HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-05-03 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• 7 • ...-··-· • r•' • 'f ·--.. --. . -- " if ·-~,. . J: t ._\ '!6-:..·; ' ,_, ..... ~-... · ' ' ··---~ ......... ---_, --, ... -... .. • • .!..\1:'" ... ·--. -. -~· r.:t __ • ·-~'="~· __ .._. ~-. . SAT\lRDA Y, ~A1' 3, ,1969· 'Vet; & JllO. *" -, MCT!iiii17.-PMll . -' -. -.. --- ·u· -. .. • . .. -· --• obi.,. • lj. . . -.·-: . :'tr.. . : . :-:Jr@ :tl ~ ..:. -:--.... 1, _::-:=.:..t } !:~ :i I'":.;.;.~.:.. i. =· -=* .. . -~ -· --• ir .. , ... _.. .. ------~. """"'·-· ___.. .. ' ,.-....... -.•· .. , -·~ ~- --~= .. •i.>1-:_i,,.. "~ .... ,.. I ' ...:o.y.... --- " ...... T-1'" ~-.... _ -~-··-·- ' . '" ' . :. 'I * * -,, • • * =::,t--_::=; --- --' -----. ·-·--lo-. ---·-... _ ----··-... -·- * * ~­-·- .. • -------.. -' • • • -.. --. -. ., i.::; ;..--=. -. - -:--------=----a:--~-- ·= -- • * * • * -_, --·-- -, -- . -- . ---. -ti * ••• • . - .. . . * -, * * . --• _, -ti -ti * ... ·-- - * ~-"' ~·· ·: ~d ~ ~~ts,-, .13 ,, ~-.,...-.,i. ·--.~1o.. ..... M l .esa . . !" ' • • • -Ii '.; ... .. ' ':J - " It's .A ~G~ Kafgfat:·;"'.'--: ·'. ., .. ~----. . ' . -. ~ audllllca 'reacts to;1kill1· of $l8ffa· . ·Joe,Pbilljp1,·a mem'btt of MnlY '• crack Golden Knight i1te team, 'l"""C d""°"otrati!>O ~ay at Ej ,Toro Maline Air StaUon. Anny jump team llDd Navy'1;precislOIJ'.!lll!D;.the mue Angels, an amo11 • fe&lund· .•ltracllona In alr·lhow that 11 pa.rt of'<Jl!Oll hOuse at El TAf. • Qj>en house, conflnu .. !Oday, with gales <ipenlng a~ to• a.m. ·Alr·afiOw .. starts at U:30 p.JDJ · · .' ' t~ ••.. :r.i .. \ .• ' . ' .. • ; '::-1 µ -~atty (1 ' . . Newsboy Lemls Single Hu1ls to Ensenada· 111 AIMON LOCliJIEY • -c. .-..--~ 1'111 """ • ENQNADA ~ 330 ~-bid fin- bhed" the N.wport to ·°"-"' race by midnight Fl'tclay as stronc westerly winds slilived the contmden through the M~ Dope, Thef~ Raid ' . ' .. Nets 13,-prug.s-,,$80() . --· IJ ·1 -- I ' tbetrace Ollll aboul·&·doren.dlw«ilst wso nportal lo have P..., up In 11mi> doJ,tdabl'• light lfCl!l>i ud wen! Mead to San pi$ ,Severs! olberl. !lnlibed under ~ 11 EJllelllda · It was a· &loriws flnilb for tboee who held oil to the drilllng ieplryn 'l'bur>- day ·nlibt 8"!1 'picked uJl..ll!! !rah_~~. erly early Fiiaay. At one point .I<~ afternoon the race committee was · fin.. istilng yK!ita tiY the -. .. they 81Df· ed put tlle ---· of !HO 'iliot Winds. 1be-b)g parade ol finishers llilrled about U:30 p;m. when the catamaran Palty Cat n ll<lppered by John l'rillell o! Balboa Yochl Club, led the llUllU-• hull fleet acrou the finish line. 'Seven cotanilrlM finithed lhead ol the .fin! •inile hull ,yacht. Jack Baillie'i IJ.me(er N...,00fyWU the. ~-.mgle bµltyacht; Cf011ina ,the line about .2:~ p.m. She bad 9vetblu~ ed George o:B!'lm's 75-1~ catch Mic· which hid. led her during the torly, staces oHhe race; Mir war tbe:tmta yacht to Jmilh· bfb!nct ana&ber utam.. 1'111,Mal-~.~·Jocl: Sw,art of l.Jdo..W.·Yllilll:~ • 11ie frie'lliJrty<llaotil'lo llnlsh-....-.~ ~See BNBENADA, Pqo If ' I bA S~p~~g · Up, hrive :Against . . . .._... ~ Nudies:.fu. Bars • -.. . • I ' • ) I J 1 • I ·:.;.="""~""'"=~~,,:·~, ,,;...,;..x•="'--.;.,.-----------·----·r-z-==--.: • . . --=-- Connie Jo Pfister New · Miss · Huntington Beach H• -~d-iiiat ·p;uce -mlnvutilaiini-· · · · ~ bl ilp.Laanda of dollara in Connie Jo Pfister Is • queen, decked Orange Coast College coed as Miss Hunt· 8Mile;·1nc1Ulltni. stereo tap! ~t ·' in regal robes and with a decree to rule ingt9n Beach-1969. y1 ID:IC wheels and ID the pafti to I ·· her queendom of Huntington Beach for A surprised Connie received the royal Cwe\ry·engtne'that·wm found b'l ·the one year. robe from reUring queen Jeffye Black- l'!""m.""!-Jteml are bein& ·crou-chtct-. It J&ok five judges more Ulan iwo hours ar.d, amid the popping flash blubs and fl ap1n1t various burglarita here and bl to ,If arrow the list from 23 lovely conteir squeals of joy from the other 22 girls. Bemardl.no. . ' tants to the final selection Friday night In her court as Arst runnerup is Gin- s,t. "cilnon said thif Wbije the police of a 19-year-old brown-eyed, blond-haired ger Leigh Rowland. 17, and in order, ere in tht partment makill" the arrest.ii.' Cathy Soul.herlJnd, ·ti; Karen Ann CUt· , . . e Lo.. ler, 18, and Debbie Lee Sepheason, 17. ~ c:ontlnue•H•·walk ·~ llOI UCJ B • } • · · Miss &wland took in. a<l!Ulnal hon· liilaet otll1l!'Ulunafkec1 polla!-.' 10 ogISts · •' wtth·ber'HlecUoo Iii •w.J caog.rua1. kN-.tfoM. AU1·be.aak'I, were.found ity." be !DJ>Ol'eWOD·of dru(1. T U Bl "I'm so surprised,'~ said .:I; )earning 11---------...., .. • 0 Se ' .. ftSts '. J .' MISI lluollnllOQ· Bea~· \S:tll< !""'lved cong'ratulation.s from" ~ose nearby, "I • I I ' j • ·~ .. ' . OAIL Y PILOT . . . .. T F d Sh ks almost didn't come out when they called 0 ID ·. ar : · · for the Ove flllallats. I ,dliln't eyen think · • ._ .. · J "euld Uo'tlhit:well."·¢.-:, " ........... .... ::· ····""·· ..... ...................... , . c....-. ~·. CA\lfOINIA' j • • . .. ' ' ' ' OltAMI c.~t, PUtLl~f'll COlll~('NT ~Nert N. W114 ,~.,_.,.,.u..., . : .. ~ J.'c~ i_ Cwt., ' -itrulitlilll Mi CtMtiil Mtflt .. t ... ' ' . n.-c .. Ketill ;.'·'·p' , ..... ~ ...:.;:.:n...,. A. M11t,lli11• ............ 11. . .. . . - \ A ahark blut sound! like a way to The city's newest aM tirightest repre- B 11entaUve e.xpresaed hope that she might destroy sharks. ut, no, it is a _way to at-rel"" "as well as Jeffye did the past ttat't Ulem. , •1·:)· • .. . And tl\&1.' ls what UC Irvine marine ye;~day'a program wu ·6o11teted by the bl'lloglata h'I" wUI hlppen a!. dawn ~on· : mudcal tnterpreaUom ol the ·HunUJ111on <Iv; wlle~ .. lli'. U.S. Navy will ael off . Beach Hilb 5dJool Stage Bud. which for· underwater clUiirges . for them In the . felted a ibot. at first p1aoe 1n band com- Catallna Channel olf Newport Beach.-· . P,UllGiJ Iii Corolia lo periorili fdt ll>e Miss The Navy, to a cooperative effort, will HuntingtlJll Beach prot.am .. do lta 1>1UtJn1 next. lo llabin( 1tne1 put Tbt ~ wit <JI .riieee G«don out by Dr. Gllberl.w. 8-, a doaln of ~ ~ lhe _t.movlnc at a ~ otudeoll and ~~ menlberl ~ yci 'atWi, p~ --Tbt con~ lbolf OceanolosJ -ta. .... _.....by Ille women's dlvhlon ol ·• 'Ille •xplool,.. • will atl<act·· lharb, the Chamber of Commeroo, With Mrs. Baoe: bellem. • • :-Jlo1mood Monhouae clla1rtn& the -1.al Hll-. In lour bolta, wUf bqln ,. -ut-..lltee. " fllhlq for blue llh<rltl at the !!,milt ·~ ~ 19 wu !be oldest ol the ·• billk 'i'f!. N~ on Sunday.· A com-# J>ll~ .. Her <!>Uri lncluded Ihm pirioon wm tie riiadO of clltbes before ,.p!Mtal!Vea from Marlna High School and·all<!r the dawn Mandv bfaall . .;(. · •and ·~ CUiler !nm lbe·Unlvmtty of NarmaDy, in that area, aaid Bue.&": •. · Califomia at-lrviDe. , , ·; · llae fllblni with IO boolta will Ji •. • .. , • • catch ol IJ lo JO blue ahara ftol!I four .to -1111e1! 1ooc over• twc>bour per1oc1. .. llev· ~math:y· Free, -OIQlbt durln& Ille -1-t . '· . wtn be taaed and r~ ~ on1er 1o . Pl~in~tng Ne:w ~arch ih~ i ln1 ~,! .~•·. CIWILESTON, S.C. (Al').-Tiie Riv. per~ ' ea o -u -ve ~pb David Abemotey, reluoed altar a beeJi attracftd by nploalona. week ln Jail, liYI lie 'WUJ"lealf"a march • · HI "IP• whit lie called . "• "lllb Sllliday In hdlill ol strlim\t N!sto holpl· ~ .. .ct •Ill' lbarltl raapond. Tbt -to! _... .... ...r that tlMI l>oot .J>eople'1 · . ...., 1ft1111!. ~ vlbraUoos. that · Cilnptilt\ "'m«y Just move . to Charle-~ lli!t I p~ liiJ! or Injured azilmal llon." , " . , llu'uhfnc, be sugutad. A~lhY w11 releliod Ft\day niaht Ho aald 1bara !lave a fol ol a<noofy altu $500. &ond wu pot1tod by 1 Cbarle- ctlla on thtlr !lead and body. ston SIJ!ll'Cl'ltr. • • ___ r ___ 1_ __ _ _, __ .. ' -.... -· ------ -- Police Lookin . ' ., g For ' Phony Insurance Agent -.'-Poli~e ale keeping an eye .out for a bogua insurance agent who tells victims their· Insurance has expired or is in- adequate.· and then pockets money In· ·teDded·as an insurance premium. Sgt. Vic Sagan oC Laguna Belch police said tOOay that a teletype went out to Orange County police agencies after two Hicks' petition i.ndicatY that :Judge OWen!' recent advice -"Tell Your gills ·to teep their pant! on" -has ·~n ig· nored. Thal· same warning was iasued tc> operators of the Country Girl No. 2, Anaheim and the Harbor Inn, La Habra. Both taverns are said to be operating on practically a "drinks only" ba8is pen- ding the setUng of a trial and the hearing o! their arguments that it is Un· ~tituUOnal to ban · bottomless en- tertainment. · Set fc>r bearing May 13 before Jud&e OWens is lUckS' pet!Uon against ttle Vampire Room aOO a' tavern riamed by blin In a ccrqplalnt flied Thurscjay ·.-tile Apartmerit, a Santa Ana ho!telry which is not COMected with the Apartment A-Go- Go. Hicks' petitions cany vivid accounts of residents of Seal Beach Lei1ure World what he claims were .b 0 t t 0 m I ea s were swindled. performances at both the Apartment and Sagaa said tht-sus~ presented the Vampire ~· .His f!ltngs include ilimelf.as an agOlll ol a Paoddll-.based slalemenll of pdlice mvestigators,.whlcb insuii.Me f1nn in'llwo tnown"'triitaft..... t i Aacribe ~nud~' perfo~ ttJ :enc · ·-a lertatners at bOth bars. • • · -the n:titement community. He had checks suppoledly for premiums made p~yab!e ~ ~lf;Tlley ~eil .. f3!1. The 111-1 ...... described. u ... t In appear~ •• feet 1 inch to • feet a i ... ch,. tall, welihlng :ioo pounds with thin black bali'. The oUlcer ad v.ised J>USOM cMtacted to check such a solicitation with their own insurance carrier or broker and notµy the proper police agency U the facta: dor.'t tally. Elmer Doyle, 75, Ex-Judge, Dies Fonner Los Angeles County Superior Cc,>0rt Judge Elmer Doyle, 7$, of 318 Highland Ave,, Newport Beach,·died lite Friday night at Orange County Modica! Center. Judge Doyle served for 52 years with tile Los Angeles County Superior Court D1otrict and had been in retirement for ·Ille pall """ ,..... --Re wu a fwnillar lace lo m!Ulou ol teleVi.8<11 vtewtrJ in the "Dlvorte COUrt." • M:r1es 'WhJch he wa« tnstrumeftt in 1et· ·ung IWied Ind 'tn wll!ch" ll.-octufon- ally appeared as j\ldgt. Acoonflnr to Orl!'(e County coroner'• lnvmlcatort Jud go DOyle •P!'mntl)' died a. n-tural death: Re Is survived by ane dauah!tr 1 Mrs. Verna Wandrex ol HunUngtOn BUcn,·and several brot.h!ts and sisters. · ( f'roa,. f' .. e l ... _,_,__~ ... ~ _. ... SN~llJIE ••• --•"I., "\-• --... ,,_ ....... .., Eistblulf. Ala Wanlek li"llle',t)on of lil[i and Mrs. Ralph W. Willll1. 3719 OCian Blvd., Corooa de~ . ~iincoln Vice Principal B_, _ etley saiCl the rattler waa ca . ~ cof- fili.can by matbematics ~ Jack ml! and dropped illto f...-,,ie In !!JO aclenoe lab. .:::-- t will be kept on eahlbll_1o=·lnd tblldren not to pick up .... Id. ~:?he sebool. whlcb la tn an d, @issland area, has been ~ '!>!!' by gopher snak"" w~~ .. .. 0'.Re figures the two cbil~c Gu· rattlesnake and re~ . A ~:;'1,;1:' :~ :i~; thc-motber'1JD9kt'a dtn •u not f ~he aalll. He slld' Ne..porl Beach Animal Coottol ·Oflfc11" J\aJ ~!llmton told him I.ht 1oaie couht~ have come half a mile dutln.I Ille -of '11!1L Weiley lllld Ille poatbUTty of flUIUna out pollon rata for other 1nakM to eat WU beinc -dired . Ear!Jer thll watt, Dr. John R. Philp, Oranp Couli!y 'health-officer, w1""'4 th1t a lar8~r. num~r ~cf, spa~~ than usual m13 ffn4 \h!lr w1y jntq people'• y_ards due to he1vy Yflnta;, ra_tns .. Jt is wise not to pick a snake UJ> Un· Jeu you are IUR ·you ~ the diHt-r· ence between ont tha,,t ii' poisonous and one that Is humleS!, be advl.Sed. Awarded Ho.n.or DAJl,Y PILOT stall W(itef Je\111 ,Cox won ·one of aevCral .dtstln(nlshed ten>"ice awards ·pre~hted Thursdaf night ty the Orange ·~~Uno/ Heart 'A'ssoC.i~~~n. The PILOT's Laguna Beach reporter captured the assc>cJ;ltion's plaque for the "best human intef!st story coverage of heart disease." The DAILY PILOT was also named for an award in the "media recognil,jon" category. · More than 200 award! were .distribuWd at the banquet by Dr. Vincent P. Carroll tbe nelf.IY ins\alled president. ~g them V<,~re more th~ 100 medala to volunteer he¢ workers, many of whom bailed from Orange Coast communities.. Also honored at the annual banquet were Sharon Virtue, a 15-year-old Coata Mesa High ~I sop,llomore who ¥"ed aa 1Ptt hi!'ltt qae:tlrllltd liaabf Carney, 3 of' 5771 Mangrum Sl, Hunttnaton Be.ach, her princess in the heart usocia· tlon'a royal famJly. ;· : ... ... ........... -~ ..... •' ~ ..... -.. i., ..... __ ., .. " • .. f"roin 'Page l ENSEN.ADA ••• PaUy Cal.ii : ~a Smoke; Alkane'; Toru : Poly'neSiian Coilcepf ; Atikal ; Newsboy ; Malama: Mir; Barilna; Bralla: lmi Loa: White Cloud: S8lac18 : Nam Sang : Kar· am~·;. P!Venlrig ~tar: ~~ta 11; Jublla· lion; Leilani: WI· K1i; Dreamer : HU· aria ; Trollop; Conque,t ; Redhead; Ne- fertl : Pirate 11_; El Eiperance. B1i1t the -correcttd time leader came from far d~wn I.he 1iat Jn the class D ~ean racfn& dlvlllOn. • At 1 late hour Friday lhe handicap lcader1 were : Ed Sundbu111 Cal.a Sun- downer, CallforNa, Yacht Cll.abi Sid Ren· kow'• <;a1..11 Sleame. Del Rey .Yacht Club; Steve lluk)I'• Cal.JI Damolselle. CYC; Cjrl .~on'• J1o~utsni, Balli• CorlnthlAn;. jmd S~an .Mlller11 Tanque• u y, Long Beach Yacht Clu~. The rac&-was marred f»' one fat.a.lily when RoN Proctor, .Pomona. tur,eon. 1klppe1 ol the ·ylch\ Elena. 1UCCUmbed to a he1rt attack early in the r.aoe Tbun- day afteruoon. , T'l:lt rtdl . committee made no attempt lo <ampute Iha «>meted time wi...,.. In the Pacific Handicap and . .Mldlet ~ Rlcina . Fleet Frld1y n!Jhl. llf· rre:ll l wlnntrs in tM Catamaran. Ocun R1ctng, PadOc H1ndl0:1p a n d MORF difisions wUI be "named at tbt traphy prettntllt1on at· •81bta Hotel thit atterJ noon, · Alter lhal lhO long btar b,01< 'It San Diegc> and Newport Jlartidt Will atart for niost of tht flctL • .j . .1 - I " ' We_e~ena · .. voe. 62, NO. 'IOli, ~ SECTIONS, ~8 PAGES • • • _, ' • .Y•111' Wemetewm • . • . ' . • , . ·ildrell • ---€dM-SchOo~Stridimts Serious, -improving -·-. ~-·-by ••N"l r>e Ibo -to·tbe .m.i'ef t:1r. 6-llld·tbo __ ..,...In i·""1f.· Cooln>I Oflleer Ray Jollmoo told 111m at -ID C:.0-'dll'lllr Pll!lq'il· Parljr· at _.,,-Jlewpllt Coaler ltJlr fee cu.by ,.....,,11<1.....,_ Jack tlie omab could have.,... ball a mllo ,......, ,.... rePorted In 1S1oiio -.._ .... .,.-.Al Booe i1a!J11o !Uri amt.....,.._.............,. in -the coolness ti olgbl.' di=~' llolpllll llllt . tal' tbelr n._ 'lift lloood.. Addition-• lhe ldmce llli. Weiley said t1ie poalbllity of piU1nc Im Ibis monlog. al ..U.vomn ...,.,. -nllhed from It will be lppt ee alllblt ti> mind " cul P<!iJon rat.. for other anaba to eat . ' 1J, Ind Alu Woolek. onqe'Coonty Medbl <llnler. children not .lo pick ap ...... be oa.111. WU bOlng conslde{ed. . IJ, evtdeoll1 mi-tlie baby. anake In HOIPltal apoWmn oald Ibo cblldrm The ldlool.· -fll Ill u llollled, !;artier thlJ week, Dr. John 11. Philp. a -II tbe _...., ti their achool will rtmalll -c1---fOC" srllllaod -. blo beio ._ ID 1he Ol'loge Cowity health officer, warned balldl~ lot .._ male and tried to at 1-t :II boun. put by• ...,._. ..-, Wiiier aid. lhat a larger oumber of aoabs lbaD pick it up. ' Karetl llandaU II tbe daughter ti Mr. He flllires tbe two cblldrm aaw the lliaal may fmc! their way lolo people'.1 Llnooln lnlerinedWa School ofllclals aod Mn. R. H. Randal~ llJ Bllon SI., •mall rattlesnake and rucbed ddlm yanll due lo h<avy winter rains. · laid tbe ·children _.. btltm about I'~ Eutbluff. Alu Wanielc IJ llie -of lblllklnc "Ob bow nice. il ......... mb." It IS w11e oo1 to pick a -up ,.,. P·'!'-·u they P-i from eee c1us Mr. aod Mn. llalpll W. Waaiet. ml A MOl'Ch was mado ,tt:tlii -. but lea you are sure you '-lh8 dlffOI' to tbe nest. · ace.. Blvd., CGrnoa del Illar. the lllOlhe< snal<e'a delf-llOl'f«md, be ence between ooe that ii pol!OllOUS and llcllooli"nuno Mn.. Doris Rader ·look ~ Vlc:o Prlnclpal llalpb Wvl<y aaJd. He aid Newport -ADlmal one that IJ barml..,, be advised. • Ill First Mesa Raid Nets 13, -'~Dope· -Cash . ' • Patty C.~t II NeifJsboy · L~ Single-Hulls _to E~nnA!! ~ BJ Al.MON LOCIWFEY .Of .. ~ ......... ENSENADA -DP ;yachta bad fin. ilhed tbe Newport to -., raoe abool 12::111 p.m. when lhe catamaran Patty Cat II sklppmd by John Pruaell ti Balboa Yacht Club, led the multl· bull fleel ..,,... the llnlsb Hoe. Seven catamarans fiollhed ahead of lhe first single bull yal'bt. -. r -ran Malama. skippered by Jack Sftrt or Udo Ille Yatc:h Club. 'lbe first thirty boalJ to -"""': It's A·Golden KJigf,t Earthbowld audience reacts to skill• ·of Staff Sgt. Joe Philllps, a . member of Anny's crack Golden Knight parachute team; .durtng demonstratioo Friday at EL Toro Marine. Corps-Air 5tattoo. Anny jwnp·ieam-and Navy's precision fiietst the' Blue An gels, are among featured i ttractions in ai r show that is part of o~n house at.El Toro. Open house continues today, with gates opening 'at 10 a.m. Air show starts at 12:30 p.m. U.S. Forces Strike Hard In 4-Hour Saigon Battle SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. tanks, planes and artillery killed 28 communists in a four-hour battle northwest of Saigon, U.S. military S]IC)kesmmsaid.Joday. Two helicopters collided far to the north, tillin~ 12 U.S. Marines. Military spokesmen disclosed lhat India President Dies of Sb·~ke · NEW DELHI (AP) -Zaklr Husain. an educator who became the first Mos-- lem president of Iadta, died today of a ·heart attack. He was 72. 1be announcement of Huslan~s death also said Vice President V.V. Glri, 74, a former trade unlon leader, would succeed Husian in the largely ceremonial role. Prime Minister Indira Gbandi wu on e tour of famine striken areas in near· by Rajasthan !tale and left for New Del· hi on hearing the news. An ofQcial announcement from the president's house said: ';11>9 presidM~ collapatd and passed a~·ay at 11 :20 a.m. ro!Jowlng a severe heart. attack. Im· mediately measures for resuscitation were taken by doctdrs and conlinued un• tU 11 :55 a.m., which however failed to revivt him." Hua.Ian was Jndia's third · president glnce it became a repubUc: tn J950, He succetded '19 • )'tar • old Dr. Sarvepalll R~n. Who did not Rtk re- elect.lob afttr ooe five-vear term. • ,l Communist gunfire sbot-dawa twe>-Navy helicoptent near cambodla and both crashed on the Cambodian aide., killing four Americans. The incident occured last ·Monday M miles west of SaJgon but wu •not an- nounced until Friday by the Staie De· partmenl and today in SaJgon. It was the first time the U.S. ~ mand had reported loss of any helicop· ters in Cambodia, which borders South Vietnam on the north and west. Cambo- dian fro ntiers serve as a base for Com· munist troops. Two Americans were killed aDd one wounded wbeo their Amty• !Jahl oboer- vallon he)icopWr wa! shot down m mlla northeast " SalgOn. U.S. s~ aald lhe M111 "alplft- cant" ~the defDIUtirdied.~ (DMZ) lince the NOY.I I ••. bOmblnl halt occurred Friday five m!lOo, nor1li of Glo IJnh OD the sOaih ·~ ti the Ben Hal •Rim-wbl<h cllvldos tlle atz. mile-wtde DMZ. Arn1ed Robber Gets . ' $200 Froin Market . " • An anned, robber relieved a Buena Park food fmartet till d apProximatelJ l200 in ...., early tllJ& morninl· A«onting to ~ Park Police. the bandit held up the 1brlftymart at Lincoln and Knott avenue1 .a.t 12:51 a.m.; and llCOOlied up. -<l·tet end ·-, dollar -·-~ ... tbe ni&ht. By .JANICE 17,ERMAN by mldni&ht Friday· as atronc wuterly °' .. ....., ,. .,.,. winds shoved tbe contenders through the A· tl\ree-mODth investigation w a 1 1lot between San Miguel Point and Todaa cllm.ued Friday when COllta Mesa detec· Soxtos 1'land. -~ Ualell there ,,.... more -ta lhe tivet and state uan:outl acenll an;eated race oxnm_btee ~,.at leut 150 IS porlGns and claimed they -IMm-more to f1n11b by dayUFt today, -ti IJl1dt pllll; marijuana; guaa and Tbtre wve 512 oflldal -In $l7IO In caah. lhe race and about a cloua -111 Tbe raid cm lhe apartment at' 1311 .,,.. nponed lo-clYm up 111 'l\un. Jack Balllle.'1 J.J..meter Newaboy was the fi~ lin&Je llUll yacb~ crou""' the Hoe about .z,4<1 p.m. QM! bad OYeihaul• ed a-p O'Brlan'a 75-fool catch Mir wl>lcb bed led Mr dllrlog the ear]J' alal" <I' the race. Mir was Ibo 1mlh yll;hl to llnlsb beblad ~r ....,_ Cmter SL -tbe 1arJa1 llnlJe rilillimp day iytll'a. ~ P!>I .... -abead " -~ .. ·city _,.. to s.a llle&o. -.. otben -n ~cE REP. ORTS P.U..· a11ep qaantU1m ·of ""1*led uader power at Elll<Dada .n.n · blqlar)' lm>4 ---~. It wu a rl«kw finlab for. -,wtJo Police au a.d ·lbe'll ·~ '11!11 held alt to..u,.. ~lf!i!.• Direct-~ ~ DAILY PJLM' ~:i.·.z=:-P•• ~-~?· , ~"W:"lt~. .~ • Iii . ...-.• . --·-nee -a.. .mW-* .:"xiiCil ~drop, ~.•vUlimlt virtolll iob.-.by tbe .-• t1111 awl· 0"'1 no u __ ar. iiuf...__,.. 11;.-'. ' . .._,.._.:.~.... "' ... ~ .. ··-'"'' -ftori,oat __ ........ 11 N ad!IDl wfll be • ._ •-cl boi1iDdL . 1 L& Saadj,y. · . dq,mot'llllli.-. to tbe poU<e. . Tbe "' pond& el ~ itarled Sea Benwdiao Grand Jury !no dlclmenta ..... obtained prior to tbe .... reot <I tbe-lidulta and lour Juv...U... with live l!UlpecU flom the Harl>o< Area, 'Ibo ·Juymilel were ·all 'from the San Bernardino ma: Two will be releaaed In Nixon Plans Crackdown the cmtoily of tbeJr pon!llta, ml two have be<n boobd at Juvenile Hall. The Harb<r Area nopeclr an Monon F. P-tt, It; E:dward A Boyd, 19; and Dennia Envall, II, all ti tbe CON llaa -Alao m..ted ,,_ Darlene P. Bleak, 19, of· -.,1 Circle Dr;l\le, Bly.lbores. NOl!'J>Ol'I Beach; end•J<illn ·Jl. S&vin, 21, ti 117'12 E. Dodi• Ave. Santa Ana. ~ from . San._llcndl!O Jn. clud<d'l:ee•Jamea And<non, 11; Michael W. H. Sutton, 22; and Jellllifer L. Tye, II. Also arrested was Steven M. Bleak, 22, of Ontario. Costa Mesa Police Set. John Calnon; of the vice and lnteUJgence detail, aaJd the evidence .eiz.ed in the raid included 471 c:apsulea of Seconal, ane dozen Hda of marijuana plus a sugar bowl caotainiog four more OUDCe1 f<r atotaJ of 28 oance1, about m little flowtl poll of --"arus," two abotpol and a rifle. aboot 40 capsules ti variow! drup and flllD cash. He aald that police are lnTtlllptlng the ownenblp ti ·lhoiu!W of .dollln In men:baodlae, lnclndlnc -tapo -TVI, mq ..-, and all lhe porll to a 221 a..vy en(lno Jhat were f....i ID uio apartmon~ It.nil .,. beJog ............. ed agallllt variow! burglarlea here and In Sea. Bemardtoo. Sgt. Cahm aaJd that while the poljcf were In the partment nlaklng the arrests, new suspects continued to wallc In. not taking nouce. ol the unmll'ttd police w• parked out rfont. AD, be qJd, wen found lo be In poosessim ol drup. 'On Obscenity in Mails WASlllNGTON (IJJ'll -For tbe·- ood -In a row, Praldenl Nbon hu announoed detail> of • DiaJor 11t&clt 00 crtme. Hil target Ibis time: Smut In the . mails. In bll -ae to. be dellvu.d.Jo-Oll> ...... MonU;y, Nlml propoeed: -Prohibiting the aeodlnt of oflenaivo IU malMala to any penoa under II. -Prohibltin1 lhe aeodlnt of adft1tl&. log "deslpod to ._.i to • pnuleol interest ln HI." Giant Yosemite Redwood Falls ""11D 11 liko ""'"" ... ol your -die ••• " u -• ouloo· lo tbe anolenl MnliDeJ ol Yooemlle Natlonal Park tho w- ...,_ Troe, -"'" falleo. Mllllaol " --tlnual> tt. The wmll belonpd to nnatt Lynn Tho11·-wtJo laid tbe . 2,000.y<aNld eequoia redwo04.pa.t r.u r.-t11e roo1a end loll • huae bole In tbe ground. nie l34-foci.t&U tret, 1 sapling In Ouiat'1 time and reveredt,for its exam- ple u ooe of ne:ture's okiell llving· thing1, apparently feHl in early Winter but waa ~bymon. .,.Enlbllq any -to Ifft bl.II name to lhe poolmut<r to be plated OD a muter list of nun.a to wiiem aex~ -~could not be malled. He PftlP*d1 tectd1~ uprthe new tan wUb 4--and-penellles -five years In prtaoa and a ll0,000 lino fnr first offense. A fortnight afO Niuo announced de- taill of-an atttct on orgalibed crime, Ospecially gambllog. He aald lbe Jus- tice department was studying the pos. aible use of aoUlrult laws against gam· bllqintaelll. In his mese.aae to eonereu, aDOOW'iC" ed at the White Houae Friday, Nizon said: "American homes are beirtg bom~ barded wtih the largest volume of sex· orlooi.d mall In hlltary. MM ol II ii unao11c1ta1. ........... aoc1 deeply cam-· sive to thole wbo receive It!' Niuo aald dmiDc-tbe lut nine moolha, there have """' ~000 lelk!n ti ,pro-test. "Motben mHatben by tbe teor ti \hnnmyll ban written to tbe Wbite lf9ule aod tbe ~.. ... 1 a Id. "They ---Into their homes, end they are uking for federal Ullitance to protect their children against -to erotic'publlclitlons ... Malnt.nance of lhe POlt Olllce lilt of persons not wan.Una such ads could c:o1t u much u P tnilUon ;, year, but a spokesman aald the COii would be ab- llOli>ed by tbe JM!len. Bar Nudies Drive Pushed DA Vow1 Such En~rtainment M~t Go . • ---...::~=-=·=---=-------....;_· _::;;.;__·....;.:...::....:....---------'-'~.!# r ,,, 7 a =. .,....,., Patty Cat ll; Sea Smoke; Albne; Ttn: Polynesian Concept.; Ma.bi: Newb<ry~ Malama: Mir~ Barona; Braila; Iml Loa~ Whlln Cloud; Salacla; !lam Sang; Karo ama; Evening Star; Zapata ll; Jublla.; tion; Leilani ; Lani Kai; Dreamer; HiJ. aria• Trollop· r-·-· Rectbeed· ~-. . . .......... -. . ..... ferli; Plrato 11; El &pennce, But Iha correci.d time leader came from far down the list In lhe ciua D oceauraclngdlvlJlon. At a late hour Friday tlie handle .. leaden were: Ed Suudher&'s.Cal-31 $11> downet, Ca!Uorola Yactit Club; Sid Beu, kow'a Cal-31 Slpme, llil Jtey Ya<bt Club: Steve Baky'1 CIWI J)wrMl-ne_ CYC;_e>rl llOlqip_.1 ~ ......... ~· ilid Siu 'Mlller'ir ~ rey, ~·-Yacht dub. 'Ille "'" •• marred by -latalif1 _D ___ __ ildppe/7 lhe . ;;;ii· Elena, - '(See l:NSENADA, Pqo 1). Learys Seeking :ffismissal of LSD Charges ... 'lbe wile of LSD culllat Dr. Timolh)' Leary. clad In.a lhapeleu red and rOtd robe and purple pantii, Friday eppOual In Superior Court seeking dilmlaal ct Laguna Beach narcollcs cbarpl; M-for dllmlssll,.... olltred for, Dr. Leary, bla wife Rosemary and bla 19' year-old .aon, John Bush Leary, in the Santa Ana court appearance. Jiidge James F. Judge set June f .aa the daln far harlog of the mollons. He order"!I Mas. Leary, 11, and young Leari· to return on that date and asked Dr, Leary'a attorney to ensure that the fami ed LSD cultist came to court with bi• family. • Judge Judge accepted the aeniot Leary'• written waiver of bla court ap. pearance. Mn. Leary, clad In • abapelal red· and·gold robe and Jl\ll'Ple puill -deep In thought wlille lier allcrney, ......,_ minor legal poilltl wllb Judp Judge. Her lontl>aJred, casually clad atepocm ..,.n.llJ ,.-, ahuf!led and grlnoed 11 lbe a_...,i)J' Ullimpnsaed prisoom In tbe box wblle Judge Judge coolerrtd. Oran ire Coan Weallaer Variable after.noon cloudiness, (Ully westerly whxll and temper.. · rure. In tbe high "IO's are the .....u.er·won1 ti tbe day, The waler lnmpetllllre lo IU ~ • INSmE TODA."t' •sci<ftu Alkl ..:.. Can Som< PtOple Sei tnto the Future7" it th< f.,ci1141111g i.od .torv 1o to- da!I'• f AMILY WEEKLY. Gramn(u to I,. n tr Rod Mc-- Kuen'• vpcoming cm.,.rno,. 1h010 ts on Utt cover and the barn~ 1tonntng, mek-brtakfng mtn of dtrrlng-do who cre4tld the cro: of flfohs arc fnride toda11'• TV WEEK. .. ._ . . OMrldl t4 .c ....... , .... ~ '; --· .... , ';! ' • •' ! , I ~-..:·~-------'-_.:_ __ -_.-_.:::::....,,,,,<'"'-"--·--·---·---·-·· .# .... _ .... _______ • - I 1 .,• ,J ' DAILY·Pli.OT >II '6im . . lflke-Be~t · • • . . ....... -. . ~ --~ i,--_•-,u..Ml'IW~ . !-1t-jy1 .... -~iilxr fir :aim ' ~·1m1 ·rr~~""' ... ~·-to~·-..., tioo.t aad, at~ COllliliiln N!l!i'. '(Git. ' ~-·beC--'1oct1iild .....,...,,, • .._ l • ~. _ _. 1 "·~:-:' .... itf,. -.. ~ •• , .to , ~ir..L ... l'IN'llariholl . ~1. . : :· •ld~:'i Iii\~ auMll ' f :;< IJ.lllO,!l!iJ' d'a.. ' ·» tlJO ~uate """"' · o! lodi~~IY. ...... "prett,,"VJ--. -~., -· agoa .... "" .. ,., ....... it:.. -~~i:.~1r .. ~··' ~·~at llltlht fire. 1-:U.•-·. -~ ... -n,.. ulhen.- tr-arit.,..i "50,00!I~-' ' '. . . Frldaf wu the --cloy ol a ct... boycoft'M' IU In protill ol plenned tuition lnCre-. It WU reported 30 to IO per-cent;efftcUve. · · · · PurdUe Unlvtrslty police stMi a fire· bomb tossed lflrough a window ol the achool's a,rlculture butldinc early Frid1y did about SSOO damqe. Five hundred helme~ POUce were c1l· _ ... .,. . . . ~· . pA1L 1~1 11 , Jed when aeveral htmdred white Queena • ~ #> -_ _ !. . ~ . •• . ~ • • ColJelt lllldents_ <1r9v~ a .>inaller JtOUP •• ·: Qp(tD~OMllAHY -Retired Brig. Gen._ Thomas RD.xa.nne ;Siznoruan •J!(I· -Lisa TaIIOr: Qn . couch of mQllaol blacJB oltthe !lew Yori ~ty -; Rlley,_llk.olb*-iudges-iD:>f!Oaj:· Memorial Hosp1.r-,:o(liiiii-:ret1) are C:f!'lbia· Be.g, Marr Klly. M~dlll!"', campus bullilincs for the s~atraicht tal'a uMother of the Year" contest, has his work cut Holly Peterson, tbe , general,. Miki Kirp Aflt&Wa, dey.. . out for him In se!ecUng wlMer from this groop of Karen Raymond ancl'Linda Baker. -~ndlnir (ftoli!· The .~lacks, members ol • special ghel· finalislll wbo wrote essays !hey hope will win hon· left) are Virginia Begjey, Keith Ryan, Albert Ra· e:,~~.:'da':.an.:Cuorf.ealer or fur their mothers. Seated,oo floor are (from left) mirer and Gwen Lajeun~se. • , Members c:i studerb.for a DemocraUc , , ,.. ~.==::r=a~:;= •• . ·, w G 4-. ~ -·Th' -•• D-d~-~~:.::i:r~.;.i.;,tsFmay..;d. -~ove -as ra.,us., _ .e~- jeld a peaceful sit·in at the computer room -• ..J • Avfdt1tUm ~-:r;' ! -~-I .1 Arlificial Heart • •-• .. • •,. • --, T ' ' Still . Far Away By TOM BARLEY Of .... ·DtllY ,.lllUttlf Man has made giant· strides towards ·dtvelop .... t Ol;u ar1lfldal burl l!ut he 11111 bu "a Ionr·lori( WIY to .. before tbil dream can become reality,'' Dr. Wllltam w. An&ell bu warned a .,..tin& ol lhe Onoie County Hwl AuoclaUon. AA Aiiitrican public lhal ta having the projected DWI-made devtco danaled befcn lbllll u a tantallllna Innovation to •"l!dll' Od-nndna heart ...,...,, lhould rtaibil--., w~MiJfliln~Ved·In ' ·us~·· · n11""°S .. ~-- . . Hash Ch~ges Against M~s~ · Feder&) am1111llni .cliarses-qalnst • Coifilaw Youth who allegedly received ltllllO pounila of rich, Turkish huhlsh ~ the mall were wllved Friday at bis a.Taisnment In Santa Au. · . Victor C. Fonythe, 20, ol 3071 Mololtal Drive, Was turned over to ec.ta Mesa police for proeecuUon when he went before a U.S. commts•IOfttt. recent employment of a newly develope< heart pump. the Palo Alto heart surgeot said, In 'no' lnltance has ll been uQd lnsld1 tho body,be Qld. It bu been hlchlY IUC· cesatul ln Its exterior role ~ wUI con tlnue to be so as an auslliary veasel fo1 the damaged heart but it is not, he said what many people may believe it to be ~ an ar1lflcal heart. --Dr; An&eU ·told the bean wOctaUon '! ~ftrd benqutt IU"ls Thur"!•Y nl1h1 rut, ivoctJclne'I m!fCh towards I new .heart ,lnlgfll I»""'""" !n•pie !mmedial! futijd on transplanta of .oJ11mal hearts m '"""·· > to ,,..~, patients. u'e~hailed .. the · su~~ed new fonn ol grlf{;ng 41 a ''tnUcll more like!) J>OBllbWty !•peclally ln'tlle light of an oo vious sJ'lortlge of ~l.Ul\I!\ hearts ~ the ethical and'mbral probieins that surround this rapidly J!np_ro'(ing form of surgery." 1 Three fact0ri1_are ciefyin& ~tfl:Ch_er~ wbb' look lo the artillclil hear1 l!\d. tliei ·'are three fac\ori th'at can naw be found .only in other human hearts an.d fh.e hearts of animals, the Stanford Uruvers1· ty School of Medlcine consultant said • Dr. AngeJf'deflnes them as the pump mechaniml of the heart, a m~tbod oJ diBslpaUng beat from within the organ and a control system that can adapt Utt heart to the rapid changes imposed upon it by human environment. . ~Utica <"Allege in Utica, N.y. ~e stu· <rents toot O\'Cl' the .tcience center corn. puter faclllly -.in1 1100,000 worth of :equipment ~undaY, evening and vqwed _ lttrtmam-----uriW. thelrdetnands were~mtt. '·-'orilcials "Id the sltten·to did not b1rm - The uneii)ployed car wul>er may be orrllgned Jlonday ln Harbor District Judicial Court 00 a. :Yutetr, of charge.! •llnunlq fJoln ·a raid GO 'Id! 111 ... Verde ...0 bom< 'J'\1-IY. pollctoald. Cl'.ild T ll H Ab t Th ' M tL .! The '-eount.s lnClude ~ession of ti ren e. oag OU e~r ,. 0 ~ ~~r_.., ----.1-11111t!l'Ollll 1inlp;-.tutttva~on-of· mari- JUana, Ind ~ QMMtlltn of nattOtics pa18pheinall1o1-· ~th a federal smufgllng charge dropped. "At this moment," he said, "these problems appear to be insoluble." "But if we can come up with~a fOnn '51 maas producUon of new hearts, be they •· animal .or artificial, we.have one mUllon Ainericins -all owners of whal we no\~ define as irrepara,ble hearts--eligible for belrt replacement," Angell said.- the equipment. \ Thirty.four black students emtfled from· 1 l)ve«Mir oonlmnce with ·South- rem Methodist Univerlity rlflclalS to ebeen and appl1use from 400 ol their "no.... By EVELYN SHERWOOD or ffll 11e11r ,, .. 1tlff' "one night we talked toiether and my m!Xber told me that love waa Ule gratu9t thing 1n -the world," Wl'lles 8-year-old Lisa Taylor, one of a dozen finalists in Hoeg Memoiia1 Hospital's third 1Mual Mother ol tbe Yetr.eaay contest-. Lin loWld ool that mother ,.., righl. ;,J· ·et ·No·. ~..... Cau-..:. ·.] 11 ... •• how .,. did. 11a1n in her own """' et;U corefUl1y penne d -r but not qulle perfectly IJ)elled -W<J<ds: ~ B • BJ · 111 trfd love on i friend one day at ,P, Y OYS ID Ue school A lfrl olld l loolted 111<e a gr!la. It made me fill bad but I reme1*'d. what The ·,...;blea and roan Iha\ Oranp my mother told me. So I gave a lot of _.t~~tahave hem i.rtnc at3:30 love to her arid a few days latter she li);e ,f,m. d\!iina·i!;ipulfew doYI are not the me. ~!1!.Jllller.peopl,,111oring., '. . , "She -Isa ve1% very Wile mother, my . 'llley're F-4 jets. ' lllOll>er.1' . . • ~But dor.'t blaine th& Marine&. at El That ia why1 1ays little Lisa. that Mrs. :.r .... lllltead, ~ I Marine Corp.s Tqlor ohould be ','Mother of the Year," ~iO-lt i111r~·W..Uon, bllJlle Kon and b111ce ,flJU~'l'!1clo,a va~oo, trip to Ybi"twm~ biUe. n11u.S:·Atr ·F~1ha• . Jfawhlf. ' , Jieen ~-trllnlris exerclles with TOUGH DECISION ·the fighter planes, including takeoffs and It's going to t>e 'a tough decision for the :landings. What goes up, must come down. judges, though. They've got essays from t\nd vlce .. v•U. •• 1,,.the 11 oUler lltUe contenden to contend with, i •Thri-tia"-m111Y-lllghll, -And lhey'ro aD winnen -for the 0.Sasy ·spokesman.: He doesn't know :how many. have betn winnowed down from a field of ;l'here have ~ been man, Jtale pboriebo 16,000 turned in b» elementary students Ul1s at 3:30 a.n lie doomi bow w throolhout Newpon Beach and Costa .lnanl. • •• tr•'*•• Mesa. He .doesn't know how Jone u~ _,. The. first place winner, earning a doubtlessly richly deserved vacation for his or her mom, will be announced May l~, the day belore Mother's Day, at the Newporter IM. All the finalists and their moms will be guests of honor. All of the flnallata wrote as warmly about their mothers as did LISI Taylor. But aome wrote more briefly. And ex. cllmatlon points abound in many of the essays. . Here, for example, are some ucerpts from essays fl the other younptera, each of whom wu asked to tell "Why J think my mother should receive the Mother of -the Year award'': LOYES MOM -Holly Peterson, 7: ''I love my Mother I! She ls nice!!" -Mlkie Kim Alkan, 9: .. My mother does whatever ii good fo~ us and ls fun for us to do. She doe not know how to 1po0 Jllqlllll u.o much 11>Ut 'she tries very hard. So I am teaching her ... My mother helpa other peopl<, llkt If , .. meooe is poor she buy or gjves away our clothes." -Karen Raymond , i : "She is a p>od mother to me and to our whole family . She makes me do work so that J wlil be • used to it when J grow up .•• She. puts in money for the Church for poor people and people that are dyln(." *-will oclilln1lf. Probably 11111! the .Air For<:<"" II rllhl·-.. , 1i.fuer . ~airing Connie Jo Pfiswr New l ~ . . . Matden Voyage 'LONDON (UPI) -~etn Ellllbeth 2, ' haps the WI of the world'• blr octan ,.at.eJm,ed. towl/d N•w York at _25 loclay on her Iii day maiden lrW· tlanUc voy.,., ' . , 'Ibe :·a,eoo.ton liner, ·carrylna: ·1,soo O.-and a fa,.paytna m...., r.tt s;;;;~ Frida7 ln a carnlval· ... ~--:F'U: boetl, am.ii craft. brass· baiids 1fM1 lbou11Ddl of lllhlseerl braved rain • -j)le troablHidden ahlp bon ~ .COlonMIJ>uDUn1 •Ir~ !ram . tpt llllP II five llqyal A4' Force Bue· ~-Jets: new overhead.· • • DAILY Pl!OT . .......... IMcll HMtl ............. ..,._ "'"" ,......-. v.n., . , ......... CAUPOlNIA OltANOI COASl ,LllllSHIMO CCWl"ANY lt•lt•rt N. Wt1tl ,,......,., ........ 11 .... J,,k 11:."Cwrlwy • Yb ..,....... Ml "°""'• Matltter 111-" kte¥11 . JI'"" n .... >... a.t.,,.,,. .......... lllW. ,.. OM.· <allf .... I -"""' 19'# &flWt .._, ._i.mt .,.,..:::.. ..... ....,. ·..:~..,.. .. a ,..._ ........ . tlMdlt .......... Miss Huntington Beach CoMle Jo Pflater Is a quet11, decked in .rqel robes and with a decree to rule her queendom of Huntington Beach for one year. lt took five judges more than two _hours to narrow the list from 23 lovely CQlltes- tants lo the final aelecllon Friday night of a l~yeaMld brown-oyed, blood'haired UCI Biologists To Use Blasts To Find Sharks A shark blut 1ounda like a way to deatroy sharks. But, no, il Is • way to at· tract. them. Aod ih1t Is whit tJC Irvine marine biologists hope wlll happen at dawn 1.1on· day when the u;s. Navy will aet off underwater charges for them in the Catalina Channel off Newport Beach. • The Navy, jn a cooperative effOrt, will do ~ts blasUng next. to fishing lines put out by Dr. Gilbert 'w. Bane, a doten of · hll '-enll and adult memben OI UC! . . CJceanoloa.AaaDdaloa. 1be explosions will attract sharks, Bane ~llev~. ltls group, in four f>oals, will bcg_in fishing fol' blue sharkt at the 1._,mllt bank oil Newport .. Sunday. A com • parilQ8 wlU be mad• .of catches before and aftu the down Monday bluta._ 1fohlll1ly, In lh1l aru, said B111e,·1on1· line llJlilns' with IO hoots will yield • c1tth Ol IJ'lo 20 blue aharb from four to at. Itel 100( over a two-hour period. Shirts ca\llht durlna the experiment will be lqlfd and rtle1aed ln order to lludJ mlirallon!, Bane 1ald. . 'Ibo blolocllt aid ln llmllor tr· P*lmeilll olllir spol!les of --. have · been atlracltd by eoploslons. Ht uve •hat he called "a fOQlh u,.;.y• ·o1,,11, ·mu rapood. The .... cimton n\llbt .....,,.,, '1brallon! that '°""" 'llb a old< ll$b ar Ill.land anlm1l _,,. be llJllUlld. 111. ta14 11\arb havo I lo! ol Mmtory cells on their head and body. I Orange cOast Colle&e coed as Mias Hunt- ington Beach-1959. A surprlud CoMle received the royal robe from retiring queen Jeflye Black· ard, amid the popping flash blubs and squeals of joy from the other 2' girls. In her court as first runnerup is GJn. ger Leigh Rowland, 17, and In order, Cathy Southerland, 18; Karen Ann C,ut· fer, 18, and Debbie Lee Sephenson, 17. Miss Rowland took en additional hon· or with her selection as aMiss Congenial- ity!' "I'm so surprised," said a bee.n1lng Ml11 HunUpgton 'BeaCh.t as she t'eceivcd congratutttiorla from tnose nearby. "I almost didn't come out when thoy callecl for the five finalists. l didn 't even think I Would do that 'v:ell." The Clty'a 'newest and brightest repre· sentallve expresstd hope that she might reign. "as well as Jetfye did the past year." Friday's program was bolstered by the musical lnlerpreatlons of lhe Huntlngton Beach High School St3ge Band , which for· felted a shot at first place In band com· petition in Corona to perform for the Miss Huntington Beach program. The sparkling wit ol emcee Gordon Whea_Uey kept U. pqeant movina at a steady, pleu!Jla p1ce. The conlell llaelf was l(KIAll:l'ed Ely the womtn'1 dMaion ot the Chamber of Commerce, with Mrs. Raymond Morehouse chairing the special pageant committee. Mia Pllstar. 11, wu the oldest of the 23 panlclpants.' Her cotirt Included three · representatives from Marina Hi,h School and Min CUiier from the Uhlv1nlty of talilqnila at lrvtne. Rev. Abernathy Free, Planning New Marc}:i CHARLESTON, S.C. !AP) -Tbe Rev. Ralph David Abtmathy, rtleattalftir • week ln jail • .,s he wUI lead a march .SWldq In beholf ol strll1na Nesro hi>opf· ta1 worken a!ld lhll the 1>.of People'• =~ "'may just move .to Otarle- Abernethy WU rtltued rrid1y· n1Jht •ft.er $500 bond •·as poated by a ·Chlrle- sl on supportt'r. · -Albtrt ltamiiez, 1;•t1My ~~r la Mellcarfand t"arii MeXl.can too ... My Mother's boss saJd, 'i W"1t ·Albert to speak · EP,glish.' .. S~~ s;ii4. 'l'll bring Al~r.t lo Lo> An1eli!Uo ·he will learn English.' .•. t· 'lfOuli:ln't 'change my mother for any other mother in the world !" -Mary Kay Midthun, 9: "She works very hard all day Jong and still bu time for me .•• Bes.idea working every day My Mother is Jeader of a brownine troop for my sisters and I." MOM BUSY -Roxanne Simonian, 6: "My Mother waten the lawn. She sews our clothes and kisses UI goQCl·night. She is I very 1ood mother." ~ ·~ ._ :M '°"" Alllt. "'*'ll'"'fi 9: :11>11 ' n1btller lots to: nlglt 'S&oo1 ·at O. C. C . two ntahts a week. Also on Tuesdays she goes to jury duty. My mother ls very busy but, never too b9sy .to re•d my brother and me a story or two .•• Most of all my mother ii always making our hOme a better and happier place to live Jn." -Linda J. Baker, 11 : "Sbe Is so sweet Mid nice. She appreciates what we_ give her, even H ll li oom1 Junky pap,r thlng. &be doeen'& Just aay, 'Oh, that's very nice,' and then throw it IW1Y. I lover.her especlaDy chicken· and dumpllnp." Police Looking Fol' Phony Insul'ance A~ent ' Police are keeping an eye out for a bogus insurance a.sent \Vho tells victin1s their insurance has expired or is In- adequate and then pocketS money In· tended as an Insurance premium. Srt. Vic Sagan of Laguna Beach police said today that a teletype went out to Oranae County polfce agencies after t\.\·o~ retldents of Seal Beach Leisure Wor ld were swindled. Sagan said the suspect presented himself •t an agent of a Pasadena based insurance £Inn Jn 'wo known ·instances at the reUrement community .• He had checks suppol'ledly for premiums made payable to himself. They totaled $341. The suspect was described as neat Jn appearance, 6 feet 1 inch to G feet 6 in- ches tall, wdgbing 200 pounds with thin black hair. 'I'he officer advised persons contacted to check such l solicitation with their own insurance carrier or broker and notify the proper police agency if the facts dor.'t tally. Elmer Doyle, 75, Ex-Judge, Dies Former Les Anceles County sJperior Court Judp Elmer Doyle, 75. of 318 Hlghlan~ Ave., Ntwport Buch, died lalo Friday ni,111 .al <lrMp County Midi cal Center. Judge Doyle served for Q years with the Loe Anael<• County Superior Courl Dlltticl lJlcl had betn In mlr<ment for the put thm yearo. He wu a familiar face to mllllon1 of television viewtra in the "Divorce Court" terltt Much he was inltrument Jn pl· Una 1lar1od aDll In which he occaolon· ally~uJUdp. Accordq to oranse County Coryaer'1 lnvllllf1lon Judie Doyle •Pl'l"Jll\11 di<d a oatural .dealh. H• ts 1uniffd by on6 dauahter, Mrs. Voma WlJlclru ol l;fundnglon Btach. and several brothers and sisters. ! Custom agents' and Costa Mesa police visited the arrestee~' l'fome Thursday afternoon with a federal aearl:h tr..crant obtained follOwlng a t w o -d a y in· Yestlgatlon. Besides seven ounces of hashl!h mailed from Paris, authorlUe.s said they con· ·nscated a quantity of alleged LSD tableta, some white pills and 200 • sprouting marijuana seeds. Three ·spoons and a syringe !ot ~In· jecUon ot r)arcoUcs wtre ala:o taken fi"om lhe Forsythe home, lnvesUgatora said. ;\nqt)\e~ '1~ll-Wl Flood Dam ages ' s·wt on File Another claim for storm damage in the LagUna Be1ch area as the result of the January and February floodl is on fUe today with the Oranae County Boord of Supervilon. Ronald K. and Ellllbeth V. Annstrona. of 1223 Starlit Drive 1n the Rancho La· guna tract area have listed damaaes of $4,063.51 which will be ·p...,.nted lo the Supervisors Tuesday. Prevlo11s!y clalms In the Laguna Can. von Road nroa totaling more than $150.· i}ao hpv(' bcC'n filed with the board. All l•avc b~.'.'11 drnied and referred to the c.;.1unt\' C:ovnstl . Th ~· Arn1st1·ong claim cites "negligent c1•ttin11; or brush. trees and other ground r:ivc;in~s by the Orange County Forestry D'-oartnio:-nt .'' It states th:it this refuse washed down and clcer,e:"i tJie }.!ornlngside Drive Storm Drain taur.iPg it to overflow onto t.he Arm.stron~ property damaging landscap- ing. carj)('ting and painting. Listed arc S2.546.60 for land scaping and cleanup. Sl.203.93 for restoration of car· po:-ting and ~313 for painting. From Page 1 NUDIES ... I Apartment, a Santa Ana hostelry which Is not conn!cted with the Apartment A·G~ Go. Hicks' pctltlo'ns carry vivid accounts of what he cl~rns .were ·bottomle s!I performanetS at both I~ Apartment and th!! Va'mPlre. Room. Mis . fJl!ngs lnc1ude statements of . Police h. iestlgatbrs which describe nude performances . by en- tertainers at both bars. ~ ... "Everytng a woman has wa~ aho.wn - and then some," ~lcka nld. R1i com· ~ints carry lurid a~; o! en· tertainers rtmovlng the lower . part or their cloUUnc, waving a towel before thtm in a manner which citarly revt1led tbeir natediieu to the onlookers and the exChange of 'obscene patter betwten performers and apectatort. • jllca• complaint asarn.t the · ~part· mtilt includet • copy or chartes of l•wd cooduct pd obscenity against cfaocer Bavedy Ann Vieira, 21, ol 1414\ <;allo Trel, i;;1 :roro. Private Rites Set For Albert M. Saul Prlv1te fWleral services will be lleld Monday for Albert Morris Saul, 42, nf WO Vlsll Huerta, Newport Beach; who died Friday at Hoa1 Memorial Hospital. "We would save lhc J!vcs of 200,ooa ArllUican11 under 1he age of 65 every yew-," he said. "Riaht now we operate on JG-Jo,Ooo persons a Year in American ho~pllals but the vast majority of these hOirt operations involve replacement 01 repair of the beart valves; a form ol sul'lflY ln whiCh we have reac1led a blgb point· of elflc~ncy." An&ell Jalldtd what he said wu th~ reaction of "'an intelligent Amerlc&n public" to the moral and ethical· pro- blems poHd by the use o1 human heart:; In traiisptanta: and t he • • a I mos 1 un"1Iinoue ,demoqwauon of filth ID·lh' ~~~~~11ka." he said. •1u fa ct: we . fi'ave encountered more-p- .. Po&lllon from l\'ltbln ouyroleulor\ lhan we have from a public wlilch miSht,bave provided our moat vlgorOJll oppoglUon to this radical !ol'm of heart ~urgery." * * * Pilot Staff er Awarded Honor DAILY PlLOT staff writer Jean Cox won one of several distinguished service award! presented Thursday nJjht by the Orange County Heart Association. The PILOT's Laguna Beach reporter captured the assoc;i.ation's plaque for tho "best human interest story coverage ol heart disease ." The DAILY PILOT Wa3 also named for an invard in the "media recogniUon '' category. More than 200 awards were distributed at the banquet by Dr. Vincent P. Carroll the newly installed president. Among them were more than 100 medals to vo luntee-r heart workers. many of whom hailed from Orange Coast communities. Also honored at the annual banquet were Sharon Virtue, a lS-yeaMld Costa Mesa High SCPool sophomore who served as 1968-69 heart queen and Laura Carney, 3 of 5771 Mangrum St., Huntington Beach, her princess 1n the heart assocla· lion's royal family. Gal'y Alan Cain Sel'vices Slated Services ror Gary Alan Cain, 17. o! Costa 1-iesa will be held at 11 a.m. Mon· day at Bell Broadway Mortuary Chapel. YoWlg Cain was Killed Thursday when. his motorcycle collided with a n automobile Jn the Oran ge Coast College parking lot. He lived At 385 Victoria Ave. Mr. Caln is !urvlved by his mother, Mrs. Betty Farr of Long Beach; a sister, 1.frs . Selinda Todd of.-Santa Ana, and maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mri. Don Owens of Costa Mesa. Interment will be at We.st.minster Memorial Park. f'roua Page l ENSENADA ... lo a heart nuack urly in the race Thurs· do,y aCternoon. The rtec et1mmittte ma1e no attempt to compute the corrected time winner• in ilie Pac ific Handicap and MJd&tl • Ocean Racing Flee( Friday nlght. Of· l\elaJ wlnnen In the Cat omaran, Ocean RacM:ig. PacUic Handla:p a n d ldORft' dlvi&lona will be named 1t ll'le trophy prtMntation at Bahla Hotel thlt after· noon. A senior sctent1st at PbJ.lco-Ford Am>nutronlco, Mt. Soul lJ survtvtd by his wile, Nancy L:. and two dalllhttn, Kalhleen and Caroline, both ol lhe home lddreu: a lirtther, Jloberl Roy, and a i;ister, Lucy Moreno, both of Woodland Hllls. - Alter th11 the long !>tat back to San DieRO and Newport Harbor will 1t1rt -for f11{l~l or the n~1 ' . . ---..!~-~·~ -' • '.-r...--• • _____ .....,..,,,_ ... ---------~---' -.... _..__. __ _ ' . ; . -. How' IT WILL WORis: -Deep Voyager is under· . \Yater glider, not a-conventiohal submarine. Gentle, 9-degree gUde ·path appears much steeper in this diagr_apt .b1tc.au&1t of space ·!imitations• placed · on " . . . . ICtrnl ..... '1' .. DlllJ ,._, lttnl ' . -. A campaign to raise $5,000 ta keep open a cburch-sponsor.ed. cof· fee house in Portland , Ore., foihip- pies bas been successful. But one individual dldp.'.l sen4 money. His solicitation en_velope. \Vas returned with a· small bar of. soap inside. '"' ..... . . . '• ............. artist.' By using tha,slldiJtrtlO-i!D and ri1in1:up principle, scientists bope; 1o «ltde from Hawaii to Galifornia next year. ,__;_ .._·. \. ·· .. --. ' 11.11!-Y PILOT , • Rig4t. Qui .·of Jules Verne ~ ' . ., Motorless Submarine· Silently Glides With -Rockei Fue1 By RICH.ARD HOYT hydrWne :storage cells encased in a Aid Fonnari':s' submarine lnveDUoa wift s-:i.1 ~·· ~·.L~1Lor ,.....?: i... •tar.lube. .. .. . run into ml\l'lr.of _~'1 same prob~.u a· H(Ul.'OLULJJ.-Jules. Yerne, artse 11nd ::.rwman desiglledlfht:'sUbmMrne lo be gllcteP pilot ustng·-®ther fiui~. listen! aS Stmple as possible~ The Klea is to , jf_ U\e ana:le..ol descen't. li-too...flat, l And imagine, if you will, a .motorless, elirryinate all potentially trouble-1naking submarine will Jose its "efficientj''· ___ · -------._ .__ ........ 70-foot·long submarine capable of gliding equipment. for\var d motk>n and the craft wW Itri -from Ha,w~ii to-Los. Angeles ln ~16 ~ays~ . The . submarine wj!l work something dtrectly to the bottom. , , submerging at times 20,000 feet below the hke thts : . . -"Converielfif'the'anjTi"'Oflsceii~·li Pflttd~1.~Ntnn.-po;s"es:-4n1the:ilWhite 1Jous!-·R0se-·Gaf'den :waur .. ttco. Rose Ma1'Y \.Voodses. The old~ oM is his personal secretary, and the yo1niger 011e is lier niece, the daughter of Cook County, lit .. sheriff Joe Woods, and t/ie Cystic Fibrosis Child of tlie ¥e.ar. I • . f Some ne\v pl ants appeared re- cen~y· in, decora\ive. planter.s. ·&long a ne1' mafl at Washington State University at Pullman .. Marvin R. Gibson, a pharmacology prQfes.sor, ldentiJi~ ·t~em Thur~d{ly ~s ~ari­ juana. " . .,c111(\ely .p¢n~~ sign near the . planter_s said: "Keep off the Grass." • ·it \Vas Law Day so. Dist. Atty. Tom Ryan of neighboring Colli n County spent the day in the Dallas police department for a first-hand look at big city operations. When Ryan returped to his shiny new automobile parked on the Street near police headquarters, he found an overtime parking ticket on it. Me~t the People . . -. -. . THE INVENTOR -Will Forman, the man who designed the Deep Voyager, sta.nQs beside 52-;inch plexig1as sphere. This globe, de- .signed as an underwat~r· ''.flelicopter." is similar to three latger spheres plirined for interit;ir o( Deep Voyager. . . Marine Widow's Friends sia·ri · Fund for .Childr.en '·. .. -· Nelgt'lbon 'of '.the·widow of· a. Marine Corps major have·started a fund rah:;ing campai"gn in the Laguna Hills area to help educate the couple 's chfldren. Maj. Bernard R. Tyrhorst. father of five with a sixth child expected, was kill· ed in Vietnam reccnpy when his helicopter was shot dow n while he \vas evacuating the wounded. Mrs. Terhorst. 25201 Mawson Drive, ex· pectlng her sixth child in August, has three sons, ages six, seven and eight, and daughters aged three and 10. Approximately 1,000 memorial letters will ~ mailed out, said neighbor, Ptfrs. Richard J. Buechner, 25152 Vespucc i Road, Laguna Hills. Donations may be sent lo the Maj . Berna"'rd R. Terporst Memorial Fund, Sank of America 25952 Muirland! Blvd., Mission Viejo, Zip 92675. _ . Mrs. Buechner said typing Is being done at a church in the area which is also furnishing a reduced rate on postage. The letters are lo be addressed without charge by El Toro Disposal Company. l\1aj. Terhorst, a veleran of 16 years with the Marines, was a nati ve of St. .. ,r ' , -. ' . ~-.. -.. jlaul. -h1hm .. and a graduate:: or the · Univl!rsily of Minnesota . He had •served one slint in Vietnam and \\'BS sent back in January. Kindergarten Sign-up Slated lf you have a child ,Vho Will reach hi:s fifth birthday on or before December 1, 1969, ·and You live in ihc Ne\vport l\1esa Unllied School District. and if you want him lo go lo kindergarten, here's what to do : Go, the the nearest kindergarten through sixth grade school in the district between \he hours ·of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., any day from May 12 through May 23. Bring your child's proof of age. A birtl:t certificate, baptismal c e r t i f i c a t e passport or affidavit will do nict!ly. Bring proof of polio and measles im- munization prior to the beginning .of school. Forms \\'iii be available at registration. Freshman's View of Yale By !l'OM. GORMAN. • 01 "'9 O.llr J'li.t Matt At a time when Stanford and Harvard universtties and others are being hit with student :strife, ohe of Ille' nation 's oldest institutionS remain• Quiet. · · Studenis at ·:Yale hive, 'beeii pretty peaccfµI. according lo Mike. Totten, 1 gr~duate of LagwJa Beach Jligb ~I and presently a rreabman at ·the East Coast university. • ' • "They don't raise ften be<:ause tht univt\rsity is· alrtady ~ ,libef'.~1, ~an4. ~ kids are too involved lii their studies, said the former track star and lellior class president. • • "There is a very weak S~ (Students (o;..,, Donocratic Sac.iet1) chapter on campus and lh~'ve Orily btld'one sihall rally. At the same 'Uitit;wlille there IS.no credit given, qui~ a rew kkls. art Jri. the ROTC." Toten said. ''And there!• not much ·bJack activism. A black studJes program ia ~ing demanded of many school!. SUch a pro- gram already exi!l& at Y:alt; _1"'.1x!!i satd. .. It's been set up for over a yur now, end it """"' about. peacofwq, II'• 10 , popular. the administr<ttlon ii even at 4Jng new cla~ to It." · , • ' Tht war in Vietnam Q:, anoU;Mr.-hot 'c iopic among lht student&. ••The majority ol them are acainst it, .. -Totten ~~-"Jn the dorms. there are no draft dodger&. But nevertheless/ltUdents don't *'~'"' validity in the war and. draft. They e.speci.ally believe that the graduate dran ·~!\JS .~ 111\falr." TALES 0, YALE Froth Totten .. StUd'.en.ti are also liberal about sex. "Student! believe lbat il 's abnormal not to ba\'e girls on the campus. Nut year the university is 1 going cood," TOttcn 11\ighed. ' .. When Tottto, arrived at lhe c.aropus, he discovered that Orange County and Laguna Beach h.ad earned quite a name for themselves. ''The t\VO cOunties that stand out most in· the minds of the students are Cook County <Chicago), aml'Oi-ange County for its conser.vati.sm. And the only people who -b&d heard of Laguna Beach were hlpple kids, who had associated Laguna not with art, but wilh hippies, drugs, and C<1nservatism." And. likewise. Totten had not heard, or New Haven for its .culture •• "JM ·this "fl lace ff'· Vf!f'Y cultural," he lnlilted. "There arc fr« plays, concerts, fo,rtlgn films, and liclure& .• AO the l.i.ds .go:'to them." ·;_ • .. M • What the lreshmirf misses most or Laguna is I.he easy almosphere. 'i'I'he kids don't seem' so worried aboUl stU· dying ·in Lag\rna. And there are mOrt girls, and they're frlendlitr." - While Yale Ui only • mile from '!he beach4 "there ii ~DO beach almOSphert. It's all study." . Totten's immediate environmeb' ls alio studious. "One of my roornn\fltes it a brain .• 11<-ooored ~lfect 100.-... hit LatbJ, ~·and. •d•~ .. 1111\h entrf,net e!'!m!...!-~g~her roomnt1t.e J~ AA All·1'merlc~ swimmer .. two YIMI): Jn _a r01!'." ·• " "' Totten is.allo.srnart., athletic, and easy goina. He's careytng a B average in his English major. He runs with the track team, atUtouah he pulled a knee tCndon before l~ flriJ !!"•ck me_ct. • Pacific. At the, s~rfac~. with. all space 1n. Deep nat. the submarine will = 1 Ioee j The word gliding is used literally. The Voyagers ~terior..fJooded with water, the · "efficiency" and wUi begin r ~· -- submarine will have no meap:s of pro· f!~~n~~d its' three aquanauts will begin-to the surface. • ~.: pulsion, only small motors for minor The pil-Ol, using the su bmarine's stubby ~herefo,e, ahould .~ P.ilot;coosisterlt\y maneuvers. 1\'ings and tail much as a glider pilot ri:uscalcld~ .these critical fnglea:, the \Vill Forman, an engineer tram' San \vould, will Put the Deep Voyager info a craft woold go up and down 1 Wt.but·· Diego, has designed such a machine for gentle. nine-degree glide toward Jhe .very far fqryiard . ¥ ~ Taylor . A. Pryor 's Makapu~ Oceanic oC-ean floor . ' · Sa~ety ·!S,"'?',"P.".Ob~-~·~The ~ Cenler at Waimanalo. lf the ocean is 20.000 feet deep, the -maiJl!e willal_wa)'.S, be able. ~or.~; ;:. Forman calls his sub1uersible Deep craft \vill drift silently downv;ard for Deep ocean water cWTents are mdth \1oyager, and says all syslems shouJ4 be u 'miles before reaching the sea more pl8cid than air CUitents ucf .lbould •·go" for three scientistadventurers to oor. present no problems. • make the trip from here to the V;'est Once on the ho om, the pilot \\'ill But one design problem FQI1DIJI did Coast by )une 1970. " change a s1nall fra 'ion of hydrazine into face Was how· to protect 1~ creW's cort'I· Even Verne might have some trouble nitrogen gas. . · · · , · part.ment from the extreme pl't8'UJ'U Of Imagining the Deep Voyager, which looks The gas will form a bubble fr1 UiC Sub-being submerged at such great.~.~ like a cigar with fins and,~ more. tPPn ... marine·~ interior @nd, t.be <;raft. f'IDW The answer \fas glau ... ~ilUcat.e half full of the same fuel .whil'.;h. powered buoyant, will begin ri~ing slowly to, ple modified soda lime," in Form1n'a'Wd'ds. surfac~. . . •• . ., ••· 1h~1aymln.,1 t8rini1tb9t .,._.Ii: "Sit .the German V-2_rocket in World. W~ fJ. _.,The-pilot, again-using t\is stubby:,'MiOQ'~ ':'tif UJfe .wi~. ,-,~ ' llilt·;+.ri. Ill, a.:atlJe:.l'JNl • JJ _ha~ tbe .add.~d cYriOs'IiY'.0! ;~frig a ,an9 tail , '¥ill put .tbe.submafinlfTriUi-Ya mlxed.in.11 , ,.,1:.i. lc -,, . :.• .. f ·" . powerless underwl'.ller gli,de~ .\v~.ich nin,c-degrec ascent, taklng artoih,or 25 'Scientists in the.put1haveifeunct that oOe,rliles. . according lo •. atural.. la,ws m'll• to h th ~ · " -'"l"\t>' • ~ • ·• \ • 11 .reac e . • • • glau'~1pher.es1.'wblle,""._,_ CID ... ,-...t.P ~~fl M~~~ -~.~s:.'~~!ch ~~~~!~·;i,:,~ .. ~~~:to '" 'rt "tl1~)'WAter is" ,dbif'l'ec1J~~)1~c ~•f..' Jlftsni"~1 ~~~ .. ~-Dee p V?yager, by diving once,, and rfs1ng spheres, at timts have a diqttliii The rockttJu.el. hydr.atine,, is a .. flighly once, will cover about•fill'surfate111U~s: tew:tency to·. Jmplode" tcollape) '11iiej: . v?latile combination of hydrogen· -~rid · ~· wpen· the water is s.hallower,. tbe Deep ..;",,;,'1...11 • • nitrogen which could blow up in a second, . V~ya.gCr Will cove~ less .aurf~ Gistancc _ ~ :~ason for that,-Foiman llld,~i, but kept underwater and away from ox· with . each dive. tension (pulling force) on 'the ~'It ygen and Sparks, It ts ·hannleSs. But the Crall wjll nev~r surface com· tensions are eliminlt9':f, the~. WW be 1'be pUrpose of the · hydra'zine is to plct~ly because of currents al)d ·choppy perfecUy safe. ·. . • ~ake thethsubmafrine bu o1 yant atdcrditical w.a.OtnecrenJelai.'s wlh,.e1ht,.onp20tl. feel of t•· surface' . I~ the Deep Yoya~, ~ ~"'"wmtll"'.'""111!1 times as e era l traves,up an own. 11e their supplies wilt''uc 1hbused·-tn -*'t at gentle angles, between the surface of the nitrogen will be released and th~ perfect spheres, 82 lncbel In 1fl11Dtttt, the sea and the ocean Iloor. crafl will begin another descent. built. of glass four inches thick. .' · . 1, flydrazine, when mixed with a proper Forman estimates that it will take his · The secret of:~-~~ll•t chemical, forrfuJ nitrogen gas. -~ "l _etJtft about.16 days of ups and down:t to perfectly round silrf&ce~ be Aid: 1 . '+' Forman says .one pound ,-of by.dr.azlne: ceyer the 2,500 rwle:1 .from :her~ to Die With perfect.spheres, tbere,are.no,,.JJ.- will produl!e: thre'e pounds ot "Ifft" tn~the .. West Coast ill Jt.s• &even mne~per-hciUr Ing forces ; all e:rtem_-1 JICilill*. ~ form of gas. glide speed. dlreCted evenly on the globe's surface •. The fuel itself has a neutral buoyancy. "The reason we went to the glide idea "It will be a very highly reftued 0.. It weighs the same as water. was because it would be terribly difficult a high quality glasa,"·Forman aa1a.-; The Deep yoya·g~r i1f~ctu._ally .a. sori~ ,Iii use. "'!~ors and ·Jtatterje11,. ove~ tftOse "Instead of a .Jules,Verne·~. wt'll of thre~ .glaiS .spheres and ~ feet' of gr:eat distances." · ·,,:" • ·. have a panoramic; window." •t lo di1cover that pe, th1l'1 not . • 10!> bad after all: . I The man want• to eee 10me.- .. .. ... ·Did you know that your wife-has ' a · secret admirer?-· thiug like what he b11 worn before. The wile "'ants him ao see eoniething like he'• Deftll". WO~ .t>efore, .. _ .. • ._ .. Another thi~g: ¥<!• _i~!"O! rea~on .I c9.11hL aev.er ll;m;. OUI, the wife .em. to know. more about eolor dwi theiet. low •he married.· Fabric, :ree, you'd e~.c~ ber to know more about that.~ with priee, and with vaw.;.~.,,. - llO DU!llY men are dumh ~t ... colorli · · ·, ... · · .. -, A man cou1e1 in two •tore. with Our natural chivaJrT· uide, Tell you wb4!i ~"trove bofr.. his wife. tJ1at'1 why we're '° pleued 10 much I et&ee.ii .. ).!cnlr wife'• He wanh a LJue 1uit. She ~;a 1uan bring hi1 wife in' charm ud epnilbon 1eme,'l'ft WaDll him to take the me di nm he!"'> with him when be w&Dll de C·i de d te-1 P.lll a ...... 1 of tan wont.eel with the 'greeniab lo buy oomething, Dowen on'tliy wiapplllf-. broWll pallern. Befo..., •he·lelt home ahe al· ter. Dmfi!« the Md lb; "8Ja What !lo we do! · ready knew eort of what abe Pm IJOmg , to'piD ·a~littl9'1ia. · We eell him the m,ed in m hai'" bi mind for himl. even guet on every Wife .who., ... _Ian wonted with the ..... nio~ though i be might not edin!ti(, ihia ~tore wljh her h..i..nd, b!""wn p•tl!'ru• , 1 .'The minute 1he .... aome-whether they bay llllJ1.hhll o' U1 mi1et have some 1trange lliing qew and different, 11,e!a. not. ., · • 1 buy~ problem• that maybe got· to.-b?w he loill!I: hi it.. Yep, we1m.:C10 il~,diat you 111!\>er 1u1pectcd befo...,. He mat res11t hut .oooner or pl you . ..,..;w, Pa(& man in a .room with ·SO later, tli<!re be i1, otanctiag Andyoudldn'tliilowitutll new 1uit1 in hi t 1iu, ~ch one tbeie in the mirror, eurprleed jUl t now, did )'OU? different, ·and in a hmidred , · -.. ., years he-won't be tble to make • 1;· .,. ~ up bla 'mind which one he"real· • · " · • 1,.,p~. TM more be ieit, ' the more urunire he beeome1. Hl1 wile, though, blei1 bor heart, b11 •err dear ldeq of . .,.hat loolro ~ 011 him ond what ahe tbmh l>e C>ll~ht to· wear •. ~d it ~n't rio ruddy daddy old pl·aln blue IUit ei1her, bu1ter. Jack Bidwell • al 3467 Vla0 Udo, ri@ht where JOV hml,Clff -: Newport Blvd. to 8" to Lido late, •t Udo Theetef, Free parking ot rear of llore. Pb-673-4510, . Copyright 1969, Jock BIClwell. 1 --• • ' I --- ~ -., -..... -......... \ , I I I I ~ MllYl'll.OT . SIUl'dly, MQ J, 1'6' • elude: Sunday scbaal, i l l.I a.m,; worship, 11 a.m. and t p.m.; youth hour and new con- ' ' \vert:s cluaes, I p.m. N_ursery. cive js provi~~ for (See l'IJLPIT, Pqe I) , Jtell•1'•, . .Not Bappf-·""' . , ·French Oar.dinnl . ' Named Diplomat VATICAN CITY (AP) -A • _hard-working, chain-smoking ' Frenchriian, Jean Ca rdinal Villot, has risen to the second highest post in the Roman Catholic, Churth 'after only two yean at the Vatic;4J). Italians In · !he Curia aren"t • .happy about it. Pope Paul VI named Canlina1 Villot, 63, Vat.icao secretary of alate Wednesday. 'l"be fonner archbishop ol Lyon succeeded Am J e t o -Canllnal ~Cicognanl; 116. who· retired because of age and ill health. 1be post is the Church's "' ~valep,t of a pijme minister 'u --we!J ai ~ fQreign minister. C8rdin&l Vlllot: is the ftrst non-Jqitian "to be n.a m e d secretir)' al slate In 55 years. sine< a Spaniard beld the post trom lt*tl ta 1911.' ltaliin prela~ at t h e Vatjcan espressed both disap- poinbnent ind fe.ar. Many were bitter J;iecause the Pope hid passed over -5Uch Italian cianlinab · w tt b diplomauc backgrounds as P a o 1 o CardinAI Bertoli, (armer nu.n- cio lo France. and Sebastiano <.:ardinal Baggio, former OWi· cio to Brazil. Though he had a distinguish· ed career in the French episcopacy bela~ camlng ta the 'Val!l>an In 1991; 'C-aii!lnal Villot h"5 never held a diplomatic post. He ls the Jirst chutchman in modetn timtJ who had no diplOmatic ei:· perience before moving into lhe _ J:19St \!IY.ch _!lversees the VaUcan's embassies a.round the world. One Italian prelate dismiss- ed the appcilnbnent as anotlier gesture by Pope PauJ to give the Church .adroiniatration an iotematlonal took. He aue· 'lested -that the Pope would run thingl and• Cardinal Villot would be a mere '-'letter '$igner." Olher V a t i c a n officials. however, were fearful of a growing group al Fnrlch prelates operating In · the (Sec VJLL!Yf, Pqe S! ' "'" "' "' " OR,ANGE COAST CHURCH ··n1R.EC·TORY . . ·~· ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE • ,/~ -~====~==================:11 ;;HARIOR TRINITY IAPTIST CHURCH 1Dt ...... It. -........ c.... .... CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES llANCHU Of THI .MOTHU CHURCH THI fllft CHUICH Of-CHllST, ICllNTISI IN IOSTON, MAISACHUSms "fVERUSTIMG PUNISHMENT" · Subject of Lesson -May 4 ;= ..... c:..i. ...... ,...., . SU!lday School l :tl! .. Ill. Mommg Wonblp. U :OO a.m. Cost• MoN'-Finl Churcll .t Christ, Sclontlst 1apt11t Tralning UnlOn 15 p.m. EveniD& 1ervice '1 p.m. , 2111 u-. ..._ o. .. c.... ..... 'l!'edlleedlY Bible study & Prayer ........... 7:00 p.m. I -..... ,__,,fl A.M. c-.. s.M1:1 11 A.M •• ._. ....... 2110 M ... YitNI Dr. RRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHl.IRCH ,1, Huntington BHch-Flrst Church of Christ, Sciontlll 6N HAMH,~ON, COSTA MUA l'I 111 oa.. Rev. lolt Schmoltelcopl I Clltndi & S...., Sc ... S-f:JO & 11 :(I~ ; SiM.-, SchMI •••••• , t :4S Tr1in.ln9 Uni on. , •••••••• 6:00 l'I ....... ...__.10 OIM M.... W It' I I :00 Evo111rtt Wortl11p •••••••• 7:00 I af WI tp +" • • • • WM{, EvenifftJ Senile ••• • 7:00 , : '.!-~·-· ~1'!_ ' N....., A'-" A ...... ~-· UNIVERSITY IAl'TIST CHURCH ::----::.--z.wect;--~~u~:rtn1·· r.-· .r'·\-·-. 1UMDAY ICMOOL · -............................. -.. t1• A.M. MOl;MI ... WC*IMrP ....................... , .... .,.;;..11 A4 11V9111tNe woatlllf' ........................... ~ •• : •• .!:.-.J...#& .... . ~-lll'llCI W-DAY ................. ~ ' I _L __ .,-~~--· ........ , "'••·'I'·-·,;;;.·;""-.... ,.,.~ ....... ".' --··~ PIUT llAPTlST CHURCH .. _ . ...., ~ ..... ) 17411 ...... .. .......... ................ ~-·· $'" ........ till &11 f Mo~11i119-~on_hi, ~., f :JI • 11 . ......, ............. ._.... I I 142-2421 La9un1 Beech -First Ch,urch of Christ, Sci1nti1t 611 HIP Dr. C .... & ......, S .. 1al t :JI • 11:10 ...... a..., JM,.,.., Aw. Newport Booch-Flr:st Church .t Ch~11, Sclo~tltl JJIJ"9W. . a.rdt & s.., Sc .... t 111 • 11:tl --JlllVloUM , ' NewPort a.ieh-Sec:Oriil" Chur;h of Christ, Scientlit 1100 ,...... .... 1r;rc.r.-..... C .... & &..-, I 1111 =-i t A.Ill. ...... 11:11• 2161 L C... Hwy. All are cordially Invited to attend the church aervlcu and enjoy the privileges of the Reading Rooms CHURCH OF CHRIST 2t7 .. '!f, 'Wl~SON ST• COSTA MISA llTWllN HAllOI _. fAllYllW SUNDAY MORHIN& lllLlrSTUDY •• ~ •••••••.•••••• t :41 AM SUNDAY MORHINW WORSHIP I "COMMUNION •• 10:-41 AM $UNDAY EVlNIN& WORSHIP • , ••••••• , •••• , , ,. • 6:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY EVEN/NS lllLE STUDY ••••• , ••••••• 71JI PM Chur,h of tlie Doily Word NUllllT CAU PIOYIDID NEWPORT UNITY •-o ... ,..~,.-.,. .. ,. o. •· H- THE EPISCOPAi:. CHUilCH , W•'-You.; · . . IT. JAMii; Hot Vlo I.Mo,. - -I ---Nt;····""". .,....., 1o:Jo~••• lrM , .... tt.a,s.· ......... ...... l/ hctef, tile le'f ...... P. """"' II: ..._, fte a... hwW C,.... Phone: 675-0210 , ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS · Pacific View Dr. at lllwguerite, Corpna de! Mar SUndays: 8:00, 9:30 -Child Care at 9:80 l!oly Days~ aa 1J1Douncetl All •-w- bct..-, n. lew. Jo• .... ,. Dml-,.._ M4o046J ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Church School -9:30 Thursdays: 6:30 &: 10 a.m.; Holy Days as announced • Ylur, n.. R..-. Job W. o...i ... -,. .... S"41·1J26 EPISCOPAL ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1•11 Sf. tf C111Mt LI• ,_. Mlf If ,..... him HYtlfl"~ ltldl, C1llflnlll Tiit llov. ,_ C. ClllJ, PMllr Sundoy S.rvl<tl .... ,,,.,, ...., c-.... ' . ,, .. 'A4 pitftlry ""'" • Olrtll 7:• ""'" .,,...., . ~ ' . kWI 11• l".M. 1""-ot lhM A.M. ~ W'"""° y..., ~ . .._,,, ti"' •l'WllllM ' First As•mblv of Goel Church 146 E. 22nd SI., Cotto Mota 548-3761 M. C. Cronic, P11tor R1y Nicko1011, Minilfor of Youth SCHIDULI OF SllYICIS ci. ... ScMel • • • • • • •., • •••••••••• , , •• t :JCI •.Mo .. .....,, w.....,, .......... 10:10 ..... 7:00 .... . Church Choir -Shoril P1ul1011, Diroctor YhtMPI Welc.• -H ..... AttnlfMt ITATI UCINSID PU.SCHOOL-h•I Wiii ..... Dh9a. _ l'lloH: M5·2J2l HARBOR REFORM HMPlf mHting et St.Jam .. Episcopal Church 3209 Vlo Lido, Newport Boac~ SABBATH SERVICES -RELIGIOUS SCHOOL ltA.•81 l•M LllNO'# POlt INPOllMATION1 CALL '75-MCt . lutheran Church N""'°" Harbor Luthtraft Church 3501 Cllff Dr. Li ~3 "" '"·.,... •.1101., ,..,.., I .......... J.~ of the Master 29oil..PiC!!ie 'Vlew Dr. CORONA DEJ:. 111AR ' ................ ' . DR. WILLIAM R. ELLIR-...... ....,.. ..... : ,,,..,,. ''"" Phono OR 3-5022 1..-w lclMlil ...... t :4"1D:U a.& W.... ""* .... n:•u: .. NID'Hl'J care available at all aer.vices 1:"45 A.M.-Fa1<1lly •Wo .... ip t :-45 A..M:-Sund•y CllN S....ol , .WILCOME I I 100 A.M.-FutiY• wna, N....,Plwlf1f CHRIST LUTHDAN ·CHURCH 1'.Uuouri Synod 760 Vlctorl• .st .. Cost• M•N Loth•r V. Tornow. P•stor --Worahl• Stnrlca1' l :IS & U A,.M. , ....... , k!INli t:• A.M. .......... Cllla! t:• A.M. CHRISTIAN IUMINTAIY SCHOOL 14MIU PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Mo11 V1rda Driva & la•er Str..t,· Cost• M•••, Calif • • ANOltlllf C. AHDeUOM, ..... ""°!'n""'Y(~i.: •;at:~&.11:0t. JvndorSdlolll: 1:C11.•:•a11:o1 Prince of Pa•c• Utt.ara11 Wool -Miu E1thor 011Coft. Pri11c.., Offico Phone: 1"49-0521 School Phono1 14f.OS6J w. 1.rr..,e 111 Yu ..• UNITARIAN " UNIVERSALIST I CHURCH I 1259 Victoria St,. Co1ta M11a Attend the church of your choice on Sundey I 64M652 1li:i::M. I A Cordial Welcome from THE UNITED MOHOOIST CHURCH I l1ltl•• lilen4 M.Jg::~u~~~RCH • 111 At•t• 675-0950 1:11 l11fonn1I Wor1hip t:JO Tr1d ition•I Wor1hip I SYn41y School H11nti11gte1' lo1ch--Horlli COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 61162 Hoil Av1 ••• 14Z-4461 Wor1hi~ I Church Schoof 9 I IO:JO AM lrvl11-E1tt lluff i FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH M1in a Ad1m1 Streets Huntington Beach I CHURCH , 11. Mio-_,,.. 111o.._ •I ... ,..,, 0 • '" 1 k:kill9or li11~===~P;h;,.~•;•:~54;1-;57~1~1~D;•~~o~r~~~l1~h;1=:;===Jlf=:=====:==::::=~========~11 Mlflbl" ill I . "",!.0''1:;,,~:·:,~;:,~;"' : BIB~CHURLCH CORONA DEL MAR G L A D T I D I 'N G s Co1f1 MM• FIRST UNlnD MnHODIST CHURCH 19th St I H1rlior l lvd. UNIVERSITY MnHODIST CHURCH Wor1hip •• , .t :lO AM llJ0 123! lfl'orni119 Wonhip I l :Jt .. 11:0IAM lilil• SchMI •••••••• 9:41 AM Yoli+h 5rouJH , ••••• , 6:00 PM l&oni"I Werchip •••• , 7:00 PM , ... ....,....,._ ..... _,, ..... I l ;-41 A.M. Sundoy School I ~ I '°'OOAM. o ... ,,,. •• ,.,,;,. ' , ~Ull(H ASSEMBtY OF GOD Ol'PICt': 300 w. Coal! HIClllW•J· N,I , PJ \: ;;t· O~ 15th & M . N rt B h I ~ CMll ,.,.v!Md '' •• wrtldlle 0_Clffkll1 llW9 •• Diii ~-I •', 0 ' · ~· onrov10 , ewpo eac l"l'loM: 4*·Slll t': '!4/ ._,, f 1/1 lleck W•r of HMt H..,lttiU 64M6ZI .,. 146-716, DIAL-A•PIAYll,....4"4M6Jt i.;, .,,_ Tlllm•• •-llTi. ~nlitr -'"" Mlltitr, Mnklll' 01...ctw ~ -+-... ? Th.~Joc. V\ f :41 A.M.-S.ffey kffol, ••~ cor• far~ Mnk• tHORtH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE .. ....,.,. tOfdl 1 ~ ClllNt Of U..... OIJdl ......... ltllMe. LM A""lll SUNMY t11tvice •• ' 11 AM Mlnlfter • , • , AIMrl lurlll. ~.J.c.f'. Of'Mllt C::~~ ::"u~'im.i,., Dr. '· --GO AHEADI · sqat -IN SUNDAY MORNING! . _. ,... ........ l :JtA ............... lf · '· CALVARY CHAPEL .JJa,/;oi>' ·~lian . e1uu.c~ I • , • • • ' O' MIWPOIT llACM--11 ....... )i ' ....... 11it itt ...,.,.. •• , •• , ...... ..,,. I. ........ c... .... Church School -9:45 AM. .-Worship -10:45 A.M.m N...., C.. ,,,,,, •• -.PhoM: 675-nlS Minlster':•Or. D. W. l\lcElto1 ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH I ' CMl11avri Spe41 wortfilplllf at tho UNIVIRSITY PARK SCHOOL • S11t6.rt ei M•ffh•wt 111 U11fv"1fJfr P1rt: WOUKJP1 11111 A.M. Riv. H. NJ.rm11111, '••tor • IJl·llll ( The Pmon of d.rist I . "!'ii 10:10 A.M.-''111e Chrlit of c.. .. ,y• TM Power of the Holy Spirit + / ... + S-1rmon by Po1tor I ,.~ ·~--·, ... ~ 1:00 r.M.-"• con te ............. .. "'~-~ \ ' ' ... ·--~ .. ... MDnq: Wonhlp , end 1000 AM ., I~ ---...- EYelll"s Sirrri~ 1 f'!o\ :tJ,A: 1 '\,,_ .J I .to·, CW, Jllltl .t hTtl S.ltffy Swwfc .. Tll.,.....y a 111" Stlldy ..,.-. ind Prayer 7 PM · ·'-" Mo•. 7:JO P.M.-CotNfO ,,.,_ Me.tl ............. 1·3760 Nlll'MfY durlnr ~ ..;..l'r M/t"f,...:; W ... 7:11 P.M.-lff ..... r..111 .. hnoHI W.,._, .. ~ fuD Yoalh Program "''Y*' M1otin9,' S1t..1N1y t :JO A.M • Cm. ol °""Se and 23nl. sr. COMMUNITY Cool.lMaa -II. L -· ""'...... CONGRfGATIOllAl u .... a.r.11 of RELIGIOUS SCIENCE 420 IOfft Sf., Hu11tl11g1•11 a.1ch Pit.ii. 116·2120 A,.ull & Yauf" Senice- 11 :00 A.M. llND1 PATI. MINllTll • 611 HELIOTROPE W.....,_11rtl A.M. :llwdi S1•11I 1trtt A.M. Of ....... _._..,, ........ .... ......, .... 11.U.· 67'"4000 S.v•nth.·Day · Adventist Ch..thes ----111.... ... ..... • •• ,, ~ -1i1 HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF ®D 740 W. Wltlon, Cost1 Mesa ,. Y. L. HllTWICll', ,_,., . CA& MMTIT. Ml ... 704 M ..... efM .. SUNDAY SERVICES t 141 A.M. -s..-, Sc ... I c1-to...i1 ... 11:10 A.Ill.-"WW We Wtne" -No. J .............. , l:~ P.M., -Y .... lwYJco • 7:11 P.M. -"'n.t H..,_hff M•• s.r-.. ,.,.,. - COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL . . J ... sii.......11 .. ,...., ...,. .... ....., ~ I l'tla1te• 1"41·41t6 11711 er...,.., ,.,...., , ........ -•••• ,,,. AM A. ........... ~... I FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH ..... w....., • • ..... AM "'"°' 'lfJ.JtJl 1 tf41 ,..., A.-. CT ... • 111..-n.1, POUNTAIN YAUIY ' .................. t.atAM I . .................... JdlfM ............. •• ttill Ml ·UMIFtfO ·lllYICf ··S•'"'~·i_School t1J~WORSHIP ~ 10:10 ll~====:i::======;:i;==;,;====":11 Wonhlp a Yowtti Gr111p1 • •:JO p,111. II. Nltfhry provf .. t;d 1f '•II ••nico1 ~ • PR A ·y· _. ' . . . · f 0 R · · . PEACE I, -A Cil!N'IMl•IM ~ -Vhltln lft .,...,, • .._. I I I • ·Trinity - UNITECt-SP1tllTUAL1ST-GHURCH &02w.1 .... s... ... WORSHIP: AND E.S.P. ....., ......,._ 7:JOp.M. t6J.o411 14J..UJI Wo lellovo l11 lttrr11I Ufo a114 Prow It! ' ,. I~ Worthip I Ch,rch School t :lO I 11 AM S4t-77l7 Coit• M11• North MESA VERDE' METHODIST CHURCH M111 Vordo l l1kor St. So4f.271f Wer1hlp I C~urJ:• School t:op~ IQ1!.lt f'M ', ................. i~--FIRST"UNITED MITHODIST CHURCH 2721 17fti ·St •••• ,!J6-llJ7 ~-t:JOI JI 1.m. ' N~tlJ. 2nd ,,.a •. 11 cti•rdi-~1.r f :JO •.m . • ...._., r M••ting tomporarily lri Sf, Mark Pr11byt«i.e• Ch1rch E11tbluff Dr. I Jomboroo Rel. la1un a l11ch LAIOUNA llACH METHODIST CHURCH 21632 Wc1l1y Dr 111 So. l191111• Wot1hip 9:30 & 11 AM Church School f :lO AM 499-3011 Newport lo1ch l:HRIST CHURCH IJ THE SEA 1400 w. '''"" 11., ... f71·3105 W"l~iP 4-Church Sch11I t ~ & iO:lO A.M . . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES . of ' tbe Coastal. Areas -- ·~hikt Churcli , Preibm.rian 20111 u..-' • l1Wr.-..1. H~ ..... • ...: Aleo o. ---....., W ...... : t :JO AM C'9rclt kllM;lt 11:4J A.M. . ~. 2 .. 111 ..... St ..... , ..... , .. · _ ~ ~urc,h of th_e Covellant -... JU .......... ~ .... • ("' lruco A. ICurrla, P11tw .....,i¥fiin'lp & a... SdMI: t :lO P••• 141 ... IM St. An .. w's Presbyterian Church "° It. A ........... N..,_.. IMI• CHAIUS HlllllT DIOINPIU, PASTO• W ..... & C-.. ...... 1 t...t:Jtl II AM -7147 - Community Presbyterian Church 411 ,.... ...... , .... St.l, .......... . DALLAS TURNll, PASTOl Worltil, • l lll I 10:M A.M-Clllri-• Scllffr • f ;ot A.M . 4t4-7111 I '· I ---- Pulpit and·Pew (Coodoued Ihm Pa1e fl T . ·1 c-l " . ? urmo1 uo. ut1on. • . , Ex-nun Says Student.s .· hould 'Pay' ~ all i!iur.it ~ • • ' . -·-l Chooel.QI '1Faulty saints" u his 1ermon topic, PNtor ,H~ E. Jones wUJ speak at I aod 10 :30 aJI\. communion ierv1Cel at Cainl Bible Olll'd., 23rd Street a n d Orqe Avenue, Costa Mesa. At '1he evening strvl~. 7 o'clock, he will continue the \liaUallzed study from the book· of Acts. Women." Tickets are $1 and ~lldcmi:il~ Motlltr-OauCJ>ter luncbtoti is 1l1ted -today at Calvary V•PClll Clive-. aUl Garfield Ave., H~titiitci'n JI each. Missionary Elleri Duren will ipeak. 9)' GEORGE W. COl\NEIL .-1 of whal they fiuence oo bllll!llor. 1111~ • -NEW YORK (AP) -U you >do." that In ScQplun. J- don't have to pay the piper, Mlu Grtnnan, an emiMntly clta that factor -that · I the dancing may aet wlld. atraia:htforward, vivacious and use ol their rtlOUrcet brlDff Sunday, 11 a .m., Putor James Dolin will speak· on "The Cross and the· Chris-' tlan." •Lillie church f o r children ace 4 to 7 is also beld at this hour. , That, briefly, ls the con-atlractlve Christian thinker, out their ~ic objectlya:. . ditlon now coriwlsJna tht cruleil a ._tlon In Catholic "WllEllE YOUJt in-- campuses, in the view of a educational reform in JM?, is, there will your he.art be not~ Catholic educator, J !,e> and did so with a ~ that also," she iaid. queline Grennan. won otnclal Church 1~0. As to how ttlll ~~~~ She auggests a tadical She. pined, • dilpensaUon everyday mponiltilUt:r a:n ·t.it remedy: Give students ~ lr<!rO ~r"""' U •..»WLof the laid on the ca-... po~411ir- Twelve YOWll people of the cburch V•ill leave today for a weekend of_ work and worship al a Cll.rlaUan orphanace near Ensenada,Mwco. "'• lb"U .. _... r Slst.en ol Lorttto·to lransform ... ,._ r ..,. .a-le reSPQ!» 1 ty, UUUl or Webat.er r .. n .. -..e, of wblcll she MW Gnman oftiin • 4W6 thtir conducl llld also the _... ed pr-1ptlon, but Ibo - Re111lar SUDday-schOci! will begin at t :4S a.m. Youth tralnin& union meet& at 4 :45 v.111. nlttUuibn -iop1.-thi9 Melt is "Inside COmmunism." ·-~~ 1 '!'"'i' !• I f , -, Dr. Chart .. IM Fein· . Aialllul. to tbe C.-Uldl Gulc-bt •1Sounds of Silence" will be tbe theme of tbe s,30 a.-m. wonlllp service-at- Laguna Beach's Com· m u n i t y Presbyterian Church Sunday. Th e Rev. William D. Eckel's sermon will be accom· p an l ed by guitarist Mike Lcige Jr. Loge will also pl4y bis original compolitlon for the of- fertory. coata. is.president, from I church ill· 1est1 the IYID-MN1 ••• llltituUon lo a secular one, govemmut.eet student • "RADICAL FREEDOM Is undu If.)' ~ntrol. . comes or a muaivt Gt..,.. A iuest minister, the Rev. Douglas A. Land from the Center for Studle.s of the Person in La Jolla, will speak al 10 -..m. services for St. r.1 • rt Prab)tertaa Cllurch. 2100 Mar Vista, Newport Beach. His sermon topic will be "Beine and See.ming." berc. Tilbot Tlteolof\· oi TwetVe of the Churth Ci! semiilarY dean, wui--oi-Jeru Cbnstorµ1: speak. 8:30, 1:45 and 11 ter Day Sainu and Re1Ular Sabbath ..ivices a. m. 8Dd i p. m. at chairmau of tbe Utah will bt conducted by Temple · Waabninster. Bmltren State Board of 'l'rustees much hi.rder than partial "I'LL ALWAYS be grateful aubsidy. > =/~.-~e ~~4 !'! ~e·~ for the 20 years f"Uved witbin Wbatmr the-~ .. aone this far, we have to 10 all our religious commun\ty/' she 11,11 studtDll .::U~J;' • the way, and put buyinr power said, "l sUU fed a part of that their own .J,e in their hand.I." · family. But if one loves and is brinl home to them the_.. Today's collegians i n a I a l loyal lo an Institution, ooe ol the decilklDI tbe1 maD. I mu.st challenge it to new ' that they're entiUed to a ma-possibilities'." 1 jor role in running the educa# As for her own career, she T } Se•'A tionaJ machinery, ahe notes, plans to leave her college post emp e "" Beth Davld of Oraai• Cooaty Church Sunday. Hia to-Elder Alma Sonne, will &:IS p.m. Friday at ~ pits will revolve around speak to the Newport mun; t y Congrtptiooal I h e theme "Prophetic Beach stake Sunday, 8 , • Church Katella arid Bloom· Li&ht f o r I World's a.m. His talk is part Of Child care and church school are provided at the same time. field A1venues, Los Alamitoa. Night" and will d ea l a conference being held Rabbi Bernard B. Goldsmith with several ideas. by tbe diocese. wUI conduct services in con- but ander p r e se n l ar· in Missouri at the end of this . it rangements, they don 't have term to ~rry, and to take up I . } D OO to beat the coats oC What they di I ·• • · Srae 8D . do.~ olcblert foot the bills. new, not t llCJ>S= WOC• m • ' 1 . the~M-~ Ptt1aching "The Gold Plated Rose," Dr. Charles H. Dieren- fleld will speak at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m .. services Sunday at St. Aadrew'a Pre s byter ian CHrcll, , 60IL St.. Alldrt\f's junction with Cantor J:larry Newman. and 10:40 a.m. w or 1 h l·p services. Dutini the vesper hour, 7 p.m., he will IJ?tlk on -----sneteeS this ai an artificial, Sh'i unveiled · her 1atest The honoree w1ll be Jl )"11111 Pro1oiue" is the aermon sub-Sterling chair·of Philosoohy at unbalanced situation that pro-recommendation! for campus o]d and the party will teatartl ject at the Harbor Chri1Uan Vale Univen1ity. The public fg duCes irraUona1 behavior. The correctives at a meeting in live entertalnmt:nt, pl_._ .. The temple will hold ilt .aJI· nual installation dinner~ance, May 10.-"David Caplan, of the Union. or Ameiican "Hebrew Con&repUons, ~ill Wt~ the· : n.W mtmbtrs ~ the Temple 'Board "ot Direclls. · ' Chlll'Cb, this Sunda,v. The con-invited. circumstances also tend to p ·11sbu b I t ek ...., ., i cg as we . tra!fitional foods anct gregatioo meets Sunday at forestall the application of St. She told the Academy or May 3, 15 Temple "No Other Gods." Sunday school meels at 9:30 a.m. Youth groups meet at 5:30 and I p.m. Harper Elementary Scllool, • .Preaching at 9 and 10 a.m. Paul's . ancient injunction: R 11,wn and M tat · Health , ·-maa4 425 E. 11th St., Costa fdesa for · Stlbday services, the Rev. "Wha\iver a..man aows, that the t ~rn • ~ nts hav alages Jt,; ~ '"'i. .. Sunday school at 9:45 and JO&eph McShane will deliver a"' will hi also *P·''-t>!n TW'ed· In . "'~ht ~ .Bal:ee ~~~;· ich~led Road, Newp,>rt Beach... ;,, Women1s ' Fellowshlp V.•ill hold a brunch, Wednesday. 10 a .m. in the Fellowship HaJI. Visitors are welcome to hear the panel discussion o n "Portraits, of A m e r i c a r. worship at 10:'5 a.m. sermon e.dHUed "Dealie for · I tt u Security'' at Mesa vu,te TO BRING some chastening permw ve cu ure our na on 1:30 p.m. at 1117 W. llamil .... .a -.1. ...._ realism into the p re 1 e· n t has .ever known." a n d St., Costa Mesa. spomored · Communion and meditation At Bwatfa.tA• &a UaltM A full weekend o( activity is U•1~ &&llioclbt Clmn:s, -11111_ di .> . 1 . hi h ironically, also in the "most '""-Ttmple ••·-y · I t·• Sun"· b •-B k st Costa M stortcu pie ure, 1n w c u..:: .-m&&un services &re s a "~ Wly Y Cbu.rcll of Re.11-'ou Sdeut, _ slated al Lapu Be a ch a er ., eaa . d _.. • th . •·pendent culture." "-·pit's Cl"', _ ... , •• Flnt B ""•t c~-· J e •· · slu eu ... want to ma .. e e1r ""' """" "" -.'""'-• •r-aum1 • DD-· 420 Tenth st .. the Rev. Ernest <llw-cll ol Rdiliou Science,. ., , . • <Mltll dtclsloa.s bQt aren't ac· They're given free re.in In apokelmi;n LeaUe Kinhman. tiDgic.. Bead. at 9:30 a.m. at Pate will discusa the topic 20062 Laguna Cu.yon Road. MeeUnc .at: tht s~nioc coUntable for the results, lhe their choices, she said, but at Donation will be ti Peeks.Cha~ 7801BolsaAve .... The Circle of Love," at 11 Wonhip services will be held Citizens Buildlnc, lSlh and th t th ..... ..ri the same time, they're --rson. with door P.rla Westminster, and 11 a.m. s d --•·• b I"' at t and 11 a.m. Sunday with Irvine, Newport Beach, lht proposes s ey .,., •• ven d pend t f rt ,. ti'°'1nell! a.m. un ay p1a.~ Y a ,,. responJi·b'ili'ty !or both. e en or suppo -on chances inc:ludinr 1 VILLOT Huntin..too Beach Cha ... 1 6th · ,.., edit 1· 'od Dr. Henry Gerhard preaching congre1a"oo ·' ., __ UDll• fell sh' ( •· ,..., m1nu.,..m a1onpen . u Ul i-.. ..-· ,, ....... _1 ould •• 1 parents, a,1 1ps, oun-tripfortwotolarael,for _ • • • and Orange. The Rev. Willis J. oii "Overcoming Obstacles." Cburcla will hear "Watch 'lllat 11•.u" m-rti•. °'d' moi re. da\Jon irants. donaH-$100 to _a !~~ -boar-witt-cooductthe R!'Vices. JUniot church and tiigli schoOI First Step"' delivered -by norm l!Y propo one 1 tua-....,. (ionUnued from Pq:e 4) Church school is held at 9:30 .t'Everlastinc Punishment" youth meel during the 9· Pastor Loren Dale Flickinger. tion. I.be says, In which MANY OF them live on drawing limJted to lOO a .m. at the downtown chapel. Is the subject of Sunday's Bi-o'clock._ hour. Sunday at 10 a.m. students not only · 1 must these sources and stay in col~ b=ai:"'~on ~~. Vatican power structurt:. They Mrs. Alice Medin a ' bleJesson-sermon in all Chris-A eminar on scienlilic The prosperity deveJoement decide wbat to ~o. but in lege1_nintocon~trU.ultaleto20atorb •30!•. r elude. an Uraell dlnce"ii'qol reported that Italian members co-ordinator of the Huntlngwn tlan Science churche1 in the prayer and the art of medita-c\ais will continue Wednesday. which they must live witb the of the Curia, angered by the Beach Community Center, ..-ill local area. tion will begin Saturday at iO 7:30 p.m., at the Senior forebears who usually were _and live music. appointment, had leaked the speak on-.''Poverty at Home" a .m. aDd continue unli~ 2 p.m. Citizens Buildinc. economic adulta at 111, she canllnal's opp<>inbnonl earlier at the 7 o'clock family evtnin& . Tiit Flrtt UDlted Medlodlsl A seootl<f s_emloar will btgin --CornerSt()ne noted -Y<I students DOlr tn- thi1 week to create cm· service. Cbmd, 420 W. ltlh St., Colla ·SOnday at 2 p.m. Both will be E. M. Elliott will be the 1i11t on freedom without the 0 Coe t' barrassment at the Vatican. Mesa, will hold duplicate led by ·Dr. Jack Enlicn Ad· featured artist at CommanJty price tag·on it. r•n9• 1 1 Cardinal Villot came to the Pastor Dallas R. Turner will worship service. at 1:30 and dington. Metllod11t Cbarcll'• art snow Event Set "We must make 'them finan-.Most Complete Vatican as prefect of the speak on the subject "Han&· 11 :00 a.m. with the Rev. Baby can will be provided scheduled at the church Sun· dally independent unlta who PRINTING Sacred Congregation for the Ups" at ••· 10 b' Richard J. Dunlap preaching only for the 9 am. Sund!ly day, from 10 a.m. to noon.~ personaJly bear the con- Clergy, the department chiefly . u1e th a.m. wor• 11P "Hostility and Reconciliation." suvice. Mias E\Uott.. a Laguna ~ach· Sl. George's E p Is cop a I sequences of their own concerned with the unrest ~1~~!. ce• aC:~~·~:~ Nursery and church school resident, has been associated Church, El Toro, will set the economic decigions," she uid. SERVICE Tho ' which has been sweeping the Forest Ave., Laguna, Sunday. for all ages are be\d at the Adding a worship hour. with the Laguna Beach cornerstone for its new Otherwise,"weareheadedfor priesUy ranks. All hough same hour. Youth fellowship Re 1 u. r rec ti o • LaUtuan Festival of Arts, Pageant. of sanctuary Sunday, 4 p.m. The continuing aoarchy and con-~~.· known jn France as a pro-meeUnp at 1:30 p.m. whi1e Cllurch, 9112 Hamilton Ave.. the Maaters, for five years. Rt. Rev. Robert Burt o. n tinuing chaos." grt:ssive, the bespectacled, Worship services at Central the younc adult group meets Huntington Beach, will nO\¥' Worship services will be Gooden, b i s b o p sufCra1an. In short, u abe set.a lt, the cray-haired1p~~teoth'!' .. ~~ Baptil.,.llC•' 7Clllln:111 w·.~~A·-llOnwill at 1:15 p.m. hold Sunday services at both I held at the church, l8G fleil ~ellred1 • of,~ dioee1se of ~ counsels~~~~~ can. • . ·.Pi.. '42-4321 staunch de euuo::' -i.n1::: -uui.~ behld -•ru 11JJJ~~. and 10:30 a.m. The Rev. Ave., Huntington Bea~h, at ·t nnge es, ..-u• per orm u""li~e~xert~~·~"~-iiii~' ~..,...~-~--;'f,·~in-~-~··~·::·~·~·~;,";:·:::;··==1 trine or priestly celibacy and ~y ~fJ~·~:m.·~ "Leitovera." ... will bi the Arthur R. Tingley will speak and .JQ.;JQ.a .m .• Sunday .. -l'b&.. .cetera.OD.)'. ,.,..,.i . ..,..,.... -"( , .... r an oppbnellt of any major . sermon topic ol tbe Rev. on "Ta.kin& a ·L.Mt ' al Rev. Roger G. Betsworth will Assiating BisbopGoodenwill ' t chqe in the role or <the Ray pre~. . .. Bruce . Kurr le at the Ourselves." Communion will pr'each "fear of the Lord.". be the Rey. F. C. Benabn priest. ,, : • · • . N~ brt ~ J'~~-' .P.nabJterln.-0.~ et. the ~ bt celebrated at the 10:30· Church school and infant care \ ~llita, ·~din. W. K. Keith '1 "He is no·revolution.ary, but · dunag botb.lil'VJcH, • --1 ~·1151Fairft!w-ftoad;--hoor'.'"---· ~· -~ is al~ ptov.lded for both Bro~U. Uie)¥:v, J:~ ·~··; = ~."' .;. he ii open to renew.al." said Sundayschool.is:htldatt:U Colt.a MM&rl-Worpip : and icburch·1thoci1 ~mttts al I hou·n . 1.. -C: Hmi.mond;snd laymen of one French prelate at the a.m, At 6 p.m. Traininf Union church achoof convene at 1:30 .a.m, the chUrch, hea~ed by William · · · - Vatican. "However, he will and choir~rebearsal are held. a.m. ' Sunday evening, 7 : 3 0 "Why We Do What We Do In J . Dunn. Gaines Annstrona tbe SD.t""'-41 Moll ~B,. .• ., never go beyood anything o"c1oclt, the church will hO!t a Worship" is the title of the and Tea W. CAte. M~ that Pope Paul has recom· Cbrist Lu~ru Chrcli, 760 Featured in tht 7 p.m. Sun-reliiton and life dialogue. sermon to be prese.nted by.Dr. . Pa.rtlcipan11 and 1pectaton mended." Victorilll, rNlrl.. Mesa, con· day terVice at the C..&11 Mesa Topic will be ''Relevance of Philip G. Murray at Coat.. for the cornerstone service *H"OI .. • Cl:IWM&f•• • cardinal Villot was a gregation ;tti~ar a sermon F.,nqurt Ctlurcll, 1 7 3 4 Organised" Religion. to Life" m u n i t y C o a I reptlaul will meet in the banquet room ...... , .. 1 member of the secretariat of by the Rev. Lothar Tornow on ..,Orance Ave. will be the film discussed by Dr. Geddes Cllllrcb, fill Heliotrope ·Ave., •nd patio of 'Manni n I' 1 ~bf iht "fR.EES of the WOR!l:l &he YaUcan Ecumenical eoyp. the. theme "A Reason to Re-' • Lon d o n Hean Billy MacGreaw. dean ol graduate Corona de! Mar, Sunday, 10 · Restaurant. They will march ,.. . - cil and was one of the French joice," at boo, the t:l5 and ll Graham." The public Is in· tchool ol. religion, USC, and a.m. OWrcb school and chDd to the new church 1itt at·1:46 · ,,,,.:! =•,,.: ~ . hierarchy's m<>!t active a.m. Sunday services. Com· vlted. _ _:Dr:::... P:..ou=!..:.W:..du=·:..holdtr:::..::::..:..°':..t:..bt.:.,....:.c:..ar..:.e..:.•:..rt:..al>o+, .:.:...bt.;:..ld:..•:..t:..10:..•:..·:..m..:.··.;.· .....::::.. __ ..;...._.:._ ___ 1r====================::dil pnlates durina: the mtttincs. munion will a1sO"be observed. 1- He WIS eltffted to cardinal ... . \v.l.til. "On BlinJ;.a.Jtlll Christian" o· . . o· ' 1"" In 116$, inil lwo years later ~ruor -er WIU• will b tht ~tle Ill 111t·u 1.m. Sun-· w I G HT · 1. hear guest speaker J)on Mat· ' Pope Paul named him to Uson, leader ol y o u t h day sermon to be delivered by 1'lJ\NT JNTERES• . T' . preside ovtr the Synod of ._ ... · ... ..,,"" t 1 30 the Rev. "Stanley P. · AJlfn at Bil.Jlo~. Created aflet: the l"l.w-erung, s.,--a : p.m. Fountall Valley lade~I · Vatic'-" Council.to adv'lse the Sunday. . Pre1byteriu Chrdi, t 41 0 Pope. 5. , ·••-00. Talbert ON YOUR BAMJt E The Vatican new 1 pape r u: uuwcran c JTS will join Sunday ICbool meets at t :4$ ~~~·~~~=I~; ~ .. ::~ .. °'.~.:ta= a.m.!oronthour. CBl,(SDfG ACCOUNT! ·1sENHOW' ER "a!fabl• and v tr y con· Sunday 4 p.m. Tbt thtme is • . . ' i · • ,: Jdtnlious." "O Come Let Ur Sine Unto . 'C'-• ~rr.~ :~n~~t ~ Th;h!;!~cu welcom•. • .:U :W.:&;.~· st~~~~t~r of France's strong c~::~:;.ci~ ~e ~f ~. IWll'UI 'M: -VB ACCOUNf ·. Gaulois C!igar1tte1, Villot is in messace which Jame• E . • • · - 1oo<1 btalth and is tlptcted to Piercy, minister of Finl • YR. 111, .•.•. .... tit Is weft '1 ....... I lot i.M iilllJ II take over much or the work Cltrl1da1· Churc~ of Coat• -i" wbicb aid~ hai\<fl.ed !or all· Meu, 791 Victoria ·st., will . -drnU I 1111 at ... 1 lllt .. II Jiii' Plrillc K Pin•••. ~ •·· ~'-''•al Cl . ' ch "'"'-both •-• ... ""'·""'. ~1.. pr•• -···• 1he 1'30 A1u1•liils:•1lliii111fllldl .. lllJll•lll'Wli'9I .. I SIEREO ENIAl-ION..---i-'Ille-.....,.· .... Of or ... •.CO•ty Mualc RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .. From Fashion lsl~nd, Newport Beach -------------------- t • ' . ......... . ~'1-Jl•r ._ ft@J tl!t ·~.11 la (. ~ar .h•e A11nat- naa hr· . ..-•• tiW· ··. t ft 1 1 fr• F '11! kna FL 111 i ' Mr • 11•• ........... ........ . leel•i• .. "" ...... 81 ............ fnll tlit 1rl ., . .., .............. .,. ... . I A Gauge of Greatness "' Th• DAILY .PILOT proucUy offers thi1 her4 t0v~1 ! l,io9raphic1I volume in which fwo-tim• Pulitzer l'rit.•. · 1 winn•r R1rman Morin te•e• ·the mee1ure ef "l••.~.:14 fhe Pr'esident,• the 1oldi1r; the ·stet11min. th.-·faMllY.'"' • men, th• Am•rlcen. You can own tfiil fnfi1Mf1 ,1co(: t tur.-of the life of Dwight Oevid Eis1nhower ,f,r ju1f ') per copy. . - • • • Order Your Copy Now . ...... ,,,.:_ _,,_...,,.., .... Paull 1rlf1, M.Y. 1 ...... '· ._.,.,, .. 1 .•... w ..... ..,._.,,.. .• rt •• .-. .......... ' ........... ··~· ....................... . Straitt ••• ,, •••••· • ., •••••• ~ •• _ ••••• ,. •••• •••• •• •••• ctty ••••••••••••••••••••••• ; ...................... . ,..,.. .............................. u, ........••• ......... ,.,.... .......... .... '. . I ~:::;:::::~::-:::::::::::~:::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:~ ~ -" ------~--:-----• • _ . .I DAll.Y IUT J -' J . -• ' • -.-~ • :-• r. • ~ • • Page • . " I -·- on .TV 'Turn to . Real ·violence? -plelo ' ._,. to tlielr dismayed Whil• · denyln& the ac-of parents?"· ._ • purposeful vkilence, television luder• ad· M mlllJ ,_..,people becin to mature, ITiiL that rough stuff draws viewers. CBS L KQ_akawa llld. they ••Jeam that the Prealdent Frank Stanton told P-astore'• IN AN INTDDI• report.' t..h:,e 'DIP! ot, aCtnilUy given them by subcommittee th&l when shows •re too _Pf .j• '' 91' I ' · • -1 d telnMkll do~,con:Ul!Ood to the ac-"uniti"6:f," rew: watch tbem. "Wbf:n we ~~ T 1 ..OWllJCI VTF U ••rt Tiit .... ,..._ ' · ... _ ... •-·-entaries'" of n.n. e mUJi< on the • _, .......... tl!ll W; peroeat al .,,... ~ " . .., .. ~ .. P,rin<'JNe;t<i,.dll-. .a,-"' ,at... ,"' v Evtlf ll'illoy, re)lect the cullure u air; Ibey (urn ·away f-It 1nd 10 for a Whlta·~liild'·ll·~ ~ they undorrfOC1d It tbruugh teteylaloo, Weatem." Stanton said. ' etw }iblte cblldreO -i'elevlilOii Ibey mtaa the'Pl9Siilt lanlule.-ti><Y en-A,11 three networks promised Pastore in '!acturate Portr.Yal of life in joyed u children when they turned .on the their -scbedul~ · ne_xt faJ?_ W°'l_ld _have Amtrk:~" ·set.SoUtex-'turaonlin .otberways... fewer "action-adventure' sfiOWs and -':In-•-si-:Ii laal ~ber;-S:-i; "TheldmhlpcilthebSDand.otherdruf -fewe!'-vrolenl scenea In the.-that..., • 11.oy._.,.a. a speoCb pro(eaior wbo since ..,.nenc.. with televlalon Is 1lartll(ly malll. CriUcs are dubious. hu·plned fame u presl(Jmt restive of obvious: both dtpend upon 'turning on' Beyond that lies the quei1tion whether San Frandlco State College. llktned • and ppUYily waitln& for aomethinr the First Amendment also covers I . telnilkn'to "a powerful IOl'Cerel' ••• a beutltUJ to happen." teWlvision ent.ertalnmenl. I How to Structure -( < ~ A Viable Sentence Ob&trvtn OJ, and pcutitipant! in, ~ -fearioint langUOQt ·of academe ~y find gWdance, or chuckles, in n Acodtmic Dic,tionary," publilMd the -atupent newapaptr at Rock- ~ College, Suffern, N.Y. Thtst de· fltjtiona: were euerpted from that •fli<!e. ARTICULATION -This term ts u!e<i to describe the way one course or cur· riculwn or level of instruct.ion fill into ~· 'fliOre ta good orttculatlon and popi-articutaUon. ~pies of the resul!e II{ poor artic:u)allan are: (l) the. student MO learns ordinary math in elementary t&iool. new' malb in le'Venth grade, tX· run.aw. ~ptual 01ath In the eighth ~ and -to lrilnlry math In the binth grl!lle. He goes mad In the tenth Jrlde &nil the!! ta cal)ed il!'<PIY DtlilJrb. Oil <-belo!r). (2) A lltlldent who takeo, 1he first haU of Wellern Clvtli%ation with one prolesoor, the ......i haU with ..,\her, and .4JMo• bellevu be bu been = aboulm cflU.,..,t pianeta. ~­ a1 good . -""" Im-to cite, iinoe 10 far U la known, iedd articoltttoa doeln't elilt anywbere Iii America. CULTUllAU.Y DEPRIVED -These art people •. like Puerto lUcans, wbo eat food, ling and ctance a lot, have with their meals. FAucators do nooe these thlnp. -This Is a word must uaoo. It wUI probably be 1'10, so tbeywlll not have i, !mow what tt means. r---'. ~l8CJIFl'l!l -An uplilng educal«a _. bt able to lhow they know the atermce between this word and "di~ alder lhi!-•-coostr\lct. and :will~ It as that quality which la meaaincI bf In- telligence tes!e. Everybody 'elae knows what it is. OTIOSE -The Jn.word for 1970. Pm- bably will replace "dicbotolny.'' (Ed. note: or "Viable."') QUA -The one Latin word known to educaton. Prooounced "Kwa:11 Useful iD Scrabble to gel rtd of the "Q." Used In IUcb phrases ' U "The teacher II ' teacher,'' wbJcb means,.'''.J'he •teacher as a teacher," Mt as a parent, not u a rapist. but as a teacher. TEACHER • INSTRUCTOR • PROFESSOR -These words are anacbronlama. They have be</! replai:ed -:byaeb .~ u .. membll'IOf-.tbe 1eech'"« fiCulty" er • •cl a 11 room ~" .. 19• ate·· them fll>ni'I~ .. ,.~"~~ 1n lhO nil a1 educat!on is to alCl • Devil'• advocliteil'i by trying to tlnrar.t tiie bOld -and ; ... novative pliM (l('ti feducatora. Planl are under ~,fodhelr eventual phasing out aa lhq are replai:od by television. magnetic tapes,. movitll, e~_, Meanwhile, tbef have.a certain uUlity u they can be mad'! to do a great deal of clerical work, such u readln1 ad- ministration ~' ••'st.in& at,.. registration., etc. · STUDENT -This ·lerm Is lllo anacbmli.Uc and ii being replaced by the lerm "lndMdtJ'1 acl!Vt;IY lnvol'IOd ID . ·• . 'llCWl•.ni.utlftln 111111f nst1111r 1 ' 'I{~ " ,,, , ~ .:. l stoey4eUtr and a 1j>lnntt ol druma" .• ''I do not see how we could •dopt, a wilo malcbel c~n from theii pu<11ll DR. 'ti'. WALTER MENNINGER·al the regulaUon to put a limll oo violence ~'levtral boun a da1:. , ... famed Menninger Cllnlc in Topie:ka, withoul violating the Firsl ~e~ment." ;Ta1 -fourtb1or more of .their wak-Kans., saya it is too euy, to make says Rose1 H. Hy~e, chatrman a! ~he tn1·i¥>un 'fnm infancy ooward, tlfq live "televillon the bogeyman." Federal Communications Comnu.ss1on In a semantic: envlrooment tbeir parent& .. 1 thlnk you Over)Q9k the . capacity (FCC). .. did not create and make no attempt to which all healthy people ..,,..,. to develop P~e ap~ar1 to . agree. Congres." control," Hayakawa said." ... Ia It.any and diltlngulsh between reality and ,f.,... cant get into this business of wonder lhat these children, 8..s t,hey grew t,..y," says Merinin1er, a member of the censorship," he told the n.e t work to adolescence, often turned Out to be Pruldent'1 violence COllllll\llliOI\ presidents . WICl(S LOOKS AT THE WORLD'S WEEK 'Tl111111C tllt 11111111 .... Is ,. -· 1111 I* II rlillmllll' ' ., ~ . ' ...... , flrfll h ullll, _ ..... lltllt Cl•ll'll.' " , . ' ,, . World Jammed; We Live Too Long In the Ume of the Pharaohs the world populatioD was about 20 million people. At the Ume of Chrilt, 1,000,yun liter, there werei1bout 250 milllon pebple. - At 1,000 A.D., ttiere were •boot 1.5 billion people. Then the world's PoJ?U1&- tlon stood 5'1U untJI a~t 1630 A.D. 'The papula~on we: being kept in balance through the devk:ea of · war, pestilence and famine. _ Jn the underdeveloped naUonS lhei't are staggering rates of population growth. Latin America is growing at a rate of S percent per yt!"ar. At this rate it takes on- ly 23 years to double the present "j>opula· tion. ~ 1950 North America had more P,tOPltt than Lat.in America. In the ye!U'. 2000 Latin America will have approximately 300 million people more than we do. What are the problems involved here, Space -we don't have elastic wills. It's also dlUicult to Improve the slatus of health and nutritional levels in the underdeveloped world. It's also difficult to. educate these masses. · Then some anonymous individual discovered that one cou1cf boil water: and save lives. They also dic:ao.vered that. rather than throw bumu excrtta · from the windows on passersby below as they RECEN'l1.Y the NeW York Times men- d.id in Paris, it could be burled and in-tiooed thal Egypt had 20 million people in creaae sanitation. 1950. Now there are over 30 million. Over In 1961 there wert three billion people the past two decades, the life &pan ror .in the world; in lfll we project a world · men in Egypt has been.i!Ja't'Ued by 20 population of four billion; in 1990," fiv• years, and ~ life span for wome_n, ll billion· in the yer·P>O six and·cme-liAlf' years. Jn addition the fertility nk-1s l~ billion: 1;'he ~it;· hy thll grbwth? births for ev~ ~ WOJnen m wi..g.ita--o• cw e Mn<!I to pnc-Egypt.· OUT birth rata a ~Y· Ii per 'Wliea'th~ 'ct.' laTn1ng Ill''; U>ou.;and. • practice bl!1h cdmrol In Egypt the size of the family for • . Uterate persons is four childreh. It's THE WORLD HAS. been lnchin& aloog higher than that for the illlterale.· -in populaUon groWth. We still hav, a An acre of land there now has tO feed high birtb rate and lowerlngAeath rate. 4.5 people whereas 20 years ago it was Simply we're not dying fas' enoUib. onJy two per acre. The government is The world "idn't intend fqr us to live as very much concerned. And It Is long as ·we have. Life expectancy is now cooperating in efforts to reduce the rate 'ro yean. For your grandpar,ents tt waa 35 of birth. years; for your patents ~ yean: For How can we control the birth rate? your children it might be 90 years. But Celibacy has never won a popularity con· tbe world ia not growing at an even rate. test. But it remains the best method. The deve1o~ nations develop growth Ireland has kept her populaUon stable. much more alowly. In the United,.States, The average age for women to marry ·1n we now have the slowest growth rate Ireland is 27. The averqe age for men is we've ever. known. And Hungary fOr in· :xi. By contrast, in the Uni.ted St.ates, men stance, has an almost• completeq stable marry at the age of 13 and women at the $1." ney will write whole essays just to use both, discreetly · and ltl<e thta). a ch,all"llllnl and viable leamlng allua- tion." The chief pUrpoee of the student in today~1 educ:a.Uooal ~QS'.id is to irovlde data for the, •~ai>.·As the state al the art adyances, lltudfDts too · can be phased nut of the scbooll.and roplacod "1 sl«od electrtcal lmpulM In '~ bowels of immenae compubinl · ,,_. flcment- lllud¢a can then be ''educated" by lm- ,,-----------~•r M•• In San F-:ancbco _, - populaUon. -age of 20. There is a second me~hod of control: contraception. Now lhtte are two basic methods ·-the pill and the in· tea-uterine device. A TmRn MFl'HOD of control is abor· tion. ED CBILD -A-mean ltid. A ,.., ~ c1"ld ta a very mean 1"' A~ law«ideving child 11 a dumb tl(iookld. EWB'Y -This man never actuilly rilolled. lt was necessary to invent him In er to have lome one to blame for a 'le IS'iel ot dia&Btrom educational e1:· ;.+rtmeoli.' He ll,lllo u!Oll to explain why ta iJl>pollible to find anything in the u ary. ,:DUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY -'Jl>la waa orlgtnally a joke dreamed up by 1Jt<e professors at Clly Coltege of New i:: but was tal<en oerioualy by llCbool ·-.ton alt acroa the country. All kl ol ell"Ed" cour111 (which are y tllo -book with different and -aulbon' llll!llea) deal with lhll ... _ -II oducaton were thta -· they would be ipeok al alt It ii alten -In ' junclloa with the noun "nperi..,..." '°JnllnlDlful experience" ii 1 alld • dac:ribe an event tollb deooid al -.. ... ' . QVAJJllY lllM:ATION '-To the et ... tor11ie ........ -a syatom run McorcllnC lo ble ldeu. To' lbe pareet tt ~ • ,,_ tllal will .. ble 1111 kid la(get • jOOd ~ ~-Educaton -- . . I· S.turday, May 3, 1168 , ne COmment Pate "' t11t IJiillt'"Pllot'.1etn ~ • al lllmalllle naden by pl'IMDllll& a v•ri•ty of com- 1 menlley on topics ol i~ler­ut ud al(Dlficance from 1 Informed oblorvera a P d opot ....... ' '. ~··"' & w-. ,.. ..... , I , -. pulaes frpm othq ·~~· and "graded" on a nonnal dlltrlbUt.loo curve, These gradea will then be reparted to the Admlnlatratora,.wbo wtD·lhen ~ve the ·u. lusion that somdhln& l11'11appenlll(-aod the figment-student "trill not always bl . droppln& clgareU. butll an the floor. Meanwhile, of course, we are forced to wart with flesh-and.blood ltudenll. '° gru.t cpe muat be ~ 1to prevent any1hing they are told Ill claaa from In any way lmpinclng on reality. No one <111 ,_ what mlglil • lllppen ~ ·t!ie_ ltudmts were to relatt What they learn in IChoal to ruJ•life, but the thou&hl fairly boggles the mind. They might even come to -., lhemaelvea •• the central ,_ for the extatenca of the ICboola; lbta m!pl lead to lhelr ..,..duaUng and becom1q -who demand •le<ted olflclala to .... the ctllaen. vIABLs -The word ta Used In ...,. tepees lllCb u. "We mmt ttructure. a 'flable JMming aituatl(G.. II Sf:nict the efto Ure ..-ta deV<lld al ... anlll(, It ta hanllJ fair to tnatat lhll 'one WWd In ti meon-..,_ Legislators Should _Spend Time at Home __ tv•rtr.n· ""-.. 1Me elf :::i.IJOi\ilh al (state ~) """"'· ,_ the -for tllo -ldual leChlll«·IO be port al bll ••'*•Wll;y. ~t~ ... .,... penona who """" aD -wor1dl1( "'°"""'ta II the i-ti boq a ...,preatntative -which ta alt~ dK- ltrtnt from a croup ot ~ spending 11.• eottre wnrk tlmt In the capitol. Tiit lat!« group • Is ..rem.t to .. • bureaucrats. • -H. It Thtobold, chU/, Wjlf.ooalio L•glalall•• !U/tr171<< burenu. ' ·The Thin Blue Line ls Being_ Hiked Up By HERB CAEN. SAN FRANCISCO -I'm delighted to note that Adolph Schuman, who make• ladies• clothea, and Cyril . . Mopln. wbo aelll ladtee' clothes, • are on Mlyor Alioto'• fOuNnan com· mlttee to design new W'llforms for our poltco. One of tiiy foadeal mam1 lor A Mon'"BelutUul San Franclaco - mlnlsklrta for metermaldl -may yel come true. W• have two votes·u ol Jdur. ANOTHER SAGA ltom !ht my-Eaat Bay: An almoll .... . ' . 112.000 ,...i., van, looded with bolalehold!::-~s. wu stolen from Emle'• V• • ·-.p In Berkeley - both have nolhln& but clw, editorial offict! will be set up in Lbe Pomeroy Galleries (soon to close) in the Paclfic St. firehouse owned by Gulsage. What will lhq do for adverttsiD1l.Gossage: "We'll buy ll" Eh? "Right. U •e 5ff a pn!tty ad, we11 boy it for the !19Ual apace rates. A maguine should lMlve a t*ol preUy ads." Revolutkitary. Will wrlten;hlive to pay to be published in Scanlan'•? "We're tb!nttnc about il" THE LOCAL GROUP caltod SCRAM f"Senllble Clliunl Reject An Ii : ~5'.lc M!Mile1'') ml4fe a $l'OOI deal for el&bt blllbo""1I lien. But when the bllt!iqanl """ iiw' Ille\........ -''ABM : America'• staest"':Mistikel" -the boardl were ~ "Id available." ml Ille poltce had .. luclt -.. ti. SoO..,...ErnltSonlldecldidtoDn It·llbnoell.·lllr •·an•IW,hi bind a " ~\ llellcqplor wt of Tiii! NAVY II tt -iln flower BalltalitO.-wllh Pilot llill ~ al ·Iha pnw«I Trulure latanden have been ' 'iiOiiiiOll and be _, -· that "no .more than IOUT ' ~ and ~. After two Oower decals" may be displayed on haun-'"lbe"'ltt,l".hollendEmo, .., ..... (l) COT driveo "1 Navy '.,ulng hla van parhd an a Rieb-perSCMtL _.By I.he way, are those x ~-~"" ... \ ~~ •J;. o.> .... Halt .....,al d'1I qo. Up apinsl the wan. udderducker• ••• CHJU.Y NEW 11\JMPER strtp notel by Vic. Ulmer: "Hayauw&-Reagan: J984." ADD INl'INITl!MI: "Dnea 1111)' city have blgber tall I..., than 111111 J'ron- ciscO's?" Ub •ruder. PtltiAlto t« one: ,IOc l!agdi'vp. lllc etdl 1111111 al a mlle and .. an bouT waJlln& time -If you c~ think of a place lo gn •·Palo Alto that la worlh walUn& lor, •• Mr. l:lll&oft will next ao Into the rent-a~ business, with le1 voitures 'waltlnc right there in his ho(el garages.' AJ Avis might say, "This r~ally Herta." -llreet. ~ aellltd down bl a IWlllowvl or dalslul --"1 lot. Emit -tor. • THE SAN FRANCISCO predllectlon ,._,wthe00(18-..t~'lanand NorABLE QUOl'BS from a fat ~ wltlt atr..,...IOUlldlnl ,mm U) ptlnie'upeet Er*, ..0 -..Y deocolldlag""'" a commut· nunea -buqTJ ~ ~Ellat<nce , pltuod: ·-H I -~ -It,• ,.. train at Thinl and Townleod Friday Bqel Shop, Purple Onion, Anxioui tba ~ ridt --the morn : "YISl<rd<Y our entire office Asp, el<. -•ppar<nUy ta noth1nc new. -· Qreoll"-" ---........ ~-.111111--atqtd I _ _..., tho boaa The ruin( al an old ·bldg. -- 1'11A~ llAPPllNEll lo """' ,.,, Hlncl!l"! Wtll, the I01'111"r chief of Rilmp:i!U la 111<1vin1 ahtld br&ftly with . etani to launch h1a Scanlan'• M0'1ll1)1 -"not polltlcal,ibrtaht and sliarp" -la!« Ibis . , .tlth B"'l"'1 ~ .. imI ' SO.:. didn't even notice I" · Manta! and PacUlc: hu llPQltd a bil • ' . slgnreadllll "A+ Flnke'1Widow,"1p- AJ\E OUR. CAMPUS feodrn on l'tt parently 1 6K of. whimsy executed by r&td-back to 1oldtlsh-n.·al10\vlng~ All I the ownitrs of 1 long-gooe liquor shep know ls lhlt Chuck Palmer, studt:ni opened there in Jul y, 1906. Thelr body pl'u. of UC, and Steve Woodsld" namu: Ernst S<hroubstadter ond ditto o( UC-Plvil tngaged in a CO# Emtl GroseiJnger : you can appr~late mllldnJ contaat qn tbaoltePI of Sproul ' · tholr problem and thell',.hJlton. . • The World Hea1th OrganizaUon say11 there will .be some 35 million abertklns in the work!-this year. When abortion is Jes•lized' the birth rate falls dras~Uy. The fourth method is sterilization through a simple operaUon on tllfler the male or female. There are, however, different atUtudes ' throughout the world. Some people claim that our exc.itement about the problem of population is unfounded. A British economist says that if lhe population of the v.·orld were fed on United Stales stan- dard!, the world could support 47 billion people. If they were fed by Japanese rlc:• ltandards, be says, the world could sup- port 150 ,billion. The Oxnmunist world says M pro. bleinl can be attributed to the bungling (Jf the West. TblJ daim that there is no population problem uoder the Communist system of diltrtbutlon. ANOTHER group iays, let's do tt through the wisdom of family planning. And many fee.J that we are making pro- gress with Uris approacbi In aome cou~ tries we have turned Ute. population curve downward, not dramatically. but downwant. .Another -lll'OUP aa,1 .only s-cJon or briber)' will work. Klngsley Davis, 1 noted IOclologtat at Berkeley, gay1 we mull get tough. SUU anqther group ..,. that it's all too little and ton lote. They aay nothtll( carf stop the crowt11 of popuL\tlon except tho atom bomb or epidemics or disease. [ can't ·.., where the proper answer 1ies. I fed that we ought to give volun· t.ee.ri.sm a chance. We'll have to wait and see what happeM ov.er the ne'lt J 1 years. At that Ume. U "ft"t can't by then cut down the pwlh of populotlon to a bout I percent per ,.ar,. lhen -be coen:lm ii the oaly coune. IN COMMUNIST CIUNA, cotrrlon la tl)e order of the di$. Women C1n'l""il1"7 unU1 age IS.-Tbe man mut be :ti. After the third child, no more . r1tlon hr:';; ~l"(' ~'"\ted. Tht partnta musl then buy 100!.l a1Kl clothlnG" on &he blac:ll: market. In lnci\1 the gove.rnm~nt sponsored pro- grams on birth contf"QI la: without ap- parent ~ss. They ar.e now turning lo male 1te.rru:z.auon. - • < ---• ---~------,.. -.._:.. , G/ Porron ll)W Ii llW LOCATIOll Cance~: B~ Diplo~ati~ With ··(:hildren . -~ .. ....._______ ------·------.. ---__ , -...... ··-·------· --------------·-· ---:"COAST ~Y;;-l'OltT' HACH • .J ' SUNDAY '(ou 1119ve about; v.·bat ap-·your own good. llon. Aulhotltles are on your ..PISCES (Feb. 19-Marcb at)': have upset fOU-Bul now there M y 4 peartd aetllect. is reactivated. SAGI'JTAJUUS (Nov. D· 1idi. Know this and aq .)!i\h ~ Ambltiona co91e to._fore. You ls more acilvlty and greater ... A DLsp.1tt1COUlcf1fl5ewltl(.Close Det. Zl):'A ... d acUons bued confl4tnct. Much occ\lrs • get actloa" Q.I\ Cfft\f level. social life. You can mike con- GEMIRAd INDICAnONS:i. rut:0n&le .Gbanges. "Avotd • equal timr. !:m_pbask on . new AQi.JARlUS (Jan.i· ~-alert ~unities. Hiii!· :.f lift. , · · · _, •• • • ' MEXIGaN M\· ~UULJS · __ ...___ ·------. ---' f'1 SYDNEY~ . rel&Uvv. 1\ti<:ls lo !gt,e to.. oolely oo.lmiiul ... Gl,.. lofllc. behlad Ille 1C<11t$. :r . Advanlt:i'\"'' lndi<:ated .H ,,t.ctrwhich will enricl! your 'AvOid exeua' ....... Mellea "'""~~transit"'-" • ~jCls.·E_Xf llem ep t ol ti); ·Aartulve friend moy light mal ippioacb. Y4ll •• -. DIO:i NER ''$1""" OP!N IP .. r•W: ioday apt to be hfg!ter SCORPIO (Oct. 23'-Nov. 21): diiCovery lS featurtd. You are cause you to Change plans. Be attract special i_>er"SOP· T• 111'111 ...,, Wf'l9'• luck~ 1or ~..., In n .:Kl tf . 11111 P.M. tbao a1ua~ Ouldoor sports Guard possessions. Be sure stimulated. ready. ~lnish a project and be If loday .ls you blrlMlr. you =:i.'~S:;:; ~:. s;.~ !;'·:~ fRU roi::~=i~'t.:"~~~.~~~IN:ACH favored. B~l .• lloneplly ·eoul4 you knqw .wl\ll"f'M,ily:ls,"1eeQ...--,. ~~t'f'RIOO~, (Dec., ~an! ..,ready lo e~ntar n ew are an 1ndlvldu1l• ~wbiJ'· .'IC··; .w~." sw llk!Mlt'6 •nd Jt Oiii11 ~· • •• • ' mutt In 111IQaJ>1. Muy P.et-.'·ed. F~ily member oUers 19).: You rec~ve ~~m~t!o~ ~lie~. Spec!aL.~a~~Uqnship ~~pli.s~~.s, ,Put you·,m~t fi[,sl . ~.~~·;~-:0':;,.~~~1:: ~:1•~ PHONE 646-5llO ple &oUy ... NJee~ io.,••-~·1: sage adY~:. FollO;\\L lt • .-.1.Pf ,c wblcb •lf'enilhem t:ias1c poa1· may &e under strain. . outhne goali. Recent ·delays. Ntw """"' N.v .10t11.• . ""--'t be oae al tltem! . ' · · ' · · · ~ '• •·• • ' ' I . ARIES (March 21-,Ap~il Ii): In any journey, be: .. cautlo..us. Mars and moon conjOln in area associated with your llavels. U careless, fOU invite a'cclde1;1t: Day is' 'ilc\llent ror acting on. in.Spiration.' Gel !~as "'! eapor._· .: - TAURUS (April»MoY 20): If mate or partnec-is in mood to argue, be . a 1ood Jisttper. Rise above petty annoyances. Day to display maturl\y. u un- dersta.nding, yw· gain emo- . Uonajly .on4 flllallCially, GEMINI .(May .11.J..,. .20): Some lgreements could -be broken. others act Iva t ed . Don'l pe,rmit yourself to be depressed. "You are goln& to J'Jl3k~ h'eatihy, .new . conJaet; Avoill stupid ai-gumtnt. .' ' CANCER (June 21 -July 2%):· Be diplomatic in dealing with chi141'en. Some around you are i qa p u lslye, _argumentative. F!Jt~ -.'l':•_{:"i&ljerO!f-. . 'bl ,lr1)Jlf(J to reocrr, desllnalion, obSei've tu.Jes-:-Be -sare;-not sorry. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Be diplomatic in dealing with children. Some ~around you -·ari iF,ipfuSive, ajumen1aUve" .• Yoi:c~ ire' ~at~ed. ·ID lf.Y-lng to reach destination, ob- -ser ve rules. Be sare. not . sqrry. . . , VIR()O (Aug. ·Z>-Sept. 2'll-. Don't. rn$. Some apparent minor point.a could b~in ..., major. Know J,hls and take . yoor time. Key is to ·be .t.tiorough under pr e~.s ur e. 01aer lndlvidual loses .terppcr. Don'.t compOund error: . LIBRA (Sept: ~Oct. 2'll-. DEATll NOTICES DAVIS J11Nt$ Doutlll 0.Vll, lnl1nt IOA ti Mr. ar.d Mrs. Jlll'lft R. Ot~J,, DI!~ of dnotl\, "arll :It. Prl~•l~ ••1ve1;d~ services wlU be Mld. Dlre<!ed flv Dlldav lrottten; Hunllntl"" V111tv Mortu1ry, 14-1111. DAVIS Dr. ,JatK> e. e>.vl\, M,D. l""° lt1mlllo A.ff., l-hd'I. D.11: al <lftfll. Mlv , 1. ~ of S..rdll19111 NlllllOf'lk-~LOl:IOe, .U.7. Fl.AMI El ~l '1J1(.Joio0' koff\ln ltfle T-lt~· L• ~It .. • .Mto*tl At~Kon1 Delf•:.c;ttr.'. Rft;~ , ~ent l)ollle ilDdor qi St. M.rr'I flO.. ~ -'5 .,...,.., Surv~· ltv \lrilt, EW.1non de~llll!ffl, .... rk\I .~~; 1 1<:1tl!rvn H•mlt\1)11. C.rol L1wr~· . 1l1let', Mh1oi. Mt• WOd/ 1Dd 11¥, 1 \:~~=~ ·~:·~"i;:; MOndt'r. 11 ~. DI~ llY· bllcln . l~I Huntlntflll'I VflleY ft\Drtu•IYI •G-nn. 'MUSTARD . ,,...lllltm G. MU1l•rd· :ml! Sl•ter Aw., """"lntflln .. t<h, SVrvlwd b¥ Wit•, hr- trw; two $Ol'll, MlcM-4 11111 O•rrfl'I; 1'h•ee • d1u111rt1r1, Vlctr;I, ICtlhl• Miii Dor\1'1111 P9r· entl, Mr. arid Mn. P.tir l., M.,.l1rd Sin!· l<e1, Mond1y, 10:30 AM, PHI< F1ml!~ COlot1l1! Funei-•I H-. NEU!ON J1,,...1 K. Nfllot1, 2JM Colb~ Plate. Co1t1 Mf'll. OI~ al dHlh, May I. Suvr1vtd by wife, Lo,..nt; Mlft, L1rrv, ~hi Mtlll ~•hl«r. Mn. '°"l!.·tim- m1r.m1n. COii• MeM1 tlll'M brothJrS. MllQl!m •1'111 t1urtnC1' Nel$dl, fl/ E.111tl:ittl ltotllff ~IDll,.•CDll• ~; ~l'IN1, Mr. 9lld Mn. Albet't NeilOft. EtslroD,.., n..,. sbfen. Mt!. E1tl'ler 41~· Or1rt1e; ,t,1r1. c..r1rvr1 ft- iilt. ~I• Meu; Mrs. l err, Ill~ G•rdeftilP, St li' FrlM1KOl Mtj . Mtr· 1or11 Rice, Art1he!"', I nd Mr< l ot1nlt ,-,1k, ,,_111 Loma; l<ld -9ruldc:blld. !H!rvktt. Mllf'ld9v, 1 PM, 8•11 l rot+ w•~ c~r. wllh ltw; H. E. Jllnl!'I otfk.!1111111. 1~1. H1rt><lr Rest Mtmarlal Pm. DlrK1f:d by Bell lr09dWIV Mortul r'I', 110 tlr<>Mlw•V• C0t11 MtN. SA~,_ Alber! Merrit $.lul. ~ Vl•l• HU1r1•, ~~ 8Mch. Ot lli rJt C19111\i Miv i. ' s~rv!Vl!d ov wife, ft...CV l4 <ku1~1,_ ,,.utlltffl, IC•lhlltn 9()11 Cl/'ol!N!, ~h al 11'9 Mme; ~. llilber'I Rey1 1!1ter, \.ucv ~. WDDllllMld 11hb. P.r1v1tt-,.,,,..,,, tfl"llmi'.wm .. /MIO. N.ond.v. 11 AM, In ""' C"-Pel •I Ptc"k Vlf:w. lnMmMfll, P1clflc ;'(lew MemOrl•I P.1r'I:, Dlrtt!ld bY l',nll"- VI..,.. Mcr'tu1ry. AJIBUcKLE & ~R . Wtdcllff, Mortu•ry '21 E. 17th St., ~ Mesa -BALTZ l\fORTUARIF.S Corona dtl l\far OR 3·M50 Costa Mesa !\11 6-ZU4 BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY . 110 Broadway, CotUi Men' LI "1433 DILDAY BROTHERS Hunttngtoa Valley Monuary 1111\'lkat:b Blvd. llunUncton Beach SC.mt "· PActFlC VIEW '. MEMORIAL PAJ!t: C...etiey e Moo1\lli'i CApel 11GO PIClllc: Vlpw Ddv« Newport, Bad, CIWorala ' 14W'l•. PEElt FAMILY , COLONIAL tuNERAL IDIE"" • " 'Jiil libl"AW:' ~ . : w .. -__ , . . , SllElF.il< lllOllTUARY Lqn•-... ,Ill s..cie.... • -· ' ' SMITH'S MORTUARY G7 Miio !II. lloQngtao llludi · LE ,.U . ' !: y '/ ... ......._ ~ ... • r 1 M% St1111ns Nyf11 -· i or that tlatteritf Wrt-leg , look. Chaase from 3 styles · ' ift .llS!Arted 'hii!IG in OiitS 'BVz lo 11. r. · '-. ' .. 2 It, - l l/1 I~. 3.95 • • ' - .. S-JO Cwp ~UTOMATIC Percolator "'llllllMW\C" -Gloss,-Sl!llOUI fiDi:ill . :~~'t~~:10· ea~· l!iJld!r. • :.J ''Secret" 'ANTl·PEISPIRANT Dttiorut s1.115 '" 99c · S111 · , : . "Air Magic';. AIR FRESIWlil I 11, Si11 ii lss't 'fr11r1•t•s. 2 9 C • ••• "Pap,er · M~id'' FREEZER WRAP KODAK Jnstamatic 134 COlOa OUTFIT . All JOll· Med. for ~liful color 19 88 "' ~nap iibols ', : .. l!O setlinJ~14 mike -just aim !!Id slloc!. · · · • ''Klllacalor-X" -1l1C"1ri41! Iii• _,,, .f« '=" c.m.. ~DaA1 Cal« Fili , ' ?2 till BBC "Kt•ittltr·X" -aaC lq. C"'°'' kom CXl211, J 11.n CXl!l •nd CX620. n. _ _. ' illlllJl~DlffMllllDMlllllNDMlll•I lCAilllltmlllllflHllftMl!E 24"-Portable . . I r!~!~~~a!~wtth -~ . . :_ ·"Brazier" 45 -Pc. "Suburbia" DinneiWare Seis Slylt4-\J Ailc:HOR Hb<ilNG •. ::12.98;~, .... Pie~ uo ~-wr Ord .l)'!d 1tt f'llrffl!'I' illfOll!Uha~ ~ fny · Sav11n llf111 $!Ne. " ' ' . ' • 2~" spuker, tarpOO!le ftlf pnvate 10 95 lislelli~I. Bir.ck wtt.• silver trim. , .. "' ' . ~ i#l-1151 ' ~ . ' Portable T ajie Recorder ".Cul1 lfl'"will IC .U,l• -lets yau cperate ta~ 1ecorft:r an . , e!O:lricify, sms·on bltt•"'-U" 34 95 , it fOf ohJU. 'uhoo!, home:·e1c. - '· _, '. S1:•1$lt.S5 1 "FtasllCHbes" s,1,l1i1 .. 11trr h1 1r 1.t. • l lM~U~ts .J:~t\ lit 111 lnsl1·98· c' mihC Cll!Mr~. ••• 11 , c• 112 Fl111tts1 PllMtt• "llftlt"' lt ~i1. H Mi1.' M Mil. =~ .. 59c ggc 1.29 . . . . ' . · "Polaroid" cola.PAc!" ·Camera i 11twcui1 · lrts· )'OP bk! 4 ff~ pi~!llr~~, , : wltJIOut cbanein1 hulb~. · Carnt'~ 22 · 88 \~Ir&; cal1r and blat< &· v,ti1le • p1ctllteS'. --l•f· 27.11 1 . . . . ~ .. 'J "Polaroid" ColorFilni .. "'; \;1.1s°ipo&'I "; .".: 3.88 • J ~ ... ,_ . ' , °''~ t 't.-1t PM-1-Nn.A.wmt ., HUNTINGTON llACH -. i . -~, .. :....._. "' .UAMI I llOOIHUR$T NEWPORT llACH 1111 flYtlfl IN WatCLlfl 11\AZA · ~UNTINOTON BEACH • ·-1;11:1NeDALI & tDINOll t 111111uiiaa.~mnu111lfl11umlil11111A"'1111w111111Gmm11~1111111n&n.,.,.· ...... 1 '...J • I • A-~• ' Yule's Roommate . .... . . ~ ' . Leaves Him ~Cold DEAR AllN: Our t«nag• "" hod lo be bospltall!ed last week .'for a mlnor operation. They put Yuls in 1 semiprivate room for $50 a day. His room - ..mate was a. man about 70 who 1ooted dead. He had cardiac failure tnd his bre.athing~w~ so Ja&xftd you could hear It In !lie hall. · Yule Is a nervous . boy to begin with and being in the same room-with '-that man upset him terribly. When my husband asked the docti>r if he could please lind anoher room for Yule he said we \\'ere lucky to get any kind of a. room -that the hospital was jamme4 • Two day's after Yule's surgery, bis roommate died. ' . ' beUeve ln. ~ said we mlLq, l)lace aur trust and faJth m a higher being. I've nevtr been a religious person, •Ann. but that wise woman unlocked the door to ptact or mind for -me when she JJUer.e:d tb.e.v: simple w.onis -' "U you w9fTY, you don't trust. If you trust, you don't worry." Her ·cne phrase changed 0rfll'. life. Please 'print it. Perhaps it will~ -help some olher7 YDUn& mother as it helped me. - F.D. DEAR F .D.: How beauUful ! And how true! Her words •tt "1'orlb repe:atlnt: -''If yOu worry, you don't trust. If you trust, you don't worry." Thank you. · Yu1e fainted wben they wheel-DEAR ANN LANDERS: ed the man out. Thia incident You'll never know t~-good slowed up his recovery by at you do. When you printed the least a week. address of G a in b I e r s Please tell me if there is Anonymous I'm surt you somebody we can sue. Also. helped thousands. what do you think or a hospital And now . 1 wonder u you that would do a thing like kno\v about Garn-Anon. This this! -IRATE' MQTHER organiulion helps wives and DEAR 1: Sae •nyiJOd, ,... husbands of comp u J s iv e like bat you won't collecL gamblers. We at Garn-Anon Most llolpil:alt are eJtremely are Jeaming to live with 1 cnwded. Tltey de the be1t person who has the illness. 1he7 can. Gnated tt wa1 a• Anyone who w i s h e s iit- fortuute tmt yoar ton w... fonnalion should write to be roomed wtD die old m-. Gam-Anon, P. 0 .. Box M, bvt I'bl IUf'e (bey didn't ·laave Norwalk, Californil 90650 - •better place to put hlmf ---GRATEFUL MEMBER DEAR ANN LANDEiis: DEAR l'itEMBER: Here'• • YJ---.,Whm'"ririi.l tihatemd.imriy;,,;f;;;irst. baby I your Jeuer a~ I ~ce those 1 ened to dea~U-.a&:t------lla¥lag-problems1f---~l'IJ childbirth, but .of taking care be<:ause or ~Omblln& W 11•m· f ol_ bin'I. I was afraid to hold ble oDCe more -on Ole ··price him, afraid to feed him a n d of • postace it.amp. alraid to batht him. I had nightmare1 of my LEGAL . NOTICE ~baby choking on milk. ,1-----,,-,_,,,~,.--,--1 dreamed ~~ I accidentally c••'.::i~~:U~' NS,::~·-· drowned him m the bathinette. TM Ulldt"'IQfted ooe. «rtffY 11e ,, ~ When be "ed t . ht I ductl ... buslMll If ~. 0 h.11 "" en a n1g , was wa 1m1n11ff, c.111or11r1, ~!Ider trM fie'. paralyzed with -fear. I was 111tou. firm n1m1 c1 GOLDIN COAST h · 1 ilJ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY •lld 11'111 sure e was serious y . said firm rs con"u•osed of 1M followr11g One day 3 neighbor Who pefton, whoH nalM ln f\111 •ncl Plle9 of , . r!lltlen(! II •1 loHows: sensed my anxiety expla1u!d cr11t w. Miner, Jr., sm s11rdus1 how each af us need 8 Dr .. Hun11111111111 k •ch, c.111orn11. • D•te.:t Aprll 10, Ifft something auts1de ourselves to cre11 w. Miiie~ J•. ---~--'-------~ISTATf: OF CALIFORNIA ) LEGAL NOTICE • COUNTY OF ORANGE ~ ,, ----:::=c=cc--===-~=-~J On April 10, lfff, 1-fo.. me a lllJ1••10rt COUa1' Of' TH• • 'k>l•ry Public ln •I'd ·~ .. !d , si-tt. STolft °'" c.M.lfO•MIA ~11 ... •-red c~ w MIJltr Jrl. • '011 TKl[CO~~:' Q4AN•S •• ~~f Sl•rdulf .10r .. i;tunllnltrn: ...... ,. • llO.· -_ .,. • -.. • ornl1, lu~ lo ,,11141 llD'A* flle ,..._ MOTICt: ~ SALt Of* W•AL"' All& ~7"'~'1"'W.''.llr!fNl'I , P•ltSOillr:IWWWff.ZaT.BlftW JM U · ' '~~ SALi' As A \llOT 9 Y AD-(OfFlic;ei.l, ,s Ll ' .I '° •• · J I' • MINISTllAl'Olt, .. ltOUT• CODE SIC· • Je1n L, )\lbs! ' TION 7M.J -· ..... ; N l .;... -· •· In #\ll •Mlotter. tt.:~~ flf ,,.?.!lfi...{"br..,.c~11fo1Ti11. IMRJOllU!' p , 1itOE. ~ ... 1!'ll' • ·o~~ c= • _...., ' NOTICE !SJ!E...,-~1Vlilf1""¥t 1, C. Mv Cooim~lon l x,.Jru •· _,. •· •• *''""" lib ol tile es•ie wtt11 M.l•dl '· lm' • · the will llnr.txed of M1r1Drle D. "91, "ublfsll"" O•ll!lle C:omt Da!W Jltlot ~••sd. w111_..,. •' 1r1v11e Siie, te Jhel"-'-"-'-'·c'c'·='='c'='":c:"':::.'o'·c'c"'::.......:·.,..~:;I ll~llnl 11\d !test bkldrr, wnder ll'lt terms •nd colldl1~ 11tre11111ner """ttonec1, •rod LEGAL NOTICE l\lbled to, COflt1rm111on b~ 111e s..i.erlo•,1-----~~-~~---I Court, wllllln the time •lrow.d by ltW, 11 .,_ _.. • "-offl« 114' H!.WWlh. Hurwlh. ¥>d k_, •"""'"1 w Mid lldmfntlt .. w cia~'f:J~~P =~Niii •I ~ -321\d Sfn91, H-1 IUdl 'nit' l1de lilnild 4oe1 ' · Caltf0rnl1. •II lt>e rl~ht, tlll• •lld lnltrtsi du<llrrfv • ~ .C:rtlt lie b tGfto •11111 ""~ !hit ,._ nt1lw di ,.,.~ C.tlfemt1, vnder !ho! fk:lltlew ":m:= 0. '°'' decenlld.. hlll, b'I' -•lion II flf WOHOEll E~E.RPklSEI •• tM_t llw or otrwrwlH, 1e<1u1m otne. Nn or Pld firm b ~:el'~-~ lfl ffdllloll IO 11'111 114' fhl dfudenf Ill ftlol ""10!\, Wl\OW .Mfl'll 1rt f\11•..., la( 9f fin\1 of 11&1' ~tth, In •l\d to !Nol tfrt•ln r111d1f!C11 ii " toiio..• • ' 1 •fltl ..., P'rtOMI prtiPerrv, 1ltulltd lfl ... Aoberl «. Short •Jr.-• lQ D ~":,,.:'It':''!.~ ~cfl, ~.,: l."U!\11 811cfl, C•llfllnll1: umol'llf • .,. tot·· · i.nti•, W O•llod '-'•11 U. INf The . I · Robert K. Slier! J r. """°"' .,_,.,., 1Mluc!M: STATIE OF CALIFOkNIA, ) U•Plll, dr_,, f'lfrtHrlW, w•l.her, OJI.ANGE •COUNTY• ) 5S '1Yer, dl!IPOsal •lld • dlYlder 0n Alt-rtJ U. 1Mf • ~ Thi ruJ '"°"""' .. 1111111.eci •I 19141 l'ubllc 111 Ind fW ·"~ s~f"' • NO!fr' h1!"""5 Llfle., HUT!f111gton &ee~n, •-•red Robert •· P1..on1 ' C•Ufoml1, llnd n more l'•rflewlirtr K. Short Jr., kno:_wn to ftscrlbed " follcfwt.· ""' to bl the ""'°" whoSI n1m1 Is ..., ,.. T "" • 1, 1ubKt1Md to !tie Within 1...rrvment •lld ' r "' " "' m•P 1eknowtedte.:t lie ex-thl ,,_..,, In BllOk 17S,. JI-..... 1nd COlfklotJ SHI ··----.. • Simi. • JO -' Mitml .. MOUI MllPto Records of · Joi...:......< __ ,_. Cl"'"" County, C•llfoml•. -n· • ....,.. S<lblttt .,. -.-tu& -"'9. Noltr'I' Put.lit • C.lllOrnl• ecwwlltlofll 'Aiitrfd-. ~ 1,_ Prlt1c111111 Offi<il lfl . , . • """'' Or111111 Counlv rllhh. riatl" 01 ww. H~ll ilnl _. Mv COfNfl1111ort lltl'frft' 11111'19 __.._ of ~ June 21 1'10 T"' tlfmt tnd CllNOt\on$ of 11111 Nit l'ubllshl!G Or1"f' · C09ft D•l" ~llol :;;..0:~~l~T~ :..=."':: wn H •lld M.av 1t. 11, 1Ht 111..ff tt. ..-t ... ,. .__,. 111e .n.1 LEGAL NOTICE •NI lhll NllnW .. bl N.. on Qlll' fll'lNlttoll of Pit .,, .... COIWt. T•Jn,.lc:=:==-,,,,..,=-------1 r..,.., Olltf9tlN n mlhl'MlllllC* , Ill· NOTICI 01" INTl'HTION TO l:NOA•t: • -. ....,.. -lums on lniur.nct IC· IN TM!: SA.Lil 0, ALCONOt.K ~lilt te lhll 11Md11ter 1111111 lie -•~lltAGll r•IM H ef fl'le d•tl of c:onf1'1NllOll of All/11 IJ, IM ..... Tiii 1••ml111t1'r1 of 111r., ...c:ord!111 To When'! It M•v Ci:inarn· ., con..,.._ W 11111¥ tint INllr•not SubllCI ~ lu~lfl('I of "tM lltf:l'IM! •I· IOllCY tlllill ... •I 11111 openn af !ht l llld fiw', '!Olk• I• hlrftV 11~ lt!1t fhl est•ll. Uncllrsllnoed 1,__ts "' ftlll •leelll11c All blllil •lld oHe1't fl'Mllf bl lri ""1111!11 i....... .. •I Thi 1remllfl. lftscrllllll •• ...... w!l1 tie r"CJll ...... •t th1 offlCI of lollofn: wurwttt. Hvrwltr Incl R11Nr, •· 710 'It!" s1 .... 1, H•nll11ttorl ihKtl, 1ornl'f• lbr Slld Hmlnl11 .. tor, 11 41 -C1lff . .121..i StrMI, ~leach, C1ll1Wn!1, 11 Jlul'lu&nl to well hll1nt10n, Ille v.,. MYtlmt """'" "" first PVbllc-..tlofl cl thil *"'lined II IOll~lrw 111 1111 Det11rtmint Milla. w lllfore tM ma11:1,. of .-Id *'"· of Akoi,ollc eever"" Control fot 1.....-1!1£e The rllllt II rlMfVW .. nlt<t -Ind by tr•Ml9r of an •lcOlll!k" """'"' 111 lllds.. 11Cf'MI W llctn11$) ,.,. .,..._,,,_.._,_ DATED: """II ,,, 1Mf, follo'tlll! !.~ 1 • .J.C. ,_ ()lf.IM,I: IEll;l:o... d"' ~ AaNorlllbtretor If An,,_ lletil"lnt .. woi.t 1111 t1iiii1Mt tlll hftlJe W!1" the Win of IUdl'llOl!flH{l) ll'llY fl_jf • YWllJH.-,........ 9' M«klr!t o. PM, ie.t wilt! t nv Off!CI of 1111 De111r,,.,,.nt of oKNttW AlcohoUc 1 .... er_ 'CO!ltrol, within Jt Mutt'#l1'1. MU~"'"' kllitllt dlVI flf Ille dlte tlle ~ ..-IMI-' ev1 ,_ ., · M We fl"'' 1t01ted, stiltl1111 • ....,.. fll' MWM¥I ., • p l ' .,.._ detll.i •• pravldtd llr i.w, Ttil .,_.. 4• _ nw ..,.. ire "°" llcenlld for !tie .... flf •kllMlk ......,,., ....., ~II ,.., blvl!'atl$. Tti. hlf'm If wrlflullon 'll'lllV Tlll1 (1") ,,._ bl obl•lllfd from *"'''~ ti 'fl' ~ °""* C.., O.ltv ~I~, D-rtlftlnt. ' ·, ' . M#f 2. a, 1, .. 1. 1. ._ ta. IL 11, t .. lS. 1•, 1'\lttlbhed Marr..:. l= hllY 'l'Lllt, ,,, lf, U. UWf {:Ml' lo IKf t5Ht LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE • LOCAL "• ... -. ..... ,.;... .. n. ,.. ....,.,, av1ry ... ,, •bMt wlrt9t'1 ,.,... •• ilt .... ,, ...... Ot•ftftl Gfftt ft•• tft• D~ILY PILQT. } • •• SHOWl~G, .• NOWf .. --,.s-·~- T~S;SHOW11MES ' ... . ..... "COVING cOUPLEs." , 8:00 ~ 11:15 PM "THE SWINGER" 9;4S PM SantaAaatnewaySouthJo ' Olapmalfltenae( East off-nmp- then left on S1lle Colleie Blvd~ •• Santa Ana Freeway North to Chapman Avenue-Slate College Blvd. off.ramp • Slate Collea'e Blvd. South to IJlapman Avenue • . "'~ ' ' ' SHOWING .. • 'I"""'\,. •• i.. ' ,J. ~OW!.: ~ -'l!'.: . '1.t; -· .~, ·: '• , . ' ' . ' • HIWAY39 DINE-IN Garden 6ra'le Freeway at lleadi BM!. .. ·- TONIGHT'S SHOW11MES "LOVING COUPLES" _ 8:00 • 11:15 PM "THE SWINGER" 9:45 PM On Beach Blvd. between Garden llnM and San Dieto Fnewar • • Siii Diel'O F ieeway, to Beadl Blvd. {North 'off.ramp) • On lleadi Blvd • South of lllldeD 6ra'le Blvd. -·-On lleadi Blvd. NarlllolltlWAter Anliae • SHOWING NOWI /, I .. • ---~ -----~---------- BOLDEST SCENES ON ANY SCREENI*· · · FRANKEST woios mlsr()1m1 * .. -) • ' ..• J • ' • ·•· ' • • ' : I ',, * .. ' ~ . ·j·t-' '·, .·, ... . . EXCEPT "l'~:M .~IOflS,(fi&tlOWJ,~~;~,, ', 1: ·- •... ~ ... t .... ~ .. -· ... •·•· l ' ...... ''•· ~... \ :.. -·... ' ~ . . . " . -.l.,j ' ~ .: , .... : ·i:.: ·.~ ·'.r.J ·;!· .. ~+;"'j -~ .. ~·-r.• .. •••; ... i , '111~'\ ',f"l!1~\i ,..,, ,., .• ,I '<I'; -' !· "t .. . ·t .. ' ' Ir• 'I ·'" .. \ . . .• -r : . " ·, ' ' ... .. '. ,~ .. ·: ,., A true-life'flu~h·h· :~:~it , .: .::::.2 ; ... ~\~p\~~·1:.i·., b , .. _ Uou.Sfu"" abnu~·f"""' .~:;:~,._otA. · may e a fnend , . ;-r< .,.,, • .'Y.:' e\g\t\I_ ': :·' : · , ... or:a•"'lativa.;:_ot an ,, .; ,,.,. :·. · • ' • . , .-., . ' • I • -•:I '• • ' ..... ·'-' . . ... •" ' '!.; ~ .. •1 .. ' -. ~ ,. .: -• ~.l '\ ... ~ . YOUIRE Houat 't._"'~~ :.~~·L~ ! THEIR;~GI ~~;:~'. .• • • ·;..· , .. ,1 i ·'ll-< • "-t·!'.·'.' ·~~~l ' • " -'l,t " ·-1' ' .... ' , . " .. BAR1tMA BIAllE ,•.LYllllCAR1'11R1611f•PMli:CM;SCon~. ~: c '.·: ' (•I'').'•' ' ' ' PAlllAl&llr•lil.ORIAMAllQN•JACKJE~· -..,Oastmaf .. . ---• ,. i ~ ; . -1 .. -... ---- • ..... ·, • fr...,. ·, ~ .... : ~,, .,..;•· .._ .. I ~ ~ .,,.; ~ ' ' . • ... , .. I • .. .. 1·.s, , .•. " " Ii .. c: .t~ • :.t ., "' .. ,j ...I ~ I "1 ~ • -,,. ~ " • -· ~ I ·~ ~ -' t ' ' ' . ' " • .,. .. ' " ,. . ' h .. .!.i .. " •• • • • • • • i ·&CIOSS • • . ' • ' •· • --.... AT tiff OWL 'f o.., .......... , .... "'Tlie'Ho•rt la A Lenely Hvn~r'' • , • ..... ....... ~ 7 •l'ilo· c ............. ftQj 2 , ... .,E ... -•• ·--; • . ' " • ./ • I. "' -- ' Sat•; Ml( J, 1,.,, ,. 'MILY -f' I Cavett Talk .. Show - Gets . Prhne ·Time l •• -~·\'Cl~ (AP) -ABC ._ C.V-ad w'W'I -,It ... ' "llDUlllal .... ln 'The LaclJ'• Not ........ torte-plaUonn" and It Ing' irllb Ev-Ev-.All.,. needed WU Sbnone SinllDD." • 11,certalnly, lbal: a lelevilloo Cavett. IZ, i.·one cl 1111-talk,~ piree llmea a woe~ breed Wbo bepn pefold!llll . in prime lin\t. · only -yean cl wrilllll "1'116 ....,.,..,t la an II> cometly. lie wrote for J.ack novaUoa. •and ctv111 the fact Paar aOd Joluuly cu.a oe ·that ...... Cafttt will be the the "Tooi&Jit" 'ljww, ,lferY ~ii:flhitijWlllllfclurln( GrU!ln;Jerry ~<G- '"" IUllllllOl' doldrums li Mar,> •"'I olbers. . • j1llt -... • Does "bi ..... tum.If • '1J '-an the -le -comedlan! °'Nelo -•bi 10' wbo _, tbey -·1 illay up '..,....,..i, "I . • late moqb r.r Jobn'D y -1n New . , ~ .. CP<!l l&ld. "Of the and "b th the . ...,. -p,.pi. wbo ....,. my mom-filliNr my I a• t be .id· ill abow wheil Ibey bad tbe he cilcin\ '"l'ibe l -.• flu." · comedian until he aaw me CID 1 the 'Tom Jones Aow" Bat In hls ~ted manner that's ....... 1,99 cor.aidend' he 'aC!aed. ''l lhclul<! have doile ·~· 111cn lhdokes. lt '('i, llie best myseU aU ~· AD1 _, alir I )!ad when I Wia oo dur· who thlnD 1111 JOI> la lo -•·• .... •-.. • • <9QSiden blniaelf a an-..... UIOl:I' ~y. • edilft n CaveUonchor<dallkninute Cavett --·· u fie w~ ~ ~J,?!f.!,C t prepa...S far Ibo aheW·llllthe 1.t"Z:. -~ _,, he.9 l'no ~ llliu: l ........ were .as bad u Cavott simply hope th.i It will waa &ood· aqcs ~ network resemble JnY oilier ahow' u ~ him lo a five-year con-much lis·possible." 1'1le show will be seen at 10 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays an~ 'Fridays. It replaces "Big Valley" and "That's Life'' and on 'Fridays ''Judd for the Dqfense" moves up an bout. lt prtmieres May· 26. His producer Is T o Dy COOYerse, who w a 1 a classmate at Yale. "We were in a' few plays together," said Cavett. "You know his mil name is Coo- IXCITING • BEAUTIFUL The Latest Surfing Film "FOLLOW ME" TM •II Hllle·ffMtl· Jllhtl ~1t1Ue Wiied .• C-o&.Olt °'='"~SJ:~ • "AIOMND~THI WOii.a Ufll DAn'" 1• • • V'ICIAL woftc1 1 T.0 OUI PATIONI: "T.M ........ ~ Ill ...... .,..., Mceit1 ....... _,. ........ ........ "" .... <Ill ........ ,...... ...... -.. ~ ..,..... 41KtWt• ~ .......... ....,..._ -tnt ............. ·~ ywllt" ........ _.... M INOT 1•J wM lllf :~ ~~ .... ,..~:= Tifl.f.. T•lt ;t.;, ... ~. )It 11111 .._. ;'Pl!M , .cr:em••l•I • ., ,.,... er "!lflt IU:l!tlllll , I • , ' ''THI MA•ur ''THI TOUCHAIUS'" ..:co11Un10N"" Academy Aw•rd Wln--hat ~ti sror. MCa.UN 'wu.m'· i _. ALIO - CJillf l"tw ... ' "COOllAlfS BLUPI"' $.TARTS WiDNESDAY i=i!'l1=1~ -· PLUS . caiiC:ly · . , .............. CllC -::-00 , I '. ' -AUii - '"°!l" . ..,e•"' '• "'ENDULUMt" .. . , ~.l ' , ' I • , ••• .. ,. ' • ••• " •• .. .. ,,. ... .. . ... ,. . . .. ... ... • • ,. ' . ...... ~ •• ... . ~ .. •• • •• " ... .... ,. .. , . • ··~ " . " ~· ~­... . ,, .. ~ " .. . ,, , ... • .... •• ••• •• . , •. .. " •• . . "' • ~· • • .. ~ . ., •v •• ~ •• ~-... ... ..... • .... • ' ] l I • SPLIT LEVEL -'The rai sed sleeping area fs"re- flected in the mirrored wa rdrobe dors of the Paler- mo'"s master suite, one of .the popular features of the Harbor View Homes model. · ' Harbor View Homes Cites Palermo Unit · \ ' ... • en. :·t· :n, _':. . .. ' l • ~l ' . -~ -. • .... J • ''' I Harbor View Home! ln In the . .{amjly room . ~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~ Newport Beach offer the pro. Price $37.995. I spective hOmebuyer one of th e Other Harbor Vlew Homes' finst new-home value's in the models offer a choice of one or Southern California area. The two-story homes, wUh up to Palermo, model No. 5, Is a , five ~ooms. Wiced /lrom ~~pie. $27,995 to~., : ' • ~ to Duffie Fryling, Harbor Viftr Homea ate salts ~. '~ Donald ·located jilst ;in.lriut.ea away t . Bitn.' ,' eq:_, · pwJ.dei's and .. from ~·~· Newpott'Center ~9'Joperl. ·ol 111.tirbor · View); OJ!\l : F~ hi and •fhi>ppi111 llbp)tli;l has. ;,.._-lninded, inall.:CO/o .... del 't.!ar :)llgh -yl .. U.. ~ ·"'8l0nding . School. Jbe Oi:ange'· Co\blty fledr ·"Pllnl In · ~ · Jfilermo • ,Airpcrt. ·and the University of model."· · ': · ; Califonlla at Irvine . . The master suite at th~ Take ·the San l>iego or PaltfmO ·. ,fOr 1nl!ltince, is · Newport Freewa y s to twesrt.yi!fcht'reet..Jopc. ·At One 1'.iacArthur: Qoulevard offram p e84 d ~ i-oom iS , a large · and proceed south 'to Ford wardrobe and bath-dressi.ri.g R~ad. Or, take Coast Highway 8tia. •At the opposite end ~f and turn north at MacArthur the room lJ U. ralltd, ltoiJ. Boulevard to Ford Road. raiWd sleeping .arta with Pl'!'* balcony. -tor of . !hi& !\Ille "41ildtt tbt .homo-1 o:t· s Staff ..... --'!Ung o.\ ~ ' l"OOnf •.• _·r _.·;~ ·-· Dave dillhujoif:ed the iii~•> Un.OU!. staff 0£ •Ing Realty . Com· ~!! ,area ___.lllrJy .. ~vestments, ac· . lllivinllf~rditi'i; lo Sid Syvert.son, ""'"'"""-~ , :. en-' in1 Realty Company presl-"""-'· ~'-';....,ect ~...,'~ti(-.!Qi __..:c-• • ,.,~nt. f ~. m. q11 • ~i. .. t;:;;""'=======:;I 1 ne Palermo feattires four ' bedrooms (two with private ON THE TUBE balconies), 21h: baths, kitchen, For th• IJe.t 111ld• to ..,JiAt'• breakfast nook, living~ining h1pp•11l111 011 TV, ,,,. TV room, family room and WEEK -llilfrlb11t1d with th o fireplace. This model 'l}so of· S1t11rd1y tclitio11 of tt.. DAILY fm optional bar~ fireplace PILOT •• • ... • . •' lllCID CIPISTRllO Land of the Dons · UNSPOILED, SECLUDED :2'/, to 3 acre rancho sites amid the great oaks of Cleveland National Forest Deep in lbc great oak rqion of the Cle,el111d National Forut lies •·JOO.acre island of rolling bWs, ...nn valleys and grassy aladcs known u Rancho Capistrano. V ut reaches of the Nation.al Forat recreation att;a San Cleme01e. ud Newport Be ach. OnJy 23 aceait rolles from San Juan Ctpistrano. Rancho Capistnoo &iltl aro, priCed from $8,(XX) 10 Sl8,00l, terms JO~ down, 15 years. I'lra1an.t Sc•nic Dri1·•: stretch in eftfJ direction. a sanll. Ana/San Dieio Free· Government-owned buffer way to hisloric.San Juan. -aaimt ~tion and com· Capisu&110, then e.Qt ol\ mCn:i1f cncroecbment llwy. 74 (Orte11 Hwy.) and Rancho C.,Hslranowill belong follow the 1f1ns. Fro"' to just J33 owners, in /•e PomoMorRiHnidt:Drivo •ilnple. Eacho( lhe l J' 10 10 CoT011.1, tbon c.ut on. 3 acre 1ite1 is f;fe1red 'and -Hwy. 71toHwy,74, aodtb. acceui~le to utilities knd and follow tho ea1rance pdOd n>ICI. 'Ancient Sponlsli ,;,,, ..U llill -oa moot of •bf .---.--.-,/;..----,-, 1ite.1. Tb.Js pri•ato preaervc, ta ( onco aold, · ca1 never be l dupllc:atcd.~ w._., r At -·~o you11 ·~~H~,P eoJoJ,-..i ... 1.-10<an -II hdmlta tuc.R, Ute be.luty ol · ..,.- two prift&c, llr.IHed lllu. ~= t ~ .. ,...roanc1 ctimate ..... -::-\W~~.,_,~ ' al 3J004t. etevation, ud » f#ll'll~ ·:minuM acc.. to coastal recre-/ edol M Up-. O.oa Poi..nt, '---'----'-'-="----='=':.' iliiiaill .. aiiiTllllO • • ~10 Campus Drive, Suite l. NP]>Ofl Be.telt, Calif. 92660 ' Q14) 5'6-784 -~ -· • -'· . '" • • I. 1 ,, ---• • \ ,•. ., . . ' ' PANORAMA PEOPLE li~~.lz;g~J You're a rar~ br~~-you Panarama Peopfe;.Doctort, lawyers, professors,p11ots, entrepreneurs. You like to look attheworld~ffom .t. r ·r. ·' ' '·_ , v~n.t•gtp~int~~ethe g~wd,)',l!ulij<,l\•~.9,m~i'll~ . , " .. ; ... ,;· :', .;l;Pmmunity'abo.xe lh~ av~r~"' !I"'•,,. Here's yoorhatural habii.tl Turtl•·RockHills..CwherethHilll · migniffcericeot·C.llfomia land{c.ipe sweeps out In ~~ry~i!e(lioil. ' Where floorplans and lots are big like your tHinking. And no matter .where-you turTI, you see eighteen-karat elegance. Your neighbors will be Panorama People, too. Success people. Fun people. The kind that adds an extra dimension to a lazy afternoon at the private Turtle Ro~kSwifn ind Teruiis Club. {You 're~ full-fledged member" the 'second you move in.) . A!Turtle Rock Hills you getthe best of beauliful lrvin~ Ran ch., With views across the prOUd new cmipus of the Universify of California. Hillt looming up ·majesticalfy. On thehorizon,'tfie ~lue ocean. And the homes {just about the largest you'll find in luxurious singl.,,level designs)·~re m~stei:f.u.lly p)armtd to give you.·. · . a. dazzling scene from-almost ~ery wjn4ow. · . . . . . . . . . But loud as you applaud the panorama-you'll be even more Impressed with architectural details. We've scooped up a whole armful of national awards, including the Grand Prize at the Pacific Coast Builder's j:.onference. And ~ently, WewaJi.:toff,with · ~ , · • both first and st!COntl prizes in·competitioh thn:rughouttf1"~ Unit~States iilnd Canada. No wonder Panorama People settle here I . ~ . ~ 59 if)IOU'·re ont!of us..,whisk the familyoutto see Turtle ROckHills> . ~,~while th! rig'ht hoos~ .ind right lb_t ire yo urs for the isking. Look for the signs at Culver Oriveafld Campus Drive. The'(ll pointouttheway. , • J >'J •• ' • .. t • -- l re "' of • • .at !I> i'. lie ~~~ ..... _ .... ,;..::_;-::~-:;:-:::-"';-::::::-:::::::::-::_:_:::::::~;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::;::::::::::::::::;:;;:::;:::;:::::;:::.:~::::: --• • -, Bea Estate· -~mpu..;r Era. Hits · .RE Sales By Rultor R1nd1I McC.rCllo ' , All of •-•udd1n thtre ... ms to be tfemendou1 Inter- : ••• in •partment1. Why the change? i A "<!IUPli "ol YM" ... I had • ~or M-unlt oporl· ! ment.buildiAf ·~·I c;ould not give it1•W•Y· Thtn, I fot , lucky -"I we• able to tin it away. · " I Now -••·-m 1o:i.. atondl"I In line to own op- 1_1rtm~nt1. ·Why? :lo· It is futeresting lsn'lil Did you know that Detroit is llh, the west ·Of ~Y part of South America •.• Seattle is 1 ore northerly than all of Maine . · •• Some of Calif or-~ is farther north than some of Canada ••• None of ngland is as far south as·any part of the United States. much for .lb• geography, the point .of .!be lecture II'•• that C8lif9rnia ls &till the best investmen~ regard· "'ss of the e11:citement apd the romance of some far f way plac~~· .. f OllOlt'S NOTE.: R.•lld1ll It. ~CMl1 IA 1n ln-"'*il 1nelw-t, IN'fffdW <If tfl• .. 1 E1t.Nn, a c:o1i191 lt>clur'lt', a dlr~tor ot Ille (aJJf9rn'41 .fJ.Hcl4itlon 9f J:Ht 1tat1 Too..,,, avttior ot "Roi e1111to II• ceu,.,.n1•." hNI your 111191r1ori1 and 1'1'111'111 II 11.e!INH flt, McClrdl1, (/e !fie Ctlly f'lfol, IOll: 1.Nt. Ctra!e M•• " ~ .,.i • ,. J ~ N' , . ' M" l ! · ¢«?port s_ . inriet y 1 ,· ' ~ Named Republic VP ~ Clarenct -1:. 1.fmnerly of .,_ ~Newport ~ach has beeri nam-builders. He !tu been •ctl•e tn #ed executive vice president of the real estate development, Republic Hom~ ~rpora~, construction and manqement ~<>:r"ang~, a di~LS1on of tbt field since 1951 and Rrved for • • d1versifted Na_tio9a1 ~ five .years as 1 director.~ the ment Corporati~ (NATEC). NiLionaJ .A 110 c I at t 0 lt}Gf 1 Wall<il!!,§oyiiei, \!..-HoniebqlldOft; ~ A& or Republ» ;~ 1trill ' to-abo a .~~,.,~Ibo main ~;:!!tiliritlft. will llometid!w.n Ailod.,. o1 "iMtnnerly •lle!iii\lng chit! Santa·.Clsa·lmlt saa Crus t i operatiJil: ~ of the 10:. ccUnUes: · • ' • ~ ·.. \ "'year~~IDJflnL ~. noelved't b,lw' !It Pri .;W·' .... \ Bicj;el« .,__,.. .... ,..., •'Homes · -·..,...i ""'"""-!Ion lhi!I" man.,;..-"ii the SoUthem tht Unlvoriity ol 81nt&"l:tani. California di'risioo of KaufmlD Re is married and the father ' and Broad, Inc. b om e ol loor daugbl<rs. • ' REPUBLIC VP Clertnee Minnerly ' S.I....,, MO, J, IM Mesi Upholstery Uberty M71f llonies Soar~:. .. So Do Costs' r ii<o ' ShQpj1trt,g:fiew · home .devetopme,nts? Mary Medallion can shoW you a shortcut,, free. . ' ,~------~-------------~ ' . . I t ~·~~rln~Form OFFICEUSEo'NL.VDCJOO .I , ... 11111,.... ... ,......,.qMlltlnlthlq~"' I ' I ,. , ! ~ . .--.,.....Dtpl.~. . • ,P.0.IP ............... ~WIOSJ II ', ·,i·-. . ~ , ,_,......., ·'°"·"*~~~ .. ·. . . I ,. I ~61 N11....t· Q ' ,. ' , I I ... ..._. · 1 ,~1 _ ... -.0 I . ' " ·-.: I . •• • • ~.:J;. ·I · I c;;.,. r-• z.,c. ,,..,~,...7 .. "'' . . . I. ·1· " =;;:----r.=:"li:';:i":;;'-" -''C..,...--' 'lia9tl'......,._,..._..._..,~~ . , I - I I I ...... eo. 1..-, . ' ... ' ' ' • • • • LOS ANGELES (AP) Southem CaHfomians were building more home• In 1969 and Jetting them stand vacant less, bank's re1e1rc her f report, but building cost.I . soared. ~-----~-~---~~--~~--~---~ ~ ··.r ,t •• • ;·:,,; Who is Mary_ Mcdailion?.S~c't !fl.e 1 °-c~putcr ottds t~ ~OW:il ~t. '. "' of'riitii!ilcncw·Mm.Ilioft~' ' . '_; Homebuilding lncreued 5a percent over the year before, according to 1 report Tuesday by &curlty Paclfic NaUonal Bank. ' , The stud)! lholled L'o • · Angeles CoUnty b' o U i ;i n i ' permit$ """' 44.4 . pe ...... ove< 11167,:_;~!Je_"~liree. <itllei Southem · .,..u<inua clOunttel allowed ~:~lgher tncr.aa Orance Colq!ty l"l"ped tu percent, SalL ,jliep. -CC..nty was up 71.l •pe'n:ent and v ... tura county was up 84.7 percenL • " , . Alb-Electric Girl, thtt'1wha. A:rid . kind o_f hot,nc.you·Wll;'t.tM'tt wtll · 1thit .. WCUr.rcquh:tmmq.ftliD;' ~ , shiCiiin uvcyou from traffic}.lf(la,. mat~tiyou.u.P_. Th°?'an&ofhomd 1 askjdurlocal R.n.ltdrtoshowyau endless drivina;and bit wc~k~. · , a'rt listed b,'t' 1uc,pncc and area. hia 1election ofMcd1llion Homu. -1• >·.i:11 · h H-····i.u.:. •• 3 1 • AtEdisonWcnllitourSHE• Surcbttudrivingallovcrwichaar liitmi_mt c ,UUK"'l• 1"'" 'progt•m.SHE,~nd•'-•-•,~·-.c.'11 fk"-1 dm-'--'1•·' Cam~'rlnputfotm.Ltwlll·bd ··Hom, Eltctro kan '~sHE, 1u o U1 n •tN•uugn • ' y_ou ronewly~~rucor:d M.cd~lion ;, ~ (a~~toWbrk for yo~ rfaht now. And thilleomputcr seTVicewon'c-ElectrieHomci'iD.ntW Mui¥t· ··, .'A' , · . c~tyou 1 cent. . dcvtlopmmttin,G.eRmland'~1 . ~ ~wd1y1afttr1cnd1nalnthcfonn, f"'" , SoUrhCm C.:libnil.'Allthe '· ~ou'll rc:ceivc •computer printrut Compltmenuo J;Ui50n .. .. .. , I 'f ' r ~ , . • . : Sollti»ln C'1i;omio EdilOtl ~- ••• " c51l _NNOUNCIJV:(; .. ~ • NEWfrestige Homes in DOVER ~HORES Jv111~1Wel!s I: Sons proudly invi tes' you 10 see their newest "forever·vfew" home' detiins, lhe llayuest 400 Series. Tlt...e elepnt viow homes·and DOVER SHORES , "lftll.lts,~•\e &eacb.s, booting lacilltkt, and pli~, are for ladlvlc!uwho ,i..,~,ilJe «iUnarJ: and can affont the bat'for liiajisdv .. "°"' tholr.Iamllln. ~lliMJOJlldes ••• riJeabovediei>rd!Uryl'. ' llYttrst $8o.~~;1~.000 .. Mode& •t 1430 C.Skr:tioDriot, Nt1DpotlB..,.h.P1"Jne64o•IS50 InmiorDnlPanlFanWhinpDv 411·,. : • Sonl4Ana, Moln•IEle lJfnlh •Stoff Decoroiors • Romv 0.11/t; A.l.D. •n4T01t11h Rodolphe I . l . - It llAl\.Y I'll.OT NEW YORK STOQ{~' EXCHANGE WE:ric'S AND .:.J: ~~i H• ..._ ........ llllcll .r:-r... n•J • uw -A- ........ :--~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~- """ &: , •• • • .... ' ' " • • . •I • i •• • ' •• \ -•• -•: r. " . • ,f " '• .. .. . . • •' ;-; .. • • . ' .. t •• -· ' •• •· •• •· :: • .. .. ~-~­" t •, t ~ ... =-~ !%' "' ... ... li . .. .. - • ···---~--••""-"'····~•:•r!'~"""''"''~'~'~"'.:::::.:::'"'.'.""'.:'.:'.:::=~="'!r-'.:::-~·---"""".'."'".".::':'.:::'.:::'.::"'.;:'.:'.:::=::::::=::::::-::::-:;~::==-=;:::;:::--:---====:---:::::::::=:r::~ ---~...,--·--------•. ...------~--~ - IWLY l'1l°' JS IDGH, LOW, .CLOSE • ' ' I • . ' California Horse Shares ' Favoritism Coury Accepts Big Ch~e~g~, ~al State Job . LOUISVB.J...E, Ky. (AP) - A wave ol new·suppm; for-Top' Knight and growing skepticism ol the prowess ol unbeaten Majestic Prince portended a co-favorite role at equal odds for these two racing .gQ!i;p.ths ~~ oppo&ite ends cl. the con- ; .~'~ t~yili the 95th Kentucky Derby. On the eve ol the big race. C~ornia's Majesti( Prince was first choice at 6·5 ~~~l,_ida's Top Knight 9-~ in the small Dick Coury, the man who made Mate11- Dei High School's football tea.'m the scourge of Southern CaUCornia, Friday acce~ed the biggest challenge or his coaching career -building a football program at CaJ St~te (Fullerton! frOm ' the ground up. Cal State President \Villiam B. L.a.ngsdorf made the o f f I c i a I an· nou11Ctment ol Coury's hiring as college 's first hand grid coach~rJday in • news conference. two days after rumors started that the 3§.year-old got the job. To accept the post at Cal State, Coury resigned as an assistant coach of the Pittsburgti Steelers of the Na(ional Fool· ball League, a job which he had just lai"en in February. The first Coury coached Titan team won 't take the field unti l Sept. 19, 1970, when Cal State makes its football debut at Cal Poly (Pomona ), · Cal St.ate will be a member or the G41iforn!a.Colicgiate Athletic Association and will play conference games al{a in!.t Cal Poly (Pomona ). San Fernando Valley State, UC ruverside and Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo>. Coorv also will lake the Tjtans lo the Rose Bowl, for a non-conference game against Cal State (Los Angeles !. Coury is no stranger to the Rose Bo;o;I. • tigtlMHJrSe field . ·but the gap was diminiShing. • Many predicted Top Knight might br favored at the l?ugle call. . ~ Affairs of.~'e sta:nd still momehtarily as ~esidenr Ni1on and 2G Rep\ibtic:in f!n T V Todf!!I ' Channel 2,_ 2 p.m. govemon plU$ other national figuTes join the seJJout crowd cl. 100,000 for the tV.10 minu~ m high drama ove.r IN miles of the old red sod of Churchill Downs. "The two ,prime favorite! caMot count on having ,the track to '.hemselvfs. They were to be challenged by Im· proVing Arts and Letters and fast· finishing Dike, each at >I . and the four forgotten outsiders expected to stage. their own LiWe Four consolation -Fleet A.ii~. ·~1; Trafric ~rk, J0.1 ; Ocean Roar and~ Jet, eacti 50-l. A.last rillnute withdraws! of Rae Jet, traiped bY a rock 'n' roll singer named TIJ'l!lftlY Cosdon, was c<>ilSi!(~red not unh~ely. . , · ·The Weatherman predicls cloudy skies, 80-degre~ temperature and only a 10 per- cent chance nf rain. lf the frack stays dry and hard . the classy field with its array of champion jockeys might well produce the first sub- two-minute Derby. After a steUar career al Mater Dei where ile directed the Monarchs to an 89-,_5 terord and three CJF crowns. he became en assisLant coach at USC undi!r Joh n McKay and -regularly viii.led the Rose ~I on New Year's Day with Ole ''li'o-ins. · The record ia 2:00 flat set by Northern Dancer in 1964 with tough Bill Hartack in • the · ircins. After the annooncemenl of Coury's hir." ,g Ji'.rklay, Cal Stat.e athletic director .Dr. b:"in E. ·eame said be "'~~ cliosen from 1 1st of IJ8 applicants. . "Coury best meets the particular needs N" our rapidly growing institution . "He has spent much ot bis career in ~ange County where he ia well·k111>wn as ' successful high school football coach. ile also is highly regarded in that be knows most cl. the junior college and high JC"bool coaches personally from hiS many local recruitment ventures on behal{ or USC," Dr. Caine.,.;d. "Coach i::-Our)r a13o brings a • wide' breadth cl. technical football experience k> Cal State .from his ba~kground 11 a nigh school, major unh'f!rsity and pro- 1essional coach. The beginning football program at our college particularly ne~s this type cl. professional competence." I. Coury's appoinbnent is effective Sepl. Sports In Brief · This time Hartack is aboard "1aj'cstie Princ.e and he will ~ seeking to match Eddie A"rearo's itcdrd of five r1$ling .vic- t~,~~k -tu~~'s ~P gOO:y. tht ~:;rd .is to watch out for Dike , who is at his be st in slow going, and dark-horse Ocean Roa~':!'. ':lf.,t\Q Ill~; t:·lli a race ip Ohio~Cfl m"d !'!>'ti> )tq fri>e caps !aM '.i<I lh1ck some C(}nteriders failed to finish. ! ;. • i BEARD IN LEAD A T NEW ORLEA NS NEW ORbEANS -Steady Frank Beard reeled nff a second consecutive host ol cha11engers, and ·assumed Ute se- cond tound lead tn the $100,000 Greater New Orleans Open Golf Tournament .with a 3£Hlole score of 134. Tied for seconll at I~ were Da ve ltill , who had a 68, and young Jack Harden "'-· JdJo had • 67. Health Forces LQpez To Give . Up Managing· . •.'l..~.~l MINNEAPOLIS -Al Lopez, who guid-_ day. to be reconvened within 1 week . ed the Chicago W.h1te Sol. to a pennant in . with no agreemeR fl the 1970 format or 1959 and then came back ff.001 retirement the me.ra~~~ . last season to try to Uft..tbe club from a Pete R6 :·~missionir ot pro foot- complete nop, r~riday night ball, said... club owners fJI the because of healtk ·' • American and ~atiooal Football Lcaguts Don ~ult~ 1'1i 1~ • _ coach_ for had made ~ss toward a 13· 13 years, w1ll laQ OY~~ reins and sign a realignment by whk:h three NFL teams contra ct RI marlagettbe 'club througb the • · woWd join the 10 AFL clubs in one con- 1'70 season. , r •• • '. lerence cl the combined league.!. l.4pex said l<e has had trouble with his• "We have not reached total agreement Gtoma.ch 1ince suffering a "spasm" last on the three tNnl1," said Rozelle "'ho November \ refused to indkate vt'hich teams might be Mrl;.~',!Prol>lenu um.r CUJSid'f}lion. W!Nt\IOii.fqi1{..; ,Q.;,ny M~ lh• Tf?Rnis R esnlls l)elroil Tl~~~.winner, li°!aced BOURNEMOUTH. Englond -Mn. 'f\'1°' • ~-;'between hit show Margtret Court. powerfu l Australian, tiJSiness c~.,tdil»" &um hei.bt:lped , crushed Julie Heldman ol New York. 6-2. pitch 'lo the Whrld "'1ia championship. 6-0, Friday and will take on Winnie Shaw 'McLain aigned ll: contract Jut April'°' of England Saturday for the~women's Jjesent his nightclub act at the Killatnt}1 , singles tiUe of the British hard court ten- Cull• Mond>J [ ond ogaln May 12, nb tournament aCcording to .t Wiiif!sor nightspot'• Miss Shaw defeated Virginie Wade of ._.,er, ~ .. England, <tel ending champion and the t However, the. Tigers are • i n Unled States Open queen, J.6, 6-2, 6-2. P..bUMelpbia Monday for an uhibilion Play was hekt up until alroost eveniflJ[ pme Wllh Ill< Nalional Lelg\le Pbilli.,, by rain. When actkl> llnl)ly gol N rfed @d GeDenJ M~er Jim Campbell aod the courts still were damp and slow. · .._.,. M.,. siiilih .. haven'I ~"""d Jol>n N<w<omb< of AU.Ualia, lvlll pla y *'•in • Bob Hewitt of SOUth Africa f()r the mt.n's ·11c1.m coJlod SIN fr,.. Bolton Thurs· .qJes crown. N"""""'b< .ousted Fred ., la .-.. ldm. . Sl<>lte, aloo of AU.Ualia. "3,,M. 7 ... whil• , "lie ..-Giil Uiat Ii< n;., his OW1! HewMI mut•red Roger TIJ'lor ol ... )lit •be. can. make ·~· F.nclind, 6-1, e..s. 2-1. s.1. ur. lllio," sr.. ooll!frkl•y. Th< c1u~ P•-i!ir.--r .,. "'•'-~~~told him •.1 lie o "' '-'!l!!F l!!'!O• r-r ..,_ 1>u1 l'11'111in& • OAKLAND -Roti•r Bnnm. lll>h N•Jo. w •411irtl • " ~ lic'ty and Freddie Lewl1 combined for 100 · ·v':. ,.__ ' ' ' 1.J)Olnb as the Jndlana P1cers du mped • r Ps cpe • l l ff ~ Otklaod, ISO-~ 1--rlday nlaht to even th11 Nft'' YORK ~ ,,_,Ji:. lciotull Am.•"""' Buck•lboll ~lion Chlll\I>' '"'))ji • -m.. ••, Joumm Cri· 1..,shlR ll!oi~!Js.,ft H . . , '. ~ --~ .-- ' . .Boston LA Can Nail ·world Crown In Beantown BOOTON (AP) -The Loo Angele.1 Lakers, just .one victory away from their first National Basketball Association Championship, kept a clOie check on Jer· ry West .as they flew lo Boston for the. sixth .game of their be s t ·Of. se Ye n showdowri series with the Boston Ce ltics this. afternoon. West, who ~ .averaged 39 points R game agfli{lSt th~ Celtics ill the playoffs, suffered a .hamstring 10uscle p ll in his Jett leg as the.l.akcrs f.x>m~ ~loo 111· IQ! iDJ"" Angeles Thw;sda)C·nighl for a 3-2 advantage in· the series. t;>r, Vincent Carter accarnpanied the Lakers .Qn the fliiht Jo Boston to treat On '.l'V Toda11 Channel 5 , 2 p.m. West'~ ·.injuty up until starting l ime for the ·Caine. "J'm sure when 1 wake up Saturdly mominJt l'_ll know if J can pl•y or nor.it.: West said Frit:lay. ''You can 't tell anything by walking arnund. You have to slretch the leg." The IOSs of West would be a major blow tO the Lakers and give the Celtics ll: decided edge in Boston's hopes to stay alive and force a deciding seventh game In Los Angeles Monday. ."Can we win it without ~erry? N(). I dO{l't· think' sO," the . Lakers' \Vilt Chamberlain said. "If Jerry can~t play, t guess I'll have to do more on offense. I have.:to be ready to play." The 7·foot-2 Chamberlain, who oulre- bounded long-time ri val Bill Russell 31 -1$ in the fifth game, nursed a sore ey e. Ha was hil by little Emmette Bryant ot the Celtics in the third Period at l..oJ Angeles and said "things were blurry for the rest of the game. W est Coast Track Roundup lf West is unable to play, he will be replaced in the backcourt by Keith EricksQn, who did an outstanding job in holding Boston Capt. John Havlicek to six ~~·1n .¥1e ~ three ~rlqds. Thllr:sday It'~ the weekend or track and field rivalries in the Pacific-& and that means track fans will be able to dope out the meets, predict a winner and watch the upsets. Fonn sheets mean liLtle. Even the COll- ference's l\\'O unbeaten · teams, Southern California and Oregon State, figurt to have their har'tds full. t.1eets that Ugure to go down to the fin al event··~ the mite relay. UCLA hosts crosstown ri val USC in its new stadillm , the irack of which il'l covered \\"ith the fast tartan surface. The Trojans are defending NCAA champions but the Bruiqs figure to havi a chance to upset. The top race o( the day should be in the 220, where Troy's Lennox Miller face s J CI..A 's Wayne Collett. Mdler did-20.3 I.sat week. Collett rarely runs the event but last' yCar zipped 20.2. fnr 200 me.ters. If C9lle~t should win he will give the Bruins pojnts they don't expect to get - on the form sheets -and ColleU, . .a 45.8 quarter miler, will ancbor UCLA 's crack mile relay learn. If USC 1 hasn't· _scor~ enough by then to win tht meet, Mllfer _!!lay run . .an~hor for U~. · . . _ Oregon State hooks up with· visiting Oregon. Both tea.ins are tough_ but Oregon has a big adyantage in the lOQl,.distance events."" 1 'I i\ :"'J f In the bi1i tht f).icb""'~i ' Send ()Ut three men under 4:05.5. In the three-mile. Arne Kvalheim has a 13:23.2 mark and . 0. ..... teammate Norm Trerise has done 13:39."0. Oregon State1s strength lies in the high jump with Dick FoSbUry and Steve Kelly, in the 880 with John Lilly, whci has done I :49.9, and in the triple jurilp, where Charlie Olds has done 4Ml/~. California will be hostea bY Stanford \Vilh the Gnlden Bears hoping to score some upsets to go with their 440 and half· mile strength. · Cal's Clarence Johnson faces Peter Boyce of the Indians in a baUle of · the seven-foot higb jumpers, Cal's Gary Pen· nington faces Tom Colby in the javelin and two fast 440 relay teams collide. Jerry Tallon. 1:50.7. and Jim Smith, 47.4, are expected to give the Bears vic- tories in the half and quarter respcc- li"'.ely. Washington hosts Washington State with the big duel of the day in tire shot pt.it. John itubbell of the Huskies has done 61·9 and John Van Reenen of V£ishington Slalt's Cougars has a tOSs of 60-6* th.is year. \YSU's Art Sandison , with a best 8-0 of 1:'8.1 this year, is favored to. win his s~lally and Rick Riley of f.he Cougars, 4~06.4 and 8:45.2 in the mile and two-mile respectively. Also scheduled tod ay are the Southern California Inter«illegiate A t h I e t i c Conference championships at Pomona College. ~1ighty Occidental is expected to de- Roy~ls · Two-time Ai'l'AHEiti.f -Sunday is bat dsy at Ana· heim Stadium flnd California' manager Bill Rigney may send his hitless Angels in through the turnstiles for some' ne.w lumbe r aILer I.hey dropped a doublehcil:d: er to the expansion Kansas City Royals, Friday ·nlght. ~ansas City powered it.s w;iy to a 9-4 victory in the opener and then edged the l1alos 3-2 in the nightcap. The two clubs return lo action \ooight \\'ith Jim McGlothlin goiqg for Catltot('ia against the Royals'' 1'fi.ke Hedlund.. • The two Royal victories enabled Kan· sas Ci ty lo v:tend 1'-~e.st ,·winning streak to lour games. . .. In the second game, roo\ie pri\Cher Dick Drago shackled the Angels on five hits in poMing his rtnt major le ..... '°' l»(J.. • Andy "fessersmith Pl~ well for the ,, Angeb. 1<Urlng the J\9ya1t~·~ . !W.l.'.: i · of the elgbt ID!llll(s lie pl · ' 1 ii> lhe •foorlh innl""'ltonltt, ~·JP; 1•llieT ils only ~ '.•ll!ll~t!, iWf 1 , }or-tbe winning nms1 • ' .. . - In the.-opener, Bob OliVer blasted a three-run homer in a decisive four-run fourth lnhlng. Ex-Angel Paul Schaal had broken. a 2'2 tie with 11 run-produetlng single off loser Tom f\.lurph.y before Oliver gi"eet· eel reUevec Phil Ortega ~1th his secorld homtr· ()( the HUGO. Chuck Harrison doubled In two tnMe runs in I.he !ixth and Oliver collected an- other rbl In the seventh . Th~ expan~lon Royal poundtd four An· i;el pitchers f<K 13 hits. Jtoo~ Stev~ Jones, 2·1, went 8 4.3 Inn. lngs for the YictorJ. ... flick Reichardt singled in a run and ' ,fend its SCIAC title. Jn Thursday's quali · .fying, Bill &chabram ol the Tigers cruis- ed the half mi le in J: 52.Z. In other track and field action Fresno State and Los Ange}eJ Stale ~ravel lo Long Beach State for a triangular meet ·and Westmont is at UC Santa Barbara. n1gm. • The Lakers took a pige' 'irorq the Celtics'' book" in the fitth:g'ame and ()ften ~oullle ~amed llavlic£1<:.TJ>i C6lllcs do"· ble teameti' Wt!!L as .~UflJ;:tWt\ Qie tm Ange les .sharP;shQoter , stiO mariaged 39 points before being injurect "We were hurl because we weie double teaming a loi and .'the open man was scoring, sometimes Johnny Egan, some- times Ericksoh," Havlicek said. Russell ran into foul trciuble, picking up his fourth in the third period, and had to play cautiously the rest of the way in the fifth game. Braves D~f eat Dodg er s;· ' . . : \ \ ·. ' .. ' 3 Clubs Tied for Lead ATLANTA (AP)-The Atl anta Bfaves threw the National League's Western Division race into ·a three-way lie Friday night, wblpping Lo! Angeles 7-4 ·on Orlan- do Cepeda's two-run dnuble after Rico Carty returned to baseball from a bout with tuberculosis and lffted Atlanta into a lie. This afternoon , tPe Dodgers ,Plan to pitch Alan Foster, G-1 , with the• Brsves throwing un~aten George Stone, 4-0. • Cepeda cracked the tie in the seventh. dri ving home Felix Millan and Hank Aaron. after Carty's sacrifice fly as a pinch hitttr with the. bases loaded in the sixth. Car ly missed all of the 1968 camP.Bign with tuberrulosb, and had been side!pred Angels scored on an error for · the Angels' first l\\'O scores in t~e .third. Dick Stuart doubled and Tom Egan hit a sacrifice fly; for the .other two in' the eighth. · KANtAS Clt'f' CALIPO•Nl.t. H~'""''" Iii FlGre, n ltto.t'"· d Pinlt-11•. If '°'· Jll Horrhon. " !C1111l, 111 •·on-, " Rod,._t, t ,, JM1!1,. ·Orcrwta;w, 1 •' r II ,1 5 0 2 I l t 1 D 0 0 •• J I 2 1 J' , • 0 s ' , ' • 1 ' I .. , "" L.Jafl1110fl, rf l I I I VM .... • • t ~· t Freeci11,n J I t I JCllllll!Olle.d •l tl Rtknwd!, If J I J I .t. Ro0rtt:1 a. J• I I> I Slll1rf. llt _,. ' I l • ' J ' '""""t ,,,, t 11 o Knoo.;211 '•I l'I t l llM11~1 2 11 1 • • • • °"""· • • • 0 • E Fw.tr. • I t I I ... _,.., 11111 ' ••• arvltl!t. • 1 1 1 I ......,, .... -" I I t I 'TOll l ·• Jt f"n I feMI ' ').t • J J 1( ...... C1"I' •• , it J ,,,_, Clllfitntll I I t \I I I J I -I £ -litl)IMll. Flln, £1111. """"'4W. 011 -KlftSll City I, LOI -1(-11 CllY t, C:.HflnrlS. ... M - FM, ~<Tlllll, A. JICldr11utL llVll'I• J• ~ Hlf'1• -· Hilt -lit. OlfWlr :a. SI -iltldr"~ ~L P1or11 $ -ll, Ot"'''· S" -·ltl!'I. '" " " •JI •• so s. ""'"" w. ,., l·t/l • ' J ' 1 Ort~•· 111 0 o 1 o o Muri11'" L, l•l I If) • J I t I 0.1!1• J l t t 1 I t £. Fl$Mf 1-JfJ 4 J 1 I O '"'~ ,,,,,,, S.>lt -D•t~Y. Hflll -11'1' Mvt.ii'f, ,_.,v, ..... Mur1111y, l'loctrltutl-It~ $ -.. Jlll!~t·o~•· • ·1 thii sea~~~wiih;a·~isiofttM~s~lder. He drew a standing ovation when he slam· 1ned a drive to deep {ight, with Clete Boyer sCOrlng after·uie catch. Willie CraWford 's two:.run homer in lhe second inning 6eh\ ·the Oodgett" to a 3-0 lead. The Braves,tied It in lhe &Hird w1lh the.help '.of Aarbn"s two-run ·h.Gme run . Tom ..Hailer's S{)lo homer in the fifth ' . ' Dodger Slate 1,111, ' -~ .. •I All•nt•, 11 :10.f.~. 1<1'1 1••1 Mly ' -DoOHn. •t.Gl'llca1111. ll:U e,m. l<FI MO Mev 1 -Oedlitn. •I Chk ego, n it s •.m.·KF 1~ M•Y t -PrlOPn. 11 Plrlibunll'I, J 1•.111, Kl'I {6«11 MIY 11 -DodQ'!n " Plt11 burgll, 11 :10 1.m. KFI (6.oOI • Mfy II -Ood9~,_ •! Pllt11tur1l'I, 10:.)1 '·"'· KFI , ... had"pushed Los Angeles tc ~ "4-3 lead. The Dodgers started quickly, loading the bases in the nrst inning on Iii walk by Wes Pa'.l'ker:. a·single·tiy Andy Kosco arid an·tnfield hit 'bY Haller. But the rally was snu rftd when mil Sudak.is faMed for the third out. Claude Osteen ran into ear'ly troublt buti the DOd~r' pltcher survived witho6t allowing a run until the Braves' nutburit in the third. • The glime, start of a crucial three·sit series between''. the Westcm 'Division po\\·ers, attracted 18,476 to Allanta Stadium. .. , LOS ANGlLl S ·-·11•1 (,,wf'e.'11. 11 $ •I t 1 w a...i,,ctsaoo Fitttet. lb J • ' 0 lto.c.; " ' O l e H•lltt., c i I J I SllO*f1:, lit ' J 0 I t s1~.lt1 •1 t o GftlkwllL Jl I t 1 0 Gel>flelltl, .i. 1 I I I P--.ICll. 'u t I t 0 C:Olletfl.• )Ill Mllr.~ • 0 I I I Mel t•!\. I I I I I Ft1rl\',llfl ll D O Dtrwt11, • I I o o ATLANTA •• , lil\I A..t.iou.u ,,,, Mll~ ... 1' t 1 ,1 H. Atl'OI". rt t I 't (g~.111 •• ,, t.MM'OfT\ll. II' • t I _, C:.a,,.,...r.~ 1 1 1 • Old!t-r.c ll t l Fr•roc:-, olt 1 1 1 t Tllllo>I"-' O ·t I I il l9(kMn, .. ,,,, u ..... 1 .. • , , 1 1 C1•1•. Pl 1 t t I "'"""' • o I I I ·-Tll•I » 4 ' • tor11 ;n , It I L"'.t.""'"" OJlllOO ll •1111111 t1 J 1 1 1 t 11-r E -C:. S.V.r. SVC11~1~. •UH,,l()i 01" -y.o ~ "i.' I. Lot -L• AM•lf• 10. Alt.lfll9 1. tll Miiiin, ''"'°'· Hilt -(•t"1efe l, H, .t.ll'Ot'I 4 H~tter '1 )-0.-.e!'k,Wlh. II! Jm-, 1•1"911. Sil' -(..,.,, "\ IP H II! 1111! 11 tt, )!'l ' • ~ ' t I J 1 1 I t i'I 1 0 • 0 • • l 0 I I 1 I •'•t Jf / ,10 0 11 l 1 Tw .J:Jw~e , titles Won lly JOEL llCllWARZ ' ... .,.,.. " ..... j _ SAit .fiRNAaDilo °'*" &.! area athletel enjoy«! a creat day In the :t=T~ .... ~-~~ but tlli ll lie ' ~~. Coll~ wblc ended '• two-year r<ign·u MPioo~', ~ Tho-~ 10~17 • bauie !er ibe team u that went to the fi.naJ event, the ~le vault. Golden ~-West {btlshed a strorfl fifth with a 11 potnta. 0rlftle Coast wu seventh wJtb " 25. Golden West .......,,..{ I°"' !Int pllce ... fin1shel in the meet and the da)''1 ooJy ·' double winner and record breaker, lim ' Setmour. - ., Seymour repeated u EC, 130 hlgJl.'bur- dle ¢wnpion with a narrow victory over San B<rnardlno'5 Larry DJas ln"IU. ~ Dill! wis inches In ff'ont"o( 'Se)omour " most of the way but clipped the lut two sticis l!l<I S.vm"'!' edpd Jli_lront •t lhe tape. ·--··--,, - - : Later Seyziiour rah IWay from Uie field ' in the 440 lntennedil,tea, "!Ullin&. hil "":' IlleUme best or 52.2-ibd bttattng bll own EC rece'1h>l>M-fial ilot In Ille prelim>. BJu:e'at ¥"Prise •inner ol the day wu Rusfld ftwe>-mlJer JU~ ~lo, who .. t • bUstering lint m11I ....... 4:31, ., and buried the field. He outdlstl~ Santa Ana's favored Rieb Mu\h by ·more than 100 yard.I in t :Z\.I, '? . Gcild~ West '.s Don Shields won the. high JWTIP a.s e1pected, but with a subpar Hi effort. H~ading a list ol Orange Cout c..ome through performer• was hurdler M1ke ~ Pomeroy Who wu fourth in the in· lermediala and filth in the hJihs. .. . -, ~;~~ROH ·VICTOR -Foonlaln Valley High Scl1"1d\r~nn1s.~Maas "'c:taclia the tape in 50. 7 to win the 440 in-the Irvine League final• Fri-;4'.t.:' nt'k~t" a~ tWestern's Handel Stadium. ·He nosed out mate Doug _• ~1n·60:8 ,0·make it a one--two finish for the Barons, but it wasn't ·\,~,., ~'.edied Fountain Valley for the team title, 68¥.-68. .!:tb-.~ • ,.i't .,_, ~ F ·'' I • 't/ _!I ~ • i • .~ .• --~ .• -1 •. ··~~·?-~-· FV· IJ~s.e~ Irvine . Title ' . . "·~; J~£:-7 .... ~ . • ..... ' ~-lid""' :.....~..,~ ......... '·-; lD ~ nlabl'l Jol!l'lldil·•I ·~-....; ' ' 11ut1Ana..mtba<t't0nm-'"111 lleO;oitc.e ~.bow-, Jn,_ lbd -..... cln:ull --1161 anqdJer Ued. ' 0ruP Oout •rt• athlda -for two ol the ~- •Newport Hub1ir'1 lllOPPI' mile rolly rau-. ol Bab Alllml (IU). Howle ll<!lerl (II.I), Kevin· Jlu\ler (IU) Ind Dini Blood (IO.tl lipped lo the llpe In /l:IU.lo cut ftve'-tootha <i a oecood oil : ' tbt ·prerioua belt.. , - l Thal wu'..,. <i .four 'lll'IUy nwb lo \' '·IO u.,jim Heolb (lormerly <i W- ier llld-l!OW •t Alllhelm) l...,.S the'lhot put mart'lo .. IOI\ lo eradl~lbe form- er belt of .• -l\1et 1J yean by Terry Guy ' of Fullerton. - .i.ciile While ol Slnlo Ana, upset looer to Sl;V>lleyll·CiYde-Emery ·IO .the 100, ckne back lor ,a record 21.1 in the 220. •1~~"1d ~mery teamed with h}s Falcon . Bilks to bag lhe 440 batoo nicord with '~ -~42.4. .Jayne Akiyama qr Westminster plck· ¥ "' .\IP. a Cee record with his I~ U 111lop ::,Iii thO lllO. !Ill Ume wu Wier lhao Ibo ~g eflort for Bees aiid!it IOok u -'iijs o!I the old standard; ~ Ana'• pole vaulter, John Ancler-·IOV'* three clooe .U-at 14-111, ;cleatin&" the bar at each trial yet knock- lni .!t,olf wjth his body on the descoot. '!be chalriplon Falcons pif llutl Ana In a f1olodrom the begl~. crabbing --the flrstrthrte plaoo in the i20 high hul'· · _..dJa, ihen. "With Emery's abocker over .. 'llhllo la . the century • ~t· ·that lt was catch-up for coach ·J:111·!:Jlllnan'1 rutfit and they c:ouldn't .qulto handle II -especially without i!tple 'p!d ll)ediHavorile Isaac Clulls, o'1l With iln 'injury. ' . ' : First three nm.hefs in each• eviiit:rc,tove on to the CIF pnllma a wetl: from loday at Westminster. • . ' 100-1. IEl!lfry (~I tl~"lhltt' fSAl t.7 t .. LICV 1~1ln~''-!n1J.""1"'lt!!• .(~ ~ Ta 11e Whlr"!illtll ~.' WhlllJS.11,I lnwtit .tKorG) 2. J. Vtfttl-IM) 1 l tntrY (VI tt.l '· LK'I' {Ml 1Uh11d J ..... 1 FtlHI' (Al n.t 1. HUtl (W) flG l. N1 .. Iv~~. if~1'·,i\i~".1~l~S~V: llSJ,t ~. B l;2 P o Lo Cti11nt11rl1ln IWMI \:,,.0 ., Jtlft lHHJ 'l Dtll!tn'I' J Omt to ara '",:',!;._,, •tt•• "' "»-' " w ..... , ... , "'"' l. MCQvown CHI) 4~&1 .. hl!tln 000 1. 1111111 CMI. -" . \ ' N.'' V•rt• (WNO t :JJ.2 ,. ,..,~ I'-'' \,t\ \II , Jt • ,, \ • ~l 't ' \;..,1~ . ?i::r." IWMJ t:d .2 4 ,llret (NH 1. ' -' 1)0 M-;l· F~ldl fV) lU .fi.IC.O.~r ~4.7 l. By ROGER CARLSON· -aetton·wa.s ~when Costa Mesa came-_. ;:-_~,.t~4. ,..!.,J= tor ':,iK'"9. win • Of ... ~,.,... Swt th~••h for the ch•-p'1 nsh1'p ,. LH-1. F191ds (V) ,,,, 2 O«IMln (VJ It.I ,, Fountain Valley Hi@ School's bid for · w... """ 0 . ·. Kt<1tllr I"" \'·' " L-1M1 s. JtMMi 1u.1. ·~· vanl"if· a.::};ai:~~ lai\n"siJ:th~d1·-_) ti~~~t"::""tn:_thJe ·~·~~~;ti.tleg4 ~-~1~.An.~:;~'i~w.~:~"1.~~11 h ill st.111 l h' d 1 St c ~ffo sealing m ~· s. : SA v .., 1 ~~ ,,. ~ e I ' d "-t \ _, 1 1-r.tor when LOara by lhe narrowest of marginS · ~ A ~ hl l M 4 "" n uplnded th~ Barons fur the team Utl ' It was, however, in the sprints and H~'...1. cG'i'vr1n-1 ·11 "' t. c1111411 !Ml "' i. 68\i 18 e, low hurdles where Loara picked up vital ll•rJ !WM s-10 •· L•"""'°" !Ml s-10 •"41 lt•ubh'l!lfr V. • • 1 . points to pull out the win. ' 11t -t1~1'1"' 1v1 n .1 '· 1t1c11rnoM IM/ ,.,,,~ s. .1ct~ry. couped WI.th • second-place Fountain Va1le d inated the "ddl ... , .... (A .. ,"" •. HilllP (VI 20-15. Olllll•• IAI flntsh 1n dual meets, gives the Saxons fhe distance race Y om t d nu e 10-P~.:.1. AMtrM!I cu.1 1u 1. Wlkl tNHI 1M 1. title with Fountain Valley a no€ch behind , s IS expec e • Magnolia won the OYer1U cbamp!OrllhiP Baron Phil Mau took .the no in 22.7 tn Bee competition with Its victory in but Loara ran two • t}lree and Mus the llnals clinching the title. was second In the 100 with a 10.l, nosed A three-way ·ue In dual meets tn Cee out by Lo_ara's Jim Beyer with an Iden. lical time. ) BUCS STILL 8TH IN ST ATE MEET " M~~"ff;~T ~:J;~e ~~d ,' " M;uldqon, McKeon Set ! ; ,{,. ~ ~t "-t • ' {" t' ~ ~ ~·1 -two punch of Rich Wood and ~ -I swept lo double vic- tories ~ CUrt HO)'I added the 2-mile utle for.the EqieL •• Wood ~·to a 15.1,:md 19.7 (a league mart) .1n the hurdles whlle BamtU took the 'hllh jump with ·• U effort and a 2H mult In the 1png jump. CUPERTINO -Foothill Collece ahooll !or an un~ted ei&hth straight California junior college 1"1mmlng champlom~p today here after ettending itl lud to M pointa over second-plact Los Ancelel Vllley Filday night. ar.,.,. Coll c.ue,. renWned In eJihth plice In the team llondlnp lrith 41 potnta while ·Golden West wu 24th with 12. Foothill:•, tWCMla7, total wu 1931Ai, whlle Vlllty "'41· 12111 llld lhlnl-place DeAnza • • Angelus Loop Marks By STEVE ANDREWS Mli. 1'Ny-1. Met.. Oe1 t. 'St. AMflMy L l'M )( I. SI. P1ul. Time: J;Jl.5. Poll "Mult--1. «d<JIOl<ll (JA ) IH (-._ rwc..,l ~ SANTAFESPRINGS-ThetwoMater 1• etr1IO!I 1.v,11>-0 '· c11r;n t"•I 1~ 1. ""'-flAI 11.0 l Prtvtellberl (SP) n ... t-. Dei HJgh &hoot distance aces, Paul H1e11 J~1. M«J•n 1Mo) Jolt 1. a...-. itAl M_ uldoon and Te...-v McKeon, set An-lua $.1t i. r..111.1111r 1P~J ~. s.n1111 tP•1 u a. scfM;. ••1 e~ .. ui.~ tSAJ J.•. f' League track mark• Jn final Joop· com-snot ru1-1. ~k ,,,, si.1tlil u-.w _.., .,_titlon held Friday evening at St. Paul. 1· Gefffl!rr flAl "~ J. Klchootll 11J111 "" .._ ...._ r~ IP•I d-t 'J. Helnlty (5Al -~ I·~ < Muldoon, who just set a 440 yard •tan· L-Jvri.-1. •rw*'I CPIJ ..s a. Hm cs11t,1 dard of H.6.in.ftie "rtJ1-tn1rleS Tuesday '"11"" s. SdlWlfr1tt !IAJ \"ld..: ~ IP'•I t' qu 1'f'lll S."Gt1fll~ llAI it:2\,li,. . • ran the 880 yard event virtually uncon· r..,., Tett11-1, 11111°" Amet 1Jm 1J. ,.,..., °" • Vttltly IN HM -1-WW (Ii) 11.1 t. LIP'eftf ICMI IJ.J 1. lltdM ·(,.VI U.J 4 lflllWll1 <Mell 11.1 J. l'"ldr1dl (LI. 4e lttley -1~ l.Mre IT ....... Yftl, lllhf, llli!M., ltTtnl 4.2 1~ ~I t. l'-1t1~ V•ll•Y 44.t J. l•tenr.11 44.• .t. C..tt M... d .J '· C.r-•e1 Mir. ; T' IND -1. ~Wo {l'V) 1:00.J !. lt•Y"*'41 {l'VI 1:01.J l It°""'"'" ILi t:Dt.I 4. Mw.tn Ill t :IM.1 5. Slllw fF V), !DO -1. ·~ (LI to,1 t, P •. Miit (P'VJ JO.I l. 1111;1111 ILi ti.I lo\, Ckrrilt !Mltl 18.4 I. l1rhltl K l. ~.-• ....._1._kllll.(Mff> JM.~ J, ~ (CMI J1·11 I, L,.,._t.Jl'Vl J1.f 4; ·'t 1)'1w (Lf "5V. J, Tit ""'"-~ fiJllMI inf llWMN (ti. Miit -1, l'\11111 ll'VI •:Jl.t f. Cllerlrt H4yt lll •:•.• l CIW'lllllflt (jl;V) 4:2'.I 4. Helllen (ll 4::JCl.I a. ,..,_1<CMJ, ! -~ , roit .. wit -..1.'.!. ,.,,_. JLJ IM I. II...., fMlfl 1M ), ~II (f'VI 114 4. .......... IQ ll:f 11 .. f, Pe~ir-Ul"'.1 11i4» ,; • t· .. ,_ t, p, Ni.-nrv> •• rt:. o... cr¥1 •.• '· Miier Ill Jl.4 ~.,...Iii. ll'V) .. , I. M.-IM"91. 1• lH -1. 'Ml9lf Ill 1t.7 CTlll ....... l'ICW4!1 t , lco<ed 111. ' Golden West'• Kri1 Swenson was ~ area'• "8i flnlabrr Friday with a third- place ef!Ort ln the 200 butterfly, Cilvering the dlstanct In 2:01.1, h1a all time belt.. , QCC'1 Poul UucJies WU eighth Jn the 200 lree In 1: IU , and Plratea Dou1 Schaumbtn:& and Bruct Johnst,on wlire llxth and ninth In the 100 breut with t:OU and 1:116.J tlmea. • ~A~~~:-ljij1~ :;i;;; r,;r.i.11ir. . l"n -~ ... 100 -f, llldl CAI lt.J r. Hulltw IAI \t.I l. .... IVI "·' '-.,_ (IA.I J, ''"¥'· (:h t'JI -11,al!IU..<(#J lt.J 1.-.. r ~I !VI ra.4ri. ~ tHHI llAif•• iii oY . J. AnMM t•on. Ml - 1 . .,...,... IWMI l tlt.t t. leylel' CWMI l::tl.t l:m -t, Cllltllllll fHH) 1117.f L"H11nl Lf:' L Hfll'A IHl l 1111.t • • ._..,. fAI I. OW.. ), J;U.J l. "lffdllr INHI ,a:1u ~ ('# '$. ~(IA.I. -if ' 1 1• WI -I. P'ltyl !Ml ls.J f""'ls ..._,,.. ,.. cwfl t. L-(Al IS.I S, Llnftlly (IA). Otfler M ~ _., llOf ... 1W 1"'911. wlH a. r~lewW ~ ........ .,. ~ 1• 1.H -I. P'1tyl llAI 11.• r. ~_,..,. !IAI IJ.S l. ll-(NHJ 11.t 4 LntMy tl.&J J. A_.yt (MJ. • rNy -I. AMlllllfl 11 •. 4 1-' ~I t. I At <:rutv~ Meet Tritons. Qualify ' d, I ; ' . . ,..J. '' ~ t-I 'l Seven" ' t •> ' For CIF -Track Prelims '. ~ -:'1'-. ·~·· By EARL G\)STllY Of .. o.lb' P ... '""' ... I Siil Cleman!e High School'• tr.a tum quail.fled, lf:Vm vanity athltta f« CIF competition Friday emUnc, at . Ule cretvlew Leque quallfytng meet at Tultlh HICI> School. Leadhlg the 'I'rllon aplte parade wa1 miler C1aY And~son. who won the"mile in 4:21.1. Sprinter Rick Geddes qualified in. both 1prillta, winning the 22U by a hair In 23 fiat and lakinl 1ecood In the 100 with a 10.S. Lagu01 Buch ind MIJlloll Vlej•, 'the otJ)ef' two Orana:e Cout Uta Crestview achoOll, latied lo qlll)l!j' a single v¥Jlly ~tor. Llgun.I quertermller Brion Baclif ~ · clole wt\h a 51.t but that 1ot him aJ~ and.he needed • thlnl. Dav't fJustwlck ot Laguna, who com· peted for all of the dual.m.fft KUOn 81 a varsity half miler, dropped down to Bee. compeUUon and easily won the MO 1n 1:22.7. He took over the lead at the ffO ma.rt and pulled lw17 to win by 11 yards. Eully \be ID01t outstanding effort of the nlght wu a t :lS Oat •wo.mile b)t Daye White or El Modena. The swift junior broke the leqUe record with the effort and rat.. u a legitimate CIF title c:onleoder. -4H -1 jj .... rft VtVJ'";'J.J t. •11~ ... IKJ lf.7 • w"'~I \' t Pot1•"' .~ u.• ~· .,..., .. ,,11K1. IJ.t6. ( 11.t. "' ~ 1t1 V -1, I lo\olM!le G.a 2. "" ClllM"~ 1· l. T111ill!I &1,2 , Ille P1rk &l.t J, °''"" ..,.1 " ,~,~ . . - c;"~l • • •: Pil'ates Ba.tter ' Riverside,. 14-6 Orange COllt College exploded for six run!' in the bottom ol the flrst·innin&-Frf· day afternoon and went on to pin a 1M Eastern Conf1rmce baseball defeat on visltln1 Rlverlid1 Collete .. ,, , ' i , .. ' ' ' PIRATE ·NE.TTERS • .,. • • t -• -• ,, GRAB £C' CROWN · Cenlerflelder · Roger -. flnijad the·P~1lM' big flnt 1nnlnf by wllacilnC an inaide-lhe-park homer with jhe - loaded. ' ~i.LNUT -Or&n1e ~t ColleP,.1'on The Plr111et allO hid • bl1 oevenlil i n-ning, ICOflnc five umeii. Rick Selbert'• ltl firlt Eutern Conferenn tennia cham- tw1>-run double highlighted that rally. pjomhlp atnee 1165 .Ft\ctilJ> afternoon . Steve Pinter. who worked the nnt e.lght edlinl Fullerton for the CI'OWI, 13-U. at lnnlnp on the mound for Orange Cout. Mt. San Antonio College. rteelved credit for h la fifth victory. 11Wl Pirates won the title ln the final OltAMll COAIT 4141 a1Y11tllOI HI match of the tr.m!-after Wk• Caro,.of Jrilnt.n "s'2 111":1ne...,,lf •,',111~ OCCL d~liberfU!Y daulted 'hl.i . L-.cti. 2'0 Y4 l 2 tWelr, 2tl J I I t champicihlhip iiiatc to·FU.llefton'~ l rtw11. lb • 1 0 CAr•ft•r>0, M 1 I ' 1 LI_, Klnf, rt c 1 1 1 C11rt11, I J I I I v;...., • ; \:i. ::i:~,1~1 :·· }\: : ~ti.;Jib : .. ; t.:~ ~ "~ ~.;,~ho hll!(~oit ~~.,set l'l-13, P1!m.r. c 1 1 o o rt • r1, 2 • ' WU ·iheail in Uiie "88!ond R\ S-1 wbeft he Wlllttltl'1 d 1 I 1 45.,.Mtrom, cl • • • • d I lied lo him If r !h d .... ,. •• P1~111r. , • 1 1 01111ro1c1n, , 1 1 • o e au save se or e ..........,. S•tblrt, d 1 1 1 ,,.,..hllften, P 1 • • • double play. s...-11m,, t • t o Tettll • • n J """"-tr le ~ ~~--• 1ot•I• ,. ,. ,, u ~ '~I l gy ,WtJf ause .... v·aiN \I I I ·1 C'!I" '"'l"!''l ' ~· ;~, , : 'JlmlOlle Whl!1"4.Uo on~J\!" !Y•tt. "Mtm'* ., • • 010 D oii J ' u s " '1U , t:t: M, tO diOOh"'the title. Of'•"'• c .. 11 t111 '°° .IOI! -1• 11 1 "' tested hittl .... the ta-Jo 1·.Sf.•. 1tf J, II. Peur""" '· SI. An1'1'1DllY ti''· Plllt x: ... "''6 ..... ;/ •. lllfwfit u. • . :)· The old mark of l :S7.I WU held by .... . J-•--·-of St p u1 · 10!>-I.· MorMft {1 .. ) 1. f'r1111 (M01 L 1c.4.,.. Im UIUl.wll • I • (IEJll .t. Au1tlft (SA) J. Jluby (IA). TinM: It.lo ··--McKeon won his event, the tw1>-mile, 221r-1. "'*""' lSPJ 1. ka""'" 111111 a. l'rli.t l_,..._ {CMI J0.6 L L)lllt Cl) lU 4,. tw1u {II fl,• s: Nftt .... ''"'· • "' l . 11 '7.;_ 'ci_';· ~ .. 1~.:\·11ti ·':?i 1i!.r~ CMMI. • ~ •.~· • j • -· Ho\llt -1. cwt Mtyt 111 t:Jlf.t t. Wiii~ ll'VI t :47.1 l. O-P111Mt (l ) t:#.6 4 Ht111M ill it:Jl.4 Major Le,dg~.Standings ' ·-' \• . ~ 1 bl••' 9 •• J li Jn t ( ..__ (MD) 4. JlUW 18A J S. l'UIC1'fSAJ. TlnW: ZJ.• n a !M.1111 :'M, c PP I wen y-,,.v . ..._,. ,.,.,.14W91 !IA) 1. Hor ... .,,.,.., IMO! 1. aecoodll oil ·tht old record aet by Mater M•dffu (IAJ ... 'O.urn.n (IAJ J. TlrHI (IP). Tr-. ~i's Rick Muth 'Jn 191t'. :~1. Mll!tle'lhl L1llnl (IA),_ ......... CSP! ... ' Desp!le the two outstartdln« eflorl! by 1111'1"" flAl 5. IMYk IMD I. l f""'; l :Jl.1. rMukfoon and McKem, the Monarchs bad '2!u~c;.:..!.~.:::!11l' ~" 1"! " to settle for a second place standin& in =''u.f:":. ,:-,t''l. ~11 s. ......,,.. f&liti. tU!e flnal ttlm totals. 120 L~JCrllltewlllt. (U.J , ,....:il....l lftli) L Bishop Amat· toot hom1 the varaitv llodl'ltWI CIA1 4. Giimore II '" ;r.;;;r..., IMOl. 1 Tll'llll: lt.L · -t;C)MptUtion tJtle totalinc Ul~W JIOfnts. -.. itellw-1. Ill'-Arntt t. St. f'ellf L ilMfff' Th. ' ---from La D.--•--1·-ca"-Del. T1me: 1:u.s. ~ ....,...,Q~ ,.-""""'..., ,. ,...V•ull-1. Qltntdull; 1u.1 11.f t. •\ll'fllrf fl') ~red the all arouqd ~ whktl went 1H 1. oewi. 11A1 1M '· c11,,,.,. 1•••i M. !o the learn ........... ••· rn~ ...._., in ati Hllll Juri.-,. W1rct (IP) M I. llllkt fl'JI) M .......... -v.• ....--t. ""'911 CPI J.2 '· fonh"WI !SA) .... c ... " divlllon!. (SEiia fol. • »--'de• wino!•• the -Y•rd ~·· Mui 111o1 ,.,,._,. H.at 1P111 ,,.1r '· o.""' 1•A1 *' r ~ ._ -·-.. -L Het" i l AI •11 '· Mork !SA) 0.1 J. W111br won the-A~elus crown in tbt 4.a 1111111 "1-10. · lahlng In a fi ly 'I I UiMi .IVn'IP-1, 19•r• llA) '""" t . lmlltl 11") -"' · • .,,_.,. L .... , ... tP~I 11·11 4 Fen (IAl 17·' J. Muldoon also played a moat important J1111tr 1s,, 11-t In the: tnlle rel~ whldi WU taken Ttllf'PI T0111l1-I. Ill.,_ Arntt )I I. II. Peul • a. Ito MIMnY » 4. Pllwt x tt. I Tiii btrwwn Mtttr y Miter Del, u .enlor speedster t>t'I "" W\llts 11. l'lade up ebout. 50-yard defldt and pal$--IOt -1, CtM llAf'), ............. IMOI l. «d the Pim X runner on the .second lei. ,,... i lAI " """"' llAI a. '11•1dl 1Mo1. jijck Jennlnp: llnlshe:d up the relay live '1;':: }.~~ 1rQ11wo tMOJ 1. G5-c•A> ,, ......._ 1tepa ahe1d ol the Pius aachorman. 11A1 -. Fn. ,.,.,, ,. ._,,u .. 11P1. Tillw'r 1t.6. • y'""' · .. -l o-t:lr IPllJ !. W.I* llAl l KMMt1 • ll0-1. TClll!ln (~}I. D11M 1.wtl 'L Olltl'fW) ispJ 4. "*-wt IMI I. ....,...H IMOI. Tll'lllt; h .. ~ P..c.el (IAI a. HO• !MOI. T~: II.I. 1• ·-I I~ c•A I I ~ flA} t. ,._.,. P.nc-J llAI .,, °""ft Vi'Ol S: """'9~tP.IJ L..,. CM0°l..: MicMu.I cMi J. w."' fllAI, TllM; t ...,.1Urta1 '"'' 1, ..., 11n. TirM. '" i·•.s., 66-1. Mu .... IMO) J. ,,,,..._"'91 flP! I, t4tMo • I» lH -1 l~IAI I ht1M f$AI i, ,.._ ... fl ISAI 4. DiGMn C.MOJ, '"-JIG It.Al. llUJ 4. ~ ( I J. ~Ill Ch i Tlfllt1 IU f::,,~~lfotl'I IMOI t. ...,...... lj.,I I. ,,,_. .-X. ~~.i: 1. I "-1 I. M ..... Otf, l. P• 11r (SA) 4. llMflW' ISPJ J. H.-.llf'J. ,,_. ...... "'-"-t. ,...._,IP) 11i 1. '-""""' (a.Al 1:11.I (..._ ,..,..,,,. J. ( _ • "U• ,,.,. M!Mlcl l'-1 M . 4 !Cit....,,. llAI L M..,_, .,,I ....... """" tMOI L -Idle ,...-) .. " cu.• .... Mir• (If'). •M iP11l 4. o..11M tMOf '-1.-..i (hl, ,.,_; "'911 • .J ..... ~I.~ !U.I a..t 1. ltnll>I llPt • a .a. M l. ""-""' IMOJ .>I 4. j4tM1 (tAI s.t s. .._ ,~J..._I, McQon IMO) ... ~ (MCI) 1. .--..... _..0."4t ~ !:;: 4 INllMll CJlll ) J. ,,,,... IMOI. TllN t1•A _... ~ -!. p,.iclM IS') •t t, Sfletltl\lll 11'•)1 -~J. , 4M I. ~ CIAI """" 4 lltlr!t llA} 4W J. M"-1. 1........wi (IP) I. tttllM (MO) L ,,..lflllll llAl 6'.., · \ ·i.;.:. .1"11« 1sAI .. l .. IMOI L T,llO f.,J. TINt l_.. J~ -1. l1t1 1~1 1 .. "°' ,,4ml!tl ~Pl 1.U. • 1t-'I '-..... -. (PM "°" .t.. •n llAI ''" t. ..... ltO lH-1, $1'1tllt IP•l L HetlOll IMO! ). l-tlf !SP) !l.._ tllll l"'J '· •lcll II.Al f . lAN IMO), Tlf'M: .. l. TMltl l ... • -I. tw. Mwt '1.1.• M; htll •!.\ .. 1le11.,_1. '""" D11 f, PIW )( L St. An!Mfl'I', l ,_,.. Dtl ft 4. ,.... It 11 ... It, MlllliflY f•• .. Tl""~ '4.•, ''"!It J, • ,, S.MllllrCl"Vl l'l , • ,._ ' -Hltfl J~ -l. ·1e""'" Il l Ml t ... U9n Ill H l ,..,.,_ ICM) Jolt .t. Miii ~I f.10 J. lwc:ll (CM\) ""' Loni ,,.... -1, """" 111 21.t t. r,,_.,... W L Pct. GI ~;i.:·t.~. L IMMit {l) tl·l!A ... lW!I (l) ~II '· f :(hit ago ...•.• ' •• ''. ' 17 1 .70I,.. ·Miii ~ii=flil 10. ·MMl..t Mc. 'lttsburgh ...... ~, ,,, 14 I .IOt Altll,_1_.~ J .t. ' LMf'I ];It',! ! Louis ' 10 JI .._ C.• M9I ; f!1 ' s. C#tllll ~ . . . ·""'. •• ' ~ ·'IN "";~1 1cw1r11: ""'" .~ ,....,,..,. V•tl'T ·.., Philadelphia · •...•••.• ; 11• ·at!:..! ••tMcll u. c-m ,.,_. '41 MetntU• .. ~ New York •••••••••.••• t ·IS .409 ·1 HIMtr•~. "' · Montreal ........ ~ .... I 14 JM I 111 ffH -t. kfl,...._I ILi IU t. Ht1t1t (fMt) ll 1'.I J, k'rlw (l:'Ml ~l~ 4 Jtulrt Ill 1.-.4 I. s..,.. llff! "• _ .. ltl. • ' t• -1. """"' l•l 11.t t. wm11,,.. t~J '°'' t. Mllttw l'*"I IM 4. T•tl CCClrt\I 11..1 t. O.litt•llll W L Pd. GI '""''· . .,. r 1. °""' tCMl 11t44 s. £1' '1;i:11u .1 Loi Angeles ·······-'·· 15 8 .tU 1. L11Cet IMttl 11a.t"' DIMrktr 1 1 s. 111th, s.r, Francl"o JS a H• t• U4 -I. 'Stvftt'ie)"ii.ili -It f t l•.t ""' •'-••••• '':: 1. ._..,.,. (11" HWNrllMI f,v114.1s.1tt 111111. Atantt •••.•.••••••••. 15 I .- " .. , .-w•,·,.~~~ 11-.1 n.1 t. Mlltfw (CctMI San Diego ............ ·JI tf .440 5 ' ' ........... t n.f 4 """"' 1•1 n.i s. Cl I . • 3 ·~ • I lulu IMttl. • , I" , '! )• 1 nc M•ti ••••••••• , , , . " 1 ."'19' ..,1, ,,. -I, ll•• I J;ll i MKL••n ICMI Hou-'-• 20 231 1011 1;11_. 4. ,.._, IC.I 11 .... 4 Oly tCAIM} a1UI llWll •• • • · · · · · · · · · · · v • .. M<eWlll9 (Mft), ' ' 1 ~ ... lt•ltr -I, M ..... 111 1tU.7 t e...-••t ,,.,., 1:1".J. EatlMM l :Jl.t 4 FIUl'ltlllli V•lleY ll•A $, LMr•. 1'11111 ........ : ~ •U,• hllllda .. CWWlfl ........... l.N,1•11, C... M ... n. P_.,... Vllfly • • .... * -I, IC__, ICMI IY In. ....... 11..,.1 !. ,..,,_. l•I 11.1 1. I,._, (lllVI M.J •· Ptrttw <•I 1IJ I. Ml* le.Ml. · lm -t. HatM Ill lllU IL....,. r-11) '· ,.._. Ill l!M.t l. _,..,,.... (l l l:M.I 4 Pri91t , ';(-i,.-' Boo,!W. L. .Pet. GB BllUmor, . .. .. .. .. . .. 17 I .... Wllhlnllol! , .. , ....... 14 II ... I 8qlton ............. ' •• JJ '101 ... 3,i -~ •··•••••••••••• 11 11 .• 4\2 New·York ............. 11 lli ,13 I Cleveland ..... .,, .. • • $ II Jli ft .. l w.i ,' ''" W ~' Pet..~• Mlrineao&a • • ••••••• , .• ·' t4 ' ' .m · ~ ourond ............ :. 11, t .fll I X-QI)' ......... II 10 .Mt 211 Odt•ft ..• 1 ....... ; •• , ••• 471 4 · Cillfonila· ............. 7 11 .Ill I lltlttle ... ~ ............ , T U. lllO f~ • ' "· r " -, . ' ' ' ' 1969 AaetlnAmalca ,, " ' . ' .. v l AnUUlo w/Automou. ,.,__ , .,, ~ . . -: ' eou ilAL 11111 CAD · .. ....,,alCTIOH 1':/t: .. ~ Ci..~l;;..) t. :(.,11r 1ti 1rft.J I. 0.-~ Cl) f; .. .t. a,,_ !CMI II•" t.,:.ltl~ .!_I:: O.~CflVl·l.._I f~ ,..,.fj I.• 0-. """'11 IY a.. Dwell ILi 11.t 4 _,. ...... (I'll) 11.1 .. C:ll~ (l;dMl. 'IN~~:::ru· l'" ................... .-.-A~UnlO~~R~l~Zl~D~·,•, ........... ,~ ... ~L I• -I. ICMillff' ICMJ flJ' t. H-frl lt.I ... ¥"-~) ifl.ll 4. •IMr'r '""' lt.4 '· ... ~ .. 111. ... lttlly -1, Etllftc:lll (Wlllitwttt. "'..,.,,."" ~Mer.,,-::1 l'f~~u~,J~; ~ lN,. 47.A. "t "':,!'~M'l:;."~~~~ ~~ Nflt ,, • \ fULL llRVICI AND l'AlltTI l'Ollt ALL IMl'OlltTID AUTIIMOllLIS 1\ ll'I ,, , . 11111~'.'I '. ~ !_, JIM WIST .COAn itleit"AY-MIWPOIT llACH MZ.MOI M0-1714 All...,.._ M• • AUmN·HIALl'f --. -W,l'IUAll -, W. fl S.•ln --~ • • • • • • • ' l ~ I I I ( I I • lf .D~lY l'tlOT StUI Gile Out • I Sea ~s Rally • 1, l Tq Nip M~tallgs .. t I' .. .. • • ,..._. Mir_..-=· .-•"'811 a ~~I~ .... ~1~ •• ~ W' -blhiDd ... 1 r~·tiii~ .' • 'I 1 ~ hcrol ~-M~ ;,...,.•.a.-~~~t= !.~.k'f' ·--·~bu.. IOldetiiill'ilie ·r~, .._°" aner. aat flf '"I" . ~ . I · '°"""•t llni',.._ . . . lrjillo( to IP~•.;¥~ I! , · ..t..-. • · lei\! • . i%. _1UIOS'....... .. ... ""'·' ,,:.. ••• '" ·.!'.~ J" . IUder lMrl..turn Mi&. Foun-.._.-a -t""-<!f" ,.~S. I( , ·~,~~~-~~ ,1 ta1o Valley, fl~ lith. Jos. tbroulfl sir illnln}r~g· , £ u 'a diamond and Eat.ancia .Fountain Valley,. ~dmc by dropped a 1"' vmllct to Mag-.• •a:cant U eowil befoi:e eJ· nolia at La Palma Part ta ploiting for seven tallies In tbe eftlllna. the aeventb. .~downby two~ns * * iioinl· lnl• •lhe ··-·IOl!ini. came bK.t with four talliis lo '* win il After -.... Cl>ril 'lbomp-... rot lhinp &Wied wtth a •Uaele and Steve: Palmer fol· 1.....i with. a walk. Kim wilbftcltt loaded the. bases When be WU bit by a pitch and Don Snyder followed with another free pass to force the lint run in. . _. . . COll:OfilA Dll MAii: It) .., , ,,., P111Mr. It l I I I Wltlll'Klll, d ) 2 ) I 0 . S!lrllllt, I~ I I t I It.,,.,.,,. 4 •• 1 . ~.. Jii i W•r~.a 41 1 1 IC ... lfY,c •'I" ~Ill Cri-rf 2 t I t EUtll, rl 1 I t I LMdlt. '· ••• T~, 1 r1 I T.t.b aisTA MISA j4)» 6 t 6 111 r 11 rill Fltliltr.a 401 1 , .. era,.," ~ 1 ' • SPOILS TO THE"VICTOR -·Elizatiet:b. Hodges (sec· ~111 ,, 4 t I I ) • • rpetuaJ t.....u. f " """" 'f, • • ' • ond from right recelV!!StJ · -.,,..,y or win· -.! ,r~ : : Wnfitbe inaugural, J 'Neill 1Avery, tournnment , =. .. . ' . ' ""-'" p -'-"-·-') at ission Viejo 1 · '-'IWI. refi11::DUUK'. the wU"' .. , , , • 'I I 1 I _.::..:::.:::=:....:.::::~i:·' ::;·!:''P." . '?° ,, , . pby are Roger Belanger (Jell), club.pro, and,A!Jto· Avery whlle difyflor ,of goil, ,Jacll:-Fieck (ngb\), h~lps out. .., < • · · • · . · With two outs Dean Wiest worked himself a II"OO; pass to Uri tile ocera ·and ~.Bill Wanl loUOwtd With ... dutch dooblo to icilra 'iwo nun and live ult Sea ltqf ' .... tee! Ille In tltt ,_ I« llto ~ ..... <. ' I I It .. .,."fi..,.'f .. "°": ,...nw;n •'• •" ~·to' ""···s. .~!~1· ~· !• p : ; : ··.' .. , ..... " .. ittii .-. l. ~ • ,.. • ~:-:=.~:;;';:::·!;: Lions R~f{~p~es~m .~'lfPl " Prep All~star Game Slated Diablos Get 6-2 Win; SC.R~lllps -Ylljo .., . Ian Clemeate hli!I llilloolo ....... -,.__..,.,.,_ ia CJatmw Leqpe~ ac- tion. , ·' Mlalon Viejo tripped up In· ndina' Tilttn, S-2, whUi host San Cl... ..... upldtini FoolhlJl..,'l-1. o...np bell Laauna Buch, 5-0, la other Crestview ac- Uvity. LOAllA t111 •~rlrW W•lk1r, rf ' I 2 I c...ury,. rf 0 I I I worwru.i. If 4 2 I 1 MfftMll,d Sill Stontt.c 4121 ,,.,,..,, • ' l • • l.N,llb 2 111 l.MlflfwY, u l I I I •l•lJM. 111 J 2 2 • Glttlfrf, 2" 4 0 t I $111111, ._ I I I I ''Tlhll.,. 1111112 ~ f'DUNTAIJlf \IALLIT fl) .-••llrtol ""'""'··· 4 I I I 11 .. tl.. •111 c.rr.t!, d 4 I 1 I ~rt .1111 D1fftt, ff J I 2 l 9o\'l9. 11 l I 1 2 S.11111. c J I 1 ~ Hill. ... • l I I 0 H1ntOl'l,I 2101 Sl..ilay, It 1 I 0 0 Tottlw lO l 1 2 SW. .,. '""'-"' l.Mtl • 102 010 1 -11 ll J Fo.wit1l11 \ltllly llCID D00 0 -l 1 I DuRntll, rf ·-rl a1111trd. •• IJTAJlfCIA Ill ···~r.i 2 0 0 0 1 0 I t l 0 l 0 J 0 1 • Tar Title '· . :On 1• MVCC Course ' ' ... ,. With a slight. twist 1n ClF basketball action, the second Elizabeth Hodges was tops in amual Southern CallfOmia All· ' Hopes, ·3-~ Elizibeth Hodge' or sfioreeliff Country Club took 1ow net honors in the ln- N twport liarbor H l gh augural Alice O'Neill Avery Schoo1'1 dreams or a ·Sunset Golf tournament at Mission l..eque bueball title jlist Viejo Country Club with a 65. about evaporated Fr Id a Y ·, Low gross went to Early afternoon at Westmln!terlli.gtt :Stevens ot San Marcos with ScbooJ u the !Jons handed the her 79. Tars a·:1 ~a;t-b~~·, 1-2 : 1 In flight ~)euuon, It was defeat. 1 Connie Thompson of El The loss in the makeup Camino wilh a 66 in the game ~ked Ne~port ~e Marguerila flight. and a .. h(i.lf glmtit behind , . - Jeaguelfelding wtstetn.' Second low net ~enl l~ Kay Friday's game was a tough BradJ~y a~d Aruta Milham, pill for Newport to sw~low who tied with ~· low net. Star Prep.Basketb6ll classic is lrene Turndu11 was second scheduled for July I at the willt... . • FcnJlll In lnglewoQd. Jn ~ mtn .. 1 .. club, 3"ole tibe ftAAA AJHrtars . fVill be m~embttbest.·b'811 ·going upi agalns} ·the ~" :B9b Mathis 1arid :Ed graduating··teniors f~· Los · took loW net with a Angeles in ~ f~tur.~··· )l.. • But in the;J)r<lim. ~ ol White and Den Weber J8lt year's duel between A and followed w1th a lfl and a AA · teams, i't will be 1 com· sCroke past that was .Joe binat.io!i of AAA, AA •. and Byrne and Jerry White. ' teams on an East-Wes~_~sis .. Low gross honors weal to Last year's cl~c between Bob·; Harritt Jt. and flljin the city and CJF SoUthern Sec· Turner at 144. tioo ended with the , former Tied at 145 were ~Phil posting 3 11,.lOI :Vl'°!tory Roseberry and Bob Miner and bef<re '1,333 spectators. Jim Clark and Jim Clar~ Jr. Each squad will consist cf 15 . I . l\fonarch~ i , G.a~e . ,;-. . . . 9llti of ·~p ·Lead , !1¥ Del 111&1\ School. with dllrtance for coach B ob 118 f~ wJii, In· its last live , Wigmore'a Mon~ atrlklnl ~ i_., b a "b a ll out !PTand l'alkilg 'f Y1 two~ ltlr1I -hu moved wttbio one Htl lhutout Wa3 os w 'of tbt (lrcµit lead after Amat'a Manny E s t r ad a C..JAvadr.1'""Bisbop Am.al, homered with ~ l!late..aboard s.-3.. atlkmcrt Park. iQ the 5eventb 1~. AOriU Witt ~nt t h e ~ M~ht picll:h cd1 ~P single tallies tn ea.c o e a..Ta• 011 cu 111 , • 11 ,... first three tnnln4s. -rr 1 1 1 1 Dan ,¥eyer i;mgled ln Lhe Mll(!b.;. ': ~ ~ ~ ~ first nm after two w.'"'5 and r-· u 3 • • o 1-0 Ute secood stanza it was ~~ J O I I 5 Wiw,.!I ~ 3 • 1 o Jay llalet triplin& teve °""'· ' l •• I MCM:aboo bomt. . . ~· J-~ ~ % : Meyer opened the third with s~ e1 o • ' • I and tuaD scored Tot•lf ti a s ~ 'a singe even Y ' .,..,. AMAT It) .oii Bob,Hauperl:s one-bagg:e:. • 111 r 11,... Matu Dei bo.rts ,$ervlle ·E1~ t& ' ' 4 1 t t .~.a.... · • -• ' ' ' 0,lc~Tu~.._,~~· =====;=; ~l:V.. rf 1 ••• I M.ell*&I. rt t I I t ~d 2 ••• r-ib J l l D ........... , J •• 0 ~Ii. J OID ......... -·" ~:!: ·.Millllpe.11 , • 1 0 0 O'co.-t. 1111 21 a " 2 t Tol9tt • I 1cwe .-, 111111"1• It N E • 11~ ..;....• IOO DOii I -f 4 0 NlllWI Dllt• no ooa a -:t: s 3 SHARP If y•111'r1 1 1http frtcf•r, ••• Dlrr111·A·U111 cl1•1lfi14 1.t1 S1ttN1yt. Mtli:t • bottlt' cf••I ••• wh1t~r ye11'r• iwtlllf .t ;h• DAILY PILOTS f•1111111 u llln9, Are You Thlnkl111 About .--Buying A Private Airplane? CALL JOHN BAKER 675·4440 ~ECUTIVE AIRCRAFT FOR SALE ,.. ,.AftNctive Financing and LHsing 'lf67 C•1•111'.411A. Tn1ly •1t •••cuti • pl•n•. Airliif. tv1>11 .q~l !H"!ll~ for •II w••tfl•r fl.vi119. W'.11 c•rrv. fo11r P•••·~~·,., 'in luxury ,lui pilot on~ co·p1lot.,~q11rfp•d with r11t f•c1l1H1• •ncf ll1r~ ! } hi f.' .w y l OOfGt 1969 C1n111 42 1A. Thi1 i1 • 176 MP"' 1irp11111 th•I h•1 f11111ry for th1 Prt1id•11I. II ii pr111uri1od tnG off1<1 lht comfort of fh, · "'o•t rnod•rn 1irlin1r. 0 $200,000 1969 C111n1 llOP, Thi1 1irpl•n• i1 tli• piht h llr1•rn."lt h•l ih1 •iM of 1qwiprn1nf th•t will t1k1 you 1nywh •r1. !I;•, Europo l · • P11r1 ind 1i1npl1 h1xur1.. $11,000 . . . 1969 C.11n1 ])7 .Thi1 1irpl•n•.!.•.!. •_!I 1n9in• 011 th• fro11!_11Ni ihi ,,-.,. It it id1•I for tho men w~o 'JO•I inl• ~IJ torh of t irporh such .•~ i11 M1xit1. $51,000 1969 C•nn1 11o:·Thi1 ;, p•rh1p1 th1 f•••••• ,;n9l1 1n9in• 1ir· pion• b11ilt without turbo•. R11I lua11ry •nd ti• ••ob. Fil/I of ttdio t••r. $]7,100 And I h1¥1 do11n1 of othet1 pdc1d dow11 t ci $10,000. lot tn• t•lk' to .yo11 .•bout t1• •d¥•nt•g•• •nd fin1n~1n9. l•n~t love +. fJn1nc.t .·•~r'••••· WE DON'T llltOltER AIRPLANES ANO WE OWN WHAT WE Al>VERTl~L WE HAVE ANOTHER'° IN STOCK IN ANOTHEll: LOCATION TO Siso,OOCI '$1llloiJ E_.KU'lfve Alt'PllMI llllC'I ltJt San Clemente ICOnd four -in !l>o . ~ • ial!inc Jql>ll ......... ~ Tlama"• -&!q1e to niul the ": 11'1 l'n>lf'pi!led the nodOnlbd-~. JllDlcr ll!kf'Gtiy waa the bl& ooUe lcr Mlalon Viejo. He 9lalnmed a 4QO..foot home nm oot ol lhl port in lhl llltll ill· niillll-•1-1 tie. ~1.11l; ~.If ..-. . ~ .... -· ... ,d ..-... ,_ l I 1 I l I I I l • • 0 I t I t I l t 0 ' t 1 • H t .~ t MAMOllA OJ • since Josiql 1 p~ Denny !lorence Sputb·f·o 1 l o w e d Bean toued, • ohe-hitter. His with a 69 along with 1rene pitching rival. Eddie Bane, Marcy an~ Elaint Schumann also tossed a gem, Urniting ' of Shoreclifr CC. Newport to a pair of singles. Marie Bishop captured the Bean bad· a no-hlUer and a Petunia flight with a low Jl'OSS 2-0 lead going into the last of total cf 18. lA:lw net weat to tM fifth. Pat Martinson and Vi Hughes At 152 were Gary Ashey, and players, • with.·, M more than Bob Freeberg and Byrne iod tw~o~lr~u~n:· ~.ny~·~'"'~·;g~le~llcitoo~~I ~in~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~ Whii.. ~city it! CIF." JJiigutt Call or Write Jolin Baker, 714/675-4440 Box 273, Carana del Mar, Calif. ,M,of'llrtol " ........ .tl l l ........... ,, l ••• Menry, C I I t I $di,....., •• 1 • 0 • ~.a l • • • °""'· , ' • • 0 Ofwft.'lf t t I I .......... t i •• Bean lost it in the bottom of with 68s and Vie Skaff foJIOY.'- the seventh when Will Mc· ed with a 69. Leo Holmes had walked • J:laoW. Citro lill&led ad Tom GIMner WU Ille, , fl!' I ~iltllll. lllo l I I I 1 Toleb !II.ti Cart.ney wa1ked and was sa-The Gardenia flight was won crifice to second. McCartney by Shorecliff's Connie Spien then tried to steaJ third end with a 90 ~n··iow.;~c:om- when the ·throw to the bag petition. I ' -· -.., 1l>Od Ibo Ni:Plilll!-~ .. ,,.. Gi8 I up..ond camt!iteil·-·f»flnt pltch -a llll liOU -ond beltad It ..,,, II» -.root sign at the 1~Wup<>r....'• bid Im a lll>lltllr in U..·liflh -~ MeDonnell and G"C 'Kilier < \iqled with none ou.t • · * * . . s.. .,. !-""' . . ". .......... '1 •ODl-1 •• was wild, came .. Jn with the Low net was wen .by Mary wiMinc run. Chace 1"ith 66 "tOllowtd· ·by -- MexiC{l:qs ' . • • .. ;> . ' Top Clippers " -.. HIW"'llT'11AllOll: fill H•nl..,, 11& M•tlnort, 1-Slrubltr, .. w.,...,., r1 Cllrrv. er Fltml119, II Mortin. t M•llM,, » •Hn, II Tot11t Ill r 1'11111 J 0 0 • l 0 ' 0 3 D 1 1 1 I I 0 l o o a ) 0 1 • 1 I I 0 J 0 .. 0 1 I o O l:I ) J ' WrlTMntlTla I.ti Ill r ~ rbl LOS ANG~ -Rene Tru· Meo-n, u J 0 0 0 jillo .cortd two goll)s with Jess ~':~.',~. c1 ~ : : : than three minutes to play w. McC1rrnty, II ,' ', •• •• Mt<l<,A J .. n Crandell.(67)·and al &1, Mary Settle· and Pat Atkins. Addie Laramy took low gross in tbi ROSI rught and ' Bue,· Rustler Galsl)'.O.W-ned Friday night • Club ~ca M . S.MhtL •' 1 1 1 1 A s~ . Pasadena City MlllMNll \'ISJO ft) ()( Me'licc Qty ICCl'fld a 3-1 ~~Ys:;J.L 1~ 11 ~ ~ ~ College girls sWim<thiri1~ ......_-er , ~'J.-; 11 t ~ ~ ow:r ~-California e-;:~1: 111 : 1• 10 ped Orange Coast 11'1 Golden Cltrt. a "' > , I I I ,..,l_ in an mternational ,,_ lly IMlntl West m I trianglllar meet held ~ I J • I t I ""~' It Mr arw, c. 1 1 , • IOCCel' match. N_,, Mirw ern 1oei -1 1 1 in the·Pirate pool . · t:.." rt ' ; : ~ ! Ulija Mitic of the C1ippers Wnlmll\llff l:IOO 020 1-J I J Pasadena totaled 70 points, ......,_.., u 1 • • • ICOl'ed first in ihe game to while ~·Coast. S<tOred 42 ,,...,,., 111 J 1 I I cu l d " ' and GcldeitIWest t!. "'*'· 111 1 1 1 1 give the ppers a 1-0 ea p G "£ • Dwk. • ~ : : : after three minutes of the first re' p . o·•· OnJy ~ a~ ~ were ~ " '' • ' • half. His free kick frcrn 22 Orange "'Colsrs Dtan.a Turk TUST1M U> ,. • , .., yards: out sldddU'"'t g(lalie and Nancy &gema. ••1-ra 1») 111 c.111 ,,,.... The I th 100 · C.-. rl .a 1 1 • Vladim'• --·· • , .., • .. , , ... , ormer won e 10-.. J.&11~ RobtrtllOrl I I , -v r ...,., , •.. _ .. , .. ,.• ! ! i ~ JvoSodretiedthescortwith ™"· s-o1 ldlulte l'-1 fff. 11:11111111 dividual medley in 1:06.2 and CCMI fJ.t&. ).21 0-.. fE I *'· °""" Ut ~ b .J.t ke In JI 0 MteMn. w ' • • • .. ··--'--..I .. ,.;_ Jr.i-1. f"""" , ... , •• , .. , ..... ,. IE) dtl', W•I· e iN r!a.Jlo:I ro •• Mertr. • "· •· • ' '11'1'.:llJCllll-..-.... ui. •• ,... ..,.. I to ped th d""'•• llMnln," 1"·'1 • •,• eiO*JardaOJt;beltin(goeUe ,•_1 .. 1CMMr 1.i.-Tr:.·~·:Or:"".:u!~!";t·, 'I11e atter . p e 1.o.ue .......,,,cf 't '" I iu1L..&.-Slj vJc competiti(lft;···'·.•,, ..... ""~ c 1 • • • ~~:::~::.::::•~ano::::::::·~~~~~"':::·~"':::.~'::::::~'~""'-~·=-~"~·~~~~--'~.,-'-'-"'-'''-'-~~~ ~. 111 t 1 t ti• """""""-.. . . . . T.._ llltl lcwe • ..,~ ' .. TU91111 .. M •-2 1 I --·" "" !\)'l~ •• ~ ud!f~ • r111 .,..~. I •• t I __...,.,,,,It I t ·t I ......... 1~ ....... ...... rt, Jll I . t I I '*""' ......... , •• ~. ' ~ .t. IC-lliir.i,. -, 111 #dfluml•. c ".\ ft t \ ••• ~a ~ I. t I T .. 11t , ' If I If Nell, a -u ....... -~ -·· -... -· ·-· _,. Cldllltl, i11 _., """"tn • r llii"11 4 ••• J 1 1 • .a ••• I I 1 I 1 I t • I t 1 t I I f I 1 1 t I I • 1 1 I t I I I I t • ,_ •• ' ! ..,. .. 1111"'91 =-• " a --....... ,., ~· ._, ' J ""'"11..L UI • r 111'1 ~->I I I = ..... Ii. " t 1 I ...... .. 4 •• ' ..,.._,,. 111• I' t:"f1 .. • I t t =-: j,f ii STEREO $ENSATIONJ --·-•·""":: :.:. Ylte c01orru1 sound·of ~ I • ! I ! ! . i _..... county Music aa It t I ,.. . ~ ,: t .~ RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM ' ' t • • • • • From Fashion Island, Newport Beach ~. ' l l : -..~.!Ji \~·1-~'...:.'~·~·...:.'~-'"'-··_.c.~·=--1....~~~-'--.-'-.J....~~~~~~~-:-:'~~-~~-·~ • ·' . • .,,. ... ... -• I • ., ... Anoounees · t:ke Grand· Opening of a ' Bra~ New Figure Control Sawn! r--------------1 13732 EUCLID AvrNUE I I GARDEN GROY~ : I BLOCK SOUTH OF GARDEN GROVE FREE.WAY I ,_ -------------.. OUR METHOD IS VERY SIMPLE! • No Exercise •No Dieting e. No Machines • No Pills 't ·' .~PLUS •.. ' . '• I ' r I I I I I • No Contracts • No Minimum Number Of Visits • No Exaggerated Claims -------------Call Today for an -Appalnhnent! 534-7950 BRING IN THIS AD FOR A $2.50 DISCOUNT , I I I I I "---------------' GUARANTll ,·P=· =;-i ' . LADIES: ' 011r 'F..,.... o., • ....,,_, LOSE 1 to 7 INCHES IN 90 MINUTES . or PAY NOTHING! ... ' Try The Glamour Tape Method And Be The Envy Of You; Friends/ Altar tho Glamour Contouring Tapes •re appliad, you simply rtl11 for 90 minutes in our luxurious lounge and slHp •. · •. rffd or watch color TV. OPEN 9 ~.m. to 9 p.m. MON. thru SAT • '13732 E!ICU!>i ~YE. 11 Ilk,.~ of G.~. Freeway) GARDEN GROVE • -. ' . ' ~ • • ,. •• ·--··-·--~---~---...,..--------....------_...~_ ........ -~~~~""" ' . ' Bun~ ~Cars ·· Yie .. ?-._, 10.1 TtJnfght·at .oc11l". . ' ' • More tltan Ill ..,,.,.i..rgec1, bro11ien wllr be mt.k1tw th<lr ll>el burning fuqoy .Ctn hne • ftrlll -·lllice'haY!n1 . 'been entered In h IOCOod an-ihlir cars ~ at 'nual Ml~. ~·s Big j \l_,,. and lrwtadlle ,.venl ll'lllllly Car °"'" loo!ctit 11 -qo. Orqe · 1 In~ 1'" f11M1 car eompelltloo 11laoeway. undo< WIY al I p.m., but • The qWck.ell.four quil!IJen , ~ __ wW ' • ·t:•a . ' . ·Of each mah 'wlD reprii{nt tie •-bl• -u... . tl\e coontry'i . major. auto 'nle NaY)"1 Bbl Mid• .. manulactur"1'• -Clirysler, -.uc tOllll will be !f'ord, G<neral Mot.,. and perlormiof obove the .....,.,Y . American' Motors. niese four-and !be adjoininc ' El Toro f ear teams wlU race each other hfarine Corps-A.it-Station-for in three rounds ol competition the Marines' annual ope n , SPEClAJ.. PRiCES FOR . sUNDAY, MAY 4,. 10 A.M. to 7. P.M."-WHILE -QUANTITIES . LAST . . . ~ ' . : ~. 1 to decide the mariulacturer's hoo5e. - · champiooahip. In an effort to reduce speeds . , • ~ two. f~ cjrlvers ol In ¢rltical ams, 11\11 Sanday'• tl\e meet WI~ race In a !ouru. van prls m««eycle points , round to d;K.ermine . the in-champkln6hlp will utill.te the divldual champion -o( the, Orange County circuJt in ·, •11,000 eveat. reverse. ' OutstandiJll funny car en-Raceway preside~t BJ 11 trants .incfude M i c k e y White explained that what is .'Jbompeon, Jdla Mazmanian, c:on.sidered to be. ' ·re\'el'Se 'fthe Pisano brothers. Kenz & rotation (clockwise) now, is •Leslie of Denver. Gas Ronda, actually the direcUon in whic~ • Roland Leong Ind ...Jleboa_ 1111 """""· •• dealgned to be Carter. • , / r · , ntq; , , : .l Both Leong-arid the Pisano 1\ie 2.1 mlt~ paVed circuit .• -~ __. !!~.!.~-,.~'.·~e a~. -cornera1nthcio<....,,. I J • ·TV ! JnOlt vilible to spectators. : 1 wcy .. Factory t:eaJns, production .,11 riders and _U.e ,popular sidecars will all be feat.uted in • 1 s . · l Bill Sunday's champlooohlp points i' por ~ -..1. ' . COTIQH TERRY .scum R eg. 1 .48 S1u1day Only! \ In pink or biue. Great for US<' aflcr shower, ~th, beac~ o;. pool. 5-9. • 8·8c I ' t Leadlng entrie,a are Ralph j Willie -Yamaha (Torran<e), •"""'""""""""' _________ ..,...,,.,.,...,;, 1 Sch d I d DOil Vesco -Yamaha (San • e U e Dit(O), Ron Grant and Art • , B a u m a n n -S u i u k i ,..,...,..,.>J.~"'·"""". ,,,_,,,..,,,.., 7»'~ .~.u ·1 Lak C lf (Brisbane). Ron 'Pll!:rce _ -··---' ers vs e ics, K~ntucky Yamaha (Bakersfield), Jack 1 Derby, u.cLA v~~USC.m track -.sJ min on s _ Norton and tennis plus major league (Lakewood) ·-• G • • basebaJI ••nu e-0 r g e ' It's ali on television tod Kerker Norton (L os ay u Angeles) Southland tube s p o·r t s Pr ... 1 • be · ~oUOwers get a bonus schedule i ... 1-1ce llDS at. I a.m. of first class events. • • The · 4kers and Bosto'n begin hostlUUes at % p.m. on · Channel 5 and that spectacle will be loilowod by the SC. UCLA gpikefest (probably at 4). Ba8eball · Standings The Kentucky Derby geb under way at 2 on Qlann~ 2. . Todar.'s basebaJJ feature pit!I 1o\sT11tH co N,l•l!!Hc1 ·the Pl!Yliee and Cardinals -at "''·•Ac 1r,L1T ,0•_ 11 a.m. on Channel 4_ Ch•ffllv 12 ' 2 , Goll I GOLDEN WEST ' 1 O 1 • 41(11 have the $100,900 Full....., , 1 1 1 New OrlUns Open 00 tlm al 2 OttANGE co~T 1 • 2 ,,,. __-"""'---:i "':II' (• AlY1f.Jkle t :'. 1 ' I t ',p.m. U J• '-Timlnel 9. Ifs OD "'° HM119 1 ' l t uain s·-...1.-y at I p m S.11 l e(M;dlno .... 1 11 0 ti~ I ~ .. _::-_: .. _ · • ' Citrus l ' 10 1 10 . (~'• card W4rf,r ..-lldttr-. '=!119 • ,-:1~~ ~, ~tf'~ ~ St.Eriey Cup playolf-~atph·~ ; "'!' .. -,,,...,,...~a,.,,. -> .een Montre~ -.lt,-.. ...fri~icCW.~~fl~' ·-.,._ -' Loui,, I t 11 1.m . <il•·Chamel CM!tey '· $1nl• Ant I Si n B•rdoo J, Cllrv1 ' ' ,_ 1',,!1,, t .f'.'\ 10 CL --IAlfl.4.LL ..!. :T" Ntf9o!lfl II St. Loul1. "'1 G~. , .,::'di ...... ~..,. 1111«11.se .. a .... c11 t/I 2 ~ ltl CL -ICENTUCICY .lf>E llY -.).f11r-<1l<f1 ti ' l 'e 111~ "r.',e-<!Ulrttr 111 I~, first of I Clllll'I l'l•i. Cr(IWll'" twllt.. J•c-!lflkt r-. we:-Ha,. 8r111.tn, F.ddl1 Arur11 , m,•",•• ti rviurcltlll D ~ w 11 1, IV llL • 2 "m, (JI CL -l 1ktrs 11 80.lefl "'• Jiii 'fiildr ""'" 11 Ille mlkl for .,ll'M flftfl<i-in. '~1 "·"'· It) -•GA t\OlF -$100 ario tw Orl&MI OPtn. lt1v Scott, &ob "" Gild, J!l'fl Md.rtll\lr. J iii! Tl\9Ckff nbllk ti Ltk~ CC. fol~ orte1111. ~21 )!1 P-~1\U·'Cl! _, TIHJflS -• (<AT 11 " • TM! ll:tll'r co1tl'hlH ti .... ,,, b. 10111_ .,~, In •~ tnetl1, .rov II 111""""" 'flltl!ii'lfl~. , ~. 11.m. U1 CF -GJlo\ND Pll:tX -~lt .. d Amerlc• C•n·Am." ~~·30 1.~;, 151 tf. ·-OUTOOOllS -l!lon ACl't Ar~' -Pl Htmll'llWIV fo l!tlrt of Alrl(I . l s '·'"-fJ) CT -8Q'NLING -Dick = Jim ltefartld'I vs. Dietl Wtblr, • ~ "m~'1~·cf·:.'Wi'o~•;c;1tLD -l'!llV:f;.Pll r1c.r1 •o 111 Tritnton l'OO, w111> .•11tti J t ckw>, Ill_. Wtrd tTattwde • ,, T,...lon IN.J.). ,,........._.••. ' ' "' S 11,m. <l.0 P -1'0T80L -!l:lll':llt • l''CCOI' dt Mt"'rc, 1 ' S;• pm fll CT -l lLLIAltOS -tit"""°'~ Ft!~ ~I Gndlrtv Ctl!'brlC'••· I "·"'· CU) CT -SICllN'G -"Wlnlt• ='~'~," tlllftl Jtck Sm1•1> ~ "' sit rs In tdlon •t s.-1111,..i. 1 111 CMC.tH Mount1ln1, '" . ·~ .. ,, •. ,m, Ill f. -IO)tl:O -CAtf1:11 ft le Mmt111 1111 MtliU.I S\111411f ,, l .m. Ul Cl ·-STANL!:Y cu~ -,~lf~fll(;)~ ~· l~ll.OUTOOOll:S -lcelll!ld. w ~m (ti CL -PGA ".iOLF -•. !DO N.w Orl11n1 OPen. lttv Scon, ob Otltl, Jlm~ur, Jl111 Tt11ck1r nUIM 11 Llk 'i· Htw Orlel'IS. S ,,m. (l41:f. -TO 0$ -1P11e11 tor.I '"' ~-'. i.._ l :M p "" {1 ) CT -COMMf~TA•Y ir Sid d l1>1 1nlf lorwarh. LEGAL NOTICE TMllJ'l 011M G11ld•n Wnt 1t-Fulltrton tJ::IO L• P'1l1111J ~ T""'9J'• .. trMI. CV'4'1$$ 11 Futlerlon Ch1f'lly 11 Golden Wftl Cltru• 11 Mt. SAC Or1~111 C11111t I! S1nl1 l\n1 11,,. Honclo 11 Sin l trdoo IUNllT L_IAGUIW l Tea Wt1!trn t 1 1 N1...,..,1 H1ttor 7 J 1 1\li Santi Ml I 5 e 1\11 Maori.,. ' s 1 ] AMhtlm ' f t JI\ HuntlnlNlll le1ch 4 I I Jl'J Sliltl Ant V1!lloy ' • 1 i I 3''1 Wt1trnlrtdtr J t 0 II'• .. ,...,.. s-~!Nllr 1.-N"""'I I TUIM1y11 CllrMI .An•h•lrn 1t S1nte A.II• VtfJIY w..llll'llllli.t 11 Nt~I Hunth1g!on 11 w.1.,n M•rhMI ,, Slni. AN AN•ILIJI LIA•UI l •1t41 Arnt t s:. •1ul Strvllt MITtr ~I P IYI X w l ... . , ' ' -' , ' ' ' ' . ' SI. Antl'lllnv ' . , ' llrhll~'• 1:.Urt1 M1r1r Dtl >. fl llh., A11111 2 Serv!r1 I, St. P.ul I , •h1t. X J, S!. An"'-1 •••DIN ••ova L.lAGUI ~ ..... ,. .. G1rc111I Gntn t ' o . fl'Klfttt I I 1 S1ntt100 I f 0 L1 Qvlnl1 1 I o lt1rte~I Al1rnllo1 • I 10111 Grtridt l 10 I 1"r1<11y•1 f(f .. P1tlllc1 >. h ist Gr•~IH: 1 f1Uy'1 O..mt •ll'ICho l\11mlhn ti P'ICllkl l'ltllWA'I' LIA•UI w ·-· ""~ ,_, "" LI H»i-1 l'ulltrlon " • ' • ' ' Sunl'ly !illis 1. l l/l'ltt Ptr'k I "rl"Y'• "'"' It~ 4, f"'f ll Fllli.rten l, Stv•n.,. 1 s.-.y +11111 I, l.I HU..t I l-11 f, l lH'n1 P1r11 7 r.....n .. _ itulllorltn t i KetineQ- l lYtlllY ti Tr~ I-P'lr11 11 LI Hlllrt LMftll 11 IUIWIY",H!la " .. ' SO PC. ROGERS FLATWARE S11nday Oftly! .. Rogers Stainl~s by Inter. natlon,al Silver Company in 3 gtyles. Llwncttst. Vanity, and Rapturt. Chirp ll! .15.88 . ' Re g. 19.88 CANADA DRY SOFT DRINKS S•itll•ir Onlir 1.77 ' ' c:boC*I from all )'OUf fJVOl'• ' T • • • • ' • lte ilavot'I. , R .1.M :. iltt1S1:siiiiiiliitimiiiiiiiii1 ................ "" .......... . •• I. - ' ' • PATIO· .. 'TABLES 87c Res. 1.11 s ...... °"'' ) 19'" diameter tab I e f' ~1th' tripod lep. Use for cotfee « • po~-,· • • • LADIES BULKY CARDIGANS .. s""""Y ·o .. ry 4.00 ·4 4.66 Re9. 5.44 • 5.97 Full fashioned bulky c..-digan. Novelty cable details. New neck. '-· and ' . . ,. TWIN PITTD";f TWIN n .11M DOUIU flTTD DOUILI 11 • 1• 41 • 16 PIU.OW CAin • ' apgp~ ' ... 400 F-T. REILS AND C4NS Regular or Super-8 Reg. 72e CANNON STRtPfD ae,,. 2.13 1.87 • ' '{ ~: ·., ' NEAT NO-IR ON SPORT SHIRTS· ' ' ' SOUDS, PLAIDS ' . S11~~ Onlir! 2for 2·,·97 . ,, . . ' -. • ..... : .. 1·, .... J • "l ... -" •' • ' • 1.88 ea. Our, R.eg. i.97 . . ' Ivy or regular, button-down or regular collar. S-XL. 24" Folding; avocado-color\ grllt haa chrome&pti.~ gr:ld and IYde 1 h&Pftl es. Grid ~~ .. er, 1lttl lep, !!\it'.' wiet:li . Sunday f.!nly/ 9 selections i_!Ult )' • u 1' toast tutel rop-up lift, wider slots. hinted under . tray for euy cleening. Chrome. · LillMf ......,.;. •--.. ....... . ' .. Dlseo1111 t Price Mtitl T-11 .... KODAK cAllOil. SLIDE TRAY .. ' ., • • .. ... _,,, ..... ··~·· .• 'J .95 ': ,•t • I•' Ji! : -· . ' .. •• ' .. ~ ' .. . Nim SCOUT OR CAMPIM& j}n . '' •. •\ . . . s ..... ~·•:: : Rq. 1.47' .;· .. ~ •, .. c •I ., ~ I ' \ ' I ' .J ' I " I. • .. • .. BRAND-N£W J 69. BU ICK RIVIERA ~ ~·. _., 1.1.:. • . j t , MOrQR;~~ STOCK/NO. ~ 1 . Model 91. WliittwiUriim, ~ trwmisslon, !>:; >\: · ".. • "-, / • ·llOTlll llili-9Clfffn • · · · noac NO. am · flill 'f..._ -1~. · Moiw ·No. 919094697. ' M. . .-:~ ..... '..c..!.k ...,. • • .,, .. ' • ,..,_, ...... -.. ; ... ·.\, -. . Disc Brake1,~J . ·,SliN'W,'F~~'~ir-·:.....-... ·:.,_ ·",: r • ~ , .... W/S/W. Air. C-rm; u, .... ~:~ Al·'· ·~_litmr. ,...._Slltrlll!k '"',., ... _br•u. _ k.1.9 .. 88 • . " ·SlOCINO! Tinted Glau, Door~~r~~iJ!.~'Mlr,..'cer-"e!;,1¥~ windows, loctory lir conditioning, whimnll ~ . . . pet Saver, '-Way · p..,-,· Seat,. Power Wlndo~s, tires, vinyl top, AM.fM r1i:lio, powir 1nt1nn1, ride ' .•. Hemr, powtr slltring, power· brHts, pt!Wll',{~ '· dows, i~ 1ir conditioning, whlttwtU tins; ii Chrome Wh.-ls, Custom Mouldings, Custom Trim _;i.•....ao: .... p1.~ •·• • I' h · . ·~,,. '--L . .... . . . . . . . " . . ·-·r~·'~-'Cllllom• ... ts CerntnnJi 19 ts •· -· , ' .. ..,,., .... ~.KS•• ('· I ':·: ~ S.•ti, CustO.,. Vinyl ·Roof.-, · ,,.\v.; ,. '--71iiv( • t'. ·· ,:·· " ' · ~ " " "'?t.·i.a·fl 1f'ER2 ·4\1 ·· ~r' SHIPM·E· N .. T • ., · · · speed '1lert, loff r1y· gliss, door gu1rdi, remote' mir· ' II OT · Lil Ru, ' "" ... ... • .• 1" iM :' ~FM . idli1 400 ·" " · iidt & hlndli.;• •.. "T/ · -, . r , . r, •91M~ . . . . •<v package, custom SHI belts, soh roy gl1ss, door •• • DISCOUN T ~.011.37 . ~ .. ;·'GAS. SAVERS '' ., . 19'5 ~elktwa.-. O.luu 2-0oor Sedan ~45.~ s45·~:{; s11as . .,_ ,t ' ' it .• . . ·\ • 1M7 DATSUN "RL 411" s1299 '67 DODGE OOROIOUI CONYllTllLI -N .... , ................. V ... A..-matk tr-RMle, MMfef, ..._ ''""' """ ............... ,_ wlllftwt. ,ed!Hy •Ir c-11111111"'. Lit Me. VIA .... '65 BUICK RIVIERA ""L PRICID POI QUICK 'SA.LI c.w-.. '\14 ...... ,,...._, ...... """"· , ... ,._, ,.,..,.,.•Ir -----$1933"''"'·"· . ' --, I -. ' -- -·-·-··· . ,, . , . . . .. -,,~ ' " -.~ . -;.; .. 7 'rOr; ·llfO trulll!··l'llnse, ·y1CU1111MIOOI'--prftic•: • .. :!:-': ~·.r ..-..···~~.... • , -~ •.• . . .. ,. ' .. ~ 'flris, ;_..,~,...fl~"~ .. pt!w -~ •.. tiY'frldirtfs;: ; : . • . YICUllll doW locb, prol9Cfilt iqouldings. ''' . j · 1:t. ,,_: 'I ', ... ,-' ' Isl.. . ~,,. .. ' " : _.,UNT stso.Oo ' l' I . AUTOI IMMEDIATE DISCOUNT '836.os:: \ . . . . ; . ) ·~ .~. '65 PONTIAC llOlin;.~ll'ouali.n · .. :T. TOU'U LIU 'iills ~~-.. .... ---.............. .............. ......--. . .. ,. .... ......, ...... r: .. -~ -' . ' . .,..., ·51588 . " . ·,.r ' -~ .j ~~"' J. •. I -·':° ·, . · '65 .PLlM.·IAUCUDA " ' ltT.' 'CPE: . ...... . . . .......................................... " . ' ' ' . . . . ..., '63 BUICK SPE.CIAL DLX., ... DR • COMPACT CUTill , ' s.i .. AvltMUk. rMM. llN!w, ,._. ......;..,. --·~'""'-~ s4u.4 t4;<1 ~ ~~-. ~44 DN. 1 .. MO. OAC ,Q '68 T-BIRD l:ANDAU H.T. CPE. '63 T-BIRD H.T. CPE. '64' FORD GAL S.00 H.T. c-. S.TUIDY lllDI "" ·STERIO TAPI TOOi v.a. ..._..,k. '""' """"· ....,.. ""'""'·,...."*II .. ,....._..,.,., CAN'T MISS. THIS .• . ' ., .. , lllMll'Mlllc, , ..... h .. t.,-, f~ll """"' lklal'J llr"·CWllnllllftt, Wlllfl 'I.IL •WI 411. , ., .. , ""-lie, rH", Plffltr, ................... Wllflinll ffrM. 1.kL:(!: .. ~"·-,., ..... , ..... ;~-. . -· ·. . $]8 \ $'1Cf: $888, "" "' . ~ $~666 1.I . 'I ' .. '·" ••• '~['"Mo. ·~~c $42 .•. $42 MO. ·~:c-: _.: $,11 11 '67 w1cK Wir:DCAT 4 • .-; '.M.T. · · · '66 FOR'D. ~~LA)CIE sob H.T... '67 Eo1tYETTE-1ont'. TOPS 1MiiicuLAnl • GlllAT IUYI . ' GOING MACHINll . . · v.-., ~ , .. ._, ,__,....,. .._..... ,._. wm-... NdMT eJil' m v.-. ~ , .. 11, ......,, ,fldery ff ~ "'"" ""' M,._ \I ... +t,.... lleatef, AM~M. n... rMlill nra, Sltdl Mt. '"'· ''"""'Q•lo ~J., .. 11 !1~ UCM At. ' r SUM. ~!A99·. $3499 ~ ~========~~;·~::;;::;:;;;::=;;'•1··:';::::;:::::::::::::::::::'=:::~ ,, • • . . • I _, • • I I ' '"" I --• •• . . ~.' ·ii· '" "' .... ~ &. ~·-t·' t . . • · OARD EQUIPMEN • ".•.. ' . '•· ""-. · ~l\l.v !• ••• /03 " • Urning ri1dius 36-6 ft.• curb weight 2001 lb1. • ~ • 10:4 cubic feet of storage spec• • Blend-air heater w/l ·speed blower, lighted controls • bra~• warning light • cloth end vinyl up· · · • .. , h•h.te,Y \with' t'att.n p:l•ln cloth' inltrt1 • Color-keyed flocr mets • .curved, v,9_tlets. J.i ~.• gJ•JS. • -~·"1t[{ope~~.~ ,1court,.1y light • Forc:J .. MAVERICKS UKE THEIR COLORS WILD • Miitb, 'Co. 'lil•O.uil DH19" Solely F,.1 .... • F.o"t ud ,,., um: • . ~v ·; ·ii' ··~ '--. '. , rests • fuel ten~-16 CJ•!·• F.iilwidth '.~•ts,w/foldin~, self-locking . ti • t" Freudian Gilt · Ant1-~stabl1shM1nt front seat backs'• Full-w1dtl.'i;tore9• tr.y • Rear seat ,.,h treys • 0 • . I c· . TL--L v ·n· RecesseCI · controls end inltrum•nts • R•'f'•rsibl. k•yi • Susr•nd•d r:19,IJ'I ~n11amon _,,_ '; ntlflU . •rm1 ton • 't!~•rator,' clufch end bf •k• ptid•ls 9 thick p•dded ''hood' • In· · HuRa Blue Plus 10 others to c.hoOSe 'from! s.trument · "P•n•I • two-speed electric windshi.ld wip•r1 • Wr1p_· DUNTON'S~ .\~"'-TERt.1is DOW.N . I!~ MP..· l • . • • Mttiili(l~iltll "' ·~ ~:!"nr .~...,_._,.~a ,.~ . :-"' . . ... •round bu'!'p•r. · · OJlDE~:.,:,;~ '" .. NO~ ..... ". ·..... ·"~'ri rw'" • FASTB:t.CK or 'I ~--~Yf• b..o•t..~ hu1• ~C!i -··~ ~ • · . -' · ol"Jdulfop9• wi!J ;;ffo!'!! , 2 uOOR H/.RQTOP .quipment ;, .toe~ lo!Ji"' 'M4EEL'. t:bVEltS I wH1TE\vALL TIRES tnedi•te d•liffl')'. S f 'j f"I Of'TION'AL ·-.. Am'eric e'1 ·No. I •ell(~. :o· UNTON!S LOW PRICE •port. •••· Get your Dun-ton de•I todlyl . ,..,. , I •• . ::" ··1; . . . BRAND NEW 1969 . FORD L. 1~•·~ . . ' • r--' \ .,. . ORDE9'" NOW!.:· ' ~ .· ~ , .. t DUNTON!S LOW PRICE'. ~ · · · - '65· MUSTANG ',66 :.MUSTAN.G.· .. r " '' . . HARDTOP· -· ·~ . ' ; J DOOlt HAll:DTOP 'e-,llf\Cltr. IUIG!Nttc. '""· i1Mtir,JSl !4fi). • • • • .. J • ' .. ~$ . ft .1.07·5-· Vll:.:....~~1Pff'il, rlodki,·llfft.r, •Ir. wMet eovtri..,..,, ml-. fNQZ 1n1. • '-'"•••• I ---1-............................... -,. '64 1'HilNbUilitD : ' I . · 1 ~ .... ~Kllry lr -...:nidlo, Mltlr. IOU WI. $.1.295 .. ·-o~' " ~ t L' .. i I J ' · ''l6$· G7'LAXIE 500 '6~ THU,NDERilRD I ; . • • •• • - I I I ,f ~, .. ,..z~,=z.,.z"!!!~~~·~t.~•!".'!'~~ .... ~·~~·~u~c~s._ ..... ~ .... ==•,....,===• ... •=•===~~.-•=•~•=•=•=• ... •===-.u~; .. ,.,~= ... •==•===•=•~•=•=• .. •=•~=•=•~==.,..~~·=·~7=•~--·~••;•~~~·-~·-;i-~~-.,..~~~~===='""'."""'"'""~~ ~ ' • I MOUSIS l'Olt -E ( HOU-11;.0R SAL E HOUSES l'Oll SALE HOUSH FOR SALE I I ' jlewcl 1000-sl 1lllO GeolSf'll 1000 -..al I• -.1 · PETE IARREff . , pl'IMiill CHOICE BAYCREST COll,NER ••• Opon < Sundey 1-5 ••• 1'11 G•-7'be hlvit!Jig 1c!mllar drive will lead you lo u\ls bospilable , S bdrm home. It bas an "open feeling", an exciting master bedroom suite, with a lushly planted atrium. Dramatize lbla with your : own personality & luxuriate tn It's elegance. I Only ............................... '57,900. I· • LOWEST PRICEO HOME hi prertiee area near Dover Shores. Thia immai:Utate S bdrm 2 bath home~ a steal! Goumiei'litchen, Jiv· ing room & family room overlook large tree- ~~~ ~i~~-r.°:.~.~-'.~~:~:~·.~~T:. :ONE HUNQRiD x THREE HUNORE.D :<FEET · lW ""'line silt for 8-10 units hi tho 1 county • Bad; lllJ .,.... " . I, ·~' :r~ , 1 j ,•CiilfllCI Ol'll!I let. I "'"· :' PETE ~RRm ftEA L TY j1 ~ 1605 Wt9hffff'Dr• N.L · 1· ... •642-5200 ·-. • ' Las v-. UYlllCJ • l/B All play ilid no wort yard.· 3 unUIUll17 large-~ HOUSES· .. ~ J'lt,!> DWtez .su11e openlbc.to •.JJIJI vrsn drenclled sparkling pOOI area ~d· 'IUi-hul SUN 1 5 p M tbat i.s perfect for outdoor entertaining. Ex· : " " • celleDI ....Wde location. TaaleluUy deror-·· 3130 • 3120 ated, luab carpetilig throu"""1t and better 5MY1ew . than new i:oncfitioo. ~ fo~ details. $35, 750, Corw 419' Mar $21,750 -The Priee Is Right ,.,..,..,.-.... 1111oU. And look what It buys. 3 g-n sized bed---""° '"' the s..,.c rooms 1 ~ baths. Lovely bright and cheer-! = ~ = ~ °': ful kitchen with satin w~ fini&bed cabine~ .. ~ott.t. Aa ...uent buy at · A wall Of glass overlooking your own covered $89,50) garden patio. Large park·llke corner. Adull 2607 Ocean llYd. occupied. , •. ,. _ ,._, M FOR A WISE llUY ·.....-a -_, ar Stunninr 3 bedroom + Den home with • Harbor a: Oc- eu view tvely equllled b eatal below the level ol tbt Colesworthy &-Co. ~ .!'! '! ': , FIN~"HOMES :-:· · Fl ~ FOR A ~OMAN E MPE~~~ , . We pl'OUfllt pftltljilit ~ Bay~,ii&Nion which rebeatea ·u,e aun~ol an ~1>1- nasty. This 5 -.Oin. S'balh -1itaall0! on 120 fl, of Newport Bay, coJD»lele •'lrllll pool·hQU•e containing Lotus llalho, Sao!na baths, massage foom, clresail)g rooms, a uni· que property completely custom furnished without ..,pri1 lo coot -is offered al '425,000 B:/ appolnlttiOtjt only. "1IOlll!R ~ORES BAYFRONT BeautilW '5 8"droom home with .pier and float, large v baysid• terrace, handsome ez .. · ~rloT, ~ dilllog room, tlllDDY brtakfarl room wltli vi*, wge Muter Bedrndrll with wait-In closets. A REAL BUY AsklnglW,000 Call for appt. ' · . · 642°7777 ' 'ftaptone walk leads yoo to thr entrance in a prden-like BEACON BAY , ldting. Pri~ rl!duced to Irrunacµl,gte 3 Bedroom ,home in this ... desif'e.. $98,!iX). able C.hunuiitty. l'rl~ate tieach, communlfy • ~00: ~ \-::•· _:;E~n:A:•:\,:dJ•.:~~u,rts~6~:~1;~ 1 _;;;;;:.:;='-----;_;::; Marine viN from a dramatic • 1--------• ~·' ~ Room! All rooms -4 BR 2 luth. -DIAL,,_.......,.,~ bmt •--' ... t Watu ..... ._. --.... Id, ..... .,~-bock,a;J ed "m~'Z ~.,,.: CHARMER WAUl TO IEACH . You can aJ&ume the ew\lni l\).W hltereatloan with pafmenla of $1"-00 per mo. hlcli. cling taxes and ins. meticulously cared for l bed- room home. With family· room with 1t.t own finplact dJulll ln tlt.cben .••• lw!atecl - arale dbilng room. Call uow ,•p&.-·*·llOO , . -~. ~ . 100°/o FINANCING . 4 Bedrooms -Sharp Veta --tbia home is hi better lbann~llt con- dition, new kitchen, new. carpe;Ui, covered patio, completely repainted, oversized lot, total price .................. $23,950 hurry. " OCEAN VIEW ' OWN THE LAND T09.-"'- Located high on the blufi with a breaih~, hlg view of calalina. 1700 sq, It. 3·~· home, 'professionally landscaped, courtyard entry and many many extras ......... $37,500 DON'T FENCE ME IN Acre quiet cul de s~c ~treet -a stones tprow fnim the.fabulol;I'. W~lclifl area.. Lar&!),2000 sq, ft. home with 4 bedrooms -double tife- place -photo 18,b.'J>r office, .for Ille busy or retired seeking peace and quiet. THEIR LOSS YOUR GAIN . JOOL 642.-...._ ~· to the ~ rltW'.! :~ tom deSicned 3 bedroom 3'il 'fr~~===~~~~~~==~~~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~ill beth htime bas many un· 1000Gener•I ~ '1000 ;1;:., architectural featufts. CALL FOR APPT. (4 Bedroom) Bay & leaClt 2 Bedroom home with fireplace. Separate guest room and bath. This home hu all the charm in the wol-ld, . and is surrounded by towering trees. Only ... : : ............. $24,500 · iohn mac nab Price reduced for quick sale, large 4 "6ed .. room home located a short walk fro m the beach -plushcarpeting -beautiful kitchen -dining room -special bonus community pool and scheduled kiddie activities '-NOW HOW ABOUT TllA T 0 Open~H~~e~ THIS WEEKEND .............. ,.,, .. ,.. ............ . --~ ............................... ..... .. rl' .............. "'~ ........ .... ...,_ 11 ....,.. IAILY. ftLOT WANT ADS. ,.._ ...... .:.,_ ~ ..... ., .. ""' .. .... . . ......... $,...... ................ .....,. 12 Bedroom) *2512 Visla Drive (Blayshores) NB 640-6475 (Sat & Sun 1-6) *1100 While Saia Way; Corona del Mar 644-2244 (Sat & SUn 12-4) 13 Bedroom) 421 'Cabrillo St., Costa Mesa 548-9500 (~at &.Sun) 2612 .Redlav& (Back Bay) CM ~.JiiX .. ' 5411-1055 <Sat & sun 1->> 1535 Dll![>i!lh Terrace (Irvine Terr)-CdM tHU235 !Sat & Sun) 26 Yawl Road [Beacon Bay) NB 642-8235 (Sun 1-5) 1014 Santiago Drive (Baycrest) NB 642=5 . (Sat & Sun) *15750 Canna Way, Westminster 847-3519/89'2-1474 (Sun 12-4) 313'1 Boston Way, Costa Mesa 642-1771 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 378 E, Walnut, Costa Mesa 846-3'.55 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 422 E. 18th St, Costa Mesa .~llllle55/~ (SUn t~) ,> ,: •• (3)1eil~m. & Fa m.ily or Den) 19511 Vista Caudel (The BluHs) NB 675-59.'J!) (Daily 1-5) 1901 Glenwood (Baycresl) NB · '842-SlllO · (Sun 1-5) 1690 Iowa St. (Mesa Verde) CM 549-4226 (Daily) 618 Kings P lace (Cliff Haven) NB 642-5749 . (Sat & Sun 11-6) 405 Holmwood (Newport Heighi.s) ·NB 675-6000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2tl!'i!!erra VISta (Back Bay) NB 675-57211 (Fr~ Sat & Sun 1-5) 2017 Miramar (Balboa Penn) Balboa 645-2000 (Sun 1-5) 2043 Calvert Ave., (Mesa Verde) CM 546-3081 (Daily) *iUO P~mbroke (Westclill) NB 642-8235_ (Sun only) 1300 Cambridge (Cameo Shores) CdM 642-8235 (Sat only) 3414 Seabreeze (Harbor View Hills) CdM 64&-3255 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 3228 Iowa [Mesa Verde) CM ' 842-1771 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1901 King1 Road, Newport Beach 646-4596 (Sun) 3277 lndiana Ave. (Mesa Verde) CM 540-4722 (Sal 2-7, Sun 12-7) 1502 Lance, Tustin . 514-4613 !Sal & Sun 1-51 2107 Anniversary Lane, Newport Beach 64t.ll6llll (Sat & Sun) 8857 Canary (Four Seasons) FV 962-4471 . (Sun 12-5) 2813 Drake (Mesa Verde) CM 8'1W7'5 [Sal 6' Sun 1-5) 'J#Y1 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar 675-3000' Ens: S48-8888 rsun 1-5) *2510 ~-23rd Sl., Newport Beach 648-3255 (Sal& Sun 1-5) 2301 Heather, Newport Beacb '7M130 . (Sun 1-5) 164 Park Drive. Cosla Mesa 146«155/548-1812 (Sat 6' Sun 1~) , 1148 Santiago Dri ... Newport Beach Roalty, Inc; 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) im.E. <out Hwy., O!.\I REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr., Suite 120 '42-8235 1233 Highland Drive (Westdlff) NB 675-3llllO " ll4U235 " " (Sun Only) 15402 Shasta Lan(," Huntington Beach 1714) 89Z-4889-(Sat & Sun 11-5) 3137 Barbados Place (Mesa Verde) CM 546-7308 . (Sal & Sun 11-5) 270 23rd Street, Costa Mesa 642-9730 Eves: 548-0'/2D (Sun 1-6) 14 Bedroom & Family or Denj 1342 E. Oceanfront (Bajboa Penn) Balboa 64S-2000 (Daily 1-5) *2899 Clubhouse Rd. [Mesa Verde) CM 545-8519 [Sat & Sun 1-5) 322 Cabrillo, Costa Mesa 543-0588 . (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1338 Santiago, Newport Beach 642-8235 · , · ( SaJ §J. Sun) 1101 White Sails (Harbjlr iew JliliB), CdM , 675-2000 (~Un 1-6) 183l\--Santiago l)rive (J>over Shores) NB 646-1550 , , . • (Son 1-5) 2341 Irvine (Back BayJ NB 540-1720 (Daily 1-5) 3248 Indiana St. (Mesa Verde) CM 540-1151 (Sun 1-5 :30) **225 North Star Lane, (Dover Shores\ NB, 675-2000 (Sun 1-5) 363 Vista Bays , Newport Beach 675-4130 (Sun 1-5) *.1227 Highland, Newport Beach 675-4130 . (Sun 2-5) 2622 Vista Drive (Baysborea). NB • 642-1771 . " ' (Sjln 1-5) • *2oo6 Holiday Rd , (Baycrest) NB 646-7755 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 91~1 Blackbird Ave .• Fountain Valley 842-6691 • (Sun 1-5) 1 ~449 Jacaranda St., Fountain Valley 846-0604 ~ (Sun 1-5) 20232 Adrian, Huntington Beach 546-2313 · (Sun 1-5) 14 Bedroom & Family + Maids Qtrsj 2328 Aralia (Eastblufi) NB 675-2000 IS Bedroom) 3137 Sharon Lane, Costa Mesa (Sat 1-5) 5411-4204 !Sat & Sun 1-5) 1032 Presidio (Mesa del Mar) CM 548-7729 (Sun 1-5) 1536 Galaxy (Dover Shores) NB ' 642-8235 !Sat & Sun) ttlOl Linda Isle, Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sat & Sun ) (5 Bedroo m & Family or Don) *2118 Windward Lane (Baycrest) NB 642-2698 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 2886 Alta Vista Drive, Newport Beach 644-1192 (Sat 1-5) CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE *1509 Cornwal Lane (Westclifl) NB 548-4806: 41111-1806 (Sal & Sun 1·61 12 Bedroom) • 1072 Buckingham Lane (Dover Village) NB, 6Z5-1662 (Daily 1-1) DUPUXES FOR SALE (1-1 Bedroom & 1-2 Bedroom) 1407 W, B8y Ave., (Balboa Penn) Balboa 676-8000 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 30132nd St., Newport Beach 646-2414 (Sat & siin 1-5) INCOME PROPERTY ----==--=--, ------- *LOOK*' , OPEN l:IOUSES SAT & SUN General iooo Ganaral 1000 A Miw9N Mli'.!s --IF---.,,..,,.,°'"'1 · 93 E 1 lh ST FROM WORK • • • .2 . • 7 ., COSTA MESA 64.~4'94 G~ away from everything. hn.er•I 1000 General ~1000 Llve in the crowinr Cl'a of e You w•nf • ntW ;:-----------~ DRIVE BY: 310 Ruby uruvemty Park. The offer· home BEACH DUPLEX Ing& are unbelievable. 3 bed· e ·You own a lot" $29,900. $500 dn. Cute duplex BUSIEST marketplace ill town. The DAILY PILOT Oassilied section: Save money, lime & effort Look Brand new, near bay. Strik- ln& 2 story Jiv. rm. lush cptr, S~i1h trplc. 3 Bdrm, 2 balh home. rooms. 2 batflt J...arie li~ e You need fin•ncing 1 bl. bay l ocean. $3500 inco mom with decorative white e You desire style Owner-Broker 642-1212 brici< fin'plact orr one tt1tire e You c•r• •bout White elej>hanll! Dim~a·line wall. Room for formal d~ . now!!! . ; " . ~ ·,_. 316 Rilb.y .1 ing, &l!o eating area in the savings · General looio Gen•r•I 1000 kitchen. Beautiful planted • You demand quaJify 1.================::" atrium gbing outdoor,.... CALL 537.0380 amrm1rc:R;/li>'""" wtth beamod lit ,,b,oJlil upk, pan den ~ ~ amlly nn, se- cludod P<tlo.~lcond. Ju.t -to-,., oo1 alDly ....... ~~,;~£~ 5t§~a:' · Coldwell, Banker ~~ ""',.... """'-"" .,,.,,,,.._ . ....,. approv..t .,...,_ , • OFFERS· • ..., to """'' on11 1" few STANCO THEN.CALL: blocla • ...,.. Pri<ed '°"'r BUILDERS, INC. than the new ones at cnly OPEN llli66 Westminster SALISBURY $29,$0, Submit your smaller 7 Days Garden Grove home on our guarantee sales Balanced Power Homes REALTY 67U900 315 Marine Ave., Balboa Is. Open Housa 1880 MAl1l CIRCLE 81& custom built home close to 17th fainvay ol Mesa Ver- de Country Cub. BeiutituJ. ly kept • pool & patio great "" ... ....w.... plan. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee 3M3 Westclift Dr. 646-1711 ()pm """'· 3 lledrooms + GMellt Room $21,500 • 541-51&0· fnurc•~ LLEGE REALTY JlOO Ad:msotHl ... ,<I& Absotutcly without a doubt, the best buy in Costa Meu, '"''"'"'"'"""''""''"'"'"'"'"'"II Immaculate 3 bedroom oo... + gue•t room , 1.,..., O~EN SllJ'IOAY 1-S poo1 '""'· tree •haded !Dt. 430 E. Bi y, C.M. Builder'•. Tract.In Cheery living room, very Tl.Cr by orisfnl1 owner dis--~-kit ~ ·tto 1 pla•-' in tli:ltne a.rid land· Builder ws, "Big profit on """""m c • .,,. wt natura ,...., new houae, aacrlfice, trade-wood ~btnets and builtim. SC&PC. he~. -... in, IoMr price u:>oo, Seil u • 2 car det.atched ,Mage + Fortin Co. 642-5000 thia wffit." 4 BR l bath, cariut for Mt or camper. 17Cl1..A. Watclill Dr., N.B. carpel.I, drapes, bullt·ins, Don't wa.tt. $20,950 ·LOW DOWN FA beat. landscaped. fenc.. FOR.EST' E. OLSON ,payment! King sil:ed bed· ed, <bl~ aaraee, top loca· &15-0303 1'6ams. Electric push button Hon. Don't miss thia one! I--------· t bulll-in11. Ealing bv. L&rge Vfilage fUal Estate 962..Un THE QUICKER YOU CALL. patio. Sprinkler&. 540-11'ZO or ~100. THE QUICKER YOU SELL TARBELL 2955 Htrbor Gener•I 1000 Gener 1I IOOOGenor1l •.......... ""' 6 .,..,bled _., tie• ro mole '6 .f. _.. worci.. Print ..,,.,.. Gf • r -.. Ill ... of tquar-. . ~ IRUTiE• I . . . . I' . I 11 I ,_ · ITUGHAT 0 I I I' I'· ! ITE'VLIV I I I I 1000 ... Open Hou~ "'."'" Dover Shores 225 N. STAR LANE SUN. I • S Custom Spanish design. 4 Br. din. rm. fam. rm. md's-qtrs. Exciting view. Pier & float .................... ' .... ' ...... $129,500. Mrs. Raulston Beautiful .lgyfront -$1 l O,OQ.11 · Lovely 4 Br, 4 bath with dock for large .• boa~ -Huge fam. rm, wet bar, powder 1'00ll1 and 2 patios. Immediate occupancy. Walter Haase OPEN SUN 1 -S 3409 Finley (Newport Blvd. To Finley, West I Block) SL IP AND P IER Charming Custom Home, S .Bedrooms, 2 baths. -Lovely watufront. Patio plus cuteJ · 1 Bdrm Apt. .................. :· ... $79,500 Mary Lou Marion New Listing -Baycrest 4 or 5 Br's, fam. rm .. din . rm, house in excellent condition. Lrge. swim pool. Small fruit orchard. Separate yard f6r1pe1,1;'1,tuiet area. . ................... , . _ .... :'69'159@ Mrs. Raulston • ·.~ • 2 Homes CdM-$68,500 ' Colonial 2-slory 4 Bedroom • study, Family Rm and pool. Cbarn)ing 3 Bedroom, dm. ing room , Near shopping. Good inv.e- ment on 1 lh lots. &;i .;·:. t:,.'~ Mary Lou Marion 1 ;,:·.-. .~ ' ... ~~t; • ~. r ,oc·t· I Eastbluff View Home Lusk Hm. 4 Br's 21h ba, Fam. rm. profes- sional landscp. Enclosed front courtyard w/3 patios. Lovely carpets & drapes. lint·. ed winds ............................ $45,950 l\lrs. Davies Open H-Sat. 1°5 . Eastbluff a teal doll house, Immaculate Lusk hm. ! Bd's-fam. MJJ. -Beautifully I an d s c aped, cov. ·patio, 2328 Aralia ............ '.' .. '' ...... 'I' ..... '41?,950 l\1rs. Davies Westellff Charmer 3S.1 ilul ~-St., Costa Mt~ , ' ...-Eves: ~1855 (Sat & SUn 1-6) '9 B . Bay (Nr tmne Ave) CM (3 Bedroom + I Bedroom Apt.) 3409 Finley (Npt Blvd lo Finley W. 1 Bl) ,._ •• NB, 675-2000 (Sun 1-5) 3 Br + Fam. rm + Pool plus. Sep, lonced play yard. Beaut., decorated and in inunae. cond~Uon. Owner Ieav .. arta -• An.1lou!s ..... J;:vtll $4-1655 (Sun 1·5) 41911. Bay, Colla 1:1 .. a ea.aDOO (Sun 1-6) • o.nll, eo,ta Mesa --~y : ~ (Sal .. San, 1-t)_ l.!"911 • .,. r , • 0 (si.i t-~. la tr, fMtsa Vtrde) CM Mt-231J · (Sun 1-5) U4T Gl°'*'e, Coslt Mola 146-17211 • • ' • .· • • (3 Bedroom & -4 Bedroom) 3130 • 3120 Seavle.,,.Ave .• CdM 675-3000 Eves: 675-0554 (Sun 1-5) UNITS FOR SALE (6 · Units) tt320 Via l o Nord (Lido Isle) NB 675-0000 (Sat & Sun 1-$) I -. • • •=W" r .r I' r r -~ r 1• r r·1 ~5-I I I I I • I 1·-1 I I • I • ,. . SCRAM•LE1S ANSWER IN DIME•A·UNE , t ................................. '43,iSO Joe Clarkson · COLDWRL, IANKIR & CO. 2200 E, COAST HIGHWAY• NIWPOllT IEACN ·-~· "'5-2000 Kl t,335' 'II 0 ' ·------------------- . -----.. • , .IN CC?~!~ ~~!~A SEVEN CUSTOM HOMES from $28,575 WITH.SUCH FEATURES .AS: • 4 Large Bedrooms e VA & FHA Einan.cing e Wood Roo~ •· 20 Year Guarantee Dishwuhers. • Oversized Lois e Heman Tubs &: Showers e In Prime Area e Pl.US MUCH MORE SE~ECT YOURS NOW & CHOOSE YOUR COLORS &_STYLES for information c:all ·COATS & ·wAUAa REALTORS ~ 1491 BAKER STREET 'fff//(J!!!f_ 546-4141 • COSTA MESA, CALIF. WHERE ELSE? Can you find 4 BIG BEDROOMS & BRAND NEW CARPETS & FHA., or v A TERMS for only $25,500. It's our buy of week, located in an ideal north Costa Mesa section near South Coast Plaza. All it takes is $2200 down payment. IN- CLUDING CLOSING COST! NO DOWN TO VETS! 180° VIEW - • • -· ' . 4 • 0 0 • ·- • 20U GALATEA TERRAC E Cool Baj breezes across the Pool and _plttio; graceful whlt.e sails on the bay below yQur windows, 4 luxurious bedrooms, large family foom, bright sunny kitchen Willi ·breakfast ai'ea. The ultimate in c are f ,t e e · living, . ' ....... : .....•................... $115,000 OPEN SUNDAY 1 'TIL SUNSET cOme Up For Air Stay to enjoy the View. 3 BR Fam Rm . Pdol . Appointmenls in keeping with the design, . construction and price ..... ;-......... $120,QOI.» OPE"! SUN _.FTERNOON olOI MENDOZA TERRACE 2828'E. Coast Hiway Corona del Mar 673-3770 Big Family? Artistic 5 bdrm custom built Baycrest home with beamed ceilings. Lovely masttr suit1e. Large family room. Sepe.rate d I n I n g room. It's Di.fferent Cool Summ•r With this shimmering pool surrounck'd by big patio for outdoor fun. Attractive 4 bdrm home with family room and separate dirring n>om. layc:rest Bargoin 5 bdrm., 3~ bath home. Baycrest beauty. 4 bdrms, Beamed ceiling in li \.ing large living room with room. Tdcal for large fam- beamed ttillng, formal din-i\y. Owner moving East. EASTBi..UFF. Professionally decorated ing room, big family room. Only $62.5oo tor quick & Jandscaped, all the features you would See it today. sale. e~ Immediate occupancy. Just list•, WANT TO BUILD? Several good lots available. ed. ll'llLL ~RICE . · · · · · · · · · · · · · $39,)So. JERRY FREUD • CHARLES A•NOLD i c 1491 BAKER STREET Realtors · ~· COATS&WALUCERULTORS 388 E. 17th Street, C.'M. ' ' · 64fi !77 SS '· • • 0 • .• -. . ' --" .. .. DON'J~, MISS. THIS RANCHO. LA ·cu'ESTA -U-you'v• missed the closeout of RANCHO LA CUESTA'S 3 other units ••.• DON'T MI SS THI Sll Each succeeding unit costs ~ more, so take advantage of these prices. Come & see oyr rllQdels on Brookburst at AUanta in .Hlillttngton Beach. There are'1 '& 2 stories, 3 &: 4 bedroom homes with 2 or 3 baths, ?.fission We or sh~e roof, fire-- places, concrete driveways, heavy rough c~t beams, built-ins, family rooms &: dining rooms. Close to Huntington State Beach. These beautiful homes are priced from $24,995 to $34,200 with VA or Con·. ventional financing as low as 10% down . No 2nd TDs at 7.2% interest. Call 9611-2929 or visit any da~ IO AM to 7 PM. $20,950 FHA I EASTSIDE CO~.\ l\lESA, Three bedroona with HARO. WOOD FLOORS. Walk lo Weslcllft shopping centc1·, gramnllU' school aod Play· xround. Large fenced yard, double garage on paved aJ. ley _ easy access for boa! and lraller storage. $173 monl,b .m,cludes principle, inlerest, taxes and Insur. anve. DON'T HESITATE • ACT NO\V!!! * • * • f(llJR BEDROOM Family room, Fireplatt, l~ bath, bulll·in kltchen, w/w carpets, drapes, washing fa- cilities in over-size double 1000 SHORECUFFS Beautilul cuaklm home at 341 Evening Canyon OPEN SUN 1 ·S 4' Bedrooms, 3lii: bathl heavy shake roof fireplace in master bedroom large private sundeck many luxury features asking $62,500 Call Jack Sctoggy • -· Res: 644-2250 gara~. Sprinkle'°' f ront, J .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!ll!!l!!!!!!!!~JI complelely tenced .. rear yard 3 Bedroom Pool-Home with 15'x20' patio, Only min. utes from major shopping $11,100 Tota l Price and schools. ALL F 0 R SlSO TOTAL MONTIB..Y pay. ONLY $27,950, FHA • VA ments include everything tor TERMS, this 2 bath sparkler with * *. * * CARPETS & DRAPES! It l\f'ORAJOR Nffl\EI\ ho< eUicient ALL 'ELEC· l/R' tQIUI TRIC BUJLT JN KITCHEN! Located in COLLEGE PARK is this sbtl.ke roof thl"f<'! bed· room, 1% bath, spllCious din. ing room and modern bullL ins. \Valk to O.C.C. and OOS. I w 546-4141 ' COSTA MESA, CALIF. 1000 TA MF;SA CIVIC CENTER. !I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;: liiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I DO YOUR O\VN DECOR.. Full sUcd rectangular 15 x 30 POOL in neat & trim back yard. Double Garage with BOAT CATE! Lovely mani. cured f r o n l yard with SPRINKLERS! Assume this attractive flnan<'!ing NO\V! WE SELL A HOME EllERY 31 MINUTES 100011 11 and SAVE. Full price ONLY Gener•• 1000 1-'-'-------INTRIGUING layshores 124,<Xll. Assumo 5%% FHA Walker & Lee _H_•_r_bo_r_H_l- 9 h-1-.nc1-.-PROFESSIONAL OPEN HOUSES Open Sat. & Sun. 12 . s \:"., ~ 1::::,~mc1uc11 .. •• DELIGHT 2505 VISTA. DRIVE :Wiiiiiiiliii!!iii!!l!!l!!r; 11190 Hari>o~.~;':! 01 Adam• -.auty Sundi1y -1 to 5 p.m. CHARMING 3 bdrm. 1% .3 _..........~ New on Market l)Q you sometimes v.'Ol'k: out , ·• -bath, lge. !iv. nn. &: din. Open 'til 9 PM : t!!;!~ ... ~1.,.3, ~ ~ you~th hc:rrne? The ~ CDRONA DEL MAR area, w/w drapes .• TIP TOP •·2 ~~'t ,11,1 ~~ =tr~ Sunny comer,' 4 BR/FA?.-1' .• 'condition -S39.000. e Lara:e Patio ~; ilOct room for pool .... $:44,950 e Beautiful Carpets &. d be perfect !~ ~· 1301\·IONNIE o0oNE Open $et. &·Sun. 1 • 5 ""'"" ~=· ~u~ ~;.,":; 2851 Bayshore • Decorator Wall papers charm of this 3 bedroom, 2 NEWPORT BEACH Drive- OrlginaJ Owner transferring bath home. Double fireplace: Quiet, cul -de -sac. Many 'to New York. Possession af-separate huge living and trees, 3 BR., 2 BA. $3200 LGE. 2 bdrm. & fain. rm. t Jun. 15th 0--tho·• DOWN eleclJ'ii: bl1-in's. -Joca-er • """"' family room, overlooking-· · arkl' le ho tod -2911 PAPER LANE lion with lots of possibillties lopTI!EmgREALc anESTmATe ~RSay, tio. This is \Vestclifi in New-• ;42,ooo. "' port Beach offering you their &16-n71. Open Sunday 546-2JL1 most desirable floor plan. Country French, large fam. NewJiort Hei9hts llpadous, channinc ' """· I room home. BuUt-ins, fire· place, lowly patio with wa- terfall. $32,500. JEAN SMITH, Realtor 400 E. 17th SL, Coata Mesa . 64&J255 Qujck occupancy. Priced at rm.· Immediate move -in. $43,500. Submit YG'lJ' smalle'I' $4200 OOWN. home on our guararitee sale 1831 TRADE WI NOS plan. · WE SELL A. HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2043 Westcliff Dr. 648-7711 Open Eves. SOCK IT TO 'EM! Pinchin • •n I 111 675-4392 Anytime 3900 E. C,oa.st Hwy. First lime Offered LGE. im>g. cor. lot, 4 bdrms. 4 baths, huge Jiv. rm. din. rm. Ideal Jge. Jamily home, near BAY q.UB-$54,950. Westc:liff MAKE OFFER·-Owner lf'aV· inf -ANXIOUS -4 bdnn. lam. rm. elect. blt-in's, 16x 23 !iv. rm. 21h baths. sei> Absolutely Beautiful • :SIA% FHA LOAN Can be assumed on this Mesa Verde 3 bdrm & family home. You won't find anoth- er as inunaculate, v.'ith new carpeting, large, lush land- scaping & even has a hobby room built in ~· A steal at only $26,950 OPEN SAT/SUN 1 ·5 3220 low• St. .. PERRON ~ .~ -... -* 642-lnl Anytime* UPPER BAY 1000 ,___llD WOE IS ME arate laundry, Cpl&: drapes [ ,;;,,,.....,,...,...,;,,,...,..., -POOL with Jacuzz:i ·ASK· $19,SOO FULL PRICE- ING $52.500. Newlyweds! Planning your O!der 3 BR family home \Vilh large play yard & located~ beautiful Bay View · Street. Owner moving ·East & will tcU VA or FHA financing. Ir 1 ' • ' ·: . '(_· REALTY -----•I Wlll someone please come ' buy me? I 'm a nice 4 bdrm family hOme in Ba)'9hores & Anotht r mombut of tho RM Cor1t9! Tutm location Da.s Count l et us prove It. OPEN HOUSE Sot. & Sun. 1 • 5 wrold really make )'OU hat> P'I· My present owner! have. outgrov.'11 ·me It with a little TLC I could shine U ke new penny. Look me over. 1 will be OPEN SUNDAY 1 • S · 2622 Vl1ta Drive, NB ASKING $55,000 OFFER777 1 ~ Newport leac:h OPEN SAT, & SUN. l . 5 405 Franc:isc:o future is simple in till! cute 4 year old Ranchero. 3 Bed- rooms 0Uer11 room !or family growth plus 2 baths. BHck Fin!placc. Electric built Choice upper bay ~a of ins. Dishwasher! Carpeta It. fine homes -VACANT -'1 Drapes. NO cash Down GI lxltms. 2 baths, fam, rm. at $165 includes all. Fili\ sunken Jiv. rm. Hi-Fl, cen. $900 Down. No CI o st n g lraJ vacuum system, beau. Costs. tilully land"""ped • ONLY WE SELL A HOME 154.500. EVERY 31 MINUTES $22,500 Newport at Newport Heights Walker & Lee cDM-conAGE OPEN SAT. 1 • 5 7~ Edi ~BR ho ;· unit--~· 519 RIVE RSI .DE D<I" nger :ii mew lDC · '""""" • ·---------·-,,.. , ' ' ' ctul . ..: White _: Carnahan R~~Co. 546-5440- 'OUR 24t~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , . SPANISH 4 -2 BEDROOM SLASHED $5950 HAC IENDA TRIPLEXES Lovely 3 BR le: large fam. room home In Coi;ta Mesa. Walk lo all schools I: ahoppill(, PiJtinctive tile entry, 23' living room wilh fireplace, oulltan- ding kitc:hrn with built-in own &-~ & DJW, quality carpets It drapes. l~' bath, stall ~r. Asking S30.950 -EZ terms. PREFERRED RESIDENTfAL AREA You \vlll like thlll excel- lent large 3 BR home plus a family room-In lltesa VJ>rde. Near &hop- ping, schools. Function- al plan with 1 %, baths, Jargc living r oom with fireplace, carpeta a n d drapes, all elcclrlc built· in kitchen. Fenced yard, \11cll landscAped. Buy on VA or m,( terms -ftt only $25,950. 546·5440 Owner des~rat.e to Se.II these well located tri· pleKts -North Costa Mesa locaUon 'fleer free. y,•ays A shopping cen- ters -F.ach unit ha.-. 1 \9 ha.tbs, carpets and draoes, garages. Priced at $33,950 each. Submit your offtr. 546-5440 PRESTIGE NEIGHBORHOOD Thia 4 BR & lamlly room ntodcm honte in Newport Beach i.!i designed With lhe whole lamily in mind -2% baths, over 2400 sq 11. or llving space. A kitchen that lightens the labor of company with all electric bit-in oven & ranie -beautiful tiled tops & splash d!•hwuber -extra large service room with loads or clOse~ si>a.ce. Trallic free livthg roem Witlf fireplace I: !lidil'.g door to rear patio with flrtpil. Separate lonnal dining room. Mature manicured lav.'Tl ~lilh sp r inklers Priced al $53,!l;i(I A.UUl114? · '5%<;:i! Insurance loan. CaJl now for shov.·- lng. 546-5440 NoW priced be,k1w market -4 BR ·-2 1tory borne . just a aMrt W&lk to oceaa -In Newport SMret. 23xl5' living room; ~ ble fireplace &:: hearth, V.'fW carPett I: cfrapu. ~~ 15' fonn.al dWnc room, 4eluxe ki!chen with bit-in oven I: rariae. PLUS breakfast nook ~a. 4 coqd-slt"ed bedrooms -loads ot closets -Act MW at this low -low p~ce of only $43,000 546-$ NEWPORT HI DISTRICT Beautiful 3 BR hom• with hardwood ttoots:. W8.Ik to schools ind shopping. 2 batha, s~c· ious living room , f ift.. place. Fenced rear yard vo'l\h lovely covered pa· tio'. Lowest priced home tn ·Harbor Highlands - ONLY $28.500. can for showing. · 546-5440 I PO.OL HOMES I I .1· WESTCLIFF LOCATION Cu5tom dcslgncd 3 BR and Family Room. 1m· maculate cond\Oon thru out. Terrific kilehen 'vith walls or cabinets, bit-In oven & range and dishwasher. Rear large living room with sliding glass door, opening out lo outstanding lighted rear yard with 30 foot custom paol heatfed & 1\ghled. \Vell designed landscaped yard truly a fine home at yard. Truly a fine home at $44,950. EZ T1erms. ,......, VACATION AT HOME 3 + FAMILY ROOM ti's close at hand. This home in MeSa Verde is priced right for a quick salf'. Nev.•Jy painted in-, lerior-l~~ baths, s1all Rhower-J4 x2.0' I iv in g r o o m , lire place-ample clo11Ct space. custom paol wllh automatic sv.-eeper, lots or decking, Priced at $27 ,500. Mak:~fer & start packing_ 546-5440 LIVE IT UPll Enjoy refttshlng av.1m ln this attractive -pi,o! In v.·orlt free surroundings. awrier soent th:>t1sand• on this 3 BR & family roon1 PLUSH POOL PARTIES -home, on a quiet Gl't"af for entertaln!ng! cu l -d1e-aac s lr 1eet Family size home wi lh 4 Beau!iful rich Birch pan. bedroom!, 2 baths, family ne lM family room. room, spacious l l v1 n g Outstanding kitchen. elec- room, fireplace, wall to tric bit-in & dishwasher. 2 wall carpets &: drape!I. bathll. It's a po t I es s Sparkling 36 foot heated thruout. Your own-Tlkl Blue I-fawn pool, Lois of Hut adds charm to out· decking. Priced right at door fun . Priced tn sell $30,950. 10% down. Cal l • belo\v mkt. at $.15,750. now s.tG.5440 546-5440 I WE NO DOWN PAYMENT To own this vacant l'ls.t sq. foot home, 2 year old, 2 atary, 4 BR. home pl~ family room. Interior all newly repainted. Lovely terraced kitchen w I t h bit-in elec!J'lc eye level. Range and double oven. plus dishwuher. Separate living room, firplc. Large master bedroom w I t h private bath, extra large wardrobe closetR. Buy on no down VA terms. Low down FHA on 10% dowl' Conventional. Ask I ng $30,750. Make oUtr. 546-5440 A SLEEPER NEED REAL FIXER UPPER Large 4 bedroom, 2 story. that needs paint & clean up. To sell at reduced pl'ICll! of only $28,950. <>vet 1800 aq. feet. l Baths. 1-fardwood floon thruout. Exira large kitchen with blt-ln oven & range. Dlshwuher 12 x 13 dining room. SpaciOUI 11. in g room with stone fireplace. Vacant & waiting for J10me buyer. Owner facing forecolsure and must sell. Call NOW.. 546-5440 POPULAR BLUFFS LAUGH & SPLASHING TIME Jn your own· pool; Just listed 4 BR borne tn Mtaa , Verde·s top l o Ca tlo n , Rust!c bea.µfy. He.JVJ shake roof. 2 baths, stall shovrer. Traffic free llvln& room. Fireplace. EKtra large swim des igned custom pool, h e a t e d • filtered. Park like yard with, lire pit. Ideal lot summer fun for whole family. Price $42,500. EZ Terms. 546-SffO HEA P·llG 1•• , TIEPi E ,. I •' ; ,., ml Sq. ll!et In thJa 1up 3 BR, den I: ~ room. 2 Story. Eastrld&e Estate on qu iel streeL 04tsta.n- dlng heated pool. Mt. a Mrs. dreuing room. Ter- rific kitchen blt-ln u h cabinet!. Double door en. try terra.r.zo tiled. Beam ceiling, WJW cptt, I: drapes. Price $37.500. EZ Tt.rms. Owner anxk>ua. 546-54411 FLAT TOP MODERN I This' spotless, 4 BR, fatnJ. ly room hOme In Colltp Park ts juit what )'butre looking lor. All NEWLY CARPETED. TERRIFIC kitchen with Ho tpo int elec. bit-in oven & ranp. 1 %.-bltha. Extra larp llv. Ing room with double fireplace. Lob or extra storage&. boo k c a1 e •. Outstanding ~ x 2 0 amusement room, p&tW!ll· ed heated &: ll&:hted. Ideal for office also. All thts for $27,500. Owner ~ving area. Call now. 54&6440 " 405 Holmwood, Newport Hts. 3 bedroom -dining &rt'&. "Ealy to work in" kitchen, pleasant living room \Vi th adjoining den. Inviting family at- mosphere. !'111 n t m um yard v.·ork. A good value at $43,500 and you o.,.,'ll lhe land. S42M55 or ~140 llOJlle TLC. Walklng datance ·.Afh:Jcdv~ "FIXER-YPPER" Open Eves. to' e\-erythinJ. $33,500 · This 3 BR I: family room home In Mesa Verde hM great possibilities, with a litlle fixing up. 1'4 bath, stall shower. Good s I z e bedrooms. Traffic rree 11ving room 'vlt h fireplace. Loads of trees & shrub!. Plu11 1&rge covertd patio. Price only $26.950. No down VA Tenn1. Call for •howlnc. 2977 Blminl. 54&-MfO Great 3 BR. Tiled rilof Condominium. Occupied only 2 mont.M. Just like l'll!W, all fresh &: clean. Lovely wall to w a I l carpeU & drape&. Shut• lers. Custom eabioels in thil bit-In kitchen. 21,.S baths. 14 x 28 living room with fireplace. Forced sale makes this price ot $32,500 far below today's market. HURRY. 546-54«1 ·ASSUME LARGI 6% GI LOAN • • H,1,11 RirHltr•1101ht Cli1uic Simplicity Hom• and Income 2 bedroom, fenced yard. Enclosed private patio. The one you'w waited lt'a really adorable and for. Be the f.int t.o tff an lutant monry m&k-this duplex _ 1n the tt. Owner aayg p.rage stressed for apartmenL best rental area. Ooae Perfect locl'lltlon across to Bay It Ocean. There's 1treet from '88.y and just a happy future here for atep1 to West Ocean. someone -a brune pluJ-Vacant. Ready to move --..--· into. OnJy $.36,SOO and .income. All for $48,500. LOW oo\VN. Interested'!' Call now. COMMERCIAL CORNER With illveslme.n\. appeal: 12Sxl4ll ft. fronU.ge on corner. In the. heart ol Costa. Mesa. This h a f'll'e find and wtll bt gobbled up quickly. Older rental units rWJYi on property. V&lue Jn land.. AJ.k1rt&. $100,000. ~ not call now for det&lls. REDCiRPEI R E A L T y 2025 W. la I boa Blvd. Newport leac:h . S.111 -'7WOll • 3 bdnn1. 1~ baths, lge. tdms. llv. rm. Shak1e roof -SEE I f b I A I By appt only Tms ONE • 121.000. n a u ous . va on CORBll'j-MARTIN 1 PERRON .-;, .. .r.·'f y, •• * 642·1n1 Anyt ime 'II: "C" THOMAS Moo<eYechtAt YMr D. I t H t I REA.LTORS . ... y ron 0 e -E. CNlt Hwy, CdM 675-1662 . REALTOR Door Step 224 W, Ccaat Hlway Mlh5S27 Dinina rm, 2 bars. ~ room1 40 ft. private dock ii one of Newport Beach Eve. 545-5&0 plua View owner Unll•. the many fine features ~ BURR WHITE, Rltr. Open House thla Huntlngtxin Harbour EAHSIDE 1847 TAl'-1 DRIVE Cape Cod ffn-Jlvl~ room . 2901 NeW]>Ort Bl,d., N.8. u• • -~ -"!" ffnoe Colonial 5 bdrm with with all llw wall ove.rlook-67>4630 .,. lng patio and boat channel. (NH r-Jt"(iM Ave.) l::!:mi:miZ:=:=:m:=::=i l pool, family room, dinlna Co1.;Y den wtth used brick You wW Ukerthls 3 BR 11,4 robm. Nenrl.y 2900 aq It, tl~place and 4 large becJ. bl'th hi'fM.'ltt!tiJlly J)atnted Stepe: te Ocean close to ~1esa Verde Coun- rooms, all combined to make. Jnsfde A out. Large Uvlng Like ~ t BR, 3 ba, f&m U1 Cub. • this an nctptlonll buy at room with ftteplace, built-rm. new crpU. drp1, paint, ~ S•6·S8!0 $73,900. FOREST E. OLSON, Im, cove.red patio for enler· fixtures, empty • ready to I /fttll'Cintmltlluhl)' 64>«I03. -tainlroi. Dbl garage. go, 135,950. LLEGE REALTY OPEN HOUSES 1860 Newport Blvd., 0.1 lSOOAdlmslt HMttllr,CM. Rllr. 546-m& E-.. 644-1655 2·Slo ry "A" From• EASTSIDE ...... LACHENMYER F ixer Upper Owner Moved to Hawaii 1170 23rd St.,' CM -$ln 1-6 !' $l8,900. '°'"' wilh oUer DESPERATE • Tako °"" 649 n•~~TS ~~t/Sun Newport Hts. CofW""d Rlty., 541-1290 """"'""on"""" that cost -·~ 6306 W, O>Ut Hwy, NB $30."'!. Sacrllk< far $26,500. I OPEN At no eo1t to, buyer. $157.00 month tnct!Jlks Prln. J nltn!!il. T a x e • • Insurance. Thal'• all. 4 BR, 2 ba.t.bs, at&ll aboftr Step aavtt kitchen wltb bit-in oven. range. F~ ed ...., yard. FUD -only $22,650. EZ Terma. c.u1or..-.. - HOUSE I OPEN HOi,SE Saturday/Sunday 1621 CORSICA. PLACE, ME{A. VIRDE 3 BR A-family room, tf'rrlflc htated pool and dtck ana, 1'4 baths, staU ~ er, spacious living room with fl~l)lace. All electric buUt..in ktt~. choice Jocaton. Price.reduced SIOOO for quck We. Now $27,500. Open 1-5:30 P.M. Dlt'eellons: Biker Street wHt of Harbor l block to JtoYal Pt.lm, ria:ht l block to Corsica. 5f6-6MO * * * * 1-6 2 Story, 4 BR. 2 bath, Rltr. M:Z.$T.ll D.on. 541..cmo 3 rooS: im, ~~;· t!n~cs. ;-;;;._.. a;unrooa;i. patJo, dishwaal'ltt, Have 2 openings for sales peraonne~ men or women, with • 24 • IRllll)Y BAL""" ..,..... di""°"', csrpeJs. 1·year old company • 2 openings n~. Complete training prosnm. llU DAVIDSON R .. lty PENINSULA POINT dnpes, ""'"'•"'· c.me. lot (class room • on the job). Prollt 1bar!ng. Bonua-medlcal insurance! .,.,..,. ... _.,._""_ mo Harbor lB. CM. Good Bu$1 3 BR. tionM on near •~alr\liew A Bakn. By caJl for conlidentlal interview. I I 546-St60 ~ 54M584 50 x 100 ft Jot. R.oom to ex-CNi-ner. ~1890 '------------------------..1 DUPLEX Cotto Mou Pool .. Tr oils-Golf pand, ....... pallo for .. ,. i ...:..;4.:.;B,;;E,,;D,;;R~M.;;;.:..·~$~23~.~soo~· 11 -~ U~l~~~~or C::: Sheppint-UC14 Min. door'livl"" 1<2,SOO. SpoUeu home. 2 balh8:Bull" PAUL• WHITE• CARNAHAN Fullerton. 3 BR, 1111. family •• $31,500 · Balbff Rei1I Estate Co. in dream kite.hen. Paneled FORTIN CO, M2·!iOIXI 3 BR, 2\i ha, 2 story •. $2-4.~ Joeephlne Webb, Rea\fclr tamlly room. Flreplll.CI!. Ex- 1701 A. w tell!! 0 NB 3 BR. atrium ........ m.soo 700 E. aaJ.boa Blvd., 8&lbo8 PtNlvely landscaped yard • Reaft.11 Co. • " r., 3 BR LEASE 1 •••• $2757mo 6'1'3A140 idl.'81 for picnics. S40-172tl ROlll•I• _ '7J.*J ..., 03 ~_DAILY '!>out J oy RE ~1 ................... -• T~llanL 295S'H•rllor T093. IAKER S11E1Ti -cOSTA~MbA'- •~-.---... ----.. -!"""'"!'l~~...IU!P~ILOT~~·~Ja:•~IJ<d~•· ~'°~...,..~!:... Di~ 642.s678 far RESULTS DAILY~Jl.OTWANTADS! Wh"!!!lto~e~~~phan~~~~!~D~ ..... ~~ollne~ll!..,.!!!!!!!! ...................... .,1!!11 .......... ... '(' . -, • ' ---~----------------------· ---------- l I ' r i r I ! • • llq'l, 196, • ~!!!~~t:~H!!!OU~ sas POt~I.· HOUSlf PO Ul'l"'if~OQli'ui-J',;'.\ HOU!U ,.o,~il. !19YSI$ ,0~'54 r . HCl!!SI S, ~Q. $A~· ijOUSES ,POlt.SAsi. ~~~~~· ~-~ -•I , 1• Coote -llOI ...,... 1 1• l!!MiillRu .•, 12 ~ ilil"M!c'.--1!!' ·~•l!if '1419)1'..,nfoln VilleJ 10 -AIU . :=:::..L-.~!~~~ ;J;~i . ' ~-. H~~~A.~ -~ i -'OPEN· flOUSE 'SUNDAY1.·5 Parle Lillo 1~c~::t."1 ~~i:--~ ·• ·.,: l'~::' ·~-~f. ~~~ 1'"'3 sANTA MARTA F.Y. c.-.1.1urn -"'!9. 10 • lO ..... l'ld Owner -I l BR. '"JIA·~iidi.. I .. ' 67).9221 '1• • IMQnol~ a Oorflekl arM) ~·'·to -""""l&J . patio. All lou!lt ·in Jcjtclien DRIAM LO¢-'TfqN Open ilnuot Doll>' t~ " sr. ""'-111 ·~ IMAVY' COMMANDER ~ ORDI RS • '8R'.211l>alhl.-bll-:;:~~~~ ~ Movelh-.SpoclollllBR, I ~-=i-~ b&,i,rv1ewlot:iioe11n1p1e. ' ~;'""""5K-'by.J0 .. E lat • '"''".:.ckl:toc'.!_n ~;"'.Ion~~ oot ._ ;. vaoant plus 2 BA: w.,1c1U1-'1.,..., f · ' . . ; ~ ~""-Aiill!'O•·.•~l!-4 Bdnn.l:l'h baths, lWS:I- • l.;:i, of -• o1J6. auWQe ell V.A. Jou. l4lOO Ownet.131,500. 5'IJOOO lrvlft. '"' . , Im appt.' , . , • I« lamlly room0 ~ard·ood floora, 82 p~~ __ ,........., ... down. S13' Pm Prlval.I MH• Pol Mor .. llDS • Vtl?IR MARKIT SljORElllFF• I 1111.-·I BA. VeN~• stone replace":;./i'~ Pll'. lib. dininl """ plus bl•ln .,P,.•r.,",.· 962-..,."89..,..,....,,.. I ~RLOO"'N:G ll'm ISLE owoer w~ .,....,· 4 BR.' Qulet!rff lined.,.. bf Ille ,M.,200. • ~-~::,:U: "fMR" ,. If( 9•y"5' •"'Dl'I' ·::. ... N. 211 ba~ uvilm, d!n/nn., ............... .,.,.,....,, , BllASH.µR REALTY: ---l.iy Of The Year! ,.. .. "" ...._ 1am1nn,db1 1u.marr .......... u.-!50.-11¥ 147-1531 . e-.ffl.1111 ' DfU'k ut•. Cbmpl~te Waterfront • View oL ca ta. ' • ' 1 l! • ~\ · • • ' ~r: ~ ~"!!!!!·~·~iii!~!!!!!!!!!!.'\"!~~~!!!~!!~~ "'""" •"" wllll -$3:1,5Q) u .. A a.,. 2 Bil. 2 ba Tho.cl-•!, ":r.~' 1 •1o;Y• 2800 sq. ft. of enJ">'.'!Jl',. 1paclou1 llVlnJ. 11 k ••. • 1:i4o· aWIMIN ...._ ~ 1 ,, :,~-*UlllJS* a..-1 ·""1-•..,,.,,_ ~~i:,,. •. :r: Celling to floor w!!'dOw~-1\i e~l!I')! IY"nl· c ..-J ' ·1 " ' stifH.;tli,ie'.!°~bl '1•ntlnf!on Bhch !MIO t.ojufta -_._.. ,,, 1705 IAJl,1111'1; ~"Pi:,~ Apt. with ""'ball!·""· -il,r boot Two .floon.OI bullt.'ln convenWnCe. lncludlng 0.:;':,~ &"'Ni:; Ow1* • J ·' *'-'12>41"' ;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ .. 0 old<r ... "'" " Can;pu, ......... '" 2400 large ·heated pool, three"w ..,,, ... ilectr!C ..,.,,......, Lorp Int. $21.500 VIEVI.· l'ooL ........ I BR *W•rlcl .. -·· DI"'' unLE DOUGH , i.!:, '!...::~~;' • 3,xr · Choo~ --_,ru....-1'J·Jl'131°;i..~' n.a opener, two fireplacu, we.t •bar, etc. ~ · -!'::. :t!i.U~ ~3...,:~iiwi~~ LOTS-0' HOUSE ,l ft lot in choke location. 315 ¥arfne 613-6900 THE REAL FSl'ATER.s . ~· &. .. ~ •• \ii • ca,rpetine, drapes A large Impoein.g2stor)'a.rehilectUN within walkiD1 dlstano. to NEWPORT BEACH Open All Day Sw>day Prfcld for quick sale by ._, E11tllluif " 1242 llllloa 'hnl-la 1300 patk>. double •"""' with REMINlSCENT or MID tnarbta • shops • banks -li46-n71 -~3 $ liiiiw--~-----boat door. Only $15,000 • AMERICA DESIGN, HAS cates. Vai:ancy factor nev-S DEDRM.. POOL 79,500 submit )'OW' tttmL Ex TE .Rt 0 R. OF RED it exCeeded 111%. with • Almost ll~<Xll "'""""" • ·2 StORY I • • . nnm: 847-8586 """· 96U1UI BRICK, WOOD PLANK, OR-waitin& lillt at all times • area of $60,000 ruldencet, 3 CALL """"'5M for appointment. 1 f r,1111. NATE SRUITERED WJ.Ni-_, -w..;..., "''"'O _mo. ba••·, '--" .. -m. 1 ·--· 5 BR 3 baths, cpt1/drpl, e1ec-cas· I DOWS HE AV y SllAKE units • For additional into llutTOUnds pool. 541).1720 ?-ll!at AU. 1ehools. S36,750. _ 'r ,. At VA terms thll lovely ;.;;,;--;;w"".~ 2"...,.. ";;..t;,t:,.;;;' of -Irie built·""· shake rooL * ~·. ~-· . _ PRACJICAl *Look Ma l No MoMy ROOFLrnES. · 'Can: TARBELL 29$5 HirPor ~EN SUNDAY 1-S I~~~~~~!!!~~~!!!~~!!!~!!!~ spacious 3 BR with 30' lJy. The ap a c i ou 1 4 BOR.1'.t · CHILT ROBINETT · 4 BR 2 .~ I032 PRESIDIO. I Newport' Buch 1200 IMO re".,_ PRETTY ~~ ::'...! ';.'.:.~ ~.~ Fl,OOR PLAN. IS QVJC. ~ ~TOl21R. U2 CABR~O Well1-McC1rdle, Rltrt. WESTCLIFF l .;;~;;;~;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 1414 Vlita Del·~· j Bedroomt, l~.b&tbt, near tractive ·ttreplaee is a ED BY 3 rBATHfiOO¥S. ~ 1' O'C"'"N.,.ONT N-•-·• •• .: • ~ ..... ''• -........ "must ... " at on1y ~·.·900 •. FonnoJ •""'I -ball. ·w!tli OPEN SAT,/SUN ' 1-S 1810 Newprt Blvd., NB CONDOMINJUM , ~ .... .-r 1 ..... _ .. ~ .~ ·~ t. uui: 11•• ~•un•-Pacific Shotts Re";icy-i:Jazed t.Ue fiool:"I.., ~111 ~ Immediate poQe;Hion. 548-Ti29 an~me Conservative elepnce ln Bfµh ,& ~ u tu at ;vou Call , . ~ ~ Only $31,250 8,17.lWSG Eves. 546-!322. huge combination ' livtrw· UNIOU£ It.I ...,. I ~~~~~ .... ~~I Newport" llnest',.sidentlal ~ ·,.. "")'l)\lr tront yard. A ~lciHst BUlllt WHltl 'RI d;,1ng nn. 35 FT. LONG. LMn Vibert, Rltr BY ?WNER: 2 •Jo~%. 5 area. Del.uxe 2 itory, two 2 .,Br~, tr~ pr., µ,lot EutbluU R.ea1tY'mairit&inl • . , ,1 tr. TijfEP· ,t#RENTING? ~i::_,;,-w~.oo!·~/w ',.bpen Su_._. __ Y 1·5 i iiii;i·;;i548.o588;ii .. ;i· ~;ii"'iii"'&·iimifiie.,lil BR~:. ~ed ddo ,~· bedroom, 2% bath. We•Una· wiUt,room to.~ S581~ fine aeleetion ~ excluafyebr 67~~~·ll:1~t How would you I~ to own ~~1~~ ,4>!!· nuu newv carpe wns a 1'1 'hoUSe all. electric, luminoua · ~ • • · a ntc'e 3 BR. hOuse in a good 1'~1136 S1ntl190 Drfve YOUNG EXEC HOME incl/kitch a: balh. 4J5,500. ceUini: kitchen, including ,,~~ · lllmulftt'd -"~~v~lulflft ~ ....--..... ",.•1~ Awn & a month. The !TJ05t unique kltched')'OIJ. DOVER SHORES Imrnac ., ,BR,. 31,S h, faml}.Y Conven~ relinancing washer and dryer, Spacious yrl..... mwd~~,.. f-"-"'."" LVWo ' ~ •• ~ • ~ T~.--SON-i;~ "ot $155(mo in. have ever seen, over 30 FT. you hawn't 'aetn the home in exclus. Baycrest. avaµ. M&-7504 rooms. Firep'lace with mar-1 1 4 'T ,Y Call us itoday. • JIJ)-~ontero 5At ney Bay. clUdlng taxes You call k!ss it.ONG. Faahiol'lt!d after ttw; 'tvan \Veils' Spaollh ver-Fonnal din/rm, fam rm VERSATILE 4 BR. 2 BA, ble hearth. W/W carpets. N NB Ph .....,11,J 1st flme o!fettd, 3 BR, 2 your landloni pld bye! .Ear~ J\mWiC¥ farmhouae, tkln of thelr ·fabuloul Al· plus "child u.fe" p ooJ. .sep muter aul te, cloae to Drapea. BtautlfUl landscap. ~~ ,Polt:Of~ ~~4 , : • ba. $12,500 whereilwajthefocalpolnl mun lee this on SUnda,y. r $68,500, all IChoo1a. By OWntr .. Ins ~UI 20 x 40 heated pool NEW . HOME -~· ~~· f!~pc o( the home. Al! electric E1edrlCally cont r o 11 e d LIDO REAL TY, INC. 5*-8583. • ~aUon room with fire-. 1'111 .. flllll!flllillllllll-'-"' Excellent Duplex __.... __ -• -BILT-IN RANGE &: S!:LF- translu...-ent alJdlt11 TOOi .Ir: 3400 Via Uc!o 673-8830 place & wet bar, Saw.!· l' . , • 2 -two BR Apts. Film w/ -• CLEANING OVEN, DISH- _wot bu. Mose Verde 1110 Yeti Twoar..,....wttl> · f loa<hofex.,..,$.19,500. -J"U"'S°'T°"CU""'T'P"R'°l"CE-WS!IR .. BREAKF~~ 1 bdnru, 3\! batta. !omily PAINTIN' Simple. Assume Loan. .....,.,.,.. 3 bath, """"'lot Nr Yacht Clu~ 11600 BACK BAR FOR LIQUOR FOURPLEX large •Ion&•'¥..,, Fee Private -..0 1lrffl. 4 {ast -~, -· ,WETBAR, Yi/ClltJN1BRl m + i;epante 21x2T T\\--o bedroom each unit, ind Exceptional 1t $34,9.50 f vi of Baek . Lge 3'BR, 2 bl, loads ot WAS $22,500 CABINET. RED .BRICK · room lot pool la· builtin kitchen, w.w. carpet, FIXIN' 1500 CORNWALL-LANE od:''1:a1ewEttate ~i -rca lf. extru. A1king $39,500. 'NOW· $20,900 F1REPLACE WITH \\'.000.. ot ! . Kitchen, din rm, drapes, patio, auume U· Open ~ Sat-Sun, 1.f · , ' Evetttt H. Michl.d., Rib'. THIS IS THE LAST \VEER EN MANtLE. The J.l'.Chi· .Jtv nn A: muter bedroom b;tlng financibg, t1.'t.lk to Juat a llWe would make tttis ~ or 499-lBll!i BEAtJTIFUL home .in the 2414 Vista Del OfO. 501 E. Balboa mvd,1 Balboa 3 bedroom, l bath. Carpeting tects plans show the" total li: hsvt sweepinc view of major shopping, $37,500. channln& cul de aac home a Bluffa. OuUlta:ndlne &l' Newport Beach 67J,..6880 thrughoul CovereQ Patio. footage at 24n SQ. Fr. 25 , = =:ed~~ JB:. :u:: home, comer ~~ii~~~~~i 300 ,4yenida (Umbrt ~Br. 3 Ba. By owner. OWNER ANXIOUS ~ts i:;e ~~ ~ 0~ ~=e ~~e ';(i:pa:: I 1•M.,.aped. Priced lo sell .Jot l30xlBO • add 5 more ti.replaces. • Near best BLUFFS fabulout: F-pla.n on THE BWFFS c.orner Duplex (ln l'iS Jota V.A. $t300 down, ;134 quality home ia: the·best·buy i;;w~ · units. Drive by 1545 Santa ·ac~ and thopping, • * JHE BlUffS * green °belt w/bQ view: Tri-level condominium, 3 BR, with Bay vieW. P .I.T.I. · House iii wcanL in Laguna Beach, tor I Roy 'J . W1rd Cai. Ana Ave. then call $26,9500...ner will pay points Many cust. tea.tum. S Bt. 3 2 balhl. Make otter near. Now $61,500 _ tenna Private Parb'. 962-7689 . $37,950 FULL PRICE I '""'"'"Ottic>l llanla~talfy forFHAorVAtmm.-Bec OPENSUN.1-5 Ba.Be.,otter!...._ '~: .. ,~'mod e l, Nawportlloach~o~lty <BR 2-Ji!A. N•w ohsg $3,IOODN.PYMT. !14'•· Santlqo Dr. 64&-I550 642-6560 ter~~ ESTATERS vie!w of the bay & ocean! S 3 BR Waterfront No. '2 .cau Us ~a,y 67t1642 open 4!Venlnp Clll'pets: thru-out, drapes. 2 SEE TODAY! ========~I ()p&n 'All Dair' BUriday BR, 2~~ bath~ popular end Balboa Coves. $60'~0 ~0'. .Ph i~~ll33 car pr, lra fenced y&l'_d, Nr GONE TOMORROW! !11111111\ NG SURF M6-Z3l3 646-nn model for pnvacy. Lu 1 b Prefer trade for acreaae or lido 1 1351 ICh\I ·on CUI-de-sac. Take MISSION REAL TY j e' ·rvunul Cot~• Men 1100 I ;;--;--;;=.,.,,=.,,--,,==I landscapin,g, deluxe teatur-will consider other:. S&S-Tn\ • Is e over Gr. By appt only, Call 985 So. Coast Hwy., Laguna. ----------FANT As TI c F 0 u R ea. $47,500.00. CAPE CCD • .,_ -· aft 4 pm. 968-S451 Pho""-1n4) 49<-0!31 r; BEDROOM. Lovely Me118 DI' ruuo. -•a-.t. ""' is only steps away from this BY OWNER. Ige lovely DeL1ncy Reil Estate $59,000. 1523 Uncolh Lane. .n Smart 2·Story ASSUME. &ii:% FHA. 4 BR. 3 BR 2 bath ,t'ORONA DEL Verde li>caUon. Large fami· 2828 E. Coast Hwy., CdM Owfter 548-9'77 aft 5 pm: In The ·BJ·~ -$5200 take1 all. $26,950' total 11-'lAR home Socated on Dab. honie, l'll!~ly painled . & ly room, luah carpeting, ex-673-3770 llTJa 4 B@droom plUs convert/den price. Call Re'1 E5iate by EMERALD llA Y '.lla Street (above bl& ear-redecorated. S bdrm, 184 ba. cellent landscaping, comer "'===:==:=: Newport HeJgUs 1210 1959 VISTA CAUDAL 3 baths, clin1Da rm. apactoua Mc Vay 54s.-oG8 or Russ al =bnal. spac, llv rm, fir to clg lot & close to achools &: • .•-''! ;~ $51,000-VIEW-VIEW nna tor lge famUy. Only 894-4639 $37,500 ::'. ,'X~" l.:;:;;,'•·u:,! "-""'· Auume 61>% ,Newport Estatn..; '"Vi 's. 'For' J .. ·.• . OP.&N.OAl,L'( ·1·5 1 Y"" old, 116.SOO. Oceall View nearly complet. ed. Choo.se your own colon. and floor covering. 4 BR. 3 baths, $85.000. ~· Nawport •• Vlcterla ' . MMlll 6 BEDROOMS Would You Believe ••• · 6 Bedrooms, a balhl, a fam· 1ly room plua a dinina: area, wtth fre!lb Paint. and aD the >:tidvantage1 of a Harbor '.Hlghla.nds location for. ' SG,500 ' • Lawson 6 Vii. Lido, NB 6'1S-1562 movable panelled wall thru-11::ude:°t.x.W: .!~ =-n: Spactoua 5 Banns featunna: ew ever ' Ba. y View Apt out, change rm slie.1 u )'DU new FHA loan. CALL 'LAR-3% captivating baths. plm View ol Bay .It. ~tw' di.>'._ BOYD like. HWd Ura,· lge: cedar nr RY MCJ!.ll5l (open eves} friendly family rm and aperldinc lilfila by nl&:hl REALTY Own Your Own in beautiful ~iC:.! ~~elx rn;;Lt~~!i.: 1-"..,"" ... ::''\ll':';:Cl\e::-'"-."':: .. ::-":.-::::--~iradoua fo~ d~ ~ !~.~...Qllf~.~~ l629 E. Coast. HIWQ, CdM :ttt.~1!~ ~-~ Covered patio. T ro p. Gr•c-ious-Sp1cious · N ~Large LR:, DR., A iat!'With 67W9JO ,r boat 1'.Hps, 134,500. ' 1~ y~· •mos Mint cond. aQld . &: olive pool ''.~t!: Reb-eshingly -hit. ins. X!nl cup. A dnp. Appts only . , .. frff, qUiet aru. 1 blk to pvt grttn 3 Br. 2 Ba. home Jn cleifi';ftlst ~lo $.57,000, n . Qiding alaa dt1. to wBJI. NEW BUJff!i Yf!W Wilker Rlty •7$-2676 · club. Close to lebools, fwy, xlnl nelghbrobood, n ea r (118-C) ed patio I: garden. Set ·thil airpotl, Jge Shopping center C.ountry Cub. Paneled liv. PROPERTIES WEST abow Place. $59,iOO 2 BR, 2 BA. Split level lux-a: be:ai:h areu. Jdeal for all rm., huge fam. rm., both • lal8 Bayside Drivt G') ' urious Condominium. Many ~ family. $34,500. Open w/f~. Lee. entry, walled Newport Beach 9'•'L' · custom fea~s. All elec., hoUse Sat " Sun 1.S pm. patio. $31,950, Owner, 3062 675-4130_..., etc, Lowest maint. + lea!le 549--t204i c:;ey1on Road. 545·815.5 a I! A L' 1' y available. By owner. Call OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN I· 5 2813 Drake Ave. A must .ft to appredi.te. Move-in condition, 3 Bdm. 1amIJ.y rm home. Convenient to tchoob and abopplng center. $27,500 PACESETTER TWO STORY WATER FRONT Near NB ""I Ole: 646-2414 Dick Oy<r 4334456 ext <ill 4 large bedrooma, den, or 536-3532. 1orinal dinlna: room in ex-Bick Bey In SEE FOR YOURSELF. ''P' k of th LI~ ,, cellent condition. $4900 down B•ytlde VUl19e This Newport Heilhla home IC e ,, .. r ~take ovu 6% loan (no loan Private beach, pool, club has PERSONALITY! 3 BR,' $27,* ttt1) • $293 mo Includes house, alip available, thou-2 BA: MANY EXTRAS tor ,C>wner otters c.hQice Bluff.I taxes. CALL AL BLACK sand aquar. fflet 2 baths, ori1y $31,SOO. 1 • Plua,_1.atary 3 BR, 2 ha, 5tl).11Sl Herttlp Re a I tlreptace, patio forced air e 646-UBt e dbl patio, best 5oc, 10"-'tat Estate heat, wall to wall carpet. · t. malnt. J'te A lffle hold MESA. Verde Kigblands 3 drapea, built·lna, rtfrtrtta. Newport Shoria. 1 220 avail. BR, 1% BA. ls:iO gq. ft. 2 tor and dishwasher, superb · Call H4.aim ewL 80' BAYFRONT. Finest bch & loc on Lido. Will seU 40' or 80' 3 or 6. unlts. Ideal for Home &: Income. 100% depree, 29% · dn w/ carry bal at '7%. 0"-'TICr w/ ac- cept clear improved prop. u dn pymt. Drive by 320 Via Lido Nord then call 673--0305 or 675-3243 IT'S SLEEK m\'°"""'"""·-fcn-"Champape lute" &: ,...... ...,t wtll "'Oh A Al>" 3 Bdrm + small Bd, 2 bltba R. C. GREER, Realty OWNER. c.omtortable 4 BR, e\e·c kitchen, · .encl pa.ti<>. Pleasant 'UM nr trwy & GOOD REAL ESTATE 353 N. Coast Highway schls. 5 % % .Joan. 15402 Laguna Beach Shasta Ln, HB. TI4: 892...o4889 14947518 Eves. !3M978 &Y. OWNqt; Tran1fe.rl EZZZEZS::ililll forcea sale of 3 BR. 2 Bath. many 'attu .. '$150'.I below market at$21,D!. 962-3170 3 BR redec, liew w /w t'.Tpts, $20,500 -$1250 dn. R-2 lot. 216 Knoxville. 0 w n e r 53>-5939 Huntington H1r~ur 1405 $500 DOWN · . Laguna Beach Lot wtth' thac· ni!icent View, smarr, but level $5,900 balance $65 per mo.' 497·1210 or 497-1021 4 BDRM -2 B-'TH Farn rm, near achools, park Total price $34.000. 10% Dn. WATERFRONT. by owner. and owner wiU finance ' BR. • 2 BA., dock, 55' on Los Padres Rlty water enclosed patio $74,500, 494-8833 Also 60' on main channel =========-I large 3 Br. 3 Ba., dock, $110,000. Conakler leW/op. tion.~ l19un1 Niguel 1707 We1tmln1ter 1612 lrplca, watu a oftener, view, $24.500 unfun1bbed. WATIRl'RONT •hak• roof, land.c•ped. Ground ,,... 1171.45 per • HOME WELi.. o..t.,...t 5 BDRM, 3 Open HO!IH 12·4 Very clean. }tlinutea to month. n4 • 541).5753 or 2~ In N'twp0rt Sh;Jrts. 3 bctnn, ba Macco, home.;. CrJ>ta. 3 BR 1~ beth POOL HOhfE, 13~11 ~ Via Lido 673-9300 House Pinchinr You! 3411 Eut Coe.et Hwy, Corona· de!. Mar 675-3745 ·' • OPEN HOUSE H-'RIOR VIEW HILLS >° Sot. & Sun. I· 5 1.:::::=:===:==:==:==:==:==: "bl" 177,,,... mssu. & den, 211 ho. ·c ;rs old '""' -. lovely ...... 21136 OnlJ $2 11111 fol•I dn atl bulll-lno. Covered patio, 1690 Iowa St., 54M226 3 b1U •o ~·· "'-••, •-', Alta V~ta Drive. 64+119> 'IW • ~ ·-,-~ \.!'Pt" ... ..,. BBQ. }lardwood floors, l LAST CHANCE • • OPEN HOUSE frplc, tit-In r&na. 9Wn A Assume \rA loan m!nute from trttway, shop. Satuil!ay, ,.~<'an liuy my FRl -SAT·SUNl-5 dl1J\WUhff.Lo'(,..,..im&!Dt. Corona del Mor . 1250 Love!y4BR,211Ain ping&sohoo!J. Spac 4 BR home, located on genUe rolling hill with com- manding view. Sep din rm . & breakfast area. 675-4070 Stuart A: Robbins Realtors Immaculate. 3 bedlooma, 2 Ili.thl, large family room. -nocik, dining atta. autltul carpets, drapea. landlcaplns. 3414 Sea- tlreeze, Corona del Mar 'lTake Marguerite to Sand· cuUe, !~ft on Tiller to Sea- """'), 146,,,.., J E-'N SMITH, Rao I tor 400 Eut 17th, Calta Mesa 711/~ 'COLUGE PARK IJclO hie Lavlles Wory 4 BR JI• den, cu• tin ~· kitchen. Tetrilic flmll1 home. CaD fer Appt. IMMAC S &: Family, Recent paint inside .Ir: out. Crpt'd, drpl, 1pmklrs. Sf:e to ap- prec! $32,500, 10% dn, 2<K3 Calvtrt Ave. beaut. lndscpd, & clean ' 2•11 Slerr• Vl1t• Xlnt ~tor kids. 1 blk: to park like a.tmosphere, 1J7SO C1nn1 W1y BR .. Wnlly nn, tor only Back o., ~~ ~ .. ": ..... f." OPEN HOUSE -SAT. 'H~FFDAL itt.Al,.TY R. D. SLATES, Rltr. I BY OW!iER -L<wely 3 BR. $29,900. Can aasumc &%% DI . t~.,. "' ~ey 1 • 5 P.M: &740 Wamt!r, F.V, &O..Ci~ 347.1519 89'i-l.i74 30261 Grande Vista. Spec- ro.n. OWNER 540-9534 boll i:ouit .A club,,.,.... tor 706 ACACIA IMMACU!.ATE •Br,~·· +I-========' I bcul.,. view, lgc heat«! • • • • • .Also aak about the 5 BR, 21,ii • 1°-ELM AVE • f' U all. By owntr, U7.~ w/ · ~ . ._!. • . • .. .,.... pool c·• ol u I t ==~~---=·=~· 1xer pper n:ioo,ra~ down ' take ~ C'.onvenlenUy,locai;eo 10 Cor-Gueat Rm, 2 Ba. ·bltna, new S1 nt1 Ant Hgta. 1630 ' JIU q e CHOICE apot, 4 BDRM, 2 543-6147 · · ona der Mar .2 ..BR home cpl,\&: paint,.-xlnt Lido loi;a· ~l-ed·sac, huge 10! -room ba Me511. Verde home , Fa~ ulout lndscpc:i -All o:trul Baths, 5 year1 new. Asking 3 BR. fam rm, dining &ff'&, ' .... · fireplace, fam alze klt'c:ht!n tlon, good financtnr, Owner. . Horses!' 'Hones! ~ 1:~· ~~· ~k~ndJwi hi · 30'1. Near gol! course. 2~ bo.thll, lot 60 x 140. Qukt SWIM F.IJN plu.a a fully Furn t· BR Apt. 6'75o50'l3 or 67S.T109 . Blg fiix20Cl with cozy hom e tQ 5 or by appt. 494-:7858 Low maint., lndscpcl. By Cul de sac, only Uf,500. Juit a 1t~ aJ.eP,J a~ay. Com-* * * *. · j 7'======== and ll car garage. _ Com· appt. ~704 · • Scenic ProporllH munlty Ce""' !or en1'rtaln· CUSTOM·ILT Huntington Booch 1400 plotely·lenced ron-al-123,,,.. CORNER Jot, 2-atary, 4 BR 2915 E. Coast Hwy, 67>5726 in&. • ~ .3 Bedroom, .2 2 BR, den,i 2 baths, rorrl@r A•iume S1A•"'• ya L-~Yau make the terms.·ntE 2% BA, den, din rm, fncd bllth, kitchen with buUt·lnl location, tip top condition 1' "' REAL C)TATERS. Open all pool play yd, nr Cntry Club, BIG 5 to deJ.ilht mottler. Ull,900: plm 1BR1epuate boUle. on Total~ ot. $98.00. A ~Y ,Sundi_y. $900 DOWN many extru. Avail July THE REAL ESTAT'DtS 2 R-2 Iota. $75,000 . ~ ~ sharp ,3 btdroon1 doll 54&-2313 646-'h.Ti 3 BR 2 bath, luv:e eatin $48,500. Owner. M5.85l9 BAYCREST AREA Open All Day Sunday • * , * , * ~ ~~ e,.--~-'° 1 "======== kitchen, beautifUl .. 1. •• C&J'to 4 BDRM I"' Ba ..... 1 546-~13 646-nn 6 UNm -·-· -~ Tustin 1 ·I"" --·~ " • """""' 0 Built for ,. big family With throul:hwt; lovel:y drapP.a. '"" ~~quie~~aa.: /Khooll, ahop~in& •. churcil'I~· J.. separate wing for kl·~ layered 1223 t YftJ't old, annua.iJ.y int"Ome $pace aawr kttchen. SUbnlt _O_P_EN--SA_T_l_S_UN_l ___ 5_ to lll schools. Toti.I PIQ'tl'ltnt, By owner, 5ai-73M. Prfnct-~ Bedrooms, formal dining -$12,480 • asklnc $137,500, )'Ol!ft"1'owd pa~.~ Exe 3 mt, 2 ha, tam rm. Call 546.J(lll D1n1 Point 1730 TRANSFERRED, must tell 3 BR 2 ba,. fam, rm., Ja lot, fnced, hilltop view. Has everytfilng: $40,tXX) value, Sacrifice $36,500. E v e 1 . Sau &. &m 01 m...t4:n RENTl LS only $178 per month lnclUd-pt.ls only * $2:1,900 room, kitchen hu ~try 5 BEDROOM * • * * quallt1e1. Will tell GJ no crpta, drps. 1502 Lance Dr. :Ca:p~~~~J:: scr:: J:.~u!mm~'. :! ~~'!~· c!!:S: ~s~A~ w:O~lt, OCEANFRONT dWE ~y~ HOME L1gun• Bffch 1705 Rental1 to Share 2005 ~;ru:'J:i =e ..-> = wl tab 2nd. $26.~. a;::~ ES"rA~ ~~~ :i ~1!1'°::. 3fa:~ tam~~ s:~~ = EVERY Jl MINUTES 1 .;;;:;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; "•UMI Fu_r M&tMill 4 Bodr~,500 MATCHTHlSVALUE! G<&mt 546-2313 lam rm, ... kll<h•n .... ,.,,,.u~.1!%7.500. Walker & Lee 2865 Qiol. Meu. Verde Location, 3 Br. 1% Ba. ram. CHARM ING w/tabl' attt., uW nn. 2 car ~ _ , , Qulet Street; 2 baths .nn., cov. pat, nice lndacpc. BACK BAY ~c.nbn dp A .f'+s+ ' 7682 Edln1er Flftplace, shake lhlrwl• Elec. bltns, Xtra 11or. By Owner crp • to..• --~ , U2-44M ft; 541).5140 . MAN 10 share my· 2 Bdrm. Costa Mesa 'home. 642-J31> Ni"'110rt• INch 1200 OCEAN FRONT _, tmt. back yard S25,«l0 -3 BR, 2 BA, bltN, ....... llyoltoreo 1225 332 Mi"'"'"''· 6"" -. °""' ,,.... wprinklm; 1 Nock to dl'PI. OPEN HOUSE Sat.A -• MUSI' sell. by C>wner. Leav-. 4 BR, fpl .. patio, lawn, pr, J lecll'OOlll elementaiyschool, "'" .N•wrort Beach 1200 Sun. 1-'YSHOJ{l 'S.OPI N ,67U551 • • ..... nOyMay>1.as1.,,., ~-a-.J: Ill BA June IS to Auc 14 home on s1 ft lot. :~~~ti:, Lookl-For $35,000 2101~nnt=1:· NB HOUSE SAT/SUN 1-' CUTI 2T1 0R~ ~1! ~f~~ :i~~ ::;.~1177 $.250. ,y.;t<, Abo •1nter i250 Priced $69,500 Call: 541-1155 H•Ne1r Be•ch? Cbolet loc in Newport w/ own Hon\i on Jt.2 IOt fl Own land. T Moa old, l :.'6A.6:oow. OcNnlront, N. "'·" RDE-lty 3'7J.5becl-IOO l·N-o__;D=o..:.wn==--G-1 Tllb 3 Br 2 Ba"°""' would CUFF HAVEN ~r':b ~""BR,·· "'BA"' •"pa~ Fuily "'"'1oo"""' min. IO beaoh. lmmacula1'. D.lmALDllAY-Spado .. ~1-.;;;_;;:'-:====I . ..., .. ' d-. hom• e'. ·ow .. ~r' ~. SellR new !or .... -+ b.drm ...___ with -"' 1 aell for more than that but l BR. home, Jarae 1unken .. _ '"· -...., ......, '""'It: Corona d•I Mir 2250 bfcaUSe lt la leasehold . you fam nn w/ handAOme fire-s-tS,500. B A 61'MCol~~nf\ld ~',._ ~QUICKmen!,'~, ~-ocean viewa from ellch r,n&· 2. L.-...1...-_ don't have to buy the land, Place A: rock wall, pe.~ 2512 Vilt& Dr. '45-64'75 Y ppt, r .• ""blruon 1ng, .,,.-~ .. jar' room, p&neied den, fire-. 2 BR. 2 Ba. 2-Story uvnn $2 I 950 TRY SZ,000 tnattt;d! dln nn w/ beamed ceWrwa. D1v l1 RHlty '42--7000 $32,900 or 'bed o ff e r • place In milter IUitr, 4 , S250. Mo. New Carpeta: ... If ... .-• • soc,-1---•r Completely t.ncd yrd, zUoe Pl· Larae v.:ell landllCllped tot W..tcffff tUO JN v !: s T NEAR nfE UJ.443:li Ext li0« -...0 . ~dpi, ll!rvlet rm, patio, IO 514 Fernleat. 675-60ff e«r. F $ tlo, ,.. walks A •lrffla. No on quiet •lftel 134.000. • OCEAN 3 BR, 311 ha, don, I CUSTOM HOME 5-!19,500. Zl ,750. 3BR2 ._...,with-• view par1c•1 problem. • tho only 642-5749 TRANSRIRED ..,.., 3 ........_ bridr, Summer R1nt1l1 2'10 540.1151 Rond ltMlty '4$."41 1 b1Jr Jn>m boh. Pool A pl••. NEWPORT HEJG-b a ·-•-m ~-~ 4 BR I bath home 0' '°"'" lllONARCll BAY· Exctptlon. , _, •~•-> A HerrlMe W..,I ... ., .. -..naa,, '"'lOUTll~ me:rdal • JOtJed Jot. A rue. al value! A new home With t BR tumilhed houae, " t..... 1¥91) POOL• iiORCiD SALE. Ex· pound ft&chod by ple™"t Dy ""'"''" ldaal locatlon, For-the Mllor but.a Sood '-or uae· ... .,.,,..._ ot ham< + pd pomoijai Pri<> _,, ........ 4 bednna, Wn. Lquna Belch. 3 bib to H rft =::...,~ .. :..I~ :U~ ~~:::: '.'"rlull"'":'U,: s=: _.,,..,.'"""·-Rod..,. ~ids:'1n'O"' ""lot. «!I«,..._~-· Ill m .-.e..-~-'"-"" "1<.-oe mo. <,._ml Oil 19FDl!I """' A llreplaeo. -w/w ..... : b1tna 6 ..... .fin 54M!Q ;:,.. n:il~~ :~: IN vii ST !<Wt THE G~~i:tu~rY :.!.~tt.!. ;!,,.:'-lt*::T-'U . • -.... ~ !mmedlato1ouaulon. inkllllyownar,""4911 SACRlnCE 2 mo. old 2 balll. wtll> baun eellln& OCEANIBR,lllba,cltn.2 841-1411 -··,r:..:MJ.n Tumer -'isoclot11 .,,,.. Unlvrnlsliecl CALL -= Capon -> If•-V..., 2 Sty, 4 or 5 IM-. """' at ·m.ioo II trp!cs, ' .....,.., 'lrtdr. Prf .. ~ 5e1 682 No. o'iaot Blvd. . General 3000 ' OCIANfWW llmtap Reol l!ltalt 2 M ooclot.1 Nw1ed Br., 3 ba. """· nn. 2 fJll, °"t1tan111-.,. C.O .. ~ • See b • amf«Wnao, dianni,. c.., to l.qUn>. Beacli(TH) "9W71 =;:;;;;.i;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;:1 ' w. I -VAC-'"T Well locatod R.E. 01nce cp~, drp1. 6.191 Loan k an,ytjme. hoone or ust a.I DuPlex, or 4 Bl\ l bath,"""""""" !loon, ~!!"-"!l\l!!l'!!'~~!"! • l ~to 8ctldt 3 Bn 1'txtr .. Untr Excellent OJrnmiMlon split 644-4044 OWne:r THE REAL ES'TAt'tRS build. 21ld home Oh btc lot. blt..ll», 11!1'\'tce pon:h. GI ttt $,3$.(0) DUPLEX, 2 &nd 1 lMMAt'ULATE 4 BR, w.•ater- p.500 • , M: Lot l°"' Dn. Nttwporl Btach Rf!a.lty "BLVF!'S" Condo, 3 bt\rma, Open AD Da.>' SUnday Bkr ~ ~ i 1 •l nrA tt:rma. Won't lut.; C>ocy BR. view, juat mnodeled, ffi>nl home, In Nh'J)Ol1 ·'Y'IGIOip Wllfllw ira P'ullertol) Aw. 2627 Newport mvd. .,2~ bl, 2 1tory, T plan. VMw &f&.71n M&-2313 $M.<nJ -10',\. Down, 6~~ $22.950. JM. wUd ldtohf'nat 887'8 ::.c~ SJ90/mo. on Yl'aril' · JlcallM , On'7 Sll.'r.IO TERMS 6~1642 ol ba .. bay, 64~ alt 4 Is Your Ad in our ct..,.,.... I In ....... 2 If"""" M llo. P4 ul J,onH ltNlly PLi\CE ,_""'" lid wl>cn> c..,..;oodJllt "-5.tl ll90 --. m.1111 i:au Mr. --'!'!'!!'!!'!!!!!!'!!!'!'!!'!'!!!!'I ""' -k""""" -·,...u · wt1111t·bililJw *" «mat>.,... •lM>44-.. lfl.Ull · -. . .....,..,_ u..f-ut1oo.1Mf'=-omY i3tlti w c...r • . D•Ylt Re•lty 642.,. DAILY PILOT WANT' ADS: tlQ' Sun, • It. D1a1~1 Whlte E]ephantif lte_e~~!. t?lmw-11ne ~ luttll:ed1 &Q.Sm ' 1 Hw.y, NB .. ~ • --~ __ -:._~ ---~-·---·---...:::.:.--·-----~-~~~-~=~~-~~-..... ~~--------------------- •. a ./ RI NTAl-J II . , ~J!NTALS , , , • " . U:L,A!-'· , • ·" • R!~lf!~.~"°'...;_~ ...-, J!.-~P,i~!"££111!"''!!£f!ll1111!%.i!!l*~l(!!'I~~~-.~£~ ! II.AL ~TATI ANNOUN -JliiUloO nfurnJa!!Oll .,...__,....._ -. . .llllhimw _ ......._.._.......,_ " .~ · . ·. ~ >'< " "" >< __. • lntll Gewol· -Genorai' 40ilo 'to.a ijj& ' ·,. Slllil. tlunllqten IWcti' S4GOA<n --'--,.-,"',---6-20l,-O.t·lvL-;....;.W.;..a.;..nlod;....;.;;__d_305_ -•la · . f;,;;:::1R;v;1N;;;l:.;,T;il;;i;;;x&;.;;;.o;;;,/;Um,tc.rpo~~.;., -;j:;:. ~::::~,:-w"'~A~ifl:;'.".~1::;1Jl;:c~.; UVI 'llc,iiHT. · '. ~--·• °COU..,..;Y w=~.:0!: ~~-- ' R .. den, '!<'.~· View, t ""'· ""'SWllO . QN THE •1£ACM . UYING . -,. ma ........ beautiful ~ 1~ .. ~g :a;;;==~~= ' ' "REENS -l'ISll,-SQRl..-~l>I ~. • -. •• $550/moUnltmlormoJ'unl.. Coat Miu .t100 U 1 ; --'qootyud 30A.cru.JnCOronawl1bbe1u-MoMf to L .. n &320 bLOO="'KIN;n;:c;,.:;; ... ~=.,.."--,-,+I -• j1 1 a z 1 -; , ' n ~own~. . t tltul 3 bdrm. holm, pool, etc. hviri, Marc~ 20th. 19S BEACON BAY $lO WEEK UP tµCllELOR UNFURN. J'rin\e · clublloll9'; -b.1..,d . T&rU!c View. i;o.ooo no,.. '" A ~ld '°""" ror quick •21<-nw: 'l'ri!nntt P. o.. 3 Bdnne, community beach, , . &..-m $110 pOol, ~)J~-~.l~ati nte \\'1th lntmtllt only ror S c&lh. ~ on ~ b»:'°' 1217, Santa Aria, Calif. pier, tennis court, S'5olmo. 9c:onunerclll Ri(t-1 , ~· ... '~!:! •v•n -'"'L'r'' wltb"2t-nourtKunty~Pard-years. Full Jl'i,oo $350,000. perty cq WJU¥>ot v.uitur lllil ·Aij>Lj.<:ofl:iji]~oi:u~cs~"i;i;ii;;;~1 ' john macnab e Maid Setvlce . TV'• MD. ~ " ~ '"" Meditern.ntan adult!U·vuw. For mo~ informtiUon iiteue-)'but low intel"Ht ht TD1. I• , e Coc:kt&il'IJF. Pc:lpt l . t &: l BDRM. • ca:u K. w . ..Small .with ·Also buyen for 2nd TDs. PbOne SC.1211 'Ci" write REAL TY COMP A NV '4i:l2Js ·-,, •Western trio ~t. flea.ted Poot., Oilld Care 2 ~. 21&lhs ~ . Eckhoff & Assoc., lri'c. SattJer Mortg&'go Co. Inc. P,O. Bax 122l Coeta M-. ., 'UNNY t\atES MOTEL Center, Mj.·io ShoWtnc -From mo I j. WINddy•' Waritf · Whaddyi Ootf' 1818 w. Chapman Ave. Strv~Harbor. Att.,:11) Y&'S· 1,c~. ~~~~L~;;;~~~I 2376 N•?liflllvd., 543-9755 No ""' allowed SPICIAL CWSll'ICATIC)N FOlt Orange Call1 I 33S E. Jill. St. l~m;'Tljl['ITL''::'f.:i:;'i:;'j;~1i":iii-~~~':· ;:''I:~ 2700 Peteraon Wa.y, at Har-INO..UDES wiw Ihle. clll' NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS 541-2621, Eves-~knds ~ 642-2l S45-06ll 6 CEMETERY lotso · ~ ..2 BR. 1% be, l'nhou.te. .;If Vlll•·PonJen•· Apts. ~:A Ad~~t.a. Mesa pftin(, C.E. bui1Wns1 'Jill) $pecl•I Rate 1-';im=:==z=;~~·~=; I "NEW 2hd LO~S AR· View tifemoriaJ par , ·'Sfl ; ~·~ O\IJdrtJ) Co.ta-Mesa~-newest· t-~t ~mii.ratot~k"-d~qr.--$ Linet _ 5 times_ S bucks t • RANGED" Top-~ tor Ne'vport Beach. llfut · 1 ~~Vail June L S3f..69lkl h.lxkious ~ts:now. ~. • RENT • J ! 1Hunt~ PfC\fic llU\.&s -AO MUIT INi:LUDE 29· ACRE·s ' Ra~~ 2~1· Bkr. nowA ... l-L~-1 ~) ~ P . · · "' • --Furn &-·ontum. Adaltt Ort)y. , ' . Apert11....... , _.Wtllt n. Nw to tru.. ._wtllt l'OV """' 111 1r11tt, w .. ,.,nn~ •iendi NICJ; Jl\t'Ct 3 bdnn ~ No pel!i. 1760 Pom0na1Aw .. ~ 3 Rooms Furniture tu.ooe.n.A.ve. .f) Blk'I. w. ....You1t,~~~ ro:~e:_ T~~~"'ON~'t:-V•rtl•M\9. CORON-a_ c CEMETERY Iota,, -~~:':..~ 'i'lM ~~ 1,liii"'ii'.i-aouiiii'"i. . .,ii.iUth...,;;;S',;,· ·-,. • $20 :-$25 & UP--c;n1un11qi1on B6acb Pt.r> PHONE 642-5671 K -,,9_, T.D.'1 6345 ljarb" n..t M, mo r 1 5ff.o8612 1• SUS· CACITAS· Afontll-To.Month Reptalt MONE: <n4> SS.lCST . T·o .Pl•c• Your Tr1dtr'1 P1r1df1t Ad Ideal for Mobile: Home park, $19."JO 2nd Tp at no mo. incl ~Blue Spruce ·~ I I ;,::.~ , WIDE SELECl'lON CHEZ ORO APARTMENTS .,... ~--v---\V"I ••U all ••• OWN 10% intertst all du&...3 yrs 1 -====~==4 $17(1 YRLY rental 2 BR. Fl1J1.l'I~ •· Appllancft Ir TV'• av8.U. 823' At14nta • Colo R.l.ve.r 'Resort, Arl.z, 2 \VANTEO:s&llboat Eft. 6f:-a.3243 :; 6~~ · · on · Oeeanvlew lot Laguna CEMETERY PLOT 'ol!ach house, Cbildttn I pet 1-BR Ir Bachelor Apts. No 'Security Deposit New 1.:l ~ ... ~v ~ Bars, Stetilc house, Rental-5, f'or equity in fit.le 2 BR. ·~~..,~.,.~,.;·..,~I Beach, 20% disc 0 u ,. t _. Melt'O!e Abbey, otabcri OK. Broker 534-6980 2110 NEWPORT BLVD. HFRC Furniture Renlf'tl. electrfc <Rdy~" aaa dock, $80,000, eq . for plus den, ocean view La.-494-1131 e 64$.3402 -r V·ERY nice 3 BR 2 baths, Medallion by Hotpalnt 517 w l9th, CM • MS-!4&1 536-39-"7 or ~2721 airplane, boat, TD s, ocean a:una Beacti hom~. Attractive Expert <s<E•R*-c"""""'--''""=:H rqod area $220 Mo. Agt. MODERN FURN 2,BJl 1568 W. Ll;!cln,.Anhm 774-2800 Poot~Waabtrs-Dryen Q view borne or !. 545-00W NEWEU. ~ dan!~':f :~~~~u all '1: ~~t.87. due 3 yrs, VI E OIRECJO~ 546-UCI · t.faple by Wilson, heated · 1 • (. • • ' Privatt! .Dara&es TOWNl-IOUSE 3 Br. 2~ ba. 1 1/3 ac Compkln M-1 of latest step.,. CQ!l Ardell 497.1210 Appliance Rtpein · · J:=======3=100=1 poo1. Sharp: "''·'"•· Pork-* Yil11 Pomona oaUXE 2 Bi. "'" c,p1s, ~·•t, appt'd.,Pri• ... ~,. 10.000 ... 11 .... 1 bldg. all 213, 5Sl""38 1•10 PM -Parts 6s'1 ~hfl Mtsa ing. No pets. Son-y. no chil-~ drps, staff, ,.refrlg. \Vash'c poot; nr. ba,y .• Val. Sl'i,SOO, blk topped, fncd. Trd TO's, MOM)' Wanttd 6350 mEE RENTAL dren. $150. Mgr. 64&6974. C.0.Sta. Mesa's r.ewest & mO{lt tad. $135. 34'7"'692 fbrT.D., ~.camper or.?? land or ? Owner ·w/finc. Resort P.roptrty 4205 • ' . 5fPplR:EME ·~tioo rl\ . luxurious apts now renting BEAUTIFUL 2 an all ex-Own.er. 646-6654 m3243 $5,000 2ria. TD, 10% plus 3 P 1anee iwpall'. ~ SERVICE CHATEAU La POINTE Unffil. l • 2 B1". Adula _, ===,,,...,=-;•=.:-;-FUR RENT Furn Mammoth · IS i_ ;;, Bl Us. home Tom. 5*-1363, 5474 1 -Lovely~ Br. tUm. apt. Pool, only No pets. l7fD Poinona tras. pool, avail mkl·Ma.y, 8:41 ~.J:. cor0Jy1n. '65 ~ustang _Conv. a<:aut. poin • .; ~ • for example, 3 bedrooms 2 carport; adults. no pets. Ave. just !IOU.th of 18th st. $135/,(l'lo. ?62;2100 pie a lf:olit!fnead, -Pico Ri-Porache &oldl Disc brks. M o u ~n ta I n Con,90minium, 1.,,;lc;l2;;:.000;:;;F.qu:::::l"lyC,:,,F,;,,;='::::;-::: baths $225.00 per mo, Call $150 Mo. plus utilities 2 BR unturn. ~/month 202 vera, ~ ~ ~lear -~·~ pw1-, n:iag ,mee1s~ Trade up ileepa 8. 6'15-tUl ~ e $15,000 ~ lO'iO Interest • · 1~1 POMON'A,JC: M; FAIRWAY. Joliet Mgr. Apt. c or VJ!. Trade Td s, 006.t, a1t-or down Bronco or VW llw,' ~'Mou=:::n:;:I:;. "'8=ft=--=-rt=· =6=2=10' I _,.,1\Vrlte: Occupant. VILLA APTS. • ""'"' ........ -platie or. ?1 Owner 675-3243 ~9518 eves. ..,... ~ ThUl'in, Costa fl.1esa. BEAUTIFULLY FURN. ,_,...,.,.,., 2 BR., HEATED POOl. 2 BR. Townhouse; frplc., ZS' TIS inbrd~outbrd Bert· Fbcer Upper Home on hµge SALTON CITY Jg. (!OJ' .lot, ANNOUNCtMENTS ORANGE COUNTY'S Adult!!, no ,pets. $.150. 2772 Near O. C. Airport, 2 Br. cpts drapes pool ram, fully eqipp. iptl's com. .ot '"Ith 11-ees. Ex change ses view, m·. i\1al'ina &: •nd NOTICl!S LARGEST Maple, 540-5566: 642-4807 ApAnals,A UntumD .L20SJnO'"S,.Ynta $159 Mo~lh. ·962.sOOs pltly 1~}¥luied .. ~·~val. ror Et Cajon, Lakeside, Al-Club. Sac. $2000~ 54~039 -=;;...;,;_;;...;..;..;;.=--- ve. A u T "'~ · REAL ESTATE T.rade for TB-!, P\'OP· .or pine or i\l·l NE San ·Diego. Found (FrM Ads) 6400 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 AVAIL. 'May 15th; bach .. apt. e 546-7602 e airplane. Owner. 675-3243 Fortln Co. 642-5000 CUST Arrowlid home 1600 iiq FREE ~E NTAL BOOK ~cw . furniture. Ad.,.u_1~;..,,,, OCEAN BREEZE upper apt. Gtn•r•I 20 ~s near Hes-rla 1ev. N··" room.' Edward's Ba· f 1' '""13'fY .l'!"·~~:O!.,course FOUND; Gla.,ses In brO\l:n • $175 Ulil paid .,.,.,.._ -r-' """ v ('\11. 4,,,.-.iu . .,.,.,-,.,;rt case; parking Jot Manny's Drop·1n & Browse • ..... -Large 3 BR 1~• ba, bll·ins, Rent1i1-w1ntecf ·5990 e1,' 'fUfyi:t' l\fWay, 'i<!n· by Grand piano,' ebony; =======;;;:;=-CoUce Shop, Huntington WE SELL A HOME LARGE Ba~ .• ni<;"'IY fut"• c Pf g./ d1r P 1 • sun de.ck , . , edff'.1'-jl. Jtri«-cl at 20% '"uh-\\'Orth $800. T1'8.de even for Exch•ngel, R. E. ·62Jo Beach, 4..J0..69; Hawlho1·ne EVERY 31 MINUTES $]JO Mo. Adulh., i?O pc(1; .S150/mo. ~ \:anyon Dr. LEASE-~c &·')~-.. 1 ·teen. ~p· ....... ~t.. Trade tQr coin. Spinet in good condition & · Id 2885 Mendoza ~1 ,..., .,..~ .. _. ~ Optician's nan1e ins c cue. W lk & L · No pets 545.3215 aft 4:30 or desires 3 SR. den or eguiv mon &t0Ck. 4!M-0341 tuned. 675-7751 alt 3 pm. RANCH Haslings J1C1t1h east ·892-1988 alter 6 P.?tf. a er ee EAST~IDE: QUict <f Rdrm. weekenps or i\fl Z.2222 or bf. May.JS er.JI East CM or For Sale or Trade: ,58 Cad• Commercial bldg, Granada Pasadena home \Vi th , Elec. bltm, patio. Adults see Apt l B¥!k &y ,~Excd unusual swim pool-designed FOUND: Black & \vhitc, da · · · · , 1' • • allic Coup, Dev.' '56 Ponti. tiillc;, $30,'0«l equity. \Vant ynnnro female cat, vie. Little 2790 Hai·bor Blvd. at A ms only. 361-B· Ogle:, ,6.fl-1298 2 13.R Duplex, private patio. refer. to. S20D.t ac Station Wagon· good con. hOnie or duplex. Ne\vport, for out odor living. Desires &J~~ Island. C&ll &: iden- M.>949l LARGE I · BR.' 'built-in11, Architect designed. ·Adults, 1 BR · unfun:i. ~:ith stove & dition Jor trailer or pick up Lai:una. , . to trade for home on Lido lily, 673-7356 24 HOUR dlild ·can!, 7 wk, 50c hr per child, 2 1 &iltf!l''• llH tbe1'e • •af. tin..es. AU meals· Inc,, 1.e e<l backyard, supe play. Ovemla:hl ~ w childre.11 'o\-e.lcome:. 541).; : OJST A Me1& Pre-School Ucensed. Aa:es 2-6; open t to 5:45; $18 Ptt wk. COMPARE! 548-S8Cl3 f '30-5237 C. M. Mother will care · /Ol,lt child in cul-d • home. Fenced ·yd, play' JO\'ing pup, luncb,, 5fO.; • ilt. 6. I Open 'til·9 PM carpefs, drapes.· Adulta. on. no pets. $150/mo, 675.2942 refrigerator. Up to $U5. camper. 536.3664 BKR 494•1330 lsle • .Call'(2h1l 792-37S3 if.no =°=~-~--,.-== 3 ·BDRM w/w cpl!!, frplc, ly. $125. 548-2897 eve!. 1 BDRM ts d Prefer c M area J une 1st answer 1213) 68l..J768 f'O.UND pac~ of yardage CHIµ> Care, my home. fa d' h hr !need d carpe • rps, · · . · · -Want cll:ar lols or land for Bro\vning . ~mi-auton1atic a t or a n g e c 0 u n t y m r~, is ws • Y FURN, Studios, .$99.50. Also 1 blt-iM, no child or pets, ~l.4 E, M1.1n, Torran~. "35,500 equil§, lovely 4 BR shotgun, Reniinaton senli· BUSINESS and 1'' ·a Ir ground• Friday. over 2 Yf!lo Near 19t1t., Ir patto. Mesa Verde, ~r tidrm apts, $115. See Mgr. • 1110 mo. 548-3209 Ca.Ji!. home Las Palrnu area automatic S0.00, Tra~ !or FINANCIAL 548-635& Hatbor ~·,:!'· : schls; .park, sl\ops. 1 child Apt 1. 2131 EJden e UPPER 2 BR .• $135 e FOUR R:e.sponsible female Palm SpMnas; or ·submit. gold coir\s or . proof sets 'Ulor ._, OK, refers. ;225/mo. Mr.1-~----~-~ ,,,._1 ·~-e SMALL black fen1alc kiHen, o.;;,;:;;;;i~'i':,,,.-,-,+ Wood. Bkr. 546-5990 or $70 Mo. -~chelor Apt. · Adults, No pets teachers want ~u.au M)e(f Owner ' 673-70n 1946 up. SfS.4109 But. 0'1tportunltiu ~300 4 whit& feet. About l2 wks BABYSITTING for 3 yr 675-7973 eves. Gentleman only 2885 MENDOZA 545-5421 house or· apt from· J une to 22' Fibergt Cabin cruis· 24 apt units in L.A. Trade Vic. Lake Park, H.B .. 536-op' oulvc~, myCboMme, Bristol l -'-'~=="~=~~-1132 W \Vil"'O CM' o:•o n~,77 2 -M "·pl•m•·•.1 o• y•arly. C&ll • ass 0 VENDING a ar•no • · ""' • _.......,, $120; BR. 6 ...... en. apt. ""' ..,,.,., •· er cu_, trlr 100 ·hp Mere ror_ boat, home. in range 7"= · · · NEW DUPLEX !BDRM •·-lilincl llOO 67s.3162atter6p.m. • · .' SPARE TIME INCOME --SQ1481 , ·r 2 BR., ~t.6, drapes, all ~u.au, u , · Adults (1 infant OKJ. C&Ji>., · mtr.Jlu~ like a top! Trade County or T.D. 's. Mr Posl-F'OUND, Boston Bull Ter-;;:;::::t;;:::--'-;'::":-i= electric kitche·n. * 6751846· * ~s.. Garav. 546-8861!. , \YANTE-9,:· 'C!.¥'ie ~ntal for 'tor ii~ cond '68 or •$9 St<t.· rna, 5~6-SmO, exJ. 434, or KEEP'Y0UR PRESENT JOB rier. Wilson & FaiN'iC\ll, Bab)"1ilting, hour, day · ed y d lo wv~·y 3 .... _ z ba town· store...~ p~s bnly. Call hon-wagon 549-3283 894-4094 eve. CANDY -.SNACKS Call .,. 1462 weell:, my hOme.T·f"eri Large .Fenc ar r Ntwport Beach · 4200 ~ uw ·m~ ~ ·~ 1 15J...; Soll·,· ....... .......:-•-. _1, Reliable man.or woman \vith Costa Mesa. : ... o-yB:rd1 hot lunches. 846-(1839 Children & Pets ~Ilse~~ deC, poolJ' tlC. WANTED: l·BR unfurn hse., sec':red by '-;;;:I-'To. ~~~nop:~~~~ly~~an~ ~~ car, 10 collect and fill ONE small b.lack f~n~ale BABYSmINC, my bom 811 Paularlno, CM 549-1746 FURN or UNFURN v,·11a F•'no Apts. 3 BR. yr'a lease. Prerer CM. &%%. due 3 1/3 yrs., ·tor area, Jong establ.; 6 slstlilns machines D\a{lufacture4 by mU.:ed brd. !,~g~nV4ic 0 ey 7:30-to S:JO. • 1 TMMEDlATFJ Possession! * ~* our own company right here Jr. Hi 5/1.,.,,...., .,.,,3 2 • 3 or 4 Bedrooms Un!. Children \Velcome $150 G • ~ late car; Continental, Cad. Tre.de for lot or submit. 1 I ~~;;;,i'i~~==--;:;::; * ..,...,. 159 * '; For sale • 4 bedroom· 2 Yearly lea••s $250/mo & up . ONE liDRM Uil1Utn Apt. for or ? 644-4265 Owner/broker. S4S.7TI1 n Orange County, 1',RIENDLY Medium size, l-;c-;;XLN;-;;;.,;:::-::=-;-;::-',fJ to Good -•·i· ,... 814 W. Center Apt. 1 · • , NO SELLING. Exceptionally bla•k w•'lh t•• marking•, .J T da,y catt, AM ~· s ry. 0011"1 ion-ex· Fioe B•och area locatiolll> emp1 ..... -.1 1 .. A.. up to " "'' 5 31) H t -'· 11 cellent area. $38,500-submit PROPERTIES WEST LARGE &Ch.; adults, J1C1 $110/~;~64~ t 'A .* * * * * high income. We can,furnish female dog. 548..ti682 ~arbor/~er~;;G:lb39 . your terms· now vacant pets; cpts, drps, bltns. $90. loca~ion11, guidance. in-, LT Bm. Fem. Poodle, Min. CALL AL BLACK 540-ll5t 1028 Bayside Dr, 6Ta-030 2885 Mendoza 545-5421 F::i~~~R~V~CE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE eluding .Y1?ur record 'systems Red collar, no tags. Mission Heritage Real Estate SINGLE Young Adul" Lux· LARGE 2 Br· apt $1%itMo and training at our factocy, Viejo 830-1451 'bl · 'I 3·7' ' Broker l.53U982 ~r•I Gtntr11 -.• to in~ure your success. ',c.:;;:,·,,:;;:-;:-:-;-=:7'r.;;;;; , , NR. New 2 Br. Ga r · ury garden apts with coun-Cpl, drapes, tns ••gr. ::i • INVEST \VJTH , 1 SH o RT.haired. Germ -:'._.,..._ ____ ...;.""!! Carpl--Otps., stove._ Lg· try club atmoophere and Vicklria,_t.pt 1• C?.t LIDO Resldi!nt needs 2 + lusl~ Rental 6060 Comm•rcl•I 6085 REAL~ETY Poinier, recenl mother, <log. BUILD, Re~' Repa closets. No pels. Mature ........... pl•te pn'vacy. onurH u~""·-2 bdnn apl Newly den, turn or un.furn House ROUTES COMP y ~7oMar'•nWay ..... .,n37 Brick, bl~.1·c!· crete c!'l,e pref. $140::643-4996• -. it~"y CLUB APT~.~ne a,t ;t;t~. 1$5:!.Jbert.Pt, C;M, ·or apt. 6T,,..:&I01 1'f~-: 720 s«I Jt,..:1Wre · i 'tJ ~'~ET;,.. FOR'YOU ~ · "' '~ crpntry, no jo -lob ama • • --H 67~"727.. --~mV'"taSbop""'g 7Unit lca l ;3 vr A YO,uNG.,P,~l<' .. C~mpagne r~··~~~---~~.;;~-~·~1~1b:J1 2 BR l'louse11Wlgat,. fmmac-l Newport Bea,,ch. ...... U V ... .r-· ... ' ". . ' st 495 c .. '-'ts I f ·no t " ~· · ~~--~--~~~ ~ f!tj~!•t. i!f995 ~nfm'. ,. ~l.., for"· real Profe1.ilon1I Bld9 • · ~ • , . color. Vic •• o 1 wn o'vn n~te. Lawn main! &1\vater (TI4) &ts.oo50 3 berm, z &. Juk,""Span. . . :!!stale office, accouut1.11t, Co!'ona. del Mar 3 lot~ \Vrlle or phone for lntc;rv1~w ,CM:;;;:"'· 61="6-563;.:o:· ;:2~==== Busineu .h rflie 6 :; ~~1:I1c~ ~~~~O 2 ROOM studio-dO!e ~ch. decor, frplc';· ·dislnyashe:r,. 2 ~S..adj. LovelY.~me for paint store ·etc. $110/mo. . 2 for pa_r~ at !;,~!COM ~ORP. FOUND Ladie!I prc5cription Einployed girl or \\'Oman. patio, extra!. 645-U,OO. · .Gen!J;rnen, Refrig: Pool, See at 826 W. 19th s1.: CM. $220,000 . gross .income Vending Division san glasses. N1>ar beach in SECRETARIAL Se.rv, 5 BDRM • 2 BATH $80. Vic\\', 673-2979 2 BR, w/w c .i. r pet in g, Tenm!I. Pee. CoasUBeach Bkr. 6424427 ; · $28.716 • $40,000 will handle 851 West lSth. St.. Laguna .. 494-3908 ' ing IBM exec, t~h re $250 MO-LEASE. Lux fea· d I M 42SO drapes, pool. Nq pet.s or Blvd. S36-85l8 . STREET·~FRONTAGE GOOD· Costa Mesa, Calif. 92627 FOUND: F'rlendly Calico -'°"""'==="='="='=4c_,88,;87='=o=41 lures, lrg fam rm. Coron• e 1r children. S12i)/mo. 642-8499 SLEEPING room & pnv v rd -~ • 1311. Stonefield, 534-2760 ·On Beach mvd, 1480 Sq. ft. REAL ESfATE (7141 642-90001(213) 6.15-6719 cat. Mesa e e .,..,a. 2 BDRM, $135. Bit-ins, patio, ba!h for employ~ man; Model home ideal for lnsur., 353 lio, ~Hwy . AFFILIATE 54Ml695 C•t"ptnferl-.e · .. EASTSIDE 2 BR home, blt· Block & 1/2 To S.1ch garage, adults only. No quiet home, CM. $15 Wk. Ritr •• etc. CBeL Katella and Laguna Bch 494-7518 IMMED. INCOME ===.======'! :~::;:.:;::;,;i~;;..._;=:; in range &: oven. crpts, And shopping. Furnished 2 pets. 160 E. 21st. 548-8591 ~171 . . te Cerritos) S i gns, Jndscpd., fNO SELLING INVOLVED) Lost 6401 CARPENTRY drps, no t~_dl~ °:itpets5 bedroom front apartment. 2 BDRM. API'. $UO L, Atry room, pl'lva $250 mo. 10650 Beach ·Blvd. FOR Sale or trade, com· Qualllied individual will be ~"--------MINbR REPAIRS. No $150 mo. :i-er Fireplace & garace, Call l Small-child OK .No pell l:)ome; Pboue in rm., kitch. -• 6364120 -•-merclal--pt'(iperty 'on t9th LOST. Brown &-white shag· T00c Smaq. Cabinet in PM. Callee' 2!3/4ll-ll"" .. ~o .. ...,.. ·"""-• , w'-nds. privileges. 646-1393 . S C ill d 122 000 selected by Multi·Sfate Inc. ._ t b ·•ll>"lajlf .. ""' .J.>a""""" ..:.vc "" nc Olfl R I 6070 t., .M. W tra e ' IP supply established bWli· gy mixed breed male , dog, qes ar;, o er, ca'": 4 BR l~ Ba $225 mo/Frplc PRIVATE entrance. Men on-l::e tnta eq. ror power boat 40' or n~!I with tlneSt triple AJ. li&ht brown back, wh,lte 545-8175, Uno answer crpts, drps, near occ.1-B-L_K_lo-oc-,,-0-&_ba_y-·,·-l~B~·r. Now. port Buch 5200 ly. $45 per mo. E'C.H over. $45,950. By Owner. 1. 81 rod 1 1 ~ & chest 1.: 1ee1, about 16" tall, m11g at 646-2311! H. •= -~-'----------0••3696 aft"" 4 pm. LAGUNA B " <'4-""""' na ion P uc Iii ca .. ..,y .. _ .. __ ~ .. 549-4""" t I $150 ba h t ·~ l --,_ k l $1 450 c h '-named "Brute," lost vicini· ~ ....... rp <". ; c · ap · ._,, 3 BDRM beach apt unfurn, . , Air Co11ditiontd. snac s · -• as l'e<JUU'· o.;;..,;;;--n::;;:;::::--;::co ME.5A Ve1'dc 2 Br, l~I ba, Adult each unit: no pels. drps und ~ER ~erp1ng room for b N FOR.Es'/ AVENUE PR OFESSJONAL building ed. For pen1onal interview ly San!a Ana, heading for gar, private palio, adull.ll, Lease. 673·7629 ~ts, 645 ... fi~ar ro ' man. quiet street, $60/ Desk spJCet ave.ilai.l& in for sale or lease ln Costa Jn t.osla t.1esa 1.: surround· Newport. Reward 548-4269. l-'-$150--~·~'~'6-=26_26==~=-New, modem, unusual 1 $ , mo. . &U-5000' n"'1Mt -office building a: Mesa, 2600 sq tt. air cond, ing areas, send name, ad· 642-8235 (ol!iccJ, 3 BDRM. HOUSE $150 bdrm. carpbrt, $165. Mo. $lS5; 2 BR. 2 Ba, encl. gar. 6000 prime locatkm 'tn downtown equ 1 ippcd for ~~ or dl'ells & phone number to LOST small black/brown 769 \Y. 20th St. C.M. 6T;M633, Alter s p.m. :::• ~ishwshr, :ref. lneomt PrOptrf\' La.&una Beach. Atr condi-mu lipurpo!!e. or Multi-State Inc., 9075 E. Im, female pup. Vic Canyon Dr. 542-6994 EVES. · !'.° • tioned. carpeted, be&utitlll 494-4125 perial Hwy, Downey, Calif. C.A1. I-las I n t e 1 I i n a I BACHELOR apt, near beach OPEN' HOUSE, 2 Blt, 2 Ba, Choice E'1idt ~Plex pane.led partitioning:. T w 0 90242 disorder. Needs tpeeial diet $150; 2 BR., water paid CALL 642-3375 ~o~~~ Util pd. $85. ~~~ise-,,:p~ ~~~,;o $165' ~~: ~~.JS~t; t_o,2 w~t~ ;'~~, .. ~di': lndustrl~I R•nt•I 6090 FRIG.DAIRE t~i~catlon. Rewa r d·! fireplace. All units have Muncipal ~ Iota. $50 FOR lease Laguna Niguel, JET ACTION .-,:c;R:-l~D;,:,A°'Y;--;;E:::,.-;;;T=•m::;:.,:or/ 3 BRt 2 bath, carpets . & Balboa 4300 East Bluff 5242 built·irus, cpts/drps, pvt. per montb tor apace. Peak oU San Diego Fwy at Crown Frigidaitt 18 min, cycle ls Chihuahua male. Ii g ht Ctment, Conc-d,.pes. $195 lease. -,..,.Ultt . pa"·s g••aa•• •«500 lo ·~ 'al • th f te t I th l d try ·-"" · E UXE ..., • "' · -· a!\d dfatn a•alllble r ""'·, Valley, new commerc1 "' e as ll n e n 111 • brown. white, l"""'e ears. 2459 Norse A,., CM BAYFRONT • NEW D L e 30 F · 'd · ... k -• Bualneq bou:n anawerin& industrial units. Delta Elec· rig1 au-es do uia. wor Vlc. Helitrope /. First, CdM. • CONCRETE work, Available 'til Jwie 23rd 3 Br. 2* ba. apt. for leal!ll $l2,DOO Triplex $340 ae.rvlt>-ivallable ·ior $10. trlc. Days. 831·1400. Eves. • ot 40, 30 min, washml. Find Alt 5, 673-1456 types. Pool decks le cus Newport Beach 3200 2 BR, utils paid, garage IncL spac, mstr. IU!te, din Month near· Harbor Center. All utllitiet paid t Xcept 49':1-4198. out how easy it it to own SM Femal• S•'amo •· w/ blue Call 548--133-4 1014 East Balboa Blvd. rm. le dbl. garage, auto. 2 BR 1 "-bit ins 2 pvt pa 1~ 1n 1 ~-· --=-~=~~~~-2 bl ....., · ' · le q.tllone. . 4.·000 SQ. J>''T. new bldg, nr a pay I au ....... ,.. rh'-stone collar. Ans to Cement Work~ aU w~. 3 BR. duplex; ba's., tns, Balboa 673-'<!760 door opener avail. Pool It tios, 3 '"· CaJJ ~"ckly oo D""Y -~ Gardeo Grove "··ta Ana ·-~-dshwshr., new paint, cpts. & rec. area. Nr. Catholic thi!I! ,... _ ;..i.,;,~~·-,.n:...'""" Baker & Harbor. A1so up to ._... . Or •~An• he' • "Susie". Vic " Wallace & Free E!timalt' •• N .__ h y I CLEAN Bachelor Apts, Co "''5580 _LA,vC~UN·A''l!EA,~Cll'"~ 15,000 sq. ft. nr Bristol & ,lustin, ange, a Im Hamilton· i,CM. MS-6386, * 636-0374 * drps. r ...... ac .• car se. All uW 1~ 175 up Church 4: acboo1 A rona Bob 0\.90n 11.ltr .,_. C • 0 Mat(' ·• • $230. 540.7.,73 315 E n~~·--Blvd del Mar High. ,,_ ·+· 3 .,...... Baker. 540-4429 Olft• • C, ~ • " t • • ' e CUSl'OM PIANOS e. TOWNHOUSE 3 Br., 21,i ba. BALBOA ' -a~· M~~ e ONLY $270 e E-Slue home Incomtt --33 X 30; 12' O'head door. Equipmtnt, Inc. • DAUGHTER Lost r I n g; coocrete sawing·~~ \VW cpl!!, drps, tpl. Fncd ·~ 131:8'fl AmiCOa Way, N'.8, BR + 2 Apts: $27,000; Inc \V ANTED TO LEA'.SE Space for office., Good loca· 2334~ W, Valencia d e c ea a °e: d grar1dmother'1 '' Slalt LIC. •842-lOlo . _ I bl 2 $348. 6-E. side uni t 1 • Retired lawyer would like to tion, NeWJ>Ort Beach. near Fullerton n. 4: 525-7833 ·'kte-"""': vie' Staridill'il Sta, .,.., .. ,,...,..,..., Work. -job l ,!pa~tit>~·~:~•;"~· ~1"'!!·~c~a;,.r~gar~·rL:::ic:;d.;"'..;l.;al7o;;;;-';:;;";;--'4.;;3;;.;51 c·0....,. •-I -SZSO $56,000: inc $743. Sell or Jeaae space in some United p---1. 642-2809 ,,_.-F-'-"' ··Re··--' ..,..,,.,.¥""," .... , pool. $275. 642·7219 aft. 4 pm -trade: clear S. Cai.It home or e.stAblished, law firm in ... -..-ci. HARDWARE ~ au:v1ew. wan1. ltnall, reasonable. F,r~ 3 BDR. 2 ba, crpts. drapes, LlOO ISLE . Northern ,. e 1 or t . Bkr Ni!wPort Beach or Costa lZ7X90 CORNER M-1, fncl.-ST-ORE • eatim. H. Sluflick. 548-86lS near beach. No pets. Club Bayfront Apt; :sublet fum~h-.,,,, 646-3750 1 • Mesa area.. Pu~·IS to 700' bldg 19th & Whittier, LOST: Female: Go I den * CONCRETE. work. tac. paid. S260 lse. 642-3196 etl for summer. Pat10, ~-.., -TRIPLEX nr. Coll•ge Park have some place to put my C.M. ;XIO mo. 642-¥00 Hunti"n-on Beach A.e:triever. chain coUar; ans. & lie ...,.Concrete ...... - tirt!place, 3 BR. 2 baths. ....,., C.M. 2 BR ••. kit blt·in, feet on the desk. Have . tJ\e ..,.. lo "Cinnamon". Baycrest Ph1Ili~ Q:ment 54M3io£ P k 3237 67:>-2328 wkdaya 213· 654-3016 --.rt• · 8000 aq. rt, Busy 1hoppJn& area, Moo . REWARD. • Univtrsity 1r ' · _ encl. ....... oc11• Income $340 fol!owing Ubtar:Y: Complete Lots 6100 ._ ••--.... P cUlc Reporte U S Cod<' center. M1ls of par .... '6~ Ter. 64&-5804 Cont r1ctOr1 N~. eo-•o •• jn Villaac :J.; 3 Huntl-'on •--ch ... -ON TEN ACRES mo. $32,SOO ~ SC,.9192 a r, · · ' rinc Joe, Good will has been """ nu --''11' ----,-""'o=""'~-;--:'.:==-1 •-..,lated, Now Califomla LOST M•·rua· tu-Do• I• . sr. OXfurd mod;!. $~ l't1o.. • l Ir 2 BR. Furn 6 · Untum 13 UNITS, g004 condition. 0~1• 1 , 1 t, ml"""ll•....,..,,. built over period of 44: years --~, • "--· v'' 0 .. 1 ·~ .. '· Ariol'rJONS-REPAtas' ~ lsc last mo·s. rent in ad-QUJET Ii BEAUTIFUL Frplca./ priv. paUoa/PoolJ. 100% rented. ~ 6%' ...... -... r-o TUSfin • Yie·w lof Fin, avail. For further lnlor-JlllUe, 1;11vwn. ic '3a'• a .. na REMODELING ~ plWI $100 Deposit. Adults only; 2 S r., util. paid. Te.Ql1il • Contnt'l Blibt. put. Joan. Bargain at $106.000. Ca.llfornla Codes. 1 0 rm mation, &: S.nt& Isabel, C • r.r · Deeigftlnc £ Plaiiiii,. • 645-2996 Pool. $200. 847.zt.25 -tiJW 0ttn. . . ' Phif Sullivan, 5'8-6761 ::~~6~ too much 1l300 Vi&ta Panorama Uot BRASHEAR REAL TY. Reward. 646-3844 Kitcbm.HlaU.: etc.. 1.,:;o;""======-l 17676 Cameron, Hunt. Bch. 1100 SN Lant, 01M ~ DUPLEX A: LOT 4-TR.922), ae.utJ tree & 8474$31 'Evea. 536-2-123 $25 REWARD. Male, black, Uc'd 6 Bondtd.• ftw eltf Corona d•I Mir 32501 BR. Furnished $110/month (MacArtbUt nr.C.O.st J{wy) -,·BY 'OWNER. PRIV&'JE Offl(f cleu ~tial. all utll, CANDY l •tandard IJ004!e, liCenM! A le B,OONB'l'RtJCnOft, A ·~de supp Y route, part or ""°"""• -ar. v,., ... _._ ·"'-a~. 1122 "Da .. 1 .. ..1-_. -" Unfurn 3,!!l;~ M. Xlnt. ~ !!,!et.. Mar. ,Ap.l, C or ~ 'OM. ~ . • Owner wl.l1 ftnance or u11 • tun time, dayl/eves. Refill ;-::. .. ~"" 494-8689., ... pr.: ,,.., .......... .._ ...-. -.. ,,,..._,.,-, ~ . Secretarial 1ervio&, air coo-615-3243 or 6'fl..03m. .Ii: oollect tnOl'Je)I from,,cotn _ ... _. * ·5t5-49U·* Cl vld Bkr ~ ~,, I .. 2 BR tum •"ts nr bch Balboo 5300 I .._rty 6000 di-. I< puki... II I oper. Dtapenoen In Costa WllT A Y•llow Pcnlan male Jilll). .... &...: .~ ... e ence, · .,,.,......,. · -' • ' -------;.;.."-I ftC'Omt .-• ..,... ara. County Blink Bide. 24 Large Btaut u Mesa ,• vie. No ' aellln&'. cat. Wear'c plastic flea col· Cl.llt bomis, -.;;, Hu",1 "' 10 " •-ach ••-~~~P~~-s:to.am, 2 BR. 1% batha, !rplc, FO"R' l'LEXES _ 23o ·E.17th street • . Q>mpl.ted O<een vi.w Lotil, m:io 'l'OUd«uh req. Sm! hlr. Vic. Monrovia, C.M. ap&cl&liel, lrff. I oy o•I ----new """"""ll, dranes, u: • ,.. __ M 0 ••1·-•·-·na"'ach •··-.. e-und · act•-•~ t "'•ward 646-4753 d~--v S275t;.Adu1ll onJ_,. no In Costa Meq, 6~ loan, 2 """'ta esa _.., '111'.J _.. ui: · • wiu •e•v name", ui.,,,.. « ..,..,ne o: nc · · ~· .. -· ,..n ,•Jn 4 BR. 2 ba cpts. Garage G1rd1n Grove 4610 ..... .,, Y Br, 2 n.. ·~".500. 3 Br, 2 SMALL office k>c&.led near Utlls no bond1, 20% down, Route 08pt'., P.O. BOx 3846, £Mtic. bO~. Pacltle <; o a • ..-. ......, -~e rele!se claU&e and Anaheim 92803 Nnon•l1 _,.. Btaa. fr.,...n91. · W'"!l!'la!ril $150 Lease. Ava.ii. June 1st E i: 1. · BUJ'l' White, Rl'allor Ba, $."U,950, OnJy a few left. 17th I.: Newport, ~nd ..,1 ubortf ti WW • • ':;,,a_ NI'. Beach Blvd. & SlatB STNGLardYOlJflg A!:I~ UX· mt Nev.'P(>rl Blvd. NB 962-2017 anytime, Agt. floor, truck p. r k Ing . _pa., .. al I ina on. . \VONDERFUL opportunity! 1.~ lN't&lR.EST Sat & sun at your ., .... "'t - 17658 Van Buren 842-1823 UI')' g en •Pl4 t ~Un· tr~ 6tl--2i53 $80/mo. Ca.II Mr. Hester abo lake 2nd'• or tMlde. Acquire lovely Boutique Writ' for frte broebttre •'ADD. REMODEL f'* COlzymp.cll•~•b p'n~nvaoscyp~';,~ Butineu Property 6050 Agt. 1546--8811 49'1·121D Dress Shop by taking over descrlbie..JS' l·n t ~re' t CAB™.£TS-BLOCK • W La.UM h1ch 3705 B 1•-· Island 5355 ......., 1,_ ..... LAGUNA woodsy view kits, lnventory. Co1Jn1.-u club, ch -·• · he'•••-•• by b~'LM!';:'> t\lenl ... BAY CLUB AP'l'S. lllDO I -NPT BEACH indust com· LEASE ..... -Mo: .. ~. 'T'l' unde--·nd ulilille!!," pvt. beaeh·iuu+-5f6..3665 UtUI s. • .. _... .... ..,..,... 2 BDRM -den, 2 ba, $225. on CHAPMAN Ave.. Gard~ · .j lift.apt, uarurn. trPal.: pJex $69,500. rnc. over $800 = 1:;;.,.~~tar;rno ss,95()i'9.110. m..9748 BEAV'IY Salqn: 100 d =ey =tilt s'!mPl_;·0~·~:-Draftl"I ~-.. · =:ch. ~i 4~1on, Laguna Grove <n41 63&-303D ~ alter 5 Ptl' monlb.,OWner 6C-ao9 Hart.:ir, C,M. 21!:• '21-'2991 e R-4 LDT • clientete, S Stations. Reuon-CaUtomtt 95.150 DDl:Gt( Dnlti.. J.,;;;;;:;:z=:=;===ILaguna ~-· _4].05 ' 3""5911 --Rontal tOdO LEASE: ...... di olllce, 1?7' -Zoned'' 0 .. !.~~ ~ able. ~ .,-*PALM & CARDS* m6Cb P/C ~ A Duplex Unfum 3975 . · ' ... I\. &00\I loca!loa: 333 E. "' --• ~~· •• 5olrltual 8'&der. p.,~ Pree-mr. Kio> Sr. m.un oa • . PANORAMIC -omloolt. Huntl""on lleach 5400 . sroRES ... 1-VUtop 17th"St .. C,'M. M'r-BEAUT'( SALON, Lido..... ent, J'Utme, lltlp In all Ille(.;:=::=;:=::;:=:==" FOR ...... 3 BR. 2%-Ba. 2 ... Alloo Beach. Ullt-. ·2 BR. Duplex, BllN -...... Shopp! .. c..,.,.,.,,,. ol l!l .. Sq; Ft Oil~ bnchet 6150 r.,.. .. labllah!l'· Mull sell· ... blo ... :$1. •pedal ... a. Pl°'1!f '"" ...... "'° car pr. N,."'1. tla:I mo. R(!t, •11 clec. Maturt adults, na drps enc:lo8ed ear' .yard Camino A Mtndou.._CM. OOSTA MBIA •1 -.211& belt oner. Owner/broker. Inc. ·Open da\b: t •m to 10 -.,;.__ ~ • rcq. ~ Da.mll St., C.M. chlldnm, ~no~~ S1l5 mo. Old~ e.dulta. .., dutdre~ Suitable ~flee ahop, dreu, • -~ · 321:1 A.\Tulare O>UntJ. S.c::ril. AJ.mt prn. 1m Wt11tnUM\tr Ave., , O~· COAST '42-Qll Call eves. 4~ S130. SIS-4573 or $t$..2884 -lhoe ~pair ~le.• Se, L~ C · lol ._ tot quick aale tt $850 ptr 51Wl\NTE[):· otf-4&1~ liquor Wutmln1ter 893-9854~ Lt.,ndtc• 0.nlli•• .. ~~tALS , RINTALS BR.AN!> NEW 2 A a Br. ftm. 1tm tor key, Al WB.JOO' otnn,.re .,_.... acre. 2 houses. 64tJ...79lM_ .. Ucense,_ota._ Count)-. LtCI NSED Compl!Me La~ Malnt.'lte- Apts. Furnlshtd Ao:\. Unfurni1ftelf'. $150 mo: Cpla, d r p 1 , 2U: 9811510 RE:NT or Sale • DownlQ\fP -Call: Mwus · SpWtual Readlnp, advlce llab)~ It. Exl!erf~. Gtneri1I 40oo General 5000 dlsbwht. Nr. Beach , lalboa Island Costa 0Me~ ltJ•p U,000 ~ Acruge 6200 VENDI?o!G Route. ID utdm, on aU mi..tlCJ'I, 1~ S. £1 FtMa. $4&.2µ4 or~ 841.-3957 Stoll! 0~ oUice, 1627 1111 'fl fl 1ton.re lot, oompleld)" Requlrea 2 hrs weekly. $900. Camino Reel. ~n Clemente JOHNSON'S~ serv. 2 BR dupleJC. llkn."-d.sbwhsr, with w/w ca.rpl!tl, $600 ~r. fenced It 11mlll oftke & 300 ACRES plus crttks _ ~h. 6'B-3360 492-9136. JO AM·10 PM Flrie11t ~ expert ~ . 'Nlhl • tieee ce. · · Pffot<-.W P..£CJ.Ak...S:t.READ®. care~Lflb'2,.20Xii __ • -:;i l)'.150!! Olive. 53&-ml $0.S White titphanbi1 Oune+liM Box 46, Banp, Cal. ts914 OW 64)ft WJllte ~i:itst S0CZ tr TO 'DIJ . ..:._;~..;;;..;;;:..=.;;~:.=::,;;....,....~~ Sl75: 3 BR. 2. bit.. \'//\V, $UO: 2 BR. l'i ba Studio. --1.'..patio.-Avalt~110il\. natio,.. w/vq . ai~.-np children OK. Skr ~ 11 oven. 53+-6980 Bkr. • ____ :...___ ------------ I i . ' ' • - • I • • OM,Y l';!l~T ' IQ ! , I \ '\ "' I , • Hello agatn; bo)'s.and 1irls, and welcome to another Satur· ay mornlag hi Uncle Len's I Comer. ' ' Well, Carol Isn't spe&ldng these day1, and I really can't blame her. It's been tv«> !eW: sinct: aayooe submiUed I any r~ddles or jokes for Carol's Comer. •" '"" ' mE MAD.BAG was a little ' j i.ager this week. but still nothilll for Ciro!, and &he ·' feols 5"'s ..-.u.ln~ left out. ' How about maklns • special J ,~:~:s ~~ :jor!~~ :~k! .,.'>( . .And 1peakinf: of next week, · We•ve p Mother's Illy com-1,,,ioii up.""" from &mday,"' • .. 0Aihl.t · will be the. tMme of ; ,11ftc1e Lea's art~-Let'•. •' try extra hard on this one, t hub? HONdtiBLE mention win- nen in this week's art contest - • 1' ! II ( .... -·~ ... • '~ ! ' , ''I' I -'q_ .. .. ··~ ' .. . . . ' ' I "ffi .• ~' . i "~>!:< · : '4ilncl1 imJ<f, 'Ji! mlntin&\OD : : Beach; Karen Zdonzyk, 9~, · Corta...Mtsa; 'I'lnl Verkamp, t, • ~:1' "Beach; Linda ~ · Crouch, "1, Costa M e s • ; i • ' • 1'!argorel Blond, 10, 4guna •'Beaeh; Colin Miller, 9, Hun- Jlngton Belch; Wrl ~lcllell, I, Hunthl~ Beach; C>ry • Miller, "ll, Huntington Beach, : and Jou Spelletlch, I, Corona dll Mir. ·-·' • 1 MAY DAY ' . ' May Day i.s coming soon.,. · ( ChildreD play in the a!-t!mOoft, , They'll hide nowen: at lht · door, : But what ls May Day really I tf.? . ,. . . I; May Day is I dly of gay, Hope it's with you •·. throughout the·da)': May Day brings a lot 0<lf cheers, No one will have any fears; That's whit Mly Day'i reau; for . . So it will not be a bore. -;~. ...c.llill Mlllw, '· """"""" .,.i;' " MAY DAY • ' May Day, May Day, What's it for? Leaving flowers at a door, ~·1 One inore month till school .Jets QUt Wlien the children nm and &bout;, , Wllo madelMay Day! What's it..for i , '!i'lilin of loving rnore·and more. ·" ~ --~=-"':..':. ".::'..::!':o.l!:/':W":: ~~!.. ......... C99!ittt. MIU ~ ..... tr ...,,. " !ftClt ... ... u... c.t1 ...... CllHlll'llli. ' ' .. ' . . ' .-,. . ' ' Dennis the JHenaceo -· ... ,,._ .. . ~ 5-3 ' '. ' ... ' T . • • ... -1 •• ' '= ....... ~' .. ~' ~, .. _....... -.... ---~· ..... - • . . ' ,, ' ! .... ., JUDGE PARKER '•• / ., ~. M06N: M'rlLil~$!l ~ 1' ;] ( ,• ' ( ,....,,.,,,..,.,...._.._,. TUMBLEWEEDS ' , : '· · ·~ l ' . " )I 1 .. ~. ly.~• M .. W1i.· """~· ,-;-~5,....-7-a:::oitl!f=· inv.r ~ef'~iPici.\aJ5! NOT • . ' ' . : ' • • • ., ; . . ~ ... R.i S30 i •1 ,, ''" , 1 • ly Haroid Le' Doux NOT .. T M.l! .I'M SURE ICATliUINE "1U..IE MOME 'THI~ MOrMIN6! ~ Q.N IUN Off TMEftl' IJrlP '' (>ET It! -' . Mo.&-10~ -~i-... "l'E> ltl!$T " SE'JK ~LTER· By Ferd Johnsan Ml'W01>1>,'™•Y'vr 8<>0STl'D"TH•11< PRl<eS-W~T A ilME TO<";OON r---r A l>l•T-· By Tom K. Ryan YAAAEEE! WEI.LI I MllS'l"SAV, COURrn:Y AAS CERTAIN'V 'TOOKEN A BACK SEAT TO R.IPPANcY OUT HERE OF I.ATE! AAH SHUTiJP1 ' ' r-.._;..v--=-~-n-1 • Mun AND. JEFF ' -· , I ,-1 . .,,,- . ,. ,, .,. .. \ I 1' p, p ly Al Slnlth • l I ' (..,..... ·--L .. _ .. _...,.._ i I "-.. J'·I. ~--' . ' • • ' ' fotl/'lfl1 MIJ 3 1969 DAILY PILOT .J!6 SER.VICI DIRECTORY JOBS " EMP~OYMIN1': 1oas ! 1t11rLOYMINT J98S .. lfll'.LOY~. JOIS & IM,LOYMINT JOISI& IM .. LOYMINT • JOIS & IM,LOVMINT JOIS i .EM!LOYMIN'r-:iols 1.·fMl'C~\lMQlr Gordeolng 6'eO Dom01tlc Htl' 703~ Help W••t"; /(tttr' noOHeflf,W1nled, Mtt. 7.i· F.lilp WlnfN Mon 7221! "•'i '' °' · ·• Mo,.pcx tle!ft l(lf1nletl~f!!\.-~ ~IN•-.. :1• , 7 6 11e1, Went.,.' • ----~--""-l -~ ···y, .... . • ..,,,.., ... ,.,. ,._F."lEM"N ..... ...., w.men .-~x ~-,. ANTHONY~· C:!m1:eAUenBylandJ\Seiicy 1• ~ . _ ,· i :·, -l·..i.··:-1;.'(., • j ;MW' ...,,~. _, U A . rii:por&r.v .*E1:nticym«"r1 .. ,_...._.< *" G•r::.1~1c.o: . ioi;.T~·;~ •• ~~~ ~;~ . C.LA: VAL co. 'METAL F1N1sH1<!!s :· • , ,· ( , • • • • .URGBITl· •· ; iissnm DUNCAN'' . Tbe best, ~to no'more! "•I wooled' Min 72fK1 IS THI 'poRIMosT MAHUllAcrl/Rlllt OF ..:.':''~ ""°':!.o 11>/,%..;•• EX'Elltll!!NC.Ell .'_.. ,, .:z·, ., .' .'i: P··~ , , PNne ·:·, 'Pt&l\t • • • PrtPllt ,,. p. .. AUTOMATIC' VALVAI AND CONT~OLS '·' ot ~"'::ee butti! and 1 ~ .,, unR Dfllt•' , i.r ' ~ ?". ' i Monthly lil&ln""""'° , • .,,-• i • · • ... Excellent· Employoll ' 1 • Clerld ' · ' Exp, Hortkulhlrisi '• c· .. _...... . I ' ·\YI ~~L 'Qil 011,AlfGI .f:O~N:rY ( pol!~!\" i::,·i,::: and lleneflta • T I ts Immediate -nlnas !or Jieiiable lawn ·.;,,;..; -,,...,.. • "HARIOR AREA ~I" , "· 1 ""'· , ' AEROS•ACE YP S ~ mow,..,.., """'· .' OPPOR1UNITYI . · -. .. ·-. ; . . * APPLY pa:•--• Repro Typists ASSEMIL y . • 531-1404. J0m..S.,•--lai NOW ' • • • -.. LATEllt ITnl-a) Po-I Offlct ........ • s.cr ... r1 .. e •FJXP.ER J , pane•• profeism-MlltUll Fund ..i., You hove an opportunl\y to ho l"'rl .of our rapidly R ....... lndlvlduol with Third floor ' MANUFAC'"''"ER' ' :rRAtNEES G~en¢r-O>mplctq_ 5L'rvlct. Noexptrier19Jt~t)'o growtns: .indW1tr)',•aod it )'OU-live in the Oranae , aoOd mechanic.I' and t) . · IJH'.' • Kaypu1chtn t'tft estimate. Call M0--13!2 Wt train • full or part time Cou1Jt)' Harbor area; you \von't have te ltavt . math' aputudc, interested THE BROADWA I • PIX 0- Cul. E<!go La.,, Mutuol Fund AdriMn, !i"~om .•. • . :. • I • . .•• l•amflw the pl&tin( • Costa MeM area. .. A bo;:··· "n.intenanl't, Liceri.~ · Inc. :,you have experience in ll'l)'·or ti) .''w,orlt, come in trade. ' NE\VP()RT BtAC!I l ~·m "'" 54's..taos164!>2310 aft 4 Npr1l 100S Wetlclifl 642-6422 and lff-ua. • S • ·~· N s" • ...... f I' ' . ' APPI:.Y 47 Court• .,. ,alhJort. Must ....... ~t SUP"rvis. w k. h .. L • . 541 -3$ JOUlNIYMAN MACHh T~MAl<_!A •o'y ...... iNDUS"'RIES--Ntwport.IOoch -·IO(erance .hart-.... -. YO!! ••!di ..,.. _...., • roa., .. ~ . , . ·• DAYil~T ~• ..-FAsHlON JSLANO erry ex;ri~ over clott or w ~ . w,..re ~ ·IA"DIAL DllJ;a.-OP._IA i-. J " ~ t 11 I ·" ·•·-• . cooK °":•• Pun. C!r·~t .. ~.. · 11 An """'1 ()pportunlty !'"~!~:::"::.... "". ;;.~ 1lmRIM E•perJ.nt.d Only · ·• SWlllO SHl~if •. • .f ·.. · 2(HI)~ ,:_~~ .. ~1·0 ' Employer er. lumtt,· enaine, f\and JOU•NIY!ioW( ¥•CNINilT·. • .·, S.•\I'""" ~ . WA...... D . .. .... w. au1omalfc'• and ..... MRSOllN"'· SERVICE Over 18; Apply. in J>el'SOn Five' Crowns Rest•ur1nt TU•l-IT LATHI .OPIRATOR• '".I lji e1'S. r' Iii Bullard. totter I: Johnston, "f1UU ~ty .•mployf)' Younc tnaJt,wtdi draftln&•ex· ------~· ~·~ 3801 E. Clout Jl\\'Y· H1ulin9 . .,., ·ol3G . Corona d~ ~ ' . GENE UL. HAUL ING I--. ~A-cc-ount---o"'•ot~s '--·11 & CLEANUP Credit M1n1gers $12 per Joad. Administrative Tf'nfft 962~ aft. 3 & wkends. U>GAf,. JOBS • · HAULING, · Genera.I, Top, CALL BOB;' 548-7796 trlsn. renio.-e """' & ARGUS AGENCIES hedges. Big John &42-4030 1869 C Ne\\'POrt' Blvd., C.~f. IANK ROBBER HouseclNning 673S If you've been robbing the e HOUSECLEANING e piggy bank to make ends f;xcellent work $2..50 boW'. meet, then call Jessie Call 5!6-599~ • 547-7782 Ol' _ 646-8535 @ETS; Windows, nr., $3.50 PER HR. etc. Res or Comc'l, Xlnl REAL ESTATE. Shouldn't work Reas! Reis. S4&-4Ul you be selling _the llottest HOUSECLEANING. quality area Huntington Beac0h? ,,·ork.! , Brooks Clng Serv. Call Phil McNam~ Village Call 642-2812 anytime REal Es!ate 962-44n or 5'16-8103 Warner l:·Swa'.sey · rr--~~ • · J' {pe:rieoot ID ..... start -on the ENOINI LATHI .o••••ro• CONSTRUCTION '&row;a noo. <ii !all' P"' ::~~~L,f~~Lo~:~:~:• 1 least ·~te man141actur- DHU .. !o FQREMAN .,,,. fl1m. lduot be able to Excellent 1''rh1gt Btnefll.s. • 1 , -J ft.ad bhtei:irlnt&.. make pro-ScnO resWll.f: to:· ., C ·L A • VA L c o 0 Large JftCa!t concttte .nan: tdtlCUon ~winat. le&Qt quo. Ba.'\; M-629 The Daily Pl)Qt uf•ctu)~Q,i 1inn s f.Prei ita.tton I pricing procedures', mah tor prod tion type ·help in enei~ring, eOst ac-Eq ual oppOrtunity em'ploye~. work. Must mature with countlna: and 111ventory taJc.. * \-* 5 to 10. ye e.xperience .in !~· ., ~ C mottva · en. Exp. in pre-, Orange ounty cast te preferred but Futu~ opportunity to enter Associ_._ not sales departmenl, engineer-, \ ~·•..__,_ 17th & PLACENTIA, COSTA MESA 541.2201 • Equal Oppor lunily .J':mployor: • Jna: an410r quality control, , Help W•ntM.' Min 7200 REFERENCES REQUIR&Q .A .. 2.,. ~•Ip W•ntld, Men 7200 , Prerequisites: ~farr1i::u. ~ NOW HIRING \\'e need 25 me'n with au types,of ~rk bl.cqrounds, to fill several po.!itions in all departments. , MECHANICs \Ve r.eed 2 for f'U1.I ti~. t-.Just have O\\'n !ool.s.' Ex· perienced only. Apply in pcrsor& RICHFIELD, 19th Ii. Ne,liPOrt Blvd., Costa Mesa HELP WANTED Boat Carpenters • Fi~1·blass \Vot•kers. Applyf Sav1tnnah OFFSET PR.ESS OPERATORS Part· Time Three years ex-pericnce on small ottset pre55es, produc- cing short 1'\lhs Jeon Itek metal plalea. A thorou&h background check Yi;s. ~Id, drafting exP«;rience, will ~ made on all applic· high IQ. • ants who pass the initial in. Call Air. Larcome, 54.,..7111 terview. ' SA'LARY OPEN Call Mr. Larcome, 54.>7117 Temporary En1ployn1enl CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH lias sevel"al openings for TOP STARTING PAY l'AS'I' ADV AN CEMENT START WOR~' IMMED~TELV For interview call !\londay It Tuesday 774 ·7251 Experienced-_:---FRY lntcrpriSt?s. 776/\V. lith St., Position requires ten·t111eny 11;;;.n'°;,·...;m;;.1_T_•_• ___ 67_>IO_ COOKS. Apply JOLLY . Coot•"'"" • """" por ,,..., ... moo•" • LABORERS PART TIME URGENTLY NHDED e REFUSE CREWMEN ($486 • $591} * tNeOME Taxes prepared ROGER PerlOnnel Of. YOUNG f.fA.N in tcrel:i!t-d in needed durinr peak i1·ork TOP STARTING PAY · I t le;irning tratlc. J\fust have period. e LABORER NE\V BRANCH IN ORANGE your home, ong Of1Jl com· flee. 1297 Logen Ave., ,•d~ _,.,, Gd. P•Y & hen's Jriterviewing .binod, $Ij. 494-3422 C t M · ·~ ($463· $562) COUNTY. WE NEED 25 445 E. 17tt. St. Cost• Mesa, Coll!. '42-7523 l.n.t1rv11wlrif Mon. ft.ru Fri. a a.m. t.1s ·p.m. Eqvat opportunity employer ' . * REClPnoNIST .. Unusual opportuni- ty for an attractive girl with above •· verag• t y p I n SI • phone, and people meet'ln1 capa- bilitlts. Please call !\1iss Larson GENERAL AUTOMATION ;;;:'-;o-:;sc;o;;-:-:="'=';,:•c,·==:c---o:: Steart.v e111plnl!. 6'16-1721 Contact Pet~ HeUrich l\lon tlu11 Fri., 8-5 P.!\f, f.fEN FOR ADVERTISI~G I~ 6755 00 to 30 yrs old..1or palnt n1fg tUXSON ~IB'rAL fTI4J 546-8030 INTERIM Apply lmmedlately at ""r-AND DISPLAY WORK. NO Iron ng wOrk. Full time, ye a r Jo'INISHINC 3333• Harbor Blvd, Peraonftel Service sonnel oHict, 3300 New;;rt EXPERIENCE. WE TRAIN. E~ opportunity employer IRbN!NG DONE JN MY round. 1.Iilitary' .. obllga!ion * S ALES f.1 EN * $250. Costa Mesa, _92626 445 E. ,11th, CM 6~2-75..?3 Blvd., Nel\·port Beach,-Cali!. \\'ORK F.lVE DAY WEEK. Hounke,per-~i'll In 706 W. Ka!c\la Orange, Calif. 9'.!667 {Il4) 633-1001 HOME.•$1.25 hr. over. Apply Monday, May i;ta11s you as a distributor 1-MOTOR HOME . 613-6633 ' 6:30T010:30P.M. FOR JN. Mature~ woman needed ror " · ·• "* 54&8131 * SU1. 1603 \V. Alton, S.A. Kl for a ne"' p1·oc.h~ct which Assemblers/Builders liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiii FORMATION CALL . MR. gen, housework fl cooking. IRONING .;8(Jc an bolir 5-7101, ask for Bob. "'ill bring you a miniJnum "' Imn1edlate openina:s for men -JAMES. Ne"'J)Ort h eh family w/4 1 Please !;>ring hangers SERVICE Station manager or si2o. in ipare time. can ,., ' \vith experience in plumb-COOKS MONDAY "-TUESOA Y children, h1U!t be able to 251·B Avocado, CM 548-82'lT nhc:<drl~. MToo1 .... ~y, ,.~rofit ~6-8896 ~on all d:~~ve. .-· , ' ' lng, electrleaJ, walls, cabin-':-174-7251 s1vi.m &; speak nuent En+g. s a ng. us ..., am 1 ... ous, ALE R·T UPHO~~c..nER ets and finish • or we ,vill MECHANIC llsh. Cear $125. per mo • . I 6790 \\illing to \\'Ork, must ha\·e 3 ,TRA·INEE ~ hfISSh.E SYSf'EhfS train you. Must have some room & board. Send em- J&netoria references anc: supervisory J\pply in persdn DIVISION hand tools. See Rick, 2l3.j Coron·a del Mar We need 2 men w1th e:xper. ployment history & refer· SPARKLE Janitorial Serv. experience. Call 549-4043 Johansen I: Christensen ATLANTIC REJW(H Canyon Drive, Cotta Mesa Phone 675-'IOO, 547-6376 in fleet truck ~repair, ga.5 ence8 to: C, T, Wallick, l<XKI Windows.. resid., come I , SALES: I need several ag. 898 \V. 16th St., N.B. 642-9758 • & diesel. DIESEL A MUSI'. So, Grand Ave., S.A. const. cle·anup. Free est. g:resslve salesmen. Invest· Corner of Monrovia & 16th. CORPORATION Must have 01vn hand tools, -ATTiNTloNl-- 1 •-• L I * GUARDS * --10 yri experience;--wllling to 968-2691 m!!n requuo:u. wrury au o ASSEMBLY Mechanic, .gen. A Divition of the • S•LES. Bar holaids. Dancers. Apply 'd·" il -~'I"• CalJ .,, "" work .any 1hift. Refereilces COUPLE Specializing in of-provi '""' you ... __. •.r· mech. e·x P er.: some Susquthanna Corp. Full rt 1. P •• , "" YELLOW PAGES required. Sll5.<Week to atnrl. at Ille Bunny Hutch, \Ve can fices & apartments, day or -1dr. Kli8n•U· 5"'"5BqY eve. machine shop 'vork. Sa1ary An equal opP.Qrtunity o1~."" IV omke. rt'wb;l~t Loce! te lephone dh'Cctorics, Cail Mr. Larcome, 54!>7ll7 oner you hig salariei;, higb night. 494.-2551 5iQYI'. oricn. Hayward Filter Co., em-ployer -• or o ....,r, or aoy s · 0 Co ty be h tips plus a groo\·y place to Apply in t>erson 1613 Placentia. Costa Mesa Male or Female may apply Utiilorm's furnished. Contact range un a~ area. Poslli<>n open •in rash-"''llt'k lhis lillmnirr, 1'.Just ~ h • • p ""-• 642--I'>l2 Trell Laird, I9700 J amboree No !rave.,t;. a~~e 1avcr~ ionnble Ne\1~ Beach attractive & :n. No CX""l'i· Pa-r an91n11 Balboa av11ion ~ REUBEN · .E. LEE . Blv·a.. , w. 0 ,.1 •·aoh. earn1na:s .•. run 11n1e_ wol~. 1 1 fo~b·l· . "' r· 6850 -· " °" · tes auran · r , 1 ious, ence neceSsn'"''. 11·<' \l'iU P.lnl'1nn . 400 Main, Balboa SERV. Station attendant, -· 9 30 Will train Apply 8 30 am = ., • -· Ext~ alt. : · · "'.ble man, train. Call Cary o:· ,Jerry STOCK CLERKS must "knqw tul)e'-up II · 't A... OR 7:00 pm, Monday, !\'lay :.o1~ • •-."""·urant 838 ~ ~. e~. p .. ;nter, .. 110 L-"·· At'-Un>0' 0 Sta"oo '· · on ' cu. , Slh ·~ ~ B &d. A ~ '" n:11..... 11.1 -o.ov .. '• .. ,.. "" · ~11 Iii:'" u ...-J • .. • W l<I.'.' · · ~ ~~ ro way, pa-m,....,,.:.-,nt. ,w..pl" lo -•· ··---' -.. : Colle .. '. stude~. $450 per_m_onµi_ to start. Mon--· .. -,·-, ,ra. .. ~!ognol;" ', •. 51. ·E . Coast Hwy. rs I hel , __ ,.... f"1C " •w•'-"'"k"'N=-.. - ....... """'" ~" '''" '"" .. " "" ; • m. • · '· box ~ giving ~·resum~. •r ear ·.~ome ·y...,:. lo\V prices. Steve day w.uu ~· .... y,_.~-..·ce 1'B ~ · .-Nowpo· rt Beech arF1t&J'"'H11dors ~ e·A "°'1Bkk ' .. ;;;.~., , · to sales or purcttatbig. Write 1,;:'~· ~-=' <·.,.,,-~~.,-, , -· ..-•• SERVICE station attenq~nt Box M-621, l)re: Daily ccounlin¥' · pg a-wi-<t;i•i eves. Box M-483, Daily Pilot. EXP'D. Se~ce •tat i. on e Painting & 21 to 65: Older men prefer.. Pilot. 1 •Secretarial PAINTING Int &: Ext Lowest . saleamcn, Hrty. pay + HAS IMMEDIATE NEED Grinding . red, Gaf. & oil aerv.lee only, ---e Reception contractedjnices. FUlly ins. HOTEL Asslsta~t, n1?ht and comn1. Ov,ertiine pay aJt. 40 FOR JARDiNE no exp req'd, Call 714: MAN 18 lei 30 for lawn ..... ~~ •Typists eX,.rienced. ES.C.. trort~• firm. :E., • c1llent worklnt "' conditions and em-. ~·~Ma -!"•.:_' . mt261 ' 2165 folrvlow Rod Coit~ Mi,I• " • • Equal opport\lnby_etnploytr I ,, • * TELLER *;i POliltio!'I available In ~ur .l Newport Beach office .for · personable. well-a(O<lmed'1n. di~,~.i Teller o:perie~ , reqllll-...., Excellent working cond~ and Jrtna~ "'t><fiti.•.PI~ apply in pct30n to iwn.' Parker~or J\'lr . .,Lltc:h. 11 ' l ol ' Glenult ' Fedtr1I S.~int,t ·r. 2333 E . CMot Hwy;, Newport Beach .·, l~ Equsl opportunity emplqwr . " ·' * SECRETARY ... ,_ l\linimum two years e., perience, prefer in a con• tracts department. Re- quires good typing and stiorthand &killi. Salary commensurate wi.th-backt crowid. • Apply ,,. ROYAL INDUSTR~S. . . ' 2040 E. Dyer Rd; • , Santa Ana 541)..3210-, 1 t Equal opportunity employe. ! EXPERIENCED p~~lL~~E UNITED CALIFORNll BANK 222 Ocean ;AV1nu• L•gu'n• S.ich 49US46 . .;J Equal opportunity emplO)'er, S&tisfaction guai. Free est.' da? clerk •. ipht s~1ft. Re· hrs. Xlnt. ~ eond. HEADER CO. 538-9846 or 714: 542-9M9 ~A~ ~moro~ttl~·. !\~:t:ve "= Su,Mrlor Afency I JI W .. ,~6'1'll'6 qutre cler1.cal, typing, and F . 1 ...... ,.1 *' COOKS ~ E" bl' '·" ,.., , m ·"" -i7' some maintenance, bond--o-0,c'=•=P=oPc.' .,~,,..,--:"".':= T~ Acacia St. FULL time service atation transport~tion. Apply 8 AM, a iaucu """"' T w le INT w E!XT, ANY SIZE able 494-1196 -CAMPER, M f I· n e ~ d 1: Garden Grove 893·'1594. attendant, days. Andf!l'SOn's 260SG Ge!ly Dr, Jndwitrial 18a7 Ilar.bor Bl, Costa hlesa ,,.. 'J I ~ #-A • • • s ASHER 76 I 5 Ada CM CaH tint 642-TI41 --JOB. Xlnt work, re.s. """" Framers, cabinet man * DI HW • ENTERTAINER Union , 64 ms, . A1·~:i. of L.~·~una Niguel I ei;t. JIM. 642--4669, 646-3149 ASS:~~rERS alu:i1inum skinner. Apply NIGHTS . e BUSBOY 540-1206 T'iTSER\ilCiMAN SECRiliARY . to '$650. ?.J,gr. _t:. · ~ l ThlMED. 'SERVICE. Local O'O:l;vrc:.TS 1,,;"""·-l.=~-,--,.=,,.-7 APPLY IN PERSON e DISHWASHER Will t.Nin, Jast advance. 504 Exp. in outside S«?Vice calls, tri=r::~ts:p:~:o~:Ws, 'J!fit:::J::;,; 1{;''7 NTER or Ext PAINTING, · · hiaJON·ay, 2UO Placenua, e BARBOY * COQk, .FAST FRY Pal'! 1·1nic, Afternoon ability top Co. ~ceUeiit vi. 11£iND£u • ,..........,,. ref._ FREI e st 548-1627 . 3090 Pullman, C.M. WANTED service s!-tiooLoc&lal· "M"EN,,.,..-w_,./ -manar--=•"m'"'•"nt,..,.ab"ili"'" Pacific COaat Hwy, HB blk & \l'h.ile and Color. Bond.. 66.""" ; .. ft45.'685 rliOM ~JJ • PAINTING, Papering 16 yrs tendant A: meehanie. . all Apply in ~rsoil · MAN to aui.8: Mar. in ai> nble. Send ~e ·to Box ~. in Harbor area. Lie & bond· MECHANIC5'°utbo1rd refs req'd. AH"pplyB at 6!J12 ~ ~.r~e ~':a hel~:i: ALLEY WEST pllance store; peat ap. M-666, ·Daily PiJOt, Costa \VCAfTR~~" D 2 a y & ~~.<:a11 For .~ .. _, ·" Rels furn .. 642-2356 Call 644-4545 btwn 9-5 Warner Ave., . · A-'no ·lo·nu'lalion .••• 3 .. ~a 2106 W. Oceanfront, N.B. --'ng Call .,,.A--4 Mesa. · . rave y ... " ...... t. yn, ex- o:u. ..-J'SIJ-~ l•ii.i ...... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;l;I!"~~~·~· ~~,~-~~~;,,,0--perlerice n!ce11sary. Apply I '"'!'"!'!~~\!!!!~:l'!!'!!"'"'I PAINTING & maintenance, i-fefp Wanted Men 7200Help Wan ... Meri 1200 -'-'-5$-='85,,·71'"'==.--Salesman DISHWASHER, tull time FRY COOK· relief shill, in person, S62 w. teth St. e SECRETARY."' .interior & e xterior. ' ' DRILLPRESS See:Teny,495E . .I7thSt. l8oraver.~perienced.• c.r-.t $475to$569 ... Reasonable rates, 646-3185 / • OPERATORS Mature A: Steady Costa Mesa 548-9314 Start $2.00 hr. No phone 1-~======~ 1'~0UNTAIN VALLEY·'f Full time onJY please. Apply in pel'50n. l.IANACER-TRAINt."E NEAT, exp. Painter, no ATLAN' Tl. c Mech. I ~1~nlc aailembler Apply in person MECHANIC w1 o\\'n tools. Cotlal:f: CoUee Shop. 562 Sportsivcer llbop, Balboa Isl. SCHOOL DISTRICT drinking. College ~~t. ~ tJ?,inees. Ph: m-96ll·""~-Ct:ants SUtplus Ask foe Jack 871 \\'.16th St. W, 19th St. Costa Mesa Salc.\I expericncc 'neces.~ary. ~~u;;ru~wn...: Low prices! Steve . ' R H P~INT MAN 1 ,.;;H~SO~N;"~"'°~-~"~;;Blvd;·~· ~C;.M;·;.1~N?eRw~poiNrt~G~Be~·~lo~h~~·~· f:A:'! \\'ANTED: Servlet: Sta. Alt. 673-S222 All 5 P~l for appt. shorthand. For aPPllCa-"'-..-:terlna. Rt>al'lir -!>S P.(!. RESEA c Experienced preferred. Kenn RN D shwas er. P-Loca.1 -references &: ·locill MANICURIST I Pedlctitlat Uon &: testing lntorma.. . . , Rima ·Hardware; Contact Po1ition or)en fpl' ply In pcl'90n btwn 2-5 pm. resident only. 7 to l•ant! 3 to Jose! hfagnln's Be au I y ti all M BIXt-""" e p ATC H PLASTERING. , Dick Wolafe1t. ~7080 MAINTENANCE llJCl2 E. Harbor, Chol. ll !!hift!! cpen. Must ht 'neat Salon contacl Miss Sanders S:2'k~ rs. ' ~ All types. Free estimate. CORPORATION PART·Time help wanted. MECHANIC HI-Fl Sc1.les trainee. Salary, and bendable. Ap}': 200 W. Mon or Tues. 54G-S050 o;-;===""'===--t:::I Can~ Ex...,.;•'n--" ..-fen<ecl. Will consi_der tralnee..w. P,a)' ~nt lulufe. Call Mr. Van Coast H ...... , N.B. A'"""MOTIVE OMV cle""·, IMMEDIATE openinic .ror ~·· ~ "" Ind · '""·-·· ~ 3 v 1 v '" vnung lady who Wiahe• hi'lie ··n Costa Mesa Apply: BUdd•"•' Buraer, shift. App,. us .......,-btwn 2-4. 646-8897 · tlm Theodore Robln8, Inc.'eoat:a :.::~~ tor ---· ....... U7 Pt'oduCts, 18765 Fiber Glau•l-'===""'""'""'=-:-SERV. Sta. Att .. part e ,.....,., ,.~ucJ"U owce cor. N'pt • ·Bristol, CM _.,( .,A h e EXPER DAY MAN e weekends. Must be ' bon-Mesa. Call Elinor Wall lor cte..t. in the --~ I I o=,-...,;,=,..-""=="' I Rd.,· Huntiugtull IX'aC 64' -10 " "-'"• • Plumbing 6190 PLUMBING Ri::PAffi DRAIN CLEANING 546-W or 54(). 7211 needs FRY COOK: Graveyard :P.1attheW! Union Service dable, aarn to 65, also full appt. u-vv storage industry. Appli ihtft. Sta.rt $100 week. 2 Busboy1-Di1hwash1r1 ·3928 E. Cout H1vy, CdM time employment available INVENTORY CONTROL-IN· mwit have typing lklll.·11lll PLUMBING REPAIR No job too small * 642-3128 • S•wing 6960 ENGINEERING AIDE . . ' . years exJ>tr, nee. Apply in 1.1.and over EXP'D. Serv Sta Attendant. In nearby areas. Apply ill VOICING· fl,ECEP-·trainremainder il~Wii:L periOn 56'l W,'J9th, C.M. Gbod wage&. TSCHE'ITER OlEVRON person A.rif. only, ~v-Mor TIONIST. $~: Wk. Call Apply in pel'80n. 929 BaW, .-YOUNG -MAN Don Jote' 2275 Newport Blvd., C.M. Station, 620 Ocean Blvd. between '9-4, 6·12-2563. C.M. Lido Van I St~._ ___ Pick up and Delivery 9C83 ~·s!.~s, ll.B. SERVICE station attendant!, H.B. ', SALES W 0 MAN~ \.1 Apply Hub Auto SUpply /----:--....,-....,.-::--,::-:-I day shirt; Apply. at Jen-y'1 \\'ANTED perlenced in re~dy ro \Vear ftDIJll ASSISJllll'. 2120 Harbor, Coeta'Meu DAILYPIUir WANT ADS Enco U9;i Baker St., CM. t'ULL &-PART TIME Ir sportswear. Pa.rt ~e. Kn AL ~ e DrcS!lmaki~. AllernaUom Custom Designs *64fi.-6446.• ~ High School-graduate with typing:nperien.ce -ltechnicaL11<liool preferred~ W\11.;handle tn· coming miterials for teo ng operaUons !lroup, coordinating requitementl· with op' eration department Wijt assist in 'preparing QAU.f PILOT' WA!'fl' ADS! Alwa,yg a ~! TOOL A DIE MAKER. Retlttd sentlenMOJ, f•o f' CM. 54&J24G2 ~lltnt Jl()91Hon, M1.11t bl'~ II ::;;;=::::=:::::=:==i====0:=====:::.1 Apply 1981 Placentia Ave. ja1!1torial WOf'.k, fuil<te · & "F"l'l"Y'°"Coo=k.-,~"p1",--,,in'""'P""""'=n front de1k experience. '" 1 'HefP Wanted, Men 720QH1te W~n~. Min 7200 Cotta Mesa, Calif. oulilde. Contact Mr. Dinn• ME.."A LANE s 1703 Call 545J6IJ ;h Altoratlons-442-5145 Neal, accurate, 20 )'1'$. e'xp. Upholst.ery 6990 czYKOSKI'S Cilst. Upl'lol. European Cl'aftiman!h~ 100~ fin! .&12.1454 Wl Newpdrt BJ.; C.M. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Jcb Wanted, Ledy 7020 . CONV A"LESCENT AIDE PRAC. nune or com1M111Kln • avsllable fu11 or part time, long or Abort term. Bonded and insured. . llOMEMAKERS ~7-6681 JAPANESE GIRL \Vants to Jive in. Houaeworlt. technical documents. 1 ' ' • SPARES ANALYST Two ye a r s of college '2.nd administration l courses plus two years experience' in parts analysis or four years in production control; material of• spares programa. Wille prepare operatiooal procedures and monitor progress of spares grqgram .--Will att~nd. CQ9f_erence , as an ad'riilor of spares 'support ~rogram. Insllres interchangeability, ease of maJnten· · ence, serviceability 1nd economy .of··•pare parts. " ELECTRONIC. TECHNICAL AIDE 1,.c,,...,;,.,-1332,....,...,.....-,,,,.==•ll -on .. two yean advanced eleclrortla. In col· LOCAL lad> wllh Pnctlcot lege. Must be nperien~ in ""'•of dtgltal Nunlng "'"' "'"" wori<' testing equjpmenL Mtlll ibo laiow 10mt«>n- """'"' OK. S<>-7m duct<>rs and Integrated c:lrculti,. W.111 buUd PRACTICAL NURSE. test equipment systems, breadboard and Avail. day or nlte. troubleshoot--aolid state clraiitry, as&embJe Local rel. 8J6-Sl28 , DAY WORK WA~N~T~E~D·" field design and check out tesl ·~'1!1'Pment. Phol'le Ml-5941 1------:-1 Oom,sric He·lr-103~ Chine!ld' livr-ln!!. Chetrful Call, Apply or Write Pete Heffrk:h 3333 Horbor Blvd., Cost• Mee• '2'26 ' 1714l'S4U031, Ext. 15' -· AllO(jlllil-oppo-rtwmy empI~ PermantnL Experienced . __.J Far \i'.ut Agtncy" w.&1031::::=:==::;:;;,:;;.;;=;:.,;;,:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;:=;:;;;:;;;,, =,.,...,,,,-,-==-,-=o-: 314f Harbor Blvd, C.M.i , SuJlf!ri6r Ave., CM.: ' FULL time porter. 5 da,s • -SE•0 STRESSE•-k A I De nds N L.. •• _ 11-.. 91... MC1rEL Maid, ))Art-time "'"' 'f •• , wee · PP Y IJ:mo • o. It's Be.Jch •--= .,..~. ,.. PO\\'tt ·machine ell:~ 3 Fashion laland, N.8. 1e1t selection ever! See the N~61,,)·841:Be!le!> • only, TOP 'RAY, Apply Jri * ASSEMBLERS'* . . ROYAL INDUSTRIES ts engaged.In the d .. sign and m.anufacture of nu·clear, aircraft QtARGE your want ad now. DAILY PILOT aaalJJed :;;;-;=-'::-=='":.:,==-;:::= section NO\V! CHILD ~. your• home, 'ftJCE.,' SAILMAKE~ • llld cominerpal components antl ~mblies. Our •nttclea~ field 'Involves worltiJlg wilh In· ~testing pftteisiori ~eChanical , assemblies which are components for commercial and Govetnment riuCl~t reactors. 'Mle Airoran activities are tn .. Janding 'fears and . precilio..n, ball screws. , Immediate OP.flDioP: exist on AL_L shif~, for quality lridlviduals wilh g o o d tecent m•· . chanical assembty ' expePienee. Muit read I blueprints anAd have ·own too}3. : E&cellent benefits along with good Job !•· curlcy. 'Overtime nall•ltfe • ovoroglng 5S ..-. •• -"-. . 5% Swing ond Ortny•r<I ohlft .i.onuo. APPLY NOW INTE~VIEWS 9 A.M. -12 N<>.ON MONDAYS, TUISllAYS, THURSDAYS, ~RIDAYS I ·x 'EROX ROYAL INDUtTllES . . ' . MACHINE CONDITIONING CENTER 2040 E. Oyer Rd., Stnto Ana, Calif. I IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX _____ 540°3210 -----liil 1 J t691 ~JMllORll lltOA,D ' ' fRVI •fl111I ·~~11ltt e1111lenr 1 Eqw•I OJ1port1111:f~y £rr\ploy•'-~ ' F • ~---~. -, Beach area. Peninsula pre:f, 900 LidO Park Dr. la~~ Mon. Uu11 J<'ri, 673--9186 evea Lido Shlpj.ards~ N'pt BcJt LIVE)IJN ·b •b T•·itter * SEAAISfRESS * ~ litehoule\vork. N e w P 0 rt Experienced or Will consMfr Beach uu. 673-1906 ,you~ 6-ainee. Apply Iii QUALITY fishfng nid \l<Ta~ perlon . ·~ per; Brbwnlng M.fg, Co. 1919 Joha~n & Chtistenst't Placefltia, C.M. 5'8--llTI 893 W. 16th St., N.B. ·, • MASSEUSE WANTED Co.rner qt Monrovia & t6tfi. HOUl'll' Open. Cn.ll IOr ·Ap--AL'PERATJON WO~J pointmeh.l ~ Full time, , ex~rienced, rpr MATliiE woman to do part ladlc1 &: · 111e1UJ alterat~, time babytittlng I: assist Call for ApP.t.: S40-00GO ~ ~/laundry, 347-3929 30. JOSEPH MAC~ Equal opp(lr1llnU, cmpl~ &1AID, NI time. pleasant °"'=""r-o=,.==-~ .surroundlflls . La 1 u n a COP.~'IATION, Sharp "1 Bead>. •>+-t\96 . M"1b l Go Go -~ DENTAL ASSIST-ANT To• wa.., $3.00.~ .t ~ start .. Ith-... tor lnt. ~ Newport 0.a~h 6t&-5U1 SAS$Y LASSY, 2901 I~, . HOSTESSCASRJER. Exp'd C.M, ·.,. . ~ pnfm'ed. Apply H 0 t e 1 I 0G-'1;,ru."""'F11°"'m"A"Y,..-·-,C"t"•'"'ll ~"!> Le.Juna Beach._ Englnetrir'4{ Qrrn. Oicla"'n •· FULLERETJ'ES, k!&W: a n\U!tt. Need car. 5 hn Cli:i- samplet &:.-.pick U'Jt orders. ty. Reaume!! 'to DaiJ1' P4ft Avg. $2.50 per hr. !>4&-5745 Box M-322. 1 •1 BABYSlil'ER Nl:XO wal~ din.ta« ~ty Colla l\1e1J:a home. Jerry. U ~ S. or a.htt S.:f .(far nectllflllt')". ~ Villa. Mu:lna llc(t. MAIDS e tiVE'IN '"«' Clllil ba~ Bt.n Brown.'• Mo1111, 31106 S. Own ·niom It ~th... hb. eour th\"f. t..uuna ~ ·'-IW0-~1'-~-'----~ -. ----------------...•. --. .. ---·--·-------------_______ . ___________ ___._....._ ___ -------. -· -· IJ ' .. ... DAil Y l'tLOf $•"'""'· Mar 3, 1 !69 ..... ~ •ull & IMPLu . & llol'LOYMINT M~··· FOlt~ MlllCIWIDISI FOlt MHCltANDISI ,.,. ..-HAHot11 l'Oll WMI-. 74GO llel Wanted Help Winlell . SALE AND TllADli SALE AND TllADI SALi AND TlADI SALi AND TllADI - I ~ w...... ' i-, 7400 w-' ,_ e-ti;ttur• \ : IOOOf~,\ \'. '< • ._..!Jori!," S.le.' -,' ~· •11G'J2 ~ lriit, 6 1125 1;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; . ALTl.'RATiiltiS • 0-" ~ 7 I! x J C 0 LL EGE Pal1< 1 at ~6(i; G • tt ,, • REPRO SECR£1'ARY' • ~ lDD 8Gla 0Uca 1 t ' ' Jl£.qw puzales. blke, Q4H ant • S6-1760 1trt for ~ ~· ~ ~ • ElmbW'lt Lanit ' ...... :,~ boct,y, ''S!l. ~- = Me. 1ta " " Sa .,Usli ' & tolrla dothln&. Um*lla 1 Onl')'eat&te~hkape:r. MEXJ~'( .......... lve izL .........,,~ ~ ' ~ 'nt,.ete ~ PlMa._~~·1·1130 CPart Tlm<l """'· Typo "' •-,..... can ,., 1 c:hlldttn. 1.quna .................. neap 54ll""'42 -~ · ~ , -""'""'· _ .... et wpm. Work Lrom hlnd hand" wpon: ,,.,...., ""· •1ru<t. 496-<m , lleuiht Manul•clv!'M" • lior1 .. si1es.t. & Sun:, 11-.1 A:.:l''~lftS ica1 and secretarial M3rk "69 .Showroont" Slmpl• · 420l 'RW.r Aw., N.l.j' ...... Vr . tor buyt:r1/auba:lrrtraet ad-J bo .... -7•- writtitn cop)', uadent&rxl edit mvb and line jUltifi.. cation. ttutt )'!:an ttpro- duclion b'Pill&'. Expem~ ttquired. Position ttquires t~twenty hounl a 'M)(!k or more Q n!eded in p r a k work ~riodl. mlniltn.tors, ~ purchase • 4lc .. , -Al,_. ....,., s,.dll hf ... .,.,,. Lots of 9oodle• from C2 ltammond w/Leallc tlt» crden and correspondence, 8' Wood carved arm divan, lg. man'1 ch.air dlshff to blkn. 61~1• 4liOO WW'Utztt Conlole naas . take dictation. file. answer • * or love seal 5 Pc Octagon dark oak din set Jlunmood chord, eboof $395 telephone,. noourt visitots. .J. c . PmtitY Co. w/blaclc: or avocado tramed chairs; 8 Pc BR ANTIQu:-t;:.::iture, ~ Hammond chord, walnut $295 Appbt To Donna Ehle t Tif) S.8030 'E>:t. lS1 3.133 Harbor Bh·d. Costa Afesa, 92626 AOSSlLE SYSTEMS DMSION ATLANTIC RESEARCH OORPORATION A Divition of the SILSqUehanna Carp. • .t,n equa: opportunity tinp!Qyer - MtJe or Female ma,y apply DUNCAN lmm9Cliate openints Apply to Donna Ehlt ftl4) 6tM030 Ext. 151 33S3 Harbor mvd. Costa Mesa_ 92626 .Pans&l.E SYSTEMS DJVISJON ATLANTIC RESWCH CORPORATION A Divisicn of the """"""""" Cmp. An equal cpportunity employer - 11Ia.le czr F~e may apply MAIDS !<'ult time, days. EXPERIENCED Apply per90nnel oUice, 3rd &or - for Second Sh ill • '-r The Broadw1y NEWPORT ASSEMBLERS Electronics firm. Excellent workinv conditions and employ" benefits. 545-1261 I 2l6S Fo1irview RNd Cost• Meta Equal opportunity employer ADVERTISING Secretary/ Bookkeeper Responsible, top level position for sharp, tak• charge girl. Must have ax:cellent skills incl. shorthand; handle lite bkkpg; bm1.,. Under )0.. Call Barbera. (714) 642-1910. Rll'S ·KU Excellent workinc condiUons, above averap aalary and fringe bendtts. Call penon. N!l dept. bet. 8:30 am • 5 pm, Mon, thru Fri. 527-7744 Stanton Camm unity Hospital EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Apply In Parson SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 Pac. Cst. Hwy. Newport Beech GIRL FRIDAY C-a.rp@t atore A: bl<fa material Nlea. Part tlrm-, 3 di,)' week. Call tor appt. J. J. Knlclc.e-rbccker 1~ Beach Blvd No. 47 Courts of Fashion Newpert Center An equal opportunity employer PROOF OPERATOR EXPERIENCED United Cellforni• Barik 4525 A-facArthur Blvd. 540M24 Equal opportunity ('mploy~r EXPERIENCED 0 ESCROW 0 SECRETARY UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3141 E, CNat Hwy' C•ron• del Mer -,7:1-'240 F,qu1>I oppor1unlty employer * Accounting Clerk Expl!rienced in accounts pay. able. voucher systems, with aome i"neral accounting baclqround. Must be able to work with minimum su- perviaion in a small com- pany atmosphere but all lhe benetitl cf • bif corporation. fnnerel Monitors Inc. 3019 Enterprise St. ccaa Mesa, Calif. <n-t> 540-C895 EXPERIENCED STENO UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3029 lfarbcr Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-2033 Equal opportunity employer F'uhion Jsland sel 9-dr. Mr. &: Mrs. dresser, lg minor, 2 ware, nograp c140 Y(uriJ.tiier •..••••• ~ Newport ~ach commodes1 decorative headboard in; Spanish =·}·rt ~l~~AM ~ 4070 Wurlitzer · · • · · ·• · U95 oak desl~n with matching box springs mat-o • , c M MOd A Hammond w/Les $1'95 It · • range .... ve. • • Low•~ Hol~... •- as :en•l\i: tress & ame. HELP! Must find room to B&Jct~in cy~.:::::::. i695 It.ms Sold Jndividually 134rk my ~r. Mluly itema Wurtltier '4 ......•.•• S49S Shop A~{l'd -Before you .buY '" USI Inc furniture & briw.-brac. G\llbranllen RialtD ••• ', s2500 VALUE $1095.9S -FULL PIUCE $529.95 S&t-Sun 2544 o.-an,., Apt D EVEllY'nl!NG JN MUSIC COOK * \Vith .901Jle experience and * willlna: to lf!arn our limited menu. Cmnpl!tltive wagea, outstanding bme'fils includ- in&" profit sbarin.r. or '"""' .. 1 .. •• $4.66 per week ~t"' Be»h Music Center Use Our St ... e Charge Plan or Bank Financing 2 GARAGE SALES "~ No Fancy Front -BUT Quality Values Inside Everyllng goes! Misc an- Uquea. 503 Carnation Ave, CdM ; alley. 673·5156 . Factory Salea &. Strvice [)a.Uy 12 noon 'tU 9, Sat 9-5 17404 Beach Blvd., (ffwy 39) l'iii mt. So. San lJitjO Fwy. Huntington Beach M'l'-15.16 Apply in pl!l'SOn" 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. ~1onda)' thnJ Friday J. C. PBINEY CO. .. • .. : .... SAT. 2417 Orange. Baby items, yard tools, 20" fall, guitar, recliner. Lol.s more! 64>-2689 3 FAl\ULY garage sale. All items must be aold, very reasonable, Sat. & Sun. 423 Victoria, C.M. 24 Fashion Island An equal opportunity employer Furniture 8000 Furniture ·-~~~~--~~~ 8000 , DRESSERS .. 2 sto vea,. • 20 Pc. Maple clothes, mining tools. Bric- a-brac, 272 Costa Mtsa St, EXQUISITE * * BllSIOYS AND SPANISH • f\fEDITERRANEAN 3 ROOM GROUP CM Jnclooei.: Living room set • 1 G"°'A~RA=c~E~~S7A~L=E~, ~>7171-,-,'t tableq • lamps • bedroom items & antiques. 2120 * WAITRESSES FROM MODEL HO!'tlES Eantem brand names, com· plete llQusefuls of quality iumitUtt, king siu bed· roomii:, full or twin, custom quilted aofas & love seats, lamps, tables, beautilul din. Ing ~t1, chi.18-&. 6 chairs, C'Oior TV's, automatic refrig. erators, washers l: dryers. \Vill separate. Ttrms. All on sale at aacrifice prices. set • qUilll!<f matb'esi!i • ma· Raleigh St., C.M. May 3 k 4 pie dlnine room. All 1or . . • Patio Sale! Moving! $449 Any ciacy·Everythi11£ goes B.J's, RT·2, C2, A-lOO'a, M· lOO's, L IOO's, M·3. Al• o many pianos -Steinway, 1ifU!ll be O\ler 21 Apply in penon 2 to 5 PM A-fonday thru Friday No dov"n. Pmls. only $18 mo. 1010 Oak St .. CA-! 642-6937 HUNTINGTON SEA CLIFF Country Club 3000 -Palm Ave., H.B. AOK War~ouse WEI.K'S WAREHOUSE OOl W. 4th SI., Santa Ana Open Daily 9 • 9 Sat.9-6 SUn.11.6 DREXEL BREAKFRONT, F'RJAR .FISH &: CHIPS needs 7n2 Garden Grove Blvd., GG COUNTER HELP. App: ~I block Wtst lrom the Coi· 1927 D, Harbor Blvd. Coeta · ncr Ot Beach Blvd near t.fesa. G.G. FN'f. ., pecan ,,'OOCI, pull-out desk In C't'ntcr, 78" long, 19 .. ,.,,idc. 72" high. I paid $5&1. Also 2 DREXEL END TABLES, fJ('Can . I paid SJ6-t Also COFFEE TABLE, 72x24. I paid $150. Scu.rcely used 1 bought Jor my mother jusl VET usistanl wanted. Wark Open 10 to 9 Sun JG-6 mornings. Write box M 158, &: state f!Xp. if any. A,.nciOI, Man & Woll!on 75SO It's Nor· Luck - It's Knoll!' How Female Sec., Exec. aa:1resslve to S&50 Bookkeeper, thru T &. B SSj() Oerk Typist, 60 \VP11f •. $450 Genera\ OUice, 1ocd akills ........................ $400 SPANISH Returned trom before her dealhl. Will you Model Homes on sale at pay n1y cosr, less 25%'!' leu than wboleiiale! Group Mr:i;. -Lansdale, 673-62.86. Jr includes beautiful 9 6 • • no answer, try ~ or quilted sofa & Jove seat. I ~64=>-~13~1~5·~------ 3 Spanish oak decorator STEREO Harmon-Kardcn, 6' tr.hies, swag or !able lamps, maple AM-Fl\I, GruTard 1vall placque, king, queen, player $200. Ttundle bed, or full size bedroom suite maple, box springs & mat· complete Incl box sprinp, tress $75. Charnbcr's range mat~ linens & boudoir $75. l\1oving-must sell by lamps, Spanish oak 6 pc thi~ "·rekend. 0.11! art 6, dining set priced e:lllewbere 847-2077. 7711 Quebt'c Dr., at approx. Sll95.00 ALL HB. 1-"0R ONLY S399 .. $%1 down. 2 T\VIN Beds, orthopedis, $4.99 ~r "eek ' out of complete $3:). each or $50 Administrative Trainee, 1tat -•·1 OK. W t t t e u.:ul bolh. Sal eve or Sun. Fee Pd. · · · · · ·· · · · · • · · $&50 separate for quick sale. 20th 8J3..-M3i Buyer, E~tronic t :.:p. CentW')' Furniture, 9 7 7 2 Fee Pd. , ·~, ... , ........ 9K Garden Grove B I v d . , ROUND l\1aplr drop leaf Cost Eltim(tor, some Garden Grove Daily 10.9, tab!r 42" x 66". Ex. co rxl. cc>lkge, Fee Pd ..... $780 Sat lG-6. Sun ,].2.5 C.Ome $.;(). Minibike 3 1-lP $65. Publle Relations SllP'\'. In OT call (n4) 531}-5240 G46-.l 7j9 r~ee Pd. • ............. li;K !-------~.-----?\1AH0GANY secttlllry $65, + many more pogitlons 20 PC. MODERN \\•al nul inlay d re !Iser, {Also Fee J obs ' n1alchfng zlngle bedstead, Open on Saturday 9 to 12:30 3 ROOM GROUP student desk. 675--0895 MERCHANTS Includes: Floral sola &. chair QUAL. Kng Sitt bed II'/ PERSONNEL · 'i\'alr.ut tables -lamps · quilted matt., com p J e ! e complete b@droom with quill r\cvcr used $98; worth $'.?'JO. ~ Agency ed mattres& • 5 pi.:. dinette, 817--0406 200 \Vestcliff DrlvP etc. All for . . . I~==~~~~~~-Comer 17th &. lrvlne FRENCH Provincial end 645-2770 -545-5685 $277 lab!c. \Vlth Oil(' dr!l\VCr. newport parsOMal agency Profe11Jonal Service for the employer end the eppUcant 133 Dover Or., N.B. 642-3170 549-2743 Schools-Instruction 7600 LIFETIME Gift, typewrilinr. Oilldren, crandcbildren, or yourseU! Individually tulot•- ed Chilcoat 10 lea!Ons typin&: achoo!. 173 Del Mar, CM, 54.8-2S59 Nv do~n . Pmts, only $10 n10. \Vcll-111ade. $35. ~19-0674 W•111•s w·"·HOUSE SO>"A & Chai" new, """'' UA Alll used. '1ifake oHer. 518-0025 ~ \V. 4lh St.. Santa Ana Open Daily 9 • 9 SaL9.6 Sun .. U.6 No interest charge !or si;.: months No down payment or 962-3059 eves only. Dining room set. 9 pcs. Cinammon mahogany $125. • 541).5219 * Office Furniture 8010 THE \VORKS! IBM ('Ice IYIX'· \Valnut Alma desks, Ibis. Uphol. chrs. shelvl's, files. dralt'g tbls. Rlttt, sofas. drps. 673-4871 Appliancn 8100 Wurlitze.r, etc. Open SUnday 12 to 4 2 REFRIGERATORS, 1 HAMMOND under counter \Vestinghousc in CORONA DEL MAR great for \.\'l't bar S.50. l Full 2854 E. Coast Hwy., 673-3930 size G.E. $30. Beth clean I.: ONCE A YEAR in Kood con<l. 642-7274 WURLITZER l\1AYTAG. auto ma l ic PIANO & ORGAN SALE \.\"asher, 2 speed, recon-New Pianos from •• ." ••• $579 ditioned, 1 yr parts &. labor New Organs !ron1 .•.••• $699 guarantee. Dunlap's, 1815 WHY BUY USED? Newport, Costa. l\1 e 5 a • ppen A-ion &: Fri e\ft 'Ill 9 548-7788 e Rental Purchase Plan • ~R=EF=R'°lG,-""H~ot'"po~i-n1'", -cbo"°'t,-to_m_1 Gould Music Comp.any lrcczer. lmn1aculate c:pn-2045 N. ?\-lain, SA 5'7-0681 dition. 17 Cu ft, only 4 yrs HAMMOND. Ste_lnwa,y ,.,. old. Sacrifice! 962-3941 maha • hl!l"J A; \lied ptanoe KENMORE Au t_ o m a t i c cf all maket. Best buys in "'a~her, late mcdel. Xlnt So. Calif. ri&ht here. cond. SCHMIDT MUSIC CO., s;iO. * 847..s115 1901 N. Main,, ADMIR,AL }~reezer, used. 4 Santa Ana ,..,,.,old, xlnl conditio". 10 CONN ORGANS Cu ft. $99.95. Dunlap's. 1815 All MODELS N~1\'JIOrl , O.! 548-7788 NEW &: US'k..1) HOTPOlNT Auto washer, llear the NEW 3 Manual! late made!. xlnt cond }Jj, Gould Music Comn•ny * 847-8ll5 * -21).15 N. Alain, SA a-17-0081 BRONZE elec1ric washer, excclll'nt condition. ~-5 o. GIBSON J-50 673-4179 \\ith danlshell case, NOH.GE Ga.., Oryrr, made~ xlnf cond. $50. * 847-8U5 * late f"RlGlOAIRE, Cust. Imp. Matched Waiber i. Dljlft. s.:;o. each. &14-0448 DELUXE Norp heavy duty dryer. automatic, like new. 54lHi991 • G.E. Refrigerator bottom fN'c,zcr $75 xlnt condition. 54&-1764 HOOVER Portable Washer, Coppcr!one \Vilh ~eiva·Top, 1 Yr. Old. $100. 646-4738 CROSS-TOP Refrigerator, Frigidaire, good cond. $75. 841""'65 $320 new, $200 er ot!er. Erle, 61>516') after S PM * BABY GRANO Piano; FttncJa Provincial atyltd. Take owr p·a y men t 1 . 5'16-281S 1200 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Porous -Raven -Erupt - Social -CURTAINS A tea ta&: line: II it were.n't lor venetian blinds, it would be CURTAINS tor aJI of us. G.E. lB 1L Aulo Frost·frtt \\'ilh auto. let' maker~ Televl1lon ::~:::.2'A 641,-0317 1110 -.c-,-E.-;.-,-.Lo-.• R-.-.~-R_f_' nos ANTIQUE SALE! Quitting Business Everything goes -dealen TV \.\-clcome · wholesale prices! * 4 Roll to1>5 * 10 Oak tables * 4 Hoosierz * Hall seats * Desks* 1licusands FREE of small goodies! ANTIQUES AP.1PERSAND 2624 Newport, C.M. 642..J069 Rte Beach 962-3351 SARAH CCV.ENTRY has cpeninp .for tun or part lime sales. Min. age 18. Pleasant ,vork, no lnveat, 11 PM RN'S to 1 AM. part time. LYN'S Full and e FLYING LESSONS , co1np1 pri. lie. pk&:. from $600. Pa,y as You learn! 549--0126 no dtliverle1. For interview 3 P?>l to tl Pl\t and 11 Pl.I call 540--0614/ 137-4749/ lo 7 Al\I. Fuli and part time. On 11.pprovf'd credit on 11. housefull ol furnitun>. in xnll rondilion. lncludes king, full, er twin bedroom set, comp!. livi~ nn. dinette liel, aulo. refrig. & \Vasher l{Uarantrcd, stO\'C', den furn., dishes k small ap- pliance~. Sacrifice r o r Bal. due $479.16 or pay \.\'ttkly. Will separate. Buy all or par 1. AOK \Vatel"IOUSI', 7722 Garden Grove Blvd. ~' blk. \Ve!!t of Beach nr. G.G. Fwy. Open 11).9, Sun. }G-6. Office Equipment 1011 At.rrQl\!ATIC I e I e phone an."lwerin.g equipment. Sa1es & service • all makes. 540-<892 CASH REGISTER National, 8 dl'pl '5, &.:oo<I Cond. 847-~S. AM's 536-4868 111ULTIGRAPH duplicator nKXJel 80 and supplies. S22.l. &42-5027 Hi64 Babcock, C.M. FRONTIER RELICS &. Civil War items. \\'e h a \I e somelhing for everyone at HELEN'S ANTIQUES 2428 Nr11rport Blvd, store J, CM. Vast stock Arner/Eur furn&. clocks. Larry Morgan Anti- ques. ~42.8 Newp. Bld., C.l\I. Parts & Labor S7 1't •. 3'1_,,30 PARK LIDO LOCAL J 0 BS I Convalescent HcspltaJ Stttys., Recpts GaJ Fri, aerk 1445 Superior Ave., N.B. Typist &: part time Dental I ;;;iiiiiiiii642..0-2ii'1ii0iii_,iiio Asst. t. See Belt)' Bruce at mwlx~c Agency for Career Glrla C1D W. O>e.st Hwy .. N. B. B1 appoint. 646-3939 Cali Dorll, f>48. 7796 ARGUS AGENCIES 1J89 C Nn.•port Blvd .. C.M. LVN • Experienced. ~ va.l~t Hogpital, Ccata Mesa. Excellent worldn( conditions. 3-ll pm ablfl Call &&2.ilm7 I c r ap- potnCrnent. TYPE AT HOME COf4 PANION Lite, ~~ ;~:~~ho~ holllHffplng, w I d o w or ... 1hwle lady. Muat drlw, llw Must have exptrlence tn lea· tn Referencn ~ al tleld. Call 3 PM to 7 PM only, 968-1~ · SPEC t A (,, M A C H 11'1 E HOUSEKEEPER lo liw-in, 3 OPERATOR -Tep J*Y, Steady. Garment Mt Ir. children. Salary ope:n. Own _. room, rets req'd. Pmn. job. Contact Mr • Davis a l PIANO Le!\S()ns: The very best In inalnJctlons. Call 644-2639 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TllADI Furniture IOOO ZO PC. "MADRID" 3 Room Group rnOM MODEL HOMES Includes: Quilted IOta Ii: cb&1r -2 end tabla 6 eof. f~ table - 2 llmpt-ma. er -mirror -hNdbcmd - quilted box aprltw t: matt. ms -5 pc. din!lw room; table &: 4 hi-back chain. COMPARE AT f/49.15 $399 No down--Pmta only SlS mo. WEI.K'S WAREHOUSE 17 Pc. King Size Bedroom Large 9 drawer dresser, mir·· rot, 2 bedside •lands. king size headboard, frame. quill· ~ mattress. sheets, blank· els, etc. _G_•_ra_,g'-o_s_1_l• ___ ao-'-"22 Sewing Machinet 1120 ' Ox>lce of Spanish or Modern Style All For SZ49 Ne down • Pmts. only S9 me. WW'S WAREHOUSE DJN"ING Set-misc furniture. lOO's of books lQ &. 20c. ea. Complell' Britannica \\'orld Book, Child Craft. Complete electronics lab. Kitchen Items, antiques. ~tany other itl"ms at give-away prices! Sat &. Sun all cla,y. 6fl St. James Pl <not road) comer 600 W. 4th Sr~. Santa Ana 15th St., NB.-Ms--0771 Open Daily 9 . 9 lo~=.=,_,..'"'""'-,--~~ Sat. 9 • 6 Sun, 11 • 6 ...,.12 Wool, blue & green !ring. ftt shage a~a rug. Tur- Furnlturt returned frtlm dis-q ucisc no11tCr d e c o r a t o r play atudlos, mcdel bonies, tree, lrg ceramic table decorators cancellation. lamps, olled "''lllnut 11nd Spanlah A Mediterranean etc !ables & other n1isc. items. RD FURNITURE 644-4"1 1144 Newport Blvd., CM GJ'.RAGE SALE -llcuschold 1969 SINGER with 1lg-zag 6 \\'Moot coMOle. l\lakl?ll but· · ton holea. des.igns etc., $5.25 mo. OT $36.00 cash. a26:-6616 Muslc•I Inst. 112S Guitar Headqu1rten e NEW and USED e Ferxltt e Vax e Standel e GIBSON e MARTIN e WILSON e YAMAHA Drum Headquerten e NEW llnd USED e No Dep•sit Rent With Option to Buy lVe also f'l!nl the folJowins: * Furnillll'f! '* Washers &. Dryers * Re.irigerators & Ranges. 521-7555 • ••••••••• 1968 23" color Mapa.vex, rP.mote control, pecan wood, like new $350 (cost $800). Need cash. 4Sf..5308 e COLOR plct\U'e' tubea, new, Installed $75. Call 962-.5303 IJ'()'time ~ HJ,FI & Stereo 1210 STEREO, G.E .. "'' o o d cabinet. AM/FM ai..r.o BEAUTY operalor w t th ~5-Sll8 ar 962.-1654 .omie: fcJ.lcwlnc . Full er part 600 W. 4th $1., Santi ANI time: Corona df"I Mu. Call e PART Tll\[E. Open Daily 9-9 every night tiJ 9 fumizhl~. -t>cd~ &. M!fl'tl(' \Ved'., Sat. & Sun 'til 6 Iii-Fi f'Qll il"·· also fl1 illC LUDWIQ, ROGEICS,ASTRO Larp selection with new 4 pc, !!(!IS wtth cymbals start. tng at $99.50. Pedals. bi.hats and ~'&.. repa_tred. All small parts . aceuories & cymbals in l!ilOCk, radiO, 4 ~ changer. four floor models. Only $169.38 Ounh1.p'a, 1!15 Nev.1JC11. CM ~1188 after & PM 67J.-096S ~o~n Sat. 9-6 Sun ll-' wnroC>W &iris \\'&nltd, 31 to ALLEY WEST ELEGANT Dining .et. ~ S5 )Tl of 'II!· Werk from 11 67>171-4 dudes Irr u t tbl, l leaV@S, _._..., til 2 PM Apply I =====~----6 chn. buUet &. mirTOI' all -. COMBINATION presser. McDonald'• 635 W. ltth, CM quality a must. Mr. Beat 1-,.,.-13.,,..",.· _......,.~,....,--,--- Exp'd tnmltl"ell to 11ew oeaners, 2949 E. Cout Sofa A chaiz set. camper curt&ina. Call lltway, Con:lnl dd MU. bl good cond. l9S4S70 ah.er • p.m. 615--m * 642.J03ll * DENTAL ASSISTANT DENTAL A SSISTANT , e llAlRSl'Yl..IST e Newport area. Pedcdontlc practlct. Ex· \vmr FOU.0\\'IN G c.n 543-3111:5 ptrltnct dtslrtd. s 4!" d LIDO AREA OR. l-593) MAIO OW!' 361 ptnna.nrtrl rHUmr to: Box M-505 The p&rt lime, 6 dvaf\YHk. Dall.\' Pilot t1.7S hour. 49W52l IS YOUR AD tN CLASSI· PERSIAN Ruaa. ntw, for Ale by prv prty: •II aiitt. 544..[)863/no dln, ltt"m.11.. 282'2 Portola Dr .. \VH.ITE naugh. bed di I' an. 11\!esa <kl ,\fa.r • c A-1 • Gm divan "A·/ rnatch'g love 54~'718 seat. Wall cloclt. maple n ·. f ;c;;;;"'°,.-"""'==~o--­AUac. 23.> Shcrv.'OOd Pl Cl\J. LOVELY 11-llNGS I ro m EVERYTlitNG IN flfUSIC Beach Music Center 548-1950 three IC\.'Cly homes. AnH-Fi\ctcrf Sales &: Serv1ce ques, bric-a-brac. clothlng, Dail,y 12 noca 'til 9, Sal 9-5 and furni~. Silt. &: Sun. Jn 1'7404 Beach Blvd., (ffwy 39) The BluU; )402 Vista Hopr, 11,i ml. So. San Dieco Fwy. Ne*port &sch. 644-1738 •ru11tJr.gton Beach 847-85.11 GARAGE SALE: Sebof qi!,_, FOR Sale Fender precisicn xlnt cond: EI Toro Sabot, bns.~ & Standcl an1pliUcr nerds wnlil: all lot m. IJIOild atatrl $400, 53&-&172 DESK "Ai th lockable file drawer. $50. • 67S--0304 * EXTENSION Dint'Ue table wl 4 chairs. Student ck-sk. Baby Grand pi11.no. 516-7920 JlID&A-\\'AY bed, likl' Tl('W. St1•r«) portable, xlnl mnd . or :-1.16-71!1 can all 4, ask 2 rotker chain, W11t;hl'r & $93. Misc. itl'm~. Sat. I~ for tTank. dryer, l )'r old. 642-29~ GAlaxy Dr., NB. 1 ',-.~E~N~D~E-R-. -~.-,-,-,-.,-,-,, --HSKPR lr-child•rtr l1Ye-in. nmLSomeone. will -bL 081.........lldnn ~I. -Cixccutlv. 5\' da,yl. Prv rm &: bt. looldna for It. DI.ti Gt2-5671 dW<, palio furn, odds &: R.ei'a. SDI mo. 5f0..9'114 Por Q"Wck. • f.Ulctent rai.ills. l!nd,, Sun le. etts. 83.l-2734 6' \VltttE.nauaahyde..ooucb.--PATIO SIU.E:!!... ampllfjef $200. €ipher.be.st $JO, 2 walnut end l"Ablrs. $15 n36 Ra.lelgh, Ccsta ?11esa ft\..ilar, like ne1v , S l 0 . ... h, 13)-5117 • • ,.,..,.,. ... """""" DAlLY PlLO'( \V M'T ADS! Fer Dail,y Pilat Want Adi! Diltl M2-5671 for 1tESUL TS ---------------~ • • - . . -' 6 4 2.· -5: 6 7 8. .. D A I l y p I l p T c l A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 - 5 6 7 8 LEGAL lJOTICf: t , LEGAL NOTICE lfOTICI TO C•IDfTO•I SUPl•IOll COQIT Ofl Tn STATI Ofl ULl~IUA Hit TH• couwr.r °" ~ ... ....... Eltwf .. lltENE MAUOIE HIATH ... ...... HOTICI'. IS HEltEI Y GIYIN fl tM ~'°'' di .... .WW _.... ~· 1'ft aJ4 ll!enotl h•Vlftl Clelf'll ... IMf "'9 ••Id lllKtdilnt ,,.. '"""1olll " "" 1tltm, wllfl 1l'le lllCe .. fY -iwn, In tr. Gfllc1 el tllOt ckrtl ol "" t llow efllltlt'll Cftrt, .,. II 1W111nl """" wlfh "" ~('I \'f\ICl\en, " fhl """'""""" •I "'9 .rfk'I °' ""' AthlrMn, MCC1rtln. H<ldl-.tlltr &. Clal'I. UGI AdllM A-. kilt.,._ lier JU, C.I• ...... u, C1lttorni. f2'M, llffllcl'I liJ 1111 Plkt of MllWu. of ..... """ ftnl1nM In 1!1 "'lfflH'I P1rt1lnl11C1 Ill "" nt111 11 Mid cltndlnt, wttntn lllUI' -1111 •llfl'" 11'1t llflt Mllc.ttllll el fhlt nett«. 0.MCI Alltll 24, !Ht. ltoblrt• He1111, E.reocutrlr of Ille Wlt1 d lilt •bo~• n1m.i dtuftnt MIC1f1111o lflldc'.,_.ftlw a DIM lM l.&11111 A.-w, &1111 Nllfft~ JU, C•ll Mau, Cl...,..141 t:HM Tel": (tlfl 1*7UI AtliN'MYI flM' 1-.trbr • P111llllll\fl!I or ...... C-1 Ctll\I ,.lllt, Atrlt 2• 11'111 ,_,,., J, I~ 17, IHt 10Mt LEGAL NOTICE ....... CllTl,ICA"TI! CP IUIUHllS •1CTITIOUS NAMI Ti. """rt19ned dou c..tifyo 11'11 i. - dl/ctll'll I busJMSI 411 '"' lilrllor l lW .• C•I• """"· CIUfon\11, uMtr fhl flt· tltle<n nrrn Mini l>f aACJC.DOOll IM- l"Olrs Ind 11111 Hid fir"' II ~ ,, ..,. 11111ow1 .. "~ ...... -~ )1111 Ind 111u el rnldlt!IU II •• tDtlllwt: Mars•rtl LoulM Nord, 1'14 DtYer Cr/¥11, "'-1 leldl, C..llfornl1 01IM Ailrll 11, lHt Mtri1rd Lou1M Horii STATE OF CAL1F011;NIA I COUHTV OF ()II.ANGE 1 11 On Aflrll 17, lHf, iblto!'I -. 1 Nlte,.,. l't>bllc lft 1<'!4 M "hi Slltl, ...,_ltv •-trtd ~<llrtt LOVIN NI,. S-~ "'' 11> &I "" ,.,..,,, ""--•• subw"lbtct " tt.. wll1\1n ''"'""'-' I nf t dftOWllclttd 11111 •~•cllfttl tl!t .-. (Oflltl•I S.tll ~rv IC. Hem·y Noi.rv Pvblle • Ctllf!H~i• PrlnclN1 ON!ct In O••~tt Covnh My tomm111en E°•Plr• NoY. 2~, 1t11 PubllJhlld Ort 1'111 Co11! C11IY Pll&t, Atrll lf, M 1/ld MIY ), 10. Ifft 1Sl .... LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE P·UUt .... ,,,, ClllTll'ICAT• CW <O•ll'Ol:A"TIOlt DC!Ne IUSllflll UlfDllll l'IC"TITKIUS lfAMI THE UNOEllllONID CCltl"O .... TtoN doei IMrltrl' ttrtlfr fhll It II °""uctlllt • rel1ll l""'<ll1nln. M5-If 111' .... , Strfft, Cotti Mlul, ClllforftJ1, ullllltr ftl9 flctllllltl firm "''"" l>f MESA HOlllnt ONE HOUR. MAlllTIHIZtp,,Q Nod ht IN "''"" cf Mkl tOl'POrtllon Ind lh l'tlnclPtf "ICt (If 111/11""'1 II 11 fel'-t: CASA CAlllOCA, COlllPOll.ATIOfll,"' S-1 ltolld, Cotl1 M ... , Coillll'f' "' Or1111f, 111i. DI' C1llfwnl1 01ted Mtrdl n, 1"'6 !(Oil,.. SEAL ! CAIA CAalOCA COltl"OllATION lv1n L L !ndtrr Prft!dtnl Wtlft\1 M. l Jlld,r ..,,. .. ,., STATE OF CALU•OINIA } COUNTY OF CIANO!" l tJ. On ttllt 21 .... dtY l>f MaT't~. Ifft, llefcrt mt, 1 Not1ry P'llbllc In Ind lllr 111<1 Ceu,,_. tr Ind Sfll9, "rlOl'll ll'I' 1-rtd twn L. Llndtr Ind WllfNI M. llnkr li;M!Wft ~ tM to M f!lt Pt l'SIO.nl 1nlll SKrttlrv DI' ,,.. COl"Nfl llon !Ml l ll1C11h1lll lilt wnMn lntlrvrMnl en tltlltlf flt ttll COfJIOrl tlon ffltor"11 l'llftlf<I, 1 n d 1cknowtldtfd to m• lh1I 1ucn '°'""'',.., U fcuted "" llrnt. WITHE» mv hind Miii tMl IOl'l"ltlAL SfALl P1Wlllt M. SllY~r NOllfY Publlc..Ct lllernl1 or1-Cov111Y Mr ~Inion E#lr• ~6.-lttl .IOttlt C.. IALYI•, Aftr. JIU W•lltllff Cft111 ,.__, 11«11. C111ftn111 P'ubl~ U!'aftlt Cont Deity l'lltt. Atrit '1. It, 1' Ind MIY l , lfff #Wt LEGAL NOTICE l'-41114' IAlll·llU CllllTll'ICATI Cl' Cotll'OlllATlGfl DOIMe 11110101 UNOllll f'lC'T ,.., IOt.l I IJU.M • THI U~SIGHEO COllPOlATIOM *'" ~ ttrtlfy t11¥t It ts Clrtllluctlftl I rtltH ~ ... n!nt M r,,_ 11 ntt Htf'ilol' •wtwtl'f. U111! A-2, C.!1 M ... , Ctllfet!\11, llncllr till 11C!Jt1tut """ Mm. fll lt-MAll.T (»(I! HOUR. MAlllTIN1ZIH~ lfld lh1t IM 111m1 If ••l<I cor'°'lfllll 1.wt ltt ir~I •IHI fll bWJM9 II '' folklWI! • DAWN lNTEllPlllEI. 1"'--1kt J. UM. ltcond-..., C-" fll .a.~ 01,..., St1!9 If Ct llfornl&, Otfld Ml•ctl 11, 1"' {CCll.P, SEAL! 011¥!1 E"'trlH'llt'I, Ill(. E1rt Wll'M Tl'"tl', Jr. l' .... ldlM WIHlll'n C. l ltckat111 --STATE Ofl CALWOltHlA· I COUNTY OF OltANOl I 11 .. °"' fhl• !lit "' .,, ~!'di. lttt ........ -.1 Nell .., """'JC !fl ll'llltDl'tl llll c_... tr ..... ,.,.. ,..,.,.1,, .......... .. w..,,.. TtfT'I', Jr.. IM Wlllllrll C. •ll<Uount --,. -._ .... Pmi.nt ll'ld *"'tf"t' fll h _... -·""" lhfl -·... lht wtffl"-In-""""'"' ... -.w -... ~tllot "'*'tlll nlmM, .... ld!MwlwlfM N - 11111 WC.ft t'Of'l'Wfll""' •rte.,.. "" -· WITNl» 117r M"'ll ttwll ... L {CF,ICIAL llAl.l Ph~Hrt M ... lYW Noll,., flvtl~11forn11 °"'"'" (_,., Ml' CllfttOlltllolt '-"'llTI ~ ........ "fl 'ONMI C. IAt..Yll, Atrp. 110 .... """ Drl'ft .. ..,.,....-"' "'"""''' l'llb11,,,... °'""'" C....t htfr Plltt, Allrll I), lt. f' 11111111 ,,,,,,., J. Nf "'7.ft • I .. • " • .. • ., -· . -. C....2J ...... ...,.,...,., ... GLASS ~~ 1'?r corner tJNlJSUAL pin ball .ma~ JIGSAW puzzle!! adult.a: and BRIDGE Set, Table 4 Oiaini BROIL-K1rc Electric. Oven, tiAV!:NPORT $20. Ea 1 y CHE.ttS, Black and sold $25 COCK...A. ... f'OO Puppy, curly tub-ti.kt ~ no. tr· C.E. "Pachlnko" lot 1 ehiktttn, cl)Jldrcn's, all' plea:. in-$20. 5@-.n65 Heats 2 TV Dinness, Bakt1 ~r SlO. Wi.Inut bed box each. Fencinr SS. Small female $10. S4W92T televiskm ~-:Call ~ ~utta .. P'lta vertiCtlll,y to den tcrlock 5e • 50c. Ma~le twin -'-----'-------and Broils, Fine for Small 1prlnr, mattreu, twtn $25. lamp $2. Cframics 50c41. BABY w-"··r .,.t llO m·••t BAR •toob ... , ·Bar -.· or "'• .. -m wall .-. I' •-•, ~ -ndl"·n ""· ..,,,. DAliLIAS Are the king of all aaiu:., . "" .., •-~--_.. • uo=u ......... "" ..., ~ ""' fl N I the Families, Many UJCs. Li.Ire l..arp gu Uttplace i...... Sl.5. Trailer hitch $5. White tub ,.11 t-$3. rn ""' Bookcue $8. Ke nm o re prlcfd new Seiko ~ate ..i..t•i .._1--•e and •-lnin.. owe:n:. ow s time to ....,.. • c::;.:.;::-:...:::..:~.::..=~::.:.---1 .... ,.,,_~.,. ..... -... 1 1 f -'I new, $15, SJ\ 546--0453 Westktghouse electric oven and window curtain $2.50.1 mande $8. Set of 40 alassts watch $25. 644-1395 "'.: wtieei .. $10. Bilre bask<ts ..,.A Pan or iu summer .. ....,.,. -1w1.. t'IC · ~ ·~ blooms ~'-• -" ti 'IAPLE -·"n ._. -m· pyrex di&hes ·and abi.nd SlS. 548.6288 Cn.u.;w Wp u ....... ei;ator .,,.., 4 $6. 0ta.nge Gira.He, clothes ~fAPLE furniture, h'-h boy, each .. ).adles clothes, ,_..,.1 • .... .,.,,..... v ... .-.e es .., • w• Ul;t.I ...... w.A.i ft round mJ.rtor .ri; Qi.it • ,.._A,_ ... ..._ plant• and root div;~;,.~-t<: pl•t• -. • --• ~ •. ,1-• m'-~"·'•ood table, 2 benches t~R Trail•r or cam-.. : 1-23 ...,. · • ban&<. r "'" .... ,....,.. ,........... 2 twin •~-. ,,·ght •'·nd S15 cond1Uon. size 1n 16, """-• ""'"'""· .,, • ..,,. .__.. ""~ o:u ... SIO .,_ . ..., ..-..... ...u t ble "'w " ~-"CO'"" ....,,,... .. v-~ dou: ~ms ror ••. Bnok·-·· $7. ........ . oi:ach umbrella, nora.I x 13 in window, complete c ..... a, ......,u. a ~ .. , ~ .., 'v1tl'ioul· pads-$2 and S.S. lll09 for at!. Irohing =· 50c. SLSO. Girl'& clothes l5c • per n ~ .,,.._ """"""' pattern Ii'·-oow s•• Sh 1 In BedarU adj111tawC" S 1 0 Fedtn.1 CM velvet cha.it $8. Floor la1np ' "" "'. · u • $10. 1-12 x 33 inside win-~ ' • , CO!fff"table $8. Bi pole 75c. Umbrella cJothes lint 1 ijO Callie car'track~l&yout, $5, RCA 4.5 record~radio $IO. Deboard set. good oofldi!lon dow frame $1. U-22\i x 6 in Va.cuu~ clcanen.!$-5 •$1 0 COLEMAN lllOve ST.50 and shel~r above toUtt Sl. $5.. ~·a.i lrleycle $2. Baby ;r car $15, rabbit pellets 2c TV Sl5. ~ tand $2 $10. 642-0377. ~ Esther St. glass for louver& 25c each. Tlmer-timEM>llte ln 12 sec. Lantern $5 ... Coati $3.50. Outside wood plaques tor &eat tor bicycle $2. ChOd's lb .. I Sch1viM Continental J Utility ~b\~reo $2~ Chaw; oft Irvine, C~t 1_20 ft 2 in galvanized pipe S10 Photo· en I a r g er Ward tent $25. Bookcav numbers 2Sc. Din~ bell shoe roller 11klt.t.es SL Night gear can be fi.wd, 1 brake BUILD y .• 1 1 1 bloc'--(Federal) U> Rockin& chair · ~-Doll hi h CA.. stand .., ch Do bl ...... .... lounge frame $2. FlrtM"teen our own camper. $3. 10-1 x l cemen ..., "° 11,_,,,.ht iron hang;•• $3.50. Mf""-te 'Jpµnae $20. """'' g c ........,. ' ~ ea · U e ._, can ...,. fixed SlO, hutches SI c·~-J "' Pl 1 lll6• Ood .. panel body -25c e ch 2401 ....._.._ Ave. "" ... ..,,,.. . .., Good carpttmg ,$25. Movie ~O ' frame $2. lArge mimrs $5 cages $1 each, edger sis'. ' "' .. na ~· enc · _., 8 • ..,,_,.., ' light S20 Living room lamp screen SlO. 1145 W. Ba)boa. HOLLYWOOD bed, excellent e@t;.'1. Baby car bed $2. 536--6025 basket· ..S-1.25! Easel $3. ~7$1 . 646-5482 $8. AmiadWo purse $10. PU· 673-5398 condition $20. ~ Stools ix each. Books lOc. -,~-------Lante~ $2. Attacht case $2. Q[L Pump !or 1275 cc iniril 2-MAPLE Chairs, iXoellent ing cabinet $5. MS-0017 - ' ~ Golf balls 1"" Goll -rt SI CHIHUAHUA For sale; 9 Electric percolalor SL P.art CooP'r· Hea-c1u••; ·fu..a. condition S12 each 3 NET pla'UT\On • .,_ Ear'--scaA· M LR' s Coll•' .. Park~ ..... El-mh··_; kl Id ., v y~ SMART d t o1 ......... ..,, >J ,,., "'"'' months old fully trained, Siamese ttens $1. Fie . Ne,v.· never uled $ l Z matching Maple I add e r rtssea, co a ' • American couc.ti and chair • Lane c M 546-55'12 housebroken, all shots and glas~ $1. Telescope. $2.50. S73-92ss ' back chllln, need" new ·rush slacks, size ~4-16 $3, SS, $7, set $25 each. !Must sell M -, ---' -· -· -----Littnse S25, to hon\e with Pictlln!fl $1. Vas4ls, Dishe11 se11.l!i S3 each. 646-3759 $10. Shoes, lik.e new. 1~~-8~ set) Picnic table and ·ANSWERS LARGE .def;k S2l Used 8' children over JO years of 2f>c. Books 3/25c. 528 I.ARCE Callectlon of adult -. $US. Mahogany 'IV atand benches $15. \Vorkbench $25. , sofa $25. 3 drawer dresser age 842-1593 Redlands Ave,, N.B. magazines. Jay bl rd. TA:!" tSl~. :de;:.-; : S3 Vegamatlc $3 Heavy bath' Bed frame $3.-531~250 S2tl. ·646-5127 Sat· Sun .,.,.~-------. Utopia. Sun Disk 2X-$1. c 1 0 w l nag and matching. lid $5. WOO ISLE· Sofa· bed need Bu~t~l" -Taught-Velvet-\Veekdays aft 6 BOY'S 20" Stingray $18. PLAYPEN $10. Crib S10. 182.J 548-8882 S7. Ce<iar ~t l O. CoUe:e Larae dJ{p ·coUeemaktr S2. · • • Sphce -Sprawt -Afraid ----'--------Jlardly us(!{! girl's Spyder W, Oceanfront, Npt. Bch. table $20. Twin bed frame 644-1352 or 645-2918 cover. ntw mattress , $25. \VIFE'S LAUGH ·, L.C. SrJ?.ith typewriter, oJder bike $20. Like new tap 1-------'----BUNK Bed set $25. Oouble $15, Twin bed mattress $25.1 ,;::;:::::.:.::,;:::_::;<:....,,,,.- Slze 12 clothes Sl • S25. A traffic statistic: t. n1odel $10. Pair twin head· shoes, size 3 ti. Shetland SURFBOARD. 9'4" and Bike bed, comp1tte S15. Old 2 iables SS each. Bird caie TAN malt._Chlhu.abuaJ'Ai yrs TV $25. _ 2?4 .Via Koron, \Vhen a traffic cop i.sked boards, white naugahyde scrubber.polisher $15. Free Trailer $20. 615-23l6 11chool desks $10. 4 heavy $15. Washl!W machine, u la okL Pure bred, no: papers i•~ Ob l..Orca. Saturday hint u he got the nuhber of $10. • paif white dacron tie kittens, Siamese tcalures, 323 APOL.ENA Ave,, Balboa duty scre1v jacks·lor MobUe SlO TV /IV record ~r, $15 to good home Wlth alder on Y -. ' . him it he f,'Ot the n~r of backs 100" x 72'' $5. Pair 545-4267 Island, Saturday and Sun-honie $~, 360 E, 15th St., as ls f.25. Cage ·a?.d C0Cka· children fr aduJts. See at MARX electric tram set wtlh the hit·and·run drivti; who !hoe roller skates, hoy's 15.itt ----------day. Hand Lawnmower SJ, C.~t. tieJ S10. Table and 6 chain 791 Shalimar Dr. ,Apt c·. tr.t.!Uformer, ml;l1fconclitkin; stretJ, he Mid, "No, ·001 I !! $5. Boy'• baseball, shoos, DOXIE Pup.s 1$2S. 64&-l87S Hand--F.dger $3, Chairs LADIES Clothing, 11ize g..10, $25. 2136 Ralei&h, CM,' .... l±C;.M;;.· -~',--..,-..,--....,­ $li Rag doll, books , and would reoognize my WIFE'S size ~12. 673-3921 \VHITE Crib, mattres s, Sl-$8. 1?ach. Set Dlshes good condition SOc-$5, Coat.! MOT9RCYCLE SIOlo scat $25 TWI.N poster beds, ~s other toys le · $1. Incrt'di6ie LAUGH anywhere.'' !!!62 MONZA W11.gOn for parls sheets an<f-spread $10. Sears $1.50. Mlsccilllneous Dishes S3-SG. Costume j ewe I r y Pinion $5 6-12 volt vw rad.lo refinishing '$1 pr. Chain Sl Ed i b le O v e n a n d 1'7=~· --7-o--~--$l _ S2S. SJG.-0460 plaid ligbt foldinl; baby car-10c-25c. MislJOrs st. Trays 50c-$1. Lamps 50c-$1. New $10. 646-8708 Wood card rack SlO Metal Goobledl'goop $4 Sm'a!J MASK. 'catchers, faf con· •riagc SIO. Baby stroller $4. $1. Shoes 5CJc..$.5. _pllfl9 <white bathroom scale $4. ~...,0 PROOF. ,_ Sil 1965 11helve1 $8 Double bookcase an;mal ,.,.oe ui... 'y-~ tool• . dltion, · boy's model Sl.50. THERMAOOR electric built· Electric sterilize!", Hke now lOc ~-' •1· SI ""-•• ......, seQ h dboaM $10 Rot: k l n g -........:. '"" BI 11 ··s ., '"'""· n trrors , ,,...,,s Disljfs 25c-$1. Toss pillows proof''" 15. 1~" "proo! ,,.. -~~I .. ~~'in_.,. d _,. fi" $4 25c • 50c, Sleeping bag S2. M~~l~ weepmaster · ins: Automatic double oven $4. Carpet 11\\'eeper $l.50. 25c. Dresses A:izc 14 $1-.$5. 50c.'3ooks J0c-50c. Electric • . """ "' u ... r ~ Vtlf\. e-c air Boys' clothes aize lS..20 lOc· ' S25. Cook top $25. Cop. Sears, guitar, like new $10 Suitcase SL blender $3. Original silk $5 l!l66 $4.50 675-29l6 Wlcktt chair $3 fire •~n St. eurtain rod! 25c a i;_HE last. round·up •. ;Give· pertone. Rolla way bed with wHh .case. 846-2437. Baby>-----------screen prints s2. '4 0 5 SHOTGUN -.16 gauge pump, $2.50,1 546-1890. •• · •• 1 ... EL£C'TR.JC Sewlnc machine l~, In c•blnet $15. ~ble :J~ Col'Ot\I . typewriter Sf . 1., Upright ~inatr v ,& c u u m , .., •• '! sweeper $9. Tin cboeola~e '..-,;.• animal mo\d3 $3. W091ft'I •or,, , blankt>ta Sl.50. Old ?iav.JO 1 I NI SU. Iron 3 le& kttle $11. Small ptdettal ~ , table $7. Wrought iron plant $7. Smal l Cbinelft ; stand $5. Old. Jcerotenr. lJ.mp I decorative ert11'1:)eUed and 1 l Cloiaonne plecea '3 to $'1. Smithsonian boOlts 2: 5 c • I ~:."v~~a~~ to i l- HAMMOCK and ttand $5, i ! oUtdooy grtll, ,,,.,.r, tools, TA 11\0tar $10. 'Reed pat.IO table 1 $10. PiCJUc chest $3. 'IV trays 50c. Poly ft<.'Otdlna: tape 7", ~1 $2.50. S" i wels $). 3% ree:ls SOc. Bath t scalt>s SI. GE % HP Mo1or $10. Ctrculatin& j p'Jmp $5. TV cart SJ. •.,t Decorator cushio.1111 "$1. Wt}l plaques, geometric or OoftJ 1 50c a~ l l. 548--61'9'lr .~ Canyon; Drive, C.M. • r' I GIRL'S Scout unifortn, rom• .plete, siie 8,-$3. 24" bike with ballket $12. ~ ~I V\V parts 6W5: mufller $5. Rims $3. Rear bumper ·$8. Trunk lid $5. 2 tires $2.50. VW German radki S25. 545-013-1 ... bundle. 968-292-1 • a1v9y pnces. Double bed coU springs and inner11pring carrier 50c. Infant clothes, 3 ~1ATCHED Living room Ht"liotrope, Corona del Mar good cond~tion '25: Metal 4 OLD desk $3 s ma 11 ASSORTED coin collection, s'1ring~, mattrt'_ss, fnlme ~. mattress :S25. 536--0460 all $2. table!! $25. New upholstered 673-4859. ·Saturday 1 0 w 4 , dra,rer file cabinet S15. aluminum step ladder $3 KITCHEN Table and 2 good for beginners, sz; set. C~I"?miuni -4 in. 0~6 can· GJRL·s Clothinr. size 12, ~R~E~F~ru=c~E~RA=T~O~R~$=25~EJ~o-c-chair $:25. Matched oc-Sunday 10-2. 962-101l) Coppertone icebox w Ith cl\ain $15. Oak desk $25. 548-6328 btfore 8 PM. m.,tel" _set . :S2. AdJUStablc dresses, blouses, skirts, etc. trfic popcorn popper $2.50. cas.ionnl chairs $21. Step ~~~_::::.'.'.._ _____ l;c'-o'-L'Fc-3c1c:,;::bs:-•2--:....,.::::o:---;5 wood cabinet 24 x 16 x 17 Chair $10. Upholstered bar-'? ·~=~~---~--··! n1etal 1ronin• ~.-•. a-... .,_ • .,. r<Ao 164 table to match $7.50. Oc-SUCCULENTS 15c 40c ' • ' relchairSJ0.548-8014 1: uvw'"' '"' _.;ie • .,~ . .rw-1 Electric fryel'-COOkrl" $8. . -irons, used twice $25 New deep. S20 Large \\'OOd ladder BOYS' 4tlng-ray bike, ex· cover $250. Singer sewing &12-3897 caslonal chair $7.50. Small each, Jade plants 25c-$1.50 h.n~ 110 Bov.·llng boll, hag ~ Hong Kong 1,....,e rattan 2 MATCHING unencloled .,_ Ct'llent condilion $25. Ph: mac.hine "Almost ye'-••e TWIN box spring anct mat: --------desk Sl ~tummy bag S6.50 Sun""" f.1ond•v 4th and Sth ~ --.. a.. ...,, tre S25 64s.6763 s ""'"" WHITE Mal '-""-""' · and ~hoes, M 91i!r $20. peaoock chair $25, cost $80. stereo gpeakes $6 each. 642-3767, 320 Fullerton, NJ? vintage," it ,vorks, too, $10. ss · u,<UAJ e Collie. 60 Bathroom space aaver$2,50, 2257 Colgaie, C.M. 646-5793 S48--4555 New 2 bathroom mirrors 548-0397 EXCEPTIONAL puppies, Antique t'lectric waif\c iron 60536--~· parts $1 • $5. ·$~~~~~~·reg. Had shots ~~~2'.~.c~s~~~~D~~a~r~ w~MEN'S ·Good clothing, WOMAN'S Schwinn 24 .. bike 46" z 40" $3 ea,ch. Baby "2:.::.,MA~TCH==~m=c~-w~bl~te-~twin~. father ~ French Poodle, \vilh tray $1. Flower pol! ----------•u.es 10-14. Blouses, bathing. S!O c ·,,1., &~···•nn Stin ..... ., buggy and pad $4 New,, dou· ... ad"--~, $4.~ •.•• b. 2 I I mother is Coc-a·poo. SlO. and flowers 50c • Jk Full BOOKCASE bed and dresser TABLE Sa\v 8" blade. l/3 111!r Anaheini. Costa M~ suits shorts and capns """ ... ,,,., bl tra erse rod 84 $2 2 "" ""'"" "" ':'"\"' ••6-9927 •'•• Un•·"e-·I '1.•'c·I r ,· c HP H d lb nd · ' bike $15. 54G-1705 e v · metal framts for twin or ..., ... • ,.,.. S25. Ty p ewri ter $5. · u ep a width SMALL Child's Ille jacket SOc-$3. Dre s & e 1 and . belly board $2 0 n e ull and $4 v old KANTWET mattress, crib blanket: excellent a t ·$2.50. Refrigerator $5. 548-$7TI guides. Homemade. S20. s2, Child's picnic table $3. sweaters, suits $1.$8, Shoes. 3 OLDER Evmrude outboard mahogany S4 surf o b a r d 1 ~ ·~l'Y with. 11-Stroll . h Down.sofa, clean, good con-645-1452 C.M. Medium. boy's Karate suit and hats 50c-$2. Meh's motors, need wo. rk S25 for 8'10" $25 RCA TV, portable solid night s . !..•')..; J. er wit canopy $5. dlti·on, 6 l••l, ''" t'''ftft,1 '55 V\V pan and torsion ban -'I Lo t 1 ~m lot• o! •to~•• ST~ C .. ·-m ,,~ k •loth•.""· •i""!: 42, rn·•. .. . \Ver uni or ""."r 1~ Packard n-u. TV $25 •-o ...... _..., Playpen $3. Car "bottle ,vilh zip~red pillow;; $25. $25. VW transaxle. needs EXCELLENT 10' x 16'. 9' x $5. Johnny Express true ... .... ~·-cu J h 1 1 th ..., ""' made heavy blue tWftd . ~·- wanner 50c. Diaper pail Space he;{cr: ~arbOrn gas \vork $25. '61 Corvair rloors 12' carpeting JOc sq ft. and parts $8. Floor length 50c-$8. 642-1614 afll'!r 11 ° nson, comp e e W.J Maple TV cabinet $25 Maple Hollyv.'OOd bed cover 14.50. 1 0 #. SOc, 64S-2819 With flexible copper hoSI'!, SS pPr door, 2 bucket seats Table SL Coffee table S,1. lavender bridesmaid gO\vn AM. f;~ J.1~ 548-4934. 163 rocker, padded $15 Twin box short traverse qrapeey. rod RCA 16" Portajlle .TV $25. was $29.95, used one month '1 =S='5=.="~""'~u_2_____ 30'' mattresses $3 each. 284 'vith-v~il SXi 549-3493 SEALPOINT Sian\ese kittens on c is : spring ~it Ba~y J a 1 ~ $2. Solid Wood J heavy n 19" Portable TV Philco S22. $7.50. Bed sheets and tables, COINS gali>re for salt. 1969 ·}\nox St., C.M, DINETTE Set ,vlth $14 ,rorth $10. 2312 Margaret Dr. PORTABLE TV 11" works Siamese ens, m es. lamp S4. Voit punch 'n baa: 8 Good dishmaliler S22. Elec-clothes 3 for S<-, 2 Jor 25<:, Proof sets $12. 1341 S. ARGUS 300 slide projector, of nc'"' seatpads $17.50. MS-5172 good $2S. ~1824 ~;;,~:~o s:.~·c.r.:~~~~: $1.51'1 1-4 l~b d~tlve_ ' bic Door polisher $8. 3 'TV third one free, 50c, 3 ror St Bristol. Santa Ana screen, tripod S25. 2 Indian Good rug 8 x 9, SID. 2 Steam AUTOMATJ.C \VMhcr S25. CARPET gripper 400 ft $20. 548-9462 white rocks .,_,50 per shop-t stands $2 ·SS. 3 Firescreen.'I 2 twin General lflectric MOVING. Electric motor $5, like rugs, 5' x 7' SU.50 each. irons $3 each. Electric can OUicc chair $10. Baby crib 548-8236 ' ping ~. 548-0397 .·'\$0 1 $5 • $7. Coffee table l2x36 blankets, almost tle\v, ex· Picnic table and benches Antique cut crystal vase opener $5. Blankct:i; and $j, La\\'n mo\\·er S 5 , EXOTIC Rhesus monkey CA~E?TING. used.I good LADIES ,Good a.nd like new l«oct •1 $8. RCA radio clock $8. 6 cellent at 2 for $15. Antique $l0. Vacuum cleaner SlO. $15. . Pair small Bisque pillov.-s ~I. Rake $2. Type\\Titcr $10. Vacuum "Charley" has had all conchhon, n~\on. oys er col-clothing. Wool . 8 kt rt s, ~tl., door locks $1 · $4. Rug with <lishes and pitchel'll $3. Encyclopedia! $25, Case $.5. ligurines $15. F" r e n c h Portable electric mixer $3. cleaner $5. Po"'er mo .. ver shots. Beautiful red coat all or. 12 ft width lOc I('(. fl dresses, sporl! j a c k et s 1 .3• I:' pad, \''ool. 7x7 $10. 391D% Salurday a,nd Sunday~ 9-5. 'Ironing board $5. Fish poles Limage pitchl'r $25. Large Lamp and bracket S2. Navy szs. \Vet 11uit $5. Se1ving for $25. Plus collar It. chain. Nothing over $25. 549-3582 sweaters, size 12-14, $1· 0 Ir i Channel Place, NB 673-1~ 675-4075. 3 21 Poi'¥iettia, S2 Coffee table· $25. F<>lding Haviland tray $25. Art glass foot locker $3. Pictures mathine $15, Verifax copier Also large monkey cage l' x BUNK beds $25 each TV $25 While crepe long evenlna: Ill~~~ BUNK beds $15. Crib, ~10, Coro.nit de! Mar. , trays $10. Card table, chain and dlshes S5 to $25. Mex-and -frames $1. and $3. $5. Boy's bike $10. 711 W, 5' x <I ' $7.50. Will help Tent $5 each Dry wall $2 gown, gold trim 4-5. White ,. ; Oishwaijler, \\'Orka ·US.cCat LAMPS, pictures Sl • $5. $25. Mirror $5, Radio ~5. ican jade brattlet and ear· Kitchen Stoo l $1.50. 20!.h St, off P1a'Centia. AVt!., transport, 549-~ after 6 each Dining table: -and long Coat $4. Pursel St . .,[, bo11.t molds, tops:. s~ .. Bot; ,tahle,and chairs il5. Patio Cookware $2. FUe cabinet rinp S5. Purple crystal Typewirter st&nd $2. Bo.Oki · C.M . PM Sat and 1:30 PM 'Sun-chain $5 &: $.1 Produce Thong!, 6~ Md I, orange, ·t-.d ; tom m. Elec~ 1ear lOc chairs $1. Refrigerator $20. SIO. Blanket $5. Ice bukoet beads $5. ~fore ·g Am 9r and bookcases 1 0 c -S 3 • PORT ABLE HI-Chair day. ' · acales ~, aahy .. .crlb -.e.nd · black 75c. Costume: jewelry -• I I 1 up. 6-4~158:1. Diabei, .. vases Sl. Unused S2. Cake bolder $5, Sewing after 5:30 Sat u rd a Y. Service station oil can set, l Folds for TraVel. Perfect GIRL'S bike SlS 2 end tables chest $15.,1.}0gll, c~ $3 50c. Boys', t Jil.r_ IJ·1~l l D I S H\VASHER,' ffotOQl!1{, ma~ $10. E I '~'t r i c' trays ~ ~ Pots $6. May 497-1589. 2619 Santa Ana Apt qt .. 2 qt and 5 qt plus tray for camping. Brand New in $10 Double box springs & Walktr S2 Baby pau:i,tub $1. jackets SL tU.lh· ~ alze With auto-dlspen.'it?r $25. g..12 heaters $3. Car coolef $15. 3. 2214 Paclf1o:Ave., C.M. J. SlO. 5 maw· bap and Box $4. &t2-3t11' frame $10. 3150 Madeira, French Provlnc)al 1>edroom 6-8, 5Qc. Amel dark brown foot rattan ixtlrs $5. R\fn.a· Bicycle sidecar $10. 106 . 9th BASEBALLS, ,;ght official 19.18 FIAT $25. Guitar $10. figures 50c and T;ic. New LOVEBIRDS' $7. ,..ft_,=~-• .. C.M. 546-4062 set; Dresser J~ c;anoht.PY.~~ hair pieces $1..50. Head form I· •t N n. h "'"1....., clothes bag and pins $2. .......,....,...,. $25 Chest auu n1g SuuJU 25c, Blouse~ 2Sc-50c, 21 ~J;c:·! bout 20" fan $19. 615-5218 o'l • ewport pcac · 675-4508 Am·~can • -·~-. •till ,,,. ----"-'-------15 .... ~, FRENCH Pr I I I I .... .._......,.y~ Come to garage behind 370 · .....,_, 0 v n c a $25 'Single bed SIO Dresser Jewel white gold ladte:s • ··.1 \VA s H ER .DR y ER sz 6 FOOT redwood picnic.table boxes S2 ea.ch. 540-4319 NAUGAHYDE Chair $10. Broadway, Sat or Sun. ~ LA\VN Edgers Sl and $5. uphol11teted chair $25.' China $3 Plant S3 Pole lamp $.1. Bulova watch $15. Handy ,. 1, • Relrlgerator $10. Hoover and benches Sl8. 644-"2420 SATURDAY Sale: 9AM _ .i 1\-faple chair rocker S2j. P!'t1 Green rug and Pad $25, di!hes $4: .Electric broiler.$2 6'16-0623. 2.56 Esther St. electric new Kenmore floor t"I:• : "pr;ght vacuum $20. Patio aUer Ii PM or Sunday P"!, N•w Hoo·--Pol'-•--, New step stool S3.50. 364 \"all ~ k SS -I Baby swing $5 Clothes 112e c M 1· "-t•·-hrn t r It -I '~ • .,,, -ia NEW Bathing suit, 34, pink, ,, ..,.,15 -• , .. n.s stor ' · . , po 1s11t:r a ""' en a .t1i·1 '·ble. 4 , ... irK $12. s ;cy•I•• KING ,,., .. mat•---and box Floor 15. ~la-"--n Victoria St,. No. 8, C.!'tf. R d' ,., --• FM S!O 9 and 10 S1 48 Bathinette S7 I l5 St!ll In , ...,, "" ... "' u~ •· .. .,., '"" ·~·'"·""" one-piece, by Oleg Cassini, a JO l'U" cuiu • Pl t · · 1 SI~ p · SLOT can. control. carry mos vacuums . • SlO · $15. Folding camp cots springs $10. 646-1037 $3. Children's Toys and _64_>-_1_89_2 ____ ~--$l4, 2 nCl'i dresses. llize Ladies' Clothing Size 20 ay ex nuner se ""' IC· case almost new s 2 o box, Sunday 12-.5. 646-t226 l Sl.50. Folding c~p table GREEN P . led Woode Clothes, Ladles' New Coat LIGHT Beige carpeting 12' x ll-l2, $1Z ea. Dark blonde $1-$10. Large Refrigerator lures and frames $1-$8 642-i481 PLYWOOD 10sheets14", 4" $5. Tennis 1'11Cikets 50c • $2. . . ain · n $5. Size 12. Dresses Size 10 13', pad & hall pl«e S25. $25. Lace Panels $1 each. Portable hand saw .$25il~~::;:::_~-~.,...~= Tennis shorts size 32 $3 •. H1~ha1r, excellent, con-and 12. CE RIXXll'd P layer Exercycle, painted b ox wig, $.7.50. 4~118 Janet Refrigerator $25. 540-6001 Aquarium with pump $4. SOFA 8 ft and ch.air $20. x 8' ABX $8 per sheet Curved 11ectional couch $.25. dltion flS. Small ~cle $5. Drafting Table $4. Brass chest. 18 x 30 marble slab, DINGHY And Oan $25. 828 Cortez, CM Bookcase-record ·a 1 b Q m 646-3185. rrumpe~ and cue in· rood Uama lined jacket $2. $1. Eastblutf, 644-l096 •KetUI'! $2. Dra.peries , maple chairs, antique aew-6~28l7 combinatilJn ns. After four, 2 "'V aets SlO each Electric condition $.lS. 548-S03f. lD60 Lambswool nig S 2. S 0 . 1968 S 10 Coin Mint !Sealed Misce.llaneous Items. 2105 ing box, antique fireplace KNEEBOARDS, Be 11 y. LlOO Sale: .Metal Underbed Sat All day Sund a Y • motor and water pump S25 ot Victoria, C.M. Marten furs $5. Combat Uncil'Clllated 5et $3.50 1969 S Vista Entrada set, silver ,set $5 ea. Walnut boards: V·bottom i belly. ~;t s:·a~Jg~rMI~ ~ 54l>-7590 . , " 11pttd. Ford trans miss.ion $25 BEAUTIFUL Siarne&e Seal boots $1.50 • $2.50. Men11' Proof Set $13. 675-5258 RUG Ancl P ad 12 x 15 Gold headboard and clocks $15 board 3'2" ss, 3,4'' flex. Stand S2. Ironing Board SL SIN~LE, ~attresa s10· Cap. Bike $10. 331 Vista Baya, Point kitten, Jlll.]t, trained, 11hoe1 SOc • $1.fl(l, Boys' DUCkSBs.bymal!ardl inake Nylon $20. 5 Drawer Dre.111-ea. \VaJnut dropleaf table tall .k neeboard $16. Lamp SS. L ots of ta.Ins chair $3. 646-7220. • C.M. very loving, extra brl.dlt. s1veaters S2. Compi,te :set nice ~ts and s n a i I ing Table, New ·Sdrt, Glass and buffet S25 ea. 2 chairs super-thin be.Uyboard 3'10" Mi.steHaneous up to $5. Sun. TOW bar Dune• buggy Jeep UNUSUAL Spanish chair S7. $15. 8.13-l022. j Encyclopedia 125. Boys' e Ii m j.n a tor! SJ each To $'" Ladies' Ortho ST.SO ea. Coffee table! sis: Sl!J, Dex-tail kneeboard 4'5" day O•ly. 3~ v,.· L•'do Nord -mpl•te s~. "'" ~" Bar stool, hardwood slat. HAIR :Qryer $8. Sun lamp $8. ,', r Ihacha sin1le shot .22 rille 536-2718 ' , P ..... ~ • • ~ -9th Ave.. South " ..., "" <kl ............... .._ I $ ' r Walking. Shoeff, ~ew $2$ Bell $20, roundtail kneeboard BASEBALL shoe5 lllze 9 $3 2l" TV 17 .. nnrtable TV S2S with black wrouaht kon,_lt_p Porgortaanb 'andphonogTap'-_?b obft!01. ;:,. $15. Hobby t0)'3 50c • $8,.18-A-TS~· --gul-t=· -h.....;-"..._bR-11 "0, •'-a ~s. Men·s· «>ts j ~tI.ai>ln~=·=~-~~~-1 3'll" ..,... Clark ,,,....._lite ' ' , r~ $5 2 S all 1•-l~t c1.A;... ...,..., 111, Fishing rods and reels $4.50. · rt a '°" 8 ·;; • 4.1 .... ""' .:,u• • ...,, .. -540-4319 Both 'vork fine. 26" girl's ' m "" •"1 ·~0 1'" music =-. "· Mll-t ~le !'tfany lo)'1; lOc • $3. CbUd's $2 each, tl'lrtt rdt SJ. Siu 44 Extra Long 38 Waist FOOTBALL shoes, boy'! size blank $20. 6'10" square-tail bike $8. Almost new Items: $1.25 each. 1& •• d $2S. G~clo~'-~~ •. __ electric ,Pg saw S 2 • 5 0 , 540-4319 $5. 673-4038 ~ 2 PM Sat. ='~"-· ~54!M~-'~",,..,..,.,.~~= I baby gun $25. 499--415:1 GLOVES, baseball, lielders O~cUlatlng d ectrlc heater S~es~ vo :' 10 $15. k' ...... ~ ...,...--;d Storage che!U $3. Knick· ~BR.l\DOR. retrieve.Ii all BROWN velvet ,._,la, good FOR Sale: Friridairt', Old MAROON Rug, 9 x 12, l'!X· $3. 540-43l9 S15 SunOOam steam Iron Nice dresse!, 11 S3 Green mg-1ize apre i11'lt::J Knacks 25c. $2. Mirror $12. shots, 3 months. sa~fice condition $5. Sunday onl,y. but Good. Must Sell. $2$. cellent condition $25. KI TRACK shoes "Wilson" size $4.50, Electric broiler $8. each. 313 Rochester St. $1.0ta • n.13cordAda ;Oc-$1.al TV~ ... ~. lll Via Dijon. LI ~25 to iood home. 540-4319 ~ 536-1939 s.8860 7~ $3. 541)-(319 26" girl's bike 18. Double Saturday. 6-42-6334 ~748 • mir _.. l!•!i LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE - ' uOOAL ~NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE r 11e1. ..... LEGAL NOTICE Who Can Read Just One 'Peanuls'l ca.st lron kltchl'!n 1lnk $5. GARDEN Tool1 25c -Sl.75.1 =~==~~-~,.,.­ Bathroon1 sink with mixer Slot cars .and accessories ELECTRIC Floor poliaber, faucets $5. 64.6-1525 lOe-$2.50. Floor lamp, an-new brushes $5, Portable ,;r~l DOUBLE sliding door, new tiqtted bra11s $8. Excellent ~ 0 air t!'ndltione;O 12 ~u 1;1 M $15 Vinyl folding doo,r (fllllity car radio S 2 O · Bat~m ~~·on .!;_tai ,',-:!.~ almost new IS5 55 V8 Station Assorted speaken SOc-$1.SO 13 1513 ~--A ~CM · " Wagon Ford Sctuire front Milk glass 2&c-$1. Beadloam 642~ ............. ve,, . , ''"~ and back seats, new $2. log cabin playhowle $8. , IJ(I 1 Telev!glon and radto P.f,l'ls, Large Wyoming elk home ELECI'RlC Range sz;. a ft. .; .. , .. I new $15 Used telev!11ion and SlS. lee ct\1:?1111 50c and '1Sc. counter 15. 12 nauphyde .-f~ rnd!o partll $15 and' 0 Record albums ~. 3137 chairs with a.mu: $,5 each. --j television included fr ee. BUbados Pl.. C.M. 546-nmJ Enlarger 2!{ x 3W. $25. 4 Floor iron or. wood Iambs MAPLE Chest $25. Boston wheels ind tire!, 7,35 x 14 ='"-i' I $1-$5. Old chairs 35c-$l and rocker..$25. Larae. bookcalll $15, (67 Camaro) $15 each. z~: f S2.50 548-5143 7 AM·7P.M $25. Maple. magazine rack Foldaway cot S12. Wagon ~ M'1 SIS. Student desk $25. Knit· top carrier $10. Dining 1et TWIN .bed, complete ~-:' , tt bo I Sl5 Mapl• nl<ht&-$2.5. 546-7231 Or 6'75.2174. • lA t s;ng1e \...--· apring a: frame ni w · '" , $10 bl~~ht lrOn t'flf· tand S20 pr. Larae mot:km BOY'S Bike, Renepde, rvns _ ..: : lee table With etau top $25. Jamps $25. Walnut record good $15. Jim. ~1142 i-:·1 • ~ T11.'0 bar stools 30 .. $15 pr. cabinet $10. O I 1tre11 e d FOUR Pl~ sectJonal zoee .. r._ .. : Old ~rbeque with spit and Maple eoHtt and matching beige $15 each. c<>od con." .. ,;, % motor, giveaway at SJ, Hard end tables $25 each. Round dltlon 545-2240 ~ •11. • ti_. . glu9 top (X)ffee taNe and • tt •:. ~ to '"' experuuve (IXtra matchin& end table $25. 11:• PortAble TV $20. 19" -1,1 I large nien's sport shirts, Wicker pat» set with 4 portable TV $25. Wbite i~\f rood condition 15c each. annchall"l $8 ea.c~I!d telephone $5. Telephone $10. . j Framed print ot boe.ta $12 -· · eom 15 -"' (excellent frame! .s tat matching chalee.lounp O. p.reuor · . 111,,l bench $12. 2 satet;y gate• S2 Twin~ Hollywood bed, com-TERR!POO For $5. Apricot ,. ,, each. 549-0674. or ,.. at plete $25. 842-6\_86 =co!="'=·;,,· =,,;-1,;Y;.· ""5'8-$27"'-'=--· I -• .:; ., .. 3146 Cork Lane.' C,M. tntar CARD Tables St.SO. Baby TAPPAN Kitchen 1tove, r:•c Fairview and Baker) pen $3. High chair $1.50. clean S15. Maple rocker, '''!'.° DOUBLE bed,' headboard, ~ dlvidt?\, canvu i fl. gold tweed $25. New fabrk. , ~ll Sealy mattress, box sprtrws $6. Btrch magu:I~ rack L J v I n 1 ro o m ch a l r , -• s2$. Floor poliaher $12.50 TV SlO. Chinese Foo dogll pair blue-green $11.50. Larp ot· • f<'" fll!:t 16" $10 2 bar •tcolt $3 $10. Chlnee raye money, toman $10, new fabric. 1 u, ea~h Remln&'lon Sr.ndard friuned SJO. Fob watch ln Movie screen $4. Patio or \1!•11 nolaell!'SS lypewrller. Bird pes.rls SlO. Pearl ~celel to potth chair $5. Small rocker ~~ I cage 1; stand $5. 548-0865. matth $2. ~ ~hone $10. Rcducin& ~. IDie , • 1..::'°"c.::..::::::..=..:::::..:::::._1 St. Aqt farm $1. Ri>cklna new Sl.5, posture rut. : •7 NEW McBee filln« ,Y!ftem., chair fl, Aluminum Jeep $2. &12-81n 'ii .ullabll!' for real eatate of. ~U 5ealhari! Dr., N.B.am >="m"AHU="A'""'A"K"c"...,=-• ....,,u J .:" 11''" $25. ~usa CUROC ~ Inlaid 12.'B -wu, It brown male 125. •'<.:il NEW and med plywood $C.25 Sl&inlta11 flatware M~1682 :r<or «rapa, teak, mahOgany, fir, serving pms .net plaCfl alto 80>lld lumber 10c-S2 .setttna n.5049.75. Candle REFRIGERATOR. Good ---wn tiench ~ Vtolln ·t20 ::rboldeni 2'.lc-U.SO. Gitt lt.cm11 condition $25; R.oliawt¥ * ~ i Plu.rnblnc pattJ):, 1 0 c • $ J :l>c-41. Personal I l c m s : SS. IJJ Gow.mot' CM. Rlaht &nrle Iron. aluminum 'e c 0 rd p J 1 y c r v M 6464289 . -- JCk>50c Stalnle.u b o I is • automatic &flu to ff s20. 3' GOrNG Camping wlth bl.by! ::;1.:~ acre"" !\c-1~ e I t e 1r 1 c gold couch S2S. Sflace 58.\'et UM! a deluxe beck pe,cktt 1...; mo.ton S·l·SG. Oltln Sl·S3, cabltm ,vllh mirror doori $10. 675-TS33 f ,i 216 E, m C.M. &1&-2377 Wat ble'ndtr with ice l'fEW._Mothm Get tn lbape j:WJ4 OOMFORTABLE Roekff $1. atta men flll·;;;f-P.;i.,iii a'Da.,,,-&iii '10-~·t Ve:lwtpWows SL 54U644 E. 15th SL, C.M:. 613--1533 ;;.:!_I • DMlY PllOT SallnlJ, M11 3, l~q SALmR. llANDfililiiliTUDli'iiliiriii;_:aiiLiC~ii~iiNiioiiiTllAD9:::"""f.=R-E_E_T_O_Y_O_U_I TlAJllSllOllTATION TllANSPO!li ATION TllAHSl'Oll"l'ATION . TllANSPOllTA TION TllANS~llT AT ION_ ~---· Soll...... . 9010 Mobile HotM. 9200 '-"" ""'-.. ..... •-rtad .... 9600 lmpor'lod ,._ '~ ............ l6IOMl .. 11ana1n11 MOO ~..-.;.;.i;; . TllANSPORTAT1°" 9609 lmiiort~ Auto• .. -·--'°"' ..... -• "'"" 41' DI ..... YAWL Fill\ •ulclt. ..,., .,. AUS11N ....uY i:ntRARI MERCEDES ll!NZ JitGI femUI If Ult I")' ma)e. j .tlte nll. eJec nfri&. MuterWill ftlllr ..._, I ..--..., 1----''----.., mtl c.rM, "Eut -• Rtl',W.., llli 'Ct. Sac. ~ -....,. """' AUSTIN R<1ly • '18 Sprite. l'ERlWU '1i1%+1,Ei"<llen1 """M°'cedos· Ben& MGB '66 Cqnvortlblll I .. FURN .ITU Rt N.8. t M Oil 1 .. 513 •• -.COP phte w/furnUon, $1'00. Ruft9 aooct. looks eooci. 3 aU res:pects. 220' SE Nc\\'port blw 'w/ 'black m. F~ kl-.. Strict!¥ •lleli •PA~ Jtc:i.~ALF.s. ~ u8:. J~· 2'12 W, ICM-. ~ .• 19257 J iml.~ Dr., 64f>..4801 er m29!6 Gl)f'(;eou~. o c e p niidniJ_;hl lcrior, AU u tn.s ,ll'lcluded: ca t eut. c.t& .¥at, that Ht& Via ,..._...... ~==~:="2:;==== blue w/ ~tt'iuitirc ~ viuyl Ra~io. IJ~ter It. "''ire whocll. ii'!' CUle bu.dle• or fur look-Vt""IW• Newport DLBl..."'ExJ>68do Kit Trojan -.. • JAGUAR lntciior. Auto trans. T"ull 24 Hour ~ 61'3ol510 20iCii. SNcUU MObile Prk. -DATSUu I n ~ t o r .. 1.-rv a n1 1 . c.omu.CtJSTOM__J)(J(K U •w.J.SthNo.lOS.N.B. n...--P'->""w &: F~cuiry Air Coo-~ Si/!i J 19uar 67 XKE 2 + 2 dltlonl'r +Sun Hool! Show-s.\BOT, xJnl ~· Complete, MOlµLE home & cabana DATSUN Air O:>ndlUonl111~ 57,000 mll-i'ootn Jottsh. mut, ...U, ctnttt board. Adult park. lsst Whittler, •68 Plc\up •• Sl695 e~. Mist green llii&;t w/_plw;h AUCTION J.2l'WjJOll Jh np o11 ~· I SATURDAY . NIGHT i · 6:30 P .M. SH.ARP!! OWN.El\ pa1aed awft1. Must llnd good honll! for i;everal adult lntkk cala. Both Ria.le & female. AJI altcmt. 549-1~ ~/6 BEAUT1FUL pf.rt S 11 v 1~ r Persian 'klUeN, 12 wk.s old. WS. ~ at ·lS.12 f4lramat Spc 71. lDq at ofllee. VWV561 contrasting~ lntc&r, Ab.so-'" Or, Balboa::__ ·--OOllBLE Wlde Mobile llOl'l'K' lutely fl.a\Ylcss. • • 3100 W. coa..t 11~t CANADIAN SOLJNG ir> new park. &t&-4000 aft '67 Sedan •• $139S Nrivporl Beach· · TYT~ S.12-9-lOO 540.1'1S4 AVAILA.BLE roC>f:4!1 -•='"'="•"-·"="====== '66 Wngon ., $1::9."i Au'1•A~ia:cd MG .r...Ai.... Schock, Nev.·po11 673-2050 ---SQ\7li53 . WU\; -rr--• 28' CAT. Choy d esgn , Motorcycles 9300 'li5 PickuJl .. Sll95 3100 \V. Coast l lwy. MGB69 -230Sedan, 11ke1970 Enst"nada vel. Exh•as. S8000 , .1 NMW452 Newport Bea~h :l,ln'.l actual ml, 4 sp. Tex va. ~c $599J 7141im.1019 M -tONOA Scnunblcr, less • 612·!>~· t ~ · MQ.-1764 leather, heater, tinted gla.s1;. Free to aood h o n1 ~ • 6n-6.'m 5/3 2 GREY & white lliil;ter kh· ' · than 600 tnl.; fuU bell ti i· 3100 \V. Coast Hwy. Au1!io1iied J\.1G Dealer Oise brakt>s $4700 or offer. tms: S moa 'bid. Yrre lo KITE, 2 sails, hl·\\'ll.Y trail~.. helmet, Shop D\anual, rxtra bllri11. ,,,,: 1 1---llf!"'port-Beach-~.,.;.;.;.;,:::;,_:.::;...:;;=::::cl "Priv. party. 646-3389 2"21 0 good.Jvlng home, OR 5-3558 xlnt cond. $700. 846-0082 &fl tire &: tube, extra gear; i4llt. UUIO fi42.9.1{).) 510.1™ _E7='::d'::"::.·..:C:::t11'----~~· ah 5 pm. 513 6 pm &. wkhds. S501l 536--2.146 Aft. 6 PM JMPORTS AuUKlrizcd "MG Dealer '6.J MGB, BRG e)(t. Blk lnt . KmtllS. CUte &:, aturdy WANTED FOR RHODES 111. * 1969 HONDA J 5 O 1967 JAGUAR XKE 2 + 2 \Vire whls, o/drive, R&H. Trall doll 2 o • , TOYOTA·YOLYO 8-500 males, 6 wks. o I d , er, Y or Scrambler, J mo ~-u nde1· 1966 IIo.rbOr, C.M. fi•J&.9303 Lime green bcauly equipped Orig ownr $1700. 54 l ' ' . . i IMpect ~RL y • ' As We Sell QUICKLY! AOK Commission Gallery howiebroken. 329 Magnolia, . ~h. * ti'r":>-7402 "'arranty, 220 ml. $62.i \\'ilh 4 speed, AM-Fl\f radiQ, <;.J\.,.._ 642.s8(li 5/5 CAL 20, 601: cu a h Ion s , ~5-1D84 '69 2000 DATSUN chrome '''heels, 2 6, po o FrM FIJI Dirt carpet, curtains: completel;l-;9"6"8,..--;H'o=N"'D""'A--;4-;5-;0c, I Roadster, 5 spd trans, l li nl i I cs. I m m a cu I a te .,,..,-41125 J: clean. $33l0. 89'1-2033 sem'--••tom. Unde r 6,000 hp, dlr, boney-gold yclkr.v, (TXS139) lmpor1 Dealer _ .. '"" ------bide bucket seats. radio, 1 ...,~-.,_ 1 Bl .• 11 · '611 OPEL Rlllly cadet: 1-n.1- ,1722 GARDEN GROVE BOULEVARO I Block West o! Beacb Blvd., off G.G. Frwy. PETS and LIVESTOCK Shoregoer-Sl\illng Dinghy n1i. Best oiler O\'er S100. ""'"'' °"ac 1 \'u., un-'G2 MERCEDES Befl\ ~S; oranb(' 11•/blk'. r a c In g 11"" Ma--05TI heater, \\'SIV's, less tho.n 1000 li nglon Brach. 5!0--01 12 Ill hol · · J ·I kl "" mi Under fact \\'arr. Take ----I 1r. up ., origuw 011'TIC'J'. ,.slripl's; slll u1 er new C•t1 1120 * 675--2336 * 67 Yan1aha 3ro, 5 5p SJ.:iO older foreign car in trade p~ '67 JAGU AR XKE Cl'lf", L.l\v mile.; 548--1825 T it -t \\'arran1v. Chronic 1vhecl11, T d 1220 Mlscellllneous l600 SEALPOINT Siamese kit-1966 TARTAN,. 21' s~. 6~ \'a~naha 80 S12J $175 ca sh dels. \Viii fine priV s1creo, AM/FM, dlr, one P~t Sal., all day Sund;iy radio, ]02 eng. Jo.lust &ell. >'-1"'pe"'-'-'~-ec_o_r_•_rs___ tens, weaned-trained. S20 lnbd. A~-Sleeps~ 5. F.ully • 548-4506 • prty. LB YNW 485. call Ken, owner. VCL 924.' $10:-Al. i'I C:RCEDEs~no. 4 o r. lcavu1g st11.1e. r.1ake an ol· WANTED to buy Sony 2elJ MAPLE bookcase. f\laple each. !>4&-5967 • equipped. ,67a-2336 WANTED: 3 Wt.eel r.1oto~y-494-9173 or 545--0634 494-750:t .scd.; sunroof: low mile. fcJ'!•Sol.1}...11358 eve , tape de-ck. Reasonable! night stand. B 1 e a c h e d CORGEOUS Se~ p 0 in 1 1' _THISTLE Sloop, 2 sets ol cle. ~ca.~nable; _ l 966 DATSUN Pickup h1.1ck. '87 JAGUAR 340 Sedan. Lcoarher inter. £424926 'l:i7 KAOE'IT. New tirci;, v'l'lyl 646-.1982 or SJ5..1711 mahogany bookcase. s· k 'tt $20 8 k sails & .trailer. s 12 5 o . Qi.II Ed at 5'(.-9&17 Liecnse nunlbcr (S37971 J Auto, P/S, P/B, chrn1 \l'irt: I----~----top, chrn1 whls. Sl250. Bef.r. Sf>!rting Goods 1500 Wrought iron gl ass-1 0 P ol~~I ~2-~~j3 · '" !. !>18-5669 1966 l\tultaco Matodor, t"ull Price $S!15. In1port Car 1-=:";:.";:''::· :;";;;'00:=. ="='":::;:;'":=:::::== MG 10 am or art l O Pi:'\ 673-61.36 labl@. Marble top cigarette "~" 11 De I I"""' I. stand. Florentine white and FLY~?iG J 1;1nior 1611, North ~ cc, t )(CC enl condi· a er. ......., Beach Blvd. , , * TENTS * gold lier table. 8 u r n 1 Dog"""''-----.,..:1:::1:=25 ~nili!, nr.W rnist. Xlnl cond . ffon. Vr1'Y fast. 67!>-74:)9 Huntlng!on Beach. 540.0442 KARr .. 1ANN G ~~IA i • PORSCHE · 10x18, 2 bdrm, $100. 9x9, $20. orange upholstered chair, $7JO. £2131 GE 1-4007 '67 YAM AHA ::m, 5 ~!XI. Xlnt 1067 DAT S UN Road~tcr. l\1G SC HES Scout pup, $10. Coleman solid brass candlestick table GERMAN Shepherd puppies, 14' SLOOP, \Voo<l. Dacron, cond, $32j, 830 (.enter St., tULB295l Only $169i Good t\ARMANN GlllA 'G7 SH.Jes. Service. PArtl POR '""'"• 3 bmr, ~-2 brnr, $5. •--fl · AKC, imported sire, scicn-New >l.,I, Xlnt Cond. ~. Apt 9, C,,_1 or <19'1-3682 Value. In1Port Car [)('a\er ln1n1acuh1le linmcdi3.tc Delivery, 27 to choose fJl)lll . Largest uuup, oor s w 1 n g • t :I P e tifically raised. large boned, ~~~~~~~~=.1~;::::::::7::::::::~::;;=,: li7".r4943 All r.1ol'ltel!I Sat & Sun. 673-5872 lamp. This is q ua I i t y 496--2184 _141.8 W. Ba.Y. 67l-1916 18835 Beach Blvd., Jlun-----------'>,: i;t'lcction of Porschcs In SURFBOARD. l\tade b y merchandise in good con-~;,;;::.;,-==-;-..,.-,--17 FT. CAT. 245 HP Mere. Motorscoottrs 9350 tington Beach. 540-0-142 Southern Calilol'ni». Hobi@ for Wards. Used one dition. 545-0900 WEIMARANER & Lab pup-I ctri T trailer bait ==-.-=~,;,:;,·-~-~I pies. •'ln each. M2-lill0 after e e cg, op, ' 1967 LA1'IBRETTA, 11 k e ---------' .:"=""'=":..$35c_._,._.,_l_3'2 ____ 1 CHIFFAROBE $20. 4' x 31·~· _, tank. etc 54fr8963 ENGLISH F RD I' bookcase $10, 3' X Ji,2' 5 pm, ' f'leW! 65() ?lti, Ciil' rack. $2."'.Q, 0 ~ bookcase $5. '36 Ford rear POODLE, black miniature, Po-r'Crui1ars 9020 20J Ocean Ave., II : 8 · -;;":;;;";:;;;7";;~:;-;:;;:;-;:f ~S36-007~~l~===== '66 FORD Cortina GT, :1 dr, Se:!an 100 D, c·;1-clh•nt c·on-1600 MERCl!DES BENZ '65 MERCEDES BENZ \::JlrWp o 11 ;~~Jhilµ 0 rt s *AUCTION* U you will sell or buy ~;1;;i1~~ ~e~~: female. !~:~,::,.. SACRIFICE! 33• c I a 5 sic dlr, fully equipped. TRB035 tlihon, sunroo~. heater, A:\f/ .40 Ford deLuxe grille $20.1 ~==="'•"..c.._.:~'---,1-.,~ Cnliser, 19-17. Good &0und Auto Services $109J. 494-1503 r~M radio. S200 Below [;Jur J\ulhorizcrl /\Ir. Dc:Ucr -:noo W. Coast lfwy. 538-84ll HB GERr.tAN ~or;Pu•au em e, cond. Necdii love. 110 hp & Part1 9400 ---------Book for quicls. sale. Pl'i\•alc Newport Beach Jl(lt' \\', Coast lhl') .. r\.~. 61?-!J.1(1;, f>·W.116-1 6 mo. All shots. AKC. Gra.y l\tarinc. Radio &.!----------Party 546-1257 • '67 3000-RDST.-612-~05 5'o-1764 GOING Out ol Business-Ad· ~~~•~67-~-5397~-·-~-I fi.thomeler. $3300. 547--4229 2-10" 'ville wheela. lit early FERRARI .64 MERCEDE.S Bcnx lOO-C, Racing grcPn, black int. _.:.':.:".::'::•:c~zcd=-M~G.C.,.Dc~ol~',;_'_I give Windy a tr:: Auctioru Friday 7:30 p.m. Win~y's Auction Barn 5-eblnd Tony's Bldg. J\.ial'I. 2015~ Newpoprt, CM 64&.s686 UU. Marquette tune-up ding machines from $20. 15 . J\.fQ old male Aalskl'l n =:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1'"ord or Jeep, $20. 6-2'1 for __ _...;,..::,:..::.::...::.=__ 40,ooo actual J\.1i.; one Ready 10 go~ VH\\'165 NOW'S THE Typewriters from S 15 · Malmute. has all shots. $25. Chevy, $35. 110 volt 90 amp FERRARI · 1 1 00 S2695 Call'Ulalon from $20. 1700 c"~';,;,T·~·:;•·ne:::..:S;;'c.:""::::J.c.:'64:&-:::;ltl'..'.!!,8 1cMa:::::'::-'":-·-:::E::.q'::u:'.lp::'-·="'.90:::::3:::5 arc ll'elcle.i', liko ncw,lj(J, Nl'\"port l1rlporrs Lid. Or-~~~~~·8~~6 ~:~in.,~ . Tlt.1E FOR eqUip 6 mo's old $1100, Snap..on air chlsle &. impact wrench $235, Comp!. Jet air-cond 'ing equip & stock W. Coast Hwy, NB. (In TOY Manckester puppieii NEW & USED Marine equip-,_64~""-"-'-~~---an;e County's nnly autbo r-1006 230 SL Coupe, 4 spd, tJean Lt.mid' QUICK CASH Oceanic Yacht bldg.) AJ<C, malo ·-·, females ""'"· . ment·, Windle'" new deisel Jeep 4 'Ylindcr engino, 11.ed dealer. #TV ..,., '"' beaut cond. Mu~t see lo av-HOUSEFUL of furn; odds & 962-mQ out)loard $250., anchors all rebuilt. SALES-SERVTCE·PARTS prf.c·kilc. ~>40-'1300 THROUGH A ends. 2·26 gal F ish tanks, gltts, pum ps. All at low * &l6-L112 * 3100 W. Coast Hv.')'. IMPORTS DAILY PILOT stands & fish incl., $150. 1t~aru~~~~;-~:~~ s71 prices. 304 28th St .. N.B.I=====±:=== 612·9•1~e,Yport Bea~0-1164 CH,\RGE your \Ya nt acl now. TOYOTA-VO(YO Port. dishwasher S.%. 3 Pc. hunten:. * 962-5731 67j..(tl31 Trailer, Trivet 9425 Authorized ~1G Dealer Dial 642-5678 for RESULTS 1966 Harbor, C.l\t. 6~6-9303 WA·NT AD . Jl.50. Other miscell. Call aft 5 PM 897-4831 sect'! $50. 642-0070, 2136 I ~~=o;~~~=:;c!.,========= -==="'=="====''-=========,\ Raleigh, CM. AicC Min. Poodles. Aprlr:ot. '6_1 1 EtVJNRIUDboaS l8 H:t ~ ~c 67 P.OLLS Royul 16' sell-co~-- ""°""""==-,,-,-.,-I Show or pet quallly. MfF. 6 "ar ou 1 ". m · t.ained Travel Trailer. Alt l ~lm;;p~o;rt;ld;;;;;A;;u;to;;s:;;;;;96;0;0;::lm;;;;;o;;o;";•;;d;;A;;;u;:to;•;;;;;9;;61l;;;O KNlmD FABRKS 8 1''T CAMPER 11ith bunks, wks. ~ & up, S41).8638 · completely overhauled. ar.ccssories! E a s Y -I I f t 96001 mported Autos 9600 pad ice box $350. RCA COI.r 646-9277 trailer hitCh plu~ lerxler OR TV., walnut cabinet Basenji pupple8, AKC l't?i. ""'FOR SALE ' $150. DELTA 4" joiner with bark.less, clean, odorless, QUALITY marine retrigera-mirrors. Used 4 times. * 541.o9M * tion & ice box conversKlns. Practically nt'1\'! Private mnants, samples & l\fill ' motor stand '95. 646-0681 * 646-9277 * party. ~1987 ends Sat. Only 8 a.m. to 2 ./ Juke Box, Rock Ola.. p.m. 929 Baker, Costa Mesa. Nickel. Good condition. HOl'MI 1130 n __ SI' M . 9036 16' SELF contained trlr., arn~a~ a~ara -t 1p oor1n9 many extras; awning, etc. 1JAi: Kng Size bed w/ Full of reoordS. 120 Ides. PJNTO:-GELDING, 4 yrs old. • 1 !>18-4454 quilted matt., co mple t e: $250.•534-5352 c -u •..u. WANTED: Permanent Slip"'=';"'=·========----' _ .-"' ~~ -Very rerl e. ~-for 35' Power Cruiser by•· El.MORE MOTORS 15300 IEACH ILVD. WESTMINSmt 194-3322 WE ARE ONLY #2 50 WE TRY HARDER FOR YOUl l Never ~....._....,; '\\lut• _..,. 2 PO\VER lawn edgers $36-846-9116 aft 5 on wkdys. middle ot J une. 842-l962 Trucks 9500 1 841-0400 S:15· 19792 Ra~er Ln.\ HUD-~-'Jliorobrtd Gelding. 1.;.;..:.:::.::c_~---= • VACUUMS • tinglon~ach: ~1010 · \Very gentle. Evenings. '64 FORD Econolinc. Clean, I $10 up, Repairs & parts:. ~ ~ " ::. _.; a ~1 iood rklel'!J 54T-1251 > ,.,._ • ~UAT,~LIMP .new. eng & tranii. Xlnt mnd. '69 TOYOTA From $f770 1Reuonabl@. Coast Vacuum. M" ~_la t I ~!itr.J.", . ·PO-• IO TM!-P ~· in Prie<'d lor quick sale. ---.. 33.l E.11th, CM. &G-lfi60 11c.-. f'.!_9CI "'Hl.v.. TRAN "''"' N ~ .~;E. ~~-atu, Balboa I=-~·~"~'~'-~--~~ liACING Bike -Women 's $ WE BUY $ Botts & Yach!s 9000 t:100lJ.lNG Mnted: To Jea,lle '64 FORD ~ ton pick-up, 1 French 15 spet'd $45 Men's , . . ' ' · . 'or buy on Balboa Island. F-100; 6 Cy!., good oond. Fo!ron 10 ,...<I S55 .,., $ FURNITURE · $'. DAVID L. FRASER 67,,_ $8911 64"9925 ""'""'' & new. ~1375 APPLIA~CES · 32• Tolly FIB, TIS, 83 hn11 1=""',.....;'c,c·=~~~-~ < T ~-l Col°' TV'-!Ji••'-Ster.o'r a· y •t 'S<l CllEV 1' Ton· '68 1,;0LDSPO ... ,..,,.t re e .................... OFFER! o•t• ac.---. . · '1 • refrig. 12.4. Used 4 mos. I Pi•t• ., H.-. .. Fun 47' Chris Tri-Cab ••• $27,000 Charters. 9039 Camper, 8' sleeper-type. $160. Pec&n S4 x 34 coUee CASH IN 'JO MINUTES 31' Zeeland Yawl $1251) Complete. 536-3448 , lbl•.125. 64>-2684 • 541-4531 • ,,, .. , 6 ............ $19,500 BLUEWATER CHARTERS 9510 MACHINIST'S ~" Gerstner 47' Dsl Ketch11;Jpa 7,. $19 50o' 27' Trojan, Power J_1_e,,,p_1_· ------ tool chest w/preclsion !ools, TENNIS Cub Membership, 40'. Dl1 Ketch aft cab .iao;ooo ~· Thunderbird, Sail '67 BRONCO m ikes. indicators & etc. $165 Send info to Box P 859, Dai· CALL~ ChQC!l.,AVer, Skipper avail. 646--0000 . 536-llOO ly Pilot, N.B. .3424• Via .QPorto' ~rt CAL 34 for CHARTER 4-ivheel drive with hubs. 6'UZ2' · * ~ !f'vn. $25 d • Slf>O wk. Hardtop, ml&. white, radio, * POOL TABLES * FREE TO YOU •' . c • ::.,,..,., hoalor, '"' ,,.1. SIOO<i. or l•nk"f:n•ndnt •,,.1i11bl• en b1nli: 1ppro•1I of ct1dit. FREE· FREE Las Vegas Vacation 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS FOR TWO No rurch-. N.cfl••7 ' 15300 Beach Blvd. Westminster .894-3322 4.Yi% BANK FINANCING WITH 15% DOWN 011 Appro•al of Credit •· -4B '1Mo. :aANK 1 FINANCING AVAILABLE WE NEED YOUR TRADE IN! LEASING. AYAILAILE ~tom -antique -modern %1"QUSIN ena, 2 bimkl A a Best Oller, 879-6088 Days •used. SPORTS "l OO". BEAlIT. Ger. Short-haired he:&d. Chrys Cro'Nrl fnar fl1hl-Bolts 9040 only. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 636-2130 J2.8 pm Retriever. Good hunting e:~. Needs work. $500 or. ··• I• OPEN 7 DAYS .... ~-·· l:cCULLOCH Chain saw 18" dog, Nds lvg, home & ,Lg. make offer. See at 847 27-ft. Fishinq &Oat Campers ~ 9520 Import.cl Autos 9600 Import.cl Autos 9600 _ l~P.!r:!.~ Autos ;:rrt_ e:;,ll.e~r ~~t~:: yrd. &i).o194 5/5 ~ide Dr., N. B. Ownr 6-cyl. 01.ryller engine. over· COACH • ILER . UV $15. 642-5006 2 SNOW white lo~ haired ~ hauled Nov. '68. Sleeps J. RENTALS .. I-: kittens. plus l black • 1 1963 30' TROJA)l. Radio, liead, Galley, Bait Tank. lt's none too early to make DIAMOND custom de11igncd grey striped. 6 \littks old. fathomeftt, equip f or Docked at Huntington Bch. reservations for Spring Hol. 1 cocktail ring; O\"er 2 Ct., 833-1690 .. .515 fishlna. Sips 6. Xlnt cond $2,200. 633-7315 alter 5 p.m. idays! 1 appr. $.14SO, sac. S.175· FIVE adorable longhair kit-$8500. 3412 ).fp,rcua. NB. or anytime w~kends. \VEEK-END OR 'VEEKLY 1673--3600 tens. 6 wks, male & female. ~. 5U-3'110 GLASPAR Good f 8 mi I y 546-0291 IAMOND approx 2 carat 673-4106 513 36' Chris eratt ' fishing ~I. Evin r u de CAMPER '67 V\\I, A-1 eond. $2,000 value for Sl,~~ 0~ MALE Toy Poodle, 6 Yrs. 19M ~ fishuw:, tWtn•eng motor. large wheel trailer. Chrome wide wheels, radio, fer. Priv. Party64.,, .,....,, old, Blk, nttds good mature tadio. M'ust,..UI .sle. ST, ,tnJ:, $5.50. 2766 Sriatol, Sp. '11 !!~t~202icebox, etc. $2395. E lden Aw., CM. ~ home: 64Z-5885 5/5 ~ SQ yds nylon crptg, 64:>-0440 or 4M4465. -90491-~-~~=~--KmENS. 5 wks old, 4 gry. $3000 CABIN Cruise . 2 '°•t Stor... -66 CHEVY W/'68 Camper. frosted cocoa, new, not cut. 2 Blk. 3 male, 3 female · . r, Good condition. Best Offer. Sacrilice. $635. 6 7 3-7 7 8 5 G42-6206 bunks & heRd, ship to shore~ BOAT SfORAGE US,, 45 SI NB J O'Oo ""'""'""--"'-=,-,-:-,-5-'j 135 Grey t.l arine. Perfect Sail or power up to 20' Fenc-t>f!l{1 ", • n· b;~~""==:---;:-:-:::c AKC Dob@rman -First Place cond. ~7J, 527-1515, or e:d yard. Newport Bayfront.1=-·-=~==~~- 0 be d i e nc e wi n n e t 615-1909 Monthly rat~s include. , , 8~-J' OPEN A.OAD Cabover ~2819 ,.. 5/5 26' Good Ship Lollipop US@ of hoist Camper , Llk!: new! Extras. 1,:.::..:::::~=-~-~~-~ PICK )'{)Ur pfck.1 1 AdonWe Pt'rfe~t for: f.llhjng, romance Launching $900. 54:>-3005 TAMOND TiU~ wed~tng kitt@M:_ & wtes. 'oldi irWiie A sm.ugg:Hrig. SlW.17. Call Anthony 's 8' SLIDE in can1per; 5' high. eel. flawless: ppraiscd broken 838-7651)' 513 531-6825 dB,Ys IJ:&.2281 Xlnt cond. $375 ins. &ell $200 Cash. 675-4lll • N'PT. Beach, ~ space 549-3004 DOING gown & head 7 WK. old kitte:nli; 2 grey 9 ' :GL A,SS,Ht>._~\ER . il boat t WALK-IN CAMPER •-· des,.ner model. Size striped, 1 black. Free lo trusparent bo1wm; Xlnt ava ., s orap. 8~ worn. 615-7459 good homes. 546-5546 5/5 cond. $175 Good srecl!l'ity 642 -2809 $350. l34 B Victoria, CM ' 4 Kl'ITENS, 2 Dully, 2 ""'"-673-72J;O ==;;~"""===92:::00:1~~~~::o;:;:;;~,;;;= BY bed ~plet~· ~lay Adorable .• Need tOod home. 25' BERTRAM ·&5 Hut! top Mol:tlle Homes Camper Rent•la 9522 pen, part-a-<:nb. Kiri 8 hike. Call 646--'JMT 5/3 twin Mere 12G IO.. Clean MOBIU HOME Xlnt -~ ~ ~•1 NE\V ""-tsman trailen. Get -u.oi .... ...,_.,~ '"'1-, cos_,, ... eictru. Often-~ L ~., 4 8 1 A CUTE Kittens, good with ""6"' "J 'l\'inter ra!,11 for summer ' • ......-e x t. __ ';, dogs & kids. i wks old. min $9400_ n4 :~ dates ... 494-4922 """"""'· Coot $500, ~ !i46-996.'I 513 18' V.S INBOARD A tn.ilo" $10 000 $DI. 536-MfiO 8 Wt;EKS old, If'*)' •I: white 14' boat. tn..yer. Sell or ' Dune Buplta 9525 9' SURFBOARD kitten needs a ~ home. trade. 714 : '1'1s.:-0673 -OR - l')Od. ooodltion. $311. 548-Ml83 Sil '63 CHRIS Craft 26' Cavalier $ 5 000 V\V Dune Buggy chassis, engine & a.II NMlng gear in xlnt cond. Body remo~ . Ready for dune buggy body, $300. &\5--5202 673-1"1 3 ' 2 ADOR.. Fem. bob f&iled 18S hp. S/S radk>, xlnt cond. .E. Rdr1g., Mrm. pieces, k!tten.s + mhut; SJl qes &. $5WJ. 962-3065. vacuum · A sewing macb. colors. 836-4493 • 513 24' '66 GLASS boll!, 150 hp HOUSE! Wke:nds. eves. 642-3324 /0 5 BLACK Puppies, mixed I , lrlr. $5600. Swenaon. • 'TIS Tropical 1'~iah • brd. Male & Fem. &12-6544 ~ Ol' 646--ttll Open .. 'bout May 15th 513 lit' CL.ASSP1 '67 cent ountain Valley 8424530 • • • ~ nt 4 ADORABLE ititterw, 3 grty condition. , 65.. 10 b p Slngtr portable &ewlng &· 1 ~· 6 'M1!lt$. E"\nrude S75. 61).1441 m~lne, must sell-best of. 548-l38&i 5/3 t.r. 64W192 cm;,,, ~"'°=---~--'-Sall"°'h 9010 UL L membership: Ex· c;lusM! Newport Beach Ten. nil Club. &f.t..W7, 54.>9419 1'"REE to good h om@ . healthy, friendl.J kittens, 6 AQUA C.t. Ex. corxl. Rf!d 'A~:*!;.!!::!923 5-3 hulls $SM. Lost my Sabol! AOOR..lJmt D • c .b 1 u n d, Haw mut, N.11, l'\ldder, Frie:illb;~ ~ clrlJdren daatr board, eic. cond. Howalll\ilDm. 961--31592 SIS $100. ft5..29li MO'riifi ~n'mitr t. CAL Z • Pmect fbr lam.Uy s ,Plppiel ' wts. old need mriaU.: m-n.r:lne. Sips 4, 1tne home. 548-6885 515 but carriet a dozen. Head, Germ-Splnna.keT, 00.t be.th. , _mACK I. While TV. 2 CUTE Kllttns. 7 weeks old. Xlnt cond. $3500. M'--0816 Walnut ctblnet: perfed, Sl8-a59I 515 e CAl,.20 by pr1 'PC)!. Good Come ln1today and see tux· MUST gcJI ! Compl e!e ury Jh.·lrtg at do\li'O to earth shortened I~ V\V Cha!t!it.~; 1 I ~ now dur-Including 1P.ng, lnln~. \\'Ide in"a: ce~r . clearance sale on rims & sand !Ires. SJ2.i all display modeb-they'1'e'l=64~6-0027=====~~~ priced to AeU immedia tely. EMPI SPORTS!'ER, Corvair Parka available in Bil areas powered nylon top, i\T)'t'~ Bay Harbor buckets •• wkl_e tires, top Mob! .. Home Sela1 cond. $995. 64a-M76 1425 Baftr St. \I ,,_liutolH.-B1"'1 Imported Aulol MOO .,,...., c..ta M.,. · m~i 540-9l70 AUSTIN HEALEY Sacrifior New Traikor 12x46' '-'"-'..:.:.- sso. wm &:lhw 644-om. RiDwooo Pi-.vbouAie )IOI.I cmd, 'ftll equlpt. Wkendl or KING Sl1e fol.al rvbbtt mat· pick up •. 5&4695 Sf5 ~vn s.u:ru or tres $3S Jronrtfll troncr $35. FJ\&E .Killel'll M ___._o O d 1213}_~ ,. "9'G2' Midi11'; CM ,,..,,.,_ 5'6-3111 515 13' SUNF'lSll SallboAI. all QAU.T PU..01' \V~ ADS ONF. couc:hr. flair COlldJUon, rfiin.t Included. Lllte new, Sl<yline Buddy, Fum. A""' '62 AUSTIN HEALEY Ing, sklrtine A tool cup. ' Plaoe Rdatr, 4 apd, dlt·, board, Sp, #JI on "C" St el« cvt:rdl'M!, new top, ne"'' a t ~ 17th SI., 0 1. Nn \\i l'f' whJ1, 10 ply tires. xlnl phone alls to Putt ollice. r.ond., $125 CUh Mh:, take DcAI ~th ow~r onlY. low pymnt~. >..I F'665. Call TRANSA MOblle-H om e Ken $1.SnJ or 545-0034 llbt50, twtn bdrm. 40· aium1'·s=1~K=E~A~L~EY=-. -,..,,-,.-.-. -,~ .. ~uy a wning. F\lm, Adult i-rk, equip, pvt. party, $1000. 2112 ~ta MeA . 642--0392 llia:hJand Dr .• N.B. 548--9436. DJal 5•12.56"/S ' ,'f.'6..(i02.I S.3 uM!d once $400. Mt; ... qo,(2 .. " ·wait? The Jquar XXE 11 one of the world'• .,...t 1utomobil•s. Yet It sells lorless than half wbal lhe world'• odier lftll 1111mDobO .. ~ for. Under $6000. Whai .... you-..i...? Jaguar[i 11l lf,Ul$ 900 So. Coast High way La9una Beach 494-7503 motors 540-3100 494-7503 -------------------. ---------- 9600 ' ) TltANSPORTATIOM lmport..r Autw ' ~ ~rled A-. HOO l'OISCHE SUIAIU TRANSPORTATION e ·CAR SALE e Yoyr , s395~ '!hoke . "}: . - 5 -JF 4 IQ! , e 1tu DOMI WAGON, V-8, automatic, power ste•ring, etc. IGK68 6 e 1962 FORD WAGON, V -8, •utomatic, power st9ering, power bra ke,, radio, heat- er. IHF573 • 1964 FALCON Convertible. Red w/bleck top. Runs good. Needs a little loving care. MPP572 e 1960 MERCURY.1 Or. Hardtop Perklene. The good one loaded. Full power, factory air. GEX90'4 Your Chorce '695°0 e HH JllP PICKUP. &;9 6 cyl. I ' bn. 2 wheel driv e. J -300 Seri es. R28657 • 1963 «;OMIT 4 Door Sedan.-6-cyl. i1uf~ matic, radio, heater. RBX9 I 0 . . e 1963 FORD COUNTRY SIDAN. 6 PASS. ' WAGON, V."8, automatic, powa1r sfa9 ring , power br~kas. radio, heeter. OKG368 JOHNSON & SON • USED CARS e 1941 HARBOR ILVD. 642-7050 COSTA MESA 642-7052 lmport.d Autos CALIFORNIA SPORTS · cARS How does Fi '?a\\ ~ I for the ti~atno I ' j· extra cost • , • lncllloilint fr"t whMI cli•• THE br1k1i, 4-1pettl IY11throl!'l11h 1lick 1hilf, cl11h-tr1011nt1~ t1th· NOW nt eti11t1r, loc.ki119 · 1clJ111t1"I• CAR l1111k1t 111t1, 111M111r1 .. tl1t9. Disc Br ' es. T1Jt pric1 it tocl1yl Fiat 850 Spider I standard on the 850 FiatFastback s.te l9tup rtf front diW; •!lid ,....\ h)ilhullc tnlla stop& fnt ........ -... -.. ,.,r:: ..... Oftld hJO....-n.t cs.1i... -......... -iuipfNnt. ' " HUGE SELECTION AVAILAILE FoR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY e ,124' SPIDER e 850 CPE. SPIDER CALIFORNIA SPORTS· CARS ' to!' L ht sr. SANTA IAJIA, Mz.aor '. • WE'RE HAYNG.· A SALE~IN ·• . ' . . . ~ $100 and GOOD CREDIT Dellvers With P • '61 FIAT '61 PIAl '61YW l'Ol~HI . '61 DAnUN '"t:.'"' 110 Spid1r ·-ISO c,.. IU~ 1100 s11,., sM,.it~ '' tt1htr. Vll..IJO UP'-·il:I UMo.261 UCV·/OI l'C~1 .. ' ttfN-2•1 $75.55 $56.66 $64.22 $94.44 $5 1.66" .$64.22 ~ 'I I AL11Nl '61 ALPINI '61 Al.PINI •it FIAT 'IJ Ma ...... ....... ll:tlJtr. ~ti.tr . 124 S.4, ld1tr. Rtf1tr. rcz.545 OSC-tJ4 1u.n1 o.,,,. nE-t2J Wlf.1•1 $56.66 $51.66 $46;50 $75.55 $56.66 $15.55 'I I ALPHA . .,,,,_,. ,,,,.....,. l l A•...., 'It PfAT .,, ... Rtlttr. 1-<A Tl·I Rtlttr, 110 Spltl1r GT F1atb1ck PSW Gii HUT-411 tt&W.6f1 ttoJ ... 11 'lfW , · m1 $62.00 $'56.66 $51 .66 $67.16 $89.oO $94.44 ' • ' 1-J' CA ... 111.L T•lt Mt. • II AtTIMLnt _, ft. 1Mna .. PACT • cmca.1 Ho-':" ....... Uill,..!f* NIM, .... IHI Amm m• G,l~_ 1'llltl_ Tllff ffT TUT PA.llOll 16 ..._.~ UT llHm ...... Mtf • CllCU I aancq lftM ,,.. .. IJ9 1111 H ISI 111 "'111111111 111 Tiii PAn ll ~ I. .. a 1M TllO JO MAD Yll Mm , , , ~ Hts JCU " •Tm !1!L1!1 75 BEAUTIFUL ---------_._ ·LovE au.as FROM to '1999 • POR~HES • • '55 COUPE • '65 COUPE .. • '5 7'COUPE •· '66 COUPES (f l, • '59 Convertibles ( 2 J • '62 COUPES (5) • '67 COUPES (2) • I ·. I CAMPllS • TRANSl'OITE~ ~PANELS I .. • '66, CAMPER & BUS -'66 DRUXE. BUS r R1tl io, 1plit fr111I 111t. RMI•, ntr1 11fct. .;. . I 1967-DATSUN · COSTA MllA PHONE 673.:.0900, &.: "' or 67 -' . . ~ ~ - c~to . -~-, ~,· .. :. I~ . • • PHONE 54~1 e .· ~ 1 .-~ 9Tll~ ~~ 1 1 1~r1~/ " ----------- 'M l"L YMOllTM IOADIUNNR Z DI. ·!IJ V.I, 4 1p11cl. !WIK . 1461. • . ~2495~ '66 c;t11v. CAPRICE 4 0,, llfirdtop, Air, P.S., · · RI H, pew ..... 1.w. ITFA 0141 '1895 '64 OLDS Conw., A.T., R&H, P.S, lPIC-4Jil '66 CHEVY VAN IOI" W.1. AT-l·H . IV2tl:ll l .. :!1i9s . '67' MUST ANCJ . ., ' 2+1COUN . v.1. 4 •'"4. f•ctory 1Jr, -~t,~~y;5- " ' ''7 CHIV. 4-Dr. , A.f .. P.5,. ••'''· 1l111ttr. IYWS l 41) 51295 • A.1111n.ci., ·St1t11• ~w ... ~ .,,., l&H, P.$, 100 Jltl : -~1195-- ·coNNEl;L_ e _CHIVROLET · e· 2128 Harbor BIVlt., Costci · M"° -----546~1203 OUll OPIL PlllCU START AT '1777 ORDIR YOUU TODA.YI lllAND NIW 'H IUICJ( _ $2444 ORDHYOUU TODA.Tl POOLE'~ FINE USED CARS • • • ' ' \ L . .. • .,..,,.. ... +•• -.. " p w .... 4 I .. ·-.. • 39 DAJLY PILOT Soturdiy, M11 J, 196• o'llUISl'ORlAflON TRANSPORTATION • rltANSPOllTATlON TRANSPORTATION JRANSPOllTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ' ' :• -Cora • --Cara Hall NaW cira ' flOO -Cara I ttlO l.laed Cara '900 ~ Cara -Uoad Cara '99IO u..cr-c.n ·'9900 UAd c • ..-·' 9900 0 :J: 8 Ill m 'II 3 I: 0 < m ::rar g I: 0 ::rar "' z ~ i~Z • • ~si • !~~ ~~-iJ~ n ~-Cl 'c: •1~ ., i!il = •• :1 . ;. K-.. tf .. ...:I ~· • 0 " -------- . !~-' .. ri·. '~! .. -... ,, ~n -· Cit P' C: .i ., f· .. -~ :D • ~ • .. ~! ~J t ~ .. ~ w I& • 0 • z ; I: "' ~ c:.. ~ --n 0 •. I: - m ... ~ ~ ::c } ~1 • 1lf• . r . ~ -l< • ,.. lr,; n ~·· g ~~ I' n " .. • :a ~~ -1 ~ ~ 1~ ,, fl ...:I ...... I • p • !I ~ " •. ~· t ·-i .• .~-a .. Cl 'l c: ~~ In ~-.. ff :a rf •· •• t ~- • • f 21 • p er' " =I .. =-.:.i .. I • ... • • .. .. - :Ill I • • = E: .. • -• ... .. .. ,=·= .... . ~. :sf ... ---· "' . • ij"• f • f,f . " ·;j'j ·l ii, n i' Cl ' c: ~m . .. fi :a ii i• •• "' •• .~ •• • • ... °"" '1 • 0 • ~ • .. .. c • -· .. s:. i' -· s :a· c 'I ... ;. 119 l .. I. ... f .. !&. .. ... .... • ' . ' ' . . ' ' ---~-----~-.. ---------~----- _______ CHmot.rr CHEYROLET COMET CORYAIR COU&AR '63 Chevrolet CHEV; II" Railia. 11oa1er. '63 COMET s.2,.,.... ...... ,1 •. ·~ .• ~R.~~ ••• ·~~~""11e_. Exw~ ~ ... ~.",a~. i'i-"""'1 IMPALA 8 S. ~ 12'7 VI. 19,000 actual ml Vllf. nice! Radkl, heater, automatic, ........ '"" .. _...,. """° ...... 1.vuu °""" ' pe, r"" Prl ,Party $600 or olel'· 3421 beautiful DaUodll ye:Uow cepUonally Clean. Motor Al * 642-5956 * automat¥ tram., '}Xlwcr 1 D Efden. CM Mfr3311t 179.5 1r 2 $395. M6-285S atee,ritw; radio, •ta-. an • finiah. . D~ . 0 2 6 '67 COUGAR Landlu. LlkQ ex~ clean l<wi· IS CAPRICE, one owner. Harbor. C.M. 66-18'12 '63 CORVAIR Spyder 4 apeed new. Lo rnL Full pwr. Dl-i ..._ , mileq&J car-. Uc. 015&92. 1 Air, P.$. PIS. P/W. New -.65-CO_M_ET_,-P-IS_:_m-. -!WI-, 1 Radial tires_. Gr Best Of-brks. Pt!15. 548-9616 1 ~ .'"· $1oltS , urt!f k brikn. E1o mnd. 4 nu titts, reblt eng. Xtra fer. 540-1839' I , FALC_9N JOHNsOl\I •SON ~ftrm.IM0-2928"'16 car. must ..... $1000 . c·ORYETTE DOD&E I LJDOOln-M.....,, llEDVCED -~ Chev "5!6"'9!0~F;;=;;;;;;;;;~=;" I !!Ml llarbar 81..,. "2-1"" Sta Wag, 283. S ·•IXI" nu ,,.~N .. rnA·L' ¥\ rot ,, • .... ~ > ~ • i J: ,., 'DOME' Um.~lllari>· extru.. 1275. .,;g TJNll!llll "Coniiltte-'116·2 ,.,..-~ . · Ou~c ._, '&I CHEYX'll Station "f'llgOn. 9'i8-f635 f Air condltloninl, Auto trans, \'.8, AT, PS; Air. ~I D .. ..i:i .. he a t er, automatic, ;;: S ! I '66 CONT' """ ' -~· Full AM/FM Sil rng Beauty. UOE514 • ........., ,,., 1 ._ • r-an, ..., ... u, power, . . ver $239S !llr qinditioninr, A reel · ' C ... YS._... E/pwr. Leather Int. Fae metallic w/ black interior. • I ' cre~H. sass. Dir. 2026 · · air, atrnio wno ta,P.et. Orii'. 29 000 local miJe.s. -ti L Hi\'OOr. C.M. -645=1872 -•r.6 CHRYSLER Nri.-Yorker pr. pty. 6'JS.1136 , -· f4ll A...:1:, ii3 Cl;fl'l;Y . .lplMla<""~ptt 4 1 1>£•"H~T. J'lil4qiower, BY; Owner '62 ...: Good oorx1. UUIO Sport radio, heater, auto., ndkl, heater: aufomatic, Good tires. full pwr, air IMPORTS ; -P·•·• p.b., ;51;lt. ~ power steering, $350 wxler cond. Sell below B I B, '67 c:AMARO HT 3SO gs dlr po~r windows, power 6 whl!l. S45-415? · TOYOTA·YOLYO V-8 Hunt 4 ¢ Jur' Mi ~ teat, factory air con-'fi6 CONTINENTAL Coupe 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-Qll n,s9s: 48f..'7S03 ditlOntng, safety sentinaJ, Fully loaded + alereo ta.... 3100 W. Coast HWy. ~ premium tiru, balance of ,..... Newpgrt Beaeh '63 CHEV SS. Full ~. factory warTanly. Like new deck. Stlll under warranty 642-94(6 541).1164 Air. Clean. Miid sell! illlide and out U'.XI under $2850. 645-2026, MS--0446 Authorized MG Dea.Jer '65 FALCON Wagon, 6 eyl, 166-2689. 2417 Orange, CM Blue Book. $2250 full price. '62 WHITE w/black leather •65 OORVE'ITE, yellow, 4 stick, $0). Xlnt corx1. '54 CHEVY Convt 75,0XI m.I. Dlr. 2026 Harbor, CM. interior, full power. Loaded, apttd, custom engine, mag •642-7072• ;v,,,.•aood qond. 645-1812 top cond. S1D50. 543-0560 whee~. low mileage, very '63 FALCON, 2 dr, &Illa t14;j W-9U-6332 1"TEEN""="'A~G=ER~'~S~pedat~~, ~.56~ 1PLANNING to move? You'll clean. spoo. 494-1504 trans. R&H, $5.lO. • 'ST •BEL-AIR 1-4 dr 283, ~. Hemi Engine, find an amaiing number of THE SUN NEVER SETS on * 962--0924 * ... ~ 'Yi~Ndk1. Mut tell. $185., ' ,homts in today's Ca.ssilled Oassilied'a action power. ·•64 FALCON 2 Dr • .''6'"; $425. 494-3891, 494-n40 *~.~11 ** Ad~ Oleck lhem"'now. F~r an ad to sell a.rouhd auto., R&H, W/W, new bat. White Elephants? Dial 642-5618 W RESULTS DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! the clock, dial 642·5678. tery. Qean. $495. 6'15-1181 ' New.C1r1 , ! 9IOONawCara 9800Now Ciro ·" fi 9800, ; Naw Caro 9'00 New C1r1 9800 , '· , . IT'S . HERE! · .... ' FORD . ,. c" OOT i THEY :~O! COlllE IN AND '.l'llRN YOllRSELF ON! SPRIN~,, DEMq~TRA '(OR SALE! 1969 MUSTANGS e 1969 WAGONS 1969 THUNDERBIRDS e 1969 LTDs 1969 FAIRLANES IT;S A LITTLE GAS! ' If it our po1ky to ch1111 1 our Iliff cert 1w1ry 6 monlh1 .tor 6,000 'fllll11., 111 ordtr to '''' 011 clo111 fr,.li c1r1 lo !iur cu1toM-of : ~ , :A BUil T-FOR-AMERICANS "' • 1. .. • ·a·or.ArlDE 'sAVINCS ~ .KIND ;Of CAR! . ' Off9f llmltH te cM H hand! FULL VA.LUI FOii YOUlt TU.Dl·IN I JOIN OUR SALU1E TO • ALL .REMAINING )?61 .Slf!tBY GT1 NOW AT ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE. THE FIRST OF THE '70's AT '60 PRICES. IN OUR SHOWROOMS TODAY! TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS thw ....... IS ,.,. ,., .... tlt9t c• k m.llM tit wMSeMto te file p•lt- lk. '"' ttte ._leni ff tNM older &en. . SAYE!! 1966 BUICK LE SABRE Full power, f1clory 1ir. 2 Or. H.T. IRPM8~01 20 '4 Gow11 or tr1J:lo. $1695 ~~~. $58 ... JO , Mo11ttl1 -.~1~9~6~8 ~F~O~R~0-4~D~ .. -,~V~ ... - Custom. J90 '"'" 1utom1tic, bltdr w/wliit• top. llJ51Zli4tl l) l lu• look f1 ric• $2115, 20 % down or tf1d•. $1395 :~~~. $39 :: • .:.: 1967 VOLKSWAGEN 2 dr. Sid. E1qui1il1. J111t 0¥1rh1ul1d, !UQL 301 1 20 % down or trtd1. $1595 :~~~. 19SS FORD F0 100 PICKUP VI, 1utomt fic. l ll7641 T11 I lic11111 do'flfn or lr1d1. $495 FULL $28 '" 24_ PlllCI M ..... --..I 9"6"7 '"T"'O"'Y"'OT=A,,.-,C"'O"RO"'N'7A-.--_. Almost ., doion I 968 Ford Cus- tom Costa Mesa. Patrol cars to choose from at fantastic savings. Interceptor performa('lce! 1968 FORO V·8 4 dr .. 1uto., pow1r 1t11rln9, radio I li11te r. !Eng. No. IJ5t24491)) Blue Book pric t $2350, 20 % Gown or trtd1. $1795 FULL $49 '" 3' PlllCI Mo11th1 1966 DODGE CHARGER VI, 1utom1lic, P.S., lo1d1d. IXUM5J4 1 20% 'i1 i9s'·~~~~. ss'a :~ 1963 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE W1gon, VI, 1uto., fu ll y19qwtpp.d. IOCL0921 20 % dow11 or tr1d1. $695 FULL $29 P• 24 PlllCI M..m 1964 FORD GALAXIE 500 5..1. VI, 1ulo., R.IH, P.S., 1ir co11d. IOMM 3391 20 % down or lr1d1. $795 FULL PlllCI $33 •• 14• Mo ..... TAX REFUND DUE? WHY WAIT? D1h1~• 4 Dr. F1ctory oqulpp.J. ISUYt261 lluo !look pric• $141 5. 20"-down or...... BUY NOW -PAY LATER $1095 fUU 41:..IL ,_ U ' ~ IAIY PINANCIN• AYAIL.ULI PllCI -M-USID CAI IA.LI Pll.ICD lfflCTlft.41 HOUU UNLISS Plft'IOU~T SOLO A.LL PAY MINTS PlaUlllD OH APPIOYID CllDIT PLUS T.AI • LICINSI -·-o,..,. c.. 140.1111 OPEN SUNDAYS ,, .. Ntlrthnl o,.....c •. 14M111 TRUCK -CAMPER SUPER • CENTER PICKUPS TO HEAVY DUTY TRUCK SPECIAL NEW 1969 F·I 00 PICKUP F11r11id1. 115" W.B., l 1pd. 1yncro. tr1n1. 1055 F0 1pring1, 995 R01pring1 ,1lc, QRDER . TODAY,( • CAMPER SPECIAL! BRAND NEW 1969! f.250 PICKUP ... SCOTSMAN CAMPER ·~: 53495 ( .... No. F211ll1MJll Scot11n1n c1mp1r i1 compltfo/y f11rni1h.d witll ico Mv, 1!0¥0, etc. Slo1p1 6. F·250 pickup ht1 300 1n9., 1111p & oil 91u911, 1910 lb. rt•r' 1prin91 I 5 I 1,00116.5 l ·ply f11Ml .. 1 tir.s, cll1. hoof•' ind d1fro1tor, ofc, Mtrty fo choo1• from 1f t~i• prll!ol Sovo Olt Eldor1do, Fo11rwi"d1, Goldli11• Se.ohll'IOll. Ov•r JO Y••iod floor ,lint •11 ditplt~ 1nd r11dy for i111modiif1 d.1i ... 1ry, • '-;.' , t ~ IVa ac,. of tho mon rnodefr\ Ford .. ~and · -~tJ&J~Thio<i9re - 1' ~Sii]~~ Robins v -~~~ F . d" ..... <y,/ Q r·~~~ or :.Cl -·• . l 1 ' '=·~ @:7 \ • I~ . /'. ' ---.. --,. -· -1 · 1 2060 Harbor Costa Mesa ®642-0010 I , , • .... ---= ' - I ' ' ,.,..,.. .. 1" ' ' : ' ' r . , CADILLAC:·,. · NINE ;-T.EEN -. SIXTY-NfN7EJ: . oN .(,nisPLAY 01 akAnv FOR 0EL1v£iv 100AY! ,. • . ' .-..... -:-----------.... ----.,.---'~'"--.., ; ~ _ ;~ ~ 't!:-f 1 I ' • ; • ~1,9N SDN. DI v1u.•" I~ $2,,8.SAL8I· 8 S\n.thmon white wlth"lilvu ·tapea-try clot:b "afid.r·!Je&t!leT upholstery. Full powu, factory .. .lltri ·~i/dltioning, Ult wheel, etc. ExeeptioMlly --'·· -- 1 1' Clean. (SYJOOtl PRICE ' 1967 CPI. DE VILU . ' OlytpDJc btcqze fIJ;em.ist witl\--~ddi'e leather ,uPjlOlrtery. N ~. t..cta.t air conlliitlon- lng, tilt Wheel, door locks, etc. Drive It -and you will buy It. (ULC321) · SALE $-388.8 PRICE , 966 CADILLAC CPI. SALE HamptOn liJue With m1t0hJnr biJBaiiY Inf.,.. · -"$2999·· ior trlJn. Full power, factor)' air .'Condltlanin&, Ult wheel-all the optlona fw ~ ~rniN : -~ buyer. (Serial No. 85991 ' · _ · · _ P"IC& 1968 CHR.YSLil Newport l? door. Deep water blue With blaek top and black matchlne interior, Air cond1· tionln&", power stetting, power brakes. radio. heatl:r, automaUc, white 1ide Wall tjres. {WAM1_37l ,',"'I·. ' . ·>., . SALE' $2888 PRIC~ , 966 THUNDIRllRD . ' . ; SALE Th• sporty 2 doo' hanltop ~ tullyeqUlppe•f $1999· with ~er. .1~, ~r ~ ~· •, ~ . ~ ~r:i ·~~.nd fo~-~~ fl!> ... Jl'i. tori Air conditlon1ng. ~ beautiful' satin s\lftl' ' t> -~ exterior with Pt,.ck vinyl interior. Mwt be PRICE ... n and drl ... _.t I n:i!Jy oP-loli!'<!•TIJ-I 339) ' \~ " :f 1./J f. ,. " . . 1968 CADIL~C $48sAraLE .8 Coupe DeVllle. Alpine white with 1'1ack pad. ded root & black leather Interior. P.S., P.B, P-Wind., P-Seat, P-Dr. locks. fac;t air condi- tioning, tilt sttti". wheel, i;tereo AM-FM, just about every Cadillac acces. avail. (WCW270l PRICE 1·0YER 80 QUALITYT - ..:"~---AU1'0MOBILES TO SELECT FROM •• • -. . ' "INMOST EVERY WAY,A PREVI, OUSL.Y OWNED LATE ""MODEL :i;;u>JD,iq;;.,JS ! BETTER BUY H~ MOST NEW CARS.'.' ' . ~ ~I rTREMEHDOIJS SAVINGS DURDIG OUR · ·2'nd ANNUAL~- I ,. -,• • SPRING ... " :. S ... . ' ' Come In ·Today! 1965 CADILLAC :- The pollllar Sedan·de Ville model flnllhcd In lovely Durgund;y with black. vinJrl top :and black Jftthf:r interior. Hu "Power 1~ power bra}l;n, power windows, tilt 1tttrtnc whttl, AM·FM radio and,factory &lr condl·' tionfrlg. Thll ls a beautiful automobile ~t ill priced tor a quick ae.Je. <NQX!li14) - 1969 01.0IMoBILE Dtlta 88 4 di-. Shtm'mfri!tg areen exttrior with black vinyl top & matcilffi1· black cloth inter- ior. Loaded with tuil pOwtt equipment I: taco. tory air. A)f.J'M ndio, Wt 1tffrJn1 w~l. WSW, etc. Uke new, 3,22.1 miles. CYPUS17) 1 ~67 IL DORADO linl1hed ~ phantom cree• witfl '~ cjftb and leather interior. FUiiy eqUJPMI With ~· er stttrthg, power cli&c bp.m, PoMr ~t; power Wtndow1, til~ and telelcoplc~· " · whttl, wonderbar radio, factory ~ on~ ing plUI many more Cad.111.ac OJ)tlonal u~e1. 1963 CADILLAC Coupe DtVllle. Has ·full power equipment with factory air condi~. Thil Cadillac 1hows outat•ndln1.C"are. rtntahed ln a beautiful ill~ blue •1th ml,tchlna vtn.YI interior. \:'°'J ~'*'t see •~dive thls ope toc1a7. <.KJft313) 19'7 c•LLAC ' . 'l'1lll 'lovely Sedan de Ville. hu all popular """" ........ lnd~dln ,...,.,.,, -lN'ak~~poWc windo powtt 1eat and Cad--· 1ttac'rfim°"9 fa conditlonlng. Vr:rt ; care!ultf driven and sMwl only the flneaf ot care by ita J:irevtous Cllflner. (YPT397) . · 1967" CONTININTJU, Beautiful poWder blue w/dar1c: blue vinyl roof &: match Intel'. P.S.1 P.B., P•wlnd., P·seats, fac- tory alt conditioning plu1 mui::h more. Thia one ls absolutely lmma~lait. You must be sure to see this ont. (7Y89G827415l • • I .... --- ' .. '. SALE . $2333 PRIC~ --SALi $4222.· rR_lc;I 'SALi $48·8 '8 . "'"q1: . -'$12L22 ;PRICI SALE "$tCAi&· · ~ ~ ~}.~··~ ,PlllCI ' . ~I· -.----~...........,,_,,......_....__---SALES DEPARTMENT 'OPEN---------.-.~..,..._ SALE PRlyES EFFECTIVE Tl:IROUIPH .TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1969 ~:~9.:~:Mrto 9.:00 PM MOND~Y,.t~ru FRIDAY, -9:qO AM· to .6:00 PM SATU~DAY and SUNDAY \•'"\. \ .. . . • ' ' . . ' . '. . .. , . ' ... _. . . ' Y0ur Factory Autf:iorized ~acllllac Dealer serving T"9 Orc:ange C0ast Harbor Area , NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Me~" 548-91·80 ' . ' . . 9900 FORD MUSTANG PONTIAC T·BIRD . "STICK SHIFT" ... FORD WAllON \ '65 MERC. '61 SHELBY GT 500 ... 'MusrANG V-8, al' wibn: Pontlae' -" '66 T .. IRD I.JI . . 66 FORD Galax\e 2 Dr. H.T. 9 pu1 Cl:ry. Squi~. Auto., PARkLANE 4 dr HT A Conv. PS. lite engine ~/ cond., drl, 1»1 auto trans. Conv. '62. Auto trans. lUH, MEDITERRANEAN 11Wtalllc • Radio and be&li!r, fXtni PoY1-11r 1tttr I ~~s. beautiful turquol•; bl.~, '11u black top. One of a kind! Landau·top, GT optiOn. R.SK Xlnt oond. Rtcept o/haul. blue with matclUns inter. clean. $895. Dir. 3036 Har-'1980 power •tttrln&' power VXY797 5211• $1J50 .. 4!M-:750.1 Xlnt tires. $325. M5-9ll5 ior, full power, factwr atr. b>'-C.M. &lt-1112 • 4 , ........ factory 'a~. ,,._ $2599 '65 >tusrANG 289 Convt. 1>66 "LA MANS. Xlnt cond, Lie. RRZ1i7, J1ea11y Ji1ao .• FOR Nlif •G:i J'ord "'·"·-·, 1 • ' Lie PBG543. A Week-End fl L • Arr, PIS: xlnt oond. S:UOO 15,<m milet, 1..owner. ;1750. and • low low ~ IP'dal fBJiA or befit offer, .Call 846-0058 875.S"mS $2295 """"· s;!oo m1.·n1<e ""'· -·. · . ,. at llll• . JOHNSON • SON PIS, PIB, ultlng $595. ~ ...... ~ . .... -$1395 Wll . • -1.., ,,90 pm. ~ -,,,. JOHNSON Ir SON IHPORTS OLDSMOBILE RAMBLER Llnco!Jl.M.....,. '59 FORD v~ Slallon w... 61uqiJ, Llncoln-M=ury ... ,~ ·'&I WAGONS 1941 Ha-Blvd. tp.~ lmmaculiftl ln A out. Rt-bit '66 FORD Flitl.l.IM tqiiift, 9 lMl Harbor Blvd. 60-iml tw Har._!OYCOTMA-Y2,.L!'.2, Uft · 2 0-lcs. 1 automatic, 1 ov-1959 T-BIRD enc. No. 332. J;'ow, Rill pus wqon. Xlrlt eDD11. •a MERC. Olloay p rk e ~. uur, · • ~-' ' enliive, OS'113l Fu.11,y aver haWed. :mo. Good car. $165. 5tO-M89 Make ofltr. ~ ~ ttatioh waaun;.•pg.T., 2 dr. ~~.'t~~:,~ trans., SALES.· & SIRVICI $899 3.14 e Victoria. CM '68 TORINO GT. 390 V-1; '63 RAN~ alr><ond.. ndlc, boater; ... cond. V!ny! l'OOf, NHA-OlDSMOBllf , ~ SHARP! "6 T-Blrd. Or1a1na1 auto. pwr. 1teer. &' .~· PlO : b 1 u e w / m 1 t c: b In I l'll. ' .. • ~ owner, tun, JIO"'l'f• low ml. Fact. ... ; 7,!JOO Ml. -...-'1"ilpl>yde 1-. tn -· , . $14!5 28So -Blvd. 1-.-.-Xlnt ""1<!. l!JI0, 113411 833-2507 , not"!llld. ~~ -; ....s but • •M M.M Cootau-• ~ "'." -..... .;.;._ ~ ~ .... • _.. 18 T'iiii NI ..,.... • '65 Ford Galu:ie. f dr m ; QrlJftac:, .. ..drinn b)' • • • '""'"-KU ~--~ _,,., -or-· ..,. c:.r.t;.,10.(lflO fllk (m -lli>ot>1i ..,. -· UNCQLN ' ·lidulll • !liO -tn '67 Culluo "'""'rtlbl•. 64• -• • ~llf;l-oflor 5. , r '-"i PS. Xlnt mndltion. famll,yl A Cl..E4N car. $Iii. many ~ Clftnl lll1ll ..--.... -... a ~ moooron.t,-M '64 UNCOLN' ,ll4Wslt tve/-· oUtt.&!HS39 ·a .ltAMB14, good "°"' ~--•-.'{Gf- .65 GALAXY 500 2 Dr. ~tp. CONTINENTAL 4. dr. 1'\111 62 CXlLONT Park Wqon, .. '68 OLDS 98 4 door, HT, fUll)i ditbl, engine ~ IOmt ~ 390 V-1; .. ..,, run .....-, -· t.cl>x'y .... Lie. No. Good oond. PIS, P/B ' 642-4023 equip,. lf,1111 .ml. 7 ": -~. $185.-'!t'6"' AM/FM. air. 54l:CI O~!'!T· s.,,. $m --,_ -· sm. 125 't7 wsrANO ~ -Toll7pm. • • !JM ltAMBw;K Waro•, . YAIJANT· BIG WA~ '15 'Cumitrr ®81 look. -• . Jllhlptr Dr., DI. 54D411T bdlo. beater, automatic, • -'* aiMoJJ4. Best otter. ' Sc<lan. 44,00Q;m11&·$!1lll oil · $1Mf, _ • 1111 MERC. Ela!. iiii eor. ..,... -. l3IO Jll'der PL Y~UTH ' * _, * 'A_"'."'.v.,-ALWIT==.,.v • .,.llO-• -Door-. ofltr. 515-ml JOHNSON &SON °"" e.ooo """' -o11 Blue !look. $1711$1\lll """. -.h•atu.-ttr, '110 roRJ:rpi.-d.A"-~ ......i""1<1.'1l>.IG"1cr Dir.•--· c.IL '52PLYMOtlhl•••-• r-•D ; ·-. _. --·· Inf tar. $Z11 • J1!ot -· IHI -1111Yd. f0.1'111 -16-ll!r ' : dr ....... -I me. 2181 ._ Wlllor. --. $19 fltll -. -I .... UNC"'LN . MUSTANCJ .. OONVERT, -231, aQIO.. ~ Dr Apt c. CM '65 T-lliRD ,...., Dir. --· '64 FORD s~ """" Vil u . . """· aR onneu ... cr.w. ~"Clo' ' C.K, ..,..,,,,, Xlnt Oonl., ·IUll ,._,all CONTINENTAL ~.dr. NI '11.M\llTANG • + 2, v.-. "81io, -t1retr • bolt. Sit.VIit a..,. motalll!> wt!!> ii vALilff1'11ta11on-. ·extru.11100.m..llJI _.,,.....,a11.,1.1o.1UB tact air,.., r • h. t ... Prlcedrl&ht,lll>s.~ PONTIAC "'""" 1ntoT1Gr, run power, Jtodlo,hea1u,...,...t1t, 'IS i\llifl Oil• ...... 11/H. ... ·A lot .r dlil, ~ ...-... s.m9t CW. Eva-• ~ ..... '°l'· mllri ""' 12J.S -'lllllO -M : ' l .• HOLl,AY .IAMILEa· ~{ 1 IN COSTA MISA . AMX ancl JAVW .. ' 'HIADQµ~lllS FOR OllA'll ... COUNT'I . BRAND NEW 169 RAMIUI SEATS 6 NOT •-,1JrH,P. '·' $1998 - hit Pt.c•Owa•I Con !11 Tftll " 'ID ~= -\'OUI c;AI • _.HOLIDAY t ~ ..... Siies-'-s.ntce -='·"· ..... ...... llOl,_CDl!il •a 1''' lkrllor, ·cos11 Mesi, 6'2-60ll I ·, • cj ~ • Just "" t1>11W to...,.,..., .,,,, _.. *'", ~ ~ $ PM, .... 'II Muolq ii V-tl, auto ·ji, PONTIAC -lie < .....,_ Llc.$l:rl33. 1\lll Jl<ico. Dir. m -' ~ , .. "$7'5 .., riiE·eettu 'ES Mu•"!tl GT, lrJl>I. RA II, ;i.,1111 orl&. Dr. H.~. Fllll '°""" .. a1 1,.,,c=-.M..,ee.-=1171_,..,=-=-=-· .' YOUR AD. REACHU . '6> l'O!ID Coun"7 SedM. JOHNSON Ii SOn )Vh. air. P/~ Nu paint m11 .... 114lO. • clean. I>'!) under Blue Book. JOf1NSON Ir SON 1983 \!-:ioo, • Dr. Pio. P/~.. I{ " Xlnt .mnd. All"'™-ll.17S.. _unc..,_M..,,,.,, -smii. !7S-48!t ... "6-J.7305.!!':!112=-Full prlct 1895-DI~ 3ll6 Llnooln-Memmy . :Nn UNL .311JOO ml._Vt17-61,mJfOMES IACH Wll 841-.3049 1941 Harbor Blvd. 642-1050 DAILY PILOT WA.NT ADS! White eJcptiant1I Dtme-a.01ine , Harbor, C.M. &t&;:llm J941 l1arbor Blvd. MZ.7050 rood cond S875. 54&-mT ---------------· ,. ' , ---------"---------·----------------- ' ' • f + ' . 1 '" • I , fl OAILV PILOT ,, • .... . ' USID -~CAI · '83 OOITINEITAL s977 $2' * $29 · .,"" ...,., _,., .._,.., etr. "'". t•. FULL PIKE ON. MO. $477 ~'!. $16 * $16 ·DH. · MO •. 11v.w. • . • ' ' ·~ ·' I "' ' ' . 1 I • PREMONITIONS 6 fSP Can Some People Really See into the Future 7 ~ •GAYLE HUNNICUTT• How Near-Tragedy Saved Her Marriage . -. EPIDEMIC PREDICt'ED Why We Must Win the Race Against German Measles ·---'---------~~===:::::::::-::::-------....._. ..... _ ...... _ Ask Them Yourself WHAT i~ WORLD! l'OR MELJ'IN R. LMRD, I Secrtuuy o/ lk.Jen.$e • How Loq lao"e you lrnoeo11 PruiU"' NiM>nP DUI yoN er>er fCIO#'lt lllUJa Ilia ptt- "iow lo your appoinJ.. rt«t"'?-.tlr•. IF' alter Sclaoe11/eld, LaCroue, Fu. • I have known the President about 20 years. For the la.st 15 years I worked with him professionally and personallyJ- During the Eisenhower Ad:mini1tration, we worked together OD· various Congres· sional matters and since 1960 in Repub. lican Party affairs. FOR EJ' ..4 CA.BOR o/ "Creen A.era" Fut 4o you ue bl 11Mlc- ilt6 your laot C111ce•? Flaol .... 1ce. aU• babbk up~ -Claeryl FUJianu, Rori· /ord City, Ind. • Darling, I have to be honest with you. What I use in making my hot cakes is a "Jerry Fuller.,-the name of the prop man who invents them for the show. FOR RUSTY ST ..4UB, in fie/du, Alontrl'ul Expo$ la ii lrf.U> ,};;., you batted .JOO 011 home rN,.. alolle in l&igla •claool? I/ 10, "'"° • conf1iracetl you lo COllCf!ll· lrnk. more Oil laiUin# /or a11era1e? Ke11 May, Norila lliglt.krnh, CaU/. e Arcording to my high·l'dlool coach, I did hit .300 on home runs alone. [ dis· CQvered that I did not have the power neces!!ary to hit home runs consistently in major·leaguc parks. So I changed my balling style. FOR CL..4RENCE IF'ILU..4MS, Ill, of "Mod Squad" TMre "'" been a lol of ernplatUu pul on the WJOrtl "•our' reultlly. IF'lure u • . lftealll by "aoul" in con- jundion eoillt yorir 1er~1?-Jean BroMlll, Net11port, ..4la. tt The use o( "soul" to us meanE "a concern for other people.'' FOR ..4.NDREF C. LUTHER, Slice preJi,oat, U.S. Playi~ Card Co. Flten nnd eoMre eocu pi• noclalfJ, flOIO inlernotioll· aUy popular, or&Kia.a&ed'! Flao moe11Md 1ir-.4r- 11old ..4 . Ni"a, Oceall Sp""6•, Mi11. e Pinochle has appeared in game books since about 1.864 and is said to be of· Ger:man origin. Little is k.nown of tile history of many buic card games, and less ia known of the history o( pinochle. ' POa HENRY JUNCUNC NORTH, raird cirau M06J'Ote Flao1 do yoa inlend Lo ,.;. on llt.e ra1&Cla you are IJ.•il.flf"f iA Kikon- neU., Ireland'! 8°"' large """" ii be'!-.4. I. Carrid, Broolc- ly"' N.Y. e We presently bave around 400 head of Stare cattle, a foundation herd of reg· i8tered Angus cattl«? and a comparable her~ of registered French·imported · Charolais. Our lrisb ranch tota1a about 1,000 acres. FOR DR. CHARLES IF'. H..4.RFOOD, • jeon of Foirluwl'n C0Ue1e , .. , .,,,., ~ ,.,,.,. .. lofu do you lur11e al n "dlU~r'' type o/ colk1e, a.eh a• youra'!--Mr•. Jo- 1epla J•eb, H..,,.boldl, Canada • A cluster college provides the means of combining the best features of a small college with the reeources of a large one. Smallneas means that studenta and faculty know one another; new ideas concerning education can be more readily tried, and studenta can play a m.ore reaponeible role. The students also enjoy the advantages o( the larger "parent" school (Western W asbington State), a large library, lab- oratories, and the staff.in-depth necessary for specialized instruction. o yoa lhifllr tlae '°°' .eelN!I •lunon in lo IWIO• 11141/ce people JROre or ku prone lo f1iolent:e?-Mr•. R. Neuh, LoACtU~r, Pa. • I should think less prone to violence, with a considerable dist.a.ste for war ito;elf. FOR /A.MES ROFLEY, 11 director, U.S. Secret StNJif't How lollf t11ill Lylltlon B. /olaruore gel proleclion from llae Secrel Seniee? -Mr•. Daily Mnre~k, ROfernille, Tenn. e Federal law provides that Secret Ser· vice protection be afforded to former Presidents during their lifetime, unless they choose to decline such protection. POR DORIS DA.Y 11.. ..., ,.,. tlecMle lo elurfl6e yo.,. Lui na•e Lo !My~-Mr•. Linda I"' 8Rf1· er, NortluUle, N.C. • Band leader Barney Rapp hired me at $25 a week to sing in h.ia night club and gave me a new oame--Doris Day . ...... le -• 1-~ • ... .._, Y-.......... liWt ........ _. -'D .. ........ ,_ ... ..--... ...-,._ ............ 11'1111 ..... ,...,_..., -• ,... ....... A.Ii Tllem Y..ndf, F..U, w.-.,, 641 ........... A-., New Y ... N.Y. ltOU. We ~ eek-.IMse 11'1 .,.._, liet ts wlD .._ ,.w I• ..ea. --4. \ Quality American Marriages £vypt used to hove the world's highest divorce rote-now it's us. But only be- cause so much is expected. According to marriage counselor Dr: David R. Moce: "In . other countries, the unhop- pily married accept their fate resign~ edly. If you. esteem creativity or the quality of rejotions between husband and wife, then I think we probably hove os high o proportion of really good marriages as any culture I can think of." So American morrioges are not so bod after oil! leal Home Folks The Lennon Sis· ten (their ABC-tv special is Tuesday) love family parties. Peggy told Fam- ily Weekly: "My Juli, 3~, and Chris, 2~, have their birthdays two weeks apart, JOf¥'(, 1 ~. ~nd Michael, !o half,' one week oport. So I combine them into two big parties o year. They make up their own theme. last time it was T"e Lennon Sisters Superheroes-Wonder Woman and Di- aper Mon. We all help make cottumes from scraps." A1 for the sisters, each insists, ''We're not go-outen. 'rhe only time we get to dreu up and eat in o restourant with our husbands is on our birthdays and anniversaries. But ir'1 very romantic." Loolc-Oon't Touch They finally got eight sea elephants from Guadalupe to Los Angeles' Marineland-but not without o struggle. These -',000-pound beasts, occ:ording to curator John Prescott, me ""'Y calm white on the beach, even In mating MCI.On. They tie about sunning and sleeping. You Seo elephant bogged can pot them, ol)d they will just look ot you. But if a female thinks you are after her pup or a male after his ha- rem, they will charge you." One mon- ster slithered out from 2,000 others to sink his teeth into the "enemy"-the half-inch thick plywood keeluof a 15· foot exploring skiff. "'By thi 'fime we had' gunned the motor and -.scoped, our boat was 1eriously damaged. Then the mammoth hfJro, having routed the intruder, maiesticolty returned to his admiring harem." "One. If ly Land . . . " A colored balloon ftying over o motor vehicle in trouble on a New York State highway is on official distress signal, according to Chet Cunningham in "Construction Digest." Red: emergency medical aid is needed; green: police ossiston'~; blue: mechanical help or fuel. Other states are now considering issuing color-coded balloon kits to motorists. Mr. Ben's Dream House ·After a lifetime of renting, Corl Betz ("Judd for the Defen1e," ABC-tv) bought o home on Malibu Beach. What was most important in the remodeling? "A 'room for each of us, to which we could retire. A studio for Gloria (wife), where she con paint and ~oke dresses, and on office for me, where I can orgonire the paper work. Second, no closets or tables-so we will hove to take our stuff to our rooms, instead of it accumulating in the hall." Corl 8etz Family Heek.(r , .. ,.. • ..,...,.....,.. May 4, 1969 '!!'---~-----....,_------~~--~-------------. ,.~-· __ ,~ It starts with an Endura nose that won't rust. won't dent and won't chip. It can't. Because Endura has the spring of rubber, the toughness of steel. And it lasts longer than either one. Anything as good as Endura deserves having more than a nose made out of it. So we put it on Bonneville's rear bumper, too. That way you won't get the shakes when you're slipping into a tight parking place. But that's not the end of Bonneville's bumpers. ~a.-Away. . . r Vinyl strips along both sides protect your flan ks. A sure cure for "parking-lot door." Nose. Rear. Sides. There's a bumper crop for you. Give Bon neville a test bump at your Pontiac dealer's. Break Away! SCIENCE ASKS: F OR NINE MONTHS before it happened, Lorna Middle- ton ·felt a strong premonition building up in her that Sen. Robert Kennedy would be assassin·ated. At ftrat, the plump, 6'-year-old, American-born piano teacher in Lon- don eensed he would be "in danger." Then on March 15, 1be "aaw'' an u- aaaaination, probably while the Sen- ator "ia on tour in the West." On April 6 and again on April 11, she felt a foreboding of death "con- nected with Kennedy." The fatal shots were fired on lune 6. Aayone con lay claim to bunches -but what'• remarkable about Lorna Middleton's ia that she wrote them all down at the time and aent them to a British psychiatrist to be re- corded, evaluated, and later conftrme.d at the Central Premonitions Registry in London. The written Kennedy hunches were not i10lated phenomena. Aa Miu Mid- dleton reported "visions" involving plane and train crashes, ftooda, earth- quakea, and other diaaaten, the~­ iatry corroborated many of them by events that subsequently occurred. In a study of 469 premonitions by Britons ftled with the Registry dur- ing 1967, only 18 proved true. Two penons were responsible for 12 of the 18. Highest scorer wu Miu Mid- dleton, closely followed by Alan P . Bencher, a 46-year-old telephone worker who apparently foresees eventa in amazingly vivid detail. Lost June, a Central Premonitiona Regiatry, modeled after the London bureau, waa aet up in New York. A four-man investigative panel of para- psychology reeearchera f s headed by Dr. Stanley Krippner, clinical pey- choloaist and director of the Dream Laboratory at Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn. Still in its early ltQes. the Registry bu already re- eelved mott than (00 peychic fore- cuta from many parta of the nationl ID08t are waiting to be evaluated. Althourh skeptics may jeer at pre- eosnltlon, clalnoyance, and Ea? (ex· trueuory perception), a .,rowing number of research eclenUsta are taltlnr premonitions eeriou1ly. Throurh the Reai•try where por- tent.a can be analyuct and checked, they hope to produce evidence to sup- • port the concept of precognition. London's check-up project was originated by Dr. R. D. Barker, an eminent psyc~&tria~ indulred his hobby in rch <?!)be super- natu-ral. In Oc ber, 1966. a huge coal tip ilid do on the Welah vil- lage of Aberfan, killinr 188 children and adults. At the time, Dr. Barker was writing a book, "Scared to Death," and he visited Aberfan to find out more about a child who was said to have ruehed out of achoo!' only to die of frisht. The psychiatriet wondered if peo- ple anywhere bad experienced aome prevision of the catastrophe. Through a London newspaper, be launched an appeal for anyone clamung fore- knowledge. Hundreds responded, but proof wu hard to pin down .. That led to formation of the prerec.ording Reg- istry. Perhaps, Dr. Barker thourht. if enough premonitione were scien· tiftcally collected, an "early warning syatem" could be eet up that mirht. prevent trarediee Qr reduce them. Aa the IMM:he1 poured in, Dr. Barker rated them by points hued on a signiftcant relationship to actual events. After a year, be wu able to produce evidence of accuracy, par- ticularly by Middleton and Bencher, before the RoyaJ Society of Medicine. "They are absolutely genuine," Dr. Barker said of their premonitions. "Quite honestly, they stagger me. Somehow these 'sensitive' people can gat&-cnah tbe time barrier--eee the wheels of disaster starting to tum before the rest of us. It ie difficult to attribute their experiences to co- incidence alone." From bi• analysis, Dr. Barter con- cluded that women make better "eefa- mographe,, than men; ftve times as many women aa men reported pre- monitions. Thoee with the keeneet perception, Dr. Barker1 found, bad a aenae of oppreaion and were un- duly eensitlve to calamities. Who are the human "eeismo- rraphe," and what makee them tick? High ecorer Alan Bencher U. a 11en- der, baldlq bachelol' of 45, ehy and setf~ucated. Lunchiq with me in London a few weeb aro, he revealed : "At ftnt, I would get visiona, just words in my mind. Lately, aa I con- centrate more, I set pictu.rea in nat- ural color. Moet often the premoni- tion• come while I'm workinr, maybe becauee there'• a lot of electricity at the telephone switchboard. Yet they alao come at night, when the air is clear, or after a rJaaa of wine. "Usually my premonitions are ac- companied by headaches, like a !teel band around my forehead. I believe it's becauee I concentrate eo hard. But aa I write them down, tbe head- ache recedee. Then, when I bear a premonition bu been borne out, I feel utter relief. It's aa if something b t: I 0 1: It r I'. t ( E J l l ~------~:-----------------------------------------~~~----· I r r FU-'f hu been bottled up in me. "1 used to feel that if I didn't have the premonition, maybe the tragedy wouldn't have happened. Now I .know 1 have nothing to do with the event itself. I juat pus on a warning." Among the psychic hunches Rencher con.eiden most important is one which gave him a more piercing headache than usual. All night it kept him awake and toeaing. In tbe Thorning be phoned Dr. Barker, re- porting a plane craab with 124 vic- tims and deacribing an island with Grecian-type statues around a church. "It could IMt no other place than Nicoeia in Cyprus," said Henchel'. Sure enough, a few weeks later an airplane era.sh killed 124 people in Nicosia. One injured paaaenger died later, makinr the toll 125 and upset Hencher's preci8eneea. In his most vivid vision, Bencher dreamed he wu traveling in a plane. described its interior and two. little blonde girls on board. He "flew'' from Spain, over a mountain and sea, and ran into a storm along the English coast. The engines started to cough ; one exploded. The plane tilted and a wing bit a high hill. And that's what happened to a plane out- side London in August, 1967. Hencher had called the shot to Dr. Barker three weeb before. He has accurately predicted earth- quakes in Iran and Milan, ftoods in England. Hencber's latest: "Some- time before September, 1969, a large lump of matter will be coming into s~e toward the earth. Intense sun- spot activity will reach an apex not known before. The combination of natural phenomena will cause floods , hurricanes, and severe earthquakes in various parts of the world. There will be approximately 600,000 dead." Frightening? Rencher reassured me: "Not all of my premonitions come true." Al for Lorna Middleton, the vi- brant. dark-haired teacher maintains that 32 of her premonitions in the past year have come t-0 pus. "Some come to me in a ftuh," she told me. "Others start with a blurred image and build up for several days into a clear sign of what might be ex~. Usually T get them while walking alon1 quietly. "I don't dream very often, though l did have a dream about cara falling Family Heek.(y /Mar -'· 1919 ? In America and Great Britain, so-called "psychics" • are prerecording their visions-including one t}lat fore told the death of the investigating scientist By THEODORE IRWIN into the Ohio River, and two days later, in December. 1967, the bridge collapsed at Point Pleasant. Sitting in the cinema on Sept. 27. I felt a tragic foreboding about the Olym- pica. On Oct S, 16 were killed in the Mexico City rioting.'' Miss Middleton believes ber eerie faculty is inherited; both her mother and father, she says, were psychic. "Mother could tell which boraee would win, but I'm not like that." At the age of 10, Lorna warned that her German teacher in Boston would commit suicide. and he did take a fatal overdoee of drugs. After that, her mother pleaded, "Don't aay it. or it will happen!" In the put year or eo, .Miaa Mid- dleton bu noticed that her premoni- tions have been more accurate. She even drew alcetcbea of eventa for Dr. Barker. One sketch of a plane crack- ing ap in snow, showed the approxi- mate location and tumed out to be a U.S. bomber in Greenland. In April, 1967, she had a viaion and wrote that "90meone is roilll' to the moon. He's terrifted. He's burn- ing." Next day, Russian cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov wu killed in the manned space flight of Soyuz-1. In her kit.cben one afternoon, Mi81 Middleton suddenly felt depressed. "Gradually I saw a streak, a ftaab of light, then a sort of gray mist. The word "train' kept coming througb- 'train, train'--and I saw the words 'Charing Cross.' " She wrote about it to the Registry. A few days later. a train headed for Charing Cross station in London waa derailed. From the evidence at the Registry, Miss Middleton's record appears im- pressive. She hu foretold the col- }ision of a lorry and a train, earth- quakes and big ftree in Europe, sea disasters, rioting in France, and the ff-bomb blast in China last Janu- ary. When she predicted the disap- pearance of Auatralia'a prime minis- ter in December, 1967, "J didn't even know when Melbourne was. I juat kept writing tta. name." Other p•opl• in Britain have had premonitions that proved fairly ac· curate, though none u proliftc and detailed u Bencher and Middleton. Some predictions are weird. One woman recently reported that her brother fol"e8aw the diecovery of "• new aort of animal in outer space." Curiously, for aeveral months both Bencher and lliddleton aenaed that Dr. Barker woold die.unapectedly. When Bencher met Dr. Barker in January, 1968, be felt etronab' that the paychia~t'a llfe would end shortly in Yockleton, the villqe where be lived. On Feb. 7, •he wrote him, '1 think you're l'Oinl to have aome trouble." Dr. Barker, author of .. Scared to Death," circulated a letter admitting his own concern. ''Of courae,'' he wrote, "it ia po19ible that tbeee pre- monitiona, aa wit:b othen, may not be fulftlled in a literal way." Last August, the psychiatrist suddenly died of a atroke in Y ocldeton. Had he, ironically, been literally scared to death? At the New York Regiatry, thus fu only three premonition.I have been upheld. One, by Alan Vaul'hn, a S2-year-o&d Bl"'OOklyn editor, con- sisted of~ d.reama concerning the ....aination of a young Ameri- can whoee cleecriptfon fttted Robert • Ala,. P. Hncl&n, Britia~ claini~t, read$ ne101 of tn111td-r Ile predicted. Kennedy. Two other• forecast an "illnees" and a "spat" abo&rd the Apollo spacecraft. Our utronauts did develop colds and arl'Ued with ground control in one recent ftirbt. How do we uplain theae instances of precosnition 1 Dr. Krippner of the New York Rec:istry oblerns: "Some people are unusually sensi- tive to the nuancee of nenta in time and speee. In the cue of Alan Vaurhn's dJ'el.ID,8, it'• pouible that be reeeived a telepathic impreaalon from the Kennedy aasuain." Loma Middleton i1 eonYlneed ahe ' baa an inherited "sixth sense.'' Alan Bencher, deeply relirioua, theorises: "God ta like a maaai~ brain that seee all and he.ars a1l. I feel that word comee to me from the 'outside,' and that I am an informant." In an interview with Dr. Barker'• widow, I leamed that before hia death the psychiatrist had hoped to use a computer to detect a pattern or cnecendo of premonitiom before a calamity. After bis inveetiptiona had gone on for more than a year, be admitted that in spite of the voJ... ume of premonitions be received, "the caae for precopition la a till not incontrovertibly establiabed. Human diaaeter reacton require mueh fur· ther study.'' Curlouaty, an premonitions re- ported have been about tragic events. Why? Dr. Krippner uplaina: ''There is much·evidenee that th•e people do f oreeee happy bappeninp, too. But they interpret the happy in- cidenta aa more normal and natural, so they don't pay much attention to them. It's tbe diautera that arouse their seneea. These dire premonitions are written down.." As to bow M>me people are capable of forecaatiq the future, Dr. Kripp- ner theorizee: "Our notion of the dividing line between the preeent and future is probably incorrect. We interpret the present u bein.r the exact moment when somethinr it roing on. In real- ity, however, the 'preeent' for an event may come within a wider span of time. There are forces at work now that wm probably not become obvious for a year or two. Then, when an event does take place, in retrospect we realize it waa part of the 'present.' " It all adds up to a most tantatiz.. ing puzzle. (Americana wbo believe they feel strong premonittona of impending events are invited to send them for evaluation to: Central Premonitions Rqiatry, Box 482. Timea Square Station, New York, N.Y. 10086.) • More Precognition Prool R.ad.,.. ,,d..,.•W tt. t~v Mj#t --r H7td f&r tM book, "A Gift of Pro<p~" bv J.a-. l>t#ote., A,,..,;oa'• Moat fo?MW Hn-. Moil $4.50 to F. W. Boob, Drpt. Al 16/t, B<n 101, Growd Cntnil Stodn, NftD York, N.Y. 10011. l J I GAYLE HUNNICU'IT: Near-Tragedy Saved Her ·Marriage LOOK HOW WY rT IS! IDT ,..., Of Alli WMW'1Leeillllsa-.A.C-C...-, .... T ... ...._N.w .......... ,., > ............... ,.._ °"*" Pket Of Cart Ullll &DI ATELV IOtll,.._.,I ..,...-t"taNsl ...... ,. .... ......... _ _.. Ya.. ftON OM ol Ille nallon'a laraat MMOn!Oblle Otte owMn ('O(ftft •lloe -dnwatlc proof of all • • • A -INI ~ ftlOrt _, 00 ,uobM hi OM ~ than IM • ......, llCflOft •P«DCb In a UfcliiM • • • Ibey tncftl tllil lncredlbk -ln-IOe lllwl ll£tw b wt.al Ibey found. 900ST£D OASOUNE MILEAOE A WHOPP1NG Jl';\ ON AU. CAltS TESTED. WOMWa'\ JOU 1111.e IO .. ..,, • IO UOO a ,.., oa )'OW cv1 For Ml deutll lead Ille rd ol lhls -· •II IT 11 -.. act• -ltll ..... I. T ..... , ~. ~ llY 1111 eye of i.I~ ltl111-...-~ .. al -of Ille _..,., "'°'' fa-lllt1lriftc 1,_,;1 "•· lltft oa I.lie bi& •l•willa c.IMlto .. you '" dt11Ntlc plctwe-proof of mis conductH by ,,.,,., wtofllOll .. Mlbothiff at Ille I""""'"'" 511 .. dway ..• tuts tlOlt f'ltOV( l'Ou C# llOW actutlY ~-­OIOIMrr 11sotino .. tuo tt dllo l'OUf tftl•"• In • ,.... •• tlllettftt wtJ •.• trluer It mto .,.,_..,f'l'ina eneru ... and 1111leull a Ot.111n1 sowte of _, for '°"' ear. ror lull .__, .. proof of ""' !low 1~•· IMlrl•• MW diKO'l't<Y Cl• NVI l'Oll uo lo $200 "' llSOllY bills It! Ille 11t1t 12 ,_1111 •.• read the '"I of 11115 ~at. llutJ PttlOrmtd bf olfklll fftdl~POlil IHI dtlvtr.) O!'ll Y. fn.icoJ of ro,unc S 11111 10 SI~ ronkful>. In ot~r wonk. ""rlonn m1lc•11< 1t1Lr 11>.-Eurooun boo•lor-unlh) .•. IM m11:Kln lhal only ye>tcr.Say YO« lhOulf,IU G. T. ENEJl.G\' CHA.MME.a rnsu bu! a weir 1mll(W.ible . men fna~uon. So 1f you too wenc to •\!hieve fhc tame" f hat"to bttaui.e 1(1~1 )f.iN {lf ln1tru.1vr ~C\.:,~::~e tft::C~w~n~'t;''t::.i.!:~1: ~::';.":!''~ ·~·!~d:~m·.:.r.;"~~:;• ~~~!~ tn.Hlr•"•n.. anJ f'ly rr ... •rth .c1cn11m 11 ur\lb • • t'fllutt 1ht 11um~r l'f .,.,., on Ult •cry..,,,... 1oi1na labo101orl8 uud by eiacll u1u1 . . ma" rrodute them . . . Ford. Chrv•l•r arid Gtnera1 Motors, lllcll .11.i. <10\b 10 a mere fraclion . and 11kc Ml•anraite of thlt •occtal Free-Trial m•l.t Ultnl ava1labk 11 • o"cc -a low ti" 1n1rodlk1ory ofter Rnnnnbu. •II )'OU risk aln10l1 100 nd..:ulout to mtnllOn. Why do lo the re"' nunuln II la~tt lo l\U OUI Ille )UU ruli:tt •lutt lhl\ mtan• 10 •OU rf )OU •Pttt>I ~l'l\>11 L'NIPon MloW, and )OU ar~ a oenon wi'K' ,, Jc1C'rm11vd w .ave b&\C a hktin:w o( dr1¥1na 'On\·Wrnct and )'OUnllf up 10 ~16 • mOnlh on )O\lt a.b cconomy 10 p in. lottb ... "" lo ~ lllfk>n• o f P' ra..:h THIS OHllt UPlltll IN =~~ sai.oiJ:'· ur "' S100 1 year on 1S OAU -YOU MUil ACT NOW! INITALLI IN MINURI -r~'A~':Jnc.;. ~~h1~o'a1T in1~~~~~ l"AYI 'Ott ITIU.f IN Al LfTTLI °""' i' ftOI lht 15 or 20 dollars you miaf\I Al ti DAYSI n11«t ••. bul only SS 9S. Wiiy, )Vu11 h -•n• tbar no mall« whal kind of car sa~ up IO 10 lUDCf that amourn In IP~ you oow hnc .•• no 111111., "°"''old thai llM 1oulnris in "° llmt a1 all ••• no1 IO c.ar mav be ... "" mancr what conilihon menflon !he hundr.U. of 11&llo11t or 11uo· h tJ In .•• no m&tlcr how manr milts )'OU llM and hund~ or <lollan in mc>My "11~ "" .. ch ftltlnth · · here 11 1•'1 " llw )°"10~~.v!r,yed•ure•'1olcr1>~•~·normous d-•nd• aulOlnl>tlvt di .. 'Overy you'v• Iona dreamed I ~-• h. • ~" oN>ul ... And ha> oow come tru~. or 11uckin11 romraniel. car-rcrnal C'Oftl· Be..·•u••· from th,. 1Jay on you K'IO an :,~1~.~·~~,,,!l~b ,.!~~1~1' c]~'V. ::::r :~-;. ~~~ ~vr:~ .;.':: ~ E:-OE'twv· CHAMBERS ·•n DOUll:-1) be for Wtt\• and wttu on tNI wllh<l<AI t•cr allocated Heh monlh for '"'"•umcr ordtts, •t01>11><na a1 a lift'l'lcc ,1a1kln N"w )OU 100 n.treforc. all orJtn m11\1 bt fllltd on a nn dri\c acr~• 6 •taie-s of Ille 11nt0n on llf'U..-omc. fl~~ ba>l-. So IO 1u c Ju-c • .. ... 1c tank or ltU. blur • trail advanlaitt of I"'' hml!N lnlmdOC1ory Ira. New \'on1o~o.)1013orJ ~-•• ~ Uie ~ -~! ~·1·1•11;P1•1·1*·€''''''i'·*i='i*i''·'i*''I ~ 1 :::·~=(~~.~~--:J('!~(~~~~o!"~in~'::w ~•scv 01.,., I Pk•~ ru•h me IM >Cft>•llonal C. T. [-.:J ~ 1mD1edl1ttly! I undcn11n<1 I •lie once I• S~."' for whkh I mclow CMt\, cft«ll.., _,. orckr. h k ~ I \food rhat I may return lbe unh an)lltne for full purchate pnrc: relund If I am I not lullr -all11\fd I Mab of C'ar ________________ Yur ____ _ I NAME~~~~--~~~~~-~-~~------ 1 ADDltKS~------------------ 1 CTTY S1° ATE ll' ---1 SPECIAi. OFFER; P1ttcl\l>e onr loo ~rwtr and """ for I friend and .. .,.. I t'l'nt more. O.Jt• two C. T. t:NUICY QtAlloUEIU 4or j1m 10 9' I• ta"tftal of Sl.<Kll .._ 11uannt.,. .. abow. Mah !'f Sttond Car v .. r I I I C.O D. or<kn tndow Sl.00 •PMi1. S-_,.bad: cuaraeltt. L-----------------------------J ENTE RTAINM ENT GAYLE HUNNICUT!' and David Hemmings had a tempestu- ous courtship-but not half as tempestuous as their marriage. Gayle was in Ireland recently, where her estranged husband wu filming a movie; her purpose was to eft'ect a reconciliation. But the marital mending was not going well. Gayle was pondering her problems one day while fixing lunch for David on a movie set. She heard a shout, some scuf- fling, and turned just in time to see David fall from an alcove 15 feet to a stone ftoor. "I r an to him," she aays. "He was un- coMCious, and blood wu all over bis face. The first thing I thouS(bt of was Bobby Kennedy. I didn't know if David was alive or d,ead. I thought how futile all our wran- gling was, how little life we realty have." DevW's •lwm kept him con.Aned for several weeks, but he recovered. So did t heir marriage. "We both realized how fragile life can be," Davili told me. "It made us aware of how dependent we are on one another." Gayle, now starring in "The Eye of the Cat," only seems an independent woman. She broke away from strong faplily ties to pursue an acting career, working her way through UCLA as a secretary. Pro- fessionally, her life has progressed evenly. Privately, however, it's another story. Gayle is an Army brat, the dalJghteT of a colonel. She loved garrison Jife-"It held both fascination and security for me. I waa aponed because my pan?nts were mar- r ied seven years before I was born, and I was an only child, only grandchild, and only niece. l W88 surrounded by adults who adoYed me. So I had total security. total love." As an aspiring actress, ·Gayle had nei- ther. When she met David, be provided the security and love that had become so necessary to her existence. This is the need which makes her so greatly depen- dent on him. a(! to te de pl ar M to bi br te 0\ a t} &I et n cc n: g .. p 0 Si r !-' s Cr s p 8 1 s; e t. 8 c c ' I c l a n ( I c 'II f t l. And David f Two yean ago he deecribed himMlf to me aa ". . . eelf ...cen- tered and esotistical. I don't pt aloar with pec>- ple/' I found that to be an hone.t appraisal then -but not eo valid today. Marriap mellowed him. In a aenae he bu come to depend on Gayle to /ree him from himself, to bring him from aelf~en­ teredneaa into a world of outaide interest.a. Gayle and David met at a party in 1966 and claim they fell in love immedi- ately. Then came a com'.. edy of marriaree-thourh neither of them eeee the comic upecta. David told me in 1967 that they would get married aeveral times "just to make sure." One ceremony waa suppoeedly performed by tbemaelvea on a yacht off Italy. After several ea-called "mar- riages," they joined in Nov. 16, 1968. Their estrangement, 8ay8 Gayle, came becauae ". . . we fac.ed a diftlcult situation, one we couldn't cope with. David waa starting a new movie com- pany then, and the pres- sures were unbearable. There were miaunder- standi1119 which led to enormous rows. At the time. neither of us was in a poeition emotionally to come to terms. The months of separation made me re- alize, though, we couldn't live apart-yet it wu only a near-tragedy that brought us together." What next for Gayle and David? "I'm sure our marriage will work out," Gayle says. "I need to be David's wife. If I had to chooee. between being a woman alone and aucceu.- f ul and• woman married to David and unsucceee- ful-well, I'd take David." -PEER OPPENBEIMEll Enfoy ICnowl"I tt. ONCltStars i:...n. ""°" ahtlt fawnt. mo.w etan o/ iaUrdaf: GobZ., Lalt. HotDGrtl, Har- IOtO, W.C. FWIM, tM Bor- ~. VaZ...tiu, Bo114rl, Bwrw, alld WMltt• '"""'' Mail ,,_., for • 0011r of "/wt~ of tAc Ser ... " (Onr 100 plloC01r•JJ1'•/ c~ ..,... .. 11.so .,,._ tiott.) to F. W. Booa, DqJ. AllO, Bos 107, G""'4 C_. tral Statiott, N •• York, N.Y .. 10017. 7 ............ ~~~Ct•, WOlVUUll WOllU> WIO(. UIC., IOCKfOID, lllCk mu---of.._. ............... _. ............ Mota_. .... Md,,...__. ....... What it will do is live up to its name -Durables. And stand up to anything you'll have to put it through. If it doesn't, we'll buy you another pair. Or give you your money back. We're that sure of our promises. Durables. Boots and Shoes to suit your needs in ten different styles. From Wolverine, the people who make the fineat boots. Oet a pair. And sec for yourself what it won't do. ., Woa't swell or bulge because the sole is completely oil-proof -even diesel oil. Won't crack, harden, or mark - even under the most extreme temperature changes. Won't slip on concrete, wood, or tile. The non-skid sole won't let it. Won't separate from the sole. you. .. ,. OIL .. ~!• .., •• ;:a, 1•ts WOLVERINE® For the Wolverine dealer neereet you c:.11: I00-243.()361 ,,.. anywhere in the U.S. In Connecticut 853-3600. I T \ ' c7l, fllemarkable 93uy ~ ·<9nly $j 98 "sfJRll!lll~ 71& ·China Figures Dance to Dr. Zhivago Tlieme Enchanting childhood sweethearts -revolve to the classic theme song of the picture. Unique music box, with syn- chronated imported movement, plays each note with Old World beauty while delicately hand-painted girl and boy, with their white dove of peace, circle like a carousel. Set the mood for a romantic evening or let the youngsters trundle off to slum~rland with its charm. Treasured gift for newly~eds or silver ann~ersary lovers. Handcrafted. 7" high with 4" figurines. r - - -MAIL 10-0AY NO-RISK COUPON TODAYI ---1 GREEN I AN d Srudios 1141 Greenland Bldg., Miami, Fla. 33147 Please send me the following item. I understand that If I'm not completely satisfied I may return it for a full and complete refund. Enclosed is check or m.o. for ------- -_#6803 Somewhere My Loves ® $5.98 (Add 55¢ post. ea.) I I enclose $1 good·will deposit. Ship C.0.0. I will pay postman $4.98 -balance plus all shipping charaes. NAMt ------------------------ ADDRESS----------------------- CITY STATE ZIP ___ _ w SAVE $1 .10. Encle>ff on~l 1.96 for 2 Dr. Zhivagos. We pay the postage. C-~~_ma_!a_~~~--------------J What's Behind the Boom in Mobile Homes? . Today• mobit.- M1M park 1t.u all tM f aeili- tu• of a 10dl- pla"'Md mburb. "D UE LARGELY to t he critical need for low- cost housing, some 340,000 mobile homes are expected to be produced in 1969. They will account for ap- proximately 80 percent of new, single-family dwell- ings valued up to $15,000." Tom Johnston was reading aloud to his wife from an item in The Wall Street I oumal, u part of a di&cuesion about the purcttase of their first home. A home had be- come a must for the Johnstons- Ellen was pregnant, and Tom had received a salary increase recent- ly. NeVeiiheleu, the Johnstons knew that their savings were not enough for a house. EJlen interrupted Tom with, "I don't know if I'd like living in a 'trailer park.'" But Tom contin- ued with such statistics as "1968's average mobile home is 12 feet wide by 60 feet long, has 684 square feet of living space. and retails for $6,700, furnished.'' The John1ton1 were learning about a modem housing phenome- non-the boom in mobile-home living. They soon would learn, too. what's behind the boom: the crush of inflation on young and elderly couples. Tom's perefstence prompted them to investigate a new mo- bile-home subdivision located a short distance out of town. The J ohnstons walked through the well-planned paved streets, lined with hooaea with rabies. I wood siding, bricklike fronts, 6oor- to.-ceilint windows, shutters, car- ports, and porches. "This is all very impressive," E llen said, "but they cost at least •29,000." The Johnstons were in for some surprises. The model home came fully equipped with a SO-inch kitCh- en stove and a l~ubic' foot re- frigerator in a choice of color s; it came completely furnished, in- cluding wall-to-wall carpeting. There was even a choice of decor. This particular model had 1.440 square feet of living space, cost $10,800, as shown, plus an aver- age of $46 a month park rental charges and $10 a month for util- ities. It required a down payment of 20 percent. Al for the financing of a mobile home, Robert L. Wallace, vice president of Universal C.l.T. Credit Corporation, leader in t his type of financing, says, "Mobile homes are purchased on the in- stallment plan in much t he same way as automobiles. The only dif- ,ference is that a larger sum of money is involved, and the buyer has a longer period of time to complete payments." Couples like the Jobn&tons con- tributed to the mobile-h ome boom. A mobile home not only met their budget requirements but answered their need for convenience, a rep- utable neighborhood, automobile parking space, service and facili- ties. and good management-even suburban atmosphere-far from the "trailer park" Ellen had ex- pected to ftnd . · -GEORGE J, JAFFE • ,. , UVB.WIND CASTING IEE1 · PUSH IMITTON CAmNG ANTI IEVllSI NO IACICLASH cum WIES SIUCllD .. OM wonos MOST POPU\A1 95 DILUXI MOOIL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! o11u.i AU TIMI MYOlnu 11 I llV, 4 NIH$I( DISCOUNT SAi.iS DIPT. ff-111 CHICAGO, IWNOIS '°'°' I NI Tl IAlllST AY TO CATCH llSH I I OIDll TOOAYI K you're Nt 100% pleated we'• I SD.Ecm Fii YOU ". EXPERTS. :+fish-getting l YOU co numt• SllOWll Super "88" Spincast Reel. Comet I refund~ full purchOM ,..ic. PfOMPfly. I tadde used by eaperts contains ,.. 1ar brands x.1C B1it Cast R91t .. ~Direct Drive TroHinc Reel• 5 ft 2 pc.. Fiber I YOU KEU 2 NE! TACIUI ec:ms llGAIDtUSI I •• • · Gms Spin oat Rod • 4 ft Fhr Giia Blit Cast Rod • 3~ ft fiber 1 ,,..,_ """----' r 1 s c,--a...... ,,,,. s... Eld! rtem carefully dlosen---fteryJiflc need for in G&a.s r..-Rod• 6 ft 2 section Blmboo Pote ind 25 ft en Line• po. _,........ • I types of fisttiflc. Deadly lures thlt lft all tllli flworites .. A 66 ~ Oudly lures • 5 pc.. Furnished Line • 2 Floating Boxes with I veter1n qter Of 1n occaslonlt fishenn1n can '9 proud of ~ trays • Fish Knife ind Sheath • 28 pc.. Popplnc lure Kit • Dip f A~m; .. _ ----------~ I this .. ...J.ioft..buitt kit y fi.kla. at "--.! •. Strinctr, Spllt Shot, Clincher Sinkers, Snap Swtvtls, Assorted Hoob, 1 crn· _____ _.1An '"--I .,._ ou can to --• once . ._..... •• SMiied ttoob, Platte floats, 3-way Swivets, 36" l.tldn, and compltte O r _.... $12.95 ,._ $1.00 '-',...... & ._.,,, I You will not find 1 blrpift litie this "')"'*t. ins~ 411 pilces In all.. I O SMp c.o.o. 1 .. ,., c.o.o . .._.. & ,....... I ,. C.....: $14 .................. i..., I NllESK DISCOUNT SALES A:O:..°'·CHICAGO 60606 L-----------------J ["" And the gum Is Chooz antacid. fast relief for heartburn, gas, and upset stomach due to acid indigestion. Bonus: after the medication has done its job, you're still munching a delicious chewing gum. Yum. Chooz. The only chewing gum antacid: ~"?: ~"'I> ~ YC\l 8olllom ~ for applillncr <q>air )torly. . jjlC'I your sha~ ITI woll 1tain you at ~ on ~k 11m~. Earn whik you learn •. praeli<:al, lu1n-by- Jo,>1n1 m<lhod llY" you eMrning power 1~'111 Don't <jUil your rreM!nt jUb ••• have 2 lrltOIYln. prosrcu 11> full time~' ol your own .. be your own i-.. 5 k1!!11 rours eo ... Met ~ ••luable ..,._ ........ the-· needed IMtrvl!MM ~ the Oectri-ul treuble shooter ••• with these kits you will leerft fllt and st.wt um-m inci.t. A#""°"'fll IOI flAIHIHO UHOR GJ. llU •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ~ ..nT'fWl( °'91.0111. • 81~ Ent 11-r•M.l~ Ans.en 90059 : : Ru•ll m. 1M1 fACT PACK. 5'-rne how I c-: • IHrn and Hm '" t:i.ctnul .\ppl19n<a Re1>911 IMllCI. • • • • • :..... : • • :"'*"" : • • ·~~ . • • : Stilt lip : • • • •• END DENTURE MISERY llJ111 IOmlS IUIJlfllU Mitade pludc Dl!NTI.JJUTI! reiu loo• deatwu in 6.e min- utes. Thu ••cushion of Comfon" ea•s _,,.. swns. Y<MI eu anythin1. 1.1..p. caJ~ n.n sneeze •it.houc embeuumMot. No more~ panides nder ,...... DEN'llJalTE lucs lot ..oaciu. Eocls dailr bother of powder, P'8\ ~. c~uc relDO'N wlWa d6t ii • T..-. ... Odorless. M~ beck.........._ Al all clr1ls c:ouaean. . . denturite ... . -. . . 11IOSI HOUm •weathered brown JpOta on the surface of your hands and face tell the world you're pttinc o~ before you ~biare. Fade tbeJn away with CA. that med- icated a.m that b~ up ma-. of pipnent on the lk1n. helps make ha.nds look white and younc apin. Equally ef:fecthre on the face. neck and arms. Not a cover-up. Acta in the skin-nbt on it. Frurant. p-euelftl baM for softmlnc. fubri- cati.na slrin u it dean up tho9e blemilha. U JOU have 1heee ~ revMllnc brown IPOta. blotches, or if you want clanr, liShter ddn, UM ESOTERICA. At your favorite druc and toiletry counter. $2.00. No Nagging Backache Means a Good Night's Sleep NaninJ bedtaeM bn._. altd :mu.-eular ae"-and .,.lna ma,,_ on with over .. x~rtlon. emotional upaeh, or everyda,. 1l,_ and 1tral11. U thi. oas· sin• bukaehe, with .....ni-, U..p,_. nlsht.t, la wearins you out, maklns you m!Mrable and irritable. doa't wait, tr7 Doan'• PUii -an analc-le, a pain n- li.-r. Dou'a pah-ftlfhtq aetion on nanlns beckaehe 11 oft.ea ~ a111-r. Gfl Doan'• Pllla -not a hablt.-lonnlas dnia but a well-.k.oo.a at&Ddard real• .d:r UHd •-fulb' bl' mUlloaa tor over 70 ,, .. ra.. S.. lf th.,y don't brlns you t.b• aame welcoMe relief. For eon• venlenc.. a.lwayw b~ Doan'• larse abe. PHOTO CREDITS P099 2: A&C: Ces; U.S. Army; W>d. World. · Po9e ~. l•11 l•vln•1 Wlcl• World. WH1Y•ONer ly lllil Frt• F1•ily WHkly ••• Pleatt 1tllw "' to ,_ ~ let dtllwfJ. Tiit • -. ,._. -, ,..ullle -.-1«s. T111 It""' Md con -. dlldtlll ,., mt-MilltJ _, flltllly -....,,. , •. If ,... .. .., .-st'-lllOll\ Mill~. lint"'''': Stnb °""""'""· f-ttr WtftlJ, Ml t.m_.. A-. ,.,.., Yerii:, 11.Y. 10022. FAMILY WlllC.LY COODOOK A Lunch That's Sunny Bright I A tra.11 of Pea.eh.es and. Crea.ni Cheese Salad sq1cares with a. bowl of ora.'llge dreuing is set on. a.' colorful yellow cloth /or lunche01&. MELANIE DE PROFr Food Editor • Let nataTe·a own colorful yellows and oraogea--u found in egg yolk., peacbe., lemons, and oranges--brighten your Ian· eheon menu. Flowers, tahleeloth, and fa· vort1 can accent thi!I awuhine theme. Peaches· and Cream Cheese Salad I can (I lb. 13 oz.) cling peach 11icee Cantaloupe or honeydew melon (about 3 caps puree) 1 Vi cups cold water 2 Yi to 3 tableapoou (3 env.) unlavored r:elatia 1 tablespooa sur:ar 1 teaspooa seuoaed salt 1 tablespoon r:rated onion l pkg. (3 os.) cream cheese (for eight balls) Routed diced almonds 1. Using ah electric blender as manufac- turer directs, on ly mash peaches with syrup, adding about one third of the con- tents of the can at a time to the blender container. As peaches are mashed, turn into a large bowl. Puree enough meat from melon to make 3 cups. Turn pur~e into the bowl with peaches. 2. Sprinkle gelatin evenly over water in a heavy saucepan. Stir over low heat un- til gelatin is dissolved. Blend in fruit mLuure along with sugar, seasoned salt. and onion. Turn into a 13x9-io. pan. Chill until partially set (see Decorative Top- ping) or until firm.· 3. Meanwhife, shape cheese into balls and roll in almonds. Gover and chill. 4. Cut salad into squares. Place on salad greens. Top with cheese balls. 5. Accompany with Orange Salad Dttes- inr: lemon-buttered French-style «?ffD beans topped with sieved hard-cooked egg yolks; potato chip&; and olives. And for dessert a yellow or gold cake. a to 1! aerving1 DecCJrative Topping-A 1-lb. can cling peaches will be needed for about 24 slices. When mixture in pan is partially set, carefully place drained peach slices at regular intervals, allowing two slices per serving (see photo). Chill until set. Orange Salad Dressing ~ cup aur:ar 1 teaspoon salt Yz teupoon dry mustard ~ cup orange juice - % cup light corn syrup 2 tableepoou tarraron vinegar Vi teaspooa gTated onion % cup salad oil t. Mix s ugar, salt. and dry mustard to- gether in a small bowl~ Add remaining ingredients, except oil, and beat with a rotary-type beater until blended. 2. Very gradually add the oil while beat- ing constantly. Continue beating until mixture is of desired consistency. Chill. 3. Stir before serving. About 1 ~ cups dressing Zesty Asparagus-Celery Soup , ran (lOYz oz.) condensed cream of uparagus soap can (tOYi os.) condellHd cream of celery soup I soap can milk 1 soup can wat~r % uaspoon basil, cru11hed 2 teupoou le.um Juice % teupooa W oreeatenhire sauce Yi teaspoon grated onion 1. Blend soups in a saucepan; gradu- a lly add milk and water, stirring until blended. Mix in remaining ingredients. 2. Heat thoroughly, stirring occasionally. Pour into small c ups and sprinkle with grated lemon peel and snipped water· cress. Set cups on individual serving trays and serve with assorted crackers. · 8 1~rving1 ( ' on one can of Libby'• cooked-in-butter com. on one can of Libby's cooked-in-butter vesetablea: Peaa Lima Seana Succotash Carro ta Peaa & Carrots TO llOCU: LMJ, Mdltlll I lM, will .............. fw 5-.... 2-ltr ....... ~0)111,__,I,_• rttlll c-... .. ,.rt ,.,_t .. ,.-.dct ~ ....., (Z) ..-aeib It • Ulllly, McNem a LMJ, ,.0 ..... ~,_(,...,lion ..... llt .... ltl .., ....., • ., tr tllf04llll 4llltllde ....... "911tl'I, etc.). c......., 1111111 ,., _, ultl tu.. Cesll r1dH·-¥thlt 1/20 ti I -l Tllis eltr void wlltrt tu9d or rt· aMcttd. Gtod •ly 111 Collll-111 U.S.A. l l1111t ............. ,~. FIAUO Cl.AUil: 1...a ,...wiq IHlldllM wftll· ......... ,.., ...... , .... _ ..,... ,.._._. I« rt4-ptlM •••I bt ..... .,_ ,.._.. Arr ... , ......... ol ......... ...., .................. ttcl ........ eMllitiMs lrud MMI M&ll«I will llt prnn •• OIWf aplm -,.., Ir• dltl ol --.. y.777 STORE COUPON TO GllOC£1: lll*y, llcfttill & Ullby will rtc1ettn lillt co..-ltr ~phis z, tor lll-.dkna prcwld9d (I) It II rtetMd from 1 m.11c•"-111111rt 111r-t for pl'9duct sptCil4ld 11ortt11, (2) ,,_, 11111111u1 &.My, Mdltlll I llllby, r.o. lox 1620, Cllll• ..... (r.dl•ptitft wlll llfl bt Ndt '" ...., ...., .., " ....... Mtsidt ..-in. !Hellen, etc.). C4ls"'-r ••I,., •Y ... tu. c.11 Nll ... I ..... 1/20 ti I ctlll Tiiis olltr ..w ..._ ..... tr 191lrictld. Geed lllly Ill c.11•111 U.S.A. LIMit -" 1 114Melletd. flAUD Cl.AUSl: 1...a prwi111 ,_._. w+tll· .... lat • ..,. .., ........... °"" ..,...,.... ........... , ........ .. ...._ .... ,...._ Ally tlltf 1PPlitdtll ti 11111 -... • ....., tlllll Ndtr tlle ttf .. 1t.ttcl ..... ~ '"'"' .... Yitlltln ... , llt prtMlltM. Oler elqlim !Nit yur lrt111 d1te ot iu-. V-778 se s~ C------------------------------~--------~ __ w Artificial Teeth Never . ~ Felt So Natural Before ..... Pllstic C..... lisc1"ry letelldi11izes DMt..t w..-. For the first time science now of- ten a unique plutic cream that holda your faUie teeth almoet like Natureheftelfholdsnoturolteeth. It forms an elasti<: membl'ane that holda both "uppers" and •'lo~ra" as never before. It's Ftxoourr-a revolutionary di.covery for daily home use. So different it'• protected by U.S. Patent #3,003,988. FIXODSMT not only bolde den- tures firmer, but it holda them JnOre comfortably, too. Bc!,caUM FJXODllM'f.ata tic it hel at.orb Tiller Users! ---------~--1 ""•t1t...,. rum I I ... 31'3,1 ...................... 11112 1 ..................... ...,.Tift. 'I Ill. .. ..,. num ......_ ....... .,. , ' ....... , __ .................. . I (r1-PTW ~ I 1--•.................................... 1 1 ~ ................................... 1 I ='~·-=··~-·~ I o c-.. ... ,., .. u ........... L-----------.J YOUR CHILD MAY HAYE PIN·WORMS .... OUT OF 3 DOES FidpdDC1ou of sleep and a torment- in1 l tcb are often telltale alrn• of Pin-Worms ... ualy paruitee that medical e:irperta •Y inf• l out of every 8 pel'90Nexamined. Entire fam- ilies may be victims and not knc;nv it. To retrldof Pin-Worms. they mwit be kll~ In the large intestine where they live and multiply. That'1 exactly what Jayne's P-W tablet.a do ... and here's how they do it: Fint-a acientiflc coating l'lrries the tableta Into the bowels before they dl.->lve. Then-Jayne'• mod-em, medlcally..approved iniredlent 1oee risht to work-killa Pin-WonM quickly. eaaily ...... ,,,,.,, pltar,,..cwt. Don't take chancec with danpr- oua. hlshly conta(ioua Pio-Worma which Infect entinl families. Get sen- uine Jayne'• P-W Vermifuse •.. amall, eaay-to-take tablets ... apeclal r I and adult.a. BACKACHE Aching Muscles You Iona to •as• those P•lns, even temporwlly, until the ceus• Is cleered up. For pelll•t~_, or temP«l!lf>', peln tellef try Dewitt'• Pma. F•mous for owr 60 y .. rs DeWltt'a Plllscontlin an 1nelpslc to 1ed~ pMlt emt-.-,,.,,-mlfd di~ to hl'p etlmln•te ret8'.,_, ftuklS thus ftustilnc out lnit•tfna pe6rt c:aualns bMddei' westn. Dewttt'a ,.... often suceffd ....... ---tall. tf Plfn.,...... elW•Y9 ... yourdOctor. Insist on OeWitt's Pills Thus with FtXODENT you may now eat fMter, bite harder ... without pain. You may even enjoy applee, ateak, com-on-the-cob qain. FtXOD&NT'aapecial pencil-point dispenaer lets you put it nactly wher-e it'a needed. Avoids oozing over and gagging. What'• more, FJXODENT resist. • liquida that can diaaolve other ad- hesives. Juat one application may lut 'round-the-clock. Remember. tieniahsthat fit are eeaential to health. So eee your dentist regularly. Get Frxoos.NT toda at all d:rug counters. Destroys odor on sanitary napkin~ ,,.,._hep lwaaarwl -'"''" .,,_.,,.. At last-a apecial deodorant for you and for your clothu, too-even for sanitary na,pkina and for panty- hoee. It'a QUEST-the special femi- nine deodorant for a woman's very special needs. (1) QUEST helpa keep your whole body odor-free. So safe it can be used without irritating ... even in the moet intimate areas. (2) QuuT belpe prevent odor on clothes as no ordinary deodorant can-under bra, panty-hoee, gir- dles and on sanitary napkins. Works right where embarruaing odor lingers longest! 'l?y QUBBT today. It's the special deodorant for you and your clothe.a, too. QusST Deodorant. FALSE TEETH C•ewi11g Eflicleacy lacrea1ecl •P to 35 O/o Cllnlcal tat.II pron JOU can DOW eat and chew bettel'-4Dah dentures averaae up t.o 35~ more eirectlT-lt you sprinkle a Ut\le PABIU'I& on your~":· PABIU'IB boldl uppen and · IDOft tlrml1 eo &beJ t•l mon comtonable.PABJDl'B i. o°' actd--doe9D 't eour. Mo summ1. ~ taste. llelpe Clbeek "denture odor'. DentUIW tba\ llt are IMID\la.l \IO heai\h. eo ... 10ur e1eou.t ""l\11&r!7. (kt PAB 1 D lB at all d.ruS oounwn. ----- --. -------=--,.___ .. , Why We Must Win the Race Against German Measles TINY five-year-old Betty, born hard of hearing and with a "heart disorder, has to go to a school for the deaf. With many of her classmates, similarly or otherwise afHicted, she may be regarded as -in the Rubella Class of '64. Betty ia one of the 30,000 eurviving younptere born handicapped after the devastating rubeJJa (German meaeles) epi- demic that swept the nation five years ago. On the buia of past cycle trende, an- other widespread outbreak of German measles is expected to strike some time next year. In a dramatic race to forestall the coming epidemic, medical scientists have been rushing to perfect safe and sure-fire antirubella vaccines. Within the next few months, one or more vaccines should receive the necea- aary go-f bead license from the Federal Di- vision of Biologics Standards. When that red-letter day come8, it will be one of the biggest medical news breaks of the year. It will signal the start of a mus vac- Doctor sampua the blood of mot~w of 11GCcin4ted child in teat for contagion. cination of 20 million children. a monu- mental project which is being prepared by the U.S. Department of Health. Education, and Welfare. What will this mean to parents, particu- larly to mothen-t<H>e? As we all know, this viral disease ia usually mild and rela- tively harmless in children. They get a raah for a few days. fever, some muscular pain, swelling in the neck. and a slight headache. But the infection is contagious, the virus spreading-through the mouth and noee:-by cloee..peraonal contact. The chief danger is to expectant mothers. When the disease hits, especially during lbe flnt three months of pregnancy, but also later, the virus can attack the unborn child's growing orga.ns-.tlae eare, eye., heart, and brain. One out of four of these babies dies before birth. and as many as half who aurvive will )lave one or more birth defects. The infant may be born with cataracts or glaucoma. hepatitis or bone marrow disease, and be may be mentally retarded u well. The 1964 rubella epidemic, the great- est in a generation, .attected an eatimated 10 million Americana. Nearly 260,000 were pregnant women. According to one study, about 30,000 babies died before birth, and many thousands more succumbed early in infancy. Until now, measures to prevent the dam- age of rubella have depended largely on therapeutic abortion and gamma rlobulin immunization, the effectiveness of which is questionable. Inevitably, the ravages of the '64 epidemic spurred an all-out drive for a reliable vaccine. Among th08e zero- ing in on the search were 12 university medical centers, eight pharmaceutical com- paniett, and five indmtrial-research labs, all coordinated by the National Institutes of Health. Whlle _,,.rat rubella virus strain.a have been isoJated for study, in the national in- terest the concentration is mainly on a single virus strain-HPV-77-developed by NIH scientists. (HPV-77 at.ands for High Pa88age Virus-77 paasages in tis- sue cultures to grow il) This is a "live" virus vaccine, considered more .eftective than a "killed" type. The HPV-77 strain waa made avai1able to scientiets and drug manufacturers. Vac- cines were made up from duck embryo tia- tue culture by Merck & Co. and from dog IQdney tissue by Philipa Roxane Inc.; an- other firm, Smith Kline & French, work- ing with an independent rubella strain originating in Belgiu~ grows its vaccine in rabbit kidney til8uea. One univereity is growing still another rubella strain in hu- man embryonic lunr tiaauee. The most lateuhe effort baa focused on HPV-77. In testing, scientists at ftrat feared that vaccinated children might \raoamit the virus to their mothers. That tear h.a8 now been allayed in one ID888 teat after another. In two suburbs of PbiJa-telphia, for ex-- ample, 266 children received the Merck vaccine. None of their mothers, sisters, or brothers came down with German measles. Among them were 18 pregnant mothers, who showed no sign i bat they bad picked .- HEALTH Rubella is a killer or deformer of the-un born, and a 1970 epidemic is predicted; science, however, is rushing a vaccine which may save thousands By THEODORE IRWIN YouftgBteY rec~vea HPV-77 live-11inu t1a.cci~ in Dcinbtcf'1(, C07'n., teat. up the infection, despite intimate contact with their children. Simi- 1ar results were achieved in W aah- ington, D.C., and elsewhere. With the suburban youngsters, a.a well as in tests in Danbury. Conn., Totowa, N .J ., and other communities, cloae to 100-percent protection againat rubella waa at- tained. Thia was clearly de~on­ strated when a German measles epidemic erupted in New Jersey eight months after children were inocula'ted. At two schools, three out of five unvaccinated children came down with the malady, but those vaccinated were immune. W111 the vaccine work when used during an epidemic? Last year, in the midst of a raging out- break in Taiwan, a U.S. Public Health Service medical team in- oculated more than 300 boys, us- ing vaccines from American drug 61"1D8. More than 90 percent of these boye did not get rubella, while halt of the unvaccinated contracted iL To obtain Government approval, an experimental vaccine reneral)y must have been tried succeasfully on at leut 10,000 penone. Thus far, more than S0,000 Americans have been tested with new rubella vaccines, including 18,000 with Merck's alone. One or more licenses should be granted any day now. It's still too early to tell whether a "shot" will confer lonr-term im- munity or need boosters. So far, children vaccinated three years ago are still protected. In some studies with adult wom- en, however , a vaccine occasionally produced aome mild arthritis-like symptoms, which soon disap- peared entirely. When vaccines are approved, not only will 1mall children be in- oculated but also perhaps teen-are girls. At first, they'll be used by pediatricians in private practice. Then, as production soars, the vac- cines will ro into the Government- aponeored nationwide immuniza- tion campaign. Some doctora may vaccinate wivee if they are not pregnant at the time and will not become pregnant soon. The ultimate goal, tbrourh vac- cination of the nation's children (the "carriers"), ia to wipe out German meaeles entirely in the U.S. Then even women who hadn't received the vaccine themselves would be aaf eguarded. At least we should be all set for next year'• rubella onslaught. HopetoUy, before loq, German meaalee-and the dread birth de- f ecta it caueea-will become aa uncommon aa polio today. • ~ny people pver 40 need m11nific1tion to re1d small print & do fine det1il work These magnifying sluses do !he Jobi They have fine 9Wlity op1le1lly around & polished. len~s. Comfortlble, black s1ylish fr1mes are sturdy, llghMleis'ht: fit 1ny he.id size. Carry case Inc;.' POWft ol leftlft I« various age poupl IUllHted u follo.s: ...... 7; 48-54; SS-65; '6-71; O¥ft 71. Spedfy 11e poup. (Not for dise1sed or as1igma1ic eyes.) 0 11.epiar Mlpifyina CIMMt .................................................. ,.$2.91 5212' Men's; SJ2J1 Women'• 0 Half Specs ...•.••...•.•...........•...••..••••••••••••••.•.•....•...••.•.••..• $2.,. SJ6S7 Men's; SJM1 WOMen's Cllp-.on m1gniflers slip right over prescriplion glasses. lei you see fine print do detail work without changing to 1 second p.iir. ' 0 5Sl15 Olp-0.. M.plften ...................................................... $2.91 Sony, no °'*n acnpted tor~ ht M.-..chuseth. ELECTROCUTES FLYING ·INSECTS INSTANTLY! NO FUMES ·OR SPRAY! NEVER NEEDS REFILLING! LURES AND KIW FUES, MOSQllfTOES, GNATS, MOTltSI No poisonous chemicals, Jmetly fumes, messy bags, refills. At last you can relax and enjoy in comfort the summer in your badcy1rd, patio, porch, pool, at the barbecue pit, etc. Like 1 .magnet, INVISIBLE BLUE LIGHT attracts flying Insects to recessed electronic g~ating ... where low, safe current Instantly kills them. Harmless to people, pets & birds. ~II rou. do is plug it i'!. ... works automatically at almost no cost, day and night. Attractive styling. Approx. 6 high. Ring on top for easy hanging ... indoors or out. 621l3 Bectronic lnaect Killer ................................•............ $5.91 r------c;'411114U•1U4•1~il•I•!f•------ ; 1N1tc1• ••ns. AJ-11 ....... , ...._ ......... cur, N.J . ....,. t 1 enc1o1e c ) ~ or c ) moner order tor , .. "' M• c.0.0.•1) Please """ me u. followlns. ......,lhDIM ......... ---15.*9 -...,., ! sa.te ptua 50¢ paseap •nd hlndllnt. ----#53231 Women • e $2.M plus 50¢ poeta .. end hendllna. ...,,.,... --ff36l7 Men'• ! $2.M D4us 50C ~and hendlln1. ~1 Women a e SZ.M plua !IO¢ polUp end hendlln1. --#53135 C.lp-On Meanlflera e $2.11 p1U. 50C posUiee end hlndflna. -#12133 ~le lntect Kiiier e $5.tl ph1t. 7~ posblp end Mndlln.. -c .. Add, .... ._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cttr~~~~~~~~~~~~__.----~~~~~.up.~~~~~ .... Jener Nlldenb .,.._. 8dd n. ..... tax. IATIWMmOll eUMAllTID CNl llONIY llPUNDID • 1 ... , IPIHCll Otm, IHC., AT\.AUTIC CITY, H.I. '---~m-.-••••'9----... wmm __ ., ___ ._ ________ _._ _ _. ...... , .. __. __________ _ Remove Desiped by a leadinc phJSician to help carve inches off your waist line (without diet or weight loll) in leSI time than It takes JOU to smoke a sin"8 cigarette fNWY day! HOlf? In • completely different way than you have mw dreamed possible before ••. as easily and locicallJ as this: • ..... YM All ...... , "Mmde-GW 11aM A_......, llollll la Yoar w•-~ AT 11IE SAME 11ME THAT rr Sl'll&NGl'HKNS voua·1..0WEJt BACKt Q-. rtut!1, die dn 1111 .,. of tMI SUM-WHEEL II "-cl oe dlll .... fact: T1let t.be N..-One Slpl of~ (ud the Number 0.. C-of die ~ .,.. tUl -.U. JOU /HI, a well a loot, .. ,_. oldll' w. Jour ate) ., ,,._ ,,.,,.,,,., ~. bloM,"-'ool- .. ,,.,,._. llwl MU be'°"' trHfttW--4 •ltr07J yow flOlbltt, ,_ ...,,_,, -" ,._ "'-"" ~ ,,.., -!" °"· W1lec caueee Ulis bulllftl Mom.di? Gro~lty/ The fact thartbe older JM pow, a.e more en•lty '""II ,_,. YoUr lnlemal OfSIDl-IJRS* &Me IPiftlt tlloM weak llomadl muecJa-drawt your lower spine for- ward, nri1t1aa It bopelnet:J OOl of line. Alld wfllal cu JOU do about tMI bulsiDa llocnadi. to puJ) It b8l'd and 811& aplll. ,,.,..,_1177 0at:J OM tblq. of c:oune-m.CISEt 7'/w ~of~ tltM '*""" '"* • ~ ~ clHr _,., , .. ..,.,., .,llN«tlo,........, .. -· lfllo# ""~ ~ bock ..... ,,.,, ...,,,, l»-4 .. .,,.q,__ ,.., tnrlbl,..~ .,,., rl•ltl ., ....... ..ti ,.,,, -'"~ 7ot1 tlw DAY-LONG BOLDING J>OWElt ,. .., ,,_ ~ ,,., -" lvr4 --" ,....,.. ""' ""' • .,, ,,.., "" """' , .. -,,,_n o/ , .. _,.., II 70tl ""'* to _. ""' -4 do tlw 10-1 Now, ........ ._ ol eoocl e.m-tlaat will do tllil fm JOG. .. _ _,....,_.._.all ol ..._Md a '"""-\ 11~..,.,..,.. bpt .... froa ...... Joa ... '*" ...... JOU -.cl fm ,_ --.dll Yw CllNld, for aampk., ,.,._ •w ltltr#Jw II MOiltl7.,. ~/or ,_ """•' -" _,., ud )'OU 90.ad ta..t to rwltaioUllY -It lot "' l#oll • ""'1 ._ • 4«:/ Wore It c:oald pall Ill Jour ltOIMdl. Yw collld try tme bcDdl.. * \CMldla, ud otber IUadiq uera.e.. .., ,.,, -"' ,. ,.,. IO N,_ 1«1-,,....,, • .,, ""' ,.,, -.... ,,.,.,. """ ... ~ ~,_ caa uy lit~ or a .a.t tio.d. T• ...... a -wtll *> t.ft. But ...-, .U 70W wftl/w II ~ ,.,.,,, °" tlwl lnw Na\'-411d YOU Nit be~ bun. ~. ti.II YerJ DPt ..., ud mtWIJ at our lilt_,_ C9ll tr/ • CJ _,,,..b' ... tM of CONDENSlD O/lttla, "' wMcA yow owdM ONLr ,,. .,.. .....,,._ _., o/ ,_ orll#r ,......, .... wMa\ NOJ' ON• OUNCE 0, W•IGBT ~ .... .,. ,._ ted .. ·-" ~ ,._ -AMOLU7l!LY ,OUIDDP 10 • -11-t ,_ or ,,,,..., ........ ~, 11 •a • al!llPle as &Jdl.- Flnt YM w-Up For 30 Seca• .. 1"Ma YOll Eurdle Few 6e Sec.._ n..Y .. AI I eY .... A.10.,IAllll nu. Mlllde-Otrclle l!ardle Plan coolisu ol a simple wbec1 widi a lludk tJaro-.11 It, ud an I~. rnedicallY-deTelopcd Uld medk:all1· plOfta Idea. What JOU do, C'lftY monUnt for two ~ tniouta, II UU.: You put the wt.cl oa •he ftoor Uf1 IUllBd lboTe it .• Tab a deep brut11 ud sreet tbe ~1111. I.a two mUIUta you1J be hi JOW shower or u breakfast, ud Jt'a 9()iJla to be a wondafu1 day. Yow'U prow '""' to 'fOW•ll '" llN "'"' rdM'7 a«o""6 • Now, put your bands oa your lll1» ud do the dmpk ahoGldtt ..,,...up we lbow you. You do It tJiree U-wit.II the left aboulder, ud tbrec rtma witb the rtatat. you doll't bmd from the hips. You doo't twist YOW aphie. Then Is no COllldoW eirertloa. You woa't eYaa take a deep bna&JI. lt11I )'Ofll wlU Mw w-4 llp IJNI "'°""" J'Ollr #OINIClt lllUUClu; 10fl wlU /HI b«t~; .,., ,-·a ,,, rHMl7 10 Up r16111 ""°.,.,, 1('W '"' p;Hc/u. Now .,et down ota your t--. Take the bmdles of tbe SLIM-WHEEL lo your llaDdl. R.oD out the wlleel aa far aa you c:ao comfortably &a"etdl, In the ~ we &how you. Then roll k bedt ap.ln. TM/'• Ut You'w do.w lit FIYe ~ U.. 111 tJle lllOl"IMa ••. m times Ill allht ... ""' 1ow'r1 /irtWtff/ (Lat«, JOU11 won. yow ...., up to 1we11c:y u-. To do any mon would 9'mply be ridk11Joai.) No-'iat bappeMd lo UM.c fl" or ah little ~ ~ uercllel7 Qultle dnlply, ,... .._, atntclw4 "•"'· _,OflWllc..uy, •l.lltoW yow ow .. _.,.., """'· -k• "' yow _,,, -" ... """' yow ,,.., "°' -.W oncUH for Y"ft/ You wW abaolutety FEEL tbe drec:t of t\at .,.di tbe tine U-JOO roll tJiac wt.eel oud It II NOT a ...- feel.Illa! 11 u •/HU.. of fir-cu 111111,_tbtua-'-""" ,.,_. a.ttW <-", _...., .U, CONTltOL) ., ~~I '""' U _., IH "lk.JI Jw yow 10 *' ""'" • ~ ~"'~ or m rolklttu! .. "°" 104I -. ..._ tlaat'• an J'OU'll 1-.d al Clae hq:knli111l ._., ,,_,. awdM "'411 otl(r ~ /or 1011 If ,_ tlo U EVEltY SINGU DAY/ Alld u.at'a wllJ tt'a bem imde IO aimple ... IO U117 ••• 10 quiclll So ,_ ~ • ,, nn'f ...... -,,. ,,,, "-,.... " Mku ,_ #~a~~ '"'7 -o/ lltna ~'I• boot: YOll May Ha.e To a., A New W••• Btrr YOU MAY ALSO BE ABLE TO DIROW AWAY THAT BEA TING PAD FOR YOVR &ACK! Ot -,.,. •• loot ---· ... --.It« two. Of -yo11'U STAY YOUNG RESEARCH CORPORATION• 119 Fifth Avenue, New York, ~.Y.1000,, e! ba" to 1tan tatma lo clodlea oae lach ••. two JDclMa ••• tbreo iDChea ••• ma,Jbe four. Of ooane frlendl will ltart pestcrins you-to lad oet wti.t llJod of "did" CjOUkl take off dlat tiDd al bldle, Illa ClllictJ7, •lt/WJwt ctllllq '" )'Ollf [Ott/ TbeM .,.. all die obYialUI baellb. •ut ,.,,. -"'" -~--" ----.1w1 ~. ,,,., wlU 11#17 .u• ,_ /tw ,_., Tbcre't UM _. ""-f..U.. of colll'IOl, .ct Jootloa YoUOa apia. Tba'e'• &he acocraJ aD-oftr better tone of :rour mid leCdoa. dlat lllQ ~ fewer ltOCDKb-achcs md a. locti.-.Joe fiw you. But moec of an, ,,.,,.,,, tlw ~6 of b«k fHlln """ b«"-4 /tlll•w rlw «Hil4 1+ lot 7ffn° of/ IM _,. ,,_ /HU NochJoa dnWa Yltallty aa IDIAdl •a bee.It that's too weak to cany ,_ duOQlll Ull daJI Nothillt tJJJI deep • much U a b9l:k that's Joo tired to ltop Jlanioal All4 "° pUU, /llO bratt, "° belu wU/ ~~do a "'*'• -""" /tw !!OW~ U lltu C0111"'-, PJtlk, Rrltt•llw~, ~and# '""'~:row /tw tlw rut of"°"" Ut-1 Try It Eadrdy At 0-Rllkt Tbe eadre coet of Ulll compide SLIM-WHEEL 11 Ollly'$7.91. Yoo trJ It for one-full monUI entirely at our rtat. U JOU are DOt deUatited In evay way, ol ooune, eYery ceot ol your moeey will be recumed at oace. No one dacna a fat MOmacbl Wby not 'set rid of your>-t()dayl r----· MAIL NO·RISK COUPON TODAY ----, STAY YOUNG RESEARCH CORPORATION Dept. FW-11 119 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10003 Om~: Yes, I ...,t to trY )'Oal' SLIM-WHBEL mtJrd1 ml your risk I I am enc.lollJla oalY die special low price ol oalY $'7. 91. r IUldentand t.bat I lllaJ ... tJie Baadter fen ttUrtJ da,ys. If aot ABSOLUTELY OELIOHTEO, I may return it for fWJ rd\md of list purcbue price. 0 Cbect ben if JOO willl Jour onter ta1t C.0.D. BDCloM mb' SI f()06-will depoait oow. hy postmall bai-, plut C.0.D. 1J01Uee aocl baodUq c:barla. Same __ ,~ .--.... ,,I.NH prifltJ cu qUIPS AND QUOTES Automotive Sip-0-Rama: On a catering truck in Brook- lyn-._ N. Y.: "Snax Fifth Ave- nue" ... On a service station in the mountilinJ near Roset, Wyo.: "Buzz twice for night eervice. Then· keep your ahitt on whil~ I ret my pant.e 011" . . . Banner-• a Vermont f armhouee : "Look. Daddy t Puppiee for eale." -JI. W. Marti" W """ titer rtr.ised o•r tcu, 10« said, "N<>VJ U.'t tit.at tM liait!" It tGGn't. -Gertnuk P i#IOft Calling to collect the rent, the landlord was admitted by the tenant who immedi- ately spoke up to say, "I can't pay you thie week." ''But," protested the land- lord, "that'a what lJ>U eaid last week and the week b&- fore that." "Well," reasoned' the ten- ant, "I always kept my word, didn't I·?" The Heavenly Weigh BJ AL KAUFMAN ~\-. .. Kn. Parldna wu tellinr her _..bbor all about her new baby ... Our new baby really brightens up our borne_" she aaf d in conclueion. Up spoke her allrbtly je.al- ou.a six-year-old : "I'll say abe doea. Our lil'bts were an all nlrbt 1aat nirht." Tbe Sunday acbooJ _.1'er wu ezplainiq aome Old Tee- tament 1toriee to her clua: ". . . and then Lot'1 wife Joolted back .. •be bad been forbidden to do " the teacher laid, "and 1ucfdenly abe wu tumed into a pillar of salt." ............... -V. D. Palo.t "That' 1 jut like my moth- er," piped up little Jhmny . "She wu dririlll' the car, and ahe looked back to tell me to •top settina' cookies all over the back eeat, and· audden)y ahe turned into a telephone )ole." 1t•e a...e, ~ at die heawty el.op l'la epeacllag a let of pell. Bat dear9 I'm jua beiag datifaL I'm keeping Ameriea beautiful By 11ta.rting on my.elf. SilHr U.ifag: Wln fOt&r ol&ild brittg1 Jao"u poor """""' °" lt.u report card, at l«ut rote bo10 lie in't Ol&#.titlg, --Georwie Sl4lrl>11elc C.U.r•llA -st.,,Mt&u AUn -LvcilU J. Goodrear All the travelers checks you want-up toSS,000 worth-for a fee of just s2po at banks everywhere. During May only. Opportunity to ea•e up to $48. Because we want you to dllCOVef the advanta1es of First National City Trav- eters Checks, we're offerin1 you the opportunity apin this year -durinc the month of May-to buy.up to $5,000 worth for a fee of only $2. (Plus the face value of the checks, of course.) The normal fee for travelers checks is a penny per dollar. But now, just in time for your summer vacation, you can save up to $48 (checJ( the chart) durin1 this unparalleled offer. (Less than $200 worth will still cost you less than $2.) So, don't miss this ~ ~ opportunity I Usual May YOU Amount fee fee SAVE $ 300 $ 3.00 $2.00 $ 1.00 500 5.00 2.00 3.00 1,000 10.00 2.00 8.00 l,500 15.00 2.00 13.00 2000 20.00 2.00 18.00 3,000 30.00 2.00 28.00 4,000 40.00 2.00 38.00 5,000 50.00 2.00 48.00 Welcomecl E ... , where. First National City Bank has been in the travelers check business for over 65 years. Our checks are known and accepted in more than a million places around the 1lobe. You can spend them as easity in Mada1ascar as in Massa· chusetts. As easlty In Copenhaaen as in Cle¥etand. And, by the way, they're just as convenient on a weekend out· in1 as on a worldwide tour . Refunded E~a1wbere. When money is lost or stolen, it's 1one foreYer. If First N1tional City Travelers Checks are lost or stolen, you can pt your money back .fut. We haw over 28,000 refund points worldwlde- thouunds more than any other trav- elers check. Th1t's why our checks are like cash. Only better. To locate our neartSt refund office !!!~here abroad (P.lus Alaska and ~), just c.H or vfsit any prfnclpel hotel. They're all recularty supplied with an updatea Hat of all Arst Na· tional City T revet.rs Checic r• fund poinb In their a,... To locate ow neerest ,.. - fund office an~ere In the Continental U.S.A., dial Western Union Operator 25. Or call, toll.free, to: 800-243·0355. Bay now. Tra..-el later. Even if you're not plannin1 a trip be· fore May 31st. you owe it to yourself to buy First National City Trevelers Checks now at these substantial uv- inp. Many people, in fact, keep our travefers checks on hand all year 1on1 ' 11ainst the time when they may need cash for an emer1ency. Offer~ only In the ~nited States anclPUeriOFflCo •.. end May_fut, ~ So, act now to protect your cash from loH or theft. Get your supply of First National City Travelers Checks at banks everywhere. And save! Note to all ban.kl and M.inp matibatiou: During the month of May, we're mak· ln1 this unusual introductory offer to your customers at no cost to you. Your customers 1et the uvln11. but you earn the commls· sfons you would norm.Uy have received. If you don't haw our checks. pt In touch with Am National City Travel- ers Ch9Cb, 399 Park Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10022. Phone col· lect to: (212) !559·0542. - Stut now to enjoy all theose BENEFITS OF MEMBERS~IP 'Ii' Sia fME ,_.Ill .._If,.. llfM ID bur oN llbuRI now Md only • IMf9 It tht rep11r aub price .,,. lq IM Hd l'M'-fnim mon tha11 300 1 moMfl ID bl offtrld. * FREE MONTHLY CLUB 8lJLLETIN .-ID JOU Md! month, ct.cnblft1 the forttleomlftc Mltdioft In JOU' fMfltt fltl4 of mlllk plus • wide vel1ety of otlltr outsbndlftl l'tCOfdl In 111 flelds. ... llA.a * TH£ RIGHT TO CHOOSE ANY RECORD from eny fteld of music If JOU pmtr It to the a. •lec:tion. Othttwtse the a• llllct'-11 ...._...., ....... * THE RIQHT TO R£FUSE to tab llJ record It Ill In 1 lfvttl lllOMtl, limply by retumlnt Ult fonn 1tways provtdtd. * MEMBER'S CREDIT CARO lfttltllnc you to dllfl• Ill your purdlnes. For each album JOU ~. JOU will be billed the Club price of $4.98 (OCClliorlll..,.. dtl 1lbum1 sllatrtty more) plus • smell ihltll'ina ct11rp. r------------------------------, GLDe CAMPllELL c/o C.pltol R.cord Club 1050 ltancho Coneto BMI. ThouNnd Oeb, Calif, 913IO I ecce1lt JOllf liwtbdoel Plem ac:cept mt IS I member of IM C1PMD1 Record Club llld _. • die lbc FREE RECORDS lbttd. l'We llldlc:ated "" first putdla. for whldl JOll will bill .. $4.98 ..... 1 ..it ....... ehlfJe_ I llfM ID '-Y just lbt more llbums of my dMlicl It tllt "l\lllf Club Pfb cfur· "" the --,_ -front "'°'' theft 300 • moMlt to be offnd. All l'9COllls ""' be sltWtd In ....... lllo pleyablt Oii Mlt lftOflO phonocrapM.. The mnc I ... best Is: 0 EllJIJrt I I c a.... c: c...llylW ..... 0 ...... Y.allb .... ,_ , .. --- 1-PMt I Nwe I AIMN-:'-----------------------~ I Qty 5t1t9.__~~ I n, T ............. ____ _ I ... ••YA L------------------------------~ 8LEN CAMPBELL llllJIB: ~II 1ny hit albu111s ars filatursd In ths Capitol Rilcord Club.'.. u.~ NAT KlllG COLE __ .,&..· ...... ~ ~ RECORD ALBUMS tf you bur one elbum now Md~ to buy only six more durtna the next ~from more then 300 to be offered Mdl month. ~ l!tJ tlJ..41 nm lfl:I '--;~_,.-=,;,==·= •. ~i~ . .,.._ PETULA CU~K C1'..J2!1l!ll 111-M 911-71 •• 111·11 • llMl m 21·11 THE All· TlMC GREAT HITS of FARON YOUNG ~ COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY IRVINE WEEK OF MAY 3 • MAY 9 • I MAND NEW 1t69 ) MUSTANG HARDTOP $71.30 36 mo. --.. MH1t•:1s WI .................. ,.,_ * ...._ ...... ......,., .._._ ......... 'Cll9ftll\'1 ............ _,,... ,_...-.. _, ........ W' t Melll ........... , ........ .. ~·········· sgg Total Required Down Payment On Any NIWCARor NEW TRUCK · .. .,,,."41 cNctlt et W1lSON FORO . ......... ..,..,.,.,. ...... ,.., ... ., •414 •• ., tnlck. ........ ... .... A ...... U.at.4 C .. lf •. ._. ., ,.,. ... .., Cerp. .... ,.., ... ,..... ...... . 5 YEAR or 50,000 MILE WARRANTY from FORD $99 Down $15.95 36 mo. $$64.45 M-. IUND NIW 1t6t r $2298. -$99 Down -$70.95 16 .... FA I R L: A N E , "'" "FH l Uce11H 011 •P•· b ........ . .............. ...,.,.. .......... 1'5 .. -Rt. .. ,. ............... ~ ..... ,. ......... c.rteey .................... ....,. ...... llYtlll ~ ...... .... .................................. 2 .................... . llAND NIW ltH s2oaa $99 Down 964.45 36 me. f A LC 0 N. Pt•• TH & UceflH Oii •PP• ..... c.-e41t. MAND NIW ltH $99 Dowft $1G..6S 31 -. "TORI NO G. T. Pl•• TH I Uce11M " •PP• lilMlc Cff41t, • v ......... ~ ~ ....................... wM9 Wal,.,.._ N .. lu:NCl .... I .... ...._ •· 0 e.T • ........ , .. ,., ..... ,.,_ ... llMier & ........._, IMdl.., ......... cie.n., ....... All ....,. .,... ..... ~ ....... Miii ... yt.n, WI 1·1•...i WMllW _,:I ..... ~. llAND NIW 1t6t t $2298 $99 Down 70.95 36 me. RANCHERO ~ f11111 Ta• & UcellH •II •PP· ba11\ cr~ft. ~ ......... c.,..... ............ Mdl411 ...... --.y .... -.................. __,,._ ....,.,., ......... CNiree ....,.. "*""· ..,.... • a u w • c.,., y111y1 .,.... cellr ...,.. n.r 111at ..... llAND NIW $2089 $9' Down $6~.45 36 mo. F • 1 0 0 . Pt111 TH I LR• .. •• Olli •PP. lta11lc cre41t. 11.v· .,;~ ·~ w c.1.0 • ......., a ._... ...., .,__ 1r-.. --. e.v.w ...... .,.,..,..._ ~ ..... .. .. ,.. .. ,..... •••• ·-....... .,..... & ,,. •• ,.. .............. ,.,. .............. ,~ ...,.. ..,. .,._ ....., 1'9111 .., ....._..,, .......... a-...... ......., ....,. cm ._ ,..... .... • ...................................... , ,,.,,,. ........ , .......... SALIS DIPf. t 0 .111. to 10 P·"'· 7 Deys SllYICI OPIN Tttes. tllr1 Fri., I •·•· to 5 P·"'· Mo:i., I 0 .111. to 9 p.M. .. .. • ~ Where To Write Networb Mr. Thomu Sarnoff Vice President NBC 3000 W. Alamede Burbank, C.llfoml• TH 5·7000 Mr. John McM•hon Vice PrHldent ABC 4151 Prospect Hollywood, C•llf. 90027 NO 3·3311 Mr. Perry Lafferty Vice Prnlden1 CBS 7800 Beverly Boulevud LOI Ancel••· Calif. 90036 OL 1·2345 Local Statlon5 Channel Z (CBS) Mr. Ray L. Belndorf Vice President & General M•nacer 6121 Sunset Boulevard Hollywood. Callf. 90021 HO !H 212 Chennel 4 (NIC) Mr. Robert Howard Vice Prnldent & General Mana1er KNBC 3000 W. Alameda Boulevard B\lrb•nk. C•lifornia VI 9-3911 Channel 5 (Independent) Mr. Dou.s1as Finley General Manac•r KTLA 5800 Sunset Boulev8rd Hollywood, C.llf. 90028 HO 9-3181 Channel 7 (AK) Mr. John McMahon Vice Prnldent & General Manacer KABCTV 4151 Prospect Hollywood, Calif. 90027 NO 3·3311 Channel t (Independent) Mr. Wally Sherwin G•n•r•I Manacer KHJ·TV 5515 Melrose Hollywood, Callf. 90028 462·2133 Charft'tel 11 (l~ependent) Mr. Ch•r1H D. Youna Vice President 6 ~al Manacer KTTV 5746 Sunset Boulevard Hollywood, C•llf. 90028 HO ~-7111 Chann.I l3 On• .. 1n4et1U Mr. John Hopkins President 6 General Menac•r KCOP 915 N. LaBrea Hollywood, Calif. 90031 OL 6-6050 ChanMI 2'2 (lndependenC) Mr. Fredrick 0 . Custer General Menac•r KWHY·TV 5565 Sunset Boulewrd Hollywood, C.llf. 90028 HO 6-7757 Channel 28 (N~I) Dr. J•mn Loper Gener•I M•nacer KCET 1313 N. Vine Hollywood, Calif. 90028 HO &-4212 ~,.~ ...... ..-> M'r.JOMOhfblntc a.nel'lll M•n•r KMEX 721 N. Bronson Hollywood, Calif. 90021 HO M131 I TV !PORT! H/()H//()/IT! SUNDAY, MAY 4 .11:00 AM II Cit Ci) NHL Hockey (C) Stanley Cup Playoffs. The East· ern and Western division champions of the National Hockey league compete in the best·of·seven playoff series. 1:00 fJ@ @ Sports Special (C) Finals of the $100,000 New Or· leans Open Golf Tournament, televised live from New Orleans' Lakewood Country Club. Delending champion George Archer joins. other participants on the flat, well-trapped cou~e with · an abundance of water holes. THURSDAY, MAY 8 8:30 II Boxing (C) Tom Harmon and Mickey Davies are ringside.; Card to be announced. SATURDAY, MAY 10 11:00 AM B ~@ Major Le•gue Baseball (C) Curt Gowdy and Tony Kubek call the action between the Cincinnati Reds and the Montreal Expos. 3:00 m College Football (C) USC's annual intrasquad "Spring game." Tom Kelly is mikeside. · 5:00 II Championship Bowline (C) Dave Davis and Bill Tucker meet Nelson Burton Jr. and Dick Weber. fJ @ (j) ABC's Wide Wortd of Sports (C) 5:30 O Celebrity Biiiiards (C) Nanette Fabray challenges Minnesota Fats. APPROXIMATELY ONE WEEK DELIVERY IHCL.UDEe J •TOHIEe. sz.ID. IEA. ADDITIONAL STONIE. SOL. lD GOLD - 9 lX L.OVaLY STVL.IES. MOTHER'S· & Family Rings ~ of Costa Mesa 124 E. 17TH ST. AT NEWPORT BLVD. 646-0223 WE PAY MORE CASH N>r any near new or used furn1tur<'. op~1once~. col<>r€d TV'\, <.terco\, piand\, urqon\, \tOvt'\. r e· frigeroton bedroom \ \Ch. dininq roo,,., \eh. of. f ;: r furnitm~ 1 p•<:Ce or tlou\eful Dov n1qht or 'undry 636-3620 MORE BOYS & GIRLS NEEDED FOR NEW .TV COMMERCIALS Tiii. is the lateat w~rcl froM +tie •ior e9uts ucl prodwcen I" Hollywood. T elniaion coMm•rcielt are bi9 bw~:nen. It is • bu1ine11 thet employs • larqe number of chilclru encl pays them ler9e HI· eriH . lwt where clicl th•s• ·kids come frora, encl how clid tftey 9et there 7 Well, wowlcl you bellewe they're fowncl In such f•r out plans •• Fullerton, Sent• An•, or the outer reqion1 of lon9 leech or Pomon• 7 Som• of thHe youn9· 1ters may f!we ri9ht n•irt cloorl 8ut who fincl1 thHe telentecl boy1 encl 9irl1 to fill th• prodwctlon neecl17 The stuclio1 •ncl •9•nh don't hewe ·time, 10 'u • rHwlt, there is • lar9e clemencf, encl to fill this clemencl, • Public Rel•· tions Compeny called TAKE I PRODUCTIONS, INC. hu turned ih ener9ie1 encl rHourcH to fill. in9 this " .. cl. TAKE I ODUC- TIONS m•h• professional contach in Hollywood for newcomer•. SINDY ENNEN local school girl's eernings reach $10,000 in TV ccm· mercials .a ff!W monttis after b e i n g signed by Tan I ft'oductions. If YOU ARt IETWEEN THE AGES OF J AND 19, AND WOULD LIKE A CHANCE TO DO COMMER· CIAU AND T.V. 547-6251 .... Tab 1 Productions, Inc. ORANGE C-0. OfflCE SATURDAY MAY 3 [VFNING &.-oo II TN lie ...., CC> (60) n a oo m ""'"".'""~ <C> (30) a ....... ,.'* (C) (30) Jimmy Dean rutsts. fJ ._ Ci1J (C) (60) Sam Riddle hotts. 0) The hwldtrs (C) (60) l :JO a ... Ctnhrttta (C) (30) • II MitodJ ltattcll (C) (60) Tex Rlt· ter 111estJ. D "°"' 8ritr <C> (30) m I lowt l.ucy (30) m rt1Jfn1 tM 8ultar (30) (R) m .... c. .. tM Stars (C) E!) SI• f1rr1r (C) 7:00 R QI Ci) CIS s._., Nn1 (C) (JO) Roeer Mudd. 0 MIC SmtJ (C) (30) "Clear· ln1 Slums." Dr. Joseph H1rin1. Oc· ddental Collece economist. and Gov· emor Ronald Rea1on ruest Bob Wrlfht hosb. D n. Anniwtrury '••• (C) (30) Al H 1mel hosts. fJ Deatlt Vane, Dap (C) (30) "Jimmy Dayton's Bonanza." Paul Br1ne1ar stars as 1 desert rat who fibs about his social and financial status whllt woolna 1 jaded saloon 1111, played by Marilyn O'Connor. m s,.tll&td (C) (60) Shelley Ber- man hosts. Shani Wallis and Eneel· bert Humperdinck 1uest (R) 0) Wonders of tM World (C) (30) "Festival In 8el1ium." Hal, H1ll1 and David linker visit the North Sea Coast of Belclum to attend the roalckln1 festival of the shrimp fishermen In their colorful cost11mu. and to attend a nl(htclub show with beautiful show clrls. Eli) llldl Journtl (C) (60) The monthly m11azlne reports on the bl1dl man's economic irowth and cullur11 achievement In the deep Souttl. (R) ., Elll'9..tro 1:30 a a C1J bdJt 11.... <C> <60> 'nit lure f1' $200 cash prompts the emercence of the Kr1mdens and the Nortons Into lhowbuliness. when a local ttiutre 1nnounces the prize for l"-bat performer 1t Its 1n- nu1I 1mateur·nitht event (R) n a oo m M1•·12 <C> <30> "Reed, the Olcb Hive llltlr Job and Wt Have Ours." Milloy and Rttd lnvestlg1tt a murder 1nd 1 femlly dispute and become lnvolvtd In • hlah·IPffd ch••· (R) e AntiqUe Autos compete * in LONG DISTANCE race! OVERNIGHT STOPS and COMPLICATIONS! Funny! B Mewle: (C) -.111tiew" (com· titJ) '54-0IMh Shlrld1n, John Qreclon. "" Kendlll, Ktnnlttl Men. M '1f~~"!' :C "• ...... OMMllH $Mn: "A~ II ..,,..,. (comedy) '63-Nonn1n WJs. dom. Edward Chapman. 0) W«ld ef W... (C) (30) "Stofybook Gemlany.'' This week beautlful Chriltl1nM Sdlmlttner takes 10'! on a tour f1' stofyl)ook Geml1ny. From romantic Yllllf ind hilltops dotted with fairytale CH· Ues, the Bltck Forest and ruttk Bavarian villa1es. to the ltrtnc11ry 14th-century robber·baron ca.Un of the Rhine River, Christi1nnt leads viewers throufh the enchantin1 world of the Brothers Grimm. &!) Lei Cllldlllos • a.-oo o a oo m 5et s..rt <C> (3o> ''aosely Watched Planes." Mu serves u "bait" by posi'n1 u a CONTROL courier after five couriers dislppear mysteriously while In midflll'hl (R) o cm oo m 1'111 .... :ywec1 ;. .. (e) {30) Bob Eubanks hosts. m Movie: "Cly tM 8e'9vtd Ct•• try" (drama) '52 -Sidney Poitier, Can1d1 lee, Charles Carson. 0) AIMran West (C) (30) "Win· ter in Wuhinflon." fil) Na festival (60) "The World of Jose Limon." A profile of the noted Amerleln modem dancer and choreofrapher. (R) m NodM • Eslr'ttlO 1:3011 ~ CiJ MJ nw .. Sona <C> (30) Controversy erupts in the Ooufl11 household-over the selection f1' 1 doctor for Katie durin1 her prtf· nancy. When she selects Or. 05- bome (Leon Ames), a non·conform· in& man of medicine who delivered her, the family is appalled-until the doctor pays a vistt to the home. (R) a QJ 00 m The , ..... and .. ,.. Muir (C) (30) "Way Off.Broadway.'' Captain Gre11 throws a tantrum when Carolyn accepts the le1din1 role in a local the1tre 1roup pro· ductlon. CR) 0 @ 00 E!) The laW1tnc:e Wlfk Show (C) (60) The Champa1ne Mu· sic Makers salute Nalion1I Music Week. 0) luck Owens (C) (30) t:OO 1J la (j) Hopn's Heroes <q (30) Ho11n and his heroes underbid the Genn1n1 for a contract to paint the Interior of the Luftwaffe head· quarters. In order to· bu1 the offl. cu and thereby supply vital lnfor· mation to the Allied Forces. Ho11n ind his men help Colonel Klink economize by wlunteerin1 to ptlnt the offices. ( R) a a oo m Nee S1t.n11J ..... Ir. (C) ''Clllbit" (suspense-comedy) '66 -Shirley Macl.aine, Mldlul Clint, John Abbott, Htfbert l.om. A ptlr of art thieves convince 1 Eur11i1n be1uty to btfuile wealthy Ahmad Sh1hb1ndar while they pllfer his prize possession. (R) m 1111 ........... <C> (3G> m Critique (C) (60) Contemporary poet Jlmes Wriaht reads from his l1ttst volume f1' poems, "Shill Wt Glther at the Rlvtr," fOf' pro1r1m host Stlnlty Kluffm1n 1nd 1 panel of crlttct. fht Plntl Includes Rich· trd Gllmtn, lltwary editor of Ult New Republic; poet John Holltndtr; ind Arthur Greaor. 1tnlor editor of poetty 1t MtcMlllan. BOCK BUDSOK Gyd Charisse and a shipfull of human outcasts held together by their hate, their pasts, and their passions. First Time on Los Angeles In Color. Tonight at 11:15 PM • CBSS2 lt 11 1J 11 n 1J 12 12 1 1 1 1 t-.30 II ta Cl)"*-' ,..._ tc> (30) Grnny COf'* lD tho ~ Rat IS a babJ ~ and, ..... mbplaced htr ~ ....,, SUNDAY d11 world. Toclly, a 1>0est and •1 II ON CAMPUS-"OPEN law enforcement official discuss tM * THOSE DOORS"--Cllr• CIUleS .nd effects of the pnera. M • Col tlon pp with two c:olleae students.. mont ens le&9 D @(})EB a.a .... (C) program on Educational lhoded when Ille ... Doc t»- Clldl she thlnb lt'a Bett1 Jo•a baby. (R) MAY' aJ Faibi fw T..., (C) Opportunity. D (l7) (f) 6) Ho11,_..4 Palea <C> CIO>Blna Ctotby pe.,, tlOlt to Phil Harris, Allct F.,. and Ella Atzaerald. Allo on tM bill .,. The Mtdinl Bl'Ottlm. Tbt Nitwits, Dom Oel.ula 1nd Hlftdra & Ulltl (R) I '."OR \'".(, 11:00 II a Ci) NHL Hecl.f (C) Stanley I 0. c.,.a (C) Cup PlayOlfs Mlwit: -r ...... tasr•_.. (ad· Ona Is ti.e Lift (C) • ventuJt? '58-RCIMft VIUIM. All stations reserve the ri~t to change program- ming without advance no- tice. o " .... .,.., .. ea• <C> m ...._, <C> IJ@(j)G)hlwll*le (C) m~ rr.Meas (C) m llMia: "T1't C., DMl'CIW' (mu· l:OO fJ F-. tlle NatiM (C) Cllifomia SlCll) '34 -Fred Asiaire, Glnaer Governor RoMld Rea11n cuests. • 5:15. Tiii a.· ... , ... a ..... tc> <lO> lMlJ BmrtU. m 11le ..... ,....., tc> <30) Roam. . 0 llewit: (C) ...... MNt.N" i':I a.re. Ill a. "'-(C) (romance) '62-Troy Oonlftu., An- lctOO fJ ~ Cl) ..... (C) . (60) Tiit aon "J' 1n m.tio. l)'coon walra • one momina to find hia bud bloodied Ind blndapd. hia llrt- friend mls1in1 ind his mind a blul Ht hlra Mannix lD unnvel U. mystery. (R) 5:31 m 1111 ...,. ....::: ....... "55 • .... Us Tllis ..., (C) UIO 11 T .. _. Jtny ('C) IS = laiptist a.rdl 1ie Oickinsol\. (C) • ::'-." $ ....... ~(:~ ms..,..__ <C> 11:30 8 ,,.. lalwa (C) -<rrama) 'SS-Dirt Botardt. Yirtfnla @Ci) tiD ~ (C) "Pl· McKenna, rates andSunken Treasure.'' A studY I Owter U.it.t 1:JD a A41 .... <C> u...,_,....._~<C> 7:iU m 1'e Qrimp•n (C) of those Infamous men ot '°'11· (R) faces _, Ptaees (C) 0 Mewie: "T1't landlb ef ....,..." 00 fublrt (C) "A House To 8111t Dtl..-n <60> tJ Twlipt Z.. (30) ...... (C) (30) a:oo 9 Ci) laMp u ... .., , ... (C) (achtnture) '53 -Richard Greene, lJYe tn.'' Paula Raymond. m llc«tewf 1IMI the eoio... m 11ii Cllflstts•n (C) c.n..tr.I If T.-ww (C) Astren.t c.m-s (t) W..-...(C) U..Rtwinl,._(C) m Acciattt ... Actioe <t> m Scope <C> m ElMlt T11111t <C> <30> mm ~ <C> (90) "Y1le Pnldlaal." (R) ..... Mab 10:30 D ntE Cit (C) (30) tJ WWt litJ Ulo? (C) (30) Wiiiy Bruner hosb. m..,... • ....,, ,,.... tc> {60) m'"" w• ce> <30> m Helf)sotd and ...... 11:00 IJ D m ..._ (C) aw.w ,......., <C> a ..... {g "f• "'1..-(mo lcal) '50-D&ts Day, Gonion Mac- Rat. Q)......, Fred Jtnlalt (C) AFTFRNOOf'. @CM ls t11e ~ (C) ll!GOl lud ltidrt (C) •:JOI ..... u, ... u.. (C) ........... (C) F.-. (C) "Unseen Anatomy." llewit: .,,_, .t ~ Wtls'" Mets W-1111 1 ea.. (C) (we:stem) 'Sf>-.Jim Davis. Anna Ma. llewie: (C) "TIM MM .._,. rie Alberahetti. (western) '?O -Randolph Scott, m =-~~'Mil~ 100." I~~ (C) ~@ Funn Fil•: "Date at Mid· __ ,. nt&tit" ~ ~ , Wdl (C) I c-. • s. Casa ~~~I Prefila et ,,_ams (C) 1111 Aa.., (C) Ar9ltd fOJUS H~ (C) 9;00 c..e.a Tint tt> 12.:lO I a.anictws io ... Arts (C) • 11J F...nte S... (C) fllewir. ...., SM, MJ S.,. (dra· Dty of Dlscewtry (C) ma) '4G--Brian Aherne, Madeleine Qatteqes Carroll. Louis Hayward. ~ 119sic (C) aJ TV Wonlaip of tile West (C) ~A.. A.. A11ea (C) (fi') Cl) Ftanre (C) "The Name of KatllrJll Wtfau (C) the Gime Is Baseball." 11:1511 fllMlloa 52 Mowle: (C) °'1'116-T• encl Jeny (C) m Q.at fOf Advttlt.n (C) llatit ter tllt 5odl" (dtlma) '58-fllpldDs MllSUla Roc:k HUdlOfl, Cyd Chara Leif : Nn Tesbl•ent Incl ... l:OOI fi ........ ,, ... (C) Ericklon. . A-'-•ltural ·--(C) ()) m Diftdioltt (C) ..,.. --• • (i) $ports Spodal (C) New Cl ml,.._ (C) 9:30 fJ CotMrutlotts Wb·• PIJdl• Orleans Open Golf. The $100.000 D tdtrdq Nl&M Mowle: "All Fii . trlst (C) The scope of analysis and tournament is played at New Or· Den" (drama) '62 -Eva Marie the need to update psychiatric ter· leans' Lakewood Country Club. Saint Warren Beatty, Kal1 Malden. minology is discussed. I C..blt 11:30 8 MeM: .. ....._ ......,. D ECONOMICS FOR All Rmval f"tres (C) (comedy) '46 -Bob Hope. Joltl * AGES-This week's Cl) WmUll1 (C) Clulfitld. topic: "Home Economics'' 1:30 II Public Service flt• "If You Love m IMlflM (C) Your Child... I. film on heart Ind m 1111 ~ (C) I::;:-~ Al~!:!.<~ luna diseases related to smoking. 11:45 D m '"l&M ...., CC> CcomedJ) '45 -Dennis O'Keete, D YOUTH and the POLICE Q) iiMtt: '1lilt1 Slr..t tt ......_ Marie MacDonald, Barry Sullivan. * MARIJUANA-PUT ON nf' (mutical) '53-Tanullb 8ank· I~ rn C' It' ......... ) (C) . heed, Helen Hayes. or.. ,.. TRIAL BEFORE ADUl T m n Saftllt -....... (C) AND TEENAGE JURY. lla110 1 Mano bndlefe § y 12:30 6 M"'9: '11r. AIWltl" (dram1) Dis Is tlle Ufe (C) tutti Incl Ille Police (C) '56--orlon Welles. Patrida Medln1. lO:GO II Relieloa Today (C) With hostess CiZJ Cil tiD Ima nd AnAltr1 12:45 Q) a ... Sltllnlly: ''Wbltperiq Ruth Ashton Taylor. i Voice of CalvarJ (C) Smith vs. Scotland Y1rd." II~ USA (C) ~ Ton Half M"tina (C) 1:00 tJ MeM: ~ tf a. CR • d m ~:)It Urse,. S. Nftf Fil• (C) Sii" (ldvtnture) 5t-Cllff Robert· (mystery) ·54 _ Cameron Mitchell, 2:00 tJ hbllc Servlel Alla (C) ''An Act '°"· Gle Scala. L J Cobb ol Friendship." A Peace Corps film. m All·Nla" Slltw: "Conquered ee ' . 0 m Conamsional Report (C) Clhty " "SamlOfl and tht V1mplrt aJ Oral Roberti (C) 1· 1· W~en." ind "The Tectm1n MP-~ 00 Fa~' for TodaJ (C) lw I 'h':.. M~~irenc:e (C) ...... .. i 00 Wrest.Ina <C> -·1• fatlutt Co1'129n Roller Derby (C) 1:15 D (fl) Cl)..._ (C) • wi.p te AdlMtwe (C) blrl~ ,S:,": ::::.= "The Ber· 1 ·30 II Mowlr. .. ,.,...,.. LMJ" cro-10-.301,._ to ~ (C) i m Fut. • mance) •47--RtJ MU11nd T.,. U @ @DS1.,1lll1 CC>·~-b-c.n •.._...._ Wript • •ration Gip." First ot Owt dbcus· Ladies D (C) · aJon proarem lllustratina tht CatllO· ., 1:45 D Adventwll If tlle s.e,r., CC> lie Church's concern for the modem· 2:JD tJ Co11u11ltrnent (C) 3:39 ti '"'idtr /Outsider (C) fJ Movie: ~ SN Sllt111,.. (ad· vent\lre) 'SG-Shelley Winters. M1e- donald Carey . Q)HainCn. WlllTmtl tO @ r..blrt (C) "Madras Kan· chi." fl!) RU R.._: "Air Traffic Con- trol: An R&O Challenre." Al thrt Palmdale Air Route Traffic Conttol Center, Or. Albert Hibbs uaml11tt the psychiatric hazards placuil'lf air traffic controllers. Guest Allan E. Andrews of lhe Federal Avi1llon Ad· ministration describes the enormous responsibility and the frantic pace of operations. m "' ••t ratrel 1,.nco 4:001 ~':n"":::! ~~E (C) t (]) l.anl•lt (i) The World Wt Live In (C) (1) F11et tM Nation (C) I 9ifttan1 Sobrt lot Hijot Ensi&n O'T oolt Amtfican PMlllllS (C) 4:30 II Newwa .. 11 (C) Maury Groen interviews Secretary of Health. Edu· cation and Welfare RObert Finch. I Ci) f Dru• of g11le (C) Miste...-fS' Ntlpbtf1Mled Ci),._ rlfade (C) Mum, hlabrn T'8 D .. etas Scope (C) 4:55 II Wonderlul WOf1d of s,v.t (C) 5:00 I News (C) Clete Robtm. · Spell Up (C) Biii Leyden. Four WlHt • Mwttttwt (C) Movie: (C) "Snow ,_.,.. alld Ult Tllrff Stooaes" (comedy) '61- Wlth Carol White. I News (C) Lury Burrell. Merv 5rlffln (C) Tiit Add••• .... u, . rn s.v... Am flltatrt: ''8• neath the 12·Mlle R"'·" I 5osptl of Cttrist (6) Meet the rrea (C) Wltat's New? Toros Run for Your Utt (C) 5:!01 9 Cl) Amateur How (C) · Q°) 00 m I .E. F•tnr ..._ (l ) "The liiTlad of Smokey Tht 8ear." An 1nim1ted tr1Utl«I allOut the symbol or the us Forest Sofv. ic-;'; fire prevention campallfl. James Caaney Is off·camere n1r· Pa1e 5 • FLIGHT .. "Kitty Hawk To Paris: The Heroic Years," a 3M Special, which traces the history of avi- a.tion and the men who made .it, from the Wright Brothers to Charles Lindbergh's epic flight across the Atlantic in 1927, airs in color, Thursday at 9 PM on ABC. The Special, produced by award-winning John Secondari and directed by Helen Jean Rogers, begins with the historic first flight by Wilbur and Orville Wright in December, 1903 when their 12 horsepower engine carried them 852 feet in 59 seconds. It also covers· the following years when avi- ation was considered entertain- ment and only the most far vi- sioned of these flight pioneers even considered flying as a means of transportation. The 24-year span between the first flight and Lindbergh's 3,600 mile solo flight from Roosevelt Field, Long Island from where he took off into an overcast sky and landed some 33 hours and 39 minutes later at Le Bourget Field outside Paris, is examined through the eyes of the men who contrib- uted to this new age. Produur John Secondari, director Helen Jean Rogeri and Waldo WaJerman, 74, the senior commercially licensed pilot ln the pilot'1 1eot of hJs pusher type aircraft which he dengned and built . rator. Original music is by Johnny Marks. (R) ! Ma hrldt (C) SlliPPJ (C) "Double Trouble.." ud Ranier Matt Hammond finds himself the victim of "double" deal· ln1 when the evil Alexander start! (Frank Thrin&) hires an actor to Impersonate-ttle ranger and com- mit misdemeanors In his name. I Tiie Nttf Souacl (C) lntefnatlen1I Pt.,._.. Spedru•: ''Explorln1 the Uni· verse-in Radio and Ll&hl" "Sclen· tlsts demonstrate modem techniques of radio and optical astronomy while seekinf to pinpoint the source of a s.tran1e eneru emission from $p8CI. EVENINC. t:CIO I s (j) 11M 2ht e.tllrJ (C) • Cid (C (30) Si• CiUes of th .JJf•til Bill Burrud presents a close look at Singapore, Macao. las Vegas, Tifuana. Hon1 Koni. Hamburg and Istanbul. (R) fE Willia11 Ttll Em fHture (C) (30) "Lake Wilder· ness." An eiccursion through the remote animal kingdom at Lake Sl , Lucia in South Africa. ti!) Man Fro• UNCLE (C) 1:30 B Ralph Story <C> (30) D fU @ m Wild Kift&dnt (C) (30) "Year of the Otter." Cameras follow two otters through the first year of their lives on a small Wis- consin lake. (R) D Jo"n C1ry (C) (90) Steve Allen. Victor Buono. Chita Rivera. Guy Marks and Jane Kean guest. fJ I Spr (C) (60) 11 Lowe Lny (30) ......... 22 Tiit Fttndl Qef (30) Julia C Id prepares "quenelles." fj9) Cl) Slippy (C) 7:00 B a (i) lassie (C) (30) On a remote Alaskan Isl.and. Lassie an· swers the helpless cry of a baby eagle and fights a battle for sur· vival with a pdatory lynx. (R) D QI @ ~ Ha Finn (C) (30) "The Gorgon's Head." The youna· sters face an evil guru and his dra1on. @) 0 Ci7J Cl) ti!) Land of die Giants (C) (60) "Framed." Steve and Val· erie use a 1iant camera to photo· ("--cnph the framing of sleepin1 hobo in the slaying of a model. Paul Carr1Sfii• the phqtouapher. (R) m (l Ftllily Nicllt Witll Hefaa (C) (60) A showbiz kln1 durina the aolden age of dance bands, Horace Heldt returns to the entertainment world to host a mu· slcal special with three of the country's top trumpeters, 11 Broad· way slnaer-dancer, the famed "Heidt Lites" precision "nginf and dancina entemble and several surprises. Al Hirt, Pete Condoll and the late Red Nichols are filmed, along with Gret· cben Wyler In a "Minstrel Time" routine. Included are Mary Ford and her family combo, the comedy duo of Lee Tulty and Barbara Hines. the juallnr team of the Carletona, Dennis Day, John Gary and drum· mer Horace Heidt Jr. with his rock 'n' roll group. Anne Jeffreys and Cesar Romero are seen u Judaes. m hslport to Trlftl (C) (30) llfwo faces of Japan." Hal Sawyer provides • look at bottl the modem m"' Sti Sllow (C) (30) "" tfltmsefVts a flum1n quarrlu. and the traditional on the •ell· g n. WOftd '°'"""' ~ traveled Japanese Islands. 9:00. ~(I)-~ ·--.. (C) 9 (6) m r:Dmm H. ~ m Sptculatitn (60) "The Wines of --· .. ._ r-.ii• ~ -.. California." A panel of noted con· (60) o guest list av1llabl1 at press c..,_, (C) (60) PYoirtm of mu· noisseurs loin Keith Berwl~ for an !!:en '6' '8 •---(C) (60) sic and variety stamna And)' Wit· evaluation of six Callfomla wines ..., ...,, \.!'!!J -111ms with cuests Amha Franklin, recently selected for intemaliol\al "Salute to esterday." The Clrt· Ropr Miller and Sef11o Mend• competition. They explain the deli· wrlchts and Candy, travellll( with and Brasil '66, cate art of wine tasting, and dis-an Army payroll unit, art forced Im N ... (C) (30) cuss the romantic history of wines. to fi1ht for their lives when the $lilrtoct Mel•• (90) Guests Include John w. luhrtna. aroup is surrounded by outlaws. llblr Report (C) (30) president of Community Television Pat Conway, Sandra Smith and John Mtalel '"'• of Southern C..lifomia; Maynard Kell~ ]!al. (R) c..ltro &u Pita n Ml• Amerine. PhD; John Ragan, M.D.; fJ (ll) CJ) m UC s-1., Mevle: 10•30 I SlcceaJ .-.. (~ (30) and enolo11 expert JohD Dillon. ~It W..-(drama) '54 -• ....,, f!) Aleps Eliza~ ~1ytor, Dana lo Andre, ~·r::. (~ (30) 7:30 B Qt Ci) Ctntlt ltn (C) (30) A :;:r and~~u~m!T In ~~:. 11:00111 D m ..... (C) wily dolPJrin that has escaped from .,.,,.., Ciilliiiia1 tlf 1i -a local seaquarium adopts the Wed-John Wiley brtnp his btlutlful teonw(C , .. , toe family · as its own and leads Enlflsh bride, Ruth, to ~ )lup Wiid AMntln (9 Ben on en ocean.going adventure. tea plantation his father Clrved out Cl) @ (j) af (I} -(C) first rt f two rt t (R) of the juncte in Ceylon where her 11:15 ~lltwil: (C) "Mlltu" .(co= 1 r....e_a 0 1 ·Pl 5 ory. husband's drinkln", an outbreak of ' Jane Po-'I, Debbie R II ~ @ m Walt Dian., (C) (60) • -· irfhe Wahoo Bobcat." Story of an cholera and stampadln1 elephants Edmund Purdom. aglna bobcat's struggle to reclaim create the drama and adventure. 11:30 B Mowie: "Git die ....,,. .... his old domain in a Florida swamp 1-(C) (30) (Tr•ma. ) 'S4-Mar1on Br1ndo, Eva after a three-year absence. (R) Pttlr CUDD • Marie Saint 2 MUllon $ Mevie: (C) "Prince Oominps Htnlez· I &AMII• I llrlNJ (C) wa~i:;: ~!:":~~~•net ~~~;: 9:301 ... ";:...;~£ ~c~)rren. . ;"9,~< .. C>=-' <C> m Th• CIW!tll(lni sea <C> c3o> _, _ l.!!.J ·-· "Tower of Yap." Bill Burrud visits : David Salkind (C) (2 hr) Part 11:45 m Movie: "'RMd House" (draml) a tiny island In the Western Pacific I is "The Colle1e Crisis." Six ad· '~da Lupino, Comtl Wiide. called Yap, where two peoples of minlstrato~ discuss the feverish ~II Ww1c1 T_.... (C) the sea are studied-the Yappanese rush of high school seniors enter· 12:301 Public Sentct (C) and the U.S. Coast Guard, Wflo to· ln1 colleae. The subject of Pert II NIMd ~ gether built a giant loran. The loran Is "How To Kiele the Cltarettl 1:00 a Mowtt• "'Didi Ott .. 101• station is thousand·foot tower ~nd Habll" {drtma) 'S5 _ Lff Marvin T•nr transmitter used as a navigation . Moo ' aid for ships that has brought the lO:OO R QI (j) M~: l•poaRaft (~ D ::..,. (C) ZOth century to the island. (60) Not knowtnl when, Where or fB Iii Plchre how a danaerous adversary Will 1:15 0) ~nt1111 SundaJ: "Try and Get m lei c.dlllos strike, Jim Phelps and Cinnamon Me." l.'00 11 a (j) Ed_ Sullivan (C) (60) No auest list available at press time . U ROLl ER GAMES-LIVE! * (C) T-BIRDS vs. TEXAS 0 Roller C111e1 (C) (2 hr) T-Blrds va. Texas Outlaws. Dick Lane re· ports. U FORD PRESENTS ·AN * FBI CLASSIC 0 (i1) [f) ti!) TM FBI (C) (60) ''Relion Of Peril." Inspector Erskine leads a search for frank Padaett, who has taken hostare Katherint Daly into the desert to gui.de him to a hidden airplane. Anne Baxter, Steve Ihnat. Arttiur Franz pest. (R) m Movie: "Cry, tllt ltlowd Co•n- try'' (drama) '52 ·-Canada lee, Sidney Poitier. m W1nderlnt (C) (30) "Enchant· ed lsl&--Cozumel Caribe." Bill Bur· rud travels to Mexico's Yucatan Penlnaul1, some 800 miles from the rtitter and alamour of Mexico~ City. where he retraces the steps of Her· nando Cortez on the beach of San Juan and relives the lqend of the ship, "El Matanceros." EB Tiit FlllMr F111Uy Em Nl (C) (90) "Defense and Do· mestic Needs." Study of the mill· tary·industrtal complex, With special attention to the forces that influ· ence defense decision makers. (R) • GI Clrrta1I Maiaae 1:30 D 9@m111e ....,.._1n-1..aw (C) (JO) ''Guess Who's Comtn1 Forever?" When Jerry and Suzie de· cide to move from the 11rage apartment. Eve and Kaye start In· terviewina proapectlve tenants. Scoey Mltchlll and Skip Battyn auest. (R) Train for an exciting, rewarding career as a • MEDICAL ASSISTANT e DENTAL ASSISTANT New, Exclusive Cl~sroom, Home Study Courses! Career Academy graduates enjoy good-paying, rewarding positions (full and part-time) in these prestige fields. You can train to become a Medical Assistant or Dental Assistant. Unique, nationally-recognized courses are supervised by physicians and dentists in a beautiful. modern laboratory school ... located right here in L.A. N.tlonwkM ftteciement AllitUnc» At No Extn Cott Tuition A•ltt•nc• Av1llM>le. AcorediWd Mernber- Natlonal A..odatlon Of T,... and Tachnlaal Schoota. .. 8nd tht Natlo,.I Home Study Council Return Coupon .•. or CALL 464-9291 , ...,CAREER ACADEMY I I;_ .. ) 7080 Hollywood Blvd. Dept. H3 l-'y Lo• Angelff, Cell1ornla 90028 P ... M Mnd my rree boOk :•spotUaht On Yotl'. -' -._a:;;:;:::;;:;.;:;;:;~ ' • n 1· 111 1= 15 I fij ~-i~ ;mm 1 ~m i . 11 111 r~ .. 1•·-111•••1•••••• ii Ji ll!•:Jf'f Jj r J~1'fr:I 1(111 I. 1'1!~!111 ~1 ' ~'1:,;a~rriJ'I ·1111 : ·H ,. B I B.· ' I ~ f ; -,- U9lJJ ifi.,.,i•••111r11111111~, .. ~ (•111 1 1=1~;.rr• e=1~1~11r1r.1·1~·~1 '' f I • r •11 ,,,r,,1 •111 ··r11 1,i! f, !{ f;Jf IJ~ (Ii ,,.!iif ff!rili!I , Rf ~1l1 1 r 1 1,,• I J Ir 1 11 . j s i ~· ~~~~ i ~ •11111 -.-·'c r -i' be n • ,,,, .... 1•1 ..... r-1•ae•r•r•1fH11C11Nm1111111 i•1•••f9 f"l''11111111;11111• IJ~li11: r,1~1=1 1:1= ~ 1,1 1 r11 ,i~1:;1~,~1~rf J 1~rr ':J' •= : r fl•~i'',rf 11: I r fP •( J5('' I' f i 'J' tif ••ta 1w•f · J1 , · 'I 111 r1 l·~i f11 11P'1!r: rdJi r'1 ~h' f 11J1r1!ir'1' U11 : ! 1 , (• '111 (Ii ! ~ilf P r r '1' ,a r i lit a! IJI I r ,,,1••r' rJ J JI I ' ! ,f '1' ,11 I ill'll , B I A' I Jtl ' '=I f . I i1 ! I i ' I • II ' i ----~---.____.--_ ~ . . ---. ... '~ 11 t If f ~ I i I I I i ; ' '! J llall 1 llliUe 11111 II~ Ill 111111 I 9mllflllll 1 JI l"I 'If JI ll'i'" i . 1~ul@ JIEX!li'f i'211res urrr ~''"'~r•Ji fEr!l211rt;lf~i r rnf 1e1 I 1 '! ~UIJI ~ i ilf JJ 'I •I' 'f :p Fl ~i 1G.:1 i ilp ii ~ iii ~ J~ .,~~ 1111; 'tilll~ f1'ilJ ~ ~ rfi !;a i!irJllf il r1f~il~a11 i rii .JIJ.(11.r j I :i!! U!H f~J: ; ila i ! '! !J i ila I ! J i I 11 ~ r! f' ! i :! ;JO ,,..., GI ~ r- :x:> :JlltJ 0 ~ -< :c: :j ~7 C1 ~ ~m -~ I\ . c '.J ~ /\) :o ~ ..... ) /\1 )> ~ l/) M ! ~ ~ ~ I !-" -! 1969 (C) ••t • •ds .. . w. • • II .. .. MONDA Y MAY 5 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 (C) "ly UM LIPt of UM Sllvtty liiClon" (musical) '53 -Dorla Day, Gordon MaeRae. 9:30 II "I Was Montfs Doublt" (dra· ma) '59-John Mills. Cecil Parker. 8 (C) "Kiss Them For Mt" (com- edy) '57-tary Grant, Suzy Partier. 12:00 II "Wt'rt Not Drtulnl'' (comedy) '34-Binr Crosby, Carole Lombard. 12:30 m "A Woman's SKter (drama) 149-Maureen O'Hara. "fury at Cunsiatlt Pass" (western) '57 - David Brian. 2:00 ID ''The Badrt of Marsll1I Brtn· nan" (western) '57-Jlm Davis, Ar· lane Whelan. 3:00 B "Heavens Above" (comedy) '63 -Peter Sellers, Cecil Parker. 4:30 II (C) "My Man Godfrey" (com· edy) '53-David Niven, June Ally· son. EVENING 6:00 II The Bl& Ntwt (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. CJ m Hunttty·Brinlllty (C) (30) U ROBIN HOOD attempts * to SOLVE lV TABLE MYSTERY RIGHT NOW! 9 Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Stu Gilliam. Maxine Greene and Rich little auest. Also guesting is The Shanao. a rock group. 0 Six O'Clodr Movie: "36 Hours" Part I (suspense) '6~James Gar· ner, Eva Marie Saint, Rod Taylor. B I Spy (C) (60) Q) hy Cardi (C) (30) Art James hosts. ~ Batnlan (C) (30) CI) Merv Criffin (C) What's Nn? (30) "Little Claus and Big Claus." A Hans Christian Andersen tale of how a smell man outwits a bill bully. fl) Un Color Para Esta Pltl tl) llflt.M News (C) 6:30 I "NBC Newstt'Yice (C) (60) I Love Lucy (30) Voya&t to tllt Bottom of tllt Sta~) (60) 6 Huntlty·lrinlllty (C) I alltnrtt (30) "Parent Educa· tion." Evelyn Plck1rts, a supervisor of parent education for the Los Angeles City Schools, talks about different _J>_arent education classes. ~mwmN ... cc> tl) Lila Malit a Diii (C) 7:00 I) CIS Eventnr News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. B What'• My Line? (C) (30) Wally Bruner hosts. Panelists are Soupy Sal~, Arlene Francis, Meredith Mac· Rat and Gent Rayburn. m Paswercl (C) (30) Betty Whitt ind Frank .Gifford suest. 9 00 ...-., Mtvie (C) "This Earth Is Mint." fl1)Elsttnl ................ Utt (30) "The Vold." Alan Watts dl1CUSS8$ the Buddhism void u 1 symbol of freedom. Qi (j) futilJ Affair (C) . fE CeAr's Wor1d (C) m.,,.. ....... (C) Ma.on Williams. wllo Is on hand (Monday, I PM) to ucepl his two Grammy Awards for "Cla.ukal Cu" when NBC preseats "~st On Rttord," II truly pro"lna hlm.wlf a man of all talents. Fonnerty head wrtttt of the former "Smothen Brothers Comedy Hour" and rt-· really In lhal capacity on lhe "Glen Campbell Cooddme Hour," anothn facet of his penonallly has come to llaht with the publkatlon of bit MW Doubleday book. "The Mason Wil- liams ReadJna Maller." which sold 65,000 copies In J werk!I and Is In Its lhlld prfnttn1 • to 100,000 w1tts. dupllcatlna nat· Davis & Rnse. Sharl Lnls. Frankie ural sunllfht Avalon. and David Canary. @m EJ Cun Malldlllitlltll IJ (ill Cl) &l TIM o.tcalll (C) 1:00 CJ m I u«cw 11" lest oa he· (10) "How Till Is BloodT' NrnJo trd: 1'ie Cr•., Awards Sllew (C) miners who have been robbed by (60) A special featurini perform· whlt6 men protected by Marshtl ances by some of this year's win· Gandy hire Earl Corey and Jemal ners of Grammy Awards, butowed DIYld as cuards. annually by the N1tion1I Academy m NET MIMI (C) (60) "A Piece of Recordlna Arts and Sciences. ot the Cake." A study of the con- Amon1 those pecformin1 on the atructive effort1 of business in tho proaram are The Beatles, Dionne urban ahettos, as exempllfltd by • Warwick, Tiit Temptations, Simon & tralnlna pro1r1m for the htrd-cort Garfunkel,~. C. Smith, Jetnnie c. unemployed In Pitttbur1h. Riley, Bobby Goldsboro, Glen Camp-QI ()) Man F,.• UNa.E (C) bell, Jose Feliciano, Meson Wllll1ms 9:30 II family Affair (C) (30) At tht ind the cut from "Hair." urrin; of a sophisticated school m ii' (30) chum, Buffy announces she's tired fli) ~-lvtt Sylmp.... Of bein& treated flke I btby I nd 111 ( ) The American Sym-wants her own key. (R) • phony Orchutra, with maestro Leo· GI Niwa (Q (30) Ted Meyers. pold stokowslll conductln1, performs 11) .12 O'aodr Hip (60) a critically , acclaimed work b~ one 10:00 !) Qi (j) Carol Burnett (C) (60) of America s foremost composers. Perry Como and n m Conway ruest. @I) Premltrtl (R) •fJ 11 a ()) ""''• Lucy <C> <3Cf> I m Ntws <C> <60) Cralf hkes an after-school job at (ll') (3) .tl) Tltt Bl& Vallty (C) a supermartlet where Lucy thinks Is ( ) "POliit and Counterpoint." A. the best place to teach Kim how to dyinr convict makes his son prom- shop, much to the boy's dismay. (R) ise that he will punish the two I Qelden YOJaCI (C) (30) people who sent him to Jell, Vic· IHI CI> m "1tDn Place (C) torla Barkley and Otis Clark. ( ) Or. Rossi Is booked for mur-D Mll"Sllal Dillon (30) der; Marsha tries to comfort Caro· m TIM Crtat War (30) ''Tradition." lyn; Steven tells Marsha she will The time is 1915 to November of have to reveal Fred's accusation; 1918. Sir · Mlcheel Red1rave nar· Norman and Rita play It cool with rates film footage of World War I ii. Walker. battles in the Mesopotamia reaion. Men Griffin (C) (90) • 10:30 B Movie: "Mart of tlle TortolW' lhln for Your Lift (C) (60) (adventure) '64 -Hildeaarde Neff, 9:00 I) Mayberry RfD (C) (30) Andy Gotz Geor1e. Griffith 1uests When the Mayberry ID Nna (C) (30) Bill Johns. town council celebrates "Youth fl\) Ftature (C) (60) "The Magic Government Day" by namin& el•· Mountain." A sensitive study of the mentary school children to occupy program at the ldyllwild School of key civic offices. (R) Music and the Arts. 0 ~ Ci) m NIC Monday Movie: 11:00 I 0 0 Ill m m News (C) (f) "TstanlMll Expresa" (suspense) Allied Hltdlc:oct 'GS-Gene Barry, John Saxon. Senta Liars Club (C) Berrer, Mary Ann Mobley. An art Movit: "Murdtt Will Out" (mys· dealer Is Involved with spies when ery) '53-James Robertson Justice. he Is sent by the Western powers @ (I) QJ (.i) Qj ()) Newa (C) to eomp .. e with representatives of 11:30 II Movlt: (C) "Latin Loven" (ro· several countries at an auction of mance) '53-Lana Turner, Ricardo the research notes of a deceased intalban scientist. (R) • (2) 00 m ToniPt Show (C) U GRASS is not so Movlt: iiGuest In the Houtt" 7:30 fJ ~ (j) Cunsinob (C) (60) * "GREENE" for tonight's (drama) '45 -Anne Bader, Ralph "Johnny Cross." A young fu&ftlve G_ UEST! One reason why MBell~.~gt...._. 11· .... p (C) accused of a starecoach robbery-UZI ,_, - murder is trailed by two bounty IS GYPSY ROSE LEE! Dona nnor (C) hunters as he makes his way to g Ctor11 Jtml's Htn Co111e Utt 12:15 B Movlt: "TIM Hypnotic [,.,., his grandfather's ranch in an 1t· Stars (C) (60) Lorne Greene is auest (horror) '60 -Jacques Bergerac. tempt to clear his name. (R) of honor. Also appearinr are Gypsy 12.:30 ID Action Tlltatn: "Circle of Dan· 0 m I Dre1111 of Jeannie (C) (30) Rose Lee, Redd Foxx, Bob Melvin, aer." "Jeannie and the Wild Pipchicks." iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!:~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili~~iii Tony attempts to re-create some of the cookies that Jeannie's mother sent and comes up with a concoc· lion that causes total loss of in· hibitions. (R) 9 Lost in 5pac:e (C) (60) 0 @ 00 tl) The Avenprs (C) (60) "Noon Doomsday." With John Steed sdrrounded by mine fields and top security In a rest tfome for wounded agents, Tara must devise a scheme to save him from a death plot. (R) O Milliotl $ Movit: "Marin• lat· tltiround" (adventure) '66 -Jock Mahoney, Pat LI. I Trutfl or Consequonc" (C) (30) Perry Mason (60) Innovations (30) "Xenon Hiafl Intensity light" Two authorities discuss the future apPlicatlons of a single bulb that produces 10,000 STARTS TODAY! ' . --WEEKDAYS 5 & 10 • KTLA · ,....10 I I s • I I • • • 1 TUESDAY MAY 6 For morninc and afternoon listinp, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for yow convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the richt to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO D (C) "Tiit F• c..w' (acfven. ture} '55 -James Stewart, Ruth Roman. t:JO a ......... for Uwt .... (drama) '33 -fredrlc March, 0.ry Cooper. fJ "Sleep, llJ LIWe" (drama) '48 --Ctaudette Colbert, Don Ameche. 12:00 n ...... " (western) '52 -John Alther, Jane Nish. 12:30 m "'TilM Lecl'" (drama) '57-Rob· ert Beatty . .,._ llfld tf llu" (dra· ma) '46-Dane Clark. Janis Palp. Z:OO m ..._ Tt ~ (adventure) 'ff-Johnny Sands, Don Castle. 1.-00 fJ (C) ....... tD r.....-(dra· ma) '53 -Gary Cooper, Roberti Haynes. . 4:0011.,,_. U,.. a.....,. ..... (ro- mance) '42 -Cary Grant. Glnctr Roprs. FVF Nl~C. 5:00 • II PREMIERE NIGHT * TOM REDDIN NEWS! FACTUAL REPORTING! 1.-00 11 Tiie lie .... (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. a m ... ...,........,., <C> (30} 8 SllWe Alltft Sllow (C) (90) Pat Paulsen, Bob Einstein, David Ruffln, Louis Nye and 0.Ve Bury 1uest D Six O'Cltc:t 11ov1r. "3& ......., P1rt II (suspense) '65-James Gar- ner, Eva Marte Saint. Rod Taylor. 11 Spf (C) (60) "' c..ds (C) (30) ...... (C) (30) lltn Crlfflll (C) ~. Ntw? (30) "Inland Wa- tlfWly." Scenes of wildlife alon1 the lntl"ICOlstal Wltenny throuftt South Ctrollnt ind Florida. II) u. c.e.r hn Esta Piel &>DUI ..... (C) l:JO I INIC ...... let (C) (60) 'Lew lKy (30) ,.,... ....... ., .. 60) ' ......., .. rtMllJ (C) I W.. Y.. a.Ill (30) arent Education for Ewryone." Two LA. CitJ Schools tuchers dla· cuss the value of parent education clusea with Manon Marshall. l (i)ll)tf3NIWI (C) Cii'allaii a Dael (C) 7:GO CIS &ellill ..._ (C) (30) lter Cronkite. U ..... .., U.1 (C) (30) ,.. .... (C) (30) Ci) Amtrlca! (C) ii-. Op-. Heae (30) "A nd Words." Russell Connor demonstrates how many WIJI • palntinf can be analyzed by a ctttic. I Cl) Tiie lead ,.,. (C) ......... Saa (C) .......... (C) 7:30 QI (I) la9cer (C) (60) In «· def to allsotve Scott ol a erimln1I chlrie. Johnny finds It Meemry to Jeopardize botb his buddina ro· mance with klVelY Julie 8amt tnd the saf~ of her brother, 1 wanted man. (R) IJ PICK THE WINNER! * AMERICA'S JUNIOR MISS PAGEANT ANALS 50 TOP HS SENIORS! a~ oo m 1 m<'M' AMrlca'• ..... Ilia ,... ( (60) Th• national finals of the 1969 contest from 50 "ideal hlah school senior &irts''~ne from each state. In ad· dltfon· to tfle title. the winner re. ceives · 1 '$10,000 scholarship frant. Mike Dourlas Is host of the cere- monies ori1lnatin1 live from Mo- bile, Ala. Dick Roman and The Youna Americans auest. ' a~ ct r ..J~:> (C) (60) "When Smitty Comes Marchinr Home." A nearo youth wanted bJ the police for homicide turns to his friend, line Hayes, for protection. Lou Gossett auasts IS Smitty. (R) fJ .... $ 119N: (C) "'Tiie .,. er, Net tile Seat' (drama) '61 - Dirk Boaarde, John Mills. Trwtll er~ (C) (30) ,..,, ..... (60) • Tiie Frlld CW (30) (R) El c.a... ......... l::GO Hant (C) (30) : Wedd Pr• (C) (60) INlcetlleqae a ~ *PREMIERE NIGHT-Ch5 TOM REDDIN NEWS! FACTUAL REPORTING! l:30 ti t.l) (j) Red Sbltoa (C) (60) Martha Raye, The First Edition ruest. (R) 1J @D Jtllla (q (30) ''?ht Unlone· Ilea Nirht of the Week." Moments after Julia a1rees to babysit for her neiahbor, an Army buddy of her late husband phones tor a date. (R) 11 Jl••it ltoqera Slltw (C) (30) Oscar Brown Jr. auests. a @ rn m tt r ... 111w <C> (60) "A Sour Note." Suzanne Pie· shette (Uests IS the world's moat temperamental opera star, Anaela funello, who helps Aleunder Mundy sle•I documents that will expose • lon1-mtssin1 Nazi war criminal. (R) ' llefy lrifflll (C) (90) R1111 fw '"' Life (C) (60) Ci)F..._. 9:00 @ (6) @E Finl THldaJ (C) ( hr) fclnirtit's proaram Includes features on Reies Lopez TIJerina, militant leader of Spanish-Americans in New Memo, the Stone As• P•· p1uns of New Gulnei, American operatic soprano Beverly Sills, the British protectorate of T ruclal Oman. and the 78th Continental Conarm of the MR. II Tempting "Temptations" * Tantalize TELEVISION Tutors! KAYE STEVENS GEORGE KIRBY ALSO! II._.. 5 (C) (60) "The Temp· tatlona Show.'' The Temptations. Kaye Stevens and Geof'le Kirby star. fl) Jf[f Festini (60) "Tht Wortd of James Buswell." studJ of th• (Continued) llbiidUCI• TbeH•llD .. llOlnli·•le" ..• Thi 111·1•101 Trlll 1111 snow Bike • ,__ fro1111 t\o o11tf 1to la fr•~ .,., dioht .. tWa II • l .IO t.itel"' fl ......... tylM ..... Tllo ,.._It I• Ill .. atoWllt, a-4 n••rltal.le tractlea •'"'" ol11Mat •"Y Mtfoce c ... 41ffM. THE BIGGESTi WHEEL IN TRAIL BIKES GIVES SURE POSITIVE ALL-SURFA(ZE TRACTION s..., M ftio t,tfeflOI tld HC""'Y •"41 th I.Ike la roMly to ntfl • .., twf •-' wet HMI, aa well a• MO.,, n. co1111a.h1atf... of ttie C.T-ll'a I H, ••· thie, z.,,.94 1traa•· •lulea aMI t~t rear tire 11 •• it re111arhW• trectioa, •••• ., .._., .. IHa a!MI ,...... 14oal for li•11ten, f1all1""•· Of jHt ,lalt11 f9a, Ho 11"4 te ,.t tli1 C.T~ll owoy r fw tt.e wlator ..• ,_ ....... + ~ o,tiMal Slil AccetMrf. ilia,. 011 ht 1oco"41 wittio.t ••· l"f ...... UH It fOf wl11ter ...... .... fl.a.1..., .... .., •• 1.,. •'"' • .......... ,._ ,_ FREE Send for Our Huge Cetelog w. ...... , .. ,., .......... J ttEATHKIT® ......-.ee••• T • roocli H .. tt.•lt lloctrealc Co11ter •••• Ha.tier ...... te ... ,,..,._ •Ht °" tall • hw ali.tt l.loclra t• UI hat lel ., .... s. ... A110 FfHway te Harkt ll•tl.. Hert.er lho4. te lell, a low _..,. w .... a"4 , ... , .... ,. SALIS I rAITS NIATHIUT n6-t41t HI UST IALL; ANAHllM 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS $1.00 ._ IDcl 111111 Moy be used on envelopes as return oddress 1abels. Also very handy os identification labels for marking personal items such as books, records, photos, etc. Lobels stick on glass and . may be used for marking home canned food items. An labels ore printed with stylish Vogue type on fine quality whit.a gummed paper and packed in reusable magic seal top container. Mrs. antine hWft 969 Pott Ro.cf Costa M.se. C.ff. 92626 r-----------, I I I I. I I I I I I FI"'" this cowpott, clip attcf 1t1ail wlffl $1.00 to: Pilet Prittf.tt9,labol Div., loJC 1175, New,.,t loaclt, Calif. t266l· -----------···········-······················---······· ............................. ·-···-----····--·-------~-- lo •111• to VM your Zip Co4e I I I I I I , __ _ PILOT PRINTING ----' L ________ ....,__, __ Pap 12 FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LABELS WE WILL INCLUDE RB SET OF PACKA6E MAILIN6 LABELS. .. .. ............ _ ..... -' THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MAY 3, 1969 TUESDAY (Continued) fll) USC Male fatiwal (60). Pian- younr American violinist centered ist Adrian Ruiz performs 'Sonata around his visit to Castle Hiii, sum· in 8 Minor," by Liszt; "The Ibiden mer home of the New En&1end Con· and the Nightinaale," by Gr1nados; servatory of music. "Nav~rra,'' by Albenlz; and "So· II) aua Aweli.et (C) ~m ~ii~:r!; t:JO IJ am Doris °" (C) (30) m iliri.na Doris 1nd"""Juanita plan some clean· up, fix-up projects around the house 10:30 1J 9 (I) ~lie, W91at, Wb11, while the resident males are off on Mitre. ~· (C) (30) 1 weekend campin1 trip. fJ ~CMt: (C), "Sewtll Cities . of fJ @m a) NYPD (C) (30) Gold ' (d.rama) S!">-Anthony Quinn. "Deadly Circle of Violence." Ward &J 'ublic Serf!ce/News (C) end Corso are asslened to protect el Fallatt CorllH iroup of militant black students Atfrtd Hit~ • Southern "red·neck" from a 11:00 I a fJ m m m ..... (C) out to rwen1e the bombln& of 1 Uan Club (C) Heiro church In the South. (R) Movie: "111t Glrf fr .. Maallat· I News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. tan" (comedy) '48 -Dorothy La- l Z O'Cloct Hip (60) mour, Georae Montgomery. Hoy (i1) @ 9 ri19 (]) News (C) 10:00 1J IOCXT ReportJ (C) (30) "Speed fl!) Rupn NIWI Colifmaa . . . l.A.'s Deadly New Turn-On." ll:JO 11 Mowif: (C) "Codi....,. Heroes" · Study of the tl'l&ic misuse of am· (adventure) '56 -Trevor Howard, phetamlnes. The pro1ram explains me Ferrer. how the dru1 is ustd and the D fD @ m Tonlpt Sllew (C) use becomes addictive, resultin1 In O Movie: •'flit Welpea" (dr1ma) severe physical and emotional dam· '57-Steve Cochran, Lizabeth Scott. a1e. ms of deep depression. 1nsan· I @ @ m Joey 11111op <Cl lty and even death. Donald O'Connor (C) 0 PREMIERE NIGHT 12~15 fJ Movie: "Nllfrbnlf'I Al..,.. (dra· * TOM REDDIN NEWS! ma) '47-Tyrone Power, Joan Blon· FACTUAL REPORTING! lZ:lO~·Action n.atrt (C) "Ht&hway B m ~~c· Tiie Lft· Ol'lgnet." noa ~ SMw (C) (60) A pre· 1:00 I fJ News (C) view of the upcomin1 series. "Jim· Com•unitJ ~11Uet111 INnl <C! my Ourante Presents Thi! Lennon Fro• tll• lnliclt Ollt (C} Sisters." Sin1er Bobby Goldsboro 1:15 II Movie: "Haw• ltodltt. wm and the sln1ing·performin1 eroup, 'rrntl" (comedy} '59 -The Three Hines. Hines and Dad fuest. Stooges .. fJ Manllal DUloft (30) 1:30 m n Sunset Strip CHANNEL LISTINGS Information for these l°r.: Is furnished by the televlslon stations. lV WEEK la not responsible for Ht-minute changn In program li1tln1s. IJ KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles a ~NBC (NBC) Los Angeles 0 Tl.A (Ind.) Los Angeles 0 KABC (ABC) Los Angeles fJ KHJ (Ind.) Los Angeles m KTTV (Ind.) Los Angeles m KCOP (Ind.) Los Angeles m KWHY (Ind.) Los An1eles m KCET (NET) Los Angele.s ti) KMEX (Ind.) Los Angeles m KMIR (NBC) Palm Springs m KPLM (ABC) Palm Springs (]) KLYD (ABC) Cable Bakersfield 00 KERO (NBC) Cable Bakersfield (I) KBAK (CBS) Cable Bakersfield @ KLYD (ABC) Bakersfield @ KERO (NBC) Bakersfield a KBAK (CBS) Bakersfield A star (*) preceding a log list.ing indicates it is a paid adver· tisement. Channels 22, 28 and 34 are UHF In Los Angeles, with 28 being the educational (ElV) station. Channels 17, 23, and 29 are UHF in Bakersfield. SIGN ONS (TEST PATI'ERNS) Chllnnol 2~:48 AM Sunday, 6:08 AM Monday throuah Friday, 7:18 AM Saturday. O.annet 4-7:00 AM Sunday, 6:00 AM Monday through Friday. 7:00 AM Saturday. ctlannet 7---ho&ramminf starts 1t 8:30 on Sunday, 7:00 AM Monday throufh Frld1y and :30 AM on Saturday. This ma1a1lno 11 published ~ thla nawsp1por by TV WEEK. a division of Gfifttn itrinttna and tl>h Co.. Inc., editorial and produc. tlon officoai P.O. Box 1190l Glend1le. Callf. Addroaa advertlsln1 lnqulr1• to tho disp ay advertising oop1rt mont of this nawspap- I· l!I n ;; •· I, tf I. t· I· .. I, ) t. I• I• II e All types concrete work for the home. Patios, driveways, pool decks, sawing, etc. Licensed • Bonded Exoert work. Reasonable. PHILLIPS CEMENT 5U-6JIO alST IN CONCRETE Walks pool decks, floorsl patios Concrete Saw Cutt ng Any size job, work ·guaranteed Reasonable! Servin~ Harbor Area 642..a514 (after 4 p.m.) CEMENT WORK -ALL KINDS- Fre4' Estimate 25 Years Experience * 636-0374 * CARPETS • VINYLS • TILES Latest Styles a nd Colors Commercial &: Re<>idential Expert Installation BLANKINSHIP FLOORS 642-1403 ~ 540-7262 CARPETING Use Remnants for Extra Rooms and SA VE 50% ! J. J . KNICKERaOCKER <Town & Country) H.B. 18582 Beach Blvd., 962-3351 BOB'S YARD MAINTENANCF Light Haulin~. Odd Job!; Cleanup-Reliable, Rrasonabh Nn Extra Chargc for Weekend Work ... CALL 548-6995 or 1-496-~ HUNTINGTON BEACH TREE SERVICE Tree Trimming, Extracting and Ornamental Pruning. Olive Tree Specialists Exper t! Reasonable! 146-0779 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOU CALL 642-5671, ext. 325 YOUR HOME SERVICE GUIDE REPAIR REMODELe REDECORATE CRYSTAL JANITORIAL & WINDOW CLEANING Complete Janitorial se rvice. Business, residential and ~nstruction cleanup. Free estimate. 54i-an7 . I Remodeling -Repair House CJeanln Quality Work CalJ Us! BROOKS C°LEANING SE 1111 Ctey St., Newport BHch 642-2112 enytlme ROOM ADDITIONS Fr" Lu v ... , V•c-'lon ADVANCED CARPET CLEAHERS Work Guarante<>d, Fast SC'rvice Very f?f'as1mablc Ra tes. U ccnsed • Insured 5Jl-~3J2 OI 53~01 CARPET & FURNITURE CLEANING For 1 Day Service and Quaiity Work ... CALI.. STERLING FOR BRIGHTNESS! 642..ano '~ S,ARKLF. JANITORIAL Windows Our Specialty ,,... .... ,.. .... C~l11, •H1M11t11I '61-26'1 c-•l"Kf• c11..._.. e HOUSE CLEANING Excellent Work $2.50 Hour Call 546-.5995 GINIRAL HAULING AND CLEANUP $12.00 Per Load 962-6846 after 3 p.m. HAULING ~INTING, HOUSI CLIANING ODD JOIS You Name It ... We Do It! 642-3398 with Ever) EsUmate! 3 C.iys, 2 Nightc Hacienda • Thun:ierbird Trans. It lifc"s Not Iner. Expert Planning • Free Est. E4 -IC CONSTRUCTION 11431 Wrstmlnster Blvd. Carden Grove-1--638-9831 (15 Y tan> f:xperien~) WOODY <ONSTRUCTION Compeny of Fountain V•ll•'t Licensed contractor. Build, remodel, repair. Brick, block, concrete carpentry. No job too small. M2-6MS Repalrs-Alte rations-Cablneti:; Any slze job 25 years experience. Work guaranteed. call •o• HllSEY 541-6711 ROOM ADDITIONS Licensed Contractors LAUTER BACH & Auoclates '14 E. 16th St., Costa M ... 646-1797 ADD-A-ROOM Apts, Units, Cust. Homes Free Layout Design 20 Yea.rs Experience PACIFIC COAST aLDRS. 675-7191 Weekdays Sat. It Sun. at Your Service ALUMINUM AWNINGS PATIO COVIRS 8xl8-$139 ... 10x20-$169 12x20-$199 Window Awnings, Screens, Sheds, Skirting NM SALIS 536-2182 --541-3147 a .. 11~ I s3 Pluftdllll"t ... ~.,...,...'"' IM Plumllet't, Inc. • 271 luckMll c .. te M ... 0 A&B DISCOUNT PLUt.i111NG Specializing In Re pair and Service. Reasonable Prices! Com:)IPte Linc of Plumbing Fixtures. 724 W. 19th St., Coste M ... 642-16'0 Plumbing Repair Drain Cleanlng -Frtt Estimate!: - SPllDY PLUMalNG 24 Hrs. Ii: Weekend Work 546-2387 <ir 540-7217 J & J POOL SIRVICI end RIPAIR 10 Years Experience Radio Dispatched Licensed -Insured 546-8748 1845 Anaheim Coata Mesa - 15 Year s in A rc•u - Serviclnp: All Brands l Your DuM011t . Curlis Math('S Dcal,·r Cor the Ha rbor ar ea. 1921 ADAMS ... unth•t'-' WILLIAMS CLEANING SIRVICI Cleaning It Repairing Your Furniture Can Be New Again! M2..a164 aURGER QUALITY UPHOLSTERY Over 20 Years Experience Satisfaction It Workmanship Guaranteed. ts9 W. 17th, Cotta M ... 548-1953 C%YKOSKl'S Custom Uphol1tery & Re,.tr Euror.>ean Craftsmanshlo 100% Fln&nclnll-Contlnuoua ' Do-It-Yourself Uphol. Classes Largest Selection of Fabrics 1U1 Newport al., Cott• Mesa M2·14S4 r ... THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEJ<. MAY 3, 1969 I WEDNESDAY MAY 7 For mornin1 and afternoon llstinp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the rilht to chance proeramminc with-out advance netlce. DAYTIME MOVIES t:oo D ..,.........,. (mystety) '54 - lofty Curtis. Joanne Dru. ,..30 II #Jiit lrldt Wort loots" (west· em) '46 -Robert Cummlnp, Bar- bar• SUnwyclt. D "Wltll• fer Ille ............... (dnim1) '58 -Tyrone Power, M~1r· lene Dietrich. 12:00 n """' " 111e Siddle" <western> ,.54--l.eif Ericaon. lZ:lO m "ToniPt We Ibid Cal ... (ad· venture) '43--lee J. Cobb. "Tiie lllct ........ (wottenl) '54-Gary Mmill. 2:00 m "»llllt Trilltw' (mystety) ·~Preston Foster, S11ne H1ao. J:OO D ....... LMM I ....... (dl'I· m1) 'SS-John Barrymore Jr .• Uta Milin. 4:jo 11 "Sbp StnlU" Cdr1m1) '57- Henry Fond1, Susan Str11ber1. r 1•1 Fr'-llNL 5:GO • 8 TOM REDDIN NEWS! * Documented REPORTING! ' (i)Y• AIW fer tt ftie ,.,.,.. (30) sdpllne." Betty s:r'detlnes some pis of constructive disd· Cf)'-" ....... (C) ilne. ...... I .... (C) l:CIO • • lie ..... (C) (60) Jlny 0r... ...... (C) • ud' ('ftlttm-drlml) '66-aiudl ConftOt'S. Mlchlll Rennie, Jola Blondell, Gary Memll. A buff1lo hunter mums to his bride In the town of Coldiron, Tu. with $17,000 in his saddle bap, Is Jumped by elttle rustleB and liter lurns that his wife. b1UIVin1 him dMd, pl1ns to wed 1nother man. (R) Du~. ~ 7:JO. ,... Ca.... (C) (60) No I I ID llw.., ......, (C) (30) iuest list 1Vailablo at press tlme. m ..... 111 ,...,... (C) <60> Stawt u. .., <C> <90> a o oo·m 111t ~ (C) Hamilton Camp, M•rtJ lnrols. R!P {§0) •'Tlif Wind of Cour1ae." A ., Sfflil J &ffpe T1ytor ind Prof. Julius Sumner M1~ frendHndllfl rtbtl (Ricardo Mon· Dier ~~ Mewil• "" -.-.. talban), lon1-since exiled from Can· ,..JO 119 Cl) CIS ,..,..._ (C) (90) "ShadOW G1mt." Daniel Muuy, W"tlli1m Shatntr 1nd William Win· dom star in ori&in1I dram• by Lorin1 M1ndel. The dr1ma cente11 Oii I lfOUP of people tl'lppod In I businosa office dur1n1 a power blacllocrt whoo much of tho eo&1n· try Is plun1ed Into d1rtneu. The pl•ywrilfrt dissects the matlvltions of the lndlvldu1l1 in the iroup and explores the violence that hi believes lits just below the efvl. .... "'-• , .. ~ ... _. 1da, Is 1slled by fonner comr1dos -V*/' (dr1m1) 51---Burt to mum to his country to lud Lancaster, Robert Walker, Joanne 1 new revolution. Lois· Nlttteton IDru.I Sn (C) (60) ind Lawrence D,111 ruest. (R) ,.,~Cards (C) (30) & ill =-~C) <:> ... ..._ (C) (30) ~~)"A Man ":nd His .., lrtfftl (C) M11lc." Jack Albertson (Uesta II a>: • ....,. (30) "Inland W•· Merlin a charl1tan who 'dalms terway." Second Pf'Oll'lm on slahts can st;,p the torrential r1lns 'thrt1t· alone th• lntrlcol$bll Waterw11 In South Carolina and aortc11. II) U• Coler hra Ella PW Q)IPUI ..... (C) l:JOl IQflC .... 1a (C) (60) I U.. L11cJ (30) v.,... " ......... ., ... See ~ (60) •·1 ' OOH•........, (C) Lit'• r• ~ · ,._ {30> 1 Social Scene." Situations that can cause conflict at homo .,. 1nadod In role·playinc sequences i~ school students. C1Jtmm ..... (C) Lii's ii* • Diii (C) 7:00 CIS ~ lkn (C) (30) Watter Cronkite. D ...... .., UM? (C) (30) m hsu ar:d (C) (30) enln1 to flood Se1tt10. (R) lized ve'lteer of most men. . 0 MUliel $ ~ (C) "OJ fer fJ News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. lli"PW' (comedy) 61-Glenn Ford, m lZ O'Clocl Hip (60) Don1kl O'Connor. James Shl1eta. I Tm• .,. c..-.. .. <C> (30) 10:00 a ~ @ m TH Oltlldlr (C) hnJ lblOa (60) ~) "A1on1 Came 1 Spider." Ross Jolla l1t1De, 11-.llw (30) uncover1 a thrivin1 confidence pmo Phllosopher·liaablower John Bur· when he tries to retrieve tho lift ton points out the therapeutic value savinp of 1 lonely hurtl club of his handiwork. and delhte11 1 member. Claude Akins and Marsha menaae of joy found throqh ere-Hunt auest (R) atln1 •rt by hind. g TOM · REDDIN NEWS' ft(f)lat If ..,...d . 1fJ o eurte MalMll..... * Documented REPORTING! a:00 m ".,., <e> <30> I m ..... <C> <60> fl!) Spedrm (C) (30) "Ch1n1in1 • ManUll Dilloe (30) the Wuther." OIVid Prowitt in· : Fil• lmploalN (30) Occidental vest111tes current research aimed Colle1e presents two films: "Be· at controlllnr th• weather. · hind Every Good Min" ind AJA Very fl) Mltrcoln llaical Thin Line." A p1nel of film teachers NEW EXCLUSIVE * Tom Reddin News!--Ch5 and psycholo1ists discuss th• films. Documented REPORTING! ;1 M~la~a~·p1rt prornim. 1:25 II WOlldorful World of Sport (C) 10:30 fJ Movie: "F1e1 of Torrof" (dra· RACK-EM-MATIC-l:JO II TIM Coed lllJI (C) (30) Rufus ma) '60-Usa Gaye, Blr1elio Tex· demonstr1tes he can foretell the ers. future 1nd terrifies Bert with I m hblic S.Vla/NIWI (C) , vision of a drt1dful 1ccident 1t Ell) TIM Cttltiw1 Lift (30) "Thor11u Bert's diner. (R) and Modem Life." Dr. Rent Belle a Win ~ tllt Sbrs (C) (30) ind Dr. Frederick M1yer discuss Della Reese ind Andy Russell iuest Thoreau with Dr. Cyrille Amovon, D @ CI) 0) 11lo Kille F••llJ (C) professor •t the Unive11~ of Plr1s. (30) The spotlllht Is on the ladies &> F1llastl Cofa.. IS 18-yur·old Zan (Donn1's daulfl· 11:00 I a fJ lfJ m m .... (C) ter), who Is usually busy with Nff.ci Hitldlact schootworti, Joins the family. U.. Qllb (C) I MlfV Criffl• (C) (90) llewle: .. All for Mary" (com· Run for Yo• Ufo (C) (60) edy) '61-Nlpl Patrick, Kathryn .... Belt (C) (30) Robert H1rrison. mi• t1lks with Winthrop Jord1n, @ (})@ 00 Qi ()) News (C) author of "White Over Black." a 11:10 R MoN: "f1eod Tide" (mystery) study of bl1ck/white relationships '58--Geo11e Nader Jo1n111 Moore. over the past three centuries. 8@ 00 m T•iatit ... (C) &> s..iul Molio: 1iHcla. Al_.. (com· t:OO B ....., HIMlies (C) (30) The ei) '36--Mae .West 400-ye1r-old lhost of Lady Clem· @(3)Ef)Joey lilltlp (C) entlne Clampett st.Ilks the BIYtrty O..all fteaMr (C) Hlllbllllts. Aimed In London. (R) 12.-0S fJ Molio: (C) "IMd oa Hll D KRAFT MUSIC HALL Sword" <•~dv•nture)-Jun M1nils, 1(. Peter Cook Dudley ROS1nn1 .:>ehl1fflno. Moore, Do~ovan 12:30 !~· T1lutrt CC) "Norman II Q (!) @D Knft Maic Hall (C) 1:001 fJ Nen (C) ~) ,"!he Peter. ~·Dudley Moore Co••nllJ lullttln IMnl (C) Show. The Bntlsh stare. screen fro• tH laiclo Out (C) and television sta11 host a v1rfety 1•15 .,.11... "T.. Fla w.t" (ad· PfOll'lm produced In Enitand. • ar . ~ P Guests Include ncordlnr star Don· venture) 50-Josoph Cotten, _,, ovin. Ch1ndllr. " ....... ,., (C) (60) Dkk Lane is 1:30 m 77 .... strip mrkesidt. i:10 m .... ,.. Slllw: "AJtnr s.-a Im CD G> AIC w ... -., pe.nt," 'The Nlbrasbn," and "Tbe illwti: (t) "llde ~ V.,.. Blc Gusher." 9 CURTIS 1 c m MATHES America's Most Luxurious Horne Entertainment Centers This m•9"if.ce"t 7'2" T •mbour cloor C uri is M•thes ~ombo ii u •il•ble u Follows: • ,...... ..... ,,.. S4tt.91 e S...... Celef T.Y .. Sitt.ti e H..U es ....... SUI.ff • ~_....•r•1r ........ ....,~. 1.., ....... htde41 .. AfT & ... tut .. . • I'"'.,._,.... w.n•tw M pkhlre hlile SU. M4ftte•• ~· AVAILABLE .. Now Fo~ the First Time in This Area! A product so superior that we will place it in your home for a free home demonstr:dion. We also invite any other dealer to a side by side comparison of color, and sound reproduction. The only obliga- tion on your part is an interest in color TV and the ability to pay if you should decide to buy. CURTIS I c Ill MATHES HART TV 8921 ADAMS HUNTINGTON BEACH 962-3384 (Next to Albertson's) ' ' THURSDAY MAY 8 For morning and afternoon llatinp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the richt to change programming with· out advance notice. DAmME MOVIES t:OO 0 ,...,,,. (dram..) '37-Hum- Pflrey Bo11rt. Leslie Howard. Joan Blondell. t:JOO "Matk fire" (drama) 'Sl- VV:Onne De Carlo, Car1os ThomP*)n. a "You w.... ,..,,. Lowlier" (musical) '42 -Fred Astaire, Ritl Heyworth. 12:00 IJ fff•,... (western) '52 -Wil· llem Elliott. Phyllis Coates. 12:30 m "W1tarfro1t Wt•tn" (drama) '52~icherd Burton. "Twpt Hone II.on(' (adventure) '53 -Richard Dennlna. 2:00 m '1..ut ot the ~, ...... (western) '55 -James Crala. Jim Davis. 3:00 0 "TM Male Aniur• (coWboy) '42--Henry Fonda, Olivie de Havil· land. 4:30 IJ (C) "lshnbul" (adventure) '57 -Errol Fly•m. Leif Erickson. EVENING 5:00 U TOM REDDIN NEWS! * TIMELY REPORTS! 1:00 II Tiit '" ..... (C) (60) Jeny Dunl!!!l. • 8 m Hlllltley·lrillklq (C) (30) Stiff Allen Sllow (C) (90) Pat Henry ind Dick Cl1ir & Jenna McMahon auest. Also on the show Is lovely Jaye P. Moraan. D ta O'aed Mtwie: (C) ..,. i-a P'llty'" (comedy) '64 -Tony klrtc. Annette Funicello. 1J I Spy (C) (60) GI Pq C.rdl (C) (30) M James hosts. I llbun (C) (30) Cl) Marv Griffin (C) Wiars New? (3D) "We're On Our Way." Tlle Serendipity Slnaers open a pro1ram on what youna . pec19le are doina to beautify our country. I Un Color Para E.lb Pitt IU'Ull Jtews (C) I:'° MIC Ntwwmce (C) (60) I U.. Liiey (30) Yoyqe t. the Iott•• of Ult C) (60) " HwlU.,·lmklly (C) fer YHr MOMJ (30) mily Recreation." Mulon Mar- shall •nd auests look at the many types of flmlly recreation. They suatst ways of determlnina where to talle a vacation for the entire f1m~ I t:t-~ :-::.. (~) 7:00 CIS Ewelliq Ntws (C) (30) lttr Crontdte. fJ n.t'a My Lme? (C) (30) Wally Bruner hosts. I ANNETTE FUNICRLO 11ts Involved In a MARTIAN INVASION durln1 an 1101111 IT ACK on a "PIJIMI PARTY'' (HONEST!) L.A. TV Premiere THE 6 O'CLOCK MOVIE Thursday in Color ~ 7:30 GI hslwwd (C) (30) Allen Ludden hosts. I Ci) Hip •d Wild (C) ,..,_, tile Ctiblr (30) (f) MdUle'1 N1VY fiVe Advttdllre (C) Dru• Ho• (C) II ANIMAL WORLD * .. Adventure Antarctica" Kai Kan Pet foods R 9 Cl) PIDllEll£ Aai1111 ~(Cf (30) Biii Burruel hosts this series of excttlna. •ll·new h11f- hour wildlife adventure films. Dr. W. A. Youna. former director of the Los Anaeles Zoo, Is technical adviser for the animal sequences. Toniatit's show is about the un- usual wildlife that makes Its home in the colde.st place in the wor1d- -Antarctica. The stirs of this epi30de are the prolific pen11.1lns that in· habit the remote ind fort>iddlna world. They are the Empef'Or pen- auins and their smaller cousins, the Adelle. D m Daniel ...... (C) (60) "The Flfflnf Nuns." Two nuns tum to Daniel for help when French revolu- tionaries seet their capture. Sister Berthe (Kathleen Freem1n) and Sister Louise (Brioni Furell) burst Into a fur shop where Boone and Mason (Jim McMullan) are lellina their carao 1nd plead for waaon space on the return tr1p. When Boone balks. Muon sneaks them aboard as stowaways. (R) I Lett IR ~ (C) {55) (H.) CJ) a> Tiie f N•n (C) ( ) "The Return otT.ther Lundi· ran ." A dentist who uses hypno- THE DAILY' PILOT, TV WEEK, MAY' 3, 1%9 tlsm on his patlenb forpts to of th• younc men wllo upaO-~· 1 post-hypnoti: suaatjon mented, barnltormtd, triumphed tti.t Siater BtrtriMe and the Mother ind died to create tht ire of Superior have exchanpd ptrtOn· fli(ht wlll be told In the docu· allti• When Father Lundlpn (Paul mentuy. John H. Secio11dlrf ind Lynde) rtVisils the convent he finds his wife, Helen Jean Roaera, pn>- 1 rether sedate Sister Bertrllle and duced the proaram. The ahow a mini-habited Mother Superior *'1o features appearances of some of thinks she can fly. (R) America's urty eviltors and wit· IJ....... $ Mewit: (C) ~ • IMS$$$ of 30me of the fll'1t falter· Sat•rUf" (drama) 'SS-Vidor Ma· i.!!I fliatrts. ture, lee M1rvin. W D M1Dde &ta Low I ~= :=-(C) <30> ,..3011U00 m DtllMf (C) (30) @Ten._. Ernie Font 511ow ''fiainlna-Olf.18_," Friday and Gan-non are hosts to a maaazine writer ; llad ""'9dM (30) "Th• (Vlr1lni1 GreU) whosa views ire anti·Police. (R) Call for Law and Order." KGFJ I,. .. (C) (30) Ted Meyers ~:~,n~:i:n JI~ ~=prn!r:m!~ 11 O'Clocl ~ <60> • In the ahlttos of Los Anaeles. 10:00 II 9 @ m ..... Mama (C) While some efemtnts of the com-(60) Orson Welles, Ed11r Beraen. w1untty protest aplnst all police P1trici1 Crowley; Jack Gilford and action, others demand an lncre11e Stanley Myron Handelman auest. in police patrols. A panel discusses (R) how much control the police should U TOM REDDIN NEWS' g;rgse~,:e11C:.:'!=-* TIMELY REPORTS! ' I a:eo e s C1J ••• ...... <C> I m ..... cc> <60> ~) Vic Damone and Paul Lynde Saptaw Tlltatre (C) (60) auest. Al30 appearin1 1ra Oidt • 111111111 Dillon (30) I Curtis ind Charley Weaver. CJ) Fe.turn • D ~ CI> ED T1aat Cltl (C) (30) Mirlloa "1~.' Conclusion. Ann Marie ex-· '•ssport ID Tmtf (C) periences hair-raisin( adventures • 1:1:\ ,, rivallna those of Pur1 White when 10.15 w f·~~· (C) Crafts of My she fills into an actlna lob as the PrOY1~. A tour qt ~ome work· Action Gir1 in a series of commer· shops 1n New Brunsw1dt. A look Cills (R) at the Diechm1nn pottery woru at ' Hazel (C) (30) Su~~· and loomin1 of woolens and NET Pia,.._. (C) (2',4 hr) desi1mn1 of costume Jewelry. umey of the Fifth Horse.'' Dus· 10:30 0 Movie: "Tiit Mark" (drama) tin Hoffman stars in Ronald Rib-•61-stuart Whitman. Maria Schell. man's off-Broadway Obie Award ID News (C) (30) Bill Johns. winner of the 1965-66 season. The fm Tbtatrt But (30) Hal Marien- play, performed by th• oriainal thal hosts. cast, is based partially on Ivan ii) hllule Corazon Turaeoev's short novel, "The Diary a) Twilipt lon• of a Superlluous Man." The fifth . I horse (or fifth wheel) of the title ll.00 D IJ ~ m m News (C) is a landowner whose diary proves Alfred Hitdlcock that if he had never llved. no one Liar~ Club (C) , would have been effected. (R) Movie: , "The lltller la LooW' ti) f.,idano! (C) (mystery) 5~ -Joseph Colten, Rllonda Flemrnr. * TOM REDDIN NEWS! @ (]) Q) Ci)~ Ci) News (C) TIMELY REPO~TS!-Ch5 EE If You Were Pmidtflt (C) "Would You Replace the Draft With 1:25 U WHderful Wor1d •f Sport (C) a Vo unteer Almy!" Witnesses: Hon. l:JO D 9 Ci) m Ironside (C) (60) Donald Rusfeld, Illinois Conaress- "Slde Pc>cket." Jack Albertson por-man, and Frank Slatinschack, tr1ys a famous pool shark in the Armed Services Commission rep· atory of a youna man who decide! resentative. Harvard professor to b~ome a pool hustler. Michael Thomas Schelling will question the Christian appears as the youna pool auests. Lyman Kirkpatrick is host. player and Carl Reindel plays his 11•30 IJ.. . "f F , brother Bobby (R) • "'CMt: ew aces West' (dra-IJ loxiltf cc) (60) Tom Harmon ma) '48-Joel McCrea, Charles Bick· d M. k D · · 'd ford an ic ey av1es are nnas1 e. R ~ r.i"'l l:'ft Ti 1.,.. ~ .. -(C IJ (ii) (]) Q) Bewitdled (C) (30) · ~ ~-' ~ on ••" ....-) "Samantha Loses Her Voice." Sam's Movie: , "Million Doller Lep" statement that she can't speak for (comedy) 32-W. C. Fields, Jack Darrin Is pro;ved wrona by her Oakie. Uncle Arthur when he aives her D @ 00 al Joey Bishop (C) Darrin's voice. (R) m Donald O'ConllOf (C) I Mm Griffin (C) (90) 12:15 O Movie: "Taraet Zero'' (adven· Run flf Your life (C) (60) lure) 'SS-Richard Conte. Peuie Muska J Estrtllas (C) Castle. t:00 119 Cf) CBS T111tttdlJ Movie: 12:30 ID Action Thutre: "Cash on Qe. (C) "ht IM Atlpr' (drama) '59 livery." -Curt Juraens, Mai Britt, Theodore 1:001 IJ News (C) Bike!. Based on Heinrich Mann's to111munity Bulletin loard (C) drama that. tells the story of 1 froiw die Inside Out (C) rtpressed high school botany teach-1• , .. er •ho Is lured to his destruction .15 ~ M"le: 'Tiit llnttlp (mystecy) ea seductive dincehall jr1· 58-l:ll Wallach, Warner Anderson. IHl oo a> 11H<!AL KittJ 1:30 m n s.nttt a1, wl to htis: Tiie ftefeic Yt1n 2:10 m All·Nicht 5'ow: "I Know Where (C) (60) The veat American saga I'm Goina'' and "Tight Little Island." i9 ft. ed of U· !WI '0-.. of it· I(· 0) R· er re C) 11, id rt. ~y ii· Dk at id a) II. R· t" n, 8· k· l" ck n· ·ie e· t) r) n. re .. The hazard in writing about Rod McKuen is in deciding to write about him at all. It's not that there isn't a lot to write about. For example who couldn't write chapters about a man known to some as a composer, to others as a poet, and to still ·others as a singer? Who couldn't turn out page after page about a talent who's written more than 900 songs, who has recorded ''Between 35 and 40" LP albums and who has three best-selling books of poetry to bis credit? Nor is it hard to describe him -slight of build, agile, roughly chiseled features, longish blood hair, blue eyes that insist upon a conversation of their own, and always wearing scuffed "tcnoies." The challenge is in trying to identify the real Rod McKuen for those who don't know his work. Jn a sense he's the bal- ladeer of old who writes and sings about his times. He's a troubador who in ten years has carried his me~ages of love and loneliness from bowling alley lounges across the country to last week's concert in Carnegie Hall. But most important of all Rod McKuen doesn't want to be identified by labels, he wants people to recognize him as " . . . just Rod. McKuen." This week Rod brings bis ex- tensive talents to his first tele- vision special, on NBC, Saturday at 8:30 PM in a half hour show he promises will be very special. A -4~ , , , ~ -4·"~ "I've had a chance to do spe-With an obvious twinkle, cials before," be said, slowly through a sudden grin, be said, warming to bis subject, "but "Here I am, an overnight suc- thcre's always been something cess, and it only took. me 20 wrong. For one thing most so-years." And more sc-riously, called specials aren't specials at "One of the nice things abtmt all. You usually have a million being successful is the fact rve guests so they~re not really spe-been able to do it without much cials, only variety shows. compromise, and by doing what "l think a person should come J care about and what I like to on and do whatever it is he does do. This is very important to me." by himself. When I'm a guest . . . I like a wall to wall segment; ~od explains that his Y ~k after a commercial do whatever must take preference to a~ythmg I do and then get the hell out else even . to tb.e exclusion of of there. Usually it takes a while raople. With this _comes many to build up to whatever you're ours of al~neness, ~e ~nd re- doing. You'll note I've never suit ~as been •tha~ ~es veco~e been on the Ed Sullivan Show. a sohtary man. ~ls tS br, choJce I've never been on Hollywood because be contmues, Sure I Palace. Yet I've bad offers from have the same h~ng-ups, other both of them." people do, but ba~1cally I m .?ot Sitting on his sofa, his white lonely, although Im a loner. sneakers extended casually across For those who still aren't a glass coffee table, "Rod gazed familiar with what it is Rod Mc- through the acres of glass that Kuen does, let's describe rm one enclose his living room as be pursued his subject, an unre- strained enthusiasm for his first TV special. "Any entertainer who says be doesn't have need for recogni- tion and for presenting himself and his ideas to people is lying, because we all do .. Basically we are a lot which bas inferiority complexes of all kinds and we want to be loved and we--want to reach as wide an audience as we possibly can." The appetite for recognition in McKuen's case came, by his own admission, from need for a father who desert~d his mother before be was born. He openly confesses he's still looking for his father, hoping someday to tell him, "It's okay, Dad. It all worked out okay, so don't feel guilty." part as singing with the soood o( sun-warmed sand in his voice. But it's "what he recites and sings that sets him apart "I've always maintained," be continues, softly stroking one of the two handsome Siamese cats who, along with a pair of shee~ dogs, share his hillside home, "if anyone does whatever it is he docs and he docs it well and to the best of his ability and he bas a certain amount of talent one of two things will happen. Either the world will stumble across him or he'll stick his head in a gas oven. I maintain the world got to me just in time." And what is the thing Rod McKuen docs? Ia he saying something today in his work that's hitting a rcsp66sive chord it -Oidn't ten years ago? "I try to talk in a simple lan- guage and I try to talk in a direct language. People today need direct lines to tbinp. Take the special for example. We not only have no guests, there are no people in the commercials. We have a full aµdience and a full orchestra--between 30 and 40 pieces--but you don't see tbe audience or the orchestra. Tbc- only person you sec is me and I talk very little. I read a poem from one of my bOOks, a poem called 'A Cat Named Sloopy' and sing about ten songs. There's only one set. I don't talk other than to say 'Good evening' and 'Good night'." Saturday Rod McKuen bas bis grand chance to do exactly what it is he does and to do it with complete singularity on a wall to wall basis in every way, to do- it and "get off and leave the audience wanting more." If this refreshingly simple approach to a TV special doesn't work., "if it's a bomb, it's my fault and no one else's. I like that. I like being the responsible one." It becomes apparent after an hour's talk with him, that his strength as a talent and as a man Oows from inherent simplicity amidst complexity. There's a directness in his feelinp and ideas, an almost classical sim- plicity that stands out in a com- plicated world. Rod McKuen is simply a man who likes doing 0 whatcver it is he does." Those who know him understand this; those who don't can learn Satur- day night if they want to be- come involved in the world of "Rod McKuen: The Loner." ,... 17 r NEW CAREERS 1 I FOR PEOPLE I I WHO LIKE PEOPLE! I FRIDAY MAY 9 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tlons reserve the right to change programming with· I Let Lewis train you as a I HOTEL/MOTEL MANAGER I I DAYTIME MOVIES •or your choice of 55 h •t· · b 9:00 D {C) "LldJ &odiVI" (dr1m1) '56 I ot er exc1 mg JO s I -Maureen O'Hara, Victor Mclaglen. QUt advance notice. (hostess, social di· t:300 "And ttie Anrets Slnt' Cmusi· rec t 0 r I executive cal) '4-4 -Dorothy Lamour, Fred h k rt MacMurray. I ouse eeper, apa .1 0 "Anail a.bf-(drama) ·s1..:.. ment manager, etc.) George Hamilton, Mercedes McC.m· in· the booming hos· bridge. Pitality business• 12:000 "811ck Tide" (drama) '56 -I • . . . · I ;otin Ireland, Joy Webster. JObs . waiting all over 12:30 m ''The Ma,,;rficeftt anrtit" Cdr• continental U.S., Ha· ma) '36-Vlctor Mclaglen. "S..q. waii efer's Cold" (adventure) '5l~m-I . I eron Mitchell. • ~Ood pay; some JObS 2:00 ID "Wild Dakotas" (western) '56- mclude apartment Biii Williams, Jim Davis. I • age no barrier; men, 1 3:00 e <C> ''Younr at He1rt'' (drama) women and couples '~Doris Day, frank Sinatra. eded 4:30 IJ (C} ''Te•11 It Table Red" ne (western) '56--Richard Epn, Doro· I • no previo~s experi· 1 thy Malone. ence reqwred •learn at home or at-FVfNING 1 tend classes in Los I o TOM REDDIN NEWS! Angeles *LOCAL COMMENTARIES! • free book tells how 1:00 an. 111 News cc> (60) Jerry I easy it is to learn, 1 · !Dun;.HunUey-Bnnklty <C> (lO) how Lewis Schools' stew. Allen Show cc> (90) 53 years Of experi· eorge Jessel, Diana Trask, Pat I e n C e I P I a C e m e n t I Henry and Harrii' Nelson iuest 0 Six O'Cledl Movie: (C) ''On Ute assistance at no ad· 111Wiera" (comedy) ·s1-Dannr Kaye, Gene Tierney. ditional cost can I' sn <C> <60> I help you get started I ::t..~•<C><~3J:0> in a job that's like a m Merv crlffln <C> tion 'th payl · ihars NeW? (30) "Youth Mu· Vaca WI · seum.'' A look at the Smithsonian I I Institution's "nelg}lborhood mu•· um" exhibit Phone (213) 749·1438 .@I) un eo1ot Para Esta Piel or send a postcard giv· m KPlM News <C> I ing your name, age, I 6:3011uc NIWMr'Vice cc> <60> I Lon Lucy (30) phone and address to: v.,.,. 1o ttle Iott.• of .... s .. i (60) lewis Hotel/Motif Schools m n:us (30) "The Flyers.'' A loo• I I @ 6 Himtley·Brinklef (C} at past and present aerial acts. 7080 Hollywood Blvd. Films show the acts of Alfredo Co-l Suite L-1925 I dont, Antoinette Concello, the Fly-ing Artones. the Flying AlllCanders Los Angeles, California ~~mm""' <C> 90028 .El) llt's Mau a Dell (C) I I 7:00 B CIS &en!& NM (C) (al)) Approved for Welter Cronkite. I Veterans' Training 1Wlllt'• MJ UM? <C> <30) , ......... (C) (30) I. .. (I) a.... Sllewcae (C) "Th• ,...1. Melanie Crair story." Myrna Fiiiey 0 COSBY t4Uses CHAOS! and Jim Divis stu. * LEONARD loves LIVING! tD Ch1t1enres (30) "Elementary at PLAYBOY PARTY! Science." Science teacher William O •--MW o.r. (C) (60) Wilson and students from South • ..,_, Pa~ School Investigate the Inclined Carmen M1eRae, T~ · N•ley, plane. " Pete Setter. MC Squar , Biii Cos- i Ci) Mayberry RfD (C) by, Jack E. Leonard and .Aaron I American West (C) Williams~est. I @ a) Lat's Mike a Dul Dream House (C) (30) only Hall hosts. 7:SO fJ ~Cl) The Wiid, Wild West (C) Speculation (60) "A Sense of (60) A sinister Hungarian scientist Style." Dr. Keith Berwick and who employs a monstrous tuning guests attempt to define the elusive fort as the instrument of extortion quality of style being exhibited by becomes James West's antagonist. our business and cultural leaders.. (R) Guests ue businessman Max Palev· Ba;, I s'lcilL i Bic Cats, Little sky, architect Cfllg Ellwood, fa· C!lis (C) (60) A color hour about shion editor Bea Miller and 1rt the Intriguing, aloof and lndepend-critic William Wiison. ent feline species whose rule ranges ! Estalar• 34 from natural habitats to countless 9:30 <ti) (I) m Tlle liuns of Will American households. Lome Greene nttt (C) (}O) "Home Free." The narrates. (R) So11nettf befriend Ben ·Harper, who I lost In Space 'C) C55) served a prison term fOf stealing @ (})a> 11 ic!A I Riddle of from one of their friends CR) Mayan Cav. (60) An ABC News I News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. special produced In association with 12 O'Cloct Hip (60) the Explorers Club-a world-famed festfval en Madrid organization of sclentlst·exploren.. 10:00 , @ @ a;, Tlle Saint (C) (60) The program traces the efforts of "Simon and Delilah." Rome and a an Explorers Club t11m of 10 men kldnaped movie stir provide the in· and one woman to unlock tt11 mys. iredlents for the humor-spiced, teries of a once thrivine culture action-filled episode tonight The throu,ti examination of a labyrinth Saint must decide whether the kld· of caves in the Guatemalan hl&h· naping Is authentic or a publicity lands believed to have been used stunt. Suzanne Lloyd and Guy Rolfe in ceremonial rites by the Mayans guest. who flourished from 300 to 900 AD. O TOM REDDIN NEWS! B Million $ Movie: "T1lt Rearta1 * LOCAL COMMENTARIES' Twtttties" (drama) '39 -James • Cagney. Humphrey Borart. B m ~~CU60>fw Ute 0.. I Trvtll or Contequtnas (C) (30) @ \1.1 ~ ,. hfry Maoa (60) fenae (C) (60) Sound of the PIH· fubn (C) (30) "A Space To tic Axe." Judd defends a youne. rock· Grow." A moving story of the work and-roll recor~ produce~ wh_o 1s ac· dont by a eroup of colleges in the cused of ~ay1n1 his wife m order "Upward Bound" program worting to gain control of their co mpany. with under-achievers. Henry Fonda Norman Fell, Robert F. Lyons and narrates the documentary that Peter Has~ell guest (R) points out the way to a new kind ~ M1rlh1I DUlon (30) .. of progressive education. fli) RlD Rmew (60) Earth R~ @I) EJ Cu1t1D M1nd1mlt111D IOUrce Satellltes-W~h the Money? Should camera-bunng spacecnift 1:00 m Hazel (C) (30) be orbited to search untapped min· fD Rainbow Quest (60) Sonp and eral and agricultural wealth? Two tall stones of New York State are rec01Tilzed aerospace experts de- featured as N~man Studer and bate the question with Dr. Albert Grant Rogers VISlt Pete Seeger. Hibbs. II) lacedta (C) @E Mariana * Tom Reddin News!-Ch5 10:30 o Mwit: (C) "five Celdta Drat-* LOCAL COMMENTARIES! __.. (mystery) '67-Robert Cum- mings, Marguet Lee. ll25 0 Wond«f•I Worid tf Sport (C) , ..... (C) (30) Bill Johns. 1:30 B 9 CJ;) COMtr Pyte <C) (30) • fallastt Corazon Gomer is 1n a jam when he tries to 11:00 B D mm m ""'(C) shine a lead combat boot. the bat· ll:SO ilovte: Hfofi off•IJ'' (drama) t11lon booby prize, by 'slipping It ' -Tyrone Power. George Sand~ on his own foot and then he can't Gene Tierney. remoye it. (R) 0 @ Ci) a;, TonlPt Sltow (C) D ID (j) ~ Na .. of tl9t ".. 0 Movie: (C) "lesttea Breed" (C) {§0) "Shine On, Shine On, Jesse (drama) '57 -Scott Brady, Anne Gil.'' Jeff investigates a murder In Bancroft a politically corrupt town. Darren I (ll) (]) m Jee, • ...., (C) Mctavin and Juliet Prowse guest Danald O'Cenner (C) CR) 12:00 (I) fridq sa..w B Actoa tile S.Ven Sell (C) (30) 12:20 • Movie: "I w ... Up Scna•lnt' (]1) Cl) aJ 51n1r1tlon li1p (C) (mystery) '41-Betty Grable, Yid()( (30) Jack Barry hosts. Mature. I Merv Crlffin (C) (90) 12:30 II) Action Theltra: "Law incl Ob-R•n for Yeur Uft (C) (60) ontar." Nldlts T.,.un 1:001 • lhwl (C) t:oo 1J Qt C1J C8S f.W., Mow1c "'T1le l1iwlc "Tiit Dlld9 loa Wlflf' _..... M......,. <~> ·ee (comedY) '48--Gat. stDrm, Eddft -To11Y Randall, Anita Obert. Rob-Albert. ert Morley. A British murder myltefy I',_ t111 ,...,. Ott (C) In which the victims are found with 1:15 Mewlt: "sw., Din • Temt" an ABC 1uid• to the ltntts of (drama) ·~od Taylor, Char1es London. DraM. )$! •G! (60) ~eeley, II Cos- Aaronl I Dtl11 ~se of ; and elusive led by !aders. Palev· d, fa. 1d art f Will ."The r, who tea ling I ll'S. ) (60) and a the In· s.plced, . The 1e kid· 1blicity ' Rolfe ! 'IES! t .,.. 1 Plas· r rock- is IC· order npany. s and h Re- >ney?" ::ecraft f min-r Two s de- Albert Draa- Cum· L :C> rama) ~ iC) lrtld" Anne 11lnc" Vidot l Ola- 9:30111.· -\Cl ....... , '52-llck -... -·----6 Ir:) laau 5'lits (C) han Mcl<enna. IW' (ldvtnture) '4§-Jciirn W~ QJflfttlsllc~(C) ., ... T-. V111 Ralston. All (C) "Hercules and 12:30! 9 (()...., Qlllll (C) ID c..._. ftl4W (C) USC'a MAY 10 Tyra'!1s ~. Babylon" and "The @Cl) CR Hap1111lllc (C) Paul annual lntra .. Uld """1111 pma." SATURDAY Vicious Circle. 1¥«1 and Mark Lindsay holtl. Tom Kelly calls the action. IO:OD11~ ...... -\Cl ·=-==~-ll)U.C.O.P .. ElloPlll 7:GOllU@..,,._ S.--(C) !~~f!.T" ... C.. 1 !: In TombllDne.'' ::.....~ ~ M:=!°sts. ~: (C) "Cele Y...,., ,... :GO I u !;:':::.. ~. dra· S:lO In Caler TlllMh (C) "Elepbaat 7:251· Us Tllia me (C) {wesltm) '58-Frank UM-ma) '54-Sterlina Hayden, : Gun." tD@ m u~> Woftd (C) ~ ~ ~ o llewie: "'IW1111111r Cclusic> m Qwt tw Mwntw• (C) 7:30 s..tte Se..-Cf I Abby Dalton. Smith. cm Tf'lWI (C) Phileirey hosts. 10:30 9 Cl)....,./Seper9'aa (C) ;~Rodcty McOowall, Dan O'H•· 4:001._. Mt 5-(C) Ca•,_ "9ftle · @@ m UllClerdoi (C) m ·,._ ... "n.a lat o.,s of ,_ • ..... Trela (C) 7~ • = ~--; of Mat.ttJ Movie: "EidlllM" {dr1ma) '37 Pill" (dr~ma) '35-Preston Foster: • SU..r Wl1tp (C) l:OO I a.co ·&oplMrs (C) -Fred MacMurray, Lloyd Nolan, Basil Rathbone. s.. u.. USA (C) m Sllpef' Sil C) Chartes Ru(flas. I Marlana 4•30 I Tiie O.tdoo....... (C) : a) Caper (C) ( I~ CfJibl~ ~ fo• (C)' • A111e11 fwca Hlatilfellta (C) • • s.. tile USA (C) a c.ste11o c,rt1tns <C> ane1andla • 1:30 e a (j) ni. .......... <C> • ..,,.. n.trt Tala of Wiiia farao 11.r-00 • CiJ Ci) m Melot U.,... .... 1:45 0 Mwle: "8odJ alll Soul"· (dra· 5:00 8 All-AmericH Cellep a.. (C) SaturdlJ Thtlh: "The Cardi· ball (C) CUrtGowdy and Tony Kubek ma) '47-John Garfttld, Lilli Palmer. Dennis James hosts. nal" and "Hyde Park Comer." call the action between the Cln· Z:OOl lllt fMw SodetJ (C) -1 lrs Acadelllc (C) 1:30119()) lup lunny/Road Rln-cinnati Reds and the Montreal . • SaturdfJ DcNlble featwe: "A QI•....., lewflni (C) Dave lntf ~~C, l Cat (C) Ex. pos. Place To Go" and "Desert ·Patrol." Davis and Bill fucker m11t NellOn ' Cai.w ...t.J • _!! 0 (1) Q) Seorie of tM Jun&te OJ C:O..onet Tlluh: "Don Juan Burton Jr. and Dick Weber. •e!t -<C> illllaan." D @ (}) &l ABC"s Wide w..t.it--1 tl7J (JJ qi Galllwer (C} m Award TllUtre: "The Man I • Sportl in Actioo (C) ef Sparta (C) · M~: Ato11lc WI~ Married." • q..a fer ~• (C) lloor ... (C) ~~.fl) SS-Brett Halsey, Joi Lan· 11:301 ~ (j) ~. Htreuloicla (C) 2:30 tJ DEBUT Dmlin& bJ Deliall (C) '. lnntntiHI (R) r-....... .,,.,..,,, (C) < Die~ Clark hosts. • versity of Califomla's Coll$Umer • •~ I Br.ncled (!1) (}) Q) A.-erlcan landstlnd This series. produced by the Uni· Futbol-Soccet ~ ...._ U Mowit· (C) "Arrow 1n the Dtalt' 9:00 9 (.iJ m FlhltltoMI (C) (adventu~) '54 -Sterling Hayden Science specialist, Is designed to 5:30, lllpll stwy (C) (R) llliwti· "Tie lep frNI ._.. Col G ' teach women to create wardrobes DIC .......... (C) ,,.... (~) '52 -Bela Lugosi, een ray. that project their own individuality. Caltllf"1 Ill..,. (C) Nanette Charllta. 0 Batlle Crr fabray guests. I (i1) m .(£) Spider Man (C) m m s.. .... USA (C) I Tlle Rat ,..,., (C) Jact Ta LMne (C} 3:00 IJ Mewie: "711 Gain Dnwt" (mys. Man Fro• UNC&£ (C) Sapbnllll TIMltrt 12:00 tJ a (j) Sliman! (C) tery) '50-Edmond O'Brien, Joanne Tlle ..... SMnd (C) Eatlldio de Pedro Yarpa a Mewit: "TM Adventurers" (ad· Dru, Otto Kruger. I ...... In PwlpedM (C) (R) ~ ' A T.RIBIJTE TO FIREMEN File, ita cause, lta prevention, it1 a~ some fuey, its trqedy, is the subject of a two-hour special on Saturday, May 10, on KCET (Cbunel 28). The Pri>8rao1 will be shOVt'n three times, bcainnina at 10 AM with final telecall ac 2 PM. The prosralD WM produced by the Loi AnaeJes City Fire Departmenlf for praenta- tion in honor of National Fire Service Rec- ognition Day. Pour award-winning 6lma of special in- terest to persons of all aaes will be pre- sented. Fant is the diluttoua Bel Air fire of 1961 that, in two days Of uncontrolled rampaae, destroyed 6,090 acres of water- shed and 484 of the most opemiw homes in Amer~. Abo acbeduled is tbe film, "Our Obliaation," that depi~ the traaedy of fire in a scbool. The 8bb was made entirely~ of the Los Anplea Cjty Fire tbeit wtftl and daiJ.. dren. In that uyin1 times, it will· aive parents graphic perspectives of the danger of ·fire in a school. A film will be shown on the potential fire hazards that are present in our daily lives and bow to combat these fires should they occ:ur. . ..,•11::~.=.rr• for chitdtea • Cinb ud filcfnitloft with fire could cost them their lives. May 10 is National Fire Service Recoa· nitioo Day and, on this day, ~ are encourqed to pay tribute to the brave flte llabtcn who risk their lives to protect our lives and property. The over 100 ftre ltations in the City of Loi A. aelcl will be Or.!l to the public. You and your cbil· dreo are cordially invited by Fire OUef Raymond Hill and the· men of the Loi Anpla City Fae 0. partment to vilit your neiabborbood ftre station. We • encourqe you 10 support your are department by participatina in dae ectivitia tcbeduled for you on Fire Service 0. . Tbe special ~Woo pl!)pD will bs bocb infoim.. ative and inteftstiftl, And • visit to your local are station will be enjoyed by youaa and old alike. J"1wH 11rtl/omu tlb.,_. ,,, IM .t,.,.lu C"1 Plt-nMt m..,,.,. dw wlM ,.,.,,, o/ .,..,,,_ palomtH ~dw ,,..,. ol dw Olfb-,.,_ dq .,_twrtl to 6w rlUd C .... "1 dll AINrfalft I~ .V. IOdalloft, SAVE $512.00 ON THIS TOP-RATED "BEST-BUY" SYSTEM! SONY 6660 • -Prof•alonal •traclt declt hH fulf IOlenold •oer•tlon. • a tcOnls, playa atereo °' "*--E.S.P . ~ tape wlftl- 2), \' . '~ .•~~ _, . ~-; '· -6~ ............... -· ·--· --- _DUAL 1019 e WOC'lcl·r~ aulOINllc turn- llble hH •-Y IM~xe fNhir• to<' SUPWiatlw ~mence e acclellMd by a~lopftlles everv· wflffel ...... dytMmlcally bll- altlled '"'"' wlltl r41111t•b•e coun· tefweigflt • 1na11lve 7'h·lb. plat· t,..-e PAClse cvlno. e '~ varl· • pitch ,.,. EMPllf Royal Grenadien .... .,.,,,,, w. ,nc.11 ...... ii EMPIRE 999VE • How does tha "' VE stock up 19eln1t ma o!Mr llghMr.ett• c1r1r~ on IOIUY'• me11ttt? • HIFl/St9"IO ltevltw compJrtd 11\em all for IOW•fOrc. tradt· Ing •blllry, and ratefi ma "'VE NVl'l'ib9t' 1: Aee. ,,,.,.,, MAY 9th OUI ,_,no tapeii °' 11111- s.s • Au1om1tlc ~ e Scrapo fMtw fllter e Three "'°'°"· Including llyat«wl1 ~ ·~•ieus. ~ e Model fOOOM, merbtetep. • 1$-lnch hlgh-compfl•nce _,tf' e Mid· r•noe direct radiator end ultra~lc domed 1-tw, llOftl OOllPMd to Em- plr•'1 w:de aA9le ecousflc ~ .-Crouowrs: a Ind SOCIO HZ • l positions trebl« ressions. 1wltch e Sound D!Spel'$lon: 360• balow 450 Hz e IW up to 20.000 Hz e 100 watts, Utt me. U ,llt .n ~. '13571 ' .. , ..... u patan drive • Record '-vel metera. lnatanl stop, tape countw e Vertie•! °' horliontal. undlstiwted e H1nd·rubbad satin w1lnut e Rag. "29.901 FULL PRICE NOW ONLY -. LIMITED QUANTITY AT THIS SENSA nONAL NEW LOW "PRICEnNCLUbES: e 1..-e c.frOI MlcropllH• e Allt'OllMltlc ._.,.... Ln.I e Fr .. 1 ·How c;-1t1» • Falt lewhlcl cmcl Fad FOi ••d • ,.,..... ... -latterfes lecluded • Cwert Hell 9uallty Dy-'c Sp••• Recorder and Player I Do not confuse with 11 Play~1clr only" Machi1111I