HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-02 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaI l ' ' .. ., •· I • , · · ... \· · · r · r • • ' / , ~: ,::t;o811t5~· ·B"'·l : ·W~~~·· ·-·to.,.~ ., . --~ ~,·'/!#fl111··~p ... ~ngs,~·11~~dadi~. . .• . . . . . ' .. $., ... : ' .' ·"' • " . -i .: .. ,,: .' ·' .. l - . . .. " .. • • • ' . ' •--~--~·"---~---'-:-ur1 e . ' l . l :ll --- ' • < •• ..,_ ' 'WEDNEsDAYI AFTERNOON. APRIL 2, t969 , .. " • r •' W}--&•NO. n, •sac(...., a1MH1 . . . . O· ' ' _,. '" •· .. •• Ill .. ~ • -I .. ' c • - .. i • , t ) • -• I I UILY rn.OT s · 'Roaa·· Hunner~-, Beep ' B e~p ~~4Joµs~.7~ 87 lllCllAIU> P. MAIL Of .. Dllr ...... - ~ who lJ¥nk ctn are inanimate Mjectl wllbolll pmonalltles j\111 don'I know. A car can-be • wllllU~ maJmlenl !hlni. A Jew yeon .,. . 1 i,11 the ·-rt lolakeajGbln --1 lhaullK' my old ala- tloo -~ adl1lll to )Molnlb, co/fee"-..ull1f Jog ond salt on .lb windshitld.. • I had ll•ed al the buch belor<, but the car wu l<l't of uaed to rural ways. parkinJ: tbe wrong way on residential B1re<u, being noiihborly with other dlllly can add ..-,,. Ja thllWI. • '_' • 'lllal'I Ill•, i \ll<Mllht. "' an · .... to adjull to lteowoy~ We '""' and t b i a ft heppoaid -''Ille P)1moull> '1 ~." ' > On the woy ~ wart a._.....i dq, two ........ llrls lo bllhlnC --crooatni the hl&bw"1 -the •llChlul •Y• ot a woman cniaJng iuW. I stopped u reqilired. 'l Boop, beep w..it the·hora. Beet>, beip. Tho lirll IDollld ow. I loollld awoy. ·Tho Cr!llOlatl pard -II mo ·u If I had -a ftptllt. I hodni toudlad thehombilol'OKata!1od ........ I tried to look """"1allal u we diovo olf. Tho cai-·the lb1I a lul llucj hoot. Later we w t r t beblDd a poiol petrol car IS tt liollly crm. dolmtaWD llennoBf -Jt.w .... mllo ..... Beep, beOi> -rint the born agi'OlllY<ly, beep, beep. "Stop that," J,marled, pGUndl.ng th e steering· column. "Beep, beep," it con- tiPOed. lite the• crazed road runher in the televlllon cartoons. ,,,. pollla Cit -and ~ bJ<k. Tlii --... orir with cbllly 1)'111. "Blep. llatp" wtot llie ,.,... . dift0tl1.• .~ -. Al a Cra.walt I fnr , da)'I later, " .PILOT I 't-0.100• .. ~ motiior .... Jllllbln• .• ~ Wrl• ~ Ibo tti'tel ol ,- -Tllo car went wtld. II blal!ed a -ol l'lldo ·-at the WOIDIL 'Ibey IOWldecl ~ 1n anCey ~,,. hotll -alU ond l!Klthetbood. I baliftll Ille~ wheel in lllilallcm to md< II olOp hoping the woman'• aeven.foot buabarid: wasn't nearby. Every time we aot behind a car waiting to crosa. a busy intersection, my auto &ook· command of the situation,. honking qgreaalvely\ I had Vlll"!I ol Jad< htmloa IW1lllll al my flead b,-olfeodld, drlvm. I llnattned·and cajoled but the car wblch • ' • ' 4 .; • • • • • • CAB Approves Howard Hughes Air West Sale WASHING TON (AP) -Tho C I v 11 Aeronautics BoU'd'1 Bureau of Operating Rtgtits recornmena-Tiiesday approval of the puri:baoe by Air .V/est by Nevoda in- dustrlaflst Howard 11\Jabea. • Under an a,..monl oubmlt'ttd to the boa.rd last January Hughes would pay aboul $90 ~ for the 1lrline, J Born last July out of the merger cf three regional .alrllnes-Bonam.a, Pacific and West Coast-Air West serves some &1 airports (includfng 0 range County, Calli.) In eight wstem state. ond Can- ada and Mexico. . 1be burea1,1 recommended to -E1am- inlr Rou NewmllM that the traoder ol Ali Wool's cortllicale to Hughej Tool Co., the acluaf purclllNr, be d<layed unlll 4'l atape rtqulrtd for the trulfer ol uoeta hive been taklo. The. U:amlner will use-Hie-bureau·! pOstqon in preparing h1s own recom· Plj!ndatioos. The ultimate findings of the CAB will requite Whlre HOuse action 1fnce some' internationaJ routea are involved. ·· Fro• P ... l HASHISH ••. .. • STILL 11'1 TH& RUNNING 'lncllfllllont M•Yfr ~•m Yorty J -, Ul'IT ....... • LEADS ALL CANDIDAl'ES • C ..... Jlmaa TllomH '.llrecllot • From Page I LA MAYOR RUNOFF . • • year term, charged Tuesday n.i'ght Bradley "made a racist appeal lo the Negro arN." for votea dw-inj: hUr cam· • palgn. Brafiley said "race is-not a rele- vant factor" in the campaign. 1 Yorty predicted victory in the runoff, but cit}' election records ·dat1n1 back to ltlS showed th&:t whenever an in- Cumbtnt mayor wai: forced into a runoff, be ]Oil In a special congressional elecUon in · .the 27th district, G<)ldwflte r got 30.8 percent of the vote. John Van De Kam p. a Democrat, was second highest among the 16 candJdates with 13.5 percent, ac- cording to final unofficial returns. Another familiar name wjth an un- familiar face, Edmund G. Brown Jr., aon of Callfornla' former governor, won one of seven 1eatl on Loe Angeles' newly created junior college board. He wu ooe cl 133 cand.idatel iu the race. The runoff electioo for ma)U On May 27 was necessary because none of the 12 candidates received a majority. {11 the congre&Sioo1l race, lhe t oj Republican and Democrat -Goldwater and Van De Camp -meet in a run~ April 29. • Yorty made the "racllt" charte io an election night interview 'rbren i t became apparent he wu running bthlli.d Bradley. "We know that Mr. Bradley m11:de; a very racist appeal to the Negro ~~ He told the Negro people they $;hould vote for him because he is a Negr,,o.. This is contrary to everything he believeiJ in," Yorty said. Bradley, 51, the son of a pullman porter and a domestic ma.id, was boru in Teus but has lived in Los Angelu far 45 years. He holds a laW degree and was on the Lo.s Anitles police force fCX' 21 years befcre he rettred in 1961 as night watch commander foi: the Wilshire D!vla!on. l County Refuses Proposal 1T !! 4zter Freeway Route ' SPACE' AGE CREA"TION OF :4RTIST NORMAN ,ROCKWILL TO BE PIATURED IN LAGUNA ·PISTIVA~ 'Llv_lntl Plctu~e' _Should Cel111lclt Nicely Wllh U.S. lffort to L•nd M• on ---• At $10 a gram tho· -ooald lrillg . ' The comrtY Board of SUpervlsors T1ios--Commllalooor Al S. Koch: $582,100 on tbe atrttt. day rejected a proposal by Airport Ofllclols of 'both the clUu of Newport The "hasli" haul was the aecond hu&e ·M•"••er'RobtttJ-:Brelhnahmi.torealim " ' '.;;•··"" . ¥ -· ·1: • Fro• P .. e 1 -... "' PA·LM SPRINGS Heat, Black Pearl, BQCldy 1>!J1et . , • . ' Oh, WC!W." _ Palm Sprinp authOtities called in ald from ~ law aa:enctes TueSday to deal with ~-big crowd of EU!fr Wetk vacotlontrt In city hlltory, • They i:olltd In by bw, van; slallon • wagon and v--voh!cla capal>le of WTYinl lsoie lfOUPI, virlllll4' oc- cupying lbe ,..,. li<lo ol town and lttlin& up a camp Uke a ~ hobo junii:It. ''The biggest influx in year&," said LI. Marvin Rudin. Bedrolla, 1)eeptna bl&• and other ac- ~tlons Jl!IF -!he ,,...,.i ond one' gniup ot chllltd vica_, virtually tcre down a mack bar to u.se it• materia.11 for flreWooa. One ol tlie vllll<n !]portedlY f<ll 'over a cllll In TlhqUIJi Cm\yon ond I police' hellcoptU dllpltchocl to the hunt waken· ed tbraDp of Euter Week rtvelers huddled Ill ova the canyon. Qrlef White today atimated that II many as 5,000 more Euter Week vaca· tionen will arrlve by the weekend, multlplyinf [>11>bloml alroody faclni police. al>eriff'• deputla and CHE. ~f· flc:<n- DAILY PILOT r OlAftV CO.UT l'UILBHINI) COMl'ANY R•"t'rt H. Wt1d l'rnllllfll •rlll' l'u•11111er Jt d1 R, Curlty Vitt l'r11i.nl W Gtnwll MantMr . Th•rn•• ic,.,n fdlltt Tk•m•• A. M•r11hl11t MtnttlM l•llw --,, , r· Beocb ind COiia Men o___, movfos fi\1d ol \Ill~ ~ · in the . !la11>Qr 'life IUtw'o Corona .,.1 Mar. Fmway tho Corooa doi Mar Freew°'a';";Ugnment ' • • ••· ••" • F.C '\'> -· · South ol the Orange County· Ali'poz:! s-·•.··•· n ••-·.w··•· •~ """-'~ ·area 1rt """ t'f""I• Wiii., . r · hinw~. :~ J-.iwuia uW11111: ftQ .,. .. ,.., .... w:u Last F 'd tw bur"' d •--ti ., the propoaad fre<w•v locaUon, c•·•-•-· r1 ay, o ... ary el.C\; ves · Bruhnalwl wanted the su}ferVlsors to di.at it would ~ j)(I feet ~C:: ariested a arouP '61 PUadoiia·Arcailfi bid for -a · ri:roullril of a porUon of ange County Airport property. He laid ·i.t'' • l I ~-, ·• , . "·Masters e11·••~e~· areamen and dllcovend almost 15,000 the freeway line along PaUaa<tes Road . ttil.s would interfere with alrpon @er• Festival~.to. lnclti_de SPCJfe•age lf ork =u: . .:f soconaf, called "red>'' by ~~~!i~ ~u~~~~· fre<woy about ~::ard~ would cnna1ltule I aaletJ --..i----Four defendant~ face court acUon on Supetvlaor Alton E. Allen of Laguna State Hi&hway enainetr WWlun K. Lqun1's flllled Pqunt of the Mallen Is counting down foe ita !lnl &hot at outt: •pace. • The f•aaant, w h I ch la1* lta name from npr<>ducllolll of art mutorpltc11 many by .old nluten, this year _will show a ajlCHp work try Normaa Rockwill. -· "Tho Lon1est Slap" ls 1 dtparture from UJUal Rockwtll whlmley. It 1bow• two utron1uto donnlnl tjle oll"ry ~ 1arb with mnllellcaf llna thlt he¥e 9"':' ed !no spa;. wllltl._ · It ohould be J)ll'llcularly Umely lhla year with the July lunar 1hot with which tho \!.S. hopu to plact a mon on thl mona. Doa Wlllllmoon, )'""'°' producer. •bar&" ol _..,ing the denim"' Beech, ·repmenUng the coastal Fifth Huhlmoto countered, howovv, U,,1 UM uld Rockwell created the-wort 1ar1ely dtup for 1ale. Diltrlct, spoke for the board majority future route would be depreued at leasl at NASA badquarten: in HOUiton, Tu. when he declared that a close analysill 28 feet below IUl'roUnd.ln& ground lllel. "We haw of CO\tl'H • done , many of the routlng "makes it evident that Con!tructlon of the freeway 11 ICheduJ. l!olhells hilt th1* II IOrl' of a 7 Remain on Pueblo WO cannot chong• our mind.I now." ed to llarl In 11171. Huhlmoto eallmaled ~;" 1alcl the'~, 0 In that Allen added, "We have had 1ood rela· a route change now would delay UM be• not tunny, whlmllcal or anecdotal CORONADO (UPI) _ Cmdr. Uoyd M. Uom with the state Dtvislbn of Highways Umetable about two yean. ', .• berehl'1 ln&eruted. in ~acy." Buchlr, hia live otncers and one enlllttd over the years and we cannot 10 back rte original route for the C.Orona df!I WIWllDIOD nlcl bt b tUll cutlng man are the OoJy cnw mfimben ol the on our word now." Mar frteway wu adopted In IMO, ti. f4X"1he Roctw1ll reprtductlon which was USS Pueblo otnclally retained on the The analysl1 of the freew1y rouUng earliest in the Orange Cout ll'tl, alq crtated for Look Mqulnt. · PtrlOns roster cA the ~ipt~ lntelllger\CfJ alrlp. was providid the boud by county Road with Newport Freeway adopUon. 1.-Jn po• In I may appear for J,.::=:i:::::::::d:=:d:==:i:::======z;;;========:::;;=:::;;=:::;;:;:,;;;:,;;.::=:;== rehllntls any ~ evenlnl about 7:IO ·.,.P may call 'llli culing office,. -· . P.,.1Dt d1ta1 are July 11 lhrou&h Aue. :14. CUI member• Poll ••111'1' olher . ireot oince tllcire 1re allemate cuto. . . • .• ..,.....p .. ., I . ~G-·~'~'=' EISENHOWEI\ FUNERAL. •• Eltenllowtr library d~ p u b I t c --"President Nixon quoted the 1entr1l u aoylng, 'I come frun ·the heart of America.' So Jt la to the i.rt ol Amtrlca Gtil~ !:IRnbower bl! fttUrr*1 today." tlla preacher aafd In llow, roll!ftl tonio, h~ right bend lilted In lhe cold Klnau atr. . Ike's 1aflom widow, lf.amlt, bllnled hacl tears while the Rev. Miller Ind the Rev. Robert H. MacaskJU of Get. t)'lbur1, Pa., eulO(iz.ed her u a "com- panion 10lc1ier." · SHARED HUSBAND "She graciously shared her hutband • with the world but she unique~ belongs to hlm,11 said the Pennsylvania preacher. fl~ black' robes flapped ·in tlla wind that twice blew the Az:o.erlcan flac off Ellemower'1 pvernmint..llrue coffin during tht ootdoor cemnonles. "As had been saJd al Llncoln, It caa now be l&ld of Dwight EWeuhower - he belonp to \he ages," aaSd...the Rtv. Mac11kUI, d the Palm DeHrt, Cillf., Cc:mmunlty Chut<h. "His spirit is the expression of the Amerlc1n id<aft ot liberty and jU$ll<'e for all" Soldiers boomed a 1l·fUn 11lute to lhe --al and the Dllloo'• ed In a groy oult lllil wMrln( 1 while sieteon hat, wa alone. Nb.on wu ae- -~ed )y hit -wtla Pil ond their older dt~r Trl.clL The younser Nl1on dausbter, Julie, wu with the Ellenho\irer fomlly lllil her hu1lllnd, D o • I d , _.,.,.,.. Tbe rich and flmoul, poor ond unknown ,..... there to honor lllil mourn. . Llnlnr the--ol lhe town ... ti!• old Chisholm TroO _.. an osllmlted 100,000 mourners, held back by IOldif!•· "flwi&ht Dlvld 'Ei-.r, ln bis long aervlce to God and man, fulliUed the requtrernent of justice In -the dollyllte, klnclnW to ont's follow lllil willed humbly to Clod," the Rev. Miller iafd. • "The same lord who wu with him on Malla aod Jn U-anxious early hours ot D-Day when be headed the ml-forc:o la hllj«Y, will llllld wJtli him In tho pltll ad'*lture of his cuter -tht tnb'anct to fltemal life ," the California mlnitter aald. WWII UNIJ'ORM . "Wen dono, goad 'ond flithlUI aervant. Enter Into the joy ol your llWler." . Elsehhower WU burJed in 1ris WOrld War ll tmlfonn of &bort cretn "Ike" jacket Ind Lan tnluHrJ •htch hll of lieu· centri UOn called ''Plnb."-~ • ' , SI 61.00 To theghl who knowswh1t Me w1nts but not where 10 find iL Match your style with our ' m1ny di11inctlve designs. And , ask us 1bout our famous .. Orange Blossom gu1r1ntee. .. . • :Htll _,, _ """ cl1td lat. rtldaJ -a~ bltUe with loitl ._. The Mb 'Arm, -~ "8"111a alid~ II '*lilJI to the Odtf"' ... ·!God.., a I'~.. . - The aiarlly a1me1e Utile oh1pel wilkh .... hlrltilol· no!lnl ,""" wu, bu)lt, al -··• iDIUuclJon, ao-1!0?t.al tbl E.i.Hnbow• cetlttr, 1 memorlal. and - ftii-1~1• WM)-~ .... fltiot ol °" pl&'t ... h-111 --hid ~ ••A Pllce cl. M'.~ttaUoa," whlll • ~ "!*" ''Tlpt." . 10XON PllDENT __:_,_.illw-llld -·Prdtdtnl Lynclon B. Jolwon headed lhe tlst of dfgnltarlea at the luner1I. Joh.-i, ~ • --j>lo1--ol lour bUllcllftti.JIL bis popera, boob, .,.., medafl, lllp and-£-WU born ft' ,... ... la Dlnlaoft, fu.. but ... -lilo . ~In Ahli .... lt --··11111 old cowiGwn wit!! 'ho rid! itootJor ,l'!d~ lions Elltllhower 11e1 out ltr t11e·v.s. mlllllr)' aca.i.rny whldl look b!m-10 conquer cootlnonll ,Ind le1d baU .. woe Id. • CONVl!NllNT TiRMS - IANICAMERICARD MASTER CHARllE -- J. C. J.lum,,l"'i'd J~-l.,. 1123 NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA • 23 YEARS IN Tl11 · SAME LOCATION PHONli 541-3401 • • .. • I I 11 'I I I • I I I' I -............. -' ' ._ntington .Beach • E'DITIOH ' -.. . :.~,u;·NO. 79, 4 SECTIONS:6 PAGES · . .. .. --. • • .. ' _, ~ . . • • • . ~is . ' 1·n . . ~ .. . . ~ . .. .. :Ike Laid . . "·l o Rest . • -• -J • • . '; ... ·'--" ~.. ... > ;-.• : -.. '·. ···~. I • > • ' • A olKE'S CllAPEL ~ Military ,policeman .iUJ8>uetted• agapist ~s :1un stands ~ard in front of tjlal)el at Eisenhowe_r JLibrary•in:Abijene: •where, accoiding to his own wishes, ·foim.er, Presideilt'i thfijhttD. ~Eisenhower was buried tod.~ with full militaiy:holiors...' · -: y • • ,, . -. -.. · rll ... -' . • • .. ,., . . .---.--- ' -:.-_,.: I • • ... . . . . • N,Y.S .. lµi ' . . • .. . .. • ·~ . e • . . .S~merged Hash W ortb'. By JOHN VALTERZA Of .. o.ltt •111t lltff NEW YoRK (AP) -The stocli market closed wlljl anothe< km ~. Trading &lowed neal the liolah. (See qootaUons, Pagee W25). The D9W Jones Industrial average at I :30 p.!Jf. was off 2.73 poinU at 930'30. ,..,.. Jed P!N l!l' ~ wide margin. 1 ' , Weather ' We11 11et a little mort "partly •• cloody" Tlunday, but lt'll 'burn oil by ' alt..,_ u the '~_., ture mov" !!P to 17,.olool the cout . • INSIDE TOD~Y ' ' • I Chrilltiam arpd JttDt Ob!tf'Llf reUqtoua holU1a11s thil week. SeMdult1 of Jlaunc.111 Thurada1t ancLGOod FrtlQM •f'tlfce1-in-ard churc1tc1 a1 WU • cm cr«cle on Pa:.iOHr oppror on Pooe 12 ~ ""'· ..... " __ _....... , . ........ ~ ·. -.. CllflNllW ...... ,,. =:.mr"" ~ =:..r:" 1-;: • ~· ...... 4:1"-,._ -PTA )I --" " ......... ,... --. -.... t:J& I I zxt 1t Or. -llWfli: 11 "---............... ..... "9t'll:Cala M ,......_ 11 ~ • 'nl&mtM M , I ' .... """" . ...... . ........ t ............... I .,...,...._. --...... .. , • > I I • . j i • • • 87 RJCllAJID, 1'. MAIL .... _., ,... ""' • -::::..i~~ a-. A car CM be-a wlWU~ malevolent thing, Aftw-llO I lei! the delerl to like • job in lledondo Bffcb. I Ihoughl lllY oln ·,i. • 11o11 .. JOI) 1'Wl<I :i.:...~.:; ~~~ I had lived at the beaCh before, but the. car wu sort of used to rural ways, parking the wrong way on ~ ltreetl, being neighborly wllb Diiier diilll' ..,., Md -.. in Ibo fUll. 'J'hat'• 1lla. I tllP<lllll. wt aD tiava to #!just to freeways. We went and t b on It happenod -''111t Pl)'lllGUUl'I Revtqe." ' ' .. "Be~p ' Beeps ·.~J\Jo~g • • ' . ,.,. .. II Jt Jiet1 11oen: lli•il<MC'1!1-~ • ,.iiarplll. . PILOT·,, • ' '. "Ciui.r ...:..~ =. ~ ........ aj ll!lo1'-•'0GBOO· .• 1111 ~ wailing •• ...-... • . ft ,: ~bul. AJ I~ ~r .~'t :"'fllna . ,.t:w~~~lll>W&~btr .. · ,. 1 . An oJtl:'qcy near lbc ""1<h an "'"'Ian! mothtr was pushil\I """' ~· ct ,ity Hewe plate u il beby cvrl ... -the ,,,...,al an doi.m.rne.r to'~ tt .. , ' inlerlectlon. ni. car went wild. • I lilckid Ibo ~I collli!!r' in panic It ~d a "'*' of ruda nolle< ...r. ~ly r111 \lie llltll »lsualbing al lbl woman. ' 'll>tY IOWlde4 1IU ao hetdl!nel· a bou\ !he arretl of a "°"I: 1111'1 ~ ol boll! -.ru -· ' and "'9111trhood. I bang,cl lhl flltri!11 ~ve 'IP f!llllly and· ~ the car wllMI In qllallcifto tpakl 11.llOP ~ lo tllf ~ hoplnJ II. would Rel the woman'• 1evtn-loot buaband waan t 11 1ri Its crankcase or S01t1tthing. nearby. But ll worked beautifully. The born Every Ume wt got behind. a car waiting tooted only when asked. to croa a bu.sy irltersecUoo. my auto DOO't you believe they're .inanimate. toolt _... of> tlll li!ualioll. lloMilit lllclacrd P. Natl· b a Mti"" of lhc aanlllffl1· . California coastline and fonrierl11 a t hid v~ .ti J• _... IWW'll bur~au chief for the Sati,..Dicoo:Union. at IBJ bll4 V otfll'ldtd drtvtn. l He 11 currently Laguft(J BHCh cit~ lbroalipld 1114 ~ llol\ Ibo cu wblcll <ditor of lho DAI~¥ PILOT, ' STILL IN TH~ llUNNING lncu111bont Manr Sam v,rly U'IT ........ LEADS ALL CANDIDATl5 . C.uncilman ThoMl1 lr•dley Computer Sharing A~ked V a!Wy Urges Other Citiea Join Pl.an, Split Cost& Valley Citizens Start Recall Of Councilmen Yorty Facing Uphill Fight WithBradleyf or LAMayo1; 87 TZ1IRY COVILLB ..... -.... -"It'• faoUah ecooon:u' for a cit7 to blQI a computoo Ji!!t !or !!11 l"'wtll• ol hlvinll--" aayl FCIWIWD Val!IY F-Dlrecl« How•nl 811phtnt. So 1\Jelcloy night StepheOI 9Ull- fOl'lllllii>n ol a county-wlclo "Golnpule< Or1111laatlo!I of Q<lvtmllllllll" wlti<b wOQld Inchtdo handllnl fff cJjy bual.- wllb modtnl COl!lll'lltn· ",\ joint powers aar-ent lnvt1'!•1 HVtral c!U!' in lbt 5· ol I linfle com(IU!or 17-nU I bo I tnmeocloul advll!lal• to ':!'i" told coun-•llma!. In I IUIO)' ....... ·prior to W rllf\!Ier eouncU meetJni, bo IIMI coatlnu!nc -Ilion ol lh• oom· 1"1""· Clly -do not cumlllly ... -~ uoopl .., occlOlkm lo help -lo. tho-~ water b!lJq ""'°"'' Bui ~ city ta Iookloi i. Iba poplblllly ol -.Clln!l lor _,putan with banlu or prfvtta flrilol, "A lu -• "'f*Lllve -r lh an COG," l.l)'I ateiif>w, fi".J;t~n\Ueb "'°" lknJMd, ti 1•1n thl future I'm ut wut Jtave to JC to oomt IYJll GI -l'lllr opera. Uon,'' t'1' Utt fina.nct director.·~· 1!!10 ii U.0 tltPIDllVI, O,GOtractlnf ]I Jl9I atleciv.,., Tb& .....,."" olfer1 lbe bfft ~·" Cooncl4nta Tueaday nlfbt •Pt>'""od ao •m~ a{ not _. than 11,104 u. conduct a lltU<ly ol lbe· enata lnvolvtct In -Ill• city funct!Olll for compuler ........ .,. ,I han41.... ' EISENHOWER .FUNERAL ••. MQTING IE'!' March II 111Pbrn1 and Counclll!llln old11r uvpi.. ~ '1111 l""'IOr Nim Edward Juol met wl!ll repr-\1Uvt1 daqllllr, Julie, wu w!tl! tho~ of nine other OrNIP County cltlo• In-liunlly and her byjl\111111, D a • I d , ter'*<I in a joint powora COll)pul4r -·· fr-· operation. · {, '!Ill rteJi 11111· """""· poor and One al the elUu ll'Ntn wu Anaheim, unkncn1PJI..,. tblrt tb honor and mourn. which arr.ai!y leaiol °"" computer, haa Lining the -ol lbt toWll Oii 11u1 • ordered anotha ant ud bu • \r~ old Chisholm Trail w.. an lltlnil\ld cM1Pller 1\111. "U tbly· -.., 1 part or the pl111, • ll!0,000 mournttl, bold bock 1!Y aol4Jlr1. oa)'IJ ~ ... ,., could otart -•ijon · "Dwlfht David EI..ru.ower, 1n b~ 10l1I by July 1, ll'IO." • 1erV1ce '1<> GOd an4 man, fuUll~ !he The I n·l I I a 1 plan Wlll!d IJ!cluda ''"' r«iuln~ ol j"'1Jce in lbc dally lllt, ,...., ol Ana!>elln'• compul<r an4 flll! kind-lo Ill''• fallolr 1111! wa!Pd ""° 1 city fupol!on lo, a ~pc11U•• bwnbly ti Goa," the llev. Mlller oal<I. tunctkw\. ' ''Thea! ~.I~ ·~-~~..&~ .. th him Wllboul -'" tt ....,Id Ilk• much on M 11 ~~ .. ·-.......... tarly loo&<r lo It,.. a oom'"'Ier io4 1r11n· houri o1 ·J>.Dly · when he biade4 Iba 1 staff. mlghtittl fcroe In bll!ory, will 1111114 COG -Compuler Qrganlntl<!ll of witl! him In Iba sreallol adv<niuM of Governmtntl -was a ~ Ut1-; hl.s career -the entrance te ,tetnal chQffn for .\ht Ot'Jlnllltliln. ''The name Ille," tht C•llfornil: minister aaJd, will probably be d1'carcltd taler," lllYI wwn llNIJrORM J~~t.ltudl Pl'OYI th• Ide• l!ICOr\Omically •1weu df!Qt, Jood and f&IWUJ tervant. . ~ ' Ent. inle I.be JOY· ol. your inuttr.'' feasible for each city COG would -ala, · EIMnl\Oww w41 biirlad In bit World under ' bolrt· ol ,dlr«:!on · wilb I War U un!lorm fl lhor\ (lreac "II•" repl'OHlllaUve lrom ~ cily Involved. jackal~-~ li9Yoer• whloll bla ollJctr. 1 VOTI Mii 11,9' aeneratloll ~ "Pilllu ".1 "One Yota· por eocb 11,tlOO populltlen1 The olarklY llmplo lilll.i ehapol whloh or rradion thveol, wUI bo dtlqctoa .,., bit 11no1 reot1n1 pllco wu 1"!111, to the citl•," o;¥d.SIA!pbenl. at El-er'• inltrUcllon, ae Jllfl of Oponlinj( "1'1' '\o Ille city will be Iba l>ileollowtr c.-, a 1n111,.,lal tnd -.., the _.t GI -• each !!"earcb oomplu II four ~· far cily rtvio lo tilffomputor. 1)11 papen, lloo)la. _, !Mdall, flu• Early funcllona l'«mlaln Valloy nllfhl ind .-.. feed IO .......... includa waler llllling, -· WU born 71 ,..,. ... J>lmll lltid,._., ~!lol""' pollco In DenilOll, T ..... but he !JllOll bla ,eporlb\,, ~ ~.~· . bol'l>a<!d in Ablltoe. It wat '-t!i!• "One lblng'lbat IM!ld be mad1e1tar,• old -• wllb 1\1 rich lrodler lradi- he einphl1i.Nd. "Ulinl co111~ter1 does llMll Elaenhowtr ~ out flll' the U.S. oot JmmadlaUtly eut ..... It 01111ply mllillry acadel!IY which Ulok him to ollow• you .. do mo"' won heller. eooqu.r eonllnonta and laad llall the Jf we ao to computers, -•• can do wm-ld .. Wn~s Iba curr911I cit}\ llloff cp't ONLY J MliDAU ~bly lullldle.". r-· Jul deaplla •!ho inany · hONln lie .,..,, Ten dtle1 currently in\erest.ed in COO Eltenhowtr wu burled with only three Include fOUlllaln Valllj', QoltJ M.... mad1il cU""' 10 bl1 lwllc : 'fbe Army Anaheln\, Jvena Park, Brea, Cypress, ~ Serv!ct Mada! wllb lbret ' DUM•I COAil PUILlltilN' C'Wl'AN'I' llt•Mrt N. W•ri ,._ldeM ..w l'l!Mlthlr J•"\i •· C11t1rl1y Ytiet ,.,.ldlftt lftf GcMr• M1f11t1t n•ayJ.,!•••il n11H~ A. M1,,~lH M.Nltll\f ._.""" Albert W. lttt1 Wllll•111 1,,d A-l•lt Hllfttl•IOfl •tem Ellllw CltW l!dlW " ................... lff IHI lfff•t t.4o!!lll111t ~.WNtn P.O. h1 JtO, tl641 --""""'""' '""'' n11 ':::."• t.ilfilltl"f CMll MNr .. I • .., 1"-" LI"'"' .._.., m ""' A¥M.19 oill leal .cll!lfM1, Ibo Navy Dlollnguil!*l Service Mada! and Iba LeflOo ol Morlt. . Ike came finl)ly bmlt an hour btfoni dawn today in 1 blac~-dnlped funeral County Approves Crittenton Permit ' trlln. Thouaalldl ol ~ .... -kin• hal!n lo -hlnl a1oo( Iba roui. ·**111nl -tho 0011111'1' from w~. wlllrt ~" lll'Violl ..... lllld lltioday. ' The fu0tral proceu.ion began at • I" a.m. PST at the old orw;-ttary "Warthouse tlllt It Abl1-'1 train llltloo. rlU'1' BUlLDING The flnl building the eorttge ,.,,.., when it left the! station was the old PW. Theater, a ?Qusty whJte B\l'Ucture wbert ~bower WU illlll>dll<;ld. II )'un qo in JUN U 11\ba nul ~ent ol the 'United states." r• . The funeral ~ moved along @t three ~lies aJ$ hour the 12 bf(J(:kf to t1" ll!Jenhower library, which ,.,.. just a COf11llt1d Wi>en lire WU I boy. A.a the cortege rolled down Mulberry Street a Marine band struck ~p ~·The Siu. al1'l flrjpea Forever." . . Farlber down lbc ilM an Alloy band bo"n to pl'I' "The Battle Hymn of the ~ ' •low and mutod. · Btlli ~ ·111· ·~ hintral "donce. A .<Wll~. played Ar'!l'f lllue," Ibo Wtllt Pcllnt alma mater.- Valley Barmaid Held . in Robbery Complaintl charllnl a ·Fnunlain VaUoy barmaid In two 1eparate Co!lf. Mua ~lilt.I in w~ctt i.vern... ~ were M,.r oul'lnlo a· 1111'~ lof ..,boloh-roiJ. bery Wtra'iaautd TueiliJ. Palrlcla Iii. DtWlt~ 17, GI !HIV Ji:verut Clrclo, 11 eipeelld to be ana!111ed on two count.I of ltroftl arm rob~ ThW°I" day In Harbor Olltrlqf Judicial Court. Tb• hµnt oonUnuea, meanwhile, for \"'° men Involved ln tht ·March U baaUnp which nellad only Ill belwetn lllO vlcU... llllad Ill.to loayin1 CO.II M .. n!ptapoll In a btll·liour (lfflod. A •y..,.old man lurtcl from l!l Pacador, 410 E. ITlb SI., lool po to Iba llW8' pd a 41.yw .. ld man jumped u Ila lell Iba Black Kn11hl, QO E. l!lh SI., 1at1 ocly P. polJco Hid. o the~~o.~~.~ ry Tbom(JIOll, aOil o'1o 11:P Dicked up on that basl!: Sunday by Patrolman Dlvid Hayes, while cruising his regular beat. Police capt. F..d GWgow sakl the com-- plaint! were issued after one of the two robbery-beating victims viewed a mug shot-of tht·-Tutldoy. Dr. Ray Stevens Services · Held About 150 Foijntaln Valley re1idents packed a special meetirlg Tuesday night to discua• formation of a cttmm.lttee to pUJh the recall ol three city coun~ cllmen, a movement which irew out o! @r\ unpo_pular deel1lon on a trRCt. Earlier ln tht evening, Eua:en~ Van Duk, primary leader in the recall move- ment, 1ave formal recall notice tO Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger and Councilmen Donald ll'rtr1eau ind Joteph Courre1e1 All three C9uncUmen rtfuaed to co~­ ment on lhe not.icea -a11er Tuesday'• council meeting, 1tatln1 they had not yet read the content. of the notiee• a:lvC!n them earlier by Van Dask. The 1peclal meeting on tin recall pr~ poaal wu held at the St. Wilfrid's ~pliqopll Church. WS Ellis Ave., Hun- ·lington Beach. It ran concurrently l"ith the Fountain Valley COUfl.Cil meetin1. Van Daslc to1d the citizen• 1attiered at St. . Wilfrid'• I hat opposition to the controversial 1mall lot Larwin Tract and ttie rec;all movement were not the only ?tUOfll for formln1 a commJttee. "We want to utabllsh , &,roup ~apable or holdln1 a' contlnuin1 eye on city covernment ," he said. Opposition to Schwerdtfeger, Freaeau and Courregea ile.ms from acUona taken ovcir the put mopth concernin1 the Larwln Company's proposal lo develop 500 bome1 on 100 acre• b\ltween Talbert and Elll1 avenuee, weil of Magnolia slrfft. Van Dask bad appealed the plannin1 commia!lon'1 approval of the Larwln Tract. Two &tormy 1pecial ooUncil aeuto111 w e re held last month on t h e matter. · Both times council deadlocked 2-2 .on a motion to uphold Van Dask'& appeal. Schwerdtfeger ao.stained from the matter deelarln1 penioial lntere1t. The appeal dlt\d lul Friday because al 1 time Umllation on appeals. Pltnning Commlulon approval 11.ood. Now Van Duk and 1everal other clU1eM feel recall LI necessary in order to havti a city IOYttnmtnt repre1entatlve of the rt1ldenta of FounLa.ln Valley. Frtm Wire lervlc,1 LOS ANGELES -Thoma• Bradley, • !l~J> W ®\!l!!:ilml!L !n4 !ormfl police officer, will face Mayor Sam Yorty in a runoff election neXt month for mayor of the nation'• third largest city. Barry M. Goldwater Jr., aon ol the ArIJont 1tnator, eully won the Republlc1n nomination 1n the 2\lh con· greulonal dlltrict in a 1peclal elecUon TuoldA)I. ~radley, the lint black candidate to . waae a full scale camp1lgn for mayor in the olty'1 hlltory, led from the be1ln· nlna: and by early today had amaaed 4l.79 percent of Ute vote to Yor1y'1 25.08 percent, accordina: to a nearly complete: "butatlon. With 1,11' of ua proclncta reporlln1. the vote for mayor wa1 : Bradley 293,7P or" fl.I percent. Y orly 113,134 or IU percent. Former televl1lon new1Ca1ter Baiter Ward )l!,1136 or II.I percent. !\op. A!phanlO ~II . (~aid.) 99,17% or If.I percent. E11ht other. candldatel were rar oot· di1tanced u about 58 per cent of Loi An1eles' re1J1tered voters went to the polll. Yorty, who il~I hi! third, four-year term,· char' T-uelday nl&ht Bradlt)' "m~ rao.llt appeal to the Nearo t.rea'' for votes durfns hi• cam- paign. Bradley 111d "race 11 not a rele- vant factor" in the campaign. ·' Yar.ly pradictod victory In th• runaff, but <lt1. tiecllon recor4• d•linl back t~ ItJI 11howtd that whenever an in-- cum.bent mayor wa1 forced Into a runoff, he lo<t .. In a 1peclal ctmcreaalonal el~Uon h• the 17th' district, Goldwater 1ot. 30.1 peroen\ of the vote. John Vin De Kamp, a Democrat, was second highest among , the 16 candldates with 13.5 percent; ac· cording to final unofficial returns. Another famlllar name with an un- ramUlar face, Edmund G. Brown Jr., son of California' formu governor. won one of seven seata on Loa Angeles' newly created junior college board. He ~·as one of 133 candidates in the race. The rurioff election for mayor on May II ti.DO to the Sid woo knows wh41 she wann but nol where to flnd IL~ Mal<;h your sty!• wllh our many dbtl"ctlve. dul1ns. Ami ••k 01 ebout 9ur famous Oran .. llonom gu1ran1ee. J. C. .J./umpM1J }1wilr lfll N!W'O~T AVE. COSTA MESA , .. . . Z7 was necessary becau1e none cf U.,. IZ candidatu received a majority, In the congressional ract, the to p Republican and Democrat -Goldwalet and Van De Camp -meet Jn a runof! April 29. Yorty made the "racist" char1e ln an election night interview when if. ' became apparent he wu runnins behin4 Bradley. .,_ "We know that Mr. Bradley ml4e. a· vefy rac!Jt appeal to the Neiro area. He told the Nearo people they 1bould ·vote far him because he. ii a Necro; This ls contrary to everythlnJ he believu in/' Yorty said. __ Bradley, 51, the aon of a pullmat1 porter and a domesUc maid, wa• boJ11 in Teu1 but h11 lived Jn Loi An&elu for 4t" year1. He holdJ • law d1sr11 and ~U "1 Iba Loa Anteliihl!l!llOC force ffw ll years before he rtllrtd In lNl ai nl1ht watch commander for the Wilahlrti DJvlllon. f'rol!t P .. e l HASHISH ... At $10 a gram the cache could brlni !Ml,100 .. lbc otreet. The "hash" haul w11 the second hui-. find of illicit narcotics in the Harbor area in the put week. Laol Friday, two burglary delecllv• arrested a 1roup of Paudena-A.rcadla areamen and d.JJcovered almoat 11,oot capiU!ea ol 1econal, called "red•" bj" drug uaer1. · Four defendan~i face court acUon on. charge• of pope1slnc the dan1eroU1 drugs for sale. ~ 7 Remain on Pueblo CORONADO (UPI) -. Cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucher, his five officers and one: enllated man are the only crew members of the USS Pueblo officially retained on tht roster ot the captured intelligence ahlp. • • • 21 YEARS IN THI SAME LOCATION 'HONE 141-1401 • II I I I I • • • • . • ' ~--........ T Start,· Jim-Wife Your To Vie · - Tli.e, -ZVEW "SVPER . . . .. · , . '. Wtdntldar, April 2, 1969 OAll v Pll.01' IS .M~in -Leading Qualifi_er. · ~ For ICCC Presidellt's .Cup • · AIJ Penney Storei Open Every Night · Monday Through Saturcfay' . ' •• ... . . ' ' "· • ' . l""UBE·YOUR . ENNEV .· .CHARGE .AQCCUNT · ·. c ··,~TODAY' . ' . -, • " • • ' BUY NOW! ... No ·payments . . ., I unt1 June. •I ' ' -· :Wqrm,.weather ahead! Cool comfort A ' • • : ' ' ' is a 'Californian' air conditioner! . . ~~· · •'. El<clusive 'chm' feature pre-caols yaur car thru 3 large rectangular louvers and twa rotating side vents • •. High performance 3 ·speed blower and variable thermostat give you precise comfort control 11 Slim, luxurious s~ling complements any· dash • w, can •custoni· color lo. \"atch your car · .. e .. fxpert'installation available • . .. . : • .' . I ' WITH ADAPTER KIT 199.95 ,MOST CARS Pfl'f as· little as 9 :so a momfi NO DOWN PAYMENT ••• USE PENNEY'S TIMl!IPAYMENT PLAN . ' Ai~~:~1?n~iti~rier ·check 'n c:ha·rge e Drmft tirid' r11fl~~ISIOi--1 • ' • • volu.l.tr1C'tet1;iil ~pressor · , .. .1 , Under the dash type ' • Replace old r.Oll.W-Brier ..ith new Fort-' tocoM!~r • Dral!Hlvslr andJ ef)ll rad iolor (o.dding goRon of For-. Antl.freen) . • ,. . - • ......._ 'all fotolgn inoftriol from radiator,. candonMf and 29.88 r MflotlilOt fins I \- ' ' • Chtck and lnoptct COllClonoe< and evaporalor • 'Compl,twly NChargo the sysl1lm • • Chtck ..cl adjust all bott. and1-s • Cempletoly leok"lftt all qllWlft cothflOI** • bad' lilt cGt • .. N'EVfP'O RT BEACH (F1shion hloncl) • All 111acl1l1 wl.. cH1bh1ecl . heat.r/alr ceinlltkl-, . 33.88 HUNTlNGTtJN BEACH (Huntin<Jlon C.nltt) , . " I J4 ~~ ¥ H W-,.,... Z. lM Business Acti~ty Deelines ill M~~h UCB Joins New Bank Uniled Caukrnia Bank has """""""'piano to parllcipate in a new London bani: to 'be kMwn aa Ailantic IDletna· Uonal Baul LinJ!lecl. The, new bul: wlli ll!lle' apanded fimn&I lel"ril!e av&llable to American f i r m s operatinc oventM. Four U.S. banU eel '"" Eu..op... bllu will each own an equal '4 sbart of the new bani . The Ewq>ean partners arc: Banco di,. NaJi,o'li. I t I I y ; Cbarterboose J I p b C t & · Thomanoo Ltd.. Great Bri lain; F. Van Lanschot , • N!tb.,.!mli; and de Neufliu Schlumberger, Mallel I< Clt., France. Un i t e d California Bank's poilnm iD the United State& i'n c I u de : First Ptlllll)'ivania Banking and Trust Company, Philadelphia; Manuf~.s National Bank of Detroit; and the Natlooal Shawmut Bani of Bolton. Together the eight partners have usets uceedi.ng $14 billion. Acquisition Step Nearer EL MONTE -Hoffman Electronics eorp. announced it h• entered into I dtflft- ittvt qreemmt to aaiequlre Lane• ADteDnl ~ ud Linet Jacluatriel. On Jtn. 11. It WU lllllOUJ)Cfld thlt an "agreement In prtn. icpte" had been reached. The terms ol. the agreement with Milton Mann and Richard tilaM, ro1)WJ1trs of Lance Antf:MI Corp. and Lance Industries. provide for pay- ment to be made in shart.s of Hollman aimmoo stock. .kin Calmr1ia Thrift's GIANT 6% if you want more of tbat ' JOLLY GREEN! ..... 111e 1st .. 12·.-1111111 111111 · to1tsb11HI 1)rift C.tillcates. Or 511% • Pm•u• A-rr•ls .... , ·-•l , .. ~··ts t.ooortd iHldilttly ...... . Joln the t~Nftds wM •rt mcwin1 tt*r funds to C•l-Thrift . CaH or " stop in. W•'M &ladly •nswer )OW' 1 questions Incl ttfl 10" Mw wt CM1 tr1net. your Pffftn\ fuNt b)' phone or nWWI wfthout bother kl )IOU. fOf',,._......., ..... ...... ,..... .......... to 9Ur Silftt I MW! CALIFORNIA THRI.Fn-LOAN • J71 .. 1Ni .................... . c.tZ.;:, • 4.u4• lff ••"I•• witt. efffu• le 1Whtd .,1I ~ifitt fhfltlf~l.t C1nh Mle. ' -A- I • PROMOTED F rtd Schoept I -. ' • ---~- • ' W ...... AlfltlM · H WedneSday's Clas~ N~ ,Y~k-.Stock Exchang~ -List ,1 • • • ·+ + ~. :.'.,;ji l . ' • • ;~;;:~;;Y;;l'll.;;OT;;;;;;;;;;;;;Wt11~~..n~...,~~·~Alfl;;;;'2~,;1"';;;;;..~ ............ ~ ....... ,..,.. ...... ,..,.. ........ ,.. ........................................................... ~ .... 1 .. .. -· ... -~ ~ .. . Lipton Cup , Challeftgers at~· ·saD Diego". LEEWARD END START -Balboa Yiclt! Club's Al!una II (1037) leeds Del Rey Yacht CIUb'1 Prim- · Ensenada Race ID Vi ta ti _ . ODS Mailed Out ·--..----- era (71118) and Silvergate YC's Cimarron away from llaz'tlni line. ACTION AT MARK -Balboa Yacht Club '& Al&una II leads Santa Barbera y acbl Club's Argonaut -. · around mark before early leads began to change In Lipton Cup race. ·- - lnvltallons and entry blanks for the 22nd ~ual Newport to EnRnada yacht race ba\•Lbetn moiled to nearly 1,000 boat owners in Southern California . • • Convene Wurdtmann, commodore or the aponaoring Newport Octan Sailing ~&lion. s a i d ht expi!cb the entry · list will exceed last year's record high of 537. Th.is year's race starts Tburlday, May l. Dea<tµne for riiailing entiies la 4:30 p.m. April 11 and no m:eptiom will be made for late entries accordtnc to· T~ Wilder, raei! committee chairman. Yachts eligible for the 1JHnUe race mast be a minimum of 20 feet on the w1:terUne and 24 feet in ovtrall length. All llfety requlrementa eatablllh- ed by the Southern California O.:.an Racing Fleet for offshore ncin& will be enforced for the Ensenada race, Wilder!. aid. All boats will be requir~ to pass a safety cbec::k before entries a re ac- cept.cl. The .... North Amer-Yacht Racing Union Ail numbers will DOt be man-- datory W. yesr but will be r<quired i" 11170, according to the lnatn!ciloos. The. NAYR~ing system requires Jarge bklct num.Der1 be attached to tht malol'I aod all bead!ls, including spin- nakers. If thtte numbers are not attached to the llils in lht Ensenada race Ulppers will be required to display thetr NOSA packet· number to ~~e finiabing com- miUee al Ensenada. Per~ wiahlng to acquire the new numbers may do so by writing to Tom Wilder,· P.O. Bo1 706, Balboa, Calif., -·· Bal Yach t Club's Easter Reg atta Begins Saturday Twefity-two clusu "-11.ilbolts are listed on the invltaUon for Balboa Yacht ' Club's ~aster Rqatta Saturday and Sun- day. The East.er Reeatta Is one o£ the moat widely alt.ended spring event.. in the Newport-Balboa area and is upoc1od to draw more than 200 enlrles. Racts will be held for lar1e vtaela on oullide courses llarting olf the Balboa Pier, and for small boati on ~ bav COW"Rs ltarting from the race com.- mi&; £0Wer at the BYC clubhouae. omw, q:mes will h a ' e two raca Saaurdl1 11tarUn1 at l\OCll ml one race Sundq lllorih>& at I p . .;, -~u... ...... SaturdqtManinc at noon and two rac:a s...iq M1q It '-f;•m. ~ .-iliC ude °"""' Racin& • .. ~ P..C..: RbJd•IS. PC, SoliDI, PHRF, · MORF, ~II, End,.v«, Cal-a, Es· -·-·Cal-II and Snipe. --UMd an Metcalf, Lid<> tlA, IJdo.HB, Kite A, Kite B, Sabol ' A. Sobol B and Sabot C. • Olller --be Utablllhed by • lour or more tt.arters. ' JIBING MANEUVER -Spirulakers are jibed in strong breeze as BYC's Alsuna Il (No. 7037) bears away to clear foredeck foulup as Sao Diego's Hal- Jelujah (No. 7777 ) moves up. Del Ray's Primera also makes a desperate bid. ·DAILY PILOT Plwtos by Almon Lockabe y f • VALIANT TRY -Balboa Yacht Club'& Al!una-ll'has flawless spin- naker •et as she leads Lipton Challenge racers lb early stages of the . sudden death race. • sycCESSPUL DIPiNDI R -Sen Diego Yacht Club's Redline-41 sloop Hallelujah (No. 7777) crosses !lnlah line 55 s~ds abead of second place Long Beach Yacht for 18th cup defense. RUNNIR0UP -Long Beach Yacbt Club'~ Gypsy overcame a bad start to challenge Hallelujah in the litter atages. ,of the suddei><leath Upton Trophy Challenge race. (, -·--) • • • ' ' • • ,j, Totlay'• Fblal • N.t . S~u I . --I . .... • -. -:;WX,:: 62, Ng.~s. -,. JEN CENTS ·, -•# ' • _:1· ... . .. ---• -_.! . ··-ac e- " ----. I • • • •"' ··-. ·-. -• • i .. • . .. ~·~Laii3 ! .. ~~to· ·Rest ; .. 1·· - . • . -.. """:. ...... -:"' . .. ;1 • .. • ... • ""' , .... ,,. .... . ,, B• MERRDIAN SMITH ftlleH-8-ier , ABILENE, Kan. (UPJj -Dwigflt David ~enhow~a simple, ~Jl called Ike, was buried todaf in an fl) GI coffin io the prairie heart ol the America he served in war and peace' · as leader, soldier, hero and frJeod. ' "Well done, good and faithful servant," a preacher said proudly over. ~ s:uket, the same as ~ which contain the bodies of thousando of men who fell .,; while serving under him at war. A cbill, brisk wind blew ...,. the borne town which once knew the man called Ike as a gangly boy who worked in the 1ocal creamery. His last reoting Place. wu. among his own t.ind Of prairle jieople. GroWn men and women, weeping tears of sadness ..... -\.. alwl,pr:kie. Uoed the streeu.' ~ ~ i.... . •. :--. ~ , ,... ··\~. IK E'S "CHAP EL ~-~!ary P9licemiiif .sliioi.;t,tU.'~l ~as . sw1 ~tanC!s i"a;d\i'>'~; '!(-~ at.~er'Li)lrary !n ,A~il~ne ·where; accotdllig"to"·lWi ·own wisb~,';f~,J';esldent. Q)vi&ht. D. Eisenhower 1".•• bqrifll!,today 1'fitb fA\11,ipililjjry.(hono(s . · . ' " '' v -~ r.;.· . . ,,!..... .,..~ .• ·,.,'·' •', Major~ty Go.~ii(Ru1e · s~p lits V all~y Co unoil me n ,-City .counci1men in Foun~in 'Valley to .reflect rou~ matters." clashed Tu~ay ·ftight o~r .. a rtsolution ~-~ohn Harper joined Just to req~·majorlty consent of the council ~ op~Uon. "I find this ai)profcb to befori any cowicilman may req~t--city ,goYer.aineot ·quite ~ve. .The special reports from the city staff. • · COWldlil<prtj~ • ~·s,.ln-• . w • Altef ·vocal opposition by two <i(· tt'e , tent. N minority councilman rqi~t1 have five 'councilmen, 'the resolution ~ a1eg1Uma\e'reasorl for his ~t w. ~lose." , • • Councilman Edward Just crltized the J'reae,au ·1tated' .he felt there were Tetolutjon because he felt U wu ·~ · ~ majority-minorJty 1ituaUool-.on the ·-·-. .. t•· . tended ,; cOwl<:il and, "il • ,_i has nl.,;t Cf11J?"'c:u~DS1Ve ,,.n ln • 1r_,. . ]!m 'SUfe 'ft ,wtJJ .arr: q:ret loo~J>F.C: • ''When proposed I thought the f'bOlb.. • IU" • f-' 1 · _, ' ' tioa:i 'onty meant 'to cover' d1y~, f •• ~ • .-J~·!•en;~:~:~ routine reports, but lhls wording ·taift ond Mi)'Or llob$t .&:hWmlll•IJe!' voted 111 ...,-ythlng, .. sald Just. , for the· ......mtloa. · MlliW)' illndJ playod ·muflled hymns. Btlls 1lJlleil '75 feet high In the starkly slrilple white chapel where Eisenhower wn buried in a cement vault. "It ·IS most fitting that. ~ be laid to rest near his family bome," .said--; Ille Rev.' Dean MIU,. ol Palm Deaerl, Calil., Oil the five lbOrt ~lePI. ol the . -library.-"""•• Ji•~He · ..mc.s: ' ~.,,.. ·"President Ni.on q.-tile ·1ener1I a1 .. )'Ing, •! <OtM from the beari of "-lea.' So• lo to tfle-~·of America Gtn. _... has Htiimed todi .. ~,. ..... . . ' 1. ~ ~ .... In ·slow, rolling to&o, hll rtgbt had lifted In tbt cold It.- air. 11 Ike's gallant widow, :rtamie. blinked back teara whDe the Rev. Miller 1od the Rev. Robert H. Macutill of Get- tysburg; l'a., eulogized her as a . "com ... panion soldier." SHARED HUSBAND "She gaclously shared her husband with the world but abe uniquely belongs to him," said the Pennsylvania oreacber. His black robes .flapped in ihe wind that twice blew the American nar off Eisenhower's government-issue coffin during the outdoor ceremonies. "As bad been said of LincO_ln,, it can now be said ol Dwight El&eniKlwer - he beloogs t.o the ag~," ~d tbt Rev, Macaskill, ot tht Palm Desert. Calif., Ccmmwtlty Church. "His spirit is the expr~on of the American ideals of liberty and justice - for all." Soldiers boomed a 21-gurt salute to the five-star general and the nation's 34th President who died last Friday after a lengthy batile with heart disease. The 5th Army band played "Ruffles and Flourishes " "Hail to the Chier• and "God of Otir Fathers." Then Eisenhower was lowered beneath the floor of the "place he himself, had called "A Place of W.:editltion," while a trumpeter blew "'raps." NIXON PRESENT President Nixon and fmmer President Lyndon B. Johnson lleaded the list of dignitaries at the funeral Johmon, dress- ed in a gray suit and wt.a.ring a white stetson bat, was alone. Nixon was ac- companied by his wife Pat ind their (See DtE BUlllED, Pqe !) • ,., , . .... i, D.t."-Y . .P"'f'·Mlf ...... D~'l'=Ec;T llE t.L ·i!'.ITll!l~.INI~' .. ".. !If·?.,. ' _,, . . ' :m"P: .. ~ ti•' .!""'Pit ... i 'r ·''~" lnve,UgaUqfi <I. ~.' ~Irtbot1t~lhi or 1 HuntlJJil<iO'Btach !1egro COl!Ple~ ]>om~ ctfntinu~· today l>Ut police cd give-no e.st.i.mat.e as _t.o w!ien the ,lnveltJl:atiori wi!J be ~p~eted. . . , The ·ganga al Irvin · Hmls was the ... . .. Upd~~g of City l " • ' • I 1 ~ ' Park a'.nd Scllool . . ' Coancilmm Donald Freieau, ·Wlx> ptol .' · 1 .~ , , • ==~!':::""'-;_:· .~"-=fe._, 1967 Toll · · .A,r~f!.S Appr~".~~ rMlueall for reports when a villt fo _..... s. • • ~~!:1.~1;G=: . __ H1.1 nt_i~gt~n Fire Loss_ D. ip' .. s r&i[~~~: aJ a. cootlnuini gui(!.iine for the• tlli'.. ' ..,. Comm ton ~ nip!. · · " · ·-· I IJlink the lf<R'ds should be ~-. ..> , ' '.Tht! ~' 'whlCll:WM _....i . . . '. . ~ a; inu.IAM mo "Our manpower sltuatlon, althou"" still 1911 be"'····· Mardi 2 wtth~ea·• by tHe ~ and ~ comndalon j • • ";" • .. .... --.... ... ... ...-.. ' • • ; ., lilt Di>nlh ' Will .... lo ·to 'the' 'di!. B I T · } namace kllllel ,tram 1911 fires in Hun-somewhat below the recogniztd norm, oC Gary MCCord, II in an f of1 c0une1Jt rot' ' 11 before ~~ .-_ urg atS lJ~Qe Ung1on Beach dropped 53· percent below is Vl!tly Improved from oevorai 7un th< .wag< . at f!Ol ; Prtlcilla·, Driv'-a~a=~ the m.ot.r Pip,. ". -the lllT ilaure, Fire Chief Raymond ago. During 1961 we w•re able to ti· Guoiine va)IOfl ,evldmtally· 'lplled , by, Prtin*J pOrjiOle · of ·lj\o !~, ' VO,r . Pe·. tty Cash c. Plcan! repm1.d,today. . tingulsh more flrOI, send ftwrr uni\'! a 0oor ....... ted water hooter li'biamed Is to aDoOi .... iocotloi ·l>! Pl!b nelt .I' In 1fll tho tolaJ !lie.Joss wu !1119,!06. , to flrt ·,.,..., am ltlll •-our lllll1lil for llie """ ' · ' ' 10 ............ "** ~' compandtoP!5,1151n'lllltand!m.326 firelossby53perothtimlh.~ ·0n i/;,~u lbe".:..:,£0!:.(.~· ~ ' '""' m·' ·fl'orgi..._ltoc{ • page from the book In !Iii. Flre"lcisi ·pe; capita Is !~ltd year." . • · '.nd Ldlie' llurW,~' IO' and ,lt, Od '*il!ll ' ii"ol..bcf!!> · • " "''ll'all llilnej'• B..i,er Boys ~., at fLG, dowi! fl'om ·SS.:U In !WI. , ~~re 719 fins la 119, ... ,. Wtn•.dl1CO)•Oftdd11 'flli!!r"-' Two·md • hall ...... lidllOiorl_#t· nlihl. tum.linc.throuih tile wall of• "llucb GI • ....--t and output was creue 15 percent -the ll!"violja llOmt 111_. lllotlw Drln!•~ plilii~iiOJ\·li> eia .... ,,,_ loon ofllco ~ d oded 1,111 . • " "'1!1 i;s.' ~ !Nm" C<!l!il!iiil!jo' ~tq oil.with;"'::., tile~ thodty::;r..,::::::-... 11,:i~: ~for $~:J:i IUci, as ·=111,~~ . OS·, ::,111 ·~·~ hfc'i:.ei...t .~.IJl!e --· in mJd.i•1 It Is ooibope that th it gasoline washdowns, racue. and falte 1 ·KMrin• 'Wayman, 15 months •. wu ·ammdment ·' ·•l -. .., :'"~ The lhl"!'tl galaed entr)' to PICific gadlng will ""'1t Jn lowered fire tn-alarms, aod-rupQnded ui ll"l"' to -fa~ ·bll(necl July • when •.piollne • ·'ll>e ,.revlsioo! alao' Inc~ tbt ~ Fillance CO. olflcC!I at 1'11 'II'--rates for 'all ocCupancies Jn emergtocy, public_..,.. cans. ~on the 'li!Cl<'l!h'l ol.'jl!r'.!ail>er tlngtqi .~ Part, with. llr ~ Ate. b7 prying -•·'I""' to an ..t. • lbe cl!J," Aid the <>!lief. • _ _ Ther• were 194 '"'"ldeti"•I fl!!!.. will> wu lri:!!'i '19'.Jllbt ~ II Ibo l~hol,~...n., ·~~to 1-beauty ,shop and tllin cilrVlnf Cblel"Plc:ord Aid that "due to a lack a tota oss .. m•""Ciiiiiiilen:lal • a..ny ~-, ·11752. Padllc.-COiat .bi 1....,.·~ - • II by •lnC:b lioll! tllrougfl thci w.U: ·of -plMI flCiUU. we have been unable building Qm n~ ~ Iii' • ~ ~ • • ' ~ ~•1•lo111neal of tlpf idllllo •• S~lllerge_d Hash Worth .. $1h Million By JOUN ·VALTERZA Of .. Dellr ,._, St.,. A Jluntingtoa Buch fishetlnan Tues- .hY--!!.l&I!! !lfbed up_ooe,ba1L.m111i dollars" worth 1'. the llllclt narcOuo hashish from the bollool ·GI Newport Harbor. · · It was · the lalgest clchf .of lllopl hashish ever seen on the Wat ec-t. officials ·said today. They belieft II ori(inated I r o m Morocco or perhapS Turkey. . The hashish, which is a refined form mlrijuana, -tying• at· the botlom. of tile bay In a cheap sheet mdal. trunk. just oU tho M Street public f!lhlng pier on the Balboa Penln.sula. . Newport Beach autboritlea a Te wltbhokllng ldenlifkltlon of the 30-year· old . HuntingtOn Beach filhennan Oil grounds that the hashlsh smugglers - If local -might Sttk reprisals against the finder of their cache . The ftsherman reported his find to police about 5:30 p.m. He first sighted the trunk . alter It momentarily hooked oo the el!d of his fishing line. BROflE .LINE ' : The weight of the contraband broke his µ,,, '!I'd tile trunk ~ again, police laid. .. The lr<inl<, .mildewed Inside, . ,. .. brought to the surface with 1 hoist fl""! • Oran• County Hubor Depm. !"tql .i..,i after 4 line .... -.,,, Cl!J. JJfQuan\1-• '. Ppitce,.11 the -'cc.ildn~ ftrmty ldentily !be foul .... 111ng. brown" cUa,. - so 1:f>ey,talled narcoucs detectives, who ma.le pos1u,. ldentlllcaUon. The brown cal:es ''which smell lltt conckoied cow mantD't/' were m.. dividually wrapped with silver foil and were stamped wJth a dime-stud Arabic charjlc~, Detect.lve Al ~pstein ~. The mystery sum>undlng the discovery· may never be cleared up1 police said.· DROPPED IN BAY E;P!tein Aid it Is speculated that tho Jllegal substance either was dropped in the bay to awaJt future pickup, or may ha.. : been cjropped accldentatly by Pot'l'!'I transltrriilg !hi 'trunk from one vessel t.o anof.her. Another theory Is •that the smugglers became frightened by 1 passing game warden or Coast Guard vessel IDd hastily dumped the "'•traband. Hashlsh. which Ja the rain taken from the flowering tops. of the marjjuana plant, sells for about •10 a gram on the street, narcotic official! sald. Tons oC marijuana plants wooJd be ttqUlrtd-to produce the -quantlly found in the bay. The welgflt of the brlnt-<fampened lwhlah is about 125 to 130 pound>. (See HASHISH, Pa10 I) St.eek Jlfcr keU NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market closed with ~ loa today. Tradln( slowed near the finish. (See quotatlom, Pag" 14-25). The Dow Jooes irxlustrial average 1t 1:30 p.m. was off 2.73 poinll 11 11311.15. losses led gains by a wide marlin- ' . Weatlter We'll get a lil1' more "partl7 cloudy" Thursd~y;-: but it'll bum off by afternoon ... -lb! tempera- ture movts up tO 111 floog the coast. ' INSm E TODAY ' J'oll«> Aid • .siJnllor bur1iar1 wu to reduce our raponoe distance and, ol fM,t85, flve .-ii~. bulidlnP "llOli ,Ii uM ~'can. com. In ·~urlo(' 'A-1111 Into• part.' · ' carried IUI ~aY nlthl at the finance. untll we -able to relocate and biilld were bw'nf4 for a ""''of 'ii.Ill and the dqUme, l 404 i;oGlpand lo 114 al Mn atdfnmn bearing which WOll1d..,.. • cm.pan1'1 Garden Grove ofllce. The new statlonl In place of our three poorl1 tl.ere ,...,, tit mbctlia-lira for nipi. Dsioember aell the hJ&bat nlllllber vide ~ rules f« relidtntlal, oO .amOU11t llir<n In that burlllry wu not located ones, we will be forced to suUer • iou of f301'1$. of a111 11oUowed )ly July with June drlJllnt wu continued by IM......,._ immediately delennined. thll deficiency. Four penO,,. died tiec>llH of fin In aod Mll'Cb Ut<j for third . to the --I· . ( ' '. ~· . ' ~ ·' • ' ' • 1 I \ \ , ------• 1 • ' ' • .. • .;, -.. J . -utl. Y PllOT 'Rda~ ·.·Runner'· Beep · .JJeeptJ·~; ~I.o~ .... ~ . -. ' ' ' . . B1 RICllANI P. "ALI-. • :Clli tha '111 to·wott t11o -di:f, ,: J • IC!ld 11 U M llld;been bewkclied.'}j. 01 .. Oellr '*' INft tft -. Fii ii ~ aWil ~ a ~ • ~ ... ::O:'~ ;:-ti~ ~ .. "' ....... ..;~:i:-...:r"C· PILOT : . u~.:~~·..;;..~ ;::· -· -. ii ii!!!'"' 1 J .nii ..... ~-7-~l~~. T A cer can bi a Beep:*' Went the bam.'IM01 ..... VS:-i' 0, J_G_s; 822 &OU o· K ~ ., -' ~~'t''51 I ~. wUllul, malevoltnt The prlo jooked over. I loolled away. · ror ,• bus. At Jeut f!iey -., waiting tlllq. • 111e ·.....ma cumt loolred .i me aa ror. ll)t. • -r A law yun llO ~ bad baen a npWa. l lltdn't f<luchad ~.car !QU(llled Uke an~~ t ltft the ·c1eMr1 born belon it atarted hoakl!ll. lechor. An old lidy near the to take a lob in \ J lri.d to look nonchalant u,.. dn>ve an eipecla\1t mother wu pushing a peered· at niy' µ.,.,,.. . plfte u . '!I lledor$ .Boachold • I . oil. Tiit car aave the girls a Jut aaucy baby c~riap .,... the street at an detennlnid to -'1;0-11. · · -lhoqll~ my lta· hoot. • · I' · interoectlon. Tiit car went wUd. I kicked the -~ column In panlo \lion naoo woold ·Lalldoewerelieblodapollcepalrol II blllted a aeries ol rude oolles and J!WIY .•Oll .tbe Ugb!•,vls~.-~:.:... ~ car 8' It llowly Cl'1lloe!. dowi""'11 at Iha woman. Tbey oounded Uk! an h~nu .a bout the IM'tll of a noisy !Jal and aalt' '"' Ill . Henn ... Btacb. It wu a ., !nlle ...... MV'/' oonileinnallon ol holh .,_.,a!U ll\16r. . . • wlndsblold Beep, lleep went the 11ort .........._ly, w metberhood. I ""'1ged the lleering I 1ave -.p llJll!ly and took the car I ,_. u·~ -· the ---~ be~ '"l beep ~ wheel In qltatlan to make l11top hoplna back lo· the d-1 hopilli ii would &<I 1W1U. .,_ .. -u 'VII•, "" "Siop ht." I 1narttd, poundtq the the woman's aeven-foot hua:band wL!in 't sand iii Its crankcase or someth'ln&. the car wu sof't of Uled to rural W~I, steering colWM ... kel>, beep," ft con-nearby. But it worked beautifully. The born parkiDC the wrong way on residential tinued like the crut.d road runner 1n Every time we got behind a car waiting toote<1 only whe;n asked. atreeta, being neighborly with other d~ ~ televiskm cartoons '. to cross a busy intersection, my auto Don't you believe they're inanimate. can and _.,tn1Illthe11111. · 'll>e· Polke cor llowed and dJnpped toot colllPWld ol lbe llllllatloo, honking Rlcluml P. NaU l.t a natti>e ·of the 1"11'• ·lire, J lbou&bt.· we an hive back. IJ1MI: offletrl kloted 'mt ovtr with aureuively. California coa.ttlfne and Jormtrl11 a to adju&t to freeW.11.y1. We went and ebWJ fY•· '.1BllP, beep'" wmt tbl CU' J hid vlliom. of JIC:k band.tu swung bureau chit:f for e~ Sa,. DKQO Union. th t n it happened -"1be Plymouth's deflutly. _ . at my bMd by offended driven. I lit: ia currently Lagiinc ~h city Revqe." At a '"""'Ilk a lew clays later, lhreai.oed and c$1ed but lbe car wlJJch editor of tht DAILY P.ILOT. Compuier' ·sharing Askea Valley Urge~ Other C~s ]Q~~ flan,. Split Cost,s · . -- By TERRY COVILLE °' .... Dd1 , • ., ..... •jtt'• foolilh economy, for a city to buy a · pnputer jull lor lhe pmtl1• of havl"8' one," .. ,,.. Fonntaln"Vall>y Flna."ICt Director Howard 5ttPben1. l;o. Tuesday night Stephelll lllill- formaUon OI a county-wide "Computer Or1anhatbl of Govemmenta'' which would Include handlinl of cky buaJDees· with modern computers. "A joint pawers agretmt:nt Jnvolvtn& HVeril cit.let in the operadoa of a •i.ncle cornputlr system misht be a trtmendolia odvanllfe to UI;" Stephent .told coun- cilmen m a study R.uion P'for to !be re«uler council meetlni· be thO contlnuina 9peralloa of the Cl!!ll· puter. , Clt7 r.-do not c:wently _,,.. COIDpulm <Uf)ll QILOCCualm_ to...be)p 1n the pondemJa water 'bUJo1 proceio. But the dty ~ loOkl!ll tnto the poealblllty of Contraci.lnl for computer• wtth banks or prlvale fltDv. "A far more ft])fJ:Ollve propeNl t b an COG," 11)'1 Stephens, "and much more limited." · "In the future. I'm IU1't will have to IO to tome type ot' computer opera· Uon:' uy1 the finance dtlector. "Leasing OM ii too erpensJve, contracttn1 ii not odiquate. Thll pn!lrllltl oilers tile best opporlWl!ty •• Councllmen Tue>dey night approved an expeodllutt ol not men then IJ ,IOl to conduct a study al the coMI li1voJved In preparm, city fllllCUona for computer ~ '""' ..... l band!lnl· . EISENHOW~R .FUN.E8AL. •• MEETING SET March 20 Stephens and Councilman old .. da""*1·Trlcla. Tho-N!Ion Edwud Just met with repreeent.Jtlve1 daufbter, Julle,'WU with the Eillnbowtr ol nine other Orange County cities in· family arid .bir bulblnd, D a v J d , terest.ed in a joint Po"tn computer Elleabowtra ll'andlaa· operation. · fte rJeh and flmOU!, poor and · Ont of the cities present wu Whelm, unknown were there to honor and mourn. which already leaaes one computer, ba!I Lining th -~-ol the ,_ th onl~ anolh and '·· tr .. 1 .. ...1 e ... _,. . ..,"n on e o::1..v er one llUo a ... ~.. old Chisholm 'b:all . were an tallmated comput« stall. " "U they become a part of the plan,.. 100,000 ~ beld back by told!U1. 51)'1 StephenJ, "we could ~ opera_tlon "Dwight David Eitenbower, in his long by July 1, 1970." . ~ :ttrvice to God and man, fuH.llled the The i n I t t a 1 plan would h\dude eoh· requirement or justiot in the dally Ufe, Vwim of Anihelll\.'I Co'!'pultf\Od ff(aff ~ lo .. ooe'a .ftllow and Wl!Hd . from a city lunctlon to a cooperat!T~ humbly to God,"• Ibo Rtv. Mlller said. fundioo. ' : · · "The wne lord who wu with him Without Anaheim tt would tlke much on Malta; and in those . anxioua early Jona:er to Jew a computer ind train houri of n.;oay when he headed the a rtall. mlg1rtleot lorce In hlttory, wlll ltand coG -Computer Or1ani1ation of with hlm 1n the ireattat adventure t'lf Governments -was a tent.attve Utle -hil .~arter -the entrance to eternal cl)ORl'I for the or1an1•Uori. "Tbe n~' ~life," the CalUoenia inlnlHer aald. · will probably be d1'carded later," HY• . wwn UNIFORM Ju!lt. "Well dooe, food and faithful .etvant. Jf .studies prove the ldf:a economically Enter Into the Jor ol Y9W'·muter." feasible for each city COG would operate Eltenliower Wu buried ·tn"'·bla World under a ~d oi dlrtcton with J War Il unHomi" o1 · lbort :creen "Ike" repretentalive from each city involved. jacket and tan ~··which h1a oHicer· 1 VOTE PER II.• . 1e.neraUon e&lled 0 PlllU." · "One vote per each 15,tm population, The star:kly slmple lltUe chJipel which or fraction thereof, will be delqated wu hls flnaJ restln1 place was built, \Q the cities," said Stipben1. at Eisenhower's lDltructlon, u part of Operallng coota to the city wlll be the EIHllOOwer center, a inemorllll and baled oo the. amou.rit of work each te•W'Cb complu. of four bullltinp for city iJvt1 to the computer. hi1 papen, boo~ many med1la, llas• Eerly ltmcUont 'Fountain Vllley ml1ht · and swords. · feed to a computer include water billing, El8enhower wu born '71 years a10 payroll. blldll<WY 1COOW1lin1 and police In Ile!>I-. Te~.. but he -t hi1 r.porting; explained· Stephens. boyboed In Abilene. It w11 ;lrolll 1¥1 "One thing that ahould be made clear,.'' .old c~n with lt1 r1ch frorit!tr ,tradi· he emphulztd. 11U1lng computer• does ~Ollll E~nhowtr 1tt out for t1'e U.11. not Immediately cut costa. It almply military ac•demy whJch took him to allow11 you to do more W()l'k better. conquer contlnenll and ltad halt the lf we 10 to computers, we can do world. thlnis the current city staff can't ONLY 3 MEDALS possibly. handle." . But despite the many honors he won, Ten cities currently mtuestcd 1n COG Eiltnbower wu burled with only three include FOWlt.ain Valley, Costa Mesa, med.all ~cltpped to his tunic : 'lbe Army Anaheim, Buena Park, Brta, Cypress, 018UnfWJbid Sttvlce Mtdal with thrte t>AllY PILOT ••lltrt N. Wtt4 ,,..ldtftl 1N 'ultlllfltr J•,• •· Cvrl:r Vice ,,_ltllrlt •IMI Ge111r fMMoW Th•ll'ltt KM..,il """ Tlt•M•• A. MurJhlH .v.. .. 11111 ftil!tt AIMrt w. ,.,,, ~ wnu .... ••"'" ' AMC11!9 1'tW!lllftlllfl llMdl f!.OllOo' Ctiy., l!dllw ----JO• ltlrt Str• .. M11Jl111 lo4dr•111 P.O. I•• 1•0. •1641 .. . °"" Offk-. ,.....,, ... ttu n 11 W•• etlbM ku!Mlr• C.. MIMI JJI Wtlt aty I'""" ~ UllHll a..dl1·lft ,,_, olllrinul oak leal clllllerl, tile Navy D!atlnaullhed Storvice 'Medal and tile Leslon ol Merll Ike caine finally home an hour before dawn today in a black-dnped funeral County Approves Crittenton ·Permit A ull!: permit for conserucuOn of the Florence Cr~ Home wblch would be Iha county'• llnt permanent ladltty r<r unwed mothm, wu approved Tues- day by lla)'ll10lld Real, COllllty IOllinl admlrtbt.rator. NilaJ>borlnl -own••, whO bavo OppoM tilt eiriobfllhment ol the l'00,000 home on t.6 acres at Bond Street 1IMf' SitlUqo BoulevanMn El Mod>no, 11ld they would appeal tilt dec:lllClll to the COW>ty Boord ol Supenlaor1. Collltructloo ol the bome bad provtou.. ly beta denied by Iha conty planntna -becauee I\ did not qull~ f« a vttlaftee in the arta'I N.llrictive £.4--. . ... -~ ci-Jbinl ~ -' ···~ ............ ~ . a.nDlarlV the COUl)"...,..i '1 o!llcO that I\ qull~ !or lhlll lllalul led to Reed 'll. decllion. . ~ tnln. 1'houllnda of AmerlCll!l llood long houra 1o -ltUn a!Oo, the route ltretchlnc ICl'Oll the ,country froft) Wllhl.n;ton, where tuneral aervlcu were belcl Monday. The-funeral prOces.sion began at a 1.m. PST at the old one-story warehouse that 11 Abilene's train rtatlon. Flll8T BUILDING 1be first building the cort.ege passed v.'hen it left the station wu the old Plat.a Theater, a musty White structure where Eilenhower wu introduced JR yean •to ln June u uthe nut l>rtstderlt ol the Unltod States.•. · The funeral procession moved' along at three miles an hour. the 12 · blocka to the El!lellhower library, which _ was jut a oornfleld when lb wu a boy. A! the cortege rolled down Mulberry Street a U:arlnt band stri.Jck qp "The St.an and $~ Fortver ."" .. ~ F arlher the Une an ArriJy band began to pla "The Battle Hymn al the Republic," slow and muted. Bells tolled m· slow funeral ~enct. .A carillon played "Army Blue," the West Point· alma mater.'.· • Valley Barmaid Held in Robbery Complaintl chuglna: a ·Fountain Valley barmaid in two separate Costa Me!a lncJdtnl! In ,which tavern eatrona were Jund out into a· parkln( lot ambuah-rob- bery were Issued Tu9sdsy. Patricia E. DeWitt, 31, of 16427 Everest. ~. la expected to be arralgned on t.~ounts of 1tron1 arm robbery ThW's- d1y In Harbor Oistrlct Judicial Court. The hunt continues, m&anwhile, for two men invotvid in the ~larch 22 beatlnp which netted t'lp.iy ~ between two vicUms talked lnto teaving COsta Meu nlJhllpota In a haU·hour period. , A 16-yetHld man lured . !tom El Pescador, 410 E. 17th St., lost $30 to tbe thu&• and a 4l""fe&r-old man jumped as be left the Bleck Kntih~ 330 E. 17th Sl, loll only 13, poUoe laid. Mn. DeWitt bad been sousht since the lncld•n~ acCO<din( to · Detective Ger· ry Thompoon, and tbe wu picked up on that"basis Sunl!ay by Patrolman David Hayes, whilt: cruising hi! regular beaL Police Capt. Ed Glasgow said the com- plaints ~·ere issued after one or the two robbery-beating viclimf-viewed • mug shot of \he arratee Tuesday. D1·. Ray Stevens Services Held Private flll\ttal servlct1 for Dr. B•Y 5'evens1 usl1tant Huntir!cton Beach city Jlbtarlsn, wt°i't; held Monday at Melroee Abbey Memorial Park in Ortn1•. Cmna- tkrl followed with Interment l.p Melroee Abbe7. Mr. Ste..,.,. a Stal Beach retldent, dltd Sa!UrOay mcimlnc tom -~ -In the tldt. IUs ~Wal.ruled gulcldt by the Oranp Counl7 °''"""" Ollloe. Sell Buell police oald he hid btta under the care ol a declo1" lcr ieYoral Valley Citizens Start Recall . Of COuncilmen About 150 Fountain Valley· re!ldents packed a special meeting Tudday ·night to dfscua:s formation of a committee l? pwh the recall of three city coun- cilmen. a movement which grew out of an unpapuJar d€cislon on a tract Earlier in the evenlrig, Eugene Van Duk, primary leader in tbe recall move- ment, aave fonnal recall notice to Mayor Robert Schwt:l'dlfeger and Councllmin Donald Fregeau and J<>teph Courrtgea All three councilmen refused to co~­ ment on the notices after Tuesday's council mee:tm,, al.aUng they had not yet read the contenta: of the notices given them earlier by Van Dask. The 1peclal meeting on the recall pro- posal was held at the St. Wilfrid 's Episcopal Church. UM Ellis Ave., Hun- tington Beach. It ran concurrently with the Fountain Valley oouncll meeting. Van Desk told the citluDJ 1athered at St. Wilfrid's that opposition to the controversial small lot Larwin Tract and the recall mov~ent . were not tbe only reasona for forming a commJttee. "We want to establish a group capable of holdins a conUnuing eye on city 1overnment," he said. Opposition to Schwerdtfeger, Frt1eau and Courreges stema from actions taken over the past month conctrning the Larwin Company'• propaital to develop 5QQ bome1 on 1(!0 acres bietween Talbe:rt and 'Ells avenues, we!t of MalnQlJa street. Van Oask had appealed the planning commWlon'1 approval t'lf the Larwlh Tract. Two 1tormy a:pecial council seaslons w el' e held last month (In t b e matter. Both times council deadlocked 2-Z o~ a motion to uphold Van Ca.k's appeal. Schwerdtfeger abstained from the matter declaring persoi al interest. The appeal dlt.d last Friday becall!e of a lime Umltatlon on appeals. Plannlni Commission approval stood. Now Van Dask and several oLher citlz~ns feet recall is necessary In order to ha\'t a city eovernment representaUve of the reaidents of Fountain Valley. 1111.ee • STILL IN THI '!IUNNING lncunit>ont Mayor S.~orty • Yoriy Facing. Uphill Figlit ~· WithBradleyf or LAMayorr .r,...w1n- LOS ANGELES -Thomu Bradley, a Negro city councilman and former police. ol!Jcl.r, '!'Ui !ece Maym-Sam Yorty in a runoff election next month for mayor of the n.atlor:i's third largest city. Barry M. Goldwater Jr., IOft of tbe Arif.ona senator, easily won t b e Republlcan nomination in the 2'1th con-· gr ... lonll dlatrlct in a tpeclal eledton Tueeday .• Bradley, .the flnl bllck.Mndldale to wage a full Beale c:ampaiiif for mayor in the city's hiotory, led lrom the billn- nblg ·and by early .tod1y bad lllWled 41.79 percent ol. the vote to Yorty'• 26.118 percent, acconlm1 to a near!.; complete tabulaUon. With 2,174 of 2,181 prao!ncll nportlna, the vote for mayM wu: Bradley 293,751. or fl.I percent Yorty 113,llf or 21.1 peroent. Fonner teltvl!lion newtcutt.r Baxter Ward 118,556 Cl' 18.l -peroent. Rep. Alphoruo Bell, (RA:llU.) •,171 or 14.1 percent. Eight otbtr candldatea were far out.- dlatanced u about N per cot of Loa Angelel' re&iltered voters went to the polls. , 27 WU neceallr)I becauae D0nt of tilt 12 candidates received a· tn1Jor1t)'. In Uie CU1greuio?ral race, tlfe-top Republlcan ~at ldwattt and Van De C p In a runol1 April 29. ~ Yorty made the "racist" char1e Jn an· election ni&ht interview when it. ~ame apparent he wu rwmloc behlod1 Bradley. · "We know that Mr. Brldley m..fe a V«y racilt appeal to the Nesro ara.~ lie told the Negro people they aboalcl vote lor hint beca111e he II a Nagro.; This II contrary to everythlna he believ11 ln," Yerty aald. ,jlradlty, 51, the ton ol a piillmap piot1er and a domeetlc maid~ wu borD .Ill Tai• but bas. lived In Loo An&tlee: for ... a years. He bold! •· Jaw dearee and . "" Oil the Lot Anf•la poll<:• force lor It yeara before ht n1Jreir in 1981 u nl•ht "atch commander for the Wllablre Dlvlllon. . HASHISH ... Yorty, wbo ii ,..kl!ll bla third, lour-At 110 a ·.,am the cache could "".·•:. year term, cbaraod Tutadey nl&hl ~ ... Bradley "made a reclst ~ppeal If! the 1881,100 00 the street. Negro, area" for votea duflnc hb 'cam.-The "bub'•·haul wu the second hu#: paip. Bridle, said "race ill not • rele-ftnd of IDldt narcot1c1 in the Harb0r1 vlnt factor'' in the campatah. 1-... 6 •• • Yorty pndlctad vlclory In tllt.runolr, area w ~put week. ' but city tlectlon recoldl dalinl back Lui nlday, two buratary detadlvti to 1113 &bowed Uiat Whtntv• an In-arreeted a arouP of Puadene-~ cum.bent mayor wu forced Into a runoff, areamea and diacovered almOlt lJ,000: be loet. . c1ptu111 of aeconal, called "reds" by In a 1peclal conareaa1onal eltc~on tn drul Ulen. the 27th dlttrict, Goldwater aot 30.1 rour deleddantt face Ct'lUrt action on percent ol the vote. Jojm Van De Kamp, cbargt1 o1 po110llinl the dan..,...· a Democrat, wu second highest among • drug1 for salt. the 18 candidates with 13.5 percent, ac· cording to final unofficial retum1. Another familiar name with an un- fa miliar face, F..dmund G. Brown Jr., ... 7 Remain on Pueblo· son of California' former governor, w~ CORONADO (UPI) _ Cmdr. Lloyd M-. one or seven seats on Lo6 An1eles Bucher bis five officers and one enllsted'. newly created junior college board. He ' ·man a;e the only crew members of ~ was one of 133 candidates in the race. USS Pueblo offlclally retained on the The runOf1 election for mayor on. May rotter of the captured intelligence ship. •••l.00 , fothe1irlwhoknowtwhalft wanu but not whe~ to find It. Matt;h your style with our nwny disllnctiYe deflp Attd 11k us about our famous ~"--- • ., -.. lo -.tr.me . by ... ---~by -lloeil "Jr _)lolnlad:..to ..... al . -by ._iu laclUU. tncludlnr com- .. mercla1 nu r • • r y, a p0Wtf'1 operalloft,. montlla, _ .:__ · Mr. StaVtm had ...,, ...... u U1ls1An\ ll!irarlan In • Huntin(loo Be1cli 110.. .. OcWl>a' of, JIG. CONVENIENT 0 ,? II •Q -7-...-----n YIARS·IN THI (f• L . ...HwnpM•~ (l•w.iu _ SAME ~OCA TION . . • I ri4in1 •liible· Md a land and lflvtl• pit, Tb• homt hu been duliJ>td to -41 glrll .and will 1.-modate IO more expected to atttnd cla.uel there dally . funeral arrena•mtnt 'fftre hlndlld-by Baaet'• Ch1pel ol the llelle in Anaheim. A. list of ourvlvw1 w11_ not .'Jlrovlded by the family. ( -TERMS JANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARQE IUl NEWPORT AVE. PH<?JiE COSTA. MESA '«·l401 I '\ • ' - ' , .. • • • ' • ··-' --.. -. ~ ·-. ' . -· -. • • • ;. '; ~ . ~ - " ----· - ._,. Be~ell ~, -~ ,t • • EDITION~ . ' . • . . Al!loJitJ . ...,_ r;.e.,.rc;,· ~ ~. ~ --~-~Si_~l~~' · ~~9nest . ' . ~ ' . -~:,Man C~ne·a· Ike -. . . -' .. • Laid to Rest By MERRIMAN SMITH ftlll B-8-fer. . " ABILENE, Kan. (UPI) -Dw;pt O.Yid -· a .almple, boout man caUed Ike, waa . bwie4 tOclay in an 11111 QI coffin in the prairlO ~ ol the America he aerviid Jn war and puce as leader, soldier, hero and friend. ".Well done, liood and faJthful terYant," a prucher aald proudly over the cuket; the wne, u those which contain the IJi>diea· of lhoU!ancb ol men who fell while serviq under him al Wll'. . A chW, llriat wind blew over the mne toWn whicll mce knew the man called• Ike u a gangly boy wbo worked In tbe local creamery. Hil i.t ratinc. place waa among his own kind of pn:irie' people. Growl) men apd women, ·weeping teari of ..sadness a,,.i pridf, lined !be ........ Mtlllary bands ·played muffled hymns. Bells tolled 75 feet high in the starkly simple white chapel where Eisenhower wu buried Jn a cement vault. "It ii most Otting tbat he be laid to rat Dell' his family home," 11aid the .a... Jl<an Miller of Palm Deserl, Calif., oa the five-lhort steps of the Eiaenbowtr library during p u b I i c • :iawyer Gives ' <Moral Plea se!-vlc:Oo: . . • ·"l'rOlid<Dt ·llii!oo· <P*ed the general u ·1a11o1. ·1 ,_ lrml the beart ol ~."so· it~ lo U.O heart ol Americ~ sPAci AGE -(IEA1'10N ·oF A•T1$'r NoRMAN 11oC1<~1.i"L To 11'.P1,4ru~q iitr.:AGllNA .. irr1v~i. 'Ll•li!I Plclur9' Should CeiMWe·_Nlaly.-Wlf!>U:l •I! f"llONl'lhA..,"'"" 1 ...... ,,, f qr S«.lt Cre.ek I • -t-t By RICHAJd> P.'NALL ~~ii!w~t<f:i. hls-np . ti\ dil.'Cokl'Kanw alr· • • 1 .,......,. •• m, .. t .• , . '''*" ' ,·.· .. ··~•. ·~~· .... , d'····1····.~~1·~·r ., '~ ,~ :.I" ' ~ "-~ I' J ', I ,. ,:, ' u.; • ·~I • ~ ·)~ -,. I 1f' 11t , /: • ._ "'° .... , •., • • ,, ~ ...... . • N.Y. Steeb ., . -~ ' . -' -'. .. .. . . ' ' ' TEN CENTS Fisherman Nets 'Hash' ' In Harbor By JOHN VALr.:RZA Of .. Deltr ,.... ..... • Huntington Beach fisherman Tues- day ·bight ftahed up one-ball mlllloo1 dolian'-worth-ul-tbe-llllclt--lwbtsli !tom !be bollom of Newport Harbor. • .. . I~ was the largest Cache , of ' l~al haah1ah ever seen on the West ~ ollictlla aaJd loday. 1l>ey -It orlllnated Ir om lloroc<:o or ·)IOllM!pl Tutlley, . • The lwhtsh, wbich ta a relln!d larni marijuaila, wu lying 1t the boUom o! the ba'y in a cheap sheet metal tnmk, ' · just oil the M Street public fisblnc pier on; the Balboa Penlnlula. Newport Beach auUJorltlea a r • withholding ldenlliicaUoo of 1he »fear· old Huntington Beach' fisbennu on grounds that the ha.shiab 1mugglen -- tf local -might aeek reprlaals agalnal the finder of their cache. 'i'be fl-..&n reported his find to pollce' about l:!!O p.m. He first sighted !be trunk after .I\ momentarily -eel an 'the end of bis fisblnc line. .. Of ... Dllfr ,. Pd! - "It mu!ll he clW tbal *-·~ Ike·.--.......... )l!lliile. bliJllleil sc1ioo1 · ~ph'ants Ma~ters·· .lJPfla•e.J .. • "!ill be just about the last .Mio•,., oPot where a )ierooo COllld till ~ ~ !!!: . tbe. aurl break, tlie -.. uif• fftiMMdt:" . f. -~ , - In a~-. moral ,lban ~; Lagun4 BOoi:h attllrney Wlllllin \l;llcotij! 1oc1., <iootinuealill llih\ .. ....,. pQlilc ll:CeaS !O.lliletandl and acme.~ , Wllcqxeu's llf:V~-page tte&ty' IO ._ . to cow>ty plaMing commisslonenl today In letlor form. 'Ille planners . late tllli afterDocxi were to cona.ider a tentative tract map for a 100-acre development In !be Satt ~k ma 'beqreell Dllil Point and Three Arch Bay. , The tall attoi:ney, aomewllat Lin· colnesque ol counlenance, ts also ba'wing lawyero for the county and the Lquna Niguel Corp. to overthrow county al)U- donmenl of the road lo !be corporaUilll. ·Wilcoxen ~nclosed a copy m peodiD£ state legislation that would make Udeland &'Cell a neces.sary cooditiOn of tract maps. . . . Ht stated that planmng COtnmllSlontrl alrtady had the right. to impoee con- dlti.OM of public acce51 in the tract JDap maUer: and should so do. . .. 'It is most unfair for the County of Orange to fail and refuse to take into cmsideraUon the great need for public access to beachea, as wen u the great public need for scenic VleW· points," Wilcoxen slated. · Addressing bis argmnents to the ma> le< or existing homeowner 'llPflOl'I ol Lquna Niguel C«poralioo'.• plam fJll a private beacll in the sector, Wllcolen raiaed.tlle spectre that there Is no loll) ' (See SALT CREEK, hp I) ti¥f;, -..bile . the Rev .. Jlliller ind ~Mt.~ . .u.-11 .... atili. • Qec:. tl#i.· .it:, btr u .~·--. """'""' -· . . . .--. ~ . sRAuD "~ '"$be lncfomly abar<d lier busband with the werld bat aht uniquely belongs to·~'~aaid the Pennsylvania preacher. ma_ blaclt · robes fiopped In the wind llial hitCo blew the Amttlc:an Oag off ~·· government-iuue coffin cluriDc !Iii -ceremonies. ., M U4 been .llid of Lincoln, It c1n Dow bt aid. of· Dwight Eitenhower - lie be to the-ag<S," aald the Rev. d the Palm Desert, Calli., Cliurch. . . 'Is the e.preoiiol\ of the Alner!Cail ideall Ii Ubtrty ond· JUsUCe for all."···· Soldle11 boomed a 21-gun ulute to the fivHtar seneraJ and the nation 11 34th Pr-• who died wt-Friday alter a leogthy battle wlljt heart dl>ease. The $lh Army band plaYed "Ruffles and Flourisbet" "Hall to the Chier• ~ -''G«f ol. oUr Fathers.'' ~ EtatNiower w11 Jonred beneath the floor. pl Ill< pll<e lie blml<!lf, had called .. A .:Pilat. if liCldltltian." while a tmm,... blew 11T1pa." NIXON PRllllNT , ""81dent Nimt. and former President L""'°" B. J~ beaded the list of di;nHatleo at 11>e1Uneral. J-. ar .... ed. in a sray m1t ·add •em:inc .-wiute stetlan ..bat, w.ar.;-aJone. Niioo· was ac- COO>panied by 1111 Wile Pat and their (lloo Jll lllllllllD, Page,11 . ' "' . . S,clwol Board Appruves • j--., . . . -. Non-profit"F~u~tiOn : ' . ... . . Laguna Beach School Boatd melnben Member Ribei1 'I'm-said be thoulht . Tuesday approved un.animoualy arUdll tblt if tbt wbole It.ate were Included of . !ncorpotatloo f..-a Laguna 'l!Mch .• -· l!'llllk:aI '-' p:ctucation Foundation, a nonprofit apno •.,-~; ~ cauld Pll! placed 1 cy that woukl soliclt funds for use...... on tba tom.da&iali • lruiteei .. to lpend fMl~llc :ichools·much like IOWldati.. dO · ..,0, ii·wfl)'ll UJer dlof not ..,. lllGnd. l!ir prlyate schools. 1.a<ry Taylar aid tbat tlbouJd !be foun. ·p1ans for the foundatlon will ..., be datlon be dellpalad for Laguna cblldren laken to the stale 1..-approval 'Ille ooly, state tu olllctall micbt think the chart.er can. for a model program to beotftU:,._Gf the corporatiori too narrow be atabllshed in Laguna Beach. Other , He alao •-tbal IOUcllltlono lot !h.i stale diJtrlcts could then call upon the 1..--be-otat&wide. uperience or Laguna in eetting up their Af1d -.bit dlacuaoloo Trualee own foundations. WUIWn WU..-, ~ t'b a I the . "It 11 -.iUal that boards of trustees. dellgnatloo juR 11e omitt.d entlrel)'. and educators become Involved In the Wikoftn'• sugestion wu folloftd. financing o! public schools from. rguna In ~ actioo, the board approved Olbor than· bonding Pfl'll'ama and Ill a !!Ix-day Oekl lrie.lor about 45 .Tburst'on overrides." Dr. William llllom, dlslrict lntmnedlate -.11 tO the Grand superintendent said. CanYOO. Trullea pve much ~uon to All membera ol the Thurston Explorer wontinC ,ol the .. charier '!1'ich ata1e1 Club, the -.ta .. m lll""Y. the ecololfl' ln~~lor~oL.lllo>c..,..';aru. •Stuiliiili wm pay education prosram •.• " 'I-"for t.&e trip themlelYt., boWeve'.r, the Boord mtmllen wran&led let nearly boon! wu uiurod that all)' sludenta &:; mlnuta ....-wheth« the ~ wbQ mlpt not. ba able ti> allonl the "ior the cblldr<o Gf Laguna Beaob," trip would be l!'ID!ed funlb '""" a or "!or the cbilclren ol Calllornl1," ahoulil • lcholanhlp l<COUll! ot from the (Jub fellow. • -....,.. -. - F.estivaz to 1.'fcl~ s~~R~·.'f~i~ ·Laguna'• lamed PagW,t ol ·tile · Don 'l!llllitmoa"~$' , CanWda\eS ...sln( poeitions,.on IJ<e Maater1 .ts counllng do'wn· lor Its• flrrt said RoclnreU.Cf!'I~ Bio~ ~lmleb' school boai'ds «the San Joaquin Elemen-shot at outer spiee. -al N~lbemiuliiil@•.:ln.,. . . ' ~x. tary. School DJ.stclct, the Tustin Unloh 'lbe p h 1 h talis "We• hive 1 of t count Clw>t · Jriiriy High School District and the Saddleback ageant, w ·c. lts name :llodWeUi but tblt ii 'at of .. a Junior College diatrlct will pieet Miss.ion from reproductiODJ of art ·muterpleces departure," said the prdduiw, "Ia that Viejo voters Tuesday ~ 7:SO p.m. in many by old m.a,aten, thl.i year will be'i · nbt .. funaJ, ~ « ·IDICdotal the Alission Vle}o .H.i&tt School multi-show a space-age work by Norman ·• .• bet!. he11 tnterenea In iccirq-. '" • pmpose room. RockweU. . Wllllamailn 'aid I»• ta • !11111 · ca.tins Sponsored by the l'f.isslon VieJ• PTO, "The """'°'t S~p" Is a depat:lure laMM·JIOckwOll n~\wlildl·~ the candid.US' night will include a short from uoua1 ,Rockwell whlmaey. 11 allows .created 'for 'Look •)!Qazlne. ·p.....,. statement by each candidate and follow-two asb:onauts dl!qning the silvery space :=• p a1 l·nl1.j11&1~0 •f'o·r ed. by a question and a!'llWer period. garb with-mnbellcal lbles that ba.,.e &erv.· · 'uf · 111~ '..,_Ab<Nt The meet.Ing is open to the public. ed. !or sp,ce· wallal. 7:io or · may call 1bt -offlCe, Mrs. Paul. ~cker, PTO president Jn · n should be parlicuJarJy ·timelj thlil ~·J, ' · 1 ' "" ~ · ·J '' Set Ap.RJlarances In Missi~n Viejo V ~tb Cari Get charge ol prqgrams &aid. She urged year with.the July lunar .shot 'with which · Pa,eaD.t datu ·1ie J.JdJt· 11 ~u'ih all Mission Vlejo ,voters to attend 1he the U.S. hopea lo place. man Oil the Aug:,:M.ieiwlMlilliirsJlll'ile*YOtlior '!:L--ntee Ballots informational presentaUoo. moon. · ~·llnctthitfli<,_Ciiti, ~ A drawing for Cinco del Mayo Fiesta ' ' ' ~ · ' booths will also take place at the meeting Lagwl&. Beach voters unable to p following tbe candidates presentaUons. c il M .a..fi • d Al to the poll8 for the. 'April1 1$. ICbool ~~~:!?:;y~~~~j~~= ounc · · ·us1-.p.~~1 .. ~, · 9!~ ~~~~;5~;: held this year oo Sunday, May f at · ~ • ··• · /.'' or at the Ed11eatkmal Center. · ~fisslon~•jO. On .cimyoµ.Anpex ·PI~ ~::~:3~~:~liaS:~j It's No Mystery · -. --.i • • -~-~--. _,, ---· •. -· ~~jlie~.!.~·.m:i·~ The Laguna Beach Plannina ·Com-Mutb:.17, p-l·anrrtng com:mluioners 14 at the~ Ana Qmty school oWce. W .. here Leary f!',• mission poo!Uoa on Canyon .Anneutlon '.forwatded• lhe ' controvenlaf annaalion '-UP! W, Ith $t., to vole. " I · '· · '• ,. -· . ' -vtiters· expecting lo he out ol 1owt No. f WUl ·lea~~~ncllmen ~il1!1 .ln PtOPf:l.•~twfJ>09t;~~li;Qn.... . l on eleciloo daY or .who J1J4y ,not gc A Ve k le the pas!Uon of a stud paker deale~ wlio -The ~aflilmiµoo ~·be added to the P<>*,bec-;d a f161*al dtsablli> t Ber e y iurni the next c,an1 ~ .. ,. "oohelp/', .1o-111e:<i11 ·c1e1r>t0i 11111 -11Jon.,"""' ty mi1--11ie ........ bellots. . -". Alter hlo·nllflloaj,1&-•0<~ tbi' • .ft' '.~·cii &.~I) ......., )ltlm<f. 'J'lie .. Cllamber of~·~~ Aolllorlties pursuil!l an inswe1 .. lo Ille, nexatloriW!llr.dllft!i'!Ol~UoilS'·I~ "betonM i'ltil,.., 11tan· 1f~. at 2111 j'ark Av< ... Laguna Beach _.._bouts or or. Ti~othy Le&ry /-, • 1·:·''. 'J~ .. ,, .· · ·v,ji".!r!"". ,._,.,.;-r · · · •-' theEducaU~CenterilltMOBlumo ;d;r~ arrested with h1a wife and ton · ' : · • J ' • 1 ' ' • %:' diy· ~· 'nan ~ ·: ~ St., Lquna B'each. Tueoday after tbeir 1a11ure 1o •wear Niguel. Council monded ~ ...wUon which ts 1111(!<d ..----....J.-~---....., In a San Clemente court on drug charges aonietlllni llh a· b9ol aloftg Lajuna Or ... e «:eju&. -have ... 1oc1ay. E1. ·ec' ts Offi'ee.". r·s· , . eanyon Rood. on ·the baata d •sud · valuallon; JO ~ d '1111': flll>PttlY 'l)le apostle of the LSD cult will be _ " . , .• ......,hip • rmn.' llio .....S.llOn to opealting at UC Be<ttley ~Good Friday, rec<(ve ctty aervlcea. " aa a series of 1ive1y lectureB featurh1g The Laguna Niguel CoordinaUna Coun-Other PrQPttty ownen do nol Aire* wdl--nAmericanleliisttandlibe~aL• cil·lw ela<tod lhrte' new offjc<n ~lo -~ !rith1~V)'. 'P.ofaamenla 'toi- opena for the spring quarter. 'liJ.: that 1 orJanfUtion,' noW ·two ;years . •a\it ..JlbPor veinebu tJte; &, net 1'1M Dr. Le-and Ylpple leader Abl e; oid, which ,......, tbe •entire-Loguna ,.-PIY · addltlonil 'tltr tues-thij would _., N'igliel cl>mrburltty.-., ., , · ·.. • ·add •-fl'!'CtlllO!o-'lulllt~ • ; Hollman will matt the podium for • -· The· ""'"'1YI <tln-'nd • Irr t be dtacuaaloo certain to generate great com-~i•;,k U:~~~Pi~ :~~· bl~i~~~PI'.~ menl ·amooc moot lac.ts ol ~icon Birkett ts lice-dlalrman an<l Mrs. lll'IM . ·~ -·~;;'the'!°-In' 1-. • aodet.y. 'Ad11tru1' 11 ·~.. ' . ' -· • --, """' "The Pursuit of Rappin<a: Er-. ·The e o n c r't 'cdordlnlts the aetW. ' ~ --~ -. 'anlenlloii ._ plortjlon1 ·1n Morality and '<i .~·~ tihlioe1-F11"+ .:=,~l\:~~;rf; Responotbillty," ls !be tttle of the teary-latj\'ea .-up"~ couneU. Me<tbit .. ~ _ ,~,---~ ..._. .... Hollman talk, for wllich lludenls may .11mea,:Kll'tlue.,·ua«Antao!IOO•Dlw ·-·--~~ap;.._ arran1e with their ~I '°' are.croancllaub)ectJ. .. · (i•·,--\ '-i i ': "j•l. :• i "·~.' :i. ~·I receivecredil ~ · nti'"'cOuaclt -meeta '«i the ll~i11\d WJ.f:'~" J,l.t4.. •.-1. t ~1 A .,,.tesmaJ\' for the atudent-run1 =w~· d ·pd\ '<month• .t· Cron • ·~~;'Mee~"'"'· Center for Plrilctpant EdooiUon aaid '\rallQ' ~!a!Y ~·utnl)' 11 : ·v. •' ~-_ .,-. " ·~ ' no.automatlc cr<dit .will· be giveo for 'p · • , ' • '• ; ""L' .t {"' M--1' I studeots who atleJid (lie coUrae, -.... . .m. .• _ ~ ' ·~ or . uuuay Dr. Leary, rust wile.~Roeemary. find ' 1 ' ~ ' •I :.c_-";, ~ .,( , ..... ~ • son John were acheduled 'In 1ppw' in . r Btee• lllarlceU _ '· A ,TvirJI -·-t110 e&"!_ld;!I.• South~ang~J~iat ·IJisttt<t ' 'F < • ( ·!er'.Jlle 1-~ ~~ COurt 'l\leoday, 1' -"°chatg~ ·'"YORIC ~APl_.'1'1112 . wlU'lli tiWd l(lddaj lt'llli lltcl'aW ,.,.._, ol LSD, a fJO!illd.ol matl c-·-lllOlllor ~ lodql ....UW.011....... < anc1 baahtab. • • I · ·--cw 11n1ob. (8ao -.__,__ • • ' Bench warrants-~ by Judlo j Pakia -)-• i •, ' " _. • llr. -lllo i 1-loodl Rlcbanl Hamilton, boll~ Jleld. '*>iQ • 7h1. Dlof --Ial -11 i.,.., U... ,..... ...,, ....... I May •• I legal i.chnkllltY required I :30 p.m. WU Gff 1.71 jlOinta at ..... bfoll'apl!jcll ~ 11-"' -- lllee LEAllY, r..-11 l°"f' led satr. by a -rilarclft, dldaib and a ciu.tlGn and --per~ • We'U pl 1 llUJe ,_. "partly clo@y" Thinilaj;r llit-li'D burn 'ofi 'b,' ilterno0n 1il tbe 'tem(MH- ture moveocup to IT alone the coast. '· . . · INSIDE DDA 1r' C'hriltiau and 1«101 obatrtJe reJigU)ua ~' <&hb tt1ttk. • Scll<dlllu of .11.o•ftdv Thursda!I and Good Frldatl _,it<.,... d•rCMa.aa totU a cm articU' on ! '~ ·-· ~.U..14-~~~ • ' • • ..... t • ........ " __ ......_ " \ ................ •( ~ ....... M c..., c.r..r ,, ..... ...... .. ~ ............. ... -~ ·----o..r·-..!--· .. ... .. -·-. --.. ==...-, =--= I 11-M '•.r= n ,_ -... ... .... ~ .. T.--ti --·--.. =--': ==-.: ---Ulllla•........ .. ... • By RlatAl\D P. !t.u.L . °' .. Ollfr "• ,.... n.wbotlllat ... ntrMnhee!e- °')ido wtlMol .. -,.. 4io'I ...... - Acat cu bl I wiUfuJ, malevolmt thin(. A fn yeara qo 1 'Jell U.. ~rt to take 1. jot) In Redondo Bu~. 1 lhailShl my ol'd ~to­Uon wagon wc.ild =I~= '"~ud 1111 ... Ill wtndlh"'lll l hid Uved at the beac:ll beltn, bul the car was sort of uatd to rural ways, parking the wrong way on residential 1treet.s, being neighborly with othel"'duaty cars and moozing in lhe sun. · That's HI•, I llloug)ll, we ill bave to adjust to freeways. We went and t h e n it happened -"The Plymouth's Revtn1~" County Rejects Realignment . . Of CdM Freeway The county Board of Supervllon Tue .. day rejocted a propooal by Alrporl Manager Robert J. Breshnllwl to reaUcn the tutUt. ·eoron. del Mor Freeway South of the Orange County Airport runway. Breshnahan wanted the supervi50rs to bid for a re-l'OllUO( of 1 po\1lon of the frieway line along Palbadel Road. He sought to move the freeway about 1,IXIO yarda llOUthward. Supormor Alton E. Allen ol LQllnl Bwh, 1tpeaentin1 tbe cou\al fifth Dlltrict, apol:e for the board majority whin he declared that a clole analyall of the rauUng "make.a it evident that we cannot change our minds now." Allen added, "We hive ~ad 1ooct rel .. tion1 with the it.ate Diviajon of HJ1hw1y1 over the yean and we cannot 10 back on our· word OOW:" The analysis of tbe ~eeway rouUn1 WU provided the board by COWlly Road Commlutoner Ai S. Koch. Officials of bolh the cilies ol N•wport Beach .and Coota Me.u opposed moving the Corona del Mar Freeway allpment. Breslmahl:n three weeks 110 prol41tt4 the propoaed freeway ld<aUoo, clalmlnr Wt It would encroach 400 feet into Or-anre County Airport property. He aald thil wo0'6 inlerfere with airport opera- tions and would comtitute a safety h...nl. State: HJ&hway qbwr: WWlam . It Hdlllmoto counl•r•tc-v.,., tllat tbe future ""''" woold be· clejnued at lwt :11 feet below llUl'lOlllldlnf around teveJ. Conitructtoo of tbe·freeway it ochedul· ed to start In 1174. Hashimoto .. Umaled a route change now wouldJ:y the Umttablt,Jbout two yev1. , • The original l'Ollle for the de! Mar freeway was adopted in 1MO, the earliest in the Orange C.oast ma, alone with Newpqrt Fl'.'eeway adoption. ,.. orilflllally ... Wooed, !be ~ del Mar lreeway wli to ban been Jnt.erpGRd over , Mac.\rtbW' Bck!Jtvard as it stretched ·directly inland from Corona del Mar and linked to Main Street In Santa Ana. In aher years, however, development or Orange County Airport, tile Irvine IndW!trial CompllX and the tlnlverslty of California at lrViae, alone with 'other freeways, brought ~ cliahge in thinking about the route. It WU changed in 1963. The new align- ment ~ .. rry the fr;.wiy up MacArtlnir ~ from i;.rona del , Mar to 1 point nerf Palbadea Road. The line then swings abruptly to the northwest, paralleling Palludn Road , pasatna by the coastal ed1e ol Orange County Airport'• runway. The Corona de! Mai: route will then continue northwesterly cnW It In~ t.ercban1es with the emtini Newport aftefSan Dle10 freew1ys. OAllY PILOT OAANGli COAIT l'VILllHIHG (;.0Ml'ANY ,Kobert N. Wee4 1'rt1iller11 ,..,. 1'111111 .... r J•ck K. Ouley Yk:t l'rtlletnt tNI Gel*ol MllN"t r1ri,.,.,, K •• ,.a .... Tho"''' A. M11111hl~• IMMtlnt ldl• Ri•h•r4 P. N,U l~•UM 9...:.fl • Clt'I' Editor --'--22:2 Fereit AYt. M•lli.it A4fr•••: P .o. I•• '''· t J612 --Oilflt MIM: a. W.1 au st,.! ~ ~: "" W.t ..... ""''-vtnl ......... 1Hc111 ... '"" ,. . I I . oii Ille wa1 Ip. warl 1111 ........, ~ ,lwa *"!£".: Whllll -.i-i; .... ....,, -Illa.-.,..,. ..-.~,....., u raqolttd. .. . . ..... baol> ..... lln. ..... ili+P. fte &trll ·~ o•e.r.• t k>o;"4 '1w1y. The ....... IUalll IOOlced al ""' .. If 1 hid baen 1 repttle. I hado't touched the hom before It atorted honldna. t tried to look nonchalant as we drove off. 'flla-<¥, l""e the g~ls a lul lllllCY hoot. ~ .1. • • ' -Lala,...,, ere behind • police pilrol Car 11 ..lt -ly --town HenJlOll Belch. It Wll a J5 mile amt. ~ ·r...p ,..nt the hom ~ve1r. 1!ee9;beep. \ ·'~Stop lliat," I snarled, pounding t h-e steerJng column. "Bttp, beep,"· it con- tinued Uke the crazed ro1d runner in the teievislon Cartoons. ~· police car slowed and dropped b1ck. The offlcui looked me over with Chilf1 •-.JU. "Betp. bttp" went the cir cWlri!ly, .At a crouwal)< a few daya Joler, . . . -_. ·, ·-. PILOT L an expectant mot.her was pushing a baby carriqe acrQu the street at an lnter1eeUon. Xbe Oar went' wild. -.. II •bitUed. a oorles ot:tude noises at the woman.. 'nley l50UDded. 11JU.: ID ancry CDDddmlaUon of botb Cl'OllWllk1 and ..-,-. I banged the llttl'IJJI wboet Jn agilalfon to mal<e II otop hopin( the woman 's' seven-foot husband wasn't nearby. Every lime we got behind a cai waiting to cross a busy intersection, my auto took· commaod ·of the 1iluation, honk.Ing q:gre1slvely. 1 hid •islool of jack !>andJq swung 11 my .held by. offended driven. 1 thrUlelled IOd cljolad but the car wblch . ""!"l ... " l FJISENHOWb. :FUNERAL. • • ~·--,r .. : .. ·· oida:·<flqlllor Tricia. The )'Ollll&llr Miion d~, Julie, WU Wffh tM E'MbOlfa f~ IOd. ber · 1nllband; 'D a Y'Ld , EliiUewer'1 IDdlon. .• :.. ' , ..,. If I ' The rldl and fllllOlll, -and Wlknown -. there to bonlr 'and mOW11. LlnJnfr the• -ol the IO!rn .... .'tho old ~ T<lllL...,. an lllltmaled 100,IXIO mourners, held back by·90kUers. "Dwight David Eisenhower, In hit 1001 .. rv1.. to God and Jl1ID, luUllled the requlrtmtnt of jll.ltice In the dally IUe, ~ ·m; oat'• fellow' And· .nttea hunlbly to God," the Rev. Mther aald. "The aame lord who wu with h1m on Malta and Jn -an:doul wty houri ol O.llaJ wben be baded the mlgbtlal ,....., In hittory, will llllnd ,.,.. .. r..,., 1 SALT CREEK • • ~ of tbil fof bonieowners. "No leral coodltlool ol _..., for ml)'body bave really been impoled," wrote Wllcoun. "Even the ,rtlklents of Monarch Bly, it Ji undenitood, have DO Jectl rlpl to beach ICCeSI." "There ls nothlqJ known to this writer to prevent tht Jaildowner from lienylng access to every resident of Laguna Niguel and MOnll!Ch Bay and Niguel Shorts, at an appropriate time and perbapo ""' the benellt ol """ hotel. "It Is being IUQested by the developer that the onJy answer to that 11 to s1y th.it·. it ia J matter of ri&hl, • and that l~• ol &'CUI io three milts of publk: tidelandi ii just too ·bad. . "But -that 11 not correct" if this com- nilalon hu concern for the. pubMe° in- tertst." . Wilconn WU crlUcll also of the cOOnly ,deftnltlon of ii.I own role in parka and ·recrU.Uon 'jin a · moti limited Ind regional hula." "To brin& that lut statement down to a pracUcal level," he stated, "where in your ,ttaff Nportl cm :tentative tract No. ll'IC,ll the n!iort "' the acc<pllbillty of provilioni: for Para and ·reautton, both 1«. tbO people of the'· ~·ct and thoet in the OOJ!lDlwtlt)' wbicb stllT'OUDds .it? "Dots our concern really end, both as cilium and planning commiuJoners, le1ally and rnoraq,, when w·e l)ave the water Jn and~ eewaae wt?". Wilcoxen stated !t is ~ duty of plan- ning commissioners to consider human needs just u much as water and sewage. Tbe atlorlley nferred p11no1nc ...... m1sa1-. to the .ptannJnr department'; sugie!t.!onS that scenic vleWpolnts be established and maintained. Wilcoxen, who. has argued ~hat the county .was. givhlg away valuable pro- perty in tht r (I a d abandonm~t. stiled ihat the only recommendation for aban. donment came fttlm the County rOad department. The abandonment action of the last segment of. road was not m"erred to p,itnnlng cammlsatoners. · ' But 10ur commission and the planning department have interests that tran1etnd the:que:!liONI ol. w1te.r, wute, and getting people from one artertaJ road to anotbtr. "If our dtfinttion of clvillzatiol) Is limJted to water and waste. we do not need • plaruting department or com· mlasion." . . . . .. . " with him In the IJ'Oateal ldnnlure of bl& career -the entraDQf .. to eternal mt;" Iba California min)Jter!ald. . ~ IJNIFORM • :;:. : . '"WeU done, 10Qll ud lallhflll. ..,.ant. Enter Into the joy ol )'OW' muter." . ..EllenbowW WU burled in hit World Wat, .JJ ufilf<lfJ\\ ~ sbon-. ~ .. ~'lie" jacftt and WI lroulen which·hit Ollkel'- 1eneraUon called "Pinks." Tbe starkly •lmple little ~bapel whlch WIS his final resting pit"' WIJI bulll, at· Elaenbower's iDltructicri •. ·a part· of u.. Etaeni-er ..-. • ineftl~r and mNreh complex of four bulldbt&s for hit Jllpers, boou, IDIDjl medals, n.,, aad·IWonfs. . • ElMnhOwer WU ·b<rn 'II yean:~ap In Deruaon, Tu., but be aptnt hiJ boyhood m· Ablltne. It w11 from this old cowtown ·with Jta1 rkh frontJer tradi- lJOl'tl Ellenhowtr set out for the U.S. m ilitary academy w~ took him to conquer continents and lead haH the world. ONLY I MEDAUI • . But despite the many h<Joora ht won, Ellt~tr wu buried with only three medals clipped to his IU!ric : The ArmY Distinguished Service Medal with three oait luf clusten, the Navy Dtatlnguli;hed Stnice Medal and the: Legion ol Merit. l.)e came finally home an hour before ''dawn, today in a black-Oraped funeral tra1ri. Thousands Of Amerlcans stood Jong hours to honor him along the route Mretchlng across the country from Washington , where funeral services were held Monday. The funeral prOCf:ssioo began at B a.m. PST at the old ooe«ory warehouse that Is AbDene'1 tr1in station. FIJI.ST BUll.DING The flr!l building the cortege passed. wbtn It left the station was tht old Plaza Theater, a musty white 1truclure where -El~wer was introdu~ . 18 year1 aa:o b\ June u "the neit President ol the United Statu." The funeral pr~ssion moved along at three miles an hour . the 12 blocks lo the Elsenhc:nttt library.~ which was JU1t a comfltld w'ben 'lle wu a.boy. • M the .cortege 'rolled dowh Mulberry Street a A(arlne band "struc::k up "The Stan: and.Stripes Forever.'' Farther down tht line an Army band began to pl1y "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," slow and muted. Bells lol:ied in *" Uuleral cadence. A carlllcn played "Army Blue," the West Point ahna maltr. Tr~ Planting:/ Suppo11 Sougl1t Laguna Beach City Council tn· dorsement of a tree planting project alollg"South Coast Highway will be sought tonight by the chamber of commerce -beautification. commiUee. The project area lits between Laguna Avenue. anti .Legion Street". Tret lYJ>t3 . Jnclude .1peclts of eucalyptus, oleander • and evergreen pear.. _ Tht parkway beautwcaOon project already bu received planning com· misaion approval. Final approval would be needed from the state Divi.sioft. or Highways. Suzie at •notne' Spending Easter.With Cou11ty·F amily .· woold have been an evtntually-falal hfart ·de.feel • SU11e couldn 't Walk or cr1wl unuali(iil\ before. Tbe . Souiti Vlet.namese Army officer's d1ughter will go borne, in the. care or a 4.emporary mama -an oU-duty Pan Amtrkan Airways stewardw -to a joyf\11 reWJJon with her own motber, Thl Lan. · A beneffclory of modem medico! ,luiowledat and a~.Navy .u--. ~ which . opened the 4oorl to a normal Jtre, Suile has gained ' tbtle pounds since surgery. - Navy LI. Doug!a-1 HeMinC. dlscoveiid "tbe -~llal-lofart-dtlenftlly-dorlrc a: fret vfOff. clinic -viMt and~ to hi1 wtle a 1 nune at U. botJ:itat wlU...·IM:ai:t n ~anre. . . The fllgbt" l<r.'America WU dcllaJed by Pan Amtrlc:an Airway• 104 all aur1lcal ond· medl<•I ~ wert abaorbed by the l>l\Yticl1111 invo!Yed and lh• hoepltal Itself. . ' • <1eted 41 U ..U hid been bewitched by • pollel'Jlitt. • , At • .., 11.rit iear I a 'bul ..... II beJID ID •¥II jam -ti. 1'oola and bMpl. 'lllara _. aeveral adolescenl llrli 'on the • llmcb waJtln(. . l ru•. t.r a ""'' At lwt they weren~ walt!nr for me: · 1 \ The car 110unded like an agtng ucila~e lecher. An old lady near the benCh peered, at my Ucense plate u it determined to ll}emorlze it. I kicked lJte ,tteerio& l:o~~mn in panic and nearJY ran the llgbt vlsuallzlnc headlinu a bout !be arrest ol a noiS]> nwher. I ga" ur 1Jna111 .anct took the c.t back to lhe desert bOplJJI ii would git sand ir its crankcase or something. But it wo(ked ~autifuUy. The horp tooted only :when asked. • Don't you believe they're inanimate. Richa,.d P. NalL ii a native of ihe California Coastline and formerly a bu7<t0.u chief for the San Diego Union. He b CUr'rtnUu Laguna Beach city editor of U.. DAILY PILOT. Claim for , Flood . D~m.age Appears Before Council A cliim for 1ppz:oi:tintt'tiy $2\500 ror flood daril.age. will likely be routinely deniod too!ght by Laguna Beach coon· cilmen and relerrtd to tht city insurance carrier. ·' Clalmant is Charles R. Ben.ton, general contractor. Ht states th1t allowing catch basins at Wendt Terrace and Park Avenue to plug an overflow damaged his prop- erty II ll05, 110 and St.I Griffith Way. "One apartment was completely flood. ed wUb mud and water up to 12 inches over the enUre floor," he stated. Benton eaUmated upense to date .at ,1,500 and coming t~ for landscaping at ,1,000. Benton clabm: that he stopped by city hall for help ln clearing tht catch basin and found two city tmployes clearing leaves off the lawn. The city has denied two earlier claims U damq;e to· property during the flood. From P•1e J LEARY ... so the •court may retain Its Jurisdiction in the Learys' case. A spokesman for the George Chula law firm representing the Learys said this delay was requind dut to 1 problem of scheduling on the' pvt of one of lhe sta/£ allorne)'1. The Learys 'were lll'l'Hted last Dtc. 26 when Laguna Beach Pol\ct Officer Neil Purcell stopped to check their park· ed car in the 200 block of Woodside Drive. Dr. Leary, 411, was fired from his . pooSt as professor of psychology at Harvard University five years ago and i! in the pr~s,, of appealing a stiff, 3G-year sentence on another drug con- viction. He was charged with possession of marijuana for ei:perimentatlon -without a feCieral toµ stamp -a permit issued only about 12 times in tht last three decades. • ) . ' -•• - DAILY l'ILOT lteff l'lllllf DETECTIVE AL EPSTEIN EXAMINES DAMP HASH Fisherm•n Hooks Unuauel Trophy in Newport B1y • From Pqe 1 • HARBOR HASHISH HAUL. •• ' the bay to await iut1Jte pickup, or may have been dropped accidentally by persons transferring the trunk from one vessel to another. • Another theory is that the smugglers became frightened by a passing game Easter Happening Slated in Laguna Billed as an "Easter Happening," a folk·rock concert will ~ held at St. itary's Episcopal Church's Guild Hall, 428 Park Ave., Laguna Beach, from ~:30 to 10 p.m. Thursday. Les Moore from Huntington Baecb will perform at the eve,nt. A <19nation of 50 cents Is ttQUested. . The Rev. Robert L. Corneli.9on said lhat ,the "Happening" la a way or reaching youth. While, he said, the church is not actually sponsoring the Thursday show, he said· he hopes that such presentations might be started on a weekly basis at the church. 21 Panthers Indicted NEW YORK CAP) -The indictment of 21 purported members of the Black Panther party on charges of plotting to dynamite Manhattan department stores, a Bronx .police station, and a commuter railroad's rigbt--Of-way was an- nounced Wedne8day by Manhattan Di.st. Atty. Frank S. Hogan. ' ' . $161.00 To the girl who knowtwN.tshe w.ants but not ~re to rind it. Mitch your style with our many dbtinctiw: desips. Arid ask us about ou'r famous 0,-anp l&ono.n guarantef'. • warden or Coast Guard vessel and ha~Y. dwnped th&-contraband. ' Hashish, which is the resin taken from the flowering tops of · the marijuana plant, .,ells for . a..bal.ll •10 a gram on the street, narco'riC officials said. Tons of ·marijuana plants would bf required to produce the quantity found in the bay. The weight of the brine-dam pened hashish is about 125 to 130 pound$ At •to a gram the cache could brfu• $582,100 on the street. The "hash" haul was the seeond hugt find of illicit narcotics in the HarboJ area in the past week. Last Friday, two burglary detectiv~ arrested a group of Pasadtna-Arcadi• .,-.eamen and · discovered almost 15,00( capsules of seconal, called ''reds" bJ drug users. · Four defendanli face court action (If charges of possessing the dangerow drugs for sale. Recreation Director ..,. Requirements Told .Laguna's first full time recreatiot director will need a college degree il recreation and three years experience ii the field. Tbest, at le!l!t, are part of the criteri• Laguna Beach councilmen are expectd to set up tonight in the form of • resolution. The council has already instructed UM city manager to budget for an expanc!~ recreation program in the coming filcS year. CONVENIENT TUMS IANKAMERIC ... RD MASTER CHARGE J. C. J.lumpMed J•w.l.r 'lTYt>.RS 11•i-TH! S ... ME LOCATION I I 1121 NEWPORT AYE. COSTA MESA • PHONE 541.)40 I • • -· " I (L) IWLY~T :J Dr,adle}]'.; "y Orty Face Runoff , ' Lead LA M~xor· ~acei ~arry Jr. Wins Congress Nod ,._ Wh llerilm 1!183!!f of ihe natlOI!'• ~ 1¥1!11 city. Tuesday. 41.71 pereent of the •Mt to Yorty'• LOS ANG~ --Bradley, &int M, GOJdWoler Jr., ...,, of Ille Bradley, lbe first black c811<jld1ie ,lo :111.i. pett<nt, a<coriflnl io 1 nearly a rfe-,cl .. • cooncllman and former .tnw.n.i. -..;i, . .,.,fMMy • -i.. the w11•e a fuJl acale camPIJr for -·-r .--. IR tabulation. J>Olicerofflc.;~ will face Mayor Sim Yorty &~iiC/Ji'~ lill u.'riiu. """ In U.. clly's 'hl-.y;leci ·i;m ihe 'i/elb;. ~Wlth 1,174 of s,m precincts ,.portinr,• in 1 nano!! eJe!:Uon nut moath for greSilono!.dlltl\q In 1 1pec!al elel:llOll tilni and by early !Oday hid all\llled the vote.for mayor w11: ' • 2 Sania.Ana ... \.. Br8d.ley 293,7SS or 41.I~~ ....: 1 • " .... -. ' Yorty .183,334 or 26.t ·j><r<el\I. '. \ Former t~levj.sjon l)e)"SC.ster ·~r Ward 116,.155 or 16.! perc~. ' Cpuncilmen . • Retaift-Posis -. Santa Ana voters return~ two :\tr Cooncll Incumbents to office Tueldlly and elected two others to vac'ant aeatl on the seven-man 'board.· ' .Winning new· fqur year tenns were Vice Mayor Wade Herrin and Councilman Waite Brooks. ~lected for the flm time were attome • .Jerry PaUenon and minority group representative Illy VIiia. Two controversial figures lost Uleir bldl for council Seats when Villi defeated Mrs. Janice Boer and uerrJn won over former police captain Fred Hopper. Both f.11'1. Boer and Hopper were outspoken critics of the present city administration. Mn. Boer, making her aecond bid Ul"l"T......,. for a council seat Jost by the narrow IKE'S CHAPEL -Military policeman silhouetted against Kansas margin of 240 votes. Herrin defeated sun stands guard in front of chapel at Eisenhower Library in Abilene-Hopper by 125 ~ In the UDO!ficlal where, according to his own wishes,· former President D~igbt D. tagft1 officials aaid 30 percent of the Eisenhower was buried today with full military honors. registered voters can· ballots for 13 caO. • dldates In t11 prtclncts. The vote totals are: Daily Pilot Will Provide W1rd I -Jerry Patterson. 7,497; Patrick Duggan. 4,46.1; Harry Fensler, J.743 ; Delbert Conner, J,031. \\'ard lli -\\lade Herrin , 7,811 : F'rcd Hopper, 6,886. :AP Bool{ on Ei se11hower .. Reiman M'orin, two-time Pulitzer Prize hi.~ life. . '.Winner and a biographer of \Vinston flforin . fir.st tnel Gen .. tisfinpo.,.:er in 'Churchill, today ts putting final touches North Af rica and later helped cover th!? \\'ant V -Ra y ViHa: '"S.190: Janice Boer. 5,549; Rev. Walter Cook. 1,890; Elias Acevedo. 1,494. , \\'ard · \111 -\\'alter Brooks, 8,969; Delbert Michael, 2,964; John lloff, 2,384. \ l,!_~..:.N JJ!!Jl01!_f!INl_NJL... nc I moyor·-m Yorty . ...... UPIT .......... LE~DS_AL~ Ct.NQIDAJES Councllmen · Thomas Bredley Negro,·Mexican-American Re-elected to School Po sts The first Negro · and first Al~ AmeHcan to serve on the Santa Ana .school board won reelection Tudd1y night but conservatives ousted incum- bents from two othei board seats. • Rep.' AlphoruO Bell, (R.c.Iil.l 11,172 Of 14.1 ps-cent, , I • E;ghl other candld1les W<te fe< OIJI.. distanced A3 about ~ PfS' cent of Los Angeles' registered voters went to the )>Olis. Yorty. who ill seeking his third, four· yiar term, charged Tuesday-night Bradley "made a racist appeal to the ~qro area" for votes during his cam-- paJgn. Bradley said "race is not a rele- vant factor" in the campaign. Yorty predkted victory In the nmofl, but city election o1'eoords datina bact 'to 1913 showed that whenever art in· cumbenl mayor was forced Into a runo!f, he lost. ' 1 In .a special congressional elecUbo in the 27th diStrict, Goldwater got 30.1 percent 0£ the vote. John Van De Kamp, a Democrat, was .second higheat among the 16 candidates wit}l 13.S percent, ac- cording to Unal unoJflcial returns. Another familiar name with an bo- fanliliar face, Edmund G. Brown Jr., son of California' fornl6 governor, won one of seven seats on Los Angeles' newly created junior college board. He WM one of1SS candidates in the r,ace. The runoU elecUon for mayor on May 27 was necessiry because none of the 12 candidates received a majority. In the . congressional race, the top Rei>ublican and Democrat -Goldwater and Van De Camp -meet In a runoff April 29 .. Yorty made the · "racist" charge in an election night interview when . it became apparent he was running behind Bradley. "We know that Mr. Bradley made 11 very racist appeal to the Negro area. He told the Negro people they should vc:Ke for him because he is a Negro. This is contrary to' everything he believes in," Yorty &aid. ~n a l40,~word biography of Dwight . smiling Kansan',s tw<? piesidential cSrn· po.igns. va cancies. .D. Eisenhoy;er . ' Based on his wartime coverage of the A use permit for corrstruction of "the for a variance in the area's re.striclive Winning reelection to full terms were Jesse Berry, a Negro, and Ruby Monte- jano. a Mexican-American. Both were prtviously appointed to the ~d to nu County Approves Crittento11 Permit Bradley. SI, the son of a pullman. porter and a dome!lic maid, wu born in Teus but has live(! in Los Angeles for 4S years. He holds a law degree and was: oo the Los Angeles ·police force for 21 year!'. before he retired In 1961 as night watch commander· for the Wilshire Division. The DAILY PILOT. in cooperation with general in action and on several inter-rlorence Crittet1ton Home which v.•ould E-4 residential zone. Th~ other winqers were Dr. Charles the Associated Press, will oUer the 2M-views_ whose main purpose was to be the county's first permanent faciJ!ty E. Elerdln,g abd Robert K. Harr. Trall- page clothbound volume as a public ser-dredge up material for the biography, for unwed mothers, was approved Tues. A'new application describing Jle borne ing them were incumbents Conrad ,vice at the no-profit price of $3 per in-Morin takes on the job of meaSurlng Ei-day br Raymond Reed, county ioning as an educational institution following Schultz and Paul A. Robbins~ - ,dividually boxed b'ook as soon as it is senhower the soldier. the politician, th:-administrator. : a ruling by the county counsel's office Dr, Elerdlng and Harr were auppqrted ,available lo the general public. stn tesn1an and the 1nan. Neighboring property owners. who have that It qualified for yiat status led 1.o by the lTlxpayers for· Better-SchoOls Morin. v.·ho kne1v the late general or Tl1e result ls the book. "Dwight D. E' opposed the establishme nt or the S600,000 ,.Reed's decision. Committee, a conservative group opposed f the anny and 34th President of lhe Unit· senho\ver: A Gau ge of Greatness." soon home on 2.5 acres at Bond Street near Objections to increa~ed traffic by to .some o! the positions taken by the 1 Rettiain Oil PuebJO 'ed .States for 25 years. was granted ac· to be ofrered to DAILY PILOT readers. Santiago Boulevard in El l\.1odeno. said residents of the area were Jenied by Incumbent!: .• 'cess to Eisenhower·.~ private files for Photos illustrating the book -both they woulri appeal the decision t\I the Reed who pointed to several nearb)> The race was quite cloee. Winning CORONADO (UPI) -Cmdr. Lloyd M. IThehe purpose of "'riting th~ biography. in color and in black and white -v"ere ~.!_ystructiBoarond ofofStheuperhov"°"me'ha· d pr••"'u ~-commercial 1 racilities including com-vote' totals were Dr.' , Elerdtng, s,8111 ; Bucher, his five officen and one enlisted project was in work v.•hen EisenhO\V· sought out and seleded by Max Oesfor. \,NU •v V mercial nu r 3 er y, a poultry opv'ation. Ben')', 6,151: Montejano, 5,9Z3, and Harr, man are the onlyJcrtw members of tht er was hospitalized for what was to be-AP photo editor. another Pulitzer Prize ly been denied by the conty planning 1 riding stable and a sand and gravel 5,727. Schultz received 5,525 votes 4 nd USS Pueblo officially retained on the Fco~me~t~h~e~fi;n•;l~s~er~;c~s~o~r;he~a~rt~a~t;ta~ck~s~o~r~w;;;;;;n~ne~r~·~~~~~~~~~~~c~o;rruru;;;;;'u;;:;;ion;;,,;bec;;;;;•~u.e;:;;.;H_m~·d;;,;n~M;.,;;q~ua~H~fv~. ~p~;1~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rob:;:;;;b;ln;•~5~,37<:;;;;.·~=·~~~~~~~="""~t~er"='of;..;the""'c~ap;t=ur=ed~ln~te=ll~lg~e=nce~s=ru"'i·~ H£AD9UARTU~ FOR SPERRY TOP-SIDERS ' NOW -~. • ON THE -BEAM -: :lftting b'f Ou,. Gxperl ·· Pe~Ionnef : . ' ........ . ' . • BUSTER BROWN. • 2 STORES TOJ SERVE -'vou - No. 30 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH •• , 644-2464 • 1051 IRVINE -WESTCLIFF PLAZA NEWPORT BEACH ••• 5411111 • now at atlantic music!· WEEK .· END SALE! '-30%-50%. DISCOUNts·· on ·· STEREO, TAPE RECORDERS, TAPES, & RECQRDS! HURRY! FIRST COME, FIR,ST SERVED! . ' Some New, Some Demonstrators, Some One-of·Jl·Kind THURS., FRI:, SAT., SUNDAY ONLY! SALE ENDS SUNDAY! I' HERE ARE . THIS WIEK·END'S SPECIAL PRICDa *SONY 250·A 4 frack It.,.. ltCer41r ....... * AL TIC 846·A· v.1 .. c1 •• ,..... ......... . .............................. . ' ' . . \ * FISHER .Xp;.4 . AW. "'-"• ... , ...... ~,, "'.· ...... . * FISHER 160-T IW/PM ............ -·-··· ......... ····· .. ' * ~RMAJt•KARDON . 52~ .. . .... ······.···· ...•.. * GARRARD SL-95 ·-,,Awt ... attc ......................... . * SHERWOOD 7600 AM/PM ·-· .... ' * AR·3 -w.ic ._.,. s •• ; 1o1cr. .,. ___ .................................... . *GARRARD SL·75 ., ....... ,... ,,,..,., ............ -.. ,. ........ . * SHURE M·91 I ~-c:.~ ~··--.-··-·-·-·-·--······ atlantic • music 445 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa factory direct prices! Re9 • 149.50 333.00 199.95 ' 199.95 269.00 129.50 349.50 - ' . 225.00 109.50 49.95 SALE 9600 199°0 9700 16800 199°0 7400 22800 12900 6200 17" Oi'IN N!TIS & SUNDAYS ,' rnnday1 11·5 1alu1dav1 9·6 da :1 : : .9 p.,n. l·1·1•" '•'d"L""J"I' u .\.; "~ " '" ) . .,. ..._I ' j •. I ' • •• f'elko Chlof 1111 Chompion of Soup Lake, Wash., spotted a car ported Oii tho wrong side of the ·~t from the grade school one m~, whip-ped-eut bis book and wn>te a '2 ticket. The car belonged to hi.a wife , Janice, a teacher. • Fecithning thdr own Msts? Not reaUJI. TM Walla Walle, Waah ., Di3· trict Arm11 COfPI of Engint"er employ- eea ore T£aUt1 f'eadying nests and lin· rno on the Snake Ri~r for _ "Qiu~ro­ tion FatMr Goose," an experiment tn mmte Canadian geese to t'tlocate nest· ;ng sitt• since original nest location.~ havf! be~ f~ood.ed by nno dams. • Embattled Gls -Rep~se Red Attaeks- '.. ' SAIGON (AP -Pounded by rocj<ets and nwrtar• and outnumbered ti<o to ont, fewei; than 100 U.S. lnlontrymen fooihl off a Norlh Vi<lnamese attack today wbUe American helicopter gunships and fighter-bombers pounded the enemy. Military spokesmen said 49 North Viet- namese bodies were found and there was ndt f aina1e American cuualty. "'Il)ey tried to recover their dud, but we cbued them out," said lit Lt. Toy Smith of Houston, Ttll., commander of !be 26th Division company that tt-f:tled the North Vietnamese for two hours 2S miles northeast of Saison. "They charied out of a bamboo thicket." Smith rtported , "but we cut the111 down before they got abywhere near the perimeter. We were Juct)r,' wit.tr the volume or rocket-propilled grenades and automatic weapon.. they poared ift." Smith. had anticipated the attack, On night patrol Tuesday, his troops spotted enemy soldiers on the moYe in amall groups seven mi~ from the 25th Division headquarters at Cu' Chi. Smith !)l'dered bis in en to "dig In r eal d,eep ... At ·l a.m., about 200 North V\etnamese soldiers from the Cu Chi ReglmjIDt at· tacked behind a mortar barrage, ~ 9lre.am of rocket.-propelled 1tenades and ma~gun fire. Sirhan ~xplodes As P sychiatrist Calls -Him Liar LOS ANGELES {UPI) -Sirhan R. Sirhan leaP;td up, s~uti~g curses when ,. Jlfosecution psychiatr1sl called him a liar who faked amnesia to try '" escape the gas chamber. Four burly deputies grabbed the mitn ~ accwied of murdering Robert F. Ken nedy Roltlnson CruSM is alive and in and led him from the courtroom. Sirhan Moacow, working as a taxi driver. was muttering a9-he left: Vitaly Robin50Jl Crusoe is his full '.'That son of a bitch." name. He is 24. And like D•ni•I O• ~he chief proeecution witness, nr. F•'• fictional Robinson Crusoe. maur ·Pollack, said Tuesday he who was rescued by a ship from a bled Sirhan's story cl amnesia. tropical island, so.V. Robinson Cru-Pollack said many murderers used the soe of Moecow w as saved by a heli~ same tactics. . coptei:-when be became Jost in Sip . Pollack today continues his contention beria 'with a group of geologists Slrhan f1ktd a loss of memory aild several years ago. The govemmenk lied to escape the California gas newspaper Izvestia related the So-chamber., . . viet Crusoe's Siberian experiences PoDllck s rem~rks ~sday bfghhgbled in ·an article commemorating the,. the ~ damnmg lesUmony in the 13-250tb • . f th week tnal. anruver~ary 0 . e appear· Sirhan rose and began shouting when ance of Defoe s classic novel. Pollack testified about the notebooks in • which Sirhan had written "RFK must die." Guadalupe Lomas• car broke down if!. 0%7&4Td so, like 1MnJI .. It is my opinion," PoYlack lliid. •·that Sirhan's denial of the recall of the written notes waa 1n attempt to avoid the seriou~ · stranded motorist.I, he flagged down a. passing cat. The OCCU· pants, highway patToL office-rs Fronk Frede and Edward Doclv ery, pushtd the car into a .!trv- ice station. The statiO'tl. wo.s closed and, the officers noted. had bent broken into. Glancing into Loma&' car. the officeri aaid later, they scna batteries, oil cam, tool! and eaah. The officera colUd local police, who booked -Ute 24-11ear old laborer on mspi- cima of burgtaru. • consequences of his act which could • be interpreted a.s a planned and premeditated action." • EverYbooy won at the Phillips School in Willesley, Mass. snowball fight. Princip•I Will•rd Wood ruff made a deal to halt snowball throw- . ing around the school -if none were thrown for -a week, he'd be the target for some free shots. Woodruff made g ood, and ev~ry­ body was happy. "They Jl:Ot it out of their systems all at once," he~ ~aid. Then came Sirbanl1 emolionaJ out· burst. Nugent Returns Home With Medal SAIGON °(AP) -One of•u .P,...;c!<nt I.yndon B. Jolmon's Mln&-i~Jaw left Viet· nam for home today with a medal. Airman 1. C. Patrick J. Nugent, mar- ried to Johnson's d1ughter Luci, com· pleted his year or Vietnam duty and took a plane tor Bergstrom Air Force Base in Texas. He will be discharged there . He we awarded the Distinpls~ F lying Cross while loadmaster or a CI23 loaded with troops on Jan. 2. Al'I Air Force spokeJiman 1aki the twin· engine transport had ~ soldiers of the U.S. lsl Air CaYalry Division aboard when it came under mortar attack. . I 1lfattaie Thanks Crowd Wcar.ing a black dress and looking sad, Mr·s. Mamie Eisenhower step· ped onto the rear platform of the train bearing the body of her hus- band, O\vlght D. J<:isenhower. to Abilene , Kan., and told a crowd of !'lOO in St. Louis. "I am most grateful for all the expressions of Jove." The train stopped briefly· in St. Louis Tuesday for maintenance. Pontiff Warns Rebellion Puts Churcli in Danger VATICAN C.:ITY (AP) -Pope Paul VJ !laid today the very existence of lht: Roman Catholic Church is threa tened by the "restless. critical, unruly and rtemolishing rebellion" of priests and laymen. · The _,po,nlill baid the rebellion was against the Church 's canon rule, its lradifion and its authorily. He also assailed prelate'.'. whn ha ve quit the Church and said their ;,scandal'' crucified the Church. The Pope's statements on revolt and defection in the Church came during his weekly general audience devoted to the sufferings of Chr ist during Holy Wtt:k. Many pilgrims and tourists a;alhe.r ing 1n Rome for Easter We!!k c~monies were among the crowd of 8,000 at the audience in St. Peter's Basilica.. '"Ibe Church suffers above all," Pope Paul said, "from the restless, critical, unruly and demolishing rebellion o( so many of iU children -priests, teachers, laymen, those devoted to the service and lbe testimony ot Christ In the living Church -against its intimate and in· disp::!nsable communion, against its in· stitutional existence. against Its canon rule, its tiadition, its interior cohesion, against its authority. the unchangeable principle of truth. unity, and charity, against lts very requirements of sanctity and garcifice, ·"IL suffers fron1 the defection an<f lhP scandal of certain priesls and religious who toOay crucify the Church." The-Pope appealed to the faithful to understand the Cburclt and help it. He said !he note or optimism sounded by lhe Vatican Ecumenical Council must not mislead Catholics .. ''The . Church is .go)ng tllrough ~eat .~u fr~rirui:s today.'' the Pope said. "Even after lhi!! council . . -' , -· Reds Crack Down On Czech . Action VIENNA, Alllltia (AP) -Tiie Com· munbt -. of CaedulovUia ... ' -l!ldl1 a far-reac;blac Cl'-11-Iba~·· .._pen, radio and --·aad Aid tbaY -.. looc* 1o1erate anr c1nta11oo fl1lm the -poled parlt llae. . The annouDoemeat wu carrild ·in rldio -•· 1n>m rr-. 0ne broadcaat Aid .,tbe mition WU .. GD U. ftl'le· of -.-·Jndlca~ the -·M had --to ......... to lmpooe their wW. 1be ~ve evklently QlllC in re1pon11 to i Soriel ulllma-fO!lowlni lut -·· utl,lloviel demo!lllr.UO.,. durlnc which, the olllcea ol Iba SOYiel airllnl A...oot ...,. . ..-keel In Prque and 9oriet iDlt.alla&m were d a 1D a I e-d ebewbere In the counlry. 1be outbursts came during celebrations ftl. the Czechoslovak Ice hockey team's victory over the Soviet Union in Stockholm, Sweden. In a rC90lution, the party's ruling presidium said "the. organizers of the lawleu Ids" will be punilhed. It did not say who the organ~rs were but blamed Czechoslovak mass media for "creating an atmoephere of artificially evoked emotions."· It added that "anti-socialist fortes" were responsible for the situation. Despite the Soviet-led military in· l.ervtntion last August, designed to halt the refonn course of the Prague leadership, the country's news media. ~have up to now remained relatiYely· free of censorship. The language of the resolution 11eemed lo suggest that this would now end. The presidium added It also would tolerate no longer any deviation from the party line. "It was a mi.slake that those Com· munisls who acted at variance with the party line were not called to ac· count." It added and singled out popular reform Communist leader J 0 s e r Smrkov1ky for c.~iticism. Official SoYiet newspapers had charced lhat Smrkovsi:y took part in the vietoty celebration in 'Prague. This was denied in Prague. ln the fiekl "of publications, the presidium ordered the sU5J1tnsion of the magulne Zitrtk -Tomorrow -and said other out.spoken journals, aucb as Llsty and Reporter are de viating iravely from lhe party line. These acd olber journals will be allow- ed to function only "on condition that there will be guarantees that their ac- tivity will be ir. complete agreement with the Socialillt aims of our 90ejety." Communist journalists "who are es:· pressing themselves contrary to party . pofley" will be ..u~.'ti~'" .. OCCOW!t of _..., <tf>e um Mid. • . nie Qimmunlat pu:ly'1 ofllcW orpn, Bude ~".1 :,11 f\llllllinc Jts .. role . ''ini IJl unatlifaclory manner,'' t h • presidium wool "'· · · '1t .... bol' lir" far .alw111 -la unambipoul. C o 81 m u n i a I principled political -· It lroufllcienll7 lllP' J'O'll poey l'llDlaliooa and does J>01 combtt \rieWI alien .to eoclalilm. 11 • Navy ·Requests $2.7 Bill.ipn ' ~ '. To Modernize WASHINGTON (UPI )' -The Nay, asked Congreu today for $2.7 billion to begin modernidng the U,S. fleet . AmOng the new VCllMlll reiqueated were a $222 million nuclear guided nUaslle frigate, fiye de.stroyers and two am· phibiou.s wault ships. Vice Adm . John 8 . Colwell, deputy chief of naYa1 operations, told the Senate Armed Services Committee r1)0rt than 500 ol~the 900 American Navy veutls are more than 2(1 years old. He said some "are no Ion,er ecooomical to operate, repair and modernize. primarily because of their age." Colwell asked for 16 new ships - ty,•ice the number approved last year -and conversion of 17 existing vessels. If the fleet is to be ,;responsive" to the demands or U.S. national policy."' ColweJI sald, ,;a large nwnbei' nC ship replacements will be required in each of lhe next several yl!!ars."' He said it would be only the beginnin1 of a "long range replacement .. program, wbch will require even larger annual budget requests than the one which is beng requested this year." Onassises Sail Out Of St." John's Port ST. JOHN'S, An<igua (UPI) -Aristotl• Onassis and his wife, the former Jae· queline Kennedy, left St. John'• Tuesday for an undisclosed destination, port authorities said. The vessel arrived rrom St. Luc.m la,.,t Thursday. Tiny are nn 1 belated honeymoon. Spring Gathering Force if you ~uy an electric range with a self-cleaning oven now.• I • Mild, Dry W eather Prevails in. Eastern V.S . c_,.. ""-llY dtudY ..... 1tllf _ _. wll~ l'lllY t¥11111lflt Ill """ ,__ hetur1. T•'f'• ""91, U tt '9. WflMb WIHI-""'"-*"'• 11 ,. ,. ""'· Y.,,.....,..S -...i-.itvrw r • II If d ~ .......... """""·' .... lellll ""' .... ''"""' --.... .. "'-_,., "'-!Im: -... .. -. S••• Moo11. Tloie1 ••• "''°"" s-.1 .... • . .• . •• . • J:lit '·"'· '·' -'"' ·-"-'"-•_.m_. u MVUN'l'- 1'1,..I llW .. .. ••••• ••.. . Jil~ •.l"I. I.• lllrtl ttltll , . , •:U •,m. • J ................. ···-.1:••·"'···· 9'ctM ~"" : .......... •:U '-"'· J.J ,,.._ ·-l :>I •.Ill. hh J:>I •·"'· tf!_ • 1l"'9 J< .. '·""· ... •1U '·"'• •YM ,, .. 0. loltw •1<'11 e . ..... t ~. • ,,., ,, ••• fl Ten1pe rab1re• v.s. S t11KIK•"!I • • ... •Ruy yours before June JO from your local partielpatint dealer ~nd ti;,, Eltttric League of South em California will mail you $25 if You choose a n y of these braitds; -Frigidaire.General Electric. Hotpoint. Kenmore. Thcrm;..i.,... Westinghouse. , Yoil'retircdof~owmi!\ll, md scrapingtluot Oftnofyoura anyhaw,aren'tyoutWhyputup BTBmPOUJ with all that drudgery when •n electric self-deaning oven will clea n itself for less than a Clime? When your .OC:\\' range is electric, you can cut way down on cleanin~ your kitchen, too. With a fluncless range there are: no ·b\-producu of combustion to dirty walls, wi.ndowa and curtains. Bestdcs 1 cleaner kitchen, 1n electric range meana a cooler kitchen. Electric heat goes into the food-norup the side& of pots and. pans. Eltttric rangc1 now outsell gas ranges from coast to co1st. You can see wbv. See your local participati ll&' dealer. Give h.irn your 1ddr~1 when you buy a rang<. Th• Leal!IJC will mail yciu a check. sCE. Southern California Edison DRUDOBRH now I --- -· -' l l 111l '"· "in· ho ti• led up- nol e ivy ion ~re die an· Jty ... WI .,, 1er U1d eir lo r,'' o( in .Ue a<· lay ort '!·WOM!N,RELATIVES WEEP NEAR ENTRAliCE TO COAL MINE IN°A\EXICO Over 150 Fe•[ed Deed in Mexico'• Worst Mining DJ1e1ter • Draft Law ' Predkated On Bias? ~ ,..._ ... ,_ llCSTON -.c:al )ldge· In llOllm bal . Ibo U.S. iiu-°-'"1 • 'bot !-' T lbe,looW5 a('~ _ ......... '!. . . ll i;w;t; •• ..-:.. ' . u.*" Dt.at ' CoUrl'· Jil<IP Cbarl<o E. W-IJrJJlldOd I 'fUesdaY ---~~'de'C'Ute· -Ad:ot 19T:~. .uonan' '.dlleltniiDated" tilalaol ' ~·~~IP~·-· ocienlkma ""~· ... ollw:r Uim ,.up.,.s . ....,... " . "It Is -to linagine l!llY gminds 1«. tlila ~ "diocrtmlnotlon OllCOpl reHitCIOll tllscrimlnallon aald t h e judge. . " .. ' . . ' " W-1d·'Pled: n ilmlt : of Jud~ to JObn II. -Jr., a loog,balrod D'yea<oldl .resident .of ldal<ft!.:a-inl,: Mus., In wbol could Ill Ila way prove: ·to: miolber' :11.w heard """"'4·"'·-ld. w • ' Demo Wins Laird Spot :~ In House Toll in Mexican Mine . . Blast May Reach 150 Si&<on -"""'-llll·lr.r' failure to oubmlt to lnWdlm . Into the armed .f""""' N.-w action on hil ·cue· bu" been delerred unti( Ibo, Supnme · Court rules onltlte iale. ' Sktla Div~ • ! ' • ' Jn his amchictq: leCtloa .of BARROTERAN, M ex I co stopping r..-a m!Dui.,. Mn a written opinion which It took Actnu Lam T11111or"•ai ltl!Dted a divorce from (AP} -Rescue workers brav· trough there b no life,-umil 5t minutel · \o d 11 lv • r:. · h;ei' iUtlt huabalid. bU&tneisstn8n Robert P. Eaton, ., Y.ll.WAIJKEE, Wis. (UPI) '' -David R Obey, a :JG.year· ·old Dem~cratic slate MSemblyman, is the winner In one of the biggest upsets in reeU W~in politics -the race for the U.S. House ed. cave-ins, JOO-degree heat every man i.!I out." " Wyzanskl a1d; "All1 tblt thil lftlr' cJaimfng'.be' WU· an· ':"abalntee spowe." Santa d · .. d court decides . ·1.s tbat u • !Comca.su,,....,,. Court -·led th d 1n fi an poison gas as ,,._,ey ug Five or 10 mules also wue liDceie COlllcientloui clbjector r--· e•-.. e ecree a ve- dttp today in a soft-.coal mine believed killed in the.!..~r .. _ 5aen-cmmot·cemtitut1onallt Jlt(nute-:trial-ldin Twiter w~ alim_ony. inwhichofricialssaidbetween desc_ribed by ~.mez s&:Ia. be oub'-' ... to. m-tlltarJ·--'----'-----------~....:.----ll 151 and 155 Mexican minen tary or the ,,.....,_. were buried by an explosion secre -· m~g, as. . · orders which mQ' require h1m worst m Mexico s mmmg to kill tn '11-'-A-" two days ago. history 'R:~ Before dawn 23 bodies had • Sisson, convidtd March 21 been recovered .. Mine officials When methane gas nploded in the nme court, baaed bis Missil.es Get Priority At Peking ·Congress: -fonn..-ly held by Defense Secre!My MeMn Laird. Obey came from behind In the late lllages ol the vote count early today to· de£eat Walter John· Otilsen, 45, a · GOP State Senator who urged voters in the 7th Congressional .. District to complete "the .Republican team" in Washington. lt. will bP,4 t h e first lime this c:emury lthat a Democrat ~n fep<eseni the 15-<ounty' diserict in Congress, and Obey aaid it was a sign of a "rebellim".agmmt state COP fiscal policies. He will replace Laird, who leM!d lhe di.slrict for 17 yean. 'Ibis will put the state's coogressio'nal delegation al six Republican s and four Democrats. said another 128 to 132 men and set off, a two-hour fire defense on a .claim that the were still traj,ped 4.50 feet in the underground tunnels Vietnam war was illegaJ. nd d all Monday afternoon, most of W kl told ••----lhe 1 u _ergroun . It was gener y Barroteran's S,OOO population . ~ o">IUUU ru • believed all were dead. converged on the mi e e ing did not mean acquittal Seven experts of the U.S. --trances Troops bad ~ ho~ or removal of charges. 'The Bureau of. Mines·· -rn them ~ k judge invited Asst. U.S. Atty. Washington are to reach this c • . . . Stanislaw Suchecki, who pro- small mining town later today By ~Tuesd~y grun resigna-· secuied the Cll.R, to e:iercise to advise Mexican authorities lion bad set m.. the government's right to take on faster-removal of the dead "Noone would be ab 1 e to the matter directly to the and restoration of the shatter-live through those explosions Supreme Court. ~ ed mine. and gaa." said Fortunato . In the 21-page rul ing Juan Heitz, managing direc-Salinas, one of the ol4est Wµamkl Aid the draft act tor of the Altos Homos de miners here. "This ls the • , ' u n Con ltl tu t l on ally Mexico S.A. mining concern wont of them all." discriminated against Ii theists. that owns '2lft diggings, said Asked what might have agnostics and men like Sisson hours of checking assignment cauted the blast, Heitz said: who, whether they be r~oos sheets s ti 11 left the "It seems now that the or not, If! motivated lo their whereabouts of four men in equipment was functioning objecton to the draft by pro- doubt. This produced the perfecUy. That coulti mw'I. found moral beliefs which con- uncertainty abwt the number human error, but this is only stitute the central eoov:lctiom of victims. . a !Upposition." of their beUefs ... llei tz spoke of them an as "bodies" but emphasized: "We are changing nothing in our efforts. W.e are not HONG KONG (UPI) -In 1949-M. Chairman Mao Tie-tung sum-One of the first orders of mooed .his Chlneae Communist business was electing 17& party Into Ibo IM!C<llld day ol pel'liOlll to lhe r u I I n g its ninth COOlftSI in Peking ptt.sidium to perpetuate ?lao's today amid ind1Catm mldile · m ii l tar y-·d om l"n 1 t ed and nuclear development bad bureaucracy. As expected, a high priority. Pe(ense Minlller Lin Piao, 70, Amoq .t h • topics to . be . lined up u heir 1pparent to d.Jscussed today were a new Mao, 'IS. pn>pooed constltutiooal a• d or major Import lo lhe a polilical plallorm th a·t United Slates w..-e t h e empiluba bud • I I a• ...,. enhanced positions ol two lop . nusslle and Duclear sclentllts, munlsm. This la tho ....,.d Indicating a high priority !or COOgre.M since the Communilts Olinl'a rnissll~ and tiuclear took control ol the mainland bomb program. Big Four Middle East · ~ Talks Begin Thursd~y lt'i liinple. Get GUt of that coinnl9n.:oniinary Car, ilDd into. Oldamobile'•;CutJUi S. aftd·pe,tonnance Jwr..,. jUlt' .Can't duplicat.. ' ;what it adda up to is ~value that far n-11· if4 low price. UNITED NATION& (QPJ\ -Big Four talks on the pro- spects of bringing peace tc the Middle East Wm begin Thursday afternoon, hlghly placed diplomatic sources sai~ today. They said the parley will be held at the home of Frenclt Ambassador Armand Berard, rather than at the French Mission as earlier planned, to keep the talks as informal e possible and to avoid a "conference atmosphere." There has been no official announcement from the coun tries concerned and therefore the sources stressed the talk s could be canceled without notifieatlon. Some said the talks actually had been set for Monday but were postpon- ed due to the death of former President Eisenhower. The Big Foor powers - the United States, Sovi~ Union, Britain and France - were split down the middle Tueoday night when the U.N. SecUrity Council voted'll.O to apprcve a resolution con- \ ' ·' " demning lsrafi 'air r a i d s agafust Jordanlan towns and villages. The United Slates and Bri- tain abstained from votJns. holding that Arab guerrilla a<> tivity against Israel ·must. be condemned along with the Israeli attacks. Colombia uxt Paraguay joined them..J'ri.nct and the Soviets voted ror the resolution. • Jordan refuctantly voted It.II approval, arguing -that the United Nations should have included sanctions a g a i n s t Israel now. .Turbo Link Set WASHING TO~ (UPI) - Ttie Boston-New Yft link lfl the nation's high-speed rail service will open on a limlttcf basils next Tuesday. Using aircraft turbine engines, the train, ran by the New Haven, has reached speed! of 170 miles an boon In teats. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ·. . St. Andrew• Rd. •t 15th St., Newport Be•ch Cherles H•rbert Oiererifield, 0.0., Mini1ter ~ HOLY WEEK SERVICES THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd at 8 PM Mtundy Tburod~y Communion •r Billne in the. Forgiventst of Sin• FRIDAY, APRIL 4th at 8 PM The Sanctvary' Choir ,.. .. nh landeH '11*npeon'1 T • ' he Peaceable °Kfngdom EASTER SUNDAY ldenflcal Wonhlp -Servlcn at I, 9:30 ind 11 AM_ The Third .!>au Ht Arose j rom the Dtod! '• ..,....,.,. tMtlnt • l•ttw limdey, ,..,. .. •rrtv• )I te 4S rrilnutel "*' te MrYlce tt-. ~l;light away,:y.ou're traveling.in~~ ..... Iha atyllng trencla are oet. It's there in ecoliomy, too. Io a Rocket350 V-8 lhat , per(orma g!Mt-on roguJar gas. And inOldi ride, h•Md'inr . . ,~ .. ,. ' I ' - So, if you're look:ini for the.moot nciting buy in town tbill 1pring, tbill bu got to bo the car. Cutlua S. Tiy one on .•t your Olds dealer'• today. DAILY PILOT jS M~ningitis <;cu~s Not at Peak· Yet BERKELEY (UPI) -tho vuy 10'Jlll ad-· 'lbauah the llWllber of menJn. P"ll'•'41!*.!' .D". Ollll lald. llU. c:.-rtpOl'led In Call· Genetolif Ibo ·dealh rate !omla lhil )'Oat ls almoll 111P: _ I"!"! ,the ~ la - le lhal of 19111, lhe outbreak 11).20 porC.nt. J'rtll'l'llWl' Ill• 11111 bu·nol,reocbed lb-; ..,... on U..~ oatbnali according to the Stai. Health !all within tills pottan. Department. A 1965 qid<mic C&Uled Ibo Dr. James Chin .. the depart. sll!pensloo ol bulc traintnc at ment'• ~lisl In epldemi<s, Fort Ora near Maalcriy f o ~ said MondOy that Ill~ first 12 oeveral months. 'Ille -has w..i.s of this year 227 cues reported II ..,.. Id far 11111 were reflc>rted, as compared 1"" and two latalltleo. ~th 13 at the same time in Othe.r we:St Coat llatd 1968, and 17 in 1967. have not reported a aimllu 'Ille doctor pointed o u t Increase, Otln aald, and t b • that while the increase is of California rate 11sticb aut er.ldemk: proportions, "very like a sore thumb." few" peopl~ ire affected. Only The docior lilted early alp four of everx 100,000 ~pie of the disease. ... _ .... ,_, may contract the 'Cltsease, •-a-•-.1. whlc hls spread by mlcroor-cooges\J.oft.:-heldacbel and • ganlsms ud ca""" lnflama. measles-like n'9h. ·O>ln laid lion of the three membranes the. disease, which generaD1 that eDvelQPe the brain and ~trikes in cycles. ii earried splna1 cord. · by many adults who suffer no "Tbooe aflected .areusually W elects. • ' Old World Mediterranean Spanish Furniture OVER $100,0IO INVEN'l'ORY TO CHOOSE FROM DICOIATORS CANCILLATION •n41 RITUINI PROM MODIL HOMU ALL IRAND NEW DICOaATOAI DllAM HOUll ON DISPLAY Items as follows: Gorgeous 8 ~ .custom qullte"8ofa with separate loose pnlow1 with b .. vy oak trim decor and matching chair, 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" tall decorator lamps, banging chain swag lamps In wrought Iron, an 8 piece king alze mailer bedroom •uite In pecan panelled M•dlterranean 1tyle with lop quality 15 yr. warranty k_lng size ID!ltlre" & bo• •~rings. Spanish decor dining aet, eto. • • Whole HOUMtull WM "lui.r $1921.00 ~J'r o~1~~'-'-~~-···-$698.00 A'lt( Ploc• Cao le ........,. ... ,......, y.,.. Awll .. 11 -N.wcantWI to c.Rf. ..... en.It-· A,,. ..... _ .... "'"" r Z 1 7) Ftirraitare At Harbor BlM. l~.Newport hi.~.._-, l_.y night ,n 9 -Wed. s.t. a S.... 'Ill 6. -·- I • , ·1 • I I DA!LY PILOT EDITOBDL PAGE I Rescue by Computer ' 'lben may be freah hope t11E Ille 111tlon'• auffer.n of recurrent llroltea becaUH ol a pUot study program Ullder wq at South Community Hoopltal In South i... , ...... 'lbON are two to lbNt mllllon penoDI In the U.S. Jhlng under the tbreal ol zec:umnl llrokea. 'Iba local program !J an Initial llep aimed at Ille eotabJ!lhmenl on a national acale ol a form ol "lmtanl dlaJJ>ool&" for stroke vlcllma. Buically, tlW would be done by oocumul•tlni mu- aive amounts ol medical data on lndlvlduall who bave lllffered strokes. This would then be c:::r.uterized and llll>ke patients would-bLproyldecLa e number to carry at aU times. Then no matter where or when the patient might be overcome wllh a recnrrence; his medical history would be avaUable witllln minutes by telephone or tel.,. type to the appropriate data center. Quick availability ol ancb Information may mta11 the difference between IUo and death, pby&iclana say. . '!be program not only undorllne& the uclllnl •<> celeration ol meclic~tt,roerea but ol the role our com-munity hoopltal !J . g In th!J progreas. Do It Year-rOlilld --Tax override electlona Him to have Ill• llllDllY er. feet ot makin~ school public relatlonl blouom like Iha flowers o! apnng after the bleak winter. ·- fragrance. Tb• comlftlln!oal1-laf dlaappeart. There ere more now releaH• about lnllrettinl pn>- rrama. more plclnree. Flncera are busy lyplng or dial· Ing. Scbool programs and nledJ are uplaJDeCI at aervlco dub mlellnp and coffee ptherlnla. QuuUana are a111werod, ~ produced, &Udu aliown. Tho community become& lnYlJlvod also, or at least -tboH who are acbool-orlentod do. Many are uked to help and do work gladly and with enthusiasm. . II occun to UJ that the prHverrlde state ol lllvolv~ ment ta a health;r altuat.ion. It's unfortunate that 1 probably la oaly temporary. • . . . . Should not the p!Jtoau of communication with tho COllllliunlty become a goel for a full-time romance? Easter Fun for Small Fry Como Easter Sunday, the smaU fry of Laguna Beach' (8 and under) wlll Una up to scurry acro11 the high achoo! athletic field, aU eagerly ••eking any gllmpoe of the brightly colored eggs secreted there by tho community-minded members of the American Leg• klD POlt 222. For a ""°"' of yeon, the Legion bal brougbt this -Easter fun to yoangator1 of the community. The suc- cen of the effort 1bould be acknowledged and applauded. I • . , II • • . . ~ j ' Laguna Beach Unified School Di.trlcl la no excep- t.ion. It bas opened itl countenance like the blooming rose. Sweet revelations of achieving children\.. worlhy goals and Innovative prognJDI embrace UJ W1lll heady 'lbe hunt !!Jell has become a Laguna Beach tradi- tion.· Some who were particlpantl. are now urging on their own o!fsprini In tbe quest for the coveted eggs. '!be acene 11 IOIDewhat remin!Jcent of the Oklohoma land rush when the 1 p.m. wbisUe &OUDd1 and the kids aU tear off across the field. The American Legion's activity In malntatnlng this event is a welccme spring &bowing of community splr!L [Yan ia a J?liablt aiiimGI, a~ who 'eta ~u;tomed to eve~/: ,...I/oltQycva,.y Marriage ls !mprobable Arrangement It can come as no wrpriM to ut lludent of the l!Ubjecl thal w-lib to get married. Nor wUJ anyone be greaU,, plllleil to be told that they lli:e even more to be removed from the lnstltutkn. There ls a aerlous question fn the roloda of some lads u to whither • woman prefen a divorce to a DW'ria&• ceremony. 1--I .,:: Recently Mr. George Gallup ~ his talents to some of these questions. In the March Wue of Family Circle magazine, a Gallup poll found that one out of every four American wives would pick another husband if they were 1tarting out again. HOWEVER, ONLY ONE In ovuy JO husbands says he would have propoeed to another girl if he bad known u much about his wife as he does now. How to account for this relative In- constancy of the female? And the really surprlslng basic fidelity of the husband? There i3, of course, the fact that a man has his work. This increases his inner security. At the same time, it plays hell with the inner security of his wire. . Most women hate their husband'• work. I am also ~epared to believe they would bate him a lot more U be were Jiermaoently, unemployed, with a life tentered around a bottle of beer1 and the tube. and tb ... Interminable lljlOrllng contest.s. For, let us face It, marriap Ls a most improbable arrangement, even at its best. Dr. Johnson pu1 it well, in a classic formulation: "SIR, IT IS so far from being natural for a man and woman to live ln a state ol marriage, that we find aJI the motives which they have for remaining in that connection, and the rutralnta which civilized aociety imposes to pre- vent separation. are hardly aufflclent to keep them together." The excepUoos em~ of oourie[ .!"rt mostly the bonds of matrlmooy art oema: c:onolanll,y slralned against, what Ibey Dear :; Gloomy Gus: In my booli, the --· driven In our town m thole wbo llllpte with brip1 llPtL 11. D. S. -,.. ..... "'""" ............. ... "' .. ,., .................. ... ........... .._ ..... ..... m not actW!Ily broken. No mottor bow hlpplly a woman moy be married. someone aald, it a!waya pl ..... )llr to find a nice IDID who -........ not. In the Gellup poll alluded to, man fared more poorly than wife as a social partner, close companion and parent. Women were also more crUical of ~it husband'• devotion, personal appearance and mental growth. A LARGE FACTOR In WOIDlll'I unhai>' pineal within the hondl II ..,.1y her empha!ls on romance, with a capital R> Before she gell married, In order to satlsfy sonie inner uplraUon ol her own, she e.ndowa her loved one witb an unbelievable lel1ea ol quaUUa. She makes blm a combination of an astronaut, a Knlgbt of the Round Table, a Provencal troubadour, and an Encllab country gentleman of the 19th century -or whatever, and a steamfitter, •nd a guy who prefers The Sportlnc Green to the poesy of Donte Gabriel Rolletll. PERHAPS THE moot aatllfled of wives are those who take to heart tbe advice of Lord Cbesterfield on the 11.1bject. P•baps, t.o avoid dlaSIUsfactlon wilh husband>, more )'QWll ladlel lhoold beed I.be following wlae wOrdl:- "The"' are but two objects In wr-rlage, Jove or money. "ll you marry for love, you will cer- tainly have 10me very ba.ppy days, ud probably many-very uneasy onea ; If for money, you will bave no happy days and probably no uneuy ones." The sensible w om• a abould DWTY 1ome dull dog who puta tocetber con- glomerates,. bu two barge candlelit dht- ners a week, and a chlld every three years. She lbould leave the bluffyed, riven-hatred nvilhen $o the more 1JW .. -al lier lllltm. 'GoAheadandShootMe!' Alaaalt and batlerJ la a crime In California, but tt II allo a "tort." A . -criminal court may sentence a perMll who pun<:hes your .... to jlil, and you may .also sue hlm for mooe7 damages in a civil court. aent" to perform an emerrreney opefa- Aa usauJt is 11an unlawful attempt. tJon. However, whether be bu lmplltd coupled wllh a pr .... l abllity to commll « na1 .-, a -cannot 10 a vlolenl Injury on the penoft or be,..., tbe -iilei lmpooed by the -;· says CalUom!a'1 PfGI! Code. --· A baturJ is any willlul and unlowful Ull al force or violence -onother RE1UI II A dlJ!lcull bcrdellot - pmon. Ono c:rime II tbe attmpl; the al the Jaw. llow lor IDIJ the - olber, tho complei.d act. lawfully go wbm be Dodi llllllPld<d condHlon1 thal need nmed)'T There ls WHAT ABOUT people engqlng In no pred>e de!lnllloa; eadl ca. must 1porU, such u two boxers. Are Battlln& rest upon the fact&. . BiJl and Grizzly G<orge comrn1Wn1 Can a penon -lo an Wegal a111ull and battery 11 they whack 1w11 1311ult! SUppooe thal In the hell of a quarrel a hulbanct said to hll wife, at earh other? No. because they have "If you don't like me go ahead and eadl lecalll' ...-ltd to tbe Ids al -me! f dare 7ou"' And Ille dou. tbe other. la UU. coment? No, because the •ct Bui wilal lf tbo flWWW&ahlcllm caJlDOl II Ulepl and tbe law will not pmnll £i vt comient? '"' cample, • man la a penon to consent t.o an Wtgal acL Jnjtnd Md uomm:WI. A doctor IHI lharlO Uoo II -.L Can he Not<: Callfo"'ln lawv•n offer th is opuate :lll:t ammlT '"1e C.tUomla column 10 .,ou mo11 1cnoio about our 11• 111' tbo dodor bu "implltd .,,... •· tau:r. - I Man Speeds Vp Pollution Problem From Purity to Stinking Cesspool To the Editor: The recent heavy rains and floods have brought a problen! concerning water pollulloo to my. mind. '!be prob- lem ii that ol eutroplllcation of water1. Eutropblcatlon Is the natural aging pro. eeu of Jates, streams, and bayt. The pn:lCf.11 cauaes p)lJutioO and eventual de- atructlon ~ tbo Wiier undqoinf the p-ooell. ' ' EulrOphlcallon II a proceu by which clear, deep, cold bodies of water are traMformed Into shallow, muddy, marsh- es which can support Jlttle more than bacterial and plaDI Ille. EIJTROPHICATJON II n1tural, but man does lllllCh to lpeed the procea through the dumplng of lndustrial wastes and domestic sewage into bodies of wa .. ter. He may shorten the time necessary for the process from thousands of years to, in some cases, a few decades. A prime example of man-made eutro- phication ts Lake Erie. Jn the space of a few short years It has fteen tramfonn- ed from a lake suppo~~ much life to a lake resembling a s g. dead cess- pool. Closer to home, San Francisco !lay is beginning to undergo thll pn> cesr. WHAT EUTROPIDCATION ad uatly doea ii cause • drop in the oxygen con- tent La the water, making for • chana:e ln the natural balance of life. Aquatic. u well as terrestrial organisms demand oxygen In order tO" live. Jndustrial waste and d<lnestic municiple sewage, even 1hougb trtated, entering the water dis- pense out quantities of bacterial and plant-nutrients. These organisms multiply widely and remove the ozygen from the envtron- ment which was p~viously for other or- ganlmis. Plant& and bocteria cause oedJ. ments to form and the water becomes ahallow, silt'y, and eventually unlit for life. THE PROBLEMS assodated with eu- trophication are nqt merely natlonaJ in acope, but recently they have become lo- cal. The recent spillage of millions of gaJlona of raw sewa1e from the: River· aide County BeW&ge lteatment plant may cause e:utrophication problems on the Newport coasl Besides ma.king a stink- ing mess' and a bulth haza.rd, the spilled sewage has grully lncreued the nulri- ent level ol Newport Bay, making eut.ro- phlcaUon lute<. JOHN HALVERSON Studeot UC, lnlne Ahlrlelt E.rtolled To the Editor: M temll ....ttmela«a, my lmband and I loot lonrant to our woekencll In the -of p1171n1 • ,.., ..... 11111 letter -II not to deplore the c:on- dltlon al the Cmona del Mar High School courts, which are a stone'• throw from our home, but to enoll the ICUona ol a man wetl known in our community, Clwlcellcr Dllllef Aldr1cb. Lost Snnda7, .,. tro .. Iltd tho -· mllM to ... tbe Wtl~malntained UCI CGUl'tl. AD were tn me upon cur arrivtL We ....,, IWft lbel foculty and - .---•• '1•rse·---· Dear Gtorgt: My boa te1ll me I lhould join club1 11 ll Is good for buslne.5s and I am now 1etUr11 toto Rotary, Elks. Kiwanis, Lions, M o o 1 e, Civltan and Optimists, but t still have a couple to go. Could you telJ me where lhe Mafia meets? .... W.R. o .. , W.R.: Anywbtrt Jt want.I to. However, don't call them - U1ey'U call ,,,.. • Uttm fr.om rtadft'I art toclco?M. Normallp tolitm t"°111d conl><JI thdr tnts.sag1 f,. 300 1DOrdl trr lt11. The right to -· lcttcrr to fit IJ>ClCe 01 1Uminatc libel U r1sert.>fd. AU lttter1 must tncludt dgnatuf't and mailing addrtll, but "°'"""' mar b1 IDithhtld on rtq1i1st l/ iufficlmt rta- 1on ii apparent. heve !Int priority, and rightfully so, but since Easter vacation was in effect, we felt our wait would not be Jong. TWO YOUNG MEN joined the waiting groop. Shortly tberealttt Dr. Aldrich and his family arrived. Needless to say, ' the appearance of this erect six foot, six inch gentleman did not go unnoticed. The court near us soon became 1vaJlat>le and my lw1band notined the d:Ja.ncell<r, not because he was<CJ'HE man,on campus, but clearly faculty. Dr. Aldrich chose not to exercise his prerogative. During the discUSlion, the two young men moved onto the court. Dr. Aldrlch qulckly sired up the trituaUon, diplomatically 1pprooched the t w o players, who were neither students nor faculty, and again deferred. to us. A liUle thing, you say? Yes, but ls It not the aceumulaUon of liWe things Chat make us.the peraoo we are? WE KNOW AND read about the ootstaMing ablllty al tbls man to hmlle the "big things," but I felt compelled to tell al hll adber<nce to the rule that I for one. cmtlnue to teach my children, "Do Unto <>then: • , , • " t am moll grateful for the Uistence of UCI In our coimnunlty and for the hand al lrlend!hip t1t<nded by f!iooe at the UrHverslty to m: "town people." Most of all, I am grateful that a m1111 ne Dr. Aldrich wu .-to 1"'d our univenity. MRS. MIKE MANAHAN Airport Dnelopnumt To the Edlblr: I note witll l1Jr!lriJe that the Newport Beach City Council 11 takblg a lltand In oppoo!Uon to further developmeol al our local airport. As a longtime rt:1ldent of this area gince 1953 J wish t.o place on record my opposiUon to the coondl'• atlempt to restrict what is, I believe, lnevitabl.e and desirable upgrading progress. All of us who have been here a long time, have Been the startling srowth of the area. Some of It ts desirable and with tt comes as a matter of coune l500le things which don't deem to be as Nee as they used to be. J imagine all places from time pest have eeen the same and people hrve voiced their objections but it ha! never atopped the growth of human endeavour, otherwise we would still be in the horse and buggy era. AND IT JS IN that era we lhall remaJn U we stifle airport development .. So far as noise ts coocerned, which aeerns the point of opposition, that l! something we can live with. After all the chief outcry aetmi!I to come from tlloM wllo, while enjoying the employ- ment opportunitie!I that have come tO them from industrial. «mnierdaJ Ind educational development resultant upon fringe growth, have ltill built or boUlht 1'8idences in the alt corridor, wen tnow- tng that tbe airport ,... there before they came. .. rr WOULD BE Ju.st •• foolish to cunplain as we do of the noile of the Marine helicopters whlch clatter up and down our beachee while doing their duty; to complain as we do ol. the tummer and week-end crowds which cauae us congestion while spending their money; to complain as we do cA the h!gbwayt and freeways in our mldst which bring us ""10( while giving .. ease of movement. • GORDON N. WARREN ' Se~ Education To the Editor: "Bravo" to Thomas Fortune for his artide, "Sex Gets Needed Publicity." It ii seldom when such a concise precent.a- Uon of all the relevant fact,, ls"offend ia today'• newspapers. "Bravo'' to School Supl Kenney for clarifying (on rad alone) the highly cathectie issues. "Bra- vo" to the DAILY PILOT for this tlmt printiJ!i tba news thal Is fit to be prinled ON THE NEGATIVE tide of the ledger. your type9elter needs help as does yow proofreader. The aubUUe reads "Capi:t trano to 'Educate' Family Ufe ClaM CriUcs." How tms is to be done ls nal . indicated Jn the article. J hope not m~ ly by printing this one sll<rt art!cle. I tnow enough about human natnre to be Ueve that the critics won't gobble thil Udbit as gospel Lastly, I would like t.o know bow.UM IChool trustees art inVQlvlng themselvei 'Ibey approved the program In JJDtWJ lrnowlng the likely repemwlons (I hope) How Jre: they ·meeUng the challenge? LA WREN CE M. FRUHLINGEI Political Atmosphere at Book Awards NEW YORK - A political rather than a strictly literary atmosphere wu evi- dent during tbe 29th Annual National Book Awards held bere in mid-March. • "Most distinguished'' work by American writers published last year as announced during this boot industry sponsored event, suggested thii!I at· mGSpbere. Winning titles included protest again.st the war in Vietnam (Norman Mailer's "Annies of Ute Night"); the . terror wrought by nuclear warfare (Robert J. Ldton'a "De at h In Life: Survivon ol Hirmhtma"); repreaion in Easi.m Europe (Jeny KOl!nsld'1 novel "Slepl," Iheme al whldl II pollnca1 violence and temr In hll nau .. Poloncf): r a c fl 1 "'1Slool (Winthrop Jo1dan'1 hlltorlcal -k "Wblte 0v... Black: Amer1CID Attitudes Toward the Ntgro''). BEYOND TllA.T, mtn than 200 -· p1hllben .... critics plbered for the nanl -llgned a ..-U.O lirllal tbe abolllhment al U.S. 1mmJ1nUoo -lpfnsl IOR!p -and ---al a-Una poJltlcal -The resolu-lloo ~ tho& tbe Unii.d Slales ls "18C111'9 lft:lu&b In tta democratic values" tbll ft. mlOl llhollsh thll archllc rem11111t al the old lloCan'an Act. Thi! •N generated by the cue of Carloe Fuenles, the distinguished Mex- k:an novtllsl, who wu ttfused entry lnto San Juan, Puerto JUco, last February n dllrlng • wyagi from Europe to Vero CtllJ, Meslco. Fuentes' American publllber, Rogtr straua, ln- 1Utuled the JJtl1lloa wblch deplored ''the continued dilficultJes some of our foreign collotgUes '11COW!tet' when Utey lry to cnne to the United State. on the ground• that tbtlr p a s t or prtstnt, actual or • r: . . alleged polllical opinions may cliu<nl lrorn official Amel1can aW-... AT A NEWS conltmlCe supportfns Straus' appeal, Art.bur Scb1eslnett Jr., the Harvanl historian and loreip pollcy advisor to the late Prelldent Kennedy, said the Fuentes cue marted "a tat foc the competence and efficiency" of. &he Ni.J:on Adminlstratlon In how to im- prove its relations wltll the llrlist1c and Intellectual communities both in the • Unii.d Slates and abroad. At tht same press conference Abba P. Schwartz, an a!S.l!lant Secttlary of Slate lor Security and Conlular Aflaln In the Kennedy and Johnson ad- rnlolmatlons, also tupporUd the Fuentes molullon. He added that the excluolon al loreljplm becsuse of their poUUcal posiUon IMfded "not 001 iota to GUI" national MCUJ"ity." EMPBASIZlNG prol<si whlcb bu grown In academic and liter1t1 quarters over Uie Fuentes case, Roger Straua nolOd thal denlal al the novelilt'1 <lllry Into American terrllo<y Is "• ohockh11 rtmlnder of the dlsc:repondn tllat ,. J ...... E. Bol~ MercW -"Since .... have wasted bilhona of our mcriey with piUful 11UCCUS on forelp aid oo thll pland, m1ybt our luct would ~ t>,tter In belpfnl tbe peoples of outer .Pa~· main belween our commitment to (rel exchange of ideas and expression ~ the rtstrlct1vtoe51 of our immigralb laws." Fuentes has attended previous National Book Award ceremonie1 here_ u a rue• al his publisher and bas lectured ii the Unlled Slates. Arthur Scbleoinger Jr. 1n an obvious Nkle '° the Nixon AdmlnlstraUon, noled that tbeM villll occumd during the K en n t d J Admlnlstrallon. Notea • Ille M•lln .. The Writing of One Novel/' lr\1inj Wallace hu p-oduc<d a book aboul 1 book, bil book, "The Prize." A lahorator) report on research, technical problem~ a profmkmal post-mortem (Simon • Schuster; 14.951. ----Wednesday, AprU 2, 1969 TM tdllot1al -of l1IC Daifr Pilot -"' 1o ml""" Giid ru... tdoU ,_ 11v premimg 11111 ._,,.,,, oplnioftr dTld - ,...1ory on topi<r •I illl<rul •!Id rignffialncc. b~ proofdl"17 • '°""" 1tif the •%J>f'•uton ., our rtodn•• ophlioni, and bv pruntmQ the dtt>ffst .. pomtt •I mfomt«I o1i..,._. .... opobttncft .. topkt of thc dq. Robert N. w...i, Publisher I . •· :e to of rp ir ,. :h :ir ,. &i "' "' II Ol- ia >Oi 'ct ... •• rl ~r. UI is .. '" ) .. lij he .. 3 ' ~· .. li Ill ,. ,. if " .. II l - • • • • D.llLYl'llA1i JJ ' '· ' rhat Co~~on .·Cold ls Ofte·n -.Uncommonly Stubborn B1 N« ~ MD VIit)' In bow ,they Involve lake an uplrln. ' one of the wont dal\Y er-~w,ip;.. Grldually, 1n4 ;.'io troqble.) ' ol lept eveey iWo yellJ-TW · varioua-1e. OFTEN A COLO becoQlta periencts la to hive to tell .;;,a.pa1n19aJy, preuur·i ~ llO; Mrt. N .. be thukful lncludel a ~ ,ai ' .Dw Dr. 51 e In c r ':,~,!'~ A1k )'Wl'IOll, Mr. H., U you atubborn and nuty almpty a paUenl be wW ...,... npln builds up behind the eye. II ',...cam.: In lime. Ah!lqb ..,.iutlon ~e:• ~, Whene'Verlpt1eoldf\ .... ,... have taken care ot tbe eotd becauaeyoucallbima1"com-hisatpt-oreYenloeewba& cloct" ~.canals wblch \J•~_/•'·u you aay; whit .~)to _ §'e , , . • on IY' weeu. Elll>er I COii~ from the Orst llay II llrlkes. moo cold" whenu bf con-liltle be his left -becall!" ""1ln#llY · lei the eye nuld a ,IVIAll jlnmlum to PIY I« 'Al fn your ._, -. r· or 111~ or ~eep hacking Perbape you ..a.irate ll You alden hlmltll "uDcOmmonly he bu cune too Jato. for me d(all,;.olf. 1ll1a U-... '~ llChl-· came In for your ~· · : or ~ve trooble breathing or •doo1 lblnlt ll l'mporrant lmporlaDI.'' Trut him with their sphere of acUl'lly In to do anything for hh natwil .....,_to blclc lip ~ 'f."¥'.PEC!PLE U.t tbe choiDP· .~ 11., oo ~ feel~;allolJ!lilcbremlnd .....p. to otay home from r._i and be WO!l1 hang medicine. ci.ucoms.'' . . qalml the vllal ..._ o(. llfiil· wri to0 '""'.m· ~ .. ~ ~-~of me I'm not yel rid ol the -itloraclayortwo; you moo)Oo(ln·lbefll!uit. . Y.,tmlayiwas"lalkJn&to BYNOW,lthlftlt-poo-vi11oo and dllablel -· ~oii ·o •1laa11i t ~ glaacdna ·l!ocomtlbay · ..... dam thing. doo1 keep warm; you don't . for Mrs. N.: '\».doctors a friend who la a busy eye pie ,...iiae that~ It (More nrely II the attack ~lllo.-I"'tobaft no symptoms thll '""""- Yen bave a friend, 1 lit11e.,, ~,~,...~~0~1~d«1~··:_;you~~c1an~·t~-•:'.'.ven~!llv~e~ln~!ru&tra~~llcl>.~. ~-~~er~1~pec~1~11~1•:_. ~llt~u~ld:_, ~·r~cr~me~~one~of'...:IM'~~Jeoo~j~1.,!..'.:ca~·-~~of~llCUlo~~so~ll~al«ll~~tbe~l!'~tlen~t~•~·~-~plel~"~.,.~'.~m~·111~-~~-~~-~~~----lklooy•lellow who yw'd lhlnlt1. ' ' would he laSd low eYttJ time 'l he caupt cold. IDslead, he's >i ' • over It in a few da)'I. How do you account fat this? - Mr. IL COMMENT: Viruses vlry; people VIit)'. To 1'pell: ll>ere are all kinds of colds; all kinda of people. Yours may hlOI oe for three -= 1be virus bu& thlt bits. YC!U It stronger than the me which attacks your friend. 3. You do not take good care of yOUr cold j but )'OU? friend Dllntl bla. Whatever the r e a 1 o n , remani._ we mate a mistake when we thlnk we have the ••same" disease as o u r neighbor. Wbe\her it is a cold , or ulcer or high blood pressun or a heart attack ~ they Smile H You Take Pictures By JOYCE LAIN MIH Ltl" -rdl ... 1Mf'c!Jry --"tile, ~ <tA the Rov•I TY..,wrhl' CO,. N f'1'1011~ J.-II, D1llM, T~•11, .... 1'111 ~l .. , .... llf Ilk• .. -• ,,.,...llMI •11tt11t1..r. '#Ml ~ I .. ,.. A. -Smile. U you're focus- 1 n g on a p o rtrait photographer'• career, you'll need wlnnlng :ways to click with people as well u at them. Don't expect picture-taking • lo he one big llllllp -you'll ' ' '·'Brylcreem" . . IWll DIESSllG P1t1 '11f1 la 98 ""' ., lllrl . c Ut . ~II.Sin Small Applin can tJpener 1111 dill llllll'llli Holdo "' N tm.ty, llifo -~~~1388 (l)lors, #ECll • Steam & Ory Iron 1rittl lS Wlb ••• lwildlt ._ ::-:. "Jj. •r::7 88 ........ 111."'2 • ' Portable Mixer SltllUll-l!aly julJ -"' 11'11• :i.r.:· ~ ~ '°"'::..; 10.88 "Cold Power' 1.891L sorrv.n Animals ........ "Lysol'' SPIAv ··· DISllllCTANr . . ZEE Paper Napkins: Sin edded Wax ... --bis aii -2 'IOc ~"." "'~"" iLa-. Mellowcreme Pets ..S-~ .... :; :, ...... ..: 29c n11. Fan Assortment lllal'S --:n !'.a:...iui:57c llil. .. "1111*--- M 1l • 1 oc:· "Piii Masson" !lll .-JD WllES 1 59 .._,, -.111111is ... 1a • "Christill Bros." 11111 ••&WIE 169 _la._ ......... "Gallo" ·-• Ill 12 cit "1.49 "Old Taylor" llllTKIY m.um IOlllOll • Pnlf . 11$ 5.911 llS ra .. 5.59-6.65 II Ancint Age" lllltiKIY ITUltttT l\ hi. ~.!'°tas 1u110.98 So!~--"Desert Flower" ·-· 'Bufferia' TABL£JS SHEER Hosiery lo PAIQI. COlOIS s1111reu 1trttn t111t flitftn .,,,, ftl ct1tttr. 7gc Also It ftftt. fits 8\lto IL NII 'Caldnce 11' 1111.M ........... ---"' lODS IJIH it nsort1• 79c f1s,Io1 sUdH. a~ ti II cilia. • ricb, ~I SOllld. Awlilable in· r "'' ... I" Dymi: spealorl 1 88 I .t Frost Dlly. , #C4413 • ·All lll!!Sistnr Radio Sill• tbt1 -2\4" •111~ic =·=::i=i:;3 95 -·-#Pim • "WI" Portable Radio 111Wllfl!C-Too411oe de011 d -wrist sfl1I. fits 111i1J into ,..,.._ =::.=-~::9.48 Transistnr "Earpboae" "'~ __ ,...,.gr .............. ....... la -..... oepctiq.,,. • Collpe Mist ''~Jtlfll 2 IL llfllll •IJ w Dat111 Plwlllr •a.Ill s:U ll ·-''Ogilvie"mrm C-™lltn •ltll ¥1tM1i1 I The_.,,.. ~.-........ -" rillt .. ::e. "-.,... .... -Ill '"°"· ' .... . .... 2~50 4.00 "Tulips" for EASTER @'· ·--............. _,,,.... -r1o11 .. · "" ,., 4 •• --·· -·--_1u color ,.,._ ... 2]9 DRUGSTORES OPll l AM tollPM•7Nft A-· -HUNTI NGTON llAC . ' ADAMI & l i:OOKHURIT · HUNTINGToN llACH ININODALI & IDINOIR NIWPOllT llACH 1110 llVINI IN .WUTCLI" PLAZA ·-·-·-· "Sheer-Ory" un.HISPIUKT D11~11ats llJ 11$1T •• =.. 2.50 11 • lfilED illfia Glassware __ _, _ ........... ""'., _ frtil • 4!1HI, ...., !.':; --.......... .., - . ' . ,. • •• .. .• . " .. : .. . ' . .. '• .. . .. .. . . " .. . . ' .. ' • . .. . . . " ' . " " '' . : " ' .. ' -• .. • r Pulpit· Pini UllW Ill • 0 t • 11; ~ ,. Sell a-., 'l'mlh and Central A'(ellue, will bold lllamdi 'J'hund>.7 jwv~ ll 1:30 ,p.m, Commwilon will be ctlebraled. ThO sanctUI')' w~I be optp lclin' nooo· to s p.m. on Good Frid1f for prayer and med.ila· lion. Communion will be celebrated Maundy Thursday, 7:30 p.m., at F1n& CllHitd 1'tedtodlll Cllutcll1 2721 J7lh St. Hunting!on B<acb. "Good Friday suvicea . Wilt be beld from noon to 1 p.m. 1'be chureb will 1!oot oilier MetJlo. dist CODl"f£ltl.OnS. GUest speaktn will be featured. ' Thursday and Friday will be observed with sptelal services at Ctm.maatty Melllodul Chrcll, 1662 Heil Ave., Huntingt.oo B e a ch . Maundy Thursday communion will be offered at 7:30 p.m. "Seven Last Words" is the theme of the Good Friday service which will ·be held from noon to 2 p.m. -- "Hours About the Cross" will be held from 1 to S p.m. in balf hour segments Good Friday at bldleru Ourc'- of lite l\enrrection, 9812 Hamilton Ave., Huntington Beach. Mauody '111ursday will be Ct!lebrated at 7:30 p.m. with communion. Clturc1l 1chcdu.Je1 for Eaa· .ur Sf!'l4.oll 1Dill b< publi.IO. ed ~ the rtgulqr Sa:t1'rday church p:ige, -choir o( St. A ad r e-w' t Pnff)'laiao ~ 800Sl Andrews Road" N.e w p or t Beach, !or Good Friday, The perlormaoce will begin at a p.m. Dr. Cbarlet H. Dleren- tiekl will narrate the presen- tation~ Service! .i 1:30 and 10 a.m. aod 7 : Ill p.m. will be htld an Ila~ J'lrunday •I St., Joa .Ille Dlvloe Ep!leopil Chura, 2043 Oran1e Ave .• o:.ta 14ML "Olivet t.o Calvary, .. · a cantata, will foUow the eveoing service. For Good Frl'day a children's service will •be held at to a.m.· and a three hour devotional service will begin at noon. Stations of the cross' will be pr...mtp at 7::Ml p.m .• Maundy 'nturSday at Church or SI. W1Uin1 o1 Y ort, Chapel Lane at Ellis, Hunijngton Beacll, will be celebrated <With communion at -&:30 p.m. A -and addr<ss will be held et 'I p.m. Devotkms from noon to 3 · p.m. will be hekl ·on Good Friday. Childr"1'• ""'""' wlll 'be held at 1:30 p.m. ~laundy Thursday "'ill be Fint'Valted itetbodl1t and celebrated, 7:30 p.m., with Finl& Baptist churches o{ communion a~ N e " p o r t Fouotain Valley will celtbrate llarbor Ladteraa Cbltth. 2501 Maundy 1bursday and Good Cliff Dri\:e, N~ Beach. Friday jointly this year. Good FridaY, flaftt and 'Ibunday, both congregations meditation wttJ also be held will ~t at F~ Baptist at 7:30 p.m. Church, 17415 Magnolia SI., 4:30 p.m., for a candlf:ligbt The Annual Natl on a I cOmmunioo service. T h e Association · <A. Evangelicals following evening at the same Good Friday aervice will be time the people will meet at held at 7:30 p.m. at Magnolia First United Me t h o d i s t Baptist Cburch, 720 S • Church, 18225 Bushard for MagnoUa, .Anaheim. Dr. Rus· worship· service .. The Re\•. &ell Jones, "pastor-at-large," Dana Hawkes of the Baptist -. with the Conservative Baptist church and the .Rev. Kennl'lh denomination, will give the McMillan of the N.:ethodist message. Nursery care will church, will take part in both be provided. services. Coll\)11union will be celem-ated Thursday, 7 : 3 0 p.rn. at Lutheran Church Of tbe Muter, 2900 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. Dr. William R. Eller "111 deliver. " message on "A Redemmed Life." A prayer and meditation vigil wUI be ~rved on Good Friday from noon to 1 :30 p.m. "Everring worship will begin al 7:30 p.m. and will feature the theme "Jn the Shadows of I he Cros:i." Easter Flower Service will be held this evening, 7:30 p.m. by NelfP'ri Vn.lty Church, • meet.Ing at Senior Citizens Building, 15th and Irvine , Newport Beach. Holy week observances al Christ Lalliuaa ChaTch, ?60 Vict«ia St., Costa Mesa, in- cb.lde .servicf.s oo ~iaWldy ~ay and Good Friday. Thursday communion will be celebrated 7 p.m. along with a chancel drama and sennonette by Pastor Lothar V. Tornow Oii "The Trust That lsn1 Y".lB(>laced/'· Good Frlday services will begin noon and end at 3 p.m. for tM annual Tre 'Jre serv\ct. There will also be a lt(J . p.m. communion and Tentbrae service. Randall Thompson 's "The Peaceable Kingdom" "·ill be presented by the Sanctuary St. Michael's and All Angela' Episcopal Cb11tth, 3233 Pacific View Drive. Corona ~el Mar, will celebrate coounuaion a\ Maundy Thursday services. 7:30 p.m. Good Friday eervices will be held from noon to 3 p.m. Scheduled are liturgy reading, noon; way of the cross, 1;30 p.m. and even- ing prayer, 2:30 p.m. ' Office of Tenebrae will be part of the communion service for Maundy Thursday evening service-, 3 o'clock, a t Neighborhood Congregational Church, Glenneyre at St. Ann's Drive, Laguna Bt!ach. OrBDge Coast College aMis! tent professor Jay Colyar will direct the choir in "The Service of Darkness." The Rev. Ellsworth L. Ricbar.dson wilt give communion. . CalYary Baptist C b • r ch , 8281 Garfield Ave .. Huntington Beach, will hold services Fri· day evening, 7 o'clock. Men of· the congregation w i 11 present a short commentary on the stations of the cross. The service will conclude with c.unmunioo. Candlelight communion will be held Thursday, 7:30 p.m., al First Cbrbtlan Cliibrth, 9040 Talbert Ave., ~ountain Valley. Maundy Thursday wilt be celebrated at Balboa Island Community V•lted Methodist Church, 115 Akate Ave ., ·with service at 7 p.m. Good Friday School of Tragic Fire Faces Finance Crisis CHICAGO (UPI) -On the west aide stands a lhree«ory, modern classroom building built in 1961 as "a monument" to the 92 children and three nuns who died in one of 011' nation's most tragic school fires . Parishioners a nd persons rrom all over the nation donated the $1.25 mllllon lo r@place the ancient building dcttroyed along with Uie 93 lives Dec. 1, 19511. Once again the tidlool is turni.DC to par ishioners and otben to "save our 9Cbool." Although parochial schools IJno&lloul the <ooMry are havfnl financial d~!icullles, Our t.dy or the Angda' crisis may bt more tmmlnent. .,We j~ aren'' eetting tnou.P money through normal channels and without ml)re m<lle1 we ~will ha ve to clOSt:,'' twr-.cboors pastor the Rev. ~ Kelly. said. Be said the ~.hool f11cei1 a ,proJ<dtd ddlcll or $88.000 thil yt1r. 11.Anct , the ddicll witf be fJJ0,000 Dea& year and could be 11111.-!he year a!IA!f aw. "Wt went to the parish with our problem and we've gotten a very favorable response. They'.re already p le d g e d $30,000. They don't Want to see this school closed.down." Father Kelly. pastor at the school since 1965, said the financial eris.is resulted rron1 escalating maintenance CMIS and an increased need for lay teachers as teaching .sisters are called elsewhere. Next door to the shiny new and debt.-free building Is another parish bul1dinc with a sign "SOS -Save Our School -Have You Helped ?" lronieallly,, a report of the OuT Lady <i !he Angels lire fund la~ year showed "an unerpeoded balance" o I 1237.254. The money ts unused under lhe terms or the !und it is lo pay for injured victim11 of the Ure -by Dtc. ll, 19'19. the terms call for It to bt turned ovtt to the Chicago <.'Om.munlty trust to be uffd for the "care, relief, educaUon and benefit or crippled, sick and lojlnl dlildttn," in the clly. - -------- 'T.-.br• will. be held al.the same hour lhe lollowln& evep- tng. ' Lenten v...,M • · · l11 allted far Th··~ p.m.', ·at i...ihU.:Q;';;d';( tbe Re 1 • r.r,e c tJ o •. 911Z 1-''-'l Hailluton, llujltinglon Beach. Pastor. Arthur I\. Tingley will 'pe.• on "1 m' ""'A-" a 1uc.ui..,1 ~, \ ~ • "Consider the Cross" will be he'4f from 1 to · 3· p.m. Friday. These Good 'Frlde.Y • , hours will be divided into half hour segments. .. ' . ~ • .. Ctmmu.lty Metllodlst ~ flM2 Heil Ave., Hun-~ lingtoo Beach, will hold Mawt- dy 'J'trunday comm u PI OJl seM:es al 7:30 p.m. G'!"\ Friday servk:es will be held at YU'lt United Methodist Ctwrch, 17th and Delaw_,e.· noon to 3 p.m. ~ The Rev. Canon Nicholas .. LS!E,J:'/!.255 Koolelsi.9, ·8.!S~lanl lo lhe oMht·P...i.,i. Ep~ Bishop of Lo• ' Angelel will preach Good Fri-e6Jy Week serv1ctl at SL day noon to 3 p.m. al SI. J'!!m Ille DIY9e s,i...,.u.. Geo:ret'• Eplleopal Quda, El Cliardl, 300 Onnge Ave., Toro Road and Whisler• Drive, Coslir )lesa, Includes Maunrly E~ Toro. He will give a Mries Tbunday,, l :JO and 10 1.m. ol meditations on oenonaJiijes aod 7:30 p.m. On Good Friday Straight from the Heart ------ " Ihm will be • famJ(y ..me. 1t 10 a.m.; the trldiUonal thfee.hour devotional at noon OD the USeven lMt Words" and 1t 7:30 p.m. Stations ol the er.a. On Saturday, bap- li&ma will be hdd al I p.m. - lk~ Offered Prayer N!i;W YORK (AP) -·Be- fore emerging to take the oath of office, ht sat alone in his ho~l suite and ,;..rote out·a brief prayer. 0 Almighty God. • give us, we pray, the power to discern clea'fly right from' wrong, and anow an our wof'ds and actions to be governed thereby .•• " It was a simple, straight· from-the-heart entreaty, and it mirrored tbe man. " ... Make 'full and compl ete our dedJcation to the service of thC people •. • . " Voiced from the pnsidential inaugural rostnun on Ja1. 20. 1953, by • Dw i1 bt ' D. Eisenhower, it is the only known iai9tance in which--a pre!ide!.t-at bis inausuralion offered a prayer Of his own composition. 'But this was not the on1y way in which the military commander w h o became president followed a distinctly individual religious course. ONLY PRESIDENT He was the only president who was baptised and con- Urmed as a church member after entering the White Houae. That formal joiniag or the ChriSUan cause came just tYiO weeks after his first in- auguratioo,. oo Feb. 1, 1953, when be appeared before the ruling ""!Ion of the Natiooat Presbyterian C b u r c h in 'Vashlngton ahd waJ received into membef'!hip. His wile, Mamie, a life-1oag Presbyterian, also at that time was affiliated' with t h e Washington congregation on the bas.is of a letter from ber home church in .Den\•er, Colo. · · 'Ibe' prie.d.ieU on which Ejsenbower De1t tO!' baptism is .among VariOUi historic itema kept at the National Presbyterian auirch a n d Cenler. On his '17th birthday, Oct. 14, 1967, Eisenhower unveiled the e<n>entone for the center's new edlllce in Washington, which ts nearing completion after 10 years work. DEDICATED TO !KE "The Chapel of t h e Presidenb" there is dedicated lo him. One ol its windows shows him signing the bill that added the words: "under Cod," ·to the na.tJc.a's pledge of alltglan· ce. . Acts of particular religious .significance by other presidents also are deplcteJ, including Abraham Lincola deliverying his Gettysburg ad· dress, Woodrow Wilson work· ing to establish the: League of Natioos, Franklin D . Roosevelt pleading for the "four freedoms." Although many of. the coon- try?s p~ presittents -.:ere deeply re lj gious men. particularly some of the great~ ones such as 'lboma1 Jefferson aad Lincoln. they Often were not active in organize<! churches. But Eisenllower, although deferring that role until his later years, put h j m s e : f energetically into r e g u I a r cburch work, so much so that his presidential period was wryly dubbed as on e of "piety on the Potomac." At his first cabinet meeling, Lawn Contest Slated Leisure World residents are nurturing the patches of gi'een which surround their lndividul manors in preparation .f« the second annual Beauti ful Border Cont.est sponsored by Saddleback Kiwanis Club. The deadline f o r ap- plications is April 15, and ac- cording · to the c I u b. horticultural experts w i 11 judge e n t rt e s sometime aroood 1-iay 1. A sweeplllakes lropl\y, along w:ith ribbons and g I f t cert.ificate1 in three herder divisions including Mo s t Colorlul, Best Formal and Best Rose, will be awarded. Resident.s may obtain ap- plications from K.iw11-nians or may write · their name, ad· Qr.ess and telephone number Md submit it to the Kiwanbi Club, P.O. Box 2083, Laguna Hills. said 0. B. 1'1itchel1, chlilrman. The swecJl'ilakes winntr will Atomic Harbor Plan Dropped receive a trophy and a gift cerlificate for' his choice o( a 1969 All .American Rose Selectic.a bush. First tbrough fifth award wimen will receive ribbons. First place winners will be pesented with a gift certifi~ate for au All-American Rose, and other winners will get gill certi6c.ates fer rose bushes or other nursery stock. Further contest information may be obtalned by calling Mitcbe1l1 1»1537. . Musicians .Honored / Two Newport High School Seniors hav~ been honored for their participation In the school's music programs. Lorena Emerick, cellist and president of the S a 11 o r Orchestra, rtetlved the N1- tional School Orche1tr1 Award, and.Sttve Winsor was given the. John P h ii I I p &ma AWIJ'd. A member of the Sailor Bmd, ·Steve is W.ISIUNGTON (UPil -also first obolsl in !he Sailor Tentative plarui to use atomic ~· He plays the altf>' blasts to dig out a ntw harbor sa:r In the MJd.sblpmen and 11t Cape Keraudren l n the Pep Band, and ts a Australia have been put off, member of both thtl All according to the At o m·rc. Southern Counties llonor Band t:nttl)' Com miss.ion. .and the Orange Counl.)' l:lonor The AEC said the sNipplng Band. he bad Sec1ret.ary of Agrictit..,, En-a Tall -. a . Mormon,. apea the Jbeetipg with prayer, a pnetlct fOUow~ ed in the ,CabiQel throughout Eise n bowa''1 presidency, usually with sileDt prayer before dlscu3sions. He and his wife entered fully into local congregational life, attending regularly at services led by the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Edward L. R. Elson, and on tenns -0£ easy familiarity with church officers, choir members and ushers. Eisenhower's religious .in- volvement, although organiza- tionally fonnallzed only •iD later year;, waa not for him a new thing. lt dated to bis childhood in Abilene, Kan. There hlJ devout mother us- ed to gather her family about her for daily Bible reading and pr ayer. It was out of. that experience, and the demanding grist of living, that Eisenb-Ower developed b i s reverent devotion. "May c ooper ati on be permitted," he prayed in his own words wbea he first took his high office, and may it "be the mutual 'aim ol tbooe who. • .hold lo differfug . political beliefs -so that all may work for the 1ood of our beloved country, and for Thy glory. Amen." -Businessman Knit,s Hi: Cares A .. way PITTSBURGH (AP) When business executive A1 Bua boards an airplane, one of the first things he does is open his briefcase and take _out his knitting. Bua has been knitting for about three years, turning out caps, sweaters, capes ind scarves. "Knitting has a lot of ad- vantages," says the 40-year· old Westinghouse E 1 e c t r i c marketing man. "On an airplane, for in- stance," he says, "when I pull out needles and yam and go to work, the stewardesses pay a lot more attention to me than the guy next to me reading the Wall Street Joumal." • "More than once " he said "I've been on an ai;,,lane with a customer who's upset about motor avai l ability or something like that. "When I open up my brief· case and take out my knitting, he forgets all about his com- plaint. then, when he's calmed down, I start talkin( over the problem with him." BUI, who is based al Buf. talo! N.Y., said he took up knitting afte:r a big snowfall loll him looting !or 80IDething in do in biJ -lime. . "1ity dauahter was just lurhing how to knll," he !lid, "and I asked her to show me. t thought t'd knit a rew stltcheg end forget. tt. Instead, I got hooked." _ Bua 58.)'S 1 lot of passenger& on airplanes uk him questiom like, "Are you married!'' end "Are }'Ol.I in show business?" Passover Observed' , Trfal of ]ew.s Brouglit on Holiday lldllor's Nole: Sundown to-j>.,;..,., Jews abstain lrom 'lfav marls lh• slorl of the •ailnC bread, and in 11s iOce a!ldem Jt!Di.ih ftitlool thq eat malzlh IO lhey can "1crtoum u Possaoff. Hff"t, understand eome of the aftJ.ic- Rabbl Bmjamm J. L<inow, Uom of tbeJr ancestors. apfrilual leader of Harbor UnderatandiDg !he sacrifice Reft;rm Tempi< of NttbJ>Ort" ol lhe 111Clebl Hebrews·ts only Beach outlines tht frio1 o/ part' of the ob.iervances -of the Jewil4 peopJe that QOt1t Passover. 'l1le second re- birth to the holi~tl and, tWrernent ls to retell the , en- • •-f•·s.'h• --"itfO!I in a tih! atoiy to one's family ~'" ·~ ' .,_ and .~.c-" Tbe lhi!Wng modem contt'xt. u~ By Rlhbl Beajlmll J. Lehtcnr bt.hlnd this detfiand i a Dw'i.ng ·u.e next week Jews be.auUful ill its simplicity and lhrougbopl !he -Id will ~ jn iill messianic nlule tO eat bread and they overlooes. will pra7 far lnedom. Tbe 11 Ii hopell Uial jn lhe eigbt day fall lrom all leoven-neeeully lo -the Ex· eel producla doeo JIOI -' odus alory the narrator and mere llbentian but we Jen the listeDerl may be able to· wUI be pr•ylng for each empatbile willi the enslaved _ .. -of ...... _., · l!l'I lhereby deilie>le clpaUon plus respomibllity tbemaelves to1be ·achlvement and the right to exercile that ot freedom for all mankind. "'1>0Nibilily. I! we look carefully al lhe Let us look at the historical• concepts transmitted ~o .. us reasons why one .week each rrom recounting the Biblical year Jen giVe up the staff narraUve then liberation from of life a:i\d direct their prayers enslavement is only ball of to the staff of man's JOUI. the task of achieving treedom. 1PESAB' ·The other half was to assume -The festival which we will the necaaary obligations which celebrate ls called PUIO~, transformed 1. group of slaves taken from the Hebrew word into a respop.sible nation. 'Pesab' which releril lo lb< Tbe Orsi order ol business of lhe wild~ rapo aod pillage which lollowtd !ho .. 1.... ol !he Coqoleoe in- dicates the horror ti . eman. clpaUon wl!Jl9Ul ~bOily. Ia It any wonder that we Jews, who person all 1 ~ derstand the rtStricUve bonda of. enslavement, pray and work for responsible freedom in the world'? We &et q_tcie the. fir.It two nights o f Passover as family banquets so that every Jew may hear the impressi'te story:. REDEDICATION At these banquets w e rededicate ourseves to another year of labor for total eman- cijJatiori. We know that we are not the only J)eeple io- votvtd "in !hi.I <lruggie and we hope that our noh..;Jewish friends 1ain strength from our prayer. Then the day m~y soon come when all men will join hand-in.hand, t ht r e b y mJking a chain of bum111 spirits stretching around l;he world guaranteeinJ: complete redemption. SEDER· SET story in Exodus when the for the HebRWS upon leaving Harbor Reform Temple will Angel of Death miraculously Egypt was to pause at Mount hold a congregational Passov· passed over the Israelite Sinai long enough to commit homes and saved the first everyone to a charter which er Seder Friday, 6:30 p.m. at h the M .... -Riviera. The.din· born males of the Jewi.s Peo-could develop n.ace within the '"'""'""'" -ner, which commemorates t.s-ple. rws was the last of 10 nation. This body of laws, the rael 's liberation from bond- plaguertirought about for the essence of which is the Ten age, will be presided over by emancipation of the Jews. Commandments, has become the Rabbi Ben Leinow; Read- Uncertain of when liberation a legacy for all mankind. ing or me Haggadah, the-story would come, the Israelite A modem example or where of Passover, a u:aditional women bad only enough time liberation was accomplished Passover dinner. and congre- during their flight to freedom but where freedom was not gation singing led by Cantot to rob: the dough for bread achieved can be found in the David Krinsky will be lhe but they were unable to ld-eona:o. Our recent memories highlights of the evening. it rise. When the chance came ·-.ii;iiiiii;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;;;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;o; le> ]laslll7 biike lheii-bread Ii the result was a flat thin, cracker·llke product which we call matzab. Because matzab was made originally to help the fleeing Jews it is often referred to Complete Printincj Service Top Quality -Fast Service 1i'i·111Mliii1i as the "bread of affliction," in that the Hebrews ate it at the time they were af: fiicted. 642-4321 2211 Wnt Balboa Blvd. Newport De1ch During the eight days -of ' WHOLESALER OPEN TO THE PUBLIC .. . . ' 11 1 ,' /: I : 1 ~ : 1111 h I ~I~~ ! 1l ~ < .: :· : .,, •• •· - To mako room far 1969 Incoming ROW, ROLL ENDS Ntventory we must doM out aU 1961 pot- 9-1 ancl .-. .... ., .. .,.1'!1 .. of-· FrtltR ur' 1iu .. room dn. W .......,., 500 ltnmllstl. BRING Ill YOUR ROOM SIZES . I Priced . ..-. 1.89~ WITH THIS COUPON llYLOll SHAG EXTRA BONUS OFfER! ,., titirt twl•IH. hoot .... WITH ANY INSTALLATION 0' H SQ. YDS. Olt MORI oylOll,.,.. lla4e fat ..... YOU GET SQOO BUI CHIP STAMPS. wlllo hfffJ lnfllc. Clot Hly,A-c;.-~-@!_NG THE NEXT 4 DAYS SOlD AT UADllG STOltlS W neid1y,-Thursd1y, Friday, Saturday FOii 7.95 m TUD ·You Can't Come In -Call us for - f,... home utlmate -~549-3349 OUl Patel 3. 92 ::: DuPONT 501-11. ACRllAll SHAG KODEL SHAG """' llllrfJ c.,.. .......... ......,,.-. Onr .,.. ... thkk.. y. ,, ,... lt9&k. .......... .... ... °"" rido "3': ...... lat plulh "'* hr tho -. ----· ...,. ,.., ••a•fJ & ""'Mr. t.o.1<1 tib wool, fools ...................... ... .• ~S.W,S.Uw •• wtol, ... "me • ..,..._ SIDI AT OTMP STORR .. &eN. a_,_....,_,...,... POI I.ti PU 19. YAU 115. JG.ts SOID AT UADllG SlOltlS 3.99::: QOSI OUT SPKIAI. FOil 10.95 m SQ. TAID OUI NICI NOW 4.99~ OUtl ptlQ 4. 91 ~; -<.UPIT ONLY--<AIPET Clll.T--CARPIT Oii. T-. . COMMlllCIAL TYPE PUASE PHONI NYlPll SHAG TWEED FOR HOME EST. TM fln•t Im,...,... nyl9" nus IS A Sl'lCIAl IVY 549.3349 m.,ty itan ~~t • prka HJ'*Mi can • -A FANTASTIC PIICI HOUllS oua 7.85 AT 2.19 SQ. TARD. DA ILY 9 TO 1130 PllCI SAT. 9TO 5 THll CAllPIT IHOULD 1.99~ SUN.11T04 oua P1I1C1 SILL AT 11.ts Pll YARD -<Mm Oll.T-NO-DO--lllT. OYll IUYT RIAll UP TO U MOI. TO PAT • L & J ENTERPRISES INC. Orange County's Largest Wholesale Warehouse 2406. S. MAIN, SANTA ANA ONl~~·0• -Phone 549-3 349 - co1npany which would have Richard A. Eagland. mu sic ustd the harbor hns decided director, was pruented a pla- against ll The commission que on behalf of the Band said, however , both the United Boosters Club in recoanltion Stat.es and Australia are stlll of hiJ outstandlnr service to lnttrtAttd In the idea. lhe school and the students. Others, he says, doo't ask anylhing. They Jrlll 1<1 11J> •nd movt lo another seat. ir..--------------------------..1 • • I I I l • I • r • r • • • ~ h r y II y • • . • ll ,_ ti l• .. j. y j. y ii " •• I • Ne~rt H~rl,O~ iDITION" . ' •• ' • • l vbi:. 62, NO. 79, s· SECTIONS. -111 ~A&B .. ' . ' • • . • •;. -~: :! 'T' ... --~ • .. -• . ,. '. .:'i .. • • •• 1.n · • . -·-•' ' . ' . oruier · PresUlent Buried in GJ Coffin· By MERRIMAN SMITH ·White House Reporter ·ABILENE, Kan. (UPI) -Dwight : avid .EisenhOwer, a simple, honest man ·ned Ike, was buried today in an $80 -1 · coffin in the prairie heart ol the merica "he served Jn war and peace leader, soldier, hero and friend. "Well done, good and falth(ul servant," a preacher said proudly over the casket, Ute same as those which contain the bodies of thousands or men who fell County Rejects Realignment • Of CdM Route , The county Board. of Supervisors Tues-: da)'. ·rejected a pro~al by Airport Manager Robert J . Breshnahan to realign tbe future ,:.Orona del Mar Frejway Soulh of the Orange County. Ailporl runwlly. Breshnai!,aR Jrinkd the ~i.ecn. to bid for a re-routing of a porUon of while serviJ1c under him at war: A ~hill. \tirlak wind blew over the home town which once tnew the man called Ike as a gangly boy, who worked in the local creamery. llil last ruting pllco was among hll own k1i>d of prairie people. Grown mu and women, weepmg tears of · lldlle&a aod pride, lined the atr~ts. Military bands played mufflld bymnl, Bells lolled n feet high In !he Slark!Y simple White Chipel w~e El5eMowtr '' ' ' was burled in a eeinent vaull "It. ,II moot fitting Iha! he be laid lo rest near hll lllllllf home,~ .... Id the Rev. Dean Miller of Palm Deaert, Calli., on the five short 'stepe of the Elieltbowtr. llbrary durin( p u b I i c -·· uPIJ:lidezn ·NiJOD ·Quoted· the 1eneral u 117.in(. 'I come !nm the .iteJrt of . _ _.So u·111o the Jieorl·of America· . Gen. ~ has -lodal' .. . --( ... W: IUllBD, Paci· I) SuperJets UnwQted • County Mulls, Delays El Toro Use Decision By JAClt B~Clt Lquna Beach and Lquna Hills fW!dlnll °' ~ ~" ""' ,,.,. oppose an El Tero lOclt~ ~- 0ran8' Couhly · oupervlsor• Tues<lay Beach and -Villov• .... f°"" wrestled tho~ otEI Toro Marine • West <Ir-. Qol8I ~ ~ C•'Jll Air ~liGD M ,I fio~ spot 1,.·.~~;J'!"~r, , ' 1 "<-.. ··:.....~.,, ....... ·~ • . • ba!! !i.ro11• • .,._ , -.,,, . .. .. , . . . ' ........ . .k c-.. lllJ ,. g ""' . • ....,..,. . I ~ · · :: =~:1 to line~e~P::.~ = l~OUO yards southward. ' I .'lupervlsor Allon E. All¢ or ~ Beach, represenilng the coa<!al Fifth ~·~at ''sztM ~ ., ·, STUDIED .PROPOS.u. • • lite Q · h ~ .... ~eh IJl"lt • Aplmt llJ\I -... 1be -tr '"'1-.~·ltwuthe~ :i:~]i:~i-mu •. ::t~, al . ' coit-fiYi ~ ~~ ' ' i Djatricl. spoke for the boanl majority whtn he declared that a cloee analy1it of ' the routing "makes It evident that we cannot change our minds noW." Alleq added, "We have had good rela- tions with the state Divilion of 'Highways Over the years and·we cannot 10 back on our word now." The analysis of the freeway routing was provided the board by county Road Commissioner Al S. Koch. Officl.als of both the cities of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa opposed moving the Corona del A-tar Freeway alignment. Breshnahan three weeks ago protested the proposed freeway location, claiming that il would encroach 400 feet Into Or· ange County Airport property. He said thls wou'd interfere with airport opera- tions ancl would constitute a safety hazard. State Highway enginee1 William K. Hashimoto countered, however, that the future route would be depressed at le ast 2& feet below surrounding ground level. ·Construct.ion of the freeway is schedul ed to start in 1974. Hashimoto·estimated a route change now would delay tbe timetable about two years. • The original route for the Corona del Mar freeway was adopted in 1940, the· earliest in the Orange Coast area, akiDM (See FREEWAY, Pagel) It's. No Mystery Where Leary ls: . -At UC Berkeley ~ • coonty•1 a ~ Tito jo..biem II that Jul! abdut Periera and Aaooelotea tm 1 hafcl lool< .Ver,body w~ an Or..,. . Cow11Y at lhe El T~ .~ °"1la Alt·statlm relioaal alrpori lo handle bli ouporjall, fer poalble Jojlifile itt!ftlie cOunlJ., but nobody wanla It in theJr own beck The planning lfOUP lllgested that yard. ltlecUon of a penn&Mlll ftllOnaJ airport eo,11 Mesa and. Newport reald"'la s.ile be beid ·In lbe)'ance inll Iha! ~ ._ upanlioo of lhe pmetrt or..ce · ales 111(gested t0 dato be iefedd 1o County ::i· to a reg!~ loclllo a Southern Callfomla AlaocJaU...· Cl ty. . Governmenta (SCAG)' nlno'county lludy Million Vi jo, El Toro and moat for analylil an1rloomrnenilation. ..rr ...... CAB . Approves Hpward Hughes Air West Sale WASHINGTON (AP) -The CI v II Aeronautics Board's Bureau of Operating Rights recommend Tuesday ~val of the Plll<bNe by Alr w..i by·llevada in· dusfrlalil!-Howard.Jlugi...,. Under an 111:mnent submlittatO tbe liOard luf J~ Hughes woold · pay abcMlt l90 mlllloii far the ·airline. )kn wt Jqbo • oat ol ~ riterger of three regional alrHnes . &Nnza, Pacific and w..i~AJrw..i ............ a In the meanttine tbe ·PereJlt, firm would he Uked lo: . . -Detennlne il I b 4 pr;oent El Toro l)lllWay cooficufatlon can !flectlnlJ ~ efliclenily oupport -lll'·Of"'l-UODI. · · -. · :-Nenn!M, bl ~.;u... ·frttli 'llte Federal Avia.Uoo AdminlltraUon, wb!ther joint Ult II feasible with reapoct lo air traffic cootroJ. ~ · · -Prepare ·a schematic layout cl. ek· actly what the county would qqueit in a joint use pt0p05al and· Pow the system would work. -Analyze and jusWy the county's need ror joint use under a short term e<ntract or J..S. yean. -Conduct detailed cost and revenue studl!!I to determine cost of facll.ltiu required at El Toro and suQested aperaUng f ... to pay for .-facilliles over the term oft he contract. ail']IOria (lncludbt( O r.1n1 e County, t<IOf FEASIBLE ca!'d.l) I 1.n ....... watern• ~-and. c... .. ••• . The study grottp also ~ ada and KeDco1 . ' ; tba&.t ln the event joint Ult of El Toro 'l'lte bu... 1-uolllllled lo. l!um-11 -not feulble, that Ptr,li:a ~ -llewmanu dtll tbe trande' ---'-1 detailed muter_,_ of or-• of Air -·· -... lo l"1ll!el Tool ,..,_, .-CO., the -ai°~'w; be ite'-1td Counl7 Airport, oatllninl llCOl)t ol'.,rvlcie uo\tll an"'* r<q1llreil for 1he -lo be provided, lmprovemento . ._ui:y of wela hiv.:-llUD. andMwtheywillbeflnlnoed. 'l'lte ......... wW ... tbe ........ , , &!Jtervlaor Allon E. Allen qreecJ that pol1tloO Ia Jftlmlnll ltlto ·.,..· ,_... the_ county ahould move lheld·wttlt the menda-. 'tbe ·a111m11e fl!doP ot the M¥er Plan of Air TrlJlSJ)Or!a.Ucxt • Authorities pursuing an answer to" the -CAB •. '"!!._~ ~ ~ ~· · (See AIRPORT, P11• 1) · whereabout.s of Dr. Timothy .Learl ~ ~ •·· t · ~· •, . . --- on:lered arrested with his wife and son Tuesday after their failure to appear in a San Clemente court on drug char1es -have one today. . . . ·S.ve. Db~t, Sink Fees The apostle of the LSD cult will be speaking at UC Berkeley on Good FriUT• '• a11 a series of lively lectures featurtna well.known American le!t.i.sts and Uberals oplens for the spring quarter. Dr. Leary and Yippie leader Abie f.lol£man will share the podium for a discpu.lon certain to generate great com· ment. amona: most facets of American society. .. ,The Pursuit of Happiness: . EJ. ploratlons in Morality and RespoMibillty," ls the title ol the·Leary· J(o{Jman talk, for wlll.ch studenta may arrange with their departmellta to receive credit. A spokesman for the student.run Center for Participant Education said no automatic ctedit wfll be given for students who attend the course, bowevt:r. Dr. Leary, his wife Rolemary, and-'°" John were acbeduled to appear 1n Soolh °""R' County ludlclal m.irlct Court Tueaday, to answet cbar1es of posseasloo of LSD, a pound of marijuana and hashish. • Most of !he IO active dlrecl«I ol the Newport Harbor Cltamber;of Com- merce Wiii lo'iooip lbe onnie-.c..mty Harbor Dlltrict. oppooe • Ude! ..... tu on boot clocU' and mariau and want an inland freeway route. Responding lo a questlonnolre by Chamber P,...ldent lllc)lard .S. Stev.t1S, dlttcton ...-querla bm>lvlng CW' rent llsuel In tbe ...._ The lll!!plln& was the Ont of ill type Jn memory tor 1be CWnbet. , Mana(lel' Jack st.:nett uJd the survey Wat iillnpq I projiC! lo "le! lhe dU.C- ton' oplnlonl wllhout ldonWylng eac:h mMwllhthe~." The opinions and to\lls· In the rut'"Y follow: • -There is 1 ddlnite need for 'a coutal ~:· -. . " • N.Y. Stoelul · , ' . ' Fisherman Nets Cacne --In Harbor. . By JOHN VALTERZA Of .. ~ Pl• '''" A RlJ!lllngton Beach fisherman T,ues- day night fished. up one·half million • dollars' worth .A the illicit nafcotlc haihish from the botlom of Newport Harbor. It was the largest cache of lllepl hashish ever seen on the Wut· Coast. offlclala said today. They believe It originated f r o m Morocco or perblpl Turkey. .· The bashlah, which b a refined fonn marijuana, was lying at the .. bottom of the b.aY in a cheap sheet metal trunk, just off the M Street1 publlc !!shin( pier on the Balboa Peninlula. Newport Beach aUthorities a re withholding identification of the 30-year· old Huntington Beach fisherman on grounds that the hashish smugglen - 1f local -might ·seek reprisals against the finder of their cache. 1be fisherman reported hJs find to pollce about 5:!0 p.m. He first slgllted ' the trunk after it momentarily hooked on the' ebd of hl8 flshine line. I I' • ... -The· ftight or the contraband bro\e ~ ' ~ DAtl.YPUT1"'f""' ~ ~ ud Qll ~ saDt again, police . . ' PlllCTJV.E.A~ EPSTJIN B~INIS DAMP HASH Ille!._ · ..1'~111""· · Y~ · 'f'Pl!lrf I!! !'"" ta• · .,,,., lrunk. ~lldawtd . !mid• •. was ,.; D\!~~ZiF . ' . ,,.,. "' . b~ 11o t1i!1 ....fa~ 'f!1th .• ~t ' • ... \_ fotin--· Oranp> <'.aunt; Harbor--f>ei*t.. Bal'Week·llf not deild' · inlteld, 1t ·Ja allv1, tlckln(; aluQing, biting Ind ocratoltBtg • a bnwl between 501...Eater Week rtVe.len and Newport llelch police proved -ly tltll. m0!1fin(. Sit · EMter Week . vacaUoner1 iu their · eafli. IOI were arnsted tnd boo~ed ext ~ rltlglng from drunk,..,... to iiillalting ·a police officer def file "brawl t&. ·-Sin« ·and Balboa·· Boulevud· in !Iii wly momln( houri. . , 'ltie'.melee . bepb. When police were cal]jd lo breu up a loud potty, at a i>Ncb boOle oo the corner and aeveral of !be porticipapb llarted lo brawl wllh llte.offlcmo who w""' amatlng a youth. FGur of the suspecla ·w.re amated , On ibe aasiult c;harlis,-.poU~ laid. 'Ibey are ·D;miy · Sbdler. is. im P.:aliSadel ·Jload,. Santai Ana;· Lora Katherine van · ost, .11, 2100 Peterson1 W~y. Costa Mesa1 Alb.ert .P. NJkl, 25,. 336 Cabr!Uo Ave., Corta Mesa, and Jack E. McCutchen, 20, 1012 W. Balboa Bl•d., Newport B .. c:h. . Officers Jaid another youth WM Ir• reated II ·the ocene Iller be tried lo O'lf w~b .• pollce ¥1""" kpotk~ ofj pilrolman George Coilbo durinl ·the 1 :llO. .. • • • ment boat after a line wu-aecured by city lU•cull'ds. ~ at' the scene coulc!n~ firmly ldenilfJ the (QUI iDldllln(, brown ~es. IO lhlf <ailed nareoUco detecUva,' who, ma<M'jiqiltlve ld!ontuJcaµoo. Tlit brown cakes ''1fbldt mnell llka condemed cow · .mart'bre," trere tn- dlvldUally wrapped with silver _foll and . were stamped with a dimwi!ed Arabic character, DetectlVe Al Epstein aaid. The mystery surrounding the dilcovery may never be cleared up, police said. Epstein said it is speculated that the illegal substance either was dropped in the bay to·awaJt future pickup, or may have been dropped accidentally by persona transferring the trunk: from one vessel to another. Another theory is thal the smugglers became frigh~ned by a passing game Warden or Coast Guard vessel and hUtlly di.unped the contraband. · Hashish, which is the resin taken Crom lhe Dowering tops or, the marijuana plant, sellll for about $10 a gram on the street, narcotic olficialt said. Tons of marijuana plants would be required to produce the quantity found in the bay. hrtik w~gh;~ ~~ ~in~~ At $10. a gram the cache could bring $682,100 on the street. The "hash" haul was the second huge find of Illicit narcotics in the Hpbor area in lhe past week. Last Friday, two burglary deteetlves arrested a group of Pasadena·Arcadla areamen and dilcov~red almost 15,000 capsules of seconal, called 11reds" by drug usen. Four defendants face coort action on c:haipJ of posaes8ing the dangerous ~rugs for sale. or .. ge · Weadler · We'll get a lllll& n\Ore "partly cloudy" •11wrtdly, • bul it'll bum oft' by· lfternoon u tbe tompera- 1 • ~ moves tup to 81 along the coast. INSmE TODAY Chrilti«ftl and Jtt1J1 obttnJt rcUgloui holiday• lhlr week. Sch<4.Ur of Moundy Thuraday mtd Good Fridaf/ smricfs in oreo churcht1 cu. wU os an article on . P011ovtt ctppf:Ot Mi Pagt 12 to-! <f9y, • f ~ II Miii 111 lltYla 't) -" -.. l-.. I c.... cw-.u• ·-..... '*-"'' ' II :::r. ...... :. --.. 1 e..-.. w 'Dt.-....... ,. -.. ~, ... '· ~ R:lli'f•n tFI• It ,...... ... .. ... _ ,. -· . ...... . -. ,...... .. __ .. , t --.. PTA " IYM9 ,..,_. M ...... ..... "'" ,_ '"" Or ...... ,... 11 ' .... _.... ,...,. .,........... 11 -.. ·-. ................ --.. I ' \, • ' • • .. • • : .. ' N ,,,._. Pf'fe J . . AIRPORT ... lludlea but lhal Ibey abould be broader. ' "We ahou1d not eliminate Sludlts or other ... ;ional airport si~ btcau.oe tho SCAG tiu<!l may be olowtr ~ wo think, .. :Allen declared. '1Tbe Phase I Periera study showed El Toro had serious dtawbacU. A kit could be done c:oncumnUy with the SCAG study. If v;e wait ror it we could get behind the tJght ball. "Orans:c County is too lmportant to wait on oul&Jde studies," lhe Flflh District supervisor concluded. SUs*vtsor lloberl W. Blllln lbou&ht the El Toro and 0r8"1• County . Airport studies should bolh be carried Oolt at the wne Ume. Supervi19r Davi:.<! L. Baker dlsacreed. ''The emphasis should be on El Toro because it's there. It is logical lo make an intensive study and then, if feasible, an all out effort to get joint use. We will h a v e to combine with Lhe SCAG iJi tho loll,I run to get federal t.e runds Co develop a regional '"'""'·" Baker argued. Director of Aviation Robert lJreShn~ll!l satd the croup's recom· mendaUon wu a "short term 10luUon a lone range problem." "We might be able lo transfer part c ur traffic lo fa Toro on a 15-)'tar basis," Breshnahan 1ild. "If n't •et joint Ult of El Toro we must (ace the problems current at Orange County Airport to be able to handle the expected exparuiion to seven to 10 million paase~rs in the next three years." Col. Rbbert D. Umberg, representing El Toto Commandant Maj. Gen. W .G. Thrash aa.ld the Marines 'were aware of Orange County's air traffic problems but pointed out that the corps hu not been consulled in any studies made to date. "We want to be in on the planning and cont.rlbute our knowledge to the solution," the colonel said. He urged that the group's proposal be held up and 1UbmlUed to the Marines for study and ~ndallon. From Page 1 FREEWAY ... . ' with 'Newport Freeway adoption. As originally envisioned, the Corona del Mar Freeway was lo have been interposed over MacArthur Boulevard as It stretched direcUy lhland from Corona del Mar and linked to Main Street In Santa Ana. ln alter yeaJ:S, however, development of <)range CoUnty Airport, the Irvine Industrial Complex and the University· of California aL Irvine, along with other frte"A:BY,1, brpught a chan&e in thinkin&_ aboul (be foute. .• I I' It was changed in 1963. The new allgn- ment will carry the freeway up ~1acArthut· Boulevard from Corolla del Mar. to ~ polill ,,.... Paljsad., Jloa<1. Thei--Une then swlnp abruptly to· the nm:thweat, paralleling Palisade. Road. passing by the coastal edge of Orange County Airport's runway. The Corona del Mar route. will then continue northwesterly until it In· ~ terchanges with the e1i.sUng Newport • and San Die10 freeways . ~-~-------- • " Beep _r..Beepe·· 'Along .~Bf)nd .Sale · ForSclwoh • BJ IUCIWID I'. l<ALlt ., ei; Deitoi ....... "'" 4 ~ """ thiiik .... 11'1 hillllma!A :u ~ ~. ju11 .. , I ~ I _ A car c1n 'be i wUIJUl, malevolent Wng. A few years ago I left the desert to take a Job in ·Redondo ~ch, l though• 'l'Y 'Id ata- tlon '!II°" \ w<>1,1l~ adjust \o beltnlts, c:olfee homeo. lolling fog and salf on ltt wlndshleld. I bad UVed at the beach before,'·but the ~ was sort of used to rural ways, partq the wrong way on residential str~lS. being neighborly with olher qusty can~ -I In the""'· That'• Ille, I thought, we all hive to ldju.t to frteway1. We went and tb~n It .happened -"lbtO'Plymo11th'1 Rtt!'l&e." QI> llit WIY to wari U,. ...oiif day, • ·• - t.O -... ii: Ii( bo!!>lil 111111 w,,... ' • . ., ~the way 1jnder ll!e walchM PILO n~ ~ 1\!M11· l ita,Pllld .. Betp, beep went the horn. Beep, beep. The girls IQoked over. I looked awl\y. The crossing guard looked at me as lf I had been ti reptile. I hadn't touched Lhe horn before it &tarted honking. I tried to look nonchalant as we drove off;. The car gave ·Ute girls ~ lut saucy boot •. • \ . '. . . Later .... w • r,e lic)>lnd a poU.,.·~lrol car al tt~ aloWJy ~ ~n Hermosa Beach. It wU a 25 inl.le ..-ie. Beep, hoop weot U. horn auressl\'Jly, beep, beep. • "Stop that ," I snarled, pounding l h e steering column. "Beep, beep." it. con· tlnued Uke the crazed road runner in the telev.Won cartoons. The pollce ;car •tow~ and •dropped back. The off!Cera looked me-over with chilly eyea. "Beep, beep" went tbe t:ar deljantly. . . • At a crouwllk a f~ days lat.er, .,·-LOGBOOK an expectant mother was pushing a baby caniage across I.he s~ at an. interaecUon .. 'Ille car went wtld. It blatted a seriel Gl rude noises at thi woman . Tbey IOUnded like an angr)' condenmatial:l_~ of ~walja and mother-. I ban Jlle ouering whee.I in agitaUon to It atop hoping the woman's seven.foot husband wasn't nearby. Every time we got behind a car waiting to cross a b~. intersection, my auto took command of the situation, honking aggressively. I had vis.Ions of jack handlel swung aL my head by oUended driven:. l threat~ and c'!)ciled bul the µr which oded 11 U IL had b«n bewitched by • pi!IMpllL, ~ .Al • -' 111111 -• ""' atop. It· be1111 .i> evll jlm ..Won ol boob· and be<\>'· Tbtnl ""' .. vera1 adoiel<lnl rr· C L -&ltll on the tJtodl waiting, I ~; nas fUJ,llCe tot a bua. At ltaat they wertn't w~ . .._. . , . forme. ··- "'l'!letar llOllnded Ukt 1111 Hing Ui:lllblo l~ An old ledy near the bench ~rod . al my UC<lllO plate aa if deiermlnod·to mmnorlzo It. ' · · , i ildiod!llle lllerln& -In.!\~~ and ~I) rao tho' U.ht i vllu , -llnio-1 bou fbe ,'lltfelt al a noll)'. m~: ~• . I aove ,i llni)ly ..,r l90k the Cir., back l<t the clioeTt hop!n& a would get· sand ir ttl crank.cue or SQmething.; But it wor:t:ed. beautlfully. The 'born looted odly Wilen aaUd. Don't you b6lle\le tbey're inanimate. 'RiChirG r.:NOIJ';Q a t&ative of the COJifomia c~mt cmd formerly a bJ,eau chief tor-ihe Sn Dieg~1 f)nion. He U CW'ftntlf/' Laguna lJtclch, d ttJ. '1<11~ pf tM !JAILY PILOT: . . . . By THOMAS FORTUNE Of fM Dlllt' Pllit Miff The llewport·Miu Unliled 'sc'hool lllllrict s(ando • 1ooc1 chance ·or ,.,iac ilf ICiJ9ol bGndl, i!Ooc1 consult..i Pini DiMelsplel advlHcl tchool boUd ...,.. bor1 TuoodaY niPL . '/!bis despite the prevailing !ntertot rate. across the nation exceedlna: 1he fl•• percent maximum ror public a&eociu imposed by California state law. .!!Jf ·)'OU were· a city or county you piooably couldn't sell boncb," Dlnkellplel told trustees. ''But Bank. of AmHica Aas beeD very, very good to sc~ dll&ri&. JC ~ not failed to bid .. a -·-issue in the last 20 )'ears. ·: ~. ~ Highlands Tract May Ge~ Lights; Owne1·s to Pav ·~ po11cy at the pruent limo 11 I• continue," he said. "They feel education ~ important enough to underwrite It to the t'une of ·bilying focal bond iuues." Board members will reconvene 1n ape· cial sesaioft next Monday nl1ht to ap- prove a bond sale-probably for about $1.5 million. , DAILY PILOT ....... '1 ......... Kaltlltr ~WHILE CITY OFFICIALS DEBATE, LIDO SANDS YOUNGSTERS TAKE 'BUMPS _IN STRIDE Motorists Aren't the Only One• Affected by Newport's Gre•t Berm~Controversy - Firm on ' Cou11cil Renews Bumpy Road Debate April 28 By JERO~ F. COUJNS Of fflt DlllJ' Plitt ll•ff • SET ABIDE Harbor Highlands, west or the Back A proposal Tuesday night for a '5 Bay, may soon be all Ut up. million bond sale was: set uide ao Newport Beach city councilmen on . another project, constructlon of the new: April 28 will bold a hearing on the \Yakebam Intermediate School th~ year. $<.1,000 street 11 .. 1.t1 .... proi'ec• which In-could be figured into it ""6" ... '5 ., Coat of that salool, on a site owned cludea some sidewalk work, it wu an-by the school distrlct north of the San. nouoced today. Diego Freeway and west of South Coast Public Workl Director Joteph T. Devlin .... Plaza, is expected to be about fL5 said tentative plins call for the in-m~~tispiel noted that, generally spe~- stallatlon of about 30 street Ulhtl IJ)read Ing, the larger the bond amount, the out among tlie1e streets: less the chance of gettip~ a bidder, but Linda Lane, Lella Lane, Priscilla cane, a~ that he doun't believe anolhtr •f Sylvia Lane Kathleen Lane Vivian Lane million or so would greatly jeopardlie • • • the sale. Beryl Lane, Teresita Lane, Deborah He recommended breaklng the $15.t Lane, Diane Lane and Irvine Avenue million bond luue approved by voters from Dover Drive to Highland Drive. in February into three sales, one each . . year to cover constl".llttion costs that Also, ~Jde\val~ will be conslructed year for Uie next three years. on one 11de of Linda Lane, LeUa Lane, Trustees: agreed with his recommen· Deborah Lane between Vivian Lane and dation to call for bids on the first sale Mariners Drive, and on Kathleen Lane between Highland Drive and Beryl Lane. If councilmen approve fonnation of an assessment di.strict ai proposed, a total of 159 properties will be tapped to pay for the work. The average in- dividual aueaamenl •ill be about $291, according to Devlin. , City aides noted that the aueumenl cou1d be paid off immediately by, ,each ~-owner or spread over a 10-year ~ ~yment flao. CounCJJ.men wll decide whether to JIWlh ahead with the project at the April 28 hearlag, required by law for the consideration of possible protea t 11. Protests from owners of more than llO percent of the proper\ju involved would automatically kill the plan. Otherwise, the decision Is left up to the council. the morning of May 27. If a bid ia re. ceived 1be district would be prepared on that same date in the afternoon to award a contract for 40 portable clau- rooms needed next fall. Dtnkelspii!I, of the bond consulting ftnn of Stone and Youngberg, said the public agency bond interest. rate is at the bigbeot level elnce 113'. MARKET IMPROVES He said he can only hope the market will improve by May 27. "It i$ unfQrtunate it is so hi&h," he said, "but the school diatrlct ii in the business of providing educ.ational fadf· . itiea and DOt speculating on the marke(. ••, District Superintendent Wiiiiam Curk nlngham cited two reasons for bulldlng the Wakeham school a year earlier than previously planned. From_P .. e J It vt'i\1 be almoat 1 month before : Ne"'1'port Buch ir.Ons out itlGttat Bump 1 Controversy. · lie is also,. again at the coUnctl's direction, attempting to cOme Up with an alternative means of copipg with the speeding problem. "Schools have bumps in th e I r driveways all over," says Councilman Howard Rogers. "I drove over a big one the other day. It didn't hurt my car al all. But the jolting didn't help my language any ." • Present plans provide for a start <ln Lhe work by early September, with com· pletlon by Nov. 1. Re(iueal! for the street lights came from 83 homeowners more than a year ago. Thirty-seven other residents sJgntd. petitiora seeking the sidewalks. Devlin noted that only those proper t 1•1 benefitln&. directly from the sidewalks will be a.\RSSed for them. He said 111JT1e claWt:ioma wHI have to be abandoned at TeWlnkle Intenntdlate whlle new clusrooms are being addtd there and Wakeham could handle the spillover. Also, he noted. residential comtrucUon in the area Wakeham wll~ serve already is well under way. IKE BURIED • • the preacher said ln slow, rolling tones, his right hand lifted in 1he cold K.anaas air. Ike'• gallant widow, ?lamle. blinked back tears while the Rev. Miller and the Rev. 'Robert H. Macaskill of Get· tysbure, Pa .. eulogiitd her as a "com· panioo soldier." "She .graciously Mare<! her husband with the world but she,unlguely, belongs to hlm." said the Pennsylvania preacher.· His black robes napped in the wind that twice blew the American flag off Eisenhower's government-issue coffin during the out.door ceremonies. "As had been said of Lincoln, It can now be said oy~hl Eisenhower - he belongs to if.he a~s," said the !iev, Macaskill, of I.the Palm Desert, Calif., Ccmmunity Church. DAllY Pll OJ OllANOE COAST PUILISttlNG COM'"NY Rob•rt N. W•tl P,_ltltnl Ind ~bl!....., J•c1r R. C11rl1y VI« Prtsldenr 11\d (i.entrll Mlnt11r Th•m•• llC1•wil Edi tot · Thomi1 A. M11rphin1 M9n••lnt idlltor J1rom• F, C0Uln1 N-rl 111,~ Clrv l!dllQt H-.,wt ....... OHfM ?ti I w.,, t1lbo1 l•ul..,1td M1!Un1 A4dr111r P.O. lo• 117 5, t'l66J --CM!• Me .. 1 »0 Wt1! II-S!<M! Llfll!lll lt-C~: ?n FOlftl Avt!nut Hllrltl!llltml .. 1<11, llO'I Slti S!rMr • ( City Councilmen on April 28 will - for the third time -take up the question of whether benns abould be. placed across public roadways as a means of slowing down speedln1 motorl.st.8. If the plan is approyed. New~rt "".Ill become the · ftnt city in CaWonua with engineered street bul;J'lps. It had been expected that a final report on the subject rrom lhe municipal staff would be ready by Aprll 7. Bul city aides 1aid. today more study Ume is required, so the date of the report has been pushed back. · Meanwhile , the Issue Is getting a lot of ottention around town. It was discussed, says T o m m Y 1'hOmpson, at the Corona del Mar Kiwanis Club's last meeting. Thompaon reports: "Dee Cook got a lot of laughs by telling us about lhe council session on t.be pros and oona of humps and bumpg, causing lumps and jumps. RUMP SESSION "It was a rump session, no doubt," says Thompson. He adds, "I'm aga1nat bumps." Newspaper reporters and TV newscUten are alJO zeroing in on the subject. One newsm11n. noting that Vice Mayor Lindsley Parsons is a principal exponent ol the bumps, suggeSts that they be called "ParsoM' Peaks" or "Lindsley'1 Lwnps." At City Hall, however, they don't think it's funny. The city staff, police chief and tire chief Included, Is ol the unanimous view that dellberatelY raised asphalt berms in the rotida would bt dangerous. "It would no1 ontr, !'<duce speeding," says one staffer, 'but It might also reduce speeders. They could plle up into a line of parked can." MAN IN MIDDLE The man In tho middie al lbe ~ I! City Tralflc !nglntll' Rober't Jllfe. Twice In rtcent weeks he hu pleaded v.·ith the counr,i.I to forget about the bumps, demanfs for which orit:1ed wilh :M•mlboll1taw0era' •"'1• i. -·eu1 eath ume c00nollllleft 1dll him tO eome up wJth mm lnlormaUon. OnlJ Councllmen Robar< Shilldn and Paul J. Gruhff have comlsllnlly op- pooed lurthet .wdy. "I tlllni thll whole oub~ It ablurd," erplalried Gruber. J~e, whooe paat repom. !n<Ju<!<d recommendations agllnil lhe liump plan ftofll :.a do!tn publ.I(: • agencies, is now -at the nqu .. t oJ the c:ounc1i•1 maJorfly Pf'O'bump llctlon -a•therlng ~·la on lhe ttptritnce Newport'• private com. munllles have had with berms ln I.heir roads. .~ ROOGH PA\'.EMENT · ''I suppose," says 3aife, 11that we could use SOOte sort of ·J'.ough Pavemenl, creating a washboard affect Larger ag· gregate in the road could create a rumbl- ing noise in the cars." But he doubts even that "compromise" would work. .''There lJ no device whatsoever, apart from police enforcement, that will slow down the truly errant driver. He's a dedicated fooL" Despite Jaffe's opinions, ancj thole of others, on the hazards inherent in built·ln road obstacles -including increased cost of repairs to city vehicles -the majority of .councilmen ar~ unconvinced. 16,000 Enter Moms in Contest Some 16,QOO younsstm in Newport Beach and Costa Mesa are competing in lhe third annual "~1other or the Year" essay contest, Hoag Memort.i lfospltat spokesmen l!lMOUDCed today. • The youths, elementary. students In the N1wport-Misa Unitled . Sc h o o I District, received the essay ronns jmt befO(e spring vacation. Th~event is sponsored by the hospital. The winner 's mother will receive a week's vacation for two in Hawaii. The awards will be announced al the annua l luncheon on May 10 (the d11y before Mother's Day) at lhe Newporter Jnn.• fl.t;s. Ralph E. Whllford 's son. Brlaii, wrote the wbudng tSSQ' last _year. Plane tickets for lhe winner will be contributed by California Federal Savings and Loan ol Costa Mesa .. Hotel' ac-- commoclations 011 Oabu will be donated· tly Trans-Globe Travel Bureau ol Cosla M .... ' 'God~ lleference Cut To Be 'Rescinded? WASHlNOTON JAP I -C.pltol Hill' sources said t'oday they have Ptnll&<Mf ~ranee a hlj:hly controvenlal order l>lmng Army chaplalnl from · refoitlng to God In mandatory troop lllJldance lecturet will be rescinded. Thi! -d WI! paued •mohi <On- lntUmen foUowina private Conversatlorlil with Del..,. Dtparlmtlit• luder1 'l\J,.. day. Pentagon !!pokesmtn said they could not confirm the report If Rogers and other councilmen favor- In& lhe buin))I have their way on April .28. there aoon may be cur1e11, and cars, "'·flying all around town. I JJll.00 ,. ''''·" To lhc girl who knows wts.1 she Wants but not whm to find tt. Maf<;h-"your 1tyl• with our Many Dl!l11nctlw dn ... AM' ask us ebout our famous °""'"-... - CONVENIJNT TERMS IANKAME81CARD MASTER CliAR6E J. C. Am,1.,;,4 J,""t' 1121 NEW,DRT AVE. • COSTA MESA ' Incrtatina the bond sale will tinu. few days to wort cut a new maturity schedule and clear it with the count1 counoel, Dlnkebpiel said, so action could 00( be taken Tuesday night. • ·- ~I YEARS IN THl SAME LOCATION PHONE 541.J40 I ~ I.. "" Draft Law~ PrediC41ted ... "t •' 0 B .. ? n 188. 7-Wlnlonl ... ' ' . BOSTON .,.. A ledenll ~' 1n Bootoo llU llaDded u.e u.s:' ~ ~. hol ·)'!'llto . ~ tbe tOUidi11~'°' Qn. I .:.. ...... w ..... ~ .:,. ,11 · ~t;11ie v....._. . -..... ~ .... ..!~~-~ Co!orl ,Judce, ~-g, W1UllKl,Jr,11110d· ~ tlial 'lhii -~.e Servtce Ac:! .of .19'/. -tu.,, tjooll!Y dloCrtm!nolW" apl!lal ' bf!l'llnM cl1!mln£ ·•.be • • j;j" .. ObJOcton oD Other' • lfJan rellgloom ·p-oonds. • ' . ~~ ' "It ls dllllcult to lmqlne iny gniunds !or 00..lllllflorY, discrimtnatlon ei:ctpt ~Out discriminatlon," Aid the judge. ., . WldM!dar, Aprtl Z. 1'69 DAILY l'ft.01 5 -· MeningitiB Cases Not at Peak Yet BERKELEY (UPI) Thooah lhe number of men!n- 11111 ..... repor1ed !n Clll- loml1 this yur la llmool trip- le Ulll of 11111,. Ille ouibl'eolt still bu not re1cbed Ill peak, ICCOfd!ng to Ille Stole.Heallh Deportment. Dr. Jamea Chin, lhe deport- ment's 1peclaliat 111 epidemics. said Monday that !n. lhe flrst 1J wedcs of this year 227 cases were reported, as1 compared ~with 13 at the same Ume in 1!168. and rr in 1911. lhe .,..., -ml -... populaUc:n," Dr. Chia llld. Geiienoy lhe dellb rate from Ille' -II bet- IQ-20 ....-i. PrellmUry 111- lires .. lhe cumnl~ !all within this pottem. A 1985 epl~ Clllllld Ibo suspension ol bale troblblr at Fort 0Qrd...., lfootony·fo~ several monthL 1" bait bu rePorted 21 ...,. oo kr this year ·and two fat•llllett other West ~ state< have· not reportJJCI a almilar. Increase, Chin said, and t b • Callfornl'a · rate 1'aticks cut like a sore Urumb." The doctor listed eorl!' sip rlhe~~-·~ cOOi~U~ ~ and & WoMEN RELATIVES WEEP N.EAR ENTRANCE TO COAL MINE IN .. MfXi'~o Over 150 Feal'9d Dtad in Mexico'• Worst Minlnf Diu~ter Wyionskl gr~on lmsl of judgmeel to Jolut .H. Sbaot\. Jr, 1 lool;hajr<d JS.~d resident ci' b1storlc °""""" . Mus, In wllal could • ID ' Its ' way prove .to another ''abet The doctor pointed o u t that while the 'Increase is of epidemic pf9porilons, "very few" people are arrecled. Only . four of every 100,000 people may cootract the disease; whle hb spread by microor· ganlsms and causes lnfiama- tlon of the three tnembranes that envelope the brain and spinal cord. measles-like rash. Chlo aald lhe dlse.,., which fenetal!J strikea in cycles. is carried by-many adults wbo INffer no ill efect:s. Demo Wins Laird Spot , In House lr.lLWAUKEE, Wis. (UPI) ' -David R. Obey, a 30-year- . old' Democratic state assemblyman, is the winner In one ot the biggest upsets in recent Wisconsin politics -the race fci the U.S. House seat fminerly held by Defense Secretary Me!Vin Laird. Obey came from behind !n the ·late stages ci the vote count early today to defeat Walter John Clillsen, 45, a GOP State Senator who urged voters in the 7th Congressional District to complete "lhe Republican team" in Washington. It will be t h e first time this century that a Democrat "'ill represent the 15-c(iunty _ district in Congress, and Obey said it was a sign of a ··"rebellion" against state GOP fiscal policies. He will replace Laird, who served the district for 17 years. This will put lhe stale's congressional delegation at six Repub licans and four Democrat.. beard uoond the -Id." Sisson laCed senteOctii, •I;.. Toll in Mexican Mine failure to mbmlt tO -• iilto the anhed forl::eS. ·N e w ~ ad.ion on his cue has bteft - "~ af£ec:ted are usually Blast May Reach 150 ~~ .. un!~u!~~· Sixtla .Qivorce Old World ' In his concluding Bec:l!on ~ ' ' . . ' . . . Mediterranean BARROTERAN, Mex I c 0 stopping ror a minute, tten a written oplolon wbiCh.it. took Acttess Lana 'ruiner waa granted a divorce from · S • h F "t (AP) -Roscue workers brav-trough there is no life, Ulllll 54 -to d e·ll V. r . ·bu··1d%tll" huabarid. buslneasman Robert P. Eaton panu urni. ure ed cave-ins, t(l().degree beat every man is out." WyzaDSkl aakt, "All that Ulla · ~ claimin~ he·was an.'''abserrtee spouse." San~ OVER $1GO;ooo INV&NTORY and poison gas as they dug Five or 10 mules also were court decides l& that as a Momca Supenor Court granted the decree Jn a five-TO CHOOSE FROM · deep today In a soft-coal mine believed killed In the.div@er, s~~~_!.~~~ny -~~!e trl~-~I Turn1r~84ved alimony. DICOltATOltS CANCILLATION ·-. hl h rr· . ,_--id betw .......... ll;&WllUlo \.VllMl~U......U. RITURNS PROM 1MODIL HOMll In w c 0 . lClaui IMU een described by Gomez Sada, ALL BRAND NIW 151 and 155 Mexican miners secretary of mining, as the be subjected to m I I i tar y DICQJA,TORS DRIAM MOUSI ON DllPLA'f were buried by an explosion worst in Mexico's oiining ~~ ;~~::~ h1m M 1 _ G Items u follows: Gorgeous 8 fl cuatom two qays ago. history. issiws et Prw· rity quilted sofa with separate loose pillo•• with Before dawn 23 bodies bad Wh elh loded Sisson, convicted March 21 . . . heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, been recovered. Mine officials en m ane gas exp in the same court, based his ·~ .. t or! a tw-•--·-fire def · 3 matching oak occ .. lonal tables, (2) 58" said another 128 to 132 men ......,, ,,,.-llUW' ense on • claim that the A p k • c were still trapped 450 feel In !he underground -els Vietnam wor was illegal. · t . e· "ng , ongress tall decorator lamps, banging chain swag Monday aflemoon, most o! . " lamps In wrought iron, an 8 piece king .sh!e u~erground. tt was generally Barroteran's a,ooo population W~ told Si.w>n the rut. master bedroom suite in pecan panelled beJieved all were dead. converged on the mine en-Ing did notal meachn acqujttal HONG KONG (UPI) -in 1949-50. Medlterr~ean style with top quality 15 yr. Seven experts or the U.S. trances .. Troops had to bold or remov of arges. The Chairman Mao Tie-tung sum-One ol the first orders or warranty king size mattress & box springs. Bureau of Mine 5 in them back. judge invited Asst. U.S. Atty. S . h d dlnin Washington are to reach this Stanislaw Suchecki, who pro-moned his ChineR Communist business was electing 176 pams ecor g 11et, etc. small mining town later today By Tuesday grim resigna-secuted the case, to extrci.se party into 'tbe second day of per90ns to the r u 11 n g Whol• HouMfvll wu r-.ul•r ll52UO to advise Mexican authorities tlon had set in. the government's right to take its nin1b congress in Peking pre.sidiwn to perpetuate 1£ao's MUST SACRIFICE $698 00 on faster removal of the dead "No on e woutd be ab I e to the matter directly to the to:iay amJd Indications missile FOi ONLY -·····-··--·-· • and restoratiOJl of ti.... shatter-live through Uue explosions Supreme Court. m i 11 t a r Y • d o m l n a t e d Any Pitce CCIII le ...a..d ledhf .. ., ·~ d " ·d F rt to and """'!ear .:i-·elopment bad bur .. ucracy. ·As ex.Wted, Terms A--"-L•--N-1r1 to Calif. ed mine. an gas. sa1 o una Jn the 21-page r u 11 n g """' u.::v ,....... ......_ Juan Heitz, managing direc-Salinas, one of the oldest Wyzamld iald the draft act a high priority. Defense Minister Lin Piao, 70, Cretllt ApproYed lmntedkdelr tor of the Altos Homos de miners here. "This is the • • u n c o1n stl tu ti on a Uy Among th e 'topics to be · lined up as heir apparent to ' I I] Mexico S.A. mining conttrn worst of them all." discriminated again.rt atheists, discussed today were a new Mao, 75. • F _.,4 that owns the diggings, said Asked what might have agnostics and men like Sisson proposed constitutional an d Of major import to the •.-.....Ure hours of checking assignment caµsed the blast, Heitz said: !:ho, whether they be religious a political plaUorm that United States were th e - - - - - .sheets s ti 11 left the "It seems now that the or not, art motivate.4 tn their enhanced positions o£ two top At Harb Bl-.:J whereabouts of four men in equipment was functioning objeclon to the draft. by pro-emphaslu! hard • 11 n e com· missUe •nd nuclear iclentists, Or . VU.. doubt. This , producod !he perfecUy. Tbat . could m,an found moral bellers which con-munism. This is !be second indicaling a high priorijy for 1844 Ne-~ Costa Mesa _..._ uncertainty about° the ownber hwnan error, bul this Is only ditute the central convictions congris.saincetheCommunists OJina'• missile J.nd nuclear ·r-· "'!PF of victims. ...:•:.:"'::P:posl=ti::'":::·_" ____ ...,..._:o!:.::th:m:· _:be:::lle:l11.:'_' __ · ___ _:1oo1<~:..:contn>1~~:..:ol~lhe'.'.·~maln!and~~'.'.......'.bol~m'.'.b!p".:ro~gr:'.:a'.'.m'.'.:. ____ _!!!!!~E~·~.,~f~~·~ltfi!!!!t~'ll!!!!I ~'!!!!~W!!!!ocl~·!!!!Sot!!!!,~lo!!!!S~..,.!!!!~'111!!!!~6.!!!!!!! Heitz spoke of them all is , "bodies" but emphasized: "We are changing nothing In our efforts. We are not Big Four Middle East . Talks ~~gin Thursday It'• simple. Get out ol that common, ordinary car, -aM into Oldsmobile'• CulluJ S. Right away, you're . traveling in a clall where the stylirig t=ds m oet. and 'pe_donnance ll!ll!Or carw jUlt Can't duplicate. :wMt ii adds up to ii extra v"11ue that far exceeds ita'low price. I ~ j __ _ UNITED NA;IONS (UPI) -Big Four talks on the pro. 1pects of bringing peace tc the Middle East will begin Thursday afternoon, highly placed diplomatic sources said today. They said •the parley will be held at the home of Frenc1' Ambassador Armand Berard, rather than at the French Mission as earlier planned, to keep the talks as informal as J>06Sible and to avoid a "conference atmosphere.,,~ There has been no official announcement from the coun tries concerned and thererore the sources stressOO the talks could · be canceled without notification. Some said the talks actually had been set fer Monday but were postpon- ed due to the death of form.er President Eisenhower. The Big Four powers ..... the Uoited Slates, Sovie" Unlon, Britain and France - were split down the midd1e Tueoday night when tbe U.N. Security Council voted 11-0 to appro11t a resolution con- d~mning lsraeli air r a id s against Jordanian towns and villag~. The United Slates and Bri· tairi abstained from Voting, holding that Arab guerrilla ac- tivity against lsrael must tie condemned along with tl}e Israeli attacks. Colombia .and Paraguay joifted 'thent. France and the Soviets voted for the resolution. Jordan reluctantly voled it3 approval, arguing that the UnJt"!d NatiOM should have included aanctloru! I g • I n I t Israel now. Turbo Link Set W ASHINGTOll (UPI) The Boolon-N<w Yor~ link !n the nation's high·speed rail service will open on a limited basis next Tuesday. Using airc:rart turbine engines, the train, ran by the New Hawn, has reached apeeds of 170 miles an h9t1rs in t~ts. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH St, Andrews Rd. et I Sth St., Newport leech Charl1s Htrbert Oierenfield, 0 .0., Minister HOl Y WEEK SERVICES 1HURSDAY, APRIL 3rd at 8 .i'M · 'IMU'ncly Thu.-•y ·Communion •t BeUeve in the Forpiwneu of Sin• FlllDAY, APRIL 4th at 8 PM Tho S.nctu1ry Choir _ pr,..nta R1ndoll Thomptiln'I . . The P1actable Kingdom EAS11R SUNDAY ldentlcol Wor1hlp Servi<• 11 I, 9:30' 1nd 11 AM The Thlrd Dov He Arosr from the Dead/ . ' . • , .. .,~,. .. ""' -. ...., '"'""..,, "'" .. "''" • te 45 mlnuta prior,. Mnlce ti""" ' .. I 1 So, if you're looking for lt'1th"ire1n economy, too. In a Ro9!.t250 V-8 that perfoml8 rree.i-on rqular , ... Aiid ;.·olds ride, hl..nm,. the meet exciting buy in town thta,apling, this bu rot to be the car. CulluJ S. Try one o~ at.your Olda dooler'a today. -~an mab)'OU look like abig .~lmmstabout whatJOU'respendingnuw. . \ •• ..._"'...._°'""' -c...-mn ••~- -tMIY_...,. ..... lilt ----,.. Gill ... ) I ' · ,:}., •• ·"' I /· ' ,cl.,, : -~· .. ,/"...,. I ,. / ·• __., . ..,.,.-i".· • .!'""' .. . .;, (\'t ,t' ,..,,. ,._,;'.•~\I -:.',).-~#-:" [.(~~;j.~' •..¢;; ~· /'. ...... _ ...... · . ' • • ' ' • ------ I • • -. • Not on Public Streets .. • Ono would think Newport e-11 city ofl!clals had lllOUih pniblcnl ot CODIOqUellCO witbou( ehgaging In the <:"real Bump Contioveny. over tht man!let" In wblch mueh cf the undercround work -Involving tht Ja)'ln& cf 100 mllex of cabfe -ls being undertaken. • But =~they are, thanb to a City Councll ma-jority's that tiumps In public roadways mlghl be an excellent way to conlrol s~c motorists. Staff Ume -end tupayers' money -111U conthiue to be taken vp by further study of the !Aue, councllmen decided wt Week. The ruling comes In tho flee of UJl8JIJ. nious recommoncla!lqu against tho propoul from the city 1111orney, traffic engineer, police chief, fire cblef ud general 1ervlcea ~. Newport cablllv!Jloo crewa for months have been ripping up streeta and alleyway•, neighborhood-by· neighborhood, without letllng area hom...,..e.n know why the work 11 being Clone, or how long it wlll take. They cite tho pouiblllty of auto& 1plnnlng out of control on bitting the railed berml of aapbalt, aod they foresee cosUy diunaee to city equipment-plus a slow- ing-down of emergency vehicles. Law1uita allo are lll<&- ly, says the city ataff. Councilman Paul J .. Gruber, who with Robert Sbel· ton cast a mtnority-vcte against continued 1tudin, uid • cily·installed bumps In roods would be "absurd." Con- aldertng the evidence, we must agree. Poor Communications Unlll<e most-ciUea with cable televlalon rystems, Newport Beoocb wW llOOll have a completed one that 11 tlllliely Wlderground. _ That Is one of tho reasom Newport Cablevision wu grented Its CATV francblle by tht City Council W:tll over a year ago. The city'• power poles are alnady overburdened, councllmen said at tho Ume. No one argued with them, and no one would argue with them now. Tbera Is jwtifiable caU11 for complaint, however, Marriage Is Improbab1£ Arrangement Jt can come u no surprise to any 1tudent ·Of the subject that womtQ like to get married. .... Nor will -be gr01Uy pmzled to be told that they like even more to be removed from the.inaUtuUon. There la a -questlon In the minds of some lldl -u to wbetbe:r a ,...... JCl!ll a divor<e to a mom.•. certmoay . -•...-.~ _o;. Mr. Gedle G~ '~ bis talenla to ..... of theoe quutlons. In the Mai<h Issue of Family Circle magazine, a Gallup poll found that one out of every four American wives wou1d pick another holband U they were •tarting out apln. HOWEVER, ONLY ONE In every 10 husbands says he wouJd have proposed to anothe.r girl if be had known a.I much about his wife as be does now. How to account for thi! relative ln- constancy of the female? And the n ally 6urprising basic fidelity of the husband? There is, of course, the fact that 1 man has bis work. This increases his Inner security. At the aame time, it plays hell witb the inner i;ecurity of hiJ wife. Most WOmtD hate their Jwsband'11f0l'k. I am also prepared to beli"eve they would bate him a lot more lf be were permane.nUy uOOnployed, with a life centered around a botlle of beer, and the tube, and tooselli!eimliial> e ijioillilg conteltao For, let us face it, marriage is a most improbable arrangement, even at Its best. Dr. Johnson put it well, in a classic formulaUon: 0 SIR, IT IS SO far from being natural for a man and woman to Jive ln a 15tate of marriage, thilt we find all the motives which Liley have for remaining In that connection, and the mtralnla which civilliled society imposee to pr-. vent i&eparatlon. are bardJ,J suffidtnt to keep them together." The ...,.ptions exil~ cf counei.,= mostly the bonds of. matrimony are constanU, strained aplnat, whoo ; they Dear Gloomy Gm: No cblldm, the bl( red flretruct 11 not red (front page, DAILY Pl· wr, March ~> lbanU to the whim it Fire Clllef llriacoe. • -Teacher are DOt adually brokr.n. No matter bow hlpplly a woman may be marrl~ ... 1mneone Wd, tt always ;peue1 Mi' to find a nice man who ir1sbes * ....... not. -Jn· tlle ballap poll alluded to, man fattd l1¥ft poorly lllan wife u a social partner, c1ose companion and parenl Women were aJso more critical of their husband's devotion, personal appearance and mental growth. A LARGE F ACl'OR ln woman11 unhap- piness within the bonda ii mrely her emphasis on romance, with a capital ll . Before ahe gel.I manied, tn order to satisfy &0me inner aspiration of her own, she endOws her loved one wilh an unbelievable aerlea of qualities. She makes him a combination of an astronaut, a Knight of the Round Table; a Provencal troubadour, and an Englilh country gentleman of the 19th century -or whatever, and a ateamfitter, and a guy who prefers The Sporting Green to the potll)' of Danf4 Gabriel Roaetti. PERHAPS 11IE moat sallslled of Wim are those who take to heart tbe advice of--U.ril CheiterDeld on-thl!--.ul>~l Perhaps, to avoid diauti!faction with husbands, more young ladies abould heed the following wise words: "There are but two objecbl 1n mar· riage, love or money. "U you IJ1&rry for Jove, you will cer- tainly have some vuy happy da)'I, and probably many very uneasy ones; if for money, you will have no happy daya and probably DO tmeU)' one&." 1be sensible w o m a n abould marry some dull dog who pols lo(ether con- glomerateo, bu two Iorp candlellt din- ner& a week, and a child every three years. She lhouJd leave the bl._..r. ravtn-balred ravllhen to the more wull:~ minded it her liatan. We Give and We Receive RelNse of 'the readJnc ablllty 1COre1 1howlng 1tudenta of the firBt three grldes In Newport-Mesa Unllled School District above avtrage in Orange County, and &bow1na: Orange County above averace Jn U>e llal.t, confirms our 111bt to be exdted eboul the COIDlllllllll1 In wbld! we Uve. No one yet la WldlY 111re what oontrlbules to lower or blCber nodlnc lbOIU... Sludent mobtllf.J II bllhl1 11asped, a n d eten though we II av • a acllool or two within our dlltrlcl _., aD .-oJ llll'llOVer it *10 percml plus, we believe our !amilJ Nblllty IDd com- munity c:onW>t are heevll1 cootrtbullnl ,..,.,,. In the eaceu.nt perfonN"1Cel o! our )'OWl.IJlera. 'll'E TlllNK AND apoak 1)1 the dedlc• tioo d rulton: to dvtc duty, aod tbla • Quotes II true; but, lllo, we reoopbe the m 1 a y phmm d o u r cammuntty are the eumulatlve -it m.ior (and -)-bJN"1- .. tq1nlpttmg Wbo cu f:ltbute tl>I Imped cf ""'"""' (boJ, air!. cub, w, aplonr) • oor ommunlt)'! Who can 1-"t the -cf -YMCA! OUr oon.,.. aed un!Yenlt.J? 0ur 11 cburchal Chamber it Commerce! Para and recrwion ........... and lldlllleo (they a r e olgnln( 11J1 for partldpanon right now)? Our DIWlplplJ"I, and our many, many acUve and producUve -clubs! OrganizaUonally, we are a part of this whole; tndrridually, we art· tvtn a lar~r part u we tntennln&Je and Integrate In Ill of theu lll">UPI· We live and we 1'9Ctlve: The more we atve the more we rtetln. Let's all cooilnue to 1lve -constructJvelyl Both the press and City Hall have been swamped with puzzled tnqulrlel fnim residents. There abould" be no need for auch lllqulrte1. . The homeownen In the affected nli&hbo~ should be notllled In advance of the wort by Newport Cablevision. Residents have a right to know fnim tho flnn how long they w1U be Inconvenienced, aod wb,y. Suggestion for (JCC Members ot an accreditation team that recently 1pent three dafl on cAmpUI reviewing Orange Coast College uid they were "generally lmpr .. sed." Many of the Improvements they recommended are cf the kind OE!y money can buy -beef up the admlni•· tratlve ltaff, hire more counselors, buy more library books. But one of their 1uggestlons might be a first step toward 10!vlng the money shortage. They recommended moving district administrative offices off the Orange Coast campUI to a more central district location, ouch as Fountaln Valley. I The Idea I• that voters in the West County area served by the Golden Well campus might come to Iden- tify better with the junior college cliatrict. They haven't found tbls Identity yet, It appears, with district head· quarters In .Costa Mesa. tJriin ia a"liabk aiiimiil,-a ~ lfJho 1ua ~med fiJ eve~k.; I' -DostQyevs ~ • (NJ Jffan Speeds Vp PoRutif)f!,.Problem ·From Purity to Stinking Cesspool To the Editor: Tho ...... t heavy raim and flooda have brought a problem concerning water pollution to my mind. 'Ibe prob- Jem b that of eutropbJcatJon of waters. EutropblcaUon la the natural aging pro. ..., of lakes, -)and bays. The proceu causes pollution and eventual de- struction oC the water .undergo.in& the proet!Ss. . Eutrophicalion Is a process by which clear, deep, cold bodies of waier are transfonned Into shallow, muddy, marsh- es which can SUPPort little more than bacterial and plant life. EUTROPWCATION II nolural, but man doea much to llJ1!fd the procua throoP the clumping ol lndll!trlal wula and domestic sewage into bodies of wa- ter. He lnay abort.en the time necessary for the process from thousands of years t.o, in some cases, a few decades. A prime example of man-made eutro- phlcation Is Lake Erie. In the space of a few short years it has been transform· ed from a lake supporting much life to a lake resembling a sUnking, dead cess- pool. Closer to home, San Francisco Bay Is beginning to undergo this pro- ""- WHAT EUTROPIDCATJON actually does is cause a drop in the 01ygen con-- tent in the water, making for a chanJe In the natural balance of lift. Aquatic, as well as terrestrial organisms demand oxygen in order to live. Industrial wut.e and domestic municlple s.ewage.. , even though treated, entering the water <lis- pell!e grut quantities of bacterial and plant nubitnts. · . These organisms multiply widely' and remove the oxygen from the environ- ment which WU:pTeViously ror other~or. gani.sms. Plants and bacteria cause aed:i· ments to form and the water becomes shallow, silly, and eventually unlit for Ille. THE PROBtE'MS associated with eu· lrophlcation are not merely national in scope, but recently they have become lo- cal. The recent spillage of millions of gallons of raw sewage from the River~ ~ County sewage treatment plant may ~ eutroptllcatJon problems on the Newport coast. Besides malting a It.ink· tng mess and a health hazard, the rpilled aewage hu greaUy Increased the nulrl· ent level of Newport Bay, making euf.ro. phkaUon futer. JOHN HALVERSON Student UC, lrvlno Alllrlcll Enollell To the Editor: AA &emil dusialU, my husband and I loot forward to our weekends in the hope of playing a few "ts. Tbla !....., la not to d<plore the "°"" dltl'"' it the Comla del Mar High School courll, which are a atone'• throw '""" our home, but to e1toll the Ktklnt ol 1 man well known tn our community, Chancellor Daniel AldricII. Lo1t Sunda7, w. tranlled the -a m1lto to .. the welknalnlalnod l1CJ courl& All-.. In -upon our mtfaL We wtrt •ware tket ficulty •nd student.I ha.. llnl prtort\y, and rlclllful11 ... r---B1 fieol'le ---, Dear George: My boSI lelia me I lllould join clubs ai ll Is good for business and I am now getting Into Rotary, Elks, Klw1nls, Uons, M o o s t, Civltan and Optimists, bot I &till have a couple to go: :eould you tell mt: where tht Mafia meet!? W.R. Dear W.R.: Anywhtre It wants to. Lett.,, trtm ,..-,, .,. ~ "-"' wm- ,.,.. *"°'M "'"""' ,...,, lllKM ... ill --· fllf .... TIM rt;H to condlllle i.n.r. to !It ~ fllf Mbt1in.1 .. llbtl II ~. An i.n.,.. """"' """'°' 11~1\f ... •I'll rn1!11t11 .cid~ but """"" Wiii ... Wlll'lr.ld on rMUUI. but since Euter vacation was in dfetl:o we felt our wait would not be loo,. · TWO YOllNG MEN joined e,,._,.aiting group. Shortly theftafler Dr. Aldrich and his family arrived. Needless to aay, the appoarance of -this erect Iii loot, six Inch gentleman dk! not go unnoticed. The court near us 800t'I became available and my husband notified the ch.ancdlor r not because he wal THE man Ol1 campus, but clearly faculty. Dr. Aklr1ch chose not to exen:lse his prerQgative. During the <liscussi.oo, the hvo young men moved onto the court. Dr. Aldrkh quickly riiztd up the s:ltuaUon, dlploma~y approached the t w o players, who were neither students nor faculty, and again deferred to ll.!. A liUle thing, you say? Yes, but ts it not the aceumulatlon of little things that mate us the person we are? WE KNOW AND ,...d about the ootstandlng ablllty of this man to handle the ''big things," but I felt compelled to ten of his adherence to the. rule that I for one. continue to teach my chi.Jdren, 0 Do Unto Others •••• " J am moet grateful for the emtence of UC! In our community and fer the band cf frlendshlp m.nded by -at the University to us "town people." Most of all, I am grateful that a man like Dr. Aldrich was chosen to lead our universHy. MRS. MfKE MANAHAN 'Prevent Dbater' To the Editor: As a local resident and high ochool llu- > dent. I have become moot ooacerneot Alrport Det>elopment ' about the Uppor Newp«t Bay CQllro. To ~-Editor: versy, and I have an knpcrtant mem.ge ~ IOI' two groop1 who will be advenely I IWlte wiib surpri!e that U>e Newp<ri alleded by the pr_,i plan fer It& Beach City Council ls taking a stand development. In opposition to further developmeot or Sports fishermen and canadians awak· our local airport. ~! You are in gr~ danger of. sufferinC As a longtime resident of this area ~able d~ge . since 1953 I wish to place on record ~. the fisberman. ~ unique .thl!'I my opposition to the council's attempt about part of the Upper Bay is m l~ to restrict what ts, I, believe, inevitable mvironment -the mud •hallow•. It 15 and desirable upgrading progres11. there, I underatand, that halibut and salt· Jon water bess spawn, and if the thallowi All of us who have been ~e a g are des'troyed, tht5e filb are doomed to time, have seen the ~µng ~wlll e2dnction m t!is area. AJJPU'f!IKlY the ol the area. Some of 1t 1s desirable cumint p1111 of development wtD dredge -and with. tt comes as a n;iatt.er of course the sliellows Into deep coocret&lined """"' things which doa t ...., to be charmels unsuitable for ii,. -.. nice as they uoed to be. I imagine all places from time past have aeen: the same and people have voiced their objections but it has never stopped the growth of human endeavour, otherwise we wou1d &till be in the horse and buggy era. SECOND, TO 11IE Clnadianl, they too ""' ailed«! by the dredging. In U>e awn- mer their birds feed on insect5 and neat in the north, but during the winter they migrate here to feed on the plankton. This has happened for centuries, and the bird<' Ille pattern cannot be changed by man. Once the shallows are gone the birds Will have no place to feed and wm therefore starve, leaving our neighbors to the nm1h with only a fraction of their funner wildlife. It Is my understanding that the Irvine Company owm the area north of the dike, the three subtid&l islandl~ and all land above mean high Ud<. PRESllMABLY, U the trade dos not go through, the only """"' that will be developed ... the salt won. """' and the land SWTOUDding the boy. All other devtlORm..enl WQUld_ tJ>e:n_be up to the county. This would leave most«. the bay in Us natural state, if the legblltors know how many of their conJlituents want the ba1 left u it is, so as to pre- serve its beauty and its wildlife. I urge everyone to write the Orange County Board it SupeMlon to Pftvenl this dis8*r from ~ to one it our few nmalnlng resources! DA VlD G. PORTER AND IT IS JN that era we sllaD remain if we stifle airport. development So far as noise is concerned, which seems the point of opposition, that is somet.hlng we can live with. After an the chief outcry .eems to come from thooe who, while enjoying the anploy- ment opportunities th~t have come to them from fnduatrial, commerdaJ and educaLional development resultant upon fringe · growth, have .till buih ~ bought ....utencea In tlie alr corrldOr, •ell know· Ing that the alrpocl waa lll<re before they came. rr WOllLD BE just as loolisti to complain as we do d.. the -~ ol. the Marine helicopten which clatter up and down our beaches while doing their duty; to complain as we do ~ the summer and week-end crowds which cause us congestion while spending their money; to complain u we do · of the hfgbways · and freeways In. out D\idst 'Which bring WI lmO( while £ivinl US ease ol mcmment. GORDON N. WARREN Political Atmosphere at Book Awards NEW YORK - A pollUcal rather than a strictly literary atmosphere was evi- dent during the 29th Annual NaUonal Book Awards held here in mid-March. "Most distinguished" work b y American writers published last year as announcm during this boot indmtry sponsored event, 111gested tbia at· moOpber.. Winning UUea Included protest agelnst the war In Vlelnam (Normao Mailer's "Annla it the Nlsbl"); the temr wroqbt by nuclear warfare (Robert J. Lefton'• •o ea I h In Life: American publisher, Rogu Straus, ln- otltuted the petition' wbldl d<plond "the conlinuecLdlffkulties 11>me of our foreign colleagues encounter when they try to """" lo the United State! oo the groundl that their p • s t or ueent· 9CtUll or allspd polltlcal op m11 dlaanl from olDc:lal AmeritlD 1ttltuda ... SUrvlvon cf lllrolblma"): reprmlon In Eastern Eui-opo (IC11J K<>alnlld'1 novel AT A NEWS coalemice IUpflOrllnc ''Steps." theme it wbldl II poilllcal • -· appe.al, Ar1har Schieltnga' Jr., Ylolence and temr ill bis-Poland); the llarvanl hlltorlao and foreign poUcy r a c I a I t.w'cric (Wbltlnp Jordan'• .tvllor to the late Pruldent Kennedy, bLltllricll -i. "W1lllO 0... lllack: Aid the Fuenles cue marted "• ltlt --Tonnl the Nqro"). for the <m>petence and efficiency" it BBYONo THAT, """" 'lllan *10 wrllerl, pobllllberl and critics gathered for the award .........i. algned a molutlon ur1bw the abollllmteit of U.S. Jmmigratlon l'llbictlonl against foreign writers Cid lnieUectuals becalllO of dlosenunc pollUcal aWtudeo. The molu- lloa !U&gested that the United State! ii "secure tnOUgh In Its democratic values" lllal ll might 1bolllb this arcbalc re)nnaril of the old McCarran Act. the Nlml Admlnlatratlon In how to Im- prove Ila relaUons with the artlalk: and Intellectull communJU" both In the United States and abroad. AL the· wne prea confm:nct Abba P. Schwarti. an asliatanl Seeretal')' it Stale for Security and CODlular Affaln In lhe K e n o e d y and Johnson •d· ministrations, abo supported the Fuente1 rtsolutJon. He Added that tht exclusion of forelgnen because it U>elr pollUcal poaldon added "not one Iota to our natJonal .ecurhy.'' Into American territory Is "a abockln1 reminder of the dlscreJ>anclea that ,... tnaJn between our commltment to free exchange of Ideas and expression and the restrictiveness of our Immigration laws." Fuentes has attended previous NaUonal Boot Award eeremonie1 here"'-as ~ guest ol his publisher and has lectUred in t.be United Slates. Arthur Schlesinger Jr. tn an obvious aside to the Nixon Administration, noted lhat these visits, occurnd durin& UiC K e n n r d y•' Admlnlstratlon. ---W- Wednesday, April 2, 1969 2'111 edltorlal -., tM o.a, l'llol NIM to lo/orm Gftd ctlm- lllac. nodtn hr prucnUng lhll N10ipcpn'1 ophllonc ond ._ mntcrv °" COpiCI of inttrcst Gftd stgnlfl<:nc<. br """"41na • fonrM tM tM C%Pf'Ctdon of our 1eodcn' opiniont, and bf prc1nttno lM dlwr11 otftOo Pnsklmt't Mt11a1e Ntwplft ff•~ M~ -·-Ion llowt:vtr, don't call tbem - they'll call )'OU. This was generated by the cue of CarlOI Fuentes, the clllllncnlabed Mu· lean novelist, who was refused entry into San Juan, Puerto Rico, last February n during • wyagt from Europe to Vera Cruz, Mesko. FUentes' EMPHASIZING prot<at whlcb bu grown In academic and literary quirun ...,. the P'Uentes cue, Roger Stra111 noted thal denial ol the novellst'• entry "°""' ., lo/OftflCd °"'""'" Olld ~ °" IOplu of tM ..... Robert N. Weed, Publisher I .A.,, • • • I I ! ,, ...... -- ' ··(;os1a Me ' ; .... • •Fw.J •• N.Y, Steeb . . ' -· .TEN CENTS •.·· J;lay Yields . . . I ' • $500,00()- Hashish F.i>rim~r1 ·President · Burwd in GI Coffin ' t ' . . , . .. ' . . ... By JOllN VALTERZA Of ... O.llr '"" Slaff • ' k HWJUngton Beach fisherman Tues- nlgbt fished up one-half million Uers' worth af the illicit narcoUc from the bottcm of Newport t ·was the l2rgest cache of Illegal · · ever seen on the West Coast, icials said today. They believe it I'" ••• Br,~SMJTR ' ...... --. ..,..... AB1Lj!NE,. Kan. CUP!)" -Dwlgttt David ·E.lltnhoWer, a'llxii>le, haileltllnan called Ike, wu buried today in an $IO or collJn 1n the pn1r1e belrt w-the Amtrlc.i he aer"4. 1n war loci puce 31 ludor, aoldlor, hero-and lr1'"d. . '~lrftll dooe, lood.1Dc111:ithfUJ mvllit,0 a preacher aakl proudly over tbe caaket. the '" same U thbee which cootaln the hOdleo -W' ll>ci1wdl . GI min .. who fell ' . . , ' * "* fr whlte llf'?'vJna; anc\I!' Jilin at-war. A chlll.-brisk winer blew ....., the home town whlcb • enee , knew the man called tte o a 1,anlty boy Who'·woried In the local creamery. . His last restiq place Wll among his own .kind .of prafrie .peG_P.lt. Grown men and •WOllllll, g,P!J>g lelri '(( aadneas and·prkl<, lined the<llretll.-. ' • - Millt.ry blndl pllyed muffled liynuis. Belli.tolled 75 .foet bJ&h Jn the lllatkly . lllmple white Chapll 'wliete Elseobower ' was burled 1n a ceme·nt vault. •;n Is most Dltlng that lie be lllcl to rest near his farnµy home,.. aWd the Rev. Dean Miller of Palm Desert, Calif., 'on the five ' ahcut stepl of , the EiJenl>oWv libr11y during pub 11 c oervlcts. "President Nilon quoted the general u .saying, 'I come from the heart ot. America.' So it ii to Lbe heart of Ammca Gen. Elllnhower hu returned today." (See IKE BUl\IED, Page I) 'ginaled from Morocco or perhaps 1tey. 1Jle hashJsh, which is a r efined form . ijuana, was lying at the bottom of ~ bay in a cheap sheet metal trunk, St off the M Street pubUc fishing (er on tbe Balboa Peniru:ula. Mamie Called SaperJets Unwanted · ' NeW]Xlrt Beach authoriUes a f e itbholdlng identification of the ~year­ Id Huntington Beach fisherman on grounds that the hasttlsh smugglers - . 'Comp~on County · Mulls, Delays If local -might seek reprisals against lhe finder of their cache. • Soidier' to Ike E:l Toro V se Decision The fisherman reported his find to police about 5:30 p.m. He first sighted lbe trunk after it momentarily booked on the end of his fishin~ line. The weight of the contraband broke his line and the trunk sank again, police said. · The trunk, mildewed inside, was brought l!) the surface with a holsL Corm a Orange C.oflnty Harbor Depart· ment boat after a line was secured by city lifegu'ards. Police at the scene couldn't firm1y Identify the foul ~melling, brown cakes, so they called narcotics detectives, who ._ mlide Posi"ve idenUficatlon. /. Tbt brown cal:es "which smell like ':'" c'5Dd~ cow manure," were Ur ·· dtvidualty wrapP:fd with silver foil and wer9 stamped with a dime-sized Arabic chaiacter:, Df!tective Al Epstein said. -·-'rl)e mymry ~ lbe dlacov<ry may never be cleared up, ~Police said. ·:Epstein said it is 'peculated tqat the Jllqal substance either ~ dropped Jn uie .bay to await future pickup, ar may .• ~.I"' bet?n dropped accidentally by , pet90m-;.t:ransferring the tnmk from one f v.e.uel to aoother. ¥(ither theory is that the smugglers became frightened by a passing game warden or Coast Guard vesse1 and basWy (See HASHISH, Pace %) Mesa Man Faces Child Molesting wonts Thm·sday DAIL y PILOT ..., ...... DETECTIVE AL EPSTEIN EXAMINES DAMP HASH Fi•h•rman Hooks Unuauiil Trophy In Newport lay. Police to .QJlestion Gem Suspects on Mesa He~i .. _ ' ' r~~1~;.::.:;' ol ,_ ~'·"''~'11u0ilto&eo(~ c~ - Mesa detectlff.S today aboUt a fll,900 dj.mond rln(-lli·day• ago. Police ·Capt. FA Glaqow sakJ today that $1,080 worth of finp: were reoovued after the couple's arrest last Friday and are being compared with loot taten from the SOuth Cout Pl,.ia store. Arralpmenl Is expected Thur>lay in Harbor Dittrict Judicial Court foc LaJ""l'C" R. IMmg, and Oebra CaRS, both of Ontario: Canada, on Suspicion of burgtary and n!ceiving s t o I e n property. . . ' ... . . ~ t t • ",,.......... 1"' Uy" :l!!r!-"'*;:J~. Jn...._, ·-~""""· ,..,._ " wl"""" Two lioua W' op ·to 41· rlop each were discovered·~alng from the shop, not long after a bloode in ''blict rweater and ltaUter mJni.t~ kflll. clerk 'Juel D'Angelo ho')' sho\Vlnl cak.·tnlves. A man who entered the• state with the blonde browser 1pfereotJy: wandered out while D'Ahgelo wp bmy, be and store owner Joseph : I -~~in;, of Lakewood, told Detective Jliil sirlckland. A teletype descrfpUOn d thi Oma Mesa theft, loot tiktn and chara<!terisUca of Ute suspects led Lot! Angeles authorities to notify police here· of the pair being in custody. . The pair ~ '1'e charged in COMection CAB A · wUh the Much 27 case at Jewel's by ppr0Ve8 Joseph, 3333 s. Bristol St., and named in comp1a1n11 cairying •.wo·ball each, Howard Hughes · · d · rt Capt. Glasgow said today. A Costa Mesa man is ue m cou Loot recovered from their Los Angejes a,ga)n Thursday on a child molest mot.el room _ apparently after detec-All• West Sale charge, after his preliminary hearing on ~ ~icion or receivi!l_g s~en propen"y N' -r W :rEiiQ -WASRINGTON-(Al')~·c·1-v-n ;a., continued two weeks when' he appea red Tuesday. 1gena ar ·n Aerooaulics Board's Bureau of Operating. Steyhen o. Sampson, 2G, of 2379 Santa · Rights recommend Tuesday approval of An.a Ave., is held at Orange County Jail, ·N t-N r· w· ilson the purchase by Air West by Nevada in-0 ea • · dustrialist Howard Hughe!.. following his second arrest within two weeks after the shooting death of a boy .-. • .... ~ ~ tJnder an agreement submitted to the blirJlar with whom he was acquainted. LONDON (AP) -Prime lllnllt.er board last January Hughes would pay Investigation of circumstances sur-H@r'oW Wllll;lp returnelf todar from • about '8o million for the airline. -·-A Ut ,. I . of st phen -mlaioo to .... ~ llJgera miable 1 uwruing e po ice s aymg e __..-\owlrd Born last July out of the merger of Stubblefield, 14. of 20112 Kline Drive, to point to IPY concrete procre-: three tegional alrllnes-Bonarua, Paci.fie Sarita Ana Heights, led to Sampson's ~ :!n~mo.:'!"9 ;r:11 "":i.t and_Weit Coast-Air West serves some 83 stolen property arrest. ....._...'6 ~.. alrPOrts (Including Or a ft g e County, He is due back in Harbor District the Hoose "-Commolll tbat be, bad Cafif.) In eight western states and Can· Judic ial Court April 14 at I :45 p.m., to won • num~' of lm~ ~~ ada dd Meiico. ' enter a plea in connection with an ear-from the federal Nfaerl1n11kle. ~ non;e ..... ~ · bul'eflU recommended to Eurn1 Jiei charge, the alleged ~ion of a appweil .UWJ to 'fr.a~ u .t!ni¥"'ate W Bou Newmann Wt the trablfe:i: allde pro.}ector stolen last June, appal'" eff~, on the war. '' 1 'I .. , .. .>c , Of. .Air West's certificate to• Hughts· Too~ entiy by Swbblefield. -Wlfoon said !I'< fflprlan federill'leader. ~. Ille actual purchaser, ~ delayed S&mpson, an electronics ~·orker, was Gen. Yakubu Gowan, b'1 atven "•clear until art steps requlred for the transfe.t arT.ested again last Thursday on the UIUiiiiCe tbl& his ~ ii o( .... have been taken. child molest· charge, Involving a boy ll: prepmed m:mdltloDalJ to ldt down · Tbe aamtner will use t.llt bureau's and another 13, acco~ding ~o police. . • wttb Biaftan IMder 'u. Col, ' C. pdlah In preparing hill own recam· tfe has been held 1n jail after ~ Odemep1l ~qr h1I repr~va: in.eadations. The ultimate flndlnga of the court declined to accept a 136,000 bail to -li oeltl<ai-K " _ jlAB wJll require Wbllo HOllM IClion. set following his second arrest. \. • ~ • • Sampson was a friend o( the St'ubbte. " ·• • ABILENE, Kan. (UPI) -Mra. Mamie ·Eisenhower, alandlng wllb her son John at the (lead « ber b'us•-~•, -n•-, By JACK BllOBACK ......... ~ Of11M "Dellr.•1111 ...,, blinked (iiCk-IWl-today wblle--o-on,,~ 111pervlaon-Tutadlll clergyman eu~ her as a ''corn· wrestlecl" the' question· of El Toro Marine panlon aoldier" to Ike. C or p s Alr Station as a favored spot "I would speak to a companjon soldier,' for a future regional airport but then Mrs. Mamie Doud Elaenhowrr," the Rev. backed off on any declalon-making· ~ Dean Mlller of Palm Dtlert, Calif., Com· cus for at Jeut two week!. munJty Church said in services at the Despi.te ·the nc>:declalon d e c I a lo ft , Elunbow•r llbr •· however, it wu the first time. in ae~ral " .,.. ary. · months-that county auperviJol"I had taken She gra~loualy ahared her husband a direct public loot at the airport. coa- wlth the world, but Jbl uniquely belongs troveny. · to hiln. Sh! dliplay1 uni'l_llety her loyalt7 The e_problem. is that just >bout and devotloo to hbi! in ber weddin1 °'erybOdy. -.illl .'I' '"Oranp County vows. ·· ._regional .alrpor\ to nancue bJg auperjeta, bllt nobody wlll!ILlt In lbelr own back "And in . ..a_d &.)'._When.. weddinc "Y.OWI_. ypnt._ --. =are ortei ,lil~~~:.~· ·-~i!~~a:•· ~ -'~~. .! ·a -~ . ' l • ;.. • ' c. ty..... . ' ~ . . ...... ~J;... •\ Mn: -111-..,u01Jn 1 blaci car1cul . ..., VII"'· El TWo llJlCl; ~ coat arid. wlUt a.'IQll • v•ll ·~ ·11er J.om•••fNch:;:.,LagUnaH!llire610nu1 1...; ~ lato.'IM llbru'1 .• \obtod . ;,pp;• 111 7',, lbtalloi1. ~ the colllll; ~'.tier .. _..,., oo .tlii ann 11<~ ud. roua1a1n \!alley _ .ncI ~ ol her oon Jolm. ' Well Olilnp CoontJah1 ' are agdill a As she ·111tered t,he Ubr.,Y, Mrs. site at Loo Alamltoo Naval Air station Eiseilhower wu iqublllng Into tbe briiht or Jn that sm-a1 vlclnlty. sunlight and bltln('COlcl-wli>d. Al~-lblo baclldrop, the countr \Mien · Ille Nbon lamlly arrived· by hallco~ ficJn , lJ/e ~eW lj $allpa, * 'k * Kan.,. 25 .milel away,. Mrl. EisenboWer was wa!Unl. besJde the funeral ~aln C R , w1Ui ber' ... JOiin 10 ~'the Ni..... ounty . e1ects A few mli'lutes liter, w h'J I e Eisenhower's_ coffin -beln1 lll1ad from the bqpp. car. to • 11e-. Mi°'· Realiunment Eisenhower stared)stral&ht abe•d-.. eyes l!!J· jeemln!l)y dry. Siie did not . bold her ' sonrl..~ Wilk~ with her ~I to Of ;(JdM Freeway 8 • watttng limousloe to 'follow her T~ ~fy. Board" of _.,,_-".11or1 Tlies-husbarid'o body to<he •!!!! o1,1,.]Qumey. _,.., Alttr the eulops 11 the lljora?y, Mrs. day tejOclod • ~ by Airport Elsellhower entered a black 'limousine 'Maiiager Robert J'. Bresbnihan to realign with John and hts wife Barbira for ~ .future ~a . de~ Mar Freeway• l-tbori dilva..beblnd-the collln~to the -SouUt-ot-UiO 0r1111e C<im1ty Airport chapel and Eisenhower'•· grave. , Mn. Eilenbower vi:alk9!1 . into the runway. chapel to say .her Ill\ ~oodbye to h~r-Brtlblialwl wanted the supervisors to husband. bid for:' a ' re-t'Outlnf 'of 'a porUon of the fmway line along Paliaades Road. Aussie's Gprton: Sets U.S.· Visit . WASIDrlGTON (UPf) -~ Australia 's Pr~e Minister Joftn Gorton will return to Was~lngton. M'J' I an4 7 for an· ofJ\clal vlsll . Gorton' ,,.. auppoled to -im;. made Ute offtclil vllll thla ·w .. i 1 bUI It wu postponed ........... !omier Praldent Dwlgltt D. -.. •• de>lll. Gorton Cam. for !De fuiiirthftd ...ien-ed brld· ly Tutldoy ~·Pialaent NJ&on: Secre- tary of SUJlWuJiari P~llopil onCl De- l.-Secieta'1 Melvin II.. t.lrd. ' . I " He ~t~~-~ thi ~~ay .about 1,000 yards iloutbward. · · Supervisor Alto,i E. Alli!n of Laguna Beach.' ·er~• .liie· cou1a1 Filth. IJ!s~liPll for. Jlie_boa<d m•Mlty When .lie decllr,ed that I clooe analysis ol the routing "mat" ii .evident that we cAMOt·~·our minds now." • Allen ldded; "We hl'fl hid• tood reia.. ilmu with the llate Dlvlalon of HJghways over the "1ean ~ we ·cannot 10 back on our wird nof ,'7 ' ' The alJalyali « the. !ieew•Y roul\111 WU provided \he board by county l/"'d Comml-Al:ll: Koch. OUlciall of,bolh the cjtieo, of.Newport BellCb ml Colla Men oppooed movJilg the ~ dll.lbr ,.,_,, allpmcmt. Bmhnaban One -111..,0 pRloled the propQled !Neway looalion, ·~ !bat ll would -..... 41111 feel inlo Or- tfeJd boy, shot as he fled a Costa Mesa camera shop burglarly March 15, after ignoring po!lce commands to halt, a deflth ruled justifiable homicide by lbe district attorney. Dr. Eise1l4ower ~c~~o~ .Bo~il C~a~e~e.s:G·?o.d , ' . • I ' = ~~~~ Jlono ml Woulcf -bite . Nfrl1 -. " -~ -""'"'" Wllllam ~· 1)...,1"""' ~ -.... tbll llie tum routrl ~be dlJl'••td It .... »1111 ..... ~ ~·lrttL· ~Satisfactory' • ., TllOMA&'J'OllTtJNE . ls lmp.rtani enoajh •to unclerWrite'n ta added tbit be."-i't.lieUeve .-· $1 ~., ....... ,....... • 1 l the tune ol tic.)'ing )otal bc..t luoft." t mWIQn .• " ,,Ouw ar.utlJ, 'jeoplrdlle' The Newport-Mesa UnUied1 · Sclloo Board membel'3 will recon"'M bi.IP!!? tht aalt , • , • , . : WASHINGTOrl (AP)-Dr. Mllton El· District stands I good-oblOUing clal '°"Ion next Monilay niPt to IJ't lie ...;..,.btiidod briakln« . llai et1.t tenhower is in the coronary intensive ita school bonds, bond consultant Paul prove a bond Alt prebllbly for lboul mnu. band · iiut apfntii "1 '*' care uni( of Walter.Reed Anny HospitaJ,. Dinkelspiel adviJed school boerd mem-$11.5 mlUlon. • • : ta ,..,.,.,, f111D '*ei ... t-GDe Mdl It :was learned today, but apparently ben Tuesda¥ night, 1 A propoul Tuelday nilhtt for a 'f 1 ,etr.i: to )COWi' ~r'C.'Oltl mt thil, ~ only JOI" precautionary purpoteS . Thll deoplte the iftftlllng ln1a<st million bond sale • wu tel ailde If yeor for U. -tlftt• yeon. ' ..a obeervatlon. rate.....,.. the illtloo uceedJnr the Jive ·w~amproin~-~f'tblstbe~ 1 da;::i-ito • Ill!!." .~ .. ~~"'°'1:'"-'lltiiD-=lll~ , Be was reported in satisfactory ~ percent mutmum for public agencles aAC11 1.c11~.., ~ ,~-, ~. !'!".--, .... dltlon. and Ibero . has beon no public impooed by Calilomia slate Jaw. cootd be flaured Into It. tbe "*'1lni Ill 141 ti, U 1 bid.• ,. lndicatioo he suflered .,.., • mild "U YoU were 1 ~ty or ~()' you Cost of that ocbool, on a site owntd caved ti., dlotflcl J'G'lld lie pnpored ~ coronary attack. ~probably couldn't iell b"1dl" Dlnl<elu>lel by the achool..~rlcl rldnti' W' the Sat Ori that ...,.. are Iii the an.r-to Eisenho .... , ooe of the two lllrvivlnl told trust .... "Bui Bank of'America liu Diego Fl'<eW•Y tnd '""' « SouUt eout ~a -!\Cl lfJr • -<jw-brothers of fonner Preoident Dwight D. bet?n ver;, very good to IChool iliatrlcll. Plaza, b qpected to be about ••.I -llHl'flU. ,·r -<T Eilenhower, WU nished lo the booplt1l II hu not failed to blcl .. I IChool bond million. ' 1. 11Pltl1· el 1be -coilllillttnr Monday alter he complained W' f .. ling issue In Ille last :.> yesrs • Dlnkelsplel noted Iha~ pnerafly 1pealf. Orm W'· Stool ond Younct>ua. aald !bl dizly several hours befor< Ute Eisen-"Their !"1llq al the p,..;.nt Ume b lo Ing, tbe larger the bond 1111ount, thjl Jd>llc 11<11<7 bond Ill-nu ls at bowu luneral. continue,' be.11ld. '"!'hey feel education I"' tbe chance • .of 1etllna.1 bldder,.but (8-_..,_ .... :1 , • 1 \ QoalllNclloD a;· the ,,..., lo - al tor=I· ~--a 'l'Ull. >"°" w'1ltlll .,..7 lbe tlr;illalll. .... _. • . " 'llli......., _ lot~ -de(, ~t}jz~ll ltll~ , ' Cl* T~,,.,. 'T.' -:--i . " . . ............ NEW YOIUt <<Wl -The stocli mirttt c'*t~~I ~---TrWiDc s1oW.d -the IJllJOI\.: <toe-~. '-' .... ~ . Tlie Dow "-todumkl •v•qe 11 1:11 p.m. •u oil 1:11 polnu 11 •·•· -led plno bJ I wJdt morcJll. board Tue.d.ay studied' a recommendat1on ol it.s Air Trlnlport Plallnlng Group, five coonty department beadl, that tho county's aviation consultant, WtWam Periera and A.ssoclates tue·a hard loot at the El Toro Marin< Corpo Air Sutlan lor poulble Joint .,. wlUt the county'. The plannlng group ~1gested lhal selection of a permment re1lonal airp>rt site be heM:I in abeyance and that. eight aitea auq;eated. to date be relerred to a Soothern -California ~alion W' ,(;ovemments (SCAG) ~ lllud7 for analyail an recommendaUon. In the meanUme the Pereira firm. woota be uked to : · -Determlne If t b e present El Toro ~igur~lltn ·f"' dl,.Uvety llld e! ouppoil_lllf...,., tlcio.! · ,-· • ,.-·~, Ja oooplnuon wUh the f«jeral ,\vl1liQ11.Acln¥nlstration, w)IOlbtt ~Ill Ulil ··lo ""'Ible with RtpeCt to· ilt'ltlf!lt'~ ' . . ·~PrePolo a ilcheinallc loyout it · el· acl!l' what the county would ,.....a In JI jolat UM proposal ud mw lbe S)'~ would work. · . ' -.A!lalyie and justify Ille coonty's need for joint use under a lbort term contract of 15 years. • ~uct detailed COlll and -nuc otudies to drtermlne coot w-lacllltits r.qqlrecl a\ El Toro and auae*of owating lea to • pay for'lhole ·laclllU.. over the term oft he contract. The stody group abo -mmended that, in ~e event joint use of El Toro Is found not feasible, that Pereira prepare a detailed master plan of Orange County Airport, outlJnllli ....., d ..mce to be provided, improvements necuaary and how they will be financed. Super:v~ Alton E. Allen agreed Ut1I the coonty.lhoald move alleoil with the Master Plan of Air Tranaportatloo atudiu.but.lha!,thoy ohould•be broader. "We should not eliminate ltudi_a of other regional airport situ bec•UJIO II"! SCAG Rudy may be alo.,er than "-" think," Allen declared. "The Pblle l PUiefa study lbowed El Toro bad serious drawbacks. A lot could be dooe concurrently with Ute SCAG otudy. U we wait for it wt cOWd get ·behind tlie elghf ball. • "Oran,. Coonty Is lC¥I Jmporjanl to wait on outside atudiu," &be Fifth Dillrict supervisor concluded. Sup<rV!lor Robert W. Bottin Utoulhl the El Tol'D and Or ..... County Airport lludie1 sholdd bOlb be carried out at the same ume. ... SupervlllOr Davlcl L. Baker dilqreed. (Bee AIRl!ORT, Page I) Weadter We'll pt· 1 llllW more, "partly cloud)''' ·'l'burldaJ,. but it'll bum I iff ,..,. -• :lhe 1<mpera- c ttnmovauplo!".aloo(thecoast.. • ' IN8JDB TODAY . ' " Chrl.stlam ._ J1w1 obserw rtllgfous holldoyt th!I W<tk. Sch<dvht of JIOUftdy Thuroda~ and Good FNdilf fff'tricct m arta chuf'Cha u ·wn 01 at1 artkl• on Pcfl10otr appeor on Page 12 to--<fail. ., . . ' • ( j ' ~I ,, [ I • • I •1-• .. ~·· r-.. .i AIRPORT .•• .f'l'Gtll P .. e I FREEWAY ..• with Newport Fr<eway ldoptlon. A> originally envillonld, tbe Corena del Mar Freeway w• to baw been interpooed .... ~ BouleYanl as It ll1'lched cliAdly inland from Cm"ona del Mar and linked to Main Street in Santa Ana. In alt~r years, boftver, deYelopmtttt ol Orange Cocily Airport, tbe Jnine Jnd..trlal Compl" and the Unlvtrtlly of Calilomi• at I.rviDe, along with other , ...... ay., brouPt • chanl• in thinking •bo\rt the route. It .... cbanlod in ttll. '!be .... allp- mtnt wW carry the freeWay up M>cArthur Boukvanl ll'om Corona de! Mtt .. to a point nur P1ll11del Road. Tllo llne Ulen l!Jinp abrupt!¥ to the nortlnftll, ffrallellng Pallladu Rood, JIUlilll by tbe c:outal edp ol 0r..,. Caunl)' Airport'• runway. Tlle ·C..-del Mar route will then --northwalarly llllUJ tt in-tercbanpa with .the · eElllq Newport aad Sia Diego lrtewayl. Testimonial Due . for P~ul ~~n fte Colt.a Mesa Chamber of Com- merce will bold a tatlmon!al Juncho6n I« Paul Ni.., who ii retiring ·a, al!vertlilnr manqOT for the DAILY PILOT. ' -'Ibe luncheori will honor Nlutn for his JG.year auoclaUon 'fith th e newspaper. and hll twelve years aa a dlrtctor of the Co1!a M"a l:hamller ol Commerce. Tlcketl for the lunc2-, to be held at_, Wodneoday, April I it the ~la M.,. Goll.and Country Club .,. prli!ed . at $3.00. Ret<Mtlonl mu;.\ be made . by 5 p.m. Tuaday, April I al chamber oroces. 16,000 Enter Moms in Contest . Some 11,llllO ,.._ier1 In Newport Bffch • tnd O>lll M~ an "'""petinl In the U)lrd annual ''Mother of the Year,. esuy conlelt, HOii Memorial lioql!al ipokeamen announced today. The · youths, elementary ll.Udent.s in the Newport·Meu. Unified S c ho o l Diatrlct, received the uuy fonna juat before aprJn1 ·vacation. The event 11 spOn11>red by the hospital. The winner'• mother wUl receive a week's vacatlm fer two Jn Hawaii. OAll\ PllOT ORAMH (OAIT ftUlllStUMO ~AMY il•"rt H. W1-4 ,.,.lffrlt 111111 l'\IMlftr Jacli R. Cvtl•y Vite ,.,_ldlftt •IW-°""1 .. MtMllll" n•"'•• .... a ·-Tli•m•• A. Mvr,hln1 M.-in. e:•• ----JJO W11t l•y Stre•t M11liit1 M,,...,, P.O. 111 1160, t2&26 --....,.,. .... , D\t -~-...... "' l l...,,., lllllldlale: It AWIWI HlllltlNltn : Mii ""'' ' . • • ~0,000 Invade Palm Spring~, For Easter --lfaelll II lllo. DAILY PILOT PALM SPRINGS -BoJ..,_od police today found loult -a iOck .. band known u The San· Andrus, foDowlng a chaotic muaic featlval TUNdly ni&ht, wttll Ul,000 Easler _l/ftk vlllior• In town and more cmtlnl for another cooCert tonlghl . Police Chi.r Robert B. White today wu in confereaoe with. city Manaa:er Frank Aleohlr< on melbocll o1 copln1 with the college and ~ ochool youth lnvuioo, up In every catea«Y from hot Eastor Week. Arrests arf up 25 pertent with more' than JOO ~P today; individual citizen complltint& art up ·40 percent and traffic acclden!a -ll10llly lnvolvinl mJnora -ar1 up IO pm:ent, the chief said. Only one-fifth of a crowd of 5,000 yOODpters Jamming the Palm Sprinas Drive-In Tuuday left following a rock concert featurln& the San Anclreaa, Paul Butterfield Bi-Band and othm. "We rullJ had a wild nlpt," uid Kathy Hilstraod, Cl>lel V!blte'a MCretary, "and -unfortunately, we have anothtr "" oornlng lanilhl· at MCelo Stadium." "Who's ·there?-Let'• see, I can't read this JllYC~ellc print," lhe sak! when aaktd· about the f.-tval bill: "CIMed Hall, Bltck Pllfl, Buddy MU.. ..• Oh. wa#." Palm S{ll'i?&I 1uthotilltt called in aid from l1JITOlllldJnl Jaw 11enclea Tuud•t to deal with the bil crowd ol. Ea1ter w .. k vacalionen In a1y hlllory. They rolled in by bus, van, stltlOn wagon and vlrious other vehic~ capable of carryin& large grou.pt, virtually oc- cupying the Wiit side of town and settin& up a C11QP like 1 teen hobo jqle. "'lbe btgpst • influ:i in yean,.. aald Lt. Marvin !\Udln. • Bedrolls. aleepin& bap ad ether ac- commod&Uom Hiter the smmcl and one group of ·chilled vacat1., virtually tort down a INICk ~-i. to uae its materla1s for firewood. .. One of the visit«• reportedly fell over a cllf! In Tahqutta Canyon and a police bellc..,i.r dUpOtd>ad to the lnart wall,.. ed tbrooa1 o1 Eaot« Week nvakn hu4d1ed all over the canyon: aitef White today ..umated Ula! ... many u &;000 more Easter Wtet vJiC•- UOners will arrive by the weekend, multlplylna proliltm1 alreody lachlg police, aherlfl's d.,,.,ue. and CHP of. Ucers'. Only a few lnfuri• have bean ~ so far during the wild, wooly 'ftektnd In the 1Unny dtaert p!ayp-ound ol ihe we.tern deeerC-.._ _ Polle< Ol!icer Kometb Elkllil, 2', auf· !trtd two btolttn vertebrtl u.d laeera- ticm when ~k by a stokft·ar drtvm by I 15.-yHr-Old boy, Cll1'Jinl MVtn -youtl!s. The driver tuftered a htH injury, lllid po!it<, bot they did net tlabOttle. f',,._ Pllfie I BONDS ... Reject School Bond • LOS ANGELES !AP) -Qt7 ...... nJocW a -..m1on achoo! -. don bolMI llM and lwo achoo! tu meu· u,... allo appeand headed for deleal ln Tuesday's municipal electlon.s. I .. --LQG.OOK •• itnsweis' I ' Qelayed . . . -. On A·ir Aid . . -r· . • ~ ' I Answers to a five-point lnq~-:\1 Seo. G«wg~ M\l'l)hy (R-Calll~l aii>- il)( ab<Q_ 1.iera1 belP ror 0ranae ~·iu aviation pnbltml tre ih. lhe'w«k\iia • • • Wallington-,, but may be dellye1t Coota M ... °Mal'!' Alvin r. ~· k~y hal ~"a ldler from the Ca a -notina ·that lie ha,. asked two • v I .. cabinet ~"' fer ,.... offlrlal Word by lnday. "I roally don~ look for anyl!rilllJ befti<o gext week JiOoiftf."';" the ~·)'fC' aatd, noting that "W"asblnato.n actlvltit!" Mve ~--1ri!ILJl!e Frid;ly~d~ aod Monday· funeraJ •oC _ Ge a e r I I • . . . Suzie at . . ' Spending Ea$wr Wit~ Co'!'Jtty F.amily She bu no eonc::ept . of F.uter or ~ would have been an eventually-fatal heut eternal , pnmlle, but . iloDlt( a, will. defect. • . celebrate it with a fami"' ln An·M-un' ~ Susie couldnl walk or crawl ~ • '3 .. .., befcrt . She was rtltlled lrom the bolpltal Tu<&-The .SOU!ll V1-Aim olfictr' day after bw1 llllr'pcml' efforts were daushter Ww p "home iri u! care ~ pronounced a ratfier human mlrack. a tamporaoi mama -an off-duty Pan The Utile South Vietnamese Jirl today American 'Airways ttewardea -to a bealns hOT final two weeta of-· joyM mmJOo with hOT own mctber, Uon lrom HI• aavll1g carc11oi: lll1'ierY Thi Lu. , ,· atChildml'1HOIPitalolOraqeCounty. A ~ of ltledem .. medical ·Nicknamed by rwnes wbo b.,i more howlodp iod a youq Navy lleuteunl'• difficulty with NIUYen Thi Thanh Phuooi c:oocom whid» t!pelled the -. to. a than 1n pronouncing tooguHwlst1na ttt1ts normal Hie, Sdlle • hll ,-t11ret of. anUbloUct and aophlsilcated medlcial poundl linct l!ll'ltr7· • pn;ICtCluru, Suzie is now vlrtuaUy well Navy LL ~Ueani.nc diJcoVertd Carrlod out of the bolpltal by Dr. the .. ...,..ital ddonnity duriJll Stlnley M. Kegel, one amDnl a 1ix-a frte vlllqe clin!c visit anc1 · wrote 1ur1eon ttam performinl the Jan. 10 lo hls wile Unda a nft at the hospital- operaUop, · the· plucky ilttle girl flies wlth·a·heart ln Oranp. ho.,. to Saigon Aprll 14. The lllght to America WU donated She bu recovered from the auraery by Pan American Airways and all which bolpitaliled btr four moothl, aa surgical and medical expenae.. were well u a crttlcal 'Infection thlt jeopardlz.. absorbed by the ph)iaiclans 'involved and ed hOT l(le alter comctlon of what the hoopltal JtseH. I Police -Break Up Party, Nab Six Easter Revelers ' IK:E BURIED •. the priach« aaJd to ,aJow, rolliq IOllOI, his r!pt hand Uf!acl ·In lbe ~Id Kansas alr. . Ike'• aallant widow, lf.amle. blmked btick tears while the Rev. Miller and the Rrr. Robert H. Macuklll of Get· ty1bur1. Va., euJosiucl ~ u a "com· panlon aoldier." "She FICioUsJY shared her hll!band with Ult: world but she uniquely belonp to blm'.," Aki .the Pennsylvania preacher. Hil blatk robe> Oappod In the wind . that twice blew the Ametlcu flag off Eloenl>aWtr's gov.ilim.n~tuue coffin durinl the outdoor caremonl ... "Al hlid been said of Lincolri, it can now be aald Ol Dwight Eieenbower -. he belongs to the ages," ·said the Rev. Macaikill, of the Palm Desert, Calli., Ocmmunlty Church. . "His spirit is the expression of the American ideals of liberty and justice for all." ' SuspiCious Being Held on Drugs F;i9mhower. • ' '. : Seo. Murplly'1 ftOIO .said he hid'·~ s.cretary ol Transportation Johtr• Volpe and Secretary ol , Commeree Maurite Stans for ai~ in organir.ing a two-pronged study . The study would ~aluate the need rcr an Orange County regional airport aOO its best location, ol11s the possibility of joint "" of the El Toro MCAS laclllty until cOmpletion of a new county airpor.. Sen. Murphy wrote to the tv.o secretatieg after a muting one week ago in Wa.sbington with Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and Orange Courty of- ficials who flew b!lck for a Civil Aeronautics Board hearing. ' The letter to Volpe and Stans asks these five questions: --Can your department conduct S11Ch a study? : -If so,~h<r;ir, and in what wa7 shotald application be made? -Are funds available to support such a probe and when could the study be made~ -Are local funds required also! -Depending on answers to the prior quest:ioM, how long would such a pro- ~ Bludy take? Mayor Pinkley said last wee":t that he and Newport. Beach Mayor Doreert Marshall will JX'Obably make a joint ~~ent on the controrersial airport issue Ul weeks ahead. Couple Accused In Obscene Film Case Face Court Easter Week Wednesday was only one hour ind 40 minutr:.s old today , when a COltl Mts1 police officer muted an individual who gave. a questionable l<!enUficaUon upon beina; asked h1s name. Bal Week ls not dead. cbar1u, comflll"ll:I to il at the same "God," he told Pltrolman Eugene ' •--'-·' tt · all k1ck1"I ............ Arraipment of a Costa Meaa couple ·-. , 11 ve0 , -...... ~... J.itne -i..t y.-z-. -Norden. a ed f Ing •-u g111y · ed •-=. o agree ..., st nau bitlng and acratching 111 a brawl between Curfew arrests alto ·--rin• this "Everywhere," he cont111u , Wu.::n ...~ --. movleS to an. undercover agent '1fis 50 Euter Week revelera md Newport year, with 41 thus far, compared to asked for an addrus. scheduled today in Central Oran1e Q>Uit- Beach police proved urly thla mornina:. last yeu'1 11 for the same date. W• idenUHcatlon papers showed he ty Judicial District Court. · SI E~-W L. •'----• • • was 24, pollce said, but he said he Doualas A. Payne, ~, and h1's wile I -1>1<1 ee .. vaca..-iA• 1n their Liquor and narcotics arrtSt8 are about ·claimed to have lived forevu and to 0 <J:1 ...... "' -'" _ __.__. --boo~ ual Ith 1 · Atarcl1, 37, of 228 Kno:i Place, we .. -..., -were &11-1.C\1 ...... • .. ,_ \111 eq w ut year. · be headed strai•ht on ahead, apparently Ah·-... ..i.... e scheduled far the appearance Tuuday .....- 8 t1 r......,. from dl'wiklimlu to Total arrests l.O date for both adults up Newport Boulevard into infinity. in Harbor Olslrict Judicial Court. - a .. ultinc I poUct olflctr aftft. thi brawl and mlnora stands at 306. Officer Norden doubted hla uncertain "Apparently this is sort of a cbante at ~ S_tteet aftd Ba1bol Boulevard Last year'1 arrett totala to date were gait would carry him that straight, of venue," said a court clerk todly. · in tbe wly morninl boutl. 29L I however, and drove him to the slaUon, The couple is fret on their own , 'Ibe melee .._._ . ,.•--police wue B •-still ed where he was booked on auspicion of recogniunce following arruta 11 9 t -.-.. uw eacu~ are crowd • Tue9day'1 be'"" lntoltlcaled on •··-. Th _, th can.I ..W--bttak blif "-'& ... ...., ureuay at eir home, allegedly after up a · party at chilly clouds deterred a few beachgoers. Whstevtr his true nature, investigators a deal involving $1,200 and delivery Of a beach house. on the cCrnr:r · aDd 1tveral The record so far this year ii about said, he was in no shape to understand 10 reels of film, with 30 due later. of the pmicipa!U ttarted to brawl with 85,000 on eltfNachei estimated on Mon-whtn advlaed of hit rla:hts under human They Ire charged with sale of obscene the ollicen who were &JTtltini 1 youth. 1.fda~y;. ;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;la;w;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;filmt~;· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Four ol tbe .._is ...,.. armled .. the uaauJI clulr1•, polJc< aald. They are Danny SW!er, 23, 1330 Palilades Road, Sanla Ana; Lor• Kolhorine Van 01I. 11. :aioe Pttenon Way, Coal.I Meaa; Al-P. Naill , JS, 331 Cabr!Uo Avt., Calta· Meaa, and Jack E. McCutchon, 20,.!012 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Buch. O!flcua said another youth wu ar- rested at the sctoe altar he tritd to flee wllb a police .belmet lmockod of! pairOlman G«wge Coelho during Ille l'IO a.m. melee. Another ywth was UTested on drunkermeu char1es. He ii Michael Carl l\lohlrdloo, 18, Covina, who wu stqiped j)y a plainclothes olfictr in an allty near the -· . None d the officer• er auspecta was lf:riously hurt in tbe brawl, pi)Uce Mid. Tbe ..... Ing total ol ..... of mtlnl juvtnlla oll..W. ii la!lirlhaO ~ Ulla year. · Thi bl&beit ...._ ovlr WI ,Ur lnvolYeO -o1 juvtnll6a !« lack of pariftlal ooatrOI alld curfew vlolOll°"'. To date a total of 14 yOtilhs have been tlltl'I in Cl'I tM lick of control """' P .. e I HASHISH .•. I • CONYENllNT TERMS - '"lil<AMiRICARO MASTIR CHARtE ' ,,,,,00 -. To the &irl who knows wtwt she wants but not when!: to find it. Mat~h youf style with our rniny d~I-desl.,.. And tile vs about our famouJ °""'* U.C. pl'lntite. J. C. _..IJiun,fmu J.~/. IUI N!WPORT AVE. · COSTA MiS:t. 2l YURS IH TH! SAM! LOCATION rHONE 54e.3401 , ' • Draft Law · Predicated -. On Bias?· . ' ---BOSTON '.., . .\ femr.i'Ji!clgo. In -ba~ t11o U.S.. ~ Court' a bot polatO L Ille loucla1 ·--Ucm·GI -· licJ.au.... : ~ ' .. ~.i relate to llie Vlegwa irar: • · U.S. lliltrlct Court J"""' ~I!:. .lfyamld Jr ....... ~~the ·~ .. Service Act GI ~117.eimtllu­!l<ml!Y~ ~ penons cl1lm.lbg to . be UIG' lclentloua ObJOCton. •-odier - th11N .. llgloos IJ'Dlllllll. • • DAILY Pfl.OT § ' Meningitis C_~es Not ·at Prok ¥et • . - BERKELEY (UPI) -tho VU'/ JPlll( ad_.,. TboUCb the ownber of monJn. ~.".Dr. O>ln Ilk!. 11111 """" reported 1n cau-· · c;..,.,.n, · ·the dutb - lornla this year Is -trtp. ~ the -.. bet•- le lhol ol 1111, the oUtfu'W .,.~pomo1. Pi'el"i'JoarJ.111- llill has nol .reached Its peak. .,_ GD lloe cumnl ~ acc0rdlng to Ille State Hwth fall within this paU.... Department ' . A 11165 epldmllc -the Dr. Jam .. CJ)in, the depart.. 111apemloo ol basic lralDlnl al menl'1 spectallst In epidemics, Forl Ord neor loloalenif f o t said Mooclay that In the flrst 1J several mootha. 'Ille hue has weeks of this year m cases reported 21 cues eo far Ilda ,..... roported, .. compared year and two fatalltl& with IS at the same time in Other West Cout llatM: 1968, aftd 17 in 1967. have not reported a timUar, The doctor pointed o u t lncrease, Chin said, and t b • that while tl)e increase ls of Californla rate "lticb aut ' ."It Is ~It to Jma&lne an for this~­ dlscrlmlnotlon Heep! ft1lglaus dl9crimlnaUoo,'' a:&id the iudie· epldmilc p1opo1U~very Uke-a·-·l!Jfe-tlltunlr.~------1 f"'" people are affected. Only The doctor listed wlJ alp four of every 100,000 people of the tt;,....,.. as ....,... ..... _. • UPIT ....... , Wyzanskl grlllted an ~ of judgment lo' John H. Slslon Jr., a lonlf'balred b.yeaH!d resident of ldslorit Coacont, Mus., In Whal ciiUld ID tts way prove to . another ·~abot IN RELATIVES WEEP NEAR ENTRANCE TO COAL ' MINE IN MEXICO Ovtr 150 feared Dead in Mexico's Wont Minlnt Dlushir Demo Wins 'Laird Spot In House · MILWAUKEE, Wis. (UPI) . -David R. Obey, a 30-year- old Democratic state assemblyman, is the winner Jn ooe of the biggest upsets in · recmt w~ politics -the race for the U.S. House -~ seat fmnerly held by Defense Secretary Melvin Laird. Obey came from behind In the late otages ol the vote count early today to defeat Walter John Olilaen, 45, a GOP State Senator wlflr1ll:ged voten in ihe 7th Congrels.ional Distrlc:t to complete ''the Republican team" in Washington •. Toll in Mexican Mine· Blast May Reach 15Q ·beard around the world." · si..oo f"!'<'I · ... tenc;lnl for · fallore to lllhmlt to lndu<lloD into the anned forces. N • :W · action on bl& case bu been delened unW Ille . Supreme ·Cour1 rules on the issue. S~tla DivO..Ce in his concluding oectlon of BARROTERAN, Me 1 l co stopping for a minute. even a written oplnlon which tt tOok Actress Lana Turner wu cranted a divorce from (AP)-RescueworkersbraV-trough there is no life, unW 54 minutes .to deliver. her sixth huaband, buatnemnan Robert P. Eaton, ed cave-ins, too-degree beat every man is out." Wyzamkl aatd, ''All' that "this after.c181'"':0 g .. be WU an "~sentee spouse." Santa and poison gas as they dug Five or 10 mules also were ~ decides ls that u a Monica Superior Court granted the decree in a five- deep today in a soft-coal mine believed killed in the disut.er, sincere conscienllou,s objector mll:i!!te trial. ~·Turner. w¢ved. alimony. in which officials said between described by Gome; Sada, Sisson cannot-constttuticmally -~~~----.,---'--'------=-----11 151 aod 155 Mexican miners secretary <If mining, l as the be subjected to m 111 ta r 1 were buried b• an "'wnlosion t · · , · · orders which may require b1m " -r won in Me11co s mmmg to kill tn Vietnam.,. M • • J _ G p • • · tw;,.~:;: ::n 23 bodi,. had history. Si,,.n, convicted March 21 J,SSl,i,eS et riority been recovered. Mine officials When methane gas exploded In the same court, based his said anolher 128 to 132 men and set off a two-hour fire defense on a clalm that the A p k were still trapped 450 feet ~y ".:11~ mt;;'~ Vietnam war was illegal. t e ing Congress underground. It was generally Barroteran's 8,ooo population Wyzanski told Sbson the rul· believed all were dead. converged on the mine e~ ing did not mean acquittal HONG KONG (UPI) _ -m l!M.9-SO. Seven experts of the U.S. or removal of charges. The Bureau of Mines in trances. Troops had to hold judge invited Aul. U.S. Atty. Chairman Mao Tie-tung awn-One of the f1rst orders of them back. -Washington are to reach this Stanislaw Sucbeckl, who pro-moned bis Ol1nme Communist businesa wa1 electing 176 small mining town later today By Tuesday grim resi.gna-secuted the cast, to exercise party intO the tecood day of persom to the r u 11 n g to advise Mexican aulhOrities lion bad set in. the government'• right to take il.s ninth coagrW' in Peking presidium to perpetuate ?lao's on faster removal of the dead "No one would be ab 1 e to the matter dif!Ctly to the .. today-· amid lndlc-=--'-·'I• I. "-·gh ,.___ I . s r-...4 ---~UuaM military·dominated and restoration of the shatter-1ve uuuu u..,,,.. exp osions upreme ..,.,..,., -.1 -·-'-· ..__,_ 1.. • .1 ed mine. and gas." said Fortunato ln the 21-page r u 11 n g CAI uu\;.----·~f:Dt. a.-... bureaucraey. M u:pected, Juan Heitz, managing di.rec-Salinas, one of. the oldest Wyzamkl sald the draft' act a blgb priority. Defense Minim Lin Piao, 70, tor or the Altos Homos de miners here. "This ls the ' 1 u n con sU tu.ti on a Uy Among t b • topics to· be lined up as heir appannt to may cootract ute disease, ___,... ·-...---.,.. whlc his spread by rnlcroor· congestion, head.acJ* and • ganlsms and catl5e! lnnama-measl~ rash. Olin Aid tton of the three membranes the disease, which ireneraU1 that envelope the brain and slrikes in cycles. ta carrled spinal eon!. by many aclulls who llllfer no "Tboee ~ected ... usually ill elects. •• Old World M editerranefln Spanish Furniture OVER $1QO.Gll INVENTORY TO CHOOSE FROM DICORATORI CANCILLATION artd ltlTURNI PROM MODIL HOMIS ALL lltAND Nl!W DICOIATORI DRUM HOUll ON DISPLAY Items u follows: Gorgeous 8 ft. custom quilled 1ola with separate loose pillow• with heavy oat trim decor and matching chair, 3 matching oak occasional tables,· (2) 58'' tall decorator lamps, hanging-chain swag lamps in wrought iron, an 8 piece king size master bedroom suite in pecan panelled Mediterranean style with top quality 15 yr., warrantjr king size mattress & box springs. Spanish decor dining set, etc. Whet• HOUHfull WU ret1.dar $1521.11 ~:ro:~~~1.~~·-$698.00 Arrr"4ceC.h-~ Tll'llll A....._ -Newcomn N Callf. ....CNdlt.. ApjnYH ..... ........, • It will be th e first time this century that a Democrat. will represent the 15-county ,• 'district in Congress, and Obey ' laid it was a sign o( a ... rebellion" again.st st.ate GOP Meal policies. Mexico s:A. minink' 'concern worst of them all." discriminated against athei!ts, discll.5Sed today wett a new ?.tao, 75. ., -%t that owns the diggfugs, said Asked what might have agnostics and men like Sisson proposed comiltutional a n d Of major import to the r •.--. Ure hours of checking assignment caused the blast, Heitz said: who, whether th~y be religl~s a political platform th 1 t United States were t be sheets 8 ti I I lelt the l'lt seems now that the or not. are motivated tn their enhanced posttiOM of two top At Ua b Bl d. Whereabouts of four ffieft in equipment W8S functioning Objecton 'to the• draft by pro-em~uizel ~ard 0 11 ft e com• missile and nuclear aclentists, • JI r or " doubl. This prpduced the perfectly. That could mean found moral beliefs which 'con-munmn. This Is the 1eeond indicating a high priority for 1844 N......., llwL Costa Mesa _,,_ uncertainty about' U>e number human ernX, but this i! only 6titute the central coavictiOM cciltgress since the Cornm.W\1111 Olina's misdle and nuclear E--.t....1..1. ·~· f -W~ _ s~. & •-.:::".,' ,1 He will replaee Laird, who .,-ved the district for 17 years. 'Ibi.11 will purthe iitate's omgrasional delegation at six Republican s and four Democrat5. of victims. _:•:.:'"::P~JlO'=iu~·..,:.:~o," _____ _:ol:_:t:be:ir:...:'.be'.:li'.:ef:,:•·:._" _____ ~tool<~~conlro~~l .'.:ol~llle~m~•i~nl:_:and~__.'.'.hom~h~pro~gr~a'.'.m'.:.. __ _..:·~-· ~=~·-~"=.....,~"=====-~-=~"'==-==="'=!!:! Heitz spoke of them all as 11bodies" but emphasized: . ' "We are changing nothing 1n our efforts. We are not Big Four .~iddle East Talks Begin Thursday . UNITED NATIONS (UPI) -Big Fw: talkll on the pro- ~ bringing peace tc the Mi ~e ~ast will begio Th afternoon, highly placecf plomatic 110urces !laid today n y said the parley will be • ~Jd at tbe home of Frencti Al ·,lusador Armand Berard. rl /.ittr than at the French 1 feslon u earlier planned, to J:e.p the talks as infonnal µ possible and to avoid a f"conference~atmosphere." I Tbue has bee'n no official announcement from the coun tries cooc:emed and thuefore the --the talks could . be canceled without notificaUon. Some said the talks actually had been set f« Monday but were postpo~ ed due to the death of former Pra.ldent Eisenhower. The Big Four powers the United Stales, Sovi~ Unkm, Britain and France - wen split down the middle Tnesday nlP\ when the U .N. Security Ccuncll voted 11-0 to a~e a resolution con- . . demning lsraell air r a i d s against Jordanian towns and villages. The Unlted St.ates and Bri· lain abstained from voting, holding that Arab guerrilla ac<- Uvity against Israel 1QUlt be condemned along with the · Israeli atlacks. Colombia and Paraguay joined them. France and the Soviets voted for the resolution. Jordan reluctantly voted its approval, arguing that the United NaUons should have included sa:nctionii a g a i n s t Israel now. .Turbo Link Set WASljINGTOl'< (UPI) - The Boston-New York link in the· nation's high-speed rail service wW open on a limited basis nut Tue.sday. Using aircraft turbine engines, the train, ran by the New Haven, has reached speeds Of_ 170 miles an hours in tes.111. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH St. Andr•w• Rd. at 15th St., N•wport Beach C'harles t:f•rbert Oier•n~i•ld, D.D., Minist~r HOLY WEEK SERVICES THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd at 8 PM MaUJ?dY Thuraday Communion 11 Btlleot In tht Forgiveness ~I Sin• FRIDAY, APRIL 4th at 8 PM Tho Sen<lu•ry Choir ..... ts Ra .... 11 Thl>mpeon'• Th< Ptoceal>i. lti11¢om EASTER SUNDAY Identical Wonhlp Servi< .. at I, 9:30 end 11 AM The Third Dau He Arose from the Dead! '• e4Mvehl .... ,,. • httw luMl•y, ple11 ta errl .. . )I t• 45 mlnvtff prlw r. ..-vie• time. - , " .. H's Simple. (let oot of ·that common, onlinary cat, and into Oklmnobile'• Cutlaaa S. Ri,ht away.you're · traveling in a clam whem· tho styling trenda .,.., oet. · · It's there in economy, too. In a Rocket 350 V·S lhat performs 8"""t..,-on r<tgular 'gu. And ID Qldnide, h•Di!ling a.Ji-ronnance 1.-r Cl?ll . just 'ean'I duplicate. ·What it adds up lo ii utia value that far u.-18 .ita low price. So, if you're looking lot the moot acitinr buy in town this opring, thia bu rot lo bo the car. Cutra.. S. 'liy one on . at your Okla dealer'a today. > -·-• ' - ' • ' • ' ' f'J'OM P .. e J FREEWAY .•. with Newport Freeway adopUon. M originally envisioned, the Corena del Mar J.nt.way wu to blye been interposed o•tr MacArtl\Ur Boultvard as it llretcbed directly inland fJom Corona de! Mar and linked to Main Street in Santa Ana. In alt'er yws, however, ~ent ol orange County Alrp>rt, the Irvine jndustri1l ,complu and 'the Unlvenfty of Cal.Jlonua at . lrvine, along with other freeway•, brou&bt a cban&e in thinking about tbe route. It '!fU clw!l«f in 1113. The DOW allln- meot will • CllTJ the freewa)l-.... up MICArtbur Boultvard fJom Corona del Mir ~to a point near faliladea Road. The line .then awlnp abruptly to the notlhWtll, Pfralltting P1llaadel Road, puslrlg by the c:ou1a1 ..ip c1 or.,,.. County Airport'• nmwsy. 'Ille · Corona clel Mar zoule wW then continue northwestlrly until tt ffi... ter<banpl with .the . eziJtinl Newport and Saa Jlleio freew!)'L Testimonial Due For Pa,ul ~i¥en 'nM! ·Cotta Mesa Chamber of C.om~ ,,,_ wW bold a ~l ~~ for Paul Nlslen, who la rttirlng u •4 .. riliina manqer for the DAILY PILOT. The luncheon will honor Nlnen for his »year usoclaUon 'lfith th e newspaper, and his twtlve ytui a1 a dtrector of the Colt.a Mta& Chunk ·of Commerce. Ttckela for the lunc1-, to be held at _, Wedotld1y, April I al the C.,ta Mex Goll """1 Country Club an prl<ed . .at p .oo. RUUV1tlona mud be made. by $ p.m. Tuesday, April I at dwnl>er olllces. 16,000 Enter .... Moms in Conte.st Some 11,000 yoonptu1 in Newport Btach and ~ M~ are cornpetln1 ln the third annual "Mother al the Year" essay conltst, Hoar Memorial kOl[!ltal ipote1men announced today. The youths, elementary students in the Newport·Mua Unified Sc ho. o 1 Dillrlct, received the esaay forms jusl btfort spring vacaUon. The event is spOnaored by the holpltal. 1be wlnntr'• mother will receive a Week's vaeatioo for two in Hawlil. UAll Y PllO T Ol.AMH COAIT l'UaLllHIHO COM .. AMY RtlMri H. Wee4 l'rwlftllf W l"UM1"' Jee• l . Cwrley \llC:e l'rwltlHlt Ind Ottltt81 """"4!W Tit•ffl•• lltnil ldJIW Tlie111t1 A. M111r,~ln1 IM-IM 1:411tt c ... ,._ om. JJO Wttt 1.., Sfrttt M•ili111 M4mfl r.o .... 1110, tJIJI --.............. 1 12'11 Wtft ...... Mult¥t1'9 ...... -."' -·-ttW!fltltltfl Mtctl~ • 1111 ....... l,0~000 Invade . ' PhlmSprmgs For Easter - Suzie a:t Spending Ea$(er· Wit~ Coup,ty Family «oukl blva b1Jm1 e eventually-fatal heart defect. ' ,Afoi,g th<. ~her said In llow; roll!~ ""'"· his rial>t hand Jlltld lo Jl>e cold Kanw air. ~ • ' t .. , .nswers1 Qelayed On Air Aid . ~ . . I '• . ' ' '. . . AQowers 19 a ov .. polnl lnl!Virr-,,1 sen. GO«&! M\lfPl>Y (R:Callfornla\ •4lt- lvl aboul f'!derll belJ> for or,... lf0!~1 aviatioo ~iem.:are lil the~~·~ Wubington -y, but maJ be . yed ' Colla M"" Mayw Alvin r. Pin~leY baa received ·1 loller from tile ciufonua .-.... ~ 'lhlt ~ hai •si..t ,I!" cabinet Ohlela ·le< ocme offlrlal w(Jd by _oiday. . • .. I reaUy don't loot for anytbi.ng befdre riert weet l!Owevtrl' tbt ~•)'('II' said, notin1 that ·w-~on activ!Ut! have sktwed 61.wpty witli ~e--Priday dea\t·h--1--'< and Mooday· funeral ·:of. G ~'~er; I Ei9ellbow~ • ' : Sen. Murphy's liolo said be had ·ul<'d Secretary cl Tranopottation Johnc V9lpe and Secretary of · Commerce Maurita Stans for aid in Ol'ganizing a two.pronged "study. _ The study would evaluate the need • foc an Orange County· regional airport and its best location, ohis the posslbilitf of joint nse of the El Toro MCAS facillt7 until completion of a new county airport. She bu no concept of Easter or ii.s eternal , pnl!llfae, bot SUI!< J, will celebrate it with a family ln Anaheim. Spedal lo Ille, DAJL Y PILOT She PALM SPRINGS -S.lequerod police wu relwed fJom the boopilal Tues- Suda cauldn;t walk or cnwl unusiated befme,. The Sout!J .. VI.....,_ Army ol0cer'1 dauptu wW IO home bi the care al a tt'Dpor.,y mama -an off<futy Pan Ammcaa· 'Alrw•JJ stewardea -to a joylul mmfoo with brr own mother, Ike's 111Jant widow, Mamie, btink<d bick te.ars while the Rev. Miller and the Rev. Robert H. Macuklll of Get- ty1bur1, ~a., eulogized btr as a "com- panion I01dier." Sen. Murphy wr~ to the tl\:o secretaries after a meeting one Wffk ago in Wat;bington with Costa Me5a1 Newport Beach and Orange ~ of- ficials \\'ho flew b!lck for' a Civil Aeronautics Board hearing. day after hurt IUJ1tOIDI' efforta were today found fault with a roct band pronounced a rat!ler human mJracle. known as The San Andreu, following The little South Vlttnamese girl today "She FICiously shared her husband with the world but she uniquely belonp to blm:," Wd .lhe Pennsylvania preacher. 111' black robes flapped in the wind that -blew the ~-Dag off Eilenhower's 1overnment-iasue coffin durin( the outdoor ctremonlfll. a chaotic music festlval Tuelday nlthi, bec:inl her ftnal two "MU of"~· with U>,000 EaJltr_Wttl< vlaltDra in town lion from lf!e AW!g canllli: ioirjeiy Thi Lan.. ,. ' The letter to Volpe and Stan.! uks these five questions: and more coming · for anolber c:oocert al Chlldrtn'• Hospilll cl orange County. loniihl. Nlcmam<d by nunes who hod mono A beDlllcluy cl !bodern mtdical knowMdp ind a Y09ft1 Navy lieutenlnt'a "°"""" -which opened the ®0<a II>· I normal Ill•, Smit bit pined tlltee pow>da since lllrftl)'. . ~an your department eonduct 111Ch a study? : Police Chit! Robert B .. Wbilt inday :\::~~ ~ "t;: was in conference with. City Mana1er 'Of.. antiblotlca ~ 10phlsticated medl'*l Frink Aleehlre on metbodl ol. coping -·procedure.a, Suite ill now virtually well. -If so, how, and in what vir; shoOld appll.~tion be made? -lrre funds available to support such a probe and when :=ould the study be with the colle'e and lilgh ocboof' youth Carri«! out cl the boopllal by Dr. invuion, up in every catepy from Stanley M. Kegel, one ~I a .aiJ. Navy Lt.' Doullu 8"onlnl diacovered the concenllll hurt deformity during a free vlllaie cllnlc visit and wrote to hi1 wife Unda a nune at the hosp•tat- wlth-a-heart in Oran1e. '~Al bad been said of Lincoln, it can now· be aald Ot Dwil;ht Eiaenbower - he belongs to the ages," said the Rev. Mac11kill, of the Palm Desert, Calif., Otmmun!ty Church. made? . -Are 1oeal funds required al!o? -Depending oo answers to the prior last Euler Week. -aurgeop team performinl the Jan. JO Arrests are up 25 ~t with more operaUoo, the -plucky llttle girl rues <iuestions, how Jong would such a pro- posed study take? than 100 booldnp loclay; individual home to Salgoa April 14. clllun complaiinta: are up 40 percent She hu ~vered from the 1ura:ery The flight to America •aa donated by Pan American Airways and all surgical and medical expen&es wtre absorbed by the phya1cian.s '.involved and the hoepllal Itself. . "His: splrlt Is the exprtPion of the American ideal! of liberty and justice fo; all." Mayor Pinkley said last wee~ that he and New,xrt Beach Mayor Doreen Marshall will probably mike 1 joint statement on the conlrorersial 1irpart issue in weeks ahead. and traffic accldenla -mortly involvlni which boJpilallaed btr lour moothl, .. ~ -are up 511 percent, the chief well II a crltkal Infection that j~ !aid. ed her life after correction ol. what Suspicious Being Held on Drugs Only one-fifth o! a crowd of 5,000 young>lers jammll)g the Palm Sprlllfl• Drive-In Tue:lday left follow1n1 a rock concert featurin& the San Andreu, Paul Butttrfleld Bluto Band and oll>tr1. "We rully bad a wHd. nlgbt,'' said Kathy Hll!tnnd, Chief While'• aocr~ry, "-and -unfortunately, we have another ..,. coming lmrtght. 1t Mie)I Stadium." "Who's there? Lef'a set, 1 can't rud this Pl}'Chedellc print," lhe aid whr.n aaud. &bout the ftMival bill: "Canned H!at, Blsa Pe~l. Buddy Mila ... Ob, woW.'1 Palm Sprin&a author!Uet called in aid. from surroundln1 Jaw 11tncl.tl Tuelday . to deal with the bic crowd ol Easter Week vacatlonen in cltY hllt<ry. They roUtd In by bus, van, staUon wagoo and vlrlous other vehklel capable of carryin& large group1, virtually oc- cupying tbe Well side of town and sttlln& up a cagip like a teen hobo jUDl}e. "The btggat •influx in yean," said Lt. Marvin Jtudln. • Bedrolls. sleeping bap aad other ac- commoda1lona lltt>r the lfOWICI and one group of · chllllKI vacaUOQen virtually \<ft .-!own a tnack bar to uae its mat«Tals for fll'tWood. One of the visitor• reportedly fell over 1 cliff in Tabq_utts Canyon and a police j>elJcopter dlspMcbed lO the bunt waken- 'e! tllm1P c1 Eaaltt w.u nvtier• ~dled all over the canyon. Chlel Wbilt inday etllmated Iha! .. many as S,000 more Easter Week VICI· tlonera wlll arrive by the weekend, multlplyillfl probltma already facing police, aherUf's deputits and CHP of· ficers'. Only • few injuriea have batn l'l1)0Ttfd so far during the wild, wooly weekend in tht sunny duert playpound. of the weiitern deeert. . Polle• OllJcer ~ Elldbl, 26, sur. fer«! two broli:en vertbbrea -1 lacer•· tkm when lttuck by a stolen tlr driven by a 15.ye..-old boy, carryinc seven <'!!"" JOUtl>s. The driver lldfered 1 hMd Utjury1 Nid pol!Ct, but thly did not tlabOt•tt. ,.,.... P-.e J BONDS ... the biifiest !evil s1itoe 1114. He said he can only hopi the market will Improve by May 11. "Jt ii unfortunate it la so hiah." he said, "but the llcbool dlitrtcl la in tha builllilli of provldln1 _.tiGnal lacll· iUes lftd not apeculitlnC on the md'kil" Dlslrtcl Supirtllltn<ltnt Wlllilln Cvn- n!nil>&"' dltd two -for blllldln& tha Wabbam Mhiol a ynr oarllar than ~ =---wlU haw to bo ablndonod at TaW!okle llW1IM<llltt while DOW c1-are ~ added !heh and w-CGll1d -·Ille spUimr. Alan, he notid, -Ual cOmtnictlon in tha ..... -will -......, JI ...n~....,.-. . IJKrs ·,.,the ~·-di· Wre a 1ew<1a11•*•·-~ ICbo4ult and clolr lt wilh !lit Ciluil!Y -· Dlnbllplal lal4, .. aotllo could "" bo w... ,.....,. .. -~eject School Bond • 1.06 ANGEi.Eii (AP) -Cltt ....,_ nJecto' a ....,Ullon IChool C!OllllnJC- don booll -U1d two acbool tax mfla. ur<s alao appwtd beaded for defeat in Tuesday's municipal elections. • I Police Break" Up Party, Nab Six Easter Revelers Couple Accused · - In Obscene Film Case Face Court East~r Week Wednesday «as only one hour and 40 minutes old today, when a C-Meu police afflctr arrest«! an individual who gave. a questk>nable idenUflcaUoo upon being uked his name. Bal Week l! not dad. charier, compared lo U at the same "God," he told Pitrolmin Eugene Jruitead ft all Arraignment or a Costa Mua coup'8 , ii Ve,·tlcki:nJ, tJuuinl, lime 1'it year. · Norden \ accus. ed of airreelng to sell· DI""'~ biting and ~~ ~1 ·~ CUrf ....... A'~-"Ev•..vwha't," he continued, when -e-_ _,, !CT.n.uu:ul II a Ill•" ~ .. ..,..!! .--ew ar,_, aJllU are aoarinl this -1 .. movies to an undercover agent 1'is 50 ~uter Week reveJeis and Newport year, with 41 thus far, compared to asked for an addrels. scheduled today in Central Oran1e Coun- Beach police proved early thlJ morning. last year'1 11 for the same date. Hl• idenUficaUon papers showed he ty Judicial District Court. was 24, police said, but he said he Dou I A p Si:r Eattf:r Week vacat.ionerl in the~ Liquor ·-• oar-ti•• -~-••e abeut g ss . ayne, 39, and his wife ......, .. v ..., .,.,...,.., -claimed to have lived forever and to M l early 2Qi were arrested and bOoktd on -ual With lut vot.11r. . arc 1, 37, of 226 Knox Place, wtie ""•-~, 1 -be headed straight on ahead, apparently scbeduled for the appearance Tutadiy ~ ... 6 n ranging from drunkenMu to Total mtst.s to date for both adulta up Newport BoUlevard into Infinity. in Harbor District Judl'Clal Court. . a111ultln& a polict oftJcer IA;. thi brawl and mlnora atanda at. 306.. Officer Norden doubted hl! uncertain "Apparently this is sort of a chan~ at ~ Strtet and Balboa Boulevard Last year's arrest totals to date were ·gait ..,.ould carry him that 5trai1ht, of venue," said a court clerk today. in tbt urly mornin& boura. %91. however, and drove him to the station, The ci::>uple is free on their awn where he was booked on auspicion of re....,..,,,;.,.,.. f llo ••• ·--~-) it 1'n>e melee becan when police were Beaches are still crOwded. Tuesday'• .. ~eo ........ ce o w .. .., .. ,1';il... a caDed to 1n , _ _,, being intoxicated on drugs. ~ Thursday at ·their home, alle1ed ly after ai up a· -ii party at chilly clouds deterred a few beachgoers. Whatever his true nature, investigators a deal involving $1,200 and delivery of a beach house on the Orner aDd 11ver1l The record so far ... this year ii about said, he was 1n no shape to understand 10 reels of film, wilh 30 due later. o( the participants stated to brawl with 85.000 on city beaches '3timated on Mon-when advised of his rights under human They are charged with sale of oMcene the olfietrt who were arrettina a youth. day. law. films. ~our ol the suspects were arruted r-;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: on tht aaaallll c1u<r111, pol!c< lald. They are Dinny Sllolfor, z:i, 1330 Palllacles Rold, 8anta Ana ; Lora Kalherlne Van Oil, 21, :mo Peter,.. Way, Cotta Mesa; AJbtrt P. Naki, 25, :la Cabrtllo Aw., Coata· Iii ... ; and Jack E. McCutcben, 20, 1011 .W. Balboa Bl•d., Newport Beach. Officers said another youth was ar- rHt.ed at the Sctne after he tried to flee with a pollct .helmtt knocked of! patrolman Georp Coelho during the l 'IO a.m. melee. AnOther youth was arresled on drunkeonea char1es. He ii Michael Carl JUchardaon , ®, Covina, Who WU atqJped J>y a plainclothes ctfictr m an alley near the c:6rntr. . Nont d the officer• or suapecta was ltrioul\l'.b~lhe brawl, pOllce llfcf. The "°" IOtal cl -cl mainly juvulle clJ ii ltf&lr thal\ Up66l6d thll year. 'lbe ~ incttut ovir last ytar involvea lrTtlla cl Juvtofltl r<t lack cl partlltal ~I aild earfn vlolatlw. To d11t a IOtal cl 14 )'ll<Jths have been ~ in on !ht lack ol control Ji'NM P .. e l HASHISH ••. 'd .. pol the.-.baiid. lfuhlah, which la tht r .. in tann from the flo..Vlnl tops of the mar!Ju'n• plant, selll for about 110 a sram on the -. -ollleiala llld. TOOi cl muijuua planla -Id bt reqlllnd to product the quanUty fooa>d in lhe bq. 'Ille welpt cl the llrinMall1plnld llMh1lll II. •boll -m to 111 plandl. Af $1J.. a ,.....-111o Cldla. could llllic IMl.llllonthe-. 'Ille ''hull" llllaf WU tha _,.i hop llnd:cl lDfcll ...-in the - .... Ill thl ""' -14,11 F!ldl1, two burJ1arJ -im lt1'8llod ........ ol ""-·--aJld~-11 ... '<ll)>wlia <I ...ollal, c.llW "Hill" 'Y dlu( llltl'L . Four del1111dllll• 1 ... c.un action .. r:hartes of p:Br1en'nc the dan;m,ua drugs fot sale. • ' CONYENIOO TERMS IANIVIMERICARD MASTIR CHAR~E $111.00 ' . To the &irl who knowswNtft w•nll but not where to find it Matc;h your style with our rniny dis-desl ..... And Ask us about our famoua ~-..... n .... 1121 N!WPORT AVE. COrTA MESA t 21 Y£ARS IH TH! SAM! LOCATION • PHONE ~··1401 I • , • ' ' r • • I r r • I f I Draft Law Predieated, fi_ u· ? UH I~. 1'nm111re- BOSTON '-·A fiicferal ·Judle. ill 8-hot_ Ult U.S.. ~ o..rt' a hot Potato ~ Ille '"""'"~·a(..,.., locient'-. ~ , .. 11 ... 1a1e1 to Ille Vlet!lam -: ' ' U.S. DllU:icl ()>url .J°""" (:barlol E._,WJwiUI ~· . "'-•·· mat ·the " .. ~. e, Service Ac;I of .1917, <imt!W-u-"·· dlscrlm!nated" "·'~ ..._, .. .,_ penom cl1!rillng to , be ~ oclentious ilijlictois. ... - than rellgjooa poondo. ~ .!~It is dlf!1cult to hnqloe L.AQ)'_g[l-Llior!!Ubthls!u!lalll_lf'!'I_ discrimination except reli«loul di9crimlnation," Ald t b e iud&<. . DAILY I'll.OT IS Meningitis Cases • . . Not at Peak Yet . . BERKELEY (UPI) -!be very ,...,.11111 ....... 'lbou(h the number ol m<nJn. ~.•.Dr. a.Jn Aid. gllll cueo reported !n Call·· · GeotrallJ · Ibo dulb - _.this year 11.i-t trip-fl:oa> Ibo -II I!el•www le lbal of 1911, Ille ..;~.,.JO.I> pen:emt. PiellDjlolrJ ~ llill bas not .ttaehed Its peat, ...... .. !be ;,...,,£ aullrioIC ICClOl'ding to !be State Heallb fall wllbln this pollenL ' Deportmenl . A 116$ epldomlc -_!be Dr. Jsmea ·t111n, the cleparl-SUJpeM!nn of Nile lralnlnf·ll ment's tpeclallst la epidemlcs, Fort old near MoalereJ f o t ,,,.,_+-;,-;;;-Miiiiiliftliallil the !lrsl a 1evera1 monlbl. 'Ille -baa weeks of this year 227 c&!es repotted 2:1 CUl!ll 10 far UdB were reported, as compared year and two fatallU.. wltb IS It the same time in other West Cout ltlt.I ill68, ·Md 17 !n 1967. have not reported 1 limJllt The doctor pointed o u t increase, Chin aald. and t b • that while the Increase ls of,.... CallfomI.a rate ultlcb out epl~c-proportlonr,-''very-J.iie a sore Ulumb. ,,___ few people are affecled. Only The doctor u..ted ..,.i llilm four of every 100,000 people f the •;-~ ...J~ may contract the diSe¥e, o ...__,...... u ._., .. _,., 4 UPIT ........ tt!>MIN RELATIVES WEEP. NEAR ENT~CE TO COAL MINE IN MEXICO , Wyzanskl granted on arm! of judgment to' John H. Sl&son Jr., a long-l>olred iJ:l.yeoM>ld resident of bbtoric Conconl, Mass., ill wbat could In Its way prove to another "shot whlc his spread by rnlcroor-congestion. beadacba and • ganlsms and causes inflama· measJet.like rash. Olin aald lion of the three membranes the diseaae, whk:b gmerall1. that envelope the brain and strikes in cycle!, la carried spinal eon!. by many adults who IUffer no Over 150 Fe•red Dtad in Mu.lco'1 Wont Mining Dinster' .1 Demo Wins Laird Spot In House · MILWAUKEE, Wis. (UPI) -David R. Obey, a 3G-year· old Democ r atic state assemblyman, is the winner In me of the biggest upsets in recent Wisconsin politics -the race for the U.S. House eeat formerly held by. Delense lle<r<tary Melvin Laird. Obey came from behind !n the late stages of the vote coont early today to defeat Walter John Olilsen, ~. a GOP State Senator who urged voters in the 7th CongreSsionsl District to complete "the Republican team" in Wa!hington. It will 'be the first time this century that a Democrat will ~ tile IS-county Toll in Mexican Mine -· Blnst May Reach 150 beard around the world.'' · SJsson f&e<d · aentenqloc !or fallur< lo llUbmlt lo lllduclloll into the armed forces. N • W· action on bis case bas been '"l'boae affected are UJUally Ill elects. deferred until the Supreme Old Court rules on lhe.i..ue. Sixth Divorce World 1n bis concludillg oedion or Mediterranean BARROTERAN, Mex I c 0 slopping for a minute, even ·a written qplnion which II took Actress Lana Turner wu lranled a divorce from S • h F 't (AP)-Rescueworkersbrav-trough there ls no life, unW 54 nlinutea ,to del iver, her mth husband, blllinesaman Robert P. Eaton, J1"RU urni ure ed cave-ins, 100-degree heat every man is out." Wyzamki aald, "All that 'thi.!I after claiml.ng.he waa an "~sentee !pouse." Santa OVER $1Q0,DOO INVENTO~Y and poison gas as they dug Five or 10 mules also were coµrt decides is that u • Monica Sqpenor Court granted the decree in a live. TO CHOOSE FROM deep today in a soft-coal mine believed killed in the .ti........... ainctre conscientious objector ~~te trial. ~~ Turner. w~ved. alimony. DICOIATORS CANCI LLATION •nd hi h r. ~...,. Sinon· cannot ·constltttttanaJ!y-~~--~-'-~--'--'----....:..----11 RITUINI fllOM MODIL HOMIS In w c of1icials said between described by Gomez Sada, ALL lltAND NIW 151 8nd 155 Mexican miners secretary cf minina, as the be subjected to ml l l tar 1 DI COL\TOll DllEAM HOUSI ON DISPLAY b ied b 1--1-~-e orders which may require blm ll ft. were ur y an exp UDIUD worst in Mexico's mihlng to kill in Vietnam." M • • J ~ G p • • Items aa fo ows: Gorgeous 8 Cllltom two days ago. history. 5. icted ... ~ •1 issiws et r"Or"ty quilled sofa with separate too•• pillow• with · Before dawn 23 bodies had Wh isson, conv •=u• • "' "' heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, been recovered. Mine officials en methane gas exploded in the same court, based his and set off a tw~bour fire derense on a claim that the A · p 3 matchin'g oak occasJonal tablea, (2) 58" "'wer.de.~tilbllertra~ !!: mfeeten in !be underground tunnels Vietnam W1lt ""illegal. . t ek;ng Congress tall decorator lamps, hanging chain .... , W""' 'WU Monday afternoon, most of "' lamps in wrought iron, an 8 piece king size underground. It was generally Barroteran's 8,000 population Wyianski told Sbson the rut. m aster bedroom suite in pecan panelled believed all were dead. converged on the mine en-ing did not mean 'acquittal HONG KONG (UPI) -tn 1949-50. Mediterranean style with top quality l5 yr. Seven experts or the U.~. trances. Troops had to hold or removal of charges. The Cb · warranty king .size inattress & box aonrings. Bureau of · Ml n es 10 them back judge invited Asst. U.S. Atty. a.Jrman Mao Tie-tung aum-One of the flrst orders of "r " Washington are to reach this-· . . Stanislaw Sucbeckl. who pro. moned hi! aline9e Commwl.ist busines.. was electing 176 Spanish decor dining 1et, etc. small mining town later today . By Tuesd~y grw resigna-secuted the case, to exercise party into the leCOlld day of persona to the, r u 11 n g Whole HovMfull wu Ntulor S152UI to advise Mexican authorities tion had set m. the government'• right to take its nlnth congrw in Peking prtsldium to --'uate,?lao's MUST SACllFICE $698 00 on faster removal of the dead '"No one WOUld be a 'b le to the matter directly to the ~....,., FOi ONLY ----··-----• and restoration of the shatter-Jive through those explosions Supreme Court: tcxiay amld tndicatiml mi!sile m i 11 tar y • do mt n a t e d A., Piece ,C.. le Pmrc• 11M ~ ed mine. and gas." aaid Fortunato In the 21.page r !J l l n g and nuclMr development.. hid bureaucracy. AA e1pected, T""" Awillaible -Newcom .. to c.at. Juan Heitz, managing di.rec-Salinas, one of the oldest Wyzanski said the draft act a high p:iorlty. Defense Mlni!ttt Lin Plao, 70, ·· Cr.at ApproYM lm•tdlattlJ tor of the Altos Hornos de miners here. "This is the 1 • u n c o n 8tl tu t i o n ally Among t b • topics to· be lined up as heir apparent to ' I I ] Mexico s.A. mining concern worst of them all." discriminated against atheists, discussed today were a new Mao, 75. • F it that owns the diggings, said Asked what might have agnostics and men like .Sisson proposed comtitutional and Of major import to the •rta •re hours of checking assignment caused the blast, He.i1z said: who, whether they be religious a political platfonn t b 1 t United States were t be - - - - - sheets s t i 1 1 left the ''It seems now that the or not, are motivated in their enhanced positions of two top A. t Harbor Bl..,d. " ·district in Congress, and Obey ~ IB.id it was a sign of a "rebellion" against stale GOP b:.al policies, .~ He will replace Lajrd, who whereabouts oI four men in equipment was functioning objecton to the draft by .J>rD-emphasizes bard • l l n e com-missile and nuclear aclentlsts, .., dafbt. This pr¢uc<d the perlecUy. That could mean found moral beliefs which con-munlsm. This Is !be second indicating a high priority for • 1844 ~. rt lhd. Costa. Mna __,,. uncertainty about I.he number human error, but this i.! Only l!ltitute the central convictions congress lira the Communist.I China's missile and nuclear -r of victims. .:•~""::ccPP"':::;:uon~.'-' _____ _:ol:_:tbe::ir~be:':l'.:ie:::f•::_.'_' ----~-~..'.conlro~~l..'.of~lbe~.'.'.m~a~in~Ia~nd'.'....~bom~~b !pro~i!T>~m:·----~=~E~·~.,~'="'~lgllt~~'l~l~I ~'=-~W=ed~·=S~et~·=•=Ston.==""=~"=:! aervfld Ille district for 17 ye&f'S. Thia will put the state's ~al delegation at six Republicans and four llemouat$. Heitz spoke of them all as 1 · "bodies" but emphasized: "We are changing nothing In ow-eHorts. We are not ' Big Four ~iddle East Talks Begin Thursday UNITED NATIONS (UPI) -Big Four talks on the pro- spects of bringing peace tc the Middle East will begiu '!1lunday afternoon, highly placed diplomatic sources said today. They said the parley will be held at tbe home of French Ambassador Armand Berard, rather than at the French Mlsslon u earlier plaMed, to keep the talks as infonnal u possible and to avoid a "conference abnosphere." 'Ibert bas been no official announcement from the couo tries concerned and therefore the IOUl'ttS stresed the talks could be canceled without notificaUon. Some said the taJts actually bad been set for Monday but were postpon- ed due to the death of former PresJdent Eisenhower. The Big Four powers ..... the United States, Sovie! Union , Britain and France - were split down the middle Tuosd1y nlght wbee the U.N. Sealrity Councll voted 11-4 to approve a resohfon con- I .. demning Israeli air r a i d s against Jordanian towns and villages. The United Slates and Bri- tain abstained from .voting, holding that Arab guerrilla aeo- t.iyity against Israel must be condemned along with the Israeli attacks. Colombia and Paraguay joined them. France and the Soviets voted for the resolution. Jordan reluctantly voted its approval, ariufng that the United NaUons should have included sanctions a g a in s t Israel now. Turbo Link Set WASHINGTO~ (UPI). - The Boston-New Y0rk. link tn the nation's high-speed rail service will open on a limited basis next Tuesday. Using ain:raft twlbine engines, the train, ran by the New Haven, has reached speeds Of 170 miles an boors in tes.ts. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ~t. Androws Rd. ot I Sth St., Newport'B••ch Charlos Herbtrt Dieron~ield, 0.0., Minister HOLY WEEK SERVICIS TH~DAY, APRIL 3rd at 8 PM Maundy Thursday Communion '1 BtU~t in the ForgivtMSI of Sin" FRIDAY, APRIL' 4th at 8 PM The Senctu1ry Choir ,,_,. R1oclall '""'"'.,...,,, TM P•actal>lt l!'l!1¢am EASTER SUNQAY ldenttcal Wonllip s.Mcff 11 I, 9:30 ind 11 AM . The Third Da~ U• Arose from lhe Dcodl Pet lff«lwite 1Ntlnt • lettw lltlftlfoy,,plon to orrt.• M t• 45 rnlnvtn ,,1., ff MrYlce "l'Mo \ .. II'• ~pie. (let out o£ ·lhat common, ordinary car, and into Oldamobile'a Cutlue 8' Right away, you're - traveling in a cWia whom. the styling treodil'l!:te set-· ' Jt'athere in economy, too. In a Rocket 3liO V-8 lhal perl'orma gnoa~.,.on iqular gas. And in Qlda:rida, h11'41Ung and.p!rformance 1-r care . jllA 'c:an'I duplica~. ·What it lddo up to is oxtril value that far ex._fa .its low price. So, if you'n looking for Iha J!!OBt exciting buy in town this spring, this baa got to bo the car. Cutlus s. Try ODO OD . at your Okla deale<'a today. . ..., QO make~lookljke a big~forjustabont whatY.,u're_spendiognow. ' t - c--m• ··~-.. eflll09eCwdl' ........ _..Yw"4 b11 ••"-" .. ---,.. Ollll ..,,,, ' ' • -·- .. .. I I • • • •• ' • c jDAILY PILOT ~lTo~ PA~Ej 0 .• ,. . • , -Bright No~te ._of· .. Spring Alr~utlon .•• earthqua)les predlded by ltl'l'lllcs 8'14 d ed by nperts to great degree .•• l!1ack Power • 11 • R CcibsplraclOI ••• and • (al Wbo aw A/Jn Lan- dits' otay to wed Ill h'r old WAC uniform. History jusl Rl'<'611 ltael1, so what's now? ~'::J flowers,. thank goodness, 1pec!llcally thole eultlv along Ae'!J>Ort Boulevanl tbrou&h Coota Me141 orange and gold eye<atcl>J:ft displays tbat brlllf a U!Ua real lllo to oltcl-Wll'tal y Ule. A Newport Beach women'• club has commended the beautification project designed by Costa Mesa land· scape Engineer Bob Pattuson and maintained by the Street Department on agreement wltb the ltate. Harbor Me. contributors of all supplies -from cookl'" to poatage f--have kept tbe effort golnf 1mootbly In ~ weeks, but tbe busy girls did look rather lonely. . \ Mn. Oliver wisn•t dlscouraied and still expecta an adequate llaff o( volunteers to get the j<Jb done, but alter so much early enthuslum the We Cart·Cooklelllt appeared momentarily to have changed Tuesday. lf you'd lib to belp, Just 1bow up any weekday from 8 a.m. to ~ p.m., al 77 Pair Drive -except Good Fri· day; when Cooklelllt cloees at noon -and take tbe el&- vator to the fourth floor. Once there, It's easy. Just like a GI, you'll get your order a. • Costa "Mesa Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley 18ld at the time that be felt It a bit unusual for tbe city to get bouqueta for Ill flowers at a time wbeo people have so many problems.on.their minds He Said the Cl_tyAat~alf~•~Mµtbw:e0-· -----...silTIJ'JJ'P.:'ltio 7>.._-&.~~ Coeta Mesa Beautification Committee 11iould be proud. -ee--vii i\11. '!'-' And well Ibey should. A tip of tbe spring bonnet to ~ responsible for some colorful cheer. . Care to Help Out? They could have been a mom ;me! diiuatit« podlnf an EasteT parcel to a kid away from home, but they were malling to hundreds of adopted guys ID Vietnam. Members of an accredJtatlon team that recenUy spent thrff daya on cainpus reviewing Orange Coast College said they were 11generally impressed." Many of tbe lmprovementa Ibey recommeoded are of tbe kind o!lly money can buy-beef dp tbe aclriilni .. traUve staff, hire more counselor•, buy more library books. < Bui one of their 1uggesllon1 might be a first step toward solving tbe money shortage. They recommended moving dlllrlct administrative olflces off tbe Orange Coast campus to a more central district location, such as Fountain Valley. ·-• :...------' ___ .. , 1t wu the fir1t day of packing for tbe Wt Care Cootlellft project, but only Coordln8tor Mn. Darrllyn Oliver and one teenglrl showed up al Coeta Me1a City Hall to get tbe mall going. Cooklea ID carl.olll containing cans and plastic wrap can lti1l go .t.aJe. Good Friday and a day of mourning for tbe !Jlte President Eisenhower have a1ao cut the CUIT'eDt cookie- lift week to 3'h days, aince packers must observe mu. nicipal empleyes' hours. The Idea Is that voters ID the West County area served by the Golden West campus might come to tden· tily better with the junior college dlltrlct They haven't found this Identity yet, II appears, with dlstrlct bead· . . • . -· ... i/!f# I 1'Man is a pliable aniQ.ial, a beiTll/ who geta accu8t07'Md to everything!' Marriage Is Improbabl.e Arrangement lt can come as . no surprise to any ltGdent ol. the subject that women like to a:et married. Nor wW anyaae be grully pmled to be told that Ibey like even more to be ttmoved from )he lnstiluUoo. There .. a -q-In the mlndl of aome 1ldl u to wbether a wommJ p:tfen a dtvOrce ~ a marrtao cerenmy • 'V _i; Mr. George. GaDup ~ his talents to BOme of these ~Uon.s. In the March Issue ol Family Circle magazine, a Gallup poll found that one out of every four American wives would pick another hosband il they were otarUng out apfn. HOWEVER, ONLY ONE In every 10 husbands 11)'1 be would have proposed to onotber girl ll he hid known &1 much about his wife as be does now. How to account for this relaUve fn.. coilstancy of the fema1e? And the really lllrprlsing basic fidelity of the husband? There is, of course, the fact that a man has his work. This increases his inner security. At the same time, it plays hell with the inner security ·cf his wife. -· Most women hate their husband'• wort. l am also prepared to beUeve thty would hate hlm a lot more il be were pennanenUy unemployed, with a life centered around a bottle of beer, and the tube, and lb.,. lntennlnable sporting contests. For, let us face it, marriage ts a most Improbable arrangement, even at il.3 best. Dr. Johnson put it well, in a cl~ic formulation: "SIR, rr IS SO far from being natural for a man and woman to live ln a 6taUI of marriage, that we find all the motives which they have for remainma: in that connection. and the restrainU: which clvlliz..ed IOciety lmpoea to p-t- vent RparaUon. are hardly lllfficlent to keep them together." 'lbe ei:cepUorui exist, of count: but mostly the bonds of matrimony are be.in& consi.nu, strained . agains~ when they ' Gloomy Gus: Why doeso't the dty ol Colla Mesa clean 17th Place to the end ol the -t hut clean1 the Black NJiht parklq lot weekly! Is the city na.. hie for ponooal Injury camed by the debrio and ho1'o al the eaal end ol 171h Place! -Mrl.B. B. T1llll .............. ....,.. ....... .. _.,., """ ................ .... ....... -.. ......., ... Deltr ...... ore aot actually brokeo. No matter bow happily a woman may be married, nneooe aid, tt alway1 p-her to find a ako DWI who wilbel lhe weri nol lo the Gallup poll alluded to, man fared more poorly than wile as a aodal partner, close companion and partnl. Women wen abo more critical of their husband '• devotion, personal appearance and menLaJ growth. . A LARGE F AC?OR bl woman's unha~ pfness within the -. II ..... 1y her empbaall on rom&DCe, with a capltal R. Before she 1et1 married, In «der to s.atl!Jy aome inner uptraUon of her cwn, abe eodow1 her loved one with an unbelievable aerlel cl. qualities. She makes him a comblnaUon of an astronaut, a Knight of tbe Round Table, a Provencal troubadour, and an Ena:llah country genllemao of the 19th century -or .whatever, and a steamfitter, and a guy who prefers The Sporting Green to the poesy of V..te Gallrlel &ae!U. PERllAPS THE moat sattslled of w1 .. an those who tab to heart the ad- o! Lord Che5!erfleld on the subject. Perhaps, to avoid dllsatllfadlon with husbands, more YOUl'll ladtel lbouJd.. heed the following wise wont.: "There are but two objec:tl tn mar- riage, love or money. "Jf you marry for love, you will cer- tainly have tome very happy da)'I. and probably many very uneasy ooes; if for money, you will have no happy days and probably no uneasy ems." 'Ibe se.nlibJe W 0 m ID lhould marry l!iome dull dog who puta topther con- glomerates, bu hro Iarce cancDellt din- ners a week, and a child tnry three yean. She llhou!d luve the blUH)'fd, raven-halr9d raviahen to tba men weak· minded ol her ......... quarters In Coeta Mesa. ' · · , -~lt)yevsky CCI Man ·speeds Vp PoUution Problem From Purity · to Stinking Cesspool ' ' To the Editor: -The recent heavy ralnl and floOds have brought a problem concernlng water pollution to my mind. The prob- lem .Lt that Qf eutrophication ol waters. Eutrophicatlon ii the natural aging pro. eeu ol IW., otreams, and bays. The procesa e&llltl pollution and eventual de- 1truction of the water undera:otna the proces!. Eutrophlcatlon Is a process by whk:h clear, deep, cold bodies of water are tramformed into shallow, muddy, maraJt. ea whlch can support lltUe more than bactertal and plant life. ·EUTROPmCATION .. o-.I, hut man does much to speed the procus through the dumping ol lnduatrlal WUiff and domestic Rwage into bodies of wa· ter, He may &horten the time necessary ror the process from thousands of years to, In some cases, a few decades. A prime example of man-made eutro- phicaUon is Lake Erie. In the space of a few short years it bas been transform- ed from a lake supporting much We to a Jake resembling a sdnking, dead cess- pool. Closer to home. San Francisco Bay II beginning to undergo thiJ pro-· ..... WHAT EUTRoPIUCATION actually does is cause a drop in the oxygen con- tent in the water, making for a change in the natural balance of Ult. A~tic, as well as terrestrial org_anisms deinand. oxygen in order to live. Indultrlat wuUi and domestic municiple sewaa:e,· even though treated, entering the water dis- pehse: great quantities of bacterial -and plant nutrienb. . These organimns multiply wldely and remove the o.i:ygen from ·the . en'1fat. ment_wbicb wu prtvirusly for other or- ganisms. Plants and bacteria cause. Jedi. . ments to fDnn and the water becom• shallow, silly. and eventuaUy unfit for !Ue. . THE PROBLEMS associated wilh eu-- trophicatlon are not merely national in llCOpe, but recently they have become lo- cal. The i'ecent spillage of millions of gallom of raw aewage from the River· aide County sewage treatment plant may cause eutropbkaUon problems on the Newport coast. Besides makiflg a stink· In« mess and a beallh hazard, the 1pilled sewage has greatly increased the nutri· ent level of Newport Bay, making eutro- phlcaUoa laster. JOHN HALVERSON - L.nett from f'f__.. ·~ ..ic.nr .......... ffY ,...,.. •" ahou1'111 --tflalr ,..... .. 11'1 .1IOCI -• _. ...... Tll# rftM ,. ~ l#tNn .. ,. -.. .. llNMfe lbal .. ,_FWlll, All i.ttws ...... lrlclvoai llllf'lhlrto •lld fftlltlns Mdrfll. llllf Nfl'ICS Wiii bl Wll'lllll1'111• .--t, but a1nce Eater vacation was in effed, we felt our waJt would not be long. TWO YOUNG MEN j<>bied the waiting group. SborUy lhereal!er Dr. Aldrlcli and his family arrived. Needleas to say, the appearance of thi5 erect six foot, six inch gentleman did not go unnoticed. 'lbe court near us 80on became available and my husband' notified the chancellor, not because he was THE man on campus, but clearly faculty. Dr. Aldrich choee not to eJ:e!'Clse hls prerogative. During the discussion, the two young men moved onto the court. Dr. Aldrich qulc!tly slz<d up the sltuatloo. dJplomaUcally approached the two players, who were neither students nor faculty, and again deferred to us. A liWe thing. you 11y? Yes, but ta it not the accumulation of little things that make \II the person we are? WE KNOW AND read about the outstanding ability of thl1 man to handle the "big t!llngs," but I felt compelled to tell of his adherence to the rule that l fcr one, continue to teach my children, "Do Unto Others ..•• " l am mmt grat~ for the nistence ol UC! lo our commuijjy and l<r the baod ol friend9hlp extended by -at the University to us "town people." Mo.t of alt, l am grateful that a man like Dr. AJdr:lch was chosen to lead our university. MRS. MIKE MANAHAN 'Prevent Dl1.cuter' To the Editor: As • local resident and higlt school .w.. dent, I have become moet coocemed about the Upper Newport Bay «>ntr .. versy, and l have an important me111ge for two groupo who will he advtnely affected by the p-aent plan for Ila development Sports fishermen and Canadians awak· en! You are 1n great danger-of IUfferinl lrttparable damage! Flr9t, the fl!bennsn. The unique thing about pirt of the Upper Bay II In ita environment -!he mud llha!lowJ. It II !her<, I uncierltand, that halibut and 11J>. water bass spawn, and U the shallows .,.. destroyed, ~ fish are doomed to ei:Unction m • this area. ApPArently the CUJTent p)an of development will dredge the shallows Into de<p, concre\e-lined channel! unsuitable for the fiab. SECOND, TO THE Canadian&, they too are ·affected by the dredging. Jn the sum- mer their birds feed on insects and nest in the north, but during the winter they mlgrate here to feed oo the plailklon. This has happened for centurl.es, and the birdS' life pattern cannot he changed by man. Once the shallows are gene the birds will have no place to feed and will therefore starve, leaving OW' neighbors to !he ncrlh with only a lractloo ol their fmner wildlife. It ls my understanding that the Irvine Company owns the area north of lhe dike, the three subtidal tslandl, and all land above mean high Ude. PRF.5UMABLY. II the trade do<o not go tluough, the ooly or-that will be developed are the Alt works aree and the land ll1lmlUndlng the bay. AU other development would then be up to the county. Thill would leave most of the bay tn ils natural stale, H the kgl!Jators know how many of their constituenta want the bay left as it ii, ao u to pre- &erve its: beauty and Jls wildJ1tt. I urge everyone to write the Orange County Boltd ol Supervieon to prevent this di...ier from OC<UTrln( to ooo ol our few remaining re30U!"ctS! DAVID G. PORTER Airport Developmetd TotheEdllxr: I -with surprile that the Newporl B<ach City Council .. taking a oland In opposllion to further devel_.,.t ol our local airport. , M. a longtime reald<nt ol lhll or~ since 1953 [ Wish to place OD record my opposilion to the council's attempl to rtstrict what I!, I believe, Jnevitablt and desirable upgrading progres1. , All of us who bave been here a 1m1 time, have seen the startling growtJ ol the area. Some of it ii delirabi. and with it comes u a maUer ol couret eome things which don't ...,.. to bi as nice os Ibey u>ed to be. I lmaginf all plactlJ mm time past have Mf1 the same and people have voiced theij objections but it has never stopped ~ growth of human endeavour, otberwist we would still be in the borle an( buUY er1. AND IT IS JN that era we :!hal remain if we stifle airport developrutnt So fsr • DObe 1s cxmoerned, whicl seems the point ol oppoiltioo, that ij something we can live with. After aJ the chief out<ry ...... .. -· Iron thooe wilo, whik fSljoyiog thO emp!o)' ment opportunities that have come. t( them ftorri lndus!rlal, commertW ·anl educational develQP!ntnt resultanC uPot fringe growth, be .. ltill bu!H or boo(h rttide.nces ln the air corri<b', well mow, ing that the airport was there bd«'t they came. IT WOUID BE jUl!I u looliD ~ complain u we do of the ·noile a the Marine heHcopten which clatter• U1 and down our beaches whUe doing theit duty; to complain ar we do ol tht summer and week-end crowds wtiicl ct.use UI congest.Ion whDe ~ng QleiJ money: to complain u we do « thf hlgtiwajs· and fretlt'ays tn our 'mlds which bring us """". while glYlnf ' .. eue of lnOVement. GORDON !'I. WARltE!I Political Atmosphere at Book Awards We Give and We Receive UC, Irvine NEW YORK -A poUUcal rather than a strictly literary atmosphere was evi· dent during the 29th .Armua1 NaUooal Book Awards held here ln mid-March. Into American ten1klry ls ... ahoctlnil reminder ol the dllcrepanctn . that r9 main -""' c:ommltment to E udwige ol ideas and upresslon the restrlcUv...,. ol our lmmlgrali · JaWI." Rel .... of the readlnl ability -., showing students of the fint three ,radea In Newport-Mesa Unllied School Diatrict ;above .average in Orange Counf;J, and s_bowlng Orange County above averqe In the otate, coollnna our rtPt to ha -ted •bout the commuolty In wbldl we live. No one yet II uaclly 11n what cooir!hulel to lowu or blsb<r reacllnl abl!lli<& Student mobility II hlll>ty 15uspect., a Q d even ~ ft b aY e a acbool or two wlthia our diJtrtct ahowtng an annual turnover ol 100 pr.rctnt plus. we believe our funfly ltablUty and com.o munJty content are heav"1 contribtttlng foc:tori to the uoellait performances ol our youogsten. WE 1BIN1t AND opool< of the dedlc> Uoo ol realton to ciY!c duty, and lhll Quotes J ..... E. Doi~ Mmad -"Slnc:o ,.. have waDd bllllmw ol our money with !llU!ul -on f0tt!p 1!d on lhll ol...i. mqbe our luck would ha l>eUer In, belf!nl Iha -la ol out<r •pace." -. II true; hul. ailo, we recoplJe the m a D 1 ,W... of o u r c:ornmunlt)' are Iha cumlllolh• rasu11a o1 major (and -l-.bJ--""" arr-llooo. Who cao Oltlmata 'Ille Impact " -.. . °""· !llrl. cub, -. esplonr) on our eommunlty? Who can Ipin1ba lnflufSlce ol aur 'YMCA! Our c:oll-and unlvenity! Our 51 churchu! Chamber ol Commm>e! Paru and ...,..tlon j>rqp'ama ad fac!UUu (Ibey a r e lignlns up for l>UllclpaUon rtghi now)! Our -and our many, many •di.. ad producUve llerVice clubl! tq-Uonally ........ a part of thII whale; tndiYktaallJ,· we are even a largtr part u we lntenntnale and . lnl<erale in all ol lheJe groopa. We atve a1d we rtceJvc. Tbe more we &(ve the more we rect!Ye. Let'1 all continue to give -conltructlvtlyl Prtoldot'o ·M- NN.,tw.,,..oortrtH~ To the Editor: "' --· my huaband and I loot f°"'ard to oor Wftk"1<11 In the hope of piayq a f.., Hts. Tbll -II not to deplore the """ dltloo ol the c.r..a de! Mor IDsh School -wlllch .,.. • ...,.., throw from our home, hut to atoll the actions ol a man ftlJ known bi our community. C!oanc<llor Daniel Aldrich. t..i Sunday, we tra"11ed the extra mllel to uoe the .,.IJ.malntalned UC! courU. AD were in U9f upon oor antval. Vie "ere aware thlt faculty and ltudtnta ban llnl. priority, aod rlll>tlUll1 eo, ---•• o",... ---. Dear George : My boa tells me I llhould join dobl as It II good for hue!..,. •nd I •m now 1ettlnc Into R<Wy, Elks, Kiwanll, !Jona, Moos.~ CMlan and Optimist., hut I aw1 have a couple to go. Could you tell me wbm the Mafia meets? Dear W.R : Anywhere it wants to. However, don't call they'U call )'OU. W,R. them - "Moot dlsUnguisbedn work b y American wr:iten published last year u announced durln1 thiJ book lodustry sponsored . event, 1UQa!e<1 thiJ at- mosp!Jere. Wlnning titlel lncludld prolell against the war In Vletmm (Norman Maller'1 "Anni•· of tbt -N!&bt''); the terror wroqbt by nocliir wart.,. (Robert J. Lefton'• "Do at b In Lile: Surrivon or Hlrolhbna"); rtprnsjon ln Eu!eni Europe (J-Kollnlk1'1 novel "'StePI, '' theme of. wMcb. II poltUcal vlolence and !emir ID bis native Poland); r a c I a I temm (Wlnthn>p Jordon•• historical wut "White Over Black : Americao Attlludel Toward the Negro"). BEYOND TBAT, more lhM 200 wrl!era, publllherl and critics gathered for the award ceremonies signed a rmluilon arlfnl Iha ahollllunent ol U .s. lmmlgrailoo -against foreign writers and hllellectuals became ol disaentlnl pol!Ucal alUtudel. 1be molu· 'lion suptst.d that the Unlled Stoles Is "secure enough tn ils democntic values" that It might abotllb tb1a arcbalc rtmliant of the okl Mc:Carran Act. Americon publllber, Roll<" Str-fn. stituted the petiUoo which deplored "the continued difficulties aome of our forelp colleaiues encounter wben they Ir)' to came to the UnJted Stalel on the lfOOodJi thet 'their p a • t or preseot. .-1 or allqed political opinions may dlllenl f.n:m ofDCial American aWtudes." AT A NEWS con!.....,. suppor:tlnc strawi• appeal. Arthur 5chlealnpr Jr., the Harvard blstorian and Toreign policy advisor to the late Presldeot Kennedy, aald the Fuentes case marked "a tert. for the competence and efficiency" of the Nixon Administration in bow to im- prove Its relations with the artlstlc and intellectual communities both Jn ' the United Stalel and abroad, At the same prus conference Abba. P. Schwartz, an aasistanl Secretary of Stole for 5'<urity and Consular Aflain In the K e n a e d y and Johnson 1111- minl,tratlons, also supported the Fuen&u reaolutJon. He added that the esc:IU!kln of foreignen because ol their poUUcal ~lllon added "not one Iota to °"'" national security." Board "lltali11!1 ~'-----------· This "WU lf:DCl'8ted by the cue of CM!os Fuenlel, tbe distinguished Mex· kan novellat, who was refused entry Into San Juan, Puerto R.k:o, last Febru1r1 22 durlna a voya,se from Europe lo Vera CruJ, Mulco. Fueo1es· EMPHASlZING protest which hat ifWn ln ~cademic and literary quarters · over the Fuentes case, Roger Straus noted thal dei11al ol lb< novtU.t'• entry --. ' ~--_____ .., ------"" ---~ Fuentes bu aUended previous Na · 'Book Award ceremonies he.re as a ol bis publlsbor and bas lectured the United 5talel. Arthur 5cblesin Jr. ln an obvious aside to the Nlx AdmlnlJtraUon, noted that these vial occurred durlol the Ke o'h)d' Adminlatratioo. , Wiiiame.,,. -W-1 Wednesday, April 2, 1969 l '1'114 odltof'!ol -Of IM Doflr Pilot "'"'to lft/oml ond - ""'" -br .,..;..,.u.g w. ....._r, opioi..., ond -...,.tort/ °" top;<o of .,._ •"" lfg!Uficoftc<. hv prooldmcl • '°""" for IM •%JWu.rion Of our rtadna' opiJdotu, and br 1 pri1nting CM dtotrae ... Pof•il of mforttl<d obs'""" J Clftd rpoktlf!Wtt °" topfct Of tM day. • Robert N. Weed, Pub!Wier I ., • t l I • l 4 • I I • • ' • l A • ' l l j 1 ' j ' I • 1 ' ' ~ u • I u ~ • I I l DAll.Y l'Uf 3 _Fa1l1ed ~lane .Fly Again ' •• ... F d.ICin ilting Hobby f or Har bour Resident ' Ill' IUllll-NjlillM4,llD -it to. Lon( -1'11111113'. An Amerletn ..... found. °' .. D111r ,.. *' -~ Airllnea pilot toot the craft oo 1ta maiden Moran cumnUy teep1 a fleet al fl¥• An _.ive lookinl ·(lnlcn'-'nptef , ~ !ti ,_ llrlllliil -iuclllnt Voyage, put It thmil)t Ila po<N and ptaoea in hll prap al llOI G= - ., ........,,_ ~ ·~'·", then brwjht ~ in,fooa &lick 1'odln&. Drive, incl~ Ille Taylor<ul~ , ~ -~ hThen we find out that the onN hid. be t.11vs wW Tiie tnm the uhel iwd.. did a ...i,. al•loo;o ml rollr' aJ\d never nown .a radio, control ~lane like"ihe phoenix. .,. rolkd in lot• landJnc. -before in hll Ute," he chuckled. The The model planes -: .. -...,... !J1io plaoO, -~meilatjiic lleinktl-61 with pi.no had proven ill capabUlty -el"'• wJniopan of abool all faot, ~ ..,..,. a.man Luftwaffe martlol!I, rolled down m novice handa -and Moran 1ot /he to le• poullds and ar< capable al n,m, tho nmway, n~ a quick tum and trophy. 1 al 100 mph. '--- tuled over to a_ dlllrted part of the The Taylorcraft, or rather Jta: ptects, Moran spends an average or JO aaur• fWd, tt1 powerful~ throbblng. are now rest.inc ln ~ rafters d Mor~·· a week wortin1 on them: Be ii'· able · ~. ilift wu oo leather-garage. He was OY!ng ii ....,.,,11y whip · W devote so much time 1o bis h<i!>b1 helmetod "'tlciior in I Ire ~ w h o ......,.,. lumed oo a tra-~I bee'!""' he ls aem\.retir<d fmi1 hll ~ ~ .,_don from the craft's w••• haPfl"l!d to he on his frequeocy. TbO · u owner of a chain al 'aiametololr ml w1i;:' lhlek accen1 Uk for'~ big bird just dropped out of the sky. achools and beauty ilqll. '~ ' a 17 tu al 'Ille Jilue ir a 1 eml'IJ-,tt · The plane, worth about $1,000 in MOii of hll time Is _, In workinl appiared to haYe .,.,.. piloted by a materials alooe, wu amuhed to bit& up new models rather than mainlalnlna poet. . . Acconling to Moran the rlub uaually \hem. •Jt would be an easy bobby f!>f' l _ _,_1~:·c>•L111Uiann abouLJ7._a~_._________ tries to avoid iDcldent. like theae ~ anyone who would be satisfied with flyinl muatache, ~ qp to the craft, amiled strict safety procedllr<I. Bu~ bein& just one·piane.~--.~-~----1-' aheepllhly tuel;ed Ille fighter under bis mechanical devlcea, the p I a n e •· "Ther<'s not much main1eRance to ' \ • aMLY "l.O'f ,_ ..... HUNTINGTON HARBOUR'S DALLAS MORAN COMPLETES PRE,FLIGHT CHICK "0N,,HllNKll:.SI' Happine11 11 Building and Flyinsi • Plane You C1n Tuck Uftder Your Arm · ' arm and ~ tt i.w~. sometimes go wacky. them if you don't crash. lf yoU don't, Tbe maft b I>aJ1u Mciran, a HWltington "I've ~n them &~ right through a you're in ,h11sir>eu. U you do -back Harbour µ:sSctent whole Mhhv it ii ' car,'' said Moran. Sll'ICe he has been tothedrawingboarda1utheyuy.'' to reconatruct Models of -;;"m 0 u 1 buildln&._ radio control models, he's loet But Moran ia not interested 1n U airplanes like the Helnkel-51 and lhen only lhr~. euy hobby. He it continually locJkinl ny them with 1 r.UO control trmsmiUer Two of them landed by . themselves. for a creative challeog~ And, thougb abou* half the sire of a.shoe· box. Qne landed .in a woman's ~ant in he doesn't crash his planes often. bl ·~ planes 'can do eierylhln,il . a Norwalk and the other burled Ill oooe would irefer to .....in al the clrawlni bi& airplane can." iays 'Moran. "l.OOpa, in a ~ mnfleld. 'lbe third waa boards. ' ' andidates Faee usy P eriod ~. divaa.,}'<>U eontrof _flcn,rud- BeaCh QuarantineLiited · ~~·:1.~;: Daily Pil~t to Provide planeo and !IT --in fact the . ef ore April 15 Belo. re Summe. r-Ma. -yb. e-:tS!i~u?'~ 'J\P Book on Eisenhower . Vft'f few p at d quite Ike he does. . "I dc!oi bulkl kill lnllli plastic and Campaigning for three potiili<>M oo the verning lx>ard of the Huntington Be.ach nioo High School District moves into last week before the Apil 15 election , th three candidate ·nights next week. On Tuesday the high school candidales oin candidates vying for posit.Iona on :the Westminster school board in a Jn~ting sponsored by the League or Women Voters at Peek Family Terrace Room in Midway. City. • ---Next Wednesday lhe scene shifts to eoJ,ununity Methodist Church, 6662 Heil Ave., Huntington Beach, with candidates for s e at s in the Ocean View School District joining the high schoo~ can- didates. Thursday the action moves· lo Fifsl Christian Cbw-cb, 1207 Mafin St., Hun- tington Beach, with the city school district candidates joining the circuit. All rneetings begin -at 7:» p.m. and the public is encobraged to attend and ~r lhe candidates for the various school boards. Similar meetings .. already have been held in Fountain Valley and Seal ~ Beach. By JEROME F. OOLLIN8 Of'tM DIV. '°lllt Stiff Sewage~ quarantines against oce.an use along HunliJJilon Beach and Newport Beach shoreline near the Sant.a Ana River mouth may be lilted prlor to the summer season. Orange County Health Departmen~ ad- ministrator John R. Philp said Tuesday that it is po6Sible the ocean COJl- t.aminat.ion may clear up within 30 to 60 days. . Philp's latest assessment may mean that beach-lovers, coutal businesr;men and civic ~ers WOl'T)'iq: over a poai- ble quarantine lastirig into summer months have been freeting needlessly. LifUng ol the ocean swimming ban, Philp said, will depe~ on the pollution flow down the Santa Ana River wbero sewage from nine upstremn souroet is C911taminating the surfllne. '"Ibe long.range weather forecast for .April," Dr. Philp said, "looks for a dry month. If il tum1 oat that way, the river's r.unoff could ce'ase and the ocean wat.ers should clear up almOlt immediately. "R,jght now our estimate cn.1 ·u.e quarantine is a maximum of IO days, HEADqUAITl!IS FOtt · SPERRY TOP-SIDERS • perhaps u liWe .. 31 •. "Bnt 10AJr ceyttafball," be anphastwd to a.r.ePorttt, "ll 11 good as mine." He said bactaiological c b e c k 1 of coastal and. river waters are liken _by . his department daily. "Rigl}L now, there is · no justification f6r adjusting the qu&rantlne arel, Which iS baaed. on lab findings." Swimming and all other water-co'ntact acUvltie.s are at present banned all the way from the Newpor\ Pler upcout through Hunlinllo• Stale Beach.Part. Dr. Ph•I P llid .thert.ls,al~s the po!iSlbllity 'that 11li4s 'in ocean Cµrrents could carry sewage effluent away from the shoreline. "If that dots ~ppen, we wou.1d be able to rtduce tbe area of quarantine." . Ocean life, be noted, haa been affedrd by u.:; poliKtioo. ..~ ahefllllh ind cfama. Plckin1r or 'hlnatinl .i them 11 proluDlled. The)'· mual be c:on- "5idend cmtaminatech" . . . '€ -' Persons who igoor!! the nimJnia1 ~ ""'""' ban, he llid,.,ara in -danger of ~ ,dowD. with a number of -dlaeases. They lndude typhoid m.r' salmonella, dyaeiitely, Mpatllls 'and polio .. ON THE BEAM . ~illinf,, t'I Our Gxperl NOW 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU No. 30 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH .•• 644-24'4 • P er6onn11/· " BUSTER BROWN.. -' ' 1052 lllVINE -WEsTCLIFF PLAIA NEWPORT BEACH •• , !Al 11611 ·- d : • I\ 11 I, foun. J wort from the w1ginaJ planes," he said, poinl!n& to ·a mae of. diawinp af I Gn!mman WJdpm and lhen to • red and wfille . inodel he built from them. . It taku a lot of1 wort' to bulid a plane like that and· 'Moran estimates that it took about 400 hours. of calcula- tlorm and late night aesaloils with plyWood and tools before ~ Widgeon became a reallty. . · Moran's copies are exac.t'teplicu right down to the Jl!tle pointers on all the gauge1~y elhlblt craftsmanship rare- ly found in anything less than a Swiss watch. On one of •his models, for, H· ample, a Fon! Trl-moior, he apent hours with a ball point pen aftd-aluritinum foll drawing lines to simulate' the cor· rugated aluminwn covering on tht ori,.tnal plane. Hit mantle 111~ with many trophies won in naUonaJ cc:mpetition whlcb attest to hll ~ ~wen !"!hat lltlle one. ovw tbert ·a -the. dne'. ..I-value ·the. most, ~ ... e1plalned Moran. "It's I lllr'I trophy/' I • ' The modeler lhen told the story of how he .... the trophy by building I Taylorcraft with lo.foot win&span.-'"lbe whole <bib llid It jUll wouldn't fly becauie it ... too big, .. he llUlhed . He decided to fly tt anyviay and took Relnulll:· Morin, lwo4lme Pullber !'Ne winner and a biographer ol Winston <llurchlll, ~ Is pultlog'Dnal - on a 140,lllG-iord biography of Dwifhl' DEisenhOw<r · i>he DAILY:PILOT1 in coopetiaon with ... the Assocloled Pross, wlli oiler the 114- page-clotbbound volume u a public lfl"' vice at. the :..,Profll price ol 13 per ln- divldallly boi:ed boot as soon u It is avallibie to ·lhe genenl public. Morin, who knew the late general of the anny and :itth President al the Unit- • ed states for IS yean; was cranttd ~ BUI·ke lntr"" Auces. .,... to Eis"'11Pwer's ·private mes 1 or.. UU. the purpose of writing the bloeraphy, · · · 'Mle projec_L..was tn work when Elsenhow· Lo . } 0 th Bill er. w., hospitalized for what was to be-ya ty . ~. . . hrsml~f~e final mies of heart attacks of Assemblyman, Robert : ffi · Butte <R· _MOrin first met Oen. Elsenhowtr tn Hwilb>itoo B>aeh) hat lnlrailuC<d a.bfil N'orth; Africa and laler.beiped cover the wlilcb· lf~appfoVed coqld \airi.tnd· Section· smiling Kansan's two presidential cam· S of Article 10 of the Callfornl.1 COnst!tlJ.. palgns. 1 " "'" • tioll whlch dtala with the staie'a loyalty · Bued on his Waftlme coverage of the oath. • general· In actjon apd on aeveral .lnter~ Hei ha alao introduced a bill that vie'ffS' whose. main . ~ WU -to W<Mlkh~e the govornmem tode teC'. dridge Up ma~\if /or li!O blofrraphy, ~ spelill1& oot lbe delalla of·eaforelnl' Moliin.tam« on lhe ·l<I> al~ El- and lmplemenllng tho...,. oath. • ieofic»rer the oold!er~ the 'piilllkW; tho , . Said l!Urk., "I believe lbal this SICe Ital-~ !II" Ji!p. ~ . ;..._1 ·~ coiistihi~ imendnlenl, ii al>proftd' ™ .re..ik is the flo!t: "·uqm'tl. El- by the people, will give California'• 01th ~~ A Gauge of Greatnea," IODll the updating and clear wonlinl tt has to he offered to DAILY PILOT readm. needed. Photoa Uluslratlng the book - b o 1 li "California must have a concise loyalty In color and In black and white -were oath as a protection against those who 80Ught out and M:lected by Mai: Delf'or~ would P'"'!l'ie r.belllon and rovolutlon AP phQlo editor, aoother Pullber Prlzo. a1ainst tMJi syltem fl. 1overnment." winner. now at atlantic music! • '· WEEK· END SALE! 30%-50% DISCOUNTS on .... _ STEREO, TAPE RECORDERS~ TAPES~ · & RECORDS! HURRY! FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED! Some New, Some Demonstrators, Some One-of-a-Kind THURS., F«I., SAT., SUNDAY ONLY! SALE ENDS SUNDAY! . . .. HERE ARE THIS WilK·END'S SPIC:IAL PRlCUt . . Re9. SALE * SONY 250·A • '1H k ·-... ~ ....................... _ ............... . * ALnc M .6·A Y•'")<'• .,.._ ..... _ ....... --............... _ ........... . * PllHIR XP·4 ·AW ,.,_,,, •-'"" ............................... . * PllHU 160-T AM"M ·-.............. .. ... . ........ . ,...* HA_.UlAN•KARDO,. 520 .. -.... . .. * GARRARD SL-95 .............. k Cha•lllf ................ -.. .. * SHIRWOOD 7600 AM1'M ... ,.. ·-·••" . .. -· . * AR·3 -._..... • ... , ,,..,: '""'" ... _ ..................................... .. l . * OARURD SL-75 ·-..... Cha .... ,,_ ......... ,, .. ,_,_,,,,. * IHURI M·91 I ,_ CettrNte __ ....... ___ _:_ ... _._ .. _. atlantic -. music 445 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa factory direct prices! 149.50 9640 333. 00 19900 199.95 97°' 199.95 16800 269.00 19900 129.50 . 7400 ' 349.50. 22800 22 5.00 12900 109.50 62°' 49.95 17°' OPI N NITH & SUNOAYS 1unda11 11-5 1alt,rdan 9 6 di:l1 :7-9 p . .11. ck1ed •cd1::c1r· . . . ' • 1 · · ~ '." .... o.~ ,._.,. stttn ~ice . 9111!1 Bill Ch•mpion cl sOup Laite, Wash., spelled a car parked on th~ wrong side of the street frOm the .gr&de school pne moming, whipped out his book and wrote. a '1 ticl:et. The car belonged to hia wife, Janice .. a teacher. Wodnesdty, ·April ?, 1969 'Em battled· Gls Repulse Red Attacks • SAIGON (AP ~ Pounded by roe.ket1 ' and mortars and outnumbered two to ,one, fewer than JOO U.S. intantrymeh \ fought off a North Vietnamese attack today while American hellcopter pnships- and fighter·bombers pounded the enemy. 'fl.11litary spokesmen saia 49 North Viet· namese bodies were found and there was not a single American cas~lty. "'They med to recover their dead, but we cha~ them out," said 1st Lt. Toy Smith .of Hooston, Tex.; commander, pf the 25th Division ·company that battled the Notth Vietnamese for two hours 25 miles northe_ast of 8aigon. ---._..,,...------- ' .... ,.. .. ,. ••tied 'RedsCrackD·own .. . OiL ,Cze~h~Action 'VISllN~ .Aaalda <APi -Tllo °""" ~· 1'ill .be callod to pve an I .. • . v • tr -... ,jlf c.mi..--" .......... ,Ille preold!um ulol. ' a6mo:od lodll\' a ,......_ ........,..\ Tba """"""¥,. parCta olllcW or a&a1nlt tbt COunery't .......... ..... ftudt~ PflYO, 11 fuJ.ftllinc ft.I role ,"in and~ and_....__,..... iio 'an ,~ m-.· 1 Ih a 1oqer lolla,'l' any·-"'"" t11e pn;ldlom ..... M~ porty llDo. , "l._daes llOt by far llwl,)'8 ..i-a1t . Tbe ~--~Iii,"~ · 1~m~C om m ~ n 111 prlnclpled --!zdm~..IJllO· lnidcait • · llcal atittuda. II liilufflcienll1 IUP-aolcl . the ,....., '1¥ ";a 1f1e, ._·GI• pCi1I porty r.,iutions and -nol dimt8-," indict-u.t~R:pra.t•• w 1. ea:liblt .. *"' .iten to IOcl1Nm." ,ttireatenl!d to Ult ~1tio .'..,...,tbeir ' .. \ will. . "'' ~· ~ .. . 1-------· "They chargtd out of a bamboo thicket," Smith feP.Cll1ed, "but we cut em -doiifl>efore_,, they go( inywhert near the perimeter. We were lucky, with Ure volume , of roctet--propelled grenades and aotomatic weapons they poured in." -DIOYe evldenQ:l..anie'..Ja.-ll. '· 1).Ta11•4.;Jl_eq·uests ·to a Sovti!\ ulttmatam followlq 1lal , 1::'f :11 J a._ . ' • •• ' • retttMring thti oum ·msts? Not reallv. The Walla Walla, WMh., DU· trict Annp Corpt of•Enginen emplol/" ~ts art rtolly rfadyinp nuts.and .lino tng on .the ~nak.t ·River /OT "Optro· tion Father Goose, .. an· .C'XJ)frimmt to invite Canadian gte1e· to rtloeatt n.tst· ing aite1 aince origiMl nest locations have btri'fl;ooded 'l>y new dam.s. · .- RobinMn Crusoe is alive .and in Moscow, working as a taxi driver. Vitaly Robinson Cru,soe is bis tull nemt. He ii K And like D•niel 0... foe's fldioaa! ·.Rob-CrulOO, who was rescued bf a stilp from a tropical !Jland, so·V. RobinllOll Cru- soe of Moecow was .saved by J bJ>li- copter when ne became lost in Si- beria with a group of geologists several.y.ears ago. The _government newspaper lzvest.ia related the. So: viet Crusoe'• S!bef.iF experlences · in .an articlt. c6mmemoralil>g the .. 250th, llfllliversary of the appear- ance ol. DelOe~s classic novel. ·--.• Guadalupt Lomas' ca,. brokt down m Oxnard so, likt man11 strafti<ltd motorists, lte flagged down 0 passing ccr. The OCCU· pants, highway petrol office-rs Fnnik Frede and Edward Dock· ef'1/, pusMd lht car into a snv- ice 8tation. Tht station was closed and, the officers nOted, had been broken into. Glancing into tonaas• ear , the offictr1 said later, tMt1 HU pattmes, oil cans, tool! cmd C'Glh. The offleen called local police, toho booked tht 24-ytar old IOborer,on .ruspi· cicm of burglaf'JI. • Everybody WQ11 at the Phillips School io Willesley, Mass. snowball fight. Principal Wlll•rd Woodruff made a deal to halt anowball throw- ing around 'the ICbool -if none were thrown for a week, he'd be the target fur some free shots. Woodruff made good, and every· body was happy. uThey got it out of their systems all at once." he said. Spri·ng Smith had anticipated· the attack. On JJight patrol Tuesday, his. troops spotted enemy soldiers on the move in small groups seven miles· froth the 25th Division headqua.rtm Rt CU Chi. Smith ordered his men to "dig in real deep.••' At I a.m., about 200 North Vietnamese soldiers from the Cu Chi Regiment at· lacked ~ bebiod a mortar barrage, a stttam 'f'I.· rocket-propelled grenades and machine.gun fire. Sirhan. Explodes As Psrchia tr ist Calls Him Liar LOS ANGELES "(UPI) -Sirhan B Sirhan leaped up. shouting curses whe~ a prosecution psychiatrist called him a liar whO faked amnesia to try to escape the gas chamber. Four burly deputies grabbed the man accused of murdering ·Robert F . Kennedy an<Lled him from the courtroom. Sirhan W8!! muttering as he left: "That son of a bitch." . The chief proseculion witness, ·Dr .. Seymour Pollack, said Tuesday he doubted Sirhan's story of amnesia. Pollack said many murderers used the same tactics. ~ Pollack today continues his contention Sirhan faked a loss of memory and l!td to escape ~he Calilomia gas chamber. . Pollack's remarks Tuesday highlighted tbe most damning testimony in the 13· week trial. , . Si.rban, r.ose and began shouting when Pollack testified about the notebooks in which Sifhan had written "RFK must die." • .. It is my opinion," Pollack said, .. 'that Sirhan's denial of the recall of the. written notes was an attempt to avoid the seriou~ consequences of his act which coulrl be interpreted as a planned and premeditated act.ion." Then came-Sirhan'• emotional out- burst. ~ Nugent Returns Honie With.M edal , . . SAIGON (APl -One or ex·Presidtnt Lyndon B. Jotmson 's sons-in-law left Viet- nam for home today with a medal. Airman I. C~ Pitrick J. Nugent, mar· ried to Jotinson's ·daughter Luci, com- pleted his year' of Vietnam duty and took a plane for Bergstrom Air Force Base in Texas. He will be discharged -there. He was awarded the QisUngui.shed Flying CrGSs while loadmaster of a C123 \oaded with troops on Jan. a,. An Air Foree spokesman said the twin- cngine transport had 55 soldiers of the U.S. ·1st Air Cavalry Division aboard when it came under mortar attack. I Matnie Thanks Crowd Wearing a black dress and looking sad,· Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower step· ped onto the rear platform of the train bearing the body of her bus· bane{, Dwight D. Eisenhower, to Abilene, Kan., and told a crowd of 500 in St. Louis, "I am most grateful -for all the expressions of love." The train stopped briefly in St. Louis Tuesday for maintenance. Pontiff Warns Rebellion Puts Church in Danger VATICAN CITY (AP-) -Pope Paul VI said today the very existence of the Roman Catholic Church is thtea\e~d by the "restless. critical, unruly and demotishil'l:g rebellion:' of priesLs and laymen. • The pOnfi!t 'said the _rebellion was. against the Church 's canon rule. its tradition and its_.authority. He also assailed prelates who havr quit the Church and sa)d their "scandal " crucified the Church. The Pope's statemeot.s on revolt and defection in. the Church eame during his weekly general audien.:e devoted to the sufferings of Christ during Holy \Veek. ~any pilgrims and' towists gathering tn Rome for E&.!te.r Week <:eremonies were among the crowd of 8,000 at the audience in Sl. Peter's Basilica. "The Church suffers above alt,'~ Pope Paul said,~ "from the restless. critical, unruly and demolishing rebellion of so many ol its children -priests. tf;ac hers, la}llrieti those devoted to· the service and the testimoay of Christ In the living Church -against its intimate and in· <!ispensable communion, against its in· stitutional existence. against its canon rule. it:; tradition, its interior cohesion, against its authority, the Uhchanfeable princi ple or truth, unity. and charity, against its very requirements of sanctity and· sarclfice. "ft suffers fron1 the defection and lhe scandal nf certain priests and religious \vho today crucify the Church." The Pope appealed to the faithful to understand the Churcb and help it. He said · the no~ or optimism sounded by the Vatican Ecumenical Council must not mislead CathQlics. "The Church is going through great sufferings tQday.,''·Uie Pope said. "Even after the council. • Gathering Force :weet'a anti&viet demo••Uool ~ "' _;· · whleh tlie .cfflcea ., tbe So•ltt airline ·, ,2. 7 B ·zz· . Aerollot were aaeked In ~ and . · . ' · t wn .Soviit inatallltloni' . were d 1 m '1 1 d · • , . , ellewhere In tbe c:ounlrJ.. , .• . . ' The outburcts'C&lne dwing·CelebraUoos T Mode • of lhe Cieclloslovak Ice hockey ~am's 0 rnize victory over the Soviet Union in Stockholm, Sweden. In . a resolution, lhe party'• rulina presidium said "the organizers of the lawless acts" will be punished. It did not say w&o the · organizers were but blamed Ciecboalovak maas media for "creating an atmoaphere of artificially evoked emotions." lt added that "anti-Socialist forces'' were r~ponsible for the situation. Despite the Soviet-led . military in- tervention last August, designed to halt the reform course of the Prague leadership, the country's news media have up to now remained relatively free of censorship. · The language of the resoluUon seemed to suggest that this would now end. The presidium added it also would tolerate no longer any deviation from the party line. ''It was a mistake that those Com· munists who acted at variance with the party line were not called to ac· -count." It added and singled out popular reform ,Communist leadtr Josef Smrkovsky for c:iticism. Official Soviet.Mw.spapers had charged that Smrkovsky took part in the victory celebration in Prague. This was denied Jn Prague. In the field of publications, the presidium <l:f'dtred the suspension of the magazine Zitrek -Tomorrow -and said other outspoken journals, such as Llsty and Reporter are deviating gravely from the party line. · . . These and other journals will be allow- ed to [unction only "on condition. that there wil1 be guarantees that their ac· tivity will be in complete agreement ~ wilt\ the Socialist aima of our society." Communist journalists "who are ex- pressing them.selves contrary to party • WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Navy asked Congress today for · $2.7 billion to begin modernizing the U.S. Oeet. Among the new vessels requested were a $222: million nuclear guided miasilt frigate, five destroyers and two am· phibious assault .ships, Vice Adll). John 8. Colwell, deputy chief of naval operations, told the Senat. Armed Services Committee more than 500 of the 900 American Navy Ve.!lsels are more than 20 years old. He said some ·•are no longer economical to operate, repair and modernize, primarily because of their age." Colwell asked for J6 new ahips - twice the number approved lut year -and conversion of 17 existing vessels. If the fleet is to be "respomive" to the demands of U.S. national policy," Colwell sald, "a large number ol ship replacements will be required in each of the next several years." He said it would be only the beginninc -of t "long range replacement program, whch will require even larger annual budget requests than the one which iii beng requested this year." Onassises Sail Out Of St. John's P ort ST. JOHN'S, Antigua (UPI) -Ari!totle Onassis and his wife, the former Jae~ .queline Kennedy, J.eft_St. John's 'tueld•Y fqr an undisclosed destination, Port authorities said. \ .. The vessel arrived from~t: Lucia last Thursd1y. They are on a .. bel1ted honeymoon. ·Mild~ Dry Weat her Prevails in, Easte rn V .S. if you b~uy an electric range with a self-cleaning oven now.* . · c:: ... , .. Mo'11• d6udY ''°"' ~ t•sl wit!\ ,..,,. 1u,,..,l11t 1111 tflll .net,_·"°""· l .. Y'I 111111, U 1o ,t, Wirids .... , •• ~ttrlv. " to 11 t;flll'll.. y...,...n t.m-•tllrtt r • 11 •• o ,,..,,. ............. " ...... . M11011 ..,, .. ,,...,,,,. ,..,,.. ,,_ 61 • SI. Ti. ... ...._,.""" """' • * ..-. S.., 111-. Tl•e• WIOlllSNY SeOlllil ................. Ji#~ .... ..... tullll . . "1., "'"" 1,1 TMVltttMY FlrttllW . ,. ....... 3:U 1.ll'l.O ... ,,,.,, lllefl ............ •:ts1.111. 4., ~ ....... ., .......... t :tt .. ""-•·· ..... Miii • .,., .... , .• tilt 11.111. SJ ~ •• .t:U "'·'"· S.-S;ll '·"'· .... • ... ti•··"" .... ''" "·"'· '°"" UI! •. N•w l'lnt •. A.,-1 ,lM, t •11r 14 A&r )I Temperat ure• AlbuOlll'!'l'- AnQ'lor111t Atl1nt1 ll1ktr1!l~ld + 8 It 11\1 rd; ' lleht .. ..., <•-Ollc\1'11•" City.NM g::·:oi,. ""~" Eurett ,., -~"'"" ~""' "I-lulu Hooli!Oll IC.1M1• Cli'f l•• ""'$ l• ......... Ml1IOll M!IWtUkPf' M lnnt"•i>Olf• New OrlN~J Ni'# Y0!1l • "'°"" p la ' " O.kltlld ... ... "'"" ........... ...... Rellr.. ""'IMttllull _ .. ll'ltt .......... ll'or11•1'111 111.Hlf CITY 111...i ltvff ·-hc:r•IN!!lo st. Louk hllfl• Silt l.lltt City S111 Oltff S t11 F ra11< Ito& ,...,, .. , .. ,, ....... ....... T,..."""'I w,,,,,~,00'! /I \ 11'•!'1 l•w ,,..<. " .. " .. ~ " " " " • " .. " •• " " • • " .. ·"' .. .. ,, " " "' " M ,, n .. • .. .. ... .. ~ • " .. .. " .. " .. " " .. " .. .. " " .. • .. • .. .. " ,. .. " .. .. .. .. .. • • ... .. .. .. •I ., " .. .~ .. .. M n .. " .. .. ., " ·" II a .. " •• .. .. .. » " " .. " ,.., " " .. " .. , • "'Ruy yours before June 30 fronl your local participatins.dcalcr and the Electric League of Southern California will inail you ~25 if you choose any of these brands: Frigidaire.General Electric. • Hotpoint. Kenmore. ThC1:1DadQr. Westingbous('., · 'l'ot! 're tired of scrubbing, $COUrlna:1 :tnd scrapini? th1t oven of yours anyho\v, ~rcn't.you? Why_put up - • • ··8T8mPOUT . ., : ' with all that drudgery when.an . electric eelf<lcaning oven will clean itself for less than 1 dime~ When your new range is electric, you can cut way down on deaning fOUr kitchen,!<><>· With a 6amcleas nnge there are no· . by-producta of combmtion to 4!rty walls, windows and curtains. Besides a cl('_aner kitchen, an electric range meana a cooler kitthen. Electric he1t goea into tbe food-not up di• aides of pots and pans. Electric rang., now outJell gu ranges from ooa~ to coast. You tan aec whr. See your local participatiJli dealer. Give him your address when you buy a range. Th~ lca~uc will mail you a chetk. sCJ: Southern Californi~ Edison • ORUDOBRY now! ( • ' .Draft Law . Predicated · • On Bias? "-'Wlnllenolees . . B06TON -A federal fudia . In~ hu banded ~ UJI,, Supreme Cow1 •. bot PotOlo· ..... tile loudly question oi - Bcientlooa ; obj~ u :.11," 'relttes lo tile Vleblam .Wll', J U.S. Jllltrlct C<iurt' ;Juclp Qwt<s:E: Wyaanakl Jr. ruled TOesday tllat the Selective Sii'vi<e Ad of 1111 ~' ti*1Jy. discrfmlnated" agalnst -clalmlng ·lo. be ·- sclentious :obje(tors on other than rellgloos grounils. . • DAll.Y I'll.IT I Meningitis Cases Not at Peak Yet BERKELEY (UPI) -the wry,..... IUld ...... 'lboq)l the numller of menJn. -1*1om," DI'. ClfD uld. gltls -rtporW in ~ o-1ilJ 'lllo .. th .. lomla Jl1ll year 11 almoal trtp. , froot· lllo.,-II batowww le that of 1111, the outbrult lMll·pemat. PrtllmlDo'1 llf' ~bu not mched II• peak, t1n1 m lllo -_... accordllll to the Slate Health • fall wltbia tbla pallcrD. Depar1mont. A 11111 epidemic ......i the Dr. James Chin, the depart. 1U1ptnalon d bulc lralnlnt at m<nl't apeclallst in ~ Fort Or1' llOlr _.,. Io t said Monday that in tile llrsl 11 aeveral -. Tbe -has ...w of this year Zl7 ..... rtporW 11 -.. far lido were reported, as eanpar'9d year and two fatlliUeL with 13 at the same time ·in Other West ColR ltltel 1961, and rt in 1111'1. have not reported' a almllall Tbe doctor pointed o u t lncreue, Olln aald, IUld I b • "It is dlllicull. Jo !m~ -.. y ~rerllill'""il&tutory discrimination except ·re1100u5 ·dlscriminatLont'' a.Id l h.e -tlialwlillelhe liicreue b l>< Cilll<ii'iilrhtt -·-out epidemic proportions, "very like a sore thumb . ., 1 ' · UPIT...._.. 'WOMEN RELATIVES WE EP NEAR ENTRANCE TO COAL MINE IN MEXICO Over 150 Feared Qfad in· M1xlco11 Wont M&ning Di111ter · ( . Demo Wins Laird Spot Toll in Mexican Mi~ Blast May Reach 150 judge. · Wyunskj granted an ~~ of judgment lo John H. SiasOD Jr., a long-haired 22-yeaN>ld resident of historic Concord, . Mass., in what coaJd in · Its. way prove to apolhU'. ','.shot heard around the world.~ Sisson faced sentencing for failure to submit to ioducUoa · into the armed forces. N e' w , action on hi.! case has been· .deferred until the Supreme Court rules on the.issue .. Sixth Divorce In House In his concluding oectlon of BARROTERAN, Mei: I co stopping for a minute, e'fm a written oplnlcm wbicb it took Actress Lana Turner waa ·granted a divorce from (AP)-Rescueworkersbrav· trough there is no life, until 54 minutes to deliver·,· her sirth husband, ~usinessq:ian Robert P. Eaton, MILWAUKEE, Wis. (UPI) ed cave-ins, too.degree heat every man is out." ·wyzansti said, "All that this after claimin~ he was an "absentee spouse." Santa -David R. Obey, a 30-year·. and poison gas as they dug Five or 10 mules allo were CO¥rl decides ls lhat as a Monica Superior Court granted the decree in a five.- old D em o c r at i c state deep today in a soft~oal mine believed killed in the din. !!er, slnCere co~lentiQUS_ OOje¢Qr minute trial. -Mils Turner waived alimony. i h. h ff' i Is Id bet SWon cannot constitutionally ----------------'-----11 assemblyman, is the winner n w ic o tc a sa ween described by Gomez Sada, 151 and 155 Me:iican miners be subjected lo m I Ii tar 'I in one of the biggest upsets were buried by an explosion secretary ol mining, as the orders which may require lllm in recent Wisconsin polities two days ago. :rst in Mexico's mining to kill in Vietnam." --:: the race fer the U.S. House Before dawn 2.1 bodies had tory. Sisson, convicted March 21 seat formerly held by De£ense • been recovered. Mine official.I When methane gu exploded in the same court, based his and set of> a two.hour fll'e ..a.r 1-•-·~1 ,._ ~-· Melvin Laird. said another 128 to 132 men UIC eme on a c llUu ""'" lolJIC; ~."" .... ' Jn the underground tunnels Vletn m l Obey came from behind b1 were still trapped 450 feet Monday afternoon, most of am war wu ega . the late stages ol the vote undergroqnd. It was generally ·Barroteran's a,ooo population Wyzanski told Sisson the rut- __ , 1 d believed all were dead. converged on the mine en-ing did not mean acqµlttal Missiles Get Priority At Peking Congress HONG KONG (UP!) -in 1949·50. o...vuu~ ear Y today to efeat Seven experts of the U.S. or removal of charges. The Walter John atllsen, 45', a Bureau of M in e s in trances. Troops had to bold judge Invited Asst. U.S. Atty. Chairman Mao Tse-tung aum· One of the first order! of them back. his ~·-GOP State Senator who urged Washington are to reach this Stanislaw Suchecki, who pro-moned "'1w1ese Communist business was electing 176 voters in the 7th..Congresslonal small mining town later today By Tuesday grim resigna-aecuted the cue, to exettlse party into the second day ol persons to the r u 1 t n g District to complete "the to advise Mexican authoriUes lion had set in. the government's right to ta~e its ninth congress Jn Peking presidium to perpetuate Y..ao's Re PU b i l. c a n team" m· on faster removal of the dead "No o n e wrotd be • b I e to the matter directly to the todav amid .lndicatloos missile m ,. I l tar y • d o m i n a l e d d · of ,._ sh live through those e...nlosions Supreme Court. "- waabingto.. an restoration u... alter· -,. --..a ~ ., __ d l l had bur • -t.ed ed mine. and ga.s." said Fortunato 1n the 21-page r u 11 n g .-i11.1 mJClelll" eve opmen eaucracy. ~ e1pec ' It will be the first time Juan Heitz, managing direc-Salinas, one of the oldest Wyzansti sald the draft act · a high priority. · Defense Minister Lin Piao, "ro, few" people are affected. Only Tha doctor llltal lll'ly allJlll four of every 100,000 people may contract the disease, of the disease u rapkatorJ: whic his 1pread by mlcroor· cont~ beldlc:bel md • ganlsm.s and causes lnflama-me•'et H\# T-. Cbbl llid tlon of the three membranes the dileue. which cenera11,. that envelope the brain and stribt In cycla, la ellriecl spinal cord. by many a<ktlta: who suffer DO "'lboae alfected .,,, uaually m_ elects. Old World Mediterranean SP!lnilh Furniture OVER $100,DOO 'INVENTORY TO CHOOSE FROM DICOU.TOltl CANCILLATION aM RI TURNI PROM MODIL HOMU ALL lllAND NIW DICOAATORI DRUM HOUSI ON DISPLAY Items u follows: Gorgeous I ft. eutom quilted aofa with aeparate looae pillow• with heavy oak trim decor and malcl!lnc chair, 3 malcl!lng oak occuioilal teblea, (2) 58" WI decorator lamps, bangln4 chain nafl lamps In wrought iron, an 8 piece king •lie master bedmom aulte In pecan panelled Mediterranean style with top quality 15 yr. warranly king size mattress & box springs. Spanish decor dining set, etc. Whole HOVHfvfl wu r91ular S1121.1t MUST SACllFICI $698 00 FOi ONLY ____ .. ___ a Awy Pleea C.. le .. lm .. , ... ,, J If · · y.,.. AotlFl1 -N••~•• .... c.t. ~ .,,...., ... In , • ..., ~ this ~ntury that a Democrat tor or the Altos Homos de miners here. "ntiJ is the 1 • u n c o n stl tu t l o n a Jly Among t h e topics to be lined up as heir apparent to will represent the 15-coonty Mexico S.A. mining concern worst or them all." discriminated agalruit atheists, · disel!Qed today were a new Mao, 75. F a4 district in Congress, ar:id Obey that owns the diggings, said Asked what. might have agnostics and men like Sisson proposed constitutional a n d Of major import to the ....... ..e said Jt was a sign of a hours of checking assigrunent caused the blast, Heitz said: who, whether they be religious a political plaUonn t h at United States were the , sheets st i 11 left the "It seems now that the or not, are -0tiv1ted In their enhanc.ed pos•'tions or two l"" At Harbor Bl,..d. "rebellioo''.ag{linst state GOP bl •· b emphasizes hard .11 n e com--,. " · whereabouts of four men in equipment was functioning o ecton to the·draft 'J ~ . mi!slle and nuclear scie.ntl.sb, · # fiscal poUcies. doubt. This produced the perfecUy. Tbat could mean found moral ~liefs which con-) mun1S111. Thls Js tP-second indicating a high pricrity for 1844 _Ne. "POI. rt. llwl Costa. . Miii. :'l He will replace Laird, who uncertainty abouf the nuin~ human error, but UWs bi only stitute the central convictions congress since the Communists -C'hina's ·missile and nuclear r • ......,, 'ffl · ltr'Ved the district for J7 of victims. . · .:'_:'":PPDSo::::iti:'on:::_.'_' _____ _:o:_I :tbelr=._:bell:=e:fs'.:.'_' ----~-~~c~ootro~~l~ol~lhe~.'.'.nw~·nl'.'.'.an'.'.'.d'.'.__:bom~b'.'.!p:'.rogr'.!'.am'.'.'.'.:.. ____ ~~~-...!!-!!'~".,,...~~~!!'!!-~W!!•~·~Sot~. !!a!!. !!1!!.,.~-!!·!!'111~~· !!!!!! yeans. 'Ibis will put the state's Heitz spoke of them all asl- eongressional delegation at six "bodies" but emphasized : -Jt·e p u b l·i-C an s and four~ "W.Lare changing mtbir!g_1 _____ _ Democrats. in our efforts. We are not Big Four Middle ·East . Talks Begin Thur~day UNITED NATIONS (UPI) demning;isi'aeJL air r al d> -Big Four talks on the · pro-against Jordanian towns and spects of bringing peace lo villages. the Middle East will begin -The United States and Bri- Thursday afternoon, highly lain abstained from.. vt>Ung, placed diplomatic sources said holding that Arab guertilla ae- today. tivity against Israel must be , They said the parley will condemned along with the be held at the home of French Israeli attacks. Colombia and Ambassador Armand Ber~. rather than at the French Mission as earlier planned, to keep the talks as informal as possible and to avoid a "conference atmosphere." Tbere has been no official announcement from the coun- tries coocerned and therefore the sources stressed the talks coold be canceled without notification. Some said the talks actually had been set f<r Monday but were postpon- ed due to the death of fonner Preaident Eisenhower. The Big Four p::iWerJ - the United States, Soviet Unioo, Britain and France - were split down the middle Tu~~Y night when the U.N. Security Council voted 11-0 to approve a resolution con- Paraguay joined lhem. 'Franct and the Soviets voted for the resolulion. Jordan reluctantly voted Its approval, arguing that the United Nat.ions should have included sanctions a g a in s t Israel now. Turbo Link Set WASHING TON (UP!) - The Boston-New York lint In the nation's high-speed rail ~rvice will open on a limited basis next Tuesday. Using aircraft turbine engiiies, the train, ran by the New Haven, has reached speeds of 170 miles an hours in tests. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH St. Andrew\ Rd. et 15th St., Newport Beech , . Charfet Herbert Dierenfi9Jd, 0.0., Minister . HOLY WEEK SERVICES THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd at 8 PM Mlundy ThurlCl•y Communion '1 Btlitvt fn tltt Forgivme1s of Sin• FRIDAY, APRIL 4th at 8 PM The Sanctu•ry Choir · ,.._.,. 11 ..... oll T'1"'fit0n'• ' Th• P10«abli Kl!!Qdom < EASTER SUNDAY ldontle1l Wonhlp S..Vlcn at I , 9:30 and 11 AJA Tht Third Dar Ile A rtnt from iht D~t rer ..,._uete 1Htlnw en l••tw lund1y, ,ian te arrive M te 45 mlftlltn ,..,., h .-vkt tttM. • It'• simple. Get out or .that coIIU'd8o1 ordinary.~, arid · into Oklamobile'a Cutlaaa S. .Rjght away~you•rw ~trayellng In a dl,llwJier.lha styling tnmda are •t. · · lt'a then in economy, t.oo. In a Rocket G60 V-8 that 110rforma greit-on regular ·gas. Aiid in Qld.I ride, bamUinc. Pirf'ormance le&l!llr carw J t can't d uplicate. What it adds JIP to is -value that ru exceedo ila low price. So, if Y<N'ni looking for the moet exciting buy In town thia oprinr, thil baa r ot to be the car. CiitlMa S. Try one.on at your Okla dealer's today. \\\?CID llUlkp)VU look like a big spenderfurjustabout wbat~'re~now. • • ' -· --~- -·- l~~i ~:;~ ; ,;.·~' ·,· . . ', ( .... ' . l • • • . . I ow,v PILOT EDITOBIAL PAGE I i Cos.tly Foo t~dragging II Eulel Weil crowds are any Indication of what II to come thll summer, Huntington Beach faces tho prospect ol larger than ever crowds trying to flt Into an unllnlabed municipal parting tqt. From Beach Boulevard to the municipal pier, the beach parkln8 Iola are toni up for construction of a new '2.3 mllllon parking lot complex. Most of the now faclll· ( Ues will not\be ready for the usual summer throng of beachgoers looking for parklog places. This means too that there will be litUe or no nvenue to meet' the lint bond interest payments and tt rosy be necessery to dip into the general fund to oblain the money. RaiJI earlier this 'Y•ar Is partly responsible for tho delay in conatruction but even as the project was be--~PlamledJasL)'ear the stafLmembero said the !ou migbt not be completed. It's going to cost the taxpayers because, income or no income, the bond payments will come. due. If it is nocessary for the city treasury to back up tho project with money thi8 year, the project will repay the amount and. return a profit In years to come. . Problems which are bound to arise becau.so the parking is not ready should serve to warn the councll and staft to expedite other projects. The proposed parking facility on the Inland aide of the· highway near the pier could be unfinished for years to come If It Is not pursued vigorously. It. If not, forget all the lalr. If ~red parkln8 II i.bo answer, then the ·J,>&rklof abould be arranged. It seems certain that words alone will not·park tho Clfl streaming to the beech areas this =mer or any \ 1ummer to come. \ Rail\ can be blamed for some delays this y-. but !IJot.<lragglnf In city ball b a major cau.se, too. r • Action for Teen-~g~rs . Hot weather b coming, bringing with It surf boerds, bildnls and an ever widening aearch by local teens for 1omething to do -excitement, "kicks. 11 -.Somdimes-.tb.~~eLout"oLhand.and ar._,... __ _ fleeted In the pages of the poUi:e log book. ~ut othe.r Umes the teen.age search for action pops up in a brighter aspect, such as a group of Huntington Beach High School teens who are out to show the adults they can do something besides drift aimlessly around the town. Laa! Friday they l)>OllSOred a teen dance. Next Fri- day they'll hold another, and future plans aro bright. They hope to develop a •teady program of entertain- ment that local teens will accept. Too many adults brush off roulhlul complaints with 1 • I • Projects to core for the 10 mllllon vlllltora annuall) the ctty can expect within a few years have become mired in discussions of high rise office bulldln~s. private and public urban renewal project possibilities and a ci vie center .. The limo bas come to decide if more beach parking Is needed. U It Is, the council should go ahead and. build a curt reply about all the activities available. But at least the teen-agers at Huntington Beach High know jwt / any type of pr~ram tossed in the air won't wo:rk, so ... ~ they are out trying to develop romething better -the kind of action leen-a~ers want. It doesn't have to be centered. around mariJuana or alcohol, the teens demo~ lltraled Friday. ~an iii a pliabk driimiJ, a being wlw get. accuitomed to ever;ythintl'. · · · · · · --IlostQ;yevs/ly Mar riage Is Improbable -Arrangement It can come as no wrprile to arrr student of the subject that women JIU • lo gel married. Nor wlll uyoae be ll"ltly pmlod lo be lold that they like e""' ._. to be removed from the lnstituUoo. 'lber< I! a oerioul qUOllloD Ill tho minds of eome lads as to wtlether a woman prtfm: a divorce to a ~· -' . ' cemnony. -. ~ Receally Mr. Geoqe Oo!Wp a his talents to some of theaie·que ;--~-In the March issue cf Family Circle magulne, a Gallup poll found that one out-of every-four-Amertcan wives would pick another husband if they were •tartlni out again. ROWEVBR, ONLY ONE In every ID husband• uya he wou1d have proposed to another girl if he had known 8.lJ much about his wife as he does now. How to account for this relative in. ostancy of the female? And the really tll'Pl'billt basic fidelity of the hu.m&nt:I? There Is, of coun;e, the fad that a man has hi.I work. Thi5 increa!es his inner secutity. At the same time, it plays hell with the inner~ !tCW'lty of his wife. Most women hate their husband'• work. I arn also prepared to believe they would hate him a lot more if be Wtr'e permanenUy unemployed, with a life centered around a bolUe of beer, and the tube, aM those interminable sporting contest.s. For, let us fa~ It, marriage ls a most improbable arrangement, even at it!: best. Or. Johnson put it well, in a claulc formulaUon: "Sill, IT IS SO far from being natural for a man and woman to live in a state of..marriage, that we find all the moUves which they have for remaining In that connection, and lhe reslralnts which clvllized society imposes to pre- vent separation, are hardly sufficient to keep them together." The eiceptions exist, of coune; but mostly the bonds of matrimony are being COOllantly 1tralned agalns~ when they Dear Gloomy Gos: Jn my book, the most dl!courteou• driven in our town are tboee who laillale wilh brigl>I lights. JI. D. S. ""...,.,.,..... ............ ... _..., ..... " ........... ..... ,,_. ... ,._,. IS ..._, .... c.llr ,... are not actually broken. No matter how happily a woman may be married, 10meooe aaJd, it always pleues W to find a nlce man who "'8hel she wen nol 7111 1M Gallup poll alluded lo, man fared more poorly than wife u a social partner, close companion and parent. Women were also mort critical of their lluSband's devotlOn, personal appearance and mental growth. A LARGE FACTOR Ill woman'I unhap- piness within the bondl ll BUrely her emphaslll on romance, with a capital R. Before she gets married, in order to satisfy &0me inner uplraUon of her own, she endoWI her loved one with an unbelievable aeries of qualities. She makes him a ccmbtnaUon of an astronau~ a Kntpt of the Round Table, a Provencal troubadour, and an Englilh country gentleman. of the 19th century -or whatever, and 1 ateamfitter, and a guy who prefen The ~porting Grttn to the poesy of Dante Gabriel RoAetU. PERHAPS THE most aaUa:fled of wives are those who take to heart the advice of Lord Chesterfield on the subject. Perhaps, to avoid dlssatisf1ctlon with husbands, mor!: YOUDI ladiea ahould heed the following wlae words : "There are but two objects in mar· riage, love or money. "If you many for Jove, you will cer· talnly have aome very happy da)'I, and probably many very uneasy ones ; if for money, you will have no happy days and probably no uneuy ones." The sensJble w o m a n abould marry aome dull dog who JIUtl together con- glomerates. bu two large candlelit din- ners a week, and a chUd every three years. She ahould leave the blue-eyed, raven-haired raviahen to the more weak~ minded of her liate.n. 'Go Ahead and Shoot Me!' Assault and baltery Is a crime In callfomla, but tt. II allo a ''tort." A criminal court 111&1 ... -a penon who punchea )'OUI' -1o jall, and you may alio ~ him for money dimqa In a d.U court. Mi usault I! "an lllllawful attempt, ' coupled wilh a SW-S ablllty to - a vlolent Injury on the penon ar another," aya Callf'omla'a Ptnal Code. A ballay I! "111 wllllllJ and unlawful me d foroe or violtl)t"I upcll another -. On< crime Is lhe allmpl; the · other, the completed act. WHAT ABOIJT people eQllllnl In lportl, aucb u two bolen. ,.,. Battllnc 8jll and Grtnly Gear1< commltUnc -and battery u lhty -aw11 at uch other? No, becau,. lhq have ucb lfCall1 COlllelllad lo the adl of tbe other. llul-ilthe "' ........ --Ji!9 ~? F• aampll. a maa ll ~ aad .-. A doctor -tbal ., · ..,...11on ii .-UaL Can he _. wftboul C011JOnlT Tbe Calil"l'ia law oqa Ibo doctor bu "Implied ...,. lalt" to perform ID emll'lfD.'J opera- tion. n......,, whether be bu bnptied Cl< naJ -~ a doclor Cannol I" bay!lod · the neceultles bnpotled by lhe -· llERIC II A dllllcult bordttllno atta of the law. Row far may the aura- tawlully go when he llndl .-peeled coodlUon1 that need remedy! Tbm Is no preciJe definltJClli .-CUI must ttSI upon the focta. Can a penon -to an IU.,al asaull! SUppooe that In the beat of a quarrel a bulband Aid to his wilt, "ff you don't like me go ahead and &boot met I dare you0 ' And she doe.I. 11 OU& comtnl? No, becauae the act ii w.,11 and the law will nol pmnlt a penon to -I lo an Ultpl act. Note: California 1mDt1er1 offer this column 10 .,ov ma11 lctiotD about our lotDI. (I) Man Speeds fJp PoUutlon Problem From Purity t~ Stinking Cesspool· I To the Editor: The recent heavy ral.na and floods have brought a problem concerning water pollution to my mind. 1be prob- lem ls that of eutrophJcatlon of waters. Eutrophicatton is the natural aging pro- cesa of Jakes, ltreams. and bays. The process causes pollution and eventual de- struction of the water undergoing the process. . Eutrophicatlon ts a procees by wbJeh clear, deep. cold bodies of waier are transformed Into shallow, muddy, marsh· es which can auPPort little more than bacterial and plant life. EUTROPmCATION ii -al, but man does much to ~ the proce.a.s through lhe clumping If lodustrlJI wastes and domestic sewage fnto bocUes of wa- ter. He may shorten the Ume necessary for the process from thousands of years to, in some cases, a few decades. A prime example ol man-made eutro- phication is Lake Erie. In the space of a few short years It has been tramform· ed from a Jake supporting much life to a lake resembling a st1nking, dead cw· pool. Closer to home, San Francisco Bay is beginning to undergo this pro- cess. WHAT EUTROPIDCATION actually does is cause a drop in the orygen con- tent 1n the water, making for a change in the natural balance of llh!. Aquatic, as well as terrestrial organisms demand oxygen in order to Jive. Industrial waste an!f domestic municiple sewage, even tbougb -·treated, entering the water di_s.. pense great quantities of bacterial and plant nutrients. These organisms multiply widely and remove the oxygen from the environ- ment whlch was previously for other or· ganism.s. Plant.s and bacteria cause sedi· ments to form and the water becomes shallow, siliy, and eventually unfit for life. THE PROBLEMS associated with eu- trophication are not merely national in scope, but recently they have become lo- cal. The recent spillage of millions of gallons of raw sewage from the River· side County aewage treatme~plant may cause eutrophlcation prob! s on the Newport coast. Besides ma g a atink· lng nles!I and a health hazard, the spilled sewage has greaUy increased the nutri .. ent level of Newport Bay, making eutroo phication faster. JOHN HALVERSON Student UC, Irvine Altlrle!la. Extollecl To the Edllor: 14 tenP flllhuolasts, my bu-.i and l look IO<Wanl lo our week-In tbe hope of playing a few -· 'lllls leUer ls not to dtplcn the .... dlllon If lhe cor.na de! Mor High School caurta. wbkh are 1 atone'• throw frnm our borne, but to extoll the acUoM ol. a man W't'1l known fn our cotrimunlty, Chancellor l>anlel Aldrich. La.at Sunday, we travelled the utra miles to ute tbe weU-maintatned Uct courtl. AD were in uae upon our arrival. We were aware thlt faailty and studtnta ...--89 6eotye ---, Dear George: My boos lella me I •hould join cluba u It ii Rood for business and I am now gelling Into Rotary, Elks, Kiwanis, Lions, At o o s til Civltan and OpllmJsts, but I stl have a couple to go. Could you _ 1trJl me where lbe Mafia meets? W.R. Dear W.R.:. Anywhtreitwant.sto. However, don't call them - they'll call you. Lettn1 from r~~ ar1 wkonN. Narmall~ wrikrs ahould ..,..., lhdr meuag1 in 300 ID01dl or lul. The right to cond<nlt lfttna lo fit '!JGC' or eliminaC. Ubtl fr rcterwd. AU litters must Include tlgnaturt Oftd maUfno oddre.ss, but ttaMe• ma:v be tclthh<ld °" requert If 1Uffidc11t reo- 1on V apP.aTm&. have fir&t priority, and ~ lo, but slnce Eeeter vacation was In ~feet, we felt our wait would not be long. TWO YOUNG MEN joined the waiting group. Shortly therulter Dr. Aldrk:h and his family arrived. Needlea to aay, the appearance of this erect sh:· foot, &ix inch gentleman did not go unnoticed. The court near UI soon became avallab1' and my husband notified the cbancellor, not because he wa.s THE man on campus, but clearly faculty. Dr. Aldrich cl.... not lo -his prerogative. During the -· Ille two y<lW'1g men moved onto the court. Dr. Aldrid> quickly shod up tbe llituallon, diplomatically approached the tw o players, who were neither studenb nor facultv. and agaln"deferred lo us. A little thing, you ssy? v ... but Is lt not the accumulaUoa of little things that make us the perM1n we aref WE KNO~ lboul lhe outstl!Xtl.ng a GI mm to hlndi. the "big lhlngo, I felt compelled 1o tell of his ---lo the rule that J for one, contlnue to teach my children, "Do Unto Others •••• " I am m-OSt gratefu1 for the exl!ltence of UCI In oor community and for the hand of frlendshlp e:rtended by those at the University to us "town people." Most of all. I am grateful tMt a man 1ike Dr. Aldrich was chosen "lo lead our university. MRS. MIKE MANAHAN Airport Detlelop meat To the &:lltor: I nate wilh surprise that the Newport Beadl City Council ls taking a stand in opp:isition to further dtvelopmenl of. our local airport. M a longtime resident of this area since 1953 I wish to place oa record my opposition to the councll's attempt to rettr1ct what •. I believe, inevitable and desirable u~ PrOll'-AD of 1» who have been here a blfl time, ha,. _, tho atartllnl ~ of the area. Some d k ls - and wtth k comt1 u a matter " count · -tb1np -don~ -lo be ao nice • they lloed to be. I lmqlne ell placel from Ume put have - the samei and PflOPlt haw w.ilced tWr objections but k liis nner ~ the llfOW\b of human endeavour, Otherwise we woold 11111 be In the bone and buggy era. AND IT IS IN thal .... 1'e !!hall remain II ,.. atlQe airpst development. So far • ncit-e ii ~. which IOOlllS tlla poloi d oppoollJon. lh1t II oomethhi~ ,,. can n,. with. AllA!t 111 the clUel outA:rr -lo "°"" I"'"' lbose who, while en)oylni( the emp!(>y- mcnt (>ODOrtunltles-that hive come to them lrom lndtmrl•I, c:ommer<ii l ajl(f educaUonal dllvtlopme.nt f'tlUltll!t 1iP>n lrin•• l(roWlh, have atlll both or 'Qolllht resi~ In lhe air corrl6or, weU know· Ing that the airporl was .,.... before they came. IT WOULD !E just as foolish lo t"Omplaln 11 we do d. the noise of the MuW beli<oplen wblcb tlaller up and down our beachel wblle dclng lhelr duty; lo «mplaln u we do of the lllIWDfl' and week..00 crowds which cause UI congeeUon while spending their money; to complain u we do ol the l:dghways and freeway1 in CIUt' mklat -bring us smog wblle g1vl!!g 111 UM cl movement. ' GORDON N. WARREN Dl.rrl!!lf•rall .. the Lato To the Edllor: Tbe councilmen of Fountain Valley are not obligated to uphold the laws of Fotmtaln Valley. Thia waa the ruling of Aeling City Attorney Parker at lhe special City Council Meetlnc lut ...U. M one of the approlimately 150 m. terested citizens who crammed city hall that evening, I am extremely disturbed at this revelation. I never realized that a government officlal wu p-anted lhe right to disregard the law in bi1 declsioos and actiom, especially the. law that he helped to create as a member of the City Council. THE 51TUATION for the ruling oo- eurred. when Councilman J\lil. after much OIJPOSltlon from Vlot Mayor and Acting Cha.lrman Fregeau, was permitted to make a motion that would have re- jected ·the Larwln tract map beca.Ule It did nol contain the alpatura of Edison o!fklals or those of the Larwlu Corporation. TheR lillJllllures are required by city law. After lhe motion was Reonded by Councilman Harper the vote tallied Identically to the vote at the meetiq Friday oo the appeal of Mr. Van Duk. Couoc1lmen Comreges and Fregeau voted no. Acting City Attorney Parker WAI lhen asked for a ruling u to the obllaa· tlon of a councilman to vote accordfng lo the law, and Parker ruled that they did not have that obligation. THE MEmNG was then adjoorned with no noUce recorded of the crowd of citl1.ens preJent. No citizen was permitted to speak, a point of order motion from the floor was ignored and no ntw evidence wu ~ed pneeno tation. The: meeting wu a 20-n\lntrte example of c!Jctatonblp. U the -lo of Fountain Valley do not rally arwnd Mr. Van Duk and bb plans lo eorrect this Injustice, we are Indeed u sullty u those who bave misused their majorlt,Y power on our City COwd1 and· Plannlnl Commlslioo. MRS. JOHN M. HUDAK 'BlctaKC Anletu' To lhe Edllor: lhe meetln1 ol March :tt would •-that tertaln members of the City Council of the dty of Fountain Valley aeUd In a mllDllOf .-Istent wllh tbo ob- jocUves aet forth In yooir ~al. Al you may be aware by now, the only rr.uon the meeting wu tdleduled for March SI wu became the writer flied an appeal lo «t1aln ac:Uons takea by the Planning Commission. 'lb< Jn. tereatlng point to ponder In coonectlon wllh the acbeduled meeting· ls the - In which it WU tcheduled. You. can fln'd a form 'of anawer wben you equate the time of the meeting to the &ebeduled elCl"OW clolfn& of the development in question and in the manner in whkh tbe meeting wu conducted. All TO THE meeting ltseH, 1 join the many who were shocked and dilmay- ed over lhe condition cl t he pcesiding official. Instead of manif~ling a desire to bring the matter "out of the darkness of confu.sk>n and into the llgbt of public ocruilny ," this Individual acted In I riianner designed to impede tbe preaentaUon of the apptal. So &rOSI and blatant were these actions that they occuloned repeated outbunts of lndlgnaUon from the many interested and concerned c:lt1r.ena who attended the meeting, By bb actiom .this Individual cleeily demomtrat.ed his c. 0 mp r e t. disregard for the wi-of the ""°'al public and lhul raised aerlous ~ u to his fitnesa to fuDcUon as a ('Olm. _dlman. 0 IT IS UNFOR'f1JNATE that amlber councilman also demonstrated h J'a dlm!ganl kir the -of the 1111bllc by cutlna: a ne11Uve vote at the tbne the lasue bof<n tbo Cooncil .... lroulbl to a vote. Indeed, we bave learnad a bitter - through lhe events of the past '"' \layi. From "out .ol the dar~ss" there liu come a li&hl and 1hls Ug\lt wUl contliiue lo focus upon the governm<nt d .tbo cllf of FOW1taln Valley to make cerialn that our. common irltertsU wlll be·~ ~ lhat our voices wlll be html. E. E. VAN DASK C••-• s-· . . ,.., the Editor: I read with Interest your aummarJ' or Dr. Catamaro'• talk belnre !he ~ for Communlt1 Prucresl ill Huntlngtoo Beach. Quite poaalbly Dr. Catamaro ls alllnf, 11.ke many " our state college proluaors, lrori1 belq bolated bv a "block walled, wtndowltll," r:tJEY, idtaliltic unlvtnity aoclety loo Jooa. I have read with lntertst yooir edlt«tal of Mardi 21 Ulled ''Oul of the Darlmeaa." Tiils edllorlal, In commentlnc on the odieduled (Fountain Valley City Councll) , At a time when ub:lmmon eense" ll needed, Dr. CalanW'O seema to prove lbat common lelllt la not common. JOHN PERION. meelln& of March 21, recited that "'ll>o .----------, l'Dfftlnl ia a demonitr1tion that the councll I! open about c:onduc\lng lhe public'• business. It abo maj help ..,,..., criUdsm that lhe personal Jn. volvemenl of all city mnployes and coun.. cllmen 'may nol have been sulflcllntly known to the public." 'lb< edllorlal doles with lhe - that 01'be councU wantl dill m.a\M!r lmlvlht out of the darlmas of -and lnlo the ltghl of public: serutin)'." I OOUIT IF anyone who attended Quotes II eon,reu canl pm a l1IJI cootr<>I law, we fear it m1J all be ovtt bu\ the aboollnl· --~W- W7.'.'esday, April ·2, l9e9 n. ldUoriGI -•t t11t 1>o11r Pllol .... to ...,.,,. """ -......... bl -!11og 11111 M...,.,.,.,. 4idOU ad t:oMo ....... .. topjca ., "'""" ad .tonlficotl«. bl providing • '°""" f11r Ult •'l"ndon of .,.,. rtadrn' opinions, ond br pn1<111iftg Ill< cllwrsc -'°'"ti of t.fOftflfd ®""'"' ...i .,,M.....,. O!I loplca of tllf dof. RA>bert ~· Weed, Publlsber • ' I • • •m•~ssauc weszsLS . . ' L " Mll.Y l'llOT l CHECKING •UP (• lke's Bitterest Moment Came , in .June .. '52 • By JOHN If. HI~ ed 10 tbal U.. ·=·1111 mind." · flUOGI M laapr . ~ Al tbi"dl1 Gf dtclsiOl"I IJ>: WASHINGTON (AP) -I.odcO ad Giber madtrate ~ 1 1roup of Gen. Dwt&hl D. E~ 1top1blleano bad --bacl<en met in regarded hla declaloo to rao lhelr dlw aftlr lllO to Naw York In Nomnber, ~I. th• .._,.,.. But in the end the Midwest people qreed on me. Hampahlr~ GOP moldenttal • I w. bad Ille - pr!!nary. ~ primary aad I "Naturall1 tbe _.papen dldn1 want £1•-• - -to know what lb had to -• back for fl. ,,_. to NJ lbooll all 11111· oo tlle7 bad been -~ No Deadlier ·Than Was Hardin for pmldont as hla bt"""'91 mate-·• hla "du-lnclud!nc New York Gov. moment, but atireed to ... k 11·" Tllomu II:. Dew<y, th • Iha ofl1ce after. being -Lodge aalll. thal lie spate Republican pnoldenttal con- rinced JI WU bJa duly, ... to -... alloUI ~ -In 1944 and 11118. ~to Htllll' Cabot Lodp, ' aphi -be vtatted lllm "Thia --bad been look· "WllO managed the llti1 ...,.. la lleptombor 11111 In Paril Inc' for a -• to nm palgn. -. -·on 1eaYO Gen. ~a cuu- "ll tt btwne mt duly to aa OOl!anbla pftaldant, wu palgn," Lodp Aid. "1' bad nm for preatdent,•·· •«m41bcNA'roforcel. tboucht tM maMIW lhould Ei,.nhower told Loctae in In tlii Parla meetlnl. Lodte come from Kamas o r June, 1950, "I would do it. oald, "I told him be bad until -.i. It nevar -my Bui tt wootd be the b-January to mate up hla mind that I -id becclnt u'lben we ~ in put.tlnc on a campaign. And we· put ft on without any pemilaton from !ft. He knew abooll I -but we didn't have anJ permlll1on from him to do il!' In January !ZI, Loclp beld a Sunday afternoon nen ...,. ference. He said be WU 11.tisfled that Eilenhower wu a Republloan and b a d tberelore entered . the pneral'1 name in the Nnr called blll .....-In talkl and ... _ ... - Patfa,• Lodfe iu!, '"11111 pt bad!)' K 'fall bad ..... - boldol--111itllld ortn..itLSon ... ...., that Ell I •• I ... -> "'IJllfnl Iha -polp .... , baard of fl.. want to -llfm .. fl. "Oil Wedi..., -lie Bui n caj'l'led Gie !*-/ 11ia-.,. ..... -.lb aD ... tokfnlalltba..itL ~ 'Y•" · .. -· a "I ... ta• blm.fn A'*1! ~----1111. and 'be --In int Ind llliiil Ilia. 'Iba& made Juoo and mada a o;aaci. at By L M. BOYD l.. NA~ of high CUSTOMER SERVICE' Q. moment of my We." Lodge, then a Massacb1raett1 . senator, had gone to 1ee the general at Columbia Unlvval· 1111 Pl!'ri .... of -1!!!!*1· ~. l(aa._It_J!UJlll llnl -~In a polflleal-•. ·~ "OF all the old West gunmen, who was the deadliest?'! A. Wes Hardin, probably. He was a Texan. He tilled 40 men -before bis own death at age 42. . • .Q. ''I ASKED your Language man a niontb ago why we refer to a dance where the girls ask the boys as a 'tolo,' remember?" A. Cer· talnly do. Unfortunately, he's still hung up on that ane. repute HYI there 11 no record at hand that a dragonfly has ever accldenUy bumped into anything in flight. . • • IN SPORTS, EYEGLASSES Just ann't the·llaodlcap they u...i .......,_,,,,,.,,dt1•.-Now .. atlllete Jn !he. wears 11\em. . . . MY DICTIONARY mW. no mention ot ll, but a Princeton proteuor bmiltl a rasher of bacon la three ~-. no more, no ltss. fy, where -........ .-----=---'-----------for • ~...-..-;:,;:;:~------~-------------~----~ -Can't seem to find out. .. .Q. 11MOST PEOPLE carry , rnatches, whether they 11moke or not, don't they?" A. Or 1ighters. If afud. 7 out of ~o can come up with a light, it's said. LOVE AND MARRIAGE' ''Boone Rogers, do you persist Jn parjl.ding this servant girl, a mere child, as your wile?" 'Thus spake in some anger an official named P e r c e Hawkins to a highly surprised feJlow with a black. beard on a cobbled street in colonial New London. "I «rtainly do, and you mind your business," snapped the bearded man. Beside · him was his little ladyfriend, Mary, last name unlrnowii. They .Jived together in a common-law situation that infuriated the residents thereabouts. But th-at is how he · wanted It and no other Way. Finally, the keeper of the community's morality, Hawkins, walking stick at the rtady, appeared to be outrag- ed beyond rel!on. He glared .a:t the girl, whom the historical account of this real Incident describes at this point as tearfuJ, and shouted in- credulously, ''By He ave n, Mary, do you make so bold 85 to tell me that th.la black· bearded scoundrel of advanced 7ean ts the man you actually want to call your husband?" 'the girl IObbed, .-Yes, be II, be ls!" Hawkins thereupon slapped the walking .uct against bis leg, and decreed, . .iDone! By the laws of God and this Commonwealth, I, as ri:lagistrate, pronounce you man and wife." A n d altogether unruffled now, he wnlked away, leaving behind hlrn in Mr. and Mn. Rogers two distinctly dllferent floodl of horror and happiness. TSE MOVEMENT ; Barefoot, she liked to unO.ilate around the 'hou11 ill tranSP8{'tnt scarve:s. She wore a small"'-eatYed adfin .. on a black velvet ribbon around her neck. And ever bear her nose. she held a bankerchief saak· ed in ether. Such were the affectations or the widow Mrs. Sarah Helen Whitman, one of. Mr. Edgar Allan Poe' 1 ladylrioucls in the year tll&. Th.ls hlppte thing goes back pretty far, doesn't it? Mrs. Wbltman, too, thought hers was a new movement, but it was very, very old, even then. Ambo-Lodp, -U.S . .....-.Uve at Ille Parll pell<1! ta!U, told of Iha meetlnl today. • "I said that II might becclnt his duty to nm lor prtlidelll. I dldll't think that Sen.' Tall (the late Sen. llobe!t A. Tall. II-Ohio) could lie atect.d .. I conslder<d that hla lart!Cn policy views were out of date. "When I used the word 'duty: E!lsenhowu pt up and walked up and down the room. And after he said he would do It but it would be hb bitterest moment, be repeeted again he would run If I pmod to be bJa duty ... Lo:lge was : not the flnt to ask Eisenhower to nm for preoldenl. In fact, while lie wu: running the allied war effort In Europe, both portlet sought him out as a potential NAME G.UIE: ' 'Adv is e candidate. your Name Game man,'' In 1948, after public urginp writes a Fresno friend, "that . )ly Leonard V. Finder, then I once served aboard the pu.blishef of the M:anc~ter U.S.S. · Nevada with three N.H. Evening Leader, that be lieutenants called Eaton, Cof.. . run for president as a fee, and Cake." Will do. Republican, E I s e n ho we r ·replied· Your fl'Ultiom and com-. "I ~ not avallable for and ''""!< .,., ,.,.l<omcd '!"!I could not accept nomination tDitl be Oled U>h.,.euer Pol' to high Polftk:al off sible in "Chtckfno Up.,. • It ii my coo~ thai Address moil to L. M. the neceasary and 1 .Boyd,_ in cart of tM DAILY subordlnltlon. of the ~ta'; PILOT, Boz 1875, NeU>flllrl to clvl1 powv will be best .Beach, CoUf., 92663 sustained, and ..,, people wtll Handicapped Movie Planned u. d erirlvll•ed, -will be Iha • ..-of Iha Oraftae ~ B'nol Blrith LodRO 2512 at a movie porty II 9,30 a.m. April 12, at the Huntincloo Cin<ma "ll>eotre. It is the thlrd amual Eddie, cantor Tbeatr. .......... and children from the Boys Cluba of Garden Grove,.Hunt!nston Beech and Santi Ana ' have been invited, u will u Pl" tients at Flirvtew. S tat e Holpltal. have ereater confidence that ft fa so' IUllalned, -w .. long' pnJfeafonal -. In absence of ---Ind ·~ -· alllla!n lrolll ~ bflb po1flfeal of. tfce ••• lb' -... -mp!lf ~y from Iha polltlcal -Ir delfnfta llld pooitmi • .. I could not accept ""'!lnll ... even under tbe r e m o t e circumstances that tt Wen tendered me." · In 1151 Finder wrote a fta. Uonal --article 11r11nc -to -the 1111 GOP nomination and arped that efmnn-bad chant- NEW BOLDEN PASSBOOK .... Your new Golden Passbook SIYinp Accolllt d lhw tlll hiput 1Jan11 nta DI ~ IYlilallll ..,....! Now yoa ca• enio1 ~U% lllnt........ 4oflOllt .. cad.-lo h ldll If. lllfl. Newport Hllionol Bink Gold" Pmllook drawtl lor lands oo d'l'Olit 90dlJlll1101e. ~ccount whoo your 9"inp ond 111 inlomt Wt ...id fiko to 1111 ,.. "'°" IDtlll tllis nmlio 1 yur. This Is now p,,.;b11 whta "'' •olqut "lllAJI nle" ol IN!at. S% cumnt annlUI inlenol nto b ...,. pound1d dailJ ond Clldlted qllllttrfy to IOU( . al - •• • ' . . mps Thur.-Sun., April 3-6 e Best to You for a . Top olf ~ hol'iday celebration with goad things from Van de Kamp'L Look fat' the Blue Windnu11 and you'll find~ from our just-lib-homemade Prepaoecl POl!hry D11 ulng to a moiat and flawrful two-layer cab wne baked ..pedally for your Easter enjoyment. 1 Easter Holiday Cake 2-layer $1.29. (Tllile $1.JI) With y0.ir main CIOUIW, -haft delicious Hat 0- Buns and flal<y Frwich Butter Rolls. And yo/re sure la enjoy our special EOllw Cup-Cokes and Cooldet, too. Because -bake the _, yau _,rd. If yau had .. time. ' . Easter Pastries ""al. 49c (Tllll llrl ~ Easter Cup Cakes Bunny Cookies HQt Cross Buns Pkf. ti I 43 C (Tll11 41c) Easter Basket $.l.29 Easter - .Eggs "' •--.... o1a,.,.,, ... _..,.,,.. 339 Pt coll 11 ....... ·-··········-·•••••••(llg.,.., 59- , PtapeaMI P1ul11r ........ 1+.z. ••••••••• (llg.,,., 49- Mllk. ....... 1 .... Q111l1tMl l. ••• -.tt.lf)'1A9 ,,.. -he-1'Go1. ......... ~$1.291•J.19 . . -\ Golden r ... booie ™' IPIClll ..,. 1• count is n11l1blo kldlv!4uab,corpontiou, pil1Jlt111rips Ind O!PlllllfioM. rlftl • • • •• • •••.••••(let. 39t) ·,35c (loaC.-.......... -v.. ...... ....., . You'll bl pltasal to lnow th1t JOUr lntmt p1ymonb '" fluiblt KCOrdini to IOlll .. , 11erson1I needs. With 1 mininiu11 deposit of $500 Ind .. Jmqu!nt depmlts of $11111 W moll, !hire ls no Uinitto lilt..-,.. ... dq>OliL lntORSI stal1s from l.llt data of , 7 CONVINllNT omen SllVINO -CQGMTT " , ......... CillfUI It........, 540-llll •~ ............ II~ IUJ14J ~ "" .... NvtwoM .t C1u1111111n 111.ZlllQ • ...., a-. ....., • .,. m -7210 ........... It l"ltcMlt M2.fSll • ...., ... bll--tt-~ 111-4Mt .... .,... WallM at U... 142.JUl / • look fer Ill .Blae ltllllbill It seleded sl4AiMels • ~~JJ!tl<amps • 11111tt1i1f,. ..... I Jt111111 ... -. • • • - • .. t I, • 1 t- - , I I • f llAl.Y !'UT 'al&• ' ly Phll lntertancli • • Negro Says Jury Gave 'Justice' -- • FREE!. va1uabie 1~:~ bOOk "HOW TO YOmDOLLAR" •110NEYBA-aECAETS •-VO\IBUYroC>O,HOIJtllNll,~-WJIWICE .HOWTOUSECAOHWU1E1.Y •llNfMCl.IL~ ' . FraexftSATALL1•-Califofnia Federal STOCKTON (AP) -Cl}lton H. Watkins, ~ pf. a' ft. quor atcn robbery 4"ft -last JJUIJJJD<r In wblch hll ll'o foot· ball player brother T<dwa.s ............. -...................... '.;.'..;. .. .., .................. 'I'" ............................ .. lilled, .. :owas acquitted of the , . clllirgeTuesd~. ~ 1-.--._;:--------'-'---'---':...:...'-'------------=--=-...:....__:c:._ _____ ,.,.... _____ ~ "I don't mind yoUr mnrlndlng on the danco floor- j\llt dml't unravel ••• • Prohatlon Report Diet Made Her lnw Murderess? LOS ANGELES (AP) -It -11..i.. her • • • In !Iii In- was her ~et, suuests bu f~ 5Chemes," it con- probattao r<port, that led tinues. Kristina Cromwell to a con-Kristina, now 28, a n d vtctlon as a murderer. Perveler were convicted last M. a cblld Kristina was month of shooting Marlin to "~ provea one thing,''. told the qul<!-<tJOk"' ,2l·jW· • -old-lf*''ua tn «•mumlc.ihk _ dlwl. "YOa. can get ju.stlc-e ' out iJI .. -a11-wbl!O jury. I've been Oven justice today.'' · The )>lnel "' m men and dz -conald<ftd the eYld..C. Ciilfflfliiiui'i before · r<tumlng the verdict of In- nocent for the Negro employe o1 the U.S. Pubttc HeaHh ~ at Sacramenlo. . ·(":J'rom U. evidence on tmiil · we came to the con- e!. tflat Ted and Cliff W'dinl went into that store lo J>o!l'. a bottle of wine, pc;r,ii>d," uld jury foreman ~iim·· Cal!lpbell, an employ• Of l"'"""lional Harv..W Co. CHftcll'• 27-year~ld brother, Ted,.a star dfmsive end with the ltamtlton, Ont., Tiger caur'na tilltd ln the incident hen lat June 2, felled by, two ahots fired by store manqer Fred E. Lanen; 26. Laraen ~ Ted had tried to bit him over the bead with a bottle. t ''giggly, happy," says the death, and Perveler wu·con- report, and as a Gir1 Sci:iut victed of killing b1S .wife she was popular -but fat, Cheryl. His death aentaM:e Slicked City Asks Review On Drilling ' ' fat, fat. 1 now ii being ._ied. She got married 1 when she The motive, Aki the pro- was 23, div~ the next secuUon, was $100,000 in life year. Then went on a diet inmlrance. Tbe repcirt u'ys ahe Josi 70 "She apparenUy became ua- pounds and it transformed her ed to a faster pace of Uvtng," from "a life-I~ ugly duckJ. said the probation report, ing" --Into a cute, cuddly made public in court Tuesday blonde. when she was sentenced to She remarried M a r l i n · life in prison. Cromwell. Bui the report aaya "~ she_ Josi weight and ".she was unable to 'handle' deveioped a 'figure' and found • her ..... 1oun<1 -1arity ud . that · Ille wu altracttve to felt easy -to blmi-. __ Jllie cooldn' handle It." -.nts and IWlerf ." llrs. €romwell once ftlgbed She ldentl!!ed' f o r m • r well OVtt ltlO pounds. Since policemaa Paul J>erveler, U, her _urjqnmeol_i.st Maf, ''With a new and uclting way cwrbtw:m otwavaa aid ahe ol llfa ad! ti la pdlahle that· baa pined hack al Jeut 30 he bad lltlla dllllcllll1 In poundi. = . ' . Withholding Opponent Wants Issue on Ballot JlOW requlro • lw<>-Ollrda ml• jority but bikes for lndlviduala presently need ooly •. simple majority. SANTA BARBARA (AP) - Alarmed by an engineer'• prediction that new federal off-shore drilling regulstlons would not prevent another massive oil .11llck, the Board of Supervisors has requested the Interior Department to oonduct another review. David K. Bickmore, a petroleum engineer, said the leak -which spewed oil over 100 square-mllea bl the Santa Barbara.Channel and blacken- ed beaches -may_,bav_e be:tn _ caused In part by faulfy wing on a U-Oil Co. well. Tbe .. Cosh!g ngulallcils "could•M ~on future welts In tlJO· Gatar•Conllnental ohelf area and be in run accord with the new order,-.. he said TUesday. Tbe weU.. l>egan leaking Jan. 21'and was not 'curtalled until lJ 4ly1 later When workmen pwnP.ed heavy drilling mud ln1o 111 shaft. · Since then, !edel'll olllclals ~. the well bis leaked !us than one J>ar- rel o( oil an hour. SACRAMENTO (AP) -A legislator "'ys he tblnka the voters should decide once and for all whether California should adopt or reject the withholding of stat. personal Income taxes from paychecks. Sen. H.L. Rlchard!oo, who along with Gov. R<agan, op- poaea wlthholdillg, llld Tua- day be wlD Introduce a coo- stJtutlonal amendment. · when t b e legislature reconvenes nm Monday, whlcli would prohibit the w It h.b o I d In g system in the state. Conduct Probe Off To Shouting Star t Approval by a two.thirds vote of each house would be needed to get the amendment on the ballot. Said the: Arcadia Republican: "If tht measure ls defeated, then It obviously ahon tbal the people · of California believe: ill and want withholding tu. ''If the -ls puaed, then II aol..,•aace and for all the q-"' witbboldlng by ....Utullonally pnilllbltlng tts me," Aid Richardson. He abo aaJd he plana to lntrod11ee an amendment wtitch would requlro I \WO- thinla vote by the ~ta ud Aaaanbl,y he!ora tqea on IJ>o dlvlduala can he ralaed. · Tu booltl on hints, cor.- pcraUaol ud llllurance llrms SAN FRANCISCO (UPf)' - Atlorney J. W.-(Jake) Ehrlich ~ Deputy Police Chief Al Nelder got Into a stormy shouti.qg match Tuesday at the Police Commission hear- lng on: charges of "unof· ficerllke: col\duct'' by Patrolman Micbae:J. O'Brien before the bearing w8s con- Unued until next Monday. O'Brien killed 'bi.ck truck driver Georie Baskett last Sept. 7 and Wll acqultted of rnanslaugb(.er charges at a lengthy trial. O'Briffl'I defe:nee: atklrney Ehrlich, bilterty asaaJled· !be Police Department for "treaking a deal it promlaed me" to include transcripts from the manslaughter trial rather than recall the wit· --"I dtm't make deals,'' Nelder yelled ba<k. "You had noth1ng to do with it." cried Ehrlich. 111 made It -the chief ol pottce and you're not Tom Cahill." Elrlich then atatked out or the: room but shouted back at the balding Ndder, "You'll he here unW you grow your Swimming Sans Group CalU Nude W ode-in hair again." ' "You better watch yourself, Jake," Nelder yelled back. Later Ehrlich maintained that his "deal" was a "formal agreement." "Dammit, I spent 10 weeks tn court with these witnesses. We don't need them again." Enrlich referred to police 8S.1el'lions that his client had been drinking wine and beer hours before the shooting Md had threatened to kick his girl friend out ol the car. He said mch matten did not come under the "unofficerlike conduct" provisiom. "We've all had arguments wilh our girl fliend!I," Ehrlich commented. Nelder lntemipted: "Did you ever tell your girl friend she would have to walk all the way back from Sacramen· to, Jake?" "You've never seen me In action," retorted Ehrlich. Nelder declared later that be had, indeed, seen Ehrllch in acUoo. Stanford Says' Rolls Down ST>JjFORD (UP I) - Enrollment for the spring quarter at Stanford Ullinnlty hu declined 6ver 1111, ac-- <onllni to re&Istrar s.rvty Hall BERKELEY (AP) -A call Loque, wlitdl aays It bas 5001---,;,.;;;~;;;,,;;._;;,.,.;;;;---­ lcr a llJde ulm-ln on Easter actlve memben In Californla, ......... ,_ .....__ ~~11 rt<>lilllueoded noon oo Eaatar __, "T -·--VI• SUnday U lhe tJme "to disrobe ca!lonhw In Flcr* bal been 1J1i1 wade uked lnlo the At· lsJJued by the Seldll Freedom I 1an1Jc to afabllah tht rlClll al I-, . "'* ~ •I )111bllc ~.the--beadle$. pr~n 1'Jde.lnnon I b a t The league's ll<adquarterll 0 no -are avallahle for art In l!ate1er. ball « l<cal -la Jl'larl. Florida polnll havt reported da." _ , 111 apathetlc reaoonse to the The :;e:sui F r e: e d o m ldta from ttudents . . _z •a) CAllFlllllllA RllEUL IAVlllll --- ' ( ~ . , . ' . . Where sfioiilaa wiaOw invest the .money she ·can't afford to risk? In a ·California Federal 5.25% Liquid SavingsAccot11it • NOW! DIVIDENDS PAID FROM DAY-IN TO DAY·OUT! Her husband provided well for her. She's invested c:µefully, too. Good stocks. Bonds. And a California ;Federal S.25% Liquid Saviri'l!s account for the money she can't afford to risl'. Because her account is safely backed by the strength of the nation's largest federal, sn'e keeps a l1lbstantial . percentage·of her assets there. Per dollar invested, her account often yields more than her risk investmenls. Liquid Savings accounts are for everyone. Shouldn't you open your ailcount now? Earn from day-in to day-0ut. In addition , funds received by the I 0th of any mop.th earn from the !st when on deposit arthe end of the quarter. Choose from two high ratA:s.,. 5.25% Bonus Account: (Available in multiples or $1000.) Earns 1A% bcinas each year abon regular pllS.'ibook rate when beld 3 yean. 5.13% Passbook Account: 5.13% unual yield an bwaell pmllook omAiids wllm all sa'lings and di'fidends remain a year, IC tbe 5% can• -1 rate ill mailltalaed Ind compomided clally for a year. "t California Federal SaVings and Loan Association• 18 O!licco • ~ OYW $1.S Billlon NATION'S LARGEST FEDERAL ANAHEIM/EAST l>FFICE: 1717 E. llNCOLN AVE. • ~ . . ANAHEIM/WEST OFFICE: .600 N. EUCLID AVE. • 778-2222 COSTA MESA OFFICE: 27bo HARBOR BLVD. • 546-2300 Head O!lice: 5670 Wilshtre Blvd, Los Angeles • ' • Accounts ate !n~ored up to SI ,,000 under provi~ions of lhc Fedcrtl S.viop It Loan tmu~nw Corpo~tioJl. a~ llCflC1 of the Uo;tecl Stattl ~nt. • • .. lo.al { • .. . • • · --r. Deredlty.:EDvfito•ent • I Racinl·Overt.oiies By JUCHAJµ> V. OLIVER. 3imlfar programs may be a , · wute of time and money. WASl!INGTOlf (UPI) -A Jn ·fad: this Is the point Jong term cootroverey amon& from which tbe t~page study educators ovet tht worth ol b1 e g i n s : ' 'Compensatory IQ testing In the public schools ~ucatlon has bee.n . trl~ and is out in I.he open in a public It apparently has failed. dispute between a Harvard The report uses IQ tesUng psychiatrist andl...a Berkeley to rn~asure.\~nd compare lhe ps_ychologist. lea.rnmJ abwties of chlldren .. The debate centers on a The findings of th e scholarly ~ by I he psychologist, Dr. Arthur R. psycho!oguiV-who concluded Jensen of the Unl'+'erlity of that intelligence is dete.~ed Califcrnia at Berkeley, a~ more by a child's heredity in the current issue of tM than by his envinlnmen\~ Harvard EducaUonal Review, which is published by Harvard RACIAL OVERTON~ graduate .students. The findings,· which have Until Uils week, the racial overtones, could have dlscussiqn has been alincst en- a major jmpact on the future tirely' limit~ to education or education , particularly U1P. journals and In rumblings to education of disadvantaged Jetter·to--tbe-editor c<llumus. children. But the dispute broke out For, as one argument goes, into the public with 'a searlng if a child's mental ability is attack .on the ·Jensen study primarily the result of his by.. a prominent JIFVard· genes rather than his U!>-. psychiatrist, ·Dr. Robert Coles, bringing, the current efforts oC the Harvard Health Service to upgrade the learning ability at Cambridge, Mas.1. of disadvantaged chi 1 d re n . Coles, ~ upert in the field through: Head St.art a n d of the education of minority . Old Sa,ellite Getting New Lease on Life group children, w a s ad· dressing the Nalional Com· mittee for Support ol "the Public Schools, whlcb is cut· rently holding its seventh an- nual conference here. He told an audience of about 300 educators: "I 1lso work in Boston, which is near Cam- bridge, and the Harvard Edu~tional Review in 196:1 -just gave dozens of its pages to one more discussion -one more discussion - about the IQ lesl, and what it does, and what does it not do. and what does It tell Wi about genes and environment in 1969." WASHINGTON (AP) -A satellite that flopped s e v e n years ago is getting a push· [rom the Nixon administration because it .shows promise as an early warning de~ice against a submarine-launched missile attack. __ .1 The satellite uses tnfrnTcu MADE POINT devices to detect missiles by · Coles made the point that sensing the heat they emit i n t e 11 i g e n c e t e sting, as they leave the launch pad. particularly the testing of In the case o f in· Negro children, is not relevant ' tercontinent.al range missiles, to education. thls satellite could provide as "These young children have much as 30 minutes· warning,~ never been -graded in-an -IQ 8.bout double that which can as to what-they do. Qow - now be Provided-by radar for their wit and guile, capable;.of aeelng the missiles resouree!ulness, and cynicllm, ..oo!Y When they dear the and wirldlines IDll.poipancy horizon. ._.__--in tbeii'...;own vibrant language 'The-satellite nsed to b! call~ ·which ~ have trouble un- ed Ml~ be~ in oo It derslanding. }{.:J. c ~ 11 d r c n ran into irouble-because' in-WOU.ld fltmk their"lQ tell.'' ' frared technology WU not yet NAIVE IDEA equal to the task. In response to a question Now the Mkias has made from UPI, Coles summed up a full reappearance-under-a IQ-testing-as "incredibly -- new name, Satellite Early naive, a simple-minded way Wlft'nlng System. of looking at the human The Pentagon has asked being." Congre'ss to appropriate an He was interrupted by heavy additional $93 million for this applause but. finally ~ project in the bookkeeping eluded: "I have no doubt in year starting July I, .largely the world lhal IQ tests are to expand coverage but to capable .of enabling the min accelerate work on improved who gives them and tOOse re liability, communications who interpret them to learn and seos.itlvity. something about tboee who The Pentagon told Congress take them. · the satellite system "promises "But to make the IQ test ood I · the main predominant or a very g ear Y warning critical way of learning which capability" a g a in l! t sub-·chikfren learn. what in wha\ m a rifle-launched missile!, school or in what clusroom fractional orbital bombs abd of what school, to make the ICBMs "whelhe~ launched IQ test the means of.deciding from the Soviet U n.1° n • which track a child goes into mainland China or other coun· and what kind of education tries." be's going to get, to make The Pentagon said lhe the IQ the central i!Sue in system al!O "could contribute American education or even to the effectiveness of the one of the major issues in ABM system" now beJag American eduCatton, or to uae revised to emphasize ~ It to think about t b e teetion ol U.S. missile and precocities ol. a group of ~ bomber bases from a possible pie -I can only aay: To Soviet knockout blow. ' · think that we're doing that.'" ONLY ll DAYS LE¥T Letllock · solve the tnysteryof this year's ·1---- INCOME :·TAX .,,,. ,...i, ....... ,. JloW M ,,,,.,,,., far 'fir T o:c d.twdhw. 0.. ,,.,._ Ice ....... acairot. ...... cl19'1adUle ••• tt. nit k low. s-,.....w .... --ood. _.y. s.. ltOCIC !Moy. ~$ STAR COSTA MESA, 1175 Hubor Blvd., '42.ff40 CORONA def MAR, 2435 E. CN1I Hwy., 675-0362 ' w ... DI,. t '·'""' ,,111.1 Sal .. '911, t 1.11tAI ""' NO ArPOtNTMENT NECISSAftY • • • • • • ANAHllM 7777 Edinger Avt. 1,2.))) I Mon. thru Sit. 10 •• m. to t:JO~p.m. • • t • •• • I . . N._T 47 Fuh;on blind 644.1212 Mon. thru Fri. 10 •.m. to 9:)0 P·"'-'· S.t.· 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. :, - • • . . .. ·-_, -· .. ZIPPY .WALK 'SHORTS COAST INTO SUMMER DAii. y "l.Of • •. ~ • -~ . • iThe big•wheel look: ·stondout glen ploids, tettersol/ . cheds end sOlids: rin&:J up end reedy to go i• fest moving shodes of bfiie: gn;en, ·golif:ond yellow, Styled in e snappy four pocket ivy.belt lciQp moael . that makes easy wearing . , . anO easy caring becaus~ 77% ~ott~n. •/tel 23 % polyester blend is oven bokod _permanent_pcesse:d . ..W.hich..meanL)'.O.u.'.r.e___4-S.Sur.et.o '---- of completely wrinkle free , never·ever iron ·year. Boys' sizes 8-l 8;4.00. Moil end phon• orders invited. Boy_s' . .l'umishings, 26 • I . ...../' 1 • " .. • HUNn ... TOll llACH 4'14 N. Euclid 511-1121 ·Mon. thru Stt • 10 1.m. to 9:30 p.m. • ' I • • . ' . ' DAii. Y I'll.OT .. ·----- I~ $10,000 Cou•(fl Tall Sand Pit Work Set YOUR OWN BUSINESS fnllG Poletdlll UnRmllff We oner By JACK BllOBACK perimtler " lbe Wld and Kuyper adv!Mil that property f1111nclll 1ssist1nce Of -. e>eltr '""" l leff bein ~ l1h1 .. ritl1 ocil1rfM1 Chh11llllll11 T111 y111, h-•· Sm1ll 1.w.tl· ~ gravel ope:r«tion. ownert ,wt.re . g &S mint, CoMp1te tf1inl119 pr19r1m, W111't Tnt.rf1r. wltlri pr1M11t .ANAHEIM -, Emergency McNeill' 1aid t b e ~ for the Work. occ11,.tio9. work costing up . to $10,000 to derground water level WU ICuJptr' also cleared up Wot· SIMD.'"" AD POI .... llOCHU-- ....... t da~o bomea ~w 20 feet above lbe lnel lies ri ~ that the Unlwersol Chincllllla Breeders :,.i~ ~·-•ay8andby !:_i~ ofH WM in lbe pill~.~:. ~dy be legally li~! 1111 -M -· _,.., c.lf, ,..,_,. we e estimated tt -'"" amage to homes, aa,. .. ,. c.11 cn4l IJl.1Nl • ~ tn4J ,....,,,, Orange County Boud of up to t,ooo cubic yard> "r~lt~was~·~'nol~~llk~el~y:'.·"'..__.:·:_· ~~~~~~~~~MA~l~L~IM~ll~u:;,~~~::;~~~ Superviaor'l ln the latest move fill to eliminate the IOUrte in the lone drawn out1 coa-of immediate concern In the lroveny. • • nor1hweot comer ri lbe north - - Warned by t!1eir _,ltiq pit. , engineer; RoMt M~tUI fll Orlnle Counll' J'laod eoo. . W o o d w a r. d , <;17dt aod U.I Dlotrict CbJei Eotin«r .u-tat.s, that the welt bank c.or,. OobGrne IUl!imarlud was in immedlate danger of the attuatloo kl< avpenilon . eoliapse .~ to uod<rlround and oullinad -'ble Jang water ~. 'aupervilcn ranee acUcm. reluctanlly veiled lbe ... He suaelted that the plan pendlture -brines the to spilt the river -. in tolal caunlJ output lo date that ..... be CO!Tied out with on lhe pH emergency lo m<n -baH for llood contn>I and than $11,000. .the ~ r.r lOlderl'IJU!ld Ready lor Jtealth Fair -~-The fJtOOO will be -I waler buln spreadlnl. · He to botll<Ol lbe well and north said puU!ng the spreading sides of tbe pit. bum. on the wtlt side of McNelll allo advised Iha! the river would allevlato the a 90Ul'Ce for a 1 .. ge amount-problem if tbe ptt area· wu ol. ·· material for a futuu combined with 1he river area. mauivo filllllj! --on Osborne aun..ted lhll aand the plto be ncerlalned to fill Qlalerial to permanently . Harbor Area .doctors' children check their vital capacity on Hoeg..Jlo&~ spirometer in preparation for the upcoming Orange County Medlcal Auocia- tion's Heelth Fair. From left are ll1cll: Heather, Jane Galllella, Steve Plumb and canlio respiratory technician Eleanor Scolt. guanf ag--. ....,...._ bottrwrlhe west -tl the cy and that bll firm'• study pit wl>ere bamel.,. lhreaton- Meetings WIClllllDAY be c<IOlimled. They!'ll Bug Yon ed be -from u.. pnoent He prombed a complete levee and lrom !be river c:haJ1c report In two m«< weeks. nel. The board did not act on McNelll ~ Ille board had By JANICE BERMAN Of lie IMlltt Pli.t IWf GARDEN GROVE Beware t b e Chironcnoid the latter t W. o· recom-two alternatlvet tor future i c-menclatlonl, but uted lo be ktpl illfcirmed oO a dally buJa tiOOI, fill the pit with inert on new develQpoentl at ~ malerial or eut . boclc the the waler in his drinking sand pill. II-to •·stable indinatlon. The .... locoi.d ·•-· the Mn. Helen Madllon of • Jrough every aeven days. If west &'o1 Bania ~ver Madison Real Eltate Co. of it's toe--big to dump. stock for l ,OOO feet between South Anaheim, repr...ntlng' the it with those little killers, the Street and . Ball Road tn owner ol. the land where the Midges! m05quito fiSh. Anaheim, have been a source north pit ii located, Henry They sound scarier than To get your mosquito fish, of amcem and action by the Wagner, uid be resented not tbey ·r,ally are. The little bugs jut contact the Orange Coun-board since late February being inf<rmed d. the lituatiqn look like mosquitoes, but are ty Mosquito Abatement Dis· when Jevea in the area by the superyison: an d trtct, 13001 E. Garden Grove threatened to colllpee. althoutb be wu eoncerned no danger to human health. Blvd, Garden Grove, or call At that time water was about IUlTOUDding property ht STEREO SENSATION! ;cl!! colol'flll sound Of Oran•e County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM · .... From Fashion Island. Newport Beach They're busting out all over, -53'1·5891. seeping mto tht ptta from re.senttd the ''bylteria" ovtl u a rtlUlt of the heavy rains They'll also tell you where river flood waters, but more the sttuaUon. 1-.;.• --------------------'-------- that have made swamps ol to le\ illformatioo 00 how to recenlly unclerpwnd water Slie aald her cJltot wlJllad .,... that are narmall1y dry. ...,trol colhor lllllO)'ing lmectl. seepage boo ·been lbe -to know Who was aoJng to Like ._-. they ln<d And If )'OQ have mooquitoea, critical concern. There are pay lhe -ri cornctinl the in water _ Oood chaMels, or mlditt, they11 help you about 400 homes tn tbe area situation. drainage dltchto and artificial get rid of them quickly. ' with 87 cm the act u a I Coiinty eam.J A d r la n water impoundments. i----------------------'-------1 Unlm•winl h1unam have been IC<lllling the midges of being ~\JI-. and calling up lhe ~ County Mos- quito Abattllient DI 1 f r I et. Calla . ........ilJ'-.,.. nmnln& :IOI Pm:ool-of Wt,..,., ond -di of-... _.,.lnmHaallaclon Bwb. An '",..:tor II Miit oul la _, Ille """'lllalnt In ._,,., ..... and If !l's . mklcto and not mooqultoel, he'll ten the ,;.,...,. clllnn DEil'J'JrJVO'J'JCES --11-dlllm from a ,..,. quito. 8JOlll1IOM He'll alJo explain how to Alll A. ~ ,,_ "" " 112 w. control them, which ii the = :.""..:~~ ::"~;; . aarne way mosquitoes are con- s--. c.a. ,_., ,.........,, c.11 trolled -deprive the little ~. "r: -z:oi:.:,-. .'r:41: thinp of water to breed in, =: r.:ni-.:t. L.~:-;; :! andlr lheyl'llaldgo awa::_~ggs "'*""' PM'k. Olrkf911 tit -.ti ,,_. a eady by m--iwtoes ""' ~Tm""-· and midges can be tilled by c.en '""*"") Me~ n• AMllM larvacide.s, but b a c t y a rd Aw ........ l.i-&. ~..m.d ., wlflt. breeding IOUl"Ctl are bard for ._, ~ter. Mn . J-M. th ·-••• ~• Je ._t1Y, L• ..._..,., ..... Mr. N«· e mV<nt~-conww peop .,..,. s. M-1ln. s.n o\rlteftlo1 •I• ,,.. to plnpoinl 0111c1F'9ll1 -,,... ... ,.ndd!l1t1. .1«V-H , . 1o. wu• a. held Tll\IF'ldlv, n AM. • ere 1 a list or thinp: ~..;.--~.' 1~·,,:; homeowners can do to keep ~ " ._ '.elf"' ~ ..,. the bup from buainl them· PKffk vw SHAVER . . -Gtt rid of all contain~ J..M.......:. s:201 ~ Drl"' that can hold water. Turn ~~ SllrvlYMI w w1te. them upside down. Look Slllr1ev; dlllcl""" \llvl1n, .._., LDll • ...... MldlMl1 mDffltf. Mn. Gr.a "-especially beb1nd the 1araae, SM.,....1 tilter, Ju11t stul'lll'l!Rlt. 5".v.. under shrub...,_, --.a ....... _ •Ide ~._, T.....,..y, 2 PM, Wnt--.r.3, tlUU UWJlllr flllnmtw Memorllt P11'11, wLftl hV. G. places YOU Ul\la}Jy forget lt_.I Shliw effldltl"'. Stf1lllu. Mor-about Mrv. OlrteNn. • BALT.ll MORTUAlllES CorOM *1 llu OR._ Coala-MIUGI BELL JIJIOADWA'f MORTUARY Ill Bnaiway, c.t. Mt• uwas DILDAY BR0'111ER5 Balla-Valley M-.Y l'ltll -m.t. B_,._llaclo IC-'1'1'11 PACIFIC VIEW .Q:MOllL\L PAU ee.-,. • M-.rJ Qopel -Empty wading pools and llore In pnse when not in ---. water that has collectad in plaatlc conto over beato ond nrimmlnc pools. -Be IUre your pool -mer Is worting .......uy, swooping up the ran. of - mooquitoes lay al nlcht Each raft contains about 200 eggs! • -If you aren't using the pool, ltock it with mosquito fish, who wW eat, the larva . The dlltrict will aupply you With them for the a.Sting . -Stock your prden pools wilh mooquito fllh, too, in help out those fat, luy aoldfosh. · · -If )'OU happen la have a pet bone or cattle or other latf'! animal (like a n elephant), be llltt to chanie -Podlle v1ew Drln 'Grand Hotel' ......... :::.. Colllwd rm PAMJLY Set Thunday COLONIAL FUNERAL IRVINE -Tbe_ motlm plc- ROME · ture "Grand Hotel" wiD be · 'llll -A.._ a11own at .i:• Ct.. 'll!unday . W-~1111 In lbe-It UC -Tlcbll wlll cmt ~ llBDISA lfORTUilY 1"' -11 -od by rq -Ol-IJll Univenlly GallerJ Alloclates and Ibo Art Glllery. a. am2211 -..... l;:========;;I wtiftiiOaftJUf ., .. .. . ::-... ..... WEm:Un' llOJmlA&Y al E. l'7ll a., Ollll .. •• 1111 ' . IOAT BUFFS M.li w •• ., ..... .... ""·-..... ..... ~ .. .., ..... ,., "' o-. ... c..My. Hh ... • 1 .. J.e ........ ., ,.. ... iltt -4 yaditl., """ It • 4•1tr .....,. .r ft.1 DAILY "LOT' - Saturd~'----· - At Santa ·Anita! I· he s125,000 San Juan Capistrano! ·~--~i~~-~~•·I~~· 9 .. .,..daily. Post time: 13:30Salurdaya, l:OO-dayo.Noncin1 Good.Friday,April4. Racinl Mnnda)', April 7. Children under 16 admitted free wilh a pmnl .• 4/JGUEST /NTERE~T ON f f/$URErp gAflfNfJ-S, INTEREST DAY-IN to DAY-OUT NO BANK CAN MATCH IT! NO SAYINGS and .LOAN ASSOCIATION CAN BEAT IT! ASSETS OVER $425,000,000.00 • MUTUAL SAVINGS AND I.. 0 AN ASSOCIATION c·oRONA DEL MAR 2867 East Coast Highway, Corona Del Mar,-c:alif. 92625 telephone: 675-5010 HEADOmcE 31~ E. Colorado Bl'ld • l'lsaden1, Cllif. 91109 tel1phone: <149.2345 OTHER BRANCH omces Cavin•, Glendalo West Arcadia ' --- -.,, oll'l'I Z, 1"" · ($) D.111.Y PllOT. JI. •. .• "That ~ominon 'CQld Js Often-Uncommonly Stubborn ~-~ one ol Ibo 1 -dally Cl· ,;..,;,.,:;,,, ' Gndulily, a n :d 'Jo l\'Ollble· I # Joaii ~ 'hro """' 1"' perlences lo lo bl .. 1o toll oninpalnl<uly,pre11ure · Sq,' Mis. N., be ~I lp!ol. a •d:·;1 I!>''*-r .... MD ' ' Dear Drt &te!ncro11n : Whenever I &et a cold ft banp oo for weeb. Eilher I ccoJif> o< _,. or keep backing or have trouble bruthlng or feel achy; all ol which remind. me I'm nol yet rid ol 1he dim lhJo&. Yet I have a friend, 1 UWe, 1kinoy fellow who yw'd tblot would be laid low every time be caught cold. lnsteacl, be's over It in a few days. How do you account for th.ls? - Mr. H. Vll'f .n bow tbey fllvol.. , tab ID uplrln, varloul pq1e. OFl'EN A COLD becomea AK )'OUtltll, Mr. R, U yw ilubbom and naoty olmply havt tuen care al the cold becaue you ~ hbn 1 ''com- lrom tbe ~ day U lldl<ts. moo cold" whereu be """' Ptrbapa yw ~ai. IL You oldm -W "\lllCOllllDOlll don1 lbint it Important Important." Troal him wllb ..,...... 'to atay bnme from ,respect and be .... , ban& wort for a day or two; you oa 10 kq In U..fulure. don1 teep warm; ypu don't For Mn. N.: All doclorl !om fluids; you don1 •VWI Uve In -.11on, whatever DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE a pa!leot be wUI .. ,., 1'911aln bullds up l>eblod Ille eye. 11 ·you cme'ln limo. ~ .~ (qolct; P""_'ri 1 hillloJ>l -oreV<ftlole•llal clop ~ clll&ls which 1"bolher,"'u )'OU oay,,lrblt ~),loclioel:'or litue he bu lelt -becaUOo ordinarily lit the eye fluid a ...U inmhlm lo pi1 ~ Al In """ -· ·-~ ~ he bas come loo !ala for me drain all. '!llla .._ un. bl~ olCbl-• ~.IA fir ,.... ~ !heir opbere ol acUvilJ in lo do anything lo< bis · natural ...-at lo back up " .I ~·lbat Ille ,...,...Jin,.!(,~\• medicine. glaucoma." against the vl!al ..._ cl "..iiit{ wiy to· pt .... -.._, )re . ~ ......,. !II Yeaterday I was tallllng lo BY NOW, I !blnk-peo-vlaloD and dlaabla lbem. ·~ ou'1)ab,1't .tf°. iJaol<oiDa Wa\W tlleJ..., • a friend who II a buoy eye pie re•ltle thet ataPcoma Is (More rarely Is tbe attact plicoml 'b lo ~·Ill ¥'• oo oymploi111 ; l!'lt .....,. • apeclalllt. He~ aid, "Per me _one of the ciUMS ~ acute IO It alerts the "patient a ®lnp)ete eye '. ~d<lo ,.,.ious trwta , 7 • ... 1 ~ :;, ) ' . \ . ... ~. . ' .. ~~ ,, COMMENT: Viruses vary; ,. ~e vary. To repeat: there "Lysol" . · · · -SPMY- DISllECJ.Alll "Cold Power' are all kinds o( colds ; all kinds cl people. Yours may hanl on for three reasons : The virus bug lhat bils you Is strooJer lhan tbe one wbicb attacks your friend. 3. You do not take good care of your cokl; but your friend nunes bis. • - Whatever tbe re a 1 on , remember we mate a mistake when we think we have the "same" disease as o u r neighbor. Whether it is a cold or ulcer or high blood pressure or a heart attack -they Smile H You Take Pictures By JOYCE LAIN Mks Lein _,,,. • MtmJrl' llDrftbM, (tll.ll'tesy .,, the "°"'' Tv-iter C... .. Ptirni. ~ 11, Dan•. Tm1, tor 1111 _,.,, "I _.. lllr;e .. M ' ,,.,..,""'I ,.,...._. 'Mii' ........ I .. ,.. A. -Smile: If you're focus- 1 n g on • p ortrait photographer's career, you'U need winning ways to click with people as well aa: at lbem. Don't •zped picture-taking lo be OD< big map -yw'Il be upectad to have artlatic: abWty, manual dexterity, and teclmical Hill with cameru, lenses, light (liters and lighting l<cbnlques, varioul fllms, developing and prinUng processes,-color-techniques, use of makeu p and props, and proportion and composition. PHOTO ALBUM. If you 're plamllng lo opeo your own studio, the Pr of es 1I ona1 Pbotograpbera GI America, lnc.1 says that perseverance, moneJ to live, and a head for bullness are olber lhlnp you can't do without; 1UCCU1 dbes not come Polaroid-quick. There'• a gallery of dif· ferent speclallzatioll.!: com· merclal pbotographert, who often shoot pictures of ~ ductl for use in advertising, 1nda1 tria1 photographers whole work ii Jlimilar but they 1eneraDy work for • a ainglo company, <>lten'lilming ~ worken and equipment, press photographers, who combine a news-nose with photographic ability, aerial photographers, who make shots from planes for n~ws, ac.ienUfic or military purpo1t1, e d ucationa l photographers, who m 1 y prepare slides, films and filmstrips for classroom use, lcieDce and en I Jn ee r iii I photographers, who take pic- tures for retem:h porpoRS (oucb as space photography) and l<cbnlcal journala. • A ~ PRINT of !be Professional Photographen of America, Inc.'s crisp new brochure ••Focus on Your Future," ls yours tr you drop me a postcard in care of this newspaper betore June 181. Gl!'ITING STARTED., After higl\ ICbool, you may wort oeveral yun learning 11> formally in a portrait or com- merdal studio, or train in a three-year apprenticeship progam. otben learn In the Armed Forces. Mmiy colleges and uDlVersities, t r a d e 1ehools, technical institutes and ecnespoodence schools U.-offe-photo gr a pb j c tralllin&- EARNINGS AND Otm.oOIL Fln:a com- paiaUon -1y but m11111 beglnngeri irt at uoond ltllO a weet In llr .. dlloa. 'Ille po<trall and ...,,. merdal fields are crowded but danand wUI continue otrooc for· industrial, Kitntific and engineering, and p r e 1 s pbotograpben. • Dl1lll&lllT 11Brylcreem" . HAllDllS• ,_hll all-• .... *' lllrt c P1t1' flt• lo 9 8 1 .. U IL.Sin mtge EGGS .WS--:.:·-.... 43c ~ .. IOrTVlflTl Animals 1.89a mi 115 111111, .... .... 1JI 1 •• ,, • 99c . ZEE Paper. Napki115 , .• ...,.._l*t ' .· ''' ' ' . hk•l• 1 oc ' Mellewcreme Pets =.--:=i."t 2gc m't """' .. O>lars. ltR. Fun Assortment IUCll'S -lleflowaeu ..... ttl!J an las n 57c ""'' -EUS. !Ill. "Christi11Bnls." ·l'l&ll DllllB'Wlm 1 69' -lllalll,......... . ' "G~llo" Ill \I kl ""l CllAlllS ... 95c 1.49 "Maniscllevitz" 1•Y WllES 11111 lo1&orl. ll1&klm1, l1fll'l 43 ltnJ, -"' -• • "Old Taylor" 1111111C1Y mAiin ' ' •OlllOll • ""' ' was UI was,l.~ • 5.59 lmi&.65 "Ancient Age" mmm nuttMT 11111. IHUOll · 10 98 11 ... 111 was 12.11 • IOlllllll Medicated Make-Up 11Desert Flower",.,,_ 1811fferia' TABLETS fwicl • fast ........ fir --...... -. ... "'"""' " coils, .. ='~'=99c SJ -tAltll's SKID ffosil} . to PAim COlOtS SUlllen stn\d ~ fl1tttrs: •••rr 111 c••t11r. 7gc AIM I• Wtit1. nts II\ It II Piii 1Cllb1C1 11 ' IUll lltll llllltllof om....,.,.,\ ton 11111 ~ -i• 7gc lnlloo 1Uln. Ill Io II-. Stllf 1t1t1 -2\4" dr11mit .......... ""'lloiq, ... 3 95 :::..~-"Will1 • "tAltt" Portalite Radio PlftlSltltC -T-· .... llill - wrist ..... fls """ .. _. 9 48 ..... "" ....... lollBJ .... ---.#1tm , ronuu Transistor Radio "lllo' II ---1il 2~· .,.,r._.....,_.,h 2 95 ---I . --= lllJ."'T.il • • Celepe lftst k~Jtllll 2 u. .... 1 •• , .-lllStiq Pmer 4 a. .a ss r sin II 11at1c 11 0gilvie' :.,AllT co11Dm011n wltt wtt-.1 n._ ... stepdeluxeUi'tral- ....... ritll "" .......... .,.. ..,, mr-bled-l!c &:t.iq. '41L In. 2.50 4.00 "Coll'· Tone" SJl- 111111111 Jlllitmuit • 'll!inU!. l(ltf lrl tlr1 :. :i.. 2.50 "-. Cracker JaCk I ll!n'to 11Tulips" for EASTER Soolof. llfrll • • .. 1'111111 fll'flfL • . , ~ '~~, ..•. .. ..., .. , er..i,-~­' \! ~rw .. ..... 1 ... --· 'llftlll Oliln- Ht Clllt "' . Ill F.. 2.59 ~ 'J I i.-,;;.._ -~· MuG STORES . -~:~l=~a:.~:.~-: II ADAMI & IROOKHU•IT HUNTINGTON IEACH &NINeDALI & tDINOla NEWPORT llACH 1t20 t•VINI IN WllTCLI'' PLAZA --- • Com ~.r.::.-1 25 ' -~·lfllhiol sll*5 ii! Ph sil;ttlbes. • El -llllPll Envelapes Fil """' -.. ~ --Cloo9 M Ml II 111l 3 ":iC letter size er 45 11111 ..... Ill ' . UITllllWAll Coffee,' Mags Oii MITAi Tiii 311' ~-... '"Ji -... ,;p ·--··---.... lllnds 11 \I" lijl l 1 98 --~···" ...... c.,111> Ill lily . • llfOlltl ltallai Glassware -""'..,-· .......... -. amy tf colon. f11it ~..... ""' 4tsln, ---......... .., -2.88 ~ J • I' .. ': ... i . ~ ' . ' . ' .. . . ' ' • " ' ' • " ' • • ' . ' 'I • • : 1 '' ,, ' " I ; " " '' " ' ' •• I ' •• ' I : " ... t I ' ! t_. ' _, I i • • J,I llAILV l'fi.OT Pulpit an-a Pew . . Tenebne wlll bl hlld II the sanie liour 111e· foUowln& ev..-. log. ' ·!I•":-, ! " Lenttn l'Mpel' 'cotnmuniOn Is ~lai.d for 'l)lundoy, 7:30 . p.m .. II ~ a.r.ti el cbo6r ot Sl A•cl rew'• tbe Re1•rre~tlea. •12 Pnoll)'le<ln ,a.m, 100 SL Raroilton, H~ ~ Andrews Roid, 'N ~ w po r't Pastor Arthur ,R. '.l')paley will B ... •""' rot Good Friday. tbe apealt on "I in .Theni."" _... .. , t • Com m u n lo n will be performanct will becin at a "COnaJder the Croa" w'in · celtbratfld Maundy 'lbursd.,. · p.m. Dr. G'b&rlts H. Dlere~ bt held rrom 1 to 3 p.m. 7:30 p.in., at f'Jnt Vded field will narr1te the presen-Fridaiy. 'n>ese eoOd Friday MdW!d. Clludl, 27!:1 17th 1.atlon. hours will be divided into half · Sl., HW>tingtoo Bea<!>. Good hour eeaments. Friday servlcu will be held ·Se.rvkel at 1:30 1Dd 10 a.m. from nooo to l p.m. The lll1d 7:30 p.m. will ,be be)d church wtll host other MetJlo. or.. lllW!dy Tluaoday •I SI. dist . CODlf'tgltions. Guest )• Ult DlvlDe EplKlplll speaten will be featured . ~. 2tM3 Orange Ave,, .,, Colt.a Mell. "Olivet t o Commully M•l••-lit cnre._ eeQ Btll Ave., Hun-'. tington llead!, will bold Ma111> dy Thanday communion aervicet at 7:30 p.m. Good.. Friday service< will be beld at Fint United Methodist Churdl, 171h lll1d Delaware, noon to S"p.m. • · : ~. Thunday and Jl'riday wUl Calvary," I cantata1 will be observed will> opecill follow -Ibo ev4ning ..,.ic.. service! at c·~am••lty For GoOci Friday I MetWilt Clsarft, 1882 Heil children'1 ttrVlce will be held Ave., Hu~ Be a ch .. at 10 i.m. and a three hQur- Maundy Tbunday communion d<volional oervlce will ~gin will be offered at ?:XI p.m.. at nooo. Statiom fi the crou "Seven Last Words" is the will be preeent.ed at 7:10 p.ril. The 'Rev. Canon Nicholas - Koulelsis, assiatant to the el lhe P-. , theme· of the Good Friday service which will be held from DOOll to 2 p.m. ·Episcopal BW>op of L 0,1 ' Maundy Thursday at Cbor<h Angelef wlll,preacb Good Fr!' Holy Week .....-1~ SI.. of SI. w~ el Yerli, Chapel day qoon to. 3 p.m. al Iii. ,,.. lbe t>)YIM ~ Lane al Ellil, Huntington ,. ge's Eplacopal Cburdl, El Chard, 204I IJranse Ave,. Beach, will be celebrated with oro Road and Whisler Drive, Costa Mesa, includes Maundy communioo. at 6:30 p.m. A l Toro. He will give a series Tburaday, 1:30 and 10 a.m. supper and ac:ldttY ·will be of medit.atiom on personalities and 7:30 p.m. On Good Fridl7 beld at 7 p.m. Devotions from noon to 3 ::d.y~hu~·~~..':lce°:: Straight Ir°'!' the Heart ' ' . . ~ I! I lllero will be • flDllly -- at 10 a.m.; the traditional three-hour devotion.a) at noon on the "Seven Laat Wordl" and at 7:30 p.m. ·Stallons of the cross. On Saturday, blp- lilml Will be Weld at 4 p.m.. "Hours About the Cros!" will be beld from 1 to l p.m. in half hour segments Good Friday 11 Ladoena Cburdl of tlte Resamdioa, 9812 Hamilton Ave., Huntington Btach. Maundy Thursday will be 'celebrated at 7:30 p.m. with comnnmion.· be held at 4:30 p.m. Ike Off e.red ·Prayer Passover Observed:. ' Trial of Jews Brought on Holiday Editor'• Note: Su.~otn:to-Pa.slover-Jen abltatn frilm <fav marks the rtort Of Ill< ••Uni breed, llld In Ill ')>lice cmct.>tt Jewiih femvol Ibey eit matzah so Ibey ... knoµm ai PalsOVff. Htre, undentand ane of the lfflic. Rabbi Bmjamm I, Ld11•»•>, UODI of lhelr - ipirttua! i.ader of Harbor Uoderstlndlog tbe - Reform T""'plt of Neu>port of the ancient Hebmn Is clilly Beach ovtlmer the trtal of put of tlie obaerv..,.. of Ille Jewiih people that oave i:auover. The """""'1 ,... biryh to the holidav ond. qulr<menl Is to r<leU the en-cr~mtnes the ttadiffon in a tire story to ooe'1 family modenl contut. and fr!en4a. The thliikliil By Rabbi Bnjamla J. Lelffw behind this d<mlllld i I During the next week Jews beautiful in its simpllclty and tbrougboul lhe world will powerful .ill its meosilllic refuse to ·eatJ.bread and they overtones. will pny for freedom. The U d b boped that -in lhe eig!ll dly fut from all leaven-neces.slly to r«ttale lhe Ex- ed products doel not repment -oto<y Ille norralor and mere ' liberltloo but "" ~ the Ulleoerl in~ be able to will be praying for--eiCh empat.biie with the enslaved persoo's endowmeiat ol em.an-people and. thereby dedicate cipation plus responsibility tbemaelves to tht·achivement Ind lhe f ight to .uercile that of -for all mankind. .... ponslblUty. If 1··• -~·•1 t lhe Let us' look at the histcrical . we uu.. Cu~nu y a reisons wb• ooe __ ._ ..:....1o cqncepts tranamltted to us • •~ ~ from recounUng lhe BibliW year Jews iive up the ltaff narrative then ~ration from of life and 'dlrtct their prayers enslavement ls only half or to the staff of man's IOUI. the lask of achieving freedom. 'PESAH' The other hall was to assume of the wlld bloocblMa. npe lll1d plllqe wblch followed tho· reluse of lhe Congo!... In- dicates the horror Of eµia~ cJpaUoo wllbout responslliUlty, Is tt any wonder that w• Jews, who per 1 on a I ly un- clentand tbe restrlcUve boodl of emlavement, pray and work for respon.lible frefldom in the world? We set ulde tbe lint lwo. nights o I PISIOver as family banqueta so that every Jew may beJt tbe imprcaalve story. REDEDICATION At ~ banquets we rededicate ourseves to another year of labor for total eman- cipation. We know that we ere not lhe ooly people In- volved ill U>!s struggle lll1d we hope that our non.Jewi!h friends gain strength from. our prayer. Then &he day may soon come when all men will join hand-in-band, t h ere b y making a chain of human spirits stretchlng around the werld guaranteeing complete redemption. SEDER SET The fesUval which we will the necessary obligation! which celebrate ls called Pauover, transformed a group of slaves taken from the Hebrew word into a respomible nation. 'Pesah' wbicb refers to the • The first ordr.r of business story in EJ:odul when the for the Hebmn upon leav1ng Harbdr Reform Temple will Angel of Death miraculously Egypt: was to paute at Mount hold 1 congregational Pasaov-passed over the Israelite Sinai long enough to commit homes and saved the first everyone to a charter which er Seder Friday, 1:)0 p.m. at born males of tl;le Jewish Peo-could develop peace within the the Newport Riviera. The. din· 1 Th' ·~A last of ner, which commemorates Is-p e. is was wn::: 10 nation. This body of laws, the rael'• liberation from bond- plagues brought about for the essence o( which is the Ten age, wW be presided over bJi emancipation of the Jews. Commandments, baa become the ~~i Ben Leinow. Reada Uncertain of when liberation a legacy for all maniind. . ing 1.I d'C Haggadah, the story ·Finl Ualled Melllodlrt and Flnt Bllpllal churdles ol Fountain Valley will celebrate Matmdy 'Dlursday and Good Friday joint1y this year. Thursday, both congregations will meet at First Baptist Church, 17415 Mainolia st .• Maundy Tbund~ will be celebrated, 7:30 p.m., with communioo. at N e w p o r t Harbor I 9t' rU atardl, 2501 Cliff Dril-'e, Newpoct Beach. Good Friday J)f'ayer and meditation will also be held at 7:30 p.m. would come, the Israelite A Jl)odem example of where of Passover, a traditional "''omen had only enougb ttine liberation was accomplished PllSIOvet dinner, and congre-- , during their fiight te tiitdom but where frttdom Was not gation atn~g led by Cantor NEW YORK (AP°) ...:.. Be-her hoQ'le church 1n Denver,~ he had S ~C·t·e tar y ot to mix the dough for bttad achieved can be found in the David KriMky will be the fore emerging to take the Colo. Agriculture Ezra Taft Demon but they were unable to let -~Con~~go~-~Our~~r~ec~e~n~I ~m~e~m~ones~-~;;;b~l~gll~ll~gll~ts~of~tbe~ev~enln~g~. mt oath of office, he sat alone 'lbe Pti&ditu 91\ which a Mormon, opm-tbe meetmi it rise. When the chana! came Ii in his hotel suite and wrote · ~·knelt for ~~ with prayer, a practice follow-to hastily bake their bread out brief · "Arm·..i.t is , IJDODI 'Yarioua historic eel 'itl -the Cab!n; throughout. the resu.lt was a hat thin, 7:30 p.m., for a caDdlelight The Annual Nat Ion al communion service. T h e A!SOCiation cl Evang,licals following evening at the S31Jle Good Friday service will be time the. peopl' will meet at held at 7:30 p.m. at Magnolia First United M e t h o d i s t Baptist Church, 120 S . Cburch, 18225 Bushard for i1agnolia, Anaheim. Dr. Rus- worship service. The Rev .. sell Jones, "pastor-at-large," Dana Hawkes of the Bapt.ist with the Conservative Baptist church aod the Rev. Kenneth denomination, will give the McMillan of the N.'etbodist message. Nursery care will church, wm lake put ill both be provided. a . prayer. 15" 1 '·items kept at the National Eisen bowu'1 . presidency, cracker-like product which we God .. give us, we pray. the Presb.,.. .. ..;.,.. Church n d II ·~... ....:1 call matzah. Complete Printing Service Top Quality -Fast Service oerviceo. Com mun io n will be celebrated Thursday, 7 : 3 0 p.m-. at Latberu Cbarcla 91' the Muter, 2900 Pacific Vi'w Drive, Corona del Mar. Dr. William R. Eller will deliver' a message on "A Redemmed Life." A prayer and meditation \'igll will be obllerved on Good Friday from nooo to 1:30 p.m. Eveoing -ship wlD begin 1t 7: 30 p.m. met will feature the theme "In lf1e Shadows ol the Crms." Easter Flower Service will be held this evening, 7:30 p.m. by N...,..t Vally Cbvr<b, - meeting at Senior Citiuns Building, 15th and Irvine, Newport Beed!. Holy wet observances at Qrftt LldWu auoro. 710 Vidaria St., Colla Mesa, in- clude .nm on Maundy Thundly lll1d Good Friday. 111.unda:y communion will be ·celebrated 7 p.m. aloq with a chancel drama a o d urmonette by Pastor LoUlar V. Tornow on "'Jbe Trust That lsn' 11.iaploced." Good Friday services will begin nooo and end at 3 p.m. for the annual Tre Ore service. 'I'bere will also be a 7 p.m. communion and Tenebrae service. RaDdall Tbompeon's ''The P•eceable ~" wlll be pr....i.ed by tbe Sanctuary power to discern clearly right Ceote:.~0n .... h1s 77th b.. ~:ri di=~en&, prayer Because matzah was made from wrong, and . allow all Oct. 14, 1967, Eisenhower He and his wife entered fully originally to help the fieeing our words and actions to be unveiled the cornerstone for into local coogregaUonal life, Vews it ls often referred to governed the~by. • · " . , the center's new edifice in attending regularly at services as the "bread of affliction" 1Ui·111i1€11mi 642-4321 It was 8 sunple, straigh.. Washington which 11 nearing Jed by the pastor, the Rev. in that the Hebrews ate 'tt !ro~·the.fleart entreaty, and completion' after 10 yeani Dr. Edward L. R. Elson, ... .i at the lime ••ey --·'. 1t nurrored the man. k o.uu ~1 .. ~.. &l .. Mak full wor · on terms of easy familiarity meted. 2211 W.., 11n.o. Blvd. our. d~cat~oo. to~ CO:~~= DEDICATED TO IKE with church officers, choirll~Duciniii:i~· ~g~the~~ei~gb~l~d~ays~~ol~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Ntwport lloodl SL Mlcln.el'1 ud All Angels' Episcopal Chlll'Cb, 3233 Pacific View Drivt,-Corona del Mar. will celebr ate communion at Maundy Thursd ay servi~s. 7:30 p.m. Good Friday setviw will be held Vom noon to 3 p.m. Scheduled are liturgy reading, noon; way of the Cl'OSI, 1:30 p.m. aod even- ing praye, 2:30 p.m. members and usben. of the people ••• " "'l)le Chapel of t h e Eisenhower's religious in- Voiced from the presidenlial PresideQts" there is dedicated volvement, although organiza- inaugural rostrum on Jan. 20, to him. tionally rormalized only in 1953, by D w. i g 'h t D. One ol its windows shows tater years, was .not for him Eisenhower, it is the only him signi ng the bill that added a new thing. It dated to his known instance in which a th' words: "under God," to childhood in Abilene, Kan. president at his µiaugur11ion the n.ation's pledge of allegian · There his devout mother us- . offered a prayer of his own <.'t. ed to gather her family about comp:ll'lition. But this was not Acts of particular religious her for daily Bible reading the only way in which the sign if I can c e by othtr and prayer. fl was out of fl).ilijaty commander w h o presidents also are depi cteJ, that experience, and the became president followed a· including Abraham Lincoln demanding grist of living, that . ~ Tenebr ill be dlstinctly individual religlaur deliverying his Gettysburg ad-Eisenhower d<v<loped h 1, Office w ~e w . course. <frets, Woodrow Wilton work· reverent devotion. part of the commuruon servtcc • ing to elltlbllsh · the League forMaundynrursdayevenlng ONLY PRESIDENT ilons Franklin D "May cooperat i on be '9el'Vict, I o'clock, a t He was the only president ~OO:V~lt P1eldln.g for ·th~ permi~:'whehe ~?~~int hlsk Nelg:hborltood Coa11e11doaal who was baptized and con-.. "'foor freedoms." own W\1lwo n in: luM ' 00 Cburcll , Glenneyre at St. firmed as a ctiurch member Although many of the coon-~ibes ~!h offuti""a1' ~od !]i•tbY it AM '• Drive, ' ·guna B,.~ ~-~-~ tb Whit ~ m u .aun Ul ose .i..o \,.'II. au.er e1ne1·111g e e try'S· past preslileot.<r were ho .... to d"ff · O'··-0--~ Co"-• ••••-H 1 1 . . w . • .11V1U 1 ermg .....,~ '-'-~ ~a --ouse. deep y r e l g ! o u s men, pol'li -1 belief that n tanl professor Jay Colyar will That formal join.inD' of the particularly some o( the 1 Co.i s -80 a d;....J >4.~ choir in "'tile -. h Tho may work for the good ol """~ II.JC Christian cause came ju&t t•·o greatest ooes sue u mu bel ed -·-d f Service « Darkness.'' The weeks . after his first in-Jefferson MM1 Lincoln. they ourTh_ 1 ov Am .. vu..-;;z• an or Rev. E!lsWOrth L. Richardson auguration, on Feb. 1. 19S.1, often,' were net active in Y gory. en. will give communion. "when he appeared before ·the organized churches. Calvary Baptist C 1111 r c • • 11281 Garfield Ave., HllDllngloo Beadl,\will bok:l aervices Fri- day ev~, 7 o'clock. Men m the "CQngregat.lon w i 11 pr....t a '1i(t COD1menlary on the stations fi the CJ'061. The service will cooclude with communion. Candlelight communion will be held Thursday, 7:30 p.m .. al Finl t'brlsllu Cb?<~. 9040 Talbert Ave., Fountain VaUey. MaWJdy Tbunday will be eelebrated at Balboll Island Commatty Vatted Metltodllt Clnu'Cll, 115 Apt.e Ave., with service at 7 p.m. Good Friday ruling sessiQll ol the National But Eilenhower, although B • Presbytui.lll ch u re b ln deferring that role until hil usinessman Washington and was reeeivtd later years, put h i m 1 e l f into membeTship. energetically into r e g u I a r Ilia: wife, Mamie, a life-IOOI church work, IO much so that Knits ff iJ Presbyterian, also at that time his . presidenUal period was was affiliated with t he wryly dubbed as one. of Washington cor.gregation on "piety on lhe Potomac." Cares Away the basis of a letter from At his first cablnet meeting, Lawn Contest Slated • Leisure World residents are aurturing the patches ol. green which surround their ind:ividul manors in preparation for the second annual Beautiful Bonier Contest spciasored by Saddleback K.iwanU Club. receive a trophy and a gift certilicate for blt choice of a 1969 All American llooe Selection bush. PITI'SBURGH (AP) 'Vhen business executive A1 Bua boards an airplane, one of the first things he does is open his briefcase and take out his knitting. Bua has beell knitting for about three year1, turning out caps, sweaters, capes and scarves. ' • WHOLESALER OPEN TO THE PUBUC To-*-room for 1969 •• ••• lnv•1lw 'f W9 illlld doeee.t .. 1961,.... --~._.., .. ~.,- BRING Ill YOUI ROOM Sim WITH THts COUPON EXTRA IONUS OFFER! WITH ANY INITALLATION OP JO SQ. YDS. OR MORI YOU GET 5000 BUI CHIP ST AJllPS DURING THE Nm 4 DAYS Wednosdey, Thund1y, Frid1y, Soturd1y If You Can't Como In-Call us for F'" homo ..,lmite-549-3349 ROW, ROLL EIDS ,,.. .............. ... ~-............ . I:= 1.19~ llYLOI SHAG ,.,., .... -.... loett ... .,... ,..... ..... far lire .... -loMwy lroffk. a.. ..... ...,.A-- SIU AT lWING STIJlllS RMI 7.95 l'SI TARD OUll NICI 3. 92::: School of Tragic Fire Faces Finanee Crisis 'l'be deadllnt for ap- p\icaUons is April 15, and ac- cording to th' c I u b , bottkultural expert.I-w i I I judge e n t r 1 ·e s sometime around May 1. A sweepotakes trophy, llong with ribbons and Ii f t certificates in three border divisions including Most Colorful, Best Formal and Best Rose, will be awarded. First through fifth award wiMen will receive ribbons. First place wimers will be peseKed with a gift certificate for an All-American Role, and other winnerl wlll gel gift eertificlteS for rose bushes or other nursery stock. Further contest infcnnation may be obtained by calliDg "!itcheU, '830-1537. "KnltUng bas a lot of ad- vantagts," says the 40"-year- old Westinghouse E I e ~ t r I c m'1'keting man . "On an airplane, for ID- stance,., be sa11, "when I pull out needles and yam and go to work, the slewardesses pay a lot more attenlk>n to me than the~ guy next to me Ttading the Wall · Street Journal." DuPONT 501-11. H..,., 4.ty ._,.. wftll ,_... ............ llhl ...... ,.,..,... ........ .....-. ... 4.llw-.eft ...... ACllLAll SHAG IODEL SHAG' Jt..Tyr-. 0-"" i11c11 tllict. Y • ry ....,, rldo '7: ... far =-far ......... ...., "'". 11;1~ • Looi<• ni.. -. ----:.-:::--lllco -........ like .,,... CHICAGO (UPI) -On !he "''est side stands a three-story, modern classroom building built in 1961 as "a monument" to the 92 children and thrte nun5 who died In one of Ult naUon's m<J6I trqic school fires. Parishionen alKI persons from all over the nation donoted the $1.25 million to replac< the 111Clent buUding destroyed llong with the 95 lives Dec. l, 1161. Oace again tht school 1.~ tumlrc to parishi oners and others to "save our school." Allbough parochial achools th10usbwi the country are haril( finlncial ddllculti<J. o.r Lad7 ol tbe Angell' crim m&J Ill _,, lmmlneat. "ll'o jut ar<n'I aeffi"I ....... -Y Unuili normal c~ a witlm more mooiJ we will hive to close," tbe oollool'1 1*f10r tbe Rev. ~ Keltr. said. lie uld ... -r.... I projoclM -ol ... ooo lhil ,__ "Md the dellcll w!ll be •JJt.• -,.., and -bell .... ,.., -Ill.ti. "We went to the parish wilh our problem and we've gotten a Vf!rY favorable ~nse. They're already p le d g e d $30,000. 'Ibey doo't want to see this school closed down." Father Kelly, pastor at the school since IMS, said the financial crisis resulted from ~1laUng mainten~ costs and an increased need for Jay teachers as teachinc sisters are called eltewMre. Next door to tilt shiny new and debt-free building i)': another pari.sb buildins with 1 sign "SOS -Save Our School -Have You Helped!'' lrooicallly, a report ol the Residents may obtain ap- plications from Kiwanians or • may write their !Wile, .ad-, dress and . telephone number and submit it to the Kiwanis Club, P.O. Box 208!, Lqun1 Hills, said D. B. Milchell, chlirman. The sweepstakes winner will Ato1nic Harbor Plan Dropped Om-Lady ol tbe Angels fire WASulNGTON (UPI) _ ~year~~ "!1 TentlUve plans to UJe atomic 1Z17,J$(. blasll to dig out 1 new harbor 1be money ft unUled under at Clpe Keraudren I n the terms of the f\md it is At13lralla have been put off, to pey for lnJured vlc<ims o( acconllng to the .J. t o m I c the fire -by Dec. JI, 1969, Energy Comm.lssl:on. the !«ma call for II to b< The AEC s&ld tbe ahlpplng turoed ovtr lo the Chicago company which would have community trust to be use<f wed lhe harbor baJ declded tor the ucm, rtllef, tducaUon againlt It. The commlssion and bmef'jt of crlppled, sick said, however, both tbe United and iAjlnd mlldrtn," In lhtJ St•tes and Australia art 1Wl city. Interested In thl idea. Mµsiciam Honored ( Two Newport High School Senion have been honored for their pertlclpaUon in lhe BCbOol'1 muslc prollf8DIB. tor.na Emerick, cellist lll1d pre!klent of the s a I l o r Orchestra, received the Na- llooal •School Orchestra Award, and Steve Win!)(IC" was given the John P hillip Sousa Award. A member of tbe Sallor Band. Steve Is ll5o rint obol&t in lhe Sallor OrcbestrL Ht plf1I the alto- ... In Ibo --and lhe Pep lllod. llld Is 1 member of l!olll the ·All Soulhenl-Ccruntleo -Bllnd and the Orange 'Coun\Y Honor Band. Rieben! A. Enaland, muslc director, was prmenled a pl• quo oa behaU of tbe Band Boosters C1ub tn ftCOgnltlon ol bis oullWldlq MMCI to lhe ICbool 1111d the atudents. "More than once," be aaid, "I've been on an airplane wilh a CUit.om.er who's upset about motor avai lab ility or something like that. ' "When I open up i'ny brief. ceee lll1d lake out my lmlttlng, be forgets all about hll com- plaint. then, when he's calmed down, I start talking over the problem with him." Bua, who is baaed at Buf- falo, N.Y ... sahl 'he took up knitting after a big snowfall left him looking for something to do iD his free time. "My daugbttr was just learnlng bow to Im!~" be salll, "and I ~ her to abow me. I thought I'd knit a few atilclJcl an<} r...,.. It. lnsteld, 1 got booked ... 8u1 Bl)'! a I~ of pa.,.,,,.,. on airplanes a1i him questions Hice, "Are yoo married ?" and "Are you In show business?" Others, he says, don't, ask 1nytblng. They just gel up and movti to another seat. SllM AT OTHD ITOln wGoW, ... a-11ettwlhM..,-. fOI I.ti Pit S9. TAlD l!G. 10.tS SOLD AT l!AOING STOllS 3.99 ~ nou OUT ll'KIAl fOl 10.95 P9I SQ. TARD OUl PllCI NOW 4.99~ OUll PRICE 4. 91 ~: ...cum Dll.T--CAtl'fT OllL T-...cum Olll.T- NYLON SHAG COMMIRCIAL JTPE PUASE PHONE TWEED fOlt HOMI EST. ne "'*' , .... ,..... "'' .. TH1SIA5'KWllT 549.3349 ftMMy Ctn H,r_:t I prk1 •nJ9ftl un • , -A fNITASTIC l'llCE -OUI 7.85 AT Ut S4. TAD. DAILY 9 TO l1JO PllCI SAT. 9TO S THIS CA•PIT SHOULD " 1.99::: SUN,11T04 llLL AT 11.H Pll YAID OUlPRICI NO-DO-A .. INST. CIVIi H!AVT FOAM -CAIPlT OllLY-UP TO i6 MOS. TO PAT L & J ENTERPRISES :. INC. Orange County's Largest Wholesale Wareh~se 2406 S. MAIN, $AN1'1t'NI Otf(::::a'-"* -Phone 549-3349 - • •• • • '· • .. II d n • I ~ II' e " ~ •• ~ d "' 11' •Y ll y .n .. :e ,. • ' D~LV PILOT J . . e 1U I . 11"1 It,. c ... W.. se...Hi"t C.., C.... ~ •. 1M4J.... .... • •••• , ....... ,..,,111 c...te. ............ • lllU ... kMnt It,. w......... w ........ c...-............ . ' e 1JtMM11 I lt.•f..._. ..... ~.._..,..., ' ' e ............ lhC..-H---• ..... a ..... o.-r, KM•-lll•P-•• .... ·• ..,., ................. w ... w......... ' Meq .m e 9641 "•-A-.• •••klmrll 0111f1 c...., ....... ._.. •.-. e MM W ....... tllllll 1rt11t.i St.-ltl ...... c-Mir, S.... M9 • a>•"...,~-•...., a I;: Clllir, ... ..._ -• 11111 .......... Md~• ............ " . • ''''' ;.a.y Yin• c-,w •.-. ••••• ,.._ .... ...._ . l .Service . -... .. ~.form er wril<t lor ~AILY flLOT, hu beea ed to Blus Field, T~ tor !'!U<IY in 16e v-... J.mcuqec. · The .00. ol. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ekov!ch al 11• Darell st., Costa Mesa, he ls a part · ol a •Pedally lelected group to be •sallqed to the achool A graduate of Coita N:e!a ' · · Hliti School, 111111, he attended ora114e Coast CoJ.Je1e before Cjll<ll!!i ti!<.~"'''" -.. Col, CMrlol A. -of 11111 LaFayette St., Wattpl ~er • is a member of ~ Air Force tepn that n1111i£es t h e development• of J.tlellites 'for the Alr Force Jn research and develapment fields.· The Atlas F carried 41 e~· periments Into aeveral orbits aboard four satellites. ' IAnitm z.t 5 . $1 •..•. , .... , : ................ i.iw wt.-38c •-.,ia ..... , 12 ..... ~-.... 33c l.,..W-1 ai-i-Foll I - • r--$-1-5 1~ Y111ue!-'--7-Posltlin ·Luxury Chaise ~ Lo•ge HEAVY DUTY • IOTI Ell.IS A AKE Deluxe,aJ1.J,1UWH~ry Lounger." BeayY du.ty, non- rust 1teel frame with auto- matic heavy dub' ?~position ' ratchets top ft; bottom will h.old louqe .in any position, Extra bean duty tubular plastic cover. 'lt"z~··. Avo-Lt. J'ada11 E. Ramen, son of l'l.r. and Mrs. Marry E. Hansen of 13751 Edwards, Weatminlter, baa been assign· ed to Tachikawa AB, Honshu , JaPan. ..... oii0,;.iiiiiiii;";.-i11 cado, Tangerine or Wl'jh";tr,e·~m 47.~lii.;tpai3i99c mp 1 • l!llM!. The lieutenant, a weather officer, is asalined to a unit o! Ille Air lfealber Servi.,. Alrmu DGuld C. MJ.arty, son of Mr~ and Mrs."TJi. T. ~fcCarty ol 6071 Glacier Drive, Westminster, bas been assiped to Sheppard AFB, Tu. for Miyanced. train~ as a medical services apec:ialist. 'Ibe airman ii a gradu•e or w-Hip School . Capt. M1cUe1 D. Bock, . · USAF, '°" al LI. Col (rct) and Mn. l!llrl'y Bo<k ol I073! Aquatic L an e , Huntin.Jton Beach, took part in ·the con- ference or the Air Force Aslociation n a t i o· n a I con- . vention, Houston, Tex. 'Ibe et~ ~ as a member <f 111o,pone1 who!e ' subject ·was Air For ce , assignment.II. Capt. Bock is · .a.lllpecl u ,a C..lil Starlifter ' pilot In a unit of the Military Airlift Command, McGulte, 'AFB, f(.J . Sg. !.C. Jim llall or 6081 ,. Chippewa Drive, Westminster. .. Js head ol the driver's .school .. tor new men in 2&tQ qeneraJ. : Sllppoii· , <l!OOP'>" 5' Ii t b ~~·Company, Gia • t.., loulh Vietnam. 'll!le l"'Jlls•,,.,. are unlike an:Y ·thel&~ men ·llave seen," u.. ..... ,eU!J said, ' ' w • ett.q(:fW lhe ·1dttvers in .pr?' ceduies andj.ttvtnt1 v e maintenance:• • • s;t. James D. Fer~son. 20: ' .iioo of Mr. ~nd Mrs .. Jeramira ~ D. Farguson of 1741 Pomona, -:. Costa Mesa, 'has been· assigried to tbe Americal Division's • 196lh Lif;ht Infantry Brigade near Chi Lal, Vietnam. , .... n ...... lh'flll:lirJ2,M•etk 98~. Band Aid 2:$1 hdtefJl&.lmWT•Wet1 s l 79·c·Di-Gel....... . · ·c .... 11M-..,JIS...1lc . , J?c . ~flJ c~;:;~•c 2i88c· F• .. rgeSll'iiw -.. ~·i• : · 'i;.! ,$3so .,.,.,_ M•n · .t· • .St.st • .... hWw n.llw ••••• .S1M Chera111y f:ragra11ees .s,;.,c-.. .. -.......... ct:'. $JOO • . ......... ,,, __ , 5-oi:a'n~t-6.4C penpirant witb lOc off on label or 4·91. bron1ec1n. Shultu S.-.rtr.,,..ces ........ "-11er ., .... s,n, .!:;,'$12s O.kt•lf1,.wa. $2''·22 Gallon Trash · Cans · Wl1ll LID $J76 Clloite ot Pint, Blll'Dt Oraqe, Gold, Bin or AYOC&do. Easy to ut No Ucb oi-&lue Deed· edl PaUera piper" In· ----~eluded. Half Gallon Jalta Vodka • • •2 7t V .. I @.~: ... MiwleFll•-. . ~ -=::;.$,'68 llabtllOft. J • ' olcolorftlmt · • Cot-.-.... 27 ,,,,,..,.E , c ,._. ... Csrr•••1•....,At$1.U .... , ....... Se··lo11 Nylons ~Z69~L 'CM! .. ol -Spilt .. fuhln ....... ~~to11:, ................... ...Jh: •ac_. .... ...__ .... •171' .... f•~ ..... ,_ ....... ........... ~ ....... 1'i ............ , ... _1'k ...................... 1'c .• ,,. .......... c--. ...... .uc ...... Kiii c ' ., .111 .. -Easter Baskets . ancl Novelties 39c 10 _$J89 : Tile u~r to a happy Easter ror th• J01i111 one1 •• .a fabulous array or candy • • ftlled tefl and novellie1 ... at budaet : pleasia(price1J $2.49Y•lue Musical Plash'r.ys $)9~--- Novolty Ea11ir,luule1 The kids wllllove ibese nov-elty c:tuncter Eutel" BUJUliea. Get sev- eral ·at f.hia price! · 111 .. 1 Tha•dontroak HydnFoll _ Hazel Bishop 1n·· cosmetics 60' Puno Sl10 Hair Spray I Spectacular new as. &orllnent ·or Haul Bishop mercban- d i.Ke.,, outstandinir ~•lucs a&-tbi1 ThriI-~1 Discouqt.P.ricc • •ti.is Ire i..-.1 ........................... .Alt ·••• c1..,,1a ... ~ •• _ ... , .......... Jfc · .................... ~ ................. lite $1!6 • ttc '""'1ef 'Mrl L.,.tfkk ................ 4tc I! • ss.M li,1t1d1 hlM'9 ....................... llc I · 9t• Sparlrle Nylas ..... ,r """'""" ......................... JW... . .,, .... , .......... " ... : .................. llc . i .... ,,. , ...... ,.,..., ... , .................. ·- Fash.iotuble',li&ht•sil,tr, 1old or broaie, lliU.riat 79 C DJloa fa 11••• I loll. Sprl .. Styln w ............ , All peraanen~ pres•. roll·ap 1lene1 'With loa&: tail. Chech, $198 pri nts aad aolid! m 11sorted 1tyle1! llowhlhi.celenl M•'sNoll'H Dn11Shlrt1 ·' . '? ~~ . . -$1.00&$2.00YalMH load Necklace & Earrbig Sot Ne w spray bead n·ccklace 1n new .spr~g lltyles le pas- tel ccilors. $)00 N• «tbl ot Pnncb B11e, Jlf!lbu. Silnd, Sp1nl1h Gold . A.Irma• nfma1 F. i.eiicb, son of Mrs. 8arah J. Wuinivan of 191 Le,ligatcr:i I .a~. Costa Mesa, bu_ been assigned to a Unit of Headquarters ~ mand •at· BciHing /1. F B , Wubinltoo. D.C. for training and duty in 1ccoontlng and financt'. The airman Is a graduate ol CoroR• del Mar High S..:~IOOI T $1•• Colorful Glass. Glftware Jnclodes amber cake st.and, 2 J>C. olive set, glas1 Jleo-on-nesl, 3 pc. 1atad aet. class 99c lighter. Olive, gold or milt white. ' Ue1ureto1tockupd• ice tb11 tl1111tted. timeor- fer •.• priCed even low-er Utan our eveeyd1y low price of$8.991 Colorful 11'.Gided Reverslllle Rugs ~.~~t;";;r; $211 • Specl•llr Discoanteol fer ~••tori ~\\'..~l'::f. . . '2" & '3'.' Yaluos! /~··:=··-=-·"'-=-=~~-. • Maiorca . • A.Irmo Geor1e W. Ausll• .Jr., 10D. of Mrs. Helen M. Hukell of HlOO tlia:hland Drive., N~wport {kacb, has beat assigned to Sheppard AFB, Tez.t tor training in aircraft m&U1tenanc~. The 1inn&n is Ii graduate of ear.on . Hip School, Tor- 'f'" 'f'P • - LL ftemll K. Beuo11, U.S. Army, 14, ...,. "'Mil. Dolol'U H. lleMon ol 11\l ltetch Road, Beacon B1y, Newport Beach, has been auigned as a helicopter pilot. In the 17th Cavalry, Vietnam. , '4" Yalu1! 3 Tier ••llllJ Tabios Ea~ ?011 casters Oil Jnet·al table with avo-ca~ or white ellamr:i$329 fini&h. 99' Stalnlo11 St.eol Cololnraro - •1'tt ...... , .. •t\l.i•Altt.t Cool &r:i.P budle1 67.~ • $9" Solld-Stato 12 ''Ylsco•I" AM/FMR,dio Slid11 rule dlal with b•ill·laAFCcontrvHoo $79' DO dliru Attractive• cabiMi& with e.irphone IDd ltftp. Excellent . - 24 .......... $139 Choice or dark or li&ht patterns with frio1ed eadL • Reversible for Jonier wear 1ad •11 care. Mac'bine wa1b- 1bJe. Stainl•ss Steel . . Senlng Pieces.· . /. . l~. 68( BaoooulY!e -Uddle,f0"34• wheel ai1a. lli·rise ban-d.le bar. Calitm.ia nlon la mock 1urtle •••t $)98 atrlulnsolldl a.dthipe1. ley1'hln1• Sp•rf Slilitl M«k lwrUeoect •lrlieda. Std!* 0. $1 '' •ol • in· ai1i1 .S.18. -w •••••• .... s .... , ' =ri-~-:':u:'"" S) 69 llO IO)el fbr -- • a im.u lated pearls orrreat :f~~~E 99c they're utterly . daulirig! • · "Cliapolll" Ht1111d Fl•lsliod Wiglets LOob •ftd reels like real bair. Set.l4 ••• i4 . $688 •bamPoOitand. . re1 t1le 1L Cbolce· o r. ' 1ba.de1J , , '3"Yal•esl Rattan Handllags $298 • • .. ..,. • • .. ' .. , .. ., .. .. ,, ' .. "' ,, ' • , .. .. ~ •I " • ,, ., .. t• I • • - • . . t.C IWLY MLOf - .,,. ... ~,... .. ..., ..................... -...... -. .. "--....... -!;l! ..... Arr.sis lElEPHONE 541-1552 FOR INFORMATION -' HELD OVER r THE GREATEST ADVENTURE OF THEM ALL! ... ' . .. J • .. WALT DISNEY'S .... . ' ,, I j J • ~ SHOW TIMIS-- ''SM ITH .. -12 :l0·4· 7:l 0· 1 0:10 '"INCllDllL! JOUlN!l'"-2:2S·5:5S·f:25 ~llPARADE '-""L 5 • 3~ l'M A Wrn«·th• (lMl\111)' ~· ot •ntkiu. e11r .. ... ~.ct.n .arid bind• . IUYPllElT lll ..... ·~·····-cmm 11a mm ·--· IO'f' AClff I HIS SMOt<Y MOUNTAllt IO!S ..................... Bm•lesque .Kept All In Family KEY WEST, Fla. (AP) - For the Grahams, bllrlesque is a family aUait but it's an act they can't take home again. The, Grahapi. sisters, 2.1· ye~-old Amber and 19-year- old Paulet,te, are stars of tJle . fl(l().a-week ~· They do thtir thing.Jn pasties and G strin& 15 times a week. Mo~ doea a tassel act, dad is.top banana and 6-year- old Panky ls the straight mJJt who a:iti with trrf. audience in- sisting he'• a •midget. Patilette said she g e t s · nervous ·oruy when her mother Js in ltM!: audieqce. "It'3 ,not,. because I'm taking my clothes off but because she is watch- and wouJd notice a ,mis· ta~ others might miss," srud the blonde PauJette. "Their mother taught the gi~ls . everything they know," said Charles Blews, co-owner al the Monroe· Theater here. The mother, billed as· Ava Leigh, was a longtime strip. ~per. Gene Graham. 46, the fath- er, sa"id he enjoys watching his daughters dance on stage. "The fact they are taking their clothes off is part of the dance. I don't thqtk any more of them taking their clothes off on the stage than mo.5t p<lrenLs would of their kids going to the beach." . ' Youth Show . . , .· Opening -at Fullerton I-Many people clai!µ thal the dtagon , is a mytho!Ogical lieast, liut the Cal State Fullerton dTama deparbnent gtiarantees that at Jeast ' one will .aippear ln its children's theater production ol 0 Land of ·the Dragon," t o n i ib t through Saturday in Recital Hall. This second major theater event in recent yeafi at CSCF produced especially f o r children is a product o( the drama department class in children's theater. Under the supervision· of associate pro- fessor Dr. Donald R. Henry, the class explores various pro- blems and techniques i n presenting d r a m a t i c en· tertainment for young people. Performances are scheduled at 10 .i.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. ~ach day, Ticket orders' are taken between noon and 4 p.m. Monday through Satur- day in the Theater Boz Office, 870-3371. • Theater Notes .. \ ,'$out~ Pacific' Opens Week-long Run I By TOM TITIJ!l. Ot tM Piii~ fttlM Si.ti "South Pacific'' swinga into tlje tbeolrical ~jlO!Uibt lhls week, begiMi;)I 'its regular run as the fourth production of the -ambitious South Coast Llght ~· Associlltillb . Tbe Rodgers and H;un- merstein. musical ~~ of· flclally Tuesday after an in- vitati~ prmniere last Fri- ·day ~wilt C(/GUnue through Saturday at the San Clemente High ScliOOl Triton Cpiter. Directed ~y JOhn F~zacca. whose last musiCAI production was t h e reeord-brealting "Sweet Charity" at t h e Laa:una Playhouse. "S0uth Piicific" follows another R & · H classic, "Oklahoma," onto Rod Serling . Se ts CSF T alk A1,1U\or R9d. -~rling will speak -swlday, April 20, at 8 p.m. in the Cal State Fullerton gym on the subject of ."A View From the Middle of th~ F~." Setting appears as the fourth and final presentation - Of ·the Associa ted Students of Ca l-S tate F ul lerton's distinguished lecturer series. Admission is $1 for the general public. All CSF facu l ty, students and staff are ad- mitted free. Malden Role e NOW-ENDS TUESDAY e ' the SJJt Clemente stage. Ot1'er · 1t .Sou\h Cepst ~ry b SCLOA shows have been ,"Tbe "La TOrilta 1 the Weat Coast Music Man" and "The Pirates • · · Tickets may be resen:ed l1 the boz q!fice, 64&-136.1. of Pe~." premiere · of1 a Df:W ~comic Dennls DulBlmer and Mary 11tama. lluJ!ell Leslie' has Sullivan play lhe leading roles staged the ••ailt' garde wor.k. of the Fttoch plantation Susan Bun,;, ~ Fri4<)1. 'Shlne' Bought · owner and the Navy ilur'se Dwight Alan Gd Austin Kelly NEW YORK (AP) -Colum- whose love ls periled h_y cfi~ Ill• the. prlnc;i/aJ ""iis"meols. hia Picture• bu purcwed fer~es of age and beliefs. ln •lbe show, wh'jcb runs Thurs-the fi)m . rights to "Jlmm1 Rob Anderson, battling an al· day lhrougb ...S.undi.Y at the Shine,"'. the ne'w ~ u r r a Y taci of 'mononucleosis, a~ 1bird Step Tbeater, 1827 Schi.sgal play on Broadway J>:'&rs as the young ~arine __ N~•wport~· __ Bl_vd_._,1~ 1eo.t __ •_M_ ... _._s_tarrlng_....:.._D11s_t1n_H_o_fhrum __ ._ lieutenant. Other major roles are being handle<I by Anthony Brandt ! as Luther Billia, WJnnie Rae Ziegler as Bloody Mary,, Grace Ek'.he~ u Liat; J~'~ Rosso as Stewpot, Rilml1' Harmon as the Professor, Mike Flood .u C4mmander Harbslan-and Clark Farrell a1 Captain Br~kett. ~ Eugene Ober is musical director for the show, while Lynn Morris is choreographer and Cliff Baker technical director. Reservations m.u-be secured by calling 492.-5671. ALL DltlV'l·IH ITA1.n ·Al t:• ' ._ ~ ..... 12 fllll ...J • WUWU SlAlS·IOW,AT BOX DfFICEOl IT llAIL! 00X amc<.1· tlcNtl • -.t SI.~ .. C..t.J1 II .. It. OP£fC t11,rt.Y 12 Mr -....i Tidott ....... ,._. _ C-. ZU.W..U. MIOlil TO t N w n+112.-lw ,_ ....i. .....,. ...,_ ......._ DCLISm: IUlllE CtvlllY RESEnll SW DllASDPT PMM a-.1n-c.w· 772""2 TWO SHOWS TOOAY Z:• & l :al PM. /&u;s CfNlUHY 21 111 ... OQJIM.. ·--* • UZ .. "2 "--.;i!!M.]so!]AT[JUAi!]<-!:l•!!r!JAl!:T~HU[i!jT LOS ANliWS ·~ ~· ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD. * NEWPORT BEACH * 644·0760 CONTINUOUS DAILY Cross word P11zzle "BRILLIANT!" -Thi Nft 'tOtbt Wiit DllMJ Pr-ts 111 COLOll-Gltnn Ford It ACROSS 44 P1omolt l Covered sales 45 Exudes 5 French GI molstu1e 10 Asia's •7 Fruit: pl. to·cwner 50 Numerical 14 Ri.ver of prefix Be lgium 51 Uncbs lrucled 15 Part cf a area aolf hol e 52 Engli shmen l" iver of 5" ·-· Sunday, South ~onday America or Tuesday 17 Condiment: bQ Tradltlcmal 2 words knowledge 19 Numerical "l 19118 sports suffix Innovat ion: 20 Salad items 2words 21 Sa~s "Yes" Ii• PreposHion o: ',No" li5 Reigning 23 Wedding Indian cake plincess stclions 60 Shade of 26 Greek lt!lltr ""' 27 Canadian 67 Teal away di!ftnse fit Re gister line: '" 2 words competition 30 Nati ve or "' Function NOfthern ··-· performed 34Cityin Oklahoma OOWN 35 At a distanct l N. Pacif ic 37 Frt'nch ~ame fish buddy 2 ervice 38 Patroni1ed club me mb er a bistro 3 Hallan 39 Vindictive .. , commun ity reta liation ( Lowf!'ed iu •l Length un il position 42 Sinbad's 5 Football bird playe1 •3 Exclusivt 'Make a group ol choice people 7 Man's name • 1 .. • ,, •12/fi9 I One of an 36 In first historic pla I house 2 w~~ds I 9 Dark horse J9 Back in time: 10 Federation Comb. form of Indian ~O Ca !ifornia ttibts la kt 11 Cool ed 44 Mort 12 Indian of exacting Prai ri' 4" Be piesenl Provinc es 48 Achi'v' ll Understands command of 18 Batt ;ilion 4'i Otsirr vety or r!g imr nt sttong!y 22 Ftel 52 lndistinct- irrilalio n ntss 24 Carry away 53 Hem p p1cd1.1c l , 25 Picks 0111 54 Pitching 27 Fruit v1edge 28 Und er 55 Bridgt guidance· section 2 words 57 Prepositio!l 2'i Re lati•' 58 lnstrun1ent 31 Brief 59 Anoto-Saxon literaty labot er piece ~2 Adjectivt • 32 Frenchman's suffix "BREATHTAKING! SWEEPING AND EXCITING." -N1,.s-1! -ALSO- lro _fo, .......... ,...11! "SMITH" • plu• ""'-·~ J •• ,.., .. 1....,omnMnded F•• Adult•! Jn COLOR-ChrklOl>her JO!'es •"Three 11. n. q k" Also In COLOR-F1bl1n in "TH Wild .......... ........... -• M 7-lst1 '"'-MILY l'UHI in CO'l.OR-N1l111-WOod' "Wn1 Sid• St•rr" COLOR-L1KUl1 8•11 fn "Youn,. Mi .. AMI Ours" w11f'lmftiy pr_._ -, I~ COLOR -Glen~ Fi:trd a~ :' "SMITH" piU$ .. ,,.. llKl9411tle .... ,...," name li3 Born Into 1 33 Slrtamlets fam ily named fr:;::;::;::;::=:;::;::;::;:~~~~~~~~~~~; • •••••••••••••••••••• t -12: 11 ACADEMY NOM INEE CLIFF ROBERTSON THI POIGNANT. INCllDllL£ STORY OF A MAN WHOSI TWO WO•LOS COLLt otl ALSO ~ CLIFF ROBERTSON Cl.AIRE BLOOM OS.Ul WllNll-U.llU Fll1111$ ·"INTERLUDE" HARBOR at ADAMS, COSTA MESA, PHONE' 546-3102 f POSITIVELY ENDS TUESDAY "DllZUN&! Onre you see i~ you'll never again picture 'ROiiieo & Joliet' qoiti llte way you did beforer' . -i.IFE Also In Technicolor ''S1lut• To Tall 'shlpi" Continuous Daily WICIAL P.T.A. SATUIDAY MATINll-12:JO P.M. 4'2''' ''----'-"'-'-"-"-'-"-"'--'-"-'_c.. __ •_·_••_•_••..:•_"_•_M_,_•._w_. ___ ..J ,. __ ~-·-·1_w_11_•_•_•_•_•_ .. _"_o_o_•_·_· _•_"_ ..... __ '"-----' • ( PIACE AND TRANQUILITY -HelOIJ Haye1, left; and Lillian Gish star in a contempotazy verakm or~ the cJd favorite, "Arsenic and Old Lace,'' in COlor on Channel 7 at 9 p.m . The hospitable sister1 bflnc permanent peace to any genUeman Ul)fortwllita ebougb to drink. their elderberry wine. A110 in Ille cast are David Wayne, Sue Lyon, Ffed GWybn• IJlcl Billy De Wolfe. TELEVISION VIEWS Try Viewing Other Sho,vs JUD61 PARKER ~~~~~~.-~~~-·~y-HoroldLeDou ... _________________ ,,,:;:It::". E:llD==:::::7,;lr;'jW;;; .. ;;MQ~N~ I'M tlft TMAt I'M FlATT!nP WfU.\ET" ME !AV THAT WHIM t ., llll'fOll lMAT WM TME By RICK DU BROW ' TMin 01111MACLlll1'iciN A l'*6TllM M.U ME Mff'YOll, •• &art WOULP MAftlfO HEJ .• I Ffl.T SHE WM FIHTMIST-.KE I MA.OE ••• HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Tired qt 'television! :,,,.,-~Q~: ::.u: ~:v~~:~ Jl1r:~~ ~~~"'tv,~1;~,,~~ ~N~11;~~:!~~~ Have that let-down feeling? Suffering from the AMP llOQ ., QI: MAllllO w1-. T'WlcJ AT UI! Lit! INtTON ATTME TIME! Al.Ml U.IAE FHffl .,,, COM"-llSON! blabs? Want instant relief? MAlll.\61,LIU: IATMEllME! lO'JDWlt~ IU~Nffi!i t.NPc.AU.EP Well,' if. you are 8 steady video vii!wer, you tMi NATUlrM.LY, wt MAP Hlil 'vould be suq>rised whet a tonic it is to switch for a while to television's peripheral prograniJ: and. skip prime time for, say, a )"eek. . , H~VE YOU EVER, for instance, seen NBC's "S~ng Freely,'' an interview show with Ed.Win Newman? If you haven't, you are missing a genu-- ine treat; The intervlews are consisteDtly outatand· ing', and Newman is' a truly artful conversaUoDallst. You may, however, have the sam~ problem we h~ve out here with ••spealtjng Freely." It goes on at. one o'clock in the morning on our local NBC sUiUon, but my wile. and I are avid viewers. · When was the last time YoU .watched NBC.TV's "Cbll~e Bowl?" It is still an invigorating question- and·answer show with teams ofr·univer1lty '&nd C!ol- lege students com~ting against each Other f~r their :res~ilve schools. Yet ''The D&ting Game'' la what winch np In ·Prim• time. YOU All.I ALSO mi11lng a~ if you dO!l't tune in CBS-TV'1 .. 'Big Three'' of SUhday moniinJ., "Look Up and u ,ve ,'' "Lamp 'IJnto ll!Y.Ji:~t".Uil l Cllllera Three " · .,~ -- Mid ABC-TV's "Wide Wol'l11'·~ Sporll" is 1Ull the standard by which other sports progrlUIJ on the three networks are measured. NBC·TV's eatly morning "Tod"y" shOW and Jat .. night "Tonight" series are. civllldd WA'jl to ease into, and out of, the day, watching tbtm 1n bits and pieces while having breakfast, thavin& ~r whipP.lng up a bedtime snack. ·I~ YOU HAVEN'T sampled the daytime an4/or instructional p~ramming of your local educ&~ al television station, you are losing out ob tonl• d• llghtlitl shows. And educaUonal video's nighttime show s are of a high caliber. " ' Whenever I get the chance, I tune in that wll4 and wooly cooking .series, ''The Galloping Gourmet,'' on our ABC-TV .st&Uon, and it re'news my duirt lo go to Paris to learn to become a chef. ''NBC EXPIElltlMENT in Television" otten some of the best work on the horn~ medium. Amons its upcoming programs are hours about fllmmakll' Federico Fellini and playwrtgbt Harold Pint~r. And the Sunday public affairs series such aa "Meet the Press," "Issue& and Answers.'' °Fiei-thl NaUon," "The 21st Century" and "Directions" are usually qUite meaty. The "CBS Children's Filiµ Festival" hJs bttn channing. And NBC.TV's "Wild Ki.n1dom" is 1 con- stant pleasure in its looks at wildlife around the globe. · · AS ·1· SAY, ii you feel like experimenting with your televiewing, try out peripheral prof.ram• like these for a week or so. No .. Green Acres, ' no 11Bev- erly Hillbillies'." You will fall in love with your wife a&aln -or ~aybe somebody else. You will pat your brats on the head with affection. Birds will sing. Flowen will bloom. The sun will shine. Suddenly your world will become brighter. If it doesn't -il you miss 11Green.Act1s~· - you're in trouble. Dennis the lffetMtee ... ~- TUMILEw~IDS -. . GORDO • u · MIL? WHY DIDN'T VOUAAAm.HIM? 10 PINNU! ' ly Tom "K. Ryon ly Gn Arrlolo ' _ly Moll . ' • . ' I J '. • I \ ' .. .. - ' DAil Y "'-IT • •11u R~.riri• o JOI PRINTING . O PUBLICATIONS • • NEWsrAPERS q,•lltr Ptlittlft, •Ml 0.tNll4•"1• S•n1•• ·-... ,.,. • Q..,..., •' •· Cut.ty. • • J I . • • . I . ~ ' I L. ... . . •.. . . • • DAILY PILOT :: OPIN ~:SUNDAY ~-.~ . . :!: 9 'IQ. •. .. . " ·, . • .. . . . • • omCIAL _COLEMAN ' R'EPAIR STATION . ,:f,O!J ·!, Q~NGE CQUNTY . ... .. I !,t.' ill: '• ···~~.· . ' ..._ .. ' "" NEW! 1.1, ' ' '"'""''' CAMP TOILET Compl_•f1 ••t i~lud11 six dls- PIMM• ti191 Ind tvil1t. .$3.11 ,, .. ,, .. ',,, ... • , o...i . CAMP TOAsn• hay to use! Spnada hut tYtnly. 49c ' • . " .... •· qne pl~ 90J.y.mw hardtop::' ' ' *'' . . • luy flve,mJnute ··raising anCI lowertng. • Instant HI-lo Kitchen. • ·lloeclhountl smooth tracking. *. Easy to . Tow!. ti.• ,, ,.rt ,, •h• ,,,,,.., •11 ...... ,.,." ""' 111 ttl1 CT 310 .••• tM ilffe11ncii thtt m&k.11 • . .... , . '''"""' the fu11 It 1houlll IM. 11lt CT :iao 1ff1r1 . kJ 100 141urt ffft tf luxury ft.If~ llYiftl fer tlx.· * Easv_ to _Par I "'"''""' """ ''" .. ~ """'"'"' ,,, .. , .... I · ••r 1114 tf!e fhtllhll'lt· t.uc•,, SM tlM .CT JIO . ' . ·' · totkr, 11'4 cemp 7witti tile · Celf'!ll" ~41ff~renc1 * Easy to Set Up! · $""'l'''"ac " ; s : , ..... ·*Easy to Qwn! .. i .. ~~g to .1795 .·' Sare at (iRarf:,;y.f~J969 Models! ; '. · · r ·tl·,~'1;-,/':, ! ''..~ ,.•'~ .... .-i• ;>;:, .· ·, · PRACTICAL lon1w11d~ ~I wHh: S.. OTRI IH. el ht1ul1n 100 .. :;.1Nr fllli!'f.' · . . Pull ·dn. Full 1111,.rlfiuk• ~ci:u~.~. Sl.glMI llGS .... •14 ···;&•,:. i ' ' . ·~.·~ • •' . ' . t•· .,_, ' ',Ji". ', • ' ._,.,,,;. . • ;_/ ' . j • ' , .•. 'r ~ .•· , • ----~ ... -' . --•·' ALUMINUM· '··r'.1 :,.,_ ':1· •· r. 1 . ~. ..-ur'G S o1Tlltt •. PACK. . ,' ;WE· ·iENT ftz!~· FRA•l· Ev~ryt~ifig In $ 4 ts .CAMPING . E®..~i4Elfl ! . ' Gr1nt'1 c1rrl11 • complet• 1tock of 1U IYlll•• of P.U1'1id frlMtll ''G;I. '' TYPE • . ,., ........ ,,,. uni,lltt •I.th cew.r. 111tl Wt. 1-41utrt tib. .. • ...... y 'I ... $2.49 1~1~"""r'""i~ ,,~tn•• -~.!'" ~~~· ~.· ,· '" ' FOLPING COT 't:s ·$4•· I 'I " ' ' , 'CAMP ·TAILE . '.BENCH HT Grant'1 Car.rl•• A Cemplet' tin• of '.llCtl-MOOI: FllH~!lllQ> · fOOD$1 ' $ " ·-... • --.... , ___ ...,. . ..,. ··~----·· .... _.,,, .. • "CllARll(j T"\ al GRANJli SURPLUS ' . ' , THE .. tidJST STOCK Of LEVI'S® . · : i.!f ,~~E COUNtl!. , :· , .ra. '60i000 P.AIR ~· .s1.oc11 , . . -.,-. . ' · ~;Jurulii.l!lio1 _. ___ · • · . . ~-, . . . ' . .., . . . • ! . ' ' : • • . • ', . ~ . 1 50C>:Pa•r ·(EYl~S® CORDS ·, .:_·."·'· . . . [,, ' . " . ' ... . ' ... ' . ' . . . THE ~iwESt s';r1ng ·cOIOrs .of .. 'awde; Blui,' Chocolate, trOwn, ~ Ollv.e, .Gold -and ~e: Complete range of sltti from 26--31. SN tho, largell dlsp(!j oYOfl' • ' '· • /-1 ~·5_ pa I ' ' ' -' ' frerr Strlef-frerr Color!' fverr Size! . I. ... , r . I•-.,.';...·.·---,.('.] .1 _, . • r XX DENIM LEVI'S® . LEVl1S® T'Hf.Oll~INAL worl• f1Miu1·l•vl'1~ In tvery 1b:1 la119latlllt •. , .... frem 27"d7" thrfl!9h SO''xU "l · . . for GALS ~ow YOU • CAN ' Hite! from all of the -neW-new ' -nyles . of Ltvi'sl!D Slat.ks and J11n1 for all you gals! See G'r1nt's for the perfect fit! UP llE'Wi .,wonul ,,.,. . SPORT SfflR'fS ., , •ALL NEW Spriltf 'colon 111111 Plaids. -AU with_ ,P1rm1ntnt-Pr1t1 fabrict. luttiiHtwtt · tili' ·91 coll1r,. ·fhort , 1/11v1L ~ • All 11l11J s.M-1.-XL • • • • .... "HANG-TEN" T-SHIRTS Res. $5.tl Unllntd GOLF JACKETS 196'.9 . MODELS at. GRANT'S ''The Vagabonds" by Coleman! l 'xlO' (llo•IN 4),,.,,.;,1 •• ,,flt.tS f'x12' (llMp• 6.) ........ ,,;.f 104,fS lO'xta• (sa..,. •I •.••• , •..•• f1\t .ts -· ' -~, 1 ' After lll9ft than l~ years J of researib, Verity, 43, has .,..mnced bitm<H Irish n\onks weri dropping in on North America many centuries before Columbus reached ill shores. .. 1'Not ooly was their. boat Ift;.~cular, Verity, an er-unsuitable, but they left at $ U.~.frlaVaI gunner from Fort the wrong time and they had Latidudale, Fir., beJ i e,v es insufficient small boat ex- Ireland's seaf_artnc ~ ~ a I n t , pe:rience," he Wd. • "Bnndan tlje(ji~;· balJ ~ --v~y him9e1( can't · be : -1'tbe· Indiuo u ~ bac~ lau!ted on tllal scOre. He lirst I u .. Ith ~. · . : llrri~'ed 11n ~ IO"lliob\bS I BVIUJS BEPUCA . •:, ~> a 1,~ voya~ . . .•• l'krida· in • JYciot ' In County Kerry ln the tin1 • bOmemade lloiip. harbor of ·Fenit -birthplace Verity bu been a loner all ol b1, l!rendan ;.. :Verity bu hJa life on tbe aea. He comes been . w:orklDg hard on ·-. from a boat-building family' . repllc~ ol Lthe Sixth Century tbat reaches back to· tbe 17tb craft used iiy the Irish monts. Century in the trade: On ~t. .... ~atri~'s Day, he ·He built his first boat - ' 1auncbed ·bis boat· to Uie a flat-bottomed skiff -ftJ. his ltraD of the Irish national grandfather's workshop i n anthem. It ls a beamy boat, &Word, L.I., N.Y. at the age 20 !eel in Iengtli, aod· will ol · 13. cany 150 square feet ti. blr. In 1956 he designed and built In II, Verity hopes to sail the bµll of a racing boat tbat lo 1'loridA aod on . ..,... lbe :iet a lilt-hour opeed record ' I U.S. Group . Divided I Over SST Feasibility . ' WASIIlNGTON !AP) -~ "The feeling ol tbe com- higb-level government com~ mittee is that Chere are a mittee ltudfi.r!g; develapu:i.ent tot of problems: no one ever d ~ federiBY · f.f n an Ce d questioned that," the coin- supenonic cwunt:rcial plane mittee source Mid. t'Tbere ii II ~Y evenly split over a noile problem. There is the i1B findings Oil tbe advisibillty ever-present problem ol tbe ol the giant SST. -· sonic boom." The committe#~reporl g1ies E•en tboogh lh<?plahe would ! later this week to Secretary fly over water and ... un- l ol Transportation Jam· A. populated terr'11), llCine criUC. I Volpe who bu indicated· he --:, notably in New Y«k - ,..... going ahead w ·1 t h ]ll'ot<lt that tak...tt and Ian. .,.,, .. 1-eot of t h e con-ding -would be '1111: I JVVenial, 1,MO-m!l......i.our b e a r a b ,I e I' n a I r p o U jet.. neigllbcmiods. Volpe said last week that, ~ ' l>oirlDc ,........., objections, Bui tbe·-lllld the com- liO did not iee how the country mitfoe also -.lllbotantial allld afford not to ·go ahead ar ... ......-. .. for• an ~ediat. I rill the SST, which has been __ •::;::;:..- ! uiider attack !or being too •~-· He' lenn tbe I no!. too ... -..i d overall. tme ~of • Uie . report • sy, ~l'"".,,ve an c•cautious, not nfiative." i.dmicllly Ull30Ulld. The ~ w hot scheduled i ~ conunittee f i n d in g s for test "'1"""t until um: even -f rlporiedly include ar81'11l"1!s ,... . r bOJll !or delaying tbe SST until H tllere .,. no delays. The ) • . the inoille and other problems Britisi>fr<ncb supersonic ~-:-I f CoocGrdew tbeSovid Tul44 • ·<' -on ..Jved, -ud .. or going alreody have been lest flown. . , ~ ... ~~ the pt'ojec! Im-'Ille American version IA _..., being developed primarily by J. • 1 GJUllJP BPLIT tbe Bo<lng Company and ~ The 'r.pori Includes no G«ieral EleCtrlc Co. onnil "go, no-go" recom· It Js expected to cost the mmdatlon, said a -c• il1 goV<ml!lelll fU billion, thi the ll·man committee of two prime contractors $156 , seven , ·cab 1 n e c, u 'n-millkln and the airlines $60 i denecretaries*f · higlr millioo by tbe~tilne two.pco-r level agency adrn . ators. . 'totype!I are test·f)o1to. ': ~ '.f • But tbe so COnllnned The government hopes to tbe group i11put "likeJx IOclO" gOl,118 -,}iii -·-...,..,,,_1o...,abeldWttl\' ·int.rpl wli!i>;tlloJ*'-1> , u.e SS'\'· ·. ,, . · · .. ·"' ..ie. Boeinl ~ 'err 'Ille · .................... ; . JD ,clrdm '!«...:~~·" .. -. -. )I ..,._ ... !lie .· o1.111em !rolft, . ' ' ~· -ellry." Volpe Ila until' tompond to.•lbout'11-' April to mile Ida : -for ' tbe Brlllll>PNnclf .r:r.t. • -. menclltion·to<PrMll1ent Nixon. corde: , • " 1-~~~'~j~ ~ hat ap...t no Boeing's dev.lopn\el\l,<ll,llM ,IJ ., fundi for de>'eiopnen!·ol. tbe ~ was aet back. Jul '[fflf"-lJf.J!;.;.~;·...\ ssi' beyond ae>t ,,.,. •· • \\'hen .it scrat>P«I \ti ciif!Nli Volpe 11 to r,ec<0mmend .i\t!ng·wlnJ~eriai!'Jio!:~use o1 whetb« Nlll>l>..""'"1d '11k 10{ '. teCJuiicaI ,prob\em.1 lond had ~jll ~ milll\ln lo--the· phmeliiei to Iii. #if m!lli<xl to keq lbe ihe m,awlng board !or<clevok>p-'"1ect oo acbedule. ment ol a !lxed·wing plane. - ' • • ,, • • ' .• .. 1 llde the. P1-tle ... . "One tldntl. I ..... ,. mumble at the .-mr more "· he~ ..... u.. "I ·--,,. It . \ ~ ~~ speak 11p.• • " '. Open Miy Night Monday ,;.........., . . ,~ '• 1'•1111·Prelt dreu alacks comer the fllJhlon<hCll'IOl"9 . . ' ' . Trfm·fitt!nl ·l!ld~es for lootf .lcJol<s, easy eare. Populli,.Jniyersfty sracl·roaci.I is styled for men in a sPl!'fal.·!Hnd:M · Dacron• polye'Ster and wool'-stid llllt never needs dry.cleanlng,., or lronliw. because it's Penn·P~l. lloys'. lllacl<l .IN ""nn·Prest.1oo, in FOrtrel•tcotton·oxfonl, 'skinny grad styled for the resular or slim ; ffaUre, Bot~ In your cholce <ot·fashlon ailors. Men's slacks, waist ~2. inseams / .211-32 $1'1BOY*' slacks slzd'6-12 3 .98 ' sizesl<l-184.98 ' .•. . -' COiorfui Acrllan • cardfpn . The classic .catdipn comas. of age in machin•washable Acrilan• acrylic. Ten -lxi:l\ln; col0rs, lk1Js' sizes 6-18 7.98 • Hannonlzlns Ti'evlra'tlei -Coinplelely washable, never·i11111·T~ra polyester ties In solids, stripes,'fancfq and under·kl1C\!S complete the color·$il>iY. . ' ... ~50 O~# R,edi:Snap• ties, fablles and slyleS , 79 ' -HROUGll ·• I • ~ att•never-lron 1 ,:-ter tashlons· ., ·· I , ,' ' ' ' t ' ' . -· ) • ' ·. · . . . . .- :-.· .. '• ,. ' • JI DAILY l'ILOT Vital.· Statisties. Births Divorces lt\ffh Olrltielloe It-I""°" 'll W1llwr ADl'•m 11:-l"Oton DllM Sul! A1Mr1I "" f.,i Cl'lmt111 Amar1I lar111 .Wlelfil!ll vs Menfrtd S. Wltllnd, -•r•i. ,...lnlenlfic1 Joen A.C1111n va o-E. C•lllft JOHPl'll111 fl:. 0.l!'o V. 01Yfil'. C. Otwr~ ltOl!l ml H~ va Gfel'H H. ... _ Adi E, H1rtltY 'ft Jafrwi G. HlrtkF BofAHonors 15 Marina ., High 'Youths ) • I .'.SAVES.07 I ' ..,,._ ..... , =·.,~ ... ""' '. .. = .. ,, ..... -•Yz't:s I """'~ -Wohl "'E ' "" . ... .... . $ts...;.u •. Attochment '"'kit "~~kit for~,....,...,.. R•49,f5NOW • ............. •9 44:,aa r [ SAV'f 5.071 Penncrest" custom I piece canister cleaner M ............. t I 11'411h• .....,...._.wlaA .... Nol •., Ii'"""' ........ o too& pock ....... Altod-111 _.._ ........ .. ' .... ~tSNOW 3g9 , • •-M, rs,,._ ·-· ,•pw ..• H.11fl11tt-... u. ~ ... ,,... ... """', 1 ' ~ l . . ' • of · .. Orange • • (;oast -. Area ·. · ; e Marine Mader: Expert- enood marfue. ,radio ""& nicl&n with an FCC ~. lie needed t.o manqe gia,. ..... radlo Ibo!!· _,, .,.. .. . • Eutu SWM!t: Bgr'a !:ado er suit, al2e 14 or 18 llim. like l:JIW·, Coat $12, llladm $3. e Patterned Afttt Ybu; Ht.rd to tit! This may be )'OUt amwer .• ,patterns m..te to lit )'OU. can be Uled forever •• Jor bikillia c ball "°""'· 11• THllU SAT. ON' Y! I • -~ ·Vacatio~"ti""-'.a .head! Save 14.01 ''~~t .,Fott.most lodge tent! ... ona . " .. ' l . ~ ... " '·. .. s.. .... , .. • " " ; . . .. Save 14.99 ! On our Foremost hi~wa11 · ''"' ! R~; 129~98 NOW 11•~99 ' ' ' P•y os lltlle os $6 por ~ • OutsidO f,...ing heips Ml up i.ftt faot... • ,._.,_ -lorge ""'IOPY foi ........, Nlmdng, dinino .,.~-11ott-10'x1r-· • Drill llldoo, roof,-., 2..,.. nel .. ..,,, polos • HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Cent.er) 1 . ' Reg. s99 NOW 84.99 Pay as little.as $5 per·month • Sleeps 5 to 6 odults • 9'4" x 12' floor and 8' center height provides family living • Vinyl seo through window, 3 screened windows , storm curtains •·Drill roof, walls, and sewn-in floor, oil water and mildew r..1sistant, zi ppered closures Save 2.10! Foremost 3 lb. sleeping bag! Reg. 17.98 NOW 15.88 • Filled w~h Dupon(s Oacron•poly.,ter 88, cotton drill sheU, cotton flannel scanic printed lining • 100" an around.lippor. v niochine wa.hoble! Satne bag In 2 II. 1iu R.., 15.91 • • • • • • • • • NOW 13.88 NEWPORT BEACH (F1sl\ion ,Jsl1nd) > I l l i I ------~----....--,~~·-------------------------------------~-·------------ I UPIT ...... No Plnee Like Honie I i DAILY PILIJT IP L~ker:s Hop~ to · Eve~ West Playoffs Tonight· SAN FllAllCISCO (UPI) -"" Frfft" Cisco bu the bomt· ClOUrt ' t<tv..-.,e -In additloa to lbolr 1-1 -edit -looli!>t lo th 0. ,...,.. -·al tt I Naliooal BWetboll --playolla but the -11111' • hiotle onull~~ of W&r[lor @I'll. Jeff M . . 'Ille hlclH<orinr Wirrlor. who seored 56 polllll lo P"cinl San Franclaco to vtctoriel In the flnt two games, • 1\11- talned a badly bnJlled Jmeo with las than· a minute ione in the third contest M~ .n1P1 llld la n'o" lilled u a cloull>lul -· Al • raalt al the loJury. the w arrlon were neutraliJed and the -Laten romped to a JopoJded I IHI · victory to stay in the dlvilional playoffs." , Whether Mullins can play t.aJ&hl ioon't be decided until . .-me time but the ouUook 1111'1 promillq. On~. the ' oriner ~ke •tar -.. ca -lallir bOOilced ti!ltf In 'the Uilid conl<it, anci thOrapy In an effort to nady hlmaeU t<tualllnc Thurmond In point output, :a, for the big Coro.th game. wblle grabbing oU eight more rebow>dl, ' U Mullins ii Dnable to aee act ton, • 21--~er coach Bill Van Breda'• Kolff, coadl George Lee_ wW go with Jim King, who came oil the bench In the who promised a juggled lineup after ,leCOnd meeting to apark the . Warrion. the first two leases~ sot fine floor pl1y !tom r0okle Bill Hewitt, ·who pwnpOd Cl'Mlanel 5, a p.m. Otben available for ..U.f duly Include Joe Ellls, Bobby Lewll llld Fritz Wllllama. J • But the bJg battle shapes up at the ' center poat with Wilt Chamberlain of the Lakera going against Nate Thllrmond of San Francisco. . . Thunnond clearly outplayed Cham- berlain in the firlt two games but the in 20 poln!J and Johnny Egan, who added 18, In the truro meeting. · It~is likely that the fonner Princeton coach will go with the same lineup for the fourth meeting which means a !root line of Chamberlain, Hewitt and Elgin Baylor. Egan and hlg)Hcorlng Jer- ry West wW be In the backcourt. For San Francisco, Al AtUes will team with King (if Mullins is una~le to start), at the guard J>OSiUons with Thurmond. Rudy LaRusso and Clyde Lee up front. , The series swiflis bac,k to Lo.s Angflu Friday for the filth game. After Topping Celts, 119-116 Dodger star Len Gabrielson slides safely to the plate in the 10th inning with the g<rahead run while Houston catcher John Edwards tries to recover his balance to make the tag. The Dod~ers, who play the Angels Thursday night at Anaheun Stadium, wlin 76ers Talking Tltl~ Again 7-3. . By U1llted Prat -One W I n WU all Pblladelphla COlcli Casper Hit. by Pest Poison; Tou·r Moves to Greensboro · Jack Ramaay noocled to start talking champlomhlp apln. • . Loil lo lhl udfeinenlalallf.118 · ?&er vldoeyo•er -~ night Wal the facl the Celtlc8 had WOii the first three 1ame1 of the best-of-aeven N'Uonal Baalletball AaoclaUon playoff series. Still, Ramaay aid, ''1he 78ers att alive and well and returninl to Philadelphia." Tbe fl fl h lllDe of the serlea will be ployed In Philadelphia GREENSBORO, N.C. (AP) -The pro golf tour, which has spawned 13 different tournament winners this year, moves to the Sedgefield Country Club Thursday for the $160,000 Grea1er Greensboro Open , tournament. Most of the big names are here lo try for a slice or the biggest jackpot the GGO has offered since its inaugural in 1938. Sports in Brief Notable exceptions are Jack Nicklaus and. Arnold Palmer, 1Jusy sharpening their games for ne1t week's Master;;, and Billy Casper. Caspe r, who won last year's troubled tournament with a record-equalling 267, 'vas home in San Diego "'"ith a case of pesticide poisoning. Rain washed out . the second round Lew Calls Conference; Satchel Ready to Retire ' LOS ANGELES -UCLA superm&r Lew Alcindor, who led the Bruins to a three-year, 88-2lecord, may not be able_ io do the same for the Miiwaukee Bucks but they are going to j:iay $1 mi llion to see if he can. Alcindor was to hold a news confer- ence at•4 p.m. today at which he was ex- pected t'o announce tha.t he has si~ned a five-year contract with the National Basketball Association club. The ABA frantically offered a $3.24 million package if Alcindor went to the New York Nets, but the taciturn s\.ar declined, sayi ng he wasn't' intereste.d i~ becoming involved in a "flesh-peddling bidding war. SARASOTA. Fla, -"After 1 pitch in those exhibitions, I'm gonna bang 'em up. Tbafs iL" Finally. after what seems centurln. Satchel Paige is going lo retire-he says. "I'm sbart-winded now," be said Tuelday. "I just got out ol tte bospita.1. J was in top shape before I went In there. But .•• " Paige, who is listed as an a11lstant trainer with the Atlanta Braves, Is scheduled lo pitch one lnnlng In each of the exhibitions against Richmond Thurs- day, Friday, Saturday an d Sanday. ''I'm over SO years old," Paige said. "I'm not going to t.tll you how macb over SO because I don't want to embar· rass these young k:lds. I'm afraid I'll have a bad effect on some of them , being able to throw harder." / / / WOODLAND HILLS -Boxing pr~ moters at the Valley ~tusic Theater thought a match between fonner lightweight l!'ODtendcr Art Aragon and radio personality Dick W:ittington would be pretty funny . But the St.ate AthleUc Commission was not amused by the March 18 fight and suspended the facility's boxing license. The action was not made public until Tuesd ay wben Robert A. Voight, com· mission vice chainnan, said it was too stiff a penalty and that a hearing would be held on the matter within the nelt 30 days. / / HOUSTON -The Los Augelet Dodgers tangle wlt.b the Houston Altrol again today following a 14 tenUl IUing vlctoty Tuesday. ' Hill Sadakll sacrificed to bring Jn \be tie-breaking ran after the baa were loaded. Wes Parker 1b:lgled ln two more and P a u I Popovich rapped 1Dotbtr single for the final run. .... ... TEMPE, Ariz.-The California Angels lry to -crack i three-game losing streak against the expansion Seattle PilotS today afier they were. humbled 14-9 Tuesday by the Wlllhlo(loo team. Ele~ Pilots batted in the third inn- ing against Tom MU1Tay and Oien again In tile sixlh agaimt Pedro - TUCSON -Santa Clara kepi the top spot among 'tbe aatlon't coDep bueball teams la ratings releued todlly. · Tbe 8roDC01, wiuer of tlltlr fint t• games before lo1blg a co1&e1t, edjed UCLA, allo t•-t, for tbe lop tpnt. hi , third place • wu Texas, 11-!, ud Im~ prt11lve hi early Southestera eo.. ference attioa. Defndlng Nadooal Collepate AW.de AssocllUon aamploa 8oaUtera Clllfor.. nta, lt-3, was fourtla, followed by~ u .... lvenlty of Arhona, 11-2, In flftb place. SACRAMENTO -Raul Roju, 131, San Pgfro, making his fint comeback fight after losing the featherwelght championship, won a 10th round knockout Tuesday night -over Roberto Arias, 137, of Hermosillo, Medea. Rojas rallied in the. last two rounds and the e,nd came at 1:22 of lhe loth. , Friday night with the Cellk:a .UU needlnR and the national day of mourning for only one victory to advance ~ the Dr. Martin Luther King resulted ln a Eastern Division flna1a. Sunday postponement, setting up a 36-The San Diego 'f'OCk!il alll> manaced hole last day program. their om playoff vlctorf Tue.edQ nlcht1 Casper: equalled the tournamerit record overcoming the AUanta Hawkl1 lOMT, sel'·the year before bv Geor. ge •Archer, on the West Cout. Atlanta ltlda in " the western dlviaion aemlfinal, two who finished in a Ue last spring. games to one. · Casper went on to become the year's In the other Eutem seml.flna), the top money winner with $21)5,000 in earn-New York Kolckerbocken can complete ings. a four-games wtlep over the BaJUmore Doug Sanders may snap out of his Bullets by winning' at home tonight and slump at Sedge.field, a course he twice in the West. Sin Franc:isco takes a J.-1 has mastered to win the GGO. · edge and 1 home court .Wantqe over Hil flnal round here last year wu Loi An&tlel 1otO toolgbt'a fourth game. a 63, equalling the course and tournament record. No Greensboro tournament 1~ complete without menUon of Sam .Shead. The Slammer will be 57 years old late next month, but he's still a threat here. Snead has played in 28 Greensboro tournaments and won eight, from the opener in 1938 through 1965, when he won at 52 to become the oldest winner of a PGA tour event. In all, he 's won $45,904 here over the years. The GGO Is on e of the oldest events on 11\e tour and now ranks with the richest. · It began with a $5,000 purse and didn't reach the $20,000 mark until 1960. From that year on, the prize money has been increased substantially each spring. The last two. rounds Saturday and Sunday will be televised nationally. The winner Sanday will receive a check for $32,000 for hi.5 fcfur rounds: ovtt the par 71 course measurlng-7,032 yard5. Never Had Chance To Sign Alcindor Says Sws Boss Jim Hardy, general manager of the Los Angeles Stan of the American Basketball As.!lodatiob, said he never thought his league had a chance of .signing Lew Alclndor. Alclnclor signed with the NBA'1 Milwaukee Bucks alter ·the highest bid- ding war in the history of professional '"""'· "I never did think we had a cbance to get him," !Urdy told the DAILY PILOT. "A lot of people In our leagu e were optlmlsUc about It but the vibrations J felt led me to believe the NBA would sign him." Hardy added he didn't believe the ABA would fold wit.bout the UCLA seven- footer. "I'm diA.ppointed we didn't get him but I use the word 'disappointed' rather than dlacooraged. Tbe IUC<Oll « flllure of our leque wun'I cooltngent upon the llgnlnc of Alclndor." Trojans Only · Unbeaten Club At Riverside RIVERSIDE (AP) -Defending NCAA bueball champion Unlvtmly of SouthernJ callfomia leads the ttlndtrigs after the . secand day of the third annual JUvmlde N aUonal CoDeglite Baaeball Tournament- Tbe Trojans followed Monday's Z.O win over bolt Univtr:.lty of California ·a\ Rlvenlde with ID f.I thumping Tueallaf of Brliham YOWll Unlvenlty. USC's Jim B"" acatwed Ila hl!J and lllruCk out 14. for the TrOjana' aecond win without a loll. UCLA, winner al the flnt lwo ed!UOlll of tile Easter Week toumey, nabbed a pair ot wlDI Tuelday alter an opening day Iola JU to Dllnoll. The Bnlln wlna ...,.. at the expeoae of Indiana, M , and Delaware, 1-1. In the !alter 11me Bill lkllham struck out 17 batten and drove In a run. Illlnoil· allo ttood at two wina and one loss after two days of the 111-day, best record tournament. The Big 10 school got a four·l nnlng·plU! no-hit relief stint from C a r me n DelGuldJCe In an &-5 win over Mlssl!l.'llppl after an earlier 1-4 loss aL the hands of BYU. . In ottier Tuesday game, Delaware tallied Ill flnt tourney. win over lndlana , M. Delawatt and BYU hid l!plll th<lr opening glllttl IOinl Into today'• acllon. lodilna had won once Jn three tried and Mlaslaalptil hid losl lwo and UC Riverside ope. Today'• slate included contests between USC llld MlaalAlppl; UC Rlverlllde ind UCLA; Ml-.,pi and BYU, and lndla- -na and BYU. In winning !all year'• tournament, tho Btutoa won five ol lhelr 11nn game&. Fastest Car Exhumed From Grave PENDINE, Wales (AP)-A rsclng W called Babs, buried G years ago after a fatal at'tempt on the world's land speed record. has\ been exhumed from it.s grave under a Welsh sand dune. One and a half ton Babs-once the fastest car in the world--crashed at more thin 170 ml1es per hour on Pendlne Sands carmartbenshlre In 1127. Wor1ld champion driver Jeffrey Parry 'llw>mas was trying to set a land·s~ed record when the car'1 chain drlve broke. In the crash the chain decapitated Thomas. Villagers from !he nearby village of Pcndfne buried the car under a aand dune and it became something of a shrine. This year people were angry when Owen Wyn Owen, a Welsh lecturer, 1'anted to recover \he ~ and mtono It Alltr pelilloni and public mettlngs, howtvtr, they agreed to hta reque$t. On Sunday a mechanical digger crack- ed th< nlno Inches of concrelt under which Babs was buried and Owen c~ fully flnllbed 1he -k with a hllld trowel. nit blue llld white car, IMeet·long and with a 400 honepower -n81ne. "" found tying on ti.. •Ide llld eight·feel down. Only ooe wiled remained, parll of tho aluminum body had rvUed alUJ'. But Owen 1-to -Babl to =· order Ind put K ~ dltplsy In "I am convinced ttUa famous car can be ~." he SI.Id. 11Jt 11 even pos. sible ,,. mlllll I!! tt to run ag11n." ~ tl»e son ol 1 a Norih Wales vicar, WU = conlMlng tho -Id land -wllll Malcolm Clmp. bell wfien lie WU killed al the II" al 41. campblll broke tho record at 146 m.p.h. on tbe-.mlle-al l&Ddl. Two ,.an lat<r, lie pushed, Ille l!pled up to llO m.p.h. Thomu ID&tclJed the record with a ·~ al 1• m.p.h. In t• llld lattr broa till oWi1 n!COfd with a drive al 111 m.p.IL Camt>bell returned later In t• and c1ockecl 174 m.p.b. And 'lbom• WU killed tryln( to !'Clln lhl -I• • Atcllle Clark'• hukel with II IOCOl'odl nmalnlili wrapped up Phlladeiphla'a flnl aucceaa agalnsl the Celtlc8 11 It gave the 'llena 119-111 lead. Boston player-<OICll 'BW Ruaell mlaed on lwo . Reject• ABA , ' of thn!e ftte throws w 11 b 11 aecondl left. Clark led all , scorers with 29 point., Hal Gtter added 21, Darrall lmboff (l!ee ?tEll8, Pap ZI) UPIT....-. "Louisiana State's great scorer Pete Maravicb, seen here with his father and coach, Press, reportedly have beet\,.offered a $1 million package to jOin the new North Garolina franchise of the American Basketball .A.ssociation. The elder Maravich said today he has turned down an ofifr to ·coach the ABA team. Pete bas another year of col- lege eligibility. Kiags at Oakland Stanley Cup Hostilities Get Under Way Tonight The top eight teams of the NatJonal Hockey League, who \)attled from lest October through last wee~nd to earp. their berths: in the post...season playoffa. narrowed their . slgbtJ tonight on tbO Stanley Cup. , All eli)lt teopis begin beat.of-en ployofla tonight, In the flrsl of thn!e 1 .erltli the eventual champion will have to 'Capture to win the cup, awarded each year to the playoff UtllsL 1n the East DiviBJoft>f I.Int-place Mon- ln!al bolls lhlrd111ace New Y orlt and aecond-place Bolton.·0011" fOtu'lh-place Torooto. In the west, fronorunn<t SL Louis enlettalns third-place Pblladelpllla llld ~ OQ!and )a. II home to fourll>place Loa Aneeles. - Yvan Cournoyer and Jean ,Beliveau both among the NllL'• top 10 llCOl<rl, lead the M"ontreal Candlens In their bid for a ·fourth title: in live yean. Jean Ratelle and Rod Gllherl. the ltague's no. 10 and no. 11 ICOrtrs, pace New Yo'rk. . ' . Boston 1port1 the le1gue.'1 all·tlmc ltadllll! 1lngle seuon acorer, Phil Eapoaito, who earned tie poln!J the paal . I season. Norm Ullman and Paul He.11 deftiOn proyided the offeASive punch f!l Toronto's Maple Leafs. Red Berenson led the West Divlsict acorlng llld fueled the SL Louis Blud to a runaway division crown last y~ St. Louis finlsbed truro but eliminate West Champion Philadelphia in seve games: the Blues have to watch thl year to keep the same thing from haj eenlnl to them. Andre Lacroix and Guy Gendron 18 lhe .Phlladelphia efforts over the ,...., with fine work by ,&oall.e Bernie Pare~ St., Louis has the NflL.leadlng goall duo ol GleM Hill and Jacque• Plante. 0.kland's Seals "°"' the folly of th NllL 1 year ago but, rebounded lh1 year behind the !ltOring of roOkla N<>r1 FergulOll. F.d Joyal and BUI 1'Cowb0f' Flett power lM Los Anflcles altack. 1'he Montreal-New YorK and Boltoe Toronto victors and St. L o u I a Philadelphia add OaklaJld-Los Ansolf wlnntrt Wiii meet In the second belt .. seven Serie.. The two te1nu that emere lrom that lccotd series then wUI clal In a third best-of-seven aeries for Q: Stanley Cup. • r f . . • • • . . • • ,. • • • Rmarch -oii Blue Sluitks • Student Has Sharks by Tail~. • I J, ' UCl ·sink·s .Teeth"lnto Study . ' ' ·-.. a,·uat oUrruv .... --...... Like. whal lacfAlra de~ why the February, Iii! Nallonal GeoSraphlc, lbaru are .,..i.r ·In numbers orr claims Iha! Ill a normal y~ ·lbaru Newport in different atalOnl. It la a will attack not leu than 40 ar men queatlon Kauer poodeno almoal dally. th'!' 300 bumlns lhrou&bout tbe·-ld. "It'• strange, really.·llr1hli-w!nler--He-{urtber-polnll oul lhal--abaut He held lhe -.tool ,-lbark by lhe lal1 ud dropped 11 overboard. YCllL eou1d aaa Ille' molal callle tag be had lmplontel In· Ha danal, !In u lhe shark alow)J nam nay. _ '"Tblre ec-~ one," aiumbled Jim Kauer, a UCJ-bloloa student wbo.111 parllcljlal1l!I !!I a lhn!e-year-old abut -_ ... headed by Dr. Gil -tlf UCI. : ' ~~~;1 ::.::..~r:u! ~~r,te.:,;: ~~ ~ same period this year I've hen catcbin& one range. them in ~t riumbers." The UCI study does not end at tbl TbetJ ii no queslloo that the shark 1agr1ng process. Many ol thole caqbl population 'in tll!e Catalin1 Channel is, are brought to Dr. Bane's labcrat.ory THE HUNT FOR SHAR KS -Marine biology slu· dent Jim Kauer (bottom photo, at left) mans the wheel of UCI's marine research boai while Tony Schurr, another student, prepares bait for a sll'lrk hunt expedition off the coasl of Newport Beach. DAILY PILOT ....... IW ei,. W1llt9 When the sharks are hooked, they're brought aboard and tagge9 with cattle tags. In top photo, Kauer dJ$plays the teeth of a .four-footer thS-t was tagged and released. • Mission Viejo in· Finals MlssM>n Viejo l.ll&h School went after the North San Diego County High School bueball tournament championship thi s afternoon at Mira Costa College against Carlsbad Hip. And, . Laguna . Beach was against Oceanside al Vlala Hlib !or lhinl place In lbe tourney. Both games were at J o'clock. M1aion Viejo aot to the finals via . Its llOCOlld ilralpl ahuloul after 11hipping Oceanllde, 4-4, ~•at Mlri. Costa wblle Lquna wis droppin,r a M v~ict toCarlabld. , ... all r II r.i DlrNl~tel. 11 0 2 I 0 lllf11, •·lb J 0 • 1 Mlortlnti. • J ' 0 • CllllM,~11 till 'llNV, rfo.tf l I I I ""'**· .... , 1 1 • 0 Woaclanl, c ' O I J Selltilt,d 1110 Fruit. 211 J 0 0 0 • I I I Tt11l1 ' s..."' , ........ a M I .... ~.' MU2,,_.tl ·* 0ce11111M !ti .. , ii ..-a Solo, )b l 0 •• GrMn,tf lOOO Tlloo'MllOn, cl l 0 2 11 RoblnMln, lb l 0 I O Ad1m1,q .tOOI McGel'IM, rf J 0 I 0 Muir. 211 1 o 1 o Berldl, c 1 I 1 ' P1rt.;1,• 12001 ll1rul, tJ 1 I I t Wll-c 1 000 tlrlKt. 19 1 ••• Ttt.111 , tt I I t ......... MIQ .... \lltlo ... Ml•'*' \lltleo ltl. .. , llortll Holil'let, Cf J I 1 I 0 cnro,Jb •llt Ga~r.lf 1111 Gr1v,c l ltt Htan. .Jb 1 I O I L .. IMr. ft J I 1 I D1vll, 2tr J I t I Htnplord .... u 1 O t t ....... J 01' Miii~ I I I I I • • • ICIOllDO._. I I IOO IXIO '"'4 I I Carlat.d, with only four hits, capitaliv ed on nine Lquna Beach errors to pile .up a 7-0 lead an.r Jj•e lnning:I ,.. Ille ¥ldory. 76ERS -B'OUNCE BACK ••• MillloD Vll:Jo'• Jeff Maatttaon went lhe dlQoce Ill blanking Ocea""de oo Ill: hits. Ctltlaaed lrom r,.. 11 22 and Blll 'awdnll>lm It. Jolm ll<•Hcek had.:28 Points for BostOn 'and Bailey llowOll 21. San Ditro !ell behind by u many Tbe .Dlablol picked up all lour runs In Ille opminJ llama. Doag OlrO, TOm Gardner ud MJl<e u 17 points early In the ram• belore GrlQ' llialled to !old the bases In lhe · ...CO.erini to nm oll from lhe Hawks !lrll -ud' Steve lluan forced tn lhe final quarter. nie llawu carried in Iba flnl lally With a watt, 1 79-78 adnn•••e Into the last period HuP LMlbw llncled In the second - n111 ud Val Moreno's ~ bnJu&ht but we re held to • m • re II points -lwo men for Iba •ic;orlou• In that MSllM. ,. . Dil stu Lints put tho .Rock•" In Iron! ·r~ good with a ( r e e throw that mede ·the scare M-93 wtth 4:22 lift in the game. Elvin Hayes, who led San Diego w 1 t h 2$ Poitltl, clinched matters with a pair ol. tree throws with tt llOOnd1 remaining. Doo Kojis contr'lbute.i 20 points to the winning effort. · Game honors went to 'Zelmo ..Beaty ol AUanla wllh 31 points and Blll B ..... added 22. The leam.s will remain· In San Dlqo !or the lourtb game Jtkiay olpl ' . -1111, Dr. -; Kaile< .... other --laaed ova: 3llO blue -oil -port-Beach. "Wbat we're trytnc ~ do la to diacover what the pplenllal bUarda are liom -to lnlluflry, IWlmmers and other · human rer:raUOnal outlets," Dr. Bane erpJalm. ... Tiie UC! undertaldn( ti lhe moot er-~,,.,..,, pn>J<cl .t mru ever Usbic ,-1'donated 1"lote al their disp-.a&; Dr. Baoe ;;;;d · ~er make triJJI' .twice weekly sever.II mile! off either Newport or Lacuna Beach and set out an l,IOO-foot line with 50 baited sbarlc hoou. "Sometlmel we get all .. 50 . booked up and o&ber times we don't get a one," saJd Kauer during a n.'cent expedition. l\auer. 50!, !a In hia e,lemenl. There is a dlrtinct MelvUlian cut to bl.:! bronzed skin and white beard. Aller giving hia line up to two hours to ,attrld. blutl,. be haul& it in. He'll yad the ~ool lllark out ol the watel", ·plop it on a "table built at' the boat'• stem and, using pliers, remove the boot. · Tlien tho tar ls implanled. II ~ stallalical data and reques!I· ila llnder to send Jt to tbe Steinhl'rt' Aquariwm Jn' San .FrancilCO. From1 there j\'11 forwarded lo lhe Amtrlcan 'lnstltule ol Blologk:al Sciences in Waahlngtoo, D.C. Eventually, the ·if.& J1 returned to Dr. Bane. Its finder is alao asked to report the date and aite of discovery and the alze ol the shark. So lar, lhe ·uci project bas been . lucky. ,.... ri IrvlM'i lafl"I !l<afu have been-found. Japanese fi!lhing boats found one IOO mUea west Of Nicaragua last Dectmbtr and another just off Peru last J uly. · "We Weft quite startled to find that blue shatld have ~ an enormous migratory ,pattern," Dr. Bane com. mented. . ; · "I think ·lhai ls tJ.< 'lliliol slartlin • ' g single dlacOVery to come ~ out of the enUre project so far." But becwe. ao UWe was previously tnown about tbe ocean killers, more questions have been · ralaed t h an .anlWtJ'ed. '·'· at-Uma, aweacme. • . where U>eif reproductive arpna and "~ve talHd to~ a pllot who ~s , stoma~ are studied. · the cballDe1 iD the summer for com. ' Sbarkll are no& fully eaters. merclal ~.and be tells me that . "'We find that they are atlrlCled .by • on.. any given summer ~ ~ are anything that 0.ashes in the • water," ~~ bet'feen N~ and Dr. Bane pointa out. lt ii' staLiltief like thole-which chill "We've found beer can topa in their Newport Beach Clty Ufeguard chief Bob stomachs and other metallic objects.'! ·Reed, despite the fact there is not one It will be many years befctte UCl'1 autbenUcated &bark .attack in Newport's project yiekb enou1h meaningful data surf'liDe in the put.~ yean. to determine when and Where the dan1er And so the· .oddl are aubstantlally on !rom sharks is at a peak. · lhe side of the Newport swimmer or But for those wtio worry -dupltt surfer, U you ~consider the number of the odds -about sharks each time people who have swum in Newport':1 they step into the Pacific, the ~ay ma1 sur:f over the past 50 yean. . come when UCI's project , will have But Nathaniel T. Kenney, writing in slackened their fear:1. Lion s in Torirney Finals; Sailors Battle for Third By ROGER CA~N · Of ,... O.llY 'll•f '''" Weatminster H.lgh School was in the championship sho'1d~wn . th4i. ¥t,ernoon at 3 Against KeMedy High ~ Santa Ana College in the fifth aMual Santa Ana Elb baseball tournament. . . Newport Harbdr, the other Orange Coast area entry in the 16-team tourney, battled for third place against Anaheim this inorning. , ~ ~ions of Westminster rea~ the . finals via a s.3 victory over Katella and a 4-2 verdict over Anaheim in Tuesday's doubl~ader at Saata Ana Valley High. Newport Harbor crushed defending CIF champion Savanna, 1~1. Tuesday, but \fell to Kennedy in the second half of 'the twin4lill, 6-2. . Westminster'! two wins came chiefly on the strong 'left arm o( Ed Bane, who came in for the final three innings against Katella, shut the Knlghts put on one hit to earn the victory, and then returned to strike· out 15 in going the d)stapce against Anaheim. ' Flr.1 G1mt SIHMI e.- WttfinlM!w U! WtttMlufw 141 ••rllr\11 M rllrM HIYMJ, c (-._:_.l. 0 f Htv..-s, 3b ) 1 I I 811Ckl1r.d, rt 1 t O Q MCDon1hl, If I I • I Md)Ot111d, If 1 1 1 0 8udlt1nd, If I • I I W. MCnny, cf t 1 t 3 W. MCrtny, rt 4 I "I I P. MCrtnv, cl 2 I 2 J P. MCrtny, cf J I I 1 Midi, lb 2 0 1 0 Wtller, c 2 I 0 I fltnt,P 10011 M1dt,lll 2 111 l;IKrlck, lb 2 O O l J. Unchtr, lb O O I 0 J. S1ndlet, lb 3 O O O Dedrick, 2b ) 1 t 0 ,Ho9111, U 2 II 0 II ,Miine.SS 2 I I 0 ~Int, p f . o I o Ho1""' u t I I I Cltfldefllot, Jb 2· 0 0 0 lltne, I 2 I I 2 TMtls 11 I S 4 Ttllls D 4 t 4 SUrt IY lnnlll., K11t!l1 Wnlrn!11tt•r Arl•lltlfl! wu11111n1ter l'lrtt G•- N_.-t Clfl ... ,. ~Bi Cul'fY, (f 2 2 o o Ml'1Lll,c (JJO Slrvblt, 21> S l l ~ LHVY,311 11 22 Foste<", lb I I I I Wimer, rf 2 I I I Mlll!Wff, lb ' , J • Fleml119, II· 1 0 I I Trw1no, If t o l l H•nlft',... 4 2 "J 2 ~ler, I ~ 1 1 I I " a \00 :la& &-J • 1 100 :Im 11-5 ' J llf 000 1-1 2. t 110100•-ol '1 S-~ OMlt H .... '1 Ill currv. d Mtrlll!, c 5trvblt, 211 LNVll, Jb Mlllno", lb W•rlltf, '1 H111leY, ll Tn1y111C1, ff ·-. •••11'91 I I t I , • 0 • ' • 0 0 l 0 I I 2 1 1 • J 1 1 I J O I 1 J ••• I I I I T ... lf, 2a 11 11 11 TM11t l'ltwP0'1 ~Ylnn• NIWPC1'1 KtMldr Sftrt ~ 1111111111 I M I 010 111 J-10 1) 2 GOO 100 Cl-I I I 02'0 OOll ~! 4 I 111 001 x_. t I . '·~er{eci Your Sh'ol{e ••• " . . . ngs Fl'ee Golf c;llnic Com. in G1l4 ""inawilh the pros-a 10' pull er a 300 yarddrM:! Tol<taTip From T1" Ptot A TV crmtm1 will= your atrole and you11-younelf Oil mstant Golf ptW will Ullyt.e JOUf swins and advise you on your same ••• weekdaJl 11:30· 1:30 p.m. · .1'011'/lk pla]ilft in Brunswick's new "Swing-~way Pro Golf" practice ;unit right in Marincra' lobby .. See MacG,.aQr'1 1!169 Pro line ol aolf oquipnellt in Mariner&' Pro Jaclt. Nlcklo11s book of 1olf tips free or everyone •ltendinf. . DaJe Andreuon MatGrcaor Advisory Stair March 24th Bob Baker l.eU.ure World CountryOub Man:h2Slhi Gerry Hall Sanla Ana Country Oub March 26th Don Mollica lninc Coast Country Oub Marth 27th Ronlleif Costi. Mesa. C.ouatry Oub ~fardl 28th )immy Powen Yorbal.iodaCountryOub MatchJJst Ralph l!Y1n~ li:vine Cont~ Oub April 111 Bob Baker l.Nure Wodd Country Cub April 2nd OuryDouafas JllnchoSanJoaquin Aprillnt Gu'ry Hall Sanla.Ana Coon.try Oub April -4th GtrrY .Dougl8 Rancho San Joaquin April 7thi lloq Jteif Co&ta Me11. CouatryOub .Af'lil.ltk Davt;Cotfer McsaVmle:CountryOub .April91h Dile............ M..0"'°' Advioory StaJf Apnl IOlh .. Marir1e1's · "ngse faNewportBe~chw.oil<W!11Ilo9a';<Vr4>641-1000,o,.aDai!y,,,OCJam.4:00pm.l'tidayt,tiJ1:oopm • • I ( • Swinrining. on Upward Tre;nd . ., ~-~r :·.coastal A;rea. P1~eps Sw~ln( on the Orqe Coa.t area h11° ~ by • powen., M~lna Hip bu net oply ~11".!'deil illoK every year , but ijl but -loom and .-be the - the ~"$· of compilitlon' at the vario\19 , ~ U.,.,. chlmpion dolpita a • ..,..,. •choolj ~e1be"°r balan«il. . ' . t dbal n,,_i )ool to Newport. : · For ·~ pie ' · ' · Newpcirt droppod a cleclllon to f>nabelm Wi)en 'Coeta Meaa l!llh Schoq! defealed to rJv• &ho Swlstl Le-added bolance Corona del Mar,. llJ.45, 1161 waek In an -and Weeanln.ter no lorF ti the ·doormat lfvine League varsity' awlni !ll<'JI, It marked of the ........ the tifsl Je,a(U~ '""' ~ a Qrona dd ldar In fact, W..imu..t.r JI clv .. a IOOd·cllance •Wiil! •ieam In , Us h!ltorY -da\b>f back ' ol knocklllc off Nowport Harbor. A couple to tlJe ,IPtlnl of 111111, ytar1 ... 'that kind of thlnkin( would have Too, '1lle proud 'Sea~ had' eaabliolled -ample ....... lo -you off lo the. two Orqe and four Irvine League lilies bu& - In !bot ptrk>d oft!me. · A rtmarkable recOid, to be 1ure. t vm in itl fihlt year ~ of operation wltbout a . ' ~··············· . ROGER CARI.SON *******A A• A Ai A• •enioi . 0\\ tile · f,"'im ·<tquad, the Sea Kin(• made I mmce meat ·or their Ora~ae 'LeafU• foes., ,Brea went down by an ll·lf C®nt and ,Wt.Si~er 'wu a non·learue vi<:tlm, 82-8. • ·. •\ • . ' ·~ , T~ followini .Y•&r was even rou1Mr for Orance loop t.eama. Valencia was blan.ktd, 79-0. • • During that 1pan coaches Ed NeT(lln<f and Dave ·Millovk:b have fUbkmtd ll:IC'h stars as •fike Mlrtltl; Mika Allbtiflit, Q(tc· Fihk, Pat Mc<llellali, Dotii llcboum1>tr1, Brlc-ear.o. and M11"k Fuhon. The Ooranana have clearly shown a decldld edge, over the area. The only real threat to them was perhaps'Newport Habor. Now, however, it'• a different stofy. Mesa's narrow vk:tory was witbOut a doubt the · biggest ii) its swim hiatocy. ' · So , P?W if s tht Chria Gammons and the Dave Whltak«s of Meu. , who 'are takin& the m>!~gjlt. . The rql ght cl the Orallie Coast area is *' A few Wltb ... tt ........... - Kllp w..W lllN Ml • llletr' llnt ...... ·--.... ....,. -"·1a1-........... ~)Tlloem" •• let ...,... -· lib Coata. Meoa IDp SdMt, wll .. Ille ........ tlle P!I ... - Iv tlle ran II· Ille . 11.ta Klar emptn at least IW tkl1 year, urway. , . . * The annual Beach Cities traok ind field lnvitaUoaal~ by the CO.ta l\leea. Newport 8ea Lkm.s' Club ai'ld run by Newport H H1iJ1 and coach Bob Ha lley, wu a· NIQUDdinc IUCCell_ Saturday fternoon. ~e meeJ cort1nua to Jmpl'()ve each year with bettar u .... and l'ICtS. And, the m61t includes a limited number cl junim hllh and P-hr •ffllt!, givlng the y.._. 9'I a chance to aet their feet wet. ....., manie that Ena!in and' Lincoln )unlor bichs -two ocboola. ibot directly f<td Into hoot Newport Harbor . -didn't ... 1u ~compote. * Aa emr: -Rl,a Schol'• Geor1< ianoott -II a 11-1\1 effwt ta 1M 1411 jaap -i(l llol\I u Uriler rlpa.teiL Rb mart 11 a ,_... fw tllt Beaeti QdM .... ~ .......... Batie iet ....... ~ tame •• rtdN' hider la tft evtats - tlle loq Jum• mt Mp J-(tlaf at W\I), II Seymour-, ·Shields R(Jnk With Best Bellflower Test Oraws Top Preps • --· Aottt l , 196'1 JC SPIKERS IN RELAYS NCAA Won't Sataetima . Scratch l'Iortli-South Game 1be ti;ip jaycee track and '"field Per'formeri · bt l ti e i : .' . Southland will gather ·at Cer· ~4tcft Hunllnctm Beach , the 1ame'1 managln1 director, rltol' College in Norwalk Hlg\1'1 Mlkei ~. c:u and indicated he hid bi1b hopes tomorrow ror the annual Southern <;allfonila relv•· Ro~ ,llUler f'°"" l"l>: ~· . for oblalninl NCM unction .0r.,..coas~ Goid'll, ~.,1 · South atate:al~llaf ~IP. ~ool . next. year., apd Slddleback colleges wm b .. tetball game~ s~. ''They>vo turned us down be represented, by full teams In lac~ scratch ~ tyhole ·'for· lpl~ ilimJner but we're in the 13-event r'lay meet game. . 1 , • IQilll atter I\ n•xt year," he which gets .under V(•Y at to The sp0nsoring C:a !JI o 11 c . ·~td. . ' a.m. and"runa untll 4 p.m. y ta.:...t r< TOP .are~ Ui;,;,14 for. first ooth OJ'gahiWictliofOUuuN 1'1'le. N.CAA told U5 .,.e places.are Golden We$ high was riotl.fled last Wtek'by the · didn't· have lllfficie.nt medical jumper . Don Shield#: t~e NCAA ).hat it Woul,41 not sane. ' tover1ce Insurance for the RusUera' mUe relay team, , lion 1~ ~· 'scheduled for ' pll.yen but they' never told Orange Coast's 440 relay June 2'f at' ·oat ra fl d 's us' what '.sufficient, meant." quartet and Saddleback's jack· ColiJewl)·Arena. Giddinl uld the'NCM tum-of·al~·tradis'PaW Co:r. PaUt ·oaddlni ol the CYO~ ed cl:own 10 of · 11 unction ft<lueall from all·alar Pl'•P baaketball ...... uu.ulhOOt the countey tbla year!° · HTbe only •He that WIS OK'd•wu a,San Diego pme,'' ,,. uld. .'Ille· NCM Ills alao KO'd Orl11p Coolity'.1 annual North South caae claaalc; Thia ,.,.,,, C--ltiwllliHpOOaored llflll would have beeri the 81th0 but the ~CM 'didn't rtctlve the 1 a n·c t lop IP"' pllcatloD unW the deadline bod . explr9d. ' . ' . • DAILY I'll.fl' .J l AUTO ' LEASING Al Malln ,_, ~ CYLINDlll FORD MUSTA"G 2 DOOll HAllD1'0P ••1~11,... ........ CORi FOX IWlllG. 2Z4 D. W. i:.-Hwy. N..,... ...... ~. M~ All Penney Stores o,.n Eve,Y Night Mondciy Througli Saturday -' ' . " . AUlJ,R .CENTER . . . # A ·~/x 'S.QUIRM' FIGHTER 30 MOS. GUARANTEE WITH .. JS MOS. FREE REPLACEMENT! • Polyester cord-fiber glass belted tire ' • less he1t build up for saier, l1>nge~ wear • . • Your choice-redwall or whitew111: iame low price The . Golden West College duo of. Jim Seymour and Don Shielda pre the 10range Coast . ar.e1's•tftlt n~Uves on: I.hi iia'tion's Ii.it ·of top junior coflege track and field marks aft.tr the first month of com .. pelflion. ' Seymour has the nation's best time ,far the 440-yard in- terp'ediat.e tiurdles, a ft e r coverin1 the cruelllnl distance in !12.7 last Saturday on UGLA'1 new T1rlan track-. Th1t' J!me · ... is ,. almost two ;iect>nds better than the seco;ul fastest lime. 11.3 71.• t i ., l:M.1 I :M.J l :N.6 J:M.• l :N.• l :M.•n Many of the outstanding hith school track and field atbletes in the, 'llatl wllt' be on hand Saturday at the Bellflower N1Uonal llecorda Rtlays at Bol!llower ln,h School w h en competition · btatns at noon, · R.;~·34.9s 27. 9 N 0 w /' plus 2.24 led. tax and old tire Size Reg. Price Tax 2.33 Seymour also moved into the IQ& top high hurdlers with hill 14.1 last Saturday. That's the fourth best ln the country behind the tu·vr Los Angeles City P,llege'1 Lance ~bb. Shield'• H In the high jump is tht third best in the couritry behind the 8-9~ by Otis Halley of Porterville ·and the J.9~/i by &'\eve Lance of East Los Angeles. The list Is dominated by W1rrea EdmoMOn, a brilliant fre.shman from M e r r i t t College In Oakland. He sharea the top 100 tl~t "'ilh a t .4 and has the best mar-s in t)\e 220 and 440 with 20.I ind 47 .S elforta:. •:15.t •:1•.1 •:1'.1 4:1•.1n •:O.• •:17.• ,., , ..... lU 1•.1 u:a ' 1J., "· ... ~" MS M.• 1f.On • JS.In lftcluded In the dar-~udded Usf are hl1h jumper Reynaldo Brvwn cl Compton High, sprinter Albert Hearvey of Loe An,tlls ffllh, F r e. 1 n o Jl.ooHvelt'a jtrry Wllsoa in the hurdlt.s and Steve Smith of South Torraneo In Ute pole VIUlt., l!rown h~ cleared seven fitt "v6r4J tlmu. and Will bi tryinr for a national record in the hip jump. He's already done .... after a late lllrt. becauae of Compton's CIF championahip b 11 k et b a II -· . Haarvey hu docked a wind· alded t .4 In the 100 aarller ' ,,.. thl~ )'Ill' 'While' hll c:IOltlt • 11 :: -cil.aUeft(tr la ljoward Williams. ,:;: Of Mult; who hu a le,ttlmate ... ...... .. •• , ..... ... . •.• lo ~ ""4tl '. . ro111110tr Tiii lll.Ullfilt . "-..... t tnail ... ,,,t It yoiJr tlrt wears out dufutp' tfl9 first half af the IUlrlntit Pl!IC return it with Your 1111rantet cf tlclte ind Penneys will replac• JOvr' tire wtth • new tfre. char&in(~ 50" less tha11 tilt current Mllu11· pric1 lncludln1 fedtf'll ExtlM Tiii; If J9IW ti,. Welts; out durinc the *X>nd tiali yo~ PIY 25" ~s tMn fM cuneilt 11llln1 price iricludlnt: Fldnl £11:ci1t Ta~. ...,._eplatft1!1r1 If we repl.ce the tire durinJ th• ftt•· repl.cemtnt period, there is llo thar&I; if w1 repltce the lir• •fir ~ the ft~Piac:wnenlperlod. you pay 50"' or 25" llSS . thin ttte cvrrP.nt sellfna price of tht tirt lr1cl1Jdil'lr feder1t Exclst Ttx. ,-lllV11 Thi$ &Ulrlnttl'· i1 Void whtre ~s.tn· t« tirn •l'I used on true~. CJstd f6r bu!ll'le.Ss, or drMn.ove r 30,000 mi le~ in one yur. t!tWt ltw ,., piirt•Wt 1;.tl11tt l•llur1 •lfkl: • ... ~tfi: .... """'---" ''"'""' ,.,.. ,.. , ........ ,.,...,,__,.11 ... ..,. ... .... ~.1 WJ 111lfllll• ~ ltff INfMf _.... ..... He'a also a member of Mer· ritt's mile relay team which hai fun 3:1$.1, best in the country, and the 440 re.lay team wh.ic.h has run 41.4, for the second swHtw lime in that event. .... 1"1U ... WUoon raced .to· a 14.0 In tho 11111< hunllell and a IU in the low hurdltl lut year. . • 1,..J, I"* I'~ 'l 11.u ~.It ....... . tl'Mfl Ill ..... ,. Clll ,. Hirt. C:.,.,, CM!• ,.........., ..... ,1o1,.,,1tt G111tr'I" OWIM, Tt-. ... .,. Mtn"ltf • •1111rl. c1ri1111 •IMfn· S.11 ........ Jllilwllon. P'floelll• "' ldlMMilrl. Merritt JolNl.Mtl. P''-nl• soFt SILL • ... ' ' ... ... u .. .. .. ,. ... 11.I • ::. •·• .. .,. .... ... ~ 41-Wi: ... .. ... .. .. ... ..... ly Mm'Yltl M,.... -~~ ----=-:::.---:---• ' ~ .. ~-r • -.. -· .... Smit(!, the dofllldlnc ·ala!< cbamplon In the • pole •ault, hu a IM\I to Ilia c:nc11t thll y-, while ta-Docktr , Underwood bu 1"1111 "a 4,JU . ' In the mlle, laCCllld but In the lllata to date. ' ~ .. 4...,, '"fridittl. , Thlt , ~"' ........... ....... WH!'J fr.fir ,.;, ..... I f•lljlllo, 2· tr .. ra ~;"'"''' ' ,,. .• _,. ·" . tldi .,,;!\It .. ltw1u1tl AF/X Drag ·sucks Great .tire savings! 800/850.14 i . • ·Reg. 30.SO NOW 26.50 11fuW 1 .54 W . t•• 1M ehl tW ' . . ·.Re;. 31.50 NOW 21·.so ' r · plu1 1 .7' W . tu •"" .W tfrt R.;.~ 31.~d N w ·.27 .50 plut 1. '""· "'' ........ tlr9 • Mean• 'Atl"t tt•rt•' tot; '"'" the ~ fec:Wt wpwunJ ' ' • . NEWPORT BEACH !Fash ion Island ) + • E70.14 c "'"' •> 36 95 . ' . ·NOW 29.99 ' plu-feel. tl:t 1n4 .W ti~ Sfze Reg. Price 1'ax . , F70.14 (111-i•) :Ja.95 2.44 NOW 31.99 plvt fed. tU •M .W tiN • -..... ~·-· Size R~.'Price Tix · . 070.14 (125-14) .40.95 2.59 F70.15 (775-U) 38.95 2.50 G70-15 (au/us.u) 40:95 2.69 H70.15 (a4S/IJS.IS) 42.95 2.85 • NOW 33.99 plus feel . t1x •nd eld tit• • Fr .. p&1nctor• Nptir for life of INH I ----• All,......,., tires mou:..., freol HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntin9ton Center) I .. : I l ~~ I • j f I .-I • • .. ·" . ·"~· .r, '" '· I ,, , . ,. • ' ·-"'•· ... • ··~ . . l· • ' . I • • I . .. , ' I • • 1 I t f . • IAll.Y mor - ., DUUdf R~aet..« ..... Newpclrt ilaroor High sopl)orn0re,1Sue i\em~-; nears tbe !al>e'Jn .!be 880 ·rijay et Satunlay's .Beach Cities Invitatiooal trachn~ • · ' , · . . . Monarchs Drop Opener · To St. Paul on Error Mater Del High School drop- ped its Ange\Ull League varsity baseball game at St. Paul Tuesday afternoon, 3~2, in the Oil City Nine Nabs openiq:~TIJUDd ol action. ~The rkor;i.ch:'~ who entered league llOIUllties with. a 5-6 non-league record, lost it in the siltb inningi.Wben tbe hosts capita~·• ...... ertw to ·•' scofe ~-~g ·run.·(r -f)~ • .' Mater Del tied ttie game in the se«Ed lnnlng wllh a 1"!1y irbm. ·Bob· 'Haupert squeezed home Dan Meyer, And, the Monarchs made it 2-2 ~. the fourth when Ron Muniz: reached first base on Huntington Beach continued a fielder's ctioict and, came on In today's action at the around on Haupert's triple. 4-3 Victory Adrian W ~I ~ -al!. Hawthorne Inv it at Ion a I .way --:~ ~ in the ,baseball tounramept wllh a pi~ ·~.iallowlnr m~ game •at ' Inglewood , .Six 'bJ~' and.1 iWflkiai One High '.5cbool>aler disposing or (In~) . wll\1' miking Mira ··eo.ta 4 • ___ , ,<>lit fhi'ee; • "'• Jftl!U8.Y' ·st. Paul's wt'niUng margin a!temoon. ~ . • came-.Whei1·Sleve Kelly reach- Tbe . Oiler!, after splllt!ng . ed first on an error, advanced a pair J>f. games Atonday in to third on Tony Molino's ,dou the doUble-elimlnation tourney, ble ~ eventually scored on came from a..3-1 deficit after a sacrifice· fly. ·: threednnings·to tum the Ude. The . Monarchs ~es um~ Mart WhitfieJd's two-run Angelus League action Thura- home fun ia the fourth inning day with a game at Bishop Mlltw Dll cu-. IHI ... _.C•;Ua•i CWT 1nwrt11,MOlliOlllr· .... , AIY}·stz·E. LISTED··.-~.· got the ouen. even and they Amal added the wlhning run an iJl.. ning later. Whitfield's blast came with Bob Ryder-on base after the· latter had singled. The winning tally was pro- duced when Pat Murphy walk· ed and Chris Berg followed with a double ·to adv~· Murphy to third base. ....... 1 •• 0 l 0 D I ·• ... 1 0 l • 1 1 I t J , 2 t 1 • 1 2 , • 0 • 1 t t 0 1 o o a l 0 t 0 FISK PREMIER · i oi£LJW. Mike Symons then doubled home the winning tally, Berg was out at the plate to end the uprising. Gil Banagas went all the way lor Huntington Beach striking out three and walking one. l 0 I O sr:P.-cu 2t, •,2 .. , .. "4 "'"''·cf 3110 11rnnon. H 3 o 1 I Dion,.: 3 11 Kt!...,, 3b J l 1 I ~:!'.'°lb0 ~ 1 J : Pl....:ltl.rf 2110 !all, , l ••• 11rrM1, 2tl 3 I 1 I JOl•ll '151•1 kin '' 111111119\ II M • Mtlll' ~ 011 100 0-t t 4 Sf. ~1111 • 101 IOI ll.....:11 ' I . Gaucho Nine Out to End 6-game Skid Saddleback CoUqe hopes to revive its saalng bueblll . fortunes Tlruraday after-. with.~ wte ~ c-tonic. The Gauchoo, 2-10 on !he ....... and i-1 of their Jut six games, have poM«I both of !heir ·-al !he ... BEST ~ .. .. peMe bf C)'pl'tll1 fmhm1n l.O.AlllM1 -· ·--... JIC~ Tu. __ ._ -1-. TP. .... _ ._..,_Tn. ._ +- ,;... '"''' 1'1• .... l~ ... , ... ,,... •t i ,,. .., ..... ..... Jill,t J tlT.I J~17,I 1:11..Jill l!llJ'~ ..J_ teem. Thund1y'1 game wW IW'l ot l ::IO P:'!', 11 Cyprtsl. ... IADKACK ... , '"'-· ~:I ij . ~ r : ,._ ·~ ,.,.. J L~ t..awi.ditr {I), Sllltllla. """"""" 'f Mcl!l. -·--'"" ::=:.... P'lklllll!I _. r 11 tti1 '"' .. .as 4 it 1.f JO,,, • ,, 1 ,., u llJ 11-,1 • .., lflfJ,.1'SM . ,,, ' . , ... PRICE 1 ........ ~ t•l&IU ""' 7.rs-tc 7.7S·11 1 neVlAI . Pitel '"'" 27.tl 2-f.tl . ·"' 31.tS ..... ,, 26.95 t FISK CUr=STO:.;;-r-M -mt-24·0......-'-:::~::-:::--">·~~.~~ 9 9 1---~_:_.;_·-i 1 ~99. _-_:_:::.--I ....... .......... -· ..... .,.~ ...ilicli11Ta1 .-..• ·~;"·· .. 7.JS.14 ' ' 1.10 US.14 1 .. . ' • • . ' -t· ----- ' .. ·• •I '" .. _, t " ........... "" • SUllDA t '· f . • APilL 6.' "" )T-. ' .. - l • • ~ ONEGAUON . -GASCAN :· I ''· ;..~:i,:.,· ' •... ~ .. :::1· ;;.:.' ... ' ;• ~~- ·r · ·BlACKWAll 'Bin· TIRl .. J77 .. ,. , .. ., . t ' ., ~-~ -·-· ~-~-·-.. I ; The..:NEJf.· · SUPER . .. ... - . . ' ·- ' " ' ,,. '• ., . '•- / . . · .... -' ' -' ' '-\ . , ' --· • I . ....,...... .. D41tY "1.llr H . ·i' . .. ( ' : , 11:;~Exclusive ~chiW febture prj,.-cools your c~r thru 3· . , large redcn\!Jular loovers and_ two rotating .side vent• · fl High performance 3 1peed bloW.r and -variable · · thermostat.give you .preci .. 'comfort ,control ' • Slim, luxurious styling _c9mplements :'ny dash '•:We c9n~to"1 "«>/f'! t~ mqtc~ ·y~_ur car . ~ ·-MOST CARS Poy a• little as 9.SO a -h . •. E;<peifr•"ftallatlo:n. ava1la'bl~ . :. . • : ·-., ; ' ; I' • • . Nd DOWN PAYME~T ... use:PE~EY'S TIME.PAYMENT P.LAN ,,~ ·•·:-: " .. • • .. , ··r·~ , -r . . : .. •'. . . N E W'P 0 RT BEACtf '. ·. IF11hion lsl1ncl) HU~Tl.NGTON BEACH !Huntington Center) ...:. " • • • -- • r • I l l I I • I I I 11 .11 I I I .. j • I • If taY nor fS) Bu.siness Actj.vjty. .. f • . . Declines in March . .. ~ CllUQrDi& bulln"' actMty Jlec!Nf b7 U ,per· e<pt~~~ to 0. C. ADAMS, manqer ~S.....lty 1'11Cllle ll•ll•o1i' . . •• CO\'IT• ~ ~)· 1llO local fiC(lllOID)' remailll>d nearly 10 percent strooa•r. iban 1· yeai-.,o; •• mo-ed· Of( Ille bank'• bulii> ... Jade£' (tlliHt' equiJs, tao)-. Tbo MllniatOcl . bu!lness in· der leadlq 10< llan:h ii IJll., down .from • record 111. 7 ;,, Pebruary ud ap from \i0.5 1 year qo. .. -.. Soudlllnd -11<>• '" ------------------UCB Joins ' • New Bank iniJlad Oolilamla Bank bu_ ......mc.ci pJan.•to participate in.' I Mw London bank to be known as ·AU.UC Interna. UOnal Bank ~. The new blot will make ei:panded linancl.11 80l'Vic< av.U.hle to American ti r ms operitlnc ovtne11. Jl'i>ur U.S. bankl and four E1lrGplln hint.. will each oWn an equal % lhart el !be new bank. The EUl'\'.19U:ft partnm ar~: -ell Napoli, lh ly ; Qmterbouse JI p he t &' Thomasson Ltd., Great Bri lain; F. Vu J,aa1cbol , Nelhet!M;"'11ll de Neulli.ze Schlumlier,or, Mallet I< Cie .. France. U •+led Calil..,,;a Bank's .,.rt.em In -the unilod Slit.es incl ude : "·First P91Jl11lvania Banking and Tnllt Compaoy, Philadelphia; Mll)Ufacturera NatiCl'lll .Bank af Detroit; •"II lbe National Shawmut ·Bank af llolton. T<>t1dh<r the eltht partn<ra ~vt aueU es:eteding $14 billion. llvlty declined '!Gt the fim Umt In ""'" lhih • 1'11'. llCCGl'dln1to the,~ rueaich 4epartment 1t Security Pacilie Bank, but more slack was reci.Jtered in bank •"liinl' and depart-ment ·Store Wes. Real eSbtr. .. i •• d~ •lli11tiy. . llt<:Gtd hlilJ empiol'Qleo: and docr .. aed-miemployment .... -.uy adjqaled ~· ,.e .nP!Sfted for February, tbe llttlt moath for wl)ich lHor otallJllct are· available. AcqtriSition S~p ·Nearer EL MONTE -Hoffman Electrordci· COrp,' annoonced it hu' entered' mto i delin-ill•• . .,._i to aact!W• La n c .e Antmna 'Corp. ud Llnci lnclultrits. On JJiJ. 15, U was announced that an "•IJf'ff!llent tn prlh- icple" had·~ re~ed. 'The ·terms of the· ~ent with Milton Mann and Richard MaM, co-owners · of Lance Antenna Corp.. ~ Lance Industries,• provide for PliY· ment to be Made in shares of Ho'Uman comm.on stock. • .kin caifrlTia TI1ift~ • GIANT'S% if yOU want more of th,at JOUY GREEN! lwat ~­ ·Ille 211111111 en bl Ille Ill .. 12.-tli "' ,.id ' ,_,_ 1'11111 Clrtifiatts. Or 511% N P111h1k Acc111ts .. _, -i. l• witlllliaitlls .. ~--............ . Joifl tht thwMnds • """ miwin&. • lhtir fullff tie c.i.Tlwift. Cati °' stop ill. We'll .. *9ty ..,..,.,. )'IM" quellions Md WI 1M how we c•11 tr1nlfer '1flA.K ,,...nt hinds by pt*lll or rMil withovt bot'* to ~11. for 'lflW la• "'*'• .... mow,.....,. ... to.•~. """ CALIFORNIA •' THRIFTs-LO.AN' 11t J. 1M It,. C.... .._ M&.1141 C.fol.t1Kitt 1 ~ff• of 11h'it.o with 1H!u1 fl .rff1tl1'1I dtf .. thN11th111t C.tlf1ntf1, _.._. A'•tCAM ,,_.i•t..._ ........ AllleetATtOlt ~IA UMGAfWN or~--WM CllWAMtS- ' + ' ., Your Money's Worth Read the Ji'ootnotes . ••••••••••••••• •TAI " ... -.... ,,,.. .,.-, ........ .. _c.-. ' • ' •. • ' • • ' • ' • • • • • • • • • i ' ' • ' ' ' ; ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ( l ( ' ' i • ' ~ • ' • ' • ' • ' ' ' • ' • ' • ' ' ' • ' • • • ! • • • • • • • • ' • • • i I I I "' . Tuesday's .'Oosing . Pri(eS·--G.mplete New York ' • • -·----rr··------- • -·--... -... . .. ... ' •· :-11 1 -,ll;;"'-:.. .... I I f • I I '" 1 , . 1 I ' • ' • ' ' . . .. t.111.V PILCT . .-' . -- •"U4t ~' , at·:: San .Diego •• 1 tE~WARD END START -·liaJboa· Yaciit G!ub'• AISlina II (7037) leads Del Rey Yacht Clllb's Prim-.. . era (7818) .an<l"Silvergate YC's Cimarron away from •lartiilg line: ACTION AT MARK -Balboa Yacht Club's AllUllll II leods Santa, Barbera Yacht Club's Argonaut around mark before early leads began to change In Lipton Cup race. ; EIIBenada . Race . ''•' i lnVitation.s > :Mailed Out InVil!!o\,ions and entry blanks for the 22nd annual Newport to E~alfl' yacht race .. have been mailed lo nearly 1,000 boat :owriers in Southern California. Conver:se Wurdemann, commodore of l~ spansoring Newport Ocean Sailing Associll.tion, s a i d he ei:pects the entry list ·wtn ;uceed last year's record high • or 537~.Thia year's race starts Thursday, May L Deaq~~ for mailing entries Is 4:30 p.m. Xpril ll and no uceptionl will · be rn.ade for late entries according· to Tom Wilder, race committee chairman. Yac}!.ts eligible for the 124-mile 1'ace must be a minimum of 20 feet on the :w.iterUne and 24 feet in overall . '· Jeng~, All salety requirements establish- ed b). Ute Southern California Ocean RaciJlC ; Flett for offshore racing will be eDfqrced for the Ensenada race, Wlldtri a.id. All ~ts will be requirid lo pass a sa(ety check before entries a r e ac- cepted. , The new North American Yacht Racing- . Unioft ! sail numbers will not be man-t datory this year but will be required I ·in · 1970, according to the Jnstructions. • • 'Jbe NAYRU numbering system requir~ lar1e' block numbers be attached to the ma.ins'I and all headsl.s, including spin- naker.i. Ir these numbers are not attached lo the kills in the Ensenada race skippers will be required to display their NOSA packt~ number to the finishing com- mittee ' at Ensenada. Persons wishing to acquire the new numberi may do so by writing to Tom Wilder, P.O. Bo• 7116, Balboa, Calif., 92elL , • Bal ·Yacht. Club's Easter Re,gatta . Beg~ S~turday Twmt,.lwo classes .o( sailboaU are listed on the lnvlt.aUDn for Balboa Yacht CJub;s )asfer Regatta Satui"dly and Sun day. 1be .~er Regalta ill one of the most w:\dely attended spring e"1!nts in the ~-Ba1boa area and is expected lo dr11' m<re than 200 entries. ~ -will he held for larp v,...ls en. ou111!fe cour,.. starting off the Balboa Pier;::and for small boata on inslde-the baY Courie• llarting from the race .corn mm.ee)OWer at the BYC ctubhouae. ouUide clas.sa will h a v e two rares S.~ stlrunc at noon. and one race Sundoy 1tartlng at I p.m. lmide I c.1iaes Will sai.I three ~ _ SaJurdaJ llartlng at nooa and two rlCC'- ' &md"1 ~at t p.m. ~ clusa Include Ocean Racing, •· P.(:11. Rhod .. ~. PC, SOIJll(. PHRF, : MOJUI', lmer•ll, Endeavor, C1l-2!, E1- ca11N, Santano, Cal~ and Snipe . ....... cl..,.. llJted ano Metcalf, Lldo- llA, IJdo.148\ Kite A, Klte B, Sabot 1 A, .. bot B "10 Sabol C. • Olblr ci-t may he eslabllahed bJ ; '"'f er more atarters. •• ' JIBING MANEUVER -Spinnakers a.re jibed in strong breeze as BYC's Alsuna II (No. 7037) bears ?Way to clear foredeck foulup as San Diego's Hal- • lelujah (No. 7777) moves up. Del Ray 's -Primera also makes a desperate bid. DAILY PILOT Photos by Alrrwn Lockabey VALIANT TRY -Balboa Yacht Club's Alswia II has fiawl s spin· naker set as she leads Upton Challenge racers in early stages of the . sudden death race. SUCCESS FUL DE FENDER -San Diego Yacht Club's Redline-ll sloop Hallelujah (No. 7777) crosses finish line 55 seconds ahead of second place Long)Beach Yacbt for 18th cup delensr RUNNER-UP )-Long Beach Yacbt Club's Gypsy overcame a bad start lo challenge Hallelujah In the • 1 1 latter stages of the sudden-death Lipton Trophy Challenge race. 1 f • • • ' r • Offset &:_Letterpress M2-4nf . , . • 2211-w. 111 ... 11...i. ---.or-........... --- • I• 1 -----·---- DAILYPUI: • • • ••• ,,.., • tMll ., ....... .., ....... ~ .. • ... , ... "" "' "' fJI .... --- .,. .. ... ~· :.-;; .... ... . .. .... ,., .... •• • ,, I • I , I .. ' ! l I I . J ' l I I ' I l J ' 1 1 I I ' ' r NIW 1969 PLYMO PlllCE WAR . : .DISCOUNT FOi OWIG£ COUNTY '16 Mustang ~~~ 'Jth~· "91er, rwlw' _., ·• 111,1111.. s1 077 ·~ •~ ,...... ,_,.., C\Jll *L ,.... 1111. MO -i. _... dwc111111 "'*'-FUlL PIKI • '16 P11t Gr11d Prix $1077 $36 *--$36 \''4, r16!" hH!w wt.Mftc. ,..__ ON un I. ..,..... wlll'-'11. ~O.ISI, FUU p~ • lftJ, 'l6 °.!!.Sl!a.. ' -$1177 $39 * $3' ~......!! • ....-. tKlorY !:. -.... MO Mtii"'Ti~ FW n.a ""· . FUll PIKI '81 Qey, lllpal1 $1577 $53 1t COlO --.&. CAil ON '-· --· ·--FUll PllCI . '-19r, WSW, CTGN•l 1. "'" fVll Wiim -4• 11111 • .--. All ..........,~ ......... II ~I _ _,,, .. Ml t •v;w. 'I& v.w. l ..... !'lldit. • flMlw. ~--' l'9dlcl. n..t ... • V1rltnl 1500 Wlton 4 t,pMd, illlll( .,.,)T lt'GU U1. hnttt. QIU f fJ. ~ r~-· • Full " '"' t ~ Pric. ..... $29 * $29 $26 * $26 $29 * $29 1111. MO. 1111. MO. Dn. Mo. '&3 DODIE '83 Pl YMOUTH '&3 DODGE O.it. A.T~ R&H. ,.__ It-. ,,..,..,. t f#, H.T 11: ..... h91tr, DM1 C.T. ! clow' ~ Alll9. 1s• -l!llO., -.. __ (EVC•I It.Ola. Meler. fJT IN. r Full i . Price $11 * $13 Dtt IJIO. '83 POllTIAC D Stwdllet ..or. V1. l'Jto. i.c. llr CWllll., I'S.. PL 111.H. ll"lf· .... r;;,, ~ full Price $19 * $19 DN. MO. '"" Prie9 $16 * $16 DH. MO, '&3 IMPALA ~!"'· r.H: T.~"\!;,~~ftirY 1 r. Viii 1177, Full Pric9 $23 * $23 OH. MO. ANY USID CAI WITll GOU) llAL "" Fuft hke $16 * $16 DH. MO. '84 CHEY. ~lib.I S.S. i Or. H.T. V.f lllt H, bildllt _,. • -le. WXlt•l:l. Full Price $26 "* $26 QH. MO. GOOD FOi 100 Dln 01 4000 MW WNICltlVllt COMES FIRST "' "" •• ,... -"•rb ... llDOr' ........... "--"lullll .... -.,.,,,, 'Ttlll .... "'"' "' ,,,,,.,.. LR Wfl(lt -111\ta. tlle _., fl" ........ Aion W ...... tnd lto'!Co 1 .. 1111'1 *l'K'll IW )Qt 4-W ~.-• whlcllrltr <11mt1 ·11rr1 aftf!" ,.,,,rt1 ... . 'I&' Plya FlrrW .............. \._.,.,.,...,r~•Mt..~ ...... H~l& '•Pl,._ Spt. F1iy ~/l'j~,7· $43 * $43 m QOLD ~l CAa ! , 1 •.no. ....,.,, ,.,.... .,_,..., ~ DH MO -1n11:-. ISVU-dl -FUU. NICE • . ' ' '8& F~ !!·.!-'ii s, 1277 $43 * $43 -...ii ::..,.""::;. ~ mi>Jlf*'· IW. PllCl 1111. MO. ·- '87 Dellp Cor! IOO ~ "17 $46 * $46 ~ l..lr.'rin1 .... -......... Ml )lq ... llO. .. .... ... ~ ....... ..... All "*'lf!llr ""'*"' ....... I& 1M111111 .......,......,., ' ·-- ! , ' i . . ·. • • I. • • I" • . . ••• .. • . • I~ I • " ' • ·~ ' ' . ' ' ... .., ; -~·· •• • • ~ .. • ~· ' • • ' • '•· . . ' ' . ,. . . . ... ,.,. ' ' . ' .... . • • . ····' '" ,. •• '· : 1 .. l. ... . . ' I . . . . . ,. . ' 1 1 , , ' J . • , • . I ; , I , I · TO .. MAI<E.:RABliJT· . •. j .. . J ' • . ' ~ I ' . ; -' ' ' . ' ,• . ' -. ' • ' ' ·I .· r .. :,onnrnb~it's .bodybr,shapipg~c;o~t~:~m . mto a large egg;, al.>out·7"•x 4", For ·the·bea~;,s'hap.e •· · I I ' ,.. ' , · · POJ?~fu,t~ as~'i~/~~~;x·~ ~~~'• ~;foi:•WI. . , ll2''~u'ball'?.?r; ~·1<11/g:pf~ f~~fiiet , ,:· ~~Jq'rlltlllitJiygen~'x>reW!ltw~: . ,; A}?oW•to .~Ttli.droughly: : · 1 , ' • . l ~ : l ; • .. , . . . " .. ' '' .. . . . .To:ji~coliArn .iWlsrr::· ''· I . . · · • · · . 'I ' ' . , f ' • ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' • I ' ' • 1 • . r . • ~ • , ' J' ~ ': · · lifake up ~tiI)gl'eCipe~ Tia~ one-half oF it ~ .... . ' . . . . \ .. ' !'~efor decotatib_i.ew; nOS,c,~and•ll)outh..A • ~· ;,:': . .{:mg tttbe:!s. h~dY,fOi'tliis.'~~·~0~~ ... ~~~~~p: : ': ' _...i 1 ·.• . t • ,. ,... ' I ' .. '. . •, . " •• ·.,. " . l .. ,.. ~ . I ' ' ' I • . j ::. ... ~. "t1'l !>' .... I' • •. \ ' ·l " ,· ~t ' ~., .•... ' ' -...·• " <I ~ ' • I ' ' . t .• •: \, ,I ' • ·. • " ' • . .· ' ... . .. f ,· • • •• 1 I .. t l I r ' 1 ) - . , --. --~ ---------~,-·---:----":-"~-----.,---~-~c ·-. --""'"---- ( r MU~ W1• •IG' ..... 2, 1.... . , Son's Studies Too Serious an:d Conclave 1Called ' :/n Tucson ' . · Alpbl au omap •WmDM , Md.......,_ .. MtidJ·t1nc • MJ ...... ' ll·U -t11eJ .- j.,. the p,,,,_Dlslrlcl It -lblp -In OloplOn ud clubo I a <:allflnlo, -Aitoma wm -lo e1oe1 ,... .... ,,_,_ • nab, ••• --·-dalpter ......... . .. ,. wrt. ..... lelect • t ·-Mt chlirman. ..,..Ii.. tbe Newport. Bllllcr area 1 I um nae _•t 1t1r.Oemm•Taa.o.imu, wlll "' lln. -Gqlfl111-. Cllla .... ...'11 ': ---G. eoau.,, ?-i.i -. bww,• -Olorlolte Cllrb, de! -· nmnbenlllp .,... .. ROalll'!Zll ' D&ll llOCll: 1 -IW -..,-~ ' -' ' ... 'Miracles' W ork~d · With ·-• • ' . .,_II.INN • . -•• ' I ' Leftovers Herschel says, "Glueppe Is only the beginning of some wonderful creations! H o w . -.. . the children are In school. Since I wort the swing shill, I do my cooking ]ale at night," be said. "I'm a put,together cook ; my cooking's a creaUon out of what's been for lunch, plus leftovers. I IJSe'--it-all and perform all kinds of miracles. I'm sort o( a dispose-all." good it tastes depends on what ..., _ _,..,. ____ ._. ____ ._. __________ .__,....,! Bernardi and his w i f e Cynthia, • profeuiooal artist, live in a Greenwieh Village walk~p apartment with their -three cbildre.n: 11,year-old aon Adam and daughters Beryl, 7, ud &bin, 5. "My glueppe (glop) is a ,....i of my' own coinage. It's an· 1malgam, a mishmash of · leltoveJl;"· he 'aaid ·proudly. • Wortable,and t.uteful reclpes from tile conglomuate chef follow: ZORBA DIET GLUEPPE (GLOP I large yellow onion I cup lean chopped le.hover cooked meat (beef, veal or lam-) 'DISPOSE-ALL' Herschel hrMrtli 11. teaspoon lemon-pepper marinade (if not available, rakl your spice cabinet and combine: fr e 1 h l y, ground pepper with dash of l1IOllOIC>dlum glutamale coach. It teemS to wrk well for lllm. Did be. eY• vecalizt in • cab, he WU aUecf. ·~ bat I ldad. in one," be llioL "~ Pll'llle aren1 ft'.. tblt 1 ODCI drove a tlllnc .II llaek .. I lllcUd br ~ and --llJlllPl.ldld--ftii _. .. lbon·a ~ 1yaa101ue . eat'« B-clmllt. I'd pul on --II. my -llld GOly llult -the f e • • «her cabbies kidded me tbe .. yins, 'you're out ot your mind.' "I Aldi 'You ~Ve JGUl'I 111 drift --• Abolll I'd poll l'f -the kt Olll•·:;,r. -Olli. . . .., ·-----__ .._.. ......... hi« -• - ._..: ... -• • • ..,. ·-tall ,. .. ..._mewaw-.... 111owantt.e..,t1Br111sb'i _.., dd•fla WMiaar trLooalMad.llwu-1 4 •: ... ~-. --. • liberal~ =-lol..i-In ltaeU," ...,..._ ... lie WU ..... r ......... ·-iiil wlli lilt ..,,.., •••lhoqilbltlaceanGname • • - were displayed on the . and a sprmtlln& of prlic licell!<. "I jllll looked -~ sail) lhead and they looked 1t the Clnll c a y e n n. e (or dry back of my head. I hive J>., 3 ~=~~ hard mobile nape," be said, with dleele (Pannesan, Cbed- 1 crin. dar, Romano, Edam or WATCHES WEIGHT • G"17"') I ••IP Alt If desired l~ teaspoons minced parsley (or chives), ~ ttonal Brown ookln in 1 Teflon- coated ·skill<I (do not use but- ter). Sprinkle meat with lemon-pepper marinlde (or ,_ """ blend of ......,. lnp); tllrow -lnln nllltt with browned onion. I• w Md pied clieese. Beat ··-~ -aepontely unUl liglll; I add to mbbltt, cooklq om -.. GOly hllb heal When -be&ln llue hi!-to -...,..1, lower beat, con- (-ldlM), Ill lllO llUll ond • 11nue cookina 11DUI •us seL Kip tbl bnm." Turn out on heated plate, ·He is a chtf«·aoria, 1amiah · with parslt.y (or Henchel alid. '"lelna 1n .ctor' chives), Consume 1t once. -Ille problem ol dllferw Mat .. -larse be<nan oerv· houn, of aetlin& up late wllllt Ina. T I . kind of leftovers you rind in the refrigerator, plus your talent for improvisions!" SOME INNOVATIONS Seafood: Add 3 tablespoons minced celery to o n1 on ; substitute diced cooked ifuimp (or lobster) for meat. Omit cayenne (or mustard) and cheese. Season with few drops lemon juice and a dash or Tabasco sauce. Chicken : Omit onion and subltltute 2 tablespoons each t chopped water chestnuts, can- ned mushrooms and minced celery and brown. Sub.!Ulute , cooked minced chicken (or turkey) for meat; omit cay· enne (or nrustard) and cheese .. Season lightly with nutmeg and whJle pepper. Italiano: Add 3 tablespoons chopped g re e n pepper to oGiool to brown. Omit cheese, ClflMe (or mustard). Substitute v, teaspoon each oregano and basil for lemm- pepper marinade. When ad· d\ng belten egp to mizture, add 2 peeled. chopped ripe plum tomatoes. COMlllNATION SPRING SALAD Z peeled, choj>ped cucumbers (alter clJot> pine, let set few minutes to drain olf· Uquid befcre adding to other vt£etable1) I peeled, lnmat ... , chopped 1i' cup minced tcallions llllall ' bunch red radiahes, wuh>d, sliced paper thin r>-......,_ .... 1 cup pltJ!> yOj!\lrt sat~ freshly ground pepper to taste small cart.an farmer's dM!f:S1e (or stimmed cot· ,.,, cbeae), optional • poprlka Combine vegetables .in salad bowl ; ......, to 1as1e: Cover, chlll thoroo&hly before aerv- ing. KJ.s: ~cetables with )'Ol1ll1 : 1arn1ah with dllsllng ol paprlta for color. Tot an added bcwlus of protein, serve comblnaUon salad •lonl: wilh a pnt!rout helping of farmer's cheeee (or 1timmed cottaae che<se), .. A ,WOMAN'S WORK IS NEVER DONE _: Newport Shores women's association is not only dOO.g spring cleaning but completely redecorating the clubhouse. About ready t~ take a coffee break are painter Mrs, Newlon H. Lee Jr. and Mrs. Fred Kalinka who II lining drawers. H•PPY to serve as -boetet1 ,Js Mrs. James T. Rogers . (See Spring Cleaning story on page SI .) · • 1 - Glo ry Styled fo r' Judging .· Winner of the annual student halrsjyling contest at Orange Coast College is Miss M81')'. Ann . Wickham (left) and modeling the hair stylels Miss Nancy Compton. Styfes were . judged on excellence and workmanship, suitability to the model and balance. OCC Students . • Marry In Cd'M Making their borne In Costa Mesa after hoheymoonlng in San Francisco are newly mar· rled Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lyons. The C.Ommunity Congrega. tional Church in Corona del Mar was the setting for the noon ceremony conducted by the Rev. Dr. Philip Murray. The former Tahwahnah Rue Gustavlno is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gusta vino of Corona del Mar and the bridegroom is the son or "1r. and Mrs. Fred Lyons of Irvine. For the double ring nuptials the bride selected a white chantiUy lace over taffeta gown with a cathedral length vell and illusion veil, both trimmed in . lace. She carried a bouquet ol white roses, stephanotis arur baby's ·breath. Miss Pat Kemp of Balboa Jsland was maid of honor in a pale yellow A-line empire gown and held a bouquel of yellow daisies and white carnations.Dressed identically for · their role as bridesmaids were the Misses Diane Linkey and Linda Hallield of Corona del Mar and Marie Cavanaugh of-Costa Mesa. · Fred Lyons Jr. was asked by his brother to sland as best man. Ushers were Russ Garcia of El Toro, Ed Lyons ·of Irvine and Curtis Cutler of Garden Grove. The allar was decorated with bouquets of gladioli and chrysanthe!iflums. The Villl Marina was the scene of a buffet reception . where Mrs. Dorothy Hatfield of Corona del Mar and Mrs. Beverly Charpentair of Temple City a.s sis t ed. Circulating the guest book among the 150 guests was Miss' Dibbie Charpentair. .'lbe. new Mrs. Lyons and her husband are attending Orange Coo.st College and are graduates of Corona del Mar High School. :R ELIGIOUS ~~ E·W.EL RY . • So right for Easter giving \ \ What 1:1.iJ Wey to \eitpreu )'OUr holldoy Hntt1Mnl. A trHWr.cl ttft le rwalve .••• • lovlnt toUn to·tlve. -'-• i A. CoM1t1.pqrcrr/ Dtainoncl Ctoet. ____ lt.JO L ·5"irflnt su.,.r c4 · a.ts c. St. bimtophH Mf l-ley Choln I.ts D, ProJlnt Harwh *1_.. '·'1 L s1. Oir1ti09'-Mlcl1 -NKiJaic. s.ts • •sAcAtcez.-... CffAltGf ·lf AT YOUR PINNfY'S FINE JEWEi.ii'( DEPART MINf FuUtrton Of ...... lr~ """" .. Ot~ Huntington Beech Newport &.ach ""'"""'" t""9r ................. --~ .. ll!flt .. Mt! OMllt ""'' l'ac. Ctt. Hwy. ' Others earning honors wfre . the .Mis1ies Phyllis Ratti, Costa Mes'!t> second; Donna Rodriquez, Orange, third, and"'Diana Jones·. and Margaret Hernandez, both of Huntington Beach, fourth and fifth. .... _ ........ MRS. RON L VONS Noon Nuptials COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH I H•rbor Shopping Ct nte r I !Huntingto n Centerl I Golf, · B'r-i dge, . ~ Titles .. 'C~ptured ' . . Min Deenee · White .i.i Howard Q.non, Irvine mg11t, Mrs. Robert Gardner defended lind lln. Robert Smith, .,... thelr ~Ues dl!(ln( 1rv11>.> Coast ner n!Pbrt.ig. tournament ,., Counley , C}~'I • a D ft,U 11 club. -memben bu concluded Presldenl's Cup T~. and prizes wUj be awarded• Th< ' women's asaoclatlon d~ • ---· staged tnalches t~ a week List year's wlnnen were Mrs. With M women entered. Newell Falt and Mrs. Allan Winners are . Mrs. · llalpb Harris. COmpton, President's CUp; Mn. Fait WU in charge Mls&Rollle V•-runner un· of the tGurnlurienl and will ···Mn:··oaraon =i;fre·r m·a·~·-present ·ttie~ttadd · a _1n 1 se~; Mn. Richard Perpetual trophy lo the win- Stinson, runner up for nen. lelDlfiDallst; Mrs. J a m ,e 1 Capturing wlm were the Taylor, Vice Presldeol'a Cup; Mmes. SU.-and Johan Mrs. Robert Arnold, -Pelenon, cbamplonship rat<" up; Mn. David. JbllentlDe, ·Fait .and Hanis, leCODd race DI.rector'• flight; Mn. Jane ·wlnnen; Frank M~ ·Rickey, runner up; ·Jin. 1and Ring, third1race winners, ITb'oma'i Echtern·.eb. ad C. A. ,Higby . and Bert Govmior's filght; Mn. H9ber Roelllnger, fourth race ,..,,. • Eric"-, nmner up; Mrs. eers. . Spring C:/eaning Job , ·Begun by: .Association A clean-up coffee was the .Mrs. James T. Ragen 'is ' • i n v i. t l n g . note" wbe,n chairman:~~· Jcihn Shea members ol Newport Shores · Is takln( dw-se of decor• women's Assoclllion gathered ~ ldivttles the IJ'OUP last week to btcin work on plans are a mother-daughter the clubhoUoe IJl!I ricreallon tea, clombake, -bqy ...... area. 1be clubboule' wDl tab ty, mp .meet, fubicn lbow on a new look ~.members and a July 4th celebntion. finish redecorating and addhlg New board members of the a room. women's IOclal· ccmmlttee W · In the mldst ol all tl\iS work ' stalled during-a hmcbeon m the women have planned· an 'Betk3hlre'1 are: the Mmes~ Easter egg hunt. ·i? . the ·Newton H. Lee Jr., chairman; ·clubhouse 88.turday, April •5, Rogers, vice ch a Irma n ; at 10 a.m. for children i 'Richard Metzker, secretary; · through 7 years of age. Peter M• a r t ~ n L o c:t n e y: • Jr,. , C9tlonlall will make a ·treasurer; llol Sal)ders, IOClal airprlse , appea..,.,. an d • chalrmaii, Ind' 1'...i Kall1iU:, ' relteshmenla will · be oerved. · blatorlan ·uicl. pul>UCity. , .. ' ' . . . . Excursion . Stbps T v(:ic~~ f • • ' For Unive rsity Women A'rt Sec.lion members of ·.Huiltiqtor( in hia Ntw York Laguna Hilla B r a n c b ; reaideoce 50 years ago. .. : 'tL.1.i1Taa'o,.,a10 -. ' . '~o.#: ::yoolco.~ enjoy ~lithe economy, (on.· ~-and •pleasure of soft, .filter,ecl wat., ·.t;~r.at budget price •.•. Jrs t!ie ~st.rental )-rchme ~cin we have evl r offered., Let Ill ' ,,....~ arrangements fy~ !nstallation in yOllr , hOme.~.~WANDSAY-, . ·tJt .. :CUl&IGAN AWtl ~' . • ··~ ~ ~ • (11111oW~"'4'!::J ' • . ~·>;:f ~·.., . . ,.""1 .. f ,.,.. . • ' ' ;~' '534-2233 .._ eat1a,,.;. ae;.a • i-a-~P: r~ ,.,_ -.;' Onap 'r.a1t m Jm . . n911 s. Mcr\cheit.r, Maliolln, P.llf. 9280,2 ._ ~;· . . ' - American A.unc.l•ion o f nte boob inclµcJe t he Unlvenlty Women will board ·Gu It n b er g Bible, lbe bolel Tueocby morn1og 1o Ellesmere Cl>lucer, Benjamin visil lnlerestlng spots I n Franldln'I a-.graphJ In Arcadia and San Marino. his own handwriting, the Members and their friends "FirstFolioSbakesphen''and i================~ • wm first stop In i... Angeles the first Englllh book con-1-----------------...,.- Coonty Arboretum 1n Arcadia, tainlng J'(llor printing. 1'i~lf;n:::;;~I;~iin~~:::,:~r~~lml a park developed on the Lucky Buaes will depart. at t:~I Baldwin estate. a.m. from Clubhouae 1 parklng After a snfek lwteh, the lol Further information may .group will continue via bus be obtained by calling Mrs. to the Henry E. Huntington F. J . Weening, 837-8114 or Ubrary and Art Galley In San Mrs . Emile Slewart, 137·1928, Marino where Items ol in-by tomorrow. -1 terest include an exhibition ol the original 3j boob and manuscripts first elhibit.ed by NEWPORT BEACH IFe1hion l1lendl ,, • Eggs Htde . In Shrµb·s Gr....ry ·In LUe Psri, ' Huotlngton )lfacb, ~ a . perfect ~ .. ·~ lo r , brightly ~ -and • searcltlng '!ii)·h·r UJl'b er y tomorrow Wui b•i° childreD GI ' memben and eib·art e r · members ol Xi XJ;Pl Cbapl«, Beta Sigma PbL . Special guests will be the Mmes. Sidney Lambert, Ken Moore, William Peert aqd · • Fred Rlcardo; In chqe ol the eu -' will be Ille 8*lbenblp ..... mittee . Wiiip:~ of th e 1'mel. Eldon DYarak, Henry Kelly, Robert Sbq and Jerry Cannon. Mn. Ray Nilles, chaptor pnoideo~ will tree! gueota. Beacli Babes PRE-EASTER SALE ---_ .... ,,.. LIVELY Tlt• DAILY ,ILOT ht1 a "w•M•'• tectt.ft'' •* ''""' m: ... ""4 . ? !Upper Mttl A~ro11 fro111 ·Woolworlh'•f . . ' ,, .im1 ., ... s. n1ego "'~ • COSTA MESA · · 540-.7.17 .... -,_,~..._ ... M-~ I I l ' I J I ' J ~ I I ~ ' --• -~ - ----· T" -' .. ----· ......--......-...,. -~----- -., -.,..-.... ....---....--........-_.-•• ._. -.-_. ..----~....-.._._-____..-----• --·----~-..,._ --• Wfdntlday, Ao"1 2, 1"69 S hool -Group---Worki~ng ~: rough' · Holiday ' . (Edllor't Hoell! A ,... ........ t. C•lt MtM. H-' IMd'I, ........ a.p •M MlulOll Vltft; per ... tofffd!W ..... lll»lllN wJN "'*' 11'1 fllt DAIL.Y PILOT MCJll ..-. lftfttmlotltn _.. bt nc:ehW ~ n.. IOClety ... "-it, ., bY ITlllllftt Olf Oflh19tlflt "" • Mrt. GlrH Smltll, 20l2 C.nhlt .. "*'· Jrt....,.pen 819(11, tw J P.m. Frld1.-, tor 'llllllullool WMIMldlf.) Adams PTA Mn. Carl Leuck Prealdent COM.ING UP: Executive · board meeting at 1:30 1.m. Tuesday, April I, in the home ol Mrs. Mlcbael Nisbet. Balearic PT A Mn. Chlrlea Cook Praideot COMING UP: Chuck Jones magic show will iake place at 10 and 11 a.m. Saturday, April .a, in the audil«ium. AdmiJSion 50 ceDts. r.trs. David Eisenman, chairman, announces that proceeds will be used for playground equipment. · Canyon -PT A· Mn. DeBD1s Miller PresldeDt ~ COMING UP : ~d meeting .at 9 a.m. Tuesday, April 8, in the multipurpose room ••. Attendin& the honorary llie membership ltmeheon Mon- day, April 7, will be MJ'.s. Dennis Miller and L. F. Ferguson, principal an~ this year's recipient. CM High PTA Mn. Omer biter President • • REPORTS: E1ected to serve in the 1969-70. year are the Mmes. Matthew Waidelich. president : Roland ·Lackey and Carl Rotman, vice REPORTS: llotqf!Y 111 e membenhlp wu pmented to Mn. Mart Goodyeor. Of • llcers elected are the Mmes. Ralph '.Bopl. president; Al· dis Johnaon, Del Lewis and l:J e r~b er t Foss, vice insldenta: Lorry Little .00 Ralph Gordon, oocretarles; WttiUer Saunders, trtaaurer; KelU! Kello & f, historian along with E~st Palmer, audHor. . Killybrooke PT A Mn. Rould Hayward President . REPORTS: CUb ·Scout Pack 439 Jed the flag salute and· the school chorus ~ tertained at the M.arch me<tlnl. Officers elected are tile Mmes. Ronald Hiiyward, president; John ~ll. Alfrod -~ and Ronald ColqW>, Vice presidents ; Robert , Rigg's· and Roy Sauerbammer, ~retaries; Robert Poarch, treasurer; Robert Peterson, historian; D. A. Manning, fudl.~r, and Riley Gayni>r, : pm:ijalnentarian. . . . Lindbergh' PTA Mn. Robert VlrllCik President COMING UP: Board meeting -' at 9 a.m. Wednesday, April 9, in the. multipui'poae room.- Mesa Verde PTA Mrt. Jamet MQ&Cll President ' COMING UP; Board meeting at 9:30 a.m. TUeaday, ,\pr,il II, in the ·home of Mrs. S. A. Ascilenberg, Monte Viste PTA ' . ' . presidel)ts; .Paul Foster apd :victor ~ovaoder, secretarles ; Kent Bergstrom, t re •·a u r e r ; Richard Oliver, historian; along ~Dick Levering. thlrdo vice president, and 1r'P4ul Foeter, auditqt'. 1 Mr1. David Goodsell President REPORTS: 250 parents at- tendf!d tbe science, Jlobj;)y . flil' and meeting •. Officers -4tlected are the Mmes. Mart· Morris, president; Donald Greene Ind John 'l'llrner, vice pttSidents; 11 ~.b er t Lacy Ind Andrew Lakatoob, ~etaries; Irving Lerner, Can He · Bake a Ch11r;y ~ake, Billy Boy? tfantasy ... Fashion ... Fun · ;ivoodland School PFO is staging a Fantasy in Fash· ;fans showing on Saturday, April 19, at 1:30 p.m. in !ihe school's multipurpose room .• Leslie Price is ~cky to have her fairy godmother, Teresa Munsey, • dooking after her jlS she· walks down the model s' · :iamp. i1rs. Ga red Smith is coordinating and com· : ~entating on the fashions and Mrs. JameS· lCay is )'efreshments chairman. .,d :~ ' Estancia PTA Mr~. ~M.aik '.Gilodf.ear treasurer~ James Sevl!:riloo, Pr~ldent ·historian, ·and · D·a vi d COMING UP: Board meeting Goo<isell, p8rliar0entarifili. at i p.m •. W~sday, April Phil! Maurer is auditor, 9, in the faculty loun,e. · , Spa•~h dlnner.wiU be plan-, Newport · Ele. PTA ned: • , Senior parents night Mn. Jolm Scapplt: at .. 7:30 p:m. Wedneiday, President April 1&. REroRTS: AllDUlll ', Motber· If be can, Scott Gordon may win the cake baking contest for Adams ~~students, plarine\I in con- junction ·wftb the 8Illlual PT:A ice cream sOGial and ·open house. Offerilli him advice are J4rs. Robert Suddendorf and Pam Lacey. PT A .executive board members will be hostesses for ther, th~med . , . f, I daughter luncheop w a s reported a financial success. Mrs. John Frando Was chairman. Lunch w a s · directed by ·Mrs. Le o Kraner and RrVfld by Cadet Scout Troop - Newport Ht.. PTA Mrs. Elgie Armour President , REPORTS: Mrs. \Roderick Wheeler, chairman staged a paperl>ack boot lrllding pro- ject laet week for two days. .. .'f. ·~ ~ -1 ·:-::..: P-T Units Finding Time for Board Me.etings ~dl!Qo''s Nole: A I>•* <kvatod la ;~~·~ie:.·~:111:a:1i::i°11we1~:~: Jr School lllstrlct Parenf.lUdll!r or· •111utloos Wtll ·-a· In llle VAIL y _'.f!!f LOT_ ,"'41 week. lnlor11U1tlon m115I "9 ,.......tel b'f Mn. W!lll1m Pu!ford, )1:1160 Santi Lucl1, FOYntaln V•llev by ,. '·"'-FrldllY tor JNbllcllllon WfdM5· ,,.,) f V Ele. PTO ~ Mrs. WilliaDt Dunn ·;.i, President ~MING UP: Open house and -., election of officers at 7 p.m. <::lVednesday, April 23. ·"PORTS: Proceeds fron1 ·:;,Fiesta in Fashions will be ~t:iven to the music depart- i•'Jnent for mus i c a I in· ,. " $• 4'truments. .. ~ :f>V High ~TA ':' ~ Mn. Willi am Mason ~.1 Presidenl ' . ·GOMING UP: Unit voled to :-~;participate in the Swap f.1eet :.• ~aturday, April 12. on cam· mttting at I p.m. Monday, t\pril 7, in the home of Lynn Tempkins ..... Open house and unit meeting Tbursda y, April 24 .•. Mixed-four bowl· ing league begins at 9 p.m. Thursday, April 24. For more information you may call Mrs. William Trundell at 839-0452 .•. Proceeds from paper drive Saturday, May 24, will go toward plirchase of science kits. REPORTS : Mrs. Bobby Palmer is recording secretary fo r the remainder of year ... Lynn Tempkins, music chairman, reports new stereo unit has been purcllased for the muaic department. .Co~mlttee will meet to dUcuss Phase 2 or Perceptual Maze. Oek View PTA Mrs. H. Bruce Turner President REPORTS: Dl5trl tl superintendent, Dr~ Clarence Hall spoke on the im· portanct of the tax over.ride to the school system during unit meeting. S t u d e n t s , . presented a talent show; Of- ficers elected tor the coming year are , the Mmes. Han k Standridge, pre si dent : Spencer Hfaly, Richard 'Kellogg and E d w a r d Muraski. vice prtsidents : Edwin Simonis and Defas Ivy, sect'etaries: Rob ert Harris, historian: Joseph Van Buren, parli8:fl:ll!niaiian and delegate lo the c<m- vention, pnd K. e i I o g g , alternate delegate. Joseph Van Buren was elected_ treasurer; Hank Standridge, auditor and Sherman Elliott. trustee. Robinwood PFO Mrt. Jl!mes Dhcon President COMING UP : Spring Carnival Saturday, May 17, from noon to S p.m. Ba.r.o the Clown shows at 2:30 and 4 p.m. Admission is 75 cents for adults and SO cents for children. by ad vance sale only. For tickels you ma! call Mrs. Wlllfam Allai, 893-4024, Or Mrs. Lee ,Mock, 892-6442. Tomure PTO !\1n. Lowell Brink President CO!\ilNG UP: Committee for the hot dog su pper Thurs· day, April 17, are the Mmes. J,ohn Huff, chairman ; Bob Riese , posters: C h r. i s Schneider, tickets:' Wayne flanlon , purchasing,''. a n d' Richard Gillum, desserts. Also, Mmes. James" Bud- dingh , Cresencio :r.tartinez. Elias Alcaraz. W a y n e. McGrady, James Ray mond, ~-E. Stewmon and AI Trejo. REPORTS : Crazy day fook place last week. •• Unit was host for Orange County Educators. Wordlow PTO Mrs. George Mtthan ~President COMING UP: Open house and election of officers at 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 21, in the multipurpose room. REPORTS: Unit was host to Easter parties ·for students . . .Korry Beckstead and Donna Shaw were winners in the .good citizenshif) and good grooming contest. All for Beauty Cake and Classes, of v.•hich Mrs. Charles Lamb and Mrs:\ Duane Steputis are co-chairmen. Classroom visitation at 6:30 p.m. will be followed by the ice cream social and awarding of prizes in the baking rl'ntc:-t. Olivewood PT A Mrs. Ivon France President COMING U P : Springtime Fatltasy fashion show from l :30 to 3:-3{1 p.m. Saturday, April 12. Outfits from stores in Mission Viejo and Tustin will be modeled.by mothers and daughters. Mrs. W. 0 . Lucy is chairman. Paul ari no PT A !\!rs. Nigel Bailty President REPORTS: Students ln ~1rs. Marvel Carlson 's first grade class and Mrs. Gordon Stuart's fourth grade class \\/Cre awarded ice crcain !reats for '>''inning the paper 1lrive. Pr es idio PT A 1\'frs. Jamts Ramey President C0!\.1ING UP: Members at· tending the honorary life 1nembership luncheon Mon- day, April 7, will be tile Mmes. James Rame y, Julian Cimbaluk, Phi I J i p Kilerm, Yale Burnet t. Streeter l\i·1.1~ and Mr. and i1rs. Carl A. Vrebalovich , • .Spring carniva l from II a.m. to 4 p.m.Saturday, April 12, on the school grounds. Surry rides and art show will bf featured. Pri nee of Peace PTF. Hany Southron President COMING UP: A fairyland fan· tasy operetta, ''Button Tree," will be presented by students in first, second and third grades April 10 and 11. at Estancia High School. Cast will include Debbie l-;rattan, Brooke Sutherland Da vid Coats, 1\1ark CatJi~ a~J 128 other students. Kindergarten students will present the introduetion. Mrs. Charles Ferguson is in charge of costumes. St. John Aux. Mrs. Robert Reid President COMING UP: Gene ra l meeting at 8 p.m. Thursdav April 10. Program whi f~lure. an Interfaith panel d1~uss1on with rcpresen-- tatives from the Jewish Episc~an, Presbyterian: Baha'i, Unitarian and Catholic faiths. Mrs. Johrr Nolan will moderate . Third JJ:rade room mothers will host • , . ,Paper drive will be st.arting. 1 ~ ;pus. Mrs. William Brockman :-._ Js·-chairman. • .Rurpmage ., :sat@ Saturday, AprH 26, as .. :-a ways and means project ,.,. 4 .. D~g Abuse committee >' '.reports a special meeting :' f,pen to students. parents ~"and public .al 7:30 p.m. ~· JVednesday, May 21. Wom·en Risked ItEPORTS: Mrs. \V a y n t A rm s tron g, s afety chainnan, reported t h a t traffic cones have been purchased t-0 regulate before and after school traff ic . • .$&15_ was realized from 1he rummage sale. " -:3'isler PTO ~ 1 Mrs. Pele Barbolak :.3i President ~MJNG UP : Membership t! jtrlve April 7 through April ·: 1!· Mrs. James Ellena, i;i chairm&n. reports first and ·.-~nd prizes will be awa rd- ·: 'ed the two classes with the ~~~ighe.st p e r centag~ of : -''membership. ,- }ta rper PTA ·:. Mn. Claarles Upol ~~ President ])OMING UP: Board meeling : .et 9 a.m. 1..fonday. April 1'> 7, In the leachers' lounge. '~d PTA ~ l\1rs. Vem Dart *· President ~MING UP: Boord meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Aprll • 10, In the kindergarten room . . . Unit meeling at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 15 in the kindergarten room . REPORTS: Fashion8 designed by pirents "'·ere modeled during, the third annual fashion show tei. today. Nieblas PTO Mn. Richard \Vilhtlm _ Prei;1dcnt COiNG UP : ,Special board Graduation Plans Framed Up for Fulton Graduation Day, 1969. will be memorable for Fulton &hool eighth graders. who are busy making hand· dccoratcd-prl1oWs to raise fund s for the ceremony ·rnd the festivities that go with ~· Miss Diana Gof~ (left) ~gbth grade teacher. supe~'ses as Keith Camp and Sharl Lilly \VOrk on a ·low. Orders were t en at the last PF'O meeting. . ·-' I ' • -.:...A....;..;tA.l *C •• ' Death for Efforts Wilson PTA . ' By MAIUS ROSS LONPQN (UPI) -Women over the centuries have put up with extraordinary discom- fort. even risked death, in their efforls to n1 a k e the.fnselves beautiful . White lead rubbed into the skin can cau!le scarring. b~daches. dizz.ioess and ·ultimately death Crom lead pOisoning. Yet the ladies of Cleopatra's Egypt, ancient RDme, and England rrom the 16th to 18th centures whitened their fares with this d:ingerous pigment. Toifc1y 's aids to beauty are "ot so extreme. M o d e r n ' sc ience has made them sa/er. But Mrs. · Brenda Gourgey. who reviews th e history of cosmetics in a Pergamon Press booklet called Face to Face, finds the attitude or women is unchanged. "They endure the Sllfling smell of perm loilons. subm it to the poundings and pinchings of slimming machines. P.lec- trocute their superfluous hair and petrify their faces with face pecks," said Mr !!, Oourgey. "In Europe. we may look ·1 J\lrs. Jo'rcd Simpso'! . . President' 1v1th horror at those nati ve REPORTS· . · tr1 s w pus _rings t r0t1g.. awa rds were presented at 'be ho h . h ~ . Sc1eBCe--f al r their noses. or pieces of [; the March mceling. Winning thr?ugh their lips. ~ho 111 etch entries fou~th· through first their necks or lengthr.n heir respect i vely wer e car-lobes; but the se cosmet ic astrrn:iomy : Lisa Tucker, Debbie Crockett. Jeff Stack Toni Gibbs; botany: Kare~ Dolan. Kathy Piercy, Can- di Howard. Tina Anderson;· geology: :f,.ferle Graham Billy Bousquet. Scott Stone' Linda Taylor; physiology; Linda Avery,. Jan Boq ue, Arthur Galvin, Chris Him· 1nelheber ; physical science : lashions are no n1ore drastic or more extreme in principle than faceplifting. -sc-ient1fic skin·peeling or the· injection or liquids lo improve the buslline." Europe's pa!t beauty pro- cesses sound horrific enough . Quee n Elizabeth I. who rul- ed England in the 16th Cen· tUry, brought in a fash ir.n fot her auburn hair lhat caused darker-haired ladies t-0 rinse lhei r locks in sulphur and sit in the sun fot hours waiting for the color to turn gold. Alas. thelr hair often fell out at th.is extreme treatm ent and th,e sulphur brought on noseb!teds. Sore t~es, too. A century later, women were still killing off their hair by frying to dye it with a mixture of silver e-0ins dlssolv· ed 1n nitric acid. Around the same time, tllr. Duchess of NcwcasUe recom· mended that complexions he lmpf'()ved by burning l)ff the top layer wilh sulphuric acirl. 1' Harriet Newe ll, Li sa Ortiz, Debbie Boniface, Law~ Calderon : zoology: Ma ne Garner. Grace Dam iJk, Suzy Chatoes, Co urtney Cargill , Principal's choice award went to B e c k y f.-lcFarland. Woodland PFO Mrs. Daniel Fawcett President C0!\11NG UP ; Third, fourtit and !ifth grade st udents "·ill hear t..('() Polite. author of ch ildren 11nd <idult book!!:, speak on his latest editions 11t I p.m. Thursday, April JO. In lhe multipurpose room. Autographed book! m11y be purchasrrl. - South. Seas Cruised Aboard the SS Monterey on a 42-day cruhe ol ihe ~µth Pacific is Mrs. Helen McCray of Newport Beach. Ports of call include Bora !l<>ra; fapeete, Rarolonga, Auckl~nd, Sydney, Pago Pago and Hon<>- lulu. . Rose Cer em ony Ho nors Servi ce Preceptor Alpha T h e t a Chapter members and a mem- ber or Xi Eta Pi will be honored during an order of tije rose ceremony taking place in Golden West College, Huntington Beach, tomorrow. The candlelight rites-will feature yellow roses, and to be honored are the Mmes. Deal Beck, Ned Gowdy, Donald Parson, Richard Kistler and Guy House . . The women have-o.11allfled for the degree after 15 years of. active membership in Beta Sigma Phi. Conducting the ceremony will be Mrs. Freit Rngers, president or tile West Grove Area Council. New officers will be in· stalled during the n e :x t mttting of tbe council taking place Thursday, May J, in GWC. be Mrs. David Wert z, Westminster, Junior pa st president Comprising the new ex· ecutive board will be the Mmes. William Barry,, presi· dent; Beck, vice president; Rona1d Br06Chinsky, recording secretary; Ron Jacob, co1'- responding secretary; Barton Sharp, treasurer, and Norman Nieherlein, civil defense. • Tea Brews Music ally A Concert ·Tea Ls brewing for Opera 400, a Leisure World support groop ID Lyric Opera AM<>ciation of Orange County, next Saturday. · , Canyon's .Fla,oding -Discussed Fu rniture ·Antiqued If your furniture l 1 n ' t naturally worn, limulate an antique4 distresled 'W•I?' 0 d ' finbb ...Uy and qul9\y, ... cmling ID ti>< Nat!cMI .Pain~ V arnllll and Lacquor Aaocla· lion. • ... First, apply the undelooat- lng and toner that come in the antiquing kit. Then, make acratcha and 1ean by beating the surface with a heavy tool or a burlap ba& fl1led 'trith chaim. Sand the 1ttatchel and a~ ply artist'• oil paint "raw umber" straight from the tube. Rub ct! excea oil paint THINK GREAT NEW PANTS! Jt41n Waltcllff , ... .. _ -Hosting t h e candlelight ceremony will be Xi ·Mu Mu Cbap&tr, and presiding will The event, to take placel';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~ at 2:30 p.m. In Clubhouse 2,11 will feature Norman Thompson who previously appeared in Leisure World with the Qiap- man Qwnber Play~s, a group he foubded in 1957. Candles Lighted He has been assistant pro- fessor ol music at Chapman Mrs. Jack Hall was In-College since 1958. stalling clticer when TOPS Members ol Opera 100 will Sea Sirens seated new officers be admitted free upon presen· in candlelight ceremonies in talion U membership cai'ds, K.illybrooke School, C o s t a and tickets for guests will LQQK for HAIRSTYLING Mesa. be •t per person. Beginning her second term1;:::='========.J\ by the area's TOP STTLISTll MANICURES AND ,EDlt::URES IY :A.,POINTMEHT ONLY as leader Js Mrs. Donald Bucy, and serving with bet wUl be the Mmes. Dona1d Lusk, CO- imer; Marianne Johnston, secretary; John Gordon, treasurer, and Marion Har- rison, weight recorder. The group meets every Wed· ne&iay evening in the school. Anyone wishing information may call Mrs. Bucy. 548-3144, or W'J's. Lusk, 546-6041. Court Stella Memh«s ol Court Stella Maris 1448, Catholic Daughters of Am~ meet each leCOOd and foorth Mon- day at a p.m. in St. Joachim's parish hall, C<lota Mesa. DR. EMIL LEVENJEC, Podiatrist ' Anno.unee1 tha OpeniR9 of hi• offiea For the Practice of FOOLDISORDERS Of Adult' and Children TOWN AND COUNTRY CENTER 11541 lateh loula.,ar .. 'Hunti119ton la1ch OFFICE HOURS: Mon. tMu S1t •• IOAM·•'M Sat •• 10 AM·2 'M 962-6507 .------VIRGINIA'S-----• • • SNIP 'N' STITCH SHOPPE 3134 E•st Coast Hwy. e Coroft• del Mer Phone 47l·I050 A11t1ost h1v• #101• 11ew E•tf•r Ovtfih fl•hhM ft;, , +II• f1mlll? M1yb• yo• ''' 11et 4111Jte ha~,., wltt. fl11•I t•1111+.1 Co11ld be a littla tri111 or 1Ma 4Kat•;' ti.,• b11tto11 wo11td add ftta pr111fa11i•11al t.uch. l rl::i tf'• dra11 and co111• r111111i119 to "S11lp '11 Stitch" a ••'II try to f!11d the Utt1a arlra •O!l'l•ttii11g f!iat *''"' ... T ltOiiia1aw11 t•""•"' l11te a11 "ori9i11al". • la1t Wi1hN for• "Happ:t Ea1tar" See 'f.OU aeon, V1R81NIA ,,S. Wa lcollla Ea1t.r w •• ., .,f1if•nl Ho,. .,.. fl"1 •i111a to cff!lt ''bniW1•" '" •vr 1hep al'lil ,.. ••' •Ida 1altctfo11 of 4111•lity fabric1 aM trlillll. \ . ·. Un Your lankAmorlc:anl er Muhr Chll'fl -~ WIGS Wl61fTS WCADES -49'' 4ts 1491 -26t1 Sale Prices Naw In Effect! YIYIANI WOODAID COSMmcs · mallu~. WIG & llA.,rf SALON C:.11 541144'. 250-0 E. 17th Hiii-lquore Cott• Mou • . ' ......... April 2, 1969 DAILY PUT • . - .. , .. Ht¥• ._.,_, wllll ........ """1 • Seturd1y, Aprll I , t:OO •.m.j 95c ;.er p,erson. C.11 H._9l21 lw, -•llin" .. • ,. . . ' .. •.· -__ ,___- PUCKER UP Peter Pan does bareback swimwear· with ·new puckered looks Oleg Caaalnl designs for Peter Pan. liftle 1xireback swim· suits in an elasUciied web, like dollops squeezed from a pa9lly tulle. And the lit is .Omething.exceptlonal, too, Every .suit adjusts to lit A. B, or C sizes by adding or removing' inJ!er cups. That means you get a suit your size in exactly yolir bra 117.e, loo. Sopu9ker up. And get ready for summer. a. souWe suit in polyesler, cotto1vin yellow. IO td 16, 28.00 b. zip suit polyester, collon in black/bro)Vn. JQ.14. 28.00 may co active sportswear 76 I • ' t ' co .• _, co SOlltli c-t pkaa, Min dl990 freeway. at llrlltol, cOlta lllftcl; 546-9321' shop mo~ thl'OllfJh lat!lrday, 10:00 a.111. to 9:30 p;m. • f r 1 I . ' I j {. I . , ·' ·f'torCfscope -----. . • • Scorpio: Don't Flirt With · Trouble THURSDAY APRIL 3 By SYDNEY OMARR ••'Ibt wise roan control& hJs ..... ,_ . ·~-logy . ts ~o.u.oJ' • • • nou" polD the way.'• I AlllES (Mlll<h 21-Aprll 19)' Evening features review of financial atatus. In v o I v e s mot., parfner. .Bbdgel and family do mi%. Reach UR· derstanding. Doo 't I e a v e essentials to guess wort. Have It out -tonight. TAURUS (April 20-May 20)' Tonigbl yoo get idta of what cooperation can be expected. Key is to go after truth. Take off rooe-<:Olored gl....._ See people lo reallstlc 11 g b t. Promises' are tine -but they 'doo1 buy (l<IC<riEo. . GEMINI (Moy 21.Jlille lfll ' Pnic:ticol mattero -.ate. lnc:ludefl W i 1 I of They're Magic LT. AND MRS. R. F. BONNER JR. Carmel Honeymoon • ride Claimed y Lt. BonRer alboans Marry 0 June Jana for a June Sl weddlna: L Anne'a Calhollc Olun:h, Ana, have been revealed Jone Carol Randolph and es Edward Oliver, both Balboa Island. ·ss Randolph, lhe daugbler Mr. and Mrs. Halfred Fre- t Randolph of Me'liCO, ' , ls a graduate of Mexie<1 or High School and the versity of Mis.wurl. A mber of Della Phi Della, onaJ art honorary and · a Chi Omega, social ily, the future bride is cher at Lindbergh School, Mesa. e benedid-elect Is the son 'Mr. and Mrs. Keilh Oliver ried a nosegay of white car- NJt\ons and J"OSeS. Attending as best man was Lt. D. J. WJi&hl ri Annapolis, and ushering guests to their seats was Richard E. Gm. now, tht bride's brother.-- A reception for 50 wtll- wlshen followed in the Offl- cen' Club. Special guest ot- tendillg WU Mrs. Kenneth W. Martin ri Londm, Ille brldO. groom's sister. Following I Clrmel i-y: moon, the newlyweds will reside tn Hanford. • The bride ii • graduate. Of Lemoore lligb Sdlool and Co- llinga Collep. · Her husband Is a graduate ri Newport .Harber High School. received bis BS ill ma- rine ~ . !rem the California Mlrillme Academy lllCI bil.irfnP'lhlm the Nova! Atr '.J'ralnlng Cmmmrxl, Pen-socola. . JONE RANDOLPH Betrothed Give your wardrobe • romantic, femtnlne look. Rdrab a dreu with crlsp collar, cu!f1 or crochet ee&- thru yoke to replace top. Crocbet tarrlngs, belt on bone rlnp wtth strfn(. Pattern 7432: five acceseortes. FIFl'Y CENTS (coins) for each pattern -add 15 cents for each pattern for fint-elaas mailing and special handling; otherwise third-class dellvery will take three weeks or more. Send to Alice Brooks, The DAILY PILOT, !OS Needlecraft Dept., Box 163, Old Chelsea Station, New York, N. Y. 10011. Print Name, AddreJ&, Zip, ~attem Numbe r. Giant.. new 1961 Needlecraft Catalog -over 200 designs to choose. 3 rree . paUems printed inside. Send 50 cents now: NEW! "SO INSTANT GIFI'S" -fabulous fashions, toys, decorator accessories. Make It today, give It tomor· row! Ideal for all occasions. 50 cents. "16 Jiffy Rugs" to knit, of Santa Ana. lie is a graduate crochet, weave, sew, hook. 00 cents. · of Mater Dei High School, Book of 1% Prise Afghans. attended Santa Ana College 50 cents. and now is a student at Bargain! Qullt Book 1 has Orange Coast College. 16 beauUful pattern&. 50 cents. addy Contains1;:===============i1 lothes Clutter g freshl> washed or ed clothes at y o u r ertipo. se a new ck>thes caddy. ' also holds extra clothes ' guests' clothes, t h 11 s ding closet clutter, The y rolls along lhe floor ·five inch wheels ind folds for easy storage. No ing or bending to hang caddy extends from 34 14 lnch ... · INK' GREAT NEW SHIRTS! w -·- • ,,,.,.....,. IM ....... Would you believe . . . . DIAMONDS AT KMART! no extra charffe LAYAWAY: Mothers Da11 Fathers Da11 6redaatlon A.JtAhlltO•r8....rellm.-41 G•-•tee 1na • • 2200 Harbor llYd., Costa Mfta, Calif. l • • compH1hjng bas~ ta I k I • Money q u e I t I 0 D connected with chUdreo Could arise. Be conser v:ative, SUc_k to neceSliiles • CANCER (June Zi.July 22), Good 1""¥ ·aopoct tonight colnckles With creative en. deav.on, romance. You gel answer to vital qutsUon. Look to future. Avoid auperficial judgmentl. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)' journey is completed. You gain greater· appreciation or home, family, security. You cuitinue to be impatient for new lt41i. But you learn todat to stick to e:r.per ienc'e, nllablllty, VIRGO (Aug. 2:1-Sepl. 22)' Conditiona could appear er~ ,..ti!:-But tbere ls,a l'!"'PQOe· " Heed U-vole<-One !Ibo You are vlbrut, penuulve. authority. One who trled to teaches Is giving YoU the But aome behind the aceMS deceive JGU about money m1y truth. Realize H and ...... "1Jllld like to ... you fail. l)lllie omonc11. Keep open ....... mind. . to learn._ ·~.-'1ert--1r TODAY rs YOUR LIBRA (SepL 23--0ct. 11)' CAPRICORN (Doc. D.Jan. BIRTHDAY oxpec:t new start Diverslly. Not wise to COD• 19): You p1n· 11>me m1jor next month. Clean up details centrate all asaeta in Cllle dealier.·But yoU mat make now. S~ occur, but you place. This Is day to ftod -~ to family member.' can ,bindle them. out where most pro(libte Know-tJ1ll and overcome GENEaAL TENDENCIES: areas exist. Don't wute time tendeoey .to be stubborn •. Lunar poaitkx1 favorable for procrastlnatlng. Diplomacy toolPI pro.., pro-filhlng. • SCORPIO (Od. 13-Nov, Jl)' lltable. ...!!~-= =" .~ Doti 't gel lnvo,lyed Jo. """Ym!-.. 6!1UAl!IJJB.. . ..(Jon_ -21-.l'eb ..... ;;;:;i~~-0'::::, ~~­ scbemei. By torught you bOw 11): ·Some promises l1ek ~r'~~~ -1:\, ~. 1'&!i11. what needs to be -._ wbotance. Koow UWi and l'f';;;;i~~~==~;;;;~ Earlier you are tempted to doft, risk what you' v el , ISH fl:Um. overkM>k rules, regulatiool. Be establilbed. B e Ueptical 1r .YISIJAIU5 semible. Don't flirt with troo· StudySOORPIOmesaage . lOKANICJ ble. Live up to obligations. SAGfflARIUS (Nov, n. PlllCEI (Feb. 19-Morcb 20)' Doc. 21), Don't prolong ootial Inlonnetioa you noed ii evening. Best to .Juve ihtJJ! to·rtllcomins. Y°"' 1ain Waolii1JP,1ore-lhenyou-coop.-lllon ri -in ~·THRU EGGS Ch1""11tt ''""'' .. chick1, buflfliM •IMI 'ft'· 2.tl Othar •••·lhr11 '''' ' 5fc 0 f .tl DEWXE BASKO Fl11ffy toy bu1111y, chocol•t• b111111y, lot1 m•r• toecil•• i1 M•d•1t1 b1,k1t. s.ts • EDY'S SATIN EGG l u1icio111 Ecly'1 chocol1t11 ifl • tltifl .,, a,011. r lb. •.so 2 lb. 7.9$ tDY'S HAT BOX ''h lit. ef chocel1t•1 111 1 tpriitt hat Lox. 2.65 WlllOW BASKO Choc•l•t• liou11ny e11d f111t of yummy cancli••· 3.'5 ROWERS ARE A BEAUTIFUL WAY TO SAY HAPPY EASTER! MIXED BOUOllTS • i11 chamiiflt b1tk1t '"'"''"''"h, with "1'' incl b•n11i•1, from 10. fo.20. CYMBIDIUM ·'PLANTS . ' ; •r• • 4eli9htf11lly • un1nu1! E11t1r t ik . 12.so to 25. MANY OTHER fl.OW"EltlNG PLANTS AND CUT • FLOWERS ORDER NOW FOR OUT OF TOWN EASTER FLOWERS. ,, ............ .. __ ... 842;,2169 RICHARD'S tlDO -CBmR ••• 3433 Via Udo, NewptffBe1ch, 673-6360 TD £Ulm BUJllXY • R.E.AU.Y 8110Ul.D ···:-·:·:put ..... bOtm!·ot G&ter- ade in bls I lmap S a C Jc. Nests to fW, '811 to t:olar. """ """· ~. l/rllltl'-Gatorade'll siw hlm tbt sock it to )'09 baby h@ neea. to make . a basket even llm<. Kids in achpol and sports know Gatorak It tutH to good it makes )"QU. &lad )'Oll're Urlnb'. Lemonade coa. ored but tt Jsn't for real. The official drink of all the major leque aports team• for the past 2 )'ears. and iJ came on the mu:jtet . for people UR only 1ut week, Gatorade had ita be1innq' in Florida and the Galen !oodtall team. A medical school firured out, after much research, what it would take to stop a penon from being thirsty. Acts sort of like a vitamin. When tht body gets dehydrated front exer-cl!e and heat, Gatora!M puts back in what is Jost •• ~ Non nutritive, no c:alorlet. .drink u much u )'OU want. and· you'll love it. ON WITH THE" EA.STt:R PARADE , , • And you don 't rJei!d tn serve Gatorade when a Lido Brand ham is the piece de resistance of your gatherin' round crowd. Pork legs, that bave their bringing up in the center of the com belt in Iowa, are shlpped out to the y,•est coast and d o u b I• &moked especially for Rich. ards, Sweet, the lovely Lido hrui: reigned supn!me in ham loving cin=les for years . Fresh Zacky Fanns tuto> keys, the bird with the rold plated Davor. Hen! qal~ popular applaU5e over thtt years telltrll'.S we have found ~ best The turkey that rates raves from Santa Bar. """" Palm -and Sall . Diego, and the Dell will ow:11 barbeque tt for you if yoq ask. What a way to cook. HYACINTllS ·IN !'OTS PUS.SY WILLOWS AND BLOSSOJ\IS and to go along for tht Easter ride, a &&tin bunny with flowers in his hair te make even a potted ivy alnc skippedy do. Doing the Eu> ter scene in the happy shop. ping place makes you feel young all over again • • , Who could be aad in ~ kitchen with a new Kubukl ooat in Easter egg coloni, or daisies, dots, no .... -cni or lady Hugs • , • Oil cloth aproM i;\ving around a salad bowl and lake the splashes with abandon, and Uie new crop of men stun to look d~ rative round the barbeque in, blossoms uith crabs, .fiah and lobsteni all over. OFF WITH THE PALE ON WlTB THE WILD Vivld purple, hot pinks &rd blue ••• Aren't the Easter paper plates, cups and thlna:1 fun to be with at eating time. llallmark's Color Carrousel, more daisies doln1 the color. g~round in pinks, o~s and greens • • • c v e n has playing: cards and candles tit join the mlss.matchlnz 1cene- • •• big round dinner-alzed napkins show :you're not ~ and p1utic party glasses sing alone the C.:-! rOusel route too. "WE HA VE~"'I: SEEN THESE SlNCE Wr.; WERE A KlD" What fun lo people watch people peek in panoramic eggs •• , flere'1 a Happy Easler thought the v er 1 young or even the wry nor so young will f'njoy all )'f'ar long .•. Easter Bonnet boxes of Edy's exqui&ite chocolates .•• WhAf fun to see a little ne&t of foil 'M'tl.Pped eggs in. aide • , . F.dy'1 new mod Easter box this )'tar In the shape of a white err with • Jovina b u n n y J>U8hlnc .: Wheel.barrow and DoWPrt popping out all ovtr • , • ni.I Ea.ater rooming 1iW. won. ders berin at 69 ttnl& and IO on up to the hlUe alc)t hofi.. zons, where when )'OU spend that much )'00: don•t care what it cosb . . . Boys II) for a sun jet with e111 peek. ing out the Windows or a. dMJm filled with kl19n ••• Little girl.I like wickl!r ~· with flowers on lop tilled with ~ .••• Te-a CUP1i "'-'tr steins and Toby mugs let yuu have your candy and eat It too •.• Richaftfa, the People Stoni .•• \Vhete else can you 1lt and watch a fountain and lick flit fee cttam q>ne . . , Ne\\'POrt &ach, • ,, ' • --GROCERY. ICHARD'~ AA llA RGE EGGS. ~~49¢ '\ ARDEI'< AA BUTIER LL ' " NABISCO "NEW" SWEET N' SALTY DUET CRACKERS .... 43c· . . FR£NCH 'S , Push Button Mustard ,, .. 2 ... 49c HILLS BROS. COFFEE · I LI, C1n 67¢' . HILLS BROS • .COFFEE ILL 1.33 SPECKLES . : ' POWDERED SUGAR , "· :2 ,.,. 29c . . SPECKLES Liglit Brown SUGAR } LL· 2 ... 29c SPECKLES . Dark Brown SUGAR , LL 2 ... 29c LINDSAY PITIED LARGE RIPE OLIVES 300 39¢ . . SPENCER STUFFED · QUEEN OLIVES SPENCER STUFFED Manzanilla OLIVES PILLSBURY 69, 69' Angel Food Cake Mix ,.... 49' SPRINGFIELD, ASSORTED FLAVORS . Canned Soft Drinks!: 12 ... 89' GOOD WITH HAM, GLORIETIA.ELBERTA Peach Halves 2 10 r 69¢ GLORIETIA SLICED ELBERTA PEACHES iv. 2 ,.. 69' GLORIETIA WHOLE • PEELED APRICOTS "" .2 ,.. 79c ' GLORIETTA HALVES BARTLETT PEARS '"' 2 ,.. 79' KLEENEX, ASSORTED COLORS DINNER NAPKINS "'" 4 ,.. '1 • REYf'!OLD'S I B"x2S,' ~LUMJNUM Heavy Duty · F~il 59¢ DIELICATIESSIEINI FOR BAKED HAM, REESE FRUIT GLAZE 12 .,. 39¢ Hove A Light Fruit Salod With Your Hom, ,Fruit Cocktoil, "."' olnuts, 'ond PHILADELPHIA ·CR EAM CHEESE I 01. 35 ¢ FCR HAM SANDWICHES, KRAFT AGED SWISS CHEESE ,... 59c HAVE YOU TRIED THIS? IMPORTED GREY POUPON DIJON MUST ARD SO GOOD IT'S LIKE HOME,MADE,'BORDEN'S Green Chili Dip • OL 39¢ LASCCO Shrimp Cocktail ·~ 3 ... '1 , ·WE HAVE ALL M-ANNER OF SAUCES, RELISHES ANO TIOllTS FOR FESTIVE EASTER DINING rn lll ·-- ' --ree ,.,, ,. -.. v ... ' PHONE ,673-6360 FOR HOME DELIVERY PRICES EFl'ECTIVE APRIL 3, 4, 5 >·· ... ........ ,,· ... , ·, ,•' ' I 1' 1' •• . .. . , ,• ....... \,' .~, . ', , ; I • . • .. •• I 1 \, ~ \' ' : I ' ·~' I \' .... _ ..... · ........ \ ,, ... ·~ ...... ... . ..... ' ,,': .\ .. : : ' t " ••••• j· • •. .. ....... ' ' J ~· ' ~ Org1n Ser1n1d1 For Your PIH sure' LIDO MARKET CENTER NEWPORT BLVD' A.T THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE . ' by .. Betnict Foy) RICHARD'S OWN LIDO BRAND WHOLE HAMS . 14 to 16 LB. AVG. • BUTT OR SHANK HALF "' ·-.k .. ...,.,. BAR-M, SMOKED BONELESS, FULLY COOKED WHOLE ,. TA VERN HAMS Try this with. Rffle fruit 91110 % or l-1 HAMS ZACKY FARMS I 0 to 12 LB. AVG. FRESH HEN TURKEYS ~~t: :i~":" .. :u~~'· •M 49¢ white wine. . . LI. FRESH 4 to b LB. AVG. ROASTING .CHICKENS . loslt with Torngon lulfor, 49¢ LL RICHARD'S FINEST , LEAN GROUND BEEF Jones Dairy Farm LINK SAUSAGE • ._,,. ,,,.,,_ Richa rd's 100% Pure PORK SAUSAGE.,,..,_ ... ~ ... BAR -M BACON ..... -- EASTER IS -AU THE JOY >IND LAUGHTER OF CHILDREN, THE EASTER EGG HUNT, CHOCOLATE BUNNIES, THE WARMTH OF FAMILIES GAILY CHATIING-AND OF COURSE, THE SPECl.°'L EASTER DINNER. THE GOOD FOOD AND TRIMMINGS, EVEN A eECIAL PLATIER OR CARVING BOARD, EASTER BASKETS, TOO-WE HAVE THEM All AT ~~ \ CINNAMON AND STREUSEl TOPPED FAT ANO PUFFY 55¢LI. <;Oi:fEE CAKE , -• 15c POTATO ROLLS 6 ,.. 29c WHOLE GRAIN GOODNESS• PEASANT BREAD 4Sc C.ked 'topped wlth Honey end Almo nd1 Chocolate Chew Cake 89c . HOME& GllFT:SHOIP tel SPRING · CLEAN• tJp SPECIAL · GODDARD'S TARNISH PREVENTIVE SPRAY ,..,. 3.25 ' and ~RY CLEAN S,POT ,REMOV£R reg. 3.00 · · NOW BOTH FOR $S • . -- , • CLO~ED EAST~~+~~D· T ' 2 ' FANCY, COMPACT, LARGE SIZE .. . .. THE WORLD'S SWEETEST JUl<;:Y ·m<>,s RillY .RED GRA PEFRUIT 10 1.:-$1 BOX OF 40 . . , 3.19 EXTRA' FAt-jCY, Sy.'EET, JUICY WASHIN6TON D'ANJOU PEAR$ •Try• frosh PHr Pl~ 4 for $1 GARDEN-FRESH, CRISP, LONG GREEN • . CUCUMBERS 2 for 29¢ Cri1p Raw-Vegetables Fruit Glazed Hem Chirie1e Pee Pods with W•ter Chestriuts New Potetoel with Herb1 Rolls end Butter Dijon Must•rd Wetermelori..-Pickle1 Dessert C•ke Bordeaux Vierinese Coffee with • dollop of whippirig cre1m FROZEN FOODS SARA lEE 6° CT. Butter Gem Rolls 39¢ SARA LEE PARKER HOUSE ROLLS 1Jd. 39c SARA LEE CROISSANTS 'ct. 49c MEASURING CUP PACK, BIRDS EYE COOL WHIP quirt 49¢ ISLAND INN DAIQUIRI MIX '"' 4 ... $1 ISLAND INN MARGARITk. MIX .... 4 ... s1 ISLAND INN MAI TAI MIX '"· 4 ... '1 BON-I-IEE . Ice Cream Bons Bons • . 49c 1•··- VAN D~ J<AMPS ' Macaroni & Cheese ""' 3 ... 51 WA~EFIELD'S ALAS~ KING CRAB MEAT , ... 1-'1 . NICE FOR EASTER DINNER .. caw CHINESE PEA PODS = .. ~:~OJ. 39¢ C&W PETITE PEAS ..... 4 ... '1 C&W BROCCO~ffiES ; ... 3 ,..s1 C&W Yl'Qetables Delideux ""'5 ... $1 caw CHINESE PEA PODS ... 39' I • ' : ' '!, . ' I I "£;.j,~ MARKET HOME & GIFT SHOP LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY'S S°HOE REPAIR FLOWER SHOP CLEANERS OPEN DAILY 9-7. SUN. 9-6 ' OPEN DAILY 9-6 OPEN DAILY 9-6 OPEN DAILY 9-6 DAILY 1,30:6, SAT. l :lo'.1 \ \ -----·-~-----~- I I \ I I • I } I ' J ·I • ' ' •t-t ..•••. , .. -• • ~ •••• ,_ 4 . . . --. ---~ ---- -- . . · ' W~. Apr!! 2. lM .... -... " - ---- - -.......... -........ ---.... -· --.... -· -9 --_____. .................... -._............. .......... -• ----·---- - - -- ' ' rA:S'l'ail (.MIN l'fO EAU• ~RI.I• ~~:rt. • Sparerjbs ....... 69c QO ''''""'"' SliCed Bacon. ~'t 67c llllD tNM "'MtOU: MJG" Ml K:*o:: Roll Sauiage. :;:.,~ 39c RM' SA.Yl Sliced Bacon. ~'t 55< ll,I. tlta,$1.lt $lA -flOZIN lltM8 Shrimp ••••••• ·~ 8 9c t• at. $1.if1 :n OL P.Jt_ lfO f Sll:Vt MU J.NIO Polish Sausage .. 93c 1000 ISLAND OR BLUE CHEE~£ SALAD DRESSINGS 160Z.41~ JAR ROOUffORT 7'1c BONU~ Ol~COUNT SPE{lfll ' OlC"' ~TBtw,tHIM'l\COTfOSOllAMI. "t.OOOtlnl:Cll • • Liver Cheese. ·.:6_3c '• .. nm.-.:..c..a.....,.,-·-. . , . ""1·-e·se ;., n5c '4Ullt . • •••.••• tll\*l ~I ~ ~-Ul..'1»,tt s-.1.u..st.tt ---. ~lls ........ ~ 29c ~ MM&l Cll llW.ll.AI •.. •ts ,,,,_ ; _l$CUI. • • • • 1-. ac ·~~·Ul!ont- 1> • ' ., 33c 'rarty Dip ••• I:~ . . IOUlfl<+ ll'IOIVOJ.OllY Wl.0.""'9 su;d Cheese ·~ 85 c ' j ~ 'GtifM~ ftOZloN Mltlfl" COllC, ,t;.wi sg.t tC*t4. ~1rn1 ~ I ·~tW;H »Cl MlXEO Vegetables • ;· • ,b.csn:JN"~ ltQl(M A"l[, Pf.lOI 7 Al;'ll)Ql:>l~ll> • ' ·1·-<-'7i·c ,, In •••••• -.. ·~1 ... 0..0..~ SttW ct , -. · Yeiffables .... ~ ... 41c . ...-"""' . l . com on Cob. ..c:. 45c .. ~ I I 7 ' 7 ·--Fi"8rs.· ..••. i,;.:47c ;t.:r.;;.:---... 39~· ~n •••••• -.. ff'!ttrtiN • -Pi. Silmon-~ 7f#C . pt4 .... '"!!II""' CEOZt 9ro'1nie ;Mix:~.32c . , ~-· -0"'1!ges ••••• '':!i 2js. •• O::tM-...TSTv.JMlllCIWID.I '""'~ Cranberry Sauce 27c J.llM •~!t I Sa~. Sodi ....... ~43~ hll Cleaner.··:,> 43c ~INSt.-..-n DIY Milk ..... ";:;.9$~ ·~-saA.'Cl9W!ol-~ 59c lrecllrfast. • • • .. ~ ,. \''4l1AttW•1t"Oll W'tlMe $1,, 1 faille Cover ...... ,._ • .. $213 (hicks •••.•••• ~ . ·~ ,.,,. a9c . • • • • • • •n. ' ' ..... hOliil I • lrlilt• lasic. ~JF ______ ,....... -Hair Spny· .. ·~ 59' ' P~ & Beans "<'! 25 c ICl.~~CllY~ ~'74 llon · 1ons ••• ;; .S.1 ' • ' • • I • • • Kilt c .~Memftll ntODICOll\IOlt . 33 Towels ........ .. ' fltASvt IOOO WMI' . S~n Wrap •• ~, 34c flt,Q. .. OfU.)~lOUT 3 Tissue • : •••• '-,~ 4 ~ lillWiDIM ~-'Miit, OWi~ ...... $)27 Wines ••••••• """ - ~~~Vllf"U'll. $ )9 Wines ••••••• f'llflH r ---. . CracldinB' Rose .. ~3~1 ·~.JI. . $699 . v-.1 .......... ~ . \ -~----$)59 ' ............. ..,.. ) : atWAYS~' IYIRYDAYll • ' Wod"'!dly, Aoril 2, lM • IOllUS DISCOUNT SPECIAL I l • ~I w•,~·::::::0 0.S.D.A. FOOD STAMP COUPONS . "4 &OI ~ti COUNTY ITOlll OM&Y Leaf Design . . ~ \ • . ms • ·t.qAa. B.i.t. ~~~·titsmeel beaulilul -• ....,... will ""' I mire thJi olepDl jacket.1 ~ " Rai9ed 1 'lea\'W. creatt ~·--.. .. fublomble tf•J -'e " e'a 1 n a jacket. Knil al -.... lent 7135: ,;,.. SHI !nduded. FIPTY.CENJS J"!i!lll I« each pattern for • ffr9t.dau malllng and special handlinl; otherwiie lhink:Jaa deli . ftl'1, Will'tllt lhrft""' Of n-.. send to Ailee Broob, the DAILY PILOT. 105, N.U.' craft Dept., Boz 113,,0ld CW. sea Slatkin, New> York, N.Y. 10011. Print N-J» .. . ZI)• ·Pallera· -· Giaot new 1918 N...._.lft d:tll'll over 200 ~~lo. cbook. J ri.e"iiot~ Jrinted UlllW. ~ so coits nOw. • . NE\V -"IO J.NSTAN? t GIFl'S" -JabWous f~ toys, Meant« ·ICXEm1ieL, Make it today, pve it tcimor• row ! Ide.ii for all oceuiona. 50 ,cents. ' ' . . Easter Breads .. Legendary l • ' J 1 I f I • • Mll.Y PllOT . r - ' . - . . ~asier Dinner Sp~~i~IS . . ~ if "~·~~EN ·EASTER SU~D~Y ~J®Jl@A~ . . '';J,~Je~-ofe~ " 1i{Je Q":~Al'I ' I "' -- ' ,-.. . ' I .,.UH ~PJIN._NIW DAI.AND. GENUINE SPRING LEGO' LAMB . SHORT ·~ n.__,. · SHANK . ' . • :c ·~ ·La.·...., -- LAROE LOIN LAMB CHOPS ... IV.- ~AT oEPJ\RTMENT FROZEN FOODS . ·.,.:··FULLY COOKED . . . ' . LL am cm : cma suas : no111US . ' . u. 57' : '1 09u. ·! Lt ST . • . SO"ON'S -· "·•• .,.,. S9C HONEYSUCKLE .IONEWS -1 •• ·"· "•· 291 POPPY BRAND -GRADE "A" BONELESS • , i WILSON'S 'FESTIVAL-BONELESS ~ .~~ 2:-~::~~::::::::::::::::::~ 4!!-~?l~:· ... >'.·~~: ... : : Ste TURKEY i4i~. 7 9t ! 'HALF-' c~~to s119 . -• ....., .. um .................... S79 -·~HIPS· ........................... Ste ROAST . lb' HAMS " : . ~"':-:-.~:~.'•• ................. 91C ~.,~~.:,;-.~~.'~: ................... 4te • • •. . ; . • • • • •.. . LL • ~ u:s.o.A. GRADE "A" -POPPY BRAND FRUH YOUNG IURKEYSj ''_A.'' · Sunn'! .Vaffe'I · Y,aJe . ' ~ARGE : · .. -----~ 0 . FRESH . ' CHIFFON-1 ROLL PKG. -2-Pl Y c D.Z. ) SMALL TO MED. WTS. \ 6-12 LBS. LB. BREA.lil'A.ST SPECLUS i : SEA.FOOD SPa:IA.LS , . HORMEL -RED LABEL i BUMBLE BEE -Fine QuoRty Pieces To S.ko SLICED 59c 'SILVER 99c '""w"'-""" 39c BACON lb SALMON ' lb . OUNGE .IUICE ...... 9;~" · . =•:::~"~:-:-'.·.·:~~·-~.'.'.'. ............ 6 9C ~~-~ ......................... 109 GORDON'S -WHITE., WHEAT . . I .~ 25• .SWIFT PltEMll.IM -l -•1. P•t· ii . SLICED WHUT . "' , .. ; . •OWN I ............ '"""'"" """"'Ste ;;:~~'if~-:!::.~.:....... . " '"""" 7te ' ~ JONES DAIRY FAlM -Li. Plif. 89C FltfSH' DOVtlt P ~ 109 JEltSEYMAID -111 QUA.llTY 79c UNI Slr."5AM • • • . • • • • . . • • . • • • . . . • • . . . • • . . . • . . . . SOLi PIUJTS .: •• ·.r ... :................ .. . . ••• •• • • . ''AA'' BUTTlll ...... ~:: · ~~11:~::.;.".' .. '.·." .......................... 69~ ~=:::.~~.5.~.~.~.:.2:'.~:.·::.~.~~'.~ .... 69C DE~ERT GROWN FANCY LARGE WHITE All DELICIOUS FLAVORS -3-0Z. PKGS. --. -. BATHROOM 19' GR · TISSUE ......•. p F-RUIT JELL-o . 3F25-c · . . DESSERT ......... ~ ANACONDA-12 -IN. WIDE-25-FT. ROLL .~ :~~L~~~~~ ... 2 ]c: ' KING SIZE -INCL. 25c OFF DRIVE 99c DETERGENT ... . --JerJe'JmaiJ -.All :J/a11orJ ___,... HER BET c ..._ OR c QUAIL-303 TINS ' s~:N~~T ~:~:TAIL s i $1 OO LEMONS EA. . . QUAIL -IV< FLAT TINS RED YAMS ..... IS~ HALF. SLICES 2 F 3 5c CARROTS ........ S~ PINEAPPLE . . ~ . ·-· Ll ... r Dept. Speel•l• OLD TAYLOR BOURBON ", ... , s5sR! QUART .............. $6.&5 HALF GALLON ...... $12 .99 HILLS IROS-All GRINDS " 00 -:J)eficafeJJen :J)epf. Specia~ --· ._ OL' VIRGINIA ·: .. H $ . ,, WUTPAC _ FROZEN PEAS. cur IEANS. MIXED vaos., cur CORN C rC1LLAMHooEK oDRi>AR1UM, .oCR sHHARPEESl I. · . c• !·. ;'.VEGETABLE5 .. ~4 ~~2t '1°0 lb , . . PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. THRU SUNDAY. APRIL 3, 4, 6, 6 ' e · · 13922 BROOKHURST. GA~DEN GROVE e 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEA'CH 2701 MADOR ILYi>., COSTA MESA · ~ 1308 W, EDINGER, SANT~ ANA I -I l I 1 I ' ---'-~----------------------------- - ' . . -.. • ,__ ____ .~ ---'- . c La. ,~ DAILY PILOf p . .... \MDAOQCI09$YA1'aMOI.-• • 98' snus=:TIP .................. "" .... iU"'iPHQT -_~/ .... 79' __..CMOl:IG1:11'A1•MDI ~ { s· 'le !.C!'!.'!~-·0,.-1111».IT ...... II. ~ C · '20l.LED ROAST ...... w.83 --. 79' --~~~!!'It.·~.~ , .. I& P~ S ... SAGl":: .... ~9' iiC.oi::·.: .. -... w w LI. 58' • • . .. .. GRADE.A DOZEN . ' ll1TY CIOCXD AllGll. FOOD OR CHlfFOll CAKE "MIX RIG.l'ICG. 49 PACIFIC BMl COOK1E'S ............. _,z.59' JO.mor.s , ilUI --~ WUJ'.oL -.._. ----==-=-=-~---=-=-~--~=---------==--=-=-------=---=----==-= • \ > I I r'J ..................... ~~--------~---""'-~---~-..... ---.... ---~---..------~-~-..... -............. t;._~ ..... ""'"~"llm;l9'l011plil'lllll'IP~~~"""~..-... ..,~~z::;;:::;c~;l;:" ............. .:;:: .. ""'"""°'""""~"'-----.... ....,_~---.. • .. ' -r- l~ -· "" ·Of"', ' -.~ "' ••• ..... ,,. -Oc "" .. -,, 1010 . ~ £,AG. B,,.,. -.. ... t All of us; at Alpha· Ba :1 . . . ~ • • says: t •• -· ~ !.ARG£ SIZE ·- "RUSHED BY AIR EXPRESS" . RfADY TO fAT DD.IOm PINUPPLE . ~ B1tt11 P1o8t1 d Diltoat P1it1s! . . . ' ,... I ,.. Ntft;$PllNG clop . FRESH i'TENDER ,., -. • ALL GREEN ·. ' •' -· '• ' . RID RIPE • l\,IVOllflL < IARGE·SIJE TOMATOES $· 00 .. LIS.. • . "Nl'R aar • swm • MllD • l!Avmlll , . B.,.,UDA3w.2 5c ONIONS' fDI SERVE WITH YO!!R EA.mR HAii Red V~lvet 2w. 2.9\c, YAMS · fOI lHESE PAOOOCE PRICES EFFECTIVE lHIJRSDAY lhroogh WEDNESDAY, APR1t 3 through APR!t 9 DilSTAI CAPSUW 9 OUHCt1orn:E ,,.f PURIFY lul•wlU . " 111 •1 1• lie 781 DISCDJHT PRICZD a1 ALPHA BETA SDITU NODUm •TANT A• COWtriiOME • SEA I ED .,. . *' IHOD X Ill 9IQIEI ·.IACQUARI l~CNTOWELS STOil£ llOtJRS, 11,0l lllni f1!L.,; ID l.M. to 9 P JI. SATUllMY-9 l.ll to 7 P.M. CIDSED EASTill SUNDAY > REDEEM YOUR FOOD STAMPS INANY LOS ANGELES COUNTY Ml llETI COSTA MESA 241 E. 17111 SI. HUNTINGTON IEACM-9045 - llUNTIHGTOH NACM-11 .. 1 II.-st. l'OUNTAIN VALLIT--w.._ • -111122s.c:.w...,. 25' 21c "' II• I ---, -------- / • • 4 , FWRIST QU..4LITY , j -.. •• ' . "' . l)ISCQ_o/{T PRICES : ' •-11Nllf .uMnr fJf IMrd llAlfTS· liHO dli' Rowas , Aft. POTTED IUH1S WIU 01l ~l'Oa wumD wt1'H JOWS AND · ,,...,...,........,w·0,...""'w~wruw~IDN,...•,...,... ....... ~ POrtED PIJANTS • 6-BLOOM MINIMUM . umawEs' ' ~'2'' DECORATION . . . ' . ' l.SSOft1m CXllL'iM ,. 'Ii·· FOIL WRAPftI> 1tft .POMD $281 IUIS " ' !LOOll ....... 6" POT W!Tll """-IOft, c DtCORA.TION . • t ~I COLORFUL 1 SMI ' HYDWIEAS .-,-- TOU.,BOWS, • ' ..,.,.,.,, ~'" '°' 1t'!1X r ··2" CYIBmlUI s5eJ •mPWTS COLORFUL ASSO!!Tl:D COLCllS $133 CAlrAlllQS ~~J;Oltr CUT FLOWERS FRESH CUT DAFFOlllS 68~UNCB llARIUERm: 98-DAISES JIUNQI FRAIRAIT 98-STOCIS allNCll • • =r.o · .nils ' ' ·1~ v . ~ 11t GOa:I IOX 'WJTR CAID, Pm I R1DOJI CYlllllUI gr . llClll ... ' ' ' -" ' ~ .. . . ' • . . • ... , • -~ • ~t ,. '· •' ' iJ I .. .. .. • ~ ~ -::1 .. .. .. ... "' " - • • r • ... ,, ' ,· i ~ ,, l.." , "' •• l! ... ..... -.. -- ' " ~· • ·- . '' .. ~1 ,. .. . l I , ' .< " • tt r . .. ALS01EA~A FIJU-V-AJJEJY-OF· ' 1/iMOIJS MAND~ :oac:;~~ '· •• )>fscOUNT ~ -.•: · ' . . .. 3 11. CAN ·' r BOIELESS HAMS _, ~~VFk· '1 ~9: · ' --· WI.sat ftSTlVAL LB. ' .. • , • ~ -' '· - ' . ..... ' FRESH ml.ET or D!Ml ' • EASTERN QUALITY• 1-1.B. PACUGE • ntESf MEAT PRICES EmCTlVE TirullSll.\Y ~rougb WEDNESDAY, Al'RIL 3 thmu!fl Al'RIL 9 ' . ,,_ IUITIOIW. • l>ClL PACl'.AGI! $ J 11 ~·ldpl Salllll 111 • 1• 99' • llN lfTI • 12 INCH 01.0Z..1 81 C · CllEU£ PIZZA ""'v.wn: . U tllCH Ill-OZ.) PEPPERONI PmA II.II Val. t.lll 11.1'1111161 •&U.YAW! , WISCOISll LOl&HORI' 3• 'CHEDIAR CHEESE 8 '" •• --' ··--- . \ 1 • • • IU!CllU'l 'PllDI BEEF ROASTS Pttfed for IOT' .. ':t~ .. 1, [•L~• ~· I':'....,;, Aptll 2, lM -- .. = flil.Jlr,'soll:l ~· l'lfC[ t-1.a BOXES •DARI. UQln llOW» Oft ciHERSUGAll 1 • ·• 18c 111· - ~LB. BAG GIWMJ.TED '9c Sk . • .. ...... •I . . -- .. Giv.e · ' ·-P:riutS -~A ·Try .... ·--.. . I '. ' . • · r •, I f . ' ' . . ~ .•• llhl&'a .• .,_, -· • )lff1llll, " ........ ~· . .Jt'all!ooq#, .... "" ,.._, .., ~.•,tiled ..~-tliij­-~ ,. "" So .. , .. .--........ 11111 you-"aoober-ap". ~ ~ dJecal•; ii .. ~""" ~ollhUaay. wtlich .. -be ~ .. 'TllOpe -l 'W.....,lfll peoaw in aeveral 'dlllonal"--. ~-~ ""1 ~.~·into a sweet . -"""' . minubire grid-. dlonU. IDie a rli:b Nie for ice ~~ ,Relult: a h1acloua . desoer\, ldtal for an afternoon or ev~ ""cfeuert and ed.· lee-" EaOy lor. llJllNll~o­m..i eolerlojnlng. too, for the pancab -la made with a.mix. · For . ...,.Mna a--bit dlf. ferint io bnmcb m e,n u • , Peoml'BullerP~-ts offer a new ttrllt Oft the peanut butler and Jel!JAllelne. --··-lnlo lbe -.--Ille baked ·,UCUei ... ....--bot. ler and rilpberry jlin. Par m o r e ·dcN'JHo.elrtb -·w.. -Coni . Baity can. ... till Ille bill • .. :U.L.. Cabs .... .. old favorite -1bicl com -griddle cabo. Bee they ... mode·. lit -with c:!ioPPod A1locl . poonuts and ~ ...... IDcldenlally, the vtrf f~ llllt ~Iii< grown ... *<ground 'lielpO uplaln why _Ibey ·.,.., -For Ibey ... claased -leolil!I · ·in . tables ol nulrilive values -high · in protdn and B vitamins, -esprc;.ny niacin. .So )'GU "" eaunl Oil --"" foocla lo Ii•• • boou& ol l'*l-aloo&wilh pleily ol Coad ~· ·Banana Sticks CUI 1.-p Ille ..._ ln ball.~-­lllcl illio -11111, 111111 ... ....... illo ............. ~ lcop-.-u4 roll Ill dlofl 1 I l;llllanlil walnula. . ' I ' J I j ) r I • ' , ' ft DAllY PILOT .SQqnish Menu W~rrns Heart o n~-Cc61 Day,~ . ..·.~ r The romance of flamenco • bontd port c:boff, I-loch . olL "'Mt. llQ!.k cbopo. Let dancers, cheering crowd& at tblct marlute ) boUn (If ov1t1 the bullrlnl and sun.!Jal<ed Floor · aJabt. ·-· • adobe villages -th1s is the t onion, minced· . ~~ala marlnlde into larp wnny and exciting land we I cup water IQlletj dust cbope with flour. , often dream of as days grow 2 tablespoom vinegar Heat mariMde ill lkilleti a4d a little longer and the weather ~:.. teupoOn Wfron, opUonal· _ meat and brown OD bqth al~. begins lo mellow. 1 cup (8-0unce can} corn Add onlon, water, vlne1ar arid Bring continent.al color and with peppers aaffroo; &immer about II flavor to the dinner table some ~:.. teaspoon Tabasco mlnula or until chops are rainy spring evening by serv· 4 cups cooked bot rice fart tender. Heai CiJl'D, V4o ing a Spanish menu. Ole! You In large shallow d1$h com-. teUllQOll Tabu:o; 4ou with, can almost hear the castanets bine garlic, salt, Tabup), rice. Serve u ~paniment • ctlckiiig! paprika and cloves;_ stir in . toprt. Yield: 4toleervlngs. C~INENTAL COLOR BRIGHTEN$ ·RAINY APPETITES "&ivory" ls the best word -"'="--'---"-----''-----~..-'---,....,-'--"-~--,,.,..,----,---'-----~------'-~.,.....r'--------''-----'.------:::­ to describe most Spanish cook· ing -and savory goodness is just what Tabasco has been bring.ing to dishes of many lands for the past 100 years. Tabasco, Ute internationally lrnmvn .liquid red pe~per -seasoning, adds Its own unique spice to pimiento b I sq u e. Spanish-style pork c~ and a rice-pepper-and-com dish. The creamy pimiento bis- que, combines chic~en .~~ with cream and sieved pi- miento, and it's served cold with ,_ dollop of whipped cream. . PllUENTO BISQUE 4 cups ._ chicken stock or bouillon' .. 4 tablespoons riee-·-. - 3 canoed pimienlo.!I, drained ·· ~~ teaspoon salt . lf• teaspoon Taba!co 1 egg Yolk J'2 cup heavy cream 1,14 cup whipped heivj cream Paprika Heat stock to boiling. Rinse and drain rice; add to stock. Boil until tender. Rub pi- n1ientos through a sieve.. Add to soup wilh salt and Tabasco; bring to a boil. Beat egg yolk allghily with the cream. Gradually sUr some soup into egg mixture; stir egg mixture into soup. Heat, stirring, until hot but do not allow to boil. Pour into cups or plates. Garnish each po,rtiop with a dab of ·whipped cream. Sp r 1 n t I e cream lightly with paprika. Yield: 4 ·generous servings. · . . SPANISI\ PORK WITH RICE I clove gar1ic, crushed I teaspoon salt 1 z teaspoon· Tabasco 11 teaspoon paprika '·' teaspoon ground cloves 1/i cup salad oil Hot Bread, Yum Yum! lVhen mealtime for two tunu out to be odds 'n ends time, a hot bread can lift it to elegance. With the assort· ment' of breads to bake ••• frozen , refrigerated and the mixes .•• you need on1Y re- peat those you like best. There are about 20 diller- enl refrigerated doughs and mixes, not coonting varia- tions. At least that was the count yesterday. Every day is another story. The same basic mix you bought last week tnay have a brand new sug- .::.ested variation this week. lie sure and check. !11ost of the miles probably make more than enough for one meal for two. Some of them give Instructions on how to make smaller batchp. But yo u pn always-make up the \vhole batch and rreeze part of ii. It will even keep several days, ""npped and re£riger- ated, rather than frozen. Re- heat by putting the foil wrap- ped Product in a 400 .degree oven for 10 to 20 minutes, de- pending on whether it is frozen. In ·spite of many new ahd sometimes exotic mix~.· Oll6 of 1he most popular is siill the basic "biscuit" mis: •. In its many variatlons, it be- comes coffee cakes, ·JTiUffins, cookies and other goodies. Orange-Cranberry ifuffjra are sweet enough to be .. called m u f J i n s, but ''uru:weet" enou gh to compliment the fl avor ol any meat casserqle or stew , • •• especially pork or chicken. ORANGE-CRANBERRY MUFFINS t~a ~ups basic biscuit mlz 2 tablespoom sugar 3 tablespoons grated orange rind (!r•sb or dry) 1 cup sliced fresh cranbcr· rie• \; cup chopped walnuts 1 egg, slightly beaten 14 cup water 1it cup orange jtdce 1/3 cup honey With a fork, thorooghlJ blend biJc:Ujt mix, sugar, or- ange rind, cranberries and walnUC.. Jn a separate bowt, beat •ii sUghtly and blend In water, orange ju.lee and 1>one1. Acid •II mi>lun! to dry iJlll'edl<'lll Ond mi> only •nougll to motmn. rm muf. nn cupo two-thirds lull and bate In 4llt dflroe oven :II to JS mlnUteo. ~ IJ to II muffins. , I I 1• I . I I . I I I U.S.D.A. otOICE I 30 SHARI' OVER STANDING ! A.TUIDAY MORNING ISEcanEGGSTHAT I 'RIB ROAST I I ~.000 EA~~~~IZES. A.LL OllLDREN I I . CAUPNTOIEIY '""E•RSAREEUGIBLE· ; t INC.UOESALL~TS Ill(: ~~~~~,..~~~~~::::------I NOHE PlllCB>HIGHO. I MIATYBDF 98¢ B -!!!I~.!. .. _.___ . •. .,, . . . ~ ~ ' YOUNGllDIOR 39¢ 1 ~;;:E~ $1.2··--·-9~ - 1 MAMI "-"'~""' a. 01 Hol'f"1•. ~. r9'dy ta Mt---·.. • I I I I 'I · I I i I ... ,.,_ .. . ~ Dtlieat.&st11- 0l.' -Oii . I I ! FRESH LEGi l Of PORK l llOffMAN SMOKED HAMS FUU. Y COOKED SHANK HALF FRYER PARTS ... I I I I rr ~!~Wli I WHOUOR I r SHANK HALF I LEGS, THIGHS, Oii llEAST ~=_;~~ .• s----Jj: · · !(j!§..~D FRA•S ~ .. 69< BAIY WISCOllSll LOllGHOlll CHEESE :ir:.'.l! --•• 19< MOZZAIEW PRECIOUS CHEESE --1-0L 4tc n-0L 69< PRECIOUS STRlliG CHEESE-""~o. lie PHILADELPHIACREAMCHEESE -.-0,41c BAIY EDAM CHEf:SE ioo. lie BABY GOUDA 1-0L S9t DELMONTE PEACHES SUCfD at HAlYES NO. 'l ~ CAN -·-..................... . . . PINEAPPLE OR ·TOMATO JUICE DElMOHTE46.0Z.CAN -- ~ lb. • ,., • • PANTYHOSE =~... $129 ftltST GAAOt: lATEST COtOltS FOUlt SIZES FOlt M:RFECT FIT -• , ,. Al( COOlllU ... .... 4 l:c FOOD COLOlllG 29' GtAHA#.CIU<ltfS,IW)QlfS,~C...S ~ KHkllMGSAUCll:nD4'ACI - ~fruits & V1gc.to6ft.s: ASPARAGUS llllSH,DDA flMl:f. AU.- ~. 2 B • MYllnlSD~ lfflCTIYE 7 Fill IAYS-JRIS .. Al'llLW tin WO., A ttlt MAYFAIR MARKET-175 EAST 17TH ST., COSTA MISA 2030 W. ht St. Santa Ana , BOllUS STAMP SPECIALS! · -100 Fl& ILIE ClllP STAMPS , ..,.. ............ o1-....._, ___ ~~!!PORK ', .• 6Sc l !_!1c!!5j£!!'!.c:K R~ASf.... ·" CJ8c .. BOIBISS ROLLED ROAST $119 . . . ' I, SllU»ll9', ....... lOPOl IOl'lOM«:lUNO :_-"-"""' ,_,,,_,_ LI. ~ , BEST OF THE FRYERS ,. . 9c WASTI' IE-··-·--···-· .. ·-·~·-· .. --.. •-·--·---··-.. ··--ll . MAT-'""" 4"" ......., 45' nnru.ua 51 '' GIADIAA DOI. -.,-r.AOIAA.DOL QADfAADOL 48·• D~ SpfA!iakf ICE CREAM _":::::::::: ... 69' · ~~-• 79' f-!~,,.,'!,Wl_. __ 49c ..... ...,. TOMATO SAUCI l·OLCAH---- DILMONll CATSUP 140LIOnll!-- :51 10!1 5!1 39•i ;~~!b~_0_~~ __ 4;+i ·~ l 1' HALF GALI.ON SPECIAL I EARLY TIMES . =•tt49 SAVIS1.SO tWIGM. ZAROFSKY VOD KA • $]69 PAIK A~IUE GIN -cum -.,, FAii OAKS . s49t MHDlDot,S.IVJOHTklUQOl<j ?OUCOOCT: QUAil WE HAvtlc.f'\.ETEHlECJ'IOI OF PIEMIWM w11n FOi USTEI ~.!!~~y.-s4tt f,~~-~C,\l!MP~~~E s 1 •• 1'INk. WWIJt COUI DOCI( GllLOWINES s1•• VINROSE s1n l'INICCHMU5 ..._ HMl<W.. GAllOI. llAL°SW!!.!.(otQNT '>GAl ·---FMPANOYq ~~~~J.!2.?~.~ .. ..,. _ _ ,.,,. s 1 u RICH ELIEU CONCORD WINES .~"~ 79e , • ., 11.79 ~~!>~~.~'!JILM SPECIAL • ..,, 99' , -~.,,_:~:-.::--==~-~-------- ,, ' i . • ' • --, - -• • • ~ ., • _. • • • "' .. ~ ro-'P'--..,. ~~ .. ·~·~#TO " ~,...._..~...-r:.,.......,...,.---,-~__,,___.......,....,..P'!'."' __ ~--=-~----llill • ~ -... ... .... ,_ ....... " •••• -•• .,.-••• ; ................. " ........... " •• ,, ••• .,,. • • •• .. --* ••••• . '. . . . . .... -. . < DAILY PILOT 43 - • : leg of Lamb ..... S · ank Hims · . FROZE~ from Now FARMER JOHN-KRUSE ' I . • %11llnd-JtaH TOM· or HOFFMAN · or ~r. . · ·TURKEYS · GRADE 'A' . . c 20 lo 22.f.bs. ' • · AVE~GE ' . ~ OSCAR MAYER BOLOGNA ALL MIA•. • .. ~. 45c SLICED HAM 111~10010 .... ~ .................... 43c MOzzARELLA BALLS 11000 , .......... : ........ 4$c OSCAR MAYER BOLOGNA Au""" a-..47c ALEX BEEF TAMALES ..... . ..... 411 . S .. REDDED CHEESE ~.l':A~.:: ........... wL311. OSCAR' MAYER LUNCH MEAT~::~"' ...... 89c GALLO CHUB SALAMI .. .. . ...... 1.39 PARTY DIPS AllllTsoN~. vA11 .. ,.. .................. 311 .... --. ------. C&H •rown/Powdered . 3·LB; TIN ·Janet Lee Large BLUE ,BONNET Friskies 3 Flavors FOLGER'S I " SJJGAR ·.CRISCO \ A~AEggs Margarine ·ooGFOO.D COFFEE . . ' -1.s •. 79c ·~ 26~ 15~.n $f99 ' . . 2~·1 3-ll . • TIN Tin . !. ·----•• ----___ ._ ___ . -------------~ . ---· . ----·-. . "DOUBLE DEAl'' GROCERY SPECIALS ST:;:;~ ~~;sD,;c~:~/~~IS . I BEER -WINE and LIQUORS · I --BLACK PEPPERscHlll™G ~URE · · · ~oz. 34c RIPE OLIVES U~SEY PITTED-39c MEDIUM SIZE . . . . . . 300 ... -PINEAPPLE ~ ... 281 UKULELE SLICED .. . . . . . . . . 2V.. .... ' COFFEE 137 FOL GERS 69( 2-LB • 1·LB. TIN TIN ' ' Walnut Meats DIAMOND ...... 99c Instant Coffee ~~~ •.... 139 ' S t Y m SI 25c Mushrooms GRllN GIANT 2sc wee a s ~~AYNI . . 2\0 SLICID/WHOLI .. 2 .... • N'w Biz :~~·u·"Dly ........... GT. 66c Redwood ~.:~ 1~ ~~~" ...... ~ 169 Aq~ Net _ DE='Nr .. Health and Beauty Aids Panty Hose D~~N~~hs =· 2/1 ANTI· 93c ~.::· 73c 4 · 73c I &41. • "IS. ~ .... flc , . · PAC · I DOUJLE DE~~ eROOUCE SPECIALS :~~0~~ ~~:,:ws ' . Flori•I GJiality ~ EASTER LILIES .Tom~~·::"™. ..... i.. 19c ~ Orang•• :•. a.:; 69c Grapefruit :~,0' I~~ 49c • Pineapple •AwA11A• ...... 39c ~paragua.:~~~ ..... ~. 29c ( < • 1 • W1111rl MNC! ll11i1n Swiss Mwon Albtrts:on's H1my'1 WIN£. ROSE' ROSE' B()URBON SCOTCH MADI ONLY · HAU' GAL rAUL MASSON u rwoor SAVI T.21 F110M HONIY EASY GRlr . VINIYAIDS KINTUCKY Rill QTS. """ J89 J39 "''" J59 995 'h OA.l • 511 .RJllNEGARTEN :;,A~~ ....... 1.39 BEER ;'.."~1~ .. "..:"~1 12 ... ~ .... 2.22 BUSCH IJEIR !'~". 1.0,-. IUR ;':i~~!·.;,.:rw~ 2.19 '\,' , . . FRE~H at Store$ With an ln~Store Bakery • I ''Easter Nest'' CAKE WHITE LA YER CAKE -TOPPED WITH NESRD JELLY EGGS . . . . . ' c HOT CROSS . .. ASSORTEt DINNER BUNS 6 i 39' ROLLS e )ii • . LA HAIRA J ANAHEIM . I ANAHEIM 1 •u111A PARK H•tht et o...... s,_.... 7111 Whftt5" lf¥4. st ........ ,.. •I ... 0..........,,. I 1 '-----_,.__ --- • • • ' c : APPLE OMELETTE A DELE.CTABLE TREAT Greets the Day ·'Eggs-e·Aently' What's Thanks g iv i·n g Turn out onto oven-proof 'without turkey? Halloween platter, Spoop half the apple WitbOut a pumpkin? Or Easter mixture onto one side ol the Without eggs? · ·Whether your family returns the grated ch~. Fold omelet · chilly and ravenous irom ·in half. Top wilh remaining sunrise service or merf:ly · apples and cheese, Place rises e8.rly to don Easter under broiler again until finery, we think they'll enjoy cheese. mel\.s.. Serve hot. nourcyling a n d delectable Easter eggs, breakfast style. Makes 2 servings. Today's recipe is for an elegant · but easy-to-prepare Omelette aux P -0 m m e s . French-inspired, this apple· enhanced dish is derived (rom the "souff!ed omelet" of classic cuis'ine in which the egg whites and yolks are beaten separately to achieve an extra-light and fluffy lex· ture. The "pommes" topp.ing for which the recipe calls are · fho&e versatile l;zanned pie-sliC. eel apples which you may have used only for pies up till now. The use ' of convenient can- ned pie-sliced apples saves the ijme required to core, pare and slice fresh fruit without sacrificing natural flavor and texture. • .and makes the preparation of what looks like a complicated entree speedy enough for breiltfisl chefs (allhou5h it's hearty eoough to aerve . as a main course for ' Ripper, too). Shr~ded Sw\Si; cheese is the final taste acceat here and "delicate ." "different," and "delicious" all describe the ·tempting result. O~~A.:, .. ~ I pound 4 alintt canned pie ' sliced apples, drained ~ I/, cup sugar 1,, te aspoon nutmeg l4 teasj>OOll 5inger 3 ~gp. aeparated 1 tablespoon water 1 teaspoon sugar , 2 tablespoons butter or margarine Good News SIZES 10l>-20l>. I I ',: c~ shredded Swiss It's lhe ZJG-ZAG line swerv· Combine drained pie-sliced ing down to one hip thlt does apples, 114 cup sugar, nutmeg lhe most slenderizing things :·Md ging«-in saucepan. ·Cook Jor half -'size ficureS. Maku · ovtr medium beat until apples you look inchel taller, ·too.' are g!aied (about I or l l'rinled PiU<rn •: NEW minutes).; keep warlJ\, Half Sizes 10~. ·-it~. t41f.i, · Beat egg yolks wilh water tel-).. ll 'At, 20\li. Size 14\li (bust until thick. Belt egg whites ·-~ 1·· ds -' ' ~"r but d 31> ~ Y • _,, -until •w no! ry. Beal SIX'l'\'.f'IVE CENTS Jn Jn l teaspoon sugar. ·Fold __ for each pattml _ add bulen )'Glq into bealen egg ti cenll lo< eodl paUern lo< ~~-~:..-·in • ·nc1i finl-dus mailllf IJld apecill ..,~1-I rl ov•n-._....,,_. IAl•,.l1Je'l1Mklass r. lldJlot aft!) heal until _.., ~·-Qulckl t · ddlvery w!ll take tine ...ts -· 1 urn in egg or more. Stnd to fttirian lilllluTt, opreadlng even I y Martin, lhe DAlLY l>fLOT, .,.. ~On'l 'Of pan. Cook over llllifium hell unw· omel.t is 441 Pattern Dep~. zn West ,.,... brown on bottom. Place 13tb St., New York1 N. Y . ... broiler Uoot:I inch•s JIJOIJ . Prlnl NAME. AO. ""'I heal unW top <I .91DeJe1 DJIE88 wilh ZIP, tUZE and 1' eolclen brown. STYLE' NUllfBER . • ' ' •• WNO,f.-. · •VODKA OR FINlEY'S . : IUCHIUllU 'OSHIR CONCORD SAVE _, .. SA.VE s11• SAVE •1 •1 SAVE ,, .. GIN WINE YOUR Ctl'OICE s3.at FULL . ~ QUART. 79:.k LAUDEIS ROCKINGHAM ~ BLENDED SCOTCH l(EiTUCKY REG. $6.i~. ·WHISKEY NEW LOW Pil:kt . ·s~ ....... s3tt ··~~ "'·::..!.·.·.~ FULL QUART • QUART VINTAGE DATED SONATA IMPORTED CALIFORNIA GERMAN PINK ·WH•E CHABLIS """ ·aac '1!,9 GALl ON ' AlllClllllT Ael •• , $J 098 STI AiGHT ICfNTUCICY IO~Rl'ON'S l2.H 1h-9ol. SMIRNOFF VODKA "'· v,. $1049 100% GRAIN S,IRITS SI 1.6, ·90!. HARVEY'S SCOTCH • .,. '"" $577 l lENOEO WHISKY S6.91 111worl IARLY TIMIS •• , $JJ49 ~TRAIGHI ICEHTUCICY IOOll ON l11.9' ~t. EXTRA SERVICE • CHICKS CAStllD & American Express . Money O.ders .......... . 'Sdfts Tin! I -... .... Sore Steps/ ,., All YHr lilts~ ' "Tiie s.at• Moner' (OflEE-ALLGRINOS MJ B l~b. con ........ 69c 2-lb. can ...... $1.37 3-lb. con ••..•• $1 .99 1Q.oz. lnstont$1.19 . Hl-C FRUIT tlRINKS • ROllDA "°~ • Gl:A" ._Amr • CHfllRY • PINEA,,Lf.Ql:ANGt 3!::97c " -BIG WEEK TOM TURKEYS 18te22 37 ..... ' c WITH POP-UP, . THERMOMET!R · lb, CHRIS & PITT'S WHOLE GOLDE N CREME ' . • . FRE:iil flOZEN-ll'MHG ,.,- Rl8. LAM8 CHOPS FRESH FIOZEN-SMALL LOIN LAMB CHOPS FRESH FROZ'EN-SHO~l.O,fl LAMBROAS~; ~fNTEl:.CUT . · , '. ; RIB PORK CHOPS CEDAR •t ,l:MS'· ~.;. ·~ SLICED BACON 22-ot. 'Ill ~Brown & Serwe Sweet Pickles . jar (49·~,,,: ' . ( ...., ROLLS .k •. 33c POWDERED LIGHT OR DARK 1 • C & H Brown Su.gar ~;~ 1 ;. cf 12 ""-. ~ ~~· 25~. ·. FRES H KIST STRAINE D OR WHOLE Cranberry Sauce LINDSAY LARGE .;;;:, 4•c .. ,, -~ .. .::~. ·3· ,-:~ , ' Pitted Ripe ·olives F,ARM BEST GUDE 'AA' CASE.SWAYNE BUTTER Golden Yams l lb. 79c DE~ORATED PAPER ""-'"· · ~ Kleenex Towels NALlEY'S lclNT ASSORTED . fresh or Gelatin SALADS 3 ,. .... $1. . pkgs. , SEABROOK • •·CREAM ONIONS • PARSLEY POTATOES • S,WEET POTATOES HAWAIIAN FROZEN FOODS PICTSWEET YEGOA8LES • P:EAS • CORN • PEAS & .CARROTS s·~~~:.·~1 . ' . can r• -· ~':~·.33~ I • . . '· -.. -.. . . f)lRA.LI·;· DINllllR •oLIJi.~ Sutter Gems (pkg,. of 6).IJ_. Croi1M:1"t (pkg. of 6) s;c CHllHCAKl~. ·t LUUEUY .~. -~~ . SHRUlllP KERN'S ~SLICEO -f, . . ~otmtooic.,. '"'" IO.Or.2·9c LIMA IEAllS .... . · ••••• pk9. c3c~~T:l~~ . , ~.!~AW~Efl~iES , ~-I:.·;:.· 69~ a .. CINNAMON ROLLS • COOL . WHIP ~TOPPING ;-"'-•;:;· 49/cl .. 'WHITE-READY-TO-I A KE BRIDGFORD · BREAD 3 1::::. 55c • • .J' 3 9y, .... $1 pk gs. SWlfTS P•t1i1.IU/ll. SA.USAGE SMOICIE 69 LINKS 1~•~'. C_INNAll\()N Og CORN ' ~ AUNl JEMIMA STICKS JELL-0 PUDDING MIX CRISCO VEGETABLE SHORTENING, (3-lb. con) .................... 8Sc !:ALO CAT FOOD TREAT ............................ 2 6'h·0< '"" 37c SANKll INSTANT COFFEE, (8-oL iar) .••.•...••. : .....•••.••..••. $1.69 HEINZ KETCHUP, (20-oz. btl.) ....... : ....................... : •.••.. 3Sc DIET IMPERIAL MARGARINE. (I ·lb. pkg.) ........................ .43< • CHOCOlATf •VANtl.lA • CHp<:OlATt fUDGt 2 ~~J3 c ;.,,.35'.c' p ~g. ' J IH,TA!llT Foremost Breakfti sr • OUtCHCHOCOlATI •v.Gii\i'..• • CHOCOl.AlffUOQI < •••. $109. eP'IO 2300 Barbor Blvd. at Wiison st.i, 11 Harbor Shopping-Center, Costa Mesa ~ ' -·-'------------~----. -_-_.,_~_ ;._ ---~~ -__ ':": __ -------=--·-------. ·--___________ _., .. 1 I J r I . --.. • A r .; . r llAYW•··lil.AcK HAWK er LUIR WITH COUPON IHAllK HAl.F PULLY COO KID : ·•.} SHl~bOl:1 ..... M!tOfL~E(INCL7c,Offl ;,_--. -· .. ·a·x-.·.··,LL-HO-u"'1•1 ___ °' !!.~1!!1,1.~JiOCONUT INSTArtt.1:0FFEE · !il~::!':.ws •; •1 .,, MAOICCWffW!AYYDUT"f .,...... . ·, •. ALUMINuM FOIL . ... D£TElGEN1" (IMC\. lS. Off) LIQUID LUX FRESH KIST PRODUCE ' • PILLSBURY. • • WESSON Oil. SAlAI> OR COOK1NG, (>48-oz. bit.) ................ 91c PANCAK? llOWNI. FLOOR MIX 3·lb.63c 21~ .... 5·3c pkg. pk9. ALISWEET 11\ARGARINf. (1.Jb. Pk~ ............................. 29<: SARAN FOOD WRAP, (SO.ft. rolO .................... : ............. 39c MILKMAN PoWDERfli NDN-fAT MILl(,(12.qt. pkgJ , ........ $1.99 . LIPTON BEEF STROGANOff DINNER, (reg. Pkg.) ................. 75c . GREEN GIANT VEGETABLES SllCED w~ l£ANS (no. 303 can> .. 29c WHOU WAX liAAS (no.303 ccin) •• 33c ME>UCORN (12.qt. con) ............... 27c . 'DOZ. ' • 1 . 2300 Harbor 'Blvd. at Wiison-St., Harbor Sllopplng Center,' Costa Mesa ' .. ,.. --"' ----"' --" ~ ------_,,, -... ·-~ .... " . ..., • ------ ' . . ' · '·No Neecl to Beef ·' '11 ,...,-------- . :Menu .Indicates ( . • • ' . I ~ ' r ..., .,., ... /".. ... ,. iJ ., . ' ' : ........ 1(1 "• .(h:a .ng~: :of···'?!~~~ -. . • . l I • ;.'~.:_, • l, .:.!'. : ~~~ai,c!i . a . new . lllln"'9 bee!'.~~ --'ltio -~J."'81h<r . ator',.veral h·ou-tl \~ --• ~..,. ...:c:..rcc Beel''at .rmn•tem· 1n .... ·-~·in •:.:r"""· ; . ; food too, It's the iwoir !or ,....ture ta.ks-lea · -")'> -~• , .. cook. sbrbib Jeu, makes ·~-~. more ieh1ngs per ·pOund. Why nqt rejuvenate appe-Place beef on net In shal· tiles with an elegant Beef low pan and rUb with bnndy Welllngton i!>lteod of .the Ira· Hit, pepper. Lay bocolt lllc:ff ditlonal,ham this ~ .-. OYer ~; Rout bl .pC<lleated da11· A w,elcome cllaq;, ot · 3ZS ~ oven lhOut 10,mJn. pace le< the (imlly, tbls beef utes · per ·Pound !Or -, 20 claulc ii a marvelws choice " minuk:I for medium. Uae 1., guests. . meat lhennomelor, II pos- A. file! of Beef WelJln&ton .sibte. • comb~ I ch°"1'"c:ul.<\l !i;eef, ilolDM•fiOm OV«I ~cool Uver pate ·and a:Dldeli efu:lt It fomrt ~ ware o1 puff pa!Jlry. MW lhO crust . pn>eeedlng. Siftad chicllen . ~ ~w 8:nd euy way with liver pate over top and aidel l.riizoft puff ~ patty shells. ol beef. &iI lloand i>ull ..... BEEF WELLINGTON • try untbJ,:J,a.lbin. llllOi...,. 1 .,.ckage frozen patty beef, · , and .tucking shtlll edges but not· makfq ·A dou- Z'h lo S poondl - I. /llel ol . bJe.th~ ·~ 8nllh beef pastry With beo!en 'egg. Make . . z llblospoona brandy diagooal l!lta ~ paotq. Dec- s.11 ~ w I th cut'<>UI putry P-, f....hly ground ptecea' · I slices bacon · • Place In cellt.r iif pfttieated t cup chicken Ilver pate· hot oVen·-4IS ~·-! egg, beaten with fork unW pastry Is crisp, l1aty and Thaw patty shells several golden, about so DilDulel. houn Oheod. . . Ma1oes I MrViDp. . ". · 100 HOUllHO ... ~ ENVELOPES .. ... . ......... '• 11 , 3==·1 ~; .weU..sm.,_._..,._..,..m , . . ................ ' · ITQW P.URlis • r \ ~·"••llikl'• . . -.llelaua r ~I-!! , .. I I . ' • ' -,:---- I 1 , .. ,,-- ($) ; w-.,, &pl11 2, 1'169 BE A LAMB : MAKE EASTER RAISIN BREAD Lamb ,Bread Rises to the Occ;asion Oilldren especially w i 11 delight in an Easter lamb bread filled with lots of raisins and bright candied cherries. The Jamb mold is available in hardware and variety 11.orU, but the bread ls easily baked' in a loaf pan or shaped into a round on a greased cookie sheet. Replied lo bring good luck to all who ate them, hot cross buns are a traditional Lenten serving. Our delicious varia- tion, made with instant potato flakes and California raisins, is sure to do you proud. Decorate the baked bum with a croa of powdered sugar lciog. EASTER LAMB RAISIN BREAD Plumb California seed1es.s raislns in this bread will delight youngsters as much as 'lne sb8pe. 1 (13 %-otlll'.Ce) package hot roll mix 34 cup warm water '4 cup sugar 2 tablespoons soft butter I egg 1 cup California seedless raisins '4 cup candied chen:les Add yeast.from hot roll mix lo wann water; stir to dissolve. Beat in sugar and half of dry ingredients: add butter, beaten egg ani:l re- maining dry mlxtiiie. • Cover and let rbe aboot II\ houri unW doubled in aize. Coarsely chop raisins and cherrieis. Mix into dough. Turn Steeped in Symbolism dough into .greased 2-quart Lamb mold. ~ Place cover on mold and let rise 4S minutes in warm place. Place mold on baking sheet. Bake in moderate oven (3S; degrees F.) .fa minutes. Remove top of mold and con· tinue baking ,15 to 20 miJ;!utes longer until bread tests i:fone. Cool bread in mold 10 minutes, then tu'l'n out on rack. Makes l loaf. HOT CROO! POTATO BUNS Prior t o Christlanity, hot cross buns were made by the Greeb and Romans -the cross signifying the four quart.en ol the moon. 1 cup California aeedless raisins • lfl cup candied· cherries ~4 cup boiling milk 14 cup instant potato flakes 14 cup sugar 1 teaspoon sa1t 1 teaspoon nutmeg ¥• cup obortenlng l package or cake yeut, active dry or compressed 1/t cup warm water (10$ to 115 degrees F.) 2* lo 3 cups silted flour Melted butter Sugar icing Chop raisins coarsely. cut .c6erries in quarters. Comblne milk, potato flaW, su1ar, Alt, nutmig and llbortenlq; coal:lo.........,. Meanwhile, Cltuol .. yeut In warm water in wann bowl. Beat together cooled . ml1k mixture, yeast, fruits and hall of flour until thoroughly mix· ed. Add enough remaining .flour ao dough c:leans bowl. Tum out onto !loured board and -knead lightly: Place in greased bowJ. Cover and let rise about Bl hours until ligbt and doobled: Shape into 24 equal sized balls; natten slightly. Place on greased baking sheet Let rise again about 30 minutes until light. Brush with melted butler and bake in hot oven (400 degr<es Fl 15 lo 20 mlauta. Cool. Decorate top of each with croM of Sugar Icing. Malle:! 2 doun buns. SUGAR ICING Mix 1h cup powdered 11.lgal' with 1 tablespoon water. Jewish ·Families Prepare for Passover Passover aMually begins • the eight-day celebration of the deliverence ol Jews from slavery in Egypt -a perio(I in Hebrew hi!tory which hu been celebrated for more than 3,000 years. When the &eaeon 0 r Passover starts, J e w l 1 b families everywhere gather around the traditimal Seder table and with cert"mony, song and symbol, observe this high holy day. Foods served at the Seder table are steeped in sym- bol.ism. One of the best known is matzos, the unleavened bread, and new recipes ualng it provide welcome variety in the menu. The following recipe for PasaiOVer Stuffed C h i c t e n parts uses matzos a n d schmaltz (chicken fat) ln the preparation ol the dressing. Fresh Valencia «ange juke, rind and sections add a pleasant. sweet flavcr to the S(uffmg, keeping tt,lulciously moist. Seder is a Hebnw word meaning "order," and it refm to the order of evert.s matiDc up the ritual ceremony, a family affair which tncludes a bounUful rep8"t . PASSOVER STVFFED ClllCKEN PARTS 4 square matzos, broken into small pieces V. cup cold water ¥.cup Valencia~ juice 3 tablespoons cmckeo la~ divided 1 medium anion, chopped 2 eggs, beaten l teaspocm cruse rind II teupoon ult i;teupom..,,... I broii<r.fryer chicken (l pwnds), quart<red 2 oranges, secUooed • Panley Place broken IDlbol In bowl : pour water md oran1e job over all to mola1en tl!orcloPly. While mNoo are ~. hell • tablllpOON dlicken Ill In large &tlllet: ldd on:kJn and NUte about I mlnuta. Stir eggs end rind Into motJo m!J:tur~; sprinklt with . ' all ml sug1r, Add mallo SEDER TABLE SET FDR PASSOYIR OISIRVANCE mlrturt to skillet. and ltlr wen aluminum foil. Bake in 350 OYtt moderate heat unl.:D degree: F. ovtn for about 1 dressing ts light bot not dry. boor. . Melt remaining t tablespoon Remove foil during last 20 chicken fat in roasting pan ; minutes of baking and place place chicken. akin aide down orange ieCUOtl.s on top of stuf· in pan. Mound matzo drusln1 flng; sprinkle any orange juice on top of brea.1t and leg from sections over stuffing. cavltles. Cover with piece of t Remove fn>rq o\·en 11:hcn bak· • • - ed and garnlah with ponley. Serves f . 1-To aect.lon orlflies, an slice Crom top, then cut off peel in strips from top to bottom, cutting deep enough · to remove while membrane. Then cut slite from bottom. Or <'JI olf peel round and •' 1 ,_ round, spiral fa.!hion. Go over fruit again, remov· Ing any rtmaiNng white mem· brane. Cul alone side oC each dividing membrane r r o m <JUtside to middle of core. Remove sccUon by 6eci.ion over bowl to retain juk:t from fruK. -------- ·~:".G>:I Coffee Cakes l!rO Siii., Apn1 3 thN Apn1 6 !~!· .... $379 Champagn!$179 Say SM-Pink or 'Mnte S It otd Calhoun Bourbon ~ .. ,.... 4 . g• IO s31• Stantou Dry 111 ,,,., ·: 1411 Canadian Bill ~ .... . ded Dan bon ...... "' sin len uuur Ill ,,,., .... If s521 Brandy ~:..... '"" Bacardi Upt Rum ~"'' '"" s4n 'lroWI leny Beer . &·:::89; • 1000 Bayside Dr.-Ne\vport Beach 24 Monarch Ba~ Plaza-South Laguna l . - . ' 1 - .... BANK ON THE SAVINGS AT SAFEWAY.' E & H Sugar ·:·:: ~~ 18' Pineapple ~~= ·~ 25' Canned Yams·= ~33' Potato Chips ·~~! .'~t~49' White Flour~.::,: s~ss~ £//STEN CANDIES ~w '!;' W ;: 45' 'ii:' 29' . ' HOLIDAY WINES LaSalle a.111,.9 l::'.':.. V• R . _,.__,_ lft ... Cal ....... 0 ' o -•--o!-lt· II 4"' 8 ' Ulce A F1Mr r:'r:fm ~! .~~r. '71 L ' Sh bt.._°" .. -.. .... 3"' · ucer1:a er e ·~1.w"""-...... ..,, Bel-air Spinach ~~';',,..:,:::.. 4 ',~: '1 Brlcltrforcl Bread I Bel-air Broccoli ~.. ~:;" ... ~=:r:s.. . ~ :::. ., .. Ice Cream •. ==-~-6· W.Vt l.i.t Dem1-...... 7 E"'JWr't r.-11t Cn:gmOlll Drinks _ .......... .. ... ,...._.._r, --.841 ' YOUNG TURKEYS · GameHens !!Jr ,laa, FRESH YOUNG TURKEYS ~.i.'.'4~~':< MIDGnl c HENS c .. ...,_ ..... ...,. 49 9 :::.::.::. h-............. ;:-=:.. ,... :.! ......... 11. 4 Ne Jr 5'lldlilll ~ 4 J.,la. .-.. Y Ar11 J•* USE MRS, CllllSON'S CORNBREAD MIX FOR STUFRNG YOUR EASTER TURlET Cld-U, Fryers :' ... ~ .. ~ a.totrr,.:,:::-•St' .... w..,........ . ... ..., llMrt.......... . 41' ,,... Oal •• f:1":.:: .. 4,. , .... .., Unr ~.:..":ii::, .. • .. UM. s ••••• '-"""•lW . a• .. ,.. I.Wt s. .... -..,, ....... .-... Jws'U.ks .... ~ ............. ---Loo'1Slko4 ....... 1"'1 .... ,.,.. Nb .,_ 2 :;: 1 2 :.: 1 ~· ... .. u .... 7t' .. ·-"' .. -45' ... Boneless-Fully Cooked \ifml Ca11ned Hams •llwh ........... •-Swift• LMr'1 . ....... •Swift• i.r•s 5-lb.Can I-lb.Can 9-lb.Can $ " $ 99 $ 98 HCh Heh MCll lf ever a purchaeeol Saf .. •Y Meat fail• to J>!eue ·you for any n.:n wbabloeYer, jlllt t.ell ts.°"" will Jefuad Joar mlmJ promptJy, eour- iieoally. "Iben'1 m ne.t to Marn the me.I. •ml hto~ Dnl :-:. • '1" W"lllH Fllliw1l ::. .. '1" 1_.1--"1_, HOLIDAY SP/CFS ,,, .. ., a.. 11•= "I:' 41,. W11111 an .. = r:: ''!:' 21• FtMCelon:;':O v .. ==· Large Al Eggs ::"!'=..."':. -56' 11.-To Y• W., llrhl t_r .. ..,...u ._r .. ""' ..-u M.._Sln .. a• "!" Eal ,. 44' .Angel Ring ~::-..=::. 1k. 29' Gllllilf ......... ~· . HIMID'*'-Tt--N--... SWIMfi& .... 111111 llJll llffd =-.. '1" ...... C.11 11 :'::. .. '1" a .. ••=---. .. '1" . Boneless Roast Beef Rib Roast ~k $teaks ,,.. Liu lltt c.t1 Cat rm Tllldef Ustrrn Q'lil'lftd lun M II. 89' "'98' "'69' Veal Chops -i.r~~~:~· , .. 69' FrenOysten i:""-.~..::" ·::-891 Leg0f La1b ::.·~~ ...... 98' PerdlFillets ~:-...:~ ;;~ 59' LambCHps ~~ .. 98- Gou111tlri1, =..=. ;: •111 S1all Loia ChoJS ~t.. .. •111 lllcecl Bacon :~ Bacon ...... ......... l·L 5a.. Rlclcory S!Mlio4 2 ·•· $J17 .... .,-.... ,... .. .. , HOLIDAY 81/KER'I c.....ea.1••= IlpnMllsr"'" ........ CHriol =-'I: 27' I --- ... '229 ' ........ =1. '= lrllll::O~ lmn&Slry1Rlll1 G1111M11 11111 :x 391 Hot X ._ • » c.ffM c.lin • 21' HOLID/l'I DlllHY FOODS .._........_ ...... ""' ..... .,.... ........ .... 111-weli · latin se1ts Not ol Mis .,._. ,. .,. .......... = ~ 25' Ba (11 • I I,_,. JllJ 2 2t 5M1' C'n l:"p;/:;. ,:::,, 4f' nanas r .. ..,_., 11111r. s.. c,_ ~"::. .. =27' -lilt·--.... ... A I . •-Al.... 39' T ..... 1::;"!:41' lollar \:::.,l:• -.-""si.w::..i:.• c.Mlos:"ie'"'" .. -.............. ----,.:::.-·- s'""agus =~= .. • • '• '"' •, Cva~~t~tft . Avocados Cmaots ,:. Y•s I'' ,, ·---·-.~~·i...:;=---"'= ..... 6 ftM 3 • ll8c 'lftc . I ="W. ,...._.. Mflit"""'rhsCNn. J:-.... flt.. ::t,"'t'11116 ~ ... '7 ;a::..,1t, ... 7 .~·. K ....... •• -"Ti-""'-.. --· • '' L '' '!IJ;~y ~Pl'IAt\' 11 l 171h SI., Costa Mesa 1000 l1yside Dr., llewpor1 leach 2• MGnarch Bay Plaza, So. Laguna 636 II. Coast Kwy., Laa11na leach S.nla Ana Freew1y 111.a Paz,"Misslon Viejo ' . ' fllrvlew Ave & Wilson St. • • ff DAll.Y Pll.OT -=-------,---~, .,,... 2, 1969 ~lue J?late Special.s A_ppeal Like UnWarited I Leftovers ' - Nft YORE (UPI) -d'holo, ....,..U, want to -up11 mqdenlOIJ priced .Actually, leao port -1M lllld IDll dlwrt 111111. w1111Da to 1rJ ---In -uta IDll illllilullaill• -111 ~ ..,, ellfl'lnC Todol'• ..... plate _.... .. ---...... bl.. ·--· '"""• -fewer caloriet lhu loan beef ''Todl)''• weterla ..-. .... ellmlc -. -... lo Ill ~ -al -·at btlfler-pd...i -ant. ·Wit 7ut lli1'• mub•d -ml -tf ii a rlllnc tlar. But port or lean lamb, Ill)~ the N• comlngoutolamuc:llyouager bePllJngtoukl<lrlOlll.l<)Od. aad Ill wide ••ailnblUIJ et Yel demand -· • ~ -ao ..,.a1e4. loft· Ibey «der ,_ at Ill. They salea are declinlnJ Iba<, iloaal LI•• &tock IDll llteat work f..,., II • ....,..._ In«Hnttw repoNd IUt pies lraochlled f&ll food -dlvtnlfled """"'- onr. alao favor ballets -provlded partly becauoe Its coot ii Board. aclool, vaJue..,ker wbo likes feet, blact-qed -IDll eat·-· One )!)allagemoal -.. A food oeritce •olod:f obon the theme ii ~ and becomtn&, too high f o r .Ev .. ~ cafettrlas atmoopllere/' the mquloe turnip grew ere being added Despite theae chaqu blef bad thlJ .. plenatloll: Plll!leded dlaner CO&-Jftferably f(ftfp. preferably restaurant operal«'I, and find ltallan and other fcnign ~-' to ICbool menu in tome remalm:theo~en-11Uyouoolylistecl'tbetbinp --aod-otherold-rr.odl-1acial partly bec1111e .vatr·on.1 food_, tilt leadln'1 Coll<Jeandunlver,.lty ~ -fnwUe,. the mqul~ people will mll1 end np Id+ -t -f.,..... .... -·· tuw for lomllo woclalAI U\wltb 111111 fat and cboictl. They're alao 1elllng ·otudenti alao are breatlng The 11ud7 at tr I but e d' oald. Beef mi loblter ....,. buyll)a, tt would be a very 1111 Clll..11;!\l!lllQdl l'!lll."'i:;;;· ~aa:;::•ice~Dd~D~«r~:.,:lla=:;vor::•:.=alao=-·c:•:::alartc:::_:con::::t..i=:.· ____ _:mor:::•.:.•::iJadl.=::-'::::;' lrult::,:::.;in:::..::the::.__:w:::lth:::..::tredl:=:':tioo::_· .!:They':!.::'"..:' men:!:· =.._c:111ct~~·~·~1!doc~tinln~1..!popular~~tt~y~blnallcm~~'..:""'~~lbe~m=··~ael~fro.~.;.d:ull::_""":;::u.~"----- lllh---Ii beJnr ~ .., -llroplloll . aod ,...i.i.. Lita -. liver aod """' •ariety -. lt hu 1"""" probltllll u .. eoooomy lmtitutlollal !nod. ea-oi... cnamed foods. chlckell and fftD. waffles an ctvml" Way to foretan spedaltles. lllh, ulads, low eal«lellAlmsand•- ~ -.'"= -leadlrl. The llludy WU made · by Imtl.tutions, • trade mapsine, and Mkblian Stale Univenl• {y. It covered more than 1,100 operations, ranging f r o m hospltall, _.iary -· colleges and untvenities to .. foor types ol reatauranll - cafe!erlas, -...... .... and table lel'Vice at two price ranges. 1141 and 14 and .up. It abowed marted 1imllarltles in utlng pattemr at ell qe levell of patrons and t)'ptS of lmtitutions. "'Atmosphere" foods -vu.I cordon bleu, coq au vJn and other wine sauced (ooda, Italian specialties -all are in demand, ollAln In unlltely placa, IUCh u holp!tail. The study alao -holpltal pa. tienta: ast for low~a1orte foods when they are not on the regular menu. Secoodlry llCbool p u p II s become more worldly earlier, the mll"sine. noted. They de-mand.,... _ ol choice, -~~!':~~ for !eon favortt..· iDclucllni submOriDol ml aloppy joel. 1 • ..,.., rarioll, pizza and ·-in lilch ... their llal, along wUh Meslcan tacoo aod -Clllll -ii lOOng favor but chlH dogs are becomtnc mare pOpular. Fish lllcta and flshwlcbes tell like botcakel all week loni. tbe mquine noted. Lita ldulta, pupilJ uaually prefer·cate to pie. The ltudy showed tile Nita ln moder• ... ly priced --docllnlng except for .pumpMn,. cberTy ---OJ• Tayler BOURIOll BOIELESS HAMS ---.............. $,2' -·--·· ,_ 11" ~ -----.. Butt End :::'i.:':. WlioleH• ~~ TCIYll'll ..... .. "::.' ... 59' 5~ 'I:: ~~~~ ~ s"op Farmer John Bacon ·= Ste GLORY HE Oscar Mayer Bacon -S."'w 6tc CAKE Farmer John Sausage ~ 29' Choice Chuck Steaks -:= 49~ loneless Steclks ~ 981 =-:=_i,15 -~n •• ~ a __ .,. 39' .... --.... SAVI OH USDA Cltoa. TAlll ICING 1191 •• $ '· ' lrtfchoUs .=::. 2i25' · lltw Potatoes .: 1f' ' lolffitJ.-:.".2125' ~~~~ Catering Ice Cream -£. .. !-ft Slicecl Pineapple .::-::::. 23' Heavy-Duty F011 '""°:',.;-Ste Dinner Napkins :::.= 25• Fruit Cocktail ..:...'"':".:... ia:;.-:., .D . ' . I ' ' • and that all-(lme lavortta - apple. ll.ore upenaive restaurants uid a la carte deuer1 u:- travq1DW are ll""inl In JJOllUlarlt1. >.moor them are flmntn1 item. ud one oJd.. v-..:c::c .... -39'· ~l SAVE ..---1,,-&l-,.-_,-Pil-tu-i~ERE I' .·.. ... -· ltrawberry ahortcw. In the 1ame type o f eltablilhment, ,patrons prefer ! a la carte menus to table ' Spices Variety Combinin& loreign Oavon to accent American di.shes is the newest way to vary the every- day menu. Wbtreu 10 >'-,.tars ago only pumet cooks would keep linler root and dNtney in theJt spice repertoires, l<lclay Mn. Average Housewife finds these tastes an irrevocable ad- dilloa to ber usual array. Take your old standby, can- ned pork and beans with tomato tauce. NothJnc much more American than when ltl'Ved with frankfurten or -brown bread. But think of bow venaUle the bean disbtl become if Ii"'" a Mexican chill powder accent. or an international Oriental-Polynesian touch as found in Mandarin Pork and Beans. Mandarin Pork and Beans blends the onnp 1eetions and coconut of the IOUth sea lslmll with alnrer a n d c1w111ey of the Orient to ronn tbe.i-e for an e:roUc meal-tn. oot 111J1tk chop dllb. An OrlenW acceat salad ol . Wbb lettuce, sUced waler chestnUts and • I I v e r e d almonds ?OUnds out an in. trigulnc nienu. Dessert might be 1-.it eooldu and spiced lea. MANDAlllN l'Olllt A N D llBANS • part cbopo (1boul 111 poundl) Salt Pepper J cena (II OU11C<S eacb ) pork and beam with tomato -Ii cup oranre IOCtions I lalJletp000 chopped dmtney lile-clopr J~­la•••oalltlllal,btoom Jl!iltdllfo;-wltlolol """"-"' COLOR ALM •••COUPON•••· • DOUBLE BLUE CHIP • • STAMPS with this cou-• • pon on the total •mount • • of any purcha" exclud-• a ing liquor, tob.cco 1nd • a flutd mlfk. products. 1 • • coupon p • t • customer. • • Coupon good Thur1d1y • thru Sunday. April 3 to • .April 6. • • • •••••••••••• 11111' 11 Eatw LIES ... --·-,.,._ ·-----~$)98 mt. Wiii ~:.-:::. 88! ~ .... '77:. .. --....... -~---­-------·-. ...., ... ~: YOUNG HEN Turkeys . 1; ~ii.... 3nc I !f{!J i~.:i..""=t WI 7.;, I wac..,•~,........,,_. 1 ~ .A.. "-r .. 1w,, •• • 1,,..S"""" 1•• I "'l(J --1 SatWPies ~ 39' --· -. ................ . Black Piii* ~c:-___ 391 c.fhe. c.lies ~:.c= ..... 791 -----....... --- =~ ............ 22- Beneless Chuck Rolled Roat ...=.-.... 9f -·--•••&Ir 791 -•• IL S4IU lllllS -PlTllS =:-.:-7 .. '"""•• IL ai· --891 ...... --·-.. tt•r--c.. H JI 'I,...., ........ ~,....c.;,p.-. a.-... °""' .... ..... f.w.r,.0-...~- ~ ""' lldll -. 5"ifti ~ hllooJ ... -~-Swfll ........ ,..., .... __ Swlfll ....... tt..&,...., ... -. N/OIHJS/ GELATIN .._.....,.._ ~· ,., "-"' -,.., ~ . .... ... ... ,,., .. .... .... ..... SWISS QIEESE ---43' -·-MlrnllAl'Ol.•tca.• GOLDEI YAMS Go:;\ -·-......... --74c ----,..._ • _,,,. ......... R.-.. clmpl; ,...fat.Stir,........ ---------· 1 --I -I --I -.UI• '• umpt __.. COffft l ........... "--•-•1 MARGARrt« Mcngartne $eilad0relling AJ'r;n ;;' -.:•'.=:==::!: Ttpbe9mlltanwidlcbopl; ..... ,...,.._____ ..... =~~-.. _))' .. ·--........... ~ wtth c0conat. 8Ut 1 .... ~ ..... 73, ... ....,.., .. _ ., ... =: 42' Na.CM. 28' e.-::-""""· .... :: ::::::.!:" .. ,,..---=,.,. a m dep'ttS P'. for 41 1..11.a.N .. n.• o.i-. .-..c.-•---·• --- ............ --11.tl I w,a....o..-, ..... ............. _._,. ................ _ .... ~.._.,..,_,_.._.,.,__.,,n ._....,....,.,.. __ .;;--• ..-W* ...... --.-.. Nl.,t. .... e.M .. _.., ·-.. .......... c..-. .. ___ 0.S.t.iiio•-.. -·--~• .~ •, • . •' ·: ' • . . ' . . ' • . . ' • ' I ' ; . ' . • t • '• . . . • ...,... « until chops are · • -. llWI 1 llttYlnp. 1011 ~darns Ave., at lrookhtnt, Huntington lead. ... b_to_ . • . 5922 Edingtr Ave., at Springdale, Hlaltlngton hacll ./I 17950 Magnolia, Fountain Ya119f for bUlnC r • -"-'--~---..... -----.. " .. ~. l j I - l 'nC II. "' lvt ... up "' ; I • • ' • ' I •. ' .. • • ' I ,, " • • ' ' . . > • . . • I • ! . • ~ . . • ; . .. I . • • ' : :; •. ' •, •I, ' . ' ' . . 1 .. : VALl/ABLE COl/POlt , .. 1vo~r · • . • P9"°""' Sile .~~~,· '.4'.~~is' v ALV ABLI> cov roN ROYA~ .MAJ~STY · 1st Cj)ucllify •. 1·9 NYLON . C1 HOS,~f:!Y Pol• . ~ rTHll COUPON · ' - . CADIZ PIMllNTO STUPND -I & ,,_ GREEN OLIVES \ . limit ·~• ptir pitr c•upon -Pn• c•11p•I' pet cu1tom•r. · Y•il llftir •April 6 · ' . _ Good 0..11 .;4 -*•iir•I• Bruket _ .. __ -' ... C & H POWDERED • O• BROWN SUGAR PILi.siURY ANGEL FOOD CAKE MIX • . • • 49¢- . ..... 2 ~ 25¢ IOXll R . . Li"'it 2 ku1 p•r c•u,911 -On• cot pelt '"'' cu1t-or. VoiJ •ffor Suit41y, April 6 • SCHIWNG'S PURE VANILLA . 3ac EXTRACT :.,: 7 = Good Oal11 Ct Bel'lfala Basket .... ______ ... ... ~ ............. ------.. IMITATION . M .ILK Jack & Beanstalk WI WILL al OPIN I.ASTIR .. ~UNPAY 1,0 -• 7 PM Dwen Small Fresh Grade . AA ·. LARGE FRESH GRADE ·" AA" ••• 47c _ ~;-. . JUMBO FRESH GRADE "A" • • • 49c .... ·-COFFEE . ' DAILY PltO~ 4f . ~ ... TA B.. . I DIET GOLA · . ;' . ' 10 ... laltl• . . . KARO, ·sYRUP , ' ' . ' ' ' ' '(¥ ... , ~-$ . ·1· 11 ...... .1 G.,.... Loliel R .Pint .. ttlH . I • • ' . ' . Campfire .· MARSHMAllOWS · · . ' ' l ...... ~ ...... ,2--·· . "3· " 'c Miniature • 10 as.'*J. . . . . II 79 IJilfD Iii Far.emoat. ~;.f $.,. · ·_1lzGal.~: 303 CANS • , . !' WHOLE KEltNEi. CORN . . . · • CREAM STYLE CORN F 0 R HILLS-. ·aROS; . ... . c .... : ' I CUT GREEN BEANS 1-11t~ can, 69'' · T.S.P. FRESH PRODUCE '. CLEANER .. :.::4~$1 . . . SPRINGFIELD "MIX OR MATCH" • Broccoll Spe1r1 I Fordhcook Lima 8Hn1 • Sliced Strawberri .. SPRIN~!LD ...... c.. 5 :j1 Golden Ripe Sweet 'N' Jllicy,0 ¥alencia BANANAS ' ORANGES 4 I.Ji. C1Do Bog 29': -..IGRAPE JUICE _ . R•y•I· Hod P~EMIUM ·ice . Cream ~·. . Happy Time Frozen MALTS & SUNDAES 1-0~ M~':~~9 SALAD OR SLAW Pk,. 11r MILD SPANISH· ONIONS 4. ~ 25~ . ' . ~~~ VELVET YAMS 2 ~ 2V • Eastern Grain Fed 'I • ' 'Smoked ,. HAMS · Full Slllnk Hill .. EASTERN GRAIN FED ... PORK CHOPS Lor .. . Lein ' " Eo"""1 Groin fed 6 PQJK LOIN ROASt ... 19 lb. Farmer · Style .;... SLICED BACON - Rath •laCichawk Oscar Mayer Fullview Tri l lac;on -' . 59f l11tern Gr1ln ,fed 39• .. . • PORK . CHOPS · ~:11 ------------~-----· Frtn"HAUaUT· ~ · 59i. fiiin'iiiiinS.~2D::-1 · .,,~ ~-SiicicS'· -. · 59~~ ------------------·-~--·--~----~·------~------· ~----~--""--- -· PRICES EFFEC11YI: ' Thun., Fri., Sat. & S•ndlly .,April 3, 4, 5,'6. . , , ·~' 'tke• subject te ttock on MM. . BorM w .. !Orn Sl)ie • • ' • 49~ SMOKEDBUUNSCHMEGER 59~ CRUM cliEisrSI• " 35~ BULK WIENERS ' '.. WI OIYI WIOMI 'Wlr8:'" 1M 11111 Plactllla ' ' 710 w.-orn,111 . _______ ..... ______ • Tener •• 1oao 1.1.... • ltelioh 39¢ W'-el ILUI CHll' · SLICEDNEWENGLAND . 89~ ~~~~o~!. ~~~-~~I~! •.... : .. 4,. LONGNDRN CHEESE-· , 79~, ~ . ' --· -·---= ---1 -.. ·----=---=--=----__ -_ 'l I I l J • • _ .... l =- • --..... ~ -- -I ' • ...y Pll.OT w-. Al!t1 %. 1~ Home News and Views lmpo .rts 'Meat~ .-US lDA Standards or· Entry Prohibite~ .. .. ~ WINCll (la tlle U.S. .._..... al In a C~ll· -V--.. a D d polled meat ia often -Ii! Oal,y If 1he lolol prolllel ....... with bap. J lllle to tlla -.... -.,., -- - -Ille USDA .. pr.rent in all dllloa, TIO pr-~"'Ibo DIMl llld poultrJ proc.....s meat pnxbJcta ••cit' -proc11-1 '-1a • forelp -n1y all -D a IL to ...., Ibo --· - ia...w-pritldl-~-~~ .. ~ pmerv1U lad 'bal -"-1• ....,...,. in their u stew, chl1I, °'bub, but CG11111ry -W II be labeled Lslbere1111rr11Icu-. rillllCtooJdiL) baiaC 1IP .ID ......... fr&. --. -~ handled in 1 -.. ...,.... ...mri... I have never ..... '"'1tblng IS .• procNd of lbwl country. them? • Allor Ibo --beea -la u.a. -• 111 ft11r aboft.J lo> al J"" 11, ~ ~ ...,.. llSDA also re.,.tat .. iabOJ. 00 ••• label that ,.;_ the Thia...,. pnctlce ii followed A. Yol cu lllll -. Ip llilled 1"'l can pick 1111 the -__, -"-Onot 1lSDA _.. .. ,the trlel, wtlb '\a: 'f'I' .Ji · 1.111 lnl 'I' forelp meata and ~ ,. to other tndullrtes where tm-ator.d fooil producll IUl'h as Diii meata ud they will 11111 drlod, .,, I. ,,. ...,.. .....a 9opectlon ........,, certllled plaiD ...-. \in 'Ille ~ jull aw II does for meat II Imported. Why not? port..i row malertals are used rota, dried fnl1l etc. by one be we to Hl Tbe "-"" ala loo -ladiridul pllllll wllbhi °'"I ell&1hle 111t to nporl meat ilOmeiOc produdl. The label A. Imported moat whlcls ii to m0e prodllcU In this ,..... of two methods-(I) Place method ii pr<lerTed for mils ~ ...... laol -eountrJ .,.,i,. to their pv..,,. to 1he U.S. Onl)'.$counlries must give the name al the made Into U.S. processed pro-try. the null (right In the ,plaslic since beallntl ,..m to cau11 11irJ -...,.. Is; o!Od ' -lor ..nlflcalloo to ... -Calllda and '-;are coontry al orl&ln In a pro-dltcts IUl'h as those YQll men-·hap) in the ln!ezer for two the fat lo rwll to tuni,rancld. - .r ••• cl .. -.. port. The COlllllty lben eDgible to~eljlorl ·to mlnenl place (hr example, lloned l<oes Iii ldenUly u Q. We have some borne-ot three day•; or-(1) ~ Yoar abelled Diii lbould ....... 11111 thoJ-• W,: '*-aB meat leaving for Ille U.S. '.'Procb:l al Denmlrlt"). Imported once . II ia la-grown walnuil which we shell· Oie nub wl on a cookie obOel have beea ator.d In the wtP .,. .,. '* -·-the U.S., and a veterlnarilO Once • plan& II ~ corporat..i Into lllch a ,.,.. ed and pockaged In piaaUc ud beat them in a very alow ~or'-lnstod -.......... lo thll~ a1pw Ille allidal lnspectloo I ls ¥illled al leaal ...,. a QUBl'l10NB WE ABE . "duct. 89 the forelp ldm-hap ud -In the cup-"oven -lJll to I» degrees al the cupboard, to avoid In-• aa. 1 r -lllriq -la-eertllleate wllidl IU!ieo lbwl :rear by a U.S. fcnip-.,.. A8DD tillcallon ii not Included cm board. I · wu lbocbd to -for two boun, stirrin( --i -...mauoo la the lint If* ti• ----..:the:=.!11'::'="'*::"':.-=.:.lnlp<cted.==:..:"::.....;-==..:...· -=:-==-....::.U.:.S.::D.::A-'--..::Q::...-:..l'Ye::.::..:b::-=...;tolcl=.:.lha.::1:.lm-::::.._the=._=l•=bel:::.· ______ , ..:dll<::::::"':::-~ ... =·:.:-~the7'::::z..::"'~jull~_..:::tlme=._:to~Ume::::·..:O'.::ou::..:cm:..:· bep::!~.,..,.==------ n.etore ll'• ~ to -that all -lad ,....,. ._w lato Ibis _, __ the_ ~~r~ -prodllcb. '1'1111 lnspectloo al tmport.d procludl by the u .s. Deparl- mmt of Acrtcalture '• Coi&ad' IDCl If a r k I t 1 ft1 Sentool " --Ille llldhor1ly Gf the Tartlf Ad al 11111, Ibo -Meal Ad et 111'1 and tbe Wldeaome l'-*Jl'nlduc:llAdal- UBDA lmpdorl al the U.S. pcm al miry tab ,.,....,.. Wlft samples of ewry meat ud pwtltrJ Import ud cbed< II beth visually and In the laboratory f..-• fftlely al deledl. "-the lacton <llec:W are •ht'! hl!IT Fl, Jabrllac, net welibt. com- JI ............ and lat "perceo. -..... Oa1J meat which -the USDA lmpecUon ls - Into the cocmlry. -flllln& to -lmpecUoa ii -entry and ICIDOied from the U.S. by Ibo ~ aalloO. · On!)' a wmaJl port!CWI GI the meal prJ>dllcil ... -... try. Ill 1117, for eumplo, U blllloe poundl al meat .... --ud 11.1 mllJlon paundl """'""'1led entry. Ill addillGn, Gilly certain ...-... -.ug1111e to 1m- par1 -lato the U.S. 11-coamriel DIUlt ban a natJonal -inlpectlon pncram...,. poroble to ..... lacludinc: VeterlurJ bdCft4laugbl<r lmpeclloo al a11-. v-.,. -.ugbl<r inlpectlon al. --al lime al allqlll<r. S1nwJ1 emtroll ovrr plant lacUHlel. Supervllloo al all operalloos 1o ...... -... 1leqlllmnenla for llllltary bandllag al proclllcil. Illusion 9064 SIZH 1 -1 6 r..,' 11f ...;~ 111'""1'- lpin&'• a leUIXI of nrprill lui»tleoN, Ucketa. lnvlllUonsl Pnpare youraell with lhll --that -1111• • -but 11ipl "I' bllct. Prtnled Pattem llllM: NEW -Sia I, IO, II, H, IL Sloe II (bust 34) l'akeo ft,... ltlndl fabric. llXT\'.nv!: Cli:N11 1 D -,. -paUem -add ·-lar eecll paUem for -• maJJlntl ud -"1 ' °<Ii utbelwile llllnkllll .... , wm tab three ntb .. 1Dlft.. Sllld to Mari.Ill Mmtla, llie DAILY PILOT, . J• . . • . , . ~ lllKJl..NllT IAIY fOOD="....I' JllllOR IAIY fOOD ::::.':L-12' sm DINNERS :r.:"' 11· MAXwEu HOUSE COFFEE _.;:. 69' -'I" -'1" YlllAN Ulfld"::73' YlllAN Ultf&.!'l" MAXWE1L HOUSE llSTAllP:'I" SAlllA llSTAllJ ((jff& ;..-.. 'I" mal!EAF 1El ~ -79' . .. /:6t$1. HlllGIAllT NIBLETS CORN 12~MCI 20( SLICED PINEAPPLE:::•::.' 24' MOTT'S FRlllT TIEATS---35' l'EAIHALVIS :::. 33' FRUIT<COCITAI. ::".:" 23• MAlllAlllll Ol.~ l:'..~3· C111G PEAOIS =:'.!"' 25• SUllMAID UISlllS ~----25' MOllllOUSI -MUS-TARD ''%MCI 27( DOU 11111 :::..~--34c wncws G1APE JVta -....:..37' PllllllE JUICE ::...-59' MOTT'S APP11 JUKl--..37' CWAATOJuta :::?. 25' llllY'S an IEETS -·· 11' ... TOMATO Juta=•K A3• 'LUCIY MAYONNAISE o~NCl 43( _.. PIMB'' YAMS 39' an GllEll IWIS :..-:: 24· YOllll_COUlllT Oll ONS-.....:31' sn• TOMATOES::...-= 26· /OUK FOR KEY BUYS 441..,.... Dlfl, m w• • ..,...,.. ..... ·a _.,..a, ... --a.,-____.-not. "'Y.t---•---•W .... Prtl& NAl(I,, A0--lft"' ........... I .. If 6t ~ .... --wtllt llP, 1111.. ... ............ _ mtS NI-. ,. .... •._"!I' Ill" ..... s .. ..,--. -.. - ... ---..,. Ii _,_ .. ,....-Pattera Cat' I Frtot ...... OGlflD. ·--INSTANT SllWD«l ___ ,.. ..... to -·..,·-·-. -· °"' .. pctuloL 00'1 ''· . . ' . • CORllD IEif HASH :=_..._47_.__ IWlEY'S 1m snw;......_59• V1EN11A SAUSAGI ::.' 25' CAllNATIOll TUNA =-35' ... ~~!.l!i.;..-25• IAROS'f'iiLr i=-35' WllCH GRAPE JEUY--39' PUllUTBUTTIR : '1" IONELISSF UYCOOllD $119 FARMER JOHN HAM...... ,._ CHUCK ROAST ••••• ~~ •••• 49k GROUND am. :.."l:.::.. ... 45ol TURIEYS •••••. ...:-.:l. •..•. 39L TURIEYS •••••• ..;:-..: ....... 3S.. SIRLOIN Sllil. ............ 91ol CROSS RIB ROASTM .. ~ ... 13ol UNK SAUSAGL.:'.::" ..... 29• .HINDQUARllRS .. .Jr'-.,. 290. ~M~~nAQ!~I 45! [~!~~j _____ ::. ..... 29' 18 ROAST 79:. STAllDl ... -LAIH PID. ...................... .. ! an ; · "" dr T&Ra:eo.:we::: 11111 77 !)z::\'JJ:iubll::ll&?:~i 1 ac _.. C.11.B. SYRUP,...... 39' Rll SllAIL. •••••••••••••••• 89k ~,!!'~~,!!~.-~31< OurLOWEvc,.Price' HAU.BUT .,.._..,.m 89 ' LIO'SSUCEDMIA"5 45< LUClT AU MEAT · ••••••• ·--... •• . .. ow.. ... ,..., """" .... __ .......... F.RANKS GRllll GlAllT MUSHROOMS · ."E:~:27c FRUrJ PIES:;'='~"~-~-~-~~· =~'19' DUTCH APP11 PIE ~~~--19' CHEESE PIZZA :...-;:-62' SAUSAGE PIZZA \':"..:'.l:..~72' sou nuns = 11• nSHSTKllS ::or--65' UNK SAUSAGE :::. 99' ... kit$!. lllAYY Din ALUMINUM REYNOLDS FOIL ".~· 55' CHEESE PIE ::"" -65' EGGO'WAJFLES -35' BACON ~~·~C~H~l .::;:. ........ 64' LUCKYllAND l'.T...: 58< . !!.1!! .. ~.2 .. !!.&N_B_A_co_11 __ .. _ 59' RATH OR HORMEL BACON 67' _,_,....,.c__ ___ _ SW1FT l'llMlUM IACDN 73' --· DSCAI MA YIR I ACDN 73' _ .... ._._,..___ __ _ THiii SUCED IACON 8"' ---.-------.. • ,1 i Ju1. ~· ROUS _ ... ,_ .. _ 33' .~.;;;.:::.==:.......--- DINNER ROW=r"~nua 33c °" SHRIDDED WHEAT::="-.37' PREMIUM CRACKERS ='"--33' V ANllll OORAa ::'::' 43' :DI.OR KITS =-' 31 ' aR1QUET$ =--· 69' OGARElits =.11111-'u: '2" RAVIOU ·t:.."'.-. -·~ 35' GARllC SllT =" .37' °" PARllAY =-25• VITA PAIT =--73' PlWIURY 11scu1n 9< ................. .W..hk DltllOINT ··::c·st ' -. .:,.... ' .. -,,, ; ~ . : I t 1 • , 1: ·· .. -, __ scon FACIAi. :=-... -c.:;,, __ 25• 11UD1EX NAPKINS -· 25' SCOTT TISSUE :=i..--37' lonx ---73' ---~-----TRDll UQU1D =--43' GOOOWllt'S AMMOlllA --27' 1·POUNDPACKA8l 53' 12..0Z:. PKG. • 1 c ...,~Van de l<amp's- AN OUTSTANDING VARIETY Of FRESH IAIDIY GOODS (IT-.S WCIT ITtm). ········-·-.,,,,.---· -:Ml : ,.·· . -. SllVO PD.lETS ::::-75' IVORY SOAP :o:::.' 34' DASH DETlllGDIT --74' ClSCADI DETlllGDIT --69' DUZ DtmlGDIT :=:1:0 13' JOY llQll9 :::-:: 5t' ... ~/&/. I EUOGS'S CORNFWES 1~~~·36' GARllC BREAD ::.-34' .TAllMIAGI 87' IPllQ,H- '•• ' :, • ~ ' ',' ~. -~ ~·. ~~:.~~°.I;,•,: ~;: , T ,', WHITE BREAD =--"-53' OIESE CAii ::.-:r~ 19' CHOPPED ONIONS ='-20' ORANGE JUICE ~":. 29' llOlD KIST_GRAVY ::.-=-!"'_.43' DIET Rm COlA • •MIC. u --lUCIY~ ·--- 53• $3M' $3" . *=:--,, Beautffuf Sefectlon of fforfst Quoflty EASTERUUES \ · • IUillfll •MS • OIC ClllSAHS 11 i..a,'1 lOW EVERYDAY llSCOUllT PRKIS -HW & SHOUlDERS SHAMPOO ... _ .......... _ .. .......................... .....,.... .. .., ........ ..::.:.=..---.... CONYINllHT PAMILYllZITVH· a l*CWlMM ,. -:="' , .... $) 11 LAIGISID llClnU Of UlllOll . IMJttA~-~9 ~ RUSSETPOTATOES :t, 10 '!'S5• Ii ....... , 7 r.: =•11 • PRELL SHAMPOO .ll'lli'iiiil CONCINTUft ~··=·$106 .......,_ ............. _,. .. ...,...,...11cetfw.&.. SCOPE SUPER SIZE ........ --MOUTHWASH "' ................ ,.... ................. ................... c:-:::;.:;:·.:: $)21 ...... ............ ' ' ''<\ ·1 .... 1he 11111 ling mts -Id. JUld the ;ud In-• !lrat - ··-· . ·---·..-.. --..---~~~~-••••P ••••=•••=•••P•••P•••••P •••••>PFJ UOLZ a a:•.uscs :: ;s cs+ • :!: :· :~ .. : . ( -~ /... .._ , , :.COFFEE .- FCiLGll'S 1.u. cu.asrww Mc . . t • '. ·-. • L ----------~ ~ -----~---------- . / -. - -P --, -... Z,1969 ' -' /if.LUA f'f.>>I \ , .. • • •• , • . . . • -' ..l I . . • ---. ----. ---. ----.-------' .... -;f -· • • I • ' . . \· -r • • • -I I ' • I I I ' ' ., ' l \ • •. ·, . ". .. ; ! . .. . ' . . ; . r . • . • ; ·: .. ' . " -~·,-~· .. -..-. ·-El: :Rancho .. Ham 2··· .. , '; ... ' ... !.¢ jli:l Randj;,'a.flnl!l' ham· be the atar of your ",:1 \l'aditional h_olidarii>.nu',.. aild, ~ the':f'irG bite, · 7ou'll·be slad :vou did I Selected pork lep •• • eured ftlpeclaJ!y tor EI-Rancho, to EHlaneho'a exactins •Peclficationa I Tender, lelii', ;,.n9.\lt. but not too much· oo -amoky, biit.'aubtle·tlavor I t ·~k.iWf ...... . ' ' , I , ' ' l ' f. "' " \ " W:ine ,;,u. appdiu qpeal! ~_,..~RPI• .wo.. ..... stA..1 • .a~.1 , ... Butt Portion '""'. ....... ~ ...... ,..... 551. . Wllole llam ........ ,...,.. ........ ;9 ••••••• ' :.. ~ , cauo Vu& Ron •••. , ... ~ gal. •• ,.,, .1.:.:1 . • ~:-:. ··"·;-"· •• , , • • O· • \· • • Center Cut ·Halh~:snces .' · · · : -.· .. :r .·~··:·~; rlu '·\s ~1 •. .' 1 .;.:;.'· ~~.) ·, · , · 1 .. ·. , \ ' ' . : •• •••••••••••••••••• ~ •• ;._ ••••••••••••••• : •• ~··•;.·:········ · " .. Fol' U U8ual Easter feasting ••• h:u Elwell Farms Game· HeTµf! Choose them thin for Eaater·breakfaat,,or thick, for a tantalizinr supper; either 1""1.'~P.~ be ~I S.mUCh'leanroodneu'tor'sinanerfainlliea!'' PedOcf lize'.torlho ;a'i!ierii., O('the '· S11nel;ib DI Rice ..... 10 Ill. m .... '1.0f AP!ilt' ,Alinond Stuffing .... lO 1lt "'·::.::· '98' Fre'sh ch·1n· ·ook (•lmon .: . '.-,~' ·~ s16i;~ .,_ Ike 1101. ........ 9a• cm 11eu ....... • 1111111PACllll ........... 1111• , : .~ ._ ~ : . . ~,. :·~---. .. ·~;;·;; ... -:~·;. • , .. ' Center cat SliCes ..... .................. 1.19. IL 1 10 7 IL 11W11 · /Ji . · •hPllHi = fiesb 111P/tqys a-·· " Hero la''*'· at Ibo bftllt Tender .. , , • su~·culent .• , with the he.t!y iroodn ... ynu'd . · .. : /11. ~·El Rancho'• liner beef! Aged ·especially for you! • • · ·.. Super-Shopper Grocery Special$' · . -~ . ' . . P• -'-......_I 4 ., a· 9c 1neapp1e . . . . . . . . : -. • • Golden',•licea ~f Dole's finest , , , tQ fFllisl! a ''l,am. ro l_n a fruit. ~ o_n a cake ,. , or JUBt enioy. No. 1% cans. Add the &lamor Of HaW111 to the !D~.1 -· . ' '\ ' ' ·BROWN OR s " ·2 1-111. ·25c · POWDERED ugar ....... · · pkgs •. Golden or dark brown ••• or fluffy powdered ao.rar ••• you uae'l so often. BO save lhil week. c & H ••• another of Ha wall' a outat.&ndinr products! , t~.... ~ p· 5· -20-oz. Jars yom choict! , ~ --~--.aer. s resene ....................... : .. :.:......................... _ Apr!oot-l'lneiPPJe. lloyaenbel'l')', Or0nre Mannalade, ~trawbel'l')' Preaerves or Grape Jell.v! Value pri 61orietta "Peaches .............. 4 tor '1 Ripe Olives ...... .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 39' EiJ>erb. i'i....-ie ••.• halve!', lllice11 ••• No. SOS cans Large ••• pitted •• , Lindsay ••• 11ay~ 12c on 300 cal? . ' ' ' 3 , .&loltetta , Pears ................ .... tor aw.tBarUetts-;. ,-firm • .,.heavy ayrup ••• No. 303 '! $ ~,~ail ....................... 4 tor 1 Del H•t.o:, ,f0r aalad1, desaert .. , No;S03 cana. Micena · Yams.................. 2 tor 39' Stuffed Olives ............... , ........... 39'· I.A'.>& Olivoa .••• Manzanilla. Queens ., :...~6 oz: gl&M. Cucumber Pickles .................... 39' s a. \v ... crilp lllicea ... 10 rood! .. , 22 os. atua. ' Kraft Marshmallows ............ 4 tor '1 Golden,'~, ... padi:ed ln syrup ••• No. 803. MiniAturea •.• add stamor to eandied 7*'11! 110'1) oz. Aigel -Cike Mix ........................ 49' Darigold Butter ............... :. ..... 79~ Newt One•P mix from Betty Crocker! Save lllc. Grado •AA,• tho (OOdnftl& ...,, .. trmil the cream I 23" &all Nrll*ils ·········· ....... -............ . Soft .. , 4,-atlve. , , a pla f.oueh ! , .. ~ka'· of 50 Sn .lee ,Rolls· ........................ 43' ' -59; Re....lds ·,foll .................. : ... ,,,: ........ ... . JllU!I • .. Heavy duty! , , , 26 ft. roll , • , 11 inehec wide.) ' ' , Croissant 'Rolls ........... :.. .. ... .. ... 59• ......_C... or Parterbonae ! Fn>zen., • uve 6cl --. .. ·4·1 ~ .hice ................... ;:..... "' c.I "-, , , tho .An~ bW.d • ; • 6 oz. canz. O'lliNI) Salce ..... :: .......... 4 ..,, Add a toueh ot el-I San~ .... 12 ct YUban -Coffee ................ ~ ......... 6~ Cott.with tho ·d-"flavorl,,, 2 lb CCIII ,,, 1.37 ICe Cream ........... ~: ................... 79' ....... .They're never been frozen! El Rancho'• plump meatY 'hen's, broail breufed with ehnn!Q: lep ••• quality that'• BUA ~ win your heart): approval I ' .. ' ·. ·'_ '" ' ' ' Super Easter-feast l~k prod~ '( ' • Yams . •· 15~c ' " •• ·. . .......... ~. ,. lled Velv~ ••. your,ph>mise of aweetsol~meat thatla ... aatisfyinr to the OY•·and the palatef Gl'O!lt. with ham!., ... " ' ·Gr•«.rov.lt.olid4fl table with IM flm•t, ••cl' IM frullul! •• , lul<I look to El Rcinc:lip toi the ,;;;n;iy tluit addr """"•iiP•al to u.. tit.all -• I • Asparagus.~ .E~.~~~· 29,1· Large 1talb ••• the kind that ruarantee moro flavor ,.,: ,.aild mon ~ neaa ••• from tip to tip! Compare qualiey; •• ' aa ·viell aa lh• Pfkol Super Delicatessen SPecia/1l Canned · Ham Dips for Chips -:, Luer'1 •• : I~timder aOOctneaa "$]· ·89' htroduee the dinner wl~ a· ~-F ail' a!mootcompletels..waatetreel . from Pen A QulD!, nroJ&r·JllC;'.• O ~. ., " 5-Ll CM IOlll -llllR I ', . \ ~Trr."Sagar 1n'SpiceHam.Giue" ••• 14os.Ja.r ••• 49e . r ' ·~ I Pricu'ill •!f•<t TA'!"•~ Fri., Sat., April 4, s, I CLOSED_ EASTER ,,SUNDAY Atk the mu~11er-1bout our convenient Charge Account Slltvlce . " ' . ' NW ••• acid color,.and flavor, to the menu I No. 300 • ' $ Royal H..t ... pmnlum i.ck ... a11 t1avon!, '11 ..i. . HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. & Algonquin st Birds fJe Vegetables ... ; ........ 4 "' 1 -..CanllWflli Brown Suprt.p., wftll bum Sauct, p-1rilll Pearl Onl-,....., Potaloea w /Cream \ ...... leftJ Croder·Plddlng 3 "' 89' NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport BIVlf. • 2555 Eastbluff Dr'.(Eastbluff V~lage tenter) ]!eady to aerv• ••• 18 oz. can •.. Bullel'BCOtch, A/So conven/Ant/y lo.cated stores in Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena Chocolate, Chocolate Fuda•, Lemon or Vanilla. " \ ' ' ·----· ·--~--------------- ' • .~~i~villes a:rrixs • • • -· .· · i'!Jl_y~. ,. . ~~/;. est ¥0\um• Po,.. . . -. tho area'• \arg . aes than errf Si\\ B•rrt Pon1:\k more new f'o:Cou~'f • whic~ tiac d~a\er.. dealer it1 OranCJ faf gre•ter. thu h I other PontfC tory r8b1tes or• ar prices muc i'· means our ac re duce our n•..,,. c. ou act 'oe{o~• a\\owin9 us !~her d~a\er~· ~~:. '~l additional t:~ lower tdh".,'I April you'O rec~~. Pontiac yo.u sede\er- the en anY new Bil Barr'1 1s count bonhs;"inventory. Yes, t' t for April and lrom our u. \Le laclorf· con •,.' d So, ii you -'to"'"" re us•·· b . I ,. ' ., ' min.., ll wiU be · m•Y e · no reasonable 9 ~ol• month'• ~a\arfl or lh• end save a VI tiae be or• ..,~n\ to . ho Bill Barry Pon . N~ '69 PONTIAC -! • •i • 'I two ... SP . -. llMl'IST COUP{ SH. f ._tJ · !'April . • 0 . OPEN 7 DAYS A.~~YfEEJ<. MON, THRU SA'r:., 9 '{Q J O P.M. SUNDAYS 12 TO I P.M. ... . • ~~. 'i~ .~ 4J MONTH ~. · : FINANCING . ,: I AVAIWU t ... _ ......... $6 l toWN $61 Hl MONTH · "'I 0"! APPROl!EQ ·CREDIT ' ,_ ' '"' ' $2297 . ' ' '69 ~ l((W FIORD HARDTOI' .\ NO ·PAYMENTS t The hottost spom '" t'ltr offered ind it's . ~ 'Ill JUNE .• f standard •ccessories number far mOfe than '~ tl!.r mosr fully equipped so-called Spotts c1rs. Ser. Ila• "1.601283. ·1963 CHEY. CORYAllt 2·DR. A11f0fl'l•tic tr•111mi11ion, r•dio, h••f•r. !Ill llO) 1965 CHRYSLER NEWPORT '$65oow• $65 nl MONTH FOl ON APPROVED CREDIT 48 MO-~THS BRAND NlW' . 1969 PONTIAC GRAND PllX EQUIPPED locludir.g:.:Tl;dio.'lle.ttr, whiltwtll lira, buck- et seals wiltt 1mi tOnwrt~r, disaf>pearing wind· shield wipe·rs, S~ro turn iignals. flashtr, V-B engine, dtlm vinyl interior, outside r11r view m'irror', 'seat belts and l'n.iny, mtny more. Thi~ is ~.prict1 INder It Bill Barry PonliK. $90 DOWN Order Of'll or .1 hundrtd·•t this low prict. $90 Pll MONTH FOi 48 M~NTHS IMPORT SPECIALS T "3 VW 2·Di. SfDAN 4 1pe9' tr•111., r1cli•, h•i.t1r. J~ 629 l"S IENAULT 4-DI. l ·I ' A11torn1fic tr""" i1Ji1, M1t1r. Sill 017 ltU YW. l!j.I. Z·DL . 4 qi., 4 .,..,.i·tr ... ;;-Tdlo, h1.t1r. PCM 202 IHI YW STATION WA$0N V•ri.s11t, 4 lpt.d fr•111.: WIW, 4 cyl, lWl 2J2 1'67 TOYOTA COllONA 14-Dlt, DU. 4 •1"-4 +rt•'-· ,..4;._ tr..1t.r. THH 4JJ • $495 $895 $1195 $129.5 . •LEASING• SIU llUr IEASN:CQ .............. _ ... w----.,..,~ ,or ....... .._,...., •. ,_. --__ BJUIAllft' ......... ... 'r11 " .. ., .... ., .. __ .., __ _ ,. .. ~ ....... --54,z.2.sa::z-- - t ·door h•r4fop. V-t, pow•r 1f••rln11 br•k•1 r•dl 11••l•r, whit• 1id• w•fl1. !HOV 556 1 ' ' 0• 1966 RAMBLER ' Alllb•11•clor 990. 4-ilr ~v.1 t. • ' •11 "pwr. •fil•r. Xlnt. concl. IS'fJ 42411 1963 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 4-4r. V-1. •vhi,,.•tic +t-•111., ow•r 1t1•r., r•dio. h••+•r. IVZT0551 1964 GTO A11to·1t1•tlc tr•·n1mi11io11, po..,•r •l••ri.ll 0 br •ir conditionlnt. Ilic. UlllJ92) t. p w•r ••••. 1963 Ol.DS CUTLASS COUPE Powir •f••ri •. •ul9.'tr11u. r•dio, h•1f1r. IOE& 0901 .1964 RAMBLER 660 4~oor. Auto1t11tic ff•111111i11lo11, radii , h1•t1r. IPUX 7411 19.,._ CHEVROLET MONZA COUPE 4·1p1M +r1-."°'redio, h'Ni1r. fQSIC 4Jfl 1964 BUICK WILDCAT 4-dr. H.T., V.1,-•,11to. tr~111., ltlH, ow1r if11r. IS WJ421 1963 tHriJtOLET CORYAIR lt,dl•, he•f1r,"1·rilt buy. llll 110 1961 CHEVY PARKWOOD WAGON V-1 •11fo1t11tic tr.ii d' h' • ' 1•• r1 10" ••f•r, ow1r 1te~r. IFXC 952 ) 1965 RAMBLER CLASSIC . DI 4-il ~-• 11 r.-.... .,.,, •• e. I., ••t.. tr...., ·UH,~. IS.,, U2.,7JI 1956 ~D RANCH' WAGON ' V-1, 111fo1t1•tic +T11Hmi11in, rMio, l.Nt.t. '"*' 7641 48 MONTHS • . • • -· • . ' • • • r I l ---· -• HOUSU P~IALE . HOUSl.S FOR IALE !IOUSll POR IALI HOUlll POl IALI 10oo\ ~ ·1oao.,a1, 1!'!!2 ~o..~·~.,.,~~iiiiiiiiiiii~l~OOOO~IMll~,..~~~iiiiiiiiilil .. ~ OoMnl 1000 JOIN Tiil; IAllGAIN Jll1N'IZlla 6310/ 14 ./0 ~·HAVE ONLY 6 DIJs 10 Jue AdY1nt1ae .~iu:~la; Gn9f~~ 'µffagt1 . 16th & tuttin -c ... 1 MoM , ADULTI . LIDO ISLI Sl' wide St/St lol a ~. 2 b1th, dlnln& rooltl'.. 3 .~~. g~.~~~'. . ~.·~. ~tlflll .f:.~ ICOME lil llEflllDfR Dela• FCl•pln . You'll SMJl"N' with p~ wt.an )'OU .ee,tbii dllPlu. .t ""'"""""•-•bellrooml of Our 6:i4"/. Interest Rate down..........,.-· s on the beauUIUI new bomee ot Moat lloinas are built with only chlldrtn In mind. We have five homes designect for the comforts and fun of adults. BeauUful to lock at, room for hobbie1, -prlvate office, aeparate dlnlna nn, 111e1t room with both, a car ca- •lle. wlltlDJr dlatanco to churches, Welldlff sboppla1, ana reatauranta. 5&' lot, 4 bedroom, a~ bath, famlly room. Built.in electric kitchen, h..,. livlne room. chinning 2 atory. home. '79,lllO. '54,000 lit Trust Deed, and o!""er wW Cln')' a 2nd • IJVE.lN the ....-3 BR I .... + ~ -wllh private co v •red patio. RENT the otbtt 3 aaltl .t: ... ~ ......... Hon A: t1J11me1 to de.fer ....,. ••• 10 ........ J...i R h C tor--"'-· enc o Le Y&\t• 131,500. 11·,""' "'" ""1 we on Brookl>urat at Al!Jnll In HunUnf(on Beach h&Vf', DiVOf'Ct! Jotcea a.ale. • p. a:palmer incorporated --bflb """"" ...... Tim Tliom•• . ~. . CL"F HAVIN A real dream cottage. Spotless 2 bedroom, .. iarge Uving room with brick fireplace, OOV· . .,ered lanai. De· SOLD garage, beau· Wu! divided v tl!udinous fnlil tree•· Ide.Uy 0 located. $27,500. Priced to sell .: .. quickly. Inunediate occupancy. _ CAMl!O SHORES -one ol Corona Del 1.ilar's top residential lo- .. ·cations with view of Ocean, private beaches. ';89 x 135 lot,•ai SOLD ft. 2 bedroom, den, 2 bath qu me. <:arpeUng, ~ drars. electric kitchen & garage door, Shake • roo, plaster interior. $71 ,000. Immediate possession. ;. BAYSHORES :-Exclusive residential district, short walk to •• private beach. Attractive 2 Br home in fine .. condition. Excellent location for enlar&ing or remodeling. Yard & gatea for boat. '44,500. Newly listed. ; •» BALIOA PENINSULA l'OINT ~3 bedroom s, 2. baths, double tarage. At SSl,500. One of the lowest priced homes in :_ tbe area. Nicely located near both ocean and 'bay. . LOVE THE SEASHORE? • We have a small duplex at a sm8n price of Our J.endtr Must lncreese his Interest Rates on Ap'ril 7, .1 969 1% rlth 20% 4owft -'1~% with 10% On. ne.tndt 1...... M pltlnt1 -2' yrt on balance Offlct 67J.7JllO . ~77 VIA LIDO PromLAC11lMA~ · $61,500 . . Priced frolll $30,950 to $13,950 . ·-----------· ~ . _:;;::;;. ---Newpert ., lttlu11 .. A,ont O.n1ral 1000 -r•I • All that is neceaaary to 11111~ )oubeu of tllla low lntereat is your setecilon of one of our a or 4 bedroom, 2 or 3 bath, l or 2 story homes and make your ·Initial deposit of $500. p. a. palmer Incorporated n71 VIA LIDO Why Worry? Tr•ct Ph, 540-ITl.I Prom L.A. Call MA W034 Small dowti pa,yment NOW for thlt 3 months new exeeu. live 4 BR 2% bl.th houle tn TURn..E ROCK near UCI. WW leue of>llon or aeU on. contract. ·------------- Call fft.2'29 .w fft.1331. any day t...n 10 .. dutk. General lreadmMr Gener ii 1000 O-r1l 1000 Horbor vi.• Perched on the top of Har- G I I seulon I ~~i!iiiiii!!iiiii!ii!ii!•I bor Hilla. VWw of ocean, • • .,.. I ' 111.i.... VI Hiiis ..... C&tallna, • "'"""""' You do nol bave lo be a ,., lllVf IW famd,. A """"'" dining. eN.n to quality. 5 bedrooms. Park like patio and rur buUtJn Jdtclml, · overgiud For t'-Mn1 .... view vard' •~ 950 double pnce, Coli to Cos. of alJ N~-; Harbor " · _., · ta Meu. 1ehoola and &bop. with 111 beautiful llghts' Dover Shor11 Plnc. St,800 · lncludu down and boathl& activity. Extr•ordlnary P9YJnent, cloliJ:W eotta. and see thla: l'll!W liatire jll,)'menta leu than rent. In Harbor view HlllJ, 3lOO 1q. ft. of lwrury, All CUL. tom corutnicted 41 bedrooms, Juat $26,9.'i(I. Modem 3 tiedroom home r.amily room and fonnal di~ Sulit 1ro11n1. a pool tnz room. tmmedlate pones. with lflll,rate family rObm alon with 10~ down _ Alk- yl.I'd JleedJ a little 'Nark lna: $13 500 MU U but an exe!t:llent value ' · e 0 er. W11tcliff for lh1I prime locttioa at $89,500 Ctll K.nt Kl-IMy Vacant 3 ,Bedtootn. 2 bath. • .., Large family roon1 in move. Res. J40.U12 in condition. Fut' escrow 1000 VACANT· LOTS -t R'-1 Exclut\ve Sf. JIU. BERT.WOOD .... $15,$0 * R·l UPPER BAY CUkit· MC Strfft ••••• •• , $17,500 * M ~'Jl2S.I' WW take 6 UNITS • , •••••••• , , $18,IXlO * M-1 Cc30) Ideal for small . $41,950 . Nawptrt at Vldilr11 646:8111 lndu.trtal Uni ta •• $20,0C.O ·~""!!!"!!~""°''!!!~'."'° : ~ ':,' ~ ~"~":i I SPANISH VILLA 81.VD tmntage tbru to &,mini.scent or early Cali.. back street .•.••. $75,0C.O fomia hacienda, this pie-* R.J. lrtttricted) 24~3 Ac. ture1que 2 story home he.I a OCEANSIDE, Priced to beauWul ~ pool. sdl at Only ~.IQ) lot. brick b&r-b-q, 4 Wp bed- rooms, fonna.1 dining rm. and a charmfn& Uvlns nn. with fireplace &eeilltd by importt'd Phlllppln! mahoc· any wood work, all on ~ tup J\..2 Jobi. See thla one YllWI Lea1e Wltll Optloil VicNrf• 64Ul11 J.mel1.._.. s BR Condo I !!!!~'!!!!Ill!!'!'!' ~!!11!!'1 wilh powder rm, wot bar, PIE SIMPLE and many othtl' extru lot fine llviJW. Bnt Eluill Oceall view from livin& room. View. Immediate occupancy dining room, kitcbdl ah:I rruaf.el' bedroom. 4 bed- rooms, 3 baths, den, pest apt., 2 double garqu, l.Mge pool and paUo with BBQ. Gl'ffnhouse and ro.e pr· den. Locattd on tv.o lOtL The ............ ....._ ..... .................... $325 JnO. Walter Haue ---~ 6% Loan Good comer borne with room for boat, camper etc, Hu 4 nice bdnm + tamily room It bttt of all • a 1% GI Joan that )'OU ean take· O\'er with 11!) increue! Only $157/mo. includn taxes A: insurance. Llltl.n& 11 $22,650 but owner &IWowl to 10 to Orqoo to m.U "' that oUIU'l """"" $91,500. Jean Smith, .Realtor 646-.1255 • WOULD YOU BELIM A :!1 x 30 Rtlmpug Room with a Giant fireplace It Bat that seats 8 • A 4 bedroom + family room, 2500 ... ~I al! totaled. A 75' x 'RI kit, A 20' x 40' work tbop lot $29,950 . You C&n! '46-ZILI •1111 HARaO.. _,.,. -"°'""'· ..,..,., · $38,950. Notb¥1g special about It el<Cept that ·Ill just 4 doors fJ'oin the beach and the as-SALESPEOPLE NEEDED sumable loan ts at 8%. Call the ''Chod .Guys" .EveniJWI 541.ms 1HE REAL ESl'ATERS I ' 646-7171 • 546-2113 .. t_s::;.,.~ ~ . DUPLilx WITH p11'11 "For A w1 .. Buy" REALTORS Four Bedrooms. O!tANOI COUNTY'S ·' CismOl.Lf:!'L~U 3 WI' """"'· "' both!, N. E. Cosl1 Mesa -Facts not 'fiction. Built 'l'ith Sltb,lnp in mind : ( I rib & ( $17.250 LAllOIST """'.....,!loo•>. I""' ldlcl> Pleasurable living, excellen area, and In· 0 eswo y o. 673-4400 Mo~ Into ltus 1•<'1:0 family 293 E. 17th SI. '46-4414 l ::!=-~~=-=,::-C· =:==I •• A """"' po<cll ..... · come. Immaculate and cbarminn 2 bedroom h od a ho llouble a· ·-~ h l 1..._ "' &a-7T77 OPEN EVES. -----ome 1 ay. ose to 1 p. ONLY $f .. -;,. DOW_N_ DELUXE DUPLEX garage. I&' "'""u ome ocated 9n uie channel. Compact kit-' ,_.., ___ ,.. ... ,.._,I Moth1r·in-l1w ping. schools a.nd cbutthes. wv with lbade "-fruit trees. cbe.n, beautifully ~·eled living room.·Up~r I' Problem? ..... •• .,,. ,.... This one won'l la.st!!! Sl-45 3 Bit l~ baths, electric N~w l BR Units Peninsula •'1'1951) -~ J f Jll M ~'.~ ranee &: oven, dilhwuher, adj11011.1t to Ocean &: Bay · .-. • unit furnished. H ... steady lenanl. $59,500. wo· or e oney ' ON A LCIT. . .1 BR I GENERAL HAULING per month lnclud" ,.,... F• heat.' cu ..,.,., Cl!' $59,lllJO. 1% financi"•· Wtlla-McC1rtlle, 111.ltrs. :TotaJ price. . . hath, cozy ~ivlng room with & CLIANUP and insurance!!! ONLY peted. Balbol Re•I Estate Co. 1110 Newport Blvd., C.M. Extra I h. r p duplfx. flteplact', k1tchf!'n ~·Ith built. no per load. Free 18.ral' $5(11 DOWN~! Full Pr ice $16,500 ffi.4140 50-1129 Eves. MHl684 .. REDDQUIEI Ideal for an invntor or In raflgP " O\'en, lin&1e tar.. .. t..anup ror u.v.ble Items. WI SILL A HOME . < A1$ ~ occupant. These aae. carpets, drapes. Ne_ar-.....,. C&ll TOM 5.31-3757 EVIRY 31 MINUTES 1 _,. ERNIE 700 E, ~boa Blvd., Balboa YOtJ awe It to youneU to ~ R E A L T y 2 BR unitl are .eparat-new .. , .2 BR 2 bath, fire.I ------..,---& \IHUpte our 4 dldtrul .. by ....... IDr ... '"'"· 2 ""' ........ oui.lde Ee1t Bluff Walker lee CLEVELAND 4tl2°'o LOAN -,,.,....,.. . clllded llvtnc. Larae •toraae. electric built-ins, e:_ ... r..I .. I' 7l /C ~ 2025 W. lillboa BIYd., Newpolt lecich ,Rentols -6~ hits -67~ ' fenced '""'· HURRY• ...,,.. • ""-cl·-""'"· .-..u ... on • 2043 Weatcllfl Dr. -,R .. ltarP-S21,!50 Thl1 new liltlnc won't Iarae lamily room, Span.lab Form'1 temmo entry. lluit ~ml Open Evt1. tut loris lot on I y decor, Both for W .500. Uv!.na room with used brick ..... .,. ... _..,.___ 143 Bn>Hway '45.0111 3 BR, blt·inl, comer lot. ...__.. $16 ·-.. ... •• ru1r. w.mo E""•· MS-01» , o E couiltv•s "6,500. ·-ft"plece. f""""" ISLAND TWO SJORY RUSJI( .Evos. -2-1451 -7' • KBtNEDY LARGEST $1700 down. J BR l* bath, KITOiEN Y•il h built-ins and • • Ill ----· • COATS bullt·in el~tr1c range, OV• cuatom cabinets. Great fanl· CDM corr·-m I. 17th St. '4M4M ~neral 1000 General 1000 & ,en. prbqe dilposal, FA lly room ~·ith sliding glass Over 2UXl aq rt, 3 la.rge BR.s. • l ............. iiiiiiiiliiii• ~ ----"---1 ;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;,i WAL LACI Mat, carpets t drape1, dou. doon tending to covered pa-1: family room + hl!!attd 2 BR home w/lnc unit needs Like to Entertain? OPEN DAILY I I' REAL TORS hie prap with boat door, tio. Bl& muter with laadl cl pool, spe.ckM.tl Uvinl room aome TLC. Walldna" distaoce caJ1 to aee WI l16 Ruby F Pele BlrreH Reilly 546 4141-fenced & land>ca,,... """°"'""private bath. s.-.. 1tb Pak>o Venle rock n.... to eve~. 133,500 · 67S.S200 • • I CO,.. htfti"I'} eluded pool.-siu )'ard. Priced place, 2'11 baths, outstand-~rma. l1lbo. Island • , ••_cmm Jn mld·30·s. Make offer. ing kitchen, built-ins 6 d1&b. By appt only 3 BR, plus l Ba, cozy dininl/ CbamUna 3 BR home, ~ ' You want a new .:-. ~You own a Iott' ~ You need fhNinclng • Y.U desire style · ~;You care about • savings •. y.., demand quetlty ; 'CALL 537-0310 :~ From Our DeslanL ' Planii Can Be Varied To ; ~ Suit Your Need&. !-. ltlOlt Orugr County and ptber approved anu. ·'' STANCO :'" BUILDERS, INC. OPEN 10666 We1tnu111ter ( ~ Garden Gn>vb • &lanced Po....w Hornet ~ATHTA.~K=1=N~O­ • OCEAN Vl&WI •"'CUSTOM BUIL Tl ~ bathl. Built in kitchen. ~ectric gani,ge~ ...... er. Jr. Eatate s · IJ'OW]d&. Patio. ~rno t,t.RBELL 2955 Hort.or C1Mral Pre11nts lciycmt lal'fJai.n J111m1culat~ 4 lxlnn. fllll111y room, Jorirtal dlnlng room. A great splll·lewl home for an active family. 3 car lflJ'tl' ~Ucci I: heat. ed for extra hobby lun. Priced realistically at 168.900. -=--=--=--· - john mac~ab DOVER SHO!•ES -lMJ"e 4 bedroorl1, f hath home with rnagnlnc.:nt view, over 3000 11q, It. By.Ul·in fleo. tric Jdtcbtn with I• r I e bttakfut area • . . . S82,?i00 ~ l&m Westclill Dr. call for apPOintment NEWPORT BEACT! 17141 '42-1215 901 Do\-er Drlw, SUlte 120 ~ 642·5200 l11!!!1!!!!1!Nll"!!"'!!!"•Be!!!ac!!!!h!!!!!l!i!!!I! PRICED $5,000 FOr E1ec11tive ~~ n:::: ~~~n::'':Z 5 b:lmt 3"' ti.lb CUilom built yard \\'Ork. UpstaJn - 3 homt with numerous out· bdrms.. 2 bathl, b o a u 1 stand~ fff.tures. Oioice room. Downstairs -1 b4tm., Ba,ytn!1t location. Pbcme iar bull~ln eltt. kltc~n. f.am.UJI 1ppolntment to Mie. room. tonnaJ dinlna room. Al'llCllcl & Freud A"'"' to iari• back ,,.ro. 311 E. lltb S>, CM JIAH SMITH, RHlter Realloni 646-7755 400 Easl 17th, Calta MtM ~ L.. 3 M4S1'ER BEDROOMS. Separate J>eon. Uke new carptlt and drapf'I hout. Brlclc l'trepJace. A Uvln& Drum. Gra NO CASH NEEDED $23.9:50 PRICE • ME LOW INJIUIT YA LOAN , Tr)' $895 Total Do...n on U\1i l*t f bedroom "Yli lh 2 Batta. Dff_p Pile CU1J!!Uni, "drapes, huge CU}-d ..... e lot Anyone can quallt.)'. Total peyment •170. \Vey Rent! CHDIT A· PIOIUIO -IUY LIU llNT1 , -Slwi> 3 ~ Pld. A.lrnoet brand new dkle hp carpetlnf . Bffutiful drapes. ?ofodem kitchen ~·Ith rdriattatorl Double Oarutl \Vhtie Bnck Fi~plat't'! $500 Down. Paymenta to UL your lludiel $22:,900 NU price. 01 NO DO\V?i. $100 ' ~il ~undt!d. I IOUI TOUI HOMI! l"etd tomttblna l:UitrT J.take thli l\lUIT SEii 4 Muter Ille btdroonu with wsnlt,y nook. 3 ltatbl.. Hu~ l'arnlly room •1th wall to waU flrtDltlot. Farmeil dJn· tnt room. Dectrlc built Ina:. Nrw ctrpttl and dn.Ptt: throuahouL Miu.mt low r8A 59' ~ loan and s.1.000 wUl b&DdCt. GLno tl)ont)' cSo.'Q. • ~ • '\m\'T!!"l'mm"" """"· can .....,. ""'""· _.. J37,500 • EZ CORBIN·MARTIN :::'.'~ ~ ~"'.! 4' patfo. .,.,. """ 1o bey Fon?st E. OlJon lnc. tenru. REAL TORS Play yard, $52.5()0. and tandy beach, 8&ll.abury 2299 HM'bor Blvd., c .M. IOl6 I . Co .. t Hwy, CllM W1lktr lllt1lty Reoi1y """900. LEASE OPTJON. Cute Aft. ...,,, Poo1 Home. Pa1nw. Builders Closeouts "'!!!!!!.'!!J!!!!!67s-!!J!i!!'!"2~~~ I In PI'Oi1'tlll. Immediate OC• =-- cupa.ncy. Sl90/monthly wlth lO'Y• ON._ 61;1o;. INT. Bak SM-5«0 6o/. V.A. LOAN opUon 10 buy @ $22,500. Sctnic San Clemente, minutes '!1003~~:'".,·~C!:.>'l'!.':"!'~~ 3 bedroom. Wall to "·all car. · --• --petlne throua'hout. Covered 541·SllO lrom beach. 3 A 4 BR 2% $20,tSO • $110 MONTH patio, All eltttrtc kitchen lltll'clr-.ttwirt) bath homes. s:r.l.500 to $.19,-By wumi .... G.I, fl~'itt loin. · h L. •• u • -....: LEGE "EALTY 500. Some with \-1ew. ¥tJS"I' Leu ~' fl!nt p&yments. .,,, Ul,Lllt·in ,.,...,gerator. ,._tiHtrW,ctl BE SOLD THIS WEEKI Frethly pa.Int. Spack>u& bed-Lots more extru and )'our MODEL: 518 Eut San J\l&n l"OOml. All tltctric built-Jns. full month.ty payment Is onb' l"!~~!!!l!l!~-~~_.IRI~. Ph. --·~ -1134. F.P. only sn,.,., SUb-$22,500 -4 BDRM. " .._..,_ ~ Jr. Eltatt1 11Jied yard. mit down payment Private Moel de~nble .,.._ 2 balhl, *LACHENMYER Sprlnlden. 540-tnO Party. !El-7689 """' family n><>m, isolated TARBELL 2'55 Horbor THE BEST FOR LAST fl!ar living room, firePlace. ~OF BARGAJN.JtlTh:'TERS-lvan Wells model home now P1tlo with BBQ. Built • in OWNERS~I BUILDERS available 4 bdnn 3 ba fam. ranae • oven I dilhwasMir. ''0$" DOWN I $24~ East-side loc: -R2 lot 60 ~1 M()..\720 Texu 1lzecf bedroonu ove ~•~ n 8111 b<lh L.-. room, V""'· I~ Santiqo, TARBELL 2!5S Harbor ,.,.. u .... ....._ i....zy x;;..:; fat '""""''~.::Ji llty J. Wtrd Co. _ 1-....= (.Ba.Ycrnt O!Uce1 2400 Sq. n. PRESTIGE NEW rear )'&rd. Hl&b block fence. "'Oii 1ut at $18,000. 1842 Santiago Dr. &4&-l550 !:NC.LAi'iD 2 story. Hup 540-t7XI THE REAL ESTATERS UW.: rm. Format dinlna TARBELL 295S t{arbor ><6-2313 64&-7171 Fovr Btdrooma 2 BelhS rm. Sep. Jam rm. 4 BR. dlJS1!3T ~ tt.. BEST BUY·MUlt Sell! Family Rm/Dining Rm l bl. Reduced $4000 to town. ,,_ DAD..Y PILOt 4 UNIT APr. $48,SOO ld11I Loc1tlon $41,500. 0.-n-art.. w/ help n 1"""d 9M'Um.. &In 1-3 BR, 3-2 Bit Big lot $31 ,950 fyll Price finance. 648-TDI tor appt. moup, ume • dfart. Look .fOO \V. Oliw, IA Habra DAVIDSON RNlty atARUE m DOWI 11 OPEN. 1m> ~ 5t&-MiO Eva. 5661"2 lOGOGonerol 10000.ntr•I lOOOGenoral 1000 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ~ 2043 Wtotcllff Dr. pl 1rx1no · . Oro• 1-1.., ----.-------=--. DUPLEX Near Buch l Shopping Excdleat ValUe • $34.950 0.0,.. Wll111mson !Walt"' m..wo Evtt. 673-15" Pl1!1RM. + FAMILY RM. $19,450 2 baths, Inviting fittptace. Gleaming built-in range .t oven. Family room $133 payments. TAlllllLL 142""91 ZONED Cl for IMll. Good Eutaldt 2 BR ho~, needt ....,.._ Only 111,950 • """" dn ht.ndles. Kinpard Rea.I Estate lifi 2-2222 HOKE -Jt..2 lot Excel Wt'lltidt. S BR 21,4 ba, rootn for .. tit 5 units. st&-1623 ..... $13,500 I BEDROOM HOUSE, double Ian.st. R-2 Jot, close to 17th Strttt •hoppifltr. Leon Vibert, Rt•tt.r 548-0S88 anytime $11,950 $120AMONTH Oenel"oul sized bedroom&. ~ kitchen. Cowred patio <Mrlook5 the JIOQl air.. .. yanl, TARBELL C11t1 Moaa 1100 RIDUCED TO $20,950 POOL • 3 Bdrm • FuD nn. SUO/mo pa,ys alJ. • 514" Int. Rond Rtalty 645-2340 0,.. h11l1111 'ti t P.M. NIW IN WISTCUFl'lll A trul.Y cl\lJ'mlng h~, loe.dtd with otru. A larfe btl•ht llvlrll' room with beamed ctlllnn tl:fid l?lUllve-Ultd brick tnplace. Nice famlb' room iookl out to lovely tncbed patlo. Brt&ht IWU\Y kitchen complete with ovenln: MrYke room. Huie btdrocomltl! btr(.W'tt lot for privacy. A home wSth lots ol ch&i'm and ...nnlb. a&r-excltllive. Only Ml.000. Submit your amaller bome on our JUU"&D• TAICI O'fH 1¥• LOAN P0a ONLT $1'0 "I M:s 11tia Costa ?i1:e1& honey With bt&uutul NEW PLUSH S ETS ln I~ OUA living room with cozy BRICK rIREPLACt is without qualllytns. 1'1om will love the hie klt.chth with built Ins PLUS B AST NOOK! nnt tee •la Mn. -lllWPOllT~ llACH -POOi. HDMI , lf'h1I DOOl wt. built by an txtaltlvt of Anthon)' Pool.I for hla own Ult. Rtaltd Ult t\lti!rtd·-Mth extra dec.lcJna Mt on a home 1lzt lot. &rand IW:W carpell and dra~ ho queen al.a bathl wtth matter dttulna room ha.vin. trenendowi cl0$ets. ""pll!ce aet tn m~th llvln,: room With slldlng &*-C1oon leadlna: to pool atta. ~-a·klnd! '3"1J.900. Submit your· home on out suarantee plan. llllLD TOUI OWN IN IA T"HST Wt otter you a si~le lot In the moat dftlrable aree of Ne:Wport Bf'ach, !.ulld a 2 1tOl'7 and' your View wW be magltkent. U you fftftt the 'low rambllna de-sign. lh1' 11,._c proptrty would be no problem to aali.t)'".any pl&n1. A paol \\1th unlimited room for O\ltdoor efttert11lntn.1 wtU ~llJ"bt )"OW' fazntlJ' and friend&. eom. Jotn the aeow S90 homm ln this moll Qu.let and rorpous loct.Uon. Priced. at '"" ~9SO. WAUI TO IAT AND OCIAN From this lat!" 4 bedroom, 3 beth modttn tamlly l>Hch horntt. Htre you a.rt o[rt!'rtd a prtvatt community wttb a OubhouM-, awtmmlna pool, a.nd.lttnnll courb bNtdeJ; Gtt f'Md.Y for a lrtfnendooa tummertimt NOWlll 1\llP iritt ~.930. Submit rour small~r home on our ruartnltt salc plan . WI llU. A NOMI IYllY 31 MINUftS lptl.CioUI bedroorNI • 2 Bathl. Cltan .... pill and net.I' khooll and &hopplDa. DON'T WJ.rr. - THI WISI mcum1 llUYS LOW IN'IHIST • PATlllllnt ASSUM£ thll 8,._ VA loan with eimellent lem'll and SAVE SlUOO In lnterwt.. \ ALMOST NEWI 'BED.ROOMS AND a BA'JHSI CATHEDRAL CEILINGS ! Pluab carpell and cutt.orn dnptt. FORMAL DINING AR.EA! Cree.t PAMILY ROOM! BH.uUruJ el~lric built tn ld~l\tn with LOADS OF CUPBOARDS. Prime nd&Jt.. borhood NEAR ·Tm: BEACH. $229 ptt month pen all INmTolS ATTINTION 111 4 Pl.IX -UNDEI Ll9UlDATION Two.3 bedroom PLUS Two 2 I.cl.room With 18" !PENDABLE plu. equltf build up on p!'Hent LOW rfnta. Built lnl and w&U to wall carpela. Leoden UquJdtUOD price 6 tlmea gn>li. ONLY $37,000. 4 11-0NLT tzl,IOO-el-TOTAL DOWN $40 Thtl lara 4 bedroom 2 bt.th h.ml17 home era CORNER ~ with room for BOAT OR c.ulPER bout.I exceU.nt location ntU' IChoola and 1hoppiftr on. quiet TftD LINED STRUT • ..A UtUe paint In the_.IG BEDROOMS and ·KJNa SIZ£D Kn'· CHEN will mW thil 1 1'EJUUF1C BUY and a re&l DREAM HOME! Sl.050 OOWN TO ANYON:ll ' ' ' ., I • • --- • ·--· • •#•. -··. •• ·-· •• 'HUU)E• Fok :.ALE HOUSES FOR SALE I HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSE·S FOR SALE RENTALS • RfNTALS .-r:-ltlNTALI · .c&Nrau 1:.:.:==.:..::-----·----Ho-UnfvrnloltM """'Furnl"'"" r · Apia. U""""loW AlltL ~ Coot• -1100 Balboo ,....iMUla 1300 Hunll.,ton llaach :4oo Laguna Nlgual 1707 ----....;.;:;,;,;;...=....;==-11....;=;:;;..,====- RRAL .Gonoral . • !.;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;,1::;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;,;;;;:;;;;;12 : 1o1, ,._._ >Ir 5 pll L.CVELY hom• w1Ui ~-;: Fountain Valloy 3410 c..ta -. 4100 caota Mou 5100 tfuntl ..... •leach 5400 YOU DESERVE LOVE NEST ~""""""'-11.9.900 •••• ;, ....... ,...u. f<>ll1nc ' en ........... '41ln. 1111.: Jll!i. i-'iiR eqcloRd ---• Olfl .. llM!al -Thb hon'll? y,•lth a -pool for Icte8t sriot fOl' ho!>ey1noonel'$; te~irehmey<'r 8olC 6' hUU. quiet cul de aac. • bltisw'. $215hnontb. Lease. ~ pald, 1 adult No pets. 3 BR llJ( .bl.•f:itt.la.nnp , EXCWSIYE a hot summer. :S BR East. cute and Qui~I . 3 bedmom, Kula Maui Ha...,lill ~ BR. 2 ba. Bkr. 615-40'70 Ava.U. AprU 20. l39-J.66J '319 Dtt Mar, &U-4112 A oven. 1Wb p.rqf. SlSG. ON.THE-I" &CH aide. Easy 1crms, S)ii % loan. I~-l>:ith dollbow:ie nellJ' t::nd , SPACIOUS 3 ~ plwi fat1ililY iliOBIL llome furn. for m.id Al.SO 1 SR. apt, blt·lD .5.1111 126.lllO. or penl""'la point Own" Fountain Valley 141~ ....,._210-bo::App1600"1-L..,U...Nltuel 2707 lld,el<l.,,,_cplorwoman, """A"':.J~tor. 2&31odrwmAplL E) anxloua. $38.250. WP fu. n. f'1lll vrit'e $2'T OOll. P1ace AfONAROI ~y AREA tmona.~. '48--1312 W II ~ ftn. t.imuy Uvtrc to pleue tbe 9:,.a.A~,,_,... BURR ~HITE, Rltr. 4 llll. 2 ~ -~·· bl',_"'!: n..tlY <94-8'10I • ~v _,_ 2 o o-Mcea , Ill -dbcrlmlnaW.· ~.,. ..,..........., 2901 Nc1,1•port.Bl\ld., N.n.. kit comv-"""'' _.. .,. ADULT• COMMUNITY ~ '1'Y • ....,., Bdnn. 1810 Newport Blvd., Cll available at I . A L T y Us-4630 Eva• S4M583 dish~ ... ~·· \lnld·~ Duplex• For kle 1975 3 Bii. lleJI. 2 llA ....... ,.:. ~6 ... '·sadt ..... "!'!!·.-· 54S-772ll ""· Huntf-t..1 ' Near NB 1-lot.t u1c 646-2414 thruoijt. .o: ~ spn ""~ blt,..bu. trpJe, healld pool ~ s:.,,.. -~ ,.. ''I"' . --• J.anol8<pd, ctrc_ potlo "'oN ean&i, dlrcel 1o ,.j,ao, 12SOmo.lOtoS.-----NEWLY-DECOlllATID No Down To Vols Lido Isla 1351 "'"°P.Alt 5, .,..-. m9'1L boat"°""' tow doWI> 16833 • C-a del Mar 4250 2,1311. w/......,. • d'-1 ' Quallty0uplex.2BR .. txhvd --··· • ---·~ ~VkY.Dr.t~( 't<t o1 f, Con,,,..-•, -....J'ltll tBDRtumupr,SootHwy. ·l~-wa.tttpaid P1Clf1C fiD tlr.1. frplcea, Jo' • .\. beat. bit-in AKIN TO A Seal Au~h 1450 kfNTALS ADULT ~'nhouse. H.B. 2 Small pri pottb. Call tsn Ora.bze Apt B $ll0 '1!J kitc:h., garages b<'tii•n units., Sophisticated penthouse. 3 MEADOW HOME1 4~ BR _ HOUMt Furnished bdrm, 2 bl;, \\oasher/deytr, '21Wl-ll!ll eves. S'$ Bernard Apt 8 $105 ru Oeetn Jg fn<!CI yard, Quiet street. lovely bdrms +small bdr. $21900. l''11A or VA. La.t-ge -l'efri&. blt-ir. stove, crpta, 2176Placvi• ~;!!!Be Sll5 (tt4J :S.W:GtltB $28,500, 'J:hia "''<ln't laBt Call Distincti\'e BJ kitch. Lg. So. bo~I ~lb bi: yanl i: patio, lentils to Shire .2005 dz:pl. throughout, patio 6 lllbH . ~ i------------''!'!!'~!!!~""!'l"~~""' now. -;J~ pa~ 'la' Jot $65000 has all Uie built·i.rul &. large ROOl\f?.lATE service mate ))001. 537-8559 CLEAN •-c"'&Jor £ •• :,., *Villa Pomona Aptt 1i 1: 2 BDRM-2 bath.~ b J1 TAI~ TRAD-:;:. . -R.' C. GREER, Realty family room •. There att 3 or female. E~nt I: t\Cl'4 1 AL~ All .tri~ tnd $'lS ~ Costa .Mesa's newts!: A: "':'°'t .kb lt)'lt,' tbq apt'1, prv Bo son, tr. · 3.15.5 Vja µao f73--9300 ba.tha. catlM!t~ng, drupes, ualllied. sa;...noo A-. Fumithecl 315 i_"i&lboa Blvd. luxunous apts now rentlfll. entr .~ prv lundtck.s. Adult fittplact, service porch. U q .,... fm-.Qllli;. Fum l un!urn. Adults onJ¥-11'11ta', nr btachet from SlfO. Mesa Verde _ lJJI it J , ~ v.·ant qua.Ii~ & val~ STABLE Young \vorkln& General 40DQ BALBOA ... _w.,....,. no pets, 1760 Pomona Ave., $190. * CUSTOM HCl\\I *: ~1 !~._Via Orvieto can at once. ~ to share luxury h 4400 just aoutb of 18th St. ~~--~ First wne Oii market. ~ Sack Ba,y Co!X.lo.: $100 mo. s· I Huntingteft INc REDF.cORATED - 3 BR. !.UYOI~ r~~:~~f~!~~ ~g~j~:~:;-•• ,,. ·~ !~ ".;;~, ~ 1ng e ~:~J,~':~ ~:~=/~·.~~~or NEWPORT ~ CENTEJl: Offleea l\litable tr Om- merclal, -Deolll: .lli-cond:, apb, -35e PEft' SQ.. Fr, " 3400 Via· Lldo &n.8830 t_.eguna __ a.._ ch 1705 an 6 Pl\I ap es e, CHF.Z ORO APARTMENTS blt-ins. priced belmv mu-~ $69/mo summt::r. &73-8224 Young 17676 Cameron, Hunt. Bch. LARGE 2 BR L w laid kef. Large lot • room for w-__ ,,i.:;,,. 1 AL) near shopping, Retired c:ou-· 1234 AtJanf& pool. Call o11•ner fl.6.5459. !K>' BAYFRONT .• Finest bcb,: Costa Mtsa 210Q ~ Apfs. Unfum!shed ple preferred, $ & 5 /mo . New 1-3 Bedrooms -Pay ~ 511-5032 Oil -• : OFFICE 1842 A Newpori mvd. Ideal far insurance, income tax er t::mployment· agency. 54S«i88 . REPUBLIC Home. II n1os ,t,, Joe on Lido. \VW sell DESERTED Ad I &f2...2517 a1ter 5 PM · electric only old. 2 story. 4 BR. 3 BA. ..~· or 80'. 3.6 units. Ideal SPANISH 2 BR., gar., patio. Tropical u ts General -sooo Villa Fino Apts. 3 BR. 536--3927 er ~2727 lam rm, retreat nn. 3 Car for HO~lE I.:. lNCOi\:lE. setting. for , adlts. l , BUc Unt. Childrt::n Welco!ne $150 Pool-Wube~Dr,yera ,.. garage. $ll,900. By O\\·l)('r. Drive by 320 Via Lido Nortl, VILLA1 shops. nso. 544-4780 '• VENDOM~ 874 w. Ct::11ter Apt, 1 Private Garages .. 1000 Sq ft, attractive, sood: location, air cond. apta., drps. 30c sq ft. $4U76l 540-49Qi then '-.,, can 673-000J () r I L11T11'r\I' single, 1 " 2 2 BDRM ••• crpts, blt-m BRANO NEW 2 ' 3 BR '~ ,,13 "UP AT A VlLLA, 00\VN M-.-rf •---h 2200 __ , • ASSUME Low FHA. 3 BR. '~w· BY THE SEA", located on ,_ .... .,.. -bedroom apartments, atovt:: I:. ovtll. ~. Mo. froin $150/mo. CpWdrps, 300 Sq. Ft. Office, Pan. dc>n & tam. $26.500. BY O\\'NER 2 Br, 1 ba, Laguna's famed Riviera W.ATERFRONT Dlx. duplex; furnished and Unfur-~~~~~ Clor.e to OCC. f>f.8-Um dishwasher. Nr Be a c h , ~~ will take 2 nd · frplc, bltns, plyi111 &{ ba. Co~st. Ne$tled in thE-ROCK 3 Br., N'pl. Island. G8r. nished, with complefe ADULT I:. FMallLY 2 Bdr crpts/drps, pri patio, 1:::"1==7======= COSTA :ME:8A &16-21!D· lnduotrial Prop. -~s:6/.>-~~ buy s4 · 500 · RIBBED l-IJLLS Tl-lAT RJSE Lndry, boat dock. Vacation privacy apd landscap-SECTIONS AVAD..ABLE ~..!! $140. mo to mo Cal! i.-·n• 8Hch _5705 8 1200 fl lN ~tA.IESTIC SPLE~DOR, or summer. 6 7 3 -17S 8 ; ed country club al· Close to Shopping, P•rk _•_·~-------10.~;;:.:-;..;;_:;:::.;.:::.;._ Ml corner, 16th 1; Pomom.,' f,N,;;;•w;;;;po;;;rt;;;;.;,-;•.;•~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;; Huntington Beach 1400 \VITH A NE\'ER ENDING G73-786l or iS05) 96!}...3174 mosphere including • Spacious 3 81".s, 2 Ba 2 BR. nev.·J.y dee, drpg, w/w 100 CLIFF DRIVE face& 3 street, 140'xl«I'. For 5 KEYS TO INCOME Each unlocks a different doo!'; each is a symbol of profit. Let us sho11• you this money -making apartment house near the 10th street beach. Only $69,501 BURR WHITE , Rllr. 2901 Nc\\'port Bll'd .. f\.B. 675-46~0 Eves 673-4859 SCOOP I! The prin1e 3 unit apartmenls on the entii-c peninsula. Price $99,950 -and worth every penny of it. Exclusive 11,1ith Newport Beach Realty 61;>.1642 -' ·---·---VIE\V OF THE SEA. De· 2910 $750,000 w 0 rt h of • 2 Bedrooni.. cpts, bit-ins, adults. $145. WXURY FURN/UNFqRN srJt::, will build or trade for I AM ANXIOUS! tailed Spanish styling. !ea-Summer Rentals recreational facilities •Swim Pool, Put/ereen . 642-2550, eve5 546-6716 YeariJ Leue. 1 I: 2 Bd:nns. Laguna or Capistrano nu_. 3 .. _... lures RED TILE ROOFLIN. • ~· ~-"' 11~-· "-plex with view. Just take a look at n1y ""'-'· ES PLASTERED E.XTER-NPT. Bch new 3 BR, 2~~ designed and oper1t. • ... • t"• u.uiv, .....UJ' fac .. J BDRM apt unfum 991 FJ steJll to SllON I: Shops Leon Vibert, Re•ltor rooni honie & you l\'on't be 10R.. FRO~'T COURTYARD BA nicely tum, htd pool. ed just for s i.n g 1 e 1145 Anaheim Ave. Camino Dr, C.M. OceaYifw from every Apt. 548-0588 anytime able to pass it up. carpet· ENCWSED \V I ADOBE S.l'J to 9-1 Dex. Sea.son-Mo. people. COSTA MESA. 00.282f * 546--0451 * bua $150 mo \UI. lease J-======== ing throughout ill just like TYPE BLOCK \VALL & 6'14-1063 2 BR. Unfumisl:¥!d 82'0 nell·. Nice Jarge back yard. BLACK IRON GR IL LE a. ENTALS GARDEN GROVE RENT $125?.lonth 646-0f46 UilFURNISHED 2 BR, So.t-C--=="'.c1;o•l;_ __ a.,.~ Kitchen is all built.ins in-.... C'L-• Cl\( · !\I GATE. · Houses Unfurnished 13100 Chapman Ave. 3 Rooms Furniture 'm (Apt. 21 ~-imar, Lag. FOR Lease ,,_ acre of M-1 eluding refrigerator. any Obie. doo-open· to ·enl"' --. Utilltiea _.,_ pro--· with ---" o--. nd ··-I r _,, ,.. ., ., 14 Blk<. IV. Sa"'' Ana,.,,,._, $20 $25 $30 mo --~ ~·~ ~~ -extras a ""'s 0 ... Y u hall and massive liv. nn. General 3000 Cll4J £3G..3030 • • • Newport le1ch 52QO l>IG---2238 aft. 6 PM. Colnpletely fenced witla 2 assume mx 6~ V.A. loan. \mll 15 IT. JilGH YAULT· --FULL OPTION TO BUY ----= large gates. 548-6304 Your full. monthly paynient ED CEtLJNCS, OF OPEN FREE RENTAL BOOK NEWPORT BEACH (Re!rigenitors Available) LARGE, l\lodem 101\'er dpl'\'.. 28R 2 BA, view, 1ara;:e, i!> St:a. P.I.T.I. F.P. is l\r.1<.:: SUPPORT D ' & 8 s• No denn<iit o.a.c. Ne1\-Jy dee l c:rptd, priv NEAR BEACH ·I: TO\\'N, S2l.1~. Suh1nit do1.,,n. Pri· \VOOD BE. --rop in row Irvine and 16th St. .---patio. Practically cc ·f! a n n 75 lf!&Se. 494-7891 lnclustrlll Rental 6090 vale P~u·1y. ~2·7~'9 ~ M~\~ ~irvr,Egc°:J Walker & Lee (Il4) 645-0550 H.F.R.C. front, adults,' no pet'!. $183 REAL ESTATE ; FOR lease IAguna Niruel, I Furniture Renta lt mo I•'""'. 213: 388-7156 r----.-al , wow STYLE FIREPLACE OF .._, _ _...,.. off San Diego Fwy at Crown • ORNAMENTAL ADOBE 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adam! Furnished Models 517 W. 19th C.M. 548-3481 days, 213: 644-5556 f!\'e!, _;;.;:;"'-'.:;,-----Valley, new c:onUnefcia1 A BLOCK 1.:. RED TILED "' · ~ · . Open Daily 1568 W. Locln, Anhm'774-2800 DELUXE 2 BR 2 bath, Rentilt Wanted 5990 industrial units. Delta Elec-4 BR 3 bath 2 slory hotnc, carpets & drapes through.. out, professionally landscap. 0 E Immediate Occupa11cy HEARTH. Liv, rm. over-pen ves. 1 BR. cpts/drps, blt-ins, near Hoa& Hospital &: Lido GOVT Gentleman. Bachelor' tric. Days -~-1400. Eves looks terraced patio I.:_ af· $75: 1-BR .• 0 fncd yd., gar. South Bay Club oven. stove, pvt patio, Bldg:. Avail ~ $180. eou. apt er room with private -499-098.. fords an OUTSTANDING Frpl. Partly furnished A rt L-swimming pool, laundry pit? or profe~ woman. entrance ,. cooklni e NEW !rt -1m~ .• 10.000 ed. \Yalking distance to the beach. Possession upon cred- DUPLEX · $43,000 it approval. priced for fast ' ~'-!sale at only $29,950, GI er 171 33rd St. en Peninsula. 1 ~ 'FHA te"'"~. OCEAN VJE\V. Completely Broker 5.l4-6'9SO pa meni~ ... facil. Mature adults. No No pets. Mgr. on Hilaria facilities. 133-lSU. m., 1691 sq • Mar Ai11Jort. Air cond modern ldtchen has ornate $l30: 2-BR. gar, refrig. $85; l ·BR triplex. w/w. pets. SUS/mo. S46-"81 Way, NB to 4 PM o!cs. $900 mo.~ 1 ros 1 • tile counters, ALL BILT·IN avail. Children" pets o.K. Close in. Available now MODERN 2 Br. \vith glass N'PT Island Dlx. upper 1;-8;;:0o;iu.o.;1c-;U;:nfllm=,,.--:A-pt,--tn'" 644--2244 bl!> Iron1 ocean. 3 & 4 bed-MUTUAL REAL TY rooms 2 bath.>. Sn1all patios. 842-14lll For ir;fo1'tl1ation call O\\'ner. ..-.. -iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-. 6Ta--7026. ViE.Wc~AcN~Y~O~NcE=?- A beautilul vie1v during the day, breathlaking at night. Our exclusi\·e! 64&441 4 Dtll• Jiu\ Es tolt I -, 3 BR \Vaterlront No. 62 SalOOa Coves. S 6 0 , 0 0 0 . Assume '5~ % GI on U1is 2 story 4 BR beauty, sho1\'s like a niodel home &. in excellent area near the beach. A bargain al $35,750 PERRON REALTY 642-1771 - RANGE & OVEN, DISH· Broker 53.f-6980 Broker SM-6980 w&Jled liv. mi., bearoed duplei.:; 3 Br. 2 Ba. Cpb, Beach area for employed I-:::::======= \VS!ffi .• GARB. Dl~P .. etc. ceilings, & very la,r.::e patk>. d~; f':'Jll ~ec. bltns, lady uP to $1l 01 m 0 • Lott 6100 & opens to igt". dining rrii. C t M 3 100 J140; 2-BR. 1 ha. u1ililiei; $1•!;1, On E. 1611: St. See refng. Pier, slip. No pets 642-00SG 1--------- \VIDE CENTRAL CORal· OI 1 e•I paid. Children "'elcome :!\!gr, at 124 E. 20th, C.l\t. $.125 Lease 642-3425 e VIEW of ocean, comu DOR 11•/tile floors, leads to n.P.otACULATE 4 BR. 2 bath ~)h:oker 534-QSO • e LANDLORDS e bluff, possible 6 sty . 3 HUGE BORi\!S SERVIC 2 BI, unfw'tl, relrig, bit-in 2 BR, 2 BA, adults, tlD FREE RENTAL SERVICE edical \Vill build ' ·• / home Neiv carpets I.: $lli; Bmf. -.it., ulll. paid. , stove, --~ts, d ra p.,, -·-s•a"-mo 4245 m or apts. ED BY 3 ~ATlffi.OOMS. W dra~s, all built-ins & • fit -...-ffil~ ;;y. s.io.ooss Broker S3U982' to wtl S3G-3S55 W carpets"· cus~m dra~s sunken living room. Quiet Avail;~~~ k>c. ~~ilsor:. ~~·~60 me. '--.'.e'~~~~~~-1-========"'== 3 ADJ. lots; room fDr ll thn1-0ut.. ~is ,uruque Villa street 1 mm e di a t f! 2 BR. upper of dupl~ 501% RMml for Rent 5tH uni 333 E 21st St O>Sta styled borne has all the posse~ion. S230/mo. CAIL $115: 1-BR. Convenient area. $135; 2 BR, 11,¥ ba. dlx. 34th Sl Child OK. $140 mo•I------'-=;;......;~,;; I ~ ~ 494-Smi Eve. GRACES OF "~LD \V~R1D JACK HAl\DIONO S40-llil Utilltl~~ ~ garden type, W/\V, range lsc. Bkr. 646-2414 Aba'l'rRACTlVEtb, Working~!!" !:: CHAR.\1" comb~ "'1Ut the (opt!~ eves) Heritage Real & oven: en·c1. ga ra ge. ...... - modern conveniences of a Estate --Broker 534-6980 Ntwport Hgts. 52;10 week. Call 646-5216 att 5. Acreage 6200 ne"·er hon1e. It's an ir-REE BEDROOr.t ., bath Coste Mesa 4100 $175; 3-BR, 2~~ ba, garage. 2 R1. 1 b-pl .l. 1 $15 per v.tttk. Working lad1' 1,;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 replaC'<'ab!e buy at, TH ' .. -Fncd patio: v:/\v, recrea-BD f, poo • . c e ec prefemd. C.M. area. Atta: $42500 FULL PRICE h.o.tnc, immaculate ~ tionarea.Bkr.534-6980 bar·b-q, no ~hild or pet!. -4,642-7607 -NORTH OF ' p 0 K dttion, excellent area. Quiet $25 Wk. Up Ulil pd. 3170 f.lo. 5-IS.7325 ""'=-.--~---c--Prefer trade fur acrc:;gc I========= _lower On. ymt. . • street. Rent $2!5/month. __ FURN ideepmg nn, 'just ESCONDIDO :!..,-,will conside~ other. 5·18-UNTIED MISSION REALTY CALL 540-ll5l iopcn eves) e Rooms $15 wk., up Costa Mesa 5100 Eiit Bluff 5242 painted, pri. ba &. entr .a-.... H Ac.es. rolliQ( • • u . 985 So Coast H1~y., Laguna . . R 1 E tal •Studio I.:. Bach apt:>. -Eldfn ~ Mar .._. ..... * BAY V1E\V Fee lot 85' Dil'al'ce forces a quick. sale> Phone <714) 494-0731 Heritage ea s e: •Ind Utils &: Phone serv. • NEW DELUXE • • . hllls; beautitul setting: can ' 19·,· wf plans. S:'.A,900. here. You can be a "inner I ~ CLEAN, 2 BR, cpl:!, drps, • Maid Service -TV avail. HARBOR 3 B "" ba. ' ' I G--~ u---59'1 ...., planted ill Awcados oi , " _ if ""'' h ......... 4 bedrooms, · b!l·;••. Childre. n fine .... .it"'. e N .._ .,A_ r ... 7ll ap.. or ease .._, ~ )lalll for appreciation. ~ Oll'oer 548-7z.19, 548-4207 J""' -·~ 5 .. .., ....,.. eiv Ca.ff!.,. ocu-Incl spac. mstr. suite, din . king $59 40t't .. 2 baths. (antily room. r/t. month. 548-1573 2375 Newport Blvd. sesra:; rm. &: dbl ran.ie. auto. PRIVATE Room 1n licensed bu: .ellft is as · ~ Newport 5hor~_E2Li years old. LSHLD. Asking ~~ VIBY clean l BR 2 bath HOLIDAY PLAZA GREENS door cpener avail Pool&. home for t::ld erly am-:"..=.w;.:.mm~infor- 08"1u' R"'R-500W-HITE, R~tr. ·. . Mesa Del ?afar, huge lot. DEL\JXE. spacious 1-Bdrm. rec. atta. Nr. Catholic ~ul!l~ lady or 1enUemen. mation. please ca.JI K. W. '' BR 2h ba. !\r beac>h, $225/montb. Agt. 546-4141. Furn. apt $135 Plus util. BACHELOR. UNFURN. Oiurch &: ~hool " Corona 5tS!521i Small with club house, pools. Just 2901 Ne\vport Blvd., N.B. 2 ~IO. rent in advance. 2 Heated pooJ. Ample parkirJi from $ 110 del ?afar High. !=-======== Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. redce. Perf. cond. Street 675-4630 ' Eves 642·2~53 :.. bdnn -tt'>ll. ~lo. 236-A Cecil No children. No pets ALSO A·v·""-.-TWT:> e ONLY $280 e Misc. Aent•le 5"' S,12 500 &l2-808G !""i' .,......, JUWU)L<C. 1818 w. Ciapma.n Ave. to s1rec1. ,. . . . Place .. 646-9295 1965 Pomona, C~I l • 2 & 3 ~pRM. 837-871 Amigos W~, N.B. GARAGE. Storage only, $15 Orallat::. Calif. • Westclilf 1130 Pool Time is Here CUTE .AS A -* Villa Pomona Apt s. Heated"°""· Child Care LEASE . !uxwy -... w, Split per mo. Fair " Newport 5<1-2621. Eves-w ...... S!l-59!1 !-"=="-------8e h 3200 C.0.Sta Mesa's ne\.\>est I.; most Center, Adj. to Shoppq -level, 2 Br, 2 Ba, apt. Blvd, C.~I. 646-8226 _ SPAP.Ia..ES & $h!nes indde SeC" this e..x(;;' sha;:j;" home>, ~rt IC luxurious apts ncw ren~. No J!eh allowed 642-3530 -=-======= $.en DI ... & out Livin~ rm & dining aln1ost new carpets through. BUG'S EAR Furn & un1um. Adults cniy. 2700 Peterson W<U"", at Har-.=:=:;,======l1nceme Property 6000 frHway Acre19e . rn1; sc1vk'c porch. elec out, covered patio, lo!s ol B /B nu j>etB, 1760 Pomona AVP., bor Ir: Adams, C.OSta Mesa. Cennl tlel Mar 5250 , --·--Real Esta.te parcel available, ;;tns. Clean crpls & drps decking & pool 1\·ith filter &: That's the best 1vay to des· TOWNHOUSE just eoutb of lBth St. Sf6..6370 13 UNITS, eoo<I cond. always 01'1f! to five acrts on Sall thru out lhis 3 BR 2 Ba heater. Don't miss thi~ Ont'! cri~ this home. It's situat.. Split Level 3 bdrms •. bath!! $135 1aIO. dlx. mobil homll! rented, tood return, Jarse Diego Freeway between hon1e. Prof. lndscpcl & Only $24,%0 -GI or FHA ~ 11\ one of '!most de-Doutlll! g&r age, carpets, oomp. furn, htd pool; adlts ftftlEllH' ~·Y ~ft_!oan.hllbargain a.t Crown Valley Ovef11US anC n1aint. 11·1 children's play terms. sirable areas cf Laguna, a drape:;, Fireplace, elf!c. No pets. 4 Seasons Mobil ~ !1,.: .~fil P Su.lllva11 Rancho Viejo. Brokm: wej.. ynl g, pe! area. Hea"'Y MUTUAL REAL TY few blocks to the beach. and built-ins. ADULTS ONLY •• Est. 2359 N'pl Blv. 54H332 come. Contact Stan .Alle1t shake,-roor con1pletes this ---~8·12-1~18=~-on a large, large, tree-slud· ................ $265/mcntlt. NE\V 1 B• dplx "' by lftJS, NEW UNITS now being between 9 and 5 at ' chrumin;:: ho:ne. By Ov:ncr -=-MS d IL • Ar ON TEN·--Ea •·• 194-1~• ,_,.a 4 BEDROO ed 0 l\lrs, Fay garages. Quiet. adults, m ~ cona:t. one W/1uu Bay "'" or _.........., S<12·950. 642-l.J.'lS $18.995. J:U baths. built-in . Bay & Beach pets. 2403 El<kn Av f!. l .. 2 BR. Furn &: Unfllm Ww. 7'5 Domingo Dr. N.B. -· 1 242 ran~c. oven, counter, 11•alnut The 1naster suite 1s on one 548-lO:!l ) BR STUDIO Frplcs I priv. patios/Pools. (jw;t behind CdM·HS) .Sale ExcfNnges~ I. E. '2J9 Eastbluff cabinels, a\·ocado green car-side cl this spacious home, Realty, Inc. TeMis • Contnt1 Bktiit, put-by owner-bldr. G45-J.2G!t EA STBLUFF -,.-eor;l don1iniums. 2 ~idc ~ side. 2:nJ sq. IL l?a. 3 J3R & den, 2 BR .t:. den. E.xtra deluxe condition '>''/ c:hoitc location & vie\\·. S;>J,000 & pets, drapes, double garage, '>''ilh dressing 1'0001, private 901. Dover Or .. NB Suite 221 PVT. Bach apt, 1 BR POOL ting green. * NEW FOUR PL a=* bath and la.-ge view bed· 64S.20XI Eves, '548-6966 $130/mo. (18th St. below 900 Sn • ---OIM 644-26ll " ll:A landscaped, fenced. 0 n I Y th Irvine. 6'6-Si7ol evt::s. 548-2269 ....._.. , Near Beach, HUil~ WILL Trade SlS0,000 In Truat Dttds and/or $115,000 in completed large ocean vSt::w Job in Laguna Beach for Orange Counly apartmenti or clear Jevel land. Bn>llol $1900 <lo1vn. room~. Fanlily room \\'i ADULTS ONLY I ~I Beach. $65,900. 847-.39rl_ serving bar fron1 buillin TOWNHOUSE-l bdr, 2~~ ba, 548-2'i69 I~/ l'Clbf·."~;tJ!lg• p: kitchen ls designed of \vorm,y w/w carpets, drapes. frplc, e Nassau Palms e 1741 Tuati·n Avanue • I i-· Pro rty ~•• ..... !-·---drifhvood with putt vinyl fenced patio, elec bit-ins, 1 & 2 BR. . Pool lalbea 5300 UI ·--pt 9'NV '62-4471 ::: ) Ooors &nil laces outside to 2 cnr gar, pool, $273. 177 E.~22nd St. 64!!-36fS off 17th StrHt GRACIOUS Adult lJvln&. ADMINISI'RA'MVE S67.:i00. Sho1\11 by appt., --------- hlark Les Rl1r. $23,500 C.hl. Investn1ent Co. :;.is-ml Corona del Mar 1250 Gl no do1vn or n!A. 4 BR. I:;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I 2 full ba. cpts/drps, Jge I• kitch. 11·ith food center. En. Corona del Mar t.l'lsl Admired I lonl(' Ocean Blvd. vie1v home. ()11·rl- cr 1rW finance on liberal terms. S75.COO. eJOS('d front patio 1,1ith dee. Orator l~hts. BRASHEAR REAL TY 847-8531 J;vc. a36-i090 4 BDRr.t. 2 ba.. large faniily nn. SZ,,500. C p mJl I e t c 491-121D huge private patios. 642-?m QUIET deluxe 2 BR. Immac. Costa Mei• -642-4641 Oee&n I: Bay view. Spacious MEDICAL BUILDING .~ -AduJts only. No pets. $150 2 BR Studio apL 1% ba, 2 BR. J BA., walk tn 3SIO Sq. ft. Cboioe comer. I ;:R.:..E::·:..W:.:.:•:;ntM:=:___..=:.;:f l!ome l~ custom built using Westcliff 3230 month. 1974 n1a11ace. ll!nciolled garage &: patio, closets beautiful --ti I: top location. lmmt::dlate oc. beam and post construction . . ts/d,,_ a: blt.tns """'a ' -...--. 000 Exoellent th ...... •<>hout. Lush ca-ting $165-2 Br, beam ceilings, 1 BR. duplex $110: }ge. cp .,,.. · ""'Y .irapules. Pool. Bo&I slipa ~· _..., .. · ·-'~ ( h d I -~ I""'-· 542-3524 Ew. 546--0689 •-tenan•-. Subte--.... tenna, Will exchange. and drapes complete this 3 b Ins. wfw crpts. t poo. rooms; g.u~entr, ..... J'.. wi. l.3 ..... .._.. bedroom 2 bath family Adults, no pets. 00-2514 .::&d~ul;;ls.~no~pe~~;_·.;6'0-=lll=•=;..;.'=Vh=lo;ol•:o;"'=:•;"""=-",.'=Dtn.=' ;o-a;:·lin<;.__:._:""=k=ing='=.="=3-Jllll3=====lf13..-= FOXorCOMP~ beaoh home. 01vners leaving --•- !or "" Far E"I aoon. y 0, University Park 3237 Gonaral 4000 Goneral 4000 -•I 4000 MEDICAL ILDG. can li\'C in this cute bu~s NEW JULLIARD t::ar home for cnly $39,500 and walk to the beach, 3 BR. fam nll, POOL • rec area. $325 mo on lease, .,_ .. . " .. .. -., WANT • 2 • 3 quality units North £atl c..ta Mesa to 11'5,0llO; -~ Hopper or l.awl'!, De ~ &al Estate. mmo * 644-0735. * ' sprinkler system, OYel'sizred 494-113) double garogf!f'_ all ne\.\· p ES ~.;:'.'!:";:!-t.. TWO SI'ORY. 1 unit occu- .pied l .,,. ·dentist, l vacaJtl PLUS iumptuoos 3 bdrm apt. Easy terms. IL •D SL.ATES, lltr, llARIJOR Blvd -• bldg ..... 1a11 ... li<ti'flt 630-1252 ' • 3ll ~l~rltr. CdM 673-1550 drapes. large patio, fenced. LOS ADR I blk to slloJ>Ving center, REAL TY Corona del Mar t blk to beach club, It walk· 627 So. Coast Hwy. 2 BR home, em& \\ide lot, ing distance to ocean, Call l !!!!!!11~1--ii"'ji"'ii'iicli!' !!!!!l!l· 1 frple, formal din/rm, dbl TAX SAVER :i36-9626 K!:f:,_~tio. lndry~a. $!1.?-• EXCLUSIVE e ·see-rue Pmpmjn 6'r;,,..o"til Oiarming RedlllXld Col1~ 2 Br cottage, S\\'imming pool Room fo1 2nd apt. Instant tnrom<'. $235 nlo ... S32,500 Hal Pinchin & Assoc. 3900 E. Coast !111)' 61~ EASTER SPECIAL GET IN THE SWIM Terrific pool "ft' patio PLUS 3 BR. 2 ..., ""'"""' "°""'· $2' ·"'° . . \ WOODWARD Rltr. SIW Adams, 1-luntlngton Sch. 962-33C Small hl:KIM' nn 1-c11r of our 2 ~~"""""'""'""""~"!'" lo•, plwr rental unit , F\111 OPE.'i llou~ 1 to 4 Sundt.Y~ lmmacu.lat~ lri-level 5 BR . "prk-e L"lt. T.'iO. $5.000. dn. "fllh family room and 18-rpi Jt~altnr. &T.'r:lCl'll Mutir bedroc8. 2~11: Bath. new carped11g, 1 blk to ex· VJE\V • pool , spacious 2 BR «llcnl tchool. 2 blks IO ho1n~. 40' lil'ing ml. l.1t shoppins. Onl)" S 3 4 , 5 O (). mClliler FUile. O....·nr.r 644.2U4 Agent. SJt-84&1 or~~ NOW'S THE .-TIME FOR QUICl< CASH THROUGH A ' DAILY PILOT WANT AD 5~% to 6% GI AMumt. low lntC!rtSI nil~ ttom $2400. down, l BR + den -l 4 UR pre:Jt\gT area. HAFFOAL REAL TY S'itO \Vuntr, f".V, lW2-4400 W&lte .flepbants! -... _ .... -·-•. --~ -.. ·----- and Separite Reiital. EaaY Huntington Stach 3400 1,1•alk lo be«t":h and town. Cottage bas 2 bdnn.11, l bath, FREE RENTAL BOOK kitchen, din room. cpen. DROP IN & BROWSE be•med celling living room w I k & L wl!h lirepl•e<. "'"'"' """' a er ee dbl garage: living roon1, blf.rnl. kitchen &Jllf bnth. Id e a 1 tor redecorating. $.12,000. 7'82 EdlJ-cer 8.f?M55 or 541).SlfO Open Eves . MARSHALL A ROPP 3 BR houac, 1% BA. new 2u Ocean Aw .• mu:rn t1"Ptl. cu.'lb::m drapes, im· OCEAN VIEW-maculatt. Ooupte ,..1"""'· PRIVATE BEACH no peta. $2Z. llli-733! appt. onl1 2 Br. 2 &. Open beam, teak, alua. Quiet pvt road·lotf 3 BDR~r. bit-Ina, -.11...n to tu~ w.~. $4000. 00.'11... Y."llD apts, drpa. -t-bfl.Uu;. ShowJi by ..... 642-00!1. fncd ...... 111!>-'62-<l'l<S $35,000 DUPLEX, 2 and 1 J BR. 2 Ba, dm. ti:pl. Kl'ffP. BR. vt~. ju~t rtmod~NI, ed porclt. POOL. Ref. $250. pvt, wild k1fchcn~! 494-97.U IAe. 540-.'im JOIN tbc ~ fit tbt 3 1tR.. 2 BA. bit-Im, fll'epl. DAll.Y PD.Dt -..Aff't ADS! dbl pr, fncd. )Id. $175 mo. 6<1-5671 162--4391 . -'-'------- Solv. eSimpl• Serambltd W°'d Puut. fqr a Chuekl< 0 leorrong• letters of the four 11trombi.d words ti.. low to form fOllT tlfl!PI• wotdL IFOYFAP I 'I' I' I I IVOLCE I I I I I' - : • t .fl -IHEMAR. I I I I. I' I Old-timer'• remork; "Tel•-':==-=-~~-==·='._, vi\lon wlU never replace the ,, oid tolloble --." LEKREN I ~-1 17,.;;..;l..:..:.;,:..I ;.;,.1--..--1 ...,.1,-l o <ooopr.i. ,.. chock .. ..-• I>' 11111,,. "' .......... -. you develop '"""' ftp No. s b.low. !'47-l519 -EVel. m-li46s BUSINESS -' -PINANCIAL _ IUll-lllontal 6060 llUL Opf>ortun-6300 , Balboa 1slatltl . Vendinf _ _ Small atDrt er office PART~ FUU. TIME $ll01w.w,' ..,,,..: 1 -toe CANDY • SNACKS Rltr, &G8555 ReUahle man or woman with BAL. Jal.and; Jeue; 2 atOftS, car to eoUed ls fill macbinet' together or aep. manufactured by our own 307 Marine Ave. 6'13-8153 tolDPan1 riaht here In O.la Mesa. NO SELLING! Exc:tp. HARBOR BJ., C.AL 3100 tq tkmaUy ht.ch income. We can ft ~· 4 dbl drs. $600, t.-fa'-Iola~ ··-. ei.• ..,.-~ .... ...,., tocaUons, au--· -·-tncl-""" r.Conl ---Remol "11 l.m ....i tralnlllr at our i... t"""--... "'-~----·--..,, ~ 1nsute }'OUr 8UCtt& * Mt1•n Ofllces llfVm" ~ SAmTr ~ or -Air """"-START AS LOW AS IUooilw. ~ alCfttldlJ -U'P! "' ...-.let, omlnl locallan. Wrtle-« phone Jar in- c. ---•• tu:tor)'. 230 E. 11111 ~ TllANSICOM CORP. Colta V-IC-Je & W. lStll S.., CM. SRARE clfb w/ eat. ""9000 O? 546-1.ct.I l ll tom• Tu co. R.I& B&A\rn SALON -LAGUNA tMllily ..... uos """' ~ yn old, s ...... Blvd. CM. SG-l301 IJlOO cub + """"""7 SCRAM·LETS ANSWEll I" CLASSIFICATION 7500 ~=;""~ ... ~~: · o_..:__:___;:__~.:......;....;__.:......;......:.......:.,;;.:......;_....;_~~--- ( ---·--·--------------' i • . .. -· --· ' "• ..• .... ... I : . : . I •:. '··~ :· ... ~ .. ....... .... "'. •'•"'• .. ... . ' :··- " ·. ~-.-.. ...... :, ...... '.:·:: .. '"' .. Ir···~. ;~ ... ...... ' .... ...... : -f• ....... ··-:1 .. .. . .. .. I ·.-• ... , . -.. I ·: . . I .•. ,._ .... . - j ··-... ... ... .. .. .. . .. . • . . . . ... .. .. .. .. . -.•. .. .. .. ... ·.·· - ... ···~ .•. ... ·"· .. ,. ..• ... .... .. . -... •... .... '• .. .• ... -~· ... .... . .· .. . . ... .• • . -. . . " ·-.. , ". .. • .. - •• ·~ ~ -· --• -.. • ... . • .. ~ • . • . .. .. .. .. . . . . . • • . . ' ·WITH· Don~ust SIT there! Grab hold of the . BIG action today! Dial Direct: 642-5678 Just say: ''CHARGE IT!'' (Nolth County, 540°1220, toll free) I • IT'S EASY TO PINCH PENNIES-EVEN DOLLARS PENNY PINCHER .WANT ·ADS NEW-LOW-RATE · ~ LINES l TIMES .$2.00 ANY ITEM $ OR LESS e EACH ITEM MUST IE PRICED e / 0 NO ITEM OVER $50 0 NO COMMERCIAL FIRMS 0 0 NO COPY CHANGES 0 NO AllREVIATIONI 0 Let PILOT ~ENNY PINCHER Want Ads Work for YOU! ' ':_l l'~ . . -· . . • • • ~~-------~ ------------------~ ------- • • • ·---· ~ ... ~ ~-. • ·~!!!!!!!!~~:r!!_~!!.!~!!!:9:!!g!w..~~~""~·~Alr1l!jt~1~ ... ~~!!!T!!!!!!~~~~lf1,~, SIRVICI DIQCTORV llRVICW DIUCTORV l·JOU I IMPLOYMINT JOU I llMPLQY wl NOTICU c.ntr....... '6lf 1-1., '755 Holo w ........ -7210 Holo Wlln .... -7200 .... , w-. -1200 rtolo W ...... -7100 IMt '401 ADo...wi-, 11'1· .mi., JllONING IN MY 11?ME lltlp nqulrad fl><..._ PAl\T -d,_, '!bl FOUND, Ladloo• w•teb .,.. -two ...,. llBAa:>NAlll.z.• COwllo1IDC . 11W>Uflctu•n. -· -1'ntalll'alll. No. JI vicinity ol • n.t St. a: tpee11UC. me 1 a you. t. CAIL ..._. u Plactntia, c.o.ta ...... J'ubSce 1ll&nd. N.B. - Newporl, CM.·60.aol -:lO Yn lo lbe 'Ml" IOll .. mottry .... ,,rly, t SERV. STA. A'!T. Pvt .... UDO C4R WASH. CJ E. ~B;2~ 1,;;;:,;;;;;;;:;::0:::::=:) tm•h-Padtic c 0 •1 l L•n•!!'!"' ~ 6111 evenh\p. Over 21. ao E. 17th. Oltta MtlL Ace ll. -·I• -Bldo.I ·~11tl. w .. kdlu'I. • "MIH t.lk ·-.......... -·· trvotd ' !Ith St. Coota MnA Applylll -1.;..;~;_.__-._ . ..,,..--,1 sat 6 s.D 1t,..., oervlce LANDSCAPIRS LICINSID , AD.OmONl-ltJ:PAWl .A:rTINTIQN . ---IHm Momorlol C.Ui•ll"t CLASSll"llD INDEX ~tual ... "•· -REMODELING I .... llnd ...... ,' ... wlll HOUSIS FOR SALi ...... OHTA},;. .......... .. on all ma--. ltl..-S. D n-z-.&.. IL KM ...... 1.... tradt a lf ft outl:!Pu'd wta , •IMlfftw. ,_ .. ,, .. .. --• ·-~ •-· ~ 'S'l'ART by Cllllillf for an hi'•""•w --..................... ,... _. .. ..,, ........ -.•... ... I -• '' * Cam1nq R4ill. SUI ,,,. Kitchl111 Bethl, ,.IC. ~ ... _ traUtr .n.. Jo;ur 6 .,....... ctl1A llllA .................. n• .-vn•• lllnAL ..... .. -MM 1j! AJl.!jl "-'d < D~ ~-~ -"""... ...... , 44o0 21 ·2 -00\ -•"""""'""" ...... """""'"'""'"•••"-~ ~ S2 READING A. B CiiNSTRoc:rn;N.. btJo~ Your btll)' ........ ~DARRELL WARD m-::u·-.:-:.:·::::.:.:J~:: ~·...-·::::::::=: ... W•_...._, WontT ~· Got? Altrocll¥e IEllflOl'I 1122 P-, CM. Pbone """" Poclfic View Momoelol Pork llt::.i·:::::::::= ~:-':~ooi·;;;_:;;;::~-:::::. , ·~1 OR OUN wo .... ., * 5'$-49C1 * C1tW1S .............. 1111 •1to«r ,..,.,~~..... ., SPECIAL CLASSlflCATI N F Y G -· p rhontl • -• ........................ ,0......,, ..... -u•ru••L .,..., sw••PERS • ...,,, will teocb you .U Add,_ * Remodolln& ,,. "t , .. ,. .. ~ ..................... .,. DVT °' '"" •-....... --..... ..--~ ~· .~.. ,_. '·-'''"""' -- -.. .. ...................... _ ................. .. · •·-lal •-.a-latest. steps. ~ ~ Fred H. Gtrw~ .uu.:. _ Help W1""911. Melt ,.,., He11t W_...., Mell ••w """ ................ ,,,,.,. tu•DN•ION Uf6D ..,. •.••••• , , ..-, ~ ..,. 213: 591-4538 ]..10 PM IT3-60U * 549-2170 -w•m:a.lfl• .1-:..:··.1.~"·· .. ••• *' tua. itl'f&TI 111 ... n ..... ..,, s Lrnes s t1m11 · s ~ PAINTING Int • Est. , ..,. .... tot"i.A"" ........ ,. t ... 1xcMAN•• ......••..•••. • IM.n-: Ao #UST ~UD41 • BAJA A Mexico narra~ Lo._.ut contr.ct.d priell. H u G H Es it•1n~l'fY. ~lit ........... ,. •· •· WAtlTID ................ ... ·w"" -·---.,,.. ·--~ ,.. ""' t111 MA. ·-• _,..,_ ...i..-h'-C.....t CIMnlng 662S .... 11 •• , .. _ B&-tlWl8 u ..................... 1111 IUSINISS ---·--... __,_ """ ~""' ................. .,...~ :!'.'.:: .. ,....., .... nu. IACIC_ MT .M .................. ,,. t-vou• :::,:: ~. _ .. ,li:t,s"'M ... ~· ta!nbw. inform.\t!w, reaa. carpet • t1'*il 0een1._ ~.!!t. ean .nm w.u.. ITT JAISCO ~~··:::::::::::::: av!!~~~'T.mn.. ~ ~E ,,. .... •.1.71 ~ ff .,. -~-L Vl<P64"W'O ceaeM ML ............................. . T Pl . .::;~T ~p --"-'-•• WIG. U•WE UP ~· ~ ·-WELL·:.,· * p. _,_,_ p ~ * N"'"PORT. ......... _ .......... ,! .... ..-.-.:!;-~·;;; ......... ·::. 0 ice .reur ,_ ... I ··~--·.-~ .. It't DUNN· .... _.. .,. .:;n aWOlll IA"f' ............ _ •• lifVllrTMDTwAifTll ...... iii . l"J . .6.~-~ as Fl'le F.atlmaln •• ~ C.olor. matcbinl.. OG'd CH ~ .................. ....., ,.. ............ -... - 1966 -36' TroJan,,~ 17. n. ~ aiau OU.~ CBen.~tb· 5Cl-9t81 • . , ' . ret;nlahl~ 111:.;.·• l'W'· • BEA Proia-a i-r....., • ··~···::::;:;::::;:;;.. ~:=..W"J:.r .:·::::::*.:::,. twin acrew, t1y ~t. a1J and .b\a ~ tilt tralltt. 230 F.. Wamtr Santa Ana C.rplt UylT.:. Lany ..,_... . Jft1 ....... =-ffM1W If ·" ·::::= COUAT91tAL LMtilil ........ . extras:. $10.000 eq for apart. WDI trad:S tar landlcaptns. -·-* . · Jr "26 INT ,. m · hbldi; .u IS ftOWllG '""'"• VA ..... -... ~• ~~=:...·::::: ments or land. <n4) C96-PHONE * . . Uc' Medllnlcll ru::t ~d .................. ,. MONl't • ID .. . • M02. 6"-t687 Comperdonddp.Co~~. C".RP!:fS (nylons, woob. ::c:n-a::.~ we baVt DOllttone .. :...=,. • .::. .. ::;:::.:·.:::·:.\: ANNOUNCEMENTS Fiber&las tub & shoWtt HAVE· Do hie bed, sprln&. IntroducUom: lWUeUUlU ~) Vtn;Yli Ult TB-ava'11:ble tor LON• tUCll .................. ,... encl NOTICES mat~u &utr&rne or Henn-(~) ~ 6-lO PM es. I.:ifett 1tyle1 a.nd'colon. INTER°" Ext. PAIN'TJNG, ~aOiiN·:::::::::::::: POU• I.._._ .......... . mfg bus. All equip, molds & . both REDUCE Sale simple 6: falt C6miDtrcla1 and Resldenual. IM.MED. SER.VIC!:. loctil TOO. l lllft ""'---""'··'"· dl~"--ol OUT Ofl ~ ............. ,. LOl1I ........................... .... approvals. Trade $40,000 es portable typewnter, • . rd. FRtt est. 50-162'7 JUIU .... ...,. '""""'V Yi.u.1<1 OUT°' na.n .................... NlttM&AU .................. . al I t propty or inioodcond WANT: Stereo with (;(&19 tablets only Expert tnatan&tion. lup Jntema&..I, COfa ITANT'OM .................... 1.11 .6.IUfOUMCumfTt ........... ::h v ue orvacan ·1 , __ ... ;al MS-11123 98c Crawford '• RX BLANKINSHIPFLOORS PAINTING Pa-llyn DfUllfCftf poratloo. ~.d,.'---' ntTMtitrli• ................ uU:t,\":,:,.U······· .. ······ .. ···· .. u: T.D. (213) 59'l-5llM. uru • IC'f.._ v ue. • M . -• .,...~ ~-l'IAftlJK.J """" .... -MUIWAT CITY ................... iivi.t:r ............... ... ••.3 ....... ·-~A-D'-o .,·~ "" 000 'fv In Comm Pharmacy, Costa esa ' 6G-1,a3 St()..,_ in Huber art&. IJc .. -development or mtall ..... , ........ ,. ..................... :c:.=L a11;1c:Tm"'''":::.., TS ........... ,,...,. -.. ..,, ........ • equi...., • klnely ed. Refs turn. ao-235f with plutlcl injection fluid lwldllrW and JAMTA AM IMTL ............ 1:: IJTI .... ...... . Umits. Top growth area. frontag1e, Yucca Vall2:, N~~.~;tbe -i .. : Fumlture R_..rJnt · mold experience. -----. u:tn" In&· f::f,~1_;:·~·:::::::::::::: •• ::1,..-~.~J.!'!.~;.q··:.7.:::·: .. :.:n Exchnngc for income, land. trade or tncome prope • ..,. ....... ~·· •1 1 • 1 6ilo .., • ..,.... NOllTM TV1"T1M •• _ ......... 1 _,._ ................ · or??'!' Agent 675-4044 or Owner 544-3866 eves. Box tofun.lipleuure &ReflnJlhfftl 6675 '"eaferftl,Keplr AllTftt.ll'nc rine,indultriaJalld·aaJd-t.MMllM ....••. :: ............. 1• ~::m:;~,.;s"·••·····= 642-IM.9 676 Tustin Calif. • 635-9'J9l • · e -'P4T'S Ptuterm&. AD UIUl'IA tary appUcttlon., ~'1.a~~.:::::::::: caMl't'lrr caTPTI ::::::: .... ., mHOUCS •---oua WILLIAMS Cl.NG. $ERV. --... _.._ ~• ~ ............ llACM .............. 1111 C•IMAtoll• ........ -•••••. Mn ~an Pinschers llU 2"-lo 20 Acres ranch sites l'UAIU ...._.,,.... y !um .. --1 .. 1 ..,.,_.. I!._ .__. -... I LI.WU •..un ........ _,, '"' MIMOtUAt. Pdtll ·-········-• • -,.., Phone SC-'1217 er write to rqur can J:ll'W --5«)..6825 ~ Ytll'l •11-IA.II Cl.IMIMTll .............. 1"• a.UC1'l0fft .................... . :i~lngq:1t~ty~:ac!e w:t~ adjo~ =:a o~: P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. Ong It n!pairlnc. 60-81" MACHllE sint'trinc ~. and m~=..:'i::~.::::::U: :r.,~. ~~.~~ .. ::::::::·.= new CL..,., ''""'"'"' "" prtff'r ~ empbuls:. DAM"...,. .................. ,,,. All: '1lMIPCMlTA110fl ...... . have-you. rnacula 544-3666 eves. Box A _.,_ 6410 O.rdenlng 66IO llllDllJQRS inc mtthanlcal. electro-CA•LSLlD ..................... 1,. .6.UTO YUMSHllTA'fKIN ..... .!!! 546-5889 676 Tustin. nnounc:emln•• -Vl"PA ---s.-..1...1 :=bl or ocu-• ................... 1119 Ll•AL NOTICSS .............. . PLUllBJNG REPAia .. ......,__._ -.;.uaQ IAM 0t1H l.'...:J~···· ...... 1m Ha.MAM"~-.... . \Vllling to trade • 1964 Pontiac GTO convertible for house trailer in a:ood shape. Call 675-l<M m-ieased ind. Dier Rd, S.A. Return a.pp. 10.9% on F.P. $275,(0). For ?i.1.Qrana:e Co. \Vilt assume. A. Clevi- dence-R. McLeod. 675-6044 Building 64 unit apt. com- plex in Orange Cnty. Trade Sl.75,000 ~uity for Jge. wa,.. terfront hOme. - &15-1111 HA VE potential trailer park site, 7 acres, in Norco, WANT Income unit. Le-e ~reyda Real Estate 4!8-1990 or 494-5488 Deluxe 4 bedroom 2 bath home in Caremont. Ex- change for Orange County property or TD. Fortin Co. &!2.5000 Costa Meu Eastside home. i?oom for 2 more. Ex- cha!lge for ?tf-1 or home in North or East San Dltgo. Fortin a1. 642-5000 '56 Cad. 2 dr. sedan • runs! Trade for tandem or 3 whL bleycie, furnlture, applianc- es, or submit. Owner 64&1675 Laguna B e a c h. Small, sharp, commercial bldg. Low down payment or T.D. in exchange, Bier. 494-1330 2 mtust. bldgs. on Placen. tia., Of. Trade $95.000 eqty for property + .T. Value $150,000. * * Sportsman Paradise Bui. HOMEWORK PQS! Stnd TAKATA No Job tao Im.Ill with e111ty to do set. ~ 4Wdpl:lne."wc& ~~\.~ T".W.D·::::::: SERVICI DlllCTORY Prop 5 m•-on US.~~ self addrnRd envdoptl to JAPANESE tnJR.9:R.-Y e ISC-ml e ups on Sw1U automa-flw~ofplu~ COtiOOMM;J: ............... :m1 ........... _._..-.;....,;·· .. •···· • .,...., · -· 181, ,...__ ~ Comjllett tic. ,....,_'"'_ on ftrlt and.motors .bel-·' IMtPIADI,.. u.u 'Im _,.9 .... • ••••••• Cortez, Calo. Free" clr. Al. P .O. Box .... _.. aervlce Headquarttn b' l'LUMBING " br 81J'Y, and ~rro;s~!dtt. wry -AN.JtTMllfTI ... .,, ......... ::,. ~-UPAla. ........ way1 rented. Trade equity 51iRVIC& DIUCTORY on ....... ,;..,......., ___ _._ wort .. ,.,,. Ile. int, nmod, .... , .nuAL o--Rl(MTAU Arno a9Patti''.:'.:::::::::::: OC860W .3~-··--.,~· •-• ElfCJRO _,_ <~n•vmu H L.-.t...'"-1 AVTGt ....... ftM. ..... · house, lot, eet. . • Ap Ii . •-·I BROS np&lr,rootl'rttn.5!1·1511 EMPLOYER II .Ii F8Ulll ..... ,.,_,_ aaanfT't1fft ................ ' 19th. CM. 646-C.149 p •nee.....,,. n AlJ..EN ..W!n.6nn.TG REPAIR •INlltAL ..................... -MAT MAO"T1111ANCI ......... ' · ' Parts 6510 GARDENERS m.JDENTS E'.&..Uau:N.n N lftftr ••WTau n . IMA• ......... -•••cK ........ ,. .......... . Beaut. free &-clear reli· .,_.....a.i-their ttn. col-DRAIN CLEAN'.a.NG FLAIUU 1485 Dale Wa.y a.ta Mat COITA MIU .... ,_ ...... , .... !$ .. •u1•1t1 IU'llCll ........ ... dential view Jo+ all uW w·•~D ._ r--»-'-.......... JraY .,A ___ .. "~" -.. """ 1217 -.ttb & minim"-of ' MIS-' DIL MA• ,,,,,., .... , •• :11. IUILDa•I ,.,,.,, ...... .,,.,.,.,. • " ' ~ • .,.;,_ ............ l*. Experlenctc., UQ11:11.ru. .,_..,_, ~ ,.., ..... Califunlil m6 Mal& YdDftllt CATIRI ..... ..,. , Tustin & or 1st TD ($23,000) Xlnt-i\l&l'Mteed • e r v 1 c e REAS• 646-Gll one )'RI'• cadmJwn pla.t-545-1251 COLL"* •AIU( .............. 1n1 C.UllllTMAKIM9 ..... -··-· ·11 b d f S tfi!hlna .,.,,. · R---•-( R I -,,,_f =:.,• , .............. CAllNWfll•I ............ ,.,, WI ·ae or por ... ReuntH.M7"'1lUOll AL'SGanle-'"'~Service ~, .,.,, , ·ih&expe~oce.· MIWHll.T ............ 111_•c1Ml11T,__. ........... . boat. 6~ or 613..()JUi ...... ......,. ... . •• ~........ CMtL.D CA.Re ................ .., · SUPREME Refri&eratioll I: Lawn maintenance, prdu-ADO A room -~Il UllVl'Dlllltf _..,...... ........................ COWl'UCTOl:I ............... . Have. Oust. 3 BR 3 Bath Appliance Repair. Ask fer in& a: clean upr.. M&-S29. .. cabinets _ block wall ruun1~ CHIEF ::'J...'::'~.:::::::.::::::::: g:m ~=":•sPAJii ''- Home in Rancho Mirage w/ Tom. 546-136; ~--JAPANESE Gudmlcr: com-fel'ICff, 1'Zft e 1 t Im a ta• ME(HAJU(S ACCOUNTANT VM•vs••":". ~" ..... •,···;:;: ...,.., ................... . Pool $39 SO() ·E ty $26 5<K1 ' -·"'--'"~ lllYMI .......... , • ,_ ... .,.. DIMOl.ff• , , ............... . ' q · ' plete yard ileTVk:e, fret: 60-9852 G.v ..... c:omp&D)li.dl.....,.~ aAIT 1a.Ut1•_i:.-•"""'"'',"'na DU'111M llllVICI •••• -... . iVant similar hOme thil area Babyslttlnt 6550 el'timatrs. 5f0.l.332 B accountant to aaurne ,... 1aV1•1 Tl'll_..1 ........... = ILKTllLICAL ................ , Bkr M Irwin 646-9661 ROOM . ADD IT ro N • CI0"4*A ....... ,_ .......... ....,,, .. ..., •mrrAU ..... . . r. BABYSITl'ER RELIABLE: Minute can:. remodelhlr. At tract Iv e1 IP>llliMUb' for d1villon fin. ~-·:::::::::::::I::::::.., ~";-.. :::::::::::;::::::~:· Healey 6 ey1 motor, com-Fenced yard. Meall taclbded. Low-rate monthly Aftll. )l'lcn. n-etttma• Call with at leut 2 )'eU'a andal l'9CCll'dl. SUpervWoa uv .......... ...o.·-'*"··= irv•=•.,.:JrJi.., •.. plete w/ twin carbl, ,en. le Week dQI on17. Vkl.nity 645-1931 Mor/eVH 5t5o(H ~!al~ .!i ol llUll llCCOllllltinl deput.. ts,~~.::::: ::::::::-Na: •• ,.::. .. -,.. distr. Front&: n-1.r axles, Halladay A Btlh:)p·f)t.. S.A. CLEAN'""' ~11.t1 Mow-r•patr ot. transfer ment. ~of &OWm-IA.Cit IAY .......... ,.';"·••••··-= ... ",..,... ........ •·•••••· dn WW trade tor Scuba 1.JE" .,,_........ Roofl 6950 Id mentcontractaccowittnsea. 11.6.CK IAY ........ al........ •••1ua. ••llVICU ........ . · • 1 ..• 1 Phone s:J8..5672 Ing, ed&inl. odd jobs, llcht , "I mo ~L 1en+1•1 """'-ln Accoun~ ,".~!!.!l~T.1'°:~ ... r.~;;,.11 eQD••• Dttc:IM .......... .... equip, tllllk, reg. we lw , I Nd D C . .i~ n-1 SCS-6955 ._ ....... --" • ~· .. , "" •LAii ........................ .. S4&-0430 L c•n 1 ~y ~· mo ...... r.o:u. A Roofer not a salesmt:D,1 It you poqets the nett•· ~~ .. ~ J years ti~\~~~':.·::::::::.~':;::: .. : .... :::•:..cr:uMa ....... ·-·:::;.,,. 80 A almond and alnut ?oify home or P~IC eni. JOHNSON'S Gardenina: SerY. Leab stopped. all ~ ~~flca!oU~ &tt eA~ .... nee. Ex e start. ou••I COCltnY ..... ,_ ..... !!!! ~.~LT" ca.iiSI ·::::::::::: ..• , ere w 3 to 6 Years. P1anD!d pro. Finest equip, expert yard roofiq.Ncwar~alrworil: J1 I an Ina: ..W,. Pllue send n-'\f.f.=-•···· .. •·· .. ·00-•·•-:,; ~LIH .................... . grove, D:cellent lhelter. gram. Fenced yard. Impec-care:! Rea! ta-»15. Cl*'· 535-MM outstandln&' •le ct ronJc tume A Wary req\lin!me.nta :iowAY crrV .::::::::::;::::::1. un::~'aU:::unM•·:::::mf For beach area property. tion invited 541).5(}98 Cu · 'C'..1 ..... • _ compontnta rnanufactur-to Box M-620 Tbe Daily Pilot. IAMT.6. ~MA "' .. "" .. ,, •. ~. = tMCOM.I TAX ..... , , ........... ,, .. Fortin Co 1701-A Westcllff · t &. ..._. -.wn ~ Ing Ol"laniutlon that pro-coura ........................ .,.. 1•ow,..._...i. Inc. ......... ,. D NB ' 642.SOOO BABYSITI'ING, My home, MainteMnct. 1Jcen.t ~ ., 6ffO vldel excellent workJ.ns Night Custodl1na t=~=: :r_~:L ·:;:::::::::::m1 ltOMtM' ....................... •1'1 .,'.. v ~ 'bed pl Fnt. Valley; fncd. )'d.; 54&-48os/64S-2310 aft' conditions and aood bene· Houn 10 PM to 6 AM ~· CLIM~'!?,!.....·~· .. ·• ...... .snta =~~= ·::::::::::::::::: .. " "esa e, ... e room us lovinC' care bot meall. • ~tcratiDDI fltl, apply In pttlon for Monday ........ 'l1n.lrDy U.M JUAN c--.. ,_ ...... lftWST19ATnl9. .,.....,. ••. den, approx 2300 sq ft. ,.....281r ' LAWN SERVICE cu.tom Dn!pl immediate corlllder&Hon I~ _°t::i...., -...... ~ llACll ···-1••· 141M'Ol.IAL ................. . -" M~ So: ~-to • ._ .. t.4~. DAMA FVHll .................. .-..UY•• ............ . :an~ s~:!;,~: m C4n-"NANNY," babyalt tn my LI la46 after• Pll ™c*. ~-* • H lJG HE s '44145U . ::ii:=-.~-.::~:"::§ ~~ .. ::::::.::::::::· ' • borne weekly or ~ Vic -""'' -t ~ -IUMMI• a9WTAU ......... . . • .... HICK ........... ' 546-0932 ' ' ' EXPER Japanese Gardem:r mend!..-. Html It dotbet OPENINGS AT BOTH CilMDOMtflllUM ............... . MIWIM a ITDllMI ........ .-. Harbor 4 Vlctoria,. CM. -~ rea• -A~A •.u..oUN: Du,ux11 •u•11. ............. -PllMT .. ,,._.. .,. , ••••• -S & S 36' Diesel Aux lloop, 64$-1473 . -!... • nJMn:. Rn.a....,...,._. Oranp Cot.It Collea• ENTALS J P&IWf-. .................... - 1967 ".u. abtttt.ak con. m.ams"" 5411'·~· PATrERNS ...... '"·"' ,.... NEWPORT on<1 H u~·-·-·~ I _,.. ........................ -~-: ' de ., I .. TODDLER care, .Jllay mate, ~ eu111 ~ PNOTM""""° .... ,, ...... _. _ ... cUon. Tra 71 ntere,,. fl!Deed yaid. week dlYS cin-EXPER GARD~·~ Bildnil to Ball aowm: from Golden West CoUep 111t1u.&. ....................... PLAlfflllM .. ....,-*. or all for locaJ./Uprop., hae ly Vic 19th 6: Newport. Mid.._.e Japt.mte Rdlable. $10. 13M112: ~10 BEACH ~".'ft'A..aa ·::::::::::::::::: r---=--................ .., ronstr'ct'n or P . 675-2838 r~~ -~· Mon. Sat l32-0705 Al~rot•--.,. .... . 500 su-rio• Avenue APPLY MIU n•DI ····-···· ...... S'ttt 11nte• .... -........ ..... ~ •• ---~ .... o• .. NOE COAST coLL••• , ... .: ............ ,.,, NW• ... ,,,,.. ......... .. '68 Flat 124 Blue ·~tatlon .. Aby·'ttt own e JAPANESE GARDENER Nnt. accurate 20 )'rl. exp. Newport Bel.Ch. Callt. rvo. MIWPOl.T auc:M ........... .1111 hlfdJ t•llVICa .............. . Wagon. Lug rack like new. LDS Woman 1111. .. ng Maintenance I; Qeanup ' JR. COLLEGE DIST. lllWPOll'T MeMT•. ,..,._,,,,.#It ...., .... ·······.i.::'."""""'"'' , borne-Very id w/chldm. Equal opportunity ••WPOllY IMHll ......... id = .... .,.. ~ ......... . Take lS Travel Trailer · •• f C&ll 541-2SD Ti'M Service 6tl0 pl M 4 F 2701 l'airvkw ac.d llTSMDllQ ................... it» .• ILINO " •••.t.111 as ....... · Good rec ... c, re I . em oytr--Colt.a Mna. 13f.570I eov1a IMDflll .............. .-= Llllle. llCITC...,.. ••• ..,_.. EClclid/Slater FV 515-1671 W91TCLl•P ................... .ICIUOlltl IM.Ull'b ··••••••• 64.(..237.4' o.n.r.t Strwfcet 6612 ESTATE Maint '!Me Serv SU., VMIYIUIT'f PAK .......... : . ...,.. , ..................... • 17 Fl ou~of ~.~;ae: ~~1:G 4. ~M. = J..,...... 0 • .-..-;-~ ~ frM I'm not G&ri!IC CARlll 5:1 Tt:~ji.;".::·::::::::E f!e~~~.~.~;;,; ""'°" "'•u ~-6li.l540 ~ -M · I PIE IN THE SKY OPPORTUNITY! ............................... fl&MITI '""'"" .......... ... ue. Phone 6+f.4687 Expor, .._....... 1-. ... RMCt "Y na.&llDI .................... n..., ~ ................ . BABYSITI'ING In my bomi!. Free .estimate. 548-7951. T•feYltfon, R.,.lr 6"5 Join~·--~~ -LIDO llLll .................... 1111 'T .. I. u..e.-a_... ..... ... * B _,. -Ml.MA nulil'D ........ -... .M -Tiii llllVIC!_.:__:_i.:..:•····••oo Good 1wlCbn • napa. . ft • ..,.,.,....._ TV ..... N ~ ut I am anrnz. • ruaran--,... .... lllWO!lT WUT ................ TILIVllflCNll. -,,.,, ... ... * * * 546-2531 * • tHullng 0730 ruunau" '-v. O tee ot $10D.. • mo. if )'0\1 ""'"'...,_ auc.:..··• .. ~ •PllOU'ffa't ............... .. ' ==--,:.:,:.:;,==:;:;:-.,,-7-: '-..:;;.:;;;.:.:,'-----"'-'-' I vi~ Cha:rreJ Expert work, No ~ ,. ,,,,.. MVllTIN9TOM MAil -..... nLDltff ..................... .... AL N 0 ENTS "WILL ..... -it vn $1 per1 · mertt (IUll nquirementl w ~~ -· -POVllTA•• YAU.SY .......... wit JOBS & EMPLOYMINT Fl NANCI A N UNCtM 111.. e · Yard.Ip.rap cle&n up. Re-color, blk A wht or stceoa. while tre.UUiw 1n· • dlpitied • U'a.111 • l1IU or put tPiL auc" .................. • _,01 WANTID Miii ,... BUSINESS and and NOTICES hour, own transp. NB/CM move trees, Ivy, dirt. Trac. ~anytime! -· aales --r with Mutuel Pvntl AdvlMf'I, 9.6.ao111 HOVI ................ ,. ,o. wAKTiC.: ...-.·:::;;:::,. ---------------- (:;;:;.:;;;.;;:;;;;_;;.;;.::.. ___ ;:;::;-~::~;:;~;;;;;J;ona.~~Coll~_!-~~:'.:'":' = •-, •--• •-, -.11 .... ......, .. i-•• "' -..aA-~7_.,.1__ Inc. LON• llACM ....... , •• ,. •• ., ·= .10S WANTtD. wi· IM"llo ,.....,, .......... -,,..._,. ..... _ ga:IUJ.._., OftAHI C0UMTY """'•""" Miii & WOMIM .J9I Bus.. Opportu_nltln 6300 Found (FrM Ads) 6400 CHILD care, m,y borne, Meu 1745 •~lahry 6990 --..... --M11 no ,...-..... -JI. ta W..ecuff eo.tm IAllTA au ..................... ,, DOM1rnc: "'LI' .............. ,.. ~ -_ ........... ,.,u ·-.~... nnMINSTa• .................. ,, .... MCI... .... .. ............ ,.. WANTED.I FOUND•. G-•· ·-~'te VfncdmlelAYatta. ~ .... ~tea. HAULING, Genenl. Top., CZYKO'Kl'S ,..._._ U.. Worlr: bf appt. anly. 1.A.l212Nr....., MIDWA"f'CITT ................... 11 ••uwAwrn.Miii·::::::::::m. ••,3 .,. wtu ~ ., .,. ... -.-1 .,__ UJILTA AM MIMMTI , .. ,.. ...... ANNCleS.-........... ,_ Part or Full Time f>tonlan kitten, apPl"O'X. 5 p &reL trim. remov-1 trees A Upholstery, E •aropean For appt Clll llWO:lO btt. ~' C1'AIT,la. J..l!Cil""""""·"'* MIU' WA.,..D ._. ..... ~ Id, · w tclill b~-Bil John 6U-«l30 ., 1o.2 AM AU PM. ARGUS AGENCIES u.1HCA ,.. • ............. .,. ,.. ........ a --' .,... Reliablepartytortstockand JTJ011 o VlC. es , B i·•-ry g ~~.. Craft1man1blp.10071' u.euNA •••IL ............. • QllKlll.M'll&_. .... ,.. -"--money. from coin on.. Newvort Beach. Ca I I r-., ' ............... _ ·~ •csc. 1IU COST •--nll •it.• CLlll'INTI .............. snt ICltOOLI • ltllftVCTIOllll .. .. ..v"""'• _ .. "'° H , __ 1 ·-s ·--· ..._.. ~ • u•isT.,... ................... .,. _ ....... ,... .. .. erated d·-··-• 1n ~-.. 646-1849 · ·--• "' ..... N"""""' Blvd cu · ACCOUNTANT c--'1t ~ "''nu"° ............. -.......... . Mesa and..,~dg ~a. INµJRED Gray/wht male MATURE Woman will FWOR ~ .. polilhins d'= ., ·~· lmmed opentnr. Depwt ln Mm'i:.'ttr.tlve 'tmw ::f'oot°:f~M·::::::::::::::·:l: ~iRC'HANDiSl"iiOR To qual.Uy you must be re-I \\' tJ liar Vi ba ... -lt Fri Sat 6: 9.m from JOIS a IMPLOYMINT ·----Bmlnta Ad· ,.. ••• BOB, um -OIJl'LIXll UMPV!llt.. ........ ,.,,. SALE AND -·DI ca· eRJ'I ea co • C. u1•• • 1pedallsta. Home It lrt-,,_....._. .... v• ,,_....., ,,..,,..., tVMMI• lllfTAU .......... .,,. IKA liable, ambitious, able to de-VIiia del Oro, tbe Blufb. (i pm. Own trans. $1.50 ptt dlllltrial. FREE eit. J-•.wa ~ I.My ~ ministration w/ ACQJ\lntlnc 1181 C Nnport BIW .• CM. lillNTAL~ ,vaMITVlll ......... , ......... .... VO•· 2 to 8 h-wo"· week "'"1.19 •-~!091 1 -n-.-, • .., -•-A • In _,_ p llhod o'•te• •u•WITVll ........ ... .... ..,. ... • .........., UL-.,,,.... Swedlth Mat n e n an c • ' · ' m.u111r, • )Tl upar, ...... Anti. um 0'11te1 1ou1•M•11T ......... 1t11 1Y and have $l650 total Cll!ih MALE Medium size irey & BUil.D, Remodel, Repair Service. 675-0951 PRACl'lCAL NUJW, &cod cmtl. C&l1 for appt. or 1tnd SALISMIN e1MWL .................... -fl~:.' :::1-r':::..M"T" ·:::::::;::U to Invest. For personal inter. ... ··--· dog Red I Br!-" bl-· 0 •• r. t. -" dr1 _. ru\lme Ml.Zit bt 1teady rtllab» COJTA MIM .................... ,. iAll MUIPNMT •• "'ew In "--ta Me· .. ·. Send 1ge "".......,. . co· ""' """" c • CARPETS W1ndowt, f1n .. __,., vt, .-...ennces PLASMA.DYNE • • Ml1A "'"'' ................ 4111 ...... ,, ..... _., .•• -....... .., ~ -1a, • -•·-vo·· 30th --Mb too --" ' 1' -· ~"" flll1 thnt -1•• A-' .. in 1111WP0111 •••CM ............... --........ .. name, address and phone .-'"' _... .. crpti .. .3, '""' "" ........... etc. Reslden. or Come'· --.L -· """' MIWPM'I' •• .. MTS ......... ...,. uu•• MU ............... .-num~ to·. le Newport. fi75..4363 Lie Contr. 9C'"5 Xlnt wort: Jteu! Rtfl .... ,.., WILL BABYSIT MY 3139 St, Main, 8.A. penon. uk tor Tom. lllWf'OaT 1..o111 .............. 11V11t11TUal AllCTIOll ........ . .,.,. ""-'6-nn Elrt. 314 GRANT'S SURPLUS SI'ORI: WllTC'LI,, .................... lHUAMCU ................. .... "ROUTE DEPARTMENT'' FOUND, Young Lab. ,,. • .._,. ~ HOME. ANYTlMI:. E. CM. VMlftllllT"f' PAlllC ............. Mf'l'l.ull ···········•••··-·0·f!lt Box .,o..., Retriever, vie. Back Bay, lulfnell Service -WO•••,.. .. -·•· 1..-···-""· ! r•" •"'O Equal oppmtunlt;y etnplO)'ft' 1750 Newpcrt mvd.~ CM JACIC ~ Y ...................... llW."9 MACNIMI!.~·· .. ••·"• P.O. ,,.,...,, •IUM• ........ ,...._.___.. ~....... IA.If "'"'' .................... MYllCAL ,,..,.."-· ...... . Anaheim, California 928CX1 :ew:; ~a:-Call .I: TYPING: IBM Exec.. Tech. da¥ a wet. ltlady. call PRAC?'ICAL NURSE SURGICll. TECHS NEW, ~ SbtD station m::,: ~.~.~.:::::::::::: n"=' ~.~.:::::::::::: VENDING Route &: .....,,;p, en ___.. tbeaLI etc. Pickup ~2311 OR COMPANION. REFS. netcfl ................. time .Ii "y 111.&it'DI ................ .-. nuvntoM ~'!,!·•·•·•••"*••• .. • -.. -FEMALE Tri-colored dog •-'V""-4 '""'' ..... '"i uo. nu ,., ........ : ...•... an Ml-fll A IT't:ll-............... 9tt other interests require im-· A-deliver. Mf.#7 WIUlAMS ~G. SERV. • 5*-C234 • j AM to 3:30 PM half owt 40 bn. -plus~ SALIM 11.:.&•o .............. -ran ••cot.DID ......... . med --···· ... ~0 • ' vie Lldo hie. Sat 3129 ,.,, ___ ... _-pl ... ~-· ----· Dept. ~ -·--, ......... -·~ IN•TiileTotl .... Clll ............ CAMlllAS • ....,lf'MIWr ... ... ...., V'li1'ViUlP • ~ .......... ~""'....._.. • ....ii r. • ...,...,_ 111"'" ,..._ _,..,..., ...,.. • ~ POVlfTAIM ¥Au.IT •• ,,,, •• , ... 11 ltOllT IU,.Ll•I •·•· •·••"•' 962-1936 eves, Ask klr Ted call & identify, 675--4914 (1,..nt«fnt 659(1 And Apt cllll. MUl.64 o.ntelflc Htlp 70U l :IOA 5:00 pm. Mon tbru l"rt. req, llAL IUCM ..................... POllTM MODI ........... .. KEYS On key -·-·-N ..... ;.:;.,;;. .;;;..;. -""'1·11" 990E ~--IH NB 1..ow••••c" .................... SIMCUU•l.KDPH ....... . WANTED: off-sale Uquor .......... .... Chlnete UV.111. O>etrful .... .... . ~ wy, • • • ....... COUMTT .................. Mltc1a.u111ovs ............ . H-nse. o-"-O>unty. Har. -entrance. Balboa CARPENTRY lncomo Tix 6740 S'·nfon Cammunlly • BUSBOY .................... : ........ MOIC. ... fl ................... .. .... ·-... ~ Point &45--l584 Ptrmt.11ent. J:xptrlanctd .. winM•Mlfla .................. 11 JMCMIMlllT. 11'1. .......... .. Call; 642-8139 =========)MINOR REP'~• No Job •~NSIBLE --lion F•• ~-·t •--MJ.l'IG'I (D Sh -UDWAT CnT .............. ,.tnt LVMlla .................... ,,,.,. ~ -v r·~· ---·-• oy fft) ,..... ... -JTOIAOO ..................... . . • A'ITR. beauty aalon • Too Small. Cl,biftet Sn pr-A fillna: of all lnmM tu Glorp: Allen Byland Ate.ney Hospll I IALIOA IAY CLUI WITA AM'iti'Mim'".::::::: .• Hfl.D ... MATllllM.I ...... . Pri<*I '°'quid< "'1• at Losl '401 ,... • o tber -ntumo by Cftti1led Publlc. Em·~-r·-n. I ·-N ~ ........................ -.. ,1•n" "'.:.':i 'L ... IV ... l .. STOC ......... K SI""" ...... 1232 «iloria)' ---------1 M ~~ u ..... __ .. _ .. _ .. ' ,_,... -· ....... w. Co&lt H1')'., .B, C6AiTAa. ...................... ~ 11'11111 '""' .....-:-a: I I ........o.L•... no arwwer Accountant. ATIW&-1S8 &. 11th. SA 5'7-0395 •2211 J:xt. us LAtUMA •IACN .............. _ Pll'h ......................... -LOST green )' e 0 w me at 1414312.. IL O. 9l!lW tbt needt of Oorpan.. * DllYERS * u.eut1A ••u11. .............. CATI .................... -.... . R"I Ell.ta Loons 6340 panbet lo Vic. 200 ·~ . ---" ~-·.-'"' u-1,· W•....., --p••mu•N IA• "IMI'"" ... , ............. -......................... .. Sattler Morlgage Company Inc. 3.16 E. 17th St., Costa ?tfesa. Serving Orange Cnt;y 20 )'111. 641-nn S45-06ll Eves. 673-7865 "2-1157 Po•---H. t"O.h• •·--,..__ ~ ~ "1W ... _, ,..,. No s-r1 ""' """ ....... ,..,. ,.,.,., ... ,. . ., ... 4"1 HOl:SIS--.l.!l"''""""'""'"'* ·-'-~~ --~.. -al>d lndl--I"" 111ce lbdultlfol t11"'1p op pn1. ::,=.,::,. .. ;;,:·;;;;;~::~::; 'CA'"'L'1=11N·"·1·A ..... L.n;;w, . to "'" or Momma'• ""'"' REPAIR!! ALTERATIONS Your .,...,.,. ·-NICftliryl ldoal. wlobc -. -.,, llNTALUS .i-•-• ... ,.o,a .......... :.~.'.'.'.'.':" =..He :11:~~ cumo.-rs. AzrJ • job. 11 puantftd. D"1ahwasher --...... Cal1lafl:ta open.. MJ..'1111 Aiits.. .. rv, ..... • ..... """ .......... .. tl33-<51SREWARDI :u~""':-· = iE: ~LOW'-clf'co. ~~~56 t;~\~~::;:::::::::::::::! CT9S"-::::;::T::~:TION.:::::::::; SUiteue betwtm L.A. Air· tiorll • NeW' eomt "1 bo11r e MU837 e Grnwy1,.. shift lll z. ma a. OENERAL ~CS * P=J a ·::;::;;;·i., MAn • "f'MltTI : .......... . -• • 0 N-•-~ Oil °' Ooatnct. -T ·~ •-tum s-•-• m. -loo -21 Cooola -Ollta -Mio "-!!!I'!!,.,. .......... ,.,,,_,, ~= ............ . h 1le •w1tb"d.,;,_ 1;° int. ""' .,... ....,.~ ~ IUllOYS • 2* PlaDlfltla. C.M. U.. .. rYiiNTY ·pm·::-.:::·:... == f:r:m ·:::::::::: w .. r-• • C9IMftt Cenc ... 6'00 Form IMO It....,. )'OU1" mt APPLY IN PEP..s'ON • p•-""'--·• _ ..... .._ 9ACCIA1' ,. ................... = MlT TUU~, ...... _,. lia4 ll K. B, Plew QI! • or our ott!<e. 23 yon • DISHWASHIRS ~· ·-•w --5§::"" .................. _, .. """ • u.-w......... 6350 r111> ~JAA d I . " ~·I aM..I --Nlelman, --mut .... MA• -····· .... -.... ,. a.MllfClll •••• ~:: • .:: ,, __ , ·-~~==-~-.,.,--,...,--~1' PAn~ r Vtl • ., •• tax """ ....... tant ...... .,.,q Owr u --a. kid 6: ,_ . OA ~J."'''"""'-""'-MA••• ... , .......... _ .. MONEY WI n t. .. ~. LIGHT Brownilh rm female sidewalks. P'rft estirnt.te. • claim for deductlorw DlllllY'S APPLY IN PERSON ....... WM • even .. _ ,. ""'".,.-.. .............. .-!§" IU!1_1!,:.!~•... .. .. . .. • !;.A Call 56'239 diaUowed 24 hour Strv u., -..oo ~'r.LAilD'"""'*"*"' :f!! ,. llllVlca ...... ::: .. _, perienced a 11r11 1 1 t V f! doc. Answen to "D1nah" o • r.ffTO!f ai.Uii''*••••••1A1 T UWt&LI ....... , ... ,. •. = ~ ~ ~ ~ s:. =: ~~:,:~n~ ·~ '°;;!~1 .. ,. RESIAUUlll ·~~.11~ ~~v ~~'m:m.m_:,:. :~:~ .. ::::::::: :=r3:P.::::::::::::: ~ .... ,. 1n ee--.. UM. Can 431-1892 or 96&-lli08 si.te !Jc. • 8C).lD10 Year round orc. 321 No. OOtta Mita Utdoll abop. 6 dt.yt. ll:IO ~-s,~m";:::::·::::: ..... MAT mtMt• ............. . ~ ~ 3170 Harber 11¥4. to 9 Am lh1ft. MT-4111 attu ~· 1111 • ...,. .:. ............. _...., w: •• ............. . Reply Box 14 !Sf, Dally LOST< Bflck Min Pnodl<, e BEST IN OONCREl'EI NWpl Blvd, N.B. ltt&lt lox IL... a i ................... .. m.ie. Ana to "Tar" Vk: Call -.ollO lat appt. Celt• Meal _, • pm.. . c ........ -... • L .................. .. Pilot. • . ' • A.try dDI job. work au-r. .• .... ................. = ..... -....... . ANNOUNc;.uENTS ~.V. ftnoatdl ,.,_UllO Reu. Saw cuttlns. SG-li14 -.. ~ 11. -P.A. ••. _ MECllAHIC, Ml -PMl.1-......,.·::::::-.... -....... . ~ "; ,_ ··u~•-dta A.~ *t bl i ···•·••-••oo•••oo• ond NOTICES LOOT Htr c.m., M8ll, II. * OONalEl'E-. l>oftllt<! -Tu -* Do""hm lua'-Mwt bo --..,_ .,.. 25. NO -callL AL"iijii :;::::::::::;.·:. ........::::::.:-;:.:·· . dlt11 whtte aokl cHamc:..d • Uc. Owftte .. ._. IGG,)I f6 5619 ... r· -r • ......_.Good n llll ad JUddlt'4 ~ PQa • · " ·::.:::::::.-11· . ····::.'.·::::: .. Found (f,... A.kl 6400 -tclL ll.tw. wm• PllllllPI °""'"' -MACK IWUUS Tu """· * Nll'il Dlthw•ohor _.. NewPort. Colla -....... ":: = . ·~"" .... BASSETl' Hound hw1 1'Y LOST 8HI Point-¥iC CEMENT w ....... lob too lllo }!I'., 1117 -~ .<Pl'LY IN PllllON R~1 Liiio M61llel iiliNTENANa: -6all •••L I ........ ::. ......._ ........ t..P' .... ;;;;;;; at. Vic Fai.vi ... A _.... .. :ln!O!MC.U -n, -· Fuo C.11. Al<P<>hdmll. --'flal.Mo N.8. -__ ..._...,. ,.,., -.......·-.-........... .. McCormick In, °"' Clll m= -H. ,,_ -• !NOONE TAX • dv. sr4 An.: ati ;..a.. al ..ow-. -.:~~ -...... !!!!!!."' .:::::::::::::::::.~:: --·-·• 1.oST Grey ........ , ~•th Doal 1n,..,. ,_. llRlllll E. LEE -• 11o11 .... ,.,.... .. -~, • 11o -·-boVI .......,,. ............ ·-···; ;mrQr ......... -..... .. -·· -·~· ·-~-•. I ~K-M --~· • -·~~ ~ .. , •• ~............. ..... .. TINY Bl&elc puppy, Vlc top . .u ...,.,., 'ltl'Y '-441 FM •I -• .., ai.u up. _._ men. atudem. OK. As>¢¥ own toall. fll N. 0:1Ut HW7, n .......... =a 11amllton A,Bushard, llun-ta.me. N.B. atta. ~ QU AL,ITY remodellJ:w, INCOME T&Xt1 prtpmd 1511. CMlt Hltf\•1y tn penion. tnerlllilp °"'1 Lltlml S.ac.b. t ,. ll T ........... Tte -.uftl .......... .. Ungton Beacb. call 968-,3817 lll69 BASEBALL Blutbook -·...._-&11 ..... ltrVft, Jtefs rour home. , kq totm o:Jn"r Ne,.,.,. leech at O'RAN:l"$ OULJ' SDV WANTED: HI Sehl boy 2 ~1J. 'f".!~L1i.COUiit.'j ~~ta·::::::: le ~-M Rewonl •~·~" •" blned, SU. ~ or CJlANT•S SUJltPWS 1780 u " m:&:""'' IM9 C4llS. ._ ......... .. \VHITE " black, 1pol\cd " . -.-ta eaa. 00 req. Frank M. Satdren PENSIONER wtd I« Uahl Umt1 mo. to mow l9wn, MIK. l . -•1"'9 IWWft ..... -.... . 96>-1055 ~-•-1-1 ... -•THE~"-rou ~... --·-~ c.u l'li..-port Blvd.. c.M. t ha .. -"""" 162 ·-""'-'"""" ,_, .................... . ahagy doR. Vic. Baker I ._..tr ""1·+ -•u .,.., • ........_... -rn.wtfnaftCI -""'"~• • I USLMIU PlOH!a1Y I ...,. c:Allt .............. .. FUitnott. c.M. 546-39G oora rr TO '.&\lr t pm nu; QOJCX!2t. 1'0U au,. ~. DAD..Y·PnDTWAMT ADSr & 11th, CM 1 'r1t.t.1Le11 •,l'ii•K' '"'° LllA.flll9 .............. . •'-lllltlll lMTM. ,., ...... , , UHi CAAi ••••"•••·•~•"'• ~--~--------------_ _,_ -----· ------_, ________________________ _:._ __________ _ ---....... -. --... -------~-----_ ................... . 4:cqse •• a I G! ···==···· • • 4 w.......,, "'"' Z., 196> NT .KldS a ~OTM&IOT JO .. l IMl'LOl'MENT IOIS I EMPLOY~INT .IOIS I IMl'LOYMIHT IOIS I IMPLOYMINTIOU & IMl'LO'r-1 ,gas & iili'LOTMIN1.IOB$ & ljlll'LOYMINl . ' --~ ... -7200 ..... Wlllled. -7200 l· ...... ----'"'w-Dll--..o_..:.,-;a--7200-l::Hel~p~W=M~IM="~~~;~"""'~=·=·:::-=:·=~~1~"""~;:·:-===~!;":.~~w; .. :": .. ;::::~~1 ''.. Mou~ .... 7500J:h ,,.,,. ·-7lllO .._ --w.-' .741111 ~ 74'11 __ ..._ w--. 741111 WE AIE . . ' . · --' ---' · . P C. IEtllllEIS · . ·EXP._ STENO.;sECIETAIY· GIOUP INIUIArtC£ . I>' • s!~E!T~! AllD . DISNEYLAND . . . ct111 .. -l!!ollkl be_ . I ' llCREAID, Typlng ,eo plus. Sberlloan4 eo plu Ahle D•s1u.CV1 .a ND •--. . . toworkSat.&SUn.-l'day"Woet -II ""11..A '' We erpcoe all phases of our buslnt.1$ to a BIJSIKESS Gall Monday tbru Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Allcuiate. typlil(, atila ~· PJOCI¥ aD4 man before he starts. . • ' , . . . ED l CKIE , pay c1•1m&. .: c . We :.alsQ look deeply Into the man's blck·: Na .. -C dlllac' MA ' · •-d•'"'· uwn a (71') •• ....., .. E"' a-. Call Mondav tbru Friday:. lt a.m. to·f p.m. I • ir<iW!d to be sure be .. up to our etan ~-,. ,_ ""'"" • ~ -~ •• , MOS •• IC DESIGNERS • '· We, oflu --appllca"°"' '°' An equal opportunity employer ED MACKIE : · SECURITY EXPE°RIENCED . . , , . . • • <nt) ~ En. 111 Able tp do a complete MOS ~t ~ Ioele dlaP:"'!'&.,wftbill a newly orcanlzed '!4,0S • IC activltf, Salary commODJltrate with experi- ence aD4 ablllty. Plenty, of opportunlly for growth · aD4 advlilu:emmit. U.S. citlzenahlp required. ; • G.M. PAINTER _. ... An equal -·"'•'h· employer , See Mr. Clmok DonoelI Help WmfM llelp "anted. •r..--, • PARTSPICKUP& ::W::~:""'.:":::::::::7:400::::W::OU¥1:1M:!:::::::::::':400::1'-=j ;=:;:::;::::::;;;:::;:::~·~:::;;:::;:::::;:::;:::;:::;::J ·~ We are • nation.wide retaile.r •. in .bu!lness DELIVERY MAN . I· . - : since 1899 without a shut-down or. a layoff. Hoitt.:.-•.w___ . Company benefits include guirantee .aatary See Mr. Monie Dooalme W• 74'0 I_! W-~-~-!!:!----!.7!41111!!1 : • witb bonus ~nitles._ grou~ hospital~ Cs!_R,t~~~!,T CLERK TY,IST . 1------1' · · Send resume to Phil Chamberlin or call lloul Hal'rll; (71t) ~ E>t. 21164 ~~~~ p:.t sbanng re~ment an e~=: DISNEYLAND . 'MISS me AieKY FLlltOWRIT.IR , OPPORTUNITY Na=~ ea:.~ . Tlr. 50 plus. Bmy ~ Uperlli>ce, Loral ~a-~. to S'50 TRAINEES .. ' . COLLINS : tADIO Co. -. · 1'791 JAMBOREE RoAD NEWPORT BEACH , We are a division of a highly successful and • """"'Mea a le to work ·Sa~. .. ' . · l!lac. -in<&> ..... $1!111 $400. UP ; ; divenilled worldwide corporation with ever FbrlJI! Rapalrman Cllll Monday thru Friday 10 a.m. S<ctttary ........... ; .. l500 . An equal opportunity omployu I, -. ;...wing needs for personnel at all, levels. &hod< Boats, Nwpt .,,_,..., · ., to t p.m. Sec1Purch liplltl .; .. ;._fflil o·· , Jr. Seely (ipllif .... to iloo : ' CHALLENGE Agwle1, Woman 7300 (7H't=~~ m P-~~ P~y~ ~!" , : BEACH AREA i;:x.e _, ............ l«IO : We are a sales organization, ,where you '.&re . An equal oPi>ortuiiity employer . Dental Rectp ········to S5llO Call lmmedtatety to fl> Help W1-70_ Jolie -· Wam. 754111 Wre your lntmliew witll ........ - th1I excelleM company. 1--~~--~--I ' paid on YOW' own ability ;tjtd lnitiatl~~-We PBX """•""""'"$400/"'5 ..,.. Sedy .......... $41'\>p ·-m' terested in the man with good employ-Nights~• ~m to 12 =========-:=========JSef;retary ············to $f15 MoviJ>& " ""-Co. l'ART TIME WOMEN MALE They will train U yoo are u oc:curai. typtat: Wod< II AM-2 PM Aclmln. Trainee $651 ..... ,.. tierk Typist •••••• $400/$425 H Ip Wanted u .; NCR ~tor ...... to 1450 ment records, between 2345, married, -able Phones, paper work. % 1ee e 7400 nwlp W1nted 7 ,._ Gtrr Fri/Ina •••••••• to 1425 in beautiful new offices. Fee pald. 4 )•ear degree, will to furnish good references. Able to post re-reimbursed 90 days Women. Women """" Clerk Typist ........ 1o $425 fundable cash bond. For confidential inter· GeneralOUlce ·••• $4001$425 --"---"----1------~--~IAccountt,.. om: .....• U03 Uberal benefits. Com-MACDONALO·s, the Jara-be trained in l!ept to learn paey will interview in our est Carry-Out RHtaurant operations &:. to ma.nagt!. view-.1.e<m_,,__bu&-**SECRETARY ......... ott1.ce1. call Zola. -. awn, otters an excellent Tech Illustrator $3.50 hr 5410 J Best -opportunity for neat, alert """""· t, ••. varioty. UNIGARD R<eeptloob• "'1315 Uaess. 11' fee relmbul'lltd 90 .fl.aw. Cout Hiabwa.y day• INSURANCE GROUP N ....... Beaob S46J939 . uoo women to work at MacDon-Art trainitlg, min 1 year tx- ment Acmcy, 2120 S. Ud'• ol. Harbor, ·c.o.ta per in industrY. Know pro.. C1ll 774-4)30, ask IOI' Mr. Sylvester IE:::==========-;=::==:::::===== 1 tlto~lp:_W;.:_._:"":..hd;=..··M.;:.OOU;.:_•:_:72,;,200.:._ l-Ho.;.;l":p::::W::•::nlod::7.,:':M-:'°::" .. 7200.;;;.; PARTICULAR F.C.-por ........ $500 TRAINEE TIRED OF A LONG * i:onstructlorl experieoce re-COMMUI'E ! quired. Fee .,...liable. , Unlganl""""""" Group ii NIGHT Fee Jobs alMt Available now ~ for our new di- :J. R. Pierce Auoc, Ai!'ncy Prestige office! Tremen-vision office openins in HOUSEKEEPER. Main. Santa Aha. Mna. MONDAY thru. FRI-duct data techniques&:~ Wwk. Hur Home DAY 11 AM • 2 PM. 'nrla ual colll'trucUon. secy Clomtrudion •• $$"525 pemwml!nt )'ear aroum. Sign Pi1inter $4 hr Blrpr, Top co • •• • $42S-$450 employment lb clean. plea. Know show card paintiJW, Acct ~ Glda •••• $f00.$450 unt surroundilws. ..,. 1 t b brush 1£ airbrush la.Yoot, Abilffies Unlintted Agency Num Omtro.1 Engr •• $16,000 • Num C.on Serv Tech •• $9,600 : Civil Engl' Draftiman ID $850 I :Admln. Trainee • • from $625 • ·-Mgr """' .. .. fr l!OO Branch Mgr Tmee .... $450 • 'RDute Man ...... to $1SOwk ; Sht>o"" Clerk .. .. .. to l380 ..,chl1tttun1 """"""" 488 E. 17th St, Suit~ 2'U ,• jl>sta Mesa 6Glf70 . "dMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR PRODUCTION- WORKERS MK:h11nic•I exp. helpful Ind:nstrial <lay Products 18765 Fiber Glass Rd. Huntington Beach, CaliL EXECUTIVE SALES CAREER $1artlni< """" + """"""" ' sion. First )'eal' ~ of ' $12,(8). + poasible two.)'11"1!' -prognm • ,,,,, .... , 0 """ old IBtionaJ ~­ • """""' ... -~ , croun.d helpful. No traftl. "-"'""""'""'""· Ronald Gill manager. 871-"'10 Equal opportwllty employer TRAINEE Young man start with ware- 'housle delivery & BOme dis- play, No previous experi- ence neceuary, Must have ' clean drivers liceme. Pre. fer military service complet. ed. AppJ,y in JIE'rlOil, 1Tn Newport Blvd., Colta Mesa. I M.n to work •• * ATTENDANT* recreational I: maintenance lB8S Newport. C.M. .....,,. dous ._..,,,,,ty, Will April, In Hunt!nrton Bead>. INSPECTRESS AND train &iri to work for on Edinger at Beach Blvd., ~ Stenorette •••• $400 meals• uniform furnished. must be dependable. Secy. ""°""'• -.. l500 C.Otact Mr. Mo<lanahan Claims Adj. Tmo lo TYPE MAN I want a man who will take a personal .in~ in my business, a man who will work' fqr me aa he would for himself. Must be ahlbitfuua. Help W1nted executive of top ~ just ott the San .r;>lego Fwy. MAIDS Women ___ ..;..7400.:.:.:: naJ company. Beautitul These pogition. wlll require 5ecyl {3) varief1 •••• to S5fQ or Mr. Dinius at $100 NCR Blcpn (2) • •• • • •• • Jt50 C.ollege deg, good oppt7 to I wW place thir man oa a rroo mootbJ¥ KUBJ'8Dtee, u . lUI meet Ctr l'll!q1lirements and in p ~~ where be can eana . more than $100'.l a montb in-commission. * SHIPPtNG AND STOREROOM * Ahle )'OWlg man to assist in shipping, receiville and material co:itrol on first ahllt. Permanent position wilb ex,cellent Wtll'king ron- dilions and all f r i n.1 e benefit& includiQg profit --CALIFORNIA JNJECTION MOLDING 200 Briggs Aftnue · Costa Mesa, Calit Irvine Ind. Tract . ,..._ REP RO . TYPIST Immediale Openings WE NEED YOU NOW MEN Wanted (2), part time, to average' 2 hrs. dally tOr early moming newspaper delivery to homes i n Newport Beach. $ 2 0 0 • ave~ per mo. Must have· late model qr aJlfl be dependable, Call LA.'.Timn ~im ]'184 w. Llncoln Santa Ana Ph. 54l).(J325 Costa Mesa 2700 Harbor An Equal ()port.unity Employ..- surrounding.I, congenial a short tra1nin&' period of Immediate GPenino. Ex- pandlnc Staff 11.lr en- lal'Ked hotel. Call or see MlnU Kin&· Jr Secy • •• •• •• ··• ·$450-$fTS MACDONALD'S OF get set on career. Must be GirfFri-llkpc .......... Pl<! HARBOR ......... OD the""""' Qim. atroo.pbere, ~ job.'$400. approxlmateb' one month in lo slart for girl w;itb typ-our Loa ~Jes ottie@, be-Bkpr/Acts FC •••••••• $500 3l.4l HARBOR, CM pany car. ing &. abol'thand. Call fore the move. ~ & steno, Vorkty ..... • $425 FEMALE """·~ typo .... -Zola 546-5410. Jason Best tion will be provided. Glr! FrtdaylBki>s ...... $500 EXPERIENCED Ft BKPll, P.T. lo Employment Agency •. 2120 So, Main, Santa Ana. MEDICAL TRANSCRIBER Mlnimum one year ex- perience required. '1Jove average salary. Call ·Mn. Miller betwl!en ti: 30 a.m. &. 5 p.m., Mon-Fri. 527.7744 SfANTON ('QMMUNITY HOSPITAL 1770 Katella Av., Stanton SECRETARY· RECEPTIONIST ?.tu.st be Youn&: and perso~ able, to meet pablic. Some fyplng. 5 day week, M. New air cond. offto!s and equip. ment. Lots of iDterffiing activities. see or call Stan ........ lmmecllalo·Oponlng1 In ti)e following ere•• Gm om... ........ -$3 hr Suporkw Agency e ESCROW e Abt. to 14ke tbn1 trial bo1. EllablW>ed 1116 SECRETARY >J br wiek, """he fun time llD7 .n,mborff Ft* . 1857 Harbor BJ. Cmta Meu. if ~ t,p a.uist aa Glrl N~ Be'""' 'Call 'nnt OG-1141 UNITED CALIFORNIA Friday. , THE NEWPORTER INN 61<-l!OO * GIRL .1:11111uy * BANK Reep! Typlit lo $375 POLICY flllllll Type 50. """""'' •"'"' SERVICE • For '""'"""' Real ,,...,. . 3141 I!. CMot Hwy voire, front ollke appear . Prefer at leut one )'Ul' " Abilities Broker in Santa Ana area. . • CorOM dtl Mar D~pt s.cty to $604 fitt, casualty or '111Ultiple Fttfer ~ •.mbitlous ctrt 673-9240 Sh. 100, typ@ 60, ~ !:t ~'.'.:!, ~-tyPW! Unlimited Agency ~ ~ .. .:= .= F.qual opportun!Jy employor ~~ wi.:-~a •ntial. Ex~Ilent opportun.. U \ftJl u menial dutiel:. adder, ·No experience neces. ity 1ar advancerilent. Secretary ·:·······• to SCl Must~ pleasant. wry wtil LIVE-IN compuion. non-aary. o.shler-'I)pist •••••• to~ aroomed, It ha~ excellent smoker or drinker. Plusant p11yroll Tr•rnee ••u. . ~ •••••• to -telephone vWce 5 bomt mrroundlnp 962-5224 ...-poucy ._._ Sedy ........ $350 dally to atart, but will In-' Type 50. Will train-to do Clm.T)'pln ............ 1346 to full time obJl. Jollo M W 7500 ttihe<onls ~ payroll. Good TYPING Rttordl aert •••••• to S346 ~ Send u Yen, om. math aptitude. ~-~·-ul Reoeptiordst • ........... m> 10 b M,,_"8 n...nv ~ Both 1tt It ftt: ))&id ~}l<'•icnced or u-.w,.,.,., m • Factory TraJnee porltions. • ~ ..-........ * * positions Opie ~-~.~~~'. MAJOR J . c. P•oney Co. PREMIER accurate...,. on ....... ~""'u-oc. 488 E 17th st Suite 224 I-CALIFOltNIA BANK Fa.shkln Is.land Na ... n Cad'1Hac The idea] poaition far IOtll~ Costa Mesa , 00-1470 seek& ateno/fnill for trust Newport Beaeh Personnel •ncy UW one wbo likes to type. dept. Mlllt take dictation, 445 E . 17th st. 2600 llarbor Blvd. DENTAL Office SECTY'Y usl&t ofltcer, -· Costa Mesa 6tS.m3l. ~ .. M•.. (Tustin) -25 tO 35 yn. ., ~""''l"I Has opening for 110! E l llh "'"'" .. eu1 om er eon a _ct rou. TIME · 540-9100 -Excellent fl'ff benen&. Per. old. Secretarial llkilla are Permanent career • Santa Ana 547.f121 LEGAL SECTY manent, steady~, Qur a. ·must, ~ portunlty for qualified policy ts promotion. 6i)m, knowledge of the dental en-pert0n. g a I a r y corn- To $525 mo. Top sh &: typing within, Your ~ la: deter-vlronment " :Patient need.I men.urate with ablUty and akilll. At least 2 )'e8l'S legal are ~·d Minim exper STOCK SUPERVISOR experience. Sharp, bright '1 mined entirely by YoU. New o( 3 yft;,; ~ 5 ~ ~-. O:mtact R. C. 1 ........ 1 modem office, friendly, .... -=~==~=~· I "".... pleasant abnolphere. or more. Must meet situa· Newport Center Branch RJ:CEPTIONIST, PREMIER lions with -~ ..... Soollrlty Pad& Not'L Bank ..,._ '. UNUSUAL *BUSBOYS* CLERK TYPIST Personnel .Agency """""' l poi... Top 550 Newport C.nla Dv. , 445 E. 17th CM, 64&<631 For Details and App•t salary potential to ridtt Newport Beach OVER AGE 18 Requira; accura~ 5a wPM ruu. time, experienced se~ ·Call C:illect penon; all otherl need not CASHIER. HOSTESS Recent tUCceulul experl. ence pre.ferred. Competa. live wqa. outftandine .. ....... profit - APPLY IN PERSON • 1QAMto9PM Opportunity The lnd-nt Order of Foresten have opened a new office in Orance Coun- t)'. Require intelligent man or woman ~. ())lleee not neceuary, Should have U· perience in meettnc °public. D"""1<d life time pool-Earnini commences immed. Experiericed only, Full· thnt . typing, eood telephooe voice ior escrow clerk. PERSONNEL apply. Call: 714: SM-5393 Apply in penon aft. 3 p.m. I: ability to meet the public, * * * * * TRIMMING Neat appearing, 11 to 40. No FIVE CROWNS Pbooolor!nterviowappolnc Part time, experienced sav· (213) 384°1213 and INSPFCnON * """"•.,..__,,.Apply RESTAURANTS ment. in&s a; loan teller. Trimmin& of amall plastic in person. 3801 E, Cout Hwy. ~~·~'.~, P.O. Box 100, San Cl•m UNIGARD parts.· Penn"""'t pooltion ;C.OrdiladelMar ,....ft .. u ... -Bc GROCERY CHECKER . INSURANCE GROUP on first ahift.. Excellent (No photle calh) 7601 ._._.,., ... ,'6 h. _________ , working conditionl am fr.. 154 E. 17th St. DOMESTIC HELP Stable, middle aged woman. inge benefits. Will train. Costa Mesa YOUNG & LANE All klndl! Ho......,pen. ~ tim,:; •~pplym.~~ A((OIJNJING II IClllf CALIFORNIA Rul Eot1te Solos TIRE CO. r--•-...... l ~ . uutft INJECTION MOLDING "-n & W--Has openingw for manace-.......,NI, lU&Mll ......,.,,pa.fUON, E. Olllst Hwy., Cd ],f. m. ... ,,.., · T References req. Fee I Fee A posiUOn ls now available 200 Bt1ggs Avenue ExPuxUna qain. omce # rnent trainees. op wares; Paid .Tobs. Call Mis~ Abby, HAIR Stylist wanted, high in our Accounting Depart. Costa Mesa, Callt. 4 openlnp available for BOB'S BIG BOY * J. C. PBINEY CO. 24 F•shion lal.rwl An equal opportunil)' employer * iately, Should be in excea I""'""'""""'""''""""''""' of $250 ,...kly, paid vacations, free major "'4lL779G style specialist, busy ment that requires some ~ Ucenaed mtn A women. tn. lsome club or hotel experf.. ::~~J1: >!: ~ fter.:_ ARGUS AGENCIES Newport Shop, followin& knowledge or exj>erlence COUNTER GIRLS, part ttant Income A trainfna:. Mr ence helpful. Call 548-22U ann 188 E. 17th St.. Sui~ 1..c, 1869 C NeWpOrt mvd., C.M. ~~~t not necessary. with payroll, cash rec.ipt1 time. FROSTEE FREEZE. Gardner. SP r In I Realf1', Engineering Clerk Telephone between 9 AM ~ 1 PM Mon. thru Fri. 9 .4M • 12 Noon Saturdays for ~ polntment. .ext. 160. OJSta M63.. e SUPERVlSION It and other related duties. 899 W. 19th Costa Mesa. =-"'=""'=---~~ Newport Bch, South 492.nJO Costa Mesa., North Mf..1701 44 = 1ruu.. TIME SERV STA ARCHrI'ECl'URAL SALES WORK e DI~~ Experi~ with a boo~p. Calif. Appl)' in pmlOD bet BA.QC Offtoe l'ILlne. 5 doe-M'ult be iood t;ypilt Will do men, E x per 1 e n c e d in Draftsman exp'd to work en Full time, Jduat have neat 2106 W. Ckeantront (Aero&s ing machinr such u Bur. 2-4 PM. ton; mu.st have uper. CBC varied dutles ln e~ I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ I tuneup. brakes It sales. Top laJ'I" apt projects It C\l&tom appea.rance, able 1o deal from Pier It Dory FleeO roughl or NCR would be RN run ttme 11 to 7:30 diffetti:itlala a mu• t. department, includizw oper- \\'a.ges, insurance, bonus bJmes. Xlnt work. c::ond. It with people, Apply in per-helplut. medical-aurg!CIJ. xlnt work-X-Ra,yii helpful. lnexper. 1.tuw blueprint mac:hiM fU.. e pl&n .I: paid vacation. ApPly fringe hen's. Gared N. aon. DENTAL Aui.stant. chair This po&.ition olier'I a rood q. eond. Contact Direclot please do not apply. Please q, etc. ' Cooks 604 So. Cout hwy., Laguna Smith,,· ArclUteet. Newport Holid.ty Health SPfl side in G.P. office. 19 to saJary 9.'ith attractl\·e bi~ ot NunteS, n.ta Mesa call: 531-3205 Aft. 4 PM Beach Beacti. 642-7155 ·zwo Harbor Blvd .• C.M. XILa'['I. '"'"'F re~Vtalol96S9 lobe~.~~.~.~ 1i1emorial Hospital. 6Q..2T.W • WAITRESSES. Will train, WNSTRUCl'ORS, F\Lll It part "ora, oun..,n ey r "~uu ., ... LI.le ""'u.-· PHONE SOLICITORS full or put time. Must be . N ......... CAREER OPPORTUNITY Sh•rp C•r•r G11l1 SAWYER 8 ....... need 1 ~ COYerae@, three w.!eks -t• ..__..__ -""lh ~-~u- hme cat appearance. -\ Sl.inl Sala1'l' + Car Seci;ys, Clerk Typlata, Gal m • t u re ;o'"" me n f o r vacaUon after 3 yean, etc. no exper¥ence . necessary. ...., a\..-...:uvo::" "'' .... .,....... be able '° meet a: deal Growing tna.mdadurini co. Fridays, Recpta. Bkkprs, Apply In penon at the F\Lll • part lime, apply pe.nonalil)'. 1llE zoo 2344 with public. Apply ln p!fUI Xlnt benefiti. ~ 24-3) RNs & LVNs. Botb fee ' !ee housekeeping , & practica.I In peraon. HOllday HWtb Eut Cout HW7 at Holiday Heal .. Spa. 2>X1 eou.g. d..,.. _,..,.,,, pold """· Top ""'' Call """""" &<&<m6 DAILY PILOT Sp, 2>XJ Harbor, C.M. Jfo\rthur. CdM Hatbor,C.M. no otben need applJ, &. DoriA.SCS...1196 DENTAL Assistant, chair 330WettBayStreet.~ WANTEO:Rea·ponatble • SPAR ASSEMBl·ERS P-475. Daily Pilot ARGUS AGENCIES stde, In Newport B@acb Ask for ri1n1. Creenman or woman litter, Ute bakp'i . * BENCH WELDERS COOK-FRY 1861 c Newport Blvd., C.M. atta. X.Ra,y exper. des&ed. call 642-4321 lOl' an interview s day wk. '1:30-U:n (Most ! tainl.ess steel " alumlnum. Youna: man, exp. who delitts TYPJST-cLERK To apply. Ph: ,OR l-U66 di,yt) Vic &nmlOWll Hat& Telo.,i-llocoptlon Wark. Call II AM lo I P.M.S.2934 Slaco Swttch 113' llakor St. Costa Me111 -· ' • Ellperiein oec. Qwh. miall position With future. For in-Salary ~78 INTERIOR Decorator v.'ith • • • Bcb. ..._ ., ~~.ii~ ~~l'37 terview see Mr. Schierhold Reqs. e(fuivalent of 111,gh Sehl Mies f!xperience. Apply H. Janikn, women needed DRAPERY WORK ROOM SCR·AM•LEJS at "Mr S1eak" 0 2267 .dip~. rttent exp or J , Garrett F\ttnHutt, 2215 IBM MT/ST Evenlria: M1fk in NeW{!Ort lmmedopenlnpallpbues. , • Hastesses Apply In person REUBEN'S COCO'S 1555 W. Ad•m• CMt• Ml•• ANCIBfT MARllEll :·~ PJ:;:!~:.";:" s=1~~~M·SALF.Sf(EN. ~~~_;;,~,:nci.:tA= G~r~;c.~ ~ TYPIST ~~~~!:. N. :~i:.,.~~ ANSWERS . It Assembly C11rPrtnter1 Young men, ~ 1: "Wk DO.,. .. ,.. .._ _, dlv.!r'!tfted po«ltion.' salary Evet11hga shift. Experience WOMAN, Atncttw. Counbe:r Beach Drapny Service. a...-_ Clow_ Harem:. e HotfHHS r: LUHRS BOAT CO. ends. Must be neat ln ap-TRAINEES • ~Bl' dtponda on eleperie:nce. Mrl. desired. he.Ip. ap n .er O"YV, al MANICl1IUSI' wanted kr K• :::!:: _ u-. llOLE e Maln,en.na Help 1 .-&a W, 11th SI., CM pearantf! & handwriting. See factory. Xlnt. opportunity. Willis, '&C-G35l to 48 bra. wk. The Doryman, buly-lbop. Good op-w:::__. nr..~. -''Tele- IURING [~ auOJTEUR. retired man Clyde, 2590 Newport Blvd., Knowl~ of wewtng eueD-PART time Mltrts1. H.B. APPLY 2100 W. Ocuntront. NB porbmll)'! , ., ~';IDs never re~Taoe tbe J 'S250. Cook for Mexican C.M. • tlal. Apply 40D1 G., Birch Exper. for Dtnner House. STRONG, belal.°'1 pe:rlOl'I to * f75.-338S * old reliable KEY HOLE." ) enme. Em~r PIY1 tee. EXJ>ER. marine ra di 0 St .. N.B., I blk. F;. of O.C. <213\. 431)...43:}8 btwn 11..S MARSHAll help care· b elderl.y lady ~ r!rl wanted. l1ftl' 25 =...:;;..=..;:;;=:==- DAY SHlFfS ON'L Y •PPb' in. PttlOD (lo-4) ""' w. Cot HJ"""' Newport"-b ' i_, Ce:qe ~Byland Aget>Q' t6cbniclan: FCC Ile.: to airport ~need motd maid. nitn. Liw to or oot m No nl&hta. 1:r toy alln OPPO-~N I .. ..-nE16thSAM .. ,._ rrutNl-marinenidio•hnn• HM-~-kN -··~ f'·"~ ,..___, u 337~• _., ... ~-Mr• n•u•,••• CALLING. ===~~~~~-1 ~ • • ~ -~-......... ., ..... .,,,UN • @\\,....,, ....,.,_ .... uuie. ~.Illes&. COMMUNICATIONS --c:.1.1 SG-"1032 HJI< • Gnat demand for T.V. OPERATOR with toUowq ~I iSTROTEK CORP. MIAry open. Send n'tM1M! Ibkpr/Cook; Newport $300. · C?all &12.-2670 SARAH COVENTRY bu PoUoclt. lldwrtilf!d AV o N ooe. OR Space anllahle <rutJ 1•. • La.the mW l-D. to Daicy-Pilot Box t.f-474 Day\\"Orkf:r, l.quna. $2.~hr BARMAIDS. nigh\&. No -·~ lf19 W. wAJ\m;R O:S-ni,.. for full or part GIRL J'ridl¥, bOl1rw. t:ypq, metics.. Tum spaft' time in hi Costa Mesa Bn.uty • 'rap pay. A·1 machlnilt Olll>'-PoUsh ' Det•ll M.n Emplo~r Pft.YI ftt, Geors:e CO!!ilumes. 548-8291 Santa AN, ~if. 92704 time sales.. Pleuant work. ll bklqlq.. ... )lhane. can to money. Call 51).'JOU er Salon. 540•-8934 Tun.J"rl. :· ~ LQeu Av, CM. Excellent ~·. good co. Alle:n Byland iA,aency 115-8 SEA BREEZE ' cn4) 540-2S20 ~ln•eat, no deliveries. For betwmi 1 It 4, TueA. tbru 5t&-53CJ 1 EXPERT M.ululcrlpt ~lilt, be~fill call Oiuct-6't6-«Mli _E~·=l=6th~·=SA=~=l-03S5=~~ call 540-0ll4 r.u.... ~ I HIGlll'S: 1'IU 1. Part Thne ,;:; BARMAID, Age 21 lQ XI, An F.qual Opportunlb ..-• ......,-, THE Ntw Oltver'I Rout Whftlctl emphtal! Full . -,..,_ ..... cw. SERV Sta AltndnU. all '1llfbo lNsrRU~ NI • lull --Apply The Flame Empt.,., LYN NURSE ; Nlthh DEl<rAl -dlalr -· wtl1 be hlr1'c ---Dynomeh'h, tnc. P. • ollcO' 3 ·Pl(, '811--or OI><'"-Sal & .:omm. -::::t "',;· !:i'i!t _.........,,to ,,,..1 ~ Room lJ!ll) M~ CM • , • . • L APPLY IN PERSO~-I ""°· !n N<•P*t Baadl p......S lull A poit thne O. -4M. Dano Point ln4151 Sharp OR 3..3320 • SALn;GtRL u-l 2) .guna a.Kh Nunn,. aft.. X~ ftPll'• dH.lred. t.lp. ... _,., J to 4 ....-.. INCX>ME tax htlp DMdod , e X'.T ==--=--~_,....-,..._,..,deal with publk • ......, In L ·-·,·-"--· -OR ~ -._._ EXPER. Breakfut cook; no pe:raon Holldt,y HMlth Spa, w «I •PJllY 'l'be~,hit-wl.t. =• • S . To awlY. Ph: 3-11• 2114 II. Oce&a Front. N.B. to 4/lS. hY _dcpmle an • e Dfdtw ..... /au.bov Sundt.ya. Apply: Colonial 2:llO Jiatbor, C.M. South Coast Plut. ~ * snTD * PIT JlosteD.Sec:t. New HOUSEKEEPER. Cb 11 d EXP. IA~ 1aJecmtb upnimct, &G-m1 J , SU'RF &; SJRJ..t>ll"', K:tehen 512 W. 1911\ c.M: wAriiitS.i Youna lady to WANTED '~' School for chiidttn or Adults, tn homes, m1n age 28, DW", caft, UYHn. mu.at kJw ot tn.lllee. '8'lal7 + comm: BWEPR.JNT SllOP nquinil !l SbJ Pacific a.at HW)'., NB BUSBOYS '!\'anted: apply In °""'0111; dl\)rtl~e & "'f'l'k~._,~ Teacher. 8 ·, day. home or ho8p1tal. FUU or ~. NI.Pt wark •'kndt. Ph. cblldrm Doctor'• family, qualiftecl leads. lo' r I as e blUel.lne lrtmmtr optnitor .. l AMBULANCE DRIVER penion to: 8JI Balboa 8tv, lr rti.rnlly Restaurant. Con. * U • part llmt\ d"Yr. ewt or 968-MM &17-2561 ~...gJO] _ _ benelita. Call 546--08t6 MM373_~~-~ ~nct'd-Musl bli fUJI)' Ba1boa, 9 To 11 1'·'-f. ' tacl Mr. Schlerbold, 1itr W · ~'T~ Pu1 urue-v.·n:ki•nd3. Apply: '-fC7I'EL front dffk, expea RELIEF COOK COUPLE wanted for motel Part Tbne ti.It Otrt I I Llc'd. •Top P31 tor f'laht f\jttd 1.i t.at1Je01t1n,1t? Steak, %l6'1 Fairview Rd, DAYS OVEI\ '1 ' ~ it0?.1.EMAKERS .prtt, PBX, N.ot. t)lpinl, Experienced m1tnt. ' m11.id work. 2376 A.ppl)' iJI pltt'dl ::.,.._=.:°'::"::"":::.::llo:;;0.::.:837::.-0tJ!.=::.l.t __ flnd:..:.::...:...''..:•.::lt;;.h.::•..:-='.:"4.::1;_.•..;C::.M=:... ------~ ~ 1638 E. 17th St. S.A. ~time. ma52l 6«2-8044 Newport Bl. Costa P.teu.. 0)8 W. OJUt H"J', N.B. I \. . .. "' \ -. i ' ' l / .. • • ~----------·-------"'------------- ·- ---------------··-~-~----------------.... -........... -------..... -.. ---... -·---------.---llllJ.!11!_ ... ll!!!!I "ill,..i"'0w.o"·.,·:r.·.,Tu.,·.--Poa"'000'r-".,,'m="'CHAH=:n·5.,·i$ils;· rir.R, .. ii1-·-~ ~M1-1cHANDISI POI MIRCHANDlli irOa M1abwmi11 "°" .. 111uaf!ClllTATICIN TllANIPOltTAT'~YIE'"'~'·~·~· .,.~~J.!1~,..~~d~~~·;~;;Y~-;~ SALi AND TllAOI SALi -AND T1IADI SALi AND T1IADI SALi AMI TUDI SALi AND ftADI 1"!11 &"YICl!lo -..._. ~-.:;~::;.;:_ Mo....,_ l'unillure -u--1~Mi~i~·~·'~"'~·~ .. ~·~·-·.;M60~~-~· ~·~·~·~·~·~·:.~· mi'~··~ -w...... .. .. -' . ------I• -· ---IYIAY, IOAT w GLAllMN, 1 ,.... aid: 'll'HOND4 m 1c:r. -~ *. AUCTIONS "* cWlis-u· ,:£F.::::::::::·.= =";:..uB~T:=..ht ' Sp•I• · APRIL ~.....a .•. _4:u. w4Cll'ICr.<arrSALESe '3.190 .... ml coao1.,....,..._.., ~ M"1I IX T1I , M Via ..... Newpori $3000. :U It Colo. Cnsller, p<d ,._ -Medltetnm•u THURSDAY • FRIDAY nr.., risor ...,, ·-. 141'"""-··mJ.110 concl, ll5 llP...,, -1========1 • ....,.. Moiwfactu<v'll. . .. • Mm ... , ""'ta-. -Cl>mllw CUSl'Oll DLl< K (I .... s/1 -I ...... " Auto Sorvl-:;;llE;:;:YERS=o..:,.,...2,vw;;;;;-; -::;: '69 s-.-'-"'· . 7:30 1 p-. e<1 TY"~ - -... ,,. c.-,. 11a-. a..,, ,, .. ._ M"'1-. -a"°"' 94GO coao1., ..., ._ ... ·-.. ·-· .. •• • •• • ... ____ ....., • .t""• ' pm, -.. -..-""'? Vl-11' HP juot 521-l515 • -·JUlll,-- 8' Wood c:anec1 ¥!" divan, Jg. JllA!I'• ch'1r UNCLAll\llD $TQRAGI FR~: bedroom 1tt1, d""'w """' --. 2 -., head, .,. 19!2 TloJU. CIC, ....,. Ill W. ta. ZllS"""" block, ======~$! orlove.?IML!il'c'~&C!!lclarkoQ'dlii ·1ot ORANOICOUNTYVMl&ITDRAGI ---.... 1_ liatt ·OUlll A....,, Full 8<ftw, llblt coad. $10llL ---Call .......,,..i- w/blaci·or avl>{Jdo tr~ chairs;:• Pc BR Wardrobes, cartons, l:alh rel!Jler,. ~b, "'"""-lul. ""'· n1Pt"' ......, -A1k1Da '1500. "°""' --1~615-~ma~'===== ...... eeL lklr Mr. a. Mrs. ~r, lg mirror, 2 Bedro91n ~. cllv1111, cha!r1, ptdmu, c:atrH -.. .ml ~ c:::t*' ~ :;; --. Trallor, TNWI 9425 AUS11N .-commoclOI, decorative ~eadboud Jn Spanish tableil, RCA color TV, mattresses, """ ·f!a~y ~ oak dtolgn with mstdlln& boJ< sprillp, mat· furniture, record plaY.,., Webco( tape re-5P>1.All..,..,•Ston 51""'! Sid-. '°*' ll'llODAllEEL ., A.H.,,.., . ...., • U... & frame. -, , cordon, Kimball spinet planb, eye-level 1as W A N T E D lT rr. --· lllaoder nwo .,.nc1 °""' VERY ™ Radio, boater, •Int coad. 1-Sold Individual~;. . stove, l!!'Wer mowers, tools . electric drill•, · · Deluxe -<Ill a .... .,,,. pm.ct n""'111ei .,.. 4 --·own• 1111r. 1 "75. - Shop Aseund-llolore You 11U,y··O.. USl indicators, aauges, electro;;/e Umer, tor<\ue ....,, ot1tlloold: ·ai.tom board !or Salt • Sei, t1o1 Dbl olok. e1ec WH. elec ,. "1SUN • : VALUI '1095.9$-F\JLL PRICE '529.9S wrtl!Ch, refl1gerators, stoves,.wa&heri, dry-~"';'.' .:.<": 0~ :".:::. ;;,,~ ~ ~fit~ S:: :,tr..;.~~~ ~ M." • • ort.rmoaslowas$-4.66por.-k ers&MllalMORE! I •· TY", -.~ tr.-.-afttthm water or soeed ·•-!lat A-1bural1111U8. '69 DATSUN . ". Use Our Store Charge P.lan or Bant ~.f. CDME BROWSE·ARDUND ., . tooloo ... -......... L II -in 35' Aldon ............... .,... Sat.... ""°Inter. '!Tawlall. 8'" -18 "'· -: No Fancy Froat -BUT Quality Values de WINDY'S AUCTION TOP CASH lN·30 -Yawl, -,.bit compt at $!00. 64M68T. 6G-Ml ...u --· l3llO. , """'q., cDr, 4 sod. 531-~ * -equlpped. • Onlder trade, --· * -* hater, ........... . ·2075 ¥> N-rt Bl'ld. $ "l'/&1 11 MU1S2 Boa Mol 90U 2800 mll<s, asxlor Behind Tony'• B' ...... Mot'l• WI 11UY , $ · v ... · -t ni.n.... TNllen, Utility 9450 ........,,. llll $!TIS. ...,, • . IBIU9' Ow.. Ile n,torldao. lllAR!NE Electrlclan 1 115 cUh dels "' older / ~ta Mo .. * 646 1111 $ FURNITDA~ $ Nly--'1>, new pllnt. !50 hire. Complete wirhla •.; 4' x II' BOX TRAl).ER L.B. 111Wll17. CID atU< . OPEN DAILY 9 h 4 '• APPpANCES hrl on ...... IOI. Make°""· -01 boaU. lnltru-llO. l64l61 ....,.,._ . c.lor TY't-"•11•'-St.r..'1 ~aft g pm. ' ment lnltallation. No Jobi===;;:===== ~::;;;.::;,..,,.-~,..,.--;;! I f'l t ca •r H•11M 'f_.fl mi' BOAT A trailer, 16 too la~ or small M2-1510 Trucb " 9500 ''4 D4ttun P&dcup *' CASH IN JO MINUTES hp motor, canopy top, ~ _ 4 Spd, dlr, JWHo. nd l';i~;'i'~iiii:F.':'i~~~~~~~~~~1:~/.MAN~~A Upright ,_ OIE.9J' oi d r a ., er' • 541-45 '" • ="': Xlnt '°"'I. $450. Boat Slip Moorl~~ OltAND NIW 1Mf ~"'::. -::-.:::- __ .;;;..o_~.;;...;== Furniture · $195: xlnt ccDditlon! bookca. se head'--~ 1tL WANTED Whl BOAT ......... : ,._, ..... 1o 18". l 'l Ton Pl .. .._ forelln ~ ill trade. L. Ja•• lt\ln, Wom. 7.sOo ~ Snloker ......... : te canopy BOSTON Whaler u · W/ trtr. ....,._ uuuu:q /, ~ VE7, s:n. Clll Ken. Cutter. ExporlOncacl tmm.dlate- Beach Drapery Service 900 w. 17th $tree! 20 PC. MODERN .KE·NMORE Automatic Early =·i!i~~:; = =-~~T:~~ Johmon 33hp, xlnt com, 2 ~;~bl~.= Near s2195 or~ -3 ROOM GROUP Wuher. JOnt Conol.i 135-for-· ll>lor TV anten. or Sun. l"" old. l1250. Ll 8-555! WANTED =;,;;;.::==:;:===! IDcludel: .i1orai IQfa A: Chair Gua.rantftld. MT-8ll5 na. cnall elec .,...tu beater I=='=======; 12' BOAT I: trailer w/ 15 Slip on Big Bay for FERRARI • walnot tabteo ·.·lampo . ... trlr or camper . FREE TO YOU HP motor. $125. 31J' cno1 .... 6C-042ll Anti •110 ......... rad<. GIN B1ke 61"529 Ill 5 complete bedroom wi~ (lU,llt. .,.. misc Items of tools Ir: tum.1---------$99 DN. pluo TaL, ... Costa Mesa 5.f6.M64 ed mattreJa • S'pc_ diDette,• 20 to 50% OH. European 714 W. 20th SL, C'.ollta Mesa NEED IOUleone wttb room bl etc. All fat , • • . imports. See at: Once upon BIRDS -• ~ * * * ~ home I: heart for Cha $277 ... ranaJ.M Ola. lovable J .Jerpd faun A Time, '1428 """"" Blod, Healthy -.. ,... w •II 01a Ll Ill< Bookkffper Uet! neg) •• SS50 No down · Pmfll, only $10 mo. C.M. 66Gl'72 ' establisbed 2 plants to a for ~ts. ~~ PBXR<cep ............ $<00 w••lf•s w•ll<W\llSf QUEENAnlteormch•ir, 5 gal. oootalner. °""'.PUPPY· Femal .... ~ Agancl11, ~a Womon 7550 14' G~ Boat, Ult trailer. ,J12S. Payments or trade for outbrd. ~3750 NEW I: -USED Marine supplies at dlacount! 304 28th st. NB 615-0lll. Credit Clerk •••••.•••••• $489 DA AKU1W maMpny (t carved. $195. tew" left at this price ot ' e, ...,..... .....,... 'fyp"lst, yry p~ ...... $400 600 w. 4th St~. ·~ ... A-a· cm> 726-3190 oi-'126-1533 mily $5.00 for 2 plants. Call ie, half Poodle, appn.»L, ' 14' 'BOAT. e z panda b l e Acct. Dei Creim 1ee) to $1000 .,.... -after 6• p M all d mos. old. Likes children, trailer. $15. 1946 Wallace, Boal Servi-9037 CONNELL CHEVROLET Orange c.,.,t ~rlne Complete .darlne s·Mct:1 byo -HIP 2828 Harbor Quality ....... PenonmJ. 546-t!IOO e Haul outt:, sail 4 power I====-===='""~ e 24 Hr. Emeiyency St1Yice llllS8 FORD RANCHERO !41. . * 615-2460 * Maroon with black 1nterlcr. · · • Open ·Da.ily 9 • 9 Vast 1lo<':li 4Jner/Eur furn 4 Saturday ~· ~ ~ needs a pod b om e. Apt 4. 646-53iO ~..;,:;,;;;:::::.'.~:: Sal9.6 , SUn.ll.6 ~Im.~ >I~ tt So.-SL,Sanla~. 646-729'1 4/S S. """"botfs=====90=l0 Laborers~.F~.J~.89 ht ~~:S.~ef':r:!. ~ -~ --··.-'?MRBLE_eotrte table, Frost~ ~~t. ~ma]st!;ts~ -'-'-~----- M? Bayside Driw Newport · Factory air Ulbdltionif!a:, ~2460 or ~26U radio, beater, 4 lpeed. $2595. I Authorised MG o.ilel' 4--============I Dealer. 11835 Blach Blvd., ....... w ~--H... , . Open 9 .. 12,3IJ Sahrnlay deconlon canceUadon. Musical lnat. 1125 .... relriguator, .... """' ·-'""'· lovabl•. Call aft" OPEN HOUSE Merchants Personnel Spanish&: Mediterranean etc Guitar HeMftUirfw.I. :u!:irgu2~ ~ g· PM. 962-4011 4/3 FRI * S6T * SUN ... Hunt. BNch. 5tO-OM2 -• ...._ • .- Boal· Yacht ·=-====~"·= Newport°'""' •. Charters 9039 ua a!EVROLET Fleel>lde 6l2-94lli 540-1 Ag•ncy RD ~RNITURE ·' •Nci(anc1 \!SEO,• chaln, oid .,,,, M...,;;: 9 .GERMAN Sh<phml pup-CORONADO :iol3 W"1dill Dtlve 1141 NawpoH Blvd., CM i'-r • V0>< • Standel table, ..,. .... twin be<h, P~• to &Ood hom.., Avail y acHTS ----. 1' .., -truck. 8' bed. FER••RI . BIJJEWATER CHARTERS -Uc -VS -· • ll·OrfVe sail at power boai.. engine radio beater big Newport lmpol1I LW. Qt.. Harbor aWea/spart fish. rubber'. $995. 'neater. 018835 anae County'• cnl7 ~ Daily . Weekly * 646-9(0) Beach Blvd. Hunt Beach. bed dealu; • ..-z Cbrner 17th &. Irvin!! every nigbl W 9 ~ GIBSJN, e ·M4RTIN , rnattreu and springs. misc. 'I'hun., Friday & SaturdQ. "' 6t5-2770 -54.>56&5 Wed Sal &: Sun 'til 6 e wru;QN e Y~. , 646-1022. 268 ~t\\Wd Pl, -""""'=~=-,:-=,,.-.,-.,,-'" dl1pl•y MED~R'RANEAN s 0 fa Drum tle-.:SqNrfWs CM CURLY Black "Poo-e.h ''., ' newport . Gold quilted with 6 ......... ~ • NEW and USED . . Sr'lver Fo1 J· .... et lemx!e, 1 yr. old. ""'\;' l cush. E" --· LUDWIG ROOERS, AS1'RO ..... 5 lbll. l.oveg children I: P.ersonne '"''· ;gi,111. '°"" w•ll\ , ·-....: __ , __ "'"' _ , .... ,,....,. • ~ and in the water for demo YACHTS ROYALE, INC. ========'I S«>-04<2 SALES· SERVICE. p,.,.,. •1 .. r1ft 9100 3100 W. Coal!lt Hwy. -: A 1965 % Ton GMC. NeW'IOrt Beach • 1918 i.IJscoMBE· OE, 111 VS PICKUP. SC-94o5 s«l-1 shepherd casters. $10. ?tlusl ........... •...-.;uuu .... ..,.,, 8QBncy See to appreciate. 541-2108 pc. sets and cymba:ls ~· Coat ~ ~-: $50 LOY. Fem. Gtt. Shep/Coll. , an 6 PM· inc at $99.50. Pedals. ~ta I :oc==,,..,.,,...,...=.-~-1 yr. Loves kW 'n cats. ====-:-o-:-·~··,,.-.,--land letl repaired. AD mWl CARPETS. Vinyls, Tiles, lat. Wll man rd, calm. 29U W. Oout !Urhway Newport Beach * 645-000 LIDO 14 FULL RACEI TWO surrs SAILS! metal, fully elec.: Jood * 613-95'10 * AutboriM MG Dealer cond. IDll. ,.._.LIS '65 roRD II T, "2 vs.I========;[ etick, Cua. cab, $1.DJ FIAT ' .Professional Service for thf! employer ' •nd the •ppllcant '33.Dover Dr., N.B. '42-3170 549-2743 School•lnstructlon 7600 REGISTER l.IOW NEW CLASSES ST ART NEXT WEEK! . t financlal rewards + personal &: profelllional satisfaction can be yours in just a 1ew weeks. Ask about our proven 11.1ocess program · 1or career women. NONA HOFFMAN Newport Schoiol of Business 833 Dover Drive ~53 641-3810 LIFETIME G i ft , ~ting. Chi Id re n, grandchildren. or younelf! Jndividuall7 tutored Chilcoat 10 lessons t.yping achoo!. 113 Del Mar, 01, 540-2859 SACRIFICE!· 2 M c G u Ire psrts. ·acceairies A cymbals est styles and colors. eon.. 892-09'19 413 Spilt Reed c~irs, custom in stock. mercial I: Residential, Ex· Bay Harbor Mobile ~-.;;... __ 92_00'-' ·==,,,·=-.,,...-;,.,*,,.-.....,. '65 CHEW Van, RJH. needs some body work. $850. Trailer! Cover! $1295 upholstered., like· new $75 EVERYnlING IN' MUSIC pert installation. I~HN=.er,~e~:rai: NEWPORT 20 SLOOP! Mobile Home Sales ~~~. ~s~ ,bed w) Beach Music Center =~. TABLE • 4'z'1' 540-. ~ lotia. lovin' 54&-fm.1 413 Sleeps 3! Lead keel! a.:-i!.::~o:.:wa';~~-FORD Fala:in pldup, 1962. quilted mattress, co m p , ..... BEA\1l'IFUL klttem with 6 Slip @ SI.SO per ft. avail 1bbfe • Homette ._ Fashion New paint, tires A: bftke1. * 66-1335 * Never used $98· worth _,,. F'lclory Sales &: Serv\ce 11ize for de:n or &araae; Ash t ,· 320 Fullerton A e Sallaway $3,850 Move now! 6 1 $385 fi't3..0632 847-0406 ' _....; Dafly 12 noon 'til 9, Sat 9-5 OtJn!tru<?tiOn w/ bill return ~~Beach. 64l-J767vH JOHN GRANATH 673-3570 Manor -Kit . Bay llarbor . cy. . 7 • . • 11404 Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39) + rack, cues I-balla, $275. NEED gd hme f I O'Day Mariner C/B =.Celebrity • Sheraton ;-9510 1 . PBcecl. KroomllMJ Size_ ~~~·==~Mt~ J= Whirlp;iol ba I h brd. am: tan. ;:m~ve!:"; DeH~uRi.Y' ~~ Pub ~vailable u..,u areu 1956'--='-----""-CJ-"5 , .. _ _ , GIBSON ·J:SO $150, Hrdrck maple cradle pUp 3 Mos. old. 841-9817 • RHODES 19's * M6b':l.y.H'!:.bohw ALL N285EWhp Oln1y V-1 .._. ..... 9 drawn dftsser, mirl w:lth Hardshell cue, $31. BR aet; mir/dbl drsr, TOP 5011:" Fun Zone Boat Co. Balboa 548-85&t ror, 2 bedAide l!ltands, king ..,.,.... new, $200 or oHer. chst ot drwrs, butternut Lnguna Beach 494-8118 KITE Sailboat No. ..-•-1425 Baker SL _,_bead~-~ ~--uill -· ood xi -K II block Eut DI Harbor Blvd. Ca -9520 ....... uucu.-u, ... ....,.,., q • Eric, 67$.516'1 a1ter 6 PM w , nt cond. $ 5 0 • BROWN Rabbits, 8 Wkl:. old do"··, ~ 1-· •-" blank ~ on Baker mpen ..,, ma ... ......, s~ • · 962-4159 Aft. 6 PM 548-6876 • 413 EXCELLENT OJNDJTION ets. etc. ~OER 12 string elec. Costa Maa Cn4J 5t0-9C10 OK>ice of Spanish ilJ,ita.r; beautiful cond. KNfmD FABRICS KITI'ENS, Your choice. 10 6T.H362 after 4 PM HUNTINTON Beach 'on Cost or Modem .Style $195. 646-5302 weeks old. 675--3341 413 18' O'DAY. Cty Cat, comp! Highway, facin&: a: o If S•lel. Rent.Ii All For $249 Pianos a o"rglfts .ilto "'FOR SALE EASTER Bunny ....... -llaila, tr!r, mtr. u.. prv course. ' BR, bulll-w. A•thorbed Deal" No dowti • Prnts. only $9 mo. ·: Remnants, aamples If Mill OOme. 548-4761 4/3 dock FRtt w/ tbb sa1e! refrigerator, car port * FJdorado • Fo!lr WElJ(·s WAREHOUSE • ·New Pi-s •. """' Sat. Only 8 Lm. .. ~ PETS and LIVESTOCK $139.5 om f62.0(;00 '.".."".' patio. l9500;._,~ Wlnclt. Scownan nn •-BURY . p.in.,9'J9Baker, eo.ta.Meaa. WINDMIIL 16', paint Ir ~n, will cany .......... )\.,,. 31JOOO F·-!Cam 1 · l WURLITZER &: ~ -G BS P:ets, General 1800 finbh work rrqulted. Alast, 536-1395 or ~ • => 0 per 600 W. 4th St., 1'Santa Ana All styles· Ii: finilbes., ~all I ON J-50 boom, all titling&, flDest Displays Open DaiJ.y 9 • 9 American ~. 88 ~te., del wi~ Hardshell case, ·. RHESUS MONKEY materials Ir: oonst. $250. or MOBll.E Home 24x43, 2 Tf:Modore I Sa.t. 9 • 6 Sun. 11 • 6 w-bencb I: tuned. J>ri9e 11tart-$.?lO new, $200 or oUer ~ maJe, 3 yean old. $65. belt offer. 543--0861 bdrms, l!A baths; awnings, ROBINS FORD =="'"'=-~~""-~ltng at $499 ·· Eric, 675-5160 afttr 6 Pt.I. * 54~:1)38 * ~~~ti&'· 962-0642, 962-5983 2000 Harbor Blvd. CAMPER '* 'ti2 FIAT w/ extra parlg.~ 548-0088 eves &c wknd.,. J JAGUAR 1961 J AGUAR XKE 2 pl~ 2. Auromatic, AM·FM rad.id') air conditioning, w I£ wheels, Beauatu:;: tangeriot exterior !"'ith black interiofi Mwt see to believe. OnW 8.300 tniles. Dealer. Beach Blvd. Hunt; Bcac~. .....,,.., ~~ee Ir ta~l:,mc~s~ Wll"lib.r Ortans ~Y mr:!:~u~e= C•b lt20 ~t250ba~, M!:;~ Jh$ Mobile Home, extras, Costa A(esa .&G-OOlO l.00=m=G"T°'"o°"Euro=""po"lh=•""-".,-==? OJmplele dining n'n set • NEW • ,., __ ._ d-• prt _, ="------'""'-' Ready . for Enle:nada Race. cor lot adult pk 518 So "'===='======ai J~ $800., 3 upholst'd chaln-1 Many other maku. t.1aey ........... .,~ • ,,..,., vale ..... -BLUE Ir Seal Point Kittenl. EvH 646-2259 · ' ' 19611 FORD F-250 w I l h - Brush up your French ty sacrifice 877-4464 =~-;;-o-==--== Sullivan, S.A. 5'3-24.s.t Cam~r. " ton pfokup MG -• Conversation in my class. antique, garden tools & .styles &: finishes. Prices UPI!• OLSTERJN' 8 week, JK!use broken. $21 CAL 25-1 owner. T 0 P NEAR 8each. Adult Park. E q u Ip p • d with V8, ----....:...· ----,'~~J ·~" """"" small miscell. I t e m a. start at G -(Euro-each. 968-1817 SHAPE Fluly t ~ ' 56-2201/1112 Carson st ' $595 "}Jean craftamenl Free est, ======== ! e ~~ g x 42 + 10'x30' room. $27fi0. automatic, ndlo, heater. fae- MERCHANDISE FOR C.M. ' dt'l. pickup, 215 Main, HB Dop 1125 Spotless. Full race. &16--li'S3 Eve or wknds tory air. 8' bed. $2695. Sales, Se~~. PaN ~ SALE AND TRADE LOVELY 8, ilted DOt'lll EVERYTJfiNG IN MUSIC Bernard's UphQI. 5J&.64a> ==------'-'-" LIDO 14 No. 2217 All ac· -OeaJer. 18835 Beach Blvd. Immediate DeliVery, ; · qu Be h M • ( I ALASKAN Malamutes, far ~sgorlea &: Schock trailer Mini Blkff 9275 Hunt Beach. MO-OK2 All Modela furniture 8000 sofa, never wied .s 1 1 5 • ac USIC en er QUAL. Kn1 Size bed W/ &bow or brffdlng, AKC Included. $1100. fi4.2.-3713 -------- matching 1 o v e seat $75, qUilted mattress, co mp . registered, healthy, Black Schock Sabot No. 710 MINIBIKE Engine w 11 h '61 OIEV. 95 Van Camp. 20 PC. ''MADRID'' 5.17-8032 Factory Sale~~ Service Never used $98; worth SZi(l. & White coloring ' • $75 clutch. Briggs " Stratton Rad; Air. Steteo. Good ' KITCHEN Table & chairs Daily 12 noon til 9, Sat S.S 847--0400 and up. 492-3573 fiberglass, SlOO 3 HP. $21.50 Excellent con-Cond. f.!50. Cal.I: 1>9 p.m. 3 Room Group $30. 42" dla mosaic cocktail 11t0ti Beach mvd .. IHwy 3S> --.-v7A~c~u=l,~MS.-8 As EN J 1 Pup, AKC OR l-li&:~'~~-dition. sc...2342 ~',,.=9605==0:-~-.,...~ FROM MODEL HOMES tbl $40. 968-1375 lY. mi. So. ·San Die&O Fwy. $10 up. Repairs It part.t, Columbia 5.5 Metre TACO l2 • PAM-TOPS, all st e e I (DcludH: Quilted IOJ'a & MOVING Selling houseful of Huntington Beach 84l.a536 Reasonable, Coast Vacuum, ':!:e~u~:;~~· ~12:!!: FIG. A·l, priced right! Like new, 6'12·5424 :ll~~::to~re~ ro1~ chait -2 end tables & cot· furniture. Also •59 Dodge. PIANQ & ORGAN 3l1E.17th, C.M. 00.1560 673-8535 714: 792-4341, 213: m-0228 ======== tM table -2lamps-dress-Call alt 4:30 894-3798 BARGA.IN HUNTERS I DRAPES $48; ann chairs LIDO 14 s A IL Bo AT 1,So""" . .,",.."-ho='~· ..,s·,,•·~--=o er-minor-headboard-MOVING T bl · Orange cbuntYs ~ $28 each; electric fnower LOVABLE, r8{!, = ~ W/traller. No. 2214 Gd. Motorcycles 9300 '&I % T. C hev. P.U. tullted box spring 4 matt. furn. •~ ·m' .. ..;..a -~"lamps, atock of new I: Ueit sz:. Skill UJ. Top si.....-ingnese. AK • cond. $1100. Ph. 642.-7844 'ff BSA 4fl·Victor, clnn w/'6'1-10~ Traftl ~n. 1a1 -5 pc. dining room; • ....., ·~ Pianol I: .._., $50. SABOO', All equipment ex-good Mage. 2700 milH. $550. Boot, air cond. Extra tanks, tM1e I: 4 hi·back chairL %Ill Cla.Y St., NB ~ Orpna 833-2928 • S4Q..3449 615-2259 new brake1 $2700. 962-226.S COMPARE AT $749.95 EXCEPI'IONALLY lint;. ma· ~i:~ r: from •• ·= ~G Size Si.mmonll ~bed} AKC Female Oaclahund eept rudder. Need! l\'Ork $399 pie BR iuite S27S complete ,.._,_.__. Pl •••••••• ..,... like new $85; n_iaple butch Need.a ........... borne, loves _sso=. =~====== DCC TRlUMf'H Chopper, WANTED Challllll mount ~'-'A .... ung ano •••••• .,..., "''"'In.. ... t lnn "'"" -,. •-• c•-m~, ~. JOnt -""· truck&: camper. 14' or over, "/CanoJJy bed, spring & 0mn ea.....i-n-an .,.. ..... .., ...,.., rrusc. ~ children, houRbroken $3.5-"''u ..u ..,,,, ""' No t:Jown-Pmts only $16 mo. mattre£S. 546-8437. I:''""" .... ., GOLD Printing press & f7>3m aft 6 PM Power Crul1ers 9020 Recent o/h. 646-7834 late model, pay ca 5 b • j}rtupon .il111port s 3100 w. "°"'t H ..... N.il!: 642.9405 540-l'* Aulborized MG Dealer " 'Sl ~IG-TD, xlnt eng. ~ trar.s.; new top I: tonnea., Beslorler. ~ ' "'=' MGB Wlll'S WAREHOUSE A10VING! Antique white 9 ~ w~~~··~·n:i heavy, duty Sin&e! Sewin& AKC black LabradoT !IO-:-MOORmc, Baibo1 '68 Hodaka 100, dirt. Mach. ~1521, 642--0709 drawer chest, 2 matching samples ireatlY reduced! Machine. 61&-3638 Retriever pups, bred to Pftrlmula. A. 20' inboard perfect. bumper can1er a: Camper R1n .. ls 9522 1-ff~~~;ii~'iil;~ 600 W. 4th~ .. Sanla Ana bed ddo credenau, xlnt LowbankteMM NEEDSomeonefQWcieowr bunt. 494-Sl.53 da, f95-C5S2 CablD Cndltr, S220ll. ;',:-~~lnc.~~$450~-.::;5•~98!50~~1--;;;;:;;;:;-=:;;-;:;;-11 Open Daily 9-9 cond, $275. 67J..482l No down payment • P 7 mt s. He a I t b Sp a aft 6 6*-067'2 'ff HONDA Im; x1nt oond. COACH ,. TRAILER SaLM SUnll-6 'rn' Davenport. 3 cushions, Gould Maslc'C....,pany Membership 1 Yr. LefL FOUR small breed puppiel l-";.;...;=------$3'150rbeatoUer RE~S · SPANISH Reblmed from natural lihen color. Perfect 204.5 N. Main, Santa Ana ~ for aa&e. $5 u~. 1 8= ~a .: · 5&-091T It's ~ toO to mUe Model Hames on sale at cond. $'15. ~Anaheim St. So. or ~ MT.oGSI DESK, g draM!' n:i. Dec-* 548-9'09 * __, ti-. 6 .anrc. Loall '66 DUCAm, 160 cc, meet ~tloris for ~ &L lea tba.n wldelalet Group C.M. 548-3736. Open Mon • Fri ews 'til I trolux sweeper. $10. Good 2 MALE Shell~ PllPI (Toy ton. TM DAJLT P!LOT ~. $275. or Incle. .... ~-~ OR -r locludes beautiful 96 '' 8 PC bedroom set, twin sl:.e Sund~12to5 boy1 clothes lf. 231 Roae c0lllel 9 weeks old, AKC eowlll DAliLYPILOTWANTADSI ".:..r..n~Hs.at"~ quilted IOfa • love &eat. \\.TOUlht iron, .m mar lops THE BEST DEALS Lane, C.M. Regltter. $75 ea. 962-.Ql3 -1 -==========~======== i'=========:,.!.-'=:==:::;:=.:=:::,:.j I 3 -°"'ta~~ $150. 515-J711 o.1 · .. ·-· 0r,... ROYAL -· _ ..... PUREBllED ~ Sponlol lir'"';""""";:::~-===-==l~mt:p;·;-::;-:=::=-~~,~~~:.~~-~-:i'~"'~""'i:·1iod~Aiw~i.iiiii~ tables, swag or _..._ A Alw A 185. 10 key ~ machine, puppies, Jeady W.: Euh!!r. ~.,f;:'·..::;..•-:,~ .,..~---hol_d_G_•_•_ds_l020 __ 1 re IJS f m,eothxtntcond.-2882 $35each.616-1610 arn~arJ compll!lle ind box springs, L&\ YING Are a ! All WA.RD'S BALDWIN BIUDIO e FIRE I: Burglar Alam COCKER Sparue(, 1 Wb $35. mattre-. llnenl I: boudoir HooRdlold r U'l''n-1 • b I n' •. 1801 N~ C.M. MW484 8ytttm1 ~ .. Jaw,.. Gmnan Sbepberd • Wb • • & Jamps. Spanish oak 6 pc Frosttn!e ftfrig, de a k , HAMMOND ~ v '99. Call &0-U!IU $3'.l. Botb fe:aWe. &fT-8525 ' dlnin& ltl pr1ced ellewH!:rt Cf.Jttn-Siie bed, etc. 6"-067.2 maha • .; I: med ~ DR.APEi 3t' creen IOld ~ AKC Rec. Pood1et. Tor'• • at &PPl'GL $1l95.00 ALL o1 an maJcH. 'Best bQt In wn.ft, mm 1 · mo. o.t Minl's. S50 up. Toy Stud1k , ILMOllE MOTOllS >1)R ONLY $399. $21 down. Gar ... Sale , 8022 So. c.nt r1&bt -S3i50 Soll ..... Ol<-18tll 541-3851 c< 541-~"! ~~eekoK. ~I~ GARAGE SALE SO:IMIDT MUSJc'oo.. .~CAN Goat tldn table SKYE Tt!l'rien, AKC ehar11P 11311 llACH aYD. WBnllldla fM.JU2 __ .. ;(;'" qulck aale m Bo)'S A a:irls clothe~ 1oys, 1907 N. Main. illd 4 chatn.: Em.bolled col-sired. Ritt. calm, flufft, \ ----1'ln'lit\IJ'e i 1 1 2 etc. 'Sat 315 So. llOWer, Banta Alla or. $6. m Slit' • -st.sw quai. pet,. sn.-25tT = eniw Bl• 4 • , : S.A. Ptione ·54UT11 WANTED: Plulaa a CJrpm. a LARGE PALM TREES · • W.t.Tm .,.,. GanleD Grow Dolly lo.t. GARAGE Sale, • 1rlou1 Caob plld '15 ilsctl. Y<XI di(. 'TIS OPENING SOON S.:t J.M. Slln lJ.5 01rnt hou9ebold Items. mbc. * a.a * \ '511-an I in er call (114) 530-S2tO 164 W. 20th..Ca!ita Mesa Gu1bwn CoftlOle Piano REJ'~lGERATOR. $50 ....., ( IUO 20 Pc. Maple ' ""I•-1100 4Nl!4 l,. "f: ........ :;::,.;\,o"°eiwt~ Q VAR TE R llORSESo • 3 IOOM GROUP COMBINATION ......,,...,.. PIANO TUNlNG. -L4WN -• -· -~ :...:. ""~ • -uvq ..... .. . ... Good coodltlan, $50 .. -. __ ... , $211,,lllld s -"" "" llJO. ... ~ • -· -. -. -""' ..... Kl-Albert --$ISO. s.n44 .... , .... ..,.. olOd: -.et ~ qullted mattress • !Mo ·WJllRLPOOJ., Auto. ~ MUST S@Jl bMuttflll 1Walnut !URDOARD I' ,. .. Plutlc t17-TJ50 »lo dJntna ,__All .... • • tare modcl. JQnt <Oncl. ,.0, a-Pluo. Xlnt aond. Fantuttc. X11>t OOIXI. 111. ='======= $449 Guaranteed. 111~ 61M290 5.W-31126 Ll>ootock ll40 No doWl'l • Pmta. on!Y $11 mo, MOVING bu'pln, excellent c.:;_.I ._ Gooch UDO EASTER SUU Sofa, 14 or AllCU';...._Sl_eer_-'"-'-' um••s w•MllllllfE ...... 14 0. 8"fripntor, '"'=.!..~ 16 albn. Coat sn. --forbutcllrtiitC llUI\ All"llVW """"''"ll $30. 61l-4625 SUl\FBOARD Hobie, 9', $30. 13. U.. .... m-au • 631.-• OX W. 4tb 5t.. San\& Ana H 0 T P 0 l·N T Refrigao""' For 111/125 pouodon. Heopltal Md. sa:- ()pell Dolly 9 • • """ condition. $35. * 64<-2932 • Bed .... 12 eadt. 54Ml61 Sat. t ~ t &In. U • 6 . e 540-M41 e ~! DIJM..a-Une DlC rr TO 'EM! " I I! YOUR. AD IN Cl.A.SSJ· nEl>T lonwoll wUI lte -"" .. Dial ........ • • ----"·-----------------~-------------!....-.-~--------------..... ----- FREE-FREE lls Yeaas V1eaflon I DAYS & 2 NICltfTS fOR TWD 1Sl00 Bealltd. Wnhnter 194-3322 OPIN 7 DAYS ____ .._ __ ____ CHICK IYEISON, INC. "ON COAST ~-" NEWPOIT llQCH Fl-t. Soloctlon Of Oullt1ndlnt UMd VW'1 07I Thi Gold Cont • Flnost Soloctlon Of C:-rw Candltlon U10t1 -'-'at_, ........ , ... tw... ""' C,.. AIM•l•t..., ll•• JIW . ht!o• 1fl•tp. C.fw .. ,... fWYWJfll low. l,FXt4t) ......... fl. ...... 4 •'"4 ., .... 1.-... 11 .. ,11 ... m.1 (SI.Ana> CHICK IVERSON, INC. VOLkswAGIN. 445 I . COAST HIGHWAY , ........... , ... NIWODtn- 67U90Q • .. .. ·' I ' ' t j • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1TaANsl'OITAnoN 'MOii' lmjurW -' HOO !!'Y•~ A-NOi ~"'"': Clnsl• ~ L.!.;..O_LK_SW'--'A_G_EN __ l_'Y_O_W,..-\11-".-A_G_EN_ , .,....,._.... __ '. .:J. -.iott ...... J loioool ' ' TRANSl'OI A • THE JAIULOUS: • : ''4 vw uoo allabll1 -' ball .-. 2 Dr, f •pd. dlr, 1.1.nt eond. •with fftr -l 'fO "n.d -0....-.Pl\llb hood deluxs a 1 lrlllJ .s. maroon int. $15 cub dtls. luxe. Set cl Nd: llltl far tab 1')'mlltl of $38.86 mo. V.W. B\IL Amt l3MCU LB GCE 686, Call Ken; 04-ILB. AM b BID. HAR R 9Tl3 or 56<'634. VOLKSWA.G~ INC. ·i;s vw, x1nt oond. witb A•too W~ '71111 ~r-'a:.~~ ~i:~·.!.;:; ;w.: t>~c·A· · s·H .... ·" MONTH END M..i odl, $UOO. 962--l<e<I ) ' : . . Campor 1969. 3,000 ml. SALE "'"' oond. """ ,,. ""'' • '65 Y.W. IUG-foio out lcnL $350D cub. ' • • ~OPEL: ro.....i ..... _,... GT'S ~ ARE HERE • • • • • ' 1000 W. Coast Higllwsy NowpsrtllNch ~*540-ml Guaranteed. ttwlt to 10! ,-.w-=~~~~~~-Uc No. PJR351 •• VW, air condidonlnc. $1295 Vuy clean. SUX1 tr open. 'H DAUUN * 518--5853 * can ..... """..._, 6R01H CllEVIOlET • Dr. Sedan. __ l21000 miles. Eco"°"" s_.,. Lie No. VOLVO PEV>36 $195 •14 DODft DART VOLVO w .. on. 6 eyl., p/1tHr., NEW Pl• I i.uto.. alt. E>tra. utra 'Now1'4onDloplsyl Yoorv-•- Wiil lly clean. Uc. No .. OPK916 ~ L' A pay top doUU& PMS lot lmpomd A-9600 lmf!rtod 1'"!"' 9600 · $1195 Ml• ,,,.:1 or not. Call~ 'JOU W.ON'T "I• :.:::c::::=M:...:O:::RRl=-S-"":.: TOYOT-""A--Amer!!=~• eyt, WR UlllO 613-1190 · IEUM • • ••"'-· !WI, bucket ...... IHPORTS • ' YOUR EYES. ':., • .:.,,::'..:., ~ '~:!'.1s:"on.r ....._ Llc, No. "Ws 1'ov01 .... votvo '!'!. ":.:..., """:..";":. 8: COME : oond."';;--Ti::H =~1~~ • -=~u~nu9.::":" r:IOONswCsn HOONowCsn tlOONswCsn IN •• '66 OPEL '65 TR 4A '" TOYOTA Crawn Waron. RAH. 1ttck, ,..._ .. _ .,......, zlnt --A t Rdstr, dlr, 4 ipttd, wft economy, plUI room. Stk. ~.._. ~---. ........, wbeels. Jet black ext. new p199 tpd. .U., ndia, bea1'o', Sea lop, blih Nbber all around. $1 495 TODAYI • blue -· All °""""' Xlnt oood: S15 cub deh °' '67 GHIA ; 1ntmor. $15 CUh delsSWG. ~6 trade. IB RIV 291. C:all Ken, Yellow wttb black interior. ' • fine pr.rt p.1;y. lB " 494-9773 or 56-06.l4 Rad.lo and many extras. • Alk for Ken 49f..9Tl3 '61 TR-3 Stk. P205 ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME FORD DEALER OFfERS FABULOUS Dl'SCOU NTS ON NEW CLEARANCE · 1969 MODELS • ~ $1695 _, _.....:.P..:::ORSCHE 1150 _, '" v.w. IUG _, VOLKSWAGEN Guaranteed. Show 1"00ln Pondle-20 to I--------condition. Uo. UJD ''19 . CINo-ose '" vw ,._ ""'· .-$ 1395 .~ ask~ r~ '63 Y.W. CAMm J!rtupot t ~1111p on~; wbll. ~. Bil uu•uuD with awning well equipped .=.;536-"92;::::::::..:°':..;::83>-:::.:";;",:,.,=-1uc. UKRC89. Thi& Week-'62 VW ""'·newly ,.ou 1500. $1595 Wood int, nu ....._ Xlnl '6' DAUUN WAGON nannlng cond. 545-9655 4. S"plefd, radio • heater, •r. vw Squattbadc Sedan, w/w, rack on top. ,CUtie. llite new $100 be.low blue Uc. No. RGFS63 ------~-·I whl1, exhaust. radio. $1Cll5 · .~~37::: ~ Q0$1195 ., _ _:. ____ -1!'1!11•'61 PORSOn:, new 1750cc Private party. ~7U99 ·engine, W "ttres Ii: crpts, 'M IUICI , . AM/Fil ndlo, atereo tape 'GZ VW &mroof, ~ mi ' 8em• c.m. hll ,_.,, ' clerk, gun roof, w h I t e • $1500. Very rood cood. • ~ ~,. IOWY 101> 8 675-1121 536-9810 eves/Wktndl HARBOUR $1195 64-PO-RSCH--E-C.~Jmma--ou!a-ie· 1 '58 vw Bug, runo llloo VOLK!!~=· INC. :-....::...::....::..::...::. __ ;;.1 in I: out! Bit int. Rima, crazy! $l)O. call PM Sales and Service ,." OLDSMOllU ti w/40, exhaust, rack, cust * 67l-l43l * 18711 Beach mvd. 842-4435 ~ry s ..... ,.. fli.11 pewit,• pe.1nt, disc brkl. A ~s! '63 VW Convert. Mech xJnt, lf•cfory •Ir. ISU' 1121 ,,.. &a-e1'!12befortfi needs body work. $6Th. '68 VW Sq, Bk. All Xl:ral. !!. · $2295 • '64 PORSCHE, Cb r om e 673--0653 or 642-3823 Top con d . Euro p e r bound-Must • stll. 646-2238 "1·--=~----·_..1 wbeeJa. l.11/FM. Forest '66 VW, sun roof, low mile1, aft 6 PM ~ '65 --u-11 • • ~New ugine. $2900 eood.S pm.~1500$1015. call alter 1..::;;..:.;;.:.:_ __ ~-- ----.,.,,...._, .ro.r '66 FAST back, blue with "-H.T. Ftc+.ry "'"• • •67 vw, .xlnt cond, klw white mtmor, murt sell this ~.,:,';;~,• ........ ,, ___ s_·u_IARU mu .. ll.500. Call s.u-<313 ~-oond. noos. . $1·595 • BRAND N•; '69 SUbuu. DA!Lt pn,ar l>DIE-A.-·vw""""•-"-··-'~64-, ---oondi-"·11on.,...-"t·--=~----· , --·~ town _ take over Lnn'S You Cllll ue them uu.g " ~ • ...,. &.-..... --1• a A ... Dial Inttrior clean. Eng. xl.nt ~ 'H IUICI • .,.,,,,, ... 160 ml pll 5'5--066 ~i ~ -· M"'I ... $950 . ..,_.,,. II-.,.,,..""-·• TOYOTA i..:======:.!.;===:=:===:~==:-•. ......., ''" • 9600 lmpot'led A-~ If $1195 •·'-,-69 TOYOTA I '" IUICI • W!Wut 4 '"'· ••chl'Jm ..... ...... ,._ ........... UH. CSYX 0161 $2595 : fl(lct $1770 Lsrp Sslection lmmodlste O.llvel'y SEE US TOOAYI I ', 'It TEMPEST • ct; I •...!. 'c.ltom c,.. ,,.H, o1.t. .. • IJ81la l'.S .. f•dory 1ir ceHltl.n·a 1.,. ISTDl711 • lfORTS , $1595 • ToYoT .... VOLYO '" CAPllCI • TOYOTA ~ P•wet 1t111in9, f1et.• ~·· '$2295 "": Ei'iOiE '67 llYlllA • !SDI ~...a:.-... ''" , ..... ,........ BILL MAXEY o1lr, ITQV IHI • ~49~: !T!OIYl§!T!AI WE ARE ONLY #2 SO WE TRY HARDER FOR YOU '69 Toyota From$1770 41/2°/o IANK FINANCING WITH 15% DOWN 0. .. ,, ....... CNCfft 41 Mo. Bank Financing Available on Approved Credit Cars WE NEED YOUR TRADE IN! LIAllM• AVAIU.tLI ..Ptul.tmi4 • TOY~ 646-9303 1966 HARBOR, C.M. 'O CHMOl.IT ,. 11111 BEACH BLVD. ;&:~"'rip.~ Plwnbinl tit• Hvnt. hKh 847.asss s'ff"is :·~w~N~.~-Qwiiiiiiim.Hwyiiiii.Mi ..... ilil ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiii II •• • • •. • •• •. • II • II II. II •••••• • NEW 1969 FORDS ::::-:;.;:. NEW 1969 MUSTANGS ·--WWowStkhr 4 Dr. Cullom 500. Cnri10, pow.r 1t11ri11t, 1lr c11W1,. 1xt. 1nouldittt• 11111 1nor1. 9JIJF I JI tit -... . LTD. Calintry Squir• 4 Dr. Wo11011. 429-VI, Crui1e, pwr. 1t11r. willClow1 1114 t1il 91t1. Air co"'. 1114 more. 9J76N 129101. G1l1xi1 500 2 0,. HT, ltO·VI, Crui11, power 1t1er, 1ir co11d, r1dio, end 111•re. t J51YIG6100 61l111i1 500 2 door h1nHop, 42t.V.I, Cruho, pwr, tfeer., di1c. ind wlndow1, 1ir coM., 111tl more • tJ7442 I I 726. Cuato111 500 R111ch w19on. 419.v.1, Cn.1110, ,-• 1teeri11i 111d di1c.11 1ir colld., r1dio 1llCI mere. t J74N I 06502. LTD 2 Jr., liercltop, 429.VI, Crui10, powo1r 1fe1r, 111d di1c1, 1ir conL. r1dio elMI More. 9J62NI06479. $665 $1029 $725 $922 $83" $837' IOI MORE FORDS AT CLEARANCE DISCOUNT51 llfW fM9 fAIRlAllES 100 2 Dr .. H1rdtop. Jll·VI, Crui .. , pwr, 1tHr. 111.J dl1&1, r1dio, o1ir coM., tll11, trim 1IMI more, 9KJJH- 1!9679. 2 Or. Spt. Roof. 421·Cobr1, 4·tpd. 1tk .. 'pwr. 1t .. r. l di1c1, 1ir cond., r1dio, witle 0.,111 I more. 9K. 46l140421. Tori110 4 Dr., V.I , Cn.iito, power 1feetirtt, 1ir con.J., 1cc111t 1trip11, dl11. t rill 1.d mire. 9K41f/6JOJI, 500 4 Door Stetio11 w19011. V-1, Crui10; power 1t11ri119 111d t11l91to1, 1ir coH,. rl4i1 111tl "''''· 9Kl7f16l035. Torino ST 2 door Sporh roof. v.1, Cruite, h,,...., 1u1pen1io11, hd. 1c1op, 1ir concf~ pwr. 1te1rint 1!1d more. 9K42F16)0]9. 2 door Sport roof 421 Cobr1, Crui10, COt11ptt. 1u1· p1n1io11, power 1ft1ri119 I di.c1, 1ir colMI inti 111or1. 9K46Rl630J6. ----$548 $624 $526 $5f4 $518 .$624 33 MORE FAIRLANES CLEARANCE DISCOUNTSI NEW 1968 Siii.BYS ST 500 KR Co11¥1rt Cobr1 V~ Crui11, 1ir co11d,, pwr. 1te1r. ind dl1c1, 1hld1r. h1r11111, r1dio 111d more. ITDlJl.210256. GT 100 KR Co11wtrf Cob.r1 VI, power 1!11rint end di1ct, r1dio, tilt-pop 1!11ri119, 1hould1r h1r11111 11141 more. ITOJ Rl 15920 • ST 500 Con.,1rt. Cobre VI, pow.Ir 1t11ri119 I di1c1, Cruito, r1dio, 1hould1r h1r11111, tilt·pap 1le1r. end more. ITOl51494)1, All llMAININ• NIW 1961 ENCiUSH FORDS OVftACTUAl FACTORY INYOICI C.a.,1rtiltl1. lSl-VI, ,.wer t.p, Cn1iso,' ll.rdt1P. pow•r 1fffri119, 1lr com!. 111i mote. 9ROJHI 120J5, Herdtop, VI, Crui10, vinyl ro1f, con•ole, pew1r •fe1ria9 incl disc lior1k1s, r1dio1, 1lr •ond. 111i more, 9RDIF120f15. H1rtlt1p, VI, Cn1iso, )owH 1fterin9, 1ir con4., r.dio, tporh •PP• 9r1vp, h19' M:Oop ind 111011. tROIFIJ2964. . Herdtop, VI, Ctvite, powH 1te1fi n1 •M l:.r1ktt, r1tll1, .,Jityl roof, sports •PP• t'•up o1ni more. 9ROIFl20914. H1rdttp, JSl.VI, Ctui10, con11l1, wido1 w/w, power tfffrilM) 111d ditc brtkn., r1dio, 1lr cond. o1rtd more. 7l0tMIJf425. Sport roof, 211-VI, two.ten• p•i11t, console, eir cotd., Cn1l10, power tl1Mi119 o1"4 br•kes i nd mote. 9R02M l:l4004. $589 $554 $514 $463 n MORE MUSTANGS CLEARANCE DISCOUNTSI NEW 1969 T·BIRDS 4 Jotr le..tltu 42t.VI, full ..-wer, AM /FM ro1i io1, o1ir cond., Crvi1 .. vinyl r•of I m1ro1. 9J l7H1406t2. 2 Dr ti1rdtop 429.VI, full powo1r, Crvi1e, o1ir cond., AM/fM r1dio, tilt tleer 1"4 more. 9J llNlll510. 4 Dr, la11d1u 42t·VI, full ,ower, AM /FM r1d io, air cond .. Crui11, .,;nyl roof, tilt •lei";.' and 111or1. tJl7NIJ496t. 2 Dr. l•nd11 4Jt.VI, fulf powar, Crui10, eir co11d., AM /FM r1dio, "'il!YI roof eni more. 9Jl4Nlltl54. 2 Dr, Herdtop, 42t.VI, Crui10, full pwr., 1ir cond., redio/tlu•l 1pkri., tint 91111 1ni more. 9JllN 109071 2 !K, H1rdtop, 429.VI, Crvito, full pwr., eir concl., r1dio/du1I •Plin:,. ti11t tl•tt o1nd fJIOtl, tJl4N· 151t19. --WINw StiU.r $1176 $1107 $1186 $1153 $1032 13 MORE T-BIRDS' CLEARA!;!CE OISCOUNTEDI NnY 1969 TRUCKS FJll Che1i1 C1b ltO, VI, Crui10, p1w1rcli1c1, red., 1200 ra1r 1pri1191. la1ic camp•r 1po1c., c111tom c1b 111d more. Fl5HRElt424 . F210 Ill Sfvle P.U. 360, VI, cu1to111 c1b, Crui11, 55 1111p1 elt., 2450' rear 1pri1191, b11ic c1mp1r sptc. F25HR.015010. F-100 · Ill P.U. J 90 VI, R1n9tr. Crui10., power l:.rk1, r1di1, liucket s11h •-" mOfe. FIOHR.091755. 70 MORE TRUCKS CLEARANCE DISCOUNTSI ' TAX REFUND DUE? '67 TOYOTA CORONA ' I . • '66 PONTIAC ... • · St1rcl.l1f 4 ilo1et. Fee. elr •• •.t•-tic, power mwi11t1. EXAMPLES MUSTANG SALE WHY WAIT? BUY NOW-AY LATER EASY FINANCING AVAILABLE D•lne 4 Dr. F1ctory 1quipp1d. ISUYl251 llve look price $1415. 20% clow11 •r trede. • 1vr, 1.c11 • 1· .. __;$:....1:....:7 ..... 9....,5_: 'HOLDS • c.~ .... eu+.. p.l. (WfH.a lllJ • $195 • ·······= JAGUAR • • llADOUARTIRS • I C-plele Ssl .. • Sorv-• c.e end Parh o.;.srt· ent f0< JA&UA S. I S..1'11t bdti111t • ttM J•p•r Tetilrr • ·······= • 234 L 17111 ST. • • 141·7761, OPINa • • 7 DAYS • AJll • 1'4'1111111 • .. !/J~oUl(K ' I , ' '"'I' COST/. l.l lSA I, • START . MAKING MONfY NOW! • CALL . 642~5678 ASK FOR YOUR '• DAILY PILOT AD-VISOR .... AND YOU MAY CHARGE IT! 11 to choo11 from. ''6" I "I'' cyll11d1r1, 4 1p...lt, 1utom1tic, Some with pow•r tf1tri119 and air conditio11i119. 1'65 thru 1961 mod1l1, co11.,1rtible1, coupe1 and 2 + 2 f11 tbo1c•1. '65 MUSTANG HARDTOP Fully oquipped. IW'XS 3911 20 % 4ow11 or tr1J1, $895 fULL $31 Pll JS Pl I Cl MONTHS '67 MUSTANG HARDTOP VI, euto .. llH, P.S., fect1ry o1ir ceM. IUJl- 1571 llue look ptlco1 S241S. 201. tl1w11 er tro1tl1, $1695 ::.~. $47-M~ '6B 'MUSTANG VI, 1uto1111tic, pow1r 1te1rl119, w1n 1nty. Low 11111,., IXSWOOJ l . 20 1. tlo-or trM11 • $2195 ::.~ $59 M::,:; THUNDERBIRD SALE 11 to choo1• from. 2 Jeer o111d 4 tloor mo41li.. Mo1rtltop1 allll l a11tl1vt. All with 1ir conditioni119 A full powtr. Somo1 with 1t1r10 t1p11. '6] thr111 '67 fl!ocleh . '65 TMUNDERllRD Hanl+.p. l1tli1.' he1ter, •.t•., ,,S., P.I., ,._r wi!Hlo1wi., ,.wt r 11at, •ir c•lld., INHU 117) • llue look pric• SIJ lq. 20 1. .few" or h ide • $1595 FULL $56 PH lD PllCI MONTHS '62 CHEVROLET PICKUP $29 ..... MONTHS $1195 fULL $43 Pll JS PllCI MONTHS '63 PONTIAC HARDTOP C1tali111,' fu ll power, aute111alic, RIH, f6EM. OIJI. l lue Jooli price S770. 20% dow11 er tr1d1 $395 fULL $21 PH 24 PllCI MONTHS '6B FORD 4 DOOR YB Cu1lem. J90 e"'f111, auto1111tic, bleck with whlfe .. ,. llJllZll49 11) 11,, l eoli p1ice S2 111. 20" ti.-., tr.ti •• $1395 ::l~I $39 M:~; '67 FORD YB 4 tl11t, 0111tom1tlc, RIH, fully •11wipped, !Ellf. He. 7J5111J7) l lue loek ptlco1 $1190, 20~ <II•-., +rMe. $1195 ::.'t. $36 .. " MONTMS I e.111, .. t p.111. Mo111.Frl e Sit I •·~ to 6 p.111. s, .. 10 t .1111, • .,. , ... PART$ & SERVICE HOURS PARTS ONLY 7 •·•· .. t ,,.., M .. e 1 .,,.-. t. 6 P·"'· y,, .. "i ......... ' ''"'· 51! . ' -----------------------------------------~-- • -", .. '-·"•"'°"°'"''"" •v•-•• "•••• -, --.-Z.1969 •• --,CADILLAC f~r NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE- " ' ' • 'IECl:-'FROJVl-n-f E CRJIFISMDI ON DISPLAY AND READY ' FOR DELIVERY TODAY! ------OVER 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM------ 1968 EL DORADO Beautiful fll'mllat rosewood brown with bl'own P1dded top and llld41• Je&tbtt'lnkrlor. fo911er steering, power dilc brUa. ,fa'*tr windows, power ..at, Voiue tYt'IL stereo AM-FM rad- io. rear window defo1Pr, power d90r locks plw: much. miJCh more. Muat Me. CXSR 304) SALE PRICED 1963 THUNDERBIRD Lovely coral exterior with white I · and matching coral vinyl interior. equipped with power sleerin& power windows, power se~~ automatic transmission ,pl&ll ltlres. A very well kefl •• -· . SALE ,,,~.NICI J967 .CADILLAC Tiiis tov<ly = DoYlllo hu all pGllllllt ~:.=-~.·~ Iliac'• famolll factorJ' a condlUonJn1. 1'h1I beautiful automobli. bu bNn Vft"J cartfully driven and· ahows onlY Utt ftnMt ot cue by , tta previous owtlel'. ("'9) SALE $3777 PllCI 1964 CADILLAC 1965 CADILLAC Fleetwood Eldorado ilrrita. Lovfb' Allee broru.e exterior wlUl lllack root .nd black Jeether lntertor. Hu~ conedvablt power accesgory that cadillac makes pl\11 ,tac:Cqry air condillohlng. Thll loml 'OM ~ auto- mobile hU j!J$t 38,000 m1ill an4 II abloluteb' gorgeous. (358) .. , SALi .. RIC.D 1t66 CADILLAC . ~~~.:~ s)r~~~'"~ --· (RGmt'I). . . WI $2999 Pll;I 1966 THUNDlllllD '1'111 -I -MN!ep la~~ with Poftr 1teatn1, IWJWW I POMf' wlhdowa, power .,at and 10rd°I OUI fl.c• tor)' air oon41tlohfn&. A bl&utttuJ 11.tlft 1llver 1xtertor "With blaek vinyl interior. 1.tuat be .een and drlvtn to fUlb' appteciat.e! cRTU .. 339) SALi $1999 PllCI • TREMENDOUS -. SAVINGS •• l -.URING OUR - 2nd' , ANNUAL ' . SPRING 1968 .COUPE DE VILLE $4999 Btt.utiful ChHtnut brown exterior with sandlewood vtn.1•' top and matchlne sandlewood leather interior. l&s ill the liOWU lncludlng power ateertna:, power brakes. pmNl' windows, powl!r aellta, f&ctory air CODdltloninc. AM·nl ~o, . power door loeka, etc. You mUlt IN thil oqe. (VRXl46) 1961 CADILLAC 4 Door Hardtop. J1nllhe4 ln 1ttudn1 tur(luolse with m&tchlnl cloth and l•thir interior. Automatic tnnlmllalon 1'141.o and heater, power 1tffrln1, powft brake• power windows, poftt eut. factory alt condltlonlng. Only ~.000 mllea. MUil 1tt. (SVG267) SALi $777 Pll;i 1965 CADILLAC The popular sedan DeVIUe model finished in lovely burgundy With black vinyl top and black leather mterlor. Has poY:er steering, pov•a brakes, power windows, tllt ateerlng wheel, AM-FM radio and factory air condi· tionl~. This lJ a beeutilul automobile that is ~ for a quick lale. (NQX514) SAU. $2333 PilCI 1966 PONTIAC GTO A very sporty hardtop lh&t la finllhtd In silver with b[ack all vinyl bucket tet.l In- terior. F\illy loaded il'lcludlna Bl& VS enllne, trl·power 4 speed tranan.ll&lon, power sftel'-lnt, power brakes, radio and beatar. Factory air condttlori.in&. You won't want to m1Si this O(lllt. <SA.A.494) · SALE $1999 PllCE ' 1961 CHIYSUI 300 Convertible. Shlmmtrlnl IUnbunt yellow U· terlor With black .top and black Ill vift)'l buc- ket seat lntei-lor. Th1I: oDi 1J loaded wtth15· er 1teerlna:, power btakel., power power 11eal, radio, beattr, autm\ati tfaM. mission white lkte wall ~ plU1,mucb more. Only l!S,000 miles. Mu al d r Ive th1t one. tX1V988J , SALi $3222 PllCI 1965 THUNDElllRD Shlmmerln& satin silver with ma~hlna ~ bucket seat interior. FuUy equipped. wt~· er ateerlng, power brakes, power power .!!eats. factory air condltionin& white aide wall tires. rPDP 490) SALE $1333 PllCI 1967 EL DORADO r;ni.hed In phantom J'ttft with .,..a clotll and lee.t?Mr interior. JUIIJ'· etJUIJ>Pld with pow .. t r ateertna power dttc bralcel:, power •t. power wtndowa, tilt and telescopic •teerlnl wheel, wonclertm " N4io fMtory afr mlHlttlcm-lnt plua many mon·NnJac optional !•tuN&. (VX}{ 168) SALi $4888 PllCI 1966 OLDSMOllLI 1967 OLDSMOBILE 1966_ OLD'S TOI-ON•DO Sta.fin» F1nbhod In metalllc tu,..uolte with A Wlllk vinyl bucket aeat interior. Hu auto. The CUit.om Delta 4 Door hardtop flnlthed in H nllo n:..1 ., __ _.,.. nth mtUi VinJmluJon, ~ 1teerln1, -a metalilc blue exterior With black vinyl root c od a P -..uxe . .Llll~~~ex -""' -· ~··-~--· ~~~;;~1~s1~~~1~ew1~= :n~~~:Of;~ily=~nd!~~~ ome In T ay!. Krtt~" ~ -. .. -:-afi?~~~::= ~y.~tr seat,' ~ ,:U::,U =-Must~ seat, factory air condi oriln1 plua many other and mp.. 4 ...,.,.., fll.•1-auto! now. (SRP 359) · luxury f•tUH1. Shon· meticuloul can by t. .( ) ~. • -( ).. ~ -~ _ SALi $1333 PllCI pttvi..,. :::'$2777 PRICE . . ,IALI • ltllCID './: . . . iAQ NICED -----------SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN:·_.,...··-"·-'···-·· .... ·_ ... _ .. -· __ ,,_._·· -- SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROU~H TVHDAY, APRIL I, lfH , MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM VISIT OUR COMPLETE ll~ ~ .· .. _ ,, __ ~· - VOGUE TYRE Your Factory Authorized Cacllllac bealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area SAW • SllYICI CINRI • WI ALSO STOCK ALL 011e1NAL PACTOAY llj)UIPMIHT TllU. NABER-S s39':_. INCLUtlNe MOUtmlf&.IALANCIN• I UCJll TAX • FREE PICKUP AND DWYERY 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 r~-..;.;..:.. .___t_700_ Avlo L...i!'I WE PAY Wit · fOI YOURW . CON NILL CHEVROLET LIAll ·RENT ALL l'OPULAR MAKES 'ORD AUTHORIZED LIASINO SYSTEM CADILLAC FOID '"' CADILLAC, • _.,.... 0~~ "":"';., ~ °:;'. '66 CONTINENTAL 2 -'>ti o;saro •o WCH ERO IJmoullne, auto, eltt wh>-Be&uutul crmdttton inltde 6 bard top. Luxury equipped Cood c:ond!Uon. t)r $125. Owned by little 'ole man do~s, radios, a 1 _r con-out Excellent motor & with full po"'·ei: includ.lnc uon Wharton, Huntington from Lquna. 3 apd, dll', lll ditibntd thNovt. Na co~ autDmlUc trlnl. New ttrn. l.1r oondltionltw. leather ii.. Beach ~ ortcu.i paint • iA1eJior. dlllon. Con llnlnce. · 11115. battery • -· Rodlo • torW, FM ndto with ,_ Rw1o Dim a !Dpt 110 Cull lllVERSllY SALIS • SIRVICE OlDSMOIU • UMli.t • 2121 H.arbar Blvd. O.C., Mesa 546-1200 Get Our Oompttittve Rates TlloMoro ltOllNS FORD Dir. NVL 282. 142-2591. beater. $650. IG-23«2 aftc tape dec!k:. Be au t Ir u I DODGE dela. fl)'IMtl $29.118 ~ '81 COIJP!: de Ville. Very 5,ltl -Bmn..S. ,.Dow with blad< lllllZI Call Kon, .._ ot 2llO -Blvd. NEW '11!1 Romblor. 11111 tUe low n\llel,ff, ahow room leather lnterlor. J 2 9 9 !I · DART 'fJ, 2 dr HIT. nu ·mos34. Colta Meta mmpact. PoQ. , NtWC.n - ORANGI COUNTY'S VOLUMI ENOllSH PORI> DIALER COMPLITI · SALIS 41RVICI l'ARTS CINTIR NIW · UllD ,,. ..•. ,. .ltOllNS llOID 201QJWWBlvt. °""..... -0 :IOIO Harbor 81..t. OoslaMoaa - or buy it ....... . whtcr. II· bHt tor J'Otl 1 For IhlonnaUOn Clll: -145-ml IOUTH COAST CAR LIASINO .aao w. 0out Hwr, Hewpon U....Con ,,. IUICK trtsh. Private party. ':a~tp~lt8-c20 ~· Phone 675-#18 wide oval t1rH., hYJ du!:)' 'IT FAIR.LANE DOO; xnit MO-IMO U.t Can NJ.1111 Slcriflce. rl1'""'4M vinyl t.op; like new; be5t -------llllP .. R/H, pvt; pty. Evtl. mnd. '67 OLDS, luxury lll!dan, full '59 CAO 2 doot hard top, rTuonable otter. &U-7774 CORY AIR ~xcept weekends. 00.-1132 1-0WNER pwr, f,&ct air, f way Ifft, all power, runs IOOd, $300. 'S'T i.OR. H-Top g Cyl. Aut.o. '8 I DOD 0 E Cu 1 tom 548--2174 AM/FM tterlo, Landau .... ~ ..,. · ot best otter. Call after 3-0wnu V/Good Cood. '&2 MONZA 4 Spd. Cbml SfJOt'llman Van, camper '65 O~ 5CO 2 Or. hdtp. top. $'.ilb'.I. m....-aftlr I ~ ~ ' 5 1».M. ~ '11,<m orti. ml. 675-64M whls, Sood Um; miJlt ~~pped, Incl. air. new 390 v.a, A. T.; full pwr. pm or Wlctl!dl. '4J fM! ~- 'Ill Cad Conv. $2995 '•a ciii'V Van. xlnt runnln& ofta. Call: 54G--0865 ...,_., aac. $3800. 644-047! AMIFM, llr. J 12 5 0 •. '65 OLDS, 4Q, ' l}'.ld. YtUow -n -.... ~ Like new. Lo milea. oondltlt.ln. $450. '6' CX>RVAIR. M.o n z a '80 Dodge V-8, 9 pus S48-652'1 wl blk lnL MUIC ..U · '62 KAMB ..... -~ t.c.ded! l'13-m!3 A to "· R/H 1 lua rack, S300. ~9 but otca. l ownr, 5t&-e27 dr, FOd rumltlc cced. Ort * ml6S4 * u m.RUo.;, ' owner, LINCOLN -~ -clean 16SQ. 96i-IOl2 w...,n. '"'°· ' k h, .,, alt t. owner. -or -, '59 OOUPE de Ville, new tranl, tlrn .t: bait, $380, • 844-0177 * \, -----..,-.-' CAMAltO . ·a CHEV. Btl Air, < dr, '11 0LDs -... ill!O, bkt If>, Sll-0904 P/S. P/B, ""· xllll ...,,.. FORD ... lJNCOLH Oootioenlal, -· FP, .i., .rlh. ,.. '11=-°"llAMllLER===-"c-,-,'"to-.. "'- $11115. ll&l-Zll COltvmt n """ .r. s cir ""'"· -IWlt -. SWL CooMt -· Pl&, -...: '>II au:v. ilGO. or lltlt oatr. '61 l'ORD COUNTRY -.. ....i. Finl lllOO. lll-l1SI 1ldr -· Olllr. -' Priftlo -IO-Ull 11! COltV. Conv. arr, auto, llDAN -._ 50'11'11 'M iiiO Db, 4 dr, AJC:1.,..-~~~---,l =:. ~ .,.:m••. ~.~v!.:"'~ · MUiTAN• =.._•..,.'=' ,:;-,,:: -T .. ID :: 'CHIVIW COUGAI CUit dell ot .... mull ""' •• llllilTANO •• xlftt .. T.alrd. ·-"'-·-~ ' .. Chlvell<, Iii, ' l(>d. Im-.... -· """ ,.... ,.,,. .. -' Sp! lWI' -PLYMOUTH XLlft' COND. ii• ' 'fl BUICK --S Dr. a CAMAR0. lllllO!Mllc, mec.oand.N1Wbtakt1 , -t.11 utv 411. Call • ·~~· -· ----Prv--., bdlof.Alr-.,vfnrltop: loade4.X1ntooadtt1oa .·c1utdlNIO.nw '61COUGAI -.-... a+em. .:;mi..•~ 1 · rrvlllult11ra1. iiiT .. ~-niji beaut . cond B11t ID)O.C&lltn'·'T4CllVIS Umtwtttablack-.u..tMa· 1•)'()1\DCbu-!ed It& MUST G 1 8~Aut.o.ftad\o, -...... .,. A_._N_ -ble olli•. 9'1.al ·rr CAMIJiO. T• .... co--NINT"L """'.'"'' ..,.. ..., . '65 AN ....... ..,., "'-• ~ ~-·-· -· .... ---· -n 11 " Loaded one! llr OOlllliU...llW. w ... !WI, fact air, -GT Wood lnllr -!liq• •---!WW Mold, NA No. 11 '· .... IAMlng "'° ·a l!llYLAllK, BLUE, H.T.. .,,,, ... Pmtol ..... Pvt. ...,, r•. llolla -· -wNto W/blt» Int. Xlnt tmi.lllO Allor 5·11 PM ' T·Binl 'l1 ....... -.._.: 1----"---NEW W/W, LOW ,_ Ml., • ....,, • ...,.__. 'G CONTINENTAL < dr, IUD ......, 182-1111 cond lllOll. -• PON11AC Air 1<95 PrY Pnr ·--, * llnft lfASllll:. * Ml. Alli. "l:XC!L cOND. =-JXIWU, air, DOIAC. 11100. '81 COUGAR, atr.oond, llll. ·111 FORD Torino a T OLDSMOllLI . · · * !illMlto * :: llUIV , .. v !100. m.32 CHEVROLET -""' 5 vi"l'I top; to 'Ill, 11111 pw.. l.utbadc: afo<ond., auto., • • ., PONTIAC, 1JOOC1 • ...ii = , ·· I AU. JWail -iU\lliiUO all.-· -· •a LINCOLN,-· lo mt, lllllO DI>. O.A.'C. Pr. lllJ. 4""1 -· lb·np 'D OUle ltarlln. Boo o1o, '*· llS. -Tll:•m , OOMPtiEllYJC PMD •""' •L --· 1 .. CAPIUCJ: • Dr. bdtp. .int ....i. ia. under a.a. 111 .. u: MHm m. l'IWlll a11 csi. xtn...,""' '400· -tA 1,111 pm. ..; -~--;i Cort l'ell Aule LHlllll--cnalot, olr oand A Fino eond. quJdi ~. ~ -aft I COUQAI\ 'Ill W/Mr)'th!JW. 111 !Ito. W... OIL Sq, W-1141 • -'11 PONTIAC W W. olr, ....,I GI w. °'""""""""" "'"*· .... IMM'1C I Or••· -•ii CONT, IUD pwr, fae. llr. Lo mil ... tmmae. C:Dll!ltlon. rly/1tr, t1I pwr. prom. Xtnt COii!. $100. ,.... .-. a -- Newport 8etdt MW+tO Whitt el~ts! lMmH-line CHARGE )'GUf' want ad noW. l'lrtt $850. steals it. 673-2371 O'Sullivan. 494-35.17 eve. tires, lo-mlr. ln-8563 . Whil• ElephantlT '* 548-23(11) * tones. $1100. UT-f2IO · t' • I • --------~~ -~ I .- I ' . . ,' l w.,..,, . ..,.,;-' ' ' RVI E· DEPARTMENT. • OPEN . f;IONDAY THRU' FRIDAY • 7,30 A.t.I. to ,,oo .P:M. . . .•. ( .. , . · · SALES DEPA!lTMENT . ' OPEN l 1}0JA."1._lo '" '• 9:30 P:M. EVERY l?AY • • • • ' .• • 1-i~.J. . • "1 ... • 1. I /',._· ~·' I', I , ~--·1.i. • .: .. .. '81 'R'iril~ler :.'. ., ; ·-:~~""""'"'.,..+-~ Am1rican 2 Opor. ~•d!o, h_~at·' _ er, automatic, WSW, 'f 1{000 • 1 miles. {WIB 277 J 4 ·~ ~ '66 VALIANT ? ' v.200 4 Dr. ,. pa;sen9¥ wa9on. Vt, auto. P.S., R&H, WSW, ;z.174 milH. ITBX 1161 . '66 BONNEVILLE I : /';,•, ·"·\,' ~'. ' ' ' '\ ' • "U .Pll~. 51877 _. FUi\, 'PloCI - SpOrt ~oupe. Automatic, radio fo'!";_.•~l~r, IUJC 147 \ i ·~ . . ·- . -· ., . . .- . ',' • houltlul, ~imol1fht;·1r-exterior wlfh n\l!Chfnt· ., ... -1n.,rlor;_' l'ully f<lulppod With tUi'biMtydr1mltlc ·tra~tnluJoft", pow.r • ·-···-· olliC , ... .....,, ~­rodlo;iloluxo' '"' belh,· ll•hil 1'-; Gfl , x14 white oldo woll tlroo, 400 C.l.D • ..,.1r1o, hidden·_ wlndshlold rodlo . ....,... .. '•IC. .276. , , 579P221753. . -·-· •. -" . . . .. _ ht Sto-ek Ao.d_ ~.eady for Dcliv1r,y . . ._ .... . . -. .-I . '• I~ ./ $2:·7·!··5. ~-fl~­ . ··'I Zia . -. l ) ' ... . ' j '' ··' ~ ,. ..... -' ·• ~.. .' ., .. ' .. ........ ">/! BRAND ' ·rnw · 1969 'FIREllM ' I ,. . \, :t • •1. • --,_ • ' • • • • • ' • TMIS--~UTIFUL, c.uousa. Jip AUT.....,llU IS IQUl'PiD Wl'{H $1'1CIAL' 'l'AINT, ,l-7 .. 14 HD LINI' nus:1nux1 WHDL COftU. JISUXI STUllN• WHQl.;,WllllL - 111•. MOUl.litll•s .. CUSTOM -MnAll TRIM -TIS. 1iH~r:; . . ~ \ . . . . . ~ . . . ' ' ,,-'f \ ~ I , '\ r I ( .,• ''I TOYOTA ·;l·Dodg~~Y2 Ton •Pickup. VI, automatic, radio, I •herier.: white walls, tonn•au c .. ver, '16,711 mil9s. (091901) '61 Barracuda I Fa1tb1ck. VI; aiJtom1tic, power 1teerinqi, radio, heater, whit.t' siCfe wall tires. (WAB 113 ) '•.' 'r (. ~~~ ...... ~-~~~~~~~....,,~~~....,,~~~~~~~..-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ' I --·- ' ' I ' . '