HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-30 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaI ' I -- I . -,..,------ - • MONDAY· AFTERt!OON,.JUNE 30, I ~69 ' VOL & NO. 1n, 4 l l!CT..,..'41 NeU . . ,. ----____ ...._ ..... _ US· ........ ru1se: • ' . . . .. , Apjwoacla Ben Bet · . ' ' I • Allies Att~~pt :.To Lift'.Siege lsr~el Slices J, I • • .. • • ' - li I .. " . .. _,... ---· _.. ~ ~ .. ---¢·~~--:- -;. '· J ' • ''. t .. " . . --·-.. r .· -a . ' ~ ' ' --r .... 1 ----.. ···--· • --~ ' I • S ULY I'll.OT s -· -:lO, 1'69 Cong~ess Sets DeadJ.ines~'ThenDneks Them - W~ (UPI/ -'1111 1' \lll'- ---lllJdlo)le ......... ~ bul J'lll'U -lmow tt Inn -~ Nor '#ill you tee aey change In cigaret- te c:ommudala, alllloul<h two federal . ~ want to clamp down on them and tbe law berrtng ,tbem from taldlll ---dJel at mldlllght, alq wtlb tho •-.,.. Adaa1l;y, the Jaw1 under which ~ fedttal pve-opeodJ Ill money !'WI cait too. But tho ll'todln& woo't ltop. · I It la Iii! part.,, .. uaual proceu ..... 1 Apollo Trial Ctirtnt' .Begins'; , ~onkey Okay c;APE KENNEDY !UPI) -Apollo 11'1 powft' cells wen activated ln a crucial trill countdown on the ground · today while an orbiting monkey named Bonn7 ~ved normaUy dutlng lbt second day r• .lillJ month-lane medical fact..flndlna l monkey , reported in excellent in his strange new world o( W"l111"1n,...., le ~lo "'"'1\ Jli!y. 28 wltb enough data to help man plan tor· voyages lasting many months. H1s m-II.coating 18U mllllon. '!bl mtaslon Is IOln& In perfectly rout.lot rasruon," said • spokesman at the BloaatelllUo Control Center, G""1belt, Md. In his l1nl lull day aloft, lbt monkfJ' drank a quart of •at.er, ate 10me\eo food pellela and aper1ly played i. .. games. 'lbe Apollo II countdown test, a final ftheanal ol evecything but blutDff, WU proceeding just u well at the launch site. It we.a aiming toward a mock launch at 6:31 a.m. PDT Wec!,'lelday -precl!<ly two weekl bd<n the moOPlbip'a tUeatf date. Launcb ' crews activated the 1pacecrafi'1 three vital fuel cell powtr generalOra and began pumping frigid U. quid hydropo and CD31gen Into ita tanlcs. Allronaull Nell A. Armatrong, Mldlael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin returned to lbt moonport from a weekend In Vtrwlnla and Tena and rehearsed \belr 1-undl Jn a command llhlp lllmutalor. They ........ 0 a major medical cbeckup 'l'ueada1. 'lbe tbrte plkU m dUe to retum "- man's first lunar landlag.misaion July M. President Nlxon.p~ to be aboard the recovery carr'9' Hornet to welcome tbem back. He alao ""°'* lo ~ with the -Jier. on tailbdl eve, July a: ,,,. llJ>ICO monkey; a' t~ """' the juniJa of TIWlull. '~ Into arl>tt Satunlly nllbl ..... .ezcept for a brief flurry ol uclterilent durln& launch, wu following the l'fllmen be rebeaned tor monthl oo earth. .Radk> reparU from · 23 aenson lrn- planled Jn bll brain. arterla and other body par1a "'°" be la eating, worldnc and aleeplna normally u his l~ bi ... telllte i:lrcla the sJobe. It la In .. otbtt r11111n& from us to 214 mllea high. The object ol tbe spaee!Ught, longest ever planned for a living creature, ii to determine In detail how prolOOied <X· J)OIUl'e to the lack of pvlty in space af. fecll llle processes. "Data from the brain, heart and mus- cle IJltems are •ble and of fine qual.i- l)'," project manager Charles Wilson ~Sunday.a the monkey...,.... the end ol bla 11111 day In space. Wilson said the l~t WU working "II• tremei1 we11." Nixon Plans Meeting . With GOP ABM Critics . WASll!NGTON (AP) -Pr,.lld<ot Nix· oo arrua:ed to meet torught with a group of liberal Republican senators who have oppoeed him on his Safeguard an- tiballilt.ic mi&tlle program. White House press stcretary Ronald L. Ziegler said the ABM program will be among lbt subjecta to be discussed, but he em~ the meeUng with the 1tt11.torl ii "}uet another In a series of dilcuasloni lbt Prealdenl 1' bavlng with coocreumen. ,, OAIL• HLO T ........................ ------Cilil!fOl'MA ~ COM1 ._,., ... CCllUWI' ...... N.W.-4 ---Jn• L c.trr Vlc8 ....... M14-'11 ..... ---a-n.-...:.::.~--. Clllll NIMt -*"' ..., """' ........... :•n._. .. ..,.. ......... -'· ........ 1 1lt ,...., ,._ .. . ....... .... =•Mcn . .-........... -~~:SZZ~ _.. ........................ -........... ._o...,..,.... ~ .::-r.::::. i:.: 1::.-= ;liii"\..; ... c.. ... ta !!• "''• 6'Mnt aft .. 11. an a MM'" .......... -.ei-~ ......... ~-----........... .......................... -• %SOIWZ ........... -.-. .. ~-· -~-........ ~ ... Qlflt • ..,..,...... "' ....--. ..... ...... .....,. ---..... ~----------~ • wltldi ~ 1(11 deadlines lot ltaelf, thea meab lll'liaDd them when the date drlWI nlah. ' n.e vehicle ls uaually called a 11cOn- llnuing resolution." C.ongress puses lots of them evt.ry year so programs due to expire can keep running untll the lawmakers get aroond to changing them, exteDclln( them or scrapping lbtm. Thll year II no excepllon. Although . more than a tcore of law• uplre today, Coatrus appears confident it has pat· died up the government fabric with enoup temporary eztenalons to keep fhinPJ:..lnl· "I we're ln ~shape," senat. l>emooraUc Leader Miiii M.-!Jtld said. ''We puled what we had to.· Jtm not wor- rying about any of them." There ls a gap or two, however. ll you are a com.merci&l fisherman don't mail in your request for a fede;:ai subsidy to help pay !or your'n boat. Aller mJd. night tolllgh~ the De~I of Transporlatlon wijl•ba .. "°authority te procesa lt unUI ~ vcitea a new aulhorUa.Uon. ' • i Also explrinS la ll>e' In under wbicb PmldenlJ.-i~· ••• ~ ........ -lllOlher-thwtille .... rv1s111n April lllil • -flllft· the ta .......... Iha ...... Ing tbe Pueblo • ~ Wllh tho dpretlo law aplriaf. the Nixon says he -·1 went the law, Federal Trode Commission (n1C) 11 ten- which Jell th.-President moblllu taUve\f flexing ita muscles by ~ reae:rvlst.s and natlonal I u a rd 1 m e n bearlngp tuudly on 1ts ptopoul to re· without declaring a naUonal tµJUfeDcy. quire a stem bf:allh wamlng on, all The Der~ Department told· ~ clprt.Ue com m.e r I! la I s, and ad- Nlxoo would ratber take his <~ ,~...._ But the Houte already bu joint aeaalon ol c..ic-·if 1 1 ·.-... '1 IJill -g tho IMn on •merpncy arlles. recu~tory ~ a.,r the Ji'ro II unllkely The late of lbt surtu still .i,pei1dl oo to pul lls nile lnili elfect unlll J11e Senate the H-. But eo._ voted Jul w~ del:ldes the "8Jxlotioo'• fate . to bave tbe eztta 10 per-wlthbeld 'Ibo moat COl!ly "cootlnulng ruolu· tlooa", will coot tupaym $11 blll\IJO a =-= bi:t'0r"f..sa':r":•"r and 1gtndea. Me:antlme, tmder I.ho resolutions, each department spends at tt.a old rate or the r•te prucrlbed ID Pmidtnt Nl'°n'1 propoaed budp~ whichever ls 19wer. Get~ng baclf to flalllog boata, dlla 't w9")' ab®l your wblldy ct>icli ii your aDDU Uon gets approved before Dildo nliht. You'Q gel ii. lt'1•tho depal'lmanl'~ aulhortty to appr;ive, not to oendt thit atops. 11 • I 'C9pgQ E.xi\~ .Tshomhe Dies ~ . . . I • Heart Attack Kilh 'Rubber Mall-' of African Politics ' . . ALGIERS (AP) -Moise Tshombe. known. u tbe 0 rubber man" of African POlltics, died Sunday ot an appareot heart a\tack, The Alserian Presa Servl<o reported today. He WIS 49. ; A communique signed by 10 Algerian doctors }aid tbe Jonner preniler o! tba Congo' and leoder of the breellaway sla\1 ol Katenga appealed to ~ve "1ecj In hi; steep. It aaid an autopsy was to bi perfonned today. The~ ol 'l)bombe'1.de&lh Came two years to the day llfter a French plane hijacker brought him to Algeria at gunpoint. The plane had been chartered tO take Tshombe from Spain, where be ti.,d been living in en.le, to Palma de Ma4 jorca. . After a deal fell through between Algeria and the Coi:igo to extradite Tsbombe to Kinshasa { I or me r l y. Leopoldville) to face a death sentence, Tsbombe's status became veiled in offi. clal silence. He was kepi. in solitary con- finement for two years, well treated but lt ... durlni the f1tat outbreU ol vlolence, in S~tember 1961, that U.N. Secrtlll:Y-Oeneral Dag Harmpanljold was · !lyln(. to ~ bordl< town !or ~ fin talks '.!11!!1. Tlrlomba.) ' Rhodesia. now Zeml>IL ·H~ wu Dying to a bor<t.r town for :~ talks with Tshombe. • While a U.N. investigating committee said it found no proof 'to support rumors the plane had been shot down , it added It was unable lo detennine the cause of the crash. Six month.s alter Hammarskjold died, the Katanga government announced UJe death or Lumumba, who then became a hero to many Afrcian youths. Same Congolese said Tslwmbe was responsible for Lumwnba's assassination, but Tsbombe maintained Lumwnba 1*I. escaped after being taken into custody ill January 1961 and was shot by villagers. Ir ~ed COOllil:!. with.the outside world,, • Tshombe tamed his nickname by ebowlng remarkable political resiliency in rebounding from utter defeat after the fall of Katanga in 1813 lo becomf premier cf the Cango in July 1964. The man with the moon face and toothy grin in<;plred no• in-between emotions among Congolese. He was either loved ar hated. Five months after Tshombe capitulated Jn January 1963, he left the Congo to a:o into exile in Europe for the first time. living mostly in Spain. But he returned triumphantly as premier in June 19M after Simba tribesmen rebelled lo tbe BOUND FOR EUROPE WITH A BEAR FLAG FROM; CAl'IJOL FOl!!ifain Volley Sludenls Allison (bock9rouncllT Dlddludt V alle!i ~~ir~s Off .19 .§\udy . ' ' • In ·~Ul'tNa -for Suil\Dlk .. .. ;,i ... By TERRY COVILLE Of .... 0.11'1 Plltt Slaff A pair ol Fountain Valley girls today are on their· way to a summer of study in Seefeld, Auilrla. Robtii ~. 18, of 17119 Walnut St., and Judy Dlcihudt, 16, pf 18S17 Cot· ton wood Drive, left Saturaay for ' more than a monlb r:A. study ai a school in Seoleld. • Both girls are lakjng~ part In the Foreign Study League summer program of foreign educaUan. ~1or.e " lhan 11,000 American students w i 11 participate' at scbools throughout the world. At least 18l of them will join Judy and Robin in Seefeld. "It's like a dream, the real impact or wbicb baii~ Tut nie yet," said Judy, just. Fro11a Page l RIOTING ... ed on suspicion of disturbing the peace . Violence flared again at that point, in- vestigators said, and Patrolman Gary Sten.er lost ru_, baton in the melee and was battered with it by the gang of ycait!ls. Knocked to the pavement, be was bit- ten on the chin by one screaming youth and as a reso.lt. hospitalized overnight at Orange . County Medical Center after receiving a letanus shot. Steadily growing in size, a crowd now numbering about 7i surged into the civic center area and showered armed lawmen guarding tbe police department with a hail ol rocks and bottles. Next scene of the action was a Jack·in·. the-Box drlve-01.rough restaurant at Fourth and Shel.too streets. where all wtadows were shattered and an arso11 at • t.empt was reported. Police at the scene arrested a 16-yesr· old boY who they se.ld hsd set fire to a traab contalneY' and was trying lo torch the bulldiqp: it.sell with a burning maguiM. Sporadic erupt.ions continued Ouring a five-hour period bef~ lhe temperature and the mood of the rampagen coo.led dewn .00 poUce were able lo relax. By midnlghl, Negro Jesdeni circulating among the unruly mobs had succeeded In calminC the situation and patrol cars were quieUy withdrawn as soon as feasl.· ble to add to the influence. Chief Allen said llfler lbe dlsturbaoce or riot -clepeodlng on one'• vle\Vp61nt - WU over, t b • t he WU convloced It -unplanned and dellnltely not Black Panthe<-fllOlivated. He ref.md to receot complaints by the N..,.. dt!Mnry ol olleged har- assJnent by pol\ce In tt>t wake of the June 4 murder of white Patrolman Nel· 60ft A. s..ctr. Not only Negroes but other radal elemtntt wtte involved 1n the situation, which was kepi going by youths •Bed 14 to It, nther than 1dults. "There were plenty of other1. Including browns aad whites," th• chief said . • ~ " . prlo+ to her Saturday depart.lire. The dream startrid Ia.it summer when Rohla heard about Uwf Foreign Study League program by w<>ril ol mounth. She paSM!d it on to Judy, ·a fellow itudent in German at Fountain ValJey High School, and boOf made plans f(I" thb summer. Cost or the program ~ borne by parents, but at a ccnsiduably reduced rate. Course of study for Judy and Robin in· eludes Gennan lllualUre, language and culture. "The best.part," says Robin, "is a One-hour portion of class when we will enter the town and study language with the merchants and other townspeople." Sehool credil will be:. received in language for · both ch'h. Robin expects cro..dlt at UC Irvine. nut year, and J udf wUI receive credit for .ber senior year at Fountain Valley. "We only study mornings," adds Judy. 1'Aftemoons, eYenings and weekends are ours to see the area." Seefield is n e a r Innsbruck, Austria, sight or the last Winter Olympics. Trips also are scheduled for the girls to East and West Berlin, Prague and Vien· ... "We plan to present the CaJUornla nag lo the mayor or one of those cities." said Judy. T~y have a nag which flew over the capitol building in Sacramento. given to them by As..;emblyman Robert Burke CR-Huntington Beach). No obligation to speak or make public appearances is Involved with thi.s pro. gram. The girls pay to study and learn what another country is like. Both, however, expressed a desire to be counselors on similar trips when they are old enough. For each 10 students sent to another country, cine adult counselor travels aJong. 'Covey of Cuti.es' Vie in, Laguna Beauty Cont,est Beauty Is where you flnd It but Laguna·s Main Beaoh lifeguard head- quarters will be a preUy good place to look Friday evening. That's when a panel ol ~., beaded by Mayor Glenn V~ will "!"ffi<J out a sale and ...,..tiooal July 4 b~ selactln& "Miss t.aguna Beach Lllq\W'CL" Billed as a "covey of curvaceaus cuties" by LlftgUltd C.pt. Rod Rlehl. contm.ants will be seleded ·from tho various beaches by ra.tdent IQlrds. "Miss Laguna Beach Llloeua<l" and lwo princes>es will be -to ......, . over VRrious city aod liftgull'd fllnctkim for \he remainder of the IWIUDll'. Chief Lllegu•rd Tam llUggel tllended an Invitation to 11all hands" to ttt.eod the nlnlh annual Fourth ol Julj< cooteal wbli:h begins at 7:IO p.~ Molse-Kapenda -which stands for ''Moses Beloved'' -Tshombe was born in Muswnba Nov. 10, 1919. His fathtr was a rarUy , a wealthy African bµsinessman in an economy controlled by Belgians. T1bombe was aften known to boast: "I am a rich man. I am the only Congolese who does not need to be in politics to make a living. No one can buy me." Ul'ITel.,._lto EXILED LEADER DIES Congo's Moist T lhombe Lumumba lo resore order, then declared independence for Katanga. Backed by Belgian mining f1nns and a army led by wh.ite mercenaries from South Africa snd Rhodesia, Tshombe withstood worldwide pressure and United Nations' efforts to end his secession for 30 months. ·- provinces. ny said the Western powers, tn4 clud g the United States, had convinced Pr ent Kasavubu that Tshombe was the on person who could unite all eonao !actions d put down the rebellion. Tshombe:'s troops, again led by white mercenaries, succeeded in crushing the Simba rebellion, but in !be fall of 1965 a simmering feud between Kasawbu and his premier broke into the open. Again Tshombe: went into exile, never really returning to the limelight until he was kldnaped to Algiers. Ra.lied as a Metbodilt with a high sdlool education, Tabombe toured Emope before coming home to run the family's interests, rD4CfJ' tbe daughter of a tribal chief and fatbtr 10 children. Lo'1e Blossoms He aerved on aeveral tribal and pro- vincial councils in the 1950s, and when Belgium wu ready to grant it.a colony i.n- dependnece.. Tshombt WU premier of its richest province. Pilot Helps COng Distance Affair lndepmdence came July 1, 1960, and the Congolese anny mutinied IOOD ~ter. Tshombe waited 10 days fol' PreSident Joaeph Kasavubu and Premier Patrice Thieves Like Racing Wheels Thieves stripped a . pair of high perfonnance aQtomobiles al a Costa Mesa car dealersbfp of more than $1,100 In racing wheels and engine equipment, pcllce were told Saturday. Robe.rt J . Moffett, employed by Tlfeodore Rotilm .. Ford agency, 2060 Hiui>or Blvd., satd he lound lbt 1969 and 1967 sport sedans looted when he arrived for work.. Patrolman William Bechtel sald one auto was left lying on its wheel drums, With $775 in wheels and engine ac-- ce.!SOries stolen. A second vehicle owned by the New- port Imports agency, 3100 W. Coast Highwsy, Newport Beach, had $2.10 worth of engine accessories missing, investigators said. Love blos:sqms in strange places, I~ eluding, rebently, on lhe front pages of the DAU, Y PILOT. On June 18 the newspaper published a picturt of pretty Fountain Valley lifeguard Mary l)Jpuy, 23, Huntington Beach. A few days later a request was receiv- ed from a soldier in Vietnam. "Please send me an eight-by·len print of the pic- ture of Mary Dupuy that appeared recently in your pa~r." That soldier, P .F .C. Steve Smith, a Long Beach resident, happens to be Ptiary's boyfriend, but she didn't know about his request "That sneak," said Miry 1n mock anger when told ot . hi& requfst. "It's typical of him to do ~ and not ten me." Mary, however, U5Uall.y is to 1 d everything. She receives a letter from Steve every day and looks forward to seeing him when he leaves the Anny May. Besides summer lifeguarding,. Mary teaches third grade at T,unura School in Fountain Valley dw'lng the, winter. She n)et Steve only about a month be!.,... be enlercd tbe Anny. Tcday the photo, with Mary's blessings, One of the 18 is on its way to Vietnam. Mary admits she was "flattered" that St.eve asked for her picture. South Korean Students Riot SEOUL (UPI ) -Tbo\l!aildJ of studMI in Sooth Korea rioted in the streets today to protest a(l'.ainst Pruident Part Chung Hee's third term aspirations. Battles broke out between rock-throwing youths and police armed with tear g111 .and clubs. The demonstraUons bea:an on thtee: University campa.Sd· arid quickly' a~ By afternoon 4.000 student. po!P'ed lhto the 1treets from five Seoul tmiverstUes and rioting broke out in Taegu, South Korea's third largest city. The specific cause of the riots wu Park's efforts to revise the. consUtuUoo so he can seek a third term. They were similar to the student riots which fOtGed President Syngrnan Rhee out of office lq April, 1960. Clark'• Sh,_ from Eqland. I have a rather decent ee- ledion of yaehllng and boallng •pparel. In faet, between my • h ' . OtOl"O and the aalt -~ •Hit est men s stores onthem-eninelnRiehard't Mlll"ket next door, you set the ' N B h.. dogonednt MSlection in eap-in ewport eac livhy. (ldon'tmlndgivlngmy good nel@hhor a f-pla!f.) \ Why don't I mention price'a! If it 1addenly f!ell hol and yoa your auention. In faet, I hne Thel"O'a no "'n"' in abowing a need a eooler necktie or'°~ two different e1othing ahopa pieluftl of a auit or whateftr, thing, yon don't ..-i lo cateh within thlo stol"O. One, whieh 1 with a deadly dnll deoerip- 1un1trob hunllng for .......,. call H ···-Sb • i th of the lh,...do, and a price. It'• wbere to buy it. en-e.... op, " or e more important to tell yOu You can eui1y find a mm.'1 button-down eo~llflr! graduate 1l>0al t11i1 tiore and what il 1tore in Newport Beach. I find who wanll the ~dltlona1 look. 1tand1 for. , ~8 of tbem, incloding my own, My~-shirt• a"' very com· My prl<et are pl-Ins. 'J1MT in the phone 'hook. ·plete npl now. By Cant, Eon> won'I uke the earl o•I of yov In cue yoa cloa'1 know and Exeello. pins intemillng halr but Ibey may atralplell whlda IO patronlae, pick a nlee new sport ohirte from half a out your cheek hook. name. I 81.., yoa the en.tire 'dooen bi,tlly repnled maken. Alsd always ramember the· llall A L'Elpnt, Alldmpn, Aloo •dam pod ahoe 110re. name of the 110..., Bht.,..,U. It'• Bay l>epL Sto..., -.i.eo.,,her, In add It Ion IO Taylor, and a worn derived from the Latin. Robert Berkeley, Jadt Bidwell, Sperry Topa!der, I carry Bally Looeely tran1lated, It _ .. Oetmoad'a, H-of Morpn, Sboee from SwiJoerland, and "the bet1 of tbe blllleh." Lamdowae'o, teopud't Spota, Pat M.rley'a, Mr. l>aul'a, Ma.fll Ltd, Qamer Deck, Sawyer, sn ... rwoodo, G Meli'o, and Woodraff'e. . h la JllJ', 1.....,lloat eplnlon Iha! my 10111, 1port -II and olacb are partloularly worth Jack Bidwell 8467 Via Udo aiNewport Blvd, In Newport Beada >lel<l lo Richard'• Markel and The Lido Theate" Pl~nly o! free p•rklng In the ...... Phone 673-4510 Copyright 1969, Jack Bhl'well. I I I I I I I I I \· \ I I !11 I I ,1 :1 \ I I I I I \· \ ~ ...... . . - VO(. 112, NO. 155', 4 SECTIONS, 48 !PA~E;S ORANGE 'COUNTY, CAUFORNtA I Ooo-Nabbed By Helicop; Two Hunted One suspect Is In custody and two others gought today after a se.atth by Huntington Beacb helicoptets , and six Pftlrol cars for robbery suspects who allegedly set their own car afire in an ef. fort to cover . their Trall. ~ The suspects .are wailted ln connecUon with the robbery and beating of Roger Bello, 35, of Van Nuys. Three robbers assertedly struck Bello ove.r the head with a bottle, assaulted him with a gun and took .ta and a checkbook from his . cket. JI One suSf)«t in custody is Martin Guardado, 24., 4523 W. Bolsa Ave., Santa Ani. He was booked on charges of armed robbery, anon and assault with a deadly weapoo. Guardado was arrested after .a four- hour IW'ch S.turday involving the police hell<opler "Huntington Beach Eye" and a Sip!. Oil Co. chopper wbich combined efforts with siJ: ground patrol uni~. Warranls again8*: the other two will probably be ooughl If Seal Beach detec- tives determine enough cause. · PoUce said that the haul apparently WaJn't enough for the robbers, who pro- duced a gun and threatened victim Beito'• life. A struggle over the weapon developed during which a shot was !ired into the roof of the vehicle. Beito man.aged to escape and hit· chhiked home and then reported the crime to Seal Beach Police. At approximate1y 7:30 a.m. Donald Lavey. of Santa Ana, who was fishing at a am.all lake at Golden West and Talbert Avenue, reporteol lo Hunilngtoo Beach pollce ·that he saw three men trying to 1ink ·an automoWe. 1llo.,.. trled1to dlkh tbe car In tbe water, but could 1\111-•--tbe lake r.aJ too shallow. A rag wu then 1luck into the vehicle's gas •tank iD an at· !See COPTER, P8" 11 Valley Teen ~eld On Drug Charges After Hit-run A Fountain V8ney youth races felony drug intoxication charges today stem· ming from two hit-run accidents in Newport Beach Saturday that ended with his arrest after a":'foot chase. Richard Lynn Templin. 19, of Fountain Valley was arttsted after a chase by f'.ewport Patrolman Robert Gatewood at 9:30 p.m. Police said Gatewood was responding to a hit-run sideswipe call at Dover Drive and Pacific Coast Highway and ~ another accident at 2410 W. Coast Highway. He noticed one of the cars at that crash flt the description or the hit· run vehicle from the Dover Drive in· cident. Gatewood atopped at the 2410-address and witnesses pointed out ':{'.emplln as the driver. Templin allegedly tried to nee and Gatewood said he arrested him less than a block away after a foot chase. The drivers of the two other cara In the h.it..run incidents were unhurt. · In lhe Dover crash Templin's car allegedly sideswiped one driven by Joyce Lopiech, 2207 Oceanfronl, N e w p o r t Beach. At 2jl0 W. Pacifi c Coast Highway the Templin car hit one driven by Anne Cooke of Long Beach, who told police Templin hit the auto three times while trying lo back up alter tbe first Impact. / Oruce Weather Thal longp1wa:ited 1ummer wea- ther is finally with us, and the mercury Is due for a fump into the IO's along the coast Tuesday. Fur· ther inland lt'U break 90, we're told. INSmE TODAY Th< lot.it mrdlcul 'P'dolty ,. "" ori{linol .....,,.....tr - g<11<ral flNldi" -and It will bt waght at Hoag Memorial Hotpitol in conjul'IC'tion IDiCh cM UC Jrvint MedicaJ School Stt Pog• 17. ~ 11 -" Mrt'ltt tl .... !Miii ..... .. • .,,._,. C....tr n ....... fl ., .... ,...... ,. s.dai..,... .~x --............ , .. ,. ·-" -.. -. ............ .. ' MARY DUPUY READS HER DAILY LETTER FROM VIETNAM Through Newspaper, Boyfriend Kup1 Eye on Te•chtr Lo-ve Blosso111s Pilot Helps Long Distance Aff(l,ir . . . ·1-.b!o1 ' ••ID -it placee, lr>- cludiqg.. recenijy, on the ·tront· pages of the llAILY Pit.OT. On [\Int II tile newspoper published a plct.ni of pretty FOlllllaiJI Valley lifeguard Mary Dupuy, 23, Hunt.initon Beach, . A rew days jater a request was receiv· ed1 ftoip a soldier in Vietnam. "Please send me an eight-bY-ten print of the pic- ture of Mary Dupuy that appeared recently in your paper." That soldier, P.F.C. Steve Smith, a Loog Beach. resident, happens to be Mary's boylriend, but sbe didn't know about bis requesl '"lbat ~." said Mary in mock ....,. when told of bis ft<!""'-•n•1 typical ol him to do this and ool !Oil' me." Mary, however, \15Ually ii told everything. She J"eeelVes a Jetter from Steve every ~ and loob forward to seeing hlm when he leaves the Army May. Besides summer life&'i_ardi_l]Bi_ Mary teaches Utlrd (rade at T~l in Fountain Valley during the wlnter. She met Steve only about a month before he entered the Army. Today the photo, with Mary's blesslngs, Is on Its way to Vietnam. Mary admits she was "flattered" that Steve asked for her picture. Lifeguard Rescues Surfer As 50,000Crowd Beaches At least one of the 50,000 individuals who came-_for the surf and sun at Hun- Ungton Beach Sunday Is a healthy -IOan tbday bec8uR of lileguard action. Jerry Sellers of Downey required ox· ygen and emergency treabnent at Hun- Ungton IntmOmmunlly Hosptlal Sundoy Stock M•rkets NEW YORK (AP> The stock market closed with a modest gain today as selec· li ve buyina gave it some of its bounce. Trading was slow. (See quotations, Pages 14-IS). The Dow Jones lndustriaJ average at 1:30 p.m. wu up 3.37 at 873.13. Gains led losses by about 275 Issues. after he was pulled from heavy surf about 4:30 p.m. Sunday. This morning Sellers was discbarged, healthy again, from the hospital, said at.- tendants. Lifeguards had pulled hlm into a boat about 300 yards south of &he pier, then towed him to the pier where ·an am· bulance whisked him to the hospital. Sellers was one o( five sunbathers who required major first aid Sunday, while 93 rescues were made. according to lifeguard reports. Water temperature was 64 degrees over lhe weekend. Sun~ day's Crowd showed a large increase over Saturday's meager mart tl. u,c:m, ll!eguard:; said. $75,000 Cabin Cruiser Rull.S ·Aground at Balboa ... By JOUN VALTERZA "We don't even have the injured man's The ·exr_>e:Sf':e o.:_l~ •:bin cruiser name for our first aid report Crom last 11Shapt>ondoa" ""~ a mysterious party night," be said; ol f(Alr persool aboard crunched hard Soorces Salcf tbe v....i Is ool equipped agl'GUlld-<'1 the m...n1·beadl 'early" this w!lh aulo,matic pllol, and : lheu was "'°"""' oo ll>e-.Mlboa ~la. "saneooe" at tbe .""!ln>ls wJ>en the bolt 'Ille. '7S.M11"'1.-.blacU1ulled Stevens _ skidded up on. ihe t.,adl. Polloe aid Ibey ~ lkldded 1'lch up Gii tbe 'beach at toOt one 14bystetlc'al1,-women titm the the ocun ""'.oil!: sire« at.abOutl •·'I'· ' beach near tlle crift and• bel1H1et at n *lift <ill lhe'l;eAd> .,._.,ane ol tbe headquarters for a brief petlndi '11ltll Ibo ~!idea of,.,. yur: · calm<d down." • ''lbt a~ pilot ·al lbecplush craft, Another woman_.,. c:omplalned who, Um lor 1)as ,_!URd lo, lde!!Ufy to reporten ol brulaes,sbe said~. himseK ~ his -en, oWf<ttd a fllcled b1 olficen aller Ibey 1tSpG1irliJI' bad!Y cut root In. )he confusion follow••• _lhe .8.~· Police oaJd there lf!iur='~;;:.-~ it~~ ~~~;t~i~ aid ~ an boor al couing. ed to ajslst .a!ffiiiil · tbO boa 'Ibe cause of the mishap was a1 clou<ty truiaer was ICheduled for bull as (he lif<ntll1 ol lhe two men and two "for a cunpleu palnl4ob '"' lhe -00 'baard.. ' ' 'lt 1'lll -llll!d --that-fJUecuanl C.J!.u Buclcly Belsbe said thlo AUthorillet doublocl the craft ""~ momf1w lhat on tbe hull rqlstr• ,pulled 'back Into hip waier Uoo --wen ll'u!Ueu, liecaule lhey becauae of Ila atr""* wellbl dldD't oiflL Uoa ... tbe beocll, • ' ' ~ . . 2 Officers .H {ltt, .. 1:4· Y~utfu·,J4:rrested/ Riot conlrol ofllcen from ~ towns joined SOnla Ana ~' '&u!da1 night • pnp ol )tOUlhl rampqej -a full moon, tbreatenlng ,at one ~·io besiege the. civic center' but au - reported quiet ~. Two officers Were tnjured during· the" hot nt&ht· episode in the couaty aeat'a predoli>lnanUY Ne.,. nelghhorhQcid and 14 black youlhs ,.... m,.ted In the fi ... hour disturbance. Store windows were smashed, poUce can bashed ln, a drive-in cale se,ftrely damqed and unlgnlted Molotov codclalfa confiicaled In lhe chain of Incidents.', Santa Ana Police Chief Edivard J. Allen today said be could not call •the Sunday night erupUoo an actual riot, ad- Nixon to Stay Here 4 Weeks Mter Big Trip A !our-week visit In Son ,Clemente ti scheduled by Pr"ldent Nlxaft after lils round-the-world trip, Including a stop In CommwUst Romania, t ends tn early Aug\111, While HOUie &Ida said toclaY. No exact dates have been ·let, l:lut1 presldenUaf preu semtary "R«toZlell<r ooid tlle ally at tlle SUnun.r Wfitie lloole will begin Aq. I 0.. 13, u -planned. • . l'rmd<d Ni...'s °'"'*· °"'911 tlar has 6een timed lo coincide --the ~-ol --... r~t" lbe .. ~..-~rt" Zleg(er .lalcl lbt foreign ~ "allCIJIJ1 UJ>l<ll the m..• originoJ pJans ·fOJ:..a vf~t In San ~. but tbe timetable will be ~ four, -weeka, ,;.I. Tbe global loar II ilobedulod'foi; July 13 lo Aug. S, and w!D Include a vl1lt In ·eom; munlstRonlanla. Details · of ti:.e Brelldenc.'s. work·and· pley stay athls n e.w ly·f umi gated beachfront nlansion have no& yet-been made public by lhe White Hou.oe press aervlce. · l'llsumably lhe proc<Clure will be similar to bla ·reC:ent vllit .ea mite to Vietnam war talkl on Midway h:land, featuring news conferentes a00 in-- le.views at ihe Newporlef Inn. Although comings and golno ol -the First Family"'.Jill continue on 1be same tone as. their busy Washlngtorf a1endfi.. the Nlxons are aJI expected to )>.e,ln San Clemente for most of August. , A new swimml.Jlg pool built on the grounds of the old Hiram .R. C.o t.t on Estate will be ready and presumably two species oI termites will no longer be in evidence. A WhitUer firm completed fumigation of the JO.room mansion recenUf, ronow. ing an execuUve order for execuUOn forthwith of tbe Dying and crawlli)g termites. Fumigation ot the premises to ·end the entomologlcol White House dinner was,' a requirement for aale of the execuUve hideaway, negotiated with 90-year~ld lllrs. Victoria Cotton. • Ship Decommissioned llOSTON (AP) -The oldest actjye aircraft carrier in the U.S. Navy, the USS Esse ...... lo be decominlaalooed •ll>day at isocton N•val Slilpyard. .l.l .. .• . . " <lflll lhal .11hli., and:llalc.,,.~ u Well u Negr0io:l6ot P.lfl.• • -- Q\lel Allen aid tbO calr ilw!\llll ,,,..._ Jl'Opel'.lj be termed &r~dldiblnce lnsload ol a rlOt. allboolli liwloen' wmo adequ.lefy preplred lO.deaJ·frui:tbei.t. ter. ' • By late.Sunday,-..40 otnCera frcim Cotta Mesa, tfi from \Orance".2> from lGm!en Grove,,11 . frvm WelllpinJter, 15• Or- Cowrty >Sheri!f's depUjles, and a 'd.- MPs had jojnid tbe ~man ~· Rocb. and boUles showered-patrol vehicles u tbe SUia Ana olDcen ' and SU~-~ tried lo qllefl tbe dllturbance, etemlning from s theaCer in- cident. lnftSllJaton Aid today lhe violence . .. . . was loqchocl oil al 1:30 p.m.;wben !lcl- Jaclr .Shiffer and Patrolman Ferren .JIUC~'\f .w~· Hl!t lo The BnJa4wq l'bea~~t \st#tt•nd Broadwq. ' ,,, .. ,....... needed' bel • u;.bl; ;lo )\Ut a .ct girl id..ililed' u ·Sonot~ D:-•Chahdler,' ti, of 915 s. GoJdenwef( A ve.1 tod , her llater out of -lhe.movle\houoe. . They-toicf' lnvesllgallng 'officers .Mia Chilndfer al)d her 17-yOIMlcf ' lister had "'"" cr<aUng a d~tudanee and tbO o- girl' was COl\leqtlOl!Uy ea<corled out ~ police. . • . . Ooce. outside, the youn&';r Miu Chandler a!fege<lly struck Sgt. Shaller ·- spouting profanity -and 1 group ot boys • !See RIOTING, Pqe 'II :aaas Give support -\ ' 3;00() Troops in Push To Lift Ben Het Swge SAIGON (UPI) -A force ol a,ooo .... sbelllngs of Ben Hel cooUnued lo lllack- ernment troops backed~ by tbe -bel'flest en -there were 25 rouoda into the.camp U.~. air raldo In .two mooljla· JlUlhed Sunctai whkh killed two South Viet· Wli>ppoaed towanJ. Beo Hot loc!or In .. attempt to Ult tbe ~ -.., .u.s, nameoe but there weno no • Incoming military opo1i...,.. ._w; ,, . l'OJ"'d' from midnight to the early jlaurl Bii bombe,ra atruct lar(lila Within a ol tonight. . mil• of 'tbe•a-t -~· ~"""' '11\e.dril" aloo e...d tbe air lllll(lly __ ln ,the <!091fa1 ~ wfiile qi Bea Het. <U.S. carp pl-. ·fl:rlnl ~i.er':'1~tbevi::-~ ~· PfOtidiie ~ 'al .~ .. -J;· .. .,... ..... ,· -~-~--l!J ~ ~ ililllOd lift liilDli ........ _. ~~"~·•''*of f.p;:;;;;; ' 11.L mllllatY . op ....... aild :llj>otb . ..r · ........._.. !Jj ~ lo the Vleti>ameoe lftlan~,,_... ~, · ~-· ~~n , UI _111· Met< Ille deme 1"""" nar u;'""!Aoo-Oam-· ~ ~ -::= ~.!r"':i,'""-'""'=~ ; ~~1i-I.;~ :J'':: ~Mpf ~ ~ to' ...,., '8ied. \k~ 1~1 eftGrta• •uh c..i..,i '.O hfPway l!Jca --,.,,,.,,. iloi · °'""" ii ~ve. ;Ji.•, to M 'Ta, Olcht mileo away. tatinl. a beating .,ud l>u lo dedde The foot lroopo driving "'! Ben Het whether II'• -..ortb II to him mllllarlf¥ were part 0( a a,000.min' torte ordered aOO·.,utically to keep up the ellort." . into the. area tn a new operation wblcb . "flirtmaaive ~ and artillery strikes beg'an ' UWi 'W'Rk:end. Conunan'l;len' re-..-e w!dt~llng tf:le ~Y down," ~ LL ru9'd lo•dlsculo lhe lpeclllc miuloo of Col. Andrew ~uli, 43, ol Jacbon- tbe operaUon alnce lt entailed fqtiire ville, Fla., tbe Ben Ret commander. . PIW, but the rtllef •of Ben Het . .-11 one "Perhaps we till 20 ,in one ~ :Kl ol ""1n. • wllll ani>lher. Thal ieepo tbe enemy The drive Wu so 111cceuful that the moving. He Is safe ~here." Military .ip(lkel!Dell In Saigon Mid U.S. Drowned Surfer ' . Identified as ' Huntington Man An early moriilng surfer. whc»drvwned Friday In HUJrtlngton Beach· hu been ldenUlled -by .the Orange C.o•µ n t,y Coroner's Office as Lury T. Tayklr, 24, of 71t' Owens st.. Huntington Beach. Taylor drowned ·aboµt 9:30 a,m .. Fri- day. His body wu first discovered by other surfers, who lost It, then It was recovered again by HunUngton Beach lifeguards near the bluffs along Pacific Coast Hijllway. Taylor was ldentilled u manager of Colonel Sanders Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurant al 11571 Beach Blvd,, Hun- tington Beach. · Prlvau funeral ~ are pendlni al ~·, Cllapel.ili H!Mlllniloa BndL .r and South Vietnam"' Ugbter-homliera new to strikes tn*rt of the IUt• rOuntted garrilon of Americans and 150' -SoU!b Vfetnim Suod1y -the moat lojged bi day ·ol tbe 16<fay ...... Huntington Man , Oeared in Heist John Robert Kieenan, 31, of 311 14th st.1 Huntington Beach, who w a s arrtlted Th.W'sday on !lll!lpiclon of stronsarrn 'roJ>. bery, was cleared of all charges today. said police. Keenan was SPotted Thur.eda7 night , behind Gilligan's Islt, a bar on 5lh Street, dragging a bleeding and bruised old man. Arresting officen first thought he had just robbed the man, Harry D. Hyde:, 73, of 208 W. 5th St. Detectives said today that Keenan was apparenUY be!Plnl Hyde r<lurn hame u be had clalmeo! wlim "amoted. ' I K Congres s ·sets ·ne-.dlines!) Then Du~ks TJte1n! . - • • • WAll!ING'l'ON (UPI) -n.o 10 pet· --i.. llltCU,. &lljllm lodo)' 1"11 ,..n ..... bow .B '-,.._, \ pepdlocl:.. . . !Nor wW you see any cbangt ln cta:mt- te commercials, althou&h two federal 1,ienctes. w111l to cl1mp down qn them Incl Ille la~ barrhl& U..m from taking IUcb ·l<tlon dle1 at midniibl. alOflJ w1U. the surchrage. ActuaUy, I.he Jaws under which the federal government spends its money run out too. But the spending won't stop. . II ii all p&l1 of an annual prows under Apollo Trial Count Begins; Monkey Okay CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -Apallo 11'1 power oellJ were acUvated ln a crucial tdal countdown on the ground today while an orbiUng monkey named Bonny behaved normally during the second day · · his month-long medical fact-finding fllCbl. The monkey, reported in escellent lhape in his mange new worki or weigbUessness, is expected to return July 28 with enough data to help man plan for voyages lasting many months. His mi.Won ls costing $92.1 million. Tht mission ls going in perfectly routine fashion ," said a spokesman at the Biosatellite Control Center, Greenbelt, Md. In bis first full day aloft, the monkey drank a quart of wa~, ate some 60 food pellets and ea:perUy played two ga.n~. The Apollo 11 countdown test, a final rehearsal of everything but blastoff, was proceeding just as well at the la~ aile. It was aiming toward a mock launcli at &03% a.m. PDT WednwioY -predsely two weeks before the moonship's takeoff date. Launch crews activated the spacecraft's three vital fuel cell power generators and began pumping trigkl Ii· quld hydrogen and oi:ya:eo·into·ita lanks., Astronauts Neil A. Amlstr<mg, Michael Collins and F.clwin E. Alitrin retQrned to the moonport from a weekend in Vlra:lnla and Texas and rehearsed their launch in a command shiP aimulatoll. They undtrgo a major medical checlni; TUesday. 1 The three Pi!Ots ... mto return !roll' man's first l\mJr llndiili!l!on Juli' U. Pr.,Jdent Nixon P~'llli ' aboard tile recovery carrier HorMt . welcome them back. He also apecti Jo dine with the astronauts here on ~ jve, July 15. The space mon~, pounder from the jungles of • , rocketed into orbit Saturday nl and, except for a brlef flurry of el'C tement dlD'ing launch, was following the regimen he rehearsed for months on earth. Hunting ton Pair Listed as Critical After Collision Two Huntlngton Beach residents are listed in criUcal and one ln fair condlUon today at HunllngloIJ lntercornmunlty Ho!Jtltal foilowlng a saiurday night col- Jlsion between two automobiles at Adaai.s and Huntington avenues. The acclden\ occurred ·&t 11:29 p.m. when a ve.hlcle driven bf Paul E. Norton, 22. of '127 Yorktown Ave., collided with a car driven by Christy A. Malone, 16, of 21101 Luau Lane. Admitted to the hospital in critical con- dition were Norton 8.lld Janet Lloeberry, 15, of 10151 Crallet Drive, a passenger in the Malone car. Richard R. Dice, 22, of 9291 I.Jtchfield Drive, who was Norton's passenger, also was admitted in critical condition. Miss ?i.1alone was not injured. Police reported Morton's car was demolished ln the wreck,. A ~rby oil storage tank also sustained damagt. GAllV PllOI (111.t..NGI COMl "1/lll\Mll'IG COMl".t..l'I• l:ei•rt N. w .. i ,.,...,,,. .... ll'IMi.lw Jt d1 It. C•tl:r Via ,., ........ "!'O ~ ..,...., n ...... kte•ll ••* n ..... , "'· Mvt.liiR• ~·~!lit IJMrf W. lilt• Wllllt M ..... .. _111• tMll ......... Efllt!' Cl"r Hlllf H•ll .. f111 .... 0M.t .JO• Ith Strt tl M.m .. ""''''" P.O .... no, •tM• °""' ...... .....,..,, '"°'· "'' -· .............. C.... #19MI ml W.-1 MY • .,.. '---~ m ,.,... •- , ~a..,.. setl <lt~IMI le< tiJi -. " ..... --....o..i illom .... tit.. "fl -la ..... ~ ....... ~ lllab. . ~ 1-S llllio . d illd. Tllo >eidGlo If ....U, <i!llod a ""IP' . .,.. M~. -· ..... !'ID IOI._ 1loubll naDlullqa " ""::!'f. • lllllm II llf tl ti..'' al iblln ""Y ;e'ar "' •IO • .,.,.... a.., ., .._ ....... U ,.. ezplre can keep rwinini until the are a commercial f1$bett0an, don't mail lawmakers &et &round to changing ~ in your request for a federal subsidy to utending thtm or acrapPlnc them. h~p pay for -your new boat. Alter mid- 1bls year Is no -exception. Allhollgh ntpt~ 'tOhtlbt, the Dep.iirtment o t more than a score of laws el'plre today, Transportation will have no authority lo Congress appf:ars confident it ha.s pat· process ll. uo1il Conpess. votes .• new ched up the 1overnment fabric with authorizaUon. enough temporary exlellsiOllS to keep Also .,Plring ls the law Wider' wblcb 1 ' • ' · ~ . OAJl,.'r0 Pll.01' ..... l"Mtl BOUND· FOR EUROPE WITH A BEAR FLAG FROM CAPITOL ·f'ount1ln V1 U1y $tudtnts Allison {background ), Dickhudt ' ' . ; . ( ' I .• "valle y· (;ff is: ,, In -A.'r stli ·~1 or 8.:.i .. JU ..... ' By TERRY COVILLE Of !tit M llY f'I~ lltff A pair of Fountain V.Uey girls today are orfthelr Way lo..a sununer,oI study In Seefeld, Austrih.. Robin-Allison, 1!, of 17119 Walnut St., and J~ Dickhudt, ljl, or 18577 Cot· f'rf1'!' .. Page 1 RIOTI NG .•. claiming to be their btoihn pulled Sonora away from the tawriihl. Pushing and shoving by a gang of abo:ut %5 young5ters followed, during which the sergeant was knocked to the sidewalk, . kicked an~ stomped, while Of{icer Buck.Jes ran to radio for reinforcements. ' Several more officers responded to the scene and '8gt. Shaffer, baek in action, , took the ChB!>dler sisters into custody at Broadway and Fourth Streets to be book· ed on S\r.lpicion of disturbing the peace. Violence flared again at that point, in- vestigators said, and Patrolman Gary Sterier lost his baion in the rnelee and was battered witb i\ by the gang of youlhs. • Knocked to the pavement. he was bit· ten on the chin by one screaming youµi and as a result, hospitalized ove.rnia:ht at Orange County Medical Center after reCe.lvlog a tetanus shot. / Steadily growing in stz.e, a crowd now numbering about 75 surged into the dvic center area and showered anned lawmen guarding the police department with a hail oI rockl and bottles. Next scene of the action was a Jtck·ln- the·Box drive-through restaurant at Fourth and Shelton streets, where all windows were shattered and an arson at.. tempt was reported. Police at the scent arrested a lS.year- old boy who they said bad let fire to a trash COQtainer and was tryinl to torch Ille bulldln8 ltseli with a bumlng magaZlne . Spandtc erupt!onl ~eel durln& a five·hour period before the temperature aod the mood of Ille --cooled down 1od police were 1ble to l,'OIU. By mldbllh~ N .... ltadm drailatlnc mr10111 the unndy-bid -IO-In· <•!min& Ille lltlllltloo . aod palnll .... wen qul<tl)' withdrawn u -u feul. bte to add to Ille 1.-. • Chltf Allen Aid Iller ~ --0< r1ol -depeodlat ........ v1wpdllt-wu over, t b at be ,... COl\1Dced It WU Uoplamiod and c!rllofMIJ DOI Bid P1nther-«not1vated. - He relemd to reconl compl•lntl by the · N•lfO dtizelll')' ol alltlff har· 1ssment by pol!ct In the wake of tho June ( murder of white P1trolman Ne~ IOD A. SUllC'tr. N'" oal7 N-but othtt ndal tl<m<nll wm lnYoMd In tho -uon, which WIS ktpt loin( by youths •I'd I( to 18 rather than adults. i•TIWrt were plenty 0( othtrt. lncladlnl browns and whltes,11 the chlel Jtld. ton-,,:Ql)d Drive, left. ~a.t!D"d.ly for more than a month of study at' a school in Seefeld. I . Both girls are '1ald11g · part In the Forelg;n Study League. summer program oI foreign education, More 'tban 11,000 American .students w i 11 parlicipate at schools throughout the wotkl. At least 181 of thetn will join J.u_dy aild Robin in Seefeld.· "It's like a dream, the real hnpact of which hasn't hit rn.e )'et/' said Judy, just · prior to her Saturday departure. · 'l11e ctream· started las[ summer when Robin he~ about the Foreign Study LeagQe program by wood of mour.th. She pas.!ed 11 on to Judy, a fellow student in German at Fountain Valley lflgh Sclool, and both made plans for this sumrher. Cost of the program is bo111e by parents, bul at a Considerably reduced rate. Course of study for Judy and Robin In- cludes German liltratwe, language and culture. "'The best part~" says Robin, "is a one-hour portion of class when we will enter' the town and study language with the merchants and other townspeople." School credit will be received in language for both girls. Robin ezpect.s credit at UC lrvine 11ext year. and Judy will receive credit for her senior year at Fountain Valley. "We only study mornin~." adds Judy. "Afternoons, evenings and weekends are ours to see the area." Seefield Is n e a r Innsbruck, Austria, sight of the last Winter Olympics. Trip! also are scheduled for lbe girls to East and West Berlin, Prague and Vien· n1. "We plan to present the California flag to the mayor of one of those cities," said Judy. They have a nag which flew over the capitol building In Sacramento, given t" them by Assemblyman Robert Burke (R·Huntlngton Beach). No obllgallon to speak or make public ai:-pearances Is Involved with this p~ gram. The a:irls pay to 11tudy and learn what another country is like. Both, however, expressed a desire to be coun.selon on similar trips when they are <1ld f!IOU&h. For each IO students sent to anothtr country, one aduJt counselor lrlYels a!OflJ. Fro"' Pqe 1 COPTER ... ltmpl to lplte It but lilied to 1•t Ille deolrtd mulls. Aa 1 1111 ruort Ille """' Itnlted and burned out the Interior or ti>• vehicle. Police, who dtlmllinod the c~ to be Ille 11me ooe ullld In the bolclup, ICOW'ed Ille 1re1 .,.Ith bdkopten IUld IOOll dil<ovm>d Guardado llldlq under 1 tree. Found tn the automablle by pollce was a spent .38 rallber bunet which matched a bulge ln l))f: root and thrte while unklenUIJed gpsuJes marked with an "1'1 oo each llde. p ........ Jolwon, ~ .~20.000 ~~~~~; Nlicoo ..,. !,. -., Wl!ll the low. wldd> !tis the President moblU.e ~ aM oaUonaJ cuardamen without declaring a naUonal emefgency. The Def=<; Depai:bnent told Congress Nixon would ratht:r take Ws ca.se to a jolnt session of Congress1 lC another emergency arises. , The (ate of the Sllrt.ax sUU depends on tbe House. But Congress voted last week to have the /¥10 pucent wlthbeld -___.__ from paychecb for another month while ~ la~'*lde tl>o illllt." , 111111 ................ llUlrtM. ... Hderal Tnde ~ '(ll'l'C) " ""' taUvely llUlili Us mu.eles by ~ lit~ 'j'tll!pilay 00 ils propoll@l.1' ..... quire a steQI health warning on all cigarette ciJmme r lals and ad- vertisements. But the Hpuse already has passed a-bill ex.tending the ban on regulatory acUon and the F'fC is ~likely to put its role into elfe« until the s~,nate decidel the legJslaUon'1 fate. The most Costly "contlnulng resolu- tlons" wU! coot t11p0J<e11 Ill tillllocf:.- =~ ~....=~.=j! .... .,.,,,1e"f.' Me.ntlrqe. - resolutiOll!, each department spendl at its old rate or the rate prescribed io President Naun • pro'"'9ec1 budilil: whlchever ls lower. .. Getting back to fishing boata, don't worry about yoor subsidy check if your •r.plicatlon gets approve<! before mid· n ght. You'll get It. It's the departmen~1 authority to approve, not to spend, that •"'Pl· ~/ ( Congo Exile Tshomhe Dies: Hear t Attack Kills 'R ubber Man' of A frican Politics • ALGIERS (AP) -Moise Tshombe, known as the "rubber man" of African politics, died Sunday of an apparent heart attack, 'lbe Algerian Press Se.rvlce reported today. He was 49. A communlque signed by 10 Algerian doctors said the former prem:Jer of the Con10 and leader of the breakaway state of Katanga appeared to have died in his slee p. It said an autopsy was to be performed today. The announcement of Tshombe's death came two years to the day after a French plane hijacker brought him to Algeria at gunpoint. The plane had been chartered to take Tshombe from Spain, where he had been living lo ex.He, to Palma de Ma- jorca. 1 Alter a deal fell through bftween A1geria and the Congo to extradite Tshombe to Kinshasa ( f o r m e r I y Leopoldvllle) to face a death sentence, Tshombe's status became veiled. in offi· cial sUeoce. He was kept in solitary con- finement for two years, well treated but denied contact with the outside world. Tshombe earned his nickname by showing remarkable polillcal resiliency in rfbounding from utter defeat after the fall of Katanga in 1963 to become premier cf the Congo in July 1964. The man with the moon face and toothy grin inspired no in-between emotions among Congolese. He was either loved or hated. Moise-Kapenda -which stand s for ''Moses Beloved" -Tshombe was born in Mu.sumba Nov. 10, 1919. His father was a rarlty, a wealthy African businessman in an ~nomy cOntrolled by Belgians. Tshel!!lbe was oftn: known tu boast : "I am a rich man. I am the only Congolese who does not need to be in politics to make a living. Nctone can buy me." Raised as a Methodist with a high school education, Tahombe toured Euro pe before coming home to run the family 's interests, marry the daughter of a tribal chief and father 10 children. He served on several tribal and pro- vincial councils in the 1950s, and when For e! Gol f Links Open for Play At Mile Square ?\-1ile Square golf course is open, and the golfers are virtually standing in line to use the new greens at Brookhurst Street and Warner Avenue in Fountain Valley. Invited officials and dignitaries tested the course Friday, before the pu blic was . allowed to flock.to.the field on Saturday. For weekend play, the links were book· ed solid from 6 a.rn. to 3:30 p.rn .. and golf pro Skip Whittet has asked people iii play on playing after 3:00 p.rn. Weekday fees are $3 with the price jumping to $5 for weekend play. The golf course is the first phase of Mile Square regional park, currently under development by the county. Ul'I Tett.Mtt EXIL ED LE ADE R DI ES Congo's Moi1e Tshombe Belgiu m ,,_,.as ready to grant its colony in· dependnece, Tshombe was premier or its richest province. Indepe ndence came July l, 1960, and the Congolese army mutinied soon afler, Tshombe waited 10 days for President Joseph Kasavubu and Premier Patrice Lumumba to resore qrder, then declared independence for Katanga. ~ Backed by Belgian mining firms and a army led by white rnercenarles from South Africa and Rhodesia, Tshombe wµhstood worldwide pressure and United Nations' efforts to end his secession for 30 months. It was during the first outbreak ol violence , in September 1961, that U.N. Secretary-General Dag •Hammankjcild was flying to a border town for ceW- fire ialks with Tshombe. Rhodesia, now Zambia. Hamm.arakjold was flying to a border· town for ceas-fT.- talks with Tshornbe. While a U.N. investigating committee said it found no proof to support rumors the plane had been shot down, it added it was unable to determine the cause of tbe crash. I Six months after Hammarskjold died, tile Katanga government announced the death or Lurnumha, who then became I hero to many Alrcian youths. Some Congolese sald Tsbombe was responsible for Lumurnba's assassination, but Tshombe maintained Lwnwnba had escaped after being taken into custody in January 1961 and was shot by villagers.· Five months alter Tshornbe capitulated In January 1963, be left the Congo to 10 into exile in Europe for the first time, living mostly in Spain. But he returned triumphantly as premier in June 19G4 after Simba tribesmen rebelled in the northeast provinces. Many said the Western powers, In· cluding the United States, had convinced President Kasavubu that Tshombe was the only person who could unite all Congo factions and put doV(n pie rebellion. Tshombe's troops, again led by white mercenaries, succeeded in crushing the Simba rebellion, but in the fall (If 1965 a simmerina: laud between KaaavUb.u and his premier broke into the open. Agairi Tshombe went into 'exile, never really .returning \-0 the limelight until he wcrs kidnaped to AiBJers. State Taking Ma jor Steps To Sl1ut Me ntal Ho spitals SACRAMENTO (UPI) -California will take a major step Tuesday toward the gradual emptying and closure of its mental hospitals. For almost two years, state and local mental health officials have been prepar- ing to put into effect the landmark Lanterman-Petris-Short Act. a 1967 law that emphasizes the treatment of the mentally ill at home. · The mea sure takes effect Tuesday when California t>ecornes the. first stale to make mandatory the provision of men- tal health services by local communities. The aim is to end unnecessary hospitalization and treat patients in local facilities in.stead, to protect the con· fidentiality of ,patient records and to "eliminate the stigma historically al- tllched to mental illness." During debate in 1967, the law's prin· cl pal author, Assemblyman F r an k Lanterman (R·La canada), said the measure would virtually end the slat.e treatment of the mentally ill at hospitals as communities graduJ}ly took over. Ninety percent of the cost will be paid by the state while county financing will provide the balance regardJess where the treatment is provided.~ "The person needing mental health serylces will be able. to obtain, it in his own ci>mmunlty," ob!erved State Mental Hygiene Director James v. L.:lwry. "Only if this Is nOt possible wlij he be referred to the state hospital for tern· porary care and will then be returned to the care of the local mental health pro- gram," he said. Under the Jaw, no .alcohoUc or mentally disordered person will be admitted to a state hospital before he is screened a1nd referred by a local agency. Clark's Shoe& from England. One of the 18 I have a rather decent ae. l~clion of yacht1ng and boating apparel. In fact, be1ween my 11ore and the ult water shop on the mezzanine in Richard's l\larket next door, you get the doggoned.est 8election in ap- livity. (I don't mind giving my @bod neighbor a free plug.) bes t men 's stores Newport Beach • Ill Why don't I mention price•? If it sud(len1y get.s l1ot and you your atleulioo. In fact., I have There'1 no sense in ehowin! a need a cooler necktie or tom& two dilferent clothing !!!hops P.icture of ft. auit or whatever, thing, you don't need to catch wiihin thia store. One, which I with a deadly dull deseription aunstroke l111nting for Mtme· of tl1e tlU'e&d8, and a price. It's where to bu y ii. call ]{eritage Shop, ia for the more in1porlanl to tell yo11 Yon can easily find· a men's btitton-Oowu college graduate about this 11tore and what it etore in Newport Beach. I find who wanlA the traditionat look. stands for. 18 of them, including my own, Aly new 1biru are ~Pf com-My price" are plt!:ning. They i.n the phone book. plete right now. By Gant, Eraro won't lake the curl out of your In cue you don't know and Ex¢e.Uo, plus intereed:ng hair hilt they ma; 1traigbten which to patronise, pick a nice i;i.ew 1port shirt• from haU a out.your check book-. n1me. I give you the entire 1lozeo hi8'iJy regarded makeri. And alwayo rem,e~r the list: A L'Elgant, Atltinoon, Aloo a dam good 1hoe 1toro. name o! the •tore, Bidwell. It'• llafl>ept.Store,Beochcomber, ln addition to Taylor, and 1wordcleri...tfromtheI.atin. Robert Berkeley. Jack Bidwell, Sperry Topolder.,I carry Bally LocioeJy lrauol1ted, it mean• llftmond'1, Houoe o! ~lo~, Shoe. from Switzerland, and "the belt of the bUDch." Lan11downe't, Leopard's Spo111, Pat Marley'111, 1~tr. Pau]'8, Mufti Ltd., Quarter Deck, Sawyer. Silverwoodo, G Men'o, and Woodroll'o. It It my incautious opinion tluit Dir Rlits, 1port coau and tlackt are p1rtic111arl1 worth • Jack Bidwe ll 3467 Via Udo at Newport Blvd .• in Newport O..ch next to Richard'• Market and The Lido Theater. Plenty o! !ree p1rldng in the ....... Phone 673-ISI 0 Copyright 1969, J1ck Bidwell. ,, (: i ·I '· I I .I I I . ' "' DAil Y "'LOT JI .Jackie Big Spender ' . Mesa's I.aph :Name• 'Star' ' ....--Student. F arme~S-Honored Ex-secretary Tell.s AU in New Boo~ NEW YORK (UPI) -Mn. aalary of $100,000 a year - John F. Kenhedy's Whlte aome ~.000 of it on her own I!°"" °"'retary . .,.,.:\jfe with clothes. • Trophlea and r I b bon a p Io a •beep : Lu p 1 s. parenll JudclDI coal.'!, 11111 were handed 'oUt at the recent abowmanshlp, record ~ks ahOrtY J!'reeman -• .. -~ banq f ~ M and !(&<tor driving: Hartwig, Walllr ...,. m.._ Ji<llM•I To buy a 11,110 anlloue dill aw~~ uet 0 -·• esa plant illiplay and "Mr. Sholl, cbapW' ""- mond 1unbunt pln she har High School Future Fa'rmers,.:'.====· ::· ==:::·==::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::;;;;;;;;;; the former FJnt Lady wasn'& ~Mts. Kennedy's secrelfrY a fairy tale utSt.e.qie. For tx· uring her ·While House da'ys, edy : 1 ld all In a book "My Life bample, ahe laid, Mrs. Ken! ary Batelli Gallagher, has -Used~ aent as gifts to with Jacqueline.Kennedy,'' a e White · Houlej instead or· condensation of which appears Hndint· It to . orphanages aa in the current llsue of Lidies' • been the custom, and Home Journal. wanted to get stamps with She pictures Mrs. Kennedy, White Houae food purchases to now the wife of Greek ahlp. trade in for "all lhOMJ plng magnate Ar Is tot I e marvelous &lfts." Onassis, one of tile world's -Sold a number of gifta richest men. as a woman who ~ from I o v e r n m e n t s and bought what she wanted no 4 relatives -J6cluding her matter what the cost and then •husband 's father -to buy an tried to save later on little 1 antique pin she wanted and things. I even conildered laking the "I can tell you that not 1 diamonds from a ceremonial everything was as it seemed," , sword given the President by said Mrs. Gallagher. She sairl 'the Shah of Iran and replacing: Mrs. Kennedy made certain I them with glass. her public image was "only -Rented her Hyannis Port, what she wants it (the public) ~Mass., house lo two sisters-in-to see." I law and lben &tored almost "I don't think I'll ever {orget everything but the furniture the day I walked into Jackie's and croquet set. bedroom and found her prop- -Spent more on family e~~ ped up in bed, looking at a t pense.a than the President ' picture catalogue {or trading · stamps," Mrs. G "Ila gh er I B • p i} wrote. She q_ooted. the First . ram er Lady as saying: • 11\tARVELOUS GIFI'S' I U d S d "Oh, Mary, do you know . n er tu y what I've just learned rroin Anne Lincoln? You know, all the food we buy here 1t the White House? She told me that with the stamps the stores give us , we can trade them io for these marvelous gifts!" "ORLANDO, Fla. CUPJ) .,-A m y 1 terlous microorganbm that attacks the brain and may cause death Is the target of Dr. Cecil Butt, chief pathologist at 0 F a n g e Memorial Hospital. ~ His opposition ls almost as difficult to find as it is lo' pro- nounce -naegleria. Butt has identlfled the one- cell amoeba In the bodies of 1ix persons in central Florida during the past five y!ars. He says 44 deaths have bttn at· trlbuted to the t.'lrganism s.ince 1951, particularly in Virginia and Florida. and at lea1t two foreign countries. · Naeglerla 11 present in warm lakes and enters the body of a swimmer through the nose. Once in the body the amoeba passes directly into the brain where Butt says "they are not responsible for what they do and cannot be reached by antibiotics." Butt poiots out t h a t naeglerla bu been around a long time -it is jwt now being identified. Knowing what it Is, Butt may now ltork on a way to st.op it. In the mean- time, he has several sug· gestlons for people who swim in lakes: Mrs. Gallagher add~, "For the first time J came to sre Jackie as an average American hlNsewlfe." As to Lile rel ~tion shi p between , Jacqueline and 01e President. Mrs. Gallagher said Mrs. KennedJ was "totally un· predlclable:•f . '1Sometlmes she did the op- posite of ·w~at her husband wanted. -and someUmes ·ihe tried to please him in the minutest detail. "It always amazed me th.i t Jackie spent more in a yeJr an family expenses than the $100,000." BILLS LATER ,. "If Jackie liked something,'' 1o1rs. Gallagher wrote, "ihe ordered it and coped with the bills later. Then, when she saw the totals, she'd get economy· minded again." Mrs. Gallagher said 1'I always felt there were two things that John F. KeMedy wanted in his home : a com- rortable, familiar, unchanged place in which to read in peace and quiet -and M money worries. . "Strangely enough, these two things remained elusive." fallen in Jove .with, ?i1rs of America. GaJll,gher aald Mr1. Kenned! Thb year was the first Um• sold a b!J aquamarine g1ver Uiat girls took part in the her by \the Brazilian govern compeUUon. Awards were ment, a gold and emerald pir pr~senled by th~ Costa Mesa she received in Greece, a dl11 Grange and Costa Mes a mond wedding cUp given her OpUmist Club . by Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. and Star farmer was Bill Lupis. some gold jewelry. That onl~ Star fint year greenhand was came to '4,400 in cash so she Tony Magro and star second checked to see 1f she could year greenhand D e b b I e remove the cUamonds from the Talbert. ceremonial sword given ber Jn point awards, Lupis was husband by the Shah oI Iran. first, Miss Ta1bert, 6ec0nd; When she fowid she couldn't Tony Freeman, third; Barbra her fOrmJ!r secretary said, She Frick. fourth ; Terry Schaf· made up the dlffererice in cash man, Ufth; Dave Hartwig, herself. sixth, and Judi Freeman, TURN FOR WORSE seventh. Mrs. Gallagher sa id Mrs. Winners in cat.egories were KeMedy'1 relaUonsbip with Jim Toering, livestock farm· her mother-in-law took a turn ing; Schafman, poultry farm- for the worse after Mrs. Rose r Ing : Richard Maytas, crops Kennedy wanted Jackie to ,farming ; Hartwig, ornamental come out of her bedroom in horticulture; Miss Talbert, Palm Beach to meet some im-public speaking ; CI au d la partant guests. 1 Gillam, p J a c e m e n t in When the message v•as agriculture; \;eonard Buckley, relayed, Mrs. Gallagher said agriculture mechanics. "she imitated her mother-in-Also, Tony Freeman, grand law's voice and manner of JACKIE TODAY · DOING WHAT SHE LIKES BEST? champion beef ; Sherr I s~h and sing-songed: ·~ou · Talbert, grand champion veal; nilght remind her we're hav· Sht Spent $40,000 on Clothes In 1961, S.yt Ex·Secret•ry John Olswang, grand cham- lng important guests forl--------------------'-----_;;;_.:'----= lunch." She said, "The lunchton guests arrived and departed without any sight of Jackie. In my opinion, things were nevP.r the same between Jackie and her mother-in-law after thaL " COULDN'T REACH HER Mrs. Gallagher wrote that even Mrs. !tennedy's own mother, Mrs. Hugh 0 . Auchincloss, "could seldom reach Jackie( Some t I mes Jackie seemed to avoid her mother; other limes she sought her out.'' She said "at times I would find myself wishing Jackie could be a bit more con- siderate of her mother.'' Mrs . Gallagher said her.first difficult experience wilh Mrs . Kennedy came when she ask· ed to have her govemmenl payroll salary raised from $4,&10 a year to between $8,000 and $9,000. Mrs. Kennedy tried to persuade her to accept $6,090 and when M r s . Gallagher suggested she make up the difference by putting her on the payroll of the Ken· nedy family office in N~w York Jackie replied : "But then the money will be coming out of our pockets." Mrs. Gallagher said 11She worked herself into a frenzy over what my income should be. Her temper gradually flared, and she spoke loud, ' This Tuesday, J"!IY 1st ONE DAY ONLY Every ~RIGIDAIRE * REfRIGERATOR * fl!lflfl * RANGE * WASllR * DRYER On Our Floo r . . . REDUCED s... ,. .. , S-p4el, s... Al •• All I H llCMI! .. brty t... Id Sel1atM. ~DAVIS RRO\VN 411 E. 17th St. -Costa Mesa. -Swim only In the cleane.st water and avoid warm, stag· nant water or areas where there. is a good deal of decay· Jna: vegt.tallon. Mrs. Gallagber said that in one attempt JD cut down 6· penses Mrs.' Kennedy tried to hold White House gueSts• to one cocktail and told tbe butlers to refill glasses that looked relatively unfinished and had no lipsticll: on them and pass them around again. angry words while newl y-lit cigarettes were stubbed out in the ashtray on her desk, one alter another. An 1n1orm111va exhibit al all 22 a1and11a Federal on1ca1 now lhru Julr 151h. -Seek moving water for a swimming area. . ''She actually stamped the OOOr with her foot, trying lo -Keep the head out of the water as much as possible. cbnvlnce me to aceept the 0£· -Avoid deep diving where pressure• might force the amoeba inlo the nose. fer." Mrs. Gallagher's salary was raised to $8,0~ a year 15 months later. • I Morris Plan's $5,000 lnvnt· ment Certificates earn 5.5% Interest yearly-no lengthy holding period required~ • ·certificates purahased through Jury 15 earn at the full rate frOm July 1. Interest Is peld by chick at the end ·of each c lendar quarter. a Since Ha toUnding. ln' 1t1e, Morris Plan has prom.ptly inet eye~ re,q~est for wlthdr1wal. Mil .. IJCOOld $100 nillf~ Morri~Plan Newport B11ch -3700 Newport Boulevard -673-3700 • Other otflc• thro\/ghout CaUlom l1 ' . Here Is an Invitation for you and your fam ily to see the many ways your local law '--enforcement agency works to serve and protect you. What Is "dactyloscopy?" The science of fingerprints. You will see how fingerprints are class!fied, why many different characteristics must be studll9d before a print can be positively Identified, and you will Jearn to Identity the major fingerpflnt classificatlons- whorl. loop and tenlecl·erch. OactyloscoPY. my dear WS:tson. • I You will see how an artist work'I , lr;im eyewitness deac:riplli>n1. to tlc0tch a remarkabl9 ar1 used to qulciten th• search for wanted men and women. ' You'll be able to take a first-hand look at the drugs you hear so much about in the news-"speed," "amphetamines," and "bennles.'' You'll also see marijuana and learn how to ldenlify this common looklng plant. A colorful lln•up Of unftotmt, badgeo;early poJle<1 phOtooropht r end rocordt, plus old and,_ polloo equJpniont add an 1n1-11n9 note to tf1I hlllory of Jew on!a<...,.,t In~ community. Wo urgo you to vtllt your n..r..1 OloOdolo Ftderal ofttC<I to -howtho peac:oflll l0<C01 . •of liw and order "'" YOU and iour family. • •' NIWPOrl l88Ch 2333 east coast H\ghw•r COiia MUI 1133 Newport e1vc1. GUlllDAU ftllDIAl SAVINGS --- ILSOOll EXHIBIT i NATION 'S SECOND LARdOT FEDERAL WITH AISETI OYl ll ON E IJLUON DOI.LARI • 21 OfFICIS . . 5% ~~=~~ L21" =NlCOOJllTO 1.21" ::--.:..... ........ ,. 5.21% ~~::=m • a1anila1a Fedarars new auarantaad l'/c'll Aceo111111 Pick Ona Or both 5 Year 30% Guaranteed Growth A"ccount •, 3,5 Year 5"% Guaranteed Income Account '.. . • NAMED1 PRESIDENT Maurk1 Sherm•n Sherman Heads Home Study Firm Maurice Sherman has been appointed president of North A m e r I c I/fl Correspondetice Schools, Newport Beach. He wiU replace John J. McNaugh ton, who will devote hla tu.II time as president of NationaJ Systems Corp., the parent company. Sherman previously was viCe president, director o( Na- tional Technical Schools, Los Angeles. lie w{ls associated wilh National Technical Schools for 18 years. • ·' " . Your Meney's Worth ,--· • Federal Census .No 'Big . Br-0,ther'- By SYLVIA PORTER record str•!ihl, r .. picked A major cam~ 11 now ut lhe five. quesUons slirtlng under way to curb the 1970 greatest fears -and ob- census to·'a 'dejree whicb .ned trom Dr. Conrad would strip Uris vital economic aeuber, the Census Bureau's &oOl ol much of its validity. In I p deffiographer, the reasons facl, If legislation now beflri-f asking them. Col\grt.Sf becomes law , _it 1) IS YOUR BATHROO~ would ijrastically cul lhc Wared? usefulness of Censtis data to ~I a n y u n i n f o r m e 11 tens or thousands or cor-Americans are und er the ul· poratlons, thousands of Stale lerly wrong impression I.ha! and local planning groups, they'll have ' to name other hundreds of Federal a n d people ~ing . their bathrooms private agencies, etc. -which is nonsense. The Some of the anti-census Prl). point of the quesUon is that in paganda is really frighlening, this era, a private bathroom l$. particularly to all of us who considered a necessity for are sensitive to the danger of most families and thus a .. Big Brother" in our land. shared bathroom suggest.s the Therefore, to h e I p put the degree ~ our· substandard . ' bOUIUll, 'l"•l'Cn>ll<llnl, telephone In I bome b lllO!he \ %) Wlial , It •the <'"ark!! Important RIUJ!O ol ~Ing va ue ot your i.er standard• and the ceniw1r 'i'hb quMtl6n .. been ask· takers are uklng the number ed sl.oce 1930 a.Dd ii one of the H they can get back in touch best staUstica! Indicators ol U they netd lo complete ml» the quality of housing and liv· ing dl,la. T~ numbers ,.... ing standards in our land. Will NC1I' be put Into Census Wltboot reliable and detailed computer• -and actually, u data on housing qua.Uty. put .. Big Brother wanted our gigantic home-building and telephone numbers, a 11 "It" h o m e -financing industries would have to do la check Lbe could not plan with accuracy phone books. and our mammoth nation&! (4) How many chJldren have housing programs could not you ever had? possibly work. This question, to be asked of (3) WHAT IS Y 0 UR one In five households could telephone num~r.? . be an embarrassment' to tne . This holly cr1tlc1zed que~Uon woman who has had an il- 1s also the most misun· legitimate child or put a baby derstood. The presence of 8 up for· adption. (llowever, she could lie, J would think, Mesa 'Firm . ' Lake For est Reveals without any concern about punishment ). THE QUESTION has bel'.n asked since 1890 without ra is- ing com plaints and is con· sidered a critically important indicator of future U . S • population growth. To ii· lustrate, if the a·v e r a g e number of children "ever born" to the average family is 2.5. it could mean that by the year 2,000, we will number tens or millions of Americans fewer lhan if the average number were , say, 3.3. The significancF to school systems, city planners, industry, is oh- \'ious . To Acquire BusineiSS Standard-PacUic Corp., of c:Osta Mesa, diversified home builder, today announced an agreement In ptinciple to ac· quire Jnve.stment Concepts, lnc., a privateiy held Mon- tebello corPoratlon. for an un- disclosed amount of Standard- Pacific common stock. Investment Concepts I~ engaged in the acquisition and property management of large apartment complexes f o r private in'vestors. Hug e Sale of Land Following the recent an- nouncement oi expansion of Occidental Petroleum Corporation's Lake Forest planned community near El Toro, Occidental today an - nounced a $2 million sale of residenlial land in the develo~ ment. The buyer is M. J. Brock &. Sons, l nc., one of Southern California's leading builders, who will start im- mediately on construction Or a SOO.bome development within Lake Forest. This is the first liale that Deane Brolhers, Occidental's "'holly owned homebuilding subsidiary, has made to another builder al L a k e Forest. Also announced w a s the sale of a 25-acre Industrial site to Westinghouse E ! e c t r i c Corporation in Lake Forest Industrial Park. The Lake Forest develop- ment already includes several hundred homes. a beach and tennis club and two lakes. (5) What is ~e family's 1969 income -from wages and salctry; from bu§,iness 'lt pre>- fesslon ; from € farm: fron1 Social 6ecurity or Railroad retirement; from w e Ir a r c payments ancf (in a lump from "all other sources"·' EXECUTIVE VP ~rl St1lk1r North ."1.merican Cor- rtspondence Schools has a current enrollment of o~r 17,000 student!: from every state and 15 foreign countries. Students study a wide variety or courses including con- aervation, drafting, surveying. travel, ad\·erlising, a n 'Cl 1>11tems. Arthur E. Svendsen, chairman of Sclentilic-Pacific, said, "AllhoUgh Investment Concept has been in business lilt!~ tnore than a year. ii has already acquired arid cur- rently manages mote than 300 apartment units in L o s Angeles and Orange counties." ·southland S&L Firms Finance This question will provide a vital measurement of the liiiks between poverty and dependence, education and in- come, occupation and incon1e, race and income. New Building •• Sherman will be responsible for the operation and ad- ministration of this division of National Systems Corp. See our full-page ad in this week's TIME Magazine mFJRST CAl.ll F ORNIA COMPANY Where 1h1 inv~lor ol""'"Y• comes first l JSS YI• Uh N•wp•rt IMclll Pllun 1: •7S·J940 1111• I. McCteNn Ytn ,._,..._ Svendsen said upon com· pleti9ft of the acquisition the company will be operated as a subsidiary of Standard-Pacllic and that George A. Chami, president of Investment Qmcepts, will e<inUnue to operate that compan1. and also head · up a ntw Standard· Pacific division which will be engaged in lbe acquisition of land, construction, and sale foi private Investors of large apartment e<impletes. lnvestme'nt Concepts will provll:se property .management servii:es for the invest.ors. BOAT BUFFS Ahnoll locl.1b1y i1 tli1 only fuJ1.tirn1 bo1ti119 1ditor worJ.i"9 011 111y 111w1p1p1r in O r1ntJ1 County. Hl1 1•clu1iv1 cov1r191 of bo1tin9 ind 'f'•chti119 111w1 i1 • c1.a, f11hlf1 of th1 DA ILY "---------"II PILOT. Dw1GHT ~D. .EISENHOWER A Gauge of Greatness Th• DAILY PILOT proudly offers this h1rd cover biogr•phicel volume in which two-time Pulitz•r Priz• winner Re lm•n Morin t•k•s the meo1sur• of "Ike," the Pr•sid•n+, th~ 'soldi•r, the sto1t1smen, the f•mily man, the Americ1n. You cen own this intimat• pic- tur•of the life of Ow i9ht David Eis•nhow•r for just $l p•r copy. Order Your Copy Now ...... ., ........ Or-.. c.-hltr t ll•' ..... Pe11" paA•, N.'r. 12601 ........ If$,••• .f#, •• • ,c.,;e itf "'9 l lMlh•wet lt•.t. ' "-· ..... ' ............. ' .... '''. ' ........ '' .... . """"· .... ' .............. ' .. ' -.. ' ... ' .. ' .. ' .... . City •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•...••••••• s..t. ..••. -..•.•.••.••••.••.••• ' .•• ZJp.'' ••• ' •••• ··-·····,.--- ·v To Merge The merger of two of Califonla 's oldest federally chartered savings and loan associations :vas announced in a joint statement by Joe Crail and Royce H. Heath, presi· dents of Coast Federal Sav- ing and Loan Association and Southern. Federal Savings and Loan Association. Chartered in October 1935, Coast Federal operates six branches in Los Angeles Coun· ty, and a loan service agency in Santa Ana. Southern Federal was in- corpo.rated in 1924, received its federal charter in 1938. and operates two branches. one in Huntington Beach and another in Tarzana . Its headquarters are al 3933 Wilshi re Boulevard. Los Angeles. The merged association will be knw'n as Coast and Southern Federal, ha v Ing assets in excess of $800 million, with ten locations pro- viding convenient Jnteroflice transaction service. -Another Hotel Sold in Vegas LOS ANGELES CUPl)0 -An und isclosed b try c r has purchased the Blair :House Hotel in l...t1s Vegas for $3 million in cash. Monarch Electronic Interna- tional, in announcing the sale. did not.,. name the purchaser but speculation centered on Howard Hughes who owns the adjacent Desert Inn and !ive olhcr hotel~asinos. Briefs ~flDLAND, Polich. (UPI) - Dow Chemical Co. Monday boosted priCes on brake fluid, epsom salts, muriatic acid, caustic soda, and soda ash. Dow advanced its prices on brake fluid by five and six cents per gallon, effective July 1. Epsom salts went up 12 to 15 cents per hundredweight, muriatic acid rose $3 per so-- lution, ton, caustic soda rose $4 per ton, and soda ash went up 15 cents per hundredweight. CHICAGO !UPI) -Abbott Laboratories Monday announc· ed a price increase of one to thrCt' cents per pound of Su· caryl brand cyclamale, a non- nutritive artificial sweetener, beginning July I. The rate or increase depends upon quanti- ty bought and the new truck- load price is 58 cents a pound. MIAMI (UPI ) -Canaveral Inlematlonal Corp. said it has agreed to purchase two mobi- le home manufacturers, Im- perial Coach Manufacturing Co. of Bartow. Fla .. and A 11 Star Coach Inc. of Tucson. Ariz. A previously announced plan calling for an exchange o( shares between Canaveral and Albee Homes Inc. has been cancelled by mutual agreement, the company said. WASHINGTON (UPI! The Securities and Eitchange Commission has suspended Marvin Osias of Brooklyn, N.Y., from engaging in the securities business for 30 days for selling unregistered shares o! North American Research & Development Corp., during 1967. * HALLI DAY'S * THE SNEAKY SHOE 1~1 nainc nfoot. afloat comes ashorr. Sperry Top Shi..": Cu11 ra~ or rat race. The snt'Bky shO<' that out-comforts bare feet. The sole that out grl1is floor or deck. The Sfti!or·s students fa\•orltc. Batt foo t fJe1ibiHty. MOCC11.5l n comfort . . Jn.II 1\jt .. ,... "' ifEN'S 'l'RA'DmONAL CLOTHING 17th l IJIVINE A.VE. -WlSTCLlff PLAZA NEWPOJIT IEACH • WOiJLD YOU object to answering lhese que stions? Do YOU SERIOUSLY CONSIDER THE~f AN INVASION of your privacy -in view of the fact that the Census Bureau must., by law, keep every single name strictly confidential? Actually, now that I've studied the questions to be in- cluded, my regret is for the ones the Census Bureau ex- cluded because of fear of public censure. For instance, how much leisure time do Americans bave ; how many nf us are participating in adult education courses; what are our total financial assets. If I had thls sort of in!ormation. I could tum it into a batch ·or rasci nating "trend" columns -and not invade your privacy one tiny bit. Se t for Bank • • -A- ' ' ' ' • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ! . ~ ' ' ' ! 1 ! < 1 ~ ! r ~ ~ • ' ' " t • • • • • • • t • • ~ ~ ~ t • ' ~ • ' ~ ! ' ' ~ ~ ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' •• •• ' ,, I I I ' I I I I. I I, I " ! I I I I I : I I I I I ' I· I I I I. I I I I " " I ., I ' 'I' •• I I• 1 I I I• •• .. •· I ,. I ' I I I I , , , ' I ' ' , , ' j ' J j ' , ' , ' • ' • I ' • • • • ' ' • • • ' • I .I • • • • • I • • I I I I • I • I I 'I' I 1, I I I I .1 Monday's Closing Prices- I ~ I \ New York I \1 H Stock Exchange List • DAILY PllOT J ~ • -... .... , .. la'"" c; .. ,......._-~~---,--~------------,---~. --------- ,. ' Jf D,\11.Y rlLOT }loyalty Spreading Wings Even Prince May.Marry ·Commoner , Anne: 'I Won't Be Fobbed Off' LON'OON (AP) -The royal lcid sister has a problem. She want! a job. Her big br«her Charles doesn't have to worry about ' LONDON (AP) -, Will Prince Chlrles marry a ~m· monert Britain's future .~!nc a.fl be hasn't made up 'his mind but admits to "be<omillg a bit more independent" In hb first t<levision ln- tuvlew last week. Bnta1n•s moot eligible bachelor -to lbnit his prospects to a princeu from another royal famUy. He said: "I often feel J would like to marry somttt>odY English. Or perhaps Welsh. Well British, anyway." w'hat be'a going to do. Nert r •lllli• Tuesday be will be sworn in as r Prince of Wales and someday Although Charles has bad no lasting romantic attachments that anyone knows of, be set oU a national gue&mlg game over who hi! "somebody pret. ty special"' might be. There were no hints Jn the interview. The 20-yeaNl!d soo of Queen Elizabeth ll and Prince Philip ls preparing for investiture 8.ll Prince of Wales Tuesday. '!be telf!vision interview w a 1 recorded two weeks ago and broadcast by Britain's two networks .. •·1n my position you are going lo marry somebody who perhaps one day is going to become queen," he said. "You have got to choose somebody very carefully, I think, Yt'ho could tultifi this particular role @ld..Jt has to be somebody pretty special. "The one advantage about marrying a princess, for in. stance or 10mebody from a royal family. is that they do know what happens, The onJy trouble is that I often !eel I PREFERS BRITISH Prince Ch•rles MacKessack. 211 drama stu~ dent; Rosaleen Bagge, 21, whom Charles met et a dance and later corresJIOlld.ed with from Australia ; Angela Nevill, 21, daughter of a friend of lhe queen, Lady Rupert Nevill; and Ciridy Buxton, 13, the only blonde in the group, the daughter or an old friend or Prince Philip. Other papers noted there ere hardly any unmarried prlocesse1 in Europe the right age for Cbarle.s. Why There Are More Mexicans Would like to marry somebody MEXICO CITY (UPI) -At English. Or perhaps Welsh. the time or the Mexican Well British anyway." Revolution -1910·1913 -223 : Charles' remarks caused a mild sensation in six national of every 1,000 Mexican infanls newspapers, which appeared died, and the average ~Jcx­ wllh almost the same ican's life expectancy was 27 headline. "The Girl That I years, acrording to D r . Marry-By Prince Charles" Ramon Alvarez of the federal ~ o~ Daily E x p r e s s , health department. William Hlckey listed seven ln 1968. the infant mortality candidates and said Charles rate was 9.2 per thousand, and preferred b r u n e t t e s to the life expectancy had in. blondes. They are: creased to 61 years, Alvarez Emma Soames, 13, grand-u.id. The combination has dlught.er of Sir W i n s t o n ' mo~ than tripled the popula· Olurchill; Sibell ii Dorman, 2{), tlon per square mile of the na- dauchter ol the governor• lion iD tbe past 50 year,s, he genual ol Malta; FI o o a said. Congress11ien 'Vp Tight' he's gaing to be the king of Encland. But for 1g.,year-old Anne the future is unclear. "I want a real career ~ut I bet I don't get one,'.' the queen's only daughter has told friend. . Nevertheless Anne i3 doing plenty these days. She is ap- platxled by fashion writers and admired by the British publlc as an uninhibited teen.ager who manages to be royal without being stuffy about it. Newspapers splash her pie· ture every time she appears in a new hal -which means every time she goes out -and it wouldn't be surprising if she steals some <>f the spotlight from Charles at hls own in· vestiture. People who know her, say she is too bright, too imagina· live and too independent-mind- ed to stay oo the red carpet reserved for most members of the royal family -launching ships, shaking hands wllh dignitaries, inspecting honor guards and making speeches. "Belleve me, she Will make her mark," columnist Mary Kenny predicts. "She will do something that will aston!Jih people . . • S e has none of that gracio neutrality which has been for upon so many royal people. "She's like wh m! ... She'll probably be on <>f th e first people to inaugurate coin- mercial visits to the moon." Anne bas fine brown hair, blue eyes and a strikingly fresh EngHsh complexion. She leaves Queen Elizabeth rr far behind where fashion Ls coo- cerned, disdaining the matron· ly clothes sht wore before she finished school last year. A British fashion poll named her the second best-dres!M woman in the world . No. I was the l)uchess of:Kent. oft-duty '"slie scruffs around Quiet Protest Rocks Capitol NEEDS .A JOB Prlricess Anne in a blue sailor jacket and sports clothes for riding, sail· ing, tennis and loafing. She says she doesn't e<>nsider herseU lhe hearty outdoor type, however. Since she finished a crash course in French she has sta rt e d doi ng royal jobs: In s p ec tin g the Welsh Guards, launching a 253,000- ton ·oil tanker, touring a ca r factory , <>pening a young farmers' club, and making ceremonial visits to Austria and Scotland, where she got more attention than the queen. She Is Colonel·in-chief of two anny regiments, and one King's Hussar sergeant cheered : "This is the best th ing to happen to the regi· "lllent in years." Everyone agrees she ls good at this sort <>f thing, but those who know her say she wants lo do more. Even getting married will he a problem for the princess, since the (amily will doubtless try lo tie her up in Europe's dwindling royal circle. But Anne. who already has shattered royal protocol by suc h things as listening to the four-letter dialogue and watching the nude scene in the musical "Hair" -and then jumping on stage to dance - told friends: "I am not going ~ be fobbed Gf{ with· any old prince just because he is a prince." · Loss Cos tly LOS ANGELES (AP) -City Councilman Thomas Bradley spent more money in losing his race for mayor than Sam Yorty did in winning reelection alt night and In retrospect talents on the Capitol steps. May 27 to a third term. some c o n gr e s s m e n are On nice apring days, these J;;;Oiiii;;;;; _______ ;;;ol WASHINGTON (UPI) The most orderly, prayerful. nonviolent, amiable protest group anybody has seen hereabouts currenUy has con· gressmen so uptight they may bar high school bands from playing on the steps of the Capitol. A drastic step like that will not be lightly taken. But if that's what is required to get rid of the Quakers, that's how far the lawmakers are ready to go. This also could mean no more movies shot <>n location on the Capitol grounds; no more mass photographs with the Capitol dome in the background; no more com· edians playing piano <>n the capitol steps ; and possibly even no more senators riding horseback up to the door. though that probably was always against the rules anyhow. In polite groups of a or 10, the Qu akers have b e e n assembling each Wednesday at noon on the central stone steps of the east front. They have carried no banners, fir earms, political paraphernalia, or other illegal devicea. READ NAMES v;ishing nobody bad stopped happy groups arrive in such them the first time they tried it. But capitol Police Chief numbers they bavc to take James M. Pewell had several turns. So far as disturbing the laws in his hand to prove il ii· legislative process is con· legal. After due notice , cerned , all these aggregations discussion, warning a n d give of! more decibels than pleading and with a few hun· the congrontation b e tween dred names read, he ran them Powell and the Quakers. all in. JAMMED STEPS That is what he has been And that isn't all. Speaker doing to the Quakers each John w. "'Jc:Cormack himself Wednesday since, but with in· several years ago addressed a differeot success. Local judges lobbying group of old folks on have been find ing fault with the steps of the House. lfore the charges, and now comes reci!ntly, postal workers jam· Chief Judge Harold H. Greene med the Senate steps in behaU ot lhe Court of General Ses-of a pay raise. siom, who in dismissing charg. Mary Pickford sold liberty es of "unlawful entry" against bonds on the steps of the six of the alleged demooslra-Hou se. Victor Borge set up his tors. said the Capitol couldn't piano and joked his way simply be declared "off Jim. through a few numbers on the its" to controversial persons. steps of the Senate. And then , ISi! LAW of course, there was the If the Congress wanted to senatorial h or sema n , a charge tht offenders with westerner whose identity Is disru ption. and eould make the now In dispute, who was saJd charge stick, that would be to have arrived booted and different, he said. ed k h' d t' On the face of it, Powell was spurr to ta e up 15 u ies and wasn't about to walk the relying On a neat enough Jast 50 feet. statute, dating back to 1882, ~ SAFECO INSURANCE for speciol GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTS on you r Fom ily Auto Insurance • ~. "!9 "¥ ·~ ~' Bob Paley and Anoc:l•tes INSURANCE 474 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA 642-6500 What they have brought is a March 2S copy of l h e Congre~ional Record in which Rep. Paul Findley (R-111.), printed the names of more than 30,000 Americans killed in the Vietnam war. What the Quakers want to do is stand there and take turns reading the names. when the )awmai:ers barred Sorry about all that. The marching, 11 ta 0,dtn 1 , or way Judge Greene sees it, ooe assembling in any way 00 the man'1 peaceful assembly can't Capitol grounds. be anolher's disorderly con- Greene said lhe trouble with ~d~u~c:t.-------:-:=~=:~~~~~~~~~I that law is that it Is violated 1• Alf¥w11Mmeflf every day, by s pecial permission of House and That woold take all day and Senate offlclals who can't r esist M!Q.Uests from members In behalf of hometown' b:horal, instrumental, band. bag pipe, marching or baton twirling unils desiring to display lhelr ~-~CCllECI * _., 1UT ._.c 1t CHICK ADJUSTMDn' 11 * RDIO¥E. omwnu: * l'rtlPl:cr ALL PAim * DIMlltOITIC IW'ORT ................................ _ .. ,.,.......... -~~ ·-- COSTA MESA 1934 Newport Blvd •............ 64~ "c..... .... --., ~ .. (MW,. l'NllCtllM ...... tfl-1144 • I The only medication that Gets to a Major Cause of Hemorrhoids Now! Most complete 3-way relief!. ihisl mport1nt d1Y1topmtnt In hemorrtloid tr11tment ~mes to you after five ye1rs of scitntific tnd clinical teslillJ. Not only does Counternord• work by lessenin1 p1ln fast, tM by coalinJ, $00lhlnr, and prolectinr injured tissut .•• but unlike evtry othtr hemorrlloU product t.o1internoid 1lso works 1 third way • ThlnkS to an exclusivt formult with DSS10 nt onl1 Counternoid 1ets lo 1 major uuse of hemor· rhoids: Painful hard conslipetioft. Wlthoot irritalina llutivt tft'ect. Here's how1 In hospilel XilJ tuts doctors h1vt dem onstr1ted th1t tht ttmtrklblt Count1r110id tormu-, • - l1tion with OSSJO penetrtltt 11 minutes to the top of the· rtttaf 11e11 to $Often the stool ind UM t~e bowel movement. · It i1: this unique action lhlt doa so much to make n1tur1I he1Un1 possibl!. So, if you live witll tM P1ln 1nd tear of rtturrrncminot htmo<rhoid troublts. ret tempor1ry rtllef wfl~ medit1tly-tuled Col.mtemoid. A1;tu1lly, used 1s dittcttd. Cowl- ternold otrers thl most conpltte 3-wa, relief you t111 11t will\ollt 1 p.-tsaiptlon °' witMwt 111ewr. 111 stainless cre1111 or supposltwl& At 111 dr\11 COilnlm. r~--.. ...,._.u...,. _. ----. .. • • f • • BIG GARS 86TH SEMI-ANNUAL FURNITURE, CARPETS, LAMPS, ACCESSORIES -1STARTS¥ MONDAY, JUNE 30TH AT ALL BIGGAR STORES J.tl. PASADENA: Colorado at El Molino POMONA: Holt, east of Garey SANTA·ANA: Main at Eleventh e S•nt• An• Store Open Mond•y Evenings -' I I, I I I I • I I I ' I I t I I I t r ( • • ( • h • l I , ( , t 0 I I 11 I 1 I 0 I I • • • , ' Fountain Valley - N.Y. Staelul. • \ ' vor. ~2. NO. ·1 ss, 4 SECTIONS, 48 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, ~lFOl\Ni~ • ' " ·One Nabbed By Helicop.; Two Hunted One suspect Is In custody and h,vo others SQU&ht today after a search by Huntington Beach helicopters and six pattot cars for robbery suspects who allegedly set their own car afire in an ef- fort to cover their Trail. The suspects are wanted in connection with lhe robbery and beating of Roger Be.ito, 35, of Van Nuys. Three robbers assertedly struck Beito over the head with a bottle, assaulted him with a gun and took $8 and a checkbook from his jacket. One suspect in custody is Martin Guardado, 24, 4523 W. Bolsa Ave., Santa Ana . He WflS booked on charges of armed robt>er'Y, arson and assault with a deadly weapon. Guardado was arrested after a four- bour ae.arcb Saturday involving the police )le~ ''.ijunlington Beach Eye" and a S1gDaI1 on co. chopper whlch comblned efforta iillh m Jln>Wld patrol units. Wan-ants against the other two will probably be sought if Seal Beach detec- tives determine enough cause. Police said that the haul apparently wun't enough for the robbers, who pr<>- duced a gun and threatened victim Beilo's life. A struggle over the weapon developed during whJch a shot was fired into the roof of the vehicle. Beilo managed to escape and hil· ~hhiked home and then reported the crime to Seal Beach Police. At approximately 7:~ a .. m. Donald Lavey, of Sacta Ana, who was fishing at a amall lake at C<ilden West and Talbert Avenue, reported to Huntington Beach police Qlat be saw three men trying to 1ink an automobile. The men tried to ditch the car in_the water, but coul4 Mt cover it becaU3e tbe lake 'r,u too •now. A ra1 w11 then 1tu~ the vehicle's gas tank in an at· (See COPTER, Pqo .) Valley Teen _Held On Drug Charges After Hit-run A Fountain Valley youth faces felony drug intoxication charges today stem- ming from two bit-run accidents in Newport. Beach Saturday that ended with bis arrest after a foot chase. Richard Lynn Templin, 19, o! Fountain Valley was arrested after a chase by l'~ewport Patrolman Robert Gatewood at 9:30 p.m. Police said Gatewood was responding to a hit-run sideswipe call at Dover Drive and· Pacific Coast Highway and passed .-notber accident at 2410 W, Coa!t Highway. He· no\j,ced one of the cars at that crash tit the -description of the bit· run vehicle from the Dover Drive in· cident. Gatewood stopped al the 2410-address and witnesses pointed out Templin as the driver. Templin allegedly tried to nee and Gatewood said he arrested him less than a block away after a foot chase. The drivers. of the two other cars in the hlt-run incidents were unhurt. Jn the Dover crash Templin's car allegedly sideswiped one driven by Joyce Loplecli, 2207 Oct!anfront, N e w p o r l Beach. At 2410 W. PacifJC Coa!t Highway the Templin car hit one driven by Anoe Cooke of Long Beach, who told police Templin hit the auto three time! while trying lo baek up alter the f~st lmp:ict. 0r .. ge Cout Weatlaer That tong-awaited summer wea· th« ii finally with ua, and the mercury iJ due for a jump into the to'• along the coast Tuesday. Fur· ther inland it'll break 90, we're 1o1a. INSWE TODAY The lattst .mtdicol 1ptcialt11 b •thl original 'l011·Sptcialtlt - gc]ltral practice -and it 1021l be taught at 11000 Memorial Hdspital ht conjunction. with tht UC f ...... Medi<lll Schoof. Set Pagt 12. ..... -........ ,_ .,_, ,_ ----........... •Mwl&; f ·------ " .... " ..... " " " " • " 14-IJ ll • " " " •• " .. " ... ... 1~11 " " • .. • I DAILY r1LOT Jt.tf r11er. MARY DUPUY READS HER DAILY LETTER FROM VIETNAM Throuvh N1w1p.1per, Boyfriend KHps Eye on T1i1cher Love B ·lossoms Pil~t lf ~lps Long J;listance Affair . - Love bl~ .in llr~e ,places, In-~ger whtn told tA. his ~ .. It's c-,;;~:• ... fl'oii!'.,.,.. of l\ypICaluhim to do thli al1\l not·~·~ the D~ PILOT. ' . ' . ' :ii: 1t~'f OD Jij'e !t lbe · ...... per l"'l!llahe4 1 MU)'., how,ver. UIUlll1· , to . d ~ « O! ~ FllWllUn vlli.y everything. Sl'f -. • i.ller bOm UICl!Wd Mory -· JI, llimtilliton . Steve .every dq and 1oob IOMm!jJIO Beach. ,,.._. · seeln'g him when, be .lelvee the· Arm; A few. d~s 1at~r a ..request wu fetelv· May._ ed 'ftonl a soldier in Vietnanl:. • "Pl~ Besides :rummer lifeguard.Ing, MJT}' senil-rDe an eight-by-ten print of the pie· teac~ tbird grade at Tamara ~I in ttire of Mary Dupuy that appeared Fountain VaUey during Ute winter, recently in YQ.ut paper.'' She met Steve only about a mootll That ·soldier, P .F.C. Steve Smith, ·a before he entered the Anny, • Long Beach resident, happens lo be Today the pholo, with Mary" bl.,.lngs. Mart's boffriend, but she dldn'l know I! on Us way to Vietnam. Mary admits about his request. she was "flattered" that Steve asked for .. 1bat sneak," ' laid Mary lit mock her picture.' Lifeguard Rescues Silrfer As 50,000.Crowd Beach~, ~. . At least one of the 58,000 Individuals who came for the surf and sun at Hun· tlngton Beacll Sunday is · a heallby maa today because of lifeguard action. ' ! Jerry Sellers of Downey required OX.. ygen and emergency treatment at Htut- tiniton lntercommtmity ,Hospital Sunday Stock Jlfarkeu ... ,. after he was pulled from hmy *t about 4:30 p.m. Sunday. I , Thi.I morning Sellers 'Wu ~. healthy Blain, from ·the hbspu8l,'SliiBi. tendanls. Ufeguards had pulled hln).. blto a boat about 300 yards sooth ol tJie pier, !!)en towed him to the pier where an am- bulance whisked him to the hospUil. REW YORK <AP) The stock market Seller's was one'ot ftve sunbathers who · cioSed with a modest gain toaay as tele<:· required major first aid Sund&y, wtille 93 tive buying gave it some of its bounce. rescues were made, according to Trading was stow. (See quotalians, Pages lifeguard reports. Water temperature 14-15). wa,s ;.14 .degrees over the weekend. Su~ 'Mle Dow Jonei Industrial average at , day'1crowd showed a large iocreUl!I ovtt 1 :30 p.m. was up 3.37at173.lS. Gai»led · Saturday's .meager mark of 12,oi», '""" by aboul m IJsues. Uleguards said. $75,000 Cabin Cruiser Ruiis ·Aground qt Balb~a ... 'By JOilN VALTERZA 1;We don't even·have the injured man's 'I)te ~~ ~=-'':btn cruber · name for IJUl' first aid. report ftm1 lut ''ShanllOlldOa"'Wlth·a myster!out p1rty ni81!t,'.''he said. of f"'1 per.,.., Uoatd crunched bar¢ . Source~ said the ..... 1 II Dill equipped ........,.. "1 the mqoo)it l>Md> early lhill " with aulomatlc pilo~ and tiler• was morning oo ~ Balboo P"'*"'41L ••S001eone" 11 the controls when the boo( The fl,).~··~ ·51eve., •kldcled.up oo•the beOch. Police said !her crul.er *Iilded IUp'Up ... llil'lieldl al took one "brotmcal" wOllllil,fiom the the ocni. enil ol ·E -at 11>o11U 1.m. boach our the craft and q,Id . her al Jl was )eft cm• beild>-after OD1 ot the headquarte:n for a brief periOd .0 unW lbe hlgj1est Uilet .<>! Git Y°''' · , calmed down." • • . . The ·~ ptlOt,O! the i.Juoh cra!I. ~ .....,,.. passenger:eompialned who .tlliG ~ hu -lo Identify lo ._ur.,of.bNiaol "" Ill(...,. i.. himMlf or·'llil •1u!nc-. adf«td a flJctedby<iflcende,r.theyr.ipcmded .to badly Cl!t.fool lo the con!ull<n following , the 1~ Police 11l.~,tbere1Jr.,.. no the grouodiac ' • . armts. • . , • ., : , Ul....,m. said be -.i lo first Sourcol'fra11(1 Newpwl boll 1 ..... call, aid afler. on hour of ooulll(. • eel to usilt in salvqtog the boat Jialcl tht 'I'be cau.e (I( the mlahlp w1111 cloudy cruiser wu sdildu~ for hulllrW toda1 as the ldtoilty OL the two men &Dd two "for a complete paint job on the lull." wmnen an board. , lt will need more than that now • Liff!Cllllld Cl(lt. Bu4dJ Btbhe said this Authorities claubted the' croft ~ bo monil111 !ha\ cliecj<I on the hUR l'fliltrl· pullod bilclt inlo h)&tl wattr· II)' lugo lion numberl were !rufllm, -the)' becfule of Ill utrtme 1Ntahl aid post • dldn·1 .. 11o1; llGo ••Ibo liucb.· l ti I ' .. . ' , . , I t ' I " f • _ SAGangs Rampage · 2 -0ffice-.:s H,urt; 1~ Youths Arrested .. ' Rfol cootrol o!flcers from •""""8dlill' 1o,... Jo111111 Sanla Ana pollco ~ night u ganp of youths rllmPlll<I -. a Juli moon, ~ at ooe l'J!ml lo besiege the civic ' Cepter, btit ~ftl' wis reported quiet todar. Two officers were injured ~ f!!e ~ot ru,hl episode in the counly iilt'a predominantly· Negro ne!PbOibood and 14 black youlhs .... e am.sled in the•ft ... hour disturbance. . Store wlndo~ were smashed, p0Uce earl bashed in, a drive-In cafe severely damaged and unlpiled Mololov cocitalis con!llCaled lo the chain of incidenla .• ~.Ana Police Chief Edwin! J. Allen loday· said he could not call the Sundoy night eruption an actual riot, ad· Nixon to Stay Here 4 Weeks Mter Big Trip J ., I •' ding tl!at•wmtes and~~ "'well as N-'tooli'port; • <llit! ADeo 'ufd the' <4" ohoald more propsly,be-.teimed 1 m.aJ~'dblUrballco inltucl of .a riot,' •lthouil(.la""'8n . ...,. adequately prepared lo deal wftll Ille lal· ter. .~. · i By.late Sunday, 40 officers frotn.,Costa Mesa, 18 from Orange, 111 f'°"' Glnlen Grove, ll fro'!). Weslminsler. U. Ofaoge CO!mtY Sherlll'1 d«potles. and a dozen MPs had ~ the :IOO.man force. · l[toou ai>l bOltles shbwer•!h patrol veblcles ._ U!e Sip.ta Ana officers and supplelnenta(y lawmen tried ~ queµ the ~e;,lfemmlngcfrom a lbeaiei; in-cident i . ~ lnvUUaalor .. sald 'today the vlalenc< . was loUch!lf off at 1:30 p.m,. whoa.SIL Jack Shaffer and Palrolman Ferrell Buckl~! , were sent to The Br.9'Ml?•Y. Theater •t,Fµth Street and Broadway. Theater employ.a needed help a11er, trying' to put a black girl identlffed as Sonora D. C!)aDdler, 11, .. of, 115 SJ Gol~enw~t Ave., and her sister out of the movie house. , ·TheY tole{ 'investigating officert Miss · Cijandl~. a.pd , tie: 17·year~ld sister had been creaUng a disturbance and the older girl was consequently esccortlll oat~ by; police. " , Once outside, the .)'Ounger Mist Chandler allegedly slruclt Sgt. spatrer - spouting profanity -and a group of boys tSee RIOTING, Pqe I) B52s Give Sapport 3,000 ·Tr.oops 'in Push To Lift Ben Het Siege A four~weet 'Visit tn San Clemente la scheduled by President Nllon after his round-lbe-world trip. Including a &lop In SAIGON (UPI) -A CO... 0!3,D1ov. lhellings of Ben Het continued to slac~· Commtmllt Romt.n11,. ends in early emment troop& ,backed by. &he ·buviesl . en -there were 25 round,s into the camp AUilllll, Wbli.,H-ald01-sald loci"°. U.S. air rolds Id ll!o . Dioallia , puabed Sunday whlch killed two South Viet- No· ex.llCt dates bl.WI beep. ~•but uDOppOJed toward Ben• \Odly Ip an namese but there were ·no incoming prealdOnUal ..-.....wy Ron Zl<alet attempl lo lllt-the ~ lleft, U.S. • • aald the "'Y at the Summer mile military ~-.l<jl. • . , . rounds from mldnlglit to lhe early ."9m's H....., will bqin -Aug. a or 13, u now 1352, bombers "'truck 5 ·wllh!D a of,, IOltight. . P-. • , ' ": ' qijlp .<l ·ille>~l!!'«I , J'"'l'<S Tbe ·drlve .also eased the .air wpply ~~ 'N~~· '"-•• ~-~ -'--camp '" the · ""'tral 11bUe h~,;'~.;r'fu'~"';'iG,~~ U.-S:·,~ Soiiili' ~ise filbttt· oflhr~ Iii\, _U:S. cargo~ fl7lng Coo1gresslon'1 ,..... of oeverah -1<1 bqni~l .. ~the,,•ldp& '""'"!I Ben . , . °""'' protective SCT~ of whlle 'I. the and·of bis ~biol , H,t'. Whi!le: !;piiui\llliUt '....-W ~ve '~?ke laid doo:n by A1ne,ru:an l)IDlh1p& . I ·. · 'l->-'I'! ·, , .iiolllil•ll!t "!'l"P~,:!!!lr•\, , • . dr'11>1>8d.more than iii-of flli<I. waler Ziet ~-r · ::·1ft'lillll\liJ·~·Al!l'loalll. and .~un1Uon by .JIBF~· to the ..-·llie'llh!i!!o• ~ · '!· ~-~~-)~ .'"YOA• .JOO ~lqan 8'ld,,110.·Y1et- I ' vlslt lil San ~ !oat 11 fllli d-~ '*'·Ille· ~-..._ do!tl)der&. will be 1~· 1aar -.z.111ve· badl11f 1:3:!°'r cltltnly1nl,.~ Uc! ""~-Alew>d<r!r • , W!)'ancl.-:40, a W..t . t ,...0; · • . . , ' ......._ illl!d' -'Y'lui ..... ·.~· • .,..,.., om .!;I l'ul!,.Taas aid of ~•·~ '' · ' .. .J' • t "Ii ~ · iiliilltn "'~ r.-ililld .the llackened Coaim~ elflris· "It lo~·~~~"':!~~ coi!VOJ1•hilhw11tll, ~rilad _. the eoeiny li.tiidecllfvi ~ii;•, muiilst RomlniL , to Dal: To, el"1i mtles Ray.' !fking a beailng . and f1¥ lo cledde Details ..i tile· ~dent'• work~ Tbe fool trOOlll drlrini OD ~· !fe1 ~bepler it's wOrth Jt lo him mlHlarilY. p1ajitay8tblint·WIJ·fu,lt1•·a·t'ed ~~part·.~ a ~a.~·forq 1order~ a~politically to _keep up the el(i1lt.,. beicbfront m2U'llioD ·have.·not ytt·been into the area 1n a•netr?eperatlob WW . Our:m~v~ 8U' ~ ~·~ ~ pull~ ~ the Wbli. Houle preia · bifu ·this weekeodi Commanlfen ' re-.,. wbiljlinf'llie enemy down, aid LL aerYice, · · luted to:dilcwll tbe _specl(k: ~-of Col. Andrew Marqull. 4.1, of ~~ ~bly tJ1" procid will ·Ile the operaUon alnco tt• "'~ fulul:e ~Jlle, Fl~ .. !/le Ben Het c:oniillonder. ,;niuar to ""·=· -~ 'laUte lo . pliJIS. bur the· rtllef of Ben He~:Wl!I one Pt!rfu\p1 we kill 10 m one itrlke, 30 \II~. =i ... u.....· ~· . of 1tbem , wilh another. That ..__ the enemy war Cll nuuwl · · · ' · ' .._...., " (f.alurln · ,~! · · ·'J a -JD The drive WU 10 IUCCUSfll) ,that~.tbe moving. He Is safe nowhere. , tetvl..,: 't'iewthes · . I ' 1 ,. Military spokesmen In Saigon·aaliru.s. . I '. M. ! ~~ ; 1• • " , .., and South VJetnameile" figlftel:-tiombers Fi:;~ly~~ .... ~ue •:f.., ,,lHe D · ' d · ~ { flew 90 : •trlke,s in "'pporl of ' the . ..,.. _ thetr' • wll$ingjoli:-rr: rowne · .. .;i,1).r -er · rounded· garTlllOll of 2110 Americans and the N:OllJI are,all ~ tO ~rn·s.b ' · • . .. 4~ ~tith V~tnamese Sunday -, t!te cli!menlt for' most of Aupt. ., : Identified . as . millll logged "' any .day .of the :;a'day A ne,.. ~ pool built ion the f" siege. ' -of the .old Hk•m H, Cotton · · .· "· • • t.1a1e wm _.,. ready ahd . ~b\y H tin.· gt · · .,.... n two •!!«lei.of termlles will no·Jooger be ~ , Oll· lfl& · in evklence.. · . A Whlttier finn completed fu~gatlon An early monllne surfer who droWned ol the Jf).room mawiion recently, fCillow· Friday tn Huriuniton Beach bu beeil Ing an u:~Uve order for e•ecutlon jdenUfitd by Uie Or.ange e o U n t y forthwith of the Dying and crawllng Coroner's omce as Larry T. Taylor, 24, termlt,es. of 711 Owen! St.~ Huntin~n 'Beach. F\lmlgaUon of the pl"emises.to 'end lhe Taylor &owned 'about t !llO t.m., Fri-- entomological White HOme dinner w~ a day: His body was rirlt discovered by requ.ftmmt f()('"ule of the executive other surfers, w:ho k>at• tt,· tben it' was l*ieaWay, neptlaied with 91).yw-oJd ~vered 111aJn by . Huuliniton' Beach Mn. Vlclorla COiion. Uleguarcll near the blulls ·along Plclllc Ship Decommis11ioned . . BC>Si'OK "(AP) -"rbe oldest,rlCllve &ll<:raft carrfer lo lbe U.S. Navy, the USS -·-to be .-·loday 11.-,i i1na1·Shl'11n1. Coast l!ishway. . Taylor was i(tenttrJ~ as manager oJ Colonel ~ers KentuC~ Fried'Cblcken Restauranl at !Jiit BUcll' Blvd., Hun- tington Beach. · J>rivote f1111<1'al ~~ are ~ at Smith's Chapel lj1 Huntington Beach. ' ' . Huntington M~ Cleared in ·Heist John Robert Keenan. 31, of 311 14th St., Huntington Beach, who w s 1 arrffted. Thur&da.y on suspicion ol strongann rob- bery, was cleared of all char&es today, said police. . Keenan was spotted Thutsday night behind GilUgan's Is.it, a bar on $lh" Street, dragging a bleeding and b~ old IDlll. Arresting offli:m first thought be had just robbe<f the man, Harry D. Hyde, 'n, of mi W. Sth St. ' Detect.Iva: said toda7 thlt>Kttnan WU apparenUy hOI~ JIY,dll,nwm home as he had clalmed when a.rmted. • • ;• I 1(. 1 4 -OQ.'f ............. LDil!N CAVOllT 1 NUR CRUlSIR ~tac·IWt'.A'olduNd DORuio NIOtfT AT.NIWPo!IT IMGtl " 'Mom, Y .. 11 Nowr lolln• Whllt.Willhetl ue 0n 111o...,, 1n """" o10ur HOuH' • I D.lll.V PllOT H .,,...., ...... JO. 1' .. Congress S-:ts ~~dlines~ ~henDo~k~TheJU 'lf411DNGTON (UPI\ -nit 10 "°"'" Wbldi C.....-S Itta dlldlln• forJlb!olf, llllM. llinl Pt 1dt•~ JohOJOn callod Pe ; 11,0llO from paycllecu !or anolher moolh ,.hll, Uo"'" wW cost t.xpayers ltf billloa:a ---...-..~....,. t.llell-111..-Uiemwbooll!ldalo "ftbitt,;....litiiood..,.,"looalo 11111111llaAfrll•*'·Jlll,~ ~linrmMm._lllt_. -1111111-Coiww --4-... J'll'll JliN< -ll """ ,..r drawl allb. • -._ .. """'"'"4 Did. 1111 lie PllJllllo ·-11111 Pl "J 1 • , -lie II A law mlrlo.. lie 'Pf!1P11a11om 111111 for federal dlpulmonia Jlllycbtcl. • ~'llli .Whlclell-111ce11od•"-.... ..--,.111111a.r"!oo1.,... Nlirm '"'1 he c1oesni w"'t lhelaw,•ir.dmlTrldtCnmm•-<m>'litm-anil agencies. "Meantime, under the Nor wW you -any change lo •Ii•,.~ ....,..-." ~ -1119 ~ .... •• •·" , -!eta the . Presldell! mobilize t.tlvelY fllollc fl> ..,..ies by ~ re!Olu\jon!, eacb ~epartment spend> •I t.e commercials, altboligh lWt) federal 'thlm ev., ynr ti) pr'OIT.,...M--io JJ'htN 11 • pp or-twl, llowe.-.r. U you l'tlel'vlib anCI national I u a.r-dJ m e n he~1 TUeldly on tta propo.ul to ,re-Its old-rate-or the rate prescrl~d~ ~ ,,a.nt to clamp down on \hem expire can keep NMing unW the are 1 commercial ftabenna.n1 don't mall without declaring a national emergency. qwre a stern he.altb warnln& on ~II President Nixon's proposed bUdgtl;. aod Lhe law barring I.hem from taking lawmakers get around to changlng them, lo your request for a federaJ subsidy to Tho Detenee Department I.old CoQa:rtss cigarette comm er c i a I 1 and 'd-whichever Is lower. 1Uch 1cUon dies at midnight, along with extending: .lhem or scrapplng then\. help pay for your new boat. ~r"mkl· !"l:ron woaJd r1lh1r take hta case to a ve.rUsemeoti. But the House already bU GetUng back to llshlna boats, don't the surcbrage. Th1S year is no excepUon. Although nlgllt tonight, the Department of Joint session of Congress U another passed a bill extendinl the ban on worry about your subsidy check if your Actually, the laws under which the more than a score of Jaws eiplre today, Tt.ansportaUon wUl bave no authority to emergency arises. regulatory action and the FTC is unllkely application gets approved before mi~· federal government spends its money run Congress appean confident it has pat-p~ it uoW Coogresa votes a new The fate ol the surta:r stlll depends on to put Jta Nle into ellect uotU the Seni.te night. You'll get it. It's the department$ out too. But the spend.log won't s\oP. ched up the a:ovemment fabric with autboriza\jon. . the HOUie. But Qmareas voted last week decides tht JealslaUao'1 fate. • authority to approve, not to apend, tblt 1111 all part al ao lllU1Ull procea under enoqb tempmry utensloos to keep Atlo .,p1ring II the low Wider wbtdl to..five Ille utra 10 percent wtlllbeld The mon ...Uy "cantlmllng ruolu-•toi>•. Apollo Trial Count Begins; Monkey Okay CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -Apollo 11 's power cells were activated In a crucial trial countdown on the ground today while an orbiting monkey named Bonny behaved normally during the second day · · his montb·long medical fact·finding fllibt. The monkey, reported in excellent shape in hla strange new world o! welghtleuness, ls expected to return July JS with enough data to help man plan for voyages luting many months. His mlsilon is costing $92. I million. The mission is going' in perfectly routine fashion," said a spokesman at lhe Blosatelllte Control Center, Greenbelt, Md. In his first full day aloft, the monkey drank a quart of water, ate some 60 food pellet. and e:xpertly played two ga.nes . 11le Apollo 11 countdown test , a final rehearsal of everything but blastoff, was pnaeding just as well at Ute launch site. Jt was aiming toward a mock launch at 6:SS a.m. PDT Weanuday -precl!ely two weeks before the moon.ship's takeoff date. · Launch crews activated the spacecralt'1 three vital fuel cell power ltn!T'ators and began pumping frl&id 11· quid hydrogen and oxycea into its tanks. Astronauts Neil A. Armslrong,.Mlchael Callins and Ed1in E. Aldrin returned to the moonpcrt frOrri. a weekend in Virgin.la and Tes:as and rehearsed their launch In a command ahiP sirnulatOr. They undergo 1 major medical checkup Tuesday. The three pilots are due to return frotn man's first lunar landing ~uion July 24. President NI.ion p~~S"-be aboard· the recovery caITier H mwelcame them back. He also expects to dine with the astronauts here oo launch eye, July 15. The space monkey, ·1 lf.pounder from the jungles of Tballand, rocketed iato orbJt Saturday night and, e:rcept for a briel nurry of n:cJtement during llunch, was following the regimen he rehearsed for montbJ on earth. Huntington Pair Listed as Critical After Collision Two HunUngtoa Beach residents are listed in critical and oi:Je· in fair condltJon today at Hunt•n lntercommunlty H05pltal follo wing' a S8turday night col- Usion between two automobiles at Adams and HUntlngton avenues. The accident occurred al 11 :29 p.m. whtn a vehicle driven by Paul E. Norton, 22, of rn Yorktown Ave., collided with a car driven by Christy A. Malone, 16, of 22101 Luau Lane. Admitted lo the hospital in crlllcel con- dition were Norton and Janet Lineberry. 15, of 10151 CraUet Drive, a passenger ln the Malone car. · Richard R. Dice, 2Z, of...9291 Utchfield Drive, who was Norton's passenger, also was admitted in critical condition. Miss Malone was not injured. PoUce reported · Morton's car was demolished in the wreck,. A nearby oil storage tank also sustained damage. DAllY Pllnl l•b•,. N. w .. 1 ...._..,,,_~ Jtelr a. C.rlw Vlal ,,_ ... 9!" o-ttl.,...... n.. •• k.....O .... Tloo•tt A. M•-"'-~...-. '""' M,.+ W. ltf•• Wllllt• .... .-.-1.i. ........ , ............ l!fl.... Clly .... " ................. JOt ltli Str•tt M•m .. "''''"' r.o. a.. no, t2Mt --......,.-.oi.w•.,.. ..... ......_. c-. """"' -......, .., .... ..__ Mdli ID ..,... A.-t r . ' l ~ · '1 . M.LV PILOT tt.ff ....... BOUND FOR EUROPE WITH A BEAR FLAG FROM CAPITOL Fountofn Volley $~tn11 '.Allison (background), D!ckhudt V allef -~&fs Off !O ~ udy .,.. I i 1 1 In Austrii f 01· Summer . . . By TERRY CoVILLE Ot ._ Dlltr ,.,., Miff A palr of Fount.aln Valley girls today are on their way to a awnmer of study in Seefeld, Austria. • Robin-Alliton, II, of•I7119 Walnut SL, and Judy Dlckhudt, IS, ol t!$77 Col· RIOTING •.. claiming to be their bi::otheta pulled Sonora away from the lawmen. Pushinj and shoving by a gang of about 25 youngaters followed, during which the sergeant Was knocked to the sidewalk, .kJcked a.ad stomped, while OfUcer Buckles ran to radio for relnfo~ents. ' Several more offictrs responded to the scene and Sgt. Shaffer, baok ·in action, took the Chandler sisters into custody at 'Broadway and Fourth Streets to be book· ed on suspicion of disturbing t}\e .peact. Violence flared again at that point, in· vestigators said, and Patrolman Gary Sterzer Jmt hi.s baton in the melee and was baUered with it by the gang ol youths. Knocked to the pavement, he was bit· ten on the chin by one screaming you~ and as a result, hospitalized overnJabt at 'orange Couhty f.ied.lcll Center after receiving a tetanus shot. Steadily growing in size, a crowd now numbering &bout 75 surged into the civic center area and showered armed lawmen guarding the police department with a hail of rocks and botUes. Nest scene or the action was a Jack-in- th~x drive-through restaurant at Foi.lrth and Shelton streets, where all windows mre shattered and an anon at· tempi was reported. Police at the scene arruted a lg.year· old boy who they uld had 11t Ort to a trash container and was trylne to toreh tbe butld!ng n.eu wlt!I • burning magJtlne. Sporadic etupUorut contlmled c!uri"i a !lve-llour period bolor• lhe teioperature and lhe mood ol lhe ram_.. cooled down and police...,.. oble to re11L By mldntgll~ Negro luden ~ among lhe unruly mobs bad -In oalmlng lhe IHUIUOO and patnil caro were qWetly withdrawn 11 IOOD u feul· ble lo add lo the lnfluence. Chlel Allen said alter lhe dllt&lrboDc:o or riot -depending oo -·• vkwpobll - was over, th a t he w11 convinced It. WU unplllllled and dellllfttly ... Bladl. Panther-rnotf'vat@d.. Ht re!mtd to recem -plai.ts by Ille Ntgro clttuory o! allefed bar. wmtlll by poll<e In Ille walte al the JW>e 4 murder o! wlllte P1trolm10 Nel- aon A/SUicer. Not ool)r N•i-but otber racial elements were involved ln the sltu.atton, Y.·hich was ktpt solo& by youths aged 14 to 1a. ralhu than adults. "There were plenty Qf others. lncludln& browns and whites," Ult dllel said. • tonwood Drive, left Saturday fDr more than a month of study at 1 achool In Se.le Id. Both glrls are taking part in the Foreign Study League, summer program of foreign edUCJUon. More than 11,000 American students w I ti .participate at schools tbroucboot'the wOrld. At least 181 of th!rti will join Judy and Robin in Stt!eld. "It's like a dre~, the real Impact of which ,h4sn't bit me yet,'' said Judy, jwt 'prior to her Saturday departure. The dream 11tarted last summer whep ,Robin, heard about th! Foreign Study ,League program by wo~ of. m~unth. She passed it on to Judy, a fellow sfUilent In German at Fouiltalll Valley Hlih Sclloo~ and both rrlade plans ·foi this summer. Cost of .lhe pt"Oll""'1 iS ~ by parents, but at 1 conaiderably reduced rate. Course of study foi-Jµdy ancfRotiin In- cludes Gennan literature laitruiae and culture. "The best P4ft," ~sys Robin, "is a one-hour portion OI elm when we will enter the town and study language with the merchants and other townspeople." School cffiilt will be received In language for both girls. Robin expects credit at UC Jrvln! next year, and Judy wW receive credit for her senior yev at Fountaln Valley. . ••we only study mornings,'' adds Judy. •• Altemoon.s. evtnings and weekends 1rc ·ours to see the area." r Seefleld iii n e a r InnsbnK:k, Austrll, sight or the laiit Winter Olympics. Trlt» also are scheduled for the gtrls to East and West Berlin, Prague and Vlet>- na. "We plan to present the Clllfomla flag to the mayor of one of thole cltlet," 1tld Judy. They have a nag which nn over the capitol building in Sacramento, 11ven t.P them by Aasemblfman Robert Burke (R-HunUngton Beach). No obU,atlon to speak or make publlc awear1nces is involved with this pro- grtm. The girls pay to sl~ and learn whal anotber country iJ llkt. Both, however, e:rpreped a desire to be counselon on slmllar trips when they are old enough. Fot each 10 students sent to another country, one adult counselor tnvds along. Fro• Pflfle 1 COPTER ... tempt to !pita u bul !allld .. pt lhe dealred reaultl. . >.. • tut -lhe .... tpli.d one! burned out lhe Interior ol lhe vehlcla. Poll«. wbo delamlined thl w to be lhe same -uaod In lhe llolc!up, -the .... with betkoptort and ioon dilcovered Guardado hfdlng uilder 1 lree. Found Jn the automobUe bY P0Uce WJI 1 1pent .SS Clllber bullet whicb matched a bulge ln the roof and three white unldcnU!if'd capirulu marked with aa 0 1" on each old .. Congo Exile Tshomhe Dies Heart Attack Kills 'Rubber Man' of African Politics . . ALGIERS {AP) -Moise Tabombe, known as the "rubbtr man" of African polJtic!, died Sunday of u apparent heart attack, The Algerian Press Service repc>rted .today. He was 49. A communlque signed by 10 Algerian doctors said the former premier of the Congo and 1eader of the breakaway state of Katanga appeared to have died in bis sleep. It said an autopsy was to be performed today. The announcement or Tshombe's death came two years to the day after a French plane hijacker brought him to Algeria at aunpolnt. The plane had been chartered to taie Tshombe from Spain, where he had been living in exile, to Palma de Ma- jorca. After a deal fell through between Algeria and the Congo to extradite Tshombe to Kinshasa ( f o r me r I y Leopoldville) to face a death sentence, Tshombe's status became veiled in offi. cial silence. He was kept in 501itary con. finement for two years, well treated but denied contact with the outside world. Tshombe earned his nickname by showing remarkable political resiliency in rtbounding from ulter defeat after the fall of Katanga in 1963 to becom! premier cf the Congo In July 1964. The man with the moon face and toothy grin inspired no In-between emottom: among Congolese. He was ellber loved or hated. Moise·Kapenda -which stands for 1'Moses Beloved" -Tshombe was born In Maswnba Nov. 10, 1Q19. His father was a rarity, a wealthy African businessman in an economy cootrolled by Belgians. Tshornbe was Olten known tu OOast: "I am a rich man. t·afn the only Congolese who does not need to be in politics to make a living. No one can buy me." Raised as a Methodist with a high school educaUon, Tabombe toured Europe before coming home to run the family's interests, marry the daughter of a tribal chief and father 10 children . He served on several tribal and pro- vincial councils in the 1950s, and when Fore! GIJlf Links Open for Play At Mile Square Mile Square golf course is open, and the go"lhrs are virtually standing in line to use the new greens at Brookhurst Street and Wamu Avenue in Fountain Valley. Invited officials and dignitaries tested the coun;e Friday, before lhe public was :allowed to flock to the field on Saturday. For weekend play, the links were book· ed solid from 6 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and 'golf pro Skip Whltl!l has asked people to pla y on playing after 3:30 p.m. Weekday fees are $3 with the price jumping to $5 for weekend play. The goU course is the firllt phase of Mile Square regional park, curreally under development by the county. UP'I T11t1111<1i. EXILED LEADER DIES Congo's Moise Tlhombe Belgium was ready to grant lts colony ln- dcpendnece, Tshombe was premier of ils richest prov ince. Independence came July J, 1960, and tht Congolese army mutinied soon after, Tshombe waited 10 days for President Joseph Kasavubu and Premier Patrice Lumumba to resore order, then declared independence for Katanga. Backed by Belgian mining firms and a army led by white mercenaries from South Africa and Rhodesia, ' Tshombe withstood worldwide pressure and United Nations' eff.orts lo end hls secession t't!r 30 monthll. ' It was during the first outbreak of violence, in September 1961, that U.~. Secretary-General Dag Hammankjcfd was flying to a border town for cease- fire. talks with T.9hombe. . Rhodesia, now Zambia. HammarskjJI was flying to a border town for ceu-fire talks with T.shombe. While a U.N. investigating committe.e said it found no proof to support ~s the plane h.ad been shot down, it added lt was unable to determine the cause of the crash. Six: months after Hammarskjold died. the Katanga govemment announced the death of Lumumba, who then became a hero to many AJrcian youths. Some Congolese said Tshombe wu respon.sible- for Lumumba 's assassinaUon, b u·t Tshombe maintained Lumumba had escaped after being laken into custody in January 1961 and was4 shot by villagers.- Five months after Tshombe capitu1ated In January 1963, he left the Congo to go into exile in Europe for the first time, living mostly in Spain. But he returned triumphantly as premier in June 1964 after Simba tribesmen rebelled ln the northeast provinces. ltfany said the Western powers, in· eluding the United States, had convinced President Kasavubu that Tsbombe was the only person who could unite all Con&O factions and put down the rebellion. Tshombe's troops, again led by white mercenaries, succeeded in crushing the Simba rebellion, but in the fall of 1965 a simmering feud between Kasavubu and his premier broke into the open. Again Tshombe went into exile, never really returning to the limelight witil be waS kJdnaped to Algiers. State Taking Major Steps To Shut ~tal Hospitals _ SACRAMENTO (UPI} ~·fornia cipa1 author. Assemblyman F r1 n t: will take a major step T esday ward Lanterman (R·La Canada), said Ute the gradual emptying and losur of its measure would virtually end the state . treatment of the mentally Ill at hospitals mental hospitals. as communiUes gradually took over. · For almost two years, state and local Ninety percent of the cost will be paid mental health officials have been prepar-by the state while county financing will ing to put into effect the landmark provide the balance regardless where the Lanterman·Peltis-Short ~t. a 1967 law treatment is provided. that emphasizes the treatment of the "The perSon needing mental health mentally ill at home. services will be able to obtain it ln bl1 The mea!W'e lakes effect Tuesday own· community," observed State Mental when California becomes the first state Hygiene Director James V. Lowcy. to make mandatory the provision of men-"On1y if 'this is not possible will be be ta! health services by local communities. referred to the stale hospital for tern· The aim is to end unnecessary porary care and wtll then be returned to hospitalization and treaL paUenls In k>cal the care of the local mental health pro- facilitJes instead, to protect the con· gram," he said. fid!ntlallty or patient records and to Under the law, no alcoholic or mentally "eliminate the stigma historically at-disordered .person will be admitted to a t.ached to mental illness." state hospital before he b screened · and During debate in 1967, the law's prin-referred by a local agency. Oark'o Shoes from England. One of the 18 I have • ra1her decent _. lection of yachting and boating •pparel. In fact. between my •lore and the sal~ w•~ 1bdp best men's stores in Newport Beach on the mezzanine in Richard's 1 ~larket next door, you gel the ' I do@gonedeet selection in ap- livity. (I don't mind gi'ring my good ...,;ghbor a f...,. plu~.) . ' Why don't I mention pT'icet! If it •ddenly geta hot and you ' your attention. ln fact, I hne Th.en'• no eenl!le in 11bowing a need a eooler necktie or IOm&-lwo different clothing •bopi picture of a euit or whatever, thing. yoo don't need to catc:h within thii •lore One, which I with a deadJy dull deecription eun11troke bt1nling for M>me-. • . of the thrude., and• price. It'• where to buy it. call llent.age Shop, 18 for the more Important to tell yon Yon c•n easily fmd • men'1 button-down eoU. graduate about this store and wJi•t it olore in Newport Beach. I find who wanll the tnditional look. otando for. 18 of them, inclnclinfl my own, My new •hlrll are vur eom· My priceo are"pleao;ng. They in the phone book. plete ript now. By Gant, Emo won't take the curl out of your In eaoe yo" don't know and Euello, plno lntmmtlng hair but they may otrall!h-' wbieh 1o patronise, pick a nice "'"' oport ahirta from ball • out yonr cheek book. name. I IP•• you the entire d....., h'8hly reprded maken. At!d alwoya remember the llat 1 A L'El?nt, Atldnoon, AJ.o a darn (!OOd ahoe otore. name of the 1tore, Bid,..,11. h '1 Bay Dept. Store, 8""ehcomber, In add i 1 Ion to Toy)or, 'nd a word derived from tho Latin. Robert Berkeley, JKk Bld,..,11, ~perry ';fepolder, I eury BaUy Loooely .tnnoloted, ii mean• U..mond'11, Houe of Moipn, Sh-from Swltsert.nd, and "the beot of the bunch." Lanodo.....,•11, Leopard'• Spota, Pat Muley'11, Mr. Pau1'11, Mnfti Ltd~ Qurter Deek, Sowyer, Sthwwood11, G Men'a, an d Woodnlfr1. Ith my in-tloaa oplnlon tbot my 1ulio, 1port coata ond alaeka are particularly worth Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Udo at Newport Blvd., in Newport Beach next lo Richard'• Market ond The Udo Theater. Plenty of fre<i porklng in the rear. Photte 673-4$10 Copyri(!bt 1969, Jack Bidwell. -·~j ! I I I I I I I l ' I I r Laguna · Reaeh • • • vpc. i.2, NO. ·1ss, ~ SECTIONS, •• PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAllFORNIA . TWCENTS ·' • l . t • • • Parking Tokens Issued to Laguna Merchants New coins went . Into clrculJIJon today in downtown Laguna Beacb -b~· ored pJrt<ing lokens. First tokens were given out by merthant.s to customers right after city workers this morning began installing tiew meter heads at 485 downtown park· ing sl9'!. Installallon of the meters will be com- pleted Tuesday. Idea of the loken.s is for businessmen • to ll"lvid< customm wllla ."""""'1 park· ing. Merdwita buy the i1*eu from the city for nve cents. "We ·could just givt the customers a nickel but they mleht be embarrassed to receive•tt," said Robert ·Benner, acting chainnan of Downtown Business Assocla· lion. Apart frOm the totw, the main ru.son for the change over ln meter htads is to boost' the rate from a nickel to a dime an hour. Two bOura wUJ be muimum. City Manaier James Wheaton llid 1he new meter heads are be.in& tnatalled alona Coast Highway from Legion Street to Aster Stftel, on Forest Avenue, and t0 the Glenneyre and El Pasco beacbfront. city parldnf lots. ' The tokens are slightly larger than •· nickel, but weigh the same as the U.S. coin and trip the hall-hour rqlster when fed into tbe ·meter. On1 either side they read: "Park Free in Beautiful Lquna Beach." . IXOil Down the Mission Trail Penny Carnival Set for Fom1h MISSION VIEJO -A "Big Penny Carnival'' will be held Friday at the Mission Viejo Recreation Center. Carnival activities of games and prize, will be •beJd from noon ·to 4 p.m. ta COi• nection with 4lh of July lndepeodence Day. • Yot• Ul•OIUI ........ . -MISSION VIEJO -voli'l~ taught to the Hatha principals by - Taylor will begin ne:r:t Monday, July 7, at I p.m. in lhe Mission Viejo Recreation (.enter. Four sessions will be held Mondays to July 28. Fee for Recreation Center Jnembers i..s $4 and for non members the charge is $6. :• Y Opeu TIClO Standl EL TORO~ Jn addition to their fireworks st.and at Toro center, the South Orange County YMCA has set up anolher stand" on El Toro Road just west of. the freeway . The new stand will be open Saturday. and remain open through July 4. Hours are from 10 a.m. till dawn . The other atand will be open from 10 a.m. through 9 p.m. from Saturday throu,(!l Wednesday, and remain open an additional hour on Thursday and JuJy 4. e Witne•H•• Bid Denied SAN CLEMENTE -In a unanimous vote, the City Council has denied a use pennit requested by Jehovah 's Witnesses to build a church at East Avenida Cordoba. The protests of neighboring pro~y owners, and a report from assistant police chief StanJey Matchett warning o the hazards of increased traUM: in the vicinity, resulted in the denial. e Honae Bnildlng Slated LAKE FOREST -ConstrucUon on a new 500-home development here will be 1tarted immediately by M. J. Brock & Sons, a ~ulhem California building firm which purchased the development site from Dean Bros. for $2 million. This ts the first land sale that Dean Bros. bas made to another buUder to Lake Forest. In addition, West.inghOuse Electric Corp. has purchased a 25--acre site in the Lake Forest Industrial Parl: arta. It lfas the first sale of industrial land here. No Identities Mysterious B:oat Runs Aground By JOHN VAL TERZA Of IM OlllJ Plllt Slaff The expensive ~foot cabin cruiser "Shannondoa" with a mysterious party ol four persons aboard crunched hard aground oo the mooolil bud> early Ibis morning on tbe'Balboa Peninsula The $75,000-plus, black.bulled Stevens ~ ~ lll&li 9P .. Ille.~ at tbe'e0eu.end if'E'Stnefat iliOol 1 a.m. lt WU left Oil tJ>e beach lilter ani ol the trailer. It was feared the boat woold be heavily damaged if the Ude roee while the craft was still near lhe poundin& 111rf. The cause of tbe mlahap was u cloudy as Uie identity Of Uif ,t'wo mm and two · women on. board. morning Iha! "·the buU ·~ Lifeguards BeJsbe uid thla . lloil. IJ:D, P• f> . hilbei!l lldes " the year. 3 000 T l\be 'apPar!nl pUot of the pluab craft. ' roops rJ.~J;:£~~. MaJiliig Push ~laid be consebled lo first · aid after an hour ol coaalng. T L •£ s • spokesman for Basin Marine Inc. of . O J l iege Newport Beach. the firm In charge of saJvaginS the cruiser, said the "Shan- nondoa" is owned by Paul Warren. The craft's home port ts San Francisco. Salvg:en usma a hllle crane and trailer· won a net at 11 a.m. today against another extremely hlP llde. They llfled Uie vwet off the sand from the water's edge and onto the Waltlhg Boy, 16, Cited After Hitting Rail On Temple Hills A car driven by a 16-year-ald Laguna Beach youth overtumtd. In the 1100 block of Temple Hills Drive after careenin1 around the Temple Hills "bl1 bend" and striking Ille guard rail Saturday morning. He w'1s cited. for drivtna: without a license and for defecUve Drakes, ac- cording to police Lt. Frank Schopen. The yoliill received abraiions fo hlli left shoulder in lhe. accident, but waa not hospitalized, police said. Lt. Schopen said the accident tcCUrred as the bayi wu westbound °" Temple Hilla Drive, MwnbilL The Joulh told ' ol· ficers that he attempted to slow the car as he approrached lhe curve at the J 100 btoclt but loot his brakes, Schopen said. A sepaTate rUMnd .. traffic ICddent Sunday injured a Burbank man. Lewis ltay Hunter, S3, of Bur~ klld officers he would aee his own dOdor for treat- ment. 'lbe collision occurred at 300 N. Cout Highway as a car driven by Graham Hunl Hall. It. ol 2211 ~· Coasl !Dghway stopped for tr.tffic and waa hit ln1 the rear , police Aid. · SAIGON, (UPI) - A for<:e of l,000 gov• ernment troops backed by the ·heaviest U.S. air raids Jn two months pushed unopposed toWanf Ben Het today in an attempt lo WI the 58-<tay-old siefe, U.S. military .spokesmen reported. BSZ bombers· struck largeta within a mile of the Green ~ Special Forces camp in the central higblanda while U. S. and Soulh Vietnamese fl&bter- bombera pounded the rJd&es aroond Ben Het where Communl!t gunners have shelled the ·camp almost daily, U.S. military spokesman said South Vietnamese infantrymen inched through the dense jWlgles near the LaOl-Cam- bocUan border, destl'Oyinc bunkers and spider holea used only last week by Communllt soldien to ambush allied convoys on highway 511, a one-lane foad to Oak To, eight milea away. The foot llOops driving on Ben Het were RBrl of a 3,000-mari force ordered into the arta 'ln •a new operation which began lhis weekend. Commanden re- fUJed to discu5s the specific mtuion of lhe operation sincf! it entailed future plans, but lhe relief ol Ben Het wu ooe or them. The drive Wal IO ~ccessful tJwt the ~ sbdlipga·o1 Beil llel i:oiilinueCI to alack· en -thert' Wert 25 rounds into the i:amp Sunday which killed two Soulh Viet~ namese but there were no lncoming roundJ fn>m mldnlght !<> the early hours of lonighL The drive al!o wed the air supply of Ben Het. U.S. cargo planes nylng through protective ocreeos of white smoke lakl down by American gunahips dropped ~ than 15 tona ol food, water and ammunition by parachute to the camp'a 200 ·American and 460 Viel· · oamese defenders. Art Festival Hands Over Col. Alexande< Weyand, ~' a West Po!n!er from El Paso, Tu:at, said or the tlaekened Communist elforll: '"It appears the enemy is iodecislve. He's taking 1 beating aod bas lo decide whether it'• worlla It lo him mWlarUy and polltkally lo keep up the effort." $112,000 Forum to City The city ol 'Lagun.I Belich ts lbe ~· proud owner of the $U2,000 Festival ol Arla Forum. A gatbtring of about 400 community leaden witnessed the tramactlon Satur-~ altemooo, when Fesllvat of Arts Board Pmident William D. Martin !urn- ed the Fonun's key over to Lquna Mayor GleM E •• Vedder. Qwnpagne and '°"' by the Festival ol Arts a.oral• brlghtenoe the occuloo in the 132«•1 theater. l The Forum. d~lgned by arehitect Don, WUllauum and financed by the FesUval • of Arll. ts purporled !<> be· the only --flnancod enllroli by • llOl>l>l'ofll orpntzatlon and.tbeo ~ lo a clly completely unemc:urnbered. OUrtng the nm of thO Feslfval ol Arts. the theater will be Uled for Rene's Martoaeltea. The ml ol the year h wjll be available lo ~ _.,unity · lor meet!np, concerts, and tho like. The """"" floor ol the lWH!ot)' thealer will houla .food coacealons. a Junior art ixhtblt aod cblldml'• art d ..... ~the Fat!•al. . ' +• CLIPBOARDS 'COPPED' TO>o red'f ... Lquna Btadi.poU.. of· fleer• ut·clown Saturday lo write crime reporla a1>9ut the theft ol two cltpboanfa -their own. The two polloe olflcen bad ~ked their black and while prowl con .. the JOO.block of Mounlain Road and ~ tell on foot to patrol lhe beach at &:1111 P·'!'· Upon reitlnUl!I. the ...., !«DI ' tbeJ bad two crfmOs "' ttpott.• ........... _.. had '°"""' tho •clJ!lloard& tram both police ,can. ' Tiie ori;lnll lot of 10.000 tokens bu been entirety told to merchaot.s, &Oflle of w• have mailed them tD the1r custmnen. !Jlotber 10,IXIO "'are an order. Any ·llboriqe la 9peded lo be tM<ll care ol by recirculation of the tones. "Belnr able lo provide !rt< wkini puts, us ln a more compeUUve position ~ sbopp1nr cent.en,'' said Bonner., ··The plan i.. double the parking rates and Ult lqke!ls WU _.Ud oul - cill' olflclals and the.' merdwib Ad-U paid promptly. Every lwo '-t a ditlona1 revenue will be put into a tpe;Clll new ticken can be 1Iven and U..,. ~ Jund lo purdlue properly fe< ..;,. ~tty •tack up on the windehteld. parking Iota and perhaps add -.cl A tfu.ee.minute grace period wUI be levels to pruent city loll. allowed beJ ond the tµ-.n two boun. The new meter heads ~rry a decal The wl(illng decal puts the clty ~ telling of the two-hour llmitallon. on legal ooltd ground after Muntdpal !Weeding of mete" lo Jain addlt1aaal Court Jud&< J. Parley Smith lold cllJ ol· lime il nol aUowed. · . ficiall enf9rcemenl against refeedinl la • City pollce enforce the limit, violation not eroper.unless .parkers were forewarn- " -wulq In • ~ Uaal coala ll ed. • es ··Europe Trip Will Delay 4-weekSmy A four.week vislt ln San Clemente Is scheduled by President Nl:r:on afllr his row'Ki-t.be-worid trip, includln& a atop in Cooununlsl Romania, ends In early Au~t, White House aides said. today. No exact dates have been eel, but p,..;dential prea secretary Boo ZieJier said the slay at ' the -r Wblto 1-will' begin Aug. I or 13, u ..,., pim-i., Prltlil4it 111X!!I'• ~ ca.t otay h(. bee!) Umod lo to!JiClde Wl1b !he Conp'ealonal recess of aeveral fttka ~Aug. I and the end of his global lrlp ' . l!Mltr uld -lbe foretp tciur allatiUy 1i-flte N,.,..' oiUliial plani .for a vUI! In San Climente. liut the llmilabio will bi apProxlmately four ~ve weeks. The global tour ts !!Cheduled fnr July ZI to Aug. 3, and will include a vlait in COm- lllunlst Romania. llelalls of the l,'realdent'• work-ald- piay stay at his a e wl r·f u mJ 1• i&d beachfront mansion have not yet bem made public by the White House press eervtce. Presumably, the procedure will be similar to his ncem visit en route to Vletnai:n WU· talU on Midway hland, featuring. news conferencea and bJ.. tervlews at the NeWporter Inn. Alex llrisgaloff addJ ~' ~ to AJ:io-Al-F!iJ: g1J111lljls t,akll!1,11>ape at1346 N. C..Ut Highway Iii Li&Wl•i AlilA-, ~l!l!jli\\Yii\'. a<' .~llnter'Feiijval, !l ·~i!cl J';y Leguna Bftdl F!be'1Aits AISocla· tioo_ More q,8n 60 painteis,.cral!sme,, and ·sculptol" are expectecl to 'exhibit during July 11 ·Aug .. :U event:. • _ : · ' · Although cominga and gobip of Ibo First Falnlly will conUnue· on the same tone as tbe1r bu.sy W ashlngton agenda, the Nlltqoo mo all eq>eeled lo be In 'San Clemente for mo5t of Auguat. A .new awtmmlng pool bull! on Uat grounds ol lhe old HJram H. Cott on Estate will be ready and presumably lwo species of termites will oo loo&er be in evidence. I • South Coast Cominu:itify1 . .. - ' Hospital Marks .10th Year. . ' . , Lagunan Ele.cted To , Top Post in • A Whittier firm completed fumlgaticm or the 10-room mansion recenUy, follow· Ing an u:eeutive order for ezecutioa iorthwlth ol the flying and crawling temlltes. Stoelc llf•rlcets NEW YORK IAP) -The l!oet market closed with a modest pin toda.Y u aeJec. tlye buytnc pve1 I( acne at lb bounce. 'J'!tding WU OloW. (See quotationl, Pagtl 14-15). ' Weatller That ]~-awaited summer wea-- lhtr Is fihp.lly with Ull, and the mercury ii due for a jump Into the 1111;1 ~ the c:Out Tueoday. Fur, I Iller Inland k11 break to. we'"' -told.· • \ - , 'INSIDE TODAY Th• i41f1t ,..dfcol IJ>'ciollv ts th• .,;g;..i 1'olwP<cioltv -general ~ -and II toil! t be loMG~I al 7/oog .Vel!IOrial I H"o.tpitot in eon~tion with tM UC lmnc Me School Sec PW< IJt -" ~. "" -II ClllMIW. °': =... •1 11119 ....... 11 =-~ 1•1 Sa I •l ,.... ..... -M *-.......... _, . • -......... : e: .. :l --u -. ., .......... =-:: .... ..... ,..,. -.. 5F-. :: • • , • L I ' lJongr~ss Sets Q~dlines!) The~.Qnti~s ~Jh.~ln WASllJNGTOff (llP!) -Tilt 10 """' --LU.......,.. U1J1m tocil.Y .... ..... -...,., • k """ 1""' poydlocl. ., Nor will )'OU see an)' change ln c\garel· te ...,,_clal<, although two federal ll'ndtl want to clamp down oo them ud lb< llw barring them from taking IUCb ldiM dl .. It rnidnJ&bt, llOlll with tho IW'dlrq1. Actuall)r, the laws under which the federal governmeqt spends Its mqney run out too. Bl¢ the spendln& won't stop, JI II-Ill (>Iii (j .. IDOUil -llJlC!er Apollo Trial Count Begins; Monkey Okay CAPE KENNEDY (UP!l -Apollo !l's power tells were activated In a crucial trW countdown on the ground today while an ortilting monkey named Bonny behaved normally during the second day · bis month-long medical fact-finding night. Thi monkey, reported In excellent ahlpe tn his strange new workl of welghlle....,., 11 expeded to retum Jlllf 28 with """'Ill date to help 111111 plln for voy.,.. lasUng many months. His mluioa Is costing $92.1 million. • nie mission is going in perfectly routine fashion,'' said a spokesman at the Biosatellite Control Center, Greenbelt. Md. In his lint full day aloft, the monkey drank • quart of water, att some IO food peUeta Ind expertly pllyecl two g .. n ... The Apollo 11 countdown test, a final rebearaal of everything but blast.off, was proceeding just as well at the launch site. It was llming Iowan! 1 .mock launch II 6'31 a.m. PDT Wednetdly -~1 two weeks before the mo005hlp I taktolf date. Launch crews activated the gpacecralt'• three vital fuel cell power genenton IOd began pumping frigid ll· quid hydrogen and oxygen into Its tank!. Astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Micha~I Collini and Edwin &. Aldrin returned to the P"IOOnport from a weekend in Vlrgin1a and Texu and rehearsed their launch In a commaod ahip llmulatol .. They undqo .a major medical.checkup Tuesday. The three piloll .-e due to return from man's first lunar 1andin1 mission July 24.. Prealdent Nlnn plans to be' aboord !be recovery carrler Hornet to welcome them : back. He also expecta . to -dine with I.hi , astronaut& here on I~ eve, July 15. 'Itle apace monkey, • · • · er from the jungles or Tha . keled Into orblt Saturday night 1 • ~pt for a brief fluny of excite 't during launch, was rolJowiog the rqlmen be rehW'Md for months on earth. Radio reports from 23 sensors im· planted Jn his brain, arteries and other body parta show he is eaUng, working and sleeping nonnally as b1I 1,Slf.9ound bioutellile circles the globe. It is in an orbit ranging from 115 to 244 mllea hJ&h. The object of the spaceflight, longeat ever planned for a living creature, 11 to detennine in detail how prolonged ez- posure to the Jack of gravity in space af- fects life processes. Walk Ends Vp In 'Dog Fight' A disturbance over walking a dog led to · bru.l.aes, lumps and sore fetlinp Saturday night, according to a Cost.i Mesa youth, , who also complained to police that his 1 cl.gar was crushed lt'I the eichaftge. DougiaJ A. Truhfll, 20, 9f 25!0 Ford· ham Drive, and his bud~y. Michael J. · Leonard, 19, of San Sebastian Ave., Mission Viejo, were both assaulted by the angry man, they told officers. Truhlll aaid he had both handB on the dog's leash when pun ched In the mouth by the suspect neighbor and couldn't fight back, so Leonard struck the at- tacker. "That seemed to end It,'' Truhill said, but the matter Is being probed by police today. OttAHG~ COiUt t"Ull tlt!IHG COMl'AllY "'""' N. w ••• t:,. ...... ~ J•c• R. cl.., Viet ,,.'-"" .. o.tfW MMlilllf . n-•• i...,;1 ·-TI!t11111 A. M•rplrtl"' ,,._.....1111W ftlch•ttl '· N•ll ·--City ..... ---221 1'1,11t Af1. MtTtl.tt AM•1m t.O. lu 6U, t26tt --c-... Ma.1 ..... , ... •'"'1 N....,. ANCltr m1 w111 ......... ..,_,. Hllfi'OI•• ... : .. ..... !\lkllO °"1llWD Mio dtldllneo for llloU, t' mokf -them -tbe _dll" ,.; ~ II "'!lall1 called 1 .. _ tllldDI ,,,, ........ c.sr-...... /JI -..,,., ,.... • ,.....n.; ....--" ~ire • can keep runnJog untU the Iawmaten get around to changing them., extending thein or scrapplna them. Tbls year Is no exception. Although more than a score of laws ezplte today, Congre!I appear~ confident it has p~t­ ched up, the aovemment fabric w1U1 <oouct> temporary exllllll!)llS lo ,ketp ~~ .... In &ood ...... -le ~lie---Id Nld. "WI p....i wllal ri bM to. I'm aet • rMlll ... "" " ....... :~-Ii"• ...... ""·~-u_,.. are a commercial fisherman, don'I mail Jn your request for a federal subllidy to help pay for your new boat. After mld- nlahL tonlgb~ the OeparimenL o f Transportation will have no authority to process it until Copgrtss vote~ a new authoriz.8tlon. Allo eipiring is the Jaw. wider which Pl-Johnson called up I0,000 , , from paych<cb for onother month whlll ~In April aod MoY, lil8, follow· tbo 11~¥ddl tho Luue. llll Ill!' Pulblt .,.._ lilll "-\fltb Ille ....... -eql!I& 1111 Hfn!> SIYI he doesn't want the low, 'rederol Tr1de ColnQllolloa ~ wblcb lets lhe President mobilize tatfvely tc. muscles by ~ J"IMnllU and national g u a rd 1 m e n bearings '=•Y on Ill pNl to .r· without declaring a national emergency, quire a sletfi health warn.Ing r.n all The Delei,ise. Departmeiit ,told Congress cigarette c o m m e r c I a I s · QC( 1d-- Nl1:0n would rather take his case to a vertisements. But the House already bu Joint aeM!on of Congress if another passed a bill-e:rteodinl the ban on emergency arises. regulatory action and the FTC ls unlikely The fate of the surtax !till depends on to put its rule Into effect unUI tho Senate the House. But Congress voted last week decides the leclldatlori'a: fate. to have the utra. JO percent w\thbe.ld •The most coltly "C:ontlnuing resolO· • Moise Tslaombe ·-- ilona" wHl cot\ tespayeri tis blllloo • month uolU conai... -~s; ~bll!olwlldoMI . """ .,.,,c1es. ~. the ruolutlons, ... cb • •~•l l)ltndl at its old rate qr I.he rate prtSJ:l'itied In President Nixon's proposed bud&et, whichever ls lower. • ~ · · ", . , Getll!lg back to flsllll1J boal.s, · don't worry about your 9Ub11di-check-if, your application gets appro•ed befOl'fl mid· nlgt)t. You'll get tt..Jt's.the depart.menl'1 aulhotily to •PPrtve.. not to spend, that ..t-. . · 1· t·· . :"""':I"' " . Exiled Congolese DAILY PILOT ,,_. .. ay ltk"-,.. KM~ .. r Leader Succumbs ALGIERS (APl -A1oise Tshombe, known as the "rubber man" of African-. polltlCs, died Sunday or an apparent heart attack, The Algerian Press Service reported today. He was 49. A communique signed by IO Algerian doctors said the former premier of the Cpngo and leader of the breakaway state of Katanga appeared to have. ditd in his sleep. Jt said an autopsy was to be 1>2rfonned today. ' • CHILDRIN CAVORT NEAR CRUISER WHICH RAN AGROUND DURING NIGHT AT NEWPORT BEACH •Mom, You'll Never Believe What Washed Up On ttt, 8"ch In Front of Our House' The announcement of Tshombe 's death came two years to the day after a French plane hijacker brought him to Algeria at gunpoint. The plane had been chartered to take Tshombe from Spain, where be had been living In exile, to Palina de Ma· jorca. Alter a deal fell through b!tween Algeria and the Con10 to extradite Tshombe lo Kinsbaaa ( f o r m e r I y Leopoldville) to face a death sentence, Ts:hombe's status became veiled In offi- cial silence. He was kept In solitary Ciln- f ineme.nt for two years, well treated but denied contact with tbe 0•1tslde world. Police, Recreation Job Applicants Face Exams Applic!anls !0< Lqnno Beach police chief and the.. ctty'1 first · tull-Ume rec- reatJon directc.r have been "lnnowed down lo the oral board tta',e. Clty Manager J.-D. Wbellal llld he bu oet ~~<iii<' police chief Po- lice Chief limy Telir!nl In August. • . Wbea • · 1 be :tiT a Uc•· UOC11 IOI:( ~,2 the field to ii in~ 1be oral bolla wllf Conalll ol Llbrow; boyle Miller, ~ Beaclt city ldmin- i!tr1tor1, 1zi. McKlnzle, Cooto /11 ... city manapr .. aoct foriner police chief; and IV ayne '.aiinboit, Fullerton • police chief. • • The ~ ·will rlllk the >ppliconll by their prifitea and make:;anr r...-u t"ey feel\ a· e e d·• d abolit 1ppUcanta, . " . Mr. David King, . ·.. I Theater, Music Enthusiast, Dies David CIUton King. a Lquna risld<nt far 11 yean,·died Sunday momtna -at-his home . He was 84. Since his retirement in 1958, Mr. Kini has been active In the Laguna Beach Art Assoc:iaUon, the Laguna Communky Players Association, the Chamber Music Society. and the Community Concert A~ialion. In addition, be was a lile member of South cout Community HoSpital. Mr. King also was associated with the Group for PhU0&0phic. Study and MedlUI· lion, the Diamond Foundation, the SChool : fdr Esoteric Study, and the Arcana Workshops. .Prior to coming west, Mr. Kini wu OD the stolf d the Arcane School in New York City. Mr. King who lived at 2470 S. Coast Hwy., is survived by a nephew and two nieces. Private funeral services will be h e J d Wednesdly. , 'Covey of Cuties' Vie in Laguna Beauty Contest BeouLy Is where ,.. find II bqt Lquno'• Main Belch Wecuw held- quarten will be • protty rood place lo lool< Friday even!Jla. . That'• Wilen • -I " Juda .. -by Mayor CleM Vtddtr wUI iOunis out a , sale Ind senullmal JUiy 4 by lllldlnr "Mlu Laauna Beach UflllUMd" Bllled as a "covty (I( cun~s cutles" by Lllel\llrd Copl. Rod Rlehl, cootesllnl.s will bt •loCted from the Various bolcbel by rtlfdm IUlrdl. "Miu ~ -LU""'rd" and two prloc-wtU bt choMn lo r<Jan over varlow city and llftru1rd filnctlons for me ~maindu ot the l\UM\er. 'Chief Lll•IUlrd Tom Duoger osttndeil an li.lvttatlon le ''all hand.-;r to atltnd the ninth annual Fourth ot July contest whlcb begins 1t 7 :IO p.m. J Wheaton said. He will ait In on the ln· tuvlew1 to llaten. .. J'm pleased with the callbef of the applicant.I,'' uid Wheaton. "There are ...,. -candidates; ! jusl hope ~~ Harry Llbrow Tilt -city m:.i,.g.r will al>o be listen- ing July, 10 whZ&an . oral board quest.Ions 1 -from a OeJ4j"'-!!I , , ector. WfilitOO said • • are good and . -. e~ced candJdatel ,fer the role, a • I • new ~ in Laguna, 11t·up by council acUoo in recent monlhl. tit the pa.st the I ' city bas had part-Ume•recreation direc· · ' . -Uon. 1 - The oral board will· Jij.lude Don Ar- nette, 'Santa Monica patb and recrea· non dlnotor; Loiwilll •ii!U· Wood, ror- me~y with lbe Boys' .qut>; and a third member yft1 to be selected • WINS·STATE RECOGNITION L,..Un• Leglonn1lr1 Price kgionnaire Presented Plaque . A pl1que fQr the ''mosti outstanding community service . accomplishments or an lbdlvldual Legionnaire" went to O. W. Prlct ol Laiuna Post :m ~t tbe rectnt state convenliDn ot the Americari Legion I.ii San Die10. 1'll preaentaUon was ml.de by Richard J . Spenct ol San 1'rancl.!lco. cjlalrman ol the Legion's Community sv.ict Com· minion. . Price was praised far 50 yNr1 dedicated wvlce lo vcl.erll\I and for ....,Ice to the community. Tb• LotuJ11 pool WU aJnalec! OUI for ill oulNndlna community MrVlct aclivltles. Diltrlct 29, Orange County, rtcelved "n1 oul.stendlng clteUon !or the ' lecond 1traiiht year. Price bas been d.IJtrlct community aervice chairman for tbt put three years. Fron• Page I GROUNDED. • • tion numbers were fruitless , because they didn't e"list. • •·we don 't evetrhave the injured man's name for our fidt:tld report from last nighl," he said. · ~ Sources said llii"V•I is not equipped with automatic and there was "someone" at t s when the boat skJdded up on Police said they took Oiw: ''hyste oman from the beach ...oea"r the held her at headqut(llen for1• period "until she calmed &wn.' ~ Another woman passenger complained to reporters of bruises she said were in- flicted by officers alter they responded to the grounding. Police said there were no arrests. Burglaries Net $ 7 65 Prope11y In Laguna Beach Four burglaries involving the theft of $765 worth of proj>erty were reported over the weekend to Laguna Beach police. , Ste~~n Cook -Murray, 23, of 1745 Catah.na St., repof'ted that $450 worth of musical equipment was taken from his garage. A stereo tape. l>layer and 10 tapes vlilued at $150 were stolen from the car of J. Robert Graner, 20, Long Beach. The car was parked in the 1200 block of CliU Drl~e. Don Rose, 61 , of 530 Alta Vista Way reported the theft of $65 worth of kitchen equipment from a residence at 417'~ Poplar St ., Saturday. The theft of a $50 stereo tape player and $50 worth of tapes was reported by Helen MaUck, 20, from her residence at 241 Lower Cliff Drive. Tshombe earned his nickname by showing remarkable political reslllency in r!bounding from utter defeat afte.r the fall of Kalanga in 1963 to become premier cf the Congo in July 1964. The man with the moon face and toothy grin Inspired no in·between emotions among Congolese. He was: either loved or hated. ~1oise-Kapenda -which stands for "Moses Beloved" -Tshombe was born in Musumba Nov. 10, 1919. His father was a rarity, a wealthy African businessman in an economy controlled by Belgians. Tshombe wu often known tu bout: "I am a rich man. I am the only Congolese wbo does not need to be In poliUcs to make.a living. No one can buy me." JlalSeJ:i as a Methodist with a hifh sc!Jool ellucaLlon, T~l!l,i/i~~~ before coming hofll~ .. ~ l,h.~ , .'s interests, marry the 'd 'ghter Of 1 chief and father 10 children. He served on several tribal and pro- vincial councils In the 1950.s, and when Belgium was ready to grant its colony· in- dependnE:ce, Tsbombe was premier of its richest province. Independence came July 1, 1960, 4I1d the Congolese, army· JVUllnted soon after. Tshombe waited 10 days for President Joseph Kasavubu 311d Premier Patrice Lumumba to reaore. order, then declared independence for Katanga. Backed by Belgian mining firms and a anny led by white mercenaries fro,m South Africa and Rhodesia, 1\hombe withstood worldwide pressure and United Nations' efforts to end his secession for 30 months. It was durin&: the first outbreak of violence, in September 1961, that U.N. Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold was flying to a border town for cease- rire t'alks with Tshombe. Rhodesia, now Zambia. Hammarskjold was flying to a border town for ceas-flre talks with Tshombe. While a U.N. Investigating committee said It found no proof to support rumors the plane had been shot down, it added it was unable to determine the cauee of the crash. U'IT ....... 1-EXILED LEADER PIES Congo's Moise Tshombe Sun Brings Out Beach Crowds at Laguna, Clemente tf'"l!·.M.,. • 11Waining ·6&-degree water and SUMY skles drew; ·the largest crowds of the young l¥U1Uller season to San Clemente and Laguna beaches over the weekend. Calm surf with intermittent four-foot breakers rolled up on the Lag una strand, where 16,000 beachgoers s u n n t d themselves both Saturday and Sunday. A southwesterly sweU of two to four feet off San Clemente beaches drew a Saturday crowd of 11,000 and a Sunday crowd or 15,000. Although there were no rescues, nreg_uard~ responded to several emergen- cy first aid calls, the mosl serious being a heart attack in Dana Harbor and another beachgoer with a dislocated h1p. Anheuser-Busch, Inc. Beer Strike Now Over ST. LOUI S, Mo. (UPI) -Anheuae'r- Busch, Inc., world's biggest ~r pro- ducer, went back into full production at plants through out lhe nation today. Beer production had been stopped since mid-May when Teamster Union officials at the company's new Jacksonville. Fla., plant had sent "flying plckels" to com- pany plant! to stop production in a con- tract dispute. Clark'• Shoeo from England. One of the 18 I have a rather decent 1&o lection of yachting and boating apparel. In fact, between my Alore and the salt water •hop on the men.anine in Richard'• Market next door, yon get the best men's stores 0 N B h dOMOned.eat Mllection in cap. m ewport eac tivity. (~don'tmjndgiv;DjJmy good ne•shbor a free plug.) , · Why don't I mention price1? U it 1Uddenly geu hot and you your attention. In fact, I have 'There'• ito'sen&e in ahowittg a need a cooler necktie or tom& 1wo difierent elolhing ahopa pietvre of a euit or wha te ver, thing, you don't need lo catch within thia l lore. One, which I with a deadly dull description 1un1troke hunting for 90me-call Herita-81, • f th of the •~breade, and a prire. It's where to buy it. e-op, 11 or e more 1mporlant 1n tell vou You can easily I.ind a men's bu tton~owu college grad~ate about thjs litore and wh81 it !ilore in Newport Beach. I find who wanu the tradJtJonal look. a1and1 for. 18 of them, including my own, My new ehi.ru are very com-My prieu are t•leasing. They in the phone book. plet.e right now. By Gant, Enro won't take lhe curl oul of your In cue you don't know and Exoello, pl111 intereeting hair but they may atraighten wltich to patronime, pick a nioe new •port ahlrtl from half • out your cheek book. name. I l[ive you the entire dozen highly repnled makers. And always rementber the li8t: A L'Elpnt, AtkiaMn, Also a darn good shoe 1tore. name of the 111ore, Bidwell. It,a Bay Depl. Store, Beachcomber, In addition to Tay)or, and • word derived from the Latin. Robert Berkeley, Jaek Bid...,U, Sperry Top•ider, I earry Bally Loo"'IY tranolated, h rneam Desmond'o, Ronae of Morsu, S~ from Switaerland, and "tht beot of the bunch." ~owne'1, Leopard'• Spol~ "' P.ftl.r1e1·., Mr. P•nl'•· Mufti Jack Bi"dwell Ltd., Quarter Diiek, Sawyer, Silverwooda, G Men's, •nd Woodrofr.. . • It lo ID1 lnciaUou1 opinion that my a11i11, 11port co•t.I a.nd sbick1 are particularly wor1l1 3467 Via Udo at Newport Blvd., ln Newport Beach next to Richard' a M•rket ind The Udo Theel.er. Plenty of free parking in the rear. Phone 673-4510 Copyright 1969, Jack Bidwell. J I \ I ·Thinking Wishfully Don (left) and Len Thompson are anxious to celebrate Independence Day. They live in Newport Beach, where, according to city ordinance, it is illegal to possess fireworks. But they can go up the street to "' · GOsta Mesa where state-approved fireworks are legal. S<rcalled "safe ' flmi sane" fireworks also are legal in Huntington Beach and Foun-. iam Valley. FireWorks of any kind are barred from Laguna Beach, ~ wti·ere ordinance is enforced on Fourth o{ July in about same manner a·s jt is iD~NewpOtt neach. < . ~,Tight Security Covers .· ' Rocky's Argentina Visit BUENOS AIRES (UPI) -ArgenUna asked Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller ,today to resist attemp~ in the U.S. Congress to )imit meal imports. Arge?tina also. ¥fd :open the door fOr Americah investinent. Surrounded by the tightest security • ,precaup~. ever; im~ o In ~ejos Aires for a foreign visitor, Rockefeller ,,,began his fourth and last ipraldWitial .. fact.finding tour ·by talktng •' to''Y:/oth _, government and private leaders. Two· platoons of riot poll~ with tear _gas at.the ready covered the governor's ~departure from the Plaza.Hotel for the Foreign Office. There W e T e security . guards on every. floor of the hotel. Twen· ty motorcycle police with sirens' ~earn­ ing covm!d the governor's motorcade . ,during the trip around the Plau Sao Martin. • Tbe Foreign Minlslry w a s virtually tea.led off from the rest of the city for Rockefeller's talks with E c on o m y Mirilmr Jose Maria Dagnino Putore and Foreign Minister Juan B. Martin. The governor arrived in Buenos Aires Sun4ay night, only a few hours after ·-police arrested 10 demonstrators pro- testing his visit. In a brief spe!Ch at I.he airport, Rocte£eller reepated wat be has said on earlier stops -he has come to listen and not to offer solutions. He said it was im- portant tha:t both the United States and Latin America realize that "everything is not going well in the hemisphere." Rockefeller was breakfasting today with representatives of A r g e n t i n e business and then meeting farm leaders 'before paying a call on Fore.ign Minister :rt1artin and later President Juan Carlos Ongania. The rebel militant faction of the aeneral Confederation of Labor and leftwing students threatened demonatra- tlons against Rockefeller in advance of a .24-hour strike they called ror Tuesday against OnganJa'a military-based govem- rnenl Rockefeller's arrival cam~ ooe day after the third annl versary of Ongania's com!ng to power in a military coup. ln recent months. there has been mounting opposition to the Ongania regime arnonc students, workers, and political organiza- tions ... Students demonstrated Sunday nlil:ht tn "tlie Interior clif Tuchman In prqle.t ~fuil 1111!; •Uer visll Earlier Sun-.. _~:'ifo~ Hf~'. Aires used tear gas · "tO tireak uP aero .. d which tried to erect barricades following the funeral of a lef· tist labor I'8der'killed Friday night in an- ti·Rockefeller and antl-Ongania demon-. stri.tions. ' Motorcyclist Dies in ·Fiery Crash on Freeway A Long Beach motorcycllst. was killed early this morning when his vehicle went out of control and became involved in a fiery c r a sh on . the Garden Grove Freew11y west oC Springdale Street. California Highway Patrol officers said the westbound cycle, ridden by John Waldron Dunham Jr., 31, hit the center divider of the freeway and then swerved into lhe fast traffic lane where it collided with a we!tbound car driven by Roger C. Simpson, 19, also of Long Beach. Simpson's car caught fire immediately after the crash but be escaped with minor injuries, the CHP reported. Dlmham WI! dead on arrival at Los Alamitos Medical Center shorUy aft.er 1 a:m. . He bad suffered muIUple injurlu, In- cluding a broken leg, broken arms, In· ternal Injuries and skull fractures, the coroner·s office reported. The accldent Is undtt investigation by the !Ughwa7 Plllrol. De .Gaulle Too? : General Ran. France, But Not House LONDON (AP) -A nephew of former Frtncb President Charles de Gaulle says \he haughty general ia "henpecked Ind dominated" by bis wife, Yvonne. Alaioe de Gaulle wrote in .a Lmw:lon· rnagasinc that Mrs. dfi Gaulle once told the gt11eral: .. You're nmnin& France; I 'm running the home." Alaine'• arUcle, In the current Wue of The People, aald Mn. de Gaulle dilutes her husband's liquor with coffee and has mmplete control of the family budget. But it addf the !am!ly sUll thlnu or de Gaulle u "Le Patron." 11nie gtneral1 isn't even a \lowed to see the account book In which his wife kttps , • detailed r«:<>rd ol their pe(sonal I finances," Alaine. 11id. "She stam a new book each year and alacks the old onea in I Wardrobe. "So jealous ls she cf her private &> main lhal she has a habit of 11.Upplng a hair between the pages of these account boob -just to see U any curious perton baa taken a peep." A1though de Gaulle ls a very rich man, the article said, then are no labor.saving devices In his home at Coloml>ey le> Deux EgUses. ''There is not even an electric or 1as cooker there," Alaine wrote. "AU the <X101clng is still done on an okl-fashlooed coal range. Nor are there any such things a1 wuhlng machines or Hoovers -the sort ol laboHavlng g1dgell which, under tbe de aGulle regime,. b e c a ~ e com· monplace in French homes." But even though the general plays "se- cond Oddle" to hla wife, sald Alaine, "the fact remains that he ii very much ux, patriarch, the tribal chief" ol lhe de GauUe and Vendous famil ies and 11haa always been, for 11 JOng ii 1 can remem- ber, lhe supreme lxlss of ua all.• • . . ·. foloM,y, """' lO, 1'69 L • • . DAIL V fllLOf• J San·ta Ana Y outhsi Riot 5· H.ours • ' Police Ca.fled From S1irrounding Towns; 2 Officers Hurt. Riot ~trol olllcen ln>m llUl1'00Dd1nc town1 ·jolnod Sonia Ana poll« 8lllldll' niCht as glllll• of youth& rampqed under · • fllll moon, lhrutening 11 one point lo ~~!.i ~e~~~ter, but Ill WU Buctltl wtre sent lo The Broadway 'l'buter at FUtli Strtet Ind.Broadway. Theater e:ployu nteded help after lr1IU& lo pu~ • black Jlirl lden\ifled .. Sorxif1 D. Chandler, 11, pl 11$ S. Goldenwest Ave., add her alsttr out of the movla llouse., 1bey told lnVesUgaUng ofDCers Mlts Chandler 8Jld her 11.yw-old sister bad beu creating a ~sturbance,IJld the older ' . . - girl was co\ll<Cluently tl«Orled out by poUce. Two officers .were Injured durin( the hot night eplsode. in the county seat's predomi"antly .,Nearo neighborhood and 14 black yqutbs wert arrested in the five- bour disturbance. Store windows were smashed, police cars ba~hed in, a drive.In care severely damaged and wUgnlted Molotov cocktails confiscated in the chain of illcldents., State Ta~g Major Steps J'o Shut Mental Hospitals Once Olltaide, lhe. YOO..... Miss Chnndler 1llegedly struck Sgt. Shaffer - •P011Ung profanity -and a group of bo):t clelmlng lo be their brothers pUIW Sonora away from the lawinen. Pushing and sJiovlng by a gang of about 25 youngsters followed, during which the sergeant Wu knocked to the sidewalk, Jclc)M and stomped, while Officu Buckles ran to radio for reinforcements. Several more offlcers responded td the scene and Sgt. Shaffer, back ·ln .actJon. took the Chandler sisters into custody at Broadwa; and Fourth Streets to ~ boot .. ed On suspicion ot diSturbing the peace. ' Sanla Ana Police ChJe.f Edward J. Allen today said be c<1uld not call the Sunday night erupUon an .actual riot, ad· ding that whites and Mexican-Americw a.s well a.s Negroes took part. , • Chief Allen said Ute cue ahoukt mm;e .. properly be t<m>ed • maj<r diaturbanco instead of a riot. lkhough lawmen. •ere adequately.prepared lo deal' with the lat.. ter. · · · . ) By late Sunday, fO officers from COsta • Mesa. 18. from Orang~ 20 from Garden Grove, 11 frQ:Ol Westminster~ 25 Orahie County Sherill's deputies, 1nil a .. dOlen MPs had joined the 300-man force. Rocks and bottle! showered patrol vehicles as the San~ Ana officers .and supplementary lawmen tried to quell the disturbance, stemming ff'OJD a tbeater'in-- cidenL -· Investigators said today the violence was t.ouched off at 8:;ll) p.m. whe,n Sgt .. Jack ShJlffer and PatrQlman Fe~ll ' SACRAMENTO (IJPI) -c.urornta will ta-e •· major= step Tue&day toward the lf*lual emptylns and clol!ure of tis mental hOopltai.. · · FO.. almost' tWo years, state and local m .. lal beall!\ olliclahl have boon prepar· Ing to put intp ertect the landmark Lanterman.Petifs:Short Act, a 1967 Jaw that emphaibes tfie treatment of ttic men~ jp at home. , The me~ takn ,effect Tuesdai when· Callforirla becomes• thfl first state to make mandatory tbt provl!lon of men- tal health services by local commwUtJes. • "'The a.Un ~ is to eAd . unnecesury hilspitalliltlolJ Ind treat paUeot.s in to<al • 1,cJ11t1.. IMtead, • lo protect the Cf"" fidentiallty of paUent records and to "eliminate tbe stigma historically at4 tached ~ q:ientat jfJntss. 11 • • I .During debate In /967, the law.'s prln- Gome to . ' SALE INCBliBON· STANDABD HISi'OBY IN THESE SELECTED POPULAR SIZES Buy first 3 tires SIZE at this price· each 6.50113 $30".00 7.75114 $33.00 8.25114 $38.00 8.15115 $38.00 AT ALL clpal author, Assemblyman F' rant Lalllerman (fl.La Canada), said the measure would virtually end the state lreatment of U)e mentally Ill at lwl'lpitall as communiliu gradually took over. Ninety percent of the cost will be paid 'by the st.ate whUe county financing will provide ftif balance regardless where the b'e.atrrienl-IJ: provided. "The' person needing mental health services will be atile to obtain it Jn his ~ community," observed State Mental ·Hygiene Director James V. Lowry. ••Qrily·lf tbjs ia not possible will he be ·rtf'elred to the · state tio.pltal for tern· 1por8Q' care' and ~ill then be retuJ:n~ to ·the' Oare Of the local mental' he.a.Ith pro- 'giam," he uld. · Under the law, no alcoholic or mentally 'l:lisi:idtre<f. person wlll be admitted to a stiite h9fPiiAl1before he ls screelied and ·ref~ by a local agency. . Violence Oared again at that point, bJ.. vestlgators said, and Patrolman Gary Sterze.r Jost hi! ba(on in the melee and was battered with it by the gang cf youths .. Knocked to the pavement, he was bit~ ten on the chin by one screaming youth and as a result, hospitalized overnight at Oran&e County• Memcal Center alter receivin& a te~ shot. Steadily growing in size, a crowd now. numbering about 75 surged inl9 the civic center area and showered anned lawmen guarding the police. department With a hall of rocks and bottles. Next sCtne of the action was a Jack·ln· the-Box: drive-through restaurant at Fourth and Shelton streets, where all windows wert shattered and an arson at· tempt was l"t'pq_rted. island Boy3Atlas --wnite Stripe Plycron tires ... getthe4th · for (: .. Oiur fln•ll t1r .. -famou1 Allas•Plycron 'Whll• Stripe-now at tremendous uvlng1I See box It left fer ••ltcted popul1r ~:es that tit most FOf'ds, Chevrotett, Plymouth•. Bulcka, Dodges. POf'ltl•ct. R1mbler1, Mercurys, Old1rnobll11 •• ~Buy 3-get tho 4th lor 1•. ,,.., about the llVlnga on au other Ptycron lites. " STUDARD STA1101S rl.mc1rania CHMOI DEALERS STAN!WlD Oil cOMPANY OF CALIFORNIA I ,. l 1 IWLYPll.OT ~ ....... °"" ,.. ,, •• ,, ' Tbe 12th and Oxlord Streets Gang In Phlladelphla wen! Into battD111 by opening a coin.operat- ed laonctry wllll help ol a $40,000 Joen !roll\ the l>hiladolphla Gas \yorb. For,..1 Outl"tl, secreµuy of Ille 12111 and Ox!ord Corp., IA>ld a gathering of cllgnitaries: "I'd like to thank the gas works for giving us the chance to prove we're not hoodlums , and that we can do things right." • The mattrns somebody left ir'! I GOP. Admits Margin Slim WASHINGTON (AP) -Repub!le>'n political arllluneljc Is polnllng .t.ward 'H~ apprOv'al'Cf\PresJdtQt 'Nixori'a' prO.- pooed surtn extenllon, but party dilclp~ mual hold Ind ouppoi1er1 '"°"" cede their Plll'gln ts narrow. The extemlon bllt, facln( 1 crucial ROuae t~ toc111. bu DemocraUc,11 weU u li~'leaders IUPIJOl'llnl II, But • !arge blocll of Ilemocr•ls lw opposed any.loog exleQll<NI until lhe brOl<ler.lslue ol ta~ft\lorm has l!eeo ..Wed. Nbcoo lot.. have P"" top prlorl\y to ~ the tur!u II 10 percent lhroullb "Dec., Sl and then'al llve percent Umigll June lO, 1970 u part 9f lhe 1d- ministraU.00'1 anU-lnQ.aUon moves. • Ul"IT•._.... the perking lot was lumpy, but !he U!Ue girl• who were bouncing around· on It stopped complaining when the lump• tutned out to be wads of po'und notes worth '120 In all. Eight-year-old Lesley Allen and hM" friend Peule Boost will .have a claim on the mooey if police are unable to locate the owner. House passage doesn't 111Urt the ex- tension since Senate Democrall are determlned to1 write ~~ munlngful tu-law changes. 'nley call it clOll.ng loophole1, and ln•lal the people beck borne won't ttand for any delay •. MURDERESS CAPTUR&D AFTER SEVEN YEARS Shariff Willer V.U.9 LNd• WIMl• Ruth Judd to Jell Puaage of the surtax at Nixon'• ~ • poeecl level would bring In an Olllmat.d $7.64 billion In lhe firlt yur. and ..... lrlbut. to · a 11.S billion turplus In lho unified 1ovenunent budge~ Melvin Belli to Def end The admlnlstraUon coot.ends IUCh I A popcorn munching patron wearing a moak was ejected from tht Sheridan Theater in Miami Beach -for sneak ing into the mOvie "Goodb11e c~ iumbul." T100 policemen starch- ed 20 minutes btfOTe they found tM culprit hiding btnMth a seat eating 1pUU-d popcorn. Ginger· ly, t1"y remowd t1" JOopownd raccoon. surplus ii delperat.ly needed to dampen inAatlbo, reduce. ~w:rnment'1 com- petlUon for tcarce 't and bollter con- fidence in the dollar abroad. Killer Winnie Ruth Judd • The Habnemann Medical College School of Nursing In Philadelphia will admit men students for the firSt ti1ne this September, acconf· Ing to the school director. "If wom· en can be fine engineers and law· yen;," said ldytlte G. Klollt~, ''there ts no reason Why men .won t be fine nurses.'' • If Congress falls to approve, an ad- ministration sPOkesmen predicted, the MARTINEZ, Calif. (UPl) -A mild-psychologlcaJ elfect would be devastating -more inflation with businesses and in-mannered housekeeper and baby sitter · dividuals rusWng to buy and borrow, thus known as Marian Lane faces e1tradition feeding the inflation. to Ariulna today as Winnie Rulh Judd, The opposition contends the surt.u hu the "tiger woman,. trunk murderer of not been effective qatnst inflatJon. the JDO's who esca~ frocn a mental , Democratic Uber~ arJUtd, JTICll"90\'U, hospital seven yurt Igo. unless the surtax is tied clotel.y to The aubum·haired1 6S-y~r-old woman substantial tax refonns, the chaoce to was scheduled to oe represented by ram these through U>e 1ftSellt Concral famed Criminal Jawyer Melvin Belli at may be Jost. If the reforms are not wrl~ an e1trfd1Uon hearing. fn, UU. · Contra ten dlnctly Into the bill, lfiey 11ld, the Costa COUnty col1llllUllfiy ICl'OIS lhe bey ertenalon should be'lleld to a few moolba from San Frandoco .. while a reronn package ta.worked out. Belli was eipected tO argue· that Mn. SCotm wirnlnp already are up in the Judd's Iden th~' bu ·ncit.:beeD proved eon- clWiivelY'.. Although she w a 1 identified 5":.1;;.1ty Leader Mike Manlfleld arm<d by fin~eTprlnta, lho· ~an has 11ead· -ith the unanimoul batkltff of tbe f1stly llllisted sbe ii Marlin Lane. "' · S Mrs. Judd WU CGOvl<:ted of lhoollng Democrauc PollC)' Commlttee, aid un-two young wmnen to death la Phoenix in g:i; lho !ienale wfll Insist on ta• relunl -1 .,__ be · thel bodloo nd -agr .. 111' g to the run turtu a-IN • w.iue.m ring r a w • shipping them in trunks to Los Angela. tension. Slie wu "-.iced to bang. "We think lhe time has """' for .... Sewnty-two boUn before her ached· meantngtul refom11 and ~ do nol lhlnk ulod ..,.,otkll, Mn. Judd was ruled they arhould omt••tAfc•11lbllll," lw Md tint to •a1 ~ hospital, he said iD an lntervtew. . where the delth lelMDce wu later com- '' ~led mi:.:t ===·=.,. ~~~ 'MadMan's -Bomb ~1~"::fl~1ille •uthoriu.. Mrs. Lane was arrested by Contra Costa sheriffs' deputies Friday when her involvement in a murder investigation resuHecl in the fingerprin t check which Jdentifled her as Mrs. Judd. Sheriff Walter F. Young said a car regt.tered to Mrs. Lane was seen near the home of Anna S. Aarons, who was bludie.oned to death on April 28. A rou· tine 1.Dvesiigation showed another person drove the car-but also resulled in a fingerprint check of Mrs. Lane. The search for the slayer of Mrs. Aarons Is continuing. Mn. Lane worked for five years as a maid in the suburban Piedmont home o( Mrr. Henry Nichols, an elderly matroo. When Mrs. Nichols died 13 months qo, Mrs. Lane was retaintd by the family and moved last week into a maid's cottage at the home of Dr. Jolln "Biemer . OoJ1' Jaa week, she worked as a baby sitter tor Mr. and Mn. Robert E. Pat· mont ot Piedmont, caring for their 2- "<>Id. y~y WHe thinks it is impoosible to believe," said Patmont. "Loo\ing back, maybe you could see scmething a little peculiar, but she really was almost too good &o be lru&-a harmless, sweet, like- able, motherly woman." Smashes Building At University SEA'ITLE, Wub. (UP!) -A bomb called ''the wort of a mad mlnd" ex- ploded In lho Unlvenlly ol Wublniton administrllion bul1dlni ~y. smash· ing one floor with the force oC a cue or dynamit~ Foreign·~ress Plays Up Nixon-'s Stop in Romania Wtaring their scou«no attire. tht Shah of Iran, Queen Farah and Crown Prince Ali·Rtza atttntkd &he iMugu- f'"ation of a scout's camp at Tehran, Iran. • Directors of Calllomla's Asilo- mar Conference Grounds agreed reluclanUy to allow their fire plugs to be painted a bright color. The 14 plugs on the grounds on the sc~ nic Monterey Peninsula have al .. ways been bro,vn to blend in with lhe scenery. Fire Ch ief Don Ga s· per1on said that's the problem - his men wouldn't be able to find them if there was a fire because they're so well uhidden." Early estimalel placed damqo to lhe five-story Gothic style bulldin& 11 hip. as h a l f a million doJlan. No one wu Injured in lhe pre-dayilgbl blul. · Police laboratory upertl today lifted through the rubble of the first. floor entrance, searching for clue1 to tbe type ol expl081ve used in the bomb. Meanwhile, university Prelldent Dr. Charles Odegaard said the explosion "defies underalallding." He aald IChool officlall had received no prior wamlngs of threats and were looking for a motive. The blast , in the main doorway of lhe building, blew a five-foot hole Jn the reinforced C<>ncrete floor of the entry- way, wrecking half of the main floor and damaging a graduate seminar room below. By Tiii!; A!llOCIATED PRE.58 Dtspite efforts in Washington to stress tbe Allan part of President Nixon's trip around the world ne.xt month, foreign ai... tintlon fOCUled on the stop he will mate In Romania, the independent-minded Cornmunl.st naUon in Eutem Europe. The Londoo Times uid In an editorial : "What the. President can do i S demonstrate that fruitful and dlrect rela- tions are. posalble between Wutem Coun- trle.s and members of the Russian bloc." The Guardian aald lhe ,llop In Buchan.st 0wUI set tbe lea1 on what has hitherto been a tacit and undeclared frtendshlp. And it ls of aome interest that the American President does not mind annoying the Russians at thit particular moment." The Daily Express called the NimD Midwest Takes It on Chin Wind, Rain and Hail Let Fl y; Elsewhere It's Peacehd ) l'elr tNl'f lftll T_,.,,, ....... •rt¥ _..1,. "*"' ""' .,. 10ff cleullMM. Wk'tdt _,.,,., I M 15 both. Hltll i.s.1 rs. ¥ft"""""• "'-111vftt ...... 111 !l"O'tl ....... ., ., "n. l/\1111111 ~ .. ,..._..._,. .... w...,~ """" ........ ,.... -· 'Int .................... 1;M t.m. tJ Flrtl llitll ....•......... lt:lt '""'· 1.1 TU II DAY l'irtl liltW '"'""••••••• Jilt I.Jiii. 1.1 "'"" 111111 .............. lt tll '""' '·' ....................... •1• '·"'· •.• StflllW ~ ............. 11106 '""·"' hit ll:le• J:'S '·""· Stl'I t 1• 1.111, M.-"""'" •:» ...... .. ... ,:,, ··"""· v.s. s ... _..., Tiit ~I tMllllMf fll ...., JM ~ " .......,., """*'« ...... ""'y Ill "' ......... ""''" ""*""" llklw9 .... ,,. """°"' "' ""'"' -~ ~ flil1flMlfo ""' Ml-r'I, •1-.11<11 ""' ~ •flf It ,_.. trtl..,.. tt l(~llt. °"'""" ti l(lrV¥111t Ai-' -· tlMlt• ...... lftlltlM~·- 11\tft 111 lrlC1I of r.111 MK MIM Ille •••in. 111 ~-"' M"'-\ Mt¥Y ,.,.. •Ml """ wlNll """" "" tll'J ., M9ryvlllt ., ........... '" """~ ""''ti H.,,..._ Mii•""" ..-ft • ll•Jt Intl! "' •It"""' ...,. ......... Ill 1111•1• '""" 111M "' lndl fl rllll ftll ,, ,..,"· illltt ...,. llftW•I~ clNr ....., tht W1tl .,,, H7011 111e MU!llt"" # t Hlt!f!I 11•1• P (fllf IOI' I ftW ll!oo •trl"' l!wllftt' """"""" ·-!flit llvlflld -lllM1Mrft cottl 411 !tot At- leftl lc, • Tenaper•t•rn ·-·-"'""''' -·· 11-l'dt .... ..... Cln(WMtl "''-,_ -... _ .,._ furtll• l"Off Wtrtlt ·-·-= KMMt ClfY L .. v-a. .......... ...... ··-·---.. _ ... -....... ....... ...... , ........... ""ns•s•11t -~-........ ll•ld (tty ... '"" ·-.... ~ ... tt. loul$ ...... S.H tM. C~ *" o• .S111 l"rcilc.t-.. ,. """'' ao.111; -· .. Yl'lfl'l'l'll l W•9'1fMIOll ... \ Mllfl Ltw ~ "' .. • .. " .. .. n " n .. " " .. .. " " .. .. " '" " u • " • .. " " " .. v '" .. " • n .. .. " n " l: n .. oor • .. " " .. .. .. " n .. " • .. .. .. " n • " .. n • .. .. .. .. " .. .. ~ .. • .. " .. .. • .. .. .. n • " • .. .. .. .. " .. ... ... '·" ... "' '·" .. ... ... vi.sit a sI&n that 0 W&lbiniton no longer views the &1obe II being divided into two irreconcllable blocs, the Commwtlst anti the free." The Daily Mall said : ''If the men in the Kremlin would travel around as much as Mr. Nixon, they might not be so palholog.lcally scared of the world outside tbtir walls." Tass, the Sovlel news agency, carried the. news of the Romania stop 19 hours after it was reported in the West and in Romania itself. But the visit was not menlioned on Soviet radio or television .Sunday. Decommissioning , Of Evans to End 24 Years in Navy ' SUBIC BAY, Phllippln<s (UP!) -The U.S. destroyer Frank E. Evw-tlle 200 feet of alter section which survived the collision with the Australian carrier Melbourne -wW be formally decom- missioned Tuesday tn a short ceremony . Tbe EVlna aklpper. Cmdr. Albert S. McLeimore, 41, Vallejo, Calif., dressed in tropical white.s, will be the ctt.i ral figure • He la scheduled to mU:e a few remarks, read the decommissioning orde r and his own orden, direct the ship's flag and commi!&lon pennant to be hauled down, and then turn over the hull to the Subic Ray Naval Ship facility . That will mark the end of the Evans' 24 yean and five months In the. Navy . McLemore and five other of!icers - almolt all the other crew members have been sent to the. United States -will stand on the Evan1' fantail to mark lbe ship'• fimeral. 'lbere will be no mu&c, no trumpet tolo, no benedlctlcm. The nther olfk<n will Include LI. (j.g.) Ronald C. Rlmaey, 24, of Long Beach and LI. CJ.1.) James A. Hopoon, 21, ol Kanau City, Kan., UM two men on the bridge June S when Ille Melbourne sliced the Evans In half . The dlaaster still ls under lnvestlgalion by 1 U.S.-Australlan naval board at lhiJ neval bale IO mllet nor1h ol Mllllla. S.Veot,y4our of them -1bolrd the Evans died In the colllslon, which oc- curred during joint e.1ercise1 in the South Cblna sea • ' stt.rii. fttMe!•!I Bomb Blast Rips Wales ·Po$t Office CAERNARVON, Wllee (l/l'I) -A bomb bJultd I CerdUI JI!* offloo today but Ill Ille -··• m • n and Ill Ibo queen'• horaea lllUIUred here mattbed ahead wllll rellearula f0< ~·1 In-' ' vestllure of Prloce Cbarleo p l')1nce of Walea. The bomb abaltered Ille mall l<Wllq room ol lhe COwbrldae Jloed -Olllce. lhe fourth bombln1 In t1>e put - moolba In lhe Webb cf\Y. It underllned why Prime Minister Harold Wilson ordered Jn l.llltl ~ llld police to Ullo enclenl •Iliac• lo ~ lhe heir to lhe throne and aucb ~ .. President Nloon'I daupitr Trlcll ll'om , Welsh m.tiooallat extreml8ta. Bu9t1ngham Palace, ,.....,,_1 o(. flclals and newspapers had Gprtlled hope Char lea' court1nr of lhe ·welsh·-. Jeamlng their language and ,vtaiUng Wales lhe past two monlba -bad blolted out fanaUclam. The blast aent bJts of metal and chunks ol wood flying put mill sorter Trevor Pursoo, In lhe Canillf Pool O!flce, !JO mllea soulb ol bere. Tile bomber bad dropped his char1e down a mall slot into the: post office. lt landed in the tray ne1t to where Pe.arson usually works. On April 28 a bomb blasted a Cardiff electric center. On April 23 a bomb was foond in a luggage check office ln Car- diif's Queen Street Railway Station. A bomb April 15 hit Cardiff Police. Head- quarters. No one was in!ured in the blasts, but each incident brought new crie.s against an English prince being dubbed the liege of Wales. Scotland Yard ha 1 2,000 detectives checking on the underground Webb Na- -tf * * Tricia Nixon Stars in London Soci.al Scene LONDON {UPI) -From Wimbledon ln Whitehall, Tricia Ni.J:on was the star of the London social scene today. The British welcome easily matched that given aay royal princess. The elde!t daughter of President Nixon arrived in London early Sunday. She will be among the guesll Tue.sday at the in· vesUture of Prince Charles as Prince of Wales. . 1 , ,1 Queen Eliiabeth tool)' invited Tricia to Buckingham Palace for tea on Tburaday. A palace spokesman A.Id he did not know it other members of the royal family would join the tea. Miss Nixon, 23, planned to begin her public appearances today at t h e Wimbledon tennis matches, where she was expected to sit in the royal box. From there, ahe: wa,., to begin 1 rouM of parties with tea at No. 10 Downing Street with Mrs. Harold Wilson, wlle ,of the primt minister. ' . UoqlJlll' Army and lllelr elllel. Tbe security lnlend<d lo prolecl Ille ~ tear-old heir to Ille Brilbh throM wllen he iwmoll)< re6elvea his lnllple H • Prll!C» o1 Walet Tueacjay ruehed ~.pi!Ch wflsn lls lhee< ~pt depr<SH<i -o1 lllolo Involved In the _..try. · -I 1he q-had hOped for wu a sre'!I oulpourlna of loyalty and ellectlon ll)ollle abd outside o1 ancJeot ca_,... ca.ill under lho ligbt security ..,...n wblcll Ill .U royalty uaually needl in Bri· ta.in. The queen often travels .witb a llll&le detective bodyguard. Tougher Ad . , Rules .Due On, Ci~~ett~, WASlllNGTO{( (AP) -A 'lid oec- Uon ol !be Clgmlte labelln& law explm toniCJ*openlng the wQ.,for federal reg· ulatoey qellcies to \rY to "l!npoae strin· gept restrictions on smoking advertis· Ing. The section of the law dying al mid· night prohibits federal agencies from modifying current regulations to toughen the current health warning required on cigarette packqes or limit advertising. With the modification ban lif~. ihe Federal Trade . C<munission .can 10 on with hearings On an extremely strong packate warning, while the Federal Comml&sion can consider the proposed prohibition of ~ll §rooking ~~rtising on radio and television. Althoogh the ban, or pre-emption, part of the Jaw loses effect tonight. the J::19U6C has passed a bill extending that sectlon for another si1 years, although wilh a tougher warning required displayed on each pack : "Warning : The Surgeon Genera l has determined that cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health and may cause lung cancer or other diseases." But the outl ook for the extension is cloudy in the Senate, where Utah Demo- craf Frank E. Moss is re~~ working through his Commerce su mittee 0t1 consumer affairs to pigeonhole the House-passed bill. Although the FCC announced &Orne llrn.e ago it would consider the prepared TV-Radio advertisement ban, the a~e"'" cy has extended until Aug. !'=' the time tor -subtnitUng comments on the matter. , 1he FTC's proposed wording -lo be explored in hearings beginning Tuesday -would ~uire all forms of ac;tvertlsing to state clearly and prominently: "Cigarette smoking Is dangerous to beaJtb and may cause death resulting from cancer, coronary heart disease, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphy- sema and other dise.ases." The tobacco Industry bad wanted the FTC hearings put off until Congress takes some action one way or the other on the smoking-health controve.ray. Dwarfed But Not Dimmed 118ig John" d~a four American Dairy Princess candidates, but the alant of the lowerin1 Chicago structure can't dim the .mn .. of the would·be-royally. The girls, (lrom left) Sharon Ann Jackson, 18, Meridian, Idaho; Joni Ytlreness, 19, Beresford, South Dakota; Gail Hamilton. 21, Centralia, Washington, and Deborah Sue Weaver, 18, Berlin, Ohio, are In the 15th annual American Dairy Princess contest In Chlcaao. p lJ N ( Dl pass of~ rrius1 ~~ met a ca bean trips Whes lure dowr I I a re ~· ·~ urar Wt I ' ' l \. Car ,.,......_,_ .. tHt L ..... N JEAN COX Trouble Stirs Wrath By JEAN COX ot tM 0.llY I'll" Steff I used to enjoy being a ,girl. Then, at the age of 20, my parents pr&o sented me with a noble, ·silver 1961 Falcon. When I look back on the iMocent pleasure and appreciation I ex• pressed on receiving that gift, it's diffic~t not to burst into bitter tee.rs. ' • ' • I ic . . I • • My mother, wiser.in her years, warned me, "It's going to give you a lot of headaches." This proved to be the understatement of the century. My troubles began when Old Gray {my affectiC1nate name for the Falcon) and I were driving peacefully down an off ramp of the busy San Diego freeway . It was a tiring day at the office and I was looking forward to unwinding at home. APparenUy Old Gray decided not to wait until we got home. He stopped firmly, ignoring my cries and the angry beeps from \\I ~ his brethren behind him. , The driver of the vehicle to my rear, a man of course, lunged out of his car iind approached poor Old Gray menacingly. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he inquired. "My car stopped," I explained pitifully. Since be had no other op- tion, he agreed to push me to the nearest gas station, and it was t,here I had my first encounter with that curse of all womankind -the auto me- chanic. ' A skinny, acne-faced kid explained serenely that I needed a new battery. I reluctantly agreed. Several months later I again was exiting from an off ramp, and again my car stopped. Again an enraged man push- ed me to the nearest gas station. ..,,. -... ,· Garage men aren't very original. "You need a new batltry;11 said Utis one, barely blinking an eye. (See CAR TROUBLES MOUNT, Page 3.1) ,~ --I l .;· \ • . I' Laguna Nig ,uel Club Gro_up ·Pins Hopes On Park Proposa.1 . . Laguna Niguel Women's Club has been fanned and is embrac- ing the concept of an "instant neighborhood park" as its first com· munity project. To launch their Jdea, the Laguna Niguel women Jed by Mrs. Jack Weber, .staged a special "park warming-event" right on the site on La Hermosa Drive and Maltose Place. The new park encompasses one-quarter of an acre of land which was donated by the developing company as part of a planned green )>elt program but never was used up to now. The women's project bas been· befriended both by Laguna Nl- gUeJ Corp., which donated $200 for the development of the property as -@..park. and El Niguel Country Club,. which during the pafk warming . donated the use of gradin~ and leveling equipment, together with the neces~~ry manpower. When completed the park will contain children's play facilities s~ch as a large sand pit, a_ slide ·which actually will be part of the hill· side, concrete turtles and mushrooms for climbing, a maze and other equipment. ' According to Mrs. Philip Chartlon, parks committee chairman f~r the brand new club! the patk will remain as natural looking as pos- sible apd therefore swings and teeter-totters will not be utilized. ·She explained the park initially will be maintained by the club but.tater will come ~der the jurisdiction of County Service District 3A. . In·the meantime, the club expects to receive assistance in the fonn of gifts of specific items, from other community groups' in La- .guna Niguel. This will be accomplished through the efforts of Laguna Niguel Coordinating Council. Members assisting Mrs. Cha.rlton on the park committee in- clude the Mmes. Michael Garman, James B. Mansey John Taylor Gary Davis, Lauren McLain, William Crapo and Ra~on Strauch. • Also on the park committee are the Mmes. Francis Pieri David MiMey, John Bouvier, GOOrge Bryant, Roy Hammond, Dale v/yraucb and Weber. · Officers, assisting Mrs. Weber, the president, include her vice PROJECT"PLANTED -Members (left lo·right) the Mmes. Ra· moo Strauch, Michael Garman and Philip Charlton of Laguna Niguel Women 's Club get plants ready for 1"1anting ·1n the new neighborhood park. They get assistance from Joe Hollenlll (left) and John Taylor. The l"'rk at Las Hermosa Drive and Malto6a Place is the new group s first project. presidents the Mr:nes . Gharllon, Mansey and William Keller. Others are the Mmes. Garman, corresponding secretary; Davis, recording secretary; Minney, treasurer, and Kenneth Bloom, parlia· ment:arian. Game Playing·· Spouse · Leaves Poor Wife Wealthy Widow DEAR ANN LANDERS: My husband passed away three months ago al the age of 67. We were married f1 yean and I rriust cooft.S.1, they were a balJP.Y ,years. We weti"alw8yi pOor. Ourthree children wbre band-miN!owns. ,Jt w.u no;tbing for rrle to walk three mnes 'to save s cents on a can')* sottp or a ruck.el on \I can of beafll. ,e never OWned a car. 'l'he only trlps we ever made were to fuaerals. Whenever I think al my husbouwj I pie· lure him turning 'otf lights or. 'turning down the belt "to &ave." /'low all of a sudden I'm • rich wido"" l'hree days before my ht.llband djed he old me to look In his tool box for 30mC apqs. J was shocked to find a life ln- urance policy, pa)'tble to me for $71,000. week later I found a bank: book taped I I ANN LANDERS ril under 1 kltcllen cha~ and disc:ovmd be hid $11,llOO in a savings account That very day I began to look In all ·klnd• of craty places. I found stock securities In a leather pouch nailed to a beam in the at- tic. 1 found another savinp book under 1 rug in our bedfoom. (He bad atarted I( in J!Hj and SIYed $1,200.) Instead of being l\appy I am becomln& hateful and bitter. I feel that his whole Ille wu a lie. Wb)' d1d he make ua liv1 like· pauper1 w'hen we could have had a decent home, college for our children and vacaOonl? Pieate answ'$ this question and help me enJoy what years J have left. -RAGS TO RICHES WIDOW DEAR f'IUEND : Vear hublnd Wll me.ntaUy lD. la a dfaqe "*' l.f Qjoyed saving money In seerel far mttt tban m•t people enjoy afeDdlal U. Of coune It •• wnfalr to yow •.S tile cbHdre• -a '"!<I ..... to pol li ,..u,. Boll u.. past 11 over ud done wlda 10 for&tve blm, Pity huAband Is furiom. We tiave no make it worse. Please read lhe Hrat Jet. dea r, and ro on from tlttrt. l 1lecerely money for lawyers and courl act!On. Who ler In this column. How interesting lbat hope that ,.0. nd )'OU' dllklra wW ea-can we lurn to? your leUer and hers should arrive oo tl'le Jey die com.lorti n Joac dftlea•yoa. "i-~ ' • -COLOR US BLUE . ..-same day! DEAR ANN LANDERS: Kenneih and I DEAR BLUE: Y• ....... to Lop! were married a year 110 this month. Hia AJd. Look la Ule pltoae ~ Met. U 1" u:-wlfe remarMed the ume week. doa't bl it Ustecl, 1" cu Wra a. die 1 em writing about the.Jr children, 3 and' ~enDe aaUtorltiq lite ae.:rt Ume )'OIU' 7. Kenneth's ex·wUe has custod)'. She has kubud llloh UM kldt -· U ,_ lel- len, the children alone on numerous oc-ter ii aa 11CCVlle rrport tt dlollld11t be caslons. Lut week, Kenneth went over difficult to ebtalll eutedy el die ~Udm. there and found Ott kids alon6. apln. It • • was 7:30 p.m. When he ukod, "Where's CONFIDENTIAL TO SICK OF THIS Mommy!". the boy repUod, "Sbe mt to ANEMIC RELATIONSHIP : I'm not get Tom (her new hu.sbl(ld). He's drunk 1urprlaect It sounds as it the money iri again. (How11 lhat for I 7 year oldf) his bk>od ls eating up the red corpuscles. I hate to see Olese two lovely chlldrtn l promlae you that marriage will not lrn· raiaed in 111cll 1 crumJ111 en•ilonmenL prove tho deficlellc1. u .. ww problb\r Give 111 or lose blm • • . wbea • py glvu you Ills UH, look oat! Fw U,. • bow lO Uldle tile IUptrteX 1aletntaa, cbe<:k Au Laodtn. Rud lier -.. ••NeeklDI ud Peltlls -WU& •re Utt Umlll?'' Stfd )'Mr reqot1t tt An Lande'rl fl tire of W1 DeW"*'1tr, encltsint M ettl.I II ffia •lMl • lt11. stamped, 1el.f..ffdmsed tavelope. Au Landen wW lie l)aol .. Hlf 1'" wllll yoar prOblems. Send tMm &e Mr ta CMre o( &be DAI.LY MLOT. eadtllq: a ..u-......i, 111loped ......... ) ' I l ) I I ) l J4 ~AllY PILOT St. Barb Chosen f Church ., Wedding Ple.dges .Made r Ceremony . F1lrvlew Bapll.st Churth, Costa Mesa, was decoralcd wltb arrangemenll of white gltdloU, 1 to c.k, ~ themums lbll 1 prdeN.u to crule a Haw&lfill 1toio•• e when Coonie Bue -IDd Rould E. MaqniaC ucbaopd fon gown carrylng a colonlal bouquet of pµti dalay $rysan- them um s 1 an d the bridesmaid!, Miu Janice K• dill of Bii e.,., and Mn. Kenlleth Coffman of ,i.oc>g 8'&ch wore Utbt plnk empire ....... Mrs. Ev1 Slmao of KJ.uJ, Hawaii. Aller llooe~ In Cann.I and other polalrat lio. terest ln northern C&Ufomta. the couple will establlsb their home in Costa Meaa. MRS. MICHAEL WILLIAM KELLY J1m1lc1n Honeymoon ~ M.J. Brennans Honored • • On 60th Anniversary • Mr. and P.1rs. M. J. Bren- ; nan of Corona del Mar were • hooofed by their five children ~ as they cele~rated their 60th ~ wedding ann1verJary. " A buffet dinner, served be· • side the pool in the garden o[ their Newport Beaclt home, ' was hosted by Mr. and Mrs. • Harry Clarke, the Brennans' 'daughter aDd son-in-law. Besides Mrs. Clarke, the couple's children present were Airs. Margaret Johnson of Glendale, Mrs. B. J. Brady and Mrs. J. C. Brennan of Chicago, and Mrs. Ora Block of Big Rapids, Mlch. The Messrs. Brady, Bren- nan, and Block also were present, as was Mrs. Marga- ret Smith of Glendale, Bren- nan's sister, who attended the June wedding 60 years ago. Of the Brennans' IS. grand- children. those present were li1r. and A1rs. Daniel Stark of La Canada. Dr. and Mrs. ~11· chael Clarke o{ Seattle, Mr. and !\frs. Terence Clarke o{ B c r kc I e y and 1'1is& Kate Clarke. Eight veal-grandchildren attending included the four sons of the St.arks and Dr. and Mrs. Clarile·s four daug h· ters. Plant Lovers Plan Luncheon ?.1embers of Orange County Cactus and Succulent Society are planning to gather al noon on \\'ednesday, July 2. in Costa 1'.1anor Mobile Home Park. Those attending are asked tn bring a sack lunch . with coffee lo be furnished there. Follow- ing lunch, a meeting will begin at I p.ni. The Brennans were married In Chicago and made their home ' In Gle11dale before mov- ing to Corona del Mar JS years ago. Fun.her guests congratulat- ing the couple were lhei.r nieces and nephews, Sister Mary Margretlne, BVM, KJ.n. NS City : Mr. and .Mrs. J. E. Smith and family of Glendale and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dixon and family of Newport Beach. Mrs. Flavia Dixon came from Long Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Brady from Temple City to present their best wishes. Art Workshops Offer Variety Several art workshops now are under way in Torana liouse. sponsored by the Torana Art Le.ague of Santa Ana·. Opening Wednesday, July 2. will be eight sesslons of figurative and nonfigurative drawing taught by H e r b Gris"•o\d of Laguna Beach. The session! will lake place from 1 p.m. to 10 with a $3S fee. There Is a ceramics worksl1op at Torana House all day each Wednesday. and now under way are children's classes on f\.1ondays ·and Thursdays from 1:30 to 4:30 p.1n. Sea Sirens TOPS Sea Sirens meet in Killybrookc School, Cost a r-.1esa, every \\'ednesday at 7 p.m. 1·vau1·;ao·a·LEM=· .. _:_· .. ··--i1 • You want to tell tome item it :f that you no longer nffd but : i someone else c.1n u1e for : i ? N ~ T ~ V E?R $?5 0 ? i Classified Advertising, and place a PILOT PENNY I PINCHER Balboa Island will be home alter their Jamaican honey- moon for Michael WUUam Kelly of Balboa Island and hJs bride, the Conner Barbara Ann Machado, who exchanged wedding vows during noon rites in St. Barbara's CathotJc Cburch. Santa Ana. Reading the nupttal mass was Utt Rev. Michael Collins, assisted by lhe Rev. Patrick Riley. The bridal couple are the daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Machado of Fount:1in Valley and P.1r. and Mrs. William Kelly of Anaheim. For the ceremony, the bride selected a gown of lace-- enhanced E n g 1 I !I h net decorated wllh beadlfll, which featured a detachable cathedral train. Her cathedral veU we held in place with a beaded !lice cap, and butlerfly orchids and stephanotls form. ed her bridal bouquet. Serving as maid or honor was Pat Gaddis or Garden Grove, and as brldesmalds, Kathy Kelly, the bridegroom's sister; Sue Lee, Newport Beach; Diana Feren. Hun- tinstoo Beach; VI r g In I a Andrada, Chino, and Toni • MacDonald, Hunt i ngton Beach. A yellow chiffon go1vn with short pUff sleeves was selected for the maid of honor. and similar gowns in lime green MRS. RONALO E. MANNING Former Connie Pereira weddlnf pied,... . Per!onnlng the double rlJJc rites for tbe daughter and son of Mr. and ~frs. Albe.11 Pereira of Cosla Me51l and lhe Rev. and Mrs. 0 . L. &lan11l.ng or El Monte was the Re\'. Melvin Taylor. For the afternoon rites. the bride chose an empire go"'" of chanUlly la ce, styled \'.'ilh a cathedral train. Her veil was caught to rhinestone encrust· ed petals, and she carried a cascarle of while buttcrrly roses and elegance carnalions, accented wi th baby's breath. P.1iss Lynda Sharp appeared for her role as maid of honor in a cherry pink empire chit- The 1nower &Ir), The resa Jones, n le c 4:. · or the bridegroom, wo~8 light plnk t'nlpire gown wilh p u r r sleeves. John White of Jngle\vood serYed as best man and ushers were Bruce Manning, brother of the bridegroom. and Cof- fmiin. RJng bearer \\'as Anthr .y J Ol!C!, n~phe1v of the bridegroom . The Villa ll1ari na rcst~urant. also decorated to set a lfawaiian atmo~phere. wns lhe setting for the reception .... ·here 250 guest signed the guest book circulated .. by M i s s llfarilyn l\!urphy. A special guest wa:ir the bride's aunt, Brewer-Service Troth Engagement News Told An Aug. 23 wedding in St. Mary's Episcopal Chu r c h, Laguna Beach. ls being plan· ned by Janet Service and William F. Brewer. were c h os c n fnr the ____________________ _ Their engagement has been announced by Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Service of Corona de! Mar. parents of the future bridesmr1ids. Picture h a t !I were worn by all the at- tendants and they each car- ried six Jong stemmed yellow roses Ued with long velvet streamers. Flowe .. ~rl was Lisa Vieira of Lemon Heights, who wore a lime green chiffon dress, and rirJR bearer was Daniel Ma:zey of Norwalk. Women 's Committee Awards Dedication Saluted bride. l\tiss Service was graduated from Corona de! Mar High School and a business school and attended Orange Coast College. Her fia,.nce, also an alumnus Engraved plaques were Chinese dynast:es was given of COMHS, attended the presented to two Harbor Area by the artist, who Illustrated Californ ia Maritime Academ y and now Is a senior at residents for outstanding his talk with figurines which California p 0 1 Y te ch n i c service to the community and he sculptured and costµm~ in Institute, San Luis Obispo, slu· unified school district by the authentic fabrics and jewels. dying mechanica l engineering. Women's Committee of lhc Luncheon ho.stessei;,were the lie is a member of th e Ar1ny Costa Mesa Chamber oI Com-Mmes. Ronald llardy, Neal ·ROTC. merce. Martin, Jack Rein c rt , Parents or the hcnedicl-Elect Rectiving their awards dur-Nicholas Zeiner and D:?~.1url are Mr. and Mrs. James f, \ JANET SERVICE Auguit Bride The new Mn:. Mannina ls a graduate of Newpcrt Jfaibor High School and h~r husband, a graduate of El Monte High School. ls !lervlng with Ole U.S. Navy in Long Beach. Paintings, Hangings On Display Paintings by Ruth OSgoOd and wall hangings and pottery by Jack Taylor are belnt shown by the Coffee Garden Gallery, Corona del Mar, by the Newpon Harbor Service League. Ruth Osgood, a past presi- dent of the Laguna Buch Ar t Association, is currently president and chairman of the board of the Laguna Beacb. School of Art and De.sign. Wall banging.s, or macrema, by Jack Taylor feature var- ious weights of rope and beads such u sllip's rope, old- fashioned pulls, or solid ob- jects such as driftwood . Hls hand thrown pottery will ~ elude bowls, lamp bases aqd vases. YOU KNOW YOUR CHILD WILL LEARN TO SWIM AT BLUE BUOY A11d So Wiii Yo1 Attahol111, lolboo 1'111116, So•ta A11a, T111t!n 546-1@00 Standing ·..-Jth the bridegroom as best man was Dave Distel of Mission Viejo and ~ating guests were Dick Suess, Corona del Mar; Bob Collins, San Diego: A I Prehetn. Anaheim; Michael G. Machado. brother of the bride . and Michael Stout, Garden Grove. Ing a luncheon In the Cosla ;:~T~osll~. =========B~r~e~w~er~o!~Qr~e~n~tw~ood~,~!~o~rm~er~~C~or~o:n'~d~el=~~t~er~re~s~id~cn~t~s.~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mesa Golf and Country Club! were Mrs. Robert T. Lilly of Costa Mesa and Mrs. Garth s. Bergeson of Newport Beach. A reception in t h e Newporter Inn !ollowed the ceremony and guests were asked to sign the register by Mrs. Michael Mello, cousin of the bride. The bride ls a graduate or Bois. Grande Hlgh School and attends Orange Coas:t College. Her hwibml is 1 graduate of Anaheim High School and Fullerton Junlor College. Dr. Norman Loats, associate superintendent o! Newport Mesa Unified School District, made the presentations. George Stuart, artist and sculptor, wu introduced by the presiden~ Dr. Ht Id a McCarlne)', as lhe speaker for the day. A history of the ancient James During Wed Trainors Ceremony HB Making thei r home i n Riverside will be Mr. and l\1rs. Robert James Trainor Jr. who exchanged their wedding: vows and rinp during a ceremony conducted by the Rev. Thomas W. Overton in the First Chris· iian Church, Huntington Beach. The bride. the former Charlene Elizabeth Elliott. is the daughter of Mr. and r-.1rs. Charles Lee Elliott of Hun· llngton Btach. Given in marriage by her father, she selected a princess gown of white silk linen fashioned with ·a chapel train attached to the back neckline and trimmed l!' i t h e1n- broldered daisies and seed pearls. Her shouk!er length veil of bridal illusion was held with a cluster of embroidered daisies and she carried a bou- quet o( daisies. Maid of honor Ruth Elaine Rhoa~ of Oakland was gown- ed in a yellow crepe dress with matching accessories and car- rled a bouquet of yellow daisies. Serving as best man was Ronald Kaiser of Menlo Park and ushering were Daniel Charles Piper of Covina and Lt. George David Elllott, Inglewood, nephew of the bri de. Following the c e r e m o n y guests attended a luncheon and reception in the Green- brier Inn, Garden Grove. AniJting were M1All Michele Elllott, the bride's ni«e, Ind Mrs. caJvin Elliott, her lister· in·law. The bride Is a graduate of Pepperdine College, Los Ange- les, and has done graduate work there and at California State College at Fullerton. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mn. Robert J a m es Trainor of El Monte, received his BS degree Crom Cal Poly, Pomona, and currenUy is finishing graduate work on his PhD in physics at t b e UC Riverside. SPORTSWEAR I 1/3 ·oFF I CELEBRATING THE 4th WITH A BIG SPORTSWEAR SHIFTS-CA PRIS BLOUSES Beauty f"'"""'""¥""'· •. "'--·~ "" r ·-.. ··• " t'f~-~:~;~ ~ ~ . . Salons i I I. .. " I ;. t I ' , • ,, ... ~ -' ' .,.,,,,..:;;:~. _,., .. ,. \Ve shst>c your lightened hair into lovely curls. \'v"c caress the cur· ls "ith ''Nice Change" -no peroxide. In just 10 minutes your nc\v blonde curls take on ,,·l1isper..aoft color-tone that luta through ~veral !h.ampoos. \Vi th no rub-otr, no retouch problem: we just renew the color whenever you wish t ax i l I ' CLASSIFIED AO PANT ORE .. AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE CllDIT CAlDS WILCOMI ,,. PLUS SHAMPOO e $3.oo $2.50 AND SET !Mon. thrv Tl\urs.l (t..."t H•lr htr•I Afttr 5 p.m •• $2.75 Frldoy, Sotunloy, Sund1y ...... $3.00 Costa Men, Callf. Iii I!, li'!fl 11,MI M~rl•W Cfrltff ............. 3 LINES 2 TIMES 2 DOLLARS ~ ti AND. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I Nowport Btoch, Cdll. Cooto -· Cilll. ,I.../ -L 1111 ~I '""· Coll• Mooo, C11il. 1'°' He,,., 1114 D I A L N 0 W D I R E C T ! f ""° 44#/0#4 =::.•.:;:,: -.. ::?&ll::"' 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 1 Arttolo, Coll!. Orlnff, Collf. F .. ntoln Villty, C1llf. Soni• Ano, C.llf, F .. n11ln Viii~, Cilli. 3424 VI • LIOO NEWPO RT "EACH IQlJ '""""' '"~ w, Qtl~ll 17"1 M--111 Md'Ndt!l. ll•ndl,. .IOl1 1'41 IT.ti ftM N.,,. C••llty 140·1220) "" ' D ~,... ... ti CMtw Vlt* Cw.1., Vllllef ~-,.,,.. Cenltt 'VetlifY C:, •t l lll If i. ........................................................... ~L-~-------6-7_3_·_1_9_7_0 ________ _,_,__~~-""""--""°'--'~---""""--H~>-••-~~-"""~-"""'~-~-----"'""-~""~"'~---""""--~-'-'""-~~-~-I IC-Mft'I l"let" --· h d E • • ·- I Sadll·lebaek ' N. Y. St.oek.8 .. ' .. VfC. 62, NO. 155, 4 SECTIONS, 48 PAGES ORANGE COVNTY, CA(IFORNIA': MONDA'(, JUNE . 3~. ·1969 TEN CENTS ' . ' Parking Tokens Issued::fo Laguna " < M·erchants. New coins went into clrculaUon today ln downtown Laguna Beach -brius-col· ored pal'ldn& tol<ens. First tokens were given out by merchants to customers right after city workers this morning began installing new met'er beads at 48S downtown park- ing slots. Installation of the meters will be com- pleted TUesday. · Jdea of the tokenJ Is for businessmen • to provide customers with courtesy park- ing. MeicbantJ buy tbe tokens from the city for five ~ts. ' "'We could Just g1,. the cuatomers • nii;kel but they mlgh& be embarrasaed to receive it;" said Rot,ert Benner, acting chairman of· Downtown BUSilless As.wcia- lloo. • Apart rrom the toke.os,tthe main reason fo'r ~ cb.lnP, over id meter beads ts to boost' the rate from a nickel to a dime an hour. Two hours will be maximum. City Manager James Wbeatoo said the new meter heada are beina installed aloog COUt Hlghway fmn Lqtoo Street to Aster Street,. on Forest A~~ in the Glenneyre ·and El Pasco buchlronl city parldlJg IOU. The tokens ""' sUghUy !otger thin a nickel, but welgl) the aame as the U.S. coin and trip the'balf.J>our r.gls!er whea fed into the ·maw. , On either side I.bey read : 11Park Free ln Be.autifUI Lacuna Beach." IXOD ans Dewn tlae 'Mission Trail Penny Carnival Set for Fourth MISSION VIEJO -A ''Big Penny Catnlvpl" will be held Friday at !lie Mission Viejo Recreation Center. eaiiuva1 activiUes of games and prizes will 8i lie1d from 0000 to 4' p.m. in· coii- nection with 4th of July Ind~pendence Day. • Yeg• l.e••-Ce B~ltt MISSION VIEJO -Yoga lessons taughC to the Hatha prlnclpall by Rennee Tay!Or will begin nen Monday, July 7, at a· p.m. in the Mission Viejo Recreation Center. Four sessions will be held Mondays to July ZS. Fee for Recreation Center members Is $4 and for non members the charge is $6. :e Y Opl!tl• '.I'"'° St•ruls EL TORO -In addition to lbeir fireworks stand at Toro ctnter, the South Orange County YMCA has set up another st.and on El Toro Road just west of the freeway. ·'The new stand will be open Saturday. and remain open through July 4. Hours are from 18 a.m. till dawn. The other stand will be open from 10 a.m. through 9 p.m. from Saturday through Wednesday, .1nd . remain open an additional hour on Thursday and July 4. ·• Witnesses Bid Denied SAN CLEMENTE -In a unanimous vote, the City Council bas denied a use pennit requested by Jehovah's Witnesses to build a church at East Avenida Cordoba. <1'he protests of neighboring property ownefl,, and a report from assistant poUce chief Stanley MatcheU warning o the hazards of increased traffic in the vicinity, resulted in lhe denial .e H!Jtne Building Slated LAKE FOREST -Const.ruction on a new 500-home development here will be slarted ~ediately by M. J, Brock &r: Sons, a southern California building firm Which purchased the development site from Dean Bros. for $2 mllllon. This is the !~st land sale that Dean Bros. has made to another builder in Lake Forut. . ID addition, Westinghouse Electric Corp. haa purchased a 2!t-acre site in the i.He Forest Industrial Park area. It Was the lint -ol lndust.rial 1aJl<f befe. • No Identities 'Mysterious Boat Runs Aground By JORN ~Al.TERZA 01 M1e Dllllr PllM S .... The expensive 0-foot catiln cruiser 11Sbannondo&" with a mysterious ~rty of .four persons aboa~ cruncPed har:~ aground oa the moonlit beach early this morning on the ~ PeninsUIL · The '75,~lus, ·black-hul1'1d· Stevens Cl'!iiMr ~!>IP~'"' lti1J1each'at the ocean·e.nd clE Strefit at abqut 1 a.m. .a~~oit_~~oae ~the n;;·appat<Jlt pi)al C!f• fl1I p!qll> Mfl, who thu!' far· !ill ~ lo. ldWlfy hlinsellorhis~lilllered• badly cut fool lirlhe .-lollowillC the gniwidlng, • Lifegwu:d9 said he · e<m;ented lo lint aid aljer an hour ol coaxlJ!I. SpOkesman for Basin Marine Inc. of . Newport Beach, the firm in charp of sa1va;1ng the. cruiser, said the "Shan- noodoa" is owned by Paul•Wamn. 1be craft'• homt port is Sao Frallclleo. Salvqen using a bvge Cf.'De and trailer won a race at 11 a.m. today against another extttmely hfgb tide. 'l'h"1 ·llfteif· lbe ..... 1 off lbe sand from the w1ter's edge~and ·onto the walling Boy, 16, Cited After Hitting Rail On Temple Hills A car driven by a 16-year-old Laguna Beach youth ovtrturned in the 1100 block of Temple .Hills Drive after careening ai:ound the Temple Hills "big, bend.0 and striking the guard rail Saturday morniog. He w'5 cited for driving without a llceflJe and . for defecUVe brakes, ac.· conllng to police Lt. Fraok Schopen. The youth received abrasions to his left shoulder In the accident, but was not bospilalized, p>lice said. Lt. Schopen 1aid the accident occun:ed as the boy was westbound Oft Temple lfi11s Drive, downhlll Tbe youth inld of. ficers that he attempted to 1low the cil:r as he approeched the curve at the 1100 block but lost his brakes, ScMpen said. A separate rear-end traffic accident Sunday Injured a Burbank ' man. Lewis Ray Hunl<r, 33, ol Burbank told officers he would see bis own doctor for treat-. menL The collision occurred at 300 N. Coast lUghway~ ~ a car driven by Graham Hunt Han, 11, of ·224t s.\coast Highway stopped Sor lr1flic and• WU hit in Ille rear, police uld. trailer. ll was feared the boat would be. heavily damaged if the Ude rose. while the craft was still near the pounding surf. · The CfiAlSC of the mishap was as cloudy. as the identity of the two men aJkl. two w':'.J\~ 'C:l: Buddy Belll>e Said this 1119rninl ]bot checkl on the hull ~ll'tr•• ,l\lia~.Paplj . .3;000 Troop; Making : Push To Lift Siege SAIGON (UPI~-A force of 3,000 gov- ernment troopa backed by the .heaviest: U.Sr air raids in two months puabed ul)<ipposed toward Ben Het today in an atte;n:W to lift the 56:day-old siege, U.S. militPJ spokesmen reported. B52 bombers struck targets wilhin a mile of the Green Beret Special Forces camp In the ttntral bigb@nds while u. s. and South V\einameA fl&ht<r· bombers pounded the· ridges around Ben Het where Commun.I.st gunners have shelled the camp abnost daily. U.S. military spokesman said South Vietnamese i.D!antrymen inclted through the dense jungles near the LaOB-Cam- bodian border, destroying bunk.en. and spider holes Uled only last week by Cornmunilt soldien to ambw;b allied convoys on highway 512, a one-lane road lo Oak To, eight miles away. The foot troops driving on Ben Het were part of a 3,000-man force ordered into the area in a new . operaUoo wbicb began this weekend, Commanders re- fused to dlacuss the specif.tc misaion of the operation since it enLailed future plans, but the relief of Ben Het was one of. them. The drive was so successful that the abelll.ngs of Ben Het conthrued to alack· en -there were 25 rounds into the camp Swxlay which killed two South Viet· namese but there were no tncomlng rounds from midnight lo the early bours of tonight. The drive also eased the air supply of Ben Het. U.S. cargo planes flying through protective screens of white smoke laid down by American gunships dropped more than 35 tons of food, water and · ammunition , by · parachute to the cam,P.'s 200 American and 450 Viet· namese defenders. Art Festival Hands Over Col. Alexander Weyilnd, IO, a We6l • Polnt<r from El Pun, Teus, said of the slackened Comm..u.t effort" "It appears ~ en~ ls indeclaive. He's tak1ni a beatlng and bu to decide whet.her it's wor1h It to tum milllarily and • po!!Uoally lo keep· •P the effort.'' $112,_000 Forum t,o . Citr, Th. c1\Y of Laguna Beach b the new proud 'owner of the $112,llOO Festltal ol Mt Forum. \ 'A gatberlng <II about 400. community leaden wltne....r the tranActioil Sawr-daJI ut.rnooo, when Festival of Arts Shard President William D. Martin tun> ed the Fonim's key over to Loguna Mayor Glenn E. Vedder. Oiampagne and ...., by the Festl••I of Arlt Chorale brigbleae<' the occasion In the l!Z«al !beat.er. The Forum, deskned by ar<hltec:t Don WUUa....., IDd !!AllCed by the Festival \ of Arts, II purpm10d to he the only theater flnanoed entirely• by a non-profit or1anJ¥'!m and then ~ to .a cil7 completely unemcumbered, llurtnfl the run of tho FesUval of Arts, the tbeal<r will bt uMd for Ilene's MarianeUes. Tbe .... ol.tlle year tt will be ovallable to the """11lllQ1ly for meetinp, coocerts, and the IUIL The .,..m floor ol the two-story lhul<r will houoe food -· a junior art nhtbll and '. cbildroo'1 art c1um-..111are.n11. ' CLIPBOARDS 'COPPED' • Two re<Uaced La11W11 Bc.och pol1ee of· ncen Ill down Saturday, to write i:r)m• r;portJ aboUI l1ie !hell Of'two ~ ~own. .. .,,.. . , The two ·pofll'O offlcou had pal'lced their black ind white prowl cars in the 100 bloclraf Mountain Road and then-Id! on foot to patrol the beach at 5 :30~.m. • Upon returning, tho men found they hid tWil crimf!I to report. ''Perlm'ta W>lmown" had copped tho cllpboarda !mn both police ean. The origlaal lot ol 10,llOO tokem, has been elitlrely sold to merchants, son'tt of • ~tlom ha\'e malled them to their automers. Another 10,000 are_ on 'Older. Any ,shortage 'b' expected to be t.ken. care.'ol by'~tloo of the ~- .. "lleinl .able to J>l'OV!de. frte parking Pifs>UJ ln a rhore comsieUUve poait1on wl\1! lho!>Plni ceo!m," said Boaner, jibe pwdo double the parking rate' aD4 UM~ was workid out betWeeo • i•' • .,.,,, ' ... ' • .. ' city officials and th• merchants. Ad- ditional revenue will be put Into a spedJI fund to JM"chase property far new city parking lots and perhaps add second Jeveb to present city lots. The new meter heacb catry a decal telling of the two.hour UmitaUon . Hefeedin( of melen to gain addillooal ' time ls not allowed. City police enforee· the limi~. v~lallon ol whicl> mulls in a ticket Iba~ COlll 11 ' OAILY'. I'll.Of tt1ft ,.._ 1'"f-t1·.f'a~r s~~8 l.!tr ·.;;~· . ,. .. ~tx. l!i'bsaloff adds·brlght !Q1tcll to Art.A-Fair. 1roundstaking shape iat 3411' N. C:O.st Hi8l!Way• !niUguna. Art·A·'Fair, known last year as· ~er Fertlvill, Js,~,~Y Laglllia Beach Fine Arts Alloda· .lioo.,Mon»!liM 60.prunter;, craftsmen and sCUlptors are expected to eJll\lolt du.'irlg July 11 ·Aug. 2f _event. · • · · " Smith Coast Community . . . Hospital Marks 10th Year Abnost 40,000 patients later, South ~ cOmmlinlty Hospital Tuesday will mark thO !Oth •aonfveraary ol 111 ~ No celebnUon la p!Jnned, jllll r,enm>-' b...-<~t ·doon opened and the llrll Dagunan Elecwd · To Top Pos~ "in · " lf paid promptly. Every two haun a new tlclten can be given aod they can stack up on the wind.shleld. A three-minute grace period will be allowed beyond the first two hours. Thi 'faming• decal pull the city - on Jt11l solid iround after MUnlclpal Court Judge J. Parley Smith inld city of. ficlals enforcement again.st refeedlng i.s nOt.'proper unleJI parkeni were forewarn- '4· est 1Europe Trip . W~Delay 4-week . Stay <" A four.week visit in San Clemente Is' ~uled by President Nixon after ·bis round-~world trip, tncluding a stop in Communist Romania, ends tn earl,y August, While House aides said today. ·Np _ exaft dates have been aet. but wesldenttal press secretary Rod ~egler said •the atay at the Summu White 8-'!ill be&ia Alli• ,1 or 13, as - planned. ' President Nixon's Orange Coast stay has ~ timed to coindde wlllt the ~laoal receu of seVl!ral nets ~'AU(. I and lM end Of•his llobll trtp . . . .. r said the foreign tour alightly u the ·N~ons·· ottglnaJ plam tdr a v San Clemente, but the Umetible wW be approzimate.ly four c:onsecutlvt weu. The.glob.al tour is scheduled for July 23 to Aug. 3; and wlll.include a visit ln Com· munist Romania. Details of the Pre!ilderit's wtirk:·and~ play stay at his n·e w I y · f um 1 gated beach!ront mansion have not yet been made public by the White House press service. Presumably the procedure will be similar to his recent vJSft en route to Vietnam war talks on MJdway Island, featuring new• conferences" and in- terviews at tbe Newporter Inn. AJthQUgh ~ings and goings of the Flrst Family will continue on the 11ame tone as their busy Wahington agendl, the Nixqns are all expected to he ln·Sao Olemente for most of August. f.. new swimming pool built on the grounds of the old Hlram H. C o t t o n Estate will be ready and presumably two species of termites will no longer be in evidence. A Wh1ttier firm C:O.JJlpleted fumigation of the to-room manlfon recently, follow- ing an executive order for execution forthwith of the flying and crawlin1 termites. Stoclc Markets NEW YORK (AP) -The .tock market closed with a,modest pin today as seJec.. Uve buying pve lt aome of its bounce. Trading wu '*low .. (See quotaUons, Pages 14,lS), Oraage Coast ' Weadter Thal long-awaited summer wea· thor ls liaalb" wllh us, and the mercury i:r due for a jump into the 801s along the cout Tuesday. Fur· tMr ln1aftd It'll bleat 90, we're told. ' . • INS..,E TODAY ' Tlte latca t mediool Spe'Cialty is tile oriainol non-specialty - general procticc -ond it will b• toU(lht ot Hoeg M....nal f!o.tpital in conjunction with-the UC Irvine Mtdicot School. Ste Page 12 . ~ . . ., .. _ .. ,, UC-. n -...,_. " ........ ..... 41 0r ... ~ n -1• t'l'Mll ,.... . --.. -1 .. 11 I,_. ... " T-» -. --- 11 " .. .. .. II ... -1., .. • .. • .. • • . .. ' . . .... • • . • I DAIL y PILOT L -· -'°' 1,., Congre8S'.Sets De&dliDes~ ThenDue-.STJiem WASIDNGTON (UPI) -The 10 per· --::.--..~~. ba1 "'2 lmow II uwo . ,..,. poydieci - Nor will you IJte any change in clgaret. te commercials. although two federal agencies want ~~~amp down on lhem Ind the law berrn11 them fror11 taking 1ucb .action dies at mldnia:ht, along witb the eurchrap. Actually, the laws under which the fedenl1 sovmunent &pends its money Ml GUI too. llOl the spendinf won't 114p. It ill all part <JI .. 111111111 -undu Apollo Trial Count Begins; Monkey Okay CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -Apollo 11 's power cells were ~vated in J crucial trial countdown on the ground today while an orbiUng monkey named Bonity behaved normally during the second day his month-long medical fact-finding flight. The monkey, reported tn excellent shape: in his strange new world of wei&hlleaneu, la expected to return July 28 wMb enough data to help man plan for voy1i" luting many months. His ml.flfon is costing Q2.1 mlllion. The mission b going in perfectly routine fashion," said a spokesman at the Blosatellite Control C.e:nter. Greenbelt, Md. In bis lint full dav aloft, the monkey drank a quart of nter, ate ane IO food pe11.U and apertly ployed two gomes. 'Mle Apollq 11 countdown f.est, a final rthearsal of everythlng but blutof(, was proceedinf jUll u wdl al the !lunch Ille. lt was aiming toward a mock launcb at g,32 a.m. PDT Wednelday -~y twa weekl befcre the moonsltip's t&ll:eo!f date. La.wich crews 1 c l i v a t e d the ,;pacecraft'a three vital fuel cell power generatori and began pumping frigid li· quid hydrogen and ai:ygen into Its tanks. Astronauts Nell A. Armstrong, Micha~l Collint IDd Edwin E. Aldrin returned to the -port from a weekend in Vlrlinla and Texas and rehearsed their JalD1Cb In a command sblp slmolatOr: They und"IO a major medical cbOckup Tuesday. The three pilotf are due to return from rqan•1 finl lunar Jaoding_missian July M. President Nixon 'plans \Oh be. aboard tlie . recovery carrier Hornet to welcome ~ i back. He also e:rpect.s--to dine with the ; astronauts here on ~.l!ve, July li.. The space monkey, a 'it-pounder from the jungles of Thailand, rocketed into orbit Saturday nJght Jl.nd, ei:cePt for ii briel flurry of ezcJte-during launch, was follow~ tbe ret1men be rehearsed !or moaths on earth. Radio reports from . 23 sensors Im- planted lo bis brajn, art.eriea and other body parts show he is eating, working and aletping normally as h1s 1,SS6-pound biosate.lllte circles the globe. It 15 in aa orbit ranging from 115 to 244 mile! high. The object of !be •pace!Ught, longeat ever planned for a living creature, is to determine in detail how prolonged ei:- posure to the lack of eravUy in space af. feet.a life pl'OCt5$eS. Walk Ends Vp In 'Dog Fight' A disturbance over wa\k1ng I. dog led to bruises, lumps and sore feelings Saturday . night, according to a Costa Mesa youth, · who also complained lo police that bil cigar was crushed in the ezchange. Douglas A. TruhlU, 20, of 256(1. Ford- ham Drive, and his buddy, Michael J, Leonard, 19, of San Sebastian Ave., Mission Viejo, were both assauJt.ed by lbe angry man, they told officers. Truhlll said he had both hands on the dog's leash when punched in the mouth by the suspect neighbor and. couldn't fight back, so l;eonard struek the at- tacker. ''That seemed to end it," TruhUJ said, but the matter is being probed by police today. OA llY r1 1or 011..lHG~ CC».11 f"UR !SttlM!l ~'f loliott N. 'WoH ,,.,...,., ... ,......, Jock l. OMey Viet,,_...,. ... ~ii ..... n-·· lfonll ·-TlitM•• A. M1.,hin• ~1111W Ri1~1r4 I'. Nin ·--'"" ...... ,,_ __ 222 hf1it A.,.. M1lllq A.W•Hu P.O. 11• 66'-t261l OtW- ttfl• Mtlel DI ""'"' kY S'"" tltMOM •••di: ,,,, _, .............. llWM cl• ...,.= Jilt,.,,, l"-1 ' . . t eon,,_ 8eU dlldllnes for l!Mll, '*II aolu. . P1-Johft!OD called up n,OOI -..-1bem wbal 1be ~' 111111nt W.011 ID pd~·" , -In April alld llaY.1111,-atawa • • ' DllDa ............ ~ Mid., .Ibo..,_ ...... M 'ftalll I from p.aycbeob for another month While IMla-=tllo-. tto•• wUI cost t1xp1yets $16 billion a mOO!h .. w Con&r... ~ .. ,. llP' --bUll (w !tdet'll 'dopartli!'!!" ind'' agenoltt. Meantime, und<i' '!he re.90lutions, each dfpartment spends ~t IU old rate or Vlei rate prescribed 1n President Nlxorfs proposed bud1et, ,,,, :!ti.'' umolb' ..W • ...... "lie ...... ~ w bad ID:· • nOt ..,_ i;,.: qys be doein't want 1be Jlw, UalllllS ,....iotloa" °"'lllM ,... 1111 • '1111 -.. 11.... wbldi 1eb !be President lllObillze ol tblia. .,_, )Ui 11!1 protralbl dla 1o !ftllrt,tl 1 pp or two~ hoftn:r. U )'IU • NMl'Ytl&I and national g u a rd 1 m e n ..:ir~ m:1-t::: ezplre can keep running until the are a commercial fisbUman, don't mall without declaring a naUonal emera:ency. lawmakers get around to changing them, in your request for a federal subsidy to -'lbe De{f:nse Department told coacress taUvely Its muacles by bqilllllng •bearmp ·-y-GO Its proposal lo .,._ quire a _s:f.el'.11 health 1'amln& en all cigarette comm er c I 1 l.1 and ad· vertlsements • ..But the HOUR alnady ·ha• passed a ... bJJf eztetiif:tDg . the ban on regulatory actlon and the rrc ls unlikely to put its rule 1Dto effeet•untll the Senate wh.IChever ts lowtr.' · .. ' . ~4 .mending them or scrapping them . help pay for your new boat. After mid-Nixon would rather take bi! case to a 'J'1Ua ye.ar is no e:rception. Although night tonight, the Department o f joint sess!on of Congress if another Getting back to fishing boil!, don 't worry about yoUr subSldy check_ tf your applicaUon gets approved before mid- night. You 'll get it. It's the department's a,utborlty to approve; D!)t to spend, that stops. mort than a 5CO(e of laws expire today, TranspCll'talloo will have no authority to emergency arises. Congress appears confident it has pat· process It until Congre5$ votes a new The fate ol the surtax: still depends on ched up the 1overnment fabric with authorizaUon. the House. But C.Ongress voted last week eJIOlll)i tempon11y m.naiom to k<ep Also eXpirmg ls !be law under wlilcb to have 1be eitra 10 percent witblleld deo;ldes 1be tnta!al!90 '• late. • Tbo most COSU, "coolimW>g rn&.. DAILY PILOT Pilotti" llkll11' KHhler Moise Tshombe Exiled Congolese Lead·e.r Succumbs ALGIERS CAP) -Moise Tshombe, known ~ the "rubber man" of African polltlcs, died Sunday of an .apparent heart attack., The Algerian Press Service reported today. He was 49. • A commurilque signed by 10 Algeilan doctors said the former premier of ·the Congo and leader of the breakaway state or K:ata.nga appeared lo have died in his sleep. It said an autopsy was to be performed today. CHILDREN CAVORT NEAR CRUISER WHICH RAN AGROUND DURING NIGHT AT NEWPORT BEACH 'Mom, You'll Never lellev~ Wh•t Waahed Up On the Beach In Front of Our House' The announcement of Tshombe's death cime two years to the day after a French plane hijacker brought him to Algeria at gunpoint. The plane had been chartered to take Tshombe from Spain, wbe~ he had been living in exile, lo PaJma'de Ma- jorca. After a deal fell through b!t.,..·een Algeria and the Congo to utrad.ite Tshombe to KiMbasa ( forme r I y Leopoldville) to face a death sentence, Tshombe's status became veiled in offi· cial silence. He was kept in solitary con- finement for two years, well treated but denied contact with the outside world. Police, Recreation Job Applicants Face Exams Applieants for Lquna Beach police Wheaton said. lie will sit In on lhe in- chief and the' dty'4-flrat fllll·time rec-tervlews to listen. re1tlon · dlrect.or have been winnowed 0 J'm pleased with the caliber ol the down to the oral board stqe. appllcabtl," said Wheaton. "There are. City Manager JllD(I D ~ ~ •"°"" .,..,.U~nl, ~dates; I just hope be bu RI the arii CliDlnat1on ' for ile 'cu' llnd" anotlier Harry La brow poUce cblef aJ>llllcaola lor,Joly I. Po-omoni them." lice Chief ~ LallroW "°'!!'I In Th<! city ~-o"!!l,~so be llsten- ,\ugtlll • • <"f '11 Ing Joly 1': 'liha ~ orll board l!'hWOt! ml 11f: t'ec<1 _ U ""'11c• quai.lonJ el;tit a!W~ -. from a tioat far ·1IW)loll. lk bu narrowed 1be field, <JI IO -for r~ dir.ctor. field too JI 1!ho will be interviewed. The Wboaton said again tlltr. '"" good and orll boml will cooa1at <JI Labrow; Doyle experienced candidotq, 1or the role, a Miller, ~ Buch city admln-"""'. one in Lal\IDI, .~up by council islra.tor; Mt Mckenzie, Cort.a Mesa city action in recent moaths. In the past the rnanacer;aod former police chief; and city bu had part-time r8creaUon direc- Wayne ·-~ Fullerton: police cbJef. Uon .• Tbo board will nmk the jappUcant. by The oral board will lnclude Don Ar· their preferince and make'-1111 remarka nette, Santa Mantca parb and recrea· they feel ~Deed• d about applicants, iion director; Lagiman. BUI Wood, for. merty w!lb 1be Boys' Cltib; and a third Mr. David King, Theater, Music Enthusiast, Dies · David Clifton JOng, 1 Laguna ruldent fcir ti yean; died Sunday mandnC•l1lll home. He was 84. Since his retirement in 1958, Mr. King has been 'active in the Laguna Beach Art Association, the Laguna Communlty Players As.sociatlon, the Chamber Mus.ic Society, and the Community Concert A.Doci.aUon. In addition, he was a tile member of South Coast Community Hospllal. Mr. King a\90 was associated with the Group for Philosophic Study and Medllao tipn, the Diamond Foundation, the Sahoo1 for Esoteric Study, and the An:anai Workshops. Prior lo comlo( west, Mr. KJnf wu oa tbe stalf « the Arcane Scbool ln New York City. Mr. King who lived al 2470 S. Cout liwy., is survived' by a nephew and two ru.ce.. Private funeral services will be h e Id Wednesday. 'Covey of Cuti.es' Vie in Laguna Beauty Contest Buuty t. who,. ,Ou ftnd It but Lqun1'1 Main Beach lifeguard head· quarters will be 1 pretty Sood place to look Friday evenlnc. Thll'• ,.hell a pone! 'of ludl" hud<d by Ml)'Or Glem Vedder will round ~ a safe and oenut!onal July 4 by oelecliDI "Miss Lquna Buch IJ!ell\IOJ'd." Billed .u a ••covey . of OIM'lce«IS cutln" by Llf'i\latd ClpL R<ld Riehl, .,,.. ..... " w!U be oeltcled from !be vlrioUa beacl>U by resldfnl auards. "Miss Lqun• Beach Lifecuant" and two ~ will be choseD lo ,.1gn over va rious city and lifeguard fuoctioDI for· d\e rtm1.lncltr of the swnmer. Chit! Ll!eguant Tom °"Po" extended • lln ftlvlt.atlon to "•II Mnds' to attend the nlnth annual Fourth of JWy C'OOtest whlcb bt&lns at 7:30 p.m. • { member yet lo be ..i.cted. WINS .STATE RECOGNITION Lagun• L .. lonnalr• Price Legionnaire Presented Plaque A plaque for the "most out.atandlng community l!letVice ·accornpDahments of an individual Leglormafre" wl!llt to O. W. Price of Laguna Post Jzi al the recent state convention of the AtnVlcan Le&lon in san Diego. ' ·'J11e presentation was made b)'. Richard J. Spence or San Francisoo, clW.lnn1n of 1be Leaion '1 Community · Service Com· miss.ion. Price wu prabed for SO yean dedicated se:rvlct to veterans 1Dd for service to the communf1;)'. The Lasuna poet wu singled out for Its outstandlna communit.v amr1ce. acUvltlts. Olltrlct 29, Orange County, received an oub1and1n1 clllUoo for the l<COnd 1tr..taht )'tar. Price .has 'bttn dlalrlct community st.rvtce cttainn1n for the past tbttt yean. . - \ Fron& J>age I GROUNDED. • • tion numbers were fru itless, because they didn 't exist. "We don't even have the injured man's name foi our first aid report from last night,'~ he said. · · Sou.rcea said the ve!lsel ls not equipped with automatic p\lot, and there was "someone'' at the· controls when the boa( skidd.ed up on the beach. Pollce said they took one "hysterlcaJ" woman from the beach nfar the era.ft and held her at headquafters for(• brief period "until she calmed down." Another woman p'assenger complained to reporters ol bruises she said were In- flicted by oflicers after they rt.Sponded to the grounding. Police said there were no arrests. Bm·glaries Net $765 Prope1ty In Laguna Beach Four burglaries .involving the theft of $765 worth of property were reported over the weekend ta Laguna Beach police. Stephen Cook Murray. 23, or 1745 t';atallna St., .repor:t.ed that $450 worth of J}tusical eqUiptneni was taken from his garage. .A stereo taPe player and 10 tapes Valued at Sisti were stolen from the car Of J . Robert Grarier, 20, Long Beach, The car was parked iii the 1200 block of Cliff Prive. ·Don Rose, 61, of 530 Alta Vi!ta Way reported the theft of $65 worth of kitchen equipment from a residence at 417~'i Poplar St., Saturday. The theft of a $50 stereo tape player and $50 worth of tapes we reported by Helen Malick, 20, from her res.idence at ~l ·Lower CllU Drive. Tshombe earned his nickname by showing remarkable political resiliency in rebounding from utter defeat alter the fall of Katanga in 196.'! to become premier cf the CoDgo in July 1964. The man with the moon face and toothy grin inspired no in·between emotions among Congolese. He was either loved or hated. Moise-Kapenda -which stands for "Moses Beloved'' -Tshombe was born in Musumba Nov. 10, 1919. His father was a rarity, a wealthy African businessman in· an ecQ!Klmy controlled by Belgians. Tshombe' was often known to bout: "! am a rich man. I am the only Congolese who does not need to be in politics to make a .Uiine. No one can buy me." Raised as a Met11odbt wilb a blgh achool education, Tabombe toured Europe before coming home to run the family 's interest&, marry the daughter of a tribal chief and father 10 children. He served on several tribal and pro.- vincial councils in the 1950s, and when Belgium was ready to grant it! colony in- dependnece, Tshombe was premier of it& richest province. Independence came July 1, 1960, and the Congolese army mutinied soon after. Tahombe waited 10 days for President Joseph Kasavubu and Premier Patrice Lwnumba to reaore order, then declared independerice for Katanga. Backed by Belgian mining firms and a army led by white mercenaries from South Africa and Rhodesia, Tshombe withstood worldwide p'resswe and United Nations' efforts lo end his secession for 30 months. It wa1 durin& tile first outbreak of violence, in S!ptember 1961, that U.N. Secretary.(leneral Dag Hammarskjold wu flytng to a border loWn for cease- fire (alb with Tshombe. Rhodesia, now Zambia. Hammarskjold was flying to a border town for ceas-flre talks with Tshombe. While a U.N. investlgaUng committee said it found no proof to support rumors the plane had been shot down, lt added it was unable to determine the cause of the crash. UPI 'f...,..... EXILED LEADER DIES Congo's Moist Tshombe Sun Brings Out Beach Cro,vds at Laguna, Oemente Warming 65--degree water and sunny skies drew the largest crowds or the young summer sea.son to San Clemente and Laguna beaches over tbe weekend. Calm surf with intermittent four-foot breakers rolled up on the Laguna strand. where 15,000 beachgoers s u n n e d themselves both Saturday and·Sunday. A south\\·esterly swell of two to four feet off Sao Clemente beaches drew a Saturday crowd of 11,000 and a Sunday crowd of 15,000. Although there were no reSC\JIS lifeguards responded to several emera:en: cy first aid calls, the most serious being a heart auack in Dana Harbor and another be:achgoer with a dislocated hip,. Anheuser-Busch, Inc. Beer Strike Now Over ST. LOUIS, Mo. (UPI) -Anhel1!<r· Busch, Inc., world's biggest beer Jll°O-- ducer, went back into full producUon at plants throughout the nation today. Beer production had been stopped since mld·May when Teamster Union officials at lhe company's new Jacksonville, Fla., plant had sent "flying pickets" to com· pany plants lo stop production in a con- tract dispute. Cl•rk'• Shoes from England. One of the 18 I have a rather decent ee- leclion of yachting and boating •pparel. In fact, between my h ' stoftl and the salt water shop est men s stores on the meuanine in Richard'• Mll;l'ket next door, you 8fll the • N B h dofJgOnede.t eelection in eap-fil ewport eac linty. (Idon'tmindgivingmy good neishbor a free plnR.) ' ~1 don't I mention pticee ! If it 1oddenly @9l8 hot and you your •tten.Uon. In fact, I bne There'• no eense in showing a need a cooler necktie or tome-two different clothing shopi picture of • suit or wh•lever, thing, you don't need to catch within this store. One, which I with a deadly dull description 1unatroke hunting for 80me-call B • Sh . f of the thre•d8.i an1I a price. It's where to buy it. entage op, 111 or the more important to tell you Yoo can euily find a men's button.down eoJ.lesie graduate about this 11ore and what it atore in Newport Beach. I find wlio want8 ·tire tnoditlobal look. atando for. 18 of them, Including my own, My new ohiri. are very com-My priceo are pleaoing. Th<:y in the phone book. plete right now. By Gant, Enro won't take the curl out of your 111 cue you don't know and Exc:ello, plu1 intuali.ng hair but they may etraighten which to patronise, pick a nice new l)>Ort shirt• from half a out your check book. n:i.m e. I give you th~ entire dozen high1y regarded maken. And alwaYI rementher the list: A L'Elgant, Atkinson, Also• dam good ahoe store. name of the slore, Bidwell. 11'1 Bay Dept. Store, Beachcomber, In addition to Taylor, and a word derived lrom the Latin. Robert Berkeley, J1ek Bidwell, Sperry Toplider, I .. ....,. Bally l.oooely ll'ftnolated, it me1oa De1mond'a, Houoe of Morpn, Shoes IJ'Om Switserland, 1111d "the !>Mt of tho bunch.'' Lmsdowne'a, Leopard'• Spots, Pal Morley's, Mr. Paul'a, Mufti Ltd., Quarter Deck, Sawyer, Silverwooda, C Men'a, and Woodnlll'1, ft it my ineaotioa• opinion that nty auiu, sport coat> aqd tl•ck1 are particularly worth Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Udo at N_,.,rt Blvd., In Newport Beaoh nexl to Rlehard'a Market •nd The Lldo Theater. Plenty oft.... porking in the rear. Phone 6734510 f.opyrisbt 1969, Jack Bidwell. I ~ 1 ~-.. l N.Y; St1e•i ' 1 • ~o·i:. 1>2.'NO. 155, 4 SECTIONS, 48 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MOt-(DAY, JU NE JO! 1969 TEN CENTS .. ' . Big Boat Grounded $75 ,000 Cruiser Hits Beach at Balboa .,. OAILY PllOT,..... ... Rlcllowf ~ By JOHN V AL'TEllM Of ... ~ ......... The expegjive ll-foot cabin cruiser "Sbailoondoa" wltb a mysterious party ol four persons aboard crunched bard aground oo the moonlit beach early this morniq oa the B:alboa Perun.,uJa. The flS,000.plus, black-bulled Stevens cruiser skidded high up on the beach at the ocean end or E Street at about 1 1.m. It wu left on the beach after cme of the highest Udes of the year. The appar.nt pUot ol the plush crafl, who thus far bas refused lo ldenUfy himself or his pusenpn. suffered 1 badly cut fool In the conflrston following the grounding. • IJfe,.,.,... said be conaented to first aid after an hour of coulng. CHI LDREN CAVORT NEAR CRUISE.R WH ICH RAN AGROUND DURING NIGHT AT NEWPORT BEACH 'Mom, You'll Never B•l!eve Wh•t Wished Up On the 8-ch In Front of Our Hou1•# ~ fer Bain Marine Inc. ol Newport Bead>, the firm fn chsrge ol aalvaglO,. the cruiler'psald the "Shan- nondoa" 1J owned~by aul Warren. Tbe craft'• home port ii San Francisco. CdM Men's Shop Mana ger Killed While Hunting Ray Westley Peck, 24, manager of a well 1tn·own Corona de! Mar men's clothing store, was fatally shot Sunday ~ing in a freak bunting accident near V'lcloiville. Peck, manager and a nine-year employe of Pat Marley's Men's Shop, dJed four hour! after the rabbit hunting ~ in the desert ne;µ-Sin Bernardino. Cororier's Investigators said Peck and f'fO friends were lmitin1 rabbit.a during UJe nild-molillng ~ when lbe vlcllm i\oJd up suddenly from ru..seat ln a jeep. At the wne in.!tant a IrilDd behind .lµm fired lil a rabbit. · ;'lbe bull« hit Peck In tM ~ .•Wli head. He died four hours 111*-tia{il!. llemardine Hospilal, San ~· coroner's aiCles said the inclde:Ot~1111m-­ tatively listed as an accidental shooting. Tbe man who fired the shot was Roger Eµgene ~ris, 24, Montebello. Peet leaves his widow. Kathy of the home at fll Orchid Afe., Corona del Mar ; and a ~e!ll'o(lld daughter, Kelly. Funeral &§vices will be held Wed- nesday~ tlfa.m ... ip ~ S.ills Memorial Eari, Whittier. Burial will f-oiiOw there. .Late Customer lfolds Up Bar, Flees With $305 A late-lfngering man closed down the bar at a Costa Mesa restaurant early to- day, .but he -not lhe management - went home with the receipts. Bolice .said the band it pulled a blue,.• at.eel pistol on bartender Robert E. Thompson at El Pescador, 401E.17th St., and ordered him to hand over the cash. Thompson said he gave Uie gunman J305: in the 2:20 a.m. holdup, descr1bing him as about 30 to 35 years old, according to patrolmen Gary Sperling and Robert ~;.restaurant is a short distance £rom the Hi-Time Gourmet Foods & Liquors, 49$ E. 17th St., which was robbed ot Sl,200 by two gy.nmen last week. Costa Mesa police did not say H it ap- peared the two armed robberies migbL be Jinked. BS2i, Give Sitpport 3,000 Troops in Push To Lift Ben Het Siege SAIGON (UPI) - A for« ol 3,000 gov- erllment troops. backed by the heaviest U.S. air raids In two months pushed unopposed toward Ben Het today in an attempt to lift the 56-day-old siege, U.S. military· spok=en r.ported. B52 bombers • .struck targets wit.bin a tnjl< of .... '°""" cllfrtl 8pql rorc., ·camf ln7 tlie cenlraf ' ll!cJlliii!ifs wblle U. s. and Sooth Vietnamese fi&bter-boilibers pounded the· ridies around Ben He! where Communist IJff;:"' hsve abtlled KS IP .".lei South i>cbecl throuiib --)lm&lei ..... the Laof.Cam- bod1an border, 1iestroylng bwikers and JPlder holes U!ecl nnly last week by Commwllst soldiers to ambush allied convoys on highway 512, a one-lane road to Dak To, eight miles away. · The foot troops driving oo Ben Het were part of .a 3,(l()O.man f~ ordered into the area in. a new ope.raUon which IJegan th!s weekend. Commanders re- filsed to discuss ihe specific mission of • the operation since it entailed future plans, but tHe relief of Ben Het was one of them. The drive WU' 90 successful that the shellings of Ben Het continued lo slack- en -there were 25 rounds into the camp Sunday which killed two South Viet· namese but there were no incomtng rounds from midnigbt to the early hours of tonight. The drive a1so eased the air supply or Ben Het. u:s. cargo planes £1ytng Utrougb protective acreens of while smoke laid down by American gunsbJps dropped more than 35 tons of food , water and ammunition by ·parachute to the camp's 2'l'.lQ American and 450 , Viet- namese defenders. · Col. '4..lexander Weyand, 40, a West -' Slock Jtl•rkeu NEW YORK (AP) -The s10ck market closed with a modest gain today u selec- tive buying gave it some of its bounc~. Trading was slow. (See quotations, Pages lf.15). The Dow Jones lnduatrlal average at l i30 p.m. was up 3.37at173.11. Gain.1 led 1oN.s by about m Issues. Pointer from El Puo, Texas, said of the ·slackened Communist effort.a: "It appean the enepJy is Indecisive. He's taking a beatlq .00 bu to ctl.cide whether it'• wortb U lq him ·miJllarlly and polltlcal,ly to ~ up the effwt." "Our mllsalve air lrid lrllllery strikes .... whittllil1 the·-doWn," ~ ~~ Col. Andrew Marqui,, 431 -of Jlcbon. vme, Fla., the Ben Het. commander. "Perhaps we kill 20 in one strike, 30 with another. ?bat keeps the enemy moving. He ,ii safe nowhere," Military sporumen fn Saigon said U.S. and South Vietnamese £igbter-bombers flew 90 strikes in support of the aur- rounded garrison of 200 Americans and '50 South Vietnamese Sunday -the most logged in any day of the 56-day siege.. "It appears the pressure is lifting," ~ informed U.S. military adVi£er sa.Jd. "The enemy is confused. He doesn't know where to move. We've got a lot of planes in the a!r . pounding bell out o{ him." Summer's Here; Beach Cro wd, Too As the sun broke through £or the flnlt weekend ill a month ol. douds, Newport's beaches dperienced heavy crowds. Strong riptides kept lifeguards busy hustling into the surf to yank out a total <lf 106 persons on Saturday and Sunday. Beach attendance hit a total .of 95,000 on Sunday, compared with 80,000 on Saturday. Lifeguards said tew surfers ran into trouble because, "they can generally take care of themselves." All roads in Newport led to the beach. over the weekend, and that caused 1 few problems as beach-bound motorbits became involved in several traffic snarls. 'Ibere were 24 traffic aocldents in th~ city over the weekend, none of them serious, Newport Beach police reported. Salvqvo ..in, a huge crane and trallet woa a race at 11 a.m. today aglfnst -.her utmnely high Ude. They llNtl the v-1 off the sand from the Water'• edge and oato the waiting trailer. It was feared the boat would be heavily dlmaged ll the tide rose while the craft was still ~r the poundin& surf. 'The c1use of the inlshap wia as cloudy as the idenuty of the two men and two women on board. IJfeguard Capt. Buddy Belshe said this morning that checks on the bull registra· lion numbers were fruitless, because they didn't eltist. "We don'~ even have the injured man's name £or our first aid report from last nigl)t," he saJd. -uld the vessel Is not equippet. wt lutomatic pilot, and there wu "fCIDleone" at the coolrol.s when the boit '· Fdi· Pharmacist Mr. Fr8rik Sloper Masonic services were held today for 10ng.ttm. Baiboa Island rei1a .. ~ Ftank Austin Sloper, who dted last Thursday. 'Mr. Sloper, a pharmacist !or IO ytars, died at bis home, 319 Sappblre Ave., J:Ie was 77. An avid sport fisherman, Mr. Sloper was a member of the Ba1boa Ariillne Club the Cal~ornla Rod and Reel, psst president,of Western Conservalioo Club and a Conner inember of the Los Angeles County Fish and Game Commlsalon. He was one of the original members of the Ocean Flsh and Protective Aasociation. In addlUon, be was a 50-year member of the Seafar!ni Masonic Lodge. Survivort lnclude his wile, Florence, of the home; a aon. Donald; a daughter, Mrs. Wendell Adams, and a alster, Mrs. Bernice Deane, all of Newport Beach. AJso surviving are four grandchildren. Burial wu at Pacific View Memorial Park. Boy Turns On, Then Turned In hy Mom A 18-year-old Costa Meaa boy who turn- ed OR• WU turned in by bis mother t police said today. Iii! mother found objectionable iteml -five plutic bags of marijuana, cigarettes and several alleged , LSD tableta -whUe cJeaning bla room over the w .. kend ind called police. Pla,:nners Get .New Look Three·. Step Dt>wn;, .Two· ·Odi:ers· Fill Their Se ats Wiien the Newport Beach Plinnlng thOught ' ..... of the more algntllbnt ~.ataft bas really pt'Olnllecl. Now we a.nintsalonmeet&Thunclaynlght.0itwill atepa ·taten by the city durfncbla five hsve IQ.employ ... We ba,. a.fine cine> be· minus the aeMces of <hree ol fts years on the cmnnl11ion Include · the tor of planning In LuTy Willon. I've en- memben.•Bulil wlll have 1ddecJ.two new . l'{ewport Tomorrnw 111"ly, seleotion ol joyed' Working w1tb the rqembenl of the mep. • , , 1 • the new civiC . c!nte~ site, • aod , the commisllon and the ataff at city ball." 'lllose . atel>J>!i!J dciWn aro DIVid W. s)reamllnlng, of proceclures to handle C1emeoce said the planned resldentill ~-.:;~~=··ml~~~=·~ be ~/orw~hoclty~~ arcllflecture .flrlri: • 111c1 • 1A!Van • a • . ei..tec1 ·~ 11\0 ftnl 111e1t1ng of .the p1a.. Of'dlnance .,., .• staoclard 111bdlVlllon q"""'C!' ll1d ~Y· Y. •Copejln w~ llfng ,comrqllllioners fn llJe, neir fiscal ordinance," he said. "Und<r the . -te~ oX.O-e Ulclay.-' . ' • 1ilr. which wlll be held T1nlnCla Jr!'"! •. ·•· -In, wW! .. · ·~iac&i~ tbein wm · lit' wnu • o: .. SCf]oumecl .esiJon. • • : · , .~ inil ~'a' ..,. · Martfn oncfDr. Gtora Wi BrOwn. • • • 'Qlr\11> 11 "esctlecl" al>oui Illa ~lf• .,.,. ' .• • · • A"lhinl>'niw'~oer ))u_;1r ro be'.-:.-•e toljorid(illis.U.Ja'~wlle1~, : ,w,..,.;a,1_ • .c oel<oted b)' the NewpOrl .lleach city .and t11e1rrcungist ""· EHc,1-ln • l'l"!PO't Btach w.c. 1145, -lre-1 eooincil. '11!ih achool,-who will head~ the here from Puadelll. He and"111!· 'ilrlf., Curtis, 10 1rcbflt<I wWl Wiiiiam' Pid!lc with then! this week. , • ' lllarit. hi.It Iola l!OWft chlldreft. TlleY I Bhnock ind Partners of Comia clel Mar, Clemence ,,. .. appointed •to •Uie com-live II • I~ Ave., CorOM.'de\ wUI be dolJpq ~ lo HawllJ. He miaJon In llS6, and .... cbaltma from liar. ~oce, 1 ceojl'1ctor !"'Ille ·put - J OI NS PLAN NING BODY UCI Deen lrown • - hsi been on the p1ann1ns......-1on 111)·10 1916. • · 44 ~ plano'to COOUrlue w~·llla own > slnce ltM, and wu Nlppolnted and "l think tl;lere'• been rea~ proerw b111ine• 11 • • tlected chllrman in July of 19'7~ msde in the time I've been on the plan-Alil ~ fem. oni" tbe In a" re«nt fnterm, Curtla said h1' • nlni eommlsslon," aald Clemenee;; ''n>e I . • Pap I) -- ' • U1dded up on the bea<h. PoUce .aJi! ll>ey tool< one "hysterical" -· fi'on> the beach nesr the craft and he1!I her "' headquarters for a brief period "Uot.0 abe calmed down." Another ·•oman passenler comptaioed to reporten of bruises she said were In- flicted by officers alter th<')' rospoaded to the grounding. Police said there were no ·~· Sources from a Newport:bo.at y~·caft.. Trade With Kern - ed to assist in salvaging the bolt said the cruller wu lcheduled for bulling today 11tor a complete paint job on the hull." ' . ~;.!!~U:: =~ledtha~eth!!Jt0~d' be pulled back Into high waler by tup became Of Us extmne weight and pod-- lion OD the buch. ~feanwhlle, Investigators are still trying to' flnd the cause of the mishap arid 1he Mlll<l of -Ol1 board. Bills ~ye Channel For Oil Reserve • WASHINGTON (AP) -Bllls to make the Santa Barbara Channel a Navel Petroleum Reserve fn ela<e of the Elk Hills reserve were lnll'Oduced today .by Sen .. George Murphy and Rep. Charl,ia M. Teague, Calitornla Republicans. Tbe ldenUcal measures would cancel federdl offshore leases in the channel where a Union Oil Co. well rupturep Jan. 28 coating CaWornia beaches ln oil. ·Leaaebolders in lbe ·channel could sur- render their leaaes for ca:ah or·for credit ln oompetiUve bids lor aimllU leases In Elk Hills, fn Kem County, wblcb would be trwlerred to the public domain. , Jltllllni would be slof1ped fn the fecleral portion of !he channel beyond the tbree- mlla ~ l!lll'IPI in •Ml!om! ..,......,. o< aillia ll 1a· determllil!ct'ritcelsarJ to ,. __ .. and ll'al the 11111 ociila& channel leak. - Teague flltrodooed a secot!d blll to end le"'1\9 -In (be channel Ind m._, . II a m-.:iuctuarY and ecel!iilml .,... ~ wlthoot any .,,,.,.,... Jluaodare. r...ue. '8id be propo1ec1 .1111 two altematlvea to give. Concrta a dlolce In resolvin& "the complicated nature of the ' j ' •• problem of estrlcating the fedftil government from lbe Sanla Barbara oil leases in the channel. The cost of t.ennination has been esUmaled at more than $1 billion. Murphy said the Elk Hills-Santa Barbara Channel e:rcbange "may not be the perfect answer" to the problem of protecijng Santa Barbara from another oil spill, "but It should promote the necessary investigations to find one." He referred to the recommendation of a panel of White Houae sdence advisers that drilling be continued to relieve pmlW'e. This, be aaid. lodlcates that stoi>l>fna drilllng and productJon ""' be more ~er<Rll. than con~nutn1." ~ to ,'ttie m HlDl 'lllc:lu!I • -1. 111ll'Jll!T laid "It 1lllUld noit IOfli<ol olmply to 1bnipte preaent .,,.. tracta wJlh the oil companies became of the hillb costs Involved." said !he bill -Id mm ...... jjl,dtitMm Elk llflll --to CallfGrnla lot lWblf In ... c:llllnP · for tennfnllfn1 1...., fn the stalHwliecl portloo ol the Santi Barbin OlwmeL Nixon Pkins Four-week ' . Stay in San Clemente A four.week visit 1n Sin Clemente la scheduled by l'relident Nlann, after, bis round-tbe-wcrlcl lrip, lnclucllr>& a atop fn Commwllst Romania, enda Jn early August, While House lides said 10<lay. No exact dates have been set, but presidenUal preu secretary Ron Ziegler lald the stay at lhe Su111mer , White House wm begin Aug. a or ts, e now plamed. President Nixon's Orange Coast stay haa been timed lo colnclde with the Congressional recess of several weeks heginnfng Aug. 6 sod .the end ol his global lrlp Ziegler said the (oreign tour sllghtly u-1s the Nl::rons' original plans for • vblt in San Clemente, but the.!irDetable wW, be approximately four consecuUve weeks. Tbe global tour la ocbecluled fer July 23 to Aug. !, and wtll inclirde·1 vlaft In Com- munist Romania. , Details 'of the Pruident'1 wor~·and­ p1ay stay athlan e wl y•f u ml g a'te d beacbfront · 1nansion have not yet been ... I made public by tbe White House pnss 1ervlce. Presumably the prncecl""' wtll be similar to hia recent Yl!lt en route to Vletnam war t.alU on Midway Island, featuring news conferences and m. terviews .at the Newporter Inn. Although .comings and goings of the First Fsmlly wtll continue on the &aJ111 !One as tbelr bu!y Wsshington •gendl. lh£ Nixons m all e:rpected to be ln San Clemente for most of Augtat. A new swimming pool bulH oo !be grounds ol the old Hiram H. C o t to n Estate will be ready , and presumably two species of termites will no longer be in evJdence. A WhlWer firm ccpmpleled fumigation ol the to.room marvrlm recently, follow· Ing an executive order for execution forthwith ol the flying and crawlfni termites. Coast Weatller That lq·awaited summer wea· lher is finally with us, and the mercury ls due for a jump into the IO's along the coast Tuesday. Fur· ther Inland lt11 break 90, we're told. INSIDJI TODA 1i The lat.at mtdlrol •p<cialty ;, th• orlgtMl .... sp<Clolty - gentral proctict -and it wiU be toM{IU al Hoog Mcmorlal Ho1Pital in canJuncUon wit~ the UC /n>ift< Medico! School S•• Pago·l2. .... I l• """'"" I ...., twt ......... .~ c:.= lll ~ ..-· ~ . .., ---:· .. _ ..... ~ 41 .... OMlt9 .. n-. • - --tt .............. M ........... ............ , 41 ..... .. ..... ..1 ........... ..... ...._. .. ,....... . ,,,., ....... ........, 41 ....... . ...... . --.. I • I I .,. ... • • J DAJLV PILOI N eoDgreS ~ Sets~ ' . . "'. . . s~ T~~n Dn~~S: 'I•• l C:t=-:' ..}:!~;.~o~ =~~=~=/~~ ~~•'re In pod ~po." .&eMta == .j~4~1yt: ~PoY<be<U2:'... ~~~ wbllo ·~ ~~l~Y<~,:,,u.n.: w 1'1111'1\ -.-., ..,.,_ -•. .. '-ollo~Mllr8~...., i.t,!l>t r.-io .,... Wlllf ~......, t111 · .~bllbwr.llnl-.1s (lll'OllolL n j • . i!»Wilclolle 'ilouau, ..... ,.._ ......... -....... •r..iool"°I" ~Nlilli -... ~. Jolio, _-oi ll'ltlli• ·•':.....-...,, ..... ,....,.the j Nor" will you ... •llY change In clgare~ 11n11i1J1 1...i-." Oolfi• -lJll eylqr -.,. ¥=" : · • -!*I' let& the Prealdent mebillzO ' tallvtl)t , Ill e111aclto by IM!llwlnr roio!utloos, eedl ~m( aptndo •t le commerclab. altho<lgh two federal " ~ ""'1 ,., eo --..-. II , ~I! I • If . U ,.. ~ •nd oatlonal 1 •a r d 1.m e n IJea,..,._ . y oo Ila protl<>eaJ tf I<: lta old rate or tlle rate ~ in agencies w1nt to cl~p down on \hem e:rptre can keep nmnlnC \lfttlf -11; are a ctm:rruiclal ·l . n. d<in'~ matt Without deelarlni a nat~l emergency. quire ., stern ,health warning c;o •Ill President Nlxon's propos«t budget, and the law barring tt>em from tak1ng lawmakers get around to chanDng them, In your request for a federal subsidy to The Defen.se Department told Cooiress clganilte e om~ er c I a Is and Id-whichever is lower. . , 1Mcb adJon diea al Jnldnlghl, along with extendlai thenl or scrappins them. help pay for your new boat. Afler mid-Nixon would nlher take his cue to a vertisements. But llhe House alread;y bat Getting back to fishing boa bi 'don't 1be surdsrql. nus year is no uoepUon. Ahboulh ntght tonight, the Department o t Jolotq. aeasLon of Congress if another passed a bW exten«Una the ban on worry about yout subsldY, CMd( tt your Aetually, the lawa under wbk:h the more than a score of Jaws expire today, TranspottaUon wiU have DO authority \o emerge.ncy arises. regulatory~action and the-Jf'TC Is unlikely application get. -approved ~ mid· federal government 1pends lb money run Congres,, appears conlldent It has pat· proceas it until Congrt3S votes a new The fate of the surtai: still depends on to put its rule into ~ffect unUI the Senate night. You 'll get·it. Jt'1·the depa'.~tnt's oul too. But the spend.1111 won't stop. ched up the aovemment fabric wlth authorlu.tion. the Ho.u.se. But Congms voted last week decides the Jeclslatioo'• faM!. authority to approYe, oot to s~. that II la .U part of an llllllliJ procesJ under ellOQib' 1tempi>rpy extensiooa . to keep ~ Firing i'. the l•w wider which to b&v. tbo extra IO percent withll<ld Tile moat costly "conUnuJna reaolu· lllopJ. . . AJ>Ollo Trial Count Begins; Monkey Okay CAPE KENNF.DY (UPI) -Apollo ll's power cella were acUYated lD a crucial trial countdown on · the ground today while an orblti.nc monkey named Boony ~vecl nomially dllfing the second day · his month-long Jnedlcal fact-fµ,dl.ng night. 1be monkey, rt.ported in eJctllent sli:ape i{I hla strange new world ol weigbUessness, Is expected to return July 28 With enough data to help man plan ror v01ages lasling many months. His mission ls cotting m.1 million. The mission is going In perfectly rcMtne fashion," said • spokesman at the Btoutellite Control Center, Greenbelt, l\ld. In his firtt lull day aloft, the monkey drank a quart of water, ate aome eo food pellets and expertly played two games. I The Apollo JI countdown ten, a final rehearsal of everything but blastoff, was proceeding just as well at the launch lite. It was aiminc toward a mock launcb at 6'!12 a.m. PllT Wedn!!d•Y -precioelr two week! before the riloonship's takeoff date. Launch crews actJYated tbe spacecraft's three vital ftiel cell power generators and began pumping frigid Ii-- quid hydrogen and oxygen into Its tanks. Astronauts Neil A. Ann.strong, Michael CoUina and Edwin E. Aldrin returned to the moonport from a weekend in Virginia and Texas and rt.hearsed their launcb In a command sblp simulator. They undergo a major medical checkup' Tueaday. · The three pilots are due to return from man•• flnt lunlr•landlll(mlssion July M .. President Nizoif plans to be aboard the recovery carriu Hornet to welcome them · beet. He abo eapectl to dine with tbo uttonauta here on latlDCh eve, JuJy l&. · 'Jbe space monkey, a If.pounder froorn the jungles ol Thai.I.ad,~ rocketed Into «bit Satunlay nlghl fllll exC<l)l !°' a brief Ourry of ucl"'"""*jlurtng launch. WU folJowlng the restmen he rehearJed for months M earth. Radjo report& from 23 sensort lnr planted in his brain. arteriet and olher body partl lbow be ii eating, working and UffpJna normally as his l ,531-!x>und bioaatelllte Circles the globe. Jt jg in an orbJt ranging from 115 to 244 mlle.s high. nie object of the spaceflight, longest ever planned for a livlng creature, b to determine in detail how prolonged ex- ~re to the lack of aravity in space a(. f'\!15 We processes. Thieves Like ., Racing Wheels Thieves st.ripped, •.. p~ir of high performance automobiles at a Costa Mesa car dealership of more than $1,100 . in racing whee.ls and engine equipm~ police wtte told Saturday .. Robert J. Moffet~ fmployed by Theodore Robins'1 Ford aien'cy, 2080 Harbor Blvd., said he found the 1969 and ' 1967 sport sedans looted·wben he arrived for work. Patrolman William Bechtel said one auto wu left lying on its whet.I drums, wtth $Tl5 In wheels and engine ac. cessories stolen. A second vehicle owned by the New· J)Ort Imports agency, 3100 W. Coa•t Highway, Newport Beach, had f230 worth ol engine a<:ceuorles miuing, investigators .~aid. DAILY 1'1101 tllAM•I COUl flUM.~1"9 COMP.urt •• ._. M. w ••• 9rlllllM ..., ... 1-1' Jtclr I . C.rlt'f Vlu ........... W "-'.i .._... , ......... u ·-n. ...... A. .... ,,., •• ~1111-. J,,....,. F, C.!11., --City l:lllW ---1 211 Wnt ltll1•1 ltYlt•1rl Mtl11111 Milr11u P.O. ••• 1171. t166J, -- OAti..Y PILOT Si.ff ,Mlif Art-A·Fafr Shapes Vp Alex Brisgaloff addi bright, touch to Arl·A-Falr grounds taking shape at 346 N. Coast HJgbway Iii Laguna. Art·A·Fair known last year· as Sp"*ler Ferlival,' iJ "'°nsored by t.iguna Beach Fine Aris As5ocia· tion:-More than 60 painters, craftsmen and sculptors are expected to exhibit during July 11 •Aug. 24 event. ' . . P,.. , By trllhl\I Press lnteraiiUcml Israeli ~ndOs struck f37 '9)Je! in· to Egypt-.lnlm. the Red Sea toc1ay and blew up •-Power line linking Caire with the Aswan. Dam, milJtary spokesmen reported in Tel Aviv. Arab :commandos struck a ~ shopping "'f Inside Tel Aviv and f~·nared 11•1111 the ceu .. lire lines. Israeli iet flghter..t>omberl str'aked across lhe J ordan Rfver andDambed and strafed a Jordanian army polWla wbJch ' h;ad fired on an Israeli patrol. An et· Change ol small arms fire. bloke out aloni the ~yrian border and ~aed 1nd EgypUan artillery dueled f.hrou&h the · .• hi isr~eJ said its hellcoptir..l;Mlme 'c<1m· mandos ~truck the Nile RJYtr Valley town of $ouhag, ~.miles 80llth of Cairo and 92 alt miles north of the Asw~ Dam, Coupl.e Accused Of Doing Holiday Slwplifting Early David Connelll or Costa Mesa took his wife .oo;,.ng at Fashion bland Satur.tay afternoon and made one big mistake, pollee said. He didn't pay for anything. Connelli, 31, and his wife, Mary, 22. both of 217 E. 16th St., were arrested on shoplifting charges at "nle Broadw1y store Jn Fuhion Island. tnvestig1tors said the coople allegedly filled a gr<en shopping bl( with 1135 worth of satin pillow cases, small 1lus decorator pieces, a bik.lnl ind other goodies, then Jeft the atore without paying. Store gecurity guards made the Initial arresL The pair were booked it Ntwport City Jail ohortly altar 4,30 p.m. FOOTBALL REALLY RED BOOBY ·TRAP SAIGON (AP) -U.S. Anny En"-' .-ping • ~ 40 mUet northw"t o/ Sal..., came -a football Sunday. bul raJ1atad the legiptallon to pk:k tt up and IWt toalng It al<Und. loatead. the Army Hid, they pl-a smaJl charge Mllr the bJt• ateppod bock and l<t It el!. 'lbt ball ble" 1'P and lollch- ed o11 a litge secondary exploliloll. It,. .. a booby trap and bad been rlapd lo detonate a IO$mm artllltry abeJJ. . . ' and destroyed a 500 tiJ~·~smission line without loss to -the.~o unit. "it-may be supposed ibal ~ breakdown In electricity aupplJ Jn, ht area and north of it ren)ted," an arlny spokesman &aJd. . ! It was the eecond 1¥8.eu commando raid into Emt reported in eight days and the foorth 'since· the June, 1967 sii:· day \var. Aa in the past, it apparently Wu carried <iat to demonstrate to Egypt the vulnerabWty of the A.wan high dam · itself. ' · · Or. Mohamed El-Z.yya~ lite ofilclal EgypUan IOVeliunent . ipokesman of. fielally denied the Ilratli claims. flt said ' he' had contacCed all aUthoritieS in Egypt and found no feports o( any Tich raJda:. He denied J)O'lfer wu cut to Cairu and said Isratll otflclais 'nlu:.t have received errooeow: reports from the hraell · raiders. He .said the Israelis may have hit high tensloa lines in some other country. The Arab commando strike Into the heart of Tel Aviv shortly after mfdnJght wounded 11 persons slighUy when a bomb wr~ed four parked cars in Keren Ka,Yenet Boulevard, oil Dlzengoff Street, af &shionable shopping area with a num· ber of cafes and restlurants. · Twenty Arab.s were aJTested 1fttr the ' explosion which wrecked three cm, smuhed in doon and window• of nearby MOPS and apartments, flatteaed trees and a lamp post and ripped down telephone and electric wires. It wu the first guenilla attack lo Tel Aviv sin~ last September when one person wu killed by a bomb planted in 1 wut.ebuket at a bus station. Rifle Shots Hit Police Ambulance SAN Dl~OO (AP), -Three rtne shots hit ii police amb\11/411Ct on a'roullne palrol eorJr toilay. poUce .. 14.·An otllcer Inside the ambulance ·W.s ll1Jured sllghUy by shattered. •-• The o/Ocers MJwerin( calls of a shoollnc In IOOthuat San Ditto. said !hoy \O• two men nlkina and ordend them lo stop. lmtMld, the men turned auddenly with • rtfW and llrad .... shots from 20 r.et a"'i': , Patrolman Gerald R. · Pttenon "" hurt by lhatterod &laa .....n a 'bullet hit the ambulance door. -lilug -t Into the boUom of the ambulanCe, liltUn( the transmllliloo. M Petel'IOl'I and offlC'tr Paul D. NoVat drove •i<Und the block • third bulleL went Uirough the rear window ol. the. am-- bulanct and into the head mL on tbo drlvtr'.s &ide. PoUce later arrerled two youn1 men •nd a l~y..,...ld bo7 (or qud1Joaln(, ' ·~ Congo Exile Tshonihe Dies • ·. Heart Attack Kills -'Rubber Ma:n' of African Politics , • ' ' ..J ALGIERS (AP) -Moise Tsbombe, • ~em, now Zambia. Hammankjold Mown as the 0 rubber ma,n" of African wu flying to a border town for ceu-fire r~C:1tt!1~ ~~1u1:i :~~: &al~ with Tsbombe. reported today. He wu 4t. whiJe a U.N. inv~tlgating .committee A communique slped by 10 Algerian lllif it found no proof to supj>ort.' rumors '(!oclon aald the former ~ml~ of the the plane had been shot down It added it Congo and leader of tile brukrivay state ' bl ,_ de!.:;_,_ th ·' of th o( K.atanga appeared to)lave died In his ;, ~ una-; e-..., guuue ecauie c sleep. It said an autopsy wu to be ctaah; p>.rformed todl\Y. Six months alter llAinpiaj.kjo!d a;ed, The announcement of Tahombe's death ~-Katanga gov~zi.t announced Lhe came tY!o years to the d~y alter a Fr~nch de..Aib ·of I..Umumba, w'iM> 'tlien ~ame a plane hijacker brought film to Algeria at )\1io to 111a r .&-....;.... _ .. tr._ So gunpoint. The plane had been chartm!d . · _RY '"!!.'......,, }'U\luUJ. me to take Tshombe from Spain, where he Congo!~ -~~be wu reaponatble had been living iD eJ:ile, to Palma de Ma· for Lwnum.DQi1 ~ aaia.salnlUon, ·b u t Jorca. Tsbombe maintained Lwnumba bad Afu;r a deal fell t!'lrough b:!twe~n escaped after being.ta.ken into custody in A1ier1a and the Congo to extradite J 196 nd sbo · Tshombe to Kinshasa ( f o r m e r I y an~ary I a was t by v11lagerL Leopoldville ) to face a death sentence, Five months after Tshombe capitulated Tuhombe's status became veiled in offi· Jn January 15163, he left the Congo to go c_ial silence. He was kept In solitary con. into exile in Europe for the first time, f1nemeot for two_ years, we~! treated but living mostly in Spain. But he returned denied contact with the outs1~e world. triumphaotly 38 premi · J 1~ Tshombe earned his nickname by . er in une ""' showing remarkable political resiliency in after Slmba tribesmen rebelled in tbs nbounding from utter defeat after th.e northe~ provinces. fall of Katanga in 1963 to become premier M~y saJd ~e Western powers, in. cf the Congo in J uly 1964. The man with "" ""* cludl!lg the Uruted States, had convinced the moon face and toothy grin in spired n() EXILED LEADER DIES President Kasavubu that Tsbombe was in·between emotions among Congolese. Congo's Moise Tshombe the ?J11Y person who could unite all ConJo l1e was either loved or hated. factions and put down the rebellion. Moise-Kapenda -which stands for Tshombe 's· troops, ·again led by white "Moses Belonsi" - Tshombe was born mercenaries, succeeded in crushing the in Mwiurnba NO)"""'.J.O, 1919. His father was 30 months. Simba rebellion, but in the fall of 1985 a a rarity, a weam;:.,African businessman It was during the first outbreak of simmering feud betw«n Ka&aiUbu and in an ecol\omy ..-Ued by Belgians. violence, in September 1961, that U.N. his premier broke into tbf! open. ·A'&aln T•hombe was411ii«nown to boast! "l Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold Tshombe went into exile, neYtr really am a f!Pi man~· e only Congolese was flying to a border town for cease-returning to the limelight until he was who does not in politics to fire talks with Tshombe. kldnaped to Algiers. make i. llving. n buy me ." Raised as a · st with a high school educaUoii, be toured Europe befn .coming .< run the family 's inter• ~ .d aughter of a tribal chief an'a flt.laer 1 children. He served on · seYeral tribal and pro- vincial councils in the 1950s, and when Belgium was ready to grant Its ct>lony in- dependneee, Tshombe was premJer of il.s richest province. Independence came July 1, 1960, and the Congolese army mutinied soon after. Tshombe waited 10 days for President Joseph Kasavubu and Premier Patrice . Lumumba to resore order, then declared independence for Katanga. Backed by Belgi3n mining finns and a anny led by white mercenaries from South Africa and Rhodesia, TShombe withstood worldwide pressure and United NaUons' efforts to end his secession for CLIPBOARDS 'COPPED' Two red-faced Laguna Beach police of- ficers sat down Saturday to write crime reports about the theft of two clipboards -their own. The two .police officers had parked their black and while prowl cars in the 100 block of Mountain Road and then left on foot to patrol the beach al 5:30 p.m. Upon returning, the men found they had two crimes to report. "Persons unknown" had copped the clipboards from both poli~ cars. ' From Pa9e J PLANNERS ..• planning commission, is Copelin. Copelin, who spent 22 years as secretary, 1,>lans to Spend more time traveling round the country and ~orkioLW.tth ~:;"V'.i~)os. a service club. He 'retfred from Q\e rear estate business in I!t62: when he was 7& years old. With tbe selection or Brown and Martin as new plaMing commissioners, one member remains to be selected by the ci· ty council. Brown is dean of the .eraduale schoql of business administration at. UC In.Int. A naUve of Boston, he earned his BA degree at Harvard and his PhD 4egree in mathematics at Priocetoo. Prior to his appointment to UC[ in July of 1967, he 5pent 10 years on the UCLA fa culty.· Brown has not been available tor com. ment on hill plans for his new role on the planning conunlssion. Martin is a senior research eniineer for McDonnell-Douglas Astronautics. The 31-year--0ld Stanford graduate has lived in the city since 1965. Married and the father of three, he lives al 1824 W. Ocean Front. Martin is the past president of the Cen· tral Newport Beach Community Associ· tion, where he held office from 1965 to 1967. "I would prefer to maintain the single· family, low-density character of Newport Beach, he said. "I feel that Is the but use of the land at present time." • Regarding specific goats for his wark on 1he comrrlisSl.on, Martin said, "It's a matter of getting in, leam.lng the job, &. i:l~i wJ,ot goes on and taking it frdm Qlere. l'~primarily intere6ted In the op.. portunlty of serving the citizens. I'll have to get in ' irii:I find out what the problerhs are." LA Supervisors Adopt Budget Of $1. 7 Million • LOS ANGELES !UPI) -Counly Supervisors today adopted a whopping $1.774 billion budget for the upcoml11g fiscal year, indicating a boost of from 19 to 25 cents in the property tai: rate. The record budget was approYed at-a stormy meeUng during which supervisors were heckled by some 250 shooting welfare recipienls who demanded hl&her relief checks. • The figure receiving final approvJI after a few last minute salary cuts was $262 million over th~ budget for the cur· rent fiscal year. Of this amount, $24'.8 million was added to lhP general furid totaling $1.4913 billion. Clark'• Shoea from England. One of the 18 I have a rather decent a&o lection of yacliting and boating app.,..,). In fact. between my 11ore and the Aalt water abop on the menanine in Riehanl11 ftlarket next door, you get the do~nede!t selection in cap. livity. (I don't mi.nd giving my good neighbor a U..., plug.) best· men's stores • in Newport Beach Why don't I mention Wee.? If it taddenly A"'ll hot and you your attention.. In 1fact, I have There~• 1;10 eeme in aliowi.ne: a need a coOler necktie or eome-two different clothing •hops pit:!tore of a suit or whatever, tiling, you don't need to catch within this store One which I with a deadly dull detteriptioa 11unstroke h•1nting for 8ome. ll H . Sh. . ' f h of the threads, and a price. 11'1 where to boy ii. ca eritage op, 19 or t e more importa11t .io teU you You can easily find a men's button-down college graduate about this atore and what .it 11tore in Newport Beach. I find who wants the tradition.al look.. stand• for. 18 of them, including my own, My new abirt1 are very com· My prices are pleuing. They io the phone book. plete right now. By Gant, Emo won'I lake the curl ont of your In cae you don't know and Excello, plus lnllere8ting hair but they may 8tNighten which to patronile, pick a nice new sport 1hirt1 from ball a out your check book. name. I @Ive yoo lhe entire d°""n highly regarded maken. And alwayl remember lhe list: A L'Elgant, Atklmon, A'8o a darn good shoe •tore. name of the store, Bidwell. It'• Bay Dept. Store, Be.Jchcomber, In addition to Taylor, and a won! deri...t &om lhe Latin. Robert Berkeley, Jock Bid...,11, Spe'TJ' Topeide., I CUT)' Bally Looie\y lnn•lated, it -"• O...mond'o. Ho'I."' of Morpn. Shoa from Switaerland, and "the heot of lhe hnnch." lanodowne'o, Leopard'• Spoto, Pal Marley's, Mr. Paul's, Mufti Ltd., Qu.....-Deck, Sawyer, Silvorwoodo, G Men's, and WoodmU'1. It it my lncaa!lout opiolon that my 1uits, 1port coat.I and 1l1cb are particularly worth • Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Udo at Newport Blvd~ in NoW)iort Beach next to Ri4'.!hard'1 Market and The Udo theater. Plenty off..., parking in the rear. Phone 673-4$°10 Copyright 1969, Jock Bid .... u. ' .\ I ' t 11 • J Costa Mesa ' :V0C. ~2. NO. ORANGE COUNTY, ·CAl:IFGRNI); \ MONDAY, JUNE 30, '1969 TEN C9iTS .. Beret Camp Reinforced 3,oo·o Vietnamese Troop~ Push to ,./Jreak Siege . . SAIGON (UPI) -A force of 3,000 gov· ernment troops backed by the heaviest U.S. alr raids in two months pushed unopposed toward Ben Het today in an attempt to lift the 56-day~kt siege, U.S. military spokesmen reported. 852 bombers struck targets with.in a mile of the Green Beret Specia1 F<>l'OOI c~p in lhe ctntral highlands while U. S. and Soulh Vietnamese fighter- bombers pounded the ridges around Ben Hel where Communist gunners have shelled the camp almost daily. U.S. military spokesman said Soutb Vietnamese infantrymen 1ncbed through the dense jungles near the LaOl-CI~ bodian border, destctyinc bunkers and spider holes uSed onJ;y Jut week by Communist aoldiei. lo 1ml>us~ allied convoys on hilbway :i12, a one-lane road to Oak To, eight miles away. The fciot troops drivlog oe Ben Hot were ~ of a 3,000-man force -ordered into the area in a new operaUort 'which began this weekend. Commanders re- !used lo discuss the speoliic ml!aloo o! lhe ~operaUon . aJnce it en~iled fu~ plans, but the relief Of Ben Het was oqe o! lhem. The drive wu so succesdUI that-the shollingo ol Ben· Hot c:ontlnUed to allct· ert ~ there were 25 rounds into the camp Slinday which killed two South Viet~ namese but there w~ no incoming rounds from midnight to the early hours " toelght The drive also eased the air supply of Ben Het. U.S. cargo plane5 flying ll"frY...., l"!il .. . ' ..... ' CHILDREN CAVORT NEAR CRUISER WHJCH •RAN Giit ND DURING NIGHT AT NIWPolltT IUCH 'Motq. You'll Ntvor Believe Who! Woshod Up On tho llooch ·lol Front of Ovr HouM' •- I . Big Cruiser l,luns Aground My stery Surrounds Beaching of $75 ,000 Boat By JOHN VALTERZA Of .. 0.llY l'lllt '''" The erpensive 48-foot cabln cruiser ''Shannondoa" with a mysterious party of four persons aboard crunched hard a(l"tlWld on the moonlit beach early this monUng on the Balboa Peninsula. The flS,000.plus, black-hulled SI.evens cruiser skidded high up on the beach at the ocean end o! E Street at about.I a.m. It was left on the beach after one· of the highest tides of the year. • The apparent pilot of the plush· craft, who thus far has refused to identify himself o~ his passengers, suffered a badly cut _root· in ~e. confusion following the groundJng, Lifeguards· said he consented to first aid after·an hour of coning. Spekes:maa for Basin Marine lne. of Newport Beach, the firm in charge of salvaging the cruiser, said the "Shan· nondoa" is owned by Paul Warren. The craft's home port is San Francisco. Salvagen UJing a huge crane and trailer won a ra~ at 11 a.m. today against another eW'emely high tide. They ruled the ves>el oil the w>d from the waltr's edR:e and onto · the waiting . trailer,. It was. feared the boat would be Senate OKs Bill to Pull . \ Children From Sex Class SACRAMENTO (UPl)-The Assembly today passed and sent to the Senate a bUl.permlting parenls to withdraw their ~ildren from sex educatl911 classes. • But oppo&nts of the measure by As- semblyman Newton Russell, (R-Tu· jtlnga), Mid it would aulborize "crack· pot parents" to keep their children Late Customer Holds Up Bar, Flees With $305 A late-lingering man closed down the bar at a Costa Mesa restaurant early to- <lly, .llut he -nol ttle managem'l't - went home with the receipts. Police said the bandit pulled a bluc- 1tcel pistol on bartender Robert E. Thomp80ft at El Pescador, 401E.17th SL, and ordered him to hand O\'er the cash. ... Thompson said be gave lhe .. gunman Pl& in the 2:20 a.m. holdup, describing him as about 30 to 3S years old, according to pa1rolmen Gary Sperling and Robert Crom learning •about sex. · The vote wU·41·211 the hart majority needtd for pailage. A similar Senate-~ 'lneasu_re by Sen. John G. Sclurillz, (R.Tust1n), IS pending ln the AMn.bly Education Commfu~. • "I'm not a hardnose saying you shall not teach sex education," said Rus- sell. "But please allow me, in those cases where 1 differ, to have IJlY child excused." ~ The bill aUliM>rizes a child to be ex· cused from family Hfe and sex education class on the written request' or his par· enta or guardians. The excuse would be granted if lhe subject matter of the course conflicts with the reJlgiciis or moral beliefs of the parents. "This ...Wd give 1 crackpot por<nt the •boot""' right lo deny .. 1lmost fully mature child o:J)OIUre to 1n idea," cbarlled -lymu John Dunlap, ([).l'fapo). "T'htre ire. crackpot teachtn: 1l!o, .. replied Russell. Planner~, Councilmen Take a Night Off Berg. Five Monday• hath monlhl of March, The restaurant is a short distance from June arid September and December this the HI-Time Gounnet Foods & Liquors, year, so the Collta ·Mesa CJty 'Councll and 415 E. 171h St., which was robbed ot Plannini Commlaion wlll be oil tooi&ht. fl.200 by two gunmen last weei. The re(Ular council mttting and Costa Men police did nol say li it ap-alternate Mmday JbldY oesalon lor plln- pured the two armed robberies mliJ>l be nen wm not be held, llnce IO<ll1 II the linked. • filth Moodl)I ol the maolb. • heavily damaged if the tide rose while the crart was still near lhe.pounding•surf. The cause of the mishap was a1 cl90~ as the identity of the two men and two women on board. Lifeguard Capt. Buddy Bebhe Slld this ' morning that cheeks on the hull registra- tion numbers were fruitless, becaUJe they didn 't exist. "'We don't even have the injured man's name for our first aid report from last night," he said. ·Sources said the veuel ls not equipped with automatic pilDt, and there was "Someone" at the controls when the boat skidded up ·on the bead!. Police said they · took one .. hysterical" woman fmn the beach near the craft and held her at headquarters for a brief period "until !he calmed down." • Another woman passenger ctimplained to reJ)orters of bruises she slid were ln· rlicted by officers after they responded to the grounding. Police said there were no arrests. Sources from a Newport boat yard call· ed to assist 111 salvaging lhe boat said the cruiser was scheduled for hulling today .. ror a complete paint job on tlle bull" I~ will need more than Uiat now. Authorities doubted the crafl-couJd be pulled back illlo high. water . by 'tugs because of its extreme weight and' posl· lion on the beach. Me~nwhile, ln~igalor! art still trying to find the ca.Ille of the mfSbap and the names of those on board. Rifle Shots Hit Police Ambulance SAN DIEGO (AP) -Three rifli lhot8 hit a poljee ombulanoe on a routine p1trol eorly today, police Aid. An olficer lnllde the ambulance wu Injured llighlly by lhallered· glua. The o!ftcen answering cah1 . of 1 lhootlng In llOUthealt Sin Diego. said they uw two men walking and ordered lhem to · atop. ln1\e:ad, the men turned llljddeoly with 1 rifle and fired tbe oboll from JO feet away . Patrolman Gerald R. Petenon was hurt by shattered glua when I bullet hit the ambulonce door. Anotller atug -t into lhe bottom ol the anibutaoco, l>lttlog lhe transmlUioo. AJ Peterson and o!!lcer Poul D. Novak drove iround the block 1 lhlrd bullet went through the rtar window of the 1m- bulance .... Into lhl haad mt Oil the drlver11 lkle: Police lltor omll<d two ,..... meo oncfl11&-7ear-Gld boy for quealloolnc. ~- through protective scr.... of white smote laid down b7 American pnablpl dropped more than 35 tons of food, water and ammun!Uoo by parl<hute lo the carqp's 200 American and "50. Viel· namese defendera. Col. Aleunder Weyand, 40, I West Pointer !Jom El Puo, Teno, Aid o! lhe slackened Communist efforts: "It appears the enemy is ~ve. He 's taklnl a beating and has to decide whether it'• worth it to hlm militarily and poUUcally lo keep up lhe effort.'' Skull Death Figur~ Held For Drugs Skipping Along One o! ~ Cosio Mell hunters who stumbled onto lhe remains Of the victim of JUve:rside County's sensational nar- cotie&-tnvolved lku.11 murder case was ln jaJI today himself on a drug charge. David L. Zlmmann, 15,· of 2683 Elden Ave., was booked on suspicion of pos:sesslon of dangerous drugs and assault on 1 police officer late Friday night. Sandra Quong, 7, displayi her . smiling jump rope style for friends · Dana, Eisenman, 8, and Patty Daniels, 6, during summer recreation session at Balearic School in Costa Mesa. City ts offering summer recreation programs for children of all ages. For details, check with city Parks and Recreation Department a.t Costa Mesa Civic Center. ..,. Patrololan Pit Donohue said he stop- ped Zimmann's car for a rouUne traffic violaUon in the UIO block of East 23rd Street and SBw that somelhlog that 1p- peared to be plasUc in the motorist'• mouth. 1lhokbic and 11gglng 11 )le lrlecLlo f airgroun.ds Up for Sale? -.. ~~~jm~.J:~~ ,_ the • but .... ---• lhort !Qot -• A wet plullc liic ~ a pill believed to be 161!ollol ""4 lli ontnge powder Wll retrieved •!mg tho pith of the chase and coolllcoted H evidence. Briard·Pr~Btng ·P~ssihility Ztmnwm, hJJ )'Oliilser brother P~ul, and a third man made news last November when they found the bones of Kent D.· Davis, 11, of Hayward, while hunting rabblta in Rallroad Canyon, nur Elsinore. They placed the YictJm's butlet-amash- ed skull and an-enp-aved watch into a plalllc bag and turned It over lo shocked Costa Mesa police ll1e day after the grisly Nov. lJ, 1968 flnd. , Riverllde County authorities .. tabU..fl. "1 that Davis vanl!hed ill Ille April. 19e3, while on a vl!il to the Southland, carrying about $800 fol' an 1lleged marijuana purchase. Four youths were subsequently ar· rested and thret later freed, with ooe, Rowland J. Berry, 21, of 73< Toland St., Santa Ana, convlcted of first degree murder and' sentenced to life Jn prison. Berry-alleged1y intoxicated on drugs when he killed Davis -ls due in Rlveraide County Superior Court Thurs- day for a fonnal sentence and probaUon hearilli. . Ship Decommissioned BOSTON (AP) -The oldest active aircraft carrier tn the U.S. Navy, the USS E&a, was to be decommiuioned today at Boston Naval Shipyard. Serlou3 co111ldeaUon ol 1 JOna<!i.....,. ed coocept or •lling the 176-acie or.,,,. c<iunty Fairgrouod.5 before ft Is llteraUy nibbled into insignWcant 1iz'e by urban development is formal!y under way. Orange County Fair Bbatd Prealdent Cecil J . Marki Is expected to 1ppolnt an alternate site study committee thl& week to probe feaaibl~ty of buy1n1 a.big, new rural spot outaide Costa Mesi. A group of lnveston reportedly Is In- terested In purtJhaslng the present pro- perty at 'g Fair Drive. "We want to get thinga straight and in the, proper perspective concerning this thine/' say1 Tom Roprs, one or tl'le two newest Fair Board member1 Initiating the study. Rogers brought up the subject at the board's May meeting and newly ap- pointed board member Alexander Bowle formally moved for a study committee at the June session. · Rogers seconded Bowie's motion and explained that nothing may come of the ctincepl, but the 32nd D i 1 t r I c t Agricultural Association is obligated to chetl Into it u llOOD as po&s:lble. He pointed out that urban development I.'! gradually reducing .the fairgrounds property in size, mentioning aeveral re· quired land dedicaliOD! for 1treet widen- ing as an example. Rogers said 3.5 acres will be Jo.st to Nixon Plans Four-week Stay in San Clemente A four-week visit In San Clemente is reaturing news conferenc~ and in· scheduled by Presk!ent Nixon after hla tervlews at 'tJle Newporte.r Inn. round-the-world trip, including a stop Jn Although cominp and goings of the Qmununlst Romania, enda in early First Family wlll conUnue on the 11me August, White Houle aid" uld today. tone as ·their busy WaJihington 1genda, No exact dates have been aet, but tht Nixons are all expected to be In San pre1ide.ntial prep secretary Ron Ziegler Clemente for, mo,t, of AQIUlt. said the slay at the Summer While A new swlmmirfg pool· buUt· on ·the House will belia Aue. I or 13, as DO'lf grounds ol. Uie old-Hiram 'H:Cotlon· planned. Estate wlU be, ready and presumohly. Pmident Nboo'a 0r"lll• Cout Illy twn lpeciea ol termlta wlU no.lolller l>t has -timed lo .Oindde wltll the ln,evldence, ' • Coogresslonal """" ti oeveral weekl A Whittler 11m> completad. !um/gallon bqimiiq A.,. • and the end or his global ~ tile 1kocim .roanst!I" r~tly. rou .... , trip . ·. . l!)I an uecuUve; offlr for "!ecutloll. •Ziegler Mid the lorelflll .,... •liibll1 f\i'lhwllh 'of lhe flyilfl and crawlinl upoeta the N~' orillnll p11oo r..-• t>rtntteo. · · vllit In San Clemente, T>ut the Umetable "fl!mlg•tion of the premlrts lo end the ' wil1 be aJ>PfO'b?ately lour . conaecutlve cnlomol()flt al White H°"" 41~. was ·a w•. I requirement !or. sale ol the U!CUUve : Tlie•1Jobal tour le ocheduled !or July II hlde~waf ....U.teil wflh IJO.yeor-old lo Aug. I, ml wlllJocWde a villt ill Com-Mrs. vidori1 toltori. monllt Romania. • D1taJJs of the J>realdenl'I WOrk•ancJ. Piall ·lllJ II his new J y-1umI11 led buchfront mansion have not yet been made pllbllc by the White HOlllO prui -· """"1nol>il' lhe procedure will be 11mllar lo his ,_,t ~ en mute lo Vlelnlm Wit lllb OD Mldw~ llllDd, NEW YORK (AP) -Tbe atoc:k mortel closed wllh ~modest pin lodiy u otloc- Uve ~ P" It acme ol lta -· Trodl• "'-' alow. (See quotatlonl, P- lf.I!). i • • • .Meaa ' lltive conlftuctlon, 100 let! 1'9n& lhe l•lrgrounds' eaaltlde for the Newport Freeway Ind aever'! acres U the COl1Dt1, e.stablishes a court site. 1'Aod we can only use that revenue to build something new," Rogers explains. add.ing. that some Fair Bonrd me~• be~ve It would be ill-advised to bWld on the shrinking Costa Mesa slte. "Land is disappearing so rast now that we may not be able to get. any pa11:el large enough," Rogers point¢ out, "lut in any case, we should find out now." Based on an appraisal for the propoeed court site of $40,000 per acre, the fairground> land -ill the heart o! Colla Mesa's developing publlc use area - could bring t7 million. This would be used to purchase a new, rvral setting in Southern Orange County. -perhaps Mission Viejo or Irvine Ranch land -with a new, more vtr11.tile ralrgrounds operation. Thorolfi'.bbred horse racing w I t ti parimutuel betting bri nging in further revenue has be.en mentioned as one benefit of establlshlng a fairgrounds site in county territory. Rogers said this concept has distorted the true idea about moving, but added that if professional racing Investors wanted to heJp out, the board would listen to offers • The new fairground! envisioned by its backers would otter a broader variety of uses than Is now available in Costa Mm. from the traditional to more modem entertainment. The board vote on appointing the study, committee was tmanimoua, with seven members att.ending and directors Irvin Chapman and Burr Williams absent. ' Orange Ceast Weailter Thal J011g-"walted SUl1Ul'ler wea- ther is finally with us, and the m.erc:ury ls due' for a jumP,· Into ~ BO'• ,illoeg the coast Tuesday. Fur· ther inland It'll 'break 90, we're told. -· ' . . ' INSmt; TODAY The late&t medical 1peo:cialty ls the original non.specioltv - geontral pracffcc -anil it 10Ul be toilghl ot HOOIJ M"""1iol Hospital in conjunction With tM UC Irvine MediccU School. See !'age 12. ·-_., .. ,_ , ...... C-1t1 1 =~ --·'" '"""''trot ·-----.- • ..,. " ..... • .. .. " " .. l+J! • • • • j l • 1 .. t ~V I'll.OT . e WASHINGTON CUP!) -'Ibo 10 P<T· Ollll -............... """'"·lo!IQ ~~ - -It '"" . .,., Nor wUI you &et any change in clga~t.­ te commercials, although lWo f6dtral a,encies want lo-clamp down on them ...S U. Jaw .bar~ them from taking ~ ~on dies at mldnigtit, along with the """"'1'18•· Actually, the laws under which the federal Coftrnmenl 'P.!n<is its money run ...i too. But Ibo opoodln( woo't slop. II ta Ill part al an annual proces1 under ~polio Trial .. -----COunt Begins; Monkey Okay CAPE KENNF.OY CUPI) -Apollo ll't pmrer cells were acUvated In a cntclal trial· c<IUlllAlo1m Oii the ground today wbile •n orbilinl monkey named Bonny beliaved nonnally dlD"in~ the second day his month-long medlcal fact-finding flight. Thi monkey, reported ln . excellent &.hiPe In his strange new world of weJ&htleaneu, Is expected to retum July 2a With mouch data to help man plan for :ls': luting . many mOntha. His ·Is cosUnc $11.1 milllon. Tbe mJ.ulon ta · golll( In perfecUy r«lile INhlon," said a spokeaman at the lllosaltlllle Conttol Center, G-bel~ Md. Jn his 11n1 lull day aloH, the monkey drank a quart of water, ate smne to food pellell and uperily ployed two p.nes. '!be Apollo 11 countdown test. a final reheanal ol everythlnf but blutall, .... Jll"""""lng jlllt u ...U at the launch Ille. lt wu·almlnc toward a moct launch at 1,11 a.m. PDT Wednetdaf -prectaely twn ....U before Ibo mdonship'a tueall date. Launch crew• activated the 1pacecraft1s three vital fuel cell power generator& and be~an pllfllplng frigid Ii· quid hydrogen and oxygen into its tanks. Astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collini and Edwin E. Aldrin retumtd to the moooport from a weekend in Virginja an4 Tuu and rehearsed their 18uncb 'lo a comiOand ship simulator. The)' underJO a major medical dleckup Tuetdaf. The three pilots are due to return trom man'• first lunar landing mission July 24. President Nlxoa plans to be aboard ·th• · recovery carrier Hornet to welcome then\ blct. H• al!o eapecta to dlne will) llio ' Ntronaub here on launch ev.e, July 15. 1be space monkey, ·• lt-pounder fmn the jungles of ~. tocko!*I lnio orbit Saluniay night aiiil, uctpt for a britl flurry of excitement dilr!ng launch, wu foDowing the regimen be rehearatd for months on earth. Radlo reports trom 2S sensor• im· planted In bta brain. arterlel and other body parlt abnw he ta utlng, working and sleeping normally as his t.~!'Ollnd blnealdllle circles the ll)ohe. It Is In an orbH ranging from ILi lo 2_44 mllu high. ' Tbe object of the spaceflight, longest em planned for a living creature, la to determine in detail how prolonged ex· powre to the.lack of cravlty in space af. fecta life procusea. Walk Ends Vp In 'Dog Fight' A disturbance over walking a d0& led to brui1e1, lumps and IOl'e feelings Saturday nl&ht. according to 1 Coita Mesa youth, who also complained to police tbat his cigar was crushed in the uchange. Doualas A. TruhUI, 20, of 2580 Ford•, ham Drive. and his buddy, Michael J. Leonard. 19. of San Sebastian Ave., Mission Viejo, "''ere bolh usauJled by the angry man, they told office.ta. Trublll aaid he had both hands on the doi's leash when punched In the mouth by the suspect nelahbor and couldn't fJght bl.ck. so Leonard .rtruck the at- tacker. "That aee:med to end It," TruhUI said, but ~ matter b belna probed by police loday. OllJ.Mlil COl<-'l' PUil llHllM ~IJt'I l•'-erf N. W••' "!'ft*"" .......... 11 ... J 1d1 "· c.ri • ., VIClt ,.,...,. _ O-• ¥trlt_. T\e"'•• A. M~IR• ................ 11 .. c...--:1)0 W11I l1r Si•••' M11fiRI A4tlir1u: P.O. I t• 1160,, t2&1• ---,.,_.. le.O.. "" ........... ..,.,.,.,. L--••· Jn "°"'" •-H'll!lllr!tt.. llMlll • 61h "'"' lilllldl c:oci.,... aetl deadllnet for llllli, :s;hiip: . ' • . ---....,... -wben lhe dfle ' .... 1.-.,· ~ 'rl!t'~ II UIO!OliY .. Qod • "c:ot -..... .,11 Ill~ ... . . I ill tlnulol --~ ~·] ""' .... "llllm~.rior,. <1111 io 1, • .-,u,.. eiplre. can keep ruMlng · unUI Ule are a corruD l flahirinln, don't mall lawmaken 1tt anxsnd to chan1tnc them. In your request for a federal aubshty to extending ttietn 'or IC'rapplna them. help PIY for your new ~t. Alter mJd. nus yelJ'f Ls '1IO excepUon. Althoulh night ton1&1it, the ..... Dtpartment~ of more than·-a score ot laws ei:plre today, Transportation will have no authority to Congress~ara confident U haa pat· proce .. ~t unUI Coilgres:S votes a new ched up . government fabric wtth authorl:zaUoq. ~· . ellOllgit ' : l'"'llY extemtons to ko<p ~ ~ b Ibo la!! -'!idcb Art-A·.Fair Slaapes Up . . Alex Brisgalof! adds bright touch lo Art·A·Fair gr9qnd1 taking shape at 346 N. Coast Highway in Lag)Jna . Art-A·Fair, known last year as Splint~r Festival, is sponsored by 4guna Beach Fine Arts Ass<>:eia- tion. More than 60 painter&, craltsmen and sculptors are expected to exhibit during July 11' -Aug. 24 event. ··.r .t .• . ., •l *""· Israeli Commandos , rike . :;. . 1: . ~ • ' "' -" '·• t ,.ft <II In Egypt, IJit Power -tine . . BJ V-Pm• lnteruUotlll IsraeU c:ortvnandos struck 137 mllel in- lo Egypl !tom the Red S.a lodif and blew up a 'power lln< ll!lllna Call)! with the Aswali Dim, mllltary spollumen reported ia Tel AvJy • .Vab eomtnandos struck a tourist Shopplng~afea Jnalde Tel Aviv and figbllna Oared f)ona the cease· fire lines. ~ · , Israeli jet flghter-bombm illruked across the Jordan RJver ind bombed Ind ttrated a Jol'danian army po1!Uon •hlch bad fired on an Israeli patrol. Ari a : ~ge of small anns fire broke out. along tbe Syrian border and laraeli and Egyptian artillery dueled tlirough the ilighl. · Israel said its ..helicoptu-borne eo,n. mandos st.ruck the Nile BJ.vet Valley town of Souh1g, 250 mllei SOI.Ith of Cairo ~d 92 air miles north ot the Aswan Dam, and destroyed a S:OO kUoYOk transml!aion line without loss to the ~o unit. "It may be supposed that a breakdown ln eleetriclty, supply in that area and i;iorth of it iesulted," an army spokesman. said. 1 It was the second Israeli commando rald into Egypt reported in e.lght days and the fourth since the June, 1967 six- day war. As in the past, it apparently was carried out to demonstrate to Egypt the vulnerability of the Aswan bl&h Gam itttlf. Dr, Mohamed El·Zayyat, the official Egyptian government spokesman, of- ficially denied the Israeli claims. He sa id he bad contaOted 111 authorllles in Egypt and found no reports of any such raids. He deni«I power was cut lo Cairo and said J1raeli officials must have received erroneous re.Ports from the Israeli raiders. He said the L!raelis may have hit high tension Unes in aome other country. ' Juan Doe? He Flew the Coop Two men who clllmed they wtte on!y hildlhlken picked up by an unldenutled 1.feiican motorist who flld 1the acene escaped wt.ous Injury Sun1!ay n!lht In a eocta Mesa"auto accidenL Police ldenutled the lllJ'lleey man as John Doe In their accident N!po<I, ~ he wu at fault for ramm.l.ng hls JIU .. The' Arab CO!lUlllndO .l)flh Into the heart~ Tel Aviv lh<J!tl1 Iller midnight wounded 11 persons s1Wb when a bomb wrecked four pirked · cars In Keren &ayenet Boulevard, ntt'lilieniorr Street, af a.sh1ouble ihopplni ITU with a num- ber of cifei ad" "iullunnta. Twenty Arabi -were':uresttd after the explosion ,.rl\ich ·wttcked thrte cars, smasbed Jil'doan arid windows of nearby ahops and apartznents, flattened trees and 1 tamp post and ripped down 1ele~ and electric wires. · Ii Was the first guerrilla attack. fa Tel _ Avt9 since last September when one pert:On wu tilled by a bomb planted in a wUtlbasktt 8t I bqt: ltlUon. · Coupl.e Accused Of Doing Holiday Shoplifting Early David Connelll of Costa Mesa took hi! wUe shopping at Fashion Island Saturday afternoon and made one big mistake, police said. · He dldn1 pay for anything. Connelli, 31, and his wife, Mary, %2, both of 237 E. 16th St., were arrested on shopllfUng charges at The Broadway store in Fashion Island. Investigators Wd the couple allegedly filled a green· shopping bag with SJ3S worth or satin pillow cases, small glass decorator pieces, a bikini and other goodJes, then le!t the store without pa yin(. Store security guards made the lniti&l arresL 'Dre pair were boaked al Newport City Jail lhortJy after 1:30 p.m. Thieves Like Racing .Wh~ls Tl!leYoa lltiPped · a Pair of high perlomw>ee au~*Ues ,,t a Colla ll!ua car'doalei'lblp o( lt\O!O lflan 11,100 in tadl!ll -Is and enstoe eqqlpmen~ pOllot ..... told SalllrdlJ. · St~ebakt.r Into 1 parked car in the 600 block ol Eaat 17th Strtel. ·Robei\ J , Moll.U. employed by '"'"dore ROblns' Ford apney, JOIO lfarl>or Blvd .. aald he liiuod the 1• and 1967 sport sedans-.1 Wbel he arrlwd for work. .. Poll<'e ldenU!led h~ 1Ueged pa.,.ngers IS Vtl'l'I £. McConnell, ~. of •14 Con- Uneot.al Ave., Colla Mm, and Walter R. Wlnlleld. II, Marin a deJ Rty. Patrolman Frank Jordln.arrattd both "' "''plclon of being dnu\11 In public, wtlfle the latln on the looet -J'u1n Doe maybe -is liable to face hlt·•'*'"1n . charges if he turns up. P11tol1n1n Wllllom ~tel &1ld -auto w11 left lyin• oa tu. wheel dnams, · with 1771 In wllie!a and .,,.ine .., cessoriea ato!en. A second vehicle owned by th6 New-1 port lmPorta agency, 1100 W. COlll lll&hway, Ne'l!JIOrt Bffch; had ll30 wortll of ..,.1.. -I• millllll . lnl'.,llgat.or• aald, [ ~Then Duek-s 'Ille Pl rt I ' Johnson called up 20,QOI ~llQrila'l'I~:::-= ................ _ .~~ -he _, --,Jn; ;;;:,;: lib th• Pmldent mobilize ruenWb .and natlona! I u •~·•-men without cleclartng a national em<rgency. T!>e Dertnte -t 1<>14 <;oogms Nlxoa woula rather take his' caie to a Joint ....ion ol Congress If another emeraenc; arl.se1. ' 111e fate of the surtax sWI depends on tltt Houae. But Congress voted leat wttk to .,.,. Ille mra 10 percent withheld . ' """" win cost taxpay 111 billion a monfh Wllil ~ r:ii ,.....1"-'"Jll ....... 11'4 ..-. I Cl.!llle "''°lulions, eadl •parqnlnl ..,...,. al its old rate or tile r11te prescrl~ ln Pres.ii Nixon'i proposed bQd&et, tvhiche r ls )OWef. ... ('• 1 If Gel back lo fsslii91 'bOlta,' ilon't worry about your subsidy check If your application gets approv~ before mid· night You'll get It. It's the Gepac1merit's authority to approve, oot to spendi that ·If.ops. , Congo Exile Tshoiµhe, Dies • Heart Attack Kills 'Rubber Man' of Af:rican Politics ALGIERS (AP) -Moise Tshombe, known at the "rubber man" or African POiitics, died Sunday of an apparent heart attack, The Algtrlan Pttss service reported today. He was •9. A communJq11e algned by 10 Algerian doctors said the fonner premJer or the Congo and leader of the breakaway state of Katanga appeared to have died in hls sleep. It said an autopsy was to be performed today. The announcement or Tshombe's death came two years to the day after a French plane hijacker brought him to Algeria at gunpoint. The plane had been chartered to take Tshombe from Spain, where he tiad been Uvlng in exile, lo Palma de Ma. jorca. Alter a deal fell through between Algeria and the Congo to extradite Tshombe to Kinshasa ( f o r me r I 'I Leopoldville) to face a death: semenee. T!hombe's alatus beeUM veiled' in otfi.. clal tllence. He wu kept in sollllrJ COfto finement for two years, well trut.ed but denied ~ wltll the outside world. •. Tshombe earned his nickname. by showing remlfbble poliUcal rtollienq In rebound!na from ulter defeat after the fall of Kalanp In !MS lo become premier cf the Congo ln July 111M. The man with the moon face and toothy grin inspired no In-between emotions among Congole.se. He was either loved or hated. Molae·Kapenda -which stands for t•Moaet Beloved" -Tshombe was born tn MUIUmba Nov. 10, 1919. Hts father was a rarlty1 a wealthy African businessman In an -controlled by llelglans. Tlbombe was often known tu bout: "I am a rich man. I am tbe only Congalese who doet not need"'to be in politics to make a llvinc. No oee can buy me." R.a1ead 111· a MMbodiat with a high school .educ1Uon1 '{'lihombe toured Europe belore-...nln1 IMxil!' lo nm th• family's interest.I tnarrJ· dli Ciaughter of a tribal ctliel and father 10 children. He served on several tribal and pro- vincial councils In the 1950s. and when Belgium was ready to grant its colony in- dependnece, Tsbombe was premi er of il! richest province. Independence ame July 1. 1960, and LA Supervisors Adopt Budget Of $1. 7 Million LOS ANGELES (UPI) -County Superviaora t.OdaJ adopted a whopping $1. T14 billion ~et for the upcoming ftacal year, indicating a boost of from 19 to 25 cents in the property tax rale . ·The record budf:et was approved at a stormy meeUnc during which supervisors wert: heck.led by some 250 shouting welfare recipients who demanded higher Jlliel checks. The figure rectiving final approval after a few last minute salary culs was au million over tti· budget for the cur-. rent fiscal year. Of this amount, $245.6 mlllion was added to th,. general fund totaling $1.4913 blllion. The exact increase in the pro' t:rty tax rate will depend on the method'. of com- P:UilnC assessments. 1 .).P,,... EXILED LEADER DIES Con90'1 Mol1e Tshombe the Congolese army muUnled soon after. Tshombe waited 10 day1 for Praldent Joseph Kua.VU.bu Ind Premier Patrlet Lwnumba ·to resore order, then declared independence lot Kitanga. Backed by Belgian mining firm.I and a army led by white me~aries from South Africa and Rhodesia, Tshombe withstood worldwide pres..ure and United NaUoos' efforb to end his secession for 30 months. It was during the lirst outbreak of vloleoce, ht .September 1911, that U.N. Seotttary-Genetal · Dag Hammaralsjold was f1yin:g to a' border tOwn for cu~ nr,1 t'alks ·wilb Tshombe. Rhpdesia, now ·zambla. Hammarskjold ~Al Oying lo I border town .for · teilB·fire talks willl Tshombe. While a U.f'l. .. lnv~igating Committee said it found 'no proor tb support 'rumors the plane had been shot down, It added it was unable to determine the cause of the crash. Six months alter HammarUjold died, the Katanga government &Mounced lhe death of Lumumtla, 0who lhen b;eciii\ a hero to many Afrcian youths. Some Congolese said Tsbombe wU re.sponsible for Lumwnba's assasslnaUorJ, but Tshombe maintained Lumumba. had escaped alter being taken into CU!tody In January 1961 and waa shot by villagers. Five months alter T&hombe capitulated In January 1963, he left Ute COngo ~o 10 into exile in Europe for the first. time, Jiving mostly in Spain. But he returned triumphantly as "Premier in June 1914 after Simba tribesmen rebelle8 in the northeast provinces. Many said lhe Western powen, In· eluding the United States, llad convinced Presiden~ Kasavubu that Tshombe was the only person who could unite all ~D factions and put down the rebellion.; Tshombe's troops, again Jed by White mercenaries, silcceeded In crushing the Slmba rebellion, bul in the fall of USi .a ~=r1:!k:t~ u:a:a~~ .... -;:! Tshombe went !nf.o. exile. nevtr r.ellly returning to the limelight until be WIS kldnaped to Algiers. ~I( Death P1·ohe Tiring ' For .W.arren, Son Reports · WASHINGTON fUPI) -Former Chief Justice Earl \Varren went through the most exhausting 1 period of his life as chairman of the commi ssion that in- vestigated President John F. KeMedy's assassination. his &oa said today. Earl Warren Jr. said on a special, 9G- minute national educational television program on "The Warren Year'!" that bJs fathe r's necessity to re-live t b e assassinaUdn during the inv.esU1aUon "was more than a man should be Raked to do." Warreri had 1 "tremendous regard" ror Kennedy. he said. ''The full story of what went on In the commission of course has never come out. but 1 suspect that it was not an easy chore from the standpoint of the personalities invol ved," said the son, a municipal court judge in Sacramento. "I jmaglne it was excepUonall)• dif- ficult even to get the parties to agree on what fonn the investigation would take," he added. "And it was very noticea ble to me that t.tUs was taiting him extremely heavily." Warren said that at the llmt. In 19M, his fathe r alao was carrying a ''tremen- dously heavy workload" at the Supreme Court as well as heavy administraUve chores there •·t don 't think in all the. yeara that rve known my father I've ever seen him co through a period that I felt waa draininc on him as this," Warren said. Cyclist Recovering A Costa Mesa motorcyclist, injured last Thursday afternoon in a colllsion with a sport.scar at Bushard and Brookhurst struts, Huntington Beach, is reported In fair condltion today at Huntingk..1 Intercommunity Hospil.al. Barnard J. Garrison, 29, of Costa Mesa, suffered a fractured leg and hip, when he struck the sporlscar broadside as it tum· ed left onto Bushard Street from Brookhurst Street. Clark'11 Shoe.11 from Ene;land. One of the 18 I have a rather decenl ee- lection of yachting and 00.tlng apparel. In facu, between my store and the ult water shop on the meaanine in Richard't Market next door~ you get the doggonede!t M:lec1ton in cap- tivity. (I don't mind gil•ing n1y good neighbor a free ping.) Why don,t I mention rrlcu'r If it aaddenly gets hot and yon your attention. In fact. I ha•e There'• no sense i11 1l1owins a need• cooler necklitt or IOme--two different clothin& 9 bopi pic1ure of a tuit or whatever, thing, you don't need to catch within thii •lore. One, which I with a deadly dull deec.ription 1unatroke hunting for some-• . · of tl1e threads, and a price. 11,1 best men's stores in Newport Beach where to bay it. call Her11age Shop, •• for the more important to tell you You cau euily find a men'• button-down collep gradaete about thi1 1tot'e an<l v;l11t it alore In Ne"JlOrl Beach. I find who wanta the tradltional look. otandt for. 18 of tluem, lnelndl.., my own, My new ohlru..., •err eom· My pri-are pleaeing. They In the phone book. plete ripl now. By GUdU, Emo won't take tho eurl oul ofyoUI' • In .-you don't know and Exeollo, plat lni-tlng hair bnt they may 1trail!hten whlela lo potranloe, pick a nice new •port ebirta from ball a out your cheek book. name. I liin> you the eutlre dosen highly ....,.ie.i .,.Un. And alwayt remember the Uott A L'Eipiit, Atldmon, Abo a dam good oboe 1toro. name of the otore, Bidwell. It'a 8'ry Dept. s._·Beacheomber, In add i Ii on lo Taylor, and a won! deri•ed from I.he U.tln. Robert Berkeley JOck Bidwell, Spen')' Topoider, I carry Bally Loooely tranol11ed, it DlUIUI Deanoad'a, aoa'.e of Morgan, Shoa fr:om Switzerland, and ''the beat of the bunch.'' IAusudo..,.'a, Leopud'1 Spou., Pat Ma?ley'o, Mr. Paul'a, Muftl Ltd., Quarter Decik, Sawyer, SU.......-ooda, G Men'a, and 'WoodraU'1. It ft m:y loeantk>ua opinion that my oultt, 1port eoata and 1laeka are particularly worth Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Udo at Newport Blvd., in'lllowport Bud\ next to Rich•rd'i Market anti The Lido Theater. Plenty of freo parkln1 In the ren. Phone 6734510 Coryi-ight 1969, Jack B'id~-en. • ' Boy Drowns 1n· Baekyard ' Swim lPool The 3-year-old son of a FuUerton ,poUee officer drowned Sunday nigbt d.esplte .a two-hour effort ttl save bis We al SL Jude Hosplral, Fullerton. Gl'egory Sbaw, of 1715 W. Elm St., was pulled from a four-foot deep plasUc pbol in ,tbe family back}'ard by an, older brQl.her, Ute coroner~ olfice reported. They said' he had "evidenUy Climlied'up a filter pipe and fallen into the pool. Gregory was the son ol police officer John R. Shaw and his wile, Mildred.:- Motorcyclist Dies in Fiery Freeway Crash A Long Beach motorcyclist was killed early this morning when his vehicle went out of control and became Involved in a fiery c r a S·h on the Garden Grove TreewRy west of Springdale Street. Si~g~ in 56t~ Da11. Caught in the wen by·aJ) incoming enemy barrage ualties were reported~ as the. siege of the U.S. near seri. Het" South Vietnam, a GI (foreground) Special Forces camp continued into its 56th day. incbes his wa)r toward a sandbag shelter while an-Hee.vy U.S. air raids are backing 31000 troops today ' ' ' - s DAJtY I'll.OT I De ·,Gaulle ·Too? General Ran Fraµ:ce, But Not House LONDON (AP) -A n<phew or lormet Fren<:h President Charlts de Gaulle says the haughly general la "bellpecked and ' -dominated" by hi.I wlfe1 Yvonne. Alaine de Gaulle wrote ~ a London •magazine that Mrs. de .Ga"1le once lold the general : "You're r~ France; I'in running the bollSe." Alaine's article, In the c~ent Issue ot The People, Said Mn. de Gaulle dilutes her husband's liquor with cofiee and has comp)ete coiltrol of .the, lamlly budg<l Bui ii adds the,fanl)ly. ;UD tbinkll ,~ de Gaulle as "Le Patf&i:·•· ' • -, "The 'general fin•t evien allowtd to·see the account book in wJllcb1fils wile~ a detaJled record ·or their . perional f~," Ala1ne sald.1"she-startii.rtew bOok eaCh year and stacks the old"Ontlt in a wardrobe. "So jealous is she of ber. private do- ~in that she has a habl~ o\_~PPln&. a hQll' between the pages o( ~~~ ~t books:--just to see i! any curiOU8'1penpn tiaS la ken a peep." .: 4 .. ' Although de Gaulle ls a very rich man, the article said, there are no la1>9r .saving devices in his home al Colombey les Deux Egllses. ,. "There Ls 'l(>l even an eleclrlc or os cooker there,". Alaine wrote. "All the cookil)g is . st.ill ~one on an okl·faS:t\loned coal .range. Nor are·there any such.thln·ga as washing· machines or Hoovers -«he sortol labor-&avlng gadgets which, •r the de ·aGulle regime, b e c a m e com- But even lbough the general play1 "• cond fiddle'' to h1a wife, .laid Alaine, "the fact remaln.I that he i1 very much tbt patrtordl, the tribal chief" or the de . Gaulle and Vendbux 'families and "has alway1 ~. for as )ong u l can remem-r· the auprtme boas of us au.• ' Party to Honor Chief Seltzer Reurtnr HunungtOn Beach Police chief John Seltzer will be honored al a party July 18 at the Shetcilon Beach Inn and reseryati~n.s are being taken now ror lhe dinntr. Reser\'atlons tor lhe 7 p.m. event Jn41Y be made by sen<tlng $7 .50 per pef'.IOfl to the John H. Seltzer Dlnner, P .0. Bo1 896, Huntington Beach. A police officer for 3Z years, Chief Saltier reUres.on July 31. He joined the local force ln 1937 when the city had a popuJatjon of about 6,000. He leaves clt,y service-with the city nearing li0,000 population. Astronaut In Moscow ' WASHINGTON (UPI) -Astronaut Frank Borman, who was commal)der on man's first trip around the moon at Christmastime, flew to Moscow today for a nine-Oay visit to the Soviet Union -the California Highway Patrol officers said the ~eslbound cycle, ridden by John Waldron Dunham Jr., 31 , hit the center divider of lhe freeway and then swerved jnto the fast traffic lane where it collided 'With a westbound car driven by Roger C. ·Simpson, 19, atso or Lon& Beach. monplace in French homes." -otfitr covers· his helmet with his hahds. Light cas-in an attempt to lift the si~C. • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...,.~~~~~~~~ first by a U.S. spaceman. Simpson's car caught fire immediately ·Biter the crash but he escaped with "minor injuries, the CHP reported. Dunham was dead on arrival at Los Alamitos MedicaJ Center shortly after 1 .,.m. , He had suffered multiple injuries, in- cluding a broken leg, broken amt$, in- ternal injuries and skull fractUttS, the coroner 's of£ice reported. · ' The accident is under ·investigation by . the Highway Patrol. ·Sof t-d1ink Firms Bubbling Again LOS ANGELES (AP) -Six TeamSter! Union locals voled Sunday to accept a new contract and return to work today. enc!i~ a seven w~k SVi~e that. idl:<f 1,800 workers al 18 Southern Cali!orma soft drink bottling plants. A union spokesman said the vote Wa.5 494-168. The union claimed the strike caused a shortage of soft-drinks in liUpermarkels, but industry spokesmen den ied this. A spokesman for the bottling [irms estimated union members woold r~ive wage and fringe benefits totaling 75 cents an hour over three years. The bottling plants struck are operated by Canada Dry Corp., Coca-COia Bottling c.o .. Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Royal Crown Beverage Co., Dom.inion Beverages Ltd., and National Drlnks. S1wopy to C"liuli ' •• • ' I W:itli Red 8aron ~.t · Donke y · Ball Sooppy and the Red Baron will race each other on donkeyback at 2 p.m. July 4 on the Fountain Vailey LitUe' League baseb~ll diamond. Snoopy i8 a team composed of league managers and of(icen while the Red Baron is a team of baseball bad guys, the umpires. Both will provide an afternoon of holi· day entertainment for children and adults at the league field, located at Slater Avenue and Ward Street. Jn addition two surprise guest ceJebrities will make their appearance on the cijamond via helicopter just before the game. Tickets, priced at $1.25 for adults and $1 for·children, will be sold-at the 1ate. WESTMINSTER TY PREVIEW SLATED A special television preview of the film, "Southern CaJilomia's Bit of England," a 13-minute" documentary on the city of Westminster, will be shown on KTLA, Otannel 5, on July 10 at 8:30 a.m. The story is of a community on the move, "Westminster, City of ProgreM - Bu.ilt on Pride," according to City Administrator Robert HunUey. 'J'hitrfeing Wisflfully Don jlelt) and Len ThQl?lpson• are anxious.ID cel.ebrale Independence Day. They live in Newportl 'Beach, where, according to city ordinance, It is illegal to posseH firework•. But they can go up the street to Cosla Mesa where stal .. approved fireworks are legal. ~ailed "safe and sane" fireworks also are legal in Huntington' ijeach and Foun- tain Valley. Fireworks of anY' kind are, bai'r~ from Laguna Beach, where ordinance is enforced on Fourth or JuJy m about s~e. manner as it is in Newport•Beach. I» 'tHEflRST TIRE .SAJ,R IRCHBVQON-8TANDABD ·HIS'l'OBY IN THESE SElECTED POPULAR SIZES SIZE . Buy first 3 tires . Get 4th tire at this price' for this each price' ..... -.. 6.50113 $30.00 7.75114 $33.00 8.25114 $38.00 ·8.15115 $38.00 STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA ts/and Buy3Atlas -wn1te Stripe. Plycmn tires ...... get·the 4th ·" for (: Our llnnt tlr11-t1mou1 Atl11 Plyeron ·white Stripe-now at tremend0u1 uvlngil sff box It taft for selected popular 1lze1 thal flt mo1t. • Fords, Chevrolets, Ptyrnoutht:, Buicka. Oocl;ss. Pontiac•, Ramblers, Mercurys, Old1mobile1. Cftrysler1. Buy 3-get the•lh tor 1'. Ask lboUt Iha savings on aH other.ptycron sizes. \i I I I I • ... • cc..w ............... ....., The 12th and Oxford Street> Gang in Philaclelpbla went . Into business by opentng a ct>in-<>perat.. ed laundry with help of a $40,000 loan from the Philadelphia Gu Wcnts. Forrest Outlne, secretary of the 12th and Oxford Corp., told a gathering of dignitaries: "I'd lite to thank the gas works for giving us the chance to prove we'te not hoodlums, and that we can do things right." • The mattress somebody left in ---------- """°'' Jont .lO, IM GOP Admits < I Surtax Vote Margin ·~lipi , WASHINGTON (AP) ~ llepul!llcan poUUea! iridlmOUc ;. pointll!I tow.,-d House •PP!OVa\ of l'wildenl NIJOD'• - posed surtax ,e.ieaslon, but WI)' dilcipllne must ,hokl and supporters coo- -cede their 1\WllJ> Is namiw. · The exf<ivicllt .bill, faelng a crucial llou!e Im 1Ddt3, lw Democ:r~Uc aa weU as R<:Publl""l \eoders 111pporllng It. !fut a larie block of Democraw lw oppoo>d any loog o:lenllon until the br<1i9er Wue of Lu r<lorm bu· been setUed. Nlloa forces have given top priority to extending the surtu at IO per~nt throuih Dec. 31 and then at five percent throulh JW>e 30, 1970 '5 part of the ad- ministraUon's anU-inflation moves. • · UPIT ......... the parking lot was lumpy, but the little girls who were bouncing around on it stopped co~plalnlng when the lumps turned out to be wads of pound notes worth $120 in all: Eight-year-old L .. loy Allon and her friend P•ul• Boott will have a claim on the money U police are unable to locate the owner. House passage doesn't' assure the ex- tenaion aince Senate Democrats are dtterrnioed ,to write some meantniful ~-law changes. They call Jt cl081ng lopphol.,, and Insist the people back bOme Won't stand for any delay. MURDERESS CAPTURED AFTER SEVEN YEARS Sheriff Walter Young Leads Winnie RUth Judd to Jail • Pusage ol the 1urtu at Nixon's pro- posed level would bring in an estim&ted f7.M billlon In the first yeor '!}ld con- tribute to a .$8.3 billion SW'J>lua in the unified pvtmment budget. Melvin Belli to Def end A popcorn munching patron wearing a mask 1Dll! ejected from &he Sheridan Theater in Miami !Beach -for sneaki11g into the movie ••Goodbye Co- tumbu.s." Two policemen search- ed 20 minutes before they found tke culprit hiding 'ffneath a aeat eating spilled popcorn. Ginger- ly, they removed the 10-pound raccoon. The · ld:minilirauon contends auch a surpiul ii desperat.ly seeded to dampen inf'l•tioo, reduce the government's com- pcUtlon for scarce cred.Jt and bolster con- fidence in the dollar abroad. J(iller Winnie Ruth Judd • The Hahnemann Medical College School of Nursing in Philadelphia will admit men students for tJ}e first time this September, accoro. tng to the school director. ''U wOm- en can be fine eng\neers and law. yers " said Edythe -G. KfJtler, f'thefe is no reason why men }VOD't be fine nurses." • · • If Congress fails to approve, an ad- ministration spokesmen predicted, the psychological effect would be devastating -more inflation with bmlnesses and in- dlvlduals nishlng to buy and borrow, thus feeding the'lnflation. The oppos!Uoo conteada tile surtu bas not been effective qalnst lnfleUon. DemocraUc li.berall. ariued, .moreover, unlesa tt;e surtax is Ued · closely to wbstantlal tu refOrtlll, tbe ch&nce to ram theoe through the ~ Congreu may be. lost. If the reforml art-not wri~ ten dliectly into the bill, they said, the extenaloo sboald be held to a few months wblle a refonn paetace is worked out. Storm warninp aireadJ ~ up in the Ser11te, . Majority Leader Mike Mansfield armed with the mumlmoue · ~king of the Demoenllc l'ollq Committee, said Sun- d&'v I.be -wtU.)mlst on Lu return llelore . agreeing tcl'll'1' lull surtet ex· r. tension. . "We think the Ume bu comt for aome meahlngltd relor1111 and we do not think they. should ........ piec:emtal bait., .. be sold in an lnterYlew. • r 'MadMan's' Bomb ' MARTINEZ, Ca!U. (UPI) - A mild- mannered housekeeper and baby sitter known as Marian Lane faces extradllion to Arizona tod ay as Winnie Ruth Judd, the "tiger woman" trunk murderer of the 1930's who escaped from a mental hospital se\le'n years ago. The auburn-haired, 65-year-old wonian was scheduled to be represented by famed criminal lawyer Melvin Belli at an extradition hearing in ·t~ Contra Costa County community across the bay from San Francisco. Belli was expected to argue that Mrs. Judd's identify has not been proved con. elusively. Although she was identified• by fingerprint.!, the woman has stead- fastly insisted she ls Marian Lane. Mrs. Judd was conv1eted of shooting two young women to death in Phoenix in l~l, di!membering their bodies and shipping them in trunks to Los Angeles. She was sentenced to hang. Seve.niy-two hours before her sched- uled execution. Mrs. Judd was ruled insane and MOt to a mental hospital, where the death sentence was later com- muted to life imprisonment. She escaped from mental hospitals aettn times be· tween 1939 and 19621 when authorities 106! all lrack of her. 7 Mrs. Lane was arrested by Contra Costa sheriffs' deputies Friday when her involvement in a murder investigation resulted in the fi ngerprint check which identified her as Mrs. Judd'. Sheriff Walter F. Young said a car registered to Mrs. Lane was seen near the home of Anna S. Aarons, who was bludgeoned to death on April 28. A rou- tine investigation showed another person drove the car-but also resulted in a fingerprint check of Mrs. Lane. Tile search for the slayer of Mrs. Aarons is con,linuing. Mrs. Lane worked for five years as a maid in the suburban Piedmont home of Mrs. Henry Nichols, an elderly · malron. Whfn Mrs. Nichols died 18 months ago, Mrs. Lane was retained. by the family and movtd last week into a maid's collage at the home of Dr. J ohn Biemer. Only t.SC'. week. she worked as a baby sitter for Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Pat- moot of Piedmont, cAring for their 2-year-old, "My wUe thinks it is im possible to believe," said Patmont. "Looking back, maybe you could see something a little peculiar, but she really was almOst too good to be true-a hannless, sweet, like- able, motherly woman." Smaske~ Buil.ding At University SEATl'LE, Wuh. (UPn -A bomb called "the work of a mad mind" ex- ploded in the Unlversily of w.-gton administration building Sunday, smash· ing one floor with the force of a case Foreign Press Plays Up Nixon's Stop in Romania Wearing their scouting attire, the Shah of Iran, Que rn Farah and Crown Prince Ali-Reta attended the inaugu- ration of a scout'• camp at Te hran, lra11. · • Directors of California's Asil°"" mar Conference Ground.I agreed reluctantly to allow their fire plugs to be painted a bright color. The 14 plugs on the grounds on the sc~ nic Monterey Peninsul a have al· ways been brown to blend i11 with the scenery. Fire Chief Don Ga .. person said that's the problem - his m en wouldn't be able to find them if there was a fire because they're so well "bidden." or dynamite. · Early estimates placed damage to the five-story Gothic style building as high as h a J f a million dollars. No one was injured in the pre-daylight blast. Police laboratory experts today sifted through the rubble of the first floor entrance, aearching for cllles to the type of erploalve used in lhe bomb. Meanwhile, university President Dr. Charles Odegaard said the explosion "defies understandhlg." He said &Choo! officials had received no prior warnings ol threats and were looking for a motive. The blut, in the main doorway of the building. blew a five-foot hole in the reinforced concrete floor of the entry· way, wrecking half or the main floor and damaging a graduate seminar room below. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS De.spite efforts in Washington to stress the Asian part of President Nixon's trip around the world next month, foreign at- tenUoo focused on the stop he will make in Romania, the independent-minded Commun.isl nation in Eastern Europe. The Lcindon Times said in an edlklrial: "Whal the President can do is demonstrate that fruiUul and direct rela- tions are possible between Western Coun· tries and members of tbe Russian bloc." The Guardian said the stop in Bucharest "will set the seal on what has hitherto been a tacit and undeclared friendship. And it is of some interest that the American President does not mind annoying the Russians at this particular moment." The Daily Express called the Nixon Midwest Takes It on Chin Wind, Rain and Hail Let Fly; Elsewhere It's Peaceful Callforala MOHO""Y •Int llJI" ............... l :M t .fl'I, t.t l'lrJI flltll ..... , ..... lt!ll l".m.1.1 TU•IDAY ""'' llW ............... 1:111.m. l.1 Finl 111111 ,.,,,. .. ., ... ,IJ1ll '·"'·A.I $eitOnd ltw ............ ,, 4:• •·"'· 2.t ~ 1'119'1 ............. l1 1M t .111. ,,, ... • .... ,:0 t .111, .... l 1at "·"'· MIOfl lt114!1 f:16 t .fl'J, ktt ''1A 1."I• L.hl Q, ''"' o. "•• Jvt. ' Jvlf 1• Jlllr U v.s. s._,.,, TM MW..t C1011Jft'll,ltll .. Mir ..... lln/fll ef W!Mftt ll4#IW'l'lfr '"""' todl't In Ml OlflolfWIM .vlitl WMfW llklVN tor "" lllllon. A tlfrllMo '1141""*' .ettlfl .......,.,. em Ml-rl, *"'-Int fWO motit11 11111 n ,_...., trollitn ot Klrltt¥!11t. WI .. itt Kll'bw111t A.,,_., wero clod!• Id w tf St mll" Ml f'lwr lf'lf lftlll'it "'-" '" """' of "'" hll ...,,11111 lllt ··~ 111 '*11NMttm Mtnourf. flot'lt' rtlft l>lld 111trt wlt'lll• ...,.... 1'111 ctty of M.ry'lltlt ., OtVWtlll. '" IOlllll-(Mltrit\ N•tU. M iii'-"" -I Mlf lftdil lft •lamtltr .. ,. rtwi.ti. 111 lllllWI• mer. ""9n lft I~ of rtln flfU I t ,_,i._ Sklft .,.,. """'''"' ''"' ..,.r "" Wftl .,,. ICl'al "" •fNl"I Miff u lft'l'I 1lottt .iicepl for 1 ftw Ill'- _,,_ llW....... 1"""'1'1 •""-""' llvll'lid MVIMll•llfll co111t of 1ttt """ llrtlit. r Tenaperature• Albo1u.,,.v1 Anchor•oe ... u,1111 81k1nl~ld 111 ..... rtk llDIH ·~ ... Clncln111U ""'"' ciw ... nd ..,_ °'' "'°''* """'" Evrelt.1 Fort Wortti ·-,, ... ....... ,, Houlton K1l'IMI• C'll., L• V""t L• AllW!et MllmL Mllww-11e MIMffllOll1 HM Or1t1n1 New Vl)t\: Norffl 1"11119 ""''"" ........ P11C1 ltdlltl ttfllltdtlPtll• 1"1)1114)11! PlllSbut'tll Portllftd A.pN Cltv lttd l lvff ·-S1a~lt St. Louis ~llMI S.11 L.lllt City S.n Dltflo S..n Fr1ntlKO $tlll• ........ ... ,. S'IOlllTW T~ll W19ll~i.n H1911 Low P'r•t· '" • • " " .. .. " " " .. " n .. • " " " .. " "' u " " n • .. " " " " 11 '" • -" " n " • " n .. " • n .. ,,, n .. " " .. .. " " n .. " " " .. " " " ~ n " " • .. ~ .. " " .. .. " " " .. " .. " .. " " " " .. " H .. " • ,, n .. ·" ·" ·" • ·" vi~it a sign tbal ''Washington no longer vie-.vs the globe as being divided irlto two irreconcilable blocs, the Communist and the free." The Daily Mail said: "If the men in the Kremlin would travel around as much as Mr. Nixon, they migh t not be so pathologically scared of th e world outside their wa lls," Tass, the Soviet news agenry, carried the news .9f the Romania stop 19 hours after it was reporled in the West and in Romania itself. But the visit was· not mentioned on Soviet rad io or tele vision Sunday. I Decommissioning Of Evans to End 24 Years in Navy SUBIC BAY, Philippilfes (UPI) ~The U.S. des troyer Frank E~ Evans-the 200 feet or after section which survived the collision with the Australian carrier Melbourne -wiU be formally decom- missioned Tuesday in a short ceremony • The Evans skipper, Cmdr. Albert S • McLemore,-40, Vallejo, Ca lif., dressed in tropica:I whites, will be the cer tral figure. 11e ls.sched uled to make a few remarks, read the decommissioning order and his t>wn <>rders, direct the ship's flag and commission peM ant to be hauled down, and then turn over the hull to the Subic Bay Naval Ship facility. That will mark the end of the Evans' 2f years and five months in the Navy. McLemore and five other officers - almost all the other crew members have been sent to the United Sta\es -will stand oo the Evans' fantail td mark the shi p's runeral. There will be no music, no tnimpet solo, no benedlctiom. The other oCficers will include Lt. (j .g.) Ronald C. Ramsey, 24, of Long Beach and Lt, (j.g.) James A. Hopson. 18, of Kansas City, Kan., the two men on the bridge June 3 when the-Melbourne sUced the Evans in half. The disaster still ts under lnve.Ueallon by a U.S.·AuaLrlillan naval board at tbl1 naval ba9t 90 miles north of1M'anl1a. Seventy.four o( the m men aboard the Evans died ln the c»Jllslon, which OC· curred during joint exercises In the ~tb China sea. ~-·~ Bomb Blast Rips+ Wales Post. Of fie ~ , CAERNARVOfl, Wiloo {UPI) -A bomb blasted • CorcUff pool Glllce. today but all the q11eOQ.'1 1111 n Md all the qu~n's horaea ~~ here ~ ahead with relu!~ for Tu~• 1"' ' v,estlture of fltln<t Cllarles u 'Pdnce of Wales. The bomb shatlerod the mall -.nine room of the Cowbri<l&e 111¥ Pilot Qlllce, the fourth bombing In· tho put tlirt!! months in the Welsh City., II uoder)lned · Wey Prime Ml!>llter Herold WU.On ordered in 4,IGO.troopa aad poUce to th~ ancienf vi)Jqe·to. prolocl the be~ to the throoe and IUCb gUOat. u Presidenl NII°"'' daq)>ter' Triclo frvlD Welsh nationalist extremllta. ... Buckingham Pall!CO, ,.,......,.. of• llclals and newspaperi lild ~ hope Cllarles' courting ~ot the Welib - learning their languqe and visiting Wales the past two montbil -Jlad blotted out fanaUclsm. · '11le blast sent bits of metal and chunks of wood flying put lll!il sorter Trevor Pearson, i~ the Cardiff Post Offk!e, 120 miles south of hert. The bomber had dropped hi! charge down a mail slot into lhe post office. It landed in the tray next to where Pearson usually works. . · On April 28 a bomb blast.ed a Cardllf electric center. On April 23 a bomb was fouDd ln a luggage check office In Car· dilra Quttn Street RaUw1y StaUpn. A bomb April IS hit Cardiff Police Head· quarters. No one was ,injured in the blasts. bu't each incident brought new cries against an English prince being dubbed the liege of Wales. Scotland Yard has 2,000 detectives checking on the underground Welsh Na· Tricia Nixon Stars in London Social Scene tldillll!I Ai'lily aad their alliea. ~ . The oeeurtty Intended to prolecl,the »- )'W'Old bek to th• Br!Ush -wben he foonaUy receives bla inai,. as Prince 'or '!{aJOI Tuesday reacbe1f • Pjtch wbOrt tUs atieet weigh~ depressed 1<>mt·of \ tboe\! Involved in the pageintry.· Wbat the queen had hoped for waa a great outt>our1ng·of loyalty and !lflecUon Wide and outside ol ancient Caernarvon c.utle under the Ught security fid'ee~ Wblcb Is all royalty usually needs in Bric iatn. The queen often trav~ls with· a single detecUve bocl)'guard. Tougher Ad Rules Due On Cigarettes WASHING TON (APl -A key sec· tion of the cigarette labeling law upires tonight opening the way for federal reg· ulatory agencies ~o try to impose stritl- gent rutrlctioos on smoking advertls· ,.lie secUon of the law dying at mid· night prohibits federal agencies from modifying current regu1aUons to toughen the current health warning required on cigarette packages or limit advertising. With the modification ban Wt.ed, the Federal Trade Commission can go on with hearings on an extremely strong package warning, while the Federal Comqiission can conside~ the pro~ prohibition of all smoking adverti!ing on radio and television. Although the ban, or pre-emption, part of the h1.w loses effect tonight, the House has passed a bill extending that section for another six years. although with a tougher warning required displayed on each pack : 1 "Warning : The Surgeon General has determined lhat cigarette smoking is dangerous to your heallh and may cause Jung cancer or other diseases." LONDON (UPI) -From Wimbledon to· Whitehall . Tricia Nixon was the star of - the London social scene today. The British welcome easily matched that given any royal princess. But the outlook for the extension is cloudy Jn the Senate, where Utah Demo- crat Frank E. Moss is reported working through his Commerce subcommittee on comumer affairs to pigeonhole the House-passed bill The eldest daughter of President Nixon arrived in Lcindon early Sunday. She will be among the guests Tuesday at the in- vestiture of Prince Charles as Prince of Wales. Queen Eliz.a.beth today invited Tricia to Buckingham Palace for tea on Thursday, A palace spokesman said he did not know if other members of the royal family would join the tea. Miss Nixon, 23, planned to begin htr public appearances today at th e Wimbledon tennis matches, w~ she lvas expected to sit in the royal box. From there, she was to begin a roUQd <>f parties with tea at No. 10 Downing Street wilh Mrs. Harold Wilson, wife of tbt prime minister. Although the FCC announced some time ago it would consider the prepared TV-Radio advertisement ban, the a~en­ cy has extend~ until Aug. 17 the time far submitUn:I comments on the matter. The rl'C's proposed wording -to be explored in bearings beginning Tuesday -would require all forms of advertising to state clearly and prominently: "Cigarette smoking is dangerous ta health and may cause death resulting from cancer;, coronary heart disease, chronic bronchitis, · pulmonary emphy· sema and other diseases." The Wbacco industry had wanted the FTC hearings put <>ff Until Congress takes some action one way or the other on the smoking-health controversy. Dwarfed But Not Dln1med "Big John" dwarfs four American Dairy Princeu C811didates, but the giant of the towering Chicago structure can't dlm the smiles . ot the would-be-royalty. The girls, (from left) Sharon Ann Jackson, 18, Meridian, Idaho ; Joni Yttr1ileS1, 19, Beresford, South Dakota ; Gail Han>llton 21 Centralia, W*'hlngton , and Deborah SUe Weaver, 11, Berlln, Ohio, 1are in the 15th IMUal American Dairy Prlncess contest in Cblcago. l . • t ' Monday, JLlflt 30, 1%9 DAILY PILOT 5 ·Laird Loosens Post QUEENll! ly f'lill ln .. rlandl - But Military Not Run1iing Pen.,t'C!go1i Finch Says HEW .Pi~k 'Better' WASlllNGTON (AP) -The military'• lnfiuence in ad- mlnlslraUon deci>lon making ~ climbing ln the wake of Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird's efforts to looseathe intensive · P e n t a g o a cen- lralluUqo Imposed during lhe McNamara yean. However,·\ officials a a y , I Laird haa "II 1n1en11oa o1 let- ting hil authtirity sUp or allow- ing the mililary lo run U~I Tt ..... le Change of Heart Noted heart transplant surgeon Dr. Christian Bar· nard is seen outside a Cape Town, S. Africa, eatery with Janice Brand, 20. a British hairdresser. Bar· nard's divorce becomes final next month. Fiery 'Bart Lytton Dies of Heart Attack LOS ANGELES {UPI) - Bart Lytton, an ex-communist who ·e.ar1ayed a savings and Joan firm into a $500 million empire and lhe losl it, died Sunday of a heart attack al the age of 56. Tbe flamboyant financier who once called himself "the mosl successful businessman or the decade" was found dead in bed by his wile, Belb. His physician, Dr. Sam Sills, said he started treating Lytton for a coronary condilion a year and a half ago, about the til'lle ·when creditors forced him to step down as pre~idenl. Bomb Load Blows Up; 4 lnjm·ed ' WEL~, Nev. (AP) -A carload of military bombs blew up as a Western Pacific freight train rolled through the .. rail siding community of Tobar 150 miles west of Salt ·~we City. -''We ·w~e just riding along, • and all of a sudden there were .; flashes and explosions." said MCM'T'is Tipton, 48, a transient from Ponca City. Okla .. riding an the train Sunday and one of four persons injured. Highway Patrolman Jerome Richards said bombs con· tinued detonating for some time after the accident. Richards said Army officials al the scene told him some of the bombs were of a type that become sensitive to shock when exposed to prolonged heat. "'lbere was no immediate explanalion for th e explosion,'' said Richards. "The blast scattered bombs fO!' several hundred yards around the nat sagebrush country and started several fires. They looked like pretty good sited bombs, maybe 500 pounds." of Lyllon Savings & Loan, fifth biggest in the nation . Jn his heyday, the former nC\vspaper reporter, rad io and movie s criptwriter and publicist lived I i k e a }foUywood star, t h r o w i n g parties for 1,200 gucsls at a time, smoking $300 worth of cigars a montb and donating vast sums to the arls and political campaigns. Lytton was a brash, articulate and far from self.el· facing man who was an ex· traordinary Iigure in the sedate world of the savings and loan business. He was a former Com- munist who was drummed out of the party for disputing ils tenets and he appeared as a fr ie ndly \.\'itne.ss before the House Committee on Un- American Activities during the 1950s. Lytton took: over a small savings and loan office in .1936, put his name on the door and proceeded to rock the staid money community by applying the theury that money could be merchandised "like girlie shows." Lytton brought the bor· rowers and depositors in wilh press agentry gin1icks and a highly personalized ad- vertising campaign based to a large part on his own image • Yugoslavian Leader Shot BERLIN (UPI) -A Croa. tian today shot and critically wounded Dr. Anton Kolendic, 56, head of the Yugoslav military mission in West Berlin. Police said the Croatian, in what was believed lo be an act or protest again.st th e Yugoslav regime. entered the mission headquarters, a villa in the fashionable Grunewald district of the British sector, and fired three shots at KoleD- dic. ,. Kolendic was hit once In the head and twice Jn the left leg. unrestricted. ';Laird ls not a man to give up power," said an associate who has worked closely with t be Nli:on administration's defense cbief. "He and Dave Packard (Laird's deputy secretary) have laid out finn guideline s." And, a top oUiciaJ sald, "'Anybody who gets the idea that we're going back to the old 'wild west' days of service rivalries ls aU wrong." By "wild west" days this of· ficial meant the years before Robert S. McNamara became Defense Secretary in 1961 when the se rvices fought shares, weapons system s, and uninhibltedly over b u d g e t shares, weapons syslems, and roles and missions. ABM Critics' Stand Wrong Says Russell WASHINGTON {AP) -Sen. Richard B. Russell. a key sup- porter of President Nixon's missile defense program , says critics are taking a "fan- tastic" position by contending deployment of the Safeguard system would endanger Soviet· U.S. arms talks. The Geurgia Democrat, head of the Senate · Ap- proprialion:oi Committee and long regarded as an expert on military matters, said in an interview : "It seems fant astic to me that the opponents of ABl\.1 contend that the Russians will refuse to negotiate if we deploy safeguard. "We have been workinc on the ABM and on ?-.tlRV mu ltiwa r be a d -carrying missiles for several years. 'Ibat didn't keep them from agreeing to \he nuclea r non· proliferation treaty. "You can be certain that the Soviets are going to go ahead 1 with their developmenl or their own MIRVS and their ow n ABM system. lt is ridiculous to s a y that tbey won't talk because we go ahead." Sen. John Stennis (0.Miss.), said in a separate interview that there was no serious al· tempt made within the Senate Anned Services Committee to strike the li1IRV authorization from a military procurement bill. Stennis. chairman of the committee, said the program of perfecting missiles th at could carry a cluster of in· dependently targeted nuclear warheads is linked closely to the devel opment of l h e Poseidon replacement for the Polaris on U.S. submarine!. Safeguard critics have said there is no need for such a defense system Lo protect land-based U.S. missiles so capable of delivering a Jong as the Polaris fleet is devastating retaliatory strike. A wedding of MIRV with Poseidon presumably would at least triple the striking power of American underseas craft while increasing the range of their retaliatory weapons. S e n a t e , debates Safeguard Mike Mansfleld has urged t.11RV critics to shelve lhls issue when the closely divided Senate debates S a le g u a r d deployment. • ' Dewey ·n~ars Ba~k~ Wins First .National Ho_llering Contest • SPIVE·Y'S CORNER, N.C. (UPI) -Dewey J ackson, a 70.. year-old dairy farmer who lives at Roseboro -a ~ hoot '1fho\ler from here -has won the national hollering con- J test with a foghorn version o[ 1 "What a Friend We Have in Jesus." Jackson r'ared back oo a flatbed trailer to put down all i compet.itJon -some from as far away as Louisiana -in what \\'BS billed 11 the "Firsl Annual Nallonal Hollerlng ContcsL" Jackson, who says~ leam· ed how to hoUer when he waJ young bc.'Cause lhAt.'1 whAt you did when you felt good and because there we.re n o ttlephone1, didn 't holler the ¥.'Ords to the old camp m~ting I standard -he just hollered the lune. But It was enough to win the title, a gold cup and a gilded megaphone. "When ole Dewey r'ars back and cuts .loose:. you can bear him tor miles," an admiring friend said as they handed ole Dewey Uie cup. The contest was hekl Satur• day on the athletic field or the Midway SchooJ at. Spivey's Comer. Contestanll • holle~ed from th e trailer parked at one end ol the field . The hollettl'I shar«I the llage with Ule judges. emcee, and about a dor:en newsmen -alter all, It was a naUOl'\al championship evl!nL Most of t~ enlrles were local people. bul Mn. Jean I' Marie Bl"O'Nn of New Orl eans won first place In the woman 's event. Iler "dismal swamp" cry of "Possum tail and tater time -come and get it" soun· ded loud and clear. An event of such naUonal Importance was bound to draw at least a rew dignitaries such as William C. Marshburn, the mayor of nearby Dunn, who came and hooted lli_e. a I.rain whl!itle. Jame• Graham, the state commis1IOf1U of agriculture, also turned out and brayed like a donkey. Everybody ha<! a howling good time with an all-day barbecue provided by the volunteer fire department. The highway patrol helped ool In the traffic jam, and Green &rel Lroopa parachuted in. ) says field commanders should not be secoad·guessed, lhese $00.rces sald. During · the Johrmn ad· miniSt~t.ion. the U.S. com- mander ln•Vletnam sometimes received streams of n1essages tfum 1Wa 21 hin gto n wlth ''guidance," &L1ggeJtiom and oulrlgbt orders. Thfs nb longer happens, of- t.oS ANGELES (AP) -The secretary ot health, educaUon \ tnd" wellare says his second choice as h\. I</~ l(ealth depuly -Dr. Ro1•1 l!lpi,ber1 -; wtll be able to do a more elfective job than the man art recom· mended. Oclals said. Gen. Crelghton Abrams, the man running the Vietnam war~ has full . knowledge of broad D.dmlnistration policy and it is left to him to operate withln 1 that policy. I In the Democratic years, n e p ubllcan congressmen had tllreatened not to support key administration programs if President Nixon nomina ted Dr. John H. Knowles as assis- tant secretary for health and 'Vilhin the Laird guidelines , U1e military and civilian heads of the armed services and the various assistant secretaries of defense are given con· siderable responslbUltles for developing programs and deal· ing with problems. senior military leaders here . · complained t h e y were con-\ ---.--· " suited by lil cNrunara only «!)Kloc, __ ~-.. 11t&t. w..w .-i..--. · scientific affairs, Secretary Robert ll. Finch said Knowles ''had become a symbo1," he said. after decisions were ni ade. Under Laird every membe r of the Joint Chiefs of Staff "May I see your address book! rd like to tear • . cwt a Pl&'e." ha ve been invited at one lime --------------------- or another to sit in on con· "lt could ha\•e been very difficult for him to solve the great problems we face car· rylng the ertra weight of this particular symbolism on his back," Finch continued. ''The man r chose instead -equally brilliant, equally dedicated - does not have that handicap. He wW be able to do more, which Ls the ultimate criterion." Associates noted Laird ha s perrnitted the Air Force to handle the dispute over the CSa super transport and the Army to resolve the con- troversy over disposal of surplus war gas. sultatiorui ot the National Security Council, President Nixon 's top policy-1naking body. Pat Nixon Booed at Park Dur ing the Johnso n ad-\VASHINGTO N (UPI) - ln the McNamara era, the defense se(retary and his top aides called the detailed shots. According to L a i r d ' s associates, the d e f e n s e secretary believes that if he J1as a good man in a job, that of!icial should handle his job without close supervision from the top. ministration. Gen. E a r 1 Pal Nixon was booed by part Whe(!Jer, chairman of the of a crowd of so,OOo Sunday, Joint Chiefs of S t a r f , some of whom raised clenched rep resented all the chiefs at fists in a black power salute the "Tuesday luncheons" ln \\'hen the Star-Spangled Ban- the While House wh ere ner was played at an outdoor courses of action ¥.'ere con· concert near the foot of the calm and gave no outwatd sign of noticing. She remain· ed at the outdoor theater for more than an hour, seated at the side of the stage. 'The inciden t took place at the kickoff night or a "Sum· mer in th e Pa rk" program sponsored by the District of Colwnbia. Dr. Ege berg, dean of the University of S o u t h e r n California med.lea! school, was named t·o the post Saturday. sidered. \\'ashington Monument. Now, loo, all reservatioru: The First Lady · remained and objections by the Jn---------------------- d;,;dual ""ice chiefs are The Great Orange Coast's noted on position papers Laird also means il when h.e forwarded to the National N l p I Security Council , sour~s said. 0. 0 per• Nixon rejected F i n c h ' 1 recommendation of Knowles, an outspoken advocate of federally funded medical pro- grams whose critics included the American Medic a I Association. Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? But what if everybody in thi s country were to throw their hands up in despair and say they don't give a hoot. Indeed, there would be no tomorrow·. But fortunately, Americans have a way of solving their problems. 1 And that's just what's going to happen in these troubled times. Simply because it's always been an American tradition. Now, how can you, as one little ole citiren in this big, 'vide country of ours, be of any help? Well, take a minute and think about a U.S. Sav· ings Bond. That's right, a U.S. Savings Bond. No, it isn't an immediate remedy for all our ills. But it helps. If everybody were to buy just one 125.00 Savings Bond (cost '18.75), your country would be stronger eco~omically to wipe out some of those scars 1ve've been sporting. Of course, everybody 'vould be helping themselves, too. H you 1vere to sign up on a Bond purchase plan where you work or bank, you'd have quite a nice nest egg for yourself .one of these days. You'd have a lot more dollars in the kitty fo:i: things like college educations, that new home, or a secure retirement So think about a U.S . -Savings Bond today. And then go out and huyone. Tomorrow. Take stock in America Buy U.S. Savings Bonds & Freedom Shares • .. > - ' ' f • •I I j . l I • ., I DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PA.GE I Beggaring the Question A really tlg~mea•ljl'• to stop all oil drilling in the Santa Barbara bannel fl' state tldelands bas been killed in the Le stature -probably. because Its spon· .sor was Assemb y Democratic Minority Leader Jess Unruh but po5sibly also because of reve~ue dollar signs in the legislators' eyes~ Now the Reagan Administratlon's •pecial commit· tee on the offshore oil problem has woo the Governor's approval of 40 recommendations. The announced aim is to prevent another Santa Barbara Channel diJaster. But nowhere in the announcement is there any mention of a total ban on future oUshore drilling. Instead, the state officials suggested "tlghter r .. fitriclions" on offshore drilling. And then diverted at- tention to oceangoing tankers as Hthe most likely fu .. ture source of disastrous spills." To be sure, tanker safety procedures need strict controls -something they should have had all along, if they . haven't. But even the dumping of the total oil cargo of one of Aristotle Onassis supertankers would be as a teardrop in the ocean compared. to the enor· mous oil spill from Union Oil Company's blown-out well off Santa Barbara. And leakage has continued ever since, with no end in sight. The committee speaks of "ti~hter state regulation of drilling, beefed up administrative practices, lefl•l•· tion, implementation of an oil spill 'disaster plan and cooperative efforts with the petroleum industry." All this can mean is that offshore oil drilling is lo go right on regardless of the enormous risk to the coast- a1 enviromnent, including wildlife as well as shores and ocean waters for human use. It ignores the geological instability of the ocean floor off Santa Barbara. This falls far short of the obvious need -which is nothing less than a total ban on all future offshore drill- ing in both state and federal tidelands. Congress has indicated plainly that it will not im-~se a federal ban unless and unW California acts in the same total manner where hs own U4elanda att COJlo cerned. Billions of doll&rf in oil revenue 19r both ltd· eral and state governments are involved. Only massive and continuing protest by John Q. Public can talce leg· ulators' eyes oU the revenue dollar sign and focus them on the far more important question of Southern Cali- folnia's envirorunental protection. OffabOre Oil may be worth billlons to the oil Indus· try and government treasuries. But a cl.een, unmarred coasUine and an ocean viable for all forms of life - yes, including human llfe -is worth counUess trillions of dollars. Or, nther, it is priceless, not measurable in money. The top priority is obvious: Ban all oUshore oil drilling -totally, completely. And Jet the oil industry off the book either by refunding their lease money and costs or by trading inland Naval reserve leases for those offshore. P ublic Interest Protected County supervioors, after passing up the potential for public access to a fine surfing beach on the South Coast, have their eye on target again. They have agreed to buy 13 acres of abandoned railroad right.of-way in Sunset Beach for a parking lot. This $2.5 million investment (recoverable from future revenues) means a bit more of Orange County's precious coastiine will serve the public. Local residents understandably don't care for the Idea. They'd rather not have crowds of visitors sbar· ing what is now largely their private beach despite public ownership. ' But the beach isn't private and the sUpervtsors wisely chose to make it more accessible as a natural resource for all. P r esident Doing Well PoliticaU11 Empty Ho mes Easy Prey Nixon .. Leaves No Handles WASHINGTON -"Legallly ts not a syn0nyni ·for tilorality," Adlai Ste't'emon onoe said, and, ln the same &enle, being co(Tect is not a synonym for being right; being a smart IX1liUclan ls not the same thing as being a leader. si.udents of Richard Nixon have faulted him for not underst.amling Ulese ~ Uons. Bul apart from lhll flaw -which TRUE; MB. NIXON may bt tripped by is 'not a flaw he can llpair -Richard these atatement.s. But hil implied pro- Nixon is doing so well as President of the mjle on Vietnam has bought, him a year Uqlleif·Slates that thooe who thjnk_ of run-• Jn ;,hldi.lo Mflll ii. And until oat1ooal In- ning aga:i~ blltl in 1971 are ..-ieWlng the '. tetµg~· ~tes are .ma4e a,vailable JDil;Sped with deep f~. •to ev~ who is going to .atgUe auc-~He doesn'I leave any bandtal to gel q..iullji·Jillb the President Ot the UAlled hold of;" one of them said after the ·states ~what they aay or1DND' President's press ~nf~noe of last Even inore disheartening to those week. lodeed, at ~ press confllrence, DemoCrats-wbo muit think of:~vU .. ~ President went -far tow~ removing as im·contenden is their u*"1nent Of twp handles .which tbe opposition thought what Mr. Nixon will do nezt. Al:tbey tee th!)' had solidly in 11""1'· tt, he has now bul1I blx .-itueney of "quiet Americans" Into a 'far broader spectrum -a kind of Nert Rlgh~ coo- slsling of small·town folk, 11t1bulbla and blue-a>llar workers who once pledgf!d aiteliilnce lo Robert Kennedy, all of whom are -In the President's fellcltout phraae -"fed up to bere" with lawlessness and violence. FlRS'r WAS THE war iaue, reheated l!iince Lbe Pr~dent's Air Force Academy speecll. . Second was the ABM·MlRV issue on which senators, wbo have time to become students, were far more crit,\,cal than con- gressmen, who don't But who can expect to beat Mr. Nixon on Vietnam when he tells an audience of 20 million television viewers that he hopes to have all U.S. cumbat troops out of there before th~ end of 1970? And what hope is there £or defeating his ABM-proposal and rorcing him to discontinue the testing of MIRV when he 1>ays he has new secret intelligence to 1>upporl his arguments? wrm VIETNAM out of the way for another year, and having wrapped himself in patriotism and a sb'Oilg defense, Mr. Nixon is now in a po&tion to move left and take away some more handles. . Suppose, for example, that by thf: end .of 1971 President Nixon has (1) ended. American casualties in Vielnam; · (.3) changed the draft law along the nn.. pro. posed by Edward KeMedy; (I) found IOIDe money from Vietnam. to spend in the cm ... on education and the poor; ( 4) held the line on inflation. Who wlll want to run against him? And on what iasuea? JT•WJLL NOT matter very much that there seemed no 1en1e of moral purpoee to the Nixon Admlniltration, nothing of what wlllllon ChlD'CbiU once called "the urge and impulse of the aaes." It will not m&ter . that he got out of Vietnam beeau.e he tllolight tt good po!lilcs, that money for education and ctuea wu alto good pallllca and tbtt the new at1111 race ml&ht hive beta tnlde uonec::es1ary. It will not ,natter becalilO by thll tJme Mr. Nlxee will baft the conse111U1 that Prui· dent Johnson filled lo illid. ALL TJllS MAY go wronc. The l'r<!l· dent ts still trying lo please both Hawks and Dovel on Vietnam. And hll angry tirade agatnat Clark Clllford lhon that he ls still capable -u in the pras con. f ....... an.r blx defeat In California Jn l!IQ ~ of hl\11lni hbmeJf Jn a di!play of temper. .• Mr. Nb<ee'• aides, 'f'ith some JllJlifica· Uon, cite his annoyance wlth former high Admlnlstnitlon olllclala who dined ... n- u U were -on the war and who now · refuse to pick up the lab. As of right now -given the performance and the promiae -Richard Nixon must be counted aa a superb politi- cian who look1 unbeatable. . ·B7 Frank Mankl~ICJ ud Tom Bradta . Gromley Became a Patriot Once upon a lime in the .country called \\'onderfuland, there was a young man named Grumley Gromme t who loved bis country. He lov~ e¥erything about it. He loved hs govern ment, its laws. il economy, its people, its rich and varied culture, its r eligious and educational leaders, its put· ple 1nountains majesty and it.s fruited plai ns. And above all. he loved tile principles of \Vonderiulism. such as freedom of speech, worship and dissent. "Oh. I .... ·ould galdly die for Won· derrul land and \Vonderfulism," he said lovingly. So he became a Patriot. BEING A PATRIOT, he found, was virtuaUy a full·Uine job. He had to pledge allegiance to \Vonderfuland seven tim es daily. 11e had to read Jots and lots of patrioUc books. And he had lo attend Patriotic Club rallies almos t every nighl But he learned many things. f irst, he learned about the govern· ment. The government, he learned, was ·----- Monday, June 30, 196~ 'T'te edit.orlai pg;oe.of 1he Doily Pilot .steki to inform and 11.tim.. u!ate reader• by presenting thi3 ne101paper's opinions and cont· nwnt.ary on topics of tnttrest Gnd 11gnifico11<<, by PTot>idiflg o f°"'m /'1' th• expre1Slon of oW Teadtn' opiniona, mid by pNHniing ll1e diverse vitto-Po'Atl of informed observtr.s 04 tp0kltmt n on topics of llie ifar. Robert N. Weed, Publisher '.-,,.~-';i1: ' ' ' f ,·'Jl ,' -~!\';'''' i "i: -s.~, JJ;~p~; ' ' ~~.). .... ...,w~Jl:tj%.,~z"',.,.,~ run by venal. self-seeking politic\~ who would eagerly sell everybody's cherished heritage for a mess of pattage. "Our poliUcians are despicable !" cried Gromley. Then he learned about the Jaws. The laws, he learned, were oot only weak and ineffectual. they were admlnistertd by mollyooddling judges more interested in protecting crimlnals than I n n o c e n t citizens. "Our judges are contemptible," cried Gromley. , · AFTER THAT HE learned about the economy. The tton0my, he learned, was being run by fuzzy-minded ecooomisls who "Were driving the. country stral&bt to the bow·wows. "Our ecooomlsts are hate.full" cried Gromley. Next he learned about the people. The people, he lea.med, we.re wi.thy-wuhy. mindless kllots so brain-washed by cle•er demagogues that they failed tO tee Lhe danger the country wa.s in. "The people are pitiful!" cried Gromley. Following that he learned about the culture The cultw'e, be learned, wu a horrllylng melange of lewd . drama, sickening rhythms and incomprehensible _ art -all flendlshly designed to sap the moral fiber. '"OUr, culture Ii horrible!" cried Gn>ml<y. FIN~ Y HE LEARNED about the rtUgk>Ua 1ed tducaUonal tv)!Oml. Tbey were run, ht learned, by empty-headed dreamers who were, ;ii best, soft on A.,.·rullsm if. not car~arrying Awfulist dupes. And thuJ k wu no wonder lhey turned DUI jlOIY."11 but dlrly, btarljed, pot·sm•klna jNllb. ., "Our . moral leaders are frightful!" cried Grymlej. His education complete, Gf'tirilley becanle a P,atriot, First Cla&s. His first batUe was against bleeding-heart Ct>n- servationistl opposed to tearing down a purple mountain to fill in a fruited plain for a housing tract, "Seen one purple mountain's majelty," cried Gromley, "and you've seen 'em all!" ' ms VICTORY IN the .Purple Mountain BaUle skyrocketed hi! fame and be wa1 elected Permanent Prtsldtnt of the Patriot Clitb. How they cheered when, in his Inaugural Addreu, he bitterly attacked, "our despicable government, con-· temptibleojudges, baleful economy, pitiful people, horrible culture and · frightful morality" -and said anyone who disagreed sboukt be shot. ' But it was his summation that broujht his fellow Patriots to their feet. "Oh, why," he Uked, "can't everybody love this country a.s much as we?" MORAL : With patrlotl like ours,. who needs traitors! Dear Gloomy Gus: Dllet anyone care about the -landlords ralalng rtnta eontlnuall.Y on their widowed, reUred, or stu- dent 1'ilanl.s? Ltt"s hear Ill ! I -A l"d1ow Suflerer , To Burglars . ' l . ·,.'~.1 iJN,%) "Summe.rtlme antf the living is easy" could be the burglar's theme song this summer u Americans across the country prepare to pack up and go on vacation, leaving their empty homer; easy prey to dU31 and burglars. . Burglary is becoming the criminal's favorite natJonal pasttlme, with a burglary occurring approximately every 30 aeconds. Of more than l .t million burglaries reported in 1967, 49 percent in· volved realdences and more than half of them were done in the daytime when the occupants were out. Short of staying home all the'" time and atandtng watch over your property, how can you prevent burglaries? True, there are no ironclad ways to guarantee that burglars won't drop in to visil But there are precauUoOB you can take, especially at vacaUon Ume, that may make the .dlf. fertnce between a bad ending to your trip and a happy homecoming. WHEN ·PLANNING to be away for several days, there is no need to let the entire world know beforehand that you are leaving. Once you are gone; tightly drawn shades, farewell notes to the milkman or newspaper boy, and b8ttened-down windows are like neon-- flashing welcome signs to even tilt most inexperienced housebreaker. Do let your immediate neighbors know that you're leaving, ti'owever, so they .. an keep an eye on the· house. Mk· local police to cruise by periodically to be sure everything is in order. PERHAPS A neighbor will be willing to come in to ~urn on lights in tbe evening. Or you may want to set an automatic timer before you leave so that lights gG on at nisht and or! at daybreak. A Lari: tlouse night after night is a sure sign of vacancy. DllC1>nUnue mail, milk, and newspaper deUverles so your doorways won1t be overflowing with old newspapers and t;ast due bills. · In addition to these precautions which apply especially at vacation time, there are 1eVeral other ways to <J.scourage would·be burglars all ·.year round. KEEP DOOl\S and windows Jocked, and don 't cancel out thJ!St efforts by leaving a key under the doormat or over a door. Heavy Krtening and double Jocks make forced entry more dUficult, always your aim when working against a burglar. When moving into a new home or apartment, be sure to change the locks. Don't leave ladders lying around · your , property as an easy entree for a lbltf. There's no reason why you sbou1d make the buralar's job easier. AND 1'1NALLY, don't keep ~ve jewelry and other valuables thi't you don't use regularly in easy.to-find places around the house. Put them into a safe ot a safe depc:llJt vault off the prtml.9ts. It, altei. tlling due precautioM, you are the vicUm of a burglary, there are ways yot: can belp lhe police. Notify them llimme<Uately, and be ready to provide them with strlal numbers on items sucb as typewr1ten and sewing machine" along with detailed desCrtpttcn.s of valuab'8 ltema:. INSURANCE .agalnsl burglary t s available ln all types of homeowners poUct .. or may be plll'Chued aeperate\y. Separate pollcles covering such valu•blts as furs and Jewelry are available, tlnce homeowntn cover•ae on these lltm1 will pn>bably not be enDUiJ>. l~oco !alormalloli lniUtata ~ • "::L> ...... &J ~HAr ()s's ON cRAs 6RAss.~ 1 Police Are None Of These Things Here's a multiple-choice question for you : Me the police supposed to be (a) human; (b) subhuman; (c) superhuman; or (4) inhuman? The proper answer is none ol these. First, the police are not supposed to be "human." If someone calls them dirty names, or spits at lhem, they are not supposed to respond as an ordinary citizen might. When they "overreact" to such insults, they are behaving in a most unprofessional mannu. Second, police are not supposed to be "subhuman." If lhey are rough or brulal or coarse or allow their personal pre- judices to dominate their con~uct, they have no business being on the police force. 1111RD, POLICE 8.re not supposed to be "superhuman." They shout" not be asked to work long hours for low pay, to be subjected to political innuences, to perform without adequate protection, to enforce laws thal are not enforceable, or enforceable only on a discrimlnall>ry basl:i. • Fourth, police are not supposed to be "inh~an. '' They are supposed to exhibit sympathy, warmth and compaasion for the lost, the confused, the upset, the defenseless, the ignorant, and the downtrodden. This, basically, is what gives a policeman a "good image" in the commwtity. ' BUT THE POLICE system that operates in many, if not most, American cities tends to bring out all the worst, and unprofessional, traits and to subdue all the good ones. Unlike the British bobby, the American cup has little slatus or respect -In the community; is often the unwitting tool of pollUcal Influences; has not been ad~ quately trained to separate his personal biases from his professional duties; looks upon himseU as the defender of one part of society against another part; and too often acts as his own judge and jury and prosecu.tor and sometimes e1.ecuUoner. BOTH THE MAN who praises our "men in blue" aild the one who attacks them as "fascist pigs" are su!ferinc; from a delusion of what legitimate police power really ·.ui. We suffer from the same national delusion about district attorneys -we imagine they are supposed to ": rosecute" offenders, when their real Lask is to mediate between the claims of the state and the · rights of citizens. Just as we (wrongly) expect our district attorneys to get convictions rather than a!JSure justice, we expect our police to get criminals, when their prin- cipal job is to prevut crime. And the preventlon'of dime is possible only when the. police are independent, professionally, trained, and imbued with a loyalty to the total community, not to the seu-serving !Ind protecUve rule! of the police force itself. 'Find and Remove Cause' To the Editor Your correspondent, Sharon Bonner, (Mai 1 box, June 19) makes a plea for the support of our police, clUng the death of Officer Sasscer. I have no fault to make with her plea, I, too, think that our police deserve the support of the commilnity, and that they , along with the rest of us, have an inalienable right to l~e. liberly, and the pursuJl of happlnt.<s. It is ineffably sad that Of£icer Suscer no longer enjoys these righb. I would deny, however, that the amwer to the problem which she deflges -a very real problem -is for " .•• responsi. ble citizens •. , to support our ltw en- forcement agencies." 'Ibis is only half of the answer. The other half ii for our law enforcement agencies to support the communities in which they opera~. THE SAD F Acr Is that there Is a long history of collusion -whether deliberate or not is not the point -between the "re.spooslble" and those charged with law enforcement: The effect has been to deny to many people, through police action, the Inalienable right to life, liberty and pursull ol happiness. The coosequences of this collusion are now suddenfy be1inning to be eotlced. and it Is unlikely that OffJcer Sasscer ii either the first or the last to feel the ef- fect at the accumulated grievances ol thO$e being mlslteated by Society IJUI the pollie. I DO Nar WISH to be mlaundtratood. 1 am not arguing that the pollee '*'"• retribution at the hands of those they have mistreated. l am arguing that the cause for this retribution must be found and "1110Ved. The community aed the police may never be able to eot1vince the Black Panthers or the SOS that they are 1ood l'U:fS.. but we can surely convince the vast majorltf of Ute poor and the minorities lllat this is the cue. We can if we really try. ( L~ttn's from f'tader1 art welcomf'. NOrmalJ11 writef's should conve11 thi-ir meaiage1 in 300 wordi or les1. The right to condense tetter1 to fi& IJ»C• Of' tUminate libel ia restrwd. AU iti- ttrs must incJudt riqnature and tnm"'· ing dddreu, but names map bt wtCho ~Zd on request if $Ufficient reQ#oit u apparent. For the po!U:e to make this attempt and to succeed at it. they will need the suppor> of the responsible ctlilena. II the commrutity and the police fail to "'-' eslabli!h. a firm and solid belief In law, order and justiet ftir all, thto we will all be the vlcllma of our foUy -not just the few such as Oiflctr S&Ucer. ANDREW H. McCLURE .--89 Geerp -........, Dear Georae; You clslm to be lrWl, aed you claim to be a Southerner, and both are noted lot hot tempers and being a bH wUd and Intemperate. How do you manage to bOld up under be!DI both Southern and Irish? WONDERING 0..r Woederin1: I live In a calm and rtttr11nln1 influence -I'm a newspaperman. (Sand yaur pn>bleint to George aed !ti him show you the benellll of Sidewoys Thinking.) .. .. .. . ' i \ " - CHECKING •UP• ....... """ '°· 19M IWl.Y -'1 B.en Het Camp Called ~)Vhite Elephant" Long Vietnam Siege Focuses on Casualties, Resupply Problems BEN HET, Vietnam (AP) -ly by big llJllS firod from, six rqulars man Wat HID: and rock.teen who have 1-1 claims. "We got stuck with It -we mti.1 away In Cambodl.a, iano American artllluv--trying f« -a In -k The Special Forces tr- ct11ll It the white elephant.'!' by lltUe gum fired as clos4 as North .HJ.U. Both places came do"11 a tall wooden oblerv• have been ln Ben Het slnce That la how one aenlor U.S. 380 yards In broad daYll&hL uodeT -•DI ....W Oro In llOll W...r. The tower 11111 late last ~. 8cOppa bu Vatlllc• In tile Illa llfl lllua• u.n. up 111ero·)'OU .,. Ibo ~~wning A Cure ' Speclal Forces officer sourly Sappen -lnBltratloo ... tile ~ standa, but U tabs a atroo&· been ther< m moaUll. 1 describes this encampment pertl -strike every nl&bt The U.Si Special Forces are willed. man lo Illy up there "The ttb DMalon figuRd that sprawls across three against the barbed w I re used to operating out of and watch eoerny mlulles the place n1 too near Ca& muddy hills, and which has perimeter. perilously dangerous placea 1n come ltreak1nc in. bodla, '° they tndecl our become the fOCUI ol tho Ben Hel, with Ila chrenlc Vietnam. Tbelr bonier ... From Main Hlll I b e comp In DH To wltll -. We htavlelt actloa oow tal<-raupply problema and cllm-cam_.ia are often besleg-defenden can ,.. the l'Uff1 al got the worst al !be bargain," "At leut by ~wQ act1on away fnlm the and !Owna, and .. Ying Ibo dvtllanll," aakl the llDklt Spedal ,...,.. ........,.,. In For Seasickness the .,..., Lt. Col -Ma"1UIL Jly I. M. BOYD ANY APPREN'l'JCE SPY can tell you a litter sealed with ~ white of III egg can't be steamed open. . , , IN VISALIA, CAL, 1 l v e two young ladle1 named Candy Lips and Truly White. •. IF YOU ARE more Ulan 59 years Cif age, you were born • before gin rummy was In- vented. • _ , A SALMON FISHERMAN who regularly runs out of Westport, Wash., insists you can c u r e seasickness b y repeatedly yawning. . . • AM AC- QUAINTED WITH a retired gentleman who mows bis lawn• all of it, on hls hand and knees with $4!Wlng scissors. SEPARATE VACATIONS - Mister, does your lady lrle.nd ever go· borne to her folks? Nothing personal intend«!, merely mean does she oc- casionally vacation by herself? Once knew a wife in Houston, 1Teus, who made a frequent ;tiabit of that, much to the an- .noyaitee ol her husband. But he put a atop to it. Newspapers In that town run nightlife columns, -0r did, when J lived there. In lbem you learned what gentlemen were seen with which ladies last evening. One day after the aforementioned wile departed en her vacation. thLs cunning husband mailed her a newspaper with an i t-e m carefully razored out of the nightlife column. She was home in 3& hours. GNUS ARE sensilive. They mu!tiple all right in herds, but none too well in captivity. Therefore, the price of gnus iJ going up, up, up. A zookeeper told me that •••• OUR NAME GAME MAN says fellows call- ed Daniel tend to possess a remarkable knack for finding Hvely entertainment. a n d when properly financed, in- variably show their lady friends a wonderful time. Ing place In tho Vietnam war. bing Cllll8lty tall, II cathering eel. wblle llllOke u North Viet· a Special F......, man CIJSTOMEll SERVICE: Q. Ben He! did nol emt unw a the Doforiety that beoe1 Coa But Boo Bet 1acb the com-nameoe Mnm mortars 6"' declared. "Isn't it true the coast gum! year ago. II WU built by tho Thlen and Kbe Sanb, two U.S. ~. tho cuofUlly ..... lrom • ridpllne about three But the reason for the ..... bu cutten named alter U.S. 4th Infantry Division u a Marine --In the liderecl locale, and the cleYer-mlla to the wat. """"'"" to have been a In Manila, You Dial 106 woodworking toola, II);~ Ham-brigade -camp. The 4th demlllllrllecl """' .... that ly placed sun poaltlona that For the l5mm llJllS firing -made In Saigon to mer, foe tnstance!" A. quite bu loilc since gooe. came .-r North --rllo the other Special from Cambodia, the defenden band this recJoo over to South rllht. And llke Ju, Vice, and Now the dank, crumbling siege In 1111 and 1111. Fon:es .am .. In Vietnam. have a more subtle warning Vi.tnamae "'"'11Dl11d. The llANlLA (UPI) -Polb le Cf amp, 'too .... Q. ''DID YOU bunlcen and decr<ptt wooden . "How Ille bell do you defeod ''Tbla waa built aa an Ami)' ayslem. Sgt. l.C. 'lbomu J. flghtln( In and .-Ben Het tho Manila mdnlpolllan - EVER turn out for football tn abanUes are reluctanUy oc-a place like this?" axnmeoted 1'lll camp, not a Spedal Scoppa of Wllllamsport., Pa., ii b charaderlzed u a test 1' have ltt up a new c:rtm. school?" A. Certainly did. Was cupled by several companies ooe Special Fon:<& trooper In Fon:es camp," oae Green followed aroond by a Clennon the South Vlelnlmr"' llm)' r<J>0!1lnl &y1Um. Rnlw•a the team's aerial apeclallsl, u of Montagnanl civilian Ir· dlsgual, hb wavlng arm lailhl« lleftt noted: abepl>erd q whld! be clalml agatna tho Norih. wbo wbh lo nport a crtme or a matter of fact. A!sigDed ez. regular troops, A m er I c a n In West HID and North HID, The Boo He! beadquarten la hean the big llJllS iu. belo,. In Ben He! llaclf, the test la aeel< polke help Clll dlll 111 clUJlvcly to keep the balls artillerymen and • U . S . two muddy red lmolla llludded oa Main HID, a knoll that riles 1he bumam do. simply that of lllYillfl alive or on the tel..i-!or pnlllJlt blown up •••• Q. "ISN'T IT Sped.al ·Forcea "A" detach-with dllapldated I and bag above West and North hllla. It "Her ears twitch, ber eyes llZnlnlUDdecl. respome. The iyatMJ ~ AGAINST the law to use the ment of 12: Green Berets. bunkm and garbage. ts the favored tarpt of the wlden, and she beadl for a The Special Forces blab Manila, three aabwtla , ad United States !lag In an They are being Jl"'nded dal· Mootagnanl c Iv 111 an Ir-North Vlatnameae gunners bwllcer. We all follow," Scoppa command ,... some ad-nine nelpborlng lownl. advqUsement?" A. Bellevt\--...:...--..:.:---'-----=-------,------...:....;....;...:.;:_....;....;....;....;..:.......;:.:.;_....;.::;:.::;:;:_;:_....;....;.,.... ____ .:.__..;;... __ _ so. Onl~ country I know about that let s its flag be 50 used In Great Qrltaln. ON MAKING MONEY - Hen's one more ex.ample of how a bright fellow ean ium a quick profiL In 1868, when tbe first trans-Atlantic telegraph cable uncoiled all the way across the ocean, was brought to shore at Newfoundland, the engineers found they bad 20 miles of surplus. A swift citizen, representing TiHaoy and Co .. the jewelers, prompt- ly bought it, cut it into 300,000 little pieces, and sold them all for 50 cents each as souvenirs. Big JalyBartain OPEN QUESTION' 1. What is verjuice? 2. Do wolves ev~r attack men? 3. Should opals be oiled? LEAVE THE DISHES IN THE SINK! COME RUNNING TO PENNEY$ BEAUTY -"Listen you, what makes your Love· and War man think beautiful women are hard to love? I am beautiful and am easy to Jove. Retract that statement, sir. A beautiful woman is all woman. I know." ·So writes a feminine subscriber. She is another who failed to send a snapshot. Too bad. Your questions and com- ments are welcomed and will be used wherever pos· sible in "Checking Up." Address mail to L. M. BolJd, in care of tilt' DAILY PILOT, Bo• 1875, N<tDpCTt Btach, Calif., 92663. ,- little bqys' cotton plisse gripper waist 2 piece sleeper • Men's Penn Prest9 polyester/cotton casual slacks ... Grad styling ... Six OCC Women Get ·2/$3 i.t .......... -Hi- 3.99 -'-'--_ .... blondolocillof Sc1wlarships of $25 4u scholarships of $25 each were awarded to Orange Coast College women recently-by the Association for W o m e n ' s Active Return to Education (AWARE). The association requires that the women be over 21. going to school part-time and have a desire to complete I.heir educaUon after' a period of fullUme homemaking. All of the recipient! had at ..itast a B average in their work at OCC. Receiving the scholarships were : Edna M. Boudreau, S""ta An~. English major who will transfer to UCI; Louise K. Grueneberg, Garden Grove, theater arts major, plans to teach at college I eve 1·; Elizabeth N. ll}ltd!er, Coota Mesa, art major, plans to teach at elementary level. Marilyn M. Morsch Westminster, hi!tory major, plans to tu.ch at elementary level; Gloria Purvis, Costa f\1esa, English major, wiU be elementary teacher and Leona Seddon, Costa Mes{l. bu!ineu major. Mrs. Margaret Roley, of Laguna Beach, president of the South Coast chapter of AWARE presented the scholarships. OMEGA CONSTELLATION IS FOR MEN WHO WANT TO KNOW EXACTLY WHAT TIME IT IS. Officially certified chronometer features automatic day and date. FOtJrteen karat top, stainless back. S235. All stainless, S 190. SLAYICK'S 18 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH-~4-1310 J Y-O..r,. AWIUlll W•I~ -l1M:Am«k1rll, Mt1!er Qlllr ... IOt Op'" Monday, Frid1y until . 9,30 p.m. I ' J ' · -· ---fuft ~ thlf*' )ft ........ prl"t1 ••• 1'00% cottO• .p!W.sa.14 Toddler boys' and girls' sun suits in cool, fresh ·cotton $1 l40k at tho -prico for such cwlil little ... IGftsl You1 -tabuy- lor .,..,. 5'tlo -cod "" gffh. lool I Tank toj51 a.nd pant skirts for wann weather wardrobe magic =.2.99 1-_, ... """ tcM .,,,. Ill ........ blade, blue or mint ........ 5-M-L 1 __ .,_, ...... lo~ ........ cod ~ ••• -S.16. • Special Buy! Women's baby doll gowns, shift and ful length,too! ' 2f$5 ""',.__polfoatwt/nylon/-W..... _, nght cotM111 botilf• !iMke up·thh ~Ill :t:uoont fl 9•wns fH cool summer 1leopfn9. They come in -Milds and prinh that -do•9'ilfully .............. liwS-M-L -" " Pert crop top and short sets for big and little girls All -.... """ ..... •-""""'~ ;,~- .ii.. 7-14. 1.69 Littl•--il- in cfollslhtlvl ...... """ ... -\'11 hor do)w r... --1.19 "' polye1tor/cotto• twlll -111 .... ..w... -"' --·-l40k at tho prlool Boys' poly~ster ·knit mock turtle polo shirt buy! 1.99" N' '"'"' .., him ......,. "' -100% -.I po1> I shim· -..... ond solidi that are• '•• ............. , .. , .. Si_ 6-16. • Start h·er summer right with shirt ,.and short sets, specially priced . ' . ' """' !It!'" ...... .._. ..,., ............. _ color WfWa Int, ll•Mll 1.19 .,._.._ ....... Ith in cotton ..... • a tied ......,. ..... • 1.69 Slwl7·14 ' ' I 1· • • I OAll.Y'l!UT Moad.11, .)Jne JG, 1%9 " • £allforalans Polled Is Golden SkLte . .Losing Glitter? . , . ' SAN.·~ (W.11 ,;., MoA <C&lllorDllna stll1 r•le tbolr otalA! one OI the best ~ to Uve. but dlasatmac- tion has arown in the past two yeon. Mervin D. neld'a Calitomla poll said today residents or the San Diego ua particular~y were Jess enchanted. Field repor:ted . reauJts of a """'"-public Dplnl<il poll wbich quesUoned 1,011 ran-doinb' ..iectill adolll cnn- cenatng. their Ovt!rall assess- ,_ GI Calllornla as. 1 • place to • -'He· compu.d the "J ,, "t ~~g 81'. Eludes . Bashful Victim . ' . ' . .;.,,,eri 1tiJ, a sPhUat poll " ' two ·Yeat• uo. , ' The percentage rating the stale as one of the best places dropped sUghtly - from 73 to 71 -wbUe those listing it as nice, but not oulstanding, declined from IS to 14 percent. The about average rating in- creased from 9 to 10 and Ult (•tiler p00<4>o!;eolage from 2· tp, 4. One percept, bad no opi- nlon. Bu! . the breakdown b y regions showed San Diegans lifvilt8 Calilornla a beat rating dropped from ·11$ percenl to ·el LA.decrease·frodl '19 ur 72. percent occurred in the San Francisco Bay Area arid a drop !rom 71 to 66 percent, was reJ:Qrded in Uie Central 'Valley area. :In Los Ang« l·e a ,. bowfrver,-the -percentage ··irf. C(e8Bed aligbtly, from 69·to12. Drivers · Can Escape Penalty l BOISE:•ld&l19'.(11Pl) -Tl\ty can find ~ gu!Uy ol dt)lbk · drlYlng f~ Id~, bul ,s!i·.,ueijf. attomey.i have diJcovertd the JaW provides no pt°naJty. The state legislature Utls year passed a new law on drunken driving, eslablliihing how to determine when a motorist Is intoxicated. The lawmaken provided penalties o{ 30 days to five yeara, and .fines ·or $100 to !300. Gov. 'Don Samuelson signed the.law: . Sompwhere between t h e govlll'DCJr's office and the plant in "'lndianapcilis iwhere new lawa:Were pririled, lbe penalty Sealon wu dro~ped. · Officials warned tipplers not to cel'ebrate too en- th1J4iastically about , t he d~'(<lopmenl They pointed to klcBJ' city laws· wbtch ' often pro\rlde' penaJties for the crime. State legal olficlals began looking into ways or gelling the penalties back on the books. WND6N -(llP!l -A burg1ar robbed Cyril Wickham ol 25 poondJ (!60) and lwo watches and then escaped because Wiclcbam didn't want to cbue him Into the street wearing only an undershirt. Field said the state's climate was still listed as its top feature, although the nuol· ber mentioning it de'Clined. Job opportunities also wu ---------1 1istec11ess, while good recrea· Uncle Len Wickham ran after" the burglar to hb garden galA!. Uon and scenery moved up to "Bul I was too embanassed to go any furtber,0 he said. become the second most Offers Prizes popular vq-tue. AL!s~!!~;f J , . ' • \ .. ~ ' PENNEYS IS HAVING A FILM FESTIVAL! KODAK FILM WITH • . PRbCESSING redu.ced tbru ·Saturday! • Capture every moment with film f,.... Penneys. And remember, pr-.iing is Included! Koclocolor CX0127-12 prinll «.V: 1.99, NOW Koclocolor CX062~12 prlnll R89o 3.99, NOW Kadacolor CX0126/12-lnstama- 12 prints Reg. 4.09, NOW 3.29 3.29 3.29 Kadacolor CX0126/20-<nstatl)•Hr S 29 20 alidoa Rog. 6.29, NOW . 1 Kadachrome. KX0126-instamatic- 20 alides Rag, 3.19, NOW Kadachrome 2 K0135- 20 •Xf>OIU* Reg. 3.19, NOW Kodochrome .l(A0459--41 m01 tllfoor flhoi, Reg. 3.49, NOW Kocl.W-KOO,_. """ Doylight film WU KA0464 Super 8 -'ridge film R .. 3.49, NOW. Reg. 3,99, NOW 2.89 2.89 3.19 3.19 3.59 CANOGA.PARK LAKEWOOD FUUERTON MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH, VENTURA HUNTINGTON BEACH ) FOREMOST 9' x 9' HI-WALL TENT This h(ln~some model sleeps up to 6 persons in doubl 11 deck bunks! All outside aluminum frame and extra large windows provide interior ~pate and pl•nty of ventilation, 7'6• center height, 5' wall height. Materh::abi.6.7.l 0%. green cotton drill ,..f, 5.91 OL <otton ddll 6. 9 9 9 walls, 5.91 ot, ••wn-in oliv• drab cotton drlll floor. -e ) No Money Down. , • • Use Penney's Time Payment Pl an ' . Folding olU1f1inum camp cot 7.98 Coleman9 .56 qt. Snowlife cooler 19.99 6 man Teflon• coated camping cookset 14.99 • f • ' • Ii v, ' FOREMOST 9' x 15' DOUBLE SIDE· ROOM TENT •loepo up to 8 lo b""k style .,. rongemenl1. 2 icreen wall windows with outside storm t !Jr. tains. Talon • brov .xippen on st.reen/ canvas doors. 7' csnter height, 3'6" •nd wall height. Materials: 6.7J. oz. semi· dry finished ar•en cottOn drill top; 5.91 oz. cotton drill walls; .5.91 oz. sewn-in floor, oli'v• 69 9 9 drab colored dry finished cot~ ton drill. • • FOREMOST 3 LB.-flll DACRON•.aa SLEEPING BAG Filled with 3 lbs. of Dacron• 98 poty.fer ••• DuPont'• .xtra warm fib•rf.11 material Navy blue cotton poplin outershell, cotton flannel Uning •. 100• all-around zipper, quilt-through construction. Finkhed sitei 33• x7!t. 12~99 • Foremost mountain tent value fC!,remost a ir mattress with pillow ... 4 99 folding aluminum camp stool ••• only 13.98 • 1.49 Double decker cot ......................................................... 21.98 2~ gal. Porta.fold waler carrier _ ...................... -1.69 2 qt. canteen ................. -....... '.,, ........................ ,_ ........ 1.79 5 g6I. Porta.fold water carrier.-........................ --1. 99 CANOGA PARK FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR VENTURA l ' I I I - • • .... 'Desiin11 io FtdfW' WWI Beginning Recalled SAR A JEVO, Y"'°'lavla (UPI) -The tun came up ho! in a clear: 1ky the momln1 of June 28, 1914. 1bat alone made Cvjelko Popovic nervous. "We hadn't counted on the weather being good," he recalled today. "It h~ rained for days. Now I was faced with finding some way to con- ceal Uie grenades and pistol J was carrying." "In order to -the route. The ll'Chdub'1 car ru,. on the gr<node I hid to 11<1 .. to follow theo stopped knock it agllilllt llOlllethlng -directly In ~ ol the hard, lill the wall behind me. walU!!f Gavrilo Prlnalp, who Tbe fuse lasted 10-U seconds. shot him. If l moved forward with the The bridge today beara crowd to see the car with Prlnzlp'a name. One by one Franz Ferdinand and his wife the conapiratora were rounded I couldn't detonate the f':Jse . up, tried and s e n t enc e d . But if l stayed back against Prinzip died in a C!ech prison. the wa)J alone I could be spot,. . Popovic and bis) ctose friend, led easily and moreover would 17-year~ld Vaso CUbrllovlc have to Job the gr,nade over llUJ'Vlved. ' OAJL y •U.OT I • . ' • E.R ,, Popovic, U at the Ume, was one of a group of seven YOUf\I Bosnian Serbs with a self-ap- pointett mission to ll.SSaMinate the A r c h d u k e Franz Ferdinand of Austria. For them he symbo~ the tyranny of the Austro- Hungi!U'lan empire 'in the Slavic lands which later were to become modern Yugoslavia. lhe heads'ol lbe crowd, taking Austria deClared war on L--------------,-.....;.----------...,...--------------------1 achanceon.theaim. Ser bia for alleged WEAPONS IN POCKETS "Jn desperation I got hold of a heavy military greatcoat and put it on, sticking the weapoos in the pockets. "It was bound to arouse suspicion, a young man walk· lng about in a heavy overcoat with Ute sun shining. But it was worth the risk. We had a destiny to fulfill . "It was about 10 a.m. and the crowds were gathering fast on the Quai where the royal car would appear," Popovic said. "The seven of us were spread out in the area, each armed with e i t h e r grenades or pistols or both." Popovic today bears little resemblance superficially to the gaunt young man in the greatcoat. His black hair belies his 73 years. His neat gray suit and hom rimmed glasses (it better the professor of philosophy and education he became in his mature years. EVERY DETAIL But he remembers ve ry detail of that momentous day in history 55 years ago. ''The sound of the royal motorcade drew nearer. The crowd surged forward to gel a better look -and I suddenly realized I was in grave troo· ble," he recalled. NOBODY NOTICED ttspo~blllty which Was never · "Just then there was a muf· proven1 Imperial Germany ned report -like a grenade backed her up. Europe wu in UJ:at had fizzled, I thought upheaval -and World War I There was lolS of shouting and was underway. milling about. N'o body "Ir we'd known a World War bothered to notice me," would grow out of what we Popovi~ later learned that dl.d, not a single one of u,, his fel\ow-cbnsplrator, If.year· woukl have contemplated such old Nedeljko Chabrinovic, had an act," Popovic says now. tossed a grenade at lbe open "But our motives were pure. car. It bounced off the back of We acted out of c:oovlclioo. Frahz Ferdinand's car into the For that, certainJy, there can street and exploded, woundhlg be no regret." an aide-d~a1np. · The conS~irators dissolved tnto the crowd. One of them, an intense young mao of 19 named Gavrilo Prinz.ip, sat down al a oeartiy outdoor caf~ to drink: a cup of coffee and Ethics Probe On Dolwig Due? think. Popovic, only a block or SACRAMENTO (AP) -ne two away, panicked. chainnan of the legislature's .. I ran down a side street ethics committee says hla looking far someplace to hide group may investigate Sen. my weapons. Finally I dllclled JILcl}ard J. Dolwlg'a holdings them in the cellar of a house I lD an insurance finn recently knew. . granted a stock sales permit "I went around in a daze, by the state. thinking 'We've failed, we 've The Los Angeles Times failed.' But suddenly there disclosed Tuesday that recent was a great about over by the acUon by State Insurance river and I knew l 'd been Commissioner Richards O. wrong. I just knew." Barger could enhance the ROUTE SWITCllEO value of Dolwlg's insurance Franz Ferdinand had decid· company holdings by as much ed at the last moment to as $1~,000. change the motorcade route to ----------1 allow a brief visit to the hospital where his wounded aide was taken. But the drivers wel'f; not told. Thus when the procession a~ proached a major bridge .in-- tersection the lead car turned ON THE TUBE For tl!t bt1t 911idt te whef't hepptnl119 011 TV, ,,,4 n WEEK -.. i1trili11tocf wiffi #io S•t11rd1y Miti111 of tho DAILY PILOT. right, following the original '----------' ~nnelfJ AUTOC&NT&ll .... • Major surgery or just an aspirin? There's ~ guesswork at Penneys, Auto Diagnostic Center. Either there is or there isn't something wrong with your car ... and we'll find out scfentifici!llY! In less than one hour, we put your car through a series of acl- enliRc tests (212 of. them,. to be e•acl) thlt pinpoint sny e•lstlng prob~nd wam ot pottnUal ones. Steering. Engine. Brakes. Transmission. Electrlcal and coofing Wl:d fuel lf'ld exhaust aystems. Expert •n•lyala of everything from headllghls to tall pipe. ·vou watch the r..ulls come • out on M fieetrontc typewriler. : A 1kll$ed dlagnostlclan goes : over the ·report with you. H you wish, he'll Give you ., ntimate of any necessary repaira. You'll be abte to take care of ama\I problemt now, before they de- veklp Into bJg probtems costing big money. And, W you wish, Penneys will make the repalra-qulckly, ac- curately, economically. Repairs that ooufd prftent • needless hlghftybnookdown. If y0u Pf9(w. you CM i.ke the •OJ)O<I 111ywhet9 Yo<J nko. Tho-?°"" 9.88 P~ '""""'able tor a doclof, -day>. / 1 enneysAut Diagnostic Center The SCi111tll'le Ttc tbla"1 111 ti"I I ' ,. •• '""'"-'2-"'1 . Mlif ,1.... Nit lo.bi ""' trMCI ill pion tt c1it d-11 fridioll. '""' --..,, 'tqolr. .. '""lfl' ... ,, , ...... , mu...ij •• 40 MOS. GUARANTEE WITH 20 MOS. FREE REP~CEMENT T ' ' • Mak• for a..,.,.., cool-running; durable tire •.lnaea•• mi-..,.nduces til'• •.-.uirm' • Witlor 1!Md1i,.. puts """9 rub~ on tho road for a strongor.grip p1 .. 1oc1 ... ancf Old tir• WHITE TUBELESS Sia Reg . f•d. lo• S ·-"28 ·. 700-1 •.• J•F:•••i •••••I"'•• .95 •••·······•.••• .. ••• 1.16 Ql.1,~U) .... ··••••• 28.95 ., ....... ' ... ,,, •.•• 1.90 ' NQW$29 .................... WHIT~ TUBELESS -~ ... fod ... t f71-14C7Ual4 30.9!.,, •• 2.1~ J11.1" cm•M~ 32.95 •••• 2.36 UN Penneys Tillt9 Paymeftl Pion· WHITE TUBELESS ' Si•• R9g. hcl tu: G78·1.t(UJ•14) :U.95 ••• 2 • .U H78-1.t {IJJaU) 36.95 , • , 2.68 J78-1.t C115•1•, 38.95 ••• 2.86 G78-l.5<Hf.1sJ 3"'.95 ••• 2.68 H7S.1S(tla15J 36.95: •• 2.77 900-15 ••.••••• 38.95 ••• 2.71 ' HERFS HOW OUR GUARANTEE AGA11'iST FAILURE WORICSo Entire ~ period __ ........................................ -... 40 months Fr" rt~t periqd ····-······ .. --............... -·-·-1·20 months 50% ttlf periOCf • .. ·----.. ······--.. -· .. -· ... ·-····--··21..JO IT'IOnths 25% off period ···----.. ·-·-·-·-······-·-·-:.. ... 31-40 months ' . ;...-.. loilllt trul -*9ut. If your ti~ wah out durina: the first: half of,tht IUWlntM period, return it with )'OUI" auarantee W'· . lifielte and hnney's will fllllace your tire with 1 omw ~ chlriill.I you 50'.4 .... tfttn tM awrent selhn& price ihcludin& Fedlnll bcise Till; If,.,.,, ti1' wars GUI: durina the 5tcOOd hllt )'OU PIW 25% I•• Uwn ttle curf9Mt selllnc price includina F~I uclse Ta Guar1ntn aplnst flllft If we ~l1ee tlte tl1' durina: the free· repllctment period. theN. is no chargr._~ *' repl1ce the tire after the freHeofacemlnt Dtriod1 )'6u pay :iu% or 25% less than the cumint sellina. Cl'icl of the ti'11 lncludina: fednl Excise Tn. ~ Ula. Thia IUl'lntet is void where ~ tim ire uSlld on trucks. used f'Of' business. or driwn f1ffr 30,000 miles in ·one year, · Great savings on Our , Finest shock absorbers! Forlnlal18 Prttnium Cuahionmaster shocks giv. extra Mrvic•, oxlnl tafety on tho roacl1 Up to ~3% """" clishioning l>lsfon area than ordinary aliocb. For a smaother ride,,. stop in today. Set of 4 27.88 completely Install~ BUENA PARK C°':xe="l CANOGA PARK C~ULA VISTA FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH ~,• A• I MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA • ' ' l "" ... ~~ .................. ~ ........ ~~~~~.;;;;~~,;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;.;:;:;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;::;;;::;:::;;::::::::::::::::;::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!=:=:::::::::::"""'"' ......... ,.,,,.,,...,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,::.:21 ...................... ~ ....... <.- I Jf DAILY moT ' ' -· Juno :!O, 1969 For The Record Births MOAO M•M09:1.l.L MOSI' ITAL-P'llaSIYT•• IAN JUM JI fM. 11'111 Mrs. G. And•rloOl'I, l:tl L llJ SI .. Cost1 Me-t1, bO¥ Mr. ,,,., MrL Mll'tlofll lflnlllY. nin Lodl;haYftl, Hvrdl119lorl l11ch, boY IN. Ind "'"· WIYnt: ltlcc, ,,, Lll'lfm l'I., Coi.1• Mftl, llDv Mr. Ind M•I. Jotlrt l.olH. •m Pol• (!•- ell!. """""9tan le1dl, 1lr1 M• . .,,11 Mr1. Tltrv wori11m1n, lJGol ~elH<ll .-.v1,, Co.It Me••· t !r! Mr. 1nd Mrs. (lllrlfl L1n1, 21:11l1 C1lver1 SI., Cost1 Mts.I, boy Mr. u1cl Mra. SOalrl'o V1r11s. 101 W, Wl1,.rl1 St., S1nl1 .Ana, <;1lr1 M•. -Mrs. VIiii !lvf11, 31\4 Dublin Sl., Co1t1 Mn&. tlrt Mr. •1'111 Mrs. ltabtrl M11!h, tJO W. Hl1~t.nc1 S!., Slni. An•, 1>:11 Divorces Hel,. w.. 3 ....... FAUETEETH .Worrle1oodPr1•te•1 =·':'..::"=1. =l ea rl • 10 (1) ._... ' fJ)~Jl!'ll-•• w1i.-' 4.t .... tort. !...i. ~ .......... , .. ,,,,,.. __ !:.'i.!!:."0:::. .... ti''::'· _ ...... r==· Shop at. home! '• ,,.. consultatlo11l • ,,... estlmatel • No obllgatlonl • Wo bring ltlillplest . C~ll collect (714) 523-6511 ~~THISWEEK ONL Y! . ANTIQUE SATINS, SLUB AND JACQUARD WEAVES TO MATCH WITH SHEERS FOR CUSTOM OVER-AND-UNDER DRAPERIES- BOTH FOR ONE LOW PRICE! 2.99yd. GiftJOVl"'friftdowttltetotal k*:witllC.SO.dlep•;..mode,,_.-1.,.. ........... ...,.. •Ml Jocquotda., -'""'ifl .Otl'ofle ~ "'""" n... rfdlit, twd14wcl ~ .. ..,.. ,.-... to tt.at 1" tOfl odM.,. MM1ptvows decorator eff9dl COMIN .......... _.,...._. _... droperi• both fot" ftt• price you'd •xped to peyfor ,..._ .. ...,. .. p1r ....... a.;s• low Penney~ .. fftfiMt:""°'9 lobot-. '• ll Save up .. 25" ............. "'91t··· -n-io.wall wpollnt thla we.ii...., Reg. 4.99 Reg.5.~ Now3.99 Now4.99 -""'""'--Whol • _,.,. ... prkit .. Colfe. ........ --........ , .... __ .,_ frH nyte., tM, which ..... It .... ...,~.••"'•'- b"' ~~· ht•'-'°" ,_ """ ... __,_._ ' ·'· ( Southland Water Bill Increased NY Vote Pu~ RQcky on Spot I NfWI AN Al Ylll • • • ii • • • • • ii • ' m!nblrlt!Oft win supporl that nominee." Rockefeller heard about lhe elecilon results while traveling ln Soutb America oo· hll fact~ flDdlng mlsalon for Pr&ident Nixon. ; The election wu of "major signlflcanee, ••be told newsmen ln Sao Paulo, Bra.iii, "but the altuaUon ls too com- plex to give an tntelllgeot ap- praisal al thiJ distance." Asked whether he would support March.I, Rockefeller aald be 'Would reserve com· ment for now. Newport Youth In Excavation • • • • • • at El Ranch .I I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WM! ""' / TASTY! 5 LBS. RILY COOKED I •, • • • • • • • • • • • • ·! "' • ,g .: " •. ~ .t ~ ~ " • 0 " 0 :i " .. Hoftman ••• for quality and flavor unsurpassed · ••• at a price that makes it doublY. attractive! and •.• to complete the meal ! Cinnamon Applesauce ......... 4 ... ~1 Seneca ••• delishtful wllll ham ! ••. No. 300 S&W Baked Beans ................... 39" Ham and beanl ••• mm m ! ... 2&-oz.. size Green 6lant Asparagus ........... 59¢ Tender rreen spears! ••• 15 ounce can Main Course Pleasure ! Royal Gelatin ..................... 3 '" 25 ¢ For salads or colorful dessert! ••• reg. pkg. Bread & Butter Piddes ........... 29¢ Fanning's , •• old fashioned goodn~s ! ..• 15-oz. French's Mustard .................... 29,. In .the new convenient ~ump j&r ! ..• 12-oz.. Meat Loaf .. -.............. ~!~.~.~ .. 0.~ .................. 7 9~· PrecWon sroand meat ••• expertl1 blended and aea80ned ••• made with fresh whole eggs! Beef Stew • Lean chunb of tender 89111 U.S..D.A. Choice Beef J •••••••••••••••••••••• Sliced Bacon , El Rancho's own .•. Ranch 79• Style, •. a little bit tlticker !. .............. .. Look ro El Rancho for finer produce ! Brown Onions .................... :.~~ .. ~ .. ~~ ..................... s~ s-t enough to guarantee flavor in JOQr recipe ••• ! inn enough to elite •.• or cook ••• perfectly I - Pf"i.ca in tffut M0tt., TKU., Wed., luM 30. Julp 1 cl:!. No ..Z.. to d<akn. I AIWIA: SUnllt Ind ffvn!li11ai Dr. (IJ RlllC!lo Cont.I) PWDEJIA: =~=~ Fremont Ind ~Dr. HUllTlllrlOI IEACR: W11111er Ind AlCol"""1 (llommll C1a1r!1 lmlPOIT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. llld . 2555 Elatbbdl i.-. Jalllull Vlillllt Ceatlll • , ' ' ' l • I ... ' • '. Mondq, Jilflf 30, 1969 DAILY PILOT .lJ U.S. Says Medi-Cal Bungled JIState Faces--'Fundless'· New -Year ~ SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - The ll>te of Cllllornla and tbe Blue Crou ot8~Uon were accused in a federal reJ>Ori Sunday of coolly bunglln& In heaHh care for the aged. The rtpOrt, pnputd by tbe reglooal office or tbe Depart. ment of Health, Education and Welfare, noted that Call!ornia bu undertaken nfonns. However, it said CaUlornia authorities bav~ taken no steps to stop uslng 227 nurslng homes which have failed to meet federal and state stan- dards or care. Tht report said state agen- cies dkl not have accurate in- 1' • " formation on who was eligible • ,_"'.,:Y.:;"-----------------' for medlcare insurance, so .. they paid in a five-month-------------------- period about Sl29,tn:I a month more lo medical clabns than they lhould have -and may have underestimated medicare premiums by '180,000 a month. •Es~ape" Home During. thttHnooth period 'The C , T ke 1~;1~.tbepa:..,~r ~~~; y ant a It Away' ttian $100,000 were made by state agencies for care under federally supported he a I t h programs. "Tht absence of coordinated procedures" in the Blue Cross organization allowed t h e dupllcate claims to gll!t by a computer check which was supposed to catch them, the repcrt said, but the state bas taken steps to correct the pro- blem and to recover duplicate payments. The report noted several or the unqualified nursing homes were still being paid from government fupds to care for aged persom, despite the fact the homes have no nurises employed. SANTA BARBARA (AP) - The Escape was apparenUy just that to W.V. Fleming. It was an answer to smog and lraf(ic -a home for him, his wife and t wo young children. And tbe 40-foot sailboat E,_ cape wu a bomt pobody could take. away from him~-He would rather slnk it than have it reposs~. The 45-year~ld mechanic and his family were on their way from Long Beach to Berkeley Friday when the ship's rudder broke and sails tore ln heavy seas. They were rescued by the Norwegian lnlghtet' Vbund Saturday morning and towed into Santa Barbara harbor. Actordlai lo police nports, Fleming was exhaU!ted from bis ordeal and haunted by fears that hi! boat would be taken away from him. Early Sunday morning, police said, he took out two rifles and a .45-callber pistol and rlddled the hull of the Escape moored in the harbor. "It's my home, they can't take it away," he shouted as be fired the guns, officen said. Officers said Fleming told them be could not keep up payments on the veue1 and rather than return It to tbe ship brokers, he wanted tO aink it. He was taken into custody when he ran out of bullets and taken to Santa Barbara General Hospital for observa· Uon. 'Riot Proor Insurance OK'd . SACRAMENTO (UPI) -A bill guaranteeing property in· suranee to persons who cannot obtain ordinary i n s u r a n c e beeause of riot,, has cleated the Assembly. Cuba Threat Brings Arrest The measure b y Assemblymu Bob MoretU, (0.Van Nuys,) appropriates $1.5 million ·10 baek up in- surance poUcits written by prlvate companies. SAN DIEGO (AP) -A 3%· yea.r~ld Freano man Wll3 ,r- rested at International Airport Sunday after a stewardess on a plane about·to take off sald be told her, "We'~ golng to Cuba.11 Uoyd James Rice, a tru.ck driver, was turned over to the Fede ral Bureau of • 11-1.1101 A L'ELEGANT MEN'S SHOPPE NOW NEWPORT ART CENTER 2400 W. COAST HWY .. NIWPOIT llACH , ......... , 645-2121 -FREE l!FlllSHMINTS - • New styles in men's made lo order suits by Monsieur M11 • Sportswear for the DiscrimiRlling • Tlllor on premises • Neyer 1n 11terlfion charge WIN LAS VEGAS TRIP 2 NITll ·I DAYS P•ll at tM , ....... Hac-.t• In U1 V ..... Nt ~ ,... ..,1r11111. O.,..lt c:...,_ .......... .....,. 41.,.. Int Gr•rMI 0,.,.... Wttk-1..tr 1.J9'f L NAMl .. ·-····--·-·-M-·--- ADDltlll._..__..._ .•. --·-··-···-··--···-- CITY.-·--·--··~·· .. -··-···----·-- PHON•-R•..!..i-----·•••o ' .. Iovestiga\jon. Authorities said he carried a plvanlzed pipe with wires Jnaking it resemble a bomb. The United-Alt Lint s stewardesl, G. L. ~said sbe told the pilot the man was a hijacker. The pilot fuled toward the terminal and alerted authorities 'by racUo. NAllll P. FlllARA, Mtr..C..Ultant A L'ELEGANT MEN'S SHOPPE NOW 2 $10US TO SIRYE YOU . 2400 war COAST H .. HWAT, lllWl'OlT ..... QI. I In Ill• How,.... Art Confer I JJH YIA LIDO, NIWPORT dACH INtxt to llue Do lphin Re1faur1ntl • SACRAMENTO (UPI) - 11l1t ii New Year's ev, for the state ol Cllllornla. But nobody's celebrating. Tbe sprawling, multl-btlUon dollar govemmeqJ faces a qew fiscal year wllljout any aulborizatlon to spend money. bu been reduc!'id to lllla!llblol." iald Aaemblyman Rotiert Cl'0\'11 (D-Alameda) °"" of tbo bud&ot oeiotlalors. "I fjocl~ thlDl< H's poulble to put ~together by mid-n,l 1 b t, • a ldmltted Aliembly Bob MoretU (D- budget by the June Ml deadline The governor m a l n t a i n s ln& to vote. It needed M, votes. was 19'3. Lawmakerl" tern-nobody -can know how much "Th.ii bill lan't wort.llJ of ft;• porarlly Jettied for what Gov. money is available for schools vo&e," declared Moretti. '"nils F..Ctmund G. Brown called a unUl 1 budJet 1J enacted. 11 garbqe. Thll ii rubblJ!h. ''bare bones" budget that A showdown Aasetnbly vote 11lil la hypocrily." ' A aiJ::"hlan legislatlve com- mittee, after negoUaUng all weekend behind g u a r d e d doors, reached ' • g e n e r a I agreement" on a new te:.2 blllloo .ate budget early to- day. But an ASstmbly fight over tax reform threatened tO block its enactment by the midnight deadllne. Y.an N~s}, one of the DtmOcrauc tu uperta. ... "We've met as nearly as we can, evef':)I' one ct t b e DemoCraUc demands," said Alltmbly Speaker Robert Mooa8'n -<R-Tracy). "There isn't &nythilJ& else we can do." year. Then the governor call-on Uix reform Saturday Jet{ "Any immediate property ed the · legislature back into the House. bitterly deadlocked,. tu rellflf hi now dead for this special se!slon and it passed Rea;gan'a revl&ed tax reform sesaion," said Aaemblymm a $126 mllllon augmentation profam, containing a one' w. Cral& BldCtle '( R ~ bill in August. cen increue In the sales tax Riverside), lhe governor'• tai r 1 RepubUcans now control the to finance property tax rel!~. rerorm 1 po o so r. "Tbl 1 legislature for the first Ume in was killed by Democrats. Democrats have now blocked 13 years -41-39 in the -.Thiiiiiey-klliiliiedi.liitiislmiiilpiOlyiibiiyiirefus-&. ;;....;t;;•'ioi"iilliitiiil-'.,' -iliiiiiiiiiiiiii'i Assembly and 21-19 in thell Senate. Bul because pasaage of a budget requires a two- lhirds vote, the GOP needs Democratic support. Specific details of t h e "generaJ agreem~nt" weren't Immediately released. N~goUators predicted they would satisfy at least one de- mand of Assembly Democrats -for a algnlflcant boost in state scl>ool aid. But "meaningful" t a s: reform -another Democratic demand remained a hangup. And there wasn't much optimism il would be resolved by midnight. ''Tbe (tax reform) situation U no ·budget b passed and signed by Gov. Ronald Reagan before the new filcal year ushers in, there will be no aUtborn.Uon to continue state services and pay employes - including legislators. So Assembly minority leader Jess Unruh and Crown were prepared to oUtr a "skeleton" budget to n:ialntaln the fiscal status quo through July. A full year's budget still will have to be enacted sooner or later~ The last time a legislature failed to pass a complete Assembly Democrats for weeks have Insisted that the budget be accompanied by "meaningful" ta:i reform and signilicant new school aid. A $200 million school aid bill by Assemblyman V i c t o r Vey-.e.y (R-:Qrawley), has been in limbo ln the Assembly Ways and Means Committee. Because it ill an appropriation measure, Reagan must give his written permiulon for It to be passed before the budget. IT'S A FACT! If you spent 30 seconds looking at each of our shag samples, it would .take you over 9 hours to see them all- so come early and bring your lunch. DON'S CARPET SHOP 426 SO. MAIN 12 Bllu. No. of Bullock's) ORANGE HOUlSt f·l:JO DAILY CLOllD SUNIAY TH t BEST,TIRE BUY IN 1 rrs PRICE RANGE • Clem lktiwill doilp. radlal cl.u:tl Oil ahouJder • Trlpl•tllnpend ll)'loA cord conatnu:tioD. ~ • Buynowatthne lowprlcn. Ost ro.ur s,t today! ANY OF THESE SIZES 7.75115 7.711 114 1.2!1114 4FOR$Sl!:, ~,, .......... r•d. b . Tn: ~ti,. I,_.,,. ....... , ... out olcl tlNtl 'SIRVING ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA J YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO. YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO. 15'6 ~IWPOIT ,._•141-HIJ 4Q oqAN !<VI. ......4Mllll • COSTA MISA LAGUNA " ) 'I \, I I I L . I , ' l I Meetings MOWOAY E~•lolw kwh. hbcodl; E~la Euklffl' "'°'' """ J.501 IMrllor Stvo., Co1!1 Ni-. 7:1$ •·'"· (Ml• Mn1 Hl-Y Locl9f, 2t, Odd Ftllowl Hill. UH '"wPOrt (11'1<11., Coa11 MeW, I •.m. · 'fVISDilY W6"'11Mllr Cllwnbt< of Commertt, K ... 'I T.ole A 11t 111r 1 11I, W•""IMJ~r, ,_ '- COJi. ~ E•~ (lub, C0t1I Reel ""''~'-· >MS .._rtlctt llwl., CDllll Miu,_, 1tol1ry Cltlb ·of Cotll MHl·NOrltl, Cmll Mu. Goll •rid C_I,., Club, lltl Gall Courit Orlv1, COSll ~. U:ll '·"'· ~ dtl M9r Klw1M Clult. YUiii $~ KM E. CN1t H191TweY. ~ dill -· lt:ll "'"" com. MtW Klwtn)l.Clua. c.11 Mese GOif Md CllUl'lfni Club, c.41 ~ lltU 1.m. N-' H1rtior Qlolllfll•l C~. \flll1 !Mr...., 104.S 81....W. C>rlw, NeWPOtt hl<fl. 12;1S 1.m. H<lfllll'llrlllfl 11e«11 K"°Hnll ciuo. Hu11· llrltlo!I $Melltl C_,try Club, XIOO ,.,.., """ """".,,,,... .._,., 12:1J ·~ H""'lin.toft 9eKfl ltotarv Clutl-Nottfl, FOIW w"""' 1tnt.ur1111, 1Ml1 Bois.I Ctoka ltOMI. H1'nt1,.11111 klCll. ll:U ·~ C~ Oft "'-Elldlll!M Club, ..io.et'I • ..._.-. 11t1 e. c.... ~. c.-•• ""-•· -. H\ll'ltlntloll llUCl'I ~ l.lons Club, MYdcwlarlt Cl:lllftlf'Y Club, 16112 Gr1111m. H11nll119""1 ee.c11, llOOll Hu111f"lf'Dll a .. e11 81rred<• '*' V1!.r1ns Ill W0rlll W1r I, V,F,W, Htll. 31t Ywt.,_._ KWlflnltell kMll. J ...... ··oc Goodwiq Bids Slated SANTA ANA -Bids will opened Julyl& on U.. Goodwill Industries of Orange County's $500,000 rehabilitation center at Fair:iew and West 5th Streeis here, the Goodwill Board of Directors allllOWlC«I today. A $300,fAXI fund·•ising drive Is under way with Mrs. Hildred Ferrell, Anaheim civic leader and Mrs. A g n e s Townsend, of Santa Ana nam· ed co-cllairmen of t he women's division. Both women are members of Goodwill's Bord of Directors. DfJath J\'otk"'s ROACH J,,,_ R. ttOMft. ~1 c..11i.. Dr .. Hunll1111flwl teed!. SUn1v!'d bt wi!~. G~n; 111<• llCl!lt. R*11, TllOm· 11 .-id J1mn. kf'ol(ft, Tws.aey. I PM, PMll; Fentily Col9fll1I FuMrll -FAUSCll ltalattll l . Ftu>Cll. tllli F.. CP>t•t""I Aft4 Ori-. Dal9 Ill 11Ht11, June 17. $vMwd by tlutlNllld. Edwtrd C. F1111C111 two -· JOflll erid Robrtl d n.. """"' ll'lrM brot'-'•• Mf-lvln DanM~r. d ' P r!nnlllt, 0.nO!I; Mer· vln o.-. of S.lldA, Col.,...-1 Mlk<t o.r.tlliier, !:I PtlOI -1isteo, LWU! DldtY, d Alll L-. Ind NlllM lllled. Qllot'"° S.rlnll. ~ T_. 1111. ) PM. P..:lflc VIN CN11el. '"' ur<WMtll. PtcJflc vie. ,...,.,... .. , P1rtt. Dfrtdtd Irr l"tcMI<: View Mortulo/'l'. HEYWOOD Wtllff Tl'lomet ............... 211116 D VII M..-IM&I W., Lellw1 WOl'ld. Dalt of -ltl, Ji.WM 7'. !.urvlvtd '°' wll~. An-tonnette; 11C1!1. W11i.r T. Jr., of Yu- c:1lpt; dllllhM. Mrs. Mlrl1n H•ll- rrwt. lAl>ca1-..1 10 1r1Nk!ll1d..., u"d ltmo ... rlnddlild!Y'-Mernbet' of Pt- tr......, Club ot \ ~-Hltls. 1nd A~ Soe.let-r of ~n;c111 E,.. 1lflffn. RMU!errl Men. TundlY, 11 AM. St. Nldiolt1 C111'1otlc Oturcto. In-...! will ~ lltld ill Motileclle Memorllol P;1B. Dlr«fd by Slwfter l~.... 9e1c~ Mortull'l'. FORGY l'rH w. Far~•. Sr. AH :re, ot 151.5 Oc1H111 Aff., Car-dl!I M•r. Survl..-ed bv wife. Rut~' -· Frtd J. Jr.1 deu~lef, Mo. Jolm S.•IH, •II of SIMI ...... ; slllft', Mrl. A'f>Q!. T•1 .. 11. $1t'tl1 Ane C111Y0111 1nc:1 11~ 1,11\d- Cl'llld<ftl. Mr. F0111Y ••• • ,..,;.,, or s ... ,. ,.,,., ... ..._ '" lltr "'"' "' ForoY, FOl'IY .,.., TN!Mfl """'1br• of S.nl1 A"' ~le: Loo»r Plll; 1'111 • Shr!....,. kt•lca, IOd1y, Mol>- d1v, II AM. 11 thr W1.,orlv O>u"'~' wl!h RfV. l-l11rry I!. OWIMI olf!ci1!1nq, £111om~nr, Court al R~IWI"", l't!rtl1vfn M!mor"-1 P1r~. OlrK~ bY Sml!ll •nd Tuthill MCH"IU•l'l'· ARBUCKLE I: WELSH Wt11tcllff Mortaary f%7 E. 17th SL. <Alla ~1H• UMIU BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del l\b.r OR 3-9450 Costa &leu 1\11 5-14%4 • BELL BRO.\DWA Y ~IORTUARY llt Broadw•y, Co1U 1\leu LI l-34ll DILDAY BRO'IHERS Huntfngton Valley l\1ortaar1 li9ll Rudi Blvd. Buntln(ton Beach le'17'11 PACIFIC VIEW 'fEMOR!AL PARK ".f!me&e:ry e ~ltrhlJ'J' Cll•pel 3511 PKl:Rc Vie" Drive Newport Beach, CaliJornll -!700 PEEi[ FAMILY COLOMAL FUNERAL ROME 7lfJ e.lu A Ye. Wutm.btste.r llWS!S 8BEPHlt MORTUARY ._ -IH-JSIS .. ae-to .... ,. IJCI Huddleston Appointed ORANGE -Donald I. Hud· dle.ston of 1211 Kings Road , Newport Beach_, bas been ap- pointed lo the President's Couocil at Chapman College. The 45-member c o u n c i I sponsors • number of speciaJ projects for the collqe, l?" eluding the Orange Cowlll' Economic Forum and the Industry Reeognition Forums, HuddJeston. a real estate counselor, ls a past preeldenl. of the. Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce and the Boy1 Club of the Harbor Area, DEA'l'B NOTICES BLOOM GAR OEN Mll•ln R. llaat!>Nrlltll.,.,m ""' N•INU Raed, Colt. NIH.I. O.~ ' •· ddlll. J-711, !.u~ by -. C. WI~ 1\ootfttlrdftl, II Hn Yor11; CJh1 brothef, Klltllll YOlrt.. fl// Hlmlllon, Qllor 1lsltr, kt1t11 A. CllB•. LOI ""'"""" 5'ef"lks. Wdnnd11, U AM. P.,:Hlc: Vlftt Ql&pel. llllllfll'tf11, P• dtlc Vll'W ,,.,.,_ltl P111l, Dlrt!Cltod b1 P1cH!c V!fw MOr'IWltv, LOHMAN Mrt. M,r11e ~II LGl'llNln. '301 W1r- 1111r Avt •• Hunllflll!gn 9ffd'I. D1!1 t i dffll'I, Ju,.,. U. SUrvlwtd llY 1lsllf', EllWI Mlltl. St"'lc:n. Weclrlftd1v. t PM. lft 1111 Finl OW\$11111 °""rcft fll Huntl11t!Oll 9'ldl. 1ntem\eftl, l'ort ROHCI' ... • N1t1on•I cemetert. Wts1> m1-.. JMmori.I P111l MD1111;1ry, DI-- ~. GRAY N!!YI M. Gr•'· Aft n. "' 1111 Vllll!'Y Cl"'le' Cl!l9!1 MIN. Dile of ~!II, JUnt 21. Survlveel bY llutbel>d, PlffYI 1on, Wllll•rn G. Gr;1y. S«vkt1 will be held WIClnffdl\I, 2 PM. Finl kl>U1! Cllurtl! ct Cost• Miu. lnlll"fMllt, H1rt1ot Rut o\Vfnc!NI P1B. wllll Or. P111! Ntum1n11 offkl1llnl. F•l'l'llly tU't> test• "-wbl'llnto 11 l'Mlle mmwttlll <anlrlllu!ION., •l.e;ite COftlrlbute 19 ltM Arnerlan C1~ Society, 11"6 E. f!ll Sf .• Tu1nn. 11.i1 troldw1• Mor1v1ry, c"''' .v.e ... M~'EN'iRv MICl\ae1 IC. McEnlrv. 11n Somtnel L tnt, NtWPDf'I Beedl. DI~ of 1Se9lfl, Jvnt 111. Surv1Wd llY wl,., lll1l1n1 1W11 d1ll9llltt1, Mrs. S\lllft Vlllant, SMtrNn O.k1: '°"' Clll'\11.....,.r, .,.... l>Of1 lle1cll1 four brOlllen, J-A. Me£ftirv, Sift Fr1nc:IKll1 111•rt o .. Mwmpllltt Clllllld G •• Cocit ••~· 0.. -; •nd T......,.s J. Mc:f'11I,.,, Stn Mv!llO: two altltu. Mt1. Miry M. SIUf9eO'I, Monrovl1; Mo. N•nt"I' J. L.uofl!!n, 5111 G•brlel1 •n.d lt'ltft ••11\detllklrM. ROl•rv. 7:30 PM Wed-"'"*av, RPOu l•m MIH, ' AM, Tllut5- d1y. bolll 11 Our L.OV Ill Ml. C1rmel Cal!lollc Cl'lurdl, ~or! t~edl. '"" '""""''' Good ~rd C~ltrv. 111111 "'°""'•"'• 1111 SUMrlCH", COiii Mew. Dlr.c:tar1. GRAY ltot...rt Grev. 1161 E. ut St .• l -8Ndl. SU,..1¥111 b'I' llll!tr, Mr. Jah~ C••Y) "1<)Nr. Mo. Ftnnv Sl\tlfftltf; tl111r. Mn. Smoot. Slrvlcel -Mlcl $11\ir~1>', Junot 2t, t i Wtsltllff Cl\10- t l. W\1'1 t lil'loo TllOrl'l11 K. Sm.o1~ wood Dlllcltllne. 111~1. Tllnd1•. f 11.m., C«-. NPw INxlco. w .. 1. ctlfl c111i>e1 Mortuary, "'"411. ,.,,.. •1.,tfne d!recton. P01"l'ER S!t!IMll Pattf<'. '°""' Sl'rlnHllt Or., L11 C.llto. sunoll>'td b' wl!1, Mrs. l lll"-" Pti!lef: titttn. Mrt. Meb!l "-Ir.cl Mrs. MIY: brlll'llff, ltn, l!'Oll•nl Potier. •II of C1111od1. s-lce1 wm bl' lleld TUftd1y, 2 PM, ~~m CllK't!, wlffl Fr. J1mt1 C. C11tt OI $1. Wllfonh t'Obt..,11 Cllurdl. Olfltletlf>!I, 1nlfrmeftt, Melrose Ahl!ty WH1dlff (fllpel Mclr'u;lry, M6- -· Olrt<:ton. KING 0 ... ld l(f .... IJOS TtmP~ let"l"K•, l1· ,.,... llt•cll. Ser\llc'el .eow11... Ill W"tdHt Cfllpel MOrtUl/'l', ............ CLARK tl!lc:ll1td C,.rk. 1n.1 e...-11ul"lll. Hun\. 1...,ion tlllcll. Surv1Wd bY •Ii., Vlol11 deutnlfl"l. Mfl. Edwl•d VI"" den IEyllel: Mo. RobH'f $tllld!1 Mr,. R-..t Dfc:i<...,; broflll.n, Fr11*.. Em- -' Ind Robert Ci.rt;; 1!iltr1. Miu Mlrlt Cl11'11. Mrt. Wllll;1rn Grllll"'; H trllldd'llldtfll, ROU/'l'. IOl'lll!fil. I PM. Smlfl'lt c~-1. Re<1111e"' Miu. lllltdeY, t AM. SS 5!mc111 I. Jllft C1111olk Olllrdl. l"letmtlll, A'tt"S«I C""'11tf'y, El Tont. $Jnllllt MGl"lultY. Olreciol"ll;. CRISSMAN k-111 C•~1m11n, 11201 Tudor, ~ l11'1a. SUNl\'td by Wi141, 1W-.i1 l'IOlll- ff, Mr1. H1r.1 criu..,. .. , -· ~ "!"-11111 Mel'Qlll ,.,..,,_,., P,,ryl l-r bfvtMn. Gllbtr't •fld R•v........, Cr1-11i 111.,...,_ Miiiry, A-. •fld Vlollfr llfld two trfnddllldr.tL ltry. bs. hldtJ, Mlfld.ly, ) I'll\, Sml"" Cl\11111, wl!ll R..,, Or. C"'rle• ""'°" llffkl1llnl. lnlt""""t, P1tlflc Vltw M-l1t 1"1rtr, Olrect.d bY S'l'!!lllt --· COWICK M1rrlt0f! Cowl<!t. lGll ,. Vt11 Nn. A....-,. ""'' AN, $11ntl¥toll b• wife, Glto'lclor11 """ Holntrl 1l11tr, M*' W1ltt1 IO'llll W1oo ,,'"*!lltff91'1. ..,.... lui. 'Owndt1. I l"M. llftll!\1 ,,_.._ ... ~. Bl!lNllAMPEN EA-• ltlflktl'l'I-... II Alllllln1ts, • H\11\tlftlt.,. IU(.11. $11,...l•M "' .. ,,.... "''· ltVlll lfrult1. leN'kll 11'11! ln1tr- '"""' wlU W "'lcl "' l"rt!t'!Wlflt. '911-- • ·10 J Isn't it ridiculous that more home1..llereabouts have swim- ming pools than central air conditioning? After all, where do you eat and sleep ·and relax and watch TV and wrestle with the bills? And why shouldn't you keep cool in the process? Costs too much? Not compared to the price of a poo1. Of course you can cut corners by having a plug-in air conditioner. They work fine -long as everybody stays in one room. Gas air conditioni.ng is more than a plug-in appJiance. It's a to~al home improvement, the only air conditioning that has no compressor to break down .. And the entire system can be yours for about $1 fl day. And withoU.t putting out one ct!nt for equipment or ins~allation. That's the deal the average family can get under our new No Sweat air conditioning ptari. We've made b a nking arrange- FaDtily Doeiors CWTenUy la pruldenL He uld the need ls euch that be expecta other bospJtah ln lhe cooq!y eventually wlll have eim1br programs. I See by Today's Want Ads '-~;c:~""'ic:::?> e For people wbo don't want I , to throw rocks, just flow. ers, an 8xlO gl.us house, porl.able, you haul iL • Cafe, to share? OCC Stu- dent lrom Pakistan it in- tere&led in living with an American family, e Beal the heat, there's an auto air condititult'r oiler· f'd for iso . ments so you can pay for the whole job over 10 years. • Want to know more? Phone the Gas Company and ask for Air Conditioning Information. We'll have a representative call any day or evening you suggest. Or send in the coupon, and the mailman will call instead. r--------------------~----------1 1 Gas Air Conditioning P. 0. Box 2736 !erm1nal Annex CDep1. NP-2) I I Mail Location 1080, Los Angeles, Cabf. 90054 I I J am interested in finding out more about gas air 6 I I condi tioning. I I I I Name I '"' : Add<en 9 9.§ : I City ip I L ----------------~ -------- """'lt· lmllt!t Morluerr, lri•"''"'• --------------~~------------------'-----------------------------------•trec.1.,,. ,. ' I •• • -- Jaek.ie. Big Spender .' Ex-secretary '.fells All in New Book NEW YOJllt (UPI) -Mrs. John F. Kennedy's Whlte H--~ i,ay .. life wi111. the former ~'Lai!Y, wasn't a fairy tele exis~. For ex- ampl~, she said1 Mrs. Ken- 11edy : " .· J -Ueed food sent as gifts to the "White" Hou~ instead ot ~ ·11 to otl}hanaeeJ as hJd , ~ the custom, and wanled to get stamps wllh , White House food purchases to trade in for "all those marvelous gifts.'' -Sold' 1 nuMber ot gilts 'from govern m e nt s and relailves -including her husband's father -to buy an anllque pin she wanted and even considered laking ~ diamonds from a Ceremonial sword given· the President by the Shah ol lran and replacing them with glass. -Rented her Hya nnis Port, 1i1aSJ., house to two sisters-in- law and then stored almost everylhing but the furniture and croquet set. -Spent more on family ex- penses than the President 18 Brain Peril Under Study ORLANDO, Fla. (UP I) -A m y s terious microorganism that attacks the brain and may cause death is the target of Or. Cecil Butt, chief pathologist at ." 0 r a n g e Memorial Hospital His opposition is almost as difficult to Cind as it is to pro- nounce -naegleria. Butt has identified the one- cell amoeba in the bodies of 6ix persons in central Florida during the past five years. He says 44 deaths ·have been at- tributed to the Organism s(nce 1951, particularly in Virginia and Florida, and at least two foreign countries. Naegle ria is present in warm lakes and enters the body of a swimmer through the nose. Once in the body the amoeba passes directly into the brain where Bull says "they are not responsible for what they do and cannot be reached by antibiolics." Butt points out t h a t naegleria has been around a long time -il is just now being identified. Knowi]ig what it is, Butt may now work on a way to stop It. In the mean· time, he has several sug· gcstions for people who swim in lakes: -Swim only in the cleanest water and avoid warm, stag· nant water or areas where there ts a good deal or decay- ing vegetation. -Seek moving water for a swimming area. -Keep the head out of the water as much as possible. -Avoid deep diving where pressures might force the amoeba into the nose. .. Morris Plan's $5,000 Invest· ment Certificates earn .5.5% interest yearly-no lengthy holding period required. • Cen111cates purchased through July 1s earn at the full rate from July 1. Interest ts paid by check i t the ind ofeipti"Calendar quarter. • 1 ., ,, • • Since I~ foilndlnQ In· ?,916, Morris Plan has prompt!~ met every reqltest fo r withdrawal. Auats exceod $100 mlU!Oil. oii: l!A~N S.21% i!IT!lle•T PER•YIAll CIN •-OOK' TKlllFT ACCOUNTS , · of.~11"'°u(lf.\wltb inte".rest computed monthly and Gredlt~ and ,cCimpounded qu~IWrly. Funds placad l>Y_4uly 15 elm from July 1. ·Morris.Plan . Newport ·BHch-37Q.0 N_ewporl Bou!evud-673·3700 01i'ler olflees lhroughoUt Callfomla ,. \1 ) ' '· • Me•'• L•P!! N~tMI 'Star' , . 1 , ·. St~nt E~r~r~ ff Qnor"4 ' . ' ' This Tu~s~ay, J'!lr 11~ .; ONE DAY ONLY . ,E'(ery FRIGIDAIRE * IHGERATOR * FlllmR * WGE * WASHER * DRYER On Our Floor . . . REDUCED • ' An 1nrom1111v1 exhibit at alJ 22 a11nda11 Federal on1ces now thru Julr 11th. Here i1 mi llWft&tlon for you and your f8mllY to aee the many ways your local law . enforcement agency worb to serve and protect you. What Is .,dactyloecopy?"' The science of flngerprfnts. You wlll aee how fingerprints, ... -eel, why IJIOlll'- dlfferent charact«iltlds mual: r--·· be studied before• print Olln lit)>Oilltlvoiy ldtnllftod, end you • • . w111'1Mln ,. ldefftl!y'thli ii.1Jor ~ fln-1nl ci.lamca110.... . . ' .... wborl,Iqop,.,.,~ilJ;h. . Doctyl-;iliJS~ _ . ~· Jr'w w1n -'-11t -· . ' . .' .ftomoyftlm-' ... -.. ........... . . llklnlt!'tll•~ .,, •• ':. .. •.:. l~r;"'~~~~· r.hoi'tMM'ditchee · ... ~:? ..... ,... ~ \ · • used to quicken •.:i -" ·'"':"~ • .. • ;e -..... . I ibt 111rch for wanted '; .... -• ;• ·-and-ii!. I . ' ' You'll be able to take a first-han d look at the drugs you hear so much about In the news-"speed, .. "amphetamines.," and "bennies ... ! j,· You'll also see marijuana an d learn tiow to identify this common looking plant. • A colorful lln...up of uniforms, badgn, oor)Y polloo pholognplls 1nd records, plu. old and MW pot Ice equipment add an lnt.....ung note to tht hitl<lrY ol l1w onforcoment In llOU' """"""nlty. W. urge l/OU to vl>lt your.,..,.., Glond~I• Federal office to .... how the peaceful forces ol ltw ond ord"' ..,.. l/OU and your rimny. . . ' llJOll EiiHIBIT • COiia Miil 1833 N-11 Blvd. . ' a1am1a1a Fedll'll'I new a.._ .. .._ e11c"' lccount1 Pick one or bOlh 5 Year 30% Guaranteed.Growth Account • • '3-~ Year 5"% Gua~anteed Income Account I • • ii I I \ • NAMED PRESID ENT ~uric• sherm1 n S herman Heads Ho me S tudy Firm Maurict Sherman has been appointed president of Norlh A mer I c 1 n Correspondence Schools. Newport Beach. He v.·ill replace John J. fl1cNaughlon, who will devote hi.s run tirr.e as president of National Systems Corp., the pa.rent t'Ompany. Sherman previously was vice president, director of Na· tional Technical Schools. Los Angeles. He was associated with National Te c hnical Schools for IB years. North American Cor· respondence Schools has a current enrollment of over 17,000 students from every &late and IS foreign C'Ollntries. Students study a wide variety of coorses including con- servation, drafting, surveying, travel, advertising, a n d systems. Sherman will be responsible for the operation and ad· ministration of this division oI National Systems Corp. See our l ull-page ad in this week's TIME Mag"fn• mF'IRST CALIFOR NIA COMPANY Wh1re lh• in _.e 510r o/,,•'ly1 ccmes firs! J Jl l Vie I.MM N_,_rt .._,. ...... : 671·>•4• 1111-I. McCs.Me1 Yk• ,,.....,. • Your Mo•ey 's Worth F edera:l Cell8~. No 'Bjg .J;lrother~-' ' • s'y SYL''tA PORTER A major campaJgn ls now under way to curb the 1970 CeMUS to a degree which would 11rip this vital economic tool ol much ol iu valldUy. In fl.ct, If legislaUon now t;.efore Congr~ tieCo{lles Jaw, it would ' drasU ally cut the usefuln=i: or Census data to tens ol thouaaDdJ of COi'· poralioru, ~-of Sta~e and loul planning groups, hundreds of Federal a n d private agencies, etc. Some of the antl~ensus pro- paganda is really frightening, parUcularly' to all of us ibo are sensitive to the dange~.o( "Big Brother" in our larid. Therefore, to h e I p put tbe Mesa Firm To 1Acquire Business Standard-Pacific Corp., of Costa Mesa, diversified home builder, today announced JD agnement in principle to ac-- quire Investment Concepts, Inc., a privateiy held Mon- tebello corporation, for an un· disclosed amount or Standard· Pacific common stock. Investment Conttpt.s is engaged in the acquisition and properly management of large apartment complexes Io r private investors. , Arthur E. Svendsen, chairman of Scienfific-Paclfte, said, · "Although Investment Concept has been in business little more than a year, it bas already acquired and cut· rently manages more than 300 apartment units in Lo s Angeles and Orange counties ." Svendsen said upon com· pletion of the aajuisiUon lhe company will be operat.ed as a subsidiary of Standard.Pacific and that George A. Chami, president of Investment Concepts, , will continue to operate that company and also head up-. a new St.andard- Pacific division which will be engaged in the acquisition of land, construction, 'and sale for private investors ol large apartment complexes. Investment Concept! will provide property manageoient =:;ervices for the investots. BOAT BUFFS A1111011 Lock1b1y ;, th1 011ly fufl .tim• bo1ti11g 1di*or worki119 011 l ll'f n•w1p1par i11 Ora1190 Cou11ty. Hi1 •xclu1iv• covor•IJ• of bo1tin9 ,...; y1chti11t ~•w1 i1 1 d1ily f1 atur• of tho DAILY -lq. MraftdlN. ~hi a 1-ela anothtr (I) 1lbaC lo tho market fin-Piii" or Uvlng record stralght, I've picked out the live quesiloM stlrTlng lhe great.est feao -and ob- tained from Dr. Conrad Taeyber, the Ctnsus Buruu's top demographer, the reasons for l141!\g thmn."". Vlfue or 1Wf ..... ! lllaDdotdii and tho .....,._ Thil ~ bot -ask· taters aro ut.lng the ,...bet . ed llnce Ifill ud fl ... cl the ·• lhv can ' ... M<ft In loucll bell tllltllllcol -" w \lj!j need lo -.,1e1e mlu- tho quality ol ~ lllCl llv· ~; '.f'e~. numbtn · ' (I)· IS YOUR DATHROOM shared? ,. .. Many uninformed Americans are under the ut- terly wrong imJftSSion that they'll have to name other people U!ing their bathrooms -which is rionsense. The polnl or the question is that in thia era, a private bathroom ia considered a necessity for MOit families and thus 11 sh.Dred bathroom suggests the degree or our substandard lq ltandmilo In our land. NOr be I"'.~ Censila . Wlu..it rellable and delallod -and a:lually, U data m boulliil qullltf, out B Brother w a a t-e d our gigantic boon~lo( and telephone numbers, a 11 "It" ho me ..flnancln& indusjriea would have to do 1a check tbe could not plu with accuracy pllone booU. and our munmotb natklnal . (4) llow many children bave houJlng · pr'Oll'lllll could not fOU ever had? posalbJJ work: Thia . (l) 'tlllAT JS you R question, t~be uked nf ~number' one ln five ~boJds, could -~· ...... ~·~~~ .~-, be an rmbarrU1111<11t to Ille • iu. ~ 1,;I" •-qWll:lKIUlll woman wbo hu had an il- ls Do tbe most mJ.sun. legitiniate cbild or put a baby dentood. The presence of a up for adption. (However, she t could lie, f would think, • without any coocern l,bout Lake For est Reveals ~~krioN 11a. been asked s1nce 1880 without raiJ. in&: complaints and ii con-H uge Sale of Land ::;.~.: <;)~ .. ""~;'. . • population growth. To iJ. Followlng the recent an-This is the first aaJe that 1ulkate, H the a v er• g e t of • I Deane ~ro· "·n, Occidental'• nqm!)er of children "ever nouncemen expanswn o 111 WJIC boni".to the average family is 0 c c i d e n t a I P e troleum wholly owned homebuilding 2.s, it could mean that by the Corporation's Lake Forest subsidiary, has made t 0 year 2,000, we will nwnber planned community near El another builder at L • k e tens-ol miJliom of Ameficans Toro, Occidental · today an-Forest. -;fewer than if· the average nounced a $Z million sale of sa1~·a ~:S~~I ~: number were, say, 3.3. The residential land in the develop.. tignlfic.ance to school ayatems, rnent. to Westinlhouse EI e c t r i c city planners, industry, is ob-CorporaUon in Lake Forest 1 The buyer is M. J. BroCk & Industrial Park. v ous. So n a, Jn c ••• one o f 1bt Lake Forest develon.. (5) What Is the family's 1969 Southern Calilarnla's leading " income -from wages and bullden, wbo will start im-ment al~ady includes aeveral salary·, from business or pro-hundred homes. a beach and mediately on. construcUon of 1 ~ club and two lakes. Cession; from a farm; from $00-bome development within Social Security or Railroad Lake Forest. reUrement; from wel f are payments and (In a lump) Southland S&L Firms To Merge The merger of two or Califonia 's oldest federally chartered savings and loan associations •vas announced in a joint statement by Joe Crall and Royce H. Heath, pr~­ dents of Coast Federal Sav- ing and Loan Association and Southern Federal Savings and Loan Association. . Chartered In Oclober 1935, Coast FederaJ operates s~ branches in Los Angeles Coon· ty, and a loan service agency in Santa Ana. Southern Federal was In- corporated tn . 1924, received its federal charter in 1938, and operates two branches, one in Huntington' Beaclt and another in Tanana. Its• headquarters are at 3933 Wils h ire Boulevard, Los Angeles. Fmance Briefs ~DDLAND, Mich. (UPI) Dow Chemical. Co. Monday ~ prlces~or1 brake Oukl, epsooJ oalll, murlatlo add, caustic· soda. and' soda Mb. Dow advanced its prices · on brake fl uid by 8ve and · 11% cents per gallou, effective J uly 1. Epsom aaltJ went up 12 to 15 cents per hundredweight, muriatic acid rose $3 per 16- Jution, ton, caustic soda !'Ole $4 per ton, and soda ash weJit up 1$ ctnls per bundredweta:ht. ClllCAGO (UPI) -Abbott Laboratories Monday announc- ed a prict increase of one to three cents per poWid of Su- caryl brand cyclamate, a non- nutrilive artificial sweetener, beginning July 1. The rate of increase depends upon quanti4 ty bought. and the new truck~, load price is :ii cents a pound. from "all other sources"., This question will provid.e a vital measurement of the links between poYe r ty and dependence, education and in- come, occupation and income, race and income. WOULD YOU object to answering these questions? Do YOU SERIOUSLY CONSIDER THEM AN INV AS ION of your privacy -in view of tbe fact that the Census Bureau must ... by Jaw, keep every sin8le name stricUy confidential? Actually, now that I've studied the questions to be ir1· eluded, my regret is ror the ones the Census Bureau e:a:· eluded because of fear o[ public censure. For instance, how much leisure time do Americana have; bow many of us ' are participating in atJult educ1tioo courses; what are our total financial assets. II I had Uib: BOl't of inlonnaUon, f could tum il into a batch or fucinaUng "trend" columna -and not invade your privacy npe tiny bit. • EXECUTIVE VP Eerl Steiktr . Steike1· .. M6ves Up Earl 1Steiker has been a~ pointed executive vice presl· dent bl ·Semitron, Inc., Costa Mesa. ~~~ ~i&Der and manufacturer oI electronic componenq and systems. In this capacity, Stei.ker will supPor( • Julim Hammersla1 president and board chairman, ln several management ana administrative functions. Steiker joined SenSitron ln1 July, 1968 when its major division was Delta Semicon· ductor Co. Presently , Sensitron is realigning into major product divisions. Steik.er was formerly cor- porate director of sales at Continental Device C o r p . , belore that firm became a Teledyne, company. New Building Se t for Bank A new building for the South Corona de! M41 Branch of Security Pacific'-N a t i o n a I Bank is being planned to replace the temporar y quarters located at 3435 East Coast Hig)!way. The bfai1ch has purchased land next to the present loca- tion, on the corner or East Coast Highway and Narcissus. "However, no architectural or construction contracts have been made yet," said branch manager John Ballard. Race Promoted William L. Race. Newport Beach, has been promoted to trust officer in U n i t e d California Bank's Los Angeles headquart~rs :trust di'!isi~ "----------"• PILOT. The merged association will be known as Coast and Southern Federal, h a v I n g asset.s in excess ot $300 million, with ten locations pro- viding convenient interoffice transaction service. ?>.fIMU (UPI) -Canaveral lnternational Corp. said it has agreed to purchase two mobi- le home manufacturers, 1m- perial Coach Manufacturing Co. or Bartow, Fla., and A 11 Star Coach Inc. of Tucson. Ariz. A previously announced plan 'calling for an e:a:change ot shares between Canaveral and Albee Homes Inc. ha, been cancelled by mutual agreement, the company said. Employment Again Tops All Southland Records DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER A Gauge of Great ness The DAILY PILOT proudly offet5 this h•rd covet bio9raphice l volume in which two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Reiman Morin ta ke' the me•sure of "lk"e .'' the President, the soldier, the sf•tesm•n, the f•mily m•n, the American. You cen own this intim•te pie.. tureof the life of Owiqht D•vid Eisenhower for just $l per copy. Order Your Copy Now • A ..... ef GfMftcts 0...,. Ceeet Delly Piie'. .... , h i .... , .... "·'· 12601 .... -~ lJ $,, •• ,f,, ..... ceples et tlle llM11ll•w ... .,eek. -············································ ................................................. Clry •••• ' ••••••••••••• ' •••••••.•••..•• ' •• ' ••••••• ................ ' ••••••••••••••••• ,J:ip •••••.•.••• ---·-·······---.. ···4-·•··-· ' . ' • Another Hotel Sold in Vegas LOS ANGELES (UPI) - An undisclosed b u y e r has purchased the Blair Rouse Hotel in Las Vegas for $3 million In cash. Monarch Electronic lnterna- tional , in announcing the sale., did not name the purchaser but speculation centered on Howard Hughes who owns the adjacent Desert Inn and five other hotel-<:asinos. WASHINGTON (UPll - 'l'he· Securities and E:a:change Commission has suspended Marvin Osiu of Brooklyn, N.Y., from tngaging in the securities business (or 30 dafs for selling unregistered shares of North American Research & Development Corp., during 1967. * HALLI DAY'S * ... THE SNEAKY SHOE l~t na me a!ool, anoat co~ ashor.,. Sperry r., Sider. Cup race or nt t'&a!. The sneaky •hoc that out-comforts bar~ feet. The sole that out grips Ooor or dttk. The sailor's students favorite. Bare foot flWbility. lo.loccasin comfort. tn.tt 111ms TitADmONAL Cl.Ono.NG 17th & IAVINE AV!. -WHTCLIFF PLAZA NfWPOrtT lf:ACH PH. 641·01t ! I ' R e cord-breaking employ- ment In metropolilan Southern California has been reported for the fifth consecutive month in San Diego. 3.8 percent In Orange and Santa Barbara, in Ventura and 4.7 in Riverside· San .Bernardino. by Security Pacific National ---------- Bank. May employment, estimated at 4,512,900, was up 4.900 from the previous record o f 4,571,000 In April and had in- creased 135,200 since May or 1963. Figures compiled by the bank'1 Economic Research Department are seasonally ad· justed averages of civilian employment in Los Angeles, ... Orange, Riverside, S an Bernardino, San Diego. Santa Barbara and Ventura counties. Ptfay-to-May gains w ere three percent for the seven Southland cou'.nties, 3.4 percent for CalifOrnia and 1.8 percent ror the naiion. M., unemployment ratios remained at 3.5 percent na- Uonally, at 4..2 percent for California and at 3.11 percent for both Southern California and Los Angeles County. Other seasonally a d J u s t e d county ratios were S.5 percent Plant Planned COLUMB\JS, Go. !UPI) - Inlentate Bakeries, Inc., will build 1 S7 nilllion baking plant on a 21-acre site here to make Dolly -Product&. Promoted David N. Hepburn Jr. cf Huntington Beach has been named assis- tant vice president in .u n i t e d California Bank's Los Angeles headquarters interna· tional division. He was formerly an assistant cashier in the divlsion. Wlio· Reads the Swr~ F o.r tlie Stats? ' • • ' ... --,/ ' ·" .., .. (~ .. .. 4' ... ---• . . ' It's Sydney Omarr And now this articulate writer who has been called the "astrologer's astrologe r'1 reads the stars for you. Sydney Omarr, longt ime personal astrolcsqer to me ny of Hollywoo<l's and the lilerery world 's mostfamousslers, is a DA ILY PILOT columnist. -- Omerr's rec"ord for accuracy of predictions besed on e.strolog icel enelysis ' is emezing. Whether you reed estrofoqicel forecests for fun or as e serious student of ster-ge1ing , you'll enjoy Sydney Omorr's do ily column in tho DAILY PILOT • I • ' • • ' \ • • ' . ' Get ·Set lo• the ·Flag•Wavingest. ii ' ~. . D,ay of lliem All ••• Fly a • • ••Flag ' • . • t f • ' ' ' • ., t l • I On the Fourth Independence Day (July 4th) and Labor Day (Sept. 1) are, coming soon. Be ready to celebrate with flying colors with a De· luxe New Flag Kit. Order , " I 'ii I I yours ioday. Supplies are 11 limited. Help "t"ourself Help The Boys" Clubs ' Fly a new flag at your home or office during this patriotic season. Here's an offer that lets you save money and help your Boys' Club, to'o. Participating in th is public service offer are the Boys' Club of the Harbor Arec;i, Boys' CI u b of Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach Boys' Club. Here's how you can help them and help yourself. Just order this beautiful deluxe flag kit, at a fraction of its retail value, and get as a bonus a California state flag -all deliver- ed to your door by Boys' Club representatives or mailed directly to your home in time for holiday use. ' .Order Now At Any of Four Boys' Club Headquarters HAllOR AREA IU"H IAYI HUNTINflTON llACH IOYS' CLUI 319Y-wa LAflUNA llACH IOYS' CLUI HAllOR ARIA ICENTIAL IRANCHI 5'4C....,Strnt Costa M-Callf, 2131 Tutti• AYllff COiia M-. Calif, H•tl ..... _., c.111 •. 175 ,._ C:..t H•oy .... --.Calif. PhoH 5'48°9317 Phone 642.a372 ,_H6-t411 -.... ,4,...2515 Ust .... ii order coupon Ii.low and send it directly to club headqu1rtots ~Hrtsl you. Your !l.9 kit and bonus stilt fl19 wiU be delivered or mailed directly to your home or office. Or you ;can pfck. them up in person 11 the Boys" Club ha1dquarters in your area . · ' ' • ·'"•'ji, I . " 11!-'" ·~ ........... ' , I , . Pick Up Your Own Flag Kit and Get This 5o.ITAR UNDID STATD Pl.Act 39s eo.p1ete ,,. s.1 C'91111i111 l "' s root rt.- Hoot ltlll', ....,.,., Mli.i 1nOU•'Mi: lnct- .c -tmWlo •• ti ii • ....., catdllcmd ..., __ Holid1y Bonus: High Quality 12 l>y 18-inch c.rifomi• State Fl19 . ..., . ' J. 'I ' • ' . ' ,---------------... I I I I Just clip out this mail ord•r coupon and fill it out. S•nd, along with ch•ck or mo n•y ord•r, to th• Boys' Club h••dqu•rt•rs n•ar•st you. M•k• ch•cks p•ytble to "Boys' Club." --..................... "-1-.. kits .. SJ,95 ,., kit. I Hdtn-1 wll rectlH es o looll4oy ....... • c.Jlf«oJ.'1ta1t ""9 wltk _. ""· I Nam•·-··---------··----··-···--·····-····-.. ·-······ I Str••• Atldre•s-·-·•·-··-···-·····-:.-····-····-····.;/·-·-··-·-······ .. ·-··-.. ·-··· ,. I CitY-~--··-·····-------·-·_..,Zip. _____ , __ _ I I Phon•·--····----·----Enclo1M 11 '-·-·--··-.. ·---- I I I I I I ' . , I I Th;, 1pecl1I holld1y tflor is11 P"~ttt.'•rvleo of !ho DAILY PILOT end tho loys' Clubs ti the Hlfliet "'''· Huntlo.t.n lt1 ~h IN Lo9un1 8t1ch. I L..-·---.-- - - - - - ---'-' --1' I ' f ' t • ·~ )' ' ' ,•I , ,, ' " ... , 'I .. , ITHIJ IS ACTUAL DICAL SIDI · ·· : . Free D•cal While ihey last, ihe lkys' Clubs offtr you thl1 1pac.l1l1 frtt 9ift •. , • d,er;af af the American R•t like tho•• you ••• everywhere on ctr ~1ftJ1ht1ld11 ,home tnd office windows, or evtft on the famlly bo1t. Vis it the loyi' Cfub r.ur..t you (phone for hou" of oper1ttonl . luy • fllg kit : 9lt the decal fr••· Supply of deul1 11 limite~. Hurry. \ --- ... t. .. ) ·' \ I I 1 • Jf IWl.T "1.0T Mondl1. JuM lO, 196? Royalty Spreading Wings Even Prince May Marry Commoner LONDON (AP) -WU! Prince Chartes marry a com- moner? Britain's future king sayi he hasn't made up h,is mind but admits to "becoming a bit more independent." In his first. television in· terview last week, Britain's most •llalble bacbelor -to limit his prospects to a princea from another royal family. He said: "I often feel I would like to marry somebody English. Or perhaps Welsh. Well British, anyway." Although Charles has had no lasting romantic attachments that anyone knows of, he set on a naliooaJ guessing game over who his "somebody pret· ty special" might be. There were no hints in the interview. The 20-year~ld son of Queen Ellplbetb II and Prince Philip is preparint-for investiture as Prince of Wales Tuesday. The tdevision interview w a s recorded two weeks ago and broadcast by Britain's two networks. "In my position you are going to marry somebody who perhaps one day is going to become queen ," he said. "You have gvt fo choose somebody very carefully, J think, who could fulfill Utls particular role and it has to .be somebody pretty special. "The one advantage about marrying a princess, for in· stance or somebody from a royal family, is that they do know what happens. 1be only trouble-is that 1 often feel I wou.Jd 'like to marry somebody Engu.h. Or pirhaps Welsh. Well British anyway ." Charles' remarks caused a mild sensation in six national newspa~, which appeared with almost the s a m e headline. "The Girl That J Marry-By Princf: Charles" ... was one. In the Daily Expres s, William Hickey listed seven candidates and said Charle,; preferred brune ttes lo blondes. They are: Emma Soames, 18, grand- dau&hter of Sir W i n s t o n Churchill; Sibella Dorman, 20. daughter of the governor· 1eoeral o~ Malta; Fiona PREFERS BRITISH Prince Charles P.1acKessack. 21, drama stu- dent; Rosaleen Bagge, 21, whom Charles met at a dance and later corresponded with from Australia; Angela Nevill, 21, daughter of a friend of the queen, Lady Rupert Nevill; and Cindy Buxton, 18, the only blonde in the group, the daughter or an old friend of Prince Philip. -Olher papers noted there are hardly any unn1arried princesses in Europe the right age for Charles~ Why There Arc More Mexicans ' MEXICO CITY (UPI) -At the ·time of the Mexica n Revolution -1910-1918 -22.1 or every t,000 Mexican infants died, and the average Mex· ican's We expectancy was 27 years, according to D r . Ramon Alvarez of the federal health department., In 1968, t.be infant mortality rate was 9.2 per lhousand, and the life expectancy had in- creased to 61 years, Alvarez said. The combination has more than tripled the popula- tion per square mile of the na· lion in the past SO years, he .aid. A1ine: 'I Won't Be . Fobbed Off' LONDON (AP) -The royal kJd sister has a problem. She wants a job. He!' big brother Charles doesn't have to worry about what he's going lo do. Next Tuesday he will be sworn in as Prince of Wales and someday he's going to be the king of England. -But for 18--year-<1ld Anne the future is unclear. "I want a real career but 1 bet I don 't get one," the queen's only daughter has told friend. Nevertheless Anne is doing plenty these days. She is ap- plauded by fashion writers and admired by the British public as an uninhibited teen-ager who manages to be royaJ witboot being stuffy about Jt. Newspapers splash her plc· ture every lime she appears in a new hat -which means every lime she goe s out -and it wouldn't be surprising if she steals some of the spotlight from Charles at his own in· vestiture. People who know her, s ay she is t0o bright. too imagina· live and too independent-mind· ed to stay on the red carprt reserved for most members of the royal family -launching shlps, shaking hands with dlgnitaries, inspecting honor guards and making speeches. "Believe me, she will make her mark," columnist Mary Kenny predicts. "Sile will do something that will astonish people , . , She has non~ of that gracious neutrality .which has been forced upon so many royal people. "She's like wham~ ... She'll probably be one of the first people to inaugurate com· inercial visits to the moon." Anne has fine brown hair, blue eyes and a strikingly fresh English complexion. She leaves Queen Elizabeth ·Jl far behind where Cashion is con- cerned, disdaining the malrc;>n• ly clothes slJe wore be.fore she finished school last year. A Itritish fashion poll named her the .second best-dresseri woman in the world ... "No. 1 was the Ouche~ or Kent. . " t Off-duty ahe •scruffs around NEEDS A JOB Princess Anne in a blue sailor jacket and sports clothes for riding, sail· ing, tennis and Joaling. She Says she doesn't consider herseli the hearty outdoor type, however. Since she finished a crash course -in French she has s tarted doing royal jobs: inspec lin g the Welsh Guards, launching a 253,000- ton oil tan:ker; louring a car Jactory, opening a young farmers' club, and making ceremonial visits to Ausl.ria and Scotland, where she got more attention Ulan the queen. She is Colonel·in<hiel ol two army regiments, and one King's Hussar s e r g e a n t cheered : ''This is the best thing t.o \happen to the regi- ment in )!ears." Everyone agrees she is good at this sOrt of thing, but those who know be!" say she wan ts to do more. Even getting married will be a problem for the princess, since the family will doubtless try to tie her up in Europe's dwindling royal circle . But Anne, who already h-.s shattered royal protocol by such things as listening to the four-letter dialogue a n d watching the nude scene in the musical "Hair" -ond then jumping· 011 stage. to dance - told friends,: "'f am' not going to be (obbtd off llf!th any old "prince· just becaUle he is a Ptince." Congress11aeta 'llp Tight' Loss Costly Quiet Protest Rocl{s iCapitol LOS ANGELES (AP) -City Councilman 'Thomas Bradley spent more. money ln losing his race for mayor than Sam WASHINGTON (UPIJ The most orderly, prayerful. nonviolent, amiable protest grou p anybody has seen hereabouts currently has con- gressmen so uptight they may bar high school bands from playing on the steps of the Capitol. A drastic step like that will not be lightly taken. But if that's what is required to get rid of the Quakers, that's how far the lawmakers are ready to go. This also could mean no more movies shot on location on the Capitol grounds ; no more mass photographs ·with the Capitol dome in the backgrou nd; no more com· eclians playing piano on the capitol steps; and possibly even no more senators riding horseback up to the door, though that probably was always against the rules anyhow. In polite groups of 8 or 10. the Quakers have b e e n assembling each Wednesday 1t noon on the central stone steps of the east front. They have carried no banners. f ire a rms, political paraphernalia, or other illega l devices. READ NAAIES What they have brought i! 3 fl.1arcli 2.5 copy of t h e Congressional Record ln which Rep. Paul Findley (R-111 .), prinled the names of more than 30,000 Americans killed In the Vietnam war. What the Quakers want to do is stand the.re and take turns reading the names, Th.at wouki take all day and Yorty did in wU\ning reele;tion all night and in retrospect talents on lhe Capitol steps. May 27 to a third term. some congressmen are On nice spring day s, these1p;..ioi;;;;;_iiii _____ ""il wishing nobody bad slopped happy groups arrive in such them the flrst time they tried it. Bu t Capitol Police Chief numbers they have to take James M. Powell had several turns. So far as di!turbing the laws in his hand to prove it ii-legislative process is con· legal. After due n o t i c e , cerned, all these aggregations discussion, warning and give off more decibels than pleading and with a few hun· the congrontation b e l w e e n dred names read, he ran them Powell and lhe Quakers. all in. JAMMED STEPS That is what he has been And that isn't all. Speaker doing lo the Quakers each John w. 1ifcCormack himself Wednesday sinet, but with in-several years ago addressed a different success. Local judges lobbying group o! old folks on have been finding fau lt with the steps of the House. 1ifore lhe charges, and now comes recently, postal workers jam- Chief Judge Harold H. Greene med lhe Senate steps in behalf of the Court of General Ses· or a pay raise. sioos, who in dismiss ing charg. Mary Pickford sold •Ubcrty es or "unlawful entry" against bonds on the steps ..of the six or the alleged demonstra-House. Victor Borge set up his tors, said the Capitol couldn't piano and joked his way simply be declared "off lim· through a rew numbers on the its" to controversial persons. steps of tbe Senate. And then, 18SZ LAW of course, there was theo lf the Congress wanted to senatorial h 0 r s e m a n 1 a charge the offenders with westerner whose ldentlly Is disruption, and could make the now in disputf, who was. said charge stick. that would be to have arrived booted and different, he said. spurred to take up his duties On the fa ce of It, Powell was and wasn 't ,about to wolk the relying on a neat enough last 50 feet. statute, dating back to 1882, ~ s. SAFECO INSURANCE for special GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTS on your Family Auto ln suranc!3 · Bob, Paley· and Assoc11tes INSUR~~CE when the lawmakers bar~d Sorry· about al\ that. The marching. s t a n d i n g , or way Judge Greene sees it, one assembling in any way on lhe man'a peaceful assembly can't Capilol grounds. be another's disorderly .con- Greene said the trouble wlth.~d~u~c=t.---------~~~~~~~~~~~·J that Jaw is that it 11 "\fiolat:ed Ac1~rt1WM111 474 ·E.·17th St. · COSTA MESA 642-6500- every day, by s pec ia l permission of liouse and Senate oUiclals who can't resist requests from members In behalf of hometown choral. instrumental, band, bagpipe, marehing or baton twirling units de.siring to display their ~ The only medication that Gets to a Major Cause of Hemorrh oids Now! Most complete 3-way relief! This important development in hem6rrhold treatment comes to yGU alter five years of scicntlflc and clinical testing. Not only does Caunt e1noid* work by lessenl111 pain ltst, ~by coatlne, soothing, and protectin1 injured tissue ••. but ltlllike tve1y other htmotrholJ product Coooternoid 11$0 WOfkS 1 third way. latlon with DSSH penetrates In minutes to the top of t.he· rectal area to soften the stool tnd e1se, the bowel movement . II is this unique 1ction that does so much to make natur1I he1t1n1 possfble. So, if yoo live with Ille pain and tur of recurrina minor hemorrhoid troublu, iet temporary relief with medically·lested Counlunoid. COSTA MESA Thanks to an exclusiw: formul• wilh DSSio 111 only Counte1no1d eels to 1 mejof cause of hemor- 1110lds: Painful hard COM\ipihon. Without irutalmg la~alive trftcl. Here's ho"N: In hosp1lal X ray tests doctors l!ave dtmonstr.1led il\at th• rem11kable Counternotd lormu· Actually, used ·ts dirrcttd, COO!t- lernoid offers !ht most ccmpltte J-w1y relief you can aet without 1 prescription or without SUfl!ry, 1.1 stainless cream or supposltor11i. 19U ~ IML .. . . . . . . . . . . 64S.0900 • ~ .... 0.-W &Jt...-. C.Mf •• l'r•Jtdlfw lllf•. '51>41M At 111 druc counltrr. •i.u., .,. of tlfli.oM·Ull:l'tflt IM. ~ . I ' • j , • ' • • • ' • • ' • :e.IGGARS ~· • t ' . .-' " tr "' . r .. ~ . \ 861'H ... SEMI ·A-NNWAL ' • I FtJRNITU R_E, CARPETS, LAMPS,.ACCESSORIES • I < • - MONDAY, JUNE 30TH . . ' . ' AT.ALL BIGGAR ~TORES I . . • . "" .. . ' J.tl. . " . PASADENA: Colorado at El Molino .POM<1>NA: Holt, east of Garey 'SANTA ANA: Main at Eleventh . . •·~Santa An1 Stor• Op•n. Mon4ay Evening• .. I I ' ' OAJLY I'll.OT If . F·or Top Quality at Low Prices .•. .You Can't Do Better Than Sea ' • • A.tk for Guranteed lntlallatlon b7 Se.,.. Aathoriaed Jmtallen Model 6905 ~_,.._- Prieee Efreethoe Moaday, Jwae 301h ...... n. ........ ,.i~'!!r3rc1 ... Qllaad• Are · tell , • ' . .. ears • • Sale! Sears BEST' 25,000 BTU ·Central Air Conditioner Regular •399 e Scars "Best" Hi-Efficiency1y1tem provide• cool comfort for working or relaxing all oummer long e Why drag through another hot, 11icky 1euoo when you could lle really living in lhe cool comfort of your home • Sy1tem includes cooling coil for your approved furnace, outdoor condemer 37,000 BTU Condenser wilh "A" ,509 Coil. Save $ 50! Regular$ 5 59 __ Ask About Seal"I Convenient Credit Plan• 48,000 BTU Condenaer with "A" CoiL SA VE $50! Regulu $7 39 *689 Regular '449 .s399 24,000 BTU system with built- in blow~r for connection to fumoce due " . SAVE '32! '189 Electric Air Cleaner $}5 7 For ·-...un-fresh" air. Rtmoves 95% of aitbome · dirt particleJ and pollen. Model 8307. 5,000 BTU Air Conditioner 3-Speed Portable· FaJ\S Regular'299 rust and installs easily. · mentkDObt.Noniillrrul>-: forwide~nge1eleetionof•irvolnm• INSTAtLED Plus .into any 115V ouUCI. · 1• bcr bumpea on 1'iso of · • CoDY•rueat elide control regul•te1 degree of cooln... I . , • • atand.·2 ~,000Cl'.M: . , •Dual blower wheel for maximum efficiency. llf.odel 5777.79 , , , , 1 1 • ' :! •• • f' ~ , ,1.1> , - - - - - - - -.,. ~ ~·-- - - - - -.. - - - -,,. - - - - - - - - - - -11111 -__ _. _ -.,.;f_ - --,-.. " -P.WC TA 1-4.tOO, 521-4530 ll~ GI' 3-3911 IONI -HE $.0121 PICO WE M2'2 SANTA ft-944-8011 VAlllY PO 3-8461, 9M.J220 I CANOGA •.wc 340-066·1 G1B•>11 at s.1004, d "-"611 «YMC •-AN .:Un . POMOMA a> 2.1145, NA 9.s161, w ~" SANTA Mat1CA'EX. ~11 -1-"' 9.1911 I I CCIWIOH NE 6·l511, NE 2·5761 HOil~ HO '""'" .,.,_ G7-2100 . IANTA AMA~ 7-3371 $0UTH COAST~ 5.j().3:133 . I covw. "'461i 1NGllWobo ot "2521 ,.-.,, MU 1-3211, a . 54211 I I talMHCi 542.1511 ' '---------~-------------Sears ----------~----•-----' "Satl1factlonGuarant11il•"fowMo..., ... " -·"' "-· Shep6NlsllillM1ad.Y..,.•liSilwllq,MOA.M.te9'.JDP;M. '· ·~ j ·' .,, I I ' I· I I ... . .. -... -·-"" -·· --· •• Dolll.V Pll.OT ' • ' • § S.hop q,t Sears and Save J/ore! Q-uantities Are Limited! Be Early/, " •• ' ' • ·-Air Conditioners at ) Sears.) •, " ' . ' \ Eu, eo roll ""°"' ....... -- . l' '-rJierm~tat Tums Fan On or Off Autolill\tically .. Sellrs ·. 20-in. Roll-Ahouf Fans Regular ~44.95 88 .. •"-lip ..,...,, kpeod _,..,!, ..U•'llble fram low 30oin. ID bJP $1-inchea ud(a coahelilted ID360d-. ' • Alhc:tiw !*db lbacl'{;;uf~a&i¥~~.,i\ iiide tilllunit hlglily nioneu-;: Wll'lble. Bailt in handle, control panel , . • • Autom.atic Thermostat on S~ 3-speed 20-in. Por.t.ahle Fan • Thermottat l mm Cm on and oft automaticiUJ •SOOOCFM • Finprtip ..,...., owitob, p(u. tic di(fn1er pill • • Con...ipanel."liJC. molded plntic. 'A'f'OUdo caae, beige pill Personal Desk Fan 1~ · Regular '12.95 •Ideal for hecUide uae • S.in. wide, 4-.in. deep, 4-in. high •Throw• • powerful concentrated 1lr1am of air. PJutic cue. Sean 8-in. Single Speed Non-Oscilla&ing Fan Bu1Now! 5ss • Stts on floor, table or ml}' be will lnoanteL Wilh ufety aum:l.350 CFM ' I 0-in. Oocillating Fan Aa)allob!O from If' 10 W, plu 9ss 1tationU'J poaition. 560 CF~t • ------ 10,000 BTU Air Conditioners Regular $209.95 $ • Slide oat chassis I\ . • • ~ : • Keep cool thi1 Summer wi~ lbii il0,000 BTU air con· ditioner with automatic adju•ilble thermoetat •Air flow ·adjustable to ouit y~11r ·needs • Comfo~ oensor . I • Comet complete with otandard installation kit Model 6827 ' J Ask Abo~ ~ears Convenient Credit ~lam "Cloud Supreme" Nylon Pile Bathroom Rugs SAVE '5 to 16! Wall-to-Wall Sears Bath Carpeting $24.99, 5x6-fr ____ l9.97 $33 .99, 5x8-ft. 7.97 $19.99, 4x6-fr.* lS.97 $38.99, 5xl0-fr.• 33.97 $41.99. 6x9-fr.• 35.97 •factory Order Si1t1 Onlr •DuPont Nylon Pile Cl1'petlng ... ma· ebine washable and dryable for euy<are • Cu1hion grip hacking adds maz.imam 1kid'l't!li1llnt e plus extn cu1hJonin1 • e ln<lomp1n.hle fiber formal resi~lance, toil n1i11.111ce. non-tinting, 11.rt11gth • Jn gold, blue, pink or avocado colon " • ' ... .- .......,, Juot '°· 1!69 •. I ''A,lways at Sears • • • Satisfaction" Guaranteed ·: Or Your · Money Back I Sears IO-Foot" ~iwir • .,m·m 1PQols Ke'ep -cool and baYe fu.D thilj 1um-1988 mer. 24·inchcs d~p. Teuific .. ..iu.c! I . ·. -~ .I , SA VE '40 on Regular '~,0 . ~-- 2lxl2-ft. {),val Pool · & 33988_1 · ~ Swim all Summer long in yoqr backyard. Cool, refresh- ing, clean fu n for the whole family. With 2 re dwood decks. Outstandi~g Sears val ue! Curved Construction Pans No Unsightly Beams or Raft•"' Sears best curved pan patio offc;rs a new patio cover ceiling of sj~plc beaurr. All white or gold starbursc design. . . ' :,1w.w fl-~W..ilomu.;. ... ~!tl ' ···'"" "".1-c.. ,:r." • jri{ • ' · SA VE 130 on This Family Size : ·18-ft~ Round Pool , ' 3, 42xl2·ia. sun dec4 Regular $229.95 ,f&ils are plvJ.Qiz.cd be-, Scurdy top and, boaom 19988 fo~ painciag. Pans slide"" to&cthcr for quick set-up.'. ~ ~wimming Pools for t4e Family B~g 12-Foot x 36-in. , 88 M~t.i Pool Slide Buy Now! 5995 18-ia. wide-... for chil- dren and adulu. Buy aow! r Clearier Ouditt Terrific Vuael 13 SO Suction clc-&Mr outfits for your swimming pools. e Kee;i cool and have fun in this large pool •Galvanized steel sidewalls re5isl rust ' • Durable blue vinyl liner won't rot, mildew • 36-inches deep Leaf Sklmmen Excitin1 V•lue! 299 Outstanding value at this low lo-w price! 13.19 Te•t Kit• SAVE 16%! 266 Jwtwhatcvcrypool needs ... hurrr while they last. A>k About Sean Convenient Credit Pbn ' ' --·-....... _ ... -....... -·-·~···· ·--····· ..:?.;.?,'f'}; ... 13 .49 Chlorine Powder SAVE 14%1 299 2-lbs. of concentratt chlorine powder for pools. Underwater Pateb Kit Super Value! 98° just what you: pool needs for minor repairs. 72xl2•1n. Decorated Poly Pools -"' SAVE '4! Regular '16.84 Rigid Pools Terrific Valot>! 97 • 182-pil~n capacity, with aeaml- conetruction of tough polyethylene • Deep enough for awimming and may be folded for eaoier handling ' •In light blue color Regular 15.84 Deluxe Steel Wall Pools SAVE 3.96! 1188 •Size S.fL x 20.in. deep • •Galvanised ••eel top rail. hiked enamel. eorrugalcd •teel 1ide w1ll1 • J.color printed. Ilea..., po1e rinyl liner •ith dnin. Witll pateh kit! ~~~~~;::~ ::n-~ I / I \ .1288· 8-Leg Steel Gym Set. Stock Patio Covers SiH JSs.ML 9788 Pa\lo Co•en. 20xJ V i~ 147J8 Other Sto<k Sim 10% Olf Regular Pnce• NOW ENJOY YOUR PATIO DAY and NIGHT ' With Sein Sell· Containins Palio t;ptinc •Sise 6s 4-f't. x 11-ia. e Slro .. (•bric liner lae••J.c.•1led •• bolll 1lde1 with • Ntyl. lite nperior 1radletic rUber • s..p..n -. ,,, ..... ........ ,. • (• Regular $59.95 • Colorfol ~lpo-ollo•" z.I• fro-.Ut. •Cool plootie_..,.. ... lblal ...., ............ .. .......................... ~ i . -. , I j I I' J l ....._.__.__...-.., •• • • r - ---• ... . . .... -~ .... . ~ . ..,. ..._.._ ........... • • . M .DAll.Y Pl~OT MondQ, .NM :901 1969 .Always at Se·ars . •· . Satisfaction G·ua·ranteed or Your Money Back • 9xl2.-foot Umbrella Tents Replar '84.99 Buy Now! •Single sideroom outside l·rame tent 6988 • Accommodate& 4 cots, 3 nylon screened window1 with outside storm flaps, mach more Model VII Tent Trailers Regular '699 Super Value! • 46 cubic foot storage area •All-weather protection, roll-out beds, . 11teel frame. Blue and white design •898, with Zip-A-Room 1699 SA VE '1.50 on 25-lhs. Nitroform Fertilizer Rt!llllu$6.99 '. 549 Coven 2'00 sq. fL Gives lawn a deep greeo color. SAVE 'l.50 on 22-lh•. Superfine Lawn and· Dichondra Food Reii:uler $5.99 449 Covers 4000 to 8000 sq. fr. Good color, vigor and vitality for lawns. SAVE'2Now! Big 4 Dichondra or U.wn Food Regula r° 799 $9.99 16-lbs. of dichondra or 20.lbl. of lawn food . Loog-lastin1 feedi ng ... covers 250CMquue feet. Outstandin1 T&lue at this low, low price ••• hwry! Slat Bamboos s .... v.1u,! 3 88 Size 6'x25". JdeaJ for pools, PJJ.iOS or gardens. Brio.gs a much o(Htftii tO your home. Ted Williams Continental Cabin Tents Were 1175! e Size l0xl3-ft., with 6-ft. minimum eave height e Large nylon screened windows with tipper closure •Full width canopies and ')'indows with supported frame, completely anodized aluminum frame ' e Wide awning 72x87-in., 3 awning poles • Can accommodale eight peroons for sleeping e Green and ye llow walls wi1h white roof . ;'' • A,ek ·Ahout'~~~· Convenient Credit Pluu ' . I ' Instant Color·~ for ' ' Your Home and Garden Regular 99c to 'l.19 • One gallon plants in blaiing red•, cool white, •oft blues and other otrikir\g colors e Buy now (or a grea t assorlment of colors for this Summer e Chooae from PeriwinJdes, Crimson Torches, Blue Blazers, Blaze of Fire, M_arguerites and others Your Choice Us e Seats Revolvinc Chtrge ~)· _. I ; c ~ ~ '.:. ~ ----------------- -------------·------------··-· ------' I .._, .. TA M400, 52.1-4530 n""'"" GI 3.:1911 --.. S.0121 . PICO WE 1-4262 SANTA R SPllNGS 9U«ll1 vMUY PO 3-1461, 914.2220 I ~ ,_ 34o.o661 G1.NW1 01 5-1004, Q .._..11 -& «llO AH t-6211 """°"" ED 2·1145, HA 9·5161, YU j-6151 SANTA MONICA EX 4-6711 YllMONT Pl 9·1911 I CCMP'ION Nf 6.2581, NE '2·5761 HOUl'WOOO I«> 9-5941 -637·2100 SANTA ANA ICI 7.:IJ71 SOUTH COAST l'LUA 5'0-3333 I CO¥INA HU611 --OI 1.2521 ,_MU 1.:1211, fl. 5-4211 I I 1'COIWa 542-1511 '-----:-- -~ -.- - -- ---- ---- - -Sears - -- - ---- - - ---- - - - - - - -' SatfsfactionGUaranteedorYourMo.-.yBaclc" -·---• ...,6NlghloM9e!:N,·11nuth·SlllUIWr9:30A.M.1o9:30P.M. • \ I I ' . ' ' --~---~--~~- ' \ • Por Top Q· ality at Low Prlces' .. • You 'Ciin't Do Better Than Sea1r.s . • ini'P"tor · SuPER ' COLO FAST ·. :'!EX: FUAT .. • • 'l>tipless tor n,ater paintiflC · 'Pleasant fr1cranct Tirf~ lIOUSE PAIN'f ~t.ins l<rylic re~ns for added durabiity and lidin•pe~~"1ce on wood and aluminum .. s,"'"co and mason • ry. Ill! •Ill• ~- .•4.99 Long Wearing Latex House Paint Add frCsb beauty tO your hopie's exterior1Paint glides on with little or no brush drag. _'Self-priming on ~und pain1c.d surfaces. Fa5t drying in Yz·hour ... means less dirt and bug pick-up. 'Resists blistering. peeling. fl!"ing for l~ng wear. '4.99 Super ~olo:i:fast Interior Wall Paint A~ paipt that0dec.,.orates·any· roOm with c'ase.1-coac co,·ers n1anr colors. Dries in 'h· hour-without any painty odor. Colorfast finish means no faded v:alls ever. Six-foot Lightweight Aluminum · .. SteR~adder Scars Low Low Price! 3s1 ......... ( ' Skid-rcsisJ,t.nt feet, 3-in. srcpt for added safety, 3-in. side rails for added strength. Ha!J large ~ail shelf. Interior Flat Paint 389 Buy N:~w! 111. Jnterior acrylic late:r .•. , supujor in ~ffottt1ance. SAVE 15o/c on the Following Cabinets •Provincial design ti pice birch or walnut finish " •Town Classical, oak finish c~binet, with reversible doon- • Faw~ birch or elm finish 546.95 Garbage Di spo .. 1'1----__ 39.88 Comp]e&e Installation Service f...,e Eotimateo-Ji.itchen PlaV1nin1 Semce YOUR CHOICE 99 Gals. . Lafex.~0ouse Paint lf.f S6.99 Latex I;'aint , ", • 3s9 Ei1:cili111 \'•l.;:e! ;;11J 577 SAVE SI! 111. California h6use paint ... a velvety sheen iD 30-rriinutes. For concrete porches, floors, patios. Resists oil, grease. SAVE $1 on Burglar Alai:m• Regut.r '2.99 }99 ' f\likcs ftl'C P.tionally laud pier,iq , noise whc.n disturbed. Wire- less and cordlesJ. SAVE '2.51 tin I-coat . Latex House Paint Re@:ul11r $8.50 599 gal. 1-coar covers .any co·!Or~ on sound paiott"d ~i.irfaccs, CxcCpt shak~S. shin1l~s. Dries in , Yl-fiour. Bonds tight· for long .. ear .. SB.99 Se mi-Glo8' . •744 SA:VE Sl.55! 111. Ideal for kitchen, bath, uim. 1-Coat covers 4'0 sq, ft. • ... . ~ • ' • !.._q SAVE '3 on Latex Fial WaJI Paint ' Rep:ul ar 4?.?. $7.~9 1-coar cov~rs 450 sq. ft. Wash· able, colnrrast, spot-resistant and dripless. Durable beauty for your walls. SAVE '30 on ~4-HP ' Electric Compre••or Rc&J lor $129.% 9988 1-cflinder, maximum 100 psi .. Many household uses. Great! $169.99, I.HP 129.88 Sl99.99. 159.88 $239.99, Z·HP 189.88 16-foot Aluminum Extension Ladders - Super \'alue! 1088 Using high.sueogth alum.. inum alloy .. , this ladderia ideal for home.use!. Prorec~ tive wall bumpen, 1afetr swivel feer. Protect Your Home and Prevent Burglary! S~ars Light Timers Sears Low Low Price! 688 • 875-witt light timer ••. lighta tum on and off automatically eveey evening while you're on ·your vacation or away • Keept ~ prowlen away, protects )our home while )'Ou·re out! •Available in white onl}'! Hurry while flUantities last! ' Aok Ahoul ~ears Con,·ei.fic ul Credit Plan& Lantern with Unbreakable Leno Burnowl 144 Throws • bullet-like beam ~'"of a mile. Pu$h-b~n twitch a.n.d easy grip htndlc. • ~A VE $1 on Electrio l ... ight Co ntrol 211 Turns ligh1 on at dusk, t urn~ light off at dawn . . . au1om1,icall r. ~lanY uses! ~---------------------~~--~-------------~------~--, ...... PAllt TA M-400, 521-1530 ll MON11 GI 3-3911 lOIG IMO! HE 5-0121 • PICO Wf 1-4262 • . SANTA If IPllNGS 944-alll YAlllY PO 3·8461, 984-2220 I CANl)(M , .. 34o.o661 GUNOAll 01 s-1004, a 4·4611 · oo.l'MP!c' &·smo .AH 1.5211 POMoN• e11 2.1u5, NA 9.51 61. vu 6·6751 SAHrA -...EC 4..i111 """'""' n 9.1911 I I COMPIQINf 6-25811 Nf 2·5761 HOll1Wiict> HO 9,5941 OWIOl 637-21 00 ' ¥NT• ..... Kl 7-3371 IOUlll C:OASHUZA ~0.3333 I COY1NA ""°"" IHOL!WOOO OR a.2.121 ,....._,. lllU 1-3211, fl 5.4211 I s I -~2·1511 ' - - - - - - - --·-- - - - - - - - - - - - -ears - - - - ---- - - ---- - - - - - - -' "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" .._., • .,. _""' Shop 6 Nithts Monday tMiuP S""'11ay 9:30 .A.M. 1o 9:30 P .M . • \ I l l I -·- ,, I ' I ,I r l I I . . • , ... ., ............. ~ ..... .,.,It I . . .. . .. -.. ~ .............. ··-·-···· ·~· , ........ ---... -... ~-·- For Top · Qu(llity · at, Low .. p1j:ces • • • You Can't Do Betteri Than Sears I I Stock Up Now at This Sensational Low, Low Price! c • pall" • Finl quality 1tre~h nylon me1b • Fubioned with nude heel •Proportioned 1ize1 petite, ••erage, tall • Suneet, mocha and bare beige •Exciting value ••• 10 buy oe .. ral while quantitie1 !all at thil low price! ------------- • 2.5%! •. ' I ' Cordtex ilra or Elastic Panty . Regular '4 Each ' 97 each Cordlell Bra •• , Dacron• polyester-span· dez powemet frame •tays smooth, gives fine fit &!l<i'.C;omforr. Wbite, B and C cup. Elutic Panty ... comfortable knit elas· tic, self-fabric front pu1el for rummy con- uoL Seamless sryle! One size 18-in. nmmer-Styled Sleeveless Cotton Shifts 97 Center pleated cotton 1hifrs with back zip closure. Exciting prints in bright colors. Women's sizes small, medium and larse-Outstanding Sears v&lue! Extra Si1et 3.97 I I Li11~ D'/JI. ' . • ·" Short.5 and Shim ... A Fun Co1nbination ~lisses' Attractive No-Iron · PERMA-PREST Shirts ~c ars Low Price! }97 cOrtoD t.nd polyester Pe:rrn.P~ ... ener need ironing when tum.hie dried. 1.oll-sltt'l'e and slce•elns prints 111d 110lids. In mis9e1' M.zes ! to 18, ..-omen's 1izes 38 to«. Miuee' Knit Walking Shorta Sean Low Price! 297 . . Sttpia tryles of two-way ttmch double knir artoa.. widl •titdtcd ftoa, aa.a. 81.U. u..,. whilC, ,l\ltqllOil<, ,,.,, piak, ,.Jlow, -.. gold. beite. r reel. roraJ, fetTICOCU and olitt colon. Miastt\ 1iaes 8 to 20. \ Cool .a.y Pol1rojd Sanal•• 3.IJ~ Hand1 Su.mme:r Be1ch 81• 2.29 I / I MOAday, June 30, 1969 ' --' . . ~ Shop n1 ·S'ea·rs and Save .More!Quarttiti.~s·A·te Limited/Be Early! ' (.) • ~ "' ,. I ,. • ,, ~· • 0 .. • "'' Q 0 -'~ '-r;;' • • '"" • • Splash-ins! Boys' Switn Trunks Seats Low Price 47 e Bo:11er •tylea U. aisorted stretch fabrics e Fq]I or 'front panel snpporters of nylon e Have concealed · coin P@cket ' • DraWBtring waist • • Assorted colors, sizes 6 to 12 Bo~' & Studenta' Casual Walking Shorts v,1 .. Prioel }77 Mii>y fobria iedtldiag10111e Perin>. Pre .... Solids, plaiclJ .. d cbecb. 6 "' 18. Stt these at Sean! ". .. • ' . Boys'.Popular Cut-Off 1 J·ean-Shorts · I 97c 'f Ivt style llL all cotron twill. Fuhion ( bade. Sizes 6 to 12 Belt not in· cl.uded. I ~ ~~ Girls' Cool Knit Tops •.. I . Play Shorts. or Jamaicas Your .Choice For rJ•r-dafs Mad!! Coo koit "'Pl fn tdl· ids or tttipa.. Ieun them uP witb c(i'q, coitoo ibotb or jamii. as in bright prints and 1olids. Sizes 7 '° 14. UM S.ar. ROYOl'ri°' Cbargo . ' ' I 34-Pc. '8.99 Natural Nurser Kil S~VE 597 $3! Complete Yo'ith pre-sttr• ilir:ed dispo$able plastic ijoers. plastic holders .. and 1eccss6rics. ,• .. 3/$1.19 Vinyl Pants 99c Crib Sheet s.wE""J' 3 1,..37• swt""' 77• Pull-0n Wltcrproo( pants. San(oriud <"otion fitted Newborn and S-M-J..,.XL i~t 28x~2-io. ~ ' SA. VE 13% to 22% Chocolate Covered Bridge Mix Doub~ Dipped Peanuts Your -: 77~.· Choice • Replar 89e Bridge Mill'.. Chocolate cotted mlxl*tfl of autt, ~am&. malted milk blllt.. caramels. nat cru~ jeWes. ud nit.im • Rrp1ar 99c Double Dipped. Pea.natl-Sea lected estn larae Viraiai• Peau:1te Perfect~ ly ro11ted '• ' 99°Mltes Cotton Knit Polo Shirts .1$ears ~ .... ' . ' ' " Mites' and Toddlers' Summer Playwear YoU:r Choice • Easy-care cotton •eersucker thoroughly mod· em playtimen in assorted colors • Mite boys' and girls' sunsuits in sizes S..M·L (6 to 30 month•) •Toddler boys' sunsuits and shortallo in eizeo 2T through 4T •Toddler girls' eunsuits and short sets in oizes 2Tibrough4T ' I SAVE 12%! 37c • '$2.99 Gauze Diapers SAVE 16% 2P~·5 Prefolded. Medium.wcighr cotton gauze. Pray proof. Short sleeve ~Je with snap 1houldcr~idg. 'Sius S.M.I,Xl.-(6 to .36 months). 2/$1.39 Blankets 5AVEJO%l 2,°'97e Soft cotton-acrylic receiv- ing blanlceu. $3.99 Crib Blanket .69c Trainer Pants SAVEil .297 SAVE17%1 -57c Thermal ac.rylic.36-in.x~O . Plllticounide,soft corron in. Mal::bine wuh~lc -terry huide. Sizes 1 to 4. drylble. SAVE25o/o to31%! Regular 49° lb. Delicious Cookie Assortment Regular· 49' lb. e Perfeet (or 4th or July pionict, luncheg. munehing or in belween meal 1naclts • Chooee fig ban or cream centtu• chocolate or vanilla cookies ,59o th. Aa~I White Cookie"---44 ~ .. . I ' " l 14 DAILV PILOT • Always at Sears ... Satisfaction Gu~ranteed or Your M~ney Back --... :. ·~, ' ~- ..... -' .::-'·-. •', -· . ( f .. • r:O• .-' .- ears i11., .~~, •• ,,, - ' I . .. . f I ., ' . • • .. i I " .. , . . \ Men's Mock Turtleneck Popular Knit Shirt Classics Great Value! 97 •Short !leeve pullover shirt.a in 1n~1·hine wa •hable 100% acryli c knit •Wondrous array of new fa sbion-ri glit col~ ors. Me n1s sizes S..M-L-XL • Men's Walking S.horts Low Priced! . • CarEfru atylet. in pl11iW •Belt loops., fly.front • Siz:cr7mnr10 1arte 299 ---· \ , . PRICE CUT '8 to '13! Men's Sportscoat CLEARANCE ' Wen$2i.95 to-$35•-----19~ Wett,$39.95 2088 to $42.9•.._-__ JI' . Wett·S49.9S '. 3988 .10$5%.95._' --- Men's Suit ·CLEARANCE Suits· in. blends of Dacron,. polyester and Avisco• rayon; 100% wool worsted and J elegant wool-silk blends. Regular .,,eight for year around wear. One and ni.'O pant models. Were '49.95 to •55 Were '75 lo '79.95 Were '85 Were •95 ,-----------------------------------·-- ' IUENA PARK El MONTE LONG BEACH PICO at Rimpau SANTA FE SPRll'IGS VALLEY CANOGA PARK GLENDALE OLYMPIC & SOTO POMONA .-SANTA MONICA VERMONT at Slauson I I COMPTON HOLLYWOOD ORANGE SANTA ANA • SOUTH COAST PLAZA 1 COVl4A INGLEWOOD PASADENA Is I TORRANCE • ' --- - - - - -- - --- - -... -- - -- - -ears - -- - - -- - - - --- - - - - - -- -' "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" ......... ""''""co. Shop 6 Nights Monday through Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M • • ------- ~ ' ' ' • • MOlldq, Ju11t 30, 1969 I D~ILY PILOT 21 • I • • • , • ' lhl li)hts ud ~ands of ... ' . ' . . . SUMMER AT SOUTH COAST PLAZA. Starting th i s week, a fabulous display of dl)ne buggies turns "The Grandest Mall of All" into a virtual "bug -in". Dune Buggy Enterprises 'viii as- semble a dune runner before your very eyes in the Carousel Court. Then,.on Saturdiiy, July 5th, it will be given aw~y. All you have to do is come irr and pick up a regis- tration slip at' any one of our 84 stores and then deposit it with Vickie at the Carousel. There's a great sale going on, too! What with the tremendous mark-downs, you'll see that the dune bu~gy is not the only thin g being given away. Shop South Coast P,laza this week, and if you're lucky, you may drive home in your own dune buggy. • ) ' . l ' ' • OPEN NIGHTLY 'Ill 9,3g P.M. BRISTOL AT SAN· DJEQO FREEWAY, COSTA MESA OVlll IO flNf ITOIO AND SIRVJ9$ ••• A II Cd • A .. rt'1 Hotllry e AJ...'1 e (. H ..... e .... ti A..t .. • hrrklol C1ndl01 • -Tall f..W... •· 1.,,11,..,•1 ... , lltws • hlllt l.wlitn o Dt<ontor UN • Clbot'1 Chi~ -·, -e Ci.to~··· Cliwke 'Ctlff"". '! Canra e CJiollo•a e C1ot1 V e Qlc A<umrltt e Clrit f-e CllM't latl.wr • C .... tr Otbw IWlootl ~ .. • fttJtck't ~!hop • fl1ld'1 Shot1 o fl,,\,'1 fllhlon lotl'Jut • flnt w ...... -Ii ... S.otti Cwt ri-,,,.,,,.. T .. -• -·· • '"""' L~ • '""' Mwror • --• , ... •••ti Shott • Htl~· Sitt~ • -& frtnk • HJ.C. • Htmot "'"" C.ft. ltrf1 e Hlchr1 p_, • -of .p-• -of Nino • -of Ttlltrtnr e -of Ttny • H..... • Huotf.,... sm,., I ltM • lnMI SMto • Jewtl1 ~y Ht.,11 • lolt,i. M11nlo o loyct Shot Trt0 • Jul(t • J. r. c-o,i.,tittrln • • .,...., -... & •-• J(olt.Wlt • •-Jtwelon .•,I.Mt Jlrylnl ·e Lt Pttlto Cm • Lt ltupcon t11t1ur11tt • .....,, Shoto•• Llllll•'• • llndbfr1 NutrltJon • Morltnt ,._ rlq• e Moy Ct. e MIN "''"' e M-& II-e On 1'11t St Trml e , .. Stttw e -S.,Jop & lion e Pickwick _..., • 1'1lt l'np Shop e ~di S,.m & Ltltwt • lti ti lndlt o Raj lnttrnttlonol • llYltr• t11t1oront • ,...,., 1-iy W.,., • •-•'• L-1• • StllriN • loon • 'Slopr • -· CNll ""' • s-Nowt • '"""' McAll • Tit bell • Tllo• lox • Tty World o 04off'1 Homt fufnllhl.,. • U.S. --• WtUldl'• MOiie City • WtltfloM't Jtwtlen •• Wtl lotl • Wlnt!Nd'• c-ia • wn ... •• Mio'• WtrW • I. w. WttlwWt' • y-Mottr•Jtr • ltllt'• Ylll•ttr.J.t4r'ot· IJ " I I I . -. •• .. . . .. ---· .. ~ .... ·- '{• -·- t ff . DAlll l'llOf M"'"'1, JUnt 311, l'lf>l • Wins Aloha Serles .... .....,....,......,...,-.-........-""""'~,,_.,. Concerto Noted As Transpac Bet By ALMON LOCKABEY D4111f1Pl19t SMlklt 11111« John Hall's new Columbla-57 yawl concerto, from Newport Harbor Yacht Club, looked for all the world like a 'l'ranspac winner Saturday a& she born~ * * * Record 72 Will Race ed home ahead of a 38-boat fleet in Lo5 Angeles Yacht ClUb's Aloha Series. ll y;as the second time since she Wu launched that Con- certo bas be&ten larger yacht& on 'a bpat.-for-bott bu,ll in races to 91 from Catalina Island. Two week• ago she finished first ahead of Bob Johnson's Windward Passage in the NewpGrl to Long Point race. The two-race Aloha Series T H I-.:1 was staged primarily for 0 ono WU yadlt. entered In the Honolulu rice, b u t other boals were A record fleet of 72 crack allowed to enter. sailing vessels will depart ?Saturday's race was from Point Fermin JJU Los Angeles Point Fermin to the west end llarbor in the 25Lh biennial ol Catalina and return. Sun- Transpacific Los Angeles to day'1 race was to Marineland Honolulu race Fraday at noon. and' return. but tbe race wu The starting fleet originally thrown out when the yachts numbered 73 boats, but it is r,turned with a N!port that the not known whether ~ed buoy off Marineland was mis&- Christenscn's to-foot Valkyrie lnfl. 11 froftl Carmichael. Calif.. Handicap winner ln the wlU start. Tbe boat w1s series was Meltleme, 1kipper. rescued by the Coast Guard ed by Pierce and Sturdevant Jasl '·Fr'lday· when her crew of Los Anaetes Yacht Cfub. reported' she was taking on Here are the handica pclasa water somewhere between winners: Point ConctJ>tion and Santa CLASS A - ( t ) Coneflt.o, ·Barbara on her way to Los John Hall, NBYC: (2) Angeles to start the race. Sumatra, Al Mirtln, UVC; · The Coast Guard found the (3) Mir, George O'Brien, TRANSPAC FAVORITE? -J ohn Hall's Columb!a-57 sloop Concerto, Newport boat some 50 mf1ea 300thwest RVYC. Harbor Yacht Club, started looking like a Transpac winner almost ff'!>ITI the of Point Conception, but the CLASS 8--(t) Ya Turko, day she was launch~. Last Saturday she was flrlfl to .finish In the West End crew reported they had the Georae -Antarr, PMYC; (2) race of Loi &geles Yacht Club's Aloha Series. Two weeksl>reviously she was leak under control ud. asked Americana, Fred Smalt• & first tb finish in the Newport to Long Point race ahead of such highly touted for a navigational fix. Jack Moore, HonoluJu YC; (3) yac)lts .as BoO J~nson's Win~ward Passage. The CG cutter Cape Hat~ HawaUana, Jay ·Moo re, _;,...;_c.... __ ~---~---....;-----------­ teras towed lhe bolt to Santa HGr¥>~ul~ YC. Barbara. ... CliASS C-(1) Anuen\tt, J . The Transpacific Yacht Club Millican. Honolulu YC; (2) race committee set 1 Umlt of Tortola, Jame1 Cowie, LAYC; 75 entrici for the ~ an-(I) Deatiny II, John Hooten, Sunamer Show• --niversary salling of the race. BCYC. ~: The previous larg&1t entry CLASS ~(I) Meltte~e • . ~: list was two years ago when 65 Pierce & sturdevant, CBYC; ~: Y•cht.s started the 2,~mlle (2) Wlndlwlft, Karl Tunber1, ·:.~ downwind aail to Diamond CYC; (3) Vixen, Morgan Cox, 74 Race in BCYC Regatta :'.-Head. LA YC. ~ ~ ~ ~ * * E Mesa Firm to Chart ~ ~i :;: ~ Progress of Transpac ~ Yachting fans ~ing to ~ follow the progress ol. the ~ Honolulu race will have an -.:.: ample opp>rtunlty as they go about their business in :!: Newport Beach and Costa r,,.• Mesa. ·~ Bartell Corp., a Costa Mesa ; : : marine eleclronlcs flnn, plans ""'j to post the progress of the . : ~ race on at least s i i: charts ,, ·'! ~ !; Brush Fires :-. :: 01ar 4 Acres ftich will be . posted . throtJihout the Harbor Area. " Bartell will get dail1 posi- tion reporil on the yacht• from Gordoo West, an e.zpert. ham and marine r a d I o operator who will be aboard Dick Stdle's Bon Homme Richard, official Transpac es- cort. The positions will be pollled on larse scale charts: placed at Marina Savlnp ! l Lo a n Asaoclalloo; 'Rlcb1rd'1 Market; I.be Ancient Mariner Restaurant: United California Bank; Woody'_• W· b a r f R.estaurant. IDd the Alley West : LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Remurant. : : Eight acre1 of brush w e r e Mlrvln Dorris of Bartell's : ; charred Sunday in f o u r will update the charb dally : : separate brush flres lo remote after the po.sltion reports are ·: areas of Los Anceles County. received in the afternoon. · . A wind • whipped b I a z e Persons wishinj: infonnatlon : : blackened four acm of brush on the race may also call : • in Fish Canyon near Duarte. Bartell's where a master : : The blaze was batUed by 15 chart will be kept up to date. 1'he first sunshine and fair winds of the summer gr~ed the '' entries in 11 cllpt:s wil turned out SJturday al\!I Sunday for Bahi• Corinthian Yacht Club's Stars & Stripes Regatta. There Vt'ere eight classes racing inalde the bay and three outside. The outaide races had only one race oo Satun!ay • Final results: Llll().J4A (II) -Headitup l\<>n<l'., Gare<\ Smllb, BYC: (I) Little Twitch, C b ad TwtOliiiJI, BY.9; ltl Snoopy, Dick tJneberger, ABYC. LL00-14.B t9) -(I) High Hopes, Dean Hope. BYC: (2) Fang, Don Sloughton, BYC; (3) La Rica Ota, Len Orona, WYC., KITE A (I) -(1) Somethtn Ehle, Datyon Smith, BYC: (2) Seven Eleven, C. E. Williams, gbcyc. KITE B (10)-(t) Over Easy, Jim Cart.on, BYC: (21 Sultan, Curtis Gibbs, BIYC: (!) Eltrutt Tuttle, S a n d y Smith, ABYC. SABOT A OOl -(1) Blue Angel, Manball Hall, BYC; (2) Dutch Mast.er. Steve Smith, AB YC: (!) Keep Your :: firefigh lell of the U.S. Forest ~ monltoring the r@orts :: Service arld the County Fire of the race lrom Boo Homme Mitchell Wins : : Department. Richard will be radio ham •: One acre of brush was char· Carroll D. Hudson who will be ;; "d by Ila mes near 1 h.l.wng feeding the lnlormation to the Snipe Class : '. project at the mouth of Bou· newspapers and radio stations. ; : quet Canyon near Saugus, and Equipment used to broad· BeMy Mitchell of Cali!or· :· lwo acres wert blackened in cast the race will be Ram nla Yacht Club was the win- : : the Jo.1ontrose area on Little (amateur) radio, single-side-ner Sunday ol lhe Santa Mon· : : Tujunga Canyon Road. band high seas radio and con· lea Bay Snipe Class champ- ; : A barn and one acre of ventional AM radio. The Bon Jonshlp. : : brush v.·ere destroyed in Tapia Homme Richard also is equip-There were seven entries ln : : Canyon near Ory Gulch. peel with radar, consolan, the five-race regatta. Runner : : J<'irefighlers battled the blaie aulomatlc direCtion finder and up was Pierre Havre of CYC , : for four hours before con-loran for plnpolnUng the loca-and third was Scot Birnberg, ! : trolling it. lions of the yachts in the race. Del Rey Yacht Club . . •~~-'--~--------.:__--~~----'---~--- . • SOCIALITES RED CROSS SHOES COBBIES Discontinued Styles Now at Great Savings to You $980 •nd $)280 Regularly $17 to $20. All Sales final ~ ·LARGE SELECTION s1.., • " •v. a , CAMEO • SP~CIAL GROUP· . SHOES -------~- Kool, Dovell Smith, BYC. SABOT B (I) -(I) No. 4502, Kathi Durgan, BCYC; ti) Boltna, Vicki Call; NHYC: (3) de Moccasin, GIJi de M°""""'JI, BYC. SABOT C (II) -U) Halt'1 Angel, Marshall Hall, BYCI (2 ) No. 4529, Stephen de Mocskonjl, BYC: (I) No. :!Zill, Mike Hayden BCYC. FLIPPER (I) -Ill G<lol1)' Bird, Frank Browne, BCYC. PHRF (II) -FuglUve !I, Wamn Parker, NHYC; (2) Bonita,· Goldie Joseph. LIYC; (3) No name, Allen Kelly, BCYC. CAL-20 -(I) -(I) D!Uy Gritty, Don Osen, BCYC. P.CAT (It) -(ll La H-, Nick st .. le, PVYC: (I) Ban- lhoe. Ken Bll'llet~ ABYC: ti ) Loki, Earl 1borbough, MYC. STOCK UP ON r;;;NeH $HlllNE/t- 5H0E$ SEMl·ANNIJAL CLEARANCE SALE/ SUISTAHTIAL PRICE REDUCTIONS In 1n Cit .. aories ••• boots, allp-ons. drtSI oxfords, hand· •ewnsl DON'T Ml~ TltlS OPPORTUNITY 1D 111 famous make al)OIS at SOMrlt prlc. tYW dinlnr this event. COME Ill Wl.T !or best .. 1tetton. MliillN &BUETT GRODXN'S Open Dail y 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Broadway·Anaheim Center, Anaheim South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa SEE THE STARS ltt th• tt•rt 1ultlt ye1 . Svtl11rt 011ttr,, •11• •f tkt w1tltl't 4- '"'" 11trelottrl, wrhw1 tkt tl1 lly h1r11c•'• cel1111111 ft1h1rttl . 111 tht O.(llY PILOT. . .... -.-,... . '-Dockside Deli Now Open Impetuous Gives Rest • Go-around A d o c k s I d e delicatessen distance vorage to Catalina, a catering to bo.at and yacht day of fishing or a crew for operators ban bteTl eslabUsh-the Beer Can Regatta 011 ed on Balboa Island adjacent Thur&day nighls," Burke ad· to tbe Shell Oil Dock. ded. "We recently supplied a Port & Starboard Dell Is complete roast beef ( t I operated by Haven Burke and pounds) to a boat crew and IS Chuck Glasgow's lAI .._, hiJ wife, Jackie, and features lunches to the. Blackfin crew." I , ~ the halt clbb food to meet the basic needs Adv ance orders for a day's wr:i!~:Sa.11 !: aass c ~ln· of: the weekend Jeafarer. outing can be arranged by ner Sa~1 1n Balboa Yacht "We feel we offer a meal calling 675-6930, or CB radio Club'• ~ HunUngton Go-:l~wb~lcb~~w~ou~td~sa~tisl~y~a~ton~g~-~K~O~X~mo~~· ~Ch~a~nne~t ~10~. ~~ Around r n. race 11 the fourth in BYC'1 II Serles of seven ocean: ractt. I . F1l'lt yacht µ. liDish was the unolfioW ontry, Wlndwll'd P._., Uippered by Bob Jl>bnlon ol Lahltna Yacht Club. It wu Win dw ard Puuae'• flDll tune-up race before tbe start of t.be HonoluJu race next. FrldlJ. Wlnchiml Pa>11p loup.t an upblll battle to beat J1ck Baillft'1 12-meter Newsboy by few minutes and 40 seconds. The· oVerall handicap results: . Overall-(1) Jm ptuou 1, Chuck Gi.taow. BYC: (2) Volant< !I, Mike Hirsh, BYC: (S) Firebrand, Don Ayres Jr., NHYC. CLASS A -(1) Serapis 11, Blll Bony, BCYC: ( 2 ) Prelude, J i m Linderman, BYC: (I) ,Newaboy, Jock Baillie, BYC. CLASS B -(t) Ftrebnnd: (2) A1'ti, John Cuter, BYC: (!) Sanderltni, MOrrle Klrk & Bob Poole, BYC I< BCYC. CLASS C -(I) Impetuous : (2) ilQlrulllll, McClbe I< JobanlOn, NHYC; (!) Falcon, Bob Smith, BYC. CLASS D-(1) Vo!lnte 11: (I ) Arrtbl, smiley I< Thorne, BYC; (3) Edilwelu, David Li111, BYC. MOlll' ~ (t) Anltl, Bill voa KleinSmld, NHYC: (2) Alolll 11, Glenn Reed, SSSC: (I) Veloz, Keo Rou, BYC; (4) Cece II, Bill Headden, BYC; (5) Goldllocks, Eddie Arnold, BCYC. SIX SOUTHLAND LOCATIONS SHOW YOUR COLORS • . . I . . .............. -. '·.·.,-___ _ ~\;.I -.--..· ',_,,,,,,,...., FREE FLAG DECAL AMERICA'S GREAT SYMBOL FREE AT HICKORY FARMS 'l'b• Amulcu fta1 has flown In time• af trouble and In Umet of triumph a• a symbol of America's unqutnchable ideals. It ha1 given heart and hope and 1trength to all of us ever since this nation was bom. Today, Jet ti.I di1play thil: flag proutily- proud to b• ao Amerieen. tlftlcdr7 te1rlnr ~ • OF 1/1110 6outb foast ?laza·. Ent Wing Lower Carouul Mall Cotta Mesa lrlatol 1t San ~iego Frffway Phone 540-6991 AMERICA'S LEADING CHEESE STORES CAN'T WAIT l'OI HOT WIATHll, SO WFll PASSINli ON TUMINDOUS ' SAYtN•S TO OUI CUSTOMllS •• , SAVE UP TO 75 %1 Sale Starts Tues., July 1st at 10 a.m. BRA DRESSES Reg. to $17.00 Solid & Print TOPS Cotton & Olion PANTS Flair & Straight Leg DRESSES Fantastic Selection One & Two Piece PANT DRESSES JUMPSUITS Rtg. $600 $1100 to to $25.00 $~~.oo $&~. $12 00 ' Pant Skirts,. Wrap Skirts, Culottes Reg. to ·$ 1 B.00 $500 ,.· $goo SOIJT!f COA$T l'IAV., -"' tho Sao 01ooo fwy. o 545.2332 HUNTINGTOI< aNTH. loodo 11-.d. ot Sao [>;ego fwy, o 89,.3331 IWIOA 15lAHO, 204 Mori"" A-O 673-3300 COSTA Ml!SA, 270 E. 17111-o 541-1222 IAGUNA RACH, 2-IO •oad-,. o '9'-3194 R .!lGU!o!DO, 321 Main Strwl o 321-1556 • I I ,. NHYC Trio ~n ·U.S.·Sailing Team to Tour Great Britain Throe youna lllillng aklppers who g<>t their early tra1nln& In the Newport Harbor Yacht Club Non-Calm (junior) lllil- lng prograD/ will be part of the nine-map U.S. Colleglate sailing team whlcb will tour England, Scotland and Ireland thls summer. 'nle ~ewporl sailons are Lea1ie Mes.Senger, Urilverslty ol California Berkeley, team manager; Tim Hogan, USC. and Chris Seaver, Yale. Others on the team are Capt. Dave COit, Yale; Ed Butler, San 1D~ State; Tom McLa ughlin, 'San Diego Stat.; R4berl and Richard Doyle, Nl>tre Dame, and Hans Meyer, University of Michigan'. The team recently n!ceived applicants from v a r i o u 1 American unlverslUes. They will represent this country on the tour which begins July 19 and extends through Sept. !. · The team iecently receive a a Jetter from President Rich- ard Nlxon congratulating l.hem on their selection and wishing them well in lhe hard summer of compeUlion. Froot July lf.22 lhe team will be competing at Southend on Sea in the European universities t e a m cham- plonshlpe. They will then lly to lrelond to cO,npeti ~ various unlversiUes and yacht clubs. -From Aug. u the team will compete in the famed Cowes Week In Southern England. They then travel, north lo sail e.gainst .varioul no 11 t be r n universities; West Kirby and the Royal'' Nottbern Yacht Club in Scotland. T h e ~lt major event is Aug . 11-lt, &be King Trophy, to be match heed in Soling stoops, the new Olympic class. Following that will be team racing In Firefly dinghies on Welsh llal1> (J,oadan) for the IJptoa Troplly. Tho grand flDale will be the teani race in !fempeJt sloops, Sepl . 2-7 for the' British· American Trophy. Four years igo t h e American team had a ti.2 win-loss record in England. Miss Messenger was foredeck: crew on the second· place Sean Cup team in1l96&. In 1967 she was the number two woman sailor in North America, placing serond in the Adams CUp 1n Rochesler, N.Y. She is head sailing iMtructor at NHYC. Hogan skip_.i the 1966 Sport Co~ts 3 DAYS 0 N L y ly Uadl .. M ... f9c:t1ri11t Compa1y VALUES TO $100 Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday; June 30-July 2. SOUTH COAST PLAZA Q SAN DllGO ot IRISTOI. TELEPHONE: 540-1502 • GIFT. WAIE Umitecl quantity of GOLD LE/IF, IT ... LIAN GLASSW ... RE CER ... MICS, COSTUME JEWELRY AND M ... NY ONE-OF .... ·KINO ITEMS. . Sean CUp tmn In Ill!. In December of tbal ume year he waa . Ult bJil>polnt B skip. per in the New Orleans Su.lat Bowl Regalia. ,In 1918 he wu captain. of the victorlOUI North Amer)tan. Colleglale iuil11ng team. In July he Wh atven All-Americao status. Ult" fall he won the naUonal Douglu· Cup competition for match ra~ clng and WU the ~f':t skipper in the Ttmipe n Regatta 1n Chicago. He was also the high-point sttpper it the 1961 Sugar Bowl. . Seaver was on the aa.'llnd place team in the CYRA-NA championships l.q .1111. Be WU alao the first American ln the worjd championship no Class .. ,.u. In England In 1161. Bill Muncey Wins Second Hydro Title DETROIT (AP) Heavyfooted Bill Muncey of SeaUJe, roared from behind in the final beat Sunday to win his second straight World Championship U n I i m I t e d hydroplane title in Miss U.S. The 40-year-Qld veteran of 18 years of speedboat racing drove hJs ~foot, 7 ,500-pound crafl to victory in the lS.-mile final oo the Detroit River. The race was marred by two early accidents, neither of which was serious, but they gave spectators -estimated at 200,000 by police -some anxious moments. PrHace fa vorite Bill Steret. 44, was k>!sed from his hlghly- regarded Miss Budwe~r in the opening heat ol lhe acUon- J:l'acked afternoon. A C o a a t Guard helicopter q u I c k I y plucked the Owensburg, Ky., veteran pilot from the water and m e d l c a I examination thowed he suffered only 1 bruised shoulder. ln the second mishap, Mike \Volfbauer Jr, of Harper Woods, Mich. escaped with facial cuts when he was tossed out of his Savair's Probe at the Belle Isle bridge tum, long regarded as one of the dangerous tW'M in speedboat racing. Dean Chenoweth of Xenia, Ohto, driving Myr's Special, and veteran Fred Alter, 42, of Detroit, piloting 'Miss Schwep- pes, each won their first two heats and had ~point tota1s going into the final heat. Muncey won his first heat and s~ttled for a second-place finish in his second heat for a 700-point total . That set the stage for a three-b oat showdown In the final but. And Muncey, one of tbe na- tion's top speed-boat harxllers withJour Gold CUp titles to hi! credll, responded to t be challenge, winning '7 ,500 of the gross $35,000 purse. Father, Son Die in Crash LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A father and son wereukllled Sunday in the crash o( ~ single-engine plane when 1l smaShed into several trees during an attempted landing in a vacant field. Dead were William Laing, 33, the pilot, and his son Stanley, 8. AuthoriUes said the plane crashed ahort1y after the Laings had flown over their home In the Diamond Bar area of Los Angeles Counly. e weisfields ,,....,um.a South Coast Plaza 8ri1to l al the San Diego Freew•Y cv,,... ... ..,,,_ f-,.......,. • ., COSTA MllA 11-.w.11111111 .. "'""'lilt •ll•r••• "*"9: t4f.7111 • ..._le.Ml ., /'tMltw c....,.. . '· .WOod :New Champion · Paul Wood of California YaChl Club · is the new Southwest Regional Cbamplon of the Victory Cius. Wood acored a lirst and two seconds in the championslllp regatta at Oceanside Yacht Club to edge runner-up Jerry Pinckney of Mission Bay Yacht Club. There were 10 entries in the lhree race regatta. Third place went to Bob Ellison or MBYC._ Ericson Yachts Names Dealer ORANGE -Ericson Yachts has appointed Bay Nautical Supply as dealer for the com- plete line of Ericson sailboals oo the Gulf Coul, aceording to Del Walton, vloe president of marketing. Erieson Y achtl is one of the nation's fast.est growing man- ufacturers of fiberglass sail- boats. The line Includes boats of ZS, 26, 30, 32, » and 41 foot boa.Ls. foot lengths. M-, "°" lO, 1169 DAILY l'ILOT If First Step in Boating: Learn Rules u you .,. thlnkinl of join- inf tho ru>b II the natloo's .. lllll1loo bolttnC enthualasta, bell« heed aome of the tiPo on aeamllllhlp oUerod In tho, Jone tasue of Today's Health magulM, publilheci by lbe American Medical Aaa4)cla· Uon. - \ Author Ltn ffiJta relates what veteran boat, oper1tors say 1bout boatli\I >alely In 1 condensed course for ~vice 1klppen. It's alao a good re- view for'those who clairp to know a barnacle from 1 bin- nacle. Gtttllg r e • d y te co: Check the equipment loektr to be sure you have a U. ·s . Cout Guaid approved 11 f e JftSUYer for every penoo on board. OVerJoading ls one of the most common causes ol boating accidents, so don't a · ceed lhe boat's safe capacity. M 1 v I • 1 1way froiB &Ille dock: If you can move straight ahead, start at slow speed and tum cautiously in· to open water. If there are other boats at the dock, a n d things are Ught. use an o I d trick tu get out -secure the boat to lhe dock with a b o w line and cast the stem line loose. Tum the wheel all the way to the sea or opensfde. Slowly rev the motor. The stern ,,,·UI slowly swing out. When it is clear, cast off the bow line and reverse the mo- tor to back Into ·open water. Do It slowly. R • I e 1 of U.e water-- ways: When two boats ap. proach head on. uch should steer to the right to pas.s. When yoo are OYe.rtaking an- other boat, remember it has the right ol way. ln general, boats without motors -in- cluding those with oars or ' Memorbe the meant~ of hind you an4 clltl')'lng the maneuverth& untll )'(IU a r e broadside of tbe dock. T b 1 n drUt In . buoya Yo0 'll ... al harbor en-boll into the dock, I b I fl traocea and in. riven. ~ your motor to neutral after the wtalber foreeasl Doo't1-''------------------ Cel broadside to wave>-keep don't miSS it! wrnlng tqward them. C.O.t•1 • 1 c k _, Study tbe water aod the wind. If the wind or the CWTent ls coming from the pier, Idle In 1 at a aharp, angle until the bow makeo C<N11acl. Secure tl)e bow and then bock down (re- verse engines) on the line with Ult helm awung to 1 e t the otern Into the dock. U the wind and cumnt is ))e. THEY Fll'IALL Y ARRIVED IERNAT STITCHERY KITS Sltnt of the Zodiac, Yarn Etch1ng1 , F&ower1 and Fun. Tot. Bags, Pillows and Multitudes of new adventure1. Tiie KNIT WIT SOUTH COAST PLAZA l ower Mtll Acro11 fr•111 Weolworth'1 l ri1+..I •t th1 St11 Diet• Frwy. COSTA MISA QlJ!4iCraft dress styks were 8.99to10.99 5.98 5.99to7.99 01.ntah 3.98 °'911 thoes" MOn'f h..i IMightt. open~-,..... ' Coaioll w;i:ti a MH-'intr· Al ff'Offt ow ........ ..._ '\ •• ,,. ... --.-l.97tell.tl7 . _ .... --......... ,,, C....... I, sails -have the rtightiioil wiaiyii. iiiiiiiiiiiiii::~-~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliJ Pacific's Get Pacified at Savings Super Market ·' ' Offering: ' 1. 303 GROWTH FUND DEPOSITS PACIFIC SAVINGS...,...._ l"'-1lor1M JNra ~ cllllly 11 SV. % mwmftl'J, wt..,. prockw • cmplhll growth ol 11 lent 30% ff. lnteNet le left on depOlll, or JOU mer elect to line your lntereat ,.id qua"91'ly. M to tflle a-.nt, .......... la $1,000.00 and prtnclpel 11111J be wllhdrewn II any quaner wru-t la. Ill "*'-1 ff n11del.I to "'"9nl flJMI hllnllhlp. 2. LIQUIDITY FUND DEPOSITS In..,.. le peld on 9'9'J c1o11er hr 9ftl'J claJ II 11 on deposit In theM paMbook eocoume, IO JOU wn '-data or deposit to deta Ill wlthdraw1I -1v1n for one dlJ. Current PllllUll l'llle, 5%, -pounded dallJ. No minimum amount. 3. -COMBINATION FUND DEPOSITS l1---pennll cepltlll llflllllh • to deposlta f9fllllnlng fOr tllrw ,.,,., ',... ................ n., Cillt•*Jper"' per lllllUll OOilpiNMded ~ dll •.....,.boa -. Clll'l'WnllJ 1'" per -um, ff left on depoelt line,,,,. or--.$1,0llO.llOtilltl I&-' ,....,...--rr10x-tor"'"''~'''""°"'""' -~ ......... .... 11'1' --·lCL No ........... long"""· -llOTAllY -·lCZ. • AIKllOW.'(OU CAii.UV (URYICe C1W1G1! 1'1111) TICDll 1f ille -, Dodgor --or -ti112•R1Md1t11t1r ..... llOUUh ,, .. d1 tad TJLl.11olDllll111:• ..... 1Jsl n .. NOOTHIRMY· -lllfl8 AllD LONI NM IT. AND MANY MDRE FRIE SERVICl!I SOUTH COAST PIAZA 1111 llNSTOL l'nll!ET • COSfA lllSA, CAUl'ORNIA HOURI: ll:aO A.II. TO ll:aO P.M. • SAT.: 10 A.II. TO I P.11. • PHONE 54C>-461e I • • av1ngs • • • • • • • • ft ft AND LOAN ASSOCIATIOll I 1 ~~~~-~------------~·----- 1, . I I I • • DAILY PILOT Veterans of Crossing I Of Rhine River Sought ~ proc1Uct.r want.s .lo ~or thole who l90k port in lhe llenll"1 Bridge ClOISlti&. The IDl'tloo picture fl ~ duced by David L. Wolper ai>d stars Robert Vaughn, Georp Segal, Bea Canara, Bradrotd Dlllmao and E. G. Manhall. It WU turned in C.zechoalovU:la. vderam . ol, the crouhi1 ba_ve beeP at:ked to write Oongreaaman IJU, Rayburn House Office Bu ildin1 1 Waahlqteo, D.C. a~rtut1I :farttotts 11ame.r. 'fJlali~11eill" ~i\t0 ..... Site's a Swinger During a recent visit to the orphanage at MoCay, SOuth Vietnam, soldiers and sailors from the Army- Navy mobile Riverine Force built swings for their 60 "adopted" children. The attraction between k.i<ls and swings appea'rs to be world wide as lhis little Vietnamese girl setjles hersell gingerly on the seat, takes a few hesitant swings, and finally really gets in the "swing" of it. . , . •• _ __---.. __ • f' • ""' '" i Lawyers Name . Officers ANAHEIM -The Oranae Countr Chapter ol t h , CallfOrnla Trial L a w y e r s A-cle&lan his eJeNd MW ollleen !or U.. ...,,., '"" 1beyare:PeterM.G"""'1of of Anaheim, prtsldent; !l'fll• A. Alt.ken of :JAAU1 Ana, v1ce- pr<Sldent; Rlchlhl Lo Bo1<tril !JI Garden G"""i ,.qelacy, and Marvin 0 . 'Burton of Anaheim, treasurer. Newly elected dlreCtots in- clude: Mart Soden, Glen T. Buhore, Noel G. Conway, Paul J. Gergen, Jaffies E. Neat, Bruce Osterhout\ Peter Pelkofer, Robert A. Schwamb, Wilbur s. v..,pn · and TheodOl't E. Wentworth, Jr. PREP SHOP Zschuiutlt1 for Young ll•" ' SAVINGS TO LAST ALL SUMMa 98 OCC Students Win Scholarships PREP SHOP ,, '111~. ~1S io +15 Sliif~ Jraise&, l!.n.t- dretse11 o.nci 'a~ d~$~et. --ltOUJ Scholarships totaling more J than $16.400 donated by the Harbor Area community were awarded to S8 Orange Coast College students In the recent aMual OCC Honors Night pro- gram. Largest single scholarship winner was Jami?!! Marocco of Costa Mesa, who received an $800 grant from the Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club. WlMers by community are: B~LBOA -Harry Patlison. Anonymou11, $100: vi ct or Adams, Orange Coast Lions Club, $100. CORONA DEL MAR - Barbara Mawds.ley, Cost a Mesa-Newport Harbor Lioh5 Club, $500; Aaron Ande~n, Jennie Crutcher Foundation, $500 ; J ill Sweet, OCC Alumni Association, $100. COSTA MESA -Kathleen Kelly, Assistance League of Huntington Beach, $ 2 5 o ; Margaret Alexander. Costa Mesa Women's Club, $100: Christine Mathews, C o s l a Mesa Women's Club, $100; Xathletn Feely, Co 11 I Women'~ CIUb .. US; ~Karleen O'lbl, Coast Women's Club, $75; Grace Thompson, Ebel\ Club of Newport Beach, $200 : Janice Hall , Ebel! Club of Ne""port Beach, $200; Angela Conkey, Tuesday Club of Newport Harbor, $ I O O ; Micheale Cannon, Alpha Garn· ma Sigma, $50; Deborah Gan- non, Altrusa Club of Newport Harbor, $100 ; M.e rid i l h Coleman, American Bus iness Women's Association, Anaheim Angela Chapter, $300. Patricia Maiaylo, American Bus.lness Women's Association Anaheim Angels C h a p l e r , $400; Michael Va r vi I , American Congress on Survey· ing and Mapping, $25; Carolyn Fou, Assistance League of Newport Beach, $500 ; Donna Kinyone , $500: Jeanne Stur<le-- vant, $500 ; Debra Toner. $500, all from Assistance League of Newport Beach; Eliz.abelh Hatcher. $25; Marilyn Morsch, $25 ; Gloria Purvis, $ 2 5, A.W.A.R.E.; Dennis Berg. Bank o( America, $.'JOO; Joe Morales, Orange 0 o u n t y Nurserymen's Association, $100; Lil\da Wigington, California Home Economic Association, Orange County Cbapter, •too. Robert Seymoure, California School Food Servictl Asaocia- tion. Orange County District, $100: Edward Wisc, Costa ~iesa Kiwanis Club North, $100; Michael di Donato, Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club. $500: Gayle Larson, Co&ta Mesa Women's Club, $200 ; Isabel Magday, Ex- ecutive Secretaries' Inc . , Orange County Chapter, $100 : Linda Wigington, $50; Eloi&e Knoy, $40, Home Ecooomlcs Club ol OCC; Rlch1rd Nicholson, National Associa- tion of Wome n in Construction, Orange County Chapter 91, $100: James Marocco, Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club, SHOO ; Jody W. Hargis, $50 ; Anthony Turner. $50, Orange Coast Daily Pilot. Barbara Davies, Orange Coast Lions Club. $100; Angela LaUj OCX:: Alumni Association. $100 ; Ronald Poteet, OCC Engineering & Match Club. $50 : Micheale Cannon, OCC Faculty Wives. $100 : Mari Ogawa, OCC Polygots Club. $50; Ronald Poteet., Orange County EnJineering Council, SlOO i Debra Toner, Orange County Philharmonic Society. $100; Fred Gillett, Orange County Philharmonic Society. $200 : Linda Wigington. Rotary Club of Costa ~fesa, $100 : Mari Ogawa, Rotary Club of Costa M.,. North, $100 ; Rad Drouet, Saffell and McAdam, Inc., $12$; Chriatopher Banas, Tuesday Club of Newport Beach, Arts and Crafts group, ---------- SEMI • ANNUAL • White •Bone • Pastels • Navy • Black Patent ~ Shoe I A fontavic array of the season's best selling styles, in the colon and materials you wont now thru Fall , . , Best of all, you con buy 'em at near give away prices. No ''hos be9ns'"'-no unwant· eel merchand.iM. Just great shoes ond the year's greatest values. All UlfS FINAil Selfll Onst Pl1z1, Coata llM1 UISTQI AT THl SAN DIEGO 'HfWAY USE YOUI MASTU CHAIOl IANKAMl!llCAIO al ,125. WESTMINSTER E~tusivelu for Youft9 Ifni South Coast Plaza lri1tol e1 rt. SW. Dilgo ~ .. Cotto Mt10 5<i0·9521 Linda Hitchcock, Z o n t a Katsutoshl Muroya, Orange lnernational, $500; 1'-1eridilh County Engineering Council, Coleman, Tuesday Clu b of Dean's Fund, $100; Brenton Newport Harbor, $100. Almond, Orange County ._ _________________ _. FOUNTAIN VAU.EY _ Philharmonic Society, $200. Diane Mills, Ass Is tan c e ,--:;;.•·~·iljj;~~-;;~·Uiiiiiiiiiliiiiil;~ffi~~jliiii;~ Leaeue of Huntington Beach, I PD !LIP I 2 a I a $125; Carol Lund.gren , Newport Balboa Savings and Loan Association, $500. GARDEN GR 0 V E Kathleen Fisher, Forty and Ei ght, $300 ; Loui s e Grueneberg, A.W.A.R.E., $25 ; David Mosely, Jennie Crut· cher Foundation, $100 ; Robert Novak, Saffell :uid McAdam, Inc., $20: Eric Samuelaon, Speech Department award, $250. HUNTINGTON BEACH - Barbara Peterson, Auistance League of Huntington Beach, $260: Patricia Ve s 1 iy , California Congress ol Parents and Telehers, $100; Patricia Van Cleve, Jr. Women's Club of fluntington Beach, $100; Judy Ml'Quaid, Silver Anchor Auxiliary of H u n t i n }'to n Beach, $200; Gerald Zalansky, Anonymous, $100; Li nd a Nichols. Assislance League of Huntington Beach, $ I 2 5 ; Donald Darling, Carpenters Union Local 164-8, $70; Susan Aguilar, Hu ntington Beach Women's Club, $125 ; Richard Watson, -Newport Balboa Sav~ ings and Loan Association , $500: Adriaan Jacobs, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, $ 1 0 0 ; Rodney Brashear. UC C Oceanographic Society, SIOO. IRVINE -Nancy White, OCC Alumni Association, •too. 1...AGUNA BEACH -Kathy Erger. Costa Mesa Art League, $200. NEWPORT BEACH James Haggerty, Costa Mesa. Kiwanis Club, $500: Pamela Thompson, Costa M e s a Kiwanis Club, Agriculture & Conservation, $50; G e r a I d Downey, Costa Mesa Kiwanis Club, Agriculture & Conserva- tion, $50 : Pamela Thompson, Kiwanis Club of Corona del l>.1ar, $100; Robert Turnbull, Krausnick Petroleum Tech., $100: Doris Crossen. OCC Faculty Association, $150. John Walts, Saffell and McAdam, Jnc .. $125 : Pamela 'I'hompaon, Women in Natural Science, m. ORANGE -Donna Poe, Palm Harbor Hospital AUX· iliary, $150 : Ellen Pauley. Palm Harbor Hospital Aux- iliary, ~: Suzi Henderson, Ebe/I Club, Newport Beach, $100. SAN CLEMENTE - Kathleen EIHnor, Bank oC America, $300. SANTA ANA -E do a Boudreau. A.W.A.R.E. $50 ; Leona Seddon. A.W.A.R.E., $50 ; Georgia Mott!, Richard's Lido Market. $125 : Theodore Palmer, '100; Kurt Johnllon, $200: Cy. Rockey Memorial; Kurt Johnston, Rotary Club of Costa Mesa, North, '100: Ray Sakioka, Saffell and McAdam, Inc., $25: Claire Mu rphy, Theta Sigma, $50. TUSTlN -Cindy Janisen, California As soc i at i on Nurserymen, $50: Cy n t b I a Rutty, Theta Sigma, $50. Killed in War Marine Corps Pfc. David W. McConntU, M of: Mr. and M". Dtml Dlerce, SM! Lin- coln Ave.,~ has died in VletMm actJoo. tlie Defen:ie · Department 11J1ld Wednesdo)'. , STARS s.,; ... ., °'"'"' '' ..... , tti. world'1 911tt •1+rolo9•r1. Hit 1ollif'I" h 0111 •f th1 DAILY PILOT'S 9r11! f11tv111. I ' ' I INFLATA•L£ ar ),IJUll~~ 41 .. •7" ' ·2 RING POOL •• •• .1.98 1 .... ~ s2·.10 .. ~l llNc; POOl ,-• • • 3,88 •tAL ACTIOJI, MOU•S Of IUN AT TMl llACM. 10"1!0" 9 88 ' -l •tNCi POOL ••• , • • ~ INflATAlll SWIM RING 3« I I MOndaJ, June 30, 1969 ' DAILY PILOT JI ' • ~For ·Top \ ,I .. • ;. ... ·Quality lat Low ~iictfs. •, .( ....... .. . Repl'r SIZE Tnde·in Prie.-. 8.50xl4 33.95 2.57 8.85xl4 36.95 2.86 9.50xl4 39.95 3.03 · 7.60x l.> 33.95 2.57 8.00xl5 36.95 2.79 8.20xl5 39.95 2:83 ALLSTATE P-ager Tire Guarantee Tread Life Guarantee Guar1n1etd ~il'ltt: /Ill f1ilurn of tht: 1itt rnuhi111 £rom ltOft:l)fil.- rNd hauld1 or defec1i il'I mllttrial or 9'0(lcinu11hip.' • fnr How Lon': For rM life of 1hc ori1i11.1I utad. Wh11 St1ni Will Do: R.tpair n11I purw;luni M no ch1rgc. In 1ht Cat al (ailure. in euh1ngt' for rhc rirt', rcplw;e it. cb11tti111 onlr tb.t pro- po"ion of curren1 ttiul• .ellinJ price plus Ffderal EaciK T• tMr rtp~nu trtad uted. Tread Wear-Oul Guarantee r.u1n..,1ud A~iMt: Tttad Wffl..()1,11. . 1 t'ar Haw Lo~: TM irutnbtr of ~hi 1pet"1fitd. Wh•• St1ra Will O.:J11 «<~for the rirc, ttpl~ i~ chusiq the cutrtnt rc111lu ttllini price ph.11 f.l.T, lea die ronowiec llllow- ai:>ee: Monlh• C111n1n1eed AU.watte• 1110 24 1(11!11, 27 10 J9 20~ • 88 ,. ,. ' . , . 6.50x13 Tubele11 Blackwall · , . Plu~t.19F.E.'I'. :; .f A.rid Old:Th~~ ~1~ ~ ' . I .~I • • "' of . SIZE ""'"' , ... TndM• • •• .... Tu Tubeleu Blackw.U. 6.50"13 9.lis 1.79 7.35d4 12.88 2.07 7.75d4 14.88 2.20 8.25xl4 16.88 2.36 7.75xl5 14.88 2.21 Prices Effectivtt Jun• 30 through · July.5 SIZE _ ... , ... ~· -~ ·-Tube1 ... ~~111; 6.50d3 12.88 l.7• 7.35d4-u · 2.0l 7.75d4 17.88 2.29 8.25xl4 1gJit. ' 2.36 7.75x1S 17.88 ' 2.21 " . •' actual plie1 of nylon for ex.tr• 1tren_1th, greater re11i11tance to impactl, moi1ture1 fleJ.• i"lo heat •Excellent high~peecJ perfonn1nce; qifety IA • P•teilted co ntour safety Ahoulden for better reeene when )'OU nHdfft ~ v• q ~ J >t ' ~ t:orner.i ng control, fe1t recovery from pave· •Tread liletime guaranlee 1piftll 1ll f1iJa,... ~ J , • mentedrop-off1 .. plD121·monlhwe1N>utpanntee , - - - - - - - - _ .p,.. _,.. -... - -... - -... - --'-- - - - - - - - -~·-~ - --~·-I ~-----~~ --.. MJfNA PA°' TA 8-4400, 521·4,30 R Malm Gl'3·3~11 , ' lONG,IEACH HE 5°0121 "CO WE &..4262 SANTA FE SPalNGs 9"'4-8011 UPWjl> 915-1927 • I CANOGA •••K 340.0661 . Gm\DAlt QI· 5-1004, Cl 4-4611 , OIYMPIC "soto AN '8·5~11 l'Olol<>liA ED 2-1 US, NA 9·5 L61 , YU 6·6751 SANTA MONICA EX 4-671.i VAU!Y PO, 3•8461, 984·2220 I I COWION NE 6-2581, NE 2-5761 HOllYWOOP HO 9.5941 OlANGE 637-2100 SANTA ANA Kl 7-3371 SOUTH COAST PlAZA 540.3333 YtiiMoHT Pl 9-1911 I . COVINA 9~11 IHOI~ OR 8-2521 PASADf~A:MU )'.32fl; 'E( ,5-,°41) 1 TOIRANCl 542-151 I '------~--~-------~----------------·-------~-' Sl'<:trs ' "Satisfaction Guaranteed orYour Money Back" Shop 6 Nlghll Mol)\lay thtough 'Saturcjay 9r30 A.M ... 9:30 P.M. ' • 1: ,, • • • ' I i ' J • • • ' . . • • • • . . • . ' . ••• ,, ... : •. 1.1~;. ·-· .. ··"· .. · ... , .... M D.lll Y I'll.OT ....,,.-JO,lM .LEGAL Nones LBGAL NOTICE LEGAL Nona: • LEOAL llOl'ICI • Who Gi"ves MT1Ctl ltl'fm. .... -~--1 .._,. • ,.,..., UV.-tfloW 111t ~ .. T~ tit h Or.._ CltW NIW W •tm MO'f1CI ~=lf'fW Cllll .. ~, '! ....... '-""• hinlMfllW .......... tt ...... .,,._.,., wllf MOTICI Oii Ta""9.rS lo\LI IUl'P.IOa Of' NI ,..,_.,. • ,. _ ,. .. .., ....., sitt ,.»... ~ • ._.. 11, .--• -. n •..... naT1 .. Cl.IM'Cllt•IA,.. T Jan ti Ille ..,.i .. _ ..... ~ c-....w:1i... ........_ MNt111e. VMtl...._ Oii JIM!£, 1Mt, ti 111• .t..M., TrTLI' Tiii C0UWTY 0. oaAMI ransp t .... All' C..1'1111..i.. alld't1otl OMff'Mtl tlW CNlANM COUT COU..(GI (NA. INIUllANCa AND TJIUST COMl'ANY... .. ...... ' ' ..VS IUK.Olfift 'tftOJICT&. ~ c.-itr, ~~. T1't ..... McWM_~ .. ,, .....,__. T,__ fifllll9I' M4 ltt•I• of MAaTMA MOii __.. ••• Iii ......,. ........ lfllll • ......_. " _,.,... ........ n .. -~ ~ ,_ °"' « TfWf ...,.. Mw J. LOH ... ltkla, °"""'9M. -: ="'=-:. ........ lllC h llfRCil fl .. Ow:w, Ill llhl "'*"''""'.-~~ J~t,.~!: = HOTICI IS Mllll.111' ..WM .. h ......... 1N1 "*""'--..., C-. MIM, ar..t C..W, C..,..,..la. .... W.I ..W ,....... AMY Mi *1, ... .._,,, ""'"*"" ti tt:t ..... .... ....... Or ? .......... .....,, ,... ....... .._ ..... ,.,.. ... ....,. ·-"'" '" ... .m. ........ Oflldel=:='~'i~.J: gans. -' ,... ............ ........ ·--"' .. flll'lc't .. 1M c-ty""".,,. ...-.rv _..,,.. .... ..... .--. ....... ---.. ,.....,._.. -.... ..,...,.,.. ... .,._ ~ ....... 0r.-QM:fJ, Ctilfoff:ll. .... dffll ................. °""' fkttlw -oll ..... ~ -It ~ ... ..,,.... _lf9(t ___ Nltflll. 11'111 .. 11 •I Mlk. Wdltlc .. II ...... Md: tt .,_.. '1:1fC':, Wiiie .. .....:.:; c..i. tf ~ CMltr'kf ~ -111!' •,... .,_. -tt ,..,..,. ...a l•Hte.• """° .. Mllll Ill 1111 IN t fl 11 . I• #cl u. In thl Miii iitftit9I • .. 0-, ... If Wlflllol: lflfrocl A ""'"""-·~ .......,. ~ "ltlf Ul'!W lllt.) Iii .. JOt4M' A. MICKAWI.. e.._. 111 1J.Sit ......... ~ C.-... """'• ~ ""' _., M .... I .... fll tM llMV ti lllt _, (,..,..,.. Jiii .,.,,...,. .._. """" M1t 11 I lfwoM, Otflct " ... ~ IW ....... , ..... -ttCfl "' • .....,.,, ,._ ... ti Tm. IWH't!IC9 llllllnnl Itel• • ... -_..IO: ii lllt 11tect of 'tililMlt llHCllkattMl. 'YNt .... -'It .. ,....... .. ., " ...... .,.. ,...,,,..,,-.......... MorlfMftt _, ... li.i:tl: .... .. ................. -ff: " ......._ ant 111 .................... fl'W *" ...., W. 11i11 --. l tr...._ ...... Nt•• C..llforftl• •II r~, tt-"" r::;;:: ' m .. ~ L ........ MeWlelt ........ ~ lonf lrill llt '9Wll'lif .. fhlti.1•1n1t,...CW:WY9dlaMll_ .... =,:,.::...:~ .. ~:n.,itllbllC.: COrlTredOr MilCfM. b¥' It ...... Mid o.1111 « Ttv1I Ill flMi ... d 1lllt Mfb; t9d: W "'91 " ,,... -"' Ille .. Ftml of f',....I"' ......,. lie Mdl ul .,..,,., alM... In tM clh' " ,.,..,,.,.. 0.... J-.. 1 ... °' ~ ·.., -~ .. ,_ .... __.. .._ 19 1Ht11. "' .. w c:11mt1 .... ,, • ._ ~1t1< Polrf'-vM .wt• hd: 11111 lillll " ~ ~ • c"111W • ...,..,_ • u-""' tel•: MlmlllWf'ttrb: of !flt t:llll• tht Owl'ftr," M~ ... ._. Ill ftwr ef ttlt OWntf, • .-... IW .. llld• Ttlt ...... " im.r.t Ill !fie llftd ot 111t ..._ _,.. ~ .... ft iMMtHI .. • ..tllfltlwY ~,., ctilnMIW .. W .. ,....,~ :.:":"''..:.: llfta!M:I n.r.11: .. • LMNllolfl ..... A. MIC*IL. .... It.If "'---....,. Cl9l:f Clft) d ... MIL 1"" dwck flt ' Lei M of TtHI No. ,Illa lfl !fie cit¥ ti A~ If LtoJr '' t ..,...._ !Mt !fie IMttf' wlll ~ tfct Ctlth'td If If .... -:;::-.:.,,, "': N._t llKI:. CIUl'fl¥ of or._, It ... 1111J, ..... """ .... ll hi '*""""llY '°""' llhl e.Mtct 0. "'"" .... _.II ~ tt Ctlffrtmll, • W -,_.... In ,...._., ~ Mtl ' boftctl .. ..c1f1iM """""' wffMr: f'IW dt'f$ •rfw llllfftk;tfllll'f of ltlt WWWll .. flit kall K. ..... 1.. 11 .,.. If ti T .. 1 OtlJ '•?tolMI _,...act la tt:t ~-M.ltnl~ M#t, In lllt tlftc:e Of tlct A--........ , 1 ltrlr WM• aATa1 · _,,., ,_.,... .. MW CIOUlllY· ........ or-CMlf Dtlb' Piiot 1111.Z-:.•c,".:.: :_• c'!:.f:'_:1t11~-:tc::=,.. ~ ~·:=.,.~.:_':;! :! Jw1 .. u.awiJl$''7, 1w 11'1-# c-11 ·• or-°"""· "" .. w ...... « T,.,.,_ "'" ~ .. .,. ,.'"""' tltlt, ..... lfll'I. " ...,. LEGAL NOl'ICE ... , ........... , ... tlf .... 41M: ........ Mcfil c:rtfl " h'M .. _.,,.... ..... ~ .. "" "" -~ .,.... t. t11tW1w: tflot c.tr~ wMdl Wiii .. ..,..,.. "'8 ~ ~ ""' IMM clHI tun! « lllt "°'9 -" W MNl,,==-==-='""""'"~=---1 _ ... ~ -.....,_. Ire ttld .,.clflalnDM ......... W 11:e IMtd. ..... DtM .t nu.t. •wtt1 Q.t1f.lt, Wltlc .... Ml'tC• 0.. s.\LI 'OP llUl. , ... I- - tlNtf ,._ *" U, U# M lit Nld llOf9 NllTY AT Pllll'YATI &ALI ... • : w .. '""" ~ tdvltlcas, If """ iHidff ""' ..... -AttY dtl&lflcMIM "" tl'!tlc:IMMll tM ... llot'!'!_~ ... -~ .. _,. .:. 'rht Cll ..... """"f11 ulll o..11 ol' Tn11i, ..... dlllf'lllS JN TMI SU ... 111.IOll CO\llT °'TM• ......-rtfn tw tl':IS ~ lttdt c:-•""' .... -· .. ,,.,_ Trvl;frte ""' el tht STATI Of' CALll'CHl:IHA '°"' lt1leoll T,... c-ocllt. If ~ ram lllttcl ..... -"" c:vrlWll " .,.. ,..,..., ""'" Ctttttd " N1'11 c.11 .. Tri/II. TMI COUWTY., ........... LIS b¥ lttoDr "..-II dvtfll9 1'ot blddlnll 1""' ti' --....Ulllfl tffliit. well -'• TM ~.,., .....,. MW Oto:I d In IN""'""" .. !flt Elltlo' .. Ol!llTll!I Ions Wll 11t ~ • "" .. !flt .. ._ II'"" ,.,.., l1#tr ,.,_.1111. llltllwl, Tnat, 1w ,..._ tlf t litMdl er dtft"1t In L llENNITT, tb ~G. L. ••NNETT. ¥.att.I, _... .... °' t1f1et lltr:tfltl ~I M l:'I -.Hllell " Ille ....... llllW tr:t ebllNtloM _.. th 1 r • b V , GE!llflllUPt: L •ENNETT, oec....t. -~ltt.. ~it. M!tll bt tmll'lllrtd Iii OllllfOl'mllY wlfl: Stdlolll 111'1.$ •!Id lwrl'lofart tllt<iltM tnd dtllYtnid 10 1M . ~ II t:ertblr elW!!. ttllt "" u~ 1176..J of ... C.M""'lt L.-,. C.... lllidt~ • wrl"'" Dtcltrttton ol' ""1.._. WIM •II ti ,,W'Mt •le, " tllt Onrtlrflt Wit 1111 .... tw _,. "'1offNf In tllCtM " lllt ,..ultl' dtr'1 Otft111f ...... Dtll'llrd,.,. SMI, Mii 'tlrllllll h..,_, tl'!d Mtt bllWer, efllllltct to ~ --.......... ''" .... _,,irn. .. ,,.,. u•fT lnllOJ...... ......S.n Wlf .. •II liOlkt of bf'Mdl .,.. ~ ttt(tlelrl .. -firm.titre ti AW SU-lflt ~. "' OI' holkln's r«:t91ilttd 11: ... (Ollt<tt.,. btf'fflnN ffrtHntlll _,llttblll la tt:t "°' lllCltln;lelild Ill MU Aid ~ to Wiii' "" an! de¥ et hb', lNf, •I tflt ... PtffkvlW atn c:ltUlfie.t ... or ~ ,, -nc--1crr• "' "" -ltd. M1111'¥ ul4 ebf19e""'*-.... ~ ... nee of PAAICl.111., MI L l I "e M • It lhtll bt 'r119fldalllrr -NM CO!itractor lit "'*"' e COl'llTKt 11 -•1"4M Mllr'Ct: 11, IMt, the illldtn'-11 UIUMd Ko+tµ.Elflll, CLAkK I O'HAJtA, Al· ... ' •. ..._ ............. _ Wllltr l!Jm to "I' "°' In• tt:tfl Mid .._,, 11,,.. uld r:otic. of brw~ ..W tA •ltCllieli to'M ~ •I Law, 60' Sovlll Ollw 11rwt, -11 _......,..,..,..., " ' Joft ot reconled If: book 11M. ""' 7M. f/lf .. 111 LOI MM• 90014. County d l• ¥•1111111 ram .. -dlenl ~ to •II ~ -lol'ed In "" UISCVt Oflkl•I lllecllf'dl. • At'CMlt.. Stti• .. c1111ar1111, •It "" !tie c.otrtd. D"tcl Ju"" 26, ,... 1'11111, !Ille tfl4 '"~ '1f AW lltc.Md •llllctCU.'l'llll Hwrlr .... Title: INSUllAMC• AMD TkUST 11 lht lime ef *'It: -•11 lllt tltflt, "lit FOt'l!f\1$1'! C""'11w .... 1111" S nMn)--not ie. then U .00 "' COMPANY lll'id '"'9rw.t "'91 "" •1•11 .. Mkl dt'f' tbovo Joumel'ma!I r1tt. ti Aid Trvetff dKlnH hlia tct:lllttd W ...,tflan fll ltw llrldf...,_,. ~ Slanll Mltoft .................................................. , •• t..U By IElrnor w. Htlnnl" w o""""", ot11tr ftMn er 111 ldltltton lo alUC'ICTIMDllll Allttlorlttel SltiNfltr. thtl ti Mlf dtoMttcl. ti flll ,...... f/lf llrlctttlNl9r .................. ,,,.,,,, .............. ,.,, .......................... 4.D Pllblldltd N""" Ht,_."-*,.,....°"'!!'•.~-... ~ '" .. '"' .. !*~jl" .. ·~ ,,... UllPINTllllS cetribllild wlltl Dall'( ll'Uol, Ht'WJIOl't -.. >llhie II .__..,. ............ c.~ ....................................................................... 1.n =.;cP:. c.111on!1t. J-» tM J11Jrr1?;7~ ::·:.~=1~ Hrtloliertr dtlerlbtd T11>1t ---•lof .................................................. ,., 6..03 TM wtl -ll•lt ~J .t 'tw '°""' Mlllwrll/ll ..................................................................... 6..U LEr" NOTICE _...ti' CW!) t11 "" -"'-' - Nllllf' (PMU,...llc) ·· ""L .................................................. '-11 \P\oU _,.,.. 011!\ll) « ltlt llOl'1t!Rtl - F-" 'Ge "' '*1r mllrt 1'1111 hlthffl C1tsalflClllOI'! -rter (NWlll) of Stc:floll 21, T_,,,,,lt _.....,..,, •• ,..,, -...Mite: l\llltr. N01'1C• OP MAatNAL'I IAL• • bl!I, ··-ID w .. 1. •·•••• & M. CAlllPIT a llNOLIUM LAYllll l'llr.ebeltl ,...,_., \t"lt'"'1ff ""' Alfrtd T..._ of Mii CIMI Ire leWflll ~ .. Cl11N!, l lflDleum a SOii Tiit lt'I"<' ............... , .. .... .... ........... .. •• JM Stl'PfMM, ~flt, Mt. _, "' fl:ie Ul'flfltd Ii.la 11111 t'lll.tlNM!lor:~of Nie, C:l!llll!NT MASONS •v ¥1rM « • tQCllfS.,, l-4 ore ~ T1$1'! ..... -.t Ill •mount Md ft bt Ceman! ,,,,_ fliNfW. _. "'-Ii,,. lftfetim. -rttor .. , ................ ' J.53 t..1':;..llV ""tt~C=lt:o= ~ ~":.:. ~ bt bl Wrltlnll ft 'WMI C.-t Ml-JMl!M'l't'Nn • " " ... " •• , .............................. Ult lvffrnO!if ':;..,,..., Ill f ..... fJ1 EHEli.lt: bt rKOlwd tf fl'lt ttorneld ""'°'•I tliV Ftl'f!Nft Mk Mr how ....... JoutM'l'IMIC rtk. 5._.... I-SlllWl'I ti 11 ... l'l'llfll """ trtff fhe rlrJI ~nor: t:erlClf •M •Ll!CTIUCJANI creitllof '"" -NKI Atfrld S,._ tt ~ 111119 f/lf Ml9. Gtntr1I ""-.............................................................. l .IM ~ .....,., ~ t f1t1 bllltnct Peltd tt:lt 20tll dt'f' of JUl!9, IHt, F-11 ........................................................................ 1.U of u,uJ.M tcf'Utll'f di.It .. Aid lildlment Sl•llllY L Bauer ll!ld JourMl'mtn ~" .......................................................... 7.ts Oii "" deft et "" ,__ of 1tN Ill· Rabwt Wai.ti Fonma!I Ctblt litlkw ......................................................... f.J) ec:utlon. I h-lt¥19d -•II ttot rllht, C.E..cv!Ol"I d"" E.Jl•lt CebM iloltlk::ilr .................................................................... 7.lf tltle trd lrthlrt1t .t Aki lildlllMl'll 1190ter '" Kl': ~'f..~:'"''kott Ctrtlrltd W111Mr ...................................... , .......................... 7.0S lft lht -rtv In tt:t C-111' of Or ..... cJitK. 01(.t.t.. LMllllll. GU.l.llR Shit "' C..11tornl•, dlKrlti.d I• lolklWI: ""'""" .. ""' Gltrler .......................................................................... .J.47 Loi 11 .t6T:._/lfCf,No. ~7",.~,..,.... °"" llinllf 1111.0N WCHl:ltllllS lftl ·:-I "'9 l'tc'Ordt d 11\e ...... AAMles. Ct .......... 14 ~"' '"" Worll:tt •. •.•.• . . . ..... ... ....... ..... .... ... ......... ...... • •.n :;,:« 111=. Ir"~. ,,... -"' ,,...._.,. .., ~ Rtltilottl,_ lrt11 Worllet' ........................................................ 6..lO t,.,;: ti Mt Crflor: kMd. C•h f'llltlltl':lld Ort"" C:0.1! Dtll)' l'lltl, s-rtl 1'°" ~,. ................ ···· ................................... l.2' Meu. C:1llfomlt hlnt ti. 24. ». 1Ht 1*"9 F1t!ic:1 IEndol' .................................................................. '-~ Judll!Mr:t nco..sed Or1ntt Couritvl----,:-=-,.,,,..===:----1 Fo,_,. 4k -'*ir '""" ~~ f'lltlifd cl•UlllCllllW: ""rvlM«. 111.KOl'ftr on M•rdl It. 1'6t. 900k noJ. LEGAL NOTICE UTH•lll P"t 111_ ltttwr ............................................................ ,.,, "' "" J.fl* NOTICf: IS MlllE•Y GIVl!N 11\el ttt IAlll.·1711 F~ NI' i.. lh8!I 1'11o Hr l'IOur "'°"' tl:1n JOllmtYmtn r•I•. ,rkl1¥, Jffl 11. 1Ht, tt J100 o'elOdl P.M. N01'1C• TO CllllD!TOllll .......,. •• , II lrOl'fl ., COUrl HOllM, "7 Wftl llltl St.. svr1111.10111. (OUlll.T OP TN• Ltbort,._ ,-at OI' -!Nd.... ............ . ..... " ....... ' '' .... • <I.US CllY .. Cotlt Mell, CovnlY .t Drel'!ll•· STAT• OP CALl,0111.NIA 1'0111. SAN FRANCISCO ---u ........... that oCllen 11111 U-wby do they do k! . Dr. HarrJJon. Sa~ 1 e' r, piydllalrllt and m•!DIJU of a ll'Wplant teem alon( \nu. a ""'1800 and cleromu at tho UC MedlCll Center hen, - lellda l!lat llill llfi of life to • 11r._ II "llD 111111sual oct of compuakln Ii human affairs. / •AD of the unrelated _., lrfendl aaun him that be 11 quite out ol bis mind: bis doc- tors believe be'• suk:i.dal or dolnc it for reuoos of atooe- ment, and ho1plt1l ad- minlltraton fear that he'll regret hil act and may sue the hospital YWI later U anythii.il eoes wrong. "But," says Dr. Sadler, "we've di3covered that just the opposite ii true. For the mosl part, anonymous donors are well adjusted persons, mentally llable and without Jlll!,chiatrlc problems. 'DonaUon of a kidney or · any organ by a stranger is purely an altruistic act. car· ry~g wtlh it a deep recogni· Uon of human understanding and re9pooslbllity." Over a five.year period at UC, Dr. Sadler reports Lbat n o t a ringle unrela.ted donor bas been bun physically or mentally by donating. kidney. "Furthermore, none of them have later harraued hospitals or physicians, a n d rela· tionsblps between donors and recipients have remained cor. dial. "In other words," etplains the psychiatrist, "these donors have demonstraled that the unrelated livibg kidney can be transplanted u success:fuly as one from a deceased person--and almost as suc· cessful!y aa one from a relative." 0Hr11Wt ..... ,,..,.. ., PMlll!llflc: Mod tlttlrlc !«ill, 51•'9 ol C•lllOl'nll, I wm Hll •I ..ublJ.c TH• COUNTY OP CHU.Ne• l'lbrttlool: "'ec:t:1"" .,. t1mll1• rntcMnlut tooll t uc:11o11 t.. "" hltl:nt 111c1c1 .... '°' ut1o 1" -. A.am LEGAL NOTICE 11of _...,,. c:Je•lfled Mnlrl ....................... , ...................... m ltwflll "*-!If llW Ul'!lted Sltltl. •H llW E1lllt of lEOltA EDITH WALLING,•-----"°"==----- AIC>l:i!I rtktt '"4 ,_, ................... ., , ............................ ," 4..1" r\9~1. llllt "od l"lttnl of 111d ludlrntr:t tlto knDwn H LEORA E. WALLING, •IM1 aAlll•lllt ConcAl9 CUrer-l'""'rvlow """'brtfil Ind lor111 tlltr ...................... t,W detolw I" tt:e lboft dao'lbtd ~. ot ._ H L E WALllNQ DtcMM4 HDTIC• OP Ill.El.Ill OP Gtl ""' Oii pi.llt:t It~ ......................................... ~ ... 4..1'5 Ml mudi tl'itl' ... ''mt'!' be l'IKHWr'I' lo NOTICE IS 'HERESY GIVEN , .. ttot Ill.SAL 'lll°'irlllTY ~-11'!d DH ......... wtwc>tr-IOI ltr:der tlCd torm mt" ...................... t.UJ ult1f'f Mid txec:uflon. wltll t<Cfllld I"' o:redl!ON f/lf !lot do¥t lilmtd -..:tent AT ,111.IVAT• SAL• S.ndbl .. "" lriDa:ltrll.nl ........................................................ '"" le•nl tNI -It. J "'-' 111 oe,_.. h1vll'!I clelrn. "tlmt"" Ht...,...,. StndblttMr' (JOI ....,I ................................. , ..................... t.JS.5 D11td II CO.It MeN, CilltOl'ICI•, UM Mid dec:tOtnt .... r-lr• to fli. ltltnl, S11111rlof C-1tt1t:t SI ... of Ce!Homle PIM ,..,,, c--i.111c1 ........................................................ w IZ. ,.... l!lll Ml oh I with tl:e -.ry voudllf'I, Ill "" btfle• IOf' "" C-l'r ol Or•-· !fl the mt!!~ Piiot C:lll ... l'*"-'•Hlcl .................................................... 4..:JS5 ~llANC\~ L ~"':s,.; ~llk:t,.1 .. "" dert f/lf !he .... t11tllltd covrt. ,, ot Ille "'•hi ol VIVIAN •• Ll!KMAN. •k• WllldtW c ..................................................................... •.Id c~~M°:l.i Dl~lrld lo Pl'tMlif ""'"" Wlltl ... M<nHtY VIVIAN lfHMAN, °"'"'"· ~ .. Wtfd>m.811 .................................................................. 1.415 • l H OOYll k1'9<1'•111 VO\ICf:en, te""' UIClll!l'lltMll II .... LIW hertllv ''"" "''' .... unclftltl'flllll wlll 11l\ "-" JOo; ""'" ~ "'°"' 11W111 llltlltsl dlultlc.llkHI ~rvlll1f. H I' ; .. Ji.tw ,:.,.,_, Olllae el • .,..,,_, .._ & ~ri.1111. •t Pl'IY111 '81e, on .., •11111' ttw tlf'I div .. OPllllATINO •M•ltllllllS Mell I·~ ~ 6IS Otll Cl~t ~IW, N.._., aaldl, Jul'r, !Mt, et lllt offlc• of THOMAS J. G,_ 1 ....................... . . . . ........ , ............................ 4M ~n.,;_ ~. C.llfl:lrn~lc:I: le T-l'h9c:e ti blnlnn1 JEFFl!RS, Jr .. A11orlle'I' ti law, 2W Gl'Cll.9 t ........................................... •.n ,ubllllotd o..,.. c-1 0111~ l"llol f1r1': lo .... '~I II J ';''';'· .. ~· H-lulu ....... ,,.,,., M«llfOM, CourtlY al Loi Grtuo I :::::::::::·:::::::::::::::: ............................................. :·:June 16. tl, '°' IHt ,,...,; :1111111 tour,_,J:1J,.,. tl:ewllrtl :ib1Tc".: ::-~.ts::,~ ~~1~~~\:rt'01o~~= ~= : :::::::;;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: !:~ LEGAL NarICE "°DA~E'if'Ji:!c1~. ,,..,. ::: ~ ... M~i'Z°' we:~:_:~ G,_ ' ................................................................ '" -VNITfP CA.LI DA.MIA •AMlC 11.,,. Ill dMtlc and tM IM rlgllt lllle lllld F°""'•" Uc: "' t.ur ...,.,. """" llltl:eJI clt.ullkltloo: 1WCrvlMd. T.cnTI Bv V. G. No¥Mder, Jr, lntefnl "'91 ""' etl•lt of wlf decllt.HCI PAINTl!IU 1uit•111.10• cou•T °' Tiii ~="='t!. ~ lltUOenl h• tc:lMlf"ld ..., -ltlo!!" ,..,. or ..,.. ••tul¥ bru.11 "}fl"' ........................................................ J.~ IT•TI 0.·.',., .......... "1~ ... ~ 111.0BllllTIOM. MOWSlll' GAllU.NO enr.111. ollw ,,. ... or In addl!IOIC,. ftlll •rWti •Wint """ ........................... ·· .. · ....... " .. " ......... "· •" • .J... THI CO ""'*"' ,. ., .. eo.._ Drln Mld dtcelbted, ti "'• llml ti R1fl:, }fl ""' StndblHhif' " " .. , ............................................................ :·r HI, Ill.I ... '011 ,ITITION N_,..,, IMCll. C..lltwllll ftUl 'o ti! tM 'ert11f1 llttl ,rootrty sllu•ttcl In $tl'!llble•1tr tWll\f JI'" """"" ·•·"""" ·' "'" .... " .... '" '"." "'" "" ' ' NDTICI ff ';.IA WILL A•D ,0111. T1l: ... ,.. IM COUlllY ti Or-Sllll ol' Ctllfornlt. JOurnrfmlli $pr•r " "'"" " ..... , "" .................. ' .. " ... "'""" ;.. '·" r:~:::•A o •, 0' "OMINISTlllATION A,..,...,. ftl' l1ttc11tw P1rllc:ullrl'r dftcrlbed u fcltewa. '""'' Jovmermin, Spr•r ••lrlw 11"' ' .......................................... " J,,_. WITN·TMl·WILl AtlHIVCIO P"*1l&fled Ori .... C..fl 0.11)' l'llot, LttMl':Ole "1tlt 11'1 tr'ld la l.ol 2, PIPe: TlllAO•I S 1' £sttf9 tA JOAN ST I!: WA Ill T J.-1• n, JO tl'!d J(lf'r 7, lN!I 11""9 alodc f ti Trfc:'I l71 crwetee bv lhtt Ph;mbtr1 •rid IJl!ef'I .... ·" .... " · · "'" · ... · ..... "" .................... "' ' JOHHSTONE, tl1t 11-.. JOAH nrllll: ..... btf'llMen lllovtt OtYeullll <>-•I Fo<11T1111-'°"' •lllrn 1ross Journt'l'mlll rJIL llLEEN JOHNSTONE DteetMd. LEGAL NOO'ICE •red Dmwlld •· AWft. Jr. L.,,...,. •!Id Foreme11-lK 1blln 1rou Jour,..rm111 rete. NOTICE IS HEREIY GIVEN TN! 111.0Y 5IK!I l-lm1r:t Ce. LH-dei.:I IJlllllV Plpell,.. Jolo•fle,11'1911 ................................................. S.13 AlLl!Jril .JMllll lltt. flltd llt•lfl'!. Hllllon llllOTICI DJI THI TIMI AND PUC• OJI "'°"''"' 1, nu ""' •mendfl"lf"' to IJllUIY PlpeUM Fortm1n .................... , .................................. 5.U tor lt'lblll al wlll •fld lot l11ue11C.t of M•AllllJrlO OJI TNI LOCAL AOINCY IHSI d•ltod Apr!J '1, 1"5, I09t'lller Wllh PLASTllll•llS ltlltrl of Admlnltl1'1tlorl wll!l-llle.wlll '"' ,OlllMATlON COM Ill I I I IO H OI' tll bulklllltt tnd lmprovemtnl5 Oii llkl Plt1l1r FOrtm911 .............................................................. l.'D 1111tedf91t!•Hllllontr,,....,1Mtltwllld'I OIUNOI COUMTY CALIJIDlllNI ... lot. PIHN!rtr . .. .............................................................. s.10 •• , ... o. lot futthtr partltvll ........ !!Wit WH!"N ... r110Pot10' ANNIX ... TtoH All ti .... lftfl reairdtd 11'! Boot :n.. PLASTl!lll TINDllt 1111 11""' end Pitct ti tw.rlno IM .. .,,. TO TMI COSTA Ml.IA PARK ANO '"" S end 6 of rntPS II'! tl:t offlct of l'll1Nr T9"dtt .................................................................. S,l1S Ml betfl 111loi'JlllV11. 1"6t, ti t:JO t .1'11.. 111.EClllE.ITION DllTllll'CT OP 0111.ANO• ''A~~=rd9r of'!:: =~ .. 1100,•lllS In 11\e court,,_.. of Depa ......... No. l of COUNTY, AND Ol.J•CTIONI Diil Jlllll> 111 met of Jollrn11m1n •· .. · ................... " ... ·· ................................ ·" ·" J.'2 Mid avrt, •I 100 West f ltllffl SITlll, In TWSTS TNllllllTO, WILL •I JlllllSIN· hold tdlte In ll'!d lo Loi 2. In Bladt f Sub Fortmtli ...................................... , ............................. J.11 tM Cttv o1 S.!'111 A11t, C•llfomlt . TIO ,0111. H•AllllHO Trad m H"' ,...,.recorded In Boolr Fore"'CI" .................................................................... $.f1 D1tw: J-ff.. 1Hf. NOTICE rs HEllll!:l'I' GIVEN JM! • :·~!~"::!:.,;':!Id~ SHl!•T MatAl WOlll.1(1111.S W, E, 6T JOHN, COl.ll':l'f' Clerll: JltlO!ullon f/lf ""'lktlklf: 1191 bttfC fl'"' Mon' ~II' 11-ti 20I c.M1 thee! Mtl•I Wert.er , ...................................................... 6.lt ICINNITN M. 'l'DUNO wtlll tM l.oCll A9'nCY Ftrmt!IDll C-SlrHI N-rt BHdl C.lllDntlt Hetttl'!I t"11e11er .'::.: ........................................................ ,, ,...W11Mt,. 11n .. Wf9 IN mlulon of"" CCMllY fll or.,.., Stai. fll T.,.,... -·;; ulll 1n'itWf\ll mci.v of F-10'll. •bov9 JOumtt,...11 r11t. S-"' Hlttt. Ctllftr'itlt fltlt CtlllOl'fc1e, l'ICllltlllr:t lfllt Mid Com-11'<1 Ur!lttd Sl"9$ Oii OOl!f1rrnttla! of Mle TL'MITElllS T-4: Ula! Clll W111 aa ).IMf mlulor: •POrow 1M '""°'" •-•lkHI or Hrt c:.esh ind btlel'!Ct rtkltnctd bY F-ma!I UC "' hour mort tlltn Iii.Met cl1uUkllllllll ._rvlsed. .I"'"'" fW r.ti~ ~Itel " Counlrl' CIW Nortll A.It> N:1e tKlll'H b¥ _,.... er TMllt Died Drlvtri of ._ tntdi .. !Us ll:ll\ ' ...ii ...................................... • ., "1blllhld Or111•• C..1! Delly l"llot. MUlloll 10 tM Coile MHt Pirie t r:d on tllt llf'_,i, ea Mk:I Tll'I CIOl~1111 Of Drlv•" of •-tnocb. • """' but llu Thtrl I rdl. ... .. .. ............. ..... .: .. J-21. )I •"" J11lY s. lt5t 122Mt lllt<l'tl'lklf: Dl•trld "' °'""' c-111 •• ~ bid I'll bl ._itM wllll bid. Ortvtrl of .... trllCb. • l'lh. but IHI 11\en n ...... .. ............... ..... ••• 1.n C•llfoml•. TM ,,_, ---tM lldl OI' ..,.., .. bl "' -1""' .... Win 0r1vtno of •-1n1ckt. u "''· 1:1u1 "" ttial'! ,. "" •.. .. .. . . ......... ..... .s.01 LEGAL NOTICE ::•loWI,.,. :~';;y "~ ~, ~ be ret'IMd at "" ''°""1t1 ott1n '' .,.,. Drlwn of IT\d.a, .... , itt't'lold ICIPl(11\1' Ins !Mii I 1'0fll .... • .. ........... t.15 .=nor: on tllt wll!I 1111: Ctnwnlitltlc: lllM tlllr lt>e Ml ~llalllor: i.reot llCd Orlv.,. of ll'\ld!t. ie.er Hrlotd e-Jtv llirt<o'fl'll 6 •nd 1• 1om ............ '·" Ml·lm Said tnnextlloll c.iwltll et -befol'• H I• f/lf Mlt. t>rlvtn of Ind ...... I ,_.Vlold tlPICtlY be!Wft~ 10 Ind 1J tor:1 .,.,....... 4..fl tlOTICI TO CllllltltolllS -Jmetlif'r ""' IUU •l'!d le lec'lltif OI'! 0.fecl ct..= ~· ~~M'llll DrlYe,.. f/lf Tr_n.,,.11 Tn.d:.• und~ l r1n11 ............... ··. · .. · .......... J.Of :¥:~:':: ci~:J.:r'... :: tht IO\llllH1tv1Y 11dt of Ntwt>Ol'I Adml"!it'rt!OI' Dr!nrt of Tranlll""llt lnldl:t 1 l'dJ. Or mor1 ................................ 5.~I THI CDUtlTY 0, ottAf1M A-. tlofle !flt toutlltrty tldl ti of flit Ei lilt of W1Mr trvdt drlnr, ~ UCIO fll ........................ , .. , ................ t ,91 N .. A""" l'tlltt4f:I llloed 11'111 Mid itl'OJ'lt1r Id-Slld Dtte1HCI W•ltr trvct drlwr, J!llll Otl. lo «IOO Oii .................................... , S.Ol l'!itehl of 111.A'I' BAICElll CH.t.MIElllLIN, lol,.. 11!1 l'IOrti.r!v POrllOli tf !he Stnll TlfOlllAI J, J•l'P•lli, Jll,,. ATTY. f.vctld "'" "IJ..,..,, leTelrr'Mtlt Plllll tl'!d sill'lll•r !Yoe C111Ji."lttll ....... S.llS ti!• llAY e. CH~IElllllN, Dtcll*, AM Courllt'I' CIUb IR !he fftl Codi tPI MMellllil A- TILi 1.naa HOTICt: IS Hl!!llll•Y OtVfN to 1111: Mttt tl'tllfti. · MMff'llM, CtRtwlllt flat 11111 """' ........................... ... ... .......... • ..................... s.n tdllort "' ""' tbovo l'IWl'Ctd ~I Al flit I of "" llltrll'!ll flOllc:M fl'll (1111 ttt-tH• F--11eu ttlln 11 ,.,.,., Q.111 ,., dtl' etio.... ••tll•, c:r lllrtln A1d bound""' rnar llt rneidlfled """""' "' AllrrilMttr•litl' TIL• Hlltit•lll ll:it tll .. ,_ MVll'!I dlllf:I ... ll'f.t !ht bV 'lllt •:Hllon of ott:er "'"1!0rY Ill tt:e itllltllshl'd Ore C.Oll I O llY Piiot ~\1&s~"" hlllitr .................. "... .... ......... ........ ......... ...... .• '·" :'1~ ~s~f~ =. ~" ·: = v~;~c~ ";: '=~·E· GIVEN. Tllel June • •M JO e:*JIJIV .s,' 1Kt I 1w.ff Tiit °"""' ,....,..,.. t11t •rlwliQ• ;,, Altct1ne 111v ind 111 1>1<11 ., 111 w11w o1 "'• c:i.r1:: of Ill• t11ovt .,.1h1eic1 c:our1. w Miii CernmlHlon 1:t1 f!~td Wtdr!Qd1r ,,..l----=LE=GoAL,..,--,N,.OT=c1CcE=---1 '"' Jr,...ulerl: ... ., ll'!tormlll!IH I" "" bkl 'or 11'1 !lit blddt..,, T,,. Cotitrt<tor fo Jtrat11!._ ~·..,•.,"' ... "" l~L"' tlf'I d•f' of Ju,,, IHf •I Illa tlovt' ef 2:DI ....... llol Wlllcllrnr 1111 blll for • perlld of JO d..,I fDJhlwl ... 111• Hll ol OPelllllt vwdltr1. "' ,, .. ,,.. "' •• , •,, ... -,!'! O'C:IOCt P:M, al Mid .. , " •• -lt>l--.,,,:=:=::-:=:=:c-:::-::::~-1 •I bldt.. orflc:a et GAT • ...,. • vo• Mid mtlt:W c:t11 bl llHl'lll '" 111.oorn JU 111 IUPWlll.10111. COURT 0, THI!: •PAlllD OF TllUSTEES PM!1" l1Jlldl11t, 7'0 Mtrket SITMI, 5'11 flll Ort,.,.. COunh' Ad m I 11I•trtf1 •Ii STAT• OP CALIPOlllM" ,0111. 0..,,.. Collt JUl'!lor Collete Ol$lrlct Fr1ricli.a:, C..tlfcmlt, Wlikl: 11 lllt Pltee Buiklh•, Sii Ntrltl Sl'c:-• SltHI, St"' Tltl C:PUHTY OP 0111.AMOI of Or-COUl'!IY al butlllHI of "" ullftnltlilld '" •11 m1f-II """ C•lltomlt, " "'-llrnt •red ~ltu ML ....,,.. Coe11 MHI, C..Utornl1 ltf'I N•lllfllt'lll Ill 1M ttlllt of llkl dte• for 1t!e l'lttflN d AW ,,,_.1 ~leer NOTICI OJI HIAllllNO OP l'ITITION S)tt:ef Nvr'l'nll\ E. Wit-dent, wllllll'f ..... , ti'IOilllll •If• Ille tlf'll Wiiie tll -•'-.,.. obltcllof:I lflertte POlll PlllDIATI OP WILL AND POl Se<:rt11ry Boenl et Truii... 11Ullll<1llefl Ill !he llolkt. wf'lk!I ,.,...,.bl fl .... ..,., 11 wt:ldi """ •1111 LITTllllS TISTAllllHTAlllY °""' tlchi S'OI P.M. Jwl'r 17, IHf D11td J-6, !Mt. ~ll'OS •II Wtor:I )1!"1'1tltcl tlltr•I~ !Ml' !•t."1 of FLOlllN F. I YNUM. 0... titutllilf'll4 °'''* cce.t Dtlll' r11tt, J""" n , 30. ,,.. 11""'9 "'" c . c1111!1berll11 •PHl.r •M bt hllrot ~ Adl'r!lnl1tr11it1' ef tM f:ffe1• D•ltd' ,._ n . '"'· HOTICf IS HE•E•"r GIVEN Tt:el LEGAL NOTICE of Hie •bovw "-"""' Olc:ilmlll BY 0111.0Ell .OP THE LOCAl AOlNC'I' ,.,.._ Jene ''""'" 1:11 filed ....,..II'! I WILLIMS P. eAt•Ll', IM. POlll.MATKIN COMMllllDM OF Diii.ANG! Nllllon for itrOlMlll of •Ill tflCI for OAT•LY .... OATll'I', COUN'f!i: CAllFDllNIA iJWtllUI f/lf lllltl'I T1$l1rnenl1ry to ~ T'4ft19 Altlntn ti UW tllCH.AlllD T. TUlll.Mflll tk!Mr, nfertflCI to wf'ltdl It made for LEGAL NOTICE suit•••<* C:OUllT OP TMI 1-------------11 ............. ,... ElCtalflW OfT~r. """"' Hrlluoltrl. .... lflll "" lime .... tTATa °' CALlllOlll.Mlll ,o. IAlll·lnt nl ,,,.... ltniet LllUll "9tllc:Y "-'""' Com-eltet .. """"' 11'11 .. ,,,. lltl be>en Ill TM• COl.ltlTY OI' OlAHel HOT.CW OP ftUITll'I IALI 1 .. JI,..._, Ctllfwlll "1'* fl'lltt'°" ef Or•• Cll/rrl1', C•ll· !or Jllb' 11, IMt, ti l ::JD t .m .. Iii fllt tlL ....... TI Ht, °"' Teti 1'111 Maolnt fwlll• , caurtroM1 « Dwtrtme..I No. J f/lf Aid MOTICI 0, HU.111.IHO °' ,ITIT!Otl °" JulJ ' '""· •I n :• AM .. Tlnl! """"" .. "*",..,...... l'vblllhtd er.,... CC.JI DlllY Piiot. ewrt If * Welf Elthlll S!Jttl, lft "'"' .... Jllll09MTI DI' WILL AMO llOl INSVll:ANCit AND Tiii.UST COMPANY, ti itublllf'lerf Or ..... CtMt ~l'r ~lol. JvM 2.1. a, 1Nt II""' Cl!'!' Of ltr:lt A11t, Ctl~lt. LIT"T••s °' AOMltllSTlllATto• WITK-OUt'r '"'°'"flld TrvstH ...... , Ind J-14. n. ..... Jul'r 7, lHf ,,..., Dtltd J-n. '"'· tH•·Ylllll ANNIX•P Pllf'llU•r:t ft a. f/lf Trwl dttl1f a.. -LEGAL NOO'ICE w I! st JOHN, CCM\111' Ci.rt; lilt1t11 GI JACK WALl,.,CI' ..... .., 2'. 1"2 Elrtc.vltd •r: JOtlN 4 LEGAL NOTICE • ..,,, 1t • .'1i.t-JOl-4HSTOHE, elto t_,. •t JACK ANDERSON ll'IOll JAHE I!. 0, ANDER· , DMI AINrM'J' ,_ PettHti1W JOHNITPNE. DtctHtd. SPN lll.llMnd trllll ""9 eM rtCtl'IHd .-.,,,., CElllTl,ltAT• (,p COllll"OllATto• Dfll ......... .._.. HOT1CI! II HEllE•Y GIVEN llul llDY Ftbr\llrv 11, lff.I, .. IMtr. No. na. In ··t~ ... TlllAfllS ... eTIDtl OP •LllltlllS coett ..... Ct ... "'" -ALLEN SA.Alli Not fllell l:er•ln t Hl1lloli ~ tn7, '"' 1511, of Ollldll 111.KOl'dt II'! " • t•• tnol -ter Pf'Obtle ot wlll Ind !tr lflu.lllCI tt Ille otflel of TIM C-IY 111.tconMr fll Cllll'flJIKAT• IUSIHllS UMD•lll ,ICTITIOUS MAllll PUl!ltlltlt °'"" CO.ti Dl!lv Piiot, lettffl. of Adn:lnl1trs11Di! wl~!Ple-will -Dr-• c""""'· Clllfonllt. wru. Sl!Ll ,,CTITIOUS "'""'NI.NII THE Up.fPElllSIGNED 00111.l'OlllATIOM """" .. a .MY • Uti'49 -eel to 1111 ""'"""'" rmr...ai to AT !'UILIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST Tf'll """'""lll'fld .... "'""" c:ettlf'r doet ~ Wll" flit! 11 k c.dlldlr:t., ___ =:-=..,-::-:===:---wf'lldl " mtdl 1or further ... rt1w!trt. ll'ld 1it>0E1t FOil CASH c ..... tti,. ,, """' .i 11111 1111 t1 clll'fducll"' • lulc:tb Ml11tu • CorT...,.lll•ncc• SdlOOI a1111r:a• Iott,... r LEG•, N-CE 11111 !!WI tllrK •M '"" ol Pltt•lntl ""'Mlt In llwflJI monll' °'"" """"' '""'' •• II'! lr'ldlwldlltl .. 1.a.n ll•Kf'I ., ..01 lll'dl SlrHI, Nl'fl'POl'f Bffdl, aa.+ VJ.I 1ernt htl btl'll Mi tor Jull' 11. I .... 11 Ill ll:e lablll' of Ille wnl ( ... rtr.1111 loll 9f1o IOIJltytf'f lfl tlle City of W..lmlNlef, C•llforftle. ~flit flc:llllovl """ '*""l------::~=-----1 •::Ill t .m .• In ll'MI coul1roo!rl of O..efi. lr91Cct ol 1i. Tt!lt 11111m111Ct Bulkfl"' C.,.,,.., of °"""' C•llton:I•. Ul'ldlr ll:t ol Norlf: Anllrk:en '"''tl•M tf !Ytltmt IAlll.·1111 _, No. J .. Aid court •• , 100 Wnl IDc:tlld ... "" Norfl:wftl -"· of 1!111111! tldllloul flrioi lltrnt of Wf:STM1NSTE• •l'!CI PRQdum; NOl'lPI Amerla:n s~ su,1111oa COURT 01' TMI EltnlPI SlrHI, In lfit CllY ti S111!1 Mt, tllCI ~In Str•b. Stlllt AN, C•llfDn:l1, 'l'ELLOW CAI ll'lf CITY CAtl 01' ol Su,..,.,.11'11 11'111 M .. 11'!11 Noorl!I lfATt OP CALll'OltNI ... llOa C.lllor"lt. ell rlthl, tlllt •fld In ....... ! ctl'!Wl'lid to W(STMINBTl!lll. •rid 11111 11i. fl"" II A"1t!"Cll" S(Mol of lllt<,..tlon1 NO!'ll: THI (OUHT'I' OJI 0111.ANOI DtlH1 J-"· 1"'· •"" -htlll bv 11 .,,.._ ttld PHii of aom-.ci o1 "" tc1ww1.-""°"' WllOse Arr:erktn klloot f/lf Mott! ~llllOll'IO!Ol1 Ht. A..,,. W. I!:. ST JOHN, COlllll'r Cit~ Tn11! II'! Ille ,.._,,. JIM"' 1r1 1P1t cilY l'!lmt /I'! fv11 •l'!d itltct of l'tlkltrlcl .... llllf Nori!: Amtr!Ctft · kt!Ool o1 Gun flOTIC• M MIAltlNO ON P•TlflON tc••NITM M. 'l'OUNO ol Cosll """"• 11'! 11ld COUICIY end 61tlt fl>llow1, io.wll: illtHlr, 1nd ""' t1:t "'"" o1 Mid c~ ,O• itlll.DaATW OP Wl~L AAD l'Cllt fM Wlltl:lrt .....,..,._ tllfM 'tll dtlU1btd 111: Kllll..,11'!11 .. \lwmfli• 1lll»I Wllllt"""" orlllor: .tnd lb 11tlnclptl 111K• o1 Ml-LlnllllS 'Tl6TAMSNTAlllY .,._b' Hlllt. C111ftni11 "211 Loi Q tf Tred Ht. "601, hi t1:t c:llV et Str"t, WMJ!ft11'11hlr, Ctllforflll f2.a ""'* It .. lol!Owl; • fl"" of JMTILDIA DOllTHY MAllll ... Tth 1111) Clll >Jm •it 1·1ttt COii• ......... _,,. tf Or-e, tlthl Ill Pefecl Mn t. 1Mt. NO ft TH A No E Ill IC A N C 0111.. IP&AS. Dtcet•ld. l'Ublltlltd Or.,... Goll! Pel!r '1'81, Ct11fcmll. II"',.,...,._.... 1n 9"* l(alfctrlfot S.l!ol'll•" RESPONDENCE &CMOOLS, INC., 4401 NOTICE IS HElllE•Y GIVEN Tlltl J , L JVflt 21. JI ttMJ JlllV $, 1Ht lDUt 160. HOft 17 Pl'ICI '9 of Mlt(ll.._ STATI! DP CALll"OlNIA I Birth Strtoll, N._I •Mdl, C..lltonlt1 Wllllfellelet !:ti flltd ""'ti\ 1 Hllllor: fer .¥.-.. II'! tlct fllflct « t1:t «M!l'r COUNTY OP DlllAHCI! I st ft6'0, Prebl .. « Wiii ..... for llNtliQ of Lilt-LEGAL NOTICE ~of°'"""~. C•lllOl'!ole. Dr! ""' t, ,..,, befol"t fM, I Hof•rv WITNESS Its 11•1'111 ltllt 11fl: de'!' of f9f'I T11ttmtnt1rv 18 itetlllontr, ttftr~ .. kl Ille wll! llt llltW, 11111 Wtlliovl hblle In .,.. for Mid CtlllQIY .,.. &lt!w, JUM. \"', h wl'>ldi Je rM1J1 for fvrif'llf' N rllc:u'9fl, -~-----------l-111 OI' """"'' tllPf'ltl " inlpJ'"', HflClllll'r -•l'M l(""'rl11t S."9"'11" NOii.TH AMllll!CAN 1M 11111 !fie !1n1e .... it laao of l1t11tllld 1lllfi tU ... 111.IOll COUit Of' THI' "91t'dll'fll tttle, --.lott, w ..,. u..m la mt 11 M "" l'tl'Wi Wliett COlllllllS~Dl.HCE ume 11t1 .._ u1 tor JIM U. lHt, et STATS OP' CALl,PlllNIA POlt c:umbr1-. to ...., ,,._ ,..,.,.ll'!ll'lf lll'ln-11eme la ........... tt tf:t Wllllr: "'°' SCHOOLS. INC. t ;at """" 11: 1t:t c:wm-n tA OtPtrt Titl COUNTY OJI 0.AtlOI c .. 11 -of 1t1e l'ltlt tKllrH M uld lll'IMl'ltlll, tllllll ~ II IM ltctt He,.111 O.. 111.\dlr' 1Mft1 .... I « Mid ~I· tt 'ltO WUI tit. A-61114 Olod tA TMI, ..it: 11.177.11. wt111 I~ lhl ut<Vltd lllt Mm'. S«rettry.Trw1vret' irlllltll..S!l'W, Ire Ille Cit\" Ill Sin!• AN, ftOTICI OJI Maul-. 0, JlmTIDll """tr'll'll. .. 1 ...... In Mid ,.... ~ \lflllltll l'llf' hMll.,.,. -" STATI! OF CAll,,PlllNIA t Ct~. J1104t. PllOIATI 0, Will ANO l'Olt td, ..rv-. 11 _,,.., ~ .i. """' of {OfPICIAL SOLi COLINTY M OKI.NOE I u DtlW J1111t Jt. lfff ~ TnTAM•lfTAlllY ..... Deed .. Trw1 ...... ditrwl .... U • • ''"" L. ..... ON TNll 1111: d•v of JIJ'M, A..D .. '"'· w. I', 6T ~. ...... ti MILLIE H, •llEMl"lll. -ti !fie Trllt,.. t1'i11 111 .... fl'lllh Nallf"ll '~'"""" befett -. fill llNfetlltl'fN, 1 Nollrv C0\11'11¥ C•rt. 01 I t HE•ltT o-EM -.. U'fflW W Aid 0.W ti Trwt, ~rlftdM~~ lft ~ !ft lflll tw Mid C.W:1¥ tl'ill &111111, COMl!f A JTOl(KI NOnC• 1.!...i.:::-~ •• ·-I T!'CI ~.,., __. •W 0... ef ......... ,._..,... rt11'lliftl tl:ltlll'f, dull' c-IMloMll .,... AlllrMrl ti Uw W........ ll -Ml flllcl fitftll: • T!\111, W ,._ fll ' ~ fl 411ftWlt II\ M'!' c-i..-llllJI,_ ,_,., ,.._,,,, , ...... ,_, Hertlll G. 1tll Ill, ..........,, .. 1la. """"' trw __.. " wlR .,... fDf ,_ ltlt ebOMtsot. tKUrH t I!• r •I¥, Atrtl ,., 1t7t 111.IOtl' ~ f9 ,,.. " M ,,.. S.Cr111,.,. ,...,. AM, C....,. a • ........., ~,., .. htll"1oW, lllnltfiOl'e l'lltarll:I' .,.. .. llvitttd " ""ANfOtl DUMllAlll.T. """· Tre1"11'1t ol "" -''°" that ·~· Tiil m41 •1• = .. 'tlllilfl It rMdf .... M1f'llr 1ttcdit• ........ 1 "°"""' Dlclt,tltwi d ,.,. W~ A-1Q11111 tllt wtn:lf: .,,.,,_.... on 111!1etl' f/lf Al"""" ... "'ttlftlit!· _, .., ..... WM ""' '*" D.t11,1tt ... DelMnd .... s.11. ""' """~ w ......... iw. c.-... ..... "" _,,.,..""' llltreln """"' .... !'vbtlllctO or.... CMtl De!Jrr Pilot. di .. IMM Ml ..... Ml tor Jlllr llOtlc• IA llrwdl tl'!d d tlt<tlol'f to «CM , .. 1 .,.... ~ltdold .. ml tfltl 1ud: COl'MflllOI'! JUfll ft. • tlid JUIT $, ,.., IJIMt I, .. t1• f.fl'C,. Iii ltlt -hWll l!l'I 1t1t ~"" .. Mii '81111 ..,._,.,. II Pllblltl'ctf or-C-t 0.lb' 11'11ol, pKVltd 91t ..,.,._ -.. 1 ., ttM m#f, 11 ,. .. nth ,,111 olmuflol'lt-a IMPt.lflt• • .,, J-'" 112. •.,.. Jwtv 1. ,,.. ,,...., IN w11HE» WH11taDP. 1 "'"" Let TV WEEK :.-.. .,,.., Ill lfll Cltr « 6tlitt lriWll'tll 4. 1..,, tflt .......,.ltl'ltd (IWecf htf"-111 Mt '"'I' l!Mf ""' ilfllletd lrll' ef· ·ra:;; • Mid l'IOlb ol brtt<ll "'4 Of 1!Klltrl .. bl llcllll 1ttl tM .. , tfld YW If: 1111; or.. .... ,., .... ~ II'! blot ..,,, ,... &l, .. Ml4 SCHOOLS Dli'llfltell flril ... -'""'-w. L tT JQHM, Dftlc:l•l It_,... tDl'"l'ICIAL St!All C.-.. a--. D"tf J-t, I"' O I II Mtrt•rtl H. lwnMfl w • .8""""' Mt. Tillt lnwr111« tllll "' 11••1tt•is•r 1 1 Y•• Ntfl,,. it\lbllt.Qltttt'nlt .. -..... _ Tf\llt C0mp1..., "''''• 1r1or• •fl•l'f, •ilcwt what P(IPl(fllll D1tke In --·-111 '8111 T•in'" 1••t •ft f1t lec•I tch•ol1. Ye11'll or.,.,. C-1¥ 'hi Ol•t .... I r l~r W. Htl~111 In" that "•••P•••t Ii tl:• M' COIC'll'lli"\ron IUilih ~ .. ,,....... AUll:orhiecl &lt11t?Vr1 /IMIVI )I, lt1• Turn You On Every Saturday - ,....... Or..-~ 0.11'!' ,,!tt. ,vlolltl':tll °''"'' Ce.ttt DtHr Pllol, DAILY PILOT. Pllbllsi!l'd Or"'9t CO.Ott °"'ll'f l'IJOI, a .. 11t ff# IJIMf Jllnt t• U. JO., Ifft 111Hf ~11111 11. A )0 a.Ill Jyty 1, 1Mt !Id.ff"-------------• ' 1 I 1 VJllT ....... Buntay Bop't This game of cat and rabbit is a friendly one as "Calli" the cal and "Homer" the rabbit frolic at their Dubuque home. Unusual antics •uch as th_ese go on every day at the residence of Hal Lagerstrom, the owner of this odd twosome. Peru Needs Land Re·fornis, But Will Latest Plan Work? LIMA, Peru CAP) -No one disputes the need for land reform lo Peru, but some observers doubt the plan an. nounced by the revolutionary government will wort. Although Peru ia a n agricultural naUon, only about 1.5 percent of its land area was being cultivated according to estimates in 1980, and the nation wu spending 20 per· cent of its import dollar to buy food grown out.side Peru. For some time the govern- ment has prohibited the sale of beef one day a week to save on foreign exchange and e~ cour,age consumption of fish. Ninety..four percent or the agricultural labor force wGrU to produ~ food, yet the 6 per· cent employed on the big mecha.n.ized haciehdas aklng the coast produce six times u much per work.er growina: sugar and cotton for erport. Agricullural eiperts · blame the imbllance on unequal land disllibuUoo, lack of technology among the food crop larmen and poor aceea to markets. But attempts to rectify the imbalance and improve the lot ol food crop farmen have fail· House Members Get Clerk Each WASHINGTON (UPI) Tbe House has authorized an extra $8,7QG.a-year clerk for each DI its 435 members deeptte objections it was a poor time to take more "out of the taxpayer's hide." Rep. Samuel N. Friedel CJ>.Md.), said, however, the extra clerk was needed to relieve a workload that keeps some staffs working untU 9. 10 or 11 p.m. and on weekends. Total cost for the clerics will be 13,784,500 . Going Latin WASHINGTON (UPI) American tourists are spen· ding k!ss money visiting Europe and the Mediterranean and more on lrips to Latin America. The Commerce Department announced that U.S. travelers spent $3.t billion a~road in 1961 -$100 million less than in 1967. ed for more than 20 yea.rs. With Ila sweeping land reform I aw published Wedneaday, President Juan v e 1 a s c o ' s mllltary regime 11 trying to carry out some ideas that fatJ.. ed before. The new 1aw limits private ownership of fann land to 36 acres along the coast and 360 acres in the remote Amazon jungle region. L a n d ex· proJ:f'lated by the government will be paid for parli@l]y in cash and partially in 20-and 30-year government bonds. A draft law sent to Peru's Congress in 1960 would have limited fanna to 600 acres Dll the coast and 2,500 in the mountains and provided for payment in ZO.year bcmds. Congress never acted on the measurt. . Ex-President F e r n a n d o Belaunde had a detailed plan lot' agrarian re!onn when he took office iii 1953, but be did Utile mon than expropriate 195,000 acres 1or I n d i a n peuanJI WOO had forcibly OC· cupled private lands. Belaunde was toppled by Vdasco's military junta Jut Oct. 3. Some observers in Peru and abroad contend the generals' move wu ill·timed. They point out that Peru is in serious economic trouble -short of foreign erchange, in need of refinancing the foreign debt and looking for foreign in· vestmmt to develop the na- tion's abundant miner a I resources. Foreign investors have been staying away, h D we v er, watching how Peru aolva it!!I problem with Wuhington over expropriation of a U.S.~d oil firm and waiting to see if other takeovers follow. Observers say the land refonn expropriations, which will affect a nwnber of foreign-owned haciendas, will further shake confidence in Peru'a investment climate. Others ·contend that reduc- ing or eliminating lhe in- fluence of the more efUclent fann owners will result in a decrease in the nation '• agricultural production, at least in the immediate future. They question whether the government should have at· templed the reform in one swoop, adding that Fidel Castro's supposed reform in Cuba has not shown results in 10 years. Even if the new land reform law is effective, Peruvian agriculture still will be troubl· ed by antiquated methoda uaed by the Indians who have never been Integrated into Peruvian society and by a lack of roads to haul rann products from the Amaronian interior to tbe populous coastal region. UCI Medical Graduate Gets Internship Spot Edward T. Bradbury, a graduate of the UC Irvine College of Medicine, will begin his Internship at the Sacred Heart Hospital, Los Angeles, July I. A graduate or Newport Harbor High School in !96(), Bradbury is the son of Mn. Charlotte Bradbury, secretary to the dean of admissions at Orange Coast College. Bradbury attended t h e Univenilty ore a Ii f o r11 i a, Berkeley on an · teademic scholarship. He waa on the water polo and rowtng teams there. · Ht W«ked at G D o d Samaritan Hospilal in Los Angeles al'ld d&d a cletbbip in genfral aurpry in London. at MEDICAL GRAD Edword Bradbury St. Bartholomews HospltiL Bradbury plans to specialiia in orthopedic surgery. Candy Bombs Re~alled Berlin Airlift Actwn to Be Redo1ie 'VANDENBERG AFB (UPI) Air Force Col. Gail Halvorsen, a Berlin Rirutt pilol known to G e r m a n chUdren as the • ' c a n d y bomber," will reenact one ol bis candy drops nm month. 'I'9 event is the com- memoration of the 20th an- nivenary of the Berlin airlift to be held at Templehofl C<n- trai Airport in llerlin. More than IO,OOI spectators """' upecltd to attend. Today, ltalvonen is com- mander of the 1191 th lnstrurne:nt.allon Squadron at this west coat aerotptee center. He recalll how "OperaUoo L I It le VIU!ft" began. ••vou have to reali1e the cond.itlon1 that e1ilted ll'I Berlin at the time/' he 1atrt . 1'The war hid been e parUcular hardship on childrtn. When the airlift began, m01t of them wer e liv- ing under utr<mely dilftCUll condiUons. ''To lhoH kids, a candy bar or a stick or gum wu a real luxury. What UtUe candy l~ was in Berlin at the time wu on the black market and out ol: tbe reach ol children ... The operation began with a 1mall drop of candy to I group of children with w b o m Hllvonen became acquainted. "I prombed there kids 1"'11 the nest time I new over, I would -le my wings and drop <andy to them. They were all excited abOut the klea -they were going to become part or the airlltt, '' Hatvorv'n said. Later, to mokc sure oobody was injured, HalvDr&en and his crew began tying strinp to the cornl'rs of handkerchiefs and using lhem as parachutes fDr the candy . One of the thousands of lcl· ters "Uncle Wlggily Wtnptt rectJved when the candy drnp went into full swing was tbi1 one from a youngster dated Nov. 15, 1948. "Otar U. H1lvol'ltn: On Saturday, the 13th, 10 o'clock and S5 minutes I found two J}t. tie vittles. I "·as on Lhe way l~ school a nd waited for lhe tram, A skymaster "'ho went to land flew over this tram - halt, and just over me many little vittles fell down . • . I wa11 very i;i:l8d. Thnnk you very much for these pre~nU. Your llt!lc Gtrm an [rlend. Erbnrd Beet·z." I , • • r I I j ' I ! ' •· " t • I t ' ,• ' I • • 1 1 I ' 1 I ' 1· ••••• -. -;:;-•• ·-·--~- • ;""'1d:::;::lfl~·~ ..... ;;;;,;;le;;.:.;,1~969;.;...~~~~~~Dolll.V~ • ...-~~~:~~-y<~...-·'"'fe:!~.....,...,...ro'!'~.....,.•· ·\ftela War Elida . - . ' ' ~f 781 '. GradUate From' Irvine ' . ' ' ·"'"' r · 1"! ,l M411 of the 781 students o,. 1mi ., St. 1 •" • r~ ~ 1Nri> UC •::t.::rij.,-,_ • ....;, ....... . .u!..l-... ~-1.1.-1 .. ol ............ t t•s. . .....,.,, MklrlllM' ~ jN 4r¥iu;t are ~... U•<U.l(j ,N•-ft .. C .. •{~ ,lllJWVJ/ U~ ~~~~~ · -Ar~y to Pr:eJJent . . { Coaet ~mmunlUes, ::'Jt'f, ,~~ ~lj';~.q. 4V; Included ~on& ~m are 41 . v1r::=:-P*t .. , ~-== aijldtnlS wbo reetlved rnaste~ ~, '=:f11' · K,.. "' Cit~ and nlne who received. 1t...i...,.,.1, · K,411'11M.'. Kr..-. llS45 doctor• ate11 c!O&t, . ~tU..f ~11 wa11..-. I LMeAtttif,,' ~ ·~ lll. In all there were 632 • ....,,),., """';,1nn """""' t•A. ~ba~ deareel' itf\IU). '54 : ~llMI:~~~· o.·r-maa\efS 75 dOclOrt . 0 (I ~~.Pi.ca. ):M.\W~~~ ' aod 18 doctors 111 -tM~H. 11ja _ vtfW :~i.e..· .. ~ y '~ r ''::rT~~~.1 =.,;.; 11i ,~~' for the fl-u-.. .....,,1111 Pi-.· 1"' .,..,_,.,..,, o.n. ~~~ . Ill~ WIJD ~ M\ll'HY, 1\JI '«f'-pi.c.; (llA. 'e:· re studellts who began Utelr M1.11tc11 WiHlairi ..,_,.. 1•11 v .. _ " ' Plf~ !ISA. ~tlc:th J6nltlWirl. c:ollege eareera as freshmen at .,.,,.o,,, 1n.1 "'"'"° 1'11ee. IBA. fUCI~ out of 958 who H111wY11 . J....n111 ~. °'' s.ton (8A, EMrlsl!), l's.tarted four years ago. The SMli. 011.m•-. qa se• 11:ote1 , ~ ,~ fi ked out .i .... .......i (9$, tllilOllell tcltMHll Arthllr ·ptHers un , """"~ °"''n' Jr., m ver•nt PJIQ, CBS. ·iJuL got married transferred E1111neert111ll eric Phllll"' 12' v.ni.-.~ r ' PW.Cl, (U, E~ICl)I Wiiliam io 1 another school or still Rld\a..O-, S01 Verano P~. (PllO, -haven't completed require-Ort1•nl1101lcl1 Oevlcl Sehl. 1'11 ver•nci ' PllCIJ. IPllO, P1y(hob10l09y)/ Olvlcl "m;;nts. St•tk. m ver•nci Pi.ct. CMl Fine • U • " d l Art1, Creet!W Wrltlntl. v o owing are ...,,e gra ua es J•mft Sleflt· 13, v,,,,. l'i..:.e. ceA. >i"frttn the Orange Coast area, ~thenuo11u11 G•rv Sc111JY111. 1m · !'thtilr borne town address. i"~/,:·1:1~5;..!~'"':!=~1 c~:t ·degree and major field o( Frtfttfll1 C.Vr•nc• T1""'· 1nll MllPlt+ll1 (at, Biplon); I fl'• Pl study: T?Mim-.on. li&M Vtt•llD Pi.c.. IBS, ltlltN 111""-' Fr1n!t Dl.lfour, m •11-Blolttlul SClllKfth Cl'll1111 Tl1111, by Sl. (1$, BIOIOOY); Tho!Not Ek:t\horn, (PhD, Clltmltll'Y). 70I crvt111 Ave. tl"l11e Ar,,, c .. •uv. Wlllllm Ur-. 11"1 Glllm•n IB.I.. wr1tl1111l1 Ch1rlt:l Hutchins, n'"" Too1t Plln.fah c.,,.1 Votlkl, .:Jf6 5-llnwood lllA, Or1m1)1 K1r1n Kimb111, llDl Wn IBA. Frtf!Chl; Tcnl V0tt Gtrlllt. P1'11 (BA, Fre~)I Joi.HIP! Llntlttir, 906 Vtrll\O ll'tl ct. (MA, E,.,.1151111 2682 Club Men Plttll. I I A. ElllM Wi tter, ns Vltlll(I P!ICll, (llA, Econornlal1 N8nC"t' Menk)., 121 H!llorf)/ Ptfott WJld, 7'1 Vetlt'IO PltC:t APOltllO (8A, Hll!W"t'I. IM. FIM Ark. Cr11t1ve Wrlllf111ll ll1rn1•d VODrtlln. 7U A••t:-51. flA. Tl'lltftft WCIOd. llMI Chltor'I' w ..... t•A. American 51\ldlnli Giii Wiii .. , P, 0, ECOl'ICll\la)_. ... 0 ,_ •• llO/I (BA, FrfftClll; 5!t'VI W/lltl, 20fl\lii LQtllll : rte I,..._ "' 0.0.I CIA, MttMrn1tlal: Dal"f'l WllllOfl. Y1WI ltoed. IMA. MathtmlllC:Sh C1r1 3'7 G••NI c1n11 (MA, c-r1tlw Brluollr~, 11'1' OC.n w1v. 111S. Ll!eralunl 910loe"t')1 llorll. llllun, 1•n ltesi1tt1 c11111r1M tQtll: 1'1tr1(.k M<:Hullv, (BA, ~rHl'lrll svu-CLIPP, ISl l 3S.1t Btlch ROid tM Fbw: Arb. Co.11 Hltll'll'lr CBA. lotltl ScltOUlll Cr"tlw Wr!llflDJ. ' Fr11'111 D1ro1tl. ml,\ Anll• st. HlS. C:irM1 ••I Mir: L111r1 Btldorl, 33t 91ol0fl'I. Cameo Shor11 •••d (IA . Ket,.,Grtfll,1 ... ,l.C-tH19hw•"t'. lnft,nll1~lplln1rv11 D1vld ••II. •ll ··~ Mllllc)I t<a"""'9 HoUTI, 313 9e90nJ1 ""'· (MA, E11111lill'll1 K1rvn, £,,,.r11d 111'1' (9A. SOClolOIY); C:trlton Edel'I 4C11 FfimlNf ""' CIA, Hiii"'"• lt,M Ocein '1rflrlt 111$, E1111l!1~l; G-.1 HI..,..,; J' 1 Elll!._11111)1 lffllt JdWINin, UI Dl1· Htllolfoc>e AYt !IA Dr1rn1l1 G1rv l'll04ild llA. CW.Nltsli ltoMrt ~. J1h1K, 10:1 lfl1 :..w. 1MA. P1W1IQ\. 13'1\'I GLIMtYrt $1. (M,. Fl,,. Ark. Diana Jin1i., 11' EY..,11'18 ("'m ltwd. C1111""' Wrlllntl. • !BA ComHrtllv1 L~r1l1,1nl· Mef'tln MldlNI Krllmlll, lU Y Piie• (8A, ' A (U, A tJ Doub!• Mfillrh Clltt'l'I ~llf, S$ll l(a1tler, '23 N1rcluL11 ft. , r I O.k II (BA. Art) C:ll ...... Mltltr 217, J1nt l<lrntwoll, 621 ACl(ll fMA, • 1•. H'-J •' Hl$10tl'l; Strven 1<n1u., tOO s.1 Ln. Cllllffu WIY I .... '"""' I on..1 IBA Hi•torv\· Lucille K\lfflfl 11:11 O.Vitw-N'l'llM, lo:J1 N. eo.t HJ111w1v. ' ' ' (IA.. SOClll klftletl)i "•tty P1nn•lft. ~ldrlft Drive (MA, H I 1Ier1' l 1 $111 H eo.n t+ltihWIY {l"llD COf'l'I. c~n1i.nce L•lflll, 'l? Or sot1 T1rr1te P•t•tl~e Llletlll.l,..h 11:W"' lio.sner, fBA. MUllc): J~"'" MCKI.. """' ~·l'J ··-AV.. tMA. Q.crm1n). Ac1ct1 Ave. 18A, D•1m1I. SllunM $Mtlbi'tthl 15' $utul'I Ttr· C"ll Mull: Allrld Amr".'°', 'Zt6' rice (8A. Gtrm1n)1' ltU$$e1 SIMlon, Mlntr SI. (BA, D1'1m11 , ~,.., 1145 Gtvloli Orlye, {MA, FrtlKl'lll Aubuc"°"', latj M11lrlm Aw. 18A, Altn S""''"'' -Gltnnel'rt (BA, Socl•I $(l~r1J1 J1,., 8.W.rr, 31"' Maltilm1tlcs)I' SWlfl Sw.et, 17111 Sol-Maclelni Aw. (IA, P9ychok)ll"t'b ano Wl'r !IA !ntllll'I)· Cllrlllll'MI Von C.rolvn Carlton, 1750 CeMl'V CIA, Gliscoe,. 27~ 'W1vt si. flA., Soci1I so.:111 Sciences); Shlrle'I' Ct""°"'' .2'4 Sclr"l:n); Ooritkl Wll~. 6'it lttmona VellllJ(O LIM. IMA. SPlnl•h1; Dolt>r!!S SI. (!IA, Economies). C11lno, lo.I F1lfWl"t' Place. (llA, Eft'Jllshl. Dtvld Cti11ll~, 25'.I Or11111r Avr. 11•, Fr~h); Kevin Con11au9hlon, 7'1 W, 1a1n SI. (BA, E""t11hl; Sura"""n Coo~•. 161 E. ltlh 51. (BA, Sp1n!slll1 J1mt1 Oedto. 311 MHI Drlve. (8A, H!dotl'h Rlch11'd Do"t'1r, 7114 t.o•do CMS. Entl,,..rht9l; Llncll F1., ... 1•21 Sll•rnf'l!Ck tBA, !:ntlltP!l. c . Kine Fltcll, P. 0 . Bo• (I.Ill, P'vehnlo9Vll Bovd Fo1ter. lit E. ltth s T. (MA, Ph)'slcsb ll:obtrl l'ronk, •U Ford Rcltd. IMS, Pc1111l•!lon l"d Envlronrnrnl1I Blol011vl; 01vle Geolltl", Campus Turmoil Bill OKs Jail s ·entences '" '"" PtitCll. tlA, l!n•11tr.li Mrrr.~•1 SACR ... MENTO (UPI) - A for persons repeatedly con· Gr•Vl'On· 1" E. WU..,. ( II .I. , o cr.~1,r..,.1; R1nd111 "''"'• t 11 o bill authorizing jail sentences victed of uslng t n d e c e n t NeWPot"l Blvd. CM.A. H~lorYlr P11rlcl1, bl • h Hr...-., 308G Ta.,.1or w1v :BA, for ~pus trou ema11ers as language on campus, makea It Hl1torvl. Bev••tv Hicks, 6n Plu"'mtr ""~a...i ""6 California State ~1. lllA, P1vcholotivl1 wn111111 lftton, r-NCU \.I.IS a misdemeanor for a student 1367 Btkrr SI, !IA, Frtnr~ll Ctrl Assembly de!pile comJpaints Jin11t11:, 137'h 1:. 2111 st. (Ms, by some lawmakm that it barred rrom campus. le return E:1111ln•rlntl1 Denn11 JO'l'QI. "'5 '"' without 'special ,,_.,.,,isslon, •1..,,, (BS, EMlnMr1ne1; TI>om11 would fail to d Is c our age .,_ ... k•lltMr, :m c1.,111e s1. (BA, Pllvsia mlli'tan•·. authorizes campus ad· •nd Mith}; Jl lTlft K•1rnrr, ''" ""' · ;~-•-to •-t ll ) Mlnvtf,mln W1v IBS, llo\otVh Ed-0n I Sf..}0 VOte, the nun ouAwra UllO JIO el\ l rnOl'!d M1drld, >01S 1.or•n Lin., tlA, .1.--bly despii'e complaints troublematen and prohibits E...i1!1hJ. ~u of,,_,~-•"· ui l Mlch1el Mllhonev, 1'°' Kornlt Drhre. and sent to the Senate the Use .. .......,~r.wg eq pmen 1Bs. B1o1cm-1 : CM,.,1 MCSh1ne. ~ m····-by · •·semblyman on cam"''' without approval of RIJf1rri !IA, Hlstorvl; Mtch1rl ......,,.,,~ AD r- Ort>td!, 'n c1n1t1 Maw s1. 18A, Frank Murphy ( R. s a n t a the administration. Ecc"°"'lcsl1 Je111P11 Or<tw..,., 269' Chib Mru l'l•QI, IBA, E~01111a1: wu111m Cruz), wbldt would crack Miller was among a IJ'OUP of P.uru.tvrr. '"' £klrn tMA. Hl1t0Nl1 ......... on i'i'--al demonslrators 10 Democrats who ,...-.......1 the Rldllrd •obertson. 2'43 Tustin Aw. """" ~a ¥.f".,._ IMS, B1oio,rc11 Sclene11Sl1 Lind• Tit-at the University of California, proposal on the Assembly '•••t, ''u sa .. 1. An• !MA. "'~'· stata colle•-··' i'un""-col· •-v1e1ar T190 .. rt, 2413 santa An1 IMA. ..-41.N ".. JMJI-, s ..... 1,~11 0 11..e: v1n ovrtn, Ml.I leAel. A s 1 e m b 1 y D\ a n John ~''"' (!IA, Entlhll)j Mldllrl Vari N ·-·-bl V··-11-en •·n J ose), l~ndlnoh•m. m Mir• Lom1 Piie•. But ecro ~ .. yman ................ -~ {BA, Or~m•l ; Mtro••rl w.,.rwell, lU John Mllltr en Berkeley), said said, "law enforcement alone tlrooldWIV (M/I., SPlllnl1h)1 Johft Wllllt. U" '"' Joann st. !BA, Hl1~•Yl1 w1111m · the bill "does absolutely will not get us peace and . ~!~~;~1. M0r1ror w.., 1 A, mthing. The . people· who quiet." 0111 Point: Jctin Gust1v1011. 3Jm p r e.c i p i ta t e c a m p u s ''This bill will not iOlve the Vlcltt Ltnltf'n llS, BlolOO"t'I. ,_..,. ,, et T'": Ron11d Go,..w11. 2~231 disturbances don't really cart problems of campus lUu.--•, Grt:,~1~B~11':.~~°'R\c1i.rc1 carrllre, about what the law says." 1aid · Aasemblyman John L. 1116J "" Fellt>r IBA, PsytllollMIYl, Murphy replied the bill Burton (0-San Franclsco). "I Hlmlln~ kacll: J11ll• 119C:kfrlln, 1<..aA .... d '•~-ft • d bt il it Ill •J-••y lS<IGI Sti•i•• LIM. (I.I.. Ari); Lorl\9 ~ 0 IOmcwwg. gives OU w ever"""~ -· euck. '"' HOXllOl'I r11A, EMl!111>1 to the adlniniatrations the fervent revoluUmary. Let11 do Muri.I Encile, Intl LI Mell L11't (8,t,, bill to' ..... n IOIDOthing alJoUt ••• cm••-of s1ant1h1' s11.11rt Gibson, Jto'l E<trnonc!t a ty ..-;•. ~ ·- c1rc1e 1es. e1ec1rlc11 E1111!nre•lntl1 1be blll_ provides , . .,_ ·t terms the problems." Rlclwl'd H1nn1. n5n Trld111I L1,,..J;;;;;;i;i;;;:;:;;;i;i;;;;i;i;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;mt! fBA, P1yct10io9Y): S.Nlr1 Hl!l!kt<, ....,, Sinffnl Circle (Bl, Bloklo"t'J1 P1mclt K1up1, lff!ll C1nvori LIM C9S. l lolOOv). Wllll1m uuer. 1211 P1r1 Sll~I. CIA, ChtlTlfSln'l; Kirin Llndkre. 201'1 c...,.,,,,. Rfff caA. l'ollttett Sc!tt1Ct>1 GIYlt ~fl. 10312 Shtntr1·1t (II, 81oioeifl; Mkh1ri MIHlll', 411'..PlllWlrt !BA, Socllot $CllllC11ll Lff Jt1t111u11en, •S-52 ~ Clrtlt IMS. E"'lnMrlfl9)1 Joyce lfh•nte• 1:191 ltll'Mltln¢1 !BA. Mll~tmltlcs)I P1m11I Wliolf, "'It 3111ne (IS, !llOI0111Cll SClencil). 1rv1u· Jetn A~renll 11111 V1t1rio Pl•ce. ! (MA, Ent!lsll)j 0 •• r. I Andtr11<111. 117 Ver1no Plffl !BA, Hlsl'Orv!: John 111Dn, 1222 VlflM Plies. (BJ,, Phnlc1l1 Gfool'• .. lfrorf. llOl Verano Pltce. (MS, Entlnttl'tntll thrl"f'l 811el. 1'1~ Ver1l'HI Plttf, 18A. $p1nli.h). Thom•t l r\dot. 103' Verano l'i.ot. (Ml Fln. Arts, Crutlvt Wl'lllllll Merion llrockett, ll' Vrral\O Pl-. !Bl, Blolovvl1 Ei'lc C1r1ton, ?36 Vtrlno Pl1c1. !BA, Economics); '°""' carttr, P . 0. 11)11 IBA. Hll!Ofl')I • .,. nv Cr1l9, 136 Vert-no Pl.i;e, ilS, l tolo!IY!I Joel ~vll, 1231 VfrlM Piiot (PhD, P1ydloblol¢91'). K111tlffn O<JnDYan, P. 0 . llOlC flA. Dr11,'11): Prier Esur. 112 Vetano Pltct. (BS. Blol09vJ; WIUl•m GlluPllO• P D Boa 18$, l !OIDIY); Fr1nl:, G.llfMi ... r, '°' Verine Pleet. IPhO, Mtll'ltm•llall wm Glllfltt, U1 v1r1n11 Saddlehack Stewardesses Get Wings Wings have been presen~ to ten Saddleback College coeds in the airline stewardess program for parUdpaUon in campus runctiol18. Since airline atewardeues' duties involve meeting the public, the parUclpaUon in campus functions is an Im·, -portanl part of their trainin1; qulslde o! lhe classroom, Mn. Vlcllf -uld • They' 5UVed u hostnles and gulda !or campas !unc-tions ., a part or their lralnlJli. Reclplanll of wlnp are: 'From • Dua Ptlll: Pati Laney. From i.guna I t a c b : C)'ndoe Hendricbon, Terri Horman and Debbie Smith. ,,_ N~ ..... , 1101· gy Banet. Will the Sun ever Shine? You bet it will! IE PRIPARIO ... OUR FAMOUS NAMI PANT DUSSIS All ON SAU. ASSORRD FAMOUS NAME IRAND SHIFTS AND PANT DHSSH IN PRINTS AND SOLIDS. s.M·L. $13.00 • $14.00 ... •• .. Sale $ 8.99 $ 9.99 $10.99 Clea rance l:iuys ln every department ma,1e,.,,'~:l:;: Saudi Coast ?Im 3333 8ri.tol it ·Sunflower, Costa Mtso Upper Corravaal Mall Phone: 545-0655 Open WHknlghll 'Ill 9:30 IA~KAMtltlCAltO. MAIT•I CMAt:•I• ~lt.INI CMAt;•t / t 4\ 0 Semi-Annual SALE FREEMAN SHOES FOR MEH ,_,...,... ecnlor1. -QG.Ji:Wii...,. ---°""""···"""--.. ... _ .. _ .. .,.. .... ._ now now 1890 2190 • arr1s & M~s 'DiScharge Announcing .at the peak of season our Semi-Annual SALE of MEN'S CLOTHING .. " Fresh new arrivals ••• faatul"' ing outstanding values In Famotls Brand Suits ••• Sport Coats .... and Slacks. FAMOUS MAKE O~E & TWO TROUSER SUITS Reg. 89.95 to $100 74.90 A great selection of styles, fabrics and c:Oi. ors -to suit your taste or preference! SUPERB FAMOUS BRAND CUSTOM QUALITY SUITS Reg. $135 & $140 104.90 Impeccably tailored suits . of choice Imo ported arid domestic fabrics. Quality, EJe. gance, New High Fashion Design, ENTIRE $TOCK NOT INCLIJt>ED Elly., ID bt..W du I LI 1 =I Hllnta & ,... 0pM FA!Olll : ~-•-•dor......,<:Mra• Famou,s Btarid SPORT COAJS ~i..-44.90 _..,. ___ .. _Pl!•" .............. Teniflc Group of SPORT COATS ............. 34.90 _ ..... _______ ,,... __ , __ _ ' . Dress & Casual QUALITY SLACKS ' ' .... 27.llllM 14.90 •!'!" .. =""""-* ....... -... ----· ' . ran ., . . ~ ., .. SINCE 1856 · •COSTA MISA Si•th Ce11t Pl11t 0,.11 I 0 1.111.-t p.111. Mtn. th" f,I. IUINA PAIK $heppl111 Ctftlt• op ... 10 '·"'··· p.m. M.n. ff1111 Fri. SANTA ANA Hon•r Pl111 Ctn!•• Opt11 10 1.tn.-t J .m, M0ti1 thn1 Fri. • ' Fnm SU Clemeatt: Kathy Schofield and Debbie Shea. j , Frnm Tuatln: Joyce ·-Leonard andWondyWeiJa. l.. .......................... ,....,..,.,.. .... ..,o11.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~.-,;~~~~.;...~~~~~~~~~~-,.~ r A I ,, I ! Leader• Get 'WitlfJ8' Eagle Seoul Badges have been presented to Troop JO Assistant Senior. Patrol (\ell) Lead.er Frank Mac- Millan, 1624 lllgbland Drive and ~Dior ~~trol Leader Bob Peoewell, 220 30th Sl, bdlh Newport Beach. The JS.year-old high school sophomores were honored in Court of Honor at sponsoring St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. Morale Problem Hit,s Red Vietnam , Forces SAIGON (UPI) -Com- munist rorces in South Vie~ nam have serious morale pro- blems. a captured document indJcated. It 11howed many troops are defecUng to the al- lies and others are simply hop- ing to wait out the war. The document issued by lbe political section of the Com- munist high command was seized last week, infromed U.S. military sources said. "The enemy's psychological warfare and ChieQ Hoi (open arms} activiUes 'are' seriously influencing the morale of ca- dre and soldiers,'' tbe~docu­ ment said. "Some listen to en- emy broadcasts., believe in what lhey say and doubt our revolutionary achievements." (Informed U.S. military sources said earlier 19,459 Communist t r o o p s had dela.1ed so far this year under the Chieu Hot program, which welcomes Red deserttts. The total for all of 1968 waa 18,171.) Tbe captured document said Can1hodia Bills U.S. for Damage WA!\lf!NGTON (UPI) - Cambodia has billed th e United States for $8.6 million for damages allegedly caused by U.S. defoliation operatiom. State department spokesman Carl Bartch said a team of American experts would go to Cambodia to study the claim. Defoliants are used in the Vietnam War to wipe out jungle areas where enemy troops take cover. a number ol Commanlst soldiers in the south "have lost their confid<nCe In the revolution and thought the party had told them lies. A number of cadrea said the general offerWve and uprising phase has been waged in· discrlminately. "A number of cadres and soldiers are waiting for the results of the Paris peace talks and hoptog the problem in South Vietnam will be solv· ed ~ politic.al mean;a." the political report Aid. '"l'hls proves our cadre are tired of Jong range at.tacks and fear sacrifice. At present., some cadre and soldiers are very much afraid of the enemy's modern ~pons -helicop- ters ad B52s." The document said many Communist troops were feign· ing sickness, staying at. the rear or awaiting an op- portunity to defect. others, it said, are aiding in evacuation of wounded and then not returning to front lines. (In 1968, allied Ogures lhow- ed, more than 100,000 South Vietnamese troops deserted. Many of these men however, simply return to thejr homes and join up with militia units, allied sources said.) According to the document seized this week, Viet . Cong political analysts blamf "top command echelons'' for the unrest a m o n g Ccmmunist troops. • It said commanders "have not tighlly executed their leadership, and a number of cadre and soldiers have taken advantage of this opportunity to defect." a gracious tribute to your table ... and taste! SOMETHING'S BEEN BREWING AT GEORGE MURRAY'S SILVER COFFEE ~~ 1 •t the lowest price in town, th•f's whet ha1 been brewing. An rJrgant addition to your own table •• , a gracious gift your bOlltes& will truly admlrr! ~fag. nlricent 10 cu1i 1dlverplat«'I car- afe with heat resistant glas&; you may pour v.·ilhout remov- ing covtr. Graceful handle at- tached to beautifully piermi ba.n4. Handsome Quttn Anne fluted leg& on st.ar.d with candle warmer. The perfect gift for that very spec.lal occasion. ..... i. $15.00 CHAttGe ACCOUNTS INVIT!O Mill~ MN l 1LJO, COYt!'I '''- Till; lllllll'anct. llMI I.DUI 0.11wwY GIFT Wll:AP-HO CHARGE IRIOAL REGISTRY GEORGE MURRAY 81LVEll:. CHINA e CllYSTAL . FU~llUlllt: S•11ffl Co1d "••• 1,;.+of stt .. t •• s." Dt190 Fr••-•v "''"' 144·2700 I l I ---- j • ... ' -- I'"/ ~ I t \ · .• • r 1 I SAVINGS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT IN ALL 17 STORES • ~VA\UEs FQR )'O ~, ~ .. ~ ~OM,E, YOUR FAMILY._ 1, • ' .. "' ·-' • • 11 I rj• cotton knit pants, shirts from a famous jr maker Choose pants and jamaicas and the t-shirts you loYe, all in cool, comfortable cotton knit. In favorite summer colors. Shirts in solids or stripes, 5-M-l: pants in solids, 5-15. were 4.00 to 12.00 2.99 to 5. 99 . .. may co campu~ shop 43 50% off leather belts in a variety of styles Choose·from alligator, smooth calf, Rrained calf or many other varied types of leathers in assorted widths with a large selection or fashion buckles to wear with fashion pants. ttf• 3.00-17.SO 1.50-8.75 may co men's rurnishing 80 I • r may co lakewood me 3-0111 may co south bay 370-2511 pantdresses, sundresses from a favorite Jr maker This bright_ little pantdress is jusl one style from a young summer collection. Come in and see them afl. 'fn :Juiiior siz~ 7 .to 15. 15.00 to 24.00 Other slyles 10.99 loll.99 reg. 18.00 10.99 may co campus shop 4,J , ,.,., ' . ' . save now on nien'si.Jits year-round wools, blends You'll find quallly all wools, fine blend~ handsome tailoring. Single-breasted 2-and 3-bullon, newest colors and patterns. 36-46 regular, short, 'long. Alteration chaf$e· ..,_ 25.00 lo ss.oo 18.00-35.00 men's clothing 814, ""cept Wilsh!re may co buena parl· ta 7-4000 ·' ' . ... .. , ., \ famous knit coordinates at very special savings We've taken mock turtle knit shirt s and coordinate cardigans in all the latest colors and styles and reduced them especiallY for tkis event. Sizes small through extra-large. r~. 17 •• QQ.:Z010Q·Cardis,ans w. ,l . . • reg. 11 .00.moek lurt/e> 11.99 6.99 ' . maycOmen's sports\vear 84 ' ' ,., ' . \ \ ' \ I I ourfamaicas+and shel.ls . - for your casual summer Turtleneck sheHs, sleeveless lilnk tops, in bold stri~ or solids, size 5-~\-l. Jamaicas of cotton, Orlon® acrylic, blends, in sum· mertime solid tones. Sizes 8 through 16. rqululr 2.99 ... 1. 99 ••. spc>rtswP1" 800, t)(~ Wilshire may co costa mesa 546-9321 .. ·:,. . .. . ' ,. . • '~. ·~ c ! '. -- ,. ' ~hop monday through wturday 10 am to 9:30 except Kluth bay~rday, 10 am to 6 pm ------MAVCO \ I• • ' ~ ' j • . 1 , .. ·~ • i. ' ) • j • .. . . • -· I • • . ' . .. _,,.a-•·tNt I,_ • -. . Tr0·uble. ·car • • ' ~ St,t.rs Wrath ' By JEAN CD.X, Of .. 0.ltr 1"1'91 ...... ' 1 • ' " I used to enjoy being a girl. '(ben, at the age of 20, my parent. P"" , sented me with a noble, silver.1961 FalCOn. ,. '' ~ '·· When I look baclc on 111• jnnocent pleasure and appre¢ation , ( ex~ • pressed on receiving .that gift, It's difficult not to' bunt lnto'bilter tears . • My mother, wiser m-&er yean', warned me, "It's going to glve xou a lot ·of ·headaches.~' 'lbia proved-to be the understatement o!1the"century. ·~ My troubles. began Wiie Old Gray (my affectionate ·name for •the Falcon) and I were driotng P4l1cefully clown .an off ramp of the busy San Diego freeway. It was a ,tlring>day at the 10.ffice and I was 1091dng forward to unwinding at home. ApparenUy· Old Gray decided not to wait until we got. bome: l!e stopped firmly,':ignoring my cries and the angry beeps from his bretl\ren l!ehlnd llim. - 'The drtverof· tbe vehicle to my rear,1 a man of course, lunged out of his ,car and approached poor Old Gny menacingly. "Wb at the hell do you think you're doing?" he m_quired . • "My car stopped," I explained pitifully. Since he bed no other op- tion, he agreed to push me to the ·nearest gas station, and it was there I bad my first encounter with that curse of all womankind -the auto m~ chank. A ·skinny, acne-faced kid explained serenely that I needed a new battery. I reluctanUy agreed. Several months later I again was e>.iting from an. off ramp, and again my car six>pped. Again Bil enraged man push- . ed. me to the nearest gas station! ·Garage men aren't very original. "You need a new battery,•• s~id this one. barely blinking an eie. · (See CAR. TRDUB~E S MOUNT, Page 35). ' ..... " t. '' . ' ... . . ~\ .. - :I - '., ·~ I' fiesta. Mood Wake.s Sa lad Meri u T asses Yearly Fund Raiser Siestas aside, a SpanJsh fiesta theme will be foremost when AJ .. pha Xi Delta's Alumnae Club of Orange County gathers for a benefit salad luncheon. The &Mual event, with profits going to support area and nation- al philanthropies, will take place on Wednesday, July 16, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Mrs. Jam~a Deindoerfer ls chainnan for the luncheon party, which will transpose Island House In Fashion Island into a festive Spanlsll, court. • · • • Members· and guests WUI pair ofl at bridge tables following the luncb•t,1. ~luaion. . I , Tbe .. Proceeds. from the gathering "":Will .be used to further the · clubs pbilant'h.rqpr theme ol the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency. 'J',h.~re are approxtmateiy· 132 active chapters in colleges and univer- sities throughout the country actively stipport.ing this endeavor . . . An example of the· area chapter's involvement in this field ls ~eir pr~sentation last year Df profits to Joplin Boys' Ranch, a reha-b/lllatl"'\ facility for boys 1rom 13 ,to 18 years of age. · · E~ulpment pu rchased by the ranch with funds from Alpha XI Delta's projects included necessities for chicken raising, such as a · brooder. The boys, who receive training in animal husbandry also purchased a calf which they will raise for beef. Carpentry and inaln· tenance are other skills taught to the young people during their court. ordered stay at the ranch. Serving on Mrs. Detndoerfer' s· Iuhcheon committee are the Mmes. David Wing, decotations; Robert Pond paper goods · Charles Hall, tickets; William Teliamp', invitations ; NOrman Weagei publici· ty, .~ Miss Sylvia Gibson, salads. ' .. TIME TD OOFI' SOMaRERD -Tbe·lliesta mo'"1 ,will tum to ot1• of fiesta when members of Alpha XI Delta Oranf• County alwn- nae gather for aalad luncheon in Fashloo Island 1 Island ·11ouse. Trying to tempt their sleeping friend are (left) Mrs. James Dein- doerfer, luncheon chairman, and Mrs. Charles Hall, ticket chair- man. Siesta taker is Mrs. Rober! Pond. lteseivations are being tairen tor the fiesta .1uncbeon through July 12, with tickets $2 per person. Anyone in the community is invited. Rese~ation requests may be sent to Mrs. Charles Hall, 2900 catalpa· st., Newport Beach . Game Playing ·spouse Leaves Poor Wife. Wealthy Widow ' DEAR ANN LANDERS : My husband passed away three months ago at Ult a1e d 91. We ftre married '¥1 )'Uri and I must coofw, they;wm ... .._ )'9111. We ..-..'ohllJt poai. oUr !hr-.. .._.. . : ANN LANDERS ~ ........ ~.l!·-'llOlblal.1«' ; me to waii tine miles to aave S centa on • · · • CIO al -or a aldtel on a am· ol ; -· kitchen. chair and dlacovered he ......_ Wo amr -• Cllt. ~ OlllJ • hod •fU,llOt In a ssvinp llC<GUnt. 1llat tripe we "" made_· were · lo· 1-.ls. VerJ day I bqa to loot In all kll>ll ol Wheoever I think ol,rny ~ I jlic-cruy ploca. I !Nld otock eecuritlea In a -him turning o(l llCbll er lw:tilnl · · _ ..... --~ ~--down the "'1 '"to 11,.... • '" 1 leak .,.._.. ·-to a ~ in the at- .J.N"" an ol a -I'll! a rich wldo.w. ·rnree days Won my huoband died he tjlld me to lool< In hla tool box fa< tome PIPl"I· I was ahocked to find .a I~• In- ....... pollq, payab~·!o me for 171,lllt. A week later l !OUDll a bank book ta~ ~ I found another ssvlap book undtr a n\i In oor hediconc (He bid ltlrted It In l!Mf and saved IUOO.) . Instead o1 being ilaPPY J am bccomlna hatdul ond bltttr. 'I le<I thfl his whole We w11 a lie. Why did be tn1M us Uv1 like paUpen when we c6uJd bave had a decent hom!, coiJege fer our children and vacaUom? Please answer Utia qutstlon and help me enjoy what yeara l have kt'L ' -RAGS TO RICHES WIDOW DEAR FRIEND: Y• IMIAbd waa -tallf m. i. • ..,_ ft1 lit njoyed 11vt111 -.y II *"' far mtrt: tun -1 ,.... ••joy ~ It. Of ...,.. tt .... ..,.., '° 1" b.t 1111 --• --.. pot fl .,.a,. llol llle ..... ' ,, 1i over aitd dote wlln so forpve •lm, dear, and p oa fnm ibftt. I alneettly !lope !bat.,.. ud --will ... lo1 Ille etm1"11"..., ..... ,..... DEAR ANN LANDERS: Kenneth and I were married a year ago this month. His .u·wife·rmwrfed the same week. I am wrtlln( about their children, 3 and 7. Kenneth'• a-wife has custody. She bu ten the children alone oo nwnerous oc- calions. Lul week, Kenneth went over then> and found the lddl ........ ft waa 7:30 p.m. When he llbd, "Where'• Mommy?'' the boy 'feplled, "She went to get Tom Cher new husband). lle'1 drunk again. (How11 lhat for a 7 yur old?) t hate to et these two lovely children raised in such a crummy envlronmenL My hu1band la furious. We have no money for lawyers and court actJoo. Who can we turn to? --OJI.OR US BLUE DEAR BLUE: YM cu -It Legat Aid. Look lo Ille P"--· AM M Y" ••'t HM '! lib&ed, J'• cu l.u'I &I t1te Jn'etdle --tlloo BUI time 'fW' bsbudllodtlM.W.alooe.U,_ .... ler t1 u acevMe repWt It IMUdn't be dlflkatt .. _ _,., ·-· make It worse. Please read the first Jet. ter In this column. How tnteresun, that your letter and hers should arrive on tht same day ! Give la or IGH bim ••• wltell I py &fva yoa Uill lbte, Mrk oatt For dpl • ~-lo lludte Ute llpenel 11leaua. elitd< Au Luden. --~ "Netkfll and PdU1& -Wbt are tM LlmJia?" Staci 1Wf' reqltlt &I A• Laeden. ii care el t11111 HWlflft•, CONFIDENTIAL TO SICK OF TH18 -I fl ..... la -ud 1 1oac. ANEMIC RELATIONSHIP : I'm not 1•••ped,l.U-adllrmed nv .... IUrprlaed. II IOUndt u If tltt money In Aoo Ludtn wfl be (lo'1 It llelp yao ~Is bloed II asUng up the rad corp1ac1... wfftl yoor problems. ltnd lloem to w lo I promise you that marriago will not Im· ..,. ti lloe DAILY PILOT, etldHllf a prove the deficiency, It wlU ..prol>lb'1 ·' 1111......,-, stomped oavatope. l ' \ I J I \ I " \ I ( l I \ ·• -... .......-.....~..-.a..--------~....1.....: I I -------- M DAILV"1.0T Moodoi, ~"' '°· 1969 St. Bar·b-ara ; s Church Chosen _for Ceremony Wedding Pledges Made Fa'1'vl"-Baptbt °'urch, fon gown carrying a eolonlal Cooti Me.u, waa decorated bouquet of ptnl; daily ~­ j with arrqemenu of white . t h e m u m a , a n d t b e aildloll, s Lo ct. Clbryma-bridtsmalds, MJ,u Janice JCen. tbomums 11111 1anleolll w dall or Bl( Beor and Mn. crute a Ha-almelpiore lteandh Collman of Long wb>n Coomlt SUo Pwetra IDd lltoch -.... ll&bt pink empire R<mldE. M-loi~ aowns. ' Mn. Eva Simao ol Kaul, Hlwall. Aller hone)"M"q I D Carmel ud other pololl of i. tmst In northem Callfonda. tbe couple will establlJb their home In Costa Mesa. Balboa laland will be home after their Jamaican honey- moon for ¥ichael William Kelly 'of B.-Island and bis bride, the fonner Barbara Ann Machado, who exchanged wedding vow~ ,during noon rites rn St. Barbara's Catholic Churcll, Santa Ana. Reading the nuptial mau was the Rev. Micha~! Collins, assl.Jted by the Rev. Patrick Riley. The bridal couple are the daughter and 1<>11 of Atr. and Mrs. Lee Pt'lacbado of Fountain Val ley and Afr. and Airs . \Vllliam Kelly' of Anahe)m •. For the ceremony, the bride selected · a gown or lace. enhanced g n g l I s It • net decorated with beadbil, ;wblcb featured a detac'h,b l e cathedral train. Her ca~ veil was held in place With a beaded lace cap, and butterfly orchlds and stephinoUs fOrm- ed her bridal bouquet. . Serving as maid ·or hohor was Pat Gaddis of Garden Grove, and as brldeamalds, Kathy Kell)'. the bridegroom's sister; Sue Lee. Newport Beach; Diana Feren. Hun- 1.lnatoo Beach; V l r gin i a Andrada, Chino, · and .:roni Mac.Donald, Hunttn1Lon Bea ell. A yeJlow chiffon gown -with short puff sleevts was selected !or the maid of honor, and similar gowns in limit green MRS. RONALD E. MANNING Former Connie ~e r1ira weildio& pled"s. The llow'er slrl, Tl!<resa Perfo"'1io& the ilouble ring J-, o I e c e of the rltea for the daughter and 10n bridegroom, wore a 1igbt plnk of Mr. and Mrs. Albert empire gown wUh p u f f Pereira ol C:O.ta Mesa and the steeves. Rev. and Mrs. 0. L. litannlng John White or Inglewood of El Monte waa the Re\'. served as best man and ushers Melvin Taylor. . ''ere Bruce Manning. brother For the afternoon rites, the of the bridegroom. and Cof· bride chose an empire gown of fman. Ring bearer w a s chantilly lace, styled with a AnthoQy Jones, nephe1·1 or the cathedral train. Her veil WM bridegroom. ca~ght to rhlneltone encrust· The Villa Marina restaurant, ed petals, and she · c~rried also decorated to set a a cascalfe of white butterfly llawalian atmosphere, 1vas the roses and elegance carnations, setting for the reetption 1vhere accented with baby's breath. 250 guest signed the guesl Miss Lynda Sharp appeared boot circulated by Mis s for her role as maid of honor Marilyn Murphy. A special in a cherry pink empire chif~ ruest v .. a~ the bride's auol , Brewe r-Service Troth ·E.ngagement News Told An -Au~. 23 wedding In St. Mary's Episcopal C h u r c h , Laguna ileacll, is being plan- ned by Janet Service and William F. Brewer. The new Mn. 'Manninl 11 a graduate of Newport lfarbor High School and her hUJb&Qd. a graduate of El Monte Hlab School, ls serving with t&e U.S. Navy in Long lleacb. Paintings, Hangings On Display Palntiogs by Ruth Oqood and wall hangings and pottery bf Jack Taylor art betna shown by the Coffee Gardea Gallery, Corona del Alar, by Jhe Newpon Harbor Service League. Ruth Osgood, a past presi- dent of the Laguna Beach Art Association, is currently president and chainnan of the board of the Laguna Boch School of Art and Design. Wall hangings, or macrema, by Jack Taylor feature' var- ious weights of rope and baad.s such as ship's rope, old- f ashlooed pulls, or solid ob- jects such as driftwood. H1I hand thnr.m potiery will i. elude bowls, Jamp bases and vases. were chosen for the ___________________ _ ~ bridesmi'lids. Picture h a t s were worn by aJJ the at- ,tendanls and they each car. rled six long stemmed yeUow roses tied with long velvet Women's Comm ittee A wards Dedication Saluted Thelr engagement has btea announced by li1r. and Mrs. Carl W. Service or Corona del lit11r, parents of the future bride. Miss Service was graduated from Corona del Mar High School and a buslneu school and attended Orange Coast College. YOU KNOW YOUR CHILD ·~ · WILL LEARN TO SWIM AT BLUE BUOY • Tllf'llllt ,...._ , .. MRS.'M CHAEL WILLIAM KELLY -Jam•lean Hon~oon M.J. ·B~ennans .'Honored ' streamers. Flowe .. girl was Lisa Vle!ra of Lemon Heighl!i, who wore a lime green chillon drw, aDd ring bearer was Daniel Muey or Norwalk. , Her fiance, also an alumtnl-' Engraved plaques w e r e Chinese dynast:es \\'as given of CDMHS, attended the t d t t H. bo A by the artist, who illustrated California Maritime Academy presen e o wo ar r rta and now Is a .senior at ti , residents r 0 r outstanding his talk with figurines which California p 0 1 y le ch n I c ' service to the community and he sculptured and costumed in Institute, San Luis Obispo, stu~ , . , unlfied school district by the authentic fabrics and je1vels. dying mechonlcal engineering. Women's Conlmittee of the Luncheon hostesses we.re the He is a member uf the Army JANET SERVICE Cos la Mesa Chamber of Com-Mr'nes. Ronald Hardy, Neal ROTC. merce. Martin, Jack Rei n er t , Parents of the benedict-elect Receiving their awards dur-Nicholas Zeiner and DcMurl are Mr. and Mrs. James f. Augu1t Bride AINI Se Wiii TM AMMIM. a.i"41 bl•n4, 5-. AN, Tn th1 546-!800 . .' On (,0th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Br'll· ~ nan o{ Corona del M.ar wete l hooor!d by their five children ' as they celebrated i11c1r 60th • weddiAg aMiversary. 11lt Brennans were married tn Chicago and made tbeir home in Gll!!ldale before mov- ing to Corona del Mar 15 years ago. st.,,n ding ".t'llh" the bridegroom as best rnan was Dave Distel of Mission Viejo and seating guests were Dick Suess, Corona de! .Mar; Bob Collins, San Diego· A I Jnheiri, Anaheimj Michaef G. Machado. brotht!r of the bride. and Michael Stout, Garden Grove. Ing a luncheon In the Costa ~Tosh~·~=======~B~re~w~•;r~o~r ~Qr~e~nt~w~ood~,~ro~rm~er~~C~0<~on~a~d~e~t~~~ra;r~r~es~id~e~nt~s.=~~~~~~~~~;;. Mesa Golf and Country Club j;: r=a~:a~~;·J-~~~ s~ ' 'Ir •u r A buffet dinner, served be- : side the poot ·fo the garden of their Newport Beach borne, wu hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Hal'r)' Clarke, the Brennans' daughter and SOQ·in;law. • Besides 'Mrs. ciarli:e, the couple's chlldre.ll present were Funber guests congratula.\- Jng the couple were the11 nieces and nephews, Sl!ter Mp')' Margtttioe, BVM, Kan- sas City: ?ifr. and Mn. J . E. ·Smith and family of Glendale and Mr. and Mrs.. Harold Dixon and family of Newport Beach. • Mrs. Margaret Johnson ol Glendale, 1ttrs. B. J. Brady and Mrs. J. C. Brennan or Chicago, and Mrs. Ora Block of Big Rapids, Mich. Mrs. Flavia Dixon came from Long Beach and Mr. and Mni. Hugh Brady from Temple City to present their best wishes. Art Workshops The Messrs. Brady, Bren- nan, aDd Block also were present, as was Mrs. Marga- ret Smith of Glendale, Bren- nan's sister, who attended the June wedding 60 years ago. • . Offer Variety Of the Brennans' 15 grand· . children, those present· were! severa"t Mt workshops now 11-1r. and Mrs. Danie~ Btark,o . •re under, way in Torana La Canada, Dr. and Mrs. Ml-· flouse · spiQrlsored by the chael Clarke of Seattle, ~-Tor~ Aft ·~gue of Santa and f\.1rs. Terence Clarke o,r . 1Ana . <( / ·1 . Berke I e Y and M.Ls~ Kate ~~.~ .... W~sday, July 2, Clarke. 1"'~ ""1.:W r E i g ht ~reat·grandchil~n will ~ <e~la sessions o attending included the fout figur~ti:ve alM' nonflguraUve sOM of the Starks and · Or. dra\9ing ~uglll by H.e r b · and Mrs. Clart.e's four daush· Griswold of ,Laguna Beach .• ters. The sessiom will take. ,place from 7 p:rD. ·.to 10 1'ltti a ~ Plant Lovers Plan Lu ncheon Members of Orange County Cactus and Succulent Society are planning to gather at noon on \Vednesday, July 2, in Costa litanor htobile Home Park. Those attending are asked lo bring a sack lunch. with coffee to be furnished there. Follow- ing lunch, a meeting will begin at I p.m. ree. 1 ~ 1 ' There i"b a ceta mlcs workshop·at Torana·~ all · day each WednesdaY~ Ind now under way are l aiildfen1s classes on M~daYS a h d Thursdays from l:JO· to -4:30 p.m. Sea Sire ns TOPS Sea Sirens meet in Killybrookc School, Cost a ~fesa, every Wednesday at 7 p.m. ~····•******* ........ ************** i YOUR PROBLEM: - i • : You w•nt to sell some 1t1m that you no long1 r nffd but someone else can use for t NOT OVER $50 ! ?????? l You:~. ,~~~~~~~~,; .7.~.": i PILOT PE NNY PINCHER CLASSIFIE D AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE • : i •' ·1 i1 • A recepUon In t h e Newporter Inn followed the ceremony and 'guests were asked to sign th~ register by Mrs. Michael Meno, cousio of Bergeson or Newport Beach. . · . "4 .,, Dr. Norman Loats, associate superintendent of Newport the bride. ' The bride I! a graduate· of Bolsa Grande High School and attends Orange Coast College. Her busband is, 1 graduilte of Anaheim Hl8h School and Fullerton Junior College. Meaa un111ed School D!strtc1, B e a u t y s a 1 o n a made the presentatlona. George Stuart, artist and sculptor, was introduced by the pres.I.dent, Dr. H 114 a McCartoey,.as the speaker !qr the day. A history of the ·ancient James During Trainors Wed HB 11-iaking their home i n Riverside wW be ~1r. and Mn;. Robert James Trainor Jr. y,·ho exchanged their wedding vows and rings during a ceremony conducted by the Rev. Thomas W. Overton ;n the First Chris-- ti an Ci».lrdi, H.u n t.1 n g I o n Beacl\, . ' \ . ~J ; " . Tbe brldi, j1,. . t or in.'" Cbarl<De· llllaa~th s111ou; is the daqtita"Of iu: ml Mill. Cw"". Lee .. .Elllott of' Hun-li/lrfod ~ .. , Given In matriql! by ·lier lather, sh-.stiected a JDiDc:IU gown of white a.Ilk , ~ ' fashioned .with a. chapel tra!U : Ceremony . ried a bouquet of yellow daisies. Serving as best man was Ronald Kaiser of 11-tenlo Park and ushering were Daniel Charles Piper of Covina and Lt. George David Elliott, Inglewood, nephew 0£ the bride. Following !he c eremony goest.s attended a luncheon and reception in the Green.: brier Inn, Garden Grove. Assilting were Misa Micbe1t Ellidtt, the bride'• niece, and Mn. caJvin Elliott, her sister· in·laW. The bride ls a graduate of Pepperdine College, Los Ange-: Jes, ,and has dooe grad~te' wart there and at California State COilege at Fullerton. . attached to. l!ie 'booi necicllM and trlmmOd w 1! h '!111- broldered daisies abd ~ pearb. Her ohWlder" l!n&th veil of brM!al iUusioo'was beld with a.cluster ol ~dered daisies and she carded a bou· Tiie brldegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J a m e s j· Trainor of. El Monte, received , quet of daisies. ' Maid of honor Ru(h El::iine Rhoads of Oakland WM gown- ed In a yellow crepe dress wllb matching accessories and car· his BS degree from Cal Poly, f, Pomona, and currently is finishing graduate work on his PhD in physics at th e ·i UC Riverside. SPORTSWEAR 1/3 OFF CEL EBRATING THE '4th WITH A BIG SPORTSWEA R SHI FTS-CAPRI S BLOUS ES PANT DRESSES Cl:IDIT CAltOS WILCOMI .. .\Ve shape your lightened hait into lovely curls. \Ve caress the curls \'<lth "Nice Change" -no pero:cide. In just 10 minutes your ne\v blonde curls take on whisper-aof t color..tofle thatl&&bi throu~ MVeral ·shampoos. With no nlb-ol'I', no retou ch problem: we just rene\v the color 'vhenever you wish t AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I :. -rt I Hch, Ctllf. 3 L I NES 2 TIMES 2 DOLLARS •, ~ ~ DIAL NOW D1 RECT ! :11 tU adu#4 E:_::F./~ .. Coct1 Mtu, Caftf. 1,1 I . OUI '"ett M•Yf•l• (..,ffl' -- RO~X HAll_Otl_ e $3.oo l'LUS SHAMPOO $2 50 AND SI T (Mon. thru ThurLI t C'-t H.rr Eiitr•tl Allor S p.m., $2.75 f rlcl ty, Sttv ..... y, SUftd1y ...... $3.00 Coote Mtoo, Collf. ,. w. ""' ..,., l'iec.tlt. ~ -- t , ' 4 2 • 5 6 7 a j A,"",.·, ,I•._· Ctllf. O.••r· c1111. Fount••• V•lley, C•llf. S•nt• A111, C1111. r-.t• v111n, c.n1. 3424 VIA LIDO, NEWPORT BEACH 1114 . Cl\IDl'l'll" 1nJJ M•t"611• Mtl'..,. • ,,.,...,. an UlllW., ~1w :. ............ M·M, .. ~ ......... ·."'MCM•M·~·~ ..... ··.~M·M··M·~· ............ ""1:·L.~~~~---~6~7~3-·_19~7~0'--~~~~~--J.!..~~~-~-~~-:_u_\"_~_n_c..~"'~~~-*w_~_i_:_:r_.~~~-~ ... _·'-~Jr"'-.. ~·~~~---=--"_.'_::r~"'~~~-~-""'_":~f:'-... "'~~~~--J ; ' ~ , ) I , .. -.. --·---~~-,--,.,-.----,---,-~-,----.,.--;-""""'"""'7.',-;:;-:~=;;:"'~------~--····· .... -..... From l'agtt 33 •• , •• • ' .. •• I 0lmpossib~/' I re'plled io- ~ently. ••1 had a brand new one put in Only two monlhs ' .. ~.Car Troubles Mount ago." ,1 "\)'ejl, ypii got took," ho to ld me, wlthOut a trace of sym- pathy on his vapid face. ' I had move~ a good 50 miles away from the original gas station. Nevertheless, with a supposedly new battery in my car, t suffered the trip, f#l&e mounting with each mile. At • lasl I reached my desUnaUon and leaped ou t or my cat, With 'arms waving wildly, in a· Choked emotional voice I repealed the whole horrible tale to the gas pump attendant. "Who fued your car?" he asked; seemingly Oljt of idle curiosity. Wh en I shook my head 'helplessly, he com- mented, "U he was a tall slim guy, he was fi red last week ." Imagine the feelings of the Jews upon hearing Hitler was dead. Mine we re similar unlil he added casually, "Do you have a rep·air sales Slip1" Heart sinking, I leafed througli the countless auto repair slips accumulated in my car, but to no avail. • ."Guess you 're out of luck," he said blandly, adding as a second ·thought, "How do you know . something was wrong with our battery? Maybe the place you went to gave you a battery even though you didn ·t need one. They do that to gir ls at som ipla~." Since ·theo Old Gray has been replaced by Old Blue and I have cqllel:t.ed enough auto re pai? Slips to paper the walls of the q.ipllol building. . · Each,ldtaling with an auto Pri~~1 'Go Up Higher ... restaurant prices may cause total food prices to average two to two-and-one- haU percent higher in 1969 than in 1968. Prices for food in grocery stores are expected to average one to two percent )ligher this year than in 1968. medlanic was anolber lesson in frustratioo. I cried, I stamped my feet, r cajofed, 1 call~ upon lheir betier feel- ings , but I was up against a blank wall. I knew something had to be done, and so c0nrerred 'with a knowledgeable girlfriend.' She. it seems, had no, trouble· at all with repairmen. Quite the con- trary, with one dimpled smile, they leaped to $trve her. And many is the time when she reached for the checkbook they waved it away, insisting the honor of her presence was payment eoough. Soon afterwards it was time for anolher seige on the auto shop. This time I came prepared. I put on my shortest ski rt and longest eyelashes and steered Old Blue into the neighborhood garage, T h e leers from the mechanic as 1 alighted from the automobile assured me I was on the right track at last. ''Will you take care of my little rar? It's been mak_\ng terrible noises, and .1 think somethlng's l ea kin g,'' 1 simpered, "Just leave it to me, honey." he said'reassuringly. "Do you want the trunk key too?" I said heJpfully. "Not unless the re's a hot body in it," he ~awed . "Ho, ho, ho, What a wit," I said, slapping my knees in ap. preciation. I slinked oU, con- fident that my m o d ~ s t machine was safe in his bands. "How much is it?" J in· quired that evening when the work was completed. "Well, let's put it this way," he said coyly. "U you don't have any money yoo better have a lot of loving." J joined his laughter .and paid my bill. It was obvious my feminine charms had worked. My car was fixed, wasn't it? Two days later Old Blue began fuming and fussing and steam emerged from the hood. After she cooled down a bit, J deposited w•ter ln b e r radiator and sadly watched IL now onto tht ground. Had I been hoodWinked? It couldn'L be: 1be next My I again ·returned t.o tbe same agency and the same man greeted me happily. 0 Hello," be cried joyfully, "Did )'OU oome to gtve me a kisll?" "No," I replied, sofUy but firmly, "Apparently you overlooked the radiator. It leaks." He enmined Old Blue and reported her ~ were in need of replacement, "Fix Jt," I pleaded, and M agreed. "We'll put In new hosea, and let's see, you1l 'netd antifreeze and. .." "Anything, just fiJ: it;• I in- sisted. Not until serve'ra1 hours la ter did it occur to me that summer was approaching. W1'Y did I need antifreeze? "Would he take advantage of my ignorance," l had to. ask myself. The answer was yes. All µtat feminine chann was wasted. I angr!ly picked up the phone · and cllal<tl my helpful girlfriend. 1 '41bis is me," 1 snarled when she answered. I was ready to launch into an harsh appr~I of her smug· suggestioils. but always polite, preludedo my tirade with a .gruff, "How are you?" "Awful," she-moaned. "I just got a bill of $150 to fix my car." "Well," I replied viciously, "why don't you just rurt with the garage man. Hasn't it always worked before?" "This is a new garage," she explained. "I found out they were n't doing a thing to my car at the other place. They were charging me for things they weren't doing." "No," I s aid .sym· patheUcally. Later I thought a bit more kindly of my own garage Romeo. Perhaps he is doing things be needn't do, but be isn't charging me for tbing1 be didn't do. Or is he? -~ IT'S JULY Group No~ I DAN RIVER e WOVEN PLAIDS e DUCK PRINTS e SAIL CLOTH PRINTS PETII POINT e PIQUE PRINTS e NEVER IRON PRINTS many, many others to choose VALUES TO $1.19 YARD cotton•, rayons, blends MANY NO IRON ALL WASHABLE 36" • 45" wide 68s Group No. 2 e TOP • BLEND PRINTS e LIBERTY PRINTS DACRON POLYESTER And COTTON VOILE PRINTS LITTLE OR NO IRONING c:ri$p and e o o I for hot summer deys thel will come. lush blends of cotton and rayon on an easy core .. little iron fab rics. I . gobd selections of colors •nd ile· signs -but hurry! ' right for summer dresses 36" wide gu.ir. washable REG. 79c YARD VALUES 2 YARDS 99c • ldHI for dresses •nd blouses REG. $1.19-SAVE 41c YARD 44" /45" wide guar. wa1h1ble 78,~ HUNTINGTON CENTER EOINGER AT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH 897-8013 ' Wrap Up • In .. ' The Wrep .. Aroun.t JumP.r Cut with a crisp look, this wrap-around Jumper dress counts down to sure-fire flattery. Bodice seams curve into hip pockets and the skirt takes a nice flare. Wear it for Slimmer as a dress in pique, linen, cotton and come fall in any variety of. woolens .. T~slitcbing adds the final touch to this im- portant fashion look. 60839 ls cut-in Misses sizes S.18. Size 12 requires approximately 2-518 yanls of 45" fabric. To order pattern 60839: state size, include name. addreu and :lip code. Send $1.25 plus 25 cents first- class postage and handling for each pattern. Send onlers for books and patterns to SPADEA, Box N, Dept. CX·lS Mjlford, N.J. 08M8. Tel: 201· 995-2201. This pre-cut, preperforated Spadea Design Pat- tern comes in ready·to-weer sizes that produce a better fit and· are easier to make. Order normal ready.i!:o-wear size and allow one week for delivery. SOMETl!lNG NEW : Pattern books by classifi· ciUori : EnsehiJ>t'es;1Aiternoon and Cocktail Dresses ; Duchess of Windsor. Each book $1 plus 25 cents postage and handling. Hard Cover CaWogue $10. Book 33 -collection of latest designs In all cate- gories $1 postpaid. NEW IDEA: First time d .. igners have pub- lished sewing secrets. Booklets l, 2, 3, 4 and 5 - 75 cents. postpaid for each. Hanl Cover Ed!Hon '5. ALSO NEW: Tl!@D Hair Style Booklet -do.it.your- self -llO ·cent! postpaid. Dance Dress Makes News Summer'•,ahort dance drm has a disanning air of sophlrtial<d Innocence. The' one we have 1n mind has a wide-winged col~ar swoopinc down toward a tiny waist -the open neckline enhanced by an exquisite V- shaped necklace glllttninl like golden lace. Delicate dangle eanin1s and a duo of lacey bracelet.! com· plete the look. THE N·E·W LQQK mallie~ ' · for HAIRSTYLING by the area'• TOP STY~ISTSI * * ' ' ' DAllV PILOT . H Horoscope Gemini':· Finish Tasks TUESDAY, JULY I ,mal.>Key It lo.be tactful. But ......... pr1oclpla. CAPRICOBN. (Dec. lW1111. By SYDNEY OMARI\ 19): You cu find ' legltlmme JIOUU:BOLD DINT: Loar • baip1n. .Be, alert to "!>' ..,...," 11 A•.-••n .. 11r p.riun!llOs. see -. 111ua-~· ot fllhltatt, t!oaa m reallatic manner. plelon ........,, ............ Some today ID*f 'Wanl lo ... -look. Frame persuade you elq ....... •Rldal plllqaet. Mr•,.. 111.r· &hat leads' to io.a. .. ' ~ 'IF '!ODAY lS YO V ft noncllap I 1 le "· ~ • AQUARIUS (Jan. '!OcFeb. Biirrili>AY you .,. m in· _,..,, II): C)'cle bilh; you cu auc· novatGr. You &et your own ceuflllly -lnltlallve. pace, A domestic adjllllmenl AlllES (March 2l·April II): Meet people; p -.;,,end, do or Change of "1idence may be Acctnl on knowing how to •lblnp, Dellnltjl "~tal ad-In offing. Doo~ mlslnlerpn!I friendly ll"Cloualy accept compllment;I~~~~~~~~;;~;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~ reapoase for something else. Keep feet on ground . Harmless fllrlallon should be kept in that area. TAVllUS (April IO-May 20): Get down to bw:lnese. Prac- tical affairs lake pricedence. You have real chance for ad· vancemenl Key i s con- centration. Heed voice of e:z.. perience, ·Review goals, am- bitJom. GEllllNI (May II.June 20)' Good Junar upect today coin- cides wtlb · lmPOflanl <Or• respondence, publi!hlng. You finish bnportant ta I k S. Influence spreads. More peo- ple are aware of your efforts. CANCER (June 21.July 22): Be investigative. Find out reasons why. Refuse wperflciaJ answers. Go after the truth. It is availabl~ - coukl involve opposite aei. LEO (July 13-Aug. 22): Stress on ~al agreementa. You may want to rlae above details. But it la necessary to learn rules before breaking them. Keep thia in mind and day will be constructive for you. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): . Yoo may find it difficult to at- tend to details. Obtain valid hint from LEO message. Co- worker offers get.:rlch-quick scheme. Be gracious, but deellne . LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): AccenL on how yoll handle dellcate situation. One who means much to you may make eitravag:ant request. Stick to budget. Young person is mere- ly acting on impulse. SCORPIO (Oct. 13-Nov. 21): Change may be premature. There arc detaila which, re- quire personal attention. Be aware of security re- q u i rements. CommunJcate deaires. You find that a burdtJI will be lifted. SAGITIAlllU8 . (Nov. 23- Deo. II): Deal linaer\y with relatives. Some may want to argue menly for 1ake of arru· ••• u ........ HOLLYWOOD-~ -67J•ltll introduces the.fully padded ~Pre-fonner"for seamless tit under knits. Th«e's newr been ahytNng tike it! Pre-mo!~ and tuny padded, Looi<s ·ike lh9 real thing. Here's the bolt port, there isn't 8 sintse stitch on .the cup-anywhere! So it . goes under sweaters and knits with clean-aw whistle -Shaped on the sides SO you dor>, gel I "pod· decl 1oo1c. •And ~ kHps Its ohallO ! oocrono PolYestw lrloot ll(1d L)OCro•-ldoi(.; • All2-l6, $6.50 - • •• • c.m,11....,,..,,. Me.._ e Feclelt •Eye Telllol"t Mini cu,.. and Pedlcur• ly Appointment I YIYIANI WOODAi• I CotMlllCI malli.6 WIO r, ·HAUTY SAL OH 541H4' ........ ,~....., Hlll•ltlH SQUAat COITAMMA ., The ·Town and Country Cut curia u.p for .v·ening . Olf jllllllc0,s1eek w11Cl!11lcaaes Ille addition of llfli111Sical csls 1t ni!lrl I>, aiiy tillie yoa'~ leelillg fancy! llisllul custom cat, I.II. Bea.dy Sludio, •II stores w:epl lla1ina e Meoic:lurM . ,..,..,,... • facitls • Electtology . . . . • u umS' - -1'1 f-lllw """'' ~ ... lt+220h llao.!llu .. l'l~.ll:Oll)lll 1;30 -o.,. IO:OI till s~~ )'/ . ' I • • ' ' I -_______ ...._ --·------..! ---·------ i j ·i l •, ' \I " I ' ' I I • M DAil Y PILOT : 'st., AndreVls ·Cliw:ch ' . .. •· to'.·~' • ' -I '•1 ", ' . -~~~~~~ ..... -'-~~~ " • 1· MRS. Ll!E WESLEY MALLORY 111 Rtturnlng t o S•nt• 8erb1ra Pair Exchange ., Vows ' -' In Evening Ceremony Bask.e1-5 9f While s~. gladiolt and chrysanthemums trimmed with fem decorated Costa Mesa'• First ·Soutbeni' Baptist Church when Linda Kay Bryan exchanged 'wed.- 'dlng vows with Harlen Jervis. Marshall E. Bryan, the bride's brother, escorted. her to the altar, wbere Ult-Rev. Herbert Johnson officiated for the double ring e v e n .i n g ceremony. ·nie bride is the eau$hler of Mrs. Catherine JSryan of Costa Mesa and the la.le Mr. Joseph Beyan. Mn. Bryan, who also is the bridegroom's sister, was matron of honor. She wore a light blue satin floor length gown trimmed with a white velvet bow and carried white carnations tied with blue satin streamers. The bride chose a full length gown of white ruffled lace over laffela with a ftlll skirt Today is The Daily Pilot Way that swept into a chapel train. The bodice featured a scalloped neckline and long sleeves of iace'. Her elbow lenatb Veil was caught by a crown of sequins aod pearls and streamers of satin trim· med her bouquet . ol. white carnaf.ions centered by a white orchid. Ernest J. 'Burfone stood as best man for the son of Mr. and ·Mrs. Clifford 1 Jervis' or '!'Wtin. ·Gaey F. JerVI!, the bridegroom's . brother, and Robert L. Robertson were ushers. Approximately S.S guests at- tended a ceremony in the church fellowship hall when the young couple cut the first . slice of a wedding cake circled at the base with blue and wltite camationS. ~. Tbe . bride will earn her d!Ploni>, from Estancia HiBb sdaool.· 11U new husband was iradulted from Costa Mesa ~ High School and attended ' Orabie 'Coul College. ,• The~ plan to make thejr hOO:Hi in Coa,ta Mesa. • ~ • • • The prettiest summer 'dos' get a head start with a La Maur budget perm 8.88 SCISSOR WIZARD cur ..... 2.SO Shampoo and set .•.••••• (Mon., Tues. and Wod, only) $3 Wt .,.c.klJii.e in the <ot• ofJ oWtloli wlgi, . NO APPOINTMINT NICIS5AIY HUNTIHST'ON llA(lf H\Wllloltleri C..... 1111.,._T llACN ,..,,,1911 ''""' ... ,...,, .... ,,, . •• • Residing Jn Laguna Beach before entering tile University of California, '$&Dia Baibara Jn tbe fall are DIOWiywed Mr. and Mrs·,~ WeiJey )llaJJoey m.. . ... ~ former AdelllJoaephine Pall......, ud •her lletrothed 11er; joined by the ~v. Dr. ~"1'\";~;;; Charle• H. l>lere~ld In t.. . Andrew's Pres b,~{ e;t' J,b r«i',\>l Church. . • : ;°• f)!Mhe tveiililg nbpfials tllO daupter of Mr. ,and Mrs.,J. Elmer P,.aller90ll ot !'lewi>Ort.' Bead! .aelecled a >ilk oillbu ~r tal($ mod1fI¢' ~.no. 1"""""'1h ~nise;JaOe daisle! trtmiDltte 11tne necJrJinel.. and ' train. ni. .ell>ow; Jqtl\cnylon • ·~~illn& W"'l·,lltached l-0 a wn:aUi· · ol daiiiei wh1ch adorned her bai1'. The new ~. Mallory car~ ried a cascade boliqutt ali!liol· lerfly ordtldS, 9leP.l!anollt and baby'a breath. ~ ;. . • ,- • .Qlc;l~r ·Mo8~1s Soug ht \ .. l.J. ~ ... ~~ - Fash.ion· Tu 'rns ''Mature' 87 AJU.E:EN ABllAILWi modeliM -l'Jbe ialeot. titied NEW YORK (AP) -ll ~:~:~ and Other Glamour you're lit y<iur-mid-309', have ti.me on your hands and are AJ candy '11>l•ins it, evel-y casU91,about·Jor 8 part.lime ; 20 years roOcsel types go fuU career. why not consrder'mod-circle $0 that currently the ellnlf>r·~ ... ~" •. ~ rJi type of girl.popular in ,the late A"cordtn'g tO ~.<;oltef gtrl, • · ',40s and early '50s ls all the ?" rage again. career scllool ~ pl~ f,gen-cy owner, candy Jones, mid-· "'n:d· she says, modelB r dlY&eii-rbodels are one or the z:et!ect tbe tlqtes. ,b'.ff pew v~ In &be model-0 At the end of World War Tl • ing field. · • when men were home again 1 ;Al~ 'the t77to. 25-year-and everyone felt life should , old ci>Ue(e-IYJ>< g~i ~ still and ·t;<Mlld. be beautiful, the popular, c,.<ty expains that animated happy girl-next-door ~us, lDfOY.. corqP.8Jli:es are type . refi~led the country's bringing out chic millsy and happy. m()()(I. · n\atJ'only rftN\J(lnso .. tbere is a , "Oul'ing,tbe Korean conflict ' ~ peed : tot the niature and the Vietnam situation. the ~1 ":"' the woma.1.1 ln ~r 30s , grimness . ol the time~ was . to_·earey f011·-·sizes 10 ~ 12. rtfiected in the upress10nless · "·oUr ' ag.ency. Js actively r~. !!f tl>e: JP~els who gazed looking for this type .-the o..it .at us d¥fy. Now '!ith the woman who looks like the Vietnam peace .talks LO pro- . ·Ketinedy women r" She men. gres:', she theor.ues tba.t pro- tloos.Jh.at . Mrs. Ted ·KeQ'nedy J?le m the. graphic arts ~ave a · AS' ~Gall Bennett, ~as! one" of gll;!lteJ ~n::e of relaxation so • the .top Models in the 'c.opi-~at models faces can react a merclal"TV field 10 years go. bit more. Nctjng tbai the'm.Oiiel iiDige However, the former Miss • wtth no l!l"l ~ •'11~ _ . 23" walBI e¥ M" hip&.) "Twiggy -wt:iq's pasae oow -""')d·.bav• ---ot the ilrls ''° Y~¥•,N · ~.J · candy pays particular at- tention to a girl'• Cape :whtn she Interviews • Cirl Who hopes for a career with her agency a5 a mQdel. ' "That's part of 'what I call the 3 Bs -beauty, brains and bre.ding. Since modeling ls such a short-lived career, we're look- ing for the girl ·wh6 plans to use modeling as a spri~rd for another career -the bright gal who plaiis abeid." "You'd be surprise4 a~ how many girls sbow up for that flrst interview looking quite bizarre because they ape everylhlng the see l n magazines -inclu~ false lower lashes at 10 a.m. ' Comj)rising her· entouraige were Mrs. ·Nonnair L. Hay, matron of iionor; Mias i;i!ol Hanfbty, maiO ol bonor;' liiss Tana Reid, and Miss Susin ~-~·· · .. --,. . ' . or tile.!. P,aSt • _ the iirl-next-.AUantic City notes, no matter ·.~r fror!i.tlie M•dWesi Jooitr-wh4 t the tace looks like, figure h~ . d~tely . gane by; the requiremenls haven't changed 1 ~, can~ Saj'i"that 'pie at all. ·,('J'he· perfe ct The girl who comes from a major city, she clai:nis, ls far more natural-looking than aay the girl next door in Wilkes Barre, Pa. -her home toWh. "The really wayoqt (1pes, the zom bies, rarely CQme from the big city. Boyd, bridesmaids.1 . M.RS. THOMAS·l>AVlO ALLIN Corona dtl Mtr. Homt • I (. ' "I hate the word diet," she continues, "But once you hit the wrong side of 40 ,.... well - I do watch -What J~eat. I also 'do exercises -but ·exercises don't have to be dull. It's a matter of walking ·a bit -faster, \ling eve~&: a b~t faster.", They w.ore" pink· sWpel:,i • • .... t--~ •'cln" loot. ., .. : th • ln-photographic model is between over taffeta· empire· ~ 1 J ti e dresses wlUt i -dttacblble capes. tri~ with daisies. Double bow headpieces caught th~ liered short veru., and lbeY bold . bouquets ol white idaioieo and llgbt pin< carna· ' . , . European Hone ymoon · ·•• =• , • "':\; ti s• 6" and s•. 8" Iii ••-•••• feet, iem·up ne. ~ r . ._....... .-i ' . 9. . . . ~ "'Black fs 'In, ye11oW11is 1n, lhid la always in. W'ld W ,~,. . I. James F . Morino WU best mu (for the • ~n ol Prlrs. CMrles Redor of Newport Beach. Ushers were (Peter E. and Harrv t.1. Gadd, !!MIC< L. Dil:on aad David S. PIUerson. Allin-Jones Ceremony Read in Garden Grove "When scimeone calls our . I est agency nowadays and asks for a bninette ~'7'\ I dtln't, say, 'Should we send an Indian, a Negro, a Californian?' We don't think in tenns of color. One of our models mOst· in de· lives Again The O~d West ":ill live again July 9·12 When the Saddleback Inn, Santa Ana, celebrates its filth anniversary. Is th ere a we ight control.}· program thdt ,1..,_ really works ? , M Sean T. Kerrigah served as rirlg bearer during the dou)>le rin8 rite& while Dawn Marle Pat'tefson ·assisted u flower giri. 1.'he-'J:eteption fl>UOwed ln the Fite11lde Ji?>m. ·"' :, , : Both are . lr¥d!&At.s 0 f Newport Harbor High School and Orapge Coast ColJege. 'fhe bride attended UCSB Wliere her husband graduated Phi Beta Kappa, He was com- missioned 2nc;t Lieutenint in lhe U.S. Army Re3erve aod next year will be a graduate student in French. The newlyweds selecled the northern Calllornia coast for their wedding frip. Karen Louise !ones i nd Thomas ~avid Allin, both ot Coropa del. Mar, met· before the . a.Uar · of the United Methodist Chiirch, 08.rden Grove , to· ei;change wedding Vows and rings during ii morii- lng ceremony _performed by the Rev. James stew art, minister or the U n i t e 4 Methodist Church Or Irvine. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Jones of Garden Grove, was aiven in marriage by her father. She wore an empire style silk gown fashioned by t h e hridegr-OOD'Jlt mother which featur¢:~ scoop neck. gathers at the waJst.accented by a silk bow, and 1Qni full sleeves of sheer silk enhanced with Housewives . Warned Beware of 'Pests' Housewives, bey,•are of a the gang have Scottish names Scottish brogue which may of-and speak with a disarming fer a seeming bargain, the accent which makes them ef- Better Business Bureau of fective salesmen. Orange County warns. Area housewives ai:e warned The early summer months to protect themselves by deal- are accompanied by the ar-ing only with established rival or a troublesome pest firms . If unsure, they should sometimes known as the request that a s a 1 e s m a n Williamson gan"g. return laler after they have For -adea the men have had an opportunity to check. been1 ~ibg servlca: ·~the Taking time to call or write women :"' peddling gQods. 'A t~ Orange C-Ounty Business :prtmary ~Uon in Soqthe,rn . B~eau can sometimes save CallfonUj has been' •-.,cab-many dollars. Above all, the vaam, of homeowners for bureau advises, don't be rush- roof-ahlngle oiling or a1phalt ed irito a purchase. driveway olllol. , ' ' Even tbooih their trucb aJid equlpm!'!lt look expensive, tf¥: oil or "aspha'lt" they use is.,. us.ually s;uch low grade diluted oil that the least rain washes it into tbe street~ -... ~ 'nielr business cards often sliow 9nly a name and ~. number, no address. Many Of. ~mbl em Club Gathering for b u s l n e s s aeuions and programs are roetnbers of Newport Harbor Em~em Club tht! second Tllelday at 8 p.m. in the Elks Loate. Newport Beach. mand is Judith Pemberton da~ies. from the Dominic a n Her short, full veil Was . Republic." caught to a bow headpiece, White,' black or yellow , the and her bridal bouquet was,~n girl .peering out from this arr an~ e m.e. n t or wiµte . )!ear's pOster or magazine ad marguer1te da.Jsies, carnations will most likely portray more and baby'll breath w i.1 h emotion than dld 'the models of ca~ades of daisies.~ "'the past few years. Mlss Linda Jones' was her / "Zombie types o r ex- sistef's maid of hono"r, an~ ~.'Prezsionless models are on the bridi!smaids were Mrs. Peter'.£..Way OOt," says the author of Baldwin , sister of the many books on beauty and bridegroom, and the 1'-1.isses · I)eirdre Engstrom. T r i s Vermilllon. cousin of the bride, Kathy Gall and Kathy Houser. The maid of honor wore a long empire style gown of yellow dotted swiss designed with puff steeves and the briilesn)aids werq gowned in simil ar attire In pale lime green. BouqUets of yellow rnarguerite~'Were ae!ected for all the att.endaots. Authentic Indian danei!S, we.stern rope exhibitions, "fast draw" ethibitions and color slld~s on various Indian tribes will be scheduled throughout the four days. Pr~enUng the dances and ex:hibitiOns' will be actors Don Fisher and· Monte LairCI and showing the slides and lec- turing will be Indian hilltorian WEIGHT•. I WATCHERS. ·• · George Pierre. Some talking, som1 listening and a program !hat. woi;ks. JM 3 Fill IROCHUl E-CAU 115·5505 iiiiiiiii~ NOW REGISTERING FOR SUMMER CLASSES Ct;11mpUs Count for Teens Ad'~lt P•nona l Improvement Cle sie~ ' M•ktup end W•rdrobt Semina rs 'Model Worksho ps 406 32nd .Stroot-Newport IN<l>-675·2026 ~ ., . I ·"· ' ., Baldwin served as best man and guests were, escorted to ,-----.------------------------., their Places by 0 r a n Marksbury, Mike Chaplin, Al Hirolsu, Bill Weddell and Erwin · Lazar. The home of the bride's parents was the setting for the ' 1 reception, where Mrs. Glen OWen circulated the gtlest book. Decorations w e r e designed by Mrs. B o b Musselwhite, and Mrs. Grace Vermillion and Mrs. Elaine Boelens, aunts of the bride, aSststed with serving. MWlon Bny in San Diego, was the initial destinaUon of ~ bridal pair who lat(!r will honeymoon for three weeks in Europe. Following their trip they will retUrn to their home in Corona del Mar. The new Mrs. Allin, a graduate ol Bol.'ia Grande Iii&~ School, aUeaded UGI. Her husband, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W .. Allln of Balboa Island, is a graduate of John ~1uif High School and· the University of Ca1lfornia, Santa _iBarbara, where he affilifted 'with Sigma Alpha Epsilon. ROBINSON'S • S UMMER S ALE·SATION! OUR SOFT ST RENGT H PE RM • • ' ' STEREO SENSATION! CURt..s ARE IN! AND WE DO MEi\N IN,.,. WHEN OUR SCISSOR WIZARDS SNtPSHAPE YOUR NEW SUMMERY 'co. CURLS , INSURED TO STAY ••• iliRDUGH SUN AND SEA AND DRIVING SPREES., THE SECRET'S IN OUR GENTLY PENETRATING SOFT STffENGTH PERM. REG. 35.00 VALUE• NOW 17 .!50 . IN OUR FRENCH BEAUTY SALON. REG, 3,0 .100 VALUE. HOW 14 .!50 . IN OUR The colorfal soun~ of ~ · Orange County Music .. ,.~. RADI O KOCM 103.1 FM , , • From Fashion Island, Newpd$t Be~~~.; ' ROlllNAIRE SALON; INCl..UDING HAtR CUT ANO CONDITIONER, THE CVT AL.ONE IS ·!5 .00. • ' ' ' ROBNS'fl'fS l\IEVv!DRT • FASHION ISLAND • 644-2800 • L " ,e MONDAY JUHl ID l:IO D-_.CC) (60) m""""'"'-~"' Iii ctl (IOI ~ 00 _..., (t) (30) llll '"' --(C) (30) .iJJcobollltn-A H1tiofl1I PitibJem.• Or • .llmet Smith, M.0., chit! of Wff II the Scllldtf ~11 In s.tu1, 4lle11ws bis hoip1t1rs u - dltSM tnalment ti 1klltiollca. lllHIJ II -lCl ClOl IE•-" !Cl (601 ... • Cll [Wiii• ... (C) (30) ~ Wilt• Cto~ll•. { 0 WW1 ti, U..1 (C) (30) Willy \. lrul'llf alld ArltM f11ncr. welcome IUlat •11t1 GMt Rl)'krn, Dr. ). "°PCIJlrotllers '"" Jed: Clslldy. • ,......, (C) i"11 "'"' ""' ,rt4 Roi" Smith IUtsl ju Cl>--!Cl Cl h\) fm laltlrl WI.._ IN ...._, ar. (30) 'taw ind Ofder." Alln Witts PltMllh 1 c:ontrut ot Chi· 11111 11\d W1ste111 views of tilt ........ (30! ·-(C) (30) 11!1 --lCl llOI .... _ (C) (II) t:lO II,..., ""1t lCl 00 ""'"'" •rt CIPtlmM by. Mbertine (NJtit G1rd11«), 1 U, littlt &irt wbo.ltlll t•ltlftltlna llOr1a tbout lier tttMr 1114 btlb Frtlldl ti dltts. (R) G fl• (C)'C30) llell Mqtrs. mu......,..,.1.., (Ill (JJ-·· .., C!O) Ill•--C!O) order. ol 111turt, fht lo1mer b1sed 10:00 R IS (I) Jl•M hqtts fC) on v1tL11I Patt1rns 11\d th• lltt11 (lli) G101p Clrtin aunt&. 4bCI Ofl on 'tfrbtl lnr. tht bill Is K.l}'I stMfll. t a CIJ ,,.., NI"' 1C> (30) em -lCl 1'°> ID tn.'• WtrW (C) (30) W Drtu11 l'·nrt {Cl (30) 0 ll7J Ill !IJ "'* ,_ IC) !IOI Wood'J Allen 1uats. 0 Dtlll! (C) (60) Q)MWlll (30) 7:JOll 9 (1)G1111m1Kt (C) (6D) "Tht l n1ruder." Deputy rtstu• H11-10:30 m ..... (t) Bill Jolll\S. !In ind woundld prbontr lliltJ ftl flrill& UM (C) (60) ''Biid! Ill Nirp (Ch1rltt Aldr111n) find relu11 ..... 11on °" c.111,.. • Will• ,· at 1 randl ttlll ,lllrns out to bt -· 111 • .. tlit home of tht wift (Giil Kobe) Bucklf(s tuub 1ra .loha CorM Jr~ . inti 111n (Eric Slit!•) Sh1rp left bf. U.C Berktley; Joht ftldtt, UM-t'· hllld li&hl 1e1rs ttrlltr whtn Pit sitJ of Wbc:oMln; 111d Onld SW. wtnt to p1ison for 1 $25,000 rob· din, Br11'1dtls. blfJ'. (R) CEI flllatl c... (30) II ID I Drtl• lif Jem•ll (C) (30) ·"lb. ea. of My Y1nishln1. Mts-11:00 II B D mm Q) .... (C) ter." Pert I of two parts. Wl'len Tony's doublt replun him 11 B Alfrtd Kltclt.:.a: home. the doublt Is 1111J1rlsed br D Mowle: (C) "'Wllil'tpMr (mp. Jetnnlt tnd finds hl1Melf tbovt ltry) :59 -Jullltll S11CO, Mtrlua to 1111ny her. (RI Gorins. 11 JICll llllllJ (30) m AMIR l"6n'1 $tlltry (C) Andy Griffith, Jeannint 8urnltt, Glen fcdl tnd Tiit bl'ldJ SPlrb Colltctlol 1uest. fJ CiD TIM Awnpr1 (CJ (60) ''Tiie llvll'll Dud." Stttd 1nd Em1111 tr1e• down I lhost wantld IOI murd1r. (R) ID MlltiM $ Mme: "Otchr 1t Larst• (comecly) '57-Dlr• Bopr- de, Muritl PIYlow. ID .e...: "Sbfl 111 twt Fii Mr {dreN) '49-Wllli1111 lllldl- 1'• m rmti "c.~HllCft <C> c3CI> 11:JO a ~@mrHIPI .. ce> A contestant is P11oed on sunset Boultnr1 and told to pradlc. 1111 8 lllwlr. ...... lltk ..,. (ro- huli IOI t dllnc. to win .IOllll rntnce) '59 -Hu(A WllH11111, Mal prlzeL Zettmn1. o ll7l Ill m "" ,...., lCl ~Cl).,.._ (C) (iO) Bill 0.fll 11:35 fJ MIM: .,,... YllJ' On" (dr" lftrs, 'm1) '~ftl11J' Gmttr, Ano BtrUL El 111 ... 1t11111 (lD) "Innovations in Traffic Slletr.• Dr. Riclltrd lZ:JOm Nnlll CitJ BrannllSIM UIU With ftj)ft5entl· tl'tts lrom tht UnlvtrlitJ o1 C.11· Q) ActiH Tillltn: "Jllt Sun Seti fom11 lnstltutt of Tr1n.s.port1tioR It D1wn," and Traffic En1!n1trfni. Ti., db· cu• new u11tJ cit¥k11 developed , b~ tht lllllllutt, ind view 1111111 of 12:50 E Mftit: "T.. tm .., 1 th• Drtv1~1 Slmulltor llltl"I IC· ~ (whttrn) '54-WiytM Mor- tu•I dr!Ylnt tnd crtlll conditions. na. IP htle .. '"""" ISO) &:Cl II m Laqfl.f1 (C) (&0> G11tst firp W1!1an runa· tht 11111wt ftotJI Mlcht11nplo to • lllp w..U. ..,..... usftr, from oW 1111• to ro11n1 WOft'llll, ( R} \ TUESDAY DAYTIME MOVIES 1:00 0-0I F<M!r CC) e .... ..., '"""' -lCl 0-(C) 1:21! IJ --= "'rnt ........ Spd (lei.fl) '59-Mtrshtll fhompa. ii:• m .,.,. """"*'" (C1011111tJ1 ·s1- •• c.~"' ~ ... ,..,... {ll'IJSl•IY'I '51--Vo,d Brldan. 2:00 ............ Clfll" (dttllll) .,._ Jolwl Ct1¥trt. Lylt Ttlbot. e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Quality Printin9 •nd D•p•ndabl• S•rvice for more thin • qu1rt1r of 1 century. PI LO T PRl~~71NG t211 WIST IALIOA l&.YD .. NIWPORT MACH -141-4JJ'I ,\ ly Charles M. Schull JUDGE PARKER Cowc.e101e1> A50tlT THE JUl)(;E~ SUWEN PEf'AR:TllRE FOllOWI W6 A PHOME c.AU. l(ATHEflNE ! PMOtrlES j 5.t.M PRIVER! I ! I'M. EMWAASSECJ TO &E !OTWER'.1WG 'tOll AT THl5 MOUl •• BUT I'M CONCEbleP, 5IJi\ ! IT WoUCl> Elf! QUITE UNSPOl<TSM,ANl.IKE'. FOi' METO<;o o~ A FUN<;- .JUST.!!Ec,AUSI' EMMA ISOUT OF TOWN. TUMBLEWEEDS MUTT AND JEFF GORDO Dllfrc:Glf'l1 Jl!Mll 51Will "llOJI PS! HEY,HAMAN'~ 6UESS WHAT?! I FOUHV A WATER HOLE! WE'RE SA~P!/ 'FIFTY CENll;f ·" • • c.-.or· ,. -·-...... -·--- By Ferd Johnson l BEG YoUF'- PARl>ON .. ,? \ By Tom K. R.~an By Al Smith ~ ? .. ''.J By ·Gus Arriola · ·, lltA~Cll\1 .1' !>12.EE'l'IN G- CAV.1> G~· i..r~r .. ~n Nift Ul't<LFS "'Ko '•""'"-t: Sf',..rfMl'U.C _..Ml> rte.-.-.:: (i.i/CiOf', """"""""'. \Mti.\.O:t lA.tK.1-~El.Ft Tt O• ! ! · 1~ '1•• r>111•r 1tt g..N:fl 'f lMlf<I r ..,._~ \Ill/I ~f, .4)5):: ,.,,.() ... " SPECIAL11'e~ Cl'llllH' fo" AH~·· I oce:.AS'J OAI • lW<lr Mf~ AJll:V ~ - ~tl.fT. 1.:------.i I ,, ~------------- ( ----~·-~---·----------···----- CoMPADRE -Woody.Allen, above, fellow comedy wrlte!'turiled·perfonner-will trade laugh• tonight wltli Dick·Csvett at 10 p.m. on Channel 7. Another guest tentaUvely scheduled, !J Clifford Alexander, from 'the Federal Office of Economic Opportunity. TELEVISION \'IEWS The Statistics Of Summer By CYNTHIA LOWRY ~ ,, NEW YORK (AP) -The Intrepid agents ol ABC's "The F .B.1." demonstrated Sunday night - for the second time -that embezzlement does not pay . The first time the flight of lbe thieving banker was broadcast, it was seen in 12 million or IS million hpmes by almost twice Ulat nwnber of people. On Sunday night those figures probably dr'Oftped, in classic fashion, to 8 million or 9 million homes and 14 million or 15 million viewers. ' THE STATISTICS are based on a comprehen· slve study of summer and winter viewing habita made a couple of seasons back by the A. C. Nielsen research organization. Nielsen studied one typical entertainment pro- gram, and although it· was not identified, it had a mid-winter rating which was approximately that racked up during--the past· season by "The F.B.l." ll pin-pointed lhe composi tion of the hot-weather TV audience, WHEN THE anonymous program was first run in \Vinter, is was tuned in by 22 percent o! the na- tion's 57-million TV-equipped homes. When it was rerun, it was seen in 14.8 percent of the homes. The rerun was being seen in 8.1 percent of the homes !or the first time, and 6. 7 percent !or the second time. But smaller audiences are just one factor in ieruns. "It is not physically possible for a creative group -writerlli, actors, directors -to work the year around," added• Michael Dann, CBS vice pres- ident in charge of programming. "And it Is too expensive. It costs an average of $207,000 to make an hour show. Unless some shows could be repeat .. ed, it would be absolutely prohibitive to make reruns. STUDIES ALSO have shown, that the average TV set wa1 in use 6 hours and 28 minutes daily during heav'y viewing months through 1968, but dropped in the July·September period to five hour5 and 10 minutes. A violent electrical storm added considerable drama to the final moments of the u.s.~women's Open Goll Tournament, covered live by ABC. PLAY WAS temporarily suspended and the gallery scurried' to safety as the rain poured down, thunder rolled and lighting flashed. A couple of times, the stonn momentarily knocked out the TV equipment. It was soon· over and frontruMer Donna Caponi of Burbank, Calif .. returned Co the 18th green and sa.nk be~ w~g putt. EVERYONE'S FAVORITE 11 •ct111I r••4tf'thl, pellt, •n• of th• "'•'' populor 11ow1p•ptt f11tlr11 1111 ANrlCt h th1 An11 Le11cf1'1 11!11'""' lt't o 41lly "rt11l1r" l11 tftt DAILY PILOT. \ I I ) I \ / '1 I ---- • ... \ ... ' ... . . . . .. . ...... . . . ... . . . ... . ..... • H DAILY PILOT MO<ldoy, Junt 30, l'lfi9 Lakers Get Mullaney; Mullaney Gets $40,000 . '\ ' L06 ANGELES -The Los Angeles LUm Clllftrmed day.aid rumors lite lhll _..,. by olflclally naming Pt 0tlc1eice balketbtU coach J o t1 ~ u the cl!ib'a third bud~ Ht -JtCiCeli!s Bill van Breda KoUl, who reilped Iller 1111 aeaaon ID tll<e the Detroit P1ltao post. ~ becanie 1 •Lrong condldate lor the pClllUbn when USC's Bob Boyd decljoed an ofter lO coach the team. llullueJ, 44, bu a 1$-yeu 218-100 co~ let<r«ord. Tbe i.ters cooducted a news con- fertnce to make the aMouncement of the ne:w coach. An unnamed source ill Providence sayi Mullaney agreed to a three-year contract for $40,000 annually. Among: others menUoned a& top con· tenders were AUanla Hawkl player-coach IUchie Guerin and George King of Purdue. However, Guerln's name was ellmlnated by observers when Laker General Manager Fred Schaus said the new coach would not corue !rom the µro- fesslonat rants. The new coach inherits three NBA AU· I've Had Enough, Thanks Stars : Will Ch!mbetlalft, Jerry West Ind Elgin Baylor. 1'he search for 1 oew coacb wu coo-- ducted wltb much secrtcy .. Just one week ago, Schaus, a former Laker coach himself, said five men were being COQo. sldert.11. ., After one year~at NorwMili University in Connecticut, Mllllaney joined tbe coaching staff at Providence. In nine of thOle If years, the Friars were entered in either the NCAA or NIT tournaments. In 11181 and 1 9 I I • Providence wan the NIT. The belt Fttat' His right eye swollen sh ut, Curtis Cokes lits in "his corner while referee Ramon Berumen counts him out in the eleventh round of. Sunday's welterweight title fight in Mexico City ,vlth champ Jose Napoles. Cokes couldn't get off hil .rtool for the llth.rotjild. A crowd of 25,000 saw the bout in a Mexico City bull ring. Napoles took charge in the second round with a blistering left jab attack that left Cokes battered and bleeding the rest of tbe way. Wimbledon Report Old Guard Still Leads; Drysdale Tops Emerson WIMBLEDON. Eng. (AP) -Pancho Gonu.lez, the veteran artist or tennis, has made his final lxlw to this year's Wimbledon. Newport Beach enlry Roy Emerson was knocked off by South ACrican CliJ f Drysdale j M, 6·3, 0.{;, 6-3, 9-7 while Gonzalez was losing. And as Arthur Ashe was putting him out on the sun-baked center court Satur· day, two youngster1 -Bob Lull of Los Angeles and John Alexander o( Australia -were showing ians on an outside court the shape of things to come. Take Corona de\ Mar's Rod Laver, for Inst.a.nee. Laver is the undisputed world No. I, he's the Wimbil!<lon cham pion , the No. I seed and the hottest tip for years lo vdn again this year. Yet already he's had to struggle Jn a couple of rounds against p I a y e r s normally well outside his class. In the second round. Premjit Lall, an Indian Davis Cup player btJ1 scarctly a world top-ranker. took a Couple of sets from him and had him looking worried. On Saturday Stan Smith, the Los Angeles giant ranked No. 16 here th.is year, also too k a couple of sets nff him and for a time 1n2de him look a very ordinary player indeed. Ken Rose"·all. another of the old timers who delighted \Vimbledon crowds in the past \\'ith his backhands or grace and power . is anothe r \\'ho seemed jaded at \Vlmbledon this year. And 1t was Lulz wbo put him 0:..11 in the second round. It's players like Lutz and A.lexander. both blooded as Davis Cup players Jest year, who the experts feel will bring fresh new blood to the game. tle In earnest this week with a quarter· final.match against John Newcombe, the handsome Australian professional who was L'le 1967 winner here -the last year \Vimbledon was restricted lo t b e amateurs. In the women's singles, there are four Americans. three Australians and a Briton In the last eight. Carrying the American banner and hoping to emulaLe Helen Wills fl.1oody wilh four wins in a row is Billie Jean King, Crom Long Beach, but wai ting ready to pounce of Billie Jean makes any mistake is Margaret Court, who as Margaret Smith won the title twice for Australia before she retired, then came back again. CAPONI CAPVRES LADY'S OPEN TITLE PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) -Eiuberan t Donna Caponi, v.•ho surged forward through rain and heat Yo'hile her rivajs wilted, had a feeling she could win the U.S. women"s Open Golf Championship even before she teed off. She was challenged until the last shot by Peggy \\'ilson. who had wanted to win lhe Open since she dreamed 11 yea rs ago of the thrill of playing before a huge gallery. Kathy \Vhit worth, the lending money winner on the tour, charged into con~ tention from 11 .strokes off the pace with a 69 Saturday, but fell to 73 in the final round for 296 and a $1 .SCIO third prize. Angels Open Road Trel\. With Rovals •' KANSAS CITY (AP ) -California kicks off it.. second road trip under manager Le.fly Phillips tonight against Kansas Ci~ ty. And Phillips, wlio has guided the last· place Angels to a lG-10 home record, is looking to the rut1,1re with confidence. Jim McGlothlin, S-7, opens the Kansas A ngel Slate Junr JD, A119rl• II K1nu1 (ltf. !:25 ll m •• KMPC J11I' 1 At>Qt1• 11 K•...., CllV i:li p,m. KMPC 1"'1 Jiii~ 2 Ano-I 11 K1mu Cltf S:U p.m.. l(MP( 710 City series for lhe Angels, with Roger Nelson, 4·7, slated to piteh for the Royals. The Angels play 17 games in 14 days on the road. The Angels ripped visiUng Seattle 8-2 Sunday as Jay Johnstone drove in four runs and Rick Reichardt three, while A n d y Messersmith w o n his Iourth deeision in his last five starts. "I( we can give our bullpen a lltUe' rest In the ne.J:t couple of days,•• Phillips said, "we·re going to have a pretty good road trip. That Messersmith -I wish we had fOW' starters like him." s•ATTLr CALIPOllNIA '''"'""' .,,,~ H~rJ191', ltl 4 O 0 0 Alom1r, 7b s 2 2 O 1-ltQen, rt 1 1 o o Johnstona. cf S 1 ' ~ T.0.Ylt, II 4 1 1 0 f:r-oool. 11 4 1 I I MlllCtier, lb ~ 0 0 1 R1kf\lrdt, If l 0 l l (-, (! 4 0 I 1 VMS, rl S 0 0 I P111loron1, c l o 1 O A.llodrlgl/l'r, lb ' I o o tion.lcllOll. :111 4 o 1 • s_., lb ' ' J • I("'"-''·" l010Ait""',c 1111 O.ln1r. P O O 0 0 Ractven, c J 0 O O HoYlt,. ph I I 0 I MnMrsmllfl, ii' 2 I I O M1'1Nl1. p 0 0 0 I l(.t 1lllm. p I I I I Jlolllm, pfl I I I 0 )te~p 0000 9PvJon, p 0 • 0 0 Rt.,.w.pfl 1001 To!~U )I 1 ;J 2 TPl~ls 17 I 11 I $Miiii' ODO 0C0 01' -2 c1111orn11 uo no Ollt -1 E -T, O.vll, )-.... LOI -'INtlle 7, Cflllof"llll t . 111 -Donilold-. T. DIYls. JI -Jl_,.nn, S~r. SI -1(~1• H...,_ lltico ,,. rd r. s -'"*""'". record durlzic Mullaney'• tenure wa1 the H·lllllUl- Mulltney ia1d In l'ebrull')' be Wlllll'I Interested Ill macbtns profeuionally. At that lime be. wu rumored to be under consideration as coach of the Milwaukee Bucko of the NB~. .. COlltp coaches, no matter bow suel cessful. have not done to well in Uie pro5," Mullaney uld al the Ume. He ad· ded: "It would take ., unurual setup for me to ·try' ti.." Mullane]i llped a·seven-yw coitlilCI al ProvldeiCe Ill 1117. R·ussia ·Next For ToomeYi , After Win BAKERSFIELD -Lquna Bucb's Bill ToomeJ and JUck SIHJJ will !!Ompt\e agalnst the Ruaslan decalhloo men. July 18-19 Ill Los Angelea alter placing 11"1 and aecond Saturday In the Nallonal /.AU decathlon cbampi<JQlblp. Toomey, winning h1s fifth conaecuUve national crown, rang up 7,818 pointt, well ahead of Sloan (Fullerton), who tallied 7,465 In the two-day, 10--event competition. Toomey said he was disappointed at falling short d. 1,000 points, blaming a Jong pole vault competition and a virus. He won the d1scus and javelin Satur· day, but finished dead last in the con· eluding 1,500-meter run , scoring only 3M pomts. Toomey said he felt "dead" alter the two.hour pole vault competition in which he finished fourth at 13-111.z. Jeff BaMi!ter of New Haven, CoM., hung on to third place with his second place finlsb in the 1,500 and earned a trip to Eurpoe later this summer to compete in intemaUonal meets . • Bannllter, NAlA champ Jell Bennett from Oklahoma Christian, and John Warkentin of Fresno, Calif., had a shot at the trip going into the event, won by Ben· nett in 4:14.tl. The meet was to be held In Salina, Kan. Toomey and other Americans expected to participate a1ainst the RussilllJ re- quested that the lile be changed because or the Midwest heat and track conditions. Toomey bas been quoted as saying the Russian meet may be his last in decalhlon competition. Toomey's other marks included: 100 mettts, 10.tl; Jong jump, 23-llo/,; Shot put, 4.>10%; high jump, M %; 400 meters, .a.J; diacus, lff..10112; 110 high hurdlel, lU. 1.mr~ ~:rn )"r.:~ .. ~.,...,cor-1\·, 1:11• ~ ~ P1nnel 11!1 •k.n..r1) and 1111 TPO-· (L•uun• 111..:h), H .I (17111: $141-n G1ugl'I CSe1t1iejl U.2 027)1 St..,. EnJ1mtno {Cl1rtmon1J, H .l Ill . OISCU -'1m(' l4>t-\Ol.lo !16'1; Rlett S1M11 o =u111r1or.1 , 1...w «7'7 , Mlk• M•ttos tl<imonl, 1oow11, 1'2·1\'J !150~• e111111o l•l• J1.a>u1<1d 'r°'f.3'~3). t . (PIO.), llM. (11 ); ter, LI! VAULT-1. Jttt '-"l,lOl<ltl'IOIM Cflrh-ll1n IH 11.0001; 2,_ 'fol"'• lS-' m i; 1. Rkfllnl ~S.nt11 IWDodllNI tdflt.l 11-7 ( , 4. r_,, U· ll'I (IOU: 5. tie ~ Dtvld .t.ugn1.,. rruu1, H.'l'.I Ind Mlrk Long (long luch) IH (7'6). JAVl!LIN-1. TPOnw~. 200-Jl'J cn.11 2. Wt•kenlltl, '"" j71111; 3! 9lnnl11t• .... 1U-11 \'J (111H0· 4. G1uu~J 17'-• Cff )1 J. IPln, 1n~ !M01 '· rn,.tt, 11~\'J (674). 1500 METl!R-1. Belll'lll, 4:14., !"'!; :t lltnnlHtr, ,,11,1 1411); J.. o. ... AnlOW flll\lttectled), 1:211,11 4. Mlct Adr.ley UMlkl'lelll, 4:27 .. (jl,).I); 5. Me/ti.-Wiil, ,, ... (5$61. FINAL SCOR1M : I. ,........,, 7.111; 2. ~n, 7,'6!1 .11'1 S. P• , 1"'".H1J '-G•1111h I, SS; 7. IY, •.U111 l. l1nnhter. 7 ... llt.!'l'tt!Ufl'~ 11 s. •n<enllll, I. l...... I 10:-AUit!! .... Area 'Y' Team Wins National Wrestling Title WORLAND, Wyo. -.The Orange Coast Yf\1CA of Newp,:irt Beach bas its first national championship today. A team of Greco-Roman wrestlers from the Y dominated action Suoday in the national junior class wresUlng cham- pionships here, taking three first places. Chris Sones (U4) ~'Fountain Valley. Steve Clark (191) of Garden Grove and Al Thompson (heavyweight) of Orange all won Utlea. 'I1le team oow qualifies for the thf'ee. day championships at Boulder, Colo., later this month. That meet will determine the makeup of the U.S. en- Lry in the World ChampiOMhlps. Taking second places Sunday at Worland were Rick Neff (132) of Tustin, ~tal Pomactah (171) ol Anaheim, Chris Horpel (143), Newport Beach, and Jeff Jackson (heavyweigbt) "-Rolling m1u. Bob curry of Newport Beach was 5th in the JM-pound class. Of 12 available places in the meet, eight were captured by the Ora.nae Coul YMCA. LUCRATIVE PUTT -Charles Coody of Abilene, Tex., doffs bis cap to gallery lan.s after sinking a long puU during Sunday's linal round of the Cleveland Open golf tournament. Coody won a $22,000 check for winning by four strokes. In Cleveland Open Coody Staggers Through Last 3 Holes for Victory CL~VELAND (AP) -The lpectn of a dramaUc, three-bole col.lapse was haurr- tJng Charles Coody wben the big, mild guy came tiudglng down the last three hole& in the Cltveland Open Golf Tourna· menl "On the 18th, 1 hit a poor chip about 20 feet Irom the hole and I had a putt that had to go over two humps," he said. "The first one was five feet short and I thought, oh, good gosh, this is the !&lb. I'm on the i.t three. "That's the first time I thought about It. I didn't want to think about it, but it's ha.rd not to." He was referring to his blowup in the last three holes at the prestigious Masters in Au~sta, Ga., earlier this year. "I had the lead standing on the 18th tee," he said, "and boaey, lxlgey, bogey. "If I'd been beaten, if somebody bad made some blrdies, I don't think il would have bothered me. But I felt like 1 just handed it back to them. It kft me with a very deflated attitude." But It w.as a different story Sunday. He fini5hed with a 271, nine strokes under par on the 6,tl6l·)'ard Aurora Coun- try Club course and was two strokes ahead of Bruce Cram~ an Australian now living in Dallas. Crampton had a 61 for 273. It was the siJ:th second-place finlsb since last September ror Crampton. whose l'lSt triumph in this country was in 1965. Bob Murphy closed with a 65 for 275 and was alooe in third. Dodgers Home, Open Stand With Houston I.OS ANGELES (AP) -Le/thander Jim Brewer of the Los Angeles Dodgera isn't cbooly about whose victory he savn and he has a dozen rescues to hb credJt this sta:!IOl1. In the past two weeks Brewer, 3-1, has Dodger Slate J"'"" :io. DcOlltn YI M-IDll. 7:$S 1111'1 .• t('I \ .. I Jut¥ 1 Dodten n Haouttoli 7:.U ''"" l(f" (._I J11lv 2 ~ 1<1 H-""" l :S.S '·'"· li:FI 16«11 balled out Don Drysdale twice, Don Sut- ton once., Pete Mikkelsen and 8111 Singer last week Jn Atlanta and Alan Foster Sunday as lhe Dodgers dumped the San Diego Padres, 3-1. He'll be walling in the wings tonight when the Dodgers open a series against the soaring Houston Astros. Claude Qs.. teen , 9-6, gets the starting call for Loa Angeles againat LA naUve Tom Griffin, ~. or the Allro8, _ For the flnt time since. entering the National League a de<iade ago, the men from the Astrodome are a teriout con· tender for a playoff berth Ill the new division setup. Laver, Rosewall , Gonzalei -they'"e aU known what it's like at the top. and they know lhat snappl.ng at their heels are a pack of youngst ers like Luiz. Alex- ander and the other Australian teenager, Philip Dent. Ryun-less U.S. Team Awaits Soviets In Sunday's victory, Brewer pitched two innings, allowin1 one bit and ltrtklng out two. FOiler, 3-4, yielded five bJtt In seven iMinp and the one Padrta' nm ot the afternoon. l.OS Men.•1 SUI Dtaeo .,,.,., .. ,.,. Wlth. ff 5 I I I Slpln. 2lo 4 1 1 C.-.wtorc, If J 1 I 1 It,,.,., U1 4 I l Bu&. meanwhile. the old guard is still in the saddle -for this year. \\'imbltdon reached the halfway mark with I.aver. Jobft Newcombe Uld Tony Roche stil l there. GoM.alei and Rosewall have both gone. but pJ.vers lite Tom Okker -the best EurQpean to !Ake th~ courts since Janolav Drobny In the 50s -Lulr., Dent and Ale%ander are w a J ti n g In the wlnp ready to take over. Okbr~ U)f. Dutchman with lt\e nash1nlil forelwld It the third teed this year. He ~ profeuiorutl after last year·~ Wlmbledan IJld IWll his que4l lot the 11· ' fl11Al\1 1 lUPI) -A United States te:i.m, e\·ery blt as strong as la!t year's Olym- pic champlon outfit. took shape today for the U.S.-Ru ss.la trac k meet in Los Angeles July 18-1 9 -even without J im Hyun. Tut strange career of Ryun. world mile record holder who has suffered surprising setbacks. took yet another strange tum Sunday when he dropped out of the mile in the NHllonaJ AAU lrack championhipss here In the secnnd lap. "ArP you hurt. Jlm?" he was asked u he walked ouL of the stadium without watchlng the rest of lhe race. "Nope;• be said in a low voice.. And then, ln tears, he added : "I jusL don 't want to talk about it .•. I Ju.st don't want to talk about il" With that. Ryun put his arm around the shouldera of his recent bride, W1lked to a waiting car, and still dre.s3ed tn hls blue and red Kansas U. ruMing suit, drove away Crom the art111 where he hid lilied to win a berth on the U.S. inle:m1Uon1I team. Pla~a: OI\ that team, with other visit.! to \\'est Germany and Britain, were tile ., big prizes Ill the AAU ch!mplonahlps. The runners and field men batUed for the team berths t.hrouah two dl,ys of tiparklini competJUon ln which flvt meet rcconb were 8'I and ano1ber Utd. The ouUtaodlnc athltt.e award went to one ~ the· ,_.i lltten, 16-yell'Old wtiCJ>t llfter Jon Colt ol Tempe, AN., Wbo !Upped the dlacus tQl.10 ID but world record bolder Jay Sllvemr by JIU\ a hall Inch. John Cl.rlos ol Sin Jose, after beinl up«! by Ivory Crockell of Southern llllnols In the 100 Saturday, set a metl ·\ mark ol lOJ In ~ the 1211 SUnday. In other record tvtnta, Otympk ch1rn- pion Lee Evant toot the +tO in U.I, Maril Murro woo the Jawolm at ll).S, ind skin- ny Hoo Lalnl beeHnd-loed to 11 :11.1 In the lwo-mlle nl1I Sullday. But Sunday's mile, won by Marty u. qourl of Villanova th 1:59.5, wu the slun-- ner. This ... IQppOled to be a rttum duel bltween Ryun, the 3:51.1 record holder, and UCJUOfl, Who Upstl him In 3:57.7fri the NCAA ch!mplonshlps a week earUer. I, RVIMlt. rf 1 t I I M<CClllt. p I I I W.CM•lt. d 5 I ;J I Mll'TfU,, rf 4 I I Gltlrlehorl. rf ' I l I F_,...,.1, It • I I l(e.c.. pfl I I I ' s.i.11c1, • ' I I Metli, If I I I • CIMtu-. c I I I ,.,,..,., 1' I I I 0 Jt:ulllrtol, c 1 I I Kllltf, c l 0 2 0 0.1ton. cl J •• Uif......,..,., JIOto.&11.11 JIO Sl ........ t, :lb f I I I St1111, lb 1 0 I l'ollW, p I I I I Strli.t"'t. p t I , I Sull~ll... ph 1 I I I Arcle, tt 1 I I ,,_, P I I I I T1t11t J2 J t I Tlllls '2 t ' ... ~ IOtGDllOf-), ... 1• .. --· °"' -Dtiill 1. LOI -LOI Anet'-tt. .... O• S. It -~ JI -W. O.vlt, Cr•• ...... SI -....... W. 0-vtJ. I -i< .. ltr. ~ lil'NllllttSO FoUtr (W,:1-•I 7 I I I I 2 ,,...., 111111 !llnltrlnf CL.WI • • a I ' I McCeel I 1 I I I I S.ft -ltl'lftr. T1"le Jill. Altlr*lte -7Rro L I I ' • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • ' Elims Resume Tonight Lamar !lac\ ol • -· · lallel ...U,.. cnck •I tho I•~ toolll>l In~ Lanes' ' West coast Match Game ll:llnilhalJool. Keel: ls hopll>,lf to become the only man to win tbe Costa ¥~ lollrnamenl lwo years In a row. Ahead of him are two West' Los An&ele• bowlers, loader Dale Glenn and Roland. Aleunder. ' ~OD in the 12.0-man . tourney js held eacll Monday , nlii\t at t p.m. throogh Sept. J • 'Die field reaches iht first <111 polo( lonlghl A I t er tanllht's round, the tourney willDe a1t in half. Tboee remaining 80 shooters wUJ C01JUnue bowllng until after 31 cames, when It wll1 be ~ to 18. Four will remain alter· the 52-game ct.It. .J Tllf eventual winner plays . qie ,"l:lm>er of a almilar tourna· ment be1na held at San Fran- . ciseo•1 L&L Castle Lanes. ~ ··Keift was red hot last Mon- day, recording a sizzling 89S 1block to move tO thlrd place. j.}{e's only IO plnl off the lead. t The highest -ding Orl(ICe ,lCoast area entiant ls Fountain Valley's Dick Bnucb, who stands 211111. Orange Counly I bowlers are th.is far taking a beating lo.the toomameol ?formally, counti ans a r e near the top but at the mo- mebt only two are in the top JS-Marty Anderson (14th) of Anah4fm and Bob Probert (loth) ol Garden Grove. Bland Gets Hondo Post Bob Bland, former assistant coach at Cerrito! Junior College, has been named head f coach at Rio Hondo JC in ~Whittier. The 34-year-<ild f o r m e r Whittler College player was head coach at Ma,fair High in Lakewood for seven years (120-68) before moving to Cer- ritos for two seasons. Former Rio Hondo coach ·Len Craven bas 1tepped down to become a full time , counselor at the achoo!, where ·, he was the htad eo1ch 1ince the school opened in 1966. Bland was an alk:onference forward at Whittier in lSM. Basketball Standings c.t1M1M-P,_~ w Coift ~ s EJ11t>Cl1 S B11e<1• P1r1l l Mt11r Del 2 !.IOlll9blek 1 LOI Am1to1 I C1U1 ,,..., -°'911 ~ w ' • ' ' • ' • ' ' 1 ' • ' • ' • DAil Y ,PILOT SI Marina's Mosier Leading Area B.asketball Scorers • • . Msina Hieb Scbool'I RJck l:cdtl I 1A t ..... lt curnat'1 the hlehelt ~..=-" ! :~ ~ .. " • • .. .. t.. Klfll' • II t ICCftl' m ibe ~ eq.11 = • t t area · ICU,Wdlbi to • the ftnt ~ Tnltt ; 1~ 1 - J ·_._ •.•. 1or•·-•• ' •• " " •• • -.... .,.,.. mG MAT•llt Of ! c•O IUllUnW buk.tball lelpM. •-•, ·~ ~ 'f~ Moliel" )\a -.. u..... .,. Clltl'IM ' lt It 4' .,._,..._ '"' ~"='-Ir! 1 II I !If pobdl tn four lllMI to ac-•nw : t: 1 : :'.: cmnulate Q JI.I lVH'SI-tn 'rltt J • · • 2t tbe-BunUnatoa ~Mirlu ~= ~ I f 1~ Jieasue. ... """.... 1 I' 1 ' Hlcbm!n!Vjo'f"" beloap to ~v~!~~~ ....... \,. ,.. Ruct;y Hohntl . • ,. ,, Tl' In tbe 'l\llt1n Leque. .......... 2 1t ' ' " Ba1me1 bu .cored tt ln two =~ , ; 1 ; r, pmes for a tl.O avsqe. ~ 1 • • • Sa ·aememe·1 Sat t.om-~~ : ~ : : bmdl la next w1tb a 30.0 =... : ~ 1 l lvtr'ap. 0'8~'-" I t t 4 Dtllllol$M 1 1 • t llBoMA.IUNA tEAGUE · =~.rt : l : ~ <MOU DSL. MA• Ml SAM CLIMINTI 11•1) Hl'T ... TP •P••TTP' 4 11 M .a I . L"'*'NI t 11 1• 49 t t It tt Mltdltlt 2 1 7 21 ::,•,n,~~ ~~:~ ,,111,McCt1lln It•• ' I O '' OGmlnlclllnr' 1 J t 4 ,,,1,IColtf• 1 0 21: , ••• :::::-1 1 0 t 41 J 7Meft"" 1;•2 t :tt•D.l omllerlll 21 80 ' I I t 1 2 llMTlll Dll CM1 • • P• " " c,.,,_ 1 n o • T... ,ll J11 ==-~ ~:1 :: Fr!lt I t J 21 Ktlrl 2 I II t1i H•mttllU• I I 1 t 'OOll'l'A MESA LEAGUE llTANCIA Ct.U . ,. WllllllN 1 ll\ •vtler 4 17 HIY"' • ,. 1(1nr.n .. 1J o ... rn • 11 kNu_, • 12 \11llw1 I t Tllomff ' 1 Hllltt • 1 '*'"' ) J -'' MATflt 011 IHI• PT Tl' ... ' .. .. . • • ' " . " . " I n . " . ' . ' • ,. PT TP •1s 11 •1 •11153' 4 1S43"t S It J n . . ' ,, > 6 t It • • • 11 1 I I I COSTA MISA 1>11 •lll ll ' 11 • • •11'121 •1?2 1' 3 111), • ' 1 1• • 1 1 ll ' , 2 16 • ' • 16 • 1 0 ,, . , . . • 2 • • 2 I 0 1 IOROll fM) ._.... ~ ~ ~~ T: MEN • Ltt w fPIOke ~ou look JIOU" N1'fl ~":1:. ! 1; 1: :: best b~ 9etting onl!f of Si1' Walter'•!• WI --, 1 , 1, mous European Rotor Cuti. I I I 11 AN• , 1 .. 11 SIR WALTll"S I ltetcnrf ll .. • 11 --... HtlWIOn J 4 1 t -..Wfl"l1 ...... J AWAITS '',OLYMPICS" -Skipper Carrillo, Laguna Beach res1dent, is preparing for the first Regional Special Olympics at. the Coliseum July 25-26. Men- tally retarded, CarTillo helps Laguna High foolball coaches with equipment management during foot. ball seasoo and umplm tltthl League ·baseball games durtng the summer. hY!MM 1 1 1 1 • c:.t. M9lll ,)ftr' 1 I t .. '·-=-============--·====::! Cenn11 1 1 1 ,r - MUWTUl•TOll IUC" CMI ,.PTl'f'T; w11"" ' 11 u .s1 Clf1-• IT I " Tllornl1 4 14 I :D ...,,.11 ' ' 14 :a Dtll'fttwll 1 ,, s 1t W. 4f7U c... 41111 MCCIW'd ll I I IS Handicapped Lagunan 'r...ir 1111 POUMTAtM VAlln' IWI P• ,.,. ,, "' L'tfldil I M 17 " VtlllutM • 21 J 11 !!'!!.-....... . • II 11 U ...... ._. 111lt l(ttttlNt ' , 1 1 ~ , 1 J 1 Skipper in Olympics Rangers Tie LA Champs Sl!MI I J 1 1 By 1'0~1 GORMAN the 25 a n d Sl}yard sprint in and haa walched ll.'1..1-r In ;.~ : ~ ~ I ot .. D•!lr Pllol ,,,,, · 1 -~ --· swunm ng. action know• th.al F-'-•-·--• ,• '• ', 1 1 By GLENN wmTE H rob bl -K ot 111, o.r1y Piiot '"" e P a Y never thought In the county meet held in yeara he'• been umpirlDc the .. .,,,..., MAR•• c1ou• LOS ANGELES _ Despite that one da y he would be Fullerton May 24, Sklp-r took games. It's not uncommon to P• " PP '" Par .. ·u ·the I ,.._ "•-1 •1'44 giving away a pair of goals ~cipa ng 10 summer second p aee in the 300-yard see Skipper lo a white ahlrt ~IMH s 11 1 '' and getting of.f to a disastrous-Olympics. Competition is not. run, third ·in the 50-yard dub and tie, either walklQa or pedo ~=-I 1~ 1! =: Jy s I 0 w start. the Coast new to him, but the handicap and third ln the sortball throw. dUng on a bicycle to RJddle kDtt 2 ' , 1s Rangers tied the Yugoslav· of mentaJ retardation made He was competing in the 11-Field or the blcb tchoot field ::';., ~ ~ ~ 1~ American soccer team of San running in the Los Angelts year-olds and over bracket. for the ipb'lted rmtMfJ. y.,,,. 1 • • • Pedro, 34, Sunday afternoon Collaeum seem just a drwn:' The futett tiJne in the 50 Even tbouch the summer ~fi:''-' l ~ : ~ at sun-baked Rancho Cienega For Skipper Carrillo. a » wu t .I lflCODds. Skjftnltl' bueball=am la t"f. full ·G-9~ w;111 L1 cu1M1 ,_ n.uAlf. Sladi Y.ar~ld (.a id • h• red the r.-l'""M '°." -·-.a M.f.lllMA ft.I) um. ""' guna res en., IS cove diJtanc:e in 7 .I -... _,...., llWIY •• PT ,.,. TP ll was the pr•liminary till of dream ha s come true. seconds. Jn the 300, Sklp .... "'S on the hl&h school tract ,,.,..,.,,"', • 17 1 ' n the Am " k Tb·-•-th K ~ almoot ..t .. a .. ..-.&.1 .... _ .. --'•'" ,' ',,• ',' !! ericans vs Gree . llllJL:> to e ennedy 42.6 effort was second to a 38.2 --.u.3 ..... .....,. _., "'""" Mi.111111., - Americans of New York Na· Foundation, in memory of run. And. his 115-(oot softball bis mother, Allee Canillo, ~= ~ 1 : : ri tional cup finale won by 1be Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., the thrown was third to a 151-foot manning I.he stopwatch. ••' , 1 • 1• Greeks, l-0. first. Western Regional Special toss. Skipper bat one inore month ~r1 ~ ! ; l! Coach Brian McCauglley'1 Olympics will be sta~ed in the "You have a 30-year-old to reach his peat. Come July l.K1' • s i 1J •· 1 yin 1 · Collse J 1 25 26 _.. , 1..--. --,... .,,.0 be wurM11•n•1t t>11 n.o.ngers, p a g on y m· um u Y an • man wuo s IUC'ICping up with w ......_.._..,,. ..,og "'~-" ' 21 ,, s.1 frequenUy since bagging the More than 250 Orange Coun· hJgh school kids," Wtlli aaid. holding the ltopwatch. And the ~= 4 • '~ 1~ ~ Pacific League cbampionahlp ty "Olympians" will make the ••He's in pretty pod shape." tnct he'll cover will be like Ml""' 4 i t 1 32 in May, fell behind Z_. the first relatively abort lrip to the Skipper is not alone in bil none other he'• co v tr t d ~== ! 1 : : ~ half. The Yugoslavs got their Coliseum for the meet, which abilities on the tract. 0 ot the before. 1111d 3 1 • 12 first tally after five minute! is open to any 6tate west of boys that were 14. 15 and older Altboqh handicapped by ~kk ~ ; : ! when three Ranger derenders the Mississippi River . The ex· at the county meet, maybe 15 mental retardation •Ince birth. SANTA ANA LEAGUE eolllded, allowing the offensive peeled total turnout is 1,500. percent of them could go out Skipper's athletic history hu H1WP01tT HA1t1011 C"'' man to get through and pump The man organizing the for any hlgll tchool track team reached a mqrrltudt few ~an Hi..-... ~ P2~ '1~ T~ in his score. county participants ls Collie and Q'lake it. And aome of the top. ;:::======;==~I The second perfeclo came 15 Wells, Fullerton Parks and younger children are more At one LI.me, competing In O minutes later on a clean shot . Recreation director. •'Tb e than capable of running on a the Los Angles Colllseum L CAL However, the Rangers got theory behind this meet is to jbnior high team," Wtlla 1ald. seemed a· far wav off. When H• •tfi•r ,. • .,..,,,,.r till• v•u back to previous form by the show that the idea ol a men· Although Skipper can• t Skipper Carrillo cuts the tape ,....,, .... ,ry 41y, •bo11t wh1t'1 second half aod c 1 e a r I y tally retarded child must also participate· in intencbolutic at the finlah Une, his drum t•l"I •• i11 flt• 6r1•t•r Ol-1 1111 be ~ . all ded all Ill be allty c. ... t th111 tftti DAILY PILOT. outpl ayed the first division t1 .. ys.ic Y retar is sports, he's doing the ne:rt1....:w==.::'..:"!!'.""-·----.i-...;--------'J champions of the Greater Los wrong," he said. best thing at Laguna Beach1- Angeles League. "There are many who have Hlgb School They blasted in three goals never done anything like this Uuring the football seuon. the first 11 minutes after in· before," Wei.ls said. "We hope he was the ttaloer's right arm termission. Jim McWUliams to make known to schools that man seeing to a thousand and pas.ted to Owen Gorman who physical education is very irn· one behind-the«ene tasks. in tum found Hank Rulher and portant to mentally retarded And when the Friday night tht latter cranked in the children. There's no need to be games rolled alone. he was the Ra!lgen ' first goal. physically retarded." anchor man on the chain png. S ix ty seconds later Lelf "And Skipper ls a fine es:· His yelling revealed b(1 Werneld passed to Alfredo ample. We're almost the same partiality, but the omciall Maran and Maran found the age, but he's in a lot better didn't seem to mind. range to tie the score. Then shape than 1 am. He can run His dedicaiion was just as the Rangers went ahead on the 50-yard dash in 7.2, whlcb strong during the basketball Wemeld's 25-yarder afte r is faster than me." and baseb1ll seasons. going some classy ball handling There will be six events in with the teams on all the away passed the ball to t h e the Olympics, with different games, helplng teep track ol. TO PM. P.M. ONLY . PREMIUM* WHITEWALLS ANY SIZE Wood'l't Whi rl wu...., l'c•d Doull11 Atlrot Ludl;J''t Md>otll kll 1tth Wilmore Al!MC' Biii 81•N PonllK occ Clrtftlt l.•.,.. Mfl'lftl L-11 K11'1ll1 • w • • ' ' • Norwegian flash. age categories. Those events the equipment. L But then the defense again include tht 50-yard dash, 3oo-Baseball la Skipper's fll'lt • let down with 25 minutes to yard run, the standing long love. Anyme who'• aeen a Lit-~ go. No one attempted to stop jum p, the softball throw, and Ue League or Babe Ruth game 1 the winger, who was movingl r~,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;;;~~~~~;;:~:;;;;;;_;~:1 • • • • • ' ' • Ori n .. PKlllU -· T"" AMM ltll ' ' • ~ the ball on attack. He t ipped ~ unmolested and cranked in the tying sho,. $Mltl ...... '-"IVt H-fH1.W $11!fl AM ·~rOel Ill Mcicr-.Slltdlttllcll 111111 AM Vt llr'I Lii Ami- w • ' • ' ' • ' ' • ' • • • ' • McCaughey's group w a s playing withool regulars Eric Smith, Jackie and Har ry Ogilvie, Glen James and Jerry Dlwaoo . How They Stand National Lta1ue £ut DivlaloD Wm lAA Pct GB Chicago 49 26 .IM New York 39 32 .549 8 Pittsburgh SB 37 .507 I I SL Louil 35 40 .467 14 Philadelphia 32 :19 .451 15 MonlN!sl 10 52 .m 27* West Dtvislon Los Angeles 43 29 .m AUanta 43 JJ .519 i,;, 'Cincinnati 38 31 .$St 3~~ San Fran . 38 38 .514 6 llowton :19 SB .SOI 811 San Oeigo 27 St .St& It ...... .,.. It ..... Nlw Yll'll; 1, Plmbu""' 1 • Cflkaw ).I), Sf, \Aollk l•I ArlM!tl to Hwl""' > Ctw.IMIH I, k!1 l'nintitu> 6. 1t ....... Pllll~ll 1-S. ~ ... l .. 1 L• ..._..., ). llt1 01'19 1 T....-1•-Cl'llCHO !HW .., « LlfNlldl t-fl ., ~' filteiN .. ,,. ftltihl Ptll~l9 1Jtcl1911 M l If l"MI• .._,..., flEllW. 1-n. llftflt NtW 'twt IMCAlltrtW 1-tl •I St. \.111.1• ll l'tNt W ), 111111! '(ll!CiMett ((11111Mtt ""l 11 Allell- '9 (Hltttr1 11·11. 1111'1! SM ,r1f>Cfteo l.WC"'"lcfl Ml t4 if" OfMo (Klrb'rl 1'f), ftllfll Amertc111 Lape East Dlvtalon Woo Lott Pct GB Baltimore SS 2t .'724 BOfitOO 43 31 .581 11 Detroit 39 32 .549 131..it Washington 38 39 .494 17'11 New York 36 42 .462 20 Cleveland 29 44 · .397 14\.ii West Division Oakland 40 10 .67t Minnesota 40 33 .543 11\ SeatUe 34 39 .466 7'h Chicago II 40 .437 I \\ Kansas City • 43 .411 ll'h Cb.lifornia ~ te .352 15~ -·-(~ S-l. ,...... Ylrll: 1.f w~i.. Soi.••*.._. o.t..it •J. ••llllMr't ... 1(-C/ly 1·1, Mir'! ...... 1-11 Olli....., U. Cl'lle•.o W C1lltomll t, Sffttle I ,....,.,o......, Calltomll !McGlotl'IU11 ~7) 11 Kiii' .. C1IY '""""' •21. """'' W ....... fC:.-•ll 11 G........,_. (H-1'1 Ml, llflllf M"-ffl (KNI 1.fl 11 ~~to t~"l),t11ill!f , ..... ,,~ Callfemlt 1t "'""' Cttv, 111'!11 '"" .... 0.-11~ llfolll 11~ 11 Ntw Yori!;, rtlfl'll W111'1~ II c....-.1d. "10l'll ' Eyeryhouronthe · · Losi\n!ieles&S..fnmdsco! ~ . L .. ,,~ h""' . • • t. . . [I• ' ,' 10 ,n, !< • •,• ', •, • PSAgiwes ,_.111. "" .. ... '' PW**'H• ••••woas.• ........... , FREE! ... ,,,. ......... _ _,,.,.., ........... ca...-.0..-.... -......... __ ·-··••lmMtiNSiWI , IUY FRIEDOM FIREWORKS AT THISI llG STANDS Cotta Meta ton CLUI OP NAllOI AllA fk.l-lllW.1Mrt9Pf .......... tt..J:-111L1M ltfllllt to'f SCOUT TIOOP MO. Ill Jttl ..................... . LO.I. CMUICH NIWPOft llACH WAID l/WC...-... ·-- DM• POST 11 .. 191 I/WC... _ _._ -- I I 650,;13 700.13 12.S•l' 155,;14 . .., .... 735Jtl5 775.111.4 115x15 845x15 88.Sxl 5 900x1S 915xt5 Pl• f,f ... "' 1.19 .. 3.01 "'*'"""' .......... ... tiN I"....._ ..... i. ... _ ................. , ... .........., .... -... ... .. -"· .... --.. -, 40,000 MILE BRAKE JOB ""4.44 ... __ _ ::::=-..:...-:=:n..:.:-.. -·----·------·--·---=-=----:... .... "':~~ __ ... _ .. ___ ........ =-..: =--=: :""..,::; ...:-::-.: ==-:....~...: .. -·-· ----=---~-~ ----- I 1 ' I ) I I • ' :,, !. I ' • ' ,( ·• ~ ! -; • 1 1 •• :I ' ; " ·' .l f I ' I ' I ' I I I • ...... ft !\oll~ ~ PILOT --. ---Mo!!· J.,. '°; l '169 • I Marlin • GIANT CATCH -Ted Nift.zgtt'of Ne~rt Beach and Beverly Hills, claimed the "first fish flag" for broadbill-recenUy.wben be brought in this .hefty, 300- pound broadbill o(f Santa Blu;bara Island. Boot captain j)j)n Pearsall •lands 'by. Naftzger fougtit the broadbill fot · five hours, 20 minutes on 80-pound test line. Los Alamitos Falcons Entries Clobber l t iliill::' ,.,,.-ii:,·,~;::i:;:c::oa&'"'c~"' .. "'"""""''"',.""""""..,.,;,""" Biles, 15-1 ,. I I • ' I I I ' I • ' I LOS ALAMITOS ENTRiES MON I ,. Molllll••· Jlfne •• 19'~111 Hl•~I Clllr fi f'nt. F.,._I ... ,. 7145 "A .I '°"'' old•. Cllllfrll'nl. Pu"e Cfalmll'e l>l'IU UOOC R«*Y e ..... ...,... ccirdoul llrNk To 'Wiii IDnverl klcaw J0<r Julca lA!loHC1) T1111 Bf'\IQ (Morrl1I R~CHCrolib\I) FIY~ 8-(Rfkv) Wlnnl1111 liClllr (II: lllnllsl Met!<> Siu-, tH.n) Oonlkl 81r fl ka"lsl lofl.ione (Rlr:Mrilol AIM l!!llt1W. 1\600, "' "' ,. •» ,. .. •• '" '" ,. Oue1t ~ (D 81nk1l Red E1"9 hr (2 lil>lllm) "' "' ' -,,. ''"'" M:e; jsfl v>IJI•. ' ~•r olcll. Cl.llm1119 .... )o'Uf'W • IUOO. Clllm- l"ll Pf'lc.t usoo. fN1ttr Che~ (C1r0D1tl TWG "t~rv Five (Ore~rJ Cau"' Cl1f'I~ (R 91rlk1) ~~~ ~tli:~~·.\r..1 flun.;r1 Phlfal 11.;p1i...,1 Ki~nnt'I hbe (51aPIJ Nlflv Netto lH eras.DY) Jo l!urrtt.1 (W"'Vu111l ,t..1H1llo. l ulu lMOtrls) '" "' "' "' "' •• "' •• '" '" SlilTH •A~. B nrdl. J WM Oki\ Ind uo 111 Grede A P lus. Pune StlOO. • lr • Golden. West 1Cot lege preventea Ward's P i r a t e s from sWeeplng a doubleheader in -.the Meropolitan Baseball League Sunday by blastlng the Pirates, 15-1, at the OCC dia· mood. The Pirates bombed Cal State Fulle.r:too, 11·1, in the first .game, Wald! Tiit Bl•Ole !LWt.m) zi.11> ll•t (SlrlUUI 110 Soni< --(H C~I 116 "(ioJden Wea\, playing \µIder tho name of the Embee Falcons, was _paced by right fielder M~o PJMs. who drill· ea 1'1Ve1 hils 'in six at-bats. drove in two • runs, scored three times, and stole three bases. 111 DOn Pueblo (l ~Ir) I Ii Firs! Futur11v (1 Kt~l Oldlrv's B«iy Go (SmllfoJ 1'0 l!oniour .l•'•HlelM IP-l Ill Ill , Mr, P~ ht (I. Smi111l 111 Sl!(OftD lll:ACa. U0 v1'11\. l ve•r 1lcll 11111 "' 111 ~ .... A Mlnvl. P<lnt ""'°· . Jl.twl C-v CPt!hG) C...., Fltt (MOJrlsJ Sl•'l"s ll••llJefl llkMlrbolo r1e1u 1c1r<M11~1 FOllv Ner1c tl~hbm> CMn! Time (APOC!at.1! MY 81• Moon l"'dilr\ \11\~y Buttoon !1 H•rl! hnl!ro41 Bob (II: 81 .. 11 Rtla,,.,.,...o Neor1s 1Smll~1 Alli lllllllt Drtflcly V1N>r Ct Hll'I) 11"'11UndV llou (1C1nl,l Hobler llOCll:tl IW11,...,1 Ttie LHI Cti.rH IW!e~l"!ll Tl4U!O RACE. l~ v1nh. n1r okll. PurM 11600. S.HY flNCf (l i ..... m) lto fll Y 0 111 (Cltdou) llttlt CO!lltsw /Wll1onl T"'°T II"°' fllr tP1nio) fllue ZHl!yr 1 lmlftl'J Slltflt .SC-ID fll'*SJ T"" Faur 1C1y 45llfld'le0 ' A Goin' Man Cit f11,..1l T1nv·1 TomDOY (H11'1) ,.1 .. llllt !bt1 llrttrin' /Ad••n lft'I 11~ .. a p MD<">) Mooi.r. G1vff Pl.iffy) "' "' '" "' "' ' " '" "' "' "' '" "' "' ". "' "' '" "' "' "' •• ,. "' ,. '" '" 'OUltTM ltAC!. l'° ''''"· l ~1r Dick -.... in G••"" • Plu1. Pur ... '"" O.n'1bll IP111o0} J.,.,, Pe! t Fiii<' !W1l'IO"f .hlllnt Jcilnn• IHirll OclUtl °""t" fViO ll'l'Y) Gelll fllt TDD IR Blr\11.11 P,.ln!tt"1 Mild U l,..ion1ml Grl!Cll (APCldK1 I Go Flo'ltle Go Cl w •• ,,,.l Jtl A!l«lo; (IC1nl11 Alli Ch1rgfr (M1•!u~•1 Al .. lllltob't M¥111v's Tor~ !) Wr1~~11 •11en1 Grau!ld IC1rdo111 "' "' '" "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' Hall Clown (Mlll'Tit) 1!1 TOP Tlllld (l'lal'IJ• Ill 110f"'M'• De!>1tl fWftsonl 111 Mldw1r Miiiie {R fllfllcl\ lU Go H•rberl Go (Slrtunl 11' ,,,.,. Rocke-he IWlllQl\1 II ~ Alla EHtMll1 MtCov•s 81be !Clr0Dl1J JP! Mt Jtl 12 Smit~) ICIPIV'I C~l>o<>Se jl(anlsl Midw1v Oa!ldV (1 Adair) 111 The Falcons broke lhe game ::: open In the third by collecting 116 •a triple, a double, two singles; a~d two w~lks. in·scorfni five runs. S'EV•HTl4 RACE. 350 y1n:l1. 3 vt1r o•d• 1nd uo in Grade AA Ml!ll>I. Purw \1900. 111 'Mle Pirates filled to score ::: unUI the la.st nilling as Falcon 11• ·pitchers scattettd s e v e n Oalld• Moolah Mr. ~ Ch.ftr~ 1 (W1tsoo) Dlci<fV'l Glm {Smltt.t Sugtr!Own Drill tM<.RtTnoldJ) "' l!ar BoW ~~ CA.Dodtr•l Olli fir.MY CR 81M•) Go Go EHi. CLl<>l'l1tn1 aeeo. Go fMorr!1) 113 1l!ingles through the first eight. 0 1 frames. · '" no Jn the first gam~ of the 113 twinbilJ,. the Pirates wert aid- ed by the wildness of Hustler pilchffi&. The Hustlers gave up six walks and three wild Mlnr 9<! Sure rtt.rt} AIH l!l thlll MY Ken\ct 11 5rnllll) l'm f11rlo CP-1 Do4ldn1ms fRldllrdsl O.UI« CSl&Ptl EIGHTH II.ACE. 400 vu·.i.. okh Ind \IJI j fl Grade AM Pvne 12600. The "1ll>Mlrn. N_.-jflla (MOrriil Tlil~ &o IC•r-1 Mldnl9'11 ~ (f'Ml1K\l LlihlTllN Rlclle {Ad1lrJ Miu P8'r 81r fPllll!l l Ito.In ~ ISn\ill'IJ 1!1r Llllle De>a CLkl!Mlml Allmlr1I Red {IC111l1) "' "' "' '" "' "' "' '" "' '" '" '" HINTH iACE. Sol• Y1tdJ. l n 1r ~Id$ 11'111 \IJI, Allow1nctt.. Purw 11600. Swtfl OeetOlll (Wrlt~!J llJ Mr, l-Sl'IOI (HIN) \IJ Dto>HI 90I' ISmllt>) Ill B1rtomtll CSlaPl!J tH T~ flit Min !Llot.H,,} JU OUlcii: M Vin (Clrtlo.r:tl 11'0 fl<lbllv 0. luxe IRlcfl.,d1I II' pitches lD I.he laa. UlCOHI (ISi " . ..-. .. ' l>lnt1, ,.. • M<N'rt¥. tf • It idlfnt.on. lb ' ,_...., ' MeGudlll\.'&S • Moll, H • E.,_r, 1b • cnv11, 1 ' Ou1ee~. » ' THct, c ' fl\IUI, 0 ' 9 1alce. • • Tlll1l1 ., • ,,.AT!S Ill •• McNe111. 11 ' Cllrk, u • IClflt, ('f • • H Rll ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' , • ' • ' ' ' ' ' • ' • • ' ' ' • • • • • • ' ' • • • ' •• • ' " " " • 14 Jlll • ' • ' ' ' • • • Deefl Sea Fish Report P....ell, ;lb • • ' • l e1vv, II ' • • ' T rweno, 1B ' • • • llkkr. t ... l • I.. .ii WICl<erst>tm. " ' • ' ' Crl1p. " ' ' ' ' boltorr. 1• ,,..1-1111. l1 1111111u1, ' •w~t. !le boflJhl, 411 blrrKVd1, 'S' tt Hco tHn .. s.a ••l'ld bil•>. 1'1 roclt ... LONG •l,-CH Cl>Kil"ic ~W'ltltlllntl , .. -lt-rl · I w ltct...Noll. 11 bilrr .. tu<la. 1,:111 bmio t ll.llltMll. Ul 11o11;111. II•-Pit<"J-llt 1"91H1: J b1rr.- alde, l! bls1. Jl °"'1iro. 1 M llllu!. M rott COii. •~. n 1"!11t<s: Jt, tin .. lM ._..to. I Mllbul. 11>i...,.e1Jit t. ... 1ntl-l3t -IRni • 111rr1aoct., tfl ~·u.. 511 benlto, 1 Vt!l'-111~ 1 11111-"''· SAN CLEMIENTIE-!'111 ,,..ltn: ne tin, W bot>it(I, •It INl,..wdt, 1 .,.11i.v1, 'IEAL lliACH-16l 1,,_le-•11 It 111•· '1ICU111 • ..o bOrllto, aJ Bn1. 1n roi:k cod • .,.,.,., 1S1 1/!llfft1 1f be•rlCllCll. 110 llOfllto, :is 1>.111. l'n roclt cod. OCIEANSIOE-:IOO ,,,_ieo: U6 INlr- •KuC11. 1.att bin, tn blltllto, I Wf!I~ Ht bona. ~ 'lell!lwt111, Al roct COii, 14 Mllbul. l>O•T HlrlHlMI --IN 1nt~r1: 1.111 ttllto 11111. 1t ~111bu1. I Crt ln. c • • ' • l>ll't<tr •• • ' • • W1llttf. ;ti ' • • • Tlll1ll " ' • ' . ' . """" '" 911 '1~15 u • l>lr1tn 000 OOI' OGl-I t I ,,_ ....... (ll) " • M Jlll McNH!¥, II • ' • • C .. ..-. H ' ' ' • k'ln!il. d • ' • • le1.,., .111 ' ' • • TrOTll'!I, rf •• • • ' Wtl!K1, .. , ' ' • lllCIH. c ' • • • Wldf1'111'1em, " • • • ' 01rl0Jon. • ' • • • Tolllh u " I • .. • H 11;11 McNe1ty, :Ill ' • ' ' ci • ..-. u ' I · ' • IClfit. cl • ' • LftYf, A ' • ' ' C1tn. lb ' • ' • ltlOtr. t ' ' I ~J Wfll,11••· u ! • • 'dlffller. ti • • Plnl11, 1 • ' ' Tet1t1 " • • • L HuUPPgton Bane Fans Loses, 8-1 . . . 11J DlYE CIWllJ!;Y Western Hijh Sdoqol ol Ana!>eim "''° swtncb>1 ltoln the hee1t Frldoy. aiPI at La P'!)ma Park ~ burl«! ffun. Uiigton Ha~r · in -'I n .\muican. l,.egloo -. a.j., The Hllllllngton team scored a run in• the first inning but were limited to only two hits in seeing its record awindled. te 1-3> 'Jbe run resulted when Bill Shubin walked. stole second and BCOred on Tony CiartlU's single. : . H°uNTIMOTOM W~llfllld, IS """ ... MalS. c ,_,,, C1&r11ll, 3b --.. .. c;.111, d , Mist: d f'<it1'1r, rf Mblln. 11' ~·-... -T-• 'TO!lll Hunt. H11'!1oaur We111111 • 14AJlM>U• (0 , " , • w J I f G I I 1 0 2 ••• J ••• t I I 1 , . . . t -· •• • .,,.. 0 0 t 0 0 • .... 0 I f 0 I 1 I 0 0 fl • • 1 1 100 Olio a:.,.., j 2 000 =· ~ jj 0 ..................... san ClellMm&e, F o u n t a t n Valey, N..p'on 'llArbor and MldWay ctty all·n6tcbed ~ Sa-y • ll!d Sunday · I n Amerl<jm Lqion lweball •<· tion. . . • ' A one-hlJ~ liY M)dway Cliy pllclJer Ed Baiio bltdillghted a game. lo wbich FU~8rton was de/eatl'd, "· &qe re=dec! 19 atrlkeoula In Ille contost. On!T a lilnll• In lbe .. v~lh mari'<d S.0.'s JJ¢ormance. ~ , win lilked ' ¥idwats ,eci>rd te .-s .. San O}emente ~ a pair ol ·wini; edging tee~"" New,POrt squad, ~2, Ind slip-·.Plng,~ :Anaheim Kobne, 0-4. .. , SAM CLIMl!H'T• (0 .. . •uo Olrl1'9flttl\. u .-. .. _ .. Twmi. d -· Wtllllt, c Ollln.11t. ff Mdt"'9111. If K191'Nn, lb Sldntf', l"I &ovll. lb Prw!, p P•r11f1D, t Tot11, s • 2 • •. ,. 2 • I l I I I "! • 1 i 5 I I I I I I I 1 • • • I · I , 0 t J I 1 D I 1' I 0 • • • 0 ; '~ 1 : llS 12~ TUBELESS l ANAMl:lM .KOMMI l(I 411 • .. kl TW!lr1 Stl Plptt, l"I S 2 I Sl.,111141. lb .f I I '""'· If ! • t ~~~ !"· ~ ·: ; Fl"fOdl, c ,' · • 01 ' o1 MUrrlffD, U '-'ffllltl. cf , • • 0. Tiil-. ,.. ,' \ •, '• l.Jo1191larl, ' : Totalt U ' 4 S 4 ··,JCM IW IMI• : \ . It". ', Sin Cll<nliM 100 OIO on-..s It • ~ Kfh1111 200 llOO •l'Otr-4 t I N~!>i)ltT' 14Al!tO• .ti! , • Aa •1 H•tl MtUM,lb t ,l-11 1. .. vy.11 l' '. P•tt.111 "" I' 2 1 St1ttonl, • • • •I I o Kint, 't • t I I F•lff, er ~ ., O I \11l}lr,... lit . J •· o t llllndllrd, rf 2 i" • • Wtbon. ' 1 • • • Trwtoo, 11 f I f I Titt.11 2' f A 1 U.H CLl'MllCTI! CO · 1; Sri!llW,<t •• " • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • • • • • • ' • • M ltll • • . ' • • ' . . ' . ' ' . ,, 4' •· ' : : ... • • . ' ' ' Crl#tfl, I ' I Morrow,, a • • ,ltldtr. " • I l"lUtflmtr, .,:J l I t:."'~. ~ ~ fllrtoll. I' 4 • Tol•I• , • SI I ,~.,...., ..... c-., ...... , ... ltt-l ~,. AN 'llllf't J:ll IOf 1111-f • ,OUMTAltrl "ALl..l.Y en) •· , Al , .. H llll We~1mp. 211 • r , J ' H111'!UtQll. N ,, :t" J I WJI~ • • I ~1, 1 I' H •II Sllltrl9jl. a . J I f t 10Grl~11 •t•I• l 1 V1mev, cf ' J 2 1 1 ; ~ :~~,.., ·~ :~ : ~ a I lf!.,,_,·!'f S I' f I ,.~ ...... rl 1112 I l "}Glil.•11~ • .I 1 f I I I "'-,...,., 111 I f I I t 1 J.F'C*,o, I I I• t • 1 TD111l. • :tt 15 1r 11 I f ~ S.,..ltr_...... • 10 J • ·-· ll6IN Gf' ...... , lft Oii ...... ., 4 I . '. ••• > I ,Ulltrtori IOI Ill oot--1 I 1 M ltll Min.1 Cltv •I 1• llb-4 t I ~ ·~ .:..·. • COllCIMA Hl ::1: ~I H •ti FOUl!ftln Yl,I. lD2 221 Ux-.p 11 f ••w,0•1 MA••H m Al It M Q I ' ' ' . ' . • • ~ : . ' ! •t ' . . ' ~ . : ~· .Mllltr, c • "' ' • 1 • 2 ,s.i.,:111 ••1• 1, ClililtPrn. 11 "·' • ,t 1 o. I I Mfmo1¥ rf ' I t I ~. ~-'(lfttl.,~ • 0 0 0 1 0 18'11111, lit A, I I I 0' fltll!W.:111 '" • •••• I 1 . rt.HMr, I I I I Joiw-t. .. J ' I 0 I 1 •0Toltll 1 35161. ·t 6 r ,Lt CMnl• ~ 1 , 001 2IM )Ol)-11 Sew• llr llllHI• . " .. aoo·aet OOll-2 • 1 001 001 '1 11--4 t 3 CotQ!lol de! Mir tOll 1DO 1100-I • 'co•OMA Dll MAI UJ ' . .. ... 1>1linlr, Ct ,. $. 1 H Jltl ' .. TtD\llnGo 2111 • 1 I I Mallnofl, lb J • • • "-!l. :Ill " ,. J 2 !;!'~'!J.•,JA S I I I ... ...... 1111 F•ler, cf I 1 ! ' SlandM,,t. If t , • I • Whflr, "" I t • I "'"'-"'· rf 1 1 l 1 D lnlul,. c I •• • I Si.flri " 2 I ' ' Sdlotllltr, 11• k ~ I I TD11J1 21 I ; I ' ....... ,, ...... ·•". Anlh. • 1>_.n011 ,.,-,., 1~1 I 1 N~ H1rtior on tar __, 1 ' •.•. r· .All SIZEs ·oNE PRICE! SAVE UP m s37 PER SO 1 ON 4·PLY m.DN .C.ORD TIRES~ • BFG's biggest-selling 4-ply ti~e! • BFG Custom Long Milers! -.· • "Big Edge'' long mileage tread! • Easy terms with llFG "Choice-Charge:• 3·1N·ONE SPECIAL! lncluda: ' FRONT ·WHEEL BALANCING FRONT END .ALIGNMENT BRAKE , l~SPECTION & ·ADJUSTMENT TOlSl~N IAl ADJUSTMENT & PAl:T$ IXTµ, . /' SIZES OFFERE0°' · .. :1~~' ais-11 :1;s.1s , \ '7.15-14 l~l~ US-15 : 1.25-14 7J5.j$ . 1:55-15 ' ·~ _,... ... _ .. . ~·u~).._ .... _. ... '" Wliitewalls 13'111~ per tile. ·• · ¥OST AMll:ICAN ••• FOlll•N .,. .. ~ .. BRAKE -R .ELINE ' • • • 8 • I '' FOR IOST CARS COS A M .ESA JONES ., TIRE ,: SERVICE . WESTMIN·STER .. . ' ' " .. L.: J~ LITRE'S Big 0 Tire 2049 HARBOR BLVD. !At jay! . .. 73~2 WESTMINSTER AVE. 'I PHONE 540-4343 or .646-4421 • :P.l:IONE 893-5572 ' DAILY 8 am • 6 P.m • ·Sat. TII 5 pm DAIL YB--J.pm • Sat.ms pm OUR OWN BUOGE.T PL.AH , • MAST ER CHARGE · e 'IANKAMERIC1'RD •I I . i" Mli• RMI.ti A91 '""'*' Tli1 S11Ml•r ~•ie, Tti1.0ut1e1H1 tf.Y.P'.D .. The W-4111.0ty Mo'lit , fo111 J1p111, Ju~~1h1 ~Ml Sq"''• etMI The Swl1191n •11 A,IO-T¥ 'ihh S"r1Rf •• I ... .. " ' ' "6'J!rme•v Op•' · _SCR Offers Strong Musical Subscriptions Mounting in Laguna • , .;... ''Jm)S 'Wllb lhe.,.,... al die new Jl'tnacca, II wW open In -.,. a1ao olland· a 1111 _.,.....,. .. ....,, La-Moult411 P1aJ11ouoe,.. S.plember. 1U1>11ant1a1 -.., ..,. of lbe iiddoil, -~ mlbon ·wlll ly • "" -.... , ' (ltlllr "1111 In .__... !lit ----.......... fl •• • .. al ' clilde "Dlll1 Drlnli ll1t to 11n. Nohllw· M -• ,..._ -................ -..la .. _........ _ .. no i.u.,. llacl ...,_ ud new l!lbocrtptlooa -" "Cldw J'lower •·.------------------°' the JM;•• 'ille 1INr1IDL twice ii Taal D o u I r 1 t I • fclr tbl tint .uon ill the new "r....ii Dly'1 JoumeJ laio Wiiii a ...__.'!I,~ tllal Jllatthj lld'li1aod tllioYa bee.. -lll'O lirfonUn&, lo, ~ J'iipt" and "l'lua 8ullo." Wllb ftl . amliitlous and hlChlJ imprealve prodlictlon ' of B r t C h t ,' I 1"lbreepeaoy Opera,'' SOotb Cout lloportory bas -a .... overdue atep lnlo the rulm GI musical theai.r. mJclll .. boaril -Ille oonllnJ to· playhouoe ....... ~far'. --..-. J-...... llllo·lyricol· •lor -W~ber -· a lllljllC« !rm& Nolzlier. A>· ouch tt ts a healthy 1lep indeed, tor Kurt w·, 111•1 "TNa TN••U•lllNY °"14" A. rrMIQI ..... ..lnlt •Ndlt .,.. ICwrt w.111. 41k'KtM 1tr J-1 • P'~, ll'Mkal•lflnidtr Wiii*" lfaH. .............. o.Vfilr i-. ----.., Mlftl 11.-. 11111""9 ..... .. ... ,..,-,, ~ TllurMen ......,. ~ Ullttl July If 11 Sou$ C-1 ="""' 1127 "'""""""' llWO .• C .. I• T ... CAJf M8Cll .._·K111N., .......... , ...... Ju... P'"4Y l"eMtlum ........ E1&1,.. l•nk•tori Mn. li'f9dll.tl'fl ........... C.rol K,.1'ltl' J. J. ~ ............ .larnt1i .. ~ .. T!Mt' 1""""1 ............... Ht.lh "•I'll · Lky ·-· ............. la.wy Mllti. ,...,., Of\otr ............. Tll\I 00....ltM l"lldl .•.••. , ••.••..••.. Mlc:tlMJ Dlulllu strW • tl-.......... Merle l!rkll- ._...,. K....i. ••••• 8rM ,lhMl'•ld we Ooftry ...••.••• , ••••. Jjm W•rifttl • tti. Slw ............... 11tclbtr1 O!I• Smlltl· .•••••.•• ,.,.,. •....•.• O.rv Cott.r StflY ••••• , •••••••••• M1rtti. Mcl'•rl~ Ooil'I'. • • •,, ••• •• , ••• , • , , "-rtr1 l.n.tftl ~ ...................... C.rof A..-C~i.( ............... , .... C.rllllrn ,.,.. ......... • . . • Sim ll"tll'11. Mlkt Ltft"""' toque-twisting score for the Bnchtian '!!'<rilltY p h •y makei 1lllWiial dernancll on I b I 1 herelolore llOIH}'ljcal c.Qmpany, ahd tM stretch is ')0('81icSDa.IJy C~aL However, 1 l"l&h '°9Pe: poWtffuJ voices in the ~ singing roles, the en<t ~ · l.s a atroog, well slruc:· 'luftd productlon. . ,~· the tiUe implies, the ' •how · leans:· toward't operaUc ~ . ' ' . pre:sentl:UOnj. wUh 'the down center-portion of tllt """ lluult stage belnc •Wiled to lh e Mlest eotent. Miliicauy, lhe plly r<acha Ill cllmas al t b e rlole of the leCCIDd act when t b e entire cut bean down vocally upoa the au- dience to pound home its pungeot point. Set in Landon'• seamy Sobo dlalrid a hall «!>l!liY .... "Three,penn1 aper." episocllcallx lollow1_ I b c lortuaeJof111 .~ hero, MacHealb, u •be at- tempts 1 to remain one ltep ahead of lbe ..... while Ille ·rorca.arouad blm team up to do him in.,.: • Pe(er JMOD pVa a ·lusty, vitaJ Interpretation of. the fabl· ed "Mack the · JCni!e," u. . · Crossword Puzzle ACROSS t elio b•hlf ..,,, ·~"' I t Hu•ble ~art or •'fD be'' I t lck person l~''l•!tnd: 1 t wards 11~r.\:'°'' .. sul,ide ·, lliltt:Uft 2d Clrt:ula.r 21-rose 22 -blonde 23 Let It sta 24 Range 1roups I Z• D~rtt ol heal: I Abb" ?•Miss luflno 31 FttqUtn ly 31 Ntw York rtstlurant ..... Ill Drift &crolS tflt track: 2 words"~ 13' """'"'" 31 lefo,. · 3t Uses up 41 ElsYtolng · nnirt CJ lllt . 4• lout14 4• Color 411111 of yam tt upen: rrtfix SI haHUIYt .... 51 fl'tf(tl ve by tu 52 Fast 54 Tillrd: ltenx 51 4li doitn in ancient .... 6D ll•n's nlckn1111e '1 Obllltra.tt 61 Envious ll'lltiCe ii Capoblo of being changtd '" Part·of a TV stt •1 Lakes ''State '' Dlsplt1s1d 70 lnr a•JY 71 Endln1 •sed •Ith btar and bull DOWN 11967 and 1'70·tvtnts 2 "Rta\f1- · --! : 2 words 3 Las Vegas procluc"tfon 4 Th• Royal C1n1dl111s, 1.g. . 5 lllu111lnlltd 6 Arlstocr.1·cy 1 "-. .SU.:,*J:'': t ··~1~:: s "'30A• • -•attr 40 Ge dlffertnl 10 Anl•ala ~ ways 11 Down 42 Cosa -: •• --·: Rtpott4 · ' 3 words cti•l11I 11 Hnvy ftOUll drinker 45 Havlnt 13 COi!IP•S.5 two equal point fltar,:ll• 1111th n_o ~t pets t ictlltff . t 41 Dt1•atist 2:4 111111 • 5l l ilhla: . con'ttt1l'111t COllb. fw• 21 ,. ... ~1 · 55 J•l!lll . of Waln:: ~ r•ldtr 2 wOfds 5• Saill ""' ?7 Saauel . bodl11 , .I. -57 Efftctlft 21 A•'tanc• 1•••1 •f on waps. enforc•"" 30 lark l•ft St (1W•ely by •blow 61 Scottl1ta 33 Offlct of, · : C.tllc a Judft .. ._ 62 Stltlellal)': 14·1a1tl....._, • Abbr. . "'AltrlC"'• f •t 111 tfwll 37 D.,•t • H Al• I 2 l 5 ' 1 • IO II " .. " .. •••••••••••••••• • • -. • • • :· • • • • • • . . -· .... Invective UR bolls Gf'llP'Mic bm•nllor pldure of I be AwallinC aibocrlben lor lhe -ibe looUlpq. Jtnetwalbr'o Ille. 11n1 ...... at lhe ~ EJolne BuUtoo aa • Illa •Well drilled under I he Moulloo Play-will beo a .-,_ illlde 11 •<Po!:e« P'<IM -of J-de ...., ........... ~ ~ c 11 ti "'J . Illa• ~ ibe ensemble ...... .::tJo;;I ,,:' .,;;;:;;:i;.;.,~ Bauotoa II Ide \o th llrrotrinf the · pnc memhen -dates ud P<OCllcllri: fll>1l!eally and dr-!Qlly .... ibe r..t 1111>1 d1llrt<t ,trll '1ailer' the ... ao&edule, ..... -.'jual lhe n,bl ·bleiid of .. esc e p ti on ally well -wW run f« two ·-==~-~~ ... ~._:_~Yidel' Emmel'.... -of llne, allowlnc ... , . . -",J>Uft .....,.. ,_.r Ill -dltloaal pcoducllom to be ,,...... to watch. beth· the mood ud Ille flal'O< llaBt<f during Ille regular . Tiie leOtber limp of Cpol of the ·~ o1um. subecrtpllaa •aeries ~· .. Piii, to µ... fest by "lbe o-.tdtol .~ of the 'lbe•llnt o11ertai la the new Woll!'• .......... ~.and ·---to fie.the Inability. Ilg IUl lbeol<rwill be Robert ' ~n.PJ!~~-of'~llnt.....irva~. of man to learn from hll Alldenon'• "I Never Sang for m r~ q K mlltali:OI ud hll,~~!R~~ 1fy Filher." Slqed by the Equally lmpftlllve II James mertlal to -• w~ arllllic ••-~-John Bases, ailn& a few )'e01I and Mack II la lll«bl from the In,. -· ~~~. • few pouadl to plaJ the bel· but .-Ills ...-for . • pn' klil(. Tbelt lamilJ -to aJow blm don --l!lllllber with Illa Baabtoo ii and twice be II betrayed "1 ..,. of the lbow'• IJIUlical lhe lat.r remorllful Jeaey, hllbllgbts. la the closing mammt, "''-II• lleatb Park slva a fine ac-have a . .,._i satire Cll 111e1• count of lhe wuk-wllled pollee thelt.r itaell u a -commissJoner, 1'hlle Sandy arrivt1 just in lime to llft Ne 0.. ........ 16 A .. I ..... ~ -the ..... of a Mack'• neck from Ille -. llrief ..ie u hll daught.r with The plaJ apts I« a ha~ • . ~~ llA11 11 .11 ~::a ~ci!t..._P IO•IT•lll -.perb eomil: pmfomllnce '"'lbe 'Ibreepemi'J Opera" -.i,.,. ·' ESSY tnn. . bis role as tbe Jittery wW be st.pd w • t k e • 4 1 =" .PERSSON 1 begpr, and lalu .. the lhn>ugh July and pouibly !plllll'I ........,,... 1-r al lhe Tblnl Step Lm ellectlve music.Uy but Tbealtt, llZ'I Newport Blvd. la . C(edilablo .. Ille ........ downtown Colla 1i1 .... ,..,. •••ll•i lo "THE THOMAS CROWN. AFFAIR" COMTINIOll lltOW IAILT PIOM J P.M.. NOWIHOWI• 0...11 Sh•rif "CHE" -P1uf H1-•11 "HOMBRE" (f'\l ll0\11 ~ ~EJ e STAm WIDNDDAT e Dcutllft nteAHMINT J SHOWS N .. HTLY """" -J:M • t:4f ,.... _ J:JO. 1titl r1uu.11Gwrr PICnJU3 ,._, ·-·.. . -"' FRAN co 1.EmRELl.I ,_,, ROMEO . crJULIEf No&n:i1n...,-.,,.. ~~- OUllTANINN• NATVlmt "SKY OVER HOLLANO'' • • • • • • • • . • • ~ . ()~SIAR; • • P0PP011ni ./ .......... J . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • u.£~ stlrrill( ...... Twist lscJ"hrnct ····-Sll;Mc ... • llt T--lba• -·••11111 • ·-• ·--• • • • Sien 111 '!" 10 I'll • • • • ............. JllJSltlnill ... • .. l•t I i'-• • NmMll•Pllirlll • .. cmi • ............... • • lll[ .-nm,,,... • ........ ,.... ...... _ .,.. .............. w.. .............................. .......... .... ... .................. --·--................. ,,.. .. ",,, llllill.Tllt __ IM_, .. NI......., ......... .... .,., .. . ...., .................. .... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • '' • v•-• ·•' •0.• •'"f••, ~E "V\T PORT. '• (-..-, -. , l;..1--· :" • '•' WUT COAST PllMJIU THIA1'11S ' . 1armar1uom .. , . ,_. ~ c..,....,,.,~""· •• CONTINUOUS DAILT IAT-11 A.M. AN-11 P.M. MON' TUD noM 1 P.M • YOU'LL LOVE HERBIE the ktct'9dlblellttl• earl IND WALT tllMIT HIT • • • • ' ·-··. 11 lllf I 1•W' ,...., .............. J••.-. • :]-~~~~~~~~.-.. .• _.,, ...... • • • I • • . • • • •••••••••• HAPPY H1•1 • 11111,, _...blllllll. S+•rt It 1t.y r•1dl111 tf11 WEEK. ENOEl l1t ttl1 DAtLT P'ILOT. ISDUTl!Elt1' C!LIFD!tlfl!'S C!EITEST l'TIDTECll1'1C l'ICEl1'T 'AJUJll:IM STADIUM. .RJD' ,.,. * ~ !'aMa ~ID sUTS $4.IO•UO•UO Ollr'912 a...., 111 ,,.., nams • Ull 1;1' MMm1 ITADMI • MVTUM. lJQl[T .-.cin .. aLD'I -"" • NflM" • COWUT'?" .... ' ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ''''''''''''·'' NOW SHOWINCi S141ney PWttw In "FOl LOVI OP IVY" ALSO PU.YIN& IS THE llCi COMIDY FIATUH Tll[lWOUflS Of COllEIY, Sift Tllll llOI Tl' CallTW •.. *' ' ....... *'' QllUClf. ' " JANBWIMAN . II-· 'fm.,'!, ~moarll41~8 ' . ,· . ---..... ...,..,. C.ttt.nM Jfd 'lemmon .. . . (Ml,,. .....,._,.. ~ " M)TM L9J .............. "TH£ 'APRH., FOOLS" NOW PLAYIN:G .. . . ' . FD-:'wsouTH c;oan IA fOL&ZA T1tlUnWm .. '*'" ,_ .. -. 14.211f NOW SHOWING ' CGNTINUOUS FROM 12:30 l'.M. IOX OFFICE Ol'ENS AT NOON ... ' -~' I I -· .... C'f 4 9o ...... . ·--~ .. ' .. ' !!f'5&S1l'Olt W.I HOUSES;fD1t"'1-I ~·~lt;WI , HqUSIS ,l!_pll'~LI . ljOUSIS l'Olt SAL!! HOUll l l'OR $Ali, HOUSES FOil SALi HOUI~ !'DR SALi: '\ ' tlOIJSES'l'OR SALi, c;..ral lllOO Goneral 1• · rll IOOO 0-.al IOOO General 1000 General , 1000 General 1000 Cotta MJ a 1 I ~ Corvna del Mar IUo \ ' . Assume 51h% $178.oO Mo. Jolal ' Bedrm. College P1rk ' No quallflnl anyone can .aasume exi1Un1 low in- taut 5.liit;l> loan with all buJlt·hl kitchen, dou- ble garage, farced air beat, block wall fence, 'brlck tlreplace, cul-de· eilc lot with fruit trtts galore. You can't m1sa. Call today, Distinctive Newport Heights 2 Bedrm Dining room and fire- place. A doll house on corner R-2 Jot -alley access, completely rede-- corated. new root, be.th, big kitchen, wall/wall shag carptl Assume $164.00 monUl. Hun'Y en this one! Big Five 3 11ec1r-ONE BLOCK C...._..le Close In ' BEAUTIFUL LOAN "' LN ·1 ~ 3'ba. din ,.. 'GOURMET CH ll l'S ~ LINDA ISLE TO OCEAN 0~7&950 •"" , 1 the .BE:.\UTIFUL HOME •nd P'.t1o, lwjli """· btt-1n1. ""at your et-. evenwh<n + fanilly IA YFRONT uou dOl'I" _ _. ~ .. :. •• the ~-~· ·_; -·~ '....!t"""' ,s..1ne t"" • bodq><>m .... . ,,_, i.._ m.5tl0. ""1614 ••••Y brinp """" the .,.. S -r•t• Guelt Suitt "' ~ ... "" 1U .,......, ., •• ...., .w,Q. #¥"" '11w , .. .., 1talr-cued home with 1ta e-ed. Walk to Five v.!';;i: and ,.ady. Nowport UM-IM1 -· ~ HOME' VIEW property on land you room • el,...Uy carpoted toe tl•kl!ni pl"'h ...,,.t l,laaa Verde · 1110 c;:;;;. or Don the S.ach- '•hts 0 uJet cul4<-•~ y " ~-•t I to OWN. WaDr ten feet t.nd o>M wood !looh baa been NEAR THE BEA.OJ 11 le-cober rtiax with a •troll He16 arta, .,.. .. H·"-•·• •.···-· n•·i Re-ou can move .-..., n . _ .... _l--' -ntly ..... _,, . ..~UME ~· loan • ••-• t h"'·-.,.._ .. ,_.~ ... . .. ,_ 1.. ........... .-. will be touch'-t,h• ...,..._C\I ·~..-"""' uu· lie•"-. Excellent 5" ....... ~ ~lOI en • .. 1.-.... ocean blufL Thl5 sac . .,..,..e roo ...__..._.. .......,.'":ic· ,, .. -...,...,,..,_ __ ... WY' }OVe.., new........., ~""' .... -a Bo•omnn BUIL:I' ... ,. .-.-->"' n..1.1...a ... .u 4 •~--• u~ ... ~ brl k •-pla .... .....3.. ,,._... -•• _ ..... ,, ..,.,,. •'-· -... •• In -·OD ""ur -v to U. e.. &;or1o .... "\ ..... • loan • ...1 quick ,.,......, __ r~\uwnCJUa ~""''" n........ av•nUe .. m b -~- ::r ki~cbe';~thee.n :; :; N~~e~T.·1~ JIUI;;·~. ble IW'f.nire:~1Wttb lt.'l KITOlEN wrrH ASH wrmblrrTRouBUiOMi: 'borrl& ,_. IC!hoola ~ etVf ~"l':t1otvalue .f14,900':6 .... Ins. Pool silt: )'U'd. Spufd. ~Ubn wlth lte aq. tt. Beautifully decorated & •view, Uvin&: ?OOm 'Oftf'o CABINETS, bteakla.st bar, QUAUFYING!!. Entertain coune. ~t kitchen. Hal Plnchln & AIMC. q: condition. Onb $3l. 150. • buemtnt., Ne.eek a UtUe tqitnsiYely la,.,....pPd looks patio area. Add S ~ area and separate in its FORMAL DINING family room, frpk, 2 3000 E Coast Hwy 67$..a92 • ~·--•-but ~'" t 5 •-•---4u. -..... bt.tba. &nd you have found aervlce porch. Uve in com-ROOlf' Or ltt"""le & relax covemt pa.tlos, sprinkler ' · · ••~·~·& • "'Y a ................... "11 -u• )"OW! ctr.al beach bQme. fort and &bop only two blocka in the · lara:e ~Ued atep l)'lte.m, S fruit trttt amicbt Country Atmosphtre this price. of ${2,500. Spadous11!!"'1"000 room. _?few' ocl""'ve ·llltiJw.~Tot&J a*'>' a~ ll. 11th Street Shop-down ltool.t'ioua FAM.ll.Y lovely landscapirc. Priced near the ocean. Desl&ned for COWGE PAIK w., price o1 $44.SOO. ping Center. R-2 LOT· ADD ROOM with fireplace oa to i!ll at $26,:500 by owt\er. family with children, this 3 llAUTY c.n John Abell;,~ ...,.. ...-:: WE 'SEtL A H'-"'u.li ANOTHER UN1T LATER. the ~-like rear i.'.rden 54l)..3M2 BR" den borne ii a "must Brand MW carpet, paint • nc:S, .,, ... ,_ EVERY '31 MtNUT'es area wtth block wall• All OWNER, 3 BR 2 bath,, itee" at $42,500, Bullt on tile. Room ·for ~t er w I k & L the water's IQft but ' t be carpets/drapes, trplc, elec-large let • yoU own tbe Wid. ....,.,., Built-Ina la ldtdi· a ·er ee opriak1ing •Yll•.;_ front A tric ]>le.Ina, 125,!00, !598 LEIGHTON LINDEN RLTY en. 3 large bedrooma. Of-rear! nm.EE ~US Myrtl~. 56-6446 642-Tlfl or mom fered for the t1rit !'r!te bi'8 yee.rs at $27,000. Tlle !1!>.13 Wntclllf Dr. BATHS! O>eerful •nd ht 5 BllR, 3 b&. Republic home HARO TO FINE --5a1 N ~·~ .. loon MS-nu . • n-n EYt•. ALL ELECTRlC KITCHEN! .. A _ ...... nd. b -·-........ 16 7'C> .l'nA ' y.-Act NOW to TAKE OVER uca\hu."' 00 y .,_,.,., But 'NOrth the ellortl , 1/3 A'cu FANTASTIC 2201.W THIS$26.200 FHA loan. 56--0684. DiO Phalarope Broadmoor Home• Quiet end of bul-de·aac, 4 • 1"' . "'""'na• Call 646-1000 WE SELL A HOME h 1200 4 Bc!rms., 211 bath> $65,ll(ll bedroom bo,auty. "Giant IAY. .... OCEAN· VIEW $21,900 EVERY 31 MINUTES Newj>Ort BHc Delancy RHI E•l•lo 37x26 foot eunk, en living ))om, most oi tbe rqoma ill s A DAISY' -E r"'AA ... Hwv ...... U' =: ;~es=.11~;:. · • ttdl •BR. 2 Ba. home. A ~!,:. ~:;n~ab!1~0; Walker & Lee 'FR!!Hae~dy For You -• ~770~ ... ~- room. )I..,. moro ........ john m .. cnab ~~~.-.d···~·· ~· ~--'with 3 ""'°"""· 2 3 Bdmu,, 211 ba. Invned. ••7""" P ._......., nn.. .,. ... ,. .,.. ..... tr ...... uc 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adami ...... Vt • --~ -,........,. rm. Owner ~. u leav-baths in a terrific area sur-545-9491 poueu. ..u..u at& ....,........,. l'UIDOM -PIACI ASSUME Ing atta. 1$3,!«I, rounded by developmenb A tm buy • Sl!,900. tOYI Waltf:r Haue that ranie in price from Open 'tll 9 PM BOYD REAL TY BUllDER'S REPO "P'or A Wile Buy'' Colesworthy & Co. ---=.o==-- Have FREEDOM to enjoy EXISnNG LOAN Sl5.000 to $39,000, O o.e to 3629 E. C:OO..t Hlway, CdM $980 DOWN you• yan1 1n the PEACE AT 71/zo/o a.,.;,.. South Coast Plau, Catholic BIG HVf 675-5930 and it'• )'OUl'll. Almost and privacy afforded by .::hool and Church, and 1~ 200 Steps To &.ach anyoneCl.Jlqualify,Irn-the 7;s• block 'walls en-BeautituJ.new,Westclltt.f'bed--cal elementary;-junior and EASTSIDE Costa Meu... S Beautlful 3 bedroom 2 bath TREMENDOUS Ocea.n • channel view. Juat o11 Ocean mw. 3 BR. 2 bl.. Secluded polio. $62,500. Or•np Coest Property 332 MaT'(Uerlte ~ ma:llate possession. Ex-tire1y surrcundirut tht• room. 3 bath' home. HUit' hl&:h achoola, Purchase with bdrm 4 bath luxury bame dttp Iha& 1 VIEW cdlelll area. Features property, You'll LOVE the family room Witti ~ c.ww.I, a.le• & Co. low down on new mA loan, with 2GSQ sq ft. Heated a: bome,ed b carpe~ Two adjointrc view Rrl kl~ • -famous a:arden kitchen A I: walk·,ta 'bar; fotina.i ·ttm. S50 u-rt £enter Dr. or IL8SUlTle existi.ila low in-filtemt ......1 wtth automatic expos eam ce auch u : open ~ n,rden bath 3 ,. __ plu. , •---·-'"'t.......... ·--.-...,o,o .,....... throughout, 3 landscaped pa· nr. Ocean Blvd. Larae trttt; ctllln&', w/w carpeting, aen and !amll;0~. tnc rooDl,~llallJUU.<" LI "IKU Newport hKh, C•lif. terest FHA Joan and -JIOOl l\lr't'l!IP ii: automatic cl~ tlos. fireplace all built-in older house can bt sum.mu Hrtplace, completely Looks like '5(),000 Priced with breakfast -$82~ 13M700 ~1430 ptr month pays all . rinator, Relax & enjoy this kitchen. d 9 u ~ ( e praee. rented. built-in kitchen. F'UlL at onlY fjU,9M &nil )'ou ~Shored""",, 1138 ..... t1 .. .W: • WE SELL A HOMES modem wa.y to live. $32,500. 60-34al CHESHlRE REAL ESTATE PRICE ONLY $24.500. own .the l&n4. lli," -· ~--Hone Country WEVERY 31 M&INUTE $47,500 • fi'l>.2503 • BE QUICK! .lssu111 iv. LOAN -Back B•y a Iker ·lee Cul Je-Sac BY OWNER ., ....... 2 bath. • COATI 4 bedroom Mea de! Mar (714) 642-1235 Keep your wil• and -Newport -U 2 fueplace "°"" w-& beauty. Hup family room 901 Dovftl OrM, SI.lite at horse happy • dver Iii acre ~ Westdiff Dr. If view at China ~ Dlb. tee _.......,. .. , fer:ioed ·~ ""·l"''' c nes n Upper .... ,....... ""l""" ' 4 bedroom 3bath,1Sx125' lot. 538-2691. II no ana. call REALTORS N ,..... ""' Sq . .Neat and clean 3 bed-Victorl• WAL.LACE with raised tlreplace acrv-N--i h tied t N--646-77ll n.... .. Eves Lot + Back ~ view. New garage, patio ~ '65,«KI. ew autitd• pain• $3 .-TRADE YOU "HOME room doll howoe. Pl••IY of MHA \IElll\E BUY room far boat & trail<r. _.....-_______ t 'convenient to Newport 546-4141-•IXll·Ul'Pli" ~'f''Of 'baw m u c h valuebere!OH!apat$34.950, U IUlll 646.1111 Delt&Real Estate 646-«lC e OCEANVIEW • Frw'J. Back Bay, la.ra;e (Open Ewn.. Cbannlng Newport H,lghl£ eQWtJ m have; on ttrlJ Seller aaya: He will carry 4 i~-II BY OWNER 9 mos. old Lusk 3 BR. 2i,i deep lot priced to aell at 11-:::;;;;;;;;ij I ;s block trom ClUt Drive, 1uper.,~tt.)t with wbxJ.. a b!g chunk -If you want "UJl.e bdrms, opened •ny me Cbarml111 ocean front home BA .home. Crpts, bltna, den, l28.500. OWner II.YB iub. 3 Bed.roOtm, family room tna: at&~ tffdiiW to ~ a tOan '!' Won't lut. Call beamed family I'OQCJI & on M lot. 3 bed rms + dining nn, 2 lrplca. Newly mtt all offen. Call todaY 'ili\d'i·· I . + den. $26,900. MA.....,~-UM-1 Bal-now• kitchen. Built-in relrig· 1 QO/o Down • sewillg rm. Ideal location, lndscpd. By ownu. l4f.Ofll tor appointment to aee. -·-~-m lZ!'-~ · · erator & freezer, tnter---L-•-__ , __ _, . . 5 •DROOMS • ' ,,...; ~ .. lonn.tl din-645.()303 com. a.autilw l•NI· $34, 950 nr ~. ,,...,..,. pat>o, SHORECLIFF 3 BR, 2 BA. ' MISA DEL MAI. in& room with thick shaa s c a p 1 n a: embracing ho in ba "'"'" shag o-ptg throughout. Le Quiet tree lined area by Uie BEA!t\ catp!'tfug~' StunriliW tire-Sharpest me Ck ~ kitchen lw/bll·lns. $67,<KXI. ~Fee simple. Accea1 to 2 Four Bedrms. -2400 sq. ft. Sparkling clean, place, ~ try $5,IXl'.I. Down _ lovely pool. Outsland-area, Owners have mavtd -67l-6990 beaches. Under $50,lm. By CEILING tile electric Jdlche.n. 3 lux· __ _, •-•-~ low Interest ing locat1on cl06e to immediate possession . 3 'ury baths. Encloled boat anu......, Mesa Verde goll btdroom &. Family room. BEACH HIDEAWAY owner.* 6'B""3B81 New Area $1-3.2.00 Mo. Cozy ' bdnn Pace.l· ter, upper Mesa Vmie area, hi.sh.. l&Ddlcapinc, mstr. IUite' aepan.te trcm o t h e r bdrma. $34,95!\' . i '\. ' ·" ' )"' 1 ·r ' I • t ' .. ~, ~-··"' 546·>990 This cne's got what It .takts: built-in&, bill: bed· ~rooms. 2 tiled baths, tamUY room, excellent Jocii.tron, take over VA :1oan-THE ONLY WAY ll;;iiiii&iiiiiiiiii&iiiii;;;i;;; TO ~IJY. Vets - Gel A. Duplex -No Down Pmt. Th~ two -2 bedroom 'units are al\~1aya rented, don't wute your elJg:ibl· llty make an Investment In units, Income plus tax ' dC'ductlons. This is the la.st ant left cut cf four 50 hwTy! On The Bluffs Ocean View Barrett ~eaHy preHnts ~1 . ; • IOOx:IOO.F"I • R-4 BUILDING SITE for 8 to 10 units in O>unty Back Bay area. 2 small rental uniblatp~ l&eri Weatcllft Dr, NB 6GS200 LARGE POOL View o( lht bill& from thla custom built gpadoua 3 bd- rm, 21,i baths, family room homt .. ~.950. JEAN SMITH REALTOR ~ and· frailer space. '$37,950: Gmt~~ Aakl.na' $35.,500. ~ coune. JWit $42,500 for Beautiful covered patio ·In-F eaturina:; seclusiori; steps TOP VALUE IN CDM WE SELL A.HOME this btauty. tercom thruoir.: -Pool size from ocean; quitt, private Clean 2 BR wide R-2 Jot EVERY 211 MINUTES ~ tffw Listing ~ COATS yanl. ~~3~~~71:.urn· ~~or:~·~; Walker & lee i:._1~1.~": ~ wAL'Uci 1~:.~~:.is~ ~~'?~.Perm.vbw .,...,..,..,..,...., .... 1 ""2 -• lowly Wie 3 A family REAL TORS OWNER'S NEW 4 BR. Realtor 673-:mD OUTSTANDING ""'455 or~"' room In the popular, M"8 --54166-4-4141-546•2313 • &46•7171 -View Home, 3 t..'1, ========I 4 bdrm custom built'WeatcllH Open Eves. Verde Highlands; area. Room tc>p.w Ewtnings) lh· nn, din nn. !am rm. home wt.th del.J#ul pooi A 21,.\ ACRES for boat, trailer or camper. I~~~~~""!"'""!"'!" ONE BR Cottage .w/gar & bar, lg. kit. 2 trplcs, w/w patio.1 Arcb.ltect destined &: Spanilh gplit • leftl home. Hu an existllle 5% % FHA SAVE $4,300. Builder' a Model ~ for business. $14,500 a'Jlt&: drps, yard I: many built •this olle ~ himtelt Pool, avocado ~ OJ(. Joan. N~ u.rptb, ntW Home Sale. Once tn a TWO BR home A den. Jarp extrM: 6.9 f i n a n c I n 1. You'll love1tt for hones, View af NeWport. block fencing A extra ahaIJI. lifetime savlnp on tine lot. Garage + wotkahop. _...._"""'====~=~ Arnold & Fre11d Catalina, San a ........ Alldng$26,.,., out.tandlngOceanw'ood R.2 roaed.SJB,800 •DUPLEX$31,500e itb Sf. $19,500. se:U or exchange tJJt ~ S.CS-5110 homes. Thtsc uniquely plan-THREE BR home 1 % baths, Income potential $4200. 1 Blk. Reali: E. 1 ;• ~l'l55 Newport Home, CnwdlwMlhllhl) ned homes feature "outdoor near shopping. $20,?SO to ocean It bay. 3nl W, Bal-..,..,.., ............. !!!!!!!!!!''.I OUEGE REALTY nvtog Indoors." Feel .. ilie Will .. McCarille, Rllrs. boa Blvd., N.B, "2·1212 Assuine 6"/~·' G ..• ' ·REIJ llllfEI •llOO-•-.cll ...... -... In room a!!tt_ 1810 N•wport Blvd., C.M. own/bla. $3,00D DOWN• ! R E A L. T y room Ill .11.lding Claa door'S 548-7129 anytime J'"BD"'RM='w"a"tertn>=::nt:::,-;No:oc-. "°62, 4 ·BEDROOMS °""' to patioe, gani"'5 & ASSUME 5,.,,-Balboa eov.,,. I 60' 0 0 O. 4 BR, 2 BA, ballt·ln elec 2025 W. Bnlboa mvd., N.8. cutdoor-living rooms. Uve ~,. Would trade far acreqe or kltch<n, Ill. !amily ""· with Call Anytime 675-6000 No Down VA 00 the whole lot Lux· LOAN . apt., 548-T171 frpl. Sunkel!. living roopl, (ftMlll on MAR 'lbll la. quality borne w:ltb urlously appointed. Totally Cutest 2 BR. home on qui.et IMMEDIATE possession btam celling .. i ·car gar, 21ii V1NftA cement driveway .i shake landacaptd. These 3 to S Br street. Hdwd !n., ahade Lovtly 2 BR 2 ba. t. Pool, yrs aid. MoVe right In, root Only 3 yeara old. Sell-b3mes are the home buy CJ1-treet, R4 Jot ap ' HARRY A,, BOGGS Steps to beach 4 BR 3 bath er wDJ.pay all b!G'u'• ch»-tbeda.Y. Priceafrom$36,950 FORTJN, REALTOR Terms · $21,lSO. Act. JtWty 96U631 borne bl the 200 block. Ask. ina: costs It will dve )'OU to $H,9SO. FHA-VA & Cocv. 11Ql-A Westclill Drive 1_646-0132==-;;-==-.,=• THIS IS ITI , lne 141.0Xl. Call hr appoint· · $100 lo move llnanclng. Located on Newport Beach 1 ""5000 MOBILE HOME llll,000 ment 54CM6J1 Magnolia just north • of PALOS VERDE Bayfront en Peninsula · ~ BEDRM_ ... ~ 1860 Newport Blvd., CM ~952l or Atlanta tn Hant in g ton PENINSULA CONDO ~. lm=3226 s;::m~~:n paontio ~:ttr;; mtr. 646-39'28 Eve. W.l&.55 J K NelchOIS Beach. Phnnt: t 11 c > Sale ·or w option. t.ra: 3 BR. 1 BR. 3 Summer Mo. r""' BBQ. , baths. Seclud· · Lach·e· nmy.er e e 546-435! , BA. panld ..... xtra "' 541-2152 cd rear living room. Family Mesa Del Mar muter BR. 2 patios. Xtra room_ Buil t-ins. 541-1720 -RHltor ltorage. Pool. c I u b b 1 e • Newport Heights 1210 TARBELL 2955 H•rbor ---.-;;;o;---jliOiiiii ... -ilil ... ~~I L-Interest Loan cbild'• play ynl. $35,900. Lido 1110 1351 -.,.-----TIRED O' OLDER HOMES? See thl& 6 yr. old tamlly borne w/4 bdnna., conv. den & din. ~ room. Call lot app'l Walker Rily. 675-5200 LIDO BUYI Neat le clean 3 bdrm, I ti.th home. Vacant • immediate occupe.hcy. $44,500 LIDO REAL TY INC. 3400 Via Lldo 61.J.M30 BAYFRONT Hamt + In- come, finest beach )oc. Ntwly fumi&hed. Sale or gummer nrital&. Xlnt tine owner w/ carry. ~. 67>-0305 Huntington .~ch 1400 Dick Lewis 1027 W. Bay Ave. Bel boo ,4 BR TWO ON LOT i:'.~ ':.':fy 0$:%,'';::,5~ awnu. 12131 """7391 ;:1::ie•t:n~ ~ 11.,,."-"E,,.,.:7!,.h., .• eo.,.•t,.•,,M.,•."'..,1 PENINSULA POINT Meredith Gerdens EAS'I'SIDE. Newer 3 bdrms Beautlfully kept 3 bedroom J BDRM •• $20,950 "old, professionally land-UNBELIEVABLEf-· Best buy .in ~a. Attr. S Bt. $4,000 Down &: older 2 bdnn, detached 2 2 bath hmc. Superbly locat· KINGS P~. Chartninr hoUSt -In prestige loc11.Uon. 2 B<lnns., frplc. HW floors. Large ynrd & covered patio. A bartain at $26,5tl0. You al"t tht winner ol 2 tickets to the scaped yard and paUo, NEWPORT HGTS _ homt on 50 fl. lot; Can'I Split Jevel, moW: right tn. car garage I: workshop. Ex.· ed to all schools, churches Can 8Slume $15:ooo. 5%. % Inside find an all elec-$ 9 500 beat thls at $42,500. Fonnal dining rm, family terlor recenQy painted. and magnilicent Soulh Coast FHA loan. Owner' will carry ·tric island kitchen with 1 ' Balboe Real Estate CO. nn. 3 bath, 3 car garage, Only $29,950 Plaza. Call now! 2nd TD-submit down. Near rich walnut cabinet&. Largroom' t""'or ,,..,""",'. ;.._~~ully ll?! 700 E. BaJboe Blvd .. Balboa over 2800 1111. ft. 645 0303 shopping. Co&ta 1.1esa.·Npt. FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR ~/ft t~or:}:mi;. ~~ ingroom _ band= f~ e 67Ml40 e . HARRY A. BOGGS • Realty 646-9666, 642-2'll.l cations and ii absolutely place. Spacious bedrooms. ---~----,.1 Realty 962-663? Nurstry School 6) ~ at the ANAHEIM STADIUM on July 41h beautiful. It's a mW1l see! S4G-I?20 Morning Sun . • • * PRICE REDUCED PO'I'ENTIAL. l BR 2 b&lh Full price $39,MIO. TARBELL 2955 Herbor Twinkling Lights $2500_ 4 BR + evtra unfin, home, comer Jot, 130x180' Rt:A lfY Near Npt. Poet Ok. 646-2{14 DUPLEX 4 yn old. 2 BR each. Bullt·lna, crpts, drps. $32.500 Owner. 6' 6· 2s10. Pr1nctpal1 only. Pltase call ~. ext. 329 between. 9 and 1 pm to claim your tidrtts. (N'orth County toll-f:rtt numbtr is 540-1220) Wow! 51h% Interest 0 A Hiii Ivan Wells' new VIE'l/ homes bonus rm, 2 be.. cptl/d:rps. * 642-1771 Anytime * all fenced. ca.I Uor details. High n facing Bay in Dover Shorts. frplc. ,tiew ~int in I: out.1';z::Z:::::;z::=:=:Ei I Look '"' on ""' world from 5 mndet• to'"°'" -.. Fann ""'" kltch., blt-tna.1• -=s"'E"'L""L.-or-=T1lA="'D"E--Bania lttalty this 4 bdrm home with den, It 5 lxinns. Models open daily LC" cov, patio. Now only Distinctive AClclrn1f 64U560 :'.;%.""'m & • pool for ~ l~~":;;°;;,64~. ~~-VA or FHAS...... =~:'.!!":"'..!\".. Horse Ranch Coot• -EXECUTIVES AmNTION DAVIDSON Realty FIEDf Someone will be For DaUy Pilot Want Ad& patio tor entertalnln&. 2 BR 1 bath home, earaae.'\;;~~~~;;;;;;;~· l;;;l;;;OO ~u:~11=l~~~ 11=-======"""===·=515-=51=":.::='"="'""===""=='l=Dbl==..,...,.==-=Dbl===..,...,.=='=·==·=l\ESUL==TS=-~~:e':~~ Partc ~yard. FHA , Res· a· le Weatcliff l 230 Most beautiful home in Hunt· A JOY TO SHOW bWton Beach. 18x36' custom cut any r;econdary fin-GeMral 1000General 1000 O.ner•I 1000 homes l cloee to all .cbool&. Want 4 Bedrooms, 3 Datha, panel· pool in park-like yard. Lara:- ed Mn _ breakfast rm. Jn. ell lot in am, Home bullt S21S/mo PllYI all. 3 BR 2 sU\altd thnlout. lowJ1 Pl"" around exquisite 1.trlwn, anclng, It! four bed--------2 available startlqi at 3 BR i bath home on an g. •room.!;, 2 be.th&, best Cos-$32,500 FHA or VA terma. tra ~e lot, Can,add'cub. ta i1esa area. bullt·in Padfic Shores Realty • 1860 Newport Blvd., CM baths, iarp fam1ly room. beamed ceilioga, lota ol eX· ~~ ~ den. 81' lot $'1S,5tl0. kit'h'n plu. much"'°"· C.fi'll~ ,ii,'_ 1Jl'C 4)iQ.9 -Eves,.,._ ltltr, ""'1ll'J8 Eve. 644-lti5S Your tolal payment In· \:)~ }.'Qt.I ~). (.!:I pq• ~ h country kh~u With eattrw R.. C. GREER. Retlt;y tru including refrigeration area. NUNleW lnOiftl'.bome U6 v• Lido e9300 Quiet cul-de-sac. Owntt tU--'~--La er · prlncipal a nd intt'rt'Si Solvt tt Simplt Scrambltcl WotdPtw:l«'fora ChueJcle Open Hie Until Soldl C en my will be less than $180.00 1847 TAHJTI DRIVE lulty c811>f!ted & drl,p!'d, Ing tau at $46,000. built • ins & dishwasher. OWNR: 2 bdnnl + den, 1p MUTUAL REAL TY Near schools. OnlJ S38,t50. kit A llv nn. lovel,y p.rden ._1411 nytl month. -0 R IMte of th9 LoYely 1arp MeiJ Verde 1---==-,-,==-- 1:."::'mblld '!orc11 be-. · ~ Colon!sl home - s bl&: bdrmt CALL 540-1151 Herltap Rial ' w/llttle maint. SAl,500. ean 1 _,_,-= .. =~·,...,~='"°=--- GAS LIGHT Ertat• Copen ev••l ..., a. -646-8181 *CREAM PUFF* t If you'rt con1Jd.rlng Hllfng you r home, cell today for f r e • , •ppre1iel •ncl lnfor- J matlon on our four un ique Ir.do lo p~ ~, r • m 1 -loin the 'NOW Co. . '. OltAHGI COUNTY LAllOUT m 1. 17'h "· dfd 44M low IO foiift four slmpl• word&. / ~ • , A PCJOI. Complete ftdecon.t.. I KY D LI N I I~ in progrell6. lmmtdiate bat O:>ata Mesa. Walk to ~~~~~-"!'""'" Aaume th1I '%." IBA loAn. achoOla. 3 l..re. BR'a, 2 be., REPUBLIC Jtome, I 1n0& University Parlt 1237 $lSO mo Pm. 4 BR, 2 BA, t I I I' I I -r_......... -~·wt::::""'· ,_ cilllll u.tnl IBEGIL I ~~=~~ family room. Full price old. 2 story, 4 BR. 3 BA, HARD TO FINDI lam rm_ F.P., F.A., dnpn., $33.COJ. !am rm., r cat garage_ 2 BR. 2 ..... A __ ..._ DA--new crpta. B\lilt-in ranae A. CORBI •• u•RTIN 'Mea. Verde Cor Jot~, $43.500. ·..._ 1.,.. ... ..,u.se. -d'·~-Ou d ~ By OMM!r. 546-4C.5 tJfuUy dl':corated. Shows ovtn; ,...,,.,, t oor Bar- Rnltore pride of ownership. 126.950 fl.Que en eov patk>. Cor. lot S036 E. Cout Hwy., CdM A$UME Joan.Qk. poa, 5 • R4d Hill Reatty w/ boat gate. N'lcely la.rid- • 61S-1662 • bdr, 3 ba, cr,ta, drpl, ·--. .... _ Dr 1 ,__ ICBped; Orange trees. $l6,l50 .' I I I r lc 1i'Ar"r1 I An ldlen Evety morning he """' tho cbltuoty CX>lumn. If .-------.his name bn' 11tero, ho g- IR INN OB 1-!0-. ""'° I I' I I I !f!:.1:it::."i?E'. & ~~~~~~~E~En£is r r I' r I' I' I' I O ~oiCf~)"""sl I I I 1101 I I I -SClAM·LETS ANSWERS IN CLASslFICATION 9900 No Down GI land9c lenced, rtnt while la ~ ..,.......,.r-·• rvu,. By Owner. 8tl-l656 NEW HOMES escrow. 961 P•u-kart ao •. ~OPEN~~·~·~..11~4~. ~PM~,!mcrll~~ \~~~=-::~:r:iiiiiOil Eulllde Co.ta lllaa 54M3S8 !utltluff 1242 LOST IN SPACE I t bdrm + lamlly room. $183 $28,850. Only 1 lett1 3 BR. BY OWNER: &ale's Br, 2 2200 IQ It o! !1erant livlnc per ""' P&YI ell or f1(A or OPEN DAILY a.. crpls., dl'JMI, elec kil.-ulll ln.mn .. 3 br, 3 ba. "'' in um lp&~IOUI GLEN MAR O:inven&nal. 2348 8'111'. ~ AYe. cab., 1rg fnod yrd 4 patio. Bay-View, wk!e sreenbelt. wtlh llx30 den, dttlnrd $21,950 fBeL 23rd A Sutt& Isabel) Walle to all achh. $Z501,. Steps to pod, CUI. addtna. bWlt·l.nl, lnttToom l mueh RAND RL TY. 645-1340 ""19llO Eftso 64Ul06 642-1863 or 837~11 Savel W .SOO. Ownr-""'"' Ex..U.nt "' loan• "::l:::lllllZZ=:l::::Z=: oa1Y '29.900• "ANGEL CAKIE" • * BY OWNER-POOi. ·3 BR. c dol Ma 50 PacUlc ""°"' n .. 11> Drud l Butter Uaill Tl'lplu BEACH DUl'LEX crpt.. da'pa, X.UW LR. Low onna r 12 ur.-Ev"'..._ U ml. !rocn So. O>alt Plua. 2 lllch<lor Unl!J main! ynl, $Jll,4SO 3 BR 2 baths, '-living FilWICtrc ii ~I '32.500 Xlnt Joca.tlon! $29,950 * 646-2895 * room, ell!ct, It I tch en, RARE: Vlll..A PACIFIC BOYD ltlAL TY 0-.. Wlll lart)oon BY OWNER • Law ,l\*fttl -OJ wtew, 115,000. lllOll I tr, I ba. 211 car gar, ,Id. X29 E. Cout Jllwa,y, OdN itEJJ..TOR 5~.e\t~ tr& ~1* Sea t.ara, OdJf. ~ , rte •rue. Alim 6!t. ntA m.5931 m.O!O -613-1564 , low. AD ), l!Mlr~ Ml QllPU!:X, nr. _,., 2 ~ 9Q..1540 DAILY l'lLOT WANT ADS -2 W-,.:1.,. 2 BA. + 1 Bit At.. ta,...fl•---iiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiOI ~RlNQ RESULTS! SOCK rr TO '};Ml OAU.Y Plt.Ol' WANT ADSl lot, privacy. RJtr. 6TJ..7'!10 Happy Birthday BETH ~~~~~~-~._,......,.,,...,.~~~~~.,.-~~~~~..--·-~~~~ I t -. ------- \ . ' ' I • * * * * ·FUN FOR THE1AMILY! . In I.he DAl .. 7f PILOT CLAlllfllD ADS .... , IIow II ....... ~ Clloclr th Cl; MW -.... ., to -If iW -la ,,u 'I• fl e ..W ... It """ .,,,_.fl _, tls:t'lw. ff It tlMa. .. M!-1671. ••IM ut, 1Mitw-tAJit.-1 P.M.t9 ... J .. 2.,,_11cbts.Atf•1•••• -.. fw yw le plall -.. • _, tun h• llAILY I'll.OT - AENTALS Houl• """""'*' ltlNYALS Aph.Unlunilohod .... .,_ lllNTALI , """' u,,,.,.,.... ' suo~looch Hunt!"""" BUch 1400 Lagvno Nlgvol .. 1707 Sum-r llont1lo '910 LIST your property FOR &ale hr owner, tmmed BEACH at door. Ne\ol> - with -'ldonco 000•1•ul0)'. 3 Br. 2 Ba i.e, badl apt -ai l:tO par SELL with pl\of9"' Cl Br l2x21). Golf ooune wk. 53t'r25'11 HI& Bdh. sion•I sklll =cla ~. 1'; lo~ .. ~~ t BR. 3 ba ~ b1e Lido Ilk. 11---..,._.._...,_ ........ -l BR., unlun., w/ l HA.801. \ so or HWY, a BR. ...., oo.a v1ew ..... -.. -pr, "' mitt ....... )lo. sa.llol -1111 Sl50 lie, A61111, .. peta. ..,_ .... I GREENS 1"::!': Bk, ~ ;;p;i, KIA~ liTAfl .. l JIAa!ILOI\ UNl1J1ll'. 1me>ac 6 -. I 1" old. _;0;.;•;.;W;;.,ll;;;_.,....--.,-11 THROUGH -' ' -.-. Avail Aur. 3 thN Lobor REALT6~r!\.MBER RENTALS ' ea,. Ideal too. f1Wl90. H ti .. ch/ H°""' Furnlahtd llENTAU from $110 !Dlmo.m.GnO -... w .... AW AVAn.ABIE l;W. We WI A1'l'J:!i'l'IO!! un 1111-• H-U- Fount•ln V•lley Rentali to Sha,. 20051---------1 Multlpl1 --------Gtnorol -Ll1tln9 Service WORKING airl to share new --------....;= 8 3 bdr furn. home. Fntn Vat. SUS. 2 BR, 1% Ba, WOODWARD area. 541-6131 until 5. a.r.r Townbowit, w/w, patio, b1t- REAL ESTATE 7• 968-3182 Ins. clllldftn OK. Bier. Will share apt W/)'OW'll 534-6980 1 • I 6 I BDRM. N!ZDED BY AUGUIT llotlOd -., OUJd 0... LARGE BAYVIEW I Br· 6 -0111ore ~ a Ceotat, Adj. .. -llw -•tud> •. 111 ~ Anm>al. Avail ....S.• -·... .. ... I 2100 ~:.."'.! ~ Har.. Sept. 1. Mlllta. no peta. $290 with. tamnJtt and/or tmaD i bot" -°""' ..... .... Oft. ).-• ..~ --1142 Ad1m1 Avo. working clrt 23198 Elden $21=0,., NEW==•"Br""", '°J"'Ba:--;Cond=".1 Huntington h•ch Ave.,AptA.CostaMesa w/w, stow, refrlr, 96 •.a di.tiblllrUbtt, avail. D 0 w • i--=2·3~3=--Cosio Meal 2100 Bier. SU.- 660370 .. 1~. 111.~ ... 5 u.c.1. .,... w111 be 1oca 1"1!!11"'1!!1•!1!!1!1•• -.... _ ..... ___ In ._ --I )'rt I li..c;. 2 BR. bulll ·l n1 , DELUXE Ntw 2 llll qt. Need 1 to 3 8edroam _. ~1-. tu ba. ~--. Doe blt-lno, _,..,.., fllnlllbed •Pla. -• ... ., ... -.... .,.. -.. ... ..... -twio1es. Price ranse suo tD POOL PADI 2 BR "°""' ·-w...i $190 .• BR, 2 .... RIO. W/W, $4,000 Total C'as.h needed to • • ..,_.. · !rplc, chlldttn. pita O.K.. wume 5~% VA loaa for ~~no pet.. $1lO mo. Avail 'l/15. Bllr. ~ Clooe to So. C...t Plaza A "1"~ cola. drpl, On .-..-l1IO per month, ml&ld IO occ. $150/mo. Call 5'8--5019 c&nal, LltUe Bal hi. Boat $30 ~ if uWltle• aN thlt 4 bedroom home wllh 35' Bluehaven Pool. Lots of decking with patio. Ca?'P!ts. Drapes &-Built 11:11. Priced at $24,900 Full Prict. Pay- ments of $168 includ~ all. Other11 to choose from. aft, 4 PM. ma. dockint priv. No pets er p.\d. PJeue co ntact : 1 -C -3100 UPPER 2 BR, mrtr, elec -Rel ... .,$3!0 mo MT-Huntlnaton Boadl ' Newport Be.ch 2200 nta . blt-bw. doled. 1ar•1 •. )'tty tl)-3328 11.fiw 6 PM to leave in. l 0-WN-c'ER'--will~.;.i.:;; ... c._..:llllOJl'Y= NEWLY dee 2 bdrm witb Adults, "' -ndllCOd Huntl"""" -h 5400 '°""'lion or wrilr: It. C d l b rent tn t'XCbanp tor llte _ •• _ -··---·-Eugene Gr.Qpr, C • • • I on o rn um om e h"-rooma. 1 ·-fenced .... -t.. .. 1-•-"-· w' t •-'--u t Eastb uff --...... .,.. ., ........ _. _......_. J BEDROOM J ~'111. ea em ._."""' n y • ' I area, overlooking yard. Very quitt. 1 child ok. 4 BR, ··aw ..... ~-111.., ~-· · • an.land. OblO. "1ol ('9' WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Back Bay. 2 &droom. den. n'>I<. 523 Bernard s• C.M. .... -D l 1 t _...._ I -' fttri• no .... n_ or,.~. SHED ' ftY opmen ~ , 2'11 bath. Decorator furniah-543-271L .. ""'' .. Walker & Lee ed. Available now $664 mo.1,,-B~R.---,.,--,.---Nr lboppq ~ befon ~ti. db.pea, builtinl, bftt Center.) \ Refettncea required gar, Pf. • cp • .... .,.., 4. Jocatlof:I. 1 b1k to 5 Points C•rol Ad•mton 541-1641 S7~"'21 ''°"'· rdrlg. T!oi>lcal set· FURN 6 """""' bocb, 1 6 2 -eJc. """1 sµo. lt72 Dorcy D;I,,. 7682 Edinger 842--4455 01' 54(J.5140 O~n Eves. Meredith Gardtn1 "'=""=~-=.,.,."I ting !or adults. 1 blk lhopl. TIOl ... 11 ....... o ea-aa ch DOVER Shont bay! r 0 n t $14S. 544-478(1 Bit. M• del Mar Aptl. 911· ..,_.;j3' _.. "' Huntington IM hom•, 6 BR, t ba. large Sl'ORAGE ~.-~ ,_ , El Camino Dr., C • 111 • I;~~~==== patio 70' private dock. June ~...,. --. mi.. S46-0Cfil. QIEZ ORO APARTMENTS & J;,ey. $2500 mo. Beg. Alley acceaa, Npt Hel&hts. 2 BDR. 2 t., crpU. drpl, 1234 Atlanta Sept., yrly Ue, S1CUI mo. $19. 548"'680 a.ft. 5. bullt·inl ue1mo. Hartior-New 14: 8edrooms • ~ ~ 213: 7so..sot3 or 213: 3 BR 3 BA. w/w cpll, drpl:, s.ker-irea. 5t8-61J31 elec:trle Oft'1 FIREWORKS .,,....,.. bl>tna. Pool&,...,. .. u.. 5J6.392T or 536-lnl SPl!CTACULAR --Back Bay $285 mo ESIDE Uni 1 Br. apt. Pool·Wubert-~ Q at the ~';i;~91~B~ ~ = ~ . . RENTALS Kt TAL' I NTAL' ~1\!1"..:a..~ ,,::,ec1. Pllvate q....., ANAHEIM by monlh). Art-646.-0132 SMALL 3 Bdrm $125 tce<! )'d. Hou-Unlvrnlahod Aph. Fumllhod Aph. Un!vrnl..... NEWLY llecOntod. •Jae. 2 STADIUM 4 BR 3 bath, heated filtered Roman pool with Jacw:zi. Panelled den with bar & gun case. Large &late entry, wide stairs to galltty, 2800 aq ft. Large lot Carpl!ts & drapes, built-ins. All this for low $47,950. No gar. Chlldm1 A peta. N...,.... leldt 5200 Br.{ w I w • r/hlllt/*1ft, on July •th 2245 N...i."""' 548-'°" Logvno Nlpuel 3707 Coron1 dtl Mor 4250 Cotto MMo 1100 edulia "' dllld JO "" cir, P,laolO "'° 11).51'11, m. • j RANOI atyle, 3 BR. 3 BA. 1 .l 2 Bft. apt&. fum • un. $125. !nqulre apt D f'lt between 9 and 1 pm to elaJm FO-.. -... --~-----~-.. ""ts .1~ -1 .. blttr. fncd S2'7S LUSE; 3 Br. 2 Ba., LEASE. Lowly 1 bdr .l den 1-;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.1 tum. $U5 to S2>CI )'l'ly. e-to63 ,Our tlcllrta. (North ~ l\.llllU.o ~u .... ., "~.-·'"-"11 ...., ' Din. nn. bit.int. lam. nn or 2 bdr. Walle to bea.ch.1 1 AJdta..JoaesRlty.su,..mo ~™ut,l -"-•·Blt.lilJl&-UllMreenumberiaH).ll:ao> lrvlne T1rraco bdr 3 ha. o v e 1 loo k i n g yd. Nr Har Hi $250. 646-1189 r--.. ' ..... ~-.... tlo. Adulta. 11-1.,. -~-(ftlHTBllCTIOI( ., ... " ......., ._ Pacltic Newport Harbor. u..o•~..vuS vrr:W. LO ...... pl . ... ..._.J.W. VIUIKU 1 BEDRM. apt, drpa. bab.t.-ed ......... NC .... J FEMALE bo1prt•1 1 l---A~.-... m-8---1 sunken Iv rm, din. nn, Newport INch 3200 Agent 499-2138 $85. FURN bl.ch apt . ins. patio. Multt on11. no U.11 6 AJplquia. Mlf. 'emplo)oea wllb to rent 111 • -view. Other room around BEAUT. View EXCL 3br 2 Privacy. buliDell man. .ee JUSJ (AUN nllle. pe:ta. $140 mt. )'fl¥. l1M2l1 Ml-DS1' nr CM b)' July 1 cc dolt• I 51;40;0 Loon pool Exquio. !Um. l1500 / I/ I be, blm. dlhwr. crp/.,... to apPft<., no pei.. m4!ll Ul'D'M;llnV NEW -1 ,. 2 BR. -Ible. l or 2 Br. -ta , $165 Total Par Month mo. July / ...... "' ,.arty. Ip. l3llO '36/5"11 SO.l215 BACHELOR lat ,_, pvt. Horbor Hol""h Ftur Eaat Bluff s24i cpU. -avail July L or •P~ 185 to l1J> I* """ GT.-2111 TOWNHOUSES aule~ nr ehopp!Joc '125. mo "'' -'II · Muat accept 2 al--20x20' panelled dtn ========IADtn..TS ONLY! 3 b • d. Dupla .. Unfurn. 3975 Incl util. 6tM096 Reatal Man.t.IU -,-NEW d1x '?ow'DboUa, 2 Br, -e1t1. call 6'SoOl8S alt 5 pa. PLUS 3 BR 2 Both Coron• dtl Mor 2250 rooms, 211 bilba. Spllllevel o•mL-U ·-" J 1 -Mn. Cbmtlen..., 211 Ba $3ll0. 3 Br. 2 Ba $3llO. S.nto AM • 5620 LADY EXEC1111VE 6 Slilir HAFFDAL REALTY Carpets, dra ..... bWIJ-inl . ., ~ n!Um.•·-uy Bol .... "'""" 4'5$ Sll7·ACIM1monAvt. t&,3Bal495."2Am!po ·-dettft 2 BB..,_"' apt S740 \Varner. F.V. 842-4405 3 BR. 2 ha.. Frpl. cpts, dtps. 3 car auaie. Fac:ea pool. 1. 3 bar 2 bl. bullt-lna bllc. Cost• Meu Wa,y, N.B. 175-&ll HIDDIN VILLAGE w/ prtvaa,, untmn. YeulJ 1j Avail. July 19th. No pets or $265/month. dlhwabr. firepla~. 1 block CUTE Studio apt for cte chi a block wtat ot Hubor mvd .. Ml 5250 I GARDIN APTS. nntaL eoro..-N'nrpirt am Golden Opportunity child """" 1l ""' Mo. ALSO lrom beach. &n.1158 avail ..... 1100. mo. yriy 2 blocla ooulh .. lhe c-· . r . *1!11 .......... Ulil.: 2 Br. ..... m-:wxi, ... :um I Assume this 6% GI loan • only $2950 down . 3 Bdnn, 2 bath, bltns, large lot, 1 yr old. A steal at $26.950. HARBOUR REALTY Broker ~1662 ADULTS ONLY! 2 bedrooms, AtiTISTic 2 Br un&rn: encl. lie. M0-6835, 67>'161M after 6 San Ditl'O Ft'ftway) turn. or otum. Alr-«and., £6CAL bul1nnlmu. h J I 2300 2 batha. Split-level. Carpets, patio. near 1torta. No peta. Phone ~1034 ... y bced. air ~t. heated pool. crown _.. bte4 2. I 1 B1lbo1 drapea: A: built-Ins. 2 c a r $150. 675-29G Huntington Buch 4400 ~ .... ~pitv patio. ....._. ·-lh THE GABLES .... ~· QUI T LIVING .... " ......... -..... ....., ' $215. 3 BR. 21,9 Ba. frplc, prage. "'6M' mon • .tt::NTAL$ Quiet I. Be<1utlful ...: _. • ., 541-& w"ber. dryer,..._ <I-bl Bay & Beach Apts. Fumhhod l BRAdultaonl>:Pllvatepa· Dix t::;,,J:,:: 1111. <llC 'TEN AC11D •ins 2 ifl5R';;4arJ,y. MUnid, ': ~vail 7115. B k1'. RNlty, Inc. 4000 tio, pool, uW. lncl. No peta, Adult&. cpts. drps. bltinl. 1 6 2 U. hnl 6 l'*" Cout•' 5700 chlld; __, water ~_!;I 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 121 Gener•I no cb11dttb, $180/mo, 1'1176 fenctd )Vd. Water paid. mu. fllm at unfUm. -•• 1 -Ewo. 543-6966 . carm...._ HB llT->125 %439 Oranr• Ave. Frplel I pdv. pa...,_, ••••"' I ali aft L . , • 847~. VACANT Laguno BHCh 2705 HOLIDAY PLAZA l Br beach * 63MllO * T-• Caotnl1-. ... -ft ·-iifSiiOliSi8£E ......... Pl Ou t of town Owner. 3 BR 1% UAINT 1 BR, 'tecl ded 2 BR. W/w, cpts. frplc. drpe, DELUXE. apacbnJ l ·Bdrm. $150. ~WO. a:., pt~ 15tb BEAUT Ip 2 BR. 1~ 1-U!lc'""" dlllilW •pl in Newpart ba cpts/drps, blt-W. 70' cor Q ' · u ' ftfrleerator, Janie $151. Fum -.pt. $135. PlUI Utll. st Apt N 1 -~ too h Lat, ODI ~ New • Delde c.ta Mea to $100 mo. '. lot. FHA or VA fin. or cuh view, yr lse, prot; people Adult&. no pets. 642-4441 Heated pool. Ample pUldlla: ., o. • 231"""'0~--poolta ,; __ ad.,~~~!"5-(~ nr. a.It !h'l? "'17141 .,, "16 --. •'I only. $15Cl/mo. ~l«M No cbllcftn-No pets NEW $2JO up. 14-.3 Br, bbl .... , .nu-. ,,__,.. -~ ~ ) 10 S\i% '""'· RU>h! U r.....11y p k 3237 IS65 Pomona, C.M. • auna pool• rec nu. llalI DELUXE A-pallo,_ lo y..,. M """'"'-' (714) 5»-1417 • LANDLORDS e ' BRASHEAR REAL TY Summor Rantola 2910 n Ir • Algoqutn. Mu 818-&37 extru. S135 -and !all, -wJD be ~ 1ir 'Ill OcMn A...... nUz REilTAL 11:1\VJCI: '1 84.7-8531 Eves. 968-1118 ~=;.;...-"-.;......;;.. ___ 13 1:>D ·--BAYF.RONT WI prtv. beach. -. WOW! I 5'4% LOAN -Grtg K1lao ~.~ ~.!l: ~ '°!: Sl35/wk. :;::;:: ' Gorden Q,... . 4610 548-203> • ........, II. Dial ea.om lS hllla w. ol ff. II. PMrl -...._ 1j Bright, aieery 4 Bdrm home. 1231 Dolphin TerrKe m.atoe or-213 ~cm ~.:'."m. ~· ;',':"dt"'~ Coron• dol Mor ::E:lat::a:l:uff::::::::32:4~21 ~BB moo,'"'"· All S:G~°':ta Ad,.:-!:: WANT AD ORDIR BLA NK /lj buy at $23,!XXJ, Submit On You a.re the wjbnrr of try club alrno8pbm!o and terms. 2 tlcketl to the LOVELY 3 bdr 2 bl., lge Costa MtlM 4100 compkte prviacy. SOtml HARBOUR REAL TY "need patio & ,..ro, ;Ieatl "'=-"'=---"-= BAY Ct.US APJ'S. 13100 e 117,w.IS e FIREWORKS '$31l5hll"""-.nclAll -~"" bl!Avall!ns. $30.00 wk. up CHAPMAN A,... Ganlon SPECTACULAR "'°' •~"'""· e llaf, _.,month. c.,,.. <n<l 630-3030 S BEDROOMS at lhe 1,J.,,uly~%nd°".c-'44-=165T,_..,,_.,,.,....1 e Studio & Bach, Apta. CORNER LOT. Not too ihaJ'P ANAHEIM SPACIOUS BluUs 4 Bdrm e lncl Utlla A Phone aerv. -... ..._............. ···-············-' 5 SHORT WORDS MAKE ONE UNI-NO AD LIS$ THAN 3 UNES I • 1 11 but the terma are wide open STADIVM Condo. Bltns. frpJc. beaut e Maid s.mc.. TV avail, & possessk>n b immediate. on July 4th crpta Ir drpll. JW1t step1 • New cate 6 Bar TllllD n111n nwn n111a - - --LtlfMI• llMch 470$ 100 CLIFF DRIVE l----1----1----1----1·---..--l--!=:_l__:=:_l·~=-~~=-1 $31.CXX> from t ht1ted pool&. $295 2371 Newport BlYd. sa,.m Rtx L. Hodges, Rlty Pl~ call 642-5678, ext. 329 mo. ""'21'1 MODERN attractive 2 BR 847-2525 betw~ 9and1 pm· to claim FOR }..ale or We. Bluffs 4 w/w cptg, walk to 1tottw, 1 ELEVATED 4 er. oouse, your tickets. (North C.ounty BR. dininc r oom, im· child OK, no peta. $124.~. open 1ta.1roase: cpts, drps, toll-free number ii 540-1220) macalate end unit. Vacant. 641-5961 or scs..3643. Mcr- Two bedroom lw'nllbed AllDehlxel'u ..... 14,50 $5.10 Walldnc Dlalan<e to Beocb $225 -Y•aiiy -l----1----1----1----·1----1----I 4f4.:14ff "·'° $10.65· SU.to ----$1.U $1S.10 $20.10 ;i ,, " bllns; Lge. square lot, cul Corona del Mar $410 mo. l'lS-5764 or 673-9060 2260 Maple SL, No. E. Dll.UXE 2 BR. 2 patm,· de sac street Paved boat Mn. White agent-ownr. IMMAC. 2 BR. new cptldrps fabulous vl@W, juat 1teps to '----...L..---...L..---...L..---..1..---....L....;..--"--'---"-'---'---•I yard with gale, cinder block BA YFRONT blt·ins. QWel. Adults. No beach. By ft Cf mo. I' $2.4.JO $6.00 $9.76 $15.55 'I I fence. Nr. stores, acMols. Second largest Jot on Bay. 5 Coron• del Mir 3250 pet.I. $150. 1974 Wallace or c......,,;;.;..=-"'.;....*...;...'_489 __ _ =-~~· $38,000. 0 w n er BR. family room, 4 bat.bl. • CAMEO SHORES • call 5'6-S386 aft 7 PM "' ,4 I ~1-:t ,::.:~::,..=~.,.-~=o I Dock with Snawblnl, Sabot 3 BR + conv den. 3 BA, LG Bub. unit. drpl. epts, ~ Unfurnl1hed COUPLE With 3 children &. surfboard, Volley ball Ocean View. Avail tor short near So. c.out Plaza. 0CC :::c.:,:: want 3-4 bdr home. Cash to court .,n Wye und beach. term. Jong term or Jse opt. $135/mo Ind. ~. o.n.nl 5qOO existing FllA. call 673-2TIS Every niom in houae looks $375 mo. Box 4001, NB. Call 54&-&)19 aft f. eacr. Huntington Harbour 1405 DECORATOR'S 2 BR. 2 ba. ·rownb6ulc w/boat slip. Pool, tennis $38,ThO JUtr. 673-2010 out on Bay A Jell> eouanc.. °"" ABA~ nR Apt ~ • UNT • 11 car parldnr. $2500 per ...... .........., • .. _.. • R F lturo month . JUiy A Ailpst.· Cour-2 BR House, exctllent oond. beam cellq, pyt patio. 1 • Olml um '"' to brokers. p h 0 n • M~"' """'"" " no adlt, no .... a la $20 • $25 & UP OR 3-7865 or MI 2-21n. children. $250 mo.* 675-3211 613-7629 Mantt.-To.Montb RentaJa CHARMING l Bdrm. apL H ...... llHch 3400 GORG!X>US now I 6 2 Br. WIDE 8ELl!:Cl10N sips 4-5. Excel. PeniMula ~un •-y•Oft Actlvtty rm. pool. AUnL AppUanoet • TV'a aftlL &oc. July s · Aur. 2. m. BIG home, beautiful oono am Parlonl. &f2..8&70 No Securlb' Dlposlt Family, m21.23, 673-0349. ditlon, huge COV"ered patlo, STUD!~ SUO. 1 BR p., HFRC hmlturt bnt&la PAYMENT ENCLOSED 0 SEND BIU 0 Pv~lhh f.,, •••• , ••• ... _,., '4itil11•f"I , •• ••••• •••••• ••••••• ••• ••• ••• •• Cle11ln..ti•• ••• •••• •••• •••• •• •• • ••• •• •• •• •••••• •• •••• •• •••• •••• o Ht'"• • •• •• •••• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • • •• •• •• •• •• •• •••• •• •• •• •• •• ••••• ...,,,,... . .................................................... ·-·· Cltr ••••••••••••••••••••••-•••••• P'li~ •••••••••••••••••••••"•• .1 " to P1euu con ' ht .,..., •11• ...... .. .... l .. ,. ehff. IHIM• ,.._ j 1 1 ad4reu • •••11• ""'"'· 11 n. c•.t •' , .. , " .... the .. c1 ., ... 1111• ... wti1cti ... I l•rt wm ef Y•• H If ., ... h11. Md 12.00 • ...,. " Y• . I ~ • .i,. u•• .f DAILY PILOT lff IWVk-wft\ N•.J ,._ '"~~ fount1ln V•ll•y 1410 TRl·LEVEL STRATFORD borne ln tip.top shape. 4. bdr, 3 ba. Sunken tam. nn. Formal din. 2 trpla. Landscaping, cpts, drps, all included. Owner Commuting to L.A. As.!~ exl.8ting low FHA. F o r appt: {213) 763-7336 r..tr. CUtright, owner. NEW, By owner, 3 BR. 2"' Bath. W/W carpets,. drapes. blook !cnoc. Many cw:tom iratures. $31,500. Euclid A Talbert. nr lrNy. 96Ul'l9 WATERFRNT pier A tit boat «r tralltt ltm'ap, Sleepinc nn "1· Older people 517 W. l9tb, OI !W8-M1 step1 to oce~ 2 0~ 3 BR, completely built-in, fi BR. Sftf. 2135 Elden Apt. 6. =ll61iii;;,Wiii'iiLnclll.iiiiiiiiiiAiinhmiiiiiiiT1iit;iii:IIOOiiii J------------CUT MIU -PAITI OM YOUR INYILO" -------· $125 per wk It qp. fiOlO $255 I mo.. lntmtdlate pot.. • Lagun• Btach 1705 RI"' Ave, NB. 6TM229 -ion. Bl<i'. 54M141 _,_ ....,, 4200 VEN DOME OCEANFRONT, So. Laguna. CONV. loc. Clean 2 bdnn, SINGLE Youns Adults LID- Beaut. tum. 2 Br. AvaiL Ju-hrdwd firs, curtains tbruout. Ul'1 pnSta apts wHb O>Un-IMMACULATE APTSI Jy. Aug., Sept $00'.l Mo. range. Lee fncd ~.lat A tr)' club atmolphere aOO ADULT A J'AMJLY Agt. 499--2238; 499-3403 lut mo, water pd. $lZ m6. complete prtvacy. SOUTH SECl"!ONS AVAILABLE CLEAN Balboa Beach Units. ~It BAY Q.UB APTS. lrvln9 at Clote io ahapplnf, Park Sleeps 2 to 10; for summer 1'0WNHOUSE 1 BR. bltins, 11th Newport Beach. * S,.doal I Bra, 2 Ba reservations call 613--9945 RIO. l'\?f11c. pool • termla. cnt.> 6605r50 * 2 Bedroomt 315 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa water pd. $11D. rra-iru FURN Lbdr apt. mcJ. pr. : ~ .=-,::;c:~ UDO ble Ba)rtronL 5 BR., fi 4 BDR. home w/ 2 1-. bllNI on tbe watf'r, Idle al.Ip fir ll45 AMhlhn Aw.. ba. hom<, p~r A llip. July 1215 F!nt I< Lui w/ l:tO email boa~ 33U llutoot CX>Sl'A MESA - '-Aug. $2500 Per J\.lo. depotlt. 534--1382 Avt, NB. 6B-80I) 6 1!!!!!11!!!!1111!'!111!!'~!1!!!!1- BROKER 673-8830 LOVELY I bdr. + faD>IJ,y, 3 '15-0253 -nt e BEACH • YEAl\LY e CHOICE N. Laguna loc, 2 be. all bit-Ins. I ml frwy. FURN Duplex. l • 3 Br, II I Br. 2 Ba. un111rn .... 11111 BR. lrp) ""' ..... bcbl $215 ..... 962-0038 blk ...... --2 Br. l Ba. ........... l2LI town Mo' or .k C97-ltfi6 ew a.nt.a1.. PRoqrld t-a817 « S Br. 2: Ba. den !m'O •• $80 Jl'a ACRES be•L. Wtatmlnlltr J612 LA r>424I l Br, l Ba. Ufti\,; .... !200 Undcv~oped land.~lty of NEWPI'. Bel\, clean. S BR 3 BR A df:n, crptl, drps. AVA.ll.. July lat. 1 BR., 1 a Br. 1 Ba. fllnl •••··' $Z1I Laauna. 9 Blk.. t beach. apts.1 blk to-'bay A oceu. d&hwhr, bl:tns, ref r i a-, btk. to ocnn. SllO Mo. UUI BURR WHITE Ocean ~ie.-1. Sbou divide July A Aue· $llO to ~ wuher/dr)'er. Solt water, pd. Yl1¥ ltt. &7s..l&C REALTOR into 13 lots. Price ,(WJO; 'fttklf. ~ ~ troPk:aJ hlcbcpdc -Newport 9eactl JtuU;1 2001 Nt!wport Bml., N.B. 29~ On-A rtal sleeper. PRIVATE room with bath, 2 full ._ $225 mo. Wkzldl ·LARO£ 1 BEDROOM CTMQo IG-2251 Ewa. ' ML~SION RI.TY. ~ eep 1rom main -· T/l/J 18:1-1450 °' -aft &, $150 "'°""'· _.,, 1111. I BR 1l1plex. pr, RIO, l "ii!ffii'l':!'t;:;:;:;;'iii:i::~~ l ~to~l/~t~ITMM9~~~· .,.....== 117-6904 ** 67UIJill ** • f.amily Mlcornt. Avail 1/15. liJNtQUE r..,una H<J .. way, BAYFROllT Ntwly -Ill> e WINTER RE!ITALS e BkF. - Tomu:•• gardena. """""' ed 1 BR. Ft-beach. lot. Logvno -h 3705 W1NIFRED L. FD&\ AfL 11&5. 1 BR, Ill Ba. 0-. mom, fully crpld. Exqulstte: ~ 613--0305 BEAUTif'Ul.. View-2 Br. u~ • tG3t'R • tcrnt, prl IWMSeck, w/w, canyoo vk:w. I l t · 8 o o · BALBOA • _nat,. oot-!urn ,..... 1e.... l'll5 per I BR. S Summer Mt. RIO, ftlri&. Bllr. - 4!»-&5l taaa Wee\cly ntta July, mo. 549-2463 aft 5 p.m. ~ PLACE ,,_ want tld WbeN fi-'CE -"""'1 ad wb<re _,. Scpt.l4&-1158 DAILY PnDr WAMT ADS THE QtnCKEll l'Oll C.W. -ue ~ -DAILY .jbey m looldiw -DA!l.Y ~••n~ -~ ·--~ ""'· Dial fOe6'll 1ar RESULTS THE QtnCKER YOU S!lLL PILOT dNlllletll IOll1I rPILOl'~!..,!;~~··~lll<d~!4U6'11:::;:::::~.;~::::::::~~,::::~~·;;;;;;~~-.;._- -' I I: I •• ! I IUSINESS RErLY MAIL ftnf Cl.. ,_.... "'-U, c.ta W... Ct.••• Oro1191 Cont DAILY PILOT P. 0, la 15'0 C:.... Ma., CliUf. '262' .. USE THIS HANDY POSTAGE PAID • • DAILY PILOT = AND REAl,;H rHE ORAN6E COAST'S ll~EST MMKET ~ ' • I l ' 1j I I • . ~~-...---.. ,,. .......... ,..,._.~ . .--... --p--~-------·--------·-i ..... ___ ., DAILY PILOT Are You Letting Cash r . Slip ·Th:rough Your Fingers See ·If You . Have Any Of These Things A ~ DA·.ILY PILOT . . . . I WANT-AD.:., . · Will Sell Fast! J. $-'29. llcycl• 57. Eloctrlc Trolft · 2. Guitar ' 30: Typewriter 58. Klltoft l.~liy Cri~ 31 . Bar 51 .. 11 59. Claaalc Aut. 4. Eloctri~ Slw 32. Encyclopedia 14. CoffH T1bl9 5. CamereJ. JS. t Vacuum Cle1n1r 61. MotoriY<I• 6.w ....... I, H. Troi>lcal Floh 62. Accordion 1. OulbN<d Motor 35. Hot RM Equlpm't 6'. Skis i: s.Oroo Set 36. Fiio Cabinet 64. TV ht 9. Colicll ' 37. i:o,o11 Clubs 65. Woricbonch 10.' Clorinot • 113''." lterlln9 511hr 66. Diamond Witch 11. Rolrfll"rolqr , '9 Vlctorf1n Mirror 67. Go-Kort 12. Plclcvp Truck 4G. 111idr-. Sot 61. lronor U . '°""iltt Mochlno ""1!i-~lido Proi-. 69. ,C1inpln9 Tr.•ll•r 14. Surfboord ,Cf. ·Lawn !Mw"r 70. Antique FurnltvN 15. ~chit"' T 0011 43. Pool Tobie 71. Tape Rocordor 16. Dishwasher 44. Tlrn 72. Sollboat 17. Puppy 45; l'lan•P 73. ·~por1s co; 1 a. Cabin CrulMr 46. ,.,.. Coat 74. Mo-. Ins.,.. 19. Golf Cart 47, l!~a~ 75. Inboard Speedboat 20. Barometer 48. LI...,., 76. Shot"'" 21 . Stamp Conoctlon 49; HO<..'' n . S1ildlo 22. Dlnotto Set .SO. Alrplono 78. Dart Game 23. Ploy Pen 51. Ore•• 79. Punchlftll 1"9 • 24. a-11 .. a.n ' 52. Exercycf9 eo. 1aby · carr1.,. 2s .. wator Sim · S3. Rare Boob II. Drums 26. FrH11r 54. Ski Boots . 82. Riffe 27. SultcaM ~S. High Chair 13. Deslc 21. Clock 56. Co ins 14. SCUBA Gear ,- These or any other extra things aroun-d th• llouu may be tumeCI Into cash 'with : a DAILY PILOT WANT-AD . . " ' . so· .... Don't Just Sit There! DIAL DIRECT 642 -5678 ' I (YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD) DAILY PILOT WANT ADS WILL WORK FOR YOU! Get In O~ The Action Today! ' . .. ' I RIAL ISTATI lt~L I STATI IUSINIH °"' ANN~lME.NTS ANNOUNCI MENTS l••ll t 11ol PINMICIM; _. NOTICll ~ ...i N011Cll : -· w-59'0 ..... .. .... Opp~~~ ~ Leal ..01 ,.,_. 640S ' PARTNIRSHIP · 2 PUllDlill tJolv. Eloclri<>il ~ ":.:.:1.. llltVICE BUSINF.&'I '=~:. "::' ~ LICINSED , Ea1r ...-.-b' Philo. a hf• I In ...,.,;;, PLANS EXPANSION ctwi. --l lli>ltltllll Rwtt,._, -co1Fcrd want ...._ SUIMl.75 ~-ko tar saJe [a-AftU. blilhed over u rra. Ana.-Wed. altt fJl5. No .-on d matttn, !12 N . • m N.a., C.Jl. ~ JW¥ ¥.. =..i._-ro:m, 54'7'*1 he.Im, Now ~ •owr ukfd. MS-6llO Ountm Real. San Oeme.nlt ~ .,_. • ~GOii wll)I Pl.IOO ,n, ..,.i. <l'J.9136. o' .,..950! --M LEVEL lot. I CdM' "w/ lL , • LOS';r June ,... Sold·. di.a-10 AM • 10 PM ~: ar-~ ..,i. o'ib<d abl pnp llH<hmblllobo ~part. "'°"" bncele~ Vle. Maf SPECIAL 12 READING I JM an r•........... .trl•id tar aptL a, o._. w .. cu u.w.t-'--.. Co, S. Coul Plua. JAcuna I -'7""-~'-.1.--.-1 :=--· Raw C!&r . as.• euta. m....c ... C!illllll * ~ 0 '*""' t1Wlla, Bch. 0ra.np. Lib. nw"cL A~~~wo~rt OCEAN, -ca~ v·-· Lot .....,....>. QuaJJtled -""· m, -""' I 2 ·vv.. "'"" W ~.... +.I dancer \Vlll tea.ch you aD I WANTED by coy~ e: 1 or s. Lquna Sacr. 110.500. ~ w draw equal aa.laey, + BICYCLE. Pavillion area, lat.tat steps. Call Ardell .!31". houle, by A""'. i,t. caBh. OWntr 2l3/355-01S5 lll other benefits. Gl'Owth . Tandem. Schwinn, blue w/ 215: 59l-t538 1•10 PM • Qood nr;, m-7491 ~ could· double praent chrm triin no q u es •• =::::,~""'~""'"'.,...-"" 1 1 ....... 6150 wJume I:: profit. 'within 11 m...aK ' } REDUCE Safe A: fut wllh Roama fli~;.Reftf 5995 =:"¥:= , • .monthl. Great ·opport.unl~. , ,...,... 2 b ,_ .5 ~d GoBtae tabJeb .\ E-Vap I l' J' ~ ~ -~ e boob open. Pleue· phooe _,.,.,, rown.~m.. I "\\•atetpllls".We1tcllfl . _,..ROUGHIRED an, eve •l1tr 6 pm dac.,hund P"P'· voe, of !6th Phann 20'3 WHtdUI GEfjTLEMEt<.. bra</>• pool, I "l"' 12t•) 5-. A lrvlno. Rowan! '™"" acy. ' '"""" Nll't(., .. .....,,. HORSE ·RANCH • u·I ~ or8'!"'9Q6 ··' 1-°'-·~===--I '8Shoo. ~ AFFILIATE TWO Black Ptj,e Labrador COUNSELING LARGE. Prlvat&l entruoe. 1IO; ~-::ui ~~ CAND'( SUPP~Y Retrievtrs 0;\15 mo old, May save ~ marrlaae or WOfldlW me:n onl1. --~ =-·boarding ~ng ROUlE 1011 2 mo. Reward. criM family. Call 615-DXI. before 2:3:1 ' -A: ~p· tacUlUes.' Th1J ii a CNo SelU.rw InYOl\19d) 673-54.50 Hn 10 am-5 pm. ~ bDrle ranch with an Excellent Lncome tor few SILVER.grey male Peta1an J WJU. not be respoMlble Mlle. Rent1.. 5"' _Otlmated replacement cost boup weekly Wor:'£ iDt,ys or cal approx. 5 yn;. old, vie.. for any debta other than my ol. eDtinc facilltin of ap-everu,..l. Reflllirw I: col-Cenb')' O.ub &. Jamaica, O'ft'n. Ronald Joseph Mond Full lee~ money from coin op. 6...., ~ -rut.LY endoled· pnae-lor proxlmatdJ' $1,.250,0X>. er&ted dispemen In Costa CM. ~40 1,;;•:;;;:-•~:;,,=====I storage Pl per mo. Call price wi~ llw stock Mesa a: IUmlWlding area ADULT A1tered ma le RIDE Wanted OCC to Corona ~2921 $1,000,lm. I: easy terms. We est. route. CHaJxD.ft ah/hrd !IOlld blue cal del MM, m!&. WW pay. For more btfotmation call name bran d candy 4 W--alde, CM. Rew! 548-85S'1 Call 675-4235 aft 7 pm. In-Property 6000 GleM Thom-. snacks) S14'0 CUh ,.quh-PORTRAITS • 646-1541 'I Eckhoff &. Assoc., Inc. ed. For personal intervle~ Penon1ls 6405 Oiarcoll, water color. Oil - 7 Units C·2 Lot l81i W, Chap~ Ave. in Cost& Mesa area, aeod By J. R. MacMillan -mo income. Excellent ar.nce. Calif. name, addre• lc phone"num-w•llftl\ potential. $58.000 541-2621 Evn-wkndi 548-6'm her to. MultbState Inc., 9075 Aft I W =o~~T !°°:::!ou~ !!:!~~~~~~~1E. Jmpetial Hwy., Downey, 5 PEOPLE WITH AN P.O. Box 1223 CNta Mesa. Cholca E'sldo 4-Plox ~ 6200 Calif. 90'l42 OVERWEfGHT PROBLEM Near 17th Street. 3 -2 BR ~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~11AAN~TI~Q?UE~Sll~O~P~i~n~CM~, >NC-~ For research weight reduc- 1 be. le 1·3 BR 2 batli with • ~ C"'UNTRY cesiful. Xlnt locaUon, park-Ing program to em.bl.lab 1ta· fireplace. All unU1 have v ing, patronage. Profit 8t&te-tlsttcs for rapid permanent bu.Ut • ins. cptl I drps, pvt. PROPERTY ment avail for inspection. weight lou, conducted by patios, garqcs. $55,500 2fi,ll8 actH of beauutul So. Call 642-5r.ll btwn 10 am &: quaJlfled physical culturists. Calif. Land dotted with hugeic'='""'~·====== Applicants must be a mln1-$ft,OOO Ttlplex. $340 trecc A meadows. Level to 1 ~ _ mum of 25 pounds over- Montb near Harbor Center. roni ..... pro.,· _ l. adjacent t._\oney to LHn 6320 welglit, have transportation 2 BR 1 b&, blt-ina, 2 pvt pa-.. ,.. ·~ Ir. not currently under Doc-~ 3 gar. Call quicldy on to 1~ Otttia Hwy. Mobile 1.11 • 2nd loam for quick tor's Catt. All inquiries com- thla! hon:ie park under eonstruc-cub. Bom>w on your pro-pletely confidential. Weight Bob Obon RJtr, 546-5580 lion nearby. r u 11 price perty eq wUhout dllturbln& a>ntrol regearcb now form-~,.-NEW==UNITS="'"-.,-.,,-..,,.-n $50,000 with ~nns. Fnr your k>w interest ht TDL Ina: second group. Hntgn Bch. Sun decks, further Information, contact At.. buytts for 2nd TDs.. ASK FOR MR HILL Glenn Thompson Sattler Martgqe Co. Inc. 537-M12 patios. 4 trplc. -Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. Suvitw Harbor ma 20 yn. TERRY REALTY 1818 W, O\apman Ave. 336 g, 17U. st. 536-1459 Eve. 536-76M oranKe. Cali: so.-nn 56-0611 3-2 BR. + 2 gar. Close In. ~1-2621 Eve&-wknds 548-6727 ANNOUNCl:MENTS Inc. $405. MUil IM!ll, set-tl•m•nL Prine. c>n1y $3<.000. L•euno Bo•ch and NOTICES YES IT'S YOUR 045-0032 """· • 7 ACRES W/'PERMIT Found (Frff Adsl 6400 Fo' ,..,.!!,u~;,..., 1hat INDUS. Bldg. 100% occpd. TO KEEP .HORJ ES will change Your w~ call Nprt, Bell. 1090 net return. Adjacent subdivision one APRICOT poodle-pup, no ORANGE CO S4?-6667 ~~· Phil Sullivan mile ·E. oJ hwyt ~tU·•vaiL tap', ·Vic TeWlnkle Park, 24 hour re~ntlng -•11.1. $42,0ll. % cash. l>ILI 1st trust CM. Call to identll'y. · -- *Alone? Beginning ~tudents pre.L U.C.J. Music Major Call Bruce 546-4478 G &: H OFFSET Printing j (dilcount on order 200 &. averl i 177 H Riverside, NB 642-0920 j Cometary Loh __ 6411 DESIRABLE AB K EF Plot %17, HMbor Memo r I al Cemetery. Generous Dls- counL Write P.O. 8o% 637, Joshua Tree, Calif. 92252 SERVIC& DIRECTORY FOR SALE BY OWNER deed. Write or contact: Ll ~70 e COUP.LES e 4 unita. 2 -2 BR, l BA 4 George R, Kress, Box 914, fOUND key1 outalde 309 Cor-• SINGLES • 6 5 2-3BR, 1% BA. 548-6155 LagUna Beach oo phone onado, Balboa. Fri P.?tf. Tired of Bars, Mail .l Hi Cost 81bysltting 5 0 ========I '94--4726. Owner tdenttfy. 642-8662. computtir clubc: JOIN THE CHILD care 5 days wk 8utlnet1 Rent1I 6060 Take over pymnts. .10 Acmi F1JN! THE" IN CROWD -' ' I need no down $29 mo. Neer BIKE, Raleigh, :kpd. Blk DIV. OF I.M.P.·Mttl others e~d mother, rt fe SJDRES for leue Vtllage IA.Ire I: city 894-f?U A&L Marine Vh Sch. Slater &: w1th YOUR interests at our yard. All equip. Re f 1 • Shoppin;: Centtt, cor of El . Misty, HB. &47--8109 ~ldy Pf.rlies or select I =-=-211~•-~-~.,,_.,. Camino A Mendon, C.M. Exch--es R E 6230 RABBIT, white with tan them lndMdually &: (GALS EXP 15 yr oJd wants live-In Suitable Fo01 &o Go. TV, -...,. ' • ' marlrinp. V)c. DuMlnJ Dr., join FREE) C8ll ~ah 1-9 babysitting job. 1ummer variety, hobby 1hop, etc. P-roperfy Problems? 497-1801 Laguna Bch.. p.m. 635-9320. ITIO:I!. 213; 446--4270 See Liquor stott for key. Exchana:e what you don't A1 \\'agner 2131981-6.510 want for property you do llalboa Island wanL Call '" Appt. 0. D,COLE I Store or office; w/w C&llltll. MS-4841 Realtor 66.(£1() $150. Bkr. 642-9555 6240 e PRIME Retail Location e It. E. W1ntecl 17X40, xtnt foot &: auto traf. .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;. J fie.. tm Harbor, C M ........ LEASE -50x100 commercial I bldg; heart of downlown C.M. M&-3401 or M8-3770 LOWER Door, wood panl'g, I 1200'. Ideal lor d11.nclna:, art · school, studio. SCl-5697 · .. Olflco Rental 6070 LAGUNA BEACH Air Conditioned ON i'ORES"t AVEM.11: Dsi: spl.eet available !n aewtlt alftol bllJldlq at prime location ID downtown $$ MORE CASH $$ For Ynur Honie Equit)r Absolutely no oosi·. , , to you the Sellert l.2 years of paying mor. cuh for Orange County property . Call the Rest " .• Then call the Best BEVERLY JACKSON RW.TY .............. """"""" ,,_,,, ..,,..,.... booatlfu1 847-603l or S4s.8245 pueled partitionlns. T w o 111.tnDCM: l'roatqe. Ob 1'orat Aff:. rev leW to ~~~~...,~~~! Mandpll pUttJ:Jc Jata. S50 CASH QUICK--need 3 or 4 pw ..mmt!I lor 1PfiC9. Deak Br, G.J. or rnA boU8e bear and chlJl'll a•allable for $5. -""="=· '=,..=""=====! ..-..... ......--wvtct avaUUJe for n/. Bus. Opportunlties '300 All utfUU. ,.id except t81epbcne. DA1LY .PILOr 222. FORESf AVENUE LAGUNA BEACH - HELP!! National Co. needs a distributor for candy and aita.ck1 In Orangt: County or ne&rby areas. Pe rs on 3345 NEWPORT BLVD. selected mwit be able to OWces suitable for Cnnt-devote 2 to 10 hours per merclal, Medical, Dmtal. week Cdaya or .eves) to Alr<:ond., crptt, elevator . m&e Vft'Y ·high eamlngs. 35c PER SQ .Fl'. You may keep yoUr pruent 541-5032 OR 675-2464 posilloq. No sdliJW'. $1650 cash required CM?Ctll"ed). * OFflCE SUITES * For lmrnediate interview in $45-$15. Crpts, drps, heaUna: -ad • ........... , ma"'""""" : :,·.::: .~ ,.; Go through your place today. Look for everything that service. MEDICAL Suites avail. 17612 E'each Blvd, DISI'RIBVTOR DIVISION • J 118. ,....rn "'"'° ... ~~ 91769 isn't needed or enjoyed by your family anymore. he S16 Upper 29th N. Bch. -""~' ''""''· ' "om·· p•RTHER cameras, furniture, sports equipment, a pp Ii an c es, out· north lite, near be1 $75. "" ',:.."": ... ':"'::'1ce ... .,.. 33 "'"'old C»~pany-... grown clothing, toys and other things you find are I panding. Openmg of new di-!!·~~."&:.'.!' v~.~ ~:,·.;:~::·o=-~ worth good, hard cash lo lo lks who need them ••• bul turnoU. 831·1400, 400-4198. AGER. COMPANY W I'L'L · JGO•Sq. h . °"'•• FINANCE UP ro sss.GOtJ. really · they're no I worth a thing to you if they're not t'OSTA MESA 6'15-2130 No experience neccenary, ' Wllllngnell! to \earn a . muSt. • d lndu1trlal Rental 6090 l •t year incom• ghould ox· bemg Use , cetd ~.000. U your are T,~'s.,.~'~i: ~~··s~~,.:,m~:~:;] When you have your lisf. just dial di rect 642-5678 and give tt fices etc. on 11.6. fenced 437-&04 ext 4 · · ::" ~· ~ 'i.;.,5 · ENco to the experienced Ad Writer who answers. She'll hew ~26M. HUMBLE OIL UNDER C01111rU.-... GOii ... !:~~.;:'~ .... you word your ad lo get fastest results. The costl 911. ·ft. M-1 bldl. w/ertes. u0i, available ln a.ta Mea .. =-... (L 0011~ 10c No ,.....,,.. .. ........,. 1~ Surprisingly low! sq. n. Complete about Jttly ruollnes. molot oil&. tirn -~ 15. Ews ~ tSays balltrit• &: major acceuor- 64&-5033 ieip. Humble pe,ya all UWJ. FOR Rent or Lale: kit Ues. rot lnfonnatklll call 120X1~ completely fmctd, Oiuck Matullk .(ttC) 138-&l 81.1.iL for storage, M·.t ,.,,.. days (n4} 5.15-8801. eva Ir hll'. $1$0 Month. 5U-CM -.-eekend•. . I NEW Industrial bldg. 2500 911. UNIQUE dlllbiblltlng CO. ie!t tt. 9c per ft. 1639 Monrovia. 3 yn. Lo dn, will fine. P.O. CM. mroo17 . Box 11'8 CM. 5'6-9218 JNDUST Bdl1 In M~l. 7.fC W. WANTED: otr-Ale l\qu(c" l'IUI st., CM. 1:!00 ., «. $325 lice""'· Orant1o °""'''" YO UR AD REACHES 68 ,972 HOMES EACH WEEK DAILY PILOT WANT ADS mo. 64 .. 1133. Evet W-1179 I __ _:C&J~I!..' e<Ul~!!!39"-._.1•••••••••••••••••••••••••I I I .. Brlclr, Ma-.y, etc. 6560 BUJLD, 'h..-1, ReJ>I~ ~. b&oclc, eo11crctt1 , crpntry, no job too amalt Llc Oln~. 962.IM:j lusl""' S.rwlca 6562 F. C. Bookk~plnr Serv. F~ pickup & delivery. ..,., ltsu. ..,~ 6590 ·CARPENT~Y MINOR REP~. No Job Too Small. .CabJ.net in pr- ~ 6: o t b' • r cabinets. St$fl'l5,' U no anifti leavt me at 6f6.23'12. R. o. Anderson REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS CABINETS. Arry size job 25 yn: exper. MUTI.3 REPAfit fortllloM, SnWI Reitiodel. etc. Nlte or ~. Reaal Call KEN 540-4619 ""' • Whocldy1 . ~int? Wheddya 0.., , SPECIAL CLASSIFICATIOH POa NATURAL IORN SWAPP'ltS S,..111 RI .. 5 Lin"...,. 5 ti""' -5· buck1 l...WW IUAI& -~ MUlT IM((Uoe .... , .. ,.,. 1111' ..... .,... ,_... ...... ··~ ...,,. ""-'• ........ .... ·-.. "**• r.:THl,HG fiOi11: SAL• -r 11•1>u otlLYI, ' PHONE 642-5671 · To P 1c. Your Trader's Parldfle M Retlred~'t need lax she!-2 BR. doU ~ w/hdwd. ALJlQ SUMMIR WORK FOR\ TIACH I RS l , • STUp 114TS • ',,•·.t···' [or.m..,.;i.w .c.u """'" and ........,,. Alie rJ Mt. James: ~ . 774o7211 • • PRODUC'fiON SCHEDULll ter. Want hse tree & clr for . flool'I, on abaded M Jot. Sl9 M or $38 M eq ltl tri-FOR d\ul(ex or uni~ Wttb a\ mt one 1'11 UJ*" plexes. $960. mo, JI o o I, FORTIN.-REALTOR-, ienoe 'f llebedultt bftoa~ prime loc. no va.c. 5fO.«la1 l'l'Ol·A. WntclW, NB 6'2-5000 ia1 °"' ~Qc:Uon control. 3 Br, convert den, frplc, 1!( HAVE: Conn Mlnuet'Orian. Good b'if'P benellts. tnDt Bl, v~. Glendale home. Drirtnal price $1800. WANT:, ~. . 131.soo. 110,700 .q1y. Fodo-'64 car l&<>od -->, lloble Mln'al Cal. duplex, home, ! ! ! lail'Go&t or?·?~ • . 1"f"JIA .. Myers ~ 28' 1=.&irlinlr F. B: Fo.nl Seo-mtl'l I I Tiit-, , CO, GIBSON U-s Pa'ul mode.I; 'd,an, 327 c.'uru4er. Want 6 ~llY'• new Savage 3Cll, lever ao-llee~r !'.B. CrulJeor, Deiltl tlon; 13' alurnillwn caooe. preferred, cub difterenoa. 1611 Monrovle :Ave. l'RADE for boat fllOtor, or , (nf) 673-6728 CMt•~ Mm !'? 499-2531, eve~ & 'wlmds. Sinall ho1'88 1ranob :J BR 11 ; .. aa-MIJI,. • lfU1t MW Jawlfda4 ·~ ·aviOftkl and ~ -•• .c • eq..,.. -~· ' . \mi J am1-o it~ 1 Nowport · ...... ' ' DUNCAN ' . . ~ . ' . ,. '!t SECIE-. ' TAIY· Mlllnt Machine Oper's. '" 1. c.-c.. --NowportBtid> • Lalhe Operator .Senior , . · , own too11 anct do'OW!l1etup1. · =:..~. FULL TIME . Muat be expertenced on· !'f"l l,lt!I•. ban i,. ·~, ...,..1 • • CASHIER J -r~'.~ -'.""'. . .. ~­ Must be ~~~-a1!~tY)>O• ofd\'111•, ·*T.EL£TYPE ~m., °"""~ ban own 1A1911 aJif do 11lut>f· Mbllri!um\ . liP 'l and tstand"-bend! three yrs. •~nc.." ~ · ,I OP~RA;I GR , ~Y ~~= T~ . G'JnC.... ', . . . -""" ~.,. "' ~ ~%t: ' ~ " . \ ,rtvate line;.....,., lmowf.. ' • Mlnlmum five m . ln close tol~riiiOe rr!nd--or mullll>al baud 'J (. Mllicv CO ing of high-speed and carbide tool&. , PBX. )J) am 1o 61!0 Pl!' •• . ;r-~• 1 ..... ~· .Ut. 1 CADILLAC' CONJlOLS Dlvlolon of lir.C•llo !:orp. ' . ' -, ... -~ .... .;.,.--.: . ' ,_. , I AR ~v•I •p,.,._,ty -~.,... * PBX -.OPERAJOR 24 ,.,,,.., ....... ··""~"' • • J. W. Robl- HM 0,-lnt fo r: ' . STOCK ROOM . Help Wanted, Mon 7200 Help Wanted, -7200 *' COSMmc * RECl!l~INO CLIR~ -sALESMAN Roqulro """""""'Ilic monlho Matura • E•por~ Motor~~ Tr-. 1~AWWOMBI CARPENTRY • repairs • * * * * * Cabinets &. !Umodel. Quali· Will trade: 4 cemeteey Iota, ty work. &Q.8464 or 645-0415 Harbor Rest, Costa Mesa • QUAIJTY"Repairs _ Altera-far sail boat· value $1300.00 tlonl -New cons!. by hour ___ 545-5 __ 78'-'----- ba, &ar. O><d. Wan! 3 BR % An ~~ty be.tit on large lot. can add -=~~·"'l""°"'"", :£,;''-';~~-1 ouh. 1860 Newport Bl, CM e e EXPEDITOR Rllr 646-3928' eve 644-1., uperie1>ee 1n elec..ruc· For Thi•-· $571 -· Excellent-· IUIChool-. condltklftl a n 4 ~ , OUr Corttspondence School mWtary complete L&rze-hol'le + hlcorn. + room to bulld, on golf course. Trade for ffte I: clear land or submlL lttadee Davia ·Rltr W.M boneill.L "tteelvtnr -l!qn.Ja, IQdo;.\dont Ptr-1 51% D\Qlltbl a:pedenot u 545-12'1 tertstm peoP1e,ln ~,Jtta •1111 on.. Avt., 8Wte1C ,upedltot 1n . .--, 2"5·1'alrvio,. Roacl ~ ~ ~ /:'; Coot& Kea 1* LIBIA-: RIAN AsSIST'ANT (lilll!trl1nca p,..,.r Flll1 time po1ltJan. Ex· cellmt comJ)Ut)' ben&> 11ts; ,1 •• or Col'ltracl 64&-3442 Hone Lovers! 3 BR home. Cement, C4ncrete 6600 e CX>NCRETE fin, patios etc. Concrete I: bUt lop mw· fAI. Reu. ~n, 64U514 3am, corn.I, riding arena tack room etc. 11.4 acre. $37,000 eq. Trade for land, comm. Submit 64U487 Bkr. AKC Oobennan'1 males & femal!!, 8 wks old. out- standing pel!I, Watch dogs; foe guhs, , sportirij,__ e<Julp., brick V.'Ork, PaPft"' nanging or ? 494-8320 e ·CONCRETE work all types. Pool deck.a 1-cuaklm. I -:'.1000::----...,~,.-.,.· ---Call 5f8.l324 ac., -.....,000, 80 mi b:om dntwn LA, 5 min. e CUSTOM PATIOSe from fwy on paved rd. btv.n concrete sawing &: removal Beall9l0nt & Oak Glen, Trd .State Uc. •S0-101C for inc. prop! 547-6469 ·Bia-. ·* CONCREI'E Work, bond- . ed ·a; l,lci Concrete sawing. PhilJipa Cement. ~ . CEMENT WOTk. Anylhlng you need. Call 84U157 for Rented hctule, 50x140 R.J Jot. Nr, Garden Groye Civic Center, $20,500. Trade $9,SOO eq!Y for units or ? 1 Owner Broker 547.&169. tree est. Llc'd &: bonded. 1-------- fATIOS, WALKS, DRIVE- WAYS. Free estimate. J. RAY CONST .. 642-4210 ' Child Core 6610 NORTH Tustin Lot, $18,SOO. Free & clear, roost excl. area, fabulous view. Tr. !or Inc. property wJspendabJe. Bier. 546-6469. --· lollow-up Coot•Mloa from ... """"""*1prot... -orJSG.Om and .......... with -Equal Opportunlty'Elnployer ...,., --,.. ... !Jta typi,.; two ,..,., W t •-· • · -•· · 1 ucilon amtn>I. pur<hui._ WE ARI! LOOKING telll1-ln1"""'w and ... /llGlll' TRNEE, ~L , teclU11ca1 u,,,.,,, uper\. "" = • ~u vaean and. -'"' ,.,. FOR MIN 'WHO ARE roll --"· Our Kuot'h&w _,. -..i eoce deoh'able. · land an,ywhore U.S.A. Row ,..,.., LOOKING AHIAD leldo ""'11 !rom ....,_ lo worl< In Or.,.. or LA local~~ R'ealtor MASTER Let train iar and mqaxlne adw:rtilinr O:iunt)'. Vac, med in. I: bon. APPLY PERSONNEL DEPI'. Fathlon Island Newport Beach UfCUTIYE 642-lOI» • c In,:,,....."':,,...;: which -........ "" &..,; ~ ~·fSri!ll. . * HNIOR Will trade lffl VW SP£CIAlTifS CO. "'i.am the..,_•'""' "'""'"'" Thlll "• 1Um11b COAST•• AOINCY. '111' extra money on a put ttme onbr tualitY leada. Abo\rl .,.., · CCOUN ttlllnARJ Sedan for Ju• or Van. bUla. before lea"'..-~ averaae comm1uion fChe-A member of A TING A\BI ' * 5'&-3821 * 1640 Mtinrcrvla Aw. prellt!Dt job. ~a tull dW. and bOOua plan ean11 Snell1na A SnellbW Inc. Op .lor trade.-1.k Arrowhead (!>If• Mesa time -cent When quaJ.Ined • riPt man su.ooa ... $j,!¥' 21'90 Harbor Bl. ,Ct/ff& Meaa r• "'"'Llf@K ~h!i&: o~r:e· • OWet llt,500, turn'd. 2 •'>' c -~·2427 with .• ....,......, -.., a ,..,. OH ~" < . ii.....-[~ " Iii-. · I. lhtlil<I. Some work mod, utll'•· Wilk to stream,· ~n 'equal'opportunlty per month. can ('n.4) ~ ,~ ,,..AR!( T\MI iy!S. ~ -~ ; . ~-IJre~er 40 yrs. or ol ::,:::7£.vl: __ ._._•:.;m;;:_ploy="=----'~'=~' :: = · _!!~ o;E ~3:so per hr. ~~':1: ~=~:s:.~· cen!Ja .. CM. Many QSC11. , ;;_ ~QPI" Penllon nOt qu'lte enoupr.lf J , , bl.ckan>Wid.aeatrable. Good ~~ltti;now calcul& -SM.600 val., $24,500 equity. • ·-,_.. .....~ .. _ ...,. · \ ,..&., du"·· N.1 types of prop co!Wdered Dl y1 I Nltht1 YOU ·U, between 55 ol 10,. ac--...e u.:iuau ~ "!._~~ Cl!IJJ ~1"11 Mr. Bond -• ..,. e ...-. Owncr/agt 494•9471 _ ti"', enjoy leisure, pteuanl expandlnc to Ora,.e ~ SALE.\ food 1ndU1try. Call • ~ ! ~ will rtJmbut"le Al'PLY-·nt.PEllSON ""'work,• -w.. ... w.: -25,,,. 1o -... m.n•-··-· """JUNIOR ~~.!~ S Br, $ Ba, Newport Bch. huge yard w/pool. Price 139.950. Trade SlS,00'.l eqty for amalle,r home or inC prop. Paul Wood JWy ......,15 ·MOl't. THRU TKtJ1tS e&m the maximum aUoMd , n . Car + '8500, can tlUd Sqell, '\ ..... B!:'IW!!EN 3-5 .P.M. by w...Suurity nsuia .. e~ 6.30 to10.00 PM. MIMi«6. · ACCOUNTS We1tcUttDrlvt,NB.MS-u.n.; apply a.n · -Wed No exp. nee. We lrl1n. COASTl( AO'IN&j. IAloo toe Jobol · nllnt'SllOP eves aft"""· Paulo Drlvt A...., ..... ol Stat TypftfS 12) .llUl~ll In Thoater, uk for TOP STARTING PAY Soolllot • -Inc. PAJ ABLE Mtjd& a...rch,....,. 3444 E. Coost Highway ......... No -.... s~ w.:.... ·mo -Bl, """".... !Ude, Good potenttal, ~ta!f1i ,,,:~\':', p~'. .. * * * . * * Corona dol Mu pleue.EXICUTIVI' .Z.:.'T1".....:; Vo'-74M CLERK i'f;s EX~C AOINC loci. door-i<Hloor 1' a"'· SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTOiY SALES CAHiii 774o7211 · Help Want.I · 41o 'II. Coul Hl&hwo,y tickets, &. supervision. $10. S · Sf:&rtitw l&1ary plUI COID-· N~ Btacb 64f..1"6 _____ .....__ NurMry a!J~• T.-mtaaloo. 1'lnt ,.., eainl.,, •• NEEDl!D . IJ,. !>)'"a. Muat be ""' R~ptlonf&t .... •rpot Laying & -~J Ropifr:6626 H-IM•l"9 "6735 Troe S.rvlca 6980 Some experi""'• or edu<a· or, 112,000· Jlllll' Pooilble ~ EXPIRllNCED ' • pttltnced ln _ .. ,. ab.ut;qlca c.M7, MAINTENANCE • ~ ~ES Pnmed. ....... • -=-~~= r!:::! ,. .. --.,, * COOK * ,_ 'Offlu Glm ""'"'·· opplr. can Bobble, ~iijl ,._, & . ., wlndo ....__,. _ .,_ __ .. century oJd natklnal coen-u...-._ ___ .. -i..•_ 10 ~-,. la..., Ball U&I commerc1 , ws • .,.._~...... --1•• exp. &UGI.. pany. Bu.dncll or aalel' ..i.U11' -.., .,.. ._ '""'"' CARPET _ VINYL. TILE ouli specially. Xlnt work. PlulaDn . Tree Service ABILITIES be.clrsround helpful. No.tz:a-Applybsperl(llt COLLINS !4np&oyment Afency Lie oontr. Free estimatee ,riu,r Re.1£. ~ 63S-723C · UNLIMITED AGENCY vei, Manqement opportun-, APPLY . 212ll So. M , S.A. E1.: .. ," ""-;; ~¥.t~:ff.JFt J~:t!?~ ",. ~: ~~~.!.lthSl, SUi~~io ttlftil!:.i.\T.:s:.fi~ R• E. W roUN:=.~~s~. a• R~,10 CO. ~Order ~leit $412 K " ..-MGMT 'J,'RAINEE, ...,..., 127·7900 151 I. Couj. H1')'. ~,... ...... .,.. l<r ~ 'l)]>e, _,, ""' , LECTRIC!AN, no. )ob too lr~lng '$ ;jl 6755 UphoJttery 6990 rant)Jff:S. grad; some ool· Oruwe County Larpat Newport' IAch i.'~1 ' ~~ varied d~liei: 1f70!l mbor.i1Ro.d' 111~ otfkes lo .serve )'CUI amall. For prompt service~ 41:-: : lfetf')>ref. Hosi> IN, vac. Pon~ Dtalerlhlp · ,,.,.,t•°'• ..-''. • 1 rio ''*· nea, we tratn. Beech · \ • Allm;Wamn call545-414 . 'iROMNG "°"'·· .~: <:Z1f<O§Kl'S Cual Uphot ·~toS7300.C&UBwfbll Nowbu~iqrlfot2)'0U!IS MECHANIC , .. Call Miu Ge1l, tar appt. • -'•~Apncm · · Will oonslde.r chelbt's .t.~an er.tt&manshlp ~. l&J'Hllve .I • t • b I• auto. Jaunwyman mechanic a-CAMEO FIGURE SALON F6ua1 opportunll;J employer ~ ~"' Warntr, SA Gercfenfl,g 6680 · washing & ironing. 25 Hr. , 1~'*3 tln! 642-1454 COASTAL AGENCY mobile lllmrwD. D t r e ct perlence Foreign or nc;ma-1"5-63SQ. _C,uthH'!'Mr Service 1---.-'--=--,s---' 540-2241 .• 1 .. ~Newport Bl., C.M. Snell~ m;~,:, Inc. =-m~ry~r:~ ttc. One of the oldnt 1'01'-i WOM!N & GIRLS Xlrit CO, beaut otOcet, Irle AftlllUIU • ;J» " · ., 6770 Weldin• 6995 -H-~rBI, ~~M.,. trotn ~-•t me n. Our .. •-elpcar•rvlot·"'-i. ........ tele-wo rk ,OUNTAIN VALLEY """°"""""·To SIOO, 1naur1nce .. •1;111 ... -...., uia1.11-.. _ __,..,. -000..-, 1n Orance Co, llat .zate .A' from our of%lct no UJI SCHOOi. DISTRICT Edee, ~o ----,---.;....-WELDINµ, Portable equip-LATHE OPERATOR, Top menetn1inuceu .... -. warranty work $:9.00 per nee ri,llorparti!me.S2~ * • J•llOfl Best 646-1948 The Best, costs no morel ! Experienced-Maintenance Buda'l!t Land!IClping Graduate Hortl.culturtst AlLEN BROS. GARDENERS snJDENTS "'Orldng Way thru coll~. Ex;p. L!C. Reu. 846-4203 LAGUNt>, . m•nL S""l&l-In .,. man only. set up and a "f.:.~ m _ In how-, ..,, bued on 50"°1f. f> p., br. Apply g.12 or 2~ ADMINISTRATIVE Employment Aaency ,4 private o!ficu ''all or cavadiw equip. S t e v 9 operate Chucker or Second 0~ ~·v:....... Excellent workinl condf. p.m. DJ w, warner, &die · WO So. Main, S.A. port", •om• boautlMly Momyk5J6..<182SunandAlt op0rattoniaU,,.SNJ1clole-Bob i_,.. p;;;;;jif" """'· MUii ba'.ve °"" hud . :tlT, 8.A. SECltl!TARY CLERK-TYl'IST, "=~~OC::. Ex= 4:30 week days. ~~~~~~ ur.oo _ Beach 8JVd. W•tmnltt ~ SldDe)' ~or Part «tulJ ttrnt 10 women $541. to $652. b', neat appearance, M t•• ihtlvUtual. ttallo-b> JOBS & EMPLOYMENT s. n-"•·.. •·-la * DRIVERS * need..t lmmod. for ohtld * publk, 60 wpm, lull a7i"rance broker. ~larial ~ ~. -Ana. SALES I MGMT~. care, aides or compuionl. PE 'co N poa, ~ Pumnne.1 0,m,,., "'· °""''· 494-5517 Job Wanted, ltlon 7000 0-RllL p· RESS op-'TOR No E--1 .. ce Coll "" • ..tect cll<ni.u., Al• :11-«1 R"! N EL Hoaa · .Mmoorial 11oop1 -..,.... fUll ..,.. """· Coll sud s 1tt1•v Pretty Az:ncy TECHNICIAN !IB., • J.nuorial .c. 6790 TECllNIC!AN. . •Draftaman, .et UD NJd operate mmll Nectuaryl . Snell 5tO«f6. M-..... ~ w Sit II l~•n'>li.:.h::w:: .. i"=--:: •• ;:;-••• _::::-tl " ' ORr ·~-· I •·-"·· Cft .. TAL AGINCY ~· ~ • er, $527. to....... ~~. ~· .. _ APANESE Gardening --.,-.-------•...-JX per en ce • .............. ten and Delta. Must b&ve deu CaUloml& -A-~ o! Inc:. SUblldi&r)r o; Gerber * ..,_. Call after 2 PM, the ·service and maintenance. Bay I: Beach Cleaning Serv A'.mbJUoua. Mike 5'18-4!l» Stn.all clclse.toletance In-drlvinl IW!Xd.. APl'lb' ' .. -... ~ Pred Co MU214 Villf. Roma Restaurant wlndo '"""""' pa:ts DISC 1N ".· ~"'-A ~m.<.. Inc:. ' • llEQUIREMENTS ' Also clean up. earpet.,, . ws. floors, etc MAN, 2S Boat Maint. job, •"""'"""" • • YELLOW \.Al CO. .,.;:'ti:.!_ Bl~.-~,. Meaa EXPERIENCED 'help 1 n "'"-t.,. 60 wp· m, .... ..-. ... ~... • N .• Ne~,!lvd*. N. e 548-25t.J e Res I: Come'!. *'1401 exp. Aik fct Millll 536-00 Sl'RU1,n~,.,., 2701 S. Holl· 186 E. 18th• St. .,,..., rw.s.'lll.ll' """"'.. 4 l'l' .. ....,-.....,"' _.., It MOW. EOOE * WEED. betwn. 6-8 PM; day, Santa Ana.~ COltl. :14... BOAT CARPZN'TERS overloc:k, blind 1titch, I: 90 wpm. Fringe benefU11; li~~~iAi'Fi:xi~ij; P h I UNG , • -...n.. 5 ...,..,.... J2 dllYI paid vac.IJon per SALESWOMAN . . Prof.lawnmalntbycapible 1per 1n1n1 • YO MEN, wUUnc to Th · 1•· ExJld.~hlshq;.dit)IWl:!ft:. ·11ay lhlft. hrty, Pl¥· 1621 yr and 12 day. palil •iclt in ladle• ready to · College students. Reas! _P_1_1n_t_in_og ____ '_6l50_ Job W•~. Ledy 7020 ~= tracfee.:ic,Mm:le~I-•1o' • e 1•ce. f ?,'°"1 ~ •tU:dYR work ... N A1a.bama. Htmllncton Beach. leeve ~r p. major inedl. Over 25. Apply Mon lhru Kalina Brothen 646-1234. · ;.;u ... 6 ., IJlll:IJCUIL I .'X: S 0 eoo~-pt. . ttme cal lnllirance poliey, ID-4. APROPOS No. 210 NEAT, Exp. Palnter, no UC.. J.>rac. nunes (2) Avail. ~inc· Mllltary com· # 16 FAiffiON tsuND MARINE, (See Ch a r I e I II' ~t ~ L-~U~'--wllh b1111...; FOR JNf'ORMAWON Town A CounlJ'y ,__ Rellable lawn service, drinking. C.Ollege student. ·privale home or hospil&J. ·mttments completed. Call NEWPORT BEACil P4llUJ1) 829 Production PL us "'"'IUJI IN' ..... ,. Can · · ' ...... -.... mow, edge, trim. Low prlcea! Steve 548-4$C!J Any &hilts. 839-5871 M0-9373 'NEEDS A ' NB · J... ;, " ~ 9111"I brd. ~.... MluZ&¢uneyer, 84UeSl Eetale Saluri\en w * 531-1404 * (. . . -· tha,72 ,n. Op req'd. Ext. 225., befw~n 2· & S-pm. mt sell le: be trained tn AL'SGardenlngSorvloe. P=.;~!~""~':'. Job W•nlod ~fM,:::"'U,.~ Dl;~~~IR. MANAGDIENT TRAINEE' ...,Ill FOIJNTAIN VALLEY hottett .,. •• Huntt ',Lawn maintenance. garden-SaUsfaction guar. ne.'est. Men & Women 7030 Know braJCes. No maJor ~s:ft~~m:; ASBISTANT BOO~ ~SCtiOOL DISTRICT Beach. CaU. Phil McN• ina: & clean up. 646-3629 Ji Weeks 673-1166 -work. Ml t be t SAIZS; Ofd(; Macht..: •~ le 'II HMw. A." n ...a A/R, AJP. Salary O;Jqi. * 96l-44n Villqe. Real F.ata CUtl~Lawn m SEM1-RETIRED .,.i. wont """"1wl. '!al&« J:.:'. Nattco.TocollOD .-&;D~:--·--.......,..,.. w/_alilllti •. A., DUl'UCAnNG ~ G Oflloe Main!.....,., i.Joe""" QUALITY WORK, 25 ,..,. api.. to "''"1" Good rtl 25llO Newpor<. C.M. firm&. To -· Coll Bud COAST •L AOINCY ply at IOO Brllia C.M. . clerk. ()pent. a=unti , .......,,..._:tl!O att 4 ::r~""'· German skill. 642--0:Qi Sneli 540«& ' · A.;:.,.,,., or SEeiRe<Pl AltnetM' &lrl MACHINE nw:hlne. Llaht bkkpar JIM'S GarP<ni"I • tswn EXT/Int pntg. Aver rm. 121 Dornostlc Help 7035 ..!!~'c.!1nST=· COASTAL AOINCY . -• SDilllllo l!M:, "" ~flt* ~· ol· Ol'iRA:rOlt Slallltical '>'>inr· "'" malntonance. a... & Com· + rood pain~ "''' work. All yiand wanted for 111!1 \llbe • ~ ~ ~ inc. mo -II. Colla iitls ftOi!, ..,. . ....--· $457 to $541 ~54$-lpll"-i""''"""-===;-~ .,....,1a1. * 548-8411 ""= m.. R<ly, 847-13!11 ~p!oy';'_P,,.,. ::::" lhlt~ Apply; !}! s. Caul :mo 11arbot Bli o.... .,.,. pi<lllCf, Worbr $407' ·T-:::, ~-~ :n. * · . GOOD l!IOHIRI )AP.AN~ gardener Compl PAINTING, Pa~-l! -1-B E •• ,. SA "'•1 -Hwy., IAI· . --. Olevrob HIS pd. PNf. mimed. Ex-,,,..... • ._,_ °"• TeltifW and b'Plnr 40 ......-I heed woman tDr pmn, serv. """'1'. dopendahl<, ~··• ,.. ~ . ~-~ ~ Sta. e FIBEftGLA$ e ceUent --Coll Dan. Saine "'P pftfd. Apply All. oe..r.t and lleld ~ 1.2 ...,..,,.., I hn. 611-14!1 free est. 64M389 in Harbor area. lJc & bood· OW.. UY&-lns. Oleerful BOYS 16· .14 . Mercbantt Penoolilll Alia-5187 Wo,.Jll;la lb-C.M. * t • va.rious other duUH. Jobnaon'1 Gardening .ed . ..,. ..... 64%-23l6 PmnanenL --Curter Rootaa Open ·~~~~ ~Weitdltf !lrM,11.B. EXPd PWt~~:.r; ~ •RN Cbuie Nune i"loeat equip., expert e,are. PlnterJng, Rep1ir 6880 Far Eut Ap.ncy 642-8703, fDr perm.blmt. rood pj!I)' , -, • I • I eves. Dinner . 1'>1ibw' eo ...Pm. .rthaod •HOUSEKEEPER.i up. Pianllng, cle....,pa. 962-m> 7200 Larw>a lllacb, So. Larw>a bwllts SCHOCK BOATS ~GED S e r v Ice Coll <1H31111 AM.,• IO wpm, Frln&e bwllta: ~ In .....,.,, ....... , 1 ·;!amauchl Gardtn ~ e PATOI PLASTERING. Help W•nf'ect,_ Men DAlliY PD..oT md * Ntwpon . ataUon attmdant. Apply )J *. WAITREiS, qp'd. afol 21, 12 days,~ vac:11tton pe~ Beach NUnlfw Home, F'ree Land ... pe Co..Wttqi All types, Em mlmate. SECURITY GUARDS . , IG:f3:t1 ' ~ ..,..., 3* -Bl._;. rl.Ylllll Bt.rr!J'lR. m<tln, r:. anti ,JJ ...... pi!'! sick -> a<.!015 e 6'13-1166 e Call 5f0..6825 Newport .,.._ C.11 be,_. D .. fttman !Jeslp $166 MAllAGER TRAl102' Codo , <;II.-'Oontll;f Mr. ~ J 1 ~~Pettmajar zntdl. PENSIONER lo live In ~T Japane!e main-I 6190 9 am -2 prd ED1...J110 : s to 5 •)'rl. ~. OD printed tall • food ~ r • tJ(ilt . '~ J"()R ilcrom:liiotr. \ ~ can or •ml Invalid fte....,. H.B., F.V • .,..._ p umbl"9 . AUTO Sal.,mao. ox-'Olreuill call Dan MerchanW i.1 ~! lo-bo ~~!'!f:· !!oil! Wa""", '!I'!''!!! p W~Ntl.;,.,...,~ Coll Milo~ltUISI 1! ~ C.U o.l14r tCall Ma_c:k. 80-N42 PL\Bf81NG REPAIR per. only. Call for appt. PerioJlflel A19ncy 20t3 a· u-. ·-· ., .,...,uw. ' . ~ Ext. 225 between 2 I: 5 pm •. ~~,:;,"-'.,f· .;;.,;;_~~--I No jbb {oo 1maU :MS-00.0 cl1tt Drive, N.B. M$.2'7TO Call Bud JlwD ~ ' LJTE l&Jling Bay fro n 1 JapanOH Gardner .. • 6t2-3l28 • CABlNET 14 A KER ._ Stora Monager f m. $500 COASTAL M I NCY MAHUfACTUklN41 A•CoUn!t"' Cllc. ~25 Trailer. 1u11. s hrs Exper, oompt yard •rvloel . MOLDER. Boat Mli;. PlanL E>«:eUent tuturo '"" rl&hl A mimbot o! PllODUCTIOl'j ' • = -""!"""'•••<-% Own trans. 546-T.!31 'Floe Oil 5fl.l!G8, 5'1-012t Pool S.rwlce 41910 8601 Ed-Hunt. Bcll. ..... call Dan Mercbani. :mo~:"'il:a ':.. I r· RA I NEES -~~~-PBX·-··..,., up'd ~ II eno . -""'.,. nJaht. .....,..., ....., "°" WHI· • ; lllO w-Drift N:S 0 Vuled -·~ IU "9 , e111 Mo. Fr«! El<pef, lie:, SIGN PAl!Hi:i A L>\Yotlr cliff Dr. N.8. 1"'21111 • ft & 'NBS IM6-mO ' • RB.,._ 53Mfll GE NERAL HAU~ING ttllohle! Tony ....,.... """' llUU t • ' LIClll8l!D · & CLEANUP ...-. -u ~ ~ ~J!f st~ EXP~'f:IOY l'lllRGl.AIS NO lmlllNOI NICbwY. u i0 H YIAlS. ?":~~~ oieioWrt ..!t!J: Ill "" lo•d. -R ........ R Ir '940 C.M. SI/RF • SOU.Oil! 11•PAIR ~\t~~nl~L"'~t:°'l'bo~ou ... ~~.::;' ~: -. ............. Ex··1-~~~~==~--llAUL1NG, c:1eo...,.. 1ot1, ~--· ' ope ' FULL t Im e DeUco-. !St:!IJ Pac. C.l H"1., N:S. 9CJIOOcis:a. BQATI • l'LOY!IEllT, EICIW NT e>nok711141TY l'Ok .,,_ ,....,, .....,, • boartli.. EXP'D WAITRISS ........ etc. In• -* IF you ....... ~. mAa. Soe Terry 415 E. 1'11b $-ani/H ..... 11ii0ft -YAH!;l!'CffT. I , , ...... -Dopt. llJ1tF • Jlllu.t)lll . -.... . ...,um., 'Coll painting or .. -Call sl.C.11.UMllt Motinwlth ..... -I ' HOAG ll~MOll;l•L lll()Pac.C.lffwy.,N.a. BOB ~ Dlc:k. 642-Jm i Btµ;Al<FAST Cool< • exp. .... ApjjlJ .•I Don The 8ull&Jw dept. ..... plan. INTi&VIEWS ;~: n:!RU FRJ. • HOIPrr,U., im. l-'ief'JWDt1iiAlii'.:=;i;~iiiiii1 "Au LI KG. ~a In II n' I ·~--I ~4 Apply """' Butltr. zt... ................ 3901 E. Caul .... -· ~OK u SPS Western BAR WA!'l1\ESI -""'· "·" -· ~--·I--·•-y t• TIL , ......-•m c ..,., mtr 6'73.('19'17 Hwy, CtlM. .._._._...., 8':01 I U:S. GS I. lnb St. C.U f73.tCJO ::;'1U'~"""" ." 1vm.'111cT1ts.li.tA• TlµINEE .......,. APP'1 EXt>......,..:O... C.U-~~1a1m~ . c--~~'"""' JARD/pr. dnup. Rcm<M CU.I."°"'· tn11Alf l npaits. Royal E.,ptlh Fllb l ..... ""collt,.,... 54Ml'.1 270 1 •:.. 'J,t' .,L-', ...... 1 •~... llDTALMIC~at.wl :n.°'!ft. ~ -tvy, dirt. tnotor bec11 No· .l<!b . too ....U. ~ OdPI, 488 E. 11th St., C.M. ~ ~ iil\V, 'fi'A. 41i'!ltllf: ..., -· -m• -,.,_ ttb&lnldo. -_....,,., W. lit., i-.. hoe, IP'&dlnr. 116U145 ,.tel>, Lealdn!I • 1how•• DIAL direct iiiiii, 0Wto Bentool ~ -Full time, Airport~ '*"IL n..ta1 -·A-· • G H•ullM S.rvlct ... .,1.. 841-1957/->OW' ..... t~n .,, ~ and LU 8, Qiut u.,,,, Iii ... -· 41111 ~ Dr/ AN lQIJAL orPOkTUNITY 11,tNITI~ CHARGE ......... "' ..... Elll-"" ....u.. ae.-;[blo. 'Jca.'\113 Whlta elijiilll11t 0-line ·Ill ... to 'tl\o.,,..,.,.•'ii?Wt ' ~O()CI( rr-'16 'ZMt -N.B. ' ' llld ft -• -odl - ' j 1· +· I • ' • ( • DMLV rllOT MoadlJ, m 30, lM ~!!~~~~~~~~~~~~PJ~ a IMPCovMINT JOU, a IMovME!ir Joas a 1_MPLOYM1NT Mi'l.CMA1iD1s1 ,o. M1•cHAND'1st! '°• ME RCHANDIS! l'O,( SALE AND TRADE Ml•CHANDlSi" l'Olf SALE AND TRACE I' -x;-1 l --~~L;:::E.;.A.;:.N~D:...:.T:=RAO=E:_..:.S'.!:A::L;:;E..:A:.::N::D~TR:::A:::D:!E:.... Futiutu. .... -F·-~-----7400 COASTAL AGENCY A MEMBER OF Slll,UN&& lEUllG, INC. Worl4'1 t.,.._.t ,....,.. ...... , employment HrvlceJ lllrllor II Adlms Coste Mesa 540-6055 Rocpt.s.cty For Newport Beach Rttltor. t Solid aJdlJa. polled, a ti 1'8C· tive &al. Start $US. Call Gloria Kay. Gen Ofc·C•shMr Bllildinc materials be.ck· ICl'OW'l<f. Charmine boss, pleuant atmosphere. Start $125. Call Gloria Kay. S.Cret11ry -Dept. Good &/h twtnc. much telephone, Di- venified enclneer1ng firm. Start se. can Gklria Kay. Seely I L191I Good bM:qround Jn 1e~ral law tn Calli. wW get you a top spot in H.B. loc. Goes to l<OO. CUI Gloria Kay. Seely I Exocutlve To V.P. · Skilled WUb con- stnsction background, f o r srowina Newport · B e a c h corhp&.ny. Gob to $550. Call Gloria Kay. f minediite open!rw fur a clerk enlst to work wllhin our purchaslnc departrMnt • to perlonn such clerical functions aa IYP!n& pUf'Chue order., f.llbla: and poa:Unc. Mutt t» able to ,trPt accur- ately. Wt 1¥ill aectpt appl!, cation• wl.Ut a minimum of &Ix months clerical working experience. Good sta.rfuli: u.la.,7 and benefits Include 12 day1 wcation durin& tint )'t!Jf' of emp)oymtnt. v1rian data machinei A VARIAN SUBSI.DIARY J ~~;;;;iiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;~·;i;i"'"~~~iiiiiiiiiiii~J!T~o~lov;E,:l•~lon~:;:::::;~'~'" Mlchln1ry, orc. __ 11_00_, 2 D * '°'1™ Color TV, tamuy STEAM BOILER A Y S L E F T 11 111e llCl'Mn. mnoa contri. onnel Immediate or>tnl.oa: for • aeo. Dnl'V • • Walnut cra1n-Pl.)' cub $249 Industrial Steam SOUtt", Par-pers nrtuy 1o .,,~ in our ~ IQ--1 T • or takeover payment.a o1 leer IO h.p. Good worldna: agenru .,._m °""""'°tioo G""'P I• TECHNICAL eanng Down luUdlng to SlO/ mo. ,.,_ at ue~ condHi<m, Workl"' '"'""" •• • ,.p1c11y •"""""' """'"'" POSITIONS Make Room For Our' New Store ..._,., IBTI nar00r Bl••·· " ioo """"'· llOO ><8-5623 manufactwiiw COlllpal'I)' lo-CM. 548-0l!iS after 6 pin. 833 DOVER DRIVE NEWPOB.T BEACH .. ~ S.cly to $4.10 E PF lni;uran~ background help- ful but not nee. Xlnt opportunity for attracth1e woman with .good 1ecr~ tarlal akilla:, shorthd and typing. S.cty to $500 EPF Fut paced oUlce tor a glrl with ablllty,.aklll& and de- a!re to work with account executive. M1.1tt be \l:ell """""'11. S..tY to $411 EPF "'"''" u... I.vine looU1trial Many ..-.J•••fonal • teeb. SPANISH ** MEDITERRANEAN Complex of OtaDae CoUnty. n1e&1 polll:io111 avallable. ] R You mU>l .... 3 to • ,.... Cati~~~ 642-3310. ooms FurnilJlrt - ;'0:":1 ... =~oce,,.-: Newport' Beaoh OVER $1000 VA(UE HI-Fl & St1roo 8210 FREE TO YOU ""'"'· "'""'""" ..., ... ,...... SALES Llghtl... ....... I for $389 . experience most heJplul. sbl>wroom • experienced • Good •tartine 5alacy plU11 ex· mo opening tor a trainee. 5 Pc SpaniSh Din Rm set, 8 ft .. so!a & love «•••• """'...., h<Mll" 1~ SalMy pluo =unwlon. ••at, 3 lb*;li' Medi!. style matching tables, duding12daysvacat1ondur-547..&51 \5 pc Sp h\bedroom set. Ing ""' "' year of employ.CLERK.===• ~.,.~,~.d~ln-..,-l~Hng \ OT ED EXAMPLE PRlrES·. ment. . . oommercia.I st.a.tlooery & oU '!'-Y Dven1nr tntervie-A's •uwlles. TIDE OFFICE • 5 pc . Spanish oak game sets, low as $169.95 IDa.Y ht arran&ed \ SUP~Y 3Dll Newport • guar~ mattresses or box springs, $19.95 Varian data\ _Bl_w_ .• _N_.B_. ___ e 5 ~'Spanish dinette set $69,95. e 3 pc. F/C BooMeeper, Pt-1 m, Sparush bedroom sets $99.95 • Spanish table ma Ch I. n e Perm. E><pe<. P•y/lt. Tav IOIIIPS $12. 95. I R. P&.1... Bill. &: elt'. Remainder ~f Huge stock at terrific savings! Construction back1round 27?2 MidMlson Drive helpful Sh, typing, filing . (Adj. branae Co. Airport) and recept tor ~gineer-A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY 642-... NB P,le down -term1 to mfft you" bud99t - h.nk fine; M.ster Charge, Bank of America. lrvint, Cali!. 92664 ing dept. 2722 Michelson Drive An -··• op--··•·ty (San Diego Fwy. to Jamboree ·~-~·-· S1cty to $550 EPF employer M & F oU ramp 1 blk S. lo ---~------1 Xlnt opportunity tor 1irl Michelson Dr.) with Io o d 1ecretartaJ Jrvint, Calil. 92664 *ESCROW OFFICER Position available for per- sonable individual with loan processing experience. Knowledge of new account.I and related S & L duties preferred. T)'pf SO wpm. Exce,llent working condi- tions and fringe benefits. Pleaae call Mi-. Lewis for appointm"llt. 6t2-0U. Glendale federal Slvinos 1133 Newport Blvd. Cost• Mesa, Calif. An Equ'1 Opportunity Employ., EXPERIENCED e1!SCROW e SECRETARY sklll1 and background in An Equal Opportunity adv ii 1a~ Will work with 3 young executives. 1 __ _.::E.;:m;::P.;:lo.:.ye.;:r..cM=&F=-- F /C Bkkpr to $500 EPF 1-glrl office bac.kground with light payroll. Sect'f to $500 APF lltlnimum ~ yean banking experience. Type 55 +, sh 75+. New accounil! and per&onnel b a c kground helpful. ACCOUNTING CLERK Two years eicperience in pro- Ct'SSiflK" accounts payable to data proceMin;. E."l:cdle.ot frilla:e benefits. SLEEP for cash. Subjttts needed 1or UCI lleep lab.. 1tudles for this summer. Call 633-9393 ext 188. OPERATOR to take over following. Costa Mesa. 646-7522 Schools-Instruction 7600 1 Be Prosperous! or Store Charge. * ~Is S•J. For Stock on Hand Onlt * · 1 S.Cret11ry Lera! boekrround. Start. , Aua. 1. Attractive, very fn.. telHcent & skilled. Will ao lo l<OO. Call Glona Kay. UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3141 E. CNat Hwy Coron11 dtl Mer "673-9240 Logol Seely to $600 EPF California ~xper'enoe, Attorney, shorthand. Clerk Typlol With tome blckw'. Much tel- ephone &: front ottb ·~ pearance. Great varieoty. Goes to SS25. Call Gloria Kay. Hooten Experienced o n I y, well l'f'!)Otned. Plush mockm d~ lrw room, benefit.. To $520. Cl.lJ Ann WUlia.ms. Socly/Mrktg Yourw; t1aff. Yoocl ak1lll. Ex· ttllent company, future po- tential $450. Call Ann Wil- liams. ' Exec Socm1ry $600 For Prftident & VP, Small flnn in Crance, Must have Xlnt aJdlls &; strong back· e:rotmd. Position with much responsibility. MISS EXEC AGENCY 4.10 w. Coast Hia:hway Ni!!wport Beach 646-3939 LYN & Nunes Aids La.rse prog~aive ECF needs U. Orientation provided by a full time, in aervice, educa· tor, Openings on an shifU, Dillerentlal pd to.· IJWil'lgffl Ir nite owl1. Only lJXl6e who Bkkpr to $600 EPF CPA office, bkkp~ through rough d rat t financial statements. Acctg Clark $400 APF Good schoolin&' or ":ork background In acct.g. X1nt company bendlts lnclud· lng travel. Fll1 Clark to $350 APF XJnt trainlnr spot for bright youna lady. No experience ~sary. 222 Oc.ean Ave .. l..a'1Ula Bch, 494-4546 SECRHARY Tochnlc1I Typing R&D Rocpt $450 E PF Ideal spot tor bright at-tractive personable young IBM Executive: 3-5 yn exp. lady wllh good typing and Adva~ Kinetlct Inc., who llkeis people. 1231 Victoria St, CM e 64&.TI65 e Seely to·$5SO , Equal Opportunlly F.mployer ~::eF Ho~~ w~:F c.;;""'"'-'i'-'l"-u""'----8:.000:.;.;: 1Antiques 811 O LADIE.S While go!d di amond FREE to good home • male -& sapp~ nng. V a I red /., ""'h1te k.itlen. -1~ mo. 'css tha.111 yfflolesalel Group MAHOGAN Y Brealdront MUST MAKE ROOM $112S-&acnli~ close estate 8JS.-0475 6/30 include1 beautiful 9 6 '• drop leaf t a bl e , 4 1 S4'1!l. 644-2944 alt 6 pm. . _ quilted aofa & Jove seat, FOR NEW SHIP?-.lENT . . 7 LrITLE puppiei; :'I wk11 old. 3 Spanish oak decorator upholslercd chairs. 5<16-92l4 FURNITURE CLEARANCE APr Fng. $30, Fiat staU 1rce to good ho1ne!>. M/1'' Ill.bl.cs, swq or table lamps. 8010 SAL.E shower $10, :oile.t $4, laun-646-1173, 54s--OU6 6/3() all -•·--kl Office Furniture ARIEL dry lub $4, lavatory $3, 3312:1,;==-~-~-..c....;;1 w --· ng, queen, "" · Market, N.B. 67a.-025.1 CHOICE of two beautie:J: or full slie bedroom suite COMPUTER Division dU;pos-ANTIQUES long·haired cat or sh-hair complete ind bmr springs, ea of modem McDowell & 369 E. 17lh St., CM \VHITE port. sewing kitten. 540-2674 6/30 mattress, linens Ii boudoir Craig steel desks. c!:iairs, THOM . ni11.chine, used once $60 Dlxd ~""""=~,..-,-...,,--.,..-.,.,. lamps Spanish oak 6 pc files, tables, etc. AS Ed I son Hrama-110 bar bell set . $15 NO gd. home for lovable can-~ ·apPb' at 1030 W. S.Cr1t1ry Warner, S,A. 546-6«50 Not ~ to have legal -~~~~-'-;.:.:.. __ FM negotl•ble · ''; iiiliiii&iiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiii I Stcty to the hon who Is marvelous. Good skills, backrround In llfe Insur· ance or with insurance agency. dining• aet priced else~here McMAHAN 'S 772-8450 phone 3rd p I a Yet p~ 64&-1932 " grey & white kitlcn, 7 \Vic!. duced, pat. late 1800's. Perl . · . . 542--0309 6/1 at approx. S1195.00 AIL 1830 S. Anaht'im Blvd .. in cond. with horn. Plays \vell C'ONSIDERING qualil1ed experience but must haw good akilll. To $525. Call Ann W!lliaml. Teller Who want& a change, trajn. able for proo.I maclrlnt. Ele- gant 1Ul'TOWX!lnp. To ;425. Rocoptlonlot $400 Fee paid. Sharp • min ~ ing, &ood EnclJah., pl.ush ofi. "'· lnd9pendent Personnel 17lli Oranae Ave., Suite C C.M. 642-002&, ~ Call Arm Williama. I c=---~---- F/C Bkkpr to $600 EPF Degree m~t helpful, con - atruction bacli:J'l'ound de- airable. Good comp11.n;y A benefits. Beautiful lo-w cation for · young &aL ant a fvn job 7 Bkkpr I Seely Youna: bola, Ml:verttstne nrm. UnusuaJ opportunity for rtght pl. $S2S. Cati Ann Wll· li&ml. Office Clerk Shcirthand 11 typing, variety, busy ortlce, public CQnlact. To $350, Call Ann WWiams. Secr1t•ry Banking. Accurate typing speed not eaential Teller experience. To $5.50. Call Ann \\'illla.rn1. Teller Gmt.t spot for right firl with new accounts. Good com- pany bt'nriibl. To $400. Call Sally l!Art. General Office Bookkttping: experie~ &: sood typing for busy area company. To S500. Cal.I Sally Hut. I~ Steno Trainee Good typing &. a:horthand. , •ill, train rifht pl. Good ' advancement., To $too. Call I ~ }lart. , Stcrttery : With load akills &. use of I dk:tllpbont. Plush ol'1lce in "~ co. To $450. Call Sally Hut. Girl Frld1y ~ ~ It l!lephones. """" --. ""'"" 'hdplUI. To 1350. Cati Sally Han. 9'"-t :311, D'lltiea diversified, genl • EPF, employer office, public contact. Must pays fH be attractive & p!!uant. • APF, •ppllc•nt MISS EXEC AGENCY payo fH 410 W. Cout Hjghway • CRF, company Newport Beaoh 646-3939 r•lmburns f,- SECRETARY, &0me book-I ~!!!:!!!:~~!!!:~~!!!: keeping background. Good typist, some m e d I c a I knowledge preferred. Apply in person Laguna Beach Nursing Horne 494-80'15 Secty to Prc>s. Marine mfg co, good typist, acctg: bkgmd good but not nee. Dictaphone, pen10nal f'rTand3. new facilities. MISS EXEC AGENCY 410 w. c.oast Highway Newport Beach 646-3939 Secretary to $650- fce paid, Top co. Strong En- i:inttring or Ele<:tronk: bkg. Good skills. Call Loraine, J\1erchants PeM10nneJ Agen- cy. 200 WestcliU Drive, N.B. 64s.mo rAiao tee ;oix1 A!ARRIED'!' TOO MAN'{ 8 I L LS '!' Permanent-part lin1c help wanted in snack bar. Set manager after 7:30 11m. Paulo Drive Jn Theater, 3051 NeWJ.l'l)rt Blvd, CJ\!. Jl'DY LEE Jewels. $300 in tuhion jcwe1ry loaned to our 11tylisls -JS% commission-"'·~ train! Pnrt or full time. Call 833-0560 or 64&-0!93 DINrNG ROOM WAITRESS- ES: 0.y It eve. shifts avail. App In pemn, 15070 F.d· wards, Hunt Bch. Ask for Ralpb or Gary. HOUSEKEEPER, 7:31)..(. no Holp Wonted Women 7400 SF.CRETARY tor sales Clfiee. Gen oflice, 1ood typing on E."(ecutive, much telephone, &h lite. To SSOO. Call GPia Kay. 54().6005 COASTAL AGENCY A member oi SneUUW & Sne11i.nc Inc. 7790 Jlarbor Bl, eo.ta Mesa. F/C BKKPR Xlnt opplj for mature experi- enced woman. OW~ in Or· anae County A tr1>0rt ~a. ABILITIES UNLlMITED AGENCY .488 E. 17th St., Suite 224 Costa Mtsa 642-1470 SECRETARY, 90me Jea"a~ IOOd math ability, mature pre(. Real OJJpOrtunity! To M . CAD Ann Williams 540- 60>5 COASTAL AGENCY A member o( Snrlling C Sndllna: Inc. 2'190 Harbor BJ, Colt& Mesa Admlnistr•t lve Asst 2-4 yt>ani ol c.'Oll1?1e, no typ- ing. $42(1 mo. Independent PtrlOl'IMI 1TI6 Oarng, Ave., SUite C Costa ~1'e1a 642-00'16 or 545-al19 lacrww Offk.r vcper. ntlL call 9-5 UGAL TRAlllf Wark at Newport Center, start $400/mo. Requires sec. retarl&I experle~. b'Pe 60 .....,:irn, light a!Klrt hand. At· tomey Roland S. Barcume. 644--0023 FOR ONLY $399. $J1 down, Anaheim <alongside SA w/ 5 playing C.'Ylinders. man for purchalle of trvinc AOO~LE Blac.k ma I c Sf.!!I per •tell: / out of __!reeway at Katella) r.1ake offer. Call Chris Cst Cntry Club membersh.ip. P,uppy, /1 poodle, 6 "'ks aid. state credJt OK. \V 111 64:;...2069 aft s. &15--0ll4 Free to gd. hm. 8.17-4261 711 meparate for quk:k sale. 20th 0ffic9 Equipment 8011 . • DIAMOND 2 cts, P,, 1 , FRE. E Lumber. used, you C-entury Furniture, 9 7 7 2 S M h ck M t ak Ga..""dren Grove Bl'f'd., Dry office copirr ew1ng IC inn 8120 flawless, Tiffany Solitaire P1 ~P· us t e all. -edd' t 548-61i65 7/1 Garden Grm't! Daily 10.9, $16.'l 1969 SINGER Ith · & " rng se ' apprs $50CK), ,-;-===-,,,-.,,--~I Sat ]~ Sun 12-5 Come 642-3936 or 540-:rnll L.9"'11.lnut conso~. ~;:n~t-sell $3XIO cash. 613-36(N) J,l ~tandard Poodle. puppies. • tn or call Cn4) 530-5240 ========= ton hole -'--· t SS 25 Quality king bed, quilted Frisky & a! f Pct 1 on a Ir s. u=igns e c., . • 84'1'-3153 01~ ',..~~~~~~'"""'' OVER _ STOCKED Household Goods 8020 mo. or $36.00 cash. 526-6616 Complete, unused $98; worth ,...,·==7'.=c--::---.,,-~I GIRL FRIDAY UPl-101..STERJNG Machines. $2507 . Alter 5 or wknds, 4 CUTE k.iucns, 2 months s.i .. O.pl of emp1---own-MUST SELL! SMAU.. sppliances, pictures. Pran 145 & Singt"r 111\VlOS. 84 ...()t!OO ~ld. To good homes, hacl w~ N-· 9 ~. eo-< ··-••, frame5, book!, toys, lad~ ·,viii ••II c"-•P r•c "°"" G.E. top refrigeraor $60. shots. 543-7786 7/1 eel company. Work with sales '".. ,... ..... ...._'& &: men's clothing. See Satur-""' '"" ~ eOll"ll. Good typists, 35 hr c!Klice of clrs. reg. $230, day al garage sale. 2282 SINGER Sewin<> ma h·ne l sora $50. 3 1''AT, healthy kitte1:.~ IO.'C.an· 1149 SO H db_. HO& c 1 675-3148 «I 8.. house b r o k c n . week, very reliable co, XI.at now · . ea 1'Us: Redlands Dr. N.B. (oU 2lrd rentals. $5 mo. Free pickup · . l.ielll'rits, uo layoffs. Kings, $15, Queens $12.50, SL between Santa Ana & & delivery. Call 52&-6616 LARGE DRAF"TING TABLE J4S-46l5 711 MISS EXEC AGENCY F'ulJ $10.50, Twins $.1.95. Tustin Ave;) ===o===:=::=:=:-1 & stool, sacrifice $ 4 5. FREE: lo responsible boy or 410 W, Cout Highway Trundle tels {duo rtserl w/ AMPEX 1000 series recorder, Pianos & Organs 8130 642~824 girl. Very nice pct male rar Newport Beac.h 646-3939 inner spring matt. reg, $106, misc. tapes included. $90. HOLIDA\' Heallh S fl a \111lh cage. Call 546-3086 7/1 now $79.50. Roll-a-way beds 64.2-0089 JUNE SALE!!! n1embc!~hip for sale. KITTEN, fcinale. J mo's old. sECRETARY: Good legal backgrnd. Top typing, sh, dictaphont!. Piuah office, \18.· rlety. R:ight Girl lo $525 Call Gloria Kay, 54o-Gl65 COASTAL AGENCY A member o( Snelling .l Snelling Inc:. 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa Bink Steno lo $550 w I Inn. liPrilll matt. reg. 638 ~ 4 -• 5 Factory authorized clcArance -.N I ..,1 . Siamese mother. father?. $59.50, now $39.50. Full sz. G S I 8022 • ·' ---6 30 sleepeNIOfa reg. $239.50, now •r•ge I e of OW'rage, returns & demos CHARTER full ram i I y ~!I I $169.50. New beds : K i n g FR EE COFFEE Pia110$ & Organs. Prnc~ice membershp Neu.iport Beach I PLAYFUL ornnge !.abby $99.50, Queen&, $89.50, Full Samp'-of goodies: f'r prov p~nos, nC'W walnut 11p1nct tennis club. $700. 548--3803 kitten will d e 11 v e r . $49.50. Twins $39.50, fully oe pianos, new & u~ Grands BA'ITERIES 6 V $4.95 it 12 545-3520 fi/30 wht/gold Magnavtlx TV. fr. & demo Baldwin Organs e ' . guaran. King-size spreads, prov wht/gold tables. Com-really & truly on money V $5.95 ex, guar. 18 mo. Pay 3 BEAtrrlFUL k1llrn.<;, s :ice$12~ ~~ ~~ mr'I popcorn mach. Model 8aving SALE!! Get in on $1.25.<>ld batl. 54<>-9990 ~~d Siamese/Pers~~·~ SflOP, tm Harbor Blvd, CM clothes, size 9 lhru 18, di.!h-the big deals al: 8' CUSI'OM s u r Ibo a r d 1 · 645-276(1 daily to.g Sal I0-6. es, lamps, lots ::if misc. Villa WARD·s BALD\\'JN STUDIO perfect condition; 1 year old FREE to good honie -pui>- Paciric 'l'wnhses Bmokhurst. 1819 Newport, C.M. 642-8484 $50. 847-6591 pies, 3 male, 6 ...,.k. ... , mixed SPANISH . ~!2"'•oov l 11 a Pacific, HB. FREE DIAMOND pierced earrings bret'd. 546-39.JS MEDITERRANEAN ""°"""' . % cti; each. Apprs $1250'. tREE kittens to good Returned from model homes. TifE GARAGE J mo.nth rental or new piano. sacrifice S'100 6Ta.41ll homes. 3 D--ol . u--· A ,. • f ., Choose from Kawai. llallel . . ~.,., .,,_ ..,ua furn, (din nn, liv """' PP 1ances "" urn1 WT. Ir Davis Stark Hammond 2 YR membership to Holidicy .i.,.,..v '·' rm, &: bednnl prtee-d else-Bargains~ DttS9Cr vanities. Cable t'!'tc. 6 ~onUq mini'. lleallh Spa, make oiler. YOU \\0ill not bchevc these whert at S895 Is you!'! today dblc. & sngl bt:!<ls, S.'VJ ga:. &: mum.' 67:>-7035 k I I t r n s . Exlr'aordinary at only $439. $5 per wk, $20 Pitt stoves. retrig $00 I: $30. HAMlfOND lO'S x 15 ROYAL Samuk 11rlnz 57 variPlles. 67:>-598.1 deliV'l!n 1550 A SUperJOr, 01. 64&. ' 9188 in CORONA DEL. AIAR Oriental rug. 540-2330 4 DARLING white kittens, 2 Sant• Ana Furniture 2854 E. Coa!t Hwy 673-8930 f\1an."(. 962-00Zl E,"(perienced. Beach ~L 426 W. 4~7~7:fta Ana Applianc.. 8100 1969 WURLITZER Misc. Wanted 1610 FREF: lumber &· li1'C10.uod, S oWce1 to serve )'OU! CONCERT ORGAN 320 E. llltll St. CM . 111 All W WHITE. Formica. 72'' oval * SALE * 32 N ~-·- Pe •n-1 ~~ dining rm table.G blue othte ~",.~-Pac.ldss than995 3 WE PAY MORE \\IHITF: baby rats. Make rsonne n,s"" .... ies New \\'ashers • Dryel'! • Disb-man s o . S4 • CASH adorable pets. &1.~l!t<IJ 6130 230 \V. Warner, SA SCS-3006 naugahyde chaJrs & 2 '¥1uhers • Rcfrigeratnnt. Asking $3250. Se<! al : matching bar stools. CERTIFIED G ldM · c FREE ducks, rabb i t!!. RECP-PBX Opc!rator, 11 am 642-4286 OU USIC ompttny ti7'.,.244;) 71'J to 5 pm fGl' growing Mfg. ,,,.-==~~---APPLIANCE 2045 No. Main, SA 547~1 Co. Muit bf! neat ~pearit1g, 8' BEIGE quilted :v:ita, 2 33.1 East 17th Sl., HAMMOND • Steinway. Ya -PETS and LIVESTOCK type min 40--60 wpm. ~ matcblng blue chl"8. le l Costa MCM. '642-41240 mah.a • new & used pianos For furniture. tippliances, C t 1820 position. Xlnt em p I oye e : ~00 for aU or :tell LADY Kenmore auto of all makes. &st buys in ~lored TV, sic.~ and a.n-1-•-•------'= benefits. Apply in pel'IOll. wuber, turquolsit, I ale So. Calif, riglu here. lique&. SIAMF.SE Kittens, &alpnint, DI~ InslnllTrl"nts. Inc. 2701 . Quality ki111 bed, qul.Jted, mod.. xlnt cond. $ 8 O. SCl_QIJOT MUSlC CO., Dav or n~bt 8 ""'tc.ks: Si.:>. Adult female South Halladay St., Santa CompJete, unuted $98: worth 841-3115 l90'T N. Ma in, 636-3620 u:i. 842-1.'L'l'!I Ana $250. Afie:r , 5 or wknds PIONEER f\llly auto. Water =-==~San~ta~Ano~~~-l•c--c==:-==c:--.::I~:."====='=.;:;:': The Rl'gger 841--0406 '°""'t1ooe..used&mo,-so1• ELECTRONIC Plaoo. $WE BUY $0°" 882S ELEGANT Walnut d I n . hotnt do not Med. Cost $625. portable, plays lhru Hi-l''I. . table, buntl hue' I. top aell $300. 61l-7084 Idell.I rnr beach home $ FURNITURE $ AIREDAl.E puppies, AKC # 16 FASHION ISLAND $900. Cost $2195 2 yn aeo, 17 CUBIC fttt. Re-rator mountain cllbln, boat ~ APPLIANCES rer.. f'!!:i•t pri:h~·1" 6 wks. NEWPORT BEAQt ... ~ ·1-t -"' Ont ·-i , , Wrt< 897--0331 ~'.: 4JZl. res Part -J..tdo Conva.lueent .J' Dperlenoed. loatJ ocnnpeny Hospital l«S Supttior, N 8, anen • tot .,.. the rtah1 642-2410 ' pt. To .. Call StJbr llart. UKE to Decorate, Ril home TYPIST, 70 'N'p1l'I plus load malh background. Un1&1Ulll job ror exctplklnal a:irl. To $400. Call Ann Williams MO. -NEEOS AN -°"' wlbottom freezer. Coldspot ea .. :uing. 'Y rt-ermt. c.i., TV'1-l'i•~• -s••r•o, ~-8aai DJNETJ'E. 3 Chairs, btip 6. f15,. eaJl. 545--163' NE'AIPQRT ORGANS 645-1530 I '1•c• •r Ho111• F11ll 1-·-------- EXPERIENCEO brown, muJU colored chairS HAAfMONO Chord Orpn. CASH IN JO MINIJTES WAITRESS ~· -~ -~· NORGE .... -·· late c • 541 4531 • IRJSll ...... P"PPP;c,, ""' .. ....... ..........,. -model, xlnl oond f15. x1n1 thruout! $350. a. 11, N"ii<mi>Ti;. ""-;;;;;;;;;:=,;J~~~";w~q~,w~t~•ty!,c.:""~·c;:._:•~15-6<~~., l I u miahinp:T Commf!l.'lloll l'hll ~ dutJes. only. f'ull or part llrnt. I' Tmtlo ~ for ad· =r' nt A Sat 9 lU l . .............. pod co. $430. Cell llllJ Rare. JIJISKPR 1 for 2 elderly l&dit1 , · ve n, Ii~ 'lltwk. J ................. ,, 613-3284 ~ ----- COASTAL AGENCY . A member ot Snelllnc I: Sntllil1& Inc. 2790 Harbor Bl, Cllsta Ml!KI CASHIER Matutf won.IU'I. Exper. Don ~ Btachoombtr 3901 F.. Coiist Hwy, CdM Jobi Men. Wom. 7500 EXPEREENCEO Wailreues, ow..r 21/Kitdxn help, over 18. SJ)..1600 For Daily PUat Wanl Ads Dial i4U61' I DlNING room table. 6 chalr1 847-3115 · 6'12-2482 moms. l~w·~ ~-·Jn .,,,, .,,.. , .,..,: '.. !. t!r in AKC Poodle pu Sho PJ. Mia $10, 2 chain ~ I WANTED ~1 oondllion. Clill 837-8682 him or lo1.'t'! him.~:-~" ~all; $3, 5fS..SJ62 Anfl1Jues 8110 ' SPrNETS .l CRANOS •<vume IOJ100Ull Only $US. &G-rilll2 LARGE all mln'Or cocktail 6.16-lS20 W A NT E D OLD 1'0Y nt•. SUN ~R -s on J(ING Loo l1 XN, 9 pc. diD E . <'• na;.. .. c-~r:.1 table 38 lnchea. &16-889B .wm 1et. Xlnt oond. oo PIANO WANT 0 'l'RAINS MADE BEFORE Oaaifil'd's 11.ction pov,, .. r, THE QtnCKER YOU CALL. Y~an old. Prv pr t y. f2l3) 81l·l03.\ Pvt Party l94. Phone 642--0382 For an "d to M!il aroun.f 1"RE QUICKER'YOU SELL ~ White elf':pbanlrt OlmN..Ube While Ele.J)ba.nls'!' lb. clock, diAl '42..5671. . ., .. I I \ ........... ~.1969 Pm and _!;IVESTOC_!S Tllf'SP.ORTATION I TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATI_~ TRANSPORTATION ~l'ORTATION ~~~~TION ~~~~~N~=-jlTUiiilJIClftll Dop . 1125 Afrtra1t 9100 C1111p1ra 9520 I_..... Auio, -lmporttd Au* tlll l111p11W ,,,,... tlll 1......,... Auloa -11ooi1·c.,. 9900 Utld Cara wn1i.mTodd .,_ •• 11 ... vo· ...... ••IN --·-2M1c.nt1non111A••· ~Gl::.J: ~·1~ '61 FORO ,__ -TOYOTA '' . ~w.. -SCltM-LETS ....... -U-N_c_o_LN""'--..... C..lf Mo..' at o.c. Alti>t. oaU 837-2200 ll'GftCO W-FllllAll • 'II 11.0. llMpt. h 1 a• k ••s V\11 IUS · r wkda., ~ .... 4 ..... , m;;.. vi -· N...,... ~ Ltd. °" i:r ...... •.i'!',.~ -. ''.. ANSWERS 1187 ~ • .-.,, •·• ~.,..Ille w!Merol ' loclclnc -ndlo, ........ -CcllDO'• .... ---. ..... --Lie. -i-. aft. .... 2tlcbbtollle MobllaH-9200 OnJy17,000mlltt.Ofte.-~ . lloat'DulsAnAt No..HQCt». ~-11flao-~--•lllul ITMllll s:~~~:~~tlR . BAY HARBOR "· S1ock$24991M . atoow.c.ut::.18 om DEAN LEWIS . $lS9t lll!:,"'t<h,~""""'1!i,r11t MERCURl l at 1bt Mobllo He1110 Solos ~· ~-~t'llC 14 OPEL,._ 36,000 ml, 1* -. C.JL -~ ...,. thaobltuatycclunuo. U __ ...... _.,,._.._,_... ANAHEIM ~/;:"it,;,,~;!,_'%,: Authort"'411!'.lDoolor l:1.J""" ·lfl5. Coll 1961 _.TQ .. YOT'& 0 1111-ton·t-.i.soet 191011emay,dr....,e.fiic ft ,. ~ BACK .. BED. • WO .... ~-· -STADIUM · Kit · Pre1tlge· Sahaft ~la, · FIAT •• Ol'Elo W-11,000 ml. H rdhp ~ IUICK · ~ !\,!'! !?."l;,!'1 -P!eUe.:;l~~~ext.329 Now"'o'N~Lo\Y ... ~ . :;""J:'l~"';;;11""~ S169S.OO ~ . .;;""~~!WI· =':!~."\~ '°C:,,'; 11 .J,~";;~.:~ Blw. '°'\ , 'lJ,. PIAT 8111 11P01t -'II oPiL -x..i.tt '!II-Lie. Ne. Wiml IM,3300 Dir • : .. , '." Buick Spoclol -'"'· J31'I er ,,..; · tplUtte -btr lo 540-1220) "" Baker .,.!... ;:'-..=. i:::: ;;~ ·'°' .o:;-·, Don 18.-nJLL,.. _'!'!".,'>'·~~ .!f; • · \ ~ \'..f, ~""';.,~· ~ \Ol!Or.' 49M'l52 , Costa M n<l ~~-~-~ -"~ .,., -•~. ~· ~w ~>~~·t-.: GRE ~;LE~F P~· .. _-.,;ST .-.... ~-• ~ bllr. l\llo • -:rm~·sr_:, !:":::.w~~~ \ MUSTANG . .......... ,,..t tamlly dogs. In cleu. cl•an, coot °''" 19'10=:i.~VI>. MERCEDES llNZ . POISCHE ... 'IUYOTA ... _ ... JlA, OOlrl'A -Ken,\$9Tl3"" ~· . bl ..... I f:r1endly, lovina, easy to Mesa. New 9'l apace adult 'SS Ji'ONICHE o.q. U00 8. cHo. btncb Mt. $llOO. ~VW.SUSI 1 'C'J' D.lx:TR.\ ~ 2 DR 'ISJNVSTANG, oe, I , train. Perfect show dop, park, Models il Sales ottlce i:::Pldal .... 1_. htll int.~ 83'1~ ..... Elaielleitt «nt HT. p) .. p~r;;-.;. A.fr, ~ ~~.p~ll. ~~ ~~11.et, eood for breed In g. located at Park. Open t AM CAMPER ' i _... .. 1 :"'i · Q1111:1m ~ lee l ......... ......... ....,...._.,. -t>urobnd, ~~ to 6 PM. \ WhlL lladlc. lminac. uat, 11-~ e -~·top, vy '6f MUSTANG GTA; ""'e.Js'll. . -\ ACCENT MOBILE Salu. Rontols ~·~ _... BHt oller. VOLKSWAa!N ••• ....!""' int. AMIPlf "'"°• "'" AuthQ.rtzied Dealer o.-..._, ttns. new lbocb. xlnt wbls, ~ tq'H, lharpl AFGHAN pups IO wks· HOME SALES Eldorado • Four Wlndl 1965 P0lt9CHE C Coupe, • / 'el VW Sedan. .bafle Wldl $2!0. $«9-1969 · $1995o l.fft, 968-C7t GIRµ. en~, lovtabl~ 1750 Whittler Ave, Scota.man • 8f,rTacuda wblte, a.m/bn rad Io, '" VW'• bladt 1Dterklr. Coco1. mata. ''4 Buick· Rfvier• 1966 MUST. f cyl-at. RIH, arlltocrat:i, ahts. brgn. Costa Mesa nf: 642-1350 B' Cabo\oer Low M chrome wbeela, $3500. TM'V!:nl~TI: DD.IVDY , ~nc multi -alepo $1600. 1*.matJe.powerateerhlc.A ,sharp 1 ~ earl Xlat 191.Sll. ·J ... ans. 67:1-2430 NEW 24-wide 2 bdr & den 2 -Sil-Ml I< m.al5 alter 6 -~ li3-l448 . -• beauty q. "p>nd, 112!!i· •ll&ll S!LVEll mole mini poodle, bath ttpld. dnped. Make >1...i"l 600 p.m. $211 DOWN. * .'iT BUG* •~ mee '65 '4tJBf.\NG • .. ild' ,... 10 1ric:s old, c ham P ofter. Terms. Hunt. by the Thwdore '59 M!:RCEI>b 190 SL '88 Panche tu Tun $U.llS * M moil 1s:o Del4Q, all aooea.. 19W031 Excel cond. Low ~. bf.cJcarnd,. reg, shots $75. Sea No. l27 ~7686 ' COUPE. BE AU T 11' UL Buraunlfy wlblk. tnt. P1UI l an.l ptmnt flr:lr $1415. m-mf •ij"'" RIVIERA all equJ $lf50. 54Wf53 Eve~" 892-00.2 30 n. Trailer ~ ,...,.. at ROBINS FORD o NE.ow N·JC R c AR. -. m.ana Ullo. J'ldl 2 "' 24.00I • ,,.ey clean. ,;., bod> ..:,;; ""''°' I ~~kl trailer park in Newport _,. u.-m·~. ~naie....,..., -,uur, ... ml wvra:nt:v. Aft!I onlt at '6T VW Sb!reo tape, .,._n.-... .. ~ ......... "nc.""' ttens ·~1447 fi/28 -......... !:""' ,..... ....u. ... ~ ~-, TAM MOTORS Ptlrlcbe:'..i-.... ...,extraa. _...,,~ .. -LE Beach. NI bath. $2,500. Colla,..,. _,, llt;Oll PV. l'TY• ... ,. SUIARU , ··~ -v O~DSMOll ) TRANSPORTATION awn., !213! 'r.ll4J1l5 · .. ll08I a-. am. Blvd. .....--54G-52U CADll;LAC 8 ~av h 2BR.2BAmoiblebome.Lg. '68JlODGE custom e'5f...._,:m .... _niofCaftf, -atBlodl IBWllllllllVWVan._1525,..._ .... _ .,.,. ac h 9000 space near ocean. Sportsman Van Famtly GoodmldllCllllll --•· OP!2C SUMDAT b'1lt oner. Alla '88 Shelby , !8'GLASPARS.afalrSedan. •49>-2398• w-. Campel" eqµlp ii> imc.a-Ille R-.n Div. VW '82,..,.;d ____ GT3Stl,S..ll3Mn4 ~:fw~lm:..: 0 •" F\ll)y electric, ·7S h.p. Even. MOBILE Home 10x50, 2 clud. a.Ir. Save $150! .: F/P ·~~1~ ~ toidld,. 2l.IOO .' ft1" POI takea. New ttree. ncent '81 ~ Squareblldl: Xtra Jncl, apeed ~U. r I t rude, elec bait tanJt, full cov--porches, expandablli limn. $361Xl. 6'4-MTT ....... ., -Opt 9'UIP $3J. 1\'elaht $14.50 ' overhaul. 5364331 . p:id coadition, dean. (n.t,) wheel; 1tefto tape, nr. BRAND NEW '69 CUTWS er, American trailer. 6'7S-460ll 2 bdr. Call 642.-4824 8 Fr. CAMPER m..!ln aft ' HandH• l4I-l'Jre( $U:90.!IO '68 vw. sunrOof, radio. 14,000 -..1862 . MJ..«i03 14' SK1 boat, mere llnl, Irr -Complete with boot A jacks + TU ...s IJcoena ml. Xlnt oond. ona owmt. •se VW put tbapel black :'87;;-;;CAD=-,El"'"'llorado.=-,--prt=v,,,.ate . F-15 SPTS. CPE. whl lrb'. $1200. 6'S-41114 Mini BlkH 9275 ' $250 M• UOO w. CQut lllway, N.B. 642-2380 alt. ''~ naus. int 1415 °' ..., cl!. """"· Full ......,., air, Del""' belt> -t • ,..., 54Q..3803 att. 4:30 p. m. &60050 * 5fO.ZBS '67 VW plck-up, nee.alb' KJ-1M!5 leather, tllt, AM·FM 'stereo. padded daab, ~ tactor)i _.,.. ll<i oYmi>Auled. $950. ... vw Xlnt ccnd. $4895. "' Bclel'O equipped. *Pill-TOPS • ....., Sel'Vlco....,.. :r0YOT4 645-tm c.n .,,._ w.,, NB. -$199 DN. $65 MQ. ALBERG 35 All sleet sbells. Sales a: ttn-Immediate I>eliYely. -. ~· vw &mrool. -ex:. $1BSO. Ml. tape deck. '65 CAD O>upe de v~ tore-$2399 .5 Watts Alls Motorcyclst 9300 ::;,,';~ ~-/::bor";':" All .....,. BILL MAXEY lluno>;.,..._ New polnt job. 'l'I vw BUG, ll hlue w/gy. ell jo ..U. C., lo lmmac. Hot &: Cold shower .,,,...,.,. .... .,·.,.=..,, .. 1 $1015. 6'f.OR Int Many extru. mlilll .Ul ~.«o ml. NJ Pf· $3,395. ~~-etc. 'fi4 Y:s;; 2Sl ct~1:.e.~m~. S::. ai';.~ fTg>MOITlAJ ~ 1Ul7 ~bust can aaria; 675-flSl .:~~~2:ie. full pwr, ePAC!FIC YACHTSALESe ~==-'=~~~ S.1750. 646-1234 1•l·BIACH ILVI>. 214/GMIG _ 'VOLVO air, leathe•, F/M ll095. ' PlUs Tax & IJc. l Pl>'l!lent> include. lox oJl!l llc;:en.se and rtnance cbarpl on 48 months. A~ credit. Serial No. 331179Z11. '3Sl. . 3446 Via Opo N · '67 HONDA 305 Scrambler Call 642-7658 rto, ewport XLNT cond. 646-8778 Aft f Camper Rentals 9522 . Hunt. hach 147-USS VW '5'7 Omv. Need& 10me --------="""===-'=-=""' 213:597-5.Sfi8 714:613-1570 310CW CoulHW)' N.B 3mlN.otO:>UtHwy.On8Ch ·"'°*Bestoffer.Jdealfllr VOLVO '61 CADILLAC OeVllle ~~ lT1 E. 22nd St No. 6 * EXPLORER * '42-9«>i • , '4o.1'6. · dlDl8 INaY. 6M53I ' comll TQp cond, tuJly eqµlp. SABOT 19l1 INDIAN Super Chil:!f By week or month, Luxurl· A~lhorbJed MG Dealer TOYOTA '66 VW XLNT: 12,tlOD mt Bt1t Deaf1 Ar9 At * 615-G44·* ~~e~~ ~~~ie~: ~~~eU:S:1~ wtJ spd :~· ~~ 5 · n~:be~n~ NOW-!» THE HEADQUARTERS :~ ~. ofla:. ~ 5 D.E'IN LEWIS CAMARO ~'1ie':~:O .. ~~ '68 HONDA 00 Scrambler. today. TIME FOR ELMORE '64VW ............ J!o,dlc.llear -IL '*-'18CAMAR03apeedlld,R/ University w;th outboanl. Oan, too. X""' tor dll<. Rw>s xlnl LEISURE RENTALS "'~CK CASH windows ..... l'J50., . . • C. II. PS. -w/bllc tnt., $125 .. ---Best otter. 644-0444 714) 6f2.fi61.1, <nf> S3T.J809 T 15300 Beach Blvd. Watmmtr * 546-3375 *' Autee W ted 9700 HeUt attack, must .ell. Prl· Ou""-H A Phone SK,\122 VW .. BUI llll!li .. -""----vale -~, m.8(12 INTERNATIONAL 14', rac-'65 TRIUMPl;l 500, new eng., Dune 8uggiQ 9525 · w Sunroof. ~ ~ ~ I =="'~='v'===== Oldsmobile Ing lloop. No. 296 good IT PiP", Bot" oquip. Xlnt DAILY PILOT OONTJUSTW'.SillorlOIDL 53Ul62 °' ~. WIC PA'll , • . 1· eond. 2 seb of sails. spin-cond $800 54G--3283 DUNE Buggy Show Sale. --tlWt to fllmilb yoo:r home CASH nm•, lrailu Incl. $400 614 SU~KI ·120, oo; modd Boctiu from $149. Cbu<il W/IJlf. AD ... llnd .,..t...,. lll .,. '61 VW SEDAN· · Michael Pl, NB 5'8-8770 $200. 3312 Market Ave., NB. from $249. La Pa% Dune da.Y'• "'''"""' Adi. CalJ., 64&r1'i0 , ' '63 CHEVY, 4 dr, dlr, 6 cyl xlnt cond. $15. Cub ..... llnc .... $4'15i;IL\K804; Csll 'l;l OLDS. Body • -hi 1ood cond. Need• tranamiallon $100. c a 11 lJOO 14 No, 2156, full ract ~ar. Nu sails, besl cond. Coat $1750 -new $1250. 675--0253 Buggy Supermarket, 3623 • • tar Wtd CUI A trDcb jqlt ,67 suztiKI X.fi Scrambler. W. Warner, SA. 5t6-40CSI ~l=m~eo;;;;;rt~od;;;;;Autos3~. ;;;;;;;;;;9600~~1m~~Po~rl~od~Aulos~~;;;;!~-~~lm~portod~~~-~~~· -~~I eaD • far flee ftftmat.. Excellent cond. $350. fill ~:nEN_ 9-9 wkdyg, 9'-6 Sat 'I~ ' GIOJH QIVROlfT -' ~1165 Ken, 54S-<l634 =-=,-.=---=-·I '87 Oldl F85, auto. P atr, Kings Pl Newport Heights CAL 28 fully eqpd. Spin-:=='======= MEYER'S ?o.farut. beautiful A* tw a.I. ~ usm, SIS nd .. l\DF, m .... Auto Sarvl-condition, """' top, ....,, y 0 u ' 11 L o' v e 1J211-Blvd. 1962 IMPALA <Oii, 4 apeed llLNr "'!'!-. ~ . poailraction, aood cond in • ~ ... ~t. sm. 67S-4116 .eell, will consider all reu. & Parts 9400 emu, Sl.395. 540-3642. lbmtbi(taa a.eta o!!en. Call 846-3711 _;;;..;...._,.o...____ '69 BUGGY, 1t:ereo rad. Kl t.mt .., CIEVY, s "''· ""' lair, PLYMOUTH -""""· -...... --------1 2 SPOKE ...... __ , coven 14'" HOURLY RENTALS "'~ flower top, seat. curtains. * Rbod« 19•1 * $10. l Chevy Racing cam. Ou'm whls aft 5 MS.1310 0 B FUn 1.one Boat Co. Balboa , !°x~~~le~. ~t ~~~·5·~ 'fiS ~ En~ne, ~t cond. u r u g 5 '. LIOO lf No. 2275, good cond. 14" Chevy steel rims $12. · $3:50 ~lete Full rac'g gear, covn, )'1'd · 842-1962 ="""=-===--,= dolly Inc. $1300. 548-71l6 -======== 1968 VW-PORSCHE wheel~, P-CAT RACE READY Trailer, Tr•vel 9425 11pecial tlttll. ProfJy built. $2f95 Mint cond. 642-7898 fi0..3Tl6 '65 ,.\WO 23', Tw1n beds, ======== complete bath, Tande m Imported Autos 9600 COL. 22' Sloop, O.B. Head, wheela, Xlnt cond. $2,400. lites, De.c. sails. $2950. evea:. 537-8178 after 4 pm. TAKE UP Pymt:a. on 1967 675-7388 '65 TERRY 18*' sell con-Dataun station wqqn .. 4 14' HOBIE CAT U(Ol tamed. $2000. s p 0 t le 1 s. oew tire11, auto. trans. ~ lD-5 642-8335 or 642-7443. Extru. pymt:a. $64.72, have 111 rnoa. Anytime (21.3} 439-7667 remaining. -54&-1006 8' SAD.JNG Pram. new, Trucks 9500 ===''====== comple~~~!1"'· '66 DATSUN V. TON ALFA ROM~ Just reworked engine, Xlnt ALFA Romeo G1V, Red 30' Tahiti Ketch $2,200 condition. Local car, 4 spd, 1967, Completely c b err)' SAC. AS IS. 699 So. St. Malo, dlr, $75 cash dela. Take Jow thru~l New c 1 u t ch , W. O:Mna (213) 'l95-05fi9 eve pymnts. $38.86 mo. ~= Michelini. $2!KXI. 871-5210, VIET Nam Sa c r 1 f ice, Call Ken 494-9'T13 or......,..._... 837....3254 ~~~ 20'olt Da!., .. Sall26231!'r, 1967 OOOOE Van, bl& fi, IALF .~~A.CRo-meo--1965=~spn~nt -or Ul.":I~ er. n.-RIH, auto. Xlnt cond. ...... ,,_ G.T. 1fiOO cc DHOC. 4 wheel LATE Model Snowbird in S1725. 968-2040 or ~ dilC brakes, radio, etec &ood cond. wt trailer Near· * SHELLS * antenna. Wbt wt black lnL 1,y new sail. 675-0159 Slightly darnqed/cbeap. 644-1351 LIDO 14 -839-1800 ALF=~A-Rom~-.. -s'"pld,.,...er"'v"'etoce.,..- New hand trlr. 673-6732 '58 wry good oond. $195. J-9510 ..i-1'07 Power CrulHn 9020 * 1967 BRONCO * ======= n F'r cabin crui•"· 100 hp Wagon HardtoP, ttd & whil" AUSTIN HEALEY Chris Crift inboard l'!ng, 4 "'heel drive w I locking Bait tank. bead A-1 rond. hubs, radio. heater, rear Clean, sleePll 2, full COVel'S. scat. $1885. 879--GC88 $1995. 613-"'62 1960 AUSTIN-Healey 3000. Very. clean $900, 545-8902, alt. 6 p.m. '58 Jeep, mil try, Chevy pow-=="======" 11 $_..f..__$kl .Boats 9030 er, loaded. Show & go, Must ~ see. $2125. fil3.34C8. 20' am.IS Craft mahog. \ ;========;: planked, '31 cu ;n .. 10 hrs MOTOR HOMES 92U aince $2500 rebuild b y authorized t'C dealer. Best ofkr over $1!i00. 642-5468 14' 1961 GLASSPAR. 65 Mere. Iota of gear. Bkr. $1650 or offtt. 645--1133 or &'IS-'1388 HYDROPLANE 9 fL lolW, 7 fl wide, wnl.rhts Ir ~l Wood cunst. $95. 549-0530 8K1PP£R Available f o t cnme or maJnttonanoe. -llMl-Yacht Cham,. 903t BLUEWATEI\ 0WtTERS u DrtYI Sail or Powtr !lldoJpend --tialq -cn&iaeo 24 hrs -CAL 24 !or CHARTER $25 DoY • $150 Wtek ·---* FOR MOTORHOMU 1111 lllPUY 111 }Al n DODGE "DPLDRERi' ..... , .......... .................... ---AU. l)JU. tt fMl, • '°"' 21 rlOT. 1 YIAll fl•Attc. 1•1 A• Atl'f'tltvr• nun. Whit.. elepbanttir DtmH.-Im. _....:SOCK="-'-rr'-ro __ 'EM_,_ I CORTINA '67 CORTINA, low mi's. XIJJ,t cond. $1100. Pvt pt y .' 642-8514 I 642-8518 alt 6 DATSUN 'C9 DATSUN Big lledan, 96 hp, overhead cam eng., dlr, 4 spd, radio, heater, WSW tireS. load@dl, 3200 Miles, under factory warranty. Bal to tine. $1775. Take $75 wh dell. or older car. LSD 8025. CaU Bm -· ORANGE COUNTY'S NO. 1 DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN 18835 Beach Blvd. Hunttncton Beach 80--7781 or 540-0442 1969 DATSUN Pldcup wftx· ceptly niee l&ttlfltt, 6COJ mt. S1800. 548-Cfi93 aft 3: 30. ENGUSll FORD ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD Dl!ALll SALES • SERVICI '69 MODELS lW,~ia::.= ThoOdore ROllNS FORD -llail>m' Blvd. CON Mesa 642-0010 --------------- It'• ffie ••r thet W•A't 9lv• Y•ll ... ,thfflf •• ....,.,., ..•.. 'W1 m••• "';. •f th et. w. ,,,,, ft the vw li-1t•l1tf 11f.ty 1 11 4 p1rfom· IMI t.1f. lfh11 Low, Low l'rlca oon.. SPICIAUY r11C1D 1u•s1 h p1u. Se we "" tt ovr 100-X.· 1111r111t.1 th1t w1'll fl• pl1c1 •II 1111Jor M1ch111lc1I pert.1 fot JO 41ys •r 1000 mll11, whlchevtr •-•• fi"t, bti.'t tft1t whet 1 111w 11r-111r "'M1f A l.111 th1t wt111't 41'fv• ''" """· '66 •HIA '61 vw '67 POUCltl COUPI 19UAll IACI t11 COVPI ••• . ,~ bl1clt lnt.tlor • ••• with bl1ck l11ffitlor. llu• with bl1clt lnt1rf.,. Shows 1xc1ll1~t Clfl. So Eco110111l•1I 1wm1111r fun Chrom1 wh11l1 -XTlAS, 11lc1 011 tli1 ro1d. R.1dJo cir. R.141• & h11t1r. htr1 FM r1di1 I h11t1r. G11 room for •14dl•1 I p1h, mil1•r.• i1 9r11t •11 ft.ii I: h11t1r. Uc. No. PIY 161. Uc, No. VTU 144. 111H1 . Lie. No, SVZ Ill. $1499 $2099 $4799 '67 vw '61 vw 'M VW SIDAN SIDAN CAMPll . ' 11111 wlfh contr1•ft"1 fllf•,.. ll11e with off.white 1h1'111l1· 14••1 1um1t11r 11r -lift lor, r141• I h•1ter. S.111• tM v{11yt roof, 'R•41o I of 110111. A1419 er.4 he1tw. flful erlt lfl•I ctr. CAM• 111 h••t.r. Y•\it Owtl '4itffAt• "'"',. • trl, ,. thlt th•w. lfltl t"t 4rl•• thl• cir. tlv1 lltfle. c•r. u.. H•. Lk. No. WIA 011. mo22. pit••· l,J., No. JKS 941. . ' $1699 . $1799 $1899 . 'M VW 'H·VW • 'H YW SUN 100• llDAN ADAM MSTMClllMM OrT9ln1I 1r1y fi11l1h. Rf41e C.r!I ...... 11111tchl11t I...,_ ' Orftl••I Mlt• fllll.t.1 rlHfl• a h•1ter, low 11'111• .. •· Uc. l1t: fir" •r• 11lco, 1141•, I Miter• W••'•"' t,..r1I h•ttw, fMtt.·1r ffi1A I N1. IEV 107. 41l1y, u .. N•. VIC,tll, pl'f ... u .. N .. IHXtll, $12M $1199 $1149 ' . -· I~ ·~ •c., 44$ East Coast Hwy. .I IAYSIDI DIM, lllWPOIT llACH WE PlYWH FOR YOUR W CONNEl,L ccnd. $175. 18>-'1864. COMET '84 CXlNVEl\T, Pwr stiir .... '69 Plymcuth lloedrunom, copper wlmatchlrii ~ top. Neat new Cond. l\euonablyprtced.6"-4Z!I ry dean, muot aelU fl25 ... PONTIAC best ofter 8374180. --------·I i CHEVROLET -CXlllET ~. 390, • '65 CATALINA hnltoo, """ lpd, map. Must all. Best tura. trim, auto, PIS. RAH, ~ =:.:-.~~ oaa. 54&«1118 Landau top. 1-bwner, Jo mi :=~~~~~-~-~:;I '""""':"E:'.':'=:"::="= 11mmac. 11295. Kl .. 21!!'5. ,., coiWJDENTIAUY ca .. ,,ua.cR ,". ·69 FIREBIRD, ·"° enr. -~ . vinyl top. pni/S. ..... We Par More Far ·-COUGAR.. tt'2 ._ Air, ovai.. 6500 ml. Mtllt ·.u .. ...... Or Spc ... Can •• ·~ PAID FOR OR NOT PIS, P/B -· Xlnt cone!, ""'otter. pvt pt;y. 546-'IM!I I. J. SPORTSCAR 6'l>-l910 "' m-8299 CENTER Wiii Buy FORD RAMBLER · P1tE-OWNED BIG SELECTION '61 THRU 'fi8'S · ALL MODELS Fl\OM $205. '66 Country Squire Lcoded. Fa....,, .... llLNr oond., dlr, pwr .teerlng, 23,000 m1a. ontspeedQmeter. Your VQ]Jcnapll or Ponct. Honey belp dterlor, match- ' .,.,. tnp dollors. Paid 1or flW li>tertot, N.., tire~ $115 0 • • .. BRAND NEW '69 $1998 °' not. t;all Rolpb dila, WW llnc prl pty, LB m.o9001 • TAY 279, tM-m'J WE PAY TOP 'st FOllD stattcn w-. v. DOLLAR !• auto, P/s; !'IB, !WI, tor Sood. cleG Ulld ..n, now rubbel', aood cond. .U maJciei. SN Geora:e Rat , $ZIO. See 1o apptedate. 1507 Theodore Robtna Ford Apt &, Al8b&ma, H.B. 2tlllO 1larbOl' m..i. , 536-m4• T·BIRD C.111. -0 \;'f'iiTC:... FO;iii;l\D;:;:-,-:,.:::bull=t:-..'63"'390;;;; IMPORTS WANTED en,a. " race cam, navg. Int. CLASSIC '51 T·BfRD con- Oranp ~ din>mell~ :! !;: verttble. $1000 at best offer~ TOP S BUYER vest. se ~ .-or pv. p1y. 67Hl891 BILL MAXEY TOYarA fer.· 536--3960 1965 T BIRD Full J>l'l' alt l88S1 ee.ct. Blvd. '65 FORD Cortina 1ta wag, 4 cond, Xlnt cond. Pri 'pty. H. 8eac:h. Pb. MT..e:5 •t>d. dlr, extra d«tan, re.b1t cau 642-0llfi · •======== \ eng, 1715 balal1<e to fin. NGR ,;;;===·====( Auto Lnllng 9110 458 oaU BW, ~ VALIANT '112 FOl\D Galaxle XL ---------,1 V" LEASI V" Convert. PIS. P/W, new Lale ,65 fill' Valiant 0.0 1118 c.d· Cpo do VWe, pwr -~ top '595. A/C :_,._ · wind, a.way at Is dr lock&, ~·.,.,.. • owner, , '..uu. -~-- tilt ... """ ... -· .. 1~ $895 -r17 Pua. AM'lnl, w/llw. 't!O FORD Gal.We, "leW bf.t· ~su'°=SIEST=,.--.,--"°'tpta,,.,-ce-,-°'in~ I 1-st• mo. , , liery, rlbt '89 Ille, needt lit· town. Tht DAD..Y Pll.01' SOUTH COAST Ile worl<. $15. 633""35 O!allled aedlcn. s a"• 'CAR LIASING THE QUICKER YOU CALL. money, -I< etlcrt. Loo* 100 W. Cit Hwy, NB 645-21.G· THE QUICKER YOU SELL now! II - .. I I I • ' I · ... .. ' .• ' ' ' Six-runen91r Gondola Mov .. 'Up Ma·mmotfi Mount1in1 · ,.-. ' , 1 ' : • • ushn' Out ,of Twin .Lok.S: ln•tho Mommolh AfM ' '· : ,. . . . . I ' I .. • t .. • : t . l I . I l • I ' '' Mountaiit~· . ' . .:Show Winter's Ravage Along the Orange Coast Jt b &um- ~ertfme and local· residentiba.Ve foi'g'Of... ten about I.he heavy winter with record rainfall. But a few hundred miles north in Inyo and Mqno counties tt Js a dlHerent matter. The ravages or winter are still apparent in the Sierra Nevada ~ talns. Signs rea~ "We SQrvived the Win~ ·of '611" an vialble many ~ J.t pro-. . . bleins are far . from Over. It WM the heaviest snow on record and waters from the melting Sliows feed a thoUland lakes and hundrett.s of miles of Gtrea.m.s and 1rlvers. · I Realde/µ.s. ol lliSbop, at the root or the huge mountajns, are hoping for a slow melt becauae 'the rivera of the Owens · Valley ca:n•t take much mOre water. It is reported · that runoff may exceed six Umes the capacity of fnany of the lakes above BIShop. Al one local ri!&ldeot ,put It, "Tl)at water will haVe lo go aomtplllce/' - . ~ Need~ •to say··ski,ing was fantastic • 1 tpis year VMf• fAir siding at MarnplQtb lfoont,aln. ls still llein&.ieported .. ljut:IQI' ~ lliliuii' lll(jge ptoprlefora ~ Is . ' . ! . 1 not ,aood. To begin with the season started late ·because-many of the lakes were inaccessible due to closed roads. Also, report.a of heavy sno'v kept hun- dreds ol anglers away. 1 A lodge owner at June Mountain sai~ "We~ hurting economically. The notiob •· persists that there ls still snow on the ground. Sure, there b still a lot of snow on the mountain peaks, but there Isn't that much on the ground." To make Qtlngs worae many of the lodge ow~ are alraJ.d that when the meh te&uy be&lns man7 of the roads to the nahing Jakes :fill be washed out. But as it stands.now we majority of lbe lakes are open and fishing is eitremely good. A drive up Highway 395 between Bishop and Topaz Lake is brea~taking, This is the hlghest.. north-south highway in California. It reaches a maximwn eleva- tion of 8,138 feet at Conway Summit, 13 rn.Hes south of Bridgeport, and remains above 7,000 feet elevation for 50 of the 134 miles between Bishop and Topaz Lake. -The snowcapped ~ mountains seem unrea l In the war(h tl!:mperatures. But with1he warm temperatures the snow is meltirg .and that's.wbat ·everyqne in the aiea fears. · · , _ Story,.~i:I 'fhQt0s liy .Pat O'Donnell ' I • . . ' . ' ' I ! ' . . . .... Vi1.w· From. Highway 203 ln· th1 Mammoth Lakel Aria, '. • View From tho Top of f!lomrnolh Mountoln,.llovotlon 11,tl) Ftot . -. f • ·" l I •