HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-09 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• •
Newport. l!an~I
. .
De.-~s Sl'x · Class
-Critie Ballis,on.
• ' • ' I l . ~ ' . --•
VOL. U. JIG. 211. l lllCTIOMS, M l'AOlll •
• ID
• •
, ' .
•• ' • urr1cane· '! .• a •••
City~ s Ordinaitre
1·313 · Means Luek
For :Bal l\.s.trolog~r
• r • ~) • • . , • . . •I ,
• • • ' f . . :. ... ' . ' . ~ • • •• f •• CrislyRemains
Egypt Hit by Attack
Israel Launches Biggest Raid Since Wat
UPl.T .......
Seoator Everett Dirksen's body lies ·ln '.State:'i~ ·the 1rotimfl~ }n·~~s
pbofo taken from top of Capitol. dome as Preslctenf-Mxon -ai;K! Jflem~
( . • . '; ' I
ber.s 'Of Congress paid e farewell tribute to the Ill~is lawmakeJ:: ... See
story.Page 4.
Newport CitizeJ;tS .. Hear ,.'.
Sex Education Critic . '
' By BA RB~RA ~KREIBICH Corona del Mar, Walter Phelpa of ,tilt
Sez educa~io~ ~r.a:s'f4'schools may QJM;n E,nd. ~~~·Thomas Garver fllHe
encourage illicit sex relations among . Ne,wport.. Harbor. Ah Museum ~ Robrit
st.tdents. Orange County schoo1 board . Price. a,n<t •}19me)o Artbuf Guy. ·
member Dr. Dale Ralliaon warned Mon· As Ralllson'i)ewed fihnly to his views ·
day in a talk to members of a· Newport on sex, e\:luci;Uon, Crequ«ttly chal1etlied
...... h 'the ' cammltloe for' Ille study by ih! P!'\1"llsU, Ille , dlacuaaloo OC· -:.r¥ Cl ns casiOn. alf.y heated up. . . . of•set ectucaUon. . 11'Ii'w· is ihe 1iveliesttmeellng we've "W•'(lhe .county· boardHbave aske~ · '(See SEX cl.Ass,·r•-1)-. students in sex education programs, '0;> . ~ ... --
yOO feel more or Ids flip\ to become lri· \ 1
TEL AVIV ~UPl)-lsraell plan,., tank!
and ships struck Egypt today in the
heaviest raid since the 1969 six-day war.
Tanks were Janded. in Egypt by amault
craft and cut a 30-mlli! swath through
military Installations, radar and rocket
An Israeli military spokesman said the
10-h>ur puniUve raid COit the EIJYptianS
"dozens" of killed and wounded and that
the only laraf:li casualty wu a slightly
wounded soldier who wa.s withdrawn
safely with the entire attacking force.
An line.Ii plane. reported to be an
American-built Skyhawk, was shot down
by anllairci'aft fire and the pilot
parachuted into the. (lull o{ Suez. He was
officially listed u J11.i11ing,
Intense naval acU.vity preceded the lan-
dln& which a S]>Ol<esiuan sald began Mon-
day njght.,On Sunday nigh~ Israeli motor
torpedo boats de!tro)'ed two Egyptian PT
boal,s in the Gull of Suet, and Cairo
reported an Israeli patrol boat today with
the loss of ita crew. Theae were the first
naval erigagerhents since 1967.
An Israeli communique sakl the raid
wa1 In response , to Egyptian "aa:·
ire-.sion. '' \ :l'iila <!"" bell@od ~ Include not. only
heaf)' "i&Pllan artillery allacb along u,e:.suel CaDal but fArab;tefrorist aUackl
"" t.raell lnltallaUona lllllallatlons l1I
Europe ,and~ various 1 ittac~ against 1!r~ • ~!IJiO, '.;oiesm"1' slid in w~.·
Qelplle the' obvloua wlllling, lhe lelt
win( extranlsl Al'U guerrilla groop
known .u the POpular '""1. for Ille LIO.
erlUoo of Palestine l'Vafned today Jn Am-
man, Jordan, it would eaea late Ill terror
campaiin tj!alnlt llraeli organlzallooa
abroad with "more dangeroua, pou.lbl7
fatal" attac.k1. "' •
Cairo radto had no immedJaJ.e re4ctlon
to the Isr,11eU ratd, but lt broadcaatlcom-
munlquet reporting bei'l' i.raeu' lhelJ.
volved wfth members bf the. opposile Stj( • · L,.i"" aW -M
after fa!Ol\8 tbll COU<oe! "said Rallisnn. ;l"etl . ftEplj~, :Qrive "Invariably fhe ltn.sftr is 'mor'e
Ing of Egyptian Installations in the Suez
area at lhe southern end of the Suez
Canal and reported dogfights over the
area between EgypUan and Isreali planes
The Israeli forces hit the Egyptian
coast from El Hal ayer. 24 miles below
Suez City, south t.o Ras Zafrana, ~ mUes
below Suez. The Gulf of Suez ranges from
30 to 50 mJJes wide at th.ls ares across
from the lsraell«cupied StnaJ Desert.
Israelis In Tel Aviv said they struCk to
punish the Egyptians fOl' what lMy called
increasing tire at ItraeJ's t.roop) posted
on the east bank of the Can8J. Nine
Israells have bei!n killed aod It wounded
there in the p8st Wetk. Observe(I aald
Egyptian artillery may have been the
prime target.
New England Not Ready
As Hurricane Gerda Hits
BOSTON (AP)-Hurrlcane Gerda, a
!Mt-moving st.onn bom almost overnight
off the ~th Atlantic coast, slammed In-
to aoutheastem New England today,
catching the region only half prepared.
The storm bore down first on pic-
turesque Cape Cod, and next was to turn
its fury on eastern MaJne.·
Gtrda developed on such short notice
and traveled ao quickly that officials
feared properlf -.ige would be ex·
tremely heavy. . ..
"'We just ctn't'move lo.st enough," said
one police officer in Hyannis, on Cape
Cod. "We're moving families into the
school, and they,'re having to 1eave win-
dows unboarded and everything becauiie
there just doesn't seem to be time .•. And
they haven't got '1l the tioats In tither."
1Hundreds ol pleasure boats were
anchored ln the coves 'and harbors that
dot the ngion's weathered shoreline, and
Gerda's 90 to 100-mUe-per-hour winds
were upeded to be especially destruc-
tive with them.
The storm left little untouched. Foam-
necked' se~s began tearing at the Cape's
exposed southern beaches around noon,
eating away tons of sand.
Trees bent under the strain of the wind.
and power and telephone outages
developed as branches tore loose and
sliced lines. Gerda was trundling north.
northeastward at 40 m.p.h., unusuaJly rast for a hurricane, ' ' ..
· Tbe Weather Bureau aakt, the 1torm 's
brhsh with . land would do _\Utle lo
diminish its fury .
The position of Its center at noon (EDT)
was about 50 miles south-soulheut ol
Block !Jland, R. I., 0r near la'lllude 40.5
north and longitude 71.2 west.
Earller In the day,. uramcy cloaked
coastal communities u residents tried lo
brace for Gerda.
Bal Astrologer
Gets Class ' Okax
likity.'_"\ ·: ...... , . ' t' ~ ij !!!f if ~' .:.-:f:~:~£··!-?~f\7:~r:~:~r~t~;i; ,.N<}. ~,µ_.;~.t:: .. v.· ... ey.
"basically Oppoeed'' to-tel education , ~ ~. -· . .
cotU'leS. The ~e problem is one that
should be handled by parents in lhe
home, he told panelists.
Facts ·~ivulged':
Alll'Ologer Burt .Mone wW be abli'to.
teach the re&diII& ol tilt lltln a!1d pifnels at .111a0.s...;s11J1VBoblr1St6it fu.'illilboa.•
Newport Beach city Cowicllnlen d<cla.d
Monday night. r 1
Mme ~ won bis leplfi 11 IO II'(•·
The ~ education hot potato was tos!·
ed.. around a conference table at the
Newport' Buch aiamber or Coinm•ree
f'31' two hours Monday aftcrnoon'ln one of
• aerlea ot meetings th< cit~ ... • jroup
baa been holdlng since April.
Dr. Rallilon was guest ipe1ter for the
fitlBl(ll. otllen present were chatrm1n
Dr. Nolan Frizelle, Mrs. WlUlam Ml.IJOl'I,
Mrs. Carol Beek, tbe Rtv. Pl>lllp Murrs y,
mint.tu o< lht CongreiaUonal Oiureb In
Of fllt DflllJ , ..........
Opinioo J\eoearth ol Colllitnla Monday
nigh! auured Newport Beodi city coun-
cilmen •that no JnformatlDn pthertd on
lhe Newport Tucuar1• pop bu ever
reached tht bandl a1-.o1 tilt rt<aU
drive •ialnll SUpmbor' Allon Allen.
Donald McGrew, ·....atf.e ¥Ice pml·
dent ·of th< Lon& Beach public opinion
survey firm. promised in • retrMcUv1
a-t tbat It would bold aU tilt ;,,.
lonn•li«> gathered In Ila poli "In
ltrictelt con:Ddence."
Oplnloo Reaearch 11 coordlnallng mly
the peOOon pthtrln( campalp for Ille
recall_ moy•nt, a ~ice wbkh was ...opiad oiler the Newport. Tomorrow
work WU compl<ted, Me(l ... w said.
In bis ot.odlut denial al 1111 coofllct
-., tilt Newport 7-IOll lludy
and Ille recall movement, McGnw 11\d
that "absolutely no lnlorinaUon 11thertd
by our Ila!! bu -or wtn be UHil In
lhe ,..,a11 cAmP<,ltn." . . •.
"Our oqly role fn the r«all movement
Is "' e<>ardlnale ollie petltlo!\ plh<rlng
wqck and lurniSh the wait abe&
(por<l\aaed add""' Hots) for the workers In lhe field," McGrew 11ld.-
He safd that the "llomeowner'1
Beacon" tabloid wu not written or
dealped by this firm ,
Jnltead, be uld, tht small newspaper-
ltyle publlc1llon W1S lO be handed out lo
(Sae OPINION, Pqa I)
Iii~ Iii the 1rd0tlai -· .. MunlclP"Hlwnilillerl .!av I• <8i lhe',
t'tCO!NMn\lallon' ol A>ljlilant City At·
tbmey Tom Woodrllll. Tbn' app10..id an
ordlnarice perml\tlng 'a1trolo(1 ln-
etrudloni bot bann111(11Jtl pra61R< •n lhe city. . • •
Tllo numbtr ol Uie ·\)rdJnance, coon-
cllmen weyly noted, lol ISll. • •
Mofle Int June wai fOl'Oell lo hall Illa
cla191p when he wla arrested on 1 tftlld&-
....,.., chll'&". City 1.,. prohibited lliCb
' Nqt Positivelv .
: f "
That of Human
. ' Seal Beach police aad Oranr• County
COroner's lnvestigaton today are prObing
the mystery Sllrro,unding the unldentlfied
r.im~irls of a tori>O, wh.fch washed uj) on a
private Surfside beacp 'Saturday a!·
tqnoon. · '
Mrs. Marjorie Fitt, of B 2:1 Surfaide.
told Seal Beach police she discovered the
almost skeletal remains while swlmmiJlg
in the ocean at 3:35 p.m,_ She said she
was not sure that the. body was hwkn
until two boys dragged It ontoithe beset).: ·
Sgt. Sam D' Amico of the Seal Beacli .
Police Dept. said the remains conslsted
of one h&lf of the backbone, t'he buttOcJ(s • • and a p:>rUon of leg bone with·tl5sue at.
t~ched to some of the part.s.·'Ibere were
no id~Wying marks.
Orange Counfy coroner's lnvestlgitors
who conducted an autopsy on the remalns
at Smith!: Huntington Beach mOrtuary
are not: certain that the remains are
human. They indicated lhat the body was
possibl;>: male and cou.ld have been 35
years or older. An exam~ijon ol the
bones indicated that the body ·may have
been aboi.lt 5 feet, 7 inches tall. •
Dr. David Katsuyama, a Coroner's con-
sulting.phystCIM, &aid that~ clean cuts
oq Ille t""!i ~ a.e tint markings &ti
lhe leg bone could poulbly bave been
carved b:r; a knife.
iNcl)h6r;t!li police' nor file~~ of•
!!Ce ttave al> lar'biien able lo"nplaln lb&
origin of the rerpaios.
Orange Co as&
That tteeplng log will atfck
aroond 1111 almo.t noon again '!'Ith
P<!ci>e> of I~ han(Jllll oit aU dQ
wec1..,..i11 and shovln& 111e· beach
j' lemperaluie doWn Into the Ufll>a"
60'1, ~ • • • ' INSmE TODAY
The deotll of Son. Dlrkien will = both his partil •>\d, lh•
I . •'! 1!1"1•~ Tht"'ll I>< a GOP
J)Ot!iiT 'Jighl llli<T ""' '"'"-al minori~ lteder, m tome o/
hii fl"I pf0j1c1.Y -M die. !loge I. • C•ll"""9 ? ·-·~ .. ,,. ·--'I ==--=: ::=-.,..::
~ ......... '' ,=:......-... 'I -"
J DAll.~l'llOT s """'' s..1.ni. '· 1'11>9 m
President Calls
Top-level Meet
WA6HINGTON (Ul'l)-Prt1ld1nt
Ni>DG todly achedul<d a bl(l>level ooo-
Wt:nce Friday on Vlttnam ltrateu, with
the U.S. COIJllJ>llll!«, Gen. er.tgbtoo Anml. 11y1oa 1o w~ to )>lrllo-
1~,; diplomallc. milltary end · 1nteJU.
Reds .Violate
Ho Cease-fire
Forty Times
SAIGON (UPI} -Viel Coor end North v.-fOl'Cft committed -40
Ylolaliool o( lhOlr -during Ille
finl ball ol the ~' ~ allied m!lltolJ •"'*-'> llkl today.
Tiie 'floiallool tncludod i .,...,.tt alllot
aplml a u.s, baao Wilt ol Saigon and a
·-ltlllc• .. -.. Alnericao llblp In the South Qilna ~ opol••""'" Ill<!.
Communlquel shoired baWe activity
"Was light ln South Vietnam and that
American forces bad virtu>lly suspended
bombing strikes since lbe cease-lire
bepo wb' Joloodoy. -
For the....,., day In a-· Amerl<an
13'2 bomben Oew no mt•skm over South
Vie1nun. Tiie U.S. r-mand reported
eema tadlcal air ltrika by American
alrcrlft _,_ Ibo natloll Mondly.
On a normal day, ,..... thin 400, m
Sjlolrdllen for the U.S. Cooimand
refmed to. comment at an afta'noon
briefiDg on whether Amerk:an forces had
acaled down their operatlonl In mpopse to the Viet Cong and North Vleblamese
South Vietnamese spokesmen aald
CommUnlat forces hid commit"'! liJ ln-
fracUonl &Jnce their truce began. kllll.ng
24 _..,,..1 aoldlen -and woundln( 41
aence officials ln•olvod In lormulaling
Vl•11wn polley-from determination ol
possible further troop withdraw-ala to
aaseasment of the Hanoi leadership in the
aftermath of Ho Chi Minh'• de.alb-were
1ummonod. to the meeting. •
Jn addlUon to Abrams, also aitUng in
will be Defense' Secretary Melvin R.
Laird, Secrelary of Slate WUU1m P.
Rosen: Adm. John McCain, commander
In chief In lbe PllCl!lc; Gen. Earle G.
Wbetler, cbaJrman of. ·the Joint Chlds rJ.
Staff; Nixon's naUonal aecority adviser,
Henry A. Kissinger; El1awortb Bwlk:er,
U. S. anil>asaador to Saigoo, and CIA
Director Richard C. Helms.
White Howe Presi Secretary Ronald
Zittler uid the meeUng would be a
"pntral and overaD review or the Viet•
aam attuaUon. ·•
"Quite obviously the matter of troop
replacements and levels will be among
the many subjects discussed at a meet·
lug lite th1a," he told reporters.
The nvlew al.so will include a discus-
sion of the effect! of Ho's death on the
future oC the v.Jetnam situation.
Bunker returned to the United St.ates
&evtral days ago for COn&l.lltl.tions. He
wu scheduled to meet with N~on today
'f« PrtUmtiw1 di.lcutslaos in advance or
the high level meeling.
Tiie Friday ....ton lhaped up u ooe
of. the UlOlt com~lve! mien of U. S. strategy in Vietnam aloce N"11on
toot office.
Nl<on returned from Ille Western White
HOUie 1t San Clemente lhortly after micf. nJ1bt Monday and nlunled to hla White
House office today. He scheduled his
meeting with Bunker at 11::.J p. m. PDT.
Mesa Wife Says
Husband Fine
After Transplant
U.S. spoktamen reported a dozen
''alll\lficlnt" lnclftents tinee 1 a.m. Moi:r
day. Communiques Usted .111 Americans
killed and m°" than IO wounded.
'!'be 5au1h Vi<tnameoe spokmn<n Waiting with bu l\111"400 for further
nported five groond batilea in South developmeni. in hla kidney lra"'Pllnl
Vietnam MOO!JJl,y in which govtrnment surgery -for five happy minutes cacti
troops killed 59 Q>mmunl!t soldiers. hour -a Costa M~ woman today
Spoktsm<n said government lroopo""" w~1 bow ~ Jllopel!y lhank lbe
ducted iO ol:fenllve oper1U.ons of blt·1 donor 1 amily.
lalJon size or larger dlll'llll the Z'-how: "'I want to do !_hal,_ but I don'I know
period ending al I a.m. today. • : ' st• to go •b<Mjl Jt, .. wd Mrl-J!m '
Elevon South Vie-rt~)' whooeJ)l)il__Nnd wu (l~ the ·
f..-... were ldllnd end 11 olhen .......W. I diad' •'• vltaforjan Sundly.
1potesmen said wbon -lbe truck in which "I....., ••. " obe ""Unued, "after all,.
they wr.re ridiii1 struck a land mine they JUl lost thelt ton."
abwt 123 miles aouthwtst of Saigon in , Doc&or1 at Mt. Sinai Hospital said to-
lbe Mekong Della Monday lfternoon. day the -•Y from Los Angel,.
The U.S. Command reported nine ahel~ °""8lr•' f111T11 club ba3eball player ln& attacks overnight compared with 35 WllUB."1 Stinaoth, 22, ll (un<:Uoning well.
In the pr<vloua :II-hour period. They uld A progms report on Wlernlcz, 35. or
seven caused neither damage o r 318 Ogle St., Apt. D, listed his condition
easualtiel. as good, but prospecta for tot.al auccess in
The cease-tire, calltd to mourn the cases ot non-relaUve 's transplants are
dea\h last week of Ho Chi Minh, the alw1y1 an open question.
president or North Vietnam, began at t Mn. Wlemlc:z: said her hwblnd -who
a.m. Monday and was to ruo unt11 I a.m. has bfen having hl5 blood cleansed by an Tllunday atll!Jclal kldoey mochlne lor the put 11
' months -is wide awake and clear-bead-
Huntington Man
Dies in Wreck
A Huntington Beach man was ki.11ed
Monday in a truck-car colliJioa in Hf&-
perla and the driver ol the truck in Which
he wu riding, a resident of Costa Meaa,
was seriously injured. · John P. Hawley, 42, of 9202 AJGha
Drivt, died whtn the truck driven by
Earl L. Cox, 48, of Costa. Mesa collided
with a car driven by Air Foret Straeanl,
John W. Tborup, 20, of Hesperia. Thorup
also died in the crash.
Cos: was treated and rtleastd at Victor
Valley Hospital, Victoi-.ille and released.
Hawley, a utility lineman Is survived
by hJs wife, Bertha, and two sons.
ed. '
"He knowa me • • • he Is in good
spirits," !he said. .
The former Newport Beach mall car·
rier who finally had to give up hil Back ·
Bay area route as kidney failure in-
creasingly damaged his health wu ·still
in a postoptraUve recovery room today.
"I asked the nurse when be could be
moved to a private room," sakl Mrs.
Wiernicz, explaining that he remains on a
monitor machine showing the continuing
state.of bis physical condJUon.
"We don't know," was the nurse's rep-.
The young baseball player who was
fatally injured in a rollover auto accident
last Saturday in the dlsert near Barstow
died SWKlay at Harbor General Hospital
iii Torrance.
His other k.idnty was removfid and
flown to New Orleans! La .. where it has
so far been 1UCCt:Uful y implanted in the
body ol a 57·year-old man.
OAll.Y Pll.OT Jl11f .......
Off Lailuna'1· PMrl Street BNch. A Y~I fllherm•n M1ko1 a Gem of• C•fch --' '
"• F,..;.. ·pa;e l
had," said one paneUat.. . ~ together JODte procram (for the Newport·
Rallbon centered his attack 9n the ti'.· Mesa district) that will be acceptable and
pense of sex education program1 and the still serviceable."
quallficatioos of thole who teaCh tbtrn. "Se1; 'education is ~de\t at all age
"The Anaheim ~-I>J.stfict .~ "' J~vtla.'' Ml!rray , cOQlDleqled. ','1 .don't
$300,000 on HI an: ~ coune," be -think , we should bac'k· away from it
told the panel. ".Better nlult.s could have becaule It is erpe.ulve, diJtut.e!W or
been obtained' by simply Hl1dlna bome embarrwlng. You . can'I cornpl<i<ly
with each irtudent a copy ol a 30-cont 11tldy everyone bul tbe Job needs to be A~erican Meditil ~ ~ booklet done. The kids are being left in the lurch which covered all neceuary lnfOrmaUon ,
and could be gone over ·by parent and' because tbtit parents .work and doo t
child together." --bave ilme to talk to them, tbeae ptople
He displayed the booklet, "Finding need belp.11
YourseU." adding_ that even it contained To a suggeslion that the church might
a few Utlngs he felt would be better left be a better institution to help, Garver
unsaid. AJ for the teachtn, he added, "I don't asked, "But how cou1d you be sure. of the
want some of those people teachint: my people teaching there?" .
children morall." "I'd say 'amen' to that!" said MUfrlY.
DescribJng blmself as "deeply con-Asserting that some "unsavory" people
cerned" about the caliber ci students are drawn into tbe preparatlon of
emerglne lrom today's unlveni.Ues and materials for sex education programs,
golng into tuching, Ralliaon explained, Rallison cited as ~ example Mary
"You cannot conduct a course in sei: Calderone, di.rector of the controvenlal
educaUon without the teacher's mcrals Su. Information and Education Cound1 of
aMWlng through." lbe United Slates (SIECUS).
"It seems to me you're coodemning an "Her husband has a theater that uaes
awful lot of teachers," Garver in-topless dancers," he said.
terjected. "Her husband is not preparing the
"Since coming onto the school board material," countered MurTay. ·
I've been djsappointed in the caUber of Rallison then ~ad a lengthy quote from
many teachers, but we can 't get a magazine artlcle by Mrs. Calderone,
replacements for them," Rallison replled. discussing in detail sex techniques for
''Teachers art people," be said. improving mariUal relations.
Ugµna Youth's
Fi8hin'g T.rip ' .
Really Success
Despite I bl{ 0( b ..... Ind the holiday
lethargy of a couple of'teenage friends,
Scott See.man thought Monday might be a
good morning to take a friend 's boat
fishSng off Laguna's Pearl Street beach.
So Scott went fishing alone. The result
of this young man and the sea saga wa.1 a
\vhopping 40-pound sea bass that looked
almost as long as the IS-year-old
Scott. 2W Nido Way, <A1Ught the big
f~ on a shiny jig while jigging off the
bottom. The jig wu attached to a rope
and he honed the fLsb right up to the 14-
SCott ind friends ftsh for shark
regularly but this was the biggest prime
catch yet. Were biJ friends envious, a lit·
tie. IOIT)' they hadn't ione! It 90Wlded
lik~U llslening to them tease Scott.
But Scott didn't mind. There's fresh
wblte sea bul toolght
Cypress Father
Drowns Saving
I of 5 Children "Mora11 vary lrom person to person and He agreed that this aort ol material
there invariably will be some conflict in was not i.Dcluded in school programa but A Cyprus lather of five cblldren tw
the moral backgrounds o( aome atudents Jnsisted it "proves her attitu<le ls dro'IVned in UM! Colorado River, «landing
and some teachers. There always will be unsavory for young people... Jn water over hiJ head to hold up hi!·
Somt teachers who conduct these classes Passing out textbook! used in lht. panicky llOD until a speed boat rescued
In poor taste. Actually teachera are not Anahe.im program, 50me of them rather the desperate chlld.
qualified to~ group discussions of sex· dated, Ralllion said he personally d1d not Funeral lttVicts for William Shute, 37,
ual problerna. The emotions involved a.re Clod most of the teaching material of-or 6261 Uncoln Ave., will be held Wed·
too delicate. A person with more medical rcnsive. His objections were directed at ne8d.ay at the Petk Family Colonial
background would be better qualified." the maMer of teaching and especially the Funeral Home in Westmimter.
Rallison wu particularly disturbed by use of group di.!lcusslons in mixed classes. Wilneues said the tragedy occurred
the use of four·letler words and "com-"Group discussion has a different Friday whtn ~year-okl Kim Shute
mon alang" in teaching &ei: education and character from a parent-cltlld rtla-be1an screaming for help.
by what he regards 8! unnecessary delv· tionshlp," he Yid. "You are asking for A famJly friend, Mite Johns, said he
ing into sexual aberraUon.s. problems if you set up frictlon between shed hJs shoes and. 1wam 7$ yards from
A panell!t noted that proponents of the parent and child." short, to help the boy but before he ar·
sex courses maintain four·letter words "Do you feel the.le classes are driving a rived 1 speedboat went to the rescue.
are used chiefly for definition pllf'post:s wedge between parent and child?" asked Johns Wei be was exhausted by the
and to remove their "shock value." Frizelle. cold, nitt river waters and had to cling
"How far do you go?" demanded "That's the way it's worked out," to the rescue bOat himself.
Ralllaon. "Do you have to go Into every Rallison answered , "and there's also 1 Wbtn be asked young Kim where his
form of perversion that exl5ts and breakdown in the traditional respect for father was, the boy told him his dad had
describe it in detail? Where do you teachers." been holding him above the surface of lhe
atop,_. h "Or. Rallison expreases a somew at water.
He maintained lhlt go.called hygiene alannist \'le•,'' said Price. "I detect a Johns had not even seen the herois
classes given separately to boys and girls fear of trying somethln& new just in case father as he gave. hia We in lhe elgl}t·fool·
at the junior high level are all the schools it doesn't work." · deep river.
need to offer by way of sex education. Friielle thanked Dr. llilllson for "hav· Divers found his body one hour later.
Noise Foe
Recall Role • ,
Din Emory,.l()Okesman for the Harbor ''.
Atta'I a!rport J]Oise abatement corn-i
1nlttee, has again disclaimed any con· -#1/
necUoo between hlmielf or his troup with .....
the bush-hush recall campaign against
Filth Dbtri<:t Superv!Jor Allon E. Alten. •
Emory was clearly angered by what ~e ~
tenned ''the continued use of my name"
by certain spokesmen for the recall ers. 1 "aec.use ot lhb use of my name, I am now willing to be identified as one of the f
tndlvkh1ala who was eootacted by Paul •
Carpenter and told that lhe candidate <J
they were backing to repla~ Allen is
Ronald Caspers.
"Caspers is financing the recall move-•
ment and is their candidate," Emory Y·
Carpenter has been connected with
Democratic poJJtics in. Orange County
and ia: f. f~er unaucceNful .candklalt.
for -both eoogreas and' Ille as'Mmlll}'.
Caspetl la I rtsldent ol 'IJdo lale In
'Newport Beach O!ld ia head of'Keyatone
S1vlo1s and Loan AaaoclatioD. Coopers conlacled Monday, den!ld
~oo with tl)e recaU campaign. '"l eertaln.1y am a candidate for Allen's
orr!ce," Caspen uJd1 .. but my campalp ;
will· bf wqod 'ID 19'10 irhen . the
supervilor comes \Ip for reelection, if in-•
deed be does run qaln," CUpers ,.;cl.
"I know nothing about lhla portl~
recaD effoit nor bave J Deen a-pprolched
by anyone conliected with lt," the Udo
resident concluded.
From Page l
homeowners by his workers "at the strict
request of the recall committee," he said.
"They gave us a handful of these things
- I don't know where they came from -
and told us to have our field workert
hand them out when residents asked for
information on the recall campaign."
McGrew declined to identify any
members of the recall committee, or the
persons who actually hired him ~ slgne:d
the check for the original deposit for hi•
firm's &ervice.
"They specifically stipulated that w1
not divulge any nam!s," he said. .
He also did not specify the cost of his
service, but intimated in general figures
that the service could cost upwards of
"The usual cost lor this service ranges
from 75 cents a name to $1.50, and we U•
pert to gather perhaps half of the 9,000
signatures which the committee needs.
The rest will be gathered by unpaid
vohmteers," be said.
Compiled at $1 apiece, 4.500 names
would ring up a total cost of $4,500,
P.icGrew steadfasUy held that his
fonn'g service to the recall campaign "is
professional and tot.a.Uy without conflict
of interest."
"We are making no moral judgement
as to who Is ri&ht or wrong in this recall
movement. All we are doing is providing
a service which we have been offering for
lhe past two years," he said.
•;we are legally liable now to disclaim
the speculation that the Newport Tomor· ~
row data is being used in the recall work. •
and that's the way l want it to be. We
wlll gladly sign that retroactive agree-
ment and everyone should be satisfied,"
McGrew said.
He said the finn agrees not to divulge
such information to any person or
organiuitlon wllhout prior consent of the
Newport Beach City Council.
The clause will be added to the agree· ·.
ment signed Ydlh Newport Beach last
February 26.
"Today's kids are very well informed Ing the courage to CGP}e down here and In a Saturday drowning, Peter Leon,
any,.,..y," he said. , expose Us to some ~ite views." 20. of 911 W. Chestnut st., Santa Ans. l\lacai·oni Fuels Fire . '"ttLey tnow a heck of a lot of what The panel, he said will cbntinut to dlsapppeared from sight of witnessts
isn't to." commented Murray. meet for a couple ';;;;le months,. hearing after jumping into an irrigation channel SAN FRANCISCO (UP I) -A $150,000
Frlzelle said the panelists seemed to from te.8cbers, students and others before near Blythe to rttrleve a towel. fire fueled by 100,000 pounds of macaroni
agree that m._ny parents are falling down preparing a . recommendation for the Hls body waa l'f:COvefflJ. three. quarters and pasta destroyed the Sos.so Macaroni
on the job of sex education, that the scbool board. of a mile down the racing channel. Products Co. early today.
churche. don't reach enough young pea-ir.:;;~~;~~=~;;;;~:;~i;~~;;;;;T;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=~=~;;;;;;;;;;,-plt and, since the schools do, the goal
woold be to arriv.e at 30ll'le suitable ~
gram the.t would protect both parents and
"The 1oal," said Friulle, "is to put
Your Omtga
Salts & Srrvice
!J Aii 1 PllO I ............... , ...... ----Show Goes On 0
ot.MO• COiU'I P\.1111. ....... C.0-H.tt'r
11-'*1 N. W ... ---J1c• LC.Sey
VQ .......... -6'lllr9I .......
n..a-1 ...... -Th..-11 A. MllfPliWI• ---
Play Will Benefit Dead Boy's Mom
A black curtain c106ed over lhe life or
t8·ytar-old tbe.splan Steven L. Cooper
AuJ. 26. . lie played the leading role In hi.I own
Nine days before be. died, ~ wu
pl1ylng an innocent 1ame d. "kick the
can" with some o( his frleodS when the
excitement of the llCtivity a.used him to
run lnto one. of the. players, fall down tnd
hit hl1 head on the pavement. He ne\•et
regained eontcloosnes1.
lroolcally, Cooper wos to bave played
the lelding role In "'"1< Odd Coup!<,"
Nell Simon's vtty fUMJ comed1 about
two writers which I.he P1eUlc Coul
Roportory plannod to lllge thl1 fill.
The ploy wW go on without Cooper.
Ill'• -~· ""' or lhe members ol the Huntin Beach trou cl ttfn.
q:er1 who bttn nam::r' to replace
hlm In the ltldln& role.
But now the ahow wW becomo a bentlil
pttfonnance ror Mn. Vada Wilts,
Cooper'• mother,' who Uve.1 at 11127
Ramsaate Lane, Huntin,ton Beach.
Sht hu 1 l&r&• hospltal and funer1l blll
to pay and we would Uk~ to be able to
buy a nice mart• for hll crave,'' Appel
''Steve alY.·a,ya btlped other people out
and we haven't helped him as much as
he 's helped us. We would just like to
tttum the. Javor."
"He w11 il VtJ"'Y warm and happy
person. He waa just eraduated from Hun-
tington Beach High and he waa always
looking forward to another dtY and new
aperiencu. It's kind of difncult to fol.low
him up, he was really good," Appel added
Not only has the fulur e of the play been
endangered through the absence of the
dead boy's leadership, but lhere is now a
new problem
Tbe aelt are re.ad)', the actors are.
almost reidy, but as of the present no
11ta1e. has been founlt on which tO produce
the play.
"It doesn't have to be bta;. A 17$
capacity would be enough. We w?J,ld like
to have It ln town, U we cou1d," said Ap.
If a stage can bl found, the. play will be
shown l"'m Se!>t-11 lhroilSh 21. IC llOl. the drUm of returning a favor
for Steve Oloper wlll remain just a
dretm. ·
Anyone wllb facll!Ues to donate or Nmt
to 111e Plclflc Cout a.penory may can
Appel a~ MW31S or contact him at 991t
Voyog<r Clrdt. lillllllnalon Bead!.
• -
YOUR --WATCH\\; ----·· ..... ..._. FREE t Ckanod • OllMI WW'9 l• W•
•A~iustod l'UlU $2.00
FROM s4aa ll·SttUN• tr..
11w•s $100 lmD, ffM
DIAMONll 16.00 1ouca.,,_
Chrno.rA" -IN•U.YIM• OOMI -.......
HMntlnC)ton CollNr
Beach at Edl19or
II 192.5501
n ... 1.., ,.,.,. 0"'''1 s,.,4,., •••• , w1tc• w.
Clll"f ,..,, itlteltlll w!tlo·
••I ••'I' "'Mific tli•11 by
NASA I• !.• w•t11 •v 1111
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'"'llCh WMll ill' tt-1 1!111 If
th. "'M11, Pric1 S1tl.
Tl•frill AWAH.Al\.I
and back
Harbor Shoppin9 C•nter
2300 Harbor Blvd.
, ,
\ ,
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tur s
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Bei s
inl( ora ...,
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Buniiugto~· .. a~ll
• j i ' '
' ' Egj:pt liivaded by
Planes, Tan~, Ships Strike in Big Rtlid
Farewell Tribtate '
Senator Everett Dirksen's body lies in state in the rotunda in this
p'hoto taken from UW. of Capitol dome as President Nixon and mem-
bers of Congress paid a farewell tribute to the Illinois lawmaker. See
story, Page 4.
TEL AVIV (UPl)-laraeli planes, tanks
and 1 ships struck Eg:ype today in lhe
heaviest raid since the 1969 sb:-day war.
Tanks were IJQded in Egypt by assault
craft and cut a 30-mile' swath through
mllilary installations, radar and rockf!t
An Israeli mllitary spokesman said the
IO-boor punitive raid cost the Egyptians
"dozens" of killed and wounded and that
the only Israeli casualty was a slightly
Slants Into
New England
BOSTON (AP)-Hlirricane Cerda, a
rast·movlng storm born almost overnight
off the South Atlantic coast, slammed in-
to soulbf!astem Ntw England today,
catching the region only half prepared.
The storm bare down first on plc-
turesqul'l Cape Cod, and next was to turn·
Jts rury on eastern Maine.
Gerda developed on such short notice
and traveled so quickly that officials
feared property d&mage would be a-
lremely heavy.
"We just can't move rut enough," said
one police officer in Hyannis. on Cape
Cod. "We're moving ramllies into the
school, and they're having to leave win-
dows unboarded and ~erything because
there ju.st doesn't seem to be time. • .And
they haven't 1ot all the 'llGats in either."'
"-'OUOded aokSier who 'Q<as withdrawn
safely wlth the entire attacking force.
An Israeli plane, reported to be an
Amer\can·buUt Skyhawk, wu shot down
by anUalrcraft fire and the pilot
parachuted into the Gulf of Suez. He was
oUJclally llated all mlasJng.
Intense naval activity preceded the Jan-.
duJi which a spokesman said began Mon-
day night. On Sunday night, l&raell motor
torpedo boala del1royed two Egyptian Pr
boats in lbf! GuU of Sues, and Cairo
reported an Israeli patrol boat today with
the loss or 'its crew. These were the tfra
naval ena:agementa since 1967 ..
An Israeli communique sakl the raid
was in· response to Egyptian "ar-
This w11 believed to include not only
heavy Egyptian artillery attack!! along
the Suez Canal but' Arab terrorist attack!!
on lsraeD inltallaUons installallons in
'Conflict of .I11teres~'
City Counc.ilman
Charges Mayor
Of .. ID9IJr ,,. 11111
A chatJe of "clelir-cut conflict of in-tartst'~ wu hurled 1t Fountain Valley's
Mayor Robert SchwerdUeger Monday
night !!!"fellow caindlman and pollUc:al opponent Jobn Harper.
1be.dw'&! was made during a P""
confererw;:e it Harptr'a borne, during
which be ouUlned information he says
"proves tbe polnt ol conruct of. Interest
c:bqes pmtooaly nm\ored abolrt the
IJ)QWJI activttte.. II MoJ<ir lldl~eger, alq with two
-••NllCllii ... , lo Ute llrad cf the
rteall == ~llldl ,.m ailoilnale in • .,.;; ftilot. II; .. ,.,...,
Europe and varioos aila<ks , .,.
Israeli airlines, aPDkmnen aaid In
WastilnJton •.
De.,ite the obvioua warning, tbe left
wing utremist Arab guerrilla .. group
known.I• the Popular ri.iiuor the 1:.11>
eratioa 'or Palestine warned today In Am·
mfn. ~ordan,,lt, would ...,alale Ila lerror
campilgn against lsraell orglnliaUons
abroad wllh ''more dangerous, posalbly
fatal" attacks.
Seal Beach
Prob~s Grisly
Torso Find
Seal Beac:b po1D and ar..,. Cnunty
Coroner'• investigators todly are irobinl
the mystery wrrocmding the unldeulHkd
remains or a torso which washed Up on a
private Surfside beach Satunl.11 af.
· Mrs. Marjorie FiU.. of D 23 Surfside,
told Seal Beach police she dl!covemf the
almost skeletal remains while swlmming
in the ocean at 3:35 p.m. ~ said ahe
WU not sure lhat the body WU human
until two boys dragged It onto the buch.
Sgt. Sam D'Amko of Ille Seal Buc:h
Pollce Dept. said the remains consltted
of one hall Of the backbone, lhe -
and a jiortlon of leg bone willt tlslut al-~ lacllt<l •\o.'°"" of lhO ptrlL ~---
Length-of Y outiis' ··t1iU~
Being Decided in Schools
. Handrtds or · pleaJlUilt bolts were
-ill'lllo·~ ~ tln!l
dot the '"lion'• weaihma ahor<~ Md
Gerda's llO lo I~ 'winds
were expoc:ied lo "" iaoociaJ17 destru<· u .. w~M, •
out ol lolm illlcl coalil nofbel'Ol,dlecl lor
---.,\II •lihl candidates ln the rtcaD -have tossed "confllcl ol ln-
temt'! Charaa al blm, titi' Dom bu <If·
Identifying mw.. '
" ~ CauntJ -· ln...upion -~an the remains
How much long is too long in boys' hair
fa shion? That question ls being variously
decided by school administrators this
week. At San Clemente High School Ml"!lday,
50 students were told they transgressed
the student dress code while only one was
turned away at Mission Viejo High.
Students of Newporl·Mesa and Hun-
tington Beach high schools test. the dic-
tates of principals when they begm school
WedntSday. Foontain Valley Righ Assis-
tant Principal Cliff Hepburn, said, "I im-
llgine some will come in Wednesday and
see how far they can go."
' * ..:. *
New Edison H igli
Foresees Problern
As School Opens
five high schoots will open lhcir door~
to 14,600 lluntington Beach students al
8 a.m. Wednesday.
But at one of the locaUons, the new
Edison High School, "there's going to be
a rtal problem ." according to Dr: 1t1ax
Forney, superintendtnt of the. Huntington
Beach Unlon High School District.
strikes in the construction Industry
have heJd back the Ediaon building pro-
gram to such a degree that the new slu·
denb will have lo do without blacktop
parking· facilities, a gymnasium, dress-
ing rooms, chemistry . and physio lab-
oratories, homemaking classr~ms.
same shop faciliti es and a few toilet&
and drinking fountains .
Edison's 2,200 students may be con-
fined to p u t e ''book learni ng·• for a
while, but at Jeast lhe school will be
oper.. ' Parenti and dlslr1ct administrators
had earlier feared that the construction
lag w.oold fore,: double aeaions at some
of tht other campuses. TNitees wer~
d<ieno!ried to open Ille schoOI, even If
it mea.Dl doing wlthou.t 1 ftt facfllties-
''We ha've no klea when the school wiJI
be completed." .,.kl Dr. Forney. "The
tnd of Ille plumlllng 11lil<e ls nowhere
Jn sighL '' De!pite the Edi.son problems. Or. For-
nev la optimistic about the comlng year.
"We're loo-Ing forward t,o. a very good
vear. We have 120 new staff memben ind they art In good spirits." be said.
Edison and the other llChoois In the S2-
zquart mile district-Huntington Beach.
\vei!mloster, Afarllla, rowrt>ln an.,.
and Wlnt•nburg -will boost the tDtal
1tudent popuJaUon to 't,lOO above last
ytat's tnrollment of 13,300.
Projections. !our years rrom new es.
fimate a student count of 20,000. -
1be dbtri~ c:onlalns five elomen!Jiry
1ehtol 'dl.sttkts -lluntlngton Belch.
Fomt.ain Valley. Westminster, Ocean
View ud Seal Beach.
Laguna Beach fligh students started
Thursday last week and' 46 boys were
sent home for more work with the ra1.0t
and clippers. Director CJ{ student affairs
Gary Norton said 35 of tbe 46 were back
in school by Friday.
At at least two area high schools, long
' pair on boys is no longer taboo. Corona
del Mar and Newpcn Harbor hi~ both
are continuing with policies tried la.!11
spring leaving it up to the parents.
"Conclusively the parenl! want this
retponsibility." said Corona del Mar prin-
cipal Leon M~ks. He said onl y 17'or 18
parents out of 1;200 returned notes saying
they disagreed with the new policy.
Mrs. Vashke Breeding, Harbor High
girl's vice principal, said there has been
a slight refinement at Harbor High 1ilth
new emphasis on neatness. "There'll be
no more ji!ans with holes in them," she
said. "Some of !he students got prtlty
grubby toward the end of sctfool under
the anything goes.policy."
Both schools do require shoes and ban
\·ery Short skirts -the so-called mini-
mini sldrts.
At other schools, moustaches and
beards, Jong sideburns and hair that
!ouches the collar is still a !ahor.
Huntington' Beach High sebooJ4 have a
single policy, recently Jib tr a 11 t e d
romew!J't by the board ol tru-; to
permit Culottes on girls and boys' ohlrt
tails that hang out •
At San Clemente High, moat ol lhe 50
studenta were sent home M~ because
of loog hair. Eigl1I girls were wearing
skirts considered too short.
Superintendent Truman Benedkt SiJd
he had. ~o calls.from pareota: ind one parent came' to l)ls office to dlscua: (be
situation. "You'd have to have . the
wisdom· of SOiomon to meet everyone's
standards, .. Benedict said.
Mission Viejo High admin!strators in
sending only one student home .showed a
more permissive altitude l.han Tustin
High of the same school dislrk:t, which
di.Smisled moA thaa 25.
'Ille storm lift little untOOc:hed. JrOIJn.
necked lie'! began !earing at the Cape's
exposed aouthern beaches around noon,
eating away tons of sand.
· Trees bent under the a:traln of the wind,
and powtr and telephone outagta:
developed as branches tore Joose and
sliced Jines. Gerda was trundling north·
northeastward at 40 m.p.h., unuaually
fast for a hurricane.
The WeJther Bunau said the storm's
brush with land would do little to
dimlni!h it! fury.
The position Of Its ctnier at noon (EDT)
was about 50 miles 50tltb-JOUthust of
Block Island, R. r., or near latitude 40.S
north and longitude 7L2 west.
Earllet: in the day, urgency cloaked
coastal communitie.a: as residents tried lo
brace for Gerda.
Prowler Disturbs
Actress' Sleep
Actress Jane Russell reporled a pro-
wler on the balcony of her Dover Shorn
home Monday night, Newport Btach
police said todiy.
fl.liss Russell , asleep in a dowmtaira
bedroom of the bayside home, was
awakened by a man on her balcooy at 11
p.m., she told invesUgaton.
Sbe ran lo a phone an<I called pollce.
As she WU t.akin,g, lhe said, the in-
tnider rtn from the bolcon)' down Ille
llalrway and out through Ille backyard.
Polic!l said the man waa gone when they
arrived. '
Parks Board Studies
I~untiligton· Surf l\1eet
Tl)e up<0mJna· U.S. SiJrtboard Cham·
pionships and a PrOll'e!S report oo the
new Huntlng1ton central Park domiMte
the agenda ·for the Wednesday met:Uflg ol
the Recrealoln and Parka COminlaafon.
The meeting wUI be held ' at 7:30 p.m. in
the Huntlngtoo Beac:b. Clly COWlcfl Cham·
bers. '
fered pi:oof1 ·
"My lnfonnaUon has been turned over
to City Attomf!y Edwin Martin," said
Harper Mpnday, "to pursue lnvestigaUon
and any possible legal action."·
"I want thll election won or lost on lhe
facts." stated Harper, who doesn't hide
his dislike for life mayor.
The Jnf'onnaUon he presented involved
the aale of land lo developer Alva Wilson
in !Dea, witb the mayor .acting u . real
e1tate bn>ker between Wllsoo ·and J. W.
Macintosh, owner or the land and a resi-dent of Tul1re County. · ·
"The mayor Dm!:r declared bis interest
when the item was before the Cit' Coun-
cil }or a aone cban1e," charged Harper.
City records show the t.one change (R-
l, single family residence) was approved
I to 0, Nov. II, 1968.
Willon and the wife of.J, W. MaclntoM,
have both conflnned that Schwerdt£eger,
operatin* as Fairway Realty, did handle
the ru.1 estate transaction, receiving a
commission of more than $10,000.
Tht tract in qut!tlon ii the Sprlnghurst
Tract on the aoutheast. corner ol Warner
Avenue and Ward Street.
Ha.rper told newsmen that, If "satisfac-
tory action" lsn1t taken by Martin on the
charges against Schwerdtfeger. h e
(Harper) will lake them to the district
attorney or the Grand Jury.
Ma'rtin 1ald today he plans ·to confer
with Harper on the information, but
hasn't had time to form any reaction to
the charge1.
1be dt)' attorney has been under heavy
DAfLY'l'H.OT MMf htM
Valley Councilman Harper
fire from recall supporters for hla own
real estate lrivolvement in the city and
leglil oppOsillon to Ute recall.
His 'setvices for the city will end Sept.
30, which, he !laid, doe.sn'l leave him
much time to ·taJce any action.
Harper also Implied that Councilman
Joe Courreges, another recall target,
might al!o te involved In the Springhurst
transaction, but presented o n I )'
"heresay" evidence.
Courregea today d<nled any knowledge
of the real estate deal, as charged' by
Show Goes On
Play Will Benefit Dead Boy's Mom
A black curtain closed over the life of
1,1-y~-old tbeapian Steven L. Cooper
Aug. 21.
He played the leading role in hll own
tragedy. ,
Nlne days before he died, Cooper was
playing an innocent game of "kick the
can" with sOme al hill friends when the
excitement <If the tcUvJly ca....i him to
run into one or the players, ran down and
hit his head .on the pavemenl He nl'lver
regained consclousneu.
Ironically, Cooper was to have played
the leading role In "The Odd Coupte,"
Ne.11 Simon's veey funny comedy about
two ·writers which the Pacific Coast
Repertory piaruitd lo l10fl• th1a foll.
Tlie play will go oo wllhoul ~.
04ys Tom Appel,.one ol lhe memben ot
• ' tbe Huntington Be~ 1 troupe of tetn-AUen · !fecaU Drive ager• w1to .111 • ....., nam..i to replace j lllm In ~ leading role, . ' ; Bul now Uie }bow wUJ become t bendll' '~:tj ·sy~r~.Y =~.~.~,:~~~ ~. ;-:.~Y~l-~d.:·': ~f{~\~~.
• ...1..· .. , ..... , -; , • • • l?uY\@ ruce.mar,u fpr.tllirX~''. Appel
By JOHN VALTERZA fonnltloo ,fflbeiocf ln '.lls polt "In 1D11'C.llla&ll·'. • itfd'. ' .).I \ •' • •
ot ni. Nlr '"' 11111 strictest ~~·'' , ,"Our \WJ.ra 'In ~~I mCwtment ''Stev'e alway1 helped Otha' }*pie out
Opinlon Rooearch ol Callfomia Mond1y Opinion llONrchl la,_,.lntlip,C onlf \,I lo q>oRflnt • the petition 'piberlng and it• hfven't •hdped ~Imp much II
night ....,,eel Newport Beoch city coun-the peUtioft c4l!idfnl campa"'1 lor b r,~~ fllmllli 11\t wolt •heels he's n.w:us. !lie wouW1J1¥! like to
cihnen that m lnforrnatk>n ~athtred on recall JQO•~ a Jirvkf whlt,b • .., r~.addr~llstl)'fortbe,workera , re~ tbt,Javor." ". , . :::...."'1:".=-....::.=..:: =i5=1. ... , ··~w;.;;,..;.,,: ~.;tw~=~~~fla=I drlveagainstSupOrVlaor Alton ARen. In hll .,.., ~11117 · '.;J '!, Jii¥!.. l'~ 'not.,~ or,' ~~~.Hl&I\ tncl lie'*ia alW'Yll
Donald McG,..., executive vi.. pml· bet-"" . '· ' , ·;i · ' ·"11.~· · •r , • , , lll{'l•fd ~ ~tlior,'.ancl...,. dent of the Looi Bea1:h public opinion and lh• , · ~ llfd lflt 1mtll ~Pt!.", t , 11'1 tfnC ti clf!!lc!IH. to "'1low
survey lirm, promi.oed ln a rettoactlva that "aboOltitoly .. w~ \tlaai. lie hliii!ed'oli Ill\ bl!i! ap,'bo Ill rei\11' r.>d•:' . .\Ppthtlckd
agreement that tt would hold 111 lhe ln· by our llAfl hu bt<ll or wlll be usecl 1n ~OPINION, P ... I) nitfuUy:
at• -' inorloary
lire ""' c:erUfn the "'"alnl are Jumiltj; TbeY fnilicat.<f that the body WU
pooilb!Jl"male and CIJl!)d have been 35
1'8fl 'Cl"Oider. An uamJnatlqn of the
bories1iDCUeated that the, tiody may have
bffn •l>c!<rt. 5 1,.t, 7 ln<hes tall. ,
Dr. o.ivld Katmyama, a coroner's'c:on-
sulfln; physician, said lh&i thO cleln aila
Oii a,_ tissue and lhe fine marlrlnp ·..,
the li!1 '11ont COClld pooaibiy )\Ive• been
carved by a lmlle.
Neither the police nor Ille corooer'1 of.
fice ba'e: ao far been Jible to uplain thf! ori&Jn of.the mnalna.
Huntibgton Man
Dies in Wreck
A Huntington Bead\ lnan WU tilled
Monda:Y in a truck-car mlllslon in_Hu-
peria and the driver of the truck fn which
he was riding, a resident of Costa Meu,
was seriously Injured.
John P. Hawley, U; ol IZ02 Aloha
Drive, died when the truck• driven by
Earl L. Cox, 48, of Costa Mesa colllded
with a car driven by Air Force Strgeant,
John W. Tborup, 20, of Htsperia. 'lborup
also died m the crash.
Cot was treated and released at Vlctor
Valley Hospital, VictorVJile and ntlwed.
Hawley, a utility lineman ls mrvlved
by bis wife, Bertha. and two aons.
Stock !lfarlceta
NEW YOBlt (AP) -The ljack market
finished on )qher ground today alter •
late rally ati.lved some of ill earlier kJu.
a . !See qU<¥Uooa, Pagea 10.11).
Trading Wal fllil~ctive ·over much
~t~S:S:t~·,:e "" ~T.: =~
' That cr"9fni 101 wlli lll<k ar1ound'U0.1almoll noon apin with
patciloll ol it hlriilnc on all 'day
Wednesday and thovJril the bead\
temperatun dofn into the upper
' '
J DAaY l'llOT H
~Study ~~oDp n.~ai:s ex· Class :€ritie '
Noise Foe
1iy 8A'lWll.l: WlllllCH
04 ... Nt , .. Steff
~ ldllcalloa-IAl<boot.. --==~a:·:· --...., ill CioantJ""""°' bol!.i
ii\ember llr. Dale RallllOn warned Mon·
day ln a Wk to membt!rs of a Newport
... cb .cl~! commlttc:e for the study
ti· -<ducillon. ,. .. We (tbe county board) lwa\'t asked
sludtntl Jn Ml educaUon programs, ·~
~ fed more or less apt to becomt tn-
Yolved With membti-1 of the opposite aex
dtr tOin& this coune?' ''said Rallibi.
! MJnvarl.Uly the ao&wer ill 1ro or e
llhl1·' tt Foe lhlJ l!ld oilier ......,., the Sanla
Ana 'dentist, known for ht• con:iervauve
standt on IChool matlu!. said be ls
\lbl5'ca1b' opposed'' to RX education
«OUl'Se& ~ entire problwi. ls one that
ohould be hahdl<d by parent. in the
~ome, be told paneliaLi.
The sez education hot potato was loss·
ed around a conlerence table at the
Newport Buch Chamber ol Commtrce
for t"Q boun Mop:ily afternoon in ont of
1 serlu of m~ the cltizens' group
Jiu be<n holding oi!1« April.
Dr. Jlalliaoo WU 11Jell speaker for the
-Olbor• Jlft9'!ll ..... chalrm4n f/r. Nolall Frb:elle,.)ln. WUUam M.uon,
Mn. Carol !!eek. the Rev. Philip Murroy, inJnlljer of the Cqnkr<gaUonal Church in eor..a de) M,r; Walttr Pbelps ~ the
Open Ena tliuttr, 'l'bomu Garver of the
Newport llarbor Art Museum, Rob<rt
\ . Price i1Do1 allorney Attbur Q\11.
• AA llallloilo hewed flnoty lo 1111 vltft
.. ""od•"''""' fr~~ "1 Ibo -11-, .... dll ..,. ..... °" blal¥ up. ' "?lllt fl •tlle ~ ............
bad. n .US one paMllA.
'Rallison centered h11 attack on the tx·
pense of sez educaUon program1 and the
qualilicat.ions of those who teach lh!m.
"The Anaheim School District spent
$300,000 on Its sex education course," he
told lhe panel. "Better resulta cou1d have
been obtained by simply Hndlng home
wlUt each student a copy of a 31).cent
American Medical Association book~
whlch covered all necessary infonnatlon
and couJd be gone over by parent and
child together."
He displayed the booklet. "Finding
Your1elf," add.Ing lhat even it conLained
a fe\v thin.gs he fell lWJld be better left
As for the teachers. he added, "I don't
want some of those people teaching my
children morals."
Describing himseU IS j•deeply con--
cerned'. about the caliber ol students
emerging from today's wllversitlu and
going into teaching, Rallison explained,
"You cannot condud a course In 1ex
educaUon without lhe teacher's morals
showing through."
"Jt seems to me you're condemninJ an
awful lot of teachers," Garver in·
"Since coming onlo the acbool board
~'Ve lloell 4 · 1i oln~ ill the ~ al
many, •t ••t ·itt
npl>l•awtdir lopliicl.
''T~ . '"" • .. -....... '-lf'1"1!i ........ oad
!hen lnvarlabl7 wll1 ... --.m.fla
the -al blcqrumdo d -lllldljlla· and some teachers. There alwaya Wijf be
some teachers who conduct lhese classes
in poor taste. Actui.lly teachen are not
qualified to lead group discussions or lel-
ual problems. The emotions involved are
too delicate . A person with more medkal
background wouJd be better qualified."
Rallisoa WU particularly dlstllrbed by
the me of four-letter words and 1'com-
moa_ slang" ln teaching llCX ecWcat.ion and
by what he regards as unnecessary delv-
ing into sexual aberrations.
A panelist noted that proponents of the
sex couraes mainlain four-letter words
are used chiefly for definition purposes
and to rtmove lhe.lr "Bhock value."
"How far do you go~·· demanded
Ra.lllson. "Do you have to go into every
form of perversion that exists and
describe it in detail! Where do you
He maintained that so-called hypene
classes glven separately to boys aod girls
at the junior high leve1 are all the schools
need to offtr by way of stl education.
"Today's kids art vuy well informed
anyway," he 1ald.
' ''They knqw a httk of a lot of what
im't ao," commented Murray.
Friulle said the panelists seemed lo
Financial Bind to Prevent
-' Grade School Innovations
This ls not ezpected k> be an i.nnovative
Jur am<llll West Orange County elomen-
tsry ICboolJ beclUJe molt of the area'•
five d1JCric:ts face rapid expanaioo w1lh
lncreasini financial ......
In a year that will see nearly 4!i,OOO
youngsters st.art school Wednesday in the
five elementary districts, admlni8lrators
know the grim reality that there are few,
JI any, funds available for school. con.
Most diltrk:ta will survive lh.il year
rib only ICallered problems in the form
ol crowded clusroonu l!ld double
leSlion.s, but even the best admit the next
year may mean total disaster.
Fountain Valley School Dlatrict sluts
the year with a brand new superin-
tendent.. Mike Brick. He rtplactd Edward
Beau.bier, who accepted an educaUonal
poet with the state. ·
" t,-IOI TO A'l'TEND
More than 9,400 children w~~~ clusa in 12 ICbools in what ls r
nallonally ..... ol the med~
dillrlcls. A 13th llCbooJ, delayed by ra!D
and strilr:tl, WU iclmuJed to opal IOOn,
but won't -until sprin&. No doubl~
sessions wW be held.
"We are trying to make educaUoo• as
profealonal as poalble with the uae ol
effective modem techniques," .,_y,
Brid. ol the dlslricl noted lot lt.s ...
perimtntl in education.
Sentencing Set
In Assault Case
A youth arrested in Huntington Be•t'h
on May 17 on charges of attempted. kJd..
nap and assault with a deadly weapon
will be tentenced Oct. 1 on lesser charges
ol .... u11 l!ld ba!lery and e1hlbtthi& a
deadly weapon.
David L. Villutnor, 20, of Sin Gabriel,
pleaded guilty l\fonday in West Orant:e
County Municipal Court.
He wu arTeSted on Pacific Coast
Highway in downtown Huntington Beach
after hil victim, Glenda Swearingen, 20,
of Huntington Qeach, ran screaming to
the polict station to report the incident.
She told officer• Villasenor tried
several Umes to get her into his van and
said he threatened her with a cun and
t.Mri. N.' Wet4
, ....... ", .... ~111'1*1
Jee.Ir; JI. C111l•7
yq "1'•""" .... Gener• lo\el'otttr
Thot1111 k'ee•il
Th1'1111 A. Muq11ki~1 ,..."1'91"" E•1rw .. u.,,. w. l1t11
A11«kl .. E-t!llt
H•1ttl11tt•• .... Offlw
l ll' $1h St•••t
M•il int A4clr1n: P.O! l o• 7•0, •26'1 .,_.,.,_
N..-t ._,.. ~)1 1 W81 a.Olt ....... ~ttlf
C•I• l!Ntl~ 1'I Witt .. y S:l!Tft l.--. lhc.fO; l.U ,.-WW II•-
Hontington Beadl Cily School Dllltrict,
under the leadenbip of Sup«inl<ndent S.
A. Moffett, win open a new junior high,
Gisler School, with an experiment jn mix·
ing sixlh grade studenta with the seventh
and eighth graders.
The c!l!trlcl expects more than 6,500
students to attend classes at seven
schools. Gisler Is the only ·new school,
and admiJ11Jtr1tors don't expect serious
crowdlng1lf'Oti]ems unW nest year.
"We are a rtadbta centered district,"
stales McX!.U, empbasizln1 their fun·
damentalilt appro.ch to educatloa. The
dlltrld COVtrl moet of the belch oriented
:~~~~ Ana River to Hun·
Ocaan VJew :i:r.tfistricl faces a $7.5 mllla """'' ·on Nov. 18, as ii ehten ltl aecond ytar under the ad· nilaltilratlon ol a.-e llall, PhD; Jrho
..... .dlstritt lillf 0n its I otter Jiii·
Uve pnlbleim. \
of the uteao student. who Will al· ttli ~ scbool11wID be forced into double
....... beco11111 two ochooll, Meoa View ~Part View, W90't open unUI the new
year, Uuulb lo-tlel<yo.
!l!ul!le -wlll be . held In tbr .. tt*'1 srade ctu. at Collq:e View; in
t"!' -eaCh ~ the llnl, HCOnd and tllird grades at Glenn View; in four
claaaes of the f1rst and secood grades at
Hope View; 1n thrte clasaes of the first
and lfJCOnd grades at Star View, and in
three fJnt grade classes at Lart VJew.
S..I Beach School ~ la the tiniest
of tht five with two acbooll and about
I JOO students. · .
The di.strict will ~ a teache~ cur·
riculwn center in fulJ.time operation this
year, says Superlnttodent · Marx N
Dressler. •
Westminster School District is the
largest wlth 22 schools and more than
14 ,000 students. under Superintendent
John F. Land, Jr.
The c!Wicl had planned lo oPeD ·the
new John Land School,1 but rain and
strikes have delayed Jt for this year.
l\layor Alioto Gets OK
Joseph L. Alioto received permiss1on
from a federal judae ~fonday to start hls
Sl2.S mi!Uon libel suit against Look
magaz.ine for an artJcle linking the mayor
witb the ~ta!la.
IDAilLY f'llOT tleff"""
Om•h• Tribe's W•lker
Pow Wow Picks
Indian Princess
For Beacli Rodeo
\Vanda Lou Walker, a 17-year-old ln--
dian from Bell Gardens. has been
selected Indian Princess to reign over lhe
Sept. 2S.28 all-Indian rodeo in Huntington
She was selecled Saturday night Jn
. compellUon with other Indian girls at a
Pow Wow (mtttlng) of the Orange Coun·
ty Indian Auoc.latlon in Huntington
Wanda is a full -blooded Indian ol the
Omaha Tribe (Nebraska). Stle was pick·
ed for her colorful costume, Indian dan-
cing ability, and other qualJUes.
She will reign over Ufe first annual all·
lndiin rodeo ccrsponsol'ed by the Orange
county Indian As8oclat!On and Ihe Hunt·
inaton Beach Jaycees. . ·
The rodeo will feaiure all Indian
perfonntrs and several Special. dances lo
addllkib to nonnal rodeo events. lt will
be he.Id at Goldenwest street and. Talbert
Avenue oo the pro~ central pai-k sl~.
Cong, North Vietnamese
Violate Truce 40 Times
SAIGON (UPtl -Viet Cong and North
Vitlnamese forces committed almost 40
violations of thelt cease-fire during the
first half or !ht three-day truce, allied
mill ta. -y 1poke~men said today.
The violations included a ground attack
agalnst ~ U.S. base north of Salj:oo and a
frogm•n •trike qalnst an American ship
In the South Olin• Su, spokesmen said.
Communlqut! showed battle acti vity
~u light in South Vietnam and that
Am~ica.r. forces had vlrtually suspended
bomblnc stlik:u since tht cease.fire
bqan early Monday.
For the second day In 1 row, American
852 bombtr1 new no mW.Ions over South
Vietum. Tbe U.S. Command reported
tievtn tact.lea.I air !lrlk:ts by Americaw
aircraft throughout the nation Monday.
On a norm•! d•y. more than +oo are
Spotesmm for the U.S. Command
rtfused to comment at an aflfimoon
br1efing on whelhtt Amttican forces bid
&caled down tl.elr operations In response 'lo th< Vld Cona and North V~tnamue
South Vietnamese •Polr::tl!mtn saij
Communist forctf had committed ze In·
fr,.ctlon1 •Ince lhelr truce bc&an, kllling
' • -----~
24 government soldiers and wounding 41
others .
U.S. spokesmen reported a dozen
"sisniflcant" incidents since I a.m. ~fOn·
day. Communiques listed sir Americans
killeJ and more Ulan 30 wounded.
The South Vietnamese spokesmen
reported flvt ground battle$ in South
Vietnam P.tonday in which government
lroo?l killed S9 Communist soldiers.
Spokt smtn said government troops con·
ducted :)(I oCfen&ivt operations or bat·
lallon sizt or larger durlng Ute 24-bour
period ending atl a.m. today. ~·--• Eleven South Vlet:nlmele rel'O™U ·
forcu wm ~lied and 11 ou.er. <IOU!lded,
spokesmen aald, wbtn the truck in which
they were riding &truck 11 land mine
about 113 mllu aouthwest or Saigon in
the Mekong Delta Monday afternoon.
The U.S. Command reported olnt •h•ll·
inl attickl ovemlaht compared 'with ss
In the p<OvlOUI 14-hour perlocl. They said
aeven caused neJther dam.age o r
The ctue-flrt, called to mourn the
death la.st ,...k Of liq Chi !,!lnh, the.
prutdtnt of Nortll Vietnam. bepn •l 1
a.m. Monday and w.as to run unUJ l a.rn.
' ( . .
. agrao !hit m~ 111!'1111 ar• ~ clOwn a mquine article by Mn. Calderone,
on· ... Job o! -llhicotklli, 'IJial, ~ dbc:u"1!lc IA detall ter tecbn1quU for churdloa 11oo1.-enOOllh ,,_ pao-lmPt'ovq ma.r!Ual relatloos.
pie llld. -1111 acbotili-do, 1111 pl lie·.....,. 11111 .this IOd ~ matarial
• -ba lo atriw·~ ..-·llllM!!lo ~-•If !!Gt_ ID odloal ~but . .,... tllal-Ji'locl bollt Poi<Uta 11!1!1 1nslaled lt "pma her aUlhide II il..r.&. WlllVorY for yowit people."
"tl>t pal,"-11111 JPriRUe, "ls lo put , Passing OU1 testboob used in the
t!llletller·IOIDO P"'ll'llll ([OP the Newport. Anahtlm program, e«ne ~ them ntber
Mtoa dlstnct) lhAl will be acceptable 111d dattd, RalUson said be peraonally did ttOt
still tervlceable:'' find mqst of the teaching nuitertal of·
"Sex education is needed at all age fwtve. HJs objecUoo.s were dirteted at
levels," Murray commented. "l don't thamanneroft.uchingandesped.allythe
think we should back away ftom' if Ute: ol lfOUP dbcualloos ID mb:ed clustt.
bec&use It la upenslve, dlslulelul or "Group dlsc>wloo bu a ·dlll.-
emham!istn(. Ycu' Ull't" contpleWy character from 1 panal-dllld reta.
satl!fy everyone but the job needs to be tiomblp," he said. 0 Yqu are uktn& for
done. Tbe kids an bein& ltll in Ille lw<b fm)l>lems U )'GU set up friction belweeu
beca""' their parents wort l!ld don't pattnt and eblld."
have tiµle to talk to them. '!best people ·~you feel thue c1aaes are drlv1ng a
need help." wqe between parent and dDJd?11 ukecl
Ta a suggestion that the churcll might Frittllt.
be a better tnstltution to help, Garver "That's the way It's wotked out/'
asked. "But how could you be sure of tile Ralllloo answered, "and theft's also a
people teaching there?" brukdown In I.ht tradltlooal respect for
"l'd say 'amen' to that!" said Murray. teac.but." ·
Asserting that some "UMavory" people "Or. Ratli:lon eipreues a tomewhat
art drawn into the preparaUoo of alannlat view," saJd Pr!ce. "I detect a
materials for sex education programs, fear of teylnl aomtthlnc new just la cue
Rallison cited as an uample Mary it ~·t wort."
Calderone, director oI the controvenlaJ FNelle thankM Dr. RallilM. hr 1'bav·
Set lnfonnation and Education Coundl of Ing the murq:e to. ccme down here Ind
the United State.a (SIECUS). expose us to 1GC11 oppoalte view1.'1
''Her husband has a theater that uses The panel, he said, will canUnue to
topleu dancers," he said. meet for • m.ipla more moutbJ, hearing
"Her husband is not p~paring the from teacben, itudentl and otben btfore
material," countered. t.1urray. preparifll a recommendaUon for tbe
Rallbon lhen read a lengthy quote lrom.., school board.
Nixon Plans Conference
On Strategy in Vktnam
WASHINGTON (UPl)-P r e s J d en t
Nizon today scheduled a high-level con-
ference Friday on Vlttnam strategy, with
the U.S. commander, Gen. Creighton
Abrams, flying to Washington to partlc--
Top diplomatic, military and intelli·
ge.nce oUicials involved in formulating
Vitlnam policy-from determination cf
pogslble further troop withdrawals to
assessment of the Hanoi leadership in the
aftermath or Ho Chi Minh's dtath-\\'tre
summoned to the. meeting.
In addiUon to Abrams, also sitting in
will be Defense Secretary Melvin R.
Laird, Secretary of State William P.
Rogers; Adm. John McCain, commander
ln chief in the PacWc; Gen. Earle G.
Wheeler, ch4irman ol the Joint ChJels of
Staff; Nlion's national security adviser,
Henry A. Kissinger ; Ellsworth Bunker,
U. S. ambassador to Saigon, and CIA
Dlrtcior Richard C. Helms.
White House Press Secretary Ronald
Ziegler said the meeting would be a
"general and overall review GI the Viet·
nam situation."
"Quilt obviously the matter of troop
replacements and level! will be among
the many subjects discussed at a meet·
Ing like this." he told reporters.
The review also will include 1 di&Qus-
s.ion ol the effects of Ho's death on the
Huntington Lake
Victim Found
Pollce today found the body of a Hun·
Ungton Beach leen who drowned Thurs·
day at Huntington Lake.
The body of Randy Lee Reed. 14. of
17361 Lido Lane, was discovered floating
in the Jake at 8:40 a.m. by Huntington
Beach tiftter' Steve Arebalo.
Y~ lleed drOwnel:t Thursday befort
his 9-year-old brother, Jeff, could reach
him -in the middle of tbe .fG.foot deep
lak e.
A two day search by di\lf!n was aban·
doned ·because of poor visibility in the
murky lake water.
Funeral arrangements are pending at
Dilday Brothers MGrtuary, Huntington
lulure ol the Vietnam altualloo.
Bunker r<turned lo the UDited stales
st'Veral daya: ago for conaultatiol'll. He
WU ocheduled lo mod with N-today
fer prelimlnarY dllcuulans lb advance of
lilt hlp ltve! lllfflini.
The Friday sessJon ahaped up u one
or the mo1t comprtbellsfve reviews of
U. S. strateo In Vietnam 1ince Nllon took oUlct.
NiJ:on returned from the Western White
House at San Clemente shortly afttr mid·
night Monday and returned to his \Vhite
House office today. Hie .scheduled his
meeting with Bun.ler at 12 :30 p. m. POT.
Cypress Father
Drowns Saving
I of 5 01ildren
A Cypress father of five children has
drowned in the Colorado River, standlng
in water over his head to hold up hi.a
panicky son until a speed boat rescued
tht desperate child.
Funeral services for William Shute, !7
of 6261 Lincoln Ave., will be held Wed:
ntaday at the Peek Famlly Colonial
Funeral Home in We1tmin:ster.
Wltnes,,es said the tragedy occurred
Friday when nine-year-old K1m Shute
began screaming for help.
A family friend, l\1ike Johns. said he
shed his 11hots and swam 75 yards from
short, to help the boy but before he ar·
rived a speedboat went to the rescue.
Johns said he was exhausted: by tht
cold, swift river waters and had to cling
to the rie.scue boat himself.
When be asked young Kim where his
father was, the boy told lllm hia dad had
been holding him above the surface of the
Johns had not evm seen the berois
lather all he gave his Ult in the eight·foot-
det~ river.
Divers found hiJ body one hour later.
ln 1 Saturd1y drowning, Peter Leon,
20, CJf 921 'V, Chestnut St., Santa Ana,
dlsapppeared from sight of witnesses
aft.er jumping into an irrlgaUon channel
near Blythe Lo retrieve a towel.
His body was recovered thret quarters
of a mlle down the raclng chaMel.
Your Omtg"
Sale.r & Strvice
Recall Role
Dan Emory, spokesman for I.he Harbor
Area's airport noise abatement com-
mittee, has again disclaimed aoy con·
nect10n between bimse1f' or his iroup wllh
the buah'huob recall caml>alin again.It
Filth Dlllrlct Suptrvllor Alton E. Allen.
Emory was clearly angered by what lle
termed "the: continued uae of my name"
by ctrtaln spokesmen for the recallers.
''Because of this u.se or my name, l am
now willing to be ldenU!J.ed u one of the
.lndJvidualJ who was contacted by Paul
Carpenter and told that the candidate
they were backJ.na: to replace Allen is
Ronald Caspers.
"Caspers 1s financing tht recall move·
ment 'end U tbelr candidate,.. Emory
concluded. -
Carpeoter bu been connect.ed wilh
DemocraUc paUUcs 1n Orange County
and Ls a former unsuccessful candldat•
lot both coairreu l!ld the assembly.
Cupm 11 a resident of Lido Ille in
N.,.po!'t Beach and b heed d Keystone
Savings and Loan Anoclatlon.
CMpers contacted Monday, denied
connection with the recall campalpi.
''I certainly am a candidate for Allen's
ornce," Caspers sald, "but my campaign
will be wagf.d in 19'10 when the
supe:rvfJor comes up for re-elecUG!l, If in·
deed he doeJ nm again," C.Upen said.
"J know nothing about this particular
recall effort DOr have I been approached.
by anyone cormecled with It," the IJdo
resident concluded.
From PGfJe 1
homeownen by hil wotken: "at the strict
request of the recall comm!ttee," be &a.id.
'"They gave us a handful of these tblngs
- I don't know where they came from -
and told ua to have our fitld workm
hand them out when residents asked for
Wonnation on the recall campaign.''
McGrew deelined to ldentJfy any
members of the recall committee, or the
persons who actually hired him or signed
the check for lht original deposit for his
firm's service.
"They specifically stipulal!d that we
not divulge any names,'' be said.
He also did not specify tht cost of llis
service, but intimated in general figures
that tht senrict could cost upwards of
"The usual C<>st for this service rangts
from 75 cent.s a name to Sl.50, and we ex ..
pe<:t to gather perhaps half of the t,000
signatures which tht committee needs •
Ttie rest will be gathered by unpaid
volunteers," he said.
COmpiled at $1 apiece, 4,500 names
would ring up a Lota! rott of $4,500.
McGrew stead£astly held that hi~
form's service to the recall campaign •·is
professional and totally without conflict
or interest."
"We art malting no moral judgement
a~ to who is right or wrong in this recall
movement. All we are doing is providing
a service which we have been oUering for
the put two years," he said.
"\Ve art legally liable now to disclaim
the speeulation that the Newport Tomor·
row data is being used in the recall work.
and that's the way 1 want it to be. We
wil l gladly sign that retroacUve agree-·
ment and everyone. should be satisfied," ·
lifcGrew said. ·
He said the finn agrees not to divulge "
such information to any person or
organization without prior consent of the
Newport Beach City Council.
The clause will be added to the agree-
ment signed with Newport Beach last :
February 26.
l\iacaroni Fuels Fire
. SAN FRANCISCO [UPI) -A $150,000
fire fueled by 1001000 pounds of macaroni
and pasta destroyed the Sosso Macaroni
ProdllCts Co. early today.
YOUR --WATCH'\! ---•111111 f
llllltlCs.-41 FREE t Cl•1ned • Oi'-cl Wt.I .. TM Wtoit
• A4i"""'1 PIA.LS $2.00
FROM s4aa 11.mUN& fr.-
llNtS $3.00 SIDD,,,....
=:u~·6e!J. INtUYINt DONI
• J •ltKr:
Huntington Center
leach at Edinger
n,, .. et., ''""' o,,,.,e
SpeH1•111!1r ""•lck we
c.1rry ""'' 1elecle4 with·
1111 111y '"Mific1l!111 b.,
NASA to h •1r11 b., •ur
''"" '" lh1 ,,, •• II. T~it
••<•t"it;111, ltwl, 1 ••·
•••4 l1r ••,e!!1nc1,
1111k11 UI J>t1U4 fl ...
y1ur 1u•h•rf111' Om191
j1we!t t. C1m1 i11 -111
H!it ~ ..... ,0'"•· 2 ... "'"•
-4 ,.,,1, 0111et• s,e.411111·
let cht11111r1,h, The 111fy
... efc~ Wftll .. , fht flltl fl
the '""'· p,;,, SI fl.
and back
Harbof Shoppi119 Center
2300 Harbor llvd.
l ·
... ~ .. .-..-........ • ·' •. .... 4 •• •
Germn~ Sa:ys .V~s: Arms Still Pro"f!et ~urope . ' ' •· the nucleor and con· lharN my Y1ew and hit -occeplablo to bcitJi, bel01I befGn Jlll)I .... toi!I>' .. \J ~ ldded fOJ1!I 1n • uuty whlcb his v<ftUenal ml.,,t o1 tM olted p>Uclel are In aocOnl with our . aid be •lie· 11 IW"ftl'td Ibo cbanp t n
5tatel fQt ,..-Uoa. mutual convlctlon." rud7 to talk with tho flovlat _.iiu ... Even nllitloat
"Europe wtU. not·be ab!• to Tutnlnl to domestic politJCJ, Ullloll, provJ4ed U>o lalka .FO with oU"1 w-.i ~·
dd wl\bOUt the pr9tectJoQ of the leader of the Chrt.Uan t'wtll _.,e.t lq ..,,.,. ll1CI stata will noi be dMply af.
American wupo111 _ ..... DemocraUc party said It wu ollar a -*"' Hltllla." fected bY the cbanp In End Slated
Of Dirksen
"by no mew ~" that Biii ht ~Id Mo1""' 11111 prtoldeoU 'Ille Germaa
•eotional u wtll u atomic -tha NPD, the ultr• .. Uoooliat demands, ''reounclaU.0 o ' ple'havt oo !lthe' wllb lhln -·
for an ·lnde:tJ.oJtt,perlod," the NaUona~ DemocraUc party. rtUnlficaUon ·Jn frtldom" and u ii wriUen in oar ~
West Qermaey government wW win ita l~tl Hiii In !he ~ It ,,.i IQCtllllblo to tlie llitullon -lo ""' World
chief sold In . ._ to a Bundesta1lnthenaUoooleleo-Wffl OermaN; " peacou'ueqoolpltlnlrlna
P sertea <I written . qu..UOO. Uooa Sept. 21. 8' pncUcled that .Ginn.... unitad Eurvpo. •
.J> et . ro1' ects from '01' Allocllatod Preaa. NO DIFFICULTY French relatlcoa '!OUld not 1>e .l'!~lsoto ,'!J'A,.~,:!'!i~ t .a, Tbe chanetllor ob 1 er v e aJfected tiy Charla de ....-~ ..-.,.._""" ~
that alarpcale reductloo of U the NPD does get Into the 01ullt'1 rtllremeol from the the German mart, ®:"'..!':t WA$HINGTON (AP) -The the Amerlc.on preuoce In lower hou3e of parliament, nch preald '"Ille. number ol .,
dea1h. ol, Sen. Everett M. Europe .,WOllld be ol con--Klesinger eonUnued, "I am of ~Germ .. ,.:· relationJ agalnat revalultiQn appear to
Dirben may mart the fadir,: siderable ' cona:equences'' and the opinion that we will bt have much to thank de be locreuin& ratbtr tbfn ~ d IOIDI! ot the late Senate not fat Wat Germany on\Y. able to cope with the NPD Oaulll!." be aakl, "but tbty decreuing."
without difficuhy as far aa in-,=;:;~==~==========''======; Republican leader's pet pro-C08TS llllil!i te""1 poJIUcs are concerned. Ii
ject. -itamely overturnlzlg The bufden of European .. It ls a different matter
'11\'• controveralal Supremo .iel .. se costa would rue con-with forelp policy.,nie NPD
Courl declalons slderably H tho United States perfonm a great service for
· greatly redlK*I I t 1 con-the Soviet Union becauee Its Dir~. wu the champion tribullon tn men and fuodl. •-•ranee trivea Soviet and
o1 COlltlllutkilol amendminta Asksd u Wellt ""1nany woulcl c:;:;;;-;;uru.t p~nda oew
wbicb-would undo hlgb court be wllliq to bear IUcll Ir>-pr<luta to picture the Federol
ruUnp banning off I c I a I cre.ued defense costs, Kies-Republic as a dana:er to peace
--• 10• public scbooJt and inger roplled: I In Europe .•• 'Ille NPD It on .... ,..,-"TbeilQUtical unification of ideal polltJcal instrument for
re q a 1 r In I that slate Europe ii the answer to your the CommunisU and fellow
legislatures be elected on an questJon. European 1 n d travelers," be'said..
equal popilaUon ~·· American membera of the Kiesinier said he wu ready
At the time d hb death Sun· Ncrtb AUlntJc Tr e a t y to talk with the PoUP, 1ovem-
day, the DUnol.s senator had Orpnb.atJon must Jo Jn t ly mtT'lt about Germany's
been unsucctssful, but he wu develop a lonj:-rmge concept eastern borders but PoUsh
1UD pulbing tlle amendments that excludes daneerous risks c 0 m m u n is t f party chle whlcph·~t .,,.' ...... or eA ft"' to the security of all members wtadyalaw Gomulka "only
Q uu •IVW'K ... ,.. ol the alliance." wants us to recognlze the
state JelialJture to be ap-Ke indicated that he thinks O d e r • N e1sse LI n e as
portioned on the bull of fac· President Nllon is 1olng along Germany's eastern border."
ton other than population. wtth a stand Kieslnger baa He aaid the border can ooly be
-Make it clear that non-alttady made public: that settled by "all the Ge.rman
denominational prayer i • America ahould lead, not people lhrougb a peace treaty;
permlaaible tn schools and dom.Jnate, Europe. A 1 t e d thlt, therefore, is cmety Ued
other public buildings. whlcb be thoul!J' the Unitod to the problem of reunillc•
A prayer ameodment be Stales wu doing, Klesincer lion."
I See by Today's
Want Ads
e Up ud cunmc E4dlc' A... cue t tor childN:D. smaD
Shetland p 0 11 7. danle ) ..... --. • °""'' male ... !'IJllle, men or wome11; all ht.Ip
wanted; aalllaftt manq .. ,
er tor rutaurant. cuhier 1'
for wdl kntrwft etten'.
~r foe' inwtar
decotatol', ~ntal ucl•~
ant, front dull:. clerk Jor
motel, acccQltanls,
Consistently Wrong
proposed in 191& won a 49..f7 replied: "But this need for prevent
vote in the Senate, but this "'!'he American President us beforehand from seeking a
wa1 elpt short of the tw~1p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;;.:; thirds majority needed.
Just how many e_rrors _can a sign painter mate in one &ifD? ~en it comes to safety, a sign palllter m Sherman, Texas may have been paying more atten-
tion to movfng traffic than he was to his job, but any way you want to spell it -out. drivers get the message.
GOP Power FigJit Slated
Nixon Sure to Play Role in Se.nate
Hll proposal would have
proVided that nothing in the
Constitution "shall prohibit the
authority . d ochool aupportell
in wbole c:, in part through the
expenditure of public runds
from providing 1ar or permit·
ting the voluntary particlpo-
tion by studenta « otJ>en in
Dir!<,.. continued tellinl
newsmen thiJ year he wwia
try to hook the amendment
onto some minor meuur•
WASHINGTON (AP) succeed Dlrkaen 'ore likely to Republican leader, reJUHd to before the Senate il be
Republicans now anticipate 1 wait, tating their own aoun-discuu bis possible candidacy cooldn't aet action any other
wl.t........... .A... "th the dings of support, before In ... job ----~! way. whj;ti':iik:iy-to ~ke an decidln1 whether to openly to w u11e peau1aug•~ y. He also wu hoping, despite
eo•·r '"'~ ,...,..,..,..~:t,·oo. "My mponsibllity ls just to twG defeats in the Senate, for active role -for the Senate K ~ .......... ,.... ..
leader's job left vacant by A:lthough ~ -~ said•. carry on UDUl other ar· ~age cl the amendment to
Everett M. Dirben's death . "It sbouldn'rtike U10 lOlll tp ranaeznenta _ are rtJade," ht ~pe-aul ~reme Court's
At least five COP senators, contact 43 RepubUclrui," In· mil" l""~ ~in~ •vote rulines.
and possibly more, are rated dications are even..\be contaq those ar,rangements~t.-~ Dirksen:: Jaad . adopted the
P..........-;ve candidates. work woo't b e-.1 n Dn· made at & conlertnee Of atratea ct.~ for a ~-,.,,,.,...... . stltut.ioaal convention. Earlier For the moment. and pr1>-mediately. Republican senators, not yet tbis year tfie move appeared
bably for the remainder of this .... ~~n;ufpuor~~~~ ~~~ddewirln&th sc:tiedul~, to ~ote o a near IUCCtSS, with the number Dirksen funeral week, no . --oe _, J""' ..... DirPeD • succeasor. of state leaislatures peU·
Republican senator i.s willing Diri:len'1 f u n e r a l planned The L I b e r a I Republican tioning eonirw for a con-
to talk frankly and publicly Wednesday, 1ucb an effort at Scott b ~ to,face a con-ventJon only one abort of tbt
about the looming leadership sampling support would IWD aerv~tive chaJlMtge' if, as e:r· number required .
ract. out of pla~. pectid. he bWS -for. the top However,. challenges have
GOP sources Indicated tbe Seo. HuaJ! S c o t t of GOP job. been raJled to the validity o1 1 prospective 1 e n a t or s to Penmylvania, now • c t i 11 I Sen. &man L. Hrusb of number o( the peUtionl and ...:._:..._ __________ ....,.______ Nebi:aata 'and , Seri. Gotdon there i.s a question now, wltb
Crossword Pll rm)e Allott of Colorado are rated Dtrluen'• death, ~ tbe -~ pl'ilne prospects among the momentum built ap can be
more conservative maintained.
l ThirdLaf tho
JlCt 111,ck.
5 Abust
Ytt'bl liy t Hair tolcir
14 Sh1ltt1ed
JS Equal:
Comb, fol'll'I 16 Eftctronlc;
17 Ct.rtttrrlt•
•d by ardor
11 Bulldin9
drslvn trs:
Abbr, lt Not
20 Man's nltknaau~
21 R lnr \0 tht Rio Grandr 2l Glvr assent
2l Ltad tht .. ,
25 Abomln1t1
27Atall 21 IC Ind of 111at:
29 N•ar11'11'
tall of an aircraft 'Z f' lact for
35 "-Soni" 37 111ttwtmlng 38 Ntw Yotk
'' -tlarlntl 40 G .. t of
4} Clto1111n Em pl rt
~4 Openi ng
to • lftlll• ~5 M111 ofr1nk
~6 Part of
t~ body
17 '"'r. sett tr In
N. A11trit2
51 On tht ny
,4 Cut frci111
t~t loin
2 •Md's
56 H1111btr
57 Kayat
58 Sltknesses
59 S1vt for
time 60 BttCllllf subject ll
61.Purpost' 6l Antltnt.
As ian
,, fOl'lllll
64 Conntctl" 6S Of th_t USA:
'(tsltrday's fllvure Solvtcf: Republlcan1. Seo. John Tower Dlrk&tn'• influence 1t1 o
ol Teau said be "culd be mlg!il have been ~J>O'(ant to
available but did DOl expect to another prop o 1 ~ d con-
be summolied to the taai:. stllllttonal amendment to
GOP IOUJ"Cts aaid the White overtaul the prtaidential elec·
House certaiDJy woold be in-tion system. .
terested and involved in the As the ranting RepubUcan
Senate s l tu a t 1 o n . One on the Judiciary Committee,
Republican said t h e ad· Dirk&en wu in a po111Uon. to
mtnistratlon would probably puah a propoul for choolirlc
side with the more con-two electors at large in eaeh
aervaUve wing of the party, state and the rest by_ dlrtrlctl
sen. James B. Pearson of - a plan be bad indicated be
Kansu known to be in· favortd. . teruted In the leader>!llp, I• 'Ille commlltee i. divided
• Show lift5 36 Po~neslu ngarded 15 1 posalble com· sharply with aome membe~
10 Gr,~~:nt 31 ii"~' promlle candidate. He is not urgln1 direct popul~ e:;:u~
slit by tr•tf c~ly ldenUfled with either =-~~:~:l~alv voi': in
11 ~u':'p':1~ 41 ~,~:Volt: wmg of the party. . . proportion to the canctldatt'I
w1terw11 4z Los• ermm Sen. Robert P. Griffin of popular votes and others for
12 01lnty 4J '•'t" 11pi.,1n1 Michlgan is another ma.a in the district pl~. 13 Show sttot1t flht the mJddle cateeory. Griffin,
fon*im ev.,lnJ however, bu been in the 11 H1119 "'Whip .,_A f I .. __ 24 Part of .-7 Dinct .xu.te or on 1 uucoe years,
a po11t 41·c ''" and ii regarded u a Jqabot
Z• L:goJ •Ill! '"""' possibility.
21 ~.~·lean 4' ~~'!;' Ont ttr1ior Republican said
Stars Raise
MDAA Funds
poet part he llUiclpated conservatives
2' In a 50 Mort""" wwkl join forct.1 behind a NEW YOJUC (UPI) -JwtT'J
capahlt tHalt linglfund.ldate,probably i.e.Lsandother'atanwhoap-.. am .. · 51 Shar, '" either Allott or Hn11ta, to -·red on the Labor Day l P1rt of 312 "ollday dlspo1Ulon r--th• htif 31 Follow..r a 51 Woel: avoid ~llnlerinl their votes In telethon on beb1U of tbt 2.H1n11ballt chos1n pill COii•. foo• . a contest. witb Scott. MUICUltr Dyltl'opb,y ~
J Ct sbttp 3% [flu\pptd ' Sl Al I... Another said wrlly: tiom: oi America suceeeded lll
NOW ••• Jobs from A to Z
Quick and Easy as A, B, c
Tb• first word of help wanled ads appearing In the DAILY PILOT Cius!·
lied Advertising Section, slarting Monday, will be a descrfpUon of tht job
_ offered. The ads will be arranged in alphabeUcal order. And that maku
that fir•t word the Inst word In convellience when you're job, ahopplq.
Look for the "new look" startin& Monday In the DAILY PILOT.
· cha-itt:
3 words
4Z '"""''"' ,. a lllrt1t1on
~ Join tu.It with tires In tht fl••t "Mo•be Wt should ad-~nl pltc11es of $1,d,139, a 5 Swift ll SU(9t to ''Dull #td ,
6 l•po!'I , and ffo un1ttrac'Uv1 , . ..:•'.!e:rtl!e~-;"=======:::~~-~·=====~=========:::===========~==::::====~========~!! 1 Coa1ltll1Utn 34 Mr. Bithmlt 5t t1ttycr111he
C Dtb'111td 35 Ct11•unfst Hlfh11nd1 •
Huntington Beach Office:
Located at' 91 Huntington Center
at Edinger Ave. & Beach Blvd.,
adjoining the San Diego Freew;ry,
in Huntington Beach.
... _ ............ ~ .... ,.t --~~-, ..
LA. 0"IO e.Ta .,.. .......... 1,.
""' VtiM9rt"""' ....... f. -·-, ................... .. --............... , ..... , --. ·-----··•1~
Huntington Beach Office of-Coast & Southern Federal
Savings, where your accoun,t is . ·
Marte.et flYOluttloN doft't worry COllt •rtd lollh~ 11.wr1 ••• ttitlr .capttal le ....,. tteMt In valut. Md ,WN ture of tti. f'llghtet •mln(JI ~ 'fifth ....., .....,. )'OU
...... It COat encf '°""""" Fo,.moet wuraftOt Of l*I bwllfRI II tt. oa'almfClh\e
nnanclll 1lf9flg'th rntlntllned ltlfOUCll'I ,.. ~by-......,.
agernent of Cont and louthltrn Federal IJtVtnga.
ll'ANO~CIT'r1 ISll Vlfl NllJ'f llYf, • •>-1111
l.MllACM: • :... '""-' . .,,,, .. ,
~~~ l~~.I ~!"
.i~ l "IT t
! ~~µ'lllAl.i:iiiiij;'j;N~O'OCEiiCiii"'""~l~"l:LllGBGA,U.LJiN~OTlnlCBCi"'"~..,.. ......... ~ ...... ,~ ........................ ,.
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M N. M M M
M M M M M .. M M ·-M
f: ..
•• •• '" ~: •• N
( ·-I
lo H DAllY I'll.OT JI t
Tuesday?s Clo~ing Prices-wmplete New York
JJ DAILY Pl\.OT Tundll, Stp....., t. IM • ... =~:". :~::::~'::. Plan Set · Shirley Te~1ple ,One of Many ID U.N.
1 PKTnlMMMMI TM.I~...,_.... F Bl :k - -. • ._. ~ l '=:.:-,':"'~ ·~ •nca OJ' ::,._"'::'• pll!fyt0tt or' ac ·~-ED N ....,_,_ , _... .. IJ --,.. .,._""" --· ,,,_,. ... .....,. .,. ,.. vnu ATIONS,. N.Y. Andenoo. Lrnnl. Id.-"1d Knowland are her< In carry out w-t
.. DI~ CAi.fl&T Q.IAIONO ... UTTW•I TalfAMINTA•'r (AP) -ne ............ _ent of Wblle mOst of. tbe1 m•l,;.r ........ ht i.j $Cit·. bead doctor. wanltdj Olbttwlle we. would _. -Mii flnl'I tt. ~ • tM ....... l!U.M el tOAMAe fTIUt~ ~ rr-r-' ~ .,...., "" ---• '" .. -"· c ll Shlrlty Telople Blact aii a luuet are han<lled bY lbe,,.... Marian ~ is 1be only not be here." .,-,....._ j11. K fotloiwt: JrtOTICf' IS MIEkl!•'t GIV!N ... ,, l. --..t·ff 11'. a.....,. o. AretMt-. 111 ti" s ....... v...-"",,.... ~ • ...,111fi.., H 0 eges .... ,,.._.....,ve to lbe. .,,.ff. ftllional diplomat.II, the non-nonprofeaalooal who :Jet it be Mn. Dougtu played * a ~~~ .. ~c.~ ~ .. ..,.,.._:i:._•~·~= ~ GenutlASMinbl1Dtstbepat. proleaslon,all pt sp ecial knqWn pUbdcly lhat;sbe did amall role at the United N.,
~.:.:., -:"c~i ::-e-.m~~,,:. "'-,..~:~.= WASHINGTON' (lJPI) tem 1, OI Jne:ludini fpnte" non-· aasfgnment&. -usuapy on not share thi!. Vifft'S lhe: ex4 t.iOl'll, but four yean: later ehe
• .._... ,._ 1Ht • ...._me.•"'""" .w ""'' 111e ,._....,"i.e. ot '-1'1111"" 1 ~pJfmab·fn etdi U.S tie;lega· economic and tociel --...fems pressed, as a de'legtlt. Thi.! was a candidate for. tllt U.S.
"' ,,.. tor MN "'.., "nm11llf -.,.. -•tor SWttl'lllW "' 1"'· The N~on adm'·'·tra"oo Lt 1 ,.._ In Calli llld '--s._.a o. Ardllllll• ~ .. 11 11• '·"'·· "" ,,. ClllH'ff.,. et ~11-u. 1111.a w km. or secondary poUUcal iuuea. happened in 195J ~n she Senate orrua 121'
10,.. ~i.. -::':-"':' .~ ::,.-.1111 ~ M~1:-1i:,-' &!:. •·::: developtng a new commitment ~ ~ ,en~ent wqrkl One o( the be$t ttm'lmbered waa: sittin1 la .~ asltmhly's suceesa!,uJ opponent w a 1
i. .-ultll ... U!M. c.1~. to the nation's predomlnanUy· • has eontri~ 1t1 shart."' So · ls the late Sen. Tom ConnaPY trustetshiP: committee. Richard M. Nllon. , ,,...::~~'o.,..11 °•1•t.,.~i"J:;, blact coUeges to give them hava..buslneu. labor. educa-'of Texu, who ' played a k'ey SomeAfrioandeligates Womer\ delegates ovu the "'°'.,., "ublk. c1mom\I (.olinfY c~ Uon. joumali.sm, medlclne and role in early U.N. RSSJons. He critlciLed ber opposition to a years have included ltrs. ~=-~ 1~ ~L:,·~~·:.::, more money. moe proarams the Lwo houses of. Congress-. wu known fot bis pk(ure~e !peeltl wtmbly sesaJon on Eleanor Roosevelt. Mrs. Anna
11 • 111y c-1u1wi Eu1•es """"' .--. c111t . .,... and a ireate.r voice In plan-Harry S. Truman, w~n be language and h1a jousts. wltb Cameroon. Apparently oettled lmd StraUIS, Mrs. Marietta ~ ~= coa1t o.llY 1t1i1o1. !::;,,:.4•:;.!:i:i._ ning. \\'as pre.sldeat. appolnted .ac-the Sovle~ dlplpmat Andfei by the critJcism, she sald: Tree, M:r.i . .Jane Warner Dick,
''• 2' .,,. r.t111itm111r ,, t. P11bllslllcl °'"'" c"'" 01/!y p1\o1. "The federal government tress Helen Gahagan ~gla.$ V1$lnsky. , .. 1'1ere il·no one in this room Mrs. Oswald B. Lord, Mrs.
ls::lMf .,.,,., s. '-'· 1"' lUMt has not been mindful of the a delegate to the IHe session Former sen. W 11,l J a m who ls more interested in the Gladys Avery Tillett and Mrs.
LEGAL NOTICE changing requirements of o( the assembl1. Other Koowland of .Calif.Ornla people "''hose fate we are Jane Pieter. -----;;;;-----l---=LE=G:::AL=:c:,N..:OTI=.ct:=. __ 1 lhe5e schools. nor has It in-delegates '!">m ~ ~rts in-created'1a brief ~pest ~e trylng to determine th'an I. Amonl the nonprofessional ~ tlOTitl 0 , "j'~,.TIOM TO P.MJM vited them at all times ta elude motion picture star yt&rs ~go bf. calling Indian Uke many ol the represtn-diplomaui on the male 1lde
l tUATI ticu•rTT 1NT••11T c1•t•:1ig-1~~ou°t .. =~11e11. participate in the planning for It·ene Dunne and Metropolitan delegate V. K. Krishna '-fenon taUve.t, I am a member of an were Henry Ford II · Robert S. , ttOt.J:-11 •1•:.;;.!"' .~.!;."1., 111t Tiii lll'del'li91*t -. """' "" 11 con-higher educstion programs,.. Opera cootrallo M 1'r t a n a noor ·.manager for" ~ instructed delegation, and we Benjamin, head-Or United
cttdhw1 .. SOUTH COAST o•Uo. INC.. d\lcllfll . '°'1-If P.O. -l$, Hlllt-Robert H. Finch said Jn a let·
.,._ .......... ldcftsl i. ~ ll"I~ klCll. C•tlfon1!1, '""*' lf'llt II(.
._: CllM -CO\ll'llT ., OrltlHt Ht._ 11mi ....,. ., PLAt•OH•a. 91111 ter to TaJladega College Preai--"" ~ ltltt ..i• -fir"' i. ~ of lhol .. .._. ~ C.llfooll1, NT • .. ~....._ 1111 ..,...., w11ost _... In tvH 111111 ,1ee1 dent Dr. Herman H. Long.
h •llollf to tot o•lell br ...__ ., ,..ldtrl« It .. felkrfl1,· lib •tn'-11 .. u.o cituG cc .. seaim ,1111191 1.. ",,..11, StOi lllPllMI 0,;..,., Finch, secretary cf hea ,
..,_ lluMl'lftS •ddrtM 1• "'1 M111111~ &eKll, c1111om11 education and welfare, resoon-
1!111 SI.. Anllwlm. Cwnlf el C.llld A!1:a "" -... si1t• o1 c.11fomla. • PM L ,_.11 • dtd to complaints from., black ~!Wftt~ ~:'': 1o1 tw ,_,~~ 11,11 ., · 11, Liii ..._.. ,_,,.: educators t h e government
~IM. t1•-.,.. -• l"!lblk 111 .... ..,, wld 1111., __.11y doesn't understand the roe of "
Arttots : Dr. Olarles W, Mayo: Georee /rl. Jlmlaon, vi<e
f)rUldent of Iha Amerlcaa
Federatloa. of Labor -CJO:
Loult ljtulberg, pcesldent ol
the JntmiatloUl.Lac1111 Gar-
ment Workerti U al on :
Pubillhtr Cbarloo Sprque,
and Jacob Blaustein, pmldeot
of American Oil Co.
Eac,b 10-member del~gation
bas either two .... ton or, In
alternate yea.rt, two members
of lbe House of R<preaen-
tatives. 'I'be5e have Included
Sen at or 1 Sparkman, Hum·
phre1, Long, Mansfield,
Morse, Aiken, Gore, Cue,
O>urd>. Eaton, Bloom and
The delegations normallf
serve from mid-September . tt
!ate Deeember.
I -Oii 1...,.int .. ,,.,, ~ -. I "°'..... I
~:;:::!:.mW>~ ot,,o:' .~:,t ::":."":.:• ~~~~ .:.C.,.~ Negro colleges. The com-IC:t: MeM. c-"' • °'-· 1'"• o1 i. tt.1 11r11111n 1m1NIM!lt .,... .W-llde-plaints were drafted at a f~~ tnd W.llleu ~ 11 IOUTM ff ht "llK\ltH ltol MIN.
COAST D•uGs. IOFF1t1A1.. sEALi Mobile, Ala. cooferenct of ! n. efot'lslkl letllfltr tranMCflOffl Wiii MAJtY Vl•GINIA "· KH611E• nresidents (If black colleaes
llbe ~,.. "'ti( 1nw IN 11111 "Y .-iirv l'l.llltlc-Callf<it1>I• r· • ~ IH>!lfnllief. ,.. .. 1t:OI A.14. •• Prlnc!NI Oftlcit I" last July.
1 •l<N•• E. """'"'' AltorMY 11 Law. 1eio Lo& ""'''" '°"'""' "We are appalled an d W11'!.111n e1vd~ Wft Alt. Los "'-ti-.. Mf C-!uloft E.vlra
kids .gO baCk to school,
helps -them everything
•<•llfeN!ll 90CI05 '" 1111111ltlwftt1. Ml"""' 1•n ouira· ged al"· ma· dequate un-' So Ill' 11 lllWWll to IM SKurwd l'll'tY, l'ubli.t.d Or-1 C:O.sl (>1llt' l'lloT. wi:; ,.u bininen ..-.n tn11 -.. -~ w ~ " ,,,.. s..i1tm11tt l. , u derstandlng of our problems,"
t11e o.tltof' tor 111e 91\ttt ,...,, 1a11 "'1• uH 1M the educators said in a letter •r-: kl'M. I OATEO: Sfftemblor t, 1Nt, lo Nixon. e,~u~~~o""~~Y LEGAL NOTICE Finch said he was asked by
ev •1c:rJ1.-.i E. Mrv~· lhe President to reply to the
lft """""" P..MUI ·~ L Mf't• Cl!•TIPICAT• o" •vsUll!IS. charges. 1 ... wi.....,. ....... ..,. ••n•T•OU• MAMe-Tbe fed e r a I interagen<y 11111e n1 ,,.,. WIOeBiefllld 1111 certify llle'I' ~
1. .. "-.... c•llffinlll ...u -.ciuctr,. • llWlnlu 11 21u H1rw committee on educalioo is
Pub!lll'lld 0t•n11 Co111 0111J Pltot. lloukl'llnl. C-19 Mew. c.rlfoo-nle, urMMr visiting N-• -11-ea ••d 'lf9ltrnbet t , lHt I--IM flctll'-fl"" "'""* llf MOOllE ~,,. -..u ~e -· -----~--,-==---IFLOWEJts 11M1 t111t 11111<11 flmi i. _,.,.. will make reeommendat.ions to -"" et ttw fol...,!,. --.. wlloH LEGAL NOTICE """" in tun '"" ,1acu of ralll11K1 •re the administration on "what
MOTICt: OP SHl!•ll'•"• IALI u '%.~; Urtw>" Md Clllclru Ul'bl!I. mi can and should be done to ... u.11 •~111 •oM. H111111ne1011 • • 1c11. strengthen these schoolJ and
JEANNE s. G.t,FFHEV, Plallllllf ,VL Ollf'llnli.. lo provide .. :... w"" -•-!ever JOHN PAUL GAFPMfV, o.trrdtllt. D1ttc1.t,W!Ult11. 1.. wc:u1 NI .. 11ll1
1 e1 wtv• of 111 •lll(Vlkln '""" Ot1 '~ Jot L. urt11" federal support is possible,"
Jult 1Nf w .,. 5-lot ,....,.,, ClbnlT • D'lltcfttl U""'n Finch ~-. Of_, SI ... .,r c..!lfwnlt, -1 1..-. Sltft llf Clllfomll, O(Mfll: CO\lflf'f': "J"""'
_,., eftft!flid ... flYOI' "' JEA.NllE .. Oii A11t1t1t ll, 1"'· ~""'·I ,,.,,,.,... Fl••h said he hoped ... ad
I GAFFHET' l'lllftflff. K I u •• "'t!" I l"utlllc ... •fNI ..,, w 1• llBI• --llt' ..... un:: • utdllol' .... f1t1!111I JOHH PAUL GAP· .,_,Id JOI l . Urtlall lfNI 0o1c1 ... Urbetl ministration coold come up
1 f"NIY Defl"N•"' as hid•-' dltltot. klMWfl to me to bl ttw HrSOM wholot "lb I f ti ..._1..;.. , ""' bt1tne• of nll'(.n tctuatlf ....,.... .,, SllbKtlbetl to ,,,. """'"' ~ Wt a p an or ac on.
-.. Ofl Ml<I ""'9"*'' .., "'-""' o1 111e •""""'"' .,.. ~led9d flleY -.ueui.i "Such a plan should entail a
hlUall(e .,r 14111 e>:KutkHI. I fllYI ltYlld #II HIM. f lb bl k _, .n "" ,1.i.1, 1111e ...., ~ " JOsE"H e. DAv1s working group rom e ac
,.... ludllm1111 Mbtot '" 11w ~ "' Hot•"' Publ1<-e.i11ot"11 colleges prepared le deveklp tllf c_,.,, .i O••nff· s111e ., c1r1tont1a. l'rl"t!INI Off!•• In
ancr111ec1 .. fDI'°'"' 0••1111t eoun1y !trategy with all federal agen·
LOt 111, TrKI 11t1, M111 8oot *3. My commiWooi Euirts clea for better com-
,.... " "' 1• ol ,,.,.... ""'""' ol . J\llMI 21. ltl'f 0r._. .s11t1 o1 CIFifornl• T-lhlf •ut>hWIMI O•-eo.sr 01111< Piiot, municatk>ns and, I trust, the ~1;:',_.h',."'~~ d 11>e-= ~·' 1'' " •ncl Se1t~ ,;v_: means for increastng the now ""'= "''-"" • tn •tl'l'fl'IM -of federal funds to meet ·the :;}',~E 1S H1!1te•v c1vl!.N ni.1 "" ,~ LEGAL NOTICE pressing needs of this vital St!!>larnw. '"'· 11 10:00 ll"c1oa A.M. 11 group of American colleges," Mall! L.al*f. Co\fr~ 1'0ll Clvk Ceo>lort T~'4 'd,
Dfflt ~I '* w. 1t11 s1J Clfl' of s."'• 11oTtCI! TO c•toiTo•s Finch sa1 ..,._ """""' « Of.,.., stm o1 ·1 C•lllerftll. I •IH Ml " ... to!k •ucffoll "' IUP•Jt•o• COU•T 01' 'TH• The education comm1 tee
"" ~1911e11 Mddt!f IOI' caa11 in 11w11r1 ~T"A;• c:~11W"1::•011!tl:: coordinates federal education _.,. o1 tt11 U"ll"' Sl•tes. 1n 1111 rllM,
fl11t m0 1n1-11 -Mid umment .. ""·~ effort!. A corruniUee team has tct 1f1 ft'lt .-.,. OIM:rtbttl .,._,,.,, 11 Est1!w of •OllAl.0 E. SAL.Tl!~ •Ill · 'ted 20 N' lie ••• .. ~ ,_..,, H .... ~ -lll<llM<T .. II:. E. SAL.TEii, o.c..... VISI egrg co ges .., ....
... kfr .. 111 ••t<Utlltll. wlfll Kg\IMI .... NOTICE II H& .. E•Y GIVEH .. Hit! plans to visit ethers before ttft9t lfid CIMIL • CT .. 11"" of 1111 ...... l\ltr>MI ......, • • .... .,i:t -...... _ l lt:l ·~...r:~ ..... ":.'1:.' .. -~--l)llon.
AuM. ..1AMEs "· Mvstcic:. sri:.,.. wilt! 111e ·--,,. ~··"R ~ ett~ •iAJlfiou;h · tli'~ f'e d e r a I
c-fJ'., °'"',. c.1'*'>11 =: -::::: 1=. ~""::'-~'"·""' .. go~,~,=~·~a~ Al~, J~· :-~•I\. O-"' -'*" te 1!'f ..-nltlned .t ltw .tlJU 8Wl\I ,._ ~)\'-JD -OflS J'~ ~ of NOWA!f0..'1.. "'"TOH I. MilVlll A. o{ h i .. i.Mo Je n"l.:;_ U'>e 2111 AtlMllc ..... 1\l•NETT, A"°"'*"", .4101 WlhllW-. ·~ '"""5
.._ IH(ll. Calif«JI!• ,..., IOl.lt.¥1111, s...111 m. lo'I A,...in, last 10 years, the. &hare
A,:::rt'!M ~s:;:m~·;~ ,,0::; 1:~~ ~::=1~ ~,!~~C:".: 1~~11p1~~.:! allocated the Negr o 'ln-
Pf•lllni.. to ttw .. ,."' ef Mid 111tc.-n1. &UtuUons has been relatively
LEGAL NOTICE ~:'~ ~ ;:r:,::-1""' 111t ,. ... , Milt.I-small," a committee report
Dllld A11t111I H. 1Nt sa"1d eA• im JAIKIE SAl..Ti• .
SllPlll:IO• COUll:T oP THI Ao)lftlnOllr'alrl• "At the same time \he needs
STATI 01' CALIPO•NIA l'O• 2',!! .. "!~~"'-" .... ..... of NAOWI institutions have Tiii COUN'TY 01' OAAllGI n .,,_ .,... ¥ .. ¥
o-11su wo.,A•o L. w111To11 a risen Currently the
IUMMOKI M.t,•Ylll .... eu•HnT • . -'-~1 SAM L.t,Mo•. .1111111" .. 1. CAJi.l\IE an '#Alllit. ,,..._, Salte m predommantly Negro 111;uw s
LA/e~~~~HE S'TATJ! tw CA.LI· %:', ~~'":* ,..,, art educatiµ& about 50 pettenl
PORHIA II flll ~ .. ,.,... ~nt: A-.-...,. ..... IRl&lr11f'bi of the black studenls attending
T°"' .,., ""'"' dlrte111d "' 1111 • .... ii-P1111111o11ec1 """-c ... 11 0.11, P11111. college But they are doing ,_n l lffdlllt In r-I'll !lot ""'lfled &""\ISi It. 2' .,..i '"'l9mllll" 2, I, ' .
c'"""1a1n1 ., 1111 ~ n..,... •lllnllff ,,.. lJCt-41 this with serious financial han-wr"' ~ cl1rt1 ol tllt atiwe Mtflt.f d' " :.. "d c-' 111 tM atiove ""''u'-' ldlOfl btWl~t 1cap, •L sa1 •
... 1r111 ""' "" ... 1c1 toVrl. wlllllll TEN LEGAL NOTICE The office of education said ...... all« "'-M<Vlte Ofl -.. Thll • ........._ 11 11rw<1 w1t111n "" above there are 97 accredited four· r,'~~~..,:..:111110 TlflJtTY u n cr•T1,.1cAt:~ eu111t111 year and junior rolleges with
You 11'9 hft'lby ""'ill"" 11111 ~ •k11,,..,.. ''"" "'""' • ariJv Negro s t u d e n I .. nie , wrltltn r~lw •1t.ir.:' THE UHCEll.SIGHEO do l'ltr~ ctrllf'I' Pf'lf!l The. • b"·•• II Mid .i.1r>t1tt .,1u tU•. lll'Cl9!ntnt "" 1,,Y 11111 "'' ,,. ~111111 • 11n rm.otlc bodM!S. U" com hia.1 enro -"'°"'"' w 8 ..,..., ~m1M1to:1 111 111 , 1rsnv11 1'1d 111~ lllllf• re11t.1 Mnr""' 11 ent last )'far was 155 M4 wrlfled -jlhll Pl 1•l11nt -COi>-211 · l2'focl ~·wt, CllY at N~ hid!, m • •
tTact. er ...i11 -"' I'll "" cwrf "" •nY eountro llf °''""· Sl•l• at C•ltfll•nl•, Ntw government com· ,in..-.. 1111 ._.ndtd Ir! t111 <millld Ufldot• 'll'e fldltlow1 l!rm nt"'4' ef IN· . h bee d I ~·1111111. . fl'.NATIONAL. COLLIE l'llOOUCTIONS m1tments a\'e n ma e 0
Yo.J ,.,.,. '""' ..,. alt'tlc•., '" 1ttor"" ,.,. llllf u1c1 """ it comPOHd ot '!ht these colleges said Dr. \V. 911 ..,., ""fMI' __,., wllh ii. com-lolltwl!>ll .,..,_,., 'ftl'IOH n1~ •11111 Id-' . -t:
1>111,.r .. "* .,,..,._._ ~ '"""""' ...... ••• 11 tDllow'I. to-w11: Thomas Carter, coordinator ur
.,_., bl -IVltM wo111" 111e 1im. 11m11 J-Ii. s..1c1aw, '101 -lJnd s....-. the J\lobile conference and a 111'-d'" tllh """''"°"' fw 1n1n1 I wrltteoi M-1 ·~ICP\, C1llfornl11 Dennll • . • ~tfdlr19 to 11w carnl'ltlllt. i.-r. 'l' '"' '''"'· H1mr1ntton ee1c11, U.S. education offlc~I. 0.ltd JIHll .. "" C1111orn111 M. I(. '"lctow, 211 .... M f l ed r i W.1!:.ITJOHN.Cllrt:: M1'1'WllOd.Cllr-1.c11111 rn1 •1 The uweau o • uca 1on
'' c . M. PllQUtY. o..,,,.. cre111 ctw11"' •11r11""· 111 v11 Lloo Solld. personnel development has ~~f_!S!_AL SEAL) H...-..ott l ffdl, C1lllomll1 A. l. . · his fi j ~llTT • PLUNKITT Seltz••· Vtt llY...,.... ~rt •111:11. promised $.1 m1lhon t tSCa
1 °'" :"':':.o .... ,.. ~~":".!,11i,.o!:.,.l.111~:1~"'.. m year for. the tralning o(
.,... etK11. c.tlf. n..w w1tNeu ew htnU 1~11 "" d1r vt Jt>. mathematics and E n g 11 1 h h· 0 111 .._ ., .,....,. Ir. IHI. h N II h ~~~ 1w Plllnllrf l•n T. k1y1tlllm1 teac ers at egro co eges, e /!utA;w.... o.-.,... Cout 011~ •11o1 J1me' H. Sllldclw said It also bas promised to r" 1111 » .,,., s.. ..... 11er l. ;s.i ~~'.1 ~= sui>Port up to 10 lra.ininl ~
1 ~lle£~1~:-:r•lf jecU for urly childhood ,.. LEGAL NOTICE !TATE OF c.u.1Fo~HIA l workeni· five projects in
'0-:::::o::"'""==-.;..--.ICQUNTY OF LOI ANGElESI M · I ed• I" · .. llOTIC• Ofl' TIUllTll'S iAL• ON THIS "" drt .. Jullo A.O •• '"'· spec1a uca ion . seven pro-
il'fllMA HO. IMMl1Mt.I Wtu,. "' • Hot1rv l"ulrik 1n MHI tor ,..111 jed.s in vocational 1 n d
JM. l.CM .,... C.-lf -111111, rnkH"' llltr.iln illl.llf •-..i...l t ed II --• •'""I F: $8~ 2'. Ifft. If t:JI 1>.,M,, CllTM'llltioMd ..... -11. ...,._llf .. l.C\:.llJUC8 llCa Oil, &llU ~
ll:FIEl..D H•VICE COMl"AHY II"'" "''" J-If. Stlfdtow, o-i. LeptJ, teacher ""'""" projects. "'""""" Tru11te vnder 1111111 ..,,._nl M. K, Snlllllw, (,,.let lurvr1ft, A. t . .. ... r u ft DfPd <If tnllt d•tea Ftbnl•tl' JO, lwt k'llO!', II.., T, IC1•1"'I"" It-to mt
IP:•tcutM '0¥ EUGENE MU••Y SCOTT le bf fllt PtrHl!S ""-i! .,.rnn ,,.
olMO JOYCE A. ICOTT, ti~ ll'ld wife 1W.~lbed te lht wlThl" lntfnlfMl\I, 11111
Inf tfalll"Old FttlrtMl"I' J1, I ..... lftttr • .a.r-1ect11td Ill "" lllfil Thi¥ eJ<tcvlfd
N6. lUSL In ~ IW7, -JG flf Of. "-.. ,..,., 11c11r llecordl In lht llfl'l<t of tht '-"' IH WITNESI WHEll:EOf. I ~ve
._. of 0•1,_ C0\111,.., C1llfotnl1, "'""""' Ml "" ~ .... Ir.ti 1fl1Jtd my ol•
WILL SELL AT PU8ltC AUCTl()ff TO flt!•t '"' 11!9 dlY tnd "'" In lllli HIGtlEST llOOEll. FOil CASH (ff'l'lblt c•rtl!ltt111 first tllvvt Wrlll"efl.
II tlmt ol .... '" lllwtut .......... flf Ille (SEALI
Joan Baez Says
Strike Success
UllllH Slntll 1t THE SOUTH F•ONT Vi<'!ot G. 'Tnt!e•
EN'TJtANCE TO THC: Ot.C Cll:AMGE Not•<T l'\lt>llc . C1llfl)tllle SAFFORD, Ariz. (AP) -
COUNTY COU•ntOUSE IN THE CITY Prlnc:INI Offlcl In l.-: J 8 0,. SANTA AHA •II 'l'klht 11n1 _. "'" l.• AAll•ln [OUl'!'f Fol~nget oan aei says
""'---. to 11111 Mw 11e111 i.r 11 Mv eom ... 1u1en e,,,.,,,, her husband, David Hanis, is
....., Mid D.ed Ill Tr11J1 I~ IN ..._m "'"'"'' I, 1'11 •rtu11H '" ~ °'-• counly H•rW P11billl'led o •• ,,.. Cot•t c.11y P11G happy for the success of a
Judi.ell! D1'tr1c1. 111 Mkl '°"""' ,,,. st111 A.,.,usr 1t, :i. 1M k•'•-• '· •. tw<Hla~ hunger strike he led etllc:rlbN 11: 1Nf I~
t.• ,,. o1 Tr1« N•. 1111. " -Mu 1---.,..,,.,,...,._,-,--,-·---at the wift TraU Prison camp ~ ht eoo11 so. •-21 "' " lft. LEGAL NOTICE where he is ""rving a sentence Cllllivt ol ,.lKtlll"'°'-" ""'-t.._ In fllt ;,<.
toll'ke flf ""' (;Gun"' •tconStr "' uio•------.....,..-------tor draft resistance.
--""""'· I j;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;I J.lld "" """ be """· buf Wllllout Cl•Ttl'ICAT• 01' eu1111•11 II
_. fK Wln'•n,.., e•Prtll .., "'-llt!d. il'ICTlfOUl NAMI \ •fN""'9 tlft., -..IWI. I< .... T ... -•sltnM 1111 «rllt'I' fllll'I' IN'I be' -'-' ~ "' .. , 11'11 •emlin1n1 "'"'" ~in,• MlrltM 1f m1 EIN c1rc1t, f'IQ a ""V'n
CIHI -.. lilt fWIM --" I.id Mlml!MIOJI k.cfl,, C.llllltt>lt. ll!ldtf 11\t t ........ 0... _, T,,,.t, ,._..,It• 111,0t IZ. W!1ll IA-fleflfloul fln11 -ol PACIFIC S onl' U'"'Y
.... ,...... ~ 1, 1Ni. .. In Mkl XATOMlllNG CO.WOANV .,,.. tll.t Mio ..... _ ...... n. ·---l
..... fll"Ol>'ldMI td'Ylf!Cft.. II·""· llllM• ltt. firm 11 camJIOMll"' ... JOllcwl1111 ··-U\I\ IMIHWI ·-I ~ ~ Miii Ottd ol Tl'IHI leots. dllrttl wllow MmH '" lull Incl Piia. OI ·-· •·-u •• ~ ............ fll tl\e Tm~ 11111 ti/ ""' ~ tNI II t'lllllD: ,,_, .,_, ~ lnldl O'MIH IW 11111 °""ti/ Truit. JACIC Wll..SOIC DAVIS, mt f:t1111 1bt -.ncfftT _., MW ~td ol Clrc"-lfvfltinltln a.di. Clllt, 'Y• .,_ ttftOlll • 1 brMCll ltl' erl"'lt 1ft JOI! IC:ENN6TH DAVIL M lf1n" .._ ..,....,._ M'Qlltd f ~ tr• Ill• l'ltn!. Oritltlo. C.llf. ........ •Wlelll .,,.. den..-i lo fhf J~ES PAUi.. DAVIS. m Cll'lll"'
wrlllfll OKttrlllor> ot Court, Orilllri. Cell!. c.m..r.t tor lll<o, awl wrllfM .l&Ck W1llafl Dn'lt ~ """' at 11tdltft .. o:1w. J°' IC-"! Divis
.. """ Mild ,._..., Ill J-l'tul 01vtl
........ llom. awl """'°"" ... "" Stitt of Clllfomllr ta. .... "'* ~,.. (IUMOf Mild 0r ..... c-111
• .,;_,. ... "' •llaliw> .. Ill °" A\ltlrll 1t. 1 .... illefOl'f ,,,., • NOii,,. ~ M ..... ftS$. -'"' at llkl ll'llttll( I~ INI t0t 11111<11 Stilt, ...,_llr ~ a--. 11t11t1rwd J.ct wo-D••'?,._ ~ ic:-·-, ;',.-r,,::01
Tt11:v1cl' :"'.:'~• :' ~~"':::;: = ~ ~ '"' lllt.cr1bM " IM wtfl!M .,..,"""111 "" ::. ':t':A.. lflW1rl. ::... _._,...... ~ ......... ...
!OFFICl&L SEA.Lt Ot•ltnl 0, MclC.IY •• .....,., "11b!lc-<1lllotfll& -~ '"-c-fJ' JllLW, ........ kilt 411, M• ~ EllPit .. ... I. .,. MM<Ji ''-1tn _,,, ......... Or-C:-1 hllT Plitt
..... Old Dl9t """· Allftllf 22. " tfllll kltl-* t. .-, 11f11 ...... t I,•• tw , .... !NII 1M.WI
• STARTS Wl:DNlSDAY e .,__.N..,..,C'-
P.ffk~ 0...,. en-1a
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credit. Actually, it can
do just about everything
for a kid going back to
school except make
him like it.
Ready ReservAccount
ta w
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' ' ha·
a"' I
it I
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Fonniain Valley
Farewell Tribute
Senator Everett Dirksen's body lies in state in tlle rotunda in this
photo taken from top of Capitol dome as President Nixon and mem-
bers of Congress paid a farewell tribote to the Illinois lawn1aker. See
story, Page 4.
iength of YoutJ1s' Hair
Being Decided n1 Schools
How much long is too long in boys' hair
fashion ? That question is being variously
decided by school administrators this
At San C1emente High School Monday,
SO students were told they transgressed
the student dress code while only one was
turned away at J.1ission Viejo High.
Students of Newport-Mesa and Hi.rn-
tington Beach high schools test the die--
tales of principals when they begin school
Wednesday. Fountain Valley High AssiJ..
tant Principal Cliff Hepburn, said. "I im-
agine some will come in \Vednesday and
see how far they can go."
* *
Neiv Edison Hi gli
Foresees Proble1n
As Scliool Opens ,,
Five high schools will open, their doors
to 14,600 Huntington Beach students at
I a.m. Wednesday. But at one of the locations, the new
Edison High School, "lbere'a going to be
a real problem.'' according to Dr. Max
Forney, superintendent of the Hu.ntlngton
Beach Union High School District.
Strikes in the consl.rudJon industry
have held back the Edison building pro.
gram lo such a degree that the new stu-
dents will have lo do wit.bout blacktop
pafking facilities, a gymnasiu1n, dress-
ing! rooms. chemistry and pbysicl'I lab-
orat.orles. homemaking classrooms,
some shop facilities and a few toilets
and drinking fountains.
Edison's 2,200 studenlc; may be con~
fintd to pure "book learning" for a
whl)e, but at least the school w!U be
ope11. •
Laguna Beach High students started
Thursday la:rt week and 46 boys were
sent home for more work with the razor
and _ clippers. Director of student affairs
Gary Norton said 35 of lhe 46 were back
in school by Friday .
At at least two area high schools , long
hair on boys is no longer taboo. Corona
del Mar and Newport Harbor highs both
are i:ooUnuing with policies tried last
spring leaving it up to the parents.
"Conclusively 1he parents want U1is
respon.!ibWty," said C:Orona del Mar prin-
cipal Leon A.feeks. He said only 17 or 18
parents out of 2,200 returned notes saying
U1ey disagreed with the new policy.
Afrs. Vashke Breeding, Harbor High
girl's vk:e principal, said there has been
a slight refinement at Harbor High with
new emphasis on neatness. "There'll be
no more jeans wjth holes in them," she
said. "Some of the students got pretty
gr;ubby toward the end of school under
the anything &:'* .policy."
BoUt schools do require shoes and ban
very abcrt stirts -the so-called mini-
mini skirt&.
At other sd)pols, moustaches and
beards, long ·sideburns and hair that
touches the collar la still a !aitor.
Hunlington Beach 'Hlgh schools hive a
single policy, recenUy 1 i b e·r a Ii zed
somewhat by the board of trustees, 'to
permit culottes on girts and boyi' shirt
talls tha~ hang out.
At Sen Clemente Hii.:h, most of Lhe $iO
students .were sent home Monday because
ol Jong hair. E.if.it girls were wearl111
skirt! consid~ed too short.
Sui>erintendent Tnlman Benedict aaid
he had two calls from parent& and. one
parent came ta' his office to diJCUSI the
situation. "You'd have lo have the
Wisdom ol Solomon to meet everyone1:s
standatda," Beoedi<1 said.
Minion Viejo High administrators tn
sending only one student home showed a
mare permisslve attitude than Tustin
High or the same scllool district, which
dismissed more than 25. ·
Egypt Invaded by Israel
Planes, Tanks, Ships Strike in Big Raid
TEL AVIV (UPl)-lsraell plaoes, tanks
end &hips struck Egypt today in the
heaviest raid sinci! the 1969 six-day \var.
Tanks were landed in · Egypt by a!:lault
craft and cut a 30-mile swath .through
milllary installations, radar and rocket
· An Israeli military spokesman said the
tO-bour 1>Wlitive raid cost the Egyptians
"doiens" of killed and wounded and that
the onJy Israeli casualty was a slightly
H u,.rica1ie
S la11'ts Into
New England
BOSTON' (AP)-Hurrlcane Gerda, a
fast-moving storm born almost overnight
off the South AtlanUc coast, slammed in·
to soutbeastem New England tod•h-.,
catching the region only half prepared.
The storm bore down first on pie·
turesque Cape Cod, and next was to turn
ils fury on eastern Maloe.
Gerda developed on such short noUce
and traveled so quickly that officials
feared property damage would be ex-
tremely heavy.
"We just can't move fast enough," said
one police officer in Hyannis, on Cape
Cod. ''We're moving families lnto the
school, and they're having lo leave win-
doy,·s unboatded and everything because
there ju.st doesn't seem to be time ... And
they haven't sot an the boats in either.''
Jiundreds of 'Pleas\itt boats were
anchored in the coves ~ ha~ \bat
dot the reglob't ..... ~lhoreJlile; al!d
Gerda' 1 SIO to JQO-m!J&per-honr windl
were expected to bf especially destruc.
ljve with them-
Th< stohn let! litile uoloucbed. Foam.
necked seas ~ tearing at tht Cape's
exposed southern beaches around noon,
eating away tool of sand.
Trees bent under the strain or the wiod,
and power and telephone out.ag~
develope<t a..s branches tore loose and
sliced lines. Gerda was trundling north-
northeastward at 40 m.p.h,, unusually
fa st for a hurricane.
The Weather Burtau said the slonn's
brush with land would do lltUe to
diminish its fury.
The position of ils center at ooon (EDT)
was about 50 miles sou~-southe&st of
Block. Island, R. r., or near latitude 40,5
north and longitude 71.2 west.
·Eel'lier In the day, ur,.ency cloaked
coastal communities as reSldents tried lo
brace for Gerda.
Prowler Disturbs
Actress' Sleep
Actress Jane Rus&ell reported a pro-
wler on the balcony of her Dover Shores
home Monday night, Newport Beach
police aaid today.
Miu Russell, asleep in a downstairs
bedroom of the bayside home , wa1
awakened by a man on her balcony 1111
p.IJl., she told investigaton.
She ran b> 1 phone: and called polJet. .
M she w11 takll'fi, she uid, ~ in·
truder ran from the balcony down the
9'alrway ond IKlt tbrou&J> the baclcyant.
Police aaid the man "as sone when they
arrivea. '
rarks Board Studies
Huntington Surf Meet
Th< upcomlllg U.S. Surlboard Cham·
pionsh!pa and a Pro&rea report on lhe
new Hwrtinclon Central Park dominate
the agenda for the Wodne>day meeting ol
the Recreatotn ind Parks CornmluJon.
The meeting will be.held at 7:30 p.m . In
the llwllington Beach Qty Cooncll Qwn.
Y.'oonded soldier who was withdrawn
safely with the entire attacking force.
Alf Israeli plane, reported lo be an
Amerk:an-built Skyhawk, was shot down
by antiaircraft fire and the pilot
porachuttd into the Gulf of Suez. He was
officiaUy,llsted as missing.
Intense naval acUvlty preceded the lan-
ding which a spokesman said began Aion-
day night. On Sunday night, Israeli motor
torpedo boats destroyed two Egyptian PT
boals In thf' Gulf of Suez, and Cairo
reported an JS.raeli patrol boat today wttb
the kiss of iLs crew. These were the Ilrst
naval engagements since 1987.
An Israeli communique said the r1id
was in rtsponse to Egyp'tlan "ag-
gression." '
This was believed to Include not only
heavy Egyptian artillery attacks along
lhe Suez Canal but Arab terrorist attacks
on l.sraell installations installations ln
'Conflict of Interest'
City Councilm_an
C_harges Mayor
" Of .... Dlll11 POM Iliff A charge of .. clear~t conflict of in-
ter~st" wu hurled ·at Fountain Valley's
M~or Robert Schwerdtfeger Monday
night b)' fellow eoondlmao and polilical
opponent John Harper.
The charge w~ made during a press
conff1'thce at Harper's home, during
"'Web be outlined infonnatlon be says
"provea Uie point of confilct of inte.resl
chargtt previously rumored about the
ma,yor'1 acUYWea."
?Q,or' SChwerdtfeger, ~ wllh two
other .,.,.,..;1tnen,. is the !al-get of the
reca 11 movement which Will culminate: In &-elilliookli~ 23, 'ri. -is autGIJiln W"~ not be ieacbed for _..entc.\!I eight candU!ateo to the r~all el~""li> 11 loosed "cooflict ol in-terest" a him, but none has ol~
fered proof.
"MY into on has been tu~ over
to City At y Edwin Martin," said
Harper M y, "to pursue investigation
and anY poislb1e leglll action."
"I want this election won or lost on lhe
racts,'' stated H1rper, who doesn't hide
hit dislike for the mayor.
The infonnalion he presented involved
the aale of land to developer Alva Wilson
in 1961, wltb the mayor acting as real
estate broker between Wilson and J . W.
fitaclnt.osh, owner of the land and a resi-
dent of Tulare County.
"The mayor never declared his interest
when the Item was be£oce the City Coun-
cil for a zone change," charged Harper.
City records show the wne change (R-
1, single family residence ) was approved
5 lo 0, Nov. II, Ul&B.
WJl.o:l'ln and the wife of J. W. Macintosh,
have both confinned that Schwerdtfeger,
opera Un~ as Fairway Realty. did handle
tne re.al estate trlln'JlcUon, receiving a
commission of more than $10,000.
Tbe tract In question Is the Springhurst
Tract on the southeast corner of Warner
Avenue and Ward Street.
Harpel' told neWllilen that, 11 "sal.lsfac-
lory action" isn't taken by Martin on the
charges against Schwerdtfeger, h e
iH&rptr) wtll take them lo the district
attorney or the Grand Jury.
Martin said · today he plans to confer
wlUt Harper on the information, but
hasn't had time to form any react.Ian to
the <!iarg ...
The :city attorney haa: been under heavy
DAlLY1PILOT Ill" Ptwft,
V•llty Councilman Harper
fire from recall supporters ror his own
real e&1ate involvement in the city and
legal opposiUon lo the recall .
His servlce3 for the city will end Sept.
30, which, he said, doesn't leave him
niuch time to take any action.
H.arper also implied that c.ouncuman
Joe Courreges, another recall target,
might also be involved In the Sprlnghurst
transaction, but presented o n I y
''heresay" evidence.
Courreges today denied any kno'.yledge
of the real estate deal, as charged by
Show Goes On
Play Will Be1iefit Dead Boy's Mom
A black curtain. closed over the life of
18-year-old thespian Steven L. Cooper
Aug. 28.
He played the leading role in his own
Nine day1 before he died, Cooper wa~
playing an' lnnoCent game of "kick the
can" with llOme of. his friends when the
e.icitement ot the acUvlty caused him to
run into one of Uie players, fall down and
hit his head on the pavement, He never
regained consciousness.
IrorUcally, (;ooper was to have plQ"ed
the· leading role in ''The Odd Couple,"
N'?il Simon's very funny comedy about
two writer• which lhe Pacific Coast
Repertory planned to stage thl.s fall.
Europe aild Various ~ttacka aga.bllt
wa·e11 alrline1, spokesmen said in
Despite the obvious warning, the. left
wing ememl!t Arlb suerrllla .group
known as the Popular Front for the Lib-
eration of Palestll1e warned today' In Am-
man, Jordan, It wou)d escalate U. terror
campaign against Israeli organ.lzaUona
abroad with "more dangerous, posaibly
fatal" attacb.
Seal Beach
Probes Grisly
Torso Find
Seal Beach police and Orange County
Coroner's i,nvestlgatora today ire probfna
the mystery surrounding the unidentified
remains of 1 torso which washed up on 1
private Slllf1lde beach Sanirday af-
Mrs. Marjorie FiU, of 9 23 Surfside,
told Seal Beach police! she discovered the
almost skeletaJ remains while swimming
in the ocean at 3:35 p.m. She aaid abe
WM not sure that lbe body was human
unt.il two boya dragged it onto the beach.
Sgt. Sam D' Amlcn of the Seal Beach
Police Dept, aaJd the remains cmsisted
of one ball of the baekbone, the buttocka
and a pc.rUon of leg bone wiµl Ussue at.
·• ached Jo som' ol the parlL Then ...,..
'no ldentllyl"I! !llari<s.
Orange--Comrty coroner's investigators
who conducted an autopsy on the rem.lint
at SmJths Huntlngtoo Beach mortuary
are not ctrtaJD that the remalna are
human. They IndlCated thlil the body was
possJbly male and could have been SS
years or older. An euminaUon of the
bone! indicated that the body may have
been about 5 feet, 7 inches tall.
Dr. David Katsuyama , a coroner'• con-
suJting physician, 5ald Utat the clean cuta
on the tis.sue and the fine marklngl on
the leg bone could posslbl)' have been
carved by a knife •.
Neither the police nor the coroner's of-
fice have so far been able to explain the
origin of the remains.
Huntington Man
Dies in Wreck
A Huntington Beach man was kfiled
f.1ond.ay in a truck~ colli!ion ln Hes-
peria and the driver of the truck Jn whicll
he wa1 riding, a resktent of Costa Me.a,
waa seriously injured· John P. Haw ey, 42, of 9'l02 Aloha
DrlveL<lied when the truck driven by Earl . COJ, 46, of 'Co&la Mesa collided
wlth a car driven by Air Force Sergeant,
John W. Thorup, 20, of Hesperia. Tbarup
alJO dled in the crash. •
Cox was treat¢ and released at Vlctor
Valley HMpital, Victorville and re.leased.
H~wley, a uUllty lineman b survived
by his; wife, Bertha, and two som. ~
Stqck .tJarketa
NEW YORK (AP) -'!'be ll<IC)< market
fin'lshed on high.er ground today after a
late rally shaved some of its earlier loss-
es. (See quotations. Pag~ 10-11).
fradlng was· fairly active over much
of lhe·session. '11le Dow Jones industrial
average at 2 p.m. was up 3.89 at 115.73.
Orange C::ou&
Weatller ~rents and district adminlstrat?rs
had earlier feared that the construction
lag would force &iuble sessions 1t some
of the ot.het campuses. Trustees were
dt l.enllined to open the achoo!, even i£
It meant ~ng wi.OloUt 1 few fa cllitle.s.
''We nave no idea 'When the school Will
be f(.'Glllpleted." said Dt. Forney. "The
end, of the plumbing strike is nowhere
in aight."
Allen Recall Drive
The play will go on wllhoot Cooper ,
says Torn Appel, one ot the members of
tJie mint1ngton Beach troupe o1 ·1 ....
;i:gers Who bas been named to replace
him Jn lhe leading f9lt.
That creepina: fog will stick
around Ull almoet noon aga In with·
patches of It banglnf on all daJ
Wedoe!day ond lhovlng Ille beach
temperature down tnto the upper
Despite the Edison pmblem! •. Dr. For-
fley is optimistic about the COmlng year.
•·we're looking forward to a very good
year. We have 120 new staff members
and' they are In good spirits." he said.
Edison and the other ochools In the 52-
square mile district-Huntington Beach,
'Vestmimter, fa1arina, Founl&IJI ~,~
and Winte.rsburg -will boost the M&1
!rtudent populaUon lo 1.300 abOve lat
year's enrollment o( l~,300. J'rojectiona four years from new t.,..
tim1te a-student ~nt of 20,000.
/fbe dlst.t1ct contaim five elemental'J
school dlslrlc:b -ltuntington Beach.
F'ountain Valley, Wt.stmlnst.er, Ocean
View und Seal Be>dl.
Df ,,. Dallr .., " ..
Oplnioo Reoearch of caluomJ1 Mllllday
night U5Uled Ntwport Belch city coon·
cllmen that oo tnfarmaUon gathered on
the Newport TO!DOITOW poll has ever
rtached [he haodl of leader& ol the recall
drive aplnst SupoMoor Ali411 Allen.
Donald McCrtw, executive W:t presi-
dent ol the Long Bea~ public opin.loi\
5Urvey Hrm, promised tn I retroldlVI ,_.t that H would hold •U the iD·
• ' ~ I ,; •
But l10J<, Ille lhow will become a benent
perlormanc. for Mrs. Vada Wiles,
Cooper's ,molbe;, who llyea al 1911t1
Ramsg~le J,.;qie, Huntington lleoch.
Sbo h111 a'iarae hospital and funeral bOI .
Jo pay ar'1 Wf woold 'l(ke tD be ·able to
bUY, a nice marker. !or hls'&!av;" ApPel .
said ·~' • "Steva aiwayi helped othet' peopje 'ollt '
and we biven'l hel~ him u much 11 '
he's helped us. ·we Would Just like to
refurn ~ flvor." · '
''He Was a very warm ind happy
penon. !111 wu just grl<fuated tr... H1ln-•
tfngton Beach Ht~ and ho was 1lw1y1
loqilnc rorw~. aiiOilier daJi ao<1 ,_
e-le6ces. 11'1 ltll)d of dlU!culrJo lollow
hltrl U,P, he WAI rtllfl' good," Appel adatd '
Th1 death of Sfn. Dlrklf'l' tolU1
•fleet both hi! pany and lhc
nqtiqn'1 ldwit T~.,..·u b .. <i Gql"
! poiotr •fight owr hLt tuta!UOf'
a1 mtnort,u ltadtr, and aome of
hi.I pct projcctl mau d~. Pogrl. "-, ...... ,_. , _ _. --........... _ ..... , ..... , ....
=-~ ::::!:''
' •tt " ' • • " ... ..
" " • "
.. '. .. ................ _,,__~~ .. __ ,, , ...
2 DAJl.Y I'll.OT H
;;_Study Group Dear~ Se~ Class. Critie Noise Foe
Disclaim s . 3' BAllllW OSDllCH
• • 01 .. Q"'1 'Oft lleff
... tducetbl prCll"tml iD acbooU ,mt)'
~ ... IJllclt -.. 1au... ...... ..,..if, orange Goilnty slbool board
\il<!Jlb<r Dr. Dale Ralli"'1 warned Mon-
~ ln 1 talk lo members of a Ne~·port 'itacb 'cW1tn1' committee for the study
W tez tducatlon. ."We (Che c.wnty board) have aaked
,t den\s in $et education programs, 'Do
feel more or less apt to become ln-
otved with members of the opposite aex
-takhl& thlJ course?'" said Rallilon. ~ ;:•,'!'-Wf the answer ls •m o r e
likl".r ll>ll and other r<alOlll, the Slnta Xftl dentist known for his con1ervaUve
6iands on 'school matters, said he is
~basically opposed" \o se1 education
.coursu. Tbe entire problem ts ooe that
1bould be handled by partntl In the
home. be told panelists.
• The su education hot potato waa toss-
ed arouod a conference table at the
Newpprt Beach Chamber ol Commerce
for two bcM:a M~y 8'ttmoon In one of ~ wtes ol Jneetlngs the cltlle!U' groop
baa b<en hofdh\g since April.
Dr. RalU... WU J\lesl tpeaker !or the 'oW!.oi. Otliei:s ~ ...,. chairman
Dr. Nolan F'11ieJle, Mn. WUllarn Ma1011,
Mn. Carol Betk, Ill!> !le•. l'blllp Murray,
lohllster of the Congrtptional Church in
°""'1a de! Mar, Walter Phelps or the
()pin End 'nte.ater, 'l'.bamu Garver of the
_Newport' Harbor Art M11>eum. Robert
Prict Ind attamey Arthur Gizy.
Al Rall~ 1'ewed !lrinly to hlo vim
on aex educalloa, !nqUMlly chall!llaed
by the pantlllU, the dllcualon oo-
Clllonall)' beo!Ad up.
'"lbll iJ Ille llvelitat metllng we r•
had," uld 001 paDellat.
Ralliso11 centered hi.a attack on the tx·
pense of se:r educaU011 program• and the
qualifications ot Lboae who teach them,
"The Anaheim School District spent
$300,000 on its sex education course," he
told the panel. "Better resu1tl could have
been obtained by simply sending home
with each student a copy of a 3G-ctnt
American Medical Association booklet
which cover«! all necessary information
and could be gone over by parent and
child toa:ether."
He displayed the booklet. "Finding
Yourself," adding that even it contained
a few thlnp he fell would be betttt left
As far the teachers, he added, "1 don't
want some of llio5e poople teaching my
children morals."
~scrlbinl himstlf as "dteply coo-
cerntd" about the caliber ol students
emer&lni from today'• universities and
going in~o teachJn11 Rllliton explained,
"You cannot conduct a coune Jn sex
education without the teacher's morals
sllowlng through."
"ll seenu to me you're condemning an
awful lot of teachers," Garver in·
"Slnce comil1g onto the achool board
Financial Bind to Prevent
•t. \ I
Gra cie School Innovations
nus is not expected lo be an innovalive
yu.r among Wut Orange Cowty elemen-
tary llC.hoola bec•uae most ot the area'.!
rrve dilltricts race rapid expanalon with
ina'e11Jn& financial woes.
In a year that will see nearly 45,000
youngster.! start school Wednesday In the
five elementary district&, adrniru!ltrators
know the 1Jim nallfy that there are few,
if my, fWKla available for school oon-
Most districtl will survive thi.s year
with only ICatlertd probl<ms in the form
of crowded classrooms and double
&eMions, but even the best admit the neJ.t
year may mean total disaster.
Founl&.ln Valley School District alartll
the year with a brand new superin-
tendent, Mike Brick. He repla~ E:dward
Beaubler, who accel:ited an educat1ona.1
post with the state.
1,4'1 TO A'ITEND
Mtn than t ,tOO childr!a will attend
clula In 12 ochools In what Is recopl:ed
nationally aa one cf the mOfl progresalve
diltridl. A 13111 achoo~ delayed by -
and otrlUa, wu ICheduled to open llOOl1,
but W'Ol'l't now until spring. No double
sessiOlll will be held. ·
"We are trying to make education is
professional as possible with the use oi
effective modern tecbnlques," aaya
Brick, of the dlltrict noted for ils ex-
perimenU in flducatlon.
Sentencing Set
In Assault Case
A youth anest.ed In Huntington Beach
on May 17 on charges of attempted kid-
nap and a!&Au.lt with a deadly weapon
will be sentenced Oct. 1 on lesstt chlttts
or usault and battery and exhlbltitig a
deadJy weapon.
David L. Vl!Wenor, 20, ol San Gabriel,
pleaded guilty Monday in West 0ranie
County Municipal Court. /
He waa arrested on Pacific C.Oast
Highway in downtown Huntington Buch
after h11 victim, Glenda Swearingen, 20,
of Hunlington Belich, ran scream~ to
the police slatlon to report the incldtnt. •
She told officers Villa.senor fried
1everal limes to get hef into hi11 van and
said he threatened her with a gun 1pd
l!unti.ngton Beach City SchJol District,
under the leadenhlp of Superinttndent s.
A. Moffett, will open a new junior high,
Gisler School, with an experiment in mix-
ing sixth grade atude:nt.s with the sevem.b
and eighth graders.
The diatrlct fixpecla more than 8,500
student.a :to attend clallses at seven
schools. Gi•ler i11 the only new school,
and adminJ.atrator11 don 'l ezpe;:t serious
crowding problems unW next year.
"We are a readinl centered district,''
states Mollett, tmphasiJ.lnJ; tbetr fun-
damentallst approaC.b to education. Tht
district oover1 moat of the beach orient.eel
area from the Santa Ana ruver to Hun-
tingtoo Harbour.
Ocean View Sdml Dislrfct faces a $7.S
ml!UGn bond election on Nov. 18, u il
enten Hs second year under the ad· -:ndniltration of Clarence HalJ, PhD, who
put the dl!trfct -°" Its !eel alltt ad-mlnistraUve problems.
Some ol the lS,600 students who wW at·
tone! lO achoo!& wW be forced Into double
sealom beciuM two schoola, Mesa View
·and Park View, won't open unW the new
year, thanks to COD.ltrucllon delaya.
Double ses.aions wm be held jn three
th1rd arade claws at College View; in
two clas!es each of lhe first, second and
third grades at Glenn View; in four
classes of the first and secood grade1 at
Hope View; in three claues of the fint
and second grades at Star View, and in
thr~ firfrt grade classes at .Lark View.
S.al Beech School Dlllrlct IJ the tiniest
of the five with two schools and about
l,200 students.
. The district will open a teachers• cur.
nculum center in fuD-tlme operation this
year, says Superintendent Marx N
Dresster. ·
Westminster School District is the
largest with 22 schools and more than
14.000 students. under Superintendent
John F. Land, Jr.
The district had planned to open the
ne~ John Land School, but rain and
.st.r1kes have delayed It for this year.
~1ayo1· Alioto Gets OK
SAN FRAN~ISCO (UPl) -~1syor
Joseph L. Alioto received ptmtiSllion
from a federal judge fo.1onday to start his
!12.5 million llbt.l suit aaalnst Look
magatlne for an article linking the mayor
with lhe Mafia.
V•~ -~ 11 the ~II o1
many Laadlort, liul we , ao1 1et
rep~tal• tbcin,"~n~••i "T~ an ,..,ie • ri. aid,
"ilotab vir/ ~ ,....'lo -iM
there Invariably •W be --II the moral back~ Of __
and some teachers. There always wlll bt
some teachers ~·ho conduct these cl.ule1
In poor taste. Actually teachers are not
qualified to lead group dlscussions or sex-
ual proble1ns. The wnotions involved are
too delicate. A person with more medical
ba~!fil:nd would be better quallfled." n was parUcularly disturbed by
the use of four·letttr words and "com-
mon ill.QI" in teaching seJ. ~tion and
by .,..hat he reganls as unnecessary delv·
ing into sexual aberrations.
A panelist noted that proponents or the
sex courses maintain four.Jetter words
are ~ chiefly for definition purposes
and to remove their "shock value."
r•Hqw far do you go ?" demanded
Rallison. "Do you have to go into every
form of perversion that exists and
describe it in detail! \Vhere do you
He maintained that so--called hygiene
cla.s1ell (lven separately to boya and glrb
at the junlor high level are all the schools
need to olfer by way of set education.
"Today's kids are very well infonned
anyway," he said.
"They know a heck of a lot of what
ian't llO,'' commented Murray.
Frizelle said the panelists seemed to
DAILY ,ILOT th " Pllttt
Om •h• Tribe's Walk•r
Pow W oiv Picks
Indian Pri1 icess
For Beach Rodeo
\Vanda Lou Walker, a 17-year-old In-
dian from Bell Gardens, ba11 been
selected Indian Prince3s to reian over the
Sept. 26-28 all-Indian rodeo in Huntington
She was selected Saturday night In
compeUtion \\'Ith. other Indian girls at a
Pow Wow {meeting ) of the Orange Coun-
ty lndlan Assoclation in Huntington
Wanda is a full -blooded lndian of the
Omaha Tribe (Nebraska). She wu pick-
ed for her colorful costume, Indian dan-
cing ability, and other qualitie11.
She will reign over the first annual all-
lndlan rodeo co-sponsored by the Orange
county Indian Association and the Hunt-
ington Beach Jaycees.
The rodeo will feature all Indian
performers and several spteial dancts In
11ddtUoo to normal rodeo evenLs. It will
be held at Goldenwest Street and Talbtrt
AYeaue on the proposed central park site.
··"·' "'· w •• , l"l'l1icltrll -l'\iblltllof
J1c\ R, Cudty \ll<t .. ,...._, tnd ~rll IMl\lf<!I
Cong, North Vietnamese
Violate Truce 40 Times
1\oll'lt• ICtt•il
l~1r•11• A. Mu1phi~1
.1. ... ,..,int lt•i.r
Alb11I W. l •l•1 .-uocl•'• ll:litw
H111tf1ft*tt h9'l' Offtc•
309 5th Stitt!
lof1Uint Ad41•11 : r.o. ••• 790, 916~1
Ofi... OffltM
.......... 9U(ll· ;JU Wt" ••lllolt '""lt•ftl
(ftlt Meu• .U0 "''t>I llt~ S'•f'CI
l'*-&e.<n: m '""'' .-~
SAIGON <UPI) -Viel Cons and North
Vietnamese forces committed almost 40
violations of theL· cease-fire during the
first half of the three-day tn.ict, allied
mlllla:y spokesmen said today.
The -vlolatlon& included a ground attack
;igainst 1t U.S. base north of Saigon and a
frogman slrlke against an American ship
in lhe South China Sea, spokesmen sa1d.
Communiques sho'i\'ed batUe acUvlly
\\'IS light In Sooth Vlelnam and that
Amarlcar. for~ had virtually suspended
bombing slriku slnct the ctue·fire
began ea.rly Mond1y.
Fnr the second day in a row, American
BS2 bombers flew no ml1slon1 ov!r Sooth
Vietnam. The U.S. Command reported
seven t1ctJcal air strike• by American
aircraft throughout the n1llon Monday.
On a normal day, n1ore tho.n 400 are
SPokesmtn for the U.S. Command
rtfueed to e<1mment at an afternoon
brtefina on w~ther Amerlca.n fOl"tta had
QJ.ed doWn tLelr operaUona in response
to the Vit t Cona and Nonh Vletnameu
South Vletnameae &pokumtn aa1d.
Comn1uoi:;t foree1 had ~mltled 26 in-
fr,,etloru; since their truce beg11.n , kllllng
2~ governmenl lloldiers and woundinc 41
U.S. spokesmen reported a dozen
"significant" incident• since 1 a.m. Mon-
day. Communiques Usted ei1 Amerlc&n1
killed and more than 50 wounded.
The South Vietnamese spokesmen
reported five ground battles in South
Vietnam Monday in wh1cb government
troops killed 59 Communist soldiers.
Spokesmen said government troops oon-
ducted 50 offensive operations of bat.-
taUoo size or larger during UM? 24-bour
period ending at S a.m. today.
Ele\len South Vietnamese regional
forcta wtre killed aod 16 other& wounded,
'lpokeamen said, when the. truck in ¥t'hlch
they Wert riding slruck a land mine
about 123 mlle.s southwul or Saigon in
~ Mekona Della Mondly alternoon.
Tbe U.S. command reported nine shell·
inc atlackl ovtml&ht compared with SS
In the (l<'tvtOU> %~hour period. Tbty aald
se\'tn cauk'd ndthu damap o r
The c:ease-flrt, caned to mourn the
death last week Qf Ho Chi Minh, the
pn.sldent or North vi.tnam,-l>ogan al .t
a.m. Monday aDd wu to run unlU 1 a.m.
airte thal maJQ' ..,.;11 are lalllng -
on IN Job or • adllcatloo, • thal lbe --doa'l ____ pao-. ..... _ ... _., .. ""1
9'0llld • to mt" ...... rM·ble ....
-!1111 'll'IUld ~ both pattntl and ... ,, " ,
"lllo ..... oald J'rhelle, "IJ to p.rt
IOl•th•r...,.. ~ (!Ol' the Nowport-
M"a dllliict) that will be acceptable and
stJll -te:"1ceable."
"5ex educaUoo is needed at all .age
!eve.ls," lofwray commented. "I doo't
thlak we should back away from I
beci.Qle lt is eipensJve, dlstutefu\ or
embarrus!Jll. You can~ cornplete17
satWy evetj'one but the job needl'to be
dooe. Tbe !<!do are beJna loft ill the hud1
because their parent& work and don't
heve time to talk to them. These people
need help."
To a suggeslioo that the church mlgbt
be a better fnaU1utloo to help, Garver
a!ked, "But how could you be sure of the
people teaching there?"
.. I'd say 'amen' to that !" said Murray.
Asserting that some ''Wtsavory" people
are drawn into the preparation of
materials for sex educaUon programs.
Rollison cited as an example Mary
Calderone, director of the controversial
Sex Information and Education Cound1 of
the United States (SIECUS).
"Her husband has a theater that U&es
topless dancers," he said.
"Her husband Is not preparing: the
material," countered Murray.
Rallison then rtad a lengthy quote from
a m11utne art.Lele by Mn. CaJderoae,
dbcuain& 1n deUll ,.. tecbniquu r ..
lmprovtna uwUlal rel1tloa1.
Ko ilrOld tbol WI aort ol malarial
WU llOl lncilJded In acboal _.11111 but
l.nSiJtecl it ''provea her aWtude 11
unaavory for Youn&' people.''
Pusing out teitboaks used In \he
Anaheim program, some of tbem ratbtr
dated, Ram..oo said he per10Dllly did nol
find most o! the leaching mt.rial of·
fenslve. lUs objections were directed at
the manner or leaching and upedally the
... or '""'P dlocuaoloal In ,.iu.i-. "G...,p dllcuaaioo baa a dlllenlll
cbaractar from 1 pannt-d>lld nLa.
Uonahlp/' he llld. uyOIJ art a.H:illl for
pnttem1 lf you aet up frlcUoD betwttu
parent and cblld."
"Do you fee.I thae claue.a an: drl'linr a
wedge balweon par<nt and child!" uked
Frtzelle .
"'lbat't thfl way it's worked out,"
Ra1l1lon amwered, "and there'• alto a breakdawn In the tradlllooal raapact for
teacben." "Dr. Ralllaoa·Gpnua a somewhit
a1ann1't 'fiew," J&Jd Prict. "I detect a
r .. r ol lrYilll aorntthln& n&w Jost In C1H
it doesn't work."
FriroU. !banked Dr. Rallbcln for "hav-
int tbe courqe tO. c:une down here and
cipose us to aome oppoalte v1ew1."
The panel, be llid, wlll """1nu• to
meet for a ~pie more mot1tht, bearing
from t.achen, llUdenU and othm before
prepartna a recommendation for the
•cbonl board.
Recall Rol e
Dan Emory, llJ)Ok"man !or the Hatb<>r
Arta'1 alrport oo1Je abalf:ment com~
mlttee, has again dlaclolmed 1117 cun-
nection between hlmleU or bis &roup with
lbe hull>lluab .... u campalp qainst
FUth D!Jlrfct SUpervilor Alloo E. Allen.
Emory wu clearly a_..i by wbat he
termed ''the .corrtlzwed \lie ol my name"
by oorta1Ji @Qkesmen for the recallm.
''Beca!Jle ol this uae of my oame, ·I am
now "8l1na to be ideatlfled u one of the
lndlytdualg who wu contocled by Poul
Carpenter and told that the candldate
they were back1nr to replace Allen is Ronald CUpen.
"Cupers ii financing the recaU move-
ment and ii tbtlr candidate," Emory
Carpenter baa b<en connected with
DemocnUe PollUca ill Orange County
and ii a former Wllucctasful candJdate
lot both coogreq and. the assembly.
C._s 11 a realdenl or Udo 1.!le In
Newport Beach and iJ head or Keystone
SavlnJI and Loan Alloclatton.
Cuper1 contacted Monday, denied
connection with the recall campaign.
Nixon Plans Conference
•11 certalnly am a caodldate for Allto's
office," Casper1 ll!d, "but my campaign
wlll be waged In 1970 when the
supervbor comes up for .re-election, if in·
deed he does run again," Caspera aaJd.
"I know nothing about thlJ porticular
rec.tll effort nor have I been approached
by anyooe con.nected with it," the Lido
resident concluded.
On Strategy in Vietnam From Page 1
Nixon today scheduled a high-level con-
ference Friday on Vietnam strategy, with
the U.S. commander, Gen. Creighton
Abrams, flying to ·Washington to partic-
Top diplomatic, military and intelli·
gence officiallt involved in formulating
Vietnam policy-from determination of
possible further troop wlthdrawals to
assessment of the H.anol leadership in the
afttnnath of Ho Chi fo.1inh 'll death-were
summoned to the meeUng.
In addiUon to Abram11, al.so sitting in
will be Defense Secretary Mel vin R.
Lalrd, Secretary of State William P.
Rogers; Adm. John McCain, commander
In chief .in lhe Pacl!Jc; Gen. Earle G.
Wheeler, chairman of the Joint Chiefs ot
Staff; Nixon's national security adviser,
Henry A. Kissinger; Ellsworth Bunker,
U. S. arnbawldor to Salgori, and CIA
Director Richard C. Helms.
White House Press Secretary Rooald
Ziegler said the meeUni would be a
"general and overall review ol. the Viet·
nam situation."
"Quite obviously the matter of troop
replacements and levels wlll be among
the many subjects dl11CU1sed at a meet· ing like this," he told reporters.
The revlew also will Include a discus-
sion of the efiects of Ho's death on the
Huntin gton Lake
Victim Found
Police today found the body of a Hun-
tington Beach teen v.·ho drowned "nlurs-
day at Huntington Lake.
The body of Randy Lee Reed , 14, of
17361 Lido Lane. v.·as discovered floating
in the lake at l :fO a.m. by Huntington
Beach officer Steve Arebalo.
Young Reed drowned 1'!.ursday before
his a.7ear-0ld brother, Jeff, could reach
him In the middle o[ the to-foot deep
A two day search by divers was aban-
doned becaulle of poor visibility in the
murky lake water.
Funeral arraJlEemenLs are pending at
Dildicy· Brothers Mortuary, Huntington
future of the Vietnam situaUoo.
Bunker returned to tbe United Slates
several di.ya aa:o for consultations. He
wu achedliled to meet with Nlzon today
ror prellmJnary dllcuulona in advance of
the high levef meeting.
The Friday 1e.ulon shaped up a11 one
of the most comprthenafve reviews of
U. S. strategy iri Vietnam alnce Nii:on took oUlce.
Nllon returned from the Western White
House st San Clemente shortly alter mid-
night ~fonday and returned to hlll Whlle
Hou se orfice today. Ht scheduled his
meet.ing with Bunker at 1.2:30 p. m. PDT.
Cypress Fa ther
Drowns Sa ving
I of 5 01ildren
A Cypresll father ol five cltlldren hu
drowned in the Colorado River, st.anding
in water over hia head to bold up hl11
panicky .son until a spct<I boat rescued
the desperate child.
Funera1 services for William Shute, 37
of 6261 Lincoln Ave., will be held Wed:
nesday at the Peek Family Colonial
funeral Home In Westminster.
Witnesses :said the tragedy occurred
Friday when nine-year-0ld Kim Shute
began screaming for help.
A family friend, Mike Johns, said he
shed his &hoes and swam 75 yards from
shore, to help the boy but before he ar·
rived a speedboat went to the rescue.
Johna said he was exhausted by the
cold, swift river waters and had to cling
to the rescue boat hlm1elf.
When he •sked young Kim where hill
father was, the boy told him hls dad had
been holdJna him above the surface of the
John.! had not evtn seen the berois
father as he aave hla llfe in the elaht·foot·
deee river.
Diven found his body one hour later .
In a Saturday drowning, Peter Leon,
20, of 921 W. Chelltnut St,, Santa Ana,
dlsapppeared from sight of wltnell&eS
aner jumping Into an irrigation channel
near Blythe to retrieve a towel.
Hill body wa1 recovered thrte quarters
of a mlle down the. racing channel.
Your Omtgo
Solt• Ii StTVict
homeowners by h.ia worke:ra "at the stricl
request of the recall committee," he said.·
"They rave us a handful of these things
- I don't know where they came from -
aod told ua to have our field workera
hand ll:lem out when ttJident.s asked f<ir
hlformatloa on the recall campaign.''
McGrew declined to identify an y
members of the recall committee, or th~
persona who actually hired him or aigned
the chtek for the original deposit for hiS"
lirm 's service.
"They specifically stipulated that we
not divulge any names," be sald.
He also did not specify the cost of his
se.n·ice, but intlmated in general figures
that the service could cosl up.,.,•ards 0£
~1 .000 .
"The usual C{lst for this service rangu
from 75 cent.! a name to $1.50, and we e~·
pect to gather perhaps hall of the 9,000
signatures which the committee needs.
The rest will be gathered by unpa id
vol:unleers," he said.
Compiled at $1 apiece, 4,500 names
¥t·ould ring up a total cost of $4,500.
McGrew steadfastly held that liis
form's service to the recall campaign "is
professional and totally without conflict
of Interest."
"We are malting no moral judgement
a.~ to who is right or wrong in this recall
movement. AU we are doing i! providing
a service wh1ch we have been offering for
the past two years," he said.
"\Ve are legally liable now to disclaim
the speculation that the Newport Tomor-
row data is being used in the recall work,.
find that's the way I want it to be. We
will gladly sign that retroactive agree.
ment and everyone should be satisfied ,"
McGrew said.
He said the firm agree! not to divulge
such information to any person or
organization withou t prior consent of the
Newport Beach City Council.
·The clause will be added to the agr~·
ment slgned with Newport Beach la.st
February 26.
l\lacaroui Fuels Fire
fire fueled by 100,000 pounda of macai'.oni
and pasta destroyed the SoSllO ~facaroni1
Products Co. early today. ·
-----_ .. ,
Tke .. ,,., t 1111• Orntt•
Spff4fll'ltrf"' wetd11 .. ,
C•l"l"f .,., ttltctM with-
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HASA t9 M wtr1t llv •ur
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" • , 4 f • r ••ct ll1nc1, WATCH~ 11._ct..M FRI~ ........ 111 ,,.u .. ,, "•
I Cl••ned • OUtd Wlllt. Y .. W.tt
• A4julttd ru.1u $2.00
FROM s4as ll.JllU .... ....
llN•S $3.00 SIDD,,,_
DIAMONM $6.00 ,...,._ ....
a. ...... :ru • Sell-
Willdrfl 1H1 U1 •11 .... : ;:.~~~i ::~:
Huntington Center
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thl1 ht "''''"'• l llulfe..,
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•Itch wttll fty tht "''" tt
th• fllt•a. ,,j,, S191.
TUMS AYAll.A.11.1
and bac:k
Harbor Shoppl119 Center
2300 Horbor l lvd.
545-9485 •
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'"' SUI • ~
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' \ . "
VOl. 62, NO. 216, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGE~ '
-Farewell Trib11te
Senator Everett Dirksen's body lies in slale in the rotunda in this
photo taken Crom top of Capitol dome as President Nixon and me1n-
bers of Congress paid a farewell tribute to the Illinois lawmaker. Sec
story. Page 4.
Boron the
Homeowners Set
Meet in Viejq__
?ifISSION VIEJO -11-lembefs or the
1iiisaion Viejo Homeowners Association
"·ill stage their first meellng of the new
season Wednesday al 7:30 p.m. in the
television studio at Mission Viejo High
A report ~·ill be made by William Sims
and James White on lhc South Orange
County Airport Committee. T h e
homeowners group has taken stands
against the possible use of the El Toro
?i.1arine Corps Air Station as a ch•ilian
The public is invited.
e Craftsmen to /lleet
?i.11SSION VIEJO -The 1i!l6slon Viejo
Association o( Artist! and Craftsmen will
kick off its fall activities wilh a general
meeting Sept. 18 at 7:30 p.m. at La Pax
Intermediate School, 2S1Sl Pradera
Mrs. l·lelen Richards, an arthit in
stitchery. will show a series of :slides on
the patterns In ~ature. Interested persons
are welcome.
e Artists Ready Shoto
LAGUNA HILLS -The third annu~l
exhibit of lhe Laguha Hills Art Associa·
tlctl will be-from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept.
19 and 10 in the patio area of Leisure
World clubtlouse J. Relidenll of Leisure World and their
guest! are welcome. Any of the 350 i:nem-
ben tif the 8.ssoclaUon may exhibit re.
cent work.
Presiden.t calls
Top-level Meet
011 Viet Policy
'VASHINGTON (UPI)-P resident
Nixon today scheduled a high-level con-
rcrellC1! Friday on Vietnam strategy, with
th.e U.S. commander. Gen. Creighton
Abrams, flying to Washington to partic·
Top diplomatic, military and intelli-
gence officials involved in formulating
Vietnam policy-from determination of
pos.sib.le further troop withdrawals to
asseSsmenl of the Hanoi leadership In the
aftermath of Ho Chi ltf.inh's death-wee~
summoned to the meeting. ·
In addition to Abrams, also sitling in
will be Defense Secretary Melvin R.
Laird, Secretary of Stale 'Villi am P.
Rogers ; Adm. John ~1cCain, commander
in chief in the PaciUc ; Gen. Earle G.
\Vheeler. chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff; Nixon's national security adviser,
Henry A. Kissinger : Ellsworth Bunker.
U. S. ambassador to Saigon, and CIA
Director Richard C. Helms.
Wh.ite House Pres.s Secretary Ronald
Ziegler said the meeting would be a
•·ge.neral and gverall review of the Viet-
nam situation."
"Quite obviously the matt.er of troop
replacements and levels will be among
the many subjects discussed at a meet·
ing like this." he told reporters.
The review also will include a discus-
sion of the effects of Ho 's death on the
future of the Vietnam sllu.alion.
Bunker returned to the United Statea:
severaJ days ago for consultJtlons. He
was scheduled to meet with N"ixon today
for preliminary dillcussions in advance or
the high level meeting.
The Friday session shaped up as one
of the most comprehenl11ve . revle'ifl ot-
U. S. strategy in Vietnam since• Niloo
took ofOce.
Nixon returned from the Wes\enr-Wb.lte
llouse at San Clemente shortly after mld-
qight ¥ooctay and returned to hill While
House office today. He 0 &theduJed his
meeting wiUi Bunker at 12:30 p. m. PDT.
Stock 1Uerhet•
NEW YORK (~P) -The stock ma<kel
finished on high~ ground today after a
late rally shaved some of its earlier loss-
es. <See quot.ati~m, Pate• 10.UJ.
• ..
Mystery, Torso Washed
Up at Beach Village
'Pu1aitive Raid'
Israel Forces
Invade Egypt
TEL AVIV (UPl)-lsraell planes, tanks
and ship~ struck Egyp~ today In the
heaviest raid since the 1969 six~y war.
Tanks were landed in Egypt by assault
craft and cul a 30-mile swath through
military installations, radar and rocket
An Israeli military spokesman said tM
IO-hour punitive raid cost the EgypUans
"dozens" of killed and wounded and that
the only Israeli casualty was a 111ightly
wounded soldier who was withdrawn
safely with tbe entire attacking force.
An Jsraeli plane, reported to be an
American-built Skyhawk, was shot down
by antiaircraft fire and the pilot
parachuted into the Gulf of Suet. He was
ofricially listed as missing.
Intense naval activity preceded the lan-
ding which a spokesman said began Mon-
day night. On Sunday night, Jsraeli motor
torpedo boats destroyed two Egyptian PT
boats in tbt. Gulf o( Suet, and Cairo
reported an Israeli patrol boat today with
the ms of ill crew. Ti.. wer, uw fiP-t
nav11Hngagementa ainti~967. · · 7
An Jrraeli cpmmunique sakf the rald
was Jn response to Egyptian .. .;.
'This was believed lo lnc!U<tt not only
heavy EgyptJa.n artillery attacks along
the Suez Canal but Arab terroriat attacks
on Lsraeli inslallaUons installaUDlll in
Europe and v.arious attacU against
Israeli airlines, spokesmen 1a1d in
Despite the obvious wamlng, the left
wing extremist Arab guerrilla group
known as the Popular Front for the Lib-
eration of Palestine warned today in Am-
man, Jordan, it would escalate its terror
campaign against Israeli organiuilons
abroad with "more dangerous, possibly
fatal" attacks.
Cairo radio had no immediate reaction
to the Jsraeli raJd, but il broadcast com-
muniques· reporting heavy Israeli shen.:
ing of Egyptian installations in the Suet
area at the southern end of the Suez
Canal and reported dogfights over the
area between Egyptian and lsreali planes
The Israeli forces hit the Egyptian
coast from El Hafayer, 24 ml lea below
Suez Cily, south to Ras Zafrana, M miles
below Suez. The Gulf o{ Suet ranges from
30 to 50 miles wide at this area across
from lb< l!nell-occupied Sinai Desert.
laraelis In Tel Aviv said they ltruck lo
on tbe tut bank of the Canal Nine
Inelll bhe been·t11Jed and 11 wounded
there In the past week. Observera said
Egyptian· artillery may hive been the
prime lllrget.
There was no ofllcial word on oil Jn.
stallatiooa being hit. The biggest pro-
ducer ol Egypt'• offshore oil works lies
about 100 miles aouth of the Sues and in
the general area or today's raid.
Length of Youths' Hair
Being Decided in Scl1ools
11ow much long Is too long in boys' hair
fashion~ That question Is being variously
decided by school administrators this
At San Clemente High School MO!lday,
50 students wert. told they transgrwed
the student dress code whlle only one was
turned away at f\11ssion Viejo H.igh.
Students of Newport-Mesa and Hun-
tington aeach high schools test the dic-
tates of principals when they begin school
''1t<lnesday. Fountain VaTiey High .Assis-
tant Principal Cliff Hepburn, said, "I im-
agine some will come in Wednesday and
see bow far they can go."
Laguna Beach High students mrted
Thunday la.st week 1rxl 46 boys were ' ' sent home tor more work with the ramr
'and clippen. Director of lludent affairs
Gary Norton &akl 3S of tile 46 were back
1n &chool by Friday. •
At at least two area high schools. Jong
"hair on boys b no longer taboo. Corona
del Mar and Newport Harbor highs both
are conUnulna with poli'ties tried last
spring leavlnl It up lo lhe parents.
"ConclusiveJy the parents went thi1
responsibility," uJd Corona del Mar prin-
cipal Leon M'tekl. He said only 17 or lt
parent• out of JJOO returned notes aaying
tb<y disagreed with (lie ll<W policy ..
Mrs. Vashke BreedlD8, Harbor High
girl 's vice prlncii)al, 11ld U'lere has been
a slight refinement 1t Harbor HJgh with
new empba~ on ·neatne&.!. "There'll' be
no more jeans with holes ln them," she
said. "Some or the students got pretty
grubby toward the end of school under
the anything goes policy."
Both :schools do require shoes and ban
very short skirts -lhe S<k:alled mini·
mini sklrts.
At other schools, moustaches and
beard!, long sideburns and hair that
louchea the collar is s1Jll a faitor,
Huntington Beach High schools have a
single policy, recenUy Ii be r a Ii z. e d
somewhat by the board 0£ trustees, to
permit. culottes on girls and boys' shirt
tails that hang ouL
At San Clemenlt High, most o! I.be 50
students Were sent borne Monday becaU.5e
of long hair. Eight girls were wearing
skirts consldered too ahorl
Superintendent Truman Benedict said
he had two calls from parents and one
parent came lo hi.! office to dlscuss the
&ituation. "You'd haYe to haYe the
wisdom of Solomon to meet everyone's
&tandards,'' Benedict said.
MiWon Viejo High admlnlstratora In
sending only one student home showed a
more permiss.lve attitude than Tustin
High of the same tchool di.strict, which
dismissed more than 25.
It was at Tustin Hlgh two years ago 400
girl• were sent home fur wearing dresses
considered too short. Fashion that made
long enough dresses near impossible to
buy overtw'ned that decision.
' -
Debra Jean Hcrward
F atlier Seeking
1,-ilin~ J?~¥lite~ .
Who Ran;:4wa.r _
A pretty runaway gtrl with an If·
gravated asUunatic condition is: sought
today by her distraught family after
being seen Sunday in Llguna Beach.
"She waa determined to pick her own
friends," said Billy W. ·Naron, 41: of
Garden Grove. He is pressing the seareh
for Debra Jtan Howard, 17, his step-
daughter of 14 years.
Naron believes the girl is staying with
other yolD1g persons in Laguna. He has
filed juvenile runaway reportl ,,-Ith police
departments In La1Una. Cost11 Mesi and
Garden Grove, he said. Laguna police are
working on the case.
Naron said the Kiri's asthmatic con-
dition requires: expenaive daily medica-
tion . He fears It will n« be provided. It is
the second time she bas run away. "She
was in pitiful condition after she left
before and she was only gone for a
week," he: said.
Naron said with the aid of his step-
daughter's lriends, he discovered her
whereabouts on Lower Cliff Drive in
Laguna Sunday but she eluded him.
Naron, an aerospace quality engineer,
gaid he hopes to joi.n his wife and family
al their new hom.e In St. George, Utah,
thi& month. He bopc• to find his step-
daughter nm lo Sff that she goes with
him and receives medical af$istance, he
He said the girl, apparently uslna: Ule
name Jeri, Is attracUve, S feet 2 tnche!,
greenish eyes and brown hair. He asked
persons knowing of her to notify PQUce.
"My last resort w.as going ' to a
newspaper,'' said Naron. He said hit
wife, already in St. George, is frantic
with ·won')'.
Trustees Okay
New Saddleback
Spea}{er Policy
Grisly Find
By Swimmer
Seal Beach police and Orange Coun!y
Corooer'a inveaU,alort today are probing
the mystery surrounding the unldentllied
remain! of a ~rao wJikh washed up on a
private Swfilde bbch Satlll'da1 al·
•Mn. Marjorie Fill, ol IJ 2! SwfJ!de,
told Seal Beach police she discovered the
almost skeletal remains while swimming
in the ocean at 3:35 p.m. She said &he
was not 11ure that the body wu human
until two boys dragged it onto the beach.
Sgt. Sam D'Amico ol lb< Seal Beach
Polle< Dept_ saJjl lhe remalnJ consisted
of one half of the backbone, the buttock.a
and a pw-tion of leg bone witn Uswe at-
tached to l!iOme of the parts. 'Ibere were
no identlfylng marks.
Orange County rorooer'1 lnvestiptor1
who conducted In autopsy on the remlinl
at Smiths Huntington ·Beach mortuary
are not certain lhat the remains are
human. 'Ibey indicated that the .body -was
posstblf mate .and ~ have betll 3S yean fff' older. An Uamin&UOn/ ol U'fe
bones lndicatad lhal lb< body ma7 ha ..
beep about 5 leet. T lncbe1 1all.
Dr. David Katsuy1ma. a coroner•• con-
IUIU/li pl1ys!CllJI. oaid lhat the clean cuts
oo Iba Uuue ahd lb< fine marklnp on
tbe leg bone could poSlibly have been
carved by a knife.
Netther the poµce nor the coronef'1 of-
flct have so. far 'been able to uplaln the
origin of the remains.
. Owners Sought
Of. Coo11, That
Bit Little Girl
The owner• of 1 ntccoon that nipped a
t.oddler's finger Friday on South La·
guna's Aliso Beach are sought today by
the little girl's mother in hopes her
daughter can avoid a tw~week aeries
of YacclnaUons to prevent rable3.
Mrs. Ray Kinner of Pactnc Palbades
said the incident happened Friday when
her 2Z-month old daughter, Kelly grabbed
at the young raccoon. It is named Ra·
G•eJ-As things stand, if Raquel isn't k>cated
said Mrs. Kenner, Kelly will have to take
lbe Pasteur trutment, a daily proceg
for two weeks which medically might
have mifortunate side effects for I.he tot.
If the raccoon has been vacinated or
can ba kepi under obsuvallon by beallh
autborilles, this might be avoided, Mrs.
Kinner said.
She said the raccoon· was be.Ing fed
ftm 8 botUfl by a cir!, 14, Who Will in the
company or her mother a n d
gr1ndmolhtt. They were dohJg nucue-
polnt -·-The owners. or the raccoon or per50ll5
knowing of them may contact Mrs. Kin-
ner at (213) 454-2545. She said her only in-
terest is the health and comfort of her
e ltlen'• ()lul>· Formed ·
LAl\~ FOREST -A men's club is
bc~g formed.in this commurilty. Alle1a · RecaU Orive
Saddlebaclt ·College -truStets MOnday
nighl adopted a speakers policy thal ,...
quirea when controversial lsluea' are in-
volved speakers1 representing both aldes
be. M:heduled on the same program.
That cre<plng fog will 1Uck
around UU almoll noon qaln wllh
patcbeJ or It 'banglllg on Ill day
Wednesday and ahoving lbe beach
t.emperat.ure down into the upper
¥en tnteres'ted In sports. especially
football, are tnvltcd to <:0nlact Jim
VakoutU; at 837-S628 or.:Carl Lawrence at
830-U64. Meetings wttl take place in the
Beach and Tennl1 Club ind dues will be
used to purchase a color television for
Sunday sports specials.
e Hol9 Days Celel>rated
MJSSION VIEJO -Tlle Recreation
Center will be the setting for Temple
Eilafs High lloly Days celebraUon.
Rosh HMhana.h servicts, marking the
Jewish New Year, will lake place on
September 12 through l t -.rith Yom Klp-
pur btinl celebrated on Stpt.ember 21
•nd 22. For reservation Information call l\lr$.
t""" COOcn al 137-777$.
Of tM Olfff l'flilt 11.tt
Opinion Research of California 111onday
night assured Newport Beach city C<iun-
cllmen thJt no intonnaOon ga.tbered on
the Newport Tomorrow poll has ever
reached lhe hand.I of Jtaders of the recall
drive a!ainsl SupttVl.!or Allon Allen.
Dona d McGrew, vcecuUve vice }>ffsi-
dent ol lhe Lona Beach public opinion
survey nrm, promised in a relrollcUvt
agreemenl t~t, It would bold au lhe In-
ronn1llon ptb<red fir>· iii poll "In
strictest conflclenc<." ~-· • Opinion Ruearch i1 Ung only
lhe pellllon 111\httini f<r lhe
recaU movement.. a se hk:h wu
acap!<d afttr the N......t .:r~
work waa ~pleted, McGre1,~11 •
In his ote3df1st denill:al JUJ1·.«!ofllll
between the Newport ~ .c!lnady
and the recall movtment1 McGrew aaJd
that "aboolutely "" lnlonnallon plhmd
by 0\11' stall bu b<to or will bo ued la
~ . ' ' ('
lhe rocaU campaign:"
110ur only role in th6 recall mqvemmt
I• lo coordln,te ~ peUUon galhtrlng
work llld lllmJJh the walk · allfftt
(purcbaaed addl'eJl llJta) i.r lhe worken
In lht•o.Jd;" Mo<lnO< aald.
He Aid <l!Jal the Homeowlfer'• Beac..t lablold .. ,. DOl wrtlltn Or
dullbld b' thia nm. \ l"' ' I
lnatoad, he 111d, U,. l/l!all newspaper-
•lyle publlcalJon WU 14 bo bandtd OOJl 14
(lie< OPINION, l'lp I)
The potley .......... sted lly .. Tru!tet
H/IJ1S Vo(el QI ~ ll')li .lnllli!ad lo
53Ve the. junior coflfgt r.ff'eM1~c:rilfdltn
dli'ei;tid.al 'otber.c<il! Oslloi lvllll' lndet
11me t6 . .,..k.n .io.l!iilo:~a.ieJ w o1
th~ poilUcal left. ; "'
'Th<ISaddloback policy, ... on•lo state
lhat.. the requir<inonl both -'"" rcprt9etlled does not. constttute an agf'ti.
ruenl to pro'f\dc elqual t1me1upoa request.
Detmnlnatlon 'cl whet ~ ·a con-
troversial Ui• wtll bo made 1ly oollogi
lnu!leel l•r coll~rtd medlt1CI
op<Jl lo tho""""" w ~y ~ Dr. l!'rtd Biut<r l0t c191«1 ~ 'Ill
Btudtnls fn-1 d..., <lllb bt depOrtmetit.
The policy l!to stat.I that sptJU<J
m41 ba nquuted 14 IUbmll to quesllono
Iron> the llldlen«.
. JNSQE 'J'OQA \' .
'l.'h< d1ol~ 4r'Sm Dit1<uJI 1l1lll
off.Ct both his l>OrlV ••d th•
naUon'1 &a.ws: Thnt'll be ca GOP
po10tr fiqht ooer hta 1MCttuor
os n1inorit~ leader, ond 1ome of
t hl.f JMt projccu mau dte. P(lQI 9.
--" ·--.. °'·""' Qrlfll'I' 1 ... 1i t::r"' ..... -.11 ,,...... " -.. *-. = .... ~ ....... '";:... u.· ..
z DAil Y PILOT L T .... q, Sftl"""" 9, 1969
- --'. r:.st.~F-t111d Bill ••
'Few Million' Due
~ '
~·For Saddleback?-.
-Appioval of Stria~ Bill S08 may mtan 11"i few mUUon d.lllars" for Saddleback ~qe, Trustee Uans W. Vogel told
·board members Monday nlchl.
: The 1dl1, aigned by Governor Reagan
'· ' ' -·School Board
:Sets · Meeting
' .
'Ori Foundation
~ "l'fus~.of the Laguna Beach \Jnilled
.scboo1 district will meel in a study · sWiOo tonight at '7 :30 in district head-
,AV.arters to .ditcUss_ the Laguna Beach
1~ FoundaUon;
~ '!tie foundation., a nonprofit endowmtnt
1orpnlzatioft for public schools. has
"Teedved Its rrrst donatlon, $100 from an
Dlsclmion tunight wlll include selectl.on
ol foundation directors, committee work,
and solicitation of funds.
1be Laguna Education Foundation ~·as
Incorporated recently to seek donations,
loaN: and scholuUc endowments from
residents, eetates and bll!inesses ..
Mortey don'Rted to the group would be
invut,ed and t4c inle~t used to help.pay
school operatlDg upenses, and help in
construction of new school faclJllie!.
The board of di~rs for the organiu-
tioo would include the five elected school
board trustees and four other directors
xleded from the community by the
The foundation Is a pilot project for
IOlicit.ina: private funds for public schools.
Youth Charged
In Auto Deatl1
An JS.year-old La Habra youth has
betll arrested and charged w i l h
~laUJ;~ter in connect.Ion with a four·
cir fatal accident Aug. Zll on lAgu.na Ca-
nyon Road.
Darryl William Christensen and an at-
torney appeared Monday at the Laguna
Beach Police Station to face a felony
manslaughter warrant for the youth. ,
Christensen was involved in a chain
Sepl. 4, will provide state funds to new
t.-ommunJty colleges lhat otherwise would
not be ellglble for assistance. Money wlll
be made available under the Junior
College Construction Act.
Trustees Initiated immediate acUon by
authorizini Dr. Fred H. Bremer,
su perintendent-president a.rKi Ray
Otermak. director of building , planning
and grounds, to confer with state officials
in Sacramento.
Saddleback College 1o1•ill open Oct. 8-9
for registration, board members \\'ere in·
fonned, and instruction will begin Oct.
13, even U paving is not complete al the
new campus.
The college project has been delayed
by strikes during the summer, but all
relocatable buildings ha\'e bttn moved to
the new campus and CQnst.rucLion is com·
plete ei:cept for paving.
Capo's Council
Studying Sewer
Line Access Plea
' The San Juan Capistrano City Council
Mooday nlgbt listened to a developer ask
them lo condemn a strip ol property own-
ed by someone else to provide a sewer
llM .,:ce&1 route and declded to consider
The request by Ron Birtcher, of
Birtcher Pacific Inc., would make it
cheaper on the firm. which must pay
$25,000 for actual constructlon of the
sewer line Itself.
Land tnvnlved in the proposal runs
2,200 feet tn lencth and 12 fttt In width
along the north side of Birtcher's
development on the north side of Del
Obispo Street
Previously, Ole city denied Btrt.cher's
request to either sink ceS!pOO\s or con-
lllruct the sewer line northward to ain-
nect to a line it was feared would not hold
the anticipated dewege.
As a· ruull, the buUder now wants the
city to Jnvoke errilnent doma in pro-
ceedings on the property owned by
Charles Vermeulen and r.hus solve the
Coyncllmen also voLed to give City At-
torney John Dawson a new contract and
raise bis· salary from $450 to $&00 per
month, plus hiking hU retainer fee froi n
~ ta~ por,j)ojir. ~
.. action rur-end accident which injured l\K al. 'a! G OK rour """""" one rata11Y. Dtat1 on ....-ix~. 111~ or Auoto ets
al at South Coast Community l{O:IJll~ ,_)1 ;: .. •
wu J ean A. Ni.Ion, 26, ol Pasadena. .• .... ~ FRANCJ~ (UPI) -~fayor
According to police repocts, ' a .c Joaepb L. Alio«o received permission
driven by Cbristen!en first struck th' from a federal judge Monday lo start his
Nixon car slamming it Into the oppoe.lng $12.5 _: milUon libel suit against Look
traffic lane where a head on collilion oo-,magazine for an arUcle linking the mayo r
curnd with a third vehicle. with the ~faf.ia.
._.,_ .. _.... ....... ,._.
Off Laguna's Pearl Street Beach, A Young Fishermen M•kes 1Gemof1 Catch
4 Leaders at Laguna High
Tall\: to Student Off ice 1~s
Laguna Youth's
Fishing Trip
Really Success
'1lt is not the hard boss who exerclses
o\'ert authority who we mu.st prepare
ourStlves for . Rather it is the benevo.-
lent administrator who achieves strict
authority through persuasion."
Howard Hills, Laguna Beacb H i g h
School student b o d y president, was
speaking to fellow student body oflicers
from Orange County high schools.
He and or.her Laguna high students,
Mike Sch'Wartz, Shannan Fam~ and
t.11ke Si2elover were elected presidents
in mock councils at the recent California
Cyclist In j tu•ed
In Laguna Crash
An 18-year-old Coron& del M a r
motorcyclist Is in satisfactory condition
today following a Laguna Beach traffic
mishap hlonday afternoon.
Bruce ·Douglas Wilson. 20, of 2027
Alluna Drive, suffered a fractured right
1eg In the accident al about the SOO block
or South Coast Highway, just north of
Legion Street, when his motorcycle
struck the rear of an automobile.
Wilson \old police officers at the
hospital that he voas going about 35 mph
and failed lo see that the car in front of
him was stopped.
AssociaUon of Student Councils (CASC)
"Against the hard boss we can offer
rational resistance,'' said HHls. "But the
deceitful authoritarian makes our lead-
ership impotent and uses us to manipu·
late our student bodies.
"What we need are administrators
who are Y'illing to offer themselves as
equals and let their authority evolve out
of a democratic relationship.
'"Respect for the authoritarian Is only
insincere submission lo fear. 'Teachers
and students must treat each other as
scholars and students N!specting each
other's ability. \Vhe ne\lcr an adminis-
trator has Lo hide behind his credentials
for authority. I question the "'alue of
those credentials.''
Hills spoke lo an audience estimated
at about 500.
Despite a bit of bn:ae and the holiday
lethargy of a couple of teen.gc friends,
Scott Seeman thought MoDday might be a
good morning to take a friend's boat
fishing off Laguna's Pearl Street beach.
So Scott went fishing alooe. The result
of this young man and the sea saga wu a
v.·hopplng 40-pound sea bus thlt looked
almost as Jeng as the lS-year-old
Scott. 2623 Nido Way, caught the big
fish on a shiny jig while jigging off the
bottom. The jig wu attached to a rope
and be horsed the fish right up to the 14-
foot boat.
Scott and friends fish for 3hark
regularly but this was the blgge5t prime
catch yet, Were his friends envious, a lit-
tle sorry they hadn't gone? It sounded
like it listening lo them tease Scott.
But Scott didn't mind. There's fre sh
"hite sea bass tonight.
Physcial Fitness Class
Scheduled by ·Laguna Y
A controlled pbysical fitness program
for men and women 21 years of age and
older will be started In late September by
the Laguna Beach YMCA .
crci sc program at Leisure \\'orld in
Laguna hills.
.Noise ·Fo e
Recall Role
Dan Emory, spokesman for the Harbor
Area's airport DObe abal<Qlent com.
mUtff, has again dilclaimed any con-
nection between hi.m.seU or bis group with
the 'hllli>l>ulh recall campa!Jn qainst
FUJh Dlltrict Supervloo< Al!Dn E. Allen. EmorY wu clearly 1111mc1 br what he
termed "the continued use of my oame"
by certain spoWmen for the recalleTs. ·
"Because of thls use of my name, I am
now willlng tc be identUied as one of the
lndivklu1Ls -who wu contacted by Paul
Carpenter and told that the candidate
they were backing to replace Allen Is
Ronald Caspers.
"Ca1per1 is flnancinj the recall move·
ment and is their cancUdat(." Emory
concluded. ·
Carpenter has been cOpnected with
DemocraUc JJ:Olltics in Orqe County
and i1 a forni.er UDIUCCeSSM candldat1
for both conaress . and the "assembly.
Caspers ls a resident 'of Lido l.sle in
N"'JIO<I Beach and b head ol Kiy1Jone -
Savlnp and Loan A.uociaUon.
CMper1 contacted Monday, denied
connect.Ion with the recall campaig'n.
';I certainly am a candidate for Allen's
office," Caspers said, 0 but my campal1n
will be waged in 1970 when the .
supervisor come.! up for t'H.lection, iI in-
deed he doe.s run again," Caspers said.
'"I kno" nothing about this particular
recall effort nor bave I been approached
by anyone connected with it," the Lido
resident concluded.
From Page 1
homeowners by his worken "at the strict
request of the recall committee," he said.
''They gave us a handful of these things
-1 don•t know where they came from -
and Wld us to have our field workers
hand them out when residents asked for
Wonnatlon on the recall cam~."
McGrew declined to identifY any
members of the recall committee, <ir the
persons who actually hired him or signed
the check for the original deposit (or his
firm's service.
''They specifically stipulated that we
not divulge any names," he said.
He also did not specify the cost of his
service, but Intimated in general figure~
that the service could cost upwards of
''The usual cost for this service ranges .
from 75 cents a ~e to $1.50, and we ex·
pect to gather perhaps half of the 9,000
signatures which Ule committee needs.
The rest will be gathered by unpaid
volunteers, 0 he said.
Compiled at $1 apiece, 4,500 names
\vou ld ring up a total cost of $4,500.
h1cGrew steadfastly held that his
fonn 's service to the recall campaign "is
professional and totally \\'ithout conflict
of interest."
Sex Class Criti~ Heard
11ie program is patterned after a
carefully planned exercise project direc-
tred by Dr. Jlerbert de Vries. a professor
of physical educalion at the University of
Southern California .
Tests of the e1ercisers showed reductd
body fat, improved blood pressure, in-
creased oxygen consumption, and a drop
in nervious ~ion.
The YMCA program will be lead by
Gene Adams, a doctoral candidate in the
physiology of exercise at USC. Adams
has been associated with the Leisure
\Vorld program for a year and a half.
"\Ve are making no moral judgement
a;; to \\.'ho is right or wrong in this recall
n1ovement. All we are doing is providing
a service which we have been offering for
lhe past two years," he said.
Count y Trustee Wai:ns of 'Illicit Relations'
Of tlM O•llY ,lltl llttt
Stx education programs in schools may
encourage illicit sex relations amon1
student.s, Orange County school board
member Dr. Dale Rallison warned t.1on·
day in 1 talk to members of a Newport
Buch ciUuns' committee for the study
ot aa educ.aUon.
"We (the county board) have asked
student.I ln sei: educaUon programs, 'Do
you feel more or leu apt to become in-
volved with members of the opposite sex
after taking this course!' "said Ralli.aon.
"Invariably the alll!wer ls 'more
likely.' "
Far this and other reasons, the Santa
Ana denUll. known for hls conservative
stands on school maUers, said he is
"basically opposed" lo sex education
courses. The entire problem is one that
!ihould be handled by parents in the
DhllY DllO I
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home, he told panelists.
The sex educatton hot potato was toss-
ed around a conference table at the
Newport Beach Chamber o( Commerce
for two hours Monday afternoon in one o[
a series of meetings the citizens' group
has been holding since April. ·
Dr. Rallison was guest speaker for the
sess ion. Others present were chairman
Dr, Nolan Frizelle. Mrs. William Mason,
ri.1rs. Carol Beek, the Rev. Philip Murray ,
minister of the Congregational ChW'ch in
Corona de! Mar, Waller Phelps of the
Open End Theater, Thomas Garver of the
Newport Harbor Art ~fuseum, Robert
Price and attorney Arthur Guy.
As Rallison hewed firmly to his views
on sex education, lrequently challenged
by the panelists, the discussion oc-
casionally heated up.
''This is the li\•e!iest meeting we 've
had." said one panelist.
Rallison centered his attack on the ex-
pense of sex education program~ and the
qualifications of those who teach them .
"The Anaheim School District spent
$300.000 on its sex education course," he
told the panel. "Better results could have
been obtained by sUTiply sending home
with each student a copy of a 30<ent
American Medical Association booklet
which CO\'Crcd all necessary information
and could be gone over by parent and
c:luld together."
He displayed the booklet •·Finding
Yourself,"' adding that even it contained
11 few things he felt v.·ou ld bt' better left
As for the teachers. he added, "I don·t
\vant sOme of those µtopic teaching my
chilllren morals:'
Describing himself as "deeply con-
cerned" about the caliber of students
emergini from today 's universitJe1 and
going int.0 teaching. RalliMln explained,
"You cannot conduct a course in sex
education without the teacher's morals
showing through.''
"fl seems to me you're CQndemning an
a\\•ful lot or teachers,'' Gan er in·
"Since comin1 onto the school board
I've been rllsappointed in the caliber of
many teachers, but we can't &et
replacemen1s for them.'' Rallison replied.
"Teachers are: people." he said.
''P..1orals vary from perton to per90n and
there Invariabl y wiU be 10me conflict ln
I.he moral backgrounds of some ttudenta
and 50fTle teachers. Thert always will be
aome teachers who conduct theae classes
In poor 1'ste. Actually teachtrs are not
quaUtied lo lead group dlJCUssions of se1·
ual problems. The emotions involved are
too delicate. A person 1o1·ith nlore medical
background would be better qualified .. ,
Rallison V.'&S particularly disturbed by
the use of four-letter words and "com-
mon slang" in teaching sex education and
py ~hat he regards as unnectssary delv·
mg into sexual aberrations.
A panelist noted that proponents of the
sex courses maintain four-letter word~
are used chierty for definition purposes
and to remove their ''shock value.''
"How far do you go?'' demanded
Rallison. "Do you have to go into every
form of perversion that exl.st.! and
descrlbe It in detail? Where do you
~le mainfained that so-called hy&ien~
classes given 11eparate\y lo boys 8'11d girl!
al the junior high level are all lhe schools
n¢ed to offer by way of sex education.
"Today's kids are v~ry well informed
anyway," he said .
"They know a heck of a lot of what
isn't so," commented P..1urray.
Frizelle said the panelists seemed to
agree that many parents are fslllng down
on lhe job of sei: education. that the
churche.! don't reach enough young ~
pie and, since the schools do , the goal
\\'Ould be lo arrive at some suitable p~
gram that \\.'OU\d protect both pa.rents and
''The goal," said Frizelle . ''Is to put
together some program (for lhe Newport·
rilesa district) that will be acceptable and
still serviaable." _
. "Sex education is netded at all age
levels," P..1urray commenW:d. "I don 't
think we should back away from it
because it is expensive, distasteful nr
embarrassing. You can't completely
satisfy everyone but lhe job needs to be
done. The kids are being lefl in lhe lurch
because their parents \\'Ork and don 't
h2\le time to talk to them. These people
need help."
To 1 suggestk>n U.at ihe church miihl
be • betit:r lnttltutlon to help, Garver
asked, "But how could you be sure or the
people teaching there?"
"I'd say ·ame.n' to that!" said 1'1urray.
As.serting that some "unsavory" pei>ple
ttre drawn into I.he preparallon o(
materials for se1 education programs,
Jtallison c:Ued as an example Mary
Calderone, director of the controversial
Se1 Information and Edue1tioo Council ol
lbe United States (SJECUS). ')
''lier husband ha.a: a theater that uses
tople.s1 dancers,'' he said.
"Her husband is not pN!p"arinc the
m11ierlal." countered Murray .
• '
Dr. de Vries conducted an exten sive "x·
'Sound of Musi c'
Enter s Final e
Final performances of th e lut musical
"The Sound of rituslc" arc scheduled in
Laguna's Irvine Bowl Lhis v.·eekend.
Performances .are at 8 p.m. Friday and
Saturde,y. Tickels are sµn available to-
~1orc than 4,000 pe~on.'l attended the
first ton·o performances during the
weekend, according to H. Jean Bedell.
presideDt of the Lyric Opera A.!sociation
~f Orange County.
The YMCA, through a gift or funds, has
the necessary testing equlpment for the
program. Dr. Thaddeus Jones o! Laguna
Beach ""'ill administer physiological ef-
ficiency tests of all exercise participants.
Dr . Herbert Brown will assist in the pro-
A flexible program has been set up by
the YMCA so all persons may take part.
Groups are scheduled to meet at three
different times a day, three days a week.
The program will be run at the Laguna
Beach High School and at the YMCA
Camp Dolph, in Aliso Canyon near the
Laguna Country Chlb.
Exercises will consist of running , walk-
ing, calesthenics and swimming.
There will be a nominal charge for the
four-month program in addition to the
YMCA membershlp fee..
Your Omtga
Sal es & St!rvicc
"We are legally liable now to disclaim
the speculation that the Newport Tomer·
row data is being used in the recall work. ·
and that's the way t want it to be. We ;
will gladly sign that retroactive agree-,
ment and everyone should be satisfied," ,_
McGrew said.
He said the firm agrees not to divulge
such information to any person or
organization without prior consent of the •
Newport Beach City Council.
The clause will be added to the agree-
ment signed with Ne\\·port Beach last
t'cbruary 26. ·
l\'lacaron i Fuels Fire
fire fueled by 100,000 pounds of macaroni
and pasta destroyed the Sosso Macaroni
Products Co. early today.
--~,,.,,-....,. •"-,.' , .WATCH'~·
ll ... Cl...-1 FREE
Tht ,.,,y 11111• 0 !'1',191
Sp1•4m1tl1r w1l<h ""•
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• Ad ju.ttd PU.lU $2.00
FROM s4aa •f.0STlUH6 tr-
llNtS $3.00 SlllD, tr..
DIAMONDS .$6.00 l l1L.ACID, tt.11
O:nnoir~ II Stlf• I NeU.YINe DONI
wloder1 sllc 11, bl(lter: WHILI YOU WAIT
Huntinqton Cenl•r
Beach al Edin9er
Tl lMt Ali.IL.Al l i
and back
Harbor Slloppin9 Center
2300 Harbor Blvd.
545-9485 •
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Tu"'1111, Stp\tmb<r 9, 1969 't " -•
White BotUe We•t ".E'~f!:elt'!Jve Pl"no•lde11
Nixon Aides: .. Begin Adll~~g PP Vacation Exp.erises
.......... , ..... Wfttft
With Presidenl Nixon's inonth·long
working vacaUon behind them, officials
charged with day-to.day <iperatlon ot the :w..wn While Hous.-In San Clemente
are addlni! up the bills and -king out
mj>re Permanent plw -like wbo 's to
mow the lawn.
The cost of Nllon's tenancy here nins
well Into the h~s 11f 'thousands of
dollars. Government per diem for the
President's official entourage, for er·
ample, apparently tops the $100,000 mark
Several major Items, such as selling up
offices next. to the President's San
Clemente home and tnatalliUOD of ~m
munlcaUOlll · were •••Ually Ql1H1me taakl. I f
Bui bOu!ekeeplng details -· Ute
whether the Coast Guard, the General
~rv\c.<H A.dmlnlstration or a prjvate con-.
tractor abo<ild mow the newly ljlrfed
la\vn-r-"1 to be settled., plans for
a 1<Nr year, Of perhaps e.l5ht year, usel"Ot
the w .. tern Whlle House are laid.
Precisely what II COl!ls for the Presi·
dent to work her1 the past mOfl,th will not
be ma'~ public. fiome of the bJggest cost
items .. 'lhstallati0i1 and operation of the
elitOO,at.e communications system, for ln·
stance -are claaely guarded govern-
ment secrets:.
"If we said what Communicaliolltl cost,
German Fled From East
For New Life on Coast
By RUDI NIEllZIEl.SKI Of ,... Dtlll' , .... ltd
Chuffing white steam from its powerful
black engine, a trafh lf'OUnd to a halt 1t
the East·West German border.
A sign visible from the wlndOw next to
a large clock: said "Marienbronn ."
"That's it," thought Dieter Franze.
''The last station to freedom. It's time to
go now."
While uniformed border guards scur-
ried through the passenger coaches,
1'~ranze hid in various places.
"J sweated It out for three hours ." he
said. "It W!! easy back in ISM. There
was no big hassle. There were 2,000 to
3,ln) escaping this way each week and
th al is why they put up the wall."
Today. 15 years later, Franze, who
\vorks as a glazier during the day and as
a Seal Beacb Police Reserve Officer at
night, ia waiting to bectime a regular
police officer.
"I passed the exam and was placed on
the st<qldby list." said Franze. But there
are several others ahead of me."
then ...,_. could fllUr< Ojll Wbal GUl''
communk:.lllonl capalllllly ii IJ;om lbal
dollar °""" • H!d Ronald zteai.r. prealdehU.if pren 1 e c r e t 1 r y • Co'°4
munlcallono COl!ts are part of the Anny
Slg.;al Ool'J!ll and thUJ Defense Depart-
meot btl4aeta.
Tile Ml""fk eslabllshod at Sill
Clemente, Zlel!er ·uld, la easenl1ally Uie •
same u ts 1el up for a presidential Viall
lo aoy place out. ol Washliillloo for three
days or longer.
Other COlll are ,..llerod throuahout
the bud•eu ot nWl\en>Us l'Mi""""'t ag~es. maklni ic<ounllnc complU. "
1'1le erection and first yW'1 kue-of
two administration bulldinga it the
Western While H..,.. cosl •lilhl1Y more
than '1\I0,000.
These were :hulu in ,)tu than two
moolhs by a Los Angeles f!nn at a COast
Guard base next to Nixon'• rteenUy
purebased $240,000 mtdence oo five
acres of· land overlookinj: the Pacific
In addJUon, the General Services
1 AdmlqtstraUOa spent about $70,fQI more
to partition, furnilh and otht"1'19e
po:epare the flal·rool!<f pr•fllbricaled structur... . .
Establishing those offices -not only
for lbe President but also fOf' ~ven key
aider, UiE.lr assistants and secretarits -
put the San C\fimente ~raUon on· a
more businesslike basis than often had
been the rule for pre:i;idenUal'vacalions.
"'he PresJdent's bouyant mood as .he
bOu.c.d .IN!! heme lo office to aou
c:oo. • to btoob dllrln1 bis montb here
made it olriloul' lie •DJo)Od ti>< .,. r~ and WGQld try lo UUllie 11
o(lell In tho lulaft. ·
"I:taoaporttni, boustnc and feedilil the
bllJJdredl ol ,.._ who came to San
Clar.onto "II -for perjoda rancb!i flom ' day lo tho lllll m9Dlh added 19 .ll>O
sovtl'1111)e111'• """"· HOllll!>( upenaea ...,. hi IOme cues
borne lleivlly By lndMduill, however.
And jlCI occiOloil lronlportaUon to
c,Jll"""' w04 ~~ lban · 11 .would -~to w~Jil;li. · ·" · So<aJlet! ~ J>11r><O; amollel' }.ta
carryinJ ~ «> oo ~· made
·11lahts ~ ' ,U!ftti, a """' !l'Om WuhlJJ&l<.n to llmi Clemonte. brlnallll of. ll!lf ~.,,.-. • • ~pie .Jtl,or a Wiillar~jO!hed. ~~ .when' '
nocasyy-to tirtnr a,larp group auch e
the lull <>~I to ,..., In San Clemente.
Ac:lual ~ tlmt.COlll of theaa bis Jtla '
la f4W anboul', Zlqler.uld.
' "We can't:d-.tennlne' preclae1y the cost
of plarit(•, aaid Ziegler, .. because they
·have to fly a~ certain Dwnber of hours
anyhow for tralnlnl purposes."
But be '.&aid, ''.OOvlou.!ty "le're nytog
rqore U!4D before," and •dd.,a "we mey
have had to put on a bit of eztra person·
AboUt ten black llinousines were on call
at San Clemente for tbe month. All were
driven from Washington. Figuring l~
centa per mile operatin1 coats, simply
gelling them here and back would total
about 11.000.
Rounding out I b e trallll>OTlallon
available to Nixon and his ttaff were a
fleet of nloe eledrieaUy powered goU
carll and aeveral blcyclet. ,
The bulk of the stall aupporttn& lb< J>r<~deot stayed In a r<iort motel about
five minutes drive frOm the Western
White House.
Government persoru\f:) o cc u p I e d
between 100 and 120 rooms .of the 130-
room establl.shmenl each night of Nixon's
st.ay. Calculating some double oc-
cupancies and a special rate of $1 per
person per night granted by inn owner
.Paul Pr~Jey produces & bill there of
perhaps $36,000.
Some stall members stay,ed at a
Laguna Beach motel along with ~mbers
of the news media. Short term Visitors
such as cabinet meoibers ibyed prin-
cipally at a luxury resort hotel at
Newport Beach. about 30 minutes drive
up the Pacific coast. During lasl week's
cablnet meeting at San Clemente, for e•~
ample, 35 rooms were taken at the plush
hotel for two nights e1ch.
A steady atream ci vlsitors came to San
Clemente during · the month. For ex-
ample : Six newly apPOinted am~adors
on Aug. 19; the Advisory Counctl on Ei-
ecutlve Reorganization Aug. 20; the
Urban Affairs Council Aug. 25; top
economic advisers Aug. 23.
Groups such as the six ambassadors
new individually from their homes
throughout Ute country by commercial
plane. If such visitors live in the west,
the cost was less than going to
Wublngton -and lllUs a deductka
• agafbal other added -tr the wlllcnl
Some top adminlatrallon olllclala, ouch"
u Atibrney Gtneral John Mltdllll and
SecreWy of Stale Wllllan> P. BollC'I,
rented home1 for the month •t up . to
11,000-lbe bulk ol which they pald
lbemaelves since the costa exceed tbe
standard $18 per day aovernment
allow;ance for mea.11, lod&1oa : and
miscellaneous upensu ot travelln& ol·
Seven such homes wen made av..Uablt
by local resl<lenls who a~ to"' la.kt
their vacaUons dw1na: Nixon's presence,
said inn owner Presley who ~1ped make
the arrangements. • .
A few staffers, such as four seUelaries
who &hared a rented house, toolr. an
alternate per diem of $11 per day plus
housing. Thls worked out about the aame
in costa aa a $16 per diem. · ••
Salary costa aaoclated with tht
Western White Hoo!t were esHntially
unchanged from Washington 1 i n.e •
virtu1l1y all perlKlrU'llel Wll limply
transplanted. Eighteen Wbit~ ~
Police took over some patrol duties. Many
Secret Service agents wen on band -as
I.hey always are wherever the Preaidtnt
is. .. ...... The manpower at the Coaat G~u •
San Mateo Point Station m whl.ch tht
White House offices were built wu not
increased from ita usual 10 to 11 men.
Until his tum rolls around, he wW con-
, tinue to · iOBtall glass panes in con-
slruction project.s and walk a beat at
"At least I gain a lot <lf experien~ this
way. Being a policeman is very in·
teresting and challenging work. And you
need all the experience you can get."
Until his escape to West Gennany
Franze had other occupational intentions.
"Whtn I was in Le.ipzig, I was studyin&"
to become a construction engineer at the
unlv.ersity," he explaWed, , _
"But my father was a major in the
Gennan army and Sin~ r Was not a
member of a worker's family it became
dlfficult and I had to leave East
He said his father was taken as a
prisoner of war by the Russian,, and died
in Siberia in 1948.
"My father was a big, heavy.set guy
who weighed about 200 pounds but when
he died he wefghed only 90 pounds. We
found oot that he was dead from one <lf
his friends who managed to escape back
to Gennany and told us about it."
1-Iis mother, 66-years old, remains in . .
R111rv1 Officer Franz:•
Leipzig and earns her living as a piano
teacher. She Is too settled to consider
moving to the West. Frame said.
"I S!iw my'1,~othV-1ast tetr while .
visiting in Germany cand we had a real
nice reunion," the reserve o(ficer beam·
ed. "Since she is over 60 she was allowed
to visit in \Vest Germany with her closest
relatives. If persons are over 60 and they
escape, the Ea~ German government
doesn't have to pay retirement benefits,"
he explained.
"She is hoping and praying that
Germany will be united again. But since
she was born and raised there she is
unwilling to move. You can't uproot an
old tree and plant it somewhere else."
Of Controversial Pike
Of tM Dell'r Plllt Iliff
A3 bilhop of California, the late James A. Pike waa not the most popular
man to don the 11earlet cloth of Episcopal leadership.
For one thing, he did not limit his preaching lo Sundays. Thal made
some peoplt angry:
And be insisted upon speaking out rat.her colorfully about the ills and
u:cesse! of the Christian Church as he saW' them. Tbat,
too. made people angry.
The language waa, indeed, colortul.
Jn August ol 1986, for example. Pike, speaking in
Newport Beach at a summer Sfjllinar for bright higb school
students, suggested the modern church in America was
engaged in little more than ••sprinkling holy water on
tbe 1tatus quo/'
In England, he continued, church attendance bad re~ 1uc~ a sorry state lhat a visitor to Sunday terv·
kel m a typical parish would find pment only "tbe vicar
the vk:ar'a wile -if she was well enough -the verge(
and 12 old womeo of ~aexea." . . . * WH and aharp tongue aside, It wu evident to those who heard Pike's
three-boor nOftltop lecture th.at day that he was deeply lroUbled about the state
of organized reltcton-1'be lollowlnJ month, he lei! hia poat lrith the "Episcopal
Church. .
The Chri&Uan church i1 in decline, aaid Pike In his talk to Harbor Area
students, because it la slow to adapt and much. of what It is saylna: Items
irrelevant to many people in terms of the social faaue1 ol the. lime. ·
In his view, Pike explalned, the cburoh has 1le1d up lwo prlncfpll tma1es.
One la that of I areal Callie. 11>e other 1J that of I aoclaJ dub.
"Tbe&t are nol In dirt<\ confllcl," he aald, "and oo one Is lmockiog the
dubby .. pec11 ol our churchel.
••eut the great ilSOt In the f:hurcb today ls what lmagt shall prrvaU."
Pike sakf be tboulht the church would surely die. "If It pm!U on harp-
ing on 'liUle sin,' while standing aside from 'big sin' and falling to face up to
the lasues ralaed by rapid IOCiaJ dlaog~"
* 11 the churcb doeS aet Involved. Pike said, "ii racu alltnaUng thole
members who don'l lhlnk It tbould." And that kind ol allenalioo, lit .....,.....,
could hll lhe chw<h hard llnandally.
"But," be asked, "ls Ole church to win by cu!Uvating tM: c.t.abll1hment,
by gelllng ci-to the 'rlshl' people with plenty of money, by bclnJ reapecled
by the 'rlgbt' kind of peoplel "Or is It to win by_ 4ettin1 involved and cut up and hurt Uke Ill foundu?''
A a!IOd qntllion. BISllOp. A ..,...., aood question.
. -........ ·-
·~ "' .. DllPr ..... ....,
"•lflthere ls, uh, an ocelot in my c!ar 8nd it'a not mine," the ~eles '
jllcmo voice informed San Diego
police. A short time alter a leash
waa mapped on the big cat's col·
lar a woman called to report her pe{ ocelot missing, and police re-
united them. •
The Mifflin. Street Community
Groceru Cooperative i" Madison, _
Wisc. -operated btt atude'1ts
arid hippfer near the Untverrity
of Wiscomin campu -will
give 6 ptf'(ml dilcounu to the
poor on grOUTfl purcha.res. TM
group said · the move is a pro-tne of "ttcrborie budgiet C14ta"
bu the W:iscomin Ugtalotu11. . ' • Hol!ilnd. Mich. hospital ollicials . !lad tO crank up tho facility's aux!!· lltl' power system to treat Mon-·
8r1nChen for assorted cuts and
bruiles. The hospital's power was
knocked out when Brandsen's car rammed a nearby utility polo. • ' An Englishwoman's home is her
casUe, says 55-year~ld London
landlady Eve Cantdale, so t1 she
can't strip there Ito watch televi·
1ion, and putter about where can
{ihe? Miss Cansdale was retorting
lo a complaint made in court by
tier lodger, Brian Phillips, who told
(be judge he had to give ur his
rooms for embarrasment a the
•ight of his naked landlady. •
St. Bernard puppies juit can't «JU
the heat. "Th~ Hooligan" of Twin
Fall.!, Idaho, visited the countu fair
recently but spent moat of th.e timf:
there simply panting over the weath.-
"· • Susan Williams of London beat a
team of nine soldiers in a mara.
thon 16-mile walk. The 17-year~ld
girl finished-the race in three
hours 27 minutes. Even though the
race was for charity, an em-
barrassed. company commander
said: "She's a plucky girl and put
up a terrific show." • Real estate executive Douglas
Endorsby of South Woodford, Eng·
land spared no expense for a
•·dream house" he was redecorat·
ing, but had to send hi s stall to
London for a final touch he felt was
needed. They came back empty-
handed. He explained, " ... We
found it's downright impossible to
buy a doormat that actually says
'Welcome.' "
UPIT ......
'Th1nk1 for Caring, Mr. Pruldent,'S1y Gulfport Survivors of Hurricane
Nixon Sees Damage;
.Thanked 'for Caring'
GULFPORT, Miu. {UPI) -Many of
them bad known fear, lrqedJ, despair
and hunger. Now, these SUl'\?vors of Hur·
rlcan Camille. ,knew gratitude.
"Thanks for Cll'f.ng, Mr. President, .. a
sign proclaimed as President Nixon ar-
rived on the stOtm.-ravaged Mississippi
Gulf Coast Monds1.
"We love.you.and thank you, sir," read
anot.htr alga.
Crowd utlmate:s ranged from more
than 20,000 to u high U 75,000. Nixon
WU the flrlt .,...tdent lo 'risJt tbe state
alnce Fraoklql S-Velt In 19.l8.
The Preildent'1 plane londed at
Gulfport MUDldpal Atlporl at 7:30 p.m.
Teacher Strikes
Cl<ise School.. ·"
lh :Six SMuls
BY Ualled -lnle1110Hoa1I
Slrllting teachen hpl sehools clooed
for thousand.!! of students in six states
Monday and the ouUOok fOr today ap-
peared just as bleak · because of unre-
solved Jabor disputes.
But in New York City where teacher's
strikes shut school! on the opening.day of
the fall term the last two years, things
were relatively calm.
'There was some easing of the llChool
crltis in two Connecticut communities.
Teachers · in New Britain ratified a.
modified contract and were acheduled to
retum to work today. 'Ibeie also wu the
strong possibility that school! in New
London would open Wednesday.
In Norwa1k, however, an all night
bargaining session ended without l'MUlts
atld further talks were put oH umJI after
a hearing on contempt of COW't charges
brooght against the teachen for dilobty·
ing an injunction to return to work.
In new Bedford, Mass., 18 schools were
closed f\tonday when 500 teachers stayed
home for the fourth day. Teachers re·
jected the latest contract offer forcing
postponement of Wednesday's school
In Michigan, a lockout and strikes clos-
ed 12 school districts and in Granite City,
111 .. teachtra asy they will not picket
echool openings today.
Some of the crowd had beeJI waiting for
houn. Nixon, accompanied by his wife,
Pat, stepped from the plane, waved and
smiled, then went back inside a few
moments later for a private conferenct
with Missisfilppi officials aod con-
gressional leaden.
Then he left Air Force One again and
spoke to the enthusiastic throng, praising
the people's determination to build back
from the storm wreckage.
"Thil!l was the wont storm that hag
recorded in 100 years in tbe United
States," be said. "Thousands have been
made homele..,, hundreds are dead, hun-
dreds of millions of dollars in property
But he said the "spirit of the people of
Mississippi is still high and will remain
Nixon promised continued support from
tl)e: federal covernment in the mammoth
rebullding of Ille disutor ana. llut Ile
,a1<1,100ney wOuld llOt helJi tt the spir~ of · Ille poople w• la~. •
* * * Whit~ House East
Open; President
Back in Town
WASHING TON (UPI) :_ The White
House was open for bwfuess again as
usual today, with President Nilon in the
Oval Office for lhe first time since he left
foe his vacation retreat at San Clemente
Aug. 9.
Nixon arrived in Washington shortly
before midnight Monday, looking tanned
but tired alter a day-Jong, transcon-
tinental trip wllb stops to dedicate a dam
OD the ruo Grande and to inspect bur·
ricane damage Jn Mlsslssippi.
After traveling to the Capitol Rotunda
at noon today to deliver the eulogy over
the coffin of Sen. Evereti M. Dirksen, a
cla&e friend, Nixon had an appointment
with the U.S. ambassador lo Sooth Viet-
nam, Ellsworth Bunker.
Bunker, fresh from meetings last wetk
with Paris Vietnam talks negoUator
Henry Cabot Lodge. was expected to
diacu§ with the President possible new
dJplomatic moves concerning Vietnam.
the new South Vietnamese cabinet and
more U.S. troop withdrawal!.
Ho Will Read;
Urges People .
To Total Win
SAIGON (UPI) -North Vietnamese
President Ho Chi Minh, in death, called
tod ay on the Vietnamese people to fight
on to victory in their war against the
"U.S. imperialists" in South Vietnam.
Ho's will was read at his funeral today
by Le Duan, first secretary of the North
Vietnamese Communist Party, who vow·
ed his nation would intensify its efforts.
Le Ouan's eulogy was read as North
Vletnam gave Ho a hero's funeral that
featured a 21-gun salute and low level
passes by the North Vietnamese Air
Force before 100,000 mourners, many of
them leaders of the Communist world.
ShorUy before the funeral Hanoi radio
_ announced that Vice President Ton Due
Thang woWd succeed Ho as acting presi-
dCnt. ~
"Our· J>«IPle probably will have to
sacrifice much more, but nonetheless we
must · be determined to fight the U.S.
imperialists until complete victory," Ho's
w~ll said .
"The U.S. imperialists surely will be
<lefeated, and our nati9n surely will be
reunified." ··
"This year I am 79, a rare age, but my
mind is still very clear. although my
health is much weaker than a few years
ago," Ho wrote in h.i11 will this year.
"Who knows how much longer I can
sel'\le the revolution, the country, the
"Therefore, I leave these linfs in case I
will go meet Karl Marx, Lenllt and other
revolutionary comrades so that the peo-
ple, comrades of the party and friends
everywhere will not feel too saddened."
He said he grieved about dissension
among the Communist parties -an ob-
vious reference to the deep Sino.Soviet
spilt which saw Chinese Communist
Premier Chou En-Lai leave Hanoi before
the arrival al Soviet Premier Alexei N.
The 81-year-old Than& who lakes over
has been a Communist stalwart for
years. His succession was required by tbe
North Vietnamese constitution.
* * * U.S. Sees Reds
Cold Snap Shivers U.S. Readying Attack
During Ho Truce
Hurricane Gerda Poses Threat to Cape Cod
: .
Calllorttla Temperature•
PARIS !UPI) -The United States
does not believe the current Communist
cease-fire In Vlttnam could set the '1.age
for a mutual dHscalation of the war, an
American peace talks delegate said to-
day. lou"""ft C.Hfomle W•I l'rlOtlt"t' 1\1 ...
ll"t' .,., W•rrn l*"t' Wllfl -U tt.,,
,,_,.. low tloud!11n1 •lor>t ,,,.
co.t. Tilere w•1 llfTlt dll"9t In 1...,. ...,..iv,.. tlll"GlllMut '""' .....
Tltl MllOln .. rill ... ! 1_,.,l\<r•1 o1
111 ...... Monde"t' -~ ••
T"""""I, Calif., ,,_. Gli., 8.tnd. Mr. .._.,,.,, '°" c:.uMCI • ffln-•,.,, "'" ....... el Lm AnwliH 111~1 Alro
-1 eftllf fr•Pflc WM 111.,..,..,ed le 0.,..
"'" ... ..
ClnclnnefT ..._
0.. 11\th'ltl
J:ort Worlfl •m• .....
Hltfl IAw ,.._ • ..
" ..
"' n
" 0 .. " " N
" " .. " • ..
" ..
" .,
" .. u • " " ~ " u " . " . -" " " .. " " .. " -n " .. " . ,. " ts •1 ,. .
llO ..
IOf It
" "
... ..
M n LU 11 •I
" " • • " .. 11 ,. ·" . " " .. ., ..
"It's just oot in the cards," he said,
The delegate. who declined to be lden-
tili~. said U.S. and South Vletname&e
ne,ot.tators ahaffil the view the· Com·
muni!tt would use the truce to rest aDd
resupply for re attacks .
Viet Cong'f' and North Vietnamese
broadcasts have said the 72-hour sland-
down in honor of Ho au Minh would end
at I a.m. 1bul'lday.
"It will be the same thing this time."
the U.S. officlal said. "Already they ""'
violsUng lhe so-<:alled truce.. and will pn>-
bably try lo end it In a spectacular
fashion ."
He recalled that the Communlst..s' most
stunnlq military campaign, tht Tel Of.
tensive of lllel, wu prepared and lau~
ed durln, one such truce offered by the
Viel Cong and Nortb Vietnamese.
hi Washington Monday, kretary or
St.ate Willian\ P. Rogen Issued a 11tate-
ment Hying "now we wait for the ot.btr
aide lo demonstrate that it, too. desires
1~ : " .
The hnpllcoUon wu that the Com·
tnunlll& COpld .tlgnaJ Uitlr wUllngneu for
• de-ttca1alton ol I.be war by keeptna the.
level ... low -the ceue;firo
.JI -· ..
Nix-O·n, Congress
, Honor·· Dirksen
i;IABIJmdTON (Ul'I) -Pr..id.,I
Nbo>n ond C.O,.... paid faJtweU '-al
~ lo Ever<U M<.Itlnley Dir-to-
d1J In the shodgwed buah. the' Capltnl
Roltmda •. ·. ~ cofli• ol the dead Senate
Repulillwi leader .... canled lnlo the
Vilt dwnber under the Capitol-b)'
• mlijtuy"""" guord·and ~ .. a
bia14rlc blaCI< draped calalalque wtilch onoe bore the body of Abraham Lincoln.
Dlrkse'1, 'l'ho died Sunday, will. Ue In
!!late for 24 boon In the rotunda -the
third U.S. senator to be accOrded the
bonbr. ~ '
Nl>on, who aerved irith pirben lq both
the House-and •sen.ta, led a memorial
service fol the 7S-year-old senator.
Dirksen'• ,Senate colleagues w b o
cberi&hed him for his wit, oraklry and
leglslalive .J!ade(abip; memhen of the
House, Ibo 8upriple Court. and offlclal
Washington alSo were on hand for the
A brlihl' s.mll)ber ouo -on one of Washlng1oo~1 npt ol days after a siege ol bot,~ weatber -threw a
pall<m of· ond -In the rotun-
da w!Jere the nation bu 11aditional1Y paid
honor t6 its dlstlngui.shed dead. ~
The dead Illinois Republican'• flag-
draped caNet wllJ remain on imblic view
. in the rotunda for 14 boon.
It will be talten lo the National
Prelbyterian,Oiurch for luneral aervlca
Wedneaday at 1 p.m. EDT, and then lo
his home ~ Pekin, Ill., for bmi.al Thurs-
day alternoon.
The public was Invited to view
Dirkaen'& closed walnut casket in the
rotunda from ·noon today until noon
Wednolday. Tho --block<lrtped .,.1a111que, milllar)' bonor guord Jn •low
and preciae•marc&; dipilorle1, o stream
of quiet, ~lllfona -· WU f.,.Ju.r lo
mllllOlll who · wa.tcbed it on television wl>on former President llwtiht D.
Eiaenbower lay In state In Marcil.
Dllksen "Of onl1 the third senator ·and
2tll penoo' ta lie in !!late at the Capitol
The other senators, both rftepubUcans,
where Charles Sumner ol. Massachuletta:
In 11174 and Robert Tait or olilo In 11153.
Taft died only a year after DirkseJl sup-
ported his • !utile altempt to beat
Eisenhower for , the 11111 Repubii.an
presidential nomillltlon.
No one, publicly or prtvately, ques·
tioned Dlrksen's right to the honor. He
served lfl years in the .House and nearl)'
19 in the Senate. Dlr.ksen was in b1a IOOt
year as Senate GOP leader 1 andl his
legislative monuments lnc.lUded the
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and the 1964
Civil Rlghte Bill.
Among many lenalorl on both Qdeg of
the ai5le, grief at Dirben'a passina:· wu
real. Senate Democratic leader Mika
Mansfield's eyes, were damp, and the
Senate -unlike the House -postponed
formal eulogies fer a few da)'I.
But despite public sllence, the race to
fill Dirben'• leadership job wu d1Jcuss..
ed privately. Senate GOP conservatlvu,
the bloc with which Dirksen wu iden-
tified, planned to meet this week or next
and choose their candidate. Sens. Roman
Hruska of Nebraska and Gordon Allott of
Colorado were the frontrunners, with"Sen.
John-G. Tower of Texas a possibility.
• ID Jams
·Singer,~ctor ~Face Court Action
SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Tbe former
president of James Brown's Sacramento
fan club t.esWled in court Monday her son
was fa~ by the 90UI singer during a
champagne tryst in a San Francilco Bay
Area motel room.
Trial of the paternity suit brought by
Mary Florence Brown, no relation to the
singer, was recessed today in holiday
observance of California's admission to
the Union. It will.resume ~ay.
Miss Brown, who said the lndd.ent oo-
curred Jan. 3, 1968, when she wu 18, is
asking $5,000 monthly support payments
from tl\e millionaire entertainer. She
lt.Jtified she had no suual ~laliO!U with
anyone other than Brown between Dec
IS, 19&7, and Sept. 7~1968.
Miss Brown said she and , a friend,
Pau~tte Jone.a:, ahared a separate room
in the motel in Burlingame where Brown
was staying.
She said she went to Biown•1 room at
hls invitation but left to take a 1hower.
She said she returned dressed In "baby
blue baby doll pajamas," orange boo).s
and Pltllette'1 coet.
Mias Brown sa.ld the ' singer ordered
champagoe _and they talked. She said
2.Llt-r two-·glasses of clwnpa!Jlle 11he
rimovtd her coat and quoted Brown as
I ' • • ~ '
33, actor and former pro football irtar,
mu.st stand trial Jan. 12 on felonioua
assault charges.
Ni he left Superior Coort Monday alter
hill motion for dWnissal was denied,.
Brown was served with papen naming
him de(endant in a $1.2$ million civil suit
iiled by Arthur Charles Brush Jr.
Both the felony charges and the lawsuit
stemmed from a minor automobile col·
lii;ion Aug. 1 involving Brown and Brush
irt which it was alleged Brown attempted
to run down Brush with his car.
Judge Bernard Seiber rejected the
defense dismissal motion , ruling Brown's
attorney failed to prove his contention
there was insufficient evidence: to bold
Brown for trial.
Brown then pleaded innocent to the
assault charge and two misdemeanor
charges arising from the traffic acddent
and altercation with Brush.
Brus~ testilied at a Jl"eliminary hear·
lng 'he jumped on to tbe bond of Brown'•
car to ketp from being run down.
Brown denied he was trying to hit
Brush with his car.
saying, "I see ;'Ou came prepared."
Brown, who appeare<t restlesa during
the proceedings, burst into laughter in
the courtroom.
... _
A weary. <ll takes some badly needed rest as liahting crlnds to 1 neer
halt in Viotoarn becauM of tlte Cornmunisl-calfed cease-lire markinc
deatlt of-North Vietnamese Prestdent"11o Cbl Minh.
th .1.
ct .,
nl .,
• TRAVEL NOTES -Roger Carter. who·wiU speak on travel op-
portunities in Teenage Caravana at a-meeting of Altrua Club of
Laguna Beach, has caplured the interest of (left to right) Mrs.
The ' Laguna Line
"Pr:educer "'Surprised
~)• ' . .;>. •. I . \ '.'
With ... :Birthday Party
O'I tllt Dtll't "lift lltff
STANLEY KALIS, producer of "Misilbn lml/"ssible'"was surprised
with a birthday party attended by about 40 of his fnends lut Saturday eve·
ninll in the La~a Beach home of bis mother-Ill-law, Mrs. Austin Jenison.
Tb.e-Ka1ts family resides in Bre~ood . how~ver Mrs. Kali11, who
---1ave.-the suri>rise party for tier husband, has been living with hel"·motber
during the summer. ""'" -_ '
Rudy G. Burton, director of th e club , and Mrs. \Yilljam F. Roley,
who will speak at the same meeting about AW ARE. which stands
for Association for Women's Active Return to Education.
Most of the guests were friends from the entertainment -world. Amonr ·
them were Peter Graves, star of "Mh!lon ImPoSslble," and Sam Jaffee,
a fonner star in the "Ben Casey" television seri'es and his actress wife.
Area people attending included Dan Jenison, owner of Legiqn Laun
derette in Laguna Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Joh.oson of Lasuna B;each (hr
Is head film editor for CBS) and Randy stratton Jrom LanSing, Mich .. whr
will be living With his grandmother, Mr.s. J·enison, for a year while he at·
tends Orange Coast COilege.
Hors d'oeuvres were circulated by the ·five Kalis daughters Karen
Laurie, Katherine, Jennifer and.Nicole.
A BUFFET SUPP.ER and cocktail party centered around the pool ••
their Mission Vie/"o home was attended by about 70 friends of Mr. and Mrs.
F. Marlon Banks ast SatUrday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Banks moved to Mission Viejo from Pasadena last No-
vember and most of the guests were friends from Pasadena, Los Angeles,
Beverly Hills and Glendale who had not yet seen their new home.
Area people enjoying the 5 tu 10 p.m. festivities Included Mr. and
Mrs. Bev Leachman, Mrs. Banks' sister and brother·in·.Jaw. of Laguna
Niguel, and Mr. and Mrs. Page Golson, also of Laguna Ni_guel. ·
THE KENNETH N. Braggs from Mount Prospect, lll.(were weekend
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gonnan of Laguna BeaCll recently. An
ezecutlve with an insurance company, Bragg and his wife were vacationinC
in the area.
JEAN COX, 494--T...,..,, .......... fo ,,., I. I' ... 11
Vary Menu·
Two speakers will talk to Altrusa Club of Laguna•
"Beach members and guests when they gather in the
Outrigger to enjoy dinner and a progfam pranned
by Mi•· Rudy Burton, Tuesday evening, Sep\. 16.
Roger Carter, director or Laguna Beach's YMC . .\
and Mfs. William Roley, president o! South Coast Chap-
ter. AWARE which stands for Association for \Vomen's
Active Return to Education, are the speakers for the
Carter will tell his audience of travel OPP.C?rtunities
offered by Teenage Caravans and also will discuss
YMCA activities. He is a graduate of George Williams .
College and a director of the South Orange County
YMCAs. He resides in Laguna Beach.
Mrs. Roley will tell about her group which ts a
nonprofit organization concerned with assisting women
In resuming an interrupted education, retaining or re-
turning to employment in skilled and techplcal fields.
The speaker recenUy obtained a mastirs degree. in
CQWlseling and guidance from Chapman College. ,
Both speakers Will conduct a question and answer
period at the end of their talks .
Memberships in Aftrusa Club is limited to women
\vbo have executive positions, own and ~rate tbelt
own businesses or are practicing a profession.
. '
' ., • . I
MRS. BEA CRIST entertained her rp~visitors·from-Hawali, Wal·
ter Ekland and his two daaghters, with a cliliDet'paity. '.
Saying 'Aloha' to .. Anotfier Riviera · Club Season
Joining the festivities were ~~Cox .. former!y ..gf Hilo ·and
now a resident of San1Clemente, ..ianr~ Mr. and Mrs. We sley Asbt.Qn,
Mrs. Crist's daughter and son-ilJ.Jalt, ~ Mr. and. Mrs. Robert. Crist, her
son and bis wife. '. _ . '·
As the -sun "sinks in the west, Riviera c1·ub members and their
guests will bid goodbye to ano~her, suwrpe~ during a luau next
Saturday evening in the Outrigger-r~s~µtant. Festivities, begin-
ning with cocktails at 7 p.m.1 wUJ .include.. dinner, dancing and a
,., . '
floor show. Humalemalet, the Polynesian troupe lnclu11lifg
Kalua, Lucky an·d Lei~Aloh"a, practice their act while Mrs. J olin
J. Williams and Mrs. Gilbert Hodges watch (left to right),·
It's a-..-·Safe B~t: ,Forgiving . . .· '
Is ";·a .. Virtue· Not · ·to .. . . ... . ' . '
Forget ·· ... ' ' ' terrupted night:#: sleep. My husband can tttead • mettm1. It CM1d cW1e did.
• ' l .. •
DEAR ANN LANDERS ; w'\ll )'lll1
please ten mt what ts wrooa w1lh a
woman who. after 11 yen tf mintage.
21Ull asks her husband .ff·. ·he-.;wants
mustard or mayonnaise on hls ham and
cheese sandwich. Aho, l!he <>nid 'leem
to remember whether he prefers 'It on
white or rye. . does this .IOUftd llke to )'(IQ! -HAL
Five years ago I told my wif"e .to W DEAR 'BAL: Tltt: •vttac• Americu
<:0Q1e1 home 'anywhere from midnight to . Y."Y-r l~e ud bis, ~·. .
4 """" cu .. :~o~'· rurnHute and., .• demands that I cook'bifu 8Uppel. How t\O DE/.R· ANN LANDERS : I know yw
manages toge\ up In the morning and'lib' ""don't write·atbtallh' column but yoo setm
a day'1 work Ls beyond me. to--t:ndw a litUe bit about· a lot of things.
J don't drink a drop end I'm hair dead ~·11 bet you can-answer my question. . .
wai bombed (at the wheel yet) every diy from exhausUon. I have beggtd him to h ft true that eating large quenUtfes of
for two witU. get help but he refuses. Once you printed grapetnllt wt11 make a person tl'iln, In the
WILD OATS: Pray 10< a C!OP~lail , Buddy. It Is too late to "do• !'
N~ I lie> not believe tbl.t you .,.. .. "ro
to the core.'' You ·sound like a1
guy who used very poor judgment.
the dry cleaoert oot to crtue my famlly. sleeve... More often than not the sulb
come back wUh the slee\res creutd. Her DEAR AHN LANDEllS: J was tn-
empe: "Thty must have· fqotten.'' · ~ted in ,yoUr advlc. l:o the wom1n
This same Wom~n ezpeds me' W' hwllNiiMJ ~t ncali<N were
ttmember her birthday,..,..,._., 'IJ>-~ C-flinR \ki!M. lie Insisted on 1MU•I nlverury, Valtndne's Oay, Mothtr'1 Day ~motor trips with the whole
and Gniupd Hiill d01 because that b tho family In the car ind he ....,ldt!1 let
dlY we met.. 1 • anyone ebe drive. 11Je blr jerk started on
lV•-lot.Mid set -hire. Wbll beer imm«titt<ly lfttt mlkfut and
Yoo suggerted that the woman pray for the name of an organization for wives same way that sling rich des$erls wltt
1 minor Kddent _ one in which nobody -wbo must live with alcoholics. 1 clipped it make a person fa\? My frif!nd N)'I it Is
ts injured, but one that would leach her out and misplaced It. Wiil you print it !IO Ind &ht ba~• up her statement by ex·
beer-guzzler a Jeuon. For the pUt slx again please? -FRAZZLED NERVF.S pl&lnirlg that &rlPtfndt. is a cala~M:
yean I've been pr~Jng for a major ac--D!AR FRAZZ: The name or lbe rood lrill bums up fat. Rl&ht or wrong T -
cident -one that would put my husband orgaob:atloit 11 Al·Anon. The ao.lkla•I ON THE KEA \rY SIDE
in tbe hospital for 1l>Qut sll month&. He hudqoarten •~ lll New York. 'lbe all-DEAR ON: Wna1. I bow Of ao (ood
get.a smashed at least ftvt nighlJ a week dreu Is I' .0. Box 112. rt11dlHll Sq_oare that wtll ~e· a peflOll tll\11 . Jf JOit _..
and makes Jlfe hell for evrrybody. J can't ~tloa, New York, New .. York 191119. "on the Ma.; \idt,"'._"t took for ,.,...
remember the )a.rt t1m1! J had an unln· Write anll find ouL where a.n41 whe11 JH mfck1. See •·doctor add sit oe a secsl;b.,
. ..
How wW Y"' .._. -Ille real~ eomes1iloa&? AA Ala i....n. Seid fW
her boolci.t "Loft If Sn .W -JI TelJ \ u.e Dtffe.mte:t." Snd • cm ta eta _.
a lone. ae.lf-addrnsed. stamped ft,'felafl
wllh )'O&lr req1tsfi.
Ann l.lnden wut be tllld to llllp JI"
wll• yoor p!~:s..cI tlioa'lllltrlo1
,.,. " i-. oAn.Y P!LQT, •IK'l·d·c •
1tll·ldclr<....i, olunped ......,..
I •
. '
Tuosdlf, S.pttmbtt t, 196~
Libra: Bargain
In the Offing
San Diego Home
St. Joachim's Setting
For Nuptial Ceremony
Baskets or while gladioli,
carnations, 3tock and pompons
&dcrned t b e altar of St.
Joachim's Catholic Church
when Joyce Zanott! became
the bride of William V. Urone.
Parents of the bridal couple
are 'Mrs. Grace Zanotu of New
York and Joe ZanotU of Costa
Mesa and Mr. and Mrs. Peter
V. Urane, Irvine.
Given. 1n marr1a1e by her
father, 1he bride· wore a silk
organza over saUn empire
gown with a watteau train.
Venile lace and embroidery
--the gown. A pillbox ~ lier illlllion vii~ and
sbe t:arried ori:blds, white
,_ """ ll<pbanotia.
lo apricot colored chiffon em.tie .,.,.. and .....,.mg yitbr .._ bronze (lowers
wtte C'.arol. Zanotli, maid of
booor and aistu of the bride,
and lhe ~rldesmaids, Mrs.
Tony Nanci. Miss Sherri
Bruneau and Mrs. Jay Bayne.
Attending as best man was
James P. Urone, while ushers
were Bayne. Michael Madrid
and Robtrt Wadsworth.
Circulating the guest book
during a reception in I.he
pari!h hall was the bride's
aunt, Miss Anna Marie Zanot-
ti. Special guest was Pete
Zanotti, th e bride's grand-
Following a honeymooa trip
in narthern California. the
bridal coople will reside in San
Diego "here the bride~
will study for a ·PhD.in PIJYliCS
~l the Univenity of ~or:nia.
He Is • graduate of Costa
. Mese High Sdlool lllCI .....t•-
ed a BA in pbyslco llOIJt•llCL
ffjs wife also is a CMllS
graduate and attended Orange
Coast College.
Wednesday Morning Club
New Season Opening
Milady can change her ap-
peatance eaaily while enhan-
cil!& her natural beauty will be
the meaage delivered to
membert of the Wednesday
MorniDC Club of Costa Mesa
by halnlyu.t, Dlclt De Nuccio.
Tbe IJ'OUP will meet for a
10:45 a.m. brunch Sept, 24 In
the Balboa Bay Club and then
watch a demonstration of wigs
and hairpieces which will be
styled by the speaker .
Member3 will serve a s
Reservations are to be made
by noon Sept. 22 with Mrs.
Arden Mead.
Opening a season of ae·
livlUes will be sections of the
Arts and Crafts will meet at
10:30 a.m. Wednesday1 Sept.
M-··-and r· esls of the 17, in the home of the presi· 'C'll~ii; dent, ~lrs. Fred Johnson,
Mesa.1:1arbor Clu will get A while bowlers will begin their
Glimpse Behind the Iron Cur· seaso n next Wednesday.
wbo held po1ldoD e( lftll
authority could pass from tbe
scene. Colll1loD coune fa.
dlcated between ldealilU ud
those wbo would retaili 1tatu
WES ~1arch 21-A pril 19):
Avoid unnecessary travel. You
have much to complete In
present surroundings. Don't
resent suggestions f r om
associates or neighbors. Listen
to one who wants lo confide
TAURUS {April 20.May 20):
Your understanding of young
persons may be put to test.
New views should b e
fonnulated . Take nothing for
granted. What \Yorked in re-
cent past may not be suf-
ficient today.
GEMINI (May 21 -June 20):
Best to be receptive rather
than aagressive. Not wise to
force, push or cajole . Stick to
actual values -not specula-
tion. Accent on l:wme, pro-
perty, building of solid base.
CANCER (June 21.July 22):
Obtain hint from Gemlnl
message. Take it slow, easy.
Many fact.ors come to llghL
But you may not be in posiUon
lo lake immediate action. Key
is to be shrewd observer.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Con·
tinue to be aware ()f needs,
budget. Some who adv.ocate
devll-may-eare atti tude really
do not care-about you. Be
thorough. Check details. And
read between the lines.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-S<pl. 22)' A
relative may provide in-
formaUon which a p p e a rs
discouraging. But it Is beM to
be aware of facts. Be willlng
to open channels of in·
formation. Then you come
close to progress.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cl. 221:
Diplomacy conUnues as best
apcroacb. Your Innate sense
of ju.slice comes to fore. A
barpln !> ID !he olflng. Be
Is There a GeneraUon Gap
in Interior Design will be .the
topic discussed by a motber-
daughler interior design team
for the Balboa Yacht Club
Ladies Luncheon next Thurs-
?.-frs. Phillip Paul, F AID,
and her daughter Miss Penni
Paul. AID. will elaborate oo
the topic for the 12 :30 lunch-
eon which· will be preceded by
an 11:30 a.m. soda} hour.
Mrs. Edward Lethen ,
luncheon chairman, and the
Mmes. DavJd Smiley, Don
Franklin and F.dward Steen
Jr.. officers' wJves, w i 11
welcome guesls.
Kiwis Meet tain nert Thur!!day when Globetrotters will leave via
Newport Beach Mayor Doreen bus at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday. Mrs. Don F. Howard of
Afarshall describes her recent Sept. 30, for a festive day in Newport Bf!ach will open 'her trj: to seven European capital Old Town, San Diego. home for a meeUng of the
c .. ~!.: ... __ 1.._11 toured the Bridge and canasta players Newport Beach Chapter, Kiwi
im.a. "'¥r1Jn•w will start shuffling ca,ds Club at a p.m. next Thursday. ciUea, inclu141"" four behind ""'6 tomorrow at 10 a.m. In the The club ls composed of ez· the Iron Cµrtain, as a delegate Shark Island Yacht Club, and Am er I ca n A i r I in e
with 'the People to People tour. Juniors will meet for a stewardesses. Further in-The meetin& will convene at sh! 10:30 a.m. in the Balboa Bay Friend P Coffee at the same formaUon ls available by call·
Club with a coUee hour and time in the Huntington Beach ing Mrs. Fred Betts at 642-
businm meeting precediogl-;:ho;;m;;e;;0<;;';;Mn=.;;&;;becca==P;;a;;tt::,y,=;;!3;;17;;. =======;I the llmd!eoo and program. Ir
Pnllding will "" Mn. William Holmes, and seated at
the head table with her will be
members of the board, the
i1mes. Marshall Co w I e y ,
Harold Lakin, E d w a r d
Schmok, Robert ~lcLaren.
Wendell WilUams and Edward
Dance Club
Square -Riggers S q u a r e
Dance Club "swing• out''
every Wednesday at I p.m. In
I.be First MethocliM Church,
Costa Mesa.
ft )'00 baft MW ndJhbon
Cit bow ol uyme movtna:
to CIW' UM. plu.le tell UI
to t.bat '" may otend a
MeDdlJ welcome and help
them to ~~ acqu.lntt'd
tn thllr new 11t1rTOUndlnp.
So. Coast Visitor
" 494-0579
The beautiful ne'v decor or the Playboy salon pro-
vides a setting of comfort and elegance for having
your hair done in the latest styles. Manager Char~
Jene Clark and her staff: Chuck Hulsey, Maxine
McGa vran, fo.1eryl Beebe, Linda Barker and Jerry
Gutierrez will do their utmost to please you. P.1 iss
1'1onelte is available for manicures and pedicures.
Hlrhr Visitor 548·0460
wise enough to recognize it
when you encounter It.
SCORPIO (Oct. 2l-Nov. 11):
A v o l d self-deception. Some
may approach you with get~
rich-quick-sc.hemes. &me of
humor helps. Don't view any
situation through rose-colored
glasses. Dine oot tonlgbL
SAGITrAR11.JS (Nov. 22-
Dtt. 21): TemptaUon to rush
remain.!. Wise course b to
restrain yourself. You receive
offer. It is tempting. But
mature attitude serves as
reliable guide.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan.
19): Tie loose ends. Put
together puzzle pieces. ll is
better to get at truth. One wbo
shares your interests, beliefs
proves valuable ally. Uiten.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18 ): Some around you main-
tain air of aggressiveness.
Stand tall. Be independent in MRS. JOHN CIMBALUK
thought, action. You are close Former Llndi1 Sparkes to what you need. Don1t be ------------...:.......:.....:. _____ _
sidetracked. Message becomes
PISCES (Feb. !~March 20): October Date Picked
DetaUs connected with leases,
special agreemen ls may re-
quire review. Promises are
not sufficient. Ge t com-
mitments in proper legal
Engagement Revealed
BmTHDAY you are dynamic.
original -one who is willing
to break with tradition for
sake of truth. Jt single, mar-
riage ia on horilon. Married or
single, greater rewards for ef-
forts are due.
An Oct. 4 wedding is being
planned by Miss Pamela
Jenkins and Terry J. Peterson
of Huntington Beach.
bridegroom-to.be: Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Lane, and Mr.
111ld :h-frs. Pete Jenltlrui and
Steve Jenkins, bl'Qthers of the
To '11'1d out more •bout vournll •ncf ••11oloty, cra1r SYllntr Om••r'• ~· '"j' bOOllll!t, The Trut~ ADOIJI A1 rolOfy, 11nd 50 c1nl1 tc Om1rr 8ooklo!, !llt OA!l,'f f'!LOT, Be~ J'J.00, Gr1n11 C1nll'1I Stet'On, New Yori<, N.Y,
Their engagement was an-
nounced during a party for
relatives and close friends in
the La Mirada home of Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert C. Jenkins,
parents of the bride-elect.
Miss Jenkins ls a graduate
of La llllrada High School
Cerritos College. Her fla
was graduated from Lake
High School and Long Bea
City College.
Attending were M e I v l n
Peterson and Miss Debbie
Peterson of Hunti ngton Beach,
father and sister of the
The betrothed couple will
exchange their wedding vow!!
in the La Mirada ?i-fethodist
(baaed ---ll«:or!U)
''Tell us tbe drtQ We you nnl to w.r, and
we'll Wit )"Oil bow 1IW1U' ,.w-. it will tab and.
autrrantee in l'i'ritint that you wilt r&11ch.your
aool, In fact;~ nbaolule.ly }!Oliilh"O ara ~ thAt
:.·ou. v.i ll obbin your objcctivr, tho.t 115 •latr!d.
.in our gulmntCll', ..,.e \\•ill e\'Cn let you ha'-n
l"REJ:: OF CHARGE, t1ny 11nd all Jurthr:r
visil~ ttnUl You n?adt .YQUr pt. ll'.11 pcllilh'ft
asmmmoe th:it we bad: up our auarsntee 100~~
./ h the Nation'• leader, you can
depend Oil it . • . results COIDO
quickly ••• safely ••• without
strenuous exercise or dangerous
QUIRED. We arc not a gym.
Our average P a tron, based on
our l'BCOrds, tea1izes her goal jn ,.
' )
ulitUe .. 4 to 6 weeks.
./ Costs les!(much less) than other
weight reduction programs, espe~
cially with this week"s * Price
./ Cell for free sample visit. .Actu-
ally -. under· tupetvilicm, the
Gloria Manbail machiDes, in·
eluding ""'patented "Cin>t.-
Matic" ••• eee why Gloria Me-
1ball became the world'• lllrlmt
F5pre Ccmtzol Syabmi. (~ Jom.
-in Colifomia olant).
./ Coll now for sample 0001 lest
visit. No charge or obligation:
Costa Mesa ris Wed
. In Afternoon Rites
Cost.I Meu II home for noeepy ()f orchid petals was
John Clmbaluk and hlr bride, Susle CJ m b 1 I u k • the
the fonncr Llnda J e 8 n bridegroom's lister, who ¥.'as
Spirke.11 who exchanged wed-llower girl.
dln,gvowsindrlngsbelortthe Standing with the bridegroom was S t e v e
altar of St. A n d re w ' ! Jacobsen, and seating guests
Preabyterian Oturch. were Don Crowley, Jeff
Reading the rites for the Johnson and Alexander, all ()f
dau8'>1« and son of Dr. and Colla Me ... St.Yen Alennd-Mr•. H. D. Spatk.es and Mr. er, nephew of the bride, car.
and Mrt. Julian Cimbaluk, all rled the wedding rlllgs.
of Colt.. Mesa, was the Rev. A champagne Outlet supper
Dr. Clarlea H. Dlercnfleld. for 115 guesls followed in the
A gown of &Ilk organza over home of the bride's parent.ti.
1aUn with French 11 c e Assisting we.re Dale Jeffries
decoraUng ·the bodice was and Mi.as Nance Stein.
cholen by the bride, who was Among those signing the
given 1n marriage by her guest register were ~fr1. Dori:t
father. Her illusion veil was Rosbento of Victoria , British
caught to a cluster of lace Columbia, grandmother ()f the
petals trimmed with seed bride, and Mr. and Mrs. John
pearil, and her bridal bouquet Clmbaluk of Ha w t h o r n e •
was a cascade of white grandpa rents ()f the
orchids aDd pink roses. bridegroom.
Pr di Both the bride a n d ece ng the new Mrs. bride • d led Cimbaluk to the altar were groom were gra ua
Mrs. George Lazaruk of Costa from Costa Mesa Hlgh School
M h I h and Orange Coast College and esa , er s sler~ w 0 was both attend California State matron of honor, and Coll ·
brldesmalda, Mrs. Jack Alex-1i";;;;;;ei;gei;i;ati;;Fulli;i;~ertoii;ii~n~. ;;;;;;;;ii
ander and Miss Har r ie tll
Sparkes of Costa Mesa, also
her silten, and Miu Donna
Sawchenko of Ph-Oenix.
They were attired in long
pale pink: sleeveless chiffon
gowns which were ruffied at
the necldine and each carried
a cascade ()f pink Australian
We1rin, a sleeveless white
lace dress and carrying a
'Viti! OWr 1111-rn• "'" TERMS
lrlN1I 1t Sa11 Dl-.o Fwf,
COSTA MISA 540·l165
natalle wosn't
kicked out al school.
she was carried out
·~11 " ~ ~
1\\-o.W.'o '~
Edwordl N1wpc,rt Cl111ma
P•clffc'1 Or•lltJ• Drl,e-111
Come in °""""""'le. -Z elctlra ~ ,,,,,,__,.. .
Friool~ play room fadlitia for mall
" ..
tt s
• c
• ~ •
• u
e u
~ v
I •
Saddle bad . -
VOL. 62~ NO. 216, 2 SECTIONS,' 26 PAGES
. '
Fal-eavell Trib11te
' Senator Everett Dirksen's body 1ies in sta·te in U1e rotunda in this
photo taken (roJn top ot Capitol dome as President Nixon and mein·
ber!-Of Congress paid a farewell tribute to the Illinois ~awmaker. See
story, Page 4.
Homeo,vners Set
Meet h1 Viejo
MISSION VIEJO -t.tembers of the
?iflss1on Viejo Homeowners Association
will stage their first meeting of the new
1eison Wednesday a1• 7:30 p.IJl. in the
television studio at t.Ussion Viejo High
A report will be made by William Sims
Md Jaroes White on the South Orange
County Airport Committee. Tb e
homeowners group has taken stands
against the possible use of the El Toro
?.tarine Corp8 Air Station as a ci\•ilian
Tht public is invited.
e Ct'aft•me11 to 1Ueet
. MISSION-VIEJO -The t.fission Viejo
A;socialion of Artists and Craft.smen will
}clck. oH ils fall actlvllies with a general
,;~;,g SepL 11 at 7:30 p.m. at La Paz
1ntermediate School, 25151 Pradera
Mrs~ Helen Ricbardl, an art.isl in
illt.chery. will show• series.of sUdes on
the1patterns In nalurt. Interested persons
are we~me.
e ArdaU Re•d11 Sl1ow
LAGUNA JULLS -The third annual
elhlbtt of the t..8guna-Hills Art. Associa-
tion will be ,from 10 a.m. to·-4. p.m. Sept
lt Ind 20 in the patio area of Leisure
World clubhouse 1.
Ris!®nls of L<l8W'e World and their
~t.s 1ate welcome. Any ol. the 850 mern• berl of the assocla\lon may exhibit re·
ctnt Work. ' e ~Je11'• C::l1tb Fot'~n.ed
President Ca& . . .
1'Qp-leve1 'Meet
On Viet Policy
\VASmNGTON (UPI )-Presldent
Nlxari today scheduled a high-le'vel con-
ference Friday on Vietnaf!l strategy, with
the U.S. commander, Gen. Creighton
Abrams, flying to Washington to parll c·
Top diplomatic, military and lnte\Ji.
gence officials involved in formulating
Vietnam policy-from determination ot
JXJSSible further troop withdrawals to
assessment of the Hanoi leadership in the
aftermath of Ho Chi Minb's death-were
summorfcij to the meeting.
In addition to Abrams. also sitling in
will be Defense Secre~ Melvin R.
Lair<!. Secretary QI Stile William P. ROgers: Adm. John McCain, commander
in chief in the Pacific; Qm. Earle G.
\Vheeler. chaitman of the Joint Chiefs of
Slaff; Nixon's national security adviser,
}fenry A. Kissinger; Ellsworth Bunker,
U. S. ambassador to Saigon, and CIA
Director Richard C. Helms.
Whlte House Press Secretary Ronald
Ziegler said the meeting would be a
"general and overall review of the Viel·
nam situation."
"Quite obviously the matter of troop
replactmenU!: and levtls will be einong
the many subject.I discussed at a meet·
ing like this," he. told reporters.
The review also win include a discus-
sion of th@ effect!: of Ho's death on the
futtire of the Vietnam situation.
Bunker returned to the Unlf.ed States
several days ago for consultallons. He
was &eheduled. to meet wJth NJma today
for preliminary discussion.s in advlnCe of
lhe high level meeting.
The Friday se.uion shaped up as ane
of the most comp~nsive .reviews of
U. S.. strategy in Vietnam since Nhon
took office.·
Nixob ~ from the Western White
House at Sail Clemente shorUy after mid--
night Monday and returned to bis, White
House ofOce· today. He scbtdultd b.15
meeting with Bunker 1t 12:30 p. m. P'1f.
St~lc Mat'keU
· NEW YORK '(AP) -Tlie stock Ui.arkel
finlshM· on higher ground today after a
late rally flhilved· aome of its earlier loss.
es. (See quotations, Pages 10-U).
• . .
• Today's Fliial
' -..
Mystery Torso Washed •
. -
Up at Beach Village
•P111a\tive Hald'
Israel For.ces
Invade Egypt
Tl::L AVIV (UPI)-lsraeli planes. tanks
and ship'i ' struck Egyp~ today in the
heaviest raid since the 1969 six-day war.
Tanks were landed in Egypt by assault
('r;ift and cut a 36-mile swath through
n1ilitt1ry installations. radar and· rocket
An Israeli n1ilitary spokesman said the
JO-hou r punitive raid cost the Egypti~
"dozeni:." of killed and wounded and that
the only lsraelJ casualty was a slightly
\Vounded soldier who was 'vithdrawn
safely with the entire attacking force.
An Israeli plane, reported to be an
American-built Skyhawk, was shot dov.·n
by· antiaircraft fire and the pilot
parachuted into the Gulf of Suei. Ht was
officially listed as mWing.
Intense naval activity preceded the Jan·
ding which a spokesman said began Mon·
day night. On Sunday night, IsraelLmot.or
torpedo boats destri>yed two.Egyptian PT
boa.ls in lht Gulf of Suez, and Cairo
reported an Israeli patrol boat loday with
the loss of ils crew. These were the first
naval engagements siaoe 198'1. ~
An llraeU· "'ll)!llurij~ ~ l\ie . rfii!
Wat in ·response tO E;ypt.ian "ag.•
This waa believed to include not only
heavy ~gypt.laD artlllefy aUacb along
the Sutz Canal but Arab terrorllt attaeU
on Israeli installations tnst.allaUons in
Europe and varloos attacks agaln5t
Israeli airline.&:, spokesmen said in
W ashinjton.
De!pite the obvious ~·arning, the left
"·ing ei.:tremist Arab guerrilla group
known as the Popular Front ror the Lib-
eration or Palestine w<1rned today in Am·
man, Jordan, it would escalate Hs terror
campaign against Israel! organi1.ations
abroad with "1nore dangerous, possibly
fa'-41 " atlacks.
CairC1 radio had no immediate reaciio n
to the Israeli raid. but it broadcast con1·
munlques reporting heavy Israeli shell·
ing of Egyptian installations In the Suez
area at the southern end of the Suez
Canal and report~ dogrlgbts over the
area between Egyplian and lsreall planes
The Israeli fwces hit the EgypUan
CGBst from El Hafayerr. Z4 J111les belo\v
Suez City, !!IOUlh to Ras Zafraha, ~miles
.. below' Sui!z. The Gulf' of sUez ranges from
~ to 50 miles wide at this area acrosa
from the lsra,ll;<lccupied Sinai Desert.
lsraells in Tel Aviv said they &truck to
EgypUaos for wh•l l\Je~ callod
0&<~·11! ldael'a \~·~ ..,.bdlll! lh• <:nil. '!'llne
Israelis have been killed and ll willlmiied
there i•, the: p\1t week. Observers said
EgyPtian artillf.IJ ·miy have been the
prime target.
Thete Was no .ofDclll word on oil in-
sta.Datiom being hit. The biggest pro-
ducer of Egypt's offshore oil works lies
about 100 miles south ol the Suei and in
the eeneraJ area ol today'• raid.
Le11gtl1 of Youths' Hair
Being Decided in Schools
II<lw much long i1 too long ln boys' liair
fashion? That question is being variously
decided by achobl admlni&trators this
At San Clemente High School Mooday,
SO students were told they transgressed
the student dress code while only one was
turned away at Mission Viejo Hjgh.
Student. of Newport-Mesa and Hun·
tington Beach high schools test 1lhe die·
tales or prlnci.pQla when they beain school
Wednetday. Fountain Valley High ~is+
tant Principal Cliff Hepburn, said, "1 lm·
agine some wlll come ln Wednesday and
see how far they can ao."
I,aguna Beach, IDgh· otud<nts llarted
Thursday tut week and f6 boy1 were
sent home for more--work wlth the razor
and cllppera. Director of sludent affairs
Gary Norfon aald 35 of the 46 were baci:
in school by Friday.
Ai al Ital! two .area blgb achooll, lon1
hair oo boya II ,...1ooger taboo. Corona
clel Mar and Newport llarbbi''hlghs boll1
are· conllnalni· with ,pollcletl• !ljed last
sprin1 leaving lt·~p to the parents. • "Conclusively the pareatl:' wiot ~this
resporulbllity," llld Corona dtl Mar prin·
cipal Leon MtU&. lie lald only 17 0< II
porOllls out of 1,JQG rilurned nolel saying
they di.Yrreod with the new · policy.
'"frs. Vash'ke Breeding, Harbor lligh
girl's vice principal, aald lheni ha! been
a. slight refinement at Harbor Hl&b with
new emphasis on Dea.tneu. "There'll be
no more jeans with holes in them," she
said. "Some ol the students got pretty
grubby krward the end of school under
the anything goes policy."
Both schools do require shoes and ban
very 1hcrt skirts -the »<:ailed mini-
mini 1klrts.
At olh¢r schoohs, moustaches and
beard.I, long sideburns and hair that
touches the collar ill slill a faltor .
HunUngton Beach Htgh school s have 11
single policy, recently I I be r a 11 zed
somewhat by the board of trustees, to
pennit culottes on girla and boys' shirt
tall& that hang out
At San Clemenle High, most of the 50
studenli were sent home Monday because
of long hair. Eight girls were wearlng
sldrtl conaldered too short..
Superintendent Truman Benedict said
he had two calls: from parents and one
pa.rent came to hi! office to discuss the
situation. "You'd have to have the
wtadbm of S01omon to meet everyone'•
standardl," Benedict said.
MJsslan Viejd HJgb administrators In
sending Onfy one student home showed a
more perrnlulve attitude than TU!tln
IDgh ol tM "1lllt !cilool dltlrld. which
dl.vniued more than JS.
. IL wu at Twilin·Hlgh two years ago 400
girls wete sent home for wearing dr(sses
considered too short. Fashkm that made
long enough dreS!el near Impossible to
buy overturned that decision.
0.br• ·J11n. How•rd
F ntlier See~,ing
Grisly _Fiµ~
Discovered .
By Swimmer
Seal Beach PoUc• and orange COUnly
Coron<r'• inv..Ugall>rs today are. probJl>&
tbe m)'>lety •urrouni!ini lhe llllicfenlillod
remain11 of a torao which washed up m a
private Surfside beach Saturday al·
· Mrs. Marjorie Fitt, of l!t 23 Su:fDlde,
told Seal Beach police she dbc;:ove.red the
almost skeletal remains wbDe rwimmin1
in the ocean at 3:35 p.m. ~be l8ld ahe
was not sure that the body wu human
until two boys dragged It onto the beach.
Sgt. 'Sam D'Amlco of the SeaJ Beach
Police Dept. 51.lcf the remains ~ed
of one ball of the backbone, the buttoekl
and a portion of leg bone with tissue at.
tacbed to aome or the parts. 1bere were
no kientlfyin,-marks.
Orange County coroner's Investigators
who .conducted an autopsy on the rematna
at Smiths Huntington Beach mortuary
are ·not certain that the rem.am.. are Ail;ng Daugliter human. Tbey·indlcated that the body .... ... ~ poulbly• male and could. baYt been 1S
- , .. . yeara.·or older. An ezaminatlon ol the
W'.. R-.Ji.,, :.;~, • · ~ ~--ln41cato4 that tho body -ba .. W an. n:Wa .r '.: ...n ·a1>o0t u .. 1, 1 locbe• taJL
t • • :. • J .. Dr. Davkl Kltsuyama, a coroner's eon--
A pretty runaway girl with a.n •J· 1ulUn1 pbyalc.ian, uJd Qlat the clean cuts
gravated asUnnatlc condttloii. ill' !IOugbt on thl Ulsl.ff and tbe ~e mar&p· an
t.o.iay by her distraught family after Ole kl bone could pol!Jbl,y have been
be. Sund. . La ·Be--• carved by a .knife, 1ng seen ay tn guna il\;Uo .I Neither the police nor tbe corvner's of.
"She was detennined to pick her own !ice ba,ve so far been able to apla.ln I.be
frlerxls," said Billy W. Naron, 41 •. ot origin ol the remains.
Garden Grove. He is press.Ing the search
for Debra Jean Howard, 17, hill step-
dauahter of 1( years.
Naron believes the eirl is stayinj with
other young persons in ~. He has
filed juvenile runaway reporu with J?Olice
department1 in Laguna, Coeta.Mesa and
Garden Grove, he said. Lagupa. police are
working on the case.
NaNm siid the girl's ~~atic con-
ditibo reguires e.xpenslv,e d8ily me(itca·
tion. He fears it will not be provided. lt·ls
the second Ume she has run away. "She
was in pitiful condillon after me left''
before r.nd she was only gone for a
week ," he'. sald.
Naron said with the aid of his .step-
daughter's friend!, he discovered her
whereabouts on Lower Cliff Drive in
Laguna Sunday but she eluded bhn.
Naron, an aerospace quality engint!e},_
said he hopes to join his wife and fam~
at their new home lo St. George, Utah,
this month. He hopes to Dnd his step-
daughter first to see that she goes with
him and receives medical assistance, he
He said the girl, apparenUy using the
name Jeri, is attractive, 5 feet i inches,
greenish eyes and brown• hair. He aaked
pet;aOn8 knowing ol her '!O noUff police.
"My last resort waa gamg -to a
newspaper," said Naron. H,e ~ .hi•
wife, already in St. ~ge, is, frantic
with WOIT)'.
Trustees Okay · . .
New Saddlehack
Speaker Policy
Owners Souglit
Of Coon That
Bit Little Girl
• The owners of a raccoon that rUpped a
t.oddler's finger Frlday on South La-
su111'1 Aliso Beach are aougbt l\ldl7 by
tbe..UtUe gtr.r1. mother in boJ* ~her
daughter can avoid a twcrWeek aerier
of vaccinations to prevent rabies.
Mrs. Ray Kinner of PaclfJc Palisades
Yid the lncklent happened Friday when
her 22-montb old daugbtei, Ktlly grabbed
at the young raccoon. It is named Ra·
As things st.and, if Raquel i.m 't localed
said Mrs. Kenner , Kelly will have to take
Ult Pasteur treatment, a daily ptoceu
for two weeks which medically mlght
have unfortunate side effects for the tot.
If th@ raccoon hu been vaclnated or
can be kept under observation by bM1th
autboritJes, this might be avoided, Mn.
Kinner said.
She said the raccoon was being fed
b'om a botue by a cirl, lf, who.was in the
company of · her mother a n d
grandmother. They were doing neeate-
polnt work.
1be ownera of tbe raccocwt or peraoos
knowlni o! them. mn contact Mrs. Kin·
ner at (Ill) ~H-Slle &aid.her only In-
terest Is the health ud, comfort ol her
Ll'.KE J!'OllEST -A men's club i• belrts forrhed in thla commurllty1 Alle11 ·Recall Drive
Saddlebacli: College tl'Wlfets Monday
night adopted ,• speakers po~cy that u-
qulrea when cootroveralal issues ,are ln-
votved speall:ira representing ..both 1l~s
be ICheduled on the Mme progtanl.
That creepina foa will atict
around WI almost noon again with
p8lchea of II baJ!ilo~ OILall c1l7
Wodno."1ay and 1boving lho beach
'temperature down into the upper Men interested ln 1porlS.1 especially
toot.ball, are invited to coolact Jlm
V1koutl! at 13l.5628 or Carl Lawrence al 83ft.'..4264:. Meetings will lake place in the
Beach and Termia Club and dues will be
used to purchase 1 color television for
Sllpd•J sports special!.
e Hol11 •If• Celebrated
1 MISSION VIEJO -Tiie Recrealloo
Center Will be Ole . selUng . for Temple
Ellat'a High•Holr. =br•tl~. Jloll> H8sluin>h RWkil!i tbc
Jewllh. New Yellf, wlll take place on
S<ptember 11 thrUlgb II with Vom Xlp-
pur bt!q celebtaled on SOplembfr 11
.. nd 22. Fer ruervaUon lnfoP"QaUon c1.ll ~lrs.
Irene Cohen at 137.7775; -
'No Survey Fac.t~ ~ivulge.d'.
OI ffll o.lll"Pllt ltd
Opinion ResearcJ:a of California 1'1ooday
night UiW'ed Newport Buch city coun-
cllmen that no infOrmatioa gialhered on
the Newport TotnolTO'lt poll has ever
rticbed lhe h&nds Qf l1:1~s of the recall
dl'ivr against Suwvbor Afton Allen.
Donald McGrew, executive vice presl·
dent of the Long Beach public oplnlori
!lurvey Urm, proml!ed Jn a retroactJve
agr~ment that lt would hold all the ln·
( f ,
Tho policy wu suggested, bj Tru•t...
HaM voge1 ot TD.sun. 'lt Is inte'nded to
saVe, lhe junior collelfl (rom Ctlticlsm'
d)re\'ted ol other .,,11,,., for,glvlng mOll'
1rmo to ipeilie{I for llb<ral ca1l>es o/ of
tho· polltllal 'iefl.· • " •
,Tho .S•ddleback,PolicY g~ on to_sts1'' u..r -~-_,.,•'""-·nr both 11ilu be ~.....,~~;6f-11ute'8n all'ee-
me11rto ~Ide <!1••1 ~"'"·"P."!l '1'1"'l'I. · Dete~Uoh of ~t' )>! a , COfl·' ll")'~~il ~ w)ll be 'm~cle ~y colteao, ii"' for cotlegw~ed; rnl\"l!IJP
open . !hr.Jllll>llo an<J'il!':&i5*1nt;_went ~~«'~~~~ ~~~t~'i!rtii>fJk; .. may IM!·~.to submit lo·quutions
flam tbe audleoc:e. .,,
"Tho dtoth of Son. Dlrl<H• to!ll
' •!f<Ct both hi• Po•tv <ind lhf
natiota11.'laW1: TMrt'U' bt o GOP
pO!DiT Jfaht ouer hil tt&CctaOf'
"" mfnorl.ttl leader, and. 1omt of hit pet .proJtc:ta: m~u dit. PfQ• t.
' '
"'41Ntf '*""" '1 ... ----,..,.. ' ... "
!'"*,...... ,..,, -...
·""""" lt ~-. == .. ·~ """' '~
. . . 4 • ---
! DA!l Y PllOT L -~•.1'69
t State E'tlttd BiU
:Few Milli pp.' Dqe -,
' . . --
For Saddlehack? " ••
, " ~ ApprovtJ of Senau Bill SOB may me.an
111 tew mlUlon dollars" for Saddleback
• Oollele, Trusttt: Hans W. Vogel told
" boerd memliers Monda y nlghL ~· 1bt' bill, ilped by Governor Reagan
; School Board
~Sets Meeting
'.On Foundation
Sept. 4, will provide it.ate funds to new
community colleges that otherwise would
not be eligible for assistance. ~1oncy wlll
be made available under the Junior
College construction Act.
Trust.eu initiated immediate action by
authorb.lng Dr. Fred H. Bremer,
s u p e r i nttndtnt·presldent and Ray
Chermak director of building, planning
and grou~s, to ronfer with state oUlciab
in Sacramento.
Saddleback College will open Oct. ~-9
for reglstraUon, board members were in-
formed, and inltruction will begin Del.
13, even if paving is not complete at the.
new campus.
Noise .Foe
Recall Role
Dan Emory, SPokesman for the Harbor
Area's airport nolse 41>atement com·
mlttff, bas again disclaimed any con·
nectloo between himself or bis croup with
the huah-hu.sh ti.'Clll campaip asalnst
Fifth Dlstri<:I Supervbor Altop E. Allen.
Emory wu clearly ADjered by what he
termed ''the oootinued uae of my name"
by cm.Jn IPOt""'en !or )he recallers.
"BecauJe ol. this use of my name, I am
now willing to be idenUfied as one of thfl
lndivfduala who was contacted by Paul
Carpenter and told that the. caddidate
they were backin1 to repla« Allen is
"C&spers ii financing the recall moVt-
ment and is their candidate," Emory
Trusttts cf the Laguna Beach Unir~
, ·School district will meet in a study
aellion toru&bt at 7:30 ill district bead·
The college project has been delayed
by strikes during lhe summer, but all
relocatable bulldifl8s have been moved lo
the new campus and construction is com·
plete e.rcept for paving.
Carpenter has been coMected with
Democratic politics in Orange County
and is a fonner unsuccessful candidate
for both congress and the assembly.
Cltspers ls a resident of Lido .Isle in
Newport BeaCh and is head of Keystone
Savings and Loan As~iatlon.
· quartm to disoiss the Laguna Beach
Educatlan Fouoda_Uon.
The foundation, a nonprofit endowment
orpnization for public schools, has
received .its [irst donation, SIOO from an --·· . 01.acuu.h:m toniaht -wW include selection
of roundatton directors, committee work,
.and sollcit.ation of fund!.
Tbe Laguria Education Foundation was
lnootporated recently to ,..t donallona.
Joans -.and ICholuUo endowmenta fmn
residents, est.ates aod businesses.
Money donated to the group would be
lnvest"hlld Ill' ln"re.t Uled lo h<lp pay
l<!hool operaUng upenses, and help Jn
corutrucUon of new school facilities.
The board of directoni for the organiza-
tion wouJd include the Ovt eleded school
hoe.rd tNsttts and four other dlrector.i:
selected from the community by the
The foundation is a pilot project for
IOlidLing private fund1 for public schools.
Youth Charged
In Auto Death
An 19-ye&r~ld La Habra youth ha!
bttn arrested and ch&rJed w i th
manslaughter in connect.Ion with a four·
car fatal accident Aug. 29 oo Laguna Ca· nyon Rold .
Darryl William Christensen and an at·
torney appeared Monday at the Laguna
Buch Police Station lo fact a felony
manslaugbt.e.r warrant for the yooth.
Oirlitemen was involved Jn a chain
ru.cdon rear-end accident which injured
lour penons, ooe fatally. Dead on aniv·
•I al South Coast Community Boopllll
was Jean A. Nilan, 28, of Pasadena.
According to police reports, a car
driven by Christensen lint struck the
Ni.Jon car alamming it into the opposing
traffic lane where a he.ad on collision OC·
curred with a third vehicle.
Capo's Council
Studying Sewer
Line Access Plea
Tbe Sao Juan Capistrano Clty , Council
Mooday niibt llaltaed lo • developer ask
them to CXlOdemn I ltrfp of property OWD•
ed by someone el~ to provide a .ewer
Hne access route and deelded to comider
it. •
The requut by Ron Birtcher, ol
Birtcher Pacific Inc., would mUe it
cheaper on the firm, which must pay
$15,000 for actual conslructlon of I.be
sewer line i~.
Land Involved In the propoeal runs
2.200 feet io lfngtb· and 12 feet In width
along the north aide ol Blrtcber's
development on. the north side of Del
Obispo Street.
Previously, the city denied Blrtcher'a
request tQ either sink cuspoola or ~n
:,trud the tewer line northward to con-
nect to a line It was feared would not hold
the anUdpa\ed dewage.
M a result., the builder now wanls the
city to invoke eminent domain prcr
ceedings on the property owned by
Charles Veaneulen and thus solve the
Cou.ricllmtn also voted to give City At·
tomey John Dawson a new contract and
raiee his aa.lary from $450 to $600 per
month, plw hlkl:n11: bis retainer fet from
$25 lo llO per. !lour.
Mayor Alioto Gets OK
Joseph L. Alioto received permission
from a federal jud&e Monday to start his
$12.5 million libel suit against Look
magaiine for an article linking the mayor
with the Mafia.
Off Liaguna 's Petri Streat Beach, A Young Fisherman Makes• Gem of a C1tch
4 Leaders at Lagu11a Higl1
Talli to Student Office1·s
''It is not the hard bo6s v•ho e1erclses
overt authority \\ilO we musf prepare
ourselves for. Rather it is the benevo-
leat adminiJltrator who .achieves strict
authority through persuasion."
Howard Hills, Laguna Beach H I g h
School student body president, was
speaking to fellow student body officers
from Orange County high schools.
He and other Laguna hlgh studftll!,
f.Uke Schwartz, Sharman Fames and
lt11ke Sir.elover were elected presiden~
in mock councils at the recent California
Cyclist lnjm·ed -
In Laguna Crash
Association of Student Councils (CASC)
"Against the hard boss we can offer
ralional resistance," sald Hills. "But the
deceitful authorllarlan makes our lead·
ership impotent and uses us to manipu·
late our student bodies.
"\\bat we need are administrators
who are 'tl'illing lo offer tl1ernselves as
equals and let their authority evolve out
of a democratic relationship.
"Respect for the authoritarian is only
insincere submission to fear . Teachers
and students must Lreat each other as
scholars and students respecting each
oth,r's ability. \Vhenever an adminis·
trator has to hide behind his credentials
for authority, I <;uestion the value of
those credentials."
Hills spoke to an audience estimated al about 500.
Laguna Youth's
Fishing Trip
Really Success
Despite a bit or breeze and the holiday
leLhargy of a couple of teena1e friends,
Scott Seemac thought Monday m.lght be a
good morning to take a friend 's boat
fishing off Laguna's Pearl Street beach.
So Scott went fishing alone. '1'1le result
of this yoong man and the sea saga was a
"·hopping 40-pound sea bass that looked
almost as long as lbe 16-year-old
Scott, 2623 Nido Way, caught the big
fish on a shiny jig while jigging off the
bottom. The jlg wu attached to a rope
and he horsed the fiah right up lo the 1._
fool boat.
Scott and friends fish for shark
regularly but this was the biggest prime
catch yet. Were his friends envious, a lit-
tle sorry they hadn't gone? It sounded
like it listenlng to thel'n tease Scott.
But Scott didn't mind. There's fresh
\l'hite sea bass tonight.
An 18-year~ld Corona del ri.1 a r
motorcyclist is in satisfactory condition
today following a Laguna Beach traffic
mishap Monday afternoon.
Bruce Douglas Wilson, 20, of 1)27
Altuna Drive, suflered a fractured rl11:ht
!ea: in the accident at about the 500 block
or South Coast Highway, just north of
IA:gion Street, when his motorcycle
struck the· rear d. an automobile.
Physcial Fitness Class
Scheduled by Laguna Y
Wilson told J>lillice officers at the
hospital that he was going about 35 mph
and failed to set that the car in fro11t or
hJm was &topped,
A controlled physical fitness program
for men and women 21 years of age and
older will be started in late September by
the Laguna Beach YMCA.
. crcise program al Leisure \Vorld in
Laguna hills.
Caspers contacted Monday, denied
connection with the recall campaign.
"I ctrlainly am a candidate for Allen's
office," Caspers said, "but my campalgn
will be waged in 1970 when the
supervisor comes up for re-election, U in·
deed he does run aa:aln,,, Caspers 11id.
"I know nothing about tbJa particular
recall effort nor have I been approached
by anyone connected with it," the Lido
resident concluded .
From Page l
homeo~'!'lel'S by his workers "at the strict
request of the recall comm.iltee," he said ..
"They gave ll! a handful of these Utlna:s
- I don't know where they came from -
and told us to have our field workers
hand them out when residents asked for
information on the recall campaign."
McGrew declined to identUy any·
members of the recall committee, or the
persona who actually hi.red him or signed
the check for the original deposit for his
Jinn's service.
"They speci!ically stipulated that we
not divulge any names," he said.
He also did not specify the co!t of his
:i::ervice, but intimated in general figure!
that the service could cost Up\vards of
"The usual cost for this service ranges
rrom 75 cents a name to $1.50, and we ex-
pect to gather perhaps half or the 9,000
signatures which the committee need1.
The rest will be gathered by wipaid
volunteers," he said.
Compiled at $1 apiece, 4,500 name.s
would ring up a total cost of $4,500.
McGrew steadfastly held that his.
form 's service to the recall campaign "is
professional and totally without conflict'
or interest."
Sex Class Criti~ Heard
The program ls pattemed after a
carefully pl an ned exercise project direc·
tred by Dr. Herbert de Vries, a profe ssor
of physical education at the University of
Southern California.
Tests of the exercisers showed reduced
body fat, improved blood pressure, in·
creued oxygen consumption, and a drop
in ne rvious tension.
The YMCA program will be lead by
Gene Adams, a doctC1ral candidate in the
physiology or exercise at USC. Adams
has been associated with the Leisure
\Vorld program for a year and a half.
"We are making no moral judgement
a.s to who is right or wrong in this recall
n1ovement. All we are doing is providing
a service which we have been offering for
the past two years," he said.
County Trustee W urns of 'Illicit Relations'
Of .... D•lh' ...... tl•ff
Su educaUon programs in schools may
encourage illicit Bell'. relatlona among
mldenta, Orange County school board
member Dr. Dale Rallison warned Mon-
day tn a talk to members of a Newport
Beach citizens' committee for the study
of se.1: education.
"We (the county board) ha\'t a&ked
rrtudects in sex education programs, 'Do
yoo feel more or less apt to become In-
volved with members of the opposite sex
after taking this course?' "said RalliBOn .
"Invariably the answer i11 'more
For thi1 and other reason11, the· Santa
Ana dentist, known for hl11 eonaervative
standa on school mailers, said he i.~
"basically opposed" to se.r education
courses. The entire problem is one that
should be handled by parents in the
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home, he told panelists.
The se1 education hot potato was los!-
cd around a conference table at the
Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce
for two hours Monday afternoon in one of
a series of meetings the citizens' group
has been holding sloce April.
Dr. Rallison was gue.st 1peaker for the
session. Others present were chairman
Dr. Nolan Frizelle, Mrs. William Aiason,
~1rs. Carol Beek, the Rev. Philip Murray,
minister of the Congregational Church In
Corona del Mar, Walter Phelps or the
Open End Theater, Thomas Garver of the
Newport Harbor Art f.1useum, Robert
Price and attorney Arthur Guy.
As Ralilson hewed firmly to his views
on sex education, frequently eha\ltnged
by the paneli!ts, the discussion OC·
casionaUy healt.ii:1 up.
.. This is the liveliest mccling v.·e've
had," said one panelist.
Rallison centered his attack on the ex·
pense or sex educatk>n progr1ms and the
qualifications of those who teach them.
"The Anaheim School Di:i1rict spent
'300,000 on its sex education course," he
told the panel. "Better remlts could have
been obtained by simply .!lending home
with each .student a copy of a 30-eent
American ~fedical Association booklet
which covertd ail necessary Information
and could be gone over by parent and
child together."
He displayed the booklet, "Finding
Yourse lf," adding that even It c:onlalned
a few things he felt 1o,·ould be better lei\
As £or the teachers. he added, "I don"t
want some of tho.st people teaching my
chlltlrtn morals."
Describing himseU as "deeply con·
cemed" about the caliber ol student_,
emergln5 from today's univer1IUe1 and
golng in~o teaching, Ralll110n explained,
"You canr.ot conduct a course in sex
education without Ult teacher's moral!
showl"I through."
"It seems lo mt you're c:ondemnin1 an
awful lot of teachers," Garver In· terjected.
''Since coming onto the ICbool board
I've been disappointed in the callbu o(
many teachers, but we catl't a:et
replacement! for lhem," Ralllaon replied.
"Teachers are people," he uld.
"Morals vary trom peraon to per10n and
there lnvariably will be aome eonflict In
lhe moral bad:arounda ot aom• students
and aome teacltera. Tbere alway1 will be
&Onlt teaehera who conduct lhue ~c11ue1
In poor ta~te. Actually tucll@rs are not
qualified to lead group dl&cua&lona of ae.1, ,
ual problems. The emotions involved are
too delicate. A person with more medical
background "''ould be better qualified."
Rallison was particularly disturbed by
the use of four ·letter words and "com-
mon slang'' In teaching sex education and
by \vhat he regards as wmecessary delv-
ing Into sexual aberrations.
A panelist noted that proponenls or the
sex courses maintain four-letter words
are used chiefly for definition purposes
and to remoVe their "shock value."
"Ho1v far do you go?" demanded
naUison. "Do you haJe to go into every
form of perversion that e.xlsts and
describe it in detail? Wh~e do you
He maintained that scrcalled hygiene
clm1ses given separately to boys and girls
at the junior high level ar~ all the achools
need to offer by way of sex educ.illon.
''Today'a kids are very well informed .
anyway,'' ht said.
"11iey know a heck of a lot or what
isn't so,'' commented 1'1urray.
Frlielle safd the panelists seemed to
11gree thit many parents are falling dO'o\'fl
on the jOb Of sex education, that the
churches don't reach enough young peo-
ple and, since the schoola do, the goal
'o\'OU\d be to arrive at some suitable pro-
gram that 1vould protect both parents and
"The 11:oal," said Frizelle, "is to put
together some program (for the Newport·
r.tesa dlstrict) th.at will be acceptable and
still serviceable."
"SU educaUon is needed at all -age
levels,'' Murrily .commeated. ''l don't
think \\'c should back away from It
because it is expensive, distasteful nr
embarrassing. You can't completely
satisfy e\·eryone but the job needs to be
done. The klds are being Jeft in the lurch
because their parents \\"ork and don 't
he.11e tlme to talk to Uiem. These people
need help."
To a suggesll011 that tht churtb might
bt' a better lmtltutlon lo help, Gan·rr
asked, .. But how tOUld JOU be sure of the
people teaching there ? ..
"I'd say 'amen' to that!" said Murray.
Assertlng that some "u!!Uvory" people
are drawn into the preparation ol
materials for se.x educaUon programs,
RallllOfl -cited as an example fl1ary
Calderone, dirtttor ot' the controversial
Stx lnfonnatlon and Education Council of
U!e United Slates {StECUS).
"lier husband has a theater that uses
-top.IQ.s dancet1," Kt sald.
"Htr husMnd .Is. not preparing tho
material," countertd Afurray.
Dr. de Vries conducted an extensive ('X·
'Sound of Music'
Enters Finale
Final performances of the hit musical
1'The Sound or Music" are scheduled in
Laguna's Irvine Bowl this weekend.
Performances are at 8 p.m. Friday and
Saturday. Tickets are sUJJ available to·
More than 4,000 persons attended the
first two performance! during the
1veekend, according to H. Jean Bedell,
president of the Lyric Opera Assoclation
of Orange County.
The YMCA, through a 11:lft of funds , has
the ~sary testing equipment for the
program. Dr. Thaddeus Jones of Laguna
Beach will administer physiological ef.
ficlency tests of all e..rerclse participants.
Dr. Herbert Brown will assist in the p~
A flexible program has been set up by
the YMCA so all pe~na may take part.
Uroups are scheduled to meet at three
dlfrerrnt times a day, three days a week.
The program will be run at the Laguna
Reach High School and at the YMCA
Camp Dolph, in Aliso Canyon near the
Laguna Country Club.
Exercises v.•111 consist or running, \\'aik-
ing, calesthenlcs and swimml11g.
There will be a nominal charge for the
four·month program in .addition to the
YMCA membership fee .
Your Omt~a
Solt• & Strv1ce
"\Ve are legally liable now to disclaim
the speculatioo that the Newport Tomor·
row data is being used in the recall work.
and that's the way l v.·ant it to be. we:
\\'ill gladly sign that retroactive agree·
ment and everyone should be satisfied,'t '.,
1'-fcGrew said. \
He said the firm agrees not to divulge
such infonnation to any person o~
or&anlzatioo without prior consent of the'
Newport Beach City Council. '
The clause will be added to the agrtt·'•
ment signed with Newport Beach lastt
February 26. 1•
Macaroni Fuels Fire ;
fire fueled by 100,000 pounds or macaron · /r
and pasta destroyed the Sosso Macaroni
Products Co. early today.
• "
--.,.,.., .... ,...., ...... WATCH'\: IJ .. • Ci.-4
• Cleaned • 011" FREE
The v•rv ••"'• 0111•t•
Spt•d11'111t•r witch "'•
Ctrry •11 l tlt cltll wifll.
out •ny mollifictlion by
NASA to b. w1r11 by ou~
111•11 '" th1 111•111. Thi,
r1tot11iti111, truly • ••·
"'• r 4 f • r ••c1llt~c•,
mtk•1 111 11roud to bt
yo11t •~•k1ri11~ Omtt•
itw1!tr. Com• i11 -•11
lhJ1 h•rod11tr"1, J b11tio~,
4 11r,1, 01111t• S,011dmt1•
ttr chr11109•11t~· T~• o~I, "'•*•"' WO!_ll .. ., f~t m111 If
tt.. -··· p,;,, ,,, ..
WttlJ. Y•• w~,
• Adi••lod P'lARlS $2.00
FROM s4ss ltl:·ST.UN6 t-
ltlNGl $3.00 SIDD, fro•
DIAMONDS $6.00 llPLACID, ,,_
Orottorr•pll &: Stlf· fNllAYINI DONt
trhlder1 1Hcht11 lli.fber:
Huntln9fon Center
Beach at Edinger
fflMl AlAl\J.lll
and back
Harbor Shoppin9 Ctnter
2300 Harbor llvd.
545°9485 •
( ,,
•P cl1
' B<
* VOL 62, NO. Z 16, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES . '
. '
' .-I • '
. . . . ..
• •
County Trllstee Assails Sex Education Plans
Of 1111 De11Y 'ltM Stiff
Sex education programs in schools may
encQU.rage Illicit sex relations among
ltudent.s, Orange County school board
member Dr. Dale Rallison warned Mon-
day in a talk to members of a Newport
Beach citizens' committee tor .the study
of sex education.
"We (the C0W1ty board} have. asked
atude9t.s in sex education programs, 'Do
you f~I more or leas apt to become In-
Farewell Tribute
' '
volved with members of the opposite sex
after laking lhil course?' "said RallW>n.
"Invariably Lhe answer is 'more
For lhia and other reasons, lhe Santa
Ana denUst, known for hill conservative
stands on school .matte~. said be is
"basically opposed" to sex education
courses. Tbe entire-problem ls one that
obould be handled by pare~t. in !be
home, he told pane.list!.
'Mle sex education hot potato was toss-
Senator Everett Dirksen's bodl lies in state in lhe rotunda in this
photo taken from top 11( Capito dome as President. Nixon and rnem·
bers of Congress paid a farewell tribute to the Illinois lawmaker. See
story. Page 4.
B_ay _Club Lease Election
Po stponed by City Council
A, November election on· a new Balboa
Day Club lease is out.
Newport Beach voters will be casUng
ballots on the issue !Ottletime late in
December or early January, instead.
City councilmen, municipal aides and
Bay Club Vice President Richard Stevens
agreed Monday that a November 25 elet·
tion. as originally hoped ror, is "not feasl·
NqoliatioM on the . rev!~ lease
agreement between the CJty, which owns
the J3 acres the dub occupies, and the
club aren't moving along quickly enough.
Stevens told councilmen that a later
election dale would be acceptable to the
club as Jong is it takes place before 1prl~g. He doesn't want the issue in·
eluded on tile April, 1!110, municipal
Before the voters finally decide the
questk>n, as required by the City Charter,
lhe council must approve the proposed
lease. Councilmen already have endorsed
a new financial arrangement and tease
extensicn in principle.
The cw:rent lease is due to expire In
1998. 111e new lease would extend the ex-
piration date ano&her 20 ·years. '° ex-
change, the city would recelVe. a bfgger
slice oC Bay Club profits a,nd rentala. The
net benefit to the city has been estitnated•
by municipal COMu1tant.s to be close to
$1.3 mill.ion.
An extended lease, accotding to
stevens, would pennit the club to secure
finantlng1 for a $5 million expansioii pro-
Councilmen A1onday named a com-
mittee comprising Mayor 0 o re e n
MacshaJI, Vice Mayor Uhd.sley ParsOM
and Councilman Paul J. Gruber to .. lit
the city Bf.a.ff in the working out of final
details of the new lease.
ed around a conlmoce lablo at !be
Newport Be.acb Chamber of Commme
for two hours Monday afternoon '1n one of
a series of meetings ttie citizem' group
has been holding since A)ll"ll.
Or. Rallison was guest speaker for the
session. Othe~ present were chairman
Or. N.olan Frhelle, Mrs. William Muon,
Mrs. Carol Beek, the Rev. Philip Murray,
minister of the CoogregaUonal Church In
Corona del Mar, Walter Phelp$ of the
Open End Theater, Thomas Garver of the
Newport Har;bor Ari Museum, Robert
Price and attQmey Arthur Guy.
As RaUJ&on hew~ firmly to bis views
on sex educallon. lt<quenlly challOll,lled
by the panelist., !be discussion . oc-
casionally heated up.
'"1'1UJ ls the liveliest meetln& we've
had," said one panelis~
Rallison cen'te'tid bis attack on the ex-
pense of sex educat~ Pf'OBTaD1S and the
qualifications of those who teach them.
"'The Anaheim Scllool Diltrlcl spent
$300,000 on its sex education course," be
!old !be panel. "Beller mults<OO!d ha,.
been oblalned by !Imply aendlng home
with each atudent 1 copy of a 30-cent
American Medical Association booklet
wbl.Ch covered all neceuary information
and CQUld be gone over by parent ~and
child t.ogetbet."
He dliplayed !be booklet. "Finding
Yourself,'' adding that even it contained
a few thing• he i.U wOllld be beller le!t
As for the teachers, be added, .. I.dm't
want some of those people teaching my
chlltlren monls.11 • •
Descrlblns hlmseu as "de<pl)> con· cemed" about · the caliber ol stUdt.nti.
emerging from today's unlvUaitles· and
§olng inlo leaching, Rallbon uplaln<d,
•You. cannot conduct a course ht ees-
education without ibe teaclter11 mcn1JJ
allowing lhroogh." •
"It seems to me you're condemnin& 10
(S.. SEX CLAllS, Pqe II
Bay Swap to State Again
Change in Lands Commission Makeup Cited
Of tflt D•llT PliiM Sti ff
The Upper Newport Bay land e1change
between Orange County and the lrvtne
Company must be resubmitteO" to the
State Lands Commission, Calllomia
Legislative Cowisel George H. Murphy
said today.
Murphy's oplnJon was in response to a
query from Assemblyman Alan Sleroty
(R-Bevecly Hilb), one of the legislature's
leading conservationists.
The Lands Commission In September.
1967, approved the swap of 14~ acres o{
county tidelands for 447 acres of Irvine
tidelands and uplands.
Makeup of the three-member com-
mission has changed siqce then, however.
Ed Reinecke has succeeded Robert Flncb
as Lt. Governor; and Casper Weinberger
has replaced Gordon P. Smith as Finance
Director. Controller Houston Flournoy re·
""}" ~-
Irv ine Fiiifi
Gets Credit of
$45 Million
Aetna Life and Casualty today an--
nounced it bas granted a ft5 million line
of credit to the: Irvine Company to
finance real estate "de"velopment cm ranch
This is the first transaction of its kind
ever made by the Coflnect.iciit based in-
.ucance fi,rm. Negotiations were con-
ducted by Coldwell, B:anker and Com·
pany, which ls Aetna's mortgage loan
correspondent in Callromia and Arizona.
Urban 'K. Wilde, vice presl~nt or
Coldwell Banker in charge of loan ac·
tivity, said the arrangment represents
the largest sin1le financing transa~on
made in the 31)..year relationship between
his finn and Aetna.
The commitment was negotlated by
James R. Wood of the firm'& office in
Newport Beach and Lansing E. Ebefllng.
vice president for finance representing
the Irvine Company. ·
Funds will be made available to the
Irvine Company on an incremental basis
over a five year period beginning in 1970.
The funds Will be used to conUnue the
development of new office buildln&s,
apartments, shopping cenlen and ln-
dustrial facllit!ee In' further fullfilment of
the Irvine Company's regional master
S tock ltlarkeu •
llEW YORK (APJ -The 1lock markel
finWted on hlgher'.ground today 1(ter a
late rally ahavtd some of Its earlier 1088-
... (See quolaUGm Pages 10.11).
Trading wu fairly active over much
of the session. The Dow Jones indusl.'1al
average at 2 p.m. was up :S.89 al 815.73.
Murphy ba"d his oi>inlon on ln· Murphy contended thal alnce enablinl
formation supplied by Sleroty. The data ..,.JeglslaOon autborizel the conveyance of
Included amendments lo the origimlY.' the county'• public Jandl only with· the
aireement between the county and
Irvine. The amendinents were approved
by county 5Upervison JUL November.
They involved dredging plans and pro-
vided for tu: relief for Irvine pending the
outcome of extended litigation.
Murphy told Sieroty in a letter:
0 Although you have Wonned us that
the State Lands Cornmlsslon has a~
proved the initial exchange agreement
between the parties, btdlcalinJ: that the
ccmmission has already made the re-
quired findings, we do oot think that the
commission tw discharged. its duties
under the (state law) unUI It has studied
the subsequent. •• am,endment.s and bas
determined that the flna1 uchane:e
agreement reflP.cts the rtndlng.s· prevlOUJ.o
ly made by It."
"Punitive RaW'
concurrence ot the ~. ''Wt do
not think that the comm1asloo ean a~
prove of the transfer until the final
agreement of the parties bu betn
lnugbt to tts attention."
The November, 1968, amendmenta are
part of that final agreement, In the
legislative counsel's view. And they
haven't been acted on by the Lands OJ:m·
''In light of the commiasion'1 obligation
to determine that the lands to be receiv~
(by the·county) ln exchange are at least
of equal·value to tht lands trBnllfmed by
the county," he said, "we ol>Urve that
the initial agrttment was n:ecUted four
years ago and land values may well haye
undergone 10tne change since that tbne.
··ni.~,. .. r.crhy ~\uded •. "tt ~ our
~ ' ..
Israel Forces
Invade 'Egypt
TEL AVIV (UPll-lsraell plan .. , lanl<.!
and ahlpa struck: Egypt today in lbe
beavie.!t raid since the 1919 1lx-d1y war.
TariU were landed in Egypt by assault
craft and cut a 36-mile swath through
military installations, radar and cock.et
An Israeli military spokesman said the
JO-hour punitive raid cost the Egyptians
"dozens" of killed and wounded and that
the only Israeli casually was a &lighlly
wounded soldier who was withdrawn
safely with the entire attacking force.
An 13raeli plane, reported to be an
American-built Skyhawk, was shot down
by antiaircraft fire and the pilot
pari.cbuted into the Gulf of Suez. He was
officially listed as missing.
Intense naval activity preceded the lan-
ding which a spokesman said began Mon-
do.y night. On Sunday night, Israeli motor
tprpedo boata: destroyed two Egyptian PT
boats In tM Gulf of Suez, and Cairo
nported an Iaraell patrol boat today with
the )oss of Its crew. These were the first
naval engagements since 1967.
An Israeli communique said the raid
waa in response to Egyptian "ag-
'11111 was believed to include not only
heavy EgypUan artillery attacks alon1
the Suez Canal but Arab terrorist attacks
on Israeli inat.allations installaUons in
Europe an<! various attacks against·
Israeli airlines, spokesmen said in
De,,pite the obvious warning, the left
wing extremist Arab guenill.a arwp
known as the Popular Front for the Llb-
eratlori of PalesUne·wamed today in Am-
man, Jordan, 'Jt would escalate fta terror
campalgri against lsratlf organizaUorui
abroad with' "more cfada:eroUJ, poaalbly
fatal" attacks.
Cairo rildlo had no ifnmedJate reaction
to the Isrieli raid, but It broadcast com--
muniques reportinf heavy IsraeU shell·
ing or Egyptian installaUons Jn the Suez
area at the 10Uthem end of the Sue-z
Canal and reported dogfight. over the
area between Egyptian and Isreali plan~
Bal Astrolo ge r
Gets Class Okay
From Co uncil
Astrologer Burt Mor:ie will be able to
teach the reading of Lhe stara aod planets
at bis Sun Sign Book Store In Balboa,
Newport Beach city councilmen decided
Monday night. · · · ' -
Morse thµs won hJI legal light lo &ive
Instruction in lhe ano.ienL craft. ,
Municipal lawmaker11 caved tn· oo the
recommendation of Assistant City At.
tomey Tom Woodfuff. They 1~ved an
ordinance permitting a e t r o I o & y In·
&truction, but baMing Us pracUce in the
The number ol the ordinance. coun-
cilmen wryly noted, ~ 1313.
opinion that the agreement u aup-
plemented and .amended mmt be resub-
mitted to the state Landa Commlssim for
its approval."
N~ Beach Cily Allornoy Tully
Seymour r<eelved a copy ol M~'l lo~)
ter Monday. He advised councilmen of
the opinion and noted:
"The legislative cOunsel's offiee bas
been wrong before."
Sleroty, however, b more enthusiastic.
He said be has sent letter1 to com.
mlssioners asking that the exchange -
lirst discussed more than a dozen years
a.go -be reconsidered by the It.ate.
Sieroty·s opposition lo the swap carries
over from his work: as exerutive
secretary to fonner Ll. Gov. Glen
Anderaon, who opposed the exchange dur·
in& tils tenure on the Ctmml56lon.
Trustees Set
'Tax Override
E'lection Date
The Newport.Mesa Unified School
District wUJ ult voters to approve a
whopping tax override of perhaps 81
centa in an elecUon Feb. 10, the dfstrlct't
trustees agreed Monday.
While the actual amount for the over-
ride was not set at the board's special
meeting, trust.eel agrttd to hold the elec-
tion on the February date and to possiblJ
add .another measure vital lo .the
district's finances -ptnnlsslon f~ the
voters to sell the $9 million tn unsold
building bonds at a rate higher than five
Preliminary estimates a week ago
showed the override amount nearer to 47
cents. However district administrator•
are considering I.he higher figure so that
several budget areas could be restored or
A total of $2'l5,000 is needed to bring
the district's equipment inventory Uj) to
That would be a one-year expeme only.
After the 1970-'71 school year, lhe taz
override liiUfe could drop to 74.&1 cents.
admlni1trator1 said.
Other areas requiring override money
are malntenanc:e and capital ouUay pro-
jects delayed (or the, past few years. It
would take $370,639 per year to help
reatore these.
Under programs and services -the
largest chunk of this would be for
agwnenting of teacher &alariea -the
(Set OVERRJD8', Page I)
Orange Cou&
Powe r Blackout
Caused by .Fog AUen R ecall Drive Morse la.st Jlmt wu forced to halt his
claaaea when he wu cested on 1 milde·
meanor char1e. City law prohibited sucb
O.mp fOg rolled lnlo the Newport
Beach area early Monday night, causing
al least lhreo power pol< fltts and a hall-
hour blacl<oul in Newport Re!ghls.
Firemen said the s u m m e r ac·
cumulation of dirt on electrjcal insulators
caught the moisture and caused currents
to arc.
Poles caught fire at 2241 W. Paciric
Coast Highway, 1108 W. Balboa 8\vd.,
39.19 W. Pacific Coisl Highway and 213
mt.ti St.
The arcing _and fire al 2241 Con~t
Highway caulltd Ille Newport Heights
blackout. "'bkh began 1L I :%9 . a.m.
firemen said.
l\1acaroni Fuels Fire
SAN ~RANCISCO (lJPll -A ·-!in !uelod by 100,000 J>OWl'\l o~m carool
ll1d pulO ~ed Ilic So"° Macaroni
-Co. early loioy. ,
• ,_ -
• , .
'No Survey Facts Divulged'
Of "" Dlll'r ..........
Opinion Research of Callfomla Monday
night. a&Suted Newport Beach city coun-
cilmen that no lnfonn1Uon gathered on
the Newport Tomorrow poll hM ever
reached the hands ol. ltader1 ot the rec.all
drive against Supervllor Alton Allen.
Donald McGre-,, execuUve vice presi·
dent ol the Lone Belch ..,bllc oi>inlon
survey firm, promillCI in a retrOl(:tivt
agreement that il would hQld all the In·
lomuiUon galhered In Its poll "'In
strictest confldenct ...
Opinion Research t.& (!O()ftflnaUne: only
th& peUlion 11athtring campaign for the
rtocaU-mo¥tment, I ""1ce wh1ch WRS
1ccept"1 afler the Newport Tomomw style publie1lloft w1,1 lo be bl\)ded ool lo
wort. wu completed, McGrew said. homeD'f'Mf• by, his w;orkm "at the strict
In h11 sleadfaal dtnlll of any confll*. j}S""'ll!o·r•e1ll commlllff." he aald.
between tbe Newpcrt T~ •t•' • •Y•W a handluJ of these t.h!np
and'the recall movement, McGrew~ i~' 11-wl>"e lhey came from -Utal "ablo!uttl.1 no blfvrmatlon ca, · ~t •u. to have our field workers
by oor. staff hot beef "' wlU be uioi( IJlo!n out when realdtnt. aaked·for
the rec1n cam pa~.•• , lnlonnallon on the recall campaign.••
"Our only rolt tn the t'f!Clll movementt M'cGNW , declllMld to identify 1ny
11 1o coordinlte lbl :~lk>n> ga~g mpnben of !be reCl1I committee. or·tbe
wock ind fllrnisll tho. wollt ~ p;taona who actually hlrid him 0< llgned
(purth..00 1ddrtu lists) !or lbl ~" l tbe check for the Or1IWI depoalt r0< hi•
Jn the field,,. McGrew Aid. ~ Orm'• aerrice..
He 1ald that the •{Hoqtowntr's 1"11\ey. lptclOcalJy lt.ipulated that we
Beacon'' tabloid w11 not wrllten or ··b:qt divulge any natne1,'' he 1aid.
delignod by lhla firm. , , l{e 1lao did not ~fy tbe coll of hla
Instead, ht nld, the i81al oewapapcr,; _J (Set Ol'INION, P•Ct I)
' •
J\1one contended the law wu un-
comlllullonal. So Ile wenl lo court 1nd,
lasl monlli, Munldpil J•ldf• I ·. E.T. Ru~
ler Implied he l1llY be rtpt.
No final ,ccun decllion wu rea,ched et lhe u111~. bo,.,,.r.'111iUet ruled lhat lb<
city's aJlegaUona WeA too vague and, 1s
I consequence, MopeJa &rlWl""'ll did
not appear ·~prla\eµ,i appli<lble.
Ruljor oeverthelm. •boer,Yed thal the
cily ban,agalnll Jeachl111 ulroloe ileem-
td, on the face ol It. untea.on8ble. )le
point'!!· out tl!al Moroo would &e·permll·
led lo....,d al'l"fl, lrom·• J>ook on Jho aub-J<c4 llu1 """1d nOI \e1ch 11; 1CCOR!\111 to
city 1aw.
Thia opinion: nld, Aui.tant City : Al·
lorn<y WCIOdnlfl. •<1e11 IOl\ll . -
doublJ u lo •liethor tbe law could "1th-
st1nd legal 1ttaclt one1 it. was lhoWn U\a,t
Mr. Mor11 wu tel<hlnc !he 1eneral 1111>-Ject of Ulrology."
Councllmtn concuflld, un1nlmou1ly.
Tb1t creeping foa will stick
around Ull ihnost noon again with
patches of Jl hangin& on all day
Wednesday and ohovlng lhe belch
temperature Clown into the upper
The dtath o/· Sen. Dirben wiU
a/foci both his partu cmd Ille
11e1tton'1 lo10s: Tltmo11 l>c a GOP
~ fight over lib ~,..,. °' minority ltadtr, and 1ome o/ ~;, pct projects OIOU dlt. Pot!" •.
ctllfltnM ' ~ ~ •• ,........ ..?: =:::: c.":.:: ·1 ~=--' . ..,.. l"lJ DM• f>tl!_ktt I llMk ~ .... 11 ......... , ... ,,.......... , .
..... f fa I " 11IMfln 1t Piii._ 1 .. 11 ..... t
...,..,. 11 ·-Wlllft It AML ..... 14 Wt>l'lf ..... ... =" J ............. ,,,. ..
~ .... -.. . :.::._.,...,. .p .. e J -si.te Fad BIR
-~ 11,113,Jll, •oconllnl In ad·
~ ..... ~. de '
'Few Million',Due
• ~ vgmue deelsi0h1 art rn• , .... . ... -............ will bl nllfl"d
fir f .... -~patloo IA ~ ~~t. . Superlnflllldent WUl!am CUnningham For Saddlehack?
thll wed< will bqln that 1Spect of the
~ "WOrk when he a1l:1 ror supporl
boa. lb• ~ewport.Mw ~ d u c I t I 0 n
~on and the dillrlct's volunteer
l!IJ'flll-leadler organizati<lnl.
1 0 I'm *ure thb thin& wifl pass. We have ~ad .:~s ~I from tM l/Ol~.~-bi-'the put,'' he said con·
lideq~y. -. :
Ori Uie matler of bollld Interest, trustees
agreed l\'I &nU:e an admittedly luWe, last-
t;harice elfOrt to .. n ul. diatrld's bonds
al tbe'lqally permissible five pertent.
Approval of senate 8111 ~ fl\&Y me•n
111 tew mllliQn dollars" tor Saddleback
College, 'l'rw:tee Hans W. Vogel told
board members Monday night.
Th< ,Qllf. signed by Covemor lleqan
Stpt. 4, will provkfe Jtate funds to new
community coUqea that othenvlae would
not be ellsible for assistance. ~foney \\'111
be made available under the Junior
College C:Onstructioo Act.
Trustees initiated immediate action by
authoriii.ng Dr. Fred ff, Bremer,
i u p e r i ntendent.-president l.lld Rly
Chermak, director of building, pli.Mlng
and grounds, to confer with.state oJficltls
in Sacramento.
Saddleback College will open Oct. S-9
for registration, board members were in·
formed, and insl.nlctlon will begin Oct.
13, even if pavins is not complete al the
new campus.
The college project has ~n delayed
by strike.s during the summer, but all
relocatable buildings have been moved to
the new campus and construction is com-
plete except loi-paviJl&.
1be Ucbt money in.arkeL, howevtr, has
made It "Impossible" to sell th< boodl 11
(Jve petetnt or lower, Cunningham Pid.
... .,We'll try, however1 and if we fall, we f::lii sa1 we attempted ev~ pOSsi•
bl• 0 be· aaJd.
Ft'Om Page 1
"' 'nie board Charted pl1na for 1 atries of
apeclat work sessions to dlSCWis spec.ifics
df ·the eledlon with community leaders,
"I ceJ1atnly hope the members of the
communfty would take an interest and
attend 'llorM of these meetings," board
preddent Marian Bergeson aaki.
TralteeS have until late November to
o[ficlalJy aet. the amount ot the ovetTide.
BtfOfe then, the district staff will
pre~ more data on comparative tax
rates-from other "benchmark" school
di.strids: and i;everal more in Orange
Trustees received JOrne data on the tax
rates Monday, but to'ld admini!trators
they needed information showing the
growth of other districts' rates over the
put few" years.
Besides deciding the override amount.
the board must determine whether to in-
c:Tude tbe bond interest meuure, and
whetbe"r to propoee the override for a
1peclf'Mld period, or an indefinite one.
Trustees Okay
New Saddleback
. Speaker Policy
awttil lat of teachers," Garver in,
"Since coming onto the school board
I've been disappointed in the caliber of
many teachers, but we can't get
replacements for-them ," Rallison replied.
•·reachers are people," he said.
"Morals vary from pe.raon to person and
there Invariably will be some conflict in
the moral backgrounds of some students
aod some teachers. There always will be
some teac:hers wbo c:onduct these classes
in PQOf taste. Actually teachers are not QUlllfied jo leld group dlscualona of ,.,_
Ual proble.m.s. The e!hotion.\ involved are
too delicate. A person with more medical
background would be better qualified."
Ralll!on "91'U partic:ularly ·disturbed by
the use of four-letter words· and "com·
mon slang" in teacblng sex education and
by what he regards as unnecuury delv·
ing into suual aberrations..
A panelist noted that propone nts of the
ACX c:ourses maintain fotll'-lett.er words
are. used chiefly for definition purposes
and to remove their "shock value."
"How far do you go?" demanded Ra.lli.son. "Do you have lo go Into every
form of perversion that exists and
describe it in detail? Where do you
He malnt.a.lned that S1Xalled hygiene
clauea given .separately to bO)'a and sirls
at the junior high le\lel are all the schools
need to offer by way of se:i education . Saddleback: College trustees Monday "Today)s kids are very well infonned niibt adopted a speakers policy that ~· anyWty," he said.
qutru when controvental issues are tn-"Tbey know 1 heck of a lot of what
''olved speakers represeoUng both sides isn't so," ·c:mnDlttlttd Murray.
be sdteduled on the same program. ~ ~ lhe Pine lists seemed to
The policy was S';'Uested ~y Tnatee agree th&f many pltdts are falling do\\'n
Hans Vogel of Tustin. It I! intended to on the job ol sex education that the
save the junior college from cr1Ucltm . ..... !!I' don't reacb enoup .Yowt1 peo-directed at other colleges for g:Jving-most"'l· . · ,, -. •
time to speakers for liberal cau.ses or ~ ~ ~-· · "\,
the polil.ica.1 left ... , ·~W..'i• • Ci iJ
The Slddleback poflcy , .. , on to state · 1~1ger1an v
that the requirement both sides ·be
nprese.nted does not constitute an ag~
rnent to provide equal time upon request.
Determination of what is a ood-
troverslal issue will be made by college
trustees for rollege-sponsored meeUngs
open to the public and by Superint.ndtht
Dr. Fred Bremer for c:losed meetings of
students in a class, club or department.
The polky aJso states that speakers
m&y be requested lo submit to quest.Ions
!ram the audience.
Woman Mauled
By Male Gorilla
DUDLEY, England (UPI) -Hospital
officials said today a woman zoo at-
tendant suffered broken thighs, broken
legs and severe cuts when 1he stumbled
into a cage of mating gorillas and was at·
tacked by the 225-pound male.
Mrs. Jane Whltwood, 26, escaped ?\fon-
day al Dudley Zoo by hitting the gQrilla
repcatiedly with a broom handle and
drqging herseU to safety along a service
··Adult male gorillas are not particular-
ly partial to human company when they
are romaUcally involved with their
males," r wo spokesman said.
DA llY Pll Ol
ti.•ltOe CQUJ' ftll' llH!lte O:W,il'Aln'
leMri H. W"' "'-w..t•Ml...,
J•t" I , C11'1y
~IU ~n\Mnl •fld Cf<o.tt .... _..,
Th...,., 111:11•11 ....
fht,.,1t A M1r,hlR1 ...... ......,. .. ,n.,
. Jt••"I• F, C.lli11 -..... C.!l'r '""°' _ ..... -.
21l l Will l1ll.•1 IMl111'11•
w.ui~t AUr ... 1 P.O.••· 111J. 'z•u. --
-·~ -
War Cease· fire
Hopes Fading
ADDIS ABABA. Ethiopia (AP)
Hope1 for a ceue-fire in the Niaerian
civil war faded today.
President Julius Nyerere of Tanzania
told a news conference other African
beads of 1late opposed aaythin& but a
military solution In Nigeria.
He said Maj. Gen. Yai\lbu Gowan,
leader of Nigeria expressed a wUllnpeu
lo consider metling with G:en. C.
Odumegwa Ojukwu of Bialra Oil the hard
to define prec:oodition that he was
.assured Ojukwu was seriotlll about talk-
ing peace.
An advocate or a cease-fire at the
African summit meeting here, Nyerer1
said "v.·e find the incredible sltuaUon
~·here non-Nigerians are more interested
in pr~ssing on with the war," instead of
talking. than even Gowon.
J\fany African countries fea r Biafras of
their own if Blafra is not cnl'hed
militarily as an example and "this
amounll'i to saying \\"e are kttping unity
by force," Nyerere declared .
Prowler Disturbs
Actress' Sleep
Actress Jane Russell reported a pro-
\\'ler on the balrony of her Dover Shore.s
home Monday night, Newport Beach
police said today.
1'-Uss RuSl!lell, asleep in a downstair.!I
bedroom of the bayslde home, was
awakened by a man on her balcony at 11
p.m., she told Investigators .
She ran to a phone and calleii police.
as she was talking, .!he said, the in·
!ruder ran from the balcony down the
st.airway• and out through the backyard.
Police said the man was gone when they
Cyclist Injured
In Laguna Crash
An ia.year·old Corona de! M a r
motOl"C)'clist is In 11tlslactory cordJUon
today following 1 Lqunl Bud! tnfflc
misha p Mondi.}" afternoon. '
B"""' Dou&las Wflaon, 10, of lOl7
Altuna Drive. sufftred a frachD"ld rleht
!ta In the ACCldent at about tht 500 block
of South Cout Highway, jllll north of
Ltgioo Street, whtn his motorcycle
atruck the rtlr ol an automobile.
\Yll110n told po~ officers at tht
hospital that he was golnr about '5 mph
and lalled to see. that lhe car In frent of
him 'i\'&I lllai>J>td.
ple and, since the ac.hools do, lhei goal
would be to arrive at some suitable pro-
gram that would protect both parenU and
"The goal," said Frizelle, "is to put
together some program (for the Newport-
1.1esa district) that will be acceptable and
still service.able." ·
"Sex education ls needed al all age
levels,'' Murray commented. "I don't
think we should back a~·ay from it
because it is expeoslve, distasteful nr
embarrassing. You can't completely
satisfy everyone but lbe job needs to be
done. 'lbe kid& are being left in the lurch
becaUMI their parents wmi:, and don't
heve time to talk to them. These people
-help." To a SUQ"elltion that the c.hurch might
be a better institutloo to help, Garver
asked, "But how could you be sure cf lhe
people tea ching there~"
"I'd 1ay 'amen' to that!" said Murray.
Amrting that some "unsavory" people
are drawn into the preparaUon of
materials for sex education prosrams,
Rallison cited as an example Mary
Calderone , director of the aintroverslat
Sex Information and Education Council of
the United States (SIECUS).
"Her husband has a theater that uses
top I es/\ dance I'!," he saJd.
"Her husband is not preparing the
material ,'' countered -Murray •
Rallison then rtad a lengthy quote !tom
a magazine article by Mrs. Calderone,
discussing in detail se:x techniques for
improving maritiat relations.
He agreed that this 1ert of material
\\'as not lncluded in school programs but
insisted it "proves her attitude is
unsavory for young people."
Passing out textbooks used in the
Anaheim program, some of them r2ther
dated, Rallison said he personally did not
find most of the teaching material of·
fcnslve . Hi.s objections were directed at
lbe manner of teacbin& and especially the
use of group dlscus.!llons in mixed classes.
"Group discussion has a different
<'haracter from a parent-child rela-
tionship," be said. "You are a.!king for
problems ii you set up friction bet\\·een
parent and chlld."
"Do you feel these classes are driving a
wedge between parent and c:hild?" asked
"That's the way it"s worked out.''
Rallison answered, "and there's also a
breakdown in the tradlUonal respect for
"Or. Rallison expresse.s a somewhat
alannist view," said Price. "I detect a
fear of trying something new just in c&se
it doesn·t work."
Frizelle thanked Dr. Rallison for .. hav·
ing the courage to come down here a.od
expose u.s to som e opposite vie¥.'s."
The paneJ, he sald, wtll continue to
meet for a couple more months. hearing
from teachers, students and others before
preparing a recorr.mendaUon for the
school board.
James W. Y om1g
Rites Scheduled
Private services will be held \\led.
nesday for James Warren Youna. wbo
collapsed and died Sunday while 'diving
half-mile off shore of Corona de! Mar.
Investigation by the coroner's ofllce in·
lo tht cause·o( death is continuing.
~1r. Young, 39, a resident of Newport
Beach for the. past six years. was con.
troller of Airesearch Divi:lion of the
Garrett Corp., Jnalewood .
He le.aves his wife, Betty and four
children of the horne, 132 via Trieste,
Lido Isle; mother. Mrs. Miriam D. Young
of Beverly Hills and a sister. Mrs.
~tarilyn Young Carlsonn of Northridae.
The family suggests that those who
1,1.·ish may make a contribution to their
favorite charity.
Viola Tummond
Se1-vices Held
Services 'i\'ere held today in Santa Ana
for retlrtd Coola 1.1esa teacher Viola R.
Tummond, who dle<i S&t~y In a 14'
An&tlet sanitarium. She was 72.
Min Tummond was Costa Mesa Gram-
mar School's first klnde.r1art.tn teacher
and taught here for 30 yean.
A natlv~ of Ca!lfomla. she grew up on
her family'• farm in Costa ~ieJa. After
her reUrtmenl In 1957, a.he made her
home at 81569 Willows Avt .• Gar d en
Grove. contlnulng to work as a tutor.
Survivors include a alsttr. Mrs. Mtld·
red Reeves of SantJ Ana and a brolhtr.
Stanley H. 1'ummond of Long Beach.
Following the servtce In Wlnblglct
Jo~amlly Mortuery Chapel, 729 N. Grand
Ave .• lnumment wu madt at Fairhaven
tilemorla l Park. Santa Ana.
Otbre Jten How•rd
Father Seeking
Ailing Daughter
Who Ran Atvay
A pretty runaway girl with an ag-
gravated asthmatic conditi on is sought
toJay by her distraught fa1nily after
being seen Sunday In Laguna Beach.
··she ~'as delennined to pick her own
friends," said Billy W. Naron, 41, of
Gar.Pen Grove. He js pressing the search
for Debra Jean Howard, 17, hls step-
daughter of 14 years.
Naron believes the girl is staying with
other young persons in Laguna. He has
filed juvenile runaway reports with police
departments in Laguna, Costa Mesa and
Garden Grove, he said. Laguna police are
working on the case.
Naron said the girl's asthmatic con·
dillon requires expensive daily medica-
tion. He fears it will not be provided. It is
the second Ume she has run away. "She
was in pitiful condition alter she left
before 1.nd she was only gone for a
week,'' he said.
Naron said with the aid of his step--
daughter's friends, he discovered her
\vhereabouts on Lower Cliff Drive in
Laguna Sunday but she eluded him.
Naron, an aerospace quality engineer,
said he hopes to join his wife and family
at their new home in St. Georse. Utah,
thi.5 month. He hopes to find bis sttp-
dall8hler first lo see that &he goes with
him and receives medical assistance, he
He said the girl, apparently using the
name Jeri, is attractive, 5 fett 2 inches.
greenish tyes and brown hair. He asked
persons knowing or her lo notify pollce.
··~ty last resort was going to a
newspaper.'' said Naron. lie said his
wHe, already in St. George, is frantic
\rlth worry.
School Districts
To Receive Aid
San Joaquin and Capistrano Unified
school districts will receive $4.1 million
for construction of new school.& from the
state sale of $& million in school aid
Funds will be turned over to the two
rapidly growing school districts after the
Sept is sale of the Slate School Buildlng
Aid general obligation bonds.
An estimated $2.2 million will be given
to the Capistrano Unified School District
wh.ich will use the money tor constructi'On
of a MW.ion Viejo eJemcntary school and
.a high school. .
Tha San Joaquin Scl100J District. which
rigures lo get $1.9 fr!lllion, will use the
money a 20-room elementary school.
Constru ction on the $1.3 million project
may st.art Nov. l . ·
The remain.ins San Joaquin money
"·ould be used fOr purchase of two
elementary school sites In the northern
region of Mission Viejo.
V.Mlt .. ,.. Jreanew
,.-"Presideµt Calls
WASl!INGTON (UPl)-Pruldenl
NlxOn today schedutid a hlaf>-!tvtl c:on-
fertnee Friday on Vietnam ltralegy, wlth
the U.S. commtl'l'ler, Gtn. Cr'11J>lon
Abr4m1,' ityioa to Wuhlngtoa to partk-lpatt,
Top diplomatic, military and Intelli-
gence oUlclat.. involved Jn formulating
Vietnam polic7-from determination of
possible further troop withdrawals to
assessment oI the Hanoi leadership in the
aftermath of Ho Chi Minh'• death-were
summoned to the meeting.
fn addition to Abranu:, alao aitUoi In
will be Defense Secretary Melvin R.
Laird, Secrttary of Slate WUllam P.
Rogers: Adm. John McCain, comm.oder
in chief in the Pacific: Gen. Earle G.
Wheeler, cbairman of the Joint Ot.iela of
Staff; NiJ:on's national security adviRr,
Henry A. K.IJSingtr; E&warth Bunktr,
U. S. ambassador to Saigon, Uld CIA
Director Richard C. Helms,
White House Press Secretary Ronald
Ziegler said lhe meellng would be a
·•general and Overall review of the Viet-
nam situation."
"Quite obviously the matter of troop
replacements and levels will be among
the many subjects dl5cussed at a meet-
ing like this." he told reporters.
The review also will i.nclude a diac:us.-
sion of the effects of Ho's death oo the
future of the Vietnam situalioo.
Bunker returned to the United St.ates
several days ago for consultations. He
was scheduled to meet with Nixon today
for preliminary di.acuuions in advance of
the hiah lever meeting.
The Friday ses&Jon abaped up m one
nf the most C001prehensfve rtviewa of
u. s. strategy in Vietnam aince Nlion •
Mesa Wife Says
Husband Fine
After Transplant
Waiting with her husband for further
developments in his kldney transplant
surgery -for five happy minutes each
hour -a Costa Mesa woman today
wondered how to properly thank the
donor's family.
'"I WIJ'lt to do tbat. but J don 't know
quite hOw to go about it," said Mrs. Jim
Wlernict, whole hu.!band wu given the
dead athlete's vital organ Sunday.
"I mean ••. " .she conUn~. "after all,
they Just lost their son."
Doctors at Mt. Sinai Hospital u.id to-
day the kidney from Lo.! Angele1
Dodgers' farm club baseball player
William Seinsoth, 22, ia funcUonin&: well.
A progreas report on WiemJci, 35, of
ll8 Ogle St., Apt. D, liMi hio condition
as good, but prGRptela for total success in
cases of non-reJaUvt't tranaplants are
alway& an open question.
Mrs. Wlernicz said her husband -who
has been havlns his blood cleansed by an
artificial kidney machine for the past 11
months -is wide awake and clear-head-
·•tte knows me , •• he is in good
spirits," ahe said.
The fonner Newport Beach mail car·
tier who finally had to give up his Back
Bay area route as kidney failure in·
creasingly damased his hea1th was still
in a poe:toperaUve recovery room today.
"I asJl:ed the nurse when he could be
moved to a private room ," said hlrs.
\\1iemicz, explaining that he remains on a
monitor machine showing lhe continuing
state of his physical condition.
··we don't know," was the nurse's rep-
ly .
The young baseball player who was
fatally injured in a rolklver auto accident
last Saturday in the desert near Barstow
died Sunday at Harbor General Hospital
in Torrance.
His other kidney was removed and
Oown to New Orleans, La., where it has
so far been successfully Implanted in lhe
body of a 57-year-old man.
Your Omt'Qa
So.let Ii S1roic1
took ofl'ice.
Ni>;on r<tumed from the Westun Whlta
~ou.se at san Clemente shortly after mifi-
rught Mondly an9 returned to his Whit~
Houae office today. Ht scheduled his
mettine wltb Bunker at 12:30 p. m. POT.
FrotH Page J
service, but intimated in general figures
that the service could cost upwarda of 11.000. .
''The USLlal cost for this service ranges
from 75 cents a name to $1.50, a.od we ex-
pect lo gather perhaps half of the 9 .000
.!llgn&tures which the committee ~s
The rest will be gathered by·· unpa"1d volunteers," he said.
Compiled at $1 apiece, 4,500 names
would rlng up a total cost of $4,500.
McGrew steadfastly held that his
form's service to the recall campaign "ls
professional and totally without conflict .. of intuest."
"We are. m~g no moral juds~me.ot
as to who l.S right or wrong in this recall
movef!lenl. ~ we are doing is providing
a service which we have been olferioi (or
the put two years," he said.
''We are legally liable oow to disclaim
the specul.a.Uon that the Newpart Tomor.
row data is being used in the recall work,
and that's the way I want it to be. We
will gladly sign that retroacUve agree-
ment and evel'yooe should be satisfied "
McGrew said. '
He said the firm agreea not to divulge
such information to any person or
organizatioo without prior coo.sent of the
Newport Beach City Council.
The clause will be added ~o the agree.
ment signed with Newport Beach last
February 26.
Of Mafia I.ink
To Help Alioto?
Democratic leader Jess Unruh sa.id today
Sa.o Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto eould 0
benefit politically ii he Is "vindicated" oC
charges he ii linked with the Mafia.
Unrur could be Alioto's chief rival for
the 1970 Democrati c gubernatorial
nominaUon. Neither has announced his
candidacy, but each is campaigning
throughout the slate .. assessing" lhe
Asked by a reporter whelher a Look
magazine article which went on the
stands today could adversely affect
Alioto's political career, Unruh replied:
''I th lnk it is likely lf he is vindicated in hi~ t;uit it may have the opposite effect."
Aholo has filed a :Jl2.5 million libel suit
against Look.
Just Call Him
'Stinky' Noiv
EL CERITO {UPI) -Po Ii c e
dispatcher Robert Rasmussen was just"
trying to be considerate of others. And '
no11 nobody will come near him. '
A skunk wandered into the police sta-
tion early today while Rasmussen was on
"I'm in a glass-enclosed booth and it'
didn't bolher me ," he said, But he got to
thinking of others who would be dropping
by. "so I tried to shoo him out. ,
The skunk responded predictably.
"It's been very lonely this morning,".
Rasmussen said.
-----...... ' I WATCH~ lt~C..._.
• Cleaned • OllM FREE
Thi .... ,.. ··-0 '111t• s,,.,,,""'' "'•tcli ....
c••rt w11 11l1cl•d w;11i.
•vt 1ny 111edific1lio n l.,,
NASA 11 b1 worn by I M•
min en th1 M•on. lhi1
r1t•t Rltt1n, hvly • •••
w 1 rd fer ••c11lt nc1.
m1kt 1 vt ,rou.. le II•
<yOlff 1vtl\•rh1.. 0!'1111:1
Jtw•ltf. C11111 in -111
thi1 •.1nd 111111, 2 liutton,
4 di1I. Ofn1t • S,01dn• .. ,.
It • chron•t•t,ll. Tht •nly
wi tch w1rn lay I~•"'•-oa
!tit 111oon. '"t• l l fJ.
Wt.Ii. T•1 Wimit
• Mtu1tod ...... $2.00
FROM s411 ll.stlUN• ,.,._
llM4S $3.00 11110,,,..
DIAMOMDI $6.00 llfl.\CID, tt.. a-s=,•w-1Ne1A"ff IONI
1rltdert 1 Mt:M.ri
Huntlnc.iton Center
Beach at Edln9er
,, >
and bac:k
Harbor Shoppln9 Center
2300 Hatbor Blvd.
545.9495 •
·au. ANDl!itSON, l!dJtor .,.,....,., ......... ,, 11'11f I'll ...... ,.
Fa II Forecas.f" ·
Fash·i'ons . .
. F a~n·cj·e ·d
• • •
What's new on lhe fall fashion circuit. will be un·
veiled for Aeronu,tl'OJ'lic Wives when they~ open their
new season Wedntrtday~ Sep,t. ·11, ivith ,a·1uncbeon.
Gathering in the Newporter IM, the group will view
ensemblfs 1rom Mildred's of Tustin; Windsor, Harbor
Shopping C~er, C0Sta1Mesa,: and Gimones Fine Fasb-
ion;Bal~a1 Island. · . · .
Selecting ,a French theme and the Carousel Room
for the showing, members have entiUed the event Car-
OU!el Les Femmes. · '
Member models include the Mmes. Tertance Clar~
George Ritsi, J. K. Slap, John Rehak. R. N. Bird and
H. C. Kieth. Providing background music on• the piano
will be Mrs. Val Bennett.
. Coordinator ts Mrs. Richard Doyle,.assi.at~cl'l1y.l\lr1•
Rltsi and Mrs. Joseph Czyz., Mll!.· Ritsi,. Is luildleon
chairman, while in d1arge ol lhe program is Mn. Doyle.
Reservattoo•, which are due Friday, Sept. 12, may
. . .
be made by calling MJ:s. Czyz at 831J.-051i7. •
Festivities will begin with a social hour at 11 a.m.
Lunch wiU be served at noon , and the fa.Shion parade
will take place durin& the latter part of the luncbeoo.
PARADE PREVIEW -Mrs. George Ritsi (right) models a ·pants
ensemble which will be included in the Carousel Les F-emmes
fashiOI), show. to be presented for Aeronutronic Wives Sept, 17. '
• DltJY ""' ....... ..., °"" ........ Previewing the fall fashion are (left to right)° Mn. Williain.BeO:
nett, Mrs. Terance Clark and Mrs. Richard Doyle.
' .
NH Tuesday ;·ClU.b
Ready to Roi.I Out
. .
The wheels are beginning to turn tis men\be.rs of Tuesday Club
of Newport Harbor gear themselves for a new year.
1'-1rs. Benjamin Modesti , new president, recently Called upon all
the section chairmen to give individual reports on actiVities plaMed
for the upcoming year.
Mrs. Rulh Seaver Kennedy. After-fi"ve chairman. announced that
a gala South-of-lhe-bor~er party will tak~ place Sept. 28 in Irvine Coast
Count.cy .CJub. Cocktails . will be served at 5:30 p.m. with dinner and
dancing following until 10 : 30.
The wheels will be turning literally for the Travel Section, under
the chainnansbip of Mrs . Richard Hil.chcock, when they travel to the
races, plays in Los Angeles and the ·Light Opera series. One Wednes·
day a r:nonth is reserved for trips. ,
In charge of 'the Fine Arts Section is Mrs. Louis White. Weekly.
workshops are scheduled in the Newport Harbor Community Center
\vhere various fonns of art expression are exchanged. Meetings start
Sept. 25.
The sellirig of finished wares provides an art sc holarshi p each
year for a student a·t Orange Coast College. . ·
Heading the Bridge Section is 1'-1rs, Fred Sinasek who with h~r
co01mittee plans monthly parties on the second Wednesday in the
Stufl Shirt. Card play begins in October.
• . Mrs. Fred Dunn,. gol! chai.rn1an, report! lbat play is set. for .
Laguna Country Club for the first three Wednesdays of the 111.onth with tf\e fourth a '•'play away" day . al ·other courses~ Tee-oU, tio:ie' \s '
9:~5 a.m. 1 . •
' : BoOks •n Stull Section, wbi<:.11, meets the ;ecodd, Monday at I
P·f"· with' dessht ·and P.rogralns,. is. beaded .hY Mrs. St,ewart Nolton.
Newly formed Is the Bowling SectiQJ.1 under the.dll"ec'tlon of i.j,.s.
Raymond Wood. Meia Lanes, Costa Mesa is ·the setting' each Mon-
day at I p.m.
' '
r . .
CLUB Wfff,ELS T!J.NIHG -·Geei§,ftg1.llJ~selves
for a new year a~ members:of1rth'e~ Wrbor ,
Tuesday Club. The ,Mmes. Ra;mllld•W'ood, Rich-
ard·· lltcb;,..,k an<t ·F·r •' d :Sin;,'sek .nffl> to1 right)
wheel out the various j~· which!' represen·t the bowfinf. cara and . travel seCtions.
The club's nex't · me.Ung will be. staged at 11 a.m. Sept. 23 "in
the · Balboa Bay Club with Mar~Dent Manonette& performing. Mrs.
Angelo Redaelll 11Qs lined ·up enlertairuneill•for 'the monthly"meetings
each fourth Tuesday, •
It's ·a
DEAR ANN LANDERS: • "\\'.ill you
please tell me what Is wr0n& .With a
woman who, after 12 year1-<Jt mll'Fiagt,
sUll a*-5 her ~aod if 'be Jt'•n!J:
mustard or m8,)l(lflnibe on !tli him and
cheest sandwich. Also, she cannot seem to remember whether be prefcn It on
white or rye.
Five years ago I told my wife to ask
the dry cleaners not to crux my
1Jeeves. More often than oot _the ,;will come back with the sleeves trel.'JeG. Bet
excuse : "'Ibey must have f«1otten ."
Thls same woman expects me "to
wnember her birthday, our weddi.,. an-
niversary, V1lent.loe.'1 Day, Mother'• Day
llld Ground Hoe day becme that II Ult
day wt meL
We arcue a lol and get nowhere. What
,.. ' . '
does this ICllnd lllte to ,..! -JLIL
DEAR BAL: De •-Am"1caa fam.QJ. •I t
was bombed (a( the wheel yet) evecy clay
for two weeks.
You IUUetied that the W'(ll)Jft pray for
• minor a<ddent -.... In w!llch nobody
DEAR ANN: LANDERS: I "" In-Is lnJUttd, but orie that would teach her ~,la ,_. .adli<:t to .the woman ~r a leolon. Few Ult past Ills
whole hulblnd. tMupt YICl.tkm were yurs Jive bctn praying for 1 major ac·
!or ptlkl( dnliik. 1k lmb"<! on annual cident -ooe thlll ~ J>ll\ my hu.band
c:n!OMOOlllry motor trips with the whole in the hoopltal Jor abo\11 11,t l1\0llths .. He
family In the car and be 'wOuliJn't let geta smuhtd at lust five nlshta I week
•Ut)'Onl! else drive.. n.e big jerk started on ... ind mall:es life heR for everybody. I can't ~r immediately afU!I' braRlrfAitf aJWt ren"""two" th-h•..t """• ' "•"' ... ., .. 1 ....
• , • • •
terrupt..i ollht)l •l .. p. My \ husband Cf" •t1<JMJ a ml<jtq .. II mid cbup
com., home an~ from nl dnighl to ~"'4 "•d his, .... , .
4 a.m., c:u&SeJ.'i ~· f&m\iture~ ·~~ · • , ~ • 1
demanC!s lhalf~h_fm.supper. Holr'hO : DQR·l'Nl!!LAN11ERS' I -you
manqes to l!<M!V In Cit morning and do 1 ojon"bnile,4 health column but you ~
a day"s work Is beyond me . • 1 to 1mo1f #llWe bit •about a lot o! thhJls.
I don't drink a drop and I'm hair dead Tn betyou cab amwet tJ\Y.que!Uon .. ,
from elh1uslion. I h>ve bel!J'd him to Is It true that ea Ung Jarge q11&nUlies 61. ·
get help but he rtlUJeS. Once )'otl printed grapefruit will make a person thin, lo the
the name or an organlzaUon : for wive!I !l;IUllltway that e.alinl rlc;h ~ 1'Ur
who must live with alcoholics. I clipped It make I pmon tat? My friend ,.Y. it' ls
out alld misplaced It. Wiii you print It "'a}\d'm, backs up.he!-1talement by u ·
qaln plea,.! -FRAZZLED NERVES plalnb1' th~ gnpefrult la a -<1tabollc
DEAJ\ FRAZZ : n. aamt of the roOd a11d bums l!J> tat. Right or wron&' -
orpaluU.. 11 A~A.... no. .. tloaal ON THE llEA VY SIDE.
headquarters are ta Ne• York. The ad· DEAR ON1 Wroq. I tao• •r M food
drt.11 fJ P.O. 8o1 Ill, MadllOI Square tha' wt8 m1lr:1 a peT'IOI tllbl. U yn ire
Stat'°a. New York. New York 1111111. "on the he1vy side.'' don't Jock for ,rm-
W""t-: ud: ~ • ":'\in W ~ '\"'45 _....., \ ... ' ..... ,.o ('4 • ' ' .......
diet. . ' CONfliDEN1'1AL TO SOWED •MY
WILD ATS: Pray .for a crop. !eilule.
Buddy. It Is too lale ~"do ~I·
. Ill&: t d6 .not bell•••· t11at '"' ..... .....,. to \be eore. '' Y oui IOWKl nu a nonDar
py wh< used v~ P.""' j....,_,,
How will yao baw -Ille nal Wi11J tomet.aloq:? Alli Au~ a.H ....
her booklet "Ltve tt" Sa_. """., M tbe Dtffe.reace. •1 Send SI catl • • lilll
• Iooi, aell.-....i, ......... -~ with,..._.
AAn Laad•rw wtll Ila 11111 la W. Jioa
.-ult ,... ...----1a IW1t cm of lb< DAlLY Pnnr, elldooJotl .a ... •• st ................
-....... -. ... -.. . . . • .... -..... , ·-. ·-.. . ,.
Libra: Bargain
In the Offing
S•n Diego .Hom•
St. Joachim's Setting
Fdr Nupti9I Ceremony
Buteb of While gladiotl,
WllllJool, -lllcl pompom
-lbe aitar o! SL
JOldlhn'• Catholic Church
when Jrr;ce, Zanott! became
the bride of. Wllllam V. Urone.
Parents of the bridal couple
are Mrs. Grace Zanotti of New
Yorlc and J .. Zlnottt o! Costa
Mesa and Mr. and Mrs. Peter
V. Urme. Irvine.
Given in marriage by her
father, tbe bride wore a silk
orpnz.a over satin empire
gown with • watleau train.
Venile lace and embroidery
decorated the &own. A pillbox
caqbt her illiiilon veil, and
she carried orchids, white
,_ ed s!A!phanotts.
In apricot. colored chiffon
empire 80WJlS and carrying
yellow and bronze flowers
were·Carol Zaoottl, maid or
honor and sister of the bride,
a~ the bridesmaids, Mn.
Tony Nanci, Miu Sherri
Bnmuu ed Mrt. Jay Bayne.
AUendtng-u best man was
James P. Urone, while ulhera
were Bayne, Michael Madrid
and Robert Wadsworth.
Circulating the guest book
during a reception in the
parish hall was the bride's
aunt, Miss Anna Marie Zanot·
ti. Special guest was Pete
Zanotti, t be bride's grafld..
Followlng a honeymoon trip
in northern California. the
bridal coople will reside in San
Diego where the bridegroom
will study for a PhD in physics
al lhe University of California.
He is a graduate of Costa
1'1esa High School and receiv-
ed a BA in pbysicsjrom_ UCJ.
Hl.s wife' al.so is a CMHS
graduate and attended Orange
Cout College.
Wednesday Morning Club
• New Season Opening
Milady can change her ap·
pearance easily while enhan-
cing her na\Ural beauty wlU be
the mes.sage delivered to
members of the Wednesday
Morning Club of Costa Mesa
by hatntytls~ Dick De Nuccio.
The group will meet for a
10 :45 a.m. brunch Sept 2.f in
the Balboa Bay Club and then
watch a demonstration of "'igs
and hairpieces which will be
styled by the speaker .
Members will serve a s
Reservations art to be made
by noon Sept. 22 witb 1-trs.
Arden Mead.
Opening a season or ac-
t.ivlUes will be sections of the
Arts and Crarts will meet at
10 ;30 a.m. Wednesday, Sept.
17. in the home or the presi· ~{embers and guests of lhe dent, l\1rs. Fred Johnson,
Mesa-Harbor Club will get A ,~hi!e bowlers will begin their
Glimpae Behind the Iron Cur· season next Wednesday.
Js There a Generation Gap
in Interior Design will be the
topic discussed by a mother·
daughter in terior design team
for the Balboa Yacht Club
Ladies Luncheon next niurs-
~lrs. Phillip Paul. FAID,
and her d51ughter Miss Penni
Paul, AID, will elaborate on
the topic for the 12:30 lunch·
eon which will he preceded by
an 11 :30 a.m. social hour.
Mrs. Edward Lethen ,
luncheon chairman, and the
Mmes. David SmHey, Don
Franklin and Edward Steen
Jr.. officers' wlves, w i 11
welcome guests.
Kiwis Meet tain next Thursday when Globetrotters will leave via
Newport Beach Mayor Doreen bus al 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, l\Irs. Don F. J.loward or
l\{arshall describes her recent Sept. 30. for a festive day in Newport Beach will open her
trip to seven European capital Old To"'"· San Diego. home for a meeting or the
<.:ities. Bridge and a t t Newport Beach Chapter, Kiwi ,.,_ Marshall toured the c nas a P ayers
rn-1.... will start shuffling cards Club at 8 p.m. nei:t Thursday .
cities, including four behind tomorrow at IO a.m. in the The club ls composed of ei:-
the Iron Curtain, as a delegate Shark Island Yacht Club, and A m e r I c a n A Ir I l n e
with the People to People tour. Juniors will meet for a stewardesses. Further in-The meeting will convene at 10 :30 a.m. in the Balboa Bay Friend.ship Coffee at th.: same formaUon is avai lable by call-
Club with a coflee hour and time in the Huntington Beach ing Mr.s. Fred Betts at 642-
busineu meeUng prcceding'-=b=om=e=of=Mn==· =Re=he<ca==P=a=U='=y=, =j&=l=7=. =======:;I the luncheon Ind program. Ir
Pmidlng will be Mrs.
William Holmes, and seated at
th' head tabl e with her will be
members of the board, the
l\tmes. Marshall Co w 1 e y .
Harold Lakin. Edward
Schmok, Robert ~lcl.aren.I \Vendell \\'illlams and Ed11,·ard
Dance Club
Square Rlgers S q u a r e
Dance Club ''!'A·ings out"
evuy Wedbelday at 8 p.m. in
the First Methodist Cbun:h,
Costa Mesa.
lfl'S Bf fRIENDl Y
U J'OU have new ndchbon
OJI bow ol anyone IDOvinl I
to CW' U'U. ~ \ell UI
10 tbat Ml ma)' utend a
trSendl1 welcome and be.Jp
t.bwD to becomt acqUIJnted
la the!r ntW aurmuntUnp.
So. (Olsf Vlsllor • -494-0$79
lllrMr Ylslf or
The beautiful new decor of the Playboy salon pro-
vides a setting of comfort and elegance for having
your hair done in the latest styles. Manager Char·
Jene Clark and her staff: Chuck Hu11ey, ~taxlne
McGavran, Meryl Beebe Linda Barker and Jerry
Gutierrez wilJ do their uhiioat to please you. t.tisa
~tonette is available for manicures and pedicures.
Wll•UG G
October Date Picked
Engagement Revealed
(l>al<d llpOll actaal P--)
./ RESULTS GUARANTEED in writi/lt"
·•rell 11'1 the dl'NI &i.r:e )~u •ul to ll'MI', and
~·n tell )"OU hO'PI' many ,·i.i;il.& it wilt Uk~ and
i=imrantce. in miting that you llill tta<:h your
pl. In fact, t:.0 at.olulely pos.iU\'e .,. WG that
you. will obtain your OOJl'ctlvt', thl'lt u i;l.aled
jn our ruanintoo, ll'C \\'ill CYM let you.. have
}"REE OF CHARGF..., 11.ny and .11 \l jurt.hcr
\i6its. ttnta You l'ench. your 1oal, lt'a po1llh'a USBW'llDC8 that we bl ck up our suarmte.1ro;;.
./ As the Nati.on'a loader, you can
depend on it . , . mrults come
quickly ••• oalely ••• without
strenuous cxereise or danfeTO\.ls
QUIRED. We nre not a gym.
Our averare Patron, based OD
our record!, realizes her goal in
8!I little u 4 to 6 -ks.
./ Costsless(nuu:hless)thanotbcr
,..;g11t JOC!oction "'°""""" _.
<'ially with this week's * Price
./ Call fa: f,..., 8111!plo visiL Actu-
.uy uoe, UDder-oupe,.;,,;oa, ihe
Gloria ManbeD machinel, in·
eluding oar patented "CUl>J.a.
Matk" •• , ..., why GIO?ia Ma..
shall became the wurld'1 llrpot
~ Contzol System. (2~ loca·
~ill Colllomia olane).
./ Call now fot -le CCJUrt.t
vilil No charge or obligation:
Costa Mesans Wed
In Afternoon Rites
Cost.a Mesa la home for noaegay of orchid petals was
Johll Ctmbatuk ll)d his bride, 51111• C I m b 1 lu k , the
the former LiQda J e 8 n bndegroom's aleter, who waa
Sparkes, who eiclianged wed-floMr girl
dlngvowaandrin••be!oretbe StandJng w lth the a-bridegroom was S l e v •
l,lt.a.r of St. Andrew 's Jacobsen, and seating gueru
Presbyterian Cllurch. were Don Crowley. J e f t
Reading the, rites ror the Joha&on and Alei:aoder, au; ot
daughter aD4f aon of or.· and Costa Mai. Steven Al~
Mn. H. D. Sparkes and Mr. er, riephew of the brt~ CF·
ond Mrs. JriUWJ Clmbatuk, alt ried tile wtddlng rln.tl•.
of Coda Mua, wq .the Rev. A champagnf Ouffet .sup~
Dr. Charles H. Dierenfield. ror 115 guests followed in 1'he
A gown of silk organu over home or the bride's parents.
satin with French I a ce Assisting were Dale Jeffries
decorating the bodice was and Miss Nance Stein.
chosen by the bride, who was Among tho.se signing the
given in marriage by her guest register were Mrs. Doris
father. Her illusion veil was Roshenko of Victoria, Britlah
caught to a cluster of lace Colwnbia, grandmother of the
petals trimmed with seed bride, and Mr. and Mrs. John
\ pearJJ, and her bridal bouquet Ombalu.k of H a w th o r n e ,
was a cucade of white grandpa rents or tbe
orchids and pink rosea. bridegroom.
Preceding the new Mrs. Both the bride a n d
Cimbaluk to the altar were bridegroom were graduated
Mrs. George Lazaruk of Costa ~~; 0rC::e ~=~ ~1~e:=
fi.tesa, her sister, who was both attend California Stlte matron Of honor, and
bridesmaids, Mrs. Jack Alex··i-;;;;Co;;t;;te;iig;;e;;a;;t ;;Fu;;ll;;e;;rto;;;;n;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;
ander and Miss Harrietll
Sparkes of Costa Mesa, also
her sisters, and Mis.'> Dorma
Sawchenko or Phoeni x.
They were attired In Jong
pale pink sleeveless chiffon
gowns which were ruffled at
the neck1ine and each carried
a cascade of pink Australian
lilies. ·
Wearing a sleeveless white
lace dress and carrying a
natalie wpn't
kicked out of school.
she was carried out
l\\..dd. 'o '.'...
co .... in _,~ --· umlnainf ...._..,..
p,;,,.,. J)/ay ""'"' fad/ilia for mall
• •
* ORAN6E coµmY:CALIFdRNI~ ·r • VOl. 52,. NO. 716, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES
' ' ' . ' ' '. .' ~ -'\.' ,. ;' .J
) ,. F J " '
By. BA'IBABA KREIBICH ·°' t1tt wur ,.1. s1.t1
Stz education programs in school& may
encoura1e illicit sex relatiOns aniong ~eii~. Oranp Couni;y school lxN!rd
member Dr. Dale Rallison warned "Mon-
day in a lalk to triembers of a Ne'YJ>Qrt !If~.~· comm~tee for. the,study il '~OdU..401\. "We (lhe county board) have asked
tf.ndeats in sex ~ucatlon progra"V,I~ 'Do
,YOO 1&f11CJf6 ~ leis apl to becorile in-
, .
.. , • r
' vo1ved wltb mtmbtr1 QJ lhl! opposilt sex
liter: laking this CQµr&e?' "said Rallison.
"»1vatiablf Ute anSwer .,i5 'm or e
Foi this and' other feaSOflS , the Santa Ana dentist,· knoWn for his conservath•e
Mands" on : school m&ttets, said :~ i Yi
'.'tiasic&lb'' -Oppgsed". lo · sex educition
~ses. ~.enttre-probh;m is 'Pflt that
. should be . hiruiled · by1 pareqts in the ftt/\i!•,.'1<. told ~elisis: , · The .JtX. ·eduea~on Hdt pota.to ·was toss-
•· .
.... F.ar~ell Tribute ~ . 1· • • . • • .
SeDatot:Everett,Dirkseo's .body lies in state ih the rotunda In thi s
J)boto taken .from top of Capitol dome a~ President Nixon and men1-
btrs o~·eongress .paip a-farewelliribute,to tbe Illinois la,vmaker. See
•Ulry, Page 4. '. : ' •
M~a "Arm~~m~~er '.t{n100
. '
In Aitack on: ~~et .C~p
! J , I •
'l'he· soo·of the assist.ant1superintendellt
d the:Cosla'Mtsa·C,ounty .Waler Dhtrict
.... killed recently~in an attack tin-his
biH:eamp fn:South 'Viebimn,
He ."Was ,Army Jst 'Lt· Lawrince D.
Grfft, 23, son o/. Mr •. 1nd,Mrs. Lee A,
Martin, of 31.2t·Bermuda .. Drlve1 Costa Mesa. ;:.. ' .
'l)e•)'O!U'll·:Officer·-was a ,gradualt-d:
OraOll•·Hfili"S\'l!O<>I and .Orange Coast
CoMge. He entered 'the:ArmY in May.
11'8, after ·llO'l'C ' lrafnfng ar Oregon Sla!O.\llii..nlf.y.
·Lt.· Greet' was sent to Vietnam last
J;ne and suffertd falal·cOmbat'wounds
oa A~. It. with' bis ·funeral held tw-0 weeu· Jater In Portland1 Ore., where he is
He leaves his. wife, Paula . a· son
Andrew. as well as four brothers and his
patemaJ graodparerftS.
Steele l!f•rkeu
NEW YORK (Al>) r-the alock market
!inWl!'l'oo higher-I!-today after .a
late ntly lharid oomo~ its earller loss-
... (S.., ~ !Piaes t0.11).
Tnding' wu flirlfL active cner mu~h oft.~ seeslon. 'fhe COW' Jones fhdustrl,al •venle at 1 p.m.lWll UJt"t.a at atS.73.
· • . : I t J·r.vine Co. Granted CTedit
Aetna Life and Casually toda y an-
nounced it .ha.I granted a M5 million line
ot., credlt •tb the •Irvine Company lo
fJDRncc real estate development on ranch
lloldlnP, Thb b the llnl lransacll .. or )ts kind
..,., made by U1e Ccmne<ti<UI l>aiOll ln.
IUl'fln<:e (Inn. Negotlatliont Wtre con·
d1'Cl<d by COidweii, Banker and Com·
-.~ ... llidi b Actna's m«f111• loan ~in California and Arizona,
Ur:tiiin · "':')(, Wilde.. vlet ptesktml · of
COldttlJ -in -·· of loon ... .
I . '
-' . ' ,. . 1 ·~ .• .
tivily, pid U,, amngn>Pnl r~ill~
the: largelt. single financing transaction
made in lhe 30-year'Rlallonehip between
ltlJ !Inn a Aetna.
The -~ WU • .. lnlillted by
James R. Wood oMhe lim~ oflk. in
Newport 8<a<h and Lanalng E. Eberting.
vice presidtnl for---financ• representinC
I.ht Irvine Company.
Fund• will 'be made availiJ,ble to the
Irvine-Company-on •n lncremtl)tt1I baib
over I n .. '"' pel'iocM>qhlnlng In 1170.
t -• I
-........ :-
Assails .Sex Education Plans '
ed around 1 Conference· table 1t the
Ney"port Bt&<h Cbaoibef or «ommeree
f()r two ~ ¥~ay ,aftm:noon in ()ne of
a series· Of' meetings the cltliebl' lf'OUP
h8' been holding -April.
Dr. Rallison was guest speaker for lhe
session. Olbp's pre9¢nt were ~bairman
Dr. Nolart Frilelle, Mn. Wllliam Masoo,
Mn. Oa0>l lledc. the Jlell. Philip Mumy,
minister of the Coogregatlonal Church in
Corona -del liar, Wall.tr Phelps' of the
Open End Theater, Thomu Garver ol the -
~ewpor! HI-Ari Mosewn, Robert Pli~·llKht!plney Arthur Guy. ·
M RalUson hewed flnnly to his views
on ""' educ>llon. fl'tquenUy dlallerlged
by the p;;.ielists, the dllciwlon ..,.
casionally heatc;d ~P·
·"This b tbe· Jlvettest meeU,,J we've
hi.cl," &aid ~OM•Plnelllt, r
· Ralliaoa centefm h11 attack on the n-
pcnse ol auicducatlon progi-1JM and the
qualiflcaUOns of thole who teaeh ·them.
"The Allabeim School lllalrld' apent
$300,000 on Its sex education course," ht
told >fie Jl811•1. "Better re,aulta P."iid have
been obtained by simply ltlidJai• ~
with each student a· copy of a JO.cent
American Medic.I '-ta!loO' booklet
which covered 1U neceaaary in.f011n1Uoo
and eould be gone OV!r' by par10L and
child together." '
"' dlspl&Jled the book1•4 "Flndlil1 Yourself," addin'g. that even tt •contlined
• ff!Vr' thin&s be feJt ·'would be better left Wllaid. .
AJ for the tcacber•rbe adik.d, ut dcm'l
want some. of thole. people ~acb.ln& my
ch1Wren morals.",
Describing biJDaelf .. "deeply -
eemed" about the caliber (If ltqdenl.I
emerging from 1'Jday'a illllv,erallfea fncl
eoJng lni<> teacbing, Rallisoo qplafntd,
"YOU cannot conduct •• coune la 9eK
educ~Uon •lthout · lhe teacher'• .morall
abowing through.'' •
"It ~ to me you're cOndemnin& an
• CS.. SEX CLA81l, Pap I)
Plane Crashes; s2 I(illed
. . .
Jetliner Lands on Indiana Superhighway·
Airlines jetliner carrying 82 perl!Ons
crashed today near· Indianapolis, Ind.,
the Federal Aviation Administr1llon re-
The plane was en route from Cincin-
nati to Indianapolis, a spokmn.ao said.
There was no nnmediale rtport here of
casualties. Indiana State Police said
Israel Blasts
Egypt Bases
In New Raids •
irEL.4VlV ·(UPI) '"r;i1ll plipeirr i.ito
and ships struck EpPt today ia the
heaviest rafd ~inc• tht lllt six-day ,wt.
Tanu were landed In Elfpl by .... utt
craft and cut I io..niJe'rwatlt ~
military Installations, radar aQd ·focnt'
An Israeli military spokesman sa.id the
1D-hour punitive raid cost ihe Egyptiam
"dozens" or killed and W<lunded and IJlat
lhe only Israeli casually wu a 1Ught1y
wounded soldier who was withdrawn
Bafely wiih lhe entire·attacking force.
An Israeli plane, reported to be: an
American-bWlt Skyhawk, wae &hot · down
by 21nliairtraft ·tir,e apd the pilot
parachuted into the Gulf Of Suez. He was
officially listed as missing. '
. Intense naval activity preceded the lan-
ding which a gpbkesmallaaid began Mon-
dlly_nlgbt . ..On Sunday night, Israeli motor
torpedo boats destroyed' two Egyptian PT
boats in lhP Gulf of Suez, and Cairo
reported an l'sratli patrol boai today 'With
the· Joss of its crew. These were the firSt
Djlval engagements since 1967.
An Israeli communique .said the raid
was in response to Egyptian "ag·
This was believed to include not only
heavy Egyptian artillery attacks along
the Sues Callal but Arab terrorist atLacka
on lsfaeli inNilatlons installationa: in
Europe and varlQt.18 attacks against
Israeli airlines, spok~en said in
· Deapite lh. obviooja warning, th< Jell
wing ' extremist :AratJ, guerrilla &1'09P
ki)owD .aa the .Poptjlar 'Fioot !0< tho Lib-
eration of Palestine warned today in AJn.
man, Jordan, it would escalite itl•tcrror
campaign against Ill'teli orpnlzalions
abroad with "more dqerOU&, possibly
fatal" attacks.
Caito radio had no lmmediat.e reaction
to the Israeli raid, bUt h. broadcast com·
munique.s , reporting heavy Israeli sbeJJ.
mg or EgyptlaA_~ lo U1e suu
arU al the IOUth«n i1n4 . d the Suu
Canal and ,repo:rted ,.dogflghts ·over uic
area between Egyptian and Jsreali planes
thert were no aurvlvors.
According to the spokesman. the plane
was a twin engiDe OCt carryin1 78 pas-
sengen and a crtw ol four.
The spokesman sald the plane made
Its lsst radio contact u il was descend-
ing 'from l,tm to 2,50n feet aliotrt three
miles ....U. of Shelbyville, Ind.
State police said the plane a-a.shed on
For 81 Cents:·
fnierstate 11, 1 ·auper)llghi.ay nnwng
between Indianapolis .and Cinclnn1tl. The site of the crash wu oe.ar London,
Ind., a small cmnmunity not m<n: than.
t2 mile& fzom lhe -lndlanapoli.1 city
The site was oo a rellllar fli&ht pat·
tern route {or landings at Wefr Cook
Municipal Airport on the southwest side
of Indlanapolfs.
Override Vo·te
.1 '"' ~ ., , .) J -.,'1 -·J1J r
. ~ '.N~l!ila , ~ . ilcbool
~iatfict., wtq; au voter• 1to• lppntVt! ta J
\.fhopplnj: ta1. override or perhaps II
cents In an election Feb. JO, the diltrict1s
truitea •sreed Monday. -
·While lhe actual amount for the over-
ride was not act a\ the board'• specl•I meettn1. trustees agreed to hold the elec-
tion.on theiFebruary dett and to possibly
add another measure vital to the
district'• fln1nees -penili~ion from the
votes t.o stU the $9 million in unM>ld
buildlnr bondl!l at •·rate higher thin five
Pnllrnlnary esUrnates 'a week ago
showed the override amount nearer to. 47,
cents. However distrlet , adrninistrato~s
are considering ,the hlgher;fi1'4e so that
1evetarbud_1et areas could bt rmored or
augmented. •
A total of i=;,ooo is needed to bring t~e district'! equipment inventory up to
standard.· · ·
That would be.a one-year expense only.
After lhe 1970-'71 :schoor year, the tu
overrlde figure could drop to 74.83 cents,
administrators iald.
3 Drivers Meet
In Rear-ender
Tbree H.unlirigtotl Beach motorists· met
In a rearend collision near the Costa
Afesa city limit. Monday during ruah
hour trafffc, police said 'today.
Roger L. Garceau, 29, and his stepson
Brian' R>ybum, 4, both of Mt2 Higlrtlde
Drive, 11Uffered cut! and brulM:a, saying
they would be treated by their family
physlctan. ' '
lnvcsUgatora laid GareeeU' w1s stOpped
on Adams Avenue and Mesa Verde Dril'e,
when a cir dl'iven by Peltr J, Rocha, 13, or 20341 RaVenwood Lant, collided with
Ila rear.
The Gattcan ·car was knocked'lnta one.
drlven 16y Gary L. Brooke, 22, ot 1962t
Aragoo Circle, according to police of-
'"/I f •' ·•• OUiif arw requlrtna OYerT!dt ,..W,
an .mainten1nc. arid caJ>fli:l ·ouUa1 . .,.._
ilCI' delayed ' !or tbO pail ie;, yejfa. JI
would tak• $310,11!8 pir year lo help
restore these. ·
Under programs ind wvicu' -the
l.rgUt chunk of thJI , would be for
afumenting-of teacher aallries -the
district neeijs $1 ,~.28$, accOrdJn1 to ad--
Before any definite deci!ions art made.
the board agreed. plw will be mapped
for eiteMive citizen J)irtlclpatiOn in the
override drJve.
Supttlntendent Wlllllm Ai!>nin&bam
thla we.t wilt Wlti ibal ·~ or ~
eteclion wOrt 'Wtrln''lit uka' for · suppart
fr~ the Newpott-M~I.~· d U c ~· t I o n
Asaociation and the amnct's volunteer
parent·teac,her organiilt.iOll!. .
"l'rn sure Lh!S thing will pus. We have
had . 'tremendoos ·support Crom the
~lunteus in the past," ~ sakl con-
On the matter of bond interest, tru~s
agreed to make an admittedlf futile, last·
chance eUort to sell lhe district's bonda
at the legally pennisalble five percent.
The tight money market, however, bas
made It "imposs.lble" to sell tiie ~s at
!ive percent or lower, Cunningham said.
"We'll try, however, and lf,we fall, w~
can say we attempted everytblng poall·
ble," he uld. .
The board charle4;1 plans for 1 aerfes of
special work ees!J1ons t-0 discuss specifics
of the electlOO with community le•ders.
"I cer1alnly hope lhe member• o( ~
rommunlly woold take an irlterest snd
attend some ·of these meetln-s," board
president Marian Bergeaon md. Trustee's have until late November to
officially set lhe amount of the override.
Before then, the district . staff wlU
prepare more data on cOmparatiVe tu
rates from other "benchmark" 3Chool
dl.stricts and several more in Orange
Trustees received some data on the tax
rates Monday. but told adm1Nstt1t.on
Allen RecaU Drive
'No Survey Facts Divul·ged'
. . . .
By JOHN VALTERZA OfttMohl~I' ........
1 Opinion Rt/JOIUtll or caur....u. Monday
~ight ,...,,,,.. Newport Bead! cf!) ._.
·cnriien that no in!ormaUon g1tl:itred on
the Newpo(I Tomormr poll hu ever
n:aclled 'Ibo handi ol t.adeTO<>f the recall
drive qafnst SUpetviw Alton Allen.
Donald McCrew, uecutlve vke preai·
dent (I/• the Lore Beach pobllc opinion
aurvey'ffnn, prom1led ln t retroacti•e
agreed!ent that ~ would bold all lhe in·
f"'1Dalioa pthered IA Jlll poll "lo
•trictes& ~" •
Opinion a..earc11 Ja ·Cl*din1Una only
lhe ·petition Ptherioc campaign for the
recall movemep\, a ~arrvtce_ wbich JJU
1~ afttr Ule !i.....n Tomon'ow work wNcomo'lded 'Mcd'rew aid.
lri lik atOidli.i ~·o1111rconn1c1 bit,.... the 'NeW{>Ort Tomom>w study
tOd !hi recoll moYdo<nl, MCOr.-. tald
that 111benlttte17 no lnfonna.Uon gathered
by our atarr hu l>etn 0< will be wed Jn
the recall caml>olan."
"~ only rc>la ~ ~ <!Clll movement
Is lo· coorill.-te tlie pi!litlon ptherlng
work and f\lmllh the .. .it ahe<ta
(purdllied-llllaJ ror lllt --in the Dold," ll<Gmr tald.
He llld thot the :·-· Be-.can11 ilbkdd wq not wrttt.en or
dellpd by t111a rm.
-· lie llld. U1e small -per·
' .... •
tty!• publfcatlon woa to be banded Oil\ lo
homeownen by hi•""~ '.'at U. 1trlcl
request oltbe..recall c:ommJttee, '' bi Nld.
"They gav• <ll t habdlul lil tbeit lh!nP
-I don'l lmow !lb«e they came from -
alid 'teld" ui to have oUr fltld 'A'qrktte
hancHhern out when Mldienta uhd for. '
informaUon,on th• "?ll <l!llpol."1·"
McCmr declined to ~ ln7 , momber• or lhl ·,...an ctmmlttet,cO< lhe
peraona Wllo aetu1llylllr"d him at~
the cbect !or the or1Clri>l depcmlt for hli
''111ey 1pectllctlly allpullled ibat ...
not dlftllge •R1 nama." ht •Id'· Ht allo clid not aped!)' tho <OSI d lila
(S. OPINIM,.,...11
Spot-at the AlleahenY Alrlfneo
office at Weir-Cook eald 3'il olflclals bid
gooe to the """" o1 lhe craa1>: 'll>eJ dl!Cllned lo iBY whether the p1-~
ort t ~llllar or a charter filibt. ·. 1 . ~helb7 County aourceo at Sbe)byvllle, Ind., aald the . Diane craahed nur U1e
Shady Acres Mobile Home Park ind amt
oil from lhe Abattered plane llowing
tluwgb the arta.
Father Saves
Child, Loses
Own Life
'j~ ""'
A Cypress father of five chlldrerrhu
dt41ned in tfie Colcndo River, !tndin1
ln,.!Q,~ ovC!t' ,hla head lo hold.'"'· hll
piptFlicl<i IOD 1UKU a ~ boal1 rlilCuacl ifli dtlperate cbfld. ' ·
Funeral services ror WillJam. Shute, 37.
or 6281 Lincoln Ave., will be held Wed· ne9Clay al the P"k Family Coloblal
Funeral Home in Westmlmi,r. .
Witnesses said the tragedy ~rred
Friday when nJne-year~ld Kiilf Shute
began ICTelllllng for help.
A family friend, Mike Johns, aalcl he
sfled bis shoes and swam 75 yard$ from
!hore, to help the boy but before he ar·
rlv;ed a speedboat went to the rescue.
Jollns · said he was exhausted by the
cold, nlft river water& .and had to cling
tO \be•rescue boat him.self. When he asked young Kim where hil
fatber wa!, the boy told him his dad had
been b,oJdjng him above the surface of the
Johns had not even seen the ~rois
r,.lher as he gave his life in I.he eight·,oot-
dctp river. . Divers found his body one hour later.
In a Saturday drowning. Peter Leon.
20, of 921 W. Chest.nut st., Santa Ana.
disaPPRCared • from sight of. witnesses
after jumping into an irrigation channel
near Blythe to retrieve a towel.
Hia: body was recovued three QUIJ'terl
of 1 mile down the racing channef. '
Napa State Hospital
Escapee Stabs Man, 3.0
SAUSALITO (UPI) -A 30-)"'Ql'..td
Marin County man was stabbed four
times in the chest Monday in 1 knife duel
with an escapee (rom the Nape Stal•
Paul Harkless,., whq: ·U"es on 1
~boat a~ Waldo Po,nt near hen, WSJ
in fair condition et Marin General
Hospital. The other man, Robert C.
Cohen, 35, was cut twice in the right arm
by HarkleM.
Orange Coua
Tbat crttpiOll fol will lllck
around uu almost noon apin with
patcbea o1 It hanging on all doy
Wedne'48J1 and ahovlng lhe 1-:h
ttmperature down Into the upper
The death o{ Sen. Dirkun tDill
•/fi<I both '" porly """ ,,,.
Mtf01t11 lotc1: Thert'U be a GOP
powsr fight of)fr hia 1ucu1aor
01 m'norlt11 leader, ond tome of
hi$ ptt project.I mav die. Pogc J.
' C.11.... " ~ ,... 'It C~ 1'4r Mlt~ ""' W ~ If Ot~~ • c,........ • .... -...u °""' flltfkM • .... *""" WI I ........... ',. ........ 1111 --" -.. J'fMMil , .. ,, .,......., •
~ IS .... WMlit 1C
A• l."!fln 1• Wtf• ...... ... ~ f ~--l>W ,.... ·u •
' '
' I
J DAI~~ PILOT e • . ' • • s,tate tO ~et .~ay ~lf ap
"-.i ' .. l .
1,;;ie ·»-ue .Again lJefor~ La_nds Coinmision
: 11 ~EROMJI F. cOLLINS rilled flt ~ rtUtl lw IrVtoe ~-u.. t:d~ illol .;-'"""I: ~.;...,,..
. Of .. °*"' PUM SlllH outc.ne flt. stnded Uttptloo; i.. <bt-ctmltj) In ~ ........
. 'f1le l/fl!OC" Ne\\'PQrt Bay land exch•"il' Murjll\y lokf Sleroly In a ielltl': ol oqual VI~ lo I"'! ~ titllllwm<I lly w-n· orange County and the !.-vine •. •-the cowrty, he said, 'We oblbw that Compaoy \nu!l be resubmiUed lo lhe Allhoueh you , ... ve informed as that the lnitlal qreement wat e1eet1ted four
State ·lAnd:s Q:rmmissian, California the State L&.'lds Commlssl.on ha! •P. years ago-and land valuea'm.aj •ell have
t,..egitJative Counsel George It ~furpt\y proved the iniUal exchange agreeroent undergone some chat11e a1nct Uat lime.
&aid ~· between the parties, indicatlng that the ''Thu.I,'' MLA"J)hy coocludeclt ~t is our
Murpbj's ax:;bwas In response to a conuni6.Slon has already made the rt-opinion !hat U* agrtbtat U sup.
query n..m · lyman Alan Slero\Y Q1!~ed. rlndlnls. W• .do not thick that tht pleme~ and amended illuOI ISe re.ui>
(R-Bevtriy-HiU1), one of the legisllture s OillllfDis.Wn has diacharged, ha duties mlil.ed to·lhe state Wnds Comml.salon for~
Jeading"conservauonlsts. ttnder the {state law) until it haa studied lt.s ov 1.. ~ The La.rids Commission in September, the subsequent. . .amendments and hu appr a · .
1•1 approved the swap· of 145 acres of determined that lhe £inal exchange Newport Beach City Altorney Tully ~ly. tidelands (or 447 acres of Irvine agreement ~n.~ct.s the nndlngs previalU-Se.yrnQur receJyed.a copy of ~lurpby's let-
tldei.Dds. ar.d uplands.· ly made by it. ler ~1ond1y. He advised couocllmt.n of
Miteup of the three-member com-~fiuphy cootended that ~e e111bling the opinkm and noted: ·
mlssiorl: has chang"e4 since then, however. JegialaUon authorizes the conveyance of •-The le&IJiattve counatl's olflc:e bas
Ed Rtfnecb.has suand~ Roi>ew '~'-~ the county's public lands only with the been Wl'Olll belore,.
as Lt. Governor; .....uper eulV"C'raer concurrence of tbe commi.uion ·"we do ·
Mas rtplaced Gordon P. Smith as Finance not lhint that tht commission• an Sleroty, bowe\ter, is more-e.ntbUaiuUc. Di~. Cdrltroller Houston Flournoy re-prove of the tranifer until ~ 11:!'j ~ llid he has tent let1trJ to com-
~urPhY . hued his opinion on In· agreement o( • the parlle3 has been ~ionen asking that ~e e%Chanie -. bfOOllhl lo Its attenil<m." lint dJJcusaed men than a dozen years
f?rmalion supplied by Steroty · The_ data 'nle November, 1168, amendments are ago -be reconaklered by the m.te.
included iltrle.ndmenll to the original part of th.at final agreement, in the Si~y'1 opposlUon to the pap carries
r;tCreemerlt betweeri the county and leglslatfve counsel's view. And they over from 'bia, wort as exerutive
Irvine. The amendments were approved haven't betn acted on by the Lands Com· secretary to former Lt. · Gov. Glen
by oounty supervisors last November. mission. Andersqn, who opposed the exchlnge dur-
Tbey involved drediini plans and pf.o.. "ln light of the cC111mis1Sion's obligation in& hi.I tenure on the conunla5lon.
Water District's Higuer•
Veteran Water
Worker Retires
Longtime Costa Mesa County Water
Di5trlet. employe Alex Higuera, a fifth
gene.raUon Californian who has lived ln
Coll& Mua 43 years, has retired.
mauera, born in Los Ange'" County,
lives with lli.5 wl(e ~lary at 1~15 Monrovia
Ave .. and has a son Reggie, who works
for the Irvine Ranch Water District.
Costa Mesa County Water District
Manager Ray Wallace de.scribed Higuera
aa one of the organir.ation's tnMt
dedicated employt3 during retirement
A onetime fanner in the Cosla Mesa
area, Higuera was a maintenance man
during his 17·year employment with tbe
county water district.
From l'age l
they needed lnlormation sho"·ing the
vowth of other districts' rate! over the
put few years.
Besides deciding the override amount,
the board must determine wheU1er lo In·
elude the bond interes~ measure, and
whether to propose the override for. a
specirled periO!f, or an indefinlte one.
OAlll Pll01
Ollf.NOE ~ "':!tl ~l"G COMPAH'r
1.eMt N. We.;I 9>nllillllol .... l"!Ail ......
J•c~ t . Cu•'•v
'o',C. ..... --c;.riw.ti MfNfrl
Tk•111tt Ktt Yl1 ··-The ... 11 A. M,,,,i.:~, """"""" , .. ; .... ._.._.,_
llO W .. 11 S•r -Sh•• I
tJalU11t A44,..1; r.o~a.• 1560, t2t!6 --..._. ...... 1'11""" ..............
.._.. DM(A1 2H '-1 ·-
"""""' .. -..0: -""1frM1
Fro'" Pase. I
awful lot of teachers,'" Garver in-
'!<Jc<led. '
"Since coming onto the school board
I've been disappointed in the caliber of
many teachers, but we , can't get
replacements for them, 11 l\aJILson replied,
"Teachers are: people," he said.
"Moral& vary from perton to peraon and
there invarlably wW be some con!llct In
the moral backgrounds or some atudenls
and some teachers. There always will be
.some teachers who conduct theae classes
in poor taste. Actually teachers are not
qualified lo lead group dltcUSlions of eex·
ual problems. The emotions involved are
too delicate. A person with more medical
background would be betler qualltied.''
Rallison was particuJarly dilturbed by
the use of four-Jetter words and "com-
mon slang" in teaching su education and
by what he refanti aa unnectSlll')' delv·
inc into sexua 1berradons.
A panelist noted that proponents of the
sex courses maintain four·letter words
art used chiefly for definition purposes
and lo remove their ''shock value."
"How far do you 410?" demanded
RIW..O.. 1'Do )'OI Uvt to IO into every
fonn d pervei11an that eJ.ists and
be lt in detail; Where do you ..,..i:.
maintained that so-called hygient
·fiven separately to boys and glrls
af,the>junJor high level are all the sCbools
nf! to alter by way of SH education.
'1'oday's tids are very well in!ormed
a'nyway," he said.
"They know a beck of 11 Jot of what
IS>'t so," commented Murray.
. Frizelle said ,the panelist.a aeemed to
airee that many parents are falling down
on the job or se1 educatlon, that the
churches don't reach enough youni peo-
ple and, since the sc.boolll do, I.he. goal
would be to arrive at some sultable p~
gnm that would protect both parents and
"The goal,'' said Friulle. "la to put
together some program (for lhe Newport.
Mesa district) that will be acceptable and
still serviceable."
"Sex education ls necdad a,t all age
levels," Murray commented. "I don't
lhink we should back away from it
because lt is expensive, distut.eful or
embarrassing. You can't completely
~atlsfy everyone but the job needs to be
done. The kids are being left in the lurdt
because their parents work and doo't
have timefto ~to tbtm. fbeae J110P e need help. 1 ~ -
To a suggestion that the church might
be a better tnsutuUon to help, Garver
asked, "But how could you be sure or the
people tcachlns tbert!"
"I'd say 'amen' to that!" Aid Murray'.
Asserting that aome "uruiavory" people
are drawn into lhe prepar1Uon or
materials for gex education procrams,
Ralliaoa cited 11 aa example Mary
Cllderone, director of the cootrover&11l
St:1 Information and Education COUndl of
the United State.. !SIECUS!.
"Her husband bas a theater that uses
topless dance.rt," be aatd.
"Her husband b not preparing the
materia1," cowrttred Murr1y.
Rallison then rt.ad • lengthy quote rrom
a magazine artjcle by Mrs. Calderone,
dbcua!lng In detail aer tcclmlqucli for
improving marllill ..tau.a..
He agreed that this sort of material
''as not included in school programs but
insisted it "proves her attitude is
unsavory for young people."
Passina: out te1tbooka used in the
Anaheim program, .some al them rather
dated, Ralllsoo said he personally did Mt
find most of the teaching m1terial of.
fcnslve. His objections were directed at
the manner of teaching and especially the
we of group dlscuasions in mJxed classe!J.
"Group discussion bu a d.Ulerent
character from a parent-chlld rela·
tionship," he said. "You are aaking for
problMl!I if. you set up friction between
partnt and child."
"bo you feel these ctas.ws are driving 1
wedge between parent and cblld1" asked
"That's the way it's worked out,"
Rallison answered, 0 and there's also a
brtakdown in the traditional respect for
"Dr. Rallison expresses a somewhat
alarmist view," said Price. "I detect a
!ear of trying somet.hlng oew just ln case
ti doesn't work."
Fritelle thanked Dr. Rallison for "hav·
ina the courage to come down here and
expose us to aome oppoalle views."
The panel. he said, will continue. lo
meet for a couple more months, hearing
ftom teachers, ~tudent.s and others before
preparing e recorr.mendalion for the
scliool board.
From P_,,e 1
service, but intimated in general figure!!
that the service could cost upward! of
"The usual cost ror this service ranaes
from 75 cents a name to $1.SO, and we ex·
pect to gather perhaps half of the 9,000
signatures which the committee need,,_
The rest will be gathered by unpaid
volunteers." he said.
Compiled at $1 apiece, 4,500 name.a
\VOUld ring up a total cost of $4,500.
McGrew steadfastly held that hi!!
form's service to the recall campa!Jn."ls
prof"esslonal and tot.ally without conflict
or inlerest."
"\Ve are. m~king no moral judgement
a:; to .,.,,ho 1s nght or wrong in this recall
1novemcnt. All we are doin& is r,rovid.ing
a service which 1,1.·e have been of erlng for
the past two years," he said.
"We are. legally liable now to disclaun
!he speculatlon that the Newport Tomor·
row data Ui being used in the ·recall wort:.
<1od that's tlH' y,ay I want it to be. \\''e
wJU gladly sign that retroactive agree-
nltnt and everyant should be satisfied ''
McGrew r.ald. '
W l'ong Finger
Jails Visitor
When you Wa\•e your fin&tr to get a
policeman's attention -take care how
)OU do II.
An unemploytd truck driver from
Sweelw1tt.r, Tex .. did It wrona -tbrte
times In raet -Monday nilbt on
Shalimar Ori\'e In Colui Mtsa.
He couldri't have hitched a rklt to
headquarters faster by uling hit lhumb ~11id P11lrolm&n P•t Rodgers. who booked
him into city jaJJ on sualficion of mllke a
le"' d 5esture lD public.
He said the flnn 1artet not to divul1i
such informaUon to ·111.Y penon or
crglniz.atlon without prior coosem of the
Naiiport Beach Clty Council.
The clause. will be added to the ..airee-
ment aigned ·\\'Ith Ne1'p0rt Beach last Februiry K. ·
Of Mafia Link
To Help Alioto?
SACRA~1ENTO (UPI) -Assembly
Democratic leader Jess Unruh said today
San Francisco h-1ayor Joseph "AllOto COU!d
hfnefit politicall y if he is "vindicated" of
charges he" is linked with uie r.fafla .
Unl)lr could be Alioto'$ chitf rfva1 for
the 1970 0 em o c rat I c fUbernalorial
nomina.Uon. Neither has• annouoced bis
condld.acy, but cad! is campotgnlng
throughout the state "1ssessln1'' the
Asked by a reporter whether a Look
maa:aline article whJch went on .!be ..
standl today cwld adwmty illect
AOoo>"a pollU<ll carter Unnlh J<pllod ,
"! tblnl: II fa likely If ~ 11 vlndle1ted In
h~ suit tt ~ haYe.lhe.......ite ettect."
Altolo bu filed a $U.I mltllOll Ube! O\lll
a1alnal Look.
l\1ayor Alioto Gets OK
SAN Ftv.NCISCO (UP[) -Mayor
Josepn L. Alioto reeelv.d permission
f<om a fed<ral Judi' MOnday t6 ·1tut hit --
ltU million Ube! wit •t•loat Look
ma11:dne ror an artick llntlnl lhe mayor
with tbt. Mafia.
Deltr• Jean Howard
Father Seeking
Ailing Daught.er
Who Ran Away
A prelty runaway girl with an ag·
graYated af!U\matlc condition ls sought
toJ1y by !\et distraught family after
being seen Sunday Jn Laguna Beach.
"She was detennined to pick her own
friends," said Billy W. Naron, -41, of
Garden Grove. He is pressing the search
for Debr1 Jean Howard, 17, his step-
daualder of 14 year&.
NlftKI believes the girl ls staying with
other young persons in Laguna. He has
filed juvenile runaway reports with police
departments in Laguna, Costa Mesa and
Garden Grove , he aald. Laguna police are
working on the cue.
Naron sald the girl's asthmaLic con--
dJUon requires expensive daily medica-
tion. He fears it will not be provided. It is
the second Ume she has run away. "She
was in pitiful condition after she left
before ;,nd she was only gone for a
v.-eek ," he said.
Naron said with the aid of his step-
daughter's frlencls, he illscovered her
whereabouts on Lower CUU Drive in
Laguna Sunday but she eluded him.
r{a.ron, an aerospace quality engineer.
said he hopes to join his wife and family
at their new home in SL George, Utah,
this month. He hopes to find his step-
daughter first to see th.at she goes with
him aod receives medical .assistance, he
He said the girl, apparently using the
na1ne Jeri, is attractive, 5 feet 2 inches.
greenish eyes and brown hair. He asked
persons knowing or her to notify police.
"My last resort was going lo a
newspaper,'' said Naron. He said hia
wife, already In St. George, is frantic
with worry.
Planners' Meet
Short and Sweet
lf you don't count the Pledge of Alleg·
iance and invocation, the Cmla h-1esa
Planning Commls!l-On Monday expended
about one miqute per agenda Item and
adjourned about 10 minutes later.
The panel recommended approval of
a three-story, 101-0nlt apartment devel·
opment al 1515 Mesa Verde Drive East
in the Mesa Verde section of the city.
Original plans by Edith Mo!!S, of -424
S. Coast Highway. Laguna Beach, were
reduced slightly in density.
Everything else on the nine-item agen.
da -ranging from a billboard for a
housing 'tract to a zone exception pe.nnlt
allowing the Costa MeSa. Grange No. 612
to CO!ltinue meeting In their hall at Thur-
in Avenue and Victoria Street.
A zorie e1cepUon permit requested by
Spiller Investment Company, 1649 \\'est·
cllff Drive, Newport Beach; was post-
poned for further study next week .
The Spi11er firm wants to ba.i.ld 11 41).
unit rtaidenllal development at Elden
Avenue and Newport Boulevard.
-·---• I
.Vletnana Review
President Calls
op-level l ~e_et·.,.
WASlllNCTON (UPl)-Pretldent
Nb:on todl.Y acbedulcd 1 bigb--level con-
ference Friday on Vietnam stratqy, with
the U.S. c:cmmander. Gen. Crll&btoo
Abrama. llyin( lo Washington to partic-
Top diplomatic, military and in~ID·
gence officials involved in formulating
Vietnam policy-from determlnation of
pcwlble further troop wlthdr1wals to
aueument of the Hanoi Jeaderlhlp in the
altennath of Ho Chi Mlnh's death-were
.swnmoned to the meeune:.
In addlUoo to Abram.s, also aitting in
will ht Delen1e Stttttary Melvin R.
Laird, Secretary or State Wllltam P.
Rogers; Adm. John McCain, eommande•
In chief In the Pacific; Gen. Earle G.
Wlleeler, chairman of the Joint Oliefs ot
Sta.If; Nixon's national Heurity .adviser,
Henry A. Kissinger; Ellsworth Bunker,
U. S. ambassador to Saigon, and CIA
Director Richard C. litlms.
WhJte Howe Press Secretary Ronald
Ziegler said the meeting would be •
"geotral arid overall review of lbe Viet-
nam sltuaUon."
"Quite obviously the matter of troop
replacemeall' and levels will be among
the mAny subjeda dl9cussed at a meet-
i11& like this," he told reporters.
The review also wW include a discus-
sion of the elfec:tl of Ho's death on the
future of the Vietnam sltuaUon.
Bunker returned to the United States
several days ago for CIX1SUltationa. He
was scheduled to meet with Nison today
ror preliminary dilcuaskm in advance of
Nigerian Civil
War Cease·fil'e
Hopes Fading
ADDIS ABABA, Etlllopla (AP) -
Hopes for a ceaae-fzre In the Nigerian
civil war faded today. -
President Juilul Nyerere of Tamania
told a newa conference other African
heads of state oppoeed anythina but a
mllltary aoluti<m in Nigeria.
He said Maj. Ota. Yaku.bu Gowon,
leader of Nige.ril e:xpressed 1 wlllinine&3
to consider meeUng Wttb Gen. C.
Odumegwa Ojllkwu of Biafrl on the hard
to defln~ precond!Uon lhat be was
"'3urcd Ojukwu WU serious about talk-
ing peace.
An advocate of 1 cease·fire at the
African summit meeting here, Nyerere
salc:I "we find the lncredible altuaUan
where non-Nla:erlana are more tnteruted
in pM.l1ni on with the war," instead of
talking, than.even Gowon.
Many African cotmlrtea fear Biafras of
their own if Blalta Is not crusheCI
militarily as an example and "this
amounts to saying we are keeping unity
by rorce," Nyertre declared.
Woman Mauled
By Maw Gorilla
the hi&l\ love! meeting.
The Friday sessloo shaped up I& one
or the most comprehensive reviews, nf
U. S. stratea.y in Vietnam lince Nixon
took office.
Nixon returned from the Western White
House at San Clemente shortly after mid-
night Monday and retunted to his \\'bite
House office. today. He scheduled h.is
meeting wllh Bunker at 12::1> p. m. PDT.
Wife Ponders
How to Thank
Kidney Donor
Waiting with her husband for further
developmenls in his kidney traMplant
suraery -for five happy minutes each
hour -a Costa Me.sa woman today
wondered how to properly thank !he
donor'• family.
"'I want to do that, but I don't know
quite how lo go about it," said Mrs. Jim
Wlemicz, whose husband was given the
dead athlete's vital organ Sunday.
"I mean •.. " sbe continued, "after all,
they juat Jost their son."
Doctors 1t Mt. Slnai Haspital said to-
day the kidney from Los Angeles
Dodgers' farm club baseball player
Wllliam 5einll0th, 22, is functioning well.
A progress report on Wlernici, 35, ol
318 Ogle SI., Apt. D, U.tcd his condllion
a& aood. but prospects for tot.al auccea in
cases ot non·relative's transplanLa are
always an open question.
Mrs. Wiernicz said her husband -who
has been having his blood cleansed by an
arUficiaJ kidney machine for the part 11
montha -is wide awate and clear·bead·
"He knows me • • . he is in good
spiriLa," &he said.
The former Newport Beach mail car·
rier who finally bad to give up hb Back
Bay area route as kidney failure in-
creasingly damaged his health was still
in a prnitopuative recovery room today.
"I asked the nurse when be could be
moved to a private room," said Mrs.
Wlernicz, explaining that he remaln1 on a
monitor machine showing the continuing
slate of his physical condition.
"We don't know ," was the nurse's rep. 1; .
·nie young baseball player who' was
fatally injured fu a rollover auto accident
last Saturday in the desert near Barstow
died Sunday at Harbor General H03pital
in Torrance.
His other kidney was removed and
fiown to New Orleans, La.,. where it has
80 far been succes,,,fuUy implanted in the
body ol a 57-year~ld man.
Viola Tummond
Sel'Vices Held
Services were held today in Santa Ana
for retired Costa Mesa teacher Viola R.
Tummond, who died Saturday in a Los
Angelei sanitarium. She was 72. DUDLEY. England (UPI) -Hospital
officials said today a woman zoo .at-
tendant suffered broken thighs, broken
legs and severe cuts wben she stumbled
into a cage or matln1 gorillas and was at.
tacked by the 225-poun(l male.
fl.ii&! Tummond was Costa fl.fesa Gram-
mar School's first kindergarten teacher
and taught here for 30 years. 1
A native or California, she grew up on
her famJly's fann in Costa Mesa. After
her retirement In 1957, she made her
home at 8669 Willows Ave., G a r d e n
Grove, conUnuing to work as a tutor.
Mrs. Jane Whilwood, 21, escaped Mon·
day .at Dudley Zoo .by hitting I.he gorilla
repeatiedly with a broom bandle and
dragring herself lo safety along a service
"Adult male gorillas are nol part.icular·
ly partial to human company whtn they
are romatlcally Involved with ~tr
mates,"£. zoo spokesman aaid.
Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Mild-
red Reeves or Santa Ana and a brother,•
Stanley H. Tummond of Long Beach. ·
Following the service ;n Winbigler ·
Family Mortuary Chapel, 729 N. Grand "I
Ave,,_lnumment was made at Fairhave n '
Memorial Park, Santa Ana .
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,. DAJI. Y I'll.Of ls
White Rome West f;~pe1ulve ~t'opodtleet
Nixon Aides 'Begi:ll ·)\dding Up Vacation Expenses
........ , .... Wfl ....
With P.reaid~t Nixon'a month-tcu\g
•orkin1 vacation behl~ them, ofricials
char1ed with day-to.day operaiion of the
~etiem wtiite H<>use in San Clemente
are addln1 up tbe bllb and working out
more permanent plans -like who's to ' mow the lawn.
1lle coat of NiJon's tenancy here runs
well into the hundreds of thousands of
dollara . Government per diem for the
President's olficlal entourage, for a-
.ample, apparently tops the $Hl0,000 mark
Several major item&, such as setting up
officu ne1t to the Pre.sident'i San
Cl•mente home IJld Jnatall1Uofl or eotn-
mun!Catlorll II"' .-UaJb' .... ume taaka:._ , 1 ~; -
But Juiu.ek..,,ing de1ano ' -Uk•
whether the Coast Guard, tbe General
Servi.;:es Apmin!Stfation or a prival.e.C'Ofl--,
tractor •11<lUW ""'" the newly IW'fed lawn ~remain to be settled aa ,plana for
a four' Jeal', or perhaps ejpl year, uae of
lhe w~rn White House m laid.
Precisely . what lt C06ts for lhe Presi·
dent to work bert the past month wlU not
be made public Spme of the biggest cost
items ~ lpstat?auon and operaUoo of lhe
elabofa,te communications system, for in-
slance -I ire C:lo&e!y guarded govern•
ment seo/cts.
"ll we sahfwhal comml.lnicaUons cost,
'German Fled From :East
' .
tllm -could llHt ola,whol °"" ...,_ ~ ... lo -'to IOll
c:ommunfcatiooo e~ 11 fl<m .lhai· eou.-.. to bop dl!rtlll hll lllOl\Ut i..
do!llir' n...,.,.. aa!d ' llonald .1.1.crer. mid•' 'tt ob-be ooJoyW"'thl'""c; ·
pr.,adenUal, f!!'U 11 eh t ar y . ~ ran1emeiit aQll ~ try to .ullllle H
munfcalfOlll ~ are. put G! the Army of~~ ~eedfol the
SIJPlal Cor!!1 IOI!, th111 Def-Depart.. hundrecll of -wil> to San , ment~' '1 · _..,
The nlil-k elltbl~ II San Clemeoto••.,...larperlodlnnalnl
............ Zita'-'aafd, la _,U•".• tl>u fl>om • doY to..the 11111 nlOll\b-to the ' .............. """' """ ~" aovtr)llDient'• coetl. '
...,. " II let 1tp '"' • ...-1 Vllil 'lious!nr ·~ ..... In -..... to MY place oul ol W08hlnctot> for three boroe l>eavtly by lndfnlulll, ._,.~
dayt or k>aler. .. • • · l • , • And · en· occu1on transportltJon W
other c:ost& w ICllW<d · \M>ull!oul Cllflomlo wu c:beaper thin tt .
the bud1eta of ,,,__ IOvtrnrnem hive b1m to·•uN•p.
1gonde1, mlklnji.ccounUnc'<'Oinplez. So<•lled COurter PIAliM. liu•ller jela
The eredlon lnd li1'I }'W's leue or carrylnJ el&hl or ao .,_......, made
two admlnlslratlon . bulldlnp a{ the ru,hla -. tfmu 1 week frOm
Westen> Whlle lloult -~ more WllhlnlftAI to San Cle!nenle, brinP1I:
th.,, •1oa.ooe. ,, • both olf1dlJs ""4,.cfoeume11ta. •
These were bWlt tn, lea lh.,, two , Alt Foree Pnt, f!M ~ Je~ or• ~:: ~1:.t ""f:~i::.·.::= i ~\:'" ~ .... i:e .....,":!' ..;J.":
purcllaaed !ito,000 resl4ence on flve the full cabfnel to mee1·1n San Clemeirte.
acres of land overJooklnl the Pldllc Ac1ua1 llylnc 11me coo11 of these bir jets
•bout lt,000.
Roundlnl~""t . l~t tunoporlatlon
avallablt to Nixon and hls sta!l were ,_
fleet ol nioe •lectric.ally powered golf
cart. Ind several bleycles.
The bulk of the 1taff suppOrung the
Prea.ldent stayed ln a re90rt mqtel abol.tt
five minutes drive from the Western
WhJte House.
Gov:ernment personnel o c c u p i e d
between 100 and 120 rooma ol. the 131).
room .,labllshment .. ell nlghl of Niian'•
stay. Calculating some double oc.
cupancle.s and a special rate of $8 per
person per night granted by Inn owner
J>aul Presley produces a bJU there of
perl>apo $36,000.
Waahln(lon -IJld thus • dedudlon
against .other •dded com ol ~ wtmtera
• O(ieraUon. '
Some top admlniettatJon o!ficlalJ, IUCh
aa Attorney General John Mitchell and
Secretary ol State WUUam P, Rqfj:t!'l1
rented homes for the mOl'ltb at up to
$1,000-the bulk o( which they paid i
themselves .since the C06tl exceed tbt J
standard $11 per day government
allowance for meals, Jodglng and 1
miscellaneous expenses of tr1vellna of·
Seven sueh homes were made available
by local residents who agreed to like
their vacaUons during Nll'Ofl'a presence,
said iM owner Presley wbo helped mate
the atTangements.
A few staffers, such as lour secretaries
who shared a rented house, took an
alternate per diem of flt per dlly plus
housing. nus worked .out about tbe ume
in costs as a $16 per' diem. Ocean. , , la Ito.I an liour, Ziegler Ilk!.
• • In addition, the~·Genera1 'Services. "We can't.detennlne preclsely the cost
Administratfoa IP'll(lbout 170,DllO more ,of planes,'' aafd Zi<!g)er, "becauee they For New Life on Coast
Some staff member• stayed at a
Laguna Beach mot.el along wllh memben
of the news . medla. Short term '{Isl tors
llJCb as cablnet members stayed prin-
cipally at a luxury resort hotel at
Newport Beach, about 30 minutes drive.
up the Pacilic coast. During last. week's
cabinet nieetinJ al San Clemente, for ex·
ample, S5 rooms were .taken at the plush
hotel for two ni&hts each.
A stead)' stream of vlsltors came to San
Clemente dudn1 Uie month. For ex·
ample; Six newly appointed ambassadors
on Aug. 19: the Advisory Council on Ex·
ecutlve Reorganization Aug. 20; the
Urban Affairs Council Aug. 25; top
economic advisers Aug. 28.
Salary costs usoclated with. the
\Vestern Wblte House were esseotlllly
uochanged lrom Washington 1 inc•
virtually all personnel was 1imply
transplanted. Eighteen White House
police took over some patrol dutiel. Many
Secret Service agents were on hand -II
they always are wherever the President
Of tlY Dell\' ~ltlt Si.ff
Oluffing white steam from Its powerful
black engine, a train ground to a hall at
the East-West German border.
A sign visible from the window next to
a large clock said ''MarienbroM."
"That's it," thought Dieter Franze.
"The last station to freedom. It's time to
go now."
While uniformed border guards scur-
ried through the passenger coaches,
Franze bid in various places.
"I sweated it out for three hours." he
3aid. "It was easy back in 1954. There
was oo big haMle. There were 2,000 to
3,000 escaping · this way each week and
that is why they put up the wan."
Today, 15 years later, Franze, who
works as a glazier during the day and as
a Seal Beach Police Reserve Officer at
night, ls waiUng to become a regular
police officer.
"I passed lhe exam and was placed on
the standby list," said Franze. But there
are several others ahead or me."
Until hl! turn rolls around, he will con·
tinue-to· install glass pllnes in con-
:struction projects and walk a beat at
nigh I.
"At least I gain a lot of e1perience this
way. Being a policeman is very in·
teresUng and challenging work. And you
need all the experience you can get."
Until his escape to West Germany
Franze had other occupational Intentions.
"When I was in Leipzig, J was studying
to become a eoostruction engineer at the
university," he e1plained.
''But my father was a major in the
German army and since I was not a
member o( a worker's famil y it became
difficult and I had to leave East
He said his father was taken as a
prisoner of war by the Russians and died
in Siberia in 1943.
"?\1y father was a big, heavy.set guy
-who weighed about 200 pounds but when
lie died he weighed only 90 pounds. We
found out that he was dead from one of
his friends who managed to escape back
to Germany and told us about it."
His mother, 66-years old, remains in
Reserve Officer Fr•nz•
Leipzig and earns her living as a piano
teacher. She is too settled to comider
moving to the West, Franze•sakf.
"I saw my mother Ja,,t year while
visiting in Germany and we had a real
nice reunion," the reserve officer beam-
ed. "Since she i.s over 60 she was allowed
' to visit in West Germany with her close.!t
relatives. IC persons are over 60 and they
escape, the East Gennan government
doesn't have lo pay reUremenL benefits,"
he explained.
"She js hoping and praying that
Gennany will be united again. But aince
she was born and raised there she is
unwilling lo move. You can't uproot an
old tree and plant it somewhere-else."
Har))or Area Got View
Of Cont1·oversial Pike
Of '" C>e1tt ~!tit S!tfl'
As bishop of California, the late James A. Pike was not the most popular'
man to don the acarlet cloth or Episcopal leadership.
For one thing, be did not limit his preaching to Sundays. That ,made ·
aome people _angry.
And 1)e insisted upori spehking out rather colorfully about the 1Us and
excesses of the Christian Church u be saw them.~.rrhat,
too, make people angry.
The language was , Indeed, colorful.
1n August of 1966, fot example, Pike speaiina •in
Newport Beach at a summer semlokr for -bright high aCbool
students, suggested the modem church in America waa
engaged in little more than "sprinklln& holy watet on
Ole status quo."
ln England, he continued, church attendance had
reached such a sorry state that a visitor to Sunday aerv~
ices in a typical parish would find present only "lrle vJcar
the. vicar's wlfe -if she was well enough -the ver1e:
IDd 12 old women or both scxea;."
* Wit and' lharp tongue. asidt, lt wu evident to those who heard Pike's
three-hour nomtop lecture lhat day that he wu deeply troubled about the state ~ relJslon. The following m~th, he left hi! posl with tile Episcopal
The Cbri~stJ i.& in dee.One, said eike tn his talk to Harbor Area
atudeints, it la slow to adapt and much of what It Is 11~ seems
irrelevant to people In terms of the social Issues of the time.
In 1111 view, Pike "'Plained, the cllureh lw held up two principal lma(es.
One Js that of a gre.at caUK. The other i1 that of .a social club.
"These are not In direct conflict," he uid, "and no one ls knrdtin& I.he
dubby aapects of oor cllurdltS.
"But tbe great i&sue in the church today is what lma1e shall prevaJ1."
Pike said he thought the church would surelf die, '"if It perststa on harp-.
Ing on 'little sin,' while standing aside Crom 'big sin' and falling to fact up to
the W-raised by r1pld llOClll change."
* If the cllurcl> doel rot Involved, Plk• said, "It faco aUenalln1 \hoot
memberl who don1 think ll should." And that kind ot .Uenallon, flt -.ed.
could hit the church bani flnand•Oy. • "But," he. uked, 11ls the church to win by cultlvaUng the dtabll_~~~t1 by pttlni c1 ... to the 'right' people with plenty Of lllOll<y, by belnl r.,_
by Ille 'rtcht • kind ol people! "Or ia tt to win by getting involved and cut up and hurt like Jta founder!"
A rood qlltlllon. Bishop. A very good qootloo.
to put1t1on. · fuml.sb and otherwise ha.ve to fly a . certain twmber ol bouts
the fl t roofed f brl any00w !or !reining purpos<a." pN!:pare a • pre 8 cat.ed But he a&ld, "Obviously we-re flyin&:
structures. more ~ 'Qefon," and added "we m~y
Establlahing tbost offl~s -not only have hid to put on ·a bit ol extra per.90n-
for the President but also fer seven key nel."
aides, their assistants and secretaries -About ten black llmouaiDU were on call
put the San ClementL operation on a at San Clemente for the month. AU were
::; ~JUie for p~tn'~v· aocaf~-~. driven from w=. Flrurlnr 11 -~a cenll per mn. op<rl coets, aimply
The Pre.oklent'a bouyant mood u he pttlnC them here IJld bock woold total
Groups such as the siJ ambassadors
flew Individually from their homes
throughout the country by commercial plane: If 11uch visitors live in the west,
the cost was less than going to
is. ,.. .• a .... u The manpower at the Coast uu.ai" I
San Mateo Point Station on which the
White House offices were built wu not increastd from tta usual 10 \o lJ men.
, I
' .
( '
• I
. -----·---.......... ~t .... • . . ' ·----
DolLY I'll.OT
(~ W ..... PIW lllM
''There is. uh, an ocelot in my
car and It's not mine, ' the tel ..
phone voice lnlormed San Diego
police. A abort time alter a leash
wu mapped on the big cat's col· lar, a woman called lo repOrt her
pet ocelot misaing, and police ,.,.
11111184 them. •
• 'Thanks for Caring, Mr. Pr11fd1nt,'Say GulfP!ft Survlvo_•_•_.•_l _H_u_.,_lc_•..,no ______ _
Holland, Mich. hospital ollicials
bad lo crank up the f8dlity's auldl-larf power system to treat Motlroo
Br..,,._ f<Jr auortocl cuts and
bruises. The hoopital's power was
knocked out when Brandsen's car
rammed a -rby utility pole. • An Englishwoman's home U her cuue, iays 55-year-old LondOn
landlady Eve Cansdafe, so if she
can't strip tbere to watch televi-
sion, and putter about where can
she? Miss Cansdale was retorting
lo a complaint made in court by
her lodger, Brl•n Phillips, who; told
the judge be had lo give ur his
rooms for embarrasment a the
1ight ol his naked landlady. •
St. Bernard puppfei jwt can't taks
the heat. 'The Hooligan" of Twin
Falli, Idaho, visited the county fair
recentlu but spent most of the time
there .timply panting over the weath-
er. • Su11n Will iama of London beat a
team of nine soldiers in a mara-
thon 16-mile walk. The 17-year-old
girl finished the race in three
hours 'J:1 min.utes. Even though the
race was for charity, an em·
barrassed company commander
said: "She's a plucky girl and put
up a terrific show." • Rea1 estate executive Dougl11
Endersby of South Woodford, Eng.
land spared no expense for a
''dream house" he was redecorat-
ing, but had to send his staff to
London for a final touch he felt was
needed. They came back empty.
handed. He explained, " .•. We
found it's downright impossible to
buy a doormat that actually says 'Welcome.' "
Nixon Sees Damage;
~ .
.Thanked 'for Caring'·
GULFPORT, '4111. (UPI) -Many of
them bad known fear, trqedy, despair
and hunger. Noir, these lllr'Yiv4'br Hur-
rlcan Cami11e, Jtnew gratltllde.
"Thanks for caring, Mr. President," a
aign proclaimed u "President Nixon ar-
rived on the stonn-ravqed Ml.sslsalppi
Gull Coast Monday.
"We love'}'OU and thank you, sir," read -· Crowd' utimates ranged from more
than J01000 to u blgb u 75,000. Nlzon
WU lhe flrll. president lo vlalt lhe Btato
since Franklin -vo!Mn 1931.
The Praldent'a plane laDl!ed at
GuUparl Munfdpal Allport at 7,30 p.m.
Teacher Strikes
Cl.ose ScMol,s . r .
In Six States
·BJ Unlled ,,_ JatoruaUonal
Slriibli toacbira kept ochoob closed
for tl}ousands of students In six states
l\londl;, and tho outlook for today ap.
peared jU!t as bleak because ol unre-
oolved tabor dl!plllo•.
But in New Y.ork City where teacher's
1trikes abut schools on the opening day of
the fall tum the last two years, things
were relatively calm.
There wu some easing of the school
trills in two Connecticut communities.
Teacben in New Britain ratified a
modified contract and were ICheduled to
return to work today. There 1lso w11 the
strong possibility that schoola in New
London would open Wednesday.
In Norwalk, however, an Ill night
bargaining session ended wllhout re6'Ull.s
and further talks were put off unUI alter
a hearing on contempt of court charges
brought against the teachers ror disobey-
ing an injunction to return to wtiri.
In new Bedford, Ma55., 18 schools were
closed Monday when 500 teachers stayed
home for the fourth day. Teachen re-
jected the latest contract offer forcing
postpooement of Wednesday's achool
Jn Michigan, a lockout and ltrlkes clo~
ed LI school districts and in Granite City,
Ill., teachers uy they wlll not picket
ocbool openings today.
Some of the crowd had been waiting for
hours. Nixon, accompanied by his wife,
Pat, stepped from the plane, waved and
smiled, then went back inside a few
momenls later for a private conference
with Mis.sissipp.i officials and con·
gressional leaders.
Then he left A1r Force One again and
spoke to the enthusla!Uc throng, praising
the people's detennlnaUon to build back
from Lhe stonn wreckage.
"This was the worst stonn that has
recorded in 100 years in the United
States," he said. "Thousands have been
made homeless, hundreds are dead, hun·
dreds of millions of doUars in property
But he said the "spirit of the people of
Miesl!sippi is still high and will remain
Nixon promised continued support from
the federal government in the mammoth
re~kling ot U)e disaster area. But he
said money would not help il the spirit ol • . tbt people WU la<king.
.A.. ..A. ? . .. .. ... * }.(
White House East
Open; President
Back in Town
House was gpen for business agaln as
usual today, wilh President Nixon in the
Oval Office for the first Lime since he left
for hi.s vacation retreat at San Clemente
Aug. 9.
Nixon arrived in Washington shortly
before midnight Monday, looking tanned
but tired after a day-long, transcon-
tinental trip with stops to dedicate a dam
on the Rio Grande and to inspect hur·
rkane damage in Mississippi.
After traveling to the Capitol Rotunda
at noon today to deliver the eulogy over
the-coffin of Sen. Everett M. Dirksen, a
cl* friend, Nixon had an appointment
with the U.S. ambassador to South Viet·
oam, Ellsworth Bunker.
Bunker, fresh from meetings last week
with Paris Vietnam talks negotiator
Henry Caoot Lodge, was expected to
dlscua with the President possible new
diplomatic moves concerning Vietnam,
the new South Vietnamese cabinet and
more U.S. troop wilhdrawal.s.
Cold Snap ~hivers U.S.
Hurricane Gerda Poses Threat to Cape Cod
i-nr •· ,..,. ""' I. "'• ..... •• '-'· 11 on. 1 ""'· u
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Ho Will Read;
Urges PeQple
To Total Win
SAIGON (UPI) -North Vietnamese
President Ho C]li Minh, in death, called
today on the Vietnamese people to fight
on to victory in their war against the
"U.S. imperialists" in South Vietnam.
Ho's will was read at his funeral today
by Le Duan, first secretary of the North
Vietnamese Communist Party, who vow-
ed hls nation would intensify its efforts.
Le Duan's eulogy was read as North
Vietnam gave Ho a hero's funeral that
featured a 21-gun salute and low level
passes by the North Vietnamese Air
Force before 100,(0) mourners, many of
them leaders of the Communist world.
Shortly before the funeral Hanoi radio
announced that Vice President Ton Due
Thang would succeed Ho as acting pres.i·
"Our people probably will have to
sacrifice much more, but nonetheless we
must be determined to fight the U.S.
imperialists until complete victory/' Ho's
will said.
"The U.S. imperialists surely will be
defeated, and our naUon surely will be
"This year I am 79, a rare age, but my
mind is still very clear, althougb my
heallh is much weaker than a few years
ago," Ho wrote in his will this year.
"Who knows how much longer I can
serve the revolution, the coontry, the
people .
"Therefore, I leave these lines in case I
will go meet Karl Man:, Lenin and other
revolutionary comrades so that the peo.
pie, comrades of the party and friends
everywhere will not feel too saddened."
lie said he grieved about dissension
among the Communist parties -an ob-
vious reference to the deep Sino-Soviet
split whicli saw Chinese Communist
Premier Cbou En-Lai leave Hanoi before
the arrival of Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosygin.
The 81-year-old Than.a who lakes over
has been a Communlst stalwart for
years. His succession was required by the
North Vietnamese conatituUon.
* * * U.S. Sees Reds
Readying Attack
During Ho Truce
PARIS (UPI) -The United Statu
does not believe the current Communist
cease-fire in Vietnam could set the &ta,ge
for a mutual dMscalaUon of the war, an
American pelce talks delegate said to-
day. '
"It's just not ln the cards," he said.
The delegate, ¥.'ho declined to be ider>-
U!led, said U.S. and South Vietnamese
negotiators shared the view the Com·
muniats would use the truce to rest and
resupply for more attacks •
Viet Cong and North Vietnamese
broa dcasts have said the 72-hour stand·
down in honor of Ho Chi Minh would end
at I a.m. Thursday .
"It will be the same thing this time.''
the U.S. official said. "Already they are
violating the so-called truce, and will ~
bably try lo eod It in a spectacular
Re recalled that the Communist&' most
stunning military campaign, the Tel Of.
fellSive of 1961, was prepared and launch-
ed during one such truce o(fered by the
Viet Cong and North Vietnamese.
In Washllllfoo Monday, Secretary of
State William P. Rogers l18Ued a 1tate-
ment sayihg "now we wait for the other
side lo demonstrate that It, too, desire5
'l'he lmpllcaUoo • w11 that the Com·
1nunlata C'OUtd 1tgnal thllr willingness for
a de-escalalion of tile! war by keeping the
level o/ attackl loW after the ewe-lire
Bodi Lie• In State
Nixon, Congress
Honor Dirksen
YfAS~GTON (UPI) -Pmldenl
Nllalild .Coqrllo paid farewell funeral
tribute lo EvenU McKinley. Dirklen I<>
diy in Ole abadowed buah o/ lhe Capitol
Tile ciol!ln ol the dead Senate
llepljbUcan leader ""' carried Into lhe vast <hambcr under lhe Copito! dome by •
a military boner IUlfd and placed Oil I
hiitoric· black ilraped cnlalllque whlcb one. bore lhe body ol Alrallam Lincoln. ~ •ho died Sunday, will Ue in
1tale· tor ff boun in the rotunda -the
thlnl U.S. ...,.tor lo be acconied the
Nbon,, WbQ oervad with Dirkaen In both
the llouie aod Senato, led • mtmortal
servJce for tlie n.year-old aen.ator.'
DirkBen'1 Senate coUeaguea who
cherished him for hill wit, oratory and
legls!aUve leadersblp; meml!en of tho
H-. lhe Supremo Court and olllcltl
Washington ahlo were on hand for the
A ix'jgbl &eptember IUD -on one of
WaahJnalon't -plousnt.days after a •lege o/ bol; bwnld weather -lhr<w a
pattem o/ Upl aod llhodon In lhe rotun-
da whore lhe nallon bu lradllioonlly paid
h.-lo !ta dlslll!iWshed dead.
The dead lllloota Republlcan'a flag.
draped ca>kel will mnnln m public view
in lhe-. fer ff houri.
It will be taken lo lhe National
Presbyterian Cliurcb for luneral oorvlca
Wodnolclay 111 p.m. EDI', and i-. lo
his home ol Pekin, m, for burlal Th"'"'
day afternoon.
The public 1"81 invited to view
DlrUen'a c1oled . walnut cuket in tbe
rotunda from noon today until noon wedn..my. The scene -btacl<-<lrO!led
Clltafalquo, mJHtary hooor guard in 1low
and precl!e march, dignltarlos, a stnam
of quiet citizens -was farnlµar to
millions who watched It on television
when former President Dwl&ht D.
Elaenhower lay in state In March.
Dtrben was only the third senator Ind
21st penon to lle In Btato at the CaplloL
The other senators, both Republicana,
where Charles Swnner ol MassachU!etts
in 1874 and Robut Taft or Olllo In 1953.1
Taft died onJy a year afte r Dirksen SUJ>-1
ported his lutile attempt to bcall
Elienbower for the 195.2 Republican!
presidential nomination. I
No one. publicly or privately, ques-,
tioned Dirksen's right to the honor. He
served 16 years In the House and nearly:
19 in the Senate. Dirksen was in pis lotbi
year as Senate GOP leader, and hll1
leglslaUve monuments included the
Nuclear Test Ban ·Treaty and the 19641
Civil Rlgbta Bill. '
Among many senators on both sides of
the' aisle, grief at Dirben'• paBllng was
rial. Senate Democratic leader Mike
Mansfield's eyes were damp, and the
Senato -unlike the House -po!lponed
formal eulogies for a few days.
· But despite public aUence, the race to
fW Dtrklen's leadership job was discuss..
ed privately. Senate GOP conservallvts,
the bloc with whlch Dirksen was iden·
Ufied, planned to meet thla wee.i:1or nut
and choose their candidate. SellJ. Roman
Hruska of Nebraska and Gordon Allot! of
Colorado were the frontnmnert, w:lth Sen.
John G. Tower of Tei:u a pos!lblllty.
• ID Ja111s
Singer, Actor Face Court Action
SACRAMEN'l'O (UPI) -The former
prtaident ol. Jamta: Brown'• Sacramento
fan club testified In court Monda7 her son
was flllboftd by the IOU! 1inaer during a
champagne: tryst in a San Francisco Bay
Area motel room.
Trial of the paternity suit brought by
Mary Flormoe Brown, no relation to the
sinaer'o was recessed today in holiday
observance of Californla'1 admission to
the Union. It will resume Wednesday.
Miss Brown, who aald the incident oc--
curred Jan. 3, 1961, when shf: Wll JI, ii
ukinf 15,000 monthly support paym"'ta
from the millionaire entertainer. She
testtned 1ht had no sexual relatiOl"lll with
anyone other than Brown between Dec.
ltl, 1917, and Stpt. 7, 1968.
Miss Brown said she and a friend,
Pa~ette JoneJ, &hared a separate room
in the motel in Burlingame where Brown Wu staying.
She aaid !ht went to Brown's room at
his invitation but ltft to tai:e a shower.
She· said she returned dressed in "baby
blue baby doll pajamas," orange boots
and Paulttte'1 coat.
Miss Brown said lbe singer ordered
champagoe and Ibey talked. She Aid
after two &lasses al champagne she
removed her coat and quoted Brown u
33, actor and former pro football star.
mU!t &tand trial Jan. 12 on feloniOUI
assault charges.
As he left Superior Court Monday after
his motion for dismisaal was denied,
Brown was served with papen naming
him defendant in a $1.2S million civil suit
filed by Arthur Ctarles Brush Jr.
Both the felony charges and the lawsuit
stemmed from a minor automobile col·
lision Aug. 1 involving Brown and Brush
iu whidi. it was alleged Brown attempted
to nm down Brush with Jib ear .
Judge Bernard Se.lber rejected the
defense dismissal motloo, ruling Brown's
attorney failed to prove his contenUon
there was Insufficient evidence to hold
Brown for trial.
Brown then pleaded innocent to the
assault chaTge and two misdemeanor
charges arising from the traffic accident
and altercation with Brush.
Brush testified at a preliminary hear·
lng he jumped on to the hood of Brown'•
car to keep from being run down.
Brown denied he was trying to hit
Brush wilh his car.
saying, "l see you came prepared."
Brown. who appeared restless during
the proceedin~, burst into laughter in
the courtroom.
Time Out l'rom War WIT .......
A weary GI lakes some badly needed resi as fighting grinds to a near
halt in Vietnam because ot the Communist-called cease--tfre marklne
death ol North Vietnamese President Ho Chi Minh .
I V I c r r
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Bad Opposed 1.,.ta
Brazilians ·Feared
For En~oy. Safety
RIO, DE JANEIRO (AP) -that t11a JUlll! ~Id ta.ke ev.en
Braz.Juana generally were con-tOllgbef meaau.rn against its
cemtd for thi; safety of U.S. -' oppc.Omta.' O ll\• rs were Ambassador C. Burke Elbrlclc afrald that tbe ....,.... oi the
during the three days he was kidneping would resalt in an
kidnaptd by t!rrotists, but increase In te.rrori9n. , ·
tnany, were dellgh~ed to s~ 'J'be three-man junta lhat
Brazil a mllltary d1ctatorsh1p took over from ailing Preei·
humiliated. dent Arthur da Costa e Silva
Even the nonpolitical ma· announced Monday that it wu
j or It y, usually interested preparing new "prevention
mosUy in s o c c e r and the a n d repression methods"
beaches, ~·ere glad to see a against tm'oriam. lt iaued a
I victory o v e r the military deeree providing for bani.sh·
I clique that shows no sign or ment ol persons eomidered r relaxing its bold on power. "noxious and dangerous to 08.•
J "look at those 20,000 sol· Uonal security."
I dien, and they can't do an y· The aeardl for Elbrick's ab-
f thing about a small group of ductors contioued.
terrorists," one Brazilian said Unconfinned reports said
as he watched the military police began rounding up sus-
parade for Independence Day peels as soon ss the ambassa-
Sunday. dor was released Sunday and
Another commented: "All that 17 persons had been
the massive student demon-arrested.
straUona of last year didn't
achieve nearly as much as
the lddnnping."
As their price for Elbrick'~
release, the kidnapers forced
the government to give Ii.,po-
Ulical prisoners safe conduct
to Mexico and to let the cen·
sored press and government
broadcasting facilities publish
a manifesto blasting tbe re-
gime as a dictaklrship. Sup-
porters of t h e government
were shocked; its critics were
But some Braziliar.s feared
Teens Find
Wife Slayer
Sliot Dead
Two 15-year~ld boys on their
way to school found today the
body of a man police said soot "'' T......,_ and killed his former wife and Lookltlf tlp
wounded another woman and
a rookie patrolman Monday Miss America, Pamela
night EJdred of Detroit, en·
Police said the dead man hances the usuaUy drab
was Francis Magutb, 44. New York· skyline on a
Johnstown, former husband of tour oi the city.
the dead woman, Karen Bisel,------'----
26, &.well.
Break Jam
Of Radios 11e was dead of a self-in-
flicted bullet wound of the
head from a .32 ·caliber
BELFA'Sr. Northern Ireland revolver, the same weapon us-
{AP) -An underground Irish ed in the shooting&, police
radio station broke through said.
Libya Names
New Cabinet
British army jamming efforts Police were called to the
today and declared that the scene Monday night when a TUNIS (AP) -LI b y a 's
Protestants would not sur-woman screamed into a radio military rulers announced a
render in lhe struggle with the in a police car: "Help, I'm new cabinet o( seven civilians Roman Catholics. dying! Help, I'm bleeding to death!" and two army olficen ~1o00ay
Army engineers began jam· Patrolmen rushed to the night, a week after the still-ming wxlerground stations · d ·r during the night lo keep them scene and found Mrs. Bisel uni enti 1ed military officers
from adding to the Protestant· seriously wounded in the took over the government.
Catholic tension in Northern chest, Patrolman E u g e n e News dispatche5 s a l d
1.reTand. Romesburg, 22, wounded by a several of the new cabinet
The Protestant station, call-gunshot and Dulcie Phillips, members were old foes of
Jng itself "The Voice or Loyal 32, ol Johnstown with a bullet King Idris, who was depo&ed
Ulster," was the lfrst to break _w_oo_nd_o_f _lh_e_sboul __ der_. ___ m_· _the_coo_p_Se_pt._I_. ---
th.rough. It c a 11 e d on 1
Protestants not to be "provok-
ed into any incidents witltihe
British anny.'' It also played
loyalist songs and declarations
of "no surrender."
Belfast was calm today.
A 26-year~ld laborer,
Malachy Grogan, was charged
in court with carrying a
firearm. A police prosecutor
said the charge had noUling to
do with the murder Monday of
a Protestant vigilante near a
Police continued searching
for the gunmen who shot down
the vigilante from a moving
The Ministry of" Home Af-
fairs announced that a rom·
mittee of police, c i v i I
servants, welfare officials and
social workers was launching
an investigation of all cases of
intimidation in Ulster.
Capt. Lawrence Orr, leader
of the Ulster Unionist party at
Britain's Parliament, said he
would urge a parliamentary
inquiry into the way the
British anny has handled \he
conflict in Northern Ireland.
Coeds Noiv
At Princewn
Coeducation is now a fact o(
life at Princeton's UoJverslty,
where 171 women h .ave
registerN at the 223-year~ld
previous\y all-male institution.
"GePUemen aOO -at long
last -ladies, I officially
pre&ent the CJass of 1973,"
Dean Joseph T. Ossandcr,
director ol admissions, aald Monday~
notalle )ult~
that the won!
cohabitant la
l'-6 N...,.,t CINIH
'-tlfic'1 Or.., D.t-111
Shake Off the Drabs with a
Kings Road Orlon• Mock Turtl
Declare your independence from
warmed-over colors with a Nomclle
Orlon• acrylic mode turtleneclc from
the Kinp Road Collectio11. In shade•
of country blue, green, copper and
gold. Machine washable. Sizes S m XL $8
CHARGEIT •• s....a...i...,~
,.,. __ ~--
.. \ .
Nixon Backs Depl.eti.on Allowance Cut .
the oil depletion allowance -
the V'?)' ' 'Y!llbol of tax
loopbolea to many~ la to be
reduced, the likelihood ii that
the lull. Senate Is going to
have to do iL.
found chi~;: la the 'waL rertng "an antl-<iil industry
But, aomewbat surprilinaly,
be told "JlOrters he would
probably vote lo send the com-
mittee's llnal version of the
bill to the Senate floor even if
the m4jotity overrides him
and votea to relaln the cut lo
tbe dejll<Uon allowance.
P.RAGU& (I/Pl) -One of
the last liberal voices In
Czecboa.lovakla fell anent to.
· day. Hai-d-llne Communla:ts
bad taken cootrol ol the Ctecb
and Pra~e journalist!: union!. 'Ibo Nlmo admlolstraUon'•
eodonement 1ut week ot
Hoose action cutllng the
allowance from 17 .5 to 20 per-..
cent did not appear to sway
mlDY of tbe cbaltljlloos of the
allowance on the S e o at e
Finance Comm!U...
Not ont, did KenQO<ly ...
c1or.. tl1a cul In the depledon
allow~, but he went turther
than Uie House action by
recommendlnc lhal Jntanglble
drU~ eosla be Included la the mum Income tu. for
lhooe l\o lnTest In oil · He
..ted IJJat II be excludld lrttn
the minimum tu: for UlOle
whose main Income. la derived
from oil 11 a qiur to ex·
Sen. Joh.n J. Williams (R·
Det ), who is as finnly com-
mitted to cutting th e
allowance I! Long is to keep.
lng it, vowed to fight for a cut
on tbe Senate floor il be can't
win It on the cCmmittee.
Wllllams is the r a n k I n g
Republican on the commJttff.
Pope Invites
146 Churclnnen
An oflicial announcement
Atonday night said the entire
Presidiwn, or executive
board, or the C 1 e c h
Journalists Uolon has resign.
ed. The Preskllum had been
dominated by llberab.
'n!e initial reaction from the
10 Democrats and aeven
Republicans on the committee
to the recommendations of
Trusury Sectttary DaYid M.
Kennedy indicated no change
in sentiment on the depletion
The committee is chaired by
Sen. Russell B. Long ()).LI.).
the de p 1 et ion allowaoce's
foremost champion in the
Senate. IlS memberslllp in-
cludes a number or Senators
from western and
southwestern states who fa vor
the allowance because it pro--
tuts minerals other than oil,
The ml.nlmum t.iJ: !is desiJn-
ed to see that no ooe takes ad-
vantage ol tu loopholes to
escape all income taxaUon -
as now, aomeUrnea occurs.
Loo1 l<Cllled K<zmedy of of.
V,et8 Celebrate
than 100 World War II v .....
ans of the 101.lt Airborne Divi~
elon have arrived here. to
mark the 25th annJversary of
tbeir alr drop to aid In the
liberation ot the southern
Dutch city of E.lndhoven from
the Nuia.
Attempts 1o cut the depJ<.
Uon allowance have never
been able to win more than 35
votes in Senate debate. But
refonn b in the air tJ1la: year
and even Long saJd he waa
getting lired of "leading
cb&rgea ol the Ugbl brigade."
The Vatican today announced
that Ifft churchmen, including
sir Amerlcarui, will attend a
world synod or bl.shops next
moolh to discus.! increasing
dissension in lhe church and
their relationship wilh the
The same announcement
said the Prague Journalists
Unlon -Cor two years a
spearhead or reform and' a ·
center of resistance to pro-
Soviet Czechoslovaks -hjtd
been d.l!banded, with it! func-;
lions assumed by the national
Game Show MC Collyer Dies
Supercargo Planes
To Enable GI Cuts?
Senators backing the Pen-
tagon's request to go ahead
with the contro"'(eraill C5A
transport say more of the
supercargo planes c o u 1 d
enable a cutback in U.S.
Iorces overseas.
Sens. Stuart Symington ()).
Mo.), and Mlkon R. Young CR·
N.D.), said today in prepared
speeches that by usiog the
huge transports to boost the
nation's airlift capability, the
number of American troops
abroad might be trimmed.
coonUng Office lllldy ol the
need for the planes .
Proxmire said the review
also should delve into the
heavUy criticized c on t r a c t
under which initial production
losus by Loc.kheed Aircraft
Corp. will be made up by the
Young, senior GOP member
of the Appropriations Co~
mlttee and ita defense aub-
commltree, said he favon a
sharp reduction in the U.S.
Anny lo Europe.
-Bud Collyer, master of
ctremonies f<r "Beat the
Clock" and other e a r I y
television game shows, dled
Monday night. He was 61.
The congenial performer
bad entered Greenwich
Hospital three week! ago for
treatment ot • clrculatory au.
ment. His wife was with him
when he dled.
Born Clayton J . Heennance
Jr. in: New York, Collyer toot
the name (If his mother, who
acted under the name of Car·
rie Collyer and was "part of a
theatrical family. He attended
Williams College, studied law
nt Fordham University and
pursued a legal career for two
yean before landing bis firat
stead)' job in stiqw busln<!s. "'' T..,..01• TV HOST DEAD
Bud Collyer, 61 r
shows on radio, where he
recognized t.hefr opportunity
and devised his own show~
"On Yoor 1'1ark." W h e a
television gained popularity in
the 1950s, he became host of
"Beat lhe Clock'' for Its
durable to.year run.,
During Collyer's ten.we, the
popularity of 1 •Be at the
Clock" and its zany stunts
prompted Its produc~ to
move the show Crom a once-
a-wee.k slot to a dafiy attrac--
tion. Collyer said aftm.ard-
tilat the Lask of drearni8' up
five usable stunts for each
day proved too dlfficult and
eventually the show's quality
faltered. . ..
The arguments came as the
Senate beaded toward an ex·
pected afternoon vote on Sen.
William Proxmire's effort to
hold up autborlLy for 23 more
CSA! pending a General Ac-
"With the capibllUy we will
have throu1h lhe C5A," he
said, "we could e a s 11 y
withdraw two of 1 h re e
division& from Germany." Thia:
woold be nearly half the U.S.
ground force there.
CoWyer's easygoing charm
and manners brought him jobs
as announcer, quizmaster and
emcee. On a nwnber of radio
programs. as well 88 acting Superman on the WOR·Mutual
stlntl with several soap network from 1938 to 1952., •
1'l"J tall, brown-hatred em·
cee often held down several
spots M a TV host at ooe
Ume. He cond\lcted "Number
Please" and the long-running
"To Tell the Truth" •lmlll·
taneously on two networks
and at other times hosted
"Feather Your Nell/' "'Break
the Bank" and "\Vlnnlr Tak• opera!. He also p I a y e d Callyer broke Into the game
AU.1• •
• •• r • ' •
Which type are you?
Hero -fOlr a8Yfllgl plans, de.igned for four dlfferwnt types of people.
Which one IUlll your 111Ylnga personality? The cherts will ohow you how each one works.
Piek a number from 1 to 4 and let one of our people experta
get yaa etatted "" your peraonallzed aavlnga program. Whatever your type,
!here la 1 wrings plan for you atNewpo<t Balboa Savings.
Ar1 you one of the
regular people?
PlAH ;fl
Regulot Accomit
people With regular
selariea who have
decided to aave regular
emounta anywhere from
$5 a week up, but who
wa.nt their money-'clng
for them. They eloo want
It to be some place they
can gettheirhende on It
If they need It In a huny.
If they can ~ave it alone
for a year or more, ttwtn
give them the Big Annual
5.13 yield.
MGUUll MOtml.. Y
$25 ~ ....
e Moe. 1 sz 304 eos
1 Yr. 308 f51S t:zs:t
2Yrs. 632 1,2$4 2,629
3Vra. 872 1.945 3,892
.. y,., t .331 2.862 fi.32•
5Vra. t ,707 3,415 tl.830
IOVrL 3,900 7.801 t5.eo2
15 y,., 8,715 t3,'432 2fl.9'4
20YrL 10i32f 20,fll52 41,32$
All......,_ .. ,.._l.2 •S•,..... .., ................ _ _... ...... ,..
~'-'"· ........... ~ ""'· frw. ~:.-; ........ _.." t.I .) ,,. _. ..... ,.,, .... ................................... ............. ... .. ~
Ar1 you one of the
other-people people?
PlAH #2
Thia ia for people who
have e sum of money they
would like to put aeide
and reeetve the interest
every month but not
touch the pr1nclpal
Pethape you Intend to
leave your money to your
helra. In thia plan the
ortglnal Investment la
rota lned for a lifetime
and you haYO a ,..gu1ar
Income fN8'Y month. If
your future plane.,. for
yoor children'• Mllr9,
then th lo wringo progrmn
may •uit you.
,11 ,DCO
:25,000 ... ooo
'I i
, ....... -eo.OOPwWonlh ....... -.
104.00Pw ....
211.00P.,. ......
Ar1 you one of the
retiring people?
Pl.AN #3
Monthly Socurity Account
This la for people who have
e lump 1um of money but
who know that If they don'!
put It away eomewhere out
of sight they will spend IL
Pemape they are looking
forward to retirement and
know It would be better to
have a certain amount
coming Inf/Very month over
s given pertod. Not only will
they get back a lot more than
thay put In, but there wUl be
a nestegg to reward
therneelve1 for not
blawtng ~aD atora. ...
llMSI' $18,000.00 .....
~ 19Cl9iYe Md yau ...min
MCh GIOndi for •n ut.t. Qf• s 50.00 to,... $ 8..675.00
$ 50.00 15 ~ $ 7 ,725.00
$ 75.00 10 )'981'9 $ -4.775.00
$ 75.00 15 )19 .. $ 1,000.00
,....... ·~ $ 875..00 _...,... ..........
)llDU ......,_ Wld you reta1n
tied'I tnOnCh fOI;' .n fttN of•
$100.00 10YMN $25.600.00
$100.00 15yiten $28i05Q.OO
$150.oo 1oy..;. $17,800.oo
'200.00 10)'91n $10,000.00
$250.llO 10YMr$ $ 2,200.00
e: ... ~ .......... lfS-.llMllll•~ ""'.,., ............. .................. rflllt• ..................... .._. ....................... .., ................... ..... ... • ..... .. '!" ... » Jlllll.
Are you one of the
patient people?
Pl.AN #4
Annual Rate A-t
This plan Is for petlent people
who already h~e a sum of
money to Invest and are wUUng
to we it a while for a good
re tum on their money. lhe
mlolmum deposit Is $1 ,000
(more If you wish, of COU'"'!).
in exchange for which you
receive e certJAcete which
guarantees a J00/0 growth lf
left untouched for 5 years..
Are you one of the patient
ones? Then the GUARANTEED
Is for you. ..
YOU YOU Wll. R£CEVE. , ,
START •fW ...... .,...
wmt 3-,,. .... ,,._ s.,...
$ 1,000 $ 1,170 s t,233 $ 1,.30)
$ 5.ooo $ 5.852 s 6,188 s e,soo
$10.000 $11.705 $12.336 $1 3,001
$15,000 $11,558 $18..504 $10,502
A~ S.693 S.84% 6.CJOO'
"(:;::.~ 17% 23% 30'~
--a .... ,.,.. •• _ .... ________ ••"""*"4~....,:r~~-
The Westward Tilt
"The U. s. 1ovenunat,"a man nld the olber day,
"is tatin( a sort or wutward tilt."
It is. And Ibo mlin woo uld lbat 1hould ·know.
He ia Richard M. Nixon, the collJltrY'• ·first Presi-
dent from the Far West.
Mr. Nixon added Immeasurable wel(bt to that
tilt, of courae, by setting up bis western While Hous&-
and permanent family home -In ~ Clemente.
The Pre!ldeot, his family and bis administration
are now back In WasblnJ!lon. Jl!lt they'll' be boir>e In
San Clemente for lbe hollaays. Arid lbey'U return again,
and again.
The Western White House, in the President'• own
vtew, is a tar cry from hb pndecusora' "summer
White House." Gettyaburg, Hyann!Jport and Johnson
City, Texas, were all pretty much Isolated and remote
from voters.
Press facilities and ' accommodations at those presl·
dential retreats were inadequatej seldom d1d their
prioc:ipal residents venture lrito any crowds, and the
business of state came pretty much to a halt.
Not so in San Clemente. Mr. Nixon, the past month
showed, has moved further UJao ~Y other President
In establishing out o1 Washington an attractive and
uwttaiian working vacation beadquarten. Neither he
nor the press -and hence the public -bas been much
out of touch with each other.
During bis initial stay on the Orange Coast, tho
President told his visitors he ii able to gel more things
done than he would U he remained In Washington.
. '
And lbe Preolde11t sun mana1e11 to find time for
ncreaUon -ranl!ng from (olf to taldn1 In 1ome foot-
ball games. ' · · ·
Adding ta lb~ Pl~~tne11 ot Mr. Nixon'• summer
on lbe Wes! Coalt m Ibo m1!4Mss'ol anU-war demon-
1tatlona at Ibo W~stem Wblta HOl!se' gates. Tbe pickets,
numbering on various · ocea~ons from · ilve to five
thousand, did not viO!eli\Jy si!elt peace.· e
The shifting ol pow-t from'tlie 'east to lbe far west,
in summary, has worked well .,.,. for Ibo President, for
hi• family, for the pl'eH and for the nation as a whole.
That westward tUt may nev,er be righted.
California's Abundance
Calllorni.a beQUDe lbe 31st state ol Ibo union 119
y"8rs ago today, Bl years allerJ'alber Junipero Serra
founded lbe first m!Bslon In Caljfomla.
Admission Day Is an appropriate occasion to p~t
aside our perennial grousing about pollution o( our en-
vironment, too many people and automobiles, too much
of this or Iba!, and count our blessings.
Think ol anylblng desirable from serious learning
to light recreation and California has it in abundance.
In ac-riculture, in Space Age industry, Jn variety of en·
tertainment all year round -California, and especial·
Jy' Sou lb em California, is a ll8lional leader.
' ... .,."" -)' '
In lbe past few weeks, lbere cert.W>ly did not ap-
pear to be any embargo on pre!ldenttaf doclaions. They
came in abtmdance. So did cabinet member!, a former
President and variou• high government officials.
Despite its problems, lltue wonder lbat people from
all over the U.S. keep on moving to this mecca ... to
the point where many Californians, new and old, would
like to see Admission Day cbanged to No Admission Day. 'Yoo hoo! AU )OU ]ll!Opk who want to jeop ardize national Hcurity
and put tho1'11anda of peopk out of work -step right up and start
The Law of
I woke up with a vague, general ache
on the right side ol my jaw the other
morning; and a tentative esp1oration
with my lltUe finger seemed to point to
I toothache.
Gloom y
I 11r1e Ill tJle ri&bieoul dtlzens
who applaud when llludml dWi·
-are -to read of fro/. J. P. RlUer'1 uperience a!t.r hiJ
arresl lut May as au Jnnocent by ..
stander in Berkeley. (Life Maga·
zfne, AU(. 11 issue.) Shades ol the
Dirk Ages!
-C. s.
""" h.tt."' AilKh ....,,. ~ Mt ......,..,, .... .. ~ -'"""· ,.,. ___ .. ........, ... 11.itr .......
As I approached the deotilt'• olfice a
,.., houn later, the pain studlly
dlmlnbhed -and by the IJme I arrived
in hi• chair, It bad disappeared entirely.
He was quite properly llll!!Oyed wtlh
!Ind It bani lo belleft tlrat an auto encfne, • lawn mower or an electric
shaver la capable ol ezhlbilin& neurolie
This experience Is oo """"""' that I
am aurpriled. it bas not been given a
name. J call it the Law ol Diminished
ProJ:imily, and every doctor will verify
that many of his patients' symptoms
wholly disappear in the waiting room.
WE couin SlllPLY chalk this up to
1 psyehologlcal fancy if it were not that
much the same thing happens with in--
animate objects, too. An automobile. for
instance, may develop a nasty hum or an.
alarming grunt in lhe engine -whlch
goes away ag soon as the mechanic slicks
his bead under the hood.
Few things make a man feel so foolish
u taking anything in for repair, only to
find that the dlJturbance bu magically
correded it.sell. I once rt'turned a new
electric 5haver three times -and each
time it work:ed embarrusin,gly well in
the store.
\'OU MAY GUBLY say thal the
toothache WP only "psycboeomatic," and
il is obviooa that a great many painl cl
this kind are Induced by anxiety. But I
Thil much may be lrue, however -
that aome P6IOOI (and J am one ol
them) have no rapport with the
mechanical unlverse, like lhe people who
have a heavy hand on a horse's reins.
When they climb in the saddle, the most
tractable animal becomes balky.
IN SOME DEVIOUS way, I have lon1
been convinced, a mechanica l gadgel
tends to respond to the temperament of
the user. A stilled mechanlc can look at
an obstinate part and practically shame
it into behavtna. Whereaa, Old But.
lttflngers here DO sooner gels behind the
wheel than the plugs refuse to spark and
lhe starter lnsl.!ts on jamming.
A man lite me is just no use around
the house, and everything we touch turns
rebelliOUI. l have a rne.aking theory that
one of the main ~ meo become
artists or intellectuals Is that they cannot
cope with the physical world and must
retreat tnto the coay cave d. ideas and
imagination. Whit else Is there to do dur·
ing thole Ieng, dull moments in the car,
waiUng for the man from tbe garaae to
Igoorance Is the iKey
Or. Max Rafferty, who 6Uperinlen4a
the education of Callfomla'a chUdrtn, has
ordered the firing of any teacher who
a55igns books with dirty words in them.
And righUy ao.
The: effect on innocent youna minds Gf
eeeing dirty words in print cannot be ex·
aggttated. The toll in ruined Uvu,
warped penonalltlta and-..pperl moral
fiben over the yWI ia ataqutng.
Takf. the well-documented and trqic
Case! that resulted &om the tnadverUnt
use in a 193'1 edlti<ln of McGuffney'1
reader of tbe dirtiest four.Jetter word
ever to appear in print: "xptl."
"XPLT" WAS, of course, originally a
Kwaldull Indian w«d lllfflllrll "lo IOW
Heda in U:ie earth with a forked atki."
But foe liheer vulgorily and 00..C.olty it
has never been equaled.
Through a typographl~l emr. xptl
ll.D"ned up 1n an otherwise harmless tale
for third graderg about a bare.foo&
Eskimo boy enUt.led ''Soles On lee."
Before the error was caught, 30 copies
had been lhlpped lo the Shreveport, N.O.,
elenenllry 1C:Dool. The magnitude ol. tbe
diluter can hardly be believed.
Jo hla e~Uent study of the far·
r-iitnc elfecta ol the 1cciden~ Dr. GnmbWeUet Grommet dliea a numbet ar -blslGrles. 1be ronowin1 three ar. ,...,. IJploal:
1.-Um.B llAllA ,.,.. ..
....-; tllo _.,, In lilark 1"1111 for lhl
flrll ----..,...i. Cll-~·--"' ae,,,,. ....... wlddr 1111 ber llanlbl1 po"""""8d.Scm>ad..,Ulcudlhll>-
""' "11Ddt11, .. jolold the c.mm.-.
ParlJ 1r1 I ..... ~ Ded to lllmla wflll lhl _.....,.for lhl II·
I bayanel.
' \
2-Young Tommy--, frustrated in
his attemptl to IOUDd out. the word, was
seiied by an 0\1tl'Wbelnllng compulsion to
steal a hubcaJI. }fls venture tnto crime
shaped hla career and he became the
notoriou1 "Hubca-p King of the Midwest"
until shot to death by the FBI in ttsl
near Bismark, Iowa, now a tourist duine.
i-.Fr><Jd .. ractd, p1g.1ailed, crooHyed
Semantha , unable to rtcall the
word that evening, wept unccmolably and
had to wear dark glasses to school lhe
next day. They to enhanced her loqka ahe was kidnaped by a white alaver. Today,
she II a w1dely mpeded and wealthy
msdame lrl Duluth, S.C., but bas, ol
coune, fOll her lmmartaJ JOul.
"IF THE EFn:c.1'5 could have been
confined to the 30 third Faden who
came in dired. contact with the. obacene
--. ... rtported Dr. Gmnmet, "the
catutropbe might have been mlllimlzed.
But the wwd spread. Sooa tt 1ppeared on
men'• toom walb lhrcJuchOul the region.
"Fortunately, the 1uthor1Ue1 moved
JWllUy. They bw'ned the !O -and tore down evu, men'• room wall in 111
adjacent-•are•t publlc _..
.... <OOalderable ---lo the occirplnta. ' ' •
"8"1 the ellorl Wll Well ftltll the -
ll'ar lodaJ not -~Id 11 the ffClan bas ..... -the _.,,_ And ••
-bO caol1dllll 1hll '*" will. thus -up to be Pltrlollc. llNbldln(, '1n· .... -...
•1ror 11 rlfl'Y edutm wbo llrtHS to
bm -le<! .. -.. lparuco Is the key to &ood dtlunlhlp."
Toward a Violent Black Revolution: '
A Look at the Black Ultra-Left
(Finl ol a three-parl series!
WASHING TON -.. When massive
violence ccmes," says the uplos.lvely
militant handbook, "Worid Black Revolu--
tJonl", "the United States will become a
bedlam of confu&Jon and chaos.
"The factmy workers will be afraid to
venture out on the atreeta to report to
their jobs. The telephone workers and the
radio workers will be· afraid to report. All
transportaUon will come to a complele
standstill. St.ores will be destroyed and
"Property wl1I be dl!Dqed and ...
p<NI.. bu1ldlnp Will be roduced lo
.• -. Essential plpelJnel will t., severed
and blown up and all manner ol ubotage
wlU occur. Vkllenct and terror will
lpl'tad like a firestorm.
"A club wiU occur inside tbe armed
force1. At U.S. milltary base! around the
workl local revolutionaries wiII side with
the Afro-Gls ... "
THE IS·PAGE pamphlet, an open in·
vitalion to vk>lenee and guerrilla warfare,
has been turned up by authorities in New
York, Detroit, Philadelphia and in small-
er ciU~. At a time when lhe phrase
"black revolut.lon" may mean no more
than a Duffy hair style, the handbook is
a remlndtr that one small set of rev(r
Jutlonarles Is dedicated, quite literally,
to violent overthrow of the status quo.
The handbook has been found in slight-
ly different formals in different metro-
politan arus. Their identical telta fol-
low. tn form. the Communist Manifesto
ol K a r I Man, and the publication,
thougb cheaply dupUcated, Ls illustrated
with aoe photograph. It &howa China's
Mao Tse-tung on a speaker's plaUonn
with Robert F. Williams, the militant
black nationalist who wrote the hand-
book paragraphs quoted above.
HERO i: IDEOLOGUE -t.faJcolm X,
the s.lain Mu.slim minister. must rank as
the charismatic and much-pubUcized hero
of this "b 1 a c k revolution," aa iU
mylhoklgy grows. The little !mown
Williams is, however, the movement's
philosopher and pro-phet -a prophet
quite literally without honor in hi.s coun-
try'! councils.
Born in Monroe, N.C., in 1923, William!
went porth and joined the Marine Corps,
but finally returned to Monroe about 195.l.
He became active in the NAACP (Na·
tional Association £or the Advancement
of Colored People) and. in 1961, was
charged with kidnapping as a result of
his part in racial ho.stilities there.
Williams denied lhe kid nap pi n,g
charges, but he ned at once to Cuba. and
I.hen lo mainland China (where he Wi!
photographed wllh Chairman Mao, about
1964). In recent years he has been spen·
ding much of his time in Tanz.ani.a, and
was last. niported there.
WHILE MARTIN Lulhcr K i n g and
ether leader1 of the mainstream civil
rights movement were preaching non.
violence., WllUama was blending separ·
atlsm, natlonallsm and violent revolu-
tion into a very dU!erent black power
From Cuba and 1 a t e r from China,
Williams contif\ued to chart an u-prising
by "colonlaliud" blacltll, first against in-
dustry and lines cf communication in
Northern cities, then against the social
inll.itutiona cf the rural S o u t b •
Periodically, he still sounds; that call
Jn the early 1960s, Williams wrote hi.!1
angry prose u ••president·~xlle" of the
Revolutionary Action Movement (RAM),
an elite group amoo.g militant blacks. In
RAM publlcaUons, including the newslet..
ter "Crusader," he first exported his
views on the feasibility of a minority
EAJI!. y EDmONS or the handbook,
"World alack Revolution!" anied the
RAM imprimatur. In addition to quota ..
Oona Crom Williams, the booklet included
statements by Malcolm X and UKll5e of
Marx, Mao Tse-tung, and other c.om.
munist leaders.
New Ycrk authorities told Sen. John L.
McClellan's inveeUgatina committee that
RAM WU ID elite group of black
militanta which was founded in um.
Through front groups, acardlng to lbe
testimony, RAM was involved in the
widely publicized plot to blow up the
Statue of Liberty and in the subsequent
abortive plot to kill Negro leaders
Whitney Young and Roy Wilkins.
RAM ii now defunct, but its place an
the Negro left has been, taken by the
Republic of New Africa (RNA), which
was launched in Detroit in 1968 with a
fonnaJ declaration of independence from
the United States. Williams · is, again,
~dent-in-ex:ile and, until recently, Bel·
ty Shabazz, widow or l\1alcolm X, was
listed as a vice president.
HOWEVER , fo.1ilton R. 1-lency, former
Detroit city councilman and an unsuc-
cusful candidate for the House of
Representatives, ls the resident bead of
RNA, which has advised the State
Department that it ioteods to lake over
the mates of Mississippi, Alabama,
Georgia, Louisiana and Sooth Carolina
and is seeking $400 million in reparations
from the United States.
Like RAM.RNA' is a small organiza-
ti:>n. Neither was exactly a household
word, even in the urban ghettos, before
the McClellan Camm.ittee spotlighted
them, along with the much publicized
Black Panther Party, as important
elf~nb in the move~nt for black
8eP' raUsm.
Mo we shall ahow in subsequent col·
umr...\ however, the size ol the revolu.
tiooary groups is not. an accurate
mearurement of their influence.
NEXT -The "Black Guard," the
Black Panthers. ls there a high command
plotting violent black revolution!
By Robert S. Allen
ind John A. Goldsmith
Ho's Death Could Bring Policy Shift
WASHINGTON-No expertise i.!1 need·
ed to deduce that lhe death of Ho Chi
l\Unh would bring signlflcant changes in
the Vietnam problem. The Nixan
Administration will wlah to know what
these changea are likely to be befcre Jt
fr~zes future pollcy.
The underlying quesUon which now i.n-
nuencea Nixon policy ia Hanoi's ability to
endure much longer, A power stnig&le
could affect Hanoi's ret0lve to continue.
Ho has been the emotional symbol of
North Vietnam's will to wfn. More than
that, u a personage he his been a
poliUcal force in South Vietnam. It bas
often been said that bew1se he has been
,.eu known be c:oukl carry an election in
both the North and the South.
"UNCLE 80'' BAS been lhe benevolent
fa1ber0Qgure iD whose name Viet Con&
..---Bii George--~
Dear George: •
My husband is insanely jea)ou!
ror reasons I can't ftaure out. He
accuses me of being lnleruted in
practically every man I come into
contact with. nus causes conatlnt
trouble and he's alwaya CUSl'lhg
out. or even hitting, men for little
or no reason.
Can you help me? I need person·
al advice, Sweet-could I drop by
your apartment some evening
tbout II, George, baby ?
LONESOME LU o..r Lu ' I rt ...... .., 'your letter ......
arrtnil her•. It inu.'ll bave 1o1ten
loot bt Ille mall.
I .-, •
; ,ltichard
youth down to the 14-year-olds have been
e1borted to light and die by the scores of
thou&ands. He has stubbornly put down
such dovish elements as rise from time
to time in the Hanoi government. The
Communists were sure to win Iota! vic-
tory, he said, if they persevered.
Ho's death or demise as an active
figure in the Hano.i government comes at
a Ume when there are signs of movement
on the Cammunist side. Official sourcu
in Wash1ngton are quoted as saying that
Cammunist China has withdrawn labor
and engineer battalions once numbering
t0,000 to 50,000 from North Vietnam. 1be
chief dele1ate lo North Vietnam's delega-
Uon ·In Parl!, Xuan Thuy, aroused in-
terest with implications that a fut
withdrawal ol American troops would In·
nuence Hanoi's negotiating aUitudts.The
S\ate Department and the Defense
Department have agreed lhat the in-
filtration of North Vietnamese troop& into
SOUtb VJelnam has been substantl!Uy
. reduced and 11 perhaps ooe-tentb of the
peak number of 30,000 per month.
TAKEN AL TOGETllER these devek>~
mcnts make the first movement on the
Communist side since the peace meetings
in Paris began. For the first time some
credibility b lent to the idea lhat a slow
proctM of dlstngagement is under w1y
on bot.II klet.
What kind ol disengagement becomes
the lmpor!MI quallm. The Idea or 1
••ceue fire ln place '' is a delusioo,
recornlztd u web In North as wd 11
South VietllUD: A dlatngaRement whlch
leaves North Vietnam mOff: firmly en·
trenched than ever. ill Laos and CambodJa
lalll-(ar sborl 9f Prukfent Nixon's tmn1
of May II whlc:b -~tary ol Slate
.Rogers aays atm hokl. A disengagement
\.\'hkb leaves lhe Viet Cong and the North
Vietnamese mWlary fol'Cft! tn control ol
areas in which elecUons would be held
does not Dt President Nizcn's May 14
Nl1on's May 14 proposala, unaltered
now. provide for agreement on a stased
vdlhdrawal ol the major porUOM at all
non-South Vietoamae forces over • 12-
month period. 1be rema1n1J1i U.S. and
allied force.II would complete their
wlthdrawalau Ibo rema1n1J1i Nor1b Viet-
nam r~ were wiUKtrawn and returned
to Nor1b Vl-.i-not Lou or Cam-
body would be created to verify
wllhdrawall and ror any other purposes
agreed upoo between the two skies. All
part1t:s would agree to oblerve the
Geneva act'OrdJ rt 1954 regarding South
Vietnam and CambodJa. and the Lou a·~
cord.I of 1962. ·
Some wrong conc1uaiona have beftl
drawn from the fact that Nixon has
withdrawn some troops and w i 11
withdraw mori as I.bey can be replaced
' Ca-s. c..tly, u. o/ Saitta Ciani
aebolsrM!p . 1T'4 -"[ •Int to thank
California taxpayers. My education is my
moo1 valuable pouesslon, and I ooly hope
I will be a valuable and cool.ribullng
l\frs. Cynthia AM.man, Berkeley, on
vottns •re -"Young people need the: ex-
perience of living and worklng on their
own (to) esl.abllsh a standard drawn
from reality a1alnst which to measure
many completely trroaeowi and even
lantulle lheorles tbeJ -beU.V. ud rtl7 Oft." ..
SuSH Ellt• · Aoloa, Yocalpo, Miu
Callforala -"So tnlflY Sirls have beauty
In them ; I don't know why lhey don't
brl"8 IL out''
by the South Vietnamese. The May t 4
conditions have not been affected by this
unilaLeral declgion.
So Jong a9 those conditions are not ar-
fec~ then people who have decided that
Nixon i.! getting completely out or Viet·
nam in his process of Vietnamization or
the war are tn1sleading themselves.
THE BlPORTANT conditions still rl!·
main and they will require a complete
alteration of the attitude of North Viet-
nam. "Nixon has also said that no more
concessions will be made..
No dramatic or sudden change l! ex·
pect.ed in Hanoi with Ho Chi Minh'• death
because the same leaders remain in
charge who shared responsibility with
Ho. But just as there were shifts in U.S.
policy u Prtsldent Johnson relinquished
the presidency there_ may be shifts in
Hanoi's policy now that the leader
primarily responsible for thb policy no
longer can exercise authority.
All this llll&esla another w'1Ung period
on the part of Pruident Nixon before any
new moves are made.
Tuesday, September 9, 11169
Th< cdf14"41 peoc 01 to• Doll~
Pilot a1eb to htform and 1Cirn.
ul.olc rtadui bw f)N"•mtmo tll.f.r
ncwpaper'1 opfttionJ and com-
mtntarv on topfc.s of lntlrtst
on4 lfanificone4, bu J)!'OViding o
foram for the tzprcation of
OW' rcadtrs' opf7tf0ftl. and b~
prttffttJnp U.. divtnc vtno-
pointl of fnformtd obJtrotrt
and 1J>Okfrm.n on topics of tht flou.
Robert N. Weed. PublWler
.. ·-·-. .,
~ --... ~ .. .. -···-.... .. .... . , ..... . ,; . -....n ......... , ... _ ,,. .. _ .... ·----------.. -----.. ·--.... -···-.... ---..--... ..---
.. CH~CPL<l"G • u •
To All·
Female Lobsters SACMMENTo (AP) -!!an
Fni.nclsco Mayor J o s e p h
Alioto will appear oo televl!:ion
tonight to dbcuas a Look
Magazine arUcle purporting tO
~ lint ltlm with Mafia leaders.
Alioto, a probable candidate
Rarely Fit1d Mate
lobsters so expensive? 'I'hilt'a
not hard to figure out. The
female lobster can mate only
during a two-day period w~lch
reoccurs .but once every two
years. Further, the female
lobster is exceeding ly
persnickety in her choice of
n1ale lobsters. So persnicke•¥·
in fact, that only about one
female in 25 ever becomes a
proper partner for the object
of her affections. All right,
enough's enough. That's all
I'm going to tell you today
about the romantic affairs of
lobsters, You know what old
Voltaire said: "The secret or
heing a bore is to tell
SANDY DENNIS is another
of those actresses who can cry
tn cue without use of the
customary ammonia capsule
... llOW EASY IT IS to get
mixed up in geography. For
instance, wtv> but the follow
who lives in Detroit realizes
you can look due South from
there into Canada? . . • AP-
PROXlltATELY one half of
the Nation's college coeds get
married within 19 roonths
after they graduate ... WHAT
OFFENDED this F r e s n o
divorcee most about her ex·
husband , she writes, is that he
kept making odd little com·
ments about her looks. llke.
·'J·Ioney, your legs are without
parallel." ... MOST SWISS
llOTELS charge a flat rate of
$2 a day extra (or dogs.
prizefighter who made the
most money in the ring is said
to be Rocky P.1arciano. His
total lake was $4,760,338.
Nonetheless, he retired early.
\\'hy? "I looked into the mir·
ror after my last fight," he
said. "and saw my beaten up
face and decided lhere must
be an easier way to meet con·
genial people or my own ag~."
Fine fellow, Rocky . Met him
in San Francisco once and
for tbe1>emocratic nomination
genially slapped him on the for governor. has said tht arti·
back. So be genially slapped cle "abounds in error and
me on the back, too. I thought falsehoods" and has filed a
I'd slipped a disc. Sl.2.5 million libel suit against
"Whal's the most preOOminanl Alioto has been given 15
color in the world?'' A. How minutes of free air lime to
about sky blue'!. • . Q. read a rebuttal statement
'"DIDN'T EDGAR ALLAN simu11aneously on San Fran·
POE do his best stuff when h~ cisco's three network stations ~·u drunk?" A. Half drunk . . -KPIX, kGO and KRON -
.Q. "HOW MANY MOVIES did and on educational television ._ ____ ...:,_;;_.;... ___ ;...;;.;.;.;..._.:;,,;:._,
Jean Peters make before she station KQED.
married Howard Hughes?" A. Cerrell, WI n n er and
11l'm a frightfully buay eucuUve mind. it
Ipl&ythrau(h!" 19. Associates, a public relaUons
PROPOSAL -Ways in rlnn representing the mayor, ---------------------1
which fellows p r o p o s e said he would hold a news con-
m at rim on y to their ference in Los Angeles
ladyfriends have long been of Wednesday to answer ques-
interest to our Love and War tions raised by lhe Look arli·
man. He keeps a file on them. cle.
Restraining Order
Granted to Arn1y Men In it is a record of a plain Joseph Cerrell, spokesman
unaffected declaration b Y for the !inn. said Alioto plan-
ptaywrigl1t Eugene O'Neill to ned to toUow up with a series
his late wife, the former of "no hold.sbarred" news con-
Agnes Boulton. First tirtl'e they ferences throughout the state. SAN FRANCISCO {AP) -Government and Navy of·
met 11 years ago in a Friends, supporters a'n d Fifteen enlisted men charging ficials refU!ed to comment on
Greenwich Village bistro, Mr. a.ides said Alioto, a Democrat. brutality" by Marine guards the charges pending the hear· O'Neill said: "I want to spend has decided to challenge 'ght f lif ·th al the Treasure Island Navy ing every ru o my e WI you Republican Gov. Reagan -·
from now on. I mean this. and the magazine article guard house were granted a The plaintiffs, most of them
Every night of my lile." That hasn't changed hl.s mind . temporary restraining order in the guardhouse for unu-
was ii. Deepest language is Reagan is expected to seek a ?o.ionday in U.S. District Court. cused absences, or antiwar ac-
the simplest is it not? Just sect1nd tenn next year. Federal Judge William T. livilies, claimed the acts of
about always. The mayor sa1'd· he hasn't Swe1'ge~·s o-•-r restrains I! brutality started in mili4uh., COFFEE AND CREAM -'' ,....,. '1 made up his mind and is ?o.1arlne Corps officers named Sweigert denied a request by "So you don't know why the "somelhing belween a can. in the comp I a i n t "from attorney Ronald Jellnik of
coffee should be poured into didate and a noncandidate. assaulting plaintiffs a n d Berkeley for federal marshals
Lhe cream instead of the Th . h · ••·• olh " ... t' ·d u· the to be stat1·oned 1·0 the bn'g to at IS a guy w o is ta .... '6 ers or 1n 1m1 a ng m
cream poured into the coffee." d' ' " by threats of vio!en~." prevent "further" harassment writes a client. "Same reason soun ings.
you pour lomatoes into the llis probable opponenl In the Sweigert se t a show cause of his clients.
milk instead of milk into the Dernocratic primary n e x t hearing next Monday t o "These men, some of whom
tomatoes When:making tomato June w~ld ~ Assembly determine if a preliminary in-are disturbed, will suffer
soup. Coffee aJl(f tomatoes are Democratic Wiler Jesse M. junction shou1d be issued. severe and in some cases
acid. To avoid curdling. the ~nruh, e~d to announce Nearly ap. 15 prisoners filed pennan~t injury both
acid should alwayi be poured . his candidacy later in the affidavits stating they had 'because of the brutality and
into the nonacid rather than year. the L been beaten at least once al harassment in ·the brig,'' be
vice versa." Unruh, from· . os the Naval Correctional Center said.
Your questioM and com-Angeles suburb of Inglewood, located at mid·span of the San In his affidavit, Na• y
ments are welcomed and is better ~ l~an Alioto jn Fr a n..c Is c cr0ak1and Bay airman apprtnUce ~turphy
will be used wherever pos· Southern Gahfor~1a. home of Bridge. Mus.ik said he was locked up
sib/e in "Checking Up." most of the states voters .. An Most said guards rorced in a l~man barracks after
Address mail to L. At. Boyd, Aug. 21 poU by the Field them to hold heavy wooden taking lranquiliiers to i.UI
· I ~• .. P'lot Box Research Corp. had Unruh loot lockers at anns length (or himself. ~'~7~r~~;;t8ta~h, Calif, leading Ali_olo ~ percent to 31 Jong periods: 111ey said they He said guards taunted him
CHICAGO mmUEN _"NEW percent with 16 percent un· were. kicked or hit on the arms by offering razor blades and
YORKNEWSSYND,INC. 1 ....:d<d::;:d=•=d·:_----~--~~-lhe __ lock_err_dro_:p~ped-·---~~-ll_s_"t_o_do~•-be_t_tu_;,jo_b_.'_'~
State Building Bids;
Frozen; Delays Eyed ecome SACRAMENTO !UPI) -
The Reagan administration
clamped a week-long freeze
today on new stale building
In Manilla
California Gov. Ron a Id
Reagan Tuesday arriYed here
y,•ith a ''special feeling of
kinship'' for Sacramento's
sister city. but a "no com-
ment" on aUcged Cosa Nostra
links of .a potential political
opponent back home.
Reagan. the per so n al
representative of President
Nixon for the opening of the
Philippines Cultural Center
contracts pending a decision
on which projects can be
delayed Or •'crapped
Exctpi fn)m the order .were
projects department directon
consider "essential to the
safety'and health" of Califor-
nians. ..
Business and Transportation
Secretary Gordon Luce, nam·
ed by Gov. Ronald Reagan to
identify slate building projects
v.·hich can be cut back in an
attack on inflation, urged the
directors to employ "discre·
lion'' in aulhorizing essential
State Flags
At Half-staff
Wednesday, said when ques· SACRAMENTO (UPI)
tioned about a Look magazine Flags flew at half-etaff over
article alleging San Francisco Ca liforn ia today in memory ol
P.1ayor Joseph Alioto has links the late Sen. Everett M.
\\'ith the Cosa Noslra: Dirksen.
"I don't think it would be Lt. Gov. Ed Reinecke, ac-
proper for me to comment at ting as governor, ?o.1onday
all on that situation. I know ordered flags on state
nothing more tha n al}Y of the buildings lowered and called
rest of you have read and that on county and municip~
Is what's been in the press." governmenls to follow suit.
i·~~~~··~~·~~·i~"";·:.:. .. ···········i
t You w•nt t~ sell some Item i
:; th•t you no longer nHd but
: someone else c1n UH for =
i '77''' • NOT OVER $50 l
i YOUR ANSWER; - . • ~
t You call THE DAILY PILOT, ask for ;; i c1.u111od Ad•ertl.•i••· ·~wot' J
D I A.L N 0 W D I R E C T I • 642-5678 : f tTefl ,._ Nenfl C•11•tt 140.11101 t ............. , ..•..•....... ,,,,,, ....... ,,,,,, .........
wit h an
If you ba\t 130.000 to lnve1t and de•lr1 : promoUona and 1dYerl11i na prop1m1.
1 An Income up to SM,000 pl't JMr. We would Uke to vl11t with )'o·u 1'llur1day
1venln1. Septembu 11. On thl1 ev111ln1 2 A n11dr 10 optr1l1 r11taur1t1t OA 1 com-Uncl• John'• will lntrodu c1 th1ll comp\111 ~uler•tt1led lite. f 00c,·,, p-1,.,.
r1n '". ~ 3 A comprtihenal•t ln11pt• trllnlna pro·•
ar1m. 011 e -September 11, 1989
4 A c1n1ral purch11in1 1y11em. re1ulllng In Time· 6:30 • 1:)0 PM UHC'-
lhl moil 1dv1nl111ou1 prict11 l di1coun11. P11c1i • B1\bo1 81y Club, a:r
s A c:ompl111e 1et of oper1Ua1 and pe rto n· Newport Be•ch. California JOHN
nel m1nu1l1 and u11 of all Uncle John'• Coi;ikltll1 A..IWrt d'otuvr•e
ret rt••l"'•tloo• ud ,,... 11d11L pl .... e.11 or Wl'l11: J, Dtl'td Dtw•o~, Violtohhld••l/1'1aclllH ••'-
Undo Jo'l111'1 .-1t1n111nt1. Tiit', HATIC TOW!JI, (h1j114, C1l!ltl'lll1 fUll (Tl41 1•t·lllr
" ,
DAllV mor 7
DeniosLaunch'Veto Attack'
DemocraUe Jeglslators, ad·
mlt!ing they don't hal'9 a
"anowbaU't ~."launched
an attack today en Gov.
.Roaald Rtaaen's vetoes of
..... of their pet blll•.
on8l'1 Jecllloton OYtrtUM>O<I •, 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; veto by former GoY. )WI
Assembly Democ ratic
Ieadtr JI" Unruh, who may
run a1ainst Reagan f o r
1overnor next year, OOflCtde(J
"I don't think anyone Is under
any illusion" then: is enouJh
IUpj)Ol'I In the Reii<IWJcu.<on.
trolled l<glstature to override
1111 ol Reaaan's vetoes.
!'Not a anowball's chance. in
hell," is bow Democratic Sen.
Stephen P. Teale (0.Rail Road
Fl&!), <!eOcrtbed tt.
It takes a t~s vote of
each house to ov~e a
aovenu's veto. That hasn't
happened since 1946. when
O.U-all lllllOUllCtd they
wW attempt to override
Reapn.'s vetoes of leglalaUon
appropriating II.I million for
operation of Modeslo StAte
Hooplla!, 1pencllnf 1!80,0llq In
plAMin& money for a new
state prison and rehabilitation
ceo\er ,at· Otay Mesa neu: the
M~can border, increasing
retirement benefits for state
employt._ esl.f'bPahinc a
special counselfni program
foe bigh school gl>etlO students
and creatlllg an Ol>eD presiden-
tial primary system i n
Jn all, Reagan vetoed more
than 70 bills passed by !ht
regular 1969 legislative
session, which adjourned a
month ago.
Nobody pays
anymore for anything,
not even a gorg90us nsw figur•.
So now you can ioin the
HolidayHoalth Spa in your area and
odually·pay for if, as you reduce. ,
Sound fantastic? ft i1-ft's revolutionary.
EveryQne knows that diets alone
simply don't get the job done
It tokes exercise. And the
nationolfy famous Holiday Heolth·Spo
is a pleasant, comfortable way to extrciJt.
"Push button" machines focus on
problem areas and ellmlnate them
.• , effortlessly.
10 SlRVE
Garden Grove and
Westminster,. Mill
· rHAll1lll M be a" 1 CA\.\. 194 .. 331
'"It to hoppen.
"'1d when It hoppened,
Iha dido, IYtll
know what haPpenod.
'\I 7'-Q.,
E4...,. N ... ,..., Cl ....
••Ilk .. ~ lhiw-..
$14 FOR 14 VISI TS .
• HNtt4 ltlMl'I • Flnnlah lec• SIUN ltOflll Swl•lftt Pltl· ~ . • fttrWa Suw T1n •oom• ·--· CoMftltftlnt r .. HlflH • Whirlpool lltlta
• IOM111 S,._ a..1 • ""'1tlon1n1 Facilltft1
• llecfrHk. Mta• • SN f..W MIUl11t1
• ';
I .
For The
' (.,.11 M!!Y·".,._.. M1"'9r LloM
Club. Noei.o V-Counln' Chllt.
c ... ,.., .... , •:41 •.lfl.
ltlllo» BIY L-Clul>. \ttlla ~.
10.CS 1n1111ot Drfft, NewPO<'t lttdt. I
•m· ~•I ~ T-trna9t.t. Cit.Ill. lt1
R•nc.h .._, WOO ,Klfk CNP
Hlv~-v. Sffl Bead\, 1 "·"'·
H""lif19\o!l Bttclt Elks Lodp, Elk•
Cl\lb. IOI OcN11 low ., Hunli"llton
8tid'I. , )I "·""· '5«•""' fill' IN P~!Oo!I aMI
Enc.,..rffe<Mftl d a..oirr si-
Outrltt Slft81<'11 in Ametk.. Cot.It
M..U fl\6P1~r. Col~e Plfl kl'loCJI,
2JM Moire 0.,,.., Cosl1 Mew, 1:"5
$ou111 Coa1! AttiW »31 (IUll, Vlllatt , '""' Jn /NFiM. 6'1111111 l1iaNI. 1~ll
om ,
l 0 O.M. MOOW NC>. ni... m E. 17ttl
st .• Cost• Mei.I. •= U 11.m.
O<AllOe Coa11 B'Mf l'rltfl Mt"1 L.odte.
, ..... ~ ~ 117 w. Htmll!Oft.
Cos11 Mua. t:IS p,m.
11...e ~''"" TN...,_ttrs Cklb. Mt~ Verde Count"' Clllb. COiii ~. 1
• m.
Coil• ~-0-Co&1t llam. Clufl,
Odif'1 Co!IH U-. 217 E. 17ttl SI.,
Co.ti Mftl, 1 a.m.
Hvn11"9!°" !ffdl E•cMfllt Club.
Sht•tton lltadl Inn. Hun!J111111111'1
8Ndl, 1; ,_,,
w .... tmlntlff C.lltni1I Club. IOnif1 TM>M R11t1ur.,,1, We1tm1Mltr, ll --Codi WY Oollml1I Clue, COii• ~
Goll •ncl Count..-Club. 110' Golf Coo.I,,_ DrfWL Cwi. ""-• 11 ,_
(0!>11 MIN Rolu"t Club, Cotti ~·
Golf and Qlunlr~ Ck.lb, COSI• ""61, ,,_
w .. 1m1Mf1W E•~ Club, H•·Pe,,...,. 1..,.. "611 I NC/I llhod .• WHl,.,"'5ler,
Huntf,.,IOrl I C'Kfl t.iotll Cl~t.Norttl.
• MHOOWIMlr. cou~lry Clul:I. Hll<lllfl9IOl'I
Be~ U :IS •.m. ~~ H1rbol' l1r Gr-. Vil• .1Mrt111. 1G.U ,,,.,. ortw, Nf'#P6rl
lleldl. lt:n p.m.
-Ifill VtlleJ E~dolll9l! Club, F ri,..
(O!s' A"l•ur1ri'I:' 11151 llffdl llYd~ Htln"llflan l•..:fl, J1:1$ P.,.,,
eslmll!ller 11.""'-n~ Ctuti, HI'"""''
Inn, I.WI BMCll llvd~ Wntrnlfllllet,
1? u •·""
, Westclill Mortuary
f1 E. 17U. Sl. Collll Mesa
' 646-48111 , •
Corona de.I !\tar OR 3-9450
Costa !\1esa AD &-tUt • BELL BROADWAY
111 Broadway. Colla Mesa
Ul-3<33 • Dll.DA Y BROTHERS
Huntington Valky
17911 Be.ad! Blvd.
l{unUngton Beacb
179' Lopu Canyoo Road
Llgim• Be.acb
Cemda7 • MorOlary
3~ Pwcl(lc V\ew Drive
Newport Beadl, California
l«.J711 • Pl!!Elt FAMILY
W-1Dlkr lllWUS • www•--IA"' _,-uARJ ....... _. •.. a.a L ..... • lltllr~ llllllJT\)AllT
Ill-~· -"'""~ --
South· Coast Highway lmpro~ement _Asked
•1 THOMAS rol\TIJNE lllat ll1fonnall... ........ bt Far undeveloped Lapna , .... bu oulla:od !tom Lind store ,_ to ~ ..i. Pollll lminv.....i: °''"'..., ••"'" buitt lo coo~ all billboard Nlgud Co<poratloo and -ulall<ia ud ab .. a toe tlonablp." -v ..... Iota bt cltaned.
SANTA ANA -Eldenlllve and olt.Cte odvertlllni. ChandlB • Shennao Corpora-....-Ip. Hold on and make To r<medy thll 11 la IUI" movtd and.'!<tded wllll wild
plal1I for the ocenle Im-For Ille ~ put Three Uon properties, the report a ltllllng alter the blrbot la lo ..,ttd Dfl Pra<lo bt developed flowtn and l)llll rall fences
provement of Pacific Co a • t Arch s.y tbe. 1rcbUectural calls: for landacapln&. street b the· atutude. •• wltb Jana on either side 0-lnltalled along the sidewalk.
Hlil>w•y through Three Arch conaultul '""..ti I u 1 h e r lurnilure, coinmunlly enlry Willson and WUU.ms "°"' !eel ~ and a. !Moot mo. -A park he developed
Bay, Lagttna Ntiud and Don1 lanclJcaplftf, e111ry gateways, •lins and gateways. the state DI vial in ol m.,....,. dlan. AnCled parting thou alone SU..t ol ·the Golden
Point will be praenttd Thurs-a trWllC alpa! at Vlslll del Sol O! Daila ' Poinl, the coq. inlends lo 1171 lo wldtli Cout could lie .-'at locatloba Lanlm whlcb will become •
dlly lo !he Orange Counly and c:ommordll . development lullalll Aid: "The buslneso lllghway from flll lee\ 10 ~ alone a14 Coil! Hllbway. major enlrance lo !own when
Board of Supervbon. alandanla. ~ Is non-deacrlpt. The l..t "advenely e!{ecllog the Abo recommended lo Daoa the CO.SI Ffteway Is built. Included aJTIOnl recom-,..:::=:::.;=-~~~~~~..:;:c~__:__:;;:;_;__:__:.:__:___:_~...:...~~--'--'-"";:::,__:___:__:=..;.:,:,:.;::::;;:::.=..=:=-__:___:___:_~~-=-~~~
'Y' Seeking
Court for
Youth Meet
SANTA ANA -The Orange
County chapter of the Red
Cross Wednesday will ask
Orange County supervisors for
permission lo use county
courtrooms and jury rooms
Nov. 14 for a Youth Congress.
Sla!A!d lo atlend the Youth
Congreos an IH blgh school
students, a boy and a gtrl each
from 57 COW!ly blgh schoola.
The one-day ses.slon is
designed to abow the student.I
ways they can be of benefit to
the community .and accept
responsibilities of so ct et 'f ,
Joseph M. Head, cbafrman of
the Red Crou' youth program,
wrote superviJors.
The Youth ~. tf the
space is approved, Would lasl
all day and into the evening
with a keyoote speaker, pover-
ty panel, dbcu!sion groups
and general sessions on youth
opportwUUes and on crime
11nd drugts.
€aibp Used
For Youths '
E·ducat"lonal Aatrology
organiiation of ()range County
will meet at 7 o'clock tonight
at the Codas Restaurant here.
The principal speaker will
be Elayne Mannago. She will
discuss Mercury Magic. other
talks will be given by James
Gordon and Mrs. D. L. Stack.
rner>datlooa will be reabgn-
mool ol Cout lllgh,.ay in
Dana Point, enlry gateways
for Three Ar<h Bay and
Laguna Nlg(Jel a n d in-
formaUon centen to re~
The report on a lG-monlh
atudJ by architectural con-
sultant Willson and Wllllams
will be pre!ent.ed by the ex-
ecutive committee for the
South Coast Scenic Improve-
ment Project, James -E.
O'Connor chairman.
Funds for the comultanl ' SlUdy phase ol the project
were supplied $7,SOC!'by county
government and $7,500 by
private donations.
Money to effect the recom-
mendations of Will9on and
Wllllams ii-propoeed , to come
variously from the county,
utility companies, community
~iatlom, park districts
and federal, state or foun·
daUon sources.
Working with a coorfilnating
council of county officials,
landowner representatives and
other Jocal peramis, l h e
architectural consultant came
up wllll these lop priority
recommendati'bns for
-First, establl!h the area
as the fint county scenic con-
servation zone and set ICUUc
blghway atandards. -Second. realign Pacific
Coast Highway through the
Dena· Point CCllDJT\ercial dis-
lrlct llong Del Pr-
-Third wort out a system
to place ' utility lines un-
It ls sugaested the utility
ccmpan~ pay for placing
lines unditrground, but super·
visors are given no clue in the
report bow they might lndu~e
or persuade uUllUes to do thJS.
A move to realign Coast
Highway along Del Prado -a
wide street which cuts through
Dana Point soot.b of the
highway and links lo it at
either e.nd -might be met
with opposition the report
would seem to indicate.
A survey of D an 1 Point
residents, buatnessmen a n d
property ownen &hows most
of them are opposed to
diverting the highway. On the
other band, almo6t all of those
surveyed favor 1andscaping,
removal of billboards, utility
underground.Ing and seeding
vaClflt lots wUh wild flowers.
Also r~mmended is that
landscaping be taken from a
preferred lisl or sa1ebrush,
chaparTal. trees, Spanish at-
mosphere plants and ground
covers. Consistent use. of
street furniture -benches,
waste cootaioe.rs, ~et lights
-is proposed.
Another recommendation is
2 Murder Witnesses
Back in County Jail
Of "'-Diiiy ,,... St.ti
SANTA ANA -Two vital
and very young witnesses jn
an upcoming murder trial are
back in Orange County Jail to-
day following a relaxation in
their protective custody that
has been proclaimed by all
concerned to be a complete
success .
A Super ior Court ruling on
whether there will be more of.
the same l\"eekend liberty for
Rick and Carl Stevie Tice was
delayed Monday in t he
absence of junketing Judge
Robert Gardner. But tt wu
made clear by all involved in
the arrangements that there
will be 1 relaxation in security
provhims for the two boys.
Rick. 11, ape! Carl, 15. both
of Santa Ana. were hustled in-
to Orange County Jail last
Aug. 6 under a court order
calling for protective custody.
Both youths are expedtd to
offer testimony If and when
Arthur Dewitt League races
trial for the alleged murder or
Santa Ana police officer Ne!·
son Sassw.
Both spent the weekend in a
motel with visiting limited to
their immediate. family -the
parents, brothers and sisters
of both boys aod Rick's wife.
Sheriff's officers provided pro-
tection for the t.hrff-room
suite occupied by their young
cha rps.
The fonnat for future p~
tect.ion or the Tice brotbe.n i3
expectl:d to be hammered out
Monday when Judse. Gardner
meets with attorney• for both
boys, sborill's ol!lceri a n d
district .attorney's represen-
It ls expected that he will
confirm their weekend leaves
up to the time of the League
prellmtnary hearing Sept. ~
in Santa Ana Municipal Court.
Bible Thoughtlf
AIOUT u.n11M 7
It h •• NlCE~SAll:Y •~ ll:EPENTANCE,
Ac.h :t:ll. It i• r~wir•ll t• •••• "'· I PDt. J;JI. It wlll .. _ ..... ..,,,., th.y ,;,., .• "
11 th• t..ff'1 11•n1t1 11 c.1lllCI upo11, Acti
11:14. If It I 111C.•111.., IC.I of •\i•<li•nc•:
J•atit 11i4 t. DO It, Miff. 21:19-10, Ml. 161'•. J11. J il, &, A.ch
511 2, H1\,. 5:1-t , I St111. 15:22. It , .. .._ ••• INTO Chri1t, j,.t •
Hlt klty, tH c .. vrd!, G•I. 1121, A.ch 1~1. ONLY ifl•1• IN
CHAIST 1111 Hl1 M.fyl tr• •••ff : h• i1 Ill. "SAYIOlt of .....
IOOY"', E,h. 5:JJ.
11 h • IU41Al ef e111'1 wh11le tto4y ht wet.t, Mitt. 9111°17,
•• ,... •~:a-5, C.I. Jilt, ...... l :Jl-lt. "MUCH WA.TEii:." 11 II•
<:t•i• ... , J11. 1:211 • cw,.full, er 411lo.f1i1ll, "'" •••II ltui~'11U 11
HOT •-th· TUt1 t1ffl11kl.4 •t wh11 hM W•l•r ,11urff • ...,
tt.1 .. 1h11ul• ull tti. 411••tfl•-. .. HA.YI I IUN IA"rllOJ", s ..
Ac.h ltiJ·I fer •eia• ~ THOUG;HT tll1y w..-. inJl'•rty .~., •
.;...i ·'-t .,,. ~T. ~
llA"1SM " ~ ••• Mt .. OtlDl'S:NCE .. Clllrftf, •• -Mlll'f
-4\ef ~.... Mk. c ..... " •'"' DtSOllYINS a.n,,,
Ht1•1 YOU°.~ a.rid hi l11,ff1111f •
W,.t. ., ,ti-t.t M.kl.t •• IAPTISM. VISIT 111 ol"4 cll111111
"'11 t1"4 etlttot lllLl •~Hh 'Wlfli u1. Chur•h 11f Chriil, 111 W111~ W/11•11 St .. <C .. 111 Met .. C11if. 12621, llti111111 10.1111,
S41.Jo41. I
The California Federal
5% Passbo.ok ·savings Account
You don't have to deposit $500 or $1000 to open
your account Any amount does it
It pays you 5.1 3°k when you leave all your savings
and interest in it for a year if our 5o/o current annual rate
and daily compounding continue for a year.
You get interest from day-in to day-out
You can add to your account-or withdraw-
whenever you feel like it without losing any interest
Plus ... money you deposit by the 10th of any month
eams from the 1st when It's still on deposit at the
end of the quarter.
Re"*11ber: The panbook llCCOUllt JOU open toc1aJ Mml toclaJI
Mora than ever ... Iha place for the money you can't afford to rlakl
California Federal
and Loon Aaoci&tion •II Olflooo • Ailm.,. St.s llilllm
Head Office; 5670 Wllshlte BM!, lo< Angeles
..... ......... .,.,.. ............................... ,~ ........ OOINAl ..... 11,.._ .................. _ .. __
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27 2t 2t
• ... ··'"'-. . ..... ....__... _,... ... ~.... ... ... ·-·-·-.. ~· __ ..,,,, ,. ··-·· .. ··-·· .... . . . .. -----~· . ·-·. . .. ' . -..... .. ....... - -
tM.Y PIL" ~ i 1 CZ O< •
rot.ect-Europe German Says U.S. Arms Still .
to the nuclear ind· con-lh4teo my View Ind hi• ..luum\ acceptabi. to both bepn, Wort llfm· Mil tool< ! be added. form la a ~ wllldo llel ventioDll m!ll>t. ol .l!le Uollod poUclff an In ICCOl'd wllb our • aaid bl alao 11 ••-'ved the · -"•-ID
Stalu for protecllon. lllllUW oonvlcUon ." r"'!lf to talk with the Sov~ ;:;Mn.nu... Ev;;r";i:#-
"Europl will not be able to Turning to domelli< pollUC!, Unloii, _provided the taJb .,.. with Clllllr 1\1-~-
End Slated
Of Dirksen
do w1tlM>lll the protoctloo of the J .. der of the ChriJtlan ''well.Jftparecl In Id-and lll!tl will nol be dlllllr if·
Arntrlcan weapons _ con. DemocraU~ party said lt. was oder a ebance: fir ,..it.." iecW by U. cbuli IA
"by .., m,... certain" that Bllt 'he uld -., otlll )ll'aldentl. 'Ille -,.., venlklnal 11 well 11 atomic -the NPD, lbe ultta-naUonalilt. demandl "renuoclatlon o f pie hive no other wish tbu -..
ror an indellntte1peri9d," the~ NaUonal Democr1tic par-ty, reun.lf.icltklo la dtedom" aod ., la written Jn, <!CD' _..
West Germany eovmiment will win' Hs fi11t aeata In the W. !a ..... aoctptlhle, ~ .the --to ...,,. -111
cl>ltl said ln,rupooae.to a Bl/ndestaslnthenoUOlllldeo-West GerJnaoa. peoce11'1!1-'~.lll•
P P . serlt1 of written questloos Ilona S.pt. 2'. He ~ tllal German· uoltad Europe.'' et rOJeCls lronJ 'Ille Aaloclated Prta. NO DIFFICULTY fl'<ndl rdatlonl "1IU!d DOI be a. allt ~ bl.I IP" ne clw1ctDor ob 1 er v e affected by Qi.arltt de pollUan tO the NvaluatloD fl
WASHINGTON tAPl -The that• larlHC&le redueUon of 11 the NPD does get Into the Gaulle'• retlremllll from the the <ltn!wl lllllt, :;::t
the American preaence ' In lower house of parliament, French prald11q. "Tho number ol
cie>lb d Seu. Everett M. Ell"OPO. "would bl ol ...,. Klff!nger continued, "I am ol "German-l"retich relallona •lalnll reVlluatjon ·-to
Dirbtn may mart the fading liderabl, conuquences" and the opln1on that we will be hat1e much to th•'1k de be locreu1nl rather -than oi, aoine of the lata 5euata DOI~ Weal~-·-only able to cope with the NPD Gaulle," •· ··", "~• ~. deerr·'·•.''
lVl Y!;lw_,-' without dilliculty as far u in-,-=;:;;~:;:;-=;;-;;:;:;~~·=•:=,~,==:;::-;'";_=====; ll<Jlobllcan leader's pet I'"" COS'lll Rill!! temal pol!Uca are concmied. Ii
Jeetl; -DJ!De}y overt.umine Tbe b1Jr4en. of European "It 11 a different matter
Consistently Wrong
two <Oll\'O¥fn!al Supreme deleoae coots W1IU!d rtao coo-wllh foreign policy. 1'he NPD
eoun dtcw-. slderably If the United Slaies performs a great "!"le• for
Dim<n'was the dwnJll'on gruUy ·rei!uce\I. Its con-the Sovtet Union beeluae II! tr!bu.llon-In m"l and lundl. appuranc< flvea Soviet and
of ""18111tl_tl~al amendmenll Aaked ll West G<rmany would Communist propaganda new
whJch would undo blgh eourt bO wllllng to bear such In-ptetuta to pieture the Federal ruUna• ~C of f I c I a I ere~ defense costs, Kiu-Republic aa a danger to peact
pn)'trl.in pubH!: schools and Inger replied: · in Europe ••. 1'he NPD is Ill
1 e q u I 11 n 'r Iha. t ltlte "The political unification of Ideal political instrument !or -Europe ii the 1111Wer to your the Com.munlsta aod fellow legiala1urf:1 be e1edtd on an quesOon. European 1 n d travelers," be 1ak1.
equal· pOpulation basis. American tnembert of tbe Kiealnger saJd he WU ready
At the time of bl.I death Sun-Nonh Atlantic T re a t y to talk with the Pollsll 1overn-
1 day, the llllnoil senator hid Or1aniiation muat joJntl,y ment about G1erm1ny'1
been unsDCCellful, but he wu develop a k>ng-range concept eastern borders but Pollth
atll1 puahing the amendment.a Uiat e1cludea dan1erous rlsks co m mu n I 1 t f party chle
which would: to the security of all members wtadyslaw GomoJka "only ~ -Pennit one house of each of the alliance." want..s us to recotnlu the
state legislature to be ap-He indicated that he thinks o d e r - N eiase Li n e a1
pcr1icned on the basis of fie-President NlJOO ii going .along Germany's eastern border."
ten other than population. with a atand Kieatn&er has He said the border can only be
-Make it clear that non--already made public: tbat aetUed by "all tbe Ge.rm.an
denominltional prayer is AnlerJca ahould lead, not people through a peace treaty;
permlulble in achools and dominate, Europe. Asked thl!, therefore, ii closely tied
other pubtlc bulldlnp. whlcb he thought the United to the problem of reunilic•·
A prayer amendment he statea was doing, Kieainger tlon."
proposed in 1966 won a 4t-$7 repUed : "But W. need for prevent
volt in the Senate. but this "The American President us beforehand from aeekin1 a
was eight short ot the two-1p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;iii,;;;;;;ii;;;i;;ii;i;i;;i,;i;;iiiiii;;i;i;;i;;i;; lhirda mljortty needed.
I See by Today's
Want Ads
• Oops! mall: • female, men or W«lll!ll; ell help ....... , __
l!r 1M rtlt&URnt. cuhMr
tor wen known eat.tr)',
bookkeeper fol' tntmor
dfooorator, denU1. ulilt..
ant. -t dell" -Jot mold. accountant&.
• 'l'hU "''"""' can -be ....-. •• 'Ill Dodp.
1:M> HP new~. bl ..
......... Good -· -
Just bow many errors can a sign pall'lter make in one sign! \Vbtn it comes to
safety, a siJn painter in Sbennan, Texas may have been paying more atten-.
tion to moving traffic than he was to bis job, but any way you want to spell it
out, drivers get the message.
Ria proposal would have
provided that nothing in the
Constitution "shall prohibit lbe
authority of IChool supported
in whole er tn part throuJh the NOW ••• Jobs . from A to z·
npendKure of public funds
GOP Power Fight Slated
fn>m providing for or pmnlt·
ling the voluntary parUclpa.
tlon by lludenll or othen in
prayer" llirl<;.,, oontinued lellinl
newsmefl.. thll JW' he would
try to lioo~ !tie ameoclmtnt
onto nne minor measure Nixon Sure to Play Role in Senate
Republicans now anticipate a
widH>pen contesl -with the
White fiouse likely to take: an
active role -for the Senate
leader's job left vacant by
Everett M. Djrksen's death.
At least five GOP senators.
and pos.!ibly more, are rated
prospective candidates.
For the moment, aDd pro-
bably for the remainder of this
Dirksen funeral week, no
Republican senator is willing
t. talk frankly and publicly
about the looming leadership
GOP sources indicated the
pro.!peCtive 1enator1 to
sucei!ed Dirksen are taely to
wait, takine their own soun-
dings of support, b e f o r e
deciding whether .lo openly
enter the compeUtioo.
Although ... -tor said
1111 shouldn't taW.too'lonl'.-'to
contact 43 fl.eputt:Utans," in-
dications are ev~ .(he contact
work woo'l b ~ & in im-1
One ·Republican consideling
running for the job said with
Dirben's fun er a I planned
Wednesday, such an effort at
sampling wpport wNld aeem
out of plact.
Sen. Hu(h Scott of
Penngylvanla, now a c t J n I
Republican leader, refu.sed to before the Senate if he
discuaa his possible candidacy couldn't aet action any other
I way. to win. the job permanent Y· He also ·wu hopin1, despite
"My rtaponsibUlty is just to two-dde:atl,m the Senate, for
carry on i:mw other ar-pas111e ~ the amendment to
rangernentJ are made,'' ht wipe out tbe SUpreme Court'•
~ . ·-.• .....,,.., --rullop. 1'hooe •IT8lllementa will .,. Dlrkaen had . 1dopled the
made at a conference' of' ,ltrategy el pushing for a~
Rep.Jbllcan aenators, not yWt stituUonal cooventJon. Earlier scbedWed to vote 0 8 thla year the move appured
, ' Mar IUCttU, with the nwnber Dirksen I succe;asor. of state lefi8lat\ll"9 petl-
The L i b e r a I Republican tionln& Consreu for a con-
Scott ts cerWn to fact a con-venUon only one ah«l of the
servative challenge if, as ex-number required.
ped~. be bids for the top However, challen1a have
GOP Job. been raised to the validity of a
Crossword Pmzle
Sen. Roman L. Hruska or ·number of the petitions and
N@raska and Stn. Gordon there is a question now, with
Allolt of Colorado are .rated DirkKn'• death, whether the
prime ·prospecta: among the mom•tum built up can be
more conservative maintained.
1 Third, •t tfll r1ct track
S Abu1t
verballt 41 Hair co lor 14 Sheltertd Jn let
15 Equal:
Comb, form
lft Electron le :apparalus 17 Chlr1ct1rlz:·
ed by ardor 18 Bull dlng
d1 sl11nm:
Abbr. lt Not slouching 20 Man's nlckna111• 21 River lo the fllo Grandt
2.2 Give 1ssent
23 Ltadlht .. ,
25 Abomll\ltt
27At11l 28 Kind of Q
tall er an 1lrct1ft
3? Placa. foe
re till
bu1lnttS " 35 ''-Song
4} Ottom111
Emplrt ofllcial
"4 Opening to a ~lnt 45 Man of rank
4i Part of
th! body
H Eulr. sett er !rt
N. America
51 On the way 5 4 cut frOlll
tht loln
2 words
56 Number
dtflotlnG unity 57 Kayat
SI Slcknedts. 59 Save fOf
an olh«
time 60 Becontf
subject to 61 .Purpose 6? Anc ient As ian
63 For1111I publ ic
64 ConntcU'tl'
65 Of ttl.t USAs .Abbr.
, Y111tnl'1,•s Puu:r1 Solved: .
Repu~ns. Sen. John Tower Dlrkaen's influence a I a o
of teDa said he would be might have been important to avallabl~ but dld not uped to another prop o I e d con-
be summoned to the task. sUmtlonal amendment t o
GOP SOUrteS aald the White overtl.aul the presidential elec-
House certainly would be in· lion syttem.
terested and involved in the As the ranking Republican
Senate s i t u a ti o n • One on U>e Judiciary Committee,
Republican said t he ad-Diri.aen was in a po1ition to
rnlnlslratloo would probably push a proponl for chooaln1
side w1th the more con-two eJecton at tar1e in each
aervalive wing of the party, state and the rut by_ dlrtrldl
Sen. James B. Pearaon of -a plan be bad lnchcated he
Kanau \Down to be in-favored.
terested in the leadership, is 'Ibe committee Is divided
t Show sl-s '' Pofyn1SIM regarded .aa a possible com-sharply, with 80mC member•
of life nit/VI' _1_ candidate. He ii not urging direct popular el~on;
10 Gararnt 31 Give u, ,.. .... ,.._ Uf' with 'th otbtrl favoring a division of
sl11 by tt•tf' closely Iden ied e1 er each state'a electoral votes in
11 ~:':'~ 41 ~.~~Vari: w:lng of lhe party. roportion to the candldat•'•
waterway 42 Lo11 tM'1J Sen. Robert P. Griffin oJ ~tar votes and otbera for
lt Dainty "S Btainl'llal Mlchigan is another man in the district plin. ll Show 1lrong of lti. the middle cate1ory. GrUfln,
fondnt.u fi'Sllng however. ha! been in thcl 21 llang 44 lhlp I th 2.4 Part of .417 Dance Senate for on Y ree yean,
a pot• .41 Clan and is regarded as a longsbot
2' Lllill •W. nbl.. possibility.
n ~.:;,cu .flt:; One eenior Republican said
Stars Raise
MDAA Funds
p01l t1rt he anticipated conservaUve1
2t In 1 50lor111~ would join forces behind a NEW YORK (UPI) -Jflrl
capt hie to-4at• .alngle candidate, prob ab I y Ltwla and otner stars who ap-
Slllll'ltr 51Stlarp In either Allt'.ltt or Hruska, to n.a"ed on tbe LabOr Day
Quick and Easy as A, B, C
The first word of help wanted ads appearlllg In lhe DAILY PILOT Cla11l-
lied Advertising Section, starting Monday, will be a deSC?lption of the job
offered. Th• ads will be arrangod In alphabetical order. And that mat11
that first word lb• last word In ci>nvenlence when you'ra job 1bopp111&.
Look for the "oew• look" •tarting Mondoy in the DAILY PILOT.
37 Fortw1m1n11
Je N1• York
l "•rt of 30 Holldly dl1po1JUon ..--I th• htid' ;Jl followed 1 5z Wool: avoid sj>Untertng the.lr votes in telethon on behalf o the
2.Han9 lb-out ChOI., ,... COii•. ••• I contest with Scott. MUICUlar Dyatrophy Assocla·
:3 Of 1hHp )Z Equipped · 5J Al a II•• Aoothtr aald wrtly: Uona of America succeeded in DAILY PILOT ALPHABETIZED WANT ADS
39 -ctarlntl
40 G1111t of
l 11'ords •z Indu'!"''• a fllr atlon
• Join flnllJ •IU\ tlrt1 111 lht put "Mav"-we &hoold ad-"ainlng pl""'"es of #,039,139, a S Swift 33 Surge to 55 D•ll llld ..-111111 ~ -.
6 l11pon • and fr• un1ttr1ctfY• 1._:v~ertlle~~·~"=======~r~ec~"1~d~sum~.=====~=========::=============::!;==============~ 7 C1111sltlfatlon 34 Mr. 8lthaat1 59 T\ny, In tfM I Dtlor•ecl 35 Com•unfst Hlfhil.Dff
Huntington Beach Office:
L.ocated at 91 Huntington Center
at Editiger Ave. & Beach Blvd.,
adjoining the San Diego Freeway,
in Huntington Beach.
--......... Lie ........ .,..,.., __ ........ _ .................. , ..
u. cmo a1nn1 111111........, •• ,,.
·-11111..-. .......... ,,
IMfA...... , 711_,..... ..... .., .. --tMl.,...,.•"1-0lt --........... CW.•al1-Wt
Huntington Beach Office of COast ~Southern Federal
Savings, where your. account is
Mlirtl•t f!f.lciuttlol'I don't worrr Col•t and Southtm ..,.,.. •.• their oapttaJ )I ....,. ,...... In value. And ,_..,. _,,. or ttt. hloh .. t t1m4np ooraM •11'1 tl:fllJ "'*-rou ta ... at Co.Mt lf'ld $olithltryl. I
Foremoet ... ur1noe Of thtll btnttlt• lt fM ~
financial 11,.ngth malnta"*I 11nwoh 1'195"'""'...,,.. 191ment or COUt and SoUthttn Fedtral ·
'MfOMlU. CfTf; JlllVMW.Fl llft. t •·117t
~:~~ l~!J ~~!"
COAST .__,
I • !
t •
Jf DAllV '1\.CIT
.......... , ... t !7---; h ·~-··---·-_ .... ____ :» ... '-I'
• •
York Stock List
' ' ' l ' l ' I
l ,, , , ,,
~ ' ' ~ I: " " ~: " " ~: ,,
" " ~i
" " " " " " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " "' " "· ,. ,. , . •• "' "' '" ,. ,.
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M• M" M•· ••• •• •• M• ••• M .. M" M .. MA <AA M .. M" ... ... .... ...
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Mu "" ... ... .... ~, ... ...
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"'" •« t/oc( ... "'" Mc~ /,\(~
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"" ·~ r.·~· , ... ,.
·~ M" MGl "" MG< Mid
.... ICI ••o •• Mid' •• "" "" ••• M'k
Mllt .,,
"'" 'It,. Mtu Miu '" "" "" ·~ "'"" ·~ ·~ ·~ ·~ .... ,,_
""' ·~ ·~ ••• ••• ••• ·~ •>.ti" Ml $ ...
""' MUrl
'AUft ·~
'• ... .. ·-• ··~ ..... .. .. . .. . ..
DAllY '1l0l
LEGAL NO'l'D Plan Set Shirley Temple Ol.e oi Ma:ny In lJ.N.
' UNITED NATIONS1 °N.Y. Andenoo. China. Mtooo 1ald l<Mwland are hero to cairy out what b Artllll; V... OW-lea W. M1yo;
(AP) -Tiit oppolnlment of Wlllk lllOll of U. major ouglll.toiee,a-doclor. wanted; otherwlle "" Wlllllil ~ M. H~ ri!:
Shirley Temple lilac~ as 'a wuea aro handled'by the pro-Marin-b the 1111ly not be hero." ~ederati:,. °!, Labor _, CIO;
repmenW!" to the U.N. !...tonal dlplomall, the ,,... ""'1pn>feaklnai •ho ct It be Mn. DoogfN played \)NY a Louls, Stulberg, preJ!dent of
Gtneral Aaembly fill tbe pal· profealonals ge& a p e c t a l known ·pubUcly tbal' ~ did amall role at the United Na· the totetroi:UonaJ Ladies Gar•
WASHlNCTON (UPl) tern or lncludfus: tome 'non. ualcrupenti -uaially oo nof lhare lhe v\ewr 1M ex· tlcms, but four ytan later aht rnenl Worker• Un Ion;
__ N .. on idmlnlstraUon 1• diplomata in eacb U.S drelega-econotrlk: and social problems pressed as ' 1 ~lt&1.lt. Thia was a caodidate for the U.S. Publlsher Cbarlts Sprague,
For Black
1 1~ 11 w tion. or secondary political l.saues. happened 1n (961 when she Senate in California and her and Jacob Blaustein, president
develoJjlng a new commltment , 'Ill~e . ~ntertai.nment • worW One ol lhe bes& remembered was sittlna in u;, dleinbly's suecuaful opponent w a 1 of American OU Co.
to the natioo 'a predom!01nUy-liu·conlrillul«I ib ahate. So Is the Jato sen. tom Connally tnlO(eeolJfp ,commlttie. Richard M. Nb.on. ~•$ !~member deleg1Uon
black ~. Jleges t.o give them have ·bullne&1, labOr, ed\(Ca-·of TUil!, who _ pfste(t a key Some African d e J e g a t e 1 Women delegates over the has either two senat.ora or, ln
Uoo, journalb;m, medicine and' 'role' In early lT.N. &eS.110111. He c.rK.kized hv opposlUOJLto a years have included Mn. alternate years, two memben
more money, moe programs tbe t¥1'0 houat.s of Coaeress: wu known lot hla plct.ure:9que spe¢al asaemblf sessioo on Eleanor Roosevelt, Mn. Anna ol the House of Represen;-
and a areflg voice in plan-Harry S. Truman, when he Jaheu:aie mid }Va jOUW whb C.meroon. AppartoUy netUed Lord Strauss, Mr,. Marietta tauves. 'These have lncludtd
Dtlty .. 1-.t . ..... Ding. was presldfnt, a~ted· ac.i ·-the SOYlet diplomat Andrei by the critlcisml 8he said: Tr«, Mn. Jane .Warner Dick, 8 en at or s Sparkman, Hum-
''The federal government tress Helen Gahagu DoQaias ~. "There la no one a th.It room Mrs. Ofwald B. Lord, Mn. phrey, Long, Man a f 1 e Id,
bu not been mlndful ol. the • delegate to the lMI aes,sion Fonne~ &e11. W.1111 a m who Is more jnterested In the Gladya 'Ave,y Tillett and Mn. Mor&e, · Aiken, Gore, Case,
changing requirement. of of the as 1 em bl y. Other K.nowland of Ca 11 r or n J a peq>le whose fate we are Jane PiCbr. Church. Eaton, Bloom and
these school!, oor has it in-delegalH ·ff'Qfll tbe / arts in-created a ll:rkf t~ some trylng to determine than t. AJnong t)\e nonprofegslonal Fulbright.
"oTic1: 0,.~eNTioit To c ~ •usil!IUS. vJted them at all timu to elude moUon-pieiUre star 1ears...ago .• by ca_JlllJI:. 'Indian Ukc many oi the represen-diplomats on the male side The delegations normaJly
c11:u.T11 l£cu1utv 1NTl~rtT ciJ1ti:1ic::1~~°"' 1r1.w1: part:icipate In the planning (or Irene Dunne a~ MeltopoUtan deleg~ v, ~ Krishna MenOn tallies. I am • member of an were Heney Ford II; Robert S. serve from mid-September tt
cs-'1" -"'1 u.c . t,,. ~""" .,... cwu,., M 111 ~ hl .. l._ educatioo programs," Opera contr,lto Mat i an a fiOOf .· manager for Red Instructed delegation, and we Berljamln. head of United late December. NOTICE Is MnCW 9!Wllfl 10 tl'll dllttW. 1 ...,..,,,._at,. O, 9GI< 14',, t-tlllt" 6'_. '·-----~----------~--'------------_:, _ _c _____ _: _ _;c._ __________________ _
Cl'tdllorl ., IOVTH COAST DllUG. INC.. flrwtOll aMd>, c.11toni1 .. Ulldll' -''°" Robert H. Finch said in a Jet--. °"'*"• ~ MIM• "'*"' It D33 "'~ flnn Mmt OI PLATltONICI Ind t •-T If d Coll Pr sJ ar11.1o1, cn11 -· eounw d 01-. ,...t aa.sc firm i. _,,......, ., 111e 1oiio.;. er w a a ega ege e -
$141141 fl ca111om11. ,,,., I SM;Uftly lol· .... ..,-. ....... -"' tv•.,.,. ''-deot Or. Herman Jt Long. ' ttfett Is "'°"" to bt O'NIM by Debtor 111 raidlnw Is M filtlloooll· al _. v1~,.. ,. u.o 011 uG co .. .sao.-i Pllllil> L. """"' ,,.i 11:-..er Drtw. Finch. secretary of be th,
P111v. ..,_ 1Mn111en Mldl'ftl is ~' H111111,.1on hadl. c.•fforftl• educatiob and welfare, r: Soulll Eal St, Anll\fl""' twnl'Y ol Dllltd Awlltl 21. 1 ... er~ ., ... ., c.1~1. '"''-L.. .vi.ett ded to complalnl! from b
TN _,., 111 wflltfl 1111 S«ur1t't sttt. " t11ntorn&a. ut ~ c....nt: ed •-th t 1,.IWftt w1M lie Ut"lfM 11. 1o1 ..,..,.1, 111 °",._.a. 1,.,, brilrt ""' 1 Nolto ucai.wa e govunmen
rn«dwncllat. fll1urft ...,, ...ul-'· ::=:rt: 1na 1or aid 1111 .. --..1rv doesn't understand the. roJe Of
wm1""1 .iw fvrrlllll'-°' ~ 8~~ hll-L. """" •-• -1o Ne~ coUeges. The -. r.. ...-rl'Y -locAl!iol •I .,._ ' i. Jf1e --9lflDw -i. wbta~ D"~ .,.,... c ... 11 NAA. c....., ., °'-· """' llf '° "" "'"'"' IN'"'"""' _. ~-plaints were drafted at a
C•llhtl'l'l1•· •"" ~· v-.. " 50UTH " he uew1.., 1111 -· \ Mob1'fe, Ala. -•ere••e of COAST DRUGS. (OFFICIAL. SEAL) 1.v:n1 '"'
Tiii llorftlld -11'1 ftllllolCflorl wlM MA.II'!' VIRGINIA E. SCHEllEll nreJidenls of black college! bt «<MWntNtld OR "' ltlfl" IN 11'111 dn HolltY "'utlllc.C.llfor"/1 r·
.. $$1......,., ltff •' lt:OO ll.M. •• ""~I Offk1 In last July.
lllcNnl I!. ~u. Allor111!1 11 L-. ol05C l.cll ...,.. ... C4oJnll' !fed d
WUV.lrt BMI~ S.111! 411. Lot Mtela. MY Commlufoll. Eu!re. "We are appa '8 n
t.1111or1111 tOOllJ 1~ 1n,1111~ Mlrctt u. 1tT.1 oulraged al the inadequate un-
5" 11r •• k-lo !flt SecurM ''"'" "'1i:lllllhtcl o..,... C..lf 01!1V "'lltl I ll Minn• Ml'!lt• '"" -Ulft V$ld "" "-' M Md Sfflwnblf" 2. '· ,,: derslaoding of our problems, ..
trw o.ti1or tot """ ~ Y"'" '-11 "'1• ,,.. •11Wf the educators said in a letter 1 ... : s. .....
o" reD: ~""~' '· '™· to Nixon. ~~u~~~Ac~~Y LEGAL NOTICE Finch said he was a!ked by
11. 111c11.9n1 I!. MeYtr the President to reply to the Ill A!tvl'Mr r->MM ..k Ilk,._,.. 1. Mtr9I' Cl!ltf!l'ICAT• o .. IU5Ull!S$. 1."11arges • .,. wi..-. ......,,,. l'KTiTtOUS MAME The f e d e r a 1 inter•0e.ocy U1M •It The ~ • uttlty 11ter ..,. -o
LM a--. c1llf9nll• 9'tfJ cwidue11,.. • bo.illnew 11 111s "'"'°' committee on education is
'Vb!lol'tN o, .. ...,, COllll C•I" ,,lot, llotlltv•rd. ca.ti Ml$.I, C•llfotnll, ""*' ·-·11n N II nd Set1ttmW t, lMf 1$6' "'9 tlctlllous flnn Mm1 If MOOltE VLlll g egro CO egts a ----~-,.,.-,,,.,,==---i'"LOWE1tt •"" "'-' aa.111 "''" 1s com-will make recommendations to -" Ill It.. toliowltl9 .... -. ..,,_, LEGAL NOTICE ,,_ 1'I 11111 •Ml Plltn o1 ,..,~ ore th~ administration on "'what -------~~~-·1•• tci1aws: · can and sbould be done to l'IOTICI 01' IHfllll'l''I U.Lf Joe L.. Urben Ind Dolor .. Urtr.all. 71!1 ,.... "'" •-111 lt°"4 ........ ,.,..IM 1 , • c 11 . strengthen these schools and
JEANNE s. GAFf'NE'I', 'l•lllttff .... C.ltforltlt. I 'd them 'lb h l JOHN '"UL GAFFNEY, D.,Hld.nl. D1fed Alllflllll 11, ,.., 0 proVI e WI w 8 ever
ev vi'1ut o1 1~ •~KUtkwl luutd on '' Joe L. Ur bin federal support is possible," J ult 19" ll'f llM' ~-Court. Cowltf or Dolotft Ul'b&n
0r-s11"' ., c.n111rn1 •• -• 1uc1po "'" ., c.lffomi.., Or-CwnlY! Finch wrote. _, ~ .... Id "' ,,.,.,.. of JEANNIE s. °" Aw1Jtt 11. ,..,, be-for• me. • '"""' Frn· ch said he hoped the _,.1 GAFFNEY. PlllnOtt. II l u d•111t n l Pvbtlc In •Ml for wld $111 .. ...,,_u., -crtdllor •nd 1111111'111 JOHN '•UL GAF· IPPNrtd Jot L UrlMn -Dol!ifft Ur'IMll m.inistration could come up
FJrlE'I' Dr•"""" II h.ol...-1 debtor. ·-"' llW "' bl ""' --whole Ith f f ti .,_1.:., 1 "" 'lwiltnc.• ., n.ou.21 Klllll" -,,, wblut1*I "' ,,.. w1r111oi ~ W a p an or ac on.
du. on Mid 1ua.-1 on r111 4111 di tt11 ''"""""' '"" tdr.-ledffd ftll., eicecvr.d "Such a plan should entail a
lnut!IQ di aa.Jd •l.Cvllon. I l\lwt ltvtld 1111 NIM. kin ~ the bl k -1n .... """'· 1fTlor ..... , .. ~ "' J051!PH !". DAVIS .. ,,r g group ,,om ac
'llld l\ldlJmellf dsblor Ln 1M ~ lft Noluv 'utllk<ll!hlr111' college& prepared W develop
-C_,., 111 0'11""' Sl•h o1 Cl"'°""'· ,.,Inc.IHI Ofllu '" *t<rlbeol .. IOI-: °'''-C-ll' strategy with all federal agen-
Lot 101, Tr1CI '!'fl, M11 8°'* 13. My C...mlulol'I E;o.,lres cies for b e t t e r com-,_ U lo 11 af M.loPS. Coolnll' fll Junt 11, lf1'1 °''"'"' 5f1f'f 111 c..n•onii. Tot1•_. PublW>td Or-ton1 01111 ''11:11. munications and , I trust, the =:.e.i1:c',_,~-...:~, tt.e 1-~ f;:vst u. 16 '"" ~p~ 1k.: means £or incrl!asing the flow
""r1vn1o 11t10ntlr111 ... '" '"""l" 111-of federal fund! to meet the ::O~~~i1 HE1te11Y crvt:N ""' Clfl u LEGAL NOTICE pressing needs of tbi.s vital
Slit.,,,..,.. ,,.., 11 io:ao o'clocll "-'A. 11 D"r'fll•p of American colleges," Miiin Latlb\I. COY~, 1111 C""k Ce11ter T~" "" V¥
Orlw Wt$1 000 w. 1111 51.l (Ill' "' Sen!• MO'TICll TO CltEOIT'OllS Fincb said.
........ Ceulll'Y di °'-·· 5111t til Tb ed . . tee c,11...,,.1., 1 wilt 11n 11 ...io4'k IUdMlll 111 SUl't1U011: COURT' °" ntl' e ucation commit
ttw 111tt1ts1 bklcler tor ""' "' i.wiu1 ~T:;•c.: .. ~•=-:~~::: coordinates federal education ~~ l!:' .. ~~1': ~~1~1:1::'. ,.,.. ,,..,.. tlfort.s.. A committee team bas "" .. ttw ..... tlncrltlPd ,,,..,., ... Est* "' llOMALD E $.lrll.TE!t, ,lllt • iled -N _,._ and IO .....,. ,,.,alt '" """" be_,.:, II It. E.. SM.Tl.It, o.:.-t. VIS -egro .........,ge1
.. ~ .... tx!Ollilfl. Wlttl ~ ~ JrlOTtCE IS HEltEaY GlVEll II 91!1! plana lo visit othen before ~a.IL ~. ~ .... ~ dKldft!t.. ~.;1 • ...........,~ .. 0:-0 ,fff ............ Qf\ .. l .~· ----ddlN....., ,,,..,, ~_.._...-""'"" ·-' -_ ... _ ... ..,. __ • "•Die ftd'ri'a1
JAMES I., MV51CI(. stwr"' .... h _.., ~ "' Ille -'b ~ of 0r1....-. ca~ 111 .,. ~" ""' ...,... mfltled ~ • government has Inverted large ,.. ... -1.~t'".::;w. ~~ $;F.--S-·w@ :'-.;::;;: ~~---ipaWl~s Pi.lldlfh -'""-WJHTI)M I. ..... VU. o( • u::......;.s,..,..\-....., tfie Int~...... . ...,_ Gt Wlllftlr• -~-' ·'" • .._ IHdl. c1...,. ...., eo.r-.... sun. m. Loi "_..._ Wt JO Yf'lfai Ui"e .uare
'utilltllell Orin" c.o.n DIH• """"'· c..1"'"'11 ...,_ .,.IOI h tt1t p1ee1 of aUoc:ated the N e g r o in-
Alltlllf 1' 11111 bftmlltr l. t, ,.., IRWt ~" ... ""'°'~ In •U ""'*" . . . '---_,_ . I
------------.-n.!Nn9 " .. ai.,. "' said ~. stlluUOOS hll 1.111:'11:11 rr;:ui.tive y LEGAL NOTICE '!""II 111ur -""* 1 ""' .,. rw ~ small " a comrniUee report liOll fll ttlit. ncitklf. I , -----'°"""'"'°____ DlllN -'V911Sf IJ, IMP said
SAii ltn JAHCIE UiL.TElt 'A.I'"· t' od ···•• SUl"llllOlt COURT Olf TNI Mm"'Jdrlfrl:s • LlJ'I; same 1me uie lr=u.:I
STAT9 Olf ULll'OllNIA POlt °'··-"-~~1M. .aiowt of Neirm institutlom have JNI COUNTY Oii' OltAMOI _.,,,,,, o• -
0-t7ill MOW••o L WINTOM & ri!en. c u r re n t I y the
"'"' t.ANDI, •llltitlfl "'· CAllHIE C2tt WIWlll'w ·~ ..... m predominanUy egro Bl:llWlO
U.No1. *fenoW1t. ""' "'-111• C•llfiloirN *" are educating about 50 percent
'ED .. L.E M THE STATE OF CALI· Tll: lt\JI n7--4oUI . of the bl k studen'• ii ndin FDll:NIA lo IM ~ Mmld o.i-n~ .. ...._. .... A*nhllt1rtlril ac ... a e g
vou .,1 ""'""" dlr~ "' 1u11 • ..,.It-'u41.lblltd ~ c .. ,. 01l1Y Plklt, college But they are doing -•lt1<ll119 In ,__,,, Ill tfl. ..... Hiid -'U9USI It, H and *'-""< ,, 9, '
-i.1n1 If ,.. "'°"" .......i Plllnttn lte 1.s.o"t this with serious financial ban· WI~ !ho ~!Irk ol "" l.l:lav! tn!l!ltd d' II ., 'd C11Utt 1n h abo~• 111111lc!d •cfloll '""'9h1 icap, I sa1 •
... 1,.1 Y011 In 111d court. wtt111n TEN LEGAL NOTICE The office of education said d1n l'l1'lr IM Nl'Vla .. ....... el Ill~ ' f
-. " t1rwc1 w11111n 111e 8bo</1 there are 97 accredited our-
;'"::-coun.::;~:11111n TMlltt'f 4-fl ClllTljlllCAT:~t SUSINESI year and junior colleges With
YOI '"' lltr"" mtlflld ...... , VfOll!SI VOii THE •• t,".:",:-, •• ~.~ .. H~ _.......... primarily Negro st u d e n l
M Ille 1· Wfnteti ,_lwt Pltlldln, '""""' ""'"" bod ~-· b'••• ll 111d •ltlio11tt •L• t.ite IUC19'""'t 10r '"; 11111 -,,.. c~t1"' 1 lau mutlc !es. 1 1~ll' com 11rt:U enro ·
Mo....,. "" dl11111ts dtmlnoMd ln '"' ,..t11.11 •>IC! lffl alhtr ·~t•tfd M l-i1 nlent last year was 1a5 544 'llt<'lfled °""'llllnl 11 1r!sln4! -COO>-1'1 • :l2M ltrHI, Cll'f di ,,.._,,rf lllcfl. ' •
"""· « w1u eppfV 1o ""' '°"'" '°'" """' Counw llf °'"'""' $t111 llf t111fam11, New II o v e r n m e nt com· =~.11~ oteirt.-1n fht vwtf""3 ~A~N~r~Ll~E" ,.~riO'uc~101:; mitments have been made to "°" ,...,. ..-1111M¥1ctllf111 •tlonwr 1nc1 11111 nld 11r111 1, com.owd of "'" these colleges said Dr. W.
If\ ~ n'lfttlr ~ •two 11'>1 -lolillwl"' ltl'JOnl, WllOQ nl(MS ll!d .0. ' d' o( ..a1nt .,. nw. -· Sbcll •1Mn111' dr-. ,,, 11 1o1"""" fO.wil: Thomas Carter, coor tna tor
"-Iii lie -lttd w11~n. ,,.. '" omit JifM'I H, SnlOow, :l'OJ • 32"" stree'/, the ?-.lobile conference and a 1tattd In t~ll 111mmen. tor 1111,. 1 wrllllft N""'-1 ~1dl, C1llfornll; Dt'lln!1 . . . ptMlftnii 11 h "Cllfrllllelnt. L.-i. 614 ti~ $1rft1, Hunllng""' llel(fl, U.S. education orr1c1al.
Ololeoll J-1 ,... C1lftoni11: M. K. Sn\doW, t 1 I T"" bur of ed !' 'N I! it JOHN Cltrti Mlrywood, c .. remont. c I 11 f. ,,. I. ; IK: eau uca IOn 1~ c: M. P110Urv. o....r,. tll!rk tMt« 11urwr1tt, 10 v11 LIOit :so...s. personnel develo p.nent has
fOFFICIAL SEAL) NtwlOrl 6Ndl, C1Htorn11; -'· :Z. , ·111 his f' I PL\.IMtll'TT & .. LVN!t.ITT $tlh1r. m:2 111¥11\ort. N,-,,_t l1ldl. promi.sed $3 ml on t lSC8
,,....,....,. ., 1.111 c1u~11: a... T. ic1y1s111m.. JH year for the training of •n Hit .,..._ ... o ..... , Mid-,,_, cautorn1t. • """.,"""''a.di. ""· ,,.,.. w1TNESS °"' Plllnds t111r."" lllY 111 Ju-mathematics and Eng 11 sh i~ t"::..:, JiH11' "'· 1"'·a..ft T. 11:1111111m1 teachers at Negro colleges, he
"llblllhM °'"'" c.,.s1 °''" ,.11o1. J-• H. sriioow sakl It also has promised to ""'"" ~ ll'ld SlplcmOft' > , '' OtoMi. L-l ' • , ,.., ' 1;._.; Ht. K. Stiklow support up lo 10 trammg pro-
cM111er lurtrltt jects foe ~arty chll~
LEG" NOTICE A, l. 5tllztr f' . . n4.o ""TE OF C-'l.IFORNIA ) ~·orken: !Ye pro1ects In
--==::::-=::--====----ICOUHT'I' DI' LOI ANGELES)" speclal education · seven pro. NOTIC• 0,. R\tSTl!•'t 5-'Ll OH Tl>!IS tth 411 ~ July A.O •• ,..,, '
FNIAA l'rlO. tMUIJt.XJ beforw '"' • Nol•rv Publl~ ln •rid 1or 11kl jecl.! in vocational a n d
"" LCM ....,.. c-tv and 5t1le, •esldl'lll • lhenln <NW .. _: f ed 1· nd · bl o. S.,ttiM.r 2'. .,.,, " t:• A.M., """""JM.lond 11111 ·-•n . .,._,., 1,. tecuwca uca 1o_n. a e1g
FAlltjlllElD SElllVICE COM .. AH'f II .. ~ ......... Jllftf'S H. Sr.ldllw, Oennls L.-i. teacher corps projects. 1¥. IHl>lntild Tr111i.. _. 11111 wr.Ul<ll M. IC, Snldo\Jf, CMottr 8urwr1fl, A. t .
to ~Ill Tnnt 411N Febrwry 20 ltilll Sent.,, e.., T. K1y1il!lm1 know~ i. ""'
••9'CV!ld b¥" EVGENE HtUllltY ti:oTT lo bt ftll """"° wfloH .._ llf'fc
AND JO'l'CE "-SCOTT, hl.ltbtnd .... wlf9 WOscrlbtd "' '"" Wllllln In•"""-'· •na
-,._... ff!ilrNl'Y 11, , ... , n lnUr •("'-JedOlll "' mt fflll hY ellltvted NII. UU6. .., bDc* I.In. -a,., ., oi. llM' Mlllfl. flci.r Rf'<Of'dt In '"-office of ,,,. CeunlV IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I ti1ve ltem!'lkr "' o.._.. County, C1litorn11, llt>'eunlo _.. mw 1'111'111 11\Ct l+f!Jld my of• WILL IELL AT ,.UILIC AUCTION TO fld1I &.-! 11111 uw tlld '!'ell' Ill 11111
HIGHElT 81C>0Clt FOR CUH IPIYlbll ttrflfklto ti••! ilbo'te W1'llten,
•I llme Ill Mii I~ llwf\ll -ot tM ISEALI IJnlled llllHI ti1 THE KlUTH FllONT Vic""' 0 . T"'le<"
£HTRANCE TO THE OLO OltAJrlGE N<llll'Y "'vblk • Ctllfonile
COUNTY C.0UltTHOU5f IN THE CITY '•lt'lclPll Ofllct M
OF SANTA AHA 1H rilM tlt\9 ind !Ito LOI -'"'tits County
"""' _.,., "' Ind ,.,;,. Nkl bt' II Mv C....m!nlOll EUtl"ft .,,., Wld °""' of Trwt In Ille pr-rtv •1111111 I. lt71 tltvttod Ill h Or-c_,. IVrboo' 'ubllW'l9d Or-(Hit 0.11'1' 'llot,
Jlld!C:i.1 C'lll•ld. In .. 111 '-"' ..... 11111 AU9USI 1t, lt Ind ~lcmlltr !. '· lll!Kflbtcl .. , ,,.. luo.ff
LOI'" of ff"Kll Ht. 171', 11 -M.,1---------·----I ~ 111 ._ -. ,_ 12 io » lft. LEGAL NOTICE ~ ol N.bc:•I.__ ,,,.._Ill ""''-----~-------1 ~ ., !flt c-,,. ll:tcordtr llf .,,,..,.. ,.4441M ~~· be mldt'. bl..t wlthol,lt C•ltT~it\~~:u:'N:~~llllSt =. .. ':;',;,an~=. or ~'::', Tiit llllOer'lltnM cto r;fftlt1 *"" -
cumW1-10 HT 1111 ,._lftl1111 """ CO!ld\llCI .... I Mlntu ~ml Etnt Orc1',
dwl -. of fht Mfi1 1«11r9CI b7 aa.ld "'""'"'°" hid!. C1111orn1 .. v....tlr "'-
.1 T t J . ' rlc"\111-flnn lll!'fle o1 PAClflC "' ,..... • IO-w 1• 111.m, l, wltti !ft. llATONIZING COMPANY ind !Mt Mid
leNtf frM< No¥tmeff' 1, IHI. M lw aaild '°"" II ~ til Jiit 1otlowl1111 ff,_
lllltl ~ ld'fflK.l9. II -· 111111tr Ille --of alild ONlt of T!'WI 1-. chi-""'-~ In lull Ind ,i.e. Ill .... ....... el fht Trvt~ •nd llf fht rlloicllfKt lr11 II follo¥rl: IMh Q'llllM IJ'I' Hid Deed 111 Tf\111 J4(1( WILSON DAVIS. nll llflto Tllil ~ ""'"" Hiii 0-.. gf Clrclll, fjV11lllllllOll ,lldl, C.lll. ,..,.,.._ W ,._ fll 1 ""'ldl 1¥ dtfllll Ill JOI. ICENNl.Tti OAVIS. NII Ktl'Vird tt.,, ... _..... MQlf'ld I h t ,lect, Onfwlo. C11if.
......... UllClltttl 11111 •n~ rt! :.: JM\£S .. AUL 0-'VIS. m Cil'llli'lll
_,.,...., • wrtllM 0tc:llt9ti... of C.Url. O!lttr16. Cltlf. ~ Md Dt1MM tw ._.., lftd wrf1ttft Jldl WlllM Dl'lll
...... "' ........ " •llcflM • auM JM l(...ol'I 0.¥h .. 111.-n91n·t "' w1 ..W ,,_.,. t9 J-PIVI 0...l:l M1Wr •W .,._, ...... """' lllWrtnfttr .., s111e ol Clllfonli..
... -.. ... • -•• Or• .... Olvrtfll • .,...,., Ill ''"" .. °" .........., ,.; , .... ~ ,.,.., • IWll,..,
""-" ~ .... "' .. ,.... Im "" l"lltllk "' ........ 11111 "., .. --llY =:r~ ..-.. ....... fl ... ., ---Jld! Wit-Dwlll, Ja 1(-
0.1 .......,., is. l• Mfll o.vtt ..,... .._ ... 111 Oll¥ll kflOWll
lfAlllFllEl,0 HltVICt: "' -.. bt ... ..,_ ""'-M"'"
«JWAK( -.,.,..., " n. "'"'lfl """"""' ... .... .,.,...., .... ~-*' uk.11 ......
., ,MlrMf# M. llll'lllM. """" Sltntar'r (°'jlltCIAL SfAll "" .... .. 0.,...,.. o. o¥cKI¥ WtU.IM & ........ "-fll"t hlltlc.~ ,...... ... T,....: ~ C-tf mt W. _,.... ...... ltlffl ... M• Clmntla._ Ev!,_
.... ....,, Clll. ... MltO "' lt7'
tlAt ~ Or-C..tl O.ltr "''"" ._..... °"""II> c:.t DI*' '1111, AV91M A If ft Sl:nl11111111 l. t,
.......... -....... 1. '· ,.., ,.... .... llM-49
Joan Baez Says
Sb·ike Success
SAFFORD. Ari» (AP) -
Folksinger Joan Baez says
her husband. David Harris. iJ
happy for the sucress of a
two-day hunger strike he led
at the Swift Trail Prison camp
"'here he is serving a sentence
for draft resistance.
being • villll•
but nalalle """' even been kissed .
e SfAltfS WEONlSDAl' e
Paffk'• 0.....,. om.-1 •
' ,. ~kili-'.,
" -• . -. ' . . . to school,
. . l.ccount
helj>s_·get·'them everything
th . ' ey .
• '
(Except a reprieve.)
Three lllonths of stickball
and kick-the-can are usually
enough to put any kid's
wardrobe out of commission.
That's when a Security
Pacific Bank Ready Reserv-
Account comes in.It
gives you the extra
Jlloney you need to get
a kid out of summer
and off to school jus.t
by writing a check.
If your balance is a little
low, we Jllake up the differ-
ence. The extra money is
automatically transferred
from your Ready Reserv-
Account. Pay it back right
away, or well after the
first report cards, on a
convenient Jllonthly
b;i~is:,. And Re~dy
ReservAccount is
yours, with approved
credit. Actually, it can
do just about everything
for a kid going back to
hilll like it.
Ready ReservAccount
"' 1H
"' cit
"" ok ... .. • ' re nh ... da: ,
. ' '
~ ........... t1lNf • , ... ,,
Vary Menu
Two speakers will talk to Altrusa Club of Laguna
Beach members and guests when they gather in the
Outri·gger to enjoy dinner and a program plaMe<t
by Mrs. Rudy Burton, Tuesday evening, Sept. 16.
Roger Carter, director of Laguna Beach's YMC.<\
and M~s. William Roley, president of South Coast Chap-
ter, A\VARE which stands for Association for .Women's
Active Return to Education, are· the speakers for the
Carter will tell his audience of travel op~rtunities
offered by Teenage Caravaps and ·also "Will d!scuss
YMCA a<:tivities. He Js a graduate of GeQrge Williams
CoUege and a director of the South Orange County '
Yl\IICAs. He resides in Laguna Beach. . ~ .
· 't11rs . Roley will tell about her grou~ whicH is a
nonprofit organization concerned with assisting womtfu
in resuming an interrupted education. retaining or r.c.
turning to employment in skilled and technical fields.
The speaker recently obtained a ma.sters degree in
counseling and guidance from Chapman College.
. '
TRAVEL NOTES -Roger Carter,' \Yho wUl speak on trave1 op-
portunities in Teenage · Caravans at a me·eting of Altrua Club of
Laguna Beach, has captured the interest of (left to right) Mrs.
Rudy G. Burton, director of the club, and Mrs. William F . RoteY.
who will ~~k at the same meeting about AWARE, which stands
for Association for Women's Active Return to Education.
Both speakers will conduct a question and answer
period at the end of their talks.
Memberships in Allrusa Club is limited lo womeJJ
who have executive positions, own and operate their
own businesses or are practicing a profes51on.
C_t~.b 9penijng Sets T oe~t ~.ppi ng Pace
. ~
FULL CALENDAR -With their sights >et«>n".many
!ult days and evenings ahead, memb~:tllo Mon-
day Morning Club whip up plans tot <me <>penfng
bridge games of the season. PJayinjt 'their cardi
right for a successful year are (left to right) tlle
Mmes. William Summerfield, Frederick Jensen
and Arnold Lindberg. . '
It's a ·Safe Bet: forgiving
please tell me what is wrong ~•ith~ a
woman who. after U years of niarrlMe.
aWI asks her husband if he waiit.s
mustard or mayonnaise on hlt ham· and
cheese 11aodwich. Also, she cannot aeem
lo remember whether be prefers .il on
white or rye.
Five yean ago I told my wife.Ao. ask
the dry cleaners not to crease rrcy
gleeves. More orten thlln not the nits
come back wtth the sleeves creased. Ber •
u.cuse: "They must have fqoUen."
This same woman u:ptcll me lo
mnember htt birthday, our wedding o-
nlversary. V'alenUne'1 Day, Mother's Day
aild GmJnd H<>1 ~ay becau..e that b the
day we met.
We IJ1Ut 1 lot and a:et nowhen!. What
does lhi!: IOI.Ind like lo 700? __:HAL
DEAR HAL: Tiie .. .,... America
l•mllf. .
DEAR ANN LANDERS: I wu In· terieted ih )'UUr advice to the woman w""'° bu.-tlloqht vocatlona wm tor-aettlnl drunk. He tmts!td oo annual
Cl'OSMOU.Dtry motor trips with the whole
family in the car and he wouldn't let
artYont: else dri~:-'Ilfe bl& Jerk started on
beer immediately alttr breakfast and
was bombed (at tbt wheel yet) every dAJ
ror two weHI.
You suggested that the woman pray for
• minor accident -one in which nobody
la Injured, but one that would lea.ch her
beer·guzzler a lesson. For the past slx
yea111 I've been praytng for 1 major ac-
cident -one that woold put my husband
in the hospital for about sl.1 months. He
gels smashed at leut five night.I a week
and makes life hell for everybody. l can't
remember the last time t bad an unin-
Feel will be tapping a~
hearts singing when the Mon~
day Morning Club resumes
meetings Tuesday, Sept. 16.
Opening the club's new
season will be a favorite of the
membershlp, Ken Delo, who
wlU come as part of a group
known as the New Modem
With the entertainer will be
Tom Delo, Gene Palmer on
the banjo and George
Goulding at the piano.
Also resuming acUvities will
be the various sections of lhe
elub, bP.gjnning with cooples
bridgti Friday, Sept. 12, and
·vomen's Monday morn Ing
1:-idge Monday, Oct. 6.
Atembe1'11 of the gounnel
ooking group will m e e t
I'h urSday, Sept. 18, to outline
ilanS for the year, and on
.~onday, Sept. 29, the arts and
:rafts section will display
~hristmas Ideas for selection ir workshop projecLs.
Golf section!! also w i 11
·esume with both nine and 18
hole play available. Prowlers
have planned an Oct. 22 trip lo
Busch Gardens.
I\ hfghllght of the year will
1 m, a dinner and program
featuring Zeno Klinker, a
writer for Edgar Bergen for
many ,Years. His collection of
slkles and motion pictures on
the history ~ aviation ensures
an outstanding evening . Lively in Sp irit, Graceful i n Movement
. , ~ !
Membenhlp In the club Is
open to _au women o( the com-
munity who art: interested in
the fellowahit:i of other women.
Anyone wiabl,ng information
may contact Mrs. Sherwood
Olson, 96UJ647.
Preserving their country's tradition ln native dances will be children and
adults who participate m the· Scottish Country Dance classes sponsored by1fle
Recreation and POrks Department of. the City of Westlhlqster. Offering ' •
demonstration for Carol Jenson (cen€er) are Mrs. Edward GOiler, clafis;teaclt
er. and Ame Johan'8QD. CIJlsses ·will begin Wednesday, Oct. I, with ses91.bns t.}r
children 7 and older taking place between 4 and 5 p.m., and adult · 1enfoos
scheduled for 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.
. '
Is a .. Virtue Not to
terrupted nlght't sleep. Ptty husband
comes home· anjWhere from midnight to
4 a.m., cuue.s, -throws furn iture and
demands that t c9ok blm aipper. How':he
manag'es to g~t up in the oforning and do
a day's work ls beyond ru.
1 don't drink a drop and I'm half dead rrom exhaustion. I have begged him to
get help but he refuses. Once you printed
the name of an organization for wives
who must live with alcoholics. 1 clipped It
®t and misplaced IL Will you prln t it
again please? -FRAZZLED NERVES
DEAR FRAZZ: The name of the
organlaUoa la Al-Anon. The national
headquarters are in New York. ne ad·
dress It P.O. Box llZ. l\fadliM>n Sqnare
Station, Nf.w Vork . Ne" York 10011.
Wr1te and dnd out where and when yea
can attend 1 meetlag. Jt coqld cb.an1e
yo_ur We a.nd bis, loo. .
don\ tnitt a health column but yw_ seem
to knoW a IUtleiblt about a lot of thinp.
I'll betyoo can Brl$Wer my question..
ls lt true that eating large quanUtles of
grapefruil wtil make 1 penoo thin, in the
same way that eaUng rich desserts will
make a penon fat? My friend says It ia
IO and she back• up.her statement by ex-
plalntn1 that l(r~)le!rµK is • catabollc
rood and bul'n3 up fat. Rlg!I\ or wroog t -
DEAR. ON: .wl"Dli1. J know ol 80 food
lhat wtll make a _penoe t.bln. If yoa are
"on the Ma.vy,1lde\" dn't loot for Jlm-
mlcb. See a doctor u.d 1et OD 1 Hmlb)t
diet . .
CONFIDEN'J"W, TO 50\l'ED ll'l
WILD OATS ' Pray for 1 crop I~
Buddy. Jt is too late lo 11do a~•
No , I do not beMeve that )'()I.I are 0~
to the core." You aourid Uke a' ncu.t
guy who US<d very poor judpnent.
How wilt yoa kllow ""'" IM ...r tlilJo&
come• alont? Alk Ana Luden.. SeM tw
her booklet-11yvt or SU ud lift' te ftn
tbe OUfertnce.'' Sead SS cwtl a ttla _.
• , .. ,, oe11 .. difrtut4, ............
W'llh JOUf ~~
AM Lindert wi1J be .,.... II lldt JW
wllh yoar pro-se..l -II i.r lo
core ol die DAILY 'PILOT, ~a
1e11 .. ddre-. tlomt*I .......
.... . . • .. .... ' ..
Libra : Bargain
In the Offing
wbo k id poalUOll of srt•t
aulborily cou.ld pau from Ute
sctae. Coll.Wol coune ...
dlcated betweH ldealltb u tl
those who wOllld retain 1tatu
ARfES (Man:h 2l-April It):
Avoid unnecessary travel. Yru
have much to complete in
present surroundings. Doo 't
resent SU8gestions f r o m
associates or neighbors. Liatal
to one who wants to confide
TAURUS (April 20.May 20):
Your understandlng of young
persons may be put to test.
New views should b e
fqnnulated. Take nothing for
granted. What worked in re-
cent pas t may not be suf.
ficlent today.
GEMINI (May 21·June 20):
S•n Diego Home
Best to be receptive rather
than aggressive. Not wile to
forCe, push or cajole. Stick to
actual values -not specula-
tion. Accent on home, pn>-
perty, building of solid base. St. Joachim's Setting
For Nuptial Ceremony
CANCER (June 21.July 22):
Obtain hint from Gemini
message. Take it slow, easy.
~tany factor.s come to light.
But you may not be in poilUon
to take immediate action. Key
is to be shrewd observer.
Baskets of white gladioli,
carnations, :;tock and pompons
adorned t h e altar of St.
Joachim's Catholic Church
\\'hen Joyce Zal'lOU.! became
the bride of William V. Urone.
Parents of the bridal couple
are Mrs. Grace Zanotti of New
York and Joe: Zanotti of Com.a
Mesa and Mr. and Mrs. Peter
V. Urooe, Irvine.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a silk
organza over satin empire
gown with a watt.eau train.
Vealae lace and embroidery
--the 1own. A pillbox Clllpt her illuaian veil. and
sbe carried on:blds, white
..... and ll<phanotis.
In a.,n:.t coiured cbilfoa
...... gowns and canytn1 yellow an4 bronze f1owen
...... Carol Zanotti, maid of
-and sister of the brid<,
and the bridesmaids, Mrs .
Tony Nanci. MW Sherri
Bruneau and Mrs. Jay Bayne.
Attending as best man was
James P. Urone, wblle ushers
were Bayne, Michael Madrid
and Robert WadBwortb.
Circulating the guest book
during a reception in the
parish hall was the brkle's
aunt, Miss Anna Marie Zanot-
ti. Special guest was Pete
Zanotti, lbe md<'s grand-
Following a boDeymooo trip
in oorthem Califcnia. the
bridal cwple will reside in Sao
Dieao'"""U..~ will stud)' ... a_PllD ia"
at tbe Ulli:•eulir Ill c if • aia...
&ilap 7, .tea.ta MaalliP __ _
111s .nre -••ams .,.._ .. _ .... Or-.
Com C"'1op
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)o Con-
tinue to be aware of needs,
budget. Some who advocate
devil-may-care attitude rtally
do not care-about you. Be
thorough. Check detail s. And
read between the lines.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22): A
relative may provide irr
formation which a p p e a r s
discour1ging. But it Is be!Jt to
be aware of facts. Be willing
to open channels o( in-
formation. Then you come
close lopn>gress.
LIDA (Sept. ~. 22):
Diplamcy CODI.inures as best
appw:b.. y~ tmate seme.
fll jllltiee ames to fore. A
lmpla ii ill tho offing. Be
Wednesday Morning Club
New Season Opening Is Thert a Generation Gap
in Interior Design will be the
topic discussed by a motber-
Jl:t5 a.m. brunch Sept. 24 in daughter interior design team
the Balboa Bay Club aml then for the Balboa Yacht Club
n1ch a demoastra.Uon of wigs Ladies Luncheon ne:rt Thurs·
Milady can cbqe bet ~
pearance eully whlle eoban-
cin& btt natural beauty wW be
the message dellvend lo
members of the Wednesday
Momln& Club of Costa lle:sa
by halnlyllat, Did< De Nu<do.
'l1le group will meet for a
and balJi>ieces which will be day·
styled by the s p e a k e r . ~lrs. Phillip Paul, F AID,
Members will serve a s and her daughter Miss Penni
model&. #Paul, AID. will elaborate on
ReservaUons art to be made the topic for the 12:30 lunch·
by noon Sept 2Z with Pt1rs. eoo which will be preceded by
Arden Mead. an 11 :30 a.m. social hour.
Opening a season of ac-Pt1rs. Edward Le l he n ,
UvlUes will be sections or the luncheon chairman, and the
lub Mmes. David Smiley, Don
c · Franklin and Edward Steen
Arts and Crafts will med. at Jr., office.rs' wives, w i 11
10:30 a.m. Wednesday,· Sept. welcome guests.
17, in the home of the presi·
Members and guests of the dent, Mrs. Fred Johnson, Mesa~Harbor Club will get A while bowlers will begin their
Glimpse Behind the Iron Cur· season next Wednesday. Kiwis Mee t
tain nes:t Thursday when Globetrotters will leave via
Newport Beach Mayor Doreen bus at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, ~In. Don F. Howard of
Marshall describes her recent Sept. ~. for a festive day in Newport Beach will open her
trip to seven European caJMlal Old Town, San Di!go. home for a meeting of the
ciUes. Bridge and canasta players Newport Beach Chapter. Kiwi
Mrs. Marshall toured the will start shuffilng cards Club at I p.m. ne:rt Thursday.
cities, lncludlng four behind tomorrow at 10 a.m. in the The club is composed 0£ ex·
the Iron CUrtain, as a delegate Shark Islaml Yacht Club, and Am er I ca n A I r I l n e
with the People to People tour. Juniors will meet for a stewardesses. Fur t be r in·
The meeting will convene at F~·-•·" Coif l lb f U . ·1 bl b 11 10 :30 a.m. in the Balboa Bay 11~up ee a e same orma on ts ava1 a e y ca • time in the Huntington &acb ing Pifrs. Fred Betta at 642· Club with a coffee hour and home of Mrs. Rebecca Patty. 4317.
business meeling precedingl;=====================:;I the luncheon and program.
Presiding will be Mrs.
William Holmes. and seated at
the head I.able with her will be
members of the board, thf:
Mmes. Marshall C ow I e y ,
Harold Lakin, E d w a r d
Schmok, Robert ~1cLartn,
Wendell Williams and Edward
Dance Clu b
Square Riuers S q u a r e
Dance Clu b "swinis out"
every Wedneeday at 8 p.m. in
thf: First lifetbodlst Church,
Costa Mesa.
U you hate new nd&bbor1
or know of ~ movtnr
to our lll'M. plet.H tell us
eo that .... may ut.erM1 •
~ welcom• llnd help
them to becoml ttqualnUd
lD t.bdr new surroundinp.
So. CNsf Yisffor
• 494-0579
lfirllor Ylsllor
The beautiful new decor of the Playboy salon pro.
vides a setting of comfort and elegance for having
your hair done in the latest styles. Manager Char-
lene Clark and her stall: Cbuck Hul1ey, f.1axine
f..1cGavran. Meryl Beebe, Linda Barker and Jerry
Gutierrez will do their utmost to please you. f.fiss
11-tonette is available for manicures and pedJcures.
wise llloogh lo recognlJe ll
when you 191C01Jnter It.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):
A v o 1 d self-deception. Some
m1y approach you with get·
ricb-qulck·schemes. Sense ot
hwnor helps. Don't view any
sUuatlon through ,,,,....,Jored
gl.,.es. Dine ool lonighl
SAGmARWs <Nov. :.
Dec. 2J): TemptaUon to ruab
remalos. W1se course is to
restrain yourself. You receive
offer. It is tempting. But
mature attitude serves as
reliable guide.
CAPRICORN (0.C. 22.Jan.
19): Tie loose ends. Put
together puzzle pieces. It is
better to get at truth. One who
shares your interests, beliefs
proves valuable ally. Usten.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18): Some around you main-
tain air of aggressiveness.
Stand tall. Be ind<pend<nt in MRS. JOHN CIMBALUIC
thought, action. You are clO&e Former Lindi Sperke1
to what you need. Don't be -------------'---------
sidetracked. Message becooles
PISCES (Feb. 19·March 20): October Date Picked
Details connected with leases,
special agreements may re·
quirt review. Promises are
not sulficient. G e t eotn·
mibnent.s in proper legal
Engagement Revealed
BIRTHDAY you are dynami c,
original -one who is willing
to break wtlh tradition for
sake of truth. Jf single. mar-
riage is on horl..7.on. Married or
single, greater rewards for ef-
forts are due.
An Oct. 4 wedding Is being
planned by ?tii.!ls Pamela
Jenkins and Terry J. Peterson
of Huntington Beach,
bridegroom-to-be: Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Lane, and l!fr.
aOO ?t1rs. Pete Jenkins and
Steve Jenkins, brothers of the
bride-elect. Their engagement was an-
nounced during a party for
relatives and close friends in
the La Mirada home of Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert C. Jenkins,
parents of the bride-elect.
Miss Jenkins is ~ ~duate
of La Mirada High ~ool and
€enitos College. Her fiance
was graduated from Lakewood
High School and Long Beach
ctty College.
Attending \Vere M e 1 v I n
Peterson and Miss Debbie
Peterson of Huntington Beach,
father and sL!ter of the
The betrothed couple will
exchange their wedding vows
in the La ?t1irada Methodist
(baled ..,,... aclUal p-Rtarda)
'"!'ell tl9 U. dNlf aim you want to Wl!llr, and
llf1!'1l tdl JOU. how n.nyi-ii;.i1" jt -.rill take and
:iu11.mitee hl writinr that you ~ill rMCb. your
110111. ln fact, r.o abltJulely posilht1 are ·we th11t
)'011 will obtain ywr object.Iv(', thlll. as 11.nted.
in our Jllltanloe, w wJtl fMl.TI lei. you hlVl'l
FREE OF CHARGE, 11AY and nU !utther
·visil'o 1.IDtS. Yo11 read\ J"OUI" (Olll, ll.'s pot.iti\'C
~that wa bad: "Up oar ruaranie.100~;.
./ AA the Nat.ion,s leader, you can
depend on it ••• results come
quicldy ••• oa!aly , , • without
strenuous es:ercise or dangcrou.~
QUffiED. We are not a gym.
Out aTeJ'afe Patron, based on
our 1'0COrds, realiies her goal in
as little as 4 lo 6 week.o.
I Costs less(much le.<s) than other
v.'eigbt reduct.ion programs, oepe.
cially with. this week's 1h Price
I Call for free sample visit. Actu·
ally use, under· supervision, the
Gloria Manhail machineR, in·
eluding our patented °Circ-La-
Matic" ••• see why Gloria Mar-
~hall became the world's Jargo;t
FigureContro1S111tem. (26loca·
fians in California alone).
I Call DO'lf for oample court.sy
vis.it. No charge or obligation:
Costa Mes ans Wed
In Afternoon Rites
Costa Mesa ls home for nosegay of orchid petals was
John Clmbaluk and his bride, Susie CI m b al u Jc , the
the !ormer Linda J e 1 n bridegroom'• aister, who was flower girl. Spe.rkes, who exchanged wed-S t a n d i n g w i t h t h e
ding vows and rings before the bridegroom was s t e v e
altar of St. Andrew's Jacobsen, and sealing guests
Presbyterian Church. were Don Crowley, Jeff
Reading the riles for the Johnson aod Ales:andcr, all of
daughter and son of Dr. and C<.ta Mesa. Steven Alnand· .,_ H D s k nd er, nephew of the bride, car· 1Tu11 •. , • par es a Mr. .ed ••-eddl ~ •• and Mrl. Julian CiJnbaluk, all n 1.1M: w ng • ""6s.
of Costa Meaa, was the Rev. A champagne Duff et supper
Dr. Charles Ji. Dierenlield. for 115 guests followed in the
A gown of silk organza over ·home of the bride's parents.
satin wit& Fren<:h I a c e Assi.!ting were Dale Jeffries
decorating the bodice was and Miss Nance Stein.
chmen by the bride, who was Among those signing the
given in marTiage by her guest register were Mra. Doris
fat.bu. Her illusion veil was Roshe.nkO of Victoria, British
hl l I .. ~ f 1 Columbia, grandmother of the caug o ' c ""ler o ace bride, and Mr. and Mrs. John petals trimmed with seed pe•rls, and her bridal bouquet Cimbaluk of H a w th o r n e ,
wu a C85Cade of white grandpa rents ot the
orchlds and pink roses. bridegroom. Both the bride a n d Cl=~fo 1th~ ::r ~::~ bridegroom were graduated
Airs. George Lazaruk o{ Costa from Costa Mesa Hl~h School
M"a, her sister, who was and Orange Coast Co lege and both altend California State malron of honor, a n d "'-11 Full lo
bridesmaids, Mrs. Jack Ales:-,.,~ ... •g;;;e;;;a;;;l;;;;;;;;;;';;;';;;";;;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
ander and Mbs Harrietll
Sparkes of Costa Mesa, also
her al!Jters, and Miss Donna
Sawchenko of Phoenix.
They were attired in long
pale plnk sleeveless chiffon
gowns which were ruffled at
the neckline and each carried
a cascade of pink Australian
Wearing a sleeveless while
lace dress and canying a
VIII! Chlr Stwwr.onn 1.-• .,
l rl1tol ot 5111 Dlotto Fwy.
COSTA MESA 540·31'5
nalalle wpn'I
kicked out of school.
she was carried oul
~' "t\.J:AL 'o ".
Edwards Hewpart Cini .,•
Poclflc'1 Ora ... DfJ,it-111
Come in. comforta1ik. eaaual c?oiAa~
undrcssint Wl.Mt't$$a7)',
PriOGU play room facil.itia for MttOU
Quest of Honor
Mesan to .View Parade
From Different Angle
When Ev• Townsend was
riding in the first Pasadena
Rose Parade !n 1890, she pro..
bably never ~ht she'd b<
attending the parade in 1969 as
an booor'4 guest.
The Costa Mesa resident,
who celebrated her IOOth
blrthday July 26, rode unol-
ricially in the parade with her
suitor, Harry Townsend. Wan-
ting to impress her, he rented
• buggy .00 team of bay
horses and prevailed cm a
friend 10 let them slip into tht:
line or march.
Aft.er the parade they went
to Pasadena's Sportsmen's
Park wbere the holiday cror1d
was enjoyin~ picnics and
afternoon sports.
She and Harry wert married
Feb. 28, t!91 , bticking U,. rain·
swollen Rio Hondo and Loa
Angeles rivers to get from
Downey to Los Angeles for the
Eva, who has seen burros,
buggies, railroads. a u t o s ,
planes and moonships used as
transportation, was born on 1
farm in Millersburg, Mercer
County, Ill.
The family came t a
Mrs. Eva Townsend
Cali!omla for her father'&
health when she was ts and
they settled in Pasadena. Her
father worked as 1 banker and
land developer and for a time
was associated with the
Area Students Select
Redlands University
development of the city of
She still loves parades, even
though her husband was killed
in a fall from a horse d.aring
the 50th anniversary parade of
Whittier, in which he was
Twenty-two Orange Coast
residents are among the 494
new students enrolling at the
University of Redlands for the
fall semester.
Noel K. Johnson. Kristine Lan· riding.
ce. Catherine A n n e Root. She now lives in a guest
Thomas Clark SchottmiUer, home. where she rooms with
\Villiam Bruce Wise and her cousin, Murzetta Rogers.
Douglas Lyn Wood. The two are constantly on
the go and ?i.1rs. Townsend Registering from Irvine is even attended the R 0 8 e
r.t.ureen Candice Carr and Parade until she was 90.
from Laguna Niguel, Linda "I've seen much and I have Sue Guertner. done most everything -ex-
Fall Date
For Rites
Peek. Wedding Chapel will
be the setting for tbe Oct. 2S
nuptials I i n k i n g Kathleen
Marla King and Robert Ltd·
dlie Noulin, both of Costa
Miss King, daughter ot ~tr.
and Mrs. Nick Klng or Pileiico
City, attended Phoenix
College, was graduated from
Orange Coast College and now
is majoring in business educa-
tion at California Stale College
at Long Beach.
Her fiance is the son of
Edward N. Noulin or
Hollywood, Fla. and Mrs.
Norma Nabb of New York Ci·
ty. He rtceived his BS in
a s t r o n a utlcal·aeronauUcal
engineering from Northrup
Institute of Technology and his
MS in systems engineering
Crom West Coast University,
Los Angeles.
look Collared ~1 ission Viejo residents are cept land on the moon," tile
Joan Kathryn Griesbaum and 'centenarian said. ;'Neverthe-
Susan Elizabeth Powell. and less. next New Year's Day, l Jn a new fashion season full
regislerinJl from Midway City will be up in the ciouds, be· or revivals, the dog collar look
ls Ardene Carol Barth. ing a guest of honor at the lo jewelry returns. The collar&
•• I. • ·~ •
luesdl/, SepUmbff 9, 1%4 DAILY PIUlf J/S
Daily Pilot to Brief
Club Press Chairmen . 11 •
Pre-re&istration for t h e
Publ.icity Works.bop to be
pre.seuted by the DAILY
PILOT as • part of~ Orange
Coast Evenin& College L.eclure
Series is under way now.
:ten:Unar will be slanted for to be 'held •t
presa chairmen of clubt. ST. JAMES EPISCOPA,t Ci1UllCH •
groups, organizations and 3209 Vlf.1Udo N~L 8¥Ct\ 1
churehes, but not lbnited lo ' · Rosh Jf•.sluula--.S.pt. 12, ~ 13
these. Yorn K1pper~pt. ~. &. ~
Club 1roups are asked to Mbbl Berna.Id P. Kina;
1be two-hour session will
take plaa star1ing at 7:30
p.m. on Wedneaday, Sept. 17,
in the Forum at Estancia High
ScbooJ, 232a-PlacenUa Ave.,
Costa Mesa.
confme request& for seats t.o Cantor Milt. iruier
two per club because otl Far Ti~ta I Woiim,lion Call : 646j605
limiteds ea ling. lndividuall':::::::::==============:: couples also are invited. Pre·l-
Open free to the public, the
registrant.s should use the
coupon below lo mail in their
5'at requests. ··---------.. I P.UBLICITY WORKSHOP REGISTRATION
PktM rtservt .....• placea for me •t th• DAILY I
I PiLOT~C Publicity Workahop Sept. 17 in the I
Forum, Estancia Hlgh School. I und•rattnd I
rri!Jst be there not later than 7:15 p.m. for the I 7:30-.9:30 1e11lon. Pre-registrants wlll have first I
choice of seating.
I NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ................. ' .... I
I ADDRESS (Strntl ... : ...... · .......... , ....... : I
I CITY ........... '..... . .•.... ZIP ... ' .... I
ORGANIZATI ON (If Any) ...................... .
I OFFICE HELD .............. PHONE .......... I
Miii ~: '"'lie hrwkt 0t"1rtment. 0r ..... CHI! OAIL'I' '1LOT, UI
'#. h f llrMt. Ctlt• Mou., C.. nu1. ----------·
Hospital Volunteers
Business Calendared
Orange County Council of Volunteer Services, who will
Hospital Volunteers w 11 1 report on pla~ for the San
gather Friday. Sept. l9, in the Francisco confab. Mrs Wei> Santa An.t Community
Hospital at 10 a.m. her bas arranged a tour of the
' ·. '·."
lr&c~'l F1b11lou1 "S11•11•" with luiolil'I , , ,
1oltl 1l1owho1• •I ?1.SO •.. 11ow 1t '•flllll
T1011 , •• Compt.1, Stvlo 0111 -S•t -•Ml
Ccimb e111I, •• 1095
F•mciut lr•o;k -iu11itv ••. pimp•• your hit, '
witli 0114 of the fl11•tl pormt "'•ilo , •. COll'I•
pl1toly co11tr11>ll•bl• , •• y~r h1ir ..,;11 Ito
t r•cofull., w1~., 111>H"" It firm •& v•u with .• •
Harbor Center -Kl 90757
Mrs. William L a n g s t 0 n , new cardiac care unit and the
council presJdent and presi-physical therapy department.
dent of Hoag M e m 0 r i a 1 The volunteers wish lo bet·
Hospital, Presbyterian Aux· ter inform the public of
liiary, will preside. _v=o=lun==teer==du==li<s==.==:::::::;-------------------
Other new executive board r
members are Mrs. Jack foot.
Lyons, president.elect. presl.
dent of South Coast Com-
munity Hospital Auxiliary, and
Mrs. Henry Webber,
secretary-treasurer, president
of · Santa Ana Community
Hospital AuxtUary.
Junior advisor is Mrs. W. E.
Yury, president of W e s I
Anaheim Community Hospital
Specia1 guest will be ?i.trs.
Kenneth Dukes, chairman of
the California H o s p i t a I
Association Committee o n
The 22, both freshmen and
transfer students, attended a
three-day orientation program
at the college which included
backyard picnics hosted by
faculty men1bers, registration.
a dinner for the students and
their pareots and a reception
in the home of the university
J)C'eSideol. Dr. Geor&e li.
Costa Mesans enrolling are
David Steven Jones. June
Karen McKee and Michael
Anthony Skawin.
New ilUdents from San Toornament of Roses." for fall ht.end as high on the
Clemente are Vallori Kathryn She has been invited by the neck as possible. ----------
H'ard and Richard Ea r I Tournament of Roses associa-Most often seen are collars
Lemberg. and from San Juan lion and will view the parade. In colored ~to 11 es or
Cap istrano, Mi chael Sterling from tht officiaJ reviewing rhi~tones, and occasionally
Turn You On
Huntington Beach residents
are George f.fichael Bradbury,
McCartin. stand. pearls.
Attending from South-----------------------------
Laguna will be Emily Virden
Holing, and from Sunset
Beach. Stephen M a r t i n
Kano Id.
R•ed•ohip po I I 1 prov•
"''••111,rh" i1 ORI of th1 wodd'1
11101+ popul1r comic 1trip1. R11d
it dtilv ho the DAILY PILOT.
Completing the list are
Stephen Lee Jump. Santa Ana
lieights, and Kim A l l a n
Barbee, Westminster.
lot lottt
went! ...
Unwonted fatty lissue simply ~ms to melt owoy effort·
lessl y ond pleasantly, leaving you looking ond fttling
rodiont, glomorous, desirable ond lovely,
Many women lose several pounds ond inches the very
first treatment. But remember, weight loss olone solves
only one figure problem ond often couses others ... let
Shopt Shoppts properly contoUr, trim, mold, slim, redoce
and build os needed to fashion the perfect shape for your
frame ond bone structure ••• It's what we do best.
Shope Shoppes is different. Come in for your free shope
onofysis todfv ond see for yourself I
Total number of treatments necessary to correct
your individual figure fa ults are determined
by COMPUTER CARD at the time of your FREE
SHAPE ANALYSIS, where a personal "SHAPING
PROGRAM" is designed exclusively for you ....
There's no mystery. you 'll know the exact cost of
your new shape!
lively stretch wigs
x... cloligWnllyimpieh .,..;,pe ..,.;-,..
llrgeioi:eha.npetrikea! Jut.pop cm OM of
the.a lightwejsht wonden, 2'1l1L a bra•la.
throag!t it ud ,...,,., -.ly to l!"I li'Lct
:mo.RI eoclld. a. quiek.ebango arti1t 'Walllf
T....i..a. .....i....,.ne fl&..;,, .....i..o;,,, tmo,
•:nd COIDtll in Jmciom •hadiap. '111aowip
Jet '1'00r OWD heir ,htt11the • • • gife a eeol,
T-e1to;..,..,.i..1,1>,e 19D
d, lOQ fo liuman hair 'tretch tlli&
Jn•,•a~ ·altmw ••• 1'""' I.he mi.,.. ,_ Jitlt ft al n·. Jnt.i:b.ineaa.cle Gii -ellllltie la-. ................
ooMon>li\e i• Spri.111 bodr,.....,. .i...i.. 39''
e. fabulmu, m.m.v. halr wislda
Thit YM'Mtil• ~Tatter of C11Tl1 1Ml:e1 all kinat.t..,,
b.ud•'•:poeolb1e. w.i...-.....,.-sn., IO"
Come in and meet Soars
leading wig authority.
GARDEN SQUARE t A.M.·f P.M. DAllT, t A.M.·S P.M. IAT .. CllllD Ull t.J Let her advise you on the •lyle and color
,that'! best for you, without obUgaUon.
AllA-COITl -Ut.l TDDU WIST LA. ~~· 635-0271 642-7032 fOI 477-1122 m E•1ellcl .,.... ll)l ...,..M INfDIMATIOX 1i12s..i1•
SA•TA -Kl MISllOI llW MOITllllDCl IUll .. I
393-0064 361-1714 349-4788 842-0877
CALL FOR APPT. 537 .. 5410 111wiWft 1034.2,........., lf2Jluet:lllW. 17'5W,VrilfeA\lt,
, -----------
Wed., Sept. JO thru Sal., Sept. 13
Sl-IOP AT SE.o\f<S M-0 SAVE ~
sati1faditm G1ta1~11tt•t" Sears
or l ' our llo,.~y JJCIU
Sears n .... olriJ>g Chup
IEAlt~JOUUCK.ASD CO, Phone 541).33M
.. .. _,_ ........ .. .... • '. . . . .. . . . ., . -· . ---, •
.....,, tory Behind ·Laver's Win-Isolation
IJ GLSNN WHITE ...... ,..,Miff ll'Pl!:il~ lllW, tl.Y. -In '1uJ11on Ill his naUve ~alla, Rod
'I llnl cel<brllkin ,..ture alter llicm"' Ute Ont m1n ever to wln..ten-1111' cnmd Jllm !'.flee WU to drink a
~Ill tnlloir.M1 Laver dry humor he
rtimW wheo uted !or the loan of a
dollar by a jotlna newsman, "sorry, 1 .. _,pl "'!r cbanlo." He did hJve Ills
Int ~ dleclt vi 111,000, however,
-r-bis y.ar's earnlnp to llGl,030.
..6o tt wu Monday afternoon al Wut Side T.,... Club'• Ivy-blanketed otadium
LOS ANGELES (AP) -Senlot quar-
ttrt>ock Mite H~ and loll end
EileoeJ Gorrilon learned In • U.yard
-play to highlight Soutbem Cal'• foot-
ball icr!lllDUIB• Monday.
Holm.grtn completed four of eight
pi.s,cs for 16 yards and Ganison, a
~mDl'e, paced the receivers, snaring
four for 92 yards. Sophomore fullbact Bill
Holland led rusbe.rs with 12 carries for 26 ylrds.
Sizemore Fits
Dodgers Back
Into 3rd Spot
A'nANTA, Ga. (AP) -Ted Sizemore
rtas the shortest man on the field in
AUanta StadJum Monday. But the 5-foot·
eight second baseman stood tall among
his Dodger teammates when be slugged
hia secon<. homer or the season to break a
1coreless deadlock in the third inning.
Atlanta faces the Dodgers again tonight
Mth Phil Nlekro going against Jim Bun.
ning. Nlekro will try for bls 20th victory
far the Braves.
it wu SfJ.emore's S?S-foote:r to left·
center with two out that brought in
5:00 If.I'll.
J :25 p.m.
.S:U ~m. 1:5$ P-"I.
~1aury WUll and gave the Log Angeles
ctub what Jt needed to. beat the Braves, i.
tWiJla had aingled to le.ft and Braves pit·
Cher Goorg< Stooe tried to slip a high last
ball put Sizemore, but it didn't work.
Stone didn't even bother to look baci -
ht knew it was gone.
Sizemore's other homer also came
11.galn!t the Braves but back on May 4
when that happened the outcome was
revened -with Atlanta taking the
decisioa, .. I.
The triumph pushed the Dodgers past
the Braves into third place in the red·hot
race for the National League's Western
Division pennant.
The Braves cracked 11 hils off the
Dodgers' BUI Singer, who needed Jim
Brewer's rtlief help in the ninth to gain
his 11th victory against nine losses.
Silefnore, who aJso hit his other this
year in Allant.a, drove in Maury Wills
with the two-out shot In the third inning.
Willa had singled to left for the Dodgers· 1ecood hit.
••r~r~ ••rh rDI
~llOFAlo11,ct 5 1 2 1
J I 1 2 Go<\111ez, " j o o a
lllOk.AlrOfl,rl •1 0 0
• 0 1 0 ,~ •• lb • 0 1 0
J o 1 o c.110~"· lb , o l o lOOOMlllon.111 IO lO
' 0 0 0 11 .JICl<JGn, H 1 0 0 0 IOOOOldJtr,c 1 010
•OOOlwm.Pfl 1111
l t l 0 Tlllm.n. c I 0 I 0
OOOIS-,p 1 101
<:an~,pn ro ot Plp~1,p 0000
G•rr. ph I t I 0
Tot1ll 13 J 1 I Tol1l1 U o 11 Q
l" A119tl.. Dll7 t"JO 000 -1
A!ltnll 000 000 0110 -I D~ -Los Ari;eln 1. LOI -Loi. ""9tlft t.
t,tilint. n. !I -c~, D'Oll>r, G.rr. H• -l l-• C1l. S -R. J..cUon, Slltmart. ''° H It Ell 11 SO smoer tw.11-n 1 n o o J l 8rtNf1 1000t l
Slllllt: tL.ll·tl ' • 1 1 o 1
PlllP!lt JltOI '
Slyt -Brt-. Pfl -Torbo•I. T•mt -1 '11. '~ -.... , ..
111...,!'1 buliloit pitcher, Hoyt
Wllllllm wu sold lo the At·
lallla Bnvu by the Calilomia
AlltrelJ Monday tor Ute $20,000 ..... Jll'ld.
u Rodney the Rocket -Corona d~I
Mar's man of the hour throughout the
world -rallied for a 7·9, S.J, e.:, 6-% con·
qu'est of Tony Roche in Lhe finals of lhe
U.S. Open champlonshiJ>li.
But those incidents only touch the
surface or thia tremendous achievement
-a feat no olber man can boast.
And. with the increasl.ng Intensity of
compeUUon each year It may never be
What was behind the victory? And how
dld Laver prepare for it '1
We'll 1\tempt to answer tho5e ques·
Wver began preparation for Utis final
lea cl the gand alam (the slam ts win·
nin& Wimbledon. tho U.S., Australian and
French champlonahlps in the same year)
by competing on crass at a recent
tourney In Baltlmore •.• and as a bonus,
Rod won the affair.
When he came to New York he isolated
hi.in.self !rom probblna newsmen.
bothersome fans and other tennis
players. Rather than stay at the hotel
where most U.S. Open participant& were
billeted, the Rocket got an apartment
overlooking the East River, near the
United NaUons complex.
It was there he began to develop the
concentraUon 90 vital to his game.
But the carefully planned project ran
into lurbu!ence when beavy rain hit
Farut HIU. lut -t anil wuhed out I~
day1 ol compet!Uoo, cauaina a rnusln doublln& up on IChedulma ol matcha.
Rod admJll lhia WU one of the crucial
lnt,sruplion> becausa delplte hb ex·
cellent physical cond.Jtionlng, he was
c:oonU@I on compeUtlon lo keep hta llm·
inli sharp. Hb rhythm could h8'e been
Immeasurably upoet -but It wun't.
And, the two-day carryover of his
semiflntb win over Arthur Ashe wu
botheraome. "I tended to think about that
one too much/' be aays.
DuriDg the bad weather be took sauna
batha dally to ~plre and also got in
some pradk:e on dry syntbeUc aurface
SCOOPING UP A WINNER -Rod Laver of Corona
del Mar rushes forward to scoop up a shot by Tony
Roche in the final round of the U.S. Open tennis
championships at Foresl Hills. Laver ripped Roche,
7·9, 6-1, 6-2, ~2. to become the first player ever to
score two grand slams.
Seal Beacli Girl in NY
Daily Hohoville Run Helps
NEW YORK -If you were to one day
sit among the h o b o battalion that is
deployed along the banks of the Ea.st
Ri\·er. you would probably note a ~·,~
Why? She'd be conspicuous because
she 'd be ru nning.
That's one of the ways former Seal
Beach and !\.farina High graduate Kathy
l!arlcr has been trying to stay in con-
dition for her eventual return to com·
pelitive tenn is.
Miss Harter , one of the world's leading
\von1en performers, hurt her wrist while
pra cli cing during play on the Australian
circui t earlier this year and has bun
sideline<i e\'er since.
But she "s hardly been Idle.
The soft.spoken young woman hu
managed to support herseU through ter>-
nis and ,;he's gained fantastic experience
lhrough her competition, acquaintances
and world travel
Someday she plans to get married. But
that is still far over the horizon.
Right now it's &etllng back to the fine
form she was in when hurt -hopefully in
lime to make a Carjbbean tour in
Odds a11d End•
Odds and ends from the U.S. Open:
People seemed to be equally con~rned
Monday about whether the rains \\'Ould
wash out tennis or that night's !\.lets-Cubs
game at nearby Shea Stadium ... over
100.000 people clicked through the w .. t
Side Tennla Club tumsliles for thil year 's
tourney -a record . . . an Australian
linesman observing play said some of his
eolleaguea must have been mad by some
of the calls they made ... Arthur Ashe
said In 1his win over Ken Rosewall that
the latter suffered at least three very bad
"out" calls •
Lom wu lemperm<nlel durtng the
tourney, abunntna dlsa~inted klda who
a.skid Ol1ly for bis 111tollf"ph and ch.uJnc
oil roportera wbo IOUght one more Udbll
'or lnl6nnallon.
Hit ncrmal wit was lran.&Posed Into curtnw. Obviously he wu a man with a
great deal on his mind -with the toum.
ment 8Dd hit pending fatherhood.
He never aetmed to be fU1ly at eue un-
til a!te.·, Mond&y'a flnala. Bui ht Uld
later the preaaut"e'did not bother bUn •••
"it WIS g>'eal ' to have lbal kind of ~ on me .and I !eel l played well
under it."
Lub Garc:I•, J I j m. l!'Ulol, Denn1s
* * *
Ralston, Roy Emerson, Ashe and lloclie
(hi& U.S. Open vlcUms) might verify
Laver had to bt.tct every adversity lm-
apnable. The delay1, IOUY cow-lo, h111a
divots torn out during pla,y, lhree match
interruptions because of rain, one
postponement because of darkness, 1
delay when the umpire'• mic:ropbo11•
broke down and 1 broken string on a rac·
quet. . •
Too, he had to think about the doubles
compeUUon be and Emenoo are ltlil
trying to comp! ....
AOO there was the momentllily ex·
peeled arrival cl bis flnl chl!d.
Other than that, it Wall I breeze.
* * *
Laver Like Fighter
Speclal to 'Jbe DAILY PJLCn'
FOREST HILi.~. N.Y. -Rod Laver'•
big break came late in the first aet ot
Monday's U.S. Open tennis cbamplCllShlp
finale \\'Ith fellow southpaw Tony Roche.
An earlier Laver appea.l to wear spikes
was flnally granted by refute Mike Gib-
son as Laver was clinging to a M lead
after blowing a f.-1 bulge.
Several days of off and on heavy rain
had left courts in soggy condition, even
tho<igh tourney officlsb twice brought In
a helicopter in an attempt to dry the
grass Mooday.
Rod was slipping and !ailing frequent·
Jy and Roche was carving him up at will.
When the okay to use spikes came, La·
ver immedlalely changed shoes. But
Roche, nursing a sti(f muscle above one
knee, declined for fear the abrupt stops
brought about by spikes might turn the
stiffness into a cramp.
And t be rein may have spelled his
After three or four games to get used
to his new footwear. Laver was trans.
formed into an invincible giant wielding
a tennis racquet and he proceeded to rip
his Australian adversary to shreds.
He was like a fighter with two good
He won 6-t. S..2, S.2 and broke Roche's
ser\•ica .six times during the spree while
never losing his O\Vn serve. During the
first set (he lost, 9-7 ) there were seven
service breaks and Roche owned four
of them .
"I.think Tony lost his concentration,''
Laver later observed.
It was the opposite for Laver. His
grimly set face reflected only concen-
tration and unyie1ding determination.
And It was not to change until he had
put his foe away for keeps.
If Laver had a weakness, Roche was
unable to exploit it in those last three
"When I got on top in the second set
1 felt I mlght have a chance to go all
the way. And when I broke service in
the last set to lead 4--1, I felt more con.
fident. But I also felt the pressure those
last few games," Laver said.
"This was probably the toughest tour.
nament I've ever played In because of
the condiUons and the keen level of com·
petition. It was no doubt a tougher
i;rand slam than my first ( 1962) because
now pros and amateurs play together
whereas before it was strictly amateiv.
"I could have lost here to Emerson
Ralston or Ashe and the early round com:
petition was tough. too. And Roche was
rough because l hadn 't played a left·
hander for a long time and wasn't used
to the ball moving in at me .
Fortunately the C'OUrt was so bad he
couldn't get the bnll to work off it. He
uses a lot oC spin like I do," said the man
who has won 30 straight matches since June.
tourney victories oo the alam route.
Bou George MacCaU hu aaid hia Na·
tlonal Tennis League players will not
compete in the Aussie classic because
l(>e small pr!Ie and expense mOile~ In-
volved d o ea not make it wortbWblle.
speaking !tom busineea practicallty-
However, be told the DAILY PJLOT
he would probably grant Rod specla)< per-
mission to vie in tbe tourney rather thin
make him forfeit all chaoce for another
stem in '71.
Laver has stated he wt!l lblde by whet·
ever determination MacCaU makes.
MacCall has also rapped conditiona at
the Australian Open, saying no ice w&J
available to competitors during the In·
ten.se heat and that dressing a r e a 1
weren 'l flt to tie a dog to.
But that's another matter -far ~
moved from the great accomplishment
Angels Stop
Hitting Streak,
Minnesota, 64
Ted Ulilaender lost the battle but his
Minnesota Twin teammates went him one
better. They lost the war.
Uhlaender's 20-game biUlng rtreak,
longest in the American League this
season, fell by the wayside Monday night
while the Twins fell to the California
Angels, 6-4.
The Minnesota centerrielder walked In
his first trip to the plate before growxlin&
out twice and flying out.
"It was fun while it lasted," Uhlaender
·said, "but we've got more important
things to think about -Uke winning the
Th~ Twins, despite the loss, did not IO&e
Angel Slate
AU·--KWC (nt)
s..pt. 10 """II YI k-1 Ctty S.pt. II Ang1ll n Ktftll1 City
s.pt, 12 ""*It II SMltle Sepl. n A1111t!:I ., SMtHo
Stpt. 1' Angil$ 11 Soni•
T:.U '·"" 11:.55 •·"'-1:.55 P.""
1:U '·"" l ;.U p.~
any groutld. They remained 81,2 gamea
ahead of the Oakland Athletics, who
were defealed by Kansas City 7.J.
California, which scored only iune runs
In ils last six games, took out some of its
pent-up frustration on l7·game winner
Jim Perry, driving him to cover during
the four·run fifth inning. Perry yielded
nine hits and was charged with all six
runs, four o( them earned.
In an attempt to get even today. 1.1Jn..
nesota nominated tx-Angel Dean Chance
to face rookie Vern Gelshert in a 2 p.m.
Admission Day matinee. Regarding the future, Rod will spend
a couple months at his Corona del Mar
home and w.ill compete next at LA Ten· 'fl 'fl
nis Club later this month. MINNESOTA U.ll,Olff1A
"I )O\'e tennis -it's my li!e. But so •~ ' Iii rll4 •II r ""' I I mil -( the To111r, 111 S l l o Alom.9r. )b 5 ) 2 1 s my a y. Juis year won four 011 ... , rt • o o o Spene.,, ID • , 2 ,
big tournaments. Next year J may not -~l='~i 111 ; ~ ; : i:~" ct ~ ~ ~ ~ win any. But t fer.I I have another three R1011.' t• 1 D o o Rtktuil'llr, 11 • 1 1 1
good years left In me." ::.~: ~ ~ : ~ : ~.1;!dr~uer. lb ~ : l I Laver also admitted he 'll beg In 11. M1tmw.1o1. c J o o o .&.zc ..... c • o , 1 gradual CUt Of active partlCipatlon in the m~ ph : : : : ~:~.~~~ II ~ :~: :
sfporth. which dhashhech omh e a way . or ~fe L~S:=: ~ ; : : : or 1m. an w 1c as endOftd him ''~" u J 1 2 o with financial security lor a lifetime or J ...... ,.,, ' J • • • Ontf'1111, II' I I O I
two. ··~ 111 1 1 1 o His chances ror a third grand slam =:.~ino~ , ~ : : :
in 1970 are alreadv tottering because at o ...... p11 1 o o • lh h ·11 I TNll »~•J TD!th )4,lJS e moment e w1 not p ay in the Aus-M""""°'' ooo ooi 010 _ • trallan 0 p e n -one of the .......... 1.....4 011111n1i. 00t o. oo. -• • .,'1..,. ""' E -A. ltofrlgulr, Tov1r. OP -Mm-11 I,
LOB -M""'-"i f, C1llkl•"'-t. 'fl -A!llMlll, Ctrllfrll .. Ntl!Ns. )II -Frt110Jf, Hll -AU1aen l•I . .St -A..,_r. SF -Frego.I, lll'Mtt•1tll•so J .ll'trry {L,11_.) if.llJ t ' 4 I l
OtrOl'llM 0 I 0 O O I ··~ 1·11)10012 Worltltl'Gtafl I 0 0 O 1 I It.Mr( (W ... 11) 1·11) J 4 t I J
K.Tlf\lm 1·2.IJ I o O 1 O
Stw -IC. Tl!Ul'l'I. Wf' -Gt-rftldl, k, "f•:~111.
'' -Mltt.fwllll. it.lcut.. Tltne -2:4'. AltlNlttlal -'""·
In addition to trying to 1tay in good
physical condition, the: ZZ..year-old girl
has been working for World Tennis
magazine. And more reantly she got
some teltvlsion work, as.sLsllng with com·
mentary at the U.S. Open champion11hipt1.
She's hoepful it won 't be her last ex-
po15ure to TV.
Hov•ever, her rirs1 amor b playina ten·
njs, followed by a fa ncy for dancing and
ice skating.
Beanhal~ -ignites Fire Under Mets
She hopes to he ready to return to
practice oo the courl! in lhrtt or four
wttks and at the sa me time will enroll
for her junior year al UCLA wbtrt ahe b
majoring in engllsh literature and dance.
"I love to teach children and J love to
be acUve," she reveals.
But her rnaln objective ls to aomed•y
become a Wimbledon champion.
"Wimbledon ls a beauUful goal,'' aht
MW Harter made It to the covr.ttd
toomame.nt'1 !Cmlfinalis two years aao,
los.ing to eventual ch&mpion Blllle Jean
King, a.a , 1-3.
NE\V YORK /UPI ) -Leo Durocher
has done it again.
He's the guy who masterminded the
last basebaJI miracle in this city. That
"'as with the New York Giants in 1951.
Now It looks as If he 's responsible for
another one.
ThiJ time with the. New York Mei$.
t•or those who lnsist on the exact time,
It was lut nighl.
Whe11 and if the Meta ever win the pen-
nant, an eventuality which gell to bfl a
stronger JK>SSiblllty uch day , people im·
mediately will try to Und the turning
point. The)' can savt themselves the lrnu·
As far as the Mets ere concerned , the
tu.mint Point for the Mets: we the game
with the Chicago Cubs at rainy Shea
Stadium Monday night.
First pitch In the boltom of the first in-
ning. BIU llllnda th""' the pitch, bul you
gel only one guest as to the man "'bo was
behind It.
The pitch knocked Tommie Agee, the
Mel! leadolf batter to the ground: Ht'
went sprawling for dear life.
Bill Randi rtmembend Tommie AIN.
had led off With a 1IOme. run apinst him
In the last series here bctwetn the tv.·o
clubs on July 10. 1A'O Dutochcr remem·
be~. too.
Enough said.
Down went Tommie Agee.
He &ol up and bounced out -but lhar1
really bnmalerial.
Ron Santo was the first batter up for
the Cubs Jn the second Inning. Santo
ha811't hurt the Mets this year, he's kl.lied
them. ·
Next thtna you know poor Ron Santo
was Jumplna up and down In unspeakable
an1u.ish. Jerry KOOllman, the Mltl
pitcher, "accldentall1'' hit him f o u T
lnchet below the Mghl wrist with a whit·
Ung Cut ball. Santo carried on so much
It Sff.ITled his wrl!it might be broktn.
f'ottunalely It wasn't, but the bill 1ame
could have been decided right there.
P05Sibly the National League East
championship as well . and maybe the
peMant, too.
The Mets ultimately went on lo win U.
ball 1ame, :1-2, and IOIM ol -in tho
crowd ol 43,2?4 Ill!:\ up tht chant "we're
number one. we're number one'', coft..
venlently lgoorlna the fact the Cubs sUU
led the Meta by one and a half games.
Whal they were. hollering about in the
rain was thal their beloved MtLI were all
even wifh the Cubs in the k>aa column,
and any llOlllld b1,.ball min '!Ill tell yOQ
lhal"1 rutty the only column that cou.nta.
f l
D.All..Y l'llOT 11•11 Pl!e19
RECALLS BASEBALL DAYS -Russell "Dutch" Stribling, one-tirr1e Chicago
\Vhite Sox catcher, rela xes in his Ne\\1port Beach ~railer hon1e \'litb his pet
dtrg "Campy." Stribling relired at age 24 in 1915 and has lived in this area much
of the time since he threw out his arm and was forced 'lo leave th e game.
-. ,,
Newport Sl101·es Breezes
To Swin1 Co11fe1·e11ce Title
N!?'vport Shores Swim Cl1•b
S\\'amped the opposition in the
South Coast Swim Conference
finals at UC lrvine 's pool. pil-
ing up 623Va points to runnerup
Emerald Bay's 348 113.
Pacific Sands \\'SS t h i r d
\\•ith 292 J/6 follo wed by Lido
Island Yach~ Club 1226 1 ~1.
Long Beach Yacht Club l155J
and Newport Harbor Yacht
Club 1 1021.~).
Ml~tG Mtell•r llclar J4
11 1. l>~lc~, R09eri. J. ~""''• Wllllcl l;U.S (1'1$). '!i 1. Woodt'f', P,1,r1an, MtC1r1,,.y,
M•lkw 1:•11 CPSI. ;s ). D•Y!t. r~ .. E.-,u. KIJ119en;m1•1>.
Oolte l •IS.J ILIYC1 ;s •. Hu1111lns, L•w•, Cl lafrl.,, Dubol•
2:01.0 tE81. M •llt l'rM Rtll'f U
's 1. ~''"'· w~. Gl1s., RD$1trt 1'~·'1.1 NJe111e, O<Jyis, wu11...,,, Jar>•t
1:ri·1 ~:1vs.l;..11 .. .,, Woodtn. wi.11t.
M((a•ln,y l:l?J !PS) 2.1 4. Hu99iru, (a14rl"' ltwt. DubCIS 1: .. .1 CEil. Girh 5·1
7S fr--1 D . .,o<1n•~ 19.I IN$\. 1 K~n;l!'n1milll ·11.J lL IYC Jk l. P.ud· inllh....., 11 I INHYCl. I. . M(Clll<• n.s /NSI. s. ~l!h 21., (NS), I. Whilt 11";~ i!:.~!S1 -1 J. Sl>o!!ntr 71 ' {NS). 7 Smith 11.S !HSI. l. Pet~roon lJ 2 \PS), •. Kll"!ltn~•tn ll.} (LIYC\, S.
H"f!m1n :1't I IN$l, '· Curnow JS I
IP1\1·0. -l H~o<>lns 7'1.S !{'8 ), 1. J. S~cl'""' )I.• !•l~l. J. H:>ffm~n .l" I r•ISI • Whl"' ., • (P~l. s. f')rll(' JS s {LIYCI. 6 (.-Viti' 37 1 tLIY(J. )! 111<.--1 0 . It®'" 111 INSl. 7 Khnten~mll,, t'l l lLIYCl. J. Hu1111n~
)11 J CEB). 1 Smilh lO.& INS!. S J
Slioffntr JS.S (NS), 6. Jr,rrou!r""' 37 Q
IE81. More Mo-e Mert ·~ ,,.., rt'•v -I, S. ·~~mt, JI
HC•n~tl. T. Mvtr•. C. 8 u'1'•1 I !».?
or! ~ !\o.~n-· wl>J•e. 11'1>"•"·
hl•(our! l Gii 1 tP~I, 1 C8". fltltr>,
V.'a·,,bU•"· Kt"'D l Q• 1 (LllYC!, •.
Hm•!\, K;mb•ll, fon~"'"°"' "~"d"" 1 11 I U:ll!. s. o·,..,~111n-.., D~m.ter.
T•etand. M•ri~~ll 1 'IQ J {LIYC)
l !rh 11·11
SO medi-t ••I•• -1 I(. On'""· K~llnda, "'· o·s~·~. "~<l·••Qn ''"°I tNSI, 7. WIV, Cl!roS!QPi'><'f.On, C"111llv>. ~le,, 1:'!' IPSI, ). PtMf1, HllVlli">•
,lr.lll•O<'· Delv ,.n.l. /Ell!. '· Rt~•"· J~r.,...lno. Pe1,,·•1, t'IDl"'"ll'•' (LflY(.,
C"""'bor5. Jltk•O"· c .... 11... Pet.0"
1:5S1 !NHY C\ [tl•I.
.!(] ltt• -1. Pl'flnt• 32-' IE ~I-1
Jad1.IOl'I 331 (NHYCJ, J. Kalln11 !l I
fNSl, •. Rc.~e~r JI.I ILIYCl. ! Rl(t (P$J. Jar....,lnl IL8YCI lS,0 (ti.)
SCI IM'•111t -l. A. 0 °Sl\f11 41 .I II"''· 7.
llruoi:• 0 .0 !LIYCl, J. Wey 4J ' tPSl • fo~d•rSC"n 1• s 1tiM. S. Gall115 {PS\,
R""~" fl9YC".l •1 ~ <!lal.
50 l!y -I. F1atr ILIYCI, ,,.111-.ofl
!!'08\ Jt.1 (t!fl, J. IC•llnk• 19.S CN~I, •
K. Doti"' ,._, INS•. J Oown•• fO 0
ILIYC). 6. Ga1!111 fO _, (PS!,
r~•l. l 1t1 ... &rtt. l Oo•lui. $1\11" '
7 n I tNS\, J, Rfvnakh, C101.-MtCre1 .• "#:
Htw~ l :.00.1 !PSI.•. C1m1ln, PftlOfl,
E.l'n11••, Mur11hv '"'-0 !NHYCL S.
o,..,.,.,n, M&roh•ll, Morin, a 1u,11 J:OJ.o
11)11 !rre -1 Scott l :GS.7 (LllYC), l .
L. l(l!>Ptr""' !NS1. Ol)O!tv 1:17.f \E.81
!!le~. I . C~"'l.n 1:11.1 INHYC). 5. Pl"fl· .,,y 1:11.2 !E9J, 6, Dad-et 1:7<1.0 (EB),
10G 11r,1ot -1 $lmmon• T:?l.1 !E8l,
' S.:oll 1·?•.l !lflY(), l. l , Dad•!\
1 )Ot !N~I. •. "'•rsh•h l JS.J (LIYC I, ~ £1mrr" l •ll I fNMYCJ '· MCC•e• 1 •,llPSI.
S(I 11¥ -l, koN lt.0 !LllYC). 7. Doll'v JS . IE.Bl. J. l , IC11011r~~ M.O
l"S!, I Pl!t'I~-, l7.f (E9J. I. D.,,,.,.
<f0.1 !LIV(!, I. CaH 11.5 /PS!.
10 11.-!1[~ -L '°°"'' .J,i I IE.I I,'· CIR
)8 J !PSJ, J. Occ:l~e'\'1.0 .+EBI, l. 0~/Vo!I '1 S fLIY(l. $. C1mll11 11,,
JNHYCf. ~ 11,.,...,ldl '1.1 !P5).
100 '"""' -1 S•m..._ 1:11 1 1ra1. ? roote 1:16t 1£8). J L. Donut 1:1.S S
IN~! I Elmr•• 1•311 (NHYC), .S.
V~n<l""b"r~ 1•31.1 CNHY(), 6. P.w50r1
1 ll l !NHYC l.
lO ,,,, r~Pay -1 '°OO ... Dooley,
,...,~,.,.. !.immnn• 'Ool.S (E9l, 1 L.
Dr•l•O$. I• Cfl•, $~•\". I , KMO•"tt
1:11 . .S CNS!. J, R•vnakh, 11 ...... ~Gn.
~lr(r•~. (n01, 1.11.Q IP5l, •. T/\•n•o.scn. C~mlln, Emo,., C~ml'n
l ?'JI INHY(I, S. 111~;~•1, Mo••n, DrMot!, Mf<,h•ll 1 JI f !LIYC).
10¥> U·H '11 m"11•Y ffl•~ -1. 8 (,o•,
Ml1rh•t. Moor•, lloch•rd<nn 1•11 ' IN~J
7 ~vron, !'ludrl•, 11_,..,11Cld1, Cun•
n>"'l~!"' 2;l1 0 1PSJ, l Bt!IClll. Young,
Kt;mv•ruml'"' J::ll' ILIY(J, •. lloo11f,
Pr•.on, """"'""· St9t•llrelm )•II ' (NHY(). 5. SI••,, ,t,mld'"' ThemD~Qn.
N•ll 1 II D (f.81
lfld !rt• -1, 0 1•011 1•09 ! l"MYC!, 1 I •!lnr 1;11 S IL8YCJ. 3. Mt1~•t \ 1' t
111~•. j Ti><"<rltl(ln 1·1],I !Elll, S C•1n·
,.·~Qh•m 1·1S • IPM I. ll oc~~r(·.on
INSI, Y•1Jn<t ltlYCl 1•11 l (t'•I
1f"l ~•'•11 -I Mll"~'l1 1 7fl I lllSl.
' r~rd'• 1 :11~ Ir'\\, J Il l(~•·~"'" '~~I t-Vil. I. I •I'"• 1 JI .? ILllYCI \
P~rnnl<I• 1:•1• !PSI, 6 Se;tr·.hom
I l•\ !NHYC!. YI !Iv • 1 Milt~•'! ,, I INSl. 1
fl•f<.(ln J.t 1 •LIY(I. J Ricl'o{Ord)O<' JI r
1-.;i, I M rr~l.,o 31! t lNS). \ You119
:!?.• tll't'C!, 6. ""''1•" '1.1 tElll. <D ,,~,• -1 S. 11<>1\PI :la,! lN$), 1.
M P••kHI l' l tNS). l . 11.,.. ... l'.•
/P~I, • -""'"~ IOO ~PSl. S. lll'dlitld
•1' Pl IYCJ, 6. ll~~nokh ().4 (PSI
1(.0 rndc -I M !t~tll 1;17.J IN'J, 1.
M•·r• 1'.)l.I 1~1Sl. 1. Am!dl!'n 1 76 S
1F91, '· t11•ll~• I '6 ~ !l8YC), S. ll;td·
IJtlO I lit CL IYC!, 6. S. Holla 1:l-!1
tN'l .so Ir-.. r•l•V -l 8 G•f. M Pt••ll"·
Pl<IY•d>cm, Moor• 'Oii.i CNSl 1 W~f>•r. B•rOfl. Curn'"q~fm, llurfll\
1·10 ~ !P~). i r ,,,,..,r, P•r1""·
S""•"''~m. llocp• 1·16.1 INHYC \. I. T~,..,..,..,, Nt11. 5!~t, Am~ 1 1S.1
-.. .... •
DAltY I'll.OT JZ
Quit Baseball at 24 Start
Ex-Chisox Catcher Engines!
Recalls Olden Days by Deke Hou/gate
The story Is true. Names m d\anied to protecl D>o IUillJ. "
It h•Preood at· RiveraJde, two or thtte years ago 1n qu~
[or a Cao.Am road rtef. Tbe mecbantc, whole name we lhaD .q: 1 IJ Edward, tells It this Wll" , ,a By HOWARD L. HANDY
ot 1t1t citli. r 111t It.ff
Heavyweight boxer Jerry Quarry isn't
the only pro{eulonal athlete to retire. at
age 24. P'ar from it.
Back In 1!115 ChJcago White Soi catcher'
Russell "Dutch" Stribling did it after
eight years of professional baseball divid-
td bet ween the Sox and the Vernon
Tigers of lhe old Pacific Coast League.
"I threw my shouldtr out and returned
to my home: in Los Angeles," Russell saJd
ln his Newport Beach trailer home
where he and wife· Helen had just
celebrated. th eir 54th wedding an~
Asked if "" had any mementoes of his
days In professional ball, he reca lled :
"'Vhen we were married she didn't lhlnk
the pictur~ or scrapbooks were im-
portant and she threw every one of them
I1e\en blushed In the background and
added: "I have been sorry ever since but
J didn't know the importance 0: them at
the time."
Perhaps it was life before she 1';new
him that caused her lo destroy the
f'vidence. Al any rate. the marriage
has outlasted the base ball career a
thousand fold.
Just to prove. she. isn't anti·baseball, the
couple's dog is named "Campy.'' 1 he dog
was bom on the raterul day Roy Cam,
panella was injured in an automobile ac-
cident and, being a catcher himself In his
playing days, Russell (y,•lth lhe approval
of Helen) named lhe dog in Roy's honor.
Stribling played with some of the most
c0lorrul players in baseball history.
'"Shoeless Joe Jackson always played
barefoot, lndien style. His feet were
tou gh and he always y,·ent into a base feet
"We had a Jillie shortstop by the name
or Jakie Alt and a bald·headed second
baseman whose name I don't recall . Our
third baseman was named McNeil! and
our center fielder was Fielder Jones,
J iggs Donahue played first baSP.," he
··The man responsible for my signing a
contract with Chicago v.·as a pitcher 't\1ith
the team, Nick Altrock. Nick was wn·
piring the city championship ga1ne
between Los Angeles High and Poly.
"I was catching tor Poly at the time
and after the game he invited me out to
the old Washington park where the White
Soi: trained.
·•Jt wasn't long until Altrock and Big
Ed Walsh were throwing to me with
owner Charles Comiskey looking on. The
only trouble was that they were throwing
them into the ground, over my head aod
everywhere bul over lhe plate to give me
a test."
Needleu to say, the •·tesl'' proved
satisfactory for all eonce:rned because
R~Jl signed a contract after the
Strlblini;: was a very good hitter -
around the .300 mark throughout his
career. "You had to hit a long ball to geL
it over the fcnt>e in 1b.ose da ys," he
recalls. ..........--"'\
His legs were constantly battered and
bruised but it was his ann that caused
him to quit the game. "We didn't liave
the protection in those days that catchers
have today. We worked our gloves unUt
they had only two lhick nesses of leather
Yd1ich brought on calluses."
Fight fans also will recall the name
Stribling. Young Stribling, his coosin,
fought ,..1ax Schmelling and Primo
Carnero, both heavyweight champions ii1
the early •30·s.
Stribling rec alls riding the okf red car
to !his area ef~er he met Helen. "I had
never been in Balboa or the Newport
area before that time aod sii: weeks alter
we met we were married. Helen's father
was quite a developer in this area and
built the old Rendezvous Ballroom. I-le
also was one of three men responsible for
the jellies being put in lo form Lido
At one time, Russell worked for the
DAILY PILOT as an estimator.
Leaving the game In 1915, Stribling wa!
not involved with the "Black Sox Scan-
dal " or 1919. He did play with aeveral
members of that infamous team,
however, but doesn'l feel be should talk
about it.
Catcher nusse\I Stribling d Id
participate in the game i!ter hi! retire-.
ment. "The company I worked tor form-
ed a team one year and pretty near ~
wrecked me completely. I haven't tried it. lince."
"I bad1 a great p!an to qualify both our cars oo U>e front ~
ror the grand prtt.·1 thought lf 'our two driven could ttatt thtl
race ahead of e,,... McLa,.. and Deni$ Hulm< they mlllht la*'
psych the McLareo team out. The plan WU lrlShUully limple. If
''We had two Jc!ebUcal cars. Only the paint Jobi were dlf•
fcrent. We also had an utra fUel tank. l bullt It into one d OJ
can, rigged It with I ~al valve 10 WI could rill thil l!l*ial-
tank with methanol and 20 per cent nJtro. 'I'lult gave us at leut 2Q.
more, horsepower. 1 \
"What our driver was to do was to cht18 out of the pits durlnc,
qualifying on gmUne. and wt.eh he wu on the coune fitp 4.
"'1ilcb Ulat 1hut off the flow of gas and started the alcohol flow·
"He woold nm a few hot laps on Cue.I, then flip the swttcftl
brJ<:i<: and return to the. pita burning gasoline. He would drive rigtifl
bae1'; to thP garage area, and we were all aet to pull the bodt!
panels off the cars and work furiously on both of them. 'd
''During lhiJ frantic work period, we would mnve the ~q
panels of both cars around, rearranging them aod adding to ~x
confusion. The.i after awhile we would take the different cOlorecfi:,
body and button it up on the same car. We would send the othefn
driver oot to qualify as if he was iD his own car, and nobody wou.14 ,
know the diflerence. -l: "He wouJd run his hot laps on nltromethane, and we'd have
111 the front row sewed up. It was an ingenious plan, if I do say IC>\
myself." -~ AJI ri~ht, then, Edward, what happened '! ,1 r~ "\Ve.had one driver who went along, but lhe other man didn't. r He refused to cheat. the fool. So we didn't go through wiUl it. Bu{
1 just know It W011ld have worked." __ l
Cheat? What son of nonsense Is that? Sportsmanship? Wel1,
just about everybody in motor racing is a gentleman, and tha
'-few who aren't are members of the opposite 86, about 'II
~ thett ls no evidence to suggest they are not ladies. But yes, Allee
there is cheating~ Nearly everywhere, nearly all lhe time.
. .<\. legend'.!.ry rtock car driver says, "There's no cheaters In
raC'ill£. ooly guy! who get caught." Oo the grand prb: worl4 ~
rh3mpiomhip circuJt a very successful team manager said once,, L "To Jose i~ no dlsgrare. To wln Is admirable. But to cheat ls a· I necessjty." 1"
' ' No Chi4'aNttlf In Raring •
I The word "cheat" 111 rather hanb. Out and eat dlfcanery It "
rare ln motor apor1. Pito11I pra.o:Utloften of &he ctellcate art ot,1 cheating prefer to caJI It "lnt.erpretaUon of the 111lea." n
From tllll cynical polnt of view we get the amq1in1 tiui;1
paradoxical deflnlUon, .. legal cbeatiJlg" or "cheating within tb•
nalet." About• percent of what lbe racln11tlrtry calla "cltu.tln&
' ,, resny taklng pod advaalage of loopholes. •• -
When they Jet around &o talking about real bonest-to-goodne111
ch"auni, however. mo11L raclna people splD beUer yam.1 I.ban O.
Hf'nry. Ont' of the best 1\oriet ii about • race driver oa the
dJ,eonUnued 1atloaal eeonomy run 1ponsored by u oU company ... ·: .;. ~·--~'='~•-.-. ·· ·----· ·• On thf' economy run Ute object was to geL the be5t 1a«:
City Gives
Pilots Short
Los Alamitos
mileage. Can were showroom stock. They were lmpoanded ucl
gu:utled jfaJoQ1dy le pnveat Ulegal tamperin1. Most lellDll Qetf";
rare driven. wtre aormaJly had a beavy foot bat wbt 1eame4.,
quickly to adapt to the desirable feather-light touch when en1•1•i
Ing the gas pedal. Tiiey practiced a Jot before the nm. PractJc.
wet not only lrgal bnt encoaraged. .
One famous bnt anonymous driver lert Ibis particular eveniq"
with hi! U.S. A1no Club observer for a practice drtve. Alier •• ~
Extension ._.,, ... ,...,., .. ..,=,..•a;m..,m••-•n:•c:i bour or 110 of rather monotonou1 driving, tbe racer barned &o the~' <. ~'.k.&Sll ob•erver 'ud angguted I.bey 11&op for a bite to eat.
SEATI'LE (AP)-The Seal·
tic Piloll'I were given two
weeks from Monday to post a
$li60,000 letter of credit and
$150,000 performance bond.
The deadline had been noon
!\lean wh ile , a club
spokesman said the team can-
not be evicted from Sicks'
Stadium anyway.
Dewey Soriano, president of
the American League ex-
pansion club, said shortly
hPfore the deadline sel hy
1\\ayor f·loyd Miller: '"\Ve
ha\ e paid our rent. There JS
no w;iy \l'C can be kept fro1n
"All that other stuff -we
ran gel injunctions against it.
\\'e kept our side of the
bargain better than the city
and Floyd Miller."
Earlier. Max So ria no.
secretary.treasurer of I h e
Pilots. said the only action by
lhe club would be "lo reiterate
our poshion concerning the
condition of the stadium ."
,.,. T~.~u.-M~Tr,',:,"'!...11,".,' ••• 01c~er'• 111t11 Go c1mrlfl1 111 The ofliclal accepted bis invltetJon, a.ad 1ince a alee 1te•l~
Ml$ Ancl>ot W•lt/I (H•rlJ 117 bl k d lb lb --drf ~ Cl9•• 1 ""'· ''"' ,..,, 1:•s '·"'· Gvn't looter 1111~r1 111 hou se was in the 1teJt oc , 11ugge1te ey 1top ere. 1m: ver· 0.Ulllt M 111 6 tM' lt~tt 8 "°'t rl' I Jr, o-0..llWIMI • t11t 111.~• s:!.,: 8~...,j; f11-:::_~i ::~pulled Into tbe parking lot, locked tbe car and Invited the USA ,
l'IRST It.I.CE. :UO ~trd1. M11tJe11 1 Yt•r Olcll. Cl1lmhl1, P\lrM 111'00. Cltlmlft? prlct '1!00,
M•c~ 8tr (P"''
Los Alamitos
,,,,.,...,, S..I. I, lH'
l't•ST ltACl. «ICI Y~td,. 1 Yt••
okh t nd u" In Gr•a 9 Piiio brlHI tn
ca111 Pv.,1 115!l0.
l'I• ... ¥ HOllUI (Ct"loll) 11.20 J,:io J,1.(1
Mr S1ndY 8tr !Adllrl J.IO I :io
,,.,,11 111.""tst fH C'Vlb'fl I\ 60
Tlm&-:IO '110
S(rt!thf:d -MftDn'"i"" ll~r. TonV
l !Ohl, O\ltll Mnon. Wfr C~~ .. •b
SIECONO •.t.Cl . Jj!) ya•d•. l vMr .,111• ll'lll' u1 1., G•a<le A Mlnu1 Punt
l lJOO. C"lf:•ro Grt"'ll
flli>hltllll M!n.,11 MIS (Orfyprl
S"'"~''' H.,., IM•fr) r 1 ... -u SJIO
~-00 '181110 Ill 10,00 ~ 11) •M
\cr1tc""d-ltlld E19l1 lit, Ml O.rk,
Ml!• Too Pree. Debit """•eaft, OQ-Ct•lt FI•• fln!llWl:I ;ira. di la WI·
ll!KI t. •llCtcl llS!.
1'11,.,HTLY DOUI Lll-l·~llt~v llMI·
tu I 1.C:•lcl,. OrtN. ft1!4 1114.1',
TNlllO 11:1.CE. di Yl•di. Milden ,
"''' ohl1. Clafml...,, P11,,t tl1(!0. N"lll• l'cr1 LR't /Pt .. ) 1 IJO ~ :io f.80
flo/d Ml»fl (Jr.ll'•lrl !.Ill '·'"" s"'"' Gr•IMI .. ,. 10re-,1r1 J.«!
Tlmt-21 fllf
RaPIO M1r1r11e !Lla~•mi 111 olllclal to be his guest for a nice dbu:ler. .. Vk -1 Jfl•hl (8rt,,•lffl I~ l'•.iy1 lt•tlut (Adil() 111
SUHr $y91r Giii IStrAiYU) 110 quick •· .. . -
SE.CONO 11:.-cc. 100 ~e'"' l v••• They had a Jeisurelv session of two or lhrtt martinis, followed.:., :~.•l'IG "" 1" Gr1t1• 11 Plvt. Puri• by steak and wine, a flaming dessert and an, after-dinner cigar.
:!!1~~== l/'.,!;~r>1w,1,"11 :i~ MeanwbilP., oi1t in the parking lot a pre-arranged plan wat~
l ui.t M,,.... iWlfl>llr•J H4 carr:ed out. The driver had carefully maneuvered so dinner wouid'I S•¥t'>t Strt-.. !Drr•"'I l'IQ R~~~ Run"'' ccrotbvl 1:io be <t! that place at that Ume. Hit crew knew Lhe car would ber.
l ilt> D~ndY IAPOC:l•t•) ltl 5!raW<l(lr8 fP1,,m11) 111 therr _
=~~u;;:,1~11~7:;~11 111 The ernw unlocked the car with a special key and drove U to a '
w1n1 1•m • l•kln :;: ncJrhy rented garage. In minu tes thrtt men changed a complete'"'
transmissil'ln assembly -to give the car a lower gear ratio that''
l HIRO P4(£. J5G Ytrd~ 1 v-M old~ I •·-f I '< (l•htll"ll· PurH 11100. C.19!ml"9 Prlcf WOU d prodUCC uetter Ue economy,
~~=i Scfl'\P 1~,.,11h1 1,. When the driver and his watchdog sauntered out of the
N1_,,, Go:tio¥ 116 rP~taur11nt, the car lhey had parked was exactly where they had
5;•r<1 c.'""""'r• tP-tt,~l 11• ch " l(!~tY's com~• it.ird"M' "' h_·fl It. Only now 1t was a" eater.
e~u·r1·1 C•m~ie 1.1.~~1·1 11,0 <\nother petroleum company sponsored a performance trlaJ., ~"">In 081' (H C•oshY) 1 ~ J ' ""-••!lo! La1r• fP1umb1 •u where a Vf'leran race driver proved once again that lhe good o d , ~~~.".::; ~:~ r~uR~;';\ ::: Ar.1Prican trait of te!IOlltcefulness is worth Us weight in rule~
Mud l"i.1 !H,rl) 116 boo\i:S. ~
FOURl H R.1.cc. 'OCI Y•rd•. 3 vr1r Part of the performance trial one year was an economy nin .. ~~ 1"" uP 1" Grade " m'"~'· Purw aroun:::I Riverside's 2.7-mile road course. Drivers were instructed;
Hol>lt!r 11oc-" 111,mk1n1 111 to malntair. a minimum average speed on lhe tricky race track soa
Cl••'' '""1 lll""eml 111 ,, fl Id be"· It scx18 s~in e., 1,,.11.1r1 1~ lha~ "true economy gures wou u"" resu .
Oulc-M. Van !C1rdo·11I 111 Qf -•rse everybody practiced feather-footing lhtir C8r'I Jlmmv Mic P.11r IP8!1t) !11 '-""' •
Mis• ll•Y NP.a IH ''*Yl 01 around thn track. This particular driver, when he got the best
ln1t-lP Row IS'-> Ill . • • . be talk' . to Ml Der~ 1.o.-.c11 111 puoiSJb\e mileage resull3 dunng practice, gan mg in I ,
~~1 ~~k:,00,~~~.!i' :;~ portable tape recorder as he drove lap after lep around the •
cour:ie. •t~'!~:"'~~,.!50 ~~'· 1 -,eer olds. llP told hi11 tape recorder when he was accelerating and brak·
L1•!1t '°"'~"' rLiPll•ml 111 Ing what ...-A he wa1 maintaining and where he was, all the PKW"" !D<f¥1'rl llG ' "~""" Moc11~ G!r~ 111 c~•I 111 way around . , SO "'-c.k -1. IC, Oorl1t1 •1.6 !"S\, 7 Ptnnev It! (E8), J Rot>11n tL9YCl.
(".tm!lo'•1 !NMYCl •l 3 (lie), S D•I¥
IJJ !Ell!, 6. Mclmnul<I •1,1 !l8YC1
100 !"<lo -l. Ftrrtr 1 16.1 CLIYCI.1
A. O'S"4tt INSl, J1t~m;11J !LBY(I
1'7'.4 {Ii-), f _ WIV l :"t !l>Sl, '
.-111,01' l :ll.3 IE8 1. 6. 10::. Pr111111 1·3J?
(NSJ. SO Ir~ rtl~V -I, l'•r<•r Ill-•· llrll(:I, Conover 1:111 j tLIYCl
'· S•lk-•llfl· C1mllr1, Cht,..Do!ro, ,...,,.,.,,
{IOiYC). i,, 0'!'"'~• K. D<lfiV\
K>ll11,1, Rl<:Uttll ,.'1.4 INS! 0 1•), '·
R let, CO.llus. W1¥, Chr~!~rson
~·7'.l !PSI, s. p ,,.ne,. HV111ln~ DI,,.,
Altl\ofl ,,11.) IE8l,
Baseball Sta11<lings
Screlc~..t-TOfl 1"ou• Kf'I'. To!l'd!>-.
Ptlttet, Cflftl'90, 81tdltll1'1 lie»', l•r
~O\lt Hn1! ••
l'OIJllTM RACE. 5" vt•d1. ' Y••r al~' 11111 UP. AllOWl l!Ctl. Pune J71Gfl
Oct! P1Jlttlt1 (,t.d~lrl fJO ] 111 '·'"
A11mllo. Do GOO!! !H1•1l S.fO ].:00
~'.::r~1R~~,9~:~'1rca•""ioo1 1:~ On the day of the performance lrials economy run he carri~ '~· Run111nt en. cit "'"'"' 111 t•· lape cued· up in a miniature recorder which wu ln a shirt Foll¥ Rov•I Ill ,,.. I
l\n•tr'1 Ml~• csm11111 ' u1 pockel. When he plugged it ln to hi! ear it looked like a hearing c:.~1• Go'°"'"" ID ll•n-il 110 'd
...... 11·11
50 ""din' rfll¥ -I, p..,,,....., P•1 •~™"1. 5.1"""°""' Uo~..,, 1•)!) I 11<8! I s .. ,..GllJ.11. s. 11.111;1, Soe•••· Mud""" 1:31 I !NSI. 1. W•'ltlb\11"11, irt,,..n.
t •'''t, Hto!,_. 1•:1$,I ILllYCI. '· 9.,,.,..,
W1lk'1', M<Elroy, ~ 1·ll t IP SI
J s.lmi>wn. OeMoll. F..,ttl~ 9111m1"
1:U .1 11..IYCl.
JO !'1!1' -I. P~ a .S (EllJ, l. S, "''" n., tH!,;-r --ii.• 1ee1 . .i. ti-Id Jl.t O"tlY ), S. fl'.-Ji.I (tllYCl. 6, Am~ t {£111. se brfftl -I. HvO'W1I Jl.J lNll, 1 Ht~I~ II, IEP,l, l, P. 0 'Mlte •l.I l"Sl I McEl«W '3 1 !il'SI, ..... r~• n 4 INS), '· 81um1" (LIYCI. Lefff,r (l..8YC) L! I IN•)
50 !If -I, Simmon. JO.I IEIU, '· ~ Rrltl )6 ! CNS!. l Wtll>:tr Jf_J lil'SI. I
14111m JI.I !LllYC), J It, Wit 1'.I INS),
6. LIPNld e .I CNNYCI,
"1) bldi; -I. p......,. l6.0 !£&!. ;
W1\llbu•n «! 1 ~L RYCI. ). -'mtd~ •1,l
IEll). f , 1<_1,1 41,6 INS!. '· II;
""""''" 11.t fHSI, 6. Df'Moh •J I (L!YCI, lOI IMo -I. ..__, 1·•1 ffl!;
'· W11k1r l •lt,t (flS!, '-HucllOft 1·)1 • (N~J, 4. lllllJ'l1lfl l :M ~ ILIYC..l, J.
Jr.mldlft ll)l.1 (£1>, I. ft•lttf'Mrl 1;)1 .f
Jll '"" ""'•"' -I, "-· ... ,.._,,, l/p......_ 1""""*'6 , . .,, (E8), 1.
1'1\llhlll\, SNrb. S«f>~MO, S llfld
t :ll.1 fNI), J. SI-. f1"1.1m1""·
D•Mofl. "•rr<"ll 111 1 ILlYC!, 4.
IC•mo. litllno, L•ll"•· W111t"111n• t '1 • IL IYC!. \ llrlf!.,, Ltl!ll<'ld, $mllf";,
1(1"' 2:2'.• tNH't'C), 6 H1•fm• ~. ltaM. 8••~ 7·.U.f IPJI.
Gtrh IS.It
!>O l'l'lf'Cllff rtl•v -1. 'oo••· D""l!'v.
"-,._,. t·l•S (£8), ' Y.
Eaiit Ol\•hdon
Won Lnsl Pct. GB
Chica~o 64 57 .5qfi -
/\1C'1v Yori\ 111 57 :-.a1 11'.'
Pittiiburgh i5 61 .!').'ii 61 J
~L Lou is 74 65 .5.12 9
Phllad•lphla 55 83 ·'"1 21•,
!\1ontreal 43 97 .307 -1011
\Vest f)f\iSiOD
Cinci nnati 76 61 .5.~5 -
S. Francisco 71 63 .~ ~11
tM Angeles 7~ 6.l .54!1 t ~
Atlanta 7& 65 .S,'l!I 21.fi
1-lousion 73 65 .5%9 ~'1
San Diettn 44 9fi .314 3~1 .,
M1Wlllt•'1 lt-!11
N,... Y0t~ J, Chlc1qo 7
PHI~ " Mon!'"! 1 ~' L""t' ~ ,.~lt"6!1""'i. J
L-A"""" I, A!llf!I~ I
Clf'ICIMIU ).!,. hf! Frtnc~o ''· ;>nd 111me I! 1111'11,,_.. ,.
110\/61~ '· iftft 01-' TM1r•1 0..!Tlf1
(111(-CHllltilNlft t6-•I 1• N-
YOt\ (k-tvtl'" &f), f!i.11•
"II~ IW.ilP;tt ,,41 tl Montrul
Ultllll;o Ml, """' It. Lou!\ lfrlle• ll·U) 1f r~ll-0.!·
1111!1 IJ10t-11·141. "1!1'111
~09 11"91'W.1 !!lll11111"" 11·101 ti Al-
11,.11 INltll,. lt.UI, """' .,.n 'r•"CI-I"'""" 1 .. 111 " c1.,.
(l"11tn IMl<'rttt IWI. llltl>I
~•" O!* IJ. Nl911•e .. Ul 11 t4Wt· , Ion !0 1 ..... ..-l .. IG). 11llM • .._..., .. o._
M°""'"rt! 1t !+.-Y-. ?, lwl.tlM
c l'l<UllO ,, Phllld>t1't1!1, "lllfol
5'. lovl1 el flll••~ll. '· 1wl 11!t11t hi ''M(IHO ti Al!Mll .. 111-'tf ~~" ~ ti Clfl(IMllll. nlflfl! ~ti. Ar\'ffltt at .._Nn. ~1111'11
East Ofvt1lon
Won Lost Pct. GB
Battimorc !!5 -1;, .67!) -
Dftroit 80 60 .571 15
Boston i5 6.) .f>43 19
\\'af'hington 72 118 .514 z.1
Nrw York 70 69 .504 24 1:
Cleveland 56 8.'i .397 391:
\Vest Dtvl1lo1t
~i lnne&0ta 85 54 .512 -
Oakland 76 62 .SSI 81h
Catif11rnlA 80 71 .4311 2~
Kanns City 57 82 .400 7.1
Seattle $.t, M .39.1 301 i
Chicago ~ SS 3118 31
M~Otr"1 llf!~llt
Botton s. CiTttl-• Nf'W ,.,,,_ l, [)(il<all f
W•'11h"""' 11 8'i!llmo,... ••In
K"l.,.• Cltv 1, OM"""' J
C4!1lor,,I• 6, Ml-'-'
5et!11e 2·S. Clllctto I I
N .... Ylltt; (Ptlfl'IOll IS Ill f l 0.-
lf'Oll (1(111':-¥ •. u. "'-"' 1101""' IR-S·lt) 11 C .. w1411'11l'
(McDllwfll , .. ui. ftltllt
Wallll""°" /C1•I01 J.J ...... c .. l_ft
11·111 ti .. ,,l<rio•• (~Im""' ,, ... '"" CV.•••, ,..101. '· lw~111thl
M"""te1!t tChtt'l;e J.1) •' C..!ltornlt
fO•l•l>t.tl 1.01 I(~"'•• Cllr IOr•llt .. Ill 1t 0.~l•tld IHIJ'llfl' ,_1)1, "ltM
~•tll• .. °"" l•fld· "'""' ll'.•11 .. 1 Cllw t i Ct1llttftlt , flltht
Ml""'"°'t ti /;Ille"""' ~ .. hf Of•~· •• (lf'Vl\1"'11, ftlthl !IMICll' •I l•l!I,..._, flllflf ~ ... v.,.1; 11 W•.-l11tltt\. 11itfll
l'voy Don cwn..,..1 . ?.Ill
Tlmc-11 1110 S~rtld1tO-P•1>1't "•ldf .
"'"" ftl.C•. JJO •trds. Maldtn l y•~· ... tit. Pu ... 11100,
M~!lll 81d (Drr<I!'•! l'I<-~ Wlflow IAOtl•)
Ju~~'· BOY fH Crostwl
TltN-11 4{10
$.Q(I ,,jl) '.-i S.ICI ,,.,
·~ Scr•+dlod -lllllt Ptrte-nf, H,.111•,
11«.l!..-. W~fiPff'lnt Wtt.r.
11XTH 1111c•. J_,., '~'"'· I yur
nlt!I. C!1lmt119. Pill'• tnno
91.<d EYI (It l•nf>;1) 10.liO 6,.i Jl'O
ol~K"9 P•1-llmllk) l.• 1 liO
N '""•" °"1"olt Ott,, I 2 • Tim&-•• l/to
:'ltt>ldlM-Jfof Mt J~.
tl!VlllllTH lllAC•. V•o•lt Sr. COi.ir<• -11' ve rm . ' .,,~. okl1 •"Cl vn
<1a1,...1-. 1>11r'4 1,.00.
Ot'·il'~rltfl''• l""M IMl~l•I
OM·fl:CKktl Jtt\ltr
(It lllt!lil)
$1>1.H:k 'I!:"' IS<tlll~l
Tlfnl-." I/II
No K•ll~.
J.l'ft l ~ J «!
OH-~..,, W 11r111.
l'IGHTH •1.c1. -~ Ytnlt I ve••
oirt-tf!d 1111 Ill Grtdt AA 1>tu1, l>ur•..,
l'>lclt..,.'t !),,,, Ill 11"*-tl 11.f(I '. J 111 Anni. Do IC••clo:1i 2.0 f"O
M...,Wl1 r .. 1, lL.,_.1 t •
'"'-II 1111 kr1klttd-lm1 '°"" Girt, Wh.,_.d
Sf!-. Dl:lnlt fl• Good, «IP!n Ge!tf.-
•""~1. SQl!d Rec:klt.
ftlNTM lt.lCt. IOO ''"'"-J y11r old1 tnd Ill ho Grtdl M Mlt!m PvrM ""'· W!tv Nf"ICll' o.c1t
I'm .. ,lo (On'ff•I
llotlft Ooh!" fl\dll•l T11N-• SflO
10 '° '·'° '" ~-lf'"I ,...... 11~ ..... llodi;·
ti, 'f~lflll •lcll. Oltl l•-v.
OVINILlA-1 .. Ltf'r lflllW Dtc:ii t.
•·l'lft ltrte. r1lf 1111,•.
Stt11'" D•ndr 11'0 aJ • •
-What 1! w:is in reality WI! a driving aid. His ~fder told him ~1 ir:TH l!ACE. V'"1o .. h 5• c...,. .. -el th ~L mll••-·--l lO ''•"" l vr•• oldl •nd Iii' ci.iml"9, exactly bow lo drive the course to g e ~ "'"&" -.--p,.,,~ s"OQO. c1•1m1~~ P•!cr 11600. and yet mainlal n "-correct average --" l!ldllrr's fOft!o (H1rl) t!1 UIC' "~1 ... ,.,r. Jo1111 1ar1nk1e•l 110 tf officials had known what the man was dbing·, ftley would
WfllrJr Ooo !H C:""*"'l 110 -._ ...... ·11 •0...••ht ...... t tapo ! r W1r 11..n fDr,..,rrl 117 b&Ve been powerless to llOp him . i1n1y IUM.ID "-'& .....,..
et111.,.,•1 w1rr1or 11t 1et>1t11 no reco~,,. w'-Ibey w-•· the .... Jei for the trials Al for U. race !.o~nhh LllQl'1 (.l.d~!rJ 111 IU UCll . 1v~ ov • • 11gnn~·s L"ft 1smlthl 111 dr!ver, he just didn't bother to te11 them what he was domg.
e u111S1 Mfc.k•., (LIPh•m1 117 "If J had. everybody would have used tape recorders. and I
sEYl!!NlH ltAtr. • ••""'· • ¥"' aure dJdn't want lbat to banrwin" be said. .,Id'\ -t111. C191n'11.,.. Pu'" r.a. rr-• c 1,1mln9 llfk8 dlOO Tiit Ch!Jdl le11o
Llallt"lft11 R.1611~ IH••tl (fllcli.~lt IC1rclo.1.lll
S•IW'• c~'" 11t1inl Tll• Cllurl C..U.lr!
l~rll Or1tld (ll.ii...,J
,.., •• ~ 11 Mow Ill lflllltl
'" '" '" '" "' '" £!GMtH llAC:E. 1$1 ,..Mii. l .,e•r cMs f"CI Ill Ill Gr.n M ml~. l"lll'M
11)00. TIM Ctnfurv Clo.Ill ol l-IMcl\.
1;.flltT's Nltl!t (""111'11 111 ~-d ICtrdolll 10
Mtlden lf«lltl CRIMI 170
llOYl l l l-N (Wlhon! U!I
H~'\ 1 R""u.isl IAdllt) !?)
W•• 81••• jSlrwnl 111
"1¥1r!t Cu (It lflnlltl 1}J
TMn~ llldl !l"lllkl! IU
D<tl 9•tnll'¥ 114 Crotbrl 1111
P•ll.., ll1r Time fL1p~I IU
NINTH RACE 156 "''""· ' v ... r eldll ,., •• , ..... to\ Ortell ' prv, brttl In C.~I
l>u•M l2!leCI
(ht ,_, NI Trltlie IH•'ll
(1!1rt• l'llrl!IHI 11,klhltr!l
Ca l11>""1:io"f' ICUOOtll N_., "'°"'"' !Ort•t•)
~ • lff {A..,.,Kll
0 1c1 •v'1 c.,.,1Jw, !Ad~ltl
,.,....,.11 ll<'JC~tl 111 11.-nk•I
"f1lrl4 (jl"lfllll (lltlllill•Y)
My K"'IU 1~·1111
0.111, ~ lH tr.oyl
"' "' "' '" '" •H " ' '" ...
Bear Offensive Unit'
Changed After Drills
University o( CallforNa foot·
ball team, with three new
faces on the f\rsl 1lrlng. work·
ed on goal line atfeMt today.
After v~wln1 nlm11 or
Sunday'• scrimmage a n d
watching another w o r II: o u t
fttonday. coach Ray Wiiisey
announced three 11 n e u p
Df!len~lve end Tom Grieb
n10\•ed into the 11pol made va•
ciiot by a 1t1 Injury to
defensive end Irby AugusU.ne.
and ck!fensive tackle Alea
Da.nttltr movetJ over l 1
detcnalve cocL.
Stan Murphy, a ,,_,
bock rrom Saa Dtlgo CJln
Collog•, moved Into the No. 1
wingback PO!Jltlon lhtlld al
Jim Smith, and Paul Martyr,
a !lncbaciu lrom Rooevlllo,
eaur .. took om the No. I ·~
held by Tom Davlf. •
sophomore from Te1:1•.
==· tvJ= -· ~.. '"' ... -. --. . . . . . . . ,. .
PRESIDENT MAKER -Tbeodo~ H. White's saga
ol the 1968 Presidential campaign wUJ unfold to-
night at 9:30 p.m. on Channel 2. "The Making of
the President' catalogs the men and evoots that
shaped the nation's choice, with commentary sup-
plied by the author.
Paar Takes
Lion's Share
NEW YORK (AP) -It is very probable that if
Jack Parr became interested in page 42 of µie Man-
hattan telephone directory or in the life cycle of the
carpenter ant be could -and would -tum it into
a televi.!ion -program. And it would hold t.be rapt at-
tention of viewers.
IN HIS MONDAY night NBC special, "Jack
Paar and His Lions," the comedian expanded this
affection for the king of beasts -"I have this
thing about lions," he con sed -into a thorough-
ly absorbing, often poign t actuality hour.
Paar's love for lions s stimulated by his
adoption of Amani, a cub he ·sect in his Bronx-
ville home. The program began wlth film of the
cub and then moved into the story of Paar's in-
volvement in saving three young lionesses, sisters,
by moving them from Africa to a F1ordia lion
JACK INVESTED $7,000 and a lot of emotion
in the project, believing -erroneously as it. turn-
ed out -that the lionesses were the offspnng oC
the '1Bom Free" lions. But since he and his cameras
were along from the be~ning to the happy end-
ing of the animals' imnugration, it was a reward-
ing ~xperience all around. ., '
The most interesting film showed how the three
lionesses, adju!ted to their new We in Florida, still
responded. affect.ionately when reunited with the
woman who had raised them from cubs.
' CBS'S FIRST special of the fall season, ''The
Singers1" was a big, handsome star-studded com-
binadon of comedy, ,hi-jinks and music that most
inevitably be compared with "Laugh-In!'
The familiar format was there, practically in-.
tact -the sight gags, the fast cuts, the satire, the
blackouts, even Dick Martin in a cameo appear·
ance. It added up to a rowdy, tunefu1 and fast.mov-
ing hour.
It will be a shame, however, if "Law,h·ln"
keeps inspiring these reasonably exact facsimiles.
Imitation may be sincere flattery, hut in television
imitation soon becomes an overdose.
Earlier, NBC broadcast a half.hour special, 11A
Country Happening," a pleasant, hi and little pro-
gram of music and a bit of variety with Roy Rogers
and Dale Evans as hosts.
It had been made. obviously, as a pilot for a
future series, but in pace, atmosphere and style , it
looked like a 1967 model for a ~how.
THEODORE H. WHITE'S third "Making of the
President," Olis time studying the forces and events
that put Richard M. Nixon in the White House. 'viii
be broadcast by CBS tonight at 9:3().11 PDT. It
should be watched by all persons who complain
that television is nothing but sports and bland en-
The program,. previewed by this reporter, is a
reprise of the turbulent. shock-filled year, 1968. The
film, much or it shot especially for the program. is
liluminated by \Vbite's own thoughlfu1 and perhaps
controversial analysis of "that year of passion and
Dennis the Menace
.. ---
•• ......
FIVE t.iOR£ •100 BILLS
srol<ES "'°'0£ ~
STUFF I Slll( Ml<.
6'AD 10 HAVE TllEM
TEmO 9Y .... IS SOMETllll6
WltONG f
I I ... 1.-I
I I "°Yf
! ,
I I I , ' I '
I ' I
I I I ' I I
M' I WA.NT 10 PA.Y 'YOll, MefV, Ta4 &E6tN-
SA.M! I WAKf \IOI lO WOl'tC lillN6 10 'THINK '1(11'1£
FO« ME! IF ~ w.wr MOU A Ga:AT 6'1..-BOT I
T11AE5 1lt"1' AIAOO~
• • ....
"-----------J~ ~~
. ,., l!t'1 ~
1 WOfrl.O 1.S
1 SIMPl.Y I I MAltVil.OUS.
By Tom K. Ryan
S!>W<E·E'IE 100!( OVER Mf JAIL
GROOVY! """==
I'll RUN RIGl!f
.... •· .... ""·-·-
By Al Smith
By Gus Arriola
" PANGING PIOPU! WHO owe1.1. IN !i 6055AMl!!:R GA"1US
IN TH~ Cl.Ot.105 •••
By Mell
7:00 II CIS Ewll~I ftlWI (C) (30)
C!J Wlut's 111J Utt? (t) (30) m T• Tta .. Tntll (C) (30) . .... .....
OJ ........ ""' (30) &l ......... , ..... ,_,
ID (I)._.,, (C) (30)
m ""'' (30) 9 (I) fNblrt (30)
ltl lll•llds 111 tM s... (C) (30) m .... -(C) (30)
7:30 IJ Qt! (I) l...tncs (C) (60) MUI·
dodl Llnctr's t1W1-buyln1 trip to
Mhlco tlkn 1.n Uflf.Xl*led IUJn
wl'lln h1 becotntt t111 w1cUrn o1 1
st1p boldup tnd llttr 1 prlsoMr
In 1 bou·CGntrollld bordw Wwn.
e A Xorox Special EYent * Makinc of 1 Pretidont
Inside loo!< II Nixon,
Humplny, RFK. etc.
sae~ .... (C)·~
Thll 8'*1•1 b batllll Oii llModol1
H. Whlt1's lult·rll11Md' book dlro~
icllnt list ,e1r's prtSldlntlll Cllll• ......
'~~.~~ .:~ (: ,,ru. Jtmu r.11 bMS Clltlb 11
Candy L•bofl. dll'Klw cf l"tlo¥11
HoUSI. • dru, rll'labllilltlon DllltW
operttld bJ IX·lddleb.. C">
0 NIM (C) (JO) Ted N1Yt11
t!) ! IJIC!ALI Dlfut .r a. .,.._
4.1 (C) (60) Procr•m dllrh 1111
histioric conflict bttween lsttl~
tury 5!11fn 111d Ellz1blthln Entland.
'llitli th1 (l'Nlnt cf 111 tit baftld
c!imuln1 1 fllftl poww struale.-
(R) ID"'...,_.., (C) (30)
..lo.seph Campen1ll1 Ind lmlfJ lD;{IO D m """ (C) (60)
G1rt1nd 1utst. (It) O IRI nri ""' Didi CMtt (C) (IO)
D ID 00 er.I I lttl!!l,J "'"" ~ "" "" "' "-!ta (t) (60) llBC "Pl1lietl 20" 0 Na! (C) (60)
p1od11Ctlon utillrlnr tfll out It/Id. m ltntlWt lhnd., (60)
1111rU of W1shlnl1on, D.C. n blQ.
drops fot the r«fNtion If IOfM Ult IJ9C .... hltlnf (60) John
of Ille most st:lrrinr motrttnll In CfOWfl hostl 1 Pf01t•111 f/I hlil
American hlsta11. PTot:r11m loob 11 1G1t prntnbtions: ll:Udlnt Drl'lll
Ill• tllem1s. ldNb inti Ytlun tn. Green playlna B1dl 1nd Hlnd1mltlil
l1nclm1rU repr9*l Burft.u Mlft-on !111 flute; •nd Dennlt Scllucll,
dlth Is stofytf!ltr. (R) of tlll 1utt1r f1tt1tt,., with •l~
D stn' tlll stn (C) (JO) Mike tions frcm Villi Lobos 11'1d Dt Fin&
Stoklr hGsts. di M11 Alli ii II ,._. (C) (~
O @rn lll••• ''"' (tl (la) ~ Sill'ldeJ Drl\tm.'" A ,. 10:30 ID Nns (C) (JO) Biii Johns. luina: wteUncl In I.as Vim Inds .. 1brvpl!J whtn on1 cf line'• frilndl _. U11 Crfte • II ObtcsWtl (30)
dlts !ft whit IPPlll1 to bt Ill te.
cldent <Rl 11:00auammm""" <Q
Q Ml17lt11 $ MM: •A TM lfwt 0 Alll'9' Micecti
Ill ~ (dr1m1) '45--0onittlJ
McGuire. JllMS Dufl!L
m Tmlil • c.-.-(C) (30) m l'lrTy M•11 (60)
Q) Tldl11ical' torw (JO)
fl!) no .., W..._, (C) (IO) m-• ... l!Ol
l :Oll D .lid: ltnllJ (31!) Dtnnil D1J ......
m QWut fw 1 Day CC) (30) Didi Curtis hosts.
fE Slllbr.JSll natn (60)
llJ _, -"' • ....,. nlPt" (drlllM) '6Z -AnthoQJ
Quinn, JKkll Glenoft. m L..._,, Clflll'J (C) Gutltl 1r11 Sil Mineo, Rose M1r11, Ro11 Hut-
1111nn and The R•ndr S1Mtb Col·
m---" frtllCll" (llfitenturt:) '42 -1W11rt
Motley. CoMtara CUmmlnp.
llTJ CD ID Cll Ill! Ill -
fD flltwr. (C) "Wlll11 lht Godt Plf1."
m Dbatlllq• , c...a. (C) csoi 11:30 a a CiJ ..... criffll (C)
1:3' f) Ill! Ill ... '--(C) (60) Larrr Slorth, Twl1 O'St111.
Clill Rldl:1rd, .llini1 M1rd1n iUlll
Llbe1ace don 1 unlq111 piano vtr·
sion of "M•ck tt11 l(ni11." H1 1lta
OID (i)BlT--(C)
0 Ml'ril: "T1le ~ (dr .. m1) ·49----l!B: Dou<s..
O allCD lill"" -(C)
pl1ys "Twtlfth Slrnl RI... Ind 12:Jtl m Cblllw
"L1Un Concerto" ind brln1s 111 hi ru1~1 lioplhtr lot "Ont al ThoM mActl111 T•1•tr•: "1follaw So111s..., frfumph. •
o 11J oo m '"' (C) (30) •11 T1kniwo To T1n111.• C..ny11t1 out 1:00 IJ MD: "11lt Mob" (lll)'Stwy)
Dr. a.11tts do-not·dllt11rb Oldef's. '5'i-8rodlrick Cmrlor4.
J11lll 1mknowl1'11'Y faldblocb tht CJD llm (C)
OM man who could uvt the doc~ tot'1 eh1rity projtet. Paul Wlnll1td 0 C.••ni!J 1""61 ten (ct
1uuts. (R)
IJ 'illfl MKltnrlO """ MIH l:lO IP Aff.JllcM Aew:: "Etcll Drn I Ifill' (C) (JO) RUbJ ~ I Dil.'" '111ht Uttlt lsl1!1d"' 1n4 "fMI .ll1n llun l1lllt. Blue I.amp.'"
t:JD m *I• 111• 0.ly"' (drtrnt) '11
-C.roll lomb1rf, Ktr Frtndil
1t1111 n • .._. wia r .. , .... c-..
tdy) '4-Wlllltm hndlr,, Dennll a""'•
Complete Printing Service
Top Quality -Fast Service
2211 WHI B1lboo Blvd.
•I A~~ ...... \•
South Coat ,ftepertof11 Off Broadway
• i D . . I •
'Bombed' ~satire on Military 'Reckoning' Misses Mark -
Of lhe O.H1 "U0t 511fl
There are moment.s in
Jose~ Heller's d r a m a t I c
saur_e "We Bombed In New
Hivtn'' when the audience
holds ita collective breath ,
shocked into ominous ap-
prehension by its searing
There are also, however,
momenls when the audience
wooden just how long it will
be until Intermission.
Thia Is the difficult row
which South Coast Repertory
A ,..., lw JoHoll Heller, dl.-.c!P.d b¥ Merlin a-Ml and 11..,n,.. 11e11an by Dl¥1d E""""5,. l;Othlf!,.$ bY "'"111
si.""", P•IHhtM Tllv•td•n lhf0\1911
SW(llYI 111'111 Sept, 11 lw So.Ill! ( ... M
AiNrtwv 11 11'19 Tlll•r:I 51 .. Tlluf.r,
1121 N~ 81'td,, Cnst1 Miu,
C11rl11t! Sl1t11,"°' , . •. Doti Tutlle
TM mlk>t ....... • .. HHltl Plrtl s..._nt ~"""··· .H1I Und<ln J•. Rvlfl ...................... Par 8r-'1 eor-.1 11nn ..•... J,,,,,., 11ax111
COl'JIOAI Sl11Cl1lr... GI.... con ...
"'"' Jo. C.r'°" , . Rob9'1 s1rlctt11!>d Pvt. Hln"I' Flaft1r .. , •• G.ur~ B1rc:M
An h:liot.. .. . .•. , .•.. J\rn W•rflW
Ano!ll..r Idiot ........... Jolln Mac Ivie
A flun! ................... Ln l"91K~I
A !il01'9r ..... , ..•••. 1111! Coch••n• FllMr"I kid brOllWf .. .. 111!1 K•ll
''•rtQP'I ton .••. Sll11lr1 f.rldtll
has chosen lo hoe with its pro·
duction -the first on tl1e
West Coast -0£ Heller's less
than successful antiwar ex·
ercise which run s the gamul
from blandness to brilliance
and back again.
PACIFIED -Hal Landon Jr. (left) aod Heath Park
square off in scene from South Coast Repertory's ··we Bon1bed in New 1-laven."
In its finer moments, "We
Bombed" ranks with another
antiwar play staged by SCR,
"Sergeant Musgrave 's
Dance," in terms of sheer
electricity, Certalnly the gory
scene In which an actor is shot
to death at point blank range
must leave an indelible im·
presslon on the sensibilities.
And the impassioned plea
delivered by the captain, for
whom the real horror of war
has finally made a lasting im·
presslon. is sµperbly done.
But Heller has few such
weapons in his arsenal and he
sprea d s them out
strategically, leaving the rest
of the evening to be carried by
comic satire which is not
always on target. And, in his
more pungent scenes, he is
found guilty of dramatic
"We Bombed" actually is
Witr.• -,__:
2f05 lost C-f Hlfhwor
Corono o.t M;.,....._,11. 67J0 6Z60
t\\·o plays in one, a romedy In
the first acl and a drama in
the second. It is this uneven-
ness, quite P.r ob ab I y in-
tentional, that p e r v a d e s
throughout, refusing to chart a
definite dramatic course.
The scene is an Air Force
base from which men are sent
on outlandish missions ("T0o
day we bomb Constantinople.
tomorrow' Minnesota") from
which some never return. But
the horror is that those who
are about to die are aware of
it , having read the script
before hand.
This. then. in the play's
premise -lhat it's all a game
and nobody really dies, except
that those who ostensibly do
arc somehow never seen
again. "No one ever gets kill-
ed on stage," the young
airman tells his kid brother.
"There's no violence in
public." But he 's wrong,
lragically wi:ong .
fMi HERi
Ni;hfly 7 -Motlllff 5111. Z
He can't fix • f.ucet or carry • dish, but he did
somethiSJg else that made the whole world sit up
and take notice.
Nine men who came tao late and stayed too Ions •.
TIOI 1:a,.......,. •Dir ........... tL ----· .. GlllM 111.m .. -6110 ell 1t:4S
There is a scene which
launches a devastating allack
on the military mentality in .
which the captain pas9es out
toys to his troops. reducing
them gradually to gurgling
babies. Two members of the
squad do not have that fa r to
go -they arc idiots, following
orders brainlessly and
It is lhis t:ondilion of blind
obedience which H c 11 e r
Cal State
Concert Set
The n~ dance concert
season at '-California State
College, Fullerton opens Oct. 4
with Sweetwater and Taj
Mahal on stage in lhe college's
Sweetwater is comprised of
eight classical, rock , jau. and
folk musicians who have meld·
ed their varied backgrounds
into a unique pop expression.
The group is unique in lhat lhe
im>trumentalion includes a
cello, flute, bass g u i t a r .
bongoo:, congas and drums.
The other half or the coocert
will feature Mahal, a city boy
who has made a name for
himself as a singer of authen-
Lic country blues.
Southern California
5th WEEK!
Critics Acclaim
"01t• of the '"o•t ori9i11ol
'"o¥le5 of the year, a11d COf·
t•l1lr OllO of f"9 bolt!" • , •
JoJ111 lortholo'"ew, WAIC·TY
"A hl;lt '"orli ! fplc 111 Mtt,
11ct11fto"'°ly pro11h1cedl Tllo CK•
fip h futlo1it!" , • , Arcilot
Wi•Mtt. N. Y, Po•t
"Fosc:l11oti11t! A fl l11 wilt wort~
..oi .. ! ... , • llctt.td Sc:ltlcltel,
u ..
Daily: From 7:00 P.M.
Sat. & Sun.
Continuous from 2 P.M.
Tickets : Computicket
1including Bulloc:k's,
Ralph's Markets,
Wallieh's or Box Office 1
"IWJ'OIT llAOI -..... -,. ,......_ ,...., w.. -aa. wito
l 'IJIS lt'EEK
assaults hardest in bis play.
His captain, ~layed superbly
by Qoc> Tuche,. would lll<e to
know the reasons behind his
orders. He would like to call
the game ' and run away, but
hi$ service by now i11 a con·
dilioned reflex which lie can.
nOt subvert even to save his
own son.
Heath Park delivers 8
brilliant performance as the
major, the u n f I a pp ab I e
authority who has built a
career on mindless devotion.
Hal Landon Jr. Is equally
strQng as the surely sergeant
wbo wants to "blow the whole
thing (the world) to bits," but
cowers in terror when hls own
number comes up.
Pat Brown is convincing as.
the doughnut dolly who yearns
for a better role and is
''recast" as Starkey's wife.
The knife-in-the-back irystem
of advancement through the
ranks is interpreted concisely
by James Saxes as the cor·
poral who refuses to die until
he receives his prornotion.
Direct<Jr Martin Benson has
stiched his scenes together
skillfully, but the ensemble ef·
(ect of past SCR product.ions
(not.ably "America, Hurrah")
is lacking in a show which
demands it Pinpoint timing.
usually a company strong
Jtor,nt, is not in evidence this
lime out. •
Comedy Set
In Oemente
"Lullaby," a mar It a I
triangle composed or a bride,
a groom and the groMD's
mother, will kick off the. 19D-
70 sea::un for the S a n
Clemente Theater.
DirecUng the Don Appell
comedy is Tony Brahdt. Of
Irvine, who recently stfiged
the musical "Once U~ a
Mattress" for the Rancho
Community Players ~ has
directed many little theat.er
productions in Orange County,
including the last S a n
Clemente production, "The
Tender Trap."
Clark Fan'ell will lake the
role of Johnny, a truck driver
who wros a chorus girl, play·
ed by Dave Craven. Gayle
Mayfie1d w i 11 portray the
mother, while Ralpb Appell
will be seen as the bellboy.
'.'Lullaby" will be on stage
for three weekenm, Thursdays
Clemente. Advance reserva·
lions may be obtaint'd by call-
ing the playhouse at 492-0465.
Although the play is wholly
satirical. it is a curious mix-
ture of the dramatic and the
comic -often in the same
sc~ne, such as one sequence
between Tuche and Miss
Brown. She emotes with tragic
overtones while he shrugs and 'All Sons' laughs it ofL
In the light of its strong
By WILLIAM GLOVER Clt(dible one d'I mens Ion comJc bot' ·more olltn ldl
NEW YORK CAP) govemor &lid . a quarlt.t ol incomprehe111il1illty by the
Another off-Broadway look at unll.kely black troublemake.rs. real and raked eccents o( thfi
c\imnt race reJaUons. "The "Tij y btYe •come to hat&J! , mixed caat.. '"
Reckoning," opened Thursday tom Wit/:' photos ~ bis-: War~. playing a Unborn ex.
night at U1e St. Mark's aniat;nry lndl.scretions on Lile 'tortlorusl, ia one ol the. worst,
Pl b I d , -. miscreants in this regard. Jn ay ouse. t oesn t add up wroui 11~ ot town. Bu.t. the c:ootrast Lester .Ra1Uns' makes
to very much. attenipt -to inte~eave tb1s the hum'oo, antebellum A!aC·
Douglas Tum.er Ward, an bedroom "badge r game with 1 Uonary more~ human lhan •lhe
author ·who has said some fhe : d~?tgoguery of • civil lines suggest. Jeanette DuBois
sharp and fUMy things on the rights opponenta and come up is a pretty package oI depravi·
same theme before, is stuck with dramatic validity gets ty. Director Michael A.
this Ume wilh a workshop ex-nowhere. SCbultz h&s lhem and tbe
ercise that meanders ir· Ward .ue~~ a twnblitc, other three ulem~rs al the
resolutely between dark com-poetic. verbal pell-mell that company well ch'llled for ooe
edy and lurid melodrama, :tame times manqes to be long act ol .pet~ m~1.
tripping over cllches coo-1P:=====::;::=====r===;;;::~:::::!::=;::;::,
The locat Is an abstract
decor Southern 11tate house
around which a roaring white
throng has gathered t o
lor~stal1 the symbolic march
of a milltanl Negro.
The mob and the man never
get on stage, where Ward con-
centrates instead upon an in-
• • •llAC:H • . .AT Ol~I· • • .•• T. CGAI T H-. & Mot Dl1l00 _.,.
947·-• HUNT\HOTOtol •!Uo'lt
"GOOOBY£.'cOLiJMeus· is
BOUND TO 8E. ,\ C"E.\f successr
... w.,...,j --• &;lllZIEO ....... --
Positively Ends
points, however, the weaker Aud1"b"omn" g
moments are worth the wait. l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,ll '----....l~!!!!!!!!l"'
Seasoned SCR goers will enjoy Auditions far Arthur MJller's The e STARTS WEDNESDAY e
the banter between the actors drama "All My Sor)s," the
when they talk as themselves opening production ot the Orange Coast's
f"Old you see me in 'Streetcar Fullerton Footllghters' new
Named Desire?' "; "Hey, I season. wil\ be held We<fnes.. Most Comple~e
was in ii with you. You day ·and Thursday. PRINTING stank."). which sets the stage Director Wat Assenheimer
for Tuche's anal scene, as has announced that roles are SERVICE
himself ( .. There is no war; available for six men and four
there never has been a war"). women. The readings will be Phone 642-4321
It is a gripping and totally held at 8 p.m. both nights in
honest moment. the Muckenthaler Center, 119
Three. more weekends or Buena Vista Drive, Fullertoo. 'ijl5•!9jlitl£111£('.tl
production are scheduled for ~~"F;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,:~ II •••• •-•••••••••-"We Bombed in New Haven." n1 .1 7 .1 E 1 1 L 8 •
T}lursdays through Sundays at l"UWI. "' '-'• ~· °"! ••c
the. Third Step Theater ig 41Wt12 SW!!f·-
downtown Cost.a Mesa. --DHNWAYNE
\\~I 't\.ol:ti:L Q '.'..
Pattv Duke
Color n.., 0...-~
Welk Renewed lEN .CAMPSB.L
Lawrence Welk ha's been
rtnewed for his 15th year on
television by ABC·TV. ·
Raquel Welch
AT 1 P.M •
ADU LT1 11.Gt
,.Ill llP.ltlSHMIN11
Rowan and Martin
Contlnuaul Matlnae.. D.llly
,,,.,,,_ ~·rt
11 11)1
TIMllflll 11 l lJI
e St•rl• Wodne .... y e
-Show Time· 7:00-
Port OM Wiii S.
Repe•tM So You May
S.. • Full Show •If •.m.
:~;iitfi1lij ·--~C4ILI·----~ " .. ;;-: .... •
The strangest trio
ever to track a killer.
f\UE ·~
. -.;;;; .. ~;:w;;roM.m.-............ -. l(a.11_. •11 --111.<tn.UI ~lloJ.__,. __ ,_l,_.ll'E!lll
• West Coast Premiere Engagement •
Sept. 10
. • •
&lft .. ., fl c...-: ....... ,, . •••••••••••• • •••••
Unlv•nity Pork 1237. H"!~~ llMdl 1411.-...... -1400 l·c-.. ---dol--Ma-r--2250-I G-.1 1000 Gtnortl llllO GeO.nl 1000 Genorol IOIO GelWll 1000 m.-FULL PRICE .r JU. loan al 5"" with
total IM.YJDCDt ol $123 P .J. T.
L)lftl W.. doll hous< will> 3 queen alre bcdroomL
~ pullman blth. Af!Y· oe. qlflJ.iflu H111e 'l5 X 100
lot" •Uh double praa:e, Hu
a }lu.llt.411 vacuwn. Submit ,.... "'""' WE SELL A HOME
Walker & Lee
• . 7682 Edinpr
~ or s«lo5t10
{)pl'!n l'!ves.
Reduced $250'.I for rapid sale.
4 bdrms, hardwood floon.
Home needs pa1nt It. care.
Nrw price·
Newport .,
Inc. Rt!a.ltoni;
Wow! 4 ti.droom1 + family
room. 2 Baths. Built-ina, and
brealdut bar in dream
kitchen. New custom drapes.
Wall to wall carpeQ:. Forced
air heating! Only $19,950 bet.
ter ~ fut. CAii now 645--0303
at Harbor CA!nll'!r
'.?299 Harbor mvd .. C.l'\1.
Owner must• sell~ ;; Bed·
rooms, 2\t baths. extra larae'
Uvine room wilb .,.,.an or
dais .• Attractive stone fire.
placco. -Gara.re converted
to :llx24 playroom .• Reduc.
ed $3.00J to '41.500 • 101M
down and auume 5116% loan,
Just remodeled 3 BR 2 bath
home on large R·2 lot. Sep.
ante building has double
prqe + 16Jc21' M:lrlulbop + 16lc2l.' recttation room.
AU this I mot'f:.
UGO Nrwport Blvd .• CM
CALL 646-3921
Eve1. 646-2290 6·,2-018.'i
Walk to Little Corona from
lhlll newb' decorated' 2 bed-
room. 1 bath home, with
Iireplaoe & separate guest
accomoda.tiolll!". An excitina
home on a lot " a h&if.
john macnab
(714) 642·1235.
901 Dover Drive, Suite 120
Newport Beach
otEN MS TILL 1:30
Unbellmbl~ Blif
3 bedroom home in COii·
A Mott Influential
borne oo quiet corntr lot with
ROOM FOR POOL and bolt
or camper. 3 Bir bedroomi
· " 2 pu1JJnan !Matha. Pridl'! of
ownership ntJ&hborbood.
Gorveoua plUSh c a r p e t a
throughout and cuatom dra~
e11. Afodem u tomorrow
klfl:hen with LARGE DIN.
lNG AR.EA!!! Beaul:1ful
Cal'Jletina LhroU&;bout! J'rtsb
as a &Prini morning. Assume
F.li.A. 5'4 loan at $159 per
month, And ONLY $26,700
wit.ti u llttle u 14,(XX) down,
Walker & Lee
ta mesa with on •dded 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams
tam.ily room wltb noor ~
to Ct"ilillg sand atone ~ 1-il'"""Opo""'nii'iihiil •' iiPiiMiiii-.
place. all new ~tllli
throughout d()ux t}iq. '
It's been con'lpleteb' re-
painted, alto a covered
patio and Job of bi&
tl'ffl, owner uklna f23,•
500 no dov.'J'I to vets or
minimum down " FHA.
flurry on this one.
3 Bedroom, 2 Bath
Ready for occupaoc·y
NO\V! 4 bdnns, family
room, servi<:t'.' porch,
w/v.• carpeting thnJU&:h·
out, concttle drivel etc.
Jo'ull price $30.050. FHA,
VA or Conventional
terms •vailabll!'. Whal
a beauty!
Jaa..:. COATS ~WAL~Ace
10,.... E_i.,..,
Thars right Ifs a 3 bed·
room 2 bath home . in
Costa }.fl'!la and it's ready
lo be lived in, cloae
to shopping and schools I~~~!!!!
kinderprten through col·
Jege. try 10% down own.
er anxious.
but th\1 view 11 fantag..
tic, full 180• panorama
or the paclfiC' cout line,
the home is brand new
only four yl!ars old, 4
master siZf' bedrooms,
rear yard t~act · and
much more. Stt It to ap.
preciat.e It, $36,500.
a beautiful home over•
lookinl newport harbor,
rustic charm is the word
with 3 bedrooms 2'bllths
and a basement with
built in bar·b-<), all on a
comer lot. $42,950, call
for appointment only.
because it's vacant and
the owner wants it acid,
it's in beautiful condi-
t ion and in a pre1lij:e
a.rea. all built in kltchen,
2 queen sized be.ths and
as a bonus you get an
unobstructed view of the
pacific ocean. j u s t tt-
duced to $39.500.
This House Is A Mess
Owners hav• oppor1un.
ily in Chicaao: so you
hav• opportunity hetf'.
3 goOO sized bdrms, 2
baths, f orm a 1 living
room l: large family
room. &autilul shag
carpe-ts. N r a r golf
c.:oune. AaJtinr $2G,950.
Family room, Firtplaee, 1%
bath, built-in kitchen, w/w
canirts. drapes, w~ fa-
cilities in o~r--med doubll'!
garage. Sprinklers front.
completely fenced rear yard
with 1S'x20' patio. Only min..
ute!I from major sboP9l11g
and schools. All for ONLY
$27,950. FH.A·VA TERMS,
Evenings Call :t48-3TI5
And luxurious living
In your O'A'n..your-O'A'n
Weslclitt Villa
2 Bedroom apartment.
Spaciou~ living room opens
onto cheerful patio.
Priva!e community pool
and clubhouse ramada.
Excellent value at $48,500
Full Blown COWGE PMK
Bargain 3 bdnno. 1,_ batht, • ..,.. ...
3 ~ns. contemporary drapes, fireplace, cZtctnc
dQ.f.ln with loll of glass. bit-ins I wasbl!r 4 df')'U.
bria'.bt kitchen wUt1 IU buW. $2(,.250
inl and forced air wt. 2 'well.'.Me:Cardle, Rltrs.
nt' caraa:e. ~ f~nced wo Newport Blvd., ~M,
Cathedral Colli"'
4 Br., patlos, air cond~ Adj.
lo park: tot lot I pool, Own.
er Transl'. FP ro.ooo.. e Rod Hiii RHlly
1B06I CUiver Dr,. lrvint
yard. With built -in BBQ. 541-1'1'29 anyt.lml!
V.A. and F.HA. tenns avail-B•ck S.y 1240
~~-~:,~th payments SEE ·THIS B~AUTYI EXCElLEN'T Bae t Bay
Coll• P•rk• hrpe1t location on cul-dwac street. ASSUME 5~·% 3 BR, 2 BA. !am rm, ltdwd
$171 MO.PAYS ALL !In, bltns. heavy , ....
l B •aa f rooJ. Need• pal nttnc .
New homes, ready lo move In. " mile from beacl). Fiisl payment up lo 60 days
after mon In. .
Terms VA/FHA. Prom $22,990.
(on Garfield belWeen Wach & Magnolia
CAMEO SHO~ Lwwry 2
Br, den. Octtn view • .wi.ta.
$560 mo. 61W898
Lido llfl 2UI
NEWLY fUrn1lbed 4 BR. <I
Bi, avail Sept Uth. W1otar
or 1oncu. 1no1> 17>1349
WINTER ftni.l. cozy i bdt
2 ba, 1rplc, patio, dbl aar.
2.:i Via Dijon. t, • , am rm, lltJI d1b AHume S% % $21 lOD k>an A nn, 2 frplcs. compl kit. util • rm. 1mmac lndlCPI. By own. S165 pa,ys all $26,500. Bl'
er eves ii wknda. 549-1920 . owner. 548-JC&
Hunt! ....... BMch 1400 Laguna Beach 1705 LOOKING For a 2 BR. den, ---------1 2 BA home on a win1et llel' MERMAID'S
MANSION BY OWNER 'lbls bit! .,,_
"Tor A Wise BIO'"
Colesworthy & Co.
$16,950 -FHA-VA
3 Bedroom family home on
quiet side street. -Near
acboob and shopping. -
Block wall fenced. -~
llvine room wilh fireplace.
Beat bu,y in town.
Outatandlnc CdM home in
priv, rttld, area, 3 let. Br.
Fam. nn.: htd, tilt, pool.
REALTORS 675-1662
3036 E Coast Hwy., CdM
Costa Mew 1100
FrankJy, this 1ftch Mme
wa• ~for tbt ·met-
maid in )'OUt life to Pt
.......i "'"""" & lllclc ""' iolden tall In the sea btte"U'.
It baa all the conwniences
that leta her have extra
hours ot tree time to spl.uh
about in the surf or sun or
• $23,s;io Halecrest 3 BR • shop or fix you an extra
den home, Hardwood 1Joon, special dinner afl•r a hard
floor to ceiling a to n e day:t work. Beautiful gJass
fif'epl.ace. I m m a cu I a t e kitchen iWed with all the
covered patio with PB time saving apptiances UU
BBQ. Subn1it down-high dl&hwuher, double oven
$11,000-4h ,...o assumable (one ael! cleaner). ranae &:
Io a n. $L."9 I mo, includq: disposal, Roma11tic "parent
taxes. Smiley Rltr. 6U-22:Zl. saver ~treat" adult apart.
From the Pine trtts to your I ...:c:FIJRN=:.,..,4~BR=,°"l~BA,'°'"°'"°"'=,_ I
·OWU aandy ~ 90 X 400 Newly dee. AV&ll now.
coutllne view 1upreme. Wntr ttntal OI' ~Y ~7108 Exlath'lc 2 rostic f"l!ntala. .,. ••
Terrltic condominium ~
ttnt!al. Now •vallable al
$137,IQJ, 1st TD of $46,000;
6% assumable, 644-4717
XLNT Vet loan aasumption.
Int rate will not increase. 3
Br, 2 &, W/W crpll, frplc,
Cor lot; comp) privacy.
Anxioua-aubmit F/P
Bolboa :.:;ll;;:;land=---'2S;.;.55;;.;
WINTER Rental. L r e •
spadouJ 5 Br. 3 ba. nr. So.
Sallllbury Realty 67U'IOO
WINTER; J.4 Bdrm.
housea. lslll.lld Realty.
<198 Park Ave. 67~1200
ATI'RA. BAL IS. 3 BR 2 ba.
cor hit. Winter. Nu paint,
trple, patio lood 673-QST
~9666 rnent. 3 bdrmJ, 1 bath.I.
BOAT OWNERS NO DOWN TO VF:fERANS. """"'' th"""'"""'· "''
Here's a dandy -Side yard Sparkling 3 BR 2 bath home ,.._,1 .... _._Neal --s ...... ..-peting in~. dining, hall,
Special! 4 Income units 120
yds. to beaeh. Patio&, deckJ
w/ocean view. Nds. paint,
etc. Should a:rou $9,tlOO yr.
Pr. $69.600. Con11ider trades.
Summer llental1 2910
2 BR Balboa apt adj
beaches/pier .$75-$1SO wkl,y.
536-3911, 675-alO · h ~-1 t and -·' · · Id 'al ....,,. na..J'" ..... .,......u.Mol master bedroom with pri· w11 ....... ga f' cow,..,.,. 1n qwet re11 enu aru. Dona.Id M. Bird &.: Asaoc. patio makes thls HB 3 bed-Lovely lrl"e shaded P9-tio, 547_7fHl vate bath. Completely fene· $250 wk. Luxurious
waterfront •Pt. pool FutD 2
BR. 2 BA. C714) 673-3003-room .2 bath redooorattd nicely landscaped in tratfic ed, private gale, front land-I BE THE FIRST Soap;-. Mov• ,., ·~-~. L19un1 Nigue home an outstanding buy at free street. Priced tor im· ··• ~ 1707
just $l6.950. -mediate salf' at $23,750. To set this 3 Br, 2 bath home $30,450. Only $595 guaranteed ' COMMANDING
CALL 5t5--M24 South Coast in EutblUU.. Jmmac corner c~ cost 10 all! (TI-4) Co11tlin•C•t1Une Gen•r•I 3000
Rea.I Estate. prop., huge yard beaut. lnd-96&-im • 2190 Vacation Lane,
i;cpd. $39,500. Huntincton Beach. Bkr. View lot in Lagwla
ALL 3 BR'a-BY OWNER Delancy R•al Estate l!!!~~~~~!!!!'!!!"!!!!!!!!I $6,950. Small but eve. Be.ach. 3 BR, 3 BA. 3
646-2313 • 646•71n 950%l_ v1F' ... ~, ~.ll00.500 5~ 2828 E. Cout Hwy, 673-JTIO FOR THE BIG FAMILY $1,00J Down, bal. at $70 f:ireplam:. den, b It-ins,
w ru .. 6, .,., 4 Queen siie bedrooms. Two month. 494-1137 cpl&, drps, 1 yr le a 1 e
LEAVING STATE: 4 unique 422 Walnut S2'1.SOO 6\.ii 2 BR., den, 2 batlu!. Beaut. \'!'!")' luxurious be.ths. This ;R"E~NT=ALJL'"'S,-----minimum. No sina;le or
Eaatside Costa Me1a 203 SUsannah $26.500 s~ decorated. AU Y.'OOI carpets. horn• tea .. ·-· •••P -dow• H F •_L_.. -ti. snsmo. {21a) 592-1143 ta-...... _ ,____ many .shutters. Elegant bar ....... ou••• urnlMtlHI .... apartments. 2 Bachelors ........ uuu:: OVtt RJU.111 livin"' _,..m wi"• ro""antic ----------1, BR. VIEW •··k .... Din •• "'°1-e & restful garde-tio. -~ ....... .., "-......,. ""'J• COMPLETELY furnished ,,.,,,. ......,.. •. .,.. flrepla«. FORMAL DINING Gonoral 2000 2 ba. f -~ yd • -Firm $48,500. O w n / a g t • nn, eno;.:u · .....,..,, except linens, 2 2-bedroo6 TOP V AWE 673--01-45 ROOM. Se para~ step down ---------$400 Mo. Local 9kr 6t5-0111
MOSTLY fuml&bed. A 11 2 BR, on cul-de-sa~. nr family room leads to com. S200. 2 BR, 2 Ba. Yrly rental. wi~h lire_plaCH, beamed Catholic: Church. 7 yrs old. Ntw Broadmoor Home pletely enclosed rear yard Patio, frillc. On Penin. Bkr EXECUTIVE home 5 Br. 3
ceiling, d11posa.ls, 'u b s, Modem kitchen. on I y Flne11t landscaping & lbt. beautifully tan d 1 caped. 534-6980 BA. apts, drps. elec bltne
showers, ~ted, draped, $17,560, Payts S13. per mo. d"lgn. 5 Br, 3 Ba, den t: STEP UP into this 1011:~ Fenc@d. $350. 546-67«>
cu 11 om decorated. Bill Cole, Rltr &i;H)SJD din nn. Lovely view of hillJ, all electric kitchen. F.H.A. Rentals to Share 2005 $195. l &: den, l* ba. R/0,
Operating equipment from 212 Victoria No. t, C.M. For appoint. 644--0028 loan bu payments oI SJ.5.'j wfw. Children, small petl
tools to N'e'eipta books m. u: ACRE + aha l B LE=x"'c~L~U~S~t~V~E~. -u~.-u..w-~ I includes all. Will sell v .A. SHARE 5 BR house, 3 ba, 3 O.K. Bkr 534-6930
eluded. 2 bloclcs Major 11 "? r d . 2 BR at appraisal ot S29 450 car rar w Im at u re,
Shopping. 6%'70 loan. Over $26.~. Best bey m area. es~~ Ro~!;;-::.r· WE SELL A HoME employed male. C?tt.
S2.000 SPENDABLE income Honeti -tenru. GU-.S85.l. 673--4899 EVERY 31 MINUTES 646-lt'.9, 56-2623. ask Mr.
PLUS tax 1belteT. Re:nt.1.,,bkr=. ======= I,-=_,.,=-..,,..,.....,.-,.,,, Baker. 5 Bedrooni. 2 b9ths in ex·
SHOUU> be railed. Zonl!dl . s BR, J BA, dining-den. l bUc Walker & L 2""°""Bdnn.,_--,t-,to,---,-h--cellent north C.M. location -
for additlonal tiicome. For Met.I ftl Mir l105 from CdM main beach. ee w/female ~-30 on
11~~ Btzilt·ins. DWtwalMr, en-
oomplete inventory and in-* BY OWNER_ 4 Bdrm. 1 ~ Owner. S47.soo 6Th-5l4l days "lbll2 Edi~r Pen\n, 646--04.16 dosed patio $3Th Jeue.. Kid•
·---· _,. •-1... or &7a-3530 evl'!s & wkends. cu .. ••""' or ·~sl'" o K. ... ..... _ C111.1 vm-BA, w/w crpt tbru-OUt. O"U......,.. ~ "" l'fALE 30 would liht to shlln! ·
N"1)t painll'!d. 544kJil2 LGE. hilltop kit. Perm. view Open e~s. 2 BR apt, CDM $100. THE REAL ESTATERS
o1 ""'~.t ... hillk-~~"· Wiidower Must Sell 6T~2903 · ,.._= .... 1111
N.wport le•eh l200 ======== AVAIL Srpt 3, 3 Br, 2 Ba.
CUSTOM Bit contemporal')' 1 Newport Be•ch 2200 Crpb, drps, bltns, ckwhr, SPACE & CHARM yr old 3 Br, 2 Bahm. 228 4 BR 3 bath tri·level witn1 ---'~------1 pooL Pool a. lawn lel'Y1.oe
Bubbling brook, reflection G-Oldenrod. 673-6068 f o r Ionnal dinillg room. separ-e BA YSHORE.S • provided. E-c1df: toe. $300 .
StationPry 4 Office aupply pooh filled with lazy Carp appt. $79,500 By Owner. at"' family room 'vith fir. 9 ~lontlls Winter rentals mo, IR. 5f6.0584 bttwn I J: 5
localed in m.aJOr shoppina 81'!l a tranquil sctne for UW =''========·I place. Only 5 monthl )'Pun,, 3 &. 4 Bdrml., furnilhed Eves unUl .I U S..L3n
centtt. Good .oUd cUentele 4 Br,, hideaway den & lam. Lido lalo 1351 •pprox. 2400 sq ft. Assum!'! "C" THOMAS, Realtor d. Pri d FHA Gr loan • $5CO:l total ca.sb 11:•0 """"" 3 BR, 2 Ba, tarn rm. cptl, • 85% repeat business. nOOM tn. rm. ce •t 224 W. Cout Hwy. .,_..,,,.., .-_ boaut yd -M"'°' gross yearly. $25,000 dollan value with as8Wn8ble 5"-~ BAYFRONT needed or!! Eves. 536-2123 .. Incl • .,., ft--1• ....... ...,.,. I R •• I E.tat. Marl LINDA ISLE . net•• or eue. ,...~. lor business & corporatlon. oan. 49%i' Prime footaa:e on Via Call f t aft • PM Hal Pinchin & A11oc. Lido Nord, opposite Bay 847-8531 Avail. for lease Sepl U. 3 49'l-~ =~em. ' Newport .,
3900 E. Coast Hwy. 67S-C92 Club. 5 BR. &:. 4 ba.. pier'---,,.-.,==...,==-Br. 2 ba. + ll.lp fM 00' & slip. I A "MUST SEE'' boat. Boyd RJty. 675-593G 3 BR, 2 BA Condo, 2 CU' ,..__~.._BYHOWNE3R * 1239000 ONLY $25"'"" BAYSHORES.<I Bedroom, J aar. fully aptd, f.!XI ....... ~unl ome, BR, util • ,....,,, J 1 -11cl••·-·--LIDO REAL TY IN'C. ONLY $168 Total P'r mo. be.th, Sept. • une ease. mo . ..-..... """""'· ~ rm. !)(?Wini:; rm, liv rm · with / • .,.. •a"" 613-7300 A.ssume low int. }oan on th.is Private community 2 Br duplox, srove, -·. w/trplc & ocean view. •~ bo S31S ..,1~. -•-•N NORTH BAY lovely 3 BR 2 ba w/many ex. ach. mo . ..._. uou g•-, 1 child ok. NO PETS. Roomy kit. \Y/bltni. & --.. avocado snag crpta thru· Prime LlOO locatioll • 3600 U"a.!l. Trailer area alse. .BAYFRONT Ir: dock 3 Br. 3 Rell req'd. $13!l. !>46-1076
""'"'"B!!!!O"A""'T""'O!!!!R!!!!!!!!!I out. Front yd v.·/palio a: sq. lt. family hvi.l'lg. 3 + 8740 ~FFDAL F~AL~ Ba den. Leaae/option S5CXI. EASTSIDE 3 BR 2 be.thL
CA.SANNA. 163.500. 673-6990 Bd. 2 + bas. Pier, slip. I==="'"'==''=:· °''===I ;;;"'°::::;·;;.,....;,,,;331;;.,. "Al_,.;-;;u-;;"'-"'-::"=·~ I Vacant lmmed. oecupr&nc:J TRAILER? or 1n31 698-3621. Owner may fill. 1-lakt! oiler. F I lo 1410 WATEIU1l0NT, 4 BR. new· UOO/mo. Aat. 546-4141 BAY AVE DUPLEX S2'2>?t1 ounti n V•I y ly cptd, pkg for 4. $550 mo.
Easy access off alley is Ideal ' R, C, CREER, Realty 67!'r27l7 Nowport •---h 3200 for campers and boats Im-2 Modem units ill best area. Will. FINANCE AT 7%1 By -===~~==-I -;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;,.;;;;;;;;;;;.I maculate EASI'SIDE home Easily rented, 11dequate re-3355 Via Lido 673-9300 owner: Lovely 3 BR. Ji( PENJNSULA POINT •
is VACANT UJd ready to tum. Temu; $59.000. mUe trom schools, smp. CHEERFUL 3 BR. 2 Ba. B/B
enjoy_ Your choice of Ne\\'-BURR WHITl BAYFROt-IT HOMES ping, park w/goU coor.ie. W/M!p. family rm., fenced
port Harbor or Corona del REAL TOR Priced from S98.500 '* IMMED OCCUP• play yard, Steps to beach. TOWNHOUSE
M H. h School J " ,_.. Stt us for the: Llclo WW take beach pro"rty for Available Sept. 15th. • .. ,... Adu1ts only. 3 BR. 2'ii Ba. at ig • Ult us o:u 2901 Ne•""" .. Blvd .. N.B. ""--1 d ~ 0 • d •~ -•• f -• ·~ 000 .. _._. '""'IC' to su t your nee 11 do~ 531 ·~ month """aut. eooraLCU . .,.,OJ moth.a•
or 011•Y _,, · 675-t630 6t2-2'153 Eve• W lk RI 67•5-I==· =-=w=~·==== I & WE SELL A HOME 1--~=~~--· 1 a or ty. r •w Hal Pin<M" • -""'· 615-4392 Bay leach
EVERY 31 MINUTES DUPLEX 3336 Via Lido., NB Open Sun. Westminster 1612 OCEANFRONT 3 BR, 1% . Realty, Inc.
W lk & L Sale or lease, immac. tum, BA bl BA. 2-<:ar garqe. YEARLY 001. Dowr Or., NB Sult. us a er ee near beach, 4 Br .. den, 2 Ba, * 4 BR. 2 3 . Auuma e 3 BDRM. 1 Bath Cutie. Low lease. ST:rl~ 645-2000 Eves. :;u,.6966 2 frp!J, each unit. 2nd unit 5~i% loall. By owner. down, low paymts. Built-in
2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams leased at $35.5 mo. $10,000 $60,500. 673-7TI6 range, oven. F.P. $21,500. B h 2225 TOWNHOUSE; 3 Br. 2~ Ba. 545-0465 dn, owner 642-3490. BY 0\YNER 642-J09'2 __ •Y',__0_..,_____ _1 p ,
0 il 9 PM • Ibo I I nd 1355 =======°'==-I • . ., · auo. pool. 2 Car pen 't · M 0 DEL H 0 ME -EX· _a_• __ a_s_•-----· I L a •• h WLVTER Rental, 8\tractiw, aar.; all bltns., c pt a ,•
It's dirty, It needs ~int, on this lmmacul1!e 3 BR 2 CLUSJVE AREA. J Bdnn, OPEN HOUSE 4-7 1-_.•o,_u_n_a_-_, ___ 1_1_05 Newly decorated. 3 BR home drapeg. Lt'ase $215 P..tonth
the lawn needs to bf: bath Condominium, Hu all IAYClEST fonna.I din rm. den: aur-:ru Sapphirl'! Ave. Room to T\VO-UNIT LOT nr. beach, Obie garage, enclosed patio, 871-881.l or 642-2497 IUILDERS REPO mm•red, n ° b 0 d Y Jivn the extras Including garage BEST BUY r 0 u n d 1 n I P 0 0 1 I: build new house on lrvnt + $21,000. term&. Owner: ln4) Bayshorei 645-1.239 'l1re QUICKER YOU CALL,
tl>0-, ll'• vacant, t•-patio • ~· •-1y ~· -· Dial 642-f RESULTS Owner's 1oq on his 2 1tory "" '"' door opener. Owner •nxlous · .,,......,._ e:ir.:lstlni 3 BR, 2 BA new __,.~ .....,,o or THE QUICKER YOU SELL ~ can be your gain. ne.Jghborhood is ni~ and Ir ready to move, Askin& Betttr than new. Improved BLUFFS BAY VIEW J Br,-..3 remodell'!d. Ownr 675-0"2().t 1=======r===--=========!...::=='==:::i:::::0:==:=:~1
Completely repainted lnsidl'! Cll!'&n through. it's got $21.!t;;JO. ~vely. cari;:ta. n~'!r,..· Ba,, on wide gret!Jlbtlt. General 1000 Generel lODOGen.rel 1000
I: out. All new house fea-eveeything you llf.'ed to 140 Lexington, CM acaping
.,... ou Reduced $6000 for quick Hunt.lnrton &Heh 14001-----====================--...:;:.::1 tutta includ~ bonua room. make It a homl!' You'll br (MONTICELLO)' pool Gre•t for family • 4 &alt!! Owner an x Io u a , •1';5!"v_,.t_m11~1!:!vs .. ""t~~.-·.• .• 1•1,........,1• kit.'.·,.2 ~-~C:r~.~.:~~1"'-""""""-,--""'"=""'"=-IY THE SEA C.liQ'O Al'-.( -D'C ~Q.& ~ acan. tee an.,. ..... ~. "" .. otter. $74.500, SALE Or leaae, 2 BR. 2 BA. LOLO DOWN ~~ J.'-Q?J .\..~). ~ J:,l(f" V
HERITAGE 540-1151 and ao fourth. StMl Ill Mn Ho Lux -ndom n-• pu"'-o I s· •-s W · rwy · '"" '..-vu., .... ,. AND Ull~ GI loan S201 ...,o t>e A •mp..-. crmnbled ord.Pv.uleforllChuckle
Loutktn? A Duple f .......... ~O: ;,ai~J265 mo. month pays eVi!rythifl&. 3
V·-1 Vi•wl I I or 64•.1n1 Anytlm• bdrms, 2 baths with a:•rden O'eorrcnoe ...,.,., of ~
• ldtohon. oustom d " p "· fn>w ""'mblod -... Unlbntttd enjoyment In this I"""'"~~~~~...,,. I Coldwell, laftktt & Co. Newport Heights 1210 be•utlt\ll carpets. hardv.'OOd Jow to form four t"P'-\JllOfds. ::" ... ~ii..":~ 3 'i:.'"" No Money Down $20, 900 ! 550 Newport Center Or. OCEAN VIEW !loon ~ "'""" rool. Aduli ., Fl Nu RA I
ram,,. nb w/Mt bar, 3 car 4 BED RM -2 BATH Ntwport &etch, Cellf. 2* Bdrms. 2 Balta. 2 Llvins occupflndl<d on\yf ,bomHW"!')I on this · 1 . I' I I ·[ ~-ft.Qy' J. Ward Ca. owner will 1dJ lo Vt!ll, Excellent area • L&rs:;t patio au.t700 ~JUG nns. 3 Gnraaes. 8&lcony ~ nre o a e.
tC3t GtJuy 'lr. gtg..1550 tc sbow1 a aood ntum. for outdoor run ' rtluia&! tio. Kitchen bit-Ins. And 8 MUTUAL REAL TY
4 llD~~P00L alwaya rented. both are !!°81'.,.!!me advertiaed. SHOPPING For a home! Ca-tali~ bww. ~bt I 8CJ.m2S Ul)'tlme . DU PON OOM 2 bedroom 1 bath units ""'" ·~ Call, "'ri~ or viail our ol· r!w. ut n~a aome $ ,500 BOHUS R $U,.OOO tn a eood u. ot •ta TARBELL--2tSS¥Harbor-t1ce tor yuur fl'f!fi copy o« WOrit. O'l9Tltr w'l.D ma.kt aJ. 4 bdmis 1"-betha, Glen ?\tar.
ElepDt lu'l8 famib' borne, mna, orl(lnally there TRADmONAL qtARM -our "Hornes For Livina'' lowanc• in prlc:t, S32.000 Bullt-1n ranp/Oftn. larrt>
Ftm111 room, bullt-tn kltcb-Wfft <I now there 11 only BAYCRESI' Mapz~. with picturu, Gr1ham Rlty, 646-2414 ld!cben. fam.iJ.y room com· ~;!,..~~ti). 1 and this 11 It. Owner Adult occupied 4 bdrm J bath price1 & cktblllll of our Nt!ar Newport ~ OOice blnatiou.. OU"ptb. drapes,
TARBELL 295S H rbo anxious, atklni prlce I.! home. Huge formal dlf1ln&: ~lect Hating in N"'J)Ort double gal'llgf', fel1Cf!d li
• r room. W•ll ·de 1..i R' n ed. BNich, Corona del Nar, Li Dover Shores 1227 tand~eaned. MESA VERDE SJ•.<so. eo,,,1.,. privacy ... Out· do ' N'1•i. li•cbor. RED r.------....... r..l!,.,!l.ln!lllll•
VIEW LOT valuo -165,!ki). P,1' B&n'oll CARPET REALTY. ""5 IV. -~le m;;-,.._;;:. ---
ReaJty 64243». Balboa Blv., New po r 1 Or $3 tfJ UllllUI
Latte lot 00 -· WW v ACANT 3 BR Bea<h, 9:.00. 61>1000. 2+13 BEST DOWNTOWN &ICt'ba1wt f_or unit&. MOYP tighl in 11parkllng E. Cout Hwy, Corona dd Spa.cioll8 custom 2-ttory IP· Huntington INch DAVIDSON R••tty ORA.NOE COUNTY'S c.ouea:e Park homr. lmmae. ti.tar 9'262S flli) 61>«*! ecutlve home. La.rte formal
*5'e60 £ws. MIMH1 ~RGEST thruout. 2 ba, all elect. bit· 11' ACRE Country Eatate, lb: dlnifll'. room, PllMled den LOCATION. 3 BR. IOf'fl!'OUI '-"~ -$17$ mo. 2629 HAllOA ILYD. in kl!, lg )jv nn, trplc. 36 pool. 3 BR a.atom home. witb Wtt bat & nr-.plact. f'l!'U yard w/detacbed Pl'
W_,. ., ~ l ,.., 2 Ba, 1L1..1._e.1..-a Park-hke •·d. $26,9j().no dn Rea·· yord·, "--~or··-"·. Slltlna room "/fireplaC1!. 3 ate -~n an a1lry. Home hu. .,,. -.,......_. VA " ,,.....,.. w.... bdr, 3~ bathe, Gardtn ert-an audtd fam rm, xaraie
c:twmel fJan& AD XUU. OPIN IYIS TILL t :JO KJ.500. Owner. 531-1636. t.I')'. View of bay • moun-bas a bn.utlful ,vorlul'top.
P'l,0.. Jam ClplettaftO Ln. !!!"'~!!!!!'!'~'!"'"'!'~Ip \V C 516-:">1·10 t• ACRE POOLI 3 Br 2 '2-4.995. Rf!x L, Hodgl!'s Rl'"· ' . ' J -• talm, $82,500. 6'1&-:?151 ...,.
IL& 5;tl),.t50, -.oJ2 For Dt1tJ Pilot: Wll'lt Adi TIIE SUN NE'v"ER SE'TS o. Ba, horses (lf' unil1, $'3.000. ~ l-"-'-·2S2S=--.-,-.~-
OAILY mm WAH'I' ADS! DI.al MJ.86111 far RESULTS DAILY Pll.O'J' WANT ADS! Owner 531-7636 White eWpbanta! DnnH·llnt Whne .t.Jerha.nm ! ::.:;:.;:_;:.;:;;,;:.;_ ___ ~--1-------1----,----
I' I' I ~ired hipp1. '° an--. . ot~ '1 lik•. )'our hairdo
r:==-----. loob Ilk• a -_ lo 0 h'-~ IGIMEOS ~wind.• '•" t-T' -rw"-T-1 _,,.--..r--1 ° c........ "' dwd.lo '.;.:.... byli1' ......... __
-... -~-... No.ibolow.
$"1NlN""6ERf!> lfTTEl!S IN SOUAJtS •
' '
' '
' ' (
' 3
" •
3 • w
'" ,.
"" 53<
ID! to
•• .,
•1 •• .,
l Bl ..,.,
W/d -1110
""' ow
DUPl .....
117 E.
----·--·--------.-.. <t•--·•· . ·-. -.... ....
llo :111 Unfuml"'°" ,.,,.. Fu-A,... '""''"""' • ,...._,, Unlvrnlol:oof APIL Unlurn1.IJ * * • FINANCIAL
. ..
-... ...... '!·~rr ...... . 4100 Huntington llN'ch 4400 c~/ -5100 t:tunllngton ~~ .. But.: <>li••a•"!'!'!!•._ Osaalu ... m, • IZASllQ< ..... lllR.IBA. N•-!Modl I BR Medallion c.iilo. '2·11Rsrudlolptl\O•aa:iil QISZOROAP TS
i.ux. --IUIUns C:OUNTlll CLUI 811_.., ....... """· ~ "" """°' cpta/drpo, l2lf ... -. ""'All ...it pd. -...... LIVING . Patio. pool. QuleL ·$130. bit-IN. SW. °"" SC-35U I lldnn,-Pri '... -.
plltlO ..... -19 Lum>y p--~ ) < !ML -I Wuhu/dr)'tr. !Jll-IS27.
WATERFRONT wUb 3 0' offerit1r comple\e privac:t, NEAR Be a c b , Ii 1tll'Wfy 1 DOR. -.. ,. cpt1, ctrpe:. . e DEL.-LAKE llANQR e ,
do<*, I Br, 1% Ba, ..,, ... _b,.•UM la-.. A ""' dtcotafld atudlo ~ UW ....... t,..h<r or -i,.o I Br. IU\).~cipo!a,
-..SwlL l5tltl mo. ,n,. -...,..tlooal tacll. pd. a-Siii l!'I' '""" oJ9o m l'iowoi-, c.M. p1>o1. .. 11o. iidalta. "' )jet.a.
m.-8898 Wet ln a eountn' club a.t-without klt $80. 535-2S79 AVA!L'BI.£ l/lS, 2 BDRM, 53Mtl7 •
CIWWING t Br. 2\1 bo. IDOlllhere. Now laulrc Ill LAllGJi: Dt1uu! bead> ..... 1 ....... -blt!no .._.. WALK to bOOdli a Br., pr,
heme On ·the Wat.er. Xlnt N~TOO&=-I: ' BR, turnJunfurn. ru No peb, adults,~ dilhwshl\ qtld. drpJ._Patio.
cond. Lie ... ~. ~ mo. Bkr. Furnl&bed or ~ 'Uttl st. Apt 7, HR 2 BDR Apl $1ll5. See T\llo?'I. $JB6. No• daP.. U7-395T
.-.iao. Modtb: O]>t'JI 1IOOl'I --· DDl II m Sbalimat Dr., CM or 2 BR, diiiitD " pet oL DELUXE Condo. 2 BR. I ni: · 64Ul'IO Orange c .. n!r 4600 -,Cll>t.a. -,...., av. ~ ~ ~ 3 BA. OAKWOOD SINGLE Y'""" adlllt.. lux· DELUXE 2 BR'""''°· ..,,.., $130. mo. 962-1637
GARDEN ~~~= .. ....:: ::·i:c'au~ .... I L·~~· ... ch 570S
APARTMENTS plete prtva,.. Sooth a.,. I 1111. $ll5 trldud!'W util. NI' I Br, lockable avz, •""1
3 BEDROPll, 2 t.th. pool. ~~ ... ~($. .. -~~,__ (~~.· Harbor Shop Center. Sept Jt, $150 mo. on tea..
M""°'1 lfel&bta. Avail Sept SlNGLE Younc Adults Luz. --·i. --5Q...88tl, m..12'13 4%-1191 a Pl> mo. (213) 421-1634 . ..,, ........... with ..... m.csoo 2 BR, 11'5. Blt!no, ..... 1=11'=1~AL..-E"ST""A"T"E,_ __
Nowport Helehts · 3210
Whaddy1 WOlll? Whaddyo o.t?
NATURAL IOltN SWAPP'IU .. .,....,_
S Ll--,SttmM -S ......
11ut.U _. m llWIT tNClUDe ~ ,.. ....... fnflL ..._.... ,.. ... "' .... ~VOtHt """" •Mltr ......_ ......... • ...... ... ~/HO l'Ollt &Ale -Tl:ADU .._,.. PKONI 642-!671
try club atmospben ml -adul 30Q11 Wfflclllf 3230 .....,,,. prtvocy. SOtml G1rdon Ortvt 4610 ""'"' av. ts. Gentf•I BAY CLUB APTS. Irvine al C'i:t.ill.:l&I'. 5U-Mn 1---'------
To P'IKe Your Tr-• '''"""° M
$70.XI • eq 2 Br bme L.A.
f.fancbelltr/Vmnont tree
lbal $R)) Want: land, bldi,
B.O., bas.1 eom.m'l, tndut
JlrOt>NB al. (2UJ -
' 6210 AUTO lllX:BAN1C • U
tr t'n11ltt Tw1I o. aato I :~;;;;::4;;;::;~:; I JW'N..,,.. A ,... to m1b p&S 2 BR. 1 BA. htd p:iol.. 16th Newport Brach. Sl!iGLE YOU!JI' Adults Lux· 1 Br apt. stove I: retrta, Pre lhntall Wanhld 5'90
Crptd, drps. bltina. Beamed . (~f) ~ : ~n .=:.co.: ~-U: 240 Avocado St. QtJIET, Serious •t\ldent at<o pilot, f'anle UIO ml: recent I' ........ .,_. ¥s n owr $15.000 lit >"' la u
1\IM!y SfOM. WIU CGl'l&ider ~ tstablilhed ......... call
ceWnp. Elec I: water pd. WINTER. RENTAL -School complete privacy. SOUTH tesidlne UCI dmtts dt•n.
Adults. .., l)tts. 6Q..2514 teacbers -women. M•ximn.s BAY CLUB APT$ U10) -520o private room A: bath by
3. 3 a-, 1 bl, p.r. $225 a mo CHAPMAN 4w.. Cardtn Newport leach Sept 25. Call collect or 11tnd 4 National cash res:l•ten.
:=,~,~~ SILVER VAWY ::.°"::U::.:!";:;
Corona •I Mt:r 3250 Incl uUL No pet.a. A..U 911. G""" <TH> 631>3J3!J YEARL y RENTALS card. (2l3) 651-S299. Mn. <0mputer type, rings 3
FOR Lule _ Cameo Shafts, Seeu•Aw~th'St"'. NB.aft Ii pm. ~ELUXE Jr, l Br, sund@dl:, 4 BR. 2 Baths •••••••• $350 ~~-=l: 5th SL dept,. Va!ue .$1300. Trade
Want 6 to U units .Cout
area for approx, $23,500 t!Q'..
in Jc, 4 bdrm, tam rm +
pool, fonne:r model. Fal'J'tu.
ttc decor! Aat. 548-SSSO
RANCH HOUSE :='.:i. •:1; ,::,:.
& NIPI -ok. Don't -
Smi>lorlru 2 8drm's.con-v-"" • uar, ocean view, carport, 3 BR. 2 Baths ••••• , •• p))I-'=""'=-=,...,.==-for travel tnLileror T!. ACREAGE -H •
•••• ... ~ e:.cpttlmeell. vertible ~ 2 bath's OCEAN FRONT, )Tiy. 1 • 2 $16.S leue. UUl pd. 499-1413 3 BR. 2 Bath& ••••••• , ~ WANTED TO LEASE 541-154$
• iioul liviJw rm dlruni BR apts. Adults only, m 2 BR. 2 Baful .• , ••• , .• $265 NATURE couple v.tltild lUoe Have 15' Teny travel trail· ~ S3'l3 . per. m 0 pets. $lll5 ea, ulil pd. Ref&. 4705 3 BR. 2 Bathe: •••••••• $250 !o lease a nice borne. About e:r (can't tow oUr boat w/
ardent!' incluckd 673-87T8 Avail 9/a:J A 10/l. 61&.3127 L.-gune hath 2 BR. 1 Batta •••• , , •••• $200 $300. RefU'entft. Box M 873 trailer) TRADE W camp. !r collect 2131347-isJ..9 WINTER' Rental; 2 Br, TREMENOOUS View, 1. 2 BR. 1 Ba. rum '•· ''' St751•Dail>-,,,"""Pllo=t"'. ====-er.
O. D. Cole, Rltr: '6<>1111
ico: Commerclal + a.part. m'""· "5,ooo • Trade tot 100 LAKES
Wable So. Cal. Paul Stuart. NEWBERRY SPRINGS
FOR Loue cameo Sborea 6 ocean .new. Patio. xtnt _..,,, •• beach. B&<h apt. 3 BRI. u' BaRR. FurnWH ... IT ... 1Ell50 e LANDLORDS e --Call=-'"'5'"-"'161:;;;6c...._
mo1 or ~ 2 Br o:>nvt. cond. like new. $6-1756 att CUff Drive near V 1 c tor FREE RENTAL SERVICE
den, 2 sa, •pac. li~na: rm, 5 J-lugo. $1.35 mo. Mir. 494-REALTOR Broker ~
dining rm, p.rdetier pd. NEAR New 2 BR tum apL % zm 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. BAL Isl. )Ti)' to '100 by re1p.
S31S mo. 613-8m bllc from ba.y. Yrly ltue, 2 BR duplex, tum I. untum. 67>4630 SC.~ E\'!11, woman. Fum/unt. eVl!f,
E""°" 26' SailboaL load-
ed. lmmac new model
Trade $3000 eqty 1or TD'1
orT!~or~ SPACIOUS 2 BDRM. Crpta fD'.I mo. 60-0010 uk for nr Vic Hu Ill• new $300 to $39S Wattrfronl I.ex· ~. LI g.3)22
drpa. bltns garqe Qu.iei Don Cl'evier • cpta/drp1, ftp!, 1 a r. urioul A e.lepnt 2 IJ1lt 2 MOTHER w I 2 da111hters, ~~ 21' e= c~~
;;:,Bkr;;::...4"'994-"-3'2='3~~~-I MAKE YOUR OWN L\KE
3L4 acres cltrul., L.fndaa1, ,. .._,.., __ ..._ U 10U want • ,.., er ftlD
Calli.. 330,000 equity for m.u.19 ~n of Banta.. an time opportqn1tt 10 _..
boat. ~ or TD'• or freewa¥, Eln. :xii» ft. Near nioney tn a bu:1nresJ tA 7f1t1r
aubmJt, Paul Stuart. Own-lAke l.orH:n. W«idertlzJ. l&l'ld own. For example $2Ca> tn.
er.lbroker ~223 tor aprtcota, .ifalfa, nut tree wmne:nt tan net 1SO ~
""':-:--=-~-.,....,,,-1 .......... IUh nlahtr. bona by apend"" 4 ... moldloit 35' O'lrl.1 Roamer· alao 't\zl.. ranch._ boatma. etc; etc; deliveries.
cpl or 2 ~du ladies. No 1 & 2 BR-Bachelor Apts. '49Tfl(fi6 AA. pool, prt beka:IJ, ~ needs·2 BR home OZ' apt ln tey' hp al. •~.ii;
chlldttn or petg. Yearly Klt-TV-Pool-M.akt Ser. $35. 1 BR tum .... Near beach. a plJ. Boat ~pa ·1vall, Newport Beach. &U-7633 • ai>ts, P•
• .~ L 1HE MESA aubWTanean plrldn( Looka A. runa: well. Want: 673-2278 per "'"'· • up. · $150 per mo, yrly lse, Laun-Ca.ribe Balboa J.. ts * RENTAL SERVlCE * Real Estate 546-2011
CAMEO Shores. 2 BR, ,fl5 N. Nwpt ~vd. 646-91181 dry fa.cl. Gar. 4M-1868 llO Fernando St, N~B. FREE TO LANDLORDS CLEAR I~; ~Va)..
Coavert. den, 2 be.. ·~ BALBOA Peninsula. Lovely (714} ~ Blue Beacon 66-0111 ley & N. San Dl~o cnt;v. ~v. nn I; din. nn. pnlener modem 2 ~R apt. Carpets. GentrAI 5000 3 BR. 2 BA Eutblutt area. NEED 2 Bdrm. apt in En~ for Orange O>un-
incl. 6 mo lease or n. $3'l5 drapea. Bi:t-ins. SJ.85 per (7.U Dominao Dr. N.B.) Harpl!r Sch. area by Stpl 1. ty property or 1 T. otc
mo. m-.877fl mo. SG-31 Brand MW baJt'OD)' view Reuonablt!, 645-ll55 675-3243 t'e'I 173.(00ji
" BR. 3 ha. home. Yearly, LARGE bachelor, Hke M\\'. VEN DOME trom both ~uter BR" llv loo • for Rent 5995 '69 FORD noo SUper Van,
$215 mo. No children or ~ b1Gck to be.y or beac~. nn area, frplc, dlbwalu', m Delun, many n:tru, camp.
pm. Y.'m. Winton fltal W61h 15th st. Wl.nta' $133. lltMACULATE APTSt $310 mo. No children or C 0 LL EGE GIRL, oH-er eqp'd, tor older wan, bus.
Esta.tr. 67S-3331 Yearly $16. liJl...6450 ADULT 6: FAWLY pell, ~1260 or 5tU482 campus I Iv In 1 on Balboa or tranJportatlon car. Take
1F Yoo trill pay $325 mo, you BAYFRONT, 11pae. 2-3 ~r, SECTIONS AVAILABLE BEAUTIFUL BAY VIEW Island. Rec :1Jl wrrv A: over pymts, 646-1158
must see thi& 3 Br, 2 Ba. So. pvt. patio. arnJ. boat slip, Close to shopping, P•rk Split·levtl conckl in Blutt&. phone. Meals 1 n c I u d ,• d . Tnde-2300 aq ft buaineu
or the hwy borne. '7"'a-3446 wtnter lat!' $191)-$225 mo. • Spadoul 3 Br'a. 2 Ba Trina model s BR. 2% Ba. 675-J6l.3 rental; oUiee or ret&U ibop
or 6M-Oll97 lnel. utll. LI M3!ti evn * 2 Bedrooml frplc. d.shwsr, cpta. drpe, 2 BDRM'S So. of Hwy. l blJt. for 2nd TD's. 2ll·213 62nd
3 Bdrm., Ootan Blvd., view 2 BR turnlahed dup}a, % blk * Swim. Pool, Put/sreen patio, pnp w/auto door from b@e.ch. $ll5. Adults. m St, Npt Bch, owner. cnlt
home. Lease, yearly. from ocean. U2 42nd St, * Frpl:, lndiv/lndry tac'la Gpe:nff'. Aftil early Oct. pets. 60-7898 )f4..31Ql, eve (713) 246--0100
Don Frankll.n, Rltr NB. $175 per mo--util paid. 1145 Anaheim Aw. W.S.. 644-f4f4 NICE Room, good ioca00n, Tax Shelter 1r: Apprec. in
673-2222 Call aft 6 pm. 6'B-8lf2 COSfA MESA ~ NEW I Br, 2 Ba,, crpts, dl"PS! kitchen privUegts, $55 mo. maJ. center, AAA tenant.
2 BR. dbl llU'i'· Jg yard, NEAR New, acrou from • RENT • !rplc, -· ""' , .. tio. 548-'998 D.,.., m-0289. ht TD ,,_@ 6%. 1"'d•
OK tor boat. trai!.tt, etc. Bay. 2 BR. 2 BA. Winter ~ from Coco• Ir: GENTLDIEN ~beach. pool, for ro, land •• , , ? SUbm.it
17.50 mo. 873-20'25 rental. $225. hlq\tir@ at 223 J Rooms Furniture We:attlil: Plaia. S 215 · tennis, retrig., entrance. offer, ~ Bkr.
3 BR •• BA. ' '""" '"''"'· 19th SL NB. 613-7106 $20 • $25 & UP -$85. mo. 536-!51' Lak• Am>wbeod W&t•~ f)'plc, iardener incl. $.WI. OCEANFRONT Nu:e 2 ~R. Month-To-Month Rentals DEL'tJiE 3 BR, 2 BA. trplc, SLEEPING room for man by front lot $50,CQI val. Pacific
Mo. 6.15-542J winte!' rental. no pets. WIDE SELECTION c:rpuf drps, bltins. IA blk month only. $40. 1 5 ( 3 Pa1isadts Ocean View lot.
Ous N • B ·'-w Adults 67:>-1!7J ... _11_·_ ,._ TV'a a--n fnn f'ba.y It beach. Adulta, n-.-c M $27.SOO val. Want: lllOOme, SPACI ew r. v..:: Rl'----0 • ....... $1 54>l09B ............. , · · Bia 5@.'TIU
tin view lot. all util, Botti
-& clear, Track: TD's 40 ACfttl IW1ch Land, tu> o.· view home, NB area. Oi'e, proved wrra: modern 2 BR
"m"';.u-.,,-43_• -"'-'='M>l>::-:=-:-,,; 1 nncb bout:, la• Jiv rm. '68 Camaro 337 R.S. P/S beamed eelllag, breakfast
R/H. Auto. Trade for T.D. nn, kitchen, modern bath A
camper or consider &nf-plumbln1. Tuk houae en-
thlll&', 2M Knox St., CM. c'-inl 1000 pl plv, If.or.
~2991 tvel. age tank under f5 lb. ~
"A.::dajace=;:_.:,1=1o"'i.-. ~w-.atcl~llf=. I IUl'W. With double p r. 0m.
NB. Value $30,000 eacb. aete septic tank. aD dee., i...m 5 bp ...... 301 pl per min Trade up or down: e, at 1111' depth. Im~:
Harbot area duplex, tit re• Fenced wttb l " by C' x 3001t
tderu, boat ! MS-&565 redwood fence. 1 MUa Eut
'68-16' COMANOIE IMP, at 1Cboo1.. fJliiOOO.
155 Buick OMC. trailer, COV•
ers, Extra1. FOR LATE
?tlODEL CAR. -Ha.ve 13 units, will ex_·
cbanae for land, trust
deeds. penonal mt or ! T
Nancy J, MOOft, l!rokeT.
LOVELY home on Altadena
Go.U Cbuv. $%% aaswn-
able loan. $59,950. Trade for
beaclt uu. Owner • Lee.
642-3m5 or 131-6712
Or will tubdtvid• I 0
1cre1 all improv•rn•nts
$55,000 or 10 acres' un-
im proved S2 I ,OOO.
40 % Down. lal111ce on
lit trust deed,
CALL 147-6640
home. Avail Oct. lst $450 YEARLY Lease-Steps to ?JG Securltf Deposit $15 WEEK It up w/ kit. A.pt I ==--,.--'c.,,.--,--,-,.,-,
month.Agent673-2222 OceanorBa,y.lor2Bdrm RJ'RCFumltun;Rentals 2 2 Ba,.crpta_~trpl, S30 week ·UJ>. Sunny Acfta 20'c.entW")'Runabout,kleal WbatdoJOGbavetotndlT 1Wt• -VU• \l\:n "1
_ aptJ. * 673-7452 517 w. 1tth. OI ~ , near Wntclitt PWa. Motel ~ bay cru111n&. ti.sh.I~. etc. Lili lt him _ 18 er....,.
Huntington BHch 3400 MODERN 2 BR, cloee ID 1561 w. LnclD, Anbm 11..-·~ ~ 1601 ROOM, LquDa, ma 1 e • ~. 1n~°!i •w•IA~~ ~~~ CauntY• llrJcut reed tr.do fURNJIL" -.!!.~ ..!.~ -v~;
OWi beach, frple. Adu I t I, un• rtvate bath I. enl:r)' po .. .,,...,. Stg.; ""... 7a'lo• _,...,, ....,.... wi. • ,..
AVAl.LABLE N All blt·inl. $1~ Mo. 642-3490 ,, R unturn cottages. Pool. ~ after 6 pm • . ever. 9661. tna PG't -ur.1 maim a d&al. Maeder 'l'l6-8010. ~
3 Bedroom. 2 baths. Cl°" ., 2 BR, 2 o children "' -. ~ _. * * * * * ...._ to shoppin&: and schools. SPACIOUS. crpu..i, l6th st. NB. 64f>..46&f BACHELOR • Private blllh 1ll . Comp~te:ly deaned. Lease BA. N(rttC)~l~ Nep-ID1llSM ........ ~BR dupl~ li9 blk to beach &: ehtry. $90. incl -\ltil, NO ~![!!l!~~~!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!J!~!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!f I lxchl.-_ a.· I. 62JO
.t -. ......... month. tunl!'. llSMIRAt--. ' ' KITCHEN! ~2955 REAL ESTATE REAL •STATI W-,k~· & L TRIPLEX. 2 Bdr: or untum. arr.-IOOMllAJI mrKI VteW of ocean. '1S--1977 5 TRADE: Cam.ml'l'dal lot tn a er ee $175/mQ 9 me:,; SJIO/mo 4JSW.lM.c..t.Mtm...,,n , wkdyi afttt S. jA;tel1. Trlr. CrtL 5997 Generil Gentril R lve rst d • oe: main
'1682 Edinger yrly. lll 18th St., NB ·v. c:PtVIAUsclle :: ~~2 i:m !:: S.G NIGHT UP Office Jtent1I 6070 L... 6100 throughtaft. $1T,l'.m equ!V,
s.U-4456 or 541).5140 DELUXE 1 BR. i~ to p.55, 2 BR f.pl~ I ,.... W ~2354 -644-0906 a Kitchenel1e, TV, maid terv LAGUNA BEACH = =· =t : • -==°"',-'-:,,• ,..·-'""":--=::-• ""11.an. Ad!.,ts;,!..125 mo plus Bkrw /W ·.,~n I: pe:ta O.K. YEA..,,RLY ...... L 1.1 3 BR 2 ha • Phone service and pool. Air Conditioned VACANT ollm. Owner. ms Ad.. I ~ A Bllnl ur gar. QI-Ii • ~ -""" .u • Cafe • Bar ON FOREST AVENUE ~A RI t d
3 rr:~n:l\n ~ 8..s.QtH:' 3 Bdrm, 1 BA. crptg, % bl]( $130. 1 BR, patio, )'t/0, ~33~ St. % blGck ocun. 2376 Ne"WPGrt Bl. CM Desk space available 1n CLEAd R 2 LOT 92506 w ., \I' t n e . cove~ patio, brand ~ to bch. $250 mo. yrly 126'N refrq". W/W, vW pd Bl"Olu!r 548-9755 newest oUice building at n •
crpll 1. lots or frHh pW\L 40lh St. ~ S3'-6980 WEEKLY rates Sea Lark pritDe Iooation in downtown 5 Bt.0CKS TO BEACH BUSINESS •na
Colle: to achls a: shpg. Avail SMALL Furn 2 BR apt $175. $135. 1 BR. blt!na. refrig. East Bluff 5242 Motel, 2301 Newport Blvd., Laguna Beach. Alt condl· R. D. SLATES RNlt'On ,INANCIAL
Sept. 1. $230 mo. (213} WiDter only. 117 A 19th N.B. Patio. Adult&. Locil Blcr. TOWNHOUSES i, 3 I. 4 BR. Costa Mf!Sa tioned, carpeted, beautiful 5J6.S8(11 M7..m.9 ---------351-978'1' far appt Adj to bay bch. 675-0736 645--0lli en~: Frontage on · -Bui. Opportvnlt .. 1 000
3 Br, 2 Ba, den. frpl, w/w OCEANFRONT. 3 BR, 2 Ba. $185. NEW 3 er, J Sa, Pa&, ~"or~ Way. Income Property 6000 Forest Aw., rear leads to Acre... 6200 WHOLESALE
crpts, 1crttned porch, pool, turn. Frplc. Yearly lease. pool. Avail 'now. LoCal Bkr I DELUXE UNITS MuncipaJ, parking lots. $50 Ligun• lkech DISTRIBT.Fl'ORSHIP
refa. no pets. f250 mo. ·1ae. Deluxe. $3SO. 67l-70S3 &45-01.ll 6 2 BR • 2 3 BR -h with peandr ~~ torll..,blcee .fotee_s"k 7 ACRIS W/PERMIT Se-Mee new Tffnqe bud-
541>-1'52 • WINTER RENTALS • Coron• Ml Mer 5250 • a: • .,. c • ...,,~ ava a -· ' Tilat' .._ ..,_ w. E TALS 2 baths, all the CUltoro !ea.-Bu!ine:aa hours answe:riQg TO KEEP HORSES neis. 1 •·~• ~ .,..
3 BR. w/w crpting, drps, WlNIFRED L FOSS. Act. R N tures of a nice home. Locat· service available tor SIO. Adjact!nt subdMston o 11 e money 11 today!
bltns. Children I. t>e1.I • 6C-3850 • Aptt. Unfvmkhecl -ed on caraway Drive. Costa All utilili6 paid except mile E. of hwy utfl avatt We help you Ht up your own
I ••• "~ •.., u · S35 000 "'·"' t_, bul1ne:u in area ne&J"Ht we come. _......, DELUXE turn 2 BR at ~ t.lesa, Excellent for v~ 1n telephone. .,.·, , 'ii_...,_, ht trust )'CIUr home. Top loc&..,.. I-;=:::=;====:::=;,:: be:ach. Wlnttt. $155 &: $165 Costa Meu 5100 ~ ·.,.,. or tax ttturn property. Prlc-DAILY Pnm S1nt1 An1 Heights 3630 ulil pd. Call 6C-8'1S9. ~ $139,000. C.all Mr. Ferru-222 FORE.ST AVENUE MAKE OFFERl l mw available. Unlimited
3 BR. all util pd. Immed. oc-LARGE 1 BEDROOM CTION ON TEN ACRES aon or Mr. Krauter at LAGUNA BEACH Wrlte Cll' contact: Georre J'L f{;'-;;' ~~n~~at pro.
cupancy. $100 mo. SJ.SO Month. oceanvinr (OllSJRU l & 2 BR. :rum I. Unf\Jnl 5'6-:tlll. &-94&6 Kreu, Box 914, Lacuna Seeumf c:uh tnvutrnent on-
•54&-0347* e 673-&lll * Fireplace1 I prlv. paliGI I OFFICES 81!.aeh or Phone 49MTl6. Jy $3145. Work put time to
Duplu .. Unfum. -3975 Newport H.... 4210
FRONT 2 Br duplex on Santa * Clean 1 er 2 BR *
Ana Ave. Rap. adults. no Adults. no pets, 2421. E. 16th
pet&. $145 mo. GU-9139. St. ~ mo. up. 646-1801
JUSJ (OMPlfTING Pooh. TeMis. Contnt1 Bkfst.. Reotption-Anlwerin& $8 DOWN, SS PER MO., start. Men or MIMh, no
900 Su LaM, CdM 64f.'61I Secre:tarial $795. ltlLL PRICE. buya 10 selllnc. You'll Jov• HI
Herbor Hilghtt Four !MacArthur 11r. Coast Hwyl 3345 Newport Blvd., N.B. acre1 tn So. CaJH. L. lnwstipte now! Pb tor ~ A: s BR UNITS 5'5-lliOl Shewfelt, 325 W. 3rd St., appt <n4) 968-1373.
all with flttplacet. Bolboo 5300 NEWPORT HEIGHTS PRIVATE, /Jr -<0ndltlo""'· L.A. <213l e5l03 MINI-ZOO
dilhwuhen It 2 baths. ample parking; 1elerted 30 ACRES. H.lJADS, nr Rlwr Oriitnal Colledlon
Rental M&nqer -NEW 2 BR, 1 Ba, ytarly ~n· Uve In t.he bachl!lor unit l tr.nan!&, $60-$13. ~ &: St Hwy, beauL JWJt CANDY SUPPLY
.tENT AL! 4250 t.tr1. Chrlrtiensen taJ. cpll, drpL Sl.85 mo. receive $280/month from du. I ~·"'='~646-~ll_03.;__~-~ 1 S30/ml.'I. Pieturt1. Ore. uk RO\Tl'E
Apts. Furnished Co ron• d1I #Mr 31 17-A ClnMmon Ave. Call 673-1212 eves. plex. COSI'A Meaa ll'OOnd 0oor of. lot' Dale ~7513 or 642-6630 AFFll.JATE
~-narol 4000 _ -~u boch. ~.~c s.. CHll Mt:IO JEAN SMITH """ Alo, poneUtng. crpt., TAKE over 5 •a.a, no-.. (No Sallln( InvolV<dl -~ r """"~ _.... pL---u•1034 II Ibo I I nd 5355 ' d I --~1 39c 123. mo. Nev ,,,,__ I town. Exeellent 1ncome for few , to apprec. Busine:u man. ~-I I II R--1.a. rps,ampe~ .. ng. sq. -$115. BAOIELOR apt. \\ fW, UtU pd. No c 0 0 k 1 n g . I '!I! ... !!!!!!!!'""""!!!!!!!!!!!! -----·I wurrOr rt. 1555 Baker. 546-4890 894--4?4.1 Aft. houri weekly work (Da,ys or
ulil pd. pool. Br 0 Jc er 6Th-4858 HARBOR GRrruS LITI'LE Balboa Island on '46-3155 CdM, 250 ,. ft ottlce In e:ve:ninp). Reftlllna a eel-.Ult Grand Canal. DelAlxe 2 BR kctina motWY trom coin 534-'980 -LARGE MOD BACHELOR I BA walerfront w/boal I'!!!!!!!!!!!~~~'""""'"" I Atcade bldg, Bath I: pk'i. operated dlspenttrt In Cetta
S2K>. 2 BR ld"Aier dplx. Close Beautifully furn all 11til.pd. BACHELOR onfum from dock $265. Yeuly lease. No HEY! SllS. m..3048 Mua 6: IUJTOUnd1nl area.
to ocean. Qrl1dren " pets $100 mo. 540-2266. $UO. Aho avail 1 • 2 It S ct.ildren or pets, To see call This one makn money, 2 We tit. route. (Handin
o .K Bkr 534-6980 Bdrm. Heated pooh, child owner fB.-0207 btdrooma +pl~ .. new car-ComrMrcl1I 6015 name b r a nd candy la
4100 Balboa 4IOO care center, adj to shopplna:. YRLY., unt, beaut. upper pet& throughout· Price bu anaclu) '1515. Cub re-l<C:!os~l~a~Mall~~-~~1;;~~:;;;;:-;~.-;il, .. ;;:/ No..... dupln apt, V<ry close to ...... duood to ..... -P-R-IC-E-r.S--Rl_G_HT-ulnd. r ... -Int· I-WINTER ttntal, ....... now. 2700 Ptttrlon Way So Bay 4 Br 2 ba $315. $41,950 (terms>. 1; «rView ln Colla Mn& am.
$30,QO wk. up Lc..iy new, tum, ht 1loor Coot& M.,. -· s.ii...,,; J!8i1y '':n.-Mnd namo, -• -
h. duplex. 3 BR. 1 BA, number to MuJU.St:att Inc., • Da.Y. •eek. mont wuher/dcyer, dahwhr, 1••· MARTINl""UE 50'xl63' Commm:lal .. ,.,., a Studio Ir: Baeh, .Apts. ..-. 135.5 E. Balboa BM. T H t1ntf -h 5400 lo~ on Ocean Ave, in Hunt• 9057 E.. ~ Hwy ..
•Ind lnlll • -"'"· -GARDEN Am. "" °" tnrtoo ..... a:..,, S35.ooo """'"""' C&UL ll02C2 <m1 • Maid Stno\ce. TV avail. tn4J ~n73 L Excdl • -·-" ):1.-mrrou,nd. Fu RN ts HE D OR UN· ~231~ • 640-nn With $150 monthly income:. 1161-om
a New Cafe A: Bar CLEAN Bachelor Aptsf° inp ::;.,adult;~. FURN1SHED AT Ocean N.B., 2 bou1a, Patine Shore1 Realty _;;;;l:..ad:;;;cle:..t~A~ppa--rol~Sl~L-:op-· I
2316 Newport Blvd. 5(1.9'156 All util Ind $15 '*' Bach. l., 2 • 3 BR.. 'Apta. 2 Bedroom carpets, drape:1, kq lot, 1d. income. other 538-8894 or 841-3586 NOW'S THE Lift lo own )'OU!' own buil-
t BR apt, newly painted &: ~AE. Balboa B.I~ Pool, nr lhopptna. buUUn1, rood 1ocaUon. One properly also. 615-092'J Evenlnp can MUT28 ne11T Htrw'1 a nal oppor.
crptd AllG bachelor apU: · im Santa An.i, .\pt. W. block to 5 Points sum,1, * CONCRETE 0 t..... ~ tunltY to own ,our own abDp w/~ rooms • kit· WWl'ER• RDn'At e 648 R e Sl:JJ up. Owntt M.2-2835. tL Pl...,. 10% NET wUh a tnllD ~ 1or
cbeno. O>d•r people o"'>· 2 BR. utll pd, ho .. ~ No """'f""a1·~rw-'--:iv"'. "'Vi'ill'~•:.;l-nt.-1 Manager nm EWa Apt D ~~· ~:::_• ~...... Plua TIME FOR -.Jn Ille --$.110 to SU> mo. 2135 Eli:kn, cb!Jdren. p& E. ~ •1 •r• "l'W 842-&103. ..... as. n, Depreelat.lon 4 amortiAUon BelCb arta. AD mercbaft..
Apt&. c.M. BJw.; smmo. . ' 2 BDRMS. • 2 BATH 11 .. 1n-Roni•! 6060 ruty '"""· • .., ' ••" dlae la '" -No EAST Side 2 BR furn, clean. 1 6: 2 BR apt&. Nr brJw,. $'75. Near er.-. Co Airport I bid&., lf'eal apptec\ation po. lDYntment In ~.
adults only, no peta. JM E. per wk. 10 $125 pc n-. UW UCI. Adults: only. 20122 FOR RENT: Btautif'UI 2'100 tenUIJ SUS.OCO. 7%% Insur-QUICK CASH Pt.l' atttr H ii ad. W• tr.In
lllt.ti Place. $1&5. Mn. pd. 536-aJl a mall Sallta Ana A\lt. H>-2116 $150/ Mo. HEATED POOL 1q ft ltcn, tuJly crptfd A ·~..-~~·....!°tal $210,000. ~-IQa'V• ~ _ .. )"Oii ~.
fncd, cpt/dJ1>1, Kldl: OK newt,y deeoratcd nuonab1e ""'""' .,........,... ......-·-... ""
DELUXE 1 BR. spaeiout, WINTER 6: YH1b' re:~· LCE &ehrllor "'1L Sharp. Delaware Sba1Ho Apu. m1t. Trame ioc.Uon tn ========0 I matkm. ....... of phone r. L.
kleal <or .. ....,.,,, JW, lOl Eut ...... -vd. '620 Det&w ... HB. lnctuotrlal •ontal '°'° THROUGH A 'llemoy 21lO -llolb-1993 Cl!ureh. 548-9633 Balboa. Btoktr l7'Ml80 Cpl.I/~ Nr.· So. <but ~ anyt1qit' 53s..tll& eentu of San Oentent. For wood W.,, 8'atril.nk, cant.
l~~~~~~:W::::;:I=======::::: I Plua, occ. am 1oc1 rdrl(. tnto. coll 646-4711 F OJ' la•M 4200 Sq Ft -<213> MMl4o.
OUPl.EX 1 Br. tum1"'"d: llalboa hlaftil 4US A utll. See at 913 V&lend& * BIACHll'U•F * -MARINERS CENl'ER ••" 81"-Nr Dntown .. ------
qultt "'-•Pt 2 &It PM ...... ., A all • r C-otl•p J::'ll. M••y ••-al 'DAILY PILOT *~ 1;.*'llCID °""'"'.. _It": I I IT ' •54S-2m• wnn1:R Rental (UtUe llltl wktnds. r-New 2 I 3 Br. 2 Ba. F.A., oroc. or beauty lhop, f'tflt mis ... ..,. __ ..,. _ •-~· .,. 1• .... 2 di.shwshrs. pa\lol. po o-lt or ie ... m lO 1125 pe:r mo. UHi. Contact owner, ll'tn -.. -L ~--w• •Na.au Palms • with .. nwns ,, .. LARO£ 2 BR. 1~. BA, •tudto vn. l • 2 story, walk to JG atwrskk Aw. 66.J4J-4 M r. Oickersan. iON-coU«t<iis~
1 • 2 BR. Pool Br, food bit. ff' Ir. <lhq>, apt tn ~' adJ. aoJI 5 Potn~ Sllofl. H.B. small.-'42-Doyo WANT AP ~ ... e~··-• -Ill IJ ITT E. 22nd St. lid-3M5 Pf'lo ISCl!illta. S1JO,. m-66H coune. Pr1 p.~lo. btUM. MT:.SS01 Catalina hland S7'5 Mo. 1r.1• u1 E -...,. .. __ , ..
Fun! btchtlor apt. 2 BR. •rtadld pr, adulta. crpts. drpe, t"tfrW, No pet&. Phone Avalon 117 --2 W&. ndiecor.: badt • r •' e •
115. mo. No...., Winter ot ,..... -· DI T.16 , ..... '*''1'4 MODERN 2 Bdrm. Crpta. Loft: 6100 ~ --Oller. • &0-4189 • 1~ fTI4l atel1 1 or :a BR. run ot unfum. df1ll., bUm, e.ncloted pl", lT's 8-eh boo-. tfnM. Bia'· .......,., ...
2 BR. HEATED POOL i BR. 1ittadltd 1ar1 adult.. Ntw U'J)t. I pijrit. Nr ehop9 ••tins bv, panelled wall In .-c: .ettedon nu! Seit tbl!I NEWPORT OoeM v-i.. lot. 642 U'78 x. YOID' Ad lloarmwrilli1t ~duli1, no pets. it«S. + urll, W1nt-r t1 JtV kur. '20 Sb:lw befort 4 lf6.G22 ~ llv rm. No pe:t1. M mo. CAIL.,. PrL01' OaulfSed 'Pruienl!.J mned ~ wilts. ..... &on..-wll be bidlll lclr
IH.2--961> 0n)'X. m4\ llJ..Oltl l"blldttn or petl' I 2112 England St. ~ . IM!dion NOW! .-..ioe tt. Dial..,.
! •
' I
l I
--.. '. . .. I••.._• ' • ., • ' " '• •• • ' • • '' ' •• -----... \-. ....... -..... -........ ·~··· .. .._ ..... ~·-··---.. -. . . . .... •
. . . ·-... :.-:~·..:.~:·· ......
. -----· ........ ..... ·····~··· ... -· .. . . -..... . .....
For Your Conv.. -All Positions Offered
f • •
CLA$SIFICATION '"7100 . ~· ,~ HELP WANTED (Men and Women>
Tl \'
-Opporiunffles 6300 Loil 6401 Jobe-Mon, Wom. 7100 Job-"-", Wom. 1100 ::;J=ob::'==Mo=n::.'...;Wo.•::m.::.:.. . .;._71:;00~1 ....-..-. Jobo Mon, Wom. 7100 abilities 1---.....:..' --1 ------AAA ~~~~UPPLY
Emtirw wor1c remurc &
~ JnODe7 from coin
~ dllptimn ln )'OUt
..,..,, y~ be able to dnote
2 to I bra per week' to make
wt')' aood LIDlmll, No 8dJ. q __
$995 to SU80 requittd
(Rued on put or fllD timt I
For penonal intemew in
)'OUt are&. lend name, ad-
~ I: Phone no. lo:
590 No. A2u.sa Aye.
OMna, Caltl '1722
B U S I N E SS Opportunity
availabae for lndtvk!ual tn-
teretited in partldpatl.rw in
new Costa Mesa sailboat
m a n Ufacturtne Olmpany ....-
Money to Loan ~20
< I -'
When You
Want it done
right •••
BOSI'ON Bull, !em. vk:. of
Santa Ana , A 2'ltd. C.M.
Jt. e w a I'd • Cbea.rtbroken)
CJr.Jlimite() CLERICAL
ager.JCjV * BUSIOYS *
REWARD. Lon ont ~ month Quall()' Pttsltloaa for
old female Himakyan kit· 488 ~ :t:pl~~~f
Rn. Vic. The BluJts. NB 0.ta Mesa 6U-lf1'0 644-4957
"ACCOUNTANT, aemi • OJ' FEM. Ger/Shep. bllr: " Ian. IJ&ht Rniar for ~ approx 1 yr o&d W/IUl'gical
U yean or over.
Apply ln pe:nion
} ( I
Call one of
the experts
listed below!! llC&l'L Vic. Bal llf•. Rn.a Oranae Co. CPA firm, M\&Sf
675-0029 er 26% 39th St. have lllboul 2 yrs. reoent
pubOc accounting exp, 1555 W. Adams, C.M.
LOST: Slarne8e ldtteu. 5 cap ab I t of audit BUSBOY
llolryollflng 6550 Carpet CIHnlng 6615
SERVICE DIRECTORY ~ F~. ~1· a c-r:'. respons.ibilities.. CPA 0 r A~ limch I: dinner. CPA can<fula te . only. Call Prefer 18 yrs. or oYer,
I I 6755 R<wv<. "4-4447 "'7-1'6! 1"' _._nt OISHW••uER ronng GREEN And vr"llow ~~ , ACCT-GEN'L $5541 A"! & PM. Owr IJ m.
RESPONSCBl..:E rn o t b e r CARPET • --cloaning IRONINGS i.. m.v home prarakttL Male. V i c • Stable e5tab. co., tap bm@.
desires babysitting in my ruin. ; "' ••v · Newport Heights. 64&-0n.T !ill. l yrs collea:e ar equiv. * APPLY IN PER.OON *
Bal Isl home. PrMchl or for 1 day service ' qualily $1.2S per hour. % '-rd. % Sia~ eat call George, 5464CO work, call Sl.eriin& for 54&-'1910 * ~ kinderpnen age pret, can brightness! 642--853> ========:I ~ /black spots. Rew'd. JASON BEST
be playmates to my 2 little ;;;;;:;~o:::,,:.=c.==,,--= Janitori•I 6790 54a.-Ol97 E1nployment Agency
girls. Avail u of Sepl 14.. DIAMOND ls a carpets be1t SIAMESE cat. a.ru5wen to 2120 So. Main, Santa Ana
Pl call oolJ f
friend! Diamond Carpel \"AL' "' ,_.,_ .., __
Snock Shop No. 1
2IOS E. C..d Hwy.
Coron• del M11r, C•I. ease ect at pm, Cleaners. ~1317 ,y ~. WuiuuWll, ....,.,.., treckles, female. Lost vie ACCOUNTANT, p I ea a ant
(713) 243-4181 or (213) carpets. Corn.mercial A: East Blutt. 644-4529 put 1Jme )'o"OJ'k, age no bal'-1---------
247.-0324 residential. Daily, weekly tier. BDx M 760 Pilot Carpet L11yln9 & and/or Mo ~ 1350 ""S ~-,-~~~---~--I
Jmmedl4te opening In the
pubUcatJori depa.rUM.nt oI
this Pl'Oll"t'Slive computer
manufacturing firm,
Requirements include a mlfl.-
bnum of two years rtttl'lt
experieoee in tec.hnicaJ typ..
lng for publkatiooa IUl'h as
malntmance and operations
manuals, spec.lfteatioos and
technical reports.
Good starting rat~ plus ex-
cellent frln~ bend.its ui-
cluding & l'A-eiW: day hollda,y
vaC11tioll from Christmas
day tluu Monday following
New Yeari;.
varian data
# 16 F"1Uon laWtd
Newport Beacb
Apply in person
HELPER <Ma.lei Steady
job. Day Shlll Tpp wages.
Call W03pie 8J3.alU 2 +
GoU Couree, 18021 CUIVtt"
Rd, NS-Irvine, nr. UCI.
needed at
210& Ocan.front
Ncwporr Beach 675-1714
* DISHWASHER 2nd TD loan CHILO CARE Repair ~26 · 0
;"-Personals ~ Admlnlstr11tlve Asst. e BUSBOYS e DISHWASHERS I Uttle girl, ~e 214 to 5 ____ ..:.:;=::.:..;:.;;:: SPARKLE Janitorial 4: Win-____ f _R_E_E_I___ lo $650
)'ttl'S. AB playmate &: com-FOR CARPETING dow cleanJng Serv. Win-• Good bacJc&,round, mature Full t:ime'. Over 18. Neat ~ A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY Full rime day shlft
Prompt. amldential aervlce
642-2171 545-4611
Senring Harbor a.tea 20 yrs.
S.ttlor Morlgoge Co.
panion for my 4 year old OR CARPET LAYING dows. fftld .• comcl, const Bu~ e oat Ing Coone With administrative ability, pea.ring. Apply in penon.
2722 Michelson Drive THE FL YING Bt.rn..ER
daughter. Meals included. c A Pa-642-2070 Oeanup. F'J'ee est. 96Pr2691. oUered to the public by the Catona area. can Loraine,
Near ~ A Edingl"I'~ ~· =:·=:=·=·====== &S"l'ATE Malnt Trff Serv Balboa Power Squadron !'or Merchll.trts PenoMel, ~
Fountam Valley ana, fa).00 Electric.al 6640 Removal & ~ free people Interested in sailboats Westd.iff Or., N.B. 645-2770
(San Diego Fwy. to Jamboctt I ====673--0977'=='-~~~-I off ramp l hlk S. U> DISHWASHER -Full time.
15' E. 11th Sl
Costa Nesa
Michelson Dr.I Apply ODIB'a. 2U E. 17th
3lS E. 17th Stneet a week. Call ~7-7187. EL ECTRICIAN;tiCensed, estima!ir Call 541-00!!I. as well as po~r boats. • A'ITENTION •
Irvine, c.alit 92664 St., Costa tt1esa.
MO'nfER Will. babysit. Near bonded, amall jobs, maint I: ' E\l'!'ry Monday n~ght for 13 ATTRACTIVE ~ T.0 .'1 6345 Harber Shop Center . repairs. 548-SJlJ Landtc•ping 6110 ~-eeks.Sep~~~~ p.m., wo~
Enclll5ed backyard, pa.tao, I ~~======== on., I. note. Could you usir $5(4100 extra knNSDWCl'lON Money playroom. 9 mos lo 3 yrs. Floo-.,.,,_.,.,,, HIU..S A SLOPES our book first n.ichtJ at Newport ach week" Can
''"' UDV'1 .,._,.,_,..,. N••t -·-_;. H-~, Yacht Oub, 120 W. e · )'OU spe.re Now and thrU the school avalla.ble for income ~ preferred, $4 da,)' -50c hrly. 1---'------;._;c; ...--""•.:r ...... ,,........ ........ ..... ""' 10-20 hn a week & Werking
ducirJg i:mpe:rty. Fore.Ian A Full time or occasional. Ex· Carnat Vinyl Tiie 'l•rill be worse! Get Pl'!> Bay Ave., Newport Beech. your own area" Over 21, Do )'Qr. l8 or over. Apply a!·
r-teclion now! Call 4!&0811 No advance registration_ En. · • temoons U6 pm at -.8 ~~ ~urmtc-~~ depend ab I e All sl.yles l"."'CI colors * Li•'d J•--·· , _ _. ____ roll at clan, Any question, you . haw: a car'! N_o ~I· FIVE CROWNS ames. __.,.mg Free e.il. Lie. contr. .. ..--= .. -..-.... call 673-1&15 lectio115, ~ dehvenes REST•URANT ·Office Build I nga, BABYSl~'G M• ho 540-7262 546-44'18 contractor·. oomplete lnd-·., r can•~r""-F •· " 1 '"-'~ , tne -0 ·~·5• or ,.,. 38al E. Pacific Coast lfw. Apartmtnts. etc. \Vrite ar C.M. Mon thru Fri , _scpg & gardens 8.10-3037 HUNTINGTON BEACH ·troductory interview. call Co dd M call Title Realty & I.Jceft6ed., excellent Care! Gardening 6680 Mr. l.a(.-ey 544-8550 rona ar
lmurance Oompan;y, 215 549--0706 Paperhanging Sept. 8 • Dec. 16th at Hunt-BABYSITTER· 2 hildren BUS BOYS needed for
Cartr B u 11 d In g, Binn. ANTHONY'S p · t• 6850 ington Beach High School, -. c • various shifts. Apply at 5 ingham, Alabama 35203 BABYSITI'ING, Next to new 1 __ ao_n_o_n_,v______ 7 pm. For info call 962-1839. Ille house keeping. Approx 4 pm. in penon to Mr.
PboM (2D5) 251--6286. park, nr Newport H i s 2 rel"1able college *DIVORCED mo. Room-board & small Angelo, TOWERS Elemn. Sehl. Mon -Sat. 644 4860 , salary. Unwed mother or RESI' 204'/.Ret.forJYrs. "'A"'"""'~ • d • eve student we l come. AURANT. 1515 S. S3 ~71..4.l 2nd t:ruJt deed be. U'W-... ,.,.. The Best coils no more! stu ents contracting "''0 95ll. Co.out Hwy, Lquna Bee.ch ~small 1st on lot with lJCENSED &bysitting Experienced 1.1alntenance interior/exterior YES IT'S YOUR B:;YSITTER _Re fined CABINETMAKERS
Laguna'• finest ocean view. Westminster area. Budget Landscapln, FAULT CARPENTERS
UO per month iocl. 9~ 3 =c-===Call=~1194-1971~~~--Graduate Hort1.culturl!t house painting. For recorded mes5age that dependable lady. \Ve 11 ~·Ill Chal'lic your lilc, call behaved s ch o o I • age FOR long-tange tooling pro-"'· 228RO% KEl>lm>R ~ ,,.,... BABYSJTI1NG fi1y home COMPLETE Free estimates, ORANGE oo. 541-6661 children. 3 1 24~; tm;, 4 days grampon·· Nnc<d~ pdrallant
• J.1ust be .,.,.........,, vie. Bolla Odea&: Silison, y•~• "TAINT ex e i;-a ..
nn. ... " · Xlnt work. 494-6936 24 hour recording ":k: Sat. 5-7 hr. 1.l~t have ""'"· $15,tw lst TD on 11,000 sq. l-1.B. Any age. 842-C371 Sprinkler installed & repair. ;~~'..:~~;=:;.~,lcU..'1Ni\Mi6i•-:li---"m.;-; ow n trans. fitesa dd 1\tar D\'..NAMARC CORP. t '"~ .,._ I ;-AM N -A ma n J.851 o-·oolds Ave l. ~.._.,.. commerc. .....,. on BABYSITI1NG, My home. ed. New awns, cleanups. LTMITED OFF~R! PAIN· without a soul canrot ap. area. 5Q.&180. &;;';a Ana .
lotW-;term ltued: land. nr. 17th St. CM. Fenced Monthly Service. TING all l'Xtenor.;, stucco pl't'Ciatl' the beautiful morn-1B.:A:ce:,:y=s"'irr~ER~----~-.~blt-h7l.1 -=~=~~=~~
An Equal ()pportuoit.y
Employer MIJ"
Good opportunity for a
m&.Q with some account.
lng or related clerical ex·
Jl('rience to come into con.
tact with all departments
ot the company. Prefer
High School and 50me ae-
COWlting training.
Please apply in per-
110n or in writing lo
Pera:innel De. t.
\VORKING CONDITIONS ~ ~ ~ :~':i 1 ~,,._ro. __ "2'_7082______ c=~---96&-"-'!"'1=---homt'S, l-story & , some ing sun. I am but a.n empty schl ~irl. lo take care or my CAR WASH HELP
inoomir $2400 per mo. Xlo/P EXPERIENCED Babysit-NE\Y Lawn s re-seedinl;. 2-stTy. n50 complelt'. HUR· shell ,,,,1thoul your loo.·e _ chidm, returning from~: PART&: FUl.J.. TLME 1.· ... ua1 Op tine. my tiomt, Newport Complete lawn ca.re, clean RY! Oller expi.rrs 9/a'.1/69. L 8 hni 2-5 11~ k Please call Top salary, regular work &.At llOrtunity
Di!imunt Broker 497-rno He;-"ts area. 548-4634 up by job or month. Free 536-4545 I c:.:· c.·~-==~--. ' a w . ' METRO CAR WASH Employer ls~ DISCOUNT '*" Atter.d a FREE Lecture immed, swt 9/10. 6G--G4 ,. CARPDITRY-Cabinirts -estinlates. CaJI 846--0932 NEED PAINTING? Dlanetics & Scientology ParltLicoarea. 2950 Harbor, Costa Mesa 1"85 DALE WAY
1st TD on white waler view Custom doors.. AIJy siie job. AL'S Gardening A: Lawn Call us! Reliable Service w/ Ew.ry SW1day at 8 PM BABYSITTER. Poss. i b lt CAR Wuh &: serv sta COSTA MESA. CA.UF, 92626
lat in l..quD& Beach. $8,000 Call 646-2576 Maintenance, Commercial, Quality al its be1t, at the 11103 ~r. Fntn Valley hkchl girl. lo take care t attndn't Full &: pt. tJme. (714) &olS-8251
@ S&I mo... tncl. 9%, all -w~=ILL~-Lovingly~-. ~-.,.,.--for--2 industrial • residential. most reasonable prices. S3I-J220 my d!ldrn. returning fmm 4625 W, Pac. Cst Hwy. =COCl<T==AIL=-c~irl~7lo-r~tbe~
yn, Broker 49f.-ll38 chlldttn, my hOtne, Coll~ -~--•-64&-3629_-'=-_;_*~--Free estimates. 548-6002 sch.I: hn 2-5, $15 wk. Please CASHIER · Full time !or Fabulous Fling. No food, 5 S5lm Blue Clip 2nd Pllrk. ""-Ja~-so G•rdonor SUBURBAN Painting/Dec LICENSED call immed, start 9/10. Neal' .. F&&bion Island . ~ ~ Se ~ 2 .,..,.~·~v r-•,. Spiritual Readln°• advi-.., niles, 145 E. 19th St., C.M. • ~ a.tl•cu yr; -==~-----Expert Guaranteed Work ...,, .. ., 642-859-1 Parle Lido area. ••,..,t be ho~abl•. 1 % MOTHER Wants playmate Exper., oompl Yard .service! on a.I! matters. 312 N. El ..,..., '"" "
loc apt comp ex, 5\t for lft-S(hool boy, Mesa de! Free ei;t. 615-0012, 968-2303 Fr'f'e est No job 100 large Camino Real, Sar. Clemente BABYSJTI'ER, 5 days wk, Apply in pen;on
qrt!Y,, 3 yr due. 644-4265 Mar area. ~169'l TREE Servi~. gencraJ yard or too small. 494-ll.90 492-91.16, 496-9501 6:15-4:30, "ill bring baby to NEAL'S
u-.-. w t.cl 6350 BABYSITTING In mv borne cleanup. Rototill &: sprinkler PAIKTING Int & Ext~ 10 AM • 10 PJ\I your home. 7 ·mo old girl, 2~-~-41Ah SL
1-·.;.;.;=-,_,_a_n_;_.;.____ fCl' working mothe~; So. i .:"c:rv.,,;.. :.64&-b848::,,:=~~---contracted prices. Fully ins. Attractive Expert Newpt. area near hospital, .xo.ula na
WANTED: $60,IXXI l&t TD, Lquna area.499-1693 CLEAN-UP SPECIALIST! ~tis:: ::1J.im Free est. YOUNG \VOMAN 66-1D27 ::: A SH lER;!I~ experience
10% 15 yrs. Sttured by ========='I Mowing, ed&ina:. odd jobs. 01 dancer wW teach you all BABYSITI'ER. 2 children 5 necusai-y. '-'V"C~ 18. See Mr.
$95.IXXI Comm. bld. Bier. Brick, Masonry, .tc. Reasonable. 541--6955 PAINTING, Papering 16 yn.. latest 1tirps. cau Ardell 'years &: 9 mos. 2 day week. Boquette, Nono Meager'•,
"4-4323 6560 JIM'S Gardettln&; A lawn In llarbor area. Lie. I: 213: 591-4538 1·10 P?.1 hlwit Live near Pomona No. 8 fa:;hion ls.land, NB.
ANNOUNCEMENTS ---------maintenance. Res. & Com-bonded. Refs. furn. 642-2356. ENJOY economy \'llcation School. Call 646-4318 e e CASHIER e e
and NOTICES BUlLD, Remodel. repair. mcrcial. * 548-8411 For betl.l'.r painting, Catalina I&lar.d. From $8 BABYSITI'ER for infant. Car W&hh. Full time.
Brick,. hlod. amcrete, C&S Lawn ilt Gardening Call C&S Painters! midweek Jor N.-o. Hermosa f\1on thru Fri, 8-3 :~ -i!M-1922 ~:. no job too~ Service. Rl?fi/Comcl-lndust. 6T.>-29.l5 after 5 Hotel Phone Avalon 187. Newport Hgt1 an!L C A S HIER , Experienced.
6/a-2955 aJler 5 PAINTING. Ext-Int. 18 yn.. ALCOHOLICS AnDnymOWI BABYSITTING Nights. Call 61l-9405. Ask
exp. Im. Lie. Free est. Phone 542--m7 oo: wr:lte to MATURE Woman my home, for P.1rs. Franl;r•. * Expert Japanese Acoust. ceiling. 548-5325 P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa.. 4 days, 8:30 'til 2. a48-8997 CHRlSTl>tAS lil'lncy now. FINEST WORK 646-038-I
Found (froo Ads) 6400
On Cdt'1 State beach Glasses
wJCUI! ina:ribed u follows Bullden
"h!ario Mar 1111 1, Via ---------
I • full lime afternoon
ancl e\Tning shilt. , •
I . pan time ...
Over 18 yell1'1 of age.
Expirrienced prefeITed.
Apply bet. 2:30 .I. 4 p.m.
:?131 \Vestclill, N.B.
{]7th & lrvinel
6410 BABYSl'ITER -18 mo girl. Sell Lttt:it!r Cosmf'tics, a Co. COOK, male, for relief. 3
4 dayli incl Sat & 1 eve, Reis. of Bristol Meye:n.. 847-8314 shifts/~'ttk. $2.25 hr.
Mauini 56 Trieste'' Owner
"" call 67>-T.!79
* Room Additions * Apartments &. Units 6730 Plasterinq. Repair 6880 Announc.ments H~a:cu~l~ln~gc...... ___ ..;;;..:;.;;
Fmcloaliog 1 .. 1 ....
Make ltfoney and be )'OOr
own boss. Have a busl.neu
that bas a great potential
and c-an be operated from
your own home, part time.
Call for app't. 5411-01l3
TYio yeafli ol electrortic
packaging experience.
T\fo lo live years design
layout, high density. mul-
ti-layered PC boards.
See s .. ve Joyce
19700 Jamboree ROlld
Newport Beach
Equal opportunity employer
Expanding land developmenl
finn in Newport Beach hu
opening for J R, ORA1TS-
fitAN ~·/some txperiencoe in
Civil Engineering. Call Bob
Well! at ;,.iG-7740.
OR 'i cleaning help needed.
Exper ienced only. Counter
checkers. prir1se r1 &
operators. Call SU-9550 Mon
thru Fri 8 ID 12 noon. MALE puppy, part Shclty
Tenier, llhort -ha.ired, in
Heisler Park. Laguna BdL
"""""' 167 eyp.... Dr.
* OJ.o;tom Home1 * Kitchen~ * 2 Story Specialists FREE
layout/design 20 YT'li. exp.
P11ciflc C011st Builders
2435 E, Coast Hwy.
e PATCH PLASTERING. oruRCH choir singers nttd· 833-2'246 all 6:30 Irvine. CHILD CARE For 1 yr. old & COTTAGE OOITEE SHOP
DEPENDABLE, hauling & All typ~ Free estimate. ed, Opportunity for 90loists. BABYSrITER. Reliable, 3 to lite hoUSl!~Tk my home 562 \V, 19th. C.M. * DRIVERS *
moving. Reasonable rate1. can 540-6825 6«-42a5. 4 nites. mm tramp, CdM Nc~-pt. art'a. To live in + coon: -HOUSEKEEPER. No ETner'ience r~ree estimates. 494-3033 1----------I========= area. 673-7783 saJary. 6T~2396 or houseman, (Xlnt) for 2 -r-
Bf?AUTIFUL Male Afghan, Corona de! Mar 6T.>-7191
V1C Costa Mesa. 544-2514 or REM 0 DEL-Add" . ns-Cab-
CLEAN UP & Ille moving Cemete"" Lots 6418 BABYSITTER. 8:30-5:30 er CHILD CARE. re l tab I e, adul1s. NB. \Vrite Daily Necessary! •-· Plumbo"ng 6890 ·' Tree & l1uub removal. 11 :30-5:30, my home . mature lady, 3 days I wk. P ilot Box P 934. !11ust have clean Califomla ~asonable. 549-1359 PLUMBING REPAiR-BY OWNER. 6 PAClFIC 54S...3167 Lile housekireplng. C'.ood * COOKS driving record. A~ply
CLEAN-Up and light mav-No job too small ~ cemetery I 0 ts . Banking pay. 3 school~, 1 bil by. ALL S/llfTS YELLOW CAB CO.
~778l or !:>44-6838 Owner iUo
mmt identity. ' inets-Blcd: fence«.'oncrete
work. 60-98.">2
SEALPOINT Male Siamese ing. Call Dave: e &12-312& e &12-4049 TME FLYING BUTLER 186 E. 16th St.
cat, red mllar, vicinity Carpentering 6590 __ _::*_54&-3873==:....:*---I L9S1al Notices 6450 E'.'llpcrienccd CJ11LD can & 1 1 t c 673-0071 Costa B.fesa
Newport Pier, NB. 642-fQ9 ~'-"""'~~'==.,.c.-'-; I YARD/gar cleanup. Remove R od t R • 6940 housework, 2 boys, :: & 6,co •7u~NT=E~R,..:;_H:c,c:lp'-. '--1u_ll_o-,-,.-,., ~E~N~m;~-~R~T:.A!N:;;:=,-,E~NT~---1
eves. aJt 6 pm. CARPENTRY tre«, ivy. dirt. lnlctor -~m e' epiur, I Will not be rei;pomlble for PROOF call 545-8173 In a.m. lime. TASTEE FREEZE Pop & Rock Group, sun &
MAN'S \\11.il~ gold ~ding MINOR REPAIRS. No Job backhoe, grade 962-8745 BUil.D, Remodel. Repair any debh~ other than my OPERATOR CLEANING Lady wanted-~J 2$6 Bristol, 0.1 J.lon. nites the WHITE
ring, Laguna. &1·305 River· Too SmaQ.. Cabinet in gar-GENERAL HAULING Brirlc. block. concrl'te , own. Robert F. Stevenson e d!lY COOKS HORSE INN. Apply in per-•··· Ori IndJo cat· ~01 ages A. o t be r cabinets. TE ER "·II 841 7015 3-....,.., ve, • 1'-.,.... & CLEANUP crpnlry, m job too small I \Vill not be responsible for LL ....., -son. """'Ne~'POrt Blvd., NB
SIAMESE Cat Eutbiutl area 55-81~. tr no answer leave .... 1 d 962 .,.,,., Uc. Contr. 962-ii945 any debts other than my Qerical F..SI'ABLISHED ~ _ ...... 640-2312. ff. o. •u pot .. • ~ UNITED CALIFORNIA my COOKS can Betty Smith aJtcr 3:30 Anderson TRASH HAULING ---------1 -":::"::'::,,·:::M:::ildred~;O;l:::lw~Sha~-~'~I JI( Leads avail. N.B. office.
' :."4-::...:11="'------QUALITY .,_,_,_ _ Alt·n· s.w· 6960 JOBS &. EMPLOYMENT BANK Career oppl ~
i -nc_..,., .. "' ••••bl• • "'~ -"""'~na"-------1 ---------SECRETARIES To" wages. permanent, hon-FOUND: Kitten, ~y. 4 mos Uona -New const by bour a . .._., ... " ......,. .. ,~v -I CJ 642 S84S ~2 n-A e1't, and woricing corditions Experienced in single needle
old, vk: Bakrr & Royal or ~-tra•L .,,,,. ... ~.. A tar11tions --Job W11nted, Men 7000 --"'-""an ve. and overlock. Good piece
........, "" ~.... H I • 6735 '·-··· "· h In area."1 leading re~tauranl , ::,Pal=m:.:;Dr_;;,7 CM.;;;:;;..546-:,,;.c:U;c16.:,..._ REP"'" n.. ........ __ Small c.;.;•.:;•_;_•eco,_H_n..c•."'1 • .:..._....;._;c: Neal. accurate, 20 yran; exp. ENGL!Slm... 56 1 "-6.::.::,.,,":'ac Shorthand, tyrini;: and gt:n· Apply B am to 5 pm !or~ \\wk price1. s1eady work. •· nu"' .--<U:uU\11"' -D king · '"U\.I•, · l"Cttn =~~-':::..~::.:::.....~-~I raJ lli EDDY fifOSS 1404.2 Locus! WOMAN'S PracripUon Remodel, etc::. Nite: or day, WOULD You bclie\.'f! J "''ill e rcssma • Altera!Jolll immigrant lrom Great Bri· BEAUTY OPERATORS e 0 cir. tervft at st w · 1 .,. -
glusn: &. cue. found on Reu! Call KEN 54G-467! clean ...,.,,. home for Bl!M! Special on hems. lain wishes ste""" long • eslm111S er; ...,.....,.>& CdM beach. fi13..3:t32 .. ~ * ~-ii * "'<J'· One full-time, one part-time. MANNING'S REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS 1,::CIU::;":;:•;SWn:;:::!:P':::'c.;897::::-·.:;13511::::.,,,...... ---------1 ff'rm job in Newport Beach Cuani.nlet'd wages plus com-KEYPUNCH -GREY nbbil. $16-S.146 or
""""" CABINEI'S. Any sizir job BAY ar. Beach Cleanln& Strv. area. Willln1 to learn no?w pany brnetits. pa.id vaca-COFFEE SHOP
25 )'1'3. c::;q:ier. 5-\8-6113 Cazl>ets. windows. Ooors, TILE, Ceram1c 6974 Skills, stott clerk. yachl t lons. Busy sbop. ca I I OPERA TOR 24031 El Toro Rd. H"'·
OlTJOt Rabbit found vie etc, Rt& & Commc'I 646-1401 mainlenallce er ma.nufac. 548-9919, ask for r.1~r. l.ciaure World Laguna U.lll
Dovtt Drive; NB &f6-'790l' Cement, Concrete 6600 * Vern!', The Tile Man* turlng worlc. Exp In ===-c837:::.·c:IO=".:.....--,-=,,. CARPETS. Windows. nrs, Cust. \YOrk. Imtall ilt repain:, "'OOdwork. metal polWtlng. BEAUTY OPERA'I'OR SWing ghift. One year kty· CoUPLE to manage furnish·
WOMENS c!U9t!s. vie. K· • roNCRErE work a 11 ek. Res or Comc'L Xlnt No job 100 small. Plaster (WS..2629 Busy Costa Mesa Shop punch experience desirable. 4 1 Call -494-6453
Mart sk>re, C.M. 00"101 types. Pool. dec:ks &: custom.. \\'Ork Reas! Re.ts. 548-4111 patch. Leaking 'how er .:;.c;_:;;MA;;.,T~U=R~E~M~G=R--l--TO=P..::.P:..A:.:Y__::_S<&-:::..:3361=--1 :!r~u; !.~I.only
l.olt 6401 Call SCS-1324 \\1NDOWS Dl.RTY'!' repair. 841-J!fj7J846....m06 E'x:p _ Finance . Budgets • BIKINI Bannakl/da.ncer. COLL * t DWVERY BOY * , ="---------'-"" CEM.EMT WORK. no job too JohMy Dunn :YOW' locaJ Accig • E.D.P. • St11,tlstlcs • Full or part-time. Costa INS ~ Auto Supply
L l BER AL Reward-Blond small, ft:a.IOnable. Free &etVloe. 1-~ f:sL &Q.-1.164 Tr" Servic. 6980 Sales -Mktg ·P.O. Box Im. f\tirsa &16-? S.13 Bnw:I....,, Laguna Bch.
Gaman ,.,._,lit yrs. *mI<Dm.NCRETH. stuEru~:_~ ••••••••• N.e. "" RADIO CO DENTAL ASSISTANT Lolt vie Vlciorla &h, • .. ~ _.._. GENE'S TREE SE R V : 16 Yean O.C.and meralJur-BOOKKEEPER • Jl-3$. )TL X·Ray 83l-l920
Lqwla. Alll '° ·~... etc. Coocrett A blk top 111.W· TIME FOR ll"H's/shrubbery ttmowd, gl~ labcn.lory, mer. Know fl_ Ola. Contact Mr Fish I: liti&.IVN!jo.
ffi4) OM832 1 .... , R.u. -642-«;I~ trimmed, hauled aw a Y alf phuet HT. plating and Chips Inc. OU Campus Dr.. 19700 J•mborff R .. d "• 549-1359 NB. DENTAL Cbalr-Sidt L\I>IES ....itet. Vk Centtt N. D. T. Wiii travel • · Newport Beich Assilt•nt. Send your'""
SI, CK or~ A .... Laglma Controcton 6610 Cj)UICK CASH ESTATE Maint Trtt Sen> U. $./abroad. 6T.l-ll6< B 0 0 K K EEPER.-R""p "'"""' aad quall!lcat\ono
Beach. Fri l/L Valuable Removal I trimminp, trft: ANY Type Wl'.lfk c a a h llonlst 1 Pi oWce, CM F,qual opporiunily Pmplt>yer to: Boe M.$4 Daily Pilot
paparL l!owMI. -GENERAL Ooolractor. All THROUGH A ""'"'''·Call SU--Paym"ts. 1640 N<WpOrt, Sp. 6tl<l61I) CLERJCAL aft L ,.,......,.,-. -te add & DENTAL uststfint, o r a I • ~ -·;;~ • No. 3 C.M. 548-9065 BKKPR/SEX:'Y; Jl"\11 lime NEWPORT BEACH
Prefer &0mc-exJW'rk-nce
in manulactunng facili-
ty. ~rates fork lift,
drivn company truck.
EquaJ Opportunity
GERMAN ~ male. -'-~ ~ ._, :;_z:· DAILY PILOT Upholste"" 6990 !or Interior d ir l' or a Io r \4'e require ,. la~t. accun.tt ~~ ortlot. x-ny ~p. (~ Corutl. tan lealber col· ...... ""' . ---~ . , Job Wanted, Udy 7020 M5-9119J644-0637. typist, pn-lerabiy w Ith ..:.::...:.=~~----14&'.i DALt: \VAY
1ar ·-m..U 6 --1 -WANT AD CZVKOSKl'S cu.t. Uphol. BOYS 10. l4 , h 0 rt h., d 1.,, ""' 0..lgnor <DSTA MESA. CALie. ""6
8tla1r bolp. taa. l4&-350I !.'Urop('an Cra.ftsm.ansblp GmL Friday. ~-part earner Routes ~n ~f'nct. report a. Qrculle Jr. IO 5800.00. Call ===tn~•~·-~~---'---1
Jttnrd ••••••••• 100~ fillt &C-lf5.t ~~~ ~~· v=l'Re: for answering phone tnd '°""' Ann, *::11: ~~ FACTORY Traintt and 1hip-
8LACK lAhndar ~ ANNOUNCEMENTS 11131 Newport Bf .. C.M. ~ Beach. So. ~ bkkrJi, We abo T'tc1Wrt: • Aafncy, est " pin« clC!:rk. Shift "-ork. ~•root old. IOll rtti •nil NOTICES =~~·~::cti'llf!, •dap-DAILY Pll.OT SfATISTIC\L TYPIST fot'l .:.N::.B:c·,.;66_;:.c:2710=~-~-FARru;> CORP. flhocrgl~
Cill llttolotr .. -P<n. Your Ad Should •• Here, 6'U!21 "p 0 rt • 0 r k w h I c b DESK """' Coll.,,. boy: .. DIW.>on. 18811 ,,,,.,.1 ...
$a8 10 am. ~4. Am to Annovncemenh 6410 Job Wint.cf BOX BOY necr:~8 1 i at es ulns a Ume, Ken NUir, Molel, 1021 Rd. Hunt. Sch.
''JOlbla". stS.1506 afl J:JD SUN S1GH ASTROLOGY They're Looking For It! Mtn & Women 7030 Must be 11.vall. \\"k. day ~~~N11·:~ .. y • ASSOC'S. 1 ,,;;Baya.;::.,~""""Dr"'."'" _;_N.c·8;:·~~-FACt'OR.Y ~k. llgnt. n1alc
LOST Via of Bllboa Pier, 2 de.NCI. ~ter "°"· morn!rlglJ, O\'t'r JG, good 11~ ""'-OlSHWASIIER • Momlnp. clean CUI, Ht tn T:i approx.
ldtkM. 4-.; )'tflolr ~r. Bq:bmrrs -Advanced. , ,_, Chine&e llv>tn1. Chttrful pea.ranee ttqtiln'd. ApPly tn 3020 Newpll't Blvd .• N.8. Apply f\frt.'b or En..:: appritudf 6"~callco.o.yam...1630 CaJI U~ SUn SiJn, 6r.~ Permanent. Exptrienoed. ~n: Rlehiuifs t.l~n in4l6TS-355l l!MHarborBh1d-,C~f. desirablP.54.~211
aft~ ~11M daya or 615-2140 aft. 6. f'ar Eut Apncy 64U700 f\111.rktl, 3W Via Lkto. N.B. While f!lepha.ri(ll DlmHl·lil1' CllAFtG'E IT' \Vhil e Clf!JllUUltS' Dl ~·llJlit'
• ------
~\ I
T-. SftttmW t, 1'6'1 DAllY I'll.OT
• ---~-•• 1 S.~lmtrvctleft 7600School..iNtru<tlon 7600Sehool,.lnttrv<tlon 7600Sc'-ol .. lnttrvctlon 7600 ~l .. lnalru~ 7600 s.i-i.1notn1c11en 7600 Sc'-ol•lntlrvctioft 7600~ftolnoctlln 7600 Jo•~· W-. 71!
This variety of fine schools
could introduce
you to a new tomoITow.
For further fnformation r•g•rdin9 th• 0..ily Pilot
Schools and Instruction Oir•c.tory
CALL 642·5678, EXT. 325
Wllllam Lee Pricbard
614 Mitchell Place
Newport Beach, C8lit.
ChDcoat School of Typing
173 Del Mar Avenue
Costa Mesa, CalUornia
Dear Miss Chllcoat:
August 71, 11169
l am 13 years otd and in the seventh grade.
I'm glad I have taken these lessons, it will
help me in my school work. I am very happy
you were kind enough to sell your system
to the public, now more than ever people
will learn the easy way.
I learned to type a lot faster than I though~
are a very clever way of teaching and l
~oyed it very much.
Thank you for teaching me,
William Prichard
Newport Air Associates
Fllle School & flying Club
IPl ...... A ...... ) c_,, ... c.-111c.I''"'
40 Houn fli9ht iim• in C•11na 15011 wiih
10 hrs. du•I inrlruction. Club memb.nhip.
2 Month's fr•• clu••. lndi.,.idual in1tn.ic.tion,
iailorecf to YOUR ability.
learn to fly now -and have fun!
• ~MnkeOfMIC•••
• Spodal 1tatet lot
Comntordol ...i l•m.m .. 1 Shld-
For Cornpl••• D•••ll• c.n NOW
673. 0313
a .... 1 through • Opening Soptombor 15, 1ff9
Small group and lndlvldualized teachlng will
meet the realllUc needs of youngsters whD
have been under too much pressure. Average
an4 above and below average abilftlea will he challenged by good U.achlng and a variety
of educational mahlrlal.s '° that more eUet> tive 1081"Tlinll wUJ retull
0 p e r a t e s only from within a person
-not from the oulaide. Good teaching
can stimulate motivation within a youngster
by building on succ...tul learning eiper>.
encea. Nothing succeeds like success?
Wiilard H. Soucerman, Ed. D.
Toloph«M 541-1751 (ovo.)
Sdtool: 54M060
........ ,,. ..... c--14MUI
11 t4 ._ 1 M .,,,,_. ---M7..f721
FEMALE ·-o.nt•l Attt. $400 u~
ElQ>edence in all llllPr.f -
Soc. to Pros. "50
Good seaetarial tkm., 1"0l1c
with tDp oiecattve • Ccfale:r. --F/C Bktqw. to $600
f!'Vl'll temperament. I o a d
health, AdvertillrW qmcy
uplT helpful
L•yout & P•~ $650
Experie:nee in ~ lJro.
chutes togetbtt, Media It
siiaee ~t ' puteqp. r-----------------.1 Good ... ..,, -Clerk Typltt Tmoo. eee€)~~6'~
Pr .. School -1st Grade
Fatillti .. for Enl1rged Enrollment
Register your little ones for:
e A Full (fun) LMmlng Progr1m
• Muale
e Art ~ ~,. r.· ~1 .;"' ··---, ...
For 8 Weeks Course on the
You do not have to own an instrun1ent.
Free practice time available. Register
now. Beginners classes start on Tues-
day. Sept. 30th at 7 P.M. Excellent
Also classes for secondary & intermedi-
ate organ students. Sign up now &: avoid
the rush! Classes start Thursday,
Oct. 2nd.
GJ JlarHfl
Phone for FR.Et Brocltan H.
Claue1 Now Forming
Hours: 9 a.m. to t p.no.
Courr• •PP"OV<d I "':::,.~ I ___ .. bu th•
Coli/. SupL of Public lm!T. * Modlll"t ...r Tot..ttloo
............... ,, ....
AfmJ tin,.
e H•f Ml•11c:l<ll li111c:h•1
Hc~ib ••~•ph•,.
e C.11c.nt• I t'••• pl•y
""''' -111,.,.,.l•M
• c..t1 .... •ctlvltl••
e Coll•t• ir•l11N t.•c.h1r•
to $425
u ""' -50 and -do. tail wvrt this ls fDr )'OU.
Com~ will tr.ht ln their
line-of work. Gl'fft oppol'-
tunity ... -pl,
Soerot•rv $450
'fype 60, IBM, -... but prefer dictlphnQc aper.
tence. ~ tnmln-...., _,, _ .....
compeny with variety ot
dlltiel, mw:r a dull moment!
Corp. Socty. $52S
Shorthand 100, .......... .,
dicta--. 1 you ,., ... -P.T. Keypunch $2.DS
Alpha I Numtrlc
Keypunch . to.$505
e D1ncing
• Cre1t1we Activities
• Hot Lunchn & Snacks
-..... -/l ~, (\
e Agot 2 through ht grldo
Rent OffJans
During Term
of Course.
R91l1ter NOW I lnqu1re for details
* C .... • r...-Devofop10oot * D-1 .. Spoa..i.tltlo -· * Spodal Comet lot H0otonta1t .. * ear-Cilrlt
Director of Our StaU Liumed
Modeling Agmcv
1937 Church St.
1 year experience on alt ma-1
chloe, Alpha &: Nwnutc., '1
Typltf/PBX $350 -..................... . lence on PBX.
Jr. Home Economl1t
Recent dfsree In Home EaJn.
omy. no ~ MCt&-
sary, but prt:fer 1 yea.r
cooldnc teaclier. Dew.:op
~ reeeipn.
2110 Thu rin Ave"# Cost1 Mesa Ph: 646-14« Hammond Organ Studios 151' N. Malo, s.to """ 5474971
196S Snoy Crott Ill'. 1--, Hiit Vlflotol
(1 bile. out of Newport •bow 19th)
Phone: 646.J636
2854 E. Co•1t Highway, Coron• del M•r 795 Paul1rlno
673-ttJO 0,-.. ...., &. MNy 1..._ (2 biles. W. nf Brltlol -r So. CObt Plau)
Phone 54G-1919
Clerk Typiat $312
Type 50, """' """' -...,.,
Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men. Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men. Worn. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;2=:,~;;~;;;~~;;~ Jobs Mon. Wom. 7100 Joi. Mor. Wom. 7100 MALE
Engr /T ecbnical
Go profeulonal
wltfl Premier!
FACTORY work. licht, Genenll HOUSEKEEPER LAB TECHNICI N • t.mal•. II to 25, Ml .,. part SEAMSTRESS. or a p, r y for •ldorly lody. 5 do wk. A Motel ~nt ORDER T-~ v _,. ... ta ~-.. Women -:s.ounc .. ..._... wanted to Girli owr 19, Daya or noen-
manage small motel. 1 BR, izws. Pleuant work. No exp
tum apt util and ;m mo. l'lf!C. 8a1acy $1.65 b r .
..... 548-<211 ...... lnq""" Lazu"" Beach Room. boanl -• ..w,. TRAINEE MERCHANDISING
J. C. Penney Company Inc.
Interiors, 1020 S. Cout ~. 673-'7365. PE'DO.()RTHO APPLlANC
Hwy, mornings. 494-6848 HOUSEKEEPER • live in or ES. Send complete work, -THE-General out. MotberlCSI home, beach hobbJe& and interestJ resume
Fashion Island, Newport Beach
Has 450 Victoria, CM 5f6.B279 547.Jm
NEWPORTER INN EXPERIENCED fumll"" area. 2 ,,..,...,... Prefu to Daily Pilot Box M905. man & driver, fuU time. undl!r 45. 531-1451
Key position openlnt• NURSES • Private Do t y
For .nttded. RN"s, LVN'1. All
HoteJ Restaurant Exper-
ienced only need apply.
Relief lhift. five da,y
1107 JamborH Rd.
Newport Buch, C1lif.
<C.Ontact Bobble Purdy)
Fry Cook
Exper, top pay, full time
Bob's Cotfee Shop
1400 s. a Camino. San a
Foreign Car Mechanics
Good co. benefits, incl paid
vacation, croup irts, uni.
forms furnished tree. Good
comm. schedule. Ask far
JOP: Moore Ph. 54().1764.
FRONT Desk clerk, expcr,
PBX, typltl&', motel in
Lacuna Beach. 494-8521
~====---LEASING Aienti for country 1'1ililary obligations !illed. HOUSEKEEPER, Uve • in. elub apts. NB. Guar. salary
Call 642-2050 Priv. nn & bath. 2 children. + bonm. ~. 642.fil70
General Ftn. Vall. &U-'1254 UNOTYPE
\\'Ott1AN for housewwk, \Ved HOUSEKEEPER. 2 Sehl OPERATOR. Part time.
or Thurs. 8:~1:30. Own a.gen. Pvt nn 4 ba. FV Beryl 54&-~
t.rans. Call bef 6 pm., area, lite cook. W-7254 =0-=~~-=-"'-" 673-8749 LOT MAN. M.abln. New
H 0 U SE KE E PE R. lady Buick Dealership. Excd.lenl alo~. Room, board, TV, worlcing condition&. Apply ln
nominal Aley. 642.-2232. puson. 234 E. 17th St.,
RETIRED man, part time
for ioll shop, Apply Costa
~fesa Golf Range, 2717
Newpcrt Blvd, Ct'd.
HOUSEKEEPER, Pt-time. Costa Afesa
Vic. 64th st. NB. Own ...................... ~
transportaUoo ~
HOUSEKEEPER. E x p e r ,
Engfuh ar Gftman, Lacuna
area. 494-6170
Merdlandlse Mana9ement Trainee ~Call """ hour,
with recent graduation from college or equi· NURSE AID&S
yalent in ~lle~e and full time work exper-. Day&. PM ah1U:1.. Jenee comb1nat1on ; a desire to participate in Experience pre1e:rred.
a tradllning program for management with a , APPLY
rap1 y expanding national organization. 1...quna Beach Nuralnr Home
This is an organized on-the-job traini.Dg pro-PH: 49f..a175
gram. Our policy of promotion from within NURSING
makes this particularly attractive. LVN -for T am-lpm lhift Huntinaton VaDry
Apply in i-rson Convalncent Hospital
10 AM to S PM Monday thru S.turday S3ll2 Newman Aw.
J. C. Penney's Hunt. Bch. I0-5551
#24 Fashion Island, Newport Beach NURSES Needed tor private
Married man desiring steady
~-ork with a future. $3.65 hr.
to start. Car nee. 546-6339
FULLER BRUSH CO. Arenc:y for C&l'l!ft Girls An equal opixirt?Iity employer duty. Practical, Aides. No INSTRUCTRESSES 410 w. Cout H"l'. N. B. lie ""'· ~11, ll-7 • u ... 1n.
GENERAL By appolnt 646-39391 ~~~~~~~~!!'i~~~~~'!!'!!!'!!'!!!~" Must haw ~ts. Ca 11 EXPERIENCED in s!lutter Young, mature girll able lo l" l)42..e955
fabrication a: or installation. meet the public. !lust be Machlnlsta Jobs--Men, Wom. 7100 Jobt--Men, Wom. 7100 l-~=~=~~·AID=~ES-·_L_VN_ attractive with a good ''"'°"'"'-"> • Newport Beach a re a • figure, Apply in person , • Punch Pre11 & MEDICAL Insurance CI'Tt Experienced.
G646-3882ENERAL Holid•y HHlth Sp• • Multitlldo Opra. MASSEUSE part Hm•. Call 646-<461 ..._.... To $432 per week. Apply *QUALIFIED afttt g PM t·Offi=.,.-------
FUU.-Time ma.ids, re&Ort Part Time '1 AM to 11 AM %lOo Harbor Blvd. Tony Ouchi. To service ladles only. Musl l ;;===-;::--.---,-1
hotel. Laguna Beach. or 8 AM to Noon. No Sellinl. • Costa Mf!sa. • WILCD TOOL & DIE furnish local references and MECHANIC In motorcycle • Assemblers
494-ll96 6JB...169S or 544-0400 --------3100 Pullman Larw: have city llcenR. Pll'l•ae ap. shop. Must have tools. 1680 e Clerk Typists
GENERAL General JANITOR FULL TIME Co8ta Mesa. 5t().5432 ply in penion tor interview Newport Blvd. CM
PRESENTABLE L!slstant tor FEMALE pt-time. help over rtve dtl)'I • week P.IACHJNIST _ Hollday Health Spa MGMT TR NEE TO $700 • Typists
Commtrc1al video uniL Nf!W n. lunch hn. prepatilw MECliANJC far an.around 2300 Harbor CUvd., C.M. Dynamlc nal1, 00. Career • Repro Typists
company. Et I her el!e-u.ndwiches. ~19'.M APPLY hl!nch in mJall Mop. 1...agUM MECHANIC High sch 0 0 J oppt)'! Xlnt adv, top bene-
tronia, photography, VTRG ~~E-N=E~R-A_L_:_Full~-.,-.. ~rt • DESMOND'S • Bch. ~ &raduatk>n. and Ol'lf! year of fits. Call Ken, 546-S4W • Secretaries
or Kln experience metul. u .1. 'DS journeyman I e v e I ex· JASON BEST Wm~ to 1--and to --.1. time--Over 1 8-T ASTE E #3 Fuhlon bland _...... ..,.--1-~ .1.-...... ,5 "...,,, ""'"' t:-ft,....,......,. 2966 ~~• C FUJ...L.Tlme. """' botal perience in tbe maintenanol ...,..,i'f<'T"""nt ~~DC)' • m•••tl --~·· ..... _ ,. ~c., 9,.,.,...., .M. N-lk•ch ou, and -'-I ~-So Mal •--1a •---••'='u.ri::uuuu• lW'C 1----~-~-··----Laguna Beach 494-ll96 tt_., o automotive '"UU • n, .-.,, ,......
in booming I n d a 11 r >'. e GIRLS e . equipment. SaJ.aty bes\nii MODELS WANTED
Ma.nqtment ability helpful. BARMAIDS n10 WEEK • JANITOR • Maintenance Min $6ll.OO. Apply Monday thru 'Vomen-Men-Qilldren of an
Sa1uy open. Age to~ AV Pt.US TIPS. DANCERS Permanent, fuU tlme. MATUR E, neal. clf'an, 6 Frida.)' tram g a.m. to 4;30 qes lo do T.V. Com-
Training Industries 540-S293 S100 DAY. ISLANDER M " 10 1 « 2 ~f. Salary p.m. 1901 Newport Blvd., merclals. Trace Shows,
Genenl The Pondmu. Qub MOTOR HOMES T m"·"lt. 11nd benetlll. App-Cl&aWed Pertormtl, Q:lsta Grand ()penlna., Mqulne
We Haw Mor• Jobs S2a.9014 2135 Canyon Dr., Costa MeSll ly: Mr. Criswell lO AM to Meu. MS-0600 Osolna: date l...Qoabl, Fuh'°n and
where you wantl
Than We Have People HAIRSTYLIST ll:lJ AM. Sepli2 . Ge I Photograpb)' f all ~-•-Ith t~•-•-f __ ,,,_. JANITOJt...Nlte lhift, mid· McDONALD'S . kl """ It f o ,_ 445 E. 17th St. Jobs are l(ling ...._.,,& w vuuwu<& ar QU;IWl.l\le night to I am Call Bob 635 W Nth, Colita Meoa Mechanic "'<anted. nds. There no tt u_r. Cost• Met•, C•llf.
tn Orange County's sakm, CdM. NO cbam-Quinn at · · =====--:-~ Union 78 Station wived and we are not a 642-7523
financial industries. ~Ing. We have ahampoo HUNTINGTON LANES MAINTENANCE mechanic, U100 Newport Blvd, C.M. 11ehool. We a.re In the ,.
I...ENDERS rirt. 673-301 • ~ ·-•. electrical .l plumbb'lg e.qi. advertisilll' and mamuna ~~ Gd ---~~-of lnttrviewine Mon. thru Fri. PER.SONNEL AGENCY' • .. .,. '"'"" .......... ~... Cuamed .eat1on.. Saw bu.line as. Part time work. 8 AM to 5 PM
230 W. Warner. S.A. Ho1te11--Chavffeur for hand air tool& nee. Hilb mone>', time It eUort.. Look Excellent pay. Ph 0 n • Equal opportunl~ em~
m11 ,...."" ._ · ~-.. KITCHEN STAFF -and .......... eo. 1n ..,.m 630-29l0 .,,..,,. .. 3'69 w. <th. L.A. _,., .. -pt. ~ or C..ta Mfla. 3021 N•wport OFFICE CLERK
C:ll8l -older. Mutt bo. good WANTED Blvd. C.114. n™'""'OO. Jobs Mon, Wom. 7100Jobs Mon, Wom. 7100 RaUal>le ,,.._ -..
General Production driver and hold • vai.. MAINTENANCE , permanent detk In Edttol'-
FEMALE HI C•flf. lfcense. S. JH[ Wanted: Maintenance man. •• • • • • ••• •• • ••• • • e • • • • • • • la! C>ffbs of the DAD...Y
Employmont Co. P•ya Foo
COASTAL AGENCY Appi:c:!"::, E+"tr•
A membtr of ~·,-""'11lnr • ..,.w..,, 1oc. Computu application smr.
2'l9o Harl>or Bl. CM 540<055 Mft. Engr. Mgr. $20,000
PACXAGERS, Factory , E.lectronkl blck&rowJd.
Female. 5' 5" or OYU. Sr. ContrK'tl
Sl.lrlln& pay tl.65 per hr. Administrator
... tralnlnr pulnd. 5'8-5125 To $11,000
PART-Tune AA1/PM. $2 bl", 'Tnml.cl • com~ npm..
car. Opeo small budpt enoe.
ac:m. no exp. 56-8fl'.l3 Jr. Contracts
PHOTO-lab tech. Must have Adminlstratot
""'· """ """"" PO box to $15,000 388 Huntinpm Beu:h. "I'Mllics l ooatputer expert.
PJES e:nce.
YOUNG Man lntereste:d In Qu•llty Auuranc•
the pie bullneu. A good Supervisor $10,000 future: to the right penion. 6 PC1l uperienoe
day wk. App. l.n penon;
VI'• P1'~ 191 E. 17th St Shop Suporvltor $10,000
C.M. 9 to 12 noon. PCB experience
PIE Sbop Mrk. woman part Mechanlc•I Engr.
time no exper. nee. 25..50 to ff.6K
Apply Susan Lynn Pies I510 [)egrff helpful. mfl' proceu
Bakn, c.osta Mesa experience.
$474. to $576. por month El~';;~~"tr.
NEWPORT BEACH --ana1oc c:lmol de...,,,
Plattlc Fo.....,._
Requires one year of recent to $12,000
-""'"""'°· 50 wpm'---· typln&:. Initial a&IJanrnent to
the evenl:ns ahllt. Apply be· Appllunt P•ys F ..
fore 5 p.m .• SePl 12, 1969 to
the "''"°Mel OU!.,.. Oty of Tool & Olt l>osllMf N""'°rt BeW>. 3300 N,.._ $700 up
port Blvd., Ne..1JOrt Beach, Able to work alont, O)ft'IPlllY
CaJlf., <n•> 613-6633. wm pa,y top wa.ces tor top
s7l1. to sa12.
par month
Eloctrl<•I Oroftt"'""
C."""""'81/ltrtal """'· '""· Pl•tlntl S..,.r. $7.81C up
Koow ......... """' -· No e:<pttienoe neceuary Mr. Hinman tull time, Must apply In • MANUFACTURING PD..ar. Some l;yplJW and
Appl1 In .. ....,, ..._,.. NEWPQRJER INN ..-. Jamaica ton Mole!, : PRODUCTION =ha~ .... ~~ ......., newly .,...,,ed poo\. THE HARTLEY CO. ><vARVER PONTIAC 2101 E. eo..t Hwy., °"""" to 3 PM. M-llllou&h "°"' Y&llahle wflh ..,..,...
}igf c::~Ave. ms H•rbor Blvd., CM 1107 Jaml:tor• Rd. , ,...,,...,,. ... =',,"'-~,..,...,",,.....----! TRAINEES ~;: 2M~~ ~~: k~~~
OffMt Prott Opff.
U.Z5K -Forittlft Opor.
Houtekeet>tr MlO.MANAGEMENT t NO PH011E CALLS. actlvttJ. -ln-Gonor•I Offfeo URGENT! Lift In or ..,l Newport llooeh, Coll!. .,.,._ I D•~I Piiot dodo 5"1'". l!O -mfn\. .. $411.0I "' ,._,_ L.--... ~.._ Caree:r O[lportunit)'. No el• • NO EXl'EHOOIUINCE..._.N._EOCUUSA,. ",,· v'o'u'Ho.J,'TH',"'.a:· -ft....... mum. 21-31 -ol ... » Sew"1 opt:nh-.. for iood .... o"'"--,._.,lJIC, ,._...,.., • Kitchen Steward • HIGH sc l .,...,.. A L • -• U9t,I """ ,.. , ~·~ In ... ~ --and woman onlJ. 2 boys 1 • 9. • 2 ..... Cokt perleno! niecemJ')'. MWtary • frTUDl, Wl Will TlAIN YOU. rERMANEHT fM· Coctt. Mea 30 WlCflllie<:Wd °fkbl, U.S.
.,,.,._ "'' .. ..,. 64&-7365 &e-.lm eves . •••;, obUgaUofs eo m PI e led. i rLOYMENT VCCfLLENT orflORTVNITY K>l AO. --====~--dlploma. ,.._ qual1fled
Santa -C&11 LonJno. !1454922 • • Pantry Man Slartinc oalary. m> per VANC£M£NT. • • • OPERATORS • • • "'°""' ,...,.. tor the -
Mer<banta -I ...,._,,llSKPRAlook"'="'=-. =-:-,-e Dl.sbwuber _._ ... 11-25. INTERVIEWS MON. THRU FRI. l>qlo-In -1..io ....n. written tet4 1'30 p.m., Sep. cy, 2DU W•$lcllfl Dr• N.B. .......,._ lor Tripp E«tric Joe t ol -~ plttt l<mbtr lT, !JG at 04' Hall.
Ge&<>m>....... ~ lodJ.~_.-'; ~ ror """' ........ talary. --• SPS Western =y~-= i:::t c.uncn °'""'..... 3300 llfCllrity, nnc htl.lt.h proan.m 1---------: NewPait O:Yd., Newport
Cdlea• stuiJent p/t work tl'lat irmotlt or drinlt. Pltm. Coot.act BUSIEST marbt)ll.lct in SL, Wfftmlnstft'; s:J4.IT.JB. Sn.ch. CalUomla. No appli-
caa be tal)l)ftd to )'OUr clasa-831).(19$ l\!r, 0.CU Zinc town. The DAD..Y PtLO'I' : DW. dlrtd IC4l'1' ~ cation necnary prior hi
ts. $2.65 per hr auar. to 1....,H"'ou=SEKEEP==. =E=1t"°"11:-1o:--::3.-ER<:utlve Oie.f Culiflfd llrdion. Sa•• 2701 So. Harbor, Senta An• )'OQf lid., then "t back arid tat. J'or ftlrthtt Info, con-
$2.2S hr. up
Wo lmlto your ,..
tum0t which wlll bo
hold In strict confl. ...... wm-x.: and mak9 1ppa
aide ~ WWl!"'9
..--. p h••• ., write, P,..,.,.lonol •"""''°" fer ,.,.. ,.., ..... , ..
·~ ~~ ~ • M~ ~-· ~ de) bl!IWHn a.u am or i..f pm =· t1nlil It tftort. Look • AN EQUAL O•llORTUNITY EMrLOYEI: & =· to ti. pbont rtrct ~ PtnoMel Ottlee ('D4.l ••••••••••••••• ~ ••••. , .•.. , ---------~~~:__ _____ l!!!!!!I•••····
I '
24 ,D>lll.¥ "1.41' , T,._..,.. ... ., ,, IM
"'Jllll i IMKOVirlNTJOIS I IMKOYMIH'f ~I.!_ &'~'!l.~!'\lff'! JOIS & ""'\.OYMINT MEllCHANDISI 1'011 , MlllCHANDISI FOii MlltCHANOISI fOR ME RC HANDISI. fOlt
MEllCHAtiDISI 1'011
Sl'LI AND TRADE I ta Moin. W-: 11•J11ri!o Mo•-W..,., 71Gq JMo MK. w...._ 7100 Jobo ftjon. Wom. 7100 J-::-:---:-----=-....;...;..;;..-"-.;.;.;;=;;:;,.-I ·--l=pi'ii"""""iiiiiiiiiiiii!~~!·~ID~t~l'!um~ltu!,.~iiiiiiiiiiiiii•~1·1 -col lftlf. 1125 c-rn & _~q'!.fL. f3!!!1 ~-ll•hHut
' HOSttssES
, .
1SI E••t Coast -Hlghw•r . Now,.,. Bllch ' ' •
Jobo Mao. Worn. 7100~oloo Man: Wom..'7100
One oJ the lar1est and mOst 'resi>f:cted
re.t.ail companies ha s a need for depen·
dable. married men to take ove~ and
service weU-eslablished routes In lhe
beach cities. If you are a self-starter,
have a good ~mployment recor4 and lbe
desire to .be more than just average:
• Oppotlun jty lo ••m·S7-f!O.OOO yearl)'. e Guaraoleed salary up to $12.S per
we~k. after. short training .period with
pay. e Family medical plan, lire ins. and
sick pay.
• Vehicle \1.iitb expen ses paid.
• Established a<..-counts.
• Up-to 3 weeks vaca\ion per year
• Ad,·encement into management.
• Retirement at age 57.
•,Security and Independence .. ~
For complete Details and lntervie\v Call
774:-0330 or Appl y in person Tues .. \Ved ..
T~urs., Fri.
WAJTRISS SAE.$ -!'.am monq 'liilb
.. lnvutmttpt. S • r • h '°""""" _.. 1u11 a ,.,.,,.,. IM!p. "' .. uwrr. EXPE ~IENCEO II 12 sm.tNC ~ sWtar • CANON' QlJl9 SS ~ fQRSY vaowm ~aoer T(llb LOST LEASE amp. $120 or r;,,1 ol1u. Like ,..w, 1 n old •ltod> • polftbor. lOnt oond
;:::-.f'cr tftl:al,f~· call I Altttly ln .P#Mn
!W6-&169 art 5 PJ\I ~ i iuarantttd. PIJ' o(( '*1 91
s:hl!i: SIJli.F & SlllLOIN
• FINAL DAYS e Co<\n. eold 1.,.,. ~. Write Dally Piiot Im P.W $S1.1J ,.. toll< ..,. pymnta.
TUE.DAY THRU SUNDAY· ,,_,r.nt oont1. iu;. :;:"'"'";j<iij;J~O..tl~~·,;•:;itpt~l:6-~12!9~=;-J ,.. .. u Job _ K... ,.... 5'30 l'ac. Cat. Hwy.
"rl;",.;tk Jo'b u wile a Nowport leach
CONTUCTOR HELD U$ UPll e !IG-:1623 e Sportln9 Gooda 1500 MlK. Wanr.d NI f'O, ... Inventory of Flnt Furnltv r1 . ~---_-_-_-_-_-:_-:_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_·11suRFBOARDS 9·7· Hoble
motlier &: earn a "'kiy \VA~Nlght ah i f t .
~If. 5f4....1Ut; S4t)..698j llospHal. 111.1raical, medical.
SALES dtn!a! p I J ,,: ApPly in
?.la.lure "'onillJ'I. part, tlmt per• on . H n \V AR D • s
HI k F. 1-I ltesta11rant. 4001 W. Cal ~r. c 91')' nns ..-. r-H
'Vine A\~ .• N.B. Wfttcllfr1 ,,,.,."",:,·~NB=·-~~,,,.---I ~ , ' , WAITRESS • Cocktails. ex·
~f~: ~rv Sta. Full perlenc.d onl)'. Call SUgar
time., •wlnc' lhllt. 1 P,,fust be Lavall al neat In appea.railC"f.' See l:IUNTrNCTON LANES
M4llt Be Sold NOW I Pianos & Ort••• 1130 Wood)', U' Qulu Tutdem,
SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN e PIANOS both ,.,. 153· 613--0m
1•11• Ttrm1 stot• Ch''t ' Me11., eti.,9,, e PIANOS Mf,c1llth:eOUI
••11Ml'll•II••rd -All A•c•plt4 Flrwll Days of our summer -*AUCTION* 0,... '• ikltv -s.r. t • 6, s. •. 11 • t 141-t661 Salr. S&.\'f' on fabulous
GRANDS Including: tr you wW tell or buy
e Cl}1ckerin&. e Wurlllter aive \V\ndy a Vy 2065 Charft St., Cosf1 Mesa • S1rlnwa;i' • Knabe AucUons Frklay 7:30 p.m.
B h' .J "H b c PL.US MANY MORE! W'1ndy's Auct1'on 81m • 1np •r or •r WtJh" SPl,NETS &
Salrs \VAITRESS for iior club. Al· Enter off H•milton or Bernerd St. CONSOLES Behind Tony'a Bldi. ~fat1.
Sl!l.lesPrrmn for Stereo tape tracth·,, e~p·d. 21·28. AJ1ply A li•fl• h•rd to fi nd. li11f •111th th• doll•rs.vo11 1.,..1 !AVE UP 1'0 , , , USO. 20751; N'111>0tf, CM &m.8686
Jim. zoo Nt:wport. c. ~f. • 962-3366 •
sto~. full or put time. Ir> pe™'n. bet\''"" 6 Pl'tl·2 BUY NOW!! Prlt"es 04•iU not ~ am,tn ~Plat"t'nliaAve.CM. F It --·-· b!?thio;Joweealrt!~ FOR SALE
SALESLADY for ~ry. ·w"-AJ"'TRESS==-AU--,-h~if~t-s' ~~ u~~--~-IOOO G•r~ -~~ COAST MUSIC Be3ulilul 01islna1 oil pain!.
Allnnoonl 2-9. aV1\tlablr. AQPIY ODJ~;S, 20 PC ''MADR•D'' MOVING to [ u ro Pe , Nfo:\\'PORT £.. HARBOR ll'll:. nlOunlain 11(.';!ne in be~u·
;318 J,tarlne, BAiboa IL l OI \\'. Coast J{ \\' y, • ' C.omplete h 0 u, eh 0 I" liful blues & ireens. IJark 3 R G 'lj COSTA ritr~SA * 642-2.\ll ... ood -···•d 1-•• •-t ~ Newport lkach OOm rOUp furriis"i"-must .. _ ..n-" .._.. i ... ,ie . .:>n: o ... ~ FROM ''2'&" -..... .,...... Open 1°" Fri 10-9 Sun 12.J appreciate. R.ellol'lable. Call
Salesman \Vanted \\'AITRESS. over 21. Apply MODE L HOMES t'd of. 1831 Kiowa St., HB NO\\.'. t'fn! a Baldwln.ora;an 8'17·TIS7.
Fult·time. Apply J a, ck • 1 Ship A boy R{'St, ~SO s. Coast. Includes: QulH~d sora and 952-9717 · &. 1 1 1 Adult ;;;.-;;;;;-;;;;-c::;,.,-,:;:::--;,,-J'iiws~·ear 231~ El Toro Rd. l.aR Bf-h. -494--:?eW chair -2 end !ables I.: C'01· I::===""=====, I . l'flrn ° Pay. l.GE Din !bl 1•,t/6 cbrs. $~.
fee lable 2 lanlJl dt Furniture A"~lon 1025 beg111nen only. ~lvafe or Refrig. $35. Pt'rfttt cond. ll..e~w-e \\'orld) \\'ELDER , . -5 -v.ss-""' cl~ss lessoos avail3ble. -~,·.·-•dal•-•ioo. \V••l•'tngton
APPRENTICE f U e1 -m1n"or -headbofl.rd -'• .. " a.. SALE.SA!AN t.'<per. S e Pt chi · 1 or snia ina. quilted box spring I.: mAH· • FurnltUre e :e;;ull!I &uar..antced. Beheve n\achinc Sl5. Ste1"t'O console
thrd Dec. Commisslon only. °' 5 K>fl· l'I!"!! -5 pe, Olnlng roorn; Applfance 1 e Color TV rt or not -$3.00 a 11 cek ren-$50. Sealey matt &: 11pri11gs ~before~ P:Of \\T.1~IA.1\f-lwuo.;r111fe. use your tablf' & 4 hi.beC'k C'hi>h-s, AOK AUCTION lal. lessons Pxlra. \\'/headboard.• $6.}. 546-6264
SECRETARY 11pare Unle to earn n1ol)('y. COi\1"PARF.: AT s;.19.95 1Tt. ~'ARD'S BALD\\'IN STUDIO l ;;;====~~-~-
•r·->· ·' ' Ill \Vin pr\7.rs. no II"' Hmit, no "399 J, Garden Grove Blvd. 1!119 Ne11pc111, C.1\1. 6·l2-3-i&l BE:.\lrrYRE.~ klng. n:iattr.e~s "i::u1r .... -11ur;;eons n 1-e. .... ~ Westminster nr. G.6. Fnvy. ---. -· --$6J, Bonfln'la mini b1k.e
Garden Gnnr. E.xpcricnre thne llmit, \Vill train u Tues &: ThUl"l 7 PM.Sat 6:30 THOMAS "'/Jack 11 ha lt ., front
I --"I r ( • I Beauty Counselors &fi-0Scl6 i\'" "'""'n-P·"'"' ,,.,iv .~1 6 "'"· n .. ,.,.., ca o fit.-e N'Q~ red. · WELK'S WARDIOUSE Eatate consanml, Repo. New ORGANS l!Ur<!lf'nsj()n $150. SeagUll..-40 Ty p I n r , I n s uran ce, \fOi\IEN \\'hQ sew. ~ ex. oulbd, off('r. 64&-:nu.;.
telephone, scheduling, die· h'a money or a change of . Ap pli1nces 1100 Exclush·e Color-µ1~ pr<igram-SVRPLUS lactory d r, s s
taphone re:llef. No back o(. pat"''? Part or full linte, liOO \V . 'Ith ~t.. Santa Ana med 1ylhmn, l\tan.•· other tabrics & rtmr..ants So ld
lice. No Saturda.ya. ·Plea•e Oexibte hourt. 494-199;) Or>en Daily 9-:l ROPER eye-lcvf'l fuprio:htl plus ft>aturts. Ser-the lie\\' to the bli 8-4 ·!\I nd
st.I.le qullllflcatlona A I I iiiOiiAi'i"'Tu-;;;"'ti;;:;:;;;c,1 .,;."~'~· ~·~~;.,-~s~un~l~l-~6-gas 11101,~ "'I s Ii de -out La\\T1'nee "'elk model Tte· pu e 0 ~Y ~Jes .adlmo•led~. Box '!~~ ,,:0St~T~~!a~~ ~P~ Expano'I l('l Qualit y burner tray l.t bottom merictou8 savings on ~elect· ~~~11 Sar. lS20 i\lonrovie,
• No. P682. Daily Pl.lo! 494-46.i2 &. 673-ZlS:'.i Mode l Home F urnitur e storaae compartmen t ; ed demonstnttor m'odcl~. ln;;:;' -,·;n,on:--;-:::c:::--:::==
SECRETARY ---~=~~-:::-:::-l&lvinR.s lo sar.:.. E-Z flnanc· "'hile. S75. 518-5623 Ui;ed <mtAAS h'Oll\ S'!ll. DIAJ\TOND 3 1'0w 1reddlng ~ •• ,.. ei.:-.·e,,....,,..rate or • • \\'O:\I AN • * in::. Nothin-. dny,·n. 3 C'Om· * \~'ESflNCHOUSE db l COAST MUSIC rin~. H 1t~·e iuarantl'ed_ ap-" J•• ,... -·.--•-ur.. D.\)' CLEA:'\li'\G , " L-1 . praisaJ $1tl0Cl. Over 2.2-1 cl. lq:lll baclqrround. Mwit be !!}.~;tt3:; p etc n.11r1s of d~oorators 0\""11 I' a n I e & exnn.Usl NE" PORT & HARBOR . Perfect :;em!. Sac r 1 f ice
e-'l:et"Uti\·e caUh~. 1----------~tyled ~fl11•1;~h rumi!ure. U'1lt. llttt'\·e:o;t gold. New & COSTA J\IES.'\ * 6~2-2851 ir.J. casti. 6i:;....3600 ~ISS EX~C A~ENCY Consistiu; or thr famous unu~ed. &II~ pvt ply. * Open 11).6 f'ri 10-9 Sun 12-Si;;;<n.M">=;::;;=-.:::-:--=
410 W. Coast HJ&;hWa,y Schools·lnst ruction 7600 custom qu;ili1y M11drid Uv. KEN'.\!OR I'.: Au 10 nia 1 ic1---~-------1CAnPF.T in~taller has one ~"POrt ,Beach .646-3939 ing 100111 :1r111f1. The origin-\\'aslwr. ~1111 conrl. $40. HArt1i\IOND . Stf'inway . Ya 1uJJ. <l\'Ot'ado nyltJn l"arpet.
al El Pl'l'~irfen1c ~pacious 817-8111 or !H6-86i2 dlr. m11ha , iu?1v & used pleoo~ double jute·h<lcked. \Vill sell
SECRETAJtY Tile Newport S•.hool ml\~tcr ki'1:;: t.il .. bedroom or all ntakes.. &sl buys i.11 ~11 or -(><111, $ 3 I y ard . Part·liml'. nexlble hn. 3 dAI suilc a•irt the eulhenHc La \\',\~HER & dryer, avocado, So. Calif. rl;bt hl'rt. .1-l(l....121.J
wk. 4-6 hrs e1ieh. T)'Plnr. Paz 11 1'01.1;ht iron, dlnelte $1Zl. Rcrrig-frost free $l15. SCHl\fJDT ?.TUSIC co.. l,«t°'A"n~E~'"T'=o-o=nt:;::oc::--~.ct~-"-""::;I
•tn'I office duties. BALBOA of Bus1'ness L' I d k Yreezl'r $Ga. 540-10!!.1 M"ts. 1m tr sloe • $488. lll07 N. ?.lam, 1h't'sses. Sites 2 10 12, -nna J\OTOR HOJ\IES, C.J.1. Jl I NOr.GE •-
For ftlrtlilurt. appliancn.
colored 'IV. pianos. orp.dS
and antique..
Dt..• or nkalt
63'-3'21 -'----1
Colo• TVl-Pi•11os-Sf••M•
1 Pleu .,H-M
• 54 1-453 1 •
TOP CASH IN 30 Minute
Quali ty furniture color TV's
stereos. aPPliaiice.a tools,
ollice eqbto.
531-1212 -WEPAY-CA=SH~! _,
• NOT Checks
Furniture. Stereo. 1V or
Household ltf'm~ of any kind. e 547-Srn e
net'd~ JUNK CArifERAS Jo
class projecl, etc. 642--9;i53
NEED b1ick11 one to lt:m,
1"('81".0Mbly priced. 644-4681
1000 E. Ball Road, Anaheim
Jok-Men. Wom. 7100 Jobt-Men, Wom. 7100 ~-~--
. 11m1 ton Sho11·1'0:>m, 5948 • JltC:rig\n'alO:r, ~30. Santa Ana p1"ss. Bab)' & l\'l'dding 5IG-31C3 1 833 Dover Drive N.B. r es1min.<1er i\ve, 'Vestmins. '!'l'Yi-A State Ave. Costa \\'E HAVE PIANOS! gift~. neasouable. 3229 New
Ei>t"rrta1')-.Rec"'pllonls t Perhaps you aiv. plannln;;: !er. 894.ll.':4 J\le~a. ~14,.~950 You n1a y purchase or t'l'n! "York .\\'f', C.l\t. :ilfi..5092
Atlr. •'"'!rl for civil en."'ineer's h I ---SPAN SH lo re.enter I e bus ne:<s I LADY l\e11n1ore \Vasher & and eredit all 1nonies pahl l\1UST' Sell lhis l\'eekend!
otflC1", near alrporl. J\1ay 11 urld af te1· an ab1>Cnce of MEDITERRANEAN IJri·rr, L-1h lik ... n•w I~"". ! Tl h P f --• consider part-tinie. JJ"-' , _..., o11·a1 pure ast>. ro C~!!'i0•'41 pool table. 4 x
510-:::ij(J n1ii,1y year6. Perhaps )OU As Slio1•<'n iu niodi>I hoines. Slfi.:-'1701 Art 6 P~T HOUSE OF HARMON Y f) Al\ff' slate, \\'alnul det"Or.
!'Ire 1rorkiu;:: bul ha\'e ad· 3 Rms of furn, utin rm. !iv Cl!Af\.tRER Gas nrnge, top 4S t'a~hion lslrind Con1plete: balls, cues, e!c. ~cro•:;TAR'I. J.C:G .. \L 1·a11:-ed as fiir as your.pres· 1m. 6.: bC'rhm• I"'i~NI else-C'OIXli!lon $.lO. !l3...'\..G02! at! _,_.,_w_po_rt __ s._,_,_h_• __ ,_ll_·0_39_1_:;;""-;u;",..,";"',,.-'-"-;-::-"-'"-· ~'-::-::-:-:-:-D.:perio:n,.~d e:it busill('!-.S k11owlc!li:e & 11·hert' at :";f!.i i.~ yours tod11y 6:?.() or all day Si!.
O..")--:.'tii7 CIJ:\f fl Ill~ 11 \ll tak .. you. Nona al only $399. E.1:.y Credit • e YAMAHA If.TOY ING to Eu1·ope.
-lloUnian, at M2-38iO will be G.E. Elrt·l!"i" 1'tr~e1·. ~00'1 Con1Dletr ho u ! eh o Id
SE..\J\I STJ:t::s.5. Dr a P e r y 1'11rmi. ,.. • II PIANOS • ORGANS , .. ,--,•.I•'"•"'· m••·t ~ d•·-. • ' •. r · 1 o.. h h•PPY to an~11er any quo>~· Sanla An F .1 1'(1>1r 1tion. l't'fl~otiahlc! ca ... u " ~ "" .-,.,,...,,.. Do You :ra~·" 11..,r ... nqu1rc .a;;una """ac a urn1 ure ~ Ml or. 2t""I L • .,. .. , St .. HB,
(SAlES•..1rLt 1 t · 1~ S C 1 t:'lll'I rt'sa1"din; your par· 4 .... \" 1 . . 0••• 1 · ~'>-1219 Flf: 3 r·>'I. N>f' the ro11•pi"r" lin~ :it: .,... '"'"'"
l\'l .. NI ,, ('00"· ,,~... . ae.s • 1 oa! --J '· t11 !)! ...... nr~· 'na COAST • 1us1c 952-9i17 lh-.y. n1urn\n;:s. 1!'1-~'~ tlt'U ar I · • :'rl7.0iR!l e If
\rlTJTE Nau6ahyde couch A
ehtdr, pla1lor1n rocker-worn
uphl)I. Sm. S.s.Que, Door ~
la1np. 1naple chair. small,
lonnica dinin~ table w/5
(·hair~. small end labl~.
5!8-Tl96 9/ll
BEAUTIF"UL black mothe r
cal 2 yrs old. expecting klt-
ten.41. !\loving, cannot kttp.
Perfect '"a)' to I e a c h •
children about family life.
836-'i392 aftt>r 6 9/11
R~s '.!I lo 4'..! )'l!Bl'I ol
age, rood health, Hi&h ~ dlpioma, US citizen.
ship. good vision. 5'9". min.
1!18 lbs.
Written t'f.t 6: 31) p.m .. Wed..
Sept. 17, 1969. City Hall
C.ounc:fl Chambers, 3300 New·
pon Blvd., Newport Beach,
For additional information
caD or come to P.rsonMI
OifiC'e !7141 673.f.633.
Pl'-TlME tour p ldt:& for
beau!ilul new w:ujt apt.
· complell", NB Sf?-8110
Pn)gret.sive. ybUng, NeV1Jl011
Beach Corp. 0Uerln1: Im·
· med. Income, auttulve
a~h'Prti!ln.g, borlus pl.An cp
to me:~ comm: Ftesldf!nliaJ.
~trs. "A:rnold 6T5-4tll:
lloept $450
\'ouns Etwr finii. Good typ-
ist. f'&)d vac, he,1.llh Ins,
above &\'fr&!l:t ra ises!
P'ers.onnel Agfnc.y
n> £. l tlh Strttt
Santa Ana 542.72!:8
Roept/Typl1t to $400
Xlnt lutun! for yna ml• w/
!'Om, olc bkgmd, Lowly !:o.
S.A. orr. Qill Di""'· 5'6-a410
Employm!!nl Ager\Cy
1120 So. l\tain: S11 nta Ana
Ancient Mariner
now tak~ 8pplleations tor
Full &. pa.rt tlmt, day &-
Apply In pe1'SOll
2607 \\'. Coast H\\y,
Nt!\\·port Beach
ft.esR Ufllr>!
PART·Tlt'\iE 11 A:M'·2 !'}.J
Ideal far MolhenJ ""ltlt child·
~ m.11Jni bactl" 10 !ll'hool
UnUorms & meala tun111hed.
Contatt Mr. Dinius.
3141 Harbor Blvd .. C.:\I.
• S<l.>9913 •
lltGR. ~ilh fl')' cook e:i:p. for
new fut-toOd rntsurant ln
C oat• Mt:aa. Xlnt op.-
p::ittunlty for advancelT'lf!fll.
8ALES.. SERVJCE station
aaJesmm. Ell:p'd, ~ no
. ban1er, run time. ulary +
c-omm. Mobil Station. 24362
El Toro J\d .• lA&una H\Ug.
comp:!l"Ot sa1n tralnef!.
~ CaU , lilt. Vann
··TIMl .FOil
WANTED \..____ -A · 8110 fl,'E\\'PORT & H'",BOR KF:N\10/tE rl~tric rangr, J SER\'ICl": ::.JATIO~ _ t'U -:NITUI :~; reltl1·uc.>d fron1 nhques "'"' 24 · I 1,.
I '-1'111 -D_ ~· LE l S COSTA l\IE~A * 6~2-28::rl llf'ar llf!"'" inc i oven $ .:J. 111th a grain of 18 r? ...... n·t Phillips Pf'~rolcuin Co. f' i; "' di~":'"" st•"lio<; rnvdel horn. l'IC'.,., ~. 'e<.'n t~·eed $100, t.Ii~ ... th I ' bl '" I fol · · ,.. '.• " ~ • I ·, · ' II Open 10.6 f'r\ 10-9 Sun l2·5 ""' "'-Y a ~ Y · · NoN tun~ fur • v • • ·• '"'c. '"'01'tll'>t"!'i r··n· .. · a!l<>n. \'II ~ 1"TIQUr: tables $10 e:ich. 2 5 O O
lo"·td a fl'\I.• mrse!f only to slla.i·>~9"1-1.1 t'd F<'1"l io:e ~ta-J\NSlli, ER~ 1844 N1wr>0rt Blvd., CM SHOW & SAL E ~0\\'-1'f'11t a Bald"O\ln piaru \Ve!'>l niinsrer. or 5'1:>--09!'4 ~ disappointed. The job Oon. f.xpt>rn?JK"'C tlC'~n'Cd. ,.,.,, .... sr~·"-11 g. ~1"1'' ~. -.. ~-·· rlc, ~"DI 11. 11. 1:::. 1 t for ~·our child for $2.001;---~~-~--'-
&ekiom lived up to ~ie G~ ,,,1 .. 1 .. ,,. s'l.la...., plu a ~D FUR"ITUnE week. Profe11!lone.I in-* * * * ......... • .• ·~ -~ l't " Thur F'ri &tt 1-10 SUll 12·6 fA'OLY '! ·--·r t c!~l:m in U>e art. n0 t>nerous comm!Sllioo. \\ilh Unr11lr -Ponnd -GlMt -s1ti.1ctlon available~ results '~ h em.,.,.,,.,, P n Do YOURSELF -, · r 1 'Ill 9 Lon-: BPa<'-h Munici~·• Aud, 1 · c I Co ~. Club cxc<..'llt'nl opportunities for Egoism -FLOOR l\TOP "1. •Y nn:: 1 vcu guanin!ced. rvine oa.c; un .. J aih·a.r~menl. fo r In-Long-h11i~ hippie to an-\\"ed .. :'P.t. & ~·in. 'Iii 6 l..ongc::aa:hA~~~·d & \VARD"S BALD\\'IN STUDIO for ~all'. P\'I piy. 613-19.lR A FAVOR! fonnatlon contacl n:i1111a;o.:r, 1Jlht'r; "I lik" yoor h:drdo. Sepa rating . Must-Self 1819 Newport; C.ht 642-813-1 Health Spa. memberships.
_,. ANO t.rookhl'r!l &: Ad8ms. llun-Looks Iii;..~ A rtoor. J\10P in Lh. nu, ~Of'!. & l'l\1" .~e11\ PLAY BEFORE \'O U BUY 12 months {O\"Cr 200 visib) EXPLORE !\~ton Ec-~ch. ~ hi-:h 1\ \•··I." vrh·et: t."Offee & end labl:.-i;; c,\Rv:,D ... \\'alnut Ji~ retain-FREE 0;,.,. .... , .. , lom>Jha for $99. Regularly $200. l'tfiss 1111-y " e·.11tt'ITaTK'an 1-=<es .. = . .,. La 549-1 25 THIS ONE! SER V. ST A . ,\TT:>:. SAUCERMAN SCHOOL den sora k lovf S:.'at, Kin~ tahlr. Sl:Z.i. 5~S-4.)72 l'IO\\' -c-atl for reservalion11.1 _~"~'~·=o-=' "". ""'"'°-,..-
If ).'ll" ~-u'ld 1,.,:_ to niake Day t Im e . !\last ha\r Lo, I a1•b•·u_,1 .. ~. ;;:1. I ·~ ·'i7<' ,l"lil'I bdi·ni. /\~I. ----------Gould Music Co1npany. 204J CANON QL/19 3."1n1m
" " l'IC lu\.lrica!ion 'e.xpcr. and 11 r. hC'rc thf' Pro-;rain l·i nlfl~. pir·;urf'~. Ki ri ~iir• ----------N. i\lain, Santa A n a. Like ne~', 1 yr old. S2fi!. prr \Vf!ek lmme"dialely. hair-cul. • .\.l..W;. Ntt & Sun Fils 1i1c Child :O:rnni·h sr:. Sf'I , l'Ol'l1l;tl S"vti nq M•chine1 1120 ~)17-008 1 $j(l
\\'ith an oppoliuni :y for ·' '"' E "th St "\I \',•II·•" rt. ·''"""l'n•an, Bt's;:r.l di•1. r111. set & china 0 r Pilot •-· p "II ueys. · .. · 11 .. '--au ..... h' · ·7 -f'ORCEO To ·•II >ny ,,.,.,-.1 ,"'""'~'~Y""'c::':::-"~=":'~-~"'-:::::: much more In thr futw-e, J:::d D 1·1 Ill"' G'' Cli1 ~J:.:\\'I NG 1\IACHINE "" ""Ii T would II'·• in l•lk ·o you. Si!Jt Sta l:.:\'P Sal;1ry 1· 10 r · · -.:.:._ · -~---1 ~9 SINGER poi;scs;:ion. Stein1vay Granu BEAUT. Germ11r. n111de ot'w
" • • • • ' 1 51C-IOO> Ent'Oll 0011 1-'URN rJ ur:.t. & 1·ahi1w1~ hkc ,.., 11 your qualillcatio11.1 match C\Jr:un. "/tun!" P'\Y i-r1 ~[I .. -· ··~ CONSOLE <LI Ebony. 5 yra old, hare· sb~r embroidered 1\·hite our rrquirements. lhis'rould hr~. Full/I. Penn. 9'JO E.' El't>!! ;;;:S.J i.~_· __ ~ou ha•e ne•rr ~r>en 81 ly played. $3950. 546-3'129 c1n1ains. 9:'.i" lon1;, x 271:1'
be the car~r )'ou'\-e bet>n Cs! ll•.1y. NB. Eclucatioua.J \':...c-arion 5th Arnerica'11 111.ri;,.~1 & n1osl Zi~ 7.a~ Otb. nlOdel. Sli~htly WANTED "O\ide. $12:i. 83~1
I gr<irle r"!I . • . Sr Ci\i{ens unu~u;;iJ unfini~h"tl f\tl'nihH1' usert. Slylls~1 wii l. C'ab. Does ookiog for. Call for personal ~ERV'JCE Station atlt'ndant. 1 c R~hill , S ,_ ,,.,,.,,h,·n" ,,.,.,, .. ,, attach. PlANO· & ORGANS CROSS.top reefer $45. Co111·h in I I 3 P Onlcoot 10 le~wn 1y·plng "ore. or .. -u ., an... " .., ltrvt1vbel. lOA~ &: :\J dav "O\ork , 1• T · 1 · s,,,·11 ,·0 -n1,~1·1o , .•• ,, .. , .. 636-3620 + SlJ. \\'a:;her and dr..·rr SE · · ~1:lu. Trial Les: on. li3 Del ,.na Y>'Y· us\1n. 1n1 ~-"' "J 5 o '" ., · ~-~'71__,\>_.,.._1_10_1 ___ 1 · ~ E. Ceast 1111-y. Cd'.\I ntsr. c.~.I. ::HS-~9 of Nell'flOl't F'wy. Open 362 m'\k;e bu1-holcs, st'"O\' on bur~. Kl:\lBALL Consolette ano raeh. ~15 E. 17th St. lRear' Sal~s SERVICE station allcndanl. ~lON""''C'""Rl . . days per \T. ~44-5170. h"rn d!·esses, make fancy $~9::;. Xlnt rond. pi ·,i6~12~-5~7'°1"1 ,.,,-".-:::::;:;::,..--;:
* Fantastl.Cf. F.xper. ne""'· s~ "rillke··. " ' '~.,,_,' trauiing. ar;es ---·----~tih:hts, etc. 5 YI'. parts and 494-<»51 1HE AtrrlfUL ~apphir!' &
46_8 Ca U. NB 21., ID 5. Gh·, your child • Furnltt.1r• • .~"l'"'ce guarantt'E'. $S.64 d\a nd ·n A .sed at 1 m!Jtls 1. ' bft~t ('!hn::alion. 6l6-3'iOG. Appli•nce1 e Color TV diin. & 9 pynlls. of $5.64 5' Grand Pi8no, otig1nal nio ,. n g. pprai .
Is the ~1lt-d" f!ir t~is national
rompainy'a ni:-11· program for
£outhel'tl Ca1Uornia: \Ve
SERVfe'c S!a. A t t n d n. t. AOK AUCTION fini•h. lvri,...· Nt'11' felts $150 SS7J. \\ iU sell for much less. MERCHANDISE FOR n1•). No interest chie .. or: ·J · • · 6""1" ·corona del ~1 .. r Shell ASer\' mi Garden Grove Blvd. COMPL ETE PRICE &ffi.~l!Jl • .,....., .,..,.
m1 £. C08.!'-l lh\)', 67 • .-36..\S I SALE AND TRADE -\\'{'lltmin<ter nr G.G. Ffl\'Y· $56.40 DIAMOND Weddin; r.e!. 2
T R•dio 820011 1:ls total \\·cighl. tle11-Je.ss! SER\'ICE s1a1ton i1!tend11.nt. Furniture IOOO ues & Thurs 7 P!\l·Nit C:30 f Qr no oblig., free honir ____ Cost $lT;il, !ell 1 6 5 0 .
r;\p. rY'<'. Sc<: !\like. 467!1 . -Estate COl1Si;nn11. r:epo. Nl"1\ Oerno .. eall Credi! J\I::<r, t ill -A'.\1,,TEUR Rarfio sta tion. 6i.>-4Jll C11.1n'lu~ Dr. X.E. OVER -STOC KED COLDSPOT r:rfl'i':" I'~ ~T~ 9 P.:<I. If tlll\. Ca ll f •,Jl('t·r. SB :.:00 rl:\T ~SB 401 ~l111r. ,~.~,,~.L~'~S~E~~,.~,-~10-.--NI-,,
S!wir.!J Machine olrl. ro1np 11'110 .SJ.~. Colo1 21 3 • S31 ·9694 011 !he ai.r ''°"' ~liJ. • • . ng 1~' sr •
Operators ~1USJ SELLI TV·l£. Philco 1:.:insole-t'tiony S111;,i:ci=:-au•o. li~ zag. 6 11105 i"rl:i...SS~S 1 ~f,~;11.e~.';~j~21)~ ron-
2 ADORABLE heallhy kit·
tens, iiray I whl, A n d
\\'hle/gry stripped. S \Vka,
need g oo d hom e a .
CUTE, fuzey kilteM, I v.'ka,
free shots lo good home.
6U.0900 9111
SHEPHERD • Terrier mi:<ed
pups. 5 wks od, 2 males, 1
female. 64~1803 9/11
F'REE to qualif.ied bomea,
hcaJthy. loveable 1,-» Manx
kittl'r1s. 549-1846 9/9
2 LOVEABLE grey &. while
kiltens nttd somebody to
lovP.. 548-2462 919
PART cocker, terrier. 2
male, 6 \\'ks. old. nice pu
pies. 962-2158
S:\TALL Puppy-part Collie &:
Sh<!pherd 3 lo 4 montM old.
Call Cami ~165 919
STOVE. \Vorks. rough. 9x12
carpel. which need cleaning.
548-3197 !/9
i\lUST Find gd home !or
stm1ll loveable d o I !I .
531-8146 9/9
INTELLIGENT. Affectionate
1, grown male rHten, h11s
i;ho\1i. 61.).-0137 919
Hi\f ,f Prr.:ian k~rtt'ns. 2 all
1< hile. 1 bl8ck, 6 \\"kl old
%2-:.; 101 919
This Is a n!al ground 0001·
opportunity with a solid auto.
matlc electronic equipn1enl
flrin that offers
E:.prricnt"rd on dt"'sse5 I.· • d~ed 1111h111l $1i0,. 1 ~lark old. No attach needed to dol========:::;=cl,~;::-.!;:=,::::=:::::.:;...-==c
i;ports·o1enr. Top pay . .1163 conlf'mporary _chair flr~1gi1. inono:;:l'lll, blind tiem. Television ,....._,.GOOD Bellone & Ze nith 6 YR altt'l'Prl male
Produclion Pl. XB 616-11.108 Ni>iv 9 pc, cortlE'r arran~ iv f 11' hi tr n a Ui;a h Yd,. $~.27 1110 or $42.00 eash. ---------•-~., hcuring aides in pt>rfecl Mi1nalayan c·~t. l o v" 1
choit·e of clrs. ~i::. $?~. cu~hions S:lO. Call: 841-9809 ~:26-6616 Leti'it' Color TV or Bliick conrlition. S50 eaeh. 6.iZ..32'28 11·omcn. 6 14-2i~2 9/ll Shipping-Inventory n .ow Sl59.5(). Hearlh0rds: afler 5 p:-1. & \\'I I o ·
f:t<>a dy. 6r.'·26'.'i6 Kings, $15, Queens $12.50.l"'==~-""'77~.,.--.,, i le. flllon 10 hu y. Quali1y king bed-quilted \\"H!TF: Habbil friendly
Full Sl0.50. Twin& $4.9~. i\10\'N!{; • ~ v 111 n g 11!1 Muiical Inst . 8 125 ~·i"t'f> ~rr\'iCE'. No dl'roos it Co1nplete--unused $98. worth pet. 673-3i88 9111
Shop ~IPrhl'nlc Trundle sets fduo r isrrl 1v, household fur11il1tre, colQr A-Acti\'e TV r..enlal Co. S250. Aft S-wlmds 842~ =F=R=E~E~k~i~ll-.,-.,-. ~.~,.-,~,--ct El~erly ff'llli•retir!'d man far lnneL' sprlna: mall reg. $106. TV. etc. 1166 Charlf'!lton St .. ~~:l.i\IF~R Trun1pet pror n1nd. cc~='~'~'~'~"~-~"~"~""-. NE\\ PORT Tcnni~ CI u b 11hile. 5lN l:i8
shop \\1lrk; Ne111's. Fa,shlon now $79.50. RoU·a·way beds c;o.1. J.lt-12 1i. Co~t $-12.J. Take \IT.i, ~h•1re 21" T1':Lt:."'\o'ISION Good Family r.tenibcrship. :1430
I s I and, ~I u at be 1v I Inn. sp'1ng matt. reg. i\11t .'t: ~tancl $35. 19:::0 record \\Orl\irr. rotldition 12 5. plu• -n•I•• I-. -"""" \\""HITE Doe rabbit
nwehanl<'a l>Y in..'ilnl'd. A~ s,;,s.50, no1v S39.50. fuU sz. Office Equh>mtnt 1011 <"llleC'lio11. 96s.-f73i. fi"il-93.ii ev('<. HOSP;;."AL .. ~" with £:de :l46-996J
ply in pen:on. sleepel'·!IOfA re;::. $239.50. now ·.. ,\CCORDION. '2 ~TS old, H-'-F' &-S--
raU!I &. bed table $!15. 2 \\'000 yard ch8ira. 409 7th S . .\LE~OUNG MEN NEAL'S $169 . .50. 1\ew btods: King TYPE\VRITER, Add. mach, nn.fllified. full 1:X1 bass. I· 1 ttreo I I \\'heelchalr $j(). 646-9741 St, Hunting ton Beach 919
" • nd 219 E. 4!h SI. 199.50, Queens, SS9.50. Full calculator. \'try reuonabJe. ,'200. !!62--561!1 TO Good home. female "'h\le u you e11joy peop.e a Sanla Ana $-l.11.50, T11~i.ns $3!1.50. lully Xlnt roncl. s.q2.2123 eves. ROG F.RS Drum &1$1.30. STERF.O 1969 dl<s n:111sole,
\\'OU.Id be Interested i:1 !ales, ST"Er\'.O Plll't ti 'd gusnin. l\llli S1 gpl't"ads _
T bol b
compl ..-.·ith full stereo. 4 t;pd BUSIEST mart<etplace In bunny. 6il-188'.l 9/ll
eithf'r '8• a earetr or on• dictapl~rl('. t:,r';:' ~~ ~~ $13.95, n. st. $9.95. ~ric;t. G•rage S ale 8022 op-~~1~f· Garrard rfl11.n~. r.o wat town. The DATLY P~OT 3 Beautiful kiHens. male &
part timr ba11is it \\'Ould psy n1a.5 lity-awA;lt now. SIF'SI'A ~-dual channel. 4 'spkr llOUnd Oassitl~ iection. '-"' female 962.J<lal 9 tl
you to stt us. Co. 23 Y~ old. ~JpfuJ but not '1f'<'. a.~s.;;l:?5 SLEEP SHOP. J92j Harbor CARPET, shai;:. hi·lo NE\V 11,..~li\IO~D Otyan, :\lode! sysfem. Pay off ba1 of $17.26 money, time &: effort. Look CUTE killens ~ IQ\.-e. 6 llstf'd on IY>'O StOt"k: Exchan;:. TRA Tl'jEii: Blvd .• CJ\! 645-Zi60 dally l G-9 $4 sq. ytl. 396 Hamilton, l\1100. ne1v $Hi00, ~II for cash or smjll pymnts. now!!! i•;ks. 5"5-6.)!9 :!Ill
e!I. nattom\·kle TV l!:>i:po~urt AMBITIOUS WOMAN \iN>iiN1.C.su1n~Hlk;:·6.;;;;;;<':-;;;;;:;;;::j~C=.M=. "'Sa=rurd=,."'-=only==:==-'191JO==o='="'="~o~".,·=968-=:;.oc~="="-'=C'TI'=d'='='='"=',.· .,"'t-'.!=1289=== -================== \\'Ith more leada than \\., can ~ -
h!lndle. Nation11.I CQmpflny 1n hridal \\'JNG Back rhall' $.J. Ua,·en-Mlsce!leneous 1600 Ml1cell•neous l600
For more Wormation m1.rket, rw«ls 1 "eU i;:room-port & chair. make oUer.
and ~n;ons.1 inten·rcw ed "O\"o•nan with r.on1f' sales l\ing r..itl' hearllxm.rd $7.
call t.tr. Cood\\iJl P'l> .u n1&n11ger lra!nee. 01.hcr n1i;:c ill'n1s. 4.l;l
.\1f.859CJ J-1e.'l;lb!e hrs. 11ame eres pre· ·ru~tin. l'\e1vport Be a ch.
I'd N I 0 '2 .,,...~~ YolK Oofly Ach..;,.. Gvid. l\fon. & Tues. 9-J . C'ar Ile<". ·o pttrl l's. c1n. '" • .......,., . .,, Atcordinp fo lh• S/a"I. SALES \'ill!Slng or delh·ert~. Opp. to 3· SOFA. fK'ver used, quilted To de~lop ~for V/l!'dnettlcv, na; LOOK double e11.rnfnp, for lnh"O-Doral. ,cotrh-gUarderl, S12J. reodwon:l~COl'~!ng tonurrbers
Is Jooklni for ahal'p r lrls "''ho d\lctory lntel"\iew. Call ?.Ir. t.tatchinr low scat $73. ofyourZod1ocbirthslgn.
---• I .,. H111rris 544:355(1. ...,7 0-,..,,_.,,. ptrma.nen post ion. ---'--C..C-"-----....., ......,.,~ 1 e. JI Hou,. 61 Of
l\.1ustbeexperitncedln hl;:h TRAINEE \"oun£' m;,,n tn.l ~M~O~\=lN~,=G-m-,-,7,-,..~rr7:~r-um-,I ~d:;.. ~~~-~t!,..
fa • b I o·n d r • as• s -' letT:ated In lea1i11nE tratlr. hth·111, nv rm, rltn & nllscl .. 1, Jc~'~""" 64 Good
•porl a wirar , For "-P-t.luat ha\·e good refen?llt'f"ll, lien1..-. d'!"'P sea rods & .!IO:.yt,... J.5""'*' 650f
polnlment. Cllll 11ie l.(lok, Good pay & beil"flls. Steady -1,. X." ~7'l.7 QMIHI 6A~ 3t.01 cl• U T.....,. •r•· ,...... -(::t:;I.. l<l.•V, 21 7!"<1!1Urug"" J7 Mooe BT~· 644-UOO JJ Fashloo Island, employm .. nt. fi~6-m1. 'e'::''. !O-.ful J&O.. 6STodlly NB llW.On Ml'lal f'lnlMloe: 2 E"rlY An1t'r. ''"1)! low c:'<:' JU"x. 9~ l9Dif 69Pn»ab~
l!f'llll'., l \•inyl ()\.'"f'J"StuUed ~~,,?-.. ~it TOli'tM .. o • .,.,, 100-;s
SALES CLERKS ro~k('~. 175 ,."· f'n;ly ""' 9:J--11 ··~ .. ,You nv-12c;., qy-nT....,
Male. tuU .t pert um~ tor WAITRESSES ~IS-!r.il. 3:lHi:l1 c...NCtt 13...._ .<JJ..,._ 7JY-
H '•~-~.. • NIP\I,' l• M'olol." ""'flOOJ.,_,, 7• H.m.es un .. ,.....,, "-"" er • J\1 L'.ST f: .. U lhTm furn, gun 150-,~......,.. .. 75Urtlao
port Ctntft', Apply: euf', clf'ftflinit table. p>1!lo l6te .. 1y 46~ '''~
The Tobecconlst Inc:. Experie~ furn. rl~rbroil e1c. 536-2310 l~~ 1:=. ~~
Huntlnfton Center. APPLY L'f PERSON BEAUTIFUL SPAiVISH din. ~:.= ~~ ~r:_."111
Huntlnrton Beach tnr table'. \\.'roughl·iron lcp. ::n T':'J. 51 I• &1 n.
Sfuli Th 1• 4 chain $150. 830-15.Sl ~& ~~ ~~-~~V)et!, ~: =-~: e 1gger Quality kin& bed-quUted. ~~~ ~~ ::~"'°::"',,.,."i!J~!
11eat tn ap...-artnet. 2 )T& # IS fASHION JSLAND Comple1e-w1usffl $98, "·orlh ~6}o<'ld ~r.. 86,,_., ~ 1~ All S & lmd °'2 ""'""' 27 ''""""" 5111«.,v.c! tr""-f'Kp. SN JLm. 2590 Ne"')Xll't NE"'PORr BEACJt _, . w s.,... ~ :25}1ft""-1"" 58».t II~ ffl lt
IU\'d.; C;M, KNO'ITY Pine rabll'l('t with 29E.....-.g ~w,n 89 Awov , -~~-------1 \VATTERS. Wa ll r tsaes , dool"" l x 5' 11", $.j(). J\11n-30M 60Sl-.o..ld QO~l!y """''°
For. 0.11,J Pilot Want Adi 2121 E. COtut Hwy. C d J'i.l. mnN! ilishwu.htr $ 3 5 . ..,~Geo-f @.\d'rtm {)Nc~Ll3 F.:a. ~ HJ..:'11 Busboy, PNf, e:o.:p·(I. Apply: J _•_16-_>J_ll _______ . __________________________ _
INSPECTION 10 am-Auction Time
7:30 PM
We Got Tht Consiqnment
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When Sel li ng Your Furniture
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SANRDA-Y l '.SUNDAt, 10,oo A.if. ,rt;i 1,~ '·"·i.
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