .he.art of Denise Ann Darval, 14, into the ~ of 56-year- old grocer' touts · Wilhkamky· Dec. 3, 1967, aurgeom:· around the world · baVe perfonntd nearly 100 such operations.~ Tributea to Barnard poured into Groote Schuur Hospital today; But ·perhaps one of the most significant wu 1rom Dr. Denton. A. Cooley of, Hourton,:,Tex.o '!ho- has perfonned more· heart transplantlJ than anyone. "All of us found it difficult to believe," Cooley said of the first transplant. Cooley said i1 Washkansky had lived only 24 hours rather than the 18 days he survived ' "It would have been amazing because he dld so with the organ of another human." Wasbkansky died of double pneumopl~ with the transplanted heart still bea~g. On Jan. 2 Barnard transplanted the heart of Clive Haupt, 25, into the chest of i Dr. Philip Blaiberg, 58, a retired denUst. Blalberg ls doing so well he is, thinking of a vacation in Europe nett year. "I and my team never raced to be flnt to transplant a heart," Barnard said. ·~we had been working towards it and knew others were, but weren't afraid of JJot being first." BJaiberg and Barnard's third transplant paUent, Petrus S m i t h , gathered at ataiberg's apartment Mon- day· to toast the anniversary of Barnard's pioneering operation. · Italy Rocked by Violence, ~ . !: - Strikes in Three Cities ROME (UPI) -Tens of thousands of angry Italians went on strike today and marched through the streets of ma- jor cities protesting a clash between police. and striking fannhandi in Sicily that left twp dead and 52 injured. The protests broughl bomb blasts in Genoa and Pisa and signs in Rome calling on Italians to "rise up against authoritarianism." No Injuries and oo ma'jor damage were reported . in the born b explosions. Authorities feared the incident in Sicily would trigger further violence around the country. It was the worst aince the Communist·led riots of 1960 which cost 11 lives. Mariano Rumor Continued efforts to aolve a two-week-old government crisis, 20,000 students marched-past the Colossemn with signs refd,U;ig: "Police, assassins." What began 83 a protest against t h e outdated S:..ilool system ended in 1 demonstration against ''police brutality.'' Other strikes and prot~ marches came ln Milan and other cities including Genoa where self styled anarchists called on Italians to rise up "against the laws and the stale." Windows were shattered and a night watchman slightly injured. 18 Other State Colleges Watch Events at SF . ne A11oclated, Preis Officials 'of California State CoUege campusea with large minority gr'tip enrollments are keeping a close ·watc~ on the San Francisco State disturbances, hoping they won't spread. ·At the smaller, leu urban· campuses in the lkampus system, admi.nistrator1 are optimistic. Their students, they say, don 't usually get involved in such things. An uneasiness on all the campuses was apparent Monday in a survey by the Associated Press, which contacted administrators and staffs of student newspapers. At the 18 campuses besides San Fran- cisco, there was no apparent attempt by student activiata: to drum up""support for the Black Student Union and its demands at San Francisco. But Bob Wells of the Long Beach State College News Bureau said officials there ar_e ·keeping in close touch . with students. "We have similar problems here," Wells said, "such as in curriculum reform." He said there i!I an active o r g a n i z a t i o n of Mexican-American studenta, and a branch of th~ Black Studen"ts Union which is advocating changes. "So far they have all worked well within the structure of t h e ad- ministration," Wells said. At San Fernando State, where a !f.U· dent disturbance laBt month unsettled the campus, Charles ManJey, special assistant to the president, said, "I hesitate to make any kind of prediction." He said there was no indication of any trouble bre"'·ing. "I'm sure that what happens at San Francisco State will set the pattern for t~ whole college system," Manley ad· ded. "He's pretty well worn cut at the moment," Allen aald. "He wanta time to rethink.the program and decide where lo go from here." Wlllllm D. Firman, as asslatant state coron11aaioner, wu named Johnson's replacement. Johnson would not comment on the aituaUon when he left the: school in midafternoon. It was not clear how he could have been locked up alnce be was accompaitied by aides and a police bodyJUard. The Rev, C. Herbert Oliver, chairman of the sUBpe.nded Ocean Hill local govern~ tng board, denounced the deciafon to close JHS %11 as "more evidepce of contempt for the black community." The Negro :minlster and about 20 lllp- porters entered JHS 271 during the even- ing saying they planned lo stay all night and open for classes in the morn- ing. Police sald they left peacelully several hours later. Drugged Boy Dies After Pair Dump Him at Hospital ., BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (UPI) -Two ~ teen·agers left a l!ili'if)'outh In a wheelchair at Btidgepoi:t.-Hospital Mon· day night and fled, l~ving their com- panion to die a short · time later of an apparent overdose of narcotics. Pollce said the two youths drove up to the hospital at about 6 p.m. and carried a third youth into the building. They left him in the nearest wheelchair and ran to the waiting car, according to authorities. The youth died a short time later 'but it was not until 11 p.m. that police were able to· identify him through his' parents as Harold Lee, 15, of Stratford. Medical Eicaminer Harold Doherty said the boy di::d of an apparent overdose of narcotics .. He said samples of the youth's blood would be 'sent to the stale laboratories for tests. , Police werC' searching for his two companions. stitutionality of a £hicago city or- dinance which prohibits women from working · as bartenders unless they are-owners of the establish- ment has been -d1sm1ssed in U.S. District Court. "Such .laws have been upheld generally as tending to safeguard the mMals of such fe- males and in some · cases of the customers," Judge James B. Par- sons ruled. · cars-those who as a rule have lower lncome.s and cannot· afford new cars- pay higher prices and help subsidize the new car buyer who has more in· come to begin with." Leooard said dealers al.so jack up intere.st rates for car financing, parts prices and repalr ·bills. The subcommittee also hear,d lesti· mony that auto repair operations pass off rebuilt parts as new ones and boost- ed part prices last year alone by $1 billion. Sicily was pcni!lyzed by-a _ _protest strike and defiant farmhands ·in the l2th day of a strike-"foj, higher pay set up new roadbloc~ .in f.he_ cpuhtryside arounjf Avola, using stones, felled trees, trucks and lrac1.or.L A-police attempt to remove · a similar roadblock Mond&y brciught the clash in-·Which two strikers were shot · to death. ln Rome, where Premier-designate The Avola fannhands scored a victory today when landowners agreed to raise their pay 10 percent and consider other deman~s. The present pay is 3,110 lite a day, just under $5, 1 ~ut t,be news did little to change th~ikers' grim ffl,ooc1. Thousands of farm workers defied steady rain and convei:ged on the provincial capital of Syracuse for funerals for the two men slain Monday, Giuseppe Scibilia, 46, and Robert Taylor Recovering After Surgery for Cancer Gulf Rain Spreads· North Dense Fog Blanket Hinders Mid-Atlantic. Air Traffic Calllo.rnla M•ttv wnnr all'" «rnl!nuM tod•V -kll.lltieom C.llfornl1, wlllle tt>l' locl!!V $Ir-llUSl'f' wl~ ol tl>I N•I '-din In Ille mou11l1ln1 and below h Cl-dec:re1ffd. T-r1tu.-.• -lllohtlv ••r~r In ~ •tier- -, but contl""" cDOI •11 nlobt. ., L,. A,_lel 1MI vlClnlty c-llNll!ll 1111111r •llh ,,.._ •u•lr wlftdi below the un~ ~''""· TtmPf1'1tu,. _.. 1ltohr1y ,..r"mer Clvrlftt ltte 1rMr· -"°""· lltlt tontlll\lll'd ca4d 11 111.itt. Toder'I hlllh •11 1'booJI ;it. Tl>" 111ohf'I '-•. Thi Air PollYllon CDlltTol Dl1!rlcl ,..,. ""'1M ne -In 11>1 L111 Af1941i. llnlfl. •~ continued """""" •llh lo-a.lhf 11111tv wlndl belew !tie Cl~ VON d"'1nt ti.., n'IOl'nlllt llourl, Hlell ""'-rltv,... r1nt'l!CI Mir ' a7. Thi ,..t ... ••• • cool a. The """"""11111 conl'lnllfd lllftllY wtltl •"--ly Winek ••Mhl•llv """ cr.11111. HIDhl 11 TftOff ltWl1 _,_ mosttr In ltle Mii. ,.,. 6-.m cMIFIWM Wl'ln'f' •1111 tllll'lll f'll!llN llffr 4t . '°i fhe Y-r ""'"" lllCI -· l'O 111 lowtl' rttleni. l«tllf llJohl Mandly .,,,., lotKISI __._. todn IJ'l(iuded: LOl'\9 l..ctl ,.,,, S.nla Moll!C1 at.JD, llYr· ..... '1·1'11. Mt. Wlllan 4IJD, P11m-*" 12-U. R~llfl> .U1. P1ln\ lMNt •10. '*"'l'ltld twl, SM 01-o ...,, Sin!• .. ...,.,. ,, .. ,, LOS AHGE'l..•S AND VlCJNITY- MattlJ' IUflll'f' Yndnetd.9r. Slltllll'f --~ "-foll'-!rt .. Hltll ~?o&.. CMSTAL ANO IHTER.M!OIATE YALle~ w..,,,..,.,._ A llltll VNmwr cll'l'll. L""5 tonltftt ID to .U. Hltht w......,.r " "' ~· MOUN1'AIH AR.!A$ -Sllllnf Wlfl- Mflllf. "''"""" dirt. INT.RIOlt ANO DESERT A'EOIONI _..ttr -r ~r. S1t91\tly ~ •w-..,. toll111\fJ111--"e!ild'" -i. illltllllt. Leiiit •Ith• lf .. " °""' VII..,, D lit D -Ind » II Ml --........ , HlfM 'Wtdllt1dlY • to ................ to ni '-' Yllion'f. Cout;.l Clelrr ,..,,. 'mu1r wllll Ml'f *'"'' w1nd1 -:..,.. w'1fldt· ~~ 11 ti lO 111,~~. T~ II~ p ,f..' '1 Yff1ente1"1 ....,_~,.(II II I e • "°"' I lllfll d ~ f"'I W If & I~ llnd ~""" ...... -,, .... . T ... w1tw '-'It.I"' -.... 0. S1111, .M-n. TWe• • ' TUftDA'f $e(ONI ""' ......... ' : • t :• '·"'· .:. Sllcefld """' t :lt '·"'· ,_. W•DH•1DAY '{" "Int low ..... , . . . . .. 1 :H 1.m. t.l ""I"! /\loll ............. 1: .. 1.m, ,,1 '"*"' 1ew ............ l :M •"'· f ,J hCoM flllll , .... , .• , , . t :" 1t.tTI. l .I ~ ..... l tM '·"'· Sill J:;n 1,.,,, ktl ..... •1.n '·"'· "" 4161 '·"'· ..... Litt •. .... l'lnl •. Dec.. 4 'O.C, II C.C, It Dee.. H (J.B. Sdmmarv tt.111 IN .-11,..ldltd 1-~ Ml1Mnl MW-t ,. H ... £"9111111 to. dlY. o.nte ffll llrt,,..rW 1!r •1111 111111 tfeWI "' "" .,, ....... 1111111t ''''-'· 11111111 ........ "'°" T1~11 t. ltll ....... Ofllo Rll'tl' Veltey. Moltll.lri to.- Mfl "' •rlld -"'-rd tt11111 ttie Gulf, ........ I '""" ~-Pl"Ki.-"''*' "' !ht ••""" hllf ol 1111' ne-t\oll ,._ Jl9:1lt.d .rn11111r lo llll!tf ......... f//f -111~1t11 ..,...,,,_,, 111:1111 -fftCUf tor n\UCJ'r (If "" lolull'lfflt •lld 0.lf ...... T.,._...twft """'"' Into tllf: teen1 _. ~ Kl'Oll !ht -"°"'" llld Qllo "•• ,.,.,,.. •1111 ""'1roi. " "" fl:OO;· lei., while mllcler '"'11'111 ~ noted ltl lfll kll.ol'hwnt, Tiie '"'rwry Wtl Ill lhe U""I 20s 11111 '°"' lh I• fll'I --'llefn Mldww•t 1tW Ille Horlt!usl, In !ht n\I0-711 111 .euthtrn Florldl. A 11 ... Pttlfk 111111 ,...,.~ moY• lftt terw.rll ICl'!IN tn. ltlen. tlt'l'1- dNl'W ...... 11'd Clldlor -ltMtr. ll•rl'I' ""'"''"-t...'lptr1f\rre& r1 from ' 1tL1r1 mlt, Wro .. 1-. 1 1t K•r Witt, 1'11 • · Temperatu...,. S•ke~lleld 81-•rCk ..... .... ~ CtllCI"' Cl~t,,,,.11 Cl~V!!!ltnd ""'~· DH Moina Oeirajt ~E.irt111 , , l'orl Wor!~ "-Hft.OI ' ,_.., ...... . .:.,..... Clly Las '\lffl't • l• ANeitt M.,,,._. ~llwll\bl • Ml-POii, Nf\ff Ol1MM N ... Yori! .,,. ... '"'"" ,._ ..... P'llllldellll!l• Pl'lotflh! Plttll:l\lrtll Porlllnd .... 111 c11, ..,., lllJft .. ~ !lcr1nwn!o Sr. lavlt ....... S111 Ltk• Cltv ... ,_ h11 l'r1nclKO S.1111 •• ,.,. ffl• Hl1ll Ltw Pr•C. 33 15 ,lf I! 6 .ot ... • • :u • .03 " . • u .., '3 .01 Tr " . .s .;1 .ot )1 '' • • ., . . " •• 111 ~· .01 • • . " n H ., . . " " " " •l " n " . • • ., . ., u • 0 ., . " n " . .. u " ll .. " .. " ~ . . -" . " . • • " " •7 0 .. . •t -3t n • " .. .. " • • ... •• .~ ·" ·" Angelo Signoa, 25. . To mark the funeral~ the three main labor unions in Sicily began a general strike that closed down factories, sulphur mines and a number' of public offices. Students joined the workers. ·Gi;ant CoOper To Take Over Sirhan Defense LOS ANGELES (AP) -Grant B. eooPer. a Los Angeles trial lawyer, has " ta~ ,over the defense of Sirhan Bishara Sirhan. Cooper said Monday he agreed to take ithe case shortly after Sirhan was charged with tbe, 1538.SSination of Sen. Robert F. Kermedy. "I Was the fir s t one that was asked to defend Sirhan," Cooper said. "l'll be calling the shots but we'll all be working together." Russell E. Part0ns bu been liandllng Slrban's case. He announced June 18 "A prominent m1n who has handled many prominent caSes" would join the defense when he finished another client's HOLL ywoon (AP) -Actor Robert Taylor, known for his strikingly good looks and ·forceful, low-key performance, is suffering from cancer in his right lung, his wife said today. "He \las known of it for some time," added his wife of 14 years, actress Ursula Theiss. Surgoens discovered the cancer after removing most of Taylor's right lung Oct. 8 because of a ·fungus infection known as valley fever , Taylor returned to St. Paul's Hospital Nov. 11 for treatment of an Infection that complicated recovery from surgery. Doctors announced only lha.t they had been successful in draining an abscess that formed in the area of surgery. "It is ' not a benfgn cancer, but he is doing welJ.," said Miss Theiss, a German-born beauty who wed Taylor in UIS4, three years after his divorce from actress Barbara Stanwyck. Taylor has not been rehospitallzed and remained at hil 113-acre ranch home near Hollywood in Mandeville Canyon U.S. Gold Reserves Show Sharp Increase case. WASHINGTON (UPI) -U.S. gold ,.. Cooper said Emile 7.ola Berman of serves increased sharply, chiefly at the New York also will join-the defense. e1peme-Of the French franc, during the Cooper has been defending Mauri ce three-month period ending Sept. 30, the H. Friedman ill a cankheaUng-~ -tn!asury reported today. spiracy trial which ended Monday with Heavy French ufes ol gold hosted the the con viction of the Las Vegas developer U.S. tota1 supply to a net '73 million ealn and our olhen. durin& the lhlrd quarter, the report l&ld. where he raises quarter horses and bla ck chickens called austrlllorp$. He was not available tor comment, his wife said. Eating Appl.es In Parl~ment Not Cricket? LONDON (UPI) -The usually placid Hou.se of Commons e1plocleld into uproar today when ConservaUve member John Wells was detected eating an apple near the back benches. Laborite Charles Pannell complained angrily. "Mr. Wells has been standing at the bar of the House, spending the last 10 minutes munching apples." He demanded the speaker do somethiflb about it , As lawmakers roared theit dlsapproVaJ, We.Jls b'ied unsuccessfully to find a eeat amon r the crowded Conservative ben- ches. Finally, he sat on the floor, still eating the apple • After the daily question period, Horace Maybray Kin& the speaker of the house,, announced gravely' . "I understand t b a t centuries a g o Parliament wu a place where membe.n brought oranges in to eaL I have no power to lnterf~ wlt.b the muticatory habits of MPs." ..... ' Conservative John Hynd asked If It would be ''equalb' In order" for an MP lo "Indulge 1n liquid 1'efmhmenl in the charilber." King lgpored the quesUon. Wella quietly !lnllhed eallnJ hit apple. • L.......:..;._ ____ ,;_. __________ --- --- - - _________ .._ _________ _ .. ' . I I I !' I • OAILY PILOr • BELL BROADWAY MORTIJARY 110 Broadway, Colla Me11 u 8-3133 DILDAY BROTHERS Hunl.inlU>D Valley Mortuary 17911 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach SU-mt PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery • Mortuary Ch•pel 3500 Paclllc View Drive Newport Beach, CallfonUa t«-%700 PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNEBAL HOME 7801 Bolsa Ave. We1tmln1ter 193-31%5 SMITR'E MORTUARY 1%7 Mahl SL Huntington Beoclt LE Ml3t WESTCUFF MORTIJARY U7 E. 17th St, Costa Meta - MoreC0111fotot\'lallrlng FALSE. TEETH The only medication that • Gets toa.Majof C~~se ofllemorrhoids Now! Most complete 3-way relief! • This Important d1velopm1nt In hemorrhoid treatment comes to yOu after five years of scientiflc and clinical testinf. Not only does Counternoid* w_grk by lessenin( _111in fast, 1nd by coatinL sooth Int. alid prot.afni injurid ti""' •.• but unlike mry other hemorrhoid product Countamold 1lso worts a tllird way. l,hlnks to 1n exclusive formul1 Ith OSSso ni only Counternoid ~II to a m1Jor ""'' of hamor· •loids' Painful hard comllpatlon. Mllhotll irTitJtinf i.utln 1ftect. ftflrt'• how1 In hospital XoflY tests f$1ctors hive d1m&nstr•t1d th1t ~-COuntllftOid-- ~ lat ion with OSSso penetrates in minutes to the top of the· rectal area to soften thl .stool and we the bowel movement. It is this unique action that does so much 1' make natural hulint PoUiblt. So, If you live with the pain and fear of rtcurrina minor hemorrtloid troobl11t iet temporary relief with medicallY·testtd Countemold. ActU1f1Y, used IS dir1cledr Coun- ternold offers the most cOmplele 3-wiy relief you can ftl without a prescription or without sur1ery. In sUlnteu crum «suppositories. At all dru1 eounJers. ~.,....._:tallltllf 1"", -. , ---"'--~ -. ' ., . ' Old repair bills, doetor 9ills, departmetit st.0re bills. Any old bill. For that matter, thEi holiday bills coming up too. Just come to the nearest Crocke'¥-Citizens office and fill out a brief application. If everything's OK, we'll have a Holiday Loan for you within a day . " If this sounds like one of the best offers you've had all year, Why not stop by this we_~k? Then instead of thinking about how you'll pay the bills, you can think about how you'il spend the holidays. Crocker-Ctizens H~lidqy ~ans• at the big borik where little things count -' , ' -, COSTA MBA• lie-Sho"""'9 Cottto< • --Snot .• • , . . ' . ~ . ' • J. ""8. V l'tlOT • Meney's Worth Economics Is Education ' . • Cet $100 or mare month after month after mantlt! 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""''' S ,,. •. ·...,, ~1" S?t.050.00 IOOOOO IO ••dw -...11• 1 M¥i•tt i nd 1 ... 1nod 1li•• mlJ 1111 .. n.111ritflt11911111wlrt siU;;Q 1i)'lt•" S2J.20Doo ! :: 101"1•; "s86.a50.oo ., 19 11t _ .. , 11tlu of lntonl .. •llMr1•. bt1Y wltlldni .. I 111'1-t kl tiff• •Ail J 10 f r1rs SU,150.00 S 73oO·OO ,> 0 5 t>e•" S77,J7S.OO Ml -l'ttf I• 9111 J1 J"ol11.) ""' ll'R tctl .. 11r1 rto11nd14 tit l lMI ~---• · l'H11 S-47,150.00 "°"ltdN fa(t, 1nf N"d 1" -'" lllr -rt t W• Wll .. ~ Chl1ttnlb E .... o.c:. ,. ~ ,, ......... Ill C••llM dlriHM .. i. "''I' YI~·~-.mir Jr . 1 ....... :J ;::' "'"' "'5.001', .. , ClrH1ttm .. DIJ. ... New Tu n ._... DK. l1 ''"" ,,. -llll!lt, ~1111111111 1Uhll•11-ll• ,,.Ii!'! t. Ii""' •N hr1f1r1 ,'.,' S.llW..J ,_ ..... I ll ..,. Ntw Yitr'1 Dll'. 1 ...: ;1111. 1 .. lllllMC : ...................................... ·:.:·"·"·:·~·"·"~"-::~~-::=~=~====::"--,_:.==~· : : Il0WPDRT BHI.BOR SRVIDGS : • ,Mft4Mll !ft 19H .o-wi:i ll:l•W •••i:icl.._1'10W • : 1366 Vii Ll4•, Nl!•S'Ort .. 1ch, C.llfOl'!'il ttlll • l"tton1 17l-lll0 • 2165 [. Co11t H...,., Coron1 111! Mir. C1hlornl1 92625 1 Pho111 615·51SO e R11o.irt:11 In [1c111 of Ont HynOr16 M!t11o., Doll1•t • • AGN[S ll LOMQUtST, P11tid1nt • • • • • • • • : NAME • .• : • • ·~m • . 8 . • • • • • CITY STA 21P e : DEl"T. 4ollt <~, ... -.. 1-.. --1°""-"''-: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,, ( MUTO ASSETS OVER $4H,OOO.OOO.OO HEAD OFFICE '~ -"'C~•~': 13:1\i 315 E•at C<Morado Bouln•~ - Pa.Ndenti, C.llfomla 91109 ---~--------~ - -I •• • TllesClfiy's. Closing Prices ;.,,.:. COmpl~te New York I' ' I I • ~ "'----~----------- • • I Tlltldll', Ojclmbor 3, 1918 • I • ' ' " _,. tt .... ' I -, • • ' • DAILY PILOT EDITOBIAL PAGE· • • • • • ! A. Wretched • The official report 'ml: ~·o°' in Cb,lc;al'> during lb• Democratic Convention is "'· 'n Cletalls .-tllorougb investigation one bf lb• rno<t disgraceful, moot wretched chapters In Amer!i:a't lllGCl<nl,bbtqry. . · The President's coinmls•ton on. violence presents events in a way lmpooslll)e for fragment"'! news repor)- ing, either print or ele&ronic, to. do ~ the ~Jle, or subsequently without benellt·bf lbe thousands of Inter· views with participants and eye' witness'es, including many innOl'en! victims of clubblngs. Nevertheless, the report coofirms that Ill• American people ·were civen an accurat,e over-an picture of what went on by repc:>rters for all m~a wh9 were tn the midst of It all. rn fact, pollc• actions. were worse thaJi could be 'reported. . • . On this score, the commission's rewort perfonns a service impossible to deliver al the scene. It contip.ns the full measure of provocative obscenities hurled at police by the yoUng demonstrato~s of b;oth sexes. These '1offensive weapons" of the militants could not be allowed on broadcasts or i.n 4tmilY newspapers beyond general de,ocription lacking the impact of the actual words and foul acts, such as the hurling of feces and shoes with imbedded ra2.0r blades at police. Such . provocations notwithstanding, the report makes it clear that the Chicago police did overreact ~d run wild . in what the c;ormni~~i¢f .calls ~ "police .n~." Mayor Daley bad helped this overreaction by stimng challenges during e.arlier ri.ots. . . , . The result, the report says, w~s. mdiscnnunate police attacks on legitirriate, law-abiding demonstra- tors; newspaper, magazine and TV repdrters per:fot;!ll· ing their duties-as the eyes and -ears of the public, in- nocent onlookers and even convention delegates. 'The police at limes lost lll:eir professi?nal cool and became bestial, according to scores of wttnesses.. . • ,.. Ille race of lbe report that bis poll~ w.,....l'Ollg. .r 'This is lill sid, lbdeed, for llli• ts a time ln·oW<:Jlll. tory when law and order with justice can be liiil-iinly If the pollce enjoy the JUI! confidence of the citlienry,ai-_ •. ' large. _, , · At a time wben the police ar~ viewed wttJi ·11uplcion ' by a substanUal segment of our young ·~oc1·~1j/'llnd ~ cip'90ate lhat suspicion, the Chicago affAll''li!OenW lbe sclllsm and played stralgb( into the ""41• oC u..· ci:ltrt of "pqlice brulallty" -a vlclqus"cillibnny agiilnl(.th• vast majority of enforcers of 11\e law. ' · · . , The raggedy malcontenis w~Q ~·\!II•~ lli,, San Francisco Slate College camp11t.acam this week·are 1 not lypi~al of the overwhelining · majorttx,. of todaY'•· young adults. Neither, fortunitely,.iire MnMlca'• poll~· typified by the sad record of Cblcllgo•t fcf.U.Clurtnc the-' Democratic convention. ' .. .. Great•heartoo· :People A: ·22-month-old lilUe bel\Uty, daughter of •. Soulll Vietnamese soldier and his attractive wife, is in Child· ren's Hospital of Orange Count,y pre_paring for 'heart surgery -there because a lot of people had and have big hearts. First, Tustln's Lt. Donald Henning, 29, traveling with a Navy dispensary In µie hwn!et of the Le Thi Thanh family, diagnosed tb.; child's ailment as a con· genitally defective heart.. · . . N~xt, Lt. Henning's wife Lin.da, a registered nurs,e at Cbildren's Hospital, persuaded six doctors to donate their services. And then Pen'American Airways agreed to fly mother and daughter free .. Finaµy, military authorities snipped red tape for the 10,000 mile journey. Orange County will be pulling for the litUe girl • ' • f O~ OUR lfONO~ WE A.RE EV'en Mayor Daley now appears ready to admit. 111 ____ _::___,..::____:_ ____________ __,. _______________________ ~-------------------:---i-.----------J · Why the GOP Didn't Win House Control ... With Richard M. Ni.zoo's presidential Dear Gloomy Gus: or. S. I. Hayakawa may be all right as acting president af San Francisco State College but the trustees passed up a good bet with George Walla~ available.. -E.W. victory, why didn't the Republicw cap. . :::-.:i,~.,...~ ttw."":,.~~ S:: lure control of the U.S. Houst oJ .. ,~ ,,_,,., ,.. tJt Gt-r Gv1o t>tillr '119t. Repre.sentaUves? · · ,\1•. ~~ • lt .. That's a question a number of pundill ..... --.----------J are asking and there are almost u · 1 many analyses put forth as there are igOuenCe, the bombing halt i.n Vietnam, analysts. · ' . the all-Out eUort of organized labor, The elements of the puzzle are fairly ·~ 11d ~tum. , simple. Nixon won the presidency by .... ·· a better margin this yeat Lhan dkf ONE REASON \\'~b has not been John F. Kennedy in 1960. Both elections discussed to d* h perhaps so basic yoere close. that it is overly simple -the ap- In 1966 lhe GOP made major gain! portionment of congressional districts. tn the House and some gains in the Every 10 years, after the' federal census, Senate, as ·well as in gubernatorial ~ congres,sional district.! are apportioned tesb throughout the nation. It was freely by the. various states to reflect changed specul!J.ted tha~ the Republicans, U they population factors. The last Ume the could win the presidency, would come job was dOne was in 1960. 51ose to capturlng the Howie or actually As in every case of apportionment, Win control. whether at the state legislative or con- IN THE 1168 elections the Republicans picked up only an addilional four seats in the House.. . On the other hand, the GOP now aimmands the governorship in 31 stat.es. it has control of both houses of the state . le,iSlalure in 20 states -as do the Democrals. At the local level the GOP has k.lcKed upward Its total of elected legislators and at the county . level the Republicans have gained 1200 seals since 11164. So here the GOP is, winning the presidency, statewide election!, local legialative races and county seats but not making significant gains in the House of Representatives. The reasons put forth for ~ paradox are many and not overly convincing. The principal ones are the closeness of Uie presidential contest, the Wallace gressiOQal level, the name of ~ game on the part of the party ln power is to ·create as many safe seats for its .incumbents as possible. Such was the. case in 1960. By the very nature of • the reapportionment ,1ame there are only a relatively few marginal districts su~ ject to capture by either party except .ifl case of major shifts in public opinion. 0IT JUST. MAY BE th.at the reason the Repu.blicans didn't c a pt u r e. significanl:)y more seals in the House. or :Representatives this year is that lhey· alreadj had taken over the bulk· ol the swing districts and will not be able to make substantia1 addiUonal gains ontil after the 1970 apportloninent -assuming· that, at that time, they sUll coritrol the bulk of the st.ates and can determine the guidelines. CalUornia Feature Service Elephantine Eyelashes Things a columnist might never know' if h;Aldn'l open biamaiL Elephants have long~r eyelashes than even the 5Ullrlest Hollywood stars. They range !rom four to five inches in length. Whether you au ·left-handed or righ~­ handed, the chances are that your left root is slighUy l>rger than your rlghL Chronic aspirin ltddicts may be ristlng death. Based on · e~riments with rats, :v':~~r us:;:y ~:iite;t ~ swnption of between 2S and 100 five-grain uplrln lable18 could prove lethal to humans. Have you ever seen a , $10,000 bill? M~ people haven't but llOtne $4 million wortb of them were in circlation latit ye.it, or · ooe for every ball-million J*IOlll. Wouldn't it make a fellow's day io praent one to a bus driver ~ day -and see hil frustration u ·he tried to eive you back· JOW' cbu&e In nickels! . liERE'S A NUGGET ol knowledge llllit II bxmd 10 astound even your -· blue nell!lbcr: IJ perea>I ol· tho pnlen booes oold In till> COUDllJ In -..... -..-.Remember, ,.. . ...., tt lien flnL • Kin& Goorp. I ol. •Eoallod ;,,. a .... who ...... lei Uie duties ol _.., ""1 IWeep him oil bis lee!. He -·--' -the -ble to l<lm -~Ill~ Quol•!Sle ilotlblel: "The moot ln- 1" thins about the -kl com~ible." -" 'Albf.tt ~ ....... lo -• 111tloo ol oldsters as well u youngsters. American now has 7.3 million people aged 7$ or over, and the number is growing at the rate or 225,500 a year. GREEK WISDOM : Socrates, often called the wisest man who ever lived, foresaw danger in trying to legislate equality of the sexes. "Once made equal to man," he warned; "woman becomes ltis superior." Far·smelling : A rortune awaits any man who can develop for girls a perfwne u irruillible u lhal produced by the female IYPIY molh. Leu lhan 1 lniodrod mUliomh ol an ClJaC'e al attractant scent relwed by ..,. ol ,,,.,. lemlllloe Out· teren wW br'4 ocono ol bull motba ltampedins lo her fn>m up to hail a mlle dlllanl. pl~~.,.:,"!.:.'~ !'li be bfgber lhan two-0\lnll the l ol 1 c:ocoout tree." Remembtr when the white collar was a ~e symbol, and most working peOple • wore. ovtnlll? Not any mort. Our U.S. labor force now includes almost four million fann workers and 21 million blue coUar workeri, but they art rar out.numbered by the 34 mlllloo classilied as white.collar worker&. \ E1atourQge Not Given to Eccentricities Nixon Picks ·Aides With 'Cool' Tone WASHINGTON -A kind of tone. has begun to emerge from President-elect Nixon's designaUon 0£ those who will be closest to him in the White House. U tones f:an be cooJ, as undoubtedly they can be in today's terminology, the Nixon tone is cool, not in the chilly meaning but in the rontained sense. · The Ni.Jon entourage ·is a very well buttoned up group not given to ec- centricities of thought or behavior and creative. in the sense that an IBM com- JM,J;ter is creative. This evidently is to be the .style of the NU:on adminlstraUon, . as it wU the style of his presidenUal campaign. With all the pretended emphasis on youth, the fact of the matter is that the Nb.On ent,ourage Is no younger~than the present generation in ~ Wl)ite House and possibly a shade· de r. Competence over c r e a t i v i t y , un- derstatement over enthusiasm are the chief charactetistlcs ol the Nlxon men. WJULE MXON thinks of his present efforts as bringing into the White House the most dynamic group since Franklin D. Roosevett•s New t>eal, the Nixon men are dynamic in a quite different way. They do not resemble at all Sam Rosenman, Ray ~foley, Rex Tugwell, Toinmy Corcoran, Marvin Mcintyre, Steve Early. Louis Howe, Harry Hopkins. We will get no Cabinet members like bombastic Harold lcke3, nor moody Henry Wallace. We evidently are also not to get many college professors or Kennedy-type m. tellectuaJs . llke Walt Whitman Rostow and McGeorge Bundy; the Harvard, M.I.T. days are over. In their places we are to have such cool operator• u Communicaijons Direc- tor Herbert G. Klein, who' b capable of announcing the end of the world wllh a slight shrug; Char~ Rhyne, former president of ' the American Bar· Association, who approaches the pro- cesses of government as if he were the leading surgeon of a heart transplant team; Robert Ellsworth, as careful as the 'ltaMas he comes from ; Robert Halderman and ·Ronald Ziegler, non- ldeologi~ teclmidana In the orgsniza· tional and WOnnation fields who are perfeeted· organit.ation men of the In· dualrlalized state. NIXON MAY ·eventually find that organlza.Uon men are not enough, Cabinet members are not erroµgh. tiut that he wiH have to ha'(~ close to him advisera or a much less. nonpersonal character, as have 'most presidents. Not-personal friends like Nixon's Florida companion, Bebe Rebozo, but intimate and respected advisers with special talents and insights. NO" one, for exaritple, st.ands out as a consultant to Nixon on foreign affairs, unless it is former Undersecretary of State Robert Murphy, whose r!lle in the transition to the new adroinistraUon is thought to be temporary. The lieutenant governor of California. Robert Finch, Nixon's fonner assistant and campaign manager, has only limited knowledge of foreign affairs; his present knowledge of national affairs may be closely circumscribed by the California political climate, which is quite different from the political climate of some of the olher large states. FINm WILL PROBABLY be, lo bls role as a Cabinet member, the associate upon whom Nixon relies mosl He, too, is the cool and contained type. A pi'esidenrs job Is lonely not for lack of always being in a crowd but for lack of people In whom full personal confidence may be safely placed. Natural tendencies to coriflde, trust ani:l 1 e e Jc synlpalhy are Inhibited by the nature of the office. This undoubtedly Jccixuib for the tendency of presidenb to find in offensive companions so limited 1ra talent in some cases as to be astqnlshing, and in other cases alarming. Every prelli .. dent seems to have in his entourage a clown, a faithful dog to pet or tick around, or just an amiable .lightweight. What he bas to guard against is the agreeable or even efficient intimate r.ho become3 so used to his place at the table that he can no longer distinguish clearly his own intere!l from the public's interest, and tben very dire things often happen. Beyond this category, however, a prest. dent needs close and selfless personal advisers of high Intellectual caliber and intregrity even though he ~ also rely on an able Cabinet and National Security Council. What Southerners Said in. Election ": • ~ The fabric . of our soul, what we love and what we have become accustomed to, is created in our youlh, not a!tetwari:I." The First Circle (of Hell): AlexarlCler SoWienitsyn. M ii:amination of the election returns continues, there are c o n c I u s I o n s foreboding and grim~ They are so ominous that· those wbo will administer from Washington in the four years ahead seriously should anaIYze the results. If they pander to what . the figures reveal, they, the ncx.t administration, needlessly will perpetua1.e for a generatjon, a con- dition of racial discbntent and conflict ·(a few of the larger citie3 may manage to avoid it). · For years, due largely to the successes and accomplishments of a few mayors, governors and oU,e public figures, it was assumed that "the SOUth" was becoming more h'beral -more p:1lltically progressive. TIDS WAS . NOT TRUE. Well before the election Wallace 1n Alabama, Barnett and Williams in M.lssissippJ, and Maddox in Georgia had given loud warning of the realities. Vice President Humphrey carried Tex· u:. His margin was small. It was made possible by those white Democrats who remained falWul, and by the overwhelm- ing support froll\ ~ Spanish-speaking and Negro voters of Texas. In the South as a whole Mr. Humphrey received 31 percent of the vote. Mr. Nixon had 34.7 and George Wallace, segregationist plus, had 34.3. Mr. Wallace frequentlY.. reminded DixJe voters that he and Mr. Nixon were saying the same ' .---B11 Geol'lfe. ---. Dear George : Do you donate the proceed• of YOUR column to charity like IOl1lt -<>I· ilie more popular columnlsla do! SUsPfCIOUS Dear Susplcl°"': No, but lf you're in need I'll split the Christmas 1>83ket with you that l set every year from Abby and Ann. (5end your problems to George and quit walking the Ooor at olght. Carpets don't grow on trees.) thing. This WIS not tru~. Sen. Strom Thunnond, with whom Mr. Niion made hi! Miami arrarigements, wu saying he was sure Mt. Nixon would keep Southern conditions in mind. SINCE AT LEAST 90 percent of the black vote went for Mr. Humphrey - and in Tuas the Spanish-speaking voters joined in, the "white Southerner" who voted for the Vice President in the states of the old Confederacy must have been about 19 percent. There wu: a polari.iaUon around the is~ues ~f eliminaUng the degrading dual sc.hool aystem,, implementation o f ernplayment. hOUilng and other of the more pfogresslve laws -all necessary to the long prophesied "New South." What a heavy majority of Southerners were saying, especially at the ballot boxes in rural arid small city-town areas, was that they would prefer their ad· mittedly inferior schools to eliminating the dual system. They wanted a halt to school guidelines. They wanted Mr. Nixon or-Mr. Wallace to win so they could tell "Washington" to go to hell. TllERE IS HARDLY a Southerner who Is not aware of the lamentable condilions of public education in h i s region. He does not, however, always seem to understand what it has done to him and his children. "The fabric" of hls being, what he likes and what he has become accustomed to., was created in hls youth. He will not give it up. He prefers for his children to have less opportunity than those of other regions If to have improvement means sharing it with the Cillored child. Mr. Nixon's ear reportedly is being he1d close to earth .. WHAT HE TlllNKS of Mr. Julian Bond, member of the Georgia legislature, and one of a Democratic party delegation seated at Chicago, ls not known. Mr. Bond is saying that if Mr. Nixon's ad- ministration does indeed pander to local segregationist control, and does in fact foll ow the Strom Thutmond policy, that the Negro citizens or the country will not accept it. Nor will at least 19 percent of the -white people. Unity cannot come from betrayal or degradaUon. There are large cities and urban areas in the South that did not vote for degrading the South and Jts processes of citizeMhip and education. But, a study of the returns ls foreboding :-especially if tbe Constitution of the United States, especially the 14th and 15th Amendments, are to be politely kissed off in the immediate years ahead. Our Misleading Nomenclatufe It is strange how many things are named aftef, or ident1fled with, certain countries or reJ.lons -and ttally have nothing to do with these places. For instance, almost all sailors who use a "Genoa" jib don't know that it was Urst devised by a Swede, and has nothing to do with Genoa or Italy at all. The "pagoda" ln China is not a Oiinese "'ord at all, and would not be recognized by them -it is what the Portugese explorers round in India and gave t h e name to . AND TH! FAMOUS Japanese "jinrikisha'" wu unknown in the East unW Jt was Invented by an American missionary there. . ~led "Dutch" clocks are not of llul<:h but of German manufacturt. (The <on/IJslon .,_ her< bt<auae Germany calls llseU "Iloutschlaod.") Of co u r "I e, French fried potatoes. French toast, and F'rtnch doors are called by utterly dilferent names tbert, and not coosldertd specifically French at all. "' Hamburgers are. unknown lri Hamburg, at least under that name., and art con- aldcttd an indigenous American food. INDIA INK COMES from China, nol from India: whereas most of. what we call "China" comes not from the Orient but Crom England, France or Holland. Turkish baths are not of Turkish origin; and, of course, turkeys do not come from Turkey, bot are wholly North American birds. That famous flower the "Gllel'?Uey Illy" J1 not a naUve of the Isle of Guemsey, but of Japan and South Africa. (To show bow misnomers get alarled, this fl1>wer wu dlseovt:red by Kempfer in Japan, and Uie boat brini1nl specimens of the ,,.... plant to Europe WIS wrecked on the coast of Goerme:v. and some ot the bulbs that were washed uhor• took .... ud (ennlnaled lhe<-e.) DANlSR PASl'RY Is not known Al such in Denmark, aM Guln~a·plgs do not come from Guinea (nor actually, are they membens of the pig famlly.) Tht Jerusalem arllchoke was never anywhere near Jerusalem; I.be word is a corruption ol the Italian "'gira.sole.." the sunflower, which Utis vegetable resembles in leaf and stem. The poodle, widely believet:: to be a French dog, ·is really Gennan (pudelhund was its original name, meaning •1splasl\. dog"); while the Great Dane is also a German breed, not Danish In origin. -----~ Tuesday, Dec. 3, 1968 TM rdllorlal m• oi I/If Dear Pilot u1kl co inform and 1ffm. ttlolt readm bf prcunlincr lhlo .. _.. ophiloor and -mcnlml/ .. lopf<a of fnt.r<rt and llOnl~. br protlfd{ftf1 • forum for I/If <%pr<ufoft qf our re:a.c:kr:a' opinlons, and b11 priunting UM! dfvtr1t tM» l>Ofnlr of mfOTfned o!>i'""" olld .poiu....,, on loplcJ of U.. da¥. Robert N. Weed, Publisher -----~-------------------------- - I ' • • • .. • • r • . . --c:=:-=-.::::-=---~-----~-- • ' T ...... ,-.,,,. ~U ..... , ... JHn Cu, 4f4..MM . Country Club - Dan.c·e Setting . ' . Dressed in their most glittering holiday lnery •over 100 LaJUllll Beach Assistance League members and their buabaDdt and .,...1s _will arrive at \be Laguna Beach Couritry Club n~ 5aturday nll!it at 6:30 p.m. · Awaiting them.is an evening of fun and Socl"<1!ty al 111"1? annual Christmas dinner dance whiCb will be set in 'the"COUl>lry club'• Ben Browri's restaurant. ' New provisional members and their husband& will be IUllll of ' honor at the event which is planned by Mrs. ·niomas ROclen; bolpilal• . ity chairman, and M'rs. Robert Campbell, decorations' chairman. Receiving guests 'will be Mrs. William Fox, membeiabltcbalro , man and the Messrs, and Mmes, Robert macker, ·w. Ray Hmd..._, William LYIUl, Paul Newell, Aloysius Spalding, 'lbeadon Tlylor, Henry Stuart Weber and Dr. and Mrs, William Ullom. Sbades of pink, orange and yellow m stylliod Cliristmu:1ree1 will add to the holiday.decor. The table decorations have been one of the ~projects of the 20 crafts club membe~ who meet weekly in'tb.e . Assistance League House under \be leadership of the Mmea: Paw D. Griem, Charles Coffyn and William S, Moitiri'ier. ·· -· ., • -. BLACK-TIE ,OPTIQNAL.-·"~at ever happened to the good old necktie," ·wonders Mn. Tom Jones ~ she helps her husband ' s!jp into' his beads for'the Cbrisimas ·dinner dance which will be given by the Assistance League ·of Laguna !leacii next ·satuiday evening. The dance, given in honor of new provision· al members, will .take· place in' Ben Brown's, the Laguna Beach Countiy Club restaurant. Dinner at \be black-tie optional affair will be served al 7:30 p.m. Dance music will be prc>v1ded by a"three.piet!e combo: Upcoming events for the league . include ·their annual luncliecla · in bonw of !Is eight new provisional members which· II !Chedlilad ·for neX't Monday afternoon in \be Balboa Bay Club. League Closes Shop, Teens Calendar Sale Assisteens, an auxiliary of the Assistance League of Laguna Beach, will raise money at a pre-Christmu sale in the League Howe, S26 Glenneyre, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. next 5aturday. Meanwhile, members of the Assistance League have disclosed plans to close their Turnabout Thrift Shop beginning Dec. 15, for the holidays. High school coeds in the Assisteens group have been collecting and repairing articles for the sale which will feature toys, trinkets and togs, Proceeds will help fill the coffers ol the Assisteens' annual handi- capped ch.i,ldren's campership fund. Other holiday activities planned by the teenagl'fs include sing- ing Christmas carols In Leisure World .. Additional. annual projects in- clude a lather-<laughter dinner, bake sales and sell-improvement train- ing courses. According to Mrs, Robert Marvin, Assisteens coordinator, 14 new provisional members have joined the group. They are the Misses Carol Dugger, Shannon Farnes,· Mickey Glotfelty, Margot Ca~er, Gina Reay, Ann Barr, Nancy Jacobsen, Edith Roesen, Wendy Taylor, Nancy Parish, Katie Healy, Heidi Winegard, Nadene Jones and Terrie Leslie, Officers for the coming year are· the Misses. Patty Houts, chair- man; Diane Gurdy, vice chairman; Betsy LeBold, secretary, and Janet Harvey, treasurer. The Turnabout Thrift Shop will be open for business once again on Jan. 2, according to Mrs. Harlow Hines, shop chairman. ' Christmas '..: .. .. I Delivered -: • To Ho_spital i.auna 1ac1t ~.cm -·will pi., -cUto-·~" their ...,., WI r.d " .. Fllnlew ·-llolpllal •fn>o\i 7:• to • p.m. llqadq. DiC. ' 11. A special added ~ at the C!riltmu P""1 11vt1i annually .bJ ~·.~,,odll be mU1lq1 ~ bJ 10 memben ., . ...._.loidi llllh School'• -cbalr. -~a... .... ,. perfcrma..,.., -_. will lead ~tbl WOIDID pethta,.ID -p carell.: , "S~ tbab ~In ...i* forlohn •~ ........ responslblt fer mUlnc ~ poulb1e," camm.Dw Mri Donald Knapp, cl1dl P!lblicllr dlofm\a J111111 Coen. ~ '·· -~ w!ll llelp _..., -·au-·tnlllil diltrtbute atftl. -··· win follow. ' Proceeds from 11le shop are used to support the many league phllantbropie1 which include a Friendship Club for people over 50, emergency welfare, weekly craft classes, special bus trtpe, the Danny Davey Doll Club and a weekly menial heal1h clinic. ARTISTS CHORALIERS -John Chamberlin, choir president, and Merilee Magnusoo, a 1ongleader and ~treasurer of the choir group, practice for their per~ formance during lbe.annual.Cbrls\mas party to be given by the Laguna Beach Ebell Club for patienls in Fairview State Hospital. Mrs, Heil Chamberlin, an Ebel! member, applaud• their performance. Women planlns Ille poriJ lndudo the Mn.. ~ lionell. RtD, ~!Iii. Coen. -F•llll>Jlkhmiir llaeldl, · !!dm·nad1 ·va ' . DeUlen, lloward WD-. .... • llovldY...,_ ., , 'Ca.tty' (.h·oice: · Rom .eo Knows What's Best for This J.uliet ·~ DEAR ANN LANDEllS: Do )'llU bellen an1ma11 can alze up peoi)le better than 1ruma111! Well, they can and I have proof. Call it tnstmct or. whatever you. want. but. it'• a fact. . We have a cat ol.unoertaln pareota&e. He ll yellow with · rtrlP,eS. We named him "Romeo" becaUJe he b4s IO man)' sirl ftlindl. Romeo tiii a way of bruobinC up apinll SoOd people ml purrini, Uke hiJ UUle mot« II running. When Romeo doesn' Uke a penon, be bumpo up hil back ml spill •. A few mo'nOll .•eo ·our daughter became friendly with a man who was a mystery tO 111 of · us. Romeo half;d Floyd from the first day be stepped inlo our b<xne. One·evenln& -laab- ANN LANDERS ril ed out IJICI clawed l"!oyd'1 hlahlJ polllhed nearly bad a nervOD1•brukdOwn, ltomtlo shoes. Belon we could puD blm Ca, ' pttked Up and'.wu.d1" e1t 1galil: bi' bad torn Jl'loyd'1 socb and tcratched -oUi daug!l!er' !niiJts that from .- hll anllH!I. on slje'll walclL lton\eo:1 reactloo to -oar daqhte< announced she WU her boyfriends, She lw'WHhe will ...... going to mai:ry Ployd we w~re not ma'rr,. iiryooe ftomeo doMn't Ute. 'What •err happy, &meo wu d--, did.ft't eat fer two dl,ya. One Week beiote do you thlnk of .tb11, Ann Landen? the wedding, Floyd 1tlpped town '•od --VANCOUVER leltnolonrardiqaddrell.OUrdaulll>tet Dear Vu:.Ono --""1 -loot al " tbe 10arlnl divorce rate &o coDClude tat .Ome 'call mlpt make beUu telec- lloa1 ......... people. DEAR ANN LANDERS : Doell my bu. bind need to be stralghfJ!ned out or am I ovedy '.leJlSiUve? We . have been married · 11 mOntbB. Thll ia my first marriage, COnrad'1 second. WheMver he Introduces me ·to friend• (Ind thil •baa beet\ 19inc 00 from the day we m.arrted)' be 11y1, "Meet Charlot- te, my new wife, My lint wife ~ed four years ago.11 I don't think tt 11-necessary for Conrad to menlion his firat . wife when .he In- troduces me., 11'1 a1mo11 u U be II ' .. apologizfna:-I havt mentlontd fh1I to him but .. he insists he doesn't mean anything by iL He llj'I it'I jusl aomethlng to uy. What 11 your opinion, ""° ! .., -Pl'lTSBURGB MRS.. DEAR MIUI.: -· Could ..U lo someWq ELSE le l&J• kgell a .U.Utate lfftence. · How'• ldl rer openen? "I'd DU J011 to meet 1111 wife CU.lollt. Wa'Ye"beea married ti moatbl· od Ue 1UD loob Ub.1 lldde, doeaa't lbe7" CONFWENTIAL ,'1'() UNJIJm.Y AC. \, \ ' . i CUSED: Get oil the 411-llld ... tryln( lo explain Joor padllaa. ,,,.. oaoldn' care i...: n 11 ijlpotont 1 ¥ lhelr -... 1111 of. joint ..... ,.. ha ... ---1cr,,_ . ....., Ihm UleJ -""' -plll II ..... ' . ' ' Ami I~-~~-# ,.._ •••• , ..... ...i.-' ti 11,.... •. ...._ .. F. SF '. • )111t.M1-. • ' ~) 1' U. I dirt ......... ta i • ,_ wffll J'IW ... Ill Pl ... . to ... ta ....-IJf .... l>AILT" _. .. , ............ ,,, ,, ...... ~ .... ~ ; .,·; , I • ~-• • p-. -- . If DAILY l'ILOI ' -. , • t9 ; . . Cou Touehert-Bre'f1ndn Rites . . lk Exchange Vows • Janet Bevuly ~ r 1.n nan became the )x1de ol Leonard Conrad Tauclilli .durihg ritee la st. Andrew'• _Rresbyterian Cburdl In Newp6rt Beacb. The 8". Dr. aiar1 .. Dtt"nfield offfcl•tecf. . • ' 'Ibo qew ~ Taucher! of S&ota An•· Is the hii&hter . of Mn· Ollv• Bohrer of Moun: laln View and Mathlu-B- oan of Port\and' ;, T, he brldegro0m of Lagune ,..ll!liel • Is the son of Mrs. Sheldon ' Petitt>one of VertturL.:. !' ' · Com!Q&.;~owo.. the aisle · oil , tl)e ann er: t her,. uncle, lrred . R. Btt~ of Medford, Ore.; , the bride wore a floor ten~ gown of satin ·brocade with · an elbow length silk Illusion veil. She carried whitti roses. 11le bride's sister, Mn:. John BUter Wu matron of honor. She and the brldes~ds, Mrs. Philip A.' Kilian. the ·bride's sister, and Mrs. Raymond Bell, wore floor length pink gowns an4 carried p 1 n k rosebuds. Cl-...... ~ MRS. \.EONARD TAUCHERT Wod In N-port Boldt Vows Recited In Church Rite Making thojr flnl home In -Huntiogtoo Beach are newly- wed Mt. and Mn: BW Doriald Brown. The couple were mar- ried in a double ring ceremony •in the Church of God, Garden Grove,. by· tht Rev •. H. B. ·Wallace. · The former Ruth Eleanor Dunn Is the . d1\ll3hter of Mr. and, Mrs. . Will,lam ~ E: Dunn of. Huntingtcii Beach and her husbiind is the son of Mrs. Qora Brown of Huntington Beach. -The bride wore a three- Uered, long aleeve\I chantilly lace gown and carried a no1egay of white roses aur- rounded hy chryl!alllhemums. Brtdemnalda, Mn. John Wold, the bridegroom'• a1ater ol Loi Angele1, and the Miuel ~-Ill~ O!'!l Rita llhodes ol H\llltlngton Beach and Paulette Pederaon of Watminlter, wore pint gowns 1n the aame style u the maJd · ol honor. They alao _eanied __ pink chryaanthemUl!ll. Mias Mary Lee Dunn, the bride's lister, wa1 the flower girl and Dale Crane wu the ring bearer. Usherl Included BW Dunn, the bride's brother, Gerry Hirata, Bob Clark and St,ven Lev, all ol Huntington Beach. A reception for 100 auesta toO!t placo ln the church. Donald R. Allisop of Goleta was best man and H. Seymoui- Beek, Phillip J. Meyer, Ken- neth P. Roberta: and O. Marshall Wright Were usheni. Miss Karen PettlbOne assisted at the reception · in Josef'• restaurant, Corona del Mar. The couple will make their home In Laguna Nlg\iel after a honeymoon in Palm Springs and Big Sur, . The bride vaduated fro~ Capistrano Uruon High School and attended Orange Coast College. The bridegroom is doing. postgraduate work at California State College at Long Beach alter graduating from New Mexico S t ate College. l • 4 -14 • 1 . MRS. JOHN LUNSFORD JONES Cosio Mna H6mo • I p o ·-- • . . - Deaf ·Guild Plans Meet ' • Gifts . Go . . Newport --Beach Rites 1 Setting To ~Auction Children'• clothes, papler mache novelUes, Cbrlatmai -.u-other orl;tnal liftl wW be offered during ·an ouetlm l)lOlllored hy the Seal Beach Junior Woman's Club. Tbe auction, featuring Varying shade.a· ol pink .Mount Carmel C h u r c h , -handmade liftl and baked goods, will begin at 7,30 p.m. ThUraday, D<c. 5, In the home ol Mn. Fred Lust. c a r n a t I o n 1 and whlte Newport Beach;- cl}rysanthemums banked the · The daughter of ~· and th uni . Mn. ·William C. Raasfg _ ol altar for e ceremony ting Lido 'Iele, wu given in mar· Carol ·Mar~e Raasig and John rtage by her father. For her Lunsford Jones. wedding lhe selected a floor The .Rev. Francls Kelly con-Jength gown of' alencon' lace ducted the double r 1 n g w~ fell 1n tlen ,ln back. ceremony ln Our Lady of " Her ·musion veil bOrdered Jn . !see W81 held hy petals ol lace .and pearls. and ahe .car~ ried a bouquet of gardenias .. Mn. Ronald Je3&Qer ii aerv- ·lrlg' u chairman of the event -,~will i'a,lse funds for the club'• phllanlhroplu lneludlng the. Ma"rch of Dhne,e, Palomar Indiana and the Seal Beach Boy and Girl Scouts. ~er'°':.dd of honor, Mias Den ta~ unit Carri•· !Jnnehan of Cilsta Mesa, wore a gown of said cloth witfi tiered sleeves. Her nowen were write rOses and baby's breath. Attending the bridegroom, son of Mr. &nd Mn. L. B. Sets Dance For Holiday Jones of Costa Mesa, was his A holiday feeling will be brother Philip M. Jones, best In the air Dec. 6 as members man, and seating guests were and guests of the Orange M_icl_l!el ~· Mcg_u~ney and County Dental Society gather Albert Vasquez, both of Costa for a gala dinner-dance in Mefa. . the Anaheim Stadium Club. Following the ceremony the The James W h J t m o r e couple greeted, ~ during Orchestr.a will play for dan- , , .a ... recepOon. in~ Club_ ~cirig alter the 8 p':m. tocktail .where the pink(~' white color hour and dinner. scheme wu carried out in Dr. Allen V. Cole of Garden d.ec?r~tions and f I o w e r • · Grove, Is cbainnan of the Assisting were MJss P~ event. Assisting him are the Jonea, and Miss Patty Meier, Drs. Robert Engman, Leonard ~ and -cousin of the Laudenback, Ro n a I d Kl· bridegroom. ingelhofer R o b er t W LURLINE HA~L Sprl"I Doto ' • Betrothal Told During Party The engagement of Lurline Upson Hall and George Sattler TWist of Newport Beach was announced by the bride-elect's parents, Mr. and Mra. Robert Ernest Hall of San ..Marino and Dover Shores, during a familY, party at the Del Monte Lodge in Pebble Beach. ~ss Hall is Ule granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Hall of Emerald Bay. She received her degree from Stanford University and studied at the Univer.sity of California, Berkeley. She also was a student at Stanford University in Italy. The future bride was presented. at the Valley Hunt Club ()f Pasadena and also wrui a debutante for Children's Hospital in 1964. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Geor.ge_Albert Twi_st of Newport Be8cch an,~ the grandson of Mrs. George Albert Sattler of Santa Ana and the late Mr. Sattler and the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gerald Twist of Balboa Island. ··- A graduate of Newport Harbor High School and Stanford University, the bride- groom 1<>-be affiliated with Delta Upsilon fraternity. Twist also studied at Stan!oI'd's campus in Italy. A member of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club, he is on active dtity with the U.S. Navy Reserve. The wedding is planned for next spring jn San Marino. ( Miss Bonnie WesWe of Hun. tfngton Beach •u mald of honor. She wort a pale pink gown and carried p i n k cbryaanthemuma. · Tlie bride and l><ldelll'ocm graduated from F o u n t a I n Valley High Scltool. He now attends Golden Wert College. Following a wedding trip to Longman 'and Mrs. J. Park~ the ·mountains the Harbc!r Hart and Mrs. Cole, president High ~ ~duates will of the Women's Auxiliary to make ¥Je1r home in Costa the Orange County Dental Mesa. The bride attended Society. '--------------------Orange Coast College and her ' ' Horoscope - Pisces: Stick To Your Rules WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 4 You're going pieces -today you can prove It. IJBRA (~pl. 13-0ct. D ); By SYDNEY OMARR Full moon poelUon today coin-MRS. BILL DONALD llROWN ·~ wise man controls hl1 cldes w 1 t b journeys, long. Nuptlal1 Told destin •~1 In range projects. Your lntultton ---------'------------Y • • ' ~uu 01Y po ~ In I F 11 -the way." comes to pay. o ow ARIES !March ll·April 19): through on hunch. One at a Full moon rv..iition str......... distance get.a In touch. Be .,..... ..,,.,_ available. fourneyo, fluiry of ICUvity.-SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. ll)' lla1 to ouUJna ~ and ez. pre51 th em . Communict:te The more flexible you are desires to relaUves. Be crystal today, the better. M a t e , cle1r; don't ICltter forces. partner may be insistent re1arding financial matter. TAURUS (April 2&-May20): Don't press. You gain most Lanae position today coincides by making adjustment. You with opportunity to attract money. Be detmnlned. Insist eventually get what you need. on quality. Others may ba SAG!TrARIUS (Nov. 22-~tlng. FoUow through; fulfill D<c. 21)' Your chance to obligations. break through red tape Is 1c- GtMINI (May 21.June 20): cented. Key Is to understand Much depends upon how you rather than fight opposition. illuminate personality. N 0 If aware of public-reaction, lime to. tta back and wait. you could easily overcome lbltqd, move ahead. Assert obstacles. JOUl'llilll.' Oppoolb<11 Is weaker • CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-.lan. tblD JOU mllbt-·hllqlne. Act 19): Modernize work pro- aceordlngly. cec:fures. One who complains CANCER (June 21..July 2Z): can be won over. Key is to 11 :. You won't be able to keep ttand above petty rivalry. tecreta -but U .will not be Then there is beneficial ac- lj necea11ry. Your · pos!Uon II commodaUon. A change for I ltrenlf.bened. You prove a better ii due to occur. 1 11 ,..jor polnL FuD moon posl-AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 1 llan eolnclcleo wtth ..-.-of. 18)' Be free-and-. War-t' .. ..... rylng about detaUa todly could ~ LEo (July 23-AUJ. 21), COllltrlcl ....,µve abJIJUeo. .~ DlciaiOft ii made by thole-Give your '1J: You will be wl\o af!ICI your futu... In-approclatet!. Romaneo I 1 l, dlellkml ~ favcroble:Be 11-feotund tonllht-E-love. 1 p<lli ... You can win m1jor PlSCEll (Feb.11-March20)' poinL Highlight wtlll._ to Yw m t.mplod to skip lab on added ._,sblllty. eaenUall. Heallu that in· VJllGO__j Au(. 22-Sepl. 21): torlude II fuat that -nothing <JlltllD blnt fnm L E 0 · .,.... M-e clear b y lftlftqt StrM far tbe unique tonight. Stick to rules -learn Couple Recite Vows In Home Ceremony During a ceremony con· ducted in \ht! Huntington Beach home of the bride's parents, Richard Gary Darwin of Mammoth Lakes claimed Susan Victoria Kidder as his bride. The Rev, Gilbert W. Allen, r o rm nly of Chr·tst Presbyterian Church in Hun· tington Beach offici111ted dur- ing the service which united the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LB Woman Laguna Buch artist and ac- tr!SS Virginia (Mrs. Nonnan) Nixon, will preient a Cbriatmu program for El Cimino RMI Woman's Culb next Tburld&J afternoon in the Dana Point Community -. Mrs. N1-studied at the Lewis G. Kidder and the son of Mrs. Lawrence Darwin of St. Paul, Minn. Attending were close friends and reh11tlves. The bride attended Hun- tington Beach High School, Orange Coast College and California State College at Long Beach. Her husband Is manager of Alpine Lodge. The couple will reside at Mam· moth Lake11 following a honey· moon trip to Morro Bay. Entertains Before moving kl the Art Colony 10 years ago, she did professlooal radio and Uttle theele In Loi An1eles and Philadelphia. The actress hu been R4!:n frequenUy in Laguna Cl>m· muntty Pl1yhouee pnxtuetlons and won the coveted Victor award for her performance In "O'ltica'a Choice." husband aerved In the U.S. Navy. Remarriage Lecture Set Special guests at the wed- ding in.duded Misses Lillian and Helen Raasig of St. Paul, Minn.; Mr. aud Mrs. M. J. ~er; Mrs. P. E. Fooshe Si'. Ind P. E. Fooshe Jr., After Remarriage, What? also of SL Paul. OQ1er guests will be the theme explored Included Mn: J. C. Murphy at the Dec. 5 session of the from SL Lou1S, Mo., Mr. and Univenity of California E:a:- Mra. L. W. Cantin, Mt. and _ tension aeries on Education Mrs. L. L. Walch of Las f R . Vegas, and Mr. and Mn. H. or emarr1age .. L Stamm of Llndsay. The program will take place Newport Bethel at 7:30 p.m. In the Natural Sciences building on the UCI campus. Tickets at the door are $3.50 and $1.25 for UCJ students. HB TOPS Club Churchwomen , Plan Yule Festivities The social hall of the Costa Mesa Foursquare Church will be transformed into a holiday ttore Dec. 5 and e as the United Foursquare Women hoet their first ChNtmas bazaar. Featured . item at t h e bazaar, which will be open from IO a.m. to 9 p.m. both days, will be a Yule cookbook containing favorite recipes of the churchwomen . Homemade candits, baked foods and gifts also will be · Diet Classes Post Schedule • Weight Watch,rs, a wel&ht :reduction program, bas a · panded its program to include weekly classes in the SOutb Coa.!t area. Groups will meet at 7 p.m. Young women affiliated with Newport Beach Job'• Daughters, Bethel 157 gather the second and fourth Mon-- days at 7:30 p.m. The Muon.it Temple 1.9 the "tting foe meetl{lp. Information ,.gardlnt membership 1.9 ob- tainable hy calling M r 1 . waiter 'l'uJ, $46-17$5. Monday In the Costa Mtu Women '• Club; at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Montgomery Ward In Huntington Center; at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at th e Redeemer Lutheran Church in Huntington Beach: at 1:30 a.m. Monday at Mannings bn El Toro Road, Laguna Hills, and 7:30 p.m. Monday at tbe San Clemente Inn. Allen School is the meeUn1 sold. pla~ for memben of Hun-ir==================:; AMlllU.'I L.UeUT lington Beach TOPS Pound Pinchers at 7 p.m. every Mon- day. R ..;.,t,-rrl I) II A p E II v UJtl,IJLj«;LEANERI .... .,. Water Dflm•tt • ,LAMI ,.00,INO UCLUSIVI •UAIANTDD DRAPERY CLIANIN• . DrapWy Cl•anlng. Perfect ,..arc11... .. .... ... ef YIM.Ir drapery, •r 1•% ,. Jlactmtnt tf CIMPl•tlle. e Ne Wlltetl 1HNll1 • Ne Shrinkage e Pllt'fHt lven HMN • Water Stain 1""9Yet ._,,1 .. 1r.w1 .. e ,,_,.•ltMI lftltltP•tlfll eu1 IXCLUllVI lllVICI .. ,,,.,..., .......... , • TtrlM May .. Arr•nfM • ,,.. latlnwittl e ,,.. LMll Ora"' OH i.i ,.-.. & ,...., 20% 540-1366 " 642-0270 . . 1702 NEWPORT Bl.VD., conJ MESA GOLD BANGLE QRACE\,ETS ARE . ALWAYS RECEiVED WffH O,EN ARMS. From te~: With diamonds, 8125. En1roved, $63.50 and $86.eo. T• a.., A«•.-it W••• 11 tA ....... 4 ........ c-... ... SJ,AVICKS J1wtl1r1 Since ltl7 -M .... ~ Pi\ljoy ...;;.,,_ 11 Fa1hlon Island Newport l••eh -6'44° I )80 ~-Telt ldcu. pollcle1. !hem belort ottemptlq to Ne blct ae.at to no person:-· break them. Ameflcan Academy of Dramatic Arta:, New York City and ·with Florence Enright. head coach at TweoUetb Cen- lW'Y Fos .. Luncheon will be served at 11,30 p.m., eald Mrs. Harry Pell , publicity chairman. -••••••••••••••••llll ' , I -------- - --------------~----·-------·---------~ - , .. , .. .. • ' : ,._ # \ --, • • -. ~N~wport Harbor. • . L EDIJI O N ' . . VOL 61, NO .. HO; 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGCS . ,• .ORANGE COUW, CALIFORNIA . . TIJESDA Y; DECEMBER l, 1968 _ -TEN. CENTS 'Half Noise Now': Mayor Ul'I Te....,. PRESIDENT-ELECT NAMES SCIENCE ADVIS ER Caltech'• DuB rldge Joi_nt Nixon Tum Three Arch Bay Home For Nixon Science Aide Dr. Lee" Alvin DuBridge, chosen bY. Presideni-elect Richard Nixon a.s his scienUfic adviser, "comes to his charm- ing, little house here in Three-Arch Bay and thoroughly enjoys the quiet and the beaC~S." sources in the exclusive South Laguml resideotia1 area said th.Ls mornitlg. (See story, Page 2.) A spokesman for the Three-Arch Bay ASsociatlon said lhe Calteth. president Elfld his v.ife are "Very quiet, unObtrusive people ~ho spend time here in the sum· n1cr and some ·weekends when they can get away." The spokesman added that t h e oUBridge. home at 38 Portola Road has ·•a gorgeous view." The DuBrldges bought the house In the private beach Cilmmunity about all years ago and joined the association and club the.fe shortly afterwards. Before that .. the spokesman said,' they owned a home in the Capistrano Beach area She said the ·cal Tech he8d and his wife keep to tbemaelv:eS mOst of the time, altgougii.:MnA DuBridge ha! at· tended some of the social events at lbt ,_~I~~·· ' DuBridge, 67, modest and llocky, has been described u ••f plulan4 slig!JUy rumpled '1.Ir. Anybody'.'' His c a re er as president of t 'he Pasadena school began 22 yt:ars ago. He first received public attention in 1940 when he accepted a U. S. govern· ment post .as director of the radar development project at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Chotiner Denies Rumors Of Nixon Cabinet Po sition By EVELYN SHERWOOD Cl t1te O.llY l'li.t St1lt Newport Beach aUomey M u r r a Y Chotiner, close friend and confidante 0£ President-elect Richard M. Nixon, today denied a variety of possibilities about his rumored cabinet appointment He also denied he will see Nixon, who is due to visit the governors con- vention in Palm Springs this weekend. "There is absolutely no foundation to the statement that l will be named solicitor general in the Nixon ad· ministration," he said today. A television newsman "ported this rumor Monday night. "There is l'IO foundation to the rumor of an appointment to the Supreme Court eilher," Chotiner said. Campaign manager for Nixon'! unsuc· cesaful bid for the pnsidency in 1960, Choliner has been an adviser during the recent, successfUl campaign. Frequently, he traveled from his home In Newport Beach to Nixon's New York headquarters. "I will be In New York again this weekend " ChoUner concluded, "and do no. ~t to see Nixon during his vi.sit to Palm Springs." DENIES ALL Murr•'( Chotlner N wport W anu·PVC to Have Air Co ntrol Power , • -• I ' ' By JEROME F. COWNS Of .. Daltr '111t '"" Newport Bead! city ~ Wed- nesday will ask Ulat the California Public Utilities Commission .(PUC) be em- powered to ·establish and enforce ''reallsUc" CGntrols over airport nolse.. "It 11 tline that the buck passing stop,"~ explained Mayor Doreen MarshalL "R!ght 11ow, jet nolse problem is boun- cing back and forth between the County Board of Supervilon anddedual and 7 Insurance Salesmen Held In Conspiracy By TOM BARLEY Of IM Df'llY l'li.t ll•lf Seven Insurance salesmen were at· rested today and 15 others were being sought in a roundup sparked by the Orange County Grand Jury's indictment of an Encino insurance company on charges or conspiracy and grand theft. District Attorney Cecil Hicks said the indlctme11.t follows a probe of Regency Investors Inc. by his investigaton and agents of the attorney general's office. In all, three company executives and 19 salesmen are named in the chargeS. Booked today by invesUgaton.......-on charges of conspiracy and grand theft are Harry L. Hibbard, SB, of 2856 W. Lincoln Avenue., Anaheim; Richard M. Sitverstein, 31, or Sbernlall Oaks; Robert E. C. McCulloch, 39, of San Diego; Thurlow W. Harley, 85, of Los Angeles: JWW! V. Adams, 25, of North Hollywood; David M. Kane, 37, of Beverly Hllll and Cleo M. Johnson, 51, of Santa Monica. Hicks said the company and Its representatives sold more than $1 mllllon worth 0£ life irulurance policies issued by Nebraska National Life Insurance Co. in Orange and Los Angeles counties. Earlier investigaUons of the Regency group by the CalHornia Department of Insurance resulted in the refund of more than $650,000 in premiums t o policyholders, many of whom lived in Orange County. Hicks absolved Nebraska National Life from any complicity in the case. The Regency group operated e an agent of the Lincoln, Nebraska organiza· tion and there was no evidence that the Nebraska company was awAre of the methods used, he said. Hicks said the Regency operatives sold Nebraska National Life policies "under hte guise of being highly profitable, profit sharing contracts which would be· come self support1nJ and ia addition re- turn a substantiaJ mcome within rel· atively few years." The district attorney said that names of prospective "investors" were obtained from development companies wh1ch had sold California and Arizona desert land to SouUtland residents. Hicks said that Regency salesmen (See CONSPmACY, Page Z) Man, 20 Charged On Dmg Count A 20-year-old Northern California man was arraigned on two count. of man. joana and dangerous drug possession Monday following his arrest the day before by Newport Beach police. Robert Bertram Taylor, 20, of Larkspur, faces preliminary appearance Thursday to aMWer to t~e charges. Taylor was arrested at SS3t W. Coast Highway Sunday. Newport police accused the man of possessing marijuana and 47 capsules of a drug made from peyote, an lndJan hallucinatory substance. state agenclea." nie city'• proposal will be made at a bearing before the Aas em b I y TransportaUoo and Con:lmerce Com· m1µee In Loo Angel ... City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt will represent Newport at the all-day ....ion In the Star. Building. ' • Committee· chalrman John-W. Foran ( J>.San Francl!CO) said the princlapl 1111>- ject of ~ hearing, which will probably c:onUnue through Tbunday, will be ·nit • ID airport controls tn general. Recom- mendaUona !or state leglslatlon may come out of tbe hearing, he said. , Hurlburt'• presentation has t b e unanimous support of the Newport City Councll, Mayor Ma?s!iall noted. "The PUC ahould. ~v~ this nol!e con- trol authority, 11 long aa it bas the authority ot act on intra-ttate flight government agency seems to want to accept the responsibility for aetilng up restrictlODI that would follow uniform Nose ~ Th ief Get,s Jail , 416 AA Me~tings A Hollywood burglar who favors forays lo Costa Mesa was sentenced Monday to a staggering total of 14 months in Orange County Jail, eight years of pro- bation and Alcoholics A n o n y m o u s meetings for 416 weeks. William A. Rojas Jr., 23, had given alcoholism as lhe reason for his criminal record spanning the last 10 ytWS. "Don't t e 11 me alcobolism," snapped Judge William A. Speirs,· "I'm going to tell you that 1 won'ttreatyou any diHerenUy than any other defendant · in this courtroom. "Jfs time you were hit in the nose," he aclded. Judge Speirs stt aside a long chain or evidence and reports from ti:ie defep...- danl'• psycblatrist and warned that next t I m e Rojas comes up for punishment -if and when -he will 10 to stale priSon. Rojas was sentenced Monday on two separate oIIeruies. One brought nine months in county jail and five years' probation for the attempted burglary of the Sattler 1.fortgage Co., 336 E. 17th St., Costa ?.fesa, early last June. Probation violation as the result of his conviction for burglary of the Hedder service station in September of 1967 brought Rojas an additional five months in jail and lhree years in proba~ion. In addition. he m u st drink no more and attend regular weekly meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous, which tallies up to 416 m~Ungs •. No Plans for Helicops -In Newport , ~C hief Says . By JACK CHAPPEU. Of lilt DlllY l'lllt ''•" Newport Beach police at present have no plans to beg1n heUcopf.er patrols of the.ir city, despite adoption of such a plan Monday night in Huntington Beach. "I have a great deal of hope for the helicopter u a .}aw enforcement tool, but l ·felt the · s&q1e way about. television," Newport Pollet Chief . B. James Glavas said. "There are problems with acceptan~ and financing by the community and city fathers. I fell on my face with poll c e TV. I'm not going to make a presentation to the City Council," Glavas said. Glavas said any initiation of plans fot helicopter use by police would have to come from Ute council. The Chief say, he has plans and material for helicopter use, if the council should "evidence an interest." Proposals for an are&-wlde patrol with Oying policemen were presented at .a May conference of peace oUicen in the Newporter Inn. At that time, experimental copter patrols of Newport were made. Re.action then, was favorable. "Area-wide use has been proposed by the people that are somewhat expert in the field, but I have not been contacted by anyone in regard to this," Glavas said. Huntington Beach city councilmen Monday night voted lo buy a $(2,000 Payless Laundry Also Moneyless The Payless laundromat ln Laguna Beach was temporarily moneyless Mon· day. Police said a burglar pried open the offlei! of the structure at 1040 S. Coast Highway, took a ring or keys, unlocked money boxea on seven dryers and took the nickels. helicopter ind train two policemen at $10,000. That city ls the first in Orange County tolake such a step. Costa Mesa hos a Is o been considering helicopter police patrols, but has taken no action yet. * * * Hunting ton . OK's Fil'st Helicopter Police P atrols By WILLIAM REED Of lilt D1llY t"llM St11f Huntington Beach police today ordered the.Ir (.Int '42.2fi& patrol helicopter alter gaining authoriz.atlon for the mini-air fore'" Monday from the City Council. City councilmen· approved purchase of the Hug!ies 300 patrol chopper alter receiving a recommendaUon to buy the Craft from City Administrator Doyle Miller. Huntio~nch will become the first Orange County city to employ such a.irborne police patrols. < The rotary-winged cran will come equipped for law enforcement work, com· plete with floats for water landings. ln addition to Initial cost, Pilot tralnlng through an instructors' rating will cost $10,000. Operation maintenance and repair services will be contracted at a rate of '23.50 per hour. Miiler, noUng that surroundirig cities have discussed possible purchase of helicopters too, saJd there might be the possibility of setUng up a multi.-clty helicopter service and repair facllit7 financed by the cities jointly. Two poUce officers will be trained to fly the helicopter and could be on regular patrol as early as April. standards on.ooiM and jet fueJ polluUon. ''Couoty aupervlsoro 'tal<e 'UiO poottior, that their · authority .11 pre.empted by the FM (Fedet'al A vlatlon .\i<llCl') ; and the FAA Is iual not coming It grips with the problem or meeting the nttd." ~. . The TransportaUon Committee Is ex· pected to devote QlOl!lt of the heJring time to receiving tesUmOllY on the W Angeles International Alrport oxpanstoo CSee HEARING, P ... l) ' , Mesa Council Bios for Voice At Air Hearing Flying united, the Costa Mesa City Council Monday moved to reserve a seat at a hearing next March on th~ award of n e w Portland-Seattle commer· cial routes, some of which could be 1en· erated from Orange County Airport. The vote was unanimous to appro\ ~ a Chamber of Commerce-originated re::· olution which w04ld allow Costa Mes.1 reptesentaUves to be heard March ti before the CivU Aeronautics BoarU (CAll) In Washington. "This just keeps the door open so ~·c can have our say," stressed Mayor AlvL'I L. Pinkley, "we can approve U we want to, or we can protest', or we cai1 say nothing· at all.'' . "The people should be C()gnlzant of this," he said, since some Hlrbor Area residents apparenttly think Costa Mes.1 is taking action to approve poulbl..'- lncreased -Jet-tram.-ou1 of orang , County Alrport. • Du(IJey F. Miller, vice presldeot c: 1TlJl'bting for Air-Callfornla, whlc:1 ""'1d like to be o:ie of the alrllnes IQ provide the through route aervlce to Seattle and Portland, spokei l>rielly &o councilmen. N""'discussion at all waa offered on a radical new takeoff pattern suggested Mondar. by the Airport Noise Abatement Committee, headquartered in' Newport Beach. A· press release Issued Monday by committee chairman Dan Emory sug- gested a new 7,500-foot jet runway built at a diagonal on the airport property, sen~log airliners rlaht over COsta Mesa. Emory threatened in the news release to go to the county Board of Supervisors and ask that the runway be incorpor~ ated into the Phase 11 Master Plan at Aviation if Costa Mesa did not approve it Monday. He said if they approYed getting Int 1 the CAB air route awarding in March, lhey should also ·accept lhe runway sug- gestion which would se:ld jeUiners over the Civic Center and several nice hous· ing areas. "I think it can be a matter of conjet· ture just how much the suggesUon was intendl!d to be tongue-in-clleek," Emory said today. . He said it was intended to tOcus Cost! Mesa attention on lhe airport problem. Emory 1aid Jt ls imperative lhat New· port Beach, Costa Mesa, and cou..ity spokesmen get together on the quest.Ion before the CAB hearing, due to coofliclS in ba!ic intent, oC federal and local aviation plans, He explained that the federal gpven:· (See MF.sA COUNCIL, P•ce l) NEW YORK (AP) -The atoct market underwent a mild and irregular decline late this afternoon Jn fairly active? trading. (See quotaUons, Pages 10-11). After an irregular start, the balance shifted to the downside, the tone im · proved a bit in early afterncion but not enough to reverse the trend. Or ange Cou a Weatlaer Construction Due in J anuary Construction ·ts expected lo begin In mid.January on an $8.95 million sewer ouUall at lhe mouth o[ the Santa Ana River between Newport and HunUngtoo Beach following award of contract Mon- day night to Pelef Kiewit and Som, Inc., of Ricbmood. 'Y' Solon.s Meet Tonight MJUer saJd that there la enough un- budgeted money in the city's capital improvement fund to purchase the helicopter now and to train the two ofncen. A decision would · be made In June when the 1989-'ltl city budget is set on whether to order a second craft, Miller said. Lota· of sun with a minimum of clouds -that's Wednesday'• weather picture for the orange Coast, with temperatures rangini rrom 67 by the .sea :to 74 inland. Director1 al Sanitation District I awmled the contrad llt<r lbt joint sanitatloo boardl vqted to accept the Md which caURd conslder1ble cono trovtrSY In October because it JJU not accompanied by a IS0,000 pcr!ormance check as ,.., required by the bid speciflcatlorui. A ruling by the aanllaUon boards' aUorney that the ched had not ....,, included because of an "oversight" led to acceptloce of the bkf which ii some $2 million Jess than that of the nl!xt Jowut blddor. • Civ,i.c Leaders, Teens to Sc reen Bills at City Hal,l ' O!le al the fltllt momeDll of truth f<>< nine Hat1>or Area cfelegatel to the list Ammal YMCA Model Legtslatures 11 due toni&ht Oii the local Jeval. T~en Involved wiJI convene with peop!'e who mm the whee1a of reaJ gov· ernment go. mind aod have bills Uley propo9e to submit in sacramento judg- ed for their merit. The public is Invited to the '1 o'clock session at Newport Beach City Hall. Scttening the bllb prepared f« t h t Jan. 30 Model Le1islature In the s tate upilol will be leaden·wcll veraed .kl the! varlous a3pecta ol ~ trum po- lice wort to polltk:s. Colla Mesa Clty •Atlomey Roy June will convene the board of judges, w h o wlli conalder biU presentation, aelecUon and ruep<h In lbttr an.iysls. Four girls from Newport Harbor High School served u aaemblymen in 1917 and will shoot for UJe top senatorial rank tonight, whU. attending as Trl-Hl·Y members. They are Cindy Pleet, Manha Bow- man, Marta Mueller and L~ Rosener. Other Newport Harl>or'Hogh School del· egatet neW this year will be Kathy WU· IOl1, Lori s.meoiut, Marlon Franc"°'", and Den.nil FoL Others from Estancta HIJ!h School an Steve Feskanlch. and Dennfs Fos. repre- senUng the Centaurs Hl-Y Club, 1 canv pus and community organlu.Ucn. Judg .. who will select just which bill amoog: those considered ~Y the gr00p heading for. ~amento, ls to be propos- ed, are headed by Newport Beach May. or Doreen Mahllall. Adifltlonal judges and their creden- tials Include Mts. Baroara Wllllama, Harbor Area Legal SeCretaries' Gbver· nor: Mn. H.R. ·•Dorta"llo~, legblitive (S.. 'Y' SOLONS, Pitt I) A1tbough Miller emphasized th a t purcllase of the city's own air force "should not be looked on u a money saving move," he pointed out thit 1f 1wo patrol cara and the eight police ofrtcers needed to operate 1 patrOI car are deleted froin the next bUdget ol the department, the oavfnp would be· over $80,000. Delivery of the hcllcopter ordered W. day ls expected by Jan. l and tralnlna of pllots will begin u soon as they are selected by the police cbJef. Training wlll co04ist of ali weeks of• ground ochool Ind . aboul three months of fiylng, according to r<p-ntallves of Hugbu Tool Co. ' ' INSIDE TODA l' ...... . ca1..,.i. f ClnlH... .,..,_ -.. u Cl'H.-N It --' lllllw191 .. _ ,, l'lltwt•...r Ill l'IMMI lM1 l'lrt (llh t '"' ..... " .,, ""91<-,, AIM! """" lJ MerfltM \.Jl:lllltMI t 'i I • ' l ,- ·Plane Thie L . 'm' . ··==;1:... i ._ . wate.,.il •1)1 allCle ..... pl111t 1n1m Llli!rood, N. hour _. II lllllt J., Olt\y todly, .loot.Jill DID'e :trJIJ>I --""-,_, IU _. .. _.~ '.lo Jud 11 lltalldJ .AlrCO<t. aad ditched ~ ... --''1111 cral\ 4\1 hourt taler Ui llle ''fOUY WU f!lrttd lo -llt ~ waters ol Iha AdaoUc off Norfolk, Va. liferaft drqJ>l)e\l' JYni' ~"'~-E~ '1 Ht W.. ftlcuOd by bellcoplor lo good airplane bO!Ort' JI'"° ""°' -'"coodlliOo!-• waler by a helicopter, 1 Oflldaili at the Cout Guard ·lledon 'llie sev ... bour drama began lhortlY , here said the pilo~· John O. !lamp!llll, afler I a.m. al the Latewood, N. J. ,n, of ·Brick Township, N. 'J., WU belllfl -'alrport. According to police In that COID' beld under armed _....,..i fir FBI .,..11 muntty, HOIJ!P\llll, l'bo tl)ey believed wu ; :· From P .. e J · ,: 'Y'. SO LONS •.• . ... . ,chairman, Newport Hll!Jor Bllllnesa and PrQtesslonal Women's Club; Mn. Sally Crow, fin! Viet pnlll'den~ J:.tliUe of 1 Women VotOrl, and COiia M"" Police ~EdGilqOW. • I ~ At soon u tcores from tol'liaht'• as- aioo aro compiled, the d<lecatfon IJ .. al(ned duU .. and ddes, with the I o p scorer becomina the senator. Addldonal jol>i m fir -Wlmbly, men. then leglslaUve aide, Ieglslatlvt advocate, pollttcal npotter or llatt mem- •. ber of the dilly bull•dn publlahed clur- . :. ing the three-<lay-lon. ·' The Orange Coast YMCA deJegaUon is , sendiD&' lta 18th delea:atian to the model "!egisl1turo, under adYilorship of MI IS Barbara Kllmklewlcs and Donald Fox. · Assistance has been offered to the grou p -as It iii eech year -by Hanlin&· ton Beach attorney lloberl Polla, a 1914 graduale of Hundngton Beach Hilh .:. School and young delegate to several = · Y leglalatures. ,· • I . I Ditche·s··. in ·-Ocean • . . -- -Of ··Ca;ltech: ~ Adviser ... ~4 •l •• V *"r' I ~ , .. o ... ' • • ' ..... ~;i. • • . 'l ,. * ' ' ' I · NEW YO!llf '(~) -:l'rtald-. Nlloa'a ~ llln>.llltlOUltHd JUcllard ¥: Nlloa todl1 named Dr. IM appolnbnent ol t .;; ti major till: torcu, A. llilllrldle, praaldan~of tho CaJllonlla one oo llClenct .aild !ht othar on opace. lllllltute of TtchnolOI)', u hla ctilet The Y. art to lludY waya In wblcb the acl,... advl1er and cbarpd blm With Nllon admlnlstr1Uon can parllclpate In bildilnl the pp belwtn the poUtlcal 1pace ·and liclence _..,. and report and lntellactuaJ communlli'u. · their flndlnia to N!Jon and l)ullrldp. DuBrldp, a lrlencl of·Nlloa'I· tor D Dr. IL Gullonl Stever, prllldent of ,_ will ret1n u praildent of Caltech C&mell•Mellon un1v...mv·1n l'lttlbllrib • to 1aU t!le P!ioft1on. tieau tba IClm ih>uP uid =1 .. Tba. 17.yui-oid pll,yllcl.st aid he wu Towneo, Nobel prl.se-wlonJi · . at delllbled with lhe poe!Uon and would ad-the Urilvenlty of California, l>eldl the vlae Nlzon on ....,. In wblcb the federal apace lfOUP, Both ncelved their doc- ..-anl """1d · lllmulate ocleotlllc lorlteo lrom·~ldp'a Caltech. I and teclmoloefcal -. • Jli!Bridp, • modest bul l>rllllaDI .man "l will not be hla pollllcal advller whii wor~ea durlq collage u a.d....-to. .... aconomtc adVlaer bu! will try to door ~l!llJlan and Ol'.ICt wanted to be l't the beat actentlflc !nfon!>aUon In • newspaper reporter, bu )>eeo preskieot the COIDllry and present It ·to him," of Call!ch for D years. DuBrldgo oald, . . : Sailors Survive '· Storm in Ocean, , .Sail to Newport GOVERNMENT IN ACTION -Orange Coast YMCA members (from lelt) Cindy Place, 17, I..ynn Roesner, 15, Carl Stevens, 15 and Dennis Fox, 15, confer prior to bill-screening session at Newport · DAILY PlLOT lllff"""" Beach City Hall tonight. They ~d ollters will par- ticipate In 21st Aitnual California YMCA Model Legislature in Sacramento next month. Nixon introduced DuBrldge to newsmen at his Hotel Pierre headquarters !lRd . praised him as one of America's !earing scientists. Noting there was a tendenc1 for peop!e In the IC!enllllc and tnlelleCtttal com- munities "generally to take a rather dim view of the political operator,'' Nixori. said that one of DuBridge's jobs will be "to reassure them that our interest is not only In what they een produce · but in how they can coonsel us." -Newport Reaches Half ·way Point' In Street Plans .. A Laguna !etch skipper and hl.s Car-'l' oluntary' Biii .:en Grove companion, objects of a night and morning sea searth for thelr mis.sing boat by the U. S. Coast Guard and H&rbor Departmen~ put Into New· port ilarbor wider a.wilary power ~ Monday afternoon. Schmitz Blasts Sex Classes He has devoted. most of his caree~ to the pursuit of pW'e science but dur~ Jng World War II w a 1 dltector of th e radlaUon laboratory at Ute Mwachusetts InaUtute ol Technolo17, which developed t h e microwave early warntns radar. The half·way point In right-of·way ac- qulsltloti for a major centiat N@:wport Beach street-widening project was reac~ eel this week Public Works Director Joseph T. Devlin said ti>day. · Twenty-three Iota' and ~ are Involved In the projecl tu widen .. 31nd Stnel between Newport and Balboa bo~evards. Sofa r, the~ 1 t y bas seven Jots, five rnore are In escrow. Mike Efseaff, 29 of 1555 C.talin" Dr., Laguna Beach, and llulleil Reed, 27, of Garden Grove, arrived uninjurtd at State Senator John G. Schmitz ls out owens Pacific followklg their »hour to shoot down compulsory .SU educaUon. chonnel croainll in besvy ..... Th• '!'uad!L Republican l,ald Monday The tnen had been reported overdue at in Sacramento· that he will sponsor ·6 p.m. Sunday from the weekend crui!e legislation to prohibit public schools from · to Catalinl leland in Efseaff'a new 21· requiring · students to attend classes foot Venture uilbotL-~. • ~ •. which now go beyond the BitQs and The men told Harbor DepmuiMt ·aees. otncen they left the ~ under aail He declared that 90me sex education at about 7 a.m. Sunday with a fleet of courses are so frank they literally ap- ot.ber era[(. By 2 p.m. f:be charuiel proach outright pornographic proportions beeame routh and they decided to turn back to the Avalon Harbor. and encourage the alanning practice of learn-by-doing. ' The concept of sanctioned leam-by-do- tng -in other fleldS :.... is often praised by educators. The John Birch SOciety member said his . bill would require ·*bob! districts to mate sex educaUon class attendance voluntary, but would not ~· buUaw it throughout the state "because of my f i r m belief in local control of p u b 1 i c However, in heavy seas, the craft be- 1an ahlpptna waler. The men lben rigged sea anchors from the craft'• aaill to· ride out the wind-whipped waves. Funeral Services Slated EflM.ff said that u aoon u tht water calmtd down at day-b.W..:l.~anbd up Iha mnall outboanl · and besded 1... Newport. They had been blown to the vlclllity of OcUMlde. . .Front Pqe l MESA COUNCIL. meot bu suggested region agencies muter pill tbelr own avlaUoo ayatems an d now, is in the posiUon of po&slbly going 1galml the Pereira de!lin. The CAB """1d ewlrd Portlaria-SeatUe wvtoe out of Orange county Airport, thus effecUvely passing over tlie Pereira ~\!\:;~ lAllllOJUon for a llmlt of 400-mile 'E;,;ey uld he has recel"'d several telephooe cilllJ I r o m people auggtsllng an econom.lc boycott of COSt'a Mesa ·merchaITTI, based on tbe Chamber of commerce's lnltlltlon of support for the northwestern routes. "I'm not aure bow much orpnbaUon there might be," he 1ald~ OAILY PllOI 0-:AHOK CO.UT PUILllHINO COMPAMf a.Mr+ N. WeH Pfet*W .... NilW. J11k I. C.tt.f Ylc9 PNWM1 Mf ..... MMMittr n1M1t ICHvll ...... ?li1111•• A. M1r.tlh1e .............. J1ro1111 F. C•lll111 P111I Nl•••11 Htwl>Grt .... Ad'#tr1~1 .... City £flfw OlrttlW ....,..._.._ 22 11 Wt ....... htit Yl td M1ili111 Mdr11N P.O. I•• 1111, 92~,J -- ~,.._ __ ...__ . ...._ __ _. '· ,. \) I Wednesday£ or Mr. Hadley Funeral services .will bt held at 1:30 p.rri. Wednesday for Wilbert Arthur Hadley, 6l, tetire(f battalion chief or the Santa Ana Fire Department who collapsed and died Monday while playing golf at the Huntington Beach Country Club. Mr. Hadley lived at S111 Channel Place, Newport Beach. He suffered an apparent heart attack whlle on the 11th green of the couree. He wu dead on arrival at Hunlinl\!'.n lntercommunlty Hospital. Services will be held at Brown Colonial Chapel, 204 W. 17th St., Santa Alla, with interment to follow . at Fairhaven Viet Tot's Fever Continues, But Condition 'Better' Dell&hted Chlldren1 Hoapit.al doctors today &aJd there was a "significant im· provament" in . the condiUon of a 22· , month-old Vietnamese child who ill IWailin& hem auraery at the Qrange County faCility. But the lltUe girl's high fever and ear lnloction had not aubaided to the point that surgory could be dellnlte\y acheduled, they said. All preoperaUve te.sta , lncludina: the vllal heart cat.helerisal.lon h1d been car- ried out and the reat depended upon the continued lmprovement of the frqlle paUent, they added . Nguyen Thi Lanh was brought to Chlldrens Hospllel lul Thursda,y from her home in Da Nang, South Vietnam. Two alWmltive.s face ber ru1eona: Open heart ,surgery Tikh ,it.I cQm.plete ~C!ll of the. Ol'(ao'a ' .r1er1 .. or l compensating procctlure ln which blood veuelt ·in the cbtlt would be surlfcalq, rabuili to Ins""' a fuller and richer 8\lj)ply of blood w the· heart. . Nll\IYOU hu had "'''" • ...,, burl lpUmi ~ htf · al hero, docton said. ~ ... iii I 1lnlolettd from time to lll»e !Ind • .Id iii nol!Ylni anUblotlcl for Iha eOI· lllfacttoa. Russ Loft Cosmos MOSCOW (UPI) -'"1e Soviet Union · 'lllelda7 launcbed anothet of 111 ..,. manned artlllctal aatall!r.., Ooll!loo II'/, Iha Tut DIWI agency nporled. 1 .. Memorial Park, Orange. The Rev. Hatry ·E. cr..1np wW officiate. Mr. Hadley iJ survived by .,;, ·wife, Margaret, ol the family h and 1 sister, Perl 0 . Wagner of Sa1 He joined the Santa Ana f •. ~ .o.>epart- ment in 1138 and was promoted to bat- talion chief in 196'. He reuted Nov, 80, 1966. He wu a member of the Santa Ana Elka Lodge and the Callforni1t State Flreman'a Aasociation. Military Service Held for Colonel Full military honors were accorded Cot. William L. Woodruff, USMC, (rel.) today in grlveeide rites at Arlington National Military Cemetery in Virginia. Col. Woodruff, manager of Anthony's Shoe Store, 3433 Via Oporto, Newport Beacj:l, s i n c e his retirement from t h e Marine Corps several years ago, died Thursday at Nashville, Teoo., the vicUm of an auto accident. He was 62. ... Killed instanUy, according to report.a, he had been accompanied by his wife's father, Ben WhHemore, 80, who w1s uninjured In the crash. Col. Woodrufl served es a pilot with the Marine Corps during 30 yeara ol military service. Survivors include his wtre, Anne, of the family home, 1~71 Alllanet Ave., Tustin: two sons, the Rev. .Ronald \Voodruff of Nashville and John WoodruU of Costa Mesa; and six grandchildren. Take This Advice On Calling Gls • r Famillt!l!I ptanntng to call a serviceman in Vietnam during the holidays should have on hand the serviceman's APO number and 1 phone number where he c an be reachtd. Pacific Telephone Company llpoktmnan u1d toda,y. Tbe cornp&JIJ ............is early pftn. n1n1 tor calla ortclna!ilrom Iha UnlUJd Stales. Spoed of hand calla to Vie~ nam depends on avalla UllJ of phone ltnes ancl avatleblllty of the serviceman on the Vietnam end, spoh~en said. Calla will be put tllrOUlh on a flnt- come,' flf11t-eerved bull at the varlouJ £:'W.:;,,,t.n establlsbed lot eerv!cemen I educaUon," he e~lalned. Schmit.a charged that parent& of &ome , children hive even been warned qlina& reproducing ·and-distributing to other fam111es tfie sex educaUon materials gtven to youngsters in schools. . The Repubtlclft conalden reference to physical difference.s between meri and women a blt ten ·iertou.s Wbelf "lifted above the classroom level of boys and girls t,oeether. .From Pqe l CONSPIRACY •• di!played IBM cardB contalnlni the homeowners names and addrellel and told them they had been "apeclally selected by compUten" to be offered al "limited number" of profit sh~g Cbntracts belrig aold by Nebraska Na· tlonal Life "iii. lts attempt to get estab- lished In Calllornla. "In Nlity,'' Hicks aald, • • t be homeowner was being aold an ordinary life Insurance policy with certain limited parUclpaUng features. 11 !lick! rer.....i to ldendfy the II &alwnen belni /IO\lihl today pending their mut. He 1ald that m1t11 of the Regency operatives with home addreaes out.side Orange County 1ctuailJ main- tained apartments ln county cities from which they coDducted their lnaurance business. DuBrtdge &a.Id he would seek to stimulate basic university research and that ~e hoped federal · governlilent parllClpaUon In auch Pl'Olhma-would increase; He uld he currenUy saw no scientific Jag of. the United Stites beh1nd the Soviet Union but added, "We must guard against It becoming so." ' SI.lit 1H" -• .From Page l HEARING .•• and jet noise controvtrsy. Spokemnen for the city or IngleWOOd and the ln- glewnod Unllted School Dlltrlct will testily to destruction of property values and subsequent revenue loss resulting from the big jets at L. A. International. The cllJ ol fn&lewnod last month sued the city of Los An8"1" for l400 mllllon, alleging property damage and loss from , airport operatlo:is . Testimony on the Orange County Airport isaue wlll also be given by Dan E:mory, leader ol the [ioise Abatement Committee, whose members are suing Orange County government for close to llO mllllon. Emory will pro-that uniform noilie 1tandardB for alncaft be etlebllahed througb leglalaUon u has been the cue with motor vehicle nolle. He wW also "'"that:. -The State AeronauUci Commllllon approve all plant for airport expanal0t1. -Not,...monltoring equipment be par!llanenUy Installed below taki!off and landlrur patterna. DeclDel le..i.. be reported by airports perlodlcaJIY to the 11a1e. AcqullJUOn of right.of-way will cost llGll,000,. wlllle actual constn1cllon..t the two-block long, four.Jane road i s esUmated . to be $84,000. All Pfl)pert:y Is scheduled tu be In .clly baild1 by lle<:embW-1970. t:o-on>wlfi~ In 1971. •. I Devlin aid the project iii the largelt of ita kind in the city. He erplained thls Is the first time so many dwellings were involved in a single street widening effort. The narrow street, one-way for mort than haH it's length, wm becotne a high capacity traffic llnk between the two buly bQUJevarda, Devlin said. All necessary right-of.way is being take from the south west side of the street. Funds for the project are coming 50..oo from the city and county. Gu tax revenue will pay for the development Devlin noted some of the funds originally earmarked for the project have been diverted to the exten.slon of Jam- boree Road across Pallsades RoAd to MacArthur. However, the money should be made up by the time construclion is ready to start, be said. America, Europe Schedule ,Launches CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) America's utronomlcal ol»ervatory, most complex sclenlific spacecraft yet developed, rockets into orbit early Wednesday In the firat of a doubl .. beader launching lhLs week. "HAT' THE HOUDAY RUSH ·, .Mn D!!p!!1 w.·,, °''''"' bp•rt .. Q1111lty Work1111n1hlp l lntt1ll•lio11 ......... _, y •• , ••• ~,. ... ,.,All Wor\ D~• 111 o., P1tRt. Fri• f1tl0 flltl•• 1R Your H11111o only , :1111Rll: has 'ti I . ~/(/ PEEP ~team. CR/f/IET CLERhlhll THE ULTIMATE in CARPET CLEANING IC:ONOMICAL redueo1 th •..J lot frequ•nt prof111len1I cle1nlng be • ceus• It rorilcvo1 th.• deeply emb•d· cled soil end loev•• ... re11Clue lft th• carpet flben to colltct dl'rt. CLEANS DllP actually '•mo••• soil from both ffle pile, of ,the carpet aft4 the carpat b•ckhl' .. IDTOW PU the powerful o.Mc· t lon proca11 rerne••• moi,tur• hn· metliately, thus avoiding shrinkag•, and lift, mattad pilt to 'liko n•w' appearanc•. ' WHEN TOU WANT THI flNUT- SAFI PROCESS scientific1ffy cla•el· oped 1pecially for the prof•11ional carpot cl•enor. It is complotely s•f• for all cerpat fibers. GINTLE ACTION u1e1 fto l»ru1h11 or scrubbing action, 10 it ~••• not d is. tort the pile of the carpot. $011. llTAlDINe AND MOTH PIOOPIHG •r• included at JM> extra cost1 ND nnMATI CAU. RUG '& UPHOLSTERY CLIANIRS Our 21st Y .. , of Sert ice lo Or.1199 County 2950 RANDOLPH COSTA MESA ,,,.;.. TolArw Call Dal .. '"°'" PHONE 546-3432 " I J ' . • • L ~ 1 I ~ • d \ ' • n 1 I, • " e ' n .. e ,, :- 1 .. r e d • • I\ e ' y y 1 g d • g e a e e -0 x s e I· • d n ' ~ y r ' j . . . ... . . • . . ' . . • .......,., a.. l-1• N-.cM ' ,_ IJ lll!A ANDERSON, Editor Ebells Give,· Receiv,e -.Gifts • ' Not on!y·will "giving" be a major part of'tbe Cbristmaa·Tea sponsored by tbe Ebell Club of Newport Beach Thursday, Dec. S . But receiving will also play a part as members and guests receive the gift of music brought by Bob Mitcbelt's Singtng Boys. Tbe American Legion Hall in Newport Beach will be the setting for Ille event, scheduled to begin at 1 p.m. Bright ornamenta, wreaths and a giant tree will add to the holiday spiriL Senior and Junior Ebell members are again joining forces \h}I year to. provide !ables laden witb a valiety of cookies, cakes, candles, sand- wiches and hot beverages. Tbe scheduled entertainment for tbe day will be Bob Mitchell's Sing· Ing Bo)", a group founded and directed by Mitchell. The boys will offer a repOrtoire ranging from classical to folk to modern jazz . Concert appearances have been made before lhree Popes, Royalty, plus the boys have appeared In innumerable motion pictures, on stage and ~on television, performing throughout Europe, Canada and the United States. Performing different kinds Of. achievements are residents of the Joplin Boys Ranch for delinqueot Orange County youlhs, who will be_ r&- ·ceivlng gifts brought by Ebell members. Mrs. Raymond Harvey, ahildren ai;id youth chairman, is askhJ,g that all members and guests attending donate a gift for the rt1Creation room at Uie ranch. Magazine subscriptions for the 10 to 18 age level, model s_etl, jigsaw pu.zzles and games are welcome. Game suggestions include morio- poly, scrabble, checkers and dominoes. Playing cards are not acceptable. • • ' • • • ' • • JUST TESTING -Trying oot ooe of the games which will be donated ·to the recreation room of the Joplin Boys Ranch are three Ebell members (left to right) lhe Mmes. Edward .Whitehouse, Junior Ebell president; L. H. McBride, firse vice presideiit of the Senior Eliells; and Charles E. Kelley,'member of tbe decorations committee. Tbe Ebell Club of Newport Beach is sponsoring a Christmas Tea Thursday, Dec. 5 to which Junior Ebells are in- vited . Pouring at tbe. event will be lhe Mmes. Rudolph Vanasek, William Tritt, John l.Aunar, Nicholas Brettner, Raymond Harvey, Edward Rogers, Frank Hughes, Jack Hagadorn and Robert Hodson. Decorating will be Mrs. Herbert Puterbaugh, chairman, and the Mmes. Edward Whitehouse, James Hodge, Francis Glockner, Cindy Wells and Elaine Rielfe. Mrs. H. D. McGregor is in charge of arrangements fur refreshments with t.he Mmes. Harry Goetz, L. H. McBride, Paul Jones and C. R. Forbes. Mean ingful Trad ition lv\edallions Adorn Debutantes . Fifteen years ago lhe Newport Harbor Auxiliary • the Children's Home Society presented its first debutante ball. Each girl was presented with a now traditional Children's Home Society medallion suspended on a white velvet ribbon. The medallions, engraved with the figure of a small child with outstretched arms (shown at right) were designed by Mrs. Harold S. Voegelin of Harbor Island, a member of the group. This year 20 young ladies will be presented at lhe Lllh annual Newport Harbor Auxiliary of Chil- dren's Home Society Debutante Ball on Dec. 28 ·in the Balboa Bay .Club and each will receive the tradi· tional medallion, symboUc of the children of all races and faiths who have found homes filled with Jove through the work of the. society. There were 14 girls preseJ1ted at the first ball in 1954. The late Mrs. H. Payne Thayer was the auxiliary president and the late Mrs. Tod Oviatt served as ball chairman. Lyman Farwell Was the first master of ceremonies. This year's ball chairman is Mrs. George W. Gurr Jr. while Mrs. William C. Adams is serving in the capacity of auxiliary president. Assisting Mrs. Gurr on the ball committee ate 1'4t's. Merton K. Cameron Jr., Mrs. Royal Tucker, Mrs. G. Robert Hodson, Mrs. Richard Hess, Mrs. Ward AUJle, Mn. Robert Blanford, Mrs. Wilson Woodman, Mrs. Al· !red V. Jorgensen, Mrs. Jplm Killefer, Mrs. Phelps Merickel, Mrs. John Parker and Mrs. Raymond Hitzel. Many loyal patrons and patronesses have given their support to the activities of the society over the years. More than 100 prominent area citizens are serving as ball patrons this year. • The Children's Home Society of California was founded in 1891 and since that ti~e has placed more . than 31,000 children in loving adoptive homes. In 1967 alone 1,867 children' were placed and tbe num- bers are increasing every year. \ A record 6,568 couples inquired aboot adoptioo ldst year, represeittin'g a 'l3 percent increase over 1966. Of tbose who filed formal applications, 90 per- cent experienced the joy of bringing home their new son or daughter in 1967 :· The society, which also offers aid to natural parents who give up their children for adoption, ii: supported mainly by the community through auxili- alies like the Newport· Harbor group. Wedne sday · Morning Club Tunes Up fo r Holidays Tuning up for t.he dinner dance for members and guests of tbe Wednesday Morning Club of Costa Mesa are (left to right) Mrs. Rodney J. Fugate, Ed- ward B. English and Mrs. English. The event will take place Friday, Dec. 6 in tbe Empire Room of the Newporter Inn. A cocktail hour at 7 p.m. wtll pre- . cede dinner at 8 and dancing throughout the evening to tbe Harmonaires. Mrs. William Hill, opec!al eventS chairman, is in charge of the ev~ and ?&- quests lhat reservalions be made wltll her at 50-7509. 'Catty' Choice: Romeo Knows What's Best -for This Juliet DEAR ANN LANDERS' Do ~ believe animals can air.e tip people better than humarui:T Wen , they can and I have proof. Call it Instinct or whatever you want, but it's a fact. We have 1 cat d umertain parentage. He Is yellow with stripes. We named him "Romeo" because he bas IO .mahy girl frlends. Romeo has a WIY of brushing up agalMI good people and purring, like his llWe motor ls runn1Jll. When Romeo doesn't like I per10I). he bumpa up bis hlct IDl1 spit& , A few months ago our daughter became frjendly with 1 man who was a myattty to all ot ua. Romeo hated Floyrl from the f11'81 day he stepped lnlo our born<. One tveDini Romeo Jub. ANN LANDERS ril ad <NI and clawed Floyd's bJil!lJ polJlhed oboes. Btlcn ... could pull him oil, be had Jorn P'loyd'• aocn lllll IO'atched hia ankles. When our dlugbter lllllOWICOd oho ,. .. going to marTy Floyd we were oot very happy. Romeo was depresaed - didn't ul for two daya. One week before the weddlnt!. Floyd skipped Imm 100 ldt no lorwanJln& -Olir daqliler . nearly bad a-..~· llmleo perked up and llarted to eat aglln. Our daUJlhltt lnllitl that from 110W 1111 lbe'll watdi :J1omeo.'• .,reaction ' to her boyfrieoda. She .wean she will never marry 1nyone Romeo doesn't Uke. What do ~ think' ol this, Ann Landen! -VANCOUVER Dear vu, Ooa -..., ..... al Ute Narlas divorce nite to conclude t111t tome cits ~pt mike better Rlee- dom tllu tome people. D.EAR ANN LANDERS: Does my buo- band need lo be stralgbi...,d ..n or am [ OVtrly senaiUve? We have been married 18 montba. Thia is my Ont ~arrl1ge, Conrad'• ·MCOnd. Whenever he lnt.roducea ·me to friends land Ibis bu been going an from tbe d1y we rn&lTied) be 11y1, "Meet Cbark>t- te., my new wife. My first wife died four years q:O." I don~ think It is necessary for Conrad to menUon hiJ fint wife wben he in- troduces me. ll'a almoot u U be la apologizing. I have mentioned lhis to him but he inslst.s he doesn't mean 1nything by lL He uys ll'a just aomething to say. Whal Is yoor oplnioo, Ann! -PrrI'SBURGB MRS. DEAR MRS.: Dal Coatod Hedi ii aomethl•1 ELSE •. A)'. S•ued I subltit&tte auttnce. Bow'a thla for opeaen? "I'd lib '°" to med 1QJ wUt QwloUe. We'Ve beu murled U m .. tU ind 1be aUD loob like a brlde, detlll't de?" CONFlOE:NTIAL TO UNJUSTLY AC- . • CUSED' Get oil tbe defensive and atop lrylng to explalft your poaltloo. Tbe1 couldn 'I care leaa. It is apparent thal their oosea 1re out of • joint *"• you have done more for )'OUT mothir llwl they have and their suJ1t 11 lhowlac. ... Landen' --, ".l'ldl 11 SJrancer • • • " tella lier owa 1io17 ol ll yun u advber lo ._ 8ol4 atboaUIGnL Au Loden will be cJad. lo .... y.. ..... ,.... ........... -.... It hr II can al Illa DAILY .P11.or eedollq; • ......... .. I tft 11 I ....... • I . I ' Jf OAll.Y l'ILOT Touchert-Brennon Rites • Couple Exchange · Vows Janet Bev.if BrtDDll beeaml the llridt. " ltlW'd Coor1ld '!'auc:bert durlnl rltotl In It. -·· Preebyleriu Qiun:h In Newport Beach. 'Ibo a... Dr. Cbarle1 DlerenfleW -· ~ 1be new Mn. Tauchert ci Santa Ant Is the <!aligbt<J of Mn. Oilv1 Bohrer Of Ml>ul)o taln View and Mathias Bren- . nan of Portland. T h e , bljdoll?OOID ol Lquna Nltu8J ii the IOll ol Mn. Shekioo · Pettlbona ol Ventur•. · Coming down the aisle on Ibo arm ol her uncle, Fnct B. ·Brenoan ol Medford, Ore., the bride ..... a floor length • gown of satin broca~ witb , an elbow length 1lllt lllUJion veU. She carried white' f'OSeS. • • Deaf Guild Plans Meet . . ' The hrlde'a.el<t<r, !,In. Johll, Buter wu matron of honor. She and the.bridesmaids, Ma. Phllip A. Kilian, the bride's sister, and Mn. Raymond . Bell, wore fioor length rink (OWl1I and carried p n k rosebuds. ~ ~ ' ' .. .. Gifts Go Donald R. Alli.son of Goleta wu belt ,man and H. Se)'mour Beek, Phillip ,J, Meyer, .Ken- neth P. Roberts and O. Marshall Wright. were ushen. .. Mlas Karen ·Petttbon.e assisted at the reception tn Joser1 restaurant, Corona del Mar. MRS. JOHN LUNSFORD JONIS COltt MH1 Hom• ' ·--1 . .) . To Auction The eouplo will make their home In Laguna Niguel after a honeymoon In Palm Springs .Newport Beach~· Rites Setting ' ChlldnD'a elothee,-i:=: mache novelllea, Chr · ---and olllm' oriljllal gilll will be ollered during an auction a_..i by the 8eaJ Beach Junlcr WOIDlll'I Club. 1be auction, fea&Urlli1 handmade-gilll and baked eoodJ, w1l1 bqin at 7:30 p.m. Thureday, Dee. '· In the home ol Mn. lJ'red Luak. and Big Sur. Varying ahadea ol pink ~ bride vaduated from ,,C a 1 D a t f 0 D I and wtlJte Capmrano Uruon High SCbool ..__ themuma banked the and attended Orange Coast '-"""aan College. The bridegroom ii altar le< the ceremooy uniting c-..._ ,.... / dolng postgraduate work at Carol Marie Rau1a" and John MRS LEONARD TAUCHERT Calllorula State College at Lunaford Jooee. • Long B>ach after graduating ·The Re"' Frandl Kelly eon-W.d In Newport Buch from New Mexico S t ate dUQted the double r In g ., College. ceremony In Our Lldj> of Vows Recited In Church Rite Matlni their 111'11 home In Br!~eom.ld!, Mn. J oh n Huntl!1gton Beach are newly-Wold, the bridegroom'• alster wed Mr. and Mn. Bill Donald Brown. The couple were. mar-of Loll Angeles, and the Misses ried in a double ring.ctremony D<rothy DiU and Rila Rhodes Jn the Church ol God, Gilden ol Huntlngtm Beach and Grove, by the Rev. H. B. Paulette Peder 1 on of Wallace. Westminster, wore pink gowru The former ltu1h Eleanor . In the llll!le llyle u the maid Dunn II Ibo daqhter ol Mr. ·it .booor. The1 allo carried and Mn. Wllllam E. Dunn pink chr)'lanthemtJllll. ol lfmlllnClm Beach and ber Mla Mary .... Dunn, the husband ii the IOD of Mn. bride'• lilt.er, WU the Dower Dora Brown ol Huntlniton girJ and Dale Crllll WU the 8ead1. ring bearer. . The bride """' a three-lllhen Included Bill Dunn, tiered, 10lll aleevl!I! chanlllly the bride's brother, Gorey lace gown and carried a Hirata, Bob Clark and Steven DOOe1ay ol white ....., aur-Lev, all ol Hunllnlton Beach. rounded by chr)'lanthemumt. A r<eepllon for 100 auw M0W1t Carmel Cb u re h, Newport Beach. The daughter . ol Mr. anil Mn. William C. Raulg <ii Udo lale. wu jlven In mar- riage. by ber father. For her WedcJlni lhe ae)ec:ted a IJoor length gown ol alencon lace whlcb fell In Uen 1n ba<I. llttr l1Jualon veil bordered In lacl WU held by pelall ol lace .and pearll arid Ille .car- ried i bouquet ol · glldentae Mn. Rooald Jeuner 11 aerv· lo( u chalrmao ol Ibo event -.hlch will ralll -le< the elnb'a JibiJanthroplea lncludlng the· March ol lllmeo, Palomar Iodlenl and the 8eaJ Beach Boy and Girl Sc:outa. . Ind-""!'~ o1 1iooor. Mla Den ta I Unit Cariie IJnnehan of Colta Meaa, woh a pm ol llkl cloth with tiered aleeves. H• fiowen wera wrlle ,.... and baby's breath. Attending the bridegroom, "°" of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Sets Dance For Holiday Jones of Colrtl MeSa, wu his A holiday feellng will be brother Philip M. Jones, best in the air Dec. I as memben man, and sealing guests were and guests of the Orange Michael . L. McQueeney and County Denl&I Society gather Albert Vuqua. bolh ol Coela for a gate dinn«-danc:e In Mesa. • the Anaheim Stadium Club. Followin. the ceremony ~e The James W h It more couple greeted ~ts during Orchestra will play for dan- -... a.,-r~ption. In tMJlk1 Club t1 ctng;after the a p.m..,coctta.U · where the pink a!l(t>Wbite color hour and dinner. scheme wu carried out in Dr. AJlen V. Cole of Garden dec?"aUons and f l o w e r 11 • Grove, is chairman of the AlaiBtlng were MW: Peggy event. Assisting him are the Jones, and Mia ~atty Meier, Dn. Rebert Engman, Leonard 11l~er and cousin of the Laudenback, R o n a I d Kl· bridegr()(_>m. . . . ingelhofer, Robert W. Following ~ wedding trip to Longman arKt Mrs. J. Parker • LURLINE HALL Spring Data Betrothal Told Party The engagement ol Lurline Upson Hall and George Sattler Twist of Newport Beach was .announced by the bride-elect'• parents, Mr. and Mn. Robert Ernest Hall of San Marino and Dover Shores, during a family party at the De!' Monte Lodge In Pebble Beach. . M!sa Hall is the granddaughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wlnlleld Hall of Emerald Bay. She · received her degree from Stanford Umveralty and studied at the University ol California, Berkeley. She also was a student at stal!ford Unive111ity In Italy. The future bride was presented at the Valley Hunt Club of Pasadena and also was a debutante for Children's Hospital In 19M. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Albert Twist of Newport Beach and the grandson of Mrs. George Albert Sattler of Santa Ana and the late Mr. Sattler and the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles G_erald Twist of Balboa Island. A graduate of Newport Harbor High School and ~tanford Uni~ersity, the bride- groom to-be affiliated with Delta Upsilon fraternity. Twist also studied at Stanford's campus in Italy. A member of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club , he is on active duty with the U.S. Navy Reserve. The wedding is planned for next spring in San Marino. Mlll Bmmle W..We.ol Hun-took pla In the church. • llnlUn Beach WU maid ol Tho bride and bridell?OOID boner. Bbl wart a pale flnk graduated from F o u n t a l n sown and carried p n k Valley High School. He now chr)'lanthemUlllL attenda Golden WOii CoU.ge. the mountams the Harbor Hart and Mp. Cole, president ~High Sch?Ol graduates will of the Women's Auxiliary to make thetr borne In Costa the Orange County Dental Mesa. The bridti attended Soclety. -'-------------------Orange Coast Colltl! and htt Horoscope Pisces: Stick To Your Rules WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 4 You're going places -today you can prove ll LIBRA (Sep!. 23-0ct. 12); By SYDNEY OMAIUI Full moon poa!Uon today coiJ>. "The wlle man controls hli cldee w I t h Joorneya, Jong-MRS. BILL DONALD BROWN Nuptlali Told ......_ • ~1 In range projeell. Your lntulUon .,_......,. • • • IWlwvoO po la cornea Into pl•v. Follow------------------the way." -.J ARDIS (March II-April II): through on hunch. One at a I diltance 1eta In touch. Be c Full moon poa!Uon struaes available. Q U p e joameya, fiurry ol activity. SCORPIO (Oct, 13-Nov. It): • Recite Vows llol' to ootJ1ne Jdeu and U· srea t b e m . Communlcate The more flexible you are desires to relatives. Be crystal today, tbt better. Mate , clear ; don't scatter force.s. partner may be insl.stent regarding financial matter. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Doa't press. You gain m06t Lunar position today colncldes by making adjustment. You wUh opportunity to at.tract eventually get what you need. money. Be determined. lnalst SAGITrARllJS fNov. 22- on quality. Othen may be Dec. 31): Your cbance to tatlng. Follow through; fulfill bre1k ,...,.,,.h red tape Is ac-obUgatlona. .. .. V'"'6 GtMINI (May 21.June 20): ti!nted. Key is to undentand Much depeoda upoo how you rather than fight opposition. illuminate personality. N 0 If aware of pu.blic reaction, time to Ue back and wait. you could easily overcome Instead, mbvt ahead. Msert , obstacles. 1i>uflell. OpposlUon ls weaker CAPRICORN (Dec. WiJan. thin )'Cl.I m..llht imagine. Act 19): Modernize work 'pro-- accardJ.ncly. oedutea. One who complain!! CANCER (June 21.July 22): can be won over. Key Is to You won't be able to keep stand above petty rivalry. aeereta -but H will not be Then there ii beoeJ\ci_al ae- neoeuary. Your poaiUon ts eommodation. A change for llm>&thened· You prov• a better IJ due In occur. major polnl Full moon pool-AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. tlon eoindde1 with eruura of 11): Be lree-anci-.uy. Wot · fur. eytnc about delaila today could LEO (Jul)' 13-Aug. 12): · cmatricl ctU11v1 ablllUee. Dedalm ii made by U-GI .. ·your all. You will be wbo aflec:I your future. ID-apprecWed. Romance I a cUcaUom are favarabJe. Be q . fea.tured ton1gbt. Elprea lave. er-I•.!: Y.ou. san win mOjor Pl3Cfll (Fab. It-March 1111 : point. lllgJlllg1ll wllllngnea to You are templed to alrlp lab ... added mpomlblllty. ......t1a11. ReaJJaa that iJ>. 'l'lllOO (AllC. ll&pt. 12): l«lude ii )ult lhat -DOtllln( Obtain hlnl from L II: O more. M-clear by 111117111. Strtve for the unJque tM!ght. suet lo rules -learn ...,....cJI. Teel ldeu, pollclee. them before 11lempilng to Tab back eeet to no peraoo. bruk them. • .. In Home Ceremony During a ceremony con- ducted in the Huntington Beach home of the bride's parents, Richard Gary Darwin of Mammoth Lakes claimed Susan Vlctor\1 Kidder as his bride. The Rev. Gilbert W. Allen, formerl y !>f C hrist Presbyterian Chureh in 'Hun- tington Beach officiated dur- ing the Service which united lhe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LB Woman Laguna Beach artillt' and ac· treu Vlrgtnla (Mn. Norman) Nilon, Will present a Chri8tmu program for El Cam1nO Real Woman's OJlb nest Tburlday afternoon In the Dana Point Community Houle. Mn. NilOll studied at tlle American Academ y ol Draipalie Arts, New York City and with rlorence Enrlghl, head coach at Twentieth Cen- tury Foi. Lewis G. Kidder and the son of Mr!. Lawrence Darwin of St. Paul, Minn. Attending were close friends and relatlve1. The bride attended Hun- tington Beach High School, Orange Coast College and California State College at Long Beach. Her husband is manager of Alpine Lodge. The couple will reside at Mam- moth Lakes following a boi'ley- moon trip to Morro Bay. Entertains Before movin1 to the Art Colony 10 yean ago, ahe did professional radio and little theater In Loe Angele1 and Philadelphia. 1be actress hu been seen frequ'"1Uy In Laguna Com- munity Playhou.e productiOlll and won tbe coveted Victor award for he!' performance In "CritiCl'I Choice.'' . Luncheon wUI be served at 12:!0 p.m., 1ald Mn. Harcy Ptll, publlclty chairman • husbaod tt<rYed In the U.S. Navy. Special guest! at the wed- ding included Misses Lillian and Helen Raasig of St. Paul, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Scblffer; Mrs. P. E. Fooebe Sr. and P. E. Foolhe Jr., also of St. Paul. Other ~ Included Mrs. J . C. Murpily from Sl Louis, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. L. W. CantJn, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Walch of Lao Vegas, and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Stamm ot Lindsay. Remarriage Lecture Set After Remarriage, What? will be tht theme uplored at the Dec. I session o( the Univenity of California Ex· tena1on aerie! on Education for Remarriage. The prolfam will take place at 7:30 p.m. In the Natural Sclencea building on the UCI campus. Ticket:! at the door are $.1.50 and $1.%5 for UCI .11tudenU:. HB TOPS Club Churchwomen Plan Yule Festivities The social hall of the Costa Mesa Founquart Church will be transformed lnto a holiday store Dec. • and I as the United Foursquare Women host their flnt Chrllltmu baiaar. Featured item at t h e buaar, which will be open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. both day!!, will be a Yule cookbook containing favorite recipes of tht churchwQ.tnen. Hotnemade candies, baked goods and clft• also wlll be Diet Classes Post Schedule We.ight Watchers, a weight reduction program, has a:- panded Ito program to lncludo weekly classes ln tht South Coast area. Groups will meet at 7 p.m. Newport Bethel Young women affiliated with Newport Beach Job's Daughter!!, Bethel 157 1ather the second and fourth Mon- days at 7:30 p.m. The Masonic Temple ls the setting ' for meetings. lnformatioa. regarding membership Ls ob- tainable by calling Mr 1 . Walter Tuz, 545-1755. Mooday In the Coela Meaa Women's Club; at 1 p.m. Tueoday In Monlgomery Wild Jn Huntington Center; at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at t h e Redeemer Lutheran Church Jn Huntirigton Beach; at 9:30 a.m. Monday at Mannings on El Toro &.d1 Laguna Hill!, and 7:30 p.m. Monday at the San Clemente Inn. Allen School la the meeting eold. ~ace for membeR ol Hu~ 1 ;:==..;;;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::::; tington Beach TOPS Pound Pincben at 7 p.m. every M&n- day. AMlllCA'I /)_~r]lDRAPEftY LAHUT GlJtl,IJLJ!:LEAt.lElll R9tMYe Wa.., Dtirn ... e l'LAMI PIOOl'llte IXCLUSIYI liUAaNmD DIAl'IRY CLIANINl5 Dra,.,.y Cl .. nlnt. hrfMt .... IU'CUett of tfM at• 9f' rovr tire,.,..,, ., 1.H% ,. plaCff'IHlt tf CIH"•W.. • N• Wllhlf H ... 1 e N• lhrlnk• .. e ~IYH HMtl • Water Stain lernont e Perhct Plfft Pehll"I ·--· ... -OUR IXC~UIN& llRVICI • ~,.tf!MY .. • r.,,... PMy .. Arrel'tpll e ,,... lhthnahl . • ,,... LtN Dra,.. Off ,.. aM • c.,,., 540-1366 642·0270 20% f 702 NEWPORT Bl.VD., COSTA MESA GOLO BANGLE BRACELETS ARE ALWAYS RECEIVED WITH OPEN ARMS . From top: Wrth diamonds, $125. Engraved, $53.50 ind $86.!50. T .. a..r,. Aa.-W .. &1• t ',t ._,_, .. .. ..... ~ ... SLAVICK'§ ..,..M ___ _ 11 F•shiof'I lsl•nd Newp•rt leech -•-4-4.1110 ·--~"""' ____ .......... _...:i _______ ...., ______ -------·-----------:.....-~------------__ L _ I I .. • • • I • Costa -~ I Mesa • VOL 61, NO. 290, 2 SECTIONS, 24 PAGES -HTII-_ 1 19 IS I .. '1 f . . .. ,,..... '! CROSSTOWN SWAP PLEASES CITY, COLLEGE OFFICIALS FrH woy Lond (Top) to SC Collego, Lond (Bottom ) to City Council, <;ollege Ponder Swapping Land Parce"ls • Negotiations are expected to move ahead today on a land swap which could bring a new court complex to Costa Mesa's Civic Ceofer, plus economic· security to adjacent Southern california College. · . The 'City council Monday held 1 brief public hearing on the proposal to trade a 6.3-acre chunk of prime land ori the San Diego Freeway at Harbor Boulevard for a IO-acre piece of college land. Despite the difference in the size of the two properties, the value is about the same, city officials Say, and the long-range possibilities of each are vital to city and college interests. Terming the proposed trade a godsend, college officials say they would probably leij.Se their new 6.3 acres of land to Quality Courts Motels Inc., for a multi· story motor hotel. The lease figure could be close to $100,000 annually. Efforts to interest developers In the JO.acre parcel of Southern California eonege campus lying southeast of the Civic Center, in the meantime, have brought little response. City officials on the other hand, h.:ive jealously eyed the big parcel, which is a natural spot for future expansion, particularly if Costa Mesa can land a municipal court site. The freeway property -offered to Costa Mesa by the State Division of Highways last October as excess right-of· 1vay -was bought for $128,000. Cur· renlly, it bas an esUmaled market value o[ $750,000. The 10-acre parcel at N e w p o r t Boulevard and Fair Drive, bordered 11artly by a campus road on the southern end, is worth about the same amounL AcUon on rezoning a large surrounding S tock Marke ts NEW YORK (AP) -The stock mar.tel underwent a mild and lrrtgular decline la te this afternoon in fairly active lrading. (See quotaUons, Pages 10-11). Mter an irregular start, the ba1ance shifted to the downside, the tone im· proved a bit in early afternoon but ot enoogh to revene the trend. ' . area tG lnsUtutionaJ •!id Recreational use has been foustalted several times by the city councll, apparenUy due to negotiations.. ln,formal talks have been carried out by city officials and trustees of the 535-student liberal arts campu.s, which at the same time was discussing matters with the hotel chain. Rev. William H. Robert.son, president of the board of the Distrlc;t Council of the Assemblies of God ChlU'ch, sole supporters of the school, is pleased with the land trade. 1 He said it takes about $100,000 anriually to run the college and leasing Of the freeway site for a luxury hotel could come c::lose to meel.ing this figure each year. SuccessfuJ closing of the deal would leave Costa Mesa with a large area of land which could be developed for a variety of public uses and services, although, at this point, city ()(ficlals clearly are looking towml a court facili· ty. Love Triangle Ends in Slaying HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - A love triangle ended ln·a fatal shooting in the Hollywood Hill.I apartment of an actress today and a reserve deputy sheriff was booked on suspicion of murder. Tbe dead man was Herbert "Happy" Peterson, 35, who worked for a low budget film company. Jailed was Robert Dale Howard, 3Z, a com.merclaJ diver who operates a Santa Barbara underwater salvage and coo- structfon company. The shooUng occurred In the apartment of Peggy Jeanne Said, an adress for the same company Peteraoo worked for. EDITION ' • ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA n JESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1.968 JEN CENTS lnsrirance Fraud Charged .7 Sa.lesnien A.rres~d, _Others Sought by. DA ·· By TOM BARLEY Of ... o.ltr Plllt Iliff Seven Insurance saleme11 were ar· rested today and 15 others were belng sought in a roundup sparked by tbe Orange County Grand Jury's indictment of an Encino insurance company on charges of conspiracy and grand theft. Distrid Attorney Cecil Hicks said tbe indictment follows a probe ol Regency Investors Inc.. by bis investigators and Homeowners ~ Lose Battle On Apartments Following a weary, 111.t-hour hearing in which neighbors were once chided for sarcasm and wisecracks, the Costa Mesa City Council Monday gave the go signal for a 508-unit luxury apartment compleit. Residents of the College Park develop- ment to the rear of Sidney Sher's project on vacant land a~ 2400 ·Harbor Blvd .• fought a gradually losing batUe against the new project. Councilman William St. Clair cut lhe Jone dissenting vote against the Shet project, saying he felt the developer hadn't taken neighbors' righl5 into enough conslderaUon, drawing applause. agenla"O! the attorney gtntral's office. In all. lhlee compony erecutlY<s and 19 Salesmen are named 1n the charges. . Booked today by invesUgators. on charges or·consplracy and grapd theft are llatTy L. Hibbanl, 58, ol 2'56 W. Llncoln Avenue., Anabelm; RlchatJI M. Silverstein, 31, of Sherman Oaks; Robert E. C. McCulloch, 39, of San Dif:go; Thurlow W. Harle_y, 65, of Los Ang~:·. June V. Adams, 25, of North Hollywood; David M. Kane, 31, of Beverly Bll1s and Cleo M. Jobnson, SI, of Santa Monica. Hicks said the company and Ila representaUves sold more than '2 mlllion worth of life insurance pollcles issued by Nebraska NaUonal Life Iosurance Co. in Orange and Los Angeles counties. Earlier lnvestigaUons of the Regm:y group. by the Ca!Uornia Department · of Insurance resulted ln'the refund or more than $650,000 In premiums t o policyholders, many of whom lived in RepeaUng mony arguments against what is proclaimed to be the most u .. pensive and uclu&ve lodgings outside topnClttb Newport BeacJi developmen~ :.. neighbon crtUclud trBltic, lJOPUlatlon densJty, and feared school crowding. . DAILY PILOT Ii.ff ,,..;.. GREETINGS - A ghnn Sue McG!aln, ~ displays her Christma> gift, Costa Mesa Police Depa~t .. tylli. Pollce traffic bureau is starting annual holiday craclaloifn on driving olfenses. Sher said, however, that there will be very few children in the plush develop- ment, which will cater to well-lo-do sin- gle people and youngma rrled couples. "You cannot be a young married couple and not have small children,.. said G<rald J. Murray, of 1173 Raldgb Drive, father of six. City officials -who t o u r e d developments in Los Angel~ by the Ring Brothers, who designed the Costa Mesa project -said several times that the local comples: will be elegant and iii residents almost childless. 'lllletruptlng, Councilman George A. ~ told the entire audience that the. school problems they so fear will be solved, not by eliminating apartments, but by passing school t?onds. Shortly before the 4 to t vote In favor of the 508 unit complex. most of which 'Vfll be one bedroom, • Long Beach oil geologist who bought hla home only four months ago, bitterly confronted Viet: Mayor Robert Wilson about land values. "Will you ten me this :," said Dennis McMurdy, or 2321 College DI"ive, "when 1 sell my property and move, will you make up the d.ifferen~ in what I paid for it?" Sher, however, predicts the develop- ment will not only improve the area, but will add to the value of the well-kept family residential neighborhood lyillg behind it. Mesa Hi gh Needs Pot for Wi tches Have you a pot large enough to hold the myriad ingredient.! that go into a witch's bre.w? Costa Mesa HiWI School drama stu· dents are in need of a caldron for the play "Dinny and the Witches" they will present Dec. 12, 13 and 14. Anyone with a caldron to loan please call Linda Saulnier at 5§.6467. Have Everything? Police Have Yule Ideas for Drivers Christmas b drawing nigh, but lh-L man in unifonn observing yOU'JI behavior as a motorist ls not Santa Claus, although he may indeed have something lo aive you. It may be a speeding cllation. It may be a sobriety test. lt may -in lhe long run -be a police record. The annual holiday· declaraUon of war on traffic oCfenders is now under way, according to Costa Mesa Police Ll Hal . FiiCher, as patrolmen seek to reduce . the yu]etide traffic toll. Pointing to a drastic increase in ac· cldents logged during December o( 1966, the traffic bureau head said special holiday enforcement last year brought a dramatic reduction in the accident rate. "We proved that his works -1966 wasn't just a freak year," he says. "We work largely through the deterrent factor and we think we get real results by publicizing the program," Lt .. Flscher said. For Instance, the crtt!caJ month of the 1966 season brou&ht 65 collisions which injured 81 persons, along with 225 accidents In which property damage Wal! the only result. After announcing the 1967 crackdown -so motorists knew what to expect -the rate dropped to 41 Injury accidents which hurt 59 persons and cut damage. only crashes down to the 165 level. Concentrating on the busiest ho1lday shopping areas, Lt. Fischer has a total of four men assigned to full·time traffic enforcement, with strict orders to make · highway. laws stick. Under routine selective enlorcemei"it procedures~ Costa Mesa officers have the opUon of deciding whether their helpful warning la sufficlent to cure a driver of a repeated offense -or if he needs a ticket. .. 'there will be very little benevolence on the officer's part in the area of ,accident<ausing violations,'' said Lt'. Flscher, with a reminder that traffic fines can wreck a Christmas budget. "There will be liberal admlnistration or sobriety tests," he ~ded, noUng that the upswing in holiday drinking and subsequent driving ia already up sharply (See TRAFFIC, Pll(e Z) Doctors Say Viet Girl 'Showing. Improvement' Orange County. Hicks absolved Nebra:ita NaUonal Life • from any compllcily In the cue. . The Regency grOup operated as an agent ·of the Lincoln, Nebraska organha· lion and ~ waa no evidence tbal the Nebraska company wu aware ol the methods used, he · said. Hieb said the Regency operatives aold Nebraska NaUonal Life pollcles "under hte guiJe of being hlahly profitable, (See CONSPIRAcY, Pace I) Mesa Council Bids for Voice At Air Hearing Flying united, the Costa Mesa City Council Monday moved to reserve a seat at a hearlng next March on the award of new Portland-SeatUe commer· cial routes, some of. which could be gen· erated from Orange County Airport. The vote was unanlmowi to approve a Chamber of Commerce-originated re.s- olution which would allow Costa Mesa representatives to be heard March ZS before the Civil AerooauUcs Board (CAB) In Washington. "This just keeps the door open S() we , can have our iay," ~tres.sed Miyor Alvb L. Pinkley, "we can approve if we want to, or we can protest, ·or we can say nothing at all ." "The ·people should be cognizant or thi!," he said, since some Harbor Area residents· apparentlly think Costa Mesa iS" taking action to approve possible increased jet traffic oot of Orange CoUnly Alrporl. . Dudley P'. Miller, vice ~ld~t of marketing for Air CalilornlJ. wblch would like to be O.:le .of. tOe airlines to provide the through route service to Seattle and Portland, spoke briefly to cooncilmcn. · . No discussion at all was offered on a radical new takeoff pattern~ suggested Monday by the Airport Noise Abatement Comm!Uee, headquartered in Newport Beach. . A press release lssued Monday by conµnlttee chairman Dan Emory' !Ilg· gested a new 7,500-foot jet ntnwiy built at a diagonal on the alrport pn;perty, sendLrig airliners right over Costa Mesa. Emory threatened in the news rele8S!? to go to the county Board of Supervisors and ask that the runway be lncorpor· ated into the Phase ll Master Plan or Aviation if Costa Mesa did not approve it Monday. He said It they approved getting into the CAB air route awarding In March, they-should also accept the runway sug· gestlon which would smd jetliners over the Civic Center and several nice hous- ing areas. "I think it can be a matter of conjec· , lure just how much the suggestion Willi (See MESA COUNCll., P•a• Z) 'R at Fink' Wants His Too~ Back The fa cts are lrue, but the name may have to be changed to protect the guilty, Cosla Mesan Wllllam L. Eckmeier or 364 Princeton Drive t o I d police that someone stole a toolbox and contents worth $150 Sunday, adding that he, .., owner, was idenU!led on the lid al the box. "~II Is a Rat Fink," are the words painted there, be said. OraDge Weatlter 'Y'· " Solons Meet Tonight ' ,. Delighted Childrens ll01pilal doc:ton loday said th ere was a "significant Im· provement" in .the condition of a 22- month-old Vietnamese child who is awaiting heart surgery at the Orange County facility. surgically rebuilt to lnaurt a fuller and richer supply of blood to the hearl Nguyen has had t~ee severe heart spasms si~ her arrival here, docton1 said. Oxygen ls being administered from Ume to time and the child Is receiving .antlbiolics for tbe ear inrectJon. Lot& o[ sun •fth ·a mlnimum of clOOds -that'I Wednesday'• weather picture for the <>range Coa~ with temperaturee ranging Crom 67 by the sea to 74 inland. , Civic Leaders, Teens t.o Screen Bills iii Newport Ooe of the Ont momentJ of trulh lor nine Harl>or Area delqatel to the 21111 Anooal YMCA Model Leglslalures Is due tonight on the lcical level. Teen-agen lhvolved will convent wUh people who make tbe" wbeela: of rtal gov- ernment go round and have bills they propose to submit in Sacramento judg- ed tor their merit. The public is Invited to the 7 o'clock session at Newport Beach City Hall , Screening the bills prepored tor t h e Jan: 30 Model Legislature in the 1 t a t e capitol will be leaders well versed in the various aspeclJ ol covemment, from po- I lice ...... to politlca. Colla Moo CllJ Allmll!y Kor J u •• -..JU convepo the boonl ol judgos, w b o will "°"'Ider bill praentatloo, oelection and research lit lhelr -1y1ll. Four girls 1n>m Newport Botllor mgh School served ., usemblymen In 1117 and will shoot f.or tbe top senatorial l'lnk toolght, while at"11<11na u Tri-m-Y members. • They are Cindy Place, Marsha Bow· man, Marta Mueller and Lynn Rosener. Other Newport IWbor High School del· egat.ea new Ulil year will be Kathy WU· eon. Lori Semenluk, Marlon Frmclscus, and llennb Fox. Olhen from -· lllih School "" Sttve Feskanlch, and Dennli F.., repre- senting the Centaurs Hl· Y Club, a cam- puJ and community orglllllsaUon. Judges who will oelect jttst wblch bill among 0-comlcfertd by lht Jll'lllp heading for 5acramento ii to be propo1- ed, are headed by Newport Beach May- or Doreen Marshall. Additional judges and their creden- tlala include Mrs. Barbara Williams, Harbor Ana Legal S.C..laries' Govtr· nor; Mn. R.R. "Doris'' Hope, legillative !See 'Y' SOWNS, Pap Zl .. But the lilUc girl's high fever and ear infecUon had not subsided to the paint lhal ourgery could be ddlnilely scheduled, they wd. S eaky B Iar All preoperaUve telll, lndudlnc the ll urg . vllal heart c:atbe~lloo had betii CBI' • rled· out and "" ra1 depended -Flees With · $200 the conUnued Improvement of the rra;n.---: patlat~ they added. A bllrgJar who ~ In the back Nguyen Thi Lanh was """'8ht to door while the lady ol the •house. 'I'll Childterui HOlpltal laJt Thtlr3day fnnn waierlng ,Jhe lronl lawJt Monday stole herDome in Da Nang, SOuth Vietnam. nearly f200 in cash belon&ina'lO tbe vtc- Two alternaUves face her mraeont::-Open Um IJld 1 nladve. heart surgery wtlh Ila c o m p I t te Mn. baballo A. Rober&o, IC, o1 M reconstrucUon of &he qan'1 arteries Broadway, .aald the I091 to Mr WU •tt7. or a compe"'8tlng procedltrt ·in which whllt RUlh H. Roberae, 45, loll 1811 lo blood vessels In the -woold be the iotrudtt. • ----- • INSWE TODAY C~chs, who've Md HttJt to chter about Jatelv, art tt11o¢ng th•ir lat.st ClllnJcllon, ~ trio~ maU b.,...U. l'ragtu'• mai~ 1qU4ff, Pool JP. -. -" --.. --.. --' IYNNo """ 1t MCi.I W-1>-'4 '""' 1•11 UICI ._. ... •n T-U _, . -. eltMl'Mlft9 M --.. I l 1 ·---·-~---........ • • ' J • " • ., • ·. . ' . - Jtleeluinie Jtla,.s Do0se CfJll . Costa Mesa police sajd , Edward Zenenvltz' first. mistake was· )11\tlng Jobli P. Crldley'• house at 204i Orange Ave., el m!dnlgb\ Monday. His second · error, officers said, was trying to back his Cadillac • ·out with the porch collapsed upon it. Officer John C. Whl!.e said the mechanic w~s driving east on Bay St;reet when he turn.ed too wide at Orange Avenue. Moments lat.er, Zenerwttz was riding in the opposite direction -to jail .. He was h~d on suspicion of be- ing drunk in publid. · DENIES ALL • Murr1y Chotlnor Chotiner Denies Rumors of Nixon .. • ID Nose!' Thief Gets Jail, 416 AA Meetings A Hollywood burglar who favors forays ~ to Costa Mesa was sentenced Mpnday to a staggering total of 14 montha In Orange County Jail, eight yearS of pro. baUon and Alcoholica A n o n y m o u s meetinp for 416 Weeki .. William A. Rojas Jr., 23, had given aJa>hollsrn as the reason for his crlm1nal record spanning the last 10 years. . "Don't t e 11 me alcoholism," snapped J u d g e William A. Speirs, 0 I'm going to tell you that I won't treat you any dUferenUy than any ... other defendant in this courtroom. -"It's time you were hlt In the nose," he added. Judge Speirs set aside a long chain of evidence and reports from the defen. dant's psychiatrist and warned that next t Im e Rojas comes up for punishment -if and when -he will go to state prison. Rojas was sentenced Mondiy on two separate offenses. • One brought nine months in county jail and five years' probation for the attempted burglary of the SatQer Mortgage Co., 336 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa, early !tst June. Probation violation as the result of hls conviction for burglary of the Hedder service staUon 1n September of 1967 brought Rojas an additional five months 1n jail and three years 1n probation. In addltlon, he must·drlnk no ·more and attend regular weekly meetings of Alcoholics .Anonymous, which tallies up to 411 meetlngL • As ::A:dViser :. :. ~ ... ~1i'· . :..ii ... J _....,,.,"tr'\ ',,i ........ .,. ' I o • • •' /'../ ,__, ~ Y9RtC!uPll -;:,-~e;,r.;,~~ •Rlciwd M. NIJOI!. iod8I' .\ianied Dr, l.-, A. JlilBrjdge, ~t at tbe CaJlltnia r~ or~ ... 1111-.elder ~t ldvilir bl ctiara..i ·~with ~ 1.b •. QP beOOi>.i b.. P9lillc"1 and' lntelleetllal conunun!U~ J:iilBr!d1~ a";frlencr.of N~on's for 22 Y.Wf, wurr~ as i>t'ea!dcnt ol Calteoh ' ,--.19 take lbe"pqo\lklp. • · • • • · ·'llio fT'l'elNlld physicist said he was . delllh_!ed.wlth·tbe~ an~ ":ould ad- \rfse._ Nixon on wars h\. whlCb the ftderal government' <ow~ :~ili\>Ulate:'. . .Cientlfic an<!-l;<hnolollaj .r.....-ch. .. -.· . , • . "I.Will no1 IJO.,Iili !>Olitleal idruer. nor economic adviser bui will I try to get the best aclentHlc infonnation ln the countr.y_ and present it to him," DuBridge said. Ni.Ion introduced DuBrldge to newsmen at hla Hotel Pierre ~dquarters and praised him. as one of ~erlca's !earing scientists. . . Noting there was a tendency for people In the scientific and intellectual com· munJties "generally to take a rather dim view of \he political operator/' NiJ:on said that .one of DuBfldge's jobs will be "to reassure them that our interest is not only in what they can produce but in how they can counsel us." . He has devote(! most of hls cal'ffr to the pursuit of pure science but dur· ing World War II was director of the radiation laboratory at the Massachusett!I Institute of Technology, which developed the microwave early warning radar. DuBrldge said l)e would seek to stimulate basic university research and that he hoped federal government parUcipatlon 1n such programs would increase. He said be currently saw no sclent.iflc lag of the United States behind the ,SOviet Union but added, "we must guard against it becoming so." Nixon's headquarters also announced appointment of t w o major task forces, one on science and the other on space. T h e y are to study ·waya In whicll th e Nixon administration can particlpste 1n space and science programs and report their findings to NiJoo and DuBridge. , Dr. Lee Alvin DuBrldge, chosen by President-elect Richard Nixon aa his sclenUf1c adviser, "comes to his charm- ing, little house here 1n ·Three-Arcti Bay and thoroughly enjoys 'the quiet "'1d · From Page 1 MESACOUNClL. intended to be tongue-in-cheek," Emory said today. He said it wls intended to focus Cosla Mesa attention on the airport problem. Emory said it ill imperative that New- port Beach, Costa Mesa, and couoty spokesmen get together on the question before tbe CAB hearing, due to conflicts in basic intent, of federal and local aviation plans. He explained that the federal govern- ment has suggested region agencies master J>lan their own aviaUo.."l systems and now, is. in the position of possibly going against the ·Pereira design. The CAB could award Portland-Seattle service out of Orange County Airport, thus effecUvely passing over the Pereira plan's suggesUon for a Jimit of .00.mlle flights. Emory said he has received several _ 1eleph.one calls fro_ m people suggesting an economic boycott of Costa Mesa mercbiei.ta, beed on the Chamber of. Commerce's lnllialion or support for the northwestern routes. • the beaches1 ° sourcea 1n the txclo.slve ~ South Laguna resideoUal UOI oald lhls morniog. 1 A spokesman for the 1'brte=Arcb Bay AssociaUon said the Caltech ~ent and hls wife are ''-Very qlllet, anobtrusive people who spend' tim"i'hete, in the Ii.on· mer and some weekends Whed they can · get away.'' The spokesman ,added th.at th e DuBridge home at 38 Portola Road bas "a gorgeous view.'' Tl)e DuBridges bought lhe house in the private beach community about six years ago and jo~. the ~tion and club there shQrtly afterwards. Before that,. tl}e spokesman said, they owned a home in the Capistrano Beach brea. . She said lhe Cal Tech bead Aiid his wife keep to themselves most, ot the time, although Mrs~ OuBridge has at· tend® ·sorne · of the social-e'/eot.,, at the ,cluJ:l~ouse., : . , . DuBridge, &7, modest-and stocky, has been described as "a pleasant, slighUy rumpled 'Mr. An)'body'." His· c a r e e r as president of t he Pasadena scfl9ol began' n. Years .ago. He first received ~!>lie ~i!!_t~n!~ in Ii40 when he ~ep~ a U. S. govern- ment PoSt as director of the. radar de". el.op m.e ~ t project at ... the Massachusetts ln.!jitute ol Teclttlolo11. · -~Cabinet Position "I'm not sure bow much organization there might ·~," be said. From Page 1 By EVELYN SHERWOOD ·, Of 1M Dallr f"llfl Sl•rf Newport Beach attorney M u r ray ChoUner 1 close friend and confidante of President-tied Richard M. Nixon, today denied a variety of possibillUes about bis rumored cabinet apPotntment. He also denied be will ,.. Nixon, who ii due to visit the governors cpn- venUon In Palm Springs this weekend. "There is •bsolutely no 1oundati.on to the statement that I will be named BOllcitor general In the Nixon , ad- ministration," he said today. A television newsman repartee:! this rumor Monday night. "'Ibere ls no foundation to the rumor of an appointment to the Supreme Court either," Chotiner said. Campaign manager for Nixon's unsuc~ cessful bid for the presidency 1n 1960, Chotiner bu been an adviser during the receat, successful campaign. Frequently; he traveled from his home in Newport Beach to Nixon's New York headquarters: "I will be in New York again this weekend," Cbotintr concluded, "and do no~ expect to see Nixon during his vlslt to Palm Springs." DAILY PILOT OlAltGI Caul Plllt.llHINQ COMPANY l•Hrt H, W••d Pmldent •ncll ,lllll1..,.. J•c1i: l. C•rfrt Vice Pr.klllll ft .._II MIM11r 1\•111•t K•n"ll Edllor tfto11111 A. M11rphl11• MIMtln• r!dll'OI' P111I Nln•n Mwrtlillrlt DirKlor .._ __ )JO W••t l1y ltr1•t M1ili111 M4r•11: P.O. 11• 11,0, tZ,26 --........, llldt: an """ ..... ""~ L..-. ~I nl ......., A-......... , .... ,.. • From Page 1 'Y' SOLONS. • • ... chairman, Newport HBl"bor Business and Professional Women'a Club; Mrs. Sally Crow, first vlct presi'dent, League of Women Voten, and Costa Mesa Police Capt. Ed Glegow. AJ eoon as scores from tonlRbt's ses· slon are complied, the delegatfon is as- signed duties and titles, wlth the t op scorer becoming the senator. Additional jobs are for four assembly- men, then legislative aide, legislative advocate, polltlcal ieporter or staff mem- ber of the delly bulletin published dW'· ing the three-day session. The Orange Coast YMCA delegation is sending its 18th delegaUon to the model Jeglslature, ·under advisorshlp of M i s s Barbara Klimklewlci and Donald Fox. TRAFFIC ... at an early date this season. Mechanical violatlons will be duly noted with citations requiring their swift repair, he said, although accident-causing nffenses are the key target of the Christmas crackdown. Theselnclude, speeding, failure to yield right~f-way, failure to observe a boulevard stop sign, unsafe turning movements, following too closely arid others that cause wrecks. Police have supplemented their radar patrol car force for the .crucial season, besides assigning the four full-time traf- fic officers to help bring a happier holiday to truly unsuspecting motorists. "We're going to keep the holiday season happy for the citizens by keeping more of them in one piece," be said. "That's basically what the citizens are paying us for," he concluded. GOVERNMENT IN ACTION -Orange Coast YMCA members (from left) Cindy Place, 17, Lynn Roesner, 15, Carl Stevens, 15 and Dennis Fox, 15, confer prior to bill-screening session at Newport DAILY ,!LOT lt1n P1!tt1 Beach City Hall tonight. They and others will par- ticipate in 21st Annual California YMCA Model Legislature in Sacramento next month. Assistance has been offered to the group-as It is each year-by.Hunting· ton Beach attorney Robert Polls, a 19M graduate of Huntington Beach High School and young delegate to several Y legislatures. Specific areas nf surveillance will be around South Cout Plaza, 3333 S. Bristol St., the Harbor Shopping Center, 2300 llarbor Blvd., downtown Costa Mesa and other critical points where traffic is heavy and occasionally jammed up. Let PVC Control Noise At Airport, Newport Asks Newport Beach city officials Wed· nesday will ask that the California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) be em· powered to establish and enforce "realistic" conlrola over airport noise . "It is time that the ·buck passing stop," explairn'!d Mayor Doreen Marshall. "Ri&ht now, jet noise problem is bOun· cing hack and forth between the County Board of Supervisors and federal and state agenciea.'' The city's proposal will be made at a hearing before the A s s e m b 1 y Transportation and Commerce Com- mittee in Loe Angeles. City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt will repre&efit Newpoq ai .the all-day 1,ession · In the Sla\e )lulldlng. Comm1ttee chairman Jolin w; ~oran (D-San Francloe<>) said the princlapl sub- jecl oi the be8l"lng, which will p~ably continue through Thursday, will be airport coolrOll lo 1enerat • Hurlburt.'• praeritaUon . Jl¥ .. th t unanimOUJ.IUPPO<I ol ~ NeWj>Qr\ Ciljo Council, Mayor Manliall J\oled. ''The PUC abou1d have lllls noiJe con· trol 4Ulhorltjo, u 1o1ia as It bu the authoriljo ol act oa 1ntni·slale flilhl government agency seemt to want to accept the responsibility far setlinl up restrictions that wtuld rouow untlorm standardl 1111 noiJe and l•I tu.I 1>11lluUon. "County 111pervllorl talte the poaillon that their authority ii prHll!pled by I the FAA (Federal -.Aviation Agency); and the FAA is just not coming to grips with the problem or meeting the need.'' The Transportatlon Committee is ex- pected to devote most of the hearing time to receiving testimony on the Los Angeles lnternation'1 Airport expansion and jet noise controversy. Spokesmen for the city of Inglewood and the In· glewood Unified School District will testify to destruction of property values and sub!equent revenue Jcfss resulting from the big Jell al L. A. lntemaUonal. The city of Inglewood last month sued the city of Los Angeles for f400 million, alleging property damage and loss from airport o"peraU001. From Page I CONSPIRACY •• profit sharing conlracil which would be- come aelf supportina and ia add!Uon re-turn a substantial fncome wlthin rel· 1Uvely few years." The dixtricl attorney said that names of prOapectlve u111vutor1" were obtaloe<I from development companies which had >old Ca1Jlorcta aod Arizona desert lnod to Soutllland reaidenu. t .. Nn D,..,..t W•'r• Dr111•rv bptrll. Ou•lltv Workin1111hip I ln1t1ll1tl111 Upltol.-y a..111:1 v••r• of bp1rl- 1n••· All Work o .... '" 011t Pl111t, fr•• &ff • "''''' 111 Your Hom•. "BEAT" THE HOLIDAY RUSH only, :""1 l[IM.R::1 has it! _.,,....::;./(/ DEEP ~team. - CRNPET CLERn1nrr THE ULTIMATE in CARPET CLEANING ECONOMICAL redUcH the nHJ for ft•qu•nt ' prof•11lon•I cl••nln9 b• .. c1u1• it r•mOv•1 tk• cle•ply tmbed- d•d 1011 •nd le1ve1 no r•1ldu• In the c•rp•t fibtr1 to collect Clirt. CLEANS DEEP •cfuelly r•mov11 soil from both th• pil• of th• c•rp•t •nd th• c•rD•t .b•ckin9. · · · · IUTOIU PILI the powerful exlrec· tlon proct11 tlll\OVtl mol1tur• im• m•di1t1fy, thus •voiding: 1hrink191, and lifts m•tted pile to 'lik• n•w' app1•ranc1, WHIN TOU WANT THE FINUT- SAFE PROCISS ici•ntificallr. d•vtl· oped 1peci•lly for the pro e11ional c1rp1t cle•n•r. It Is completely ••~ for •II c•rp1t fib•n. GENTLE ACTION 1.1111 no bru1h•1 or scrubbing action, so it do11 not dis- tort the . P.il• of th• -c•,pet. SOIL llTARDIN~ AND MOTH PIOOPING •r• included at no extr• ce1t. FREE UTIMATI CAU. RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS Our 21.t YHr of SeNice in Ora~91 County 2950 RANDOLPH COSTA MESA PHONE 546-3432 ) l •' DAll.Y PILOJ ' i. '1:,, t Sinden ts • p•4· Ia Wits • IQ ·' ~· t ~ • I ) ., . • <.;. I ' ,.» ~ ' ••••• • • •• In the Wind r held FridaJ II a ocbool In Gonlen G10¥9. 'l1lo ocboloetk: campeUUoo drew blah ---,an pll'll ol Ille ~ I Jlldm>ond, IT, ol WeolmlnNr Scbool, allo WU asked to -.. lnllh. SWnmli1& 'IP bll ... apoue; tie Aid: "Truth ts bUlcally the same lll1nC o reollt)', wblCh II vflr'/ -· Other -aol dll!ereo1 topiCI. Lewll Wrlgb~ 11, ol Newpo<l !Wbor Hllh 'Scbool, -uked to ta1lt ·on the llleme -Jove your en<mles I.IC..,.. U>ei ll01nt "'1 your f..ita. "I -t alona; with 1t," he recalled 111 Mid, 1if you never lllllo lo·.._ elle y.., never Improve younelf.? tJ • You love In olhtn what you lack In younell -.... Ille theme for Ttrry Bmt, 11, ol Eltan<la llJch School, to.ta Mesa. "I didn't lie too well," she ro- flected. "I aajd someth1ni about bow I try to lmprote myseU," The ltudeota alao pve preplli'ed ·~ and were Interviewed on ·their estracurrlcular actMUea -tallng wrlUen eyamtnaUons In math, IClence, ....... d;I I S z• wlll • mnmoM •• Ill"'"" -_..., ....... OIW _ __,,,_ Oriqe Coul:lllP ....... 1 w~ -""'""-''"' -,. -8-...... -..lla'9 1lulfnw llll _...., Vaodor 8dlul. ,_lo -Llada ,_, -Ot~d J-. Tam ... ad J ... Newport. --,.,._ l'a""lo 1lobert ikbmmb ad 'J• 8cliwln. Mlallqo Vie'" -. fll', A_.,_ and l!allY ~~ ' ~--.. • l I ) '-1 , , * • I "Well, Christmas la almost here, so soften yo\:tr wife for ·the season . -soak her 1n money,.. sulgeats Hugh Wberritt, editor of the Seal Beach Yacht dub "Burgee." Cbrlatmas Is a happy time when you buy .lhla ye.an· presents with Sc~rpionSu~ Fate Largest . Dry Sea · on Moon ' ' . Discovery 1' old next year's money." , ·• The happy season is bete, judg~ ing from the lights springing up all over the cijy. Dllril!g the weelcend nearly every neighborhood bad at least -0ne · or two residents, 'out stringing lights (or the season. Hinted. Ill 'Boqk l'TllACA, N.Y. (AP) -Three <:arneD Unitenity ICjenu..ta say · they • baff dlacove~ whal tbey tielleve 'ii tba largest dry .... 00 the moon. It happens every year that the first house decorators are the first td complain of broken displays,~ stolen and broken· lights and a pall cast on the Christmas season by vandals. Jt'll happen again this year, but placing the displays and lights up and away from the reach of vandals can help. * It may not seem much like Christmas, but Huntington Harbour Yacht Club members are busy signing up boys for a Sea Scout.. Ship 1111d are asking boys in West Orange County 114 to 18 to join the aqua fun. Bill Hartge bas the information at 842-1739 on how the la~s can join in an area where boats and boating are the order of the day. If enou¥.h boys sign up, says Bill, there will be more .than one ship. Judging from the number of boats operated on the waterways at Huntington Harbour · b y youngsters there should be quite a crowd ready to join the fun. * "Call Santa .. project of the Hun· tington Beach Jaycees will begin on Dec. 9 and last through the 12th in the elementary schools. The program has been a huge success ·in the past and promises-to be so again this year. There certainly is no lack of youngsters in WesJ Orange County and Santa is an ~ever popular personality. The number · of the North Pole will be revealed to the yqungsters at the right time. Beach Seeks Lots For Civic Center A condemnation action In which the city of Huntington Beach seeks to acquire more than 50 lots for its proposed civic center is awaiting the setting of a bearing date in Superior Court. PrGperty owners named in the eminent domain actMn included: Peter J. Belluci; the Huntington Beach Co.; U.S. Steel; Dorothy A. Burness; First Western Bank a00 Trust Co.; Standard Oil; TeUCtl, and 100 John Does. . • • • • ~ .. •/ ' Wl;SmN,G'!'(>N (lJ!'l) -A'Mw novel· by a retlted admlro1 .._u tbal the nuclear subiliarine Scorplln mlgljt have been bombeil to the bottom ol t11 .. At1an- Uo by tbei&ssiaM. The autbo< of the reeentfy piiblls1'ed' boot, "'11le Brink," la Rear Adtn.' {)aniel V. Gallery, who during World War II- headed a task group which boarded and cap~ thf: German submarine U505. It was the o,nly sub captureil in battle •nd the fJr<I enemY w~p ~ by the U.S. Navy since 1815. A star-apang\ed war record In .the 19f0s doe.a not,· of ·course, . qualify its holder to solve the mysteries of the nuclear '60s, and Gallery does not make this claim. But he believes the incidents in his novel are poMible and reasonable explanations of the real affair. The recent discovery· of portions of Gun Dealers Face More Paperwork Because of Laws 'WASHING TON (AP) -The n~Uon's gun dealers face even more paperwork wben selling firearms and ammwUtion after Dec. 16 than Congress called for in the Gun Control Aact of 1968. The statute as it passed Congress requires that dealers record the name, age and addr~ of every purchaser ol a gun or ammwµtlon. The Internal Revenue Service charged with 'enforcing the law, says in proposed regulations issued this week that. the informatiQn is enough for ammuruUon pur.rs, but dt>t for l>uyers Qf weapons. When selling a gun, storekeepen must also record place of birth, height, weight and race. The proposed reguaUons wUI go Into e[£ect with the law Dec. 16 unless the IRS changes them. The dealers also will occ&!ionally have to do a little over-the-counter lawyering. The new law Prohibits selling a weapon to a person from anoth!r state_.....unless it's an adjuoining state. Evt;n then the sale is permissible only if the dealer knows a similar sale back in the buyer's home town would not be against the laws of his state or a county or municipal ordinahce. To guide them through this legal thicket, IRS will furnish every licensed dealer with an IRS-produced book that ~ touted as an encyclopaedia of every wupons law and ordnance in the coon· try~Estimated thickness: 200 pages. "'"c 'I Koman Calendar l!ncoverec& Workman carefully clean plaster from ancient Roman calender found below 4tb Century baailica ol Sl Mary Major in Rome. Di,. covery was made while repairs were under way. So far, three months have been uncovered and experts are certain an entire year will ·be discovered. - I , ,, tile ljcorpion'1 bull prompte<I the Navy to 9cbedule reswnpt.ion Pf its ln- vestlgaUon out spring, when weather will permit on-lhe-acene explorations about fOO miles southwest of the Azorea. MeanWhlle, GalleF(_s story rabes in- teresting possibillU... · & he lells it, the Russians discovered how to b'ack Polaris submarines like the Scorpion, not through the use of comparatively sbort.f'ange sonar but' by mean1 of homing In on I.he sub's atomic reactor from ranges as great a.s 20 miles. In the novel, a pursuing Russian destroyer is destroyed during an un- provoked attack on a U.S. submarine in the Arctic seas -a nuclear torpedQ aimed at the &Ub misfires and strikes the surface vessel. ' When a secqnd sub in the Pdlarls fleet vanishes In the Barents Sea, Americans are positive but unable to prove it was the victim Qf a similar attack. Lobo Spirit DAILY PILOT llaitf,..... The eoo.moe Jona: aea, or mare, fl on the far · al.de Of the moon -the lide alwaya i.,lng away from earth, the lclentiata laJd In • peper lo be delivered to the ·American GeoPhYlical UniOn'a. convention which opens today 'in San Fraoclaco. One of the lcientist&, Carl Sqan, said Sunday photographs taken by tlie Soviet lunar spi.ceshlp Zond 6 may abed further light on the discovery. The plcturea showed portions of bot1I aides of the moon, aCCGrding to the Soviet news agency Tass. Sagan saJd although he hadn't seen the picture, ''they definitely would have a bearing on our theory.'' Another pf the scientists, Brian T. & relatiQns between the two nations worsen, the U.S. president ls persuaded to permit the secret sinking of a Russian submarine cruising off Cape ·Kennedy. "If the Russians get away wilh sinking one of our ships, it could very well encourage them to go a bit further," according to the persuasive argument for that action. New Los Amigos High School in Fountain Valley bas not yet started athletic competition at varsity level, but it does have yell leaders. Girls are (top, from left) Kathy Uno1 Leslie Yamamoto, Jan Berry and (bottom, from left) Sue Nold, Jeannie Crane, Debbie Frost, School at Newhope Street and Heil Avenue is...,in Garden Grove Uni· fied Sc!:ool District. O'Leary, said in San Francisco Sunday njght be has seen press photographs of the Russian pictures. He said wbUe he can't be certain, he feels they have no bearing on his theory, which ls based on Lunar Orbiter data and information from an earlier Russian fiigbt. Makolm J. Campbell, tile third lfcieo· tisl.8, was not available immediately for comment All three men are members of the Cornell Center for Radiophysiai and Space Research. ·~------~·--------------------~·~ "If we let them go much further, there will come a time when we've got to say, 'stop, or we will pulverize you.• And after the way the 'Pueblo' fiasco turned out, they may not believe us." - The tactic is successful, arid the world -withdraws from the brink of World War Ill. Princeton Alumni Paper Backs Coed Admitt(lnce GWC Art W"Ork Sale on Dec. 13 The-pre.cttrlstm1ls sale of-student art works at Golden West College in Hun-- tlngton Beach is scheduled for Dec. 13 from 3 to 7 p.m., not on Dec. 3 as previously announced by the college. The reader has trouble In dif· ferenUaUng one heroic admiral from another. Each W&! prompted by lhe highest of patriotic motives and managed t.o carry out his duties in spite of the civilian secretary of defense who, with his "Whiz Kids," were cast in roles more villainous tJ:\an the Russians. Th e military'$ distaste f o r former Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara Ct1mes through clear aqd strong. But if characterization lacks body, the plot does not. The story moves at a brisk clip and makes good reading. PRINCE:l'ON, N.J. (UPI) -The Princeton Alumni Weekly, in Its first editorial in 14 years, strongly s:i,ipports a student-faculty proposal to actmft coeds to the 222-year-0ld, all-male. university. In the issue mailed this week to 35,000 old Princetonians, the weekly says all· male 'education "is a hangover from the Victorian era, irrelevant to the in· terest of modern life." Alumnus John 0 . Davies wrote in the editorial that "Princeton without girls in lhe 1970s would be an anachronism and in the 1980s, ludicrous." The school's student government and the faculty committee have proposed enrolling women Jn the 2,SOO.member undergraduate division. A total of 40 letters-to-the-editor - pro and Ctln -were printed with the edltorlal. A member or the class of 1917 said pressure for coeducation exists because the restraints of "dedicated parents and the Christian religion" have failed to reach "the se:1-consclous teen-agers of today." The exhlblt and sal• will be held In the Community Center under direction of Mrs. Kay M"ortenson, art instructor and coordinator. Several hundred works will be available to the public lncludlng prints, three-dimensional dealgns, con- stellations and mixed media. Proceeds from the sale will be divided between the artist and the college galleria to help support ot.ber art ac· tivities on campus. Instant Christ1nas Club ' ' • ' ·-------------------• No.bounceAccount Application (J lln~ a S.po1'9l9d tto. of ~ndentll [J M.m.d 0 DIVOR*I ---··--.. .. ------------· 5'-IN wnount ol' cllh ~ $ )'O&I W0111c11.., -1Leble 7 I I I IQ"" Addrn1 -'c:cOum nllll'lbtr htanct <11111 MO. .,.,,,.,..,.,. ,._.. """""''' """"' 1'~"-"------h,..,;;;;;;-..-----------~~i>M~"""'~'~;;;;;;;-_,.-hN~,>-,_=-:;,~~+-~-.~ ... =1m=om~"=""'"""°' ... ""°o"""'""""" ___ __;: ·-----------------------------------· Santa Claua Is an institution. A big, warm-hearted, $900-million bank. Us.We've got the solution to your holiday money problems. Cut this out and cut out worrying. It can open a $300 io $2400 No-bounce Account,• depending on your wishes and credit. Once approved, you'll be able to wri_te check. for money you don'thavc in the bank. Our computers will quietly make automatic loans to your account to cover those chew. The strings attached. Even though it's Christmas, we can'tbc foolish. So there's an interest charge -11.\3 per month on the average daily balance due. . . ., Where to get your Cbriatmal greenery. Send the No-bounce Application to the First Western br.mcll where you have a checking account. A checking ao- count is necessary, so if you don't have one with us, drop by any one of our offices and we'll handle things from there. If you need money, we want you to know we can help. But whether you do or yon don't, we wish you ~good Cbriatmas and a good year. We wanlyou to know that, too. No-bounce Account· • ··----~----~------"--...,!; - ' DAILV l'llOT • - ' •a.I .. ,. 'Diri ......... 'Ibo Procrastinators -Cl•b ol America will celebrate Ila 10th anniyersaey at jt& conven~on . at Atlantic City, N.J. The mA111 Item on the convention adgenda is the nomlnatlon ot a presidential can .. didate. Delegates lrom 13 states will "be ab!~ to cast ballots for either Mlll1rd Filmore, GMrge Wishing~, H1rokl St111en or Richard Nixon. • U.S. ,Cites 455 MDM.z ' . . . ... Vtrilatio~ ' l • •WOON (,U-) ~·The U. '. Commud aid . ...,. tllat ,_., .. __ 1111 .:=r~~~~: m-the bOmblna bait o. Nov, 1 ... r In ot lollt lU <t tlie lncldeoto A.-lcon plooes, artill<ry or wonblJll fired oo the_,.yf ...... Prev"""'1 Ibo u. ~ 'Commond hod re"'""4 ·~ ,nr1l/c Into the DMZ .. -30'"_..,.,. lbo·""'1bln( hilt, oooolllil!f-...wrlbo COl!lillood bad called ·~"~111«1101.~ ocUvtty. , Tqdp.a v. s. ~~ tllat --·--bad . ·-Into the ....u..m ~Oi 1!ie 'Jillie '11'' tim<s 11111 Jrlld'.~ ... ~. or. l!ortll Vlei--~five~·"·. ' ' .ip;.-riluoc!·""'diil ..... ··rep0ri tbe ·others la thot.lhe HIU!tl·-.~ llitnlfl, cant," tbe ~lu.ld.'"In bne .... the target. ... """""""' 11111 .... could, not pt "'.. ~ usrament. In olber ...... hid ,_ther prtcluded an 11sesamenL Y~ 'mlcbt Call some of In Wol..,.hompton. Enjjland Denni.s Scritiem, 22.. ~ a si:r inc~· /or Jc '"' a ·tt1taurant. A~ surgeons removed tM fork, hil .fnothef Mr~. !fe~n ScriVtflf' 11!'%plaiJ&td, '~enma )l4lJ · been balanelng ·the tork··on ;hit • nme" wMn 1om.tthinf1 etard• · him, he opened hi.I mouu. and,, th.t' fork slid in and.down. · · i · ·· it hsruslag and Interdiction fire, 11 k e cuitlni a ri>ld where activity had been Hotel.keeper B!l•n ' T~ol~ of . Bournemouth, Englaod iJ . looking · for a man with !l good ~rowing . arm as the result of the new · trade · description act. The act Is de6lgn¢ to eH.rninate adVertisemetJ\s that · are untrue. Tokeley, 'whose· .hotel ' is more than 270 feel. lrom . the. ocean front, wants tO advi!rtise it ' as b~g "4 stone's thrpw from the : sea.'[ , . · • • 'Ibe Reader's Digest has-annoon .. ' ced that its employes will work · onlY four days a week each May. DeWitt Wallace, co-chainnan of the magazine, sllid. the purpoie of tile innovation would be to give '2,800 employes "a substantjal amount of additional leisur~." The employes currently work a 35--hour week. . . ' ~·~ . ' M.no 1 h emajorlty a1 1 h • 455 "tn- dicallooi ol -.,actlvtiy or pnllOllC9 in \be demrutm:beef "zme" were lalleJed in!iinlflcanl bJ II. S. Headquarten, tho. ·tchls made clear tllal NOrlb Vle- acUVitf In the Zone f::oqthwes to bi br~k and -that .U.,S. plabes and ground forees a're on tbe alert to retaliate. The 'spokesman aald the "inc:Ucationa" Included such jhlnp as Blpllng vehicles, ai:tiv!ty .., ttalla, bunkers, sampam, lights, and small groups of solclien on the move. Tbe 30 "sJ.enifiCant" incidents in the DMZ lnj;luded two' attacks by North Vietnamele . m•rbioe . guns Monday on an American reconnaiSsance plane. A communique said American bombers at. tac~ il/e two ·gµn j>Oliliona, destroying one, and damaging the-other. None o~ the. planes were· hi~ the communique added. ' ' 'The South Vietnam~ F.01eig'n· Ministry announced todaf lhll the North· · Vietnamese 138th Army Regiment had returned lo the southern hall oC the DMZ on Nov. %1. The ministry said il bad protested ·to the International Control Commission. • • . 'J • ' SCENE THAT OTHER STATE COLLEGES HQPE TO AVOID . Polle• Chase Dl11ld9nt1 Off San Francisco Stat• Camput MOnday Hearty o~~asion ~· ' First Transp!ant Year Ago Today CAPE TOWN, Soulh Alri<a (llPJ) - Jut before noOn a year· ago today one of the sweaUng surgeons gasped and said, "My god, it's.goln·g tb work!" It was the· completion of the first suc- cessful transplant o( a hWnan heart. Since Dr. ChriJ!i.ao Neetl!llng Barnard, 44,, tr&Tl$planled the heart or Denise Ann Oarvaf, ~•. into' the chest ol SS-year- old' grocet -LOI.iii Wa.slikarusky Dec. 3, . 1967, suril:eons 1 around_ the work! have J)erfonned nelirly 100 such operations. Tributes to Barnard poured Into Groote Schuur Hospital today. But perhaps one or the mOBt significant was from Dr. Denton A. Cooley of Houston, Tex., who has performed more heart transplants than anyone. "All of us found it difficult to believe," Cooley said of the first transplant. Cooley said if Washkansky had lived only 24 hours rather than the 18 days he survived "It would have been amazing because he did so with the organ of another hliman." Washkan.sky died of double pneumonia wilh·the transplanted heart ltlll1beating •. On Jan. % Barnard ·tramplanted the heart of Clive Haupt, 25, Into the chest of Dr. Philip Blaiberg, SB, a .retired dentist. Blaiberg is dolng so well ht is thinking of a vacation in Europe next year. ··r and my team never raced to be first to transplant a heart," Barnard said. ''We had been working towards it and knew others were, but weren't afraid ol not being finrt." Bla i berg and Barnard's third tran·splant patient, Petrus S m I t h , gathered at B.lalberg's apartment Mon· day to toast the anniversary of Barnard's pioneering operation. 18 .Other ,State -" .. Colleges Watch Events at SF. The As1oclated Pre11 Officiila of California State College campuaes with large minority g:r1l 1p enrollments art keepin&: a ctose w-.tcb. on Ute San Francisco Stale disturbances, hoping they wpn't spread. At the smautr, less urban campuiea In the lkampus system, administrators are optimistic. Their students, tb&Y say, don't usually get Involved in such •gs. An uneasiness on all the campu~ was apparent M0:nday in a SW'Vey by the Associated Presa, which contacted admintstratora and staffs of student newspapers. At the 18 campuses besides San Fran· cisco, there was no apparent attempt by 1tudent activists to drum up support fOf' the Black Student Unlo\ and Its demands at Sail Francisco, Auto Industry's 'High Pressure' "Tactics Assailed 1taly Rocked.by Violence, ·--. . . .;.. ... ...;. --, But Bob Wells of the Long Beach State College Newa Bureau said officlals there ari keeping in close__ touch With. students. A btuy of beauties surrounds Hugh Hefn,er publisher of Playboy maga· tine, on the set of his television aer· ies "Playboy After Dark." The aeries which will feature noted &tari i.s sche· duted to start in JaRUary. • A suit which questioned the con· W ASllJNGTON (llPJ) -A Federal Trade Comrnissl~ consultant accused the auto industry today of hi@ pressure sales policies which 'be "said prompted dealers to chea( their cunomers on re- pairs, fmancing and used car deals. Dr. William N. Leonard told the Senate Antitrust and Monopoly Subcom- mittee that car manufac~rs push their dealers to sell new cars, even at low profit levels, and consider repair work "a necessary evil." The result, Leonard sail!, is a long list of dealer schemes designed to earn fat profit.. to make up for low markups on new cars. Strikes in Three Cities ROME (UPI) -Tens of thousands of angry Italians went on 11trlke today and marched through the streets of ma- jor cities protesting a clash between police and striking farmhands in Sicily thAl Iefl two dead and 52 injUred. The protests brought bomb blasts in Genoa and Pisa and signs in Rome calling on Italians to "rise up against authoritaria~sm. '' No injuries and no major damage were reported in ·ttle bomb exp!O&ions. Authorities feared the incident in Sicily would trigger further violence around the country. It was the worst since the Communi!t-led riots of 1960 which cost I I lives. Mariano Rumbr continued efforts to solve a two-week-old government crisis, 20,000 students marched past the Coloaseum with signs reading: "Police, assaMins." What began as a protest against th e outdated school system ended in a demonstration against "police brutality." Other strikes and protes! rr\arches came in Milm and o&her cities including ' Genoa where stlf styled anarchists called on Italians to rlse up "against the laws and the state." Windows were shattered and a night watchman slighUy injured. "We have similar problems here," Wells said, "such as in curriculum reform." He said there is an acUve organ l i at i. on of Mexican-American student,,, and • branch of the Black . Studenta _ Union which is advocating changes.· "So far tbeJ have all worked well within the ttructure Of l b e ad- minlatration," WeU. said. At Sall Fernandq State, where a itu- dent disturbance last mootb unsettled the campus, Charles Manley, f!peclal assistant to the president, said, "I hesitate to make any kind of prediction." He said there wu no Indication of any trouble brewing. "I'm sure that what happem at San Francisco State will aet the pattern for the whole college system," Manley ad- ded. - New Unrest Hit.s Schopls lriNew¥ork ' ' \ NEW YORK (AP) -llandl cl 1tudeol& ~ to lbe lengthened ochool day that -lied !nxn tbe city teachers' llrite a!lthered 1n. pro1eo1 ouulda '°"' lllih ICliools 1n \fonhallan and qu...,. lod&,y. The Dew unrest came a day Jflet dllorde.r an d atudent vandalism broke out In tbe Ocesii,Hill·Brownsville dlslrlcl lq Brooklyn and ellewhere In tbe city. and alter tbe llate ordered !he clooing al 1 llrlfe-lom Bnli>klyn junior blah acbool "until further notice." A few hundred studeotl 1alhered Ollllido ihr<:e hilh IChoo1s In lbe Ba)'llde .ection ol Queens, police .. ported. In , Monhattan. 150 1tudenll protesting an i:30 a.m. early opening jammed the ltreet outside Sluyvesant Hlgh School, lhen enler<d tbe blllldin& 15 minutes late.' State EdUC1tion Commissioner James E. AUen'a order Monday followed clashel betweon , rock-lhrowlng lludenll and poli.,,.,ln lbe efght.echool decentralized tbtrlet--1 h i t bu been !he focus al tbe clJy'a conUnulng school criaia. • ADea a110 allDoWlced tllal Auoclate ~.Herbert F. Jolmsoo, the llate.appolnlod lrulte< trying lo nm Ocean Hill In the altennalh of lbe bitter teachers' Blrike, wu being temporarily relieved at.hil own request. "H~'s pretty well worn out at the morrient," Allen aald. "He wantll time to rethink the program and decide where to go from' here." William D. Firman, U assistant state commisaloner, wu named Job:nlon'1 replacement. Johnson would Dot comment on the aituaUon when he left the school in mldafternoon. It was not clear how he could have been locked up--1inci hi Wal · actonlpaitled by aides and a police boctyguu<I'. ' The Rev. C. Herbert Oliver, chairmln of the suspended .Ocean Hill local govern- ing board, deoounced the decision to cloae JHS 271 aa "more evidence of cont.empt for the black community." The Negro minister and aboul 20 lllP" porters entered JHS 271 during the eveD- ing saf.inl they planned to 1tay all nigh! and open for classes In the morn- ing. Police said they left peacefully several hours later. Drugged Boy Dies After Pair Dump !Ji~ ·at Hospital BRIOOEPOR'J;, Conn.o (UPI) -Two teen-agers left a third youth In a wheelctlair at Bridgeport· Hospital Mon· day night and fied, Jeavinl their com- panion to die a shQrt time later of an apparent overdose ol narcotics. Police uid the two youths drtlve up to the hospital at about 6 p.m. and carried a thi(.d youth into the building. They left him ln the nearest w)>eelchair and ran to 1be waiting car, according 1 to autbortt.ies: The }Qlrth died a short time later . but it wu ·*" until 11· p.m. that police were able-.to ldt:nUfy ·him through his parenll u Harold Lee, 15, of Stralford. Medical Ezamlner Harold Doherty aald the boy died of an apparent overdose ol ' narcotics. He said samples of the youth'a blood would be sent to the state laboratories for tert.s. Police were searching for his two comPanJons. stitutionality of a Chicago city or- dinance which prohibits women from working as bartenders unless they are owners of the establish- ment has been dismissed in U.S. District Court. "Such laws have been upheld geneta!ly as tending to safeguard the morals of such fe- males and in some .cases of the customers," Judge James B. Par- sons ruJed. "Many dealers will · make $400 on a used ' car aelllng fOT 11,000 ancl only 1150 on a new car selllna: for f3,000," he said. "The result is t6e buyers of used can-those who as a rule have lower incomes and cannot afford new cars- pay higher pr\ce! and help subsidize the new car buyer who has more iii· come to begin with." Leonard said dealers also jack up interest rates for car financing, parts prices and repair bills. The subcOmmlttee.. also heard testi· mony that auto repair operations pass off rebuilt parts a.s new ones and bopst- ed. part prices last year alone by $1 billion. Sicily was paralyZed by a .protest strike and defiant fjrmhands ln1 the 12th day of a strike . .for higher pay set up new roadblocks in the countryside around Avola, tWng"'!tones; felled trees, trucks and tractcrs. A wilice attempt to remove a slmllal'-roAdblock Monday brought the clash in which two strikers were shot to death.~ Jn Rome, where Premier-designate The Avola farmhands scored a victory today when landowners agreed to raise their pay 10 percent and consider other demands. The present pay is 3,110 lire a day, just under $5. But the news did little to change the strikers' grim niOOd. Thousands of farm workers defied sieady rain and converged oo the provincial capital ot Syrscmie for funerals for the two men slain Monday, Giuseppe Scibilia, 46, and Ange.lo Signoa. 25. Robert Taylor Recovering After Surgery for Cancer Gulf Rain Spreads North Dense Fog Blanket Hinders Mid-Atlantic Air Traffic ' -. ~ ~ Collfornl• T~!•lp~rotures MOillY IUl!n, 1kle1 ctr1ll1"'" IOll<I• """' S...11\t'!'n C11Homt1, while t~~ lot1ily .,.._ ltlllh wind• of !tie Pll$1 !~w d1v1 In Ille maunl1ln1 .,,., boilcw Ille c.t"Y""I lle!;rflM'll. T..,_rllv"'I Wffe 1ll9fl!ly w1rmer In thol 1/lrr· -., but conllnutd coot 11 11'9hl. N!th Low l'rec. LOI Ante!H Ind vicinity COf!llMI«! "'""' willl 11,_ gut!y wl""' tii.low IN <;a.nY'Ofll Cleerrt1ln1. T-••lu,.. ww. ~lel>ll'r -rmer ""'~"' fM ,,..,,. _, hours, M c...itl!Ut'd c91d' 11 "lohl. TDdlY'1 hlv!r """' 11ioul 10. Ta-"lllllf'I low .al. Ths Air Pollulktn Clllll'ral t>l1lrkt r.. llOl"led no 1metg In ll'lt LOI A"9tlet 911!n. 9 .. dles Clllllln\/ed IUl\rlJ' Wiit! lo> ceny tu•IY wll'll1 be'°" l'tlt CA~ vens durlne the morn!"' MU"', Hltfl ...,_.tu,.. ''"'" llHr 17, TM .,,.,., ..... cool !II. ' The '""""'•!111 (lllllfJnuN' """""' wilt! •"'--Iv wl"'" ... 11u.ll'y ... n"Ml'"9. Ptl9M ., ·~ leYell -I'll "'°'"" Ill !'he -· • -TM *-" c..,u_, 111111'1'1' wtltl hi.ht, .. fllill9 ""' 611 ·II\ 1t1e 1111111r ¥11ieofl; .,,., ,,.., I'll I~ ~ rMlofll. SolM h'9M """""''' ..... forK11t "'°""""'" ""'"" lllCfucH>d• L-~ n.n, ""'' Mo!lkl tf.111. eur· ltl9nlt '1·"· Ml, Wlltoll a.JI, P1~ •i. u-5'. Rl¥eoio. ..U1, Pt'"' ~ 6f.1'. B..,rrsllellll M-11, Sill ~ 6Mf, ""'' hrt.eni ""'· LOI .... HGELES AND \/ICIHITY-M.9"' 11,11111y W9dllftdly. lllPttv --•"-•· Law lollltftl ... Hllh w.._.,,,,. 7(, COA,ITAL AND INTl!RMEDIA'fl VAL.LEYl--kmnv WedneNliy. A trltle ..,.,. *"'· 1.-lon'9111 • lo ..,, """"' ................ "° 7$. MOUNTAIN AJIEA5 -SllMY' Wwf. ...-.v .•• ,_ ........ llfTlfltOft AN(> Dt"IERT REGl~I ~ -W~v. S09'111y ..,.... ..,.. ~ (8" ........ COllll ... ............. Wlltlil 11 "' • OWltll v..,..n .. »-11111• .. .., ........... H191\$ WWnnd1v SI fw .. ~ ..... le ~ '-r ¥11'-VL '• -- ' ' ; c ... t•I c ...... ,,. dllli. ~1"' "'"' .... , •• ~ •• 1-!1v. Wlllfl. •i;:t••111fffll I' lo Je !'fl.IA T~ , ',"? ... VK......,., hll~· ,., II If. '""""'lll'tllc'toi ............... • t.M '-"'«•lvn' .,_ -'1 N ... Tiit _ ... ,.._,.. ........... -St1t1, M-, Tf.ie• • ._ TVISOAY I ~ ................ .t:• Ml .... S1corW 111111 .••• . . t :lt ttJ'll, M W•DN•tDAY Flm 1oW .............. , l :M 1.m. I.I '"'"' 1119'1 ............. 1:4' '·"'· '·' S.CW.. tow .... ; .• .. , I ! .. •·"'• t.J .__ Miii , ............ t :# o.m, JJ; .._ a ... t :4'1 '·"'· Sfh l:e '·"" .... • ... •:.a '·"'· Soll ., ... •·"'· ... ""· . ~ ...... ll'lrMO, DK. 11 Dec. It D9(. H " A 11>11"""'"""' " " "' il.nchor•ff " • •• All1nl1 • • &Ktrsl~ld • " e11m1rrt • • . m .... ~ • '""" • • ,,, Cllle190 • " " c;11•d•11,.n " .. Cleveloncl • " ... .,.,_ " " Del Molr>et • • ... ~. • • ... ~or1!i » " ~ • ... = • " • " ....... a ff Houllol ;.. " g ·" tr.•-(lty " " '"""" " • L• A11te* .. .. M!1ml ..... " n Mllw..illet " • •• MillnOlllollt " • . ~ -"""" • • N-Yodl • • ....... " • ..... _, " " P1to RDIMn • " P'l'lllldll'lolll• .. ~ ........ M • .. _ .. " ........ " " ., lt1Jld City " " Red 8h.tlf .. " ·-• S.01rnffl!O " " SI. ,~. • • 111111111 • • WI L..U CllY " " ... '" 0 .... " .. Sit! .. .-i.e. • • -·-~ " • ...... " • ·" ..,.,M .u .u ... """"" M " W1tfll!'tttwl • .. To m'ark the funeral, the three main labor unions in Sic.Uy began a general strike that closed down factories, sulphur mines and a number of public offices. Student.a joined the workers. Grant Cooper To Take Over Sirhan Defense LOS ANGELES (AP) -Grant B. Cooper, a Lmf Angeles trial lawyer, bas taken over the, defense of Sirhan Bishara Sirhan. Cooper sa.id Monday he agreed to take the case shortly after Sirhan was charged with the a!&!SinatJon of Sen: Rpbert 'F. Kennedy. _. "I was the f Ir s l one that was asked to defend Sirhan," Cooper said. "I'll be calling !he shots but we'll all be worldn1 together." RUJSdl E. Paraons hu been handling Sirhan's case. He announced June 11 "A prominent man who has handled many prominenl cues" would join the defense when be finished another client's case . Cooper said Emile Zola Bmnan of New York also will join the defense. Cooper bu been def""""' Mounce H. Friedman in a card-ebuting con- spiracy trial which ended Monday wllh the oonvlctlon of the 'I.as Vegu developer • nd our others. HOLLYWOOD CAP) -Actor Robert Taylor, mown for his llriklngly &ood ' . l-ud l....iul, low-key perfonnonce, is aufferlng lrom cancer In his rlpt tuna. his wife told lodoy. "He bu known· cl It for aome time," add• d 1ils wife cl 14 years. actnu unula 'lbelas. Suraoma dJJcOYered lbe concer alter removing lllOll al T.,.tor'a rlglit lung Oct I becaUll tl. a· ftmcua infection known u valleJ fiver: • Tayklr roturned lo St. Poul'a Hoophal Nov., 11 for"'vutment cl an infection lhat compllctitkrecovery from IW'ftry. Docton llUIOWICed ool1 that Ibey bid h"'!I 1ucceafUI In draining an ·- tllal'lonned In ""' ..... ol lljl"itry· "II la DOI 1 honlp cancer, but he Is dolnc well," Mid Mill Tbe1A, a German-born beouty who wed Taylor In 11164, -yeorw alter bla divorce frun aclr\11-Barbara Slanwyck. Toylor IW nofbeen nhoopltallsed ancl remained at hlJ llkcre ranch borne neor Hollywood In Mllldefille Canyon U.S. Gold Reserves • Show . Sharp Increa1e WASHINGTON (UPI) -U.S. auld «- wvu lncn!ued aharply, chiefly 11 the expense al the -lrlnc, durln& the lhree-monlh period ending Sept. Ill, the treuury .. ported lod&,y. Heovy French salea al &old bolted the U.S. lotol wppty lo a !let $71million1&1n during the tlilid quarter, the ,.port said. where be railel quarter hones and black chickens called auatralorpl. He wu not available for comment, bla wife told: Jiiatin$ Apples . In 'P-arliament Not Cricket? LONDON (I/Pl) -The usualty plocld H01130 al Commcxil uplodeij Into uproar today when Consuvattve member John Welll wu detected eatUw an apple near the hack benches. Laborite Charlea Pannell complained angrily, "Mr. Wells has been atondln& II lhe hor· al the HOUR, lpendln( tbe lul 10 minutes munching applet." He demm:led the speaker do aomelhln& •hoot JL "' lawmuen roared their dlsapprovol. Wefla tried unauccusluDy In find a oeat amona the crowded Conaetvattvt heft. ches. Finally, he 10 I oo Ibo floor; aWl eating lbe opple. Alter the dally queslion period. Hence ~Kina. the apuW "'tbe-.. announced P'•velJ : "I understand that centorlel a Io ParUoment wu a place -memben hrougllt orangea In In eat. I have no power to interfere with the mutlcltoey habit.I ol MPa." COl\aenallv< John Hynd ul<ed ff ' K would bt "equally in order" for att MP lo "Indulge ln liquid ..imtunent In the chamber." Kina lgnorod the question. Wells quleU1 finished e1Una Illa apple. l ( • ' I . ~ '. I I' • ., • • 'Y"' ' • VALUES TO $1.19 . . ·~ . . . . .. -&. ... ,, ,,, ., . ~ " ....... . ,._, ' . ·.\ ' '"· . • ' ;C; .. '· .. wiln : ~ ~:. !·•,) .. _;-'ii-II r' .... ,._ ... ~ '••• ~ ' ' •• ' ' ''' • said Mrs. Hoffman (SAVING MADE ON HER $39.89 PURCHAS•J THIS TESTIMONIAL IS F~M ONE Of' MANY CUSTOMERS WHO MADE THEii OWN SHOPPING COMPARISON TEST AT FAD. EACH CUSTOMER DID HER WEEK· LY SHOPPING AT A NEARBY COMPETITOR ANO THEN ON THE VEIY SAME DAY SHE PURCHASED THE IDENTICAL ITEMS AT FAD WJTH nos BIG SAVING. FAD ~.o~:i':'.vi,~~ ~~~bt:TL;:~rNig~E~~~ TIME YOU SHOP AT FABULOUS PROVE IT TO YOURSELF! WEiL PAY YOU $1.00 TO MAKE YOUR OWN SHOP· ·PING COMPARISON. COME IN AWD ASK YOUR FAD MANAGER FOR A "SHOP· PING COMPARISON CARD." .. N.0 STAMPS • WO GAMES • NO GIMMICKS . '' ~ ' : MRS. JOAN HOFFMAN QF COSTA MESA, SAID '.'l'YE BEEN SljOPPlfllG "AJ"F/\D $1.NCE TRf DAY IT OPENED, COMPARED PRICES AT OTHER S:TORES ·AND VOU 9-N'T BEAT· THEM (FAD) IN QUAL!TY QR CQll_RTESY, BUT THE MO.ST IMPORTANT. IS PRICE.''. . . . . ' . -. . ' . . . . ·•. . ... ·: .___:-.. . l~ • JUST EVERYDAY LOW PRICES 9lus 4 SfAR SPECIAL!;-.'' =·--. ' '. .. ; '-~ 4 .STAI SPECIAU -· ••..•. ~ . . . . ~ P·VOLT O TRANSISTOI BATTERIES PACKAGE i 37' It's SANTA ANA- I ,. SPRINGFIEtD SPRINGFIELD CAL FAME ' G9LOEH Cll!OV! · _;: ':ire extra ICIV• Ing• made po11ible by 15 OZ. CAN 4 VARIETIES 303 CAN o CUT 303 CAN DUNCAN HINES· 18 oz.1 PKG. "6 OZ. •AU ~lAVOR ORANGE '$ THOROFED DOI FOOD with Meat 80111 GREEN BEANS CORN CREAM OR WHOLE KERNEL CAt<E MIXES · ·FRUIT · .. . . ' DRINKS .. . ; · ·JUICE .,., 1peclcil purchaM from the man- ufacturer and paued on to you everyday. PRICES EfFECTIVE WEDNESDAY THRU TUESDAY DEC. 4 thru DEC. 10 STORE HOURS DAILY-10 A.M. to 9 P.M. 17' 115' 17' BLEND 32' I -2.7· .~"GA~.L~ c ANOR .c>o0 57, SAVE 3c .• 6 SAT. & SUN. 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. SAVE 3c SAVE 4c EXTRA FANCY • CRISP RED DELICIOUS APPLES 5 i s100 GOOD EATIN' •SWEET CAUPORNIA NAYIL ORANGES 8 cjf~79c BUTTERY RICH • RIPE AVOCADOS SWEET o LOADED WITH FLA VOi TANGELOS 2:29' 6~·100 SWEET o LARGE SIZE o COACHELLA 6 1 GRAPEFRUIT . o~~K . i' 00 ' SAVE 4c . . u.s.D.A. CHO.I.CE BEEF featuring our own "tendtrfur' beef auaranteed tender and full of flavor 1v1arDAJ' LOW, LOW DISCOUNr Pare••. ROUND STEAK- U.S.D.A. 71· C CHOICE FULL CUT . I U. ' ' U.S.~. CHOl(E ... U.S.D:A.-,CHOICIF$!V.KS T~BQNE .'. .,~c:wa : ... ·~:· -·.1 .· .-• "· CHUCK ROAST TAILS,;, . :911, IEMOllED· ". -1 · • LL ILADE39C CUT , LI. . BONELESS ~~1ti 79' SHOULDER CLOD . . LI. DEPENDAILE QUALITY GROUND BEEF ~~~~ 43~ .. ' . ,,,. . . . ; :. ·• ' \ .EAsr!RN •QUALllY , .·SLICED NIK. rOll : FMll~Y &..ft&, PACKU:7 ~ •o• , ' ' I ' Smart to SHOP and SAVE •1 . ~FA.D • "' I I I I \. . ' . ... 2120 SO. B~ISTOL AT WARNER .COSTA MESA-2200 HARBOR· BLVD. AT · WILSON· . ' . ,~. . --' • • • r I OAILV PlUIT FAA Sets Flight . Quotas for East WABllUlllN t\JPI) - llopial to -air lnlllc """'""'""' .... ..,. ........ 1 bas lq Id ltrlct fi.libt ·quotas rw ... o1 u..~ U.S. alrpcirtl -a ...,. -to llmll prlvato alrcrall .,.. Ilona and Jlkel)' to cul 1111 Banks Hike Prime"Rate On Interest New Battle JERUSALEM (UPI) - llraell and J ordanla!I artillery fought along lhe Jordan River truce line today ln What mlllla:y oblerven called the heavle!I border fighting since the, 1967 Middle East war. lsraeJ said the batUe ended when her jets silenced giant Russian-built l!UD'· ln Amman, Jordan accused the IJraell jets of bombing a village, killing JS civilians ~d wounding 17 more. But a military spokesman here said the jets, 1tritl.ng a second time in 24 houn agalnat artillery posiUons tn Jordan, struck Soviet·provlcled 122.mm guns manned by ·Iraqi troops. Brjtain's Gold,· Currency Drops LONDON (AP) -Brit.In'• gold and convertible currency reservea fell by f19U mlllloo in November to f2,4IO billion, the tr.uury announced today. The drop for November was the blgge!t monthly decline in BriUsb reserves announced this JW. '.lbe nm biggell drop, announced for Augiist, WU f8'1.J million. 'SEE ELVIS IN HIS FIRST : . TV SPECIAL! WATCH SINQER presents ELVIS ·,on. NBC-IV ... IN COLOR t TUES.DEC.3rd . 9 P.M.CHANNEL 4. aUlltA ,. .... -fUD °"The Mall-TA •756-'-""• l'wk c.mw , COSTA MISA-.2:)00 HartlOr S1¥1!.-KI ,.lll'S-H.,._ c.tw MAMll"'"""J H, ~-m.ltli-AM .. C"'9lr HYlffl#tfOl9 llAOl-biMW .t .. .,. •1Dnoooo4.._li ..... C.t!lter MaDllt .. 0 ......... et..n191 Qt Clo-OrMlt CWl'llY Pllll MMTl ...,._cof;:.;..n al*· ~ St.-«I J.,,'I _<OITA Ml54-•1ttat Ii s...ri.•er '"~"'Cw!, .... "' u MIUD"-•lJOH .. l""'""n ... -l.A 1~ Mlr.O. t~er .. lit Alas-an Snowstorm 39 Perish in Plane Cra.sh · ... __ ---·~ ID'S IE lllEIJLY Jf you blW MW Dttahborl or know of UIOM mov1ftS to our lhl. ~ WI U1 '° that ... ., std • " ' ' .. ••• r --11111 llilp -to -ao/llalnt.d IBthelr-~ Hantlnall• Be/ch Visitor ~36-9626 Costa Mesa Visitor · 642~14 So. Coast Visitor 494-0579 Harbor Visitor 675-3433 Kids Like to 'Ask ·Andy' -SCHWINN- The Choice for "llke Country'' Open Dally 9·9-Sun. 10-2 IANKAMlllCAlD M.UOI CHAICll 333 East 17th Street Costa Mesa 646-7706 IHllHI n'e hJtCUe H• ... What do you do if; -a pay,phone ·keeps your dime by ·mistake? We're sorry it happened. But you don't have to strug- gle to get your dime back Simply call ·the operator from another phone.Tell her your prob- lem . She 'll return yo\Jr second dime, and arrange a refund for the dime you lost If you also tell her the phone number of the pay phone that · kept your dime, she'll s~e that it's repaired. We're 'here to"help. ' Pacific T1l1phon1@ • ----- .. _....., ___ " • 1· I ' • . • • • ' • • • • I' I ' !. .. • • • • • • ' • • • • J' In 18 M:onttis .. . Quake Predicter I T~ll.s Technique f :· • SAN FMNpJSCO <tJJ:l) -lemblon comdly a ym °' Here ja oome Dion! jittery mon ID , adYance: n"'9 for ~ t Holfml;D hid ~ologW t.. stato .... ,_,_,,,. aa , ~ on.the lrall d a t.cl>nkJu• .--,-.-· ys ... predlct eartliquakes ' &ii I o earthqu-ti at IOQI 1he iesevcii. will have tO :!:t .....,..., Jntenlllty will _,, Iller J"'" becaU!O ol jri"tiii Golclool State within ;d fw>ll. ""'~ 1• moolhl. • ~ Ha predlctod quu. would lleMtr ,8. Ho Um all , ·.tan pi... In the vlclhlly ol 1111pervisor.ol e U I b q •'ll: e ·Arvin. and Tehachapi In Ken! engineering for ··!f1e state -county and ell!I of Aptos In d •par t 111 t n t of water u. 8IDY en. Mou•!•, mourceo, told the MwJcll A program of eutbquako Qeopbyslcal ·Ulilon Monday he research tw been conducted and ·bla "6olltqu.. already . Jn connecU@ with the routing ha~ .forecul, ~ht Calllomla ·,r aqueductS and tunnel! for Rodg~rs SujngTwo Surgeons GLENDALE (UPI) - Singer Jimmie Rodgers, charging negligence "1 treat· ment of skull injuries be suf- fered a year ago, has filed a "$5 million damage suit against two surgeons and a boipital. The complaint filed Monday 1n Superior Court was directed against Glendale Conimunlly Hospital and Drs. William Donham and Karl L. Albaeck. ·Rodgers, 35, charged he was negligently cared for and was not warned of "the dangerous and untoward consequences and hazards" involved in the brain operation Dec. 1, 1967. He subsequently underwent two more operations in tbe same hoSpital in connection with the skull injury which caused internal bleeding. The singer's a t lorney, Richard D. Aldrich, said a steel plate inserted I n Rodgers' skull destroyed th e resonance needed to continue his folk singing career. Rodgers contends the in· juries were caused by three police officers who found him near his car in the early hours of Dec. 1, 1967. ln a $5 million suit pending in Van Nuys Superior Court, Ro d g e r s charged three police officers either caused him to fall or assaulted and beat him and then abandoned him when he needed medical aid. The three of f icers themselves have filed a $13.t million suit against the singer, charging they have been sub- jected to ridicule because of Rodgers' statements. Reagan Hit On Naming SAN LUIS OBISPO (AP)- Gov. Reagan is accused o( po- litical motivaiion in the ap- pointment o( William Clark, his executive assistant, to a new superior court judgeship. The censure was voted Mon- day by the San Luis Obispo County Bar Associatioo. There was no immediate comment from Rea~an. The resolution smd Reagan promised that tlle naming of Judges "should be out o( poll· tics and that in making judi· cial appointments -.he would establ ish an advisory board within the affected county .•• " I the California Water Project. Hollman saide n gin e er s have monitored 450 miles of the San Andreas Fault and , its network of smaller fault lines, but they also have de\fis.. ed extremely a c curate systems for measuring the smallest traces of earth move- ment. Arc-light beams are shot at mirrors as far away as 20 miles, then the tlme it takes for the light flashes to return is measured. Since 1 i g h t travels at 186,000 miles a se- cond, the most minute Shift in the travel time of the light indicates a change in t h e earth'sisurrace. 2 Youths Killed COMMERCE (UPI) -Two teen-age boys were bit and killed by a truck 111!1 nlght as they changed a tire beside the Santa Ana Freeway In this Los Angeles suburb. They were Terry LulJ Lupae, and Andmf Sypert, I~ both of Los Angeles. j ,, --• • ' DAIL V PU.OT 7 20-yea~-old to Die , ' C~IE T bliiL'l'.Y "LONGEST ARGli'MiNrS • -J-p, C.tel...,._ -· Gront 8 , Coopo~ .. Friars Club Trial Jury Convict.s 5 ";:: ' ' . , .. Some have it.Some dodt. These dO. - Havini it ii how a car q114\ifiMfor Cbavrolel'1 Bporbi Shop. Wbloh UmiY. memberahip to the 1969 Corvat!AJ1• Z/!JJl, and the SS venio111 of Impala, Cheveue, Camaio, Nova. But that'• tba onlY limit. · Whit our Sports ShOp cars have in common II 'ftr1 UDOOJDlDOD olllwbln. Loll( hood, sbon . ....,,-decl<. Fit, aratil>Yliiiil on tide wboell. ....... Power diec brakes. 811 V8'1 from 300 hp. And tba individual Idea of letting you order from a car enthllliuf1 U.t of performance and dreoo·up featuzw, No one eloe baa a B.POm Shop. And that fiiureo. Because wt'n tba 9nly oneo tbat oft"., thll ebow wlttJ of sporty can raDJiDi fzom 2-pulenpr. lo 5-palitlljir mocleli. - • ' The IJl)Ol'la Bh!IP, In your Chevrolet clealer'i '69 SJ>Olja ~t. The one plaoe in town · that l8J'I, ••Pirformance 1poken here.'' Which leaves the competition ..., apeechl-. ' Putting you first, keeps us tint • • -~--------------·-- • I ( I I , , I . ! ' ' I . ., I I . • • !>ALY "PILOT By Phil lnlerlandi • • • • .t\.h~7 ~ Candy~ Gladys Bn1iJ .'!hose H.u:rr~es Did.. Cnuse So1t1e Damage MIAMI, I"la. CAP! -After the Gull el Mtlloo and whfrf- 00.,llnc up aevm storma that ed loln'l'eu.s, ~ damqe left 11 penool dead ml ..... of $2'11,~ . ·. . • . ed nilllloos In prop•trl1 Dolly, Edna ml FrlDCtl, fonned belween ·Aug. U and "'--the 1181 ~ Sept. 26; nevei rucbOcl land. IWOll alld lnto the record Hw:rtcane <;!adys, a lllller 1>oo1c1 ~ with nary a buff un Dolly, fonned Of:!., 11 -·" al!out 450 miles · IOlllh of ......... ind damaie .......... at fl.700,llllO •• AUl)ou&h the Ju •• -provtW the ......,. lnlamlve activity ,...,. 18.. Weather Bureau recl)l'ds -11111 aoly Abby. Cu<ty and Gbidyl Cllla- ed ~y damap and this omounted lo a !'""' of f?,Gl,000. • !'We"ft noticed f!Vf!r' a piriod al __ ,_ that • .,..t deal of lldnn. Ocllvlly In the Padllc &""eral(r ineans I deflcleney of!act!V!lf,Jn the Atlandc."' . Davis l8ld ..if '<l the ......... fies In the. -pa~ term and that th6re ....,..., enough e..terne. over the tropics this year. "'It these don't deve\op, you Just doo1 have the' criteria .. At the NU!onal Hurricane Mlanif betw<eh Swan llland Center at Miami declartd an •· ~ eu\:':. !ale ol Pines sooth official end to tho otorm · Gladys hit the Tampa Bay aeason. temperaturu over the . area Oct. 11 and JWlrled oreu where tho tropical acroos the slate toward St. tempests are spawned ...,. AulllJS!Ipe. It left five dead w alter Davb, acting dlrec· tOl' of. the National Hurricane cenler, I 1 I d PaaWc-bret! slormll took over in. lisa and lef~ the AUanUc ~Uvely quiet. foi: storm dev~,H ·be --·----~.,...-._._ • .,.. • ....a__..~. aald. '., ••i•, • "WeD ... ~loot w!iodlda't IRtt\'ive the.merger.• . . . . RussianJS A~e There, Russians Are. There! In the llOs ml on11 - were, ftelOl'.Cled. u .......... the Ont day of the season, June ' It Hur· ricane Abby formei:I off Mex· kxi's Yucatan PeniMula and roared acrou western Cuba. 'J'hii ltorm, W b O I I winds never exceeded 7S JQilel per hour, aJomed ashore near Punta Gorda, Fla., and cross- ed Florida near Cape Ken- nedy, causin1 minor damage. In CUbi It left six dead and .caused damage e.!ltimated at $450,000. DA NANG, Vietnam ' (UPI ) 'Ibey were 1~blond and fair Brenda · fonned June 21 -U.S. i.6.telligence ~ comP,lecte4;'' ithe farmer said. some 300 milea east of said today the ~ ~ve · He· tOok them fot !meric.aM. Jackaonvllle in the AU antic evidence RU.Utan ~ may' The farmer said the four and heaai!d toward t h e be advising North vtet!lamesti ·Caucasians wore gr e e n anny units in the hills around 'Uniform5 with North Viet· Northeast, away from the U.S. Da Nang. · . . 1 :namese army stats on each mainland • 'Ibey said a Vietnamese ; shoulder. He said they also Two days after Brenda was farmer walked into ·, a, wore a strange inaignia on bom, Candy came to life in Leatherneclc camp .2,1 inl!es -the right breast pocl<el On · southwest ol here .8l)d. made request. the farmer skelcbed a report that , brought io-, the inslgnia. tellige'nce offlcer1 on the run. He · J1rew a hammer and The farmer said North Viel· sickle. namese troops had captured 1be intelligence o f f l c e r s him and lid him blindfolded showed the farmer a book to a moui:itain hideout after picturing military uniforms of he had refused to carry around the world. The Viet- wounded Communist troops. namese immediately pointed For 10 days the farmer was , out the drawing of a Russian subjected to propaganda Jee-·army officer as the uniform tures .. Between the lectures worn by the four blond men he noticed four · unusual men. in the mountain camp. Simple Change in Diet Secret to Longer Life LONDON (UPI) - A simple change in the diet may be one of the secrets of pro- longing acUve human life. This much has been theoriz- ed by scient.lstS who have kept mice alive beyond t h e i r normal average life span by feeding them v a r i o u s substances be Ii eve d to counteract "free radicals." 'Ibe vital question o f whether such additives will work with humans has yet to be answered but Prof. D. Harman of the University of Nebraska believes the ouUook is "encouraging." Prof. Harman, writing in medical news , said the ex- periments are based on the hypothesis that • ' l r -, e radicals" contribute to the ag- ing process. This i! the name given electrons turned loose by the br<aldng of bonds between atoms in enzyme and other biological actions in the body. They: are lli&bly reactive and the changes they cause to liv· ing systems are nearly alway11 irreversible and deleterious. Since certain edible sub- stafices are• l<nojln to sop ·~ fret radicalJ a.nit othel'a are . known to reaet readily with them. mice and rats were fed diets rich in the fonner and sparse in .the latter. -'The mult, according to Dr. Hannan. was a "sign.Hicant" increase in the average life of the n:perlmenlal animals. He added: "Results to date of ex- periment,, based on t b e hypothesis ~t moreor-leu random free radical reactions contribute to biological degradation have been en- couraging and suggest that ad· d.illon or one or more suitable ftee radical inhil>lton to pro-~ly selected natural human .diets may increase oar )'ean of uo¢ul, healthy Ille by five, ~·or more years." Dissipation Not Helped By Medicine MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) -All too many Americans are endangering. their health through dissjpaUon · w h i l e laboring nnder the Illusion that miracles of medicine alone will keep them well, some leaders of organized medicine report. The Board of Trustees of the American Medic a J Association~ ln a special report to the AMA'• 22nd clinical convention, said: "Our affluence has reduced physical ~ertlon and ~ creased overeating, ex c e.1 s drinking, smoldn&· h!te )ws arid rlrJJg consilmption. "Advice of the physician is too often ignored and slighted. The sense of well being resulting from our progress leads many people to assume that Illness cannot · lltrlke them, or that curea are to to be taken for granted." The board made the com· ments in urging the nation's doctors to "educate t h e American people to the grow- ing role of the individual in the delivery of health care.!' The report added : "While . much Prop-esa has been made in overcoming many historic plagues of mankind, we find more and more illness due, at least in part, to abuse and neglect by the Individual ""e11·" =WHERE ON EARTH ARE THESE PEOPLE GOING? New York, Chicago, Landon, Paris Could b• anywher•, bu? w• know the fir1t stop is LA lntern1tion1l Airport. We fly there and back 9 iimes every day from Ora•HJI County Airport • , • in I 9~p1111n91r T -j1t1. It only takes 20 minut11 which l11v11 plenty of time to m1k1 1 connecting fli9ht to 1noth1r d11tin1tion. The f1r1: $7 .95 I One way plus tax l Next time you plan 1 trip to Los' An91l11 or beyond, think of us. Call your travel 191nt or Golden West Airlines at 17141 540-7010. • "IT SURE BEATS DRIVING" ~ ~ Golden West Airlines .. . , • -- • More .; Foreign ,. IDS at Galifomia Federal ·lib · s! Hare's EdllCllllo1111l Set No. 3 I ExclUng new i;olns •nd lnfomiatlon from lndla, Cyprus, Sierra Leone, Luxembourg, Lebanon!· Add ihese beautiful, educa,tional pieces to your California Federal foreign coin collection now! They're real money from five of the 100 nations abroad where we have savers! $ierra Leone's Halt-Cent. Luxembourg's 25-Centime coin. 5 Naya Paise from lncf111. The Cyprian s·Mils. 21'2 Piastres from Lebanon. Packaged with descriptive card by the LA. County Crippled Children's Society. Quantities ar.e limited, so hurry in! One set per family while they lasf! , OPEN OR ADD TO YOUR CAUF.ORNIA FEDERAL SAYlNGS ACCOUNT , 5.13% onnual Jl•ld on lnsuo:wd .,.-k accountawl!On all-gaancl- romaln a,..,, H Iha 5% c:urrant Mllllll 11119 lo malritainod and COmpoundod dailr fOr I,_. 5.25% -.......... •loo ... 0111111- •lk for dellllo. \ . ;;.._ ........ m' m · CAUfOllNIA FEDERAL SAVINGS --- Calif~!tJsiqoJ~!l~!!lVER~~q!Jngs ' • ·--- ANAHEIM·EAST: xn7 EAST LINCOLN AVE. • 176-5700 ANAHEIM·WEST: 600 NORTH EUCLID AVE. • 776-2222 COSTA MESA: 2700 HARBOR BLVD.• 546-2300 Head Office: 5670 Wilshire Boulevard, LOs Anieles ....... ,..... .... i.. ....... ,.,.. ..... 1,&.cm~~ ------------------------ • • , -~;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::::-:;:::-;:::::;~~==========:::::::::;:::::;:::::::::::::::.:-, _-__.._._ __ ........ ~ ..... ~ ••-• .. ., 4T a zi • • ----·-------------•"••".._,__, ... _,,O_P"'!,-• .. ·~-.. -~ ...... , __ ,,O_S_Uf"•-·-·-...... .- • -- , DAIL V l'llDT I Tutsdl1, Dttt .. 3, lM . For: the ~ Reeoid 1 • •~ , · ·r -t'' -Infectious Diseases ' • Epilepsy Program ' ; • .. Mrs .. Thonim . See"ki Rekase ~•eedlip · ~-~~~-'" Dec .. rease· Offered "'ro&i llAllLEY o1 J.j, )1, 1*. 11 ,... "" for ,... • .., 111 11111 -· 1\ •• • ""-.; l'I .-, ,.. .. ___ -tnaloollls........ ¥lclloeai.clrtol,,_.llollor' ~..... ":'111 . -I ' ' SAN DIEGO -An appeal Tiie llrll trJal Ill JhJ'. 111'1 I -~ "1o " SJl!l» -i , , .. ' • .;~M.."'!ii::i.""'l; U'1:f:: . SANTA ANA -Del~ SANiA AN~ -The ~ for 11Jo relous oo ball o1 "'1lld -~ -a . .,... ....... ...-/l'!!a:~~ '1::1 J~ °"'II" CqunlJ !Mallh oll1oen CWnty --,SOclely b ----.. -·-~-~ -• _._ ,, .. '!Iii ..,. ... 81/ olio --~~!iii~--~-~ :;,~~ ·~'-... Jw .. npcjr1ed lha1 -... w 1n ~ o1 u. .....i ,.... 11u .... llChedUled ~ "9.i-a·-· q;;:: 111., ~mLK • " ,, DopllJ · -~~.., ,. ~.r..;:i:,"'t::., "°~ ol lnlec:tiout dlaeue are run-, School AlmProcram. Oflared 'for hearing Dec. 10 by the tlonmc ol Iha on,lftllluCed llllldit AIWlllll'l:,1,oroll ·~'lti , · L/:1~ ee:l , 1'"""""'•••••• 1, ""*' niDI-.,. tt;"8 1J pvct.Dt afefftll81u.flttf,lllnufnd fourthDlltrictCourtd.A~ .anachMon -~1r 1 111'Ckty'tuJl:i:e•rtal1 :_.:,1'11'".1 ,·-" -"11'l'C 1 ... :t..ol#. 00 .f.!Rf. ... :r.: Z. 11e1ow1_ 1 1he-t •• ~?·!~-~. In apeaketato!Mre8teel~ pealabere. lllolbebod~' llol1'~-""9at.,,U-ttefdJooo."· • -"'=1i "~ ft' ~-~ '"lllll, P<oC>'am bu been . Attorney llucltoy Gray, ·the Iha ~ ~MIP :, ID•....,°"' ....... . , •, ,•~, :"'"", ~~,-~;"""""·1,.,u·. l\lcordaCOftU)lleduptoNov. devero-.1, ,wxler •• lheEnllMwv -•--Cl·--to woman ••"' Bn1ce • . •·~11bl '~ ~., 'V • "~! toU!<!!«· ... ' .... ,., . ·-arot1oc:t .. 1n1ect10111dileaH 4 G .... "'-~· -· ~~ m1atr1a1. . • .. IN\llflcledl1o---, , • w,"llli ~·' 11' j, '·~~--· total of 21,171. Thal (I S.1811 rowers ll'Ollll(fallon 'of "9W'1CI,' to defender In two Or1111t c.un. Gray cJa!? In ,1111 apPul ,,lctioo ~pin.,,.,..,. SI~ tL:: T:• Mt "*lk Llllflry, ~.:."' ..... ~ ea":*.:t ~"" 111 'cuet fewer than tbe 1$l~ fJgbt ~ i&noruce that deniea ty SUperlot Court trla1a. aiid --'--'--+--'"---'-'--":.;..---''---,-011::-,"lll~ .l:"""""' ,_ . M~.1!1 1':I: ~I "" -ilJu"1I up lo lhat date 1111 Seek:ng jobe, oecurlty •• d un· be· wW Ilk lhal llJo Flllplno • ' ,, ! °" ''"';"'-=--l1f.~~"',.:: •. ~>.,·a:.,'Jf,;;~. ""..~fll'lbebJaetl;,.,_ .. , ~. , deritandlnl lo ••pabll, womaobelreodooi.own ' • Low••• '? , 2j~; ,":,, 1· ~-='.~g~~ • I::"'· "" toge 1aln hu i.;en In mW11p0 ·· · r qµalllled people wbo happen . ...C...W-pending Iha •Po ""1i • , , j "' "' .. ,.~~ "r:.i:",, ..::::;..., .... ,. ...... down to m •t Nov. Preserves lo have epllePI)'.'' Aid v1o1a peU.te court'• comtd<rau.o ot • V Calolful . I ir: , ~ "m' ~s:..:'0t . • ~tr•"" 15., a declioe of u percent MWer, execuUve direct« of ber appeal aalinlt her. con-s 'i.':ll ·-. ..,.~ , ;,..,,._ "'t0. J:: f!'i\ ""'1.-~-:r.I' ••• oo lhe !11'1 tllly ol t,m cU<I AN'"~IM-Four Ano'-'-Ibo county soelety. "In 15 ,JIOI' viclloo. ou'nd' or • C•I Ii '9dllt1 of •JIPl...n; M ~ " Mt '"'"• '" t&.a d te ~ •=u ~ t I Nia} iJ ICbtduled for TWlllk!wl_ ••lrv!N c~'·''''• lttnllilN ~ ... lfllftll~...,,,::f at ·-.ume a • ha cent <A. all eases tb'e dlleue •118 p,... • ~~~"'" ...... .._1ta1 Wllltwlunl;. ..., ~ streptococc:al infecthm are. area oranFe growera ve ," heariq on the Ame day. But ~. 0 "'i!M.'..:::.,..., vu::,..,,"T"~"'i ~ _. :t\:_, wu~'1':f.. t!!1 down to 17,225 reports from submitted ~ ~Uom to the can be controlled. Gray predict.I that the matt.er ran98 .... wi•••SOAY "i.:::;r:~, !§; i:!\t ,t\'" lhe 1117 level ol 20,159. Thi> Boan! of Supervisors lo create "EpllepoY. b o f't • n In-··will be lakeo Wider 811> , , , • •i:t "i:Wr!.--~'=' ~Ill... Mt:~"'·"'Lr:r.-~ .:= 2,Pkue lain represent.I • agricultural preserves COftf>. correctly linked with,. mental mlaslop. . ' County cr.r~~· ' ._ ,,..., Mi'fr•lfld 15 percent Improvement. ln Anaheim dl.sease or retardaUori. Aa a Gray said he will bue bl! · • 1='M8'~.cf.'t;"-~,~ G11t.lt .. 'i.~~-",."'· laol The only aignlfl~ ln-g 106 acres near reault ce!tain states restrict req1:1eatfctb&Uontheground1 Music "~ R:i ~'it:~... Ml'~M Mt$. • J. ~· 1111 crease, the rePori indicates, StldJum. paUents wit.h tllil dlaorder that Mrs. Thomas is "ln every i~itllOll!'I _ NI, witrMliii ~:=~CS'~~·~-.~ ia a 33 percent 'bike in the TbepeUUons,forwardedto rupectamodelpriloom'.My wr.'C."-':.t.=.'lst,.,.~,:.'"'il Mr.-= r.i: ~ .... ~. •1;,.. venereal dilease category,,.,.. the county Planning Com-from matl}'in& and having client ii the first person con-e.!_:"~ Jtot. c~ ..,_ M~ ~~~~a~ Gonococcal lnfecUons are up Jhlsal'on by the s.uPervilors •. cbildren,'' J.tiu Miller con-vlcted of a capital offense ~~-~_.a.":.!.'\~ ~. _.~ .... 'N~"'.. s~(= to 1,803, or 463 more ~-were filed by Herbert P. tlnued. ''Tw«tty.flve percent to en.joy mlnimum aecurity •W.ttm~.1~1,.m. l1,, ·• J.'~·~·":_;··I! wini..-. ylbanearabadt"·1~ertported lut Douglas,,, Cla·yion E. ofallem~loyablepenonawith pri~~~es in a .ta~ prisoa," ,_,,i.. Vtlle't 1.a..,. Cluil. "~ 211 Wt!....., C•fl M-i elrt .. ...., "'" · epilepsy are c b r on I c a 11 J beMr-· -..__ ,.., 1• ='rittne"'Tc:"'l:'o..'G~s:.-:." '""'" .. ~"' 11 Chickenpox, with 701 out· Scarbrough, James S. Greg f d 1 ... 11w.11as, .w, "' cur· MM~ e'r:d:. -:!~Mt~~ 2111 breakl in 1961, ii 30 'percent and John S. Flll;Q!'. unemployt'd, 0 ten ue to renlly held in the women'a Births ~ n=: Mr1.c !rtt..~· 112• up on . the 1987 tally ol. w . The .four were among 11 employer and e m p Io Y e priaon at Frontera. "She is MAlJ 14'~·~.~lfl.9' .• ~ 1a1 And tnfecUous bepaUti! shows stadil.llD ·~a ranchefs who di.scrimina.Uon." given the full run of the Mr . .f.d M,... TlwiV> 1C111r, 1.u a 62 percent gain on 1967 Actually, people, w I th prison," Gray said. ~l:'~co.~u=-·~,. 1im levels -the 619 case3 logged unauccessfuUy fought sharply epilepsy parallel the general Gray said U\al Mrs. Thomu Mr• .'.Ml"~~"r~..:!n.c:a. MtH ,are 239 more than last year increased aasessment.s on population in lntelli&eoce .oo-ls the "chief .itar &frl In Gr1ntw1. e ... ;~ · at this time. Anaheim citrus acreage last the dlsordc I.I not cons:ldtred the women'• chapel and her · .wt:,7',.,..SurM~.. 1,;w~J:t year. inheritable, Miu Mlller ez. ·many privileges lnclude her " "" "-o1 o. • . Land held ,.. agr1'cultural plained. , being allowed lo keep a :~.~1.1"""'~:.}tvn111111oti,·.,,=.1':E=i~ LOCAL The Orange County Epilepsy canary ln bet room." ~ ii'"' ,. '-dW• · preserves ls eligible for a 50 Mr -I ·~ ~~. ~ ,..-. . l.lne, "'"" No •fh•r •-•P•''' t1ll1 you • Society hu It.I headquarters • 1 . .i.umnaa WU con.v CloCU ~·at,· M"*-. Wlllltim e. Whit-. 111.,1, •••ry .i • .,-,_.r.oirt whet'•· • perctnt red Uc ti on in at zoo W. Washington St, San· last April 4 of the murder ~~ · W'!.,....,.. 51---SMt1 AM. 9elri1 011 i11 th• 1roat1r assessments but must be kept ta Ana. Free educational ol. her 7-fly-okl inf1Dt son RADIO KOCM 103.1 F.M . i Mr, •llCI ~ Joil9tl e. HMm. o,.,.,. Ce•.t th11t tfi, DAILY In I It I f IO ljt tur I all bl b b ,_ llt ' " ~j ~i~' : So. ·MJnni. s1.. S.nhi PILO agr cu ura use or era e s av a e Y Y ~4'.g a caus so1uwon From Fashion Island, Newport Beach . .....,.., ''==·===·==============:._Y~'""'=.:~·--------w_r=tlln::::g~or;:...:c=allin='~g~Ml:.::..MJ:.::.t=.--d=ow:.::.n~h=la:.::.lbroa:.:;=l~o=•-lh=e:.::.nllh:::::t:._ ______________ ~---~ Mr. IM Ml). !:dWln S~ft.-.11, SJS,11· Mrl':i 'Mliillolt Vlelo, tlrl '4'snl ... JfU:. T""""'·"' •~. Mr. tllf Mr1. ~~.'Kl=, ~~,;:~": ::Ylfl ;:-:,.:,_: t lrl l'ltr1Clll W•r• eo.t. /MM, Mr._ ll'ld Mn. Jllr .. lcbM. ~17 W....,..... U""' N._-t IMcil, 11ri Mr. elld ':"t. Ellw1r~ E • .1a1111 1tN2 ~~1""'"" 111, IM!tl"lfon hedl. -... M M;.u•~ Mrs. T110m11 D. £•1111. t frl l'lfl AIY """" C.fl Mell, Mi". 11'111 Mrs. JM!ll C. l11toloft 1e24 Ve<-.. L. lrvlne. C.lf., 11r1· • ' Mr. Ind Mn. D1Wld A. ,,.,.,,,_ ~ Demo tit., Hun",..._ •~ Mr. tlld Mr>. Jol'llt S. McKl'lltH, ff7 ~II' Dr , COiie AA-. bar ~. t!"'...~~: i .... tr1d: u ... mil Mr •;,.."'f&:n"1f,. SI. L~ri DEATH NOTICES ""~ "~ci :0._;;;-iili"" . SPEISER "'g;'r.;~.l.;'t,~,T/o'I:. 0..r1~ s-e1-.... to,"' 220 .. i. ~ = "" ~-~·~ . tlmoro SI,, ltunllntton IHdl. lurvf¥W Mt.• lie. · • • tiJi1 · °'9m : , . by nle<n , Hf'IWI JlfH'lllOl'I, Hunllntten ll'lerr · ~·- BMc:ll; Mf'I, P11,1I lnll«', Otnoil; , ~ . · • ' -4,!o ~ -~,°';°....i ':on. s.nMll'I=..,'.' 't~;,.;_Mtf " , : ·,·; .. -r'-' • "°""'' lw!lefll, '''° .. M. Smttllf J '1i°!!lt.:i~·,= l\tJ ,·· l ... _t, c.111"4. 11.""1.,.,, M•.., w..inewr, • ~. JOth • bit,: NllA• • · • AM. SS Simon .a. Jude Celllollt , Wi Jll , ' ' Olurdl. Interment, C1lv1ry ~. Mr Mill M;a, Grirdn-. De1J Loo Antelll. DlrtC1911 IW lmlltlt Meir· Duiiii MNr Jiii., E Tft-biY ", ! ,,,...,, Mr~Mra. .... ~~ 2tG I BALT'l MORTUARIES =~·~?-~?!:.~1~~-= It., ~-'l'."M::, 11;1 - Corona del Mar OR l-H51 C.•111 M... Ml .. uu Fire e.,.u. :·-.... ...... BELL BROADWAY t:~ •1'"· M.,,...r, ·Ur nr., Mn.. MORTUARY -.H'IOI ~·· ~~=~. llt Broadway, Coda Meu ~1~"" .._....,, ~~ aw. 7tu U I-SW 11:• • .111 .. firt '""'tlNtlprl, W..t- DILDAY BROTHERS HllDttnpon Valley Mortuary 17111 Beach Blvd. HatlnJCOll Beach IC-Tl?l PAClFlC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery • Mortuary Chapel 350I PacUlc View Drive Newport Bea~ Califonla '"""" PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 7181 Bolaa Ave. Westmlnller awns SMITH'! MOR1'JARY llZ'I Mola st. Bullqloo lleacb LE Ml3I WESTCLlFF MORTUARY U'I E. lltll 81., Coo!a M- MMlll m11111w Hlirll khci9I · 11~• ~-I'll.· flrt !Mitdll1nan. Gellltl'I W..t 1>1111 Wettlllll'llftr .' • 1f;$6 l .m., fr.II 11,., nlO ..... 1:"6 .. ._"'., air fl,., '1sa:t'N8n"'cbt l : l .P!I .• fW lnwtrlOtlM, .... W ..... "'"""r . J:o::J 1.111. Tvelfty, -ti,.., .._,_ 1Gtr1t1 of t7'lfl Slrwt ~ .... t:1• '·"'· Mor1111r, n)llalclf 114 nt 17ltl St. 1·' 7:G1 11.rn.~ W.11 ti... K-'lllle Mid W1t'f!M' •-1:01 '·"'·• ""9dlcl'I 9M.. 1111 I'!""' ·--' f:J5 t;P!I. MOJ1111r, IC.CldtM, _..._ """' flrftfl o( Arc:llH ~ J:4l •. ,,. .. ttuh nre. t06 2t111 st. 1:a ,1.m .. a, n,.., ~' Coi11tr ''" -·· ur flN, nt ,..,,. at~ t :OI •·"'-"91 n,., • E. llr A,,., ·--t :l! 1.rn. ,,,.,,,.,,, ~"-1lerrn. Wm ,....., '"' tt.rhr l :Jt J.111., fire bWtltlNI~, nM O. ••• r;J) '-"'·• f1h.e •l•mw f11nWw JI .. aftlll ........ ,,... ""'•""-' MoreComtO.:tWlt•rl•t , FALS~TEETH - '' The· o,n1~· medlcatl~l\ that Gets. te» ·~ Major. Oa~s• : of Hemorrhoids Now I Most complete .3-way relief I This important development In hemorrhoid tr11tm1nt comas to )'OU lfttr fi'f'I )'tlf$ Of $citl)lific lfld clinlcll tnlln(. Not Ojlll dDn Counternolr nrk by last•"nc .. In ta~ l!Jll by CDltJar,lool~nr. *" prot1etm1 injurlld lbs&lt ••• Wt unlika 1¥tJY othtt htn'lorrMid ' 1"oduct Countsmold s!IO ...U • l third way. Thonls .. '" -tormuil with OSS,."' ontJ Count1rnold g to a "1Jor """ of -· ds, l'llnlul hri-Upsllon. hout lnltllinl tmtlft •«set. t'a-In llolpltll ikaJ- loclofl !Im •-•tt!I !1111 .IM-Co!idlfMW- ' l1tlon with DS!io p1n1tratt1 in minutes to the top of the• rtetal area to softet1 ttltt\OOI and 1111 thtbMI~. ' It II this .... ICtlon lhsl dots .. -.. -l\lllKll hulinl pos~~iou livt with the ~in ll1d tm or ~rinl ml11D1 -hold troubla, pl_., rllitf wllll ~ltd CIMrtlmoid. , • adttctld, Coun- ttrnold t11 the most ean:ipleta ~ raU.I yOil Clft 111 willlo4lt • Jll'-1fllion ., ~'l"l· lnatalnlmcnm• tori& • AUll4rlr-1 °'"""""'"''._ " ... hoio } .. ' •· " . ' ial l I ", : . • ' 1 ·, ), I ' ~ Old repair bills; dod.or bills, departmetitstore"' bills. Any old bill. For that matter, the holiday bills coming up too. ' . Just come to the nearest Crocker-Citizens office and fill out a brief application. If everything's ·, OK, we'll have a Holiday Loan for you within a day. If this sounds like one of the best offers you've had all year, why not stop by this week? Then instead of thinking about how you'll pay the bills, you can think about how you'll spend the holidays. Crocker-CliZons Holidqy Loans •' at the big bank where little things count ,. ' . , ., I .. " •"i ' ' I " ' • , . ' ,. ' • • .. . • ~-cin-.---~··-........ -·--.. Olt<lllPM-·--..... ------~ COSTAMllAi ..... lta1JJl11C.W• ............ ' . --. ' " I · I Get $100 or more manth after month 'lfter month! lm1&int ••• Hlllnr • ftl1llar monthl1 dleck to look lomid to! Many of tbOSI •h• han • wonder1111 MONTHLY SECURITY ACCOUNT ... ortainatld and lon1 tutu bJ N1wport B1lboa SaYlnp ... started bJ tlmp~ opeoior I dMdlnd·eamlnr smnp a-nl OtheJl lnvtslld I lump -MAIL 111[ COUPON FOR COllPlfl£ DlTAIU Oii TIIE llotfTHLT Sl:CtlRITT ACCOUNT l'IAll. ,,.,... ... ~ " ~ "I•. tiot .t tM c.nt .. 1. ri"11Kl•t c..i. ... wlllcll 1 ll'llqs ,,.. .... -i1t1011 Mir Mt .. r.. hi riPtl bl .... ~i• " "ti1. -1111 ..tiM If 1-.111 "trlllld,.•. ·[~ tritbll-r !"ll'ltl hti '' -,,...~ ... .,,, ll ,....,) W1 WI• llt dMM Cllr1tflll .. ·~ Dte: M "-11• ""' 11111 1!1 •Y Otnftllil• Drl' ... llltw Y_.. •v.. 0.:C, '1 "-l :M "" .... •II lllY .... Y..,,. OIY. I ··············~····························· .. • • : IlDWPORT BHIJJOR saVIDG : • fDUftdMln lt3'1 "'ND 1.0A .. AllOCa ... TION I : SSH"'-LJM. N..,.,-t •-h. C.Hl.,,.i. J2MJ • ,,_.11)..JISO • 2166 (. C0111t Hwy .. Co.-on1 d1I Mir, C11Uornl1 92625 • P"°n• 675-5150 : • _fl•.oureH 111 [JK-ol On• Hunllrff MllliOI'! 09'1•"' 1 e P', A. p.-,Lh![lt\ CMlrm1n of the 8oerd ..1,GNES BLOMQU IST, f"l1Sld1nt e • • • • • • NAME • • • • • • • : AOOftESS : : ~: • CITY STATE ZIP ~ e • • • e OE,.T. ~ ~ 1 ... -1 ,,.,000..---ic:wi~~""'" • ···················································-·························· • MU·TU ASsE'TS OVER $425,000.000,00 t • ' , INGS • OTHER BRANCH Of'1'10ES _ Wnt Arcadl• "COviM l C5-ndat. • I . ,, .... • ' ' -~--~'-------------- ·-.' .... .,.. ,,, ... 1961 DAILY PILD'r-<:" • New York Stool{ Exchange List ,.---~ .... ~--~~, ' ........ -•L ..... ..: ... " ~-.. -· I rr:.---.1: A aemlnar .., tax ahelltt investments and f l·n an c I a I Plunlnr will be held 'l\nlay at !:00 p.m. In tho Saddll!bock Inn, Sao!& Alla by ,..,llldal C<lloepll, IDc. Jflarfcet S9mbob ef 'f'lte '='1la" I kft' fl l'tfMl6I Ul-... irz.:::.. ~ ...... ~ Jllllii!ita:~ Jllnl!'.! :if latlI~lra.iU!.U Ciosing -· ' .. . " I I I DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL ~~GE • ' • A . . ' .. ~ :Wretched_." (:h3pter '!'be o111~a1.rtp0.t on pl~ In Qilcui>' durlna the Democratle ConvtOllQO. 1' hi. h 'detaili.illler lhorougb tnv~aUon one ot the mo•t (ls1racUu1, JDOill l)lretched cbap!eri in Mileiicl.'i,-el'll hlJloly .. "' • .. · The Presldebl'1 conuni&alon on YJ•l-•presenta events In a "'IY impo11lbla.for fragmeht<iil ...... report- ing, either .prtpt or .electroolc, to do on the acene, or subseque11tly W!thOUt · bepe$t of lb~ llJOUW)dJ of Inter- views Wlljl partlclpaiits aild' e:;e' witneHes, Including many iDnoc~ victjlili of .clnljlllngs.. ' the f~ qt ·the~rt, ihat hia police were •l'Ollll· t\PJ.lt an , lndeejl, for thts 1.s a time 1,11 oW-his- tory when law Ordel' wlth.-jusUce can be l!ad only If the pollce tnJoy.th_e flill ,"'!lllliWice ol the clthenry·aJ.. large. 1 • At 1 ttme'when the PQ!l~ are vlewed 0with 1USplcion by a 1uba1antw ~•gmeAi of our young society, and r ... clproc•1' lhat ausplclon1 the Chicago Slfal? widened the scblsm allt p~ed ..tr~gbt !=th• bands of the criers of "police· brµWlly" - a vi _ calumny against the • ' • Nevel1,lleless, the report conllrins Iha\ the American peo~le >were given an acc~ate over-all~· of what went on by.rej>otte~ for all 'qtedla .w~o .were la th~ mids! of lt all. Ill lad, P<!Uce 'actions, were worse than could' be reported. ' . • . • ' . On .tJll.s score, the conµnissi(>n'a r,ePO)t,perfonn~· • service im~ssible to, ~eµver .at the scene, It con tams the full measure o! provQCative Qbsctnl,Ues .burled at police ·bY, IM .young:demonsttators of both:. ~exes._ • . vut majority .of en!"""'rs ~Ill~· aw; · The raued1, malj:OOWl!s who are· diagraclng the '5all Ftlnclico Slate College C&l1>J>il• again. this week are , npt l.Yi>lcal :cif· th• Ov#rWl!elritlng majo,rity of today's °' )'QUnt·aduJts. ·Nelth~ •• fortuuately,,.are Anierlca 1 police typl!led·by !lie ~ad record ot C!Ucag9's force during tbe . Demtcratl,c c0nveiiuim. . These "offensive weapoas" of tb,e Jriili)ants coul~ not be allowed on lbroedcast:s or In fsmilY' ~ewspjlpers beyOnd general description 'lacklnJ the.lmpa'.ct ·of lhe acttial wonls and foul acts\ iucb as the 'burling of fece~ and ·,1i0e, wlfh llnbedded raiot blades .aVpJ>llCe. -· • · ·Such pr'ovocatjoils noiwithslanding; the report makes it clear that·the Chicago pooce .did overreact and nin Wl}d in what the commission c~ ~'·"police rioJ.: Mayor. Daley bad helped Ibis overreactiotl by sttmng cballe~ges during earlier riots. · 'lbe resuI1,i.-the ~ePort saYs,. w~s. 'indis~~te .. police atjacks on legilima~e. law-ab1dirig aemotatta· tors; .newspaper. magazine and TV reporters perfo~ ing their duties as the eyes and ears of th.e public, in- nocent onlookers and even convention delegate~. Tb., pouce ·&t times lost lheir professi?nal cool and becilme ~stial, according to sco~s of witnesses.. • Even Mayor Daley JtOW ·appears ready to ad.mit1 in Why the GOP Didn't Win House Control • Dear Gloomy Gus: .. • Dr. S. I. HaJaka•a may be aD right as acting president of San Francisco State College but the trustees passed up a good bet wJth George Wallace available. With Richard M. Nixon's presidential victory, why did n't the Republicans cap- iure control of the U.S. House of RepresentaUves? 1bat'1 ·a question a number of pundits are asking and there are almost as many analyses put forth as there are analysts. -E.W. nit ........ f'tfllCl'I "'"""' .,.. "" -•ArllY ..... " .... _,._, ,.. ,.. ,.. .... ¥. flt • ._, .... Ddr , .... influence, the bombing halt in Vietnam, the all-out effort ol organized labor, ad infinitum. •4 • '' '<;r~~~h~~ Peopie ' ' ' 1 A, 2i-month-old lllUe beaµly,, daughter of· a South V\•lnamellt soldier and bis atiraCU•e wife, b In Child- ' reo'r, Hospllil-of ,Orange Cciunty, prepartni. {or heart •U?lerY ~ tllere' because a lot of j>eople bad· and have bl& ¥,arts. . .. . Flnt, Tustin'• 'Lt. Donald Heolllng, 29, traveling with a Navy \liJpensary I!> the hamlet· of the Le Thi Thanh family, .diagnosed ·the chlld's ailment as a con- gell!tally defective·beart. , Nert;Lt;:Hennbig'I wife Un<la, a regatereil nurse at Children's Bosp!W; persuaded slx doctors to donale their services . .And then Pail American Airways .agreed to 11.l('molher· and daughter free. · Flbally,. iiiUlbiry aulh9ritiu snipped· red tape fbr tlie 10,000 mile journey. · · Orange CountY will be 1'1\111Dg for the little gi.rl. • Entou~age Not Given to Ecceiitrieities • Nixon Picks Aides With 'Cool' Tone WASHINGTON ~ A kind of too• bas begun &o emerg~ from President-elect Nixon'• desI&naUon of those who wW be closest to him in the White House. U tones can be cool, as undoubtedly they can be In today's terminology, the Nixon tone is cool, not in the chilly meaning but in the contained sense. - Tbe Nlxon entourage is a very well buttoned up group not given to ec· centriclUes of thought or behavior and creative in the aense that an IBM com- puter is creaUve. This evldenUy is to be the style of the Nb.on 11.dmlnistraUQn. as it was the style of bis presldenUal campaign. With all the pretended emphasla on youth.1 the fact of the matter· is that tional and lnfonnation fields who are perf~ted organization meii of ·the hr dustrla;llzed state. role u a Cabinet member, the associate upon whom Nixon relies most He, too, is the ~ool and contained type. A president'• job ts lonely not for lack NIXON MA y · eventually: find that of always being in a crowd but !or organizaUon men aft not enoygh, Cabinet Rosenman, Ray Moley, Rex TugweJI, lack of people in whom fall personal members are not enough, but that he confidence may be safely placed N tural Tommy Corcoran, Marvin Mcintyre, · a will have to have close to him 8dvisers tendencies to confide, trust anct s e e t Steve EarJy. Louis Howe, Harry Hopkins. of a much les.s nonperso~al character, _sympathy are inhibited by the nature We will get no Cabinet members like as have most presidents. Not personal of the offl.ce. '{his undoubtedly accounls bombasUc Harold Ickes, nor mOOdy friends like Nixon's Floiida cOmPanJOn, for the tendency of presidents to find .Henry Wallace. Bebe Reboro, but'intimate and respected in oUensive' companion,, sO limited ill We evidently. ~ also not to get many 11dvisers with special' talents and insights. talent in some cases as to be astonishing, college professors w Kennedy-type hr No one, for example, stan~' out as and in other cases alarming. Every pres!· tellectuals like Walt Whitman Rostow a consultant to Nixon on foreign aUairs, dent seems to have in his entourage and McGeora:e Bundy; the Harvard, unless it is former Undersecretary 0£ a clowu, a faithful dog to pet or .tick M.l.T. day1 are over. :' ,i. q· . , . . State Robert Murphy, wboie rote in the &row'ld, or just an amiable lightweight. The elements ot the puzzle art fairly 4i.mple. Nil'on won the presidency by a better margin thls year than did John F. Kennedy in 1960. Both elections were' close. • the NlJon entourage il·no 70Unger than ONE REASON which bas not been the present generation In the White In their ptaca ,w;-~.~·:·b&~·.,cb transition to'.·tb~~ .. ·a~'is ,. What he has to guard ~aimt is the cool o_pefators ·U.~~~,~ thouglJt ~~...:,.,-~t-~ ~~!:,,••.;.-agreeable or even efficient mUmate who In 1966 the GoP made major gains in the House and some gains in the Senate, as well as in gubernatorial COD· tests throughout the naUon. It was freely speculated that the Republicans, il they could win the presidency, would come close to cal)turing the House or actually Win control. discussed lo date ii porhap1 ID bask: • H.o u se /llld J>Oo!~ a ohade o I·~ e r. that it ii overly 1lmple -the a1>-Competenci<O'Vtr ereitfvit.f~ un- portionment of congre:Sslonal dlatrlcb. derstatement . over enthusiasm "it! the · Every 10 years, after .tl;le federai census, . chief charact.eriaUcs of the Ni,x:on merL congressional dlstrkll are apportioned by the various states to reflect changed population factors. The last time the job was done was in 1960. WHILE NIXON thinks er his present efforts u brtnglng .into the White House the mOl!lt dynamie group since Franklin D. Rooaevelt'a New Deal, the Nixon · men are dynamic-iri 1 quite different way. They do not resemble. at all sam. -U.r_:_H~ g.~1 Ji1f6_:Ja~e ~ '""'":1f&e'1l1 _ -~,.,..P'I~_.,;~ ~"' bscomes ao used tQ,. hiJ place at the .of lllUl::i i~';"' ·f!'<'~l i{\1fd Ro~l~Nf::''! !otlnorc~~t.'>.i tallle that he can no longer 4isUnguish whh a : . ,·~: i!la'r~,.11hY1><; and .qam ' . ger,luosonly '~ '.cleirlyhisowninlar .. fromlhepubllc's former pr dent ol the .Amettean. Bar lmow1edge o fofeign affairs; his pr~t -interest, and then Vert dire things often Association,' wi..· ai>pt'Oacbes th~. pro-knowledge of: r)alional affairs may be ' happen. cesses ol 'gbvernment 8!!I U he were the 'closely circumscribed by ~be :Califonila · 'Beyond this category, however, a pres!· leading , sura:eon ot 1 'heart transplant political 'climate, lthich .is :quite different · dent needs close cind ielfless personal team ~ ~ Ell!worth', ·as ·~are!u~ as .-from the political climate ',Of· &0rile 'of advisers ~f high intellectual call~ and the Kansas 'bi! :a¥De• ·trmn;,·Robert · .the other·-Iarge States. -.. • intregrity even though he can also rely HaldennaD · and Ronald 7Jegltt, non-• · on an able Cabinet and Nalional Security Jdeoloilcol lklmlcians In Ille' organlza· FINµi 0 WllL PROBABLY 11<.-l!i liis Council IN THE 1111 elect.ions the Republicans picked up only an additiooal four seat:! in the J!ouse. On the other hand, the GOP now commands the governorship in 31 slalts, it has control of both houses of the state legislature in ZO states -aa: do the Democrats. At the local level the GOP has kicked upward its total or elected legislators and at the rounty level the Republicans have gained 1200 seats since 1964.. AJ ID every case of apportionment, whether at the state legislaUve or con- gressional level, the name of the 1ame on the part ol the party In power ls to create u many safe seats for its incumbents as possible. Such wu the case in 1960. By the very nature of the reapportionment game there are only a relatively few marginal districts sub- ject to capture by either party except in case of major shifts in public opinion. What Southerners Said in. ·Election So here the GOP Is, winning the presidency, statewide elections, local legislative races and county seats but not making slgnificant gains in the House ' Of Representatives. Tbe reasons put forth for the paradox are many and not overly convincing. The principal ones are the closeness of the presidential rontest, the Wallace n JUST MAY BE th a t the rel!lon the Republicans didn't c a p t u r e significantly mort seats in the House of Representatives this year is that they already had taken over the bulk ol the swing districts and will not be able to make substanUal additional gains until after Ute 1970 apportionment -assuming that, at that time, they still control Ille bulk of Ille stateJ and can determine Ille guidelines. CaWoml1 Fa.tare Service . Elephantine Eyela shes· Things a columnist might never know il be didn't open his mall • Elephants have longer, eyelashes than even the lllltrlest Hollywood stars. They range from four to five inch-...s in length. Whether you art lel~-banded or right· handed, the chances are that YOW' left foot ls sllghUy larger than your righl Chronic aspirin addl_dJ may be rl!king dti.th. Based on experiments with rats, a Canadian medical study esUmated that over • period ol time the daily con. sumption of between ZS and 100 five-grain aspirin tablets could prove lethal to bumaos. Have you ever seen 1 $10,000 bill? Most people haven't but some $4 million wortb ol them were in circlatioo lut year. or one for every half.million penooa. Wouldn't it make a fellow's d'1 lo preoent one lo a bus driver 900le day -and see his frustration u he tried to glve you bad: your cbAn&e in nickel.I? RERE'S A NV!'GET ol Jmowledg• tblt ii bound to astound even your D1I!" -noi&hbor; ti _. ol Ille Union hooet 10ld In 11111 counlry In '* ...... -groen. -· ,.. r'f!Od tt -llrlt. .Xlnf Georp l ol EnlW>d WU a ..... ..,,. """' lot Ibo dul1el ol lllGillrdl1 sweep him oil 1111 feet. Ho ~ -took Ille tn>uble lo learn llir ~ .. laoguago. ~· nollbl ... ''The moot ln-eml~t Ole thin& about the world " 11111 .. -Jlfthtnsiblo." -Albert -We'll leadlal.J!> bocomc a naUon uf oldsters u well u youngsters. American now bu 7 .J million people aged 7S or over, and the number is growing at the rate of ~.500 a year. GREElt WISDOM: Socrates, often called the wlse:st man who ever lived, foresaw danger in trying to legislate equality of the sues. "Once made equal to man," he warned, "woman becomei his superior." . Far-mlelling : A fortune awaits any man who can develop f<r &lrls a perfume as irresistible u that produced by the !~ale gypsy moth. Le" liwl a hundred mUliooth of an ouoce fl attractant acenl releuod by ... ol lhe&e lemlnlne nut- .....,. wUl bring llCOr<I ol bull moU.. stampedlng lo her from up lo hall 1 mile distant TAHm HAS one of the world's aim· plesl building c:odel: "No buildlnr &hall be hllhtr liwl two-thirds Ille hdlbl of a c:oc.:onut tree ... Remember when Ille white mllar wu a Jftllll• l)'lllbol, and mOll worklnc people wore ovtralll? Not any more. OUr U.S. 11bor force "°" lncluda almoll four million Jann -•en and :17 millloo blue collar -km, but they aro far outnumbettd by the 14 mlllloo clu&llied u white collar workers. ". • , The fabric oC our-soul, what we love and what we have become accustomed to, is created in our youth. not afterward." The First Circle (of Hell)• Al•nmlor SoWienltsyn. AJ enmination of the election returns continues, there are con c.1 us ions fettboding and grim. They are so ominoua that those who will admlnlster from Wuhington in the four yean ahead serlOllSly should analyu the results. U they pander to wbat the figures reveal. they, the next admlnistraUon, needlessly will perpetuate for a generation, a con- dition of racial discontent '1ld conflict (a few of the larger cities may manage to avoid it). For yean, due largely to the successes and accmnpllsbments of a feW mayors. governors and other public figures, it was wumed that "the ·South" was becoming mor< liberal -more politically rrrogresstve. TBIS WAS NOT TRUE. Well before the election Wallace ln AlabamA, Barnett and Williams in Mississippi, and Maddox in Georgia had given loud warning of Ille real!Uos.. Vice President Humphrey carried Tes:· as. Kil margin was small. It was made pOsslble by those white Democrats who remained faithful, and by the overwhelm- ing support from th• Spanish-speaking and Negro vottta of Texa.s. In the South I! a whole Mr. Humphrey received 31 percent of the vote. Mr. NiJ:Qn had 34.7 and ~ge Wallace, segregaUonist plus, had 34.3. Mr. Wallace frequently reminded Olxie voters that be and Mr. Nixon were uylnJ: the aame ..---B 11 Geo.,,., - Dear George: Do you donate the procftda ol YOUR column to <:harlty like some of the mon popular rolumntm do? SUSPfCIOUS °"' Suspicious ' No, but U you1rt In need I'll spilt the Chrlstmu baskol with you that I cet every year from Abby~ Ann. (Send yoor problem• lo George and quil nlklnl Ille floor at nlghl Carpell don't grow on lrees. I thing. This was not tnie. Sen. Strom Thurmond, with whom Mr. Nb:on made his Mlami arrangements, was saying he was sure Mr. Nixon would keep Southern cooditians in mind. SINCE AT LEAS')' 90 percent of Ille black vote went for Mr. Humphrey - and in Texas the Spanish-speaking voters joined in, the "white Southerner" who voted for the Vice President in the states of the old Confederacy must have been about Ill percent. . There was a polarization around the issues of eliminaUni the degrading dual school system, implementaUon o f emp]oyment, housinl and other of the mere progresfilve Jaws -all necessary: to the. long proyhe.sied "New South." What a heavy majority of Southerners were saying, especially at the ballot boxes in rural and small city-town areas, was that they would pre.fer their ad· mittedly inferior schools to eliminating the dual system. They wanted a halt to school guidelines. They wanted Mr. Nixon or Mr. Wallace to win so they could tell "Wasbiflgton" to go to hell. THERE 1$ HARDLY a Southerner who ts not aware or the lamentable conditl.9ns of put>lic education in h i s region. He does not, however, always seem to understand what it has done to him and his children. "The fabric" of his being, what he likes and what he haa , become accustomed lo, was created iri his youth. He will not give it up. He· .prefers for his children to have leSs opportunity than those of other regiQJJs· if to have improvement means sharing' it with the colored child. · r.rr. Nixon's ear reportedly ii being held close to earth. WHAT HE THINKS of Mr. Julian Bood, member of the Georgia legislatui-t, and one of a Democratic party delegation seated at Chicago, is not known. Mr. Bond is saying that if Mr'. Nixon's ad- ministration does indeed pander to local segregationist control, and does in fact .follow the Strom Thurmond policy, that the Negro citirens of the country will i:iot accept it. Nor will at least 19 percent of the whlte people. Unity cannot come from betrayal or degradation. There are large cities and urban areas in the South that did not vote for degrading the South and its processes of citizenship and education. But, a study of the returns Is foreboding -e&peclaUy if the Constitution of the United States, especially the 14th and 15th AmendmenU, are to be politely kissed off in the immediate years ahead. Our Misleading Nomenclature It • ia strange how many things are named after, or identified with, certain countries or regions -and reilly have nothing to do with thele places. For instance, abnost all sailors who use a "Genoa" jib don't know that it was rirst devised by a Swede, and has nothing to do with Genoa or ILaly at all. . The "pagoda" in China ll not a Chinese word at all, and would not be recognized by them -it is what the Portugese explorus found in India and gave t h e name to . AND TJlE F.UfOUS Japanese "jinrlltishli. was unknown in the East until tt was invented by an American missionary there. Se-called "Dutch" clocb a r e not of Dutch bllt of German manufactur.. (The conluslon arooe here because Cormany calls Itself "Deut8cbland.") Of e our 1 e, French fried potatoes, French toast, and French door& .... called by utterly dill1ttnt namt1 there, and not considered 1pecl!lcally French 1t an. Hamburten are unknown In Hamburc. 1t Jent unda' that 11am1, and are con- sidered an Indigenous American tood. ' .~ INDIA INK. COM~ from China, not from lndla; wherea.s most of what we call "China" comes not from the Orient bllt from Engiand,'Frw or Holland. Turkish baths 11rt not of Turkish origin; and, of course, turkeys do not come from Turkey, but are wholly North American birds. That (amous nower the "Guernsey lily '' ·is not • native of the Isle of Guernsey, but o{ Japan and South Africa. (To show how misnomers get~ started, this flowu was discqvmd .bY Kempler In Japan, and· the boat bringing spociinem. of Ille new pion! lo.~ was wrt<kod on Ille coall of <luernley and some o( the bulbs that were wa;b;;d uhor• took root and sermJnated Ibero.) DANISH PASl'RY ls not k-. as such in O.nmark, and Gulnt11)lp do not come from Gulnu (nor aclually, I(< they momhersof lht.Pil family .). The JeruNl4'm artichoke wu never anywhere near Jerusalem; the wont ls ' a corruption of the Italian "gtrasole," the sunflower, which this vegetable resembles in leaf and stem. The poodle, widely believed to be 1 French dog, Is really German (pudelbund was its original name, meaning "spl~ dog"); while the Great Dane is also a German breed, not Danl.sh Jn origin. -----Tuesday, Dec. 3, 11168 n. •clftorl41 pag1 of 1111 oaa, Pflol lftlu to Inf""" and ,_ ulat& rwadnt by prHmtlng Ulil • ft<1DIJlClpn'< opinlmu and """" """tol'JI on • toplt:o of lflkrwll and lignlfb:mco, br prov1c1111g • '""''" tor "" Hpl'Cllio!t ol our rf'Cden' opfafonl, and br pr11mU11g U.. dlll<rff ""1o- Poi•ll of fflfomacd obi..,,.,. •!Id IPOkUlllCn Oft toplt:o of IM daJ. Robort N. Weed. Publllher :e " A t • d d k ~ :s d • 1. ~ ~ k • 0 • b • n I- d d y y • Scheduf es Outl'i ned ' • , 1 ProvJs:i~A~.ls . . . . For New pr<Wisiollal -members will be w01¢il>ecl during ,U,e .~ meeting. of the Assistance ~in• of ,liunfll!gl<lo.Beacb '"' nmrsday~ _ Dec. 5, 111 the chapter-)louse. _, I . , , . .. ~ :Joinlng•the organization'lwill )le the Mmes,Nlc)c Appll!, Ml!IQn . Brown, Warren Hair;.ROOert Murray; Burt Ro~inlon, William·Stethen- aon and Charles White. . · ! .. , " : · . M. a· pan at: :their : Orientation the pr0i\7isionala'"'1 already ., have, toured Hunli.ngtOq Jntert:ommunlty Hospilal to become acquaiilted with the procedures involved in the volunteer duties they sooti will assume. . Their tour included an inspection of the gilt shop, located in the hospital lobby and staHed'by league members, in addition to the re- mainder of the facility· where they will serve monthly maternity te81 and take their turns making the gift cart available to hospital patients. During a coffee which followed the hospital tQur, provisionals learned the other duties whicb, will comprise UJ.e.ir wQl"k. They al59 will participate in other league activities including Operation Merry Christ- ma:s, the speech center and the thrift shop. Shelves and racks at the thrift shop currenUy are bulging with merchandise as a result of the league's Put n' Take pay, and thrifty shoppers already are flocking to the shop to search for Items liuited to their particular needs. Donations of needed and usable itema always are accePted !ince the stock must continually be replenished. Proceeds from sales are used by the league to aid area families. , The new league members will jcrin the thrtft shop staff compris. ed of the Mmes. William Russell, chairman; 0. B. Root, co-chairman; Glen Dysinger, Berrell Ries, Robert Parker, Alice Freeman, Herbert Wood, l<>well Spangler, Harry LeBard, Wayne Flanery, Willlam Lamb, Roy Battershill, John Carriveau, Robert Hubbanl, Robert Seybert and Hugh Stutsman. Introducing the new memben to the duties eXpected of. them were Mrs. Norman Warner, president and members of. the executive board . The orientation program ~M conducted under the supervi!ion ot Mrs. John Wyatt, firrt vice president. Accents On ·Beauty It's many mlle11 betWffn the perfume-scented salorui: o f Paris and the steamy jungles of Vietnam, but since women are essentially f e m i n In e wherever they may be, nurses serving in the Dttle war-torn country will be pampered - at least for Christmas. Membel-s of the South Coast Junior Woman's Club in Foun- tain Valley are in the process of collecting more th a n 480 poonds of cosmetica and toiletries which will be sent to nurses In the Cam Ranh Bay area. The project, ) begun last year, was so enthusiutlcally received by the nursei that the club decided to continue It, according to Mrs. Larry Long, Americanism chlltrman. Club memben wrote various manufacturen for contributions for the patkages to be mailed this y~d responses from Mu: ·Factor and Clairol were ' e r y generous, she said. More than 80 bol:es have been packaged for the nurses. Each box contains powder, perfume, Upotlck, nail polish, cologne, soap, hair gel and eye shadow. M!isUng Mn. Loni was Mn. Andrew Edwards, co- chalnnan, and the Mmes. . Montlo Carter, Dennis Gelvin, Duane U1rich, Jon McKlbben, Carl Cleary, Bond 'Ibompson, Paul Davis and Frank Fleck. HOLIDAY FROSTING -Mrs. Diana Hudgins; RN, examines the pale, frosted look CY! today's co5metic1 prior to their shipment to nurses in Vietnam: by (left to right) Mn. Larry Long and Mrs. Jon• Mc- Kihl1tn, memben of the South Coast Junior. Wo- - Power l:ooms· Coveting the drab dirt of vacant fields with carpets of colorful wildflowers are (left to right) Pam Bazil, Sherry Walling, Patricia Hill and Mrs. Lyle Walling. Operation Wildflower will begin with plant· ing of city lots by area Girl Scout troops Saturday, Dec. 7 and 14, as their contrlbutiOI) to the beautl· fication program sponsored by the Wo.men's Divis- Ion, Huntington Beach Chamber·of Commerce. The pr_ogram involving 'the city's youth with future beautification projects was ap",anged ~y Mrs. Charles Bauer, general cbainhan, and Mrs. R. D. West,~chairman-of-Operation· Wildflower. The youth groups will plant and maintain the vacant land for a year. man's Club of Fountain Valley. The club will mail more than 480 pounds of cosmetics and toiletries .to nurses serving in the Cami R&nh Bay area on the Santa Claus Special, a .ship leaving from Oakland for Vietnam. , Surf Sounds 'Celebrations-' Planned By JODEAN HASTING/! Of ""' DtllY Plltt 11.tf IT MUST HA VE been the discussion of the boat parade and the area's first Christmas Cru~e of Llghls beginning Monday, Dec. e, that turned table talk to holiday plans during the Huntington Harbour Philharmonic Com- mittee's luncheon meeUng lhe other dsy. Sam and Voya Giesy with young Siun and D e b r a gathered the clan together in Yucca Valley ·for Thanksglvil!i. Enjoying bridge seuions and akeet-sbootlng over the long weekend were Mr. and Mn. Samuel H. Giesy Sr., Mr. and Mn. P. A. Queal and · Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Queal, Voya's parent.I and brother, and her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mr!. D. O. Bender. PLANNING A WHITE day. after Christmas are the A. Bayard Dod's. Jane, founder of the Huntington Harbour Philharmonic Committee and Salt Lake City native, ar· ranged with some old school friends to swap houses and ·cars during the holidays. When the Dods board a plane for Brighton, their friends, Mr. and Mn. Wood Worsley and daughter Jane, will be en route to Huntington Beach. The Worsley home ls located about n?dway b e t w e e n Brighton and Alta, so the men -By and sons Barry and Brian -will get ln. some akllng while Jahe coffees with old friends, since the area is one she vi.Site dfrequenUy as a girl. " It will be the boys' first experience living in snow country but By, a tramplanted Eastiiner, would just as soon go to Catalina, according ·to Jane. WISHlNG EVERYONE "Mele Kalikimaka" and soak· Ing up sunshine on the beach in Hawaii are ~tty and John ·Sliver: Betty plans to address ~e famlly Christmas. cards while acquiring a tan. Sons John and Jeff will join· their parents when school's out, along with friends Mart Tague and Gary Barker. They will decorate a home-groWn Hawaiian Christmas tree with an a8sortment of Orienlal ornaments Betty bas collected and surf all day before sltUn.g down ~ a Hawaiian turkey dinner. Before leaving the SUven gatherod • group of friends for a pre-Christmas party followillg the U S C • U C L I game. The house w a t decorated with. a tradlttooal tree and c.u1tomarJ ornaments, and each aunt brought a wbilHlephanl f)J'. to exchange. During th!>lr vacallaa th Silvers plan to visit Maul u the big Island of Hawaii at hope to ..,,.. polhe """ ~iv, and "lllJ' Will.,,,,.., In ot place or the other. • , "' .. PUTl1NG OFF their ' . to the Islands until CbristmU .. they 11"1 : the holiday with their grandchild are Dallaa • ' Joanne Moran, bUly ' :S.t chairman of the phllhanru.:. board,' .r" Tho Morans feel nolbinf JOiii than a regal red carpel ...aid be awoprlato to ...- Autumn' A!lrOnto Baca wlieri 1he · arrives wlth ~ Amber and Jerry.-I Joanne and Dal plan to be.,r for tbe Kona Cout ml 'lilll' apeod some time with ~ and Phll Flesdmer wl"! divide their time between Hawaii aid Huntington Harbour. .:C· ' " A1'o Jetting to Iha - later th!J month will be B.icir and Charles Allen and .AudriJ and Jerry Olaon. ' ,• 'Catty' Choice: Romeo . Knqws What's Best for This Juliet .~· ' DEAR ANN LANDERS: Do you belleve animals can atie up people better than humaDI! Well, they can and I have proof. Call it Instinct or whatever you want, but it'• a fact. We have a cat ol. uncertain parentage. He 11 yellow with stripes. Wo nsmed him "Romeo" becallle be bas IO many ANN LANDERS ril girl friends. Romeo bu a way of ed out and clawed Floyd '1 highly pollshod brulh1ng up aga1no1 good pt<lllle and lhoea. Before ,.. ~ pull bim olf, purring, llh bl• little molDr ls nmning. be had '°"' Floy•'• llOCb and· - When Romeo doeln1 lib • -be bil ankles. bumpo up bil back and llfllll. When our daUllll« ......-! she wu A few monlhe ap oor daughter going lo mariy Floyd wo ,,_ DOI became frtendJ7 with a man who was · vu, happy. Romeo w11 depressed - a myatery to all of uo. Romeo haled· dldn1 tat for two da)'I: Ono -week blf- Floyd from the firat day he atepped tho! weddlna, Floyd skipped town ind Into our hon\e. Onl eveniq Romeo Jasb. !di .., f<rtr~ addraL dur daulll>ter \ neorly bad· a nerv°"' brukdowu. 1lomoo perked"" and~ to eat.qaln. Our •daughler .lnailta that from ·-on ~'ll waldl Romeo'• readlon to bet boyfrioodl. She fWean she "ill never marry &llyOllt' Rom<o doeln1 Hh. W)lat . do you lhlnlr. ol thb: Ann-=~ Door VM: 0.. .... ee!J .. loot al -----------------~--------~ ----- -------- u.e· soarla& divorce rate te eonehtde t!nt -e "'" mlghl inUo bellu -t.lom t..bu aome people. DEAR ANN !,ANDERS: Does m,y & band need to be stralgl\tened out or am I overly sensiUve? We have been married 11 montha. This ii my flrat marriage, Conrad'• aecood. Whenever he. lnt.roducea me to frletdr (and Ibis bu beeo going on from tho day we ~ed) .be says, "Meet Chor lot- to,. my new wile. Id)' first wile died four years ago." I don1 tbink H 11 -'l' for Conrad to mention hla Jlrst ·wife when he ln- troduceo mo. It'• .WOii as· if ha la • apoloSWni. ·I have menUoned tbi1 to . CUSED: Get off Iha delonalvt and llo{ him but he lnalsll he doesn't mean lrylng to explaio your poatUao. Tllof anything by IL He ssy1 ii'• Just couidn1 care lea. It la _. -· oomethlng to ssy. their nooea are oui ol jolnl t>-1 Whal Is YOllr opinion, Ann! you have done moro for ,W moCllor -PITrSBURGH MRS. than they have and their IUl!l la &ollC-. ' J>EAR MRS.: Wbal Coorad atedl 11 • oometlliq EUIE to .1..,. llqpot a ~· --. ...._ • ..mettate setllence. Bow'• Wt fw S • • ·" .... Mt en ~ ope1en? "1'4 like 1" It meet 1111 1tA1'1 ai .tvller • •D•• ... wlfe Cbriette. W1've i.. lDNried U boobMnt. . • ~ , ........ ud obe 1dll -lib •. bride, ' Au LadOn wlll .. .... .. """ doea't Ilse?" JOI •Wt yoar P"Mlli1. .... ....._ It •er In , care 11, tM. DAILY P1U1t: eoclosiltc a ' ...,.., lllr 1 tlr I . Iii CONFlDENTIAL TO UNJUSTLY AC.· •Yelope. , . " • I • J -. Riles . .. ottpl'e Exchange V9w~ Janel a.wlY ~re••• n becll!IO the bride .c i:_.i Cootid Taucbert dllrlq i11o1 In SI. Andrew's Pnm~ Ollrcb.ln N~. The Ile••· Dr. Chari., Dlerenlleld ·Deaf.· Guild elans ~Meet Mart -n. coomnator ol spOcJil eGlcaUon for the ollldated. / ' Tbe -Mn. 1Wlcborl " 8anla' Ana II the clailPlllr ·.c ¥rt. Olive Bo!iret .c Moua- . Illa View and' Methlal B-• lilii of "-IJ"'4,, Th• hrjdqroom al• Lajun,. Niguel II. the .... " Mn! Sheldon ' PetU-of V~ura. . ' Coi1l1nc ~· t1ie aisle . .., the .,., of• lid' "1iclf. F'nd JI, Brenoan al Medforii, 0..., .Ille bride woro a 11.oor l..,ui ..... of Atln-•brOCade wllb .. elbow l..,ui ll1lt illUJloa .. 11 She carried ... bite ...... -The bride'!-· 'Mrs. John '('But.er was matron of honor. ~ and the bridesmaids, Mn. • Pblllp A. Kilian, tile bride's sister, . and Mn. Raymond .- Bell, ...... noor lenilb rink gowDI and carried' p D k --· .. Donald JI. AIU... <If Goleta ""' bell man and H. Seymour ~·Phillip J . Meyer, """' nelb J>. ~_and .A M>rshaJl Wright were uahen. Mlsl Kareji P~ttlbone Ollilted at the reception In t;;t'' mtaurant. Corona de! The couple will -mue ·their bome"ln· 4guria_ Niguel alf6 a honeymoon Jn Palm Springl MRS. JOHN LUNSFORD JONES COit• M ... Home ·-- Newport~ Beach ' Rites Setting and BJi Sur. Varying' lhadeo of pink Mount Carmel Cb u r ch, · The bride p-aduated from earn a t I on 1 and white NewP.9l't. Beacl'I. • Newpotl-M.,. Ul1lfle4 'School lltalficl. will apealt II Ibo 7:!11 -p.m. Dk. ' mtetlni " Jbe NO!!JlOfl-l\leoa ~-­Ing Parenl'f Gu1ld-~ The meeting will tab pjace .Jn WU... School. , I Mrf. llll1>!0' i,a'i\n; ~ dent, will dlscuu f9nd-ral.sing ' •venla· on nm-.cJOU'a oa»- dar durtn. the bUl1- porUOll ol Iba ' meeting . and, parenta wll apend lime In Iba Claal'OOl!l wilb their c!Jl1d'1 teacher. ' Al part ol 111 cducaUOn pro- gram, the Gulld m a· II: e 1 prese~Uons on c;l>I 1 d de~ to tntaie'atcd orgaJrlUUGm., Mo t._, ·tn- lopnatil>a on lbll-program may be Obtained from Mrs. Lakin at 545-1569. Gifts Go To Auction Children'• clot.hes, papier mache novtµIea , Chrtttmu ' deccraUona and other orlglnal gi!tl will be offered during an auctitm ,IJ>OtlSOl'ed by the 5eal Beach Junior Woman'1 Club. The auction, fea.turlng handmade glfls and bated goocll, will begin at 7,30 g.m. Thuraday, De<:: 5, In the -of Mn. Fred LuU:. C.plslrano Unlon·lllgb School cbr7'8Dlbt!llWDI banked lhe The daughter of Mr. aod and attended Orirlge COast . 1 the uni"·• Mn. WUlt8m C. Raaslg of CJc:lllege. :'lbe br\deifoom ii altar ar. , ceremony ... '6 Udo l*, was given in mar- ._ --dqlng P<!'ll<aduate work at Carol Marte llaaslg and John rtage 'by her !albcr. For her Calllornia State College a! Lunsford Jonet. . weddinc ahe selected a floor Long Beach after graduating The .Rev:Fr~ Kelly con-length ioWn of alencon lace from New Mexico St ate ducted the double. r I n.g whlcll ,fell in tiers in back. College. ceremony in Our Lady ot Her illuJ1on veil bordered in Mrs. Ronald Jessner Is serv- ing as chairman .of the event wlilC!i Will ra1ae funds !or the club'• phUanthropl~ including the March of Dimes, Palomar lndiam and the Seal Beacb Boy aod-Oirl Scoutl. MRS: LEONARD TAUCHERT Wed In Newport llNch Vows Recited .Jn Church Rite . Making their first home In -HunU~ Beach !p'e newl y- 'wed Mr. and Mrs. Bill DonaJd ·Brown. Tbe couple were mar- ried in a double rlng ceremony in the Church of God, Garden "'Grove, by the Rev. H. B. Wallace. The former Ruth Eleanor Dunn Is the daughter or Mr. and-·Mn. William E. Dunn of Huntlngtm Boacb aod her liuaband · la the '°" of Mrs. :para Brown of Huntington S.acb. 'l'1te bride wore • three- Uered, long 1leeve1d chantilly J~ gown and carried a ~~gay of white roses sur- iounded by chrysanthemums. Bridesmaid!, Mr•. J oh n Wold, the bridegroom 's sister of Los Angeles, and the Missel!J Dorothy Dltt and Rita Rhodes of Huntington Beach and Paulette Pederson Of Westminster, wore pink gowns in the same l!ltyle as the fI!ald of honor. 'MleY also Carried pink dirysantbemums.-' MiS8 Mary Loe Dunn, the· bride'1 lister. wu the Oower· girl and Dale Crane wu the ring beater. Ushers included Bill Dunn, the bride's brother, Gerry Hirata, Bob Clark and Steven Lev, all of HunUngton Beach. A recepUon 'for 100 guest! took place In the church. laCe w~ held by petall. of lace and pearls and she car- ried a bouquet of gardenias ··~:°":.;id of 1io .... ~ Den ta I Unit Cattle Llnnehan of P>sti Mt!!a, Wore a gown of aaki s · t 0 cloth with tiered sleev.,, Her e 5 once flowers were write rose1 and · baby'1 breath. F H 1 · d . Attending !be bridegroom, or Q 1. ay 10n of Mr. and Mrs. L.. B. Jones of Costa Mesa, wu hi s A holiday feeling will be brother Philip M. Jones, best in the air Dec. 6 as members man. and seating' guest! w~ and guests of the Orange Michael L. McQueeney and County Dental Society gather Albert Vasquez, both of·Costa for a gala dinner-dance in Mesa. the Anaheim Stadium Club. Following 'the cer~ the The James Whitmore "· couple greeted , gu;i .. )lurlng Orcheslra will play !or - . ,a r""'pUon In ·tb&;l:ib ~b , c1n1 aflv.lbt a p.m. ci>cktall ~;~~lfr"0:1: 1lf~~er6.1e o1"o;Mim decorations and ft 6 we r I · "Grove ii chairman of the AslilUilj w.ere Miu Peggy event.' Asallting him are the Jonea, and Mia Patty Meier,· .Dn . .Robert Engman Leonard lister and --<!OUalD . Of the Laudenback, R o n ~-1 d Kl- , bridegroom. tn1elhofU, Robert W. ' LURLINE HALL Spring Date Betrotha I Told During Party The engagement ~-Lurline Upson Hall and George Sauler Twist of Newport Beach was announced by the bride-elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ernest Hall of San Marino and Dover Shores, during a family party al the Del Monte Lodge in Pebble Beach. Miss Hall is the granddaughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Hall of Emerald Bay. She received her degree from Stanford University and studied at the University of Ca.Iifomia, Berkeley. She also was a student at stanford University in Italy . The future bride was presented at the Valley Hunt Club o~ Pasadena and also was a debutante for Children's Ho:i;pita1 in 1~ Her fiance js the son of Mr. and Mrs. 'George Albert Twist of Newport Beach and th e grandson of Mrs. George Albert Sattler of Santa Ana and the late Mr. Sattler and the late Mr. arid Mrs. Charles Gerald Twist of Balboa Island. , _ · ~ ir;idl!l!~ .. <>f Newwrt Ha<bor_ High · · ~Ool ,Bild, Slallford Univen;ity,. tile brid ... groom l<Mle . aff!liated with Delta '.U~on ' fraternity •. Twist also studied at Stanford's campus in Italy. A member of the Newport Harbor· Yacht Club, he is on active duty with the U.S. Navy Reserve. · -The ·wedding is planned for next spring in San Ma1'i1JO. · ·- Mia Bonnie Wutlle of Hun- tington Beach WU maid of honor. She wore • pale pink P.wn and carried p i n k i:!Jeyaanthemums. The bride and bridegroom graduated from Fount a In Valley llJgb School, He DOW attends Golden wm College. Following a wedding lrtp '9..-.Longman and Mra. J. Parker :: .... m~talnl _ tduhe •• '!8""°'will . Hart aod Mn. Cole, pmldcnt . &a • gra a._ of the Wom1n11 AUllliary to make their home in Costa the Orange County Dental Mesa. The bride attended Socl<ty '-------------------Orange Coast College and her • ... • 1 ··Horoscope , ____ _ Pisces: Stick ~·To Yo,Jr Rules ' WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 4 You're going placel!I -today you can prove It. UBRA (Sept. 23--0ct. 22); By IYDNEY'OMARR Full mooil posltloo today coi,,. MRS. BILL DONALD BROWN .... ""nie wise man controls hi1 cides "1 t b Journeys, long. Nuptl1l1 Told .r...-11.... ...._1 . •-range projects. Your intuition ---,.-----------------. .....,........., ·.,· • .,.., .. uogy pom .. comes into play. Follow the way. • through on hunch. One at a ,, "1111!8 (March 21·Aprll 19): dlltance getl in touch. Be ~ull fQ~ -poutlon ~.ses available. JQUtneYI, flurry of activity. SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21)· Day to outline ldeu aod ex-: · · -Preu t be m . CommunJcate' The more fleJ.Ible you are deslrel to relativet. Be crystal today, the better. ~ a t e ' clear· ""'"'l ICIUer forces. partner may be Insistent ' '""" regarding financlal matter. T~UIWS (April 20-May ~): Don't press. You gain most Lunar poB.ltlon today coincides by making adjustment. You ··wtth opportunity .to attr~ct .eventually get what you need. : l)llOlllJ< Ba detemuncd. Insist SAGmARIUS IN -• 10IJ quality Otherl may be ov. _. "-:i..ttng Follow lhroogb· !ullill De<:. 21): Yoor chance to loi>llgationa ' break through red tape It OC· lfFGEMINI. (May 21.June 20): cented. Key ~ to under~~nd j J.iucb depends upon how you rather than fight. oppos1t!on. f 'nfuminate personality. N 0 li awrtre of pu.bbc reactton, 1 time to 111 back -and wait. • ypu could easily overcome I Jiiot:ead, ~ve ahead. Aller! obstaclea. '~·Opposition Is weaker CAPRICORN (De<:. 22-Jan. \ !ball, )'Oll1111lpt lmqlne. Act 19): Modernize wort pro- ' )ccOrdlngly. ceduret1. One who complaiM CANCER (Jtme 21-July 22): can be won over. Key is to 1:vaa weil't be able to· teep stand above petty rivalry. \"aecret1 -but It .J¥W not be Then there ii beneficial ac- !neCe1i1iy. Yoqr position It commodaUon. A change for ltfengtbened. You proVe a better il!I due to occur, majot 1lofnt, Full moon pool-AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. UOn eoCnddet with eruure of It):· Be free-and-easy. Wor· fur. -eying about detalll loday could • ··LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)' conslrtct creall,. abilitiea. • Decfllon II made by U-Give }'OUf all. Yoo will be l wbo llfOct your future. In-appreciated. ~ I a " ' m favorable. Be ag-teatiJred tonight EXpress love. , You can win major ·l'ISCEll(Fell.•19-Marcb:IO), llllhllCbl wlllingnNI to Y oa ue leoii>ted to lktp cm idded reoporlllbillty. eoaenllall. ·~ that tn- VJJIOO I Aq. ~. 22): terlude II JUll l!Jat -nothing Dlllall. llml from L E 0 more. M....,. clear b y ~~-S:: kl':.~po~:: ==hi.~= toll=ptln~~ Couple Recite Vows In Home Ceremony During a ceremony C'On· ducted in the Huntington Beach home of the bride's parents, Richard Gary Darwin of Mammoth Lakes claimed Susan Victoria Kidder as his bride. The Rev. Gilbert W. Allen, to r me rly o f Chr ist Presbyterian Church in Hun- tington Beach officiated dur· ing the service which united th~ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis G. Kidder and the son of Mrs. LaWNnce Darwin of St. Paul, Minn. Attending were close friends and relatives. Th~ bride attended Hun- tington Beach High School, Orange Coast College and California State College at Long Beach. Her husband is manager of Alpine Lod&e. The couple will reside at Mam- moth Lakes following a honey· moon trip to Morro Bay. LB Woman Entertains Laguna Beach artist and ac- tress Virginia (Mrs. Nonnan) Nixon, will p re s e nt 1 Chrlstmu program for El Camino Real Woman's Cu.lb next Thursday afternoon In the Dana Point COriununity -Mrl. Nimn studied at the BefJre moving to the Art Colony 10 years ago, she did PJ'Qfessional radio and little !bater in Los Angelea and Phltadelphla. 11fe actress haa been seen frequently in Laguna Com· 11111l111j' Playhouse producUons and won the coveted Victor award for ber performance hi-· 11CrlUcs'1 Choice.'' hUJband served In !be U.S. Navy. Special guests at the wecf.. <!lng Included Mlslea Lillian l;nd Helen Raal!lig of St. Paul, Minn.; Mr. and Mn. M. J. Schiffer; Mrs. P. E. Foo;Jio Sr. and P .. E. Fooahe Jr., allo of St. Paul. Other guest. Included Mrl!I. J . C. Murphy Imm SL Loul!, Mo., Mr. and Mn. L. W. C.ntln, Mr. aod Mrs. L. L. Walch of Laa Vegal!I, and Mr. and Mn:. H. L. Stamm of LlndAy. Remarriage Lecture Set After Remarriage, What ? will be the theme · erplored at the Dec. 5 seaston of the Ul)lversity of Ca!Uorn!a Er- tension terles on Education ·for RemmiageP nie program will tab place at 7130 p.m. In the Natural Sclene<s building on the UC! campus. Tickets at the door Ah $3.50 aod l!.25 for UC! aludenlf. HB TOPS Club Churchwomen Plan Yule Festivities The soCial hall of the Costa Mesa Foursquare Church will be transformed into a holiday .tore Dec. I and a as the United Foursquare Women hoot their flnt Chrlstmaa bazaar. Featured Item at t h • bazaar, which will be open from 10 a.m. to I p.m. both day1, will be a Yule cookbook containing favorlta reclpes of the churchwomen. Homemade candles, baked good! aod gl!ls aiso will be Diet Classes Post Schedule Weight Watchers, a weight redudion program. hu ez:· panded its program to include weekly cla~ses in the South Coast area. ~ Groups will meet at 7 p.m. Newport Bethel Young women affiliated with Newport Beach Job's Daugbtera, S.thel 157 gather !be second and fourth M.,,. days at 7:30 p.m. The Masonie Temple 11 the !!Jetting fOr meetinp~ Informatton regarding memberahlp i. ob- tainable by ca11lnc Ill rs . Walter Tuz, 515-1755, Monday Jn the Costa Mesa Women 's Club; at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Montgomery Ward 1n Huntington Center; at 7 :30 p.m. Thursday at t h e Redeemer Lutheran Church !rt Huntingt.On Beach; at 9 :30 a.m. Monday at Manningl!I on El Toro Road, Laguna Hills, and 7:30 p.m. Monday at the San Clemente Inn. Allen School II Iba meeting 10ld. placa for memben of Hun· Ii==:;:::============::; AMtlllCA'I LAheST tlnglqn Boacb toPS Pound Pinchen at 7 p.m. every Mo~ day. ~--,!+,.flloRAPERY (...,Oll, WJc;_~ EA NE RB RetMVI Water O.map e ,LAMI PROOPIN• IXCLUSM GUAllANTEID DllAPIRT CLIANING Drapery CIMnlng. l'erfKt ...,.rc11... of ftl• at• ef Y°"' dr•pery, or 109% re- "KllMllt tf c1Mnaille. e Ne Wiit.i Heff1 •No Shrink ... e htfect lven Hems 170tNEWPQRJ BlVD., COSTA MESA GOLD BANGLE BRACELETS ARE ALWAYS RECEIVED WITH OPEN ARMS. From top: W ith diamonds, $125 . Engraved, S53.50 1nd_$86.50. '"' cw,. •-"' w.a.... • • ....,.._., .. .... c-... ... SLAVICK'§ Taltl bocl ... t to no person. break them. American Acad em y ot Dram'll)lc Arts, New York City and wJtb Florence Enright. head coach at Twentieth Cen-tury For. · Luncheon will be served at 11 :!0 p.m., !!116 l\!ra. llarl')I Pell, publicity chairman. ..••Iii•••••••••••••• Jew•ltl'I Sl11et ltl7 -w . ....., ... ..,..,...,hif 11 Fe1h ion Island Newport Beach -64'4 -1380 '· ' . • , ---·---------------·-----. ----·--------- t ·- ' l • j D ' l D 1 ' I I • TUfSOAY -· u Six O'clock Mcm ... 'Whon * In Rome'-Van Johnson o,......,_...., "9.• (CIDIMllJ) '52-Vt• JottMOfl, Paul Do11f11. • G I .,, (CJ (Ill) , • -(C) (311) Ill_, ...., (Ill) ·-·-(Cl) """ -(CJ l:JO ...... , .... (C) (aa, QI I '-""' (!Ol ·-• llo ..... " ... (C) (60) m • ....., • ,.., Chlhl C30> ''flM Fll1l Step It 1 Giant On .... llil-14(Q ,.., ... _(CJ fJ EXCELLENT POUCt * ACTION MELODRAMA 0 @ (IJ (4!) .... (CJ (30) ""' P9ep Frlil" Whlla invtslltttlnt I m111dtr of 1 yo11n1 WGman, police dl:!ICOWr 1 Pff$11n1 Tom tlllJ be· ll1vt m11 II.we commlttld the Cflmt Of'"'' Mw ~ .. "'" IJ 1111 C1J ca ..... -0-(CJ (30) Tod ....... (lel) W11iir CrllflkltL m ~ ~ ,,... (C) (30) "WUt't .., U..f (t) (30) "fthnrt, llltnd " EndlantlMlll" m-CCI (30) m---(30) fl!) ...,,._,.. .. ,..., (30) IE)... ., - i1f1lkln1 alld Wrttiq." (4Z)Tna • c c •t• (C) 10:001l~~aca:1a!":'lld'='=mlCJ IJ A Nat'L 6"" Speci1~ * 11Reptllu & MtphilH1ns" HAMILTON WATCH ind BRITANNICA: sponsO<S Rllhb." Hu111 L 81.U. Slnior Jul· ticl of 811 SUpfernt Court ol IM Unltld Stftn, IPPlll'I In lft 1111· precldlntld ~ lnttMN w!tll Enc Smltlid Mid llllrtln le~ s1 i~nr-=: tlliWislon apedal, Freneh ICtnll PERKINS " JUDGE PARKER Brtfitb Bnot ai.1'111, dlncu tlld I~:'.';'~ 7:30119 (I) fCdlMI Cllfl'lp clOWM II runy of hw lnorltt 'L Sp.:iiif (ej (60) "Rtptllts and Alli· h.111nt1 hi hril, LonOoft 1nd S.lnt· ''-""'-"~ phlhlans." All llJllofltll)n Into tht Trupez. Ft1turtd perfoontrl lndlldt IWllm ol auturu th1t WM ,,... flsmenco auitlrbl: M1nitn dt Pl.ti, 1 tmlMnt lft tht p11hl1toric pnl but S.Ch1 Distel, Cl1udt 91'11Ulltf, exist today u 1 lawtr llft form. Sert• C.tlllbowa; ftld Cltl!M 1611- Tbt Wll')'d.ly ll'ln ind blttlu for i111. survtwl of that ctt1turn ,,. •n O C11f11 ,__ .... (C) (eo) In 11qu111on filmed on locltlon In D Im (f) (4Z) nat'1 Ute (C) tht daerts of the U.S .• tht w1te11 {SO);lfrinllnf Baby Home." MIW- af AultniW1, the Jun11• of South-born Rob«t Dlck:Mn Jr. II broudrt •st Alli, the tn>plc.ll beeclla of homt from ttii bolpltll. Key Mtd· Com Rlt1, tM tttfl of tilt G.11•-ford, Sid C.mr, ind The Mupptb; PIP laltndt 111d Eld: lnd11n Is· pst. linda. Joseph C11n111nt111 n1rratt1. O T..mpt z.. ()0) !f ~~ ~(C)and(~ m·w ~ 1tn1 cq (30) Anni Worlly. m.w.tc. w.t (C) (30) ''luque 8 Liit Ill .,._ ('C) (!a) Festini." Ack Smltb hosts 1 v111t D ~(I) (42) W ..._. ctl 11 Elko, Nl'l1dl. f1mtd trw lb ,. (Iii) ~A Quiet Wttbnd Ill tht nual Basque Ftsttm. Coul'lby.• fltl, line ind Julie In· m llEI' ~ (t) (60) (R) flltrltl 1 tr1fllt um~ N11d1Z· Ill LI U.. (q \'Olli point !of numtlcs tr1ffle. JllMI CINIOIJ Ind Annt Clprl 10'.JO 0 ...... ""-I fl F ... (~ flllll • C.s Mill Doril H.,Mrl. t.y) '58--llCMlrd keel, AnDI H.,. OlifllOll S 1kri1c °"" c11 woo4 C¥W Cutac:ll. .....,. (dnim•) ·•.1un1s CID* m h (C) (30') Dtnrtil WIMI', IE D*ll "1 .... mTl'llll • C1111 .. 11• (Q (30) l!l"itoonilt Vll'lll Plrtcti lill'llwt Clri· Cl'!Urtl d """' ptr10111 • th• 11:00 IJ DD (ft) ..... (C) 1udlltlcL 0 Alfl"ld Mltdlcod (30) m an "' , .. ur. <Cl <60} m o.N O'C...W (C) (90) sinr-m Cllldol .. Iii Im (30) « Bill)' EWl:lnt: mualcll IJOU[t, Ill (lipilftMI Thi Bothn Clin; ICtraJ Beth Britkell; :lin1• Cl'll!YI Poolt; ind author Linda Goodman. ""' m """ ICl (JO) fD De Fl'tlldl Chll' (30) M llM- tltlon to lunch irilh Ju111 ChllL Ill "'-fir Drfllll ..... • W£DNE 5Dt-~ DAmME MOVIES UO fJ._ --'II ... --.-.. m TW a.. (C) (30) "'How T 1 IT.kt Monty With Antlqua." Jo. 1n111 llrTMI, Dr. Rlch1rd RU-. ....... ·-.. (CJ tt:GOD.,... a...-(CO!MdY) '11 -Morlln Wllitolw, 1 .. LMrlcL ' 12'.JO m ...:...... ..._. ~ '44 -'"' <:ooper. "'i&M lfnl Nlcld" <•r11111) '49-floftlW a..1111. 2!tlD m .,.._... •• .. , ....... (Webrl} ~ MontaorMIJ. ....... 1:00 D ... • "'* lml"' Clrlm•) '47 -Miit .........,, w 4:JO 8 R ..,.. W.-(tdwtltuNt NllNldL '17-Jad MllloMJr lNM htttl. • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS 1211 WIST IAUOA ILQ. NIWPOIT llACH TUMBLEWEEDS GREAT GOBS OF GEROOIMO GAAVV! DO VOU REALIZE WHAT DISEASE WE HAVE Gar, LIMPID LIZARD? W·WHAT? MUTI AND JEFF IF WE ARE GONNA BE AllR:TNER5 IN -nlE REAL ESTA"TE &JSINESS WE NEED A CONTRACT "TO MAKE IT FAIR.ANO LEGAL GORDO Q.·j MISS PEACH lllA 15 IN 'TM! f'RIWGIPAL'S OFFICll' I ----··---·------·--------=----·------ ---- \ By John MDn By Harold Le Dou FllST TH'IN6 nt. 001tlWllltOW t5 60 LOOK FOlt A. Xll-. NII Xll •• AS L.OM6 M tr~-c:J REPS ME aey ~ 1 ly Tom K. Ryan By Al Smith By Gus Aniola °' CJ __ ......... __ lllLL 0, RIGHTS -,-Supreme Court Jllltlce Hagp L. Blaclc, allove, "111 be Interviewed loalght It 10 on Channel 2, ID color, by ~ews correspondents Eric, Sevareid and Martin Agronkky. In tbll unpl'ecedem- ed meeting Justice Black touches on many pbuel of his Ille and his dedication ID lhe Bill ot Rights. .,, TELEVISION VIEWS Shows Show Poor Health By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -It is becoming easy lo spot programs ;n auclr poor healtll that they proliably will not survive. Poor health ID teleV!sion tema ls any network program that routinely fails lo attract at leaat ODIO- third of the TV audience. A scanning of the Nielsen rating rep<irts indi- cates that it will take a miracle cure tit boost 1uch shows as ••The GunJ. of Will Sonnett," "The New Adventures of Huck Finn" and ''The Avengers." OTHER PROGRAMS that are not in good shape now include "The Outcasts," "The Jerry Lewis Show," "Star Trek," "N.Y.P.D." and "The Big Val- ley." "Hawaii Five-0," "Blondie," "Judd for ·the Defense," "That's Life" and~0The Jonathan Win- ters Show"· and 0 Hollywood Palace" also look frail. While NBC and CBS see-saw back and forth weekly in topping the list for the network with the highest average rating, ABC trails by several points weekly in terms of audiences for its product. Death in the springtime usually comes to those series which come in third in their time periods in the tbree-.network battle for audience attention. Sometimes, however, a show that was weak one sea- son manages to get stronger· if moved to a different time. This season, for instance, "lngh Chaparral'' appears to be doin8 nicely in an early Friday night position while last season it was dying in a late Sun· day spot. "THE GOOD GUYS," the new Bob Denver alt· uation comedy, started out dismally but now seems to have picked up steam. In the last Nielsen, it climbed into the top third. "The Doris Day Show,'' which bobbed around a!annlngly early ID the sea- son, now seems to have established its niche - 25lh in a list of 86 shows in the last report -and IO Ls assured of a safe return . With increasing production costs -half hour shows now cost between $75,000 and $1!0,000 per pro- gram, and hour shows twice that -it ts necessary for the average series to have three seasons of n~ work exposure before its producers can be assured of much profit but "The Dick Cavett Show" will wind up its brave, but "The Dick Cavett Show" will winl up its brave, short-lived morning run at the end of January. It iJ a victim of srilall audiences and, as a result, litUe sponsor support and the network has been losinl money with the show. NBC signed Andy Williams to a contract, an4 he will return next season in a weekly. variety· hour. RECOMMENDED TONIGHT: "Reptiles and Amphibians," CBS, 7:30-8:30, another ill the Nation- al Geographic Society series ; 0 Elvis," NBC, f.10, Presley's .-first .. TV special, with the Blossoms, ·a vocal group ; .,Brigitte," NBC, 1~11, Miss Bardot'1 first TV apec!al, with Sacha D!Jtel, .Jhot ID France and Enflland. Dennis the Menace ' ' ' • • r • • , • I 1 Dolll.Y PILOT T...,, -S. 1'611 NEWPORT SPEAKER -Guest speaker at Newport Harbor High'• football banquet Wednesday night at the Balboa Bay Club will be . USC quarterback Sieve ~ogge. He defends USC coach John McKay from critics who say 0. J. Simpson cames the ball too much. M~Kay Defended 0. J; ·Not Ove,.worked-Sogge By EARL GUSTKEY Of 1'111 Olllty Plitt lllff USC football coach John McKay baa drawn he.a led criti cism over. th~ past two years ~or hi! liberal use of o. J. Simpson_ in the Tro~ana ~----~ -o. J .,jhe criUa cry, ls bei;ig run Into the ground with his 35 to40 ~11ea per game. FO( a first-band reaction to 1Uch critics, we coosulted the gentleman who hands the ball to Simpson on nearly all such occasions -quarterback Steve Sogge. "I don't feel we run O.J . too much," says Sojge, who ls the guest ·speaker at Newport Harbor High's football banquet Wednesday night at the Balboa Bay Club. . . · "Whenever he'1 tried he tells me. And I make a point of asking him every play. When he's tired, we don't run him. "He's the basiJ of our offense. We figure that the more the best runner ln the country baa the ball the more chanCes he has to 1eo~e." Sogge, an all-LA City quarterback at Gardena High four Y~ ago, arrived at USC only after wading through reams of scholarship off~s. He was pursued not only for hJs football talent but baseball as well. · The 5-10 175 pounder narrowed his choice to Stanford or USC. "I want~ to play baseball (he'a a catcher) and football and l finally decided thAt I'd get better coaching and a better opportunity Jal U~C. Sogge was born in Minneapolis 22 years ago but his fam ily moved to Southern Calilofllia in 1950-He -started playing football at the age of 12 in Gardena's Pop Warner program. . He was a Bee quarterback his first year at Gardena and JI. varsity quarterback starter his final two years. . Gardena tied Loi Angeles High in the city championship game , In 1964 but Gardena ·was given the crown on the most tlfst downs rule. Llke any yowig aspiring athlete, Steve Sogge had his idols. . "I used to go to the Coliseum every time the aa1timore Colts were In town because I was cruy about Johnny Unita1. And when the Yankees • came to LA to play the Angel5 lt wu the same story with Mickey Mantle.." .. UCLA Holds Big Lead In Basketball Ratings UCLA commanded a healthy lead on qoih wire service basketball polls today. Plcldoi up where thef left ~ last yelir', the Bruins were a unanimous No. I cboke In both polts. The polb agreed on the order or the first three team! -UCLA, North Carolina and Kentucky. '1 nie AP poll lista Santa Clara 18th and California 19th. The UPI ratlnga give Santa Clara the 17th 1pot, USC !Ith and California 20tb. UPI Ratings . wrdinD:ls Acquire Belinsky Boring."· B.asehaU SAN FIWICISCO '(UPI) -Ari bueball fllnl sick and llrod -and juol plain bored -"1th tedlOUI loW llCOring· (linel domlnat.d by thi!-pllcb-ersf • '' · . , A number of • fop bueball OWclals who thlM lhaVa WcllJ the •Ill' 1- leel are aolng to tr)' tllday to pul - batUoa back In bueball -by palllJ>c a couple d -ruloo dellgned to mah Ille looper !or pltcl>erl and happier for bitten: For -· they're 1aln1 to try lo cul the pltcl!ln1 mound do,.. to a lludard height of eight Inches, IO the aupenneu on the hill lP1!!1'l ~ firlns their lhw>-. ' SJS 'Blacks Boycott Cage Game SAN JOSE (UPI) -The San J°"' State College basketball team may be in for • long &e880n. For that matter, the school's enUre albleUc program may bt in jeopardy follo.win"g the latest in- cident involving black athletes. Four Negro players on Dan Glloell' squad refll5ed to au.It up for Monday'• • Fresno State College aame and turned in their scholarships u part of a black athlete protest movement on campus. The four -Darnell Hillman, C. J. Howard, Ron Tribble and Bernie Veney -met with other mAtben 0£ the Black Atnletes FederatJon earlier in the day and as a group voted not to participate in SJS athletics in protest ol the revoca- tion of grants-in-aid to aeven black foot- ball jilayen. The footballers had their grants taken away fol' refu!ing to partlclpate in Saturday's 1ame against Brigham Young University, -which they said discriminated against Negroes. A brief statement drawn up by the basketball players said they were not participating in the Fresno State game "out of sympathy with our black brothers, who were unjusUy deprived of their grants-in-aid because of a 'moral' protest" against BYU. "Also, we do ,ttu, with the belief that justice denied any black man is justice denied all black men: UntU such time as the administration and the athletic department refunda the grants-in.aJd · orlalnally held. by the black athletes, all 6cho18rshfPs held by all blaclt athletes will be considered revoked," the state- ment said. Prior to the start of the basketball· game. which Fremo Slate won, 72-69, and during the playing of the national anthem, the majority of the black students in the stands raised clenched fists and bowed thelr heads in the black • power salute. The salute was similar to the eesture made by two San Jose athletes -Tom- mie Smith and John Carlos -during the medal presentation ceremonies ln the recent Mexico Olympics. Rams Ripped By Sickness LOS ANGELES (AP) -You wouldn't think anything small could keep massive National Football League players down, would you? Well, how about the flu . Thirteen Los Angeles Rams were lowered by the disease and were in bed Monday. Included in that group were AU-Pro defensJ ve linemen Merlin Olsen and David "Deacon" Jones plus Jack Snow, Milt Plum, Charlie Cowan, Ron Smith, Ken Iman and others. But all were expected to be ready for next Sunday's game In Memorial Coliseum against the Chicago B e a r s , whose problems would m a k e a Ou epidemic on the teant<Seem like a gift. The Bears, 6.G and Ued with Minnesota for the Central Division lead half a game ahead of the Green Bay Packers, h a v e suffered crippling injuries which would have seemed to eliminate them from the flag race. But instead, Sunday'• game could be a preview of the Dec. I Western Con- ference playoff, should Chicago take the Central title and the Rams overtake Baltimore for the Coastal Division ban· oer. clerbolls d.,.. at the batter. For IJIO/h'r• they waol to give the pitcher aJ ""'8her tar"'t by reducing the a1Jo of the •trike ..... The najor leasuea 11o1 one dasb of ezdlemedi !Or 1168 CUI cl ltloodll)''1 ineellnla M'JVlllY wltb tbe word tbal "Bo will be back." Bo, ol coune, .. Bo ftellnaQ'1 the rolllcklng aoutbpaw •bo k-11tttln1 In tzooble "1th Iha cla he werb 10< becou1e of hll p<ll!:bant for ,brllbl llg1ita. The SL Lou!I Canl!aou, 11ational Loque. cllamplOOI, declilod lo risk a !.,. boadacbel and picked up Bo Jn the annual plll)'er draft. . ' ' ' ' . ' GLENN WHITE ' Sports Editor Ohio State Unanimous No. I Pick That Dream Match -the No. 1 team against the No. 2 outfit in the RoM Boy.ii -remained a reality today • , • but juol barely, Ohio State solldiOed lb bold on the top gpot in The Associated Press and United Press IntemaUonal major college football poll. b u t t,he Buckeyes' N e w Year's Day foe, Southern CalifonUa, had only a precarious hold on aecond place after last weekend '• 21-21 draw with Notre Dame. Because the race ·ls so Ughl, the-nnat AP poll of the sealon· won't be rdeased until after the Jan. 1 bowl gamea. AP Ratings TN• 1. Ot!~ $111• 2-SWthlm Ci !llornl1 I. Ptnn SHiii "· Geol"!lll S. Tn:11 "' "'""' 7, NI)!,.. o- L T-f. Ark1nu. 16. Old •""""- 11. '"""""' 12-,\lllbfnll U, Ml(l'llpfl IL~ Ill .. lJ. Ollla Urilwralty 1 i. M II tllUf'I 17. Ariton• Sl1t1 11. HoullOfl 19. Fkl\'161 Stile ft. loufM<'n Mtlhocllll ... ... , ... ... .. ,.J ., 7-J-l .. ,_, .. , ,., .. ., •• ,. ... ,., .. .,, •• ,. UPI Ratings 'U• 1. •-Ohio Stile 1 x-kYlt!tm C11lfarnll 1 p....,. 51•11 L 11~11 S. x-T"'l t 6. k·K1ri.11 7. lll-T""*'- t. •-Notre 0.fl'lf ... .....,,. ..... 10. •<*i.tioml x-e-111tid ,._, ...... .. ,.., .. .. , .,_, .. , 1-1-1 7.i-1 .. , ,. "' ~· . .. "' '" •• "' '" "' "' '" m "' ~ • ~ • u " .. ...... "' "' "' "' '" •• ... •• • " S«o...O If -11, l'urdut 01111 11. Alabaml 117!1 13, ~ Slllt (1211 14 Flar~ $Im 11111 11, MlchtMri Ull 1', S1111Mm Mlff'lodllt 141: 17, MlJIOUrl !Ill 11, Tie, Ohio Uri!YenltV Ind Mln- lltl Ctl1 311, Tit, HOl.llfefl Ind St1nford (1J, Orioles' McNally Top Comebacker NEW YORK (UPI) -Dave McNally of lhe BalUmore Orioles, a World Serlea hero in 1966 and a sore armed quea· Uonmark In 1967, was named the major leagues' comeback player of lhe year In 1968 by the United Press Intern• tional's board of baseball erperts. 'Ibe 2&-year-old native of Billings, · Mont., who had a Zl-10 reC{)rd this year companci to a 7.7 mark in 1967, was selected by seven of the M experts who partlclpat.d In the survey. Ray Culp, a 16-game winner for the Boston Red Sos: In 1961 after an 8-11 mark for the Chicago Cubs in 1M7, ranked second In the ~otiol with m votes. ' . . -rule ebanpl ""' -...-' ' Pt(chen llod ...... )lnllJ -" llielr day It a-_joint ~ , ol • ....... . ·.,.. Wll)'. Then _.. fin no-hit gamu man°"" Ilic! field M!looi..,_ ; . • 4 · Tb§ -!D"'lh!I · wuh~ a ~ In the !DOJGr1 1111' year. Tben were peaft!lil -· , .. ~ JrlllY 1*tiil .....,.;:~ o,nly Ill ll!IO blfters, f • wero ralled and" lwo o1 ·lbem be!ooao' AJ •nwlorl 1tand -· Ille mulmum to 1-al nianqer Paul llldmdo oC lielghl .,., pltcl!lns llllllmd ~. be · 11· Ailanta. a lamed tutor ol pltcllen; 1114 U lncboo. It can be 11 low 11 sround new lleld manaier Clyde ran, of aan; , leve~ bql nooe Is. Jl'r111dl<:o. ID •U·i>Ul:her. ' ' AJ loo' the ltrU<e zone, the rules now But In lbO end uio 1f<1UP Okayed iboi 1 Ill)' il)emndl from a batter'• aboulden chongOI, 1ihlcb 110 llol«o the p(4ying to bll knees, That'1 rstber !J>delln!te, rulea commldee tod•t. (o{ approvi!. II' •!ind the .propoaed rula cut li down to the commllleO r!JOi aJO\>I wltb the pro. the nanoweat lnterpretaUon: from a poaala, then It D\IJ( ,be l>ad . ilewa for llatter•1 arm, plla lo the top ol hll tho pllcberL " , », > lmeel, · · • f . . ·-' • ' I • • ' • I ~~arry· '·Tops ABA~. ·Averages ·as.9 MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -Rick Barry '11 Oakland coritinuea to lead the American Bu~etball Alaocl.ation '1 l.D- dlvldual X«lng race with 616 points and a 35.9 average 1n 19 earn.ea. M1nnaota'1 Connie Hawkins Is second with 636 points and a 33.4 average in II 1ames, leque atalllticl TeVealed to- day. Blrry and llawklnl each set leque recordl Jul week. Barry made 36 atraiglll free throwa, breakln& by ..,. the mark let the week before by James Jonet al New Orltan1. Hawkinl ICOred 57 points against New York, eruing the iirl.gl&-game high of 54 set last year by Kentucty'a Louil Dampier. Big E 'l'ops NBA NEW YORK -Elvin Ha1es, Su Dte10'1 rookie Oull wbo took over tbe National Buketball A110clatlon acorlnr lead Jut wct.k, lw no tboqb&a about givtn1 It ap. The former aouton All·American, wlUI SI and 3' polat games agalnd Detroit, increased ltli margD over Bob Rale of SeaUJe 1o a pollta: with • 1otal of 711 for a Jl.Z point a came average la Z3 games. Ru.le, In Z7 sames, bu 135 pnlnla and a IU .,..,. In obU.Ucs rtleued today. G11ftlp to But MONTREAL -Lome ' ' Gump ' ' Worsley, goaltender for the Montreal Canadiena of the National Hockey League, bu been ordered to take at leut one mont.h'1 "complete rest" in an attempt to overcome a fear of flying and a generally troubled state of nerves. Reeorll Keg Serles BELVIDERE, m -A -record six-tame howtin& Mliet ef 1,111 WU daimed Monday by Tom RJppentrop and officials of the Northern Illhtolt Bowllns Proprietor. of America ,41l.81ar EUminatloa TournamenL Rippentrop, •Y. I r-old utomobDe usembly line worker In Belvidere, rolled the 1erlt1 1o wla the 1oumey Sunday night II& hd JIDM!I of 211, ISi, IOO, '54, %71 and m. Wooden E;rperiments LOS ANGELES -UCLA Basketball Coach John Wooden aald Monday he'll experiment with different combinaUons early thll season to get a workable combfnaUon on the court by Jan. 10. That's the day UCLA play1 Ila first Pacific-I game. Renew Grid Classic JRB, s1a~-Jaycees Should Kiss, Make llp Puadena'1 once-prestigious Jr. Rose Bowl game ii no more and Jta: winter replacement, Ute Pasadena Bowl, la on Its death bed before 11' ever takes its first breath . At least that's how things appear for the annual December football classic which once enjoyed national television coverage and whJch featured such powerhouses as Orsnge Coat College, Compton, Santa Ana, Bakeflfleld, Cer· rllos, Long Beach City College, Chaffey,' ..,,,,,,,,,,,,,. WHITE WASH .,,,,,,,,,,,.,# Pasadena, Santa Monca, El Camino, etc., against fbe best out of. date entries possible. Of the 20 Umes junior college forcet took the Rose Bowl turf, the 1mallest crowd recorded wu 33,000. The largest wu nearly 60,000. • But it all came to an end when the California State JC Association voted to have state playoffs and cancel all other post4ta80D. appearances by its legion of tchoola. The big gripe was that schools were not even meeting erpenses on their small cut of the JRB gate. But apparently It was a simple lack of communication that kept that problem from beln& resolv· ed. As longtime Jr. Rose Bowl official Hank Ives rfl'Yeals, "if the jayceea would have come to us with their beef I'm sure we ~ have iotten another $2,000 put In the budget for than and everyone wouJd have been happy." Lo11t An Egg But they didn't get together so the jayceea laid a financial egg with their lack-luater ltate playoffs and figure to do the same this year • Meanwhile the JRB OoWldered with San Fernando Valley Slate facing West Texu State In the 21st renewal of the classic a year ago. And, allegedly, 15,000 people turned out for the debacle. In the interim,, the small colleges got together and decided the monicker Jr. Rose Bowl was beneath their dignity and got the Pasadena people ta rename the game, "Pasadena Bowl." That, plus the tmllkely attracUon ·of Sacramento State qainst Grambling, this Saturday bardly figures strong en- ough to outdraw the minlature aolr championships in Yucaipa. In fact, lves agreed that If I offered round trip transportation, (tee rerreshmenU and a game ticket for fl, I'd be lucky lo find 10 taken. But he 's hopeful that cooler beads will prevail when the Paaadena Bowl and slate playoff.a prove to be a calamity at the gate. That is, Ives feels there ls some charice the JRB and jaycee people can get together and work out their problems so the old format of the two best jttnJor C{)llege elevem meeting for the U.S. title can be renewed. With a break or two, maybe the two force1 will kLss and mate up. * * Cheeking the Beat UCLA opened !ta ...... with a - win over Purdue lut Saturday night ~ Will pill)' al Ohio Slate Friday and at Notre Dame. Satutda)' J1!ibt. · -~ Rlltlllf• 1:·~~- Def ending State Champs Visit OCC UC lrvtne fre1bmea downed a 1trong UC San Diep eatry 8atarda1 llllht, '7'1·74, wtdl f-7 BIU Geor1e leadla1 i\ e An1uter ba1ketMll COltlllp:.t. 1'e U· Rim of tbe World Wp School ace cot ZI poln.b and 11 rebomtd1, Mates BW Moore (lf), G&rJ Fox (IJ) and Steve Wlllte (IJ) allo - lrlbated Tffaily to tbe Tiolor)'' Butch Rollins, formerly ol lluntlogton Beach lllsh and Oranse Coul Collqo, picked up two P<llnta aa a starting center tor Chapman Codere'• Wketball tellD when the latter lost Its aeason qpenor to Valley Slate, 104-84, SaWrday nllhl '~Bi= .t: er- i ~ i~-j j .......... ,........ ........... ~ e:-.~~-,li:;tJ:; '=:J:· w.s:~ .. ,,~-aiJ::i ~~..,,,.::~ ,...::-~ Ctfl:lr' lellt,..,. C.l"'°'"le,, Tllllt-1:1 Detendlq ltate junior college basket· ball champion Cerritos invades Orange Cout College tonight to batUe coach Bob Welal's Piratea, winles1 In their first two outings so far. From all JndlcaUons It prom ises to be a palnluJ and Ions oight for Orange Cout. cemtot boasta .. starting five com· poled of veterant, including three otartm off of the 1961-68 Club that posted a 11-3 record . Tbt rakons met Orange Cout three times last year end walked away with 8M7, tJ8.-66 and" 101-85 victories. The laat s c or e came in the second roond of the state playoffs. Cerritos opened its 1968-69 season with an easy 9Ue victory over Cypress, but Cerritol boss Jim Killlnpwortb wa.m't exactly pleased with his club. "We just didn' play that well. Their rtart.lng center wu out of the game with the nu and we lhould ha ve betn able to name our own ICOf'e, "We only had them by 12 polnla In the first half and weren't playing well as a team. We need 8 lot of polishing, partlailarly~on· defense. · '' U we can get together," Killingsworth said, "I think thh team can bt nearly u good as our team that won the state tiUe lut year. But we're a waya off from that right now." The C.rrlto« coech said be'd go with a &tarting lineup which features a front line that averqes more than M a man. Bobby Hom, 6-7, will open al center, with Fred Zltar and either John Van Fleet or Al Dean at forward!. All three are M, but Van Fleet la a questionable starter because of a knee lnjury be received In the Cypresa game. In the backcourt, Tony RodrllU" (1-1) and Chuck-_ (HI) wlD draw the Jtartlng asaignmenta. Hom, Van Fled and Rodriguez alt were starters last seuon. Hom acored 20 points In the romp agalnsl Cypress while Van Fleet and 1Jtar each hid II. Oranp Cout, whld> dropped Ila ope... Ing t!fO pm.. lo ti Cimino and Looi Beach City Collete. problbty "1ll go "1th • atart1n& lineup ol R I c h Sllclc:elmaler at center, Stne Jacobftn and Phil Jordan at fOl'!fmla and MIU McCartln and Sleva 'l\lrley at suanls, P'Md for tltouPL oa New YearJa Dqt USC. bell footbell team la tbe Wiii, -tied b1 Nolro Dome ud w1D pi11 Bis Tea cMq>p(OI '*II Stale ta .. -Bowl. Nolro DuM Ml le Bis Tn - Mk'lpo 8tale (IJ.17) _, lo ... - fereace'1 -be1I 1e..., ~ (II#). 0. paper, llt llldlcatloa II a too .. nw lo ... 11< IC la lta -atra1P1 -llftl appearance. 1 no:.;..----------~----------------------------------.. -.. -----------------·---- !Ir .. n "' .. e, to • di '· al ly ot In ig '· "' II •P it " le .. •Y 0, JI 'll " le " ir lo :h st " JO ll r. 'Y .. 11 !. l· If d • " I• •f y • !l • < ;. 0 c l, • ,. • • • n " r • r I . • , I I • • • I • 'TutldQ,~S,lM DAILY '1LOT 17 Newp.or t, Corona del Mar . • • Duel CIF P olo Foes Tonight By GLENN WIDTE ·-~,,_ ..... LONG BEACH -Corona del Mar ml Newport Barbor HIP IUe the fiMI .., -.. tbe tnll to coofrolllatloo le< Ille c!F water polo dwnplooahlp. Newpcrt'1 lilt &eta under ny ol 1:• Wblle, Ille Seo Klnp of C<lll toke tile water at t. · CGlcb Bill Barnett'• Tan bave a -to avenge lbelr oaly deleol of tile campaign -a M reverllll at llio VlklnP' tank. Earlier Newport tr!~ DOwner. H. Mi1b1Y Newport, defeodloc CIF UlllJt, -!la """" ol • repelll le< tbe cmm wbeo 11 collidel with olw~ Downey. Corona de! Mar la o ooll~ choice to rip Lakewood for the third time lb!• ...... In Ibo letUld hall ol toolil>t'• twin blll ot fabuloul Belmont COOch BW ~><Ion calla Newpon'o p11yu of the year ca~ate, Erle J..Jn. droth, .Wetpoworing. "Qulc"1eu la - • farle," be told the DAILY ~Mr. Pluo 0Iyv>pld 'Pool !n Lo111 Beach. . • Vl·kes, Lions Win "We're omall -OW' bl-maa la 111-ancl we ctrlalnly cion'lbove onyone Stage All Set Tonight For ~untington, Barons "lctl .. tltlt , ..... Bi·IA.t Winners Costa Mesa Airline pilot Neil Fosler, center, (1966 Kornat Dr.-) -and Horner Kerley accept winners• trophies from tournament chairman Web Hopkins (left) after the pair captured the 20th Annual HI-Lo Tournament at Santa Ana Country Club. Forty- . eight teams participated in the annual matdl play event. ,.Puzzling ,Decision ) Saddleback Te sts Panther Anteaters Missed Boat By Nixing_ WCAC Move Jayvee Five Saddleback College's wandering basket· ball team takes to the road again tonight in search of its first ever victory against the Chapman College Junior Varsity. Tipoff will be at 8 o'clock. As UC Irvine begins what will surely be itS finest basketball season, the ques-. tiOn of the hour is: Why did UCI shy away from applying for admission to the West Coast Athletic Conference? We're still baffled by lrvine'i reluc- t:anee to ipply, even after hearing the official explanation from UCI athletic diredor Dr. Wayne Thornton and ass!&- tant AD Al Irwin. From their viewpoint, there ar« two basic reasons why UCI should stay clear cif the WCAC: (a) it'1 a basketball- •................... ·EARL GUSTKEY ..................... baseball only league and (bl it's prlvare- oollege oriented. · "We'rt looking for a conferenct that would best fit our need!," Dr. Thornton explains. · ·~in addition to basketball,. we have aquatics, golf and tennis programs to take care of. We're willing to remain independent until the right situation corn.- es along -that ls, a conference that · embraces a broad intercollegiate sports progratn and one that would have com- parable academic standards to wt." From our view, UCl Is making a grievous error by declining WCAC membership. There's no guarantee the Anteaters wouJd be 1dmitted to the league, of course, but the fact remains there are two vacancie.a for next year. Could B e Majer League Santa t1ara bot they look like I tUtt-flrt . . 11111DttUp. Tile entriu now are Santa Clara. Loyola, Su Francltco, San Jose, Pacific, UC Santi Barban:, Sl Mary's and Pep- perdlae. Santa BarbUll and San JOH bave announced they'll leave the con- ference in JUne. Datob Disappoint"d Dick Davis, the UCI basketball coach, unbesilalingly says his teams would .be competitive in the WCAC and admits he was dJJippointed over the decision to re.main Independent. · Davis can now only wisUully dream of Santa Clara or USF draw41g picked crowds in Campus Hall. And the NCM playoffs. • . • It seems to us Irvine will wait a long time to rind a satisf11ctory CO(I· ference encompassing those Worts in which UCJ fields teams. Suppose UCI . jo~ed the WCAC now and in four year1 a ~tter conference opportunity arises. Is it such a painful ordeal to switch to another league? And what is really undesirable about having the basketball team in one con· ference and other teams in another? The way we see it, the university 's basketball program is being denied a tremendous opportunity because the other teams haven't been similarly fortunate. The Gauchos, wbo dropped their first game in history last Saturday, 91-80, will be up against a club that also dropped its '68 opener. 90-71, to San Fernando Valley State's freshmen . Saddleba(k coach Roy Stevens is look- ing for an improved performance out or his team against the Panthers' Jayvee five. "We've got to execute on offense a great deal better than we did last week. And' we've got to cut down on our fouli.ng. We committed 28 fouls against Mt. San Jacinto and that's way b> many." Stevens said he'd go with the same starting five against Chapman that open- ed last week. That means. Marc Hardy will be in the pivot along With forwards Randy Lawrence ahd Greg Swe11son on the front line. Tom Noon and Hal Boyd will be at the gUard spots. Chapman coach Ron Inman also Is hoping for a better showing Crom hJs club. "We made a Jot of mistakes against Valley State and most of them were mental. We didn1t fun our of!ense against them and threw the ball away too much." Inman plans to start 6-6 c.enter Harlan Anderson, forwards Robbie Gira and Jim Arbogast and gulµ'ds Pat Roses and Glen Robinson agaJru;t the Gauchos. Roses was the Panthers' top scorer against Valley State with 18 points, Prep Cage A c t ion Tars, Sea King s Oash coach Dave Waxman's initial appearance as head mentor of Newport Harbor. By EARL GUSTKllY Of ... Dlllft,Jtlltl Sl•ff The stage is set for Huntlnglcfl Beach and Fountain Valley IDgh Schools tonight at the fourth azmual Westminster·Marina Rotary IJlvitaUonal high acliool bastelball tournament. Of the four Orange Coast area entries ln the 16-team tourney, two ol them -hosts Muina Ind Westmin!ter - logged big viclGriea Monday nl&hl· Tonight, In a continuation of flnt..rmmd games, Huntington Beach takes on a makeshift Centennial team and Fountain Valley plays Long Beach Poly. Both teams play 1t 7 p.m. -the Oilers at Westminster and Fountain Vllley at Marina. The Centennial' team 11 made up of both varsity players and junior varsity athletes. The rest of the Centennial team is playing in another tournament. Coach LuUJ Olsoq of Marina see.med reasonably pleased after watching his Vlk.ings roll up a 78-38 rout over weak North Riverside. The same was true of Ben Taylor, whose Westminster cager• thrashed Valencia, 69-50. Led by sharpshooUng junior guard Rick Mosler, the Vikings sank eight of their first nine shots and jumped to an 18·2 lead before the Riverside quint 1ank a field goal. Mosier scored 10 in the first quarter and wound. up with 23 despite playing only three quarters. He just mlgbt be the county'a best" prep outside shooter. Westminster had a 16-polnt lead early in the second quarter but after Taylor substituted liberally, Valencia whittled the margin to nine. Jeff Powen scored 19 to lead Ole Lions and H center Dan Broderick had 115 points and dominated the backboards. "I'm rather pleased with our first effort," Taylor said, "We looked better than we have in our scrimmages and practices but then you expect to in a game." Olson, playing his first game in three seasons without 6-8 Mark Soderberg under the bucket, qualified his appraisal. "Considering we had only one let- terman (Vince Moll) out there, I guess we did OK. I don't think we handled the ball well on the break -we weren't spreading out enough and we were J09ing the ball at mid-court. "We are further behind where we should be now than any of the Marina teams I've had here. We weren't prepared to cope with changes." Nevertheless, the Vlkea ran North Riverside out of the gym. The third quarter score was 61-28. Taylor has reconciled hlmseU to having to do without footballers Darryl Berg, Meriflll (11) N.n~ lll.,.nlff !Jll PO PT T~ I'"• Pr Tl" _.., ' • • -·~ ' ' ' lvlt • ' " Htl'!ltndn ' • • .. lrd • ' " ,....., ' • u D ... ldlll!'I ' • • Mtrt:•da ' ' • ....... ' ' • LKll•y ' • ' ..... ' ' • '""" • ' ' 5or1,.,a" ' • ' MJkht" ' • ' GlllllOl1 ' • ' Newtll • ' ' With a stroke of the pm, Irvine could become major league hi co11ecla&e basket.ball. Tbe WCAC w I n • e r autonlatlcally 1oes lnto Ute lar1e 1ebool ~CAA playoffs. ln IJI present 1tatu1, ua has to wta enoufh 1ames to lmpre11 1election com· mittee memben le be 11aD&ec1 • "fin to Ute .NCAA'• college dlvhlon playoff•. Corona del Mar and Newport Harbor lilgh School! headline the Orange Coast area prep basketball calendar tonight when the two collide at Newport in the first outing for both outfits. Game Ume is set for 7 o'clock. The Tars are expected to field .!..._.,. team much In the same pattern or - last year's outfit -wllh a run-court press aocl rast-\lreai offense. · Corona de! Mi.r, meanwhile, with coach Bill Bloom at the helm, la in direct contrast to Newport with a deliberate offense and a game usually geared to defense. Tot11t1 ~ " " To1tl1 " .. x ,,_ ,, 0119.....,, MM"11U1 " » » II -71 North Rht~•lff .. .. '10-3' • W1ttTlllM'-• C6t) VII-II Ut) 1'be WCAC Is Ute No. Z basketball cOn.lerenct on the com. lid certainly thJ1 seuon UCI woalll be competitive In Ille loop. Tix Allteoten wouldn't but Other games outaJde of the Marina· Westminster tournament include Los Ami&os at San Clemente (7) and Mater Del travels to Santa Ana (8). Laguna Beach plays host to Carlsbad at 5 while Mlsaion Viejo and Katella lock horns 1t Mission Viejo at 3: 15. The Newport.corona claah feature.a The game looms as a ' major test for both teams with the host school given a slight edge. 1"0 PT TP Fa PT fl' SrM11......,,._ , ' ' ·-· , • • , ..... , ' ' c .. 111111 ' ' ' Srldlrk.11: • • .. ............... ' ' • w11i.c. ' ' ' Htf"ll,,. , • • '"' , ' ' ,,.... • • " .,._ • • " ...... • • " ...... • ' .. l!ltMYtrrlt ' ' ' Toft II » • • To1111 H • ~ sew•"' Gue~ WH'""'Mhlr .. 1ll(U -ff Vtlen<:lt • It 1J ,. -50 Tom Lowrey, Richard Montgornlll)' and John Hogan for a spell. Hogan 11 a le~erman guard and Taylor la counting on tbe ot.ber three for board help. Weatmlnater padded Its 31-22 ballUme lead by peppering through .Sf point. in the thlrd quarter for a J6.3t 1ap at tbe three-quarter pole. Rustler Boss Optimistic Over Chances With less than a week to go before his season opener, Golden West College basketball coach Dick Stricklin ls ciau~ously opUmlsUc about the upcomfnt year. "We've got more overall scoring Poten- Uat, more experience M!f greater height than we've ever had before, but we haven 'l been playing together as a team like we should in drills," he said. The RusUers hope to -work out lhOle kinks before their Friday night opener against Cueat.a College in San · Luis Obispo. After two dismal seasons when lhey only won nine of 55 games, the Rustler basketball fortunes apparently are on the upgrade. !'We've been running and ahoot.i.ng well in practice," Slrlcklin said, "and we've sot some real battlea going at both guard and forward pogltions." Dave Prather, a 6-foot 9-lnch freshman from Westminster has sewh up the center job, beating out another ~9 giant, Mark Harding. · At forward Stricklin has his cholce of returning 1967~ starters. Mike Shelley and Paul ·Kordlk along with freshman Brian Ambrotlch and Allan Robinson. Shelley was the Rustlers' leading scorer last season, carrying a 17.7 average. In the backcourt, Stricklin has a pair of experienced players back. Randy Olson started for Golden West two years 1go and is back after 1 back injury sidelined him last season. AJso returnint b: a regular from last year, Ollie Martin. Martin and Obon are being pushed by a pair of newcomers, Mark Campbell and Mark Miller. Stricklin has a quick club and plans to have the Rustlers tunning and shooting at break-neck speed and utilizing a UCLA-style full-court inss. OLYMPIC MOVIE SHOWN TONIGHT Hlghllghu of the 1968 Winter Olympics are featured in lhe . !ki film '"l')te 10th Winter,.. which will be ahown in the auditorium at Newport HBfbor High School ~lghl at I o'clock. Tickets for the color-film, narrated by photographer Dick Barrymore, are avail· able at 11.50 at the door or at the Ski Ma.rt ln Fashion Island, Newport Stach. Prayer l ·s Dons' Preparation for Westminster By EARL GUSTUY Of .,. Dmlfr '* Nff The El Rancho High Sdlool loolball coach wu Wed how be will prepare hi• .team to play Weatmlnater Friday nlg/>l . "Go to cburtb more," rupc:mded Ernie Jobnlon. 'lbe game, a CIF semlfinal playoff liialdl, Ls scheduled for the Loo Ancelu Colilenm, where Jobnaon'• teams art -i.i; w-Ls 0.0 In the 13,000«at llodlwn. El ·Rancho, w, bu plenty of om- munltlon !or thLs -The Donl wW hive revenge on U>elt tide since the Ucm beat them fn the aeasoa '• aecood pme, J4.35. a CIF aemlfinaJ game and at lhe Collaeum really has them excited.'' The Dom ~ve won two straight at the Coliseum. El Rancho beat Lakewood there In the ~ oeaaon, then, In the aame aeuon, dumped Anaheim, 35-lt, for the CIF championship. ,_ Prevloully, the Ilona loot to Redlonda In 1161 and to Loyola in '13. JOhnlon makes no eXcu.ea for hll club'• early-eenon km to Westmin&ter. "We . were prepared for thlt game. I'• bad • pretl)' IOOd Idea of wbot Wutmlllltor would do and they dldn\ IW?flJe UI. We jull had a hE<k of a Ume stopping them, that'• all. The belt team that night won~ 11,me." Since lhol lelba<k, the Donl 1bove won eight out of nine.. play, 28-7, the Dons entered lhe pll)'offs as the No. 1 team from the Moore League. "W!'ve played pretty well ever since," the coach 11.)'S. "We've betn 1lining about 3Xt to 40D yards 1 game. Our defense has nally improved. I'll start ail lcids on defense who weren't 1tarter1 for the Weatmlnsttt game." El Rancho's attack revolves around quarterback Randy Drake, brother of former USC ncelver Ron Drake. The Pico R1ver1 team'• only weak link at the moment Ls In the baclllleld, wh<re all three of Johnlon'• fullbacu are a1nnc. separaUon a month ago and Dennis Burt twisted an ankl• Jue Friday, when El Rancho beat Arroyo, Z<I. The Don coach was asked i t Wutmln.ster, In bLs utlmallon, bu Im- proved alnce be Jut played the Llool. "I'd aay they've improved. 1bey do • lot more thJngs offensively now than they dJd when we play.,i them. Westmlnattr la • very poised football ream. Bill Boswell hu clone a IOOd job wltb them." Johnlon d~. however, to aay that Westm!MIA!r WU the but teom hII team bu fO<ed. The Ilona loot their opener to St. Paul. the CIF'• No. 1-rated team. JM. They beat UI 21 ·20." If Friday nigbt's match is anythin& like the blockbuster th.e twt> teams played last time, fans mJ.abt need slide rules lo follow the aeon . 'Ibe flnt quarter ot that llme Wll I study ln football manity. There were NM of 32, $$, 9 and 611 ya.rdl from .crimmagel plua a ti-yard ldctorr r~ tum. Tix Int quamr ...,. wu a-11. EL RANCHO'S SEASON I St. Paul IS Westminster n WhltUer r'" 26 M-beUo 18 LatewOOd II WU.0. 11Mllllbn 20 st 0 II T II I 21 lile ~ to -at llooporl. 111'1 the 0. J. ii ...... polo. +:. "Our -lo}lllld .. 1111 ............ __ -Ul1'1-..,tllo-- llllo·1<-.S ........ be. °" lamll---bu ....... MyY.'' . Ills --,., the V1tiap. Newport llld Downey mot In Ille CU: aemJ1 I ~It ap, Uo, wttb the Sdatf laklJll1nl-7fftlllcl Corooa del liar ha ainady "-"' bf -ii Ken l!amdorf'a ~ IA-.i by J.s and ll4 nn1np. And ' tbt ~ Klnp bl .. ---In their llnl two at -. trampllnc Bolio Gr-(M) IOll c.J IDgh (W). Their ooly Iopea In • -... to Newport (H) and Downey (M), bollt ln·e<lr• time. Barnell calla coach ClUI ~·1 5" IQnp,. ·~ ream to beil for llio Cl1 ehampk:Dfhlp." • Seum , iecordl: College Cage Sumn1aries -Far Wes& 11.,.lord (HJ n. Ut&ll 1t c.u~ 110. a,-UnlY.-ot SM l'rtflc!K:8 n 1Et1l1n1· Offeon (HI n. Coll-"' Id• .. CalOrede IH) 7~, IOvlMl'll C.llfernle M TOllt:lament H ... nla Wlfle?• ...,. ....... l'lnl kMIMI Mkll.lflll, .Htb. 72, ~It, ,..._ " NebroM1 Wt11D1n lHl "4.. 0.M 71 Mldwes& St. &ltl U.. 1'1-00 71 Mldllslilfl (HI ft, Mol'tllwll llllrloil U ICtnt Sitt. (HJ U. Oll'lt.WI. W1L Slt lt SI Clroc:IMAll 00 N. 1C•nM1 Sl11'9 JO IC ... ludt,. N. Ml1ml. Olllll IH) n Ja\11 c.rron IHI u. Wl'letllnl eor'"' a Mltll0Ut1 CHI 97, Ulell Sttle JI W111mln11V", Ultll (H) 97, ... Int ,.,. Jt C1rltlfroft 1'. L~ IHI 41 Wltfl!lt $!tit IHI t•, A.flllet.1 l" ActlOn 9" McP.hfnOft, IC .... (HJ M. htflel, ICM. n Ncr\11,..m Mlt.IOIJf"I (HI 111, WHIJ-,,_II 46 lttl11Gl1 (HI UIS. lvtltl'" " Mtr!M19Tt1 O'll "-SI. Jo1W1, Ml111<. _.,, ll!IMl1 Stilt 116, Whl1"'11twr, Wll. '1flt IHI n C1rroM, WI•. (HJ n, MUkin " lowllng GrMn IHI ... •l '11dw'""W1IS.. 11 Ollla Horttoern CHI P, Urblrol IO 0.1"1111 (HI N '""'-It ~ .... Mort!! ~Irk (HJ 12, Wholftl!", MIL JI It, P-lv1 CHI llM, G-Wllll-• "' 1YC ·· tlml • ' ....... 1111-, Ill. (H) '1, 1Cna11 M L-1• CHJ to, 1'1r111111 7J U Ml•-r~ltoll• tHJ 111, Souflllutlrrt Oii.i•. St1 .• 5olllhwtlt Mlnourl 12, •ftodthunf IHI 6' Mld-"rnlli(;;I ColltM !HJ 77, HUI-Tt.ofoc· ktl ltml"ll"I' 73 St. Ml/YI Minn. IH) "· lotlt. low1 U M1c1t11!tr (HJ ff, Mldwftl1"" to.1 JI Ctrllfllll 79, Lew,..,_ 00 61 Soutllw~t Hol.llfroft (H) llO, fltPPel'dl ... 41 Tt.1111 Llllhlrt" (HI 105. lndlt,,,_ Sit"° II Abll-Cllrl1!11" CH) .. An9tlt SI.lie 11 T-MoM IHI fl, Sovttllftl Mtubi!Nol • T"""'"""""r11!1 7fo, Arif•-..... 00 # HltldOtlOll, Ark. n. Ourt11 ........ CHI JI HtrdlM, Ar11. (HI 1 .. Hllldrb:, Ari!, a Sl1t11 Col!'" If ArktftHI (H) n, $llutr.nt 1119', ""'· " ~ T.c!I IHl 107, Alt.MAI A.&M ti Otoedllll. Art!. CHI 11, ArM-t.llltll # T1.1111 Olrl1tltft (HJ 17, Ollllheme Cl"' t4 N-MIKlco Slllot U, IHI 11, Untwrlltt flf l••••lt ..... " loavlh Ollkott IHI "' Mlnblt S'1 SOufll bt11ot1 Slt!W (HI Ill, Motrll • Air l'otn (HI n , Vt11141r•lle 74 COIDrMID s11i. u. 71, o.n...... "' -1lrnl Slnl1 Ft 15, Al~ IHl ti Wffttnl $11i., COio, N. C1lortd0 IM'9 C.llltt 00 11 lt"ls CHI 111, It. Mel"I'' .. IC111. • Eut Flnlllllfl !H) fl, ltotrookl 61 ~ lt(1nll U. (HI M. C.W. l"olt S1 Ytllllv• Q. Mlrllt, N. 'f. (N) JI '''" n, Hl.lnfv IHI • TtmPN CH') f'S. Hofm"I W I"-(HI •• utit.11 # H-HlfllPllllrt (H) •• MIN .. VtnTlOl'lt M. Ollfnlolllft tNI Q Ctllllton $!t1't IHI •• H.tfllnlll' Kcall4,,,. c ' ,,.,....,. n. Thll! 1H1 n St. Frerw;ll, "'· IHI ff. ON Oomlltloll n MU!lllllWs ,7'. l'"rll'llllll'I & Mlntltll (HI n IJlllllMHl!flflll T._....I .. N. k11tl1owrl. Pt. IHI n oawn,. oo t7, w• lllltlMe ., U. llf .. lllmor9 IHI fl, Clfl'lllk U. 71 ...... Shift 12, G1~ IHI S1 Meryllfld llllW IHI "' Vlrtlnl1 Uftloll 1' T-Slt1't f'S. Sllllbllr'Y llW!ot (HI '2 H-Hf11'1'1Hhlr1 Col'-t7, IC...,. Sl•tl IHI U St. Mldlatt'I #, ltl'llR hllllll (HI S4 MIT no .... T""' .a lr1clM9'11ti "· .. ..,.. $11 .. (HJ 12, """' wif. - ., AMUrl)llfon IHI ft, ..... 11 lllfl'tlo Slit. 00 •• r."'"i. 62 -OW;t Utl IN, 41•011f9MI .. W""'-Sli.m Stitt ,., Liv....._ tHI .. Norfll C1r1llM Slttt 00 11. Afllntk Cforllllen 1S Plortlil ltltll IHI UO, V11Mt1o 01., llllt 7J C_,. a.· 1_., a. """1 (Hl " Nor!ll Cl~ "' or.. ,. ~,...,,.,., ... IHI 11. W....,_ ClrlMlll JI YMMM...,.lt (HI tf, ~ Ml!Mllltl tt l!"ltt 1'-111 (HI ts. "-*""" Stiff 6t Geo~ It•. (H) ... O.~ld L'"'*"' M MIHTl'f si.i. IHI "· TrlflltY, Tiii. ,. WMi.ti J(tlllllCW CHI Ml, llVtl'INll l." U H9Wltll l°"l'l'llf ("} 1111, ill'""" II ... n ltlMllWi ._ "' Wttfl""'911 .. L• (H} JI T\l!lfll (HI Ill, """""' .wcMtM " Mlk!h!NI Sllhl (HI 1', 1.11111i.. al,.._ • LIUlll_. tt11t 1#, *"" ~ ....,.. IHI e TUii 67, M ........ IHI a N~ Sfllt CHI 1'. _. Hlf SI Wwt new-CHI W, '#WlllM a .... M w• L"""' tttl NO. T v..,..i. ............ • :=T.J.HL:,..stcJ::"~ 11. AWW!hWI '7. ~1111 •tt (HI a 1Mw IHI .. .........,, ttell 11 H'"-"" Jlllf!Mt CHJ N. ......... D.C. Ml ~ '""" CINllM Cllllel 00 .. ,,.,._ C. 1M1111 ''Our llldl ... -to play Westminster 1gafn," Johnlon ll)'I, h1 wbol -IWlp!dously like • crou undeiatatemall • El Rancho wu a <»<homploo of the M....., Leagu< With IAt.-. Bui atoce El Rancho beat IAkewood In Iequ. Slarler Malcolm Phllllpt opralned on antlt two weekends •IO In El Raoc6o's 47-19 1rin over Chaffey and sUll Isn't oound. "Both are great teams ln dlffettnt ways. St. Paul has gre1t overall b1lance and Westminster bu thooe labolOWJ run-nJnc backl. We tl)oulhl Lone Beach Poly wu .. a"1111!, IOOd twn. too. 20 Lonf Budl Poly SI Jonlon 47 Chaffey 0 11 < '"!be la.. lhllt U-1 Wulminltet p!UI Sub Sieve _. auflered • lboWder • Arroyo I • ' l ' -------------------·--.:....-.. -~----------·---------c-. ----------·------ l • I I I I ; ' .~. . ...... . ' . .... • DAILY l'ILOt • 'fwo Critica l Oe'nloas,. Whole Too~tli=-r New Simon Musical: Hit .or Fl.op? DAILY Pl\.O'J Shff ...... David Emmes does a little amateur dentistry as George BarCOs yowls with pain in this sce.ne from South Coast Repertory's commedia de! arte produc- tion, "The Three Cuckolds," playing Thursdays through Sundays at Costa Mesa's Third Step Thea- ter. 1827 Newport Blvd. Winter aports BJ JACK GA VU. NEW YORK (UPI) - A geuu!ae.ly funny mudcal show, In ao en wlieo · musicll. .,. not ~ble for provokilll lluahitr, la '"Promlae1, Promlaea,'' which David \t"er- rlck preaenled ~t ti>< Shll~ 1heator .Suflday nlght. It Is not , only a two-act la.,gll J>ltlde, the -ol$O bu a beartwarmlns ·quallty, and k II u Poll.shed· an ..,. \ertainmtnt u uwi muaical stage haa bad Ill oome um.. · Numeroua f:\emente: help make the show a oomedy treat, but the first credlf~for tbls must go to Nell SlmOQ, the librttti!t, whose mu.sicless comedieJ such a11 ''Bpreoot in the Park," "The Odd Couple'' and the current Taper Forum Lists Two "Plau SUlte'' ba~e been fuMy l'!ld mines. fill1lon hu dared to write, rcr •~cat, aotually tunny ' stralgh\ ....... juat .. though ·~ felt. be wu on h1J own ar¥t Wouldn't )).aye the aid of a llAe iet al oongl to hllp Out. J .~ sbpiy '!. ~ Of> • \h• screenplay for j"Ole Apart- ment/' a auccemsful movie ol . not Ion& ago, which, wu writ· ten by ,BWY Wilder and I. A. L. D(aniood. Aside lrolJl the basic idea, however; l"fn &w-e that ''Prolnlses , ProIDlsts" is pure simon, or should thiat be Simon-Pure? 1 It Is 41lposaible 'looger to ignore the music ol Burt Bacharach .,wt the lyrics of Hal David. For several years now they have been the.hottest songwriting combination in the popular field, attuned to the , mustc· of today without being outlandish about it. This is lhelr first show. Simon Says H e's B e3 t . W:hen Angr,-. Nell ,Simon, autllor of the bi~ comedy ''Plaza Suite." sa-/a he thlnD he Is the luMl· eat when be is mad, and he ad- mits to being mad a great deal of the time. There are fine melodies by Mo re Plays the veraaUle Bacharach, and David writt:1 polished and "Plaza Sui:.e" now at the -meaningful and poeUc lyrics. Huntihaton Hartford Theater nie tncluslon ol' 1 world Hopefully, they will write for in Hollywood, is one of his premiere and a classic revival the stage frequ ently from now funniest comedies, and he says ln the Center Theater Group's on. third subscription season in i Jerry Orbach, who nu some he was angry about all three M k T F ba of the episodes. the ar aper orum ve good New York show credits, been ed j ·n111 He was angry for the announc , 01 g a emerges this lime u a ge-woman who wants s 0 season enhanced by t h e nuine star in the role of the evlo 1 ~ lnlti I desperately to rellve h e r ,pr us y 1Moun\..~ a young man with the apart· Angeles presentaUon of ment. He has both personality wedding night. "I've seen her Minnesota Theater Com· and performing &kill that will many times. In her late ·40•s. •1 Tyrone G u t h r I , bo 1 d b , and the husband has gone off w you over, an es a The •-hi h the with his secretary or s<imeone al.Cl", w c operui good singer. · J else, and I said 'Gee. that's season in anuary. 'Jill O'Hara is the heroine, just rotten-it's not fair'." The limited five · wee k a completely delighUw, unaf· I In the second episode, Simon engagement of the Minnesota fected doll with a fascinating is still angry. "I'm angry at company in "The House of singing voice. people like that, who lie to Atreus" and "The Reslsteble A. Larry Haines doesn't get themselves." And in the last Rise of Arthur Ui" will be much exposure 1'0 the early I 11 ed M ch 20 b Id episode when the bride locks o ow ar Y' a wor going in his role as a doctor herself in the balhroom in premiere. "The Adventures of neighbor of the young man, h the Bl k G. 1 · H Se ch t e suite at the Plaza Hotel, ac ir m er ar but he, with Simon's help, I God " c h · t h Simon admits he may be a or . r 1 s o P e r comes along so strong in the Isherwood 's. dramatization of latter hall that he darned near little angry el himself, for Ila b B d Sh he has suffered f r o m a nove Y ernar aw, walks away with the show. to be dlr led b La t claustrophobia and "the fear ec y mon He ls funny. John.so of a situation over which you n. At. for the direction, Michael have 00 control." A highlight or the 1969 CTG Bennett staged the musical,-:---,---,,-,-------- season in th• Forum will be numbers, ri~ging In some 1• •••••••• a new prCK!uction of Chekhov's briij.iant dancing effects, and "Uncle Vanya" directed by Robert Moore has done the * Toni9ht * • Harold"Clurman. over·a11 directing in an im· • SUPER • The fourth production in this peecable manner. • 1969 season of plays of "Proml..!es, Promises" is . SPAGHETI'I " •1 Retrospect and· Prediction will one show that doesn't merely F£ED • be announced shortly. promise. It delivers. • ••II ye1 C•• ..t fer • doll .... BJ WILILUI GLO\'gl\ Wlatorl, a a hypocritical NEW YORK (AP) tmploytr; and A. Larey ~derloc all the -IY that llalnll, camlDi elf a routine Is vlllble ..,s the taliot Ii> -1c Jewllb -role In volved ln•flUltlnc lt toptbor, the auiae al a ....-. doo-••Promllet:, Pron\llla" JI an ueepllonally pallW and 1'Pld tor· PAULI'- ' 1• Thi-~ Wu ef HllT'f frltl IN COLOI Je111• w.~."' ~ . ' lf .. hol • Rachol ' example al Broadway Ollllli:af 'JIM llacharad>David team comedy. coiicentrateo o •· providlllsl'::::=:=:=:=:=:==;:~ Tiie show, wl>lch opalOll 1W1411 that are plot l>ri~"i-r;~s;:: ;'; SUnday nllbt at the Shuberl m... !ban potential . h l ti 1 Tl»ator, II baled. upon a ainalel,. liul 1 .-i a· F/11' u sardonic rum hit ol aeveral _.,_ii 1 -'t• ballad, 'TUi.--yeab '810. •"lbl Apartment." --... -. ...., ... " u you saw ti!< picture _ Never Fall Ill Loft Apin." and evea-lf you clldn 't -you The mtWcal arrancements re. can 1klp lhil venton. Jy *°""' on -choral There are 1everal cunent bacQroundl that are '° btl showblz whlu.es involved ln in now-beat recordings. • the pniparat19n -Nell Simon, The dlMlon by· Robert master of gap, for ti>< book;. M"°"' emphaalu1r vigor and and Burt Bacbarach with Hal dallies with IU!er I tu l l . Oavld,fotthesonga. Michae) B-ennett's In · t h e ..,,..._l<Htal• choreoiraphy (a all qltaled • ..uon transfer, however, the bitter cone · • .. comJe style of ti>< orlgtnal'a Elaborately ,..U.UC aet: comiiienf on amoral Iiljllib tlnp by Robin Wap keep among b1g corporation brass a blcbtqe army, busy and baa been replaced " I th Donald Brookl" ·cootumlng 11 fonnuJa bokum and sniggering ·okay. But what sbow ever burlesque Junk. got by on ti>< ....ery? Jerry Orbach acquit! "Promiaes, P r~m i1es'' himself Well as the youqg man ducer David MerrlCk. for pro- who succeed! in busines1 by ducer David Memck who supplying sundry bosses with hasn't hit a musical jackpot faclllUeS f 0 r utramalilal since "Hello, Dolly" five yean dalliance, before switching ago. eventually into an Horatiolr="'========= Alger hero abjuring venality and getting the sullied but true-blue girl of his dreams. The lass is enacted by Jill O'Hara, who matches a road· company Streisand twang to Orbach's robust baritone in the mostly-forgettable score. Conspicuously attractive in other parts are E d w a r d llOS lCllMT COl;GM#. ll\. 11'..li Ends Tonight · ''WEST SIDE STORY" 7lruted 1'11ti.JtJ !",~, W '"h '.llNl/l llNll HOid!! PtJ\Zfl. -'>~J.Q1H1 ACADEMY AWUD WINNER M9T D91CTGa-IHlill MICHOLI JOSEPH E. LEV~E ........ • . MIKE NICHOLS LAWRENCE TURMAN - THE GRADUATE AN AVCO EUBl.SSVFlM ta.OR -...c.o·--- PLUS Oori1 D1y .,WHll l Wi i i TOU WHEll THI Ll6HTS WINT our1• ...... w.-, 11:==~ ~~=::=--====: "****A MAST9PIECE", _,,, ....... ,.-~* I iru. c..ni..r.r ... ,........ THE DINO DE LAURENTllS '"'-•"BlmE ' Ttt I . ' rt1mn1 .. D-1501 P'-"llt"Dd.- ... /• T• ,.,......, ,...,..,~11 .. t :n )...l..;....,.._ Zll:OO . M()STll:L •Mlflroob'. . ·--rt111: l)OOVU«;ll:m" AW....,0..-......... .... AY'CO IMIAUY ... ... c..-- .. --·=·· °"" NoliMIJ 0.fta61 Pia-_.. AJoeephJanni Productioll TurenreSta!DP u Dav~ Carol White in POOR COW wmnn ..ve~·llMmN. 1..lii-•~ •DWA.ftDS• 1 TH•ATlla I IMi9Clitot"°""""COITAll!tM.M:llC~MI , • SICOND TOP·Wlll I Sldl\W l'o-rdeae Llu1hinf Ind Llvlnl la ... '' ''"'•,:.~ .. · '" use our money! pl11 • Spe. c· i'al T""'ts • •••c1•• • •'~ ,,.,. ...... CIO • "'I MILLION YlAlS t:c.• HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -• MR. OO'S •1::=======:11 'Yule Music Take a break. Vacation this winter. That's what Morris Plan money is for. You may borrow from $100 to $5,000, or more, for vacation travel, bill consolidation, home or car repairs, any good reason. Payments scheduled to fit your income. With approval you may have your money the day you apply. No repayment for 45 days. At Irvine A Christmas concert featur· ing selectioss from H&l,ldel's "Messiah " under the di.rte· tion of Dr. Maurice Allard, will be presented Wa weekend at UC Irvine in the Science Lecture Hall SAMP\..E YOUR LOAN CASH $ 453.93 SCHEDULES $1 ,018.57 $1 ,511.99 $2,122.31 Monthly No. of PaymentS----Month s 121 14 153 " "' " "' " The concert will be given at 8:30 p.m. Friday and 2:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Saturday. Admission is free, however, Uckets are required and are available at the Studio Theater box office, weekdays, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. C~edit lifl" •nd disability insurance available. Also included on the pro- gram will be "Fantasia of Christmas Carols," by Vaughn Williams end "Jesu, Meine Freude" by Bach. ~Morris Plan The University Chorus is an all·student group oI 64 voices. They will be accompanied by the 40-plece t:'niversity Orchestra with piano ac· companiement by Laurence Gordon. 67 3-3700 Newpoi:t Be ach -37 00 Newport Boulevard 473 SPEEDY Thanksgiving Dinner Guests Discovered Value Dining at the Costa Mesa Goll & C.C. THANK YOU ... WATCH THIS PAPER FOR OUR EVENING DINNER OPENING IN FEBRUARY 1969 the roadrunner says--tr~ Printing While You Wail at SPEEDY COPY CENTER 1886 Harbor Blvd.-corner 19th St. t .,, 100 Copies $3.95 Drop by today and order your FREE Deck Nol• Pad. Per1on1I YES -We Print in Color, any stock, roll1te- fold<"Ut·staple and Provide Ill Services to com· plete your most Demanding Requirements. SPEEDY COPY CENTER Telephone 645-0040 (Franchise Av1i11ltle) V'-k Dou I nd F Pia. • ,.... • ~ g as a a Y 9 S11d1 • S.111ft e Shrff . Dunaway mad~ special te~ts 2600 w. COAST HWY. • for producer-cbrector E 11 a .642·11JI H•wp•rt• Kazan for their roles in "The ,.. Arrangement." • ••••••••• Crossword P11zzle ACROSS 11.ltdittrf · an t an '"' S Wiil's relative ' 10 Worry 14 Comb. form Breast 15 ·-··, meenle, mini e, mo 16 Elevalf, 17 Kind ol reactor: 2 words 19 Cro p production: Comb. form 20 Relns!1lt 21 Benevolent Roman spirit 22 Forctd to go 23 Kind or -mtdlcint 25 Bird 26 Ad/ective SU fix 30 Function ed 31 To th e point 34 Friable 36 Slngtr 38 Rooter's ,.., 39 Kern· Harbach hll 41 l acking know1edgt 43 M.1n's nickname 44 Grease monkey 46 Postagt-- " " lO .. 47 Gain through htrtd lty 49 "······ Bul\trfly" 51 ··-noir e: Bugbtar SZ 100 square mtltrs 53 Sk lt r's coocern 55 Knift 57 Prtfll1 simi lar lo S3 Down SS Kind of basin 63 God of war and wisdom 64 Temporary bb lnlrlcalt pattern of passages 67 Plant txlracl &8 Notoritly &9 Exudtd sap 70 Ontario , waltrway 71 Leave .. DOWH 8 Color 9 Malicious took IO Amtrican sculptor 11 Btcomt formtd again 12 Dese!"'le 13 Pa ct 18 SuptrlaUve suffi1 24 Brazil staporl 2S Man's name 1 Ptrslan 26 VlolenUy poet bitter 2 Reckoned 27 Out of funds valuf 28 ll1ke less 3 Sta with tht st vtre Slack Sea 29 Comf"' ~ U.S. capt po ln S Milltary 31 Rlvtr lo commander's 3 Down rtsponslbllily 32 Mark made 6 Oppositt of on prinled 41 Across: miller Sling 33 "Are y6u 1 Dyt -·7" lngredienl 3S De11onstr1\e 1213/&8 37 Grtat Finnish athlttt 40 Make an tqua l score 4Z 'Complt x arrangtment 4S Und ertaking 48 Did a houst-hold Chore SO Long Island town j ] Above: Prefix 54 Young perso• SS Piece of ,,,., S6 Pert. to anci ent land owntrship S7 Spanish painter S9 Alrican fiO See 2fi Across bl Style fi2 To lu"ard 65 Serious oflense 11 13 A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS TtCHll lCOlOI • COLUM81,1, ~ICTUllE.S ALSO tw. Show St.m 7 "M•R" N 1 Dd 10:JO Continuou s Sunday From 2 P.M. MIW?OIT UACll -91 .. --M t.i..i... U4'> kl. -01, M3M Joo.,i.t.t.-....._ ZERO MOSTEL • Mo1 a .. .i."11 the pr~ucers" Di<k Shown .. ....__...._ . ., c.i. NOW SKOWfflG EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT IN NIW SCREEN Sl'UNDOR I 0 ACADEMY AWARDS DAYID 0. 911.&fQCK'S JINd•etM. el ----. -,-.-~ GONE ~fuiiflit ND : IN TICllNIOOLOll ........ Clark CABLE u lhu l•d• ...... .,. ... BOW ARD•DellA VI1LAND v1n.a..£1c'ii:.::t..o....,. ) AS.. .. lllrl.l•'"-Uoul ....... •ctiH ......... 0.. ....... ,, .... CNtfa••·ht:• hll. h• tlrlll ,...,.,.. ........ ild 111111. 41110•11110 Spoc'-1 Sh,,.n M...._ Wed., .t I 'f·• -------. I " ' IN THI! WISTWllNllft"R conaa .... _____ __ Sii PAUL filwMAN'S -·-------------~·----=~----~--~ ........... -.....-..... ... __ ~--~·----------··· ·--· -. ------·---.. -------~-~ _ _,___ --------~- ~•At L •~· ... ~, · ....,. .-......... --.. ........ ......,... • .,.,, .• ""'"""'•··,..,.,,...., ........ ,,,,,,..,...,,,~ .. ,.,.., ... ,.,,,...,..,..,,,,0_•••••••>•"1'""'·"""'""""'·'-""·-,·•·~·"-!!i!!l'!.!Mft'!stll!l*"'"'"""""'*''~*••~s~o"t11,i~.lr.ttl•iit•·""C"'"'r••'f.,,"'",...,"""'"'"'"',.."~'"'"'"'~"""''"'"''r.·••i¥~·~·~·z•~•:-··• -"'.-:"--····f· ~,. ~,,.,__..,"' '' ' ---.... -n -"' -· - - • al. I .. IP . v~ ~ ..... ( p • ,, r • - •• ... • - CH l -... - • ... •• ,, LEGAL NllTIQE LEGAL NllTICB I l L~vely . Stgh1 Czech Enjoy Pl,IAGU!l (AP) -"Jink, thla II Vera1"' the )'GUftC 1r01DU Nici. "You'D DIVS --l'ID<*llloclrom --JI'_ llqu .... -tbe -arc:tde -tt'a briebt , and ...,... "°"" .. ud they . hive lboPI • • I " 1 ;llpof.tlq1frOQI a ltleohooe DOOta. Vera wu one ol tens ol -~bo took part Mood1y In ooe of Pr-'• nlctr hlppenblp altet. monlhl ol tnpdJ. It wu a al.mple ewnt, the open1ol " • pedellr!lll l1'0ade und11< Ille hWI cl the c.ecboalovlt capital. But the place and the~ meant something 1pecial to the people Whose city WU invaded 15 weeks aa:o by .SOviet lniopl. Wtncealll Sqoare la 1c- tually a 1 h or t atretch of boulevard l'elemb&c l he Chain!" Ely..., in Puls, with macntflCtnl old b u 11 d I n I • llllln& both lldes. At one end IJ the N1Uonal ldUleUlll, pocked' by Soviet gunfire.during the lut week ol Augmt, and. the equeltrlan llatue bl Bohemllll Kin( LEGAL NllTICS Wfl'(,'Ql••, whw9 CMc11e alD leave flowtn and lllltt _.., In -cl 1""111 Jlllrloll "1111d dllrlq the lnvlillo. " WMf . TO UP After lbe mayor cl Pr- cul the rlbboo, lbe •Cleclla poored down lbe arcadl'1 11 illlnr111 .. inll*I lbe ~ ject !hit far II DIDl!lbl llld , tet>I lbi ~ clolld lo ·.u 1111 vehl~ qcepl tr11111 ..,. 1111 ' vn Ille Sov~ 111lll''I lntcU ..., tanU. • A br'Doal ·tablel otalld lblt tbe ucav1Uoo wu bqun'M.ty 2, 1117, and tbe project -f~ Oct. It; 1181, tbe IOjJI uniY""!J' el lbl rtpllbllc. 'lbio litter ""'°l!lt hlll lftDIHo from ""'.'t lumpo In tbe -II cl......; fore¥<f')'Gne lm<w lhlt lbe .,..;p1et1oa lwu I month latet becauiit the milllary """'"tlao ol tbe IQllll'< lntem>Plld 1111-t. "Tba imporlanl lblnc ii that we did Dnllb it." a belpec. tacled man Wiiii ' a • lolcfed newsPaper ltld to his com- panloo. "And we mtllt allO flnllh the other thlnp we lut .. begun, the r<lulblllt1Uolil Ille! the relorma ••• " A bearded young: man car. ry1ng boon 1sreec1 v1..,...ry and Mdtd with a smile, "Even ll we have t:o go un- dergrumcl." YOUR ClWI oun FQR FASTI FAm t.U lftemoon ltld eveo1n&. the Ciec:hl queued up tO me the l1Clde'1 elahl. public telepbooel, .. inapect Ill clJI ' . ab op, .....,\Ind and dnJ( A""''" ..... ..., flnlll>' to.ride .blCt ~llUIU up the seven e1e1latcn. Two of the eoc:olllln stopped, nm' nine. and workmen wen Meo "'rnavlna debril 1roni tbe -u. . By nlahliall, the new ll:CAde wu accepted entbullutically u a good place to meet. "Oar Piccadilly Cin:ua," said oot -,om1n. "I'm afrald it Ja.-lolng to attract .U tlw'1eddy boyl. just look •t thm1," l4kl another, motionlne toward a group of long-hatred lai!J who were glrl-w•tchln1. Policemflll, patrollln& t h e m:lde told Uie yvulbs to break it up. Auto Work 'Fleecing' Criticized WASHINGTON CAP) -No matter where you go for auto repalra you run "the risk of a neectng," the sen at~ AnUtrult subcommittee WU told today. "1be automobile serVice bUJineu bu become a jungle ror the consumer," 11Jd economJcs professor William N. Leonard oC Hofstra Unlvenlty, Hempstead, N.Y. He put the blame chiefly on automobile manufacturers, saying they prtSIW'e dealera to tell can: not to provide service . "The rtallUes of the il:tua- Uon are that Detrolt'I Income derive. largely from the salt of automobiles to dealers and ooly dlpUy from dealen' ta'Vice to cu1tomer1 1 '' LeolllJ'd 11id. Leonard's commentl were prepared for the opening of hearinp into auto repair costs on which Americans spend up to tu billion a year. Leonanl Uld that probably the most importanl tnnd "In . auto repairs had been tne decline In the franchi.led dealer'• share of. the market u 1u stations, Independent 1araces and others have es· panded their operatiOtll. He aald auto dealerl bin Dl\ly 7 percent DI more than 400,000 -autiell wbich "1ves th<tn 1bollt one<hlrd el U.. 1111ri<e~ comporld to 41 percent In 1151. Leonard's 12,000-word ltlte- ment dealt JllOllil with the franchl!ed dealer whom he pictured u handicapped in providini -by -from m·1nuracturer1 to fn. creuelllel. "Dellen 111t nol tmnlllltod by manul1cturers for hiving 111bstandll'd HrVic< flldliUH or for poor reputaUonl for service lo the community,'' Leonard 11id, "Bu& they do lose tbelt franchitel for failure to meet 111111 quotu. '' He llJd lhat wblle manufao-turer1 mllntaJn p r o I r a m 1 dOlllPJed 1Alll dulm In pro- vldln& ..me.. ~ "" IJ>-1deqU11& and westened by reJtri:tlooa. Leooanl Ille Mid !hit -mike lea -lot warrant,. than nonwllTllltJ l'tPllr• a..r.,. lnldequotely paid far predollvery -t oa ..,. fnim lbe fldorleo. He Mid lhlre IJ I -.ii _, to li'Y to -by ov8"CJm&lnc tor r • a a I a r rspain. . Looliar6 Aid !hat U the lrinclllM "Yll4in IJ .. -Uo.ue, dlalert f"llll bl 1111\10 men hf'tl1dlll:i fl tlltm-..,....00 ,.,., .. ~ .... CAU PILOT CWS· IFIED DEPT. D I A l D I R E c T - 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 ,..,, Diet ... J, 1M DAlt.Y I'll.Of Jf ' DAILY PROT ~WANT .ADS HOUIU l'ca SALi -....... , -="'='== ~--~-= -.:' Noed-1 Ju Sllelterl C..ta M-. S Units • 131,500 C..ta M-. ' Unitf • 4',ISO Balboa Blvd., 5 Unit. •.soo PflnlMQJa Pt., S 'Uni.ti '19.SOO n.u.. Bl..t, ' l/nlll 115.000 MANY arHERS . AVAJl.ABLE . ' . :l!901Wbor8tvd.' ~ Coen 1111 ' Pll ~~ . . . --=--·--- N1wport II Vlctort1 64Ull1 E199ance By the Sea • ~ -----PERRON _j~· .. ·.··-,·· * 642'1n1 :t.tiJtltiio * ... :..f~~'~ umllybome. Clollta ...... .thJnir. Juot -.... nw'ket won't be • UOUDd ·~· l130 ... _ .... cl--Ind inlel' eat • $500 Down Anronet Cameo Shorel Oca.nfront ltt!'!!!ll!l-•'!"!''"!"l!"''"'I borne w/sweepiila V'"'1 of Newilort Heights 0coan • eat&Una. ' eR·• '* OPEN DAILY * tprmaJ. din rm. 3 car gar· 2301 Cl1y StrHI .... Lee lnoor patio a lnmt IURR \lil!ITI, RMltor 29in 'N~ Blvd., N.B. 61s:.!6$0 ..... 642.2251 OwneP luvina rtate wm. sacrifice 3 BR + famllJ roorn. Hu extra sized Jot. cement bk>ck wall, 22' COY• ered pa.tlo, 2 batN, bullt;in kitchen, dilbwuber, .llep down llvina room, fireplace. nne location. Aikin& • , • Near Harbor HI rurrounded :.._rrace:Ra~i.~ ~· '' ·'' $159,000 by beautUul bome1. a BR 2 .... tarp llvlnr ..... with ...,.... flreplue, dbl prap, room "'·'"" 1093 Baker, C.M. fot boat or tn.ll:er from al· • 1ey. Prlcod to .. n tut. Coldwell, a..i.., & (o. l'\11°\\llll t ~l:\if\ \II\\ M I \ I l ' ' • Rl-ku'*lHE'NMru85 ~~ 1093 Baker, C.M. E.ASTSIDE -Immaculate S bdnn + dlnhW &fta. Choice Cotta Meu Eutlide tree. lined street. L a r I e wen 11000~ lot to' alley. HUl'T')'I -S'5·5110 ,...., __ ~w:~~ SANTA'S SPECIAU 2 BR. Eut CM •••••• $1C,995 2 BR + den, E. CM., $23,000 3 BR + dln. N. CM. $24,650 5 BR + tam, N. CM $25,500 4 eR. + din : tam • • $41,500 (nr So. Coa1t Plaza) CALL MR. NELSON for de- t&Ua.. 50.UM (open eves). Heritqe Real Estate lde1I 3 BR • Pool l~ bath, lovtly fun paUo w/ water tall, fenced pool. plwnblni overha~. f I re alarm l)'ltem, new water beater, room for trailer, $23,350. 82f W. Vktorla OPENDAD..Y Fr1ncl1 Horv1th, Rlty """" m 'llJ'I Sparklint B1yc- Mult occupl.td c u • t o m 3 bdrm 3 both with pool. 8111> ated on a quiet ltrett. For- m.I dlnirw toom, W'IUaual mother· in· laW' bedroom I: bath. c.u tor appointment "' .... Piie l11Ntf R11lty 1805 Weltclitt Dr. NB 64U200 WUTCUFF S.S.!IO!l., ' -.ectuded prden ott IMnc mom, plm --doonlt ...... belllttlul -"""' llvq, .....,.,aalmuter~ I: other ftlOftll. Vacant. JMn l"'lth Rltr, 41» E. 11th St .. C.M. 646-3255 l . --·--A Uvely F'Clmlly 2 Homes will •POr<cia•• tlill ._ Fo Pr' f 0 5 liodroom, 210 bath home. r ce o ne u,.. nv"" '°""'· •"""' Llke ~ lovelf 1 BR, 2 full . room and eattrw area m bath Ranch lt>'Ji!. home. kitchen. • Mother will lklrY PLUS 2 BR Rental Unit._llifh ·iR the '~ of dole~. er but cute aa a 'b\la:'• ear• • Anirff: ti in the o:miii: deJ lnalde. All for ~500 -onl1 Mar Hlah Scbool Dlatrict. • 15.000 Dn. 136.900 • 0 . w..:ia1s 646-7171 '>.d'-. . llALTY THE ~EAL ESTATF.R'' Near NB Post Ofc:, 646-2f14 FOUND· 5th &dtoom. 3rd carase. office W/earpeta. FA he•t, llidinr «ius, kl~ ma.Ida a~n OPEN SAT lo SUN 1-5 2500 W•vecrest Dr., QW BROADMOOR Executive 5 Bdnna, split.awl ltll"'del DAVE GAMlllL 6#00>) Move Jn By Christmu In tact )'OU could move in tomorrow. V &cant. neat and cleat1 Mesa Del Mar 3 + Wnil)' room. Shake roof, boat s~ area etc. $26,500 _\ 5<1-5110 fftflarcinlml lhlttftl ~~:~u E1'11ld1 • $159 P1y1 All ~ Eutaid• location wUb outstandinc F.H.A. finane. inc available, payment fn. dudes ~ and lnluranoe. s tarr• bedn>oins, "' balhl, family room, and ftrtplace. Carpet<d -4 .,..., in condition. Barsain bunt. en delJcht at J21.SOO. Colesworlllr & Co. 642-7777 190f, Harbor Blvd., CM. Open Eve1. Whi11 °'""" sr..p You can pick tbla: one Qp for only 113.900. Small, oldu bou9I! Oll la!p Jt..2 lot. ow,,. er will help ftnance. • P.S. Happy 'l'halllkalvkc. ,...= . fWB.nn OPEN EVES 'TIL t THE~LAl. E.:....:T A TEI·':__; 5aft1a'1 Special 4 BED~3,750 51/4 •/o Loan LESS THAN R!NTI Spaciolll IMnc. El.epnt fire. Cotti Meoa placoo.I,,..Jy yu•hrith 11'111 POOL HOME ·-I BEi> -. -1n1b -C... ROOMS -Famil¥ 'room, erect pado. 1A1xut1ou:s aD bearMd c e 11 t n C· ONLY built-in kitchen. 5t0-l720 . $30,IOO. Qutclt .....-. TARBELL 2955 H1.W Fixer-Uppe~ D•~:~Na!.""' 3BR ...... R-2...,.,larp "'Jbe --but lot Near lTih St Sbopplrw modtm u torra10w ii thlt Alu. Aak1Qr SlT.500. 3 BR 2'11 bath. w/frp2c. LMn Vll1•rt-. R .. ltor 1trlum (> -SM.too. ---Eva.516-3151 -· • \ ' --~ --·"-· ..... -.. .......__........._ __ ~ -.... ---~ ............................................... ~·""··· ........... -.......... ~•h••··~--~-~-~~~~·-~~~--·· -_ .. ___ -· --·--·--·---··---------- ---~,----~...,--,---·-~~-~------·--· ~ ..... .., .. ,,.,.,,.....,.... .. ... ~-.. .. .~ .--~. ~-.. -.-:-.:-, :-, -:-. :-. :-. -:-. :-, .::-:-~.;-:;:-::-;.;-;:::.::.-::.:-. -::: .•• :-. :-. --: .. ::.:-. -:-. -;, -=-. :-. :: .. :_::.:-,.:: .. :-.::.:-.::.-:.::.-:.:::,-:.::: .. :::.-:~::.:.:.:~:.:.:.~.::.;:· .;:· ··=-···-~;-:-- r....i.r. -'· 1968 I • • :IWll'F"lmm:rL..--ninilsES l'OR SALi ~ES l'OR SALi RE NTAU RENT~LS U NTALS RENTALS I:~· ~_,~.Q~·~~~~~~~~~;~~~ · .. J."~"~'"~"~'~u~ml~"~""~!...-1 Houaea UofvmlahM ~ ,......,,... . Apls. lhl,..,,.._ -ol .;;.Coo=t•;...,.IM __ ••---1-1M_1Huntl""'"' -h-1400 --, -. IY OWNllt Gt -NO DOWNI. CoNno del, Mor 2250 Newport 8Heh HOO Costa-., 4100 Huntlnvhl" ... ch 5400Huntl"""" .~ -~ LOCAL l'llVIEWlll. 4ff Alllllo Way , 11.., °"P• v-."""" SPACIOUS llMch -S $25 Wk. Up --------- RENTALS ) Apls. Unfurnl"'°' RANCHO ,_. CUESTA. at Hamilton & BUJI>. ~ ::;':: ::;t; ": :": ~:.."'.: = ~= ~a:~~:~ =-~ 1':w rm,;q.t ""!:; : ~~:J:':~ IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY . ard .JA Hunancto• lleach, lDDOU-lht !""' BR. ~!l}lo.lpllvm.1iilek .. ~ Qolr Pl.• .. l •'2 idu\b,.. ...... ""'"' ..... ,.,, $D1 -• Maid -• T:/ .:L JUST COMPLITll) -flew openinS Of UNIT I. 'l11U opealng II for -w!w erp0a. pooeu.ci Just ..., c1oo1oc """'" ,.,., PfO ""'J>d .--. 'mo 66.UOI -e ""' c.te • llOr e ONE BED~OOM e 2 BEDROOMS •--• bu-~ only before advertlahll IA the --doan. --W. -at llJ9,!!Glmo. llld m11al w/QPl!on. CaU DE c ORATOl\'S Bca•tllul -N """" ,-. 'I ·-"°" ba1 , ·11• tax • ..._ 1r. a11 ,.... .,. ,..., 11art :..-c. home. °"' lill>Jao ~·· ..._ BML _,,. FROM c 135 MONTH Loo AnieJes papers. fM' a • ~· ~---• 11 •~ -" "° --.!Ml; 511-2<!1 ....,. NEW ~~ l "' 'f BeautlfW homes prked from '21i,4U ID Priool .,. •• 1•" ..._ ~---~ •• ,,.,... ~~·_.! '~ ..!!""'"-131!. 1um. ~~!;-to :.::::: UNFURNISHED -FURNISHED SS2 T"-featuring: exposed beama In living ..._ Ill' -. w. >6m4, , -·• ··~· ~--room,' formal dlnlllg room,-l or 4 ·'bat.bs, EASTSID~$14,9!15. Quaint $U,7SO .. ,.... ' 2300 iliVELY 2 ~-2 ... lrplc. = C1l. :1251-mo ADULTS-HO PIT$ d'J ' BR ·c~ IN ~ • -~ I 2 -· • CAtms • DRA,ES &balte or mission tile roof, 2 or 3 car pn .., v.,..n ··-~cONDrno'ii. GI appralal. I BB. •P d"" • OCEANFRONT e -· po~. ""~ cor -· WU.SON \\'&ST : •&IYATl ••1!0 Gaffers .. SatUer appliances, concrete v• a;;;;~ out of atate. i,. area. flea~utu:ll,y cpted 3 Br. 3 Ba. Ja. Nldtoelr:. $250. A&1-f15.. 1 BJL tum. utll. pcL fftd, : ~iu.TION AlEA HOTPO!tfl' APPllANCU way. s.1ec1 your fnorite plan•,.. wlll bu -.,.. _,. ~;~w1~':.~ $3ll>Mo.t111 ... u.-~port 1111vh11 n 10 ~1,.';M" ue-uu. .uUNTINGTQN SEVILLE custam build for vou. Move ln by May 1969. aa1o. ~.~.l~--u--..,.. _, • . --p '· •--~• ::-(,,:: ......... Walk .to 5 Poln1a •-nt1 Ano Htl••ta u•• * l BR. 2 Ba. Hae l 2 -1 BR ~ ...... ~ 16112 5'-r '-n• t4 7-7461 Huntln•lon Beech Models a.~ Hamlllrin & Busbafd. •n-~ -~ SbooP.. .. .,, .. Br. OMJ1 V• apl X1nt 1oc. -----~ -~ , If Ed•! IMME,DI&.., 0-CCUPANCYll ,,_, _...,._!Ealale BRASHEAR kEALTY e 1 bdrm houaeallutil ..,.i'. ,.. achll A tra»a. ,.._1249 .. -. ..,... • """'-I h t 5190•1 Wul of h tco •. n9 ar "''5 LOVELY new I iltOr)'J 4 IC?-8531 ~ EvH. ~·2442 ~ 1..arp Ftnctd yard. • Adults" 1'13 pelL STS-1491 acro11 from 8ro1dw1 y C.nt•tl RANCHO LA CUESTA In HubUngta11 Beach bdnn. 2 bo. oear "°' Co. WOWll-~. Back Bay 3240 $80. lnclud ""'· Small apt ~ has 3 new hOmes available for immediate de-' C.tboUc kbooL mt.ins. ~ .a.,.·E 4 •• 3 Ba. , • .., ~~!'!!:.. N_r 1Mh •Newport. Coita M8A 5100 Huntington Beach s4oo cupancy because of crtdll rejecUoru. 3 BR, 2 nu. cab. -. "'" or"li!ll 4 BR ~ bolba carpeta, Lo~uoo Buch 2705 ~ -• ~ - baths, built-Ins, tlrepface, shake roof, COO· ...... $1,000. """'"' ... 3 -............ prol.eli-W/opllo• $300 mo. Prln-113$. LOVELY ' "'· Util. 2 81"1 BL • 3 BR -111 ·-•· clri'veway. '\ bdrm. pool, Palm ---heavy 3 BR. 2 BA. den, ocoan dpala ""'·aw.....,__ pd. Blk. K·Mut. sn ,,... HARBOR BL All """ 4 <Upa. ~ ~-w ... DeOYW Dr., C.M. n•l ....... root. Pi<ce.t """"tho view. sm mo. .., -"""'" !!43--0'l87 -$150 ~ b J -· market at ""' Pf.500 • no w 61M331 Eut Bluff 3242 · : 4 • ALSO 1 model home avalla le for anuary ~to~ . ay. -BAO!ELOR .,. fur Ma""" GREENS NEW 2 Br.,-"' to occupancy. . QUICK Poaea.; S J.c. Br. .,.,.... ett. NEW DELUXE Gentlemen. UtiL paid. $15. from; cpts, drpa, bltnl. Well (Loe; Hamiltan I< Bushard, Huntington Beach) "'""'· -q,,.. S23,ooo Poul J-Realty RENTALS 3 Br, 2 Ba. hoo!e fur Ieu<. can an., 5 p.m. 838-lMI! ' too. ·1125 .....us $25k050 to $27,700 FHA. North CM. M&-1994 M1~1266 l:veL &IT-8919 HoUIM Unfurnished Carpet&, drapes. tlnplace. Nuaau Palml Apta. BACHELOR • ~-' FHA. VA & Conventional MHa Del Mor .1105 WINTER PRICE O.naral 3000 All elec. bl!·lns. O..ble 2 BR., 1um.·; pool. 1150 frOm $100 L1gun1 Beach 570' CALL 968-2929 ANYDAY betwHn 10 & 6 Aaaume 5~ FHA Loon on POOL HOUSE .;.P"-65""': -, "".-n.n-. -,-.. ----. ::,::,"'<·A~bl~ tn:Jt:, 177 E. 22ndt. ~ 1 • 3":'-3 ":RM. 100 CLIFF DRIVE 3 Br. 2 Ba., Hrdwd fJn. I...arp rec. room, 2'i bath&. FOnnal dlh. rrn., w/w, bltna &U-43.15 Newnort ~ach 4200 llJRN. Ir µNTIIRN. -~~~iea,~~; SPACIOUS ·CUSTOM Corona del Mar ""' 1.,. rm • ...., 1enn1 E><ceUent a"'L fu Aval! now. Bkr. S3<6S80 3 BR.' BA; tr1-Ieve1, ""' _ H .. led -. Clllld cu. -~ -"'"' DANDY DUPLEX w/amv. flan. $21,111). aw,,. HAFF DAL R TY P 15: 3 A den, lli i... w/w, condo, '1Jbleue. $260 mo. A·FRAME f\Jm Bad>elor C..ter, A4j. to -_ !.':"'to'"';:;,. 1 i. ~ FOUR BEDROOM two bath er. 546-0288 8740 Warner ~ frpl., tncd. yd. Childre.ll 4 e 6"-«67 e jfi iii bllr to beach I: b&7, No pet.I ailOftd Ocean~ew from Wt!r'/ ~ and te ~ room Walk ID beach and llhopl. pet O.K. Bkr. 534-6380 mo. to July 1. ~i,s 2700 Pet~ Wa,y, at Har-from $150 mo uP. lt:Ut' :; home.e:B/J Electric .kit. ~-'r"'w1' th-:.:~-~ College Park 1115 Sun•et Buch 1455 $125; 2 BR.,. tnoc.t. yarn, Corona d•I Mir 3250 \5th St. 543-:<mf ot 5*-2790 bar• Adams, Calta Mesa. $:2449 ft __ ..,.... 11w... ...... .. ~ = .. ~I ~-~---------Stove Pet OK. • 1 BR furn, with &ara&e. 546-roTn chm. ~ ... J*M ..... ,.. tngs and ftttpla.ce. Larp 2 4 BR. t Ila., CQ't' patio-OWNER -·--Broker Sumso. CHINA COVE priv11,,_te beach. $135. M.o incll'!!~~!l!!~~!i!!![!!!!!!!l j REAL ESTATI: ~ts and drape1 tbnl-out. bedroom apartment al9o bu Crptl, drps. Dbl" frplc. Xlllt WATERFRONT On the bay with. ocean view. util. 673-6949 or 61S-DXI Mr.·p MOVING DEC, 7th General Comer lot, breeie way, de-beamed celli.np and o:im· tond. W,500 By Owner $37,900 _ TERMS Very private m exclusive Mc.Pherilon ----"°'1 tached lara&e and e.uy ai> ptetely carpeted. Plus nice s&.2«6 SUnaet 11 ..... i Hunt. Har-Costa Mna 3100 area. Pvt bch. Eltgant ~ """'"".... 0 . ·2 Bdrm. w/carport • $llO Rental• Wanted 5MA cess from ldde street to rear gUett room and bath. Dou-·• _,, I ---------yr old 3 BR 2 BA dream ~.,FR NT B a c Ii e I o r Gardener &. water pakl Y7U yanl. ,,,.. home •• """"' bl• -••ch unit .. Newport IHch -' ..... "'""'' ' Br. ' • BR. ..,..., patio, """· """"""' mu,;., """'· Lux-Apl I Adw• "" mo .... ' <ltlldren O.K. FREE SERVICE to localed in EASTSIDE COS-completely~-~ 1200 Ba.. Dock O.K. 2l3: 592-57l3 dfl*, 1tove le: ref r I & , ury feature1 thruout incl blt· incl. ti75-317l 2566-C Orana:e Ave., C.M. TA MESA near Woodland leavJne area. M"'r!!I! NEWPORT HOME loguna Buch 1705 Tropical .aettlnr fur adlllla Jno, brand new lush cpt& .. OCEAN View, 1 Br. larJ<e ,,.,=•:c63,,-,6-4=1,;;20"'e=::--OWNER-MANAGER' Elementary, Kal9er Junior Musr BE SOLD 1 blk to 1hope • lranlp cent b!a.ttng, 2 car gar. Apt Mn. patio, $13?. Gr1clova Adult Living BROKER .. _;-' :lclgh= '!:ic~ Requires 90m.e bdlup. 3 Handymin Specl•I• $140 rno. 544-4180 Beaut furn or unfurn. Only Winter, nr. pier, 6'J3-lKl8S 2 BR., W/w carpellt drapes, You tclect your own 1.C1W11 hooL F!nanchl& be bdnna, 2 botha, 2 """"· Income Unl11 3 BR 2 batll Montlcello Om-for the vory partkular. Im· ruRNISHEO 3 Br apt, II lrpJ.: spiral""'""· ACTIVt RENTAt$'. ; ~ed making : an : family room. Jti1t 100 tt Loe. <Ill Ooeanaide or Hwy, lbnlnlum. c a r p et 1 ' med pou. Lease. Pvt pty. blk to bcb. 126~ 40th st. MES6 EAST APTS. 534-6982 ... ~ . cellent tRor at Only $28,~! 3M.l WEmCLIJT DRIVE from ocean! Immediate oft. 1SO ydl from Beach. 4-tp drapes. $189/mo. Call Lar· 675--4593 $190. 615--3249 145 E. 18th, C.M. ~74 BUSINE8.1 wormn wantr 646-: Open Eva. er, $38,950 CONidered. Call Apt. unlta, needs paint &: l"Y or Dave 541)...1151 (open NEW Deluxe Gold Medallion BR Unfum A.pt. bMch at*arf 7Tl1 PROPERTIES WEST 1ood general cleanup. ro. e•es> Heritage Real Estate upper 3 Br. dplx; 2 ha., Corona d•I Mar 4250 Newport Beach 5200 to noo. Gar or cupert fi'15.4130 TENTlAL INC 0 ME EX· 3 BEDROOM w/w carpet L-llv. rm., din. area, fam. nece.aty. 64z..mll5 .n/.'. t EXTRA SHARP !I BR. dining r o o m, HARDWOOD FLOORS NEW a: ~ t or lm· CEEDING $10,1'.m.ANNUAL-Fb'eplace, (l)'Vered petlo, rm., din. area, tam. nn., 3 FULL baths, 2 BR. aep. $135 M th pm. _,.' mediate occ upan cy LY Price $69,950. double p.ra.p. La:iye reat aerv. porch; ·frplc., cpta., ent. to 1 BR &: BA.. 2 on MA.LE BEAUTY O~ Cllltc:mized Broadmoor Tur-MISSION REALTY 4.94-0m yard, tenoed. $156. BJa. drpa. $300 Mo., yrly. 6C$ ~· very ~ &:~ (Incl. •II ut.llltles) TOR. wishes to rent sood 220 L lM With lush w/w carpet· tng. super.med eover- Eveninp Call 646-18ST ed paHo. all the built· tie Rock, 4 BR, 1 story 985 So. Coast, Laguna M2J.1555 Iris ~ _. per mo. : B booth 1pace in Corona del Plan. CU,,eta, drap e1. ,.-,=-~.,...,.,.-"'"'",.--,--=========! forappt. 2 R upstairs apt. Adults Mar.,. • ., 0 .,......, .. __.._; • BDRM. 3 bath. Top of 2 BR Ea.st.aide older home preternd (no garaee) Nr ......... o.JO"I-~·~-OWNER will sell at bla World. Ocean ' mountain 81lboll 3300 BREATHTAKING View uni-. ' . EMPLOYED slgle a d ,,.t..f COil Call M&-&925. it no + a 24 x 34'· workshop. ---------I -~--1 BR • HOili Hospital. Rltr. .,,. t -··. ••• •110 'view. $37,500. 540-'136& Coinm'l zone. $16 0 Imo OCE RONT '1......., • " conv. 646-5855 wanta 1·2 bdrm. house with ....., i1"f!N e ANF e den; $300. By App't onl. . DUPLEX Lagun1 NlgMl 1707 le aa:e. Perron Re a l t "i 3 Br. 3 Ba. lg. aundeclc:. 237 Carnation 644--0Di SPAC. 2 Br. 2 Ba. apt. wants =: ~ 11 h • ~ N n..-nn Du l 2 -"---'"-----1 642--lTTJ. $250 Mo ti1 June 15. ~ LARGE . te Ba h l So. adult cple,; cpts., drps., ,,:cc.,::""'=.,,:=-::,::;_ ...... I $18,000 ·STORY ;: ~ru::"' N '!';';';; It's got al you want -cozy c:osta. Me 1 a location. FIREPLACE, warm PAN· Full rriCJe only $24,450. EU.ED DEN, -ly ""' • COA&TS pets I: modem ldt.cOOl with ear""'~" P ex. Bdnnl NEW 4 Br 3 Ba ._,.. 2 BR + den l'ni bath, ............ . pnva c e or beam ceili ..... Blk. to bc:b. WANTED: By ttfined widotr each. Patio, swxleck, lie ' • ..,,...,. rm, ·-··-of High Refr:I & -·o _,,_ formal dinlll&', large view 1; refria::. SlSO/mo. lease. Huntington Be1ch 3400 hotp'·te. '!.,8Y;,.,,.~ att ,a:. $195. 873-1909: 546-8055 room w/ priv. in ~ ~·~~~ lot. $ 3 7, so o. 213-244-7845 We 11 s ·Mc Card I e Rlt E , ,,_,. 0 '............, 2 BR. Apt w/ gar, 111' bc:h. Hills, nr. bowling ireenl R.C. GREER. Realty Owner. 548-mo . FRE 3 Stove, retrig, drps. Adults 548-7695 ·' : 3416 y-,. Lido 6'B.9:loo 3 BR. C>p15, d'P'. bl!M, RENT AL BOOK Bal boo 4 00 ooly. $135 mo yoorly. WANTED' Storago ..,..., bullt-ins with natural wood cabtneti:, larlf:' bedroom, 2 WALLACE PUILMAN BATHS. A huge REALTORS closeta. It'1 the buy o1 the --<546-4'40 .. 141-OWNER DES PER A TE .DuplexesForS1le 1975 Kit/Den combo. 2 Car gar. D I & B CLEAN Bachelor Apts. ~42ndSt.NB. 673-8742 Reasonable. Nr. Richard/~ Nr. So. Coast Ptaza, $225 rop " rowse All util incl $75 up LARGE 2 BR 2 BA. N.B. 673-3345 " • yea.r and only 4 years old. {Open Evenings) AM;ume the low $145.00 per !!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~"""' Must sell 2 Story 3 BR. NEWPORT ~lex for ¥le. 54&-5259 w I k & L Condo, Ocean-View 200' to beach. Or will trade lm;R. 2 Ba, ..,70 month, a er ee BA~AE. Balboa Bl;,;ti.H ~r.o beautiful pool Loll of equity for good Laguna ... panelling. resl~ntlal lot P. O. Box dole to schools, immed. oc-7682 Edin&er $12;5 mo, util incl. 3 BR NEW, Westdill area; 2 Br. month ...,.,..,,... EASTSIDE Room• for Rent mo-Blvd. ats-9491 Open till 9 PM Uve -on Broadway Costa Mesa ROOM TO ROAM in this 3 bedroom (ooe bedroom 151: 20) centnilly located BE"!· TER HO~ AND GAJt. DEN TYPE HOME. Good financing. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 Payments LMI Than Rent 2 Briwitli open beam ceiling and huge 1tone fireplace on hall ac:re near bac:k bay. 3 car garage. Re.ntaJ income on prOperty makes payment less than rent. • "RING"' ,.f..,\SPRING ····~ 2629 Harbor mvd ., c.M. T,000 Down Lodge or Churc:h Bldg. $13,500 NEAR WARNER • FQUN. TAIN VALLEY • 50x150 lot ·· -r ....... n Valley. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 MAGIC NUMBER 2 ltory design, 2 1tory lT front door, 2 atory fireplace, 2 ltotl'. beamed <'eillnr in livinc room. 4 BR 3 blth, 1amUy room . $81,700. "Roy J. Ward Co. JM2 Santiago Dr. 646-1550 BALBOA ISLAND Buttercup Y~. 4 BR. with provtodaf chatm. Few ..... to South Bay. Newly mnod- eled bt40t-tn kitchen. $57,500 Ora"lll C-Property 331 Marguerite, CdM 673-l550 Cloae lo Back Bay Cllatcitn • 1tyled with Iota of brick trlm • 3 Bedroom• 2 baths, • plUI a larze living room with double f1replace. • $162 per moritb includes tu· ea.. 5%. % !pan can be uaum· od. 646-n?l THE~EAL ESTATERS 548---2434or642-1469 1423, HuntlnKton Beach. cupancy. 541).6631 842-4455 Open Eves. MC>-5140 &. Ba Mar f~ crossing. 2 Ba. All extras. patio, pr. BEA1JI'1FUL .t. cuatom built "'~"~'~l ~84&~-004>-._0wn __ ., ___ 12 BR house $150 month. WHY PAY RENT??? Oean throughout. 420 E. Adults $185. 642-0239 Lg 2 BR' Fam rm home RENTALS Adult.a. No refrlg or drapes. 4 BR. vacant, no dawn for Bay. 2 BR., close lo beach: gar.; in Back: Bay arta 2% BA HouH• Furnl•hed 2:306 Elden. 531-1723 GI! Pay oll like rent!!! nz mo, utll incl 3 BR no children or peta. $175 le: rm tar addition w/lovely * Lovely 3 Bedroom * 342-8500 if no ans. 545-2374 &: Ba near ferry crossing. Mo. )rly 642-3978 Eve11 view. Patio $35,000 Im-Gener1i 2000 2 1tory home LEASE · _ Condominium, 3 Clean throu&:hout. @J E. maculate! Own. "2-3219 Call 646-8707 BR. dectric bit-Ins, jlool, Bay Westcllff 5230 LARGE LIY nn le din rm, ~~. lpa:.·• ~t :aclw'c:~s 'ix,,,-mo=o°"tJu,.,-,o71d'""'3 °"B:;;R-:2:-ba,-., clubhouse etc. SCs..9601 . BACHELOR Apt.a. utll paid. $14S; 2 BR., beam ceil., htd. frplc, crpta, drpt, elec ld.tch, O.K. Broker 53+6980 crpta/drp1, 3 car garage. I;:=====.===:! $70 &: $15 by the month. pool. Avail. Dec. l 1 t. 2 bdr, den. Can bl.d another $225/mo. Agt. 546-4141 S1nta Ana Height.._.3630 613-9702 Adults, no pets. 642-2514 unit. Low dn FHA or VA. ---------$23 500 Owner 642-4441. Rentals to Share 2005 M .. 1 del Mir 3105 SMALL ·2 BR. hou11e. Stove 1 Bedroom furnished Apt. ' · · · bl ~-Sib $125. Month. Back Bay 5240 BWFF'S BY OWNER It retrig, availa e u=. , * 499-3465 * ---'------------~=~=~ 1, BR. ll BR " Den) 2 WOMAN ....nted to 1hare S RENT or lease large 4 BR $150 mo. MS-0044 VIEW• 2 B ~,. "-$11 950 $11 950 "' Br. beach hoffie -one child 2 bath. Quiet 1 tree t . · r ..... ., • ""t"" , • • Balba. 3705 Huntington BHch 4400 bl!M, PGO!:,!',<.;,.mo. Impossibil to find at this Pool, tennis. 644-2Q28 OK ·Call after 6 Weekday1, $250/mo. 546-4519 Laguna Beach 0 ,.....,.,,,.., price! Rented at $100 per* FEE Lot 85xl95. Bay = weekends ··---------MONARCH BAY AREA 2 BEDROOMS carpet,!..========= month. Good flr plan • on View. 6 BR1>lanll· Ready Me11 Verde 3110 LOVELY OCEAN VIEW drapes, built ins. 1 blk to Corona del Mi r 5250 huge lot. E:xcdlent invtlt· to build. Owner M&-'126, WORKING Girl wishes to 1 ---------2 B<inna. & aunroom 5 Pta. stores ment! Amazing low price • 548-4207 ahatt lovely Laguna apt. NICE 4 bdrm &. family rm. l n Baths. $225 Month. $130 D $11,950. ,.ring" NO. 62 Balboa o:,.iea, 3 Br. w4f,'":,'77e. 4 9 4 -2 8 2 4 or fenced, dble gara1e. Kids Adults 4gs..1243 bet. l0-5 PM Key S:-i..:Jsl 0~ll~~-. "_ • ,........,.., ok. SDI. 642-5583 ~ I • SPRING waterfront. $8l,OOO. Would 2 SGLE male or female yng I~======== S BR, 3 Ba. to ree~nsible UTILITIES PAID t>,. br,t• itO .. prefer to trade for acreage. adults to Iha.re expenses 3 Newport a~ach 3200 family. $275 mo. Principals Furn. Bac:l'I. and 2 BR. furn. .-. • REALTY LI 8-7'171 bdrm home H.B. S36-3839 only. Owner, ~ AND untum. Htd. ·pool. ON TEN ACRES ' w• "anutime" e BLUFF'5e 0 th CHIN":thCOVE I 2 BR. Stove &. refrlg, crp_ts 802 Knoxville, Apt. D, H.B. 1 & 2 BR. Furn &. Unfurn • &-PLAN· MANY EXTRAS! n e bay wi ocean v ew &: dtps.. $130 mo. 521 Thalta e 536-2914 e Frplcs / Pri / Patios I 2629 Harbor Blvd., C.M. $49,500. e 644-1529 Cotta Mesa 2100 Very private in exclusive St 2131 860-52l5 ACE '---------area. Pvt bch. Elegant 4 · 60Xl2, 2 BR. mobil home, Poo11. Tennie • Contnt'J Bk· COMFORT + SP " i.t. hol tt/G $23,500 Newport Hgtt.. 1210 LOVELY new 2 story 4 yr old 3 BR, 2 BA dream Lanuna Niguel 3 707 beach loc. 1 Child O.K. $160 9 e i>u n=en. ===..;.;.:=---bdrm, 2 be, beautUully home in immac. cond. Lux-i--·----Mo. plus uti1. ~l 900 Sea. Lane, CdM 644-~ Owner will help with the fin. 3 BR, tam nn, custom-bit, unb.lmlshed. Dishes, linens. ury features thruout incl NEW 4 Br, Laguna Niguel. ..... (MacArthur nr. Coast HWy) ancing. Mast;r i:.::: ~· lge kit, e:xc area, G. H. wuheT/dryer, nr May Co. bit-Ins, brand new lush View. $300. mo I ease . t ENTALS rooms, den, ar Robertson, Rlty. 548-1413 &. C..tholic School. $300. Mo. crplg, cent. heating, 2 car (213) 244-7845 Apts. Unfurnished livlna room with attractive Croups we I come. 976 gar. Beaut. furn or unfurn. "EN'i'Ai:S;-----1;;:::;:;:;----so;;oj 'C::o~r~o~n~o~d~e~I !M~a~r~_:5~2~50 brick fireplace. Patio with Newport Shore• 1220 Denver Dr., C.M. U4: Only for the very partic:ula.r. R NTAL , hed Gener1I 5000 2 lifetime aluminum cover11. 866-3389 Immed . poS!I. Lease. Pvt _ Apt1. Fu rn11 l.'.jjjiiiii~j;iiijjjj~~jjjj· iii"I BEAUT, Like new 1 B~~ Quality construction. A LENDER.'$ SALE Pty 675-4593 I' crpta, drpa., bltns, ovev built-in lUXUl)' kitchen. 2 STORY "A" frame, near PRIVATE cuest hse. 1 bdrm,'""""'".""'""'""'""'""'""'"" General 4000 VEN DOME porch. $175, . 2 rm off. 54().1720 newly remod le: tum. Gar-1 • -w/ba. or guest a p I TARBELL 2955 Harbor Ocean $2'1,500 qe. Nr Orange-17th. Sl40 mo B/B HOLIDAY PLAZA. w/pe.tlo. No pets, Refs. I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, I Utll pd. 646-1634. TOWNHOUSES DELUXE, Spactoua 1-Bdrm. IMMACU" .ATE APTS! 6'7S--067l 11 NEWPORT SHORES res\. 2 BR 2 BA z carport F\u'n. apt. $135 PI us uW. JMMED. OCCUPANCY 1;;;=;--=,,.,--.,;"7::C:- DUPLEX' f:a': ;;;:n:o~ arr:t 4~ Newport Beich 2200 3 BR.:• 2~ &. 2 ~:,carport Heated pool. Ample parking Close to Shopping, P1rk ':drps Frp~ 2b k~ 1 1n ~ Near Beach • well kept con-on tile Channel. Contact: $200 . S250 mo. No children-No pets e Spacious 3 Br'1, 2 Ba $l90 3 BR 2 ba S280 4 SLEEPING nn. for p:ian, Priv. home &. entry. By month only. $40. 1 5 '1.J Orange, Q.l . ' RM n1 ~ut home, twini'I pool, gar & kit priv. Pro! man. Re~. req.6"-0978 ~~, TWO muter bedrooma;\ bath. Full club privllepl:, Nr. ocean. 5J6..8S18 · ' PLEASANT cheerful ro9m for employed-man $12 W~ C.osta Mesa MS-1969. · Guest Homa S!'.! PRIVATE Room for el~ ambulatory lady. LovelY care, Kood food. Nie~ garden surrounding' Available now. Call 54&-GSJ Income Property 6000 Medical Building. Prime Newport Beach , location -100% le~ : Excellent return death of one or _ . ; the partne~ necesaitatel , Immediate sale , reduced to $175,tm .• ; Call Mike Scholessman _ . . ' _, dition. Rent on yrly or sea· Caywood Realty Ocean Front, 2 Br. House Pools. Adultl only 1965 Pomona, CM 642-5858 e 2 BR. widen or ofc. BR ·3 ba Sl75. 673-6904 '&ft sonal basis, $34,950. ~-W "-· t H NB furn. Winter $175. Bay & Beac:h • Swim Pool, PuVgreen 5 Bualneaa Rental ,.,. George \Vllllamson IJoi>llU • .......,.s wy, · · Co•t• Me11 4100 e Frpl, Indiv/lndl')' fac'll f,.-;;;;c-c=::--=,.....,= OUW Realtor 548-1290 Utl. pa.id. 6'f3.tl088 R.e1lty, Inc. 1845 A htlm Ave 2 BR. frplc, 1ar; ground m• =========I LARGE 4 Br, 2 Ba, 1 blk """"" w Balboa Blvd NB 1 BR with garage, private na · f Io or, Immed/occupancy * SHOPS * · '; Eves: 673-.loJU'I Baycre•t 1223 to beach, pool &: tennis see s73'.92oo · Eves. s4s..ss66 yard. 174 Monle: Vista, C. COSI'A MESA 642-2824 $160 mo. Orange Coast OceanYiew Income LOVELY LIVING RM '"""~:,,;· ""°~~M;:•;· ~"'"'°"~~=,,J,~~~~~~~~!l~M~·=======" I RENT Prope~. 673-8550 For Let.ae , , -:; Monarch Bay Plan" : w/rrtpc, 4 BR. 4 Ba, dining, Riverside County 2800 Riverside County 2800River1lde County 2800 MODERN 2 BR apt., bit-ins, CaU William Chur'ch1ll ' • fam rm w/frplc, Beautiful 3 Room• Furniture frplc, terrace, gar a 1 e . · • ., w/wet .... •"""um $25 Month llG;>/mo. ,...,,.. Lagun:~~f3:! co.,..._;, 5 Units on 2 1W Iota, walk· lng distanc:t' to Ocetn, all wlth- CORBIN-MARTlN REALTORS le: frplc, lge heated &: S©\\oll~-8'"Btrse FUU.. OPI'lON TO BUY 2 BDRM, l bath, references ................................ , rut ...... pool, Fee simple, -·1--' 1115 mo ·~ ·-2 $62,500. {Retrlgeraton Availa ble) •=t ..... cu. • .......,....,., APPROX. no IQ ft atwe WALKER RLTY 67'5-UK) Solve a Simple Serumbted Word Puzzle fOf' aChuckZ. No depo111t o.a.c. across from Vista Sho..,_ H.F.R.C. Huntington Be11ch 5400 Center. E:xceL tor r...i 3036 E. Coaot Hwy, CdM -------"75-!662 Anytime Unlvertlty Park 1237 -3 BR. 1'~am nn, 1 yr old. SEE THE NEW A great low m&intenance patio on a green belt Va-BUCCOLA caot wt .,.,. paint • polish. BUILT HOMES Priced rig!" at $29,000. 646-5511 16th lo Tuotln, C.M. 3 &: 4 BR · $30,950 to $33.~ Eaotbluff 1242 31R&DEN Olacirnntg9 J.ttws of the Furniture Rentals es':Ate office, ~ lout IQ'Ulllblld wards !>.-517 w. 19th, C.M. 548-3481 2 BR. Modern, delue, large pemt &tore etc. $110/nfo, low to Iona four tlrnpNi worda. 1568 w. lncln. Anbm n4-2800 livln« 4 dining. Carpets, See at 826 w. 19th St.. Ol. IDER D E'G I :, j:;,,,.--;;-=--:==--,,,--1 drapes, bullt-ln range, Bkr. 642-4422 . $105; 2 BR. 4-Plex ,w/w, private patio, prap. 1 ot I I I ' I . 1•. I drapes. 2 children O.K. 2 units In befit area. Adulta, NEW building fur leu& AO!ll ov Broker 534-6980 no peta. m Palm Ave. Prime location in l..quna l TlJI Beach.. 2160 sq tt. with w I I $150; 2 &. Fam. nn., l'i4! 496-1349 without equlpment. 1lllijst I WE PI 0 1 I ba. studio; w/w, stove, rct l--,,N~E""W"'°'2~B~R".-A"P~T~S".-1ee to appreciate, • • • • Pet OJC. Bkr. 534-6980 ADULT LIVING * 491-1036 •. r ,.. I Costa Mell 5100 FROM $120 SHOPs (2) for Jew. Prim• Mr.. Jacbof'I. Mgr. location, Newport <>ct• FOR Sale by Owner. eon.. dominlum. Eutbhd:t. 3 bdr, 3 baths. 2 Qreplaces. patio 2 bath. bullt4na. n.11y I lg Commercial Acrt &: BBQ. double ganp.. carpeted, dniped, n e a r Wltb 4 older homel.. Eutlide Eutsld• Costa Mesa (just IChoola azx1 c b-' re b e a . o.ta Mesa. $30.(XI) loam oft N~ Blvd.) $25.00D 6f4..lf79 cu be assumed. Full price wltb tum1. 1--------- ~IE TIT I = """..,, st, •pe B boat. t,$0 ••· It. m.aaa,.: -An oukd'-work actor com--Excellent, park • like sur-HUNTINGTON APT. e PRIME Retail Locatiooe · I' I' J menffng about another who'• = 1: ;:ill requlJI. ADULT UVING lT x 40 rood tt 1: euto tramc. ';;~:;;· :::::::_..,worklng: "'He's a corn.dlan of Dl9crtml:natlve Tenanta New 2 BR apll. Sl25/mo. 187S Hart>or, CM ~-: r ltheffrst :wattr, Ho'aa--.•: 1, 2 a: 3 BDRM. APTS. Mn. Sullivan Mgr. 1311 $4'1,500. Wello-McC.rdle, Rltrs. Cl.EVELAND, lleaJl1 1110 N..._ Blw., C.M. f4UIBI --Ml-'1129 Eves. -5 BEDROOMS Low -.. Beat -TRY OFFER ....................... -JBRl!eadlbouaeor.Bay -· Nnri, pailli.d repa. Spodona Ip Uvtnr nn, fire. -$31,950. -le• lot. $39,500. ta 11<&1 Eatat> 64MGI Balboa RN I E1tate Co. ~.,,.. ....-1 1"11 & Balboa Blw., Baiboo .......... ,.. ORlole 3-4111 I • I ,, Huottngton INch 1400 ROYAL HOMES ' BR. 2 btth 1700 1q, ft, car- pet.I, d r I p e .. flrepl&ce, 62xllf lot. aba.ke roof, 2 car ..,..., -pallo. 127.- ISO -VA no dmm. a.!flMll' LI 0 I 0 R 1·1., POOL. NO OllLDREN Huotlnoton S_,, Olli co Re ntal 6070 1=,~l-.,__,,-...,,.......~-1 ft ~-~ "'-~-~' -~ FOR '-·--""~ 2 BR. . I I I v --..... -MARTlNl""UE ~ ~-·N· 2 DELUXE Medlcal-....... . • • byfilhn;flotthemf.llfng:~ T l'r!i Ba., townhou1e, ....... .., . . ,.. .._loo'"'°' ... """• bdow. GARDEN Am. bunt-1 .... """' drpe, lrpl~ """" '" ''"'· 11IO • 1215 • ~A&NJn~~E~TTfRS 11 r r · r 11 1· · I' 1 11th • Santa An&i C.M. , ,,,-==:---,-.,.-""""-~~~ ::. A';;.:~ -- -• · • -OtU Mrs. Hendenaa M6-S5C2 NEW 2 Br. 1pt., cpll., dl"PI, (Owner will lell t hf 11 e rort~j lETTEts la I I • I I I f l~t~rn~San~tll!'-~~A!!pt!!W,!!Jl!'!!!C.!!M•.I ~::;: :,"""~..:: = modlcal .. -), NICE lndMddal townhooae. $125. Call; 536-2:895 COSTA Mea, oWCll rulf!t.: ~ ~ trpl c. DELUXE, New 2 Br. apt. approx, 8*1.eq. ft.:~ prqe. No peta. $130. l652 cpta., drps., bltnl. heat, prtv. rm r o o rG. OrUlp Aw. 5'1-4421 $\50 Mmth MT-5451 547~7061 da,ys; 49M926 f:\lit: \ SCRAM-LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIRCATION 8BOO ,, 1 ' y "!: . lNTAU ·---..=~·•_, llNTAlS -:--- -Apts. Unfvmlll)od Ap11. Unfurnished ~11....., Bo,.m _S400ttpnll"'ttn .... h 5400 EXCLUSIVE ON·TH~BEACH Loot ! 6401 iMJO UWAil&\,.-.-..., ......... "'~'· -Gennu finrl d lo•t '11/lf, .... -NII. ~--­nv.uz stamel. .,... klnlc 111 tllL No ooaar, s >'"- I w ' I lad.-.' Apo"""~ -., --;ia.._ Vie ol "........_, A: 2ncl A¥t. COL LUXUllY LIVINCJ TO PLEASI Tiii. MO$T rn>'1m DIS4;111MINATING NOW AVAILAILI AT LOSr=::-.at"'N"e;Pofj="""a..=.,.--::-Sm ,. n:n · JH HuaHnglon ; PICI. ik ::... "bu~•:,'. l!J ~tlalrewudl 1'13-<465 ie Cl-elr, ~luo akl•, ind 1u-pl·MI< .. • REWAN>! Blk .tWbltolonr • 1G6 unit 4 ..... 1 complex.unlit Madlterre"' 'haired femala ca• Vic .. n t1i119n . ', See&bonANp•-col- O::• Hutid pool, .. uni and sundocb ". 1,.,.1ar=·=-m-=""'==-,,,.--= ~ Lovely cqmmu(l!ty r.Creatlon room . ll.138 MALE .cat wht 'fl(/r:reY . .....-~"t" c~~f,=~ ~~ · NATURAL BqltN SWAPP!RS • - Spec1,1 .... -• ' ; S Ll--5 tlmae-5 IMKb llltUllS -l>D M\IST IN(l.UOI t-ww ..... w .. .,..., ~· "" """' • "*' ~YOUR. ~ •Nllflf ....... ...... llMI fll ~"'9;. ....,,,OTHlNO ,Olt ML.J_-·TlitA,O~ OHLYI PHONE 642,$671 . ; " To Place Your Treder'• P.•redlM Ad • • All electric Gald Medallion kit chant ~.J.;:: ~­ ': • Indoor perking wltlf eddltl~ ~"'"9 '"''1,;=o;:;:;::=;== I ).-• Permanent m1n19em1nt 1t•~ •!'Ml ~It; '•''°"''' 6405 'ST !'Ol'd Pick Up with -Trade 5 11crt1 nea'r him , 9u1rdt . • camper shell. Excellent Sprlnp, value' $10.ooQ. for ~: e E1ey acceu to L.A. Mttropolltln ~r11 AttridlYe Expert condition, $500 wlue. Trade equity in multiple unit&. ' ' • ·· l YOUNG WOMAN lnr Moblle Trai1u or T 5*1lll 71 Oc .,A ....... ..., ChlotH ll•Htll. Qieertul 1 EAN AVENUE ••noerwillt•"•-.n Phone~· HAVE:u·nt,e,.,_boot P_.. l!ll<parl•"*' WAmRS i·,,. HUNTIN!iTON IEl<CM 1a;u:' ~~.~eu ""':>w~~~ -=_-... trat1uand ... Far "°'1 ...,ffl ,,6Wlll3 ROOM SERVICE (714) 534-1487 PACIFIC SINGLES Arl GloW>etU Bkr. TRADE: For om.U ear, , • • . Minimum one year •-1onc. NqUl-.d, Compeny lleneflb. Good futu,.. for ~··~ lflOd worker. Apply lo: • WAITRESS Good Pwor1unlt1 MUil bavt pxl &-ppMl'l.l'Q ( . * APPLY IN PERSON * .. ~ .. Where· .. attractive, ..,.UC. "3-7<l0 or <TUlB'! vw"' · · · · · · ...._ Help W•nttll,'Mon 7200 IMMEDIATI OPENING a!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!Jii!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!i!!!!!!!! I u1ar abWles ~-can Zonfa uaa· 'l'raPer 110 x 46) 2 pr. * Bannln&. 3 s: -1-----·--....-· 'jiAL ESTATI REAL ISTATI ~1534,,,.. 5.!, wknd& ~ for 'l'rlllt Deed. Income H•mt~ ...... +"·""·2nd SALES MANAGER ' Cell W•f'A!' Donh U.S. D1've .. ,.,.Ganer•I , Ganer1l'-s. C..ta-. propertJ or -. Val-T.D. 'Eq. "'·""· All or TRAINEES 1e b~•ARD for~ al-~.. ue $2500. part. Want: boii.e, income, NEWPORTIR INN ' ' dl{i•• Rent•I · 6010 1 R-rt Property 62os ';"'"' ...,,., -..,:-;;;,,. e:mo -. '· ,.,. ... m.ms Company Pirtonnel. Offlc\ Snack ShOp No': 1 .. 2305 ·1 , Coait )IWy. Corone Ciel Mlr,>C1L l134liiO -·--. -c ·~ 1.,,....,.....,.,--:-,..,--,c-=-Ha "ND 80 , •• UNIVERSAL POOLS, mov· 11.0'I' N. Jamboree Rd., N.B--LAGUNA BEACH RECREATION AREA --~~· • --.-~ Coata M.,. Triplex 2 Br. "' -· • to ~ Ins Into the Southem ClllJ. ..._.,,. -~Afr Conditioned SM.IJL P~ SAJZI P.O. Bax 255f. L.A. 9005f 1~ Ba. studio. Trade •P-•cret $200. per •ere. fornla area. opening otttces 3323 W. Warner • BOOKKEEPER ON FORES'.i' AVENUE Take your pick, whlle they ALCOHOLlU. Anonymoul pft,x, $6,lm eq. for trust Want~. mcome, !'tt. In Lquna, Mtu:lon Viejo,1-J-:--::w=-=R:-:c:l.-- Desk spaces available In last; 4 ac, 4%. ac, 5 ac. 'Pbone 542-TllT or write to deeds, car, boat or T. Myers. San Oemente areu. • • Ob ftSOft Santa Ano Attractl.Ve open.iQe '1or .atwest office buJ1..1;._ at 6~ ac, 1~ ae, ll~ ac. P .O. Box 1223 Oost11 MHa. Agent 540-43n ~ H11 onanln91 for: quallfied: booJc:'teeper. -~ 12 I 20 -~----del ...... ~-.. lo We need ....... __ for all ,.-~ -ual -~··-•tu .............. _ montl.t.. flll .. .::.._ ' ·p~e locadon tn downtown ac, 6 ac, I .w ac. WILL TRADE PLASTER.. unui• -_,, ··--~·.. tu• eq OP-·<.1Wv rn:rv--"'Y 4 .. ~ J.iPna Beach. Air · Paved rd. frontqe. Water Announcements 6410 Il'lG FOR TRANSPORT A-beach. 3 BR 2 ba. Vac 15M these llftu. No experience MAINTINANCE employer clal ttpOrts and~ .. tioned. carpeted, beautiful Dist. Mtn. view. Pine • ----TION CAR OR PICK UP. eq\llty, Want clear lot or neceuary. We train YoU to ENGINEER ly reports. starthw tiar -·•I·• -·ti·0,, .. ;..... T w 0 oak tftel, Near l&ket a CHRISTMAS Letten ~ 646-6309 •m&ll 2 BR ~e CM areL be a hl&:hly 1uccuafu1 area JRlfl ary ~lated to ~ ....... ""' ..-.... ~.,,, fealionall .. __.. with hall-I~=-~"""'"'----~ ... -... --wtlh •---Perm•nent Position __. ~--"--: Fron ... e on mountains. Near ~· Y ..,_.. ....... •-o. equl~ In I--• ~ Eve. ~"°" inanaaer an .. ~e po-• ence and p~1.1\ e•""" '":r;;":\.,.,., rear leads to Euy terms available. Ph. day PIUte-4.IPI on eoknd ;;;;--t:,. es~ "g E. Side triplex, l(d. Joe. tential exceedlne $30,000. Excellent lenefltt tnp. Phone Mn. IAQ{it Mundpal parkina lota. $S0 (961) 357-2121 ot 243--3807 paper~ 100 eopiet $3.75 + )'Ul'I for TD or acreace ot Exchanp tot Tl'ult Deed. per yur. . • llfW •·((AllUIS 613-3130 for appl month .f.or space. Deak or write Owner • P.O. Bo.x ~ W . Vidde -642-l«i comparable, Call 6U-l57& Owner w/carry 2d. Fortbi Get in on the crowld floor APPLY II: VUftl Equal opportunity ~ and cha!n available !or $5. AA. Redding, Cal. 96001 CHRISTMAS Lighting .t: after 5:30. Co. 1703 Weltclitt Dr. with on of. the nation's 'PERSONNEi,. DEPT. ' ,.,.._..,...,,., wou•N lo~~ =-..,.----~-~ ·--~ .... ~. -1afl'MI: pool eompanlea. Fashion l1l1nd OffJCER -~ "'""" ~-,. " ....... _Busine• houri answerill& Decorations. Leaae 6 TradeycurcaronReaort ~"'~ ~ N--... Beach u~oounaelor..~'a, rvlce available for $10. MWnt. l DeHrt 6210 Install&Hon include• ins Rwhland. Owner'a cost, Wurt late model pICJrui; CAU. ~. or come to Equal ~;,-~ty employer Wrn:t. C:O. Moat hi.W lum All utllitia pa.id except 1 ,,•=d=i>unan==""=· 60-'300====" I 20 &C $3600 at Cluiatmu will trade SUQJ equity in fiaure~ like to work with teleOl;one. SEVERAL 1mall lots and I Valley ore go n. PaitW 11,4 acre• nev Palm ~ Harbol-Blvd., Garden Mechlne Operaton Savinp and 'Loan experience the publlc.. 7 Ms. lift" day-a' .;--DAILY Pll..Cr cabin lites; Lake Elsinore. Funerals 6412 trade possible. 544-7£ri6 Sprlnp. Balance an land • Llsht production work. 1 to only. Apply ln penon.. lnter-2 Sat'I a •l'OO>' Starting ,,:222 FOREST .A.VENUE J6llO up. Small down $25 N_,..,.,. Dupl 200' to $895. $15 Month. SJ&.ll.31 MEDICAt. , 2 yeani aper. on borizontal vi"' be'twet:n 9-U am• 2-4 aalar)' PTO Per mo. Call ,; LAG':t,!EAC!I mo. Ownft'Sl&-374' WESTMINSTER .,;;;:·Will .::;, equity wsnt mnallcrcar, tndo 'M INSTRUMENTATION mil1" A chuel<or. pm. '°'In_,.,,..,_..,. ''FPROXIMATELY 558 ., R E W1nted .6240 MEMORIAL PARK ~~ ';:,:' ~J'."':.O."",~';'l: ~~.1!, ~th11'.:. ~i • ~.:.:i~ronlc Exi>er. T:•.:.::,:• j1p A MARINERS D=~ ".':~~.~~ 4 ottice space available -· -·-------1 Mortuary & C.metery Ht11o-1--. Beach. {71.f) on 5 aetts near Palm e • ----1 t & I tl.xtl.lfta. HW. area. ~ UOO plua. fortmmediateoccupancyin FROM inco C I f I .... ,....,., ~--.53&-1131. ~le ngnMr Applybetweenl&• Repli!S confldenti·al I to.ta M.... Ideal to r o..,,.,., m• .,... omp •le unere 1 -°""'· "•·-· -at l•ut 5 ""' ...... -INC. SA\llllr.f Ind LOAN •-·-· Po •-191 El · perty Lquna, priced righL from $245 experience with Dlcital and IUW.UAl..ol~.£.. llnU.I nio:a"""" · · CU/I. , .vchlted,attornoy.ao-Box M 700, Daily PUot Cem·•ery 1~ * * * * * * •--• ~-"-A _ ll8 E. 16th St., C-M. Toro, Calli. 926.10 1 1 cOO.ntant. Omference room •r v•• ~ ..... OK """"' ... .i• l1.1.ung 1515 WESTCLIFF DR. -="==""'~=~-I "it.vailable. Rent ts subject BUSINE"S a-from $130 knowledae of Analog circuit-Auto Mechanic NEWPORT BEACH BUSINESS IS GOOD ~f.o tenants alteration re-FINANCi.AL .... Includes Endowment ear. SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY ry ts~. New car dealerahtp needs 31---------J~~.-~t~-~'151 t, guirements and hi offered I----'------Everytbina tn one beautiful Contact Mr. Skidmore first clau mechanie1 for ex-more ....... u-. ....._., $1. I '"' $300 .., mooth .. ~. 6300 plaoe means leu -Electrlcal 6640 P1porhengln1 IMI p&ndlng """"" dept Top Diredor of ' Nu s per -up .. .. -., :C!an be seen Monday thru Bµa. Opportunities No trafftc problema. ELECTRICIAN Licensed, Painting 6850 4321 Birch,. Npt Bch pay A: Co. benefits. Appi, in rJe ~~put time if desired. I' Friday, call 54!)...1151 for ap-CANDY 14801 Beacb, Weltmtmter bonded. Small jobs Ma.int. 546-01<4 or 54r, ~ • .(; . penon. ~ pointment. Lease term 1 SUPPLY ROUTE 531-l't25 893-2421 & ~pY-. 548-5203 e INT • EXT, ANY SIZE A Divlalon of Becton HOLIDAY for New Conv•le1c1nt· Ho1plt1I SHARP BAR MAIDS • GOI GO DANCERS. Top waps $2.»S3.50 to atart. Call for Interview. · 5f5.ll983 SASSY. ~ 2901 Harfxr, C.M. DEPENOi'BIEt jng .,.,man wanted fOr 'babysittina a llte hse W'IJl'k. 15 da-40 wk). Ofc. MS-3331 Res. 648-1997 t negotiable. Courtesy to (Part or Full Time) l".'!~~~~~~~i!!I::"""':::"=':'=;==;"== JOB. Xlnt work, re.fa, free end Dickenson SALE.S & SERVICE rokers. Xlnt. Parking. Ex U •----1 hn I -",,':::· ='™c-,;,·,..642-4669.,,-c-==== '"---------I 1969 Harbor, a.ta Mea. ce ent ........... ue ~.,.. ew · Cemetery Lots 6411 Furniture Restoring ~· • -To in mlddl of J I '-Deluxe Offices weekly worlc (Da.yi or EV1?sl --'-'-='-"=;_-:..:.:.:I & Refinishing 6675 INTER Or Ext. PAINTING, * BUSBOY • MANUFAcnJRING ENG-open ~ anuary re f 111 t n 1 and colleeting ONE . lot. . Harbor y t e w IMMrn. SERVICE. Local INEERS .t: e PRODUC ln Newpoft Beach. Send Re- : ~$55 ECaS or s~:.~f!i-~i:~ money from Coin Operated Memarlal Park. $200. EXPER'"' furn. re.finish., pl-ref. FREE est 548-1621 * DISHWASHER !lONA ~:MER~RS; Med-~ to: 1 · rpe .... , au· \..VI..., Oi!pensen ln Costa Mesa e 546-5904 e anoa, antiques restored, &old • PAINTERS need work. 11:'1.l. PPv a .. ""reror Yacht Mr. Jahn Wllllama •, ing, secretarial s e r vi c e, & surrounding areu. Cfl&n. lea&&. Tanis 543-7951 20 yun exp. Reu! Rd&. for P .M, work Corp., 1685 Babcock, Costa I ..:..n>--• loca"-n ~-. I========= Me ..... , T. m· Community Convalescent ' •A ... u-a.a '-"' · ..,,.,.... d1es Name JJrand Candy • Travel 6435 ~2920 or 548-5:Mn P'C """ : County Bank Bldg. 23(1 E. Snaokll ~~ T~-• ,.,h ~ _______ ..:.,;,;;::I Gardening "BO l! OR OVER. 'c.-eol:"'lln.ty MAA~·-•-Center c St CM ... ,AOC • ....,.,., Ul..ILI R'" -• INT-EXT.. Aver. room * APPLY .....,..PERSON * ~·<U;M.j ~. •l\?ft. 36U Imperial H ...... ! ~l7t·~ " · .,..v--· _ q~. For Pe_rsQnal Iutft.. .fill:RQPt tor at u dent 1-; --~""""---$1.(), ·1 us,-81nclalr, paint. ... , · mech. exp e.r . ;_, ,.aqme Lynwood caur. ~ GfRL FRIDA'fi!.11' : ).,OFFICES: SllQl}i 1100 sq view in C.osta Meaa, send Rt!~ Athens, Jerusalem. Japanese Gardening Neat Work, rtfa, M1--1358 S k a.-N l machine ahop work Salary : ft:' Parking. heat It private Name, Address and Phone Istanbul, Munich, Paril. P r o ta • s l o n a I M a i n t ftGC -""t" 0. o~ FUier Co., I -o=--=~=-~~--or Junior Secretary • ·ttstrooma. 340 N. Newport number to: $1097 complete, July ll·Aue. Landacaplnl;. Cle an u P. IN'I'ERlOR I: EXTERIOR 2305 E. CO.st Hwy. 1673 Placentia, Costa Mesa Radio-Te!!P-_~!19 Newport Advertfl1i:w A&enc;y : -lllvd. N.Il. 646-2255, ...,.,... "ROUTE DEPARTMENT" 18. G""""h 962-""1 or F. 637"'951 Painting. ChrUtmu Spec1"1 Corona del Mer, Cal. REAL ESTATE. Sbooldn't Dls-c:lt ·Girt ~ ~~°l:'.; : 2COMM 1 INDUST P.0.Box3846 V.HighSchool962-3301. CLEAN-UP, tree 1erv, Lic..t::Ina.Owck66.Q!(8 , ............ ,,, 1.... 111 ....... ho r."' t '' • PAINTING Ext In rl •.i-......,.,. you"""' se .... ._ tteat 25or-,'."•··:.i."'L-____'..-.~--· : . e 646-2130 e Anaheim, Caill. 92803 SERVICE DIRECTORY rototll. iradlna, sprinkler1, • • te « are• Huntington Beach! '"'"' Pl\UI• IUll1W JOCa1 FULL 0wP .Bookkeeper Go • 1 toB. ? Iawna, baul'i apray. Llc.In1.17)'1"1~.Fret Vill ... __ , E 1 area.Apply ln .Perso'1 Somelncometaxexp.pe:rf· : Commercial 6085 eow;sop;rtuni~s~acb B1by1ittlng ~ 646-5841 est Acou1tloal cell. 548-6325 TWO rupoftstble I em t. ~71 or~ • & t e YELLOW CAB co. P/time except income :.1 • Philll 66 .5eJ'vice OJt • Edge IAwn rettred men u part time 186 E. 16th St. • aeuon. P.A. amce. · : 'PRE-PAID InL only. To P area.. ·Pl REl.JABLE Ol1ld care, any Maintenance. Licensed Platterlng, ReP,1it 6880 maM.l'8l'S and hosts in the TRUCK DRIVER, rubbish. Costa Mesa .~7 or .5J6.3193 : ~mer Victorville gbopping Statton r r .'?ase; 1101 Bat· ap full er part time my most Delun SeU:.servtce Exp not nee. Apply bet HOSPITALITY OSTESS . EARN ·-· .,. ,1 1' H all side Ir: Marine Dr., .Newport ~ly N.B. home. 675-5.f29 548-.f308/S4.S-23lO alt 4. e PAT'S Pluterln&: • all laundry In So. Callt, Baker I Ml•l2 noon, 2U3 Canyon SERVICE ,_ ,.~t.o--for Put":.:.~ ; str site. 60,000 sq ~·· Beach. Contact! CUt & Edge Lawn T ~ timat Call • y-•-•-·· "·-· Meu and Dr. Costa Mesa. . • .. -uu,...... -¥-' 'Util lnc $14-0,000 Owner P. CHUCK CROWDER WILL babysit by week in Maintenance. Licensed ypes ....... .,e n e. • ... .,..,':', -..uaut mature women to welcome Telrphone m the evening : :0 .. Box 695, Riverside n4: 'm-IDO n4: Tr4-1043 your home • You furnish ~/64>-2310 aft 4 54()..61125 Beach & Atlanta, Hu~ MAINTANENCE MAN newCOme?"I to 1bll com-from our ~boa. llland of. ' BEAUTY SALON transportation. Call 6U-1.f07 ttnrton Beach. Muat be' For Motel Apt.a. 2 S 7 6 mun It y. Must ha" e lice. 6 to 9 pm. Call 615-,457n i 1ii~ustrlif Rentil 6090 WILL babysit IN YOUR MOWING, Edging vacalawn. Plumbing 6190 aober, dependable, In good Newport mvd C.M. 8&lary typewriter car and be bond-' .::i Established. 6 Unlll, finest HOME any hour n .2S ·hr.; GWt'l cleanup. Hauling ---=----;..;,,:.;. health, pleuant with peo-plua Apt. able ean' 5.fU925 &Dd ap-HOUSEKEEPER l J v e • In ; ' '. M-lA, Nr new wareh'se , ba .. ' ~ .. lge. pkg. lnduat. of· ' ~. (21.1) 941-1368 '.Lots ' . 6100 Laguna location. Best equip-Odd Jobs. •54~ Plumbln& 24 hr. serv. Wortl: pie. Short hours, mode1t pl 285 E. Main St SWte motberleu bome, Npt. Bch. m~t. 4M-9972 or Eves. 49.f.. 24 hr. tat!S. MS-4389 DEPENDABLE PROF. guar. Llc., insur.; remodel. aalary; See John BrlACOe Agenci" Women 7300 1 Y Tustin .. ateL Prefer under 40. 8619 BABY Nune, sit my home t Mod Ra repair, rooter sev., 531·'1566 In Coata Mesa location, or • ' 5.11-1450 7 daf-wkly or hrty. Love careV~cent e~~~ tei. PLUMBING REPAIR call 644-1307 att 5 SECRETARY0RECPT· ---::TY""'P°'IST=-.--CUTE Gitt &: Home Decor Shop in shopping center. 548-1914 • 642 3121 • AREER For n.pkUy srow1n& week-.l fringe benefits. Call i 2 L1rge R-1 Lota j 4guna Bch, undergrnd ut:lls, NET '500 per mo. No aelll~. , all improved, &0me vte.w. .Work 8 hn per wk! $1~ Ask Sl0,000 each. Qw-ner 1 _,.,_h _req~. _635-6_120 ___ _ "'""""--are. 66-llSG No lob too •mall START YOUR NEW id newport . GIRL FRIDAY Fut, a«urate. Good ala'l' Brick, Masonry, etc. Gener1I Services 6612 =====-==== C personnel 1y newspaper in 1.quna 837-5200 Ask for Mr. Smith. _______ 6_5_60_1HA ULING. C l ••""• Sewing__ 6960 with th• NEW YE,AR agency Hll1" .... L Good.....,. C.M. -..... part BRICK. Concrete, Carpen!Jy gatage1, odd jobs etc. Free AL ----""'-' Train now-in the ~rung• trlf1it' beneftts, Call 837..5200 time sect;y F~ f;yput, die> may finance • submit. R. Forney, Bkr. 540-3862 S unimproved R 1 , City of eranae. 000. Tent. map •PP· CU.tom Cabinet.. Sm a 11 est. Jim 548-5325, anytime TERA ~ONS: a~ our Balboa Wand head-In e.ddltlon to Mon-Aak: for Mr. SmJth.. taphone, i".i experience jobsOKFreeEBt.962-6W5 eLIGJrl' HA U L.ING & During Dec. our r@-liylJ~ quarten. EARN SS while day1 115ttng, plNM RELIEF pre1erred.·"5.-21SO Bus. Wanted 6305 and alterations department you LEARN. Earn 10 thous-\'.XQdd the 'fl:ilawtrw RN or LVN . -----1BRICJ<. cment, carpentry, CLE A~ UP , ~rndable will be busy with altera. &Dd +, ht year. Muat 'be J.oc.J. ~-'*' CALIFORNIA LICENSE LEGAL Secretary; tut, ~ PARTNERSHIP d e 1 I re d . trplc, wall, planter, new or reasona e! 546-7 tioN ftr our ready-to-wear over 25 with ~lf'ul ~-~ ...... u!S: curate t Y PI • t I aome Age 46. College degree, 6 repair. Free es;t. 5.16-88f6 cuatomel'L A word to the around· Sales exp'd helpful NCR 31.00 ()pr ............ $450 Cot;!:tlngto~ =rtal shorthand; Bkpf belpful, yrs oil, 12 yra A~. Hauling 6730 wh1e-et... but not a neccesalty. f'or Full Oia.rs-e Bkk1JI ~ eacen 536-8)7! Cons.Ider alL Small mttial Carpentering 6590 --~-------THE GOWN SHOP com. Interview, call Mr Guy, belp&.11. fol' a fine COCDpeJty l819'l Delware, H.B. o"PER.<==ro"'as=--"'s"'1"""11-.-le,..,,,,...- Elsioore lots, llOme invest. P.O. Boll: 595 , CLEAN Lota. garages etc. 7126 E. Cout Hwy., CdM m:.tsn. 9:30 am-5:30 pm. hetn ~ty Bea<h_. ~ SECTY/RECPT. die, IPOrtl wew. «m-G With lake view. $100 dn & Manhattan Beach REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS 'I'l'ee mnoval, dump, skip Ye...,... ta eon uuau Muat be ~ 'typl.-t, abort-Blrdi St. NB. Nr O.C. $35 mo. Good tnv. Owner --------CA.BlliETS, >.ey aize job. baekboe, fill, grade . • Dresamaklng-Altentlonl manual to madme for a hand neceuary, good tele-airport. P. 0. Box 18, Ontario, Calif. 25 yrs. exper. 541-6ru 962-8745 Fuet ~A .. ~•~eabl• CAREER new Installation. Compen,y phone personal.It)', construe-MOTEL u•~ ~·~" i D' h 6150 RHI Estate Loans 6340 GARAGE HAULING • -OPPORTUNITY! ..,. lee. "°" baokorow>d inoferr<d Motel, 11117~ "'Bi.':t. I c_ ~~c 91 Our Bost HOME LOAN Cement, Concrete 6600 CLEANING ; 110m1 1rH • FINE DRESSMAKING t: JR. SEX:I'Y ........... to $4.50 Salary open. Call S.f2..3.f30 a. v ... . 673-5044 Alterat!Onl, fast 1eMce. Joift tudl,Jll tutelt erow1na: "IWe 60 on both manual 6 -="ta~-~,o..,,===~ '1 WANT Horses? Ranches adj. TERMS Tod1y CEMENT work wanted, no Reuoneble pricer. 675-1135 profealon-Mutual Fund aale1 .electric, lh 90. Some maw-PART time bookkeeplna: a: DENTAL SECRETARY to CaJIL Rancho, Riverside .. _. TD• 6.9....: -30 years ~ too small, reuonable. H I I 6735 No --n---, __ ....__ "-'-;. typtna: inature woman s-----~ Co. 5/10/30 or 40A. $2000-.1.11• -,..., T;e eltlmates. It StuOick. OUllC ~~g ALTERATIONS • Custom ---~ .. ~~-..: .._ ....... .,. l!XJlft' ....._. preferred to wort for an _....,_., e, _._ $4001 per A. Good area. ~ to~"~t.J~2ndhasi;), 54&-8615 JAOC'S hskp'g. :nr buttin;. Dreismakfng. Very tine MW•tralnl F·MldorApartdvltim• Compen;y ~fee. accountant. Call 897.otu CC' ~ Owner PO BoxlB Ontario 1'°'~='==-,..-""7-""'k App'L 54&-7104 ulUI un sors, SECRETARY ........... $450 .... 16411 LADY F,._ houaecloaninr, · · ' ' 8% int. FIVE years and all CONCRETE work, all types. crpt clfflt'g. Windows, etc. · Inc. • A..-.-interea*'-~tion ln 5,L .,, .. _ k. ~·---· Calif. other types of ttal ut.ate Pool decb .t: CUilom. Call Comp hie c!ean'g. 548-7243 Alteritlons--642-5845 ·•.1 .... ,. _. BARMAID8-at> eo.tumes 711 .....,.. per w .., .... u ..... financing, serving Ora.nae r~o 1324 * APT. CLEANING * Neat, accurate, XI yn.. exp._ Npt B. 1'03 Westclltt MU422 a buly ottkle, llllit"I dlvtaton. 21 • 30 Muat be, attradtve Call aft 5. 6G-.Kl.t .,._ S..A.. 1212 N. Broadway Jb:Ne av«qe lb • ~ T . A ?y In ~ LADY for bouaewai:k nery- : ,,c:;it~r;u;• ;G;'°;';;";;;;;;;;;;;;;6;i17.;,5 County 18 yeara. Co I 1-.=-"s"EST=°"IN"""ro=N"'CRETE== Fast & thorough 642-8164 547-8331 + dit7 t.o make dedakm bei, ~ :Pu AM. 1880 Sat. 9:»6,J) N.BI. Own t-~"i:~ 1:1~~~· M~ Walla, pool decks, noon, Williams Cleanlna Srv. TILE, Ceramic 6974 pltue. Fee neautlabl•· Monrovla. CM tramp/ 6t6-6l.8 - I AN DIEGO CTY. 542.nn. 542-tl6ll Pa-P"'ne ....... 6755 BUSBOYS SECREl'ARY ............ $450 ' ' BABYSITTER • n .. e ruSTOM PA'fi6S e Ironing * Veme, the TUe Man * , OR For ~ dept al. a GDI. boulekeeptq, part --, •-la _ i: ' utlful 20 Actt young cit. Ever. 673-1865. S0.115T Ollt . ..rt: Jnltall • repa.tn. rww CODlPMY· Good .w, time. Must ha..,. rderence&. • "".,. - '1: .~ grove, located in Valley _;::c..c:..,;c-'---"----I concrete sawinc I: ttmoval IRONING, MY HOME, COL-No ~ too small. Pluter IUSGIRLS -.1-..1 + ·-+ ,.__,__ own tramp. Laiana Nlpel, -°",,'.,· ,,--::=-.,--,......, ANNOUNCEMENTS State Lie. e MJ..1010 LEGE PARK ARE A l'I" ~""''"'-'"" .....,... UC'lll.l'll ·--.:. ~ .<::enter; priced at only $.f,250 • patch. Le&Jctnc 1 h 0 w e :r Lunch A Evenlfll fOC' lllabtu~. _ARilicant pa)'I, ~ EXP'd Bum&ld • Appl)o I ~r acre & can be sold in ind NOTICES WE LL EXPERIENCED. repair. 847-1957/~ GOOD PAY· fee. GIRL FRIDAY Knott:J' Keat 2125 Ruta < .2-ID Acre parcels. Pre-Paid -::=;--;;;:::-;;:;:;--;,.;;;; l~C~on~t~r!acton~!!..--~66~20!'. I 540-2.5C7 Apply tn pe1"IOlt A,..,..,.. -~u tMWI ,_. N Blvd. CM. or call MS-«nO "' with Fouod IFrM. Ad•I 6400 Don J R ~~ ~ ........ lo ~ Mull be accurate 1yp~.. o , --Jnterftt acceptable :.:z . e ROOMS ADDITIONS e FAST, Experienced i:ronin.C , T•te.vi1ion, Re!)alr t98S Ole' Htaur•nt Must be~ 11\liADfd with lborthmt reqWnrd. · 1 ·xlnt terma. For further In-FOUND • well cared for LT. Conltl"uctkin in my home. $1.50 hr. Pleue W,E , 'REPAIR all maleel SOOSE. Adama, H.B. IO(Xl badc:;:round or 9Choo&o 5.f'l4.11 JJ!!•b!!!•=:""'~n.~!W~Om.~· ~7~500~1 1 ~~!~:lease call Walter little grey female doc with FamllJ roomJ. kitchen or brlJl& batwen. 646-0836 1 ftadJoa. TVs, lterm1 etc. COOKS, LEAD FRY Iha: 1n bldqir. Xlnt ld\11.ftce GDf. OFC. Ute VPbll, fU. ... Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. collar l Jeuh. Seems to uniti. SinK1e story or 2; IRONING m7 home $1.TS 20#;.Hartior CM. 56-1672 ExttI!ent pay and worldn& nM!bt: opportunity tn an ex.. tnc. Applf t am-12 noon. * * have had liceme, but miD-p1aD1 CUJtom cl•lsned-For doz. WW P.U • .t: deUv. H.B. condlttol:ll. Must be tut. dtq: bu11neu wttb.,,..,..... ms Caeyon Dr. C.M. Q,ob . , 1818 ~~Aw. 1ng from oo>llar. tlU-3'25 -. .. • ..,...._ pbooe area 5,l8.."1~-""" n< Upltelsitrt 6990 _, and pteuant M......, 11>1 -°""-...,. !WR ~ wttb par!lal : 54lo267l, -.,...,,,. 538$1.., roUND: Small h1"d< -• 117..JSU • GOOD .....,_ $3.00 !tr 20 -fDOI "'"''"'"" bolplUl. \> ,.._ 10110.,.,_, -CdM .ion. - dle, white DW'ldnp; vie. Horne Improvement pea. 1 day aenr!ce. Brhlc CUSTOM Upbol1ter1 .AMIGO'S RESI'AUR.ANT DRA.WINGCONl'ROL ....._ STS-7l59 , -: -ot Bola A EdWaJ'df, Htmt· * FrM Eldmitn A Planl hangen. 6'2-8393 Ouiltmu apedall Fret 42!1 E. 17th St, C.M. SUPER.VISOR. ••••..••.. Jm'I"'"'-'-'------ ' --Beed>. Call • "'-··-* -""--..,.,, • low low ..... .. •FUIL ma: HELP• _.....,. a ....... Will : ~ · 6200 w,. 8!11""'21 • MtZEU. • _,.,... * ,.,_ Pld! Up• Dolm<r ,..., uphol. -"""'1>Wt ..._ 1'al-.. o..r n ....,..,. -.. ai.., : :~PAID JNTEREm' HEINZ 57 """"· ollwr :Jc:'."*81, '!'...:: * ~ o..ttomaNhlp. 842-l<S< ,.. al..... APPLY AT -" E.O.~ E.c.O.~ et<., ~ ti.q thtt: 695 acftt of w/blk jpGtl (gold A whtta • ME A ED'• ~ blueprlnt nwbine , . e..11ent deYelbprnent land. left) 2725 Albo.tn:fN Dr., Frtd IL Grewick, Lie. JO.S & IMPtO"'~ \CNT Cto It 17th, Costa Mesa operator. ~nt P9,)'l : &lsy .. cut tor hill> profit C.M. -613"°'1 * IM~!O undscepl .. • 6llO hbW1ntad Lad 7020 DOORiiAli • Pu!clnr A• .... . , : f am.. ol pawd nL froD. FOUND: Younc cat, tuck; Hirata I•~ Co. ' y tM:tU1t.> Start at once, tun PARTTtMES0:: .... $2.SObr : ..... Senolce Dlltrl<:l (piped vi<:. Tl<:-Toc Mark• t, C1rpot Cl .. nl.. 6625 tk"""1 cootrectot', mtUred EXPERIENCED Secro .... ! , oe lit' -Own treno, ..,._ == -="..,,.: : •fer)1 Pina •. Oalt -. -A lltll. c.M. Call CAJU'E? • l'llrn. -· • bonded. 11': ljl-llBT !tc» Put.tlnie poettloa, --"'"1'IOO. E>tt 4'4 with ,~ :. --Vllw 1e1111. Nt. lalia • • -so.= · -. ao Ir.-.-, TIWND for ..,..,.... - .-. ....... -"°"'1 SUM '.r tnODIO' vie. SL ~ ~~s·~'~ jiliiNESil maddm -lo-' nw:b-Starl .,.... !-. I .. l. AjJplo & m11M """1 --.r. Good --_,.. -Lockomlth 6120 ..t..1-•-' -·~--w ,_ caot -l-. i l:'ftns .., Dalanc:el PH. Anctrewl l'rOL Cburob. bdlli-t ---·--$300. $300. ,...., ,_ • --133 Dowr'Dr. N.L ; b) '574121 ar :MWli1'I -LOCKSMml -: :m Apply!ll'lf.19lhSL, QI C.M. 6'1'>-Hm • •-H43 \rL write Ownel'. P.· o. BUt A wtit. maJe ooctoer UNI& Y• ca -tball Utbsu,,t.llubtta1toq JtEUABLE 417 wortr. t to 'Elf'DJAbrk:atioellan.Top ....,,-r.-~-,...·=,,-,.,,'"~-=-t '10>< AA, -c.ut. Spaniel.""""• rut. N. lorloot-•dtlt.Dlel B<edL Call -11. ,.,_•Wed.,,,__ JI --Ait1!11-&0>Ut N ... a.,.,__f -..f11D1 _ ' B:-6&a& • --...... 9CHir71: anythht ht, No~ MS-7190 ·-· ffWJ'nmf ' ~ -' -n;.t tt wtdl a-ftllt Id! ' • ' -l HOW'S THE nME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PR.OT . --EXCl!:JJ.ENT OPPO.RTtJNI. TIE!! AND WQllKING OO!f. lllTIONS. , full nme APPLY IN PSllSON ••1- R£IJBBI l I& 151 1. c,..i Hipw.y WANT AD No"l*f....,, ------* * • ---~------- • • • ,I DAILY l'ILDf • • T....,, -S, 1'168 -; ... r..:;._._;;;;;~oiir'iiMiilrHiii'i'l'jii~~~oP.11fisD1..,,,.~C--'iM~l•!iR~CHANDISI ,01 *COOK* QVEl\11 EXPERIENCED Prun:RllED APPLY IN PERSON 2 . 5 P.M. DAD..Y SMACK SHOP #1 2305 E. Co.at H..y •• Coron1 del Mir 673-9050 - ' PART-TIME DISHWASHER. E-.Apply 'l""T.J..A ROVA R"-'TAURANr 445 N. Newport mvd., N.B., BI 64929 aft. 2 PM e EXP'D waitreue1, cook • all lhlftl , e EXP'D Fry alcll..l.u.>Oy., diahwshrs. Fl or -~. App in pen. Denney'• 3170 Barbot Blvd. C.M. SALi ~ TUDI SALi AND fl:'DI lqutht ~ufl<turor'• Showroom S•"'Plta At 'ferrilic SavlJlta! ' , 1 8' Wood carr'ecl arm divan, ta. man's Chalr; beaut. fabrlca. 5 Pe hex Hon dark .oak dln. ..~ w /blaCk DI' avocado framed cbtlrs; 5 Pc '. BR 18L &4r Mf, & Mrs. dresser; ta mirror, 2 commo4ea, decoraUve beadboarcl In Sp&JI. lsb ou ot avpc:ado design. . Items Sold Individually , Shop Around-before you buy see US! VALUE $19~ULL PRICE $429.95 , or tennt a low •• p .oo we.k , No 0own---u .. Our store Charge Plan No Fancy Front-BUT Quality Values lnaide APPROVED FURNITURE 2159 HARBOR, COSTA MESA 12 Yem same location-&ame owners . Dally 9.9 Sunday lG-51.,. ~ 541-9660 ~ Furnilu,. 8000 Pianos & Orsi••• 1130 I '-'-"--'"'-'"----- I . PIECE Walnut bedlX>om at. $2(1). 1' a:d:b. olive It blue print, $1!i0. 892-7U6 Offlco Furnltu.. 8010 OOX30 METAL deok, -oond. 16<); L&aped wood desk. like new· $100. Exec. chair $3), sec'y. chair $20. 510 E. 31.lt, NI! 616-ml C•h, Rat•urant 8014 RESI'AURANT equjp~t for aale, ice machine, pk! cue, refl'igerator I: etc. Must .eil by Friday! Call 549-31'5 for appointment. . MOVING ! ! SALE ! ! We're moving to larger quar- ters and we have • lot of planoe: and organs we don't want to move. Some are used; IOhle demos; 10me repoe; IOOle di8continued models -and lll hive been drastically diacounted t.o sell immediately! ~OU must not miss tht. Iftlly spectacular We. Buy with no money down O.A.C. a: 5 years to P"Y. HouHhoid Goods 8020 Agencl•, Man & Women 7550 ALMOST New, latest dl!sign WA.RD'S BAIJ>WIN STUDIO l8J1 Newport, C.M., 642-MM Open Smday attemoom draptties. beads. shad.ea, ARGUS AGENqEs mutton. Vorioul <Olon. PIANOS " ORGANS Work NMr H°""' Call 548-81!1. 6 to 4 PM'. Famous Name Branda "' lh'all&mu ...... llBO ... 1.======== from $49!1. Finance Trnee •• , • $450 mo G1r1ge Sile 8022 Aho USED Instrumenh RN, Dr'1 omce •.• , $550 mo Gould Music Comp1ny 1869 c Newport Blvd. GARAGE SALEll 2045 N. M•ln, Santa Ana Costa Wsa 548-T79S CUsroM drape&, each panel So. ol Frttway 547-0081 School .. tnstructlon 7600 Chrlsbnu irift, typewritinc. Children, rrandchlldren. or yourself! lndlvidu.aD.Y tutor-. ed. Otllcoat 10 lesaons fning IChool. 173 Del Mar. CM, 548-2859 REMEDIAL R<..una. 2nd • 6th Grade Open Court Pholrlcs. Santa Ana YWCA "'"'5Tl LESSONS For ~ by girl music student o n Oarlnet. Flute er Piccolo. 54>-1942 11x83, antique green $50 per Mon. & Fri. eves. 'til t paneL Wrought iron candle SUnday lll to 5 $20. Spanish dinette table, 1 ----0~RG~AN=s--- wrougbt lroD A-wood $25. PIANOS Telephone pole bar stoola -4 e Pl•yer Pianos for $18 or $5 ea. Feathered LARGESI' SELECI'ION OF palm. tree $10. Old tapegtry NEW &: USED SS. 2-3' pedalatools $5 each. W ALI.JCHS MUSIC CITY Misc Items. 2543 Oran&:« 3400 Bristol, C.M. 54()..3165 Ave., C.M. 10 am-5 pm. CHRISI'MAS Gilt' -Ham- Appll1nce1 8100 W ESI1NGHOUSE Freezer $100. R.C.A. Refrigerator $'15. O'Kttfe &: Merritt StO'Vf: $25. Kenmore wasber $50. All in Xlnt Wpe. 54&-5490 after 5 PM mond-Steinway -Yamaha - new • used pianos of all makes. Betit bu,yl in So. Ca.ill. right here. SCHMIDT MUSIC CO., 19117 N. Main, Sant& Ana 1968 ·.Clearance· II• DIKOUNTI ON 1"8 lfti."4LUI lJmtt.ed nwnge, -but I it we have the model you wet -Ybu'll nev· er ftn4 • bLccer dJ> count. Rl~ Elec.. tre.s. Le Salil'8,. Wild• ..... 12-1968 DEMONSTRATORS : Manager1 • Saleamen'i1 penonal car a marked W'3 down. No biuer discounts· U D t 11 next 7eu .. BRAND NEW 1969 BUICK "' 'UST IN TIMI POR THI HOLIDA VS i....i, Glftl &eautUul c r 1 • t a l UqQor -tubby) -"""' ~·-10 ... n..,. __ ..._ __ _ dy ( .. WO..> -~ -Ol4 P'ubloo -Cordial . --' -$1.!0 -· .. """ et ~te; MArt!nl shak'er •. ll&me patt~ J.C.SO:. lloo2-~~ low l'rioed. --·~ ..... OLD tape1try, cloth, ""4\iii; llnena, jeWdry, ol.d clotbel from ll'a.30' 6: tOI' era, a tew trom the turn ot the century. ~ auna. braa, pewter, silver PJate, etc. Ai.a have over 100 p(S of QeW Imperial llaa. 113 to % oft retail pricea. lcZal for Olriatmu gltta; Abo !W- ed toMls. sheet.. m&n)' other ltema. 695 Paul&rtno, at Bristol, C.M. M&-9860 ~ FRIGIDAIRE Imperial, lS ~ cu IL, :rul lb. bo- freez.er, near new $22S. . Cint of dl1l"Wttl $1..50-$25. Dinette Rt (5 chain) $31). V8, automatic, power 2 Antique oak ta b I e • steering, radio beater, 011xary $60, 1q. kitchen deluxe w bee i coven, $40). Old trunJai $25 l up. head rest.a plus all of Cu.!tom Vanltf $32.50. 695 the tac tor Y standard Paularlno, at Brialol C.M. equip. 9210.'5118 546-9860 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY •••••••• JAGUAR HEADOUARTfRSI Complete Sa les -S•rv- ice and Parts Depart- ment for JAGUARS. S•• Tli• bc.lfint 1969 J•9w.1r Today Movin&' -Real Barplna? Twin beds w/box aprlnga, mattreu & dreuer. Dbl bed •/mattresa, box sprlnaa. dresaer w I mhTor. Crib w/mattre1a. Cha:tn, bar-b-que pit. lamps. etc. 18854 San Carloe, F.V. 962-1003 aft 3 pm. HARBOR DRIVE IN SWAP MEET Every. Sit &. Sun Comer of Harbor Blvd Ir: McFadden, Santa Ana 531.1212 •ft 7 TABLE, extra sturdy rec- ta.nzular d I n J n r table, •.•••••• 11111 perfect for antiquing, $25. • Aho mapli'llnllh, drop l•al " nu '69 OPElS tab'" oxc. "'""· 1 '· &;R Re trlgerator w/cross-top Reedy For Oeliv•ry treezer, two-door, I ar ce siie, only $60. 968-1712 Wouldn't you r••l1y r•thtr 11--*.--"'A"u"""c"'n=o=N.--*~ h•¥• mor• hted room, l•g room, 1houldtr roo"', hor•• If you will &ell or bey powtr l 1tyling for the give Windy a try 11 m• emount of money••• Auctions Frldicy 7:30 p.m. '"'" 1 ••• 1 w nd i y's Auction Barn New 169 Opel. Coupe Behind Tony's mdg. Mat'l $191921 20751\ N•wport, CM 64&11686 KIRBY VACUUM hl'-1' I• Cottti M... CLEANERS F11lly •q11ipp1d ind11ding I have ~ral repoa&essed d111I 1111ll1r cylind•r br••• f I O Or m ode I s I: tyt1m, radio, l.11!1r, wkit1 demonatratora. Some U!: w1ll1, d 111I 1p11d wind-like new. Call 535-7280 tloi1ld w i p • r 1, w1rning ll;Q"'U°'ALITY"'=---,Kin"'=-.. =1uc-°'b'"•-d MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRAD! G.E. Wubin& Machine, almollt new, $100. c.oldspot chest flft%er, make offer! 531-'1936 f11tl.1r, 1te., 1tc. w~--.n ...... ~ Televltfon 1205 9101418 •uca............,. •eu mat- All 1969 Models and t!'ft, split fqundr.tioo, buU.t Fumlluro 8000 CANCELLED LARGE Gu rofrlgor• tor, runt good $50. 673-1461. FRIGIDAIRE AUTOMATIC WASHER $40. * 549--1597 * KENMORE auto washer 2% )TS old tin new $75. , 847"1JS R!IFR.IGntATOR. -Freet.er combination $25. 847-36118 Sewing M•chlnn 1120 ORDER Now for Christmas Colors Here • . , 1n h.me. Never Used, $98. 'I'\'.'. rad1o, 1tereo for home, Ready to Drive! Warth ~. ~ car or lx>at. Used seta from I ---------112 MAPLE rnd 11de tbla, Xlnt, $24.95. Sony-Westinghouse '66 T·llRD Cobblers bench, maple tble Newporter TV. 2027 Harbor lamp, 2 cork I a m p , , Bl CM 645-1672 F111I pow1r, f1ctory 1lr. · tSKBll9) Wurlitz:er Sideman, FOR that extra room, 23" $2495 Sacrifice! 64~ eves &: Admiral T.V., BfW Maple wkendx Conaole • perf. conct $75, II ;TRAJN==-"'K~---,..,to-ml~c-,.,.t. (213) 430-2645 '65 OLDS DELTA complete, un-opened RENT TV $10 81 4 Dr. H.T. 10,000 mi. Track, power back. Very No Depoalt • Free delivery A11to., RIH, PS, f1ctory novel $2.5. 646-438-4 894-Slll or 772-9110 i ir. ISAl~B7 l OlRISTMAS Buaar .1 Food Ctm•r•s & Equip. 8300 ARGUS Onemax 85E 8MM, power zoom Movie Camera, hardly used • a n'al $199 5 ""'' Four Squan Church. 1134 ~ Ave. C.M. Dec. 5th & 6th. 10 AM 9 PM. '68 T·llRD Co11p•. Fr.111 pow1r, i1ctory 1ir, 10,000 mil11. IXSR-FREE TO YOU 1181 11----------1 $4195 '67 JAGUAR 420 4 Dr. R.IH, 111tom1tic, PS, f1ctory 1ir, pow1r win- doWI. ITXS752 ) $4295 '68 RIVIERA Full pow•t •rtd f1 ctory 11r conditionin9. tYTt.4199 ) $4495 '65 CHRYSLER 300 H1rdtop. F11ll pow•r i nd f1ctory 1ir conditioning. tNBZ5461 ORGANIC Fertilizer, qe-d honte manure combined with wood shavinp. Good mulch. 833-5332 betwttn 8 le. 5 Mon thru Fri. 12/31 MATURE Female grey. striped P e r 1 I a n, shots & spayed. Must sacrifice - 833--0342 12/5 YOUNG male cat, grey; very affectionate le. very good w/children. 962-8982 l:.Z/3 N EEO good home f o r sacrifice? Cost S150. Will sell $45. 53&-865.1, After 6:PM 1967 SINGER complete with I ~========" Walnut cabinet, divottt ac-Spor1inn GOodt 8500 tlon forced 1•cril lce . • $1595 '64 CONTINENTAL loveable, blond terrier, 111.ii yea.rs, good watch dQi, gentle, aU 11hot1. Ml-4557 FOR your favorite charity. Stufied animals, clean &: restu11ed. nice for Xmas. 673-U3J U/3 LOV Mlle black Lab Mix ~ good home, Ip fenc- ed area. 532-2340 or M2-7006. Automatic, zig-zag, touch-a· DAD! Fix up this standard matte, button holes, blind sae Pool table for the kkh hem, overcasts without at-for Xmas. Good buy $40. tachmenta. Assume $4.tti a Hyrus (like Ivory) billiard month or $38.97 caah. Call be.Us Xlnt buy, hardly used 526-6616 $30. 536-8653 After 6 PM 4 Or. H.T. l1nd111 top, f11ll pow1r, f1etory 1ir. !TES· ~54 1 $1695 12/4 2 SM. Chihuahua Terrien 1 yr. trained. ad with children. 548-5900 12/5 MALE, Mixed breed 4 mOB, ha.s s ho t 1 , howlebroken. 9611-8232 1213 TINY Older Chihuahua to Quality King-She Bed, beautiful quilted mattreu. 1,M_us'-i_c•_l_l_nlf-'-. ___ 1_1_25 ll(llit found•Uon, bit-in frame. Never Uled. $98. Worth $250. MU536 XLNT ~ Balnc Clarine! S300 or best offer. Mi&ht trade. 540-104-4 eves. t PID;E secllonal daven-1 ~~~~====== port. Forest pen, tuxedo style, no ~ nttded. ..,_..,,. 3 DESKS with matchina: chairs A: 3 additlonsl chairs. S3X> tor alL IL L. Stlclder. m.<;510 RCA mack • white TV, maple o:>nlOle with UHF att:adm»nt.. "5. Eves. 540-1058 nnean coclrtaD t a b I e , tD&tdli,.-end tables. Mu. -- Pi1nos & Orgint 1130 The Greatest Glft of All .. Mimic in the Home Give your loved ones a piano Ot' orga.ri for Chriatmu New Hammoo:1 ~ ...................... 1599 81-1 many used from • • $50 New pianos from ...... S495 alao maey ued from • • S17S • SPEaAL. Uled Hammond B with Le. lie and revtttJ ........ $1495 Opol1 ...,., night A Sundayl.$ DOUBLE roU+q,y bed, "Ul Oristmu tor )'OUr' bm mattrea;. Dl'llll' DMd, convenience mlf: 162 lelJ tar S50. &e-:J..61. HAMMOND OOUQl-Mqlt. Olalr, 2 ml ., CORONA DEL MAR tablet 6 CoflM tables. 2854 E. o..t Hwy., 673-8930 rd1prab-. 846-ZJS LARGE ~. Arttaon DIS JUN NEVER ol!.'l'S m Tbutn Orpn with 8<11' 0 •w1R«l's dOlll pow«. and Sound l)'ltem. Half r. • M to NU atOaDd orfc. cost. $2500 Tenna. tho dodt, dlll '°"'1L Pliv. pt>, 114f.-OlllO. E,,.., POOL t&bles -Slate New Gotham Genuine 7/1 Slate Bed 7' &; I' Size. ptscount prices, 842-4236 CHRISTMAS spec.Jal • a few new Windaruiea abort boards at Sll?i. 646-3718 Mi1cell1neous 1600 POOL TABLES, tmnl1 tbll, poker this, exercising equip. at discount prices. Call W1ll•ce 538-0311 aft. U BOYS Sch. Sting Ray Bike, Sbmd. HandlM!ars-Seat, s:I). Like. new -673-9100 DARK Brown mu1krat fur coat, Very eood condiUon! sso. 548-8&35 1 MINI bike for ale ~ mme hand ~ 188% Merrill Pl. C.M. 646-m FIREWOOD '66 LE SAIRE 2 Dr. H.T. A11fom1fic , pow• 1r 1l••rin9 l br••••· fie· tory 1ir. fRVV1 99 l $2195 '68 IUICK SKYLARK 4 Dr. H.T. A11fom1tic, ti · dio, h11ffr, pow•r •t11r· l"g . .t,000 mi, tXSSIJI I $2995 '61 COlVAll M-eow,.. 4 1pt..I tr1n1mh· 1io11, r•dlo ol'l<ll h11t1r. HCOZ2701 $595 234 E. 17th ST. CTHI IUICI COINllJ COSTA MESA 548-7765 older couple 0 N L Y t 96Z...1924 12/5 SIAME.SE Chocola~ point femsle. 6-46-4698 after 5 PM 1215 UPRIGHT Piano, mUllt be tak~ apart to 1 et downat&lra. -494-3ll5 12/3 DOG -"Snoopy Qrpe," male pup, 4 mos. ndl gd home. ~2Ml 12(3 ONE Stud ~ on tin)' toy AKC pood]e to pr!)Ve. .......,., 12/3 FREE Puppies -Medium 11.Je mixed breed, wry pla.yful. M6--4CM:.z 1215 MALE Mixed Tenier, 4 mo.. Shots.. 963-2lm 1215 FOR SALE M-Frl I -te t pol SCRAPS., mm doll clothu • Sli).!188l • Sotwday 8 -6 pol or potch qU!llL 673-19121213 FIREWOOD FOR SALE Suodayl 10 _ _.I"" 1 OOCKAPOOpopptn2 ,_ % 0mt $2'2.50 dt!I. 549-0409 9J.oo& V«y cute &4l-$!0 12/5 FIREWOOD 11U1C11 CUTE O>ckrf'ltlbi poppteo ____ 63_7-6843_____________ 6 wb. 962--1385 1215 . . . . , I NOONlwCan • 9IOONow Cal'I! . . . ' CHRrSLtR PLrMOIJTH! IMPERIAL tir,~Rim@OIC£'4~ LAST CALL FANTASTIC SA~INGS On AD Remaining Brand New • 68 Chryslers & Plymouths · '67 DODGE 01..+ 2 d1or h1rorltop. A11tom1 tic, r1dio, li11+.r, pow•r tl11ting, :.AIR CONOITIONIN6. IT6X660 l s1795 '66 COllllllBITAl JOO. A11tom1tic, r1dlo, h .. tor, pow1r d1vin9, f1clory •Ir 1...di- li1>11lng. IOMJ279 i ~355 -.... "' .... • ' ' ' ' ' f ' . f .. ' • • • • .. " " . . ; • . ·-· • ·: LAST CALL ... '' ~ " " • . . Ji.' .. .., ' , 2 Dr. H.T. F.11 pwt', wit' •Ir ,;;a. I 111 tll1 9rlr•1. 6or9011f lei ,llM C.111.-I• 2 OOOj."'°'i'CHi;p~'lt'O' Mt.:· ""''" $2695 V1ntur1 . Aulo1111llc.. pow1r rll•r· Ing l br1•11, rlifio, h11t1r, fie· tory 1ir, Y1llow with bl1c• inkr· lor. INCP714) $1895 '67 PLYMOUJH Fvry. Aulom1li~ radio., ~~t.r, pow1r ,+.iring. Factory 1ir con· d;+;,.;,$ i H69 5 '66 T-BIRO llnd111. A11tom1tie, pow1r 1t11r• ing, pow1r br1k11, AIR CONDI· TIONIN6. ITPL2441 s2495 111tom1tic, radio, h•1f1,, p•- ttHrinlg, l111d111 top. ITTB6 I J ». $2095 '616 CllRYSlfR JOO coupt. A11tom1tic, ,.dio, ~••+­ ''• pow1r tf11rln9, powor br1••1, .;. ~·s2395"'" D1lt1 C1slom. VI, 1...+o., RIH, PS i nti br1•M, fie. 1Jr, .,inyl t.11. !TPX.4361 s2795 '65 DODGE Cor0fl1f 500 2 Dr. H.T. A11to .. P.S... UH. 11f conditio11l11f. IPA.11161 $1695 FINANCING NO PROBLIM We Want .Y- :ar I• Trade. ' • All ............ ,_ • Uc ..... he4 .......... Dec.."" 1t61. 10 , ... u .... ,.,. . ' . . . . . . .; • . ,. . ' " .. -..; -" " ... ... ' :: . ' . ". . . 00 - · .... ' ' . ' • • • .. ' ' • '· ·. :· ~·.· . -. ' . . . . . ·: '., ' .· , . • ,• ~ "., ., .,. .. ' .. . ' ' l '· .. , . ·. - • J- 2150 HAUOR BLVD. ' ~ COSTA MESA i1oo ............................................. ... ., ' . ' i · · Transportation Specials :: e EVEN_!!' YOU' HAV~ IE!l!I IANKRUl:T. e ,Iv.EN ; :: IF YOU HAD A REPOSSESSION e EVEN IF YOU ::ARE NEW-IN THE-AREA e NO RED TAPE e MN . ~ ~ . ~IF YOU. HAVE NO CRED1f e DIVORCED e . " ··-----•-................................. .. ~ " i • NQ CREDIT 1,0B~EMS i L---....l'----------~-------------1 · " " ,, µ ~ " ~ -· :9 WE CARtlY OUR OWfl. ~ CONIRAC'f.S _ •• • "GIN YOUI JIOLIDAY IY JHOll'1NG. ntlS GUIDI · O~ N1W • .. A"'°5 l D.&11.Y -If .. Accasoms. IANTA HAI MARKID PRICU DOWNI ·.e ·roYo . ' ·-- 11.Wl'VE~GOT· ~M" -1 . . 1 ~~E~ 51 ftEW 1918 TOY~TAS TO CHOOSE ·FROM! ' .WI Alli OfflRINO PQ!t, THJ lot TIMI ~ S-1959 TOYOTA Demoa'slrttors --. LOW MILEAOI ' AT sum~NnAL ~SAYINGSll , , l ' ' ' • IASY; to· llJY · J'IM' ·$LEMONS ' 411 WUT WMNU -YO'l'A ·TILIPHONL ··SANT&~ .. -~-. . . -12 • ' ' • • • DAYS TIL • XMASI ' ' ' ----~-~ --------·-----.. ------------~---~------~~-----·------~---.....___ .. __ .... ---4-~--~~------ ' . 1 I I I I I • --····· - ·u ....._v_ .,_, -J. 1961 r --· • •• . ,,...,..... ••••••.•• Bette• Way. To Go· NABERS CADIJ,l,AC 'HAS THE LARGEST SELECTION OF LATE MODEL PREVIOUSLY OWNED CAOILI.ACS IN 'ALL OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. TH&SE CADILLACS ARE " ALL SPECIALLY PR ICED FOR THE HOLIDAY , SEASON I l~ COUPE DE 'VlI.IiE~ '9RECIAN WHITE WITH ROYAL tLUE 1'AODlD fPP A IN. TERIOW.. AU POWER AND Ala·CONDITIONING. 4t2t 1'-''--SALI s5333 , PllJD_.., __ _, --1968 EL DORADO--- IAROQUE &OLD WITH PADDED TOP ,AND &OLD INTfJtlOR. ALL POWER AND AJR COJrrilDITIOHIH6. LICENSE N .. VTll67 '----SALi 56444 PllClD 1 --- ' NABERS 2600 HARBOR BLVD. 540-9100 COSTA MESA PLUS 2 DOORS, 4 DOORS AND CAMPERS Are Here Now For DELIVERY TODAY! DOT DATSUN 18835 BEACH BOULEVARD H1111J1116TON BEACH UZ-7711 or-SA0-0442 I em-9 pm Mon·FrieSet I •~:30 pmeClosecl Sun BUY · YOU,R CA.R FROM THI PEOPLE WHO CAH 'M IAMILll NEW .IAVIUN $119S.OO $2395.00 . Uc. No. OUSlll Ser. No. J27tt•t '67 VOLY0.1445 NIW IAMILll $2395.00 . $2000.00 Uc. No. TZK976 Sor. No . AI05'455 --.,, IMPALA SS NIW AMIASSADOR $1995.00 $444.00 OFl- Lic. No. Sor, No. 1102910 '66 IMPALA S..S NEW AMI $2095.00 $400.00 OFF Uc. No. RSI617 S•r. No. X12lDI• '64 lAMILll W&N. NEW UllL $129S.OO $333.00 OFF l ie. No. OlU199 . S•r.,N•. SIDllll '61 CLASSIC 6'0 NEW .. ANIA.SSA.DOI $149S.OO · $496.00 OFF Uc. NCWQ651D s.r. No. lr62266 -ALL CARS GUARANTEED - YOUR AMERICAN MOTORS DEALER -~ALES AND SERVICE lfH.-HAHOR ILYD. e PHONE 642-6023 WE ARE LOADED WITH IRAND NEW 1969 TRUCKS AT HUGE DISCOUNTS T ""mendous Selection of !'ockups, Van~ Sub- urbans, at Hugo DiscouMs. Shop today at Connd O.avrolat. --CONNELL-- CHEVROLET ' ' 2121 HARBQR BLVD. COSTA MESA = 5.46· I 2c;t3 = 546•1200 . t .. CffRISf'M.AS: 01n IDIASI ' . ... GEORGE. ZIMMEIMAff • · lS.l'LAYIN• sAIT• cu\IS . • • • t ' • ~-'- IA.DD WMllLS '19S • SANTA • .. a.Aus SPl'CIALS AT THI QATSUN' COllN~lt .... l '61 "'200I IPOUI IOADSTIU" 11,111 ......... -szsc;c ... DAUUN . I 4 .................... ......., ~- .,, DATSUN. . 4Dr.W-................. ~,..·· '1795 '1595 ' fr•• k•y·l•b1 for lookln' .It tho 11•• D~h1111 Ll110. GIOl.I Zl.MMllMAN l)·ATSl.ltt SALIS AND SllVICI AUSTIN AMfRKA HERi NOWI ~us~·T~:.~ $.1895 fully Equipped lochodl'"I , . AUTOMATIC mAllSMISSION . NEWPORT IMPORTS LTD. 3100 W. COAST HWY. . NEWPORT "BEACH · 642•9405 CLOSID SUNDAYI 540-1764 ... FACTORY CLEARANCE SALE! Of Shelby Coltrasl. GT-350/GT..!OO THE '69:. ARE COMING! . / All Orange County'.s only' Shelby American Dealer, we are cooperating with the ·factory .. to clear the last of .!lie :6& at ' · Discounts Never Before Offered On America's No. 1 High .Peiformance Car! •3995 THEODORE ROBINS 421 ¥-1 Cobre en9in•. •ufo111•tic, •p•ciol tir•• ond wit••' cov•r1, t•ch., . oJI 9au90, co111ol•, foll b•r, h•rn•11 •nd b.th, 9rlll ll9hh, top of tho 0lln•I Ex•cutl.,.• c•r n•v•r ,..,11t•t•d, with l•u th•n 4,000 tnll•. F11ll n•w cor wer· t•nty, FORD 2060 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA Pho!!e 642-00l 0 SERVING · THE HAR•OR AREA SINCE 1921 HOLIDAY DISCOUNTS LOOK AT THE SAYINCOSll .,, 'T' 110 hit,. ... I•"' c.1141~ IYl4J7. "61 CONTININTAL 4D..,.P111,_.1 ................ Uc, P1MOtJ. $1195 . '1595 ------ 0'4 CONTININTAL hll ,....., I,_,..,,."" 'U... IOZUJ. ------ '61 CONTININTAL 4 4Mr ..... ,..., ' ,_,_, • +--___ __._ __ '62 P'LTMOunt STATION WA.MIN • ,... , ...... .-de,,_ ..... ,,.... .... ................ m.PWlt4. $1795 s2595 '895 JOHNS~~ .ft SON • LINCOLN-MllCUIY • ' . COSTA t,\JI~ IUNCH IMI . HAI-aYD. C!ISfA· MISA '42-70IO I • <1969· .·~ •· --. ~-~ ' . ' . -. CO"ONA'.H.T: CO'!ii£$1999· ' DIMONSTAA TOR . 1 ' Only J,000 Mlloa. l111mecwl1t•. ·Still 1ft40f' f•ctory w•rronty. ~ " #' • -• ' 1969. . . -. co10~ ~.T.·coupt$2399 DEMONSTRATOR ' Aut•ft\•fi~ .•ft cofflti1ni•t. · ,,,,.. wlHl•r; 6,poo '"' •a. Stilt .. ~., ··~twy ,,..,.,..,ty. . ' ' • -• · .BILL MAXEY . !J 0 y [Q][!]~ IASY TO REACH AT GARflELD & BEACH /18881 ~CH BLVD. Ph. 84'7·9555 HUNTINGTON 'BEACH · J Ml Norft el ,_.. C... Hwy. • 1e9C1J ·li1l11u4 " ' GIFT IDIAS! •1n A DUN UWIS •tn CllTIPICATI ROM Sl .00 MGB :"'~ ~Hrint Wheel AMCO Wood Geer Shift Knob . Reg. $4 - '69 TOYOTA COltONA Hardtop. $1997 #1597 •. Exec. cir, meny ntr11. N~ '68 VOLVO 2 Dr. $2697 &; \I Automatic. # 7023 . --------------~ • '67 FORD CORTINA GT . w .. $1595 '65 vw -::~:. j_; • ACCDSOIJU MAii THI PllNCI' ~ TGYOTA-VOLVO 1966 llerlior Blvd., Cost• -646-9~ . LEASE DIRECT . ' e LARGE SELECTION e CHOICE OF COLORS e MODELS & EQUIPMENT e FAST DELIVERY e FAST SERVICE ORDER YOUR 1969 CADILLAC NOW! NABERS 2600 HARBOR BLVD. 540-9100 COSTA MESA w.·,. p1ay1"' s.. .. a... wfttt tt.ae low, low, low USED CAR PRIW SANTA'S HST POUCHES, YW•BUG$ & CAMPERS • 75 • USED VWs Utt TO SI fft e PORSCHES · e . '61 PORSCHE 911 AUTO. '62 PORSCHE S·714,JPQ, '66 POR5CHE91215 SPD. '67 PORSCHE 9121 SP'O. 'II JIORSCHE S,Sl 4 SPD. '5' PORSCHE C,E 4 SPD. ... PORSCHE 912 I SPD. '64 l'ORSCH(.$,. to 4 SPD. '62 ,ORSCHE SUP 715 4 sm. Campers ·~rll\lport•n ·Pa~ '61 V.W, 9 ,ASS IUS '64 V.W. CAM,El '61 V.W. IUS '66 V.W. DLX '"4 V.W. IUS SUNROOF • PASS IUS '67 v.w. DLX. PASS aus '67 v.w. CA~Pll 0t:t WHAT l'UN IT ~S TO RIDE IN ONE OF OUR COU/IRANTEED USED CARS 1•71 HAllOI IOUUYAID COSTA MllA 14•..UN • Yt, ...... ~· ~...,.. tKYIUI , • > • ... POii ·-' . Vt •• ...,;,,;1,.r u1110t111 .. -. Y• 1N19l11•: CONfflf) '• l ''1 OLDSioollLl °'11, 11t, ... p1ww..,wlllff11t1o I GMN16tl ... ro~c: va. ..... ~ ... .n ... ·c&VSIHI ' .. " '61 IAflilLD . ' cy"IMI.-,, '•tikfMttc. c1HJ61i> 1'Q POlt~IL .'100. Yl,.•1t.11W1t1 .. CCfft~41 ''4 POID . . VI, •wt.Uflc, AH 1•nilll IOMV4tJ) ., $391 .. iiJ COHNELL CHEVROLET'S usro CAR CENTlll "SPECIALSu / ''4 FOU $ F•lrl•11• 2 Doot, $94•11. VI, a11 .. 111•tlc, r•4ie. hoa~r, orlftin• whl ... - '65 MONZA Co~p•. 4 1po•d, r•dio, "-•tw, ~wtt.tn11t yoll.., witll bl•ck b1ckot •••fa. '61 IAllACUDA . · H.T. cowp•. YI, ••to111otic, ,,tllo, ho•t.r, tu1tM• bl•ck wlffl 9olcl vinyl i11t•riM. IHOZ4-•ll '67 IL CAMINO •241111 , C111t. trl111, b11ck. •••h. 11109 wh11,. 127 •"I·• 4 ,,c1.;_ 7r ,S, RlH, rod wAlk •lnyl tr. Nw.c•r w•r. IQ7-l6J I • • . '61 DA.IT fl.T. $11\G H•rdtop coup•. 6 cylind•r, •11t•111riic, r•ilo, h••I-V~ or, in•dium blue wiffl ·blu• \'l11yl hl111. \,, '61 THUND!llllD s7cu:• H.T. Coup•. fl!l~ pow•r, fe.ct•ry •ir, 1 ~ r•iio, h••tor, teu:h rod with whit. top. ,.'. • .• -1 '66 llYllU $ 211ll!!· C111to111 coup1. full p•••r •rid f•ctory . Y}il •ir conditioni119.-Rocf/o •M he.tor. ' · • ,. ~.·• ... IMPALA . s25cu: 4 D•.or h•nH•'.-VI, •"*--"c. ,...,. f'(lt!. •t-rillf, rodlo,.kdor. '• ~~· . . ' ~. ---CONNELL-...,,., . ·tJJlF.VROLE-T ;'.11'. · 2$28 ~f'OR BLV~ •. COSTA~~-~!:: 54'-1203 ~": 5~1,2• SHOPPING TO D07 LIT CHiCK IVHSON .. , HILi' YOUI "Sh•tP•" Cl'f•,,. SIO·lACI 14 p•ir for your Y.W ••• $l~9J. Etttlfftt 91...,.· l••ffi•r STRtf•. WHL COVERS, loco •n •• $I.ft• COCOA-fri,4ATS, Ylrlo'ty cOlor1, COYtf f11ll ............. froM s1&.o~: lor90 1010cf!.n of h•ntl rubb.11;.Jicl ••ln.t -:~• ~ GEAR SHIFT kNOIS ••••·······•••···•;••••••• ·$1.¥1" K•nttl "Cu1fo111 500" WJ\I. KIT, tfio ....., bo1t ~., •• ,, • It•:· ,or1ch• "N•rcli". Qu'ollty WOOD STEERIHc;. WHEEL· •• S11.M Pot1ch• COCOA MATS, v•ri•ty of colora • , , • , • , •••.• ., .sit.II "MG MITIEN" <;•r Co••r f., •II V-W.1 .•11" P01"1the1, ;_ ~-~·· ....... ~. "L•lti:" chro-SKI·"""'\: 14 p•ir) for 9111 fl2 Por1ch• It~',! WI ACCln ·. _r$.~ l•nkA1Mrlc1rirl-Ma1tor Ch•,10-Allloric•n bpr•11 · ·: . ._ ........... Woulirl11't yo._ rMlly r•ttl•r h•••·••r• h••d r .. m. IOf reo111, •h•11I· tl•r reom, hon• p••· II' l 1fyll1t9 for th• l•Mo OllloDlrt of' lllOft• fly •••• .,.11 ,,,,, '191921 ~··- I 2)4lJlltSt '""--· ; (OS'fa fllsj ·, 541-776$ .. ......,.,, .,._ .. ',. ............. _II ...... NIWPOIT ILYD. ~:::, ot UND STUIT. J NIWPOIT ... .•.. . , ..... r..'1-t.) -.:~ 673-0900.;~ . .,·. ·:· ~ . OUI MAIM Iii.NI .NIW ttff ;.. BUICK'.: VI, ••t.11111•tl1 ~ 1+.orl111 ,r1tll.. ho..., •r, cl•l11•• wh••I .. -... or1, hoocl r••h plut tint •f tho f•.t.ry 1t11\ clorirl 1~ul111. t210lf·jt 52985~::: _ IMMlllATI : . .. NU.,..\j. •. . -- . -· ,.. -~ ;.: # ........... ,,.. 1 . • . . . G . . .,., • ' -'' • ~ ~