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1969-09-17 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
• -I • •• -' • • ~ • . • 1 "' t ·~ lF ·.u.· I arine·: r :'Oe~ul',' , • "' ,. , , , I' t Ji; (. I~ 111~~ · 10 ·· ·n1.t•·11ile; o4 --• • • • ·-l "'\ --• • .... , ---' I . -' ., . ·-. . -. . f_olorl\d•~::'1Fli~· ' I ,; • , . " . . ~-~ ·f . or J . "' t • ' ' . • , . I • ' . . . ._:. r ,,: .·,.;.,·].·,~ t , .. • ,, . '•··I ~,.. ; f) , l,~1 "•4-1\ ."'' •\Ii ~ ~ • I •I,.\' ·J!,(!'f .:}.t'1t ~~ ~: ,Ufo':, i~~-\ • 1 i ·.-..(1 i \jlj.~-, ~.· ' ' ·-· ., .r .. ," t ' 1 '' ' • I ' __ , ~ • '• '' f ' ~ I " • -. • •• -r ' Gets· ----. • • •1 . ' • • i I ... • $ w.-.~;Sfp_tf11 .. \7, ltM , . t 11,111. Y .PllOT . • . Salt >.: · JtedDeea: ·~ lfe•O~y • --;ID ' . .. ..... ... ~ ' I ' ,,., ;......iilre ~i.,ff lflo, -· lhrougb the NII workt' tilatory, and In ils DAILY PILOT Slttf P'IWIM ""144.f, l!le mill c:ould produce -· then a.buodred tons. dQ.~ ~ """" were °'°4!ld In Aiirll, tl>tn t11t brfne. tq ••rrlnl staaea i>l"N!t con-tect. W8' directed · tltlouib Ille .. tum, J'011'1 IJ<lworl<. \'lhen Jt dried, WU gathered, Wuhed and ~kid__, mudl _of Uje ult . went for laundry Ill<. w1lar 0>ilenen and p\cklh>g and tannin( opeiaUoas. . Bl/t last wlllttr~ nature did some flooding Of !ti 0..., llld msnager 91"al ''Bull<r" Dill, docldtd lhat relurblsblnf tl>e 1etlllnr Po!ICl•·rmd wa!Uog two years onlyto ,.. ·mvelopment appioaching tl>e area instead, •ouldn't be worth it. The };e~ ended, iq April The aalt WIS gont, ~ pigeons rooattd bl the rafter• ,ll!ld cblldren eovbiClllni ghost towns roamed Jn aod out. And' on· Tuesday, amld the metaruc screecheJ of a clamshell crane, the whole --bled fjown. Recall Speaker -1~ ~ar!~s .D~ QA 8eds· ~;:~:_Halt :1~tlmk. Pos~,:NetJr ~Mi l\eOall 1j>Okesman Anthony Tartantino today WIJ warned by a Newport Beach m1n be recently identified as a possible candidate for Supervisor Alton Allen's Fiith Dbtrict seat that he had better .. stop the va(Qe allegatioM which are belli( a4vll1Ced In the pr ..... M-nH!nt ""'lrol execulho Jooeph , Rolealr, 12$ Via Venezia, ~ Ill•, hande\I the r6>uff to the .Sin Clem<nte man In a letter eJ!!pbaW!nl .the Ila!<- • men! lit recently l!llde to • DAILY PlLOI' reporter; tbal be (Booener) bid l)IYtf met Tarantino. bad never talked ' with blm and had ablOlutoly ·no · con- nection With the recall campaign. ~~~-;:i~·~~ =-~~~~: arii*lt· ti;.. ~ .... "':*! t'I.$. Jll!liW' fin Cl1 ilitlr ..,. ito&!Uon """ ~.F..!tlia.t lUll below ·~tit ''iti>ulaod man1 allacki." spomm•.n <!0111,illtaille!flDiio (DMZ) (oday and klll. '!lid. ed 15 Marines and wounded 23 others, It wa1 the heaviest fightlng in ihe area U.S. milltary spokesmen Aki. since Aug. 10 when North Vietnamese Just be Io w Saigon, two U.S. Anny aw.uJta killed 19 Marinff and wounded belicopters collided In lllght killing all t1 71. The leathernecks threw in 300 rein- Americans aboard including two high-forcements today and killed at least 23 ranking Army officiers. Anothet tragedy Conununisb. tn the Mekong Delta reakm killed seven The helicopter collision occurred about South Vietnamue civilians and wounded 15 miles south of the capital and involved 17 when a U.S. helicoptu fired on them .a UHi commsnd helicopter and an AHl by mhtake. hellcopter gunship, American military The Marine action began about t a.m. aourcea aaid. Both the colli¥on and th~ when Comnnml!t forces attac.itd a go.. accidental shooting occurred in the ANOTHER NEWPORT BEACH LANDMARK BITES THE BRINE OF UPPER NEWPORT BAY Western S.lt Works. • Fixture Sine• 1934, Was Demolished Twsday in a Few Hours "I wish to ask you and Paul Carpenter to refraln from using my name in any way that implies a connection with you or your r<eall campaign," Rooener aid. man company in a niibt pos.ltioo 17 m1le3 Mekoog Delta. , Milltuy spokesmen said the civilian victims were fleeing a manhy plain where South Vletnarneae aoldlera bad been sent Tueaday to find a VJet eon, unit reported in the area. • · Possible Rerrinval of Base .. ' ._ .. Thrills City Counciluwn . •, I' By JACK BllOBAC!t prepare« by City Manager Lte Risner Of .. DI~ ,..., ~ that the Navy plans to acquire ap-~ Seal Beach city offkialt ,, er • proximately eoo acrts northeast of the ....... u ... hf-''' •-'-at . news fr 0 m airport. He noted that there have been SO .. ~--J , fatalities from .even air-craaheJ: in the Wallin&too le. °"' 1¥;i.a Depart-' p,olf l! ''°""·' '"' ., I 'I;, • milt 010el1I1 m ~-, "'8lb!e ,tt'Cmilr. J!ol>pd l!Olran, alt llation -molulJon ol coofllcls between mllltary ollle<r In charge of th< project, con· -~ and dYilian uses of federal air faciliUea finned today that the plan to purchase in Sootbern C>lifdnlia. ' • Nth< land ? ~ belnf ,~dqed by the Monday' nJgbl citf 6.iDdlipen ·~ ivy. . ' tmanhnously to protest any expansion bf Barry J. Shflli~, assistant secretary of nearby l'i>8 Alamitos Naval Air staUon def~ for ~llallon;a _and logi~ti.cs and agreed to an the federal govt.mment revealed -Tuesday in 1 a report to ·the to launch a sbJd1 of possible relocation of Houst armed servk:es committee that the the facility. • Pentafm Was engi11ed in a two-year 'Ibe COUDCil WU told in I report study of Sou~ California military io- -~ 1Lall1Uon confi.lcta wiU, civilians. if ~ly Manaitr Rilj!er reports that :.s.. Puhli~. ·D fi d . us,ooo r .. lden1a uv; Wllh1n .. o•.,.,u• .~ c e en er; ·mwaolll>•tooAIUlftosbuO,miiaid · > , I · , ' ' ., · 'they wouJd be. 14\Vmeli All'!Cli<!' bJ'th~ ~~. Stied: by Officer · J"ur::.•.=t-1'r •• :,,;1of tli~ ~ ! acres from 11J!o 'Ill roljS ~Id •llminat6 I: a.tel Orange Counly Public Defender . an -•l'.C\in1P.li:i 'ihat ultlmateJt ~-• L ~"'--· J b ~ -·~ 1 wonk! mtploy 13;200 pmi>ng. . , I ,.~. · n-•~ r. 11 ~ ·~ or RI-also observed that an' -~-~ . ~.ooo by a Santa Ana motorcycle of· ~•M•-• fJcer who cJ&imJ the county olficial'• llllhl pattern from the air statton wOuld ne&UMnce led to bis injuriel. croU apProach lines of commertlal • 1 WiJBmm "todaJ"rtfused to comment on air~raft flying into Long Beach Airport the atJecaUana "unW t bave bad a chance dlredly over the Sea.I Beach Leisure . ·1a -th< tnalter·Wfth an attorney." World retlttment community. l Officer J-H. Klint alleces In his U. Con\ma!lder Rowan denied this con· I Superior. c.out ccmpblnt that William !onll\ll saylnJ tl>at air patlerm would not l WU reepomlble !or tl>e co!IJaJon Oct. I, ctiaDP jrill> Iii• proposed expansion. .,, 1968 at a downtown Santa. Ana in-Oranp County's study of future air ll lalectlon. Ides, .prepared by William Pereira ~ Klintclaimatbat ha aurrered *"'8re m-cnd~1t~1 .of Corona del Mar, in &U&· ~ juries and iaca ••some : pumanent I~,!~ 'MamJtoJ as a possJble lite ~ disability" ai a result or tbt ~bnt*i :terr .a ,q,qo,J county airport, pointed to ~ wbich lnocted him from hll nilchlDe: this ta~ conflict with Lona Bucli > Airport tralllo.. ~ I ~ ~ • . , :,, ., ~· ~ .. . -.. . , ' • • ~ ~ , I I . , • I DAI L\ \'llO I ............ '' .~ •. · .... --............. ------ 'DRAFT. I • • to 414.ooO by Dec. 15 will be made up as !oUows: -14.263 frcm ute Army, includil:li a bripde and IUJ>port;elemtnts. ~,239 rtom the Navy.· tncludfhg cOn- 1tructton battalions and s u p po r t elemenl.!I. -J8,'57 from the "M•rine eon>s. i~ cludiDI lbe 3rd Division IDd r;upp<>rt eJements. I ' ' -%,MI from tl>e Air Fort<, including combat squadre'OJ and support eleme\lts. The br.,.l<down Jlven by Laird 1d~·to 40,500. This would bt the mlucUon In the authotjud Ml)ltb -u oppor;ed to tl>e actua1 gtrtnitb -of.units' hlvolved. The White H-'lled-tho tlg1lrl :111,000 Tues- ciay ta ••~ ll>t "actual llaur,." !or ljl• nductkl!l: . 'nrO W Mlii~E1'111<>n .J'U the qnly )lnil ~Jly .,..Ufled,.1 Laird In the ~fit' uld ot11¢.lllliIJ1. -Id be '"""'1ncOd l!1 tlW U'.S, alinm1nder lb Vlttnam, Gtn. cr.lfltloo Wr. Abrams, ~bl1 .1!1 TbundaY ~.llllliwi . ~~~to~ ,wtll>ill"•wat o\<Ulla. . . 1lle ~~ al tl>e -·llrile cllt4 11!1 •tifrtn1 ilftd• ro.. ,d1'al1 rel-"' ~, hlµ· itld pendin& In COqlal weulo lllrl a dtall lol1'fY and twitdl '""" ullinr 01Mr men nil\ to cemna Ille'""""' -!ht 1•yw.01c1a -n .. ~ < .,....,,. p .. ,, J EL ·tORO ... Tmntlno llnk'4 Rosener, amoog otbtn, u a possible candidlte for supervilot Allen'• job In the event that tilt cunent recall c1mpai(n la ,,_.s1u1. All thole named by the ..U.otyled !cutptor.dt!isner have dtnJed their in· support .the pudy." volvernent in the movemenL Illinois Speaker Selected to Fill Dirksen's Seat Gtnttal Hlae and b111predec:e:;son have "BJ yolll' actions," Roaener said, "you cmttnuallJ streased that until th_e 1ove~ are allowlnt tht preu to make con-SPRINGFIELD. m. (AP) -Ralph T. ment itseU takea steps to relocate the i ir jecturts which are inaccurate and Smith, the speaker of tbe IlllDois Hoose, ltatiop, def~ busiDeaa wiU cooU:nue 15 misleading. Those of us who have been wu named by Gov. R1chard B. Ocilvie UJUal. wrongly idenUfied 'With the Allen _rteall today to flll the IllinolJ seat in the U.S. Only last Friday, diaing a press con-. hope that yeu will m fit to Wonn the Senate left vacant by the death ot Sen. ference wilh Marine Corps Commandant preu of your candidate and backef'I." Everett M. Dirksen. General Leonard F. Chapman, General Taran.Uno wu not available for. com-Smith, a RepubUcan mm Mt.on, was Hise warned that wltJI d~on of tnent today. He dllconnected I b • U>e upecttc1 choke alter Atty. Gtn. llit VielMt._ W\1. m,bl, icUvllf 11 El 14lepi!ont of hl1 8im ~· borne Wllllam,J , Scott wlll>drew"lrom the race Ton> wtll , • ah<irtlY altlt an.....,.me~c:'chlh<borrec~~ MOJlda1. Bep. Jolin B. Andi!non'(Jl.llJ,), Advance lilnts of the impending look at campaign lD a 1l&tement wiu e ~ Of Rockford, aiao wu a atrcaa contender EI Toro for possible relocation came $ignature. to succeed Dlrkstn who died Sept. 7 in As th< government troop,, alilbted from tbe.ir bellcopters, U.S. headquarters said, "An unknown number Of SWpected enemy were ob.served tvading from the area." They tnmed out to be civilians. The gunship pilots rece.ived permission from the South Vietnamese commander to open firt, the announcement said. Four men and three women were killed. Five women and 12 men were wounded. ' . " C~an~r Still • ' I • . ' Got; Cleaned ·earlier tl>bmunmer when Rep. Spe<Gy o. WublJ>ilon • • Long (D-Loulslana) w a 1 appointed to Ogilvie made th< announcement in bis A Aleama.n who found a youtl> raWhll head ll>e studi>. D t Hospital omce. Sinltl>, bis wUe, and -Chari.. the rear door of a Coela Mesa cleaners Rep. L. Mqn<iel Rivers, ( D . So. 0C OfS H. Percy (JI.DJ.), were pmenl. Tuesday suggested he try th< front door. Carollna) cbalrinan of the Hou11 Anned ~ governor ·aald he telephoned Pres!-lfe did. S.rvicts CominlUee, bad !!ltnUoned th< Room· Rates D1' p dent Nixon Tuuclay lo tell ,him of his He asked for a flcUUous balch of clean-'Or&nge County bue _himse~ as a pro-dedsion. Ing and when Christine Schul, clerk at ~ for sale a?d !JlotaUOQ t.Jlewbere "'Ibis dUOcult decision has been given WuhiJliton C1eaner1, 1077 Baktr St., v•1lh the reaWUna ·'~ r .' · SAN DIEGO (AP) -Revmlq: what it mod. cartful thought and undivided at,.. returned, llhe found the youth bent over • -• 1 • conslden • --trend, Docton ... uon !or 1everal d11YB. II la probably II>• cub regl!!er. ·~nl:ution 'j. caualng Ho<pltal here lllDOOllCed reducUoos In th< most bnpol'tant deci>lon I will make She Aid he had a coughing spell-real land eetta,. to .a~et ·.in man)' areu: dally room rates ranatn& up to 11 per· in foor yean as governor." or faked -when he saw htr. >and ~lji)iS""'••· .me"'·· In --~ mllJ•·-cent. Smltl> will Dy Tbursday to Washington The clerk told Police Officer Richard '-'•'*4!1-tP •"Wi ... ""'.... -; Hospital Admlnlatrator Jama F. Bray to take the oath of office. The ap-Johnson sbe uked if the youth wu cer- Iwes . ' life, -:Pl!fllailarly lnllmd to!~ a ntw1 conlerence Tutlday coot of polnlmenl Is !or th< Interim period until ta1n be had the right firm and he ltfl to flight ~·t-Incoo>Pfllble. _. •·-·bu llttn reduced from $70 J•m"-1171 w•·n the w•-·r or•~ 1970 ask 1 youth waiting outside, who •·d G<neral .. u l-· ..... 1.t ,'"-.-' ·_, ay folJnwi"" .,..va1111:<........... -·-1 ue """" """' ~ ntfC -...-1llCISU ¥~-.. to $5$ with cha.rps for semi-private general election will tate office. allegedly dropped off the clothing. Shillilo's announcement that he entirely rooms knvued by a comparable ntio. . OgUvie said repealed}y that his ap-He apparenUy toot '2(1 fn:m tbe cash agrees in principle, but existing facts He said ltaff efficiency. streamlined polntee would be expected to be the register alona. must be faced about the nature Of the El bootketplng, and the use or an electronic party's candidate in the 1970 election. Miss Schul told Offictr JobMon tht Toro training laclllty. data ~lnl system were the main Smith may face oppo5ition In the March thief had notably big feet , while bil bud· The Orange -county .talion bal1 been nllOl'l8 for the rtduoUona. 17 primary. dy sported 1 bush-y mustache. mentioned in clvlli&n·•tudits as a potaible ',.:=========================;;;:;;;;;i;;===;;i;;;=====:, joinl-u&:e regiQnal airport facility, lJttr-11 aUy an Orange County Alrport annex. The air station would become &0Jtly a Marine Corps f$cUJty after development ol a m1jor regional airport servJn& local ci villsn needs under that design. Marine Corps , exeartives. .say thia is just not possible. "I hearWy agree : •• tha[ Joint civll1an and military ~ marcl)ta toward COJ'n. ph•to abandonment of the mJJitary," Aid ~· Hise. "We art •1aln!t joint use. It JS no~ compatible with our operation." General Hise said · El Toro, which has · 10,000>foot runwaya-1bd-wUl get a sophisticated initrume:nt landing sy!ttm later in the yea, ts loo Sm'all for added civilian u1e. TRAIN PIWl'S "\Ve are allO training youn,a plJota " he continued. ' "They carry live ordnance off the field This sort of Uilng Is not compatible with C()mmerriaJ aviation." , The only possible way El Toro MCAS or the Army 's PresldJo of San J'ra~ -anotber menUoned earner lo tile yw by n.p. Riven -could lit moved would bt' Uttougb rHstabllshmeot elsewbero . Dtf~se netd.s do _not -include the -ibllily of complete el!mlnaum.. Morning Fire Hits Ti'u · a -. ).~ - TIJUANA, Mexico (AP) -Fire destroyed -ilflli or • c11y block early today and flnm<n' trim ...n;, San Y11dn>, Calli,,....,.~ i. be)p·pil lt oul. . 'Ille lite ..... WW"' I ' .... ..._. , ....... iL-,p , '°'~ .. I •ulauranl and ano""" ""'inllll bit•d11 &Ill and 'IQI -ti "on' A-· lioYolu-clon, the bcri•lfOW1l'a rbll1t ttreit. C>pl. Bjll ·N1'11r!a ol ~ Sai· Ya!dro company akl four Mtl!can llmnen were bur1, one of them IUHH'lnl • broken kJ, 1.1 a small wall collapeed oo tbtm. CONVINIENT TERMS IANKAMlRICARD MASTIR CHAR~i J. ~ ~/,,;,, '}11w1fer6 • IUJ NlWPQU IOUlEVARD , COSTA MESA -- - • • '• . < ' '. " 2J yugs SAME L~Tiotl ' PHONE '.._ 54t-l401 I 11 I ' ~ . ' · Uo 11$tgton -~ae I • ' • • EDITION '. ~. * ; ' ' /~. _,,,,, l ,, • • ,VOL U, NO. 223, ~ SECTIONS, 66 PAGES Crack Huntington Beach surfer David Nuuhiwa, 21, looks to sea and ieeriU off~g a prayer that eight-foot •l'ells will bold for week• end'.• U.S. •Sjrrfboam ·c::banll'ionships. Wi~ him-are: N'!ll<'Y lia.Ys, '19, Ne"JlOrt Beach llllCf Cbuclf Ray, 19, Hunt.iuaton Beach. Nuubiwa· also ~s,some ~ prob\"'1•.GD ·eve Of t!'•'l>p.,g ~-story.p.10 • ? (®ay. I J t \ I " , Called 'Fiasco, Unfair' ' , Some temperi have flared and an e1· plellation b" been offered todli,y in the con1r0l'etsial appearm::e of Don Frank Ml'QdaY night during the Foomtalo Valley City Coondl recall election candidales nJgl]t. V!Ce Mayor Donald Fregeau labeled the incident "a fluco and tot.ally unfair." Qblr1es Dixon Jr., president of the Cban\ber of Commerce which sponsored the 'evenin,, offered an e:xplanaiioo for tlJe . .apparenL slip in procedure. "Frank came to us before the meefiog," explained Dixon, "and asked to be -seated. 1.1oderator John Mangano did not.want to iteat him and said he Wa! not a candidate." "L asked him if he was a candidate," conUnued Dixon, "and he replied, 'l'm on the ballol' " "U then Wld Mangano to seat him," oi4~Dilon. Fnnk, an aggre&Sive supporter of the .-u. then apok• 11\11. bl...tlng the spet<hea of the three lncumbonl ciq c:OOncllmen named In the recall. f Qtning the question and lll!ftr period •fttt the soeecbes, Frank admitted that he hu publicly withdrawn u a candidal• In tile Sept. 23 ...:all electloa. Be was therufter ruled out ol Miu by Mangano. Frank later explained that he con- !idered himself a "candidate for &bf recall.'' Murder for Hire Tria l Scheduled . , . , ~ he explained Iha~ "The jn. cumtxmt, bav< consistently relu!ed to debate 1* 8nd th!> was tile only way I c:oold fa~ tb<m." Dixoo ~lained that.he had beeJi out of town whi!,i frank hitd previously made the publle cmunament ol. withd:awal !rom tM nee. P'rqeaq angrily told reporters Tuesday that he felt the Chamber w a s "pressu.rtd~' into allowini Frank to •peak. The vice mayor also critlclzed the four- man committee wt.ich scrttned questiOM ~esenled to candidates and Jncumbents. 'It was .a -tlarited coirunittee,". he said, "with at least two members, Robert Tully -BIOkly, obviously favoring the recall." "t gues& that's his own personal con- vlcUons,", replied Dixon, "but 1 can't answer that type <A. cbar&e wltbout talk~ Ing to the board -· ••we triia. to be as lair as,,.. could," aid Dhno,-wllo added·he was told by -OU.... that ft ..., a 11ood meeting. During '!Ueaday'1 P""' conference, called by'7rogeau, the Vice Mayor called the recall~ m o v e m e n t evtdenct of a "counly-wlde tff••f 111 the part ol an ultra-right Wing ~bl group to take ayer local goyemme'nta. ~ "Just loot: Ill the mov• in the 5th , Supervtoorlal Dl!tricl (tho campaign to TOC311.,5uporvbor Alton All<n) and what's hoppenlhg in other dtitl." he said. When uked tr be.micht apln faCe his op_.u In debito olmlLar to Mooday niib!. Frogesu "Plied, "not H It's llke t11arone. J..wu trappod Into I~ I thought the Olamber .....id lie fair •• ' . OAANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEON!SDAY; S~ ·17,'1969' TEN 'CENTs . . . ' '. Is Los Alamitos ·Going? Seal Beach 'Delight ed'· W~t~ · ~ossib.i_lity· Bt2~·~~~ Seal l!elcb· city olfldal1 w •re ''delighted" today at news fr o m ' WullinglOa D.C. that Defense Depart· m .. t officials """ studying a po&ible nsalutlan ol l!Ollllicta between military • and clvil1an URS of federal air facllltie.s lD soatbel'D Callfomia. Monday night city c:ouncllmen Voted Wlanlmoualy to protest any expansion of nearby b>s Alamitol Naval Air Station and agreed to ask the federal governmeni to launch a study of poss.Ible relocation of the facility. Trustees A gree The counc!). was told · In a report prepared ~ City Manag~r LM Risner thal the Navy plans to• acqulre ap. prolimately 600 acres northeast of the airport. He noted that there. have been 50 fatalities from seven air crashes ln Ute put 11 years. Ll Qndr; Howard' Rowan, air staUon officer In charge of the project, con· firmed today that the plan to purchase tbe land ts now i>eing cnosidered liy the Navy. Barry J . Shillito, assistant secretary or defense for lmtallations and \ogisUcs re\'ealed Tuesday in a report lo the HOulo mn;.i servjeta COll1nil"IO tM!l!Jo· Pentagon wu · enlaafil tn a two-Ylir ·~ study ol Southern \;alifont.. .mllilatJ fn. slallalton cOnllkiJ. will!' etV!Uana. city M-..... Risner reports .that 145,091> ini<ftnt1 lire 1'llbln ·a ftre-mfle radlUi of tht Loo Alamllao l>aae. He aid they would be adveraely alfecled'by the proposed expansion. He· al!O noted that nmoval ol UM • acres frym ·the tu· rolls •oUJd' e~l• an indusirJal ClOmplex thal • utth!i1tety would employ 13,200 pel'IOn!. Risner also observed that aq fftlar&ed ' ' ' Dllhl pattern from the air. ltatlan. woutd croa . 1ppraacb linea of coaun..ctaJ a1riralt flying into'l.ong S..ch AfrpOrt direct\f "'" tho Seal S..cb Le!Jura World rttltement 'community. Le Commander Rpwan. deOled tltls'-tenli<ln aaYln.< that afr plllems ~ aol chaugo wfth.iJie propooedespanitmi! · · Orange County'•' lludy of fublre air laciJ!Ues, prepared by Wllllam P~a and Aasod.att. of cor.n. de! !>flll"' ii) 11!11· 1estllig Loo A1am1toe Ii a pOalbfo .ue for a regjonal county airport, pointed -to this same conflict with Long Beach Airport traffic. * * * El Toro Base Crossing 'Safe,' Says Engineer Rel,qcation Being Studied . -City Traffic Engineer Paul Cook Tues- day told trustees ol the Huntingtoll Beach City School Districl that be aeea "no pro- blem" concerning the aalety d school chlldreo crouin& Brno..,al Slroet at Adams Avenue. His statemeOt came a& a climu: to nearlj two hOun of h1g&lina be.tween anw parent. who daimt.d. that ,the in- tersection ia ~ aafecy lluant'.and trutee• who said it 11 not. ·~ at the lni..--ti.. °'' qulte'Qfe;''Cook dlac~it"jID; u.,. the traffic l!lgnal, a fZ5.l!IO lnalall.tion, iJ aufflclenl for any type or · pedestrian movenlmt, Including smoll.dilldml." The sofetJ'fiap W\J g-.ted by David UO.nd, in behall ol llom.o.m.H on the. eaa-t side ol ~.--. wll¥ diarled that the rUI ~ a "mhiiatuli Sari Diego ~Freeway" ·aod a potential deatb trap for c:llildron wallfni to nearl>J Gisler School. He asked the trustees to lmmedlalely Residents Win, Fight Ag ainst Tr ailer Park A one year baule to 5lop a proposed trailer park ended succeWully Tuesday night a& tbe Fountain Valley City Council turned lhurnbs down on tht project. Resident.. SWToundlng the propo&ed trailir site on the north aide of Ellia: Avenue, 661) feet west of Bushard Street, were en ma&se ai the council session to continue tbe 5truggle that began more than one year ago. Jim Kanno, speaking for the applicant, was denied a continuance of the hearing. He wa11 before the council after appealing p!amJng """"'"5aioo denial for the trallen. Dav•·Buffingtoo, speaking for the home owners. asked the CGUllcll to end the pro- blem, but added, :•we've been fighting this thing for a year and we won't qlrlt now!' The vote was t to o to deny the trailer park. Cruncltman Joe Courreges ab- stained, ei<plainlnC that Ile thought that area !rollld be a problem because of peat. StHk Ma r kets NEW YORK (AP) -The stock marlu!t was a loser today, after fmisblng Its two prevJowi sessk>ns on an upbeat. (See quolllticin!, p-:IWI). re.Instate busing for the pupils, a service which was m:ently disconUnued for older - students living within a lw than 1.&-mlle radiua of Gisler School. *' 1'lilsloes were reluctant to grant If. !land's requeat. They claimed !hot younger cblldren need lhe bµaJng ...-vice more 11\a'! tho ok\or children. whO they said could be "edllCofel"'to traffic 111 .. il' ' . . ' i!land' 111<1 ~·fl~ ~ bolni to esimfne iia .""'4""'1• ,plans and to >'.<". ~.1 """'~· .:i .• """ .. ,.,.,..,.,_,,, nsider ~fllnl. ~ ov~ to • ' ' • ' Zau Ille lat~ •-plete\y AIL•· ..JJce< IU•.,.'4 ' -'" ' · bver -of ..... , tam the illlln<e Postma~( (4neral Wliru>n )f. l>oonl Prafdeol ~-lhe!l.lold Bloudl ~:r.·•unc:ed a ...,,. ~=~~ita~~ ~fit~.~':.~;~=\ Ing at ~ time.'' David EiieMO•ur. -. II, ,'11111 -..,. '!nmad.he ll!lllOlled lbil a committee ~su@Ct 0c~ lt'lla Abilene, Ee. be fonned to Include parents, diJtrlet td· t ' ·, · ' ' · ·· mlnlstrators and the tralfJc engineer to · ' work out a eolut.lon •'wblcb would be ..nou.i, ClOlllfdered" lly the tchool board. lnceosed by· the -· decJafnn. nne parell ordered lhe committee "lo meet right now, all through the oil!ht If • .......,.,. to 1et the--·-IOlved. Bui tht -..;;;~ frOm·the debate whlcll atendod paal 10,30 p.m. They IUQested another time would be mare •f!Propri.ale. Bleachers Se t For Huntin·gton Freably painted green and r e d bleachen already have beeJi id 11p on the H1D1tington Beach Pier to provide vis:lton with choice aeattfig f~ the lltb Aanual U.S. SUrfboard Cllamplon.illpo. TlcUtl for the seats, priced at ·11, will he on sale st the pier botll Saturday and Sunday. .. Recreation and Parka Depi. D1roctor Norm Worthy said appooxlmately 770 bleacher seats would be avafla\Jte on a fim-come, firsWerved basis. The other H9,230 fana upected to at- tend tbe event will have to lake their seats on the sand. Souvenir prop-11ns, conta1nb:ia llneupi, evtntl schedules and b 1 o ,Ir a p b I c i' l •ietd>el of (iast cjlampiool will he cm sate at the ptet for Z5 cent& on both daya of lhe event as well. l(lstant !:'!'¥ta ol heatl as W<fl aa final .Venta wtU be avaltallle to tht pubUc Ill the DAILY Pff.01' "Ptayback Shack," located on the pier nell to ...ring bead· quarte.rL Bea ch' ·orficWs . . ' Interested in Oil Buff er 2lone Buntinglon Betcli dty officlw art ·fn. ter.st<il Iii a.propalal by cout!I Protec·- tive. League Cllafrman Victor c. Andrews for a "bUffer r.one;' betwten u.e c.itY'1 offollore oli platforms and Newport Beach. lM they. haven't heard (r<fn Andrews. • 'J1lo CAP!. cliaitm..i; ~ ;tasl week that be wa..,.,1ot!alinl. wltb ·uunlington Beach and Newport Mach .... ai.llllffer JOne. Safd l(ayor Jack Green.. "It ta very tn- lereJlini. 1 """" 'lib lo • ill fldura oH'11ore oil platforms borred tam the ·waten-off our titJ. or at the Vft'Yrleut archlte<tilril 'caolrOI u q,,y· -In Lone Beac'h.. . . City Administrator Doyle MµJer Aid i>o had not been contacted by An!fmrl boil Pointed out that Huntlniton BeaclJ II fn. eluded In the nicentlY ' enaCted ;llMZl . will<b cqnpela the Slit. Lau<!>• s:<m-mlalilll. to .atve eo clai'• lliJllcC' iJdOr to piil!lli!'!iWb\gs Oil any ~ iiOin the oU .fnd115lrT thal ~to, oflslioie, drlJI. "t .. ~ ~.di fl Mi ~in the ' cOuW 11iiduary created by the .$ball· Cilnningham Act 11 yuai 'ago. 'llie' act ptohlbltl 'all oll drilling in ·11a~IJ<>(lid • waten up .to tilreo mfles out: bet""I'\ the Santa Ana Rivel ·anc1 the lloslcu l>Onkor, PIWT Pl CKEROO POSES PROFITS ) .Oraale ' ' ' Ce~ter Plan Questioned Rt4es Oianged For New tenter • • • • ·• \ I i I I I t 11 I I I ·---- • . • z D~~f\1-0T,,, , ". W:t:;l!.bfl'C!!•1J'~, . Draft Halt Ordered? ' • :t ;~ •• ~ J WASlllNGTON (\JP!) -The Wblla g..,.. lnsilled todoy for the second time in two dlY• that Prtsident Nlion has oo . pl111to1U1p<11d tho draft, oven for a brief • period. , Preo1 Secroltry R°"lld L. Zle«ler ll)d l draft suapinsioo WlS ''DM DOW Under IC- ' Ute t:OnlidlraUon." 7or Ute for911161e tuturt. the 1d--~ m!Dblrallon apparently 11 placlnt l!S :ft. ~ oo draft c:llang'! 011 . ....,....iow~ ~ acttOn. . } lld"111 Se<rotacy Melvin R. Laird tn- _, dicated todlr ill" tiOop wtlhdtawals from :'-: Vietnam wU mean a cut ln ~ calla: In ,; cq,,Jng monlJlg. Al~ news·~, be ~ also said th... ii an "urpnt-·• for >. · drlll rolorm. callinc ,uenuon to 'NlloD ::: propooais hlngtnc fire on Clpl!41 Hill. -';' Laird told a Penla•Q11 ~--~ "'-' the • new 35,00lt-man whnartWi.1 fnm "' Vletnlm ~; 'Iiieada1 bJ NlJlo ,... ...,. •""' ~,.w """'' .. *""-. ' ' .... ,. .... nsur.. .. d\11! l'edll<llo!il WI' Aid be ' w"1ld ~ 'c:bangei in draft calls with Selet\!W Servtct of!lclals 011 Friday. S6mo 11,000 men )'ova -acbedu)td to bO dfitt.4 11! ~ aqd anotller lt,000 iii <:tctObir. I • i. 'Laird ~ ..,,,. Vliljmn11111oo lltll!\ wl\1 havo_. "1J lllPll~l\111 .~ upoo progrlllll!\ed ar,Jt -calla for the moollls inP.Mdlattly ab1ad." He sild Nixoo'• new cut iJ1" the auth<>riud U.S. troop eelJtng tn Vleliiam to 111.000 -~y Dec. JI will be made up as lollowa: • -14,261 from the Mmy, Including a brlg&lfe. a'()d (!Uppori elements. ..,..6t21P .frqm tbe Navy, iocludlng c:on- struetlqn .~ and support . elimalls. . . . =· >-• : * * '* .. --* * * t 15 Marines "Die (lS Reds . --· •· -Invade Post Near DMZ SAIGON (UPI) -North Vietn11111e.e troops aUacl<tng bel1ind m<>r!ar and grenade fire partialJy overran a U.S. ldaltne oolposl jU6I " below I h e demillltr!ud iQoe (DMZ) today and~ ed IS M~ and wounded Z3 others, U.S. milltar)' opokemen Ille!. Jusl be lo" Saigon. two U.S. Army ~ coUJded tn lliibt kllJ!ni i,ll u_ AmericaDI abolrd lncludtnJ two \Jp. rank!ni Army i>lfJdOra. Another traced1 hi the Mekq Della region killed aeven 1iouth Vi.tllamese dvllianl and wounded ·17 wbon a U.S. llellcopter fired on them bymllltke. The Marine action began about 1 a.m. when Communist forct• attacked a QO.. man company In• olgl1t poo!Uoo 17 miles wut DI Dong Ha and four mllel bel°" the DMZ lbe Marines called in artllluy and . mortar lire on their own JIOlilJon and ~ many attacks,.. lpOkenneo •. Nld. .· '· u . .,.. pie hol,vlst llPU., "' the .,... . linca .... J.11 wbon Narih \'lltnam<se -u..~"kiiw .it -~ ~ woonded * * '* • • ~ Denunciation 11. The leathemtcks threw in 300 rein-- forcemenll today and killed .it Just 2.1 Coqlmunlsts. The bellcopter oollisioo occurred about 15 mllea.IOUth of the capital and involved a um ""1nllW>d belll;opter and an AHi belioopla" iUOlb!P. American ntllllary aoureea aald. Both the colllaloo and the accldenW abOoung occorrtd to the Mekoog Della. M1llWT OpDI;...,.. aald the clvlllan vldlma ""' fleeing a manbJ pllln wbero flouth Vletnameae aoldlm hid been -Tuead&J to find • Viet Coog Wilt reported In the ..... Aa the 1ovmunent troop• a llghted lmn their belicoplm, U.S. headquarters said, "An unknown number of wspected enemy were ob8erved evadinc from the Mtad." lbey turoed DUI to ba civilians. LA Architects to ·'Design Beach Central Park A l,oe Angeles -11 firm h" been picked to desip HuntJncton Beach's ~ 13 milll\)D, 146-acre ctolni ~ Tr~f ~?Jllput ~~ OOWIGilm'" ii~'"~ •am•d ·" N T _ _ W d tho firm of Eckbo, Dean, AUJ!in and :? Ot '~t . Ot vilWlll\I io do !he job. ' . :r . PWS (UPI)_ -,,,. .COmm~' .... mNl<t lUI o! landsape archltecll -11.t" ""'" 1¥ ll¥'lno &rllto 1"' cl1a!hlr· the Srd Dlvlst.. and l!UJ>l'01'I e1enfents. -Ull frwn the AJr Forc.J.cJudlng combat fi<IUAdron& and support tlemenb. 1be bfeakdQwu given by Laird added to fO,IOO. TtUI would be the reduction in the authortiad alren&th -as opposed to tlle aewll atrengtb -DI unlil Involved. lbe Wblt> Houae 11Md ·Ibo flsure ·311,000 Tue~ day In announcing the "actual figures" for the reduction. The 3rd Marlnt Division WU the nnly unit speclflcaliy icle11Ulled by Laird lq the breakdown. He said other details would be anoounC'ed by the U.S: COfl'l11!ander in Vietnam. Gen . Creighton W. Abrams, probably by Thursday morntng. He anDOW>Ced a meetini: of military tx· perla in Honolulu Thursday to discuss withdrawal details. Recall Speaker Warned to Halt Vague Talk Recall spokesman Anthony Tartantino loday was warned by a Newport Beach min he recently identified as 1 pos.sible candidate for Supervlsor All<ll AJlen 's FUth illllrld ,.at that he hid better "stop the vaiue allegaUona which are being advanced tn the press." ~fanagement control' e1ecuUve Jose)it Rosener, 125 Vla Venezia, Lido Isle, handed lbe rebl\ff to the San Clemente man in a letter emphasWng the state- ment he rectntly made to a DAILY PlLCYI' rtpOrter; thlt he (Rosener) hid never met Tarantino. had never talked wiU1 him and h3d absolutely no con· nectlon with the recall' campaign. "I wish to a!k you and Paul Carpenter to refrain from using my name in any way that implies a connection wlt.h you or your recall campalgn," Rosener said. Tarantino linked Rosener, among other1, as a pos!ible candidate for aupervi.sor Allen's job in the event that the current rttall campaign is successful. All those n1med by the !elf-styled aculptor-designer have denied their in- volvement tn_ the movement. "By your actlON." Ro&ene.r aaid, "you are .Uowing the prw to make con- jecture• which &re inaceur1te and misleading. Those <1f w: who have been wron1Jy fdenUfied with ~ Allen rec.ti hope that you will !et: flt to infonn Qe preu of your tan did ate and backen." TaranUno wu not available for com- menl today. He dlsconnected the telephone of hll San CJemente home ghortly afler announcement of the recall campaign in a· Jlatement which bore his signature. UPIT ........ Moon Revisited Apollo 11 astronauts (lei~ to right) Edwin Alclrln, Mtc!Mtel _Collins and Neil Armstrong look at a moon rock recenUy prise~ to the Smithsonian Institution. The trio was in Washlngt6n Tuesday, to.~ad· dress a joint session of Congress. The rock went on public display today. Routine Colorado Flight /(ills Marine Air Hero A Vietnam war hero de~raited nearly SO times for hlJ aerial explolts was lound dead Tuesday in wreckage of his fighter, scatlered over a mow-choked Colorado mountain after crashing on a routine El Toro MCAS flight. r.t1jor Charles C. McClennan. 34, of Santa Ana, bad been missing in his A4C Skyhawk since Sunday on a C!'O!s-country navigational fiiiht. The debris was scattered over a wide area and discovered by a Coklrado Civil Air P1lrol pik>t. 01tn1 above lhe snow· blanketed peats near Creede, in western Colorado. The pilot was en route to Peterson l''lefd, at Colorado Springs, accompanied by another aircraft from the El Toro base wben he went down for un· d!~d~, ' Maj1 Robt.rt Booher, Ration in- formation offk:tr, uid today no one haa suggested a possible cawe for the crash, reached Tuesday by hiking ground parUes. He aakt aulbarlUes were awaiting word latEr today on the return of Major McCJennan'a rtmaJR! and scheduling of a local lw>etll aervlce. Major McClennan wu a Vietnam veteran wba received two D!JUngulshed Flying Crones, two Navy Commendation 11fedais and a fantastic 41 Air' Medals during his career. Four-pwx Plan OK'd in Valley ·' 112 unit four.plex pro.tfct .on t h e northern tip of Fount.atn. valley was ap- proved by tho City Council I to •I, TuUo day n11ht. alter the coun:cll'• 'fl'ljority and minority lad.Ions clashed ovi:r apart,.. ment policy. The dtvelopment was proposed by Thomas. Grafton, former plannlng com- miss\ootr, for the northwut comer of Edinger Avenue and Euclid Street. -~. M~gan,~. ~ppoinie~ -n· .• ...,. Vnt . esp.t~. :· . ., e ' ' Tha msJDr!ty !ICU~ or Tounlain Valley's City Colmoll TueadllY nliht made whit they admllled "\night •. be the ahortest appolnirnent" fn their Wffrs, lbey OUed a vacant Mii oa the plan· • ni11f eoirunJpa\on wlth John M1111ano, an ev.,..~t llf1rt )n !Deal poUtle<, over lhe·objectlooa ot ll:e two minority coun· citinen. -'Dotl't worry John," aaid Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger, "U you're remov· ed. we11 get yoU a plaque anyway." .lie wat referring to the Sepl p recall • ~Uon in which he and two other coun· i!llmen mJght be removed from office. ' 'Mangano'• oppolntment "" ~PPD'«I by Councllmen Jobn' Harper ..lo! bttrard fJllll, oelther ii a recall tarp!, because It , 9eemed "inaPll'OPflate~ ii the paht of ~ t11e ,1mpenc11ni <iecuan. '. j, Said Jusl, "I doo\ _. ""1!gano. but whoever' entera thal poal lhoUI~ l1novr be bu the full support of whll ..... coun- cU Is tn ofllce." ' " Harper had mused to entq an ex· ecuUve· •es¥.oa to d1'cUa the matter, thus leavlna: It OJ)tn to ~ pqbnc~ Mangano nu. the seat Wt vaeant by Thomas Grafton's resignatlOn. If a new council leaves Mangano on the planning comrniMlon, his term of office ezpirea in February of 1170. He ia best known as 1 former candidate for the Huntlngton Beach City Council. Mangano b currently I e g lrl a ti v• chairman of tbe fOUDtain Va 11 e y Chamber ol Commertt and Is a aWf writer at McDonnell Douglas &trooau· tics Corporation. Multiple Zone Plea Dropped By Planners A request for multiple zoning at tht 10Uthweat corner of La Alameda Ayenu• and Brookhurst Street has been dropped from the age.nda for tonight's Foun· tain Valley Planning c 0 mm is Ii ti D meeting. The same item dominated the planning meeting on Aug. 20 when more than 5iO residents were present lo oppose a slte~c!l of apartment zoning included in the ptoposal. The O"!Vner of the proputy, ~les J$li1f, tequested an indefinite con~tnce On the item. Ba!ically he proposes to put commercial de v e Jo pm en t" facing Brookhurst Street, a stretch o f Aparblients, then a small group of single family homes against llll existing residen· tial neighborhood. :;. demmdallOll of ~ ·NJJtn'• ~ waa 111<1 eslabUsheil lot uae on upeomln1 :s Wltlldtawal .....,,,..._ . -1 o.I munlcipel pars prQjecta, otl1<r than the '.• .-.artiy Hano1'1 final ,,.. .., t1lo iar1e one. :-:: mat1a'. diplom&Uc itOUrte. at the Viet--Eckbo, Deain, Au1tin and W!Illams WIS : ;. nam ta1h aald today. · · rocommended to the -cil by the :;; ••'Jbe Coriun1Dlist deJeptiODI alWa)'I: Recre1Uon and Parka Com.miulon and :~ -. from the hip," ooe , dlploroat Ille!. the Design Review Board, whlcll hid In· =~ "But 111tt5llff• llV"l llM!rn 1111t I""' torviewed dozens of app119!111.· , :~ JIOlajil " !1'111 ~ recot..iJn, The central pork wru ·lie bullt .U.. '.• ~~~-'"'-'·~ 'l!l&t•tlief~ -roundi111 two iakOI and \lit inlarseoilon&I ·• tn f.._ •Iii ... --·. : ' ,, Goldenwut Stree\ ao<l'ff.lil!rt A-· ~~·a ~-enl;'llllldlf 1116 Apr61imlnlll!lantl~.~lt~ -:" 3i 114'.~ be 1'~• bf. from the ucbittcti jiy the tl M~ .. Marine, LAW oman Killed lq1 ~~tY Traffic Mishape Councilmen approved the zone change (R-3, medium density apartments) aft.er debating merits of apartments In an area that could have been built with alnale family homes. Councilman John Harper balked at the tone ch&nge after complaining that It 1hould waft until after the study aeS&ion ht had requested "to set 1partmtnt pollcy for the clty." He was joined by councllmar: Edward Just. Planners. meeting at 7:30 p.m .• will In· spect the precise plan for two indusb-ial buildings recently submitted lo ll\e ·city by developer Fred Sacher. Another apartment request, conUnued from Sept. 3, Involving an isolated parcel of property on the northweat corner or Warner Avenue aod Bu.shard Street, will again be open for publk hearing. H. C. H. Development Co. bas propoaed high denaity (R-4) zoning for the area , but is opposed by the planning depart· ment which has recommended medium density (R-3) zoning. i ·~ m "'°"!oil liflht ~ 1970 with Iii> flnal land p)IU 'dde '.• munlolo Ill "a """"1Ver lilmoil at al>' Aprll 30 . . . . :~ peuJrii the American aod world public Flnal · construction dr1Wit11s a re -~ optnloo ." · :. Botlt the Viet Cong and the North Viet.-scheduled for June 30 with DDCSlrudlDD ~, ··•• the ~--etpeetod by Aug. I. 3" MD'lllt ......,, . 11!-"uu announcement Actual ,fees for the project Will be { WU •.i..lbam; drop.by-drop" move bJ I.he nepttattd with the architectural firm in :.: Unllad l>iolet. 'l'heJ again demanded lm· the near future. Work on plans Is es-:;· r'\edlato withdrawal of all U.S. U..,. pecltd to sttrt no later than Oct. 15. :.. from Vleiiwn. ::· "11'e donaDdllllon DI the prealdential an- :: nounctment wu amttlar to the con- ::: demnatioa ol the wtthdrawll of 25,000 :: U.S. trooptl llUlOUr1t'Od afltr a COftference -· between NIDln and South v1..._m f'rtll- :.-den! N,.,,.. Van,.'111ltu on.MldWAJ llltr!d •• June a. -. .. , . " .. • -. llAllV PllOT .. .. --. .. Parents to See Film on Oass , • ·An famlly fut IDd aei educttloo film• ltwd « tntonnaUve! Parenil of the W-inlltr Scbool bltrirt who are conaiderbig enrolling tbt1r Chndrtn ln 1 coon~ lboqt the birds and the bM.fi wiU haw 1 chance to Ille for .. -OUNA Ulf.IT PVtLllMIMe COM"AN'r .... rt N. W.-4 · " .. tbtmWYM. I . .. --.. .. --.. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . • ,.,. .... ~._. .... + JtQc a. C1,1n . Vkt "'""""'-o.-.i ........ n-.. tc ... n . ..... TI.t111H A. M.,.l.;., ~·~liv ,t.IW.. w:1 .... A1Mtlltel"'9r H---JOt ltt. f.trttt M•itl.t Mdf't1tt P.O. It• no. t11Cf . ---~.fJfl ........ ...... c.. l ... , •• ,, fll'MI ~ m.__...,...,.1. , 1 :, The Olma 11 well 11 tJther rnatmals to • 1 bo used In th• cia..., beginning this October will be dl>playod at thrff I panntl nllllla belinnln& al 7:11 p.m . •nnir•day tt Johnsoo School, Jll0.1 Edward• Ave. Tht m1ttfj1I1 will be F•nted 111in at tht flame Umt Sept. 25' at Warner School, 14111 New11na St .. and Sept. 30 at Cl'll!-Slac•y School, !:Ill Larcllwond Dtivt. . Diii.' Supt. EuJ ... s: Lyall said Iha falillly Ult FDIJ:am ii completely volw.- tary. PIJ'to~ wbo do not wish their chlidrtn to ,.. the films 1lboWd notUy tha ICbDDI prlnclpll in wrlU.,. ' . . Two ,.,...,,,. were tllied, 0.. tu™ay night 111d another early today, in south Orange eountY trtUlc accidenl.i. Killed when a ear plunged tnto a culvert near La~na Nisuel at 4:30 a.m. was Camp PinCUeton Marine Dtvtd Prout. 19, according to the California Highway Patrol. Mn. Wong King Cheng, 28, of Loo JMt COaoly Traffte 118 Dealll Toll Ill.! lit Xri1eles. also died TUfiday hight, ln a three-car collialon on the Santa Ana Freeway north of Sand Canyon Avenue. Prout l'U a passenger in a car driven by !ll•rlne David E. Moore 21 , the CHP said. Moore and a third ~\artn•, Lloyd Forquer Jr., 1e, were boib cr1t1c111y In· Ju red . ~ Wert !>ken to. South Coast Com-niunHY Hoapltal, South Laruna . The CHP 1ald the accident occurred on Camino . Capistrano one quarlor·mlle north DI jlancho Viejo Roal Two other ~ were &erioualy tn· jured In the freew1y craah thlt tilled Mrs. ci..n,. Qwok Hto Chen1, 33, and Mrs. Shu! Ping Lam, si. both of Loo Angeles, are at Santa Ana Community Hoapilal today. All were passengers in a car driven by Huntington Sets Shakespeare Film ''Shak~: Soul of an Age" a film 0n the llfa of the imnlortal bml, wlll be Friday nlahl'• Dflw1 In the Huntlnrtoo l!Uch PuMc Llbrory fill film ,.,.;.,_ lbe moVlt combtnel view• DI land- m"111.111-......·1 Ul•·•itll U!ustra- tlve Puucti frOm h1a W«b: rt.ad by Sir Michael Redgravt. ll'llt' fall aeri., GI fllms wtn be oUmd on U.. nm •od Wrd "1d&J• DI each month lt 7;IO p.m. in the MminlsiraUve Atmn; adjoining the library on r.faln SlnCL Tbere 11 11D adlolllloo dlaflt. ' Corty Sing Wong. 41. also of Lot An1elee. Investlgaton aald Won1'1 auto spun out of control and was struck by two other cars. Wong, and the other two driverc, Linda Kolbe, 27, of 24001 Estllo, San Juan Capillrand, and Armando Cahra~ 22, of Tijuana, suffered minor injuries. CONViNIENT TUM$ IANICAMUICAAD . . ' MASUR CHARSE Paul Savarino, a candidate: for council In the Sept. 23 recall election and a dog· ged opponent of apartments, called for denW Of the zone change. He claimed It wooid set a JftCedent in that aru which would 1eld to more apartments. Tile planning st.an felt that buildings covering more than 50 percent of the available ground was too much for the area. --.. _ ., '· • . ,.,._...._"".;pc ........ priot &ea. , ..... s.i..-i;....,..,, ... 1113 NEWl'ORT IOULfXARD COSTA MESA 1l YEARS SAME LOCATION \ ,HONE • 141-340 I I I • I Pilot Pigskin PICKEROO Co-Sponsored by DAILY PILOT BE A PROPHET FOR PROFIT 10 In Cash F,or Each Week's Winner Voit Footballs (or other Sports Equipment I each week Be e pi9$kin prophet. Pl•y the DAILY PILOT Pickeroo g•m• for weekly pri1es. Winner e1ch week receive1 $10 cash and a Voit Collegi•te footb1ll lsug901ted ret•il-price, $10.951 or ptii:e ricked irom list of other Voit quality sporting 9oods no prize under $I 0 re- tail valuel. W•tch for this pl•yer's form each week !Tuesdays and Wednesdays) in the DAILY PILOT Sports Se c- tion, Circle the te.tms you think will win in the lis t of 20 games •nd send in the pl•yer's form or rea1on· able fa csimile. Then wetch the DAILY PILOT sports pages for each week's list of 10 winners. RULES 1, Subml! this e<11rv blitmt or• rttsonable ftu!mllt to eilltr t~t conie11. 1. Strid lo: PILOT PIGSKIH PtCK.ElilOO CON1E$l, Spa'°" ~1Mrrmrn!, 3:1(1 w. Bav 5!.. COSI• Me.a, Ca. '1621. 3. Or+!V ont tntrv pu pe•:!oOr+ tacll wttk. ~. Entrlt'S tnusr bt delh1,red (by mill or In ~t10nl lo OAIL Y PILOT o!IJc. by l p.m. Thu•!od•V. S. W. J. Volt Rubber Corp, arid OAILY PILOT ttnployei; •r+d lflolr ll'\- mecllate temlllt• ncr tllglDlt to en:er. 6. TIE BREAKER '"" CHOICE OF PRIZE bl&nkt mU)1 u fllled In or entry b voil:I, , .................. •• • ENTRY BL4.NK • • Cir,I• IH"ms you think wlll win lhl' 'W"l'• 9omes • • (ho-team Is a.colHI one ll1twdl • • Rams vs. Baltimore • • • • Pittsbur9h vs. UCLA • • • • Houston vs . Florida • • USC vs. Nebraska • • • • Geor9ia Tech vs. SMU • • • • Texas vs. California • • • • Costa Meso vs. Oran9e • • Saddleback Hl9h vs. Mission Viejo • • • • La Habra vs. Huntin9fon Beach • • • • Lakewoad vs. Westminster • • Fountain Valley vs. Rancho Alamitos • • • • Marina vs. La Puente • • • ;; Katella vs. La9una Beach • I Tustin vs. Estancia I r I • Santa Ana vs. Mater Dei • I • • Corona del Mar vs. Newp0rt Harbor • • San Clell'lente vs. Neff • • • • Edison vs. La Quinta • • • • Saddleback vs. Southwestern • • • • Golden West vs. Oron9e Coast • • TtE BAEAKER -My 9uo11 on 111• fo!al flumh•t of poinh • • stor1d in •II 20 9atn11 11111.i tbovo ;, • • • • • • •,, • • •• .. • • NAME • • • • ADDRESS • • • • CITY ZIP • • SEX • • PHONE • • CHOIC! OF PRIZE IC!tocll one, circle 1wlm fhr11110) • • 0 Swim FHi1 0 ber'IH lllt 0 Football • • $ M ML L XL 0 Tefter loll 0 loNetboll • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••• Race Results TuffO~r. Seiil. If, lHt Ctur & ''" Mr. Mtrr !Orrre•I i.«r '·ao "lltlT ltACE. «ID v1rdt. 3 'l'tlr Ol!h .lnrl 111' In Grade 8 P1111. P11ru 11500. Tllo 0.n<IY Ill 8•n~1l 12.60 6.«t J . .io (1J'11fn l!ftl!t• (H•rll l,1111 l.10 S.v1" $!raw~ (Of"l'l't•l $.60 Tl"'*-:!O 7/10 $cr1tch.-....Mf Praft'!O. C.1ltll [)Kl!,, Gr1r+Om1 A1m1, Kl"' ol '"' Turi. StCOHO P.ACL :JS y1nt1. l Yt"r eldl 1nd Ull tn Gr..,. A Ml1>11,. Pura S\IOO. littPld Merlo iulll'laml lil.60 1.60 4.to 9,.,..., TOP (Ctr<kllll 1$.60 1.70 O.ndv Valor tBtltUllll>O) 1.211 T1,,,._11 3110 Sccr1tt1Mc1-Mr. S-., aim, Otbt>Y'I ft..,11Ut. S""kv"• Hon. 1!11va11 8•r. NIOHT\.Y' OOU•L•-l·Tllt OIM'r & ... lt11M M9N. P,11d W .2f, THlltD Jt,tC •• :MO y1rdt.. Malden t v.1r ~ bred Ir+ C1tlf. Clllmlfll, PurM 11700, ll>Hdlt Fa'I' (Peotl l.IO 100 l ... C1Ulomla S1ndl C(trdol~) A,1111 J-'!l G•-111 llt !~nltsl •.Ct T"'-ll $/10 Scrl!Ched-All 8vt'I L.111. POUR.TH 11.ACli. v .. i.ei. S•. (Ollri.t -110 Ylnh. ~ .,..., alcb llnd UP. (!ti"" 111<1. PurH $10IXI. f l G"vll1n (Ad.tlrl 10 00 S.00 3 00 Barrfd"• Oltcvll llt(lobl""'"'I •• 1.00 ltu!Hll !L"1h•ml i.10 ll..._4' '110 S~r1lche!I -Huerv JoM. P•clflc. s1orm. Miu W•IN>ll"'· Ma'l'be L'11r fllOblfUO"l 3.10 Tl~20 7110 Scr1tched -FISIV> ltt•lut. (In ,., Z,11..e, !ml Ptvll, NOtiod'l''I BlbY. U KTH tt-'cr . .:Jet v1rt1s. l , ••• old! Ind Ull In Grodt M M1"'11. P\lfloe '""· ~k'Y Dull! Tlmll 11tobln'""'l Sl.20 t1 .60 10.00 JD .Ill IS.«I 1.~ J~• McCor (11.111'1'\ Conni. Jo111fn (5rnlfftl Tlm-20 $:10 Scr11thed--S..Cn1! Tonio. l•Vl!WTM II.A.Cl". VuMi. Sr. C011r11 -i10 vord5. 3 yqr 11ldJ 111d 111, C111m1 .... Pvr .. 1Jl:IOCI. Park..-'I '"''"" 11.d•I•) J.00 l .00 ,,ta So9nllll Loclrll (11.0blntonl t.to S.to O.ll1flf Vtfof IH Cl'OMIVI 4.to Tl,.,,.__.. 1(10 Sccratthed-1(.1,.,. Of T1n, c;ool It, •1GMTH llACI(. l'4 y1rch. J )'Mt o\.th ar+cl \IP In Gr1dt AA Pl111. PurM 12•. Go Al Go (P"9tl YorlOtr Go !Lllll'l•ml Trutklln Mill l"'111hl Timi-II fl~t ».6& l.IO !.«t S.1111 t.00 '''° 5~roldlecJ--.Y,r. Olo Toro, O..a Go. NINTH II.ACE:. a Y•rd•. J ., .... olth .ll'ICI 111> In G1tclt A Ph11. PUtM ""'· MoltM ICll<TU'beHl elf Gr•nOlltl!v tP"•I Olidll ltllllel fOrt~ttl flmt-711 7/tt 1.00 '·'° ),1111 f,00 t.l'CI ••• ic;••~ -lhldv ltl)(t.e-1. ~ -!Id .I-rd. Wl\tf Ltidl, ~ 81tl, fl,TH ltACI. IOO Y1rcla, f Yffot el,,1, (llltnJM. PurM l:220Cf, OUINlllU. -l·MtillM & J•tlt 11\f count (Hartl IA •A 1.• Or•twll1N1· ''" P•·•· -_.,.,""'1_,_:,..'c.l,. Lions Fall To Argo Poloists Westmlnster HI g h School dropped it! firSt water polo test of ·the year Tuesday arter- noon, a i-2 decision to a strong Garden Grove High outfit. The Argonauts s t u n n e d coach Gerald Mannion's forces with five ftrSt hall goals while holding Westminster scoreless. The Lions finaUy hit in the third period when Ken Davis connected to pull up to 5-1 but the hosts ripped off four more counters in the third period to salt It away. Westminster tallied one more in the final stallUl: on Mark Kenworthy 's goal. Garden Grove continually kept the pressure on the Sunset League represenlalives with a physical style along with some fine fine ball handl- ing. DAILY l'JL'1' l'• Los Alamitos Race Entries Rangers, Subs Kick Off J'.lay LO$ ALAMITOS !:HTltt!:S • • .• t . "" w .... ,...., 11. lfft-J4lfl °'' Cll1t 6 "'"• Pint ,.., 1t4$ P.M, OWllll • 111 ·• lllll ,_, Ollllllill .. ttftl •tct l'llllT ll:ACI". f/tll ~·~· M.fldltl f VNr otd1. Clll"'fftf· f'urw 11100. Cl1t"'lno Hitt UOOO. 81ff..,l'1 l tr IJllltrl P•cllk Oue•!'I (511"9) T1111 Fout ~'I (Ar;rOdK1 I cr..-o Won tHfortl Bold Moofl IAdilr I G., .. , 80lllllW C/Mlttvno!Oa) '""''~ CIVNn Ut (tOlb~I Sll•ro £.Ira (Smllll) ltNld M1rlt!lt (llptleml Oul•llll''s OU.JI l1'4Ml '" "' '" •• •• :ir •• ,. "' "' $1.COHtt llACt • .IOI) vard•. J VM~ 111.n and up ln Gr.O. I f'lw.. l'\ll'M l!JllO, W1r On Povtrtv 18rlnlil.erl UO LVdl'I' .IOl!t (•I {SlrlllM) 114 ON!> Turn f('1rdo.11 ) Nlooni.lllno air !Mctw•nl Mr. kllfV .. , !Ad.ti•) Ito' J1111 (Smith) 'Klllf of tl'le Turi (W!tburol Ito.II lt11M1t (1-1 (nKl:rrl Alllmk Aciloll IP1t1lo! T"IOrr11• O\ltk c•.1t1I '" "' •• '" •• •• "1 "' TMlllO llACI. CIO y,1rds. Melo.ri' 2 Vffl" OIOl. Ct.lmlnt. P~rM IJ1')0, Cltlmlno 11rlc:• POOO. Good l~ttr1tilwls 1•ablno•~I 1t1,.;,,o Plort111 (Jllna!df) MlcM<.11'1' Tom (l.l'Od1c1J !"""'I' Wll(JI (Ht.rt) l"!ril To Go !Ll#llm) F111\ls lt•Sl\/1 {Sll M) Mocloh 01~11 CC••dOUI ltow:o Jllttd IP1Ml KICIPll Gin''' IC~rty•rl ltldl Wklow (Ad1lrl '" "' ,. '" m '" "' ,. ·~ '" FOUJITH llACI. 3511 .,..rd1. 1 .,.,,, Olda .Ind IHI In Gr1.:M A Plllf ~ff In Call!, P~r .. '2000. lltockll'1 1(1111 fH C'Olltlr l Olcktt-01 Cont.IC ILllllW"'I (tf.11 $kV !lilollfni.ot1) Tr~ V•lld'I' tGatdi>l.11 UIMll!Mhod (0 11111<1) Flft ftedlott t"• .... Hl Wiiiow G91d !Mc•ornolllll Luory Dirt JM tl.dltri 0o W1tc/\ C5mll'11 Midi."•~ IP-) l'll'TH 11.ACI. «lO v1rct1. Ytar olds. Pwrse JUOO. Rt Ell!rY 1"1111111«11 Ln Jo'• '"ldlo (t>r•Ytrl Ju,,.11 !toy (N (l'{ISb.,.I Otdttdon (Llelwunl 81lla SlfflJY tCa•daJ.•I ltld 8M !tet!'f IH~rt\ Liiiie Parc.nt ISml!~\ Ai.m11a air i (W!eburwl •• "' •• on •• "' "' "' •• "' M1lde~ f '" "' •• "' "' '" •• ,. 11> 11'19 S0\11'1111'11 C1ilfornl1 VtMrll'll"Y Mid. Aun. LIOfllnlM ltldff IH1rl) GGG'"' 0.11<1r (I''") lflll• TOW!\ tS"'ll/\l TOii 0..:~ JOllO IM1ltl l•r t..!lllt DtCll: (Ljpl'lem! TIOl'f' ltod:t fH CroJb'tl Four FOfl'I' Klfll IA~•l •• •• "' '" "' •• '" The Coasl Rangers and their re1erve team open com- pdltive soccer action (or tne 1969 compalgn wllh 1 pair of garnet with Fullerton. at the latterl1 Chapman Pait Sun- day. NINTH ltAC• .... y1<1h. ' .,.,.. Re I ,_ t 12 30 .•• olet 111d Ill' In Gr.O, A ,Y.jn~1. l'ur.. serve p a)l aa a : Wl•u !::fir 11:ot1te1 !&r~1,y1 111 the feature attract.ion set at Chll'llP 11 !Ill 811 IH1t1) 1'11 2:30. Mr. Mlftlf (N Cl"O'bvl 111 r..nch B j M~ h ' Thi llt Me" ($1raunl l?J vva r an 1,."'-'81Jg e)' I M-oi.1 cs1.,..1 120 Rangers and the1r 15Ubs were ~~F~;, ~~~~C:N:tor•J ::~ Pacific Leaguechamplom lut R-11 J•11t 1Li.1111m1 1u seasoo and figure to be tiUe Oh<1un1 iltobl~"'1"'1 ll1 si.1rdl Ton1 IAlillrl 1u contenders again. SUITH JIACI. ~ '1~•dl. J VH• olasl!r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ...... ;;, ~=~ rt.·1~'1~Si::~· Punc UIOO. !)Cl DELTA SUPER QUALITY OU1!tr 8•r 8oY IRablnlOll) 1)0 ~!~::"i~j:r, (Llllll•ml i:~ Tires Cost Les· s C.OllPll" 8/lrt ((lrdo:/;4) 111 .4 round the Greens ~feadowlark Two eagles were recorded last week at Meadowlark with Gordo n Logan acing the par• four 405-yard 18th hole with a five-Iron Saturday, Lou Vance followed that ef· fort Sunday with a 395-yard ef· fort on the first hole. lfe used a six-iron for the feat. SeacUfl Perry Adams won the low nel e\•ent at Huntington Seacliff Country Club in men's club action over the weekend with a 67. Tied for second were l\iet Moore and Hefb James at 68. Third place went to R. Hogan (69) followed by Gene Vanc.e and Sid Harnesk at 70. P"l>ll't Pride {"d•lrl 117 ..,tem!!o• Do GOO<I (H&•l1 111 &obbr °" lllA• (H Cr06b\I) 111 Sl!VENTH ltACI!. 110 "'"°"• J Ytl• oldl' ano UP. AUowa1Ke1, '"""" UD:t. Tt\9 C.ril'f\ltrt L1dlt1 Aux!Uu·y No. 116. !mP1rt1I ltoc~tl (R l\il'lkll 11"9'1 lttqutal (HaM) $/\~dow M•n (Llll/\eml M•. Ptrsc>nall!y tOr1y1rJ 81rth1led lSm!lfl) I G•bbV'I '°" {l!ollln~J 1111 "'' u1 · '" m '" llOHTH II.ACE. «ID yard'-3 VH• 11ldl and ~II I~ Grad• AM M1n111. Pu ... UIOO. TM Womtn'• AU!f!ll••V OUR FIRST LINE* TIRE CoPl'lpltt• Un• ef Fibar!Jltn lolt.tl T!r1s Av.1ll1bl•. Prkes !lfllt tit SZl.tl plq P.l.T. Flb•r11lau Wid• 0•1l1 -Supar Pr•miuPl'I - R1d i1J -Sporb -S1nd l 1199y - Ir tU Si••• Tr11ck Tiro• BERG'S DEL TA TIRES 141E.17th St •• Costa Mesa· 645-2010 l111kAmtric•rd ro,,..ite lobs ~9 loy) M11for Chart• 2001WIST11"-SANTA ANA-1414t04 FISK CUSTOM 360 COWi.ili U.C.t.USl IYSTIM S!ltV!tl'Av~eu 30 MONTH GUARANnE . ":".= .. ~'; ::.,-:r::. ::':'.-: J::."',,,.-::'..: ":-"'-. ANTI-FREDE 1 ·co.OLlNT FISK J47 PIESTONE;J77 . . 1·TIACK STHEOT~IS W~J ou~~~~~!~1TI FISK BATTERIES , ' · ..... ~·-Wl'IK JISIC " ·· \'OUR BEST .. BAmRY IUYI . riJ.c ttllUQ 1Am•,·9 ·9s· 11""'4..0.--··~·!I Q MC~Tli <:t'fJl.\NTU ffftr CUSTOM aATIRT fl lit r111111111 u.nttT .,...,. ........ !>' . t,NS <\ ... ~l<r..fH 1.r.u1ASTfK JJ9S J39S WHEEL All,Nl'ENT WIPEl ILAJIES J77 .... ~ wiper w..i. ""'"' •Dd -I Doti't IK :J9lll' •I· ,..... • ..,,.lrf'i bf -lJ' -kiroc"11""111""-tf· tl03.<l:'.05-0I VALVOLINE MOTOR 011 29C qt. 20 And SO Welibt, ,..,., .. 11...U, g.,naa. Ul'I. ~ liN. UXI porli:it-""""'"',......_&toJJ '-'-' ....... B7f ..... ........ "" ..... ...,. SIPHON PUMP 76f t 'lo 1.-t loftC., • 1!,'""'11 WpM OllJ""'lluf ••• "' .... '""'., -.~--. a;.un LITTEI IASKET tltHlfll»tMMI .,., l'illo_ .. ..., ......... CLOTHES Ill SHIFT KIT · 63f SltlntjAI..,... 1788 .......... ......,._ ~~ .......... \ 3aa ·-... _ ............... """ OQ ......... .-ill-4.~ wi..fr'5""111C-IMJ1 .... A!W.41t11 .i,,.a.,.4l.aiaa frht•fi-... ,.. .... ll1tll,: ..... ., ....... .. .................. WI ...W fHl-lllfft' iO UMrl" C11UAHmW1 ........ lillt ""' THESE SPECIALS GOOD AT THESE LOCATIONS ONLY! WESTMINSTER 15440 1.-lt llv .. ot Mc-.,, HZ.JOH BUENA PARK 5115 Llocolo An. ot Volley Vlow 126-HOt BUENA PARK 5301 -·· llYd. ot Lultwlelor U.W040 COSTA MESA uoo -....... Wllooo 541.JOH SANTAANA 1400 U1opr .. ltkhll 546-71U • 1 . I ' .. • • .. , •• . • ,. I I I D411.V PILOT .H w-.,, s.,.-11, IM Yewr Money's Worth Pronwters Now Work Overtime By fYLVIA PORTER 'lbe Dillon'• hlgb-prasure ptOmOters Me now working ovullme -Jud&ing by the ...., ol reperts crossing my desk from Belttr Business Bureaua and Federal and S I a I e replalary agencies. 'lbty'tt: lnvenUnt an ingenious Vallely Of -schemell lo bilk you 11111 ol your paydMcl< «to penuade you to spend more thin you really can afford. And U..1're updating old trlckl to bring them in line with cur limes. You can1t help being squm· ed by gallop;,,. in&tion. Bui you need oot make your 5quteu: even worse by losing money lo these prOmoters. So you'll know whaL lo look out for, here's my own brief Mlmm&rY of old schemes mak· int a comeback and new ones being fashioned to latest !inaa· cial trends. (I) TUE HOME SEWING BOOM (there are an estimated 32 million home sewing maclllnes in use in this <."OU.ntry, an average of about one machlne far every other hou.l<bold) has inspired • variety of questionable n:· pe:lients to sell s e w I n g machloe:i: at outrageous prices. One technique ls to ad- vertise a bargain-priced sew-- ing machine which invariably flunks the home demomtra- tion.. 1be traveling salemnan then capltalius on t b e cwitomer's Interes t by swlt.chlng her to an ex· cessively prices DeW machine wflicb the customer could buy elsewhere at far lower cosL The key angle la that the buyer bldn'L fntended 1o mile any substantial outlay tn the first placo. The Federal Trod< Comml&ion bll onler<d one outfit to put a ''cooliruf: otr' clause In lta t<!Olnct.s alfowlng a tbr<Hay grace period dur· ing which the customer can change her,.m\Dd-1 n another twist . "repo s1e11ed .. sewing machines, which aclllally are not rer,OYtssed, art being of. fered0r only a very low ''un- paid balance." This "balance'" is onJy what the machine is worth. (!) THE FRANClllSING BOOM bas propelled LenJ ol thoosanda of Americans lllto their own businesses in recent years -and bu al3o sired its own breed of quesUonable offspring. Among them are JucraUve aounding • • m u l l 1 • level distrlbutonhlps" -or pyramids of corporate chiefs presiding ever few or no ln- MORE DOCTORS, DENTISTS, ATTORNEYS, AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE USE TAB BECAUSE WE'VE GOT THE ANIW•Rl (;r;,:~~oJ CAI.I. US NOW FOR INFORMATION Nil A BROCHURE. ·1~ =: dlllREAU 543-2222 t OFF1CE8 TO 8ERVE ALL OF ORAJIQE CO. dians. You pot down a large sum to buy a dlatributonbip, wpposedly lo sell some pro- fitable produCL But you find your major function is to sell more d.lstrtbutorshlps to otben fur sums out ol which you'll get extra profits, com~ missions, etc. But as the Post Office Inspection Servi~ puta It, "the supply of fresh victims ls .soon elba.usled and the new tnvestors al"'!. left with a fJded dream and a garage full of -1.A~..ii~A" m~--. 13) THE C 0 I N COL- LECTING CRAZE, which has been SWttping the land for the pa.rt half decade or so, has led to an outright ftaud in which growing numbers of swindlers advertise r a re • · valuable coins at a fraction of their real value -and then fail to deliver the colni when you send in your money. (I) TUE VI E T N AM WAR bu served as the excuse for a gboul.ish comeback of lhe old chain letter. One operalor sends letters to relativu of 501diera killed in the war, re- questing them w mall II lo the name on lop of the l1st and promising a return of $1,024: within 30 days, All the names on the list were . aliases or thll!: promoter. The catch with chain. leUers ls this: ii you, say, start with six copies or leUers goln1 to aiJ: people who are each. In tum, told w ,.nd sh more coPfes tO Sfx others, etc., by Ille filth round, 7,Tll people are involved; by the ab.th, (6,'56: by the eighth, 1.679,696; by the l 0 L b , 60,486,176, or nearly one-third of the populaUon of the U.S.! (I) THE COUPON. CRAZE, which also bas been sweeping the naUon, surely served as the backdrop for a receaUy in- dicted Indiana operator, His deVict was to sell worthless coupons for free meals at fashionable restaurants althougb he had no contracts with the restaurants to pro- vide meals in exchange for the coupon&. Tomorrow: More II I c h • presnre tcbemea:. Pepperdine Aide Talks In County Pepperdint College v 1 c e president William J. Teague will address the Orange Coun- ty ~ow Assn. tonight at lhe Balboa Bay Club. Recognized· as an aulhority in the fields of human rela· tions, communlcaUons and motivation, Teague h a s developed educational film &eries and seminars i n busine$s1 managed public ttla- tions programs and served a.s a consultant on rund·rai!ing principles and techniques. A Huntington Beach resi- dent.. Teague operates William J. Teague Associates, a pro- feuional management service. He is a member of the Melropolit.an Water District board for Southern California and, In March 1968 was ap- pointed by Gov. Ronald Reagan to a four -year term on the Western Interstate Com- mission for Higher Education. A social hour at fl :30 p,m. will precede the dinner meet- ing of the Escrow Assn. / need extra Income ({ 77 ~~ at&bl on aulldQ ~workwMk _ .. ~ Courty ---Cor· -~·-aopllOoll-NO SEWHGI """ ...._ -IOd c:oord1nl1t ltwlr~ 6&lndlt AM. onty. This MtM )QI $fDD to $300 1 ~ De1ler tnvtttment as low u $1500. Financing .v1H1bl&. sunday mail, inc. 1'11 _II.,_,., pborlt (7H) m-t>M:i Hig her Interest J!ue For Housing Loans WASHINGTON. D.C. (BW) -Higher interest rates on home loans and reduced funds for housing are the predicted consequences of in- creased taxation of savings and loan associations, representatives of California Savings Associations report. Homebuyers ultimately wilt pa.y the price of lhiJ: tu boosl Warned D. W. Ferguson, presldenl, Q u a 1t e r City Federal Savings & Lo an Association, Whitlier. He appeared in Washington, D.C., with Franklin Uardlnge .Jr., execulive vice pres.id-!nt, California Savings and Loan League. Polnling out that savlngs and loan associations cur- rently are supporting a hous- ing market which ia alre.ady suHering rrom tight money, Ferguson told tbe Senate Finance Committee that the proposed lax hike CQU\d serve only to reduce the ef- fe<:tivencss of savings associa4 tlons in their attempt to bolster lhe vital area of hous- ing. '"The higher tax rates pro- posed for savings assocl.aUons would pe.nnaneotly freeze into our financial system higher in- tue?S\ rates on home loans and would cause a pmnancnt dimin ution or the fund s available for home lending." said Ferguson, who also is ' wmplete-Ne,v York Stock .List • • • ! I • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • . ' . , • ' ' • ' • , , ' • • ' • . ; • • • ,, • • • •• • • • .. • " .. .. ' " • " ,, • " •• " •• '. a " .. . , " • l ' • • • • • ~ • : ' ' " •• • .. .. • \ • ' ' .. .. .. .. ' ;i " • .. ' .. ' , . ~ .. • , . .. " ~ 1: ' h •• • .. .. " • • • .. ., • .. • • • • ' • ' • " • Wednesday's. Cl~ ' . Prices -f.omplete New' York Blue Chips Lead L-Ower Stock Mart ~W YORK (UPJ) -Blue chips led the •lock market lower today in bri.sk turnover . "The lilt apparently ran out of motivating in- fluences ," commented one analyst. But he nOted that in.Oation· still was the "No. 1 problem" for traden. The UPI marketwide indicator showed a loss oi 0.12 percent on 11546 ispues on tape. There were 697 declines and 604 advances. The Dow Jones average of 30 blue chip indus-trials was off 5.74 at 825.90 near the close . Turnover of around 10.6 mi.Ilion :!>.ares was run· ning in line with Tuesday's pace . Heavily traded issues included AUanUc Rieb· lleld, Standard Oil of Ohio, Occidental, Great West- ern Financial, American Pnotocopy Equipment, and Teledyne. Many oil issues were in retrei\t. including Sabio and Natomas. But there also were some point-sized gainers in the group. Texaco closed down 112 to 32 and Standard of New Jersey was off 2 318 to 69 3/4 . Motors traded narrowly despite spreading price increases on 1970 automobiles. Ford, the latest auto producer to announce price hikes, boosted prices on new models by an average of $108 a car including federal excise taxes. Ford closed. at 45 si4. up 1/2: General Motors was unchanged at 74 7/8; and Chrysler lost 718, cl.Sing at 39 718 . Conglomerates moved in bolh directions. So did airlines and aircrafts. Rails and chemicaJs generaJ~ ly lost fractions . H OAILI' l'llCIT JI Stoek Exchange Li~t Complete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List Editions • • I I I ! I I> r::~:=t:S::":;'!l:"l:~!lll~:!l~i'll~.:"!,~.~-="'~!"tl!ltlili!'t~~?'~~lll'!~':"~':''i:ll""t;lli"'"' .. """'~"'~~ .. ll'!~'"''"'"!""'·"·°""""""'~~~'" -·~~"'"'""'·"""'"40'"'""'""511140 .. L4"'10"'"'"'' ........ ""*'"""'·"'"'"""'"'"'" .................................................................................. ~.~-~-~~ • I -, . Miss Bardahl Seeks Third Straight • ' :.11 Ole Bardahl's unlimited hydroplane Miss Bardahl looms as a possible winner of the American Power I Boat Association Gold Cup when the thunderboats get under way on Mission Bay Sept. 28. Miss Bardahl was a lhree time winner in 196J...64..65 and has back to back wins in 1967-68. i------------ Campbell Harvests Laurels Newport All-American Blazes O·wn Yacliting Trail By ALMON LOCKABEY o.llY f'llet a.11111 l!.itwr Argyle Campbell, A 11 • American USC sailo r from Newport Beach, hit t h e yachting campaign trail alone the past summer. Wbile hi! Trojan team mate Tim Hogan and other ~liege sailors were winning honors in England and Europe, Campbell found the hardware harvest just as profitable in North America and Bennuda. Campbell was preparing to return to classes at USC this week where he will be a junior member of the Trojan sailing team. It was a good y ear (or the USC sailors. both team-wise and individually. A! a team, he and Hogan and Bob McClalre, all from Newport, started out the year by win- ning the Sugar Bowl Regatta at New Orleans. Later in the year Campbell won the Pacific C o a s t Inten:ollegiale singlehanded sailing championship in Kites sailed in Newport. In the national in- t e r collegiate championship Campbell and Hogan again joined forces to spark the USC effort but were beaten by a pair of San Diego Stale sailors, Ed Buller and Tom McLaughlin. The nationals were held at Bellingham, Wash. The margin of loss by the USC team was because Campbell fouled out in the linal two races. "lt was terrible," the young HARDWARE COLLECTOR -Argyle Campbell of Balboa Yacht Club, an All-American s a ilor on the USC ~earn. s urveys the hardware he harvested dur- ing a sun1mer of campaigning. skipper mused. In the national singlehanded championship at Seatlle a few days later campbe\I finished fifth. The performance of Campbell and llogan and Butler and McLaughlin earned them all berths on the 1969 All-American sailing team. \Vhcn Campbell was not selected on the American co!- Raced 3 Different Craft Jegiate team to go to England for lhe summer he decided to do a little campaigning on his owa and before the summer was over found himself in Bennuda competing for the junior world championship in Enterprise sloops. His crew was Tom Purcell of Balboa Yacht Club. The junior championship a t Bermuda v.·as not a coUegiate: event but was sailed under the jurisdiction of the North American Yacht Ra c i n g Union, but because it was within the age limit of college sailing it was turned over lo the lntercollegiate Yacht Rac- ing Association of North America. England won the sefies. Wales was second •Dd CampbeU and Purcell, representing the U.S. were third. From Bermuda Campbell went to Kingston, Onlario. Canada, where he borrowed an ancient Snipe and, with a young Canadian as crew pro- ceeded to w in the Canadian Open Regatta. "It \vas amazing that we v.·on," commented Campbell. "The boat was a real clunker -even to a ·wooden mast and a steel centerboard that had four or five coats of paint." Campbell says he now plans to try for the 1972 Olympics in the Star Class. In the interim two more years of collegiate sailing lies ahead of the young BYC s kipper. He is a junior this year, and his teammate Hogan is a senior. Rothschild Takes Power Boat Title Oll company executive Peter• Rothschild of Newport. Beach has parlayed a second place in the Long Beach Hennessy Cup race and victory in the Catalina Challenge Into the 1969 Pacific Offshore Power Boat Racing Assn. cham- pionship, final point totals disClosed today. Rothschild, 30. e:tecutive vice president of Powerine Oil Co. of Sanla Fe Springs. ~rded a total of 940 points , while racing three different ~~ts in the fi ve events on the ~PBRA schedule. Class title in Lhe Long Beach· Ensenada International, fa iled to finish last June's Jlum Run Ill in a new Aqua Craft Offshore Class boat and then came within seconds of upset- ting Aronow in the Hennessy Cup classic Aug. 23 in still another boat. a 3 2 ·foot Mert:ruiser-p o w e r e d Cary which had been built and set up for him by Aronow. All three boats were named 'ntunderballs. • New Jensen Boat LEGAL NOTICE Cal 21 Provides Sailing I or All Jensen Marine. builders of the famous Cal line of racing· cruising sailboat!, has an~ nounced production of the new Cal 21, ' signWcantly different cqncepl in fiberglass pro- duction S:&ilboals. "The new Cal 21.'' said Jack ·Jensen, president of Jensen Marine, "is designed for the family that wants to break away from the crowded beaches and parks and sail LEGAL NCYflCE ....... ClaTIPICATI! OF •USIHIS5 SUJIE"IO" COU"T M THI FICTITIOUS NAMI! JTl.TI' 0' CAllFO"NIA ,0. Thi lll'det'slentd do certlf~ tlley I"' THI! COUNTY OF o•o1.1uo11 ~ • bus.IMU at 1m w. Cer•lr~ CA.Sil NUMIElt 0.244n away on their own in a safe, ,.,......,.. c.11torn~ ._.., 11>t nc1uioui suMMoN' flnll -ol ll!E ANN'S COIFFURES Liii• A"" L"'"berl, P"!nllfl Vs. Jtmt1 ~lf-rigbUng, self-bailing cruis-...,.. 11111 111d 11"" 1s ~ o1 n. fl"K• L•~•. Ortrnd•nt • kil ......... ...,._,.,, ""'°" Ml!'lft '" full PEOPLE OF THE $TATE 0" ing sailboat that is fun for the -•lac:• ol 1nl0ena Ii ., killo>r· Cl.LIFO"NLA '° !he •llcl~f .... ....i Oetrno U I ,, o..nwi Qt;111tr•M -Phn ouLt. ins.a lflflt: en re fami y, o-. AnlNlln. Ctlltornle, You •rt "-ttltr 111recte0 lo Ille 1 wrl"- Th Cal b klh b ~ ... lembel' .. I"'· ten P~alllllll "' n~M ... HM Vl'l'trlod' e 21 is 8 rea roug OlrNH Qulnlnlll tom11J1lnl ol ~ tllclve nlmfd Pl1lntl!f boat for the average 'po ... ~ PhllllP G. Dull lllllh '"-cleft of 1111 1bov1 1n11111d cDOJrf , ...,.. Jtlfe .-C1llfonlll. °''"" Clluntr: In tt>e 1bclve entltl!<:I tctlon IH'-ht • d d f 'I Be f "( On S..t. ,, 1 .... btfore Mt, t Noll,., •111lnsl """ In 1•1d cour!, wlll'lln TEN mm e am1 y. cause. o Is Putilk In •PWI 10, Mid Stitt, Mno111llr lf1r1 1tlff lhe Mrvlc" on rou Pl th l1 1um· fully retractable kee), hinged lll"lrMI O.rr1t Oulntrt11 Incl JlhU Oula moni, II Htvtd wl!lll" lllt •bovt "'1mtd known 10 nw lo tit ~ Pf,r.OllS Wh05e county, or wllhln TfllRrY d1v1 fl Mrvtd a t __ , v ble dde "l 111"'" tr• 1ubK•I~ to ll>e wltllln i.... •"""'1e•e. rn s w11.1 remo a ru r, J •trUIMlll 11111 1ek-ltdueO fbey utcllltd You ••• ll•r•bv nc1111rl'd 111.11 unltQ v11u C.D be launched •· i'usl 12 1'n 11111 um• !ill lltt • w•lrt•n rewon1!v1 pl1alllP111, Mid "' -C tOFl'ICl.\L SEALI PlllnUff 1111!1 I~~· lt100;1m..,,1 for tnv mont,. ches of water and easily LEGAL NOTI E OALE H. APJILEGATE 0• d11meon 11em1n11rc1 In lht var111..cr · Holl•Y Jlubl!c.Ct!lfomli comolollnt K 1rJ1l1111 '"'°" co.il,•cl. or 1111!1 Stored in a yatd or driveway CERTIFICATE Of •USINlliSS, Orllllll C-IV fPPlr lo lhe CO<lrl lor ~n~ o~r rt!!tl , . FICTITIOUS NAME M~ Com111lnlofi Eirplres Mmtnc1"11 In 011 v1,IUed cQmpl1lnl. when not lD use. Launching Tile unc1ersl11MG doe• ctr11t~ 1111 11 c.,. DK. ,, ltn You m•r "'"' "'• •utvJce o1 •n 1t1Mne" and rigging is easily ac· oucu,,. • Du$lnn1 11 1111 H.rbor tllvd. Publl.nt.1 °'_,, co.51 D•llv Plkll, Ot1 1ny m•l~r tonlll'c!td wl!~ 111e com-co.11 /Uw, C11ltornl1, unn.r 11\t lie-Slc>lembl'I' 16. 17 24 ind Oc:lobtr 1 1111rn1 M 111\s M1mmans. Such 1!lorrl!!¥ complisbed ln fifteen minutes. lltk><ls lltm 111""' of "C H" T.V. lNt ' -1'n.6; 1hou111 .be consu11rc1 1111thln lhe time !lm\1 SE"VICE and llltl 11111 llrm la comPOled !lire.I '" lho& ~ummons lo~ llllnt 1 wrilltn A tr u e faimly cruising of ""' to1111w1,... i>erSOD, ,..,_ ...._ In pJe1111,... 111 the coma111nr. 'lboal th C t 2 I , S run •nd pl1c• of rn111enc1 II •1 follow•: LEGAL NOTICE D•~ Ftb. !J, I~'· S81 , e a Cler~ P. Hellnlhl, 11616 p-W. E. ST JOI-IN, C~rk mahogany trimmed interior Ave., F°'1ftla1n v111..,, c1t1forn11. NOTICE o' SALE e, c. w. p,...,,,, • . . Oiied 5$1fmber 1', ).... TO HIGtt•ST •lOOE"f'l Oepury Cttrk has four full-sized v 1 n y I c11 P H JH11111 <SEALJ ~ · e Holla 11 herd>Y th•en 11\11 wg~11e<1 "OIE"T 1. !A T covered foam berths stor•u•e 51•1• o1 C1111orn1,, Ortnte Countv; blcls wm be reatwtd for 111e ..,, ,,.., • 1 MAN • ""ti On Sel>lemblr H, Ifft, beflW'e mt, I llklh I Iii-! I ol "'" tGI-' std VM H1,_ lM1lo•1tl, Jockers and space for a Ho11r, Putilic In 1nd tor Mid s11rt. ••n•:.,..,, .:.,~ .._, tirM ':ci:rtd f::: ~Mr ,., marine head and galley range. l>ef'IONl!r IJIHt•ed Clt•rt1C• P. Ho,...lhl surpluo 10 0111•1ct 11ffds: II) ' Nursl"ll Tei:'cn• · C•llltrnil "'11' k1-11 lo me fo be Ille PfflCt'I \llllol.e ntme 99111, IJJ ~Pie flnllJ'lt<I tur.,llllrt, Ul j Ml-M)f . It can even be used as a house 11 subsc•lbtd to fl>I 11111111" 1rwrumen1 1nd w-l!brirv bool<1'idls. n.. abaw A~"::j' ,., ';;1"Htf 'J b · 1y acknowleO!ltd M l~Kllttd 1!141 1Mn1. II ._..._ ......... tor th ,__ u ll'ltd lfllte Cc.est 0111¥ Plto1, 1ra1 er en roote y SIIDP tOFFICIAL SEALI ...,, 1" 11<:1 _.,,.., ,..,,,....., e .,.. •vauJ/ 21 •l'IG SeP1rm11tr J. 10 ,, . 1lrvdlonll '""''I!" 11111 ,,, ""' ··-rtr "'' . . pulling off the road and Clim· MA"Y IC . HENRY ol 1111 0r.,.. COlll Junial-Colle!lt 15&Mt . Hot1rv P11Qll<..C111tornl1 Olllrl.r.1. 1---:-;:::-:-;-:::c=-=:c----bmg aboard. P•iMiPll Otfkt In 5•11 bids Will br_ OPfMCI tnd Publicly LEGAL NOTfCE The h II f l th Or1nvr Coun1v rffd 1laull 1ar H11•"11.a 11'"'11 ,, Us~ U ea ures e same Mv commtMICHI u,1reo on the ,rPllOSll Form •t 11:1lD 1.m .. Fri.1------,-------- characteristics that have .. , •-m0ti.r ''' 1•n 0 . ,,., d•Y· Octotwr 3. Ifft. in 1111 tloA•lf 11ocm '"" HU .. ubl 51ltd flllll~ C011I toll' • o1 !fie Admlnlstr1llon 8uildlr19 o1 IM NOT<<< TO <• made the other Lapworth Seollf'en'lbrr 11. 1• 1n11 OCTober I, I. Or•"" c-• Col/ft•, 2101 F1trvi4P111 sU,ERio" cou•:o~~o~sHl: designs successfu1, L 0 n g 1™ l1»ff "Nd, Cost• M1s1, C1!Hor"ll; All Diii• STATe OF Cl.LIFO" NII FO" , h" h m~•I bOI! dtllverell lo 11\oo otf•U ol 1ht THE COUNTY OF ORANGE waterline for s peed, 1g LEGAL NOTICE Purch111,., Aveni •' lht: ~bOYe 1dllrtts ,.. .. ,.~ ballD.St ratio for stability even prior lo Ille llmf WI lot !ht open!ng In Es!tlf> o1 HAZEL l o VE " NE . . . • SUPE"IOll COUllT 0, TH• order to 119 r llolble !or Ce>r!&kl!i~llon. McDOWELL Otcra~. Jn high w inds,. and a modern, STATE OF CALIF0111'0A •011: Prlll>QStt fo•m• m1v tit obt1lnfd ti "'' NOTICE IS HEREBY GtVE:N to !ht e ••y ·-•·ndle sailplan The TH E COUHTY OF ORANOI PUrchn1119 081rtmtnl of ~ Olstrlct II crtdllllro "" Ille "•;we nlmed llKtdt<ll ~ "W"llf' . . · . . SUMMONS 1th! tllclv' Mldreu or bv lt~Pllonlnp 11141 llltl 111 DMlOnl hivlnp cla!m~ IP•inl1 lh• bLg 8-{l. sel!-ba1Jmg cockpit IS CASI HUMle" "4·S15G. llln<• m1v bf ln>Ptctell bV prior til;d detellfn! are .re<iu1rrd To lilt them, 1 h f th ti. O·Zftlt IPPOlnhT'>•"' only. C1ll IUS'51 IO l"lllllf 1111!n ~ nKnwrv •MIJChers (" !ht offlt• arge e noug Or e en re ROBE RT HA.NSON PVrHoFF, J"·· UPOlnt..-t. o1 ,,,. clrrk or '"" 111av1 en1'111.a cvurl. or crew and even has under-seat J1111n1111 vs. IMA JEAN MATTHEWS &ld1 must bf', 1ccDm11•nled bv • to 11revn1 triem, wllh tht ,,.ceu•rY ' . . . PUTtiUFF O~ffld~nl arllflM or c•-"ler s tl'ltck m11111 PIYlbli' vouctiers. to !he unMr•l!lntd •! lht ofllct storage. Auxiliary power, 1n p E 0 p'L E OF .TME STATE OF to fhe 0rl"9t Cn•I Junior Collete Df Ills '"OfMV. MARTIN e. WEINBE"G· the form of a small outboard CALIFORNIA to 111e 111o~1 ,..meet ~ 01.trk1, or u111. 111 ~ 1moun1 cf 10"4 cf 1IOO Norr~ B•o.>11w11v. su111 l'OO, S.nll . . d•nl · 1111 lol•I l>ld. ~II• cf 111cceulul bld· ""•• C•lllornl• '1106, 111hlth 11 Ille Pllct mounted OD the special engine Yo~ ••t tierm 111,ect~ to r.11 , writ· lkr!d will bOI! •P11llt0 lo 11Urc111se .P•lct. Pl t>1111111n of IN undrnt11M11 In 111 mat• bracket easily pushes the Cal 1e<> Pll'adlnv 1n ·~ to tM AAnulnMflt Olller-""'°',,~, ~· ... •"" .. ja~ a::11, ~ ""P1f111n1nsi to 1!11 11tatt of 11111 llt<•· ' tamDll!nl o1 the tllclve namtd Pi.lnlltl rehlmtd W "" '"'' ""» •• •r r "' d..,,I, within lour rno/\lhs titer the ll•sl 21 al S knots. wllh fhe clrrk ot IN tbove i ntHLtd court Tnnlttl Kc11>tanc1 of lli<ah bld!sl wllkh 11Ubllc111on ol 11111 notlcr • i.. tM above tnlll1td action bfOulhl will bl on Ck~ U, lfff. Otltd Stlllembl'r S. Ifft, Constructed oI one-p1eee re-~•inst 'fou ;., wild couri wlll'lln TEN AH UPftlH'I ol u•I-•nd r-•• '" H1rrv H. MtDo111el1 I [ ed f '<berglass lamination div' allt• 1t1e setvitf on v~ of 11'11' , .. ,.,.. the """°""'lblHtv al blclde•!sl. S"Jo 111ts l.dmlnlstr,.or 111 ,,.~ Cil•I• 0 OfC mom. It \trvlll lll olhln n.t lllclvt nimfll III wil ~ _.., It Ill "l'I0\!1111 1111'"5 of 1t>r 1bclv1 n~tn«I ll•telltnl utilizj,ng hand laid up woven counlv. "' wllllln THl"TY "''' It llrwll v1t1C ,... ... Min I•• ....,..u (INI Ii $\Ibo MARTIN I. WEINtE."C . . b .1 · •~r mlttttl wlf'll ~. ~ 1• Nof'lll •tDHw•'· s.i.ine ?M roving, I.he Cal 21 IS Wt JUSt You ,,'· lllt•bY nolllitd in~• ""In• vou Th 1 Bo1r11 ~""" lht •i11~• 10 re1Kt s1n11 "'"'· C1lif. nl'N l.k th I t 1nv tnd 111 bk11 or to wtlvf 1,.., 1,.. Ttl· (nil S.CJ.U75 I e e arger octan racers '° 11~ I wrll1"" •e....,..toVt Pltltl.,., Mld for1t1111!v or lrrt11ultrltv I" "'' bllllli"' All~ ~· ••-• < O ._ d J M · pltln!llt wlM llkt JUC!tmenl for ,,,.. .. -.. · -·-• "" ''"11 1 rt .. ,r that have ma e ensen artne m"""r or <1•m•;e1 dtm•nllell 1n 1111 ,_ Alt ma1,,11i. ire ... 1c1 In .., a' " c..... Pwbll~td or.,...., COl•I 01.1w 1111o1. known for its guality, Non-skid •llllnl 1' ,.,,1,,. ,,_, cCH1t•tcl. 11r will '!'m'e., T0';' ~~·1;:i'.1 ;.·~~"'"° ,;::';~:i"":; =...,• 10. 11. 1• •"" Oc1obor '· . Jso ""°ly to Ille (OUrl tor •nv 11Tlltr rtllet 1"' llem• l61'·6t deck and cockpit are a one-~ r... ""' complltnf PtwmMi 1" lull mult be "'"' wil!lln l-------------- piece molded units. Colors are YOll ,...v ~ ~ adwic• 0' '" i tfo•nPJ' live -rt1111t d1v1 •H~r notlc" o1 a1111rd LEGAL NOTICE ' both d k d h JI on en metll!r coon1e•td w!l!I lht c.,.,,. tl'ld ""' m1l,•l1b mu~! lie '"'"'"~ lrom •------~~~-----molded 1n ec an U Pl•l~! 11• !hos wm~s. 5'1c:h 1!tornev 1...., Collt'O• c-.i• 11 111e time "' 1uu1 '"M5&t for durability an d main-!olll!Uld bt coniulted ..... ~In ll\f u ..... 11"'1' ptyme.11. Cl"TIFICATE OF tl0SINE5S . sltltd I" th11 summons tor 1111"9 I .... ul'et> NO"MAN E. WATSON ,ICTITIOU.S NI.ME tenance-free service. Plead'"• to '" cDmPl1\nr. Slctv &o11rd 11! Tr"''"' r~r ~ndtrsr9nen ooes ct rlltw 111t,. 1,1 Ol!td Sflllembtr .l. Hitt. Ol>ell' (kl. ], Ifft -1l!OCI 1.m. ConllllttinQ 1 builMJ• ii 1791S M&gnolll W, E. ST JOHN , Clerk Publli~ed Ora nvt COis! 0111¥ Pllol, SI.. Faun!~/" Va lll'v, C•llfornlt, ul\d,r 1~1 8v GERTRUDE f . MORONES S1pl1mlle• 10. 11, 1"9 168Q.M lkllllo..1 flrm nam• llf ELKINS SHElt. Dloulr c1,r~ SE"VICE aNI 11111 said li,m !• tom-.d !SEAL) ~I th• to!lowlnv Pfl'50M. lllhO!t nam11 +~ "OtE"T tc, OOWl!'lt LEGAL NOTICE lull 11'111 pl•cn of re1tdenc1 ••e 1~ tai. 14'1 PIKtn1t1 A.,.ftUI low): Ted Ttrrner NtwH rl ... Kii, Ctlll. NOTICI! OI' JIU•LIC HEARING G-Pt W. El~ln1 arid 0&~ W, F..lkln1, l~o .. ~1;:!11tt NOTICE IS HE"EBY GIVEN lht! !tit ~111~;;:;, FtllH St~ Founlfln V1ll1v. l"ubll!l\lll 011n1" c-.1 OtilV Pllct, Cllv CDUn<.lt of '"' Cltv of Cos" Ml'Sll 011td Avaust 1.S. 196t Se!>••-l. JD. u , 1•. it6t 1"101ot 111111 l'lolcl I pubJlc htarl"lt on Ml)ndav. Georg w E ••Ins 1::::::::::::::_.::_:.::__:::_:_::..c.::_ __ _:::;c Odoblr 6, 191ot, In ll>e Council Cll1mbrr Oil• W flk ln' LEGAL NOTICE 11 Ille (ITV Hill. 11 Fa\r Orlv•, (0$lt Sttte cf C.i1tor'ni1, Or111te CounlV: 1--------------I ~M •I llM llour "'7:JO 11.m .. or 11 SOM o~ A~o11st 15. 1"'· brlott me, 1 Natirv 5.5 Meter Champion 111~t•!ter 11 11\t mtn•r mt'f bf ~rd on Public 1n -lor wld Siii• H r!llftllllt '·n514 tile prtlllon of '"°" Cool• Mnl Pl1n11lng 1_1..., Gtcrf'll' w E•klm 1~ o1i. w CEllTtFICATE OF OISCONTINUANCl Cornmlulon, 11 Ftlr Ot lY•, Cosll ~' Etkl k to . lo lit' lllt ' Ted Turner of Atlanla, Ga. OF U§E ANO/O" A&ANOONMENT OF 1o ·~-"'" 1ouaw1ne ittscrlbed ru1 ....i.o: .,;;:;:: •••~~:Scribed '" ,,,... ":.Im'! . FICTITIOUS N-.ME procttrlw '"""' "l lo I Ind II : ins1rumfnl ~nd idi.nawlellge11 lhfv t~· emerged as the new national TH( UNDERSIGNED do htrfl>Y anlfy PA"CE.L I -LOIS I 11\rOIJllh 5. bt111i1 <!Wied II>• Mmf .1. h . :1111, et!eclivt Auvult 2', lJ•t lheV C11>MI Ille _.ll'lllfflltrlv JU.DO lee! of TrtO (OFFICIAL $EAi.I S.S meter sat 1ng c amp1on 10 do butl.,..,,s unner '"' nc1111ov1 11rm ~ 11 w...n Pn 1 m•P ttw•f!llf •tt0•ded ROtlE"T v &AEll Tuesday after a five race n1n" 04 C&C EQUIPMENT COMPANY 11 In 11c1o;1k U, oo~e Jt of MlH.el11nto11s Noltr~ Public . Coltfftrni. . . . 1112 ~tleloh. Slrfft, C11tt1 M!U, MIPI, •tc1>"11 of Ortflll! Countv. PrU..clpat Otto<e l'I series sailed at Annapohs, Md. C~lltorn·~· "'~"" bu1Jn'" 11111 fonT1er1v J1A•CEL J -L1111 ' 1nd s •"" Ill• Of•nv• cou"tv . tomp('.K..:I ol '"" lollolllinv 1>9fl0t!S, ~ -"'111nt1rlw It.SO IPf:I Ill lot l 111 Mr Cotrimluo1111 EXflfrtl Runner-up 1n the regatl.a n1me1 In 111n ""' Pl•ca• "' r•1ln.rtee tre Trld 111 '' i i.own "" • m•P lller1'0f !.ft!>•. 1~. 1tn ' E . F f II ston • klllow1, 10.wJ.: rtc:ordl'd In llclol< ,,, p ... 35. ol Published Or~1>9t (?ad 0 .. 1, Polof, v.as rnte ay 0 6,l1 . • Allct H. Co1we11. 1111 "•ltlgh Strttl, Mlscell1rieous M111t. "ecordt or Ort"Of -.ll'lusl 21 1'111 :i.e..1emblr l. 10. u. Tex:. a fonner champion 1n CiMI• Mtwi, c11u .... n1~ countv. 196f 1$1'"' ' Leo J, Cole. U1S Santi A111. Cml• AIKO fnc.ll>diM l!lt 1blnd<lfled :io.oa-1001 Ute class. Mewi, c1111orni1. 11111 IY'lll9 •alottnt 10 and sovtM••ttrtw ----:--:o=-:-~o=o=.,,---- C•r111ic1!t '°' rr1n••c11ot1 o1 bu11nu1 pf""' 1tiov• OtKrlbtd Lo11 ••rid J 1ri11 LEGAL NOTICE Sailing a new Br Ill a in u""•r "'" •flovr 11e1111ou~ n•me. 1nc1 ti· ...,,non o1 Loi J. !--~~--~-------chance designed boat, the llllevlt of publication lhtrfOf, lfl en lilt NOTICE IS FU"THE" GIVEN 11\al ,, NOTICE 01' TRUSTEE'S SALi[ I" I~ ol!ice 11! ll>t Cc11nl'< Cl.,..I( ot tht llma ind Pltc• obove-menlloMll t nY LOol.H NO. AJ1f1•nv Tiger, Turner also won the Or1ng• Cou~•v. UMtr ll'lt provlllon• ol Ind 111 Pl'f5111'9 lnltr~!ed m1v "'""'"'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ~ f lh h . h Seclio" 1•M of IM cr~11 ClldP. M>d bOI! h,1•11 bY Ille Cltv Co<mtfl al "" Tlltr on Mood•v, ~o!ember n. "~ •t Bingo Tro.,..y or e Lg • WITNESS our h1nd1 1~1$ 16111 ll•v "'CllV "' CCIII Mt>I ""11111 RtWlll Jlttllion 11 :00 O't1c<.I A.M. ti t~e l•ont fMtl ntl !o point scorer after the first A~~t. 1on•. R·U..,, 1111 N1t1on11 F; .. 1 Morrvave corp, ,t.llct H. Call'ttll C. K, JIRIEST llulldl1111, 6ll Sou1h M1"ch~ster "'vonur. three races. He will seek the tM> J Coit c11v c11r~ of 11'>1 Anthtlm, C1lilo•n•• II.GENT'S ESCROW Id h · h. · th Publl•h"11 Or1npt (Oll$1 011!v Piiot. C!tv of Col" MUI SERVICE, •1 TrU•!et. or ~• SVbltltu!M wor C amp1ons lp In e Sectem~r J. io, 11, , •. "°' 162<HJ ~ublllflell 0r111111 Co••• 01ll'f Piiot. lru1t••· u""'er tht oe'""' or Trost e~tcu!tct class in Aus tralia n ex t ___ _'.L:E:G'.'.'.A~L~N~O'.,T~l~C~E'.:_ ___ l'.":"~'~:::"=:'~':;'":;:":C":---:-;;:;;;::;;;--'c"c'~-&t bv JCH1et~~" Rlcho1d Brockett 1no 011v1• A.. BrO<~flt, llu•lla'ld """ Wolf rtcordtd February. LEGAL NOTICE "" No••mber n. 1w.1, In Boo~ ••u "•~•• P·31K! -~l~ o! Ortitl•I Rtcotd• Pl Or1n11• Counlv. Turner's crew in the na· CE"TIFICl.TE 01' 11USINESS C"lfotnl~. b ...... on of I bttlth o• llon ,ls ···ere •• ,,, Allan ol FICTITIOUS NAME .... " 2PU dtloun In the P~Vm!'nl or P••lnrml"Cf pl " " ""' Tr.. 11nde11iglltd does cerlllv 11'11¥ trt' NOTICf 01' T•USTE•'1: SALE <>11l,31!ton1 •tc1>r•~ lh•,.,.b•. ~"" l!o tlc• cl Newport Beach and 1'1ike Ray-coM .. c11n; • b1"1""" •' •S51 w. C01•t TS NO. llU• De-faun a"" ~~•tklft•¥'1 ,itc111111 to c1~1• H""', f.ll!......,r1 Bracl'I C1ll!ornl•. Olndt On Oc.foobf'r l. 19'9, ~I 11:(1(1 • m .. Tl to bl oolll !ne nrw>env ll~rtln llclrw mond. tl>t ft(!lllou• Hrm nlm~ ol NEWPO"T TLE INSU "ANCE ANI> TRUST COM· dfl('.ribtd ........ tem rocorded •• II'"" Turner failed lo score in the SET COl~FUll:ES ~nd lhtl wld llrm II P-.HY, •• d!Jlv IPPOlnttd Tr11Slrt """"' ~111"11 tor b¥ .. Ill """ mtlf8 !hen thr.• coml>O'.!i'""' of '"" to1"1wlflt ... ~. _, 1f'd p;,or\u•nl ta OH'd ol Trusl dalell monlM h1vl"" rl•D·•d ,Inc• i i><lt Olympic trials at Newport n1.-s !n luU a,,.i Plltt'I Pl rnlckn<.f: 1rt M1rc11 1. 1"~ Ext.:ulf<l Iv: JOE O •Korlla!l1>11. w111 -ell 11 Public au<llon 11 I IS fol~· 8ELL '"d tl1LL1E JEAN tELL. 11u1btn!I !hi ll1~1'1t11 bidder tor (d\ll P•YAllLE !N Beach las t year. He a so was $h!r~v 81~!1!•. 7~ Ml!" SI .• t4u ... Ind wife Ind •tcatlltd M•<dl lj,, l'NS. I• U.WFOL MONEY OF THE ONITEO unsuccassful in the Olympic ,,..,...,.. ~ ... C"ltoMlt lmtr. No. lllll, In llclotl 1••· P1;t t/'3. cf STATES OF l.ME"l(A AT TIME 01' Octtvlt"O 1111,_.,, l\7' Li....,ldl Ofllcltl Rtcerds I" Tiie al!IC'I! Pl 11111. C..,.._ !ALE wlthoUI c11v•n1n1 or w~rr1n1v. •~· trials i.n the Flying Dutchman L.t<lf, c ... 11 Mfw. c11ilornl1. ir "KO•del' a1 Or•"ll• cour.rw, c11°torT>11. Pre'\t at tmpt1t11, ,, to ,,,.,, P01161lon '" Cl l •1·ss· Ba O•TH Stc>t. 1, !Mt. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCl10N TO l'ICUmbt11nc"' Ille !nt.r ... 1 conveyed to a;;s a IT I IOn y. S~lrlcv f11~ttor ltlGMEST (llOOER F0" CASH (P~Vlblt 11nd now held bv ~Im '' lllCb Trutif'I', In Sir.cc the Olympics Turner O<Jawl.ono Rtlno!ill '' tltM "' 11i. In 111111111 '"°"~ o1 Inf' an!! to 1~ ro1"1wln-> d.,c,;-pr-rtv 111 •--· f h' Stale 1111 C•llfornl1, Ort"fl C-tw· Unlfpd 511!nl ln 11'11 fallllY ol tlle wesl tM COlll\IW ol Ori'nf'~· Siii!! or C1lllornl~ has ~n devoting most O JS On s-. 1, IHt. before me. 1 Noltrv fP1rklnt kill rnl•111« o1 !ht TH!i' Lot 21 of Tr1c1 No. l6All. Jn"" Clfv 111 sailing time to campaigning Public '" •NI tor Mid stale, Pl!r10Nll• IM11r1nc" t1ulklln<J 111c:11fd Ofl ~ cos11 Miow. County m Or1noe. s1111 or 11t1Pflrtd S/'olrlff BtJt•r & Oc.l•v•-Hor!t>wnl c11r111r of E!thth IP'ld Mtln C1!!1ornlt, •~ per map •ecordtcl In flooll' the converted 1 2. me le r Rtlnoso 11;nown 1o me fo bl the ""'°"" SlfftlJ. SIM• A,.., C1111orn11. 111 •'9M. 11•, P1~1 ll 10 •• lnctu•I.,. °' Am ' E I · ff ho whose 1'11"'6 11•1 1ul>sc•ll>ed lo IM wlll'll" I~~ It'd 1nf'f~I con,,,.vl!d lo •Ml M\11 Mlscellll.....:iut Mtos. I~ lllt af!lct ol th.I erlCan ag C 10 0 S re-lnslrllme"I •nd 1dlno<1ltllltd IM'f o. Mid bY It .,_, 1.110 Dffd ot Ttus! In the COIJ!'tv "tto~r ol wld CounlY. racing In the Southern Ocean Kl/ltd '"" s•"''· prcae•tr sltu1h!d ln "'' ell• of New-i tor lilt """""e "' o•vllt!I 1h• ollll1•llon• n. · e -f · Fi ·d IOF-FlClt.L SEAL) llt1dt. In Hid Cwn!v Ind $Ille dUCrlbeG !KlifKI bv wild 0~ o! Trust lncllldl«o fldClng vun erence Jn or1 a, ,.,..rv er111 i.t.orlof! •s: 1 .... ~,,.,~ •~d '~"""'•of Tru11" 1N1 the Annapolis·N'"'port race No11rv Publlc·C1!1!orn11 Loi I I" tlloc~ Ii ol '"• s.i .. .., .. ol ~,,.. , Prlnc1oa1 Oflltl In Co""'V Tt1 c!, I" IM clh "' He111POrt OATEO: A'''"'l1 .6. It~• 'I World and n;1tional cha m · •pion Don Aronow of Coral !cables, Fla., winner of the 1Mennessy Cup race by five jseconds over Rothschiid and ibefore that ~·inner of last :March's inaugural Long Rothchild capped his come- back y e a r by v.·inning the Sept. 6 Catalina Challenge Trophy Race out of California Yacht Club of Marina de! Rey. and the Trans-AtlanliC race o •• .,.. Counl~ BfftC"· COU"I¥ "' O••n<1•. 1111~ ol AGENT'~ ESCll:OW se"v1ce -.._! N I RI I C k N• Commlu11111 E••lrt• C1lllornlt, •• 1tr m1' ttco,.,•d Jn 8oP« 8v: At G'l~•m rOm e\Vpor , . . 0 Of , A~rll f, lfll 1, •Ill• 1' o! Ml1cell•n'°"1 M~~ In I~~ .o.,_iltlnt Viet Prr1I0~11I acb-Ensenada ·International, amed 800 points v>'ith the tv.·o idories to finish 5ei'and. teran Darrell Jenklns of ersfield was third w1th 691 ~~lid will be presented p.. Casale Perpetual Trophy. ~mblemlUc of Wm Coast Plfahore racing supremacy, at lhe IMua.I POPBRA dlnner 10 NOYtmber, succeedln1 B in Cooper of Marin11 de1 Rey "''ho flniJhed flflh lhl.5 year v.·ith 450 potnu:. Nallonl.I chimplon In 1966, RoUuichlld wa1 only 1 .spec- lltor through 11168 before debuting a 50 mph luxury cruller In lul Fcbnu1ry's Lona Beach-Catalina Jsland ovtinfchl race wHh 1 fourttt pllce. H1 woo U1e Cruiser Demonslrating the rapid growth of offshore racing dur- ing the ye a r, 32 different drivers -24 from the \Ves t and eight from the East - scored points during the rac- ing calendar In a system awarding 400 points for Dnt place, 300 . for second and pro- port.iOnately fewer lo other finishers. ~"'91 '"' ,Mlll< °"''*' ,_ &o-1 •Klflf ........ llCllrol "•nel•l 1, '°eflof •otl'IKl'lllf !N-1 9"tfll, ~-llCl!lltsl J. 0011 ,.,,_ !Ctntl G•bleo, Fla.I, 9001 J. 01 ..... t Jefl!llM !&•~•rlfltlcll, H I; ~ O.O.Old Sl'Mlllf' 1*"01~). no1 I. l lN C-f iM1r,_,. dft ll:n), 4JO) 6. 9111 o~"'""'• o.em1t11. 400 I LOI/It C"'U (\.-(IH(to l, ~111 I n .{I 0.Wlfl 1$0\ll!I Gtf'IJ, "s .• Tie ""'OtlO flobbY '""-" ll'lol,,,_d, Fi. ), 11!11:> lio•ttll.OI (VMI NvnJ, ·~ &Ill WIV',.•tl. \Hit'# York!, M ; It ~ $P••llt (A....,,..,.,J, )AO, 1:. Tl1 1mono P11tr lt lt!!'M1ttt fMl..,,,lf, <l SI:"'°'*• tM~ IM(ll Jot-" Slltnl»d Cil. C1'W, Fl1.I ,,., Jnr'f 510t19 !Cooll M""), 2"1 tr, I'll C~!fv IMI, (:""'"''' Ml(ll,J, '1<1 1f, Ed ~L-Jr. !lvr!MMd, IM; It Tit btt\footl'l'I Or. lob ~ CMl1r"I tNd>I e!lll Glr, ltltoofl IN•-• ROUGH WATER CHAMPION -Peter Hotluchild \Yas named high-po int scorer in lhe Pacific Offshore Power Boal Racing Association for 1969. The Ne\V· port Beach oil com pany executive \Vas runner-up to national champion Don Arono'" in the recent Jlcnncssy Cup race al Long Bea ch. lltltll) .. '"1 11 £1rl P1lmor IG"df" Grovel. 1~1 11 em VORel IA••t-11111, u1, n. Tl• btl-..n Ml~Y FOrlMf !NllWPOtl l'e•("f •PWI &Ill M1'1/11 ((l•rlo., NJ I, 1111 J,, &ob fl r1n t !Loi. 1'1111••••1, 1011: , .. '" ~ ("'1 MtrM jVfo\ N~v1l 1..cl Alu(• "~~11 fLO"I 1'111clt). t}1 41. lil.r.~ OolJ91M I~ ltKll), '3: 7' Mr$. ll:Ollfrl C1•10fO fW Loi /11"1ll11!. U; Jf. JI"' Jltt k•t l,..Olh'wDl>ll), 30: ~l OM 01111111 1r1111uJ11'1d o~~•'· 11. n. LoYt1 P1r••• ILO!l Alllltltil, 17. Ireland. He was the overall Publl~hea 0••"91! C011t 01111 r 11111, ofllct of 11111 '°""'~ •KO"'"" "' 11111 s11s 2"11 . . Srll!tmbl-r J. 10. 11. H. 1~ 1611"9 coun"'. Publl•lltd Or1ntr COi'!! 01111' ••lot, winner 1n the Annapolis· E•cl'llt 1~1 Nort~wtslr•rw •S Itel SOPt1111b,r l. 1a. 17, 196• 1m"'' Newport race. LEGAL NOTICE "'~;:'·i.M ,, 1nc10J<tt<1 w11~1n"" are~l----L'E-OcA-L-N-'O_T_l_C_E __ _ •how!! Ofl I mlP lllell fn loo~ 11, 0111• CEltT l•!CATE O• IUltNISJ Al o1 "tcord o1 Sur\'IVI I" !ht Ofl\c1! 1111-------:::=------ FICllTIOUS NAMI IM CllU"tv rttGrll•• "' ltld COii"'°'· nus Tilt o;nden1111td do (tffllv ""'" ••e Slid H~ w!ll bf' mlde. bu! w!lllltu1 NOTICl 0' IJrlTEN,,EO tondllCll"lt • llWlnt5I •' 1'161 LI Llm1. eo ...... nl or ...... l~tv. flPtPI or 111\plled, TltAHSFElt AHO LEISE•o1.c11: F-llln Vt!lrv. Cl!(lor11!1, Uf!dl'I' 1111: lie· "'9lrdlnt 11111, llOMlt1$1P!\. or •11> No!lte 1:1 l'llr•b'I' ti....,, 1!1•1 Ttrrtll t . tltiolJt firm ntmt ol S E "v · A L l tumbr'lllCK. to ""v l!le n.m11n'"9 .,,1.,. "otl, 0.0 .S .. Tr'"''~"''" ti 117' N-rl "EF"IGE"ATION Ind .... , ... Id tlrm II er-I -ol 1111 noll ltGH'.0 by Hid eoultv~f"ll, Cltv"' Colt• Mtl& Ctf\llW'"!~, R tomPOSed ol Ille followl!!I ~· ._.... ONCI DI TIVll, Jl>wll; 141,lll,I' •Hh In-lrol"'°' '-... II Otrlllfl i.or,.....I ,,,_.,, ace nlnw 111 lull •nd elac.t Ill rnldfn« 1'8 11 ttre.t from ~•di 1~. 1 ... , 11 111 111d lo! L1••""'~111 C>n>0tttk>n, • Ctlll. co.,.. ton11w1: l'lllh: IM'OVid>tcl, ""'•"'"-H '"'· llflCll'I' tt>t 1nllndtd Tit.~s<"'~ ILt1$11•l, al m 1 '"~ Ltdbttltl". 1111J Orrllrr Cl•Clll. ~ "' llld ~ ol Trnt, ,_ dllrlln •i\Ha~1,, llOlll'v~rd. c .... ol tllvtt'IV Hin .. BYC to Host Du1ghy Gt~ Grov .. C1IH9•!111. -tl!MftH1 ol ..... TIVllM and "' Ille CeUJIO('nMll .,., "'111 Mid I ~ t • " d t d Balboa Yacht Club will host J"1'f' Otlln. IM ll Litt.I. "-'•le> ll\tlb cf'HIW"' Hid Deed.., T,.,.1, Tr•rrtltr~ !Lt1"3•\, Lit-le c-··· lh n-~ ch ' h" l V1Jln, Clll!Ol'nl• Tl>e ~trv Uftftr llkl Deed ol lioll, lnll"dl to INstti.ct to 111\1 TH,..I! e ~• amp1onsn1p rega la 01~ $$ttmW l•. '"'· Trvsl, br "".,"""' • breA<fl 0t cit/wit 1n L "°'"'· o.D.!.., Tt1n1l.-or fLeuttl, ll'f of the tifetcalf dinghy class J-ti, 011111 ""' obli.tTIMi 19Wrtd 1he•tllY will "'K.M' "'°"rtv. •"""'•I do>l<rc11. Saturday and Sunday. s11ie o1Pi~~11'::f':."t:,,,,.. couniv· ==~·i~,1=: ~,;;!,t!: ": :=~!dl11~1c!' =~!;i~11;"'0~~~! Som<! 25 boats are e.1pectcd 0n SHo1. it. ,,.,, bl'tore '"'· • Not.,., °"'""" end °""'!Ill hlr Sl!f, •M wrlllt<'I 111C1 ru:ivrn •""' kK•~ ., 1111 New-• lo compete ror lhe title ·,0 a l'llflJI( Jn PrMI lat uld s1111, "'""""11y ....tla 1111 ll•lldi ind ol ,itctla!I kl <f\1\1 llcultv••d, c11v o1 Coit• M~•. c1lll1l•~I• _,.,.., Pt"" L""IM>lt•" •11111 Jorrv Otflr! ti'M' undl<W..,td lo Mll Mid _...., fo '1'111 l'MI .... io silt •fld lor•••"*'\ ,,..,,._ five race series that will be ,_" 111 ..,. kl "'" ri.e "''°"" -.. :1111,.., ... Id 111>11t1110M.. 1nc1 rM,.,.lttr, on •!CHI" to 11r c.,..,.,,.,,...,,od"" """mn d•"' ••iJfd (rom (he S'""ting 8J'e8 nll-" ... •ubscrlbf'd IO""' W!1111" Ir• J-l, l"t, the ..-riltfttd (l\llfll Uid 1)1 $ts>ltmbet, 1•11f, •I 10 '"'' 1t,,.,. r• ' . ..... ,,,._, •nd tcilnow....,.., ""' t•KOlttd nolk• "' br<'ffl! llnd ol •lecllon lo be fk<' .. Ltllt"IUlll C.-r..,.••h ... , ~· ")Cl outside the BYC mooring area. ~ """ recllt1ftd 111 t1oD11. ""· """ fSI. "' »lit w11111I•• &cullv1r1, c1rv o1 ., .. ,,,,, H•111. J h Th f Bye · th {OFF ICIAL $Elli Oflle!t1 It-fl. C1\frdrnlt . o n orne o IS e Matv 11: H""" o1i., '81tmbt<'. , ,,., 0t11c1 11111. 11111 11 ... o1 ~rrmM1, 1tt~ defending champion. NtM.,v Pu~1i1<•111t....i1 Tltll 1nw••nce -Trvtl c"'"""' L••-1• cc.r .... r11 on. • Th u ! If t l'f l h" h Pr111Cl111I 011ke '" 11 Hid fnntft, C1!1!11t'll• ((WI\_ e "1e ca s a .-00 IR • "''""'° cou~"' e1 Elmtf w M1!n1lt' '' M•N·n !!•"""'""" i::rformance sailer lhal has Mv com,...1ulo!I e,111re1 Au1111r1itd s~hl•• 1,,eAsl'ou1,. co11,.011:a.r101f bee th I di h , New, J~. 1911 Pulllltl'ltel Nt-1 Mtrllcl!' Ntw1·Prm tJt1 WUtlllrt tin, ng n e m• or .ng ) ,,~hlllMd Or•-C1111• O•llr ~\lo!, coml!lntd Wiii! O•HY Piiot, N,-POr! ll'ftt1Y Milk, Ctlll, ftl)t elas.~ at eve. It was designed St~""''*' 11. ~· 1nc1 0c.1'11ber 1. 1. •••ell. c.1'"""" Stpltmet• 1~. u . ,.. P'u111••~ '0••1191 c°"" 0111v "'It' by tbe bite Da.rb7 Metcalf. l"' 1f21•t ,._, i~• ~11t• "' ,.., u11..-. t I . • \ :Valley ' ' VOL. 62, NO. 223, "4 SECTIONS, ~ P,AGES ' l . ~ -- Tetlay's l'lml N.Y. Stoeki _ "' TEN aNtS ., ,/' . ~eal Beach ·'Delig:hted'" With I v~ssibility DAILY ,II.OT llltt~ A..xious Ege• Checking Surf ·tract 'Hun.Unglon Beach surfer David Nuuhlwa, 21, looks lo sea aod ' aeema~?fferiitg •·Pra~~r·that eight-loot swe~ will hold for week-eod'.-u.S.~Surfbo~ ChamJ>lf>DS!tiJ>•· With hUn ari Nancy Hays, J9, N'wp<>Jt Beach illd Chuck ~. 'l'· Hunt~ Beach. Nuuhiwa ajlo -~~~~~ P~1oa ~of~' . .~-.te1:1~~ . ' . . ~· ' _ _.ecall Cantlidaie :Night r Called 'Fiasco., Unfair' • ~e tempers have flare:! and an u:· pltnatMm has been offered today in L'ie controversial appearance of Don Prank Monday night during the Fountatd,Valley City Council recall elecUon candidates nlilbl Vice Mayor Donald Fngeau labeled the inddent ~a fiuoo IJ'ld.t:otally unfair." Charles DiJ:on/ Jr., presklent ff the Qwnber, of c:ommerce which aporuiort:d ~ ·evening; offered an explanaUGD for the apparenhllp In proc<dure. "F~ . came to us before the meeting, .. eXplained Dixon, "and asked to be•eeated. Moderator John Mangano did not want to seat him and said he was not .1. candidate.•• "J->.aked him if he was a candidate," contb?ued Di1on, "and he replied, 'I'm on the ballot.' " "l then told Mangano to seat him," said.Dixon. Frank, an aggressive supporter of the recaU, then spoke last. hl11Ung the ape«hes ol the U... lncumheo! <111 cOunr::llmen named in the recall. During the question and answer period after the speeches, Frank admitted that be bu publicly withdrawn 81 • cand\dlte !n--the 5ept. 23 recall election. He WU ther<after ruled oul o! order by ld1ngano. Frank later explained that he con. 1idered himseU a "candidate for the recaD.'' :Murder fo,r Hire Trial Scheduled Tuesday be uplalned that, "The in- cumbents have consistenUy rtCused to ~bate us and this was the only w•y l could face them." Dixon upl,ined that be had been out oi town when Frank bad previously. made the public apnouocemtnt ol withdrawal from the race. Fregeau angrily told reporters Tuesday that he felt the Chamber w a • ''pressured" into allowing Frank to •peak. The vice maYor aJSG criticiud.the four-- mtin committee which screened questions pl-esented to candidates and lncumbents. "It was a slanted ccmrnitt.ee," he said, "with at least two members, Robert TUily and Don Blakly, obviomly favoring the recaJI." "I guess that's his own personal mn. vidlons," replied Dixon, "but I can't answer that type of charge without talk· in& to the boa;d members.,, ':'.We. tried to_ be ·u1air H ,.. could," aaid Dt:mh. who added be wu told" by -al dlJaens that .It WU I iopd melting. During ,Tueaday'a press conference. callid by F"'geou, the Vlce.Moyor CJ1il!Jf the"TeCIO move me 11 t evidence. ·of a '"counjy-tride effort mi the part• ol an ullrwigbt wing mremlst -to tak• over local 1ov~· "Just )oak at. the ·mave in t..'ie 5th S!!Pet'l!<>rlal ll!strlcl <(lbt campaign to iicail liiopeeyiaor Altha Allen! and what"a happm\fu& In othet clUes,., he said. Wbeo Uked U ho .mllllt 111aln· lace hia o-"' -Ill -'1milM .to Monday nl&ht; hquu ttpllod, "nol U 11'1 like thal bot. I -In-lnlb IL I thought the Chamber ...Wd be lair.'' ' ·. By JACK aioll,lOK " Of ... DMl!r~fi* ..... . Stal Beach el!y' ol!lclila • "e r. e 0 dellghied" today .. at news · fr o in Wasblnlton O:C. tliol Del-Deparl· menl. ofl'lclals were studying: a ,possible reanllltlon ol conllkU bttw..,, Jnllilaey allll clVlllao .... ol fed .... ! air facllltits In Southern Callilll1Jla. . Monda,Y night clly councilmen voted unanhnOUOly lb prot.sl any upanslno of nearby Loa Alamlloa "Naval Air Stotion and agreed lb Ht the federal government lb launcb a ~of l'!O'ible relocation ol the laelllly. . Trustees. Agree 'Ille coonoll wiia Ibid In a'' report Hon,. armed amicu comm!U.. tbaHhe prepared, by ·CllY Man&1er Lee Ri!oer Penr.,on ·waa englged &i 'a. twll'yem' that the Navy plau kt acqulre •P-study of Southern California m11M·-· tn.-pro:rlmately 600 acres northeast of Jhe . , ... .-3 airport. He noted that there have been 50 stallatlO(I conlll:cts 'lrith clvilWla. fatalities from seven .,air crashes ~ the # City ~,anager Risner rtpart.I that past.II ywa. 1 , • 1 m .llOO realdenla live wUljbiA !Ne,mil• Lt. cm.ft. How..-cl Rowan, ;alr14taUon radlua OI Jhe Loa ,Uamllbs i;..... Be.a.id officer ln , charge of the project, con-they would be adversely affl!Cted liy ·the firmed today-that the plan to.-purcbaMI proposed expansion. the land ii now btlng cnnoldued by tile He also DOied that r<moval ol the-IOO NayY. acrea f1'0al the t.a ... rona w~ eUfl&lo•t6 Barry J. Sblllllb, wistanl aecretary of an Industrial complex that "ulllmata!Y defense for tnstallaUons and logistics would employ 13,200 pel'llOrll. • revealed Tnelda,y In a I rtporl lb the Ri!oer al&o oboerved that .., eolarged •· . . . . Crossing 'Safe,' Says Engineer _ City Traffic Engine<r J!au1 Cook Tues- day told trustee!! of the Huntington Bea"..h City School District thal he sees "no pro- blem" concerning the safety o( achool children. crosalog Brookhurst -Street at Adams Avenul ~ ma stal$tent ume as a climax to nearly two hours of haggling between angry parent§ wbo cfaimed Jhat the. in· ~no Is a safety hazard and trustee. who aald It 11 nol. . "CondlU°"'-al 1be lhlmec:tion F' gulte ,.i.," Coot di~ ~ this !lint the lraU!c sflna~ a flS,lllll inltallaUoo, U au!llclenl for any IY)ll of ped,.Irlan movement, lnclu1lin4 IQ'lall obllitren.» .. 'liie aafety flap w~-~~ by David lllland, In behall·ol ·~~ e a 1 t aldtj <I. sz-::tJi h o charged Uial the . fl • "mlnla San lliecO ·Freeway" .·anct a potentJaJ death Jrap"for children lrallln& lo nearby Glsler ScbOol. He asked the trusteea to J.mmedJately Residents Win Fight Against Trailer Park A one year battle to :.top a proposed ' lrall<ir park ended auccesatnlly Tueaday nlgbt aa the Fountain Valley City Council turned thumbs down on the project. Rosidenr. IRllToundlni the propoood trailer a.lte on the north side ol Elll5 Avenue, fl60 feet west of Buahard SU'eet, were en maue at the council session to r.ontlnue the &tru.ggle that began more than one year qo. Jim Kanno, spe~lng for the applicant, was denied a coo~ of the hearing. He w11 be.fore the after appealing planning commJsaioli dental !or the trailer&. _, Davt Buffington. &peak.In or the home ownen. aaked the council to the pro- blem, but added, "We've bee fighting Ulla thing for a yeai' and we wo 't quit ooW'." The vote was 4 to O to deny the tr 'ler • park. Councilman ·Joe Courrege. ab- stained, uplalntng tbal he thougbt at area would be a problem because of peat. Stock llfarkeu NEW YORK (APl -The &Jock market "as a Joaer today, after finishing its two previoul aesslona on an upbell~ (See quotatlbnl, Page1 21-33). r.lnllar. bwlng for the piplla, a aervlce which was recently diacontlnued for older studeuts livfD& within 'a leas than l&-mlle. radlu& of Gl&Jer School. Truitee5 were reluctant to grant 11· Oand'a r.qum They claimed that younger children ueet the busing service more than the older children, who they 111<1 could be "edqca1'<14 lb trafiic fl{o- ty." . ~ -~•emio. ....... lo 1...l lfa '-",--.:;. olanA " le .. ~...,. '"l. .... "111' • ......,-~ CONiW l!Js!alllq. an .ov .-.,,.1o mill tho ~..ctl\>tl-reom11tr.1y aatt:• OVer #" "qo" -.... ~ boald. P _, OrVlllt .,;,;: lliia liW lflland and iili porwa lllit 16i1 ~ "ooold"nol mah. !1al ~t .. bua-ill~ at lhla lime," . lnmad be &ll81eMs th1t ,_ commlltee be formed to include parent.I, dlstriCt id· mlni1trator1 and the traffic eiigliiett to work out a solution "which would be aerioualy coosiderid" by the .:baol board. lnc<n!e<I bl! the truatetl' deciali>n,. -partJJt ordered the comnUttee 40to meet rljbt now, all lbtouch the ulihl JI oec..aary" lb gel the problem IOlvod. · But the trulleea ""9 weary lrDl11 ll!' d•bale which extended pu1 IO:IO p.m. Tbey IUggeolod another time would be more appropriatt. Bleachers Set For Huntington Fr.,hly palnled green and r 1 d bleachm already have been set up on the Huntington Beach Pier to provkte visitors with cbolct se1tin1 for the flth Annual U.S. Surfboml. Champlooablpa. Tickets for th& Aeata, priced al fl, will be on sale 1t the pier both Sallri'day and Sunday. Recreatloo and Parkl Dept. 1llraclbr Norm Worlhy said approxlmar.(J 'l"IO bleacher aeats would ·be available on a firlt~ome. flnt-aerWd basis. Tbe other 119~ fano expected lb at· lend the event will havt lb take their seat.t on lhe aand.. ' "Souvenir program&, conlalnlni llneopa, events schedules and bJ o Ir a p b I ea I sketcbea. of pul chaffiplona will be no sale 1t the pier for U c:e.nts on both daya of the ~vent as _well.. lllltant resulti ol bear. as well a; Onal cventa wUI be available to the pubUc at th< DAILY PIWI' "Playback Shack," located DD the pier nen lb ICOl"lni head- quarters. Beath· OfficialS lnteresJed in, · Oll B~ff~r Z011:e •/ I t' H~ ~ city o!ftcli1a .,. in- temlod lo • -1 b1 ~ Protao-u .. League aiaJnnan Victor c. Andrew• for • '••iiiff~ }«le" between the city's oRahnr• ell platfonna and Newport Beach. Bill they haven't heard iro,.· Alldrna. , Tiio CAPL-cball'lllan Aid lait lilek . . . thal be wu-negoUallng W!Jb "HJ!llllhgtoli Stach and Newport Beach on tile bulier zone. Said Mayor Jack Green, "lt ls very in· terestlng. I >would like lb 1ee all future off•bore oll plaUonna "baned · from lbt water• off our city, or at the Ve:l ~ arcblteclural conlrol u tbty llOve In Long Beach." Clly Admlnialralbr lloyle M!Uer J!4ld be bad• no! been contacted by ApilreWi but pnln.ted ou\ tl!at Hunlln&ton lleldl• I•· in- clucieil In the r=nUy •naejed ~ wble!i cOritpela t ~ • State Lall_di Con>- mlalon to gt~· to daya, ~ P<1llf to pnbbc·bellrlnp·•• ..., requ<llS -thl oll"lpdualry that "'Jai. lb ollaboro drnJ. lns. • ilJ!ntlngton Be•cb 18 no! Included bi Jbe coi.lia! 14nctuary mated by the Sblll· cuhningham Act II ,.ar& ago." The act pc'ohl~Jr. all oll drilling in llale-<O!Jlrolled waters up to three miles out between the sinu Ana River and the Mulcan bordu. A Garden Grove hairdresser acctlted of hirinf• Huntington Be8ch lawman to kin his ~lfttend must face tt'lal ·Nov. J in &1)11ribr Court. • Judge Robtrl Garoqer oel that trial da~ on the 81.-.ngth of ·!..ti~ ollnd •gainst Richard David R~. 2&. during a receiil pi;tll!J!lnary hearing In Weat Orange C<iunty municipal court. ~enter · Plan Questioned Rµles (:hanged · I For· New center Hunllngton Beach unde"'°"er olllcer G<ne Pool told the court at that time th•t he ,... blred lb tlll Kathleen Duckett, 24, of Gani"1 Gro~1 . l!Jd that Reed onler<d bim ·lb stage a nn-and-nln-1dtat .. a -....... ol Bllshan\-~ lo Foantaln Vll(ey. Reed's motlvaUooo according to tettl'ratlf11. was a t.rft>le indemnf\v policy be bad taktn Olll oo Mils Duck!lL Pool te>lillt<' tbit•lle<..,..1Jl!Offilsed fl.IOO ol lbt proceocls JI I>< u lis!ld0rll7 dispoood of-Jw ww1aA. ~ Flllure lb "do "'· Pool at.o told Jhe COi.ii\. would mcin a ~'bubed In skull and a. buDet In th@ back... Reed ts held in Oran&• Cront1 Jail wlthoul bail. C~uncil Reaction Mixed to Firm'1 Propo1al • A pnll>Ol8I by 1 de>elopm•nl llnD to plan, diltll1ud llld IJnaoce Hunt!npon Beodl'a. ClriC: Ceni.r md with roiled r<act ... lnim city COUDCilmen Tlladay nlghl: Mee.lfctl ln In adjourned KNlont the councn lieard a proJIOlll of lhe l)llJ. lnlham Corporalklll ol Loa Angele1 Jo aid in fonnl111 a DDD-J\'"°'11 -atloli for no! 00!1 !he civic cents but pr<lllOled llliraJl laell!Ua and M lllllnos. • • The eorporaUon would akS In ae.llift{I: revenue ~· for a 1.1 percent fe6 and would tnl ll!&e 1 IU'olkUary. Wlttlam Simpson Conltruction Co. of J...ol: Ana;f!le.a I ' to do the actual <ODlliruCtlon for a l per. dw wblcb would lnclude lln1nclnfl. lolal e<nt ,... dolllp-mICOllltruclionoflbo-- Cwncllman McCrack"" I bpi~>""' -Mona -,. ..... IJcm'O .. f ... lracl«, arl\led that the 1'11)'.1111# ll!ft · -' -· oul belier financially I! H fl>!mlll ,..,OP,.-.I«. "'1lb!I · Ibo .Jtvtllljl , c and ,1"" noo·pro!lt corpor•Uon alfcl loot" bid&. 1iC: ;<; ~ lllure for a ~ -Jee. ~~~.~i-·-11 • ..: ; ·VJr.:.·~" ~t~.<~allablt1 -~ '-""'!Aa'"""' "-no ua; son on \u• 11111-, to ~· 1mt1 Q-i;C(I:' civic D!Ulngbam propostUon but lllllructed lbt center' Iii. · on Mltft. S~ • llOUth of ai.ff lb &tudy ii and ropo<t.bfck. M•ll!Joo AV.nue ll> tht capital Im· Prtvlously th< city bad rev~ed a provement ·.fllnd fed 117 r<lllae cnl!e<llbD atmUar offer from the \flJUam J. Monn fe.ca. ... Co, ol Loi AIJielta, ill< llrm lllat bulK Funds lo p<t "'?I" on the l"tf' proltt Coota Mesa'& clvk center and pollct corporatlon.oetup Woakl come frllftl !nab facllll)>. : feea and additional..., ... of cl1Y lncomo The Moran propooa( la a1an 1 .pacuge not )'ti dda!Dlned. • lligbt pattern &om the air llatinn would croaa approach llnu ol comine.rcill aircraft fiytng Into Long· Beach Airport direcUy over the Seal Beack Lellure World retfreinent communlty: Lt. COmmAter Rowan denied t!Jia coo· tentloo-saylng that air pattern.< would not change with lbt propnRd ..,,~Ion. • Orange County's study of future air laclllU"· prepared by William Pereira and Alsociatea of Colona del Mar, In ..... autlnl· Loa Alamlloa ... pnaalbr. alto for a regional county airport,· pointed to this l181De confllcl with Long Beach Airport traffic. * * * El Toro Base Relocation . . Being Studied Government oU!ctals To<oda7 ...,. finned that a lonnal oWdy Is under way on the feasibil ity of relocating El Toro Marine Corps Air Station at a slte remote ftolh cieeplng subtirbla. The Orange Counlf. base was the1only one II}entianed by name in the mo nooncement of a twi>ye.ar probe of military ln3tallaUons In IO Southland counties. No d'l'islon will be qw!e far ~t 1"1111 er U ulontha, bonver, aceordlng to Bar. ry J. l?bJlli!o, aallistanl ' Secteta\'1 ol llden!e·•or 11\&tallaliOoa and 19gJJllca. Brll!: r denera!·ltenrJ w.-. f;I Toro M.AS commander, aloo confirmed th< tlwly Tuesday lllid·aeid --el helj>ftl~cln tile'~ ~of the relocaUno ln-1>!1>.-botlonlng In the·8o\lthlal!d !:'J!.. &; .. Qe •Uno •&11¢ belora It ia -,,...... -came it a House sub- commillee beariq. In Waablngton. Ga!-HIM ..W lbal i:1 Toro-baaed CoL John Ldwman is aittihg in a.s a membel' of, tJJ,, A.nned Services Subcommi~ on lnllaD@t.foris, a1 a ,represenfaUve of ·tho I,~ Orang• Cowi!y faclli!y. "~ •Jud,Y now under way really odiJMled at El Toro under William G. 'I1lraab," aikl ~er&l Hise, 1'we fully ~pport-the study." General H1&e and his predeceuor1 have conlloually stressed that nntll the govern- ment jt.eli takea atepa lb relocate the al•· ata~ defeDBe bueinesa will cantime 11 uauaL Oni, Lui Friday, during a prey con- ference with Marine-Corps Commandaot General Leonard F. Clapman, General Hile warned thaL with dHSCalaUon of the Vletnl\111 lj'ar, fllgbl activity at El Toro will rise. · Advance hints of the bnpendlng look al El Toro ·for . pou1ble reJocaUon came earlier this 111mmer when Rep. Speedy O. Long (ll-Louialanal w a 1 appointed to head tb~ s~d)'. PILOT PICKEROO POSES PROFITS T:i. DAILY PILOT kicks off the Orange Cout fnotilall aeasno today wltb a _contest that offen prolil lor pigskin prophet.. 'Ille Pllol ,Pf&Uln. Plcbroo, wllb "'°"' than f!OO In prjzea each week for the next 10 waeu, -today'Wlth the flnl lilt of 'I games. S.. ljcor ll)8DY wiJJJ>m fl!Q can pick. S.. Page 'I. Oraage . Wea&lier ,n•n ho juat lllle Si.a fraoclsco without lhe GOiden Gate toni ght a9d Tburoday morn!Dg as the fog rolll In and ataya unW mld· monling. Temperaluru are pef- ged ID the middle 70'L INsm.C 'TODA y A tollcl "'"'""1t fll!ld a..1Jlatori- c:ol dmno jola Ille poftldc of ffw tha:Ur aUrictfon:t '" OrcmQ• . ~~~~~""~ . ··~~···-~lJ l ~-.. ' ,, ~ ....... . . ,. . •' C:ll"'"'.. 11 ......... I .. Ci.Mllltil .. I' C1Mtr 1t =.. .. • .. ----t: :-.:, -•·r...i ~ "" ~ :=•: iwa ,...... •n =i~ n ~ a. J ........ "'::..~ t ·' 1. I --" ~--. -· . ~ =Cl'" . - -. 1! llAJI. Y PllOT H w . Draft' ff t Ordered? I . =· (. :-·White House Deni.a Ml ~ ~ ~ · 1:1u't Laird Seea Cut ~ 11',Ull!NGTON (UPI) -'111< White w~i""' a "IJ' Hlluoe Insisted lod•y !or lhe l<COOd time <!1'.111 n11a. • , in two dal'I thlt Prutdenl Ntton hu no l!o &••• op 11&11~11:, Ii~ plan 1!' 1111pe!ld tho drall, even !or a bttil but Aid be would #>Aneta In • • period. draft cllil wllh S.le<ll••trllci olflclals " 1'1<11 Semla17 Ronald L. Z1t1ler said '"' Friday. :~ draft gpenitbb was "not now uQdtr ~ Somt! U,otlO. men ba9e-echeduled Uva -.ideraU"'h" . to be dr•lt.d i. Se~t-TM the 1-ble Muro, the ad-»,000 In OctoliO~._, ·~c' Jh ' ~ mlnlllrsUan 'l'!"rinll1 II pllctq !ti Lain! Aid, "'N\~""'1\!' oo pro. ~· ~opes "' drill clwl&t• on ......,.iooat cram will llave.-•<ll lliJill1clnl ,tfect 1 action. · upon progrsmm<d drall. ealb tor the :$ DOit.,. Seerttary Melvin R. Lain! it> montha lmlne,tilltely ahead." '. '11. dlCJ~ today the trobp withdrawal! from He , II.Id NlJon's new cut in tht ;i; Vietnam wijl mean a cut.Jn.trait cajll In aulhorlad U.S. trpop co!Unf In Vietnam l> c:oinlJ1!I montt •. At a'MWI ~·"9"'· be to 411,000 by Dec. II will be miide UJI u ~ 'J}&o said tbere .ls an •·u,...t;nMd'i,for folloW&: .. :l' ~nit monn, callJni lltontllJn fo Nllon -14,213; from the Anny, including a -: proposal• lianRillll ru. on Clipttol Hill. brtPdt ind -iiPPort elements. · · Lalnl fllld a Pentacon ans--. '-4.slt-lhe ·Navy,.IJlcludln( ..,;. ..; tile -K ~l!Wt wllhilraw•' !run MldlGo ballaliOlll Ud 1 up po r I 'i Vleloam .;;..,..... Tuudi1 by .Nixon elt!k\IA. · · • * * * . * * * • • : 15 Marines Die as Reds '· ' . Invade Post Near DMZ SAIGON (UPI} -N<l!1lt Vietnamese troops attacking bthlnd mortar and grenade fire partially overran a U.S. Morine outpost just below I h • d""1Ulari""1 >0n• (DJllZ) today and kill- ed 15 Marines and wOundtd 23 others, U.S. military apoktmien 11kt. Just be 1 ow Saiaon. two U.S. Anny htlicoptm collidad In fiiahl ki!Un1 all 12 Amorleans abOard includln1 two hllb- . ranking Army officierl. Another tragedy • in 111e .Jllmoa Delta .....,.. klllOd ..... ' SOuth Vlt-cJvillanl and wountled 17 wh!ft a U.S. bellcoplG' flr<d on l!tem . by mlltalte. · . The Marine aCti.on be&an aboot l a.m. .... when Communllt forcta attacked a tG- " man cnmpany lo a nlRhl JIOllUon 17 miles .~ wat at Dona Ha and four mUu be law the • J>MZ. Tbe Marioel called tn artillery •nd ._ lll0<1ar fire on tlltlr own poaltlon and "repulsed many att.acks," !pOktamtn . uid. It WU the htavlul fl&hllol ln Ult atea llnct Aue. IJl when North Vl•l!W!>•,. UWlita ll:ll1ed 19 Marlriu ud -eel .. ·~ * * ! Denuncialtion ;: or Trooi)'J?unout ~Not Last Word . n. The Jeatbernecks U:nw in 300 rein- forcement.a today and killed 1t least 2.1 Communlm. 'l11e hellcopttr colll1lon oceutred about IS milt• llOUtb o( the e1pital and.lnvolvtd a UHi ~heUc:Opter and an AH! heUcoptar p, ~American military sources . Both the colllllon and the aecldental lhootln1 occumd in the Me~ Dtlta. MllllarJ llf!Oktaman Aid tile cJ•lllan vletiml were fleeing .a matlhy pl.ain where Sautll Vlelo1m<1t llO!dl°" l\ad -tent Tu<lday lo Ond a Vlei Coog unit ,reported in tllt sru. ' Aa the l"""nment lroopo allchted from thelr hellcoptar1, U.S. headquarten ..ic, "An unlmown number of~ enemy were obtervtd evadlna from the .a.read." They turned out to be clvillam. . LA Archirects . . To Design Beach Central Park A If' Anle!es ~blt<clural firm haa bitn picked lo de~gn Huntington .Beach's prnpoeed 13 ~ liker• centnl pm. . . City councUmen Mondi)" night named thu firm 'of Eckbo, Dean, Au.tin and WilUaljl< to do the job. _,.,_ -Illa --C<lpl, ,... ' •llldlnf' Ille :lrd lll\lblltll l\ld · .,.pjSM .lloments. -1,141 rr.m lhe .,\if. Force, including combat squadrons and support elements. 'l11e breakdclwu t11ven 1>t !.alrd added lo 40,500. 'l'hll w<><iJcl be tho r<ductton lo tile au-ltriJll!h -u opposed to the ~ctual ~ -al unlta Involved. Tht• Wblto R..,. ueed lhe.fiRU,. 111,00ll Tues- day in announcing the "actual figures'' for the reducUon. The 3rd Marine Division was the nnly w111 •p<clflcally ideoUflld by Laird In tile ~"81"!0Wll.' He sild clher d1tilll would bie a~ by lhe U.S. commander In . Vietntm, Gen. Creighton W. Abram.a, probably by Thuroday ~. He llll'lOUDeed a meeUna' of military e.1· perta in Honolulu Tburadl.J to dllcuss .withdrawal delailJ. ' R~call S~aker W ~rned to Halt Vague Talk Recall spokesman Anthony Tartantino today was warned by a Newport Beach man he recently identified as a possible candidate for S11pervisot Alton Allen's Fifth District .sea t ,that he0 bad better ''stop the v3'\1e allegatloni which are being advanced In the prw." ritanagement cootrol execuUve Joseph n<JSener, 125 Via Venezia, Lido 1sle, handed the rebuff to the San Clemente man in a letter emphasiting the state- ment he rtteauly made to a DAU,; Y PlLOT reporter; that he (Roemer) had never met Tarantino, had never talked wilh him and had absolutely no con· necfion with the recall campaign. "I wl.!lh to ask you and Paul Carpenter to refrain from using my name in any way that implies a coMection with you or your recall campailn," Ro!ener said, Tarantino linked Roaener. among others, as a possible candidate for 1upervl&or Allen's job in the even( that the current recall campaJgn is successful. All lb0te named by the sell-styled sculptor-designer have denied their in· volvement in the movtment. "By your actions.'' Rosener said, "you are allowing tbe pru1 to make con- jcetuus which are inaccurate and nllsleadlng. Thole of us who have been wrongly 'ldenUIJed with tht Allen recall hope that you wilt aee flt to lnfonn the prts1 of YOW' candidate and bac1ten." Tarlitttno -was not a•ailab1e for com_. ment today. He disconnected th e telephone of hl& San Clemente home shqrtly after announcement cf the re:call eampalgn iri a sl.ltement which bore his signature. Moon Revisited • Apollo 11 astronaut. (le!t to right) 'Edwln Aldrin, Michael Collins and Neil Armstrong look at a moon· rock recently prose-to the Smithsonian Institution. The trio was in Wa.shington Tuelday to ad· dress a joint session of Congress. The rock went on public dilplay t.cday. Routine Colorado Flight Kills Marine Air Hero A Vietnam war hero d<ecorated nearly 50 times for his aerial exp\clts waa found dead Tueaday in wreckage of his fighter, scatlered over a mow~ktd Colorado moontaln after crashing on a nrutine El Tort> MCAS flight. i\1ajor Charl es C. McC1ennin, 34 of Santa Ana, had been mi!aing in his !A4C Skyhawk since Sunday on a crosS<Ountry na.,igational fll&ht. The debris wa1 scattered over .a wide Rrea and discovered by a Colorado Civil Air Palrol pilot rJying above the snow. blanketed peaks near Creede, in western Colorado. The pilot was en route to Peterson l'~ield, at Colorado Sprinp, accompanied by another alrcraft fr om the El Toro bl!e when he went do\vn for Un· detmnlned rtaaona. Maj. Robert Booher, station in- forma tion officer. said today no one has suggested a possible cause for lhe crash. reachf!d Tuesday by hilting ground parties. He 1a)d IUthQ:rities were aw<tna: Wl'Jrd later today on the return of Major McCl1nnan'1 mnaina and IChedullng of a local funeral aervlce. Major McCleMan was .a Vietnam veteran who recelvtd two DlninguiJMd Flylng Cr06stS, two Navy CommtndaUon l\fedals and a fanWUc 41 J.ir Medals <luring hi! career. Four-plex Pinn OK'd in Valley _4, 112 unit four·plex project on t be northern tip of Fountain VaUey wi.s •Po proved by the City Council 3 to 2, Tuts. day night. after tbe council's majority and minority factions clashed over apart.. ment policy. The d1..velopment wa1 proposed by Thomas Grafton, former planning cool· 1nlssioner, for the northwest earner of Edinger Avenue and Euclid Street. ~ PAJ\IS (UPI) -The ComntJni..11 ~ dlllllllclaUon of Pr<al<\fl\I lllxotl'1 troop ~! wtthdrawel announcement wu a o t ~ net'tllU1Jy Hanoi~ final word 'Oil . the -: rnau.r, dlplOmaUc IOUJ'tu at lhl Viet. :• nam talb Aid toc11y. ~ "The eommun111 cloltptlons ah•ar• :; oltool lnim lb!' ~Ip," \Ill< cflpl9111~t oald, :: "Bulaftq-ftlf'itn1brm Oki"'< :: pooall) ' . and ~ In; :· •l>'uctltl\o · ··lben ;o!ta! theJ d• ·: Ill lttii\11~ ~ <oihlta/; • . 1 :; NJJ;it-. . ~"11 Tudday ·the :; 3S,OOO 0:8 .. tiolJ>i wtll be wllhdrawn bf :: mid·Dectmber wa1 acomed by the COm- ~ munlsta as ••a maneuver aimed a\ ap- :: peutnc the American and world poblic : : opinion." Jt· master lilt of lendseape 1rchitect!I was allo established fot use on upcoming -1clpal park prnjecto, otlltr than lh< lara:e cne. Eckbo, Dean, Aurlin and Williams wl!I recommended to lhe councll by the Recreation and Parh Commission and the De!lgn Review ~. ~hich ~ .. d in· tervlewed dozens of applicant&. . The centnl park · wlll be built 111r· rounding two lakt11 and l.be,_in~rseclionof Goldenweet Strte\ 1hd 'r&lbeft Avenue . Marine, LA Woma11 l(illed In County Traffic Mishaps Co:incilmen approved the zone change (ft..3, medium density .apartmenll) after debating merits of apartmtnt.s In an atta th1t could have betn built wlth ain&le family home5. Councilman John Harper balked at lhe zone change after complalnin1 that It should wait unUI after the study session he had requested "to Mt .apartment policy for the city." He wu joined by councilmar. Edward Just. :· Botb the Viet COn1 and the North Vie\. : : namue aaid the Nixon annou.nctrnent :: WU a •s»m, df'OP-by-drop" IQOVe by the •. United Slatei. trhl1 apin demanded Im· :: JT1ed.late witMrawal of all U.S. troops :: from Vlelnam. :; . The ~unciaUon or the prtsidtntlal an- :· OOtUlCe t WQ limlllr to the COi\- ; demnatlon cl the wtlhdr1wal of 21,000 ;: U.S. lrooJll -afttr a conlert"f' :· between NIJoll iM s..th Vlf~ ~!Ji> :· dant Nl!IYID Yan TlllN ... Midway blind .: Jane I. • :.--~--~~~~~, . •' . . •' •' :.: .· .· •' . .• , ~ , ~ , ~ " OAllY PllOT ' '· OltAlfGI CO.UT l'UILllHIMO~CQiiq""" RtMrl N. Wtt.f ' ' ............ .,,. "'*'-.; ' . . Jtc\ •· CuHw ~ ,rtalltlll • ..., GetWI' .. .t.\eNta' 1 Tll•-• te1..,.S a- Tholl'I•• A. M•r11hln1 Mlq""9 ··-"'"" w ....... "'-'·'* ,.,,., M11lttllfM .._. OMce JO' 1111 Str11t , MtTIT"f Ai411u1 r.o. I•• no, 92141 . OtMt OfACft .....,.,. ~i _11ll ""''' .,_... .... ttttf41 ~ -1 »& Wnl l•v •trttt . ~.---.in F«ftt ·~ A prellmloarJ -~iii 19niiecti!d from the arehlteoll·bi'.lb .. .,,d cl Marcll: 1170, with tile final · land use plan due April lO. · FJna! construction drawlhgs 1 r e BCbeduled for June 30 with ctrnstrucUon e>peet<d by Aug. I. Aclual f.., for Ibo project wUI he negotiated with the archit.ec: ural flnn in the nur future. Work on plans la u- pected to ttart no later than Oct. 15. Parents to See . ' Filni. on Oass Are 11111!11 Ufe and sex education 1llm1 lewd or lnform1UYe! p.,...11 of the Wll\min•ltr School Dllt:lel who are c..,ldtzinl· eorolUnt tllelr chlldr•"'ln a c-,l~I the blrd1 and tbti·beel 'fl'lll hive 1 chaDce to &ee for themaelv•. The films &I well 11 othtr materials to bt used in tbe cluats beglnnin1 ll\i.s October will be displayed at lhr .. parento nJ<ll hqtllnJna JI 7::111 p.m . 'l'hUraday at Jollnlen Sci>oOI, Lll03 Edwants Ave. . 11>6 matmah will be. preoenl<d qalo at the same time Sept. is 1t Wimer School, 14171 Newlll~ St .. and Sept.. 30 at Cleu.Stacty SChoo~ 1.1n Larchwood Drive. Dill Supt. Eugene S. Lyall said U\t family Jilt prolflm i11 comp)etely votifll- t.ary. Parenl.t who do not wish tHtlr children to 8ff the film& should notify the -pdnclpal lo wrltlJI&. V ~ey to, Give ' Whi~r Cla88es Tu·o persons were killed. one Tuesdsy night and an9',her early today, in 60UUl Orange COunty traffic accidenla. Killed \\•hen a car pl unged Into a cul\'trt near Laguna Niguel at 4:30 a.m. was Camp Pendleton Marine -Qavtd Prout, 19, according to the California Highway Patrol. Mrs. Wong King Cheng, 28, of Los !IQ County Traffic 180 DtaU. ToU !IQ Ht Anielu, aISO died TUe!diy @1hl, Jn a three.tar colll!lon on the. Sanla Ana Frteway north of S&nd'Canron Avenue. Prout was a passenger in a car drivf'n hy Marine Davld E. Moort, II, !lie CHP .. id. M00re and a lhlrd Morine, Lloyd Torquer Jr., 11, were both crlUcally in· jurtd. They wert taken to Sputh COaat COm· munlty Hospital, SOuth Laawl•· The CHP Hid lhe accldent occurred on Camino Capl.attanO one quarter-mile north of RAncllo ~1tJ4 Road. Two otllu pendnt Werfl atrlously In- jured in the fretway crash that killed P.trs. Cheng. ~-ok Htn Cheng, 33 • .and Mn. Shu! Ping I.am. ~. both ol I.Os Anrclta, are at Sant.a Ana Cbmmuntty H"'Pltal today. All were passengers in 1 car drlvfln by Huntington Sets Shakespeare Film "Sha~espeare: Sool of an Agt1'.f a film en the We of Lhe. lmmmtll ba{'d, will be Friday nlgtrt'i ofll'rlng 111 tl\t•illlntlogton a..ch Pu~lic lJbrary fall Olm series. The movie cmnbines vtews of ltnd-- maru.in Shaltilpun'• life.wllh l~llltta· ~·· P"!IUIOI .from hla worlta ,l'Old by Sit Mlch1el ~att. The fall serl,1 ol films wnt be odered en Ula llrat and third Trid•YI di <aeb monlh •I !:IO p.rn. lo the Adrnlnlatn lfv• Annn, 1dJolllfna t11a Mbrarr on Main StreeL Therl la no admlulOll cl\arp. C<rky Sing Wonc. '1. also of Los Angelu. lnv11t l1ators said Wong's auto span out of control and was struck by two ether cars. \Vong, and the other two driven:, Lil'Mla Kolbe, 27, of 2-4001 Estllo, San Juan Capistrano-. and Armando Cabral, 22, of Tijuana, suffered minor lnjurlea. SAVE 25% Paul Savarino. a candidate for council in lhe Sept. 23 rtcall election and a doa· ged cpponent of apartmenta, cal.led for denial of the iooe. chanae. He clalmed il would aet 1 precedent in that att1 whlch would lead to more apartments. ON FAMOUS TOWLE STERLING For a !imilld -....,. - Tewlo'1 a-....im1 a.-;, aftiW.I. ... , .. olE n:sular pa.... You -,, .. m ...,,pmd!Mc-ap ~ pla.ae: •"" • or """'*"' ---N.. ii th. tlmt to 611 ia .. -tit. - lini ~,.... i.-..,. """""- 0...'t clelq: <Amo .. ....i., .... tile """"• of ...... ful "fl'OIMUty "' ,. .. •5\1& cm ,..., J'llldmoo of Tc.lo 1wling S.-Aaift pottam oml7. 4-pio<z place •aings (•Mf-pi.a. r..k, place knifo, oalad fook). R<gUlar ptb 6-,.,,,.. Sole ll'i<t ""-111A • Mang~~ Appointed . . J)espite_ Vote . . ' The mijOrity faction of rounlaln Valley's City Council Tuesday nlah~ made wltat they admltlad "mi1ht be lhe -appojlllm<nt" in their careers. Tiiiy ftll<d a vacanl -1 "' the plan- nlnc co"""1llfoo wttll Jol!n -. ..... an •,...-' ffPnt In ~I poll~. over lhl ohJtctJopa ot th! lwo mloorlty eoun· cllmen. .. Don't worry John,'~ laid Mayor llobert' SchwerdUeger, "U you're remo;· ' ed, we'll pt you a plaque anywa,y.'' Ha wu l'lferring to the S<pL II recall <l<dlon Ill whlcl> he and two other COUil· dlmen mllhl be romovad lrQlll elllc< • r.tancaoo'• aPf!O(ntm<nl waa _...i by CGuncffmen John Harper and Edward Jilal; neither II a l'l<ali large~ ~u .. it lff!Jll<( "lliapPf\l!'l1ato" in thO 1!4)lt o( lhe llm>Ond!lll election. .. 8md Juli, 111 don't op~ Mfnaano. but 111toevv enters tl1al Post 1houll',lmow b,e hu lbt lllfhupport ol w)lotever un· cll 1' 1D office." lla)llet had reluo<d lo tlller an ex-... u.. -.. lo dllcUll the 111Aller, °"" ltllYlo& k .,.. to the llUl;llc. ' Jllu&ano fllf1 the -1 lelfvacant hy Thomu Otafton'• rulpaUon. U a. new cound1 leaves Mancano on the pla.Mlng commilllon, hi1 lerm of offl~ eJPltel in February of 1170. Ht 1' best known 11 a former ca.nd1date for the Huntington Stach City Council. Mangano ii currently I e 1i11 at Iv• chairman of the Founlajn V a 11 e y Chamber of Commerce .and is a stiff writer at McDonnell Doogla.s A.slroolu· tic:a Corporation. Multiple Zone "Plea Dropped By Planners A request for mu!Uple ioning 1t the southwest corner of La Alameda Avenue and Brookhurst Street his been dropped from the agenda for toolgbt's Foon• tain Valley Plannin1 Commi s sion meeUnf. The same item dominated the: planning meeting on Aug, 20 when more than :io residents were present to oppcM a strttch of apartment zoning included in the propo1&L Tli<' owner of lh< properly, Clj#fles lshif, requested an indefinite tontinllance on the item. Basica lly he proposes to put commercial d e v e J o p m e n t facing Brookhurst Street, a stretch o f apartmentl, then a small group or sinale family homes against an existing residen- tial neighborhood. Planners, meeting at 7:30 p.m .• will in- rped the. preclse plan for two industdal buildlnj:s recently 1Ubmitted to tbe city by dtvelope.r Fred Sacher. Another apartment request. continued from Stpt. 3, hlvolving an i110lated parcel or property on the northwest corner cf Warner Avenue and Bwhard Street, will again be open for public bearing. ll. C. H. Oevelopmmt Co. has prcpot;ed hijlh density (R-4) zon1nR for tile area, bilt is opposed by the planning depart· ment which h.11 recommended med.imn densi ty (R-3) zoning. The plaruUn1 staff felt that buildlna;s covering more than SO percent ot the avallablt lf'OUOd was too much for the area. • ' . .•. .~ . ' . ~II, l\and otMcra and a Vartaly al Giber 1kll11 will bl lauibt lhll fall In tho Talmtiln Vallty Paro and llocro•· \i6o Dtpartmant ., twnblloa. a n d ~ coarM, 1tarll!I& Mtiitlpy. YOUDilterl from !Our Ii> II uo invlt.d to alp up for lhe eeurse tllls woelt al en~ llall, JOllll .ll1ter AVI. Beatles No. I Again CONVINIENT TIRMS IANKAM!RIC>,RO MASTER CHARGE J. C. J.lumphnu '~,l,..t 11 YlARS " SAMI LOCATIO N"<.., CltlMO will bt 1pUt Into beflonlng and adva.nctd ~M:I, under &he inltnlCUon ol Mr. ud Mn. Charles Baktr. LONDON (UPI) -The beaUt1 -tile ?\o. l ra ting .u the world 's top musical aroup for the filth comecuUve year ln a popularitf poll today. 1121 NfWPOAT BOULEVARD COSTA MESA ' PHONI 141.uo1 .. ' I I I I I ' I r .. • ' .. Lag~na B aeh . . EDITION . WEDNESOAY,. S£Pm.1 • T~'•ftml N.Y.S.,.._ \ TIN GENTS • ' No Special Treatment. ' . ' t .. . n..,,.. ~;-.. City ·lielp ) . -. volved," Hµck told guesti al tbe lunch meeting. "This 'ia your problem. These thefta take place inside stores and there t iSn't anything we can do zbout them un1'en the owners will act to apprehend !he Ihle!. "We can then take the suspect lrito custodf. but the victim must follaw up by pro&;OCUllng. A . lot of theft c a n be weVented u cillzens know what steps they mwt take." "It's a crime if a merchant wbo bas Nixon . . ' ' . 1>ten victimized by a shopllller doesn~t prosecute,·~ commented Real~ lJoyd Milne, during the ihformaJ discussion with the new chief or police. . Imurance man Roy Mam>m wanted to koow If Huck had any special plans to deploy a ptr~entage of bl,s force to cope wllh "the hippie problem." Huck said he has been receiving dally phooe c&lls asking the same question. "Hlpplea.,. enUUed lo !he ~e rigllil ' ., •• any penorh on the strteta,~ said the chief. "By the wne token, they are ab- ject to the same laws. I can't see, an1 special 'drive' agallllt tberq. 'Ibf· law ii very •pecilic aod apPl!eo equally lo all people." . Huck aaid he doesn't find LalW\8'1 pro. blems too different from those iD other cities, . except for the faCt tbat'.\:ia 1 resort town. ll drawa people wf1o,may be scmewbat "dJfferent11 from ~ -·· rdldenll aod lbertfort fell ~eplable ~ them. 8'garding claltna that ...,. IOWDJ have dilperled 1heJr hippie popu1allotl tiy rounding them up aod .. ~ them to gera haircut and fak•:• bath,"' Huck su1· gesU:d. "Nell time you hear thal, ask for specific deta!IL The fact Is tha1 llO ooe can order a hippie or anyone elte. kl take 1 batlf untw he lw been dU!y arral~ and" c:oovleled . of something. 'llten. ltiJ' , (See POLICE, l'qe I) Repeats No Plan . Mission· . -. Trail ' • f alisades Church . I To Recruit ' .Ney Llgono( Beaoh Polloe-Chl~· Ken-~ · lluclt . Js.;asktna' dly .£QUDCllincn •lo J!'!rmll .hlrJN , t~r14D<ejf polloe at iiaJarl8 eqµijaleot lo 1l!'Y they rtctivt For Suspending Draft .. Basts• Steak Feed: CAPISTRANO BEACH -J\lell of"the Pa"-~ Ualted Methodilt Church are hqollnf ~ 1111111al barbecued steak din- ner Salunlay Sept. %ii. Spanilh beans, baked ·,polaJoes, sal•d a.nd beverages wUJ bt served at the S tO 7 p.m. ~ at U.. church.' · tees are $2.111 foe adulll and 11.lO for cbiklr'l!'n. The pobllc is invited to come arici:brtng their own steak knivea. .f : VI"• '.l'fllfc Slate.& ~GUN.\ HILLS -Membera ~ the llb!ania '"'ut>. ol l,U\!oa .11111> wW luin !if,~ ¥n&-~ liD1 ~~1• 111.u::;;.~ld:• · v1v~· Is ·an orgaoiiaUon dedicated lo -!><!ng c;oliege,cllllpas .,.,1"11:-Ind dis™Ptton. J!lcl)ard Th<!•; vlVa. ·~uve 'l(1lf be'lhe pest, :;L· ' ~· ·• .. c~•. w·~: . : Mrss!ON VIEJO.-"lbe•ftnl ~ olr!M new ......, of the Conlruemll.y of Cllrlstian Doc:lrille ,,zpllnsorod· by Sl. Nkholu Catbollc ·Church will "bt1 Tues- day. All high achoo! 1tudents rtprdlw of denomination are Invited lo the filln sbpwlng, group dbcussion and music -'The pn11ram wU1 begin al a p.m. In th• m~ room of Mission Vl<jo High SdlooL •. F .. r.1otaSho1CDea.uec1 "lllSSION VIEJO -The leim!I fa&hlon !!low llCbeduled for Thunday, Sept. IS . fios. beeo .postpontd until Sept. 30. The .Vent wiD take.place at 7:30 p.m. in the R~aUoo Center. ' . Stocfc Marfceta .. N~I\' Y0!\11 !M') -'Ibo &Joek market wu a ioser toa:ly, after fmishing its two ~ sesaions on an upbeat. (See qU<Ufious. Pages 22-23). " Trading 1WllS moderateJy active near the .close. The Dow Jones industrial av~ er.age at I p.m. wu oU ·4..5$ at 827 .ot. e'I~~-. ' . ~uct,.., wht 1 ls ~<for four, of- lu:en, 111'1lbi a dt~nl the s1ie of Laguna' .. iliw em~t could ,suffer while four tDeziitrlenoed men "1 school· ed and selioned. Tbe chlil h,as recommended that coun- cllmen oibdify the oxJsUng peraonnel ordinance,' as a tool foi-"&tiracUng: e1- perienctll pollc<. ~ "~t la difficult all over right now,"' 'fild HllCk:. "I suspect all dt~enll °""' s.from their alloted compl t.. ~ . 'le we ""' looking f;"J:'..l!f!' 111n~ l1"0J! e'lhat lndU51ey and b~~ 1!1ini Rl:roerull even· before ~.It!JI ~ ~·~ !\U • .,..,,,L'<CIJl't. Ii' ti~ 1.D\eo boll! b;ll!ll a monetary ~ a ~Uc Image l!landpolnl hh lefllr'il' th< dly manaw, Hu~k wrote •.~ 1lfre: an b:perienced man and Sla:!t . . •Ibo ~J ""f~ M;j!DeJ-,pe ; or liiit liie uperlejJctd ' miit • rale liltd UJl8l"lcie the Jn. · to pay 11\Vel ii nol pric· tlcai ancl' does not lend to 1ood Internal m«ale." · ·Huck hopes the ordlnaoce will be ch.anaed f.o permit hirin& at a· pay range atid· •"11 eqUlvaibJt 1o t1it ·person's ex-perience. ·Thi• would 1)e dorie· with ap- pnivaf .of tiit city nWiaaer I . Tiit matt.ir 1J lo·be bi>sR!ered by coun- cllnlen tonipl Cify Mmiager Jam., D. ~ Mid !be· 'll!'lziiclpal einploy• a11Ddatkmt cMcut' tn the reeorn- mendlUoo that the ·~ be c:h1D1•d .. rfCommtrlded.. . , PILbT1 PICKEROO POSES PROFITS Tj1e riA'i~ Y PILOT kick! off the .Dran1e. Colsl !l'Qlb•Jlc ~z:oo today wilh a cohtest that offeJI! • It for plg:skln propiltt3. - The Pilot Pig.skin Pickeroo, with more than $100 ii\ prizes each week for the: next 10 weeks, starts today with the first list of 21). eames. See how many winners you can pick. Ste Pa,ge 20. Cash Register Makes Sweet Sound of Music The sound of music echoed sweetly from the coffers ol the ~yrlc Opera 4sociaUon of Orange County this week .. . o!Ciclals 1dde<I l!P nclpll Iron\ 111• 1'1<'1P'• Uni ventlq:a lllo !!'f"1" m11111ca1 proc!UcUbn. ' • ... -l ~--· \ Four Laguna Beach perfonnancel'of '~'.5owl\J of 1'1ui{e" lured rn<ll'8 \J!an UIOUans tO 1rv1n<i Bowl oo the weektlldo ol S<pt. H and It;U(:ez..UUve direcl~r v •\mil Sun ... port(d Olli -k. Attend.ance the llrlt we<!ltnc! reached t ,lltXI per performanc:t. Mn. Sun oaid. and exceeded that' figure on tht teoond weekend. By comparison, attendance at three performances o! Ult most pojX(lar grand opera presentetf by the assoclaUon , "Madame Butterfly," totaled only 5,000 and erOwd.s at most other operas were mtlch below that. BOx office receipts ror "Mu!lc" still are be:.ing checked. but It· 1.s estimated they wll1 be well in e:xceas or $20,000, compared with 118,00D ror the. most suc- cessful season ot opera and sub!tanUally less ror other seasom. . .. There's no doubt we came out ln. Ute black lhls time," tbt beaming Mn:. Sun 8l[ll00ocecl· . . 1h previous years, grand opera pro- ductlons, despite city support, have recoraed regular losses. Decision to pro- duce ''The Souhd of Music" was an at- tempt to recoup these losses and revitalize the former Festiva1 bf Opera, now the Lyric Opera Association . Eventual ahn, Mn;. Sun sald, is to pre- duce one musical and one grand opera each season. But for next year, she ad· dcd, "I'm almost certain the board of directors will be incllaed to do just another musical." L-Ongtime Laguna Writer • t ' ' Although the musical, with a cast of more than 40, was. not leu expensive to produce than an opera, the ratio ol profit was higher because of audience alze, she ezplalned. ~-box ·affiee beDefited from many group saiea, including such bodies as the lnglewOQd City • Employe1, the Long Beach "Offieen' Mesa Club and a variety ol lravtl clubs. Barbara Kreibicli· on Pilot· Major ticket agencies handled sales and there wu good response from (See MUSlC, P11c l) L/tii:·tlme Laguna B11ch nnsp-.perwoman Barbara Krelblch has rtjolned the DAILY PILOT staff and Is no.,. assigned to 'the newspaper's Laauill. olfiq.Jt 222 F°""t A~ Mrtt KrellHcb, • n award-winning )oumollst. prevlooaly semd oo the DAI· LY JULOT Ila!! ,In lll!~}lloet ....ally oh~ was man•gini eaJIO<" ti the s..rtJI Collt'N..,.'l'Osl. Hai&roer ,In jouroallsm -llnco !he w•">lt. ,..i-1 old -hu ranged from -V: 1!eW11fJOpen lo---ral 111....... . ' Stil•:wa1 for eight -yura • ~ respalidoot for Life .Ma1ulne In Doth the j>(.-,..Yoa olnc.t and EUf<J(Jt. S!>o aive!td the Unll<d'Nallons and once ~ Inc ~t fn JlalY was held at gu.,. ,polnf.b>' .......m.ts diall!la..~· rklts Ill Milin. Mn.. Krtlbidi first ;a,, Lmi>a llf.it .. I cl>lld 00 a Chrtstmu boOilay - •ith Mt 1am11y. Tbq lllYed' 11 the eol<it LI-Jh-• "S~ theo I h .. e always ..n w -ne ICl<ll In .Ibo i>Jace," lbe Aid. Boni" In Sydney, Australia, Mn. relbleh camt lo the DA -.... WU )'tOtO crld. • Jauriallml come naturally. 8he Is the .pi. al. 11!t !alt Atthut O'Ceanor, I ·-MWI man and -1&•-• tllM &UllllCll, P ... I) Only One Files For Re-election To F-estival Board U(l<QOllng electloo-of three F..Uval of Am dlrect.n appeared today lo be no conlell w!lh only. ..,. of the lncmnbeoll filed !or re-ekct1on by mid-morning. lnclnnbent dlreclon woo.. three year , terml are up for ~ectlon are Venier , Beck, Sluart Dutbe·and Dr. Harold Burlott. .Beck has fikd oomlnalloo l...~!Jle\"a...llll~ Burloo wW run but fu-tee oaid tod!!f be II imilcc1<!iil. - .-11 rft.lt""",.. ltEIOliftIDAiLY ,.LOT' STAPF · Mro. B.l'Nra Krolblch Deadline.for filing oomlnaUoo 'Papers Is 4 p.m. Friday, said Board Pr~denl William D. Martin, in calllni atttnUOn agan to Ole elecUon. Papua are available al the Fntlval offlces. Th• balloil w!ll be counted at the a nual membetllhlp meetlnc at Irvine Jloo;fl Nov. 10. • In the ... n1 thert lbotlld not be threet candldalal, tt ~ . I/Kl duty ti a oomlnallon commltlae apjJointod by tlte. nine-member F..U.al bolnld<t ...i: a c1n11ldate. · But Pullout · Means Cut In Callups ' , W Mll!ljGTON (UP!l ~ Tba .:1\'1111e II°"!!' INJited toda~ 19f 1\ll! .Heo\td ,ilmo In iWo day1 tbal PrUI~llGD ~ .. ~ ~ppid the ~ JVd f": • llr\lt Pu. ~ RaOaJd t.~er sal4 ""ft ~ .... ''Dot llQW tmdtr • .,. Uva 'COllll!lei'.&11#" · -. i~E!rli! Del .... Seclllaey -R. Laird It> dlcatecl '-!Ila troojJ withdr1m li'onl Vlejltam will ...an a ca1 In draft caJIJ bl CODJing months. At a news conference, be • also Uki there ii an ''u~t need"' fGi: r dtlift reform, calll!>i atleiillon lo NjUD proi!oello ~ !lie no Capitol HW. Laird told a Plntagon news conference the new 3&,000-rnan .withdrawal !ru Vietnam· ll1DOIJDCed Tueoday bl' Ni*t -DAll.Y Pll.OT $1tff.,.... Queenie and F'1eiacl Harry Moon, owner of the Cottage ftestjlur&J)t in Laguna Beach, ap- pears to be getting cozy with king·size4 Queenie, cree.Uon of DAILY PILOT car!oonist Phil lnterlandl. Actually, Moon purcbaY panels during Art Colony. playboulle auction for decorations at his cafe. He's checking ·hole bored in the panel by construction ·worken at the new playhouse. ·• Schools to Se.ek $ 7,500 ~~~~·. ·~ lfCnillcant ellect" 611 H' pvt IJO fllurtl, OD clralt reductfolll but UJd" hO .. ou1d Cl1.cu.i chaug.. In dB# cills wllh Seledlft Service o!fid1fa OD Fri4aY-' . ' . Some 29,J1911 m•n have beeo echeduled lo be drlfleif In Seplember aod another zt,000 m October . Laird aaJd, "The Vlttnamlzatioo pro. gram will have a, very af&nlficll'lt ell ed. upon programmed draft · (:alls for Ult m011tb$ immed!at~Jy ahead." . He oaid Nlzon'.1 new C\lt _In t1tt authoriied U.S. troop c:eiJ1ng In Vlelnam lo 484,lltXI by Dec. Ii will be made up 11 follow.a~ -14,263 from the Mrey, lncludln& 1 bri&ade and support elements. -5,239 from the Navy, includhig con-_ slnlcllon battalions and 1 u p p o r t elemeoil. -1&,1$7 from Ute -Corpl, In· duding the 3rd Dtvl!lon Ind lllPf!O<I elementi. ' -l,5U from the Air Force, lnclndlnC combat oquadmns and ~t!emtnta:. The brtlldown aJ•en by Laird added le IO,lllO. Tbts would be tlte iodttctlon to the ~·thorlud otrqtb -.. -'«! lo the T A"dR di IR din ~~~~t~~-o 1 eme a · ea· . g 1!~ J:'. S=• tM "ailjW !!guru~ Laguna Beach school lrullen Tuesday. unanimously aireed 'to 1sk for ff,500 in federal funds which primarily would go to remedl'al reading at El 1ti0rro and Aliao ,elementary scllools. · Tbts lJ the fourth JW Jhe district hH applled for TiUe I project funda which Me to' meet special need• of educa· tJon&ll.y deprived chlldreo. According to Dr. William U1lotn, euperla1eadent of Laguna Beach Unllled Sclteo1 IJlalr1cl, Iha request 1J .... 11der1blf le11 than lbe 115,11111 ~ved by the dlettlct under TIU. I lut year. .''We. btnJe tl)i. la 1 (Jl<llmlnary f!P,r• a)ld ~ fupdl wlll bt tonhcotnini u COngrea • 1ate1' tbem,11 he U• ·-~ -' ,___ . Alke4 irllf the rt111edlal reading pro- grRm "If Doi 1yallable II Top of Iha World &:boo!, Dr. Ullom ezp1a1nod It wu ntc!lllf>: tO ~!rala. tb~ (llllject hr two .tchoobi whirt :1povuty ~ir ~ ~' . . .. la a!hiir ....i-. lfUeida7 • itlcltCi UWlNI! .1 .• ....lppro"'1 piano .... ~ bf llallb, -. ,.,. ad :Afeocl""' ~ atlmated ll!,lllle WOll!it• Ila _., lo _ ... pair liopoa " Thttra. -blJamlecUalo IJld TeR of tll• world 8chooll o1ve to • t. erosion caused by rains lpst win~. Trusloel aulborlzed Ed Hind, cllJtrlct bu1lnua manager, to advertiJe for bk11 on the slope rtpaln. -Alfeed lo look farther lntc>!mfl'O"lnl tennb courta 0. the north courts of the hi,tt ichool in rtlponl• lo Iha elty-couhct! which has requosled a ttuey be' made ol poloot1al 1ltu and Jinprovemtllla ti tr• lallnc tennis cour\ property. . "We ilbould llur from the hi.,, tocltool j>rlndpal, bll ,~ and you;~;1fieo ~I lnlo a cljJcuilloo oo 'w.bo'i go1ng, 1o ~1 far~~" Lilr)' Tqillr,,"""'4' -1diit~ told or. ullom. . ·• •.• • " =.Aarttd 1e 111rt .Mr1.Lo11 .,_ w11o. w1l1 teach 1t El Morrn Scbo6I .. Mllf v1c1orJ1'runt w!io ..u( teach ut 1n ~ hillt tocltool one perlod •fch ~ • • ....faiee<! lo em!lloY !J!lkt Abbey and pay bl&ll.19 .,..,ltOur lo di1ya .blO -and jltnJot 1t1&b -'" • 1111 'lo ~ ad•wtd c-<i pt ~ lmd ~":!~11wttera.ll111tni..l " , Jiii'. hour, lot 'lh6lr porlldpalloo In ......,. worM!topa to dm!Op cur• rtculum. 1 It'll be Jllll UU San Franclaco "11ho~t Uta Goldin Qot& tonlsht alld Thuraday .......,.. .. the fnl ra11e lll'Uld ataya unW mid· I niorn!ltl. Tempentuna 11'1 peg. ged In tlta llllddle 70'L " INSIDS TODAY A· wUd oorndr afld • !IUtorJ. tiilCliitma jOl,irl/)o flr>rpiU"of ~WI dtfGt<r o11...-flt' IMllflW c-t~ I.Iii .,.,1oc11<1. St< - fGlll .... , ~· :tf. < • I , ' I • ~ Of\Y f',1'-:T L ... Wt~!J!I \~0IP ~·)~ R~gioriid Park Delayed • ' Batt~n Questio~ Irvine Co. Inwtew . . .. 11.1:',r.=' ~Ult II to be pu1 toward de"llllill& t• we! <it ·MUe Square P1rt In 1'0Wllalq V•U•t'·Wlll> w~ l1dl~1. roads •nd'P~le area .. The olate granted 125,000 Jor llrot 11qe deV<loPllleql of Lacuna !µcud Park al Moullo~·Nwl Reservolr<t,n<! '71,000 for aa)ll)altlon "1d Initial "-nl al FU!ltttca Dam. • ~. • !aWn noted that Ullivenllyl'ark ii on a floOd plain of Sand Ctnyon Wish a~ said he worrie1 that the patk migbt he wb~ qut "°"'" doy. llllllb Hudlon. chJel o! devolopmenl with the County Department of Harbon, Btocbe$ and Parks. said ll>e fadlity ii In a natu.t.JI .ereen aw ale where water could ~ d\lrlp('wel moo!hs without damaie. -. In Uta -...or. °" ITllf -~ "" bact to open plrt -· he aald. • "We do beUJYe that water COW'ltt are gaod locaUona: for p~ks. so Ions a!I designers take flooding into account,'' sald Carl Z. Nel5on, oI the County Flood Control Dlstrlol Battin charged the land for the W..1cre park ID the contra\ part of the Irvine ~ lJ not being liven to the county l!I a true gift. He aaid a concrete flood chin· n<I would devalue the surrounding land. whlle a part enhancea Its 11aJue. "Because oI this amenity, ~ents wUI pay the llndawner a higher pf1ee," be said. I IAJl!-'. Teen:~~ LagunallignAFS Students l!alUn also aald the Irvine Company reserve1 the right te tell the county h<lw to develop the park. '"lbe company," he said, "hires the architects and engtneers and the county pays for them. plus a management fee. The park ts crlucroliS- ed Ute • checkerboard with euements. ''The donor uys nQ overnight camping. no horst it.ables, no noisy motorblk41, no nothing. • .except what wits the. donor. The donor decides and the Board or Supervisors just spe.nds the taxpayers' mor>ey. Sure, the county bu final ap- proval," BaWn said, "JU1t Like on Salt Creek ... Feel Friendship, Freedom He said supervisors should see the pro- poaed qreement so they will have a bet· ter idea before commlttln:g saoo.ooo to de\•eloping tl\e park site. - l!y l'UD IC)ROSMEIJL 6f .. Dellr 'U•t JtlN Wl'I'fl THE CUltRENT emphaslJ on brotherhood In lhe world, the American Field Service lai one Of the most im· = ::..:".::.."""o!..:':i"f,,Jl; coun<s together. Thls fur, Lag1D1a Beach High has two AFSen: Margie le 'Rom: fram the Republic of south Africa and M-Bdoe from Germany. , I asked them how they felt abotlt Laguna Beach. lloth llhared the oplnlm that "' lDOJl1 Lagunans lttl -th& II a tmni· of lrlend•hlo and !r....Som. "!1'1 stltllulaUng and !aklnaUng to see a place with an many frieodly peeple and so many interesting and quslnt -pl~~· I've ·never Men anythinf like It, added Margie. More impressive and something that says a lot for our school system was a comment made by Manfred. ' ' I n Gennany we anJ,y learn "fact&. Here in America you •re taught to think and that 1s what I Ukei." MA11G1B WAS struck by ll>e lreodam In our ichools, compared to the ochool the aUended where unlforms •en 1nin· clalorJ' and rigid ICbolastlc procrama -1& -.J U-e. Salil 'Maflle, "Alt' we pr<pared fur Ill achoOI WU the · llnal enmlnatloo 1t the end of hl&h sebool. Our enur. future depends oo the mccea. « failure ol that e:um.•• .. ~ Ooe-~ 11>1'* ll>at ·~·dif· , .... -~~--and "lufnd live Ill ~ <11Uv1 loadt and how we Uvt here at home. But both of them were C)lllot to point out tha1 We l!Jlel ar• much ilie ~· '· What struck them the mo6t different about their own countries and America were the age limits on drinking and voting. In Gennany one can legally drink at 16. Eighteen is the age ror both dtlnk· iDg and voting in South Africa . • MANFRED IS spendlng much of hl1 time after ~ on \b• footbill field, practicing a g&me unknown In his cou~ try. We 'll see a lot. ol Manlred as be will ht our kicker for field goals and extra polnf..!I. Not many llCbools can boast of a kJcker that comes all the way lrom Europe. Manlred and Margie shared similar opinions .On ~· function of student . gQvernroent In. our school. They were on LBHS'1 Student COuncil in an ex officio position. "I'm a1ton1Jbed to find 11uch grut Involvement and interest In your government. All the other pupils respect the government. At home ht Germany, the pup!l1 only want the governmerit to support them, not to que.!IUon their ac· lions," commented Manfred. Maraie held that student a:overnment is very lnltl'OIUld In helping ll>e aludenla, wbtrw ln bu borne cou.otry, it exllts nDl)' ,u the police force ol sc:bool rules, THE LUI' TBING that I 13ked !Mm wu wllat they foond here In ll>e ~ boint 11>11 ~ bad never ""' « bUrd it'bi their natl'Ve; counlr1ts. Su:tprtalngly, both bad the same aD!ftf'. Ndther Germany nor South Africa1r hu one of the American hometilall<ra' greatesthelp1: the (arbage ~ .. • • ~ f .. rl•I) 11'•' 1 NoW maybe you kDOW a little about our two foretin friends. 1M I'd auggest you meet them and gel to know them because they are ~Y iroovr peoj>le. Beach Officials . Inte1'ested in Oil Buf.f er Zone Huntington Beach city officials are in· lereste4 ill a proposal by Coutal Protec· tlve League Cbalnnan Victor C. Andrews fOI' a "bUffer ZODl!" between the city's offshore oil platforms 8d .kewpart Beach. But they haven't heard from Andrews. The CAPL chaJnnan said Jast week that he was negotiating with HUlltington Beach and Newport Beach on t.be buffer zone. Sald Mayor Jack Green. "Jt b very in· tere.!lilng. I would Jlke to see aJI future off1,hore oil plaUorms barred from the witen off our ctty, or at the very least erclUtecturaJ control aa they have in Long Beach." Ctty Administntor Doyle Miller said he had not been contacted by Andrews but pointed out that HU11tington Beach la In- cluded ltJ the recently enacted AB-122 · which c:ompels I h t Slate Lands Com· m'ulon ·to ·gtve 60 day1 noUce prior tt> public hearinp on any requeats frdm the oil Industry that relate to offsbo~ .drill~ Ing. Huntington Beacb ls not Included In the · B J'_ Cl bh p1 __ coutal 1anctuary created by the Shell· owwrs ' ft ' ,ouse · ians ~ohl-=~o~°J.Mii.'::~:f~~o~~ waters up to three miles out betwnn the s..11 Ana Rl•er and th•·M-bonier. R~'}~Ve CQQl .ReceptWJt_ , ....... r.,. .1 ' -,., • \ I _ .. • . , I . ' ./ A ,,.;, • ~ .f«; their ' "'~ Lui year the ..... , bowlah .... dty. ·-K.REIBICH ~ · ~, lo the . P~ 1pproval of a clubboull lo be ,l.iui at iha . • • • . Co!nml!oloo ~1. b~ ~ of tbt'. llOrih end of ~ ~liq ~ con-wrtter for ll>e old Laguna Beach Post. He · Lquna l!tach Lawn l!Oivlllla Club, l>lnlnJ a club llionn. oollee bar, loclceri. died In 1161. ... ! nctived 1 cool rectption. and mt rooms. ! ,. ..; ' • Mrs. Kreiblch entued joumalllm at 14 · Re:IocaUon of tbe ltruature to the ocean After protests from Cuff l>rive a1 a Hollywood columnl!t for newspaptr • lide of the Hetsler Park IJ'ffi\J, wu ao-rilideatl, plana were modified 80 that the syndicates in Australia and England. As a journalist she bas lived and worked In ceptable but commlisloner1 felt the new bu1ldina would not project above the road the great cities of the world, \ncludlng dellgQ,Jdt. aorne~ to be deilred from level. San Francisco, Los Angeles (Hollywood), the aeaUMtJC_poliit of. viliw. However, consideratloos of financing, Washington, New York, London. Paris Appareiat loSS' of at .le&st one pablic along with member&' health. pr<,>mpted and Rome. the bowler• to seek a new localion for She returned to Laguna about five ~lkw1y tq accommodate the building their clubhouse, th.la time on the ocean years ago as asslatant manaalDI editor of aJ90 wu questloned. side of the grttnl next to the 1huf· the South Coan New&. She w•s 11ter . City Planntr Al Autry waa instructed lo fleboard couN. mAnaging editor of the Laguna Btech meet with the lawn bawler• to roquest Here a less expensive 11tructure, with Post and became manaJ!nJ editor of the · more detailed -pl.ana, bopef'Ully W11!'.,~me: anly ftve ate pa. instead of 12 could be South Coe.st Newt-Past when the two : design ll'tlpro~nt.J. MJ"'i. strUCwl!" In' built. they expl1ined. ' wet'ldies merged. Heialar Park lbOOid be cat4!uUf dlt.i~ • · "l'm glad to -gee the build ing still won't JoUrnallsm awards ovtr the years mDit to conform With Ufe na.tufal Iandac•pe~, project above the street," said com· recenUy included the coveted "Out.stan· · plannll's agreed. missioner H,.oward Holden. "We should ding CO\'erage" award last year from try to w6tl: wit!) them on it:" · Theta Sigma Phl. •'I•'"'» ' . ' OAAMI ~ "* ' ;Uiy , . . ,, ~ ' . "' ' litNttM.W.;,_;":; . ,; .' ..,...... .......... ' "I'm not opposed ta 'the site,:• Dr. Married for 19 yeart. Mn. Krelblch Robert Frencll commtnted, ·~t J. want and-her husband bave two teenQe to know if that pathway is gorhg to be chlldl'eJl, one in high schoOI and the other replaced cir obliterated... in college. . "PtrhiP, we could allO suqest. 80!11e aelthetlc. c:hugea,'' added Dr. J01epb Tomehak-• From Page 1 . ' .... .. °"'"' MUSIC ••. ' • • .. • • • r ' ' ' ! • ... -... ~-~~k··. """ "'':::.Z =t .. ll•~-4 P. N•n ---'"' ....... ) Brothers Found ·Guilty of Killing Ramon Novarro LOS ANGELES (AP) -Two young btothen wece conrided of ftn;t~earee mutd• Wednel<jay In tlM< brutal ~aying Wt year of Rq)Ol'I Ncwmo, last of I.be. tfuhlfll LIUn JoVers of lhe ailent screen. 1be ltVtn·man, five-woman J u r y nlomed· the'. •erdlct a1.wt Paul t.r....._ 2l, lnO hb \rolbli 'l'liinnaa. II. aloo aller!lJqlnnlnc lts'IOCdnd d~ of !l'JiberaUOO. ' Tiie llrotber~ lnxn ,o CblcqD auborb. ~lbo\r 'I . -~ Illa triij"b<lore ~~rt Ju~ llirk 8Tlndler. ea blamed the other Iha ·•yeal'Clid ·""*'' dulh. lrl'O'&.audtl llolJJ!jf•IJodt WIS fOllnd 11 111 a blood"l"'t-bedroom "' hlo luxurlOU> lllO,llllO home ia .. burbn'Sladlo City. Police wd he h•d been blud1eoned with 1 cane he kept u a memento from «ie of his movJes. Ile suffocated In his own blood, oflicus uld. ' oullilde Ora nae County, notably the Los Angeles arta. The l.969 season wu WIJtecl with a $3,000 cultural illocaµo11 from the dty, alona with ~ mmberahtp conlrlbuUon1 amountillg lo $81000, and funds IUll art: comitti in from comnrlt~ees aupport\111 th• LjrJc Opera Association. Final accounting wUI be m"ilO et the October general mdnbenhl~ meeting. Mn. Sun 'dtclahd. ~ .. .. _Cap~ U,S •. 1:ilots 'to Be Freed Tliuraday PARIS CAP! -The Rav. Piw D. Llndltrom. tbainrlan of the ~bet th: Plltbli> Oinvi)iti<o' ...... 19day ba hid rectl•iid ' inlorinatlco tl1al ,Iha l)u-ee American hetkopter crewmen ahol doWl\ over North Korea a month aso ~·vtry llbly" ~Ill be i'elWod TiM'aday. The cler11man fl'oin Proll><CI HeJihls. 1U.~ tclct 1 news COpl...nce' he bad come t~ Plril to mak' "nectmry cont.lctl'' for the releue of the mu, and to FfJI for the ~Jeue of two Israeli clUunt held by Syrl1 •I""" the hljacklng of a Trans World Alrllnts plane Aua. 29. Ike Honored Postmaater G•n•ral Winton M. Blount today announced a new stamp Is being issued to honor the late President DWigbt David Eisenhower. It will be issued Oct. 14 in Abilene, Kan. Recall Speaker Warned to Halt Vague Talk Recall spokesman Anthony Tartanlino today was warned by a Newport Beach man he rectntly identified as a possible candidate for Supervisor Alton Allen 's Fifth District seal that he bad better "stop the vague aJleaaµons which are bellli advanctd in th! pres!." ~!anagement control executive JO!tph Rosener. 115 Via Venella, Lido Isle, handed the rebuff lo the San Clemente man in a letter empha!liz.ing the tllte-- ment he recenily made to a DAILY PlLOT reporter; that he (Ro.sener) had never met Tarantino. bad never talked \vlL1 him and had absolutely no con- neclion with the recall campaign. "I wish to ask you and Paul Carpenter to refrain from using my name in any way that implies a connection with you or your recall campaign," Rosener said. Tfianllnq Jinked Rosener, among othe~. a:s ·f 1posslble omdjdate for supervisor Allen's job in the event that the current recall campaign la succes&ful. All lhooe named by ll>e self..tyled sculptor-df:1lgn8r have dtnled tbelr in· volvement in, the movement. ":Sy your acUona." RoseneJ! said. "you are allowing the prus lo make COO· jeeturea which are inaccurate and n1lsleading, Those of u1 who have been wrongly ldentllied with the Alle.n recall hope that you. will see fit to inform the press of your candidate and backers." TaranUno was not available for com· ment t()(lay. He di.!lconneeled t h e telephone of bis San Cleinente home shorUy after announcement of the recall campaign in a statement wbich bore bis signature. " Scientists Keep Eye On Hur1·icane Holly MIAMI (AP) -Hurrlane Holly main- tained a northwest courae across the AU1ntic today. more than 900 milu eut of Puer1o Rico. We.ather Bureau acitn- Usls kept watch for a po1sible attempt to curb lta fury, M•1'!!8f .£AW~ . ,, ; ( .... Crashes Kill ) 1 Two I In Laguna Area .,.,.. per.oo, wire kllltd, OM TllNd•Y nlfbt and ..other •orly taday, I!' IOlllh Or~.Oounty tralfl< ac:d4mll .. ~ed when a car plwipd Into ·a culvert 11W Laguna Nlpel al •:•· 1.m. wu Caiop Pendletoo Mutee Dllfld Prout,' II, .-ni to Iha CollfOrllll HllbwayPatn>I. P:fn, W!!!\I Kini Chen(, 2*, ol IA' • 1• Cta11J Trllflc 1• 1• Dlllll Toll \It Xl@<i.' i1iO aw TUeiday iilib~ 111 • lhrtt.W colllllM OI\ ll>e S..11 Ana Frtewa1 nortli Of SaDd Can1on Avenue. Prout wq a J)&laencer in a car driven by Marino !livid E. Moott. JI, the CHI' oald. Moore ln<J a third Morine, Lloyd Forquer ·Jr, II, wen botb aUleally In· jured. They were taken to Sou.th Coaet com. ml.Jllity Hospl'8l, SOutb L1runa, The CHP eald Uie. accident ~on Camq>o i;:aplstr~ OM f)\lorW.mtla north ol Rancl1o V.\"jo Road. Tw0 other pencN were aeriomly I~ jured in the f.reewl,Y crash that kllled Mn. Cheng. Qwok Hen Chen1. 33, and Mn. Shut Pin& Lam, ~. boll> of Los Angeles, are at Santa Ana Community HOSpltal today. AU were pauengers ln a car driven by · COrl<y Sing Woo1, 41. alto ol Los Angel.,, Investlgaton 1aid Won(s auto spnn out of cootroJ and was struck by two other car;1. Wona, and the other two drivers, Linda Kolbe, 27, of 24001 Esblo, S.n Jusn Capiltraoo,_ and Armando Cabral. 22, ar Tijuana, 1uUered mloor lnjuriu~ From Pqe 1 ~OLICE CHIEF'S TALK ••• jal1er cOu~ m•kt him bathe ftJr sanitary reh;Ons." , ~. Prtvenfjoq_ of crime a1· 1 whole\ must be the ~enrral atm. oJ a 1maner police dtpartment, 1a1d Huck. "We haVe to make crime llO dJfficult It's no longer popular, no lbnger of talue. This means tryln& to buijd up a' aood record of prevention, d~on aQcl ctN1victlon." MORE EMPHASIS The new cbief aireed that it b time to 1>1-mon anpllaill ..,. )IOlice relations \ wl!h 1"Uth-To thll ' ...,.. he Aid, a 110U<t....,.,. la !Jdng bin\! to Wor~ with ·a.enpe. tnd a male po~-will be ip atllnd tliO · ISC coiine In -d . <Ontrol. I ' ·I. • • d~vOntlv• level;lhere will be o1*1.J11:f1n1n1 fur patrolJJen Who ... C011nltt. Y"'P'I P"')>le In tlJ COi!'" or their wof--. 'One plan is to ~age Of• flcen to itDp by the 1eh~' at lunch hour, pick up a lunch ln lhe clf~ria and liil down and eat wilh the st~nts. "This sorl of ihing belpo ~d raPPlirt,': Huck said. ~ '. He alao plart.s to blv~ a motorcycle Of· fiCer conduct 1 motc:ireycle AfttJ pro. gram on weekendl for pll. ~ of Ill OI' t ight YOWll people,' , " ! \ •-niere is a areal Interest I n motorcycle.a DOW," be l&kl, "and too many YOWll people are fetllng burt because tbty don't underltlnd tbt apeclal rules of motorcycle u.fely.i~Our officer shoold be •hi• to belp tbem~ )Qt ... SPECIAL PROBLEM When the d.iJeusslon turned t a n1reotic!I, Huck did not "buy" the 1ua· gtstloil that Laguna bas a special pro. blem In the drug area, dl!spllt Its alleied reputation a5 an "euy" town for narcoUc1. 1be dfUi picture wa1 pretty bad In Sauaallto and Union City, his two previous posts, he aaa:urecl UJt.enera~ "You have to reallze that thll whole new 1Ubculture is found in youth everywhere today. E:nfqrcement of narcotkl law1 is partlcularly difficult because you don't have a 'victim' as in mO!t crimes. The "victim' 11 bimaelf an offender. Therefore it's vuy bard to col· lect evidence and aet witnesses. The kids are nal•el)' convinced they can handle the whole thin, lhemHtves and they have this peculiar loyalty and 10rt of hero worship about the p.1aber1 who l.f1I uling them." In rupon1t to a que1tim, he Aid he belleve1 "mOlt jud&u: art conlcientlous and trying to do a p.r job,'' though ' police officers often are din• •hen oft'enden are released. · "There Is not much argument 1about the haunts of heroin 31ld the barbtturates," Huck adde4. "But there is Incfeasing controversy over marijuana. Mtiny of the things I used to think about marijuana have been shot down by some pretty noted people in rttent years. Even doc· tors seem to disagree.. We just don't ))ave the aiocrete inlonnaUon to s1y flatly that marlJuana will do this, or wlll not do thal About the most we can say these days II-that il'• againat the law and ll>e laws must be enforced." ·"Laauna ia by no means a 'lfberal' town on narcotiCll," he insisted. "l have two offlcer1 assigned full time to riarcotiCll and we make plenty of If· rest:i:.'' NARCOTICS ARRFSl'S . . ~·Iany -0f the arre~ts, however, are for posseseion of narcotics, ana lhlli, he eaid is ju!l like "containing the edge of a forest fire to try to keep It from spreading any further ." T~ real problem is to gel at the 50\U'Cf! oi the blaze, tn the cue of narcotics, the bJg.tpne pushers who are makln& an easy 1 11,000 • day. '"This is a big money, highly organiud type of crime, and it'• hard to get \Q: the people who really ire behind tt,'" S.id Huck. "They \L5e fear. and threats or violence to keep people in Ube .•• " A &tener Qked if Huck had he.an:! of an •;investment" iCheme whereby the in· \1e.s.f.or could parley $3,000 into as F,RUCh as $20,000 by backins a pusher who \rek.!1 to Turkey, buys 100 pounds of ha1hish and returns Jt to Orange County fiberglassed into a car, for distribution by a hierarchy of IU5er agents. ''Do you believe somethinl: like this etiuld happen~" "I'm quite sure of It,•• replied Huck . "And I'm equally 1ure that the top level operator behind it is never seen by, or known to any of the otherli, -uFurtbennore," be concluded, ''It wauldn't surprise me to learn that there I are people in this very community who have a few thoiaand dollars to invest and l who are backing schemes like thiJ - knowingly." Beatles No. 1 Again LONDON (UPl)-The BeaUea _, ll>e 1 No, 1 rating as Ult wmld'1 top mll!ical group for the fifth con.secuUve year in a popularity poll today. ' -----=---- .. ' ., ' . ,, ' \U ' ". ... . ... t •1• ' • •• -,, ' ,.,, ...... "' ...... 'r1nlr pdoi "*'#116• SalapibWn"'1• • ' CONVINIENT TERMS 8ANKAMERIC>.RD ' MASTER CHARGE J. CJ..J.LmpW 1 ;}.-/,~& ' ,. ·f ' ., •' I ... , ii yq_~s sAt.1'1· i.oe;..r10~; ~HONE 1' su.i401 ~· . lllJ, NlWPOR.T IOlj~EYARD • COSTA MlSA' • . , I . ' . ~--·-~ --,,,. __ , ' .. -.. -~;;,-,;·.,,.,-.,.-,*·,o..o-, .• . ' El ·Toro ·_Shift Stud·ied ' f A·ir ~t~t~fi • ~ # • • GoVtmlllent officials TueijiiY con- llniled U>al 1 lonnal lludy II Under way • on O..· roUlbillty or l'<!locating El Ton> ·Marine ~1Air StaUort" al a site rtmote • ·1trom c:reeplhg s¥biirbla. The Or'allie county blse was the only oae mentioned by ·name tn· the .n· nouncemtnt ol a t''o-year probe or milltJry installations in 10 Southlaod ~ollnUe.s. · No deci1ion will be made for at le~ 12 'or 13 month!, however, accord.Ina: to·Bar- Jry J. Shllliki. assi1tant Secretary-or · Defense for installations and Jogistic1. Brigadier General Henry W. Hise, El Toro MCAS commander, also confirmed the ,study Tuesday and said base 'person- nel are helping out in tbe program. The announcement of the relocation in- vcstlgallon -beginning in the Southland but tp cover the enlire nation before it is tb.rou&h. -came at a H(ijlse sub. committee heartni in Washington. North Viets Overrun U.S. DMZ Outpost SA~GON (UPI) -North Vietnamese troops attacking be.hind mortar and grenade tire partially overran a U.S. Marine outpost just below ( h e demilitarized zone (DMZ) today and kill- ed IS Marines and woWlded 23 others. U.S. military spokesmen said. Just b e I o w Saigon. \ w o U.S. Anny helicopters collided in flight killing all 1% · Americans aboard including two high- -ranking Army ofl'.iciers. Another tragedy In the Mekong Delta region killed seven South Vietnamese civiliaru and wounded 17 when a U.S. helicopter fired on them by mistake. The Marine action began aboUt 1 a.m. when Communist forces attacked a 90- man company· in a night position 17 miles west of Dong Ha and four miles bclow the DMZ. Tbe·Marines called in artillery and mortar fire on .their own position and "repulsed many atl.acks," spokesmen 1aid. It WM the heaviest fighting in tbe area •ince Aug. 10 when North Vietnamese aasaults killed 19 Marines ana· wounded '11. The leathernecks threw in ~ rein- , rOrcements today and killed at~ least 23 Communists. The helicopter colll!ion occurred about 15 miles south of the. capital and involved a UHl command helicopter and an AHl helicopter gunship, American military sources said. Both the collision ind the accidental shooting occurred in the Mekong Delta . Military ·spokesmen said the civilian victim! were fleeing a marshy plain where South Vietnamese soldiers had . been sent Tuesday to lind a Viet Cong unlt reported in the area. As I.be government troops alighted from their helicopters, U.S. headquarters said, "An unknown number of suspected enemy vt'ere observed evading from the . aread." They turned out to be civilians. I . U.S., Soviets Talk on Mideast WASHINGTON CAP) -The U.S. and Soviet govcmment.s have agreed to resume discussions of the !)tiddle Eul. crisis in New York Tbu"'4fay, I stile Department spokesman said Wedne,;diiy. The New York meeting will be held by Asst. Secretary of State Joseph J . Sisco and Soviet Ambassadgr Anatoly ~ who originally began· ttie"Uikt' on .. the. Israeli-Arab crisis Jn Washington early this year. State Department press officer Robert J. McCloskey said Sisco and Dobrynin were trying to arrange the.tr meeting for 1 p.m. 'M1ursday. He thought It would be Rl either the U.S. or Soviet delegation United Nations headquarters. • • ~ Hi.. Hid !hat El ' sqj C.L Jolin Lowman is 1itUng '11 -u i member of the Anned Services Subcommittee oo Installations. as a representJUve of the 4,400-..,.. Or1Jl3• County faclllty. earlier lhi.1 summer when Rep. -Speedy 0 . f Lotll (O.LoulaJ111a) "II yPOinltd to • head tho study. • '"f'hia 1tudy now under way reJlly originated at El Toro under William G. Thrash," said Ge-neral HiJe, 11we fully IUPf.0'1 the study." ' Rep, t . MIJ'd<I Rl,vtra; (D-S. ~Una) ·chalnilan ol, lllil ~· Armed ~;.., <liimmlttee1 hod monttoned th< Ot'.ln(e, ~OUl)ly base J>lrni<k aa 1 pro- spect for sale and reloc-aUon else.where with the iesulUng funds. . 9;eiler~I ~se ;lnd his precfecessors,bave coilttnualfy stressed that WltiL t~e govern- ment itself takes ateps'to i-elocate the air station, ddense bu.slness-twill continue as UBUaJ. , ~ SKYllOCKEI' Ci~lnl ·sub'tirbfnlntion : i4 causing 1',nd ~ts. to •h~ket in many areas and Clvillans moving in around military bases find life -parUcularly around flight zones -incompatible. Only last Friday, during a press con· ference with Marine Corps Commandant General teonard F. Chapman, General Hise warned that witlf de-escalation of lhe Vietnam W8.r, flight activity iill El· Toro will rise. ' Advance !tinla of the impending look at El Toro for possible relocation came Good l\'ews Gabriel Heatter, famed \Var correspOtident and radio per- sonality, steals a· taste ofl his 80Ut birthday cake today at Miami Beach. Fla. Heatfer, noted for his "there's g~d nev.·s tonight" message, work~ ed for the Mutual Broadcasting Co. for 35 year~. County 01amher Urging Stricter Water . Controls . The Orange County Chamber of Com- mtJ'(;t has joined the list or government.al and civic t>odies urging prompt reevalua- tion of water quality in the Santa Ana River, ~imed at setting more rigid stan- dard~ for controlling pollution. Noting that the existing standards for permissible levels oI dissolved solids, ox- ygen ~ et1!1Iorms in the river flow below Prado Dam....,ere established back in 1957, the Chamber's resolution declartC "Orange County has evolved lrom an agfarian community into a modern industrial complex requiring bet- ter quality water," in the ensuing 12 Y~· : ~ ·We 4i.n.._ urged •that more strln.. gent s~;cb' which woukl reduce the permissible.\ level or dissolved solids ,in • th~-rive1 f14w_, by 25 percent, be edopted.1 0 tzy May, ·ttio. ~ -Th~ r -lufJon opted Tuesday by the Chambe~ board ' ec lares that "the very existence of lhe Santa Ana River Re,gionalt \.Vat.er Qcality Control Board can be ~UesUoOed if vlgUance is not demoMtrited . by taking immediate measures to halt and prevent further contamination of the natural Dow or the Sant& An. River below tJle Prado Dam." ~ ~·-1 ' • . ' _, -- General Hise said Tuesday lollowing Shillito's announcement that be entirely agrees in principle, but ex.isling facts must be faced about the nature of the El Toro ltaining facility . The Orange Counly station has been mentioned 1n civiliJn studies as a possible joint-use regional airport facility, liter- ally an Orange County Airport aMex. The air station would become sole.Jr a Marine Corps facility aft.er developrqent ol a major regional airport serving local civilian needs under that design. Marine Corps exetutives say this is just not 'possible. "I heartily agree ... that joint civilian and military use marches toward com- plete abandonment of the military," said · Gen. Hise. "We are against joint use. It Is aot corripatible with our operation ." General Hise said El Toro. which has 10.000-foot, runw ays and ~·ill get n sophisticated instrument landing system later in the yeir, is too smell for added civilian use. TRAIN PILOTS .·"We are also training young pilots,•· he continued. ' "They carry live ordnance off the field . This sort of thing is not compatible with commercial aviation ." The only possible way El Toro MCAS, or the Army's Presidio of San Francisco -another mentioned earlier in the year by Rep. JUvers -could be moved would be through re-establishment elsewhere. Defense needs do not include the po~ibility of complete elimination. * -!:I *· Seal Beach Hits, Any Expansion By Lo!!! .Alamitos By JACK BROBACK Of tll• DllltJ l"llM Jltff Seal Beach r city Qfficials we re "delighted" today• at , news , f r •o m \Vashington D..C. Lhat Defense it>epart- men\ officials were studying a poMible resolution of coaflicts between mllitdry and civilian uses of federal air facilities in Southern California. Monday night city councilmen voted unanimowly to protest any ·erpansion of nearby· Los Alamitos Nava l Air Station and agreed to ask the federal government to launch a study of possible relocation of the facility. The council was~ told in 1 report prepared by City Manager Lee Risner lhat the Navy plans to acquire ap- proximately 600 acres northeast of the airport. He noted that there have been 50 fataliUes £rom seven air crashes in the past 11 years. Lt. Cmdr. Howard Rowan , air station officer in charge ·of the project, con· ri.i;med today that the plan to purchase the land is now being considered by the Navy. Barry J . Shillito, assistant secretary of defense for installations and logistics revealed Tuesday in a report to the House arnied services committee that the Pentagon "was engaged in a' two-year study of Southern California military in- stallation conflicts with civiliatis. City Manager Risner reports that 145.000 residents live within a five-mile radius of the Los Alamitos base. He said" they would be adversely affected by the proposed expansion. He also noted that rem<lval of the 600 \acres from the tax rOlls would eliminate ,an industrial CQmplex that ultimateiy would employ 13,200 persons. 1 Risner also observed that an enlarged ·flight pattern from the air station would cross approach lines of. commercial aircraft flying Into Long Beach Airport l.(lirecUy over the Seal Beach Leisure World retirement communily. Lt. Commander Rowan denied this con-- teation saying thal air patterns would not 1 change with the ,proposed expansion. A BRIATllTAKlliG SWCTION .. 1, is yours 1o choose •r Atta's, and our qualified interior designers offer fresh, vibi:ont ideas to enlwJto your home. Ube'll Te.rms Available Open Dilly 9 to 5:30 p.m., Mbn. and Fri. Till 9 p.m. . ! ' -' °"'*" y f'll.O'r""'! ~ board Championships ~edu!Od this Safurday hope the rolling waves wlll·conttnue thfo:u'gh the contest . During the past two eventa surfers liad to '"make" do with little more than three feet of foam.· ON A WAVE SWIFTLY -Boardman delicately balances himself in eight-foot high surf rolling into shore this week just off the Hunt1ngton Beach Pier. Organizers of the 11th Annual Uruted St ates Surf- Good Surf But No _. Board · Champ Unhappy in Mixup But Waves Perfect By RUl)I NIEDZIEUIKI Of ttl• 0111>' l"lltt lt•lf The sei:nl·transparent fog which veiled Huntington Beach's waterfront during the ccrly part of this week li fted at noon Tuesday, revealing beautiful six to eight foot high rolling waves. "Just perfect for the U.S. Surfboard Champior.ship if it continue.s through the 'veekend," says Harbors and Beache! Director VinCe Moorhouse. But not for David Nuuhiwa, 21 . last year's winner of the Duke Kabanamoku Tropby as best overall surfer. The two surfboards with which he had cxpecte~ to shoot to a repeat victory are &till left in Hawaii, due to 1om e shipping mix·up. Whet use are the sunshine and the roaring surf, if your favorite boards are 2.400 miles away'I NuuhiYla, who operates a surfboard shop in downtown Huntington Beach, has racks stuffed full or surfboards ot variom site!, colors and shapes that he could use in the contest. But when you 're one of the world'• top four surfers with 13 ytara of experience under your feet, the lheU model juat won't do. "Tell him to make my board 1ooae in Big 3 Auto Makers Face Smog 'Pact' Suit CHICAGO CAP) -A 13-blltion darn.age au it bas been filed against the Bi& Three · auto manufacturers, charging tha\ they conspired to delay development of an- tipollution devices on car11 trucks and buses. The :rull filed Tueoday In U.S. Dmrict Court alleged that Cbryaler Corp., Ford Moior Co .. and General Motors Corp. bad conspired slace 1~ to "restrain t~ in the dlltrlbulloo ol motor _ vehlclo a I r poUuUon control equipment." the tall and wide ln tbt front," ~ O. vkl to one of his emplayes tildlll the ordera to the fiber glua man .. "And WI him it's got to be &QOd." ~ ' David has tho Uoiled States ~ pioMhip . riding on the lkll1 or his backs_hw aaftsman th1t week, • .., , . He just· ftt9~ from Hawaii • few days 110 to parllclpal< ID lbe -cblm· piooship Ind .to tuioi-.hil two ~ N11iey illyes, 19, of Newpor\ Beach, IJ1d Chuclc Ray, also 11. ol Huntlniton ~ who. are both entered iri the Contesi. y "Im tcylng to teach them how to aet good and help them whenever l'Jn here," smiled Nuubiwa~, "B\3 1, have t,o ·~ mYMll •lot of tblnaa,Wore tbt COl\llV' A native Hawallab ,be learned bow-1o surf.it the a1e. of elghl , , sin.. U>at ijme . h< baa . become aomewbat of~• <i!liel>dtY In lurfini CirclM,Jltply becaUH of bit 8"'1llDCe <"111 -tourllllt tumil u "Pne d4 !MY' ·m:.41tht' 11th QJ1C1a1f 101 prochactlantof • "Swt~t .!Ude." • . - . SAVE $154.74. Ott NEW HARMON·KARDON .. 200 FM STEREO SYSTEMl INCLUDES .GAIRARD ., AUTC).CHANGER 12'' ~O:Akl•L LANCER SN.AKERS 12:" c .. •d.i 10·14,00t C.P.J. 1,....-tn I• tr. .. 1111. n1lribtllll •llellll wl!Jellf cO• h1ctt! R_EG. IS!.00 FISHER 160·T and XP·S's, FM·Sttreo SHERWOODl'IAR ~lio Wfllt Sf•re• ., . ----.lj: • I I ll!ll II PRICES ST.,ART ~ · AS L,OWAS : s49so .. --' \. -,.,,_ I {_- J { . f ' ... --·-· .. • P~ Force .Diie: • U.N. ·considers Ireland Problem " j I iJNm:D NATIONS (UPI) -Tb4I 3'lh G<neral Auembly -1an, frf1b 1,.m a wll'llli>( by 11• -· woman pr'elldent ... •~ w .. .., ,.... .... , against viewtnc wor'4 arr a 1 r • ·~ly," moved lode iowonll a 0tcar KJ'licptlild: Of Ll\Ulloa, canllulltatlon .O\V Narilln ltelllnd. • Colo. fl divorced from' bfl wife of Tbe bottle ll>aped up -Ute -· '6 ,.an beceu1t be llllll\ched pop-="!:,";;~ i! ~~~.": cem' tp bed. 'Ibo ..Ue lold the jodJt mm! for a U.N. pollCtUoplnr force In ,qe dldn"t l!lind lbet her husband Northern lrtllllll to Ibo Auembly'• 104-'•t. popcorn In bed-but she ob-item qtnda. '<ee114 1o the llOIH be mad• chew· SUcb • ..,.. wu ol'l'*d by the " · · BriUab dtle(llloo. "We do'!IOI C<ll1lider -li!l !~ 6b• 1al4 1"hen •he com-Iha! U.N. lniel:venUoo la lbe aHaln of .ptaJii<d. her bulband weut lo the • Norlbern lreland Is tllber ,_..ary or b&~ent. She l&)d 11t1J ofttllded appropriate or belpful," a apoiemw1 • ..,.. • Aid btr· And Ibo left aller a 20-yur .. Mmnbon ollbe 1tearil1( -.Uttet 1rt :m.rrtage, and that wu eJcb\ years tbe Allemhly'1 17 v1ee pralde!lta, to be -410._· JUdga Donald, P. Slllllh Jr. eleded tadly Aaombly Preoldeot Antle ·crantol .. a divorce to both parl!H. Broolll o1 u{,iri; and the chairmen ol · . , • lbe -NniQq commltteu, who wm .. • • \ • <leclld al the openin1 ,..., .. Tueaday. ID her inau&ural a<ldruO, Miia B,..1" • Ford's Price ! Hike Smaller Than GM Rise Shirt•r Sill.o of tM Animal Pro-'pl."l'ROIT (Al')-F~ Motor Co., the tf:ctioe A1sociqtiOn of N'Usouri snops nation's No. 2 automaktr, today an- to attt.:ntion \Ohtri 6he Jumdlt6 her nounced U.s 1'70 model cars would c~ hard-shelled JrUnth, fou.r large .f114J:t: • ll;I awra1e of $108 more than cyrrent ping turtlea /011.rwt i!l the St: ~U moaila, an incrta.se of 3.8 perCi!llt. oreo-one fn a private sw1mm1ng Ferd, abooUng for a bigger ahare of poot. Thtr'lt be ri!lecued in a farm the market now held by iridu1lry leader pO~ "t 1 ' \ ·, • • General Motorl!I, c.ame up. 'with a price .. flid tbe U.N. "wealmeta IHIN to li~ ln the fact that we all too ofjen '1•w world attain 10mewbat perochlally, u tt Ibey ...,e being pkied out at the heaclquor· ten on the East. River of New York." Miia Broou .Aid dlplomall "hive IDmetlmM failed to recosnlJe 'that neither oratory oor 1greements between deleptloos nor even reaOluUons or .-mmendaUona have bad much Impact on the COW"&e: of affairs in the world at large.•• However, she Pid, "Wilh the~ decline of effectiv-of tbe u.~. and Jta reput1Uoo in lbe Wike of world eventa, lbe need tor lbe world body ts ever on the Increase." Mill Brooks, •1, a arlduate of ,Sh1w Univer1ily ln Raleigh, N,C., and the University o! Wbconatn, I• !Jberia's ... iatant aecntary of state. She la tbe flr>t woman to_ hold the a11tmbly prtrldency 1lrice Mn. V. L. Pandit of lndla in lt63. The annual policy deblte 1tarta Thurs· day wit.'l President Nllon ICbeduled to addr<u the Auembly during a oolHlay vitlt. Niion Will follow Fortlgn Minitt.er Joae de ·Magalhaes Pinto of · Brllll, the ltadoll opeaker. Secrtltfy of State Willian\ P. Rogers plarined L: remain htre for two Weeks of private talks on tbe Mlddlt East and Vietnam with the foreign m~isters of the Soviet Union, Britain and France. Hayn~wo11h's Fortune Under Senate Scrutiny ... . -- ·-·---....----·· -· - MISSING MEN'S WIVES SHOP IN PAJUS Bonni• Sl119Joton (!aft), Joy Joffroy t • Hanoi Envoys Receive Wive s of ·Lost Airme f} Egypt Purge 1 By Nasser ' t Foils Coup llY' Uoftld p...., ~c A Beirut newspaper 'laid ""°' Em> Uan Prt.<ldent ll•mal Abdd N111er ba4 1tarted a civilian puree ot his 16' ministralkln to foil a "Soviet conspi.r1cy,. to oust Nasser. It said lhe'key figure w11 Aty Sabry, a former premier who wanted to ass11111e power ll\l"seU. The report appeared In the lndep<ndent right.wing newspaper AJ Jaridl u brae.ti planes 1ttacktd targeLI ln Jordan and Egypt today for the eisbth time In nint days and as a Tel Aviv &QVmtmenl 80W'Ct said thtrt would be no letup ift thl aerial bombardznents. Nuser pur&!d lbe army loPowillfl tht di.samous six-day w1r of 1967. Al JIJ'id1. In a dlsjiatCh from Cairo, saJd the plais was to topple Nasser while he was in Rus.'l ia far medical treatment later th.ii month and replace him wilh Sabry, and th~ civilian _ipurge was aimed at preve.n- tin1 lhis. Other reports from Cairo said Slbry was under house arrest. Tuesday. Egyp· lian Gujdanoe Minister M~ Fayek denied widely cltcula"'4'..b4Jt unot. ficl~ reports Nasser was plannin& to 111 to Ru.ula. Al Jarida said the Ru&eians wanted to oust Nasser blcal15C a conflict had deve!Oped between bim ·and the Kremlin on the question of Eoptian armaments, Ru!Wan influence in Ei:)'pt and the ~Jddie East problem as a whale. PARIS (UPI) -The wive.. of four SiJlgleton : Mrs. Joy Jdlrey, wife cf Defense Critics - American 1innen miasing iil North Viet· Capt. Robert Jeftrey; Mrs. P • uJ nam loday met Hanoi diplomats to find Harkneu, wife of C1pt. Greg Harkness ; T 'A dm ' out "whether we are still wives -or ~i~J'"J:t·=.?i.i=~~ r y men ent . The -four 'women viho fl.,. in.Sund~y u · )ft'actlon In Vie•••"' _, ... , all 1 • --~-'!' 1 ' ,• a ., boOst-'ltnaJJel" tban--GM'i $125 or J.t per· f • • WI · cent izlcreue.. · • ' -· " ' the: c0mpany 1Jao aald tt wu holdinl Sil.Oil lll'll*f~· lien~ Stanier toe ·u .. Ori tb• pnco ot 1ta fut oellin( widows." lf.'9bands have 'been l!tted WASlilNGTON (AP) -Senate critic.t d 1 I, , ,m " of the •• .;;;;;;r_.~ by of defenae spending. ~ter ~n& a • from Dalio, Tex., on their-Ip om.at'-= " -:--·--·,."'"........ I •· k . WASHINGTON (UPI)-Senate· liberals mlaiion. supPed unobtnJJiveJi into the North fjetnap>e• diplomatc 'l'ueiday tempta to hat or cut""'c new weapens want aa,urinctl JUdge Clement F. tree-shaded headquarters of the North tbey wOUJd, receive the four women, a proJ!'am!I, have opened their final drive of ~"41 ~g)ll!4, 'was iU!able @& MIVa:ICk, wO)cllc tt.Oea 'for •t,195. to"cet'lo-lli• baill<', '.0 fhe'left PIO N!rt to -the ll'IO lfornet beln« mor- Haynsworih'1 wi\'lte fc>rttim: wm never Vietnimese mission to the Paris peace group' oe'-ltve Arizona women, whose to amend the $20 billion milltary pro. impair .his judfclaI honesty as a supreme conferen«. bUlbandl. ileo are misslnc in Yietnam. curement authorization bill. •t the ~.Cit Of tile prelllii~ 11111!1 keted by AJnerfcan Motora. the Maverick court Justice. The . four women were greeted at lht 4MOUnCed Jn' Tucson they would fly to &en. John Sherman Cooper· (R·Ky.), "The wence i3 whether or not be blm-small doOr ,Clf the well·guarded mission . Parts fi>r .. l)milll' meeUng. presented an amendment scheduled for a lbt' ®t dey.'Bul lli tbe •nioinln11 will be the1loweat-pricpl Amtric>n-mtdt litl>fJl!Jieh enoo..,i, ')O<ik'cilli ot aulb: 'Amorlcan Moton: uy1 !ta new nlJlb!fl\4n\! th• .bOx, JI wal lost--Hornet will atll fbt~IM. · b1illd0iecl)\l\4er· tpns ot rubbi!h "' 1ti~= ~ 0:,tr'!::~~ a'lf bad any in~r~ in the outcom~ ol headqua.rtirs' by 8 Manoi diplomat who The~ Hanoi delegation agntd to a voti; today, to restrict U.S. military ,aid to any cue-wheth!r he cOuld benefit from immediately ushered them in. meeting altlf the women paid 1 '1f'pri.8t Laos anrl Thailand to SUP'PliH and equip- th9 IOC81.:Silrh111 dump. .. its mind 0o Iii w~rranty t>rogram after lt,'' said Sen.' J06eph D. Tydings. (0-Md.) tlevUion cameras whirred as the four vlalt t.o the Communists' suburban villa ment -no combat troops. "We go beyond the question of whether wo en d~mounted rrom -a rtrrttd Tuesdiy.' Al.&o awa.ilin& a vote w111 compromise he's honeit. or not." :said Sen. Birch Bayh 'N · t -1 for 1 ~--• o • e General Mo\On annooneed It w1s stiCk· (I).Tnil.) He told newsmen be feaffii minibu:s by the police barrier in front of o Ume or date wa.s set for the verSton o • pro!"'-u-.:• n Hi&.k I alon · the mission's black iroo gate. They bad mfftini. The four women, who Qew to defense contract profits. ) "' .. ;, ~ i.na with tta flve-)'tl.J', 50,ooo.mne power a~·~.:-.Qrth might "stumb e g ntrVe-bee • Jy ·u.. .. f the Paris Suod17 In an effort to leam the The Senate Tuesday slapped down the ly,' ketpin& honest but f1llin~ to rullie in : ::~~n~ate":bi:t ~~ towS:~~~ faterof &heir busbanda, were achedWed to last attempt to cut a major military pro- • court ~oad•Y, upheld ~~ ~a:·bad •MOW>Ced In AUIU'I T'fNbt~ Hra ~ a .... ~ltawlrfllltJ<lnontY•IT , UI ''l\f'etch, . 154; 1*,al(se. wllb 00' IJinllll Oil mllea,e « number of ~::~ ~\~!JZ ~~ ~ l~~ Cboiay Le M the working class suburb spend oW a week in the French capital ject, voting 56-31 a1ainst an amendment M: had stock or som~ other connectton. where the diiaaion is toeated SOuth <if before returning home to Texu. to trim funds for the Advanced Manned ~iiiin ~ .. wortm.1e!J'!P wu Of •• """"'· -aay1 u ,..u1 olfer • power "\ll!ll~01· • alapd~fd .anil, trll•I .irl1!'.111'Y ot nve 1.'ll'S « lt.000 H&fNWarth, 56, chief ol: the U.S. 4th Par1i. A North Vietnamese spokesman said Strategic AircrlJ.S 0 att. Sen. ed~p S. circuit court of appeals ln Richmond. The four women, who flA' in sayiil_g the womm could not be receiv~ by of· ·McGovern ( .. ), spon10r 11-1e pro. ~' !f•f ii..... nill<o.al·,. additJooll. ljail. l Va., wu caned back for a MCmd day of theY wtshtd to et~e "Wbttber we fk:ial.s whm they called on ·,the; villa pogal to.reduce from $100 million to SZO questi~y·t.be Senile Judiciary com-ate titlll WJ~ -or-w:ldowa," are Mrs: bef:::nt. ~y did not have JD ·~ million! the amounbot berfor the Air fdl"Ct 'I • p " • · ~ ' r;);-• :-M -iu fi!r<MI.'~ Ainu. · · •• · ,;r. 1t lctllmM*· can ~~{~ JO. •tDltt.te ',.. ' Bonnjo. Slnljll4ll:' .;ffeI O/ capt. ,J,f!rrY po new oog.r1oge m I -Tbt~Sbtl~Caroltnian.Wbo ,.::::::::..::::i::::~~~_:;::;.,.'""'c...:~_;__c_~·-"·~~~~~~~~~..:..~~...:.~..:._~~--~~~~~ .,,_ ilc!V·•nd stutter!.,. wtder houn . -1'~116' s<pC. II while Gioiljl MiilOri -,.~ ~!fl "'!l!Pf!!!llllill IMld more than hall ~~ C".' "' "' •• tl&. OM, Fotd dled CO.I& • A~nilanf•~.i-~ if~'\-1i•"-~!::iEl.'*!~•!!!_Dcl,l!~." u the>prJa>e . ~~I-I. Pont. onico ,..,,.,, ... "'~ ,...,. ..,.w ii/kl' l'ltyllls DiJlir'.-<t\I 111or11.4~ " ' --~ --' ol 'qiiestlooliig, told the commJU'6 Mt- clsy be .nevar had· linowiogly ~ any caae in whlcb be might be remottly c&n- aldued to have a. fina.Dcial intert!t . •tiJ• as a. ,pofl..,.:t ~ btclua1 the' • ... · wa~teo tcr rii !Rn 11¢' ,"/iZld, ~ • ' • I 3 7 k' e -'2-~ar-or<t • l!Omtditnnt, · plloiii<d 14 a I W<dnuday '. ·i>h41 ~" -"""'d 'Years Shot . -!Wf .ftltfg••, • t •ll c.d Oii v .. '1'114 ~ prediCfed 11i< IOOll!d-,..,.i a ltlO mere dollf to f'ecooet. Mia p;un .... ~ lhol ,..,. llair· do rtqtdri!'d QtCW ... at&ntion. and totftt te' .,..eupma~ atilit home in the n.!m'bV Brnhoooct . -.,. Con vict Innocent of 1932 Robbery dbtrict. TOPEKA (AP) -The. ollice ol Gov. Robert Docking -tocloY the ......... has gtlnl*I • lull paldon to 70- , ...... kf Frink Sawyer, llYtlll .the ta- mal4 of lbe KalllU State Pon1tentJary was lnnoctnt of a 1932 bank robbery. • Sa'W)'er has been 6erving a 20-100-year 1tntence for the robbery of a Fort Scott, BurclalY investigators from lb• ~·;!':~la~:~ enemy No. 1, Alvin Wettem 1tat11 an. 11thered in Karpls, now on parole In Montreal, had Yakia\a, WN~• fW. a.. ~nv•nUop. said that he and several othen com- 'l'bey earl,. Ibis -~~ died Yaki· mltted tti. blnt ,.bbery 37 years ago, ma,:a.pplice.llld:~'U the.Jl~Jj\'_the_ and tha~Sawyer did !IOI.take part. ,...,.wh~.11 Clllll:/O:C.icilib&~e-:tl!f'11l111_ wllo -"tecl Sll!Ytr alao crac~ers. 'rlili appatenUy 'failed fo teJ!illed. He ' said ti. now bellev .. that - Impress llliev~• WJio ,cracked a aafo ... Slwyer did not pirtloipa.te In the ro)> neteFriday • Czook'• ~...--ber1: • -. . tlon. • ,.... f , ~ aa1d tbe rocommendatiflo for a ' . . . " pardon had baen made by hJJI pan!oo •~ t«ney' Robert <l<bs, ml by lbe Boltd of ·. Proba.Uon anil ParOle. ••Based on ·the two recommendaUons, testimony gathered. by eye witnesaes of the robbery and an in-depth investigation of the case, Frank Sawyer is Innocent Of the crime he was convicted of in Kansas." llockill/I said. "ll be did not commil the crime for which · he is serving time now in the Konaaa. State, PetlitenUary Ii< should be releued immediately," Docldn& said. The governoc aid in a atalement &hit formal papefS fot Sawyer's nleue are bel111 sent to t!>e 'state pri..n in !4n1lng. A spo-.Mld l>O undtratanota Sawyer wtlfl!Ollt!il"inti!6!nrtbe papen are ~·ed. <!' ~Good ; Surf But No Board .. ' , 11~· VJJ happy Over Mixup; But Weather ~Perfect' ~,.I.(~f -; c ~ lOT:HA.lllST t •ot -ti-' r~.,... ·, Ml .. I.ft rrec. ' ti .. II• ~#•A ... ••fl....._ .... 1;i. 1J:• """' .... tfl:!t •·"" ' .. ,,,, .. ••fl L.•lf •• " .. .W. ft 1.,.i. tJ Ott . .I Od, II AlMll!Y, N. Y. Mo•fllho ·-... A»Nil!fl Al""lo 1111"*1"-·-1111'1\irct ..... r.:t:.111u1 iz.. VO. ...... awi=-.·s.c. Clllr ,..,_ W. v .. ~""tt.C. gi=.,. ·-~o. 11.S. s-•m• ~ .......,.._ .. wt...... la ""' ....... . , , .. ~ ... fnMlt . ..,""" ~ ·-""' ctntrlt i_-.:11 " ,,.. ''· L.t'l>'l'ltl« .... V.1\W, ....... fMtl• .,.,.. flt! ,,.. .......... Grtlf ,,01 "'""" -.. ~ ,.... .,.. h -.,_ ...-n M--. lOIJler .,_,.,. :ct:.. .. .,.. ................. "'"" """"" :.Jt(b91l, MIN- ..... -... """""'"' ""' .... In ,_.,, "" ":='\ ~· W.'l'ft _,...,. JllJIWlj =..... t11t '6ilttnl ,,_. ~ hNh {IW ...... '!fllle cell -llllt ...,.. ll'ltt M=-tMtll M _,CJ 1'91 -~-M . T-. •fl*•:'\_• 111ttr)UM t tlfr'll· MllWlultff I(" -~ ., • mu.. -I N~ Yll't ... tlcefrMI • .,,. ..... fftffll •fli. ,...,.. l>ltthl .ufMelWt ti' a-Mn. ""*"' •klL PltbWl'lfl ~ rnl\'td tewl!'lll lllt llffth....U II "9rtl""'-Ml t 't lt 191Ha ti! '*"' 11111 If II Cor>-h it l1k1 Cltv •flllll9S ~ lftll tridc ~Ill NP flOl"tlt Wt~lllftort of tfilt ....... ,,_ l1ltn4a. Wldllll ~ .. " " n " " .. .. .. .. ,. " .. .. " • n .. .. ~ .. n .. " " .. " .. n " .. " • .. " .. .. .. .. .. :l .. .. " " " " .. " .. .. " " .. .. .. fl .. .. .. 11 .. " .. " .. " n ... II IS ... .. .. n "' • .. " IS _., .. 11 " .. " .. .. .. .. " •• .. .. .. " .. .. " .. " .. •• lronlfti flt!ti1l8 you down? ~ave ~!Ur thinas to-do~ And what aboUt. you' permanent P'"'' clothes. They ju>t do,.'t-otay"pr....P when you dry them on the clotl\essl11 Right? Don't be depre...d,Getyourself~ · • An make it an ekctric dryer · An electric dryer is progreril .. med to dry permanent prtli& clothes with just the right amount of heat for the riaht' amount of tiine. Clothes arc gently twnbled to iluf them out. So wrlnkl ... never have a chance t6 act up tight • ' ' Before Iona. you know, moat dothma will be permanent press, incluilial 11iiu. 1hlrt1, al:irta and draperies. Evon napkins. Think of the time and mapey you can save I · Why'notretolveyour pressina problems now! Find peace of mind With a flameless, odot- less,clectricdryer. They outsell gas dryers 2 to 1 across the nation. They cost less too.Set your appliance ...r-.:= dealer today. ~- Sout~n c.Jlfomie Edfaon ' J I 1 I , I I I ' ' i I I I I I I "' BELFAST, N<inbem INlaDd taU ~ aelkio apl,.i IA!'~' ~j ~~ '"1olf'1 • -·" re~·,'Onlicahrar&re-1 :kpalloe-f:l 1 rtn uldtbe . --...... tat.•• •preod to tho oporta .,.... to-atriolllb'· "Tl:t leUD will lw:ve day, Police l ptt I vlailhlc I poiijl ..... -. dll!Jnl , ltalla:i .....,.r team under and a""f !l:e matd: -..Ul .; ·iuarc1.:aner .. 1t reeeived • ~x ~le\i" the cquotry.''·be lhrtat thlt it .. will never ~ · downpoUt of fain .and ; reach bqine." • ,_ walr....i-pallcy by > '!be threat WjLI lo a let!tr Brtllal: ~ ""' dtlay!ng ) · .. nt to I -.paper and tlA-tho ~.ol Bettul'I alrett ed by a penoo ~ XledHleit barrkades, wblcb w fl r e , hlmael! as a caJU!n In the PllroWn up by R<:a:an Cathallcs , 1'11iawed p-"\Mer to • -out ol 1Volunteer Force. ... , their. nelghberboOds following • ~ It :WU leveled • I a4 DI t .. 1aat month•! rto$I. ., Roma. a team &abedWed to ~ Resident& coOperated with play a winnen' cup match thia soldlen ~ down bar· a!ternoon and ,.tirn ID ltalJ rtcodes !or pert of ?he day • Tburaday. Tuesday, but .... ol tbe bar· "Because the ltallln press rieirl were rebuilt almost im- ' and TV have attacted Brllbl: mediately. By tl:e end of the Ulster and EnlJand," ~ let-Uy only" ..... bod liion ter iakl. "we musl and shall dismaalled. aod aeveral buo-- ' ~ ' South Governors Hear Agnew Op~ Busing I WILLIAMSBURG, VJ· speecli to the Southern (UPI) -Vice President Splro governors Tuesday night. T. Agrtf!ff says he Is agai.Mt Gov. Bob Scott oC North ''busint" to achieve racill Carolina said be was en· balance in schools. But a num-couraged by A g tt e w ' s ber of Southern 1ovemors said· remarks, but that be would today action speaks louder wait to see them translated in- than words. to action "down through the "I'm against busing • . . federal departments." chi ldren to other'"'· Qcv. ~ ~cNair of neilJ)ll>ort:oodS limply to Soutl: Carolina said Apw'a achieve an Integrated status of speech was ,:'mcouri:gement," ·a larger geographic entity,•• but ~ded.. I am awaiting all Agnew said in 1 banqU<! of this to trickle <!own throuP, the imP,lementation proceas. ' .. A reiJblutlo:: eating on the federal go~t to aban- don "busing" as a means of ach.ieving a desired level of desegregation in. schools was to be pr<Sented to the confer· ence this tnor'lliQg. Suspension Of Draft Discussed WASHINGTON (AP) White lkluse sources eJpress doubt President Nixon's eJ- ecutfve order on the draft will halt induct.ions, even tem- porarily, altbou&b Pres 1 ·,. Sectetuy Ronald Zieg)•r, in: dlcates such a suspension has been <!Onaidertd. "Jt doesn't seem to be ln the cards," sa1d one aource. ' Ziegler told newsmen Tuei- day suspending lhe draft is among the factors btin& con- sidered in formulat.ing selec- tive service rtforms. But White House aides quickly said such a suspension is not an immediate prospect. One source ei:pre11ed surprise at speculation .the dralt might be suspended tern· porarily. He said that although no final decisions have been made, the Nixon order is like- ly to be limited to reform of a d m i nistrative procedure such as establishjng uniform criteria for handling o I de!ermenta by draft boards. Earlier Tbeaday, Sen. Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania, the ac- ting Senate Republican leader, !aid after a White House. meeting ''there is a strong dillpos!Uon to press for draft reform this year." But he conceded t h e likelihood ci congressional ac· tion ia 1Um, and that the ad- ministration waat.s to apoUight the Issue to ahow where the delay is. The resolution, J)l"<lposed by Gov. Albert Brewer of Alabama, was approvtd in a 3- 1 vote, with one abstention, in t h e resolutiOM committee Tu<sd.ay. The p r o p o 1 e d resolution brou&bt on a public dispute belwttn Brewer and Gov. Dewey F. Bartlett or Oi1aboma. Bartlett said the resolution was not only out or place, but inaccurate. He said Agnew and l'r<sl· dent Nixon never had "cone on tecord as b e I n g in OJ>" position to compulso<y "5Slgn- ment of students because of ract or color" as atated bJ Brewer. r Vets Recall • War Error , ARNHEM, Holland (UPI) ...! Four hundred survivors mustered today , on a field without tulips for a last tribue to Field Marshal Vi9eount Montc<>merTs :nistakt. 'l1lli JllislaU :Ii. ,.... ago was the drvppln1 of 10,000 British and Polish paratroopers l• what Monty planned as the · victory to defeat Nazi Germany in 11114. Monty later IL,lld" be emd. u~ to hiJ'il; a . German l>ottle corps led by two ·SS 9inzer divisions were waiting. -Only 2,000 of the paratroopers .fscaped. Arnhem joined :Dui:klrk alll"'3g thi:ie defUts in which the Britls'b ~ 1 aort of victory. Odd Trio Son. Says Dad Kille · CHICAGO (UPI) -Samuel SaJkin brought his oon'• girl (rim! to the family's Indiana farm, formed 1 "close rela- tic:mhip" with her a D d murdered her •hen she refus- ed to undergo lllf'ltry that w o u I d have Jrued her memory, Aikln's .on tesUfied at the opening of bis ~alher's trill. Joel SAlkin, U. gave his v<nlon Tueada.v including a father«>o Jove trlaqle, of what led to tht Nov. ~ 1167, murder of Ella Jean Scott . Her body wu fOULld Feb. Pl packed in a steel dnm and buried tn 1 abaJ1ow gr1ve on the farm. Sail:in said ha ' met Mils Scott, who wu a peo daOttr and a stenoerapber, in tlte IJl<ll:I ol 1117. ID June ha aald, his lather auu<llod the tw• ..... to lift .. hit a-ru.o. Ind., retreat, • ' D o I p 1 t c h Farm.'' , was canceled. During the sum- mer, his lather hired Miss Scott .. "" secretary. Saikln said. Tbeu, Sail:in sail!, his father d\lcovered Miu Scott WU married to Air Force Stall Sgt Samuel Mumma. The llel'ge&nt WU invited to the • fann to visit hil e.stl'allied wife and eventu1Ily left with her, Saikin said. In November. Im falher paid for Mias ScoU'• returq riom Las Y.,.. -~ w hid been ":~. --· SaJkin 'll!t •ld!ir Saiktn, then • her ta ... to ldld:lgan" !or 'u Ol*r"!i'nj that woold Wipe out her memory and be piomlaod be would adoJ:l ber, lalkin aa1d. 11111 Scott '"la .. d . threal"3lng blac!gnaJI, ·and w taWj_ to CJ!LO. ol 1111 ll?ber'• a:Icaio -wl:ero his fttl:er abot her In the l:ead, Salldo Mid, B• ratified be helped bis !atlM< atull tht body Ill • oteel drum, transport ll to ~ farm and bQry IL • The elder Salllin lw Insisted ha ii !nno<mt. In March be 1he elegantly_ spirit¢ 1970 Cadillac' .The bn'IDant "-1'l70 c.dillac g styled 1<>..nect both,,,. qmlity ...cl~ mood of life in u..l ..,;1n~ .......u.s. "'~ oew beaury ..._.,the tempo of poople on 1lw!-. Rlchly toi)ooed oppointn>enls ...! nefi+""'"'""-'come )'Oii ... -... lot c.diflac tasle and ele(l:ilDC<. Spa<ldiog ~ inwiles )'O\I .. ~>Ce ... ~ --°' ""'toring pie-... All IOid, ~ - ne'* ~ o1-ILi:11C2 ior a pa11.decade. la..dl el~·c:.dillac modeb.for . . . nw~·spirit£d s.i"litre EldotruJiJ The'-~ ol !he Se>ei6es Is -"ere _... eWlerlt -"' the handsome 1970 EJdorad.o. B<lllnctirs....tty m:t8!(f grille 11 • .,.., ,_v~ eng;newtdl • dl!plpme:t ot &l'lilres (500 aiblc inchel, the !arge1 "v~ fM!I offered In a producti"" -~ car. ON""' !pOCiricolly and ettloslvely for the fronr wt: .. dcM Eldcirodo. rliis-~ plant ba"'°'1 an amplo ,...,.. to opera?e ' ~ .. .. . 1 I • ' !he -iaitls one ...,.ny -.11 ... '.LL4!li. ~ @, ~ )! I ••• - 'kind ol porfot:mance ?ha! wtQ 11t 1hl ~ for paM:il .-lor ...., ,.. 1 to c:omo. The in...!21 !OU Joel die -U H1111 ¥..\12' ""*°",.... b.-tlrt"' ~ • rhe Fleelwobd'Eldondo ls,.,.,.. !harl Mitt the-I.rt -)>lnONl ar.'lllr momen1 yoa drt.e II, iou'll lcnow that UdlllK .... IO\k ... li:illOs fa L'± I h l . . I s..,,. oplrfled-1mc..-...11,.,_....,....,.......,. ·-"'•'." ""'·"" ' •• 1: • ~ Salldn aid hit fa t b er dcn:loped a 1 ' e I o s e rela- tJonahlp" with 11111 ScoU after tht couple btlan living OIL the farm. So doM, In ftct.. that "'1211 Salldn'a plannod mar· dqe to tht 11-Y•ar..id dancer -hil ""' ol commlttiq th•murdtr. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-"~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~....;.:....;;;.;;_; • ' I I I '&. ' • DAILY PROT liDITOBIAL PAGE . . ' New Parking Ordinance . . . ( Lquna'B6lch 11aa Uttli vacant land avaiJahle for lndlviaual property qwom to develop into privately· ownid parking arl'I'-.. Laguna'• proposed parking certificate ordinance says a mouthful there. II Is directed toward the down· town business area where traffic reaches stran&ulaUon proportions In the summer and a parking •)IOI can be like w~g for the golden tin& on the merry:go-round. At present, businesses can purchase parking c11rtifi· cates in lieu of providing '<>ff-street parking'. The.a• certificates have been underprlced at $1,000 : ID fact, city ofllcia!J say it actually cost more than $3,500 per &pot to provlae parking on one lot. The enliuance, which counclllllen will likely adopt In a few ween takes a more realistic approach. It will, by formula, ~g the price for each parking •pace. not furnished to fair market value of th~ land as determ1Ded by the county assessor. . . Businessmen who feel the per.space figure 1s . too high will have the right uhder the ordinance IO call ID a licensed real estate appraiser rat their own expense. The ordlllance does another hnportanl thing. It r!"' ulre• that all lunds acquired in this ·n:wmer be saved ?or acquisition or development .of parking in the dow~ town -area. Extra pa~g mete~ revenue from new hig • er charges can also go into the kitty. . . . . Past parlring meter revenue -which city officials say was about a break-even proposi.Uon -bas n~t al· ways gone toward new parking facilities. Neither did the purchase of off-street parkln·g certificates. Funds were used to rent private land for.parking. . .. enough funds . Tho city a aotna lo have lo ~culale other means to produce the money to start solvln& pvt Ing probl81!\s w!thln'a ~asonable time. Tl)ls might mean parking district assessmenta against benefiting property or perhaps revenue bonds •. that would not in aoy way Involve ~general taxpayer. In the meantime, the new parking ordinance ls a step in tht riibt cllre<:llon. Well Worth the Cost >. resident President certainly bas Its advantages, as aoyone in the City of Sao Clemente will be more than • happy to tell you. There's the remarkable prestige involved In the · whole matt.er, the feeling that for a summer, your city has not onJy been pbt on the map, but in the center of it and marked with a giant eagle. Happy realtors and hotel men talk of Increased land values, of increased tourism , of increased. sale$. It'a enough to make even the most sel!--composed Chamber of Commerce director excited. However, the Preaidentts long stay in San Clemente also meaot that hotel rooms usually inhabited by trans· ient tourists were full-up with non-transient White House staffers. San Clemente estimates that it may have Jost about $1,500 in bed tax dollars as the five percent levy ap- plies only to persons who stay less than 30 days. The \Vhite House men stayed longer. · . • No one should exp¢ ln11abt parklnt from the 10• creased revenue methods. 11iey &imply won't genefate It's no big loss. San Clemente folks undoubtedly feel the pride was well worth the cost. ~~ . ..:.. ~~-' . ~ . -·--· 'Se~ Education SJaould B e a t Least Elective' Teach the Real.Life .Drama To \he Ediic.: · 1 reoc1 with sre•I -your~ ' article .,..,.....in, DI\ Dale llalllaoo'I 01>' Positlon lo -educilloa In the county schools. I ajp'eed wl1h iome of the other panelllt.'1 polnta: ol Yie:•• tnrt I would Uke \o take a brief opportunity to express I few Ideal o1 my 11""· 1 am a ~ al 0ran1e ~ty Juvenlle llall. I llave spoken to many o1 the clllldren there, and lillllJ of the pl'.01>- lems whicb ~ them concem 16• because we adults tend to force them to ual -Theae YOUnf1 men o1 todllj' · act u adulla and atJll he treated " are ~ lo tl'M!lr own peer tp'lll[I for chlldren. answin.tbey catmot find in their home Dr. RalliJon aays sex educati.On abould envtroomeo£ Tile excbanpd ·~· aoly be taqbt at borne. I say It "1oold al ner dialogue" ti umially mlslnlormationl lout be 1 ICl>ool electlve taugbt and es· > I toncfld ~ the blololliea\'functlons,.10· WRY DO .TBEIE Y<Wl&lleri ,-..~r to \he real life drama ol ~l!ultbood and group mtormatloit? ll ll becaUM ' '• ~. inarrtelfllfe. ' ~ '. ·'. __ ~ pmnta are not u wellillfannad u the)' · . . · • should be on matten nlated to the NOW 18 THE time for our county biolol(ical and paycbolOlllcal meaning ol educators to (el togethei wlJ!> the a!af:e heten>4eXUal OllWJgle!Qentl. Man 1' IChool board and develop tbe ~s\ "fanu· parents an embai-rused and that added-Jy Ufe11 course avallable and hire trained lo an alrtady widening lack of com-coiiMel to teach our c:bUdren what to ex· municatlon 111 tbe parenkhlld rel•· pect, feel an<! know in this c0mplex time. tionsblp. cai.zael the-coo.fuaed adolncent ~ The dividend! would be great with to look for anawera elaewhefe. Be f~ perhaps fewer on wellare or suffering greafer aecunty In hla peer fll'O\IP and the mental angujal). information he rtcelvea from It tenda· lo CHAllLES H. GUENTHER be sloled to • pooltlve aide wblch streuel IG act& abet leaves out tbe mature respon!ibility that goes with it. THE YOlJI'JI OF today is getting mar- ried earlier -median age 19.4 yeara - and divorcirla aooner than in any prevl~ decide. Many are going into a marital situa.Uon lmder falae coneeptions or ea- uaJ bliss becauae of their eaaerneas and Bold Effrontery ' To the Editor : Alu, OOw reminiscent of the witch hunt of the lafe Sen. Joe McCar\liy is the hysteria 'callaed by the appointment of Michlel Kristnan! ' And the bold effrontery of KiwanianJ ' and ~oanalres whooe boalnea, It would .etni to me, Ilea ellewhere. My btl'a off -ualn -to Chancellor Aldrich who bas proven more than llOCe that be ia able to take a firm •land in the defense of what ht belleves ts Rood for the university community. ANITA GROSSMAN 'Name Withheld' To the Edllor : Recently a doctor in the area, "Name Withheld,"~ a llne i.u.r showing his concern for the young people who are In- volved with drugs. He li!U!d nine aug. ge.!tlons as poaaibie steps towards a solution to the probltnt and I was much impreued with bJJ !Int. 'ooe. Jt offered this idea : u.ProtDctJ.on for 1111 Wlshin1 to expose thetr,1Upp!ien." I Interpreted the notion of tbil freedom to expose 1111 u an implicit des:irt ~ this doctor's part to speak out for what ia right. IT IS, PERHAPS, not a point for rriomentous concern, but I could not help but wonder when I read at the dole, of his fiery Jetter, "Name W1tbheJd!0 I could not imagine why a man with tuch iniliaUve would hesitate to endorse his own strength of purpose by pl'Olldly lign- lng his name. Would bis med1cal practice be. put into such jeopardy? There are enough weU-inteotioned persons who are "almost able" to be leaders and who are inef'fectual. l began to read your lttter with high hopes, "Ne.me Withheld.'' Name Not Withheld MARY DENIGAN Cu~ing Her of Miniskirts .Jumping to conclullons: Tbe qulc1'¢ Wiil' for &•husband to get bis -to live up mlnlaklrta ti to m-.t her In a public ~uranl wearing m.inillborta hlrmelf. The three .-boring quesliOlll 1n man'• vocabolary, quesU0111 ~ asks but never really w111ta to hear an, answer to, are: 4'What'1 new?:• !'How are yuu? ," and .. What do you tbJnt tbi. weather will do next?" Autumn U!ed to be hog butchtr\nl time. ln America. Now it's better known as the pro football season. Time, !al and baldness do more to turn orUlnary men Into phjlooophen than tll the l!tldom In all the boob In all the librarlel In all the world. DO YOU KNOW Whal bappw to1een- agera who make a babll of banilnc ..-·p1m pie parlonT They all 9ind up with the blccupo; that'a what. Fiolnclal rmo._e II what a plumber gel& wlleD he II called to !Ix the pipes In ' \ the home of • doctor who once took out litl appendix. ·One of the world's most ~loved chlldten'• boon II 1upposed to be "Alice tn ~Wooderland,11 but few children ac· luallJ manap"lo enjoy much about II ex· eept the pictures. lt is far more popular with College economJcs professors than wlih,klda. Amer1clnl •re probably tbt wont pro- nouni:en: and the poorest spellm of their ~ ol any IC>Called 'Ili«lle people oo'.ellrlll. Halt of them ... '\ pronounce ·the nnl .. adUlt" with an,y rtal aienae of wbeUMr lt'a &bl preferred,.way or not. and au U.prilonl)n the land couldn'l ac· commodtte 1 tenth · of the people who can, apell accommodate correctly. I QNCE MET A mol1. who bragged h< liked bUlten!d ,~pa, l>a.! later It turn- ed oul be wu 1 lhowoll li1 other ways, too. ,-., E"'l'body ,~ 1 bOWlegatd baby Is culo ezcept It• parents. . You never know tor sure what ollice wortm think ol uch OU'.er' unW you take up a collecllon for ... when he leave~ The tlrf" the fuod raised lhe more unpopular he may be. His detr~c tora are sure to chip in a buck lo see him go. d ID a world....where.11 ii geUJng more an more d!fflcutt for one to keep his Identity, wouldn' It be nice if pewle, llke natloo1, bad their .... personal fllp! Wb•t deslln would your• havol ConBiderl._ the Umes, I think my fiq would show three gold pawnshop bolll. a q..,tlon mark, and 1 mulhroomlnfl alomlc ct...:. The easie!t way for a fellow lO atay on a diet tod1.7 11 to do Jtis own groc:ery shopping. The price of food II enough to make anyone lose his appetite. THOSE WHO stammer or 1tutttr often shy away from publlc speaking, but some so affllct<d make the most charming and wittiest of raconteurs and oratori. 'l'be1 turn tbelr ha.rxlicap into an advantage: by the time they finish a sentenct they have built up a suspense in the audience in how it will turn out. The guy who likes to show you bow many credil cards he has in his walltt is the last guy who would want to let you ~e the balance in his bank boot. Cclngess now taxes everything, first ol all our pockets and most of all our pa- Uenoe. U you ask five men what time it is, one will wRlk oft u if he hadn't htant you, fearing you'll ask bbn aamethina: elst. Tbe other four will tell you lbe Ume, but two wUI explain tbat It lo llfOl>ablJ ,.,,,._ u their wat.chea are tilbet fast or •low. II really wouldn't be a IDJdi belier world t( everyone. ~ractlced what he preached. We'd proballly all simply yawn ourselves •to death. Dear GlooD,Jy Gus: Drive careMly -the heart tran1- planters are wal.tln1 for your tick· er. -T. E. D., Jr. L £VERYBoPY WANf~ fo f.J(Nf INTO 111 BIJI' N080~Y WAJiJT) lo LIVE IN 1r.• A Slow Burn Suffuses the White House Don't Interfere With Life Force , ' WASHINGTON - A slow bum ls sul· fusing the White House on the tactics of holdovers from previous Democratic ad4 mln!slratlons In ubotaglng Nixon pro- grams. "' Apropos of my recent plece on the Law of Diminished Pro:a:imlty -for instance, the automobile that get! wen the minute you roll it into the mechanic's shop -a friend of mine mentioned an other axiom not known to science. His automobile, he pointed 0 u t • fjxes it.aelf alter a period of time. It will dev.elop rumbles and grunts and ominous creakings -but if he blithely negiects these siniSt.er l)'mptom.!I fm a few weeks, they usually disappear. The revolt of Justice Departmtnl' · I •HAVE NOTICED this same lawyer1 again.It the N i:a: on ad· .phenomenon many times -not only with miniJtration'a civil right! policy in the JnY automobile and other gadget.s. but with 'the hmnan body as well. Verj oft.en delay on enforcing desegr,!iallon ordm ·the tM!.at 1hing you can do with physicaJ in 30 Misaiaaippi Jc.boot diJtrtda Ls only complalnb is to do nothing. at all. ooe case in poinl -·Tlie Ina"). who is preoccupied with bis White House insiders have run ctow'n ' s~ often intensifies t h e m . anOther case in the foreign aid program. Whethtr or not they are created by the Tbey say thiJ involves trickiness and mind, the mind certainly has the power to make tbem seem worse. This, I sup. decepUon by Democratic administraUon pose, is the, junction at which Christian holdovers in claiming White House ap.. Science an<f'psychoanalysis meet -and p:oval for a queaU0De9 program . h9f,h contain a valuable share of the Nixon cabinet members and id·' \ruth. minist:rators are now on notice to watch TRUTH, SAID Ar istotle, Is like a ba:n more carefully the actions of holdover of. 1 door : nobody who throws at It can avoid ficials. Republican congressmen and hitting a part of it, but nobody can hit all senators complain that they are dealing of it at once. No theory invented by man with the same old <if.iclals on programs h:u been wholly false, just a.!I no theory can embrace the entire truth at thl! same. Ume. The mistake most of us make, 11hint, lies in laking a piece of the '"1th and Btretcrung it to cover the univene. The sick man believes health makes fer ha> piness; the poor man, money; ttie humble mfll, honor; the ugly man, charm. TBIS INTELLECTUAL lrailly Is mosl obvious ln the Held of medicine. Admit It publicly or not, medical men art generally convinced that their own Bpecialty is the core of b e a J th. Everything is in the mind, or in the bones, or in tbe nerves, or in the blood stream, or in the glands, or even !SOmetimes even in the feet. Man as a total organisf!1 l.!1 ra.re-- ly considered -which is wby the seU· healing process is so often aneered at by Bpeclallst.9. But Nature is greater than any of its creatures, and the whole art of livlng, J am convinced, consists in learn- ing how to interfere as little as posa.ible. with tbe life force . and project! of concern to their states and di.!ltrlct.9. IN SOME CASES, ii is claimed, ad· vance lnfonnat.ion on local project.9 is "leaked" by holdover officials t o Consumer Perversity • • Democratic congressmen and senators who get the jump on their Republican I . ' colleagues in announcing the proJects. Jn ot.he.t\ cases, according to the White 1 House complainants, the detall.!1 of Nixon proarama are taken up with staH ' membert in the offlcta of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy or Sen. Edmond S. Muskie for modification be!ore bel._ pul In final form for submisaion to the Wbtte House. ln SU.II other cases, the attempts of aome liberal Republicans to bridge over differences with tht liberal DemocraUc eatablllhm~l hu caused lrolible. The of· flee of Wellare Secretary Robert H .. Finch, one of Nixon's closest associates, comes under crJUclsm in tb18 respect from White House conservattve1. ~ i.!I in part a legacy of Finch's attempt to ap- point a doctor opposed by the American Medical AssoclaUon as chief medical of. ficer of Ult Health, Eilucation and Weliare Department. . . ALL THIS MEREL y empbasius th• polnt that two factfona are growing up in the Nixon admlnlairatlna, paraUellng the division which still ' continues in the Republican Parly. Tbe Wblte Houu group, for tbe moat part, i.s ejther non·in· volved or on the conservative side. Recent appointee& lo the White House staff, forms newtmen Clark R • Mollenhofl and Lyn NofZiger, tend to reinforce the position ol Harry Dent, former admlnlatrative assistant to Sen. Strom Thurmond, who ls emerging as a lormidable llguro In White House affairs. liJghl!l'flllktng ofl!dals such as H.R. · Haldeman, ualstaot to the President, and John 0. Erllchman, counsel ta the President are less knowledgeable about the inner wort1n1s of the Wuhlngton political syslem. Some of the new Cabinet members have 1>eeD far removed from the inner turmoil of the Republican Par· ty. Such pres.idenliaJ advlaors as Or. Henry A. Kissinger and Daniel P. Moynihan are novices at lhe politlca1 game and inAn.!llUve to the nuances of the long struggle in the GOP between thl! conservatives and lhe liberals from which Nixon haa emerged as the common denominator. The battle against lnflation isn't going so well these days. For aome reason the American consumer won't be put down by high taxes and tight money. Unless he. starts cooperating soon, he'll likely be confronted by some fonn of • direct economic controls early in 1970. 'Ibis if the picture that emerg~ ps the natJon prepares to enter the last quarter of 1969 with prices, retail sales, and In- comes stU1 risin« at a pace too tlist for comfort. lf economic theory had performed as * advertised, a combination of a 10 percent t federal &Urlu and the hl&bes\ ihterest ! rates in 'modem U.S. history Mul!f have damped dawn the boom. But tl:ie con· sumer In the afOuent socil!tf has ; develcped a perversity th,at may be the 'death ot textbook economics. THAT OFFIClAL economic .. ategy !would eet its lumps shoukl surprise no one familiar with the experience of other western governments whlch have tried to manipulate consumer demand. Britain, for eiample, hu been applying a aqueeze for nearly two years wilh preciOU.!I little impact on Consumer spending. Prime Minister Harold Wilton even put lnto effect a aavagely deUatlonary budget jJesigned to bring a t perctnt drop in the standard of living of the British people. llu't some Britons manage<t to finance their spending out of personaJ pvlngs. others worked more overtime or took • second job on a part Ume b1si$.. B1 one means or another. the wOrkingman im· proved ~ii. pooltion d~lt<: lbe beat p"'pared plans of lhe 1o•emn1<•11f. , _ the American wage ca.mer setrbs to oe retertlng Co the same stratagems. Sav· ings ln the llrst and second qu'atters of 1969 dipped to 5.3 portent of ctsposable Income,.... down from 6.9 and 7.tt percent, res(IOCUv•lY, In lhe COl)lpar&nle 11161 quatlm. MOonlighting -l'lllnlUes .,. plontlful. Tbe buying spree contl.noes, A numbef of leading retail' chains reported th•t Uieir August $9.lt.!I had l•ined ftom 5 percen\ to as much u 'II ~ ECONOMIC CONTROLS IN! anathema to pol\Ucians: But arowing talk of the neod for t.htm may be a case ln 1"hk:h public thinking Is <\head of la•11'u1ken and economist!. f'ear of runaway In· llation -and of the recessions which In- variably follow -is stronger.than fear o( control!. AFL-CJO President George Meany recently said ijlat the only way to st.op the current inBationary cycle w~ by con· trols -not only on wages but on pricer, profits and dividends as well. Such a posture by a national labor leader can be likened co a fly applauding thl! use or fly paper. Consumer credit controls. however, art . a morl! likely first step. By rn1$ing _the. size of down-payrnenb and shortening the time for repayment of installment purchases, COMUmer spending could be cut with almost no lime laa. Federal Reserve officials would like to have back the standby authority to impose credit control! that Congreu allowed to apire in June 1952 alter the Kortan war. It is doubted that CopgreM woul~ qret to retmpase "RegulaUon W'' crtdJt con- trols in the absence oC a national emergency. But the public seems to be moving on its own to the conchl.!lion that .an economic emergency eJistl rl,gbt now. A panic of no small propartions. mtmmd in the mone.y markets and th e supennarkets. seems to be develaplng e'ftn ·as the Nb.on adminlstratloft counsels paUence. ·---811 Georire ---. Deor G<orce : . You sure are _atuP.idJ I wrote aflCI asked Ji1U what ICl!nt to wear to- drive 111)' ho)' friend wild and your ....,.er certainly dido'\ W1lfk l I thou&ht it was funny wht'n you 1u.r-..lted wearlnfl witch ~ ! ANNOYED SUE Dear AMOyed : Oh. Wik!. Ctn I help II If Y1IU' W's look Uke M's? _ • rn.pr-~qvnnsu :t} L .Wednudf1, s.,..-.11, lM_ • ' I " ' " ...... . ,, -da~ :, s•er ;. . ·1Allln ' • •• ' j 1 • I f II~ 9'i' ' -· ,. •.• ' I ' ~-ti "•c f , llsh 2· '·88c ht 2 ;.88.c .. IJ.t.' : llDIHI' : . ' r· ~ 'Disi sec Hit Plate B·Bc Tiiel •• ~ ~~ . . -lltt .•• ··~. . ' . ·,, Batbniom Mats UPals1 ' *••rt• Mlltlplt. VltlitiP . r ' ''Secref' • . l ' .. • ~ ' -~ ' MODOIAllT · " ''Prell~'· SHAMPOO : ' ' ' ! .. ' J, ,, l • UIU' Dresses . Cloose from •idew•le · Qltd,ir1y or drip dry · betdl4 fabrics. ·1 .. snl :lnit·tolJ collar ' andf«'' si...s. Ass't celots •/Wiique ID add Illa! Wine Joilk . . . . s1m3 gs· .. ,., ... 'i ... "·~ \ , UllU'·''Baby Dolls'' _,= lricol timed ' ·3 98 lli1ll "·!'!loo o'*1lr ••• 1 iRg ldd1tioll to your sleeplimj ..... MM. • ~~ illl ''ffassager" . ' ... , ll .... -witll br lltalmtts. Half '"~ JEtion ,.. -I mmtJI penetrrlllf -.... """\"" ,.. not it. .. · . , llRSs wann ..r comfy for Jail ••• lasliml fabt'<s Iii! colors •i1ll colia' "" --l!imined wi1ll aaimal IPJllique or tie at waist Sltn 2_. ' . l, , .. c.e~. 3.98,a. ) ' Sheer easy care nylon for elegant sleei"i· Choose from many fancy late l!i-d s\yle! on<I colora. 'tb'!i.t£ Men's Cologne A lllJld ol flit""" tut tr'lm. a stiiring .:==~ 3 oo-. ', •u. .... ~ • ~ ' r I Wedttff.da1, S.p-17, l!M PAii.¥ ~or I \ • ''Gleem'' TOOTNPASTI llll ll-H .•• ' 1M 11r1ci. Cleilllr'llf I lachlll~if • ..... • I ' us 6·3C r;~' ' . , .. .) . Jl111J P1[11S-0 ;. r. wi C.ltrf ' • . " lf ~ t ·~· .. I "UflllCOPIMll' ""·' lllrdlf; """ lltl *' ' . Sllllli,;s.,t•tlst ~, l , •• DRUG STORES' OPEN 9 AM 1110 PM-7 DAYS~ P, • ..J • .. ' . . .. HUNTtNOlON llAOI ........... HUNTlllGTOll IUOI .............. Nl!W~TllACH .... ,_ .. __ _ l ·I '• I I l ! I I Court OKs Teacher's Walk-out LOO ANG!:LU CAP) -Of. lldala ~ tt,1111 ., thO dtjf1 15,000 eiemellW'Y .,.i hi&b-tchool lt•c:hm ..... Jubnut todly <1vcr a judge's ftfusal to block a plonntd walk-cu&.protest march Thurs- day. '!be Loo ""'~ .. Board ol Educa.tkm went to court 'f'uu. dq -the ume d1y the dty's 114,000 j,upils tepol1ed for the lint doy ol the 1111 tmn - Miking to avert the ooe..<Jay wort stoppqe called b1 the A.cwi'*lm «Cl a s sroom Teachers in support of wage -aoda. The IChoo1 district. in asking Superior Collrl Jud&< Rkhard -- Schauer f« a tempon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... HOU:n'ON (UPI) -A depu- ty U.S. attorney uld Tueldaf federal authorltite are plan- ning the "big eat f r on t. a l ......U" In h1'1ory en lllegd drug traffic alOOl the Muican --"Thia 11 mt • oae 'shot opmtioa."' 1aid Rlchard G • Kl-al the Julllice De~~ standlnj behind a 4!IPJiy of herotn, coe1lne ud ~· wottb 1bool l4 m11u .... .., the underground mar bl: ltleindiensl Mid Cllllaml egenta Wert bdng brought in from Canada and other U.S. porll al eatry for U!e pro- longed "bllb:" on lllepl drugs. The assault has the code name "Operation Intercept.'' "At some time in the near future lhe: entire ports of entry from tbe gull to the PaclfJC Octan will be subm!Ued to a 2f..hour iMpedion of a 11 vehiclea" traveling by land, air ud .... he ujd. ~ order, araued that teachers' mi.tea: are illegal. But the judp held that lawyera.for the a<hool dillrlct had faUtd to make a sufficient _.,. that "lmpar1bl< in- ji.ry" would reaull if the. Reagan Says Office Clear of Alioto 'Leak' Flags Stolen From SF Plaza . SAN FRANCISCO (Ul!l) - ~venieen. historic American flags have apparently been teachm attyed away from SACRAMENTO (UP!) - the 6SO lilleeted a<hools fur Gov. Ronald Ru1an uy1 that ~:·~url set Sept. 29 for a his office has been clear~ of he.aring en the dlslrk:t's re--charges that two aides leaked quest lor a "pttUmlnary in-to the pras '!km:•«:opiol of ~illat ...Wd problM aU 1 Loot mapilne artkite •Dnk- slritea "" wodl stoppages 1.. San Fr-M-durlng llie oC!iool year. :::i_, • "~-~-~-The AC? Olllahieq aulhorlza-J-.,.. ~ ••~ muw lion wtior in the weet I" a Ilium. · · · tun<IClle striR: at me liter 'rbe P.tirnor told a news dile. • C<Jllfem1ce. 'i'Jl...S., Iha I DooaJ4 »Mr. ACl"s .,. d~~. P.en -to Alio!G'• ....UV. ~ aaid the clllel-y by -aides tr'DllP WU ••abs o I u t e I y Paul Beck and F.d Gray made .w1.1.t...it• whh the i·u"-'• clear the mayor's chat1e was """"""'_... ..... hued on "false usum ... t-" dedlltll. . --~ "W• 111.. maintained ror Alioto bu med ~ SU.5 Mme t:IJM, '' be aa)d, "that teacbers do DOI looe their con- atitutional rilllfa •Impl y bea-lhey enler lho door of • lllCbool roam. .. Be predided t1Je ·coort'11 ac- tion would encourqe greater participation ID the march aod that at lealll 15,0llO ol lho teacbera woold tab part. "We take thll u a victory far educatioft."' Baer said. "It mum teachers can auume an actlvt eollective role in fm'dng improvements." Tbe ldlool ctiltrict, -la,...t ID the nation behind Nrw Yort <llJ, made a llDll o/lfrlal'l1mndoyol1 Spel' cm! pay --Dlltrlct .,_ fldaJa aid it wuuld -th• city on mra $17 mlllioo an- nually. 1be dfer came on the day ollicialJ uJd WU the deadline under atoU In fur salary l'lri!ka. lt wauld h a v e boolted the ailftlll 17 .ooo. •tJ,000 ocale to 17,lll041J,650. Mafia Hikes Activity? SACRAMENTO (AP) Gov. Reagan uys he woold like. to know if the. Mafia bas made inroads in California. He tokl hill new1 confennce Tuesday there .. have bmt hints in recent months" from Ally. Clea. 'l'bornu C. ~·· oflk:t and e.llewhere that Molla acthil)' bas ln=ued ln•Ca.Hfarnla. .. I want to know more about it," be uid. L1"Ch alld he ...Wd be slid to tupply Rug .. with hi• in- vestiptive repor&a. "We have a Jot <I. canfide.nt.J.al Jn- fonnaUon,'' he told a reporter. "We wQU1d be hippy to give It to the eovernor any time he. wanta JL" :stolen from San Franc:l!co'1 million libel 1uit agaimt the civic center plaia, city of- magazine. Although Reagan ficlah Mid Tuesday. waa not named as a defen· Carl Poch, a 1111 Is l an t dant, Alioto asserts tnat su perintendent of'11mall parka, aaid all but one of the col-R ea g an aides 1 e a k e d lecliori of 18 flap that have. prepobllc~oo. eopit:1 .<1f the. Ooi.yn oYer the United Statei article to the new11 media. during U1 history were 1one Alioto'• lA!')let, who took Tuesday morning. c1epositlqal ~.Beel< an111..;;="""=====~I Gray, atkl . the depooitiona • OVERSTOCKED ~hltantl1tld the. m a y o r ' s assertiOft ot •!malice'' on Reagan's. put Reapn and "lioto are Potea:Ual opponents in next year's election for gowrnar. Grq did the· governor's of· lice reoeived an advance copy of the ar\iC]e and that to or U copies· ·,.en photosla ted for :sWf memben. He said such a procedure was routine. to familiarize them with matters pertaining to public: figures. He said copies were all!O provided by Reagan':s office to lhree newsmen who heard of the article and asktd for it. ''I did not take. the initiative," be. &aid. Reagan A waits Cutback 'Word' SACRAMENTO (UPI) - 11le Reagan adntlniJtra lion reawne.d awarding contracts for crucial dlle construction irojects tod.,-while awaffing ~Old from President Nixon on how the federal cu t b a c k spec!Hc:ally will aUect Cali- lomla. Must Sell -F.re• Delivery INSTANT CREDIT New 9_ pc. corner arrani· choice of clr&. rq. $230, now ~1~9'.50. Headboard!: Kinp, Sl.5 ; Quttns, Sl2.JO; Full, $10.~; 'rwin5, $4.95. Trundl e 11els (duo riser) with inner !iipring matt.. r"ei'· $106, now $79.50 Roll-a-way beds with Inn. 1pring matt. rl!g. $59.50, now $39.50. Full u. alttper- &0fa, reg. $239.50. no w $169.50. New beds: King, !99.50;'Quef'ns, $89.50; Full, $49.50; Twin!!, $39.50, fully guaran. King 1izr 1;r1noads, $13.95, fl sz. $9.95. canopy Beds, 'l'eg. 119.00. now $89.50 Bf:autlful WaJnut 9 drav.·er dresSel', 2 -~ dr11wer com- mode!!, headboard & framed mirror, $172.00; Spanish {longboy) !!lttper sofa, hlll!d carvf!d wood, bl!11.utlful)y up. holattte.d, rep;. $449.50, now $329.00. Chriatmu lay-.aways now. SIESTA SLEEP SHOP 1927 H1rbor BlvcL Co1t1 M11e Deily 10.,, Sit. 10-6, Sun. I J.b 645-2760 . It's the famous FRIGIDAIRE FLIP-TOP DISHMOBILE ----..-fNl•rn••----· .Ueto.fttl ....... . .... No .......... . .......... ~...... w--·-~ .,_.ml n, u.a or no pr.llMlllf ......_ Alfe a choice OI lllUr ..... 1netlc cyc'99 "°' • .,,.. OOl\dltlOMr ~-M fl1lp1 tllMIMt. 1'-Md .._ ........ SAYE TODAY AT DAYIS.IROWN a trash slant on dis*washing Big Capaoity Dishmobile • &clu1ive Suptr Sur9e Wuhlnt Action CONVlllTl llMILY e No Hend Rin1ln9 Ntceutry TO IUR.T•IN UU $1 995 All Frlgldtlrt tron1•1 o•dtlra • 1 • r.~. s.rn.9 C•peeity 7 :=," ~""::.,".; : INiMA:I (ot """' coot). '--~~~~~~--' • Wenderfully Quiet Optr1tion I 411 E. 17th St. COSTA MISA -M6°1U4 Dally 9.9, SeN..ioy 9·6 ·-_ _.. -- . AlLS1 ~ ~ 111111111 1~= 1111111 tdllll S!Ii 1111111 U"llll $20.00 $10.&0 •·""" e11.oo-• 8•50 · 22_50 11.&0 1.35-14 \9.26 9.50 23 00 12.&0 1.16-14 19 76 10.so · 13.iO 1.1&-1!5 . 0 2&.25 ... 1s-14 23.25 11.5 2.9 oo 14.&0 1 .15-16 25.75 12.50 ..,.. •• : .. °".....: ... 1 •1rr.14 .. _ .. __ ...... ,. 1 .. '"' t1.19 2.01 2.20 2.'l\ ·~· 1.31 2.&l 2.11 FIRESTONE 01.C-1 OD 6.50-13 f 7.00-13 6.SG-14 RETREADS ANY SIZE LISTED BLACKWALLS 1 6.9S-14 7.35-14 7.00-14 s10 7.35-11 6.SG-15 5.60-15 ,1111 17e "' lSc I*" tJno r.d. eT. teJ', Mll!I fd ., rect,...bltt tire of ... ,,. •la off your cw ·~1& pUJSta_. • 11 •·-WRITING . -· LARGER SIZES $12 EACH WHITEWALLS ADD $1.25 imllflON MUSTANG, COUGAR & CAMARO OWNERS' ffft$f01lt WIDE GVAL HIGH PERFORM~CE TIRES WHllE 51111'£ • POl YE!IU CQ(ID • IED SHIPE • NYLON COID • ll.ICKWAll $ D-10-14 (6.95-14) Plut $2~• p.,. r. ... rM. £1. To11 and '"• off ylMlr cer. 0th.,. ttie• e t <o..,po•obl• p~~·!· - MEDIATE & lARGER CAR OWNERS . ' . . INY SIZE ~l~~~L~· • DELUXE CHAMPION 4 for sea ..,,.,. WMteltri,e 1.n-11 WMh ""'9 1.11•1 I lff ""'9 IAS·IS J Stn,. 1.11·11 Jlrrtpe t .11.11 ........ UJ.11 hlwR Plus $1.21 "' $2.611 Fed. E"'"-Tu . Se'-5 T•x a. 4 rir. °" y_. "'· Precision Wheel Balance '-Prolonrthe life , ~ of yciqr titM ' s199 PER I VVHEEL With 1hla coupon FIRESTONE STORES COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH 475 E. 171!. ST. e 646-2444 OPEN MON.-FRI. ttol; SAT. 'TIL 5 HUNTINGTON IEACH 16171 BEACH BL VD. 141..-1 OPEN MON.-FRI. I to 9: SAT. 'TIL J • ., . I : 1 j I '. I I I ' ., I . I ; I 1~ I I -& • I -~~ .~t the G9vernor' s Ball _ ·l,i:J,ong gii .. t. e,nJoying the festivities of the Bicentennial Governor's Ball in the , ~Jltury Plaza,l!oiel, 'Lcls Angeles, are (left to ril!bt) Mrs. Peter Fluor, Lido Jslt; Charles Tuffree and.Mrs. S. Jame1-Tuffre·e 'of Balboa. The three were fll}c:l)j,.,otb.er countian.s attending as part of Orange County Bicentennial cele-, brjtion. • lQo Offered YWCA Lists Classes 'Anyone lntert.sted in ''doing their own thine" will have a golden opportunity at the San- ta Ana YWCA this fall . More than 100 different classes wii• be offered at the YWOA. beginning the week of Sept. -.n, open to men, women and teenagm. Included'fn the class list are sewing at all levels, pattern drafting, gourmet cooking, candlemaking, stitchery, tapestry, boutique sewing, knitting and cake decorating. Members Visit Site Orange , Counly H a r b o r Legfl tSecretaries Association Will meet in the headquarters ol iji"ti . Foundation for lbe Junior Blind, Los Angeles, tonight. Norman Kaplan, director or the foundation, will take the members on a tour, explai n the recent summer camp pro- gram and demonstrate the facilities. I Newiyweds Re si de In Canada Irtne Kalbryn 'Drake, a former-Newport Beacb resi- den~ and Dr. lUchatd G. Alli.son of MOntreal were mar- ried m Las veeas and booty~ niOooed at Nlaga Fal)s prior to retdrning to Maotreal. • The bride. dadcbter ~ Mrs. Lewis E. Mlsterly <i. Hun- tlngton lleacb and the lale Mr. Charles 0. Prak<, ii a graduate of Newpon Harbor Hllll> School and ~anae Coast College. She attended CaWornia State College at Loog Beach and now Is continuing her studies at Sir George Williams •Unlvtnity, Montreal . Her husband's parents are Dr. and Mrs. Gerard Allison of Wmnipeg. He earned his BA, BS and MD from lhe Universi· ty ol P..1anitoba and now is completing a residence in radiology at the Montreal General Hospital. Betrothal News Told The engagement of Colette Reed and Wilford H. Wright J r. has been announced by P..fr. and Mrs. Billie 8. Reed or Huntington Beach, parent_, of the bride-to-be. Miss Reed, a member of Zeta Tau Alpha .!ICltOirty at California State CoUegt' at Long Beach, passed chocolatt's to revell the news to friends. The couple plan to be married Oct. 3, in Sb. Simon and Jude Catholic Church. The bride·ele.ct was graduated from Huntington Beach High School and her fiance, who &ttended Orange Coast College, now is serving as an Army paratrooper at Fort Bragg, N.C. He is the son or Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Wright o f Hollywood. J UOITH LATIMER To S.y V~a Betrothal • OA1l Y '1LOT :JJ ch·apel' Scene ·of Rites Ferndale Wedding Chapel, Oranp Caul C.Uqe. Her 1l>e pewl~ are Iioney- S&nta Ana waa ihe aettl.Pf for hulblnd attended the = Jn aortbero a marriage between Mrs. 1....;U:;;ill:;;venl=..:lf-."'-=Ttnt-=--·-=-=-=---=eam-=--a.-=-=-=-=-=-= · Cheri Lyn Poota of Coroaa del Mar and 0 Raymond c. Maier Jr. of Orana:e perform- ed by the Rev. Dr. Gerfl4 Bash last Saturdiy altemoon. For the wedding t h 1 daughter or Mrs. .Edward Unhart or Corona dtl Mar wore a Iona 1own fuhloned "Ith eqibroidered daisies oo tbe hemline Md carried white dai.s.ies wr•pped in wbitl and yellow satin st.rumen. A cluster of flowers crowned her short veil Miss Nalalie DiS!uo, the bride's sister was m a l d of honor. She wor. a !1oor length turquoise cbiffon ..,.. and earried dai31es and ,.tlow and whUe carnations. N T Id The son of Mr. and Mrs. e W S 0 ·, RaymOiid C. Maler of PoaUoc, . 111. ask"ed Richard At Buffet A large floating heart In- scribed with the names of Judith Ann LaUmer and Michael William Sch1oessman of Beacon &y revealed the news oC their engagement to family and friends aUending a buffet dlnne.r hosted by Mrs. Charles R. Latimer, mother of the future bride. Mrs. Latimer, of Beacon Bay and Ontario, hosted the poolside gathering in her Ontario home. The bri~, also the daughter ol the late Mr. Latimer, wu graduated from the University of &lulbem C.Ufornia with a major in mathematics. She served as president of Gamma Phi Beta aorority during her aenior year. Her fianct, SOD of Mr. and Mrs. Carl SchJoessman of Los Angel~-was graduated from USC with a degree in business administration and served as president of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. Perndergast of Streator, Ill. to be }lest man. U&hers were Robert Distaso, the bride'• brother or Corooa de! Mar and Phil Orland of La Habra. Following the c er e m o n y Mrs. Bud Taplan circu1-\td a guest book among IO guests attending the church recep- Uon. A champagne reception In the new Hunlintt<>n Buch home ol the newlyweds follow- ed the church reception, • The new Mn. ?.1aler ls a graduate of N1v.tp0rt Harbor High School and a t t e n d s Women Count Opportunities Opportunities for women ~ day and ID the future will be discussed by Dr. Genevieve Stack. guest. speller for the first fall meeting of AWARE, Intematlonal tn tbe Revere House, Tustin Friday, Sept. 19, beginning with a '=·~ p.m. social hour. . WE CARRY NATIONALLY ADYERJISID BRANDS: V•n Huesen Shi<ls • McGregor • S~ur • L.ncer Shim • Budon Shim • J•ntien Sportswear • Turtle King Knits • Pudfan Sportswear • Shapely Shirts • Interwove n Hosiery • Keeper> Hosiery • A-1 Slacb • Ha rris Slicks • Rough Ridor stocks • Asher 0 Slacb • H199er Slacks • Timely Clothes • Sagner Clothes • Le Royal Clothes • Rough Rider Sport Coots CARLTON'S· Mort are oil and pasld ,pain- ting, Painting with paper, a beauty clinic to demonstrate makeup techniques, f • c i,a l ~etrics, guitar, SPiJ.niSh, skills and comprehension for grades %·through 9_. Arrangements for tht visit • .....,.,.,,.,, ______ .,.. lo the . group's philanthropy were made by Mrs. Annabelle Roberts, chairtable project dWrman;. Miss Barbar a Klimkiewk:2. vice president and ' proiram chairman. a·nd Mts. ,:Job.n C. Salyer, vi~ No date has been set for the wedding. Dr. Stack is a counselor at Fullerton Junior College and teaches al UCLA and UCJ. She also lectures al California State Colleges at Fullerton and Long Beach. FINE MENS CLOTHING 270 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa HILLGREN SQUARE Also" offered will be b&Dllwriting ~ n a 1 y s i s , Qi-_, S«:IUilies, bridge, YoP,.slimnad.ica, karate, .golf, tennis, volleyball and scuba president. Peering Around Conference Outlined . • Somt flfkinv, some limning ind· div.IQ&. . . Child care is' available dur- ing the day. Anyone wishing a brodwre !isling the · day and evening classes may call the YWCA at 54US77. ln preparation for the •--------"" meeting assoCiation members Volunteer trainers of lhe. Girl Scout CouncU of Orange. County will gather next Friday and Sal.urday in the Newport Service Center to explore new approaches to adult learning. I p"'l'lm thf! worb. TM Pm" UOCMUII~ 13S.SSOJ You'll wonder where the tallow ·t I wen .... Un'NOnted fatty tissue simply leefTIS to melt owov.effort~ !e.ssly · ond pleosontly, leaving you looking end fteling radiant, glomorous, desirable end lovely. Mony women lose several pounds and inches th1 wrv first treatment. But remember. weigh• Joss .... ek>n•tsolves only one figure problem ond , often ceustS othtrs ... let Shope Shoppes property con1our. trim, mold, s~~ reduct ond build OS needed 10 foshK>n !he pen.ct shope fGr yocK frome and bone structure ... It's what wt do best Shope Slloppes Is cfrtter.nt. Come in for yoorw shoo< onolysis todoy and ,.. lortoorn!f! · summER EHPADSIOO .SALE 20 TREATM~NTS •20 LIMIT E~OF;ER . . ' . Total number of treatments necessary to correct your individual figur• faults i re det!rmin'ed by COMPUTER CARD ot !he time of you r FREE SHAPE ANALYSI S. where a personal "SHAPING PROGRAM .. is dislgned exclusively for yo u ... ·There's no n1ystery, you'll know the exact cost of you r new sh1pe! FIG1JIUMOl&Pi1'G S&1 0l'liS 'h,ave been addressing rund- raising requests and will deliver more then 10,000 env~ lo Kaplan. _, [ JIOW SHAPING ] ·COSTA MESA & . ANAHEIM, TOOi - t A.MA, ... DMf, t 4&-S P.& SAJ.t ClllLD WI t·J A•Allttll CORA ms& <AU 'IOllAT WIST U. 6~~~ ~t!.,~ "''°::.no• 4,~?;.!,!3,'.I IAMtA -KA -·· lflUS ltOIT~llDSl IUllAMK 393-0064 361-1714 349-4788 842-0877 111.....,_ tt.'tJ,.,.,.. tmhHlfDtl...t 171SW.V""'9tA. .... RETURNING from an eight· day cruise aboard the SS President Roosevelt to British Columbia are Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Roper of Laguna HlU... RECEIVING her bachelor or arts degree in recreation from San Diego State Co!lege and now employed as a therapist at the mental health unit of Mercy Hospital, San Diego is MW Diana Earle Dootson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William W. Dootson of Corona del Mar. Eastern Sta r Masonic Temple in Lagu na Beach is the meeting setting when Laguna Beach Chapter · 511, Eastern Star members gather the fll"St and third Fridays at 8 p.m. More than 65 women are u - pectf.d to attend the aeuion where effective courses far leaders and other adillt Girl Scouu wiff be discussed. Featured speaker will be: Mrs. Howard Jone., member of the-Garden Grove Chapter of International Toastmistress Clubs. Her topic. Oodles of Doodles, will cover the late.at innovations In vlsual aids. Singing and folk dancing from many lands'will fill the center Friday evening, and the volunteer trainers •ill be given a preview of the Girl Scout. National Center West in Ten Sletp, Wyo. Lunch ed breakfast will be served by Mariner Troop 1343, Newport Beach, under the direct.Ion of Mrs. Ralph Whit- ford, troop advisor. $ale • $AVE! • $ale SEPT. 17th to 24th ONL YI FALLS • .... 60.H 5495 • • l avish lon4 24 to 28 inch, IOO Y. human hair falls. A wida Yari•ty of natur•l shadas +o choo11 from. W ear tied back or 1001• and natural for +h •t lov•ly casu al look. .... 61.00 .... 70.00 5695 5995 You'll also fAVE. on th• Fabulous TRAVEL WIGS • • • Th• fl•w sci1ntific fibers of I 00 1. kan1kalon that is •••Y .fo car• for: Tha tn.ily miracl1 wig. ·~ NOW ONLY 19'5 m /}/J. , WIG & BEAUTY allie 0 ~SALON 250 E. 17th ST. Gj·coSTA MESA 548-3446 DAILY TILL S:30 TH URS. & ,RI . TIL L 1:00 DAILY 10-t, SAT. 111-' Reservations and further ln-fol'!Ra~on a~t the group which lS dedicated lo helping women develop their greate.st potential with assi st ance through counseling servjces, child care information scholarships and general en: couragement may be obtained by calling Mrs. Wiiiiam H. Roley, 494-9651 or Mrs. Ray I OPBI ~UNDAY 12 ,TO 5 .I T)'rollll<. ·-· BankAmericord HARBOR CENTER 2300 HARIOR BL-VD. COSTA MESA FALL • Master Charge 1h PRICE SALE SEPTEMBER 17 to 30 SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION Every ya rd of fabric on t his t re me ndous sale will be mer~ed dow n to at least 1/i of regular price. ALL TYPES e A'LL PRICES e ALL FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK WOOLENS e COTIONS e AltNELS e 0A.CRC>r4S e SILIS AA YONS e I LENDS e ST I ETCH DON'T MISS THIS GREAT MONEY SAVING SALE AT ALL FINE FABRICS •' ., ~:::1 .. 111 .. 1111111111!1'1111 .. m!l:l!llllll..;:;::;::;;;;;;;:;::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;::::::::::~-:-::::::;::::::;:;;;:;;:;;:::;:::::;:;:::::::::::::::::;:;::::::::::;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;.;,;;;. .. .;;;;.;;., .. ;...~-;::::::::=~----·····--·· ...... ,.'P" .. -··. ·- I . ' . REPORTS:, Salad , I-C1l oh! !)>,mo, R)o~ltd 'l!ort. """7; DU llolclll, '{)lelday,S.p\.111. M!ftUwlll wu b••·t•~· by-bolnt ·.~IDll lllcNrd11ala, ltlllDld N• 11111 llu Bolf, Ududeclb,,1111.)1llilcband --1.. tuclMra llld -' : llall>b Jar>ta, a:· -1llabel. colfet. 'Tl<Alo. ·• ..... llOll Wlft 1ho .lilplomber ,. QfqulnM; Daril "'1lliiln dvtllel, ud Rdltrl G-Gflok!ll!llllO wUl'l!t -= tt.. lll'I. Pu! , ...,.,,..,Ubop; ~d ... ya lad """°'!· fealurtd at 10 CCD" eaeb, OhlM -lie 1oUowtoc ; Pia, ,,,.watlto~ ' V ... 1 • • ' • wt1h prt.., for Ill. Volun-commlliee :-mbera, tllty ,\ Tll'lo<;~ ,b.o p); l-.r Pfq ' . .. teen lntcreatod In lllllllnl are the Mmes, ~ -Ii l"ltdrlct SvWoh, publlcl· , ' Jll!I. ~-Bodi! , .111&¥ contact., Mn. l!lv...a Erdman and Jam" -· ·" 'l 1M red>rd boOk'1 ' IOlui • ' l'hlldent " Bteter Jr. •t SIO-l'lti. art and Pl5lera.; Rcmkf• ... t<;:arQp and Ronald TaylOJ'~, coMINO' UJ!: Jee ,cream . R.EPO!lTSi MrL E d•W .,, d Huf~ beallh 'and weilln; room reprosenta.Uve; Robltrt ltltival ~ 1:111 to I p.m. SW:ll«, ho 1p111 I It y . l chllrm1n, ..... wltb ol· ncera ...i c1111nn .. hoSled •· I a l>uUtl luncheon Io r t<acllen and iitol!. California ·PT A Mn. T .. A. llrilM l'lU!dent COMING 'UP • Get-acqullnted collee !or ,molhen of -l\l!dellla *111 take •place Wtdoelday, Oct,. 1, In Ute Olllltlpurpoee "'°'"' Mn. Robclrt E.' McGutnnea,, is -to!Uy chalrnml. ~: Ofticera ta serve are the1 Mmea. Ttd A. Brl!ao. p«;esldtnt; S t a n Kirby, Joe M'eo1 and Mltcolm Ehlers, v t c e presidents and C h a r I e s Goode and Bruce Bourbon, secretaries. Bill McCann ls t.rM.uter an.dWlllJam ..llldlonla II audJJW. Com- m I tt e e cha.lrmen are the Mines. ~ayne. H o,u S i o n , character and 1pirltual: Larry Bench and Robert , Uragaml, decoratiom; William Walker, room mother representaUve; R.C. Sherrick, safely: Ricb&r<I Moellar llld Ralph Boegle, te.lephot!e : Don R o b I a n , way,. and means ; Ralph Qdenwald, health and wellani : ,Henry Rowell, in- side publicity ; Ric bard Ogden, ju>enlle ~nn; ~ Bruce, leplaUoo; E. L • Zlellnsti, magUJ.DeB; Joseph RoW, m o t b e r s ' wortsho~ B~yd McCullough. newaetle: Donald Bennett, l ' r e: D t ed(iuUon; Edwar Jacques, photography; W l 1 Ii am Richards, procedµre boots ; Joel Vall, publicity: John Michael, radio, motion p!c· ture and television, and Robert Smith, reading and library st r v I c e. William Hamilton h e a d s disaster prepardness committee. College. Pk. PT A Fans and Pfay(i!IJ_ Alike Needn't Star-ve Mn. James Scbfer President Sn football fans won't lllliv.e while cheering on the Artists to victory, the PTX· will serve hamburgers with all tile trimrnl~s be&e eilcfUame, slarting at 6 p.m. Friday, sept:~it/ in'. fl\t school cafeteria. PUT-TOGETHER$ -Pair a Solid vest or sweater with tweed and you have a winning combination. The pants: and skirt are berry and cream herring- bone tweed and the sweater vest and cotton suede tunic are ~rry. 1 • • CORDUROY CUTIES -Rlbl ess corduroy makes bocll·ICHCltool n1w1 when It 's fa shioned into a fitted tunic wlth matching flared panls and a pantdrus. ~ talhiona lrom Penne,v's. ' ChowlJ!f down are Pam Smith and David Nortllciitt. wbile ·.r.lrs. Mark L. Smith Jr., president of the Laguna Beach unit, .prepares more mouth-watering hamburgers. · . .COMING UP: General m~g at 7:30 p . m . Tuesday, Sept 23, in the mulUpurpose room . Staff will present an eiptanation oC tbt .fourth through sixth grades AOngraded reading program. . REPORTS : Board mettlng took place and artic.leJ for the November baz.aar were displayed . , . Board members hosted a faculty luncheon. Davis PTA Mr1. Graat Bertalet President REPORTS: Assisting Mrs. Gordon St. Clair, hospitality chairman, with the teachers' luncheon ...ttre the Mmes. Grant Bertalet, W a I t e r Grevle , William Balentine, Robert Welfare ap.d Richard Ortlieb. -Wern.er Carlson, pr1nclpal, we)comed t h e teachers and board ..•. School handbooks w e r e assembled by the Mmes. Dalt Jeffries, Bal'llUne, Bertalet. Wet f 1 r e and Ortlleb. Estancia PTA · M11. Ralp~ Boe1el President REPdRTS: Teachers, slart and· board members were serve« at a welCGme back· kHcbool luncheon. Msbtlng in &he preparaUom w e r e Mn. Herry llty, Mrs. He.rJ)ert Foss and Mn. Ray· mond Cecc1rinl . Dr. Norman Loats, assista nt !llpe.rtntendent of t h e Newport.Mba U n I f i e d SUSPENDER SKIRTS - A pretty shirt ls the per· feet foil for a smashing suspender skirt. A checked suspender pantsuit is worn with a Buster Brown shirt (left), and the plaid suspender ~~irt willt two front pleats is worn wilh a (}yo.front sb1rt. School Diitiict. was special guesL Mesa Verde PTA Mrs, Nancy llelallart Pnsldent Switchable . Separates Rate First on Campus COMING UP : lee cream social from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 2..1, in the multipurpose room . REPORTS : Mn. N an c y Reinhart wu elected to 1erve .es prt11ldent at th e 5eptember board meetina: .. Workable. and switchable parts for back·to-school cos- tumes. .,. hetdllnina lhe lalest collacUoo. A softened version of the clualc shlrtwalat blouse is 1 mainstay for most wardrobe ldeu. Wilh tremendous c0llars ond. cuUs •nd JlllllY aleev"' -.Ltt.--mo1t P?PtJlal' ~ are ' • ~ ~lotb arid voUe. Soltened swutcn also 1r1 'lif>ldlllltd, with cable sUched · c:ordlrans looking mon nn lq, lean Lunla, 0 f t e n '"'""!"" to .............. the 'blUclwlnr 11lt1vu. SlreveJus ~-1wuteh have eitller dlbood V or U nkkllnes. Sktrt1 are short and are usually panll In dltguise. Some have auspendtr atraps, othtra a r e wrapped kilt-like -----= and some have tiny button trim on the sldrt )'oke. Scooter skirts that measure ts loches front waist lo hem are really disgubed cuJottes. Plaids, cbecU ond tweeds • share the Umtll&ht with n~ Club Opens New Year wale corduroy. A muaical program i nd Jumpsuits, pantsuits and luncheon art planned for the panlldrems all team with the Hnl m~ing OI the club year shirt styles f o.r a fashJonable for the Coma Mua Women's twosome In tUCh fabrics • Club. • cotton, suede, herrincbone Mri. Phillip Hay, prtsldenl. tweed Cl' heavy t.peNy. will proalde c1Urln1 the Pants are slim, hanaln& buJlneu mHllnl which will. straight from the hips •to the fol~ 1 noon luncheon. tops of the 11boes. the)' are PrcsenUn1 tht m u s I c 1 I seen pairtd with s1eevtlta numben: will be Jan Rubini, tunia or with em.brokle.red violinist, compoeer and con. vests, A new look for pao&I ls duct or, and hli t0n1 Michel, the railed \fll1tband wllh !Oft Tl>• meeli•f wl~ lw place tt1cb 1crou tbil tlrmmy tnd ln the Wcnnen 1 clut:ihou!e and wide Oaring teas. retenaUont ire necusiry. l No More Monkey Busines.s ~ ' .; I • ,, > :;. • Clowning around before gettin~ down lo serious business are ~' of Corona de! Mar Hi211 School's flagtwirlers, (left lo right) Kathy, Dwicc;I>a]1ml Smit!' • and Betsy G'iacoor.izzi , who are painting some of their P"'111· Pracllc!Jll lhalr routines and malting their costumes for the year has kepi the tw)l'Jen'· OQI of "mPllkey bwin~s" during the summer. The six twirlers, -wtth the. rert of th.e CdMHS Pep Squad, assist al PTA meetings and special events durinf ~year. due to the resignation or Mrs. Richard S I e I e I . Reports we.re given by chaJnnen and officer!. Monte Vista PTA Mrs, frtark Morris President COMING UP: Board meeting at 9 a.m. tomorrow In the multipurpose room. REPORTS : Officers raUfied at tht Augu!l board meeting were Mrs. Ronald Hackler. recording secretary; A1rs. Robert Miller, soc i a I chairman, and Mrs. BUJ fi.1cAlee, legislation a n d magazine .•.. Salad luncheon for teacheta and staff took place in con- junction wHh a farewell par· ty for Don Hout, principal who now will serve all direc· tor ol lnstrucUonal :services for the N e w po r t·Mesa UnifJed Schoo I Dlatrlct. Mrs. Robert MUler was chairman .•.. Back-to· school coUee hour took place last Wednesday P\reQta of new students were preze.nted welcome kits. Ass i 1 ll n g were the Mmes. J o h n Turner, D a v I d Goodsell, James Moor-and James Moffett. . . . Bud.pt com· millet meeUng too~ place. yesterday in tht home of Mrs. David Mooney. At- te~ing were the Mqle1. ~11P'k Morris, A n d r e w Lakatosh, Jama Stveraon and Goodsell. Paularino PTA Mrs, Nlgel Bll6lty Prdloltnt ' Membership c a m p a I g n began today. Mrs. Gerald Abbott, chairman, ei:pects all symbolic flowers to blossom 11!0 percent. •• Ex· ecutive board meeting at 8 p.m. Monday, Sept. 22, in the home of Mra. James Tem'ple .. , .• Mrs. Anthony Beeler and Mrs. S. M. Riven, ho& lunch chainnen: will resume the lood l!UVlce Tuesday, S.pl 2.3. • • • students' c a k e decoraUne coat.est. ca k e walk and games w i 11 hlghlight the family ice cream aoclaJ from 5:30 to a:~ p.m. Friday, Sept. 26, in the school hall. f\.trs. Wayne Boag is cJWrma~. REPORTS: Newcomers were welcomed ·in the homes oJ the Mmes. Boag, Charla Meckstrolh, John Seymour and Gerald Walton .... Mrs. James Meehan created an autumn atmosphere for the annual back-to-school coffee for all mothers .•. , Involvement was the · keynole of the first general meeUng when 148 members altendcd. Room mothers of eighth erade s t u d e n t s hosted. Program honored new staH members, Sister Mary'· Perpetua, M I 1 s Carolla Collins, Mnl. Susan Phelps and Mn. Carolyn Dean. Mn. ll<nnls w ah, president, Introduced the of· ficel'1: and chairmen : the Mmes. Reno PlerotU, vice president ; Robert McConnl!h and ·r. A . O'Gorman, secretaries; T. -. I M. M1tbeus, treuurer1 Boag, JDOepb Scbulil~ ancs Walt9n, ways and meaftS; Robert R e i d , jlar\ilmeno tarlan; Temple and Georatt. Ca rlyle, room mother1;t James Burnett, co u r I er ;1,. John HarU, publiclty;I Clarence C 1 ark, art!! coordinatpr; Gerald Samsel, 1 ( athletics; Charles Morgan. Chrlstmas baiaar: Michael Butler, DeMartllac: Jostpb\ Parrioo and ·Terreac ; Clarke, fasblnn sbow: l'rant~ KrelUer, hea1th; Jame 1 Meehan, hospitality; Rivera and Becke.r, hot lunch; LeRay Taube, 11 bra r )' ; James Slolp, hUtoriln: Jofinl O'Brien, calendar; Gtralcf Abbott. membership; Emil ' Dtyden, popzlclt; Pa u J• DouU, remedial reading: Roger Gibbons, s a f e t Y i Jose:>h Mosbrucker • telephoae; Klas Gruenbeek., trading slampsi and Busbhousen, will..ms. • • ; < Open hOll!e took place la.I \. Stqlday with conducted tours of the libr1ry and remedial reading rooms that were 1'model0d by Mn. lltld tnd Mr. and Mrs. Doutt. . . . 1 Wil1on Pl'A. Mn. WUU.m Oldllw Prt114'nt ' COMING U P : AssoclaUnn , meeting and bact.lo-fchool night at 1 p.m. tomoJTOW, in tbe mu!Upu.-_ n>em. REPORTS; Teachers Jun-~ cbeon WU 'Jiosted by board 1 memben; Mrs. G111 Clark wu cbainnan. REPORTS : Augurt. board mecling' took place in the home of Mn. Nigel Balley. Annual bttdgtt waa1pproved as presented by Mn. Del Larson, treuurer. M rs . John Grauer, waya . and means chalnnan, outlined the project for 1" year. Programs and pfo1r1m books were ~ by Mrs, Fred ·P 1 I'm tr, chairman. . . Launchln1 a new year with ..U bpi.ti tuJ- ed with candy Wcre lbt theme and decoraUons at the teachers' luocheon. Year's Plans Outlined For Fourth District Coordlnatin1 the ·-and dec:oratlom were Mta. Richard Schmick and Mn. WUUam Brannick, hoopitlU· ly chairmen. Gordon Imler, principal, introduced the staff • . . Gel-acquainted coffee took p I a e t last Wec!Maday !or mothl!:n of kindergarten students St. John Aui. Tbe e1ecuUve board of the Fourth D I s t r I c t Californla Coogreu of Parents and Teachera recenUy approved PfOIJ'am! themed SignPQSlS to BeUer UDderala.nding. Mn. Ge0<11 P. Karcher, program cbalnnan, announced the •1mdl: dlllrtct meeting, SberalA>n llesCh Inn, -Hu .. tiJ1l1on Beach. tomomJW; CM- venUonttte. United MethOclisi Church, barden Grove, OCt. JO, and advilory board lun· cheon Ind district bolrd m .. tlnl. Ha' P"1ll)' l n n~ Westrnfntltr, Dec. 11. Mra. Oeanl1 W1l1 )'rosident COMING UP: Mums Startlna off the new year will be 11 Founden Day meeUni. Charter H o u 1.-t , Anaheim. Jan. t ' : ad-• m1n1altaton dinner. Ka tell a ror H!Jlh School. Anaheim, Ftb. 19; district mtdln1 Ind eltc- Uon of officm, San Cloltlento Inn, Match 11, and dl.1&11ct meeUn1, 'prutntlUon e r awards and 1Mtall1Uc.i of district ofllctn In Yorba Lin- da COUlltrJ CluL, April II. l!:ucollve board memb<n are Ille Mmts. E. D • Wlllmort, president ; Karcher, vtce pr11ld11t : P1ul Hoaeycutt . recording atmtary;· Jotepb T. Miiier, corrupondlng • e c r e t a r Jl Jooepb L. Ytn Buron, Qnan- clal aecratary; W. A. Fttguaon, ttu~: Marcus Dodlon1 auditor, H. Robtt1 Blackford, hlsil>rtan; J. Fr1Dk S n owden. · parllame.ntarlan; Kenneth M. Smith Jr.. P.,I r.realdtnl, •nd Paul Love, ourth district olfico director. I I I ti I . 1 , I ,. I I ·' " I - • • L t 0 .l ' ~ I I . I j j 1 h D • p c a I l • , c c d • I I O I ( ~ d • • • r ~ I ' t • I ' I • r I j I ' • I ' ,, l I I ' ,. I • Saddleha~k l Vo't.'.·1.2, NO. 223, 4 SECTIONS, 66 PA~ • ' . ' fQI ION • • • • ,, TEN aNrS . . . Police Qlve Hippi~s N·o . ' ·Treatnlent 87 BUllARAJUIEllllCJl Of .. ll-lb' Piii ..... .l'll<ll ol all kinds, fn>m petty to grand, l{!.quna'a No. I cr!Ine problem today, eonce Clilef l;'.enneth Huck !old manbm ol lhe Eubaop Club meetlni al Hole! j;agut>a Tuesaa;. Nar..,tlca •lolaiiona r¥k oOCOlld on !he ~ eorop, crime acene, with realdeuUal 1>qrg1ariea 1n third pi.m. · To help mercbaots .i.lend themseJv .. , agalllll the wave of shoplifting that haa D t'"-.'' ~·-.-=".. . Mission Trail .. '. To Recruit I Palisades Church Ne" Laguna Beach Police Cblef Kon- neth Hack Is askjng city CQUllCilmeu to permit ·1!fri!IJ experienced police at 1ailirle5 <ini!Valect to · P!'r· they recelvo elsewhere. I Hosts Steak Feed CAPJSTRANO BEACH -M<n of !he Palliades United Melbndist Churd!· ano hosttiig' their aruJUal barbecued •leak .din- ner sa'turday Sept. 20. S!l<Ufi>h ·bea.,, baked pptatoea. aalad and beverages will be served at the 5 to 7 p.m. dinner al the church. Fees are sz.~ ror adults and •1.50 for cbil~n. The public Is blvlled to come and bring !heir own steal< lmlvea. e Vl"a Tallc Si.tell LAGUNA HlWl -Members of lhe Kiwanis Club of Laguna RiJl11 will learn about Vlyi. during their noon meeting Tt,.sdily Sepl. 16 In Lel!ufe .Wilrld'a ClubbOll3e One. . , , Viva . is an organiza.Uon dedica~ ta comtmlting college campus violence and dimipUon. Richard 1be.l&. Viva es:ead.ive dinoctor will be lhe guest speaker. e Church Offer• Clfll!• MISSION VIEJO -nie fil'Bt mee!inl of the new season of the ClonlraterftltJ~of Christian Doctrine sponsored by St. Nicholu CaUwlic Church will be Tu~ day. AU high school students regardless of denmtlnation are invited to tbe .film Mowing, group dlseu&Sion and mwle session. The.program wW begin at a p.m. in the multipurpose room of Mission Viejo High School. e Fashion Shoie Dela.,eli ~ION VIEJO -The tennis fashlon. r;how scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 11 has been postponed unUl Sept.. 30. The e~nt will tak e plact at 7:» p.m. in the Recreation Center. Stoel• JIJarlcets NEW YORK (AP) -'nie stock market "185 a loser today, after finishing it. two previous sessions on an upbeat. (See quotations, Pages 22·23). Trading was moderately active near the close. The Dow Jones industrial av~ erage at 2 p.m. was off 4.55 at 827.09. lfuok, l'lbo Is recrulUiJi !or lour ol· fiCers, said~ln~a dt?partmeDt the size of Laguna's,· law .enforCement could suffer while· four i'ileiperiericed men are achool· edal>d~-• The cill•I ~-reccmm~ lbal coon-cilml" niodlfy the exlsllng· persmmel ordjnaoci! as a toot for attracting ex- perienoed police, "llecrulirneut Is dilfltllil all over right now;" • safd Huck. "I !llspect' all depa$nentis are do"'p from their alloted ~P\ime¢. 'lbe people we 41re !~king for are the same people that t~ and busitieos·ire t>ylng to r.crull even' befono graduation.". · _ 1'e said th~. ~orld , of'. ~!nw h~s a de<:(ded'. ~bntnt, e<lge Iii allra£1Jng 1>rfKb! ~ .m.P. ~ a 'P..<!'ieta.ry and • ....,.... _, II!" ... ID a !ellef·CO'the i!il:I'· inaniget, Huct wrote .. to hire an experienced man and •latt him~ aanle;·"'1Y ..... ..,... perjo1!Ce4,Pt11011; or hire liie fR"rlenced ~a~ ~~·rate aJid UJlll'ldf ihe kJ-expeil~ Jo thla pay1\eyel;ts ool prac· ticai and'.~ not· leiid w "'°" Internal moraJil' , liuc1' · ti-the ordlDance will he chang~ to pet'!l\ll hlrinf al a ,P•Y range and~ eQuiValerlt ·to ·tbe· Person'• n- pertence.. Thia 'would ·be done 'with ap- proval of the 1dty•manager. n.. matter Is w he comldered b)' coun· cllmen lo!iJght, Qty Manager James D. Wheaton ,aald tbe ·muhlcipal employe ,ts.socjations.. ~r in the ·recom- mendallon that the ordinance be changed .. """""""11 . . PILOT PICKEROO POSES PROFITS Tile DAILY PILOT klcl<a off the Grange Coast·!ootball oe,aaoo today with a contest that offers profit for pl&skln prophets. The Pilot Pigskin Plckeroo, with more tt.an $100 in prize! each week for the ne:1t 10 weeks, $rb today with the rtnrt list of 20 games. See how· fnJll)' winners )'Oll can pick. See Pase I>. Longtime Laguna Write~ Barbara Kreihich onPilot Long-time Laguna• Bea ch newspaperwoman Barbara Kreibich has rejoined the DAIL y PILOT staff and It now assigned to the newspaper '• ~ office at 222 Forest Ave. · h-trs. Krelbich, a n award-winning j0uma11st, previously served an the DAI- LY PILOT slalf In 196Hll. Moel ftCODll;f ~ was managing editor al the South Q>ast Newt-Post. Her career in joumalh1m -since llu1 "".M J.f. years old -has ranged fl'Otn weekly newspapers to toteruau..I magazine•. Sht. was for eight yem--• oor- respqndenl for Ll(e Mapzlne In bolh.lhe New York offices and Europe. She cowred the United NaUons and once dlfr ... trig uslgnmect ln l\aly wa1 held at gun. pOinl. by com1iluni!ls during p<Mleclion riots in Milan. Mn. Kreiblch llrlt saw Laguna Bacb aa a child on a Chrbtmu hotidly oatiDC with her family. Tbe1 stayed al the Holtl guna. "Since then I have &]ways tort of had loot In the place," she said. Born in Sydney. Australia, Mn. ei.bich came to &he U.S. when &be waa yea.rs old. · · oumallsm came naturally. She Is the hler of th• late At: O'Connor, ·Umt news man and lar lonntr ts.. IJ\EWCll, ... J) .. GAILT,Mfttilfl' ...... ltEJOl'NI DAii y PILOT 'STAPI' Mrs ... ,._,. Knillilch ' . • volved," Huct told guests at lhe J..,.h meeUnc. "'l1lls ii your ·l>l'Obltm. Th.,. thefts take pltce Inside storea and thei:e lsn'L anythlng ~we can· 40 1bout them unless the owoera wlll ac.t. to .aplftbeod the Ihle/. "We can lhen lake tQe suspect tnlo =¥Y· but the vlcUm mµsl follow up by pro.ecullng. A lot of the/I c a n be preft'ntea if citizerui ~w y;hat steps they muat take." "lt'a a crime if a merfbant who bas • Nixon been vl¢lmlud by • sboplll!er _, proaeeute," commented Realtor Lloyd Milne; during the informal diacUS!ion with the new Chlel of pollie. Insurarw;e man Ro)' Martom wanted to know H Uuck had 1any special, plalis to deploy a pefcentage of bls lorce to cope with ''!he hippie problem." · H>ict said he h111 been rei:eivlng daily phone calls asking the sam~ question. "Hipplu are enUUed lo the same rights .. . ' . as any penon .on. the streets," aaJd the chief. "By the ~e token, they art sub-. jed to the same.. lawa. J cau't M ' an:r special 'drive' agtlnst lhem. Tile law iJ very speclllc and applies equilly lo all people." Huck said he doesn't find Lagun&.'1 j1fGo blems too· dlHerent from tho!e ' Jn other ciUe.!, 'e1cept for lhe ract that,-u a resort town, ltjCl.raws people, w,bo fP.A1 ~ acm~bal "dilfr:enl" ·1rom: feat·rOund' relldeots and lbere(ore.I ... ac<:eplable to them. Regarding clalma lbal. -towna ~v~1~ li>dl; hlnnle ~ b)' """"'""' them up and "ordertoa'p.odl to got a bafrcut and take a bath,• l!Qck lilg. gested. "Nm lime you bear thal, aak lat apeciljc detan.. The lacl la that .., cu can otdet a hippie or an;.m. • ~·• bath unte.. be baa been duly·~ and convlcled. ol aornelhln1. Thin hll !See POIJCJ!,j_' ... II ~, • • Repeats NO · Plan ' For Suspe;nding Draft C;ish Register Makes Sweet Sound of Music The IOlmd · of music echoed 1weeUy ' from the coif.,_, the Lyric Opera ~Ion ol Oran$• Coonty this w"k as Qffitja1a added up reclpt.s:· from the group1s ftnt venture Into popular mustaal proc!uctlbn. Fe La l!eadt·~' . . !If ''ttiil· . ~· ~ . '." ' ~ t ,000 =:: lrijn<~ ""the'Weok~· of Sept. H and IJ.IS, ......Uve dlnocl<ir Velma ~un>ftPOl'led this w• Atteiidance the firrt 'w~ noached 1,000 per perfol"'aq<e, Mrl. Sun sale!; and exceeded-11\al ·~'"' the .eccoo tfeekend. By cotnpiriS!IPl attendance' at thnoe perlorman<es of U.. njolt popular grarid opera preSented by the asaodation, "Mlulame Bdllerfi1," to1a1ea only 5,000 and •crowds at moat other Jopera1 were muCh below that. Box office receipts for "Music" sllll ano being checked, bul II b 'esllroaled they will be well in excess of $20,000, compared with $18,000 for the most suc- cessful season of opera and substantially Jess for other seasons. "Thefe•s no doubt we ~ out in tlMI black this time," the beaming Mn. Sun 811t'OUDced-ln pi'evioos yW., grand opera ~ duciiori.!. despite city rupport, have recorded regular 10.!SU. Decision to pro- duce '"The Sound of Music" was an at- tempt to recoup these losses and revitalize the former Festival oi Opera, now.tM Lyric Opera Association. Eventual aim, Mrs. Sun said, is t.o pro- duce ooe mualcal and one grand opera each season. But for next year, she ad- ded "I'm almost certain the board of dire'cton will be Inclined lo do just another musical." Although the ,mlll.ical, with a cast of more than 40, • wu not Jess ezpeMive to prodlce than an opera, the raUo of profit was hlghei' becaUse 9f audience atu, ahe expllined. . n.. box oflloe beueliled lrnm JD&n1 llttlJ> salel, Including web bodies u the lt.iowood ·Cly Eniploye~ lhe Loni Bea¢' Officers' Mas Club and a variety ot mOI clubo. Major Uckel qenc1., bandied sales and there ""' good response lrom (l!ee MDSlC, Pace ii Only One Files For -1l~-e'lectio1i T o"F. estiv~l Board Upoomlng •lecllon,, ol lhr<e Fe.Uva! of • Arts 'dlreclbla oppWed tod81 lo he no conlall wilb·"1!1·'"" « !he lncumbeult Wod !er J'Hlaclloo by mkl·momln&. fncumbenl dlndori wbooe three yeor lama are up !or elecllon .,. Verner Beck, 6iuarl •Dltrtee and Dr. Harold J!Urion. ll<ck "has "filed nOrnlnaUon papers. It Is belleved Burlon will 'TUB but Durnuald today he ii undecided. Dyd!ino.f'I" flllnc -lion papm It 4 p.m. Frtdaf, said Board President William 0. Marlin, in callin( au.nUon , apn to the eJecUon. Pe-pen 111 avallable al the Festival ofllcel. The ballota will he COWliacf al tht an- nual memberahip meetlni al Irvine Bcwl Nov. 10. In lhe event thent.11Jou1d not be Ihm • candldal.,, II becoq>eS Ille duly of a nomlnoUon cnmnilttee appofnled br the nln .. .,,..,bu Festival board lo· aeek a tandldate. ' • • ' Queenie and Friend . ' Harry Moon, owner 01. the Cl!ltage Restaurant in Lagu'l" Beach, ap- pears to be getting cozy with l<!n~·Sfzed Qu~erile, c,eaUoil of I?AIJ. Y PILOT cartOorilst Phil lrlterlandi. Actually, Moon purchase ,panels. durin~· Art Colony playhouse 'auction for decoraUons at his cale.ile's chec g hole. bored-iii the, panel by construction workers at the new play ouse. . " . · . Schools to Seek $7,500 • '° ' I • J 1,,. • ' - To Ai~ .8=emedial· Reading I But Pullout Means Cut · In Callups . ' . WASHINGTON (UPl) -'Ille l\'hl!o House imlsted today !or the ioeond lliM lh two ctajl that Pi"'"""~ NIJOD bai iio plan to SUipeod lhe di,fll, mo l<i ,.brief ' ~~ Raiaj.i>i.. ~~ );, ~~~M~.---~'°' .F,or. ll)e .f<ftpeaa!>ie ~· ~·--Ila fiopti .. drall di•.... ... . ' ~ Secre1orY. 'Mel•ln II,~ Iii-. ~.tOcla,, Ibo li'!OP wllbdtaWali -• Vlelliun will meon a cut In drill...UO ln comJDa months. AL a Del'I conference. ht · ~so laid there ii an 1•argeot Dfle4~ '-' ' dnlt' '-"orm, callfnr'a-lo>Nbm ~.bOngln( llie ..... Cilpflol HilL Laird told a Pentagon oewa conlennce the new 35,00lknan ;\'lthdmral m... ~~~.=-~~ diaft cana. _.., He gave no figures on draft reductions lilt said' be 'w\Ju]d dlaom. chanpl In draft calla wllb Selective Sm.le!> oflld1l1 .. Friday •. SOm~ 211,000 nien have been tcheduled to be· dralteil·in·SepU:mberand ·-19,000 In October. • Laird said, "The Vlelnamloallbn pto. gram will bava a very si&nificant effect upon programmed draft calla !or Ilia mouths lromedtately abead." He said Nbon's new cfll Iii llio nu!borlzed U.S. troop.celllng ·tn Vlei-. to 481,000 by Dec. 15 will loo made up .. follows: -11,263 from the """1Y, ~udlng. • brigaqe-and support element.. . ..,o;,231 from the Navy, Including co/i. structlon battalions and 1 up poi t elements. ' -11,157 !i'oin !he M.vine ~-. ·h> cludliig !he 3rd Dlvia!On arii!""'~ elolnenla. ' -1,511 from the Air Force, ·!ncludlnr combat tqnadmm: and IUJIPOl't..tkm••· Tbe breakdown ldveu bi Laird added to 4(1,lOO. This -.S'be llle.redlldlon ID the anthorized llrlllllb -u -" to the .tt.lai strenclb ~. ol 11¢\IJnyolVed. 'l'ba Wbitlllouae'uaed the llgUre ... Tiiel- day In announdn( !he "actual OS-" 16' !he .redilcllon. ' ·0r..,. lfeaf.Hr !I'll be 1111t Ule san rtan<llco wllllou~ Ille Gold,n Gate. to~ and Thunday morntnc u lh• fog rcllii Jn' aDd ~ uoW mld- mornlnS."l'•mporal_..,. pq. Ced bl Ille middle 'IU'L ' INSIDB ~DAY A 10ild COllledp ai!d a ~ cal drama Joi• UI< porodc .~t lltit • u...t.r -ii&'..°"'"" Oou•cr lllll ... l-S11 ,_.,,,. ~~-· • I •• ~ l DklY_ mw . · · l-· w~;!'@ IF V· 1~ Regional Park Del,ayed Lcgllnc Teen C~ LagunaHighAFSStudents Feel Friendship, Freedom Whal a1nJCI< lh<m the moot different .mm t¥r Own coontrtla and America ...... the ... Jlmlla .. drinking and Y(lilng. In G.nnany one can lqally drink at 11. EJibl<tn b the 11• for both drink· 1111 and voting !;] South Africa. MANFllED 1B IJ>Olriling much of Illa lime after llChool cri tl>e football field, praetiolng a game unknow11 In hlJ ....,. try. We'll aee a lot of Manfred u he will be om-ldeter f0< field goat. and extra polnta. Not many echoola can boast of a kicker llW ·comea all the wa, from ~ and Marcie ahand llmilat aplnkllla ... tl>e funcllon " -(OYmlllltlll In Olll' llChool 1llly ........ LBHS'1 S\11dtal Collllcll In ID .. offJdo pos1tlon. '1'm ulolilabed lo find 111Ch .,..1 -and -In your ..--m. All the -puplla reapecl lhe aovernmail-Al.,bolnt In 6-IJll', lhe P'lllill ooJy want the P'Ullll!llll lo oupport them. not lo questloo their ... tlw," commented Mantnd. M1l114 beld•tl>ahludllll pernment la • .,., Ill-tn· hlJplng tl>e lludnla, -... In hlr lane coontry, II ulala '"fa; tl>e police fan:e of ICbool rulu. LAllr THING lllat I uked them 'It'll whit tl>ey lound here Ill Ille American hem• tblt they hid never aeen tJr heard cl. In their naUve countr"8. llur!dllnil1. both bad the acme ...,,.., N-Go!man1 a<r !!Guth Africa bu ane of the American ~ten' .,..1e11 belpo: the prbqe cfiiPooar, NOif ma,be 1"'1· .,_ 1 Diiie about our m foralp frltlldl. ail I'd '"11111 1"'I rwtlllem and1<tlo lmow 1111a;ec- thq .... ....n, fr06"7 l*fll. Bowlers Clublwuse Plans Receive CQol '.Reception . ' ' ... A ,,.,. • plin IOrl 11111' puioaed. ~luNmle, --lo -the~ C>wmnla!M MCllld11 by member> of tl>e lqulll lleocli Lawn Bowllq Club, noetV<d 1 cool ,...ptlcn. Relocation of tl>e llruc:tun lo tl>e ..... o1de of tl>e J!elller Part .,._ wu ac- coiUbl• liut -ftlt tlla .... d<ollD left ~1 to be --the a-l'Glnl al view. Appmnl Joa of It leut ane piblic _., to -te lhe bulJ4lng a1.o .... qaesUooed. City PWml!r Al Autry wn lnltructOd lo meet with tl>e i.,..,. bowlen lo ,nqueat mote detailed~. hopefully w111i-' daigu lmpn>vement&. key ll1'llClln In Helaler Part ~d be~ dMI ..... to coulorm with tl>e natural landl<ape, , pi..m.r. ......... IAll yur the ._ bowlen -<!tr 1ppnm1 of a ell-te be llUlll at Ibo nor1h ml al Ibo bowlln& ....... - ~ a club ""'°" eof!ee'ber, locl<en mlnall'OOIDL All« pn>tuta lmn CUii Drive rai-. plllll were modllied ao that the bulldlng would not pn>Je<l •bov• lbe n>ad level Hawfffl'. COMldet1Uons of ftnanclng, . along with m<rnben' health, pmnpWd the bow1era lo tet.k a new JocaUon for their clubbome, lhll UIDfl on the ocean aide of the veena nut to tl>e lhuf. lllbolnl courta. Hen a lW' upenaive ltNcture, wt&h only fiw st.,,. lna1tod of u, could be bulll, they Upllinal. "I'm alad to !ff "the buDdlng still wori"t prnject above the street," said com- mW!ooer llawan! Holdeu. "We abould try to wort wiLh thtm on Jt." i fl I' y ['.,GI ~· .... --~·. "I'm not oppoeec1 to the · lltt,'! Dr . \ Robert Fnnch commenled, "bUt I want ' lo tuow U th•t pathwa, ii IOina to be replleed or al>literaled." ·"Ptrbapo we coWd allO IUDa\ ..,,,. Mlthdlc chan&a." added Dr. Joaepb Tamchak. -... ----... ·...:!::...=-• ........... --....:.~ ...... P. II.I ..__ .... _ ---.,, ..._ ,_ ' -. -...i•:o: ,ii;" ..... --.... ~=~Fa:-£·· Brother$ Found . Guilty of Killing Ramon Navarro LOS ANGELES CAP) -Two Y<JWli brothetl were coavlctad of liraJ.<lqree lbUnfer Wedneldoy ln·lbe !Rtal •laying WI JUI al Ramoa Novam. Jut GI lhe dalhllll Lllfll IOYert of the lf1alt ICl't<ft, , 'Ila •l'tlHl)ln, fiVMOl!lan J U t 1 ~ 1bt •-.!lei opjhlt P111J ,._,:II, and Ilk bft>lfllt 'l'l>omu, tt, -llllor bollnn1nl 11' -day ol dtUbentlon. 1 -- . 1!1o:liolbln. f!OQI .. ~-b, --~-~ "t llw 1IW Caurl IJdp Mart llrandi., ~ the - ,_ tho .• ,..,-old -· -· ' ljofalO'I midf. -bod1 'nl 1- IMf()d, 11 ID. b~ badtoom al Ilk luxllrloul -• -ID lilburbon Sludlo City. b: .... ..,., lbl srUI.,.. would .. bodt to -.,.... use, be aald. ,._ "W• do btlltve that watu counes ,are tood JocaUona for park!, 60 long u diilpin take lloodlng Into 1ccount." aaid Carl z . Nellon, of the County Flood C.Otrol Dlttrlcl. Bltt!n cb,lll'l<lU.. land for the 345-ap-e l*'k In tl>e·~ part " lll!.lf'h'" lllndl 11 not l>illll flt'•• to the """"Y .. 1 true &lft. He· tali a concrtte flood chan- nel would dev~ue tl>e IUITOOIICllna land, while 1 park enblncea Ila va!U<. "lleeauae ol '11111 arueolly, ruldenla will PIJ tl>e landowner 1 bl&ber' prlct," lie aaid. . Batlln aloo aald the lrrine Company reseniu the n,ht to ttll the county bow to d<velop the park. "Tiit com_, .. he aald. "blru the ardlllkll and tnclneers and llJ• cowtly paya for them, plus a m ... ,....m fee. '!lit park ii crfllctW. ed nu • ~-with euementl. .. ,,,.-donor '"1• no ovemlgbt camping, no Ilene atablts, oo nolq motqrblka. no nothing. • .uoept wblt suits tho douor. The donor decides and the Board of S.,pervilon julll spends the tupayers' money. Sure, the county bu final ap- proval," BatUn uld,, .. 1Ull l1kt on Salt Creek.'' He Mid auperv1sorl abouJd ate the pr~ pcl5eCl ~ IO tbej' wW have a bet· ter ldta bef«e commltllni saoo;ooo to developlnll the part •lie. Beach Officials Interested in Oil Buff er Zone Huntington Beach city officl.211 are in- tertaled In • pt<lpooaj b)' Coaatal l'rotec· live Lequa Cbainnali Victor C. Aildrew1 for 1 "buffer iane" between ihe city's olfabore oil platlOl'lDI and New]iorl Buch. But they haven't beard Imm .\ncfmn. Tbo CAPL chairman aaid Jut w,.k tl>at be wu neflOllallq with Huntington Buch and Nnpart Beach ou the buffer ione. Said Mayor J1et Green, "It b wry in· terUUnr. I would like to see all future o11.i.or. oU piatlonDI barred from the w1ter1 off our city, or at the very least archlte.ctural control as they have in Looi Buch." City Admlnllttator ilJlyle Miller llid he hld not been CO!liacted bf Andrews but pointed out 11>11 Huntfngtoll Buch b in- cluded fn the ,....117 enacted AIHZZ wblcb Clllllpeb the Sllla Landi Com· m!Nlcm to lfve IO da,1 oo&e prior lo public bearings on any requeatl from the .,,11 .1D11111ry uw ra1a1o to offabore drill· .... ta1. Huntlnlton Beach ii not ln<:luded in the COlltal Qncturf c:ruted b)' the Shell· Ciiiin1nPam Act II yean ago. The act probll>lla all oll drflllnJ In atat&<ontroUed wat.n up lo three mllea out between the Bull Ana R!vu mt tbe M-. bqn!U. Frotn P .. e J KREIBICH; .. .. writer for the old Lquna Beech Post. He died In 1117. Mn. Krelblcb entered joWnalimn al 14 u a Holl~ columnin for ne.w1p1pe.r 1yndlcatea in Atulralla 1nci En1land. Al a journallst lhe bu lived and worked in Lht great dtles of the world, including San Franci.ICO. Los Angeles (Hollywood), Wuhlugtao, New York, Loodoo, Parll """ Rome. She returned to Laguna about five ye.an ago u wbtanl managina editor of the South Col.It Nnr1. She was lak:r manaJlng e<lltor of the Laguna Beach Poe! ind beelrne managing editor of the South Coast Ne.w1·Pod when the two Wee.klJts mt'ied. Journalism awards ovtr the years moll rtcenlJy inc:lude.d the O)Vf.ted ''Clutstan- diOI Coverage." award !1.3t yur from Thell Sp Phi. Matrtld for It yean. Mn. Ktelblch and her husband have two lffMlt children, one In high athool and the other in college. From Page I MUSIC ••. Captured U,S. Pilots To Be 'Freed Thursday PARIS (AP) -The RH. f"'!i D. Llndllnml. ~ of tl>e -ber lb:. .... blo ~.alld·tod11J be hid ..-Jved wom11ldn 11>*1' tl>e ·-Amorlcan beflcopter cmnnen llhol down over Nortb l(Qrta a month ••o uw.ry Utfly'' wlll ba T<l~uod Thura<lly.' Jke B011ored Poaltnaater General Winton M. Blount toda,y announced a new stamp Is being Issued to honor lhe late President Dwight DaY!d Eisenhower. Jt will be is.sued Ocl 14 in Abilene, Kan . Recall Speaker Warned to Halt Yague Talk Recall spokesman Anthony Tartantlno today was warned by a Newport Stach man he recently identified as a possible candidate for Supervisor Alton Allen's FU'th District seat that he had better .. stop the vague allegations wbkh are being advanced iD the ;n:ss." · f.lanageme.nt control executive. Joseph Rosener, 125 Via Venezia, Lido Isle, handed the rebuU to the San Clemente. man in a letter e.mphasiling the state. ment he recently made to a DAILY PlLOI' re.porter ; that he (Rosener) had ne.vu met Taran'tino. had never talked witi1 him , ind had ab$oluWly no con- nection with the recall campaign. ''I wish to cuk you and Paul Carpenter to refrain from wing my name in any w1y that Implies a connection with you or your recall c11npaip." Rosener said. Tarantino linked Rosener, among olhers, as 1 possible. candid1te for 1upe.rvilor Allen's job in the event that the current recall cunpaign i5 1ucctssfu1. All those named b)' the &eU .. tyled ICU.lptcr-designer have denied their in- volvement ifli the move.menl "By your actions," Roeene.r aaid, "you are allowina: the pre.ss to make con- jecture.a which are inaccur1te and nl.lsleadlng. Those of us who h11ve. bttn wron1ly ide..nlilie.d with the Allen recall hope that you will see fit to inform the pre.ll!i of your candidate. and backers." Tarantino was not available for com- ment today. He d.l.sconnect.e.d the telephone. of hia San Clemente home 5bQrtly after announcement of the recall campaign in a statement ••bich bore hls sianature.. Scientists Keep Eye On Hurricane Holly MIAMI (AP) -Hurricane Holly main-. tained a northwest COlD'&e across the AlllnUc today, more than 900 miles ea.st of Puerto Rico. Weather Bureau scle.n- lisls kept watch for a possible attempt to curb Ila fury. CONV!NllNT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASU~ CHA~GE • Marin~§ llA w ...... Crashes Kill Two ' ' . . . . In ·Lagllna Area . Two"°"°"' were kllled, ane T\Jta111y nl1ht. and anotbe.r early today, in south Ol'at,.. County tralne accideata. Killed when a Cir pi'!"jled Into I eulv<rl near La(Una NlcUel at f :» a.rn. WU Camp P-)lll'fne David Prout, 19, ~ to Ille Calllomla Hl&hway Patrol Mn. Wons Kine Chtn11 21. of LOI 1• CGaly Traffic IHI 1• Dutil Tell JO xn;etet. ataO died TU;ldiy nJifit ift • three-.cu coUlalon on the. Santa Ana Freeny north of S&nd Canyon A venue. Prout wu a puaenaer tn a car driven bf Mll'fne Davld E. Moore, i1, lbt CHP .said. M..,. and a tblnf Marine, Lloyd Forquer Jr .• lf, wen both criUcally ln· jured. . They were taken to &lJth eoa.at com- munity Hoopttal, South LlpnL The CHP 1ald the accident otCUl'ftld on Camino Capfltrano -quar-1e oortb of lWICbo Viejo Rold. Two other ptnon1 we.re Rrloua1y ln- juftd In the free•aJ crosb tl>at tilled Mra. Cbmg. Qwok Hen Cheng, 33, and Mrs. Shu1 Ping Lam. 52, both ol LO! Angel•s. ""' al Santa Ana Communily Hospital today. All wue. puae.oier1 ln a car drivan by Corly Sing WOl!i, It, also of Loa An1e1 ... Invest.Jgators uld Woaa:'• auto JPlU'l out ol control and wu struck by two other ·cars. Wong, and the other two drivm, Linda Kolbe, l'I, of 2IOOI Esltlo, San Juan Ciplstrantt, al\d Annando Cebra1, 21, of Tijuana, lllllered minor lnJurlu. POLl(;E CHIEF'S TALK .•• jailer could make him bathe for sanitary rtasons." Prevution of crime as • whole, must be the general a,tm of a smaller --police department, said Huck. "We have lo make crime so difficult it's no longer popular, no longer ol vafue.. This means tcyin( to build up • good record of prevention, detection and conviction." MORE EMPIWllS The new ctue.t .agreed that it is time to place more empillllil on poUce l'<latlons with youth. To this end, he said, a r.;Ucewoman ii be.in& hired to worl . .-Ith veNles and• male JX!lice officer will be ·assJined · u; 1Uend -tlie ·vsc <oone in delinquency coutn>I. · · On the preventive. level, the.re wij1 be spe.clal 'tr&1n.ln1 for patrolmen who en- counter youna: people in the course of their work. One plan is to encourage. of. !leers to atop by the schooll at lunch hour, pick up a lunch tn tbt cafeteria and git down and eat with the atudentA. "This sort of thin( helps build rapport," Huck said. He also plans lo have a motorcycle af. fleer cooduct. a motorcycle safety pro- gram on weekends for small &I""~PI of six or e.lgbt young people. "There i3 a great Jnlt.rest I n motorcycle.a now," be aaid, "and too many ywng people are ge.ttlng hurt because they don't underatand the ipe.cial rules ol mO!orcycle &afety. Our officer lhould be able lo help them 1 lot." SPECIAL PROBLEM When the discussion turned t o narcotics, Huck dld not "buy" the su1· geation that Laguna baa a ape.cial pro- blem In the drug are.a, despite Its a!le1e.d nputation as an "easy" town for narcotlca. The drug picllD'e was prtlty bad in Sausalito and Union City, hiJ t""l> pttvlooa post&, be assured lilteners. "You have to re.allze. that th.ii whole new subculture. is fou.nd in youth everywbe'e today. En.foreement of narcoUc! Jaws ls particuJarly dilllculL be.cau&e you don't have • 'victim' as in moat crimes. The 'victlm' i5 himseU an offender. The.rtlore. it's very bard to col- lect evidence and get wibte.sse.s. 1be kids are naively convinced they can handle the whole thing them.selves and they have this pecuUar loyally at>d ioort of hero worship about tbe pUJhe.rs who are wlnj: them." Jn rupOOse to a question, be saJd he believes "most jlJdles are conacle.nllou1 and tryinr to do 1 rood job." though 1121 NEWPORT IOULlVARD COSTA MESA police officer& olltn &f'9 dilturbed when offenders are re.luaed. "'i'htre Is not much argument atx>ut the hu.ards of heroin and the barbiturates," l'luck added. "But there is inctt11sing eontrove.l'I)' ov.er marijuana. Many of the lhings I used to thtni: abwt marijuana hive been !hot down by some pretty noted people In rtcent yean. Even doc· tars seem to disagree.. We just don't have the cancre.te informaUon to say nat11 that marijuana wlU do this, or Will n&t do th1l About the most we can say thue days ii that it's a1al.nst the law and the 1 laws must be enforced." ''Laguna is by oo means a 'liberal' town on narcotics," be insisted. "l have two oUl~rs auigned full lime to narcotics and we make plenty of 1r· rests." NARCOTICS ARRESTS Many or the amst.s, however, are for ~ possession of narcotics, and this, be uld •s just like "containing the edge or a fore.st fire to try to keep it from spreading any further." The real problem II to 1et at the IOW'ce of the blaze, in the case of narcoUo., the biJ-time pmhers who art makJ.n& an easy $1.000 a day. ''Tills b a big money, highly organized type of crlmt, and it's hard to 1e.t to the people who reaTiy •re behind it," said Huck. "They u,,e fear, and tbruts (lf violence. to keep people 1n line .•. " A listener asked U Huck had heard of an "inve.!tme.nt" scheme whereby the in-- ve.5tor could parley $3,000 into as much as $20,000 by bactlng a pusher who trW to Tarkey, buys JOO pounds of hashl!h and returns it to Orange County fibe11lassed into a car, for dialribulion by a hierarchy of lnse.r agents. "Do you be.lle'-e some.thing like this could happen?" "I'm quite sure ol Jt," npUed Huck. "And I'm equally SW'e that the top level operator bthlnd It ii never seen by, or known to any of the othe.h. "Furthermore," he concluded, "tt wc:Wdn'l surprise me to learn that the.re are people in this very community who have a few thotl3S.nd dollars to invest and who are backlna schemes lite this - knm>-iqly.'' Beatles No. l Again LONDON (UPl)-Th< BuUto "°" tl>e No. 1 raUng 11 me world'• top mu1ic1J &roup for the fifth consecutive. year in a popularfly poll lod&}'. -- .. 21 YEARS SAME LOCATION PHONE 541-HOI Nico llld be bad betn blu<lponed wftll I COM he kepi II I memtnlo fmn ane of bl1 movla. lk auUocaled In Ilk own blood, offlctt1 aald. '1111 cler-"""1 l'n>IP«I Holghla, 111., tokl a ntWI ccrdtl"lta. he bad eome to PW to make "DeC!llllt1 contacta'' for the nluae of the mon. and to pnu for the relcue of two leraell clU1t111 held by Syria 1lnco the hUacl<lng of 1 Trat11 World Altllnea plane Aui. 21. 'L----------.-, ------------------------' ' ' n· ... lie ... ed id •• ly >Y •• u1 u la .. ol !II le .. 1g ,. .. ty C· " " lo .. le tl' •• lo r· " Id • Ill ,. .. <Y "' .. id )( ,, ,. h .. .h y 'Y (. ,, •r 'I • • d ' I I I J •I j ~1-rv.ine. Oks Cente.r Pact . . .. Gol11f, (;o11e. • • It may look like .Newport's mllllicipal gallows here but the .rizing was actually the end of a Haibor Meo era. See .Wry and photos Page 2. . ' 2· Airliries Bid -. . .. F,or Flights at (:ounty Airport Public Utilities Commisskm examiners Thursday will hear preliminary ptana for a bid by two airlines iO" fly more planes out of Orange Coun~y Airport. • But they also will hear some atrona op- poitlion to the pl'"" from Newport Beach city aides at.the pre-hearing cmference in'S&n Francisco .. Assistant City Attorney Tom WGOdruff will· relay· official 'city. oppb!ition to the plaoa by Pacilio SouthWelt Airlinea add Air €alllorni.a tor the .... mites. Tbe idea wbich will draw the,_ op- pasltion will be PSA11 plans t.o include °".af!g• County Airport In It&· oortl1"!10Uth rugJi1&. • PSA doe.a not Oy into Orange County at present. lt proposes to add Oratlge County to six r~tes between Southern and Northern California. Alr California setks pennission to add "IJl1slol' night& ,. Sacram<ni. 1rom the Ot.ange Coonty tennJnal and two others. Cily councilmen have unanimously Oj> posed that proposal. The action in San Francisco lJ a preheating conference designed to help both the airline representative! and ~~ · P1lC wunlnen in scheduling the o!fJclal bearings on the route applications. Tbe cam... will detail .the .-1 " their planned presentationil • tbl.t the PUC representativea can draw up • tlme achedule. A bearing dale wiD be IOI after" tbt coat.rence. - Public Def ender Sued by Officer OUel Orange Coonti' Public Delendet Frack L. Williams Jr. has been &ued fM" $200,COJ by 11 Santa Ana motorcycle of. !icer who clahm the coonty official'• negligence led to hls irUtuies. WlUlanuJ today roluoed .. _, "' tHe lllegations "until I have bd a chance &o di3CU8! the. matt.er with an 11.to(Dey.'' orr .... Jonalhao K \(lint~ 1n 1111 SuP<Tio< Court .complaint dlat ·Wllllam was raponslble !or lhe c&ll..., Oct. I, 1961 It I downtown Santa t Ana jp.. tf!lection. PILOT PICKEROtJ POSES PROFITS- i::,. DAitY PILOT ldckJ off the Orange Coast lootball .,...., lodoy wilb COQl<11t lhal o!len profll for pipklll ophelt, • Tbe Pilot PilSkln p~ with .... • $100 In prt..s eodi _,,,!be - week' mm ~ wftll the nnt list g1mes. See boW' many wtnnera )'OU pick. 5oe P1111 .. . ' ' . . . ~ " • . ' . -f I lo. . · · N~port G~tS ~p-Acre .·$it.e· fo~$1.8 Million BJ JEROME r.-COUJNS Of .. OlllY , .. "9ff lrvb\O Company eaeculives Wedoe!doy siined oVU' lt JC?a ,of Newport:~ lud 'lo the dlY Gt NawPiirt ~ u a Illa for a new civic ud Cllbral'"..cmt.er complex. Formal consmnmaUon of the qree.- 111eot by Irvine ~ w;m1,.m, R. Muoo aod company 1llreolors mad• th• '1.t m!Ulon JDnudlon olliclal. CllJ councilmen •PPR""! the pun:baae 1aot Moy I&. The lite 1" ldclte<t ·jijjt' lj)Ulbeast ol Fashiou hlaod, wt.I or MacArthur No Suspension Of Draft Due ' • ,• I ·' But ~cuts See1~ , WASl!INGTON (UPI)~ -'!be White Houae lnllsted lodaJ lor:tbe secoad Ume in two days thai President Nboo has .. plan fo llUSpend tbe·dral~ even !or a brief fl<l'i<>d- Press s.cr.tary Bonald L. Ziegler said draft ~ was "not now under ac- tlyecooSider'atlon." . For the foreseeable future. the 1d- mWitraU.. apparently ii pladog !ta bopis 00 dral~ chaQgea 00 coograalooal action. . Def-Sec:rebry Melvin 11. Loin! ln- dic>ted ~tllllmop wilbdmrall from Vieloam will meob a cut In drall <alla jo -··· !Mllll1r. ~ ..... , ............ 11e .;i~'lbOl'a li.Or:"l!tP•f~·& drall. nfonn. aillhltJ att.nu., .. -pn>pooala bqlng firo on CapiUll RID. Laird laid 1'l'<rllag1111 .... """"""' - the neir>•~ pithdrawil'fhei .~ .. i:_nl~'.!~''F: Vielnam ~ n..ct.1 by Ilia! __.. -· would."w.n 4 ftr>j Gpill-ellect" ji after l<lioai: Ii. ' • draft <di. r """•'"'" an11 m'aln · <Utl!Kt· He I'" no ilium m draft '"""""""' Tlies4aJ ft1P1 by JI eio UnUied' but raid lit would cliJcuoa chauga In •~• ~~-~ · c1ran CallJ,will> Seleclive Servi« o!liciall ~-uq~~ ~--· CUii latalJlng $l3'r .. lnade to Oii Friday. . bring the achool merve fulid dp Som• 11,-000 meo have been scheduled lo three _ _. of the· million ,.,..et. lo be drafted in Sept=ber and· another .--· •-. 29.000 lo Ociober. In ao doing:,, bi>antimemhen. ~ Lain! al<!. "The ' Vletnaniisat;on pr.. not lo filure on atJ IJl!Ome lhll year gram will hoe a very !igniflcant ellect from tam on UPP.'fi Newpirt ~ land. upon prniniqvned draft callJ CW the Tbe Upper Bly pi<ell are froun by moonhs inlmtdlale1Y ahead." County -4ndr<ir J. llinlbaw He raid Nlzm'• .... cut In the -be 1hinlla 9>untY O>imlel Adrian aulhorhed U.S. Ir"'!' ceilin& In Vldnam Kuyper has Jmpni>erly ban&d a Jud to IM,llQO bl Dec. Ii will be !Dade up OS IWOP with ti. lrvlie Com-. lollewa: -J4,16S fhJm the Army, lncludln&' • brigade . aod aupport element&. -.!,,_ from the Navy, Including coo- struction battalions . and I U p p 0 T t elements. ~18,457 from the Marine Corps, in- cluding the 3rd Dlvlaio!i aod stipport elements. -l,54t from the Air Fi>n:e, Including combat llqWldrons aod aupport elemeni.. . . NEW YORK _(°µ') -Th< stocli mart.I wu.a 1-todoy, after 6nlslilng lta hJo prt•ious 1 aeqkllls on an upbql (See quotations, P4es ,:li-13). Trading wu mode•lely lctlve near the close. The Dc:nir Jona iOOustrtal 1v4 erage at 2 p,1n.-_ wu off 4.56 at 821 .Ot. '• ~11.11 w~ Be F.r.letub1 •' • • • 'f ltimbtrly Smith seems ~· be cla(Jjlillg with Joy alltt meodng 'Pancbo1 an En li•h springer apan1el mal,. , ing bis bomt in nerntjg borhqod. Kimbtrly, 1\0, II tKe d.;,,ghter Of Mr. ~ Mrs. Robert. Sinlth,_ ~ J:i M<>dena· Sf .. N01\'port llelcll. .Pllich<> owt11 mnn.~ - Tuodtfr, U7 Tu.tln AYt. . . . • • ~ ------ oeoter projecl have been determined -la that the city t1 able lo freela the coot at the cumot martel •llue or the inperiy. Tbe ~. lbellOled, will be divided lnloi """" OtjlOrale pore& Oao, • .. ..,. pan:e1. will beuoed rw CO<iSll- o1 .a City> Hall, new poll« beadquwni and a centrat ·llbrary. Tbe two mDalnlog parcell will be ........., !or, •._we cJvlc -use.. ,,,.... coWd Include • lllUllldpal courthouse, Chamber of Commeice of· ficea and cultural facllttJes, u:h u a (Sc< CIVIC, Pqo i) . , . Recall_ Leader L Ike Jfo-retl Postmaster General Worton It. mounl1odaf ~ a,,. stamp Is being issued to ho.- the late PrUideat ~ David Eisenhower. It w111 ls•ued Oct. If ID A~ . Dover SIWre _ ' . . . Beach Work- Plan Opposed o....,e • • ' , . fi:ellit ' ' • ... , ! ' ·Salt • '. . DAILY l"ILOT st.,, ........ ANOTHER NEWPQRT BEACH' LANDMARK BITES THE BRINE OF UPPER NliWPQltT llAY Wntem Solt Works, • Fixture Slnco 1"4, WH Domol hmtd Tuadoy In• Few Hours County Approves Construction Of Creek Levees Or-Count1 iupemain Tutsdoy ·-od~ol·1-tol!ot 5"' Die,. Croek u H feodt Into ' lhe -cf Upp<r Newport 1111 betw..,, MacAr111ur lloulevUd . .a114 Jau!J>or<e ·-· ' . ,1 ·.~ .. ' ~ r t ~-1'--·.""' J.mboree lli>ad . . """'Jy : ..... wallled out Jail 'lltor ~ ; .,,....chins n..ld ••IP ·~ · not.: con- : flaod'lo a clwmeJ. •oouo!J' IJood ~ i .,,.r-Olrl Nal~i oild. Tbe oinaller ' MlcArtbllr Boulevard brjdcfl were : huvtly damqod. . . : Bidl !or Ille 1tvee -PO>jtd, : ..tlmated to Colt •100.000. will lie· - j OCt. 1J. A c:bamel for Ille crtek w11 buitt . -rr... MacArthur to lhe 5"' 1)1 .. ~.-ri· ''1!1 ''191S -of •lhO : dtv Of iJtt ilJC 1"fne ~ .. ' . -·~""'""'bet . ~~ j .D\IJo u.u.)1-"""'" ffetl\ -'J ~· -..ec1 .. · •m~ Wll't :· • . . : • : RWolli for deftrral, .NellOft ~ ,,.,,, . "noncom~ \flth lhe Old'J1111boroe: : Road ; nonwie of coatlguous arua : aod tho -t duo to Ille llllli haul : dillanct IC< import materl1J." l!lzlce then Ille city or Newport Buch hu 1llllJt two Jamboree Road bridges. : one for tra!IJc uch dlrectlon, anol Jarp · ~ d. .-aedlintnt usable as fill ma. l ~al...,.. nuhod IO the area lall wlllter. : 'Nelaon aitftho dlunty will •eek !ederal : rtbn~I f0< coll& to the ealelll • that fliJod iod1Qltnl It nmovad. :Beatles No. I Again LONDON (UJ'll-1lle n<.u..,woa ,llle No. I ratlll( U Ille J'Ofld'I lop niullc:al . gr"'1p far the fifth, ml\MCUUvt )'W in a : populartty poll todq. . .. ·. -· _, • ;. -. "• :· • . .. • . . . >'. .. -( . . ·. UAllY Plltj l . ' ca.tall CQQ'I """ ...... 11 • ' •• ' • 1 "*""'"' .... ---Ja.cl L c..i.y ....... ,.... ...... _ ---n.::.:._i:,w .. , .S..-e '· C.llln '"a::"'..t."" ---··.1 221 1 w ... ,.... ... s..... r U..~P.q...,1111,tilU,; _ ..... -~~· ... -._ ·-1; n ............ Dtt°1,:• ... _ :: Tustin Dad Claims .Book 'Just Pornographic Fihh' ·' A Tllatin lather Who btandl I -k of literature UMd Ill the ~ Union Hlsh Sdlool Di!tric:t cumculum aa UteraUy a ~ igllllon dO!O cf ~orapty ba~ lhreat.- •r,d lo IUO ll th• tat la DOt dropped. "Tiie ~troyeray. eve!-~ HU>lay'a "Brave· Nt\! Worid". ~Jll!'ii t.P:n up wlllt the dlolilct l!oird OI, Trullffs' 117 Ille ai1l1'.Y Plr~l nm Mond&y. .Bti!ln~uman Beinle. ,w1wainson. of 1211J N"'1>or\ Ave •. Tull!il, . olaoa to araue !Ill caae before the lioard lhrouih proper 'cl!amels btlore filing a lhrea~ entd '' million lawault· "l'rn told I cu 1ak for recomklm.Uon of iAlttuctional materials and I wilt do just that" aaid lhe Industrial modlcal •UPJllY Company owner. · WilUIDll<lll conltnds JI' nilif}.i la an ad le fiFefor lhe pit . · ilim . he'?:. would be doo)il Id ·~lillflt"t; Ja..Ue, ll, il nquind;tO nad HuiltJ'i· Vision ol a future 5Qclet.i, . . Dlllrict Su~ WlllWn -7.op and Tutlin 111P 5""°'°' PrilldP,11 Di>o• . j ;·' CuUe said Huxley's work, published ln 193t i1 ID elective study choice ln a Fie· Uon of the Future unit in English. They said an alternate can be cbtNien U Hulley'a i• objectionable. WIWamson compceij, however, that h1' ter :wu vm the work 11 re-qu1r:ffadJ~t-a k· she did not want t,o pen11e-and: wu told she mu1t if she wanted to pass the class. · J{! said the.abOck cawed his wile to be placed Under aedaUon. "ltl theme ia a world of DO restrictio.ns. No one· ;eta maqied, there are free atx partlu and vivid d""1iplions of the au act." W'tlli.am100 com.nl&ined. "In this book, babl" .,. . developed without people •11<1' tJie·ft-•mother' hu become .. a .~ ... 4]tby . WQl'.d," he added. · ... The coiic< ... ., tlil'lubeliabia.eruttd throup iinitk' qiJHitrfllf bY .Ci"1Um to lmPl""• IM.1niina1> riict ·Ku llo<n In tht news r~hile one infleCUon of "rnother;''"'i.!" . in 1li!lli:YOi iJi con· tempor11:1 · aoclt11'. ' . = ::.-:P.' .. ~ . .. ' i~· ':"=;, :1,:; ::-.'II ,. ... ":;,..! c.. ,,:•:,.... "' Ci ~~~:!~1::~: ~~"'····~ " _ •.::,. • ,:s:;,....;.. _ !. I Senior Girl Seoul.I fJ'oin N1WJ)Ol't Buch wore busily al work lllls wtek -• --· , · f 1tuf11n1 brochum which will be malled lo dttiena urging support :=-..::-.;:i;:"-~ .;,p ol lhla year's '205.258 United Fund drive lo support 26 chariUes. Girls !'fl:',.,. :,: -• (left to righ1)1 are Terri Bradbury, Cindy Oldmcn, Sally Owen, Bar· bara Lepwort11 and Diane Fraser. • WJ1111 or~ ~IY'• oo1y ll&ll mi.. ' ..... m.iC lllJf llii II .... ,..,. tO ...... U,... N...,.n ~uh 'Wiier lll- to~.Dl wl)lla ull ler markel. • ·All4 ill Ttloollq ii took only • '"" hours Ill danoUlh lhe whole QPOtlUon. Wrecking crewa m..,...i "Into the up- pennoet pOttlon o! Back Bay Tuesday and raied the two-story, wtaf,bertd ult mW and 1ettlin1 ponds whieb bad become a landmark for pahlttra a n d photosraphen slncie ill beglJ!i!lllg Ill 1934. FJoodJ and decllnlna profita· were lhe dawnlall of U,. (Ultic monumenl It$ owntn e17ller thfl year decided to call it qui ls. The Western Satt Co., which had held the leue on the :50 acres of Irvine Co. land since IM!, ended ita agrtemeill with the: landowner ln April afttr J~lW'Y and February noodl wiped out the worb' aet- tltng Ponds and Washed away tons of 1parkllna: aall ar1)Jlnd the mill. Wllh that catutropbe, managemeol ol • •• ID . .. -, . Do1lrs. the aalt workl declded waitlna t~ r..11• The ~urJ.em&b!e4 the same ma·w ""'"'W>4i(ed11111H01W11'1-·. Uftlqllll!e* _,,. ~·°" 1a.lh11s blwort1111.• ~.111emw_,. __ .... ao elr• . . a hufodred tons 1 ~•Y. They ended th le&U, which m later The ponds wn Oooded in April, then years ha4 been taken out on • yurty the brine, in vaeyinl 1ta1es or aalt con- basls. tent, was dlrected through the settllnt The primiUve, yet profitable operaUon Pond netw«i:. • :started back In t&M w~en Oscar HuUine. When it dried, was gathered, washed now a Phoenlr, Arb., te1ident, ap-and Jacked, much or the salt W!J}l for proached the lat.e Jame:i: Irvine with in laundry ~. waler ~!leners and plck.l.in& Idea . and tannlq opera"'°'. Huffine" • wpo then w.ori:ed rOJ' the But lut winter, nature did ~e Morton Dill Co. in IM Angelei, en· f\oodini of 111 own, and manaatr Oral vill-.f profUI Ill the Upper 1111 salt "Buster" DUI, decided that rolurblihing marlbea. the aettllnc pood1 and wailinl two Y1•rs About the only stock whlch Irvine held only to• development approaclllna the Jn those Depression years wbk:h still area instead, wouldn't be worth It. · shewed a profit was Ptforton's, so he The ltue epdcd irl April. The aalt was aireed to a lease. cone, a.Pd pla:eom roo&ted in the rafter• And ..Huffiue went to sork. and cbl.1dren envWonin1 &host townJ He bull lbe mill and 1eUling ponds on roamed in and out. the land at a cost oI $14,500, flooded the And oo Tuesday, amid the metallic settling ponds, then had to wit.it two ~of a clamshell crane, the whole years tor tbe sun to do Its job. thin& tumbled down. Trustees Adopt Battin Delays County OK Pay Timetable; .Teaeher Rebuffed Of University Area Par~ A tucher who pleaded for Newport Mt11 acboo1 board mtmbers not t.o wait until the end of the achoo! year to adopt next year's salary schedule won no auurancea Tuesday night. Trustees approved a budget adoption time table lhlft calls for a teache:rs salary decision between JWle 1 and June 30. Board mernbert would only go so rar as to ·uy they hope it might be done sooner. But tba1 wasn't what Don Beatty, Estancia J:ligh School Jn a t h e m a t i c s teacher, waoted lo bear. Said BeaUy: "I tnow, •b!Olutely know, we cannot cam ulary adoption Into June lhi• year. Teachers won't stand far il I would ad· vise the end o[ February, no later than that. You can take the lnltlaUve. There ls no state law. 'You can set your salary scbeduJe and work the oiher budgetary problems around it." Trus1" Selim "Bud" Frankli.n said there are jU&t too many monetary unknowns that early in the year. He noted a.stessed valuation estimates are Mt in and It cannot be predicted that early what the state lea:islature~ will do. "Tha1'111le l\llld of ''ply leaeherrdon't want tolheV,"•Beatty-tesj/ooded. 4'We're not the.enemy. You see, I'm trying to be pogitive so some of the problems can be overcome.. - "Y'* ~!)Of \hlY're comnil." he said as I partinJ •Wlti>lnJ• • \ol ,,.., I • • ,.,..,.. PflfJe l CIVIC. • • muae-um or art Callery. Mayor Manhlll lald the coot of the parcels not ocCQpied by municipal government bulJdinls will be borne by public m semi-public. agencies that do use lhtm. "'The acquisition of tbe two additional parcels," she ~lalntd, "wijt in1t1te that the entire area will be developed nnder 1. master plan wt\.ich will provide for com· patlblllty o( the uses included within civic cent.tr compln." Represeatinc the cil)' In the m.anths of ntaotfatlons that cu1mlr1ated Wedne5day were Mayor Manhall, Vice Mayor Undsley Parl!IODS, Councilman Howard Roa~rs, City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt •And City Attorney Tully Seymour. CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMfRICARD MASTER CH~6E BJ THOMAS FOllTUNE OI 111t Mh Pftlil lttit' Acceptance or $212,500 in state park bond fu.,ds to be spent for University Reponal Park <1n the Irvine Ranch was delayed today by Ofange C o u n t y superviiiOrs at the imi.s:tence 0 r Supe:rvlsor Robert }iatUn. Ht indicated he *'1n't trust the Irvine Cbmp1ny to have the county's best in- lertll! ~t heart. . He convinced the rut of> Ill• board th•y sh<YJld wajt :a week and'lool: at lenns of a proposal by whlcb the ranch company would. deed the park •lie· lo \IJio ..,,.ty. sUpervlaor><lld accep• 111t<.!emdl to be .. used ID development of,tb~e-•r coun- ty l'Oil011al parks -Mi~ Sqilare, },.allUJla Niguel and Filller&on Dam. A state allocation of '212,500 fa to be put toward developlng 120 acres ·or Mile Square Park In Fountain Vallty wl\h water facilities, roads and picnic •~as. · The 5late granted '2$.000 for ftnt fitage development of Laguna Nijuel Park at M~Niguel Reservoir and $75,000 ror aequlsiUon and initial development al Fullerton Dam. · l!aUto -that UDlv•nlly Part ~ on , Man Who Bilked Newport Trio Gets Sentence An ailing, elderly San Joae man who Included three Newport Beach n:iidents among a lone list of stock fraud victims was placed on three years probation Monday in Superlor Court. Charles Burkhart, 71, drew lhat sen· tence from Judge Robert Gardner-a senttnce obviously dictated by his phys-- ical condition and the statement of his attorney that he had .atfe:red a 1troie "and is a very s.lck man.'! Burkhart pleaded guJlly to violations of the state corporaUons code. Arrested in San Jose In 19&7, he was accused or fraudulently &elling stock iD fake oJI prop- erties to Newport Beach aod Loa Ar)ieles investors. Investigators said .Burkharl's activities put f,M,000 into his bani ac- count. Burkhart was serving as h:ecutive vice president and owatJons maqager of Nevada Gs:i Larids, lnc. and Western Petroleum Ptoperties of Nevada at the Ume of the admltted stock orfenses. , a flood plain of Sane! Caoyon Wull and said he wonies that the Ptrk mlfrt bt washed out eome day. , 1 Ralph Hudson, chief of development with the Coullty Department of Harbors, Beachts and Parks, said the facility is in. a natural green swale where watu c:ou.ld flow during wet months wtthqut dtuQage. In \he summer, the gra,u art.a -wolild be back to open park use, he said. · "We do believe that water courMs are good loc.tlona for parka, so lobs as de&pen tal:e Gooding illto ac:••••ll." said cart Z. Ntlaoo, DI lhe County 1'1ood Control District. llltUn cbafltd the lxnd !0< Ille 34$.ocre p.1rk in the central part of , the Irvine Ranch la not being glveo to lhe COlllt\Y as a true gift. He aaJd a t'Oncrt\e flood chan· net would deval\Jt the 1urroundln&. land, wh!le a park tnhances 1ta value. "Because or this amenlty, re1ldents will pay the landowner a higher priet ," he u.ld. BattJn also said the Irvine Company reserves the ri&ht to tell the county how to develop the park. "The comp&ny," he said, "hires the· archttects and ealtneers and the county pays for them, plus: a. management fee. The park is cris5crps.s. ed likl a checkerboard with ea,.nt.s. ''The donor says JX> overni&ht camping, no horse stables, no ool!y motorbike·s, oo notblng .•. eicept what suits the donor. The donor decides and the: Boltd or SUpervioors just spends the tupll)>1n' mope)'. Sure, the county has final ap- proval." BatUn said, "Just like on Salt Creek.." He said supervisors should see the pro- posed agreement ao they wUI have a bet- ter idea before committing $MXl,OOO to de.veloping the park 1lte. C~ured U,S. P~ts To Be Freed Thursday PAflIS (AP) -The Rev. Pllll D. Lindstrom. cha.inn.an of tbe Rlmember tt · Pu•bio Committee. nid today be. had received in.formation thlt the three American helicopter crewmen shot down over North Korea a month ago ••very likely" will be rele•sed Thursday. 'Th< clergyman from Prospoct Hoigl11J. Ill .• told a news conference he had.come to Pa.ria to make "necessary contacts'' for the release of the men. and to pren fjr the release of two Israeli clti.iena he.Id by Syria sinc.e the hijacking of a Trarui World Airlinea plane Aug. 29. : " --- J21'ia '""'"' ..... oi&l:t . ...... "°'" ~ , .... s.i. ....... ''91"" ' llU NEWPORT BOULEVARD COSTA MESA . 21 YEA~S SAME LOcATiON ~HONE 141-140 I '1· ' I d • ,! " • ; • • • " • • I, s .. y ' • • • . .. 0 .r .. • • 0 r r I ,. Italian Siiccer Team Ob1ect . - w..W:;·~,~~··~969 , • •t •1DA~Lv Pilot I Svetlana Blast~ Khrush~hev Of. New Thr.eais in I teln-,ul, · ' South Governors Hear . Agnew Op~' Busing WILLIAMSBURG, Va. (UPI) -Vice President· Spiro T. Agnew says he is against "bus.in&" ~ achieve nclal balance in schools. But a mun- ber ol Southern governors uid today action speaks Jouder than words. "I'm apinst b<uinl ... c b·t l<d.1' e·k to o:\ b e·r neighborhood! limply·-\ to adlleve an integrated status of a larger geographic entity," Agnew said in a banquet Suspension Of Draft Discussed WASHINGTON (AP) White House sources express doubt President Nixon's a· ecutfve order on the draft will halt inductions, even tem- porarily, alt.bougfl P r e s 1 ~ Ronald Ziegler in- dicates such a suspension has been cmaidered. "It doesft't seem to bt In thll! cards.," uid one aource • Ziegler told M"Wsmen Tues- day suspending the draft is among the factors being con- sidered in formulaUng selec· tive service reforms. But White House aides quickly said such • suspension is not an immediate prospect. One IOUrce expressed surpriae at speculation the draft might be suspended tem- porarily. He said that although no final decisions have been made, the Nixon order is like- ly to be limited to reform of a d m l n.istrative procedure such as establishing uniform criteria ror handling o f deferments by draft boards.' Earlier Tuesday, Sen. Hugh ScoU ol Pennsylvania, the ac- ting Senate Republican leader, aaid after 1 White House meeting ''there is a strong diapositlon to press for · draft reform this year." ~t he conceded t b e likelihood ol congressional ac- tion is slim, and that the ad- minJstration wants to spotlight the IS&Ue to show where the delay is. 'speech to the Southern governors Tue!day lliiht Gov. Bob Scott ol North Carolina -.aid be .Wa:!I en-,. couraged by Agnew's rmwts, but that he would wait to see them tramlated In- to action "down lhroll&h the fe;deral department&.'' Gov, Robert McNal• of South Carolina said APew~a speech was "encouragement." but added, .. I am awaiting all of Ibis to trk:kle down lhrouf!' the implementation proceu. • A resolution caling on the federal government to aban- don "bu.sing" as a means of achieving a desired level of desegregation in schools was to be presented to the confer- ence this morning. The resolution, proposed by Gov. Albert Brewer o f Alabama, was approved in a S- J vole , with one abstention, in t h e resolutions commitlee Tuesday . The p r o p o s e d resolution brought on a public dispute between Brewer aod Gov. Dewey F. Bar:tlett o f Oklahoma. Bartlett said the resolution was Pot only out of place, but inaccurate. He said Agnew and Prest~ dent NiJ:on never had "gooe on record as b e I n g in ap- position to compulsory· ass:I~ ment of students bee.awe of race or color" as 1tated by Brewer. Vets Recall War ·Error ' ARNHEM, Holland (UPI) - Four hundred survivors mustered today on a fieJd without tulips for a last trlbue t() Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery's mislalt. 1 'Ille qilltake ~ 1<"' qo was tJ>O dropping of 10,000 Britis,h and Polish paratroopel'I for what Monty plahned as the victory t<> defeat Nazi Germany in 1944. Monty later laid be erred. J]nkitown to him, a German batUe corps Jed by two SS Panzer dlvisio'.ns were waiting. Only 1 ,000 of the paratroopen ...,.ped. Arnhem Joil><ll Dunkirk ali>oog lllose defeats in which the BriUsb 'find a sort of victory. Odd Trio ·Tale Son Says Dad Killed Girl CWCAGO (UPI) -Samuel was canceled. During the sum- Saikin brought hts son's &irl mer. bis father hired Mtss friend to the family's Jndlana Scott as his aecretary, Saik.in farm, fanned a "close rela-sa~n, Saikin aaid, 1lil father tionship" wilh her a n d discovered Miss Scott ""'WIS murdered her when she rerw-married to Air F'Ol'Ce Staff eel to undergo surgery that Sgt. Samuel Mumma. The w o u I d have erased her sergeant wu invited to the memory, Alkfn's !Oil testified farm to visit his estranged at the opening oI his !ather's wife and eventually left wiLh trial. her, Salldn sald. , JOel saikin, 25, gave his In November, his father version 'l\lesday lnCludin& a -paid for Miss-Scott's tttum f1ther-son love triangle, of fi'om Las Vegas where she what led to the Nov. 5, 1967, had beeo~wortlnl u a IO-CO mun!<• of Efla Jean S<'Olt. d..W, Saikta Uld. 'Ille elder Her body wa1 found Feb. II Salkin then asked bet to "go packed In a steel drum and to Mlchiglb" tor an CWf'dtn buried in a shallow grave on that w-oakl wipe out ber the farm. memory and he prmtleed he Salkin ..Sd he md Miss woald adopt ha', Salkin ..Sd. Scott, who wu a go-go dancer .Mm Scott re f u 1 e d , and a stenosrapber, in •he · lhreatenlng blodmall, and spring of JIS7. Jn June he Mid, waa taktn to ooe of bis his father sugpsted the two lather's Ollcqo w.- """" to Hve on his Chemr1on, where his !other lhot her In f)ld., retreat. ' • D o I p a t c b the bead. Sllt!D uld. Be tonn." i.stllled he b•lped his lath« SaJkln said bl! fa t b e r .stuU the bod1 in a steel dnim, developed a ' • c I o 1 e rel• transport tt to the farm and Uonshlp11 Wil.b Miss Scott after bury .it. 1he elegam!J:spirited 1970 Cadillac . The bnll)anl ..... 1910 ~ io; 5lylod b...iled bolh lhe qualitf Wt diemood ol Iii• ;,, 1he spirii.d ......... "' ~ .... bewty ... ggesis the tempo cl people on abew.. ~tai6ored a:ppoinbDEUt>·and ref'°•wsnentswelcon~,.ou IO a new en al C ... c ~:and•eL.p<e SparicliDg perforn:.ance irMtes you to eitpaience .• ere-' '41 w +r ·cw ol ..:Jtoring )Aelas1we. AD IOld, it sets --·••-ii«•• .. C*lor a-4ecode In .a ere-c..dillac modeb'fo< ~ . \ ~::-:::":,.,~ ~ ~~-..i:: she 1l1'0le. "For tbfl the porly unoar1illT way, beq1uJ to, be could on I y !cqfvt him." ~ blltlr to be tilled ... I" Kb\Uhcbev WU !Cll'<Od .. ol . ..,_lllo IYOJ~"'!I 1o -lo·J.114. • l ~' y ....... •+-·ln Mn. Alllluyeva't bOok ii. the ~~~,..ti.!\! firs!...,. wrttteo fnlmi Im~, too_..:•! Qol.ol ·U.. llilllp the Kremlin ollque and It 11 a they 11111 wu ,that Jllrs.,,,\llJ. chllllilg deplctloo ol Si.Ina's · · • ~: corrup! lust for abooluto, w.. ~":,-.,Ill~::~ :Burch to Head· FC,C Politburo families, and the '"· . r· • -... baoel.., amsts arid ""'J' WMI!dlGTON , !AP) -ma.,ger, 'for : ¥1,m1o sen. lidos Min which l!OI •ven DeilfBllrtb;lhe'Tu<son, 'AN.,' BatrY Goldwater wu to pl Stalin'• own la-1an were tm-li~m-~'.JllO was ~ BI rr y the job.' 1 , lt · • mune. . (\o,ldwater;1 band·plck.ei! ~;=~~Jl: "My mother's. s!.i!tt Annrcliainnao.ot the ,Repubtlcu of ·Gfl'deo qily,-Kan., u 'a bad gone· mad '" pi1toa and • Nau-I Committ.. to 11161 ~~· mmber ol 1be bad come home a 111ct .....,. wt' u •· ' . · ·~ ··-·-' · ' · we1· 1a •• __ , __ an," Mra. Alllluyeva dixJosed. ~ DOmlOl.1.W u CU&U 111an .. w.u.u.p;~ "Yevg..Ua Alliluyeva, the wilf. of the .F •~er a I,. C-. of the uarrts Radio Group, tJW ol mother'• trot.her ••. hl4 m u !'I c atlons Comm!Mion, wbJch has statloas tn ltlnau, si.<ned all the accusations oet Prem~ NIJM ~· fowa, 1lllnoll and Colorado. bilore her : apying, poilQning N11on 1 announcement Tues· Burch, the •Senate ctn. her bulband, contacts with for· day o1 his • lntentloo to currlnf, will 1 u cc t • d ejoers. . nomloatl t Ii e 41-year<ild Chairman Roeel It' Hyde, "'You llliu anything then!,' Bun:b 'to the $40.~ -term bu ajiind. Willi she wool~ uy, 'jull ·to be left FCC ' post' followed . ..V"111 ,.;II 1uoceecl ~ alooe and not tortured! Al -kl ol speculation that the Jam,. J. W~ wbo bu nl&bl no ..,. could ,Bleep for f'!fDIOf,.pmfdenlial compaign mlgned. : • I • '> -· ' . . ... I T97D, yoor1I Chciiwe -i<le. --to die opirileil ... areo :-r ... C..,, b ""°""""' moose a -iadio .,;._ tbOi will .oeJC:aut -tffOdtio AM, FM or. st....,..,.,,., 5Ution. The ...W is """"y ~ ict the -.i.Jd, aut cl .,,. and out cl rhe wrr. :rl"' ,_., Cadilloc'OC)gineen 1-e apift, ~ -lhlt11ie c..r.nac ride continues to be the smoo1best, the ~ the ..... a~ io """"'ing hisOy. C:.diu.c ... Standud ol tlle Woold. ·, . . • • I I I • the couple begin Uvtng on the The elder Sllkin has tnstatld farm. So <lose. In fact, Illa! he b tnno<ont. la March he ,,..,Ill Salkin'• pbnoed m~r· accused hll IOll ol commltflnc riage to the 11-year~ld dancer the murder. !-----------------------------------------------..--------'- • ' \ ·-. --. -,. •• B.llliV PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE ' Wait for CllllMllla Leata1'1Uve eoun .. 1 Geors• H. Murplly uya the Slate !lands C<><runl•iton mUJ! ,...,,.alder the Upper Newnort Bay Udeland1 ucb•111• pf0po$'1. Deputy Attomey General Jay Sbavelson offen th• private opinion that. the Lands Commission need not n- open the issue. One of them is-right. Bui the final decision iJ up to neither. II belon&s lo the courts. • : The Lands Commlsaion apprond the lranoaclkln in Septtmber, 19117. Last Novembtr, county 1uRIMaoi1 amended the agreement on which' the Lands Commll- &ion besecl !U action. The amendment&' -involving landodredlling con- tracl5 and tu relief for the lrvlne CompaJly -con- llituted a substantive cbange in the oriJinal document, .ays Murphy. Sbavelson, speaking unofficially, says be doesn't think so. In any case. he empbasizea;;, his office Isn't go. ing to issue any formal oplnlons on the subject as long as litigation on the excha.Dge· is peqding. '!bat la a wise policy. Until the courts have ruled oo the issue, restraint should be-UJed by the lepslalive counsel and all other slate spolcetmen, elected and ap- pointed. • . The waters d the Back Bay are muddled up •nouih· Support Your local .Team It's a charming photograph. It shows seven younpters -all Gf N•'l'J10rl Beach -and a shaggy dog, alio Of Newport Beach. • the Courts Acn>11·1he1op Gt the pbolosrapb appMl'I the ll~an: "SUpport Your Locl11'eem.'' The youngsters are all memllers d local YOllth or-• ganlzaUona. The picture ls on the front cover ol tbO ntw • United Fund campaJ111 l>rocbure. The clubs ol wblcb the cblldren are members are Just seven of 2G agencies that will benefit fl<>m the 1989-~0 Uolted Fund drive. The goal this time is $205,25S- about $20,000 above lut year's goal. Almoot baU of that 1oes lo youth servicea. Tbe ·rOJt goes to welfare, haallh and 1uldance agencies serving the ill, the agoa, the handicapped. Manf. of you will soon receive copies of that bro- chure, wi!Mls tromccverphofosraph. Study the picture. And then do what it aua: SUJ>- port Your Locill Team. You'll be prood that you dld. Congratulations to Haapa Corona del Mar Publisher Arvo E. Haapa bas won a national award !or campolgning oo behalf of local lree cnterprlae. · Haape, owner of the weekly Newport Harbor En· sign, received first pme of $1,000 for excellence In busi- n .. s reporting in competition with weelly newspapers all ovor the country. Tbe contest iJ annually sponsored by the University of Missouri Joumollsm School and the Independent Nalional Gas Assoclalion. Haapa's awani·winning entries were articles and editorials he wrote last spring on a proposed. city park- ing ordinance. He successfully urged revision of the pro. posal, which as originally drafted, would have made it very difficult for some small buaines.s firms to expand. COl!Jlralulalions, Publisher Haapa. •• IN) I' . .......... i.t ~et::=.. 1 . ..:::... 'EVEPYBoPY WANT~ lo NCIE INTO 1r:·8u:r N080!>Y WAN!) ro LIYE IN ir: 'Sex EdtlCG~ Sllotlld Be at Least Elective' A Slow Burn Suffuses the Don't Interfere Teach the Real Life Drama WllY DO 1'lllllS ,.._,... _ peer 111!1P lolll'lllltian? lt la becaiuo.todo1'•r ........ m'9 DOI u ...it Inf°"""' u tJ>eY. iboald be ... -related to the biololjcal llld PIYthol'li<OI meanln& ol beterHauaJ eolanpinenll. Ma ft y _... .... im--and Ula! ldded to, ID already •lden!ng lack of ...,,. llllllll<allon lo the Jlll'Qkhlld r<l1- llGollllp, ....... the -ado-lo loot !w .......... tllewbere. U. !lndl ..--u, lo 1111 peer lfOOIJ and the .._ ..... be-.. !nan ft -to be -to • pDllUve llde •blcb W-In acil and lelves out the mature _... .. lllJ Ula! roes ..tth iL THE YOUTH OF today is gtlling mar· ried urUer -median a1e 19.4 years - and divorclna; mooer than ill any prt'fious decade. N.., "" 1o1ne Into • maiftal situation under falae conceptions ol aex- u.l bllsa -of their ......... and becauae we adults teod to farce lbem to act as adults and sUll be treated as children. Dr. Rallison says gex education should only be taught at home. J say it should at t-be a school <leclive tauahl and u- tendo4 be)'\IOd the blologlcal ~ In-to the rat U!e drama ol adulthood and man1ed U!e. f NOW 18 Tiii lime !or our CGUDly .-.ion to S<t tos-will> !be atate -board ml clnetop the but "Wnl· ty U!e" coune anllable ud hire trali!ed -to lucb Cllll' dll1dren Wbll to.U• pael, !eel and -in this complex time. Tiie dMdenda -.Id be sreat ..tth perhapl fewer oa welfare or IUffering mailalaqulah. CHARLES II. GUENTHER , --W- WedDOJday, Sept. 17, uel n.c •--ot "" Dallr Pllol lffb lo mf°"" ond 1!im-llloU ~ bv ,,,._ling this .._,,.,.. ~ ..a .,.,... """'°" .,. 1op1a ot me.rat ...i dgfdff<tmce, br pmfdltlg 4 ,.,... for !Ac Ul""ntoo of our ""'"'-'. o"'1lloN. °"d bf preuwllftg Iha dlomc "''°' pofnv of lnfomi.d ' ol><mJffl otld •polrutluts Oft topka of CM 114,_ llobelt N. Weed, Publi&her . Aldricll who bu prvven men ·than once that be la able IO tan a !Inn lllml In the deftonle of What be belleftl la l')Od for the llllivmlty COllllDUllll1• ANITA GROSSMAN 'N-WICllllelii' ' . ' To Ibo.Edit«: .. [ Rtctntb' 1 doctor in the llU, "Name Wllllhold," wrote a line Jello -lo& his cOocmi for the )'OWll people who are In- volved ..tth dru(J. Ht Uated nine &111· aesttca u poulble steps toward• • -to tbe ~ and I was much linprmod with 1111 Ont one. II oUfHCI this Idea: "PraCectlon ler .., wtsbln& to .._ tbe!r ouppl!en." I Interpreted the llllkm of this -IO-llla U ID bnp1lcil -.. this doctor'• part to opeak out !er what ii ril)lL IT IS, PERHAPS, not a point for momenlous concern, but I rouki not help but wonder when I read at tht close of biJ fiery lettu, "Name Withheld!" 1 School Year More than lllO lcllo61 clllttlcti across our courdrJ ~ are Jootin1 for way1 to rtUeve the prusure on tbelr overcrowd- ed fldUUes, while, at the ume Ume, im- pm'ins educallooat opportunlllea for lboound& The taak 11 awuome. 1'le IDIW'tr may lle in an uPeriment bein1 conducted In Allanta !DvoMOI a four.quarter plan for yeM-mnid -I· lo1. Thia llelible llChome will allow Ill atudenla to choose any quarter Ibo)' like far their VllCIUon. Or a studln& cu at- tmd ocbool all yw wltbout !Dterrupllon. DB. ~OBN W. LETllON, aupar1tlltodenl of ICboola, -• *""' polot lot lbe plan. "II_, mll<e _ .. be uys, "IO c1oae down -ID Illa 1111111-rnerttme wbeo tbete la Mii a nead for edocatlm. Wbat'a lbe loCIO ol lum!nC UO,OGO lludenll Into the. atHell all ll 1he Ame llme! 'lliero .,. lhouaanda Qf tkla who •ant a better education. There are thoUlaods of lelchera •ho -a!ld want full-time tmploymtnL" One ~Uy benollclal I-of Allan- 11'1 llJJOrin*ll 11 U..t It will ~Ip dropouts .... bock Into -cfurlnl lbe more cuual -~. when -CID taU in. timt-to -t with tbem. NeM7 -.. bold pul. -I* all ---porl time .... allD -c:•'-,... ~Ill acid•-.. -lbe -q.i.m ,..... that lht1 Cart earn biper pay u Ibey dellre to tuch lbe ... tire (<Mir QUarlua. '11l11 added inccnliYI bas hid IO muy ttacbvt teachln& the IUD yur, that ther'O 1111 been llltle need to bin -help. MONEY 18 A -factor , ol cour'a, u Allonla found to lbe -ol an <Xtn u mllli<lo dolllra. But the Dian'~......,. Ual merita woukS Mtm web woffh the coet . • , and certain!)' well w«lh Ille canlul •tudt of etbu ICllOOl dlltrl& Catllandl , ...... krYlco could llOI tm.aa!Da w)ly a man -Mii )nlUaUve would haltate IO -.Illa .... lllr<Olth of -bt iroadl1 llin-1"' 011 name. Would bis mtdlal prl<llce he put Into sucb Jeopardy? There ar< enough wen.intentioned penons who are "almost able" to be leaders ml who are !otfleclual. I be11J1 lo read your letter with blah bopes, "N1U>e Wllhbeld." Name Not Withbeld NARY DElflGAN itCek••s-p To the Editor: The headline In lbe 891-• laaue of lbe DAILY PILOT -"Biijl Swap to state Alaln" -lroupt to mind the )'tlll o1 lludy and ...aid ..._...,, the trade of land In the .!{jct BIJ. Durfna JJl1 stt1'eet lniemf in tbe Back Bay f have -1 growlo& CODcm\ oo tbe part ol many who are becomJni more · and more aware that . our n1tural ...,..._, are Irreplaceable ml ..., be wortb the price to maintain for public .... ONE COUPLE who never wavered ln>m' this point of view ls Ml'. and Mn. Frsnt Robinlon. Their dedication and llmelea eUart In IOeklna !ids and In- formation haVe betri lnvalaable tn keep- ing the issue before our e~ng community. Even more lmpc:riant ii the fact that their efforts have led to I.heir ln- clUJiOll in the forthcoming court case and r.o doubl have cootributed to the re- evaluaUon by the three mtmber St.ate Lands Commission. ASSEMBLYMAN ROBERT BADBAM. In his letter to the Stile Land.I Cam- mlssioo, defends the trade as it now stands. CerWnJy there an points on both sides ol the laaue and tho time -rilbl to reopen the aflUIDIDfl. 'l'hoUlh """" U yean have alteacly -.,..t on the trade, 111a not enoqb u thn are 1WI volcu to be heard. · MRS. BARll>JIA EASTMAN R11nla• ROKlette To the Editor: Tbe tim!ell lraflic snarl In Or- C«lnty takes place daily ( e 1 c • p t -) between 7:IO and 1:11 a.m, al the .._ al Oran&• Coul Collele and Colla Mesa 111ib SdJoal. 1111 simple to._ ... tbe = nln( with the linJ)Ollihle .-!tin&. Whit ii .. btmelJ· -. however, la tbe probab!Uty of -II> juries to pedestrians (-in parUcullr) due to the obitnlClocf •lalbllltlea or botb molortlll • n d pedestrjq$, Tb1I is a forewamJ.na of the Inevitable tralrtc accidellL Actully ll 11 Ub a form or "Ruulan Roulette" 11 to tlhooe child H will be. • • RAYMOND B. ROSSO OrlJlle Cout Collea• t Dear Gloomy Gus: J.R.C. (Gui. S<pl 11) t!dnb Ille Nawport Tomorrow ourvey ii blln& ''Mid ltef'll..11 lt hu never b.n "'1Cre\. MICCOUl!la wm put> ~ Jut IP'ln& and coplea of !be report are ID locol llbrarlco. J.11.C. should read his hometown daU)' ~spaper. -Subocrlher ,,. .... _ ,.""" ........,.. ........ .... _.,..,,. ,_. ., .... .......... ...., ............... ....., .... Dllffl'l• r White House With Life Force WASHINGTON -A slow burn ii sur- lusln& tbe White Home on the tactica al bokl<wtrl from 1re:rio.ia Dr.mocratic Id· mlnldratlons in aalilotqing Nixon ~ lfllDL I Apropos ol my recent piece on the Law ol Diminished Proximity -for inslance, the automobile that get.I well the minute yoo roll it into the mechanic's ahop -a friend of mine mentioned another axiom not known to science. His automobile, be pointed o u t • fixes itself after a period of time. It will develop rumbles and grunts and ominou! croll!np -but d he blithety ntllect.. theR sinister l)'mptoms f« a few weeks, tbey usually dlaappw. Tbe· revoli ol ~Ulllce Department I HA VE N011CED this a a m e lQyera qaimt tbe Nix un ad-phenomenon many times -not only with D\lnlllrllloo's dv!I npla Policy in the my •ulomobUe and other g1dlell, but delay on enforcing delqrepUon orders with the human body as well. Very often in IO Miloiaippl ld..;i district. b only the bes! !bing you can do will! physical one cue in point.. ! com.J>l4lnts is to do nothing at all . The lnan who i.s preoccupied with hi.s White House lnsiden have run down symptom.s often intensifies t b e m . another cue ln the lorelen...IJd prosram. Whether or not they are created by the They uy this involves trickiness and mlnd, the mind certainly has the power deception by Democratic admlniatrat.ion to make ·them .setm worse. Tttis, I sup. holdover& tn claimln& Wbtte House air pose, is the Junction at which Christ.Ian • _ Scltnce and paychoanaJysia meet -alld provaJ ftr a qqrstiooed:\)l"Olram. bqtb contain a valuable share of the Nino cabinet mftUer1 and ad-truth . m.iniatralorl are now on notice to watch m""' cardully the actJoni of holdover of· lidals. Republican """"-and aenaton complain that they are dealing with the same old officialai ,on programs and projects of concern to their .states 11WTB, SAID Aristotle, is like a ba:n door: nobody who throws at it can avoid hiW., a part of it. but oobody can bit •li or it at once. No theory invented by man has been wholly [a\se, just as no ~ can embrace the entire truth at the ume time. The mlsiak:e most of us mll.e, 1 think • lies in laking a piece ol lbe truth and stretchini; it to cover the universe. The sick man believes health makes for hap. pines.s; the poor man, mooey; the bumble man, honor ; the ugly man, charm. ' TRIS INTELLECTUAL frailty is mogt obvious in the field of medicine. Admit it publicly or not, medical men are generally convinced that their own specialty is the core of h e a I t h • Everything is in lhe mind, or in the bones, or in the nerves, or in the blood stream, or in U:Je glands, or even someLimes even in the feet Man as a total organism ls rare- ly COl'Wdered -which ia why the sell~ healing process is mo often sneered at by specialist.s. But Nature is greater than any of it,, creaturt.s. and the whole art ol living, J am convinced, conaiatl in learn- ing how to interfere as little as possible with the life foroe. and dilltricls. IN SOME CASES, II b claimed, ad- vanct tnformaUon on Jocal projects is "leaked" by holdover odkiah to Democratic congressmen and1 senators who 1et the jump on lbe.ir Republican colleagu~ in aMouncing the projects. Consumer Perversity In plher.case.s, according to the White llouae """Pl11Dan1a, the delatll GI Nla011 J>l<llfllnl ~ ta1en up wltl\ staff ni<mben In the ollke1 of Sen. J!;dwud M. 1{<lllledJ or Sen. Edlmmd S. Muatie toe IDOdJ!lcaUoa before belnc put In llnat !Ofni for aubm!Alon IO the White Houle. In 11111 otJior caw, the 11i.mpfs ol tome Bberal RepubllCIDI 19 bridge over . dlff.,.._ ..tth Ille llbenl Democratic -I bu caused trvublt. Tiie of. flee of Well~ Se<ntary Robert H. Finell, -of Niloa'1 clooeat &310ciatea, cornea ...tu criticllm In Ibis respect from While House conservau-nm iJ 1n part • teaacy of Flncb'• attanpt to ap. point a -oppooed b; !be Amaican Medical ~llon u d>lel medical al· fleet of lbe llulth, Education and WeUare Department. The battle against Inflation Isn't going so well these days. For .some reason the American consumer won't be put down by high lai:es and tight money. Unless he starts cooperaUng soon, he11 likely be eonfn:mted by some rorm of direct economic controls early in 1970. Thia ii the picture that emeries as the naUon prtpares to enter the fast quarter of JMt with price.s, retail sales, and In- comes tUll rising at a pace too fast for comfort. U economic theory had perfonned as advtrtlled, 1 combination ot a JO percent federal surtal and the hliheat intmst ratei in modern U.S. history wou.Jd have damped down the boom. But the con- sumer in the arnuent society bas developed a perversity that may be tbt death of totl>ool< ecooomlcs. THAT OFFICIAL """10llllc slratqy would ret 1ta lumpo mould aurpn.e no ... f11111Uar with lbe aper!-ol other western aovenunenta: wblch have tried to manipulate consumer demand. Britain, AU. TBl8 lllERELY empbai;,. Ibo fO< ewnple, bu -applylnc I -point that too !ldlon1 are IJ'OW!n& up in lot nwly too years will! pnciGUI liWe the Nilon admln!atratlon, paralleliq Ibo lm]>ael DD·CONUmer apendlnf. dlYlaJon which aWJ conUnues in the . Prime MJ.nla:ltr Harold Wllaon flven put llepubllcan Party. The White House l !Oto effect 1 savagely deflationary budg.t l"IUP, for the mOst part, la either non·ln-deslp>ed lo bring a I percent drop In lile vol'fed or on the conwvaUve ride. ~atandant o1 Uvtn, of the Britlah ~le. Recent appoiol«s to tbe Wblit House But -Briton! monaged to !mance staff, former newsmen a.rt R • Ulelf .apendina out or personal savlnp. Mollenbotf ml L7n NotQer tend 10 Of.hers -wortted more overtime or toot a nlnf-the posJtJoo of l!am Den~ -Job on a part Ume buis. Bf - fCl'mlr ldmtnlwtratm eMlKant to Sen. meam or another, the wortinp\u t. -'riliiii\IOUd, wllo la emersloc u. PfOved bis position cleapile tbe bat lormldabla n,....1n Wbllo 11ouae a1f11n. ~ plans of the IO'VemmtnL llllber-rantcln ollldala IUdl 18 '11.R. ·Tbe American WIJe earner aeoma to bo ~. OAiitam to the Praldenl. ~ to the ..... llrl1--Sa•· anct Jolin 'n llrlJclunan counsel to the QI ill tbe llnt and -_.... of Preoldml .;.. leis mo,;ledieable about !tit dipped to 5.J percent of ~blo the Inner workJn&I of lile Wasblntton 1na1me -down from I.I and T .S ~ pol)llCIJ syttem. Some ol lhe new C.blntt =~,!IJch°rr., ::.iu.. 1: mtmbtn: have bee! far removf!d from plentiful The bu)'in& c:iuntbua. A the Inner turmoil or. lbt Rtpubllcan P11r-~r ~r ludinc ntaT:Wm reported ty. Sucll ~ential ldvia<n u Dr. lilat lilelr Auaull aalts hid pined lnln I Henry A. K!uln1er and Daniel P. pretctnt to 111 much u n: pttCelll. Moynihan •rt novtcts at the political ' &•mt and ln5ena!Uve to the nuancts of ECONOMIC CONTROLS are ll>athema lile 1.., struaale In lilt GOP betw,.n the to PoilUdtn& But crowtnr talk of the constrvalives and the liberals from need for lhtm ml)' be a case. In wbkb which NJxon has emuged as the common pubUc. thinking Is abead of lnrnakera dencxnlnator. and K'OnOnth1S. Fear ot Nna"•Y in· ('¥,. -,-··-~· g~~,u~~ ,~~jl 1-d·l ,§ . '. tp, "\' :"·"' I t '• ~·~· ~J''j ~· '~. nation -and ol the recessions which in- variably follow -is stronger I.ban fear of conlrols . AFL-CJO President Gecrge Meany rectnUy said that the only "·ay to stop the wrrent ioflaUonary cycle waa by con- trol$ -not only on wages but on prices profits aod dividend.s ·as well. Such ~ posture by a naUooal labor leader can be likened to a fly applaudine the use of ny paper. Consumer credit controls. however. Me a more likely first step. By raisin& the •iu of down-payment. and sbortenq the time for repayment ol imtallment purchases, consumer spt.nclin& could be cut wilh almost no Ume lq:. Federal Reserve officials would like to have btck the standby authority to imJlOSt credit controls that Congress allowed to expire in June 19$2 after the Korean war. Jt is doubted th.at Congrm: would agre.t to reimpose "Regulation W" credit con· lrols in the abRoce of 1 natkmal emergency. But the public seems to be moving on ilJ own to the cooclusion that an ec:onomic emergency eilllJ rilbt now. A pinlC ol DO small proport.ioos, mirrored in lhe money markets and t b e IUpemWtels, seems to he developfng even u the NiJ.on a<1miD1stradon coonsels patieoce. .---Bir Geetye ---..., Otar Geor1e: You sure are dupldl I wnte and aakecl you what scent to wear to drive my boy lrlencl wild •nd your answ;r certllnly didn't work ! I thou;g"ht it w11 runny when you •ua· sested wearlnc witch butl ~ ANNOYED SUE Dear Annoyed : Oil. Wild. C.n f help 11 If )~ur \V'a look Ute M's~ ' ' ' I J • ' I • • ·- l • - ' . • , . . Moon Revisited- Apollo 11 astronauts Oefl to right) Edwin Aldrin, Michael Collins and Neil Armstrong· look al a moon rock recently presented Urlhe Smithsonian Institution. The ·trio was in Washington Tuesdayi "I ad·• dress a joint session of Congresst The ~rock w.ent on 'piiblic tti;play today. WASHINGTON I AP) -President Ni>. •n !t\d !Oday be -.JU ask ~ !or • ;,,j,~ of !O'peroenl in SOoial.Sec:iuiO pa.?Dlents.. e£fectJve oext April 1. The President made \118·~~ •i_llrout elaboralloo, fast before be 6Igned • ~ extending the federal support. pr~ gram for Jocal projects for olda' ~- ~ said be coosidered the occasion an ~Rf'\ale time"' to make lhe ao- ~ about Social SecurJty boclllse older Americans .are . affected rubstantially by lhe rising·cost."'Of llving.· ·~said he will send·the r<qu..i lo Cootress nat. week. lflion •isned lhe bill in the Roooeftft ROam &f the White House with aeve.ral riltinbers m Congress wbo spoosond lhe bill watching and receiving the pem Nix· on 'tlied for his signature. 'Ihe bill auth.orius a neW retired senior volUnt.eer program for individual!; over 60 ~:ears of age. Such volunteers will be compensaled only for tramportaUon, Anaheim Driver Dies on ~ghway ~ 6&-y_ear-old motorist rrom Anaheim, ajlparen!ly rlricken by a hear! attack. Wai.dead on arrival at Costa Mesa Me-lal HOl(Jilal today 11)1.r bl1 ear veored off a road into a beanfield. 1'0iice identified the victim u Brenton C. Harris, of 1835 S. MancJie;ster Ave .•• Anaheim. The .incidtnl shortly btfOl"f: J a.m._ OC· cuued on 'Fairview Road at Sunaower AvenUe.Jnd left the victim's car nsUne about 100 feel off the roadway. No olher vehicles or propeljy was damaged ~nd a "·oman motorist said &be Uw Harris' iOl.lthbouod car veer for no BpparenL> reason across ona>minJ trlf{ic'" Jane$ ol Fairview Road tnto·the fJe1d. • Public Def ende • Sued by Officer . ·~ ' ., • · •• f:.,--:' ""l ' • ' ' ~µ~R~s.iO~ r .. ,. ,,.,.. • • ~ " '.' I I • I ·of. Draft • . " • • I ' • ~ ' . ~u;t ~:trQ(Jp .Pul~~~ I I '1 ' I f WASilJNGTON <111'1> -'l1lo Whiie HCMISO'lnd1'"41 -today for the .....,.i - ,tiliio;.·.ll"lt Py1114'11 ~ !\!l fO plal'4 upood llW«oll. -l<r i \rill per¥id. • ... . ) • . .... llec:re~.l!lllWd L. ;leiltr 'aid ·~~ 'not..,. Under·ac-ttt9 "---.... ./.-. .. !'er the -.hie luiure. the ad· mbiiatnlion appamilly ii placizll Its =·"" dral~<b-OD__.-~ . ' I ,. . I ' • • . .. M_~ y .~esJ,tlt i,J!',Qiigta C«IJJ J • •• ., \ I• Ne.IAntd ,llN!91ne . . ~. :·. ~~)tC!of~'~ Budget. ~ Sla~hed .$2·3.7~000. • r , ' • , ~ • ... . ~~ ' . . " • • •' . . f1 l e Red "eed to-· Meino~ • ~ .;-J • • p trill&.YN.ef ... ,_. AlloT!lEi.. NEWl'OllT llEACH LANDMARK llTIS THE llllNE oiru,, •• N~llT MY w-m S.11 Worb, • Fixture Since 1"4, w .. Domoll-T~ .. ~.,. ·"' •. ,, .. """" tho 1111 warlo ftcidtd •altlni two yem 1tr."""' ""'J't" ~,.ii .,ujdl~ l>o wiirtll 11. • They eodeil their 1 .... , whld> in Iller )'Uri hid ..... IUtn .... 00 I ye ... 11 baJiL Tiie primitive yd profitable oper1tloo 1tarl<d back in \914 whta Olcar llufllnt, llOlr I -· ArlJ., raJdlfl~ IP. ~ the late J11m5 lrvlnt with "' lilllllM, wbo thin ·worhd far tho -· 1111 Co. In IM Anp1'o, ... -prollla bi Illa Upper J!a1 11U -Aboul Illa otll1 -wt>lcll 1""" bold In -Dtpl-JW1 wllldi IWI lbowotl a prolll WU Martaa'a, IO l>o ......1o .. 1eue. And llulllne wont to aart. ill bulll 1111 mDI end llltlin.I pondl .. the land II I COii GI $1C,IOll, iloOdad tho Ul1llnl ponGJ, thin hid to wait two yun1or tbt aun to do Ill Joi>. Me•• O,e•e• Phsn Freeway -Periling Marina? II the Or..,. ~ roll ltt way dm 1o the c:outUne. .. ..,. planned bi the state. il wlll wreck au bOpes for a $100 million lnland marina in WtsL Newport. 1 h<metwnen' sroup charetct· today. For that reason -and a few others - the Newport' ShOres Honie owner s' AssociaU.O I.lid H ii "Utlllterlbly,. ap- poaed Co the p.._.i routing, not yet adopled by tbe Colilornia ffighwty Com· mlplnii 1lle allpnent, Newport Shores' bot~ dlalnnla Don Beckley said, would ·~ elfm!ute the fO'llXWDlc ::::.=t"1 ~of !be Genoa Bay 0-Bq, approvod In prtnctple lut Ftbnlary by !be Oil' C..mdl, would oc- <upy llllmlnc lowlanclt behind Newport Sbom IJlll od)acenl to the'Sanla Ant . tloa'a :e::-to 1111 coutal -"' tho . .....,, wllleb -id parallel 1111 . ADI River. C11 Ill war down Co 1111 .. .1run Rlmtlde °"'1nl)'. It -....Id, lie uld lo I leUar to the City Collndl, mull lo; • -Lou GI Ill)' ....... uonal value of 11l!develol*! lands oar tbt mouth of the Sl!llil Ant Rtv.-. · -''El!ecllve allenaUOO" ol Dllleh of the comnwnlty lrllD) ... of ltt l>old!front ....... ol ltteway tndllc Iha! wwld bl ~td-tbt'b!P1111. BecldeJ laid 1111.-0u... hat ffnned In ~ ,,_., camm1ttoe Co wort with dty olfJc:lafa Cll tho prabltm. Auld It ooe GI !be memben of the;""''" mltlle. : Newport Shores It not alone In lit llght qalOll the Ora111e Freeway, whlch would be the third In a !OUN111le ilrotch to end at the Hm>or Area couWae. 'Mte clUet of Calta Meu, HlllllloilA>o-lleuh 1114 Fountain Valley abo -the.plan. The city of Nnrport Beacl! Ilea yel to late In oUlclal polltlon. .. Battin Delays County OK 2 A·irlines Seek Flights Out of County Airport · Riv.-...,. the 11unt1nCCon Beteh city WUDty Apprpv~ ~n c . Auld: an advertlain& ex· Public UtUities commWion esaminers e<ullve who U.u In Newport Shores, pro-prehearing conference dt11lgned~ to help both lhe airline representaUvq; and tht PUC usminers in scheduling the offici.11 hearlnp on the route applications. £' -ncttructi•on poaed 1be Genoa Bay development u Thur&<tay will hear prelimin ary piano for ·. ·. :: ... :: •' . ;. . . . . ' (Jf U~iversity Area Park ,. . ... ..--·---~ ._. ... w.,. ..... ---J.ul.C...., ........................ J -.:...- ~~.'lfth• < ( ~.u,g part ot an nai araodtr ICbtme for Wut a bid by two a.irlinea to ny mora planes Newport w1 .. rfmt development. Cow> oul of Orant• Coun~ ·Airport. Of Creek Lev...... dlmtn rejecCod bit ralat4d -1 tor Bui they also will h<ar ;ome iliiing op. """""' 8 alflbore mutna ll'ICOIDp&utnc most politlon to the plans from New-port Beach of tho .,.. between Newport Pier and city .-al !lie'~ CQOference Or ... ~ ..,.,.lt<in -., tbt 5aJlla ADI River Jat1yt : in ~-~. . all!W~l'td -GI -to con-Gtnoo Ba;,, which Auld bu -Is A>lllllnl City Attorney Tom Woodruff fine SID Dleio era• 0 tt flldl Into ltrict4' bl& own klu. ls now the aubJect will relay official city oppo!ition to lhe the btad al u-N--.. »•· bttwotn GI...., ........, featlbttlty atudlet bJ pl1n1 by Pacific Southwut Airlinu and •• ,.... _, tbt Amt• Qiirpa GI · Eqinem. Cow> Air Cllffornla !or the new i'oates. MtcArtw llaultYatll ad J1t11-, dime• aalltd for the . atl!dla Jul The ldla wblcb will '-w the most o~ , .... -1, ~ ~ w• r -~ February. CllJ Harbor Coordinator poe!tjon wlO be PSA'a plant to Include 'Illa Jl!ltbent .Rold · br!qu nearly Geom liim aid todaJ they may be Oranae County Airport 1n 1tt north-IOlllh -. w.-Cltll Jail winier btca"'e completed by IJlll>Declmber. n11hla. approachlnc flood "'ter wu not con-Newport Sboru' B<ekley pve other PSA does nol fly into or1111e County at The carriers will detail the utent of their planned presentations so tha.l tht PUC repre.sentatlve1 can dr~w up a timt achedule. A hearing elate will be set Mitt the conference. Cleaner Still ' · Got Cleaned ..r.....-...i I reuoni fot hla: 400-memMr organiza. pr ent. finid ** a ·talUlP"tll• OOllnty flood cantro es A •al.,man who found a youth rt!Ulng ... .,~ A.1.'ii.1-N•I ...... u1 '"""' m•"tr It proposes to add Orange County to Iii ~, ... ~ \Ar"• ~· -.Ju. , .. ~ 1 itu rout.es between Southern and Northern the rear door of a Costa Mesa tle1ner1 ~ri!Rir S.Uie>ard brldiia "'re fu.m.:ohod Pad Ctlilornia. Tuesday suggetted be try the !root door. 1J 1:1:"'111i...,iltft. COtlllnlet1on proJ«!. lU, UU1 , "" Air Call!ornla 1telta pmnwlon to add He did. esttmlt&i ti) e68t $UIO,O(l6, wW be of1tn nonstop fllabta to Sacramento from the He ui:ed for a ficUtiouJ batcb of clean-~ 11 N U £ ' h d Oranae County Urm.ina1 and twci.othtra. Ing and when Christine Schul, cl.erk at ~A' dia.oel ,.,m· · ~-.... buill ow n Ul'11lS e · c;11 councilmen bave Wllnimously o,,. wa!bington e1eanen. t011 -s1., ullllrolm !rem Ill Ille San posed that proposal. rdumed, abe found the youth benl aver Qlfi6 1'rtewb. • .Mot\IM.., tbt : L&ndlordl ma, ocCuionally lay down The action in San :Francilco is a the cash reprter. Butcl0v110!Ctl!i ·fl'=~!'~!!'; tha law. but one may enforce It If he She aid be had a cou1hlng apell -real aatnicdoil llUKIV.UW .,.... ftndt a puUcutar tenant who moved out or faked -when he aaw htr. JilnbOrte WU' irroll. · ol ltl• CO.ta M ... rintal unlll recenUy. U.S. Bu. dget. Surplus The clerk told Police O!flcer !Ucbard Rlucal tt. dHeftli ·11illdlt uldt Witt Callfornla Hilbway Patrol OfUctr Johnson 1he asked if the youth wu ctr· "~lltlllY. wtill 'llli old hmbono H-~ J "--· ol Or••• told poUc lain he hid the rt••t firm and be left to Jlo&d ..... .,, • ..,!llil,.. atlu Tu;d.,· u;;:;:~ moved·~ worth ,; Lower Than Thought? ask a youth .. a1/i;;, oulllde. wbo had t..i the o6ll ... 14 tlli lolll hlu1 -and livlna room furniture with allegtdly dropped off the clothini. ctiatanct5,._ thlor ~~coltril.N ..:.., ••--b lllm. WASHJNGTON (AP) -Lower-th111-<X· He apparenUy Cook 110 from the ca1h "..... en t&I d' '"..-• -.: Tbt: grand thtf't from J:l(J:2 Maple Ave., pected Income may reduce the fedtral register along. = !~tr::C ~ 4irldloo, ~ ~ WU dltcovertd when ilannt -" by hud(et xurplut below the lariel f1Jure of Mb.< Schul told O!llcer Jobn!OO the d•J)Olltl of ltdilnlnt uubl• 0 nu D'I'" to routiritly check th• apartmenil, ac-SI bllllon thi& year, the Budaet BUreau thief had notlbly bit: feet . while bla bud- ttllii wen ruthtd 10tho.,..1111 winier. cordltlt Co Olllctr PhU Donohue. sa;d today. dy sported a busby muataehe. Nalaon Mid tho ....V wU1 llOk !tdarll .-i:============"""=======::::;i;:;;i;;;==:::;i;;=====. rllmbontnlant for COllt to tho -• tbat flood -.. rtmOYad. Mesa Chamber . - Sclentfli* Keep Eye .. On H1'J'l"ic:ao,e Holly MWll (Al') -llltrtt<ua1Wt1 -.Jn. ttinld • """"""' ........ -tho AUantlc todt1, """thali NI mllll OUI ol Puerto Jlloo, Wullltr ilur'"u ti:ltn- tl•I• ttpl Wllcll far a poaalblt ltlllnpl to SAVE 2§% ON FAMOUS JOWL~ STERLl~G CONVINllNT TIRMS IANKAM£RICAlD ' MASTER CHAR5l . ' I efl NIWfOlT IOUUVARD , COSTA MEiA Jl YIA~S 'SAME LOCA Tl0!1 ' curb Ill turJ. '!..---------------------------------....! I I ' l I ' :j I ) I ' l ' , I ' . . -~· ~ F· 196! DAJl.V P'll.OI' • Svetlana Blasts. Khru,slic·he~ · ; l.tPl~n-Soccer Tea11i O~jeet ' . ' Of . New T~reat.~l ~n lr~ln:rid . . . .. I South Gover-nors Hear Agnew Op~ Busing WILLIAMSBURG, V~. ~ to the Southern . (UPI) -Vice President Splrp govemon Tuesday ni8bt. T. Agnew says be b lll!ainot Gov. Bob Scott of North .. busing" to achieve racial · Carolio·a said he was en. balance in schools. But a num.. couraged by A g n e w ' s tier of Soothetn governors said ~. but that be ~d today action speab louder wait to see them translated tn· than words. to act.ion "down tbrourib the "l'm against busing , • • federal departments." . (blld,ren to_ ot~erl Gov. ~ McNair., ':'- neigbboilioods sunply tol SOutll Car~ said Agnew.~ acbleve an integrated status of speech was .. eocwra~nt, a larger geographic entity," but ~dded, . I am awaiting all Agnew said in a banquet of O:i11 to trickle down thJ:OUgll · lhe impliementatiOn procea." Suspension Of Draft Discussed A reaolation callng Oil the .federal gavenunent to aban- don "busing" as a means of ~eving a desired level of ~gregation in schools WU ~ be presenl<d to tbe cooler- eEP Ws morning. The resolution, proposed by G<iV. A1bert Brewer o f Alabama, was approved in a 3- 1 vole, with one abstention. in WASHINGTON (AP) the resolutions comnUttee White House sources express Tuesday. doubt President Nixoo's ex· The proposed resolution eculive order on the draft will broiJlbt on a public dispute halt induction!, even tern· between Brewer and Gov. JIOl'arily, although P r e s s Dewey F. Bartlett o f Secretary Ronald Ziegler in-Oklahoma. Bart1ett · said the ' · dlcates IUCh a suspension has ·resohd.ioo was not only Wt of · been considered. place, but inaccurate:.• · ''ll doesn't seem to be in the ' He said 'Agne;f aliil Presl- cants:• said one source. ctmt Nixon neveti had 11gone ~ ·Ziegler told newsmen Tuell-on l'eCol'd as b e i n g In • day suspending the draft is position to compulsory usign- ammg the factors being con-ment of students because of sidered in formulating selec· race or color" as stated by. tive service refanm. Bot -Brewer. White Hoose aides quickly said such a suspension is not an immediate prosp<cl. Ooe 80Ul'Cfl expressed &1l"prise at speculaticn the draft might be suspended tem- porarily. He said that althpugb no final decisiom have been made, the Nixon order is like- ly to be limited to reform or a d m I ni.strative procedure such as establishing uniform criteria for handling o f delennents bf draft boards. Earlier Tuesday, Sen. Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania, the ac- ting Senate Republican leader, said after a White House meeting •'there is a &troog dlopooilion to prm for draft reform this year." JM be conceded t h e likelihood of congres,,ional ac- tion is slim, and that the ad- minlmatioe wants to spotlight the issue to show where the delay is. Vets Recall War Error ' ARNHEM, Holland (UPI) - Four hundred s u r v.i v or• mustered today on a field without tulips for a Wt triboe lo Field Marshal Viscount folonle_.,.,, mistake. The riUStale 25 -yar. •iO was the dropping of 10,000 British an,d Polish paratroopers foZi{ what Monty planned. as tha,. victory to defeai Nui Germany iD 1944. Mooty later said be erred. Unknown to him, a German bllUe &rps led by two SS Pa11%er1£VislonS wire waiting. Onl · 2,000 of tbe para rs 'l$C8.ped. Arnhem joined .J>unkirt ·among those defeat!J in which tli BritiSb find a Sort of victory. ' Odd Trio! T•le Son Says Dad Killed Git-l ClilCAGO (UPI) -Samutl &Itkin brought bis soo'1 girl friend to the family's Indiana Cann, fon\ed a "close rela· t.ioosbip" \ith her a n d mmdered her when she rem. ed to undergo surgery that w o u I d have erased her memory. Alkin's son testified at the opening of his ~alher's trial. Joel Saikih, 25. -gave bis vmlon 1\tesday incl.Dding a latbeMon love triangle, or what led to the Nov. 5, lllS'I, murder of EJla Jean Scott. Her body was foiJnd Feb. II packed in a steel drum and buried in a shallow grave oo the farm. • Saikin-aal~ ht met Mi!S Scott, who WaJ a go.co dancer and a atenotrapber. in 'he spring of 1111. lo June he sald. his father 91111estecl the two come to live on his Chesterton, Ind., retreat, ••oogpatcb Farm." was canceled. During the sum- mer, his father hired Miss Scott as ilia secretary, Saikin said. Tbep, Saikin said. ilia lalber di.acovered Miss Scott was married to Air Fotte SW! Sgt. Samuel Mumma. The sergeant was Invited to 1he fann to l'isit bis 'ltstranged w~e and ....wallJ.lelt -her, Saikln said. 'Ir" In November, bi& father paid for Mill Scott11 reWra from La! Vegas -'llbe bad been _ ....... - i!ancer, Salldn llild. '!be elder (Salktn then asb4 her ta' "'IO to Mlcbigtn~-for a operation that would w~ out bet memory and he pruniaed be would adopt her, 6aDdn uld. Miss ...... saott 'f-e f.u t e1f.;- threateoing blaokmaU, Ind was Liken to one of hU lather's Chicago ,,...- wber< Ilia tather lhot her in tbe bead. Saatn laid. He tesUlled he helped Ilia tathet '!11111 the body in • oteel drum, ~ k to t11e ,1trm and The elder Saikln bu -helslnnoceoLlnMan:hbe ~ e/egantly_spirital 1970 CadilJiIC T~ brilliant -1970 c.ailiO.C 5 s!yled lo rollect ~ f>e"""'""aod die lllOad of ni.. in u.e spiri1od "'a~ ks atmq.ig -bea9ty !OggeSIS the lempO ol people"" the-. RK:hly ...._,.,,.,.,.,._,,..and ..n .......... -- .. , ..,,.. ... o1 c.dillac ..... .....t ecpaao s,..ttlins perlomaoce ......,. ,.,., "> ~ • &Gely·w d'1 ·en ol motoring p&easare. AD told, it seis ---.--..... greot decodo. ... -c.dillac models lo< . ' . . I ' 1970, """" m---... ,.;i .... lpiriioil ........ ,.,. ""'' b; example, mo-• -radio.,...... that will seeli ...t .,._ faoctlie NI!, FM« ,.....,..,.,,., Stltipn.· The aori.tl is ... d, ~ iii ""' .m.libleld. -,;, rjrt and oat of the .... ,. :rhls "'"'· c.&11.t' ........... ,..... iigi;n_made """lhlt the ' • • l • ' Cadillac ride a>nlioues ID be the "'100lbest; the quieb!SI. the -...;o,lble ilt . _.ring historf. C.di!l.c -. s11n<1...i ol lhe World. •• • . • • • ' . I • I . j :1 .~ ~'Spirited &Zlitte Pldomdo " . ; ' The ·Spirt ol the S..a:lies II .OCMl>ere ......-.-. Iha ilt the hondaol!ie 1970 Eldulaclo. Behind its ,,_tty ...... .m grille ii• S"'l'l -.Y.3 ..,.;no -• anplw• o1 u lill9 (5IXl aal>k: inchd, lhe 1ugoj.i v.a -·o11aa1:1n • pn>diJction ,,.;...tgel cw. en.tied specilically lftd eo::lusM!ly lo< the front ~ '""Eldoodo, ... _~plant~ ... Maple .-to operate ... . -, . ~ . • • . ' ' Salm said hb la t b t r deft1oped I ''CI O I e reJa. tioolhlp" with Mia Scott afttr lbe couple btpn 1l'rinc"on tbe Wm. So doot. in loct, that 1'W'i. Salldn'1 planned mar- riage to lbe 11-JW'<)d dancer accused bis ""' oh:anunll1illl , the murder. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~""--'-'"""''!" .. ............. 1,,.0dlsft•,.,.,...._fnd'* Ft'): ._,,.,_. • .._..-eln:a .. rliil:wt 7 -· ------ J _::c:J(: --• •• DAJl,y-pJLOT EDITOBL\L PAGE • Wait for the i:ou·rts • Clllfamla Leal•lalive Counsel Ceorce H. Murphy aaya lb• State t:end• Commlaslon mll>t ncon&lder the VJ!POI' Nowport I!aY ticlelandJ etchallge pniposal. Deputy Attomey General Jay Sbavelaon olf•l'I tho private oplllloo !bet the Landa Commission need not re- open the Issue. trees-trees ol auf!clent •lie and tOua,e to snca the 1tteela, pnivlde 1bade, and &Jve children aomethl!ia lo climb ln lllld faD out of. . ~ •eclloas of Costa Mesa are mature enou&b to have developed •ome shade trees along tbelr residential streets. College Park, for example, bas be<n occupied for about 10 years now and mod of its streets are be- glnnlng la take on an air of permanence and beauty, thanks lo the lrees along parkways and in Ibo lawns. One ol them is right. But the final decision Is up to neither. It belonc• to the eourts. The Lands CGmmlssion approved lbt tranucllon in s.ptember, 11167. Last November, county 1uporvlaors amended the agl'ffment on which the Lands Cqmmls- lioa bued ils actlbo. The amendment! -involving land-dredgin1 con- tract! and tu miel for the Irvine Compaey -Con-1ijtu~ a substantive change in the origijgel document, 1111 Murphy. Now some of them are being cut down. Roots of several evercreen asbea along atreels in College Park have begun buckling sidewalks. City crews anned with a ferociously elficieal tree-cutting and disposal oulf1t are removing the cause of the problem -the trees . Sbavelson, speaking unofficially, says be doe•n'I think so. ln any case, be eJ?ltJbasize5, bis office iln't go- ing lo issue· any fonnal <lpinlons on the sul>J'!d u long as Jiilga:tion on lbe excbana:e 1.s pending. Thal is~ wise pqllcy. Unlil thetourl• have ruled ~n the issue, remain! •bould be used by the Jeglslative counsel and all other state spokesmen, eleclll!d and, ap- ~~r, ,ROrhaps, that the sldewalll be removed. $0Dlt property owners believe. While the trees in the park•ay are•tecbnically city-owned,•tt is the homeown· er who cares for the trees and who is most concerned with whether they stay or don 't stay. ft is also possible that some remedial action couJd be t4ken -that the thrusting roots beneath the sidewalk Could be cutback and the sidewalk: replaced. It is even possible that homeowners would rather help pay for such a project than face !be bleak possibility of a barren J;t.reet. pointed. • . The walA!rs of the Back Bay are muddled up •nougb. Chopping Down Trees ' If buratonil!C cities such u Colla ·Mesa suUer from one cosmetic bllpt, It would have to be the lack of Treea already have been chopped down on several streets. Others item tO be marked for destruction soon. Municipal government would do well to make certain this isn't one program being carried out too efficiently. Consultation with homeowners and a 1tudy of each in· dividual case is very much in order. '~ Ed uectioa Should Be at Least El~tlve' l Teach the .Real Life Dr~ma .. To the !Clar: I -with ~ -n J"'lr IJepl. t artlde _..,,..,. Dr. Dale Rollllon'1 "!> ~ io ... --·In the "1Ullly -I~ wilh '-GI tbeetber palllljlt'1 GI 'floir;but 1-111 llke to -• lei ._-tunily lo -• fl'W idlll ti 1111 own. I am 1 coumtlot at Oran&t Ccunty Juwalle Hall. I !lave .... to IDlllJ ol lbe •!ii •• -. and ...., Gl 'the ...... ._ .-caalnd lh<m -le:l· wiI· muon. ,,_ :raun1 men GI lodaJ · areWloltalbtircwu--fcr ---flndln--ttifh FE' 'J'ht ••lw• 8 ~ DU 6ilCP'°' II 1m&llJ miltnfarm.tloa. :=:r:e,;:.-i&, ,....... ........ _ ..,..._ • 111<1 -----tothe biolalkol aod Jlll'CMlolial nwntnc of -..,..,, ........... !& l111ay puaq me embamloed and that added to • • a1reldJ wiclenlng lacl: GI com- munl<alian In lbe parenLdllld rela. lionohlp, .. -the COG!Uled ado-to loot far ......,.. elsewhere. He finds ~ _..111 1n bis peer araoP and lbe inlonullon he recetv .. lrom It laJdl to be sllaled to 1 JIOllUV< llde wliidl otr-1<1 ldl and ltawa out the ma-rupolllibWty that .... with it. THE YOtml OF today iJ gelling mar· ried urlitr -median age 11.4 ye1rs - and divorcing aooner than in any p:rttiou& decade. Ma111 are aoin1 into a m11ltal situation under !Ille conceptloes tl .,.. ual bJisa because of their eagerness and because we adulla tend to force them to acl u adultl and still be treated as children. Dr. Rallison says sex education should only be taught at home. I say it should at lent be a acbool elective taught and ex- tmled beyond the biological functions In· to lbe real Ille drama of adulthood and married Ill•. NOW IS THE time for our cowity educoton to pt lo&elber with the state -bunt and develop the belt "ltmi· ly life" ...,.. avollable and bJre trolned .....i ~ teach our cblldren what to ... poet, feel and know ·In lhil comp le. time. Tbe dtridendl -be put with p.napo f...,er .., welfare "' m!ferlni -lllllUiJh. CllAllLES H. GUENTHER Bel4Etfr.aterv To the Editor: Alu. bow --ol lbe wltcb bunt of the late Sen. Joo McCar1llJ' I.I the bystaia ....... by the appoln-of Mic:blld Krirman ! And lhe bolcf dlroalery of Klwanlam and Lqlonnaires lJbole bn11neg1 H ....W ...., to me, U.. ellewbort. IC)' hal'• oil -•1•ln -lo CbancdJor -· ~I Aldrich wllo 1111 prmm more lhu once tbal be 11 a111e to lske a tinn llml In lbo -ol wbal be belleva I.I 1""11 for Ibo -enitf commnnity. ' AlfflA GR06SlllAN . I 'N-WU•lleU' To the l:dltor: " ReceuUy 1 doctor lo the 'lU'ea, "Name Withbe1d," wrote.a..fme teuer abowlni hil concern f«-the 7oung people who art in-- volved with dnlp. Be lilted nine IU(· ~ u poaible steps towards a llOlulioD to lhe problem and I WU much lmprwed with !Iii first ooe. II offered lhil idea: "Protection for any wlahln& to -their ___ .. I lnterprotod the noUQn <i um freedom to u:pole ills u an impllcil deain on lhil -·· pari to speak out for what ii ri&bl IT JS. PERHAPS, not a point for momentou.s concern, but I could not htlp but wonder when I read at the close cf his fiery 1ettu, "Name Withbeld!" I School Year More than toO achool districts across our """1lry lodaJ ue looklnc lor •IY' to reline the preaure on their overcrowd-- od fadDlla wblle, al the woe Umt, Im· jJruVlng oducaliooal opportunities for thousands. 'Ibt tm Is aweaame. 'Ibe answa may Ile tn an eiperiment bein&·coodtlcted In Atlanta lnYOlvfDI a four.quarter plan for year-rouud llChool· inl· Thi.I ll<xible lcbeme will .now Ii.I lludenll to choo!< any quarler they lil<e far their YactUon. Or a 8'Udent can at- tend 1ebool all year without interruption. DR. JOHN W. u:noN, auperintendent of ocboob, mak• a sttonc point for the plan. "II _, make.-." he says. "to c:Jooe down acbooll In the sum· metlme -tben ii IUcb a need for odJICallan. Wb11'1 Ibo Joc1c . GI turning IJO,llOO lludent.1 lnto the liln!etl Ill II the ...,. llmeT 'l1lere are lhooland1 ol kids who want 1 beUtt education. There are ihoruaanda ol teacbers who need and want luJJ.tilGO '!IDJ!lo7m<Ol" Ono~ beneflc!ll locet of AU•n· 1!'1 --Ii that tt wiU li<lp dropouts .... -Into IC!lool c!utln& the -. cual llUllUDer qurter. •hon tac:ben can tue more time to work wllll them. NOlllJ -cu hold port. time Jobi all -· ·-ICliool pari lime ml 111111 meet p-adUltlon ,.. qulnmanll. la addilloo, lar llaChen the new QStem lDeaM that they can tarn bigbtt Pl1 if they de.sire lo leach U>e en- tire four quarter&. This added incentive h.u had 10 maey tuchet1 tudUDI the full ye.v, lhll lbm 1111 been JJUle need to bin addWooal belp. MONEY DA sertous llC!or, of courge, as At\aot.I found to tht eJteat ol an atra I.I mJlllon dollarL IM the p1an·1 polen- tl1l merill Would attm well W«lh lh'- C051 • , , and cerl!inly well worth tht cartful lllJd1 ol olh<r 5Choof dlltrlct1. Calllonl• t'eai.n 1erv1 .. could not.lmaalne •lo' ·-with IUCb lnlllaUva would besltale to -· bis own Mmalh .,_,by proudly sign- ing hill name. Would hill modk:alll'ocllce be put Into sucb jeopardy? There ... eDOUlli welJ.W..Uooed per&OOI wbo are "almoat able" to be leadeta and wbO are ineUectual. I bep.n to reed your letter with higti hopes. "Name Wtthheld." N..,. Not Withheld MARY DENIGAN a.erc ... s_,. To tbe F.ditor: The headline In the Sept. I Jasue ol the DAILY PILOT -"BaJ Swap to Sl!le Again" -broagbt to mind lhe y ..... ol study and conllld oOncenilni lhe lradt of land In the -Bay. Durinl m1 sll·year inlereaf In the Back Bay I have aeeo a J?OWinl·coocern on the pari of many wbo are becomlni . more and more aware tbat our natural reaourcea are irreplaceable and may l>t worth the price to maintab:I for public .... ONE COUPLE who never wavered from lhil polnl ol view Is Mr. and Mn. Frank Robin.50n. Their dedication and llmeleu effort in seeking facls ml m. !otm•Uoo. ha•e been invaluable in teep. tng the JSSUe before our evu~ community. Even more important is the ract that their efforts have led to their in· clusion in lhe forthcoming court «R and 110 doubt have contributed to the re· evaluation by the three member State Lands Commission. ASSEMBLYl\IAN ROBERT BADRMt, in his letter to the State Landi Com· mission, defends the trade as it now slands. Certainly there are points on both Iii.des of \he issue and the time aeema riiJ!I to reopen the atl\llll-. 'l'bouib st11.ne 12 years have already been apent on the trade, it is not enough if there are ~till voices to be beard. · MRS. BARBA11A EASTMAN R11aalc" Rotdette '1'0 the Edit.or: The greai.st lrlllic snarl In Oronp County lakes pW:e daily ( e I c e p I weekend&) between 7:30 and 1:30 1.m. 1t the entrances of Orange Coast Collqe and Costa Mesa High School. It ls simple to recognize the poor plan- nlnl wilh the imposslhle problema resulling. What is utremelJ terkJus, howevu, 1s the probabl.Uty of serioos in-.fur~ to · pedestrians (students in parllcu1ar) due to the obsllUcted visiblliUts of both motorists 1 n d pedestrian$. Thi.I is a fortwarnm, ol Utt. inevitable traffic acddent. Actually it ia like. a form or ''RuQlan RouJette" as to wboae child It will be. RAYlllOND R. ROW> Orange Coa1t Colleae Dear Gloomy Gus: Every Ume J SH. U'IOle crasy Ile· 111 apa.rt.menll Mir Marloen llCbool. I want to lau,ab -or aJ'. -W.R. B. fMt fMtYl1I ""*" ,_. y-.,. .... -ftfW ... .. fht ••••• • ... -"' ,... ........ , ... 0.11'1' ,., .... IC) A S lo w Burn Suffuses the White House WASHINGTON -A slow blD"ll b suf. fil!lnl the Wblte House on the tactica ol hoklavers from previous Democratic ad- mlnistrolions In sabotaging Nino pro- Cl'IDIL Tbe revolt of Juallce Oepar1ment lawyers qalnst lhe -N ix o n ad· mini.llratlnn's c:ITil ri&hl! policy in lhe dda1 on enforcin& ~allan °""'"' In ilO Mississippi llCbool distrJdl 11 <1D11 one cue in point. White House in&idera have nm down "'another cue in the foreign aid program, They aay this involves trlc.ki.ness and deception by DemocraUc admlnistralion holdovers In claiming Wblte House ap- proval for • questioned program. NDon cabinet members and ad· mhustraton are now on DOOce to ~atch more cardully the actiom ol boldover ol· ficiols. R<publlc:an -and senators complain that they are dealing with lbe ume old official£ on programs and projects of concern to their states aad districts. IN SOME CA.SES, it is claimed, ad- vance informaUon on local projects is "leaked " by holdover officials t o Democratic congressmen and senaton who get the jump on their Republican colleagues in announcing the proj!cts. In other cues, according to the White House complainanta, the details of Nl100 proP'ama are taken up with staff members ht Ute offices of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy or Sen. Edmund S. Muskie for modlflcaUon beforo bein& pul in final form for submission tn the Whi1' House. In 1Ull other cues, the aUempb of some liberal R<publlcans to bridge over dWerences wllh the liberal Oemocralle ei!labllsbment baa ca-lrooble. The ol· llce of Weffare 5ecrtlary Robert IL Finch, ooe of Nixon's close.st auoci&tts, comes under crlticl&m in this respect from White House cooaervativu. This is in part a lq:acy of Flncb'• attempt to •Po point· • doctor oppoood by the American Medico! Asaoclalloo as chiel medical of. fleer of the Hu.Ith, Educatlou aod Welfart Department. ALL TRIS MERELY empllasises the point that tWo factions are growing up in the Nl•on ldmlnlltraUon, paralleling the division whlcb atlU continues in· the R<publlcan Porty. The White u .... iroup, for tl!e. most part, is either noo·ift. volved or on the conl6'V1tive aide. Recent appointee. to the Whi1' Houge statr, former newsmen Clari R . Mollenliofl and Lyn Nolllgtr, lend lo relnl~ the pooltloo ol Harry Oen~ former admlnlslraUV< asslstanJ lo Sen. Slnim 'l'burmond, wbo Is e"""lfDg u 1 IormldG!t n..,. 1n White -a11a1n. ~ ofliclals llocb 11 II.I\. IWd<man. 1Slistanl lo the President, and John 0. Erllchmsn . counsel to the Prestdent are Jess knowledgeable ah«rt tht lnn<r workings ol the Wlllbincloo polltJcal system. Some of the new Cabinet members ban been far remcne:t from the inner turmoJJ of Ute Rtpublian Par· fiY. Such prealdenUaJ adv!~ aa Df. Htnry A. KJulnger aad Daniel P. Moynfhlin are novices at the polJbl aame and insenaiUve to the nuanct1 or the. Jona 5lruggle fn lht GOP between lhe constrvatlves and I.he libeJ'IJIS frnm 1\'hlch Nixon has e.merg~ u the a1mmon dtnominator. . . • Don't Interfere With Life · Force Apropos of my recent piece on the Law of Dlm.lnisbtd Proximity -for instance, the automobile thaJ gels well the minute ·you rolJ it into the mecllanlc's sbop - a lriend o! mine mentioned another u.iom not kno'fn to science. His automobile, he pointed o u t . fixes it.self afler a period of time. It will develop rumbles and grunts and ominous creakinp -but if he blithely neglects these liniller aymploms rcr a rew weels, they lllUllly diappear. I HAVE NOTICED thiJ 1 am e phencmenon lDIDY tlmea -not only with my ·~ and other P,dgets. bul with the hwnao body u well. Vt:rf often the li<A lhlnl you can do wllh ploylical .complalnll I.I to do nothln& al all. 'J'be.-mM l'ho is preoccupied with his symptoms orten intenaifies l h e m . Whether or not they are created by the mind. the mind certainly has the power to make them teem worse.. This, I sup.. pose, is the junction al which Christian Science and psychoanalysis meet -and bath contain a valuable share of the lnrtb. TRUTH, SAID Aristotle. Is like a ba:n door: no1Jmj1 who throw1 al it can avoid hitting a part of it, but nobody can hit all of it at once. No theory b1•ented by man has been wholly fal se. jusl as no theory can embrace the entire truth at the same time. The mistake most ol us make, I th.ink • lies in taking a piece of lbl truth and .lilt.retching it to cover the univene. n. sick man believea health ma.kea for hap. piness; the poor ma.n, mone7; the bumb&e man, booor; the u.aJy man, cbann. THIS INTELLECTUAL frlilly Is mos! ObYioUS in the fiekl of medicine. Admit it publicly · or 'not, medical mtn en ,.generally convinced that their own specialty is the core of b e 1 I th , Everything is in the mind, or jn the bonet, or in the nerves. or 1n the blood stream. or in the glands, or even sometimes even in lbe feet. Man as a tota1 organiJm Js r•~ ly con.sidered -which is why the 1elr- healing process is 90 often sneered at by &-pecialists. But Nature is greater than any of its creatures, and the whole art of living, I am coovinced, consiats in learn· ing bow to interfere a.s Litue a.s pouiblc with the life force. Consumer Perversity The battle against inf1alion isn 't going so well these day1. For some reason the American consumer won't be put down by high taxes and light money. Unless he starts cooperating soon, he'll likely be confronted by some fonn of direct ecooomlc controls early in 1971. This ls the picture that emerges as the nation prepara to enter lhe last quarter of 1961 with prices, !'!:Lall sales, and in· comes dill rising at a paet klo fast for comfort. It economic theory had perfonned as advertised, a combination of a JO percent federal ...nu: and the highest inlensl rates in modem U.S. history would have damped down the boom . But the con- sumtr in the affluent :society has developed 1 J:.el'"'ersity that may be tht death of tatbook economics. TB4t OFFICIAL economic strategy would get Ua kimpa llQlkt surpriae no one lam.Illar with the experience of other western governments whlch hive tried to manlpullte consumer demand. Britain, for uample, bu been applyJnc a aqueeie for nearly two yean wllli pnidous little impact on '''"'"''"' spendiog. Prime Mlniltt:r Harold Wllu eve'n put lnto effect a 11vagely deflaUOQllry budget designed to brlna a I pm:enl dl'op In the standard of living of the Br!lllh people. But aome Britons managed to finance their spending out of penon1.I savings. Others woBed mort overtime or took 1 !l<COOd jobon 1 part llmebuls. Byont mtant or another. the worttnsman im· ' p......i 1111 pol!Uon desplto Ibo but -"" plans ol the p ........ k 'lbe,Ameriea.D Wll' earner teems to be re~ to Uie same atratagtim. S..v· logs In the Dnl and """"11 quutan of Jilt dipped to 5.! pen:ont ol dllpoaable iooome -down from 6.1 and 7.J ~ respectlvlll', In lhe camperUle 1111 quarten. MoonllghUog opportlfttla are p!elillful. The ooylog -continua. A munber ol leadlog retail -,_w tl>at lheir August sates had 1olned lrom 5 perctnt to Ill muclt u 21 ~ HCONOMIC CONTROLS are 1n1thetn1 to pollUclanl. But m>wln1 ~ of the nttd for them may be 1 c.IM in which public thinking ls ahead ol lawmakers 11nd economl!i:t!. Fear of runaway in· I flalion -and or the recessions which in- variably follow -is stronger than fear of controls. AFL-CIO President George Meany recently said that the only way to stop the currtnt inflationary cycle was by c:on-- Lrols -not only on wages but on prices, ' profltS and dividends as w-ell. Sud\ a posture by a national labor leader can be likened to a fly applauding lhe use of ny paper. Coosumer credit controls. however, art a. more likely first step. By raising the SIU ol down-payments and oliortenlng lh'1 time for repayment of installment purchases, consumer spending could be cut with almost no lime lag. Federal Reserve officl8.1s would like to have bad: lhe standby authority to impose credit controls that Collgms allowed to e:iptre in Jwne ~ after the Korean war. It is doubted that Congress would q:ree to reimpose "Regulation W" credit con· lrols in the absence of a 111Uonal emergency. But the publk: seems to be moving on its own to the conclusion that an economic emet1ency eiists right now. A panic of no small proporti..., mirrored in the money markets and th 11 supennar\N, Sttllll to ht developing even as lht Niioo administration counsels paUenct. ..---•11 Gee1'9e ---. Dear Gectge; You sure an: 1tupld! I wrote and albd JPll •bat 1eent t.o wu.r to drive ~ boy (m.nd wild and your antwer'TC911Jnly didn't wort! r I.bought k was funny when you IUI· ae&led Wtarifll witch hutl! ANNOYED SUE Dear Annoyed: Oh. Wild. Cln I help It 11 l"11l' W's look like M'I~ r t • .. I I I t ' j I l I ) Singing Sextet Beaeh Pier Plan Faces Council Next HunUn,etoo Belchta "Top of the Pier ' \.Development PJan•• fices tta next {l'\ajor hunlle Oct. 13 when the Ul1>an Lind lnstltute C!lluna Ste.!riJii Committ"' (CSC) pr...., the Jll'POOI] lo the City Council CSC Chairman Monte Nitzkowati will seek COW'lCil approvaJ of the: project which ha.s an estimaWJ coat of $3.86 million. Proposed is the purchase o( all downtown property one block inland to Walnut Avenue from 6lh to Lake Street plm Ove acrea owned by the Huntington Beach Co: east of Lake ,.tending Inland to Allanta Avenue. Parking for 1,l)O can would be pro- vided oo the equivalent ot seven city b!ocb. The CSC committee states that the plan will take full advantage of the valuable beach asset and provide a strong Rtlmulus to expansion of downtown businesses outside the target area by licking the severe parking problem. • ON A WAVE SWIFTLY -Boardman delicately balances him self in eigbt·foot his;h surf rolling into shore this week just off the HuntinJton Beach Pier. Organizers or lhe lllh Annual Uruted states Surf· board Cbamplonshi~s scbeduled this Saturday hOpe the rolling \vaves will continue through the conteat. During the past two evenb aurfers had to ''make" do With llli!e more th111 three feet of 'foam.. / . . •• ..':! Fountain Valley Jligh School's songleaders are ready for action at the Barons' first football game of the season Friday night with Rancho Los Alamitos. The Baron belles are (top, left to right) Linda Nelson, Pari Rangel. Nancy Weidenharnmer, head songleaderi Liz Berrego and Debbie Nelson and (bottom) Lynn Lafferty. The plan has not met with unanimou.s approval of the landowners a n d businessmen affected. The Huntington Beach C.O. bas questioned the CSC posi- tion that 1.800 parking acres ii the minimum break.even number. Several downtown merchants have voie«I strong opposition to the loa.s or their property. Good Surf But No Board Champ Unhappy in Mixup But Waves Perfect 2 Councilmen Studying Beach Apartment Ratio County Cham.her Urging Stricter Water Controls in the contest. _ the. tail and wide iD the. front," ~ But when you're one ol the, world'• top D•vid to one or bll employes taking the The aenU-transparent fog which veiled four aurfua with 13 years of e~ orders to the Uber gt.ass man. "And tell Huntington Buch'• waterfront during the under your feel, the 1belf modd ju.st him ·Jt's got to be aood." early part ot this week lifted at noon won't do. . David has tbe UnHed St.ates Quam. Tuesday, revesllng beauUiul &ix to eight "Tell him to make. my board 1~ ln 'pioftship riding on ~the'. tklll. of bis foot high rolling waves. bactshop aafbman Ulla week. "JU!I pedect ror the U.S. Surfboard 1" jJlSl r<lumed from llnall a ftw By RUDI NIEDZll!UIJ Two Huntington Beach city councilmen wi:I &tudy the problem of the ratio of apartments to single family homes in the future of the community aod report back lo the full council on Oct. 6. Councilman Jerry Matney. 1 strong foe of "loo many apartments" and Coun· Beach's Schools Need Master Plan Says Supt. Hall Superintendent Clar-~n<:e llall told Ocean View School District tru slees Mon- day thal a master plan of the building program \\'OU!d have to be drawn up to forestall overcrowding of schools during the next 10 years. "During the next five years \1·e ~·ill need housing for 6.(0) more ch.ildn~n. \Ve have lo start thinking about more sites and starl planning beyond our more im- mediate needs," he said. The plan, to be drawn up by the school architects, should be available. to the hoard of trustees in l\\'O \\'eeks, according to Dr. }!all. At the same time he painted a bleak p1cturt o( current student population pr<>- ble1ns at several schools which was caus- rd by the delay of opening the Park View and Mesa View campuses. "Spring View and Star View are overpopulated right no~·. \Ve simply could not accommodate all the pupil.5. \\'e have more children than classrooms." bused to other schools. To offset the overcrowding problem and lo a~·oid as many double :teSSions as possible. many of the studen ts are being bussed to other schools. Jn addition. distriC\ oUiciah m mak- ing use of hallways, mulU~rpose ~ audiovisual rooms .1il some locatJon.s pr.- ti! the new schools can be opened. "I expected a room full of angry parents protesting the busing," said Dr. •1a11 after the meeting, "but I think they realize what we're confronted Yl'ith." Despite the district ·s efforls to ac· commodalc the 13.144 students enrolled this year, 739 children in grades 1-3 had 10 be placed on double sessions, said Dr. Hall. cilman Dr. OIJnald Shipley were named ~fonday by Mayor Jack Green to study a report by the Planning Department staff which states, "The study does DOt show an excess of property zoned or master planned for mulifamily purposes." hialney, who originally askOO for the study called the report, "little better than nothing." The controversy came to a bead tour weeks ago when the muciHlebated Lusk develapmenl was up for decision by the council. Lusk requested and was granted by 1 4- 2 •ole the rer.onc oJ acreage southwest or Bolsa Avenue and Springdale Street earmarked enlirely for industry to in- duslry, apartmenls and commercial development. Matney opposed the move and was jioned by Mayor Green. The Planning Department report, in addition to disclaiming an excess of pro- perty 7.0nE:d to apartments, added: -The number ol apartments under c:onslructlon is a sign of Ult times, caus- ed by the demand for apartmenls, availability of financing and it is nol a reason for alarm. -The only heavy concentration ol apartment zoning is In the doll•ntov.n area of the city where the concentration should occur; otherwise the apartments will be well distributed throughout the ci- ty. -Remning property for multifamily purposes does not aprear to be a problem iI lhe master plan is follov;ed, -The Planning Commission will con- tinue to study alternatives to the hoo!ini problem. The Orange County Chamber of Com-Champior.ship if it continues throu&h the valley to Have days JiO lG participate in t.lle cham- m<rtc ha> joined the list or governmental w .. kend," "Y' lhrbora and Beaches plonahip and lo liltor his two proltges, and civic bodies urging prompt reev1lua-Director Vince Moorhou1e. Na.'ley Hayes. tt, of Newport Buch. and tlon o( water quality Jn the Santa Ana But nol. for David Nuubiwa, 21, last Oass m' Dance Chuck Ray, also 19, of Hunlingtm Beaih. River, aimed at selling more rigid st.an-year's winner of the Dub Kahanamoku who are both entered in the contest. dardl! for controlling pollut.ion. Trophy u best overall surfer. . .. Im trying to teach them bow to gf"t Noting that the existing st.and.ards for The two surfboarda with which he had Young ballerinas 11nd tap dance en· £OOd and help them whenever I'm here," permissible levela o/ dissolved solids, ox-expectet: \0 lhoot to a repeat vi~ are lhmlasla will !tart lessona Thursday in smiled Nuuhiwa. ••But I have to 1how yg'en , 41\i\ coJlfoim• i'! the ~~r flow sUll ltft Ill' Haw1il, due to iOme lblpping tqe Foyntaln VaUey communlly i;oter. myseU' lot <t lblnp belo11 the conlUL" beloW Prado Dam were establiSbed back mix·up. ' Chlldfen,.betweei!the. aje11 bl thrte and A D1live H1wallan. he learoed M to In 1957, 1he Olamber's , resoluUon What uae are the 1un!bine and the U can sign up for the fall aeries ol in-wrf at the qe ot ilpt. 1 . declar~ "Orange Ccunty ti# evo1M "roarinJi:r'• if your f.ivortte boards are 1stn•"'linns,. a etioice nt lllfi!. arNt . tf11v ta,. .. sm tblt time be bu become from an agrarian comnJWl.ify htto a 2,400 aWa-l'? -.1 1va.Uable, ID1.time: clurinl U. w.U.1C cJ. IOIDft~~ _a ctl~ ii IUl'fini modern industrial aimplu ~":,bet·, Nuuhhni, libel ol)Crata a _"""'°8rd ty hall, 1•..W 'S!A.er Av"' 1 ~ drellil, J.ati1 ~Gtlllf *"" .... ter· quollty ••tu," iD the · _ u lhop in downtown Himlll>1l'o11fl<~ haJ Tho. te&wett courae will he ta\llht •1 in IUl:b IW'fl!I fllma u "Free eDil Euy" years. racb atulled lull <t aurlboardu(varlous Dawq1 Parm, It 1' apooaored 111 the 11.cl the IGlh Century F0> pnlduction of The Chamber urged that more slrln-11,.~-,..;;';colon;;;;and;;aba~pes;;;tha;t;be;;coWd;;;;use~~par~u;,;.and;;;r;ecru~;tkln~· ~dt~parUnent.~;;;~~~~~"S~w~e~!t~.RJd~e~.~·~~;;;;;;;;;;ijj gent standards which would reduce the :;:;":i~,·~.~~ ;/ :~~edbe ':=~ . SAVE $154.74 ON NEW HARMON~RDON ·~~·;,.~~:;.adopted Tueoday by the 200 FM STEREO SYS1'EM! INCLUDEs GARRARD ~i.:: ~J.r~talho~~~ AUT0:.CHANGER 12" CO.AXIAL LANCER SPEAKERS R<!gional Watu Quality Control Board can be questioned if vigilance is not demonstrated by taking immediate measures to halt and prtvent further contamination of the natural now of the Santa Ana River below I.he. Prado Dam." Rose V il.rieties Go on Display 1!'' _... ... ,4 .... C.l.S. .,..._. ht ._.. .................. -t REG. $51.00 "Summer Su,n.,hine" am "King's Ransom" are among hundreds of dif· lerenl types of roses to be displayed by horticulturallsts Oct. 2S apd 26 at the Youth to Get wes0n1nster RecreaUon Building during the 4lh Annual Fall Rose Arrangement SHERWOOD-AR JOO Witt Stereo .Top Scout Award s:,~. strange •ypes or the thorny flower lo be uhlblted Include "Jack Scouting's highest award, Eagle raok, Froet," ''Matterborn," "Garden Party," will be prtsenled ton i g b t to-Don L. ''Columbus Queen,' 1'Eiffd Tower," Hansen. 14, of 1191 Dover Dtive, Hun-°Christian Dior,''~ "Mister Lincoln" and tiniton Beach. "Chrysler Imperial." Don is a member of troop 551, E1-Rose arrangement.I will be submitted calibur District. Orange Empire Area under a pollUcat theme thia year and Council of the Boy Scouts of America. tropblea will · be awarded to winners in He is a sophomore at Marina High categories such aa "Unity in T1ie Party," School and acUve in lhe Viki.Ill march-"Far Eastern Policy,'' "Our Heritage," ing band, Natlooal Forensic League and "Space Program," "Precinct Workera,11 the Orama Club. ••Protest March•• and "Minority Report." Don will receive his Eagle award at a The show, sponsored by the: Cfty of special coort of honor, just six months Westminster, Will be open to the public afler his brother, Harry, received the lrom I p.m. to 7 p.m. Oct. 2S and from 1; FISHIR 160.T and XP·5'1. FM~Sttreo e fllHU 1'"' ,,,...., , .... -~ .. _,,, JMS.. .....__ T-6Motk _,. ....,,. ,.... _... ,. 11.i-. .. .. .... " . "'""" .... hff.fi. -. ·- . t Eagle rank. a.m. to ~ p.rn.. Oct. a .. ~~~~~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilljiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiliiiiiil A IWTKrillNG SWCTIOll .. , is yours to choose . . . at Attt's, and ciur Qullified interior cfe:signers offer fresh. vibnnl id .. s lo enhinca your home· Llbtr1I Terms Aw1it1bl1 • • • l • __... ................. a.car Klrlq>alrick of LltUeton, c;olo. II dlwrced 1rom· bis wife of 18 71an lilcau&e be mW1cbed pop- pm la bed. Tiie wife lold th• iudce Jlle clldn'I mind thal ber bwband .ie popcom In bed-but obe 91>-lected to the nolu be made cbew- lnt It. Sbe said wben she CCJll1< plaiDed, her huabond wenl lo the ...._l Sb• qld Ibis oHtnded 1!er and lb• lei\ after a 20-year ;.,.mqe, and thal was eight years qo: Jlldge Donald P. Smith Jr. lfllltld a 41wrce lo both parlies. • • S/liFlq Selin •Of tM A~ l'n>- ttcdvf AslociatioR. o/ MWourf mtf» to attendon whe11 1ht handles h~r M:n:i-sluiUed friends, four l4rpe IOOJ>' ping turtle. JOund fn. the SL L.tutis are~e in a piriOGtt awimmino 9001. Tk•u'U bt rtleo.scd in a farm. potld._ ,. . ' ' . . -.. ·-. si\ap in-1.n,. 11o-s1an1ey otJloiDIOr«; Enllancl, was unable lo set to Ult IMln):; ao she left $300 at thji back of the premises unW UJe ~ dioy. 8ut In II>• momtng. 1amaae men Ollw.d, took cans of rub~ the ho1. It w .. lost- bull.so.ed under looi of rubbish at the looal farbage dump. • A ~on court Mi>nday upheld an alllployer's rifl)t to fire carpeD- ter Sepllmus Wilch, 54, because the man'• wottmanshlp was of an • ...,._rily !till>'' slalllanl and bis hliJ!' qiiali'I' · wutk sla)oed up proNdloL ' " ; •• • U.N. Considers Ireland Problem Ford's Price IJike Sn1aller Than GM Rise DETROIT CAP)-Fonf Motor -CO., the nitioa's No. 2 automaker, today ao-- nouneed Its lfTO model cars would cod ao average of $lo&. more than current modell. an ina-eaae ol U perwrt: Ford, shooting for a bllJ!er shart of UM market now held by industry leader General Motors, came up with a price ,booll smallu thall GM'a.$1.li_or 3.t per· CtDl inl::resK. • Tbe --alao said it .WU holdinl tll• nne ;,, tbt pr!<*1 'of lb rut odJlni liU• Mavet'lck, which goes !or $1.195. Next to the ·1970 HOtnet beln1 mar· keted by Am~can Moton, the Maverick wiTI be the low.est pri~ Ametlc8.n-fna~e auto. American "otonk 11.lL lta new Homtt will sell for Sl.994. Trying to avoid beiuJ put .at a compet- iUve disadvantao· by GM, Ford chan~ it.s mind on lts warranty program after Gme:ral Moton announc"" It was suck- ing with ita five-year, SO,DOO-mile power train warranty. Ford, which had unounc'!I In Augu.,t ll wu trlmlnlna Ill wanant, to ant yur with no llmttt on mDet•e « number of o1fners, now says Jt wUI otter a powu •Ira)~ WUfMly of five ~ or J0,000 mi}es 'It an addttkmJ coet: '""' Mld 27.1 l*,cent .,. the Am .... ICl!Hllldt cm marbled' belwetn Jao. I and Sept, 10 while Geoeral Motors held mare· Uwt hall the 1'!Mket. Lin Giii, Jl'ord clttd llicrused ~ In labor, materiall·an!I tom u ll1e prime ,._ for the jslce btkts. . ' aid U.. V.N. "wt-....,. to Ile In ll1e fact Iba! we all too often view world alfalra aomewbal parochlflly, N ll they _.. belnl ployed oul. al tho beadquar- ..... Cll the Eut River of Now VOit." Mira -said diplomata "have --!alled to ._!JO that neither oralorT nor agnemenb between dolqallono nQr ..... -... recommendations liave bad much !m- oo the c:oune ol alfalia In the -Id at larJ:e.o Howeru, lhe said, "Wllb the &e<mlng decline ol ef!ectlv.._ or the U.N. and lb .. pu1a11oo In the wab or world even!&, the need for the world body iS ever on tbe ~,. Miu Blooils, U, a lflldUate ol Shaw UnlWl'llty In llalelgb, N.C., and the Unlven!ly. ot Wlfwmin. ls Liberia's a&slllanl -.tary of &late. She II the !lrst woman to bold the a ... mbly pmldency alnce lllta. V. L. Pandit ol India In 1163. The annual policy ctebale 8larll Tbura- day with Pmldent Nl>on scheduled to ..im.a the Aasembly during a ~ay vlttt. Nixon will follow fOfilgn MlnJJt'r Jose de Magalbats Pinto of Brull, the kadol! speoker. Sel:retary or State Wllllam P. Ro&ers pl¬d t..· reinain hue for two weeta or private talks on the Middle East and Vietnam with the foreign ministers of the Sovie! Unloo, Britain and France. Haynsworth's Fortune Under Senate Scrutiny ' . WASHINGTON (IJPl)-S.nate . liberals want -anr:es .~11<1&• Clemepl f. Haynswwth'1 private fortune will neve;r =lr~~clal ~ ... -- . "Tb< -II whether or oot he him· seJI bad any intertst in the outcome: of any~-he couM bend!! lrorit it," said Sen. Joseph D. Tydings. CD-Md.) "We go heyoocj the question ol whether he'•-or not." said Sen. llln:b Bayh . (0.lnd.) He tokf newsmen he feared H1ynswOlib might ,;stumble along naive-- ly," k'91n& honest but failing to ..allze ll1e public mipt IUSped taint [the judl!' rules on a case involvJ.na a firm in which he had stock· or some other connectJon. HaynawOrth, 56. chief or the IJ.S. 41h circuit court " •ppeala in Ri<hmond. Va .. wu ailed Diet for a aeo:md dly of qutalioolng by the SOpilt audlcllry eon;. mfttee today. • •' ' ' . '!be ~ed S\l<Jtll-CarO!lnllD, who appur;,f edl)' and itiJJlering under hours ol qutlllonlng. told• ll1e commlltee Tu"· d•y ht nevtr baa lmow!ni!y judaed any cue In wblch he mlslit be mnotely cm- IJdend to have· a fi.naiiclal interest. 37 Years Shot Convict Innocent of 1932 Robbery TOPEKA !AP) -'!be o111<e ol Gov. Robert Docking -tadllJ the """""" haa gtanled a lull ......... to,.. year-old Frank Sawytr, 1111111 the In· mate ol the Kanu1 Slate· Penitentiary was ~nt of a lt32 bank robbery. WdOn had been made by hb pardoo al· torney. Robert Ochs, and by the Boan! of Probation and Parole. Sawyer has been serving • 20-\0C)..year senteoce for the robbery of a Fort Scott, !Ian.. bank In 1912. Bur&lary investigators flCm the A former pujlllc enemy No. 1, Alvin Western stales are gathered ln "Based on the hfo rer;ommendaUona, testimony gathered by eye witnesses of the robbtry and an IMlepth investigation of the case, Frank Sawyer is iMocent of the crime he was conVicled of in Xansas, ., Docking aaid. "lf he did not commit the crime for "hich be ia serving time now in the KinJu State PenJtenUary he should be rdeased hnmedlately," Docking said. y .... ..r*' w··~. for a eonve .... ••n. Ksrpla, now on parole In l\lonlnal, bad _...,,. """· • .,.. Nld · that he and several, otbera com· ~ eatlJ' Ibis W~ clt~t Yaki· m!tted the 1Wik robbery 17 yWI ago, ma 1 Po~ lo1'1:t •• the bes 1,n tbe and that sawyer did oot take IJUI. w~ w116ii It ~'me tq catcbilU!'••*-ThJ ·man who ...secu10d Sawyer al!o c~en. -'l'llia apparently Wiid to teatilled. lie ..W he oow believes Uiat lmpnu lhleves whO cratltM 1 sat• Sawyer did not partlclpa,. In ll1e rob--1reNr·l"r1oa;-at 'Cniok's Rtfrij.,.. ~"'-lrtri..,.._,_. --'- UQD. fl'!oklnr said the racommtndalloo for a The govtmor said' in a statement that formal papers for Saw)r~·s release are belhg ~t to the' state priaon in Lallsing. A,apokeaman aald he Wlderttall!ia Sawyer wtH~be-freed-u-soon-artbe-pa:pen are pr•caHd. Good Surf B.ut No Board ' Champ Vn)uippy Over .-Mixup; But Weatlier 'Perfect' v.s. s ....... .,, "NldllMlflelil ............ lft h YltMftY " • .,..,.. .,..,. •Mftflnl '""I ...i Tutt N rlle IL ...._ ......... ...... llit•ll ..... 4'11 ""-' MMY ... lit ,_....., Ttut .,., hi ,,.. .,....,. .......... °"""' ......,, . .,.. ......... '" "" ........ ...., ~ ... """"'·· W..t .,,. lft tM ,Klflc ""1!1wHf, W•"" -...!Mt °"'''""' Ill-"" •lft!'ll Mllll -"""' If•• .., ... c.-,.,.._., "' .... ""° "" ""1't<¥•".. .,.. '*1flwtWft ttl+.a. Af .... ...,.,,.._ Nlll'I'. CtrrY' 1111 .. wff'4lt ... """' .... ,_, .... -.tM ....., ,. in• ... ...,.,..., .. ''" .IUltl,. ~ lllco.. """' -* llWef"d "" 4W'lt!wlll •I I 19 M fllilft 11• '*" lrtd II It c,,,.. r-~"re• Mltfl ~~,..,, .. " a " " .. " " u ... .Of ~ " .... " " " " .... " " 11 6t Tr " .. " . A '' .M II' Jt .. .. .. " .ll IS " 14 " .eJ .... " .. n " ,. ... ,}, " " .... .... ... . , " ... n " " .. ~ : J: .. .. ... " .11 ... JI II .U .. " n :: '°' u .. n 6 ... . " n " .... • . """'' ........ MISSING MEN 'S WIVES SHOP IN PARIS Bonnie Singleton (!~), Joy Jtflroy ' Hanoi Envoys Receive Wives of Lost Airmen PARIS (UPI) -The wlvea ol four American ainntn missing in North Viet· nam today met Hanoi diplomats to find out "whether we are still wi\'CS -or '.'!~'1t·: . . . . -.rae 1our women who new in &nxl3y rro-m I>@,Uas, Te:r., on tbeir diplomatic ' mi~lon, -alipped uoobt;u.sjvely inl<f the tree-shaded beadquartt:rs of the North Vietnamese miS!ion to lbe Paris peace conftrenct. 4 The four' women were 'greeted:'' t~ small door of -the well·guarded. mission . l>eaclqutten by ·• Hanoi diploma! wbo immMlatety ushered them in. TelevWon cameru whirred as the four women dismounted from a ttnled minibua by the police barrier in front or the mission's black iron gate. They ti.cl . been patiently waiting for the summons in a mall ca!c behind the town ball C!_f Cfiol'l' Le Roi. \he working elm suburb where the mission ls locat..i SOj!lh or PariJI. Tbe row; women, who Dew 'in aayil.1J they. wished to d~anilne ".*ilelhq ... are &till wtves -pr 1'JdOJ1F1" are Mrs. Bonnie Slngltton, wut ol Capt. Jerry Singleton ; Mn. Joy Jeff.tty, wife of Capt. Robert Jeffrey; Mn. P a u I Harkness. wife of Cipt. Greg,1t Harkness ; all of Dallas, and ltfrs. Sitndy McElhaoon, wife of Maj. Michael McElhanon, of Fort Worth. Their•flusbaods have been listed as n'Uslinj 1n acUon in Vietnam. Wi~iin houn: of the announcement by North Vietnamese diplomats Tuesday they would receive the four women, a group of Jive Arizona women. whose huabands Illa are missing in VW!tnam. announced ~m Tucson they would fly to Paris for a similar meeting. The Ha.rioi delegation agreed lo a 'meetinJ-afber the women paid a surprise visit to the Conununists' suburban villa Tuo>day. No time or date was set for the meeting, Tbe four women, who flew to Paris Sumtay in an effort to learn th! ·fate or their busbanda, were sc:heduled to spend cnly a week in the French capital befor.: returning home to Tens. A North Vietnamese spokesman said the~ couJd not be received by or-li<l<iO whln~tlley called m the villa hccW1se t.hty did not have an ·~ ·flOln1'benl. ~ Egypt .. Purg~ ·ny Nasser Foils Coup • BJ U111*1 p,... laterullaall 4 Beirut newspapor aid toda, EIYP- llao Pruldent Gama! Abdel Nuaer bad ~ a civilian pura• ol hil ad- mlnlltnUoa to foll 1 "SoYiet conspiracy'' to jlUll Nauer. U·sald the key lipro was Aly Sabry, a fonner premier who W~ted to usume power bimlell. '!be report appeared In ll1e Independent ricbl·Wlnl newspaper Al Jarlda aa Jara<Q ~ attacked tara•b In Jordan and Eapt today for the el&hth lime In nint days and u I Tel Aviv IO'(ernmtnl llOW« said there would be DO letup in lht •erial--Naaaer PIU'led the army follo'lfinc the dlautroua ab:-day ward 1111'7. Al Jarlda, in a dlspal<b from Caln>, Nld the plln Wll to topple Nasser while he wu in Russia for medJcaJ treatment later this month and roplace hlm with Sahry, and the dvflilll pur&f: was aimed at preven· lin1 tbls. Other ~ from Cairo said -S.bry wu under houle arrest. Tu...say, Egyp- tian Guidance Mlnlater Mobammed Fayek denied widely circuJated but UJ'6f- ficial reports Nuser was ptanninc to g:o to Ruasla. Al Jaridl: said the Russians wanted to ou8l Nasser beca111e a conflict had developed betwttn him and the Krmilin on the questioo oi Egyptian annamerits., Russian influence in E1YPl and ~ Middle East ptObltm u a whole. Defense Critics Try 'Amendment' WASHINGTON (AP) -Senate critics: of defense spending, alter-losing all al- lf!mpts to halt or cutback new wc.apon.• programs, have opened their final drivs to amend the $20 billion military pro- curemenL autboriz.a.tion bill. Sen. Jolla Sherman Cooper (R·Ky.), presented an amtridment JChcduled for a \•ote today, to ~lrict U.S. military 1id to Laos aivt Thailand to supplies and equip- ment -no e<1mbal lroops. Also awailinj a vote was a compromise version of • propo!al for a check on defense contract profits. The Senate Tuesday slapped down the 19.!t attempt to cut a major military pro- ject, voting 56--31 against an amendment to trim funds for the Advanced Manned Strattg)c Aircraft Sen. ~it S. McGovern (0.S.D.), Spof\IOl'l:d the pro. posal to reduce from •100 million to '20 million tht amount for the Air Force's new lon1-rlllie bomber. • lr6ni"lt letting vou down! Have better things to do! And what about your pmn.,,mt press cloth"" 'IJ>ev jusc <lon't stay preosul when you dry them on the clothd line. Rightl Don't be depresoed.GetyourSelfat!ryer. Before long, you know, molt dothinr will be permanent pre», incllldina •ulU. a!l.irta, alcirta and draper!"" Even napkiru. Think 6f thetlllle ~and money you can save! And make it an tkctric dryer.• . An electric dryer is pt<>gram· mtd to dry permanent prcsS · clothes with just the r ight amount of heat for the 'right amount of time. Clothes arc gently tumbled to Bulf them out. So wrinkles never have a chtnce to get up tight. -' Why not resolve your pr Wing problem a now l Find ptace of miad with a 6.amclcss, odor· less,ela.-tric dryer. They ouucll gas dryers 2 to ] across the nation, They c05t less too. Sec your appliance ....-S:: dealtr today. ~- Southern Clllfoml• Ediaon '"""" -""' '~ """1111 , ... -1Jt '' IM L-1111 ltlt .... t. . .. ~·-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I . OMV PU.OT I ~Italian Soccer Team 06ject • Svetlana Blasts: Khrushchev Of New Tlireat,s in l'reland . •, BELFAST, Notthern Ireland tal<e pun!U<t aotfOo agalnlt dred remained (AP) -Northern Ireland's them." of tbe .,_ A police spokesman said lht """" ""'' rellglOua and 1>0lit!W warrare threat was being t a k e 0 Tiie anny -an - sprud to lht sporja arena to-seriously. "Tbe teom will have J!ll!!lt''lllioda7 li'illit with the dJ3, Plllice l"'t a visiting a PolJco -p,ard before, durin« ~'-llelmao ~ Italian -.r team under and afte the maid> -IUliil whjch dalml to .peat for' gum! after It r«:eived a they leave Ibo countey-," lie ?$ ... Cllbollcs, oo..• plan tot threat that ii "will never aaid. . wtlmwr • plilRd """°"at of j reach home.'' A down-of rain and a tbe' -ti7 l!\!Oit: l'rl· · ' new .. .-policy by ~;.Bat u.. p1 .. ~ hit GOP Post The threat was in a letltt British troops ,.... delayini ... _ :"~aa;:,:.~n~f!i =:orw~~:r·w~ or'?U:,~U:.~ V ~S'flatettV'>d h~ as • captain in lht thrown op ~y Roman Catholics the de= commlllee; aaid It ote outlawed Protestant "Ubter to keep ~ out · j)f had agTMd u po n , Volunteer Force." their neigllborbocids following "provldJoc t b • J>(Oleclh• WASllll{G:I:QN (tJl>I) _ It was levtled a g a f n s t last month'• riots. measures of die military ai;e 1be questtoa ti who filh: the Roma, a team scheduled to . Residents COQPC!r&ted · with adeQUlte.!" , Republican leadershlp void play a winners' cup match this soldiers taking down bar-"This places a n ay beayY left by lht ,death ol Everett M. afternoon and return to Italy rlcades !or port "of the day bunl'\ft on 1he Brllllll ,llooflls, Dirksen will be d<dded by ThllJ'Sday. Tuesday, but aome of the bar· the heme. -.Y and the GOP senators ~-11. "Because the Italian press riers were rebailt almost, im-· whole ~ government, Sen. Margafei ai&se Smith and TV have attacked British mediately. By the end of the because it UH'n are further of Maine aet nen·'Wednesday '· Ulster and England," the let· day only seven had been attacb and we are not ade-aa the date to vote on replace-' ter said, "we must and shatl di.stnanUed, and several bwi-qQ41tely ,protected. these bar· ment ol Dirksen u Senate ricades will go UP again," minority leader:~~ ratifica- Kennedy aaid. tion ol the appointments lo fill "They will ao up'hi" and Dirliseo's choice committee South Governors Hear Agnew Oppose Busing WI LL t A MSBURG , Va. (UPI) -Vice President Spiro T. Agnew says he is against ''busing" to achieve racial balapce ln schools. But a num- ber of Southern governors said today action speaks louder than words. "I'm against busing •.. children lo olher neighborhoods simply t ci achieve an integrated status of a larger geographic entity." Agnew .said in a banquet Suspension Of Draft Discussed WASHINGTON !AP) White House sources express doubt President Nixon's ex- ecutive order on the draft will halt induetions, even tem- porarily. although Pre s s Secretary Ronald Ziegler in- dicateS such a suspension bas betn considered. £olt doesn't stem to be in the cards," said one source.· : ZiegStr toktnewsmen Tties- day suspending the draft is among the factors being con- sideffJ!f in formulating selec- tive service reforms. But White House a.ides quickly said such a suspension is nol an immediate prospect One 90Urce expre.::ised surprise at speculation the draft might be suspended tem- porarily. , speecb to the Southern governors Tuf!sday night. Gov. Bob Scott of North Carolina said be was en- couraged by Agnew's remarks, but that be would wait to see them translated in- to action "down through the federal departments." Gov. Robert McNair of South Carolina said Agnew's speech was "eocwragemenf," but added, "I am awaiting alt ()f this lo trickle down through the implementalion process." A resolution callng oo the federal government to a~ don "busing" as a means ()f achieving a desired level of desegregation in schools was to be presented to the confer- ence this morning. The resoluUon, proposed by Gov. Albert Brewer o f Alabama, was approved in a S- I vote, with one abstention, in t h e resolutions committee Tuesday. The proposed resolution brought on a public dispute between Brewer and Gov. Dewey F. Bartlett o I Oklahoma. Bartlett said the resolution was not only out of place, but inaccurate. He said Agnew and Presi· dent Nixon never had "gone on record as being tn ~ posiUon to rompuls<lry assign- ment of students because ol race or color" as stated by Brewer. Vets Recall War Error they will not come 'dow!L" seats. I ' l!f'YORK C(l!>J(),-N~ s. -· .. ' baV9 oucoeeded In IHelng Russia from rui. by terror if he bad II!'\-~ llj!,~\r"" eom-m~. PIQf looderl bJ •de- llOWICing Stalln. after hla death In IJU,,ac<ordJN to S..Uona ABJJuyeva,. stattn•s defector -oaugbliorc , -fn her ~ boot, "only One~Yur,'' Scbeduled for -pub- UcatJon later Ulls month, Mn. , Alliluyev1 assesses lhe cur-rtlllll!"lllle•'ElliYiltt leader-ship whlcl> replilciJ Khrush- chev. She_,~ it,as part of ''the old '...pot 1radltJoa: that the naUan mnatn mute. while the Kftm11n alone spoke and mada..,decistoils." She concedes that her r.lher was a "moral and spiritual nionster" W'.!bout a shred of comcience, but ahe condemns bis Kremlin associates, the e pt tome of "yes men," for coll#borating w i t b him in crime. ' "BY fearing to admit the party's IUiJt, and dumpina all Uie blame on the tenible aead man, he (Khnishcbev), bad ... He said that although no final decisions have been made, the NiJon order is like- ly to be Umited to refonn of a d m i nislrative procedure such as establishing uni!onn criteria for handling o f de:fennents by draft boards. ARNHEM, Holland (UPI) .:_ Four hundred 1urvivors mustered today on a field without tulips for a last tribue to Fie1d Marshal Viscount Montgomery 's mistake. 1he eJegaridysj,fmiJJ!Jto ~ ri.. 1><m1an1 -1970uo-a11ac ;,~ "l . ..aec1 bodr9ie«1aali1y.am !lie"""'° ol r.;., in the o;piriOed -llo'*ibtg ... beauty .,..g;,,;, lhe tempo ol people on ~-. RX:Ny L>iloood >,7poininleats and ""-"' weloome you llO • new era oi ~tl5'e1~ .~Li g;*W.'e Spidd'q ,~ irrrites you • . ' ,_..,.. dil ·-o1· --'-·-•• told ~sets Earlier Tuesday, Sen. Hugh ScoU of Pennsylvania. the ac- ting Senate Republican leader, said after a White House meeting "there is a strong disposition to press for draft reform this year." But he conceded t h e likelihood ol congressional ac- tion is slim, and that the ad- ministration wents to spotlight the issue to show where the delay is. 'l'be mistake 25 years agq was the dropping of 10,000 Britis h anO POiish paratroopers for what Monty planned as the victory to defeat Nazi Germany in 1944. Monty lat.er said be erred. Unknown to him, a German battle corps led b1 two· SS Panzer divisions were waiting. Only 2,000 of tlie paratroopers escaped. Arnhem joined Dunkirk amtmg tboM: de.feats in which the BritiSb fh?.d a sort or victoJY. Odd Trio Tai~ Son Says Dad Killed Girl CHICAGO (UPI} -Samuel was ca.nctled. During the sum- Saikin brought his son's girl mer, his father hired MW friend to the family 's Indiana Scott as his secretary, Saikin farm, formed a "close rela-sa~. Saikin said, his father tionship" with her a n d discovered Miss Scott was murdered her wbe.n she refu.s. married to Air Force Staff ed. to. undergo surgery that Sgt. Samuel MwnntJ, 1be w o u I d have erased her sergeant was Invited to the memory, .Aildn's son testified (ann &o visit his estranged at the opening of bis !ather's wife and eventually Jert with lrial. her, Saikin said. Joel Saik.in, 25, gave his Jn Novetill)er, his lather version Tuesday including a paid for Miss Scott's :-et.um _ father-son lov,e trianale. oC from Las VtgU where lbe. what led to the Nov. 5, 1967. had been working as a CO-CO murder of Ella Jean Scott. dancer, Saikio said. 'lbe elder Her body was found Feb. JI Sal.kin then asked her to .. go packed in a steel drum and to Mid:llgan" fOr an cperation buried in a shallow grave on that would Wipe aut bu the farm. memory and he promised hi: sailrin said he met Miss would adopt her, SaWn sakl. Scott, who was a go-co dancer Miss SCott ref us e d , and a stenographel'. in •.be threatening bldmail, and spring of t!lf/, In June he said,_ was taken_to_:_oi>e o1 JIU! bi.s falher suggested the two lather'• Qdcago warehouaes .,,,,,. IO Uve on hla O>esterton, wbere bio latber abot Jior In Ind retnat, " D o C p a t < h the head, Salkln said. He Fa;;,,... telt1Ued he .~ bis father lD eq:>e18Ke .M CPU._,-llle'lr rN:!llSiOCI IDD4oring .---•o::. 1"' , n. ,_ __...-o1_,.a.,.,;1orapl!atdecade .ln._.il ete-Udlll"'i.IAOdels lo<~ • I r slle wrote. "For th!J the party could on 1 y forgive him.." ¥brushcbev was forced out of power in 111&1. Mn. Alliluyeva'• boo!<. is the first ever wriU.. from inside the Kremlin clique and tt b a <hilling ,depfdloo of SJalin's corrupt lust far ab.sol\lie. urt- shared J)Ower, the 5Wllptuous but sterile lives of the top 10 Politlioro lamill.., and the baseless arrests. and exec1r tions tram which not even Stalin's own in-laws we.re Im- mune. 0 My mother's sister Anna had gone mad In prison and had cOme home a sick worn· an," Mrs. AUUuyeva dlsclosed. "Yevgenia Alllluyeva, tbe wid· ow ct. mother's trother , , • had signed all the accusatiom set before her: spying, poisoning her husband, contacts with for- eigners. "'You sign anything tbel'f;,' she would say, 'just to be left alone .and not tortured! At night no one could sleep for unui1hly way, bqglng to be killed, belter to be killed .•• !" · Stalin lent the two widows to prllOc>-Allnt Yevgenia WU in solitary <Ollllnenient for six years, -bee. ... "Uley knew too much." One of the 'things they knew WU that Ml'I. Alli----- luftv•'• mothe< !lad COUJm!t.. ·t<d•oulcfilo beta-al SI, lhe was "\IJ'h'en to deopalr" b7 dlsllluslonmelt Wllh her hus- band by "the lmposalblllf1 Of ~ .... -~,. "!I~~~·!""~ wp not' .a natural,· one until years later o I • Burch to Head FCC WASHINGTON (AP) ~Burch, tbe Tucson, Arb,, lawyer who was 8 arr y Go I d 'W a ter'a band-picked chairman ol the ROl"'blican National Committee ln 1964, will be nominated as chairman of the Federal Com- m u n i c atlons Commission, President NJxon·announced. Nixon 's announcement TUes- day of his intention to nominate the 41-year-old BurCh to the $40.IJOO.a-year FCC post fOllowed several weeks of speailalion that the former presidential. campaign manager for Arizona Seil. Barry COidwater was to cet the-job. 1,'h& l'r<i!dent also said he would oomlnate Robert Welll or Garden C1ly, Kan., u • $38,@.yeor member or the com~. Wells Ls manager of lht Hirrjs Radin Group, whJcb has statloos in Kansas, Iowa, Illlnols and Colorado. Burch, the Senate coo- curring, will au cc e e d Chairman Rood IL Hyde, whose~ baa ~ed. Welll will succeed Cammi!lionet James J. WadawGrth, who baa resigned. ,,, . .._ 1970, ~ ii;>UHer new idus-alllllieil IO !lie ,Prheil ... eJ!ie. y..,,...,,, for. example, chooSe a new radio' sy51em that will ...ii--,.-faoocite Ml,, FM<>< sterec>-only station. The aerial ~neatly concaled ill lhe wmdshield,·-of sight , and out of'the way. Thts ,.ear, Cadillac engineers ha~ again .-.de.,.5t1lf'le that the Cadillac ride continues to be the smoo&best, the quietest.. rhe most trt,oyahle in ' • • - motoring ,histol1'. C.dillac ••• Standard ol lhe Worid. • Saikin said his fa l h e r stuff the bo<ty 10 a afet1 drum, developed a • • c I o s e rela-tJoansport it &o tbe farm I.Del tiOMhip" with Miss Sooll aft.er bury lt. .,_ the couple begl\ll llvina on the The elder Saiki• bas lnlisted ~· ~ ...,_..__. -19111 Udm..:. at_, ..... Ind ,io.ilft',_....,, henlJd • d,... al.-..... I' :Al farm So close in fact. that he is innocent In March be --"'P""~ ,_ youni: saikln's' planned mar· accused his son of commlttlal 1 _________________ ;_ _ _:_'_;_ __ -'------------------------------------"i:.;:' Mage to the 1a-yea~ld dancer lhe mtll'dtr. 1~ --------------------- • I ' ' ' I l • -·- 1 DARV PILOT EDfl'!tRIAL PAGE Facing School Facts More than 40 000 students are back in classes as a now acbOOl ]lear starts·tn Huntington Beach and Foun· talit Valley. ~ew schools have been ready , I~ most cases deapile butldlna' industry strikes and a wmler or un· usually heavy rainfall. . The edue1Uonal program . generally. ts of a high atandatd in the west Orange Cou.rrty area and the sl tua· Uon on the surface seems to be 1n order. . , . But Js flt A review of the fate of bond issues in l &- cent yean shows remarkable \\1iUingness upon . the part of the publlc to support the schools -but w11h some notable exceptions. · I hi h Huntington Beach Union High school Distr ct. w c 0 rates six schools, bas suffered defeat of the two tnost J:.nt bond proposals presented to the voters. ln, N°" vember, 1968, the electorate turned ~~"'n a S12 million issue, and in October, 1967, a $22 million proposal was defe~~~oters did approve a tax override of Sl .39 in t~e st year. But the bond issue failures have left t~e di s· met in a touch-and.go position. Venerable HunUngton Beach Hi$h School's b.uildlngs do not pass earthquake 1alety (Field Act) standards. . R.e'buUdJng must be financed by a bond ~ssue and evidenUy tM voters have more reJ?ard for the1~ pocket· books than the safety of their children or their ~eigh· bor's cbUdren. · d t Soon the people must !ac~ the facts of·J1fe an voe the necessary bonds or court di saster.. . Ocean View Elementary School D1 strlct has !~ad sue~ cess recently with bond issues but the past attJ1ude of voters has led the trustees to ask for less mon~y than tbe district really needs. The result is double sessions for 739 students in the first to thi rd grades. Building indus try strikes and the unusually heavy rains last winter compounded the district's troubJes. use this fall and tho board of ~. lo meet llllln needs,,bave asked votero lo approve a f?.I mlUltn llOlill Issue r<Ov. 18. , Overcrowding problem1 tn· thla wt-p:owlni dlltrti:I are Juat beginning. Durtlli the next fin )'ten eclp>l• rooms will be needed for 6,000 more 1tudenll. Voters mu•t lace the faeU -U ~ want l!'Od schools wit.bout ovezmnvdm, they mun ~ey for tMitt. Two Dangerous Eyesores Tbe discovery of a stolen car containl111 th• skelelal remain.I of a youth mlulng for four years and the ,.. cent drowniDJ! of a le<!Hi• boy are but two more ob-vious dangers lurking In ·HunllDJloo Beach'• Lake Hunt• ington and Talbert Lake. Both lakfl ar• danierow to swimmers, leaal or not, and they are eyesoru. Talbert Lake borders Golden Weit Avenue whlch Is now being "widened lo lour lanes. It soon will become one o? lhe city's moat heavily travelled arterlee. The shore of the lake, alonf which thollWlcl1 of cars will pass daily. 4 Uttered with old sewar pipe aec- tlons and metal obJects·ol all alzes. Taylor Avenue, which loads to Hunlineton Lake, 11 a depoettory for dis- carded furniture, tin cans and old auto bodies. Huntington Laite ls lltlered with old auto bodies and debris or all kinds on its shores. It Is auppot6clly out of bounds to motorists but anyone can drive to. its 1hores and it i! in clear vie'v ol scores of ne\v homes to the north and west. • • • • • Two schools under construction '"'ere not ready for The shores of Talbert Lake should be cleaned up as soon as the street widening project ls completed, if not sooner. HunUngton Lake, while not yet city property, soon wtll be. It also warrant. lmmedlalo atlentlon. M :, - EVEP:i'BoPY WJ.J-JT~ fo N<NE INTO ,,., 81/T NOBODY WANTS ro LIVf IN ir; "S~ Educetion Should Be at Least Elective' Teach the Real Life Drama To Ille Editor: I iud wHlo ,...t _, n yoar 5!P'-1 artlcla .......-otnll· Dr· llal• -• oP-POllllDP to *' iducl""' In the county -I aiJ'oed'wltll -e of tht other pPtllll'a llOlnla r1 tlo!r, llut I would like lo tatt a brief oppartuJlltY to expl'til a r ... illeu el m1 own. 1 "" a counstlor at Orange County Juvdlle Han. 1 have spoW lo many of tho dolldren then, and many ol tho prob- l<flll --u-"""""" .... ua1 -Tbele ,_ llMl1 of today ""' loNlnl to their own peu p:tJUp for ...... tbef -!Ind in lhoir Jlome entkwmml Tbe arNnced tlltrefl.oCOr- aer •1a1epe• la --mlalnlormalioa. WllY D01HDB~-t- """ lnlormatJool _ll la boc-toclly's pU1lll& are oot u well Informed u thtJ -be .. 11111\tn nla\ed to lbe hlolopcal and flll'cholog!ctl m .. nln& of -.....,..i eotanatemenll-M I n Y par• are embcrustd and that added. to u alrtady wk1enln& Jack ol com- munication In the partnt<htld .. 11. Uomblp, cauau tM confused adoleacent to bk for aMWtrl ellewbtre. He finds g..-aecurlly In h~ peu aroup and tho iftfonn&Uon be rtttlvea from it tends to be almted to a poglUve aide wbicb streaes ses: act1 and leaves out tbe m1tute ruponalblllty that goes with iL THE YOtn'H OF today is getting mar· rled. earlier -median age 19.4 years - and divorclq 100ner than in any previous decade. Many are going into a marital a!lwllioa under !Ille concepti<Jni ol .... uaJ bllu becluae of their e.aguneq and because we adults tend to rorcc them lo ad as adults and still be treated as children. br Rall1ton says &el educatJon should only ·be taught at home. I say it sbould at least be 1 lcl>ool elective ia91bt and u · l<oded beyond the blololiW lunctiooa in- 'to Ille ""1 Die drama ol 1dultbood and 'married life. ' - . NOW lB THE tlJne for our county educators to get together with the state school boa.rd aod develop the be!t "(ami· ly JHe" coure available and tllre trained eounSel to·teach our children whal to ex- ! pect, feel and know in' this complex Ume. The dividends would be great with perhaps fewer on welfare or aufftrin& mental 1nguigh. • CHARLES H. GUENTHER Bold Effrontery To the Editor: Alas, how reminiscent of lhe witch hunt of the lale Sen. Jot Mp;arlhy is lhe hysteria caused by the appointment of Michael Krisman ! And the bold effrontery .of Kiwanian.s 'IV•-Witlalleltl' To lbt Editor: RecadlJ a doctor lia tl't area, "Nam• Withheld," wroie 1 lioe Idler ........ bis concern '" ille ,_people 1lbo -in-volved with drup. Be lllted nine q• gestl"'11 U -1J>Je ..... lowlnfs I ooluu..,, Co Ille prob!o!D lllid Jcwu llllldl lmpreaied witll. bla lint ..._ It oll..-.d this idea: "ProtedloB r.r .,,, willtlq lo upote tlielr ~·I lnlcrlnlaitthe -ol.tbls ~ loopoai UJi u an implicit deaire on tb1I doctor~• put to speak out for wbal Is riibL rr Ill, PEllBAPI.• not 1 DOlnt tor momentoua concern, but I eould not help but wonder when I ,.ad al the cloae of bis fle:y ldtu, "N1mt Wlibblldl0 I could nol lmqlne why I 111111 with IUCb lnltllUve would halllte to endone his own tlrenltb of -by~ lfln-ing hit n1me. Would his rnectk:al ,r.ctice be put into such jeopardy! There are enough wtJJ.WenUoned perS0111 who art "almoet able" to be leadera and who are ineUt!C'b.tal. 1 beaan to read your letter with blP hopes, "Name Witbbtld." Nome Nol Withhold MARY DENIGAN Curing Her of Miniskirts J'!'llflfnl to concl1\5iona ' The qukkell w11 for a husband to 1et his wlfe to atve up m.lnlaklrts ii to meet her in a public restaurant wearing ml.nlaborta hlmlelf. The three moll boring queaUons in man'• vocabulary, quuUons eftr)'one. aab tu otver ruJ1y wanta lo bear an a.nawer to, are: "What's new?," "How .ire you!," and "Whal do you think &he wutber will do nut?" Autumn used to be hog buleh<rlng Ume in Amet1ca. Now lt'a better known u the tnl~-- Time, fat and hlldneu do more to tum o<Uilwy men Into phltoaopher1 Ulan all the wisdom In •ti the bookl In all lbe libnriea in all the world. DO YOO KNOW what happens to tten- a.pn "ho make 1 hlbtt of hqing ll1IUDd plua pie parl<>n! They ID wind up wHh the hlccupe;, th1t'1 what. J1.na1'Cla1 ~venae la what a plumber gell wben be u Cllltd In fir the pipes Jn --W- Wednaday, Sepl 17, 191111 n. edUort<I -., tM Doily PfJof utlu to Inform and 1tim. vl4t< nad<r• bv '"''"'""P <hll ~· oplnioni and com-,...,.,. .. to{>lcl Of l•tmll """ ~. ,bf proo141ng • 1..-for ~ upnUioJI •I -reodm' °"'"'°"'· ""' ~v ~ I/If """"" "' ... "°""' •I "'1°"""' ol>ff'J!IT• _. opolcumca °" lopf<I ti f/01 ... lfollut H. Wood. Publl&ber the home of a doctor wbo once took out his appendix. Ooe of the world's l1lQlt. beloved childrtn'a boob ii supposed to be "Alice in Wonderland ." but few chlkfren IC· tually manage to enjoy much about it ex· cepl the pictures. It ia far men: popular with college economics professors than with kid£. Amelie.ans are problbly the worst pro- nouncttl ,tod the poorest spellua of their latJ&uage of any so-called llter1te people on earth. Hllf of thtrD can't pronounce the word ••adult" wtlh any real sense of whether tt's the preferred way or not, and all the prtaona in the land couldn't a<:· oommod1te a lentb of the peof,le who can't ape.U accommodate correct y. 1 ONCE MET A man who bragaed he liked buttt~ pe.rsnlps. bul later It turn· eel out he w 11 a sbowoU In other ways. too. Everybody thi°'s 1 bowlegged baby iJ cute .,, .. pl )ts f>l!'Dll. You never tnow for IW't wh1l office worken think of uch Other unUI yOu take up • colledSon (or one when he leaves. 1be l1rger the hlnd raised lht: more unpopular he may be. His detrac- tors are sure to chip in a buck to see him go. ln a world where it la getttng·more and more diflicult for one lo keep hU kltnLity, wouldn't it be nkt If people. !Ike nations. had their own pel'f!Onll flags? What dcllgn would yours bave! Conatcl<rlna Ulo umea, I thlnll mr nae ""'lei "'°" tll,... gold f>BWnlhop balla. ·a Question mark, and 1 musbroomln1 1tomle dood. nt tWest •If fOr • ftttow to stay oa a diet toda.Y II to 4o hll own lf'OC'fY aboppl~&-'l1ia price of lood Ill enouaJ> lo make .anyone Joee bis appetite. THOSE WHO atarnmer or atu!ler olteo shy away from publlc epeakhl&, but IDt'M .. -mate tba·mort -.. and w!Wel\ of r"""teura and onton. Tbq turn tbelr handkap Into an ldvadql: by the Ume they fln1lb I -thty bave built up I -e In the I-In bow It will -out. 'Ille Illy who llkts to ibJw you how many credit cards he hu in b1I wallet ii the last IUY "bo would wut to let YilU see the balance In bit baok book. Coogrw now tuea everythini, flnt of all our poctets and most ol all our pa- tience. I( you uk fivt men what time it la, one will wilt mi u if bt hldn't heard )'OU, tearing '®'ll uk him ~ e!Jt. Tba other lour will tell )'Oii Iba Ume, but two will esplaln tbat It iJ i>n>bab'1..,..... aa their wa~ are tither f.alt or 1low. It rully w«ildn1t be • ll'llCh bttie.r world If ev~ practictd what he P""Ched. We'd prablllly all tlmply y11111 oontJva to death.- ' ·near Gloomy Gw: Jt may cost tlO for ovtrtimt: park· Ina along the beach in HunUncton Beach, but 11 leut the city pooled large en°"'h wll1lln( tlgna about the olze of the IO. Wben wtll New- Port Beach end the tit ov:1 ltap 1n iU btach arta? -R. G .. ""'' ,.._ """"" ~ ...... .. .............. ., ,.. -..... ... _. "' -• tlMMr .... Mii' ti-. s A Slnw Burn Suffuses the White . House ' • . ,. • . ~ • t ' . . ' . . . ... '' ' ' ' ' . '' s I" ; "'"' .~. -,-• > ~,·.-,.. • •.•. '''Id "IM .......... .,,_,.~,';.•""·~··-i.11.• •• WASIUNGTON - A stow burn iJ 1uf- fuJ!D1 the White House on tbt tactics of boldoven !run invlous Democratic ad· mlnl8tratkm In -llbotq!n( Ninn pro- fll'UDL Tbe revolt of JUll!ce ~t llwyen apinot llie N l2 o n Id· mlnblrltloo'• dvll rilbls policy In tht lleli1 ... ~ -.....u ... orders io IO lllallalppl ICbool dlltrlctt b only ooeeuelnpolnl -· White HOWll l.nsiden bavt nm down anotller.cuo In the-.., aid procram. , Tiiey '<I' t2lls Involves trlcrmi... and cleceptlon by Democratic ldmlnlltr.UOn boldoven In c1aJm1n1 White lloule •P- pmoal fer a queat!oi,e.i procram. N1-cabinet memhera Ind ad- mlniltraton art DOW Gil notice to Witch more canlullJ the -ol holdover of· ficlals. Republlcan -Ind Hn1tora complain mat they are doallni with the Nme old affkials on prosraru: and projttt.s ot concern to thtir sates and dlstrictl. IN 110ME CASES, it ia claimed. ad- vance infannaUon on loc.al projecta ii ••leaked" by boldover omclala to Dfmoc:ratic conirusmen and atnators who att the Jump on their Rtpublican colltaiuea in announcln& the project!. In other cues, accordlnc to tbe White H""' CG111pi1Wnll, the fflll1s o1 Nl:lon PRfi u111 are taken up wltb .wr member• in the o111c .. of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy or Seo. Edmund S. Muskie f0< modtllcatlon bo!ort belnc put In final form !fl< Ill_ lo the White-- In lllll other cuea, the attompla of .,.,,. liberal Republ)can1 to bridP, over dtlf-with the llbenl ---,,.. Clu!od trouble. Tbe ol· flct of Welfare Secre!OrY Robert H. F1nch, Ont of Nb:on'1 cloeest auociates, "'"" under crttlclan In this respect from Whtte Houat C'ODIU'VaUves. 'Ibis ii In put 1 l'flCl' of Finell'' 11templ to .,.. point I doct« "PP-' by tht American Medical Aasoclatlco as dliol medical of. ftcer ol the Heatt.b, Education and WeUare l>epartmtllL ALL TBll MEll!:LY emplJuiua the point that lwo f-are lfOWinl up in the Nlioo admlnlltratloo, panl1eltnc the dlvtaloa which lllll ,cootfnues In the RepubllcaQ Paey. 'liie White llouN lfOUI' lw the -part. b eltl1er .... 1n-volvtd or on the canttrVaUve side. Recent ~ to the White Hoose alllf, former newmnen Cllrt R. Mollenholl IDd Lyn Nof.liler, teod to relnl<>rco the poollloo of limy Den~ ,...,,,.,. amtnlltrlUve 1#1"'"1 to 8en. -~who b -11nc .. a lonnldablo flltn In White Houle -HllbeNankinl olllclala IUCh u R.R. llltdOrnan. wlitant Co tho --~ and John o. ErHdunan, ...... t to tht Praldent .... lea bowfedceable about the Inner worklnp of the Washlncton poltUcal l)'llem. some of tht nlw C.liln<t member• bave be«! far removed from the inhtr turmoO ol the RtJ)UbUc1n Pn,.. ty. Such preatdentlll ldvlt<n " Dr. Honry A. Kbtln&er and Daniel P. Moyntban art nov1ce1 at the political came and ln9enaltive to the nuancts or tht loq otruple In the GOP betwe<n tl!e con11rv1Uvt• and the Ubuals from willch Nlron bu emerred a the common denominator. Don't Interfere With Life Force iAJlnlpot cl my recent. piece on the Law cf Dtmln!Jbed PrmimJty -for instance, tbe a~ that geta well the minute )'OIJ roll It Into the mechanlc'a shop - a friend of m1ne mentioned another uiom not known t.o aclence. His automobile. 'he pointed out . fixes Itself alter a pe~iod of time. It. will devdop rumbles lhd grunts and ominous creattnga -but if ~ blithely neglects lht.&e sinilter l!)'TTlptoms for a few 1reeks, they usually d;Uppeu. I HAVE NOTICED this same pbeoomenoo many times -not only with my automobUe and other gadcet.s, but wftb the human body as well. Very orten the best thina you can do with physical complllnll la to do nothing al all. nie man who i.11 preoccupied with hi& symptoms often intensifies t h e m . Whether or not they are created by the mind, the mind certainly has the po~·cr .to make them seem worse. This, I sup- pose, ii the junction at which Chrislian Science ind paychoanalysis meet -and both contain a valuable share of the truth. TRUTH. SAID Arl&tot.le, is like a ba;n door: nobody who throws al it can avoid hlttin1 a part of It, but nobody can hit all of it at once. No t.beory invented by man ff ''-. . ~,,, .... ~ ~"')'- ~ .. · ydney J.1Iari111 "~ • ~ •i. ~ , ~ • I•~ :./ has been ~·holly false, just ai; no U1eoey can embrace the entire truth at the same time. The mistake most of us make. J think, lies in taking a piece of the truth and stretching it lo cover the unive.rse. The sick man believes heallh makes for hap. piness: lhe poor man, money : the humble man, honor : the ugly man, charm. TIDS INTELLECTUAL frailty is most obvious in the field ol medicine. Admit it publicly or not. n1ed.ical men are generaUy convinced that their O\VD specialty is the core or health. EverythiJl# is in the mind. or in the bones. or in the ner.ves. or in the blood streain, or in the ·glands, or even ::fQmetimes even in the feet ... ~1an as a total organism is rare- ly considered -whicl1 is why the self· healing process is so often sneered at by specialists. But Nature is greater than any or its creatures, and lh e whole art of living, I am convinctd, consists in learn. ing how lo interfere as little as possible ~·tth the life force. Consumer Perversity The battle against inflation Isn't going :!JO well these days. For aome reason lhe American consumer won't be J>Ul down by high taxes and tight money. Unless he starts cooperating soon, he'll likely be confrooted by some form of dittct economic COQlrols early in 1970. This is the picture that emerges as the nation preplra lo enter the last quarter of 1951 with prices, retail sales. and in· comes sUll rlaing at a pace too fast for comfort. U economic theory had performed as advertiaed, a combination of a 10 percent federal surtu: and the highest interest rates in modem U.S. hl!tory would have damped down the boom. But the con- sumer tn the affluent society ha! deve.loped • perversHy that may be the death al tutbook economics. THAT OFFJClAL economic strategy would 1et ill Jump!! shoukt surprise no one familiar w:lth the ope.rience of other western eovunments which have tried to manipulate C<ll.!lumer demand. Britain. foe eumple, ha1 been applying a &quteZe for Dtll)J two years with precious little impact on consumer spending. Prime Mlnllttr HaroJd W1180n even put Into effect a uvqely dtDaUonary budget desipld to l:\ring 1 1 percent drop in the standard of Uvtng or lhe British people. But aome Britons manQjed to finance their lpeodinc out of personal savlngs. 0th~ lfOl'tcd mort overtime or took a aecond job an a part Ume basis. By o~ meana or another, the workingman im- proved hJo position despite the best prepared plant of the 1ovemment. -Tht Amerlcan wqe earner .tee.ms lo be revertlnl to the "'"" stratqemt. sav-IJ'lll In the first and second quarters of tilt dtppod to 5.3 percrnt ol disposable inccm• -down from l.t and 7.J percent, rerpectfvtly~ in the comparable 1968 quarten. Moonll«hUn, opJ)OrtuniUts are pleoUful. The buying spree continues. A number of leading retail chains repcrted that ihctr Augusl sales hl'd 11lned from 5 perttnl to .11 much as f1 percenl IXX>N'OMTC CONTROLS are anathtma to pol!Uclans. But "°"lni tal'l of Ulo nt«I tor them m11 t>. a case ln which public thlnklng ii ahe.ld ti lawmakers and economlsll. l'tar ot runawa7 t. ( ·Editorial Research -. flation -and of the recessions which in- variably follow -is st ronger than rear of controls. AFL-CIO President (;corge ~1eany recently said lhat Lhe only way to stop the current inflationary cycle was by con- trols -not only on wages but on prices. prollts and dividends as well . Such a posture by a national labor leader can be Likened to a fly applauding lhe use of fly paper. Consumer credit controls. however, are a more likely first step. By raising the size of down-payments and shortening the time for repayment of installment purchases, consumer spending could be cut with almost no lime lag. Federal Reserve officials would like to have back the standby authority to impose credit controls that Cong ress allowed to expire in June 1952 after the Korean war. It is doubted that Congress would aaree to reimpose "Regulation W" credit con· trols in lh e absence ()f a nalional emergency. But the public seem.s to be moving on its own to lhe conc.lus1on that an economic emergency exists right now. A pillic of no small proportions, mirrored in the money markets and t h e supennarkets, seems to be developinft even as the Nixon administr11tion counsels patience. ~--Bii George --~ Dear <ieorac: -You sure are sfupia! r wrote and asked you what scent to wear to drive my boy friend wild and your answer certainly didn't work! ( l/'looght it WIS funny when )'OU SUC• gested weRring wl1ch h1ul! ANNOYED SUll De;:tr Annoyed : Oh. Wild. Can I help ti I ya W'1 look like M'1' " By Phil lnteifa"JI "Tell the ....t ot the committee to get in h""" befono we have an 1Afra.ctioii of tlie rule.!" ,. CHECKING •UP• What Entertainers Say They Never Do 87 L. M. BOYD NEVER, NEVER -SoDl!y of Sonny and Cher, the s1n1ers, proudly proclabns he doesn't own a necktie. Chtr has broadcast she doesn't own a dresa. Jim Bishop, the col- umnist. contends he never nwrUes a line. That sociable guJ.Larist Glen Campbell avers he never drinks . Sammy Davis Jr. says he never went to a d!y of school. Pegcy Lipton of "The Mod Squad" claims she never eats meat. These an-- Qouncementa to distinguish the personaUty are interesting. Certainly would like to declare same minor device like that to do Ukewlse. But what? l never lake a hip l>alh. Will lbal do? A LOS ANGELES DRE&'! SHOP reportedly does a boom· ing bu11iness by relabeling evtry CUJtume a size smaller than Its factory designation! • • .A YACHT OWNER who Ilves up the street has posted the following sign on bis vessel: "All marriages performed by the master of this ship are valid on1y for the duration of the voyage." ..• WHERE DO YOU suppose can be found the oldest typewriter in use? A Lrui11lana lady Music Aids Growing of Plant Life MIAMI !AP) -The 800lhlng stralns of music such as "Some Enchanted Even-- l:ng" are walling through a manao grove here, trying to lull the trees into producing bluer and zestier fruit. Farmer JOBhua Segal says It's juist an expertment to sec whether plan~ life reacts to music like people do. Four trumpets;, one atop each comer of a packing plant roof, spew melody through the so acres covEred with 3,000 trees. The music has been on for one year and will run at lea gt dne more year. "We don't know whether it will work. o( course, but \here have been reports of corn growing taller in Iowa because of mutlc in the rields," said rrvtng Wexler who Installed the setup In August of 1968. "It is entirely pogsible that mu!ic cOuld have an tffect on mangos." The music ls the same rtluln& vartety that is piped into cknUsts' offices for toolhocho patient" "The experiment Is reasonably worth trytna," Bep1 said. "We might flnd t>Ut somethlna." Tfte mu1tc Is lontd down to barely rtach the edges of the grove 11> it won't disturb not1hbon. ••we wlll tee If the ttee5 near the center, where it la loud 10d clear, will hear bet· ·tor INK !htn l-•l Iba e<IJ<," Segal oaid. reports she still -works on the machine she lelll'n<d to l)'}lt ca 43 years ago. LOVE AND WAR -When a man breaks up with a girlfriend, be prefers just to tip his hat and leave. Usually. But a woman isn't like that. She can't n!prd the affair as over unless it ends with a scene. That's too bad. But a.a Arnold Ave ry observed, "In affairs of the heart, a man always shouts hello a :1 d whispers good-bye." While as M. E. Morton said. .. It is the exceptional woman who goes out of a man 's life without slamming the door.'' C\mOMER SERVICE: Q. • 11My wife likes a half-and-half drink of beer and Coke. Wha\ do you call that!" A. CaU it odd. Mighty odd. Is she OX· peeling? •• , Q. "BOW COME all the farmers years aao painted their barns red?" A. • Forget that paint's name. bat. understand it was t b e cheapest on the market. ••. Q. "WBICR FRESH FRUIT - do most people like belt, apples or orangea'!" A. In cities, oranges outsell the rest. Bananas come in second. a~ pies third. • • • Q, "WHO WROTE the song called •The Naughty Lady of Sh ad y Lane?" A. That iNilpid ditty was !Um<d oul by Sid Tepper and Roy C. Bennett. LANGUAGE MAN -Take the old Ant;lo-Saxons. To pro- tect themselves, they organiz. ed. Ten families called I.ht fellow they picked to speak for them their Utbing man. On~ hundred families called the fellow they picked to speak for them their reeve. W hen several grollps cl. 100 families joined forces, they made up a county, better known then as a shire, and the fe11ow they picked to speak for them was called their "shire reeve." That's where we get the wont sheriff. RAPID REPUES: 1. No, Mrs. 0., when Queen Eliiabeth gels tired of wear. ing her fancy gowns. she tears them to pieces. So nobody 1-lse will ever show up In any of same. She bums all her old hats, too •••• 2. You ought not to fret overmuch about that. Jackson. For my part. don't believe I could ever com· pletely respect. a man who had ntver had lice. Your queafiona and com-ments are Wflcomtd and will be wed 1Dher1Hr J>01- 1ihle in "Cheolcing Up." Addrt11 mail to L. M. Bol/<l, bl care of th< DAILY PILOT, Boz 187S, N•IDJ>Orl B•ach, CaUf .. 92663. • Girls' Regnlar '2. 79 Cotton Flannel Printed Pajamas or Gowns YOUR QIOICE for • P~•-in tallor8d bnl!OD front or 1liimld yoke 1171111 ••• wiila Piped Peter Pan eolian • Long '°""' with braeelet lenath '1eevtt and ult ruffle at bou..m • Both in liap wriety of preUy putel priatt • Girla' IUM 7to14 ?f ·· ...-----.:.... .... ~ I • ' ' Sean 83fti AmDY .. _, 0.,. START TOMORROW Boys' or Students' Cotton Flannel or Broadcloth Pajamas YOUR CHOICE FOR Printed Cotton Flannel Pajama• • Pall...., middy ,ey\eo with double J<>ke • AIJ lll'Olllld ebitlic bonrwaU<IMIJaNbie sri--. • fbo&vnt • cr"orilled -i ..a.hr .. ., .u.o..r po11m11, 6 1a 11 Fancy Cotton Broadcloth Paj.,.,.. • Yoarelaoioeill patloteroreoet.,._ ••• da 11111,... • All llJ01Hld boser...ntud 8'ijamhlepll>; ........ per fly front • Slllforiood 111d wuhJ'•t, al'-.-..., i .. II UN>Sean Revolving Cbqel 'lbere 11 no way to figure !lie rts11!1& ye\. ------------------------------------------------~-, : CANOGA PAIK OlllCWI OlYNllC6&0!'0 W«AAHA 'l'OllANCI . "U9Ually flvt ye111 ia a test •f any l<lnd with !Nil Ir-" s.111 txplalned. LOCAL ~~~~~~1 • IUllNAPAIK tlMCN!t ICNOllAOI PIOO•... eoMOHf< .sountCXMITl'IAll I I ~ = =:A Is arsl =!:=!°' ~... I And even lf It dotll'l 't Im- prove the manao buslnes1, He e!htr ",.,.,,,_, ttll• '" Ser.al 1aJd, It may at 1rul • ..,.. , .... ,., ,,.,, 1M11t •h••'• ' workers 1'n the m"Mtf: !:'fl9 e11 111 tft• Gr••t.r °'•~• .,e. P e•-: ••t tht111 th1 DAILY ,II.OT. since "music 11 mown lO in-''=========:!! crease production," 1-- '-----------~-------·----e -------------------.--. "StilW.lf .. Gu•llll11••1"rM1fltll'loclt" ... ! I --..,,,....Moodtrr.._.,,Soilutdar~A.M.leNIPJt. . . . . ,, " ' '· .. •: . . . " "· '· ' . ,. • • . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. • " .. .. ... ·: " " .. ) ---~· .. • ~'I'll.OT • DOJ·1 ·S SHIHmlPS -witi all-over •a...rs- for 1as11r lealing. Am1ed J9c siusforminorlirst .. ~ ,.._ 11c 1r s "Pacquin" LOTION 111 &In IJ(J Skil ••• wi~ Di,_.! Ex1n tiicl, extra rid! : •• flelps drive out dry· 79c -eess • -restore natural skin lleautJ. 1.19 111' IL Slit , "TllPLE VIEW" • . -Mirror torvA•m 12125" tn'111 sill. Mirrors m !Uf· ..,,., .. _by, ..... Brvsll- ed Bms finiib """"' 4 49 ' • g<>ld _foil bacls. llook for hang111. • SOllY Portable Radio · Alf JIWt PD!lle! sill raao will lia~ iliiiad cast. magnified · · ':t..·;;r·~=9 95 battery Mid~ ' • Does Your Dor Scratm-Scratcb? GET ''Enditch·'' Ends if<!ing witllil llaon ••• beab eczema and ,... IJ'lls caus..i llJ scratcbing ••. elilllilllt!s' mes~ ' siva hair Jihedding. 4 OL LIQUID It Z5 TllLDS 2.75 : .. -IRONING NEEDS .. '- by WELMAID ' • Pad & Cover Set . 100% mttoo oiited '""' will Tlflot, ••• J.layer pad witb It• silient _foam centey, io, 119 layer g1YIS arnooth ll'Omna .. rtace. • Laundry Bag lllll htavywe;Rtrt s1111or. 93c irtd COt\Dn drill w/2·WIJ ljfoo draw c~d. Laundry Cart Liner Sanfo<ized extra i...~ 19 -dlltf wltl '"''"" iag clotfle$pf11 pocket • • witll s•s bound "" ... As$'I 5nc • pastel Ollor1. iJ '\ .1 • Tea Set CHILTOll TOYS for tile young •i.mooaiel" fD C Plastic set with mlorful pieces 66 ..,... -fa •i11L ' • ,, "Kiddy Kopk" sET CHILTON TOYS l Assorted sets made of almninum 66C for all the little ''memakers" coo~ng needs. · Jr. Eootllall' ' . . AUGllST llDUSTlllS 9" ... witi ninWle .... &&c Off)cial tia color. wi!§ wlite mofdld ltld •lripes. • • 1· Ukulele iw MOUllD ~ • ~!de of, fou&b plastic wi!b 4 66c ""c ,,..;,g. nylon siring~ Has fiae QNlity fooe. "Amiw Copter'~ •ASlc Helicopl!r il1in1 ioy· ••• toss 66 it into the '"" •• soars up fD C 300 ft. .. • wltcb ~ -doWD. ~-Western Hat II llNAY·AUlf' F.-111 tile little "cowloys" tr 66C •cowgi~s". Siles in .small, lll!d- mm "" large in ""rted colors. Puppy Puzzles IWLIT -12xl4Y.t"sire"11ea 66C completed. ~00 interlockin1 pieces. ,IS-mlorful poses. IL ' "Fi II 'n Dump" Bottle CHILDHOOD Hammer is fillld •itll eolorfll 66C bou"'ing beads, bottle is ...i for filling and spilli•s. Oil Paint Set CIWlllASTll "T, i,;r ... 6, 6 choose fJ11m maay --• C sets ... each set has two ix JD picblres for yae ID p!inL Dump Truck "dump". Colorfvl po~ with """ c UY -12" lollg witb WOlliq 6-·5 chromed wheels, wlill lriD w/ black.._. ~ -Choose f111m moittd 66 mlor!i!I """"' with fTictidl C . mtm, real rvbb<r tires, chrome trim. • Fire Truck UY -lZ" loo& wltll llllSSiYO 66c ·deant!d wheel~ mllstic cal, ' " &Jill ""' sllerin& wheel. Dune Buggy . UY -Colorftf poly wit1i clrume &&c plltol ladliJbf, ru ...mr aol liUf -Two f111""liiod, sllf:I. . RIN G'.~.~~ _, --~-- , • . . ' W~, Stp!fmbtr.17, 1969 3 PILOT..t.OVIRTISEI . OocJor Kit ·~ -lJJgpge-lype witll """'le. . f.llbins sfltbosalpe. 6&c ~. -,liypo "" . ....... Diaper Bag let . a· llASlll -Quilted, pink tioyl 66 llt witli ~ closure. C... C • ,6. tain' ""'1Ed "lnfoit" lftds, ,,.-- inclalfing diaper. Lunar locket PAIK'$ watch this mc1et sos DP 1n 66C l<eiElrts of 100 ft. Complefa witli ~ """ nl fllel-feoltr. "Astro-Fleef' GUN PARK'S < MaJille laze : , ttlSl ll .,-I fasci~ . ' skil i""' 11ir 111 ages. ; Choose tr;m 3 diff....t : pmes will! l11s of actioL · P11oled ...,,. flies wrti<anr 66C or buriiontal~ 60 It oc more. GUI and 4 """" inc~ded. 66c Instant Insanity -==::::::; PAUii -Battle Jlll!Self 66 ,.. , fur I wit ••• iry fD slack 4 C "B'in' go" bl<lCI< fDgelfler and have dif. fereat """' .. 111 sides. - ''Ring Toss" Game Wiii -fllo tcr ·the ijds in. 66 ~ ~~t~.~~li~ f gUfts that si..t rulber tipped 66c docri .. autdon Set COll!ains c -<inl~ 1postamf 1 mcking Ila Holster SETS ltllUl' -c1oose-1roa assori. 66 c e6 d!Sii!S, ach witll pistol. • Alfj\Ofab~ belt!, •ickf!d buclles. • • A ~slinky" · JAMIS"INDumllS -the on1iio1 Fun 1o,1 wM 55c It wal~ climb tile St.ail>, sfreltb back and for1i it ,.... ... - darts l!!at stick ID tile bull's , eye IM1eL ...,,,.,.__..._.,..__.._.1 usu~ -will_ sp;,. - "Play-Oob'~owcum ~~:,~:::::. llllftlill c..,.;...i •.• 66 ,... c. -~iJll' ~ ... ,.,,,_loxic OJlors c • -Color-Mendmi dort R:lu¥, : . ::::==:;:~ Colhbat Helmet - IEllCI -Autlleotic ioOking 66 plasti~ mver!d wi11 ne~ C elastic head protecton inside. adjustable chin strap. • "Parcheesi" . . - • ' \ "Slinky" Kitten "Finger Paints" I - Slides al°'& quietly ju!! lilt C • ' JAMES IMDUSTlllS' 66 · "" • real iitteo. Amuses dlil«el endless~ witll its ciicly face. O e • STANDAID TOYCUFT 6. -6. "T,. ·s..,..--contains t assort!dcolors,-. wooden . finger paiot spatulas. SEU:ltOW -BackpmTOn game tf Lilia. Oice game fun for tile who~ family ••• and friends. "Whipper-Snapper'' WlSllE -Do lllll's of lricls 66 -... l flips out. flies nond. C spios_ and .-._. lilt maeic. "Wb I lo'' ee • llr MAIGll llapotic S,i•~ T" nut 66 • • • It goes uphi~ -·~ C over IOd under. Colrf~ -..... lets' locluded. Kiddle K~lognes llATin -Clloost '""" ,,_ 66 sorted styles ond frngraoces. c bell tessed 1111 till .._ in decao11r. Ass't "Charms" iiatm -. Cosbime jewelry .;111 ro1d1111!d -g• '"" 55c s~"l "ileafl 1111 -•is. .. Play Jewelry lllllY -Boxes r1 assorted 66C • ..,._.p" iewery that little &if!• will be delighted will!. Purse Sets IRllY -New, hlib-la!Noi 66 !!<apes will! colorM patterns ' C • , • olay cosmetics it "'IJ case "' 'dres£-up". • Modeling Clay 66c STANDAID TOYCIAIT 66c "Toa $..,.... -conbliRS ------... •lab• .1 .,.-, clay 'K1·tty· ' Puzzle io colcirt, .. Ids 11111 fool~ Embroidery Set STANDARD TO'ICIAIT 66 "°"'les" -mntain• 3 C stow mw.~ in morted Clll-- ""' mlorful ~ et~ · · "Fun Buggy" car with removable white tnp C TONKA -Aulhentic lool<iflg 66 · that adds realiSIL large fires, roll bar. _ Tiny "Pick-up" TONllA -regg!d s!Eel reyl~ 66 ca of tile rea1·fl!mg; lifetime C tires, .... tux~ bak!d - finish. Tiny ''Loader''' TINu -111 ,sfllel body_ ••.• 66C lever-<>pmted SC90P raises, ..__,.. lowm, locls in 2 positio,. -Detaillll snn..n. "Gee-Wee" BWUY -Colorful 1$- sortme1t· of kittens i1 different positions. 12x 14W' size witl 500 ~eces. 66c ; "Old Maid''.- l llll!Y -classic glft!i witti a ,.. twist. Try IOI &ii rid ol yoar "'1ls IJ· ! pairing clnct,rs. -• 66c ma -pmt for Ill ages 66 ••• si..lsJlasfic b~ls info C "=====~ Ito air ••• JOI " ,.... ;.I-, it ,..11y 1111 catllr thOllL WHAM-0 "f risbee" Skill Ball =~···.fl~6&c trl_!J ~-I"---. :'l'catc11• - . ' . 'I . I > • • ! . • •.. •• "··"' ' l'MT·lOVl:l\TISU 9 H Wed-, S.plfmti..17, 1'69 ' "Fri ki '' ·:-: 1 es •· • • .-•• CAT fOOD • . ?; llECORlTED .~llATIOI ' ''Sle,.der'' ~'Sea.et.' . AllMmNAllT DIODOIWIT . · ... ; . ( •• ' I ' ~~sac ' . , SHAMPOO I I , i ' . , ' ' · ~:. ·66c u.i. ' . ' ' ""'_.'oUt1t . ''~tyle''' 1N,.l.SPIAY ,. ~ -. ' . ' . ' ' . WtdMtdly, '"""'"' 11, 1'69 . ' ''Gleeml' TOOTHPASTE "'" a -11 • ., i ~=--· . ,..., ... I .. . . 1.11 63c ra.111 • 1 Slzt ' • y DAILY ftLOf • . , •. Fitnl'Prllll · ~ I• Au1 c.11<1, \. .--HELE MA RUBINSTEIN l '. , "Skin o·ew" COM.IMAnON Special °" ... 1iill 1 ... '"' c11t live 11 1 world of lllllishlrt .' ,,. " t · · .·latbroam SpaP, Dishes . ...... "Clltlm'.' ... •·illd'll ..._ .. Jjilballw!"..JL• ~ !lollti&llJ·• !laitlJ lo!dn lor : ~~!"" ...... AR of rus1plOflllrHlllJL ; ~~. ~PllNCEMATCllAIElU Colo111 2. 75 ... 4.00 · · i ·~ .~ "Yal•la" .. • . •• . • ,,,... Gold ""' • •• • BSC '~ " . ·-1.11 !S. ; ·~ -.. :nt ; l r-<.i -.. . llL .: i.'e" . "Shell" . ~ ~ Cold color •. • 1 69· .. ... , . llf. tll • ·~~ . • .....'""!-..... .• ·~~-i'' . ' . ) ~ il.Aq.e Gold ""' •• • 119 ~ ' 11(.UI • (~~~~= .:~''Comet" .BAKEWARE ;.-""' :s. • ,. on ne •• e I .. . . -. • ·~ nan Kitchen ENS(MJLE .~.•Y ~NON ••• slleared lbsorbent cbftOil ',c-:1er1J In asso~ colorful kitdien prints. . . Rell!sllin&IJ "" ""' dif. lnnl • , • I deliglrtM wiy tu sati11 Sl!IJO" ~ skin. Perfnmes your-llodY with the fn!1111Ce of "bll de tel!.• loz. 2.00 Silt .·'{ • . . ' ··r--' I 'jSki D _, 11£1.UA •u·•~s)'tlr n · ew -CDlllllATUIN tKNAL "' ... llDI 11• Ill• ... ""la • llllU.ll·•isllrt •.• " .. Ski1 llfl lillistlri.lilC EllllsiH 4 00 11~ Mllslll't CrH• l.•Y1i11flOI • ' Ski• Dn llllsllrizl11 Enlsi11 1 OD ad lllistm Crt1• 12.11 Yaill lllW • .. ' . Skl1 Dni llistlrizill EllllsiH 6 00 11~ CHllll·Lift 11Ml•lll• • ~~~~ ··~""" fALL1iiio1i lllU' Spny list 3.'5111111 2.25 . lllsti11 ... 3.00 ' -' Pllfl1111 Crm Sacllet 2.25 -. Bubbii11 bi Frii~ 2:.50 · PmtSet 3.75 Slier~ 2.50 Spray M Powder 2.50 Perfa Saf'3 cws2. 75 "LftirsficK~' •1 llll.IJll IRINST!lN llCM 2~00 ' Shirt Oresse$ Small lllokin1 f'lnnanenl l'teso Oxfonl ... clloictof . "'1 cw Go~"""""' wili. "'iolfvl printed SISll Still , Dresses Dress mn 11111 comfy few f~I ... r..-Qlrics lld colors. wilil colla-11111 ..., - bTimiol witll ........ cw liut nist. Sim 2-4 · , .. Cioie1 athip. Sins J-14 ' 3.98. Sheer my_ care r,1oo for elegant •leoiing. Choose lrom many farw:y laca Iii"""' slyles and colors. • " -1.49 1.19,.. ~ ·a.a9 · II( ····~······························ . \ . ' ' Vive t.e-:1a~-.f'£1¥Qf1MrG'P£MMSFOkTHEl4~-- lallt ""'111• 11:-111 -II ""'°·Jll·- lftl .. ""' ,. •• ..... lrill -.. tit -~ !Ill ,.... '"" l . . ". . ' IN-THf.IATH• • AFTU·THl-IATH Fu• l~ll ·2 Cft . l .. yC11t111 3·00 ltll11 •• ltL .W f·~······4jr.1 i .... ., s-. .. 3 00 ... , CllllJll 4 00 G1l11' ••• 4tL • Mist .... hL, • " llll~IH• 4 00 . Fr11111ce 3 50 latll .,.51L • Y1i1 •••• 41L • ~~~4 II. 2~ =~~~T:z. 3;00 . ' Lounge . Pillo~ Bed . fir lltl & C'1ts ••• fan;lfed-IOll al· lel"gmie. ~le animal pimms. Helps II -Ji pet Wll'IW and 'Ollllllflll>lt. 1~1r,J.49111h-t49 ~WHID£ Toys 12" Cat' Post Carpeted pgst keeps cat frollidlwillc Ofl 1, M _i.,. "" W!Nillse. . -· . /t----~ • • • I.I • I ' II PilC£S l'imli: .• n~~~W11"" -DRUG STORES · tm 9 ~ 11·10 PM-7 DAYS A WE£I -. ) ~; . . I , > HllNTINeTON al!'AClf ... ...... ~'f If !WNTIMG NMM ..... , .......... N~JalACH ................... • • -, ... ) • I ) l . ------·---.,·-~· .. If OAJl.Y- Court OKs Teacher's Walk-out --··'Intercept' Biggest Fight on Drugs I.OS ANGELES (.\Pl -Of. Oollis ropre"nlinl 1t,D ol lbe cilY'• 2$,000 elementary llld hlah IChool leachen< ,..,. Jubilant today over a judge's rtfusal to block a planned walk-oul-prolt!t march Tbun- d1y. The Los An1elu Board of - EducaUoo went to court Tues- dJy -the same day the ct\y's 871,000 puplb reported for th• fiM day of the f•ll term - Sttkin( to avert the one-day work l!Dppoge called by the ~<m of Classroom Teachers in support or ware demlndl. The achoo! dfltrict, In asking Superior Court Judge Richard------------------- . Schauer for 1 ttmporary restra.i..nll'IJ order, argued that teachers' strikes are illegal. BuL lhe judge held that lawyers ror the achoo! district Reagan Says Office Flags Stolen From SF Plaza SAN. FRANCISCO (UPI) -• hfd failed to make a aufildent iihowi114 that "irreparable in- jury" would result U the Clear of Alioto 'Leak' Seventeen biatoi"lc 'American flags have apparently, be!Jl teachm litayed away from SACRAMENTO (UPI) - the ero affected schools lor Gov. &nald .Reaian says that one day. The court sel Sept. 2!t for a hi.a office has been clea.red of hearing on lbe dislrlct's re-charges that two aides luted quest for a preliminary Jn-to the press adv•nct copies of junctloo that \mild prohibit Ill a Look magazine art.1cJe llnk- strikes · and work stoppages in& · San Franclsco MaYor dllriog Jbe achoo!,..,-. ph rn Ith an The A<Jr obtainied authoriza· Jose AUOto w m a lion urller in tht wttk for a ~governor told 1 news full-scale strike at some later conference Tuesday t h a t da~d Baer. ACT'1 ez· ijejiOllllaiil gi~ lo Allolo's ecutive director said the chief •tttlrney 2. _ preu aides group was • • a b 8 0 I u t e I y Paul Beck and Gray made de.llghtejl" with. the judge's clear the ,'Cfdyor's charge w~ decision'. bas~ on false ~sswnptions. "We have maintained for Alioto baa· filed a Sll.5 !ome tlme,'' he sa,ld, "that teachers do not IOR their con- stitullooal right. • i m p I y _Mafia Hikes because they enter the door of a a1:hool room." He predicted the: court's ac· lion would encourqe 1rtater portldpatlon In lbe march and that at least 1$,«m d. the te.achen would take part. "We take thla u 1 victory for education,'' Baer said. "It means t.eachen can auume an active co11edlve role in !arcing improvements." The achoo! --Jarae.rt In the llllloo behind New York Qty, m.:le a final oller Jut 1buraday ol a i per cont pay lncreue. Diltricl •f· !idols Aid It would cost lbe city an extra f17 mil1ioo an-- nually. The offer came on the day officllll II.id was Ole deadline under 1tate law for salary revisions. It would h a v e boosted the cumnt '71000.. $13,000 ... 1. lo 17,ll041J,fl!O. Activity? SACRAMENTO f AP) Gov. Ragan say1 he would like to know if the Mafia has made inroads in California. He told his ntws conference Tuesday there "have betn hints in recent months" from Atty. Gen. Thomal C. Lynch's Office and elsewhere tblt Malla actJvtty bu lncre.ued in California. "I want to know more 1bout it, .. be said. Lynch 11id he woold be 1l1d to IUpply Reagan with h!i in- vestigaUve reporta. "We hive a lot of confidential In- formation," ht told a reporter. "We woald be happy lo give it to the governor any time he wants lt." sl.oleo from San ,Franclaco'a million libel au.it agaimt the civic center plua, city of- magnine. Although Reagan ficlab: Jl:lid Tuesday. wu not named u a delen-Carl Poch, a 11 • J a t a n l dan\. Alioto ~erts that superintendent of sma.11 parka, said all but one of the col· Re a g a n aide!: 1 e a k e d Jection of 11 flaga that have prepublicaUon copies or lhe nown ot~r t9e United .st.a.tu Mtlcle to U., news media. during tta blstory nre. 1ooe Aliqjo'1· lAWJer, wbO look Tuuda)' morning. deposlllom fnim Beck and . or11, •ai4 lbe d-1t1oas OYERSTOCKm !Ubstantiated I.be~ 0 r ',I =~ " , ~• OD ...-Mu~t· Sell_~ Fi•• O.livery Req1n llld Allolo are INST;i;Nl CREDIT - potential oppontnt& in nut New 9 pc. corner arrang. • 1-~•-I choice of c1n. ttJ. $230, now year:s t w.;;uui! or governor. $159-.50. Htadboards; Klngi, Groy ll&ld U. goyeroor'1 of. "'5 Q •12 •• F tll I ~ d .,..; UetNi1 • ....,; l, flee rece Vcu an 1 V"aDce-copy $10.50; 'fwini. $4.95. Trundle or tht article and that Jiii or 12 aets (duo rlaer) with inmr copiel w'wre photostated for spring matL, reg. $106, now staff members. He &aid such a S79.50 Roll-a-my ~ with Procedure was rouUne to trm. spring matt reg. $59.:KI, now $39.SO. Full 1z. aleeper-famlliarlze them with matten r ~~ .. so a, reg. • ....... ....,, n ow pertaining to public fi&Ute's. $1S9.50. New bed5: King, He said copies were also $99.50; Queens, ~.50; Full, provided by' Reagan's office to $49.50: '!\\'ins, $39.50, fully three newsmen who heird of guaran. King ldze spTI?ads, the article l!ld asked for ll "I $l3.9S, fl sz. $9.9S. canopy Beds, reg. 119.00, now $89.50 did not la.ke the itUtiaUve," he Beautiful Walnut 9 draW1!r said. d~ser, 2 · 2 dnlwer com- modes, headboard l tram~ Reagan A waits Cutback 'Word' SACRAMENTO (UP!) - The Rea1an administration resumed awarding contracts for cruclal state conllrucllon project.a today while await.1ng word from President Nixon on how the federal c u lb a c k apecflically "1JI affect Cali- f<tnlL mirror, $172.00; Sp ant ah (longboy) sleeper sofa, hand carved wood. beautlfully up-holstered, reg. $449.M, now $3a9.00. Christmas lay•wa,yg now. SIESTA SLE£P SHOP 1927 Harbor Blvd. Costa M•s• . "" o .. ly 10-9, Sit. 10-6, Sun. 12-6 645-2760 $159 95 ONLY · It's the famous FRIGIDAIRE FUP-TOP DISHMOBILE ----t••CWl'ti• • 1 ... r ,,... le Miiie loecn.ttl ...-, IMll .... Nooct.~lt quilt; !Ike It. PowtM aup.r. 8u1'9' WalflV'IO AeOcll'I oet* --lhaWr Bii in. UISe or no pre-rtn1lng needed. A"1oi a ohOfol of trM ... '"'Uo cyclff plot • rl•• cend1Hon9r d\epenMr that hel ps •ll'"lnata gl ... ud WMrwale '"'°"""" SAVE TODAY AT DAVIS.BROWN a fresh s/snt on dishwashing Big Capacity Dishmobile • Exclusive Svp•t Surg• W11hln9 Ae.t ion COMVllln IAlll. Y •No Hand Rln1in9 N•ce111ry TOIUILT-IMUll $1 9 All Frigidaire front•lotd•r• • 1• Tai.It Settlnt Cap1city 7 _ 95 convert to ul'ldercount•r ln-(NIM_AI -. •l•llltlotl Wfth IOOMNt')' lilt --(M axtrl ooet). '----'--~--' • Wondtrfully O.,iat Opar1fion I 1 411 E. 17th St. COSTA MISA -'46·1614 Dan, ,.,, s.tm1•, ,,, . All.S ~ ~t~= tiilllllll lat Tiii 2 .. tlll SIZE lat t111 2e11 t111 s20 00 •10.&0 •• so . .e.S0-11 $17.00 . 22 50 11.&0 9 so . 7.3!i·14 I 9.25 • 23 00 12.SO . 10 so . 1.11--14 19.76 · 26_26 1s.SO 1.1&-16 13.25 u .so 14.&0 ·a .1s-14 tl.11·16 12 50 29.00 ... e.a&-14 2s.1s . nd1tlrt•0" t.'5-15 L\JS ta• .. a ..... ,. (fo .. l t1.79 1 .01 2.10 1.11 2.3• 2.31 2.57 2.11 FIRESTONE DLC-100 6.51).13 7.00-13 6.51).14 RETREADS ANY SIZE LISTED BLACKWALLS 6.9S.1• 7.35-t• 7.00-14 s10 7.35-15 6.50-15 5.60-15 l'lus J1'c 1o 5X pet !Ire fed . I.I:. fllf, 111ei; t.JC & rrc1~blt tire of .. me lllt elf ~ ctr •II prlCA1• P NG WRITI • ... • -"'NT££0 IN -~·-:"!"·~'7'.l"t,.' LARGER SIZES $1! EACH GUA~ _...... • ..... ~::'""'-· ··~~::.--. WHITEWALLS ADD $1.U -1•• ..... -~ _ .. ,,,,._ . '~----------•ilil• _J ........ ~---:: .... ~~-= v. ...... .. -.:... ... ~ c-t" ,;............ ¥':;:;. ....... -::. -~-==-~:::i .. _,_ ........ _} ... #'_::'*.! .. F----;::-......... .. -'·~"" __ .. .,... ....,.,......,, _....... . ::::::~---.. ' RAIN CHECK If w• should 1ell cut of Your •iz•. ! W• wlll l11ue • rein ch11ek, •a- •urlng liter d ... lho'1ry •t tke 1d- vertlaed price. CHARGE IT NOW! DON'T MISS OUT! DRIVE IN TODAY! AITTNTION MUSTANG, COUGAR & UMARO OWNERS' ffre•tone WIDE OVAL HIG_H PERFORMANCE TIRES WHITE llRIPE • POLYISTIR CORD • RID 1111!1 • MYLOtl CO«O • 11.ACKWALL $ 0-70-14 (6.95 -14) '11a Sl 24 p., Tlr•. Fe.I. I•. To• 11rHI t111 off l'Dll' c11r. 0th.., 111e1 ol com.,crcW• prM;a1. with this' coupon ( C..,0 f1X1/IN..,,. II, /Ill " . , INTERMIDIAJE & LARGER CAR OWNERS . ANY' s·1z·E OR COLOllt. LISTED , , • DELUXE CHAMPION 4 for sss ..... ,. 'Mtt.$tri,. 1.11.11 ww..s.n,. 1.s1.11 •-'"'.,. 1.45· 1 I J Stri,. ...... ,. Jlttf,. •:11·11 ....... t . 1·11 11-.lwall Ptl.ll U .11 to $2.M Ffll, E•~-T••· S..lts Tel( & 4 Tlr• Oii Your C.r. " P roloa1the Uf• · • "\-. of your: tire. $199 PER . WHEEL with thl1 coupon FIRESTON ·E STORES COSTA MESA NIWPORT lllACH 47l E. 17th ST. e "6-2414 OPIN MON.·FRI. I to I ; SAT. 'TIL 5 HUNTINGTON ll!ACH 16171 BEACH BLVD. 147-60l1 OPEN MON.-~RI . I tot: SAT. 'TIL S ' .. ' • p • • ~ ~ • ' • . ~ " °f ' • , . .. ., .. • " :,.. ~ • ,. ~ • .. "' ~ .. .. .. ~ ~ .. • • .. .. "' .. u ~ • .. .. • q • " -w A • ~ ~ •• p ~ •• .. .. ~ :: ... ... e •• "' •• • . •• •• •• .. 0 • •• ,, •• •• • -• •• ' • • • •• • .. . -' ' > ' ' ' • , ' • • ( ' • • I ' • I • • • ; • • . . • • t I • • • • • ' • l I !_ ' ' I ' ,., .. .. ~ ' . .,_f. l~ ' ,.¥ . ·' ' ' . .,,.,._ r Monte Carlo. Our whole new field of one . The first truly luxurious personal car even us guys who work for a living can afford. Big 350.cubic·inch V8. Power disc brakes. Deep twist carpeting. All standard. Some car, the Monte Carlo. Some cars will be wishing we had nc:ver brol:lghttt eut. L M.oving on. Caprice . The perfect cat foJ "the big car man." For 1970 we gave it a new grille, new 250-hp standard V8, nev. -------~~--"'-~=-_.._..,._-:>!>. \ ' ., ·, . • -·-··· .. --... c :g/ 7i !L. ' 't'Zt' '; ' I .... .. .. ...... . .... ,. Our tough one: Chevelle SS 396 nberglass-belted tires, new colors, new trim. New headache s for higher priced cars. Moving on . Chevelle SS 396. The Chevellest Chevelle ye t. • 'r .. , ·« • Now you can order a Cowl Induction Hood to help the horses breathe. All 350 of them. Move on. ·ro your Chevrolet dealer's . ' Putting you first, ke.eps us first • • • j I . j • ' . I I ,1~ •• ' I ' JI DAILY JILOT AL!~!!!!~1 • • SALE! THROUGH 1 SATURDAY ONLYI Penne.ys reduces the .high " cost of , . living rooms! USE PENNEYS TIME PAYMENT PLAN Fashion Manor dinette sale! Save thru Saturday A. 7 piece octagonal dinette set · Gleami1g high gloss pecan woodgrain plastic table top. Avocado frames, vinyl 'Loren Moss' floral covered chairs. Green. 1 5 piece pedestal dinette set / Walnut inlay plastic table top and chair backs. Choirs ore upholstered in easy core block vinyl. c 7 piece oval dinette set 6 chairs, curved and cover«I in easy case 'Tosca Moss' detign vinyl. Table top is pecan woodgrain plastic. Reg. $99 NOW $85 Reg. $129 NOW $115 Reg. $139 NOW $125 SPANISH STYLE SEATING. The opulera of onother ero ~in the lines and "9ndsome pattem of these massively d .. igi10d .pie<es. Coil apring base constructton,,kiln dried hardwood frames, pillow backs of Kodel• wroppep polyui:elhol\O Joom ond 6' -filled willi foam latex rubber'. «Id "~· oolid .comlori and long -ing feolvm. Quihed -•nd·boclcs ... flame,.mlntord, .~ ... ,' SOPAHG. ;'2~5' ,. lOYE$1ATUG. $.179 $219, f4oW . t • ~~H, NOW ' ' ~ t ~ • .,, Fwnlture pllcet includ• "91iv9rf in l0cal •livery area •• -..... . , ..... ___,_. Tl!ANSITIONAL STYLE FURNITURE. luxudously elegonl wilh tight, bi""it bock cushioro throughout ond •eat cushioning of 6' thick, latex foOm rubber for firm, deep seated comfort. Frames are of kiln dried hardwood with a cqil spring base and bod< constrvcti9q. All cOYertd in sturdy, soil resittont Vectr~. Olive or topa:t. ~ SOfAlf!l.$219 CKAll .. G.$109 LOV1S1Ar~·1s $Mt, NOW $12', NOW f17', NOW ' . ' Sale! 0~~ rugge:~·~: oak bedroom set thru.Saturday • Now! Save $30 on a 4 piece Early American bedroom set Set includes: 6 drawer double dresser base, mirror, A·drawer chest and full Jize, oxbow panel bed with footboard and roils. Constructed of rugged oak with hand rubbed c.oppertone finish and matching plastic tops for extra wear. Solid brass hardware. Av1il1ble lo metch: Reg.$249 NOW $219 Night st1nd, reg. $38 ............ NOW $33 5 drower chfft, reg. $95 ........ NOW $84 Single dresser, reg. $75 ........ NOW $66 Dnk Choir, reg. $30 .............. NOW $26 Stvdtnl desk, reg. ·$75 .......... NOW $66 Twin budget bed, reg. $39 ...... NOW $34 Bunk bed, reg. $84 ....•.......... NOW $74 CANOGA PARK DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA • 1 • • • " 4 4 4 WHnt5day, St•ttmttr 17, 19611 ' • • . . enoe••:1 .. . •' ~ ~· ALWAYS Fl~ST G.UALIT~_· .. _ . ..,.,.... _ __:"'---~---..:,..:..;r·~·.:..· ;...' _....:....:..._.....:: .··~tlhtr9~~~cing ·;·the ne\f Foreniost® ' . . . . .. ' ,. , I " ' ., It · MILEAGEMAkBR II •••. • • ' < , . ,. THE 4 PLY, NYLON -CORD,-· t 'iRE -·'i.7 "MQS. GUARA~TEE WITH r ::i; • -' .,.,.:-- 14 MOS. FREE 'REPLACEMENT. 15.95 · ' ' 520· 13 bl•ckwall tubeless plus 1.34 fed. tax .and old tire 600°13 blackwall tubeless plus 1.59 ,fed. tax and old tirt 650·13 blackwall tubeless plus 1.79 ·fed. tax and-old tira ILACKWALL TUIELESS ·:i • Size Price Fed. tax,. ' . 700.13 695-14 . ·735-14 7'75-14 e14 ).coy 56().15 " . - 685-15 '735-15 775-15 815-15 845-15 FOREMOST TIU GUAUNTll Httt'1 h•" y•ur 1v•r•ll1M •1•i111t f•i!111t wiJtkl' l11tiri 911••'"''' "ri'' . , . , , , . , , ·~ , , , , . 21 Mtftlh1 frtt 1t,1cr.,101e11t ,.ri.94 , ••..• , •• ,, •• , 1-14111•1111\s .Ml% •ff pui•• .... , , , .• ",,,,,,,,, 1J.21111e11lh1 2£" •ff pui.4 • , , .. , ............... 22·21 ••11lh1 G11•r•111te •1•i11tf !rt•" .... are11t. If ye111 Ii•• WMli 16.95 1.94 16.95 1.96 17.95 2.07 18.95 2.20 20.95 2.36 16.95 1.76 17.95 1.89 17.95 "2.08 18.95 2.21 20.95 2.38 20.95 2.57 • Free tire rotation every 5,000 miles ' .. e11l "11ri11g tht fi111 h•ll tf lh• s v•••111tlfll ,,ri•4, ••t11r11 ii wilh Y•w• 1v•••"ltt c .. ril;c1tt •n•,Ptnn1y1 will tt- ,Sec. ytur tlrt wilh • now lirt. cht;tint ytu '°'' io1t thin lh• •11rt1nt u l1in1 11•K• lni:l11tlin1 Fe4ertl b.o:i11 111; ii y111r lir• w1tn •YI 411rln1 the .. <Ill" It.elf, VIII fllV 2J" IH1 lh11t the '""'"' Hllint ,ricf lnd11din1 fttltr•l !Jehl lt •. • Free puncture repair for life of tread 8 track stereo tape deck 69.95 PlayJ all 1tandarcl 8 track cartridgt• and 4 tracks, tool Ultra modern thumb wheel d .. ign for safety and conveni•nce. Back lighted channel indicator, _ volume, tone,._balaM•-controluinJ! monu9l _fh_a,nnel 1electar. , . . ARK (°",,..."°""") BUENA P VoilOyVllw . . . • Free tire mounting .. 011•rt;•'" •1•l,.1t ftllwt. It -"flllct the tir• '•'· i~ lh• Fr1•r•pltc-•nl 11trled, th••• Ii 11• t"4tt•j ii •t r111hKt fht tire 'altor tht ft••·••ttlllCtM,.r f1tr!1•, YIU pty 50% !Ir 2.S16 I• ,._,.,,-, .... uitrtllf .. llillf ,,ic.. .4 tli• tlr111 lntl"4it11 '-'•NI 1.a .. Tttr. C•-rcitl UN. lhi1 t~•rtn!11 it ¥t i6 .. u,. pen· m,., tirtl ... MN .. .,, tf!ldr.. ,,...., ftr •...i-, I f 4drtn 1111rer 30,000 .MU. 111 ••• )'H r. . ' WHITE'WALLS ONLY $2 MORI! •• I Deluxe stereo speakers 9.95 set Instant mount ·SV2" or 5*" in.door mount twin matched Hi-Fi.speakers. 5 oz. ceromic mogn•tic, ~.4" voi~• coil, singl• im~edanc•, wat•rproof cone. Drive _ ___itltb tht c.ompl•1-..so_und of stareo_otJ his.low,-low price on delux• speakers. ' •. • MONTCLAIR VENTURA . FULLERTON CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA DOWNEY HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH \ -~----~·m••"• .. .. I . I 1 • \ I \· \ I , ( I I . ) :· " • I 1j DAI\. V l'!LDT For The Record Jtfeetitags 1'1arriage Licenses DEATH NOTICES KOO"IS emerK!n l . kaot11, 01 7112 Rnlnt o. .. l-l\lntln91on ec.cl!. !.<lrvl'Yed ~ wile, Oelli..h; Jon,, H1rold, Robvl, Jame• 1M Falhtr Thom11 J. Lind. Rowirv ¥/e<d., );lO 1>.m., 11 Peek F"'llllr Coton!1t Funerel Hon\e. M11 u Tl'lllr:. lb:30 '""· 1! SI. eono•enture C1ll» 01lc Clwrc:ll, H11nllt'lllton eeacll. Pttl< F'1"'fly Colonl1I I'll-If Hllml:. dl· rl!CfOrJ. DOCfOLEno t'lentto Oodolera. ''· or )196 Sl•Te St .. Cos!t ~. Survived by 1 diu9Mt•• "' tti. Pl!lllPP llll! h lanch. Su ...Ja<1 'Jtiurs,, 11 •.tn. •I llell 8•0lldW~Y Cha~!. lnl1'r1T'efll Htrt>ar lte!t Metr0- •l1I Part. Bell l rwOw•Y Mor1111rv, 111rector1. Al.'iTON ltut~ 0. At1ton, 6C, of 21'7 ,.l1ce~li1 #we.. (l)J!I ~-SUNIYl'd by .on. Jo!ln e. ol !Ill: u.s. Armr. 5ervkt• ~nd 11ne•,,.,.,,t Men1·. Arkon1a1. l oll llrtilOWI Y MOrl111tY. lorw1rdin9 d;•K- 1ors, LUCKEY 1tit111 rd 9 . ~ud.tv . .-.ot 1'. or 111 .-.venl.,. Ar190n, Sin (lemen•e. ~!t Alien's Eulogy F 01~ F alien Friend By 1110MAS BARLEY or ,,.. 01111 Plltl 11111 One or the first things the bewildered alien _looks for when he unpacks his bags in what he hopes w1U be l}is Prmuised Land is. oddly enough, a bit of \\'hal he left be- hind him. .._,. , U ' h . Oddly enough'! \\'ell. not reall~. n lS motlva ons ave been analyud upside down and s1d~ways ov~ .the. years and what it seems to boll down to 1s that bl~ ~ve preservation or mu ch of his form.er mode or 11f~ 1S ca lcu- lated to enable him to more easily ada pt to h.is new en- \'ironment. Some go it alone, determined to become part of t1'!t pattern of life in their newly adopted country through their own efforts. ttfanY others look for a ' tangible link with their hom eland and they almost always find it in the form of a club. Such clubs abound in the United States and they cheerfully cater for new and prospective citizens be they from Lapland or Liberia. And at their heart you will invariably find an OT· ganizer : more often than not an off. shoot of that same foreign,,planl \vho has seen the value of the social center and its priceless role' in the integration of the new American. Many of the Britons who. have flo~k~ to Orange County will read in that analysts a description of Norma Winter and they will feel the savage pull at the heart slrings that thi! writer experienced this week. For Norma, that gay lady from Kent .who ?id so much to lilt the spirits of many a downc~t Briton , is no lon~er Y.'ith us. She \Vill no more stand , br1ghteyed and bubblmg "'ith higl1 good humor. to welci:ime Britis h Blighty Club members to the dances that did so much for the morale or many a Limey who was finding his first n1onths in the Colonies ''a bit ropey." Norma died at Hoag Memorial Hospital this week after a Ion~. gallant batUc with the lung cancer that cut he r down by crue1 stages. Typically, she insisted that the ne\\o·s of her illness be confined to her immediate family and she persisted in'that attitude right to the end. I learned of her illness through the ne1vsman's "reliable source" and I listened. shocked and incredulous. as that weak. falterin g voice recalled my 01vn seriou s illness and how I came back. as she put it, "fron1 the grave." "You 're not the only one. Toni, Jove." she said. "I can do it too, you know." I think \1'e both knew that she harl presided wilh her husband. Nick. at her last gathering of the British ,Blighly Club. Nick is the founder-president of the Costa Mesa or· ganization but he would be the first to say that the happy. carefree Norma was much more than half of the club 's executive operation. Norma-dispensed much of her inimitable brand or Sri· tish humor. hOspltality and goodwill from the telephone of her home. She made life a little rnorc pleasant for many a Londoner 1nissing hi."l Bow Bells. the Scot U1inking Jong· ing/y or his Burns country, the \\'elshman \vistful/y musing about his val!ey."l and the son of Erin "'ho could find noth· ing green aboul Orange Count.v. Norma opened many a door to many a jobless alien. And she did it with no pretense of authority, under no ob- ligation and all with that happy laugh th at 1vas so very much her trademark. !\-1y o\vn memories are of a children's Christ111as party, of four young children and a father whose faltering heart and serious ill ness made him \\'Onder if he would !>'Urvive the fesliviLies. There was lea, brandy, a surge of warmth and pro- tectiveness and the promise that the children would Lie cared for and carefully \valched-as indeed they "'ere. That was Norina. Al once the happy hostess. ready at any lime Lo lead the club "'ilh hubby Nick i" a mil itary hvo-slep, but just as eager lo dispense her own very special brand of compassion and 1varm sincerity. \Veil, ibere you are. Norma Jove. 1 told you just a \Yeck ago that I was going to wr ite about you, didn't I? Remember how \\'e kidded each other that it would bf! a fealure about lhc clu b"? I wish it ha'd been possible and [ prayed, very hard, that it might be. A minute's silence, please, all you lot from over 'ome. You've just been reading about Norma \Vintcr. el dee!!\, St11!ember 11. 5urvhl!(I 11'1 1~,.--.,. ....... ..,..._ __ .._ __ .., .......... .,. ....... _.._I[ ~!111!'•". Mr1. Ger!rvde W1ldron. Ill r S1n!t Ant. Priv1!e )!rvlces. fhtti 1'\ortvt rv. 1141 ~ut11rlor, Co)t1 Mew, Oire~loo. ARBUCKLE & SON 'l'tstclUf t\1ortuary U7 E. l'Jlh St.. Costa 1'1esa llMUI • BALTZ l\10RTUAR.I ~ Corona Gel t\lar OR l-9-150 Coata ttlea• ~n &-%4.U • BELL BRO AO\\'AY l\10RTU ARY 110 Broadway. Coda l\o1csa u a.;w • DILDAY BROTHEflS UunUngtoo Valley Mor1.ary Ji91 l Seacll Blvd. UW1tingtoa Beac .. 1em 1 • McCORMICK LAGUN A BEACH MOllTUARY li9l Laguna Canyon Road Lagun• Bead! Ill-NII • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK CMtttery e rttortuary Clo1pel :Mt Pldl'k Vlew Orfve Newport Beach. California llU'IN • PEJ>'K t'MllLY COLONIAL l'UNERAL HOME 1*1 IWJI Ave. Wat111i•-D>ms • ~R l\IOR'l\JARV ._.. Bead! 414-lllS SU Onttak •n.ttH I I e 5lllTllS' MORTUAR Y C7 lllale SL· HuaU-l!<ldo - ) Judge, Burglar Fi11ally Meet for Jail Sentence SANT A ANA -It took 10 months for Superior Court Judge James F. Judge to get around to sentencing Gary Lynn Cutshaw on burglary charges but lhc two finally got together this \1·eek. The pleasur e \\'as all Judge Judge's. Cutsha"'· 2i, or Rossmoor . ·will only have the doubtful comfort or k.no""ing that be evaded his one to 15- year state prison term by those 10 months. CUL.sha w pleaded guilty to second degree b u r g 1 a r y charges in \Vest Orange Coun· ty 1nunicipal court I a s t November. He ad m itted breaking Into the Sporlsmeu ·s Bar, 11133 Los Alamitos Blvd., Los Alamit.os on Oct. 1, 1968 and stealing $3 and five botUes of liquor. He did not. ho\vever, show up in Superior Court for sente ncing and was not heard or for some 10 months until his arrest in Woodland, Calif. lie drew a jail term there on charges or escape and passing fraudulent checks but asked to be aUowed to return to Orange County klr settlement. BIAFRA We C1nnot waste tirM with words .•• Bi•fr•n children 1r1 dyingNOWI YOU CAN 00 SOMETHING ABOUT IT NOWI SOCIAL SIRflCI PIAMIT f·IJ7 l•• bflftpt SEND YOUR OONA TION TO: BIAFRA CHILDREN'S RELIEF COMMITTEE, INC. P.O. 80.c: 383, 301 Westwood Plata, Los Angles. C11ifMni• 90024 Mn Faces T1ial Over Rap.e T1•y SANTA ·A N A A \Vc s t rn in ster man who allegedly tried to 'tape an al· lracUve barmaid after she· ac· cepted bis ,Invitation to join him for breakfast bas been ordered to face trial Nov. 24 in Superior Court. '· School Me .ditation? Project May Have a Prayer .By TH~ J'OllTllN& Of ,,,., ..... l"lt.t ... 'ANAHEIM,_ Prlyer has no place in the publk -. the 0raoce Couo1y ..._1, 1e1a1 adviser lo county school dirulcts. ha. afflnned. B\rt Anaheim Union High School Dlstrict trustees are looking for a legal way around the pN>blb!Uon. Tryloi a oew laclc1.tbjy will asl<!or wlnlons on tnt. ,permiaslbilltY Ot a period ot tneditalloh, without reference to prayer o r religipn. Deputy Supt R. Ken Wln<s .is jnit.rtJcled to wrtte lo Coun- ty CQWl<d and the State At- torney General. 'The "period of'medltatlon" ploy is thti school trustees' response to county counsel's previous negative answer on their school prayer inquiry. An opinion in recent days signed by County Counsel Adrian Kuype r and DeP\ltY John F. Powell $Bid prayer in the classroom is prohibited even when a majori ty of the atudents have elected to bave' such prayer. . Further, the opinion warned that such prayer would sub- ject the school district to Ule likelihood of 1 lawsuit, aod. leu likely, board members to P"l10!1A\ lioblllly suit an~r chargat ~ the Grand Jury ol wilful miscoridl)Ct in olfice. Holding a prayer period ln sdwols would violate both the Flr1t Ameodment fll. 1be U.S. PomtltuUon and th• cautofll)a Constltutioo, lbe opinion beld. The ca1µornla ConstiluUon provide$ ~ no "sectarian or denominational doctrine be taught, or instruct.ion thereon be permiUed, directly or in· directly, iQ any of the common schools of this Slate." California attorneys general Cal State Fullerton have rulttd since 1124 that 1 pr~ers and invocaUons arc i necwarily NOUgiOlil and Clevo- tional ln nature, aa1d the coun- 1~ couns<)I. Colplty couru;el sai4 the I Supreme Court lw ruled that the states mw;t be neutral 1 with respect to matters or religJon and that invocallon ol God1s blesslngs ls a religious exercise. Pennitling obj e ctin g chlldrtn to absent themsclvea during riliglous exercise is not sufDclent . to avoid the pro- hibWoo, the Supreme Court his ruled. "By requiring what iJ tantamount in the eyes of I teache'rs and schoolmates ·'' a profession of disbelief, or al: least of noncomror non·j con(onnity . . . the e.-.;cusal provision in its operation su~ jects children to a cruel dllem· 1 ma.". , • 'Lov~ IDLive" l • V.'dl Rogers used t~ uy, "It never met 2 n1an I di~n't l1kel• Isn't thiS i wonciefh1I WIY Ill : !eel! , It's possible for ~verycme' feel this way. I" fi1J.Christia1 Sele nee shows that it is as : natural for us to love as it is I~ the sun to shine. In her free public lecture, : ~1iss Grace Bemis Curtis of : rThe Christian Science Board qf Lectureship will explain the. ' spiritua l basis of love and its! direct relationship to life itselt You and your friends are most cordially invited to atten d. • Chrisfan Science lectur~ ' '""'"' S""'•V• 51". 11 tltVINI! aOWL ist l.•llOlll Cfll}'911 ·-· L•lllM aN c.11 S•lt!IMr ... .,. l'!nl Cllurc~ of Cllrht, Scleoltbr t..-ii-... Cit • Clllliil c•r. •rtv141., 11 dlurcll. • us """ or. • Roy William McMurty, 2.1, faces charges ol kidnap, forci· ble rape and sex perversion. He was arrested ljist July 19 after his allegedly b~ and beaten victim gave police of· ficers the license number or ttie car in which, she said, McMurty abducted her and then attacked her. . Names Media Chief County counsel nid the California attOrney general 1 has written, ''For atheist or ! a~c, children, d a i 11 • prayers· would be 1 constantllil--------~'r-1 reminder of the conflic~ TURN ON •I between'hom.e and ~I, and mighl well be a..ti,snipuve ei .. mint wbkh woUJd wuken the moral influence of parent and The girl told investigators that she accepted McMurty's invitation for an early morn· ing meal and they got in his car outside the bar where she worked nights -a tavern on \Vest Bolsa Ave nue in Santa Ana. After the meal , she told or· ricers, McMurty drove her to a deserted area where he at· tacked her and attem pted to sexually molest her. The girl "'as treated for minor injuries al Orange County Medical Center. Newswoman Joins UCI IRVINE Helen l\t . Johnson, lormer staff writer for the Los Angeles Times in Orange County, has joined the staff o( the public affairs of· fice at UC Irvine. Miss Johnson. who has 21 years of experience as a reporter and f e a t u r c writer, will do pub I i·C in· formation lvriting for UCl part-time while p u r s u i n g graduate studies in Lalin America n affairs. A spcciaUst In· U)e \lat _ol. modern technology in educa· tion has been na"med director '°r a new instructional media center at Cal State Fullerton. Dr. Allen M. Zeltzer, whose. appointmen~ waa announced by President William B. Lanprf, will be ,..ponaible for developing and mating avalla~e for use by CSCF faculty the new media which are or may ~me available. ~ ieJtzer will be responsible io 'Dr. Bernard L. Hynik, vice preiident for academic af· fairs, and will work closely 1 with an advisory committee of CSCF faculty a n d ad· mlnistrators. · FuncliOlll!I or the new office, according to Ryink, will in- clude resJ>C!nsibjllty for the development of long-1'ange 'planning for a systematic ap- plication of technology to educational problems. The new director will work with the faculty in im· plementing new techniQues to supplement classroom in· st.rucUen, Hyini said, and he will review all college orders for television, radio a n d audiovisual equipment t o check on compatibility and possible other resources on the campus. "We live in a space age sor· rounded by explosive advances SUMMER SPECIAL! Let us capture your child's sunny sparkle in a fme portrait 3 are just 4ss one 1•70 /or yo11, ond two Sx1 lot the lotnity l ri"I your diiltl i" now, befor• lht wnny glow fockl. •nd I.I ui c•plvrt thot aporlttinJ loot tvr.v..I Com• 111 .. hi!• showf"I"·"° oppoinl!Mflt necu.Mlf)' ... N t•ln9mbtor, )'OU CCIII cho'll' ii et P1"M:t'•f MUNTlllOTOH l l l (M Hllr\!11'9""' (.,It, ~ •aoor, .,1.1n• lllWl'Olll l l AC14 ~•ifll!llo bllll'lll ; • MEDIA CHIEF Or. Allen Zeiner teacher au~ ... TY W EEK ~e1p1 vou tu11lul le wb•l'1 .,,ppe!linq b•hi11d di• tvb• ....._ Ev1•v S1turcl•Y in ft• DAILY PILOT. YOUR PllOBLEM: ? You w1nt to Mii tome it•m th1t you no longer "°"" but someone elM c•n .,. for NOT ? OVER ? ? $50 ? ? YOUR ANSWER: You cell THE DAILY PILOT, 11k for Clessifiad Advertising, and pl•c• • ACCUTJtON -the cl«:tronic timepiece, lri ll\Ol'cment ii IO ptec.i.st, it's wed inspac.:c u aft and satellites . .Ac cu.tr on is diff'e.rent from ordinary watches. It hu no balance wheel, no mainsptinJ. no h1inpring, no rick. What it ~ have is 1. tiny, electronically • powered tuninJ fork 1h1t spli1s 1 second inro 360 C'<JUal puts (a :cgula.: -..·11ch can only do from ' to 10 ptrtS). This nukes .'i ccu1ron time so nearly perfect, Bulova 3uaran1ces monthl1 accuracy to "ithin 60 ~cconds.• Jus t to buc.:kle one on your .. ·rist makes you feel like you're rtady !or a.nother plane1. •we iwlll ••lval tl'til "''''"''· ll t1-w;1ry, G.,.,-•t1l9'I i1 fo r '"' y11r • (.ACCUTftON ASTlltOttl.UT "N~-H1ck 1d • l•fll _.,, ... "''"' Allltl!W 2•·11011• bt11!, 24•!\f yr 1114.cttlr, W•lff' r .. isllfll. 117S,00 D. l.CCutJION DA't I DA Tl "f " -001.f!A>• W'tndow, ••ttt ttO\C.rtl. 1 pphld m1rk- ••1, h1""1,....1 ,,~ .. C11I. I t t~.oo A.ACCUTlltOH "1.l r -Full ll111•td. ••l~·I" ••td Ifil l, r11lro1if 1pp1ov"1, wot11 ••· m t.flt. .$l2S.CIO I ACCUJ l'ON ll'ACl'tllW "W" -Stt Ill• •1tcfi Wo~~· 111,.u1ll ll'I• ~It•• yiew Ifil l. W1t•r r•ttlllnt, """1,....1 d••~ S15Cl.OO ' CHAllOI IT AT YOUll PINNIY'S FINI JEWILllY DIPARTMfNT FULLERTON ·Speclo~'l.Tno ift fWi. Di-"''· Die"'e"lf lt1'"\l"ll111, W1td1tl 011d ••-~r $e1•ke1. NIWl'ORT IEACH HUNTINGTON 11.t.CH Or•nt• C•ntt r Hertler at Orantflhr•fl!I '••hien l1l•ni MttArtltur at l'aclflc C•t1t Hwy. Hvnt ln1ton Cttntr Etlln1w at San DI .. • 'wr· .. .. .. l .. .. : • t· • I • • • ~ ); " • • • t -~ • • t • • ' •' , ' • '· ··' .• , t I : ' ' ' .. ' ~"' • • ' • t ' • • . • i < • • ,. ' ' • . '· ··' ~ < • .. , • • ·-' • rr ndus1ries GOOD Will Y SEI: H•v• you ever mid• • Gaodwlll ..... ? Thou- 11nd1 ct. each yMr, and are 11tonithecl at tht tc0pe of Goodwill lndUf'o tries oper•tlon. Come any wnlc:day for • guldM tour of Goodwllf'1 train. Ing Center. Call 547-6301 590 W. 19th St. CGSta Meta Open Mon. thrv Fri. 9.9 Sat. 9 t ill 5:30 6461479 Your Dollar Buys More At The GOODWILL STORE SPECIALS THIS WEEK! HOLLYWOOD BED FRAMES $695 NEW Hore1 sn1a11 MAm SSES s5500 Twin or Full Set• $69.95 Value ! Extr• Firm MATTRESSE.S Set $69'5 OFF.ICE DESK s3000 GREEN TAGS 1 /2 PRICE Typewriters $16'5 TO $20°0 Special! BOX SPRINGS & MATTRESS $31.90 PILLOWS ~· S2w75 ,, . ~ease Use These Booths In Your Neighbomood c.u 646-2479 Ftr Pickup Servi<• ~~-~--·~~-~~~~~--~~--------------------------................................. . ·Northwest Passage :'.Opens Fantastic World 8lAUl'OftT ... ~· .. ~ .. --. .. .. .... .. ~: ::::: • • . • PrilllliM . .., ALASKA -...... ' -= l:' CANADA HERALDED NORTHWEST PWAGI ~!NALLY CDNQUIRID .. NEW YORK (AP) -Year- ""'nd shlpp1nc lhl'Vlllh the Northwest Passqe nUe fol· lowed by the ~ Manhattan COUid leod .Jo " mlruclwing of world trade,patterns, a Q mJJli<)o shlpjNcg boom In Am~ aod a new frooUer Jn lhe Atttlc. .-.. allncist,,800 yt.irs the Nonhwut PIUll• !tat b<en -111 II a ahorl rwle from the Wiit to the Orient. ~ voyqe of the ,Allllhat- tan demomtratea: a poplbte year-rouOi:I oommerclal rouu for giant tanken. But, the lmmediat.e Lask of the Manhattan it to gat.her and store lnlonnatJM. 'ror the Humble Oil and Refinlns Co. whJch spept $39 million on the voyage in a gamble that it would prove a commercial ""'"' lhrou&b the paaaaa• ;, ~le. ' 'Ibe company aays It will wait unW after the Manhattan rttums Nov. IO to form a prellmJnary judgment on the bui3 of the flodlng1. The Manhattan a r r I v e d Monda7 at Slcba HarbOr aod UNBBLlKVABLE SOUND FROM A COMPACT,MOJ?ESTLY PRICED STEREO MODULAR SYLVANIA MINl·MOOUl.Al MM IOW Au~tion Ends One of the •400~ W&lnut g rained "inyl s••l•d air suspension spe1ktt syst•rn included • Gerrerd custom turntable • 20 watts EIA • All transistor r11i1bility • Includes dust NEWPORT, R.I. (AP) - The china and furniture of a member of hip 30Clety's onpnat 400 -a woman who served tu but never cocktails at per Newport man.gion - WW be aold at auction this month. When you'r Penny Pincher Into Dollars Vlhen you're single and young, life can be so great. So many run things to do with your freedom. So many interesting people to get to know. That's whet ?oulh Bay Club is all about. The most complete . country club you've ever seen with apartmenls located oround It-full of your kind oi people. A 'II• mllllon dollar clubhouse, tenn is courls, olymplC pool, health clubs, and mlJCh more . Don't say you know It untll yOU've -n It. CHAllPAGNI: OHN HOUll THll IUNOAYI TO 1 ,_.. • .... SouthBayChlb.Apart11Mmt1 NewportBeach-lr¥1no at 161hSttoel (714) 645.QSSO Sears . .,. cover. JUST $99.95 © [\i\VIS ·BROWN 411 E. 17th St. -Costa Mna Dally f.9, Sat. 94 For Hohh,Ut or Homeowner! Regular $6<J.9'J light, Compact Sprayers • Uae it (Of' (Mt •pnJiac o{ paint., "•nWh. ferd.lite.r or inlleeticide •Alto un be ued (or inn1tin1 and air de1nin1 • Ci•u up lO 6-in. 1pr1y plllcrn -..iLh power{R.I ~·HP motor . e !. ? C.F .M. It l5 p.a.i. 14-HP Compact Paint Spnyu 24 ff SAVE $10.50! R...,a, u.99 1-i·HP CompKI Paint Si><o,..-6299 SAVE $27! 1lo.,u..r 89.99_ }'or Farmer or Homeowner! Regular '169.99 1/2 -HP Paint Spr.ayers • I cylinder compre.or 1pnyu • Powttflill ~·HP, 11 5 .. olt electtrlc · molor e DeJi .. en !.8 r.f.rn. •l 40 p.&.i. or ' maximum 100 p~.i. (2..2 c..f.m.) • Spr.ay gun, 1:.-fL air HM ¥4-RP Paint Spn1c.r 13999 S.~ VE $60! R ... lar 1!19.'19 3 Gillon Paint Tank 31" Reaular 44.95 SAVE $13.50 I-BP P.Unt s.....,..,. 18199 SAVEflB! R...,i.r2S9.99 ... ,,,. ,-,. ' . , . ) . 11899 I 11111t • ,1 I 11111 11111, For Commercial and lndmtrial Use! 1339.99 Tank-Type Sprayers • R911fld ...,.kltene d eU,·ert 7..1 c.f.m. · at40p.a.L •Maim•• I.JO p..J. e1n L,. utilized w pewer .U-tool, •Powerful l 'h·BP motor. C.aple1·1 wiU. •1tel-.ed lNJt ......... • Rella 4*ily .. bic 10.iA. wbeeU ""\\I -HI:!'. • ·)~ 79') . t.l I "'"' .! I'"" t 1,,i, ---~----------------------------------------------~ l --...,.u1.,400,s11-1a. •-.O)illt\' 111MO.o"'M111 ....,.•f·ll'l.'M.-.,t41.l'UUlll M:OWfMJIJ DllltOMlil'M.All...UU I ~,,.~, ....... °'~1«M.a .... 11 .. -...:,,.,..AHWlJt ...... Ml.,,..,,n ,_,__.w,.1111 I ~Hf f.f.Mll, .. l S761 _.,.,..,..., •. ,.., ...... ,,,.fUlt ~ .............. f.U.tO'I ""'"""° M"l, "'-bit I C:OW.fil£0611 ....,.,.Olt.JJ?l •~"1.Jfl 1. lJ'l.4rU """"4.-.u!•'·'111 ...... 'l .. lflt '·----------------------·-Sears---------~----------' •sathf~•YowMoooyladl" • ---· ...,,,.,.,..M_, .....,s.tm.,.t•:IOA.M.to"30P.M. I ~ j \ I I i I \ I ) I ~ I I q,lM. ........... I COMPAltlN\l NOTES-Trio'ol ~rican'.Ji'leld ser: vice exchange students living and studying in ;Costa ~ hlesa look over text they are using in -high school ' classes. From left are Adriana Tagliari (Brazil), Angela Massmann (Chile) anil Meka Kleist (Green- land). Costa Mesa Pla ys Host • To 3 From Over Globe Three teenage girls from op- posite ends of the earth have arrived in Cosl.a Mesa to begin a year-Jong adVentllre as American F'lekl Ser v Ice students in tocal high schools. Margrethe Kleist, 17, Ille fint student from Greenland lo be" Uliined lo this area, is atiendlng Estancia H i g b School and is niaking her homo with tbt Robert Moody : family, 315£ Samoa Plai:e. Her American °s1.&te(' iJ -Robin Moody, a senior al Estaocla. Another sister, Janie, is a oop11omo .... Adriana TagliJlri.. J7 ... l=ame from Sao Leopoldo, Bruil. to live with the DeU Lewis family at 1959 Pelican Place. She is a senior al Eatancla, where her new sister, Cindy Lewis, is 1 juniCI". gpeaks fluent Danish and what &h~ describes as ' ' I a I r ' ' German and English. Her fBlher is a telegrapher and her molher a teacher of Greenlan- dic crafts. Meka'11 llometown is Quidligssat. Greenland, where, she says, icebergs noat in the ocean all year around. She at- tends a boarding school in the cUy of Godtbab aod will return there to complete her fina1 year of study after graduating with Eslancia's ~nlor class next year. Her ambition iS to become a psychologist. She enjoys music and sings in two groups perfonning botb folk and "beat" music. snJDY MEDICINE Adriana Tagliari'1 ambition Is to study medicine and MESA mGB SENIOR become a pedlalriclan. She Attending Cmta Mesa High plans to take three science School as a senior is Angela courses at Estancia, aJong Massman. ll, who comes Crom with speech and U.S. history. the city of Temuco Jn southern Upon her return to Brazil she Chile. Her new borne is with will sit for university entrance the Lee Wad!worth1amily, %98 exams. Adriana ia an ae-w. Bowling Green Drive and complished pianist and bas her American sister, also nam-studied music for 11 years. ed Cind.Y. is • junior ai Mesa Her mother is a music teacher High. and her father an industrialisl Mils Kleist, who-JIH{en to At home in Sao Leopoldo, she be called Meta, has three also has a 15-year .. td sister si:sters and 1 brother living In-and a 13-year-old brother. Greenland and Denmark. ln Angela Massman is the third addition .to her n a t i v e member of her family to come ~ lf.nguage, 1 b e to the United Stales as an 1 Every Room In School Has Film Thi.5 fall there will be a movie pA>~ur in every classroom al; F o u n t a \ IJ V1lley'1 Willlain D. Lamb School, thanU to ;;i year1ong- experlmental p r o g r a m in- volvin1 the optimum use of film. Sixty sound and silent pro-- jectori and stret!D:I as well as a 'millimeter lltOVie cartridges will be -lo the achoo! by Teclmioolur and Inlernall<lllll Commwticallonl ·Films. Not on11 will •!hero be one projector per cta.sn>om. bul American Field S e r v i c e student. Her brother. Herbert was on the pro,ram in 196M.6 and her older si.sler, lnge, has just returned to Chile after participating in the 1967..Q program. The Massman fami~ ty maintained lhe AFS con- tinuity by opening its home to an American student, Nancy Wolff of Modesto, Calif. who was in Chile as an American · ).broad during the J966-i7 school year. Also inleresltd in musk. Angela bas studied piano and 1Uilar and last year spent three months on 11 concert tour of Germany and Austril!I as a member of a Chilean choir. rn addition to her native Spanish, ohe speak> Gennan and English and enjoys skiing, on both snow and waler. ""'denfi wilt .be taughl bow 1 •.• --------- npuatt the P"•iedor1 and Makes Eatlw9 With checl< ll><!n • ..u.tl!!>m•ll§O •. r•. LSETEE I H . • c 0 m puattve bttore-anq-r ft ~b~ ~r£:."" !'d ~ · Easler alld Faster '···~-al • ...Jtl..t--1...-1 _... cUnb& tlS'9 JI""• ~ -... wuic::i--llUJUUl ·-tiatNldcbewbe\~•"9a'-partldp1tlng lil ·lbe progrtin _ .. ....._.. .... , ... _ 'o detmnine lb elfectiveneSs, ;~~~.t:,,r:,:: Technicolor will also make tn.' hulU d•'~ armw k!Gp:r-~ thfm tw1 men Dl'.lmfonMM. videotapes of the classroom rAaTDTK•JtOt~'t....,. Use of the projectors and will =~C"'li':'~~ aJnvert them into a fttm for ti.1th. e. JOID' d-.u.& ~· teacher training. Ge\PA8'l"DTl!lat.UdNiJ-.--. I See by Today's .Want Ads : .. ·-lp-.nttd--c: ,.. __ t'OlflJmiMloft 'IChedu)e, Vll• eatlom, fl'H' unllirma, lo-........ • Coon1ry °'""" """ -enlty; plus lt)'le and .rc- wity, the,., lll a hlll toP vlrw home with 3 hednns. a barn "'ilh l atud)o •Pl. Jiu• ll U acni avocado .,.... ' " • 1 . • . ' .. ... ' ,. - .. ·~ , .. • • -.. . .. ..... ~ .. ' . " • '"'"'V¥i. rwo ,~ on~teot savf · ·; Simmon$~n: . ~ I , I .. . , . . . ' . .,, . . . avf,\ (Of • limit.<!'. tf,;,..only, you can get • -"' · .• -¥-1>&1! f!'f th pi:ic. of one. During this ' .. • l -• ~.'.! ' ·, • ~I "' r ' .rfn~-y""r Sjnionqi• special y<N ·get 2 twin · ,;" l<;>ng:, boy Beoutyresf metlreues end bot lpr.(nl.s f0< -t1i;.. p.rioe «>f ont king •at •encf . .~ .. \,.,, sa~1s9.95!>And, you ca n choose firm,-.,,tr.-. I 1 ' ' firm~;.. .... or"' ona -of eech'. G,.at· savings! ' I • ' ........ ,,. :.~· ~ .. ' ... mo;t '°"*!'<e°s.uiJ>mirrl~145 do you need carpeting? for one week only -.. every broadloom in stock ... over 20 ... in every style ... at h.uge savings Sale 8.00 to 15 .00 •eg . 10.00 10 1a.oo sq. yd. Get\speci,el ... sevihgs on. naw carpeting! The prie<t 0n'rn>ry roU of luxury broadloom h .. been ~UC&d, exciept Karostan which is foir- treded. Choose from many fibers, styles end e fentestic assortment of tweed end solid colors. Listed ere e few of the values at May Co this week. Price includes instellotion over rubberized woffle or sponge rubber podding •.• no extra. cherges. ~~~ ~*~ Coll For The Corpetmobile: • If you can't get in, hove our decorator· +reined expert cQIM to your home with cer· pet somples. ·c.n·623-821 I, oxt. 2392, or tho May Co noaresl your homo. 12.00 nylon pile long s~g .t~\ij"' ill: "1ul!i-colors .. .-...••. , .. 8,00 I 0.00 nylon pile short. fri~• ~g ,t~xturo in solid· colors .••••. 8.00 12.00 Fortrelil) polyester .p~ .IPlfptured texture, solids ••.... 9.00 12.00 Fortrell!) polyesier pilt random sheored, solids. multis .• 9.00 12.00 Fomel9 .polyMI"' pile shag texture,.olids and multis •. 10.00 12.00 nylon pila shag textun. in solid, multi and tri-co!on .•.. I 0.00 13.00 Kadel* polyaster pile shag broadloom in multi-colors •. 10.00 13.00 nylon pila shag textuNI in 16 colorolion1 , . , •.•• , , •••. 11 .00 13.00 Acrilan* aaylic pile plush texture in solid colors • , • , •• 11.00 13.00 Kodel\ll polyester pluih sheg texluNI in sol"l<f colors •••• 11.00 13.00 nylon pile sculptured TI!xluro, iridescent colorings ..... 11.00 18.00 Kode141 poly9ster pile heovy plush·sha1;-f9xturo. so"d• .. IS.00 moy co floor ~ingi,:'32 546 • 9321' ' may co south coa st plaza, san die90 fwy at bristol, costa mesa; shop monday thru saturd oy I 0 e.m. t o 9:30 p.m . / MAVCO I SHEtlS SCOPES R/FlES. DECOYS THE MOST DEPENDABLE AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN IN THE WORLD •Up to SS% 11• kick • Suprtmt d1,elldlbllllf" tested with 5~,000 N111l1 • Cu1t°"' ch1tktrlnt • l it 5-Shot C1pt<ity • IK-W Du Po11t -d fi11i1h it tou1h, ti.rd, ur1tch 11111 w11thtr rt1i.st1nt. • NMdi "° 1lliu1t11Mnl -1hoot1 hijh baH, ~W 11111 2¥.i'" 11M911Ulft. See Grant's For A!! Your Hunting Needs! GRANT'S FOR GUNS is sl1ffod by exp"" In their field of sllooflng. Whmnr yOo ...., want in guns, froilt 1 $20.00 22· Rillt to 1 $3,500.00 Shotgun, Gront's lw it in stock! Come in ond '" for yourself one of the Lugosi slock Of iiifts ill Soufllorn Clfilomi1I · Get Your Hunting license at 'Grant's! . . SHOTGUN'. SHELLS · . : by Remi"-'on•l'itters . $1 9!0~ OVER 1,000 FIREARMS ON DISPLAY At GRANT'S! • WINCHUTll • lllmA • ARMALm • LLAMA • REMINGTON • SAKO • llOWNING • COLT • WIATH£RIY • H &. I • CHAIL!S ·DALY • IUGER • WAL THIR • ITHACA • SMITH It WESSON 2S GRAHT'S HAS MltYTlltlG In Como• Rage huntln1 -••• ,_ hunt...-1 , YtJts and lacktb to cowenth. l1t91d, 1ood·i..tlo1 dotha hr all of yoot h1"1tlnt ..... PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER · 17111 lhru 23rcl CPO SHIRTS THI All·Tlf'I! FAVORITE-Wool Jackot/Sh;rts $995 for 111.rouM wur. New ttodc of "1ld1 ind . ' fill Sohd ttlor1 ... S-M-l LINED CPO JACKETS ...... $14.95 "Wind King" Jackets by Pacific Troll! Hll[ TMff Alli Thne !'VI· 11d, wh1dproof, h;xury i•tk· tll by Paclfit Tmt. F11fvri"t tht n1wrst "outMor lo.oil." in 12 dYfllll'llc tol0t1. Sins 34 ..... •10 NOWI * Till.OW * OUMGI * UTI llUI "*'AQUA. * AYOC.UO +TAN * lllGl * GOlD + NAVT *OLIVE * •IOWI ,+WHITT JACKETS! JACKETS! JACKETS! 31 STYLES OF JACKOS at GRANT'S! Conlvroy JKkltl, from .. $14.a& ~··~ Denim J1ck1ts ... $7.11 SutdMlb 'lacbh ..... $11.11 1....t',S LIMtl Jadttts ... $11 .91 Men's P.C01fl1 34-46 • , .$19.fS foul W11tlttr Cuts, 10(1 r.Coat1, 12'11 ... $16.9! 34.SD ........... ,. $16.95 WI STERN BOOTS from s17•s ,_ "Dur-·· roo!llHtt lootlltr ---r. tho limf llyie. ftt ...... WW • , . dns 6te12. "CHARGE IT" at llUM SURPLUS TRAPS *Bl SIZES! *Bl SfflESf *Bl COlOISf GUNS w.sn .. c1oy, Stpt•m"" 17. 1169 ADOITIONAI. ran ~ PARKING~ DAILY l'ILDT 11 ND'l DOOa .Al GIANT'S GULF SIRYICI STATIQN .Ne'f ·Shipment Jusl ' Arriwtff! Select from Over 20,000 PAIR LEVI'S® In St0<k. ot Grant's! LEVI'S® CORDS $ 5 98 CAR!FU! Conluroy !hit olways l..U .,...t bec1ust Jrs Ltwl'1®. Pick your faworttt ceW of Gold, hige, Otocollte Iron, Olht, Pait or Royal llue. Slt11 26 to 31. BOY'S SIZES (Slims 1nd Roguilrs) ......... $4.91 BLUE JUIS • SUP!l·TOUGH Juno ••. tho world's '"oll ..,1 ... pants. World's toughett cttntm, nlnfomd with copper rivets end stltchff to st1y. Shrlek..nt •• , 1 new pair frtt If they rip. :s ::.::.~~.......... ~S'' WHITE LEVI'S® Colon of Stnd, Nny, lodon, c.ctus &-White. Slw 26-42. •II'' FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVIN GS! · atnr~JI . NEW! ~~~,. HANG-TEN POLO SHIRTS 1.-% ti" -THI UTIST '"'" M•"l-1" •• hi th• '°r.11!1r .111lnl-1trl11t:1 , .. ,...,, 111 w1lh pock•ht ' '"' . The Ultimate in Luxury! SEE GIANT'S tremtndou1 solectlon of 111 of the newest wldt ind n1rrow stripe styles ••• end solld colon, tool Fln11t 100•4 tombed cotton thtt won't wrinkle, shrink or ever ttltd lronlrtt. Si111 s.M-l-Xl Permanent Pre11 SPORT SHIRTS 2:$5 R11uilrly to $3. 91 USI Y~ CUDIT Ill GUllT'SI . ' I ' ' .. - • ·, 11 111111. Y I'll.IT Wtdottdaf, Seotember 17, lw.t • z ' • • ~ill Banks.!' Long Wait Be . -~xtentf~d? ' .. . . ~ . N1:li' YOIUt (\JPI) -Al Kallne loell for Erale - He -· -"" M 111 to nit. Md wait. Md wlll. For Al J[aliot Ille -elided one year ... ~llayM Y.•u r.--Il_w111bem,bt lht n,.. a11ured -.uie --League pellll8nl fl, lielllns tbe Y ..... J.I. II WU alllo the nlcht KaJ1ne WU .......r bis Ont -ol _1 Worid s.rloo -II lnlstratlns -For J1ao11s tt'a bealMlllll to lool< II ' . If he-..... to wall -mottand thll'• rather Qd bec.ouae be bu 1one If yean already -be.loll In a World Series. He1U be 39 ln four moolha: and II there II lll<h 1 tl!log·11 a ballt>llyer eam1n11 the rill>I' lo Pia¥ in 1 World -tbm Enilt· Bub ..,,..; tllat right a loog lime ago. It ays IOmetlllng for S.W. that a maJorlly ol the other ballplayen are ~ more for blm penoonally lo make il than th•y an for the~ Cullo. -Kallr.e doesn't cart to put himseU in lbe ml4dle bet• ... 1 lho Cubt IDll llfef. .. -"I bav1 friends on both dubl" - but he'd be .... than ...... il be • """"1 pl1llog lot Erule Banlca •• littlt l>JL , · • • • He ii. .. Yoo haw no idea bow much re- spect I bave for Ban4" Kallne says. .. I think he 's one of the finest ad· vertiocmenta lor baleball Everybody knows wbat a fine perao11 ~ la. Alw;y1 cbeerful and lull GI optimism. I remember blm al !be (World Sen") 1ames last year. l ~ be wu dolnl --..ent.itli>c !or • Clllcago radio ltalloo. I bad 1 cbance to ,.y a (.,. words to b1m and I could ·see he was enjoying the Ser1a it· _be ... Katine had an ucelient Hl'ltl apinll the Canlinals. He bat1<d .m, knoc~ed in eigbl ·runs wllb two bOmcrs, two doub~ and sevtlD afngles and had a great deal to do wllh lbe Tiim wlmlng the , ~wld cbam- plomhlp. Conl<ciuenUr • number ol ltorlts were written about-blm during and alter Iha Serl ... '.'A lot cl nice lhlllp'Wero qJ4 about me, and about me waJUJll a Iona time,H K.alloe-.ays. "When [read the 1\0rie1. Bana' name came into my mind. I .lfloOlhl about bow be had walled u l"'I u I did and ho atlll hadn't 1-lnln 1 World Seriea. Yw know, 11.aot Aplrre la wllb the Cuba abo., , "lie wsed lo plltb lor U1 and bi's a very &ood lrieod ol min<. I wouldn~ want Ui.., I'm JIUlUng all out for the Cubs, but I am puWnc 111< them 1 li~ tle." II the cUbl ~ somehow sUU come oa to win and Banks did get into Iha World Serl-. Wvuld there be any parUcullf IC!VICll Detroit'f*ytat-old. superstar' Could atve him! µ • 11AD I could ltll him Would be to relaz, play bis cr.711 pme and ll<ep up that cr<at pbllolopby be i.s... Kalino uys. And ii Bankl dQeso.'l make It again? •Theo be did a lanlaatlc Job belpin, the Cubo •I where they did," Kalina aays. "I'd a :-to him there's always • chanct OeJt yur. Never aife up:• Can Br.eak World Mark Dodg.e~·s 1h Out; Face · Braves u.s .. Japan LOS ANGEi.Es (AP)·...: ~ .. ~ • ''1lit , ... wilq only ... blmlJlay """ game behind s.n l'ranc:IB<:o. • """'•' • .,., Series Seen had just driven In all of 1'91 Anplei:' •Dd Uien jmt don't fully appreciate what Tonight Lm ArJleles, will try to extend CINCllO•!'', II"" LOS Alf••;.•: II 1111 runs in the &eCODd game Qf TUesday be ~ to, UU ltltJl. · •-. ,. ' 1 t • wi111. 11 1 1 • • Says Toomey night'• do;ubleheader sweep of' C~ ''LID in thll game.. When he hll!lled iU winning streak when the AtWita ~':;.:.. " : : : : =:'°'.:-a ~ ~ f : and lhe newsmen crowded. around bis lhlt.sipale in\,o a dOuble be turned lhe Braves arrive at Dodger St.adhu;n ror a ,..,... ::" ~ : ~ : ~~ 11 ~ ~ :·: -.,. ~pture some of the drllll\J. wbole .)lme ~·,. two-game ~ies. =.-""'. 111 • o o 1 P•rk.,., 1a i o l l •1.--T--'--~ ........ a.H.... Jim B"""'"" "10 ~-~· I 1.. """"" 2b '!i • I 0 L~. .. .. 0 l • But es threw ~1 a curve. 1..111uc-.i '"" 1Jm'--. lJtt1e rookie had started ........ 16, u.-, .,.., .., or tuc: w~nl. • • 1 1 1 Grllllrllwlfz. a 1 • 1 • of rtdting bia own heroics be toned a oK die 12th lnn1ng of the second 1ame Dod&ets-against the Braves• George ~~~ ·: ! : : : ~=-C: .I : : : pitch for Ted Sizemore, the Dodgers' Na· with his double an4 wound up scoriDa on Stone. JJ.t. s.v .... "" 1 • • • Mlllt ...... • 1 • 1 o LOS ANGELES (AP) -After almost 9evea years of competln& in the rugged decathlon, it toot the liOll)' ol • 1,IOO- mder race in wbk:b be oearJy passed out to convince Lqima l!•acl>'.• l!W Toomey he can bruk the -Id record. tiooal League rookie of the :year can-Parker's bases.loaded aln&Je, Wes' third The. D041ers bad to roar Crom be.hind R•rnos. P 0 0 • 1 :;:...~ ,,. J : : ~ didate. RBI ol the game. In both aames. They seottd twice in the Motutr, o ,. • o • m•-• ninth i .... i:. .. ~ the to bea li&ller, c: 4 1 1 1 .. You know," fttnll'ked Parker, WJM 'lbe Dodgers won It, 3-2, after edging ........... .,. ~opener. t Gary Tottb as t 11 t tni. • J 10 ' Sizemore is the moK Wlden'ated player Clnc~ti in the first pint, 2-1, to slip Nolan. Patker's lingle c.pped an uphill ~W:.1 ..,.. "'"""\."""'-~---, on our ball club. into second place in the NL , West, J,2 climb" in I.bi S«'Olld game. Loi "'9•t• 100 ot1 • 001 -a T0011117, lhe Olympic and delendlnl na!lonal decathlon cba.'l1pioo 11)'1 he'll -In only ... ""'"' decalhloa and then bang up bls 10 pain of oboes. "Bui the nut decathlon ..W be tho best," he said. "l lmow-1 can-really IC(l'e ...n without tnlnlng that bard. I'm really lolna lo put that record oul ol light." T-ICONd .. 131 points In winning the lndlaa -Games decathlon laat •·eekend It Soutb Lake Tahoe. ln lhe final eft111, the t,500, be wont all oul In an alWDpl to bttak the world record, Ihm almoll-l flniJb the ra<e. ..,_ laat 300 yards ...... PW' """'· I lGUlfll all the way qainlt thinking about qu1tUng the race. I ran wtlhouL rullzlng I wu aUlJ l11Min8·" A tract offidal llkt Toomey was ••nur oollapoe all tbn1u1!1 that IUI lap. "l"n. been all over tbe world and llf:n Iota of decltblonl but J'n never Jeen a man IO wl~ out. HiJ Uin was grey and bt didn't have any control of hill nn,..W,H the oUkiaJ said. Toomey uld be nearly puaod out RCODdl after ftnllhlng the race at the hia)>olli""1e lite. "I j1llt loy lh<re. I wao never ., physically wrecked in all my !Ue. "llGrmaJly Wilm I guy linlabel I decMhlon, be doesn't.even want to think abolll IMller ""· But laat Sunday, wbllo I ,.. 17toc dim on tllf lrOllJld in pain, ~ to catdl 1111 breath, all I coold thlnt cl Wal another decathlon In tlfte weeb at UCLA." Olllclall of the Southern Paclnc Auoclatlon ol the AAU are monglna • ~ for Oct. 44 at UCLA. 1 placo Toomey goya bu "the finest track laclli· ty In the United States." '-rbat race did aomethlng for me, .. ToomtJ saJd. 0 Now I know I an scort, goy, l,lOO polnta. Tbat11 ually shai< up UIOM Germans.•• · t · Tbe world record o! l ,311 wu stt two Ytart lr&:O by Wtll Ge:nnany's Kurt l!<ndlln.'EUI Germany'• JOICblm Kini bu doni •.m thla yw-. • "I wiab aometblng COllld he done to · btlrw them over her<," Toontey llid. •m I hid Ille -y. I'd P<1 for 11\t plane tkbU ..., here and try to lmOcli 'em off. It would rally be IOQ1e decathlon.'' -' AGONY OF DEFEAT -Cincinnati Reds' pitcher Gary Nolan sits alone in the corner of t he dugout after watching bit 1~ nintb·inning lead tr.,isformed inlo_a ~l deleal. Nolan was relieved in the ninth with UPIT•-- tbe bases loaded and was a spectator as the Los Angeles Dodgers tied the score with a walk and then won the game on a throwing error. Toomey atarted competing In tho .,..run, 1o.cvn~ 1wo<1ay teat 11 the 1&• ol 15. Now, nwillg II, tho Santa Barbara ICbool teacher feels be'1 too old for the decathlon. He's won the Natlonal AAU ti· tie the last five yean. Mieuli Raps ABA, Charges Hara ssment I Grange Tops All-time Team "I could So on ICOfing 1,000 point.I for a few mart yun, maybe eveo win anolher gold med>l "But thla wW be my Jut Ume around. NO\. •be• 1 Jump, I'm going to Jump an tbe way. There'• no tumlnc b.ck. I've waited ..,en }"Un f._-Ul1I cb&bce. I'm cot ... to blow il" UCI Picks Ernst To wach C.:ew SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Franklin ?t1leuU, principal San Francl.9eo Warriors owner who has been at war with the American Basketball a1sociation since it lured ;,way his star player two yws q:o, has accused the ABA oI dcliberaLe harusment. "Something should be said about the people who get into the sports buslneu Fm,ner tJnlven.lt1' ol Calll<l'll.la, Irvine claiming Integrity," MleuU de c I are d al.hJtte Bob !rnR bu been aelecttd as Tuaday at a preseason press tuncheoo UCI'• vanJty crew COICti for the ltff.70 for hl.s National Basketball As5oclalion club. year. Annooncement of hll appointment "Those people are using players. the wu mode -Y by Dr. Raymond prm. the courts and referttS m<rtly to TbomtOn, Dlrecior of AthleUcs. haraas the National Basketball Assocla· Emit is tbe fint former UCI athlete to Uon." be named to a head coadllng posiUon at Mieull l~t superslar Rick Barry to the Ille unlftR1!1. He succtecll lltJVall Htcb~ ADA Oakland Oak> In 1 boUrt fight and who ltarted UCI'• crew program rour recently sianed Barry to • five-year con- Jetn qo. Hec.bt will remaJn active In trict after the Oakland team moved tG lfJ< UCI anpport lfOUp, Founders of Row· Washington and became the C.pllols. tna. But c>r. Monday1 Geor1e FortJtian. "I 1!11 looldnf forward to coming btck owntr of the capo, nled a 110 million oult to UCL I lblilt we can devtlop an agalnll the Warriors ond Barry, con-~ crew proeram •t the le.ndinl lhat Barry owes his team 1nother unlvenll)'. Aid l!!:m!t yw on a contract • A 1117 UC! arldulte. Emal atarred on A restrslnlng onler ,.Y, Barry may the A_. llnl two crew luml In not pt.v for the Wsrrlor• unW se!Uement lllf _, lllT. lie captained !be 1111 GI the suit --...JCrnll.-~ OILDCliJlrol_ ''1lie...AJIA.M!Lthe NBA alter Le• w-polo 1-Jll In 1116. >Jolndor aiped bl..---Contrlot with lllfllo comlna to UC!, be psr1lclpsl<d Mllwauktt," add<d Mleull. "The ADA In r.dlall, ~ Ind •-polo II ogr...i to drop the ailt and lit down and ~ Coat O!lloi'. He ..... --......... . ot .. 1'1r911' ltll Junior -Bowl "The NBA ownon vo<td 11-t In favor ol ...... this and I wu the .one to cast lhe 11911 lo a 1111 pu.t. ol Colla r.i.. ..Puve vote." ; _.. ......._ Hr ploed tbl'tt •Milty On the <v• ol lhe li1b. MleuU aald, the aim.,-...!ll!fll. -. ad ~ pelr GI vanl\y ADA l\ll1ed Billy Cunnlnl)lam of NEW YORK (AP) -Harold "Red" Craoge is the onty unanlmcus cboloe, on the mOclern an.um. tollel' football team named today by the Football Writ.rs ol America. Just one vote sby of ,unanimous selec· lion wu BronJslaw "Bron!c.o" Nagurski who starred at tackle for Minnesota from 1911·29. Only one player on lhe learn played his college ball after lMO -Jltn Parker• Ohio Slate guard from 19$4.M. Other members of the team are ends Bennie. Ool!lterbaan, P.flchlgan, and Don Hutaon, Alabama; tackle Frank "Bruiser" K.Jnard, Mlsirlasippl; guard Bob Suffridge, Tennessee ; centu Mel Hein, Wuhlngton State, and backs Sam· my Ba~h, Texas Christian; Jay Berwanger, Chlcago, and Ernie Nevers, Sllolord. ATHENS, Greece -Nadeihda Cblihova of Rusala won the flfat guid medal of th• trouble-~lagued European track clwnpTonshlp1 TUeaday niabt by Wttertng the women's world shot. put rtconl With I b .. ve of g fee~ 1' lncb. LOS ANGELES -The Los Anades .Rama aaid veteran L e c J.,.pbson and rool!le Larry Smith would be lheir starting running backs at · &a!Umore in a key National Fnotball Le•aue open1ng -· Sunday. Joseplison missed tut oeason with • torn Acbllles ten11on-anc1-w1s"'l181!d spar- ingly this fall. Smith, the Rama' lo!> draft c:hoitt, Wa!I the top rusher in ail pre- IWOD i&mea wllb 113 far<is In SI car- rla. LOS ANGl!:LES -Tbe UCLA dlf._ .topped the ol(enlo TU..U, In I b • Bnifns• lint IUl>boro_ -koul since tut S.lurday'I llWll!ini l'l.f niut of OrtfOn State. Jim Nader combined to hit 7 of 11 passes but onJy gained 65.yards in the air. LOS ANGELES -The University of Southern CaWornla1 preparing to open the football aeaaon against Nebreka at IJncoln Saturday. spent 1\ii boors Tues· day working a,aiml the Cornhusker of· fe~ and defense. CHARLOTTE, N.C. -Drivers who boycotted a race Sundey on a new speedwa1 at Talladega,, A1a., apparenUy will be allowed to return to the NASCAR circuit withouL major penalty far their action. Look Out l e t•, Here Coine -net• In 10 Yeats NEW YORK (AP) -B8'ebaD Com· missioner Bowle Kuhn e.nvlsions the day when there will be a true World Stries between the champions of the United States and Japan, Toru Shorild said to- day. Shoriki, owner or the Tokyo Giants' baseball club and vice president of the Nippon Television Network, came here to work out an arrangeuient for American bl.seball teams lo visit Japan every three years starting in 1971. He bas his eye on the Series champions ol the preceding year. Shorikl also said Kuhn told him that wilh faster transportation becoming available, two teams from Japan and MexJco might be incorporated into the American major league structure. Shotikl pm;ented to Kuhn a program d"awn up by biJ father, Matsularo Shoriki1 owner of Yomiuri Shlmbun, one of the world's largest newspapers, and hlmself. "We want to bring over only the World &lies champions, but the arrangement is subject to dl!cu&sJon by mail until next September when I will come back for another meeting with Mr. Kuhn," said Shorlki. "Mr. Kuhn said we are trying to think about how a glObal WOrld Serie.I could be arranged between Japan and the Urtited. States, but he pointr.d out that this would ne<d Ion& and <""1ul study and t9•t be was new to his jolru commlisfooer. "Actually, I look: forward to the day when the belt b&sebal! teanu from every <!>untry in fbe "°'Id, Including the Com- muniSt naUOrls, wouJd compete In a gigantic World Serie!. We must keep peace and triendshlp through sports io each naUon. "Mr. Kuhn said a Japanese-American World Series might be posalble within 10 years, or even the near futdre ." Shorild proposed inviting only the American Series champion! to visit Japan. but he indicated it might be necesaary to work out some kind of coin- promise whereby the Shorikis would choose a team from amoog the four American divisional leaders. The invitation to lhe American team that would visit Japan would come from the senior Shoriki and his son, and would be extended through the baseball com· miuioner of Japan, Toshiyosi Miyasawa. The &enior Sborilti Is considered the father o[ baseball in Japan. LQng an IJ'o dent fan, and still active despite his 84. :years, he laid lbe foundatiOM of Ule game in the Asian nation. Now American baseball experts agree that Japanese level of play is equal to or superior lo the highest minor leagues in I.be United States. In addition, there are al least a score of players capable of stepping into lbe American majors. The only thing that holds lhem back is thei r pay. Some receive as high as $100,000 )'tarly in Japan where they are national heroes. UPI,........ UoCW :EiOoota llaa. Pbllad<lpbil "and 11 -11 Iha Olk• Altar from UCI. ~ moved lo Wublnp, they Joi in• •ult ..... lilol!llr al i... Del Hlgll School and uld they'd move •llolber team to ..i -!IQ 1-1 crew coacb In oakland. 1*. Loot ,_ be wu ID the Afr Force "'Ibey havs no real COnc<rn for -......... OaldJJld. II'• Jun harusmtnL. Led by tackle Floyd Jlttse ind llnebacktr J.l Ike •·c.t" Ball.PU, t be defezue tossed the quarterback for Joases fo'e time& Pauers DeMla Dununlt and The New York Mets' success this season Is no less surprising lhan the New York Jets' Soper Bowl vic- tory, so what could be more natural than a football 1ame in the Meis' Jockerroom. Here outfielder-turn· ed quarterback Art Sbamsky fades back to hit 2G-, gam·e winner Tom Seaver wtth a pass. The Mell' ~ame in SL Louis was rained out Tuesday, blll 11 diclll't dampen New York'• •Pirll • ' l I \ I • • Santa Ana • Backs Lil{e Relay Team Bv GLENN WHITE: Of lfll o,itr , .. "'" Speed, speed, opeed. That'• the best way to describe the: Santa Ana High School football team tbat will square off aga1nst Mater Dci Friday nJght at Santa Ana Bowl. Coach Tom BaJ<!win's Saints look like an Olympic ffiay team with their mercurial back&. Jackie While was stale rneet runnerup in the JOO aod 220 last Bpring and OWDB a best ol 1.5 for the 100. Another back. Jlm Davis, bas run I.I and still another'Salnt -14ooly Floyd.,,. OWM a 9.9 clocking. Not bad for a ,blgh tcbool outfit. Yet speed ~ no! limli.d In the backs. Baldwin's guards (Paul Rice and Dave Cucbara) run 40 yards in_J.I and 4.9 - faster than many teams' "6icks. Here's bow Baldwin 1uma up ~ '69 production : "We start only three juniora but we're basica lly an ineKperienced team because we generally go with our seniors each year. We're passing better than we ever have and we have two good quarter.backs -Bob McGukin and Gary Brown (a junior). "We had over 200 yards passing In our scrimmages with St. Paul and Redlands last 'A'eek. We were very pleased to outscore Redlands, 11-0. We lost to SL Paul, 12-6 but both of their tour.hdowns came on long gainer trap plays. "That was where our inexperience till· ed us." lw laments. "We're better now than we were a yeir ago because we're better balanced. ln '68 we went wilh (Isaac) Cun.is and didn't have good throwing." lf the Saint tutor 's words are accurate, It could be a rough go for Mater Dei since Santa Ana ripped the Monarchs, 31·13, last season. Baldwin says that was probably his team's top game of what turned out to be a disappointing campaign. "It's a tough opener for us. 1'-tater Del has more experience and a very fine backfield. I think they are fast enough to aitay with us. "But we feel we're a Sunset League championship contender -that we can play v.·llh anybody, although we may not always win," ho concludes. Eppelheitner : Leads Aztecs Against Edison Edison High School opens its first.ever varsity football campaign Saturday night ,. at Bolsa Grande High ln 1 test with La Quinta, and it appears that it will be no bed or roses. ~'irst. the Aztecs present last year's alI- Orange County back, Ken Eppelheimer, the best halfback in La Quinta history. Eppelheimer is a 6-1, 180-powxl blockbuster. Jn the Aztecs' outing at the annual Garden Grove League football carnival, he carried only twice, but netted 31 yards. - After him, however, lhe Aztecs appear to fall off. Eppelheimer is the lone relurning of· fensive letterman and La Quinta only has one returning defensive monogram win· ner -halfback Mark Abeyta, woo doubl es up at offensive right end. Last year's La Quinta edition tied for the Garden Grove championship with a 7- 2 mark before falling in the CIF playoffs to Laguna Beach. 14-13. Despite the lack of returning lel· terman, the Arlecs will present nine · 11eniors fn t.belr starting ofiensive lineup with only quarterback Harvey Quinn (a sophomore) and halfback Vaughn Osterander (a junior) out of the senior category. The Aztecs run a multiple offepse geared to Eppelheimer's rusntng ability. Quarterback' Quinn is a relatively •tested pustr. By HOWARD L HANDY Of 1111 o.llJ PH¥ I'*" 0 Tbls ls a real tough way to open the season. J think It willbc a real good foot. ball game but J would much prtler to play it as our last game rather than our fll'~L" Thus, Ray Shackleford, Gokten West College lootball coach expressed his thlniing tboul Saturday night's collision with Orange Coul and followed by prais. ing hJs opposition after viewing their scrimmage with WhiiUer last weekend. "They have a good team. Both their of- fense and de.fense impressed me ln the ICl'imm.age with Whittler and I am aure Orrutge Coach Overdrawn On QB Talent U Orange Hlgb School foOt.ball coach Vinet Deveney feels like the 'housewife wh:o bas overdrawn her checking aCCOWJt it's understandable. "We've alway11 been quarterback rich, bi.it now it looks like we've gone to the bank orice too often/' be 11,YI U he prepaiU the Panthers for their · Jlriday opener ~ Costa Mesa at El 1'\odena. Deveney bas had some f I 11 e quarterbeCD.-io the lad !ew...)'_em.JiU Paul Lemoine and Gary Wann. ~now he's being forctd In go with Mike OwrChw&rd, a 5-e, 145-pouncier, who'1 m. ezi)erlenced despite earning a letter in 1961. "He got that letter by playing oq &!*" 1al unit teanui," Deveney explaJnS. ''He tmly played aboui two quart.en as a quarterback." Deveney ·describes h.ls 1 l t t l e quarterba<k as a gond ·ball bandlec, but on1y an adequate paaser. • . Tlie Panthers on1y have·~ startinc of· ferWve player returning, fullback DaYid Porter, and he's playing a new poalUoo after seeing duty as a tight end in 1968. The rest of the Orange oliensive starters are relatively green, but Deveney thinks left. guard Leonard Ostrom, a 2Z7-pouoder, lw the potential to be outstanding. On defense, its the same story, plenty of inexperienct. Defensive back Dan Win.set is the onJy returning starter. Orange already bu probably lost two de£ensivt starters for the opener. End Tom Nation has a bad ankle and is, at best, a questionable starter. Linebacker PauJ Mayes has a non - football relai.d Injury and will be OU1 ol action for at·leasl a week. He was &hot in the :.1omacb as a youngster and has been bothered by llogerlog alter affect.'I from the accident , Deveney has seen Costa Mesa In acUoa and he's impressed witll the Mustangs. ''That's the best looking Costa Mesa team they've had. Thev look big and ex· ceptionaDy quick aod that's a pretty good combination. "I was very impressed wilh their hi& fullback, Jerry Reilly." JORDAN RVNNERS EDGE MATER DEI Mater Dei High School's cros11 country team opened its 1969 season by dropp ing a %7·28 decision at Loog Beach Jordan Tuesday afternoon. The Monarchs' next test will be Friday when they compete in the high school division of the Long Beach Invitational at Cal State (Long Beach). The meet will begin at 3 p.m. In Ult meet Tuesday, Bob Leanza wa1 Mater Del's top finisher as he grabbed lhird place with a 10:44 clocking. Teammates following him across the finish line were Mark Ccllins In fourth (IO:M), Steve Horstmeyer in fifth (10:58). ruck Jerullngs 1n seventh (11 :09) and Mark Leania Jn ninth (11 :20). How They Stand AMERICAN LEAGUE Eat Dtvlsln WLPd.GB BALTIMORE 103 46 .881 . DETROIT 84 64 .SM BOSTON 'II 88 .531 WASHINGTON 77 72 .St7 !!.E.!.!"!l~! 71 75 .4!13 w.a;v""""O S9 IO .398 • WHt Dfvt"°" ).IJ)INESOTA D 53 .lllli O~KLAJ'jD 79 88 .537 • ()ALIFOl\NIA 64 &I .4M IUllSAS CITY U SS .422 , ClllCAGO 00 17 .408 f.SEA Tl'LE 5& 119 .315 'T"""'*1"1 • .,.,,. I 8tlllmore 11 Wtllllfllllln 0 , C~L..,._I ", Mew Y'orll 7, Detroit " II ln!llf'lln Ilk ... ,..,, e. ........ , 111.ltvonol• Iii. ... ._ ' ~ Oty '*ttflt I -- 10 2S 27 29 31 t>.k...., !Hw!W ,_141 11 IC-.. Cit)' 11111..,._ 1 1-,.~ (~1111 .... ) et ""'-" ·~ Wl. llllllt • ClntltM ,_... •n If O.trwlt (Wlban lJ.IOJ, l'lllM ~Ill (lnll"lld a.u Ind 1.00..._ HI ti CN-c ... IH~ M .... W.,..,.. >4l, 1. ~· ..... ,...... IC. IWI It Nftl' Vorw llC411kll 1-J), liiltftf httlfN.rlt ,,.,.,....... !Ml 1t S.ktn tit"' 11- 1 •• It-"'°'' ftltM """"' ......... ,., .... _ Ott,lll"d t i I(~" Cllf , lwtlltM C..Uforllill ,, M ....... 1 0.lttlfliN 11 o.tlrwll Watllir.1M 11 Htw Yotll, lllfhl l1ltlfnott 11 .. ,_, 11ltflt O!lrt ,.,,,., kf!ldui.c. . ' I Four Rustlers· in Casu Impress Shackleford tlK!y will bf!: one of our touj:hest roea 1U season." While not U'ying to make any exeust:1, ~hackteford reveals be bu four prospects ln casts 11.t the present Ume. Don Shea, a bacliup mlddla guard In all-conference selection Mike Jones, suf- fered a broken ankle In last Saturday's scrimmage wlt.b Sao Diego MeQ.. He Is the latest addition to lhe list of wounded. Center Gary Neumann bas a knee Jn a cast after a vi.sit to the doctor this week and is definitely out or tbe OCC affair. Pete Merandl, a letterman center from last season who was moved to tickle, is listed as the starting center once again with Bill wti...•aa llil baetup man. Ofhon In cull lnclujie lloul! ijayne,, a linebacker from Fountain Valley and TCm Allanllon, another Ilnebacker, from Marina. , With Mer4f'dl moved to center. Gary Goelltl Will take over the starting assign. ment at teft tackle with Andy Vorono playing on both sides behind Goelltx and Jeff Jorgensen. Tbe ~er ~ch ha.s.settled on Jim Va!bueiia as his starllng quarterback for the Orange Coast ·confest with balance cf the lineup n;~ the same as opened Saturday's soirruhage with 'Mesa. llefem;vpJy only one change Is con- ' templatecl for the OCC aame. Grc1 Henry will gtt, the ttartlne au.lgnment •t left comer bac:k. The RusUen held an early workout on Tuesday wlth freshman orientltlon Llk· Ing place on the campus. All llrst..year foo!halt playen parUctpated In afternoon -glvtng lhe coa<hlns •tall ad· dWonal Ume to analyze their strategy for Saturday's-encoanter with the Pirates. After viewing lUms of the Meaa scrtm- ma~ Shackleford said: "We were less lhan good. We didn't move lhe ball on of· r~ the way we wanted to and have lo ccncentrale on this pha.se UUJ wttk. Delensive.ly we were satlsOed." DAILY mor Glenn Miller, LeadsCdM Grid Band By ROGER CARLSON Of !flt o-1" Pi..t·Stlll Glenn Miller, the bandleader ,"tllo brought a refreshing style of music to America three decades ago, has Jong since been dead. But his namesake is Yery much alive and is now making sports music for Corona del Mar Hlgh's band of foolball players. 1n fact, he's been labeled as the key to the Sea King attack that will be thrown at arch-rival Newport Harbor SatladaY, night by bis coach, Dave Holland. Miller, who did not play la.st }ear because of an injury, has taken the No. 1 spot at quarterback after a long duel wltb junior Keilh Sanwels. Slated [or most of the ground wort In Holland 's belly teries wlU be fullback Rick Petros and tailback Jeff Thomu. Petros shined in the Sea Klngst ICrlm· mage with Marina Saturday. Corona del Mar will feature a quick. and mobile offensive line wllh Keni Scud· der,"at ~3. 205, the only player In the starting lineup over the 200-pound mark. Holland has considered ltiJ line b1s best asset during practice sessions. Anchorlng the offensive -wall, along will\ Scudder, are guards Jeff Tanner (160) and Doug Hilliard (175) along with tacklo? Jim Nortt (185), and Jeff Goelltz, the Sea Kings' light end . Newport's Rocky Dixon. a S-9, 1116- pound fullback and Court Reeser, a i-7, ISG-pound halfback are tile two backs in the SaHors' rushing offense that Hollaod considers his club must stop. Holland'• recent tangles with Newport haven't been too successful. ln 196'1, his nm year al the helm, Newport did in Corona, 20-0. Lall year, de.sp.lte an overall ,winnirJB seasoo of. >4, Corona was bested by Newport~ 11-6. The overall series shows Newport leading in games woa, $-I, and Holland would like nothlng better than I<> put a st.op to the trend of Newport wins. "If we're going to win, we'll have tn 11top tlleir cross buck series aflo\I w''il •· have to establish an effecllve pass~g gam<!," &ays Holland. NO GROUND GIVEN HERE-.Jeff Jorgensen, (79), ~pound offensive tackle at Golden West College, puts a block: on "litUe" Dave Graven, 210-pounds. Both will play important roles Saturday night against Orange COast College's Pirates in season opener at LeBanl Stadium. Coach Ray· Sbackel· ford's Rustlers are favored by three points over the Pirates. Young Tillers 1st Opponent For Estancia Answers to a lot of unanswered ques- tions may be Jn the offing Friday night v;hen Estancia High School and jb new coach Phil Brown open the 1969 varsity footbllll season. The Eagles meet Tustin at Davidson Field on lhe Newport Harbor H1gb cam~ pus in an attempt to start the llUIOO off on the right foal after suffering ~gb their first fotD' years Of CCIIlpetiUOn without a winning season. Est.ancia has never won lb opener. It's the third ye;ar in a row tba.t Tull.in hu furnished the opposition in the Eagles' opener. Previoull,Y, the Tillers won, 20-19, and lM. Coach George Allen of Tustin aay1 tus oquad is yoong, lnnperlenced and In tho rebuilding stages. R• polnta out bis uae of 40 junion Jn the vuslly progTMl wilh only IS ...ion. Halos Still In 3rd Angels Try Minnesota After Losing Twin Bill MlNNEAPOlJS ·ST. PAUL (AP) -U the Callfomla Angeb think they ran Into trouble in ChJcaga Tuesday, tpe word could be In look for double trouble from the Mlnnllota Twil'U!I todly. The Ancell dropped two, 7-4 and then i: 2, to tbe Wfilte SOx ln closing out a Cllcago. tm1es be.fore moving to Min· neaota -whjch is alrl\Y walChlng the rest of the American League West with the haughty status ol a IO.game lead over fading ....,o.i.plac:e Oaklod. CaJUornla, deaplte tll douhle loo4 coup~ ' * -• ·s1eot40 •AM• CALtPOltlUA -CHICAeO Arlll'tll •tr.rM AID!ftll'. a s 1 1 1 w.wm1.,,., rl • I J • \1•11,rl JDl\.rkit,a lltl P1J9111, II ' I I I HMMll. l1I J I I I ~IO!lt, ti 4 't I I Nlc:C"'"'· 111 I I I I ll:lltfltf1tl. II ' I I I M•11911. • I I I I ltl'llDI, ID 4 I t I JGHPfn,On,, ~ I 1 I I A•'"*lifwl,r a 4 I I I ~. < ! I 1 I 11:......,, J',, Clwlltllcl.11 J.' 1 '#l'flllt, 11 , I I I l lrl'Y, Cf 4 I I I 0.llhfrt. II I I I t ...... 2b 4 I I I <d with fourtl>piace Kwaa C~y·1 2-1 victory over Seattle, hokiJ a two-game lead for third plact. The Angels nominated ace An'dy Messera:mJth, 15-t, to oppose lbe Twins' Angel State Al Olllllt .. IC""1C (Tltl Stpt, 17 Alllltl' ti Mln!IMOtll St!Jl, 11 """" 1t M"-°" Stot. If Af'IV'll VI o.k1-nd Stfot, '° Met!• •o o..iillnd $tpf. 11 Anftll vs Olk'-nd S:J.i ''"'' 11 :1:5 l .l'J'I. J:S5 """ J:U ,.m. ll:S.S p.m, Dean Chance, 5-:J, In today's ie:mt. 'l'Ue>day, the Angeb went hltless the first six lnnlnp of ·the illghtCap bllt ""'"" 114 two runa In the seva>th, knock· Inc ool start« Joe Rorlen,,Who ,w1 pick· e<l •P the vlclnry a!lor a save ~y.flenny ltlwphy. Bllrl • JohnlOl1 won lits lint 111ljor lelgue 'rlctory in Cbfc:ago'a flnt victory. La Habra's Coach Would Rather Switch U La Habra High School football eoach Len Peden had his way he would rather ji1ay Huntington Beach ne1.t weelr; not thl8 Friday night, in his 19&9 season opener. It's not that Peden Is afraid of lhe Oilers, he's simply not sure. wbl.t to ex· ped from Ken Moat.s' outflL "Huntington Beach appears to baye. changed Its offense and I'm not really wre what they are going to sprlna on us. J'd much rather play them in the second game of the season." As ror his own team, Peden Is counting heavily on senior quarterback Dick Clyde, who will be starting for the Hlghlandera for the third1atralghl tealDn. "A lot Js going to depend on bur quarterbacking," Peden says. 0 Most of our offense ls built •f9Und t h e quarterba<:t option and Qydo· ts oor betil nmner.'' However, Clyde, lsn't that effective as a puser. Last ye1r be completed 40 per· cent of his throw• ud Peden says lte's sUU very much of a quesUoa mark "When tt. comes to passing. U Clyde c:an get bts pass arm tuned up. enJ Gary Bain! and Danker Kent.Pierca 111111" In be bts ~rimary targets. Baird Is playing bis fin~ year1of foot- ball, but Pierce ll 1 retW1ilng l\arter tnd one of seven returning JtUermen U La Habra. Slle Is Peden's big worry on de(eo&e, and It's no wonder. Three of hla ll1rtlng lineman weigh less than 100 pounds, and bolh linebacker1 Up the aca1e1 at an even ISO. 1'Clu' dere.nse bas shown· a, lot of Im· provement httely, w~ ll sWl needs • kit of work belore wc.'re ready for ,our opentr ," says Pedco. Returning starters from last year's team are flanker Bob SUv1, gurd Rod Cwnmings, ctnttt Steve Bt.nder and g\lard Dave Houow.,. The litw three concentrated on defense last year. The Tlllen figure In pment Brown and his crew a balanced nmnlng 1tlack with the emphuls on the rushiq game. U..W.S. • I I I I MOrfe!t, • 2 I 1 I .,,,......; ,.-1 •-•-• #nil"flllr.-, 1 • • • Mortlol, pll I I I I Toi111 2' 2 I l l.t1i. '1 J ' l ~ -.. •--t -x.-~-Sports Calendar Hi• quar1erbock, Larry C&mallan, let· tered last YU!' on the junior taralty • lletpile lhe youth, TuJIUn boasla some bulk in the line where three 200-pluo llnemen bolster lbe: attack. They're lackleJI Joe MunfOC'd (215) and Guy ll\Jnn (200) Ind , guard Rod CUm- ming1 (220). O le• IOI Ml --I I! -....... A. b*Jtwc t. DP -QUMmllt t. Oliu.t 1. lOI -Clllflrll'I M, Olk: ... I, 21 -'I(. ~litm.; P1"*11. aa -W, WHI~ ·-· .. • • •• .. .. Wrttlll IL.1"1 •11J I • • • I ··-V> I • • • I '·'""" • • • I I I .. Ifft ('°l;llolll .. ,,, . • • • • -· wn • • • I I .. " -Mll!'lft\'. WJ' -Wrllllt t, ,., -Plvi.. lkll. t!IN -t :Jo&. A!NM&Mt -...... , I • I • • • • • . • . • tt DAILY l'ILOT -· -11, U6t La Puente Set to Throw Tough Defense at Vikes Ing for his Apach< football team to improve on lta S.S league record and ll.s t-4 over all record In 1961. Quinn says the heart of his deteme is hll linebackers - Dale Duncall and Bobby Baker. Neither I 1 u- ceptlooaUy big, D u n c a n mighs IM poundl while Baker la a 174-pounder. However, tbe FV Oppone n t Vaqueros Short On Experience .. A lat ot oar future depends on bow our practice schedule goes. We have 1 D in- experienced team t!UJ year with siJ: juniors ln the ttarting lineup, all ot them linemen. and their ability to handle the oppos!Uoo will d<!termlDe oor destiny.·· Coach John canard of Rancho Alam.Ito! made this statement ln ngards to the Vaquuo club that opeM its season Friday night again!t Fountain Valley. The Vaq1 lied for the Garden Grove League cham- pionship last su.soa with La Quinta and Garden Grove High School&. La Quinta mov- ed into the CIF playoffs following a 20--0 l0st to Rancho Alamllcs, but loot lo Laguna Beach, 14-U. Callard is bulldln& "" lineup around a veteran backfield in- cluding all-league halfback Gary James. A two-year let- terman, James weighs in at W and was unanimous choice for all-league honor•. In add!Uoo lo James, the Vaqueros bad two men on the """'1d team all-teaaue oquad. Rieb Mclnturff WU named U a flanker and 13,Ul Balliet u a defensive tackle. Balllel lw beet> moved lo an offensive tackle spot this season and 1'ill perform defensively u a llnebacter. Pointing up the lack of tx· perlence, Callard aald be had but 15 seniors OD the vugjty oquad ·of 14. Tl1e V oqueros have five lettermen on hand and ready for action with a sixth oul with an lojury. DennlJ Patrld. a fullback and two-year leUerman, will be sidelined for the early parl of~ aeason.. In addlUon to the three an. league selections, other let· te:nneo l n c I u d e KeVin Trel!chel and Bob Hemme. Treischel Is ocbeduled to otan at quarterl>acl< for the Vaquel'Oll on offenae and wUl pl1y 1 defensive balfbactpod-- Uon. Hemme b the looe junl'"' letterman. on the squad aod will open u a pant .on offense and linebacker ... ddeose. Rancho Is DO! -ed In a junior vaniU> I.ague althoogh it plays ID a bbre via t e d scbedu.le. However, the school ha4 a clwnplomhlp Bee 1q11ad wt season m:I. many of the newcomers in the ltlrting lineup au veterans of that two. Saddleback' s Miracle . . Is Spelled With q Y By JOEL SCllWARZ Of ... DellY ...... ,,.., During the coune of a foot· ball season, 99 percent of the coadiea 1rouod pray for a miracle. Few of those prayers are answered. However, Saddleback High School football coach Ben Halley bas come up with a bona fide miracle lhls season as the Roadnmnen prepare for Friday nlght's opener at Mission Viejo. Top Talent No Novelty For Neff Wimllng football teama at Nefl lllg)I School are no novelty and the San Clemeflte Tritona wUJ have their bands full Saturday night when they journey lo the Trojan In· atitutiol'.I for the lel!OD ll'kf opener. Coach Stan Thomas' club won the Suburban League championship la.st year and the Nell Bee and Cee oquadl also copped Jeariue titles. While the varsity lost most of Ill starlers thrOllgh gradu .. tion, a host of lettermen IS well u Bet playen comprise the starting ll""'P· In tact, two Bees and nine returning vanity lettermen will open against San Clemente. Operating out of a variable T-form.atJon, Thomu awllclles about five players from of· fmae to defense. "We try to keep a balanced attack and stress defeme •• much u of. fen1e in our workouts," he llated. Ono player the Ttltona will have lo """""41 with both waya ll Tom Woodt:Jutu, an aD- leque aeJecUon a I a llnobocker lut yur. He alao p111,. lipl pan! ... .u- and wtllbl In et 115 on a line that ·~eraia llll poundl per man. The TroJant feature a brother comblnatlou wllb Ron llura pencfled In at left hallbld< 111 offwe and Don lilted aa a llnebacttr on -Ron II up fftnn the Boe ttJm wfllle Don won • Qrl!IJ 1<11'r WI .. ....,_ The Saddleback mlrack II spelled with a 7 -Brian Myracle -and will be operating out ot the tollbeek poolllon In tho Roa-ol· fenalve allgnmebt. Myracle ii a 1fr$.poundtr, who'& makinl tbe tranalUoft from Bee quarterback. to vinlty rudnlng blclt IDd 11a11<y b blgb on lllm. "Myracle ii our belt runner and has good football speed wltb a breakaway 1tyle of run- Dlng.'' he says. One problem f o r Sad· dleback, is that three of the lineman In flont of Myracle &1'I almOlt u mnall u be. Center Jim Gareta and right 1U•rd Tony AnalrJ are only 1~1 and end Steve Ashworth weigh! just fl01 Ashworth and tight end Gary, Potters both have n- perlonoe. h......,., along with quu1erback Steve Ross. All three were starters last fall when the Roadrunners put together a M record. Ross excels on the option play, accordln( lo Halley. In his first year at Sad- dleback, Hailey flgum to e1use his opponents plenty of problems with a variety of oI- fem:lve fonnatiom. He plans to have the Roadrunners operate out of the mu1Uple-T w Ith a wingback and a 1totback. On other occuiom they11 be gotng from a ti&ht T and the power I . U his own pllyera can asslmllate the intrlcadu of all tliMe fonnationa, defensing 1he Roe.dnmnerl could prove to be quite a headache. On' defense, Saddlebe.ck will be using an Oklahoma style formaUuo with 1 mlnimwn of sbmllng. "Wt'"' really not de<p on defense and that'• one ol our matn ClOO!l1l.i rigbt new." -the Sa4dl<btck coach. Laguna Foe Has Losing Tradition Lollng lo eventllll league champlolll became a bid habit for Katella lllg)I School lul ...... IDd the Knlahll would lite to reverse the aituallon In their opening en- cOllnter' 'flth Laguna ,Beaoll'• Artllts Frldly nJlhL The Knlp ll not only drop- ped a JM declJlan lo the Artlstl . Jut year bl\l loll lo Fullet1«1 and Castle Park, tw~ '111><1' 1 .. 1111" UUe Wimlet1 Iii .. eu. "We don~ really tmow too mllth about Lapa this year. II wUI be Ute pteylng In the dark.• coacll John Lee polnll out "In our 1rtmmage tut weekend, we made a lot of mlalakt1 and they capitalized on them. We }\ave some kid! bru1sld up rl&ht now and there are a lot ol quellion mart.I." When the Knlpll opened practice, they had U kl· termeft on band and berore the first .s~e they have lo6t two for the season. 'I'Jle probable atart1ng lineup will be composed of eighl returning lettermen. AU but two of the starters art seniors. The Knight backfield hu four players about equal in speed. Left halfback Robin Brawn may be a shade faster than the others but the overall balance is listed as medium to alow by Lee. Rick Ingalls, 1 161)..pounder who took over at qulrterback al mid-season last year, Is doing a good job at the signal· calling berth. "He still haa IOl?le th ings to learn but 1 am sure be wW come along fast," Lee saya. "U we can stay healthy this season, we'll be respect.able but we have a Jot of question marks at the present time." In his own league, Lee tabs Los Alamitos, V a I e n c l a , Sooora ind S.ddleback a& possible t J l I e contend.era. While be doesn't count hls own team out of the batUe at the moment, he would prefer to think of it u 1 dark horse or apoUer. The oU><r Bee 1n the .r. lemive olat1lq lhleup wm be Jim Pll'U. 1 1111-pomJd center and ooe al die llllallut men .. Ille Tnl)lll lnllll llne. Only Qlarlle N ... t at ltft end ls llllall«, wtliltbtl In at J'IO. ' " ' ~ '. < """" I ~ ' ' ': • I I , . ' ' Open at Westminster •• • ' ' Lancer Baclcs Big, Run Hm·d ; a-DAY FROM THE N0.1 TIRE COMPANY GOOD/YEAR LOW, WIDE 4·PLY NYLON CORD nSAFETY All·WEATHER r TIRE • ~<1Y. to 1lae ~. ~. • "Wt had lo_ ~ him al wtngb4ck last year Wttb Rae t he~. He wu too good to keep on the bench •we moved him 1 there," AYI Ford. Another back fl!4rinl to see a lo~ ot JcllOfl 111io1t Westmlmter la Mike p,w, a junior. Owena cbalkeci up 1,200 , yards Nllllillg wllh th& Beeo In • 1'61. • 90 , .. ,131Ubo~ .. -.. _ --...... ...... bl1Ckwal1 plus $1..94 F«I. Ex. Ta. No ttlde needed. Com~ lo lul Jeu'1 ""S1fety All-Wufber"" -·": • lmpro'fed !he Tufqo. ~ c:ompouod for better tned -• O.lped. • "" Ans!• Crlp Trnd • Lowcrecl the prom. lo-r lmpro'fed stabilit7 md bmdllna • Wldeed the tretd to put morw nibblir QD the iu.d. •Ou belt MWq ~IJ' D1km. a:.ird UN ..... ... 7.aDIU m.u ._.... 7.Jlll1.Q fn.14 ....... 7.15llQ Ql.14~1.25d4) rn.a ;..-. 7.llll5t f71.1S ...... 7~ --... _ -121• ~ ... sue 112.9 -$2.41 $2US $Zl.2S ll5I ~ $IUS $!.61i ---$N.IS $Zl.2S $2.45 SALE ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT! USE DUR EASY PAY PLAN• FREE MOUNTING SERVING ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO. COSTA MESA YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO. THEODORE ROBINS FORD ' 482 OCIAN A VI. , ..... 4'4-6666 2060 HAl lOl II.YD. Phone 642.0010 LAGUNA BEACH COSTA MESA • • • • . • ' • • • • • I • ! • < • . • Pilot Pigs.kin ' PICKEROO Co-Sponsored by DAILY PILOT BE A PROPHET FOR PROFIT '10 10 In Cash For Each Week's Winner Voit Footballs !or other Sports Equipment I each week ' J• • pig,kin proph•t. Play the DAILY PILOT Pickeroo 9•m• for weekly prize5. Winner each week receives $10 cash and • Voit Collegiate football (suggested retail price, $10.95) o>r ptixe ricked \rom liJt of other Voit qu•.!tty sporting 9ood1 no prize .under $IO ra- te ii valJe). Watch for th.is player'• form each week (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) in the DAILY PILOT Sports Sec- tion. Circle +he teem1 you think will win in the li1t of 20 games end send in the player's form or reason- able fec iimile. Then witch the DAILY PILOT sports p•ges for each week's list of 10 winners. RULES I. Submit ll'lis fnlry blank or f •H-Dlt l..:slm!lt lo en!er ft>9 Cllll!ftl, 2. SMld lo: PILOT PIGSKIN' PICKEllOO CONTEST, $por1S DeJlol'rtrnenl ~lO w. Bly Sr .• "'1!• Maa, C•. 9'262/. • 3. Only -etllry per pe.-fKll -· 4 fntt!H mvsl be dellvrrld (by mill or In P'rlOl1) lo OAIL Y PILOT oHICt by S p,m. Tll\lr!.Cl.ty, J. W. J, Voll llu~be't Corp. &ncf DAILY PILOT tmpJoye. and tlltlr lm-medfole famllln no! tllvlbit to itniu. 6. TIE BJIEAKEll Ind CHOICE Of PRIZE bl9nlli mllll b11 fUl«I In or etitry 11 void. !•••··············· • ENTRY BL.4.NK • Clrck teo!M r•• tldlll wUI wi• tflh w .... , t•fff' • lho-'""' h wc•IHI ... in~} • • • • • • • • • • • • Rams vs. Baltimore Pittsbur9h vs. UCLA Houston vs. Florida USC vs. Nebraska Geor9ia Tech vs. SMU Texas vs. California Costa Mesa vs. Oran9e ., • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : Saddleback Hl9h vs. Mission Viejo • • • • La Habra vs:HuntlnCjton Beach • • • Lakewood vs. Westminster • : Fountain Valley vs. Rancho Alamitos : • • " • r • • Marina vs. La Puente Katella vs. La9una Beach Tustin vs. Estancia Santa Ana vs. Mater Dei • • • • • • • • Corona del Mar vs. Newport Harbor • • * San Cle111ente vs. Neff • • • • • • • • • • • • Edison vs. La Cj)uinta Saddleback vs. Southwestern Golden West vs. Oran9e Coast • TIE BR EAKEii. -My t u•11 en !Iii tot1I numb1r c f po!nf1 • • 1eor1d in i ll 20 91111et li1t1d 1bov1 i1 , , • , , •••• , • , ••• a • MAME • • ADDll$5 • a CITY : PHONE '" SlX • • • • • • • • CHOICE OF PllZI CCltac.• ••· ~lrda swl .. R1 Nnl • • 0 Swh11 Fin D borelH Kit 0 Footkll • a .I M ML L XL 0 Totlter hH 0 hst..wl a i:• ••••••••••••••••••• Race Results 'httell'I', Sf!ll, 1&. lHt , ... , . ,..,, Mr, Mwt fDrtv"'l 6.~ s.ai PllUT RACE. 400 Vt•di. l VMf oidl Ind UD In Grade II PIUi. PurM Sl'°°· Tiii De!>d\I (fl S.t'llld 12.lill f...O lA CUt'llln Rtlfff' !Htrl) :I.to 3.JI S.vtn Str11"$ (Qr-l"rl S.6" T'"'--:IO 1Jl0 $Cfl ldlt0-MI P....talo. C1tcll l)K:k, Grffldnlli Alrmi, ~I,_ -' h T1,1rt. lfCOHD !1.ACI. UO V•rdt. :J Vt!lf I~ 11'4 111 In Gt-lclfi A Mlnut. ,._ 11•. fl:tltid M ... i. fllcilll"1 I U.'O 1 M 4 .• .. r!WI T0ip !C1rdl){1l IS • .O 1.70 IOI"'" Vtlol" !klarlf11111) •,10 I Tlma-lt Vlt · Sc:r•kl'lld-Mr. Sen 81m, Dtl*'I''• ae...-11, s-ty'• Hon. tlev•" &.r. • t IOOtfTLY bOUlLl-hnt. CMM'f l •"•'~ Motrtt. Plif WS.Jf. ' -rTMllD ltACll. .. v1rtb. ... _. l. ~·r fldt twld In (11!!. Cl1lml110, ,-u .... lll'OO. Sl>Hlllt Fil' (lllfll S.• •M l.C Cl!Hor11i. Sf.WI (Cl.VOUI ... 1.20 Orttwln ca ••nlUI ._. Time-II 1/10 krl tthld-Arl llVl'I .__..,, FOUWTM ltACI. V•..is Sr. COl.lrw -&19 ,..,..,, l ,...r Olldl I"" 111. Clafm- lfwl, Purw uoao. l1 G1vll.rl f.U..lrl l0.00 JAO l,ol ••rred'• e110.1H lltol>I-• •·• '·"° ~1.-n ILl!llltu'"I t.lt Tl-M 6110 ; ktllClltd -H\ll'fV JOl\!I, P1~1!~ ilorm. NllQ W-llftl. ' l'IPT'fil •ACI". 4llD Vlrdt. t YNT' .. 11., ci.1m1tia. '"""' moo, Tiit COl.or!I (Harl) 1A ~.60 IA Mtvbe l.•ttr /Robln50!1) l.20 Tl ......... 20 1110 St'111Clled -F1•1u• J!tllua. Cln l1r z,,,., lml oevn, Nol!OcW'• fllbY. n .70 ti .M 10.00 .311 •• IJA "" s•v•HTM ltjllC•. V1u1i. $r. courw -l1'0 Y•""'-J l'•tr Olds '"" Ull. Otlml11t.' Pvhot UIWIO. l'•l1tlf"t 1111,.. fjlld•lrl :I.GO lM t.M 5Nnllll Locket !J!oblnlOrl) t.ot },Ill Gl!l•nt \1'1JOt CH Cl'Ollrr) 4.111 11,,.,._44 1110 kr•l~KlllO Of lffl. Cool II, -etefl!'fM IUCI. ,. 'flnlw; , N r Otcll 11'111 VP Ill Grid& M l'!u1. ~ ..... GI At Go II'••) Ylfldtf' Go (UpftfmJ TIVQlln Mlf'I 15ml11'11 T1-lt na! U .60 l ,E S • .O ...... .... kr•~r. 01cl T-., c.e. 00. NIHTtt •ACI. -,....... l v•r olch •lld UP ... Grldil " 1'1Ul. '""..,. .... Moltltt CC1tr1•111 11'1 GAndlrldl' !1'-l o.o.. 1tn.i cDr.., .. , TllN-1'11 1/lt 1,00: •M J.IO t.CIG 1.20 , ... Strltcf'>ld -llldV /lotkft, Hom· ""'flll ,_,..,_ WIMI Luci<, DOdl 1111. OUIMlLLA -1-Mlltbl a "'" ., . .....,. , ... ., .... Lions Fall To Argo Poloists Westminster !ti g h School dropped 11.s first wate r polo test of the year Tuesday after- noon, a ~2 decision to a strong Garden Grove Hilb outfit. The Argonauts s t u n n e d coach Gerald ti.tannion's forces with five first hail goals while holding Westminster scoreless. The Lions finally hit in the third period when Ken Davis connected to pull up to 5-l'but the hosts ripped off four more counters in the third period to salt it away. Westminster tallied o n e more in the final stanza on Mark Kenworthy's goal. Garden Grove conUnually kept the -pressure on U1e Sunset" League representatives with a physical style along with some fine fine ba11 handl- ing. • DAfl V PILOT' ,,.. Los Alamitos Race Entries Rangers, Subs Kick 0££ Play °"' Ti,r111 IC.rdo11! 114 MIOl>Wnl h r Cltlldwtn) 117 • Mr. J.lndY lhr fAdllf) 120 II:" JIM (~111\i 120 Kint Of "" Tvrt twillbu,.) 1'0 llOlll --CH C1'96&1yJ no "Aklltlk Aclkn CP•llloJ 111 T t I leit'fnldt Dildrt I P '" J 117 'lllST •ACI'. 4 ~1r4t. /Mldln t v... olclt. Cltln'llflt. ,..UrM 11100. C:!1lml~g ptla QlOO. I 117 THlltO ltAC.:-;o;trGI. iti.ldtn' t 111 YMt Oldt. (lllmlnt. PurM $1JIOO. 811,.,1•1 Bat UUltVl Ptclfk. ~ (llt.1111 TOP four Kl1, (""°'1<11) Cr'*'O Won Hero flold MIOfl lAl:ltlr> Gvl't 8ooflf" f~llttno!OS) 5uf'91n Clo-lrln IH C-,_.,.) ihlfP E1,, {5m1111~ RIPkl Mtrltllt lLIMlm) Oul9n11"1 Qul)I {P1•I l'O CJ1llfl!M price DIOO. 1211 GOOf ln!Mllor\l (ltcibllmtn) uo 111:.,ioo, .......... (11: .... ldl) lU Mktwey Torn IModtal 12' SotedY' W1tdl (l11rU l:lf Fl7'$1 To Oo ILl"'*1!) 1!7 1'11tu1 ll11W. (SllNI "' '" ,. •• ,. 111 Moot.~ Ol•la CClt'OoUJ ltOKO ltftd l'PIOt/ K.lc•IJIU <;lnfff ior.r.rl Rich Wi«lw \Ad1frl SICOHD llAC,. '°' Vtrdll. , VHr okb Ind ""' In. Gr.ik I Pl\ls. ,.UrM "' "' •• ,. "' ,,,._ W•r On "°"'"'"' 111r1t11d1)1J Uld.v Jo.It Ctt (51r1uul 110 l'OURTM ltACI. UO Vtl'd-t. 3 Yt&r 11' Oldi tnd '°' In Gr.O. A ,.kit lirM In .. 4round the Greens Jlleado1Dlark Two eagles were recorded last week at Meadowlark with Gordon Logan acing the pal°' four 406-yard 18th hole with a fi ve-iron Saturday. Lou Vance fallowed that ef- fort Sun.day with a 39f>.yard ef- fort on the first hole. He used a six-iron for ·the feat. SearHtr Perry Adams won the low net event at Huntingt o n Seacliff Country Club in men's club action over the weekend with a 67. Tied for second were Mel Moore and Herb James al 68. Third place went to R. ltogan (69) followed by Gene Vance and Sid Harnesk at 70. C1llf. "''*" UQOO, lt«kll'I k1ltr ill Cl'OUV) Dlrttt'I (OtlllC CLltlllltl'I) Cr•v &kt' 1"-•-1 Tri.. V1ndY 1Glnlou) U.-!llCfl«I ( 0 8lf'lkll Pl .. ltodlrt (Str~H) Wiiiow Ookl (Ntcll:WnoldO LucltY .... ""' tMtlrJ Do W11dl fSmlllll Mlc:k'l Moon (fl'-1 1:10 Mid. A.u11. 117 L"'11nlnt llldtto (Hirt) t1t C-o.nft 11'-I 17) l.111!1 TIWll ($m!thl no T~ 0e0; 111111' <M•ll') 111 llf l,l"lt ~ (Llltlln'I) 111 Th-J!O(lt1 fH CNlbirl 111 FOllr llWl"f Kint l'.APOIMCll ·~ >N •• "' '" "' >Z "' "' The Coast Rangers aJ!d their reserve team oPen com- pet.IUve 10CC.er actlon for rne 1969 campaign with a pelr of games with FuUerton al tbe latter's Chapman Pari Sun- day. 01!'~ 11~~·0r:. "Z'.:~~ "'~ Reserve play Is at 12:30 with .,.. the feature attraction aet at tcolll•r 1«11•1 (llrl1t:1~• 11' no °"'"'" 11 tilt l lt ( ... ro 120 2:30. 1'1'1M •.rice, "° Ylf'lh. M•ldtft ' Vffit oldJ. PUf'M SHOO. Rt l!"trv (Al>Cldt<:.a) Lo JO'I ,,lol (Off\tff) Jun1l1 fio'f IH C...iwl ooc11..-. (Lifllll,111) eeti. Sl-1> (C.rdtWI! Jlftl IN lltllV (Htrl) ll!!lt Ptrttnf (S(n~lll) Ai.tn!to hr 2 tWltbut'I) H1 Mr. MllfUl CH (,..a.;) 111 Coach Brian Mee· .. -·. 1~ Tiii llt Mot~ ($trtvDI 11:1 ""'6''"1 11, M-0t1i.·111 .... 1 no Rangers and the.tr subs were :1; ~~,.!';, ~;i,:,t"*', ::~ Paeilic League champions last 120 11:-1 ,.,... 11.t~ml 111 seaaon and figure to be title 120 01...-UtoblnMllll 111 s11rdt ro .... 1.Ao.1r1 iu contenders again. SIXTM llACl.~dl. l Vffr o1e1sl r ___ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ~~ ~1,;11~s;::~· f>11r" 11100• uo DELTA SUPER QUALITY ~It• 111 lol' flt~lnlonl ''° ~!'i7=~~~; (Lllll\llm) ;:~ T. ires Cost· Less COPl'lf &lrt IC1rclo1•l 111 PIJ>l'I Pr161 {Adair! 111 At1mll0$ Do Good (Hlrtl 10 &obbY 0. Llllet IH C.-oi.tw) U7 SlVIHTM •.11Cf". 17'1) ''"''· J W•r otck tllll un. Atlowfnta. PurM SUOO. Tiit CINltn!etl Lidia AwtllltrY No. 216. tm...,111 ltodr;" !R hnkl) Jl:n't lte<IUHI {Hirt) Slladow MM1 lll~m) Mr. P.,._.llrv COrev1rl Barll)wlld !Smltt>t GiblW'I 8oY (J!oblMOn) '" '" '" "' '" '" lllO,MTM ltACE. 400 1'1rdl. ' v••' ell!' •~d u~ In Gr1de MA Mlnu1. J'urK SUIO. Th• w_,,•• Au~lli.rv Compl1t1 l l"• cf Fib1r9l11• l1Had Tir1s Av1i11bl1, ,rlcM St«t"' $11 ,tl pl• f.LT. f lb1rgl111 W id1 0..1lt:--. $111p1r ;Prt'miu .. - ll.1di1I -Si:orl1 -S•nd l u99V - & 111 Sii-1 Truck Tlr11 BERG'S DEL TA TIRES 141 E. 17th St.· Costa Mesa. 645-2010 1 l1"kAm1rie1rd 1011,..,t. lobs 111 lofl M1t11r Cli1r90 JOOI WtsT 11t\. SANTA ANA-541·,t04 , ' OUR FIRST LINE• TIRE '"" ·'NEVER BUY ANOTHE )-'fi'j MUFFLER AS LONG AS YOU OWN YOUR PRESENT CAil 9~!~ ~ %INC_ COA'fto lfll1 , TMtCICllt IMILl.I ,. __ •· 1,UIT lll11TA.,,_..C1i:IN ttMt ,, ...... u. mn u ........ ....... .,.. • »1~'11'1111~.'.-U:'(lr.lt WHEEL ALl,NMENT lint'& '411A? WE DO: • Mjlrll. .. -....... • Sttw-i..1:-..~ . '-"......,,.. ,.,. _ _.__ 311 ------ FISK CUSTOM 360 30 MONTH GUARANTEE . 41-MON'nf OUAAAHlll 2 + 2 l"llt. YUTfll CCll'IO .11111) flUllGLtll lb. 'II •IW TO 1tCl"C00Ull AT Mlet .. to& NMOOJNllnJOlrUL Tilll• • • L01110 ..,..,. uirru.r.o Dlmt rs e ·1~~ $ ... AHTl·FllEIE & CO.OLANT Fl~ J47 PIESTONEJ77 Git,,.,.,,.. twwl'lllfl'W.O..Wilh ~--t ,Wt .. ,.._ "'" .~..... ........... .. ......,..... ...... ....,:n.~.lOOC!. WIPER l~ADES J77 .... ..... wlpir w... ...., .... .-:! llon'l kJOlll''~ ~ '-t ...,.nt l.r pood7 -kllic "''* liWoo-11· ,,_ · VALVOUNE ' MOTOR Oil 29C 91 • );} and JO W~ght. ~~T HOMEUI 9 .77 ........ 11 ...... ~ _._ Jlniw .,,. -.ct "'"' ""' -·rrr--a1a11~ ~ . SIPHON PUMP 76f '''• ftft lonr •• , l\p~ )lqind u,ywheN ...... '-"o ,....,., i.1, -.17-1117 PLAYER&.FM MULTIPLEX RADIO =-1994 -IOUHD ~ Nit • ..,... .,... ._,.,. """" ......... l'M ._a.... :IOW.ti.1(~1--IJI ~ Wiii ._., ~ _.. .• AJC" bllQ..._ um.., .... JM ,.., c.,-_~ ttlt.1&! 1;TIACK . STlllO TAPES CLOTHES~ 63c THESE SPECIALS GOOD AT THESE LOCATIONS ONLY! WESTMINSTER 15440 1-i. llYd. ot Mc-.. n2.2011 BUENA PARK 5815 Ille• AYI • ., Valloy Vltw 12'•5IOO BUENA PARK 5101 -· llYd. .. Loltwltlff IU.,3040 COSTA MESA uoo ...... -.• -54WOIZ , SANTA ANA 1400 ldl-.. ltbttl 546-7'l2 .. • .. /, •• i " • • " ! t , . • ~ 1 ~ : .. ' • • .. ' • • l II w "1a'I s w-.r,, s.,i.w 11, 196-l - I • .. . ' .. ... ' . .. ' i I " • " " ' .. ... " .. ' .. •• . ' • 1: • • .. • • I' • . • 'I ~ ;: • • :• .. ! ' I:., I •• , . ' .. , .... ' . ··- " .. t ' " . - ' .. . . . . ! ; " ' . ... . • " , . • " . ' '. " t 1' ' ' . . ' ... . . • '!-·-.. ,_ ' . ,_ .. Yev Money's Worth Promoters N0w Work Overti me • lly SYLVIA ·POllTEll 'lhl naUcm11 bl.gbopressure J)rGD>Ot.en are now wotldng ·--Judg!og bf the ...., ol reporlS crossing my c!eU lrom S.U.t Business Bureawi and Federal and S la le re..,iatory ogeocre.. 1bcy're h'm:ntiml; an ingenloos \'ariety of new iChemea to bilk you out ol your paydlect or to persuade you to spend more thlUI you reall.Y can afford. And they'"' updating otd tricks to bri.ns them in line with our lirntS. You can't help being squeez.. ed by galloptng inflation. But you need not make your iqueete even worse by 1oslng money to these promotm . So you'll know what to look out for, here's :r.:uwn briel s.wmnary of old ea mak· ing a comeback and new ones be1ng fashioned to latest ftnan- ciAJ trends. (I) TUE HOME SEWING BOOM (there are a n dtan.s. You put down a large sum to buy • dlstrlbutors.hip, supposedly to sell some pro- fitable pfoduet. But )'OU find your major function is to aell more dist.ribulorshJps to otben for sums out of which you'll get extra profits, coin• misSions, elc. But as the Post Office Inspection Service puts it. ''l.be supply of fresh victims ls soon exhausted and the new investors are le(l with a faded dream and a garage fll.11 ol mercbandise.'' (I) THE C 0 I N COL- LF£TING CRAZE, which has been sweeping the land for the pan hall decade or so, has led to an outright fraud in which growing numbers of swindlers advertise r a re • valuable coios at a fraction oi their reaJ value -and then (ail to deliver the coins v.•hcn you send in your moaey. =·g~rn::.:.: (4) THE VIETNAM WAR has served as the excwe country, an average of about for a ghoulish comeback of the ooe machint for effrl other old chain Jett.er. One operator ~d) has _inspired a sends letters to relatives of vanety of question.able ex.. soldiers killed in the war, re-pedi~t:s to sell sew l n g • gu~ them to mall $l tG m~hines at o u l·~a g e o U'I the 'name on £op of the list and pnces. promising a return oC $1,02.J ~ technique 15. to ad-within 30 days. All the names vertiSe a barg~~ .sew-on the list were aliases or the tng macbine which mvanably promoter J!unks the borne demonstra-l11e caich with chain letters lion. The ~a1!eling salesman ls this : if you, say, start with · then ca,plta: LZeS qn t h e six copies of letters going to cust.o~r s 1 n t e re s t by six peopl~ who are each, in switching ~er to an ~:c-tum, told to send six more Cf!~slvely pnces new machine copies to six others, etc., by which the cwstomer could buy the fifth round, 7,776 people elsewhere at far lower cosl are involved; by the sixth, '!be key lllJle IB that the 46 656 · by the e i g h t h buyer hadn 't intended to make 1 679 696· by the 1 o th: any substanUal outlay tn the ' • • • first place The Federal Trade 00,466,l'lli, or .nearly one-th~rd Commlsst® baa ordered one of the populatlon of the U.S .. outfit to put a 11-11 .... off" '""""" (5) T1IE COUPON CRAZE. clause in it.a eontracts allowlog which also has been sweeping ~ three:day grace period dur· the nation, surely served as mg wbich the customer can , lhe backdrop for a recently in· change her mind. dieted Indiana operator. His 1 n a notb er tw ist . device was to sell worthless "re~ o 1 s e s. s e d" sewing coupons for free meals al machines, which actually are fashionable restaurants not repossessed. are bei°'' of· although he bad no contracts fered for onl~.a ve~, law ur;. with the restaurants to pro-- paid balance. 'Ibis b~ vidc meals in exchange for the 1s onJy wbat the machine 1s coupons . worth. Tomorrow: !\tore h I g b • !%) TUE FRANCHISING BOOM has propelled lens ol tbousaDda of Americans into their own businesses in recent yem -and has also &ired its own breed of questionable offspring. Among. them are lucrative sounding ' ' m u 1 t i · level dlstri.butorships" -or pyramids of corporate chiefs presiding over few or no In-- MORE DOCTORS, DENTISTS, ATTORNEYS, AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE USE TAB BECAUSE WE'VE GOT THE ANIW•RI liJ4.: ',: :oJ CALL US NOW FOR INfORMATIOH AKI A l!ROCHUHE. pressure tchemtt. Pepperdine Aide Talks In County Pepperd.ine College v l c e president Wllliarn J, Teague will address the Orange Coun· ty Escrow Assn. tonight al the Balboa Bay Club. Recognized as an authority In the ·fiel ds of human rel a· tions. eommunicaUons and motivation, Teague h a s developed educational film series and seminars i n business. managed public rela· tions programs and served as a consultant on fund-raising principles arid techillques, A Huntingtop Beach resi · dent, Teague operates William J. Teague Associates, a pr~ fessional management service. •1 TO.IPBONE "="' -'-'-It--543-2222 '· He is a member of the Metropolitan Water Dislrtct board for Southern CaliforrUa and, in March 1968 was ap- pointed by Gov. Ron a 1 d :Reagan to a four-year term on the Western Interstate Com· mission for Higher Education. . . . .. ,., r • 1.• I > I .f ' . ' I' .. '. . (• •• .. ,,,_ .. I I Off1CES TO SERVE AU. OF ORAHGE CO, A social hour at 6:30 p.m. will precede the dinner meel· ing of the Escrow Assn. need extra tncoma a 77 /(,j II"'" on sundaJ one-d•y work wHk tiUhlWllfi.I ONiot CounlV buecl di.sttlbution Car· porlilon eoceptlt'IQ deftlmhlp applk:l.llone. NO GEWNGI Jilll --and coordlnol• 1helr actMtlt&. S<m<hly ./JI. cnl/. Thlo -· )'OU $ t 00 to $300 -· Dtlltr fnveatmenl p low es $2SOO. FJnanc1no evallabf•. $Unday mail, inc. 1118_11._phont (714) 671-1443 WASHINGTON. D.C . (BW) -Higher interest rates on home loans and reduced tunds for housing are the predicted' c.Onsequences or Jn· cre..ised taxation of sav.ings and· loan associatloas, representatives of California Savings Associations report. Homebuyers ultimately will pay the price of this ~x boost. Warned D. \V. Ferguson, pttsident, Q u a k e r City Federal Savings & Lo a n Association, \VhiUier. He appeared in Washington, D.C., witl1 Franklin llardinge Jr., executive \'ice president, California Savings and Loan League. Poll1ting out that savings and loan associations cur· rently Rre supporting a Mus· ing market ''hich is already surfcring from ti ght money, Ferguson told the Senate Finance Committee that the propased tax hike could ser"·e only to reduce the e.f. fecUvene ss of savings associa- tloM in their attcmpl lo bolster thr vital area of hous- ing. "The higher tu rates pro- posed for savings associations wwld permanently freeze into our fi.tlanclal system higher in· le.rest r~tes on hqmc loans and \'VOt1ld cause <i pcrmanenl dim1nullon or lhe f u n d s available for homt lending," said Ftrguson, who nlso is I --~. -Tu~ay's Closing • • I Sfff0 t?F .1lM Prices-Complete New Yorli · Stoc Ii• Exchange List GI Pullout News ' Bolsters Market NEW YORK (UPI) -President NW.O's aD- nouncement ot lllrther troop cutbacU In Vloll>lln boetered stocl:a today In falrlY aettve tndlllg. The· UPI marketwlde Indicator was up 0.18 pe,,. cent on 1,549 issues crossln1 the t.pe. Then were 710 advances and 580 declines. Tba Dow Jones average ol :Ill blue chip lndus- lrlals showed a gain of 0.611 at 1131.l at lhat time. Volume ol 10,500,000 shares near the final bell wos·about lnline with Monday's. Active l.ssues Included American 'j'elepbone and Revco D. S., largely the result ot bli block tranaac- tiooa. AT&T traded three block.I amounllu to 232,· 500 shares at 50~ and Revco a block Of 177,000 shares ~I lt l/l AT&T closed at 50 3/4, off 1/2. Also heavily traded were Kinney National Serv· ice, Benguet, UAL Inc., and Atlantic Rlchl!eld. There were s.Venl point·plus movera In the oils group, mostly on the downside. Teuco doeed down I 1/4 to 32 112 and Jersey Standard w11 up 1/2 to 72 118. Point-sized movers in the electronics were in botil directions with IBM cloelng up 2 3/4 to 348 3/4. Steels, motors and chemica11, meantime , gen- erally traded in fractions. So did rails, aircraft, and most airlines. Prices were mixed on the American Stock Ex· change in moderate1y active trading. =---.t Complete Oosing Prices -American Stock Exchange List Final Stocks In All Home Eclilion1 • • ·~':"l"""'""'::"''~!':' ... r'"''!'!'..., ..... '!'"':"~':'"~..-... ..,. ,~._....,,._. .. ..,,,. .. ~~,, ¥ ., ... , "'ti ·~•tw t>~ \ 'W '!!IJ lif"'C""l"i 'll' 'f 'C·'C -a c 'i\ ;: cow "'""' .. : :: 4C'f"' t •• •· '"""'=•z•+• ••-......... -. "' -•• "'-___.-w f* .., • ---.. .....-... -~·---- v Seeks Third Straiglit Ole Bardahl's unlimited hydroplane Miss Bardahl get under way on Mission Bay Sept. 28. Miss Bardahl looms as a possible winner of the American· Power was a three time \!.'inner in 1963-64-65 and bas back Boat Association Gold Cup when the thunderboats to back wins in 1951.rur. :1-~~~~~~~~~~--'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~-'""~~~~~~~~~~~- '1 .. Campbell Har'7ests Laurels Newport All-American , Blazes Own Yachting Trail By AVfON LOCKABEY Deltr 11'.t"' ... , .... l!lllw Argyle Campbell, A I t • American USC sailor from Newport Beach. hil t h e yachting campaign trail alone the past summer. While his Trojan team mate 'nm Hogan and olher col lege sailors were winning honors iD England and Euro p e, Campbell found the hardware harvest just as profitable in North America and Bennuda. Campbell was preparing to return to classt$ al USC Uri! week where he will be a junior member of the Trojan sailing team. It was a good year for the . USC sailors, bath team-wise and iodJviduaJJy. As a learn, be and Hogan and Bob McClaire, all fi'om Newport, started out the year by win- ning the Sugar Bowl Regatta at New Orleaw. Later jn the year Campbell won the Pacific Co a s t lnt.ercollegiate singlehanded saillng championshlp in Kites sailed in Newport. Jn the national in- t e r collegiate championship Campbell and Hogan again joined forces to spark the USC effort bul were beaten by a pair of San Diego State sailors, Ed Butler and Tom McLaughlin. The nationals were held at Bellingh1m, Wash. The margin of loss by tbe USC team was because campbell fouled out in the final lwo races. "It was terrible," the young HARDWARE COLLECTOR -Argyle Campbell of Balboa Yacht Club, an All-American sailor on the USC team, surveys the hardware he harvested dur- ing a summer of campaigning. , skipper mused. In the national singlehanded championship at Seattle: a few days later Campbell finished fdth. The performance of Campbell and Hogan and Butler and McLaughlin earned them all berths on the 1969 All-American sailing team. When Campbell y,·as not selected on the American ail- legiate team to go to England for the 'swnmer he decided to do a little campa.jgning on his own and before the summer was over found himself in Bermuda competing for the junior world championship in Enterprise sloops. His crew was Tom Purcell of Balboa Yacht Club. The junior championship at Bermuda was not a collegiate event but was sailed under the jurisdiction of the North American Yacht Ra c in g Union, but because it was within the age limil of college ,sailing it was turned over to the Intercollegiate Yacht Rac- ing Association or North America. England won the !Series, Wales was second ad Campbell and Purcell. reprtSenling the U.S. were third. From Bermuda Campbel1 went to Kingston. Ontario, Canada, where he borrowed an ancient Snipe and, with a young Canadiarl as crew pro- ceeded to win the Canadian Open Regatta. •·Jt was amazing Jhat Yo'e won," commented Campbell. "The boat was a real clunker -e\·en to a wooden mast and a steel centerboard that had four or five coats of paint.'' Campbell says he now plans to try for the tm Olympics in the Star Class. In the interim two more years of collegiate saillng lies ahead of the young BYC skipper. He is a junior this year, and his teammate Hogan is a senior. Raced 3 Different Craft Rothschild Takes Power Boat Title Oil company executivt Peter Rothschild of Newport Bc::ich has parlayed a second place in the Long Beach Hennessy Cup race and victory in the Catalina Challenge Into the tHi Pacific Offshore Poy,·er Boal Racing Assn. cham· piomhip, final poinl totals disclosed today. -Rotbsc:bild, 30, txecutive vice president ol Powerine Oil Co. of Santa Fe Springs. rtt0rded a total of 940 points bHt racing three different ls in the five evenls on the PBRA schl'dule. World and national cham- ·on Don Aronow of Cora l ables, Fla., winner of the nnessy Cup race by five ds over Rolhschild and :lore that "''inner of last arth's inaugural Long ·Ense.nada lnter:-iationat. 800 points 1o1·ilh the two es to finish second. an Darrell Jenkins <lf f~~!!'sfield was third \\•ith 691 ~kf will be pre9enled Ile Casale Perpetual Trophy. tmblematic ol West Coast Oftabort racing supremacy. at lhe annual POPBRA runner in ~r, lueceedilll Bill of Marino <lei Rey who fiollbtd fifth thls year with 4IO point&. National d\amplon In 1966, ltolhlchlld wu onl)' a spec- taLor thr.a.ip 1988 before ~ a 50 mph luxury cruiser In last t~cbruary's Lmia Bcach.C.tallna l•land ovtrni,:ht race wJth 1 fourth place. He won the Cruistr Class title In lhe Long Beach- Ensenada International, failed to finish last June's Rum Run 111 in a new Aqua Cr-aft Offshore Class boat and then came "'°·ithin seconds of upset· ling Aronow in the Hennessy Cup classic Aug. 23 in sUIJ another boat, a 3 1 -f o o t A!erCruiser·p owe red Cary which had been built and set up for him by Aronow. All three ·boats were named Thunderballs. Rothchild capped his comt- back y e a r by "'inning the Sept. 6 Catalina Challenge Trophy Race out of California Yacht Club ol Marina del Rey. De.monstrating the rapiJ growth of offshore racing dur-- in' the ye a r, 32 different drivers -24 from the West and eight from the East - scored points during the ~ i ng calendar in a system award.Ing ~ points ror first place. 300 for second and pro- portionately fewer to other linishers. f'IMI lf,tt Pw;fflC OfhN,., ,._. lhll lltc ... ..._ """' ••tnllnM• ' l">tle• lloll!W'llld IH"f"!i ~t. •Cl ..-19111 L 0oM A-f'°"9f G•blo .. -,IL), IOt: l. Detrtl Jwili: .... 18..._t1'1f!•ldl. "li 4 Owkl "'-tKGl~I. ~191 J, •I~ C--ll~•-"' ..... ,. ""' .. t i• Du....,...... {Loml•>· •• 1 Louil 0,.-itr (Uorlf 8*fll, )111 t, DI& DeWlll I*""" Ott.I, 1"1 I n. ·~ 8"*" ....... IHOll.-d. Fi..I. ... NDtlltlt.. ,....... N\1¥')· "'II 1111 W1111'>1(1t t,.,. YOttll. •1 If, ._ ... ~I~ /AlllMlm), Ml. U 'T'-.__ ~ IUtlYMIJt~ 111\\..,,,J. 1111 k""9drt IN"""""' INtll I, JOM S""*-<11 I SI CIO\IO. f' "'· I 11Wf Jtr>v Slane ICotlf Mc,..I, 171. 11. .. _. ·Ovlff' (Ml, Ci.ti\-Mlcfl.,. mt II. Elf!.Dtl• Jt, (l11'11otllkl. IN! lt. l'IP ...,.._ or. 1o11 "'"-lM1t"'1 -..aiJ INI ~"I' ll ltoon !""wpOtl ROUGH WATER CHAMPION Pet;f R.,ih..,hild was named high-Point scorer in the Pacific Ofishore Power Boat Racing Association for 1969. The New- port Beach oil company executive was runner-up to national champion Don Arono\\' in the recent Jfennessy Cup race el Long Beach. ·~KO\),. ,.,, " [1r! P•lmtf ICi•rdl'~ Ci rowt J. "' n. 1111 Vllf•t f-"'•tc.001•>. H11 n. 1•• btt-M•llf'r l'or,.,..• !N...-1 IHUI) 11'11 &>II ~I'!>~ IC!lf\. N J,l, 1171 JS, lab ll <1nt ll.OI A.,.tlh1, 1•1 1f. Tio lttwfftl C1rr A-u~ (Vt" N..,.,~1 11'1(1 8MK,_ ll'vtMll fl-&.!«Ill, tJ; '9_ Nkt i>ow,i.s IL-llttchl. tJ1 1' Mr;. •obt•I Cl!11M jW, L'" .-~.-In!, lJ1 JO JI"' P1 t kt< !Holrv-.JJ, 301 )1. 000\ OUtllf• /tllao/11<'(1 01kJ'· 21; Jl. ~ol'd P11~tr II.at AliMM!JJ, 11. \ • LEGAL NO'l'KlE LEGAL NOTICE .Cal _21 Provides Sailing f o.r All Jensen Marine, builders of the famous Cal line of raclng- orulslog sal-11. hu an- nounced producllbn ot the new Cal 21, 1 llfp!lkaoUy cliffettJ1l ""1lCtpt lo fiberalllSS pro- duction sailboats. .. 1be new Cal 21.~· said Jack .J..,.., Jll<'ident ol Jensen Marioe, "b designed for the LEGAL NO'l'ICE LEGAL NC11'fCE family that wants to break • ..., aw,.y from the c r 0" d e d ca:aTIPICAT• 01' •USINfSS SUPl:llOlt COU•T °"' TN• ' PICTITIOUS NAM• S'TATf OF CALll'OINIA l'Olt btacbes and parks and sail T1le llfldertlgMCI Oo Olf'fll'I' 1t1w ...._ TMIE COUtfTI' 01' OIAHOIE awaY on tbe.ic ow.n in a safe, = t.!:':n":: :.;...• : • .-~,l!:i c.u• ~~:_:;:, °',..,, --"-~••"••, seJf.'-"ll; .. ,. -·l•. flml ....,..,. "' LEE ANl'i'I COtFFUIES lO!s Allll l.Mn._,t. P .. llllift Va. J1tM1 ;iM;:.11"1. '6''-..g .......... '6 ..... ......... Md tllel .. 111 nm. 11 ~ • 1111 l!ln.ic:t l.M>be1'1. ~-"' I ......... _._ wtme """" 111 lull PEOf'LE 01< THE STATE OI" lr1i sal boaJ that is ftm for the .... •llc:ll .., l'ftlllenu .... folloW : CALIFORNIA lo ~ ·-... ,_, omn. ~ f II rr P.n'tl Qulfl!nll ,.,.. PllU Ouia, 211s.a a.nt' e11111..: am J. o.n.. AN/lelm, C41Uforfll•. YOOJ ,,. ,,....,, <1Jredt<1 " 1u1 1 writ- -Cal., '· b 1.o1.-.. ~ o.-.. ~I, '""· leol PIM<li... 1" l'e-"' !Ill """ltd 111e • .., a t'f8AUJ1 ~ Darrell Qulnlrtll ~-lllnl al ll'>t lbo"1! Mmed Pl.int/Ir boat f th .... '111119 G. Dull llO'lll'> tM Ci.rt of ""! .... enllllird murt or e average spo • ...,.. sii11t.,, c.i1tomi.. o..1"" counft'; .., JM •bove ..,i.111111 1<:11on llrou•"' lnded f ll •·-f ··~ 0.. SWl. I, lfff, befwt tnt, 1 HGllfY .. llri.t .,.., Ill Nld court. wlrl>l" TEN rn am Y-UC\,;Guse 0 l~ P\iblk 111 '"" for Nld 511111, •tr_...trv de.,, e1ttr 1111 11rwk1 °"•au of ,,.1, "',,.. full I.< ctahl •--) hin ed ....,,,ell 0 ..... 11 Qulftrr.M Mid Phll Du.., lftOn1, H -Vf'd wll~ln 1111 •bow Mmf4 Y re a e ..._ , g ~ lo ,,,. "' 111 1119 --*"Oif mu"'"· or wlll'lln THtlTY 111r1 11 il!rwd mast and removab'· rudde ll ,,.._ '"" wblc•lbld 1o 1111 w111>1n ~ el..,wfw••. IC r, ,,,..,,,..ti, ''"' adi-ltdttd 11\ty Ul(lll9d y.,.. ••e M•ltlv MUlll!d lt>•t ""'"' 'rOtt Can •-•···-bed Jn J•ust 12 1·0 1111 Mml' oo lilt I wrltt"'1 ,_.Ive plffdlnt, u)d' """' .i.cwJl\O -LEGAL NOTICE (0fFICl.i:L SE.ALI Pllln!lll wm 141(• IUOllmenl fot anr monw ches of water and easily DALE H APPLEGATE "' ~m-llMl•t111ed in Ille wrllltd Not•rr p'uti1k-Cillfoml• ePmPlelnt •• 1riil110 1111Gn c.nlr6C:I, cor win stored in a yard or driveway Cl!llT,",,",',,','ou•,•.•.u.?1 1N•IS. or-• c°"'""" •PPl'r to '"" r;ovrr tor '"' elher r111er h ...., Mr Cotrlmlulcwl E~Pll"h *"''""~ In tt>e \'ll'lfll!d complllnl. w en not in use. Launching T"' ...,.,,11nec1 dot$ w-11rf 111 " con-DK. ., 1tn """ mrr ..-""' •ct..k• of '" '"°,....... and ri .. ~ng is easily ac-d\lc:tr._ • b<AIMU •' un H1111ot lltvd., Pubtb.l.H °'''-Ccont OlllY l'ilol 011 1n., m.Utt conn«ll!d witti ttir ,_ 66' C.Sff ~ C1Uloml1. under 1111 lk· S.twnb9r 1, .,, 2~ nod Oclobl 1• P!tlnf or 11'>11 """"'"'""' Swdl •I'°"'"' complished ln fifteen mlnutes. fllloul; fl'"' .....,. of .. c w-T .v. 1,., 1 1 r ' -.ild be con1u11t<1 ... rttilD '"" llm• nm11 SEllVICE Ind !NI Mid tit"' ~ c.omPOted t1).6f tllltd Ill rl>ls wmmot11 fof llllnt I WTl!ltn A tr u e faim.ly crulsillg of IM 1o11ow1n1 peFIOrl, wlloM ,.._ 1n Plcad!ni1 1o 11w comp1t1nr. ·lboal the Cal 2 1 • S lull Ind Pllct of rcslCll!nct b 11 fotiow.: LEGAL NOTICE 0.lfd F~. ll. '"'· Sal , Cllrenc;.1 P. Helenrl'>l, 11611 p_., W. E. ST JOH~, Cltrk mahogany trimmed interior ... w .• Foulll•in V1tlcv. c1111o ... 1.. NOTICCI o" SALi! Sr c. w. Prout.,, bas four full.sized v In y l g::::..CS:-.:.~~~~1 Ifft. TO 1110MESf s1 oos1111 tSEALIO-IF Clerk • ,_ O -C Hotlu II llltrftv tlWffl "'91 M!l~ltftl IOIEIT A. EASTMA• covered foem berth! !lorag:e ""' • .... i 111r"1a. ... -°"'"rv: bids w111 be reu1ve<1 "" Mle 111 ""'l7ft N.,.., ._ .. w.,.., Jocken and spatt' for a ,.::,., SffP'=' ~" !t""for ~~ ~~111 hl11~1 bkl0Br111 of 111e 1o1-1"° uwd kllte HtHtllotf' •1 • • """'ipmfnl wlllc:ll l'>n bttn llKl•red C..11 Mtow C•llMntll f2tM marine head and galley range Pff'Mlftllf'r _,.., Cllrenc:• P. Helenrtil MIAM to 0111r11;1 neech· en ' Nurill'lll T.i· 1no ;......,. It "-··-"' 1.~ •• ~ ~~I=':, ~":1::;'°" ...,:,';';: hdl, 121 """''-11r>1wd lutnl"'n. Ill A~ Jw l"lllnllff can even uc ~ as a ~ 1c1t ltd9..:I "" ~ ,.... Wocdeft Ubr1,., 11oD1u1Ktu. n.. •bow Pllhllsl'>td 0r1nt• coasi D•JIY P!iot trailer tfl route by Simply !Of'rr'CIAL SEALr ....... 1'""' wt no ioflMr nt'f!led fer Ille ltlo AVS1111I 21 Incl Sftiltfnbet .J, 10. i( .. 1lrvcllollll _,.,.. •nd '" !lie ,.,.,.,..,,., tfff 151,Mj puJl.lni Off the road and clim-MAA.Y I(. WENI~ of thl Or.._ COlsl JUt!lor C.01"9s . NQ!lry Pubtk<•llk>r"ll Ohlrlcl , ___ -:'::'."7:-:::===----b1og aboard Prl<KIP11 Dffkl Ill Sill! bid, wit! bt ~ Ind ...... llcl'l'1 LEGAL NOTICE --hull f lure the Cln"'9 Coul'l!F ·~ lio\111 fOf' Mll•ft•led u~ II M!tea 1111: ea !l sam.e M., Comm!Ulon Explrti °"TM p,._1 F""" 11 11 ·00 1 "'· Fri.1--------------characterisUcs that have , ....... ~...t!"'' ,., 1,'", 0 '" ,, ... 11n. Octobe<' J. Jfft. in !hr' ao.~ it.oorn SAii nn the he La rtb .,.., __ ..,1"9t Oii I "''• of thl Aclmlnl$1ratkln luildlnll fff IM NOTICE TO CrtEOITOllS made ot r pwo $eptembW 11, 14 •nd OclOb« l , .. Or•-Co.it Collf!lf, 17'1 FalNlrw SUl"ElllOI COUIT 01' THI desi'"'" successful. l .. 0 D g 1"' l7JMt ltoacl, C•I• MrM. Calltot~!•. All bldS 5TATE M CAL ll'OllHIA l'Olt 0·7 , · "''"I M dtn"1!rt<I lo llie attic. of !tit TME COUHTT' 01' OllAMGI waterline for speed. high LEGAL NOTICE P11rw11n11 Ao""' '' the abolt• lddress Ht. A-lliU ballast ratio for stability even prior to !he n-.et for "" -~1"' 1" Es1J1e of HAZEL L • v E 1t "'e ' SUl".1!11101 COUJIT 0 1' TNI! Gl"lltr ft! bt tllt1bll k>r Ol>llSlclerlllofl, M<DO'W'ELL 0..:111fl:I in high winds, and a modem, STATE OF CALlf'OINIA FOlt p,_1 '°""' "''~ bt obltlned ,, '"' NOTICE fS kEREiT' GIVEN lo ,~. '"'"' .... handle sail plan The THIE COUNTY 011' Oii.ANG• l'utcl'llslnll OtPlrlmfnl (If '"' Olllrlct •• C..-dllori ol '"' •tloY• ntmlfd d«Ml•nt ~~ •.....-• SUMMONS t ... fbott tdclreu or br 11!~11111 111') Ill.It 111 PM'M>nS l\aw!1111 C .. lma ••tins! f1>e big ~ft. &elf-bailing cockpit is <ASE NUMlll IJ,j...51.50. Ill'"'• -br I-ltd br Drlor said dei:tdt<il 1r1 rtoul•l!d 10 nit ''-'- h f h I O-Hllt ~lllmtt\t OfllJ. C4111 W-57!1 II trr111tt "'llh !i>e M<:tulrv 'IOl<Cfltorl I" lilt olflct large enoug or t e ent re 11:oaERT HAkSON PUTHUFF. JJI: .. -1nlfMl'll. ol tM clert of 111e 1tiovt ~•iu.cr '""''· 0,. crew and even has under-seat Pi.!ntlH Vs. IMA JEAN MATTHEWS !lid$ "'~' br ..,CQl'llP.~1"6 bY I IO i>rtstnl !Mm, wll!I tlM M'CIUU'V ' · PUTHUFF ~fnd~nt certified or c1tl>ltn thtck INdt' Pf~lblt \IOllCJ>r~ lo ,,,_ undtt1!11nlfd 11 llw allkt storage. Auxiliary power, ID p E 0 P0L E OF .THE STATE OF Ill flll Orlnte Coast Junior Colltlle ol hl1 '"°"""'· MAJITIH a. WEIN!IEJIG, the form of a small outboard cAL1FOA.NtA 111 '"" •tio~e 111m111 Ofkrto 0111r1ct. or c-n. """"' •m"""' o1 '°'"of 11100 Horth B•0&11W1v, s.iite 200, s."11 • , dl>nl' I ... lol11 bid. Dn>osJll el' •u«tttl\11 bid· Atlf, C1lll0tnll '1..a.I, whkh 11 t!>t pll.(.f mounted on the special eng:ine v.;. 1,,. llertb>-dirKleCL to ine 1 writ· 11trhl wm bl •NllW 11 w•Wlf price. 01 busiMU o1 tM underilvl>l'CI 1n 111 mat- b k l •• slly pu·•es the Cal ,.,, •lfldlllll 1" •tsPome 1o ,,..,. ..,,,,,.,.......,, other dnlosll t11.a1 Ind '""' will tlP ters P<"rt11111,.,, 1o ,,..,. t1t1te of Hid detc-rac e , 311 comolilnt lit IT'le tbow "'""'° •lll"llfl retul'Nd within le" din 1/ter 861rd of o:k!nl, wllt>l" tour "'°"'1'11 11ttr 1111 first 21 at 5 knots. wtlh "'-dert; of lllf •bo'W• enllllld cwrl T""'~ KC1111!111c1 of hillh bld(1l wllld> Publi<•llon of lh•• Mllce. • • Ir! /M above enlllled Kl'°" bJ>:Kight wllt bt fin 0.:IOber TS, 1Mt. Oa/fld Sel'ltlflbor 5. Ifft Constructed of one-piece re-,,,;,,,, You 111 wlll '°""· w1r1>1" TEN All e•l*Kft of u•la9e •nd ~·· 1'" lil•rv H. woaw.n I I ed f~-gl !·-• 8,.,... -~· ilttt ll>r Sl!,..ia on ""' .... !Ills..,..,. lhe r~lb!Ul'r of blddtfhl. l'Ji. NIM Adml.,l1trilor ol llW! Ei••t-n ore 1ucr ass ...... n "''" _ ;1 .w,..e0 willlin ,,..,. 1t>cwe ,......., "• wi• 111 ...., • '" ·-· ......... o1 '"' --... "'"* ~"r utilizing hand laid up woven coun!F. OI' •illlln lHIATY dl'r• ii' .. ......:1 ••llol nt•U sales ... Hnllll , ... k SW. M.lllTIN •. Wf:IHll!llO . . b I . tlsr#llet"• .. 111..i wllll wt. l .... _ .,.,....,, S•it• * rovmg:, the Cal 21 IS u1 t JU.St You iri l'>ltttrr noli~ 1,..1 ""iHl-.,... T h • &urd l'tHf'WS 1111 •ltM "' rtltd su11 Au, C•llf. "* like the larger ocean racers .., 1111 • wri11en -..~IYf P1t1e111111• salcr 111v '"" 111 Ille• or 1o w•M •n, i..-T .. , 1no J4J..an llil"ttn .,.·11 take ludtmlnl tor 1n., lormtl!!r or lrneullrlty 111 11>t tkkflnll. Al!WlltW fW A*"Lllt11 .. t.r that have made Jensen Martne INl..rt or ~ ...... a llfmlndlfd .., lhe °""" An -'-"•k ''' "'Id l" '" .. ,, i.w c.-Publilll\Pd Of"-r '°"~' U•ll'r P11a1. Imo f ·•• aJ't N ldd "'-'"' as .,Wnt \IPGn ccintrld. or wltt clltltfl. Thi Ol•Trld 1Nku "' •uar1"1ee. ~bet' 10. 11, '' ind Oc!Pbet 1, wn or 1 ... qu 1 y. on-s ......... """ """' IOI' .,..., dltlft' railll ••111en OT lmPlltd. II !lo IM "'"""Ion o4 I* .. ,.,... deck and cockpit are also one-QoJM..C. .., """"""111nr. '";,;':i 1n 1un "'w•I be mteM w1111,o.J---.,-,~-,-,-,.,,,-,,,,,---- piece molded units. Colors are .. YOll """' •ffll TM ..iwke 01 '" '"°'"" 11w we.tl"9 °'"' "''' nonce fff '"'''° LEGAL NOTICE lded . both d k and h II ..... """"~ ~llK1'tel "'"" Irie Con>-Ind ""t111hlrl1b "'""' bl •tmPYftl ,......,, _____________ _ mo 1n ec u 111ti..t or ~ su'""""."'1· 5'lcfl '"°'"" .,_ ColltM ~ ,1 '"' rfmt o1 1v11 l"-l4H2 for durability and main-ll'lll.llil W CCOMUllW wotllln tht time llmlt ,.,.....,t. C[llTlll'ICATE 01' IU$t"•SS . 111~ In !!lb....,...,,,_. !Or hllfte I -lllen NOllMAN E. WATSON FICTITIOUS NAMI! tenance-free service. 11tMc11,,. 10 "" co,...i11nt, $tety ao.111 .i Tni•tee< Tt.r unde111vnec1 don t•"'"' 111,.,, ,,. Dileo St'Plembtt J, lMt. OPen: Oct. :L 1,.. -11 :00 '·"'· t:ond~ctlnv , bu1lneu 11 t7'1S Ml9noll• W. E. ST JOHN, Citric Publlll'lld °"'""" C-1 01llr Pho!, SI .• Fountlin Vl!lev, C11!lor11t1, u ... !111 &v CiEJITllUDE E. MORONES S..Oltmblr lt, 11, lff!' 161649 llclllious firm ,....,. of ELICINS SHELL Oew!Y Clerk SERVICE tr>d !Mt s.ld firm b ~ IS[ALI of t1'>t fallow!"' "'''°"'· wl>osl 111tmH !n ll:O•EIT k. OOWEflt LEGAL NOTICE full 11111 pl1cn flit re1!dt'n(• 1r1 11 fo~ 1 .. 1 PllC:trllll A""u• !owl: Ted Turner M"'"'1 hM.11, C.ML Gtorve W. Elklnt end Otle W. E l~fr>t. !~41,:ip:i,.,. NO~~T~C~s o:E:~:~1cG~~AM1t 1~:1 !he ~-:,i,:,,~, F•Tll'• SI.. "°"""I" VtUI'/'. Pvbllohtol Ortn:1tt (011l 01ilr Piiot, CllF Coo,rncll of the City If Coil• MrM Otltd Aooutl n lllolf SKih!mbtr :i. 10, 11, 74. 1tff 1~, wlrr ht>ld • Public llf•r1"" on MoNJ1y, G-W. Enr'r.,. Oclobr!' I, IM, I~ flll Counc:H Cl'lfmM• 01M w Efl<lfll I.FI:AL NOTICE •t U'lf Clf'I' Mil~ T7 F1lr Drive. Cosll Sim ol C11tfllr'r+11, Or1nge CClll!llv : ::r: MIM fl lflt hail• ol 1;l0 D-"'·• °' ts soon On ,0,"9v•I 15. 1m. twfor• ""' 1 Noll,., -----'-~,~~------J 1heruller 11 the 1Nmor "''w bf ~rd Oii Pvtollc In -for uld Uil• 111r-11y ·:llUt 1M Htlllon of I"" Col!I MHI Pl1""1"' 1ppe1 l!d ~ W Eltl ;.,,, O If W 5.5 Meter Champion Cl!ltTl1'1CATe 01' OISCONTl"UAMCI! COtfl"11Hlon T7 F1lr O<!Yt. Cott• ~. Efl<I r -lo • Ill ':!.i ·.... • . Ted Turner f Atlanta Ga OF VSI -"'HDJOit AIANOOHMI NT 01" ta rn-'1111 follow!.,. deW'itltd re1I ~I'll= ire .::.Crlbtd 10 11>1 "w1'iri! 0 ' . "ICTJTIOll$ NAMI p.-rrr 11'111'11 Jll 1111 •nd JI; '"''"""ffll lllcl ~l!d llle'I' ··-emerged as the new national THE lJNOERS1GNEO cir> ,..,..try Cfft!IY PAICEL I -Lm 1 llvwoh s. btino Kii~ ""utN ill ch . ltlal. flfrclltt AU .... tl 2'. "" lhl<t Ct--~we1l1rl'f' lU.00 IHI of Trt<:I (OFFICIAL SEiLl 5.5 meter SI ng am.pion lo Clo !Minus Uflllf• ll>r licllllolls II"" 5G5 •• i;how" on. """ tl'lttfllf l'f(Ol'oed ROBEJIT v. BAER Tuesday afler a five race ,,.,... ol C&C EQUIPMENT COMPANY II 11'1 book 11, Plot :n of Ml11:•n•-1 Noltrp Public . Cthfomot 1il) Rtlelvh Strecr. Colt• M"loll. ""'"'· 11~ of 0•1"9t Countr. P•lnciffl Office J" series sailed at Annapolis, ~1d. C1111or.u. wt1it11 b!J11nes:1 .,..., tomMrf'r PAllCEL 2 -Loi• ' 1..d J '"" n.e 0r1noe counf'I' • ~ ol 1lle IOI-Inv Pf0'10l'll, ..,,,.,._ -.!!'!Wftl•rtr 16.!I IHI of Lcol J In M1 c .... mllllon Ezp lru Runner-up 1n the regatta ,...,.,.. i" fll• •"" PIKl'I of rtt161nc.1 ,,. Trttf 111 " ~ Of' • """ lflt•eo1 S'9t. ii. 19n E ·• Fay of Houston • "'11°'"'' »•II: rKlll'lled In boat ''· '°"' 15. DI Pvbllsl'>ed Or1ns1 C011t O•ilY Piiot was mi ' ,O,ll(e . Colw.il llD Jl11t1th St!'ftL MlKell•-/Mpl., RKOl'd:l of Or•nvt A1i11ir,.1 t1 Ind !irohlmbor .J, 10 ,,. Ttx a former champion in co111 Mev. c1u1arn11. '°""""· 1,., ,;., .. ; ., Leo J. Cole, U7J s."'' ~ cos.. AIM lnc:lucn"' !!'le •bl""°""' l'O.oo.tool the class. """'· C4lll1om11. '''" rv1,.. 1111tcent io 1.w:i --·"'"' 1----:-=,-,.--,.,.,--,----clf't111c11r "°' ""'""""' "' b>nll!Jl.l of ""' 1baw cltM:rlbl!d Loh ' 11111 s 1nc1 LEGAL NOTICE Sailing: a new B r I t t a I n u""•• ""' ,.,.,.,, 11tn1101JS "'-· 1nd ,,. "°"'1..., .... Lal J. [--~~----------chance designed boat. the llcllvll ,, oublJClllon lllrteol. lrf on Ille NOTICE IS l'UITHElt GIUEN lllal •• NOTICE 01' TllUSTEE'$ $ALE In !hf' oftlce C>I lrM' C&<tllfY C...-k ct Ille tlnw •Ml plect 1tloY,,.mentlontd In~ LOAH HO. Alltl...V Tiger, Turner also won the 0.1na• Co"""'· "'""'" ""' provblont. of Ind 111 P•rr-l"lernl!<I ml¥ IDPff' NOTICE IS HEJIEllY GIVEN ph f lh h• b S«lio.. l'66 ct ll'lf Civil Codt. 11111 bf httl"' br 1111 Citr CCV"<i1 ol ll!f fl'>at Oii Mondev. Sf.PIMlbtt 79, 1Mf t i Bingo Tro Y or e Jg • wlTfolE.SS our hanclt "''' Hlh <11~ o1 c1rv 01 c1111 MtM on u ld II•~ P•tlllon 11:DD o•t1oc:t A.M. ,, 1111 lronf •~trinc:• 10 po'.nl scorer after the first Aw11tr. 196t. R·l+u. 111e N1l'°'11I F1,.1 Morta•ac corn. Allee H. Cotwllll C, K. Plll EST lluHdl ... , ~1 $oull'I M1nc,,l'llft AW!l~t. three races. He will seek the Leo J. Co1e Cit-, Cieri< of "'' An•l'le:lm. C1tttor"i• ,o,GENT'S ESCrtOW Id h • -'-• ' lh J'ublill>rcl Or1nac COid Oli!r Plkrt, (11'1 ol Colli Mesa SERVICE, •t Trut!tt. or 11 Subl!tlllltd wor C amp1onz.11lp In e $C$itcmbt, 3. 111. 11, ,,, Hff 1'2"'49 Pvb!t11\fd Ortn•t c ... ,, 01111 Pllot. T<\111 ... under ""o_, 01 lnJ11 ••Muled class in Australia n e X 1 LEGAL NOTICE SH>tembtr 11. 19'19 1729"64 br Jorialh•n Rict>.on1 eroc~etr 1.w:i Ollv!• l ---=::'.'.::'...:.::'..:.:='...--.1 ---;-;;;:;~-c;;;;;;;;;;;;;:---· 1A· llroc:kel!. 1'111,blnd tnd wife re<onll!d February. LEGAL NO'l'ICE ..., Novmibtt :n, ltat. 1~ 1100~ t.i'3 P1111 P·:MUl 02 ol OlllCll l RKorcl~ ol Or1ng1 Cllllnl'r. Turner's crew In the 118· cE1T1,.tCATli oF •ustNEss C•llfornla, 1rr •t•$Oll of 1 b•1Htcl'> 0~ l•-als were ·-ti Allan of l'ICTITIOUS NAME I AI Mil llftaull l" Ille PIVmtnl gr """"'"''<Ke ol "'" .,._V • Tl'le: \ll!Cltr\l!Jflfd dots Cff'lll'I """' lrt NOTICE 01' lllUSTl'E'S lALf obligo liOO\l 1teurf<! !l>tr~b•, ~M Nell<• 01 N•wport Beach and Mike Ray· eond11Clf"9 • bullna.i. II 4Hl w. CN•f TS NO. 1-' Oel•<tll Ind t.Mlldary'1 tlM!ioll lo UUI• Hw-,, N~ 811<:~. C•llfor"~' lll'ICI On Odobtr J, I .... 1t 11:1111 1-"'·• Tl· ta bf '°Id ll'>e ,,_,, ~ertln btkrw mood. ,,,. llc lllieus llmi nil .... OI NEWPOIT Tl.E INSUrt,t,NCE AND lllUST COM· clfK•lbl!d "3Yl"9 bttn recorded II "-Turner fa.iJed to score in the SET COIFFURES '"" 11'>1! Mid llrm Is PANY, fl dulr -'"'" Tr1111H ........ wlclftl tor br le• Ind mote ii..n l!lffl . , · _,_..., fff Ille lol-i"9 ~-w1w1$t Ind 11\lrilll"I lo Oefd el' flll11 dlled rnon!Pls ~•wl"' lllP.... 1\nt• Wd'I Olympic trials at Newport llMl'!fS 1n 111M -11i.cei. of rakttnoe "' M1 rc:h 1. lN.l Eucuted ••: JOE o . .._datton, w111 n11 •I 1>11b1;c 1L>C110.. '° I H l~-as fol-.: !IELL ltld BILLIE JEAN &ELL, hu•l>&tld ~ l\l~l>rst !Mdikr"" (alfl PAYAftlE IH Beach ast year. e 813U was Sl'>l•1" 11 •• ~. ~ ""''" SI., Hlfl'>. •tld wt .. Ind rKOrclfd "'"''" ... 1'6$. Al LAWFUL MOHEY o~ THE UfollTED UnSUCCessfuJ in the Olympic 11"9k>n 8eadl. C..Hlor>1ll IMff. Ko. 11111. in boot<,._.., P19P.t7l, el' STATES OF MIEJllCA ~T TIME OP • . • Od•v'-lttl-. JUt Llmtrlct Officltl lleCGnb In l'ht ollk' ol Ille Cau,.. SALE .. 1_,1 to~-nl or w.,"""· •1'• tnals m the Flymg Dutchman l.11'1. eo.11 Mto.t. c11i1orn11. tv "--"" fff o...,,., coun .... C41111C!fn11, 11m~ or hnl>rled. 11 1o 1;11,. oontHlorl 0~ Cl Ml · B Oiled s..t. I, 1.... WILL SELL ,o,T J'UllLIC AUCTION TO tneunlt>l"t<Kn. !he !nl•rt!I conwrtd ta ass at ss10n ~Y· Shirll'r a.~1tr HIGHES T 8IODE• FOii CASH (prtfble '"" ..... "'"' bw ~, ..... sue~ T•u11tt, l" Since the Olymp1ca Turner 0c1 ... 111111 Jtei ...... .o •• 11me .... Hit "' 11w1u1 ..-e-r of !he ar111 " l'ht to11aw1,,.. .,..,,,_ .,,_,,... i.. ha been d l' -~ of 1..:-SI•"' of c1~romr., Ot•1111e Coon!F : U11lllld St1tftl ln 11\t fol:lb'r el' !he wtot W. Cov""' OI Or11111e. sr11e ol (1lllorn11 s evo mg ,.,..,..1 •ua an se.1. ,. 1Mt. btlore ..,., , Hot•,., '"''',.. 11oo ..,"'"'' .r t11r T111e Lot 11 of T•tt• No. ~ 111""' Cll'I er sailing time to camruiigrun' g Publi< 111 •nd 1or wicl st1h. -1~ 1nwr1n1;1 a .. 11c11.., 1ou1HL en 111e c.s11 Mftl. c-tv .... Or•,.,..io. s1111 of ,..... -HI Sl\i<lt• l1•tr<" & Oc!1¥ilnl NC!t'lllwftl ~ ol Elthlll 1111 Mllft C..llfornll. 11 Pff ,.,., rKPr6'11 In a-lhe converttd 1 2 -m e t e r 1111-,_ "' ~ "' bt "" ""°"' strttt1-s.nt• ..,,.., c1ntor>111. 111 rlvf'!f. '"· P.,... 31 "" " •ndvlive of Am.rican Eagl• 0·n offshore whlllr ~ 1rrc wov.flbtd 10 "" wl\flffl 11111 •llCI lnteret <11.,.,..,.eo 1o 11ic1 ,,_ Ml1ce111,.......s _,, '"' ""' ofilu of .,._ llltl•'lll.,lf<lf Incl KfMoVl'Jedvrd lM'f' t• llfld tty II undtr s.tld Dffcl .... Tru1t tl'I fhO! C-IF It~ ol Hid Countv. racing in the Southern Ocean «UtM !hr .-. -'" ••twh'd 1n 111e ''"' "' N""""1 "" ""' --o1 .... ,"' "'' DD1111rio... n.cl Conf . FJ .d !Of.FICJAL SEALI &IMCl'I, In Wkl Caunf'r •tld Sll!f daaibld PO.lr!'d bY 1.1kl Of'ed of lt1111 lr.c:ludl,,. .na ng erence 1n or1 a, Merv Bflll Morlon • ., '"" <1'1•1-s ....i u ........ of lflt1t.. 1....i th ·-"·N rl Notlry PuNk<•ll'°""• Loi I "' 8lodl H "' "" Sin"'" of sir.. e n11D8p<lu.r ewJ>0 race PrfnclNI Ofl\col' ln Coton¥ Tft<:I, In tl>f <llr of Nfwto0rl OATE.0• A"9Ud '6. 1 ... and the Trans-Atlantic race Or•• countr 1111.ot~. covnfY o1 °',,,... 1111c 6t ,o,G£NT'$ EscRow SE J1v1ce I N l R I C k My CPlilrnlulwl E•1>!r11 C•lllom .... II Pl'l' """ rKord'11 In &ook l!I•: At Gr•l'l•m rom ewpor , .. to or . ,,,.,.., •· "n 1, P'" u"' ~11ee1..,rotc11.n M&1>1. 111""' A11h•1nt viu JO...s1c1en1 ln!!land. He was the overall P11bllv-t<1 Or•"" c ... ,, 0111J p;lof, flfflct of 1111 <OUfllJ rKo•der of u111 sPS tl"1 • • 5"11..,_ :i. 1Gr, 11. ''-1'6' 1'21-tt c.ovnrv. Publ!&l'!f'O Or1nt1! COiii 01i!r "'""· winner 1n the Annapolis-e.c~ ""' N«ll'>Wf$1f•lr -15 m1 SK11-~ >. 10, 1r. 1Mt 15n.., Newport rate. LEGAL NOTICE ttw11~·"'11c1 11 incw..i w11111n "" .,.,./---,LEG~:-:-:------- tlloW>I .,, , ,,..p 11""' 111 &oc1t n. ""' AL NOTICE Cl'ITll"ICATI 01" •Ull M•SI .. "'lll'COrd el"""'"'*" IM Oflke o1/-------==-------l'ICTITIOUS HAM• "'' <11unty rircor<ler al t&ld -"'· 1Sl.3ll Bye H TM llndlr~ • tt"fl!'y nttr -Slld utr wll! bt !nllk'. 1tU1 W1111oul l'IOTICli D" INTliNOIO to Ost COnductlnt I tii.1--1 1110 Lt I.""', COW<1inl w Wln"lntr, ell..,"' ot i.n.ttfld. TltANS,,Elt AHO 1.l!Al•MCll' Foun11111 v1111Y. CllH«nl•, under rho fie-~1n11"" 11111. --·ion. or ...,,. Moll<• h ~ gt ... ~ "'" T1.,.1n L. 111i..,. firm ....,,,. ol SE ll V ·ALL cvmbrlftCa. lo .,., 111t remtlttlnf prln-Root. 0.0.$ .. Tr•"llef'Of. o1 111' ~ ltEl'lllGER.,TIOH •nod "'" wld fl'"' h doll ·-el "" """ !IKllff'CI bw Mkl Ao\:leYllnt. c"' ol cm • ..,, ..... C..llHn>I•, D• h R CDmootld of""' lolkNrl"' -..,,,.,._ ~ .,,,ffltlt, ,.,.wt!: "'1,w.no wtt~ 1n-r.!tndl ft! 11!11 orr111., PfrJO,..t '"""""" mg Y ace ......,. '" 11.tu 11111 •lln °' n:i!Mnot -n -.,.,., ,,.., llM>rdl 11. lM. " In ,. ... "'' LH-~• Cotl>O'lllOll. • c.1rr. c...., llillllwl: Mlt -Ide!!. ..,..,_. II -· lll'Otr !hr It'!~ T•IMflrrH IL>ssori. .... 'XII l">lle Ledbtf'le•, 1111&:1 Oerllw Clrtll, ..,._ .,, wN Oo!t<f llf T•IB!, '-· ~ WllJllllT IQ<>~~lll. (!I'll DI k¥frl'I' HI"" GI,.,. Gr-c.i11onli1. •Ml "......._' of rht Trvs19t •M "1' fllt C..ilfor"ll' •"" ""' wliil I" 1 •ft d r d Balboa Yacht Club will host J1r-v o.iw.. llMI ll LI"", F011nt1111 trvtll cl'f'•l!d iw u1i1 OetC1 .r Trv1r. Tr-t.rwc IL<!uor1, L""'"°"'' c..._,. the n ' ha • osh' H,. VllllY. C.illlorfllf Tl'>I ~ vnd« •It Of'M of lltn. In!-lo ~"""" la !lhl T ........ 11 te C mp10 1p regs,.. Oiled 581e!'nber '" tMt. r""'· .., ,_ fff, t.no or"""'"" 111 L l oot, o.o.s.. Tr11111l1ror 1L-), ,,,.. ot the Metcalf dinghy class w-l!I. Dttw. "" llllllf•tl••• MNnlll , ,. •, • b, uld 11e,_1 -"· 1 1en..•t ~cr11- Sal ~-and I.'.--' .,.le l.fllllelllt' ~ llf«lth'd -.,.ttyt""' i. 111'11: lio!I °' """'di II as fol......, to-wll: Oeflld U1vay ,;,unuay. Sflli. 14 can..,,., °'-Count'f: ..,.,...,.......,, 1 .,._ OKl9•1tfM "' ~1. tnke ....,..,_,,. fW~111,1r1 Some 15 boats are upected o.. s.i. '" '*· """"' ..... • Ne11rt 0tt ... 11 ..., o..n.,,. '°' s.1e. _. wrilflol .,,. ni.""" lt'o:f -..""' 11 11,. 11""'°" lo com~. -·~ ti"· lo • PlllMI(: ... llnd "" .... , .. 1 •• "'-*" Miiiet "' SrNdl ..... f(f Mttlln .. ~ S..ltv•rd. City OI Cotti Mn•. Ctllfor>1i-. t""-""' '"' MJ'C ~ .... rte! hit L~ Ind hln"Y Dtfll "-~ to Mii Mid ·~ lo 'nd !Ml Mid .... 1ftd ltasPIMcll; tr-five ~ &erles tbat will be ~ • -• "' 11111 ~ ..._ """"' Mliil oMINrlofrrt, '7111 ~ • .,, '"" " "' be c-1111 °" "" 19111 .. , ..IJed ~ th• ~-~-•-a -•f"I wbKrltlN II lrM' wttl'llll lfi. JuM l. IM, h ~lifted (""'" "Id .... ~r. 1 ... , 11 II 1 "'~ ti t!\t: Of· U ... u llUM u.,_ .., " Jl-M -tQmW""'"' lhrf ··~-~ .,, 11r..cf1 N of ttrc!Mll lo M llcf .... ~ll:VIP Ctnotf!..... ti fll1 ...J~~ ~!!Co1moorevicn11~re1the. ==:'IC'l'AL sEAL1 =:r.~ "'",..,. """ "..,. ~Wr';!i.~leYI,,,, e"' °'a.-~ H1111. UIW 'IM •..r; .. Mfrt k. Hw'I' °"''" 581emtlll', ' 1• Dllld .. ,, Hlh dn el 5 .. llmbtf'. ,,.,. dclendlng champion. Hol•<"I' P1.>t111c<•"'°"'"' Tlttt 1'ltlll'111C• IN TnMt (ll'l\HllW L ... t1tui. (er"'.i""' • The M.lt.u I' a l'foot hl.... l"rll'ICIP•I on1n 1" 1• Mid Tt1111... C•UfOnlll °'"' .,.. &''" °'""" c:-tr e1 e-w. 1+elt111t" &r Mctw!~ ''""'"" i:rformance sailt:r that has M• Cemrnlp"" [••l•tt ""'"'°'"" ,~........ U!.Ur..UIP COIPOllATION th . Hoot. U, 1"2 Pllt.lllM!I N-Httbor NfWlof"l"l'll n>n Wll9Mn t!Yt. I been e ma)Or dinghy """'~-.,.,., Or•-Cot11 011tto JOllGI twf!OI""' "1MI D1lf'r "not. Nt--1 .....,ty Mltlt. c1111, '"" clan at BYC. 11 was designed S.-1'tnlllt "· '4 •nc1 Oclllbet 1. 1: !lfl!cto. C•llloml• s.i......,, 10. o. '' P<11111t11tc1 °''"" c•" D••lf Plldl. by I.he lale D&rby Metc.alf. 1ttt ,,,. ... 1... ,,51,,, '"""'""' o, ,,., 1111 ... • WfDNE SUAl -11 l:JO D USC •••tb {C) (IO) m.,....,.... CC> <lD> •11-'"' """"'-CDhtlr -(JO) 111-··-(JO) ll!I-.. _ (C) (JO) "'ii111111n ltelltlcmJ •1111 Mottmlan." A llrt'+'in II I .in ..,_ ID fmPIVW 1 111peryiaor'1 abllity hi IJ11A. l'IOtl'llt. •1'111 dkld: ottllt lllOPlt. (R) a CIJ m -IC! <JOJ m -" ltl <!Ol 7:111 fl... -.... (C) (JO) wan. <nnkttt. 0 -. ., ""' (C) (10) ••llJ ·--CD T1 T• • Trdl (C) (30) Ott'· ·--Q) ikHIM'• .. .., (30) fBC.•••illtJ/1114: ~ (30) Ill CIJ-(C) (30) ·-(JO) m ·-ttl <"" GI --ltl CJO) THURSDAY ... fJ all CIJ--(C) (JO) ID_ «I (JO) T .. ·- • """' ..... CC'I (IO) ..,. tar lhtlnor." blph ....... lloltl tft'9 klOll II tlll ¥Wll!l!ltJ II Ptflt Ultimr. CUllb an $mn111 ,..,,.. .... -.................. (!) ... II CD-(C) (!Ol D -tt1 <IOl ~, '"' Liiio .. -Ol--C!O) a.I • • ..... (60) "'Tllt lloeb tt YIDllMI... Dlcmllln " the till* " ..... •Id pllllllc lttltlldel • ·-........ """" COllflkt lilltlb 1r1 Or. l..m1licl frildll'IM, Dr. i..wlt ,......,., wrfttr·dlrtetor s. lll l"ltdil W Dr. Hlnrtttla Hlr· ... Ill ....... " ·-(C) (30) .,.m._ -<.,...,, ·41 -=blct: """" Jn Cirtlf. -· ..... Niii """" (-'Il-C-UllCe Cn!ft'lillp, Ctorft .... ............ -..... -(.,...,) -""*· "" ......... Complete Printing Service • Top Quallty -Fast Service rlLOT PRl~TING 642-4321 2211 w .. t a.111oa lll•d. SlEVE !IOl'ER OI' ALL 11/GNTS 10lt 7'1~T ILASUf> fCMMAH ro KEEP ME TIEf> IJP FHST QUITTl>I' TIME/ !IQ;l1l1ilf •••~•<,t•••• NEfE ts A LIST OF THE MEM8EISHIP, WC. PrlVEIC! _,.,., MOON MULLINS ' Mun AND JEFF . . MISS PEACH lly. Jolin MUes lly Harold Le Dou O'IP' #.15'5 J'A5PEll: 6tVE YOU 'THE IWFOllMTION 'tOU WANT, 5AM? By Tom K. Ryan I WAWTYOU 10 GO TEU. THOSE BLASTEll INDIANS THAJ; IFTHE'f DOl(T SlOP THAT IN~ERNAL PNIMM!Ni;, I NA GONNA LOil MYTD\PIR!_ANDYOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I LOSE MY TEMPER I \ I , .. ·'~ .. .. ' .. ' WHY Ncrr? l 'M f1.'51GNED 'fO TME FACl' TIIA'f 1'10~ WIU. EVER ASI' ME •• By Al Smith lly Mell -----------+ -• ~ ---. COURTSHIP -"The Courtship of Eddie's Father,"! premiere& tonight •t B p.m. on Channel 7. It •tan· Brandon Cruz as a lad searcblng for a mate for bis wid9w~ father with the h•IP. ol Miyoshi U111ekl u the family's housekeeper. Bill Bixby plays Eddie'•, father. TELEVISION VIEWS Debbie New Lucille Ball By RICK DU BROW Ii HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -NBC-TV's Debbie Rey. nolda series, a haH·bour comedy that had ita pre-- mlere Tuesday night, is simply an attempt by the netWort to add a bread·and·butter show to Ju schedule. It Is a 1traigbt sitUa tion comedy, with plenty ol slapstick, that is obviousiy trying to follow in the' tradition of the Lucille Ball series, It ts, in fact, the. kind of sertea one would normally expect to find on Mlss Ball's network, ens.TV; rather than OD NBC- TV. BUT NBC-TV knows it has a pretty surefire thing in Miss .Reynolds, who is cut to form for just, such a show, being "cute'' in the popular sense, anf adept comedienne, whole1ome in the old girl-nut-~ door way, and pre-sold as a film etar. , So it was hardly likely that NBC-TV was golnJ to mess around wttb anything experimental or um, que involving Miss Reynolds, or, for that matter, that the comedienne would have wanted to try 11DY•1 tb!Dg unique or aperlmenW. · There is, thettfore, reaJJr notblng much to aay about Miss Reynolds' allow, m which, married l<> a. .spc>1'U coJumnf.st, abe repeatedly tries to prove .bett ability to betome a newlJ)aper feature writer. II should be made clear that this Is a domestic comedy above all, not' a newspaper comedy. IN THE PREMIERE, Miss Reynolds dlsguis~ herseU as a golf caddy in attempting to land a "scoop" (1 be11eve that is the word used In the preSJJ release about the show). The half-hour got a feri good moments out of tbe comedienne, but thus far. it is not in the "[· Love Lucy" league. . Miss Reynolds, however, is a deceptively strong perlonner -in my opinion one of the truly natural ' and superior talents 1n popular sbow business. And ' if given the material there is little reason wby abet cannot be a long-term ratings success. It ls, in fact.• a good bet. for she definitely bas the same kind oil appeal as Miss Ball . ~ ' TONIGHT, on CBS-TV, Miss Dionne Warwick.~ an exceptionally fine singer with a glowing inner/ beauty, bas an hour variety special of her awn.· The only moment that man it ls a tarteles1 plug for an aJbum . Other than that, however, it 11 often 1 buovant and llstenable. particularly when compos- er Burt Bacharach joins Miss Warwick, who lias recorded his songs. GEORGI! KIRBY Is of help also, with comedy : tb,e Creedence Clearwater Revival is good too; and Glen Campbell, a ratings booster, works nicely enough Wllb Miss Warwick. although one would have prelerred to hear more of ber and Jess of him . Jt i1, alter all , her show. But in any case, she is show- cased rattier nicely throughout, and she is a radiant talent and lady. ALSO RECOMMElllDED lonigbt : "The Court-, ship of Eddie's Father," ABC. premiere, 8-8 :30 PDT. situaiion comedy starring Bill Bixby as a widower with a young son ; "Room 222," ABC, premJere, 8:30-9. comedy aboat a history teacher in an inte- grated school; "'Iben Came Bronson ," NBC , pre--~ miere, 10.11 action aeries about a young man roam. Ing the country on a motorcycle. Dennis the Menace ,.___.L 0[ [If r ' ' • 1>4llY 1111.0T 'We'll /(ill Beethoven,' LA's i ii,bin Mehta Vows • ly ROBERT CRABBE JI TOKYO (UPI) -The 33- 1"1'0ld conduclor ol Ille Los Anplet Philharmoni c • ~· thinks ibat people ~ go to concerts have a ~hangup oo S..Uioveo. He dcp]Ol'eS: s l u dent ~ riQb-but for far cJiUerenl BALIO.A 673-4048 .,.... -... &:-41 rrr I. llU. · · · ...... ,.,. ..... :a:=-----'hANoo Zmm:w bro ' l'JUUET Noordln•I')' 10\e M.t;t, rtaSOOS l h a n . conaervaUw: Americans. Md Zubin Mebta ibinig that Western music will never make it In bis native lndll. Mehta, who bas been i9 Japan tor a wee\ on tour wl~ Ille Los Ang<!., PbJlhannonlc had opinions oo an these sub- NOW ENDS TUESDAY FEATURE AT 7:00 & 9:30 P.M. ,.s .... 1.1 Sho rt -"SKATER DATER" -9:15 Only F i·~-SOUTHCOAST PLAZA THEATRE San Die10 f rHWay.at 81iltol • 546-2711 ACRES OF FREE PARK ING Box 6ffi~ Open 6:45-Show Starh •t 7:00 P.M. ALSO . , :, !!P )cctl and many more at 1 news conference. He tot oo lo the subject ol German muli<: because that wu what ,,the PhllharmooJc player lD Tokyo In de.Ctreoce to the tastes of J apanese au· dlences. "1971 -That's lhe year we're going to k.Jll Beethoven ill Los Angeles," Mehta said. ••we're going to mate lt tm~ possible for anybody to l1s1en 1CI, him .•• As fOl' Bach, Brahms and Ille other German masters: "I suppose people will go on J..lst.eo1Di lo them as long as lbey go to art gaUedes to see pictures bj Leonardo Da Vin· d ." "I have no complaints about Japanese audiences,'' he went on, "but tell me are they really lhis conservative? \Ve tried some Spanish mUsie on them. In most countries that brings down the house. Then we played Brahms, and they reacted llke Americans do to Spanish music. Maybe the younger people can't afford tickets over here." Metha sakl be has had some luck lo promoting perfonnances of new music in Los Angeles, but added that "American audiences aren't always as responsive to it a.! lhose in Europe. "You never hear Brahms in Gennany any more," he com- mented. "They p u s h ex· perimentaJ music on the slate radio over there and the peo- ple leam to Uke it."· "Now we're getUng a definite demand for new music ln L(is Angeles," he said, adding that t h e Philharmonic Is planning a concert oC ioth c e n t u r y classics next May. A reporter from a magazine for college girls asked Mehta if he had a message tor Japanese young people . ''Yes. don'\ riot," Mehta answered. SF Ballet Tickets Set . At College ' ~els ·go on sale this week at the Orange Coast College Auditorium for the premiere appearance of the San Fran- cisco Balle! In Orange Coonly Sept. 26-27. The auditorium box oUice will be open beginning Sept. 17 Monday through Friday from ll a.m. to l p.m., 2..f p.m, and 6-3 p.m. The ballet, using its featured soloists, will stage a lecture- demonstration Sept. 26 a~ a p.m. The soloists will perfonn and explain the essenlla1s of ballet. The program is deslgn- ed not only for dance student.. but all persom interested in dance. Seats are unuserved at $1.50 per person. On Sept. "El, a full performance will begin at 1:30 p.m. in the auditorium. AU seats will be reserved at $3. Rather than give ooe long ballet, the company will give the audience a sampling of five selectloos, ranging from the classical to contemporary. All of the company's in- ternationally kno\vn soloists will perfonn. MuCh of the choreography will be done by Le " Christensen, one of the na- tion's leading contemporary choreographers of classical ballet. The appearance is being co- sponsored by Orange Coast and Golden West Colleges as a community service. .. • • •• • .. ~ l\fesa; ·S~ P~ayers Opening ' • /"' ., '-I ,ly TOM TITUS Of .. o.ir' "'9t /4ttf I I\ wild, Improbable , coqiec1y and a deep,.h11torlcal drama launch two more Orange County communJty theater groups lrito the i•10 senon tblli weekehd. 'MWl comedy ls "GOOcl>ye Charlie," which openst tlle r Cos!& Mesa aV!c Playb0111e' · flllk ....... Ito theme ls D!Jn. ca~Uon and poeUc Justice as • a Hol~ ~!11 b oy l1ncb hlnioelf -Gn)>!d Into I striklnc ndhead -.. femJlo variety. • The cqwdy's oldest little !heater orpllWltlon, ~ Sinta Anl CommWll~ p~ tnto their golden. ahnivenary season with "Mary Stuart." a drama ot ~ nobUlty wlllch Is beini presented' as part of Santa Ana's centennial celebraUoo. The t..,.·o new productions join a pair of shows already in progress al South C o a s t Repertory and the Hunlil'lgton Beacn Playhoose as the coun- ty's live theater season moves into high gear. "Goodbye Charlie," written by George Axelrod, is being staged by PaU Tambellln1, resident director of the CGSta Mesa Clvic Playhouse. The show inaugurates a policy of three-weekend runs,· up from the or I gin a I two-weekend engagement. Barbara Van Holl takes the title role of lhe guy who fm<b himself in the witwal posi- tion. Joe Del Rosso will portray hia (her?) best friend who tries to help him (her?) over the sexual barrier. Charlie's old Oamie will be played by Sally Brown, With cameo appearances b e i n g made by Paul Gracey, Ray Scott. Helene A.!h and Rick Gunst, all familiar faces at the Civic Pl ayhouse. Friday's opening perfonnan- ce is sold out to t h e playhouse's Patrons Associa· lion. Other stagings will be given Sept. 20, 26, %1 and Oct. 3-4 al the Community Center auditorium on the Orange County Fairgrounds. Reserva- ~0::+"' •i ·i mand*ro:tkktt.S ia fb current shl>'lf, 1·we Bombed In New llaven." and is e1tending lhe product.Ion an extra weekend, SHE'.$ 'CHARLIE' Barbara Van Holt tions art a.vailable by calliDg &14-S.103. • The Sanla Ana d r a m a ouUines the 20..year conflict between Queen Elizabeth and Mary, Queen of Scots, during which the destiny of England trembled in the balance. 'l'he plar, which ends with A.fary's executioo, is a s trugg l e between womanhood a n d statesmanship. Ann Fillan, voted best ac- tress of the i96M9 Santa Ana season, portrays Mary Stuart with Margaret Boyer cast as Elizað. Major supporting roles are being taken by William Carden and Ron Filian. . Completing the Santa Ana I cast are .Herbert Guyette, Dorothy Nix, Frank Ballolta,1 Daryl Venger, Ron Langseth, Dwight Lambert, D o u g I ~ s Knight, Howard Glasser and Ken Motgomery. Ross Corbin is directing. The play, which will be presented free of charge, opens Friday for t h r e e weekends in the little theater of Santa Ana High School. 520 W. Walnut St., Santa Ana. Reservations may be made by calling 543-7647 . • Broad English farce with all ibroogh Oct. 4. ' Dlrected by Mart.In Demon, the Joseph l~eller antiwar Mil.re features Don Tuche, Heath Pa.rk, lial Landon Jr. and Pat Brown in maJ9r roles. James Baxes head! lhe sup- porting cast wh.ich includes Gary Cotter, Robert Strickland, George Barcos, Jim Waring, John Mach·ic, t Les Ingledue, BUI Cochrane, REGAL ROLE Ann Fllitn pany are Llllyann Parne, steve Uhler, Colin Guiver and ,.,1nrtfn 1',uchs . Performances. of • ' P o o I s Paradise" are given on Friday and Saturday evenings with reservations available Oy call· ing 53&-8861. • On the seml·proressional front, South Coast Repertory reports an unusually heavy de- Bill Katt and Squire Fridell. Performances are g i v e n 'Ibursdays through Sundays at the Third Step 'Illeater. UIZ1 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Tickets may be. resecved by calling Uie box office at 646- l:JtiJ. • Going on the boards for the last time to wind up a six· week engagement Is "George \Vashington Slept lleri" at the Long Beach com"munl t y Playhouse. Jerry Anderson directs the Kautman-Hart comedy which stars Keith Houdyshell and Betty Motsinger . The playhouse is at 50'21 E. Anaheim St.. Long Beach, with tickets available at (213) 43'-05.16. EYl. SHOW STARTS 1 P.M. CONTINUOUS SHOW S"ATUIDAT f ROlili I SUNDAY FROM 2 FREE PARKING TWO GREAT FEATURES WILLIAM HOLDEN -ERNEST BORGNINE --··'"--A flt9.. FEll»oWl PflD.CTDf m: 18Wl o tmwe';:~ii""~'""'J.,..,!l ..... :""t : j tl\llbv Del"" ' --:jlliio __ _ Soape rs for Andrews the stops removed is the fare' at the Hwitington Beach Playhouse where ' ' P o o 1 s Paradise" enters ils second weekend. BE» ,,._ •• ,..,.. ...... -..amim ii. AL SO THIS FINE DRAMA ~ ' ' ' ' '• I .) I ' , ·i N•Wl'Ol f l lACll •• •' 1i.. ........ loo hkl.oo IHlo Ill.•• 0 1. l•I JSO .-EXCLUSIVE RUN ENDS SOON f•• Show Storts 1 '·"'· Co11t. So11drr frco111 2 ''"" THE YEARS' SUSPENSE THRILLER Carol White Paul Bu rk The colortu1-sounC: of Or.an1e County Music RADI O KOCM 103.1 FM Nowd Actor Now Stars in Daytime TV Howard Solomon directs the production w h i c b features j Paul Sullivan, Rita Kisner and I Valeree How. Rounding o u l the Huntington Beach com-By VERNON SCO'IT HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -He was a movie star. One of the big onu. Dana Andrews. His name went above the ti~ tie. His pictures made money and some were distinguished films: "The Best Years of Our Lives," "Laura" and "The Ox· Bow Incident." Andrews also played in the best of the .le le vision shows. For whatever reasons, roles grew scarce for Andrews, who turned to business and rea l estate developmcnls lo earn a rortune. lie joined that col- lection of famous names hear but not seen. Beginning late next month he will be vlsible every day on television, joining the acting fraternity \\'hich wends Its way from movie marquees to prime-time television a n ~ finally, daytime soap opera strips. The path has been paved by the likes of MacDonald Carey, Jack Kelly and Joan Bennett. Andrews \VIII star In "Bright Promise ," a title to warm the hearts or American housewives on washday. JOINS SOAPERS Dana Andrews 11e 'viii portray a college prolessor.. a_ widower in+ his middle 40s who does what he can to bring tranqulllty to the campus and fend oil females on camf)U!:. l have a daughter at San Francisco State.'' The producers told Andrews he will work only about three days a week, but once the show Is aired the actor suspects he \\'ill find himself at NBC·TV every day. "I'm looking forward to the work," he said. "l think the last time I did a television &how was two or three years ago. But a series like this has so m a n y characltrs and interlocking stories that the work is spread O\ll. "This show is meaningful to me. I hope it can come up v.·ith some . answers or ex- planations for people v.-·ho watch It." Andre""' grew thoughtful and then concluded, "This series gives me an opportunity to use some of the hidden facets . or my personality, going all the Way back to my days al Sam Houston State Teachers College." Ills voice was sincere. open auditions ror 41Pools Paradise," the fall prodi.iction of the Lido Isle . Players, will be held Tuesday and •Wed- nesday~at 7:30 p.m. in th~ Lido Isle Clubhouse . Peter Church or Corona del ,.,1ar, a proressional actor formerly Mth South Coast Repertory, will stage the Philip King Jarce. A cast or four men and lwo women is required. The play, currently 'being staged at the Huntington Beach Playhouse, invol ves football pools and their effect on a rural English vicatagc. 'Pools Paradise" Will be p.reseated tor a five-day run, Nov. 18-22, al U1e clubhouse, 701 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach. with marriage ambitions. l.====================='==;I The actor has put the besl possible face on bis new ven- ture, hoping it will help bring irito focus today's troubled col- leges and universities. "This is . no J:IJJ\s of Tvy aerfes, •• he explained after having read lhe first five scripts. "It wiU G.:!al with the real problems of students, lacully and admini!trators. "I'm personally deeply Jn. tereited in what is happening . ' . '. "' I u,,1/11z --:r ~ "'-" '£ .... NC.11.,....iI -h...,-.wloOW\,.., .. ROWAl~N • _£ TWO SUSPENSE ·~ri... NERVE TINGLINE llEATH PICTURES ">-= EXCLUSIVE AREA 2t1s l•t c .. t Hltt.w., SHOWING c-.. Det M ........ k. ,7,'"'2H , What mikes her~~··. ~t)WlikCto knOw! From Fashion Island, Newport Beach --MAUlll IOPPT" ,,..,,. ... """"*"" I!>- .. ------ DOYI: "'WILD •. IUNCH" 1:45; "RACHl'L" 7 ellcl 11 ..... ' R HO ONE UNDEl 16 UNLrss WITH A PARENT OR GUARD IAN ~d IUtlu1rd WldlftOrtl -lei!• H•tM 'DEATH OF A GUNFIGHTER' lleco"'meAded for Ad1lt1 J apanese Movies Every Tuesday Night SPECIAL NOTICl TO OUR rATRONS I""-"' THI!' PICTURl!'S IN THIS BOX MAY IE CONSID· li.Rr:O BY SOME TO BE ·UNSUITA8LE FOR CHiil.. OREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE-ANO REQUIRE PA. RE"'T AL 01&CRf.T10N. "ON MY WAY TO THE CRUSADES, I Mn A GlllL WHO" Ill '"THE WI LD I UNCH" IR I "STILn TO"' IRI CO"ITR ... RY TO AOVERTlllNO BEYOND OUl't CON. TROL ANO APPEARING ELSEWHERE. YOUNO PIEO. PLE UNOIER 18 (NOT 111 WIL L NOT llE ADMITTED TO PACIFIC THEATl'IES TO &EE THE "l'I" PIC. TUl'IEI LISTED IN THIS l!OX UNLESS ACCOMPAN- ll:D av PAl'lt:NT 01'1 AOUL T OUAROIAN. ~ ~J Tenffic ~et-! Sid11rt Poltiri -Joo11 .. SM111•• "THE LOST MAN" Po11! New11H111 -J-.. Waotl-4 "WINNING" Raco111-..dit4' for Atfaltt ............. .._.. .... " ...... To11y A11t1M11y twic. I• . "A STRANGER IN TOWN" ~ "THE StRANSER RETURNS" • l ec.OMl'ltdd .. for A41tt. ...................................... I Wlllh::i111 Mel .. -l rMlf ~- • "THE Wl~1~ BUNC " J• w.,,.. -...... ,,.... "THE GREEN BERETS" .i.. ••• ~.'l!! .. -.... -...... u Wiii ........ lttloll ........ fto""""'ltll lty '9""1 If' NWtt IWrMa. ......... ~···~·· .. ········ Yery Ytrt '-MY r_, CWfb -MMI~• Ylttl - "ON MY WAY ·TO THE CRUSADES, I MET A GIRL WHO" -·~ ,. .. "T,HE VALL E\' OF GWANOI" ...... ~···~, ............. "THE BRIDGE $175 AT REMAGE N" , . . • "STILETTO" 'Sl---ei•~r-1.f Ha. .ft• -_...,. 11 win " """'""" CARLOAD :;::-..:::;::"ftlall ..,. ~ "" • ; ---__,,,..--~-.------~-----·--.---............ ---........---..,,.-....... ...,..................----... ..... -..... .....-...-....... -........-..... -- Bond la B'41elct ~ . "Cops and· !lo~hers,, · In llarl~m ~~ng ';J, • J By JA<S·QAVlll --a.,.·~-• NEW YORX (UPI) -Sam . ~ cl .. 1' • Gojdwya Jr. -oltlll1I Ill a !'lien, -...,-~ . ....,., dlatr Ill Eul 1tarlt!D ol, ilte --.er -... lll!fGUndecl b1 '1UDflro. , ... ,,..,.,. _, " .,., ... 17 Uca1 Poll<e Forct ~ •md,"' .... cl ui. 11eft _ tlllftktnc \lad< ....... ftlmlnc.,a· --~·· .......... 'II, ·..:........-.. and~ .. movie. . ~· ~ •••-. ,., . ''Tbb la IOmelblngl'~ -~ ....... lt ........ I( .clmmlnc 1baolt dolnc for I ~ lbere, art -le' In ..... time .... Ill .last .... .,, m:elltils. pallld-but .dolnc It." be said wbll• ...nc. lbere ·an also ·-'< 1n • Ing out ol a film .lllR!IO oo '*'bouMS ,....... cuslGm· ' 127th Street near Manhattan'• ...,.... f ..... _,. • Ea.I Rlvtr. • made ..ills and, ColnC to ~ 4-i'• ~ al' "Cot· Fnnl'.• OWkoi'<. Ima_ too Comes to Harlem,• wblcb IOU! 1ood ...Uunol)·. In lbeit , belaprodudq,~bettleued • ' by United Artiat1 'CorporaUoo, Cadlllacs and limn, . lbt wsa &eWni reedy to br.U for driver run· In '°' hot ,,.... luneb, God/tly CamMidp and pie-lo, 19-" Ra1D)IPI st. ~aeques bid jUJt The sto17 of "Cotton Comes ttmplil<d bWting down a to Harlem," briefly, la !bat of doo.r. wllb sbotCuns a ad two llarit!m _.., Co1f111 be!Wtt'> shoiJu· or "Hold ywr •• -~ G .... -~ t •-".r ,J • <- A c.--.iiu "of War Bearing Ille body of their bleeding' cbmrade (Hal Landon Jr,) in this scQne from South C6ast·Repertory's antiWar satire 11We Bombed in New Haven" are (llom left) Bo!> Strickland, Jim Waring, 'John Macivic , Jam~ Ba x ~ s· and G.eorge Batcos. The show is becotnlng onf; of SCR's most s'uccessful and has been e1tend"11. (See Theater Notes, Page 26 )1 · ears. everynne!" and ''Cut. ~ · aiN rave ... ,..er ...... print!" be ..,,1a1ne<1 wha1 wsa lbe1r •Ue!DJ>b to lhwut • · Ente ... "'m· ers ,olng on. scheme of 61~erendu Dike 1.-LA Oriental Gal Sought By Film Producers Goldwyn looked 1101newblt O'Mllley (played by calvin out of pta:ce. He .... wearing i ....... ri> to swllldle local -Buy Motels, crumpled chinos, a b 1 u e _ ... .._.. wllb "'-~ to Brooks Brothm shirt ancl ·~~. • 1 - -----, ----------...,. ....... • , DAllY l'ILOl';Jl Gal Stage~ Lea.ms . · No fliz Like ~' n~';'Strybiz HOLL\'WOOD (UPI) -A few months ap .omeone told • Joan Granville J-the,. WU II million I yur to be ...... In lndulttiil lilcinc· "The flaulO -In my q:ilnd,"' tbe peUte, brunette (""""' acu.ss laucJ>ed. So lllie went Into lbe !>ustneu. Al beat! o1 Pacific ArilaJI, I Wes! -firm wblcb produC-ttl television conunettlsls, she' figured she hid lhe coatacu 10 lil1nlab in- duJtry with Went Ind fll"I>' for live shows spollllbllnc new products al nles meelinp and coavenUans, o r en- tertaining employees a n d customers at banquets: anil partleo. "'You know It used to be !bat bu~ would hcWl meeting after m .. Ung, Interrupted just by tunch and livened up by .one pretty gift passing out the literature,h Mrs. Jones Wi:I. "It's dlfferent now." She claim! there's a trend in Industry to use shew business meibods In softaell products Morley Signs HOLLYWOOD (UPI) ' and ldu$ to employees as well boW we'rt sbln to do JI,• sbl as Ibo public. uplilns. Her Industrial S ta 1 In g RAlcenUy she pill oa a ievoll -* of Holijwood ii for a Bani< ol Amerka lll'alldl pnpatld to fum< scrlpis, maoqm meelln(. original • on r 1, pert..,..,., Mrs. Jqoel coaciuded: bandl, balloool and Ulen !bat "We haven't riilde lbst flnt growl OD. cue. million.yet , Bui we're Woriinl ''If they have the idea, we on ft." ' Can ;et the tiltnt," ahe says.1~~-!!!!~~~=;;;~ "Or we •II! deydop Ibo-whole\ coooepl aod carry II rl&hl lhniugl> to· Production. We prefer the, latter -lt's more fun . · ""n>ey alve \IS 1 whole raft of their literature and we bring It bad< to our oJllce Ind study IL Wt have to loterpret their style. use their language. It's Ibo lllsidt joltes, '!htcb go over the best. Sometimes we . can brinc'....,..l!oe house wllh 1 joke 1\'ft1vdab'_t even get otirselvf'1·" ~ · Mn ~CR1' hires ex· pe~, p)"1tfessiona1I per!oriners ·Ind crew and stage. ber !hows Without rehearsal. So far there have been .. """"'· ••we work, with pros, that'! Veteran actor Robert Morley "•w •• ~ tllffllwl• ..... D91'1 Slllll'ftll, LA.,._ crescents. May·May ls tall for will play a weallhy EuMN>An • nn CO.UY io11u1111;1 ' • --~ "WE IOMIED IN NEW HAVEN"· a Chinese girl,#has tiny feet businessman in "How Did a hem-rimmed .,._.ae la tall A!rlea" --DeU .. ~ Pl Sh anc1 11enc1er w11b •lllJ!ltly ~ •.eoo a1 ~ .~--an ows araYlllB· ..00, ba1r and -bll1leqUe bUt "!"°" be, ... Wllh ooly six months to go and 111ks U1<e an !Vy wque ~et 1111 binds of Ifie money, FJIESNO (UPI)·-A new before lhe csmeras are slated professor.of Eqlish ilhoun (J.D. Caonoa). an ti· CDrpOratioo,compoetd of wide-to roll on MGM's ''Tai-Pan," "Tbb ftlm is a 'nrat," he cooyid. atea1s the eub" and a Jy, known lboW b u 1 I n e 8 s producers Carlo Ponti 'and 'd cltedl "It · based brei1Mteppln( chue lbftlull> petsonollUti today · purcbssed "" :; Iba y. ..~cw: lbe ~ llttela !Ullldem ""'tn>lllng Interest in Stand-MutiD' Ransoh~ in·_ l:,~~'liie.:°,:'! nine ol lbem emunL '1bi ._, Ii lilailiii il(il l!Oleli, Inc., owner of lhe IUaUng a world-wide talent in all and four mystery .in • ~ of ~-_In -tbe Fresno Md Indio, Hacienda search to find an Oriental ac- rtories, all featuring the two. ~ea-~ f~ ~-col· Motela. tress to ·play the feminine lead and Skin ""t Is pure 'white, Mee Girl Like You Get Into .., ,,...,..-K.a.t --....... ., "CATCH r · U1"' 1111 ·11 ........ IJW.nf.tim.... 'Jiff .............. , .. almost translucent. ,_,;Thls~~B~USllleSS~· ~·~";:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::~~-§'' '§g·g·~·~g:· g':;::'~~g::g·~~rg "·g"•gc·§~' i -4 "Tai-Pan·~_ scheduled to go Jr charactus that Godfrey and -.. _,e ~ 1w,io.;u ua: we uavor Tbe new motel managemeni Raymond play _ Coron Ed and unique lifwtyle of, group, 'ma.~ up of singer of Patrick Mc Goo h a'n 's Johnson and Grave Pigger Hartem la filmed. Frankie Avalon •. actor Cliff mistress in the film. Jones. I've bought tbt film "All of us Involved , with Roberi-.: and 'COmedian Doo Tbe producers' have asked before the cameras about February 1970. The sweep of lhe novel which was a best- seller in virtually every coun- try in the world, was com- pared by many viewers to that of "Gone With The· Wind." -" 'Cotton' (Godfrey 11--.....1 Adams, announced plans (or a !bat pilot ph r 0 . taJ rights to au of them. . , .. -:,,........_ ,1 mllllon renoyaUon of the ogra s o nen "Yes. I wppoee you could Ossie (Ossie Davll 'tfbo ii Fresno_ H.Oenda and in-women interested in portray-1;;;;:========;11 call them blaclt J 1 me s dJr«tb>I) are coovlnced !bat of l!Onds." he ntd, ducking 1 lb ... two ~. Coffin troductlan ol 1 new big-name In( May-May, lhe name lhe dble being swung ovtr his Ed and Onve Dfaer, 1re entertatnment Policy. character from James beadt ''bat there ii a .differ· &Olal to deUlht eYID thoae 1be group acquired ff per. Clavell's novel ·~Tai-Pan" be ,_,TbliMll<M• .ls ,...., -people w11o d!ln't ~ where ctnt ol Standard Moton stock submitted to MGM om.,., all ~,.. ... ,..,_. ~~ ._..._ --• llaritm 11." "-'-'-'-'. lOid. from Ibo widow of lbe late over lhe world. They will be 1""'·~·-:--r--.....,... z-.uu ...,_,. ... ,.._ Wairen "Doc" Bayley, at one :=.:=.~\.CC::=::'.:;= I Harlem lnlinar liui lllpatlclc ~ qold1'jn Jr. II, ii""""· time a Calilol'!lla and Nevada forwariled to producers PonU fµDDJ. Fqr eaunpJe, dlirlnl tbe son ot_~ ~1·"~ Sam motel and hotel cp'.eralor. and Ransohoff, production Positively End• Tuesday 1 ••· , "'• cbaol .• -a GoldW)'ll, ,fOWJder,,1111 co--of I t'fO:: ""6 -woe of t1IDe Of' M m,.. iue amount money n· beads of FUmways, Inc. ,,..~t~hlie}QQ_, WlfC!ll • tees hit. 0 r CIOe ,. e volved ·in the lransaction wiU Alter p-limlnary selection, .....m· Dill JIOOl)!i. fly, 'It's GeldWyn-Mayer ml llU PO:O-be rel···-•· .. m.•= ~ .• · it's "--·-it's duced I se.nts of ftlm3 m-not --until Oct. IO. a dozen possible candidates -:1 """ ~w.ui.y AvaJon, who will serve as blacU JaOgbirig at"tbe:mselves, clucUQg "&Un Wltb a GWl" direetor of entertainment for will be screen-tested by direc-sunethttlt all minoriUes have witb Robert Mitchum, "The the Fresno Hacienda, initiates tor Michael Anderson for the bad to dO to endure. Adventutes of. Huckleberry the ~lg-name entertainmeJJl fmal selection. , • "'nils is tbe ,ftrst feature Flm" and "'lbe Young nnUey with a three-day ,M, desc." ribed by·:·ci..v.JI, \ film to be made that~ Loven." -p;normanct begiilnlng Oct. May-Ma)' is · a l.stJl-e:wd~~d ' a&.i~-.ia. $0Ci:l1. ·a· doi:t . to Harlem" with bim ls hia 17.. The Fresno Hacienda is a ingenuous and astoundingly tlt6 life and tmiPo Har~tbe set ti "Cotton Comts 10. magnanimous Oriental, drolly Jlll!:hll Dd prbtP cans w-ol4 SOii, Frlncls fOUl!dinC 3lO-n>OID motet wilh a l,000-wtsel a ral. creitUre Tiitll an . . dii '.WtlWe rtdp6ents._ 'lbat'1 thirJI I~ of aat convenUon center: The oval face almond-shaped eyes ,,..,_ J-___ rm._· htli'· too Ind eVtry..,. lmowt Oold"JllS 111 1bt m o •I e Indio H1c;ie11da has 125 rooms. -wllb eyebrows that are perfect -. '1111\'ll! -~ , : ~;;I about ~-·Harltmo 'Ibis Is ~-:' J---'---~----'-:---.---·ft< "''-In="' -.,.11 '1¢ -" Crossword Pllzzle .A.CROSS 50 Et•'s 1 A dollar; "Yll >.? n•c·· s1..,.-• Co. .,r.ta 5 Leo ·5s Possessive formttlcns 54 ;r,J 111 P.to• death 5• l'unfsh In 14 lsr1ell etttaln •rf dance 51 Adorn 15 Show '2: Cond1telve 2• El'OllH •••Y· toc•e• 17 Bt In Wt" l Ftltnd Cbnllct -' .... •1 ;1ect 11 rt .. ovt of 111vtle ~ lllllttltl 69 Hl1tory ffOlll I boot entry .... 70 Ftlis 1, At-~ '" I Parade 71 Two word t ground toast &osltlCMI n Nett IS 20 lSCOYtr ~-: the prtttnct 2 WOfdS ,, 73 For ftar 22 Ptld '"'' I •tt•nt10n 74 ••••: 24 London ar11 s1 .. ~ 26 YtNlt.lt 75 Iring n111p 27-rOcl th•, .. , 30 Doorway 1tl'\ic:turt DOIN 31 It .. or 1 A.frlc1n ·~•o ~ rt-.ibllc mjlio ... 1 2 E•r )•Ion-: ftaturt ) .. --: I ' ; ' ·.1:;i, nnnnn llOf.1 ':10B!-Ji4 11Ll!·lllilf.Jnl.lll .]".JlJ&JIJ(I IJii(~{· .~'JITJUU lJnOrl(ill .:l'.JU.JWLll·JUU u1•or•tl ~LI lJ :l .J •Atllllf.l nor lor1 ' • r• • " 9117/69 10 Ollvt 41 Accont11t1 r="'" to ' .... 41 Jonathon 11 Rt1S1tn Swift for'" country IOU 46 1f1st on 12 l'trt•il'llng 1 wl~d rn~ '"'" s tru f!ttl .. G.•tl5 41 lord Of" ll Unwanttd , tlKlurMnl ~,.~ 51 sourt• or 21 ~t llOW:" In •lntral lrif'lhol 21 Movt Jn 1 5S vtr of ct•tllfl W1y Scot1111cl . 25' Kind tf '7. Plano ••r::m" SI f::01ct 27'U~~RAOI lt t••r' 5'-it<oll~ 21 City on tht Grut Llku llSS(Mltl •o r.;r,. 2 t I' art of ~ ·~Jfll'lllr&•rr\l;f-ffl i . . Yow lM•I Si..Mr ; ;~>!.,!!"'!---· I I "'ME, NATALIE', 11 a wanning, funny • and satl1fylng experferii:e."· · · -Ch11lt,.Cb•~1tll11, Lo• An1•!•'-Tl!fl•~ "'ME, NATALIE'; ci c~r." , 1 ' ' -W111fr.J llori~ ~ f1•rtl4~·&.~ln.t A SW9t ShepiR) Pl'oduction, . "'>WQ. ' ' ~«f ci:L 0 ". . ' . ~TIY JAA£5 ~ tlS4 . , NAf'CY ' , DUKE·FARENTINO·JENS·LANCHESTfR·MARQ-1.6ND . MARTN Mus< 0, "-t -· i,nc. 0,""' """*'· ();,...,.; 0, liod ~ in1BALSAM s.,_., ...... -•°'*"' c..i .. """ """'"'""· A N1l!Ol'lal Gtntrll Pktvrts PWoue. cOlor by Oelu•e. Jill:-=.~:-. Plus -AUDREY HEPBURN In "WAIT UNTIL DARJ(" ' P.lu• -GRfiGORY fl!CK ", . In "STA'9,KINO Y.\OON't.: · 1 -. ' ' ' LA$T 7· ~DAYSI EVERY FA'ffiER'S DAUGHTER· is, A VIRGIN! . . -OR IS SHE? YOU MUST SEE I • ~ .Ciood Mtnd 51 fl•cfost: I •i:rds .... ,~ .. llflull 11 e: 2; words IMl!lfttsla .... .Jl'''Gtt 11t111btr THE ORANGE COUNTY . PREMIERE PRESENTATION I °F 3t Httddrns 40 Ft1~r• of 4 Spo!,lits rln1!11 : 6l IUnd of • l'altlttt 5 Fellow JJ rt:if '·' r.l11orn11 ' b11lldlng •tMlltfl ~ •ell copnty 42 '"'''' '° '0tl(c 34 Ori · f Evttt1t ls . f't:''"'" . " 64 lftfllMI- 44 Join 7 II ttlc1I lttt F«ds •16n or: together I LM tno't 35 °'!• 4•1111 i' I• fottt • 1arct• '5 :irtt<y 6..1.MI IMltst· 9 ltn ot, cl'lort uni of ., of •olct pl1ygt0Uncl ll C«1ttftls USA aftcl 47 Not br••• of C111M1 • • 49 llntlng ·~'t I flO•lnaJ to~I 6l Flt• IOut'lf force "" • • \ ( \· -Plus-- Jene Fonde In 'Barefoot in the Park' ' Potltlvoly Enda TUltd1y •~cau..ofMv AIM -'l'ft* Min. lo ''Run Wiid, Rwn Fr*'11" 1 GOODBYE ' . , COLUMBUS I Men • m Service , BllktJ> ~· a ... 11 ... son of C.pt. and ·p.jrs. B a k e r Ham1ltori... Pf 1990 Glenneyre , l.ql.lna ~h, ls strvtna: wiUi 'fraln.ln(_~uadron Two at Lile Naval A.it ·Station, Whiling Field, .flo, A Naval Aviation i.nstructor, he wllfbe training Navy pilou ln the T·28 -'Trojan Trainer alrcraf~ ·~ a6n 's,t. Mel vi• L. Plum· ._, -. .o(. Lee Plummer ol 510'.ootl .si,, L.aguna Beach, has.lfeen i'ecognlr.<d for help- lnc h)s ·· unit earn t he AermpaCf!' Delense Command "A" Award. Sat. Plummer 1s a fUght lim¢ator technician in the Isl Fighter Win1 at Selfridge AFB,Mich. M-1. Harald D. Dale Jr .. · USAFR, Of 1870 Boa Vista Cir- cle, Costa Me.sa, has com- pleted a special active duty lour al Tinker AFB, Okla. The majoc served as a member of tbe Air Force Reserve team preparing special programmed writing material that will be used in training. Dale is pre.senUy counselor for the Anahelm Union High School District. Lt. Davld W. Braot. 26, son of Mr. and Mrs, David Brant of 2S1J Vista Drive, Newport Beach, has ~ assigned lo Vietnam ----with the 41 h Transportation Command. The lleulenarrt i! a property book officer w i l h Head- quarten Company of the com- mand. His wlfe, Christine, lives at IOI Sap(ilire Ave., Balboa Island. Atrmu 1.c. a.arte1 P. c:un, USAF, ton ol Mr. and t.1rs. Charles P. Clil( of 13451 Siskiyou SI.., Westminster, has been assigned lo D, u I u t b lnt.rnaliooal Airport, MiM. Tbe airman is an. air opera· tiom specialist of t h e Aerospace Defense Command. A graduate of Westminster Jf1gh School, he previously served in Turkey. Aviation Structural Mechanic 3.C. Kt.anetb R. Smltll. USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Smith of 182? Bultonsbell L.an<, Newport Beach, is serving with the Anti-Submarine F i g h t e r Squadron One at Naval Air Station, AYuneda. --Pfc. Robert H. ~ 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Finfrock of 2409 Saratoga Way, Costa Mesa, has been assigned as a repairman with the 1st Logistical Command, Vietnam. Airman Gregory J. Gardner, • USN, son of Mr. and t.1.rs. Maurice Gardner· of 3019 Zell Drive, Laguna Beach, ls i:;erv· ing aboard the atlack aircra!L ca rrier, USS Oriskany in the Western Pacific. EM.. Micbad D, Garland, USN, '°" of Mr. and Airs. William T. Garland of 1605 Haven Pm, Newport Beach, completed basic jet flight in- struction with T r a i n i n g Squadron Nine at the Naval Air Station, Meridian, ~tiss. He received 48 hours of night exprience in a Buckeye jet aircraft in addition to 200 hours of<lassroom in- struction. Lt. John H. Hintz. son of Mr aDd Mrs. Howard E. Hintz of %2052 Capistrano Lant, Hun- Un&ton Beach, has . b e e n awarded silver w 1 n g s . graduating from the U.S. Air Force navigator training al ~lather AFB, Callf. T h c lieutenant has been assigned to Travis AFB, Calif. for flyin~ duty on the C·l41 Starhfler with 1 unit of the Military Command. Spec. 4. Patrick H. Dougher· ty, 22., son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Dougherty of 645 GJenneyre St.. Laguna Beach. received lhe Bronze Star Medal near Din Dinh, Viet· nam. Spec. 4, 'Dougherty was presented. the award f o r merit.oriOUI serv1ce ln ground operations againM ho s t 11 e forces in Vietnam. J1e is a driver ln th e 8th Tra01portalion Group 's Head· quarters Detachmenl. Spec. 4 . John n . Edmondloa. 21. son of '-1rs. Robert Steinbroner Qt 11 Ania. Lido Park, has been assigned to Germany. Ha attended Newpo r t llart:IOI' High School before ealain( tbe .....ice. He had been staliooed al Ft. Ord belore his pt<Rnl Ulfgnment Ills lather, John Edmondson. If,.. ljl Newpotl Buch. TURN ON TV WlR litt!H ''" t11,.•d t .... h.1'1 ... ,,.11111, bthl11tl tk• Wit. -,...,., S•f11,tley 111 tk• DAILY 'ILOf. 0 1JJ I, 17tll St., Cut• W.. s..,pl ... C..tw, C..... Ml• • 10141 k.t.11• A". et l1clM-O.r4t1119l141 111•,.l:iit C.... ...... ... _ • '"1 ~--...... .,... .. ,..-..orup c--. ..... 0.. ........ e 1460 W. l4lltfW D4 Mtf• St.-1 ..... c..t., ktt9 M4 $1895 Valuer Svrog Lamps )o Dalla•• CyllM•r Sh•i• i .. Olt¥1 • Creek&. ·Gle11 SM4t "'.bi!Ni • S,..itith ""-hi ... . °'""" ... "'"'' 1. W•laut colM st~~ Enjoy sludrtt illumination where JOit want· ••• add chum and btmty.to living.er bed~ rooni, haltwiy, even the bath.~ from .f!. lllllrt styles complete with brasstooc chtin and haiiStr· ""99'!'P $5'5 Flocked Dot Ho·lr~on '\ L'adies' Dusters ' ' \ dottd Swiu Javiihed • ·11dth embroi.kred h re • ~~fi.BJ~;~:~ $399 or applique or crysial -'ir-.,-.'..J-' pltttiag. 4 put.els in 10 10 IS. $6'5 · 32-Gallon Trash Cans Ti9ht.flt litl1 ;\cw unb1e1lcablt $ KUal'llntct 111ainst plaHic "'·ith ' yel r 2'' m<k;,, " ·r';,,;,, . 1n norm• 111e, Built-in etrry htnd· Jes, snap.lock lid. s5u & S6'5 Values! . Chenille & Thermal Bed Spreads • • Dwbl• lol "" : Twi11 et $477 s 11 11 Alu111inum Folding Table Fili your ·1~; Drop Jcaf sl)·lc. o~ 1111 the "i1 ~eats 10 people. Slinlleam .$a•• Buffet Fry Pan Hl<lom• g;·"' .<o\'i .$1 s·· more cook 1ni: 5J)8Ce,. Even htAt dillri~tion. s1 49 Fiberboard Storage Chest D~rk "''llnut finishtd f 1~rl»ord swui11:e , box <'! uniltrbed dlt'St. s 100 I OOo/. <ottons or cotton·•nd · rayoa blends in Jtyk, color choke! Reg. s999 Record & Utility Cabinet 'D!Jnblc ,tturdy. W1I· nut or )..iaple fini5h, 5lidi.n~ doors. $814 S7'5 Value! Modem Hassock Bench "Brocade" pbstic co1·er in Jvorr, Brown, T•n· .i:crine. 20x1 ,x 14". s511 Lady Vanity 3 Speed 1tancl Mixer Jj11h1wci.dit but powtr• $666 ful portiblc/be.atcr cite· tor, heel 1~1. Avncado Reg. 19! ea. Cannon Wash Cloths • S•lid1 • Stri11ts,,. C1'tcb • lritth F1ut quality. I~ mlktr'i cott1111 terry .... m cloth$ ta .coloa fot~·(ry bathroom decor. ~ · luy J ·~ S.t• JJc 2 :25c ' s1s11 Glass Door Book Cases 1.288 Good lookitlJ boolc cur with ~011blt s!idiflR .al•• doon, .diuniblr c r 11 1 r r shelf. 791 Easy Off Oven Cleaner •••• 591 891 Liquid Plumr ••••••••••• 721 591 ea.~·~r:.=, Snail Pellets •• 2 •~ $1 Reg. 9SC Leaf's Malted ftilk Balls ~::~·79' 18 l't\ln(ft In 11utel,. nnr r1rmn tlul I 10 ~f1 10 Wl)rt. <..bocolat. CO•oertd crun,h~ f1von101 luy I e11tl S.•• Jk. C!111oten "'u h ''l t1il l1 d.:ol•t« e l7"4M .. •tl1Sf.etT•1t W•11e.....P1 1• ...... ........... ~_.. ............... b.c..... H II......... . • 1111~..,.~····•·c....r.c... ..... • 21111 ........ ~--·· t ...,.,...... • I • 73~·9orbro · Yitainin C ~,o11003.c • 100 ·,... --. 98¢ Borbro YitamiJt . B·l ., ... ,.,,;049c lSMt. ........... _,. .. .. , ..... ~ .,, 1 .............. ... ~ V• &. iottJe ef 1~ ....... tS,OOG Unit a.tH. 9f IOI ., 31cS1ccharla .... 191 SJ,19VHamlnl .. 591 ~PiJd-lottle llOPf?PYI . 39c Rubbi111. Alcohol 191 l•tH• OlyotriM ·Adult 25 51~ Suppositories,. 281 ~ ........ ,,lcWlt~'Hull .. 241 -. . . '°""' httle el 1 00 98c B-Compl11 ... 491 ler'N lotfle., 100 39c Aspirin ,, , .. . 191 6fc~....._.,,oo Buffered Aspirin.. 341 ~-I OuMi s.l11tle" ~.hltle _, 36 33c Boric Acid ... 161 28c Chlds Aspirin . 141 ~ .. ,..., ......... ' ....... lO-C• ~le Vitamin B· 12. 491 39c GIJetrln . . . .. 191 .... :a.ttt•lflDO 17 •. 61 1.u. l•..,_20.Mtl $2.41 Vitamin E .. ,$1 24 33c C1stor 011 . . . . 161 x\. 591 Pint Bottle Qf!;II? T ·D Mouth1'ash . ·-...... -~= ~:... 29c Mouthwash or Jl!Alt, milt$ mol;ltb ttste <ltaiict, ictl heafthicr. ,. • • 6pc. "!"llfiltJ 1',:-D·ONl,.AiRu,,&c; JHc. ..•..... 3"- $11" NOl'fllCO "Lady Shave" With Tn:i.vel C.M ,., ... ,} ~$-987 !a'>'!' OTC( $2,po in. Sale._ , , Trylon SIMQapao ' ,.,J,;., i,.:... M ... 39• .Concentratt in uabrcB. · , able 111bc. None fiou't I . ' Bathe'nGloBathOll A bea11tr uatmmt 1h.lt posibvtly c.nds dry~ I 39' 28 DAILY PILOT \\ltdnud<Q", Stplfmber 17, 1'69 e 131U •••U.. St. et w..r.....,.-w..._., C...ttr, Ger*• o,.. .. e NJJ w .. -.., .• ~ ..,._., W~luMI' • 11t61 • ....., .... ~ ••• ,,., .... ,, __ ............ to111pare To Otlltrs At $1.35, Lady Wilshire Seamless Nylons , ·Reg. 871 Everyday shades for (all. pr ~1-'+::~1 .. ~~,:,~ 69 c • 79 Budget Cantrace .. 63c • 99c Lady Wil•hire Pack of 2 Budget Pack Nylon• •. , . , ... 79c · • 99c Seamless Cantrece or 99c Seamless Agilon Nylon• .. 79c • 87c One Size Stretch Nylons .. 69c I Non-Glare Glass Photo Frames CJ9C to s2.79 Values! 1lich looking JOld finished met1! 57 fn.mes in dec:orzt0r c dcsill:IU • , • most popular sizcs-!117" 8X10 .. and 11114''. "'"·"'"'"'"""· .. non·wnish frl!DC!S. st Value! Box of 10 45 RPM Records • Decco • MGM • RCA • Mercury • Atlantic 1'11!!""* 59c ,,,-~§i l ..... M 10 ·~· y.• 101ds-20 currmt .. hits and ioldCP 'U> 20' oldies fi:aturin!' .,.... · -wo rld • f1mous utisb fot only !ISie! s7995 Value! Arvin Stereo Phono Fully1utomatic, I 8 plays all 4 speed!. 88 Comp1~ to those ~!ling d5eWberc for i 19.9)! ;3417 Portable Cassette Recorder Slill cac folda"1 hln· 'die. Jun 1mp in upe rutridse & flip record 1witdi! Volume ~u it· .. K1f 11.1t(lmlt.icallr. • $2897 lcidies' ·Acrylic Sweater Jacket ~-~i: J~c\:; i~~~c.'.A"'= $6Disco•9•' 'a"" •C?Jl ic, full fuhioned knit with V·ncclc, 1hir1 collar, j~cl nec:lc- plain and a.bit stitch design fron t. Ladles' Stripe Shift Dress wittt Mlf ~1lt 90% $ ;~';.!"· 391 nylon. Short s!cc-ves, scoop neck, ~!ZC'S Ladies' llJIOn Cardigans 100!'. 391 nyloa -rib-Wt Girls' Latest Bush Shirts l:i:one. $298 polyester 3'% cotton no-i rori f 1 b r i c. Whilt, blue & gold. S1zc:s 7·14. Men's No·lron Spart Shirts Di1eou11t Pri<t4 ~·r;~"·$298 shirts. Solids ... wo,m plaids. s.>.f-L. Eldon Rechargeable Electric Car ,. .... , ...... s29•s wide1 Stat. S1een: like a cir! Plu.1 in· to ••IJ kld- c.t -O•tr· niab t it'1 ttadr to ~· ••is n 'Tiiings ~42'5 Dragster Bike . Mon'll'tlll'I 6 ·. lourlien · Q,i ~Ii..;,, • "!h $1 o·· ..,.,. w;<h "" "!'' s3a•• T.mpa .......... y ·~·~ .. ~··:::· .. ·.~.!""" ... '"'.·-:.::.-.t.:"'~'::":.".::'::"~':.:''~·:.:'"':....::::::.._ "'-........ ,. hi-ri:ie h•n.dltbttl, Ci9~n · I.,_ Riice Set .. k. s2,, 0.11 .. ---------- 98 I ~Cotlttf..A.C.t ;, •:i'" •. ,· c """''l •hh 1;~ '13" I lti c ~.I cYllYtbiria l l'O'll ntt;! to nett Top ~aalltJ Qpn ,.. "' niape. -J'Oll.111 (or k:M .tluia 4c Qlim. Fmh MW" ahipmeM jut .. packed! •;;~ Gi Plusli Hipp In uu'd, <alon wi<11 '~~ $511 trim. Stard,. If••-• child can 1it on It to watch TV. Grtwiilg llalr Doll ldtal'• GtiJIJ .It~ ha ir th . .a.t C'lll ... s9•• C'Ol!lbtd, 5't •.• m1d1 to.,.vow frocn bob. Ideal's Tops Game ""'°" ""'"'' ' " s3•t .fpl1yu1 spin hi•pecd IOp&! -· , 4 PILOT·AD,YERTISU Wednesd.,, Se.Pltmber 11, 1969 ' • ... . - " ., .... , ; ~ , ~ \ ·-. ' ' ) . ·- ·-' f I • j i w......,.. •r~ ,,~'"' ' I I • ; ·• ' "".,. I \ .~eanut Butter Bfu~~ • ' Ta.sty Sack ·Lunches • • t ' ' ' \ . .· Still Mother's ·B~g' By JEAN COX' 01 flls Dllf)I •lltl Sletf ' Remember that kid in grammar school whose mother always fixed lier th\)se banquet~ in a bag? . r ~ ·Willie other kids looked sadly at their dried up bologna sandwich and jUiceless orange;, this child wauld pull out, from a seemingly bottomless s,ack. such delicaqies as Southern fried chicken, assorted sand.wiohes, vacuuin-bottles of hot fQ9!1. truii, hard-boiled eggs, German.chocolate cake •1111a a-giant,-jiiicy dill piCkle. , . Once in aw,hile she would toss a few 1ettover crumbs to the panting . •, rnob whfch surrounded her, saying regally, ···1 can't eat all_ of thi,S." ~ ' Of course, every cloud has a silver lining. Perhaps tb.i! Child grew up to be fat. Or perhaps she has 10 school-age children for wbOm she has to pack sack lunches. LUNCHES NO PICNIC Packing a lunch every day is no picnic. For one, it i&.bard to think of jmaginative food to put in a sack. . , Linda Fortune tackles thi s problem .five days a week when she packs enough fuel for Tom Fortune, DAILY PILOT education editor, to keep his 195 pound, 6 foot, 8 inch frame in running order until supper time. , Foi; this purpose he requires one peanut butter and jelly sandwich aDa: Ot!,e other-s..,ndwich each day. His favorite, Linda repoti,s is (don't ' ' , gasp) a Cjln_ of aQ.chovjes spread lovingly betWeen two pieces· of bread. Also > popular with Tom is sliced avocado on bread. . .After he poli shes off his sandwh;:hes, be...reaches into his neat bro"'" tick ~d pulls out either a vacuum bottlet of· Some hot 'Side dish such as chili beans, or instead, a cold item such as jello1 potato salad, fruit or cot~ tage cheese. To keep body and soul together he also has fresh fruit and a bag of potato chips. For Tom, this is the minimum level. According tQ Linda, he really ihould have at least one more sandwich , for he is underweight. FEEDING AN ARMY ~others with several children in school all cheerfully admitted that their children wotild fall off the lunch bench if they opened their,sacks and pulled out any delicacies like fresh shrimp or caviar sandwiche~. Mrs. ·Tristan Krogius of Laguna Niguel, who has six children, five o~ whom are alleodin' ~t. Catherine's School, said it's like fee\ling an an!)Y· "We liave a ve'ry particWar family and they dO riot all like tbf same kind o~ sandwich to take to school. I would rather give them what they like, within reason, than make them eat something they don't like." ,Lunches for the Krogius children usually consist of sandwiches. fruit, a cupcake for snacktirtle, something sweet for dessert and potato Chips. Their !avorit~ spreads are tuna, egg salad, cold meat, ~t beef and turkey. All of tbem.dls!ikll bolog)ll!. Once in'awbile Mrs. Krogius'Will send. them to school with !"!lover frj~·£h!\:J<en and,brl.Sil and butter sandwiches. However, she said, 0 f can't afford·to.g'et'fancy. In fact, if·I did~ they' wouldn't eat their lunches. All they really want for lunch is hot -do·gs and hamburgers." • . · ADD APPEAL "If ynu want to make sandwiches more appealing, You can a·dd torna:. toes or otiions," said Mrs. Roy Baughman Of Laguna Niguel , mother of four d:41dreil, two of whom attend Crown Valley Elementary Scho01. . For Lisa, 9, and Jeannine, 6, Mrs. Baughman usually·J)aCks .sand..,, 1Wiehes,made of egg salad, tuna, bologna, dried beef. or Jeftover-ineat,-pea.-D~t butter and jelly. In addition she gives her children fruit, cookies, .or pickagecl cupcakes and potato chips in a bag. · ' ' . "lt I feel like getfing really fancy. [Cut sandwiches into faCes;"·sa:id Mrs. Baughman. She said her children didntt care for fancy salads in pla s:. tic containers, (even though they love them at borne) because"they can't 'be kept cold enough. . She also mentioned that she always packs their lllnches in paper sacks and said very few mothers send lunches in metal lunch boxe$. ••1itey can just throw the sacks away," she pointe<j out, "It's hard enough to remember to bring home a sweater or coat let alone. a lunch box." · ' Mrs. l.ewrence Lizotle, who ,has three children at St. Cath.erine's School, says her charges all. are fussy eaters and don't care 'One brt for lunch meat. . Luckily the Lizotte children do like peanut butter and usually get' sandwiches made of that or fried chicken. ; · Identifying Umbreflas So rou~ •chool-age child o~n always idenUfy bis umbrella, .wrap a strip A>f ad· heSJve tape, with his name printed oo it, around the shall above the clip that holds the umbrella open. This handy hint works for grown-ups, too. • I Flemema_de Flavor p·acked 1 ·~- For !be cblld who ean\ '1"111• home at -, a po~ lllnch -bo jull II lq IDd """"-... l!lodi .. .. •lamlly kltdl<o. 'llouP: In tho =·~u:=~¥ Nutrlll~sts -I b a I lunch should plde Its lull Share of ~ l!o make the 18Ddwlch a ~ ..... - ··F,!Ub fn¥! ~ lo µ., ,. lundl bor. too. (llioC!llorty If·. fectloo .m~ ai.., ])l'011ae f pretty dessm). • With Ifie ..die.. 'v~ of soope you can mate, 'uamc condensed 5oup1 .. ttarten, luoch ciln be dllferenl and. dellcloua·doy after d~ . ~ recipe with ,real •JIPeal 1o tlie lllnch bunch eomblnes cblcbl\ and stars ooup, tqm.a· lo ·ooup, and -of all lfllolS- peanat ,butter! · Serve thJJ with an eu salad sandWicb, a layer of lettuce, a pear, and a 11peraonallzed" cup ~e. r Another favorite sta~ With ' chicken noodle-o's soup and gets . a gift of eut~up rran.kfurters. · This 50UP tastes especlally good willt a cream cheese and , jelly aandwicb, a fiqer salad or nw relishes, oatmeaJ cookies, and applesauce. STARRY PEANt11' BllTrER SOUP 1 can (10% ounces) con- densed tomato soup ~• cup peanut bulter 1 can .(101/a ounces) con- densed Chicken and •taro ·SOUP t soup can water 11,, soup cans water or milk Blehd lqmalo 00\IP and pe~t butte~;, add ·~aining soup and water. Heat; sUr now and then. Makes f to $ servings. FRANK AND NOODLV SOUP % frankfurters: sliced I tablespoon butter. or ' margiirine 1 can (l01h ounces) con- densed chicken noodle-o's 80\IP. 1 soup can ·water I tablespoon c h ., p p e d parsley Brown frankfurter slices In butter; add remaining in- gredients. Heat· Home News and Views ' ~-· .. HOT SOUP ADDS A HOMEY TOUCH TO LUNCH Appeal ., Safety Filling Sandwiches By DOROTHY WENCK morning. 0r,.,.. c_,., """' MY• Jt is best ·to use frozen ScbooJ:s oo! And mother ls ·'81ld~ within a week .or back in the kitchen making two after they've been made. Sllldwiche! for the lunch box To help avOid-·scfgginess, keep crOwd. , / , • saOOwJches 1awiy from side It can ~ a challenge to , ·walls aDd· •bottom or the come t1p :with a ·vatiety of freezer. If) tbay'te placed ln sandwich fillings whJch: ap-. eontact With ·metal freezing peal to your. Cbil{lren, are not 1 sUJ1~c~, iej! crystals form on too eXpeniive, don'f take too tne ·coldest ·sutfaces of the much tf¥le to .pr:e'put, and, . bread,. which: ,then beconies vei)' JmDorjatitiv, 'ilon1 Jpoil sow. "~en:d•lr.qsted. , or ~li!focid P.bonin1 during MY k,liid,cil bre!id can be us- GUrlalllleat wavea. "ed fcu: froZen sandwiches, but '"~~ areCositent.to rat ~y~41 ::~ -i!<''pn!fer~ble. j>wlUt .bull¢ l!lndwtcbes 'tlie 'l)ie bread<ohould be spread to 1ef.r .arourid.'· WJth; tnem ,.0.. the !Vttyiedge with butter or have' no prObitm: rwm but· inargarl_ne. (!'OF ·salad c1re ... ter I!' very mltrllloul, In-Ing) lo p~vtnt soaking of the ,exp;n.tve, usy lilicf·f!topo weU -bread with )he filJlng, at l(!Y temPerab)re:· On very Wiap aandWiCtiis in double hot !JQ!J l~ ,woU~J>e one of thic~: ·~ ·).dvy waxed your safest .cbokel.. · P~. ,plasijc~ wr~p. or fajJ. Jeni, and 'jam sandwiches Label as. to kin~. '11ten slip in'· keep *'n and are also easy to heavy plastic, bq:s or into a and' iM~IVr.•But they are plutlc or metal 'pan with a. short On nutrWonal Value. All cover.. lt!s bielt.-to wr&P' only . they provide are ~Ories from · .. me : kind of sandWicb in a tho 11Upr."1"' ~need pro-,cpaqage .U ,flavors tend lo leln In !hell' '!unCb, which 111ty nilnil~. • -..a\ially get ' only tn th;lr ' S<Jlne ''8ndw~ch' fillings that sandwlclk.on a jelly sandwlCh 1 freeie well' art:1alfced cbeese, day, YPJJ .Jl)lgh~-add, for pro-cb...., .~ -and · tteam tein,-. ~·cotiked •n (atlll c!>eea•.-sllitd,or goond cook-in the ,attf!tl lijr·ibist \eeping fed meat, sliced ·Pq1Jlb"y (chick- quallty), or a piece of cbee.~e. ' en salad ·lplda W darke,1)1 Qsh SAFE FllUNG .. sµch . ·U t.Ji11a. or salmon, ' . luncheon' tne.ats, 'peanut but.. • Cheese sandwiches, w1lh ter cooked egg •yolk (white · sliced cheese or ch e ea e geb tough). Plck1es, olives, · spreads, are toy to make and cat.sup chill sauce or salad would no1 became unsafe on · cfrtss1~g can be u5ed In OJI, bot cfa1s. -' ' Inc•· Other kinds or P·f o .t e I n ·Some ingredients w •VQ:i.d in sandwich fillings -tuna or frozen sandwiches are : Jelly, egg salad, luncheon meat. left· which makes th~ bread soggy; { over cooked meat .or poultry , ra1¥ vegetables auch as Jet, such 8J a roatt ~meat loaf or tuce, tomatoes, cucumbers .:... · chicken sala~ COuJd become these get , limp; and mayoD- ... u~afe if .tJte ~lches .were nai&e, beciuse ttie oil tends to , ·•tored in a hot place (like, a i&eparate.. locker in tl)e sun) ..,ir moinll\1- -One•solaUon lo tlils proble'm QUE 8 TI o N • -,. •& Is IA>P\lt,a•plalllc cootainer 'ol ' • "~ ~ ~ frozen -auch .. .AllKf.lll ' • fruit Juice -fit fhe lunch .box. Q. l~l"childllen• love 111dish . lunch· box ilem. Do you have &uch a recipe? A. YeS we do, and you'1! rigQl -honey milk balls would be a high protein ad- Assemble Ahead dition lo a lunch -better. than cookies or other sweets. The recipe is simple : t,; cup bom?y, 14 cup peanut butt.er, l cup nonfat dry milk, 1 cup crushed cereal flakes. Mil: di:, mill<, peanut butter and honey, Fonn into small balls • wtila hands, roll in crushed ·ceru.t, chill until firm. ' Thi! wUT ~\Mr rest iof the l,IDdwichuY liluUtred1bread, IUl\Cb cold ,.' ,lt deitolta: 11 tblclt»llctf'o( r1111iah and salt. jOuf '*'1d .-his lunch In DO tbele baf.e :1)1Uclf, of any a big matead 'of In a fuoch food ~alut!,-Caiild they be box -m., a·-te lmulattil frozen . ·-· ~ ' • ' "" . d 0 I• ::~:wrn btlp keep the lunch 11~c'.~1·::.~"l.~h.:,i; · ;_) .. c·pre·a · i ng · · lit I me Fllut!NG A "IREEZE---ocl? on protein !• , tho ~ Another solutioo II lo make •a(ldwich .. 'l"'Y'l'I should IJ>.., fhe lilpdwicbes Jn advance apd ~ ~ O~~~!"f ,of J'!"'. I School d~ n\orn!ngs CM be ~hole Wh~at, rye, 'thinly sliced fA!IM, them.. It wm take the wir:lftk -UAt win....,.. tit ulrd t more than bectlc if 'Mother French, or homemade 'clteise fnllen ~ a <:OoPte coo ed 'ff--their )WICbeJ has 1o,~le sandwich ; ... · b""ds. - l'1lin fl) del""'l llnd this would :: day,!, WJlllld,~11 dish i!<dlents among her oilier • CHEE-LOON A BIJl\GEllS extend, their ... pin, llme on 1 Y"'! -rl ~ " mo':'Jf!'g. duties, I cup Cbeddar Chee8e, boti dl)'t. aandwlchei.. n.atns ' like 'Mdthert ~e:an Prepare this gtaled Ff'e!W!l;I AndWlches ,can other freah ·v.ea:ellbles, Jost mixture the day before for '' pound bologna, ground alsp be Ulpl aavlna. You can their crl@~ hi,the freezer. ea111 mon\lng' sandwich 3 to t tablespoons mayon· mUHm>duc::e a variety ot Q, OM UrM l''tuted 1: "cin. preparaUon. nnise aabdw1ches;wrap them, freeze dy" made from honey, dry N'8med Ohet-logna (Cbeefie I tablespocln prepared them and then brteie through mUk and peanut butttr, This and Bolopa) Burgeni the mustard luncb·packiDg lime Jn the setm.s like a good nuU1tlous spread aoes deliciously on 2 lftble~poons pickle relish, , drained Bulter . . • I bamfl<ll1F buns Combine Orsi f 11: 1 •i. gre<ilents. Sp)tt bun3 and spread bbth sides with buUor to the edge> lo ~t tho mixture from soaking tll'911_.. Spread Ulling ~ botlOm halt of buns, replace top. Wrap In waxed paper or a pl..., Wt<lp. ' l I [ I l w....,.,, s..t-11, '"'' • Lo9uno Beach Ceremon Susan Thomas Weds , Wearin& tile i'"'1 ullil . -------., 11 yo-. .... - I ADlle Tbomu .. ....... • lo tho altat of II~ OOnpepll<mal Cllordl of La- -·-lo _,,. tho bride ol Stoa M. '<Gontoa " Bo"'1Jlllllo.. ' Tile .... Phillip Gnc<r1 .. petformod tho .... _ llak• 1111 the d ... ol Mr. and Mn. WUllam 'l1lomu III ol ":! 1.a:, andof thee:.;: lllils and Mr1 llany "'-of • ()aklNMf To completo her bridal .,.. amble, tile ..,. Mn. GanfOll .-.-.i1q111 ..... tiila and ..med I -of .mite ~ °"""' and boby'I brutll. Mn. Chad Wozniak, the ma""' o1 11onor mm Santa Barbara, ware I floor ltfWlh navy blue llilk ..,.. and carried • --of flowers in many colon. Ji'Jn- ers and ll'l!eD vdvd ltrum- en -her balr. -. -ldeo-tlcally, ...,. tile lllDel Mary Stead ol La&una Bud>, J ... ice Elople rL JUvenlde, st.pl> -Crilly ol llnrport -and Carol lllrtunian of Los Ancela- .... MRS. CRAIG BLAYLOCK LuV•• Honey...- Westmiou.tJ __ Riles • Wedding Pledges Mad~ llllboo "1lnd wll be jJocno lw ....,1ywtd Mr. and Mn. GecJrie L. Lubboct. Who ... ......., wtddlng ~ at tho lillar o1 the w-ipoler l'r<!lb)'terlao Cllirdl. Roadfnc tile -~ "*' lyaf-m.. .... 1111·11n. Hlr!J": ~ Eberts Jr1 'llielrile, lbe fdrmer eon. .,. Ellen Murphy, Is Iha dlu&b'er of Mr. and Mn., Gerald l.. Murphy ol Newport lleadl, and lbe bridegroom la Iha .... ol Mi. and !In. L<wls L. l.abtJocl ol Alladeoa. Elcorled "' the altar by her fall>er, the bride chose • silk orpma gown wttll empire liaes and a watteau train. ---bands ol pearls .. her tllort &l<eYol, .,..,.. collar and bodice bcnr: A headpiece ol, lift cqama l<;aveo edged ID pearls caught a bubble of IDllSioa, and bar bouQuet wu a cascade of wblte """'· stepbanotis and pink carnations. , . Pree.ding tile bride "' lhe altar were Mrs. Michael McNemey, sister of the btide, who was matron ol honor, and th • bridesmaids, tile Ml .... Ami Richanlsoo, Cind.Y Lub- bock, Kolby Tmlo, Debbie Murphy •114 Ka!by Mort!an. Mlchael McHenry of Pbot- nlx .... -.... wlzUe -W yf Ch I S w. niomu. lbe bride'• -a arers ape cene f!!r cl Laguna Bach WU an Floor leogth gown., of pink chiffm with kJDg p u f f e d slttves and A.noe akirtt and booquets of white dabies and pink carnatioos were selected for the bridal atteodan£r. Serving 'as best man wu Greg Lubbock, brotller of tile bridegroom. and as ushers, AUan Nakken, Terftll Smith, Joey Morri.1 and Lewis Lub- bock, also a brother of t h e bridegroom. MRS: STAN GORDON Los Angeles New Hom• --MRS. DAN JAMES MOSS C1rmel Honeymoon Nuptial Vows Recited ' In Huntington Beach Finl CllrUillan Church, Hun- tln.&U>n Beach was the setting for the l>JpUala Unklng Ellen O.wn Worthy lhd Dan James Moa, both of Huntington -Parent5 of the bridal couple are Mr. and Mn. Nonnan Worthy of Hunllngoo Beach and Mr. and Mn. Louis Mou o( eorona. Officiant was the Rn. 'Ibomu W. Overton. The bride, civen ln marri.-.p by ber father, wort an A-line I. ptaU de soie aown. featuring lace pantl lnaerta, a mandarin collar and a chapel train. A. matddna fabric bow held· her iUu*ln veil, and lhe carried ~ orcbJds and stephanotts. Bullar, the MWes Darlene Born.<, PaUy Emmort, Sharon Ne.ff and Gail Bullar and Jef- frey Scott Worthy. . Followinl a honeymoon trip to Carmel. the newlyweds wiU m.ide in Hunlin&ton Buch. The bride is • graduate o! Hunting1oo Beach Hlgb Scbool and Orange Coast CeUege and now is majorine In physital education at Calilotnla State College al Long Beach. Her husband Is a graduale of Corona High School. Pi· cine Christian Collqe, South· wett.ern Seminary and Azusa PaclOc. He now ls serving as YotJth minister at the First Christian Church . Party Gathering usher al<qf -Alan cu-ol llollywood, stevon Mo,.. ol Bnmwood and -llemoo ol Van Nuya. Fono..tnc lbe ...,.._, 300 gueoiJ mjoJed I pnlen ,_ llon boated b1 tbi bride'• Pl" eata. YeDow canopleo she~ ....... guests from the ..... and Freocli llaraJ arnntf""""ls -the DWIJ t.bleo. Spodal gbelll •ttendlnc ... dude Mr. and Mn. J .... J. Kresldi ol Lao AngoJeo, the b r id e's mallrnal a;randpar· enll; WUUam 'nxllDu ol La- SUDI Beach. her paternal uandfllhor, and Mn. Mallie G o r d o n. the bridegroom's graodmotber · f r o m 8em'ly Hills. Also present were W. G. McBratney ol Momvvia and Mrs. Jody Ut>bam of Laguna Beach who had been honor attendants when the bride 's parents were wed. The new Mn. Gordon, a third generaUoo californian, WU graduated from Lagu111 Beac6 Hlab School and attend- ed lhe Uruveroity al Call!ornla, Santa Barbara for two yean before completlng her under- graduate studies at UCLA. Currently ahe ii In graduate acbool at UCLA where she is majoring In elementary edu- ctticm. Her husband, a graduate of Beverly Hiiia High School and UCLA now ls 1ttenct1ni lAw ScbooJ 11 the same uruver- olty. The newl,....U are boofy, 1MX1ina in Puerto Vallarta. They wtU make Lao Aqolel lhefrnew1-e. Las Vegas Setting For Rite In a almple, quiet ceremony perfonned ia Lu Veeu. Susan l"1uth became the bride of Git)' Allen Newton. The bride, doulbtu o! Mr. and !In. Cbrlstlail J. Fautll o! Newport Beadt, WU alv<n In mart1aat by her fat&er and was atlended by her ml<r, Mrs. Pattick Greene o r Newport Beach. Tbe: nnr Mn. Newtao wore I pale green sblft Wilh matching vtil and carried a booquet of •prlnc bloaoma. Her hUsband, !Oii of Mr. and Mn. Robert J. Newlon of Arcadia, uked his brotlltr, Ronald Newton to be lu. best man. A reception for 30 close friends and relatlvn followed In the Landmark Hotel. Tht newlywedl left on a honey· mooo to Lab Tahoe and will establish their first home ln Temple City. Jn a delicate pink gown and carrying pink roses was Nan- cy Wolbert, maid of honor. while brighter pink towns were selected for t h c bridesmaids. Becky, Susan and Amy Worthy. !he brim.•s Wten. They carried ident1c<1I bouquets. Atteod.ing 11 best nuin "a~ Engagement Revealed -Joel Moss, and ushe n. were John Koekkoli Jlift Irby, Oa\c Bun!. Don Hinkle, Tun Cook and Mike Mol:IGG. C&lldlellght· .... ,,_ Jim and Jelfrty i Wcrthy, and ~ WU Dick ' LoQtul. r A _. followed In th• 1.mo.itli!p Ball where Judy. Linda ll!'d , J .. Lynn Worthy j presided It the flUll!I book. • ~LO >''f' tile Mme!. '!q""' Emmert , O r v I II t I-Janson, t.ta1 Willel and Jkk The enaqement of Beverly Joon Scott and Gilbert la Him wu announced dw1na a fa mily &Jtlluilll in Simsbury, Conn. Parenls of Ute betrothed are ~trs. Leonard J. Patenaude of Garden Grove and the lete Air. John W. Scott and Mr. 1nd ft.tr1. Gilbert A. Hires of Costa ~ies1 . No d11te for the wedding has bctn set flllss Scoll, a &r•dulle of Gorden Grove Hiii> Schoo~ will rectlve an AA delf'tt from Dr•nae c-t Colle&• In lhe sprinc. Siie Is I past honored QUfflt of J 0 b ' I Daught<rt, BctJiel21J. Her 0...., 10 alumnus ol Estancia H\&b Sc!bool and occ, now is eanur-..1111 hll education In bualness ad· mlrilltnOon 1 t Calitnnlla Slate College al Long Beach. Of Nuptjal Ceremonies Durtng ~ Qlldlell"1t ....... cemnoay In Wayfarers Cllapel, ~ Bend, CbrisUno -became the bride of Cni, Blayloc:t. Panota ol the bridal CDJple are Mn. WOU.-Blaylock Jr. ol FOlllllaln Valley and tile late Mr. Norman E. Godbe aQd Mr. and Mn. Wallace Bboylod: Sr. ol Rossmoor. 'lbe bride wore • formal silk organza gown appllqued with Freocb lace and seed pearls. A jeweled headpiece he.Id her tiered veil. and forming her cascade were white l"OltS and stephanoti.s. Her entourage included Mias Barbara Brandt ol Alhambra, maid of honor; the Misses Kathy Davis of Nort.brldge. Heidi Lyle of Costa Mesa and Margie Wisdom of L o s Alamllo$, bridesmBids; and M I s s Tami Murachver of Cyp~. junior bridesmaid. They wore burpndy vtlwt and lilac saUn gowns and car· rled pint roses. Attending as best man was Jim Rawlinp ol Lakewood. and """" _,, llooglas Godbe ol Fountain Valley. the bride 's brother, Jed Donahoe ol Loog Beach and Greg Gripenlrog of Long Beach. A champagne reception took place in the San Pedro Elks ctub where Miss L I n d a Blaylock of Garden Grove, the bridegroom'• coos.in circulated lhe guest book. The newlyweds are hooey· mooning in Las Ve,aJ. The bride is a graduate of UCLA and is afftliated with Delta Gamma. Both are at· tending California S·l a t e Col!ege at Long Bead1 """"' the· bridqroom lr a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon. San Clemente Rites Pamela Kaelber Wed Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Cb u rch, San Clemente, wu the Jettlnc for the midafternoon ct~y unlUng Pamela Mary Kaelber and David Howard . FonUus. The Rev. WUUam Hollinger 1Dlemn!Jed the doable ring rites. The bride and bridegroom are the daughter and son of Mr. and Mn. Frederick K1elber of San Clemente and Mr. and Mrs. Ow1e1 lt Fon- tius ol. Corona del Mar. E!corled to the altar by her father, the bride wore a Ion& ivory utin gown. Her Uncon lace veU wu caught to a Jullttte cap decorated with lttd -la and her bouquet was 1 cascade of wblte baby "*' centered with an orchid. --MRS. PONTIUS Berkeley Home MRS. GEORGE L. LUBBOCK Balboa Island Home The newlyweds re ce Iv ed their guem In tile Call!ornia Country Club, Whittler, wh6': the guest boot wu circulated Former Harborite Marries Transfiguration Church, San Jose waa the settin1 for the marriage linkine Janet Gallo and John Colby, a former Harborite. The bride, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Fortini J. Gallo Of San Jose, was given in mar· riage by her father. She wore an A·lioe organu gov.·n with lace trim which featured a chapel length train. A bouvardia headpiece beld her bubble veil and forming her bouquet were ll'bite l'Old and Wies of lhe valley. by Mill Kaly Murphy, c:ousln of the bride. After the reception the cou- ple I.raveled to Carmel for their honeymoon. The new P.frs. Lubbock was Miu Snunne Gallo was her sister's maid of honor, and aerving as: bridesmaids were " Miss "Marianne Gallo and Mrs. Carol McLeroy, both mters of the bride and Mrs. Carol Marini, the bridegroom's sister. 'Ibey wore _.age green gowns and carried white roses. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mn. W. Colby o! Sant. Cruz, wed iu. brother, Bill Colby nf O..goc, Wis., "' be ll'l:• his best man. Ushers were Clll{ !rown1 Casey Olinger and David Dickenson. A reception for 200 guttls followed in the gardens at the home of the bride's parents. graduated from Newport Harbor High School and af.o tended Orange Coast Collqt. Her husband, a graduate fl Pasadena High School, ai.. tendP.d Pasadena City Coller• ·--After honeymooning along the Southern CalUomla coast. the newlyweds will reside In Ashland. Ort. where both at· tend Soutbern O..gon CoUege. MRS. JAMES THOMAS BOW! E R1cltea Pledges The bridegroom is a graduate of Corona del Mar High Scbool. Marilyn Davis Weds We~ in& a Ion& mint green line1 dress was Miu Robin Jtaelber, wur o! the -wbo wu maid ol honor, and in matching yellow gowns were the bridesmaids, the MJases Ginger Stevenson, Candy Mar and Kim Marie K.aelber, sister ol the bride. December Weddin9 James T homos Bowie John M. Fantiu.s, brother of the bridegroom, served as best man and ushers were Terry Thompson and Fffi!erict 'Kleiber, brother of the bride. August Kat.I her, another brother, wu the rinc be1rer. Followlnl the <eremony the newlyweds recelYed t h e I r gu..ts In Sbofeclill• Country Club, San Clemente., w~ the guest book' WU clrculaled by MJss Gail Clever. Special pesll were P.trs. Frederick KaeJber ol New York, grandmotber of tile bride. IM Mrs. H\Jjh F. MICkit, th e bridtCJ"OOnt 'I .,...imocJ>or. The newlyweds an maklna their home In 11ert101t7, wllere both atlend the Unf•mttr of CalllomiL They ~ in Mammoth. 'Ibe new Mrs. FonUu.~ was (l"•dulted from Mater Oei High Sc:bool and her husband. I (l"adu1l.e ol Newport H1rbor Rigb School, sttended UC!. Betrothal 'Announced Mr. and ?i.1rs. Tbomas N. Kier dioclosed tile betrothal of their daughter, K.alhleto Anne Kier to Raymond Parks R<R duriq: a party given in their Corona de! ?ita.r home ror relatives ind cklae friendl. A ceremoay 11 belna plllll1ed for Decanber tn st. Andrew's Pmbyterion Cburch. The bride-elect la a 1raduate nf Corona del Mar lll&h Scbool and bu Nalved dtlrees tram Orlnp c-t College and Cali!omla SI.Ille Colleae 1t Fullerton wllere she mojottd In IOdnlO(IY. • Her future ~. IOll ol. Mr. and Mn. JOD1than Rote or Sant. Ana. ailO srldulted from Corona d<I Mar High SchOO and attended California Polytechnic SChool in 5an 1A.tl1 Obispo. He r<celvtd h I s bachtlon dtcree r' 0 111 California State Colle1t at Fullerton, where he majored In polltlcil science ind w11 A member of f>ht Kappa Psi. He KA'n!LllN K!Eft ...... Is cwnpleting Navy officer's lnllnint at Pensa('OJ1, Fll .• and will continue Oil with n11ht school. Durlne double ring ceremonies performed by tile Rev. Dr. Qlarles H. Dieren- field 11'1 SI. Andrew 's Presbyterian Church. Marilyn Jo Davis became the bridt of James Thomas Bowie. Tbe br1de, daughter ol ~tr. and Mn. Roy F, Davis or Cott. Meu, wu given ln maniqe by tier father . She wore a peau de sole A·llne gown, featuring 1 lace yoke, sleeves •nd train. A fabric fl«•I headpiece cauaht her ii· 1lllkln veil, and formini her cucade wen white alamellas, Geotptte cbiUon over baby blue t.aftet.a pwns Y.'tre worn by Xatliy 'Clark of Tustln, mald of honor, •nd the br1dolmaldes, Katlly Ricl11nll ol Gard<OI, llabbl Porter o1 Newport BMcb, Th • re' a Gollop o! Ojai and Marilyn Ftnch of Newport Beach. The honor allcndanl c•rried a cuc1de. or bl11c and while carna.Uon1 "Ith baby'11 brealh, while bridesmaids canied bl11c c1matlrm1 •Ith bnby's breath . The brlde1room. son or ?.1r and tt1r1. James ?t1. Bowle et Fresno, .. ked Greg ~ of Romnoor to be iu. bat ma n. Ushers were Jlm Camerol'I of P11aden1, Sttve Ulrich ol tt1oorpark, O o n Chldwtck. Alameda and Dave Booker, Downey. Kevi n ClarUan of san Gabriel WU the riq bearer and Shawna Saoee:DI)' of Costa Mua., flower slrt The Elu Club, Malttlm WU the setUnc for a rectptJcm where lhe newlyweds ~Id 3CXI well·wlshen. After heneymoontne alone tile nortltern cout. t h • newlywedo wtU reotde In Lorc Beach. The bride ii I l'l<fulle of Newport Btac:h Hl&ll 8chool and °''"'' Cout eou,.. ..,.i no\lt' ll _ IWdyiq It CIJllerlala St.le College at Lore - where •he is 1 litUe -ol tile Golden Hearta. Her husband 11 1 ara<tu•te ol Bullard Hilh Sc:ltooi Jn Fre1no and 1iltnda CSCLB where he Is affiliated with Sirma Phi Epsilon. • J ' ~ fsl an br ....._ ' A tile goh LI - ~ cla: y~ Se~ --;.. ,m ' l • Wtd111scby, Stpttmbtr 17, lM DIJlV '1LOT lJJ Chapel Scene~ <:?f Rttes Ne~l~«!ds Reside Ferndale W~ng Chapel, Qranae Cout College. Her The ncwl~eds · are booty- Stoll: Ana Wu tbe aetlln& (or hUJba.nd a it.ended the moonina in r1 or t be r D In Canada a marria,. b.t,...n Mn. , .·=U~Jll:;•:;U1:;i~l1~.o1;;::Te;:;us~.~~~~Cali=·iiirornt~•ii,ii•iiiii:iiiiiiiiiii~ Cheri Lyn Foolea of Corooa I; Ir<ne X.tl\tyl\ Dralle, a former Newport BelCll .. 11. dent, and Dr. lllcbor4 G. AW.00 of Monlml ..._mar- ried lo Lu V .... and -Y· lllOOned at Niagni. Follt prlOr · to relf11111nc tJ> 'Mootu~ _ ' The bride, daullhter <I Mn. Lew.ii E. Misterly ol.,• Hun· . li1lgtoo Beach and the' late Mr. charles O. 'Drake, -is-a graduate ~f Newport tllarbor !Ilgb School and or..,. Cpast College. She at lend' d Califomia Slate College at loog Beach and now is continuing her .gtudies at ~-George Williams Uoiverslly, Montreal. JUDITH LATIMER To Sey Vows del Mar and Raymend C. Maler Jr. of Orange l"'rlom> ed. by the Rev. Dr. Gerald . 8'811 Ja9l Saturday allemoo!I. For the "eddl!li the daughter of Mn, Edward Unhart of Corona . del Mar ' wore A=n eown ftihlooed with' ern dered daislea on the I'!' · ·and carried white daisies wrapped In white and yellow sattn streamers. A cluster of flowers crowned her shon veil. Mis~ Natalie Distaso, the brid&'a sister 1'11 m a i d of honor. She wore a floor length turquoise chiffon eown and carried daisies and .yellow .and white carnations.. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Her hi.lsband's parents are Dr. and Mrs. Gerard Allison of Winnipeg. He .earned his BA. "BS and MD from ~ Universi· ty of Manild>a and now is ' • completing a ruldence in Betrothal News Told At Buffet Raymond C. Maier of Pontiac, Ill . asked Richard Perndei-gast of Streator, Ill. to be hen man. Ushers were Robert Distaso, the bride's brother of Corona de1 Mar and Phil Orland or LI Habra. .. . At· the Governor's Bafl Among guests enjoying the festi~tles of the Bicente_nnial Governor's Ball in the Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, are (lei! to righl) Mrs. Peter Fluor, Lido lsle,~Gbarles Tuffree and Mrs .',S. James Tuffree of Balboa. The thfee were UnOng other countians attending as part of Orange County Bicentennial cele- bration. · ·100 Offered YWCA Lists Classes Anyone inlerested in "doing their own thing" will have a golden opportunity at the San- ta-Ana YWCA this fall. More than 100 different classes wi!• be offered al the YWCA beginning the \veek of Sept. 22, open to men, women . . and teenagers. Included in the class list are sewing at all levels, paUern drafting,· gounnet cooking, candlemaking, s t i t c h e r y , tapestry, boutique sewing , knitting and cake decorating. Members Visit Site Orange County H a r b or Legal Secretaries Association will meel in 'the headquarters of the Foundation lor the Junior Blind, Los Angeles, tonight. Nonnan Kaplan , director of the foundation , will lake the members on a tour, explain the recent summer camp pro- gram and demonstrate the facilities. radiology· at the Montreal General Hoopllal. Betrothal News Told The engagftnent of C.Olette Reed and WlUord H. Wright Jr. bas been announced by Mr. and Mn. Billie B. Reed or Hunlillglon Beach, parents or the bJide.t<H>e. Miss Reed, a member of Zeta Tau Alpha sarolrty at California State College at Long Beach, passed chocolates to reveal the news to friends. The couple plan ta be married Oct. 3, in Sts. Simon and Jude Catholic Church. The bride·elect wa5 graduated from Huntington Beach l;ligh School and her fiance, who attended Orange Coasl College, now is serving as an Army paralrooper at Fort Bragg, N .C. He Ls the son of Mr. Mrs. Willard Wright Hollywood. aod or A large floating heart in- scribed with the names of Judith Ann Latimer and Michael William Schloessman of Beacon Bay revealed the news of their engagement to family and friends attending a buffet dirmer hosted by Mrs. Charles R. Latimer, mother o( the future bride. Mrs. LaUmer, of Beacon Bay and Ontario, hosted the poolside gathering in her Ontario home. The bride-to-be, also the daughter of the late Mr. Latimer, was graduated from the University ' of Southern California with a major in mathemaliC!. She served as president of Gamma Phi Beta sorority during her senior year. Her fiance, 110n of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Scb.loessman of Las Angeles, was graduated from USC with a degree in business administraUon and served as· preaideot af Si1ma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. Following the ceremony Mrs. Bud TapJan circulated a guest book amoog '8 guests attending the church rece~ lion. A champagne reception in the new HunUngton Beach home of the newl)'Wed.9 follow~ ed the church recq>tlon . The new Mn. Maler is a graduate ol Newport Harbor High Schoo) .and attend a Women Count Opportunities • Opportunities for women t~ day and in the future will be discussed by Dr. Genevieve ~lack, guest speaker for the fil'1t fall meeting of AWARE, International in the Revere House, 1l>8lin Friday, Sept. 19, beginning with a 1::1> p.m. social hour. WE CARRY NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS: Van Hue5en Shirts • McGregor Sportswe•r • Lancer Shitfs • Berdon Shirts • Jantzen Sportswear • Turtle King Knits • Puritan Sportswear • Shapely Shirts • Interwoven Hosiery • Keepers Hosiery • A-I Slacls • Horris Sleeks • Rough Rider Slacks • Asher Slads • H1gger Slacls • Timely Clothes • Segner Clothes • Le Royal Clothes • Rough Rider Sport Coils CARLTON'S FINE MENS CLOTHING 0 011 't try l\1ore are oil and pastel pain· ting, painting with paper, .a beauty clinic to demonstrate makeup techniques, f-a c i a I izometrics, guitar. Spanish, skills and comprehension for grades 2 through 9, Arrangements for _ the visit ~.-_..,·~ wv g m m•• lo the gi-oup's philanthropy were made by Mrs. Annabelle Roberts, chairlable projecl <..'hairman: Miss B a r b a r a Klimkiewicz. vice president and program chairman, and Mrs, John C. Salyer, vice president. No date has been set for the wedding. Dr. Stacie ls a coonselor at Fullerton Junior College and teaches al UCLA and UCI. She also lectures at California State Colleges at Fullerton and Long Beach. 270 E. 17th St., Costa HlllGREN SQUARE DAILY 10.9, SAT. IQ.6 Mesa to lose we ight ~' alone . : , Also offered will be Peering Around Conference Outlined Reservations and furlher In- formation a.bout the group which is d~ica~d to helping women develop their greatest potential with assistance through counseling servi~s. r OPEH sllN~Y 12 T~ 5 J WEIGHT._ WATCHERS; , .• handwriting an a 1 y s i s , in- vestment securities, bridge, yoga. slimnastics, karate, golf, tennis, volleyball and scuba diving. tn preparation for th e • meeting association members W::4>•!7 Voluntet"r trainers of the child care J n f 0 r ni a t f on , Girl Scout Counl;il of orange scbolarships and general co. County will gather next Friday couragement may be obtained and Saturday in the Newport by calling Mrs. William H. Service Center to explore new Roley, 494-965t or Mrs. Ray lanl<Americarcf ~ hlkil'l!1, so~e listening ind· • progrfTYI th1t works. -,. 1 fltfl llOOIUH-CAU l:lJ..5505 Ch;Id care is available dur· ing the day, Anyone wishing a brochure listing the day and evening classes may call the YWCA at 542-3577. have been addresslllg fund-RETURNING from an eight· raising requests and will day cruise aboard the SS deliver more than 10,<KXt Presidtnt Roosevelt to British envelopes to Kaplan. Columbia are Dr. and Mrs. approaches to adult learning. Tyro 4~ ,_ More than 65 women are ex-'=jiiiioneii, ~. ---~------------------------'----• Robert W. Roper of Laguna pected to attend tbe session 1• iiiiiiiiiiiiii You'll wonder w.here the ·tallow I went~ ... Unwonted fatty tissue simply seems to meh CN!Oy effort- lessly ·and pleasantly, .leaving you looking ond .feeling rodiont, glamorous, desirable ond lovely. Many women lose several pounds ond indlei the verv first treatment. But remember, weight loss olortt solves . only one figure problem ond . often causes others ... Let Shope Shoppes properly contour, trim, mold, slim, rtduct and build as oteded to fashion the perfect shape for your fro me and bone structure ••. It's what wt do best. Shope Shoppes is different. Come in for yovr hi shopt analysis todoyand see for yourself! summER EHPAn.s1on SALE 20 TREATMENTS •20 LIMITED OFFER Total number of treatments necessary to correct your individual figure faults are determined by COMPUTER CARD at the lif!le of your FREE SHAPE ANALYSIS, where a personal "SHAPING PROGRAM" is designed exclusively for you .•• There's no mystery,. you'll know the exact cost of your new shape! [ NOW SHAPING ] .COSTA MESA & : ANAHEIM, TOOi t ....._. P.111. OAllY, t A.M.·S r.M. SAT. CNllD WI t.J AllAHllM. CIDITA -CAU TOOAY Win l,A. 635.0271 642-7032 '-FO·~~TION 477-112~ 90'lfwdidA..._ 1.1...,.,IW. '" ·-3112~ UlllA ~ MISSION HIW IOlTHllOGl IUMIUl 393-0064 361-1714 349-4788 842-0877 Hills. RECEIVING her bachelor of arts degree: in recreation from San Diego State CoUege and now employed as a therapist at the mental health unit of Mercy Hospital. San Diego is Miss Diana Earle Dootson, <laughter or Mr. and Mrs. William W. Dootson of Corona de! Mar. Eastern Star Masonic Temple in Laguna Beach is the meeting setting when Laguna Beach Chapter $21, Eastern Star members gather the first and third Fridays at 8 p.m. where effective coursea :· for leaders and other adult Girl Scouts will be diacussed. Futured speaker will be Mrs. Howard Jones. member of the Garden Grove Chapter of International Toastmistress Clubs. Her topic, 00d1es of, Doodles, will cover the latest innovation! in visual aids. Singing aod folk danclog from many lands will fill the center Friday evening, and ~ volunteer trlinen will be aiv~ a previ~w of the Girl ScoUt NationaJ Center West in Ten Sleep, Wyo. Lunch and breakfast will be served by Mariner Troop 1343, Newport Beach, undl!r the direction of Mrs. Ralpb Whi~ ford, troop advisor. Sale • $AVE! • $ale SEPT. 17th te 24th ONl YI FALLS • .... t0.01 5495 • • lavish lon9 24 to 21 inch, I 00 91. hum•n h•ir f•ll•. A wide v•riaty of natur•I sh•cf•s to choo1a from. Weir tied bec:k or loos• and n•tural for thet lov•ly ca1u•I loolr. .... , .... • ... 71.11 5695 5995 You'll also $AVE on ih• Febulous TRAVEL WIGS • • • The n•w scientific flb•r.1 of I 00 91. k•n•kelon thet is .. ,y to ~•r• for: Th• truly mlro1cla wig. •::.~:' NOW ONLY 19'' m /}/). , WIG & BEAUTY allie .1 QsALON 250 E. 17th ST. D COST.A MESA 548-3446 DAILY Till 5t30 THURS. a FRI. Till 1:00 HARBOR CENTER 2300 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA FALL 1h PRICE SALE SEPTEMBER 17 to 30 SHOP EARLY .FOR BEST SELECTION Every yard of fabric on this tremendous sale will be marked down to at least l!J of regular price. ALl TYPES a All PRICES e ALl FROM OUR RIGULAR STOCK WOOLENS a COTTCINS e AltNElS a , DAC•ONS e $11.KS llAVONS a ILENDS e ST•ETC ... DON'T MISS THIS GREAT MONEY SA YING SALE AT All FINE FABRICS • ' • \ f I t s ~estivities · ,._.. -; • - -• Tbomu Grilllth, )lllndpol, =• v':::,'-· _.~ '':fo wu the 1 p ea t er . Az. ~ rm=.m·~-45 ~~for::.~: 'l;I'...: ft~~ -Lacy, ..... '"IT -=-~§"' ...... ... with \ti. osslRance "' e. ' ' ' HB Counc il ~";..':;,i~or;:~ M"' J~ Dille Lampkin, Front -Pruldent _ and Arlhltr 11'~· COMING up, C.uildl m .. ting Clenn PTA' will take place Wednesday. ~7 S.pt. ll, in FounLlln Val~y Mn. ll>T ...,.... Civic Cehter liaU4lna. room Presidmt A. Hostess scbooll wW in· llEPORTS: Es:ecwive boud ~ud.e Eader, "f 0 U n l a i D lailncbed tbe Qll'tr xMol Valley Ht.ch. H a r p e r • year wltll 1 ~ Newland, OU View and bullet 1w.:i-for lacullT Wtst~.~pnel d..am-,'l'erabers ID the IUllants""' ~ -_ '• oM"--. Special denial ,.... the • ~,....... atenckd to I.heme O-• 11¥-~ ad' ~ Health. s~ '!II ""' elude Mn. J.ot'N..., -Collene Vw. PTO tinllOO UoloO \llfLll lidlDol ~ Diltrlcl: Mb1 ~ VllJ De Mn. llldlonl llet)t Brink, WatniJnlW l!lfem.... Prosident tary School Diltricl~ Dr. ll. RFJ'ORTS ' Faculty members B Lundemlrth. 0 r a n 1 e trwn CoUege View and Park 6..nty Heallll•lltpartment, V"-ocbools, 0cun Vl<w and Dr. W, )i. 'faYtor , . . Sdloot'· b I 1 t r i e t ld- romcil woibhop for unit minlstrators and PTO U· mernbenbip cbainnen will eeuUve board m e m b e r s take plae< Friday, S.pt. It, asaerobled .for an oot4oor in Westminster Elementary smorgasbord I~ al tbe School District boujl notn. home of·~ Klee, pm. al 9'.30 a.m. Mrs. Allred cipal._ Mrs. !licbard Hecte Brackett will mnduct the was to dw:&e Of I~ workshop •.• Conductlng ~ ':':e,:; Danass:: workshops Fri~ay. Sept 26,_ Eugene Bedard, Jim ~ at 1:30 a.m. l'! the Com-Robert Semple, Bill Brvwn, mun.ity Mtthod.JSt Church, Bill 8 . b •~-..... .: .. ..t-a-ICb W be the r: e ' e a r • , "~ H .... Wlll6 ...... ~ w Dawson.: Oaarles Graff and Mmes. Sylvan Be 1 s er , Jitnes NadJ'. hospitality; Ray Myer 1 • room mothers; W. H. Creed Edison Hic;ih PTSA and Paul Renfro , , ___ , ... -M · •rnm· Muon Mn. Fnuak _.,. magannes; "' wn · Pr ·dent publicity record. b 0 0 k ; ell Richard Benedict, newsetlt. COMING UP : Bowlin~ began and Sam DeRole, character )1$.erday, at noon _ 1~ H~ education. .lington Lanes. ParticipatiJll REPORTS: New o(ficers ap-Ul the le~gue are ~ · ted to fill vacancies on from EdlSOn, Huntington porn . · d Beach Westminstu aod the council aecutive boar Fou~ Valley b 11 h art the 'Mmes. A. _M. scbools. Ettcutivt boa rd p e d e r a e n , r e cord.inc Ung will tike p11et: ...,,....,,, Hu&h Splllora, M"'~, Oet. I, it I p.m, In <or ._,nog ...mary, the ....,,.,..,.,. room GI Ille and Doog1as M e y e r s , •-•C•~-"-buil"•• · · auuuu~"' • .,..., \UUfii • • • historian. Finl unit m<etlnp wilt take C •. I V PT A place Mooday, Oet. %7, at I 1 re e w · p.m. in the ~etm.a. ~tn. Edward Alaoa REPORTS : Executive board PresM:lent hosted its first meeting of REPORTS: 1.50 ruests at-the school year last Wed- tended a tea hosted by tilt netday. Annual budget wu uecutive board for kin-approved and the following dcrgarten children aod ~ c b a l r m e n ratified: the mothen. G~ JUelll1 Mmes. Sam H a tam • were Mrs. Cll r is t J.:.;;. -~Ider .and spiritual;.., C. !!.-, Mn. Lee Jcilm ..... . J. lieins. booorary - Mils Borllora G I en p_ w ~ day; Nlell tinderJutel t t 1 c-h e r 1 l(adrid. b e a I I b ; Kto- PUT-TOGETHERS -Pair a solid vest or sweater with tweed and you have a winning combinat~on. The pants and skirt are berry and cream hernng- bone tweed and the sweater vest and cotton suede tunic are berry. COllDUROY CUTIES -Ribless corduroy mak .. bacll·!o-llCltool news when it 's fashioned into a fitted tun!~ wlt!J matching !lared pants -nd a pantdress. All !~shlonl from Penney 's. - ef ,School ¥ear .... a..1...r,....,-. ---..... • lllllJW ..,.,,_ (IOrillomlo. ~ :Pss'n lo la ..... ,~; ~ " llnl ,..,..... .... a:· , .. ~.&a cbll~ 'Ifft' =·~~ tifBctn •pPaint•• ... ,. -iU {'r • , " , iima cm 1111 -" Hetper ·'l A · ~floenl.u.Jama~ ICl>i~I t• . ( ....... -· atod Mn. l'ioliidwl > ' ,JuUan .J• reco·r4l~•,..OOMING"1'P: ~;Cam.- .........,, Wjn®w ......... In•-II Ille-· Ille e the '¥"' ;tf1 uatl mMl!nC to laM ~ , , .. ~. OJllll'!:."_ or ...,.,,. II I la tl\e ..-.i. -· .. .,. um-ll<oiill "'-" """ prli> '.pu&. )Jt;a. lloYe Wano!, •aY• ti1101. wtU 1,.U on Voor . 'ond ~w ebalrmao, an-• aitldnn's llUlfnc Procruo , DOUll<ad pl.., for a faif • and yjll.eolilfloiet a quistlon 1aa111.., &bow. Mn. <llarlel and ~-_.... l'l<lllty Kollbotf, m_, m be r s b I p _ __.. ,,,_ <f"r-;:"U ~-~ ··.-,nportedptansf0< -·>~_." ~' •·the OCtol>U' membenllip m~)lll1'be-. c1r1 .. hi -...... ,_,. Cbildnlt'.l!-J'IU-- !wllJ -pile for prhlet • • • lain 1!4Ua.t·•r ... • rte o Cootlnental breakfut w a s ~ etgbtb. Ir I de presented by the l!DCU'tlve _ students dutinC the meeting. boorcf in honor of faculty R!POJITS, II fac:ulty md tx· membtra. Mra. S. G. Btnks, ecvUve board memben at- bospilallty cbalnnan ban-tended a luncheon in the dled arnngemeots. ' teachers' lotm~~ LunclieOft was fpllow_iid by. ,'ID" ,u-FV Ele. PTO ecuU.l'.• "°""' m.etln( and 1'tn. Walter T1te Pruideot COMING UP: PrO polluek di,.,.,. will take p!aee·Satur· day, Sept. 216, at • p.m. in the mulUpurpose: room. Mrs. William Dunn ii in charge of arnncnnents. . . P T o membership drive will take place Oct. J-14 with Mrs. John Ted.tr ln charge. Prizes will be awarded borne rooms with the geatest participalioo. REPORTS: Filling vacancies oo the board are the Mmes. Louis Coller, second vice president; Lee Edwards. sec re-tary; Maurice Donahue, parliamenta.rbn : Doo.ald BlaktJy, room mothers representative, and Charles Ryan, youth ac- tivities. • . They were in- trodu~ during an ex- ecutive board meeting. • . stereo phonograph and a trombone have betn praenied b)' the pro to the musie department the principal diac:uued the educational program for the com Ing year .•• qfft~rs elected for tile' .yeat are Mmesi Lorio Li mm er s, presidtnt; Rlc:bard Cal1er, E. C. McKnlgbt lnd Roger Belgen, v i. c e prtlidenta; Glen Sc:.'oble; ~g secretary: Erle F«sler, treasurer: ~·· We'aYer, h~torian; llooaid Mw:phy, parliamentarian, and Mill Sandra Mil.lei', auditor. Chairmen ratJ.Oed are the :r.tmes. La.uttoce · E r • i n , cultural art&; Ger a Id Gallqber, d!araeler and spiritual education: Jotin Gillan, citizenihip; ThDnils Dye, community iafonnalion and reaourcu.: J e r r y Yeager, e·s:.bi.blts and posters: JJou«las Brown, founders day; S. R. Rlub, heallh and chlld welfare ; 8""m, hooorary suvtce: Carnival Time Arriving on School Grounds I I Clyde Story, hollpitallty ; Tbomaa Malcab)' an d flooald Crossen, bospltallty co-cbalrmtn; Edward Howany, juvenile pro- tect.ion; E. H. Rufer, 'le1isla- tion; Roger Mactenaladt , library aide ; MlchatJ Kosak, magatlnes : McKnight. membership; 'Ralph Kemper. parent aid t : caner, program; Kenneth Keller, publidty and publiei· ty reord' book; Frederick Voss, room ttpresientative Guess where Hay~en School students will be drag. glng their rarents Seturday, Sept. 20? To the PT"A camivaJ, o course, says Mrs. Charles G. Hargrove, cbairman, as she' invites assistance from Debbie Goldenwest PT A Mn. Piii.i Rtllfr. President COMING UP: Counl Down is the theme of the first unit meeting of the fall seaaon to be pruenll>d MondaY. !epl. n. at 7:30J>.m. in the multipurpoee room. Mrs. Paul Rem'ro will conduct a brief ""9inesl meetinf and Mia Fty Fryber1er, prin- cipal, ..ru introduce faculty · and Delbert Loci&. co- dlalrma:n; Mm.rd Gltay. • safety: Man1er1. sch o o I educ1Uon : Ceorge Buhlu, youth activities-; Belgen, ways and means, and James Sfewart, baby sitter. McDowell PTO . . Mn. Jl.IDCI Ackley -· President COM.INC UP: First un it !Qeetln& pl the scboo: year wiD lake place Wednesday, Sept. 2f, at 7:30 p.m. in ~I. Speaker · f~ .the evenln1 wlR be Bill Barn~. new principal, 'fho ·will speak or:i ltachl"I goals and phiioeoplil ... REPORTS : Executive board meeUng took place in tht home of Mrs. Milton SlmPl!On. Serving · as hostesses were lhe Mmes. Simpson and William Kowaleak.l. . ... New· and rtlurnlng BtaU members were l,afl01'81 al a luncheon. Perry PTO · .Mn: 0-S• Kiq . President COMING UP: E :rl!!c,u l Ive board will meet. tonight in ·-.. ~ bpmt1of ·Mri. Tyler Brinker It 1:XI .•• Theme ·ror· the' year hU ·~ an- nounced as A 'Lunar U.:Dding Year and the membership drive ofPdlJly laUncbed t~ · .ttay·. bears the title Lunar , RO<!lr Hllat. Mrs. Edwin !Nb'""''•' .. ,Rosi , membership SUSPENDER SKIRTS - A pretty shirt is the 'per· feel foil for a smashing SU¥pender skirt. A checked suspender pantsuit is worn with a Buster Brown shirt (left). and the plaid ••spender. siprt wilh /;lfo front pleats i3 worn with 1 fly-tnmt shirt. chairman, bu announced that 1 trophy, $15.00 and in-. dlvkfuaJ . prius will b e 1warded the first. ,class to reach 100 percent partlClpa· lion in the . drive. CB$h and indl-al priles l!io'wlli bo awarded to all other classes reichlng .. 100 per c en L part1cipaUon ~ second and thlrd pl~ winners. . . O;Qenta~ progca.m will be pi\Wnttd_ f o r pa~ts o( k: i mlergartnera Ttiursday, sept.. 25, at 7:30 in school. Rareots Will vl.sit their childre•'s clusrocinu where teachers. will m;Waffi the. year's program arlf answer questions. lleft0$l\metlts will · be served 'tater by Mrs. Freeman Taylor. Switchable Sepdrates . Schroeder PTA ritn. Charles SJllck President REPORTS : Unit meeting look place last Monday evening Rcite First w.ril.ibl. and switchable ~ for btck-to-school cos-t.W :al& · heai!Uninc the latest collection. A. softened. venion or the classic shirhralst blouse is 1 mainstay for most wardrobe ideu. With trtmendous collara a114, CllllO an4 pufly aleeve~ ~ ..... {IOllilat -.,, c:ttJ!t, ~ and voile. Soltet>od _..,. a"9 a ... --. wltlt cable -_,...,. 'laotl"J .more tita Jaoc: ~ !\""CO. o It e n tltar'w te~ate tlit ~·-Sleevete. "J>\tlWf~_~., ha .. tither dlPPtd V or ll nedllnd. Skins are abort af14 are uau1lly p1nls ln db«iulse.. Some hive suspender !traps, others are wra~ kJlt -l!ke on Campus and some have · tiny button trim on the skirt·yo«t. Scooter skirts t.hat meuu.re t5 inebel from wlist to hfrD are ·really diJgU!sed C\llottn:'. Plaids, clieeb aoll tweeds share the limell&ht with no- Club Opens . . New .Year wale corduroy. A musical program and Jumpsuits, ptnt.suils a.nd lunclieon are 31lanned for the. pan1.9dres!es 1ll t~ !'Ith the .._.nrat meeUn1 ol lhe club year shirt styles !or 1.fubklOllbJ.e for the Colla t.1eu Women's twosome ln sue* fabr\cs IS Club. c:tltol ·auede, ~ Mrs. PlllUip Hay, prulilent. twoed ot lleov1 tapellry. wiU l'f'lide durini the Pints ire 1llm. hai\alril m.tnep metlinc which will straight !rem t!I' lltpo 19 th< follow a noon luncheon. topm ol tht ahOes.. Thtr are PresenUng Ow!-mu 11lC11 setn paired with sletv~ ,numberw will be J'1\ ft~inl, tunib ot wtlh llllbnJlcteift ; \'foli~i•~ eolrij>oaer ·and eon- vesU. A new look for panb it' · ductor, and bl~ IOll, Mkihtl. the railed wlil!.ba!\!I with .. 11 'l'1lt .....Unc .1'1H take plle! tucks llC'l'OISI the iUmmy and In the women's clubhouse and wide flaring ltgs. re.servat.lons are necessary. ' In the CaCetorium Flag ceremony was conducted by tht Iroquois Tribe o( Y-In- d.ian Maidens. Film deaJihg with heart dlseasc detection v.·as shown entitled "Phooo Cardi al Scan," and Ptfrs. Van Den Brink spoke on the subject. Faculty members were introduced by Glen Stice, prlndpal ••. A Thne to Learn Again was the the.me for the luncheon pruented in the cafetorium for ezeattive board, faculty and sWf memben. In charge of arrangemeola was Mrs. Mich·ael Cobb, hospitality c h a t rm a n • AssWing her were com- miftee members the Mmes. Wayne Manier, D a vi d Raines, Don Ward, Michael McCleary, William Smith and Frank Howenstein. Seal Beach PTA 1'1r1. Saul Millstein Pre!:lident COMING UP: Back·to-school night will J ake place in ~fcGaugb saioo1 Tuesday. Sept. 23, at 7:30 p.m. and Zoeter S c h o o l Thursday, Sept. 25, at 7:30 p.m. Ex- eortive board members will host. both meetings . . . Membership drive will take place Sept. 2t-Oct. 3 ••• Ma- jor fuod-raislng event of the year. a fall carnival, will oc- cur Saturday, OCt. 11, from noon to 6 p.m. REPORTS: 100 guests at- tended Lhe annual teachers' luocheon preaented by the eucutlve board in St. An- ne's Olurch. Special guests were school board members Lloyd P1tterson., M r s • Merritt Calldn.1: and Mrs. Frank Duffy: Marx Dress- ler, superintendent of schools; Robert Weaver, Donovan Moffitt and Oedus Bank!ton, principal!; Chari. es Siemans, vice principal, and Miss N'orml.Bode. girls' counselor. In ~ al th< event wer, the Mmes. Gordon Sbinlb. hoopltality chairman and Rlcbard Har- rell. ro<:balrman. Deeora- t:ons were lw»Jed bf the ~·mes. Saul Mfll1tetn . chairman, Jan Corey and Paul I>ugmoro. Mrs. Corey, first •ice president, distnl>uted !I": PTA l>,... gram yeaitloob al the luncheon ••• OfOte:rs terv· ing on \ht aecutlve board this year a1* '\bl Mmes. Millstein, pntlldent! Corey, Harvey Webb and Shlnta. vice pres:ldenla; A d o I p h Taucbas, secretary; James Rhodes, treaaurer; Ktn Ap- plegate, historian, a n d Norman Karkut, plltlamen- tarlan. Glen Peult1 is auditor. Star View PTO ---Prtaldent COMING UP, Meet the Fl<Ulty Nigh! wlii take place Tuuday, Sept U, at 8:30 p.m. in the tchool. Plans for the even!na include tt dJl'.TIH-dlp d!nner followed by the fint unn .... u., of the school year •.• Bowling Jobson (left) and her daughter, Thertsa ljarg~, In posting signs advertising the funding event wbich will be used for a heart machine. will begin Friday, S.pl. 19, at 9 a.m. In Huntington Lanes. Mothers who wiah to participate hi the league as regular b 'owlers or subsUtutes may c o n l a c t Mrs. Rlc.k Berm.an at m- 4105. Child care is provided in t.be Lanes. Tamura PTO Mn. Bird Matdtewa Prosident COMING UP: Executive board meeting will take place ThurJdi.y, Sepl 25, at 9:30 a.m. in t be mul- U-purpose room. REPORTS: Faculty and sWJ member• were honored ~t a potluck luncheon presented by the txeaitive board. Special guests included the fl.1mu: James Zali l en, Ronald Heyer, nu r 1 es ; Wendell Edwanl!, and Cle- ment Shoemaker. Student hostesses we.re the Misses Glenda Wald!<, Deb b le II Slftlpaoo, Cindy cardinal U!i Martot Matlbewa .•• Villol: ! and hearinl tuts were con-I ducted in sebool lut ~1 I with the asslstaoce of thaj Mmes. Kdth Edward•• health and w·e 1f1 r '1 c:bairman, J..,,.. Wallaeo i and Paul Perry. 1 j Wardlow PFO · Mn. George Medu Pmldent ' REPOR.TS: At an = board meeting the fo new oUlcers arid were raUfied : the MmM. Freeman Coant, aecretary: Richard Eckert, ho6pltality; David Wbite and Larry Rod1ers, membership, an4 1 Bill Brown, teachers' aides, The program for the year was presented. An. nouncenlent was made of ice cream salea to Late: p]ICe at sellool Wedotsday, Tburada1 and Friday of each week. Artist Shows • e • I Textured Work ·! The texlured perspective of Mrs. lielen Hafer w i 11 be demonstrated when members of the Huntington Beach Art League resume meetings at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 6. Because of the increased membership, the league now meets in a new locaUon, the RecreaUon Center, 17th Street and Orange Avenue. ~fiSll Raf er, who has studied at Choulnard'• in additiOn te Laguna and Mexico, uses both brush and knife lo create can- "ases with deplh and realism. H'r method of using colors keei:-them clean, frtsb and brilliant. and her love of nature is reflected in her l1ndte1pes and seascapes. " The artist from Orange har recelved many award&, and her works are included l" many collections t.hro\qbout the U.S., Canada, MW.co •nd Auatralia. She is director ol art f<r the Orange Counly Fair and leaches at the YWCA lb Sada ' Ana. ' LeaJUe memhera will be participating In a 'series '0£ u:- hibits with the first one to take place Friday and Saturday, Sept. 19 and 7'l, in FoUerton. 1t will be a llnt showinl in that area . The nut tlhitdt will take plact in South Q)ut Plua. Cost.a Mesa, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 2, Sandt. Year's Plans Outlined For Fourth District The ei:ecutlve board of the Fourth Di s t r I ct C&lUotnia Conireas of PartnU and Tcachm recently approved progruns themed Slgnpoats to Better Undersl.andin1. Mrs. O«rae P. Kar~htr, program chairman, aOnounced the agenda: illllrlet mettlng, Shenton Betcb Inn, Huo- Ungtcxi Beach, lotriot'TOW; cOn- vtnUonette, United Melhodlst Church, Garden Grove, Oct. 30, an4 ocMaorr board hm· -and dbtrict boar~ maettna, Ila' P<Ol\1 la n. Westmfnatu, Dec. ti. Stai11na of! the °"" year will bo 1 l'oulltltta Qay meet.Ina. Charter Ro u 1 t , An1heim, Jan. ts ;; . ~ mJnlllr•ton dinner, ~a lll(h School, AJ\ahftlm, Feb. 19: district mee:Una and elec- tion of officers. San Clemtnte Inn, March 11, and d1IUid. meeting, prutntaUon o i a"·ards 1111d IMlallatlon of district offlcer1 In Yorba I.Jo. cla COuntry CluL, April ii. ErecuUve board members are the Mmta. E. D • Willmore; pruident; Karcher vice pre1ld1nt ; P1;d Hone1cutt, rtcordiQf secretory: JOlepli T. Millet. COl'1"t!POldln • t c r • t a r y: JOOlpii L. V"ao 811n11, - dol ""'11111: W. A • Fer-. lttlturer· M...,.. OOdaon, IUditor; if. Robert Bi1etford, bistonan ; J. ll'ranl< Snowden, parilamenterlan: Kon..µ. Ill. Smith Jr., past president. and Paul Lovt, fourth dbirlet office di-.- I Di for' i ~ :: liter ''De <:Oii\ liow Dini ri:iy! oth< ~ tbe clla! I )'00! iplll -I D P'IJ mOI Id •' pobl D rj\lij i~r. \, , SC ... •• :J : I f I l I . I - Free Ride Becci.mes Too Gostly DEAR ANN LANDERS: While wllUn1 f« a boa oa 1 mornln& in Novtmber, 00 aUraeUve Qt.l,D asked me lf J wanted -a I llkf yea, beet• tt wu ralnlnc ry bard and I w11 ielo for work. He · e4 oul lo be a rtsj>ectable family and I wu pteful for lhe mt. Since lhal time be bas picked me up on t aame comer almost every momtng. I re. be baa saved me over '150 ~ bus ~ :: 1 Yesterday [ waa just about to get in hlr. wben be banded lDe a nole, alammed door shut and k!ft me standln& there, !~ally dllln)>.foundld. The note read: ' Dear Puscnger: I have enjoyed your converuUoo for a 1on1 tltue. I am afraid, OOwevu, that the animal tn me ii begin- ning to gnaw upon the man. Lest I find rl!yself wWming lo the manner of others who have hit lhe fooll!h 40s, I ~ully 111ggem that yoo get back on tbe bus." It waa signed, "Your !rtendly cbauffeur.1' t was flabberaasted and still am. Do you thlJ1k be wu Uylng to tell me ~ethtng? U so what waa his messa1e? -DONNABELLE , DEAR I).: I don't Lklall: we aeed t. page ~ Luba for IJal• OR. Ta meaup ,.., -''You're be&buil•s a. ~ ptd &I me, Kid, ud I doa't waat to iJt Divotved, 10 pka1e avail youneU el pobllc ~rtalloa." . ·!$AR ANN LANDERS: I married a tJ:\il' Who come.s from a closely knit fam· lit J!y lhal I mean they lell each other {Horoscope '· 'Scorpio: ANN LANDf~S ~ emytblng. At nm' I lboll&bt· tbe ram11y closeneu wu beautlful, but, now 1 see Jt b a neurotic dependance and lar&dl" in- ranule. Ny husboiid i• Ille worst of Ille bunch. • Two weeks ago we were told lhe traclc news that my [at.her.Jn.Jaw haa a tenn!MI illneu. My mother-in-law bu already made it clear that sbe cannot live alooe. Ber oJdesi aon's wife does not get a.loo& with her so lbe it safe. My other sister-ln·law hu a thrtt-btdrOom borne and four cblldreo, so she llslfe. My hus- band and Hlllf.ull'blq bedroom. .. -....... lolot.. ,.-1..,. J••lello .................... .. .... ~ ......... . DEAR ANN LANDERS:' U a mao t. · dlvon:ed and remairtod, Is II In &ood taslo for bla aa,.rie to ·come· lo bla falber'a fun<ral, sit In lbe 1""I -· cry louder than anybocly, 10 lo lbe cemet.l')I, stand at the P'IVeakie wilh the family, then show up at her e1:-slatef.IJMaw'11 house and drink coffee ahct.eat cake? Or ahould obe ie lo tbe luneral porlor very early or vay late to avoid the crowd and stay In tbe ~ out of lhe Twice l have bean! my'tu:iband aay lo 1ilil mother ··~'t worry mamma, you won't hive to Uve alooe." lf this means what l tldlk It meam It is the end of our marriage .. f 1 o v e my husband and we h av e two darling childre.n, but> I could never tolerate bis mother under thiJ roof, Any suggeslioos! -TROUBLE BREW· ING llmellgbt? -V.G. · .... .....,. DEAR V.G.: 11 de,..U '°"-.,or .oc •nail• 11d'1 ce 'DEAR T.B.o Yoormetk-....i1 kiDdaeu aDd emotleul ••~II It yoar lnilbad't ...,...1b1Hty lo loelp lier ~ WI dllllcult perltd lo lier IUe • Bia prlllc:lpal mpoo11b1Uty, llowever, b lo ldt wile ud chlldree. llemllld 1\1111 IUI lfll illllir to mike pNmbet tllli .. wUl Drintln& may be .. in" to·tbe kidl you run with -but it qn put you ... out" ror keepo. Yw can cool II and 11aJ popular. • Rud "Booze and You -for T:eeoqen Only." Send SS cenll In eo1n and a loor, oell.-ddreaaed, stamped envelope with your requen. Ann Landers will be 'llad to help yoo with your problems. Seod them to her in care <I tbe DAILY PILOT, encloelq a .. u.-. stamped t!IV<lope. Finances Improve TRAINING AfDES Pet Tay&or FY Coordinator Instructs Aides What a teacher's aide need! systems, and preparaUon for to know now will be offered in lhe school d l s t r I c t ~' ex- • new course at Orange Coast amination. and Golden West colleses by AJdes will either be assigned l\f.is.s Pat Taylor, a learning to an individual or a group of coordinator In the Fountain teacben. They will work 1 Valley School District. minimum of four houri a day Mlsi Taylor, 26, has taught and their poy will be approxi- gradts one through eight. mateJy $2.50 per hour, Miss coordinated and sup.?CViaed Taylor said. T.HURSDAY SEPTE~BElt 18 BEST BUYS: Trlvd, loll cltabt, Hnel, boOb.·ud vaca· Uoe eqolpmeaL Be independent bul also will· tartn message. Authorities teacher activities in two CurrenUy working for her Ing to listen to reuon. Day to are on ywr side. But a school distrlcls and ls a masters degree I n in- observe, absorb knowledge. wb1.sperinc campal&n could demonstration and master struclional technology at the Let others take lniUative. Be cause irrilation. Cycle l! high. teacher. University of Southern ~ ~j SYDNEY OMARR Wurlitzer ORGANS ALL MODELS AVAILABLE WALLICHS MUSIC CITY SOUTH COAST PLAZA ' T·E·R·M·S COSTA MUA 141.J16J ,UISTOL AT SAN DllGO P.WT. ARlES (March ll-April II): Be serious in purpose. What a~ars a mere dream may be closer to reality than is im· agined. Know this and begin lo build. Be confident. Aid, valuable suggesUon'.s a r e forthcoming. · TAURUS (April 2Q.May 2CI): Finish task that involves in- terests of mate, partner. You can no longer afiord to delay certain course of acUon. Be aware or this and proceed with finishing touches. GEMINI (May !I.June 2CI): VIRGINIA'S SNIP 'N' STITCH SHOPPE aware of need for public rtla. You are coin&'· to win ii you She a 1s 0 has organized California, Miss Taylor also is lion!. Protect image, reputa-keep calm. remedial. glfted and coun~l-obtaining an adntinislration Uon. . AQUARIUS (Jan. iG.Feb. In I program,, and her acndu1'"perv1 lssl,onl creoed'11nUal at, CANCER (June Zl.July 22): 11): A rtlations}llp could reach backlfOWld In group dynamics 1 om a a e ege 8 Most benefits today Cilffie crucial point . Be stlflsh. and lf'OUP process has made Long Beach. She is a graduate I through initiative of one who Means get whit you need. Too her 1 frequent conference of Brigham Young Universily. 1 teaches, wants to aid you. much sell-sacrifice c o u l d speaker. Your inluiUve intellect is border on form of illness. Ac· In Fountain Valley she has I sharply honed. Yoo seem able cept help from one who is cOodlnated and supervised Se f Analysis to sense truth of complicated slncere·. te¢ier aides as n o n . i n· ~tuaUo•. PISCES (Feb. It.March 2CI): atructlonll aBSls1ant.s to "tree Tops Agenda LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Fun. By taking inlUaUve today, you the teachers to teach." Last se1£-expressi.on, the joy of can bring goal eloser to year lbe achoo! dittrlct had an A program 00 Self Analysis being loved -these are reality. Superiors. olhen in army of parent volunteers, is planned when Tau Tau l highlighted today. Children authority are v:iWly interested and the course wlD pro.vlde the fir•ure prominently, Your in your capabilities. You 1et op~"""'ly for more than 1400 Chapter. Beta Sigma. Phi l ~-I yuo ...... meets in the Laguna Beach creaUve urges are satisfled. chance to prove yourse f. . "'·omen to expand th~r un-home of f\trs. \Villiam Carles) You could feel on top of the IF .T 0 DAY IS YOUR deratanding of the c!&ssroom, world. BmmDAY you are attracted . learning center · and school al 8 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 23· vmGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): to law, mtdidDe ancf have a operaUon.s. thSorority me~~r!t ~w c:i Scrullnhe detalla. A c c e n t compulsion to aid the un-Included will be back'"'oond e area are m• r 3334 E•1t Coast Hwy. • Coro111 dtl Mtr Phone 673·1050 ' ctl--'11 Brin f rth · t d ~ B """-'-"--e· Mrs. Carles, 4M-SM4, for ' pra \;Ill y. g o mna e e • ._. Y ............ r, you are in arowth and development or further infonnation. qualities of discriminaUon. on more solid emotional and children between 5 and 14; --------~-:i Honors Given Star PolntJ of Loguna Belt)> Ch«plor. Order of lht Eo•te Star will be bonottd dUrln& • mtolllltl planned by :In . JOleph Penni at I p.m. Friday In · LaiUJ11 Beadl P:Usonlc 'lf&ll. Mr. ~ Mn. Arthu( S~ad. m>rthy matron and patron. \YIU preside during t 'h c bwfueis portion of I h ' meeting. Meanwhile, plllll.'I are fu lhe making for Star ·c I u b ' ! monthly card party which will loke pla<e Friday, Sepl. 28, at 7:30 p.m. Members and friend.I art invited to enjoy gamu, dessert and toilet. Relfl'Y&tlODI may be obtatned ~Y clllna Mn. Stead. GM6«. HOLLVWOOO Receptlollllh/ · -Hosteaa · Wow•--•-.........,....,.. ..... ..._c-tt ... M111111 TWO ATiltAC1'1V• 'fO~ l.AtltU • tCI at ......... ........ "9llC -....... ~--"""" ,...._.,. ... .,.. .... ""' ............ -~-· ~ ..... ,......._,...,.....,... .., ..... .,... .. ~ ... _,., ___ _ Cnh ........ M.....,,... ....._, y-W-_.,. will IM .......... ..... .. ,IMMltt ,...,._ (&It C•llld -12111 411·"11, •t. M6 WM!lrtln~l!t,M. PIOPllTY llllARCH MANAOIMIMT CORrGIATION 1mw ........ ~. Ln ........... (.1111, Miit ~1..-10~1........,.,. Pre-former• goes under knits, bodysoft clothes! Now you can wear smooth Pre--formet' and dress from the skin out in color! Va.ssarette's Pre-former fib like no other br&-it'sundetwired and hi.S stitch· free cups of pre.molded Dacron• polyeste( tricot for a perfectlv smooth .11nd natural line under the season's sleek fitting outerwear. With nvlon lac.e tri m and Lycrae spandex sides. Choo1e your1 in your f1vori*• color. Stylo 1366, BC 32.31, $6; D 32-31, $7 m7L c..t Hwy. :.... ...... Choose .quality. Poor f1Il811cial ground. play,round activitJea ind DAILY PILOT subslilules prove more costly T• flNI ""' .~. ludc.Y tor ....., 111 supervision techniques; opera· 21 Teen,. ....._ . "1!'1 for Fr••" TIME : t0:10 la 11 :lO 1.111, DATE: W1cil1111d1v, Stosit1mbtr 24th 'LACE: Vir9lnlt'1 Snip '11 Stitch in tong run . =. .. i:,.~~ ~.s",:"'~·~~ ~ of au~vtaual equip--•---• __ ..,_ 17J·l'H Se -~ -i 1-Jw~-~·~·~-~~·-~·~·~·~"':::•~~~·:".J~~~~:!~~~~ll-~~~·~~~:~·~::_J~-==-=====~~~;=======~ UBRA t pt. ~. ~: """"" ___ .,O•>ev and bulleUn hoard design; 1me--fneS •ccent on ablllty to uUlh.e ~tLOTil ... J:U:O, Grtl'lll Clnl?I si.. Jlbr•.v procedures ind " t1ori.. -V-N, V. 10011, .... J alternative methods.~ B e versaUle. Your natural artistic instincts come to !ore. Be kind ·-----------------• to relative who may be in need Tht H1pp111in9 , , , A warl11\ap DI! l\aw to 9;.,.. \'Dllt 1owin9 projtch lht profo11io111I lciolr, with l11forfoci119, und1rlinin91 111d 1inin91 , • , pro• 11ntod by Ao1110 Componv'1 Wtd C.oll lltoprt• st11l1li.,.t, Jo1n110 Tri991. 1!'1 1111 fifll of t t1rio1 of .i1mo111tr1lit111, 1• "'''~your c•l1rid•r for S•pl. 241111iwl Ott. lit. Hopi to ••• you •" lht 24th, Y!llt61NIA of yoor special help. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Improve surroundings. You could find genuine bargain in luxury items. Be aware and willing to please f a m i I y members. DomesUc situation . improves and 90 does fmanciaJ picture. SAGl1TARIUS (Nov. Z2· Dec. 21): You art opUmlstic. But don't confiue atUtude with facts. Cycle remains high. But there are some behlod·fhe. scenes elements which shwld be considered. Say no to one who boasts. CAPlllCORN (Dec1 22.Jan. 191 : Obloln blnl from Sagi• HERE'S TO A HAPPY MARRIAGE I ne sitver wedding cup; an old cuatom rnakJng 1 oon1'1ba~k.. Exclusively ours in r ..... sifverplste. $15. Price lnclucM& ...... ,.....,... of _,pe'• fit'9t namtt and wedding ~· Wedding oota from lelt S450. S59S. $250. 6750. $195. SLA.YICK'S Jewelen Since 1917 19 F.O.SHION ISL>.ND NEWPORT IE.4.CH -M4-1310 Yo..r CJIH'll At covr>t Wtk--.. llkA-rl(.tl'll, Ma1i.r ,,..,.., I ... o,... ~.-.,, Mlet' ..... t :!t , ... Ladies ,and Gentlemen Sears Learn to Prepare Gourmet Delights at the I C' est Magnifique! l Lw'D to Plan, Select, Pre- pare and Serve G9umet Delia'ht. with Pride and Confidence Ohlerve and learn the tech· niques of tht fine art of cookinr from our famous Chef, Tbomu J. Holton, Pteaident of the Chef de Cui 1 in e Alaociation nf California. 9 Complete Lessons 1tlua -a l :! volume book eepecially prepared for thl1 course brtmminr with !ull- color and black and white" phoqraph1. Only $JO Llat Seara Rtvolvinc Chalyel Enroll Today at the Seara ORANGE or COSTA MESA Stores in tht 3tovo D<part- menta i Sear• Coat ~!eaa clwes mil berln Tunday, S.ptMI· ber 2Snl ; Sell'll Oranre cla .... will bea!n Wedn,.. day, September 24th, clau- e1 will continue for the nex-C ' 9 ,,..u, ci..... will be held ln tha SI.ore Caftteria I I JJR.~tS tram our lum""' n'11!14A col lacti011 C411loi <Mid JIW>llf t.\.ii..~ 'REG . .fu$60 ll pi1ttQ. 'WOOL 1{llffi' ~urrs ~o~r f...11ori~ )40J$ REG. 4(:)0 V~«j epo.~ia!.d- ~33 MINK.· coll~~ lealil.,.411' IA»ol cams 'REG. t 110:.01125 ' . J 1 from 7 :80 to 9 :00 P.M. 'I Sears s.n o,...... 2100 N. r .. u. An. .. -------._s.u. __ C.._ta•M•--•333-3•B•no•t•o•I 8 11L .. Harbor Center 2300 N. Harbor, Coste Mesa So. Coast Pla111, 3333 Bristol, Cost11 Mua " - ' ' 1f Dolll Y "1.0T -.... S.,U.W 11. 1'169 Sprdine Gockfa ll '. \ . Begin· Meal Deliciously • Seafood cockWls an ahrays a "t!'Y popular beaiMing co a tea.Ive meal Shrimp. crab, lobsttt,all maR -· .. sWtt:n." an. meaty. sif\·'1'Y Maine sardines cu IP ve more usu.aJ cocttaDI quite-I tun fot ~OP ~ALU 1 ·DISCOUNT SUPIRMARICIT I 19th A Hamor, Costa Mesa -flt& CHECI CASHING SEIYICE - PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPT, 11th· 24th FRESH LEAN GROUND BEEF 39~ IONE IN ROUND STEAK 79~ USDA CHOICE FARMER JOHN'S FRESH PORTERHOUSE PORK 39c SHOULDER tb STEAK $1~83 USDA CHOICE BONELESS USDA CHOICE TOP $149 T-BONE $12LB7. SIRLOIN LB. STEAK ·~ LOOK WHAT 29c WILL BUY ---· ~---------------~ BACON ENDS 29~ --- BABY BEEF LIVER 29~ FARMER JOHN'S 8 oa. Pk9. BEEF LITTLE LINKS SAUSAGE SHORT RIBS 29~ WHITING 29c 29c FISH lb BOLOGNA lb ~----------------~ :o~EA 17 ~ NIXIMALL 13~ ~----------~----MENU DO ·BEEF TRIPE · P 1 GS 23c 17 ~ 1_F_EE_T ____ ~1i PORK NECK BONES 23~ PATAS BEEF FEET 25.~ PRODUCI ------ ;c,y ATOES " ..... 39« iANANAS 10~ WICT-RED YAMS 10~ mu MMCT~y ,... 10· JONATHON APPLES a. CORN TORTILLAS sberbel gla55e!. 8-a l>bJe. spoon or ao of. sour cream ~ JoJo each glau. -·Drain -and dl-equaJiy betwem giaues. Top with additional aour cream dressing and garalsb -lemon wedges. Serve ice cold. Yield , 6 ..mnp. ~cumbers should be squeezed dry between paper towels. Packing Lunchboxes Offers Mom Challenge When S.p!<mber school bells ring foe the fir!l time, every mother or scbool-qe children is flCtd with a paradoI' 1risbin£,.;°:" chllcir.n too1d cooti.rue . fun..fllled summer at heme wilb her, yet glad Lo have them bact ln ldlool learning and growing. She Is glad Jo be able to resume her year of dab ae-- livtlJes or just to be able to keep the booae in • •gaia. ,_ die C.. enjoy H she bas -the chlldron off lo -knowing that they are w<>- vided· with a nulritian&Uy balanced, •Jll'Ollle-91imulallng lunch. A ·typical sack lunch that children love is a sliced meat sandwich on -enriched bread, witb carrot and celery slicks, an apple, California pnWced Monterey Jack: cheese strips and a chocolate cake square for dessert. And, ol. <.'OUl"Se, what lunch would be complete without a carton of refreshing milk? The -luodl should be planned Jo supply ooe-Jhlrd of the daily nutrition al r&- quiremeuts, say llalrf Council of Californ1a nulriUooist.s. The lunch should also giV!: variety, interesting flavor and colorful foods . F«Kb well wrapped will keep all of thelr freshness and flavor . Witb ingenuity a mother can make meal-time away from home a new adventure each day. It's a challenae. An you ready'! Add surprise treats lo the pack-and-carry lunch sucrb as dried fruits, nuts, carrot and ctiery sticb, radishes, cbeny tomatoes, picW, ripe or gTfJen olives. cheese strips or cubes. or wRe.n time aUaw1. cut out shapes rrom cheese with cookie cutten. To plan your sandwich mak- ing remember these facts about sliced breads -enrich- ed white or wheat. One pound loaves of bread average 16 slices: one and one quar1er pound loaves average UI sli ce.s and one and a hair pound lo.aves average 14 sllce>. There are a variety of wra~ ping materiall to use when making lunches. Use the one that suits your budget. Pick from plastic hap and wrap, aluminum foil, wued bags and paper and moisture- vapor proof papers for freei- lng sand•iches. beuerta that freeze, pack: and carry well In the hmch bag are simple unlros~ sweets such as 1 p lc e . chocolate. applUluct a ii d pound cake. Prune, date ar nul breads carry well ; al'ld cup cakes, double CNSt. pies and turn- overs are always welcome. Drop, filled or refrigerator cookies can be a pleasing treat Desserts not suilablc for the lunch bag art cream pies, aU..cky-frosted cat.es, custards, - and meringue coakits. To ccheclly wrap a sandwich, place the sandw;ch in the center of the paper. Bring opposite ends lolfelber l.Dd fold over and a.er until flat on the aandwicb. Tuck under -mds. Add variety ID lunch bags by pWuiing &bead to vary tbe -ol sandwich filling from day to clay_ Put frozen boysenberries in a tightly covered mntainer. By the time thry are eaten, they will be defrosted but cool and flavor-fresh. Stuff pitted prunes with cubes of mild cheese, marshmallows, or nuts. When buying bre.ad, read the label canfully to be sure it is enriched to provide your fami- ly with additional nulrientJ. This meam e.xtra food value for your mooey. One or the surest ways of. eQdlne smxhricb monotony ii to change the essential in- gredient of a sandwkb - bread. Banana bread, raisin bread, black bread, oatmeal bread, etc. all mai.e delightlu! undwk:hes. Here ls a reicpe that will delight even the most finicky of bread eaters: CO'ITAGE DATE LOAF 111 cup butttt % cup brown sugar 2 teaspoons ga\ed orange rind 2 leaspoooa grated lemon rtod 2 •w l ~ cups cream style cottage cbttse l/S cup orange juice • ""'" alfled all purpose flour 3 Juspoons baking powder I leuJIOOll batJna IOda 2 cups chopped dala Cream butter and su1ar un- lll light aod flulfy. Beat in lemon and oranp rlnd. eggs and cottage cheese. Sift dry Ingredients together and add allemately wlUi the orange juice. Begin and end with the dry Ingredients. Fold in the dates. Thia dough will be quite lhick. Pacli; into two loar pans 11~·· :a: 41Ja" :a: Z\i" that have bottoms lined with double thickot.sses: of waxed paper. Bake at 550 desreea about l hour or unUI cake lester, in- serted in center, comes out clean. Cool on wire rack 10 minutes, remove from pan. (Other drltd frults may bt substituted for dates). Be sure to sprad bread (both boUom and top i>ftn) to l))f: very edge with butter so the flUlng wi ll not soak through. Ham and swtu cheae, peanut butter and orange marmalade. eu nlad, or a miiture of crum cheese, chopped pea.null, and peach or pineapple jam are all ex- cellent "go.withs" for Cottage Dale Loaf. SARDINES PELIGHTFULLY START OFF A MEAL • rb o~ea~ .. -80U on stniFt ~--!Ool Wh• ky yodlalr• I•»""' Q•rt $5" Scotch is ·~""1 -11<1 4t , Gi °''mild r"" * ••rt $3 Stanton s n ...... -· -•• dk ~sUlitd f"" Qurt $3 KavlanaYo a Gnl .. -.-sao Gin or Voclka ~~·~M $619 80 PROOf Molt l111t1 _. "'"'" 1000 Bayside Dr.-Newport Beach 24 Monarch Bay Plaza-South Laguna • r \ • .. • i • PJLOT~ADVERTIS£R 7 l \\lrGntsday, Stpttmbtr 17, 1%9 .,.. ..... - s•••k P1rtiol clit ,,. u. ... ..., £Dw r.WL ............ •liMm :::;: u...:a.. ,_, .. • -.uwn 12.-a Clll L-....,..frHlllt • r.. Flnor-17-tL ..... , ~.'::."i:: YOUl CHOICI .... -.. lh-__ .. , .. ,. ':'" Shoulder Clod 1111)111 ..... WTlltlltlll 1~98c Beef Rib Steaks _Boneless Roast lnl load · Peanut Butter '-P•--USDll -. a.et-flam• lo.i Mq-Ap; lo.i Tr...,d. ·---USOA Clloict 8oof °""'"" ldlO Fw ltrt - I~ 98' ~89' r ,:-; '· P..-!=~--°'!!o-Slielt ... l:..":.. ........... ~ Sliced ,..,. Ozftl1s:= ...... Cetl Rlltt ::::::.. Bacon wu-::-..:::' ..... hrdtmlet ~ i£~~75c Beef ib Pork Sclusog• ·Cross R s i·~ .. 59' :=:..= '.! ,59" Beef Chuck Steak · ·~ .. 59' Sllcu Bolegna Veal Shoulder Chops ;:.:~ .. 79' ~~ ·~-: 5 9" b h Id ho Sklnlou Franks . lam S OU er C ps " 99' 9" Sliced Salami i<'! =.. "!:. !'.': 49' .. Fresh From Tiie Oven · r:arload Cookie Sale! .... 'Ill ........ =· -.oi,.""" kW Mtol!il ~liMul ... ,_ '* ,_ 11 ._ .... 1ib11 -...i;. ftr ,_ ttltlW....,.,Plbl lt 'flll! FHsh Cookies ~ .. :::=.. ... __ ..,. ¥llllli ...... ,.. ~ ' Mmluulllw Pies 2~49' Bi& F1111ily Assorblelt OlcquetClult Soda Pop Al..-ttll flMla. llo.t bbnlblt lltllel. Tl'itt lt 0. T• . Specialty · Bread . SkJlarll EMJ·Y...,.. 3 s1 · ~Yl1s1t0.11Q.wi.f., btJ·Y...... ::!; . f .... -si,tt, ~ Bvttn;~ -l'olalt, _.,_ Mall-Or Ul1S Wllole -t S~. (lk A Loaf) Frtslt Layer Cak11 Cl•••• lolls ..... , __ ... _581 .... _........... ..at .Orh'9 c.ca..~ .... .., ~ ....... a.. .... .., Breakfast Cereal =-~ . 2· ,·~· ... • 29' Mid lllce. lll1ly .. Tt lat Md Sl-..;;""';;;;;;·--- .Camation Slender ............... ........... ,,,_ 41-$100 low In Cllorin. Rtfrull-.... .. '"'-=Mytn.:;;;•;...._;;;...... MargarlH CelA 1elr .._. CrtJ111JS.M M Tu.· 6 t.,.,114 $1 tin.i;.w..-. .. Fs Sfirelld or f.O!lki:J llulU Snow Star Ice Cream Vril1, Chof;ollft Or Neipalitaft Dairy & Delicatessen lllitatlol Milk \::'.":::".::. 39; Sour Crta• =:. .::::. 37; Macartlli Salad =-..:=.: 3g; Nucoa Margarine ti'~ '.: 34' Lucer111 Butter .. :-:.· i= '.: 171 ~~ 59c 4:: '1 00 Eskimo Pie l:.."".:;...""':"..,. ":tr 59". Bel-air Onion Rings ~~ 371, Bel·air Potatoes :::" ·:~· 29" · Bel-air Cob Corn 6 ;::: 75• Banquet Dinners ::::.: ';;:~ 39" ... i. Extra fllCJ •• orGoW• Delicious ......... Shasta Preserves =-r::.:.::-" ...... Bartlett. Pears :;f~;~·, 2 "· 29' Potatoes :.i~i~= 10 ·~ 59', W . ,.,,_, I:'=. ., It' y .... 0111•1 ::.. • .: 29' ..... ""' •-'-~, .. ..,. Jt\1111 II -.. ..... 1-.. 1•1~.... ... ...,. . ...... ...... :::.-:. 2 ;C. ... ..... hltJ•lce :::""' .::. .,,. ..... hM ~~r• _. t2'f Tomatoes ...... ,...,.. ..... 3ftc ._ ----'1" Glllrlftt .. ••!Mt ... -.... ,.. ...... ..:hr=•·:·:·:-~.;r--~ ... ; .. ;..:...;..-..:· ·:•";...;;: ' • • . DOUBLE ·Blue Chip Stamps DI Al llildllla Lall Tllilc:r;I. f9l1 llilk rt U... . 11* C... Clllll n.nar 1ft ~.Sift 11 • u. • • ,_ I.al Saltwlt Ulltf "' '"". ,,. ra•1LT ...... ._ ...... """'""'·"'"' ........ Save on Health And Beauty Aids And Household Needs! Breck Basic forY"'r H'(ll ,., Tho f•stTuturiltr ·-164 °lf'1 ...... uu $2.251 Kr011ea·C'-rome DGlllle f1tcl BCldes 7 4 FrunSdltcL...tShMs-' C = l'q.Ol4..... . .· . .. .. ,. Breck Shampoo t: 89' ":fl: lavorls ::=.... ''.:' 92' w:u: · Drlstan Capsules :.\ 78' ".I.I" Toothpaste~ .. •:;:-72' ~"' Polldent :::;:;::-'!:" 91' •1•r..:1• De.ntu Creme :<; "'.: 61' ~I" Alka-Seltur ::. :."'" 59' '1\.1" Pepto-Blsmol =:.. •.:-83' "; Anacin Tablets .. -:.-71 ':I.."' Listerine ~·=--99' ":111 Ben-Gay ~.::.. ·~ 81' ~"' Formula 44 ::.!:"'" •:.: Ir 'l'f.,~ .. Usterlne ::.. "::.-. ·::.· 92' 'l\!.ll' Colgate 100 :"'...;:' ·::-· 92' 'l\!.:r One-A·Day i:::-~ ....... *1 .. W,.: Alcohol ~-=.. '::"' 16' ".I.I" Jergen'• Lotion ·;:..-861 "ti.:' Deodorant . :::".!.':. a;: 99' ~ Gill_ette f°"'1Y • I r :-"!" 99' ':1:' Groom & Clean '';:...-M' 'l't." Hair Spray 1:... ... '!:" 49' ';'l' Film Pack ~-.:.~.:: -'r v Deodorant ::=. •,:: 5r.''ll.."' Aerown ::.•:;.... •:: Tr 'I.I" · PoBsh. .. ... ,_. ,.... 81' .... -~-.. litr ·.' Bottlelrush 211 E. 171h SI., Costa Mesa • 1000 Bayside Dr., Newport Beach • 24 Monarch Bay Plaza, So. Laguna 636 N. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach • Santa Ana freeway al la Paz, Mission Viejo ' r \ ~ ~ ...... -·-.J.·. -' 3f Dl.ll.Y I'll.OT W•-· s.,i-.17, 1'169 Army of Demonstrator·s Marches on the Consumer S ene ' ' Clip this Vons Coupon and Sa~e 28c Gourmet Forum To Open -A clepuiul'e rr... the lrodl· t.iooll cooillng tehool aPPf'O'h wlU be emphaslt<d ill the Gourmet Cooking Forum, bill· eel as • new t1od of coOtln& !Chool, to be praon1<d al Sears, South Coaat Plaza. The innovation ltrtSlel the me of new coovenlenct fOodl and new cooldng techniques lo .::hieve 5hort cuts to gourmet dilbt:l from hors d'oeuvra to -· The -k ....tao will begin Tuelday, Sept. 23. In the ltort: where regiltration is being tmn. Ludlng cbtb ol lbe com- munity will JtrVe as in- slructOn, annollllCed J _ R. lllttcall, -· IUT A NCI IACll WlllC fOI 6 1'1DtS-SAVl 40% to 60%·-IUY FACTOIY DlaKT _ .. ..._ Bow Out Of Circus Sate Wk 11 Chefs Qulity Kitchen Tools 11111111111 I Fis.Ing dlaner can IHTtOOUCfOIT -•times be a "'rhlg cirall. SAVE 20c Slltring pots, watching the broiler, and tossing the salad ~~&~ill~-Otls .. w, 'Kh.~ ... , nlng ~ iD one easy sweep. ~~-!ii' ~!!!m-!!"~-... ~. ·~· .. !!·,..~· Ftx veal roll-us-with spinadl. • green onions, tomatoes, and r,.-• · --- peas limmertd in velvety amooth ,musbroom gravy. ----meal makes cooldng simple, clean- up easy. and eaUna: dellc:ioua. CANNED q.J -... ~ --"q•··· ••• -If Tllll! llllllll Till .. The ... insJ'odl<nt lhal .,,.. tributes mos\ &o tlle recipe's blue-ribbon flavor is canned mushroom gravy. lt'l5 so rellablJ COOd and .. .,... venient, you won't want \o be caught without ll. Cooiplete lbe meaJ by p ... .._ ... "". ~~~= Ing a tray d fmb fruit and cbee5t ror deaert. llW&RIBBON l\.OU-llPS t ~ ~) lhiJlly sliced Yeil.I cUUet Saltand-,_ I cup ClliOled chol>p~d !lpiudl. wtH-Orained 2 t~ fllltlY cbopped ,,__ ' :i,4 tellp090 bull, rmsbed ' tabl-lbontoing 1 can (10~ ounces ) ' DWlbroom IJ'l"Y :\=hopped;;::.·· ::: I~-(about I pound) --1 with .... 1 ham-mer w tifrst. ot hu"Y uuoer; -·llllllldpepper. CombM ~ ITtf!D .... , ... ~ lt•lp(IQll baliJ . P!Ma~ ... --.. -...... cl ...i. Roll up, lh/Moat• PEACHES ~1/s~ CUK •. llYIS oa suca • _. ll - T ·Bone Steaks ~~~ $1"! .Porterhouse Steaks ·=~ s1 3! T~p Sirloin Steaks .::~. $15! Choice Chuck Steaks~:.ss~ for 1tort1 Ju'i<.y Hamburven! GROUND 79' i ROUND =:l • Chuck Roast ~--= Shoulder Clotl : Bonolessa..ck : ·1~1u10...i ~. 55• , .. ••• 91• Vet's Dog Food i~~ ~ 12:s1 Dash Detergent ~ .... ~ 65' Schilli119 Bt.ck Pepper~3t Jerseymaid Butter i~ 79' . . ..... , !' ::;..:..'f:·f;:-:'. ·-··.·~.-.:., .. ; ~·•... . . . ~· YAUllCIA OllNIES .. ~ ... FllSH WIOTS FANCY llONEYHWS :.::::" .. FRESH CUCUMIDS ":!'=. .... WHm ROSI POTATOES .!.', .. ITAUAll PIUNE PLUMS ::.: .... r: -COUPON , -., I DOUBLE BLUE CHIP STAMPS I witll lllis cwpon on the to-1 I taJ amount of any purchase 1 ueludinl: ilplor, tobacco I I and 1111~ lllil products. 11 I coupon per castomer. eoa-1 pen good 1bursday 111111 I SUmlay, Sept 11toSept21 ~ .. _____ .. JOHN!!!. 59' PIES-• ..,.,...-.~ Of AprKot. 34-oz. Siu tad< JI l!ldo: luta with ••• • toalllfk*s. · 1a-.--.. iii I IC; -tlrfoL Add _,, .... -. fatlk, and ,. .......... .. .... It& Goff.. m.c.uttt,...u..u.. ..... $1.35 , I ~TrllOtGrahamCrocktn~w...-. 37c I ......, .....m .. _,......a. .............. -* Mu. Bonnet Sofl Morfori,.. , ............. 38c ft.Mt Sholileoing af(uw ........................ 13c Ccarl'lation Chi.Ink Tvna UGllf. ~ u. ........ "43t Jif P.onvt "'"" c:tt....,°'°'"°"·•ot. ...... 65< COM Swoynt OIUi learn. fllllc.ot11 ............. 77c ,, .... ot. Sonka Coif .. •CL ........... $1 .09 H)othic Coiolift ~ I U ....................... 9t ..... Oder Vint9QI' .................. _ ..... 20c Heiftl Wha. v......, .... "" ................. .' 19ic: Halley's Oi&.it ao.iefi 1M11. cNt .............. 35c Ntetlt'• Montis mw.-. ........... -. ....... 27c Rodi Gotilc SptM .au.,~··•·•"''"·· .. ·• 3Sc ClMr: -_..,, _" ~F.: u .... m1nu~ 1011 Mims Ave., at Brookhurst, Huntin2ton Beach • UGS THIGHS ,:::. DRUMSTICKS l!'.---...... w .... m kb&lllcblO'. Chicken Breasts ~: 6~ Comish Game Hens '=.':' 79f . Sausage Links "="'°""'~::" 31~ ; Boneless Hams ·""'=-~o:····~3! I S~ood Sea../ectionsJ I C1111111d Bacon ~ ~ 61' TURBOT=69~-Y1111 Hu Tarlrep =:. 43• ,,.,._ ...i IWI 5'cb -..__ .. ,,. I Bulk link Sausage : l'f.. 0-.'\c"""'°' .. ____ n. -., • ..!oy~~-~n. Yeal<vtlets ~= •1: 1 Cranberry Juice 'SI!-" 48 f<t .7$' Tomato Sauce """ ..... -2: 2• JCl)Wt ' I '7; Tomato Paste ~~~ 2i-25' ·voils "Premiuin Ciffee~st j ' 0 K I l!J!JJ!Jll.. Orange Rolls 33• i ~~~~69' \ Ral1ln lread 37c ~O'~··········· '" &.IHw Souc. ........... ___ ...... _ .,,._.. ...... • Mimlll v .. ...w. '-l!kc.''la· scon TISSUE 0oZw.EJp PKG. Of 10 LfO'i ASSOITUt SLICED MEATS :;;:.:::..~ ....... 3·: $) Qicbl r..."': 4$1 • SOUR CUAM I KOWSE _.... r -.......... '-'. 25 --8&. --. ... ---.,. • ctw1'..., r.. food---.'MoCll.~ ... v.ssc rAnta:QIJIMtf ~ ~:= =:.~ .. ::... ~= I Dried Beef K.Uogg's Corft flobt tWll. .. _,, .. ;.,...._22c 11\-0c. so. lvttw-Nvt lnstont Coff9. 1t01. w... ....... _.s1 .1v ""~ 7 · ' 17950 Magnolia, Fountain Valley ~ 1o -.. .,...,, u 34081 llolleny Park Drive, Capistrano Beach ....... MU. .. 1-. ' 5922 Edinger Ave., at Springdale, Huntington Beach 21082 Beach BIYd., Huntington Beach • I JO PILOT·ADVERTISER l Wodnad1y, S•Pl•-17, 1961 I ' IV.....,, S.pt""btr 17, 1969 DAIL 'f Pilaf n • ' ' P,LAY ~ART LINKLETTER'S HOUSE PARTY G"Mi WIN HAW A 11 AN YR IP 5, WH PRIZES AND MANY OTHER YA L U A 8 L E PRIZES ' .---------SOMI OF THI LUCKY WINNIU---------. $1,000 WINNERS LENA MA! HAL TOM JOHN M. JONES -f, 0. PIERSON CORRINE VERHULST CAMARO WINNER JUNE ARMSTEAD H•wallan Hollday Winners will be flown to Hawoll vlo Western Airlines. ROGER SEARL£1 RALPH AVERY SAHARA SAPARI WALTER H. JOHNSON; ROBERT f . MALONEY $100.00 WINNIU IR.1AN C. llMNITt tHONNA L. POlOlNY o~~lOLN ~~~s C. 4P. COM1$ MAS. JOHN RILJY KENNETH L klNSll ROLONO MAACLf DI ION ANN HILO IVAN A. DAVIS JOAN MAtll HOAl SONIA Dl tlY MU. JAMIS V, 11%1 MkS. JOHN •• DIVINE lAlS. W. Mc.CLEMENT ISAllLL MUltPHY MlS. AUCf CHAHTLEl MlS. lOIElT f, JOHNSTON MAlllYN Flllh(AN FLOYA LORD MRS. WENDlll TAYlOllt MllS. ICEY CHAMIEllAIN H. H. IAllCl:ll LETHA McGUJlf KENNETH 6. KllOHN Sunshine State•Frosen · ll.S.D.A. ••choice 99 Steer Beel IORA GE El CHUCK RO ST . J' u I c E '";~~Z&~.F~!DS .••. • 'BLADE CUT RIAL HA"9V1 PllUl'S • .. .. .... 79C PLORIDA -..,.. · 114• 65C IOLI •ILLm . , , • • • · · itkt· ,,,.....,.. 11-55c 00 PllCH llLLm • ·, • • ·flkl· c $ 6-0Z. TINS BIRDS nE FROZEN REGULAR PEAS OR FRENCH OR CUT CUT CORN GREEN BEANS 'I a.oz. PKGS. ....... "'" 14--. 14' SCALLOP'S •• , • , , , , , , , , P':t· M .... Mffy', '-lb. I '' oou1wn SHllMP •... , 1t1. ........ • .... 37c PISH men .... ' ... ,1i, . ........, "~ 98C PISH STUii , .••• , ••. 1kt. ·-·M"' '"' 11 ... 69C DIUMSTICll ............ .. hl41 .. , ... _,_ lllP STUKS .. , ..cl Jilli'• Breakfast Specials Wll1e11'1 cn.,m. ., Mitm!ll'• 'forirN!lre 1 ·Ht. 79c SLICED IAiC.OH . . . . • P•t· }'RESH SEAFOOD ,,.., P.111m .r ,... 694 OCUH ,.ICH ••••... lb. Prati ltolllm, •f "' 79' TlUCOD •••• , •• , , , .. , .flt. ,_. """' •I "' 98C DOYll SOL! , ••• , , .••. lb. LI. SEVEN.BONE 5 7 C ROAST ..... "' ROUND-BONE ROAST ... .. .. 69~ FRESH LEAN GROUND CHUCK ..... 75~ "TENDER.LEE" CORNED BEEF : FRESH LEAN ROUNDS •••• 89~ l GROUND ROUND •• 85~ ECONOMICAL CUT ; BONILUS RIB STEAK CHUCK ROAST ---Fiesta of Fresh Produce---. U.S. No. 1 RUSSET POT A TOES 95~ as~ LB. CILLO BAG c BONELESS STEAK $17, ,RO~ & TIED SMOUDER 95, SPENCElt .. ' .. ' '. LL CLOD ROAST. • BONELESS STEAK 98• · LARGE END 89• FAMILY ........... 111 RIB ROAST..... • BONELESS f SMALi: END STUFFING s1zE 1 O JREESWEET-HALF GAL. BOTTLE 79c STEW BEEF : .... 89n. RIB ROAST ..... BELL PEPPERS• , , ! ORANGE JUICE OSCAR MAYER-EASTERN PORK r SWEET. ~utcY. RIPE 1 OC SPARE ss~fe~L HONEYDEW MELONS . . . lb RIBS ...... ~~1:~.~~.l~ .. PERSONAL BAR -4-CT. PKG. 2 SC IVORY SOAP ............ . Vefs 9•All Varieties DOG FOOD MEM.ORIAL CANDLES 15 c Ml\NIS<lHEWITZ -QUART JARS 3 lor •100 ! BED BORSCHT ... : MANISCHEWITZ -QUART JAR 99c : GEFILTE FISH.................. i Jerseymaid-Catering ICE CREA ALL DELICIOUS FLAVORS 12 1sT~~z.S100 TINS All GRINDS FOLGER'S COFFEE 1.L1. 6sc· TINS 11 l ·LB. $129 TINS 1'URltEY •t CHICKEN •·O'I. 45' Pl($$. • JANE A~DERSON-a.oz. PKG. lpdividu1tly Wrapped 3 ·9c CHEESE SPREAD ...... . JANE ANDEASON-DELUXE SAUIAOI PIZZA 20.oz. 99c SIZE OL' VIRQINIA-TENDEA .IUlcT F~KS - 12.oz. 45, PKS. 2701 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA e . 13922 EROOKHURST, GARD!N GROVE e 1308 W. EDINGER, SANTA AIU 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO . .. I 1 • ., ... • + • • 1 • • • • '* +• +:+::; c • • c++'4' a o w-.cw•;ez• • •= • 4 •• • . -. ~-- Y .... T • Veal Roll-uQs Provide Gour.m.et-good E~ting Fruit Ai?s I Cream Bar ' ~ ~ Use thl5 sweet at 101CkUme ·« u·~·at a'lnell. SOIJll c:u:A11 0 a A II G Jt BAllS I II cupt .... !lour i; 1 .. _ bUlltl IOda v .. te•IPOOI' alt · y' pound ,(I sUck) buttu I cup pllll ' S tablespai\oi . "'II' -• ''A_ ....... ~-... I fll -. m:Vm'aENDS .. 1 ~ anted orangt , alOf 1f>w ~ 3'0llt rind <"811 ol 1 mediUm ean ~-wbal: )'OUr n9oulb ii O<Jllll•) ..,..,.. .. or ·~ cook 1 tt.aspoaD vanilla •ICICIDft' • later .W• ~ a vs eµp commercial aour 'tumato."" .~ $••• cream M~ ,,,.Tae ally .au~ aUJ of her t/J cup thick on.nee mar· cookbookl. .. ~ the mallde. ·-~.~ ne or ~• Cup finely chopped her own ;~, of walnuts C:aJ.lfOrm.~~-~ s tablespooo1«anae juice -Jar nm'~· 'Y«'\iJ ii! • , name ~to.the~ , !1g11<r a )<Uy nil! pan (LI by '°'"'lies ........ Ii-.,.. I& by I inch). Oii was papu -:llO ~ta'=1~1lon m& IDltlher Ille floor, bUIDg --Y""'" ..,.. -" OWi" Ytitll .... tbt... Ex· soda and-.ped!--·~;,. .. In a medium miiiq bowl ·wu thl • of cream butla' and I cup.agar; 'can-lllildftd la oDx1h beat In <gg, orang< rind and ....... tiOn.. l vanilla. ~ •-· Stir in nour mimare In • ORANG&·COQNTY • .. several additions alternately 1$. CT'! ~TING • 'with sour cream; iUr in ~ ·marmalade. s · .. ~ti"e Spread <Vtlll7 In pnopattd 'ptoq!.a , , • ..-. ~· pan; sprinkle · with walnllb. ,...., !fa-·~' ~ ar Jlalt• In • pnob<aled 350-. -!'ilh )i>i ..... pul ol degt<e oven !or 25 mlnuta 1<kanp :c:opbl>', "'! oqe. m• MWIWhll• stir toc<lber Ille .uil .. --S tablespoons Allr and 1be •Expedlt!Qlt' oir the o°'!" •. , 91'8111e juice unW sugar is 'lbey1! an be hftt tti!1 f'ti. almost dlsiolved: •· day and S&lunl<y • • • .Jo • Ladies from tome ol the Aa soon as batter bu finish-tinit · tamrue1 of ~ ed bakln& •. '!lir oqqe juice County, -1n ..,.Wii<. • • • mi%blre ag:ilD to>dislolve rut ,.autMJ:idC spanish ~ SAUCE SECRET'S IN THE CAN -. 1: cup cboJiped lainatou 2 cups -llii:'Ooked med.itun noodles Poond•veaJ with meal ham- ... .. mer or ei:lge oC beaVJ sa~. eut into 4 semn,.me pieC'n 18x4"), Combine broccoli. onion and cheese. Place on -: MEXICAN, CONTINENTA~FLAVORS BLEND -· International' Influence Subtle Taste Mingles I ed for roor brief years, but in.'· SHRIMP SARAPJCO that short time he introduced 1 For each servina:: Make • continental foodi lo Mulco ; paste or 1 ounces « cream and dishes usUi& .shrimp, cheese, z ounces ""'1u<l"1 F•ench cheese •. and Spaulsh cheae. and I cllowod pl· pimiento might well have been maeoto. Spread the pute oo ~ the usual rare for l'O)'al tablu. piece of aluminum toll alioul All th... ingredient. hi•• u lo li inches a4Ull'O. been wrapped in aluminum Place 4 to 6 clean lhlimp on )11111 , Ille -• r foil in th •·l'<ciJ>< tor Shrimp th< paste, and on th< Wimp ~ ru. lfaJimjli1n rul-Sarapico. put two 1bin slicei cL ltnM:n. J • CIOll< th< aluminum big bY /1 la~d Fare Flavorful ~ .. j::,~~ -···-~toldd 11.nrlilln ·1 u a u v. teaspoon graltd oranp rind, Ind 3 l!Wuchlno chtt· lies, llnoly chopped. champagne or white wine la th< bag. narrow ~ Q( veal; roll up. Tuct in ends: fasten with toothpick.! er skeweo. , · of sugar; dribble ovtr bot bat· accompurled by a ~ cook--over-lOl!"-heal 21·miftutes. ed bat(er. lt-1"""' ao pntrnt their~ .crisp. -Remov•r drain-and crumble. In droppings, brown veal. Add .gravy, water, wine, ~toes and bacon. Cover; Stir in ~ Coot 25 Cool; cut into bars and \Ve'U have 90me priCuu minutes mou. Stir now aid remon· with spatula. Serve di,spla.ya of Ml 8-nisi 1aeu In skillet, coot bacon until ~ Makes 4 servings. ~V*l'JD or cold. and kn, 10 come on d6wn and let'• an cut a budcet of THE PLACE TO FIND THE UNUSUAL ••• '2.tcl.c.~- ---i-- Home a Gift Shop OPEN DAILY 9. 6 THE FINEST HARDWOODS ARE USED TO <;REA TE THESE UNIQUE NEW CARVING' BOARDS. SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR EVERY PURPOSE AND TO MAKE DRAMA TIC SERVING AT THE TABLE. THE GOURMET KNIVES ARE FORGB> BY HAND OF HIGH.CARBON STEEL BY J. A. HENCKELS OF SO UNGEN, GERMANY. PREFERRED BY· MASTER CHEFS FOR·250 YEARS! A. THE BIRD BLOCK. Cr•des the fowl, pourjng lip for juice1. Sm•ll ........ 11.50 L.rg•-----··25.50. BONING KNIFE. for removinq bones ••1ily.'·-······ ..... 4.75 B. HA~ BLOCK, pork & ribs, too. Smell 15..SO. L.rge 11.50. HAM KNIFE 7.00 C. THE BLOCK BUSTER, for Ch•te•ubri•nd, Ste1lts, London Broil, Fi1h. C.n be used in oven for planking. Smell 25.00. l•rqu_ 21.50. CARVING KNIFE 7.00 D. ROAST BLOCK •. f., ,. ..... Small 15.50, L••9• 11,50. CARVING KNIFE 7.H E. MINI BLOCK, ide1I for kitch•n or ber ......... 3.SO F. GROANING . BOARD, en •uth.ntic reproduction of 300 y••r old •ntique. For pr•p•r•tlon end s1rvin9 23.00. CHEF'S KNIFE-indispensiblel_ .... 10.tS DISCOUNT SPECIAL, KABUKI CO~TS A wrep....,round •pron with slMYft ii\ 9lorious ,-ttum1 end vivid colon. Reg. 4.00 2.89 RICHARD'S LIDO CENTER l-433 Vie Lido, .Newport Beech 673-6360 ---OU>BOOK r LOVERS TOO will enjoy the z.onta book :-sale on Saturday out ;hi' the pi'.ttb. ffa.vt IDOl'l' flll • -.nd oft!)' spend 3S cents bY:flddL!o. ·----me·. ~tiooa. Woney, . moc.)',. ~. tB! Zonta ......... ·11 . .r-~ · atfzien'• Cerdlr llP O(l Fil-• teenu. street ·and Irvine amiis flom • Hll'bor &igh. ·Now • where ehe can you .tt*"if'to a Mariachi, Barill 1,and read a lew pU'alhpb! mxqi )life Dinlmon: ·al the same time. ;' DON'T EVER ..-TAKE YOURS£LJ' FOR GRAl'l'IED Cues wUt' cn.bbtd· ID1 .. lut Week • : a deep. lhiny, llMldous,, deUdoua, ~1te ked~c&p ••. 3 lien hfch. lp\endid17 \\'ed- din& bllNful ~th bells on top. love bltda and ;earls and nrt an the aides. Yes, it \\"U chocDU~ .n tlie way through. Y-.,...ft ·wu the-lint one the bakery'• eVl!:r done. Dale Mi,· "SUte m&ke1 tht decoratfng smw up pn:tty, • doean11 it'!" 1 Md to admit _the Pale ydJow' and white • lOltl and latlb routine -':: looked Joved1'; Alld ,_.know ·• .P. iroom-love chocolate ..... , -,..ruchanr .. th!~"°"· ' ,..,.. CNr people • TI1 thlnP for other pcopa -e·:-. all peop!e ~•r.PY. ~oaladl.1*acupor ,..., I '•· ._ ~ -t1IJ) ~ .... -llawallan l'ullCh, s..v. """ ,_ lnlill, dic- ed chicken and celery. Or hearts of lettuce . Bab. IO to. 30 mlmlles In a 350-dqree oVen. To aene Shrimp Slnplco, placo eodi ho\.bta ~· a plate and lot <l'l'h fllell-opfn hll .oW11. SO... with ~M~~Oullycookedrice. 11o.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .............. _. .... , .1 • • • _,;, s.,t-17, 1969 __ DAl.Y l'llf\' st_ • . pt«>NE 67U36o FOii HOME !>EUVERY ' PRICES EFFECTIVE SEl'T. 18, l.t 20 . BllBllY · Or91n · '7 ~r9n1de VUY SPECl,'-l wit~ loft ofJvttor English Muffin Breaa 4k , FOR SUNDAY BREAKFAST BRAN MUFFINS -10c , • . ~ .... PLBIBlllHBP For Yo<ir Plt1suri by Bernice F1y LIDO MARKET CENTER NEWPORT BLVD. AT THf JNTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE J ' ' HANDSOME ~UTUMN COLORS MUM PLANTS In bud ancl i" bto.m. Or.11 up Yf'Ur t•rd•" for ~n. PKBDUUH'·: DELICIOUS, FLAVORFUL LAKE COUNTY, BARTLETT P·EARS LB, I FRESH, TENDER, FULL KE :; <EL GPLDEN ' CORN , 6 EARS 39¢ FANCY, THICK-MEA TED FOR STUFFING OR SALADS BELL PEPPERS LB, 19¢ .. ' U,$. N ... ~.<ALL fURPOSE ,-7 SEL.ECTED ·RUSSET ' POTATOES 10ci~oscr DELIEITEllEH ' RATH HONEY.GLAZED HAM . . s LB, TIN s. 99 IOISHERMAN 'S WHARF DRESSINGS ,~ °': 3 FOR $1 GREEN GODDESS, SOUR CREAM, , . TA11TER Sl/.UCE, COCKTAIL SAUCE. HORSERADISH SAUCE ROQUEFqRT',, . 4tc LAND O' FRO$T WAFER Sliced 'BEEF 3 CL .3 F()R $1 . ' : PILLSBURY sue{ N' BAKE' : ·; • Chocolate Chip Cookie,..,2,.. 89c FAN FARE COCKY AIL SIZE Marinated 'Mushroi;ims , .. ~ 49c KRAFT SLICED MONTEREY JACK CHEESE . ,., 39c ' . 7 PRDZEH PBBDI DOWNY FLAKE FRENCH 'TOAST 29c MINUTE MAIQ TANGERINE JUICE ,,,, 5,..'1 MINUTE MAID GRAPEFR'UIT JUICE ••L 5 ,,. '1 KNUDSEN ICE MILK ~ GALLON 49¢ STOUFFER'S CHICKEN, BEEF or TURKEY MEAT PIES ,..,, 49c BIRDS EYE PEAS ' . • - 1.19 fAat THE WONDERFUL FLAVORS OF EARLY CALI, FORNIA COOKING OWE MUCH TO OUR SPANISH AND MEXICAN HERITAGE. THE WONDERFUL AROMAS OF PEPPERS, ONIONS AND CORN . WE'VE ADDED A LITILE MODERN CALIFORNIA FOR: FIEST A RANCH ERO • AVOCADO lalod with SHRIMP SALAD with TORTILLA CHIPS 7 • CARNE ASADA UARBECUED BEEF I ARROZ CON CHILES MELON HALVES with. ANNISETTE MEXICAN CHOCOLATE COFFEE HEIT RICHARD'S TOP OF THE GRADE U.S,O.A, CHOICE FOR MEXICAN POT ROAST, i1dd Chopped On ions, Tomato Sauc e, Broth & Chlli Ppwd9r~ 7-BONE ROAST A MOST FLAVORFUL ROAST 59-La. CENTER-CUT CHUCK ROAST 59¢LB. ROUND-BONE ROAST 69¢LB. CROSS RIB ROAST 69¢La. FOR CARNE ASA'llA-MARINATE AND BARBECUE Boneless CHUCK ROAST TRY ITALIAN PIZZA STEAK---M•k• • fle•orful sauce with onions, tomatoes, tomato past•, oregano, olive oil, and Serve over Sauteed Steak. CHUCK STEAK 59-.. ENGLISH STYLE SHORT RIBS LEAN BEEF SHANKS 49CLL 49c ... . FWFFY l~HT LITTU ROLLS POTAlO ROLl:s l,..~c ~D CAKE :.V1TH FRUIT TOPl'I!* FRUIT PAN DOWDY • EllDY OLD FASMIONED HEIDE- BUTION LICORICE ~ 11Mi lcind you ,..member when • y.. were .. lcidl Rtt. 1.00 lb. 7'1 POUND I • lltBEEBY YUBAN COFFEE LI. '' ' YUBAN COFFEE ... 1.37 SUPERIOR HONEY 12-. .... 3 ,_•1 ARDEN M 'BUTIER ... "" LIPTON FAMILY SIZE TEA BAGS 1Jct. """' 39- KELLOGG'S , CORN FLAKES 12 o.. 29•: FROM HAWAII IDEMO, FRIDAY AND. SATURDAY! PAPAYA NECTAR #•11 5,.51 . Papaya?Passion Fruit,.,, 5 ,_ '1 GUAVA NECTAR #•n 5,_•1 Gua_va Pineapple #111 5 ,_ •1 HEINZ CREAM OF IOY, oz. TomatoS,.up 10"°• $1 GREEN GIANT. NIBLETS CO'RN ..... 4,_•1 GREE"! GIANT KITCHEN 4 ,_•1 SLICED BEANS '" . . GREEN· GIANT SWEET PEAS , .. 4,..'1 ~ GREEN GIANT WHOLE . ASPARAGAS SPEA"Rs Ir..: · 59t : LIQUID BLEACH . PUREX GALLON 49f GLAD SANDWICH BAGS , ... ,, 4 ,..s1 SCOTTIES FACIAL TISSUE , . .,. '• BIRDS EYE BARBECUE SIMMER A POt OF HOME/-4ADE SOUPI "'-ECIPES CORN BIRDS EYE French Green Beans BIRDS EYE CUT GR~EN BEANS , ' ' CALIFORNIA'S 200 YEARS We aro , celebr1tin9 1t Richard's on Frid1f 'nd S.hnloy, 2 z 6 P .M. ' t.4ARIACHIS STROLLING Sing.er SUE: RCkER sin9Tn9 I Friday onlyl ORANG~ E:pl.INTY llCEHTENNIAL MEDALS ' lot.Ml• and tax dH"dibleJ HISTORICAL DISPLAYS IN OUR LOllY SHORT RIBS '59c LI. SOUP BONES 25cLL MAKE YOUR OWN ALBONDIGA or MEATBALL SOUP LEAN GROUND BEEF . . ~l/\4{/\NI cA~ • .. Delightfully t•ncit,.-anci suc:c:ul•nt with P•nley Or,tlllAt· STUFFED Cl:llCKEN 'BREASTS , 98c LL 0 . MARINATED IN CHILI SALSA MARINATED MEAT BALl:S ARROZ CON CHILIES !RICE WITH CHILIES) · S.ute I C. Und. Bon'• ltice in '4 T. butt,r, .dcl 1: smal chopped onion, 1/16 tsp. 91rlc powder, l tsp. 11lt, I can ~'s T°""'!OM .... Hot G,... Chilies incl 11/4 C. boling w.tw. SIW' ~ovort.d 25 minulos. MEXICAN CHOCOLATE . To I quart chocolate milr acid 2 stick..,.,..., and hoot. llMt to • froth liefor. ......;,,,. S.,. 4 n11azrzu"uungu11 LllJLMC#J .,,. '" ?Fcll&MUW&NYiluifsnb'riJ;R''zF•"'F •• ,.~q rtsuznrs PSS'f •u1J1ROOPFE'IJtPIJf1A'CPS'fh&WS. . $ s s • '2,;J..,.:i.. MARKET HOME & GIFT SHOP LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR FLOWER SHOP CLEANERS OPEN DAILY 9. , SUN. 9,6 OPEN DAILY t -6 OPEN DAILY t.6, SUN, IDzl DAILY t -S:JO, SAT, 9.5 OPEN DAILY 0 9°6 DAILY t:J0.6, SAT,.,._, ' J • , .. OAn Y '1LOT w-.,. ~ 17, 1969 H Q PILOT-AOVERTISEA ::.,~~Nd 53 :&~~~ ............ LI. , MOlllU'SYOtKSHIH 69' 1 ·LI. ltlG. °' J..LI. THtCK c ~~g~ ............. LI. . :m~=:IF 98' ~~:KS ............ tB. m~~J~.:.. 98' ~~~:.~.~~ .... LI. USDAotOtCEOll $123 STAntUOS.HIF I1'::~ ............ LB. 1'«P«9 CHICKENS J'ii~gl• 31 C nWo':cx WHOLE IODY . LB. LI. lS• ROUND STEAK U.S.D.A. OIOIQ Oii STAER llllOS. CEllTIFIED'.W: IONE-11 7 7. C IONIL!SS Ll.17( LB. RUMP ROAST U.S.D.A. OfOICE 7 7. C Oii STATER IROS. CERTIFIED BEEF LB. USOACHOIClot $149 STATllUOS.RIJ I~~r~~.~ .. LI. USOA OIOlaot s 12 9 FllSHSUCID-TINDH s:~ •.. BEEF LIVER ................................. Ll.4 9c MANHATTAN STAnlllOS.IHF =:s~~.~5..ELB. !feco SPECIAL/ 59 US.D.A.CHO!aOISTATIRllllOS.CRTIFllD-5 3 ~r ROUND BONEROUT ............. LI. C IE& f .L&, PACK AG I c _., 59 ~~:~T ......... LB. JCC. ]tf: C•. 5UC£0 IE[f SPtC'f BtEF 3 $1 OAR• TIJltKEY I CORNED l!IEEF $UCl0 HAM ..... ;~~j~ ioL'l:iiilCllois1 =~~:. Ll.83 c 6.:1 AIAMlllSllCVAlUE •ICflN'SSTRAwmRRY . · 2 59( PRESERVES .................. LB.JAR C.H.I. 49 BEEF STEW ........................... 2~fNL c llOllDIN'S NON-DAIRY COFl'EE CR~R 69 CREMORA ........................... 1 ~A0t c HUNT'S WHOU PEELED 5 ., TOMA TOES......................... ci~s T.S.P.POWDER-AUPURPOSl 19 CLEANER ........................................ 2:~~ c DILMONTl 3 69( FRUIT COCKTAIL .................... 303·CANS WHmKING-DDEALPACKAG£ 59 DETERGENT ................. 0~f~T c SPRAY CLEANER IN PUMP BOnLE 69 FANT ASTIK ................ -.2~~t c . IVORY SOAP ...... Mio. u• 18' ZEST SOAP .... -... 2uTH 41' IVORY SOAP . ""°"'"41 29' LAVA SOAP ·-·-.. ··-LUG! 18' CAMAY SOAP ......... 311G.33' SPIC & SPAN ....... __ .. o.31 ' TOP JOB -··· »OZ. 73' COMET ............. 2 '•·OL 33' DOWNEY .............. G"Nr 87' 'APPLES SMALL FANCY RED DELICIOUS $ LBS. 00 GRAPES LARGE EXTRA FANCY THOMPSON SEEDUSS $ 00 3 .. , REG PKGS. AIA11111rsuE VAUIE DIET lrtl'ERIAL w.•o•~NE., • Ha. 39' PACIFIC TREATS ··-·-····· 1 POUND 39' KRAFT VELVEETA -... 2 POUND 11• HOLLY SUGAR 10LBS ... ,..,, ... s ll~ 58' PAR KAY MARGARINE -···-·, ll. 29' TOMA TO SAUCE "'"' .. ·-·-· 3 , o, 29' TOMATO JUICE HUNTS ____ .. , 2 CA~ 29' TOMATOCATSUP ,., •. , __ , •. ., 29' RUG SHAIYPOO 1.\l'J:1 .... _ .. _ 21.0, 11u WINDOW ... ,_ 49' CLEANER ..5, .. OATMEAL COOKIES l~.~t'::~I. .. 43' RITZ CRACKERS NA8 '5CO ......... 16·0' 47' NESTLE MORSELS ASSORTED --•O< 27' NESTLE MORSELS S[MISWElT 120L 53' RICE-A-RONI ~&.'8~~~.:~·WILO 57502. 59' BOLD"""'""'"''· 83' DETERGENT ---· -SAFEGUARD ....... 2urn 41' MR.CLEAN ........... '"'z.41' BIZ PRE-SOAK ...... GIANT 79' NEJllZ SOUPS NO: 1 CAN . . llOaoll eGf~ .. -.EA.16< ==~-~J.2t SMU9KER 'S 1!-0t PRESERVES AntCOT-•1t a u •7c ~4l!;.=........... ru I • Cheerios w.1d1 front PROTEIN PAC KEO OATS -a;· •• CheerTus • GtOd WH~ ~SEPT. 11-11 IMITATION SOUM CREAM ~~~~·-· ta·OL 29' ANAHIJM WITH COUPON 7.01.PICG. 19c wnMOUT CouPON ~tL 29C GtOd 11 $TATER BRO$. ' COSTAMISA• Blscul-Pll.LSIV.V ASST. 2 45< 1 • HUNG"" JACK M ••••• t g.oz. SWISS CHEESE ~~il.~t"'0 ·--•·oz. 52' 3430 W. LINCOLN AVENUE 2584 WEST BROADWAY 2180N£WPORT BOUUVAAO 707WEST 19TM STREET 1175 BAKER STREET HUNTINGTON lfACH 6162 £DINGER AVL 'AC" "HEESE <R•n sue.. 45' . W • V MATU~I. _ --l ·OZ. GARDEN GROVE 118 CHAPMAN AVENUE .. - i.iiiiiii .. ll,E•KS • CHUCKSTEAK B " • ~FAMJt:Y .STEA~ • y ' .. SWISS STEAK YOUR CHOICE lb t . ~· .. ·RU• · ' . a 1 ta ROAS. J BONE-IN y . .WELL 'l'lllMMED t MYfAl~i JI.OE RlllON STEEi! 8Eff ....,V.S.D.A. CliOIC! _..., tit . . ' ,BIEIF ,RIB ~~~= . g· a· ·ta · ' DOAST "' AUQITS y : t:.:'YFAJ.,$ ttuE 111110N sm11 lfEf OR u s.b..A. ol01ct ..... rb BONEliUS ·~:~::iN gee BEEF ROAST ~~,g;~ CH-ITU. CUT CHUCK ~OAST, SHOIJlDfl ClOO ROAST .• lb m~rair'f roztn. Food-~ $ , I ; GROUND CHUCK fRfSH GROUND. flCTRi\ LEAN H•H: ............................................... .. BJ.I TY$ .. !I,~!-............... ._ 98' ORANGE 12.oz. . JUICE · · -~ c;.~ 0 R TOP SIRlOIN STEAK · s11• ION'fl.ESS WASJE fREf-THIOC CUT Slk:f:S ·-·····--·•·····•······•H•·-····H•.,•··· ...................... H .. . . TREESWEEt ~· ~ , ............. . DIURITE COLA I ll.OL IOTT\f~ _H_H_, .... H ...... KELLOGG'S CORNFLAKES ~~T.~~fsjCTql ____ .. ·4 .* s1 ma_yfair Fruik & Vt9t.~~t."'1 LAKE COUNTY'S FINEST BARTLEtT ~ PEANUT BUTTER MA YFIESH 40-0%. J~ . CHUl.K TUNA OllCXIN OF THE SEA UTI MEAT 'II FLAT CAN b$ R . BLACK PEPPER · SOIUINGS 4-0%. 2 . !.~~! Clf•~r ........ -... ··-······· ...... 3i $ 1 ~I!P;~z 1~:. PKG. : s139 3?51 GLASS. CANDLES FOR THE· HOLIDAYS ... -.............. IACH 10' HEBREW NATIONAL 12-01 ... G. s101 HORSERADISH •OZ 1 gc kOSHE• SALAMl.,KN.-.CKWVRST :SlllNlf~S ,,__.,,.... Ml~SOllRI ,LAIN Qt BEET J_.,,. AAA YFAIR HAS A COMPLFil V ARllTY .OF GROSSINGIR KOSHER POULTRY ROASTING sgc FRESH snc HEN " snc CHICKENS _ ...... •· PULLETS __ .... •· ;1 TURKEYS .......... lb. ;,· · MAXWELl HOUSE COFFEE )·LB.CAN . &5C 1-LI. $1 .19 J.L8,S1 .9J , ANACIN TABLETS~~· ........ ggc rj!=~°MIST ~;~.~------~5.19 ' . 'J:' PEARS ~- l·• . '. www~www SMIRNOFF VODKA s1 Q49 IO_,IIDOf Sl'ECIAl UMITTO OfFl• ij GAl. -- ' MATTINGLY & MOORE s999 . ' ~ SWEET AND JUICY 'I ;. lbs c j • ' • ·!.Y!~!'!.LETI~CE ____ 2i 29' ~ S..•.JRRY _!~~-~!~!S· ""L ";, 29'., !~JQUASH .. ~5' ~!l~°'~tUIJ.~ _ 49' Van ~~~~rnp·~ Tbwn.·Sun., Stpl 1~21 Cll1t1l1ft, Pean11t Bvtt1r, ·s1111r, Mtfanes, or 0"!"'11 C Cookies ............. ..,. 29 Bran Muffins .. ,.,,~ ,35c ~~~~a.~~-~.~~.1~2u,m $119 WW\l fll1\JJW\lf ' ...,..OOf (NlW W.STIC KAii GAU.OM)----' W)~~~,B~f,~~ -~'.'.~. S899 ~t~Eu;tU~ !2~.~N •• '"°" ... ~ .......... 5899 llPIOM CHIC IUPRQil M~M Olli DIMNEIS _,,_ ... _ 75c NIBIM:O Gl!HAM CIAClUI "''·"•· ............................. _ 371 SuNININf lEMO!(COllKIES·10-0L ..................... ....:.!-.;... 43' OIE-IDI !!Si llOW!lf ""· "'"'"-""'"·----Ut ROii.iil! INCllLWS tEU. CHlW l>OL ·-"~-lk IOi!llll llll Tl~,,,;, __ ...... -.... : ....... ____ 41t ll!EIW!IT llAP!llllll :lllltE0oL "'°"" ....... --4•JI DOWNT flllE flEMCN TOAST"°""'"" ·--····-11• lUNllll nozu OIAlllE JUICI .01. ___ ,, _____ 4111 TUllNl'lllllA""'¥"'-·....;.,.."'""L ---11! ' ....... ADVERTISED PtlaS lfFECTIVI 7 FUU DAYS THURSDAY. SIPT. llthdwu WID •• SIPT.2Ath 171 IAST 17 .. STtllT, C9$TA MUA ZOJO WUT ht STUIT, sANTA AIU. t1'2 WESTMINSTIR AV!;, GARDIN GROVI Woditldq, ~••bet 11. 196q -DAil Y ""OT ~ ' • ~Hg~~u~~:........ '. ..... s1" I SIRLOIN TIP SHAK · $i 39 IONElEU ....... H••··-·--• .. ••HH••H"'--•H•"'"'H'"'-•• l ~m.c,~1~_K _____ ~ ............ \"' ... ~$1 n , ~,!!l,\~E,~~,!!~~~~~~No .. ·--~ $109 WATERMELON RUMP ROAST 9oc ~ l TEJ'iO(I .:--.. ··-•••H·~ ......... -...... -•• c..o:.-•. g.; • BEEF SHORT RIBS . 4gc IOEAl fOll WUCUf ., .. ,_ .................. _ .... ,_ .. RATH BLACK HAWK BACON -·age" SLICED l·ll. ,.._G. __ .,..... ....... •..•. .... . ........ .:.., ... _., RATH HONEY MUGG.HS -~1)9 . W.-.5J'E f~Ef ...................... H·•••••••· .......... ···········-•• llt. REAi, McCOY PRODUCTS !1~f~~k~~-U~A~E -'.~ ... 2gc BEEF BACON 79c 12-0Z. P~G ................................................................... . ~~~!.~~! ........... , ........................ .: ......... : .. .§sc,, -maJiliir'Dd.Wlkssta..~ -" • JACK CHEESE ~t'ar~ ... .' ............ ~. 7 go ~~~(.8~~~-.. ARDEii BUi Id flllSTQUAOTYGAADf.M 1'4.LCM --- ' • r [ , D,IJl V P)LOT • ' ' ' "" ,_...___ . .,, . . . arket B•sket<.helps-you fight inflation ·everyweek .with •• : · I I Only Market Basket : Discounts U.S.D.A. Choice Beef! -· EWry pound of Morlcot Balliet !r .. h beef is graded "CHOICE," by on expert of tho Fodorol G-m· tMnt. So, it'1 not our word. Or some meat cutter's. lut Uncle Sam's. All we do i1 .. 11 U.S.D.A. Choice lltef, diaeount-priced. ..._.._T... • I CuH Steak e .••• •" 98• \ 1.5..DACWotl...__,.,_e.f I ~~!oast ...... ~98' Stew Jeef ........ 89' U S.D.A Chaitt T~ Ifft tnlm Strok T S• I • $15' op . ir 01n ••••••• U.S.DA Olcb T....._,. ~ ltef T ncmglf Rump Roast ••. ·" 79' MARKET BASKET COFFEE 1-LB. 55' CAN U.S.D.A. CHOICE TENDERAY BRAND BEEF CENTER CUT IONE-IN ROD.ND STEAK • • Count on M.arket Basket to be your yerennial . inf lation"f ighter! We've bee" hottling high prtc" fOf' o lo"I fim• with "'• lftOtt powerfvl onti-inflotiH weapon of the'" oll.,.Oeep.C1.1t OiKount 'rices. C•MJMINI Th.,. Mop;et lo1ket pric" a~ O't low or lower than molt other fo~d chain1, dilcovnl storea, conwnience and i11- dependent 1torn any day of the week. Prov•I Nobody, b1.1t NOSOOY, offen you better 1JG lue1, WHk oft•r week, rflo111 yovr · Market lo1ket 1torn. T•u ctn,•t Ille•• 9"111 •nywhere et1el U.$.DA Gnidl 'A' l'fMll ""*' Ccilifarllia &-Fmll McCo'{' Siad C«Tlld IHI ot Game Hens ••• ~69• Frying Rabbit •• "'79c Sliced Pastrami ~59' U U>A Choict Amllicaa ~ SttYt •• S-forww JqM Mnouf 51or All Meat Hot Dogs ·~~49• Shoulder Chops ·"89< Sliced ·Bacon ••• i;:69' Cooked Ham ••. ~':: 55• . 2.U..f1.11 ll.$.DA Chob ~ S.0 .... fnlml l...:ldii Wat. Hom, COf"l"*I -..t, Turby, Oiidtq. !!!~~b Chops "98< ~~~~!!~rimp ~~89• (hipped Beef •• ~37• 0:-Bone Chaps ..... 98• "'F.""h'~-, Ch' '""-99• Rtgu1or·c111 IS · 1ps. • Pkt. : Rib Lamb Chops "89< "': '""'-'~:~ .,, • ,.,,,.d.............. . FJ,sh Sticks ........ 43 Lamburger ••••• ,\b.49c ~111'.t.,!: frin• ....... •vtt•...,. ,,~ . ._....,~,.,..,~,,M Veal Steaks .... " $1°9 Breast 0' lamb ... 29• ·c-·a.-M-eat •·•·$159 U,5.0A ~ SfK*i 'T..d lamb rau • • • • • P~g. ~~~~d!,~~~·,:."69< !!!!.~~~"~• •• 'i•:~79c DEE!fJcUT Basted Turkey .... 53' Turk~y W/Gravy $1'9J sPlctAL M;'af'i.;~ers '1:69' "''"""""" Cooked im • :~~ 59< C.&H SUGAR 49' ~W"'1lall J:WNI • C-ltytl Allioll (JN::l 1 le: ()ff lobtO Chtil ~-N·DM......,. Mftll loh Coin ........... 4 •:!-$1 Pre-soak ••..• '~' 87' Spag'hetti .••••• 3 't.! $1 Scottowels ••• ·~.:;·33• frilMM 5 flo\lorf Cat Food •••••• :1~· 16' UW , ~ ' no-i (lrd k Off label) Sccit Towtl MWium Peas •• 4 'i!"$1 Cleanser ...... :~· 17c Metrecal Liquid ~~ 26• Holders ......... ~,.48< U. ~ -~ Si:lt ("' ._ kl!fl9f Kl'llh 50l'ldwidt lcivi ~"'n ·Beans •• 4 ·~ s1 Margarine ••..• ·,:~.2j• Cheese Whit , •. ·~ 79•. Baggies ••••••• ~: 33• ~ Sotllll..'--~. Flakes ••• ·:: 38• Margarine ••.•• ·,;:37c ~..... $of'l~·l • lnstanJ (offee ·~~ s109 Margarine •.... 'i:~ 41 , AlAX oR FAa 11NcL 10c off LABEL) , -s·-·W . .;.J,ers "''·"47' ,M .... a-rg"a. '·"38· DETERGENT 1 -:iir-ui • .... rine •.... ""· 9 1 -,.-""""... "" 49c ""B ....... ,... • 3 ""' s1 49.oz. 5 C 1sw1. ii. • • • • • • ... ee aron1 • • • • • "" --1 Oranges •••••• ·~~ 25• 1 I;.;<""' I Drain Cleaner • ".t-79• ~ e.I. 5t °" lelO ; Disinfectant .• 'i~ 54• ,,.,., .... _~ l Preserves •••.. 'C:-67• ---i .................. er.m., I ~~!.Butter •. ",;, .. 99• Dole Drink •••• :1: 11 • PKG. SUNRISE FRESH PRODUCE Italian V111' 3 Vo111hH Dog ~ood •••• 6·~~·49' l,l!lrkit 9a\bf Al l/aritlies Gelatin Salads ·~.~ 33' lordld1 ~Wrapped SlicM PrOtlu Cheese Food •• :~:: 85' 11citt Slictd Na!Ufill Mo1ror.l!G Cheese ........ ~~~ 51< loukN19 Klutl All 'V'""- . ~!!!!.~P.read ''z.~ 39< ~, .• ~.. 'II ... B .. ~-:""' 33 Pork & Beans .:1~39c 1scu1ts ••••••• •t;~l. ' J0oz..21c Sunll.hirit Sl(ile f•om Lemonade •••.. :,~ 1 O' l 2-0z., ltc 8anQUlf All Vcrie1ies froa<1 Dinners ........... 37' Orf..1dl f,._ '" Vegetables ••. ':!-44• ~· fr•-lflf '-... Dinnen ••••••• 12.0z.49c """'-''' f'fozllt Coeoo.ut tlllwd. '-ell., Apple Pies ••••. ,, .. 29• 70-0!. ci.rrv. ''' Prune Plums .. :2lb•2gc WASHINGTON STATE EXTRA FANCY CENTRAL AMERICAN CABANA BANANAS ~ JONATl:tAN APPLES Northern Grown Oris.colt Strawberries .. a.,,,,3gc ·c , e SANTA .ANA-~ .. ~- • NEWPORT BEACH_. ...................... . 1118 fnlH Aff, IWeltclUf l'tllh1 -· WldntldJy, S.otembtt 17, 1969 DAILY l'lLOT 4:J Celebrity Cook book More -Than Bread Required. Jl7 ,JO!ll'jA BUNN 1, . N!W YORK ..:. •'Cluiit' ~ a mao'1~lJfe cooalsted<Dot ' the ab\inl!ance ol tlje thlnga podel!ed. He uld, 'M'" ah . not llvo I>)' ~IO•d •lone.' .A,.t yet, wer.-I~ ,f9 live bJ bread alone,0 said evangelist Billy Graham, who heid stop- ped off here en route to San Clemente. Jlt dl.scuJsed his theology Al it related to con- temporary living, the family unit ond the family table. "We've been telling young people, you can live by materiallsm alone. That's why we aee in them t.oday a spiritual seardUns for a meaning to their lives, a putpo3e and a flliflllment," he said, citing the use o f psychedell~ drup >od other experiences ~s substitutes for true 1ptrttuallty. food la 1 dellcacy. They cannot • .QllNESE EGGS sliced In I Inch lengtlls Ullllerat,,.:' how YOO could '(~pt' I ta~lespooo vigetable oil pol!!~ prmr djlr~ rood 14 • 8 Jpring onions, finely ~ little salt (lo taste) pte~ar«I:)!> a_botbet way." · ·~(white P•rl only) -H•al sklllet wttl) oU and salt ~h.U.. whiCh he found such , hejd° of 1fttluce (Iceberg}, fot\about 2 inimttes. Add cab- 10 appillln(' experlenc<i some • •chopped line bage and sur. ~~an, ilm· 20 years' ago~.are no.• 'one ot • ~tabl~ soy sauce lnet 3 minutes (or until c1b- hls favorite foods, be said, 1 tablespoon sugar bage Ls bafely tender). Makes especially when it'I dripping Dash ground ginger (or few 4 servings. Complete mt!nu by with garlic. • str•plnga ol rr.sh ginjer • serving ""~ge alone 1'llh Fatlns in the Grab am \root if available) • , rice or '<(1th sweet-sour ribs. hou.tebold has lts moments ol DeJh garlic powd er (or few Serve with quantities or hot luxury. "'Ibla pufveek, I had drops pressed garlic) green tea. been ao on the run: my wife V_egelable oil . ArrERTHOUGHTS : Ru L h brrught me breakfast in bed. CombbJe all lngredienlJ ~n Graham's recloes are only a That's a real }Usury. For bowl e~ctpt veg~ble oil. beginning for Ollnese-inspired yean sht baa ,brougbt me a Heat skillel. wllb Just enough cooks. If ~. vary the cup of' coffee OeCore I get up1 vts~ble oil to CO'fU bottom formula with additions or so 1 Ue In bed and alp my col~ of skillet. Poor miiture into small quanUties of chopped foe while I read .. watch the Uf11el Cook quickly ~ut.do not green acalllons, dried shrimp. news on televi.slon." bum. C'.ook on one side only; chopped ginger root, hot red Ruth Graham often cooks an top will cook enough to ::~: or rotate vegetables all.French meal._.9Vel' an open ~me firm. Remove frotn • g Chinese pea pods (fresh wood fire, l1tbet roasting skillet; roll up J e 11y.ro1 l or frozen) spinach bean \ steaks and burying potatoes In fashion. Serve with rice. sprouts Chinese mu.9hrooms SOUL F..OOD-A, love1 of soul food, BJ.lly. Graham the coals, or preparing a Makes about 4 se~gs. · or mu~tard greens ln corn· Chinese meal froln her youth. CHINESE. ~ABBA GE binaUon. believes in feeding thQ soul as well as the body. He Mrs. Graham, Bunny and AM~ and (seated;. left to right) franklin, Ned and Danny Lotz, Anna's hus- band . ' Words flowed with homespu.1 affability from the tan Jp.nky rriJin with the pierc- ing blue eyes who had just taped a guest spot on the Woody Allen Sptcial sdledllled for next Sunday on CBS-1V. The kitchen ta -, cozy room I pound t;.hlnese cabbage, <CJ 1m. tHw..uv. inc. is shown with his family (standing left to right), with a fireplace' and .an em----------,---~-----------------------=--,---'--"--------------------- He blamed affluence, permissive upbringing, parent! who have failed to fulfill their functlorui, and secularism in the schools for the breakdown of family life. COMMUNAL BASIS "We saw in the early 1920s in the SOvlet Union a move- ment away from family Ille. They thought they could do it on a communal bas.is, build a society in which thert would be equallty between male and female. )ut the Soviets have reallied tbat1 lo order to build a -~ng society, they mu'st have'a strong family life. •'The home is the very basic unit of any society. Communal llvlQ&. will Qot wort. I know of one '"'oup. that bas been trying it, 'nd ·a psychologist who stW!ed tl!em told me 1bat the jeal.,.,1es,:1 he fights, t be dlvlJlons, ..,.,drup aJ)d all \be resf of lt an; llilbeUev;able. It ju5' won 't work. God never meant for ·lt to work!" Billy Graham .slid. ''Ont o1 the problems in cur- re1* }~rlcan life is the presaure of modem civlliza- Uon. ;relevision occupies 110 much of the time that to get the family together for a meal ar for prayer ls a COlll\8n!~ bat!J~ I kooWl!'s tliJ,e In mr own home. "Wt try to get together for at least one meat a day, and for family prayers. Even lh01Jch we live a rural IUe, we ail seem Jlo ~ going our separate ways.'" Gra~am and his wife Rut;b-live with four of their children' In a 10.room log cabin-style house atop a remote mountain In Montreat, N.C. "I can imagine .that it'i> far more dfiflcull for parents ii .. citlel." ALWAYS A GAP On the alienation of the young .people, he s a l d , "There's always betn a gap between the young and the old. The dllierence this time ii tbe. bossed .moUo han~g near the sink, "Pralae, Pray and Peg Away," a memento from one of Mrs. Graham's high school frien& .. PRESIDENT'S FAVORITE We a.!ked BillJ. U he 'd ever sampled President NiJ:on'1 favorite meat loaf, a 1 prepared by Pal Nixon. "I'm - not sure that we've had it," he said. "l dcn't reaJJy remember because I'm usualfy so absorb- ed in w h a t we're t.alkJng about Usually when we've dined alone he has served steak because he knows I like It Meals with the President are always relaxing . You're never conscious of t i JD e because be ls 90 crganlted. He's calm and collected al all times." Another Graham favorite is soul food -the collard greens, black-eyed peas and hoi jowls he had as a child growing up on a dairy farm in Chaili>tte. "In that sense, I'm a soul brother," he said. ' ' I t ' s marvelOUB eaUng, and I'll ask for it any time I can get it." Several years ago · we h~d corresponded with Billy about the soul food Sammy Davis Jr. had extolled in an interview. DUiy SI.Id, "I'm certain that when Sammy Davia speaks of 'soul food,' he has in mind that man b a trinity -he has a body and a mind, but he also bas a spl.rit, er a soul, that nee<ls 1pliitual food . "Man becomes one sided, he gets rut of proportion. I belleve lbis is one oI the main reasons far so many meotal breakdowns in thill cOuntrJ to- day. We are spiritually s{arv- ed. There are a number of passages" In 1tfle Bibl e th.at refer to the spiritual food of the soul. Jesus said, 'I am the bread of life.' He used food as an ex.ample or spiritual food and his parables make fre- quent reference to the wheat and grain." Alter the intriguing In· tervlew was over, Mrs . Graham graciously supplied some of her menus for pubU- cati011. young are rebelling, which &tRS. BILLY G R A U A M ' S was hardly tnown when I was FRENCH MENU a boy. Yau just never For the potatoes disobeyed yoor parent!, you One hour before you plan to didn't dare. Children today serve dinner, dig holes in the live without rules and they're bed of a good wood fire that's unhappy. '11l!y feel unlbved been going all day long, bury and need dlSclpline. Pareots scrubbed Irish potatoes in the are not giving them that coals and aDow l hour dllclpUoe and are actually roasting time. Note: It is un· aCrald of their children. Many necessary to wrap t h e cblldren sensing tbit, a r e potatoes in anything. At se.rv- threatenlng their parents." Ing time, remove from coals GeWng the family together with tongs. brush off outside, at the family board at meal split, fill with butter, salt and time is one positive way to ce-pepper. meot family ties, he said. "My For the steak wife was bom and reared ln Select your favorite cut of China and tells about the great steak -Porterhowe, slrloln, ceremony they made of tllelr etc.-but have it cut at leut meals. I think thll is where two inches thick. U desired, Europeans as well a!I the nib both sJdea ot steak witb Olioele have something to cut garlic. Place on grill over teach us. coals cookins to degree of "My daughter Vlrglnla Is rareness according to one's married to a Swiss. They lake taste. Serve witb your favorite an hour and a half to two tossed green salad and bread hours at a mul. It's a (preferably French or Italian) marvelous lime of ta1k1lla and toasted over the coals. e:ichangtng ideu. It'1 a famll,y AFI'ERTIIOUGHTS: Ruth time. Eatlng in Alnerica Graham advises. "This menu seems to be to just get enough ls best on a cold wint'r day fuel to get 1lon1 -a grab and when you WPUld have a wood growl affair. We've lost the fire going all day long." She art ol livJn& " waa Inspired by a small ~ ~Bed iome food rellauraat id the IOUth of experiences from hls ttivf.ls. France. "Jn.., T)twm, \bey have ereal CHINESE MENU ChldUjt J,eail8 where _eve:~ LAZV MAN'S RlCE ....._ with his chopltkSI Prt,.,..i In a .......,. cool<er and eats out of the aame boWJ. Put even amounts long 1bt ~louder the n o I 1 1 >'9" gralned rice and water ID a m84e. the ~ you're t\fP" prellln't aucepan. Allow rice pooOd to '-'"'Jo11ec )'lllll" to cOolt -rdtng to package food.I' IA lllt -1Jllleo .,.. lalttucll001, or allow p.....,,.. ~ "" Gia mod by to ri11 to it pounds,, time forl l«Zd Jlllrjli. ' mlnutel, then lillow the lteam -"•••M... 1 to 10 down ol 111 OWD without D~ hli tlbare ol fordn1 pmsure down by nut- eai&lg 01.itwM!ttb l o o d I • ;::;."'":;:' ;::g;::und<r==co=l;::d="='=ter;::.==~.I "While dining -.. AlrlciD trlbo 1n Kenya, we wm ..,.. BOAT BUFFS ed OM litlle delicacy, I m0\1911 Al'"o• LMlltJ.1y It th• ollly oo-e ~ 1tuffed ,rttb anti!" f11ll·th11• iHl•tl111 Mitor _,111., I nibbled on lt, but it was a 011 .. ,.., 11-•P•Plff h1 o,.,.,. rat.her dlttklult lh!.ng for me. Co11~ty. Hl, ••c.l11t1 .. , cov•t•t• I've found lt'1 bt:lttr to go of b••t!fte •1141 Y•tM!11t 11••• ahead ind eat such things 11 • clelly f1at11r• of th• OAILY PILOT. becauat. to your b01ts1 the '----------· PRICIS IPPICTIYI THURS. lhru su11 .. SIPT. 11·21, 1969 u.s.D.A. lllSPECTED, FIOZEll LAMB ROAST IHOULDIR 49c C~T LI. 0 A1'i'CiiO'Ps" ·~.~· 7911. U.S.0.A. CHOICE BEE• IONflESS TOP SIRLOIN STEAK U.S,O.A. CHOICE lffF STEAK PORTERHOUSE lUft QUAUTY LINK SAUSAGE 3 ·····•1 pk91. • U.LD.A. CH.OICI 'llP BONELESS ROAST c::~~·:.•99c llRLOlll LI. aun flfSH FtoifN U.S.0.A IN~lCTIO LEG OF LAMI FlllSH FIOZEN U.S.D.A. INSPECTED Ill LAMB CHOP S flOlft( l lEADEO 01 ,Loi.JN VEAL STEAKS • 891t. 981t. '81t LIBBY'S , FROZEN FOODS ' BATHROOM TREfSWEfT 02·0L CAN ~Jd i\MRY ELLEN SCOTT TISSUE ORANGE JUICE DOWNYflA KE '·"·27• ... 2 :~·; 25• ll! 10 ...... Preserves WAF FLES BIROS EYE PEAS or CUT co;r~ FAMILY PKG. :29c iill pkgo. OH IOY -4·0I. ITALIAN ICES pkg.49c 016 MEXIC AN (ENT~f!S 37t) ROSARITA DINNERS 6 YEAts Ol0-16 PIOOf E.G. BOOZ: STRAIGHT KlllTUCK BOURBON Oiotilled ' .. .ao...i bottl•d ot di1rlllery. IM'°"10 DANISH A15011TED . s 12• BIRRY WINES 11nH U!Ol,OQON ~EO SCOTCH lkfl<OfO $fta! WHISKY GAllON DEL IC A TESS EN -. FOOD GIANT -SLICED B OLOGNA ALLMIAT 69C FULL POUllD KNOCKWURS S ALAMI or FRA NKS ::::; C:OiYAl1~CHli'i11 IAKCO SMOICID SALMON SPECIAL NON·FOOD' Vl\l U0ES MA CLEANS 77• ';;f2n ;:, .,., ~..,.,,. 64• ASSORTED FLAVORS ROYAL GELATIN, A5St'd Flavars, smoll pkg ..••.......• Jfor29c ROYAL PUDDING MIXES, A5St'd flovors, S'J""ll pkg ... J far 25c MARY KITCHEN CORNED BEEF, 15-oL con ................... Si c ALPO DOG FOOD MARY KITCHEN ROAST BEEF HASH, 15·oz. con ............. 59c M/l:lclM FREEZE-DRIED INSTANT COFFEE. 4·0!. ~r .......... 99c UNDERWOOD CORNED BHF SPREAD. 4V.-oz. can .......... 49c 3 no. I $1 cons KINGSFORD BRIQUETTES, IQ.lb. bag ......................... 99c SARAN WP», 50.h. roll ....................................... J9c SARAN WRAP, fumba roll ............... , ............ , .......... 6St FRISKIES ORY OOG FOOD MIX OR cu~s. 5·/b, bog ••....•. 69c_ FRISKIES ORY OOG FOOD, IQ.lb. bag ....................... $1.29 FRIEKIES ORY 00G FOOD KIBBLED, 2·1b. bog ................ 41c • STllAWBERRY • BlACKBEIUfY • APRICOT-PINEAPPLE ~~z.4~ CATFOOO FRISKIES 2 3 00 Barbor Blv d. at Wilson St •• llarbor Sho p p ing t..:en ter , Custa Mesa • I' I I I ~~~.~--..-~-,,....-. ·~· .... •-•7• ..................... -...... ·-· ....................................... ----· ................ -~ ... -................ , .. ,_. __ " -· -$ ,_ .. _______ ~. ff DAR. y' PIUT I ~" ,. .-. I • DECORATED SCOTTOWELS F 0 R PACIFIC CREAM SANDWICH COOKIES e COCOA e ASSOITID e UMON -e llG. If-- 1 ~ LB. CD.LO . FREEi Aunt Jemima Syrup 111 a.. ..,.., -WITH PURCHASE OF SOFT NUCOA MARGARINE REG. 39¢ IN PLASTIC TUBS J3 Oz. Can STYLE ~$''. R " • 4 ROLi. PACKS SCOTTISSUE $ F 0 R KING SIZE -10 01. Jor ,. ' ·Rod's Garlic Spread SPRINGFIELD -8 OL Can Cut Green Beans 39¢ 10¢. TIDE REG. $1.45 89¢ 1 1 1 KING SIZE Wltll .. UQlloMI _,UM 111111.. ll'W· 1' 1 1 Limit I boll ,., ~ -er.. <*-,., <llllO""'". Ak-llC: I .. _tteli ... .,....,. ,..., O.lJ'l' ~ ... (lfat'lllct txt"llllJ. I tel il'M! mllllfl'IUfll purWM Oy llw, \t9lcl tfkf klfldrt, ~ll'llllr I 11, ""· ' ~GOOD ONLY AT BARGAIN BASKET ""=' VALUABLE ~OUPON~~ ~ CHEERIOS CEREAL REG. 29c 7 oz. BOX """" 1'1111 """"' LIMIT ONr IOI I'll COUl'ON- ONE COUroN Pl l CUSTMl l: 'fold Aff'lt s.My, s., .... ,, 21 GOOO ONLY AT BARGAIN BASKET VALUABLE COUPON SCHILLING'S !Regulor 25< Envelopo l 11· SPAGHETTI .J SAUCE MIX Wlftli 'TI!ll a..- llMfT 9Nl.1Nf1LOP,t· rlit couro"- ONI COUPON H• CUSTOMll Y91d Aftltl' S111d..,, s.,....._ JI VALUABLE COUPO PRUF (6 oi. aerosol can) S.l!RAY I STARCH L LIMIT IW'~T~b .. ii~ouroN Offl COU10N PEI CVSTOMll ' YOID" AFTll SUNDAY, SEPT. 21 ~, GOOD ONLY AT BARGAIN BASKET ~ HUNTS -#300 T•ll C1n1 s1s1 Sliced Tomatoes MRS. BUTTERWORTH'$ -24 oL 59¢ Pancake Syrup Sh~;;;in~";;;;;;~·~s 5 / s1 LIGHT NING WHITE -Qu•rl 59¢ Laundry Whitener c FREE! HAIR SPRAY. Aunt Jemima Syrup Sell• EIHwhere 2 LB. BOX for 79c HAllSCO OREO COOKIES , ... c.11. 49c I LEMON°1 COOLERS 49c USDA'CHOICE , -BARGAIN BASKET BETTER· BEEF • USDA CHOICE \ NO PRE-PACKAGED MEATS COIN KING SLICED BACON 1-LI. PKG .............. . FRESH LEAN . . "' GROUND BEEFI .. . ' c lb -',CORNISH GAME HENS BONELESS U.S.D.A. CHOICE . BOnOM ROUND TIJ.1 59' BONELESS u.s.D.A. CHOICE SLICED BACON l·LI, PKG •....... ,................... ····· lb EYE ROUND ROAST ··················- IAl·M WESTHN STYLE 59¢ BULK WIENERS . . . .......... ..... .... . . . ·-lfl YOUNG.:.... N-TENDER ' ioi. 0 GENAs_''.LE . ··-59 ~ FRESH suc;ED BEEF LIVER -....... ··- c ea • 98~ BONELESS U.S.D.A. CHOICE TOP SIRLOIN STEAK $ 69 BONELESS U.S.D.A. CHOICE CTOP ROUND 'bROAST $1 39 lb GROUND SHOULDER , .BEEF 49~ PATTIES 5 LB. BOX (26 Plltioo) SI.ICED -IAI M WESTUN STYLE 69 ¢ · cono SALAMI ·--·-..... -... -....... : ......... _ ...... -..... n. PBODUCE -----, PRICES EFFECTIVE: -li;l•>A4:1·:•X•]1J>1----- r:oREMOST' PREMIUM ICE CREAM V• ~ . 69~ ,. ------------:---- SPRINGFIEtD .,. a.. ,.,.. STRAWBERRIES BANQUET FROZEN DINNERS YOUR CHOICE OF VARITIES . SPRINGFIELD 10 OZ. PICGS. -MIX 'EM OR MATCH '!M e CORN e PEAS e SPINACH e CHOPPED BROCCOLI ' I 4 /51 • 3/51 ~$ R ·--, U.S. NO. I TOMATOES RUSSET POTATOES , ' SWllf CAU.U. ; MELONS THICK MU.TIO EELL PEPPERS LON• ~ll:l!N CUCUMBERS c 10 u. ~~'0 49' LI. 5c LI. 19' Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sunday Sept. 18, 19, 20, 21 Pricet subject to stock on hind. WE GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS COSTA MESA PLACEKtlA WE GIVf BLUE CHIP STAMPS 19111 and Plmnti1 710 W. Chapman I ! • • . . . ... • . Here it is ••. the finest of El Rancho roasts, the Prime HilJ! l • , • It's tf.iis r.¢ek's · Super-Feature .•• sa~r it and save! ' • t Here ia unparalleled dinlDZ dolisbt .•• t.nder, aJld "'1atlatyi~ . , ••• rich natural tla.vo!."' • the mutt of natural aclnr ••• n9 ' eneym.ea, no rap ••• only nature's own &lfJll Pl'.OCfM can afford the finer flavor tllat you find in El ltancho'a U.S.D.A. Choice beef I Thia week.,. make the compariaon t.st ••• and .... for younelf tl>at there ..ally ia a dillerence I Select Small End .. ) . I • .. .. •• -- - 1/111•1lillk 1llL ll8*o"611ll!l li"6k ... , .. ~lll : You pt lllOrt aood eatinr for 10nr illoQej with El Rucho trim! Qu&lity that~ llM!f ~ent with every ~der !orld~ I ·r Compare the trim ••• look for the .. Jue ••• ll!ld choooe El Rancho! I "' Braising Ribs ..................................... 49~ fresh Split Broilers cwm.RIA'S FlllUll 49f Ground Round ................................... ~ 89~ Loan! Fresh! Buy it'in bulk, or patties atthia price ! ' ' Slab Bacon ........ ~.~~.~~-~ ............. 79~ . Old flillioned flavor! El Rancho 11iced bacon ••• 89c lb. Plump fresh solden birds ••• quality that usuru you o! chicken at ita beat! Here'• value that WI onJ;y enbanoo'Y•Ur culinar7 akilla I . fresh Trout ........... ~:.~!~ .......... 49~ Ruabod lo -. from Idaho'1 lcy wa"n I Kin. wt. 6 oi. euh I t't ~.t '.t (" r ' -Grocery Specials for Super Shoppers! 81llliqu1 ...... 4·11 Fac'ia1 tissues ... and wouldn't ·you know they come from the Kleenex people! Soft. strong, colorful ••• practie&l, yet decotativel .Sala.d Dressing .......... ·............. 3·9' Cboooe 70ur favorita ••• Girard'•. , •• 11 OL bottle I Re1ulal· 49c and 69c I Make your aalada 1i111 ! Ma1ola Mar9arine .............. 3: $1 ' ){ade with tti• iolden ioodneaa of puro com oil I I lb, pack11e& Superior flavor ••• plua polyuD1&turatta ! SpaghettJ Sauce . ..... ... .. . .. 2 "' 39' S.hilllnl'• Mil<! •.. perfict reau)tal Rea. 26c oacb., Globe Al Spaghetti ... :: .. 2'"' 39' • Sunolina ... hard wheat ... cook.a bestl l lb. pkp. ' Green Beans . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. 4 '" '1 Dolt'& ••• suaoned ••• heat I: aervt! No. 303 cans. S & W Tuna ·······'··········· 3,. '1 Cllqlt Ulht ••• awoet &lid lllild flavored! No. i,y. .• ' MIJl(llrf n ar.naes . .. . ... ... . 4 ,., '1 8 AW ••. pictu.. prelt)' aegmental •.• 11 oz. tin>.· Rosarita Dinners ............... : .. 3r Clloole from four kindl ,~t tbla prioo rrro..n. Chili. w .. 8eanS ...... '.·... .. . . . .. . .. sr Bob'• ••• ~ Sbi1Pl7 wt" .aerve11s,os. 'pkf. • . / . . Nabisco Oreos ........ ""'" ........ 49' Th• cookie thlt ~leappoara ., ttdcldr) 1' 01. J>kl. • Yuban Coffee ....................... 67L • .JlttJ> fl4vor ••• tfclier, to ro farther l Z ~ <1111.83 ,, Downyflake Waffles ...... 3 ,., '1 Frozen ..• 6 per pkf .••• heat them In tho toaatar I , French Toast .................. 3 ,.. s1 Downyflake, frozen, 12 oz. pkr I Bnoakfut doJllhtl Snmdef s Presents ...... 3 ..... 1 Apricot, Seedl• BlackberrJ, Chel'J'f, Paach, Plwil, GraJ11, OTanp ~· or Sll'llwbrz:r. 12 oo. ' . • Liquor Departnrent Foatnpnir .. this ~ •• tlirea clinJMr wh\M f""1 Cllriatian Br<>O. ••• to complonlent our ~ ill>! Nipl Rose .::.: ......... flFIM ............ '1.59 carnet SMfflan .. ,fJTll ............ '2.19 Pilot St. George ..... fJTll ............ '3.00. Heineten Beer .. Sii PACJ. ......... '2.79 Imported I • • • Twelvo oun.,. no roturn boltld. ' Jack Daniels ........ fflll .....••..••. '7.35 Blacl\ label ••• the n&1111 apUb for lllelf I Ezra Brools ...... 11 ;a ......... !1 D:59 Strafaht whiak~ I U ~ , .... d 111100th I .· f ' • Super Fresh Produce .siltciaii'-1~':~ · ' Pe111. ..... t•tl1 BarUett'a •• ; the favorit. with so many •• , .....,.r1iJe :ind j~ ••• a treat to eat! Great a!ter«llool treat ••• for lillldal )l>ol Baker Size Russet Potatoes ············:··· .... , .. : .......... ;.·:······· .. :··'·:·:'. ... ·1· .~.:) Juat waitioi to be baked and ""ed with sobs of buti.r·orheapo of soui'croam and chlv•l·,' ,: . , ~~ I ,, Romaine ................................. 10' Italian Squash ................... ::.::1tt. • ,> Criap and ~der ••• for more invitin1 aalada! Garden freoh , •• 1erve lhia falfonta Often! Super Delicatessen Delight& . 'X) All Beef Salami . .. . ... . . . . . . . . $1.29 ·Hoffman's ••• blr 1~ lb. chunk ••• oerve chunk.a! · All Meat Bologna ................. 11.09 Cut jhJcl< .Uooa from thia 1 J.1i lb. chunk I Hoffman. 'J • ·, r 2 . " ' '. . Mild Cheddar ................... ,.,. 7ft. 1: El Rancho's own label ••• bytthe ·pito1f· ., ' '·. '5 Horseradish Sauce ...... ~.: ... .,3$'-a Fiabermen'• Wharf ; •• creaiiiJ; sat):! ••• a ... tJZ l ( . ' I! l -. l,1 8 PriMI I• efftd Tllalt. tht"OUDh Sund.av., Sep~ 18, 11, to, tI. No aalu to de4kr1. IJZ ..... '~ , ·~ ... ,.~ ... .,, · ,0-g to u dailv. Sund.av U:30 to 6:10. llUNYlfCTON HARBOUR: Watner Ave. & Algonquin St A ' •' NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 2555 Eastbluft D~. (Eastbluff Village Ce!Jter) Also conveniently /qcated stores In Arcadia, Pssadend and SouJ/I. ,,_~ ' ' • , . r l l I I ff DAil. Y I'll.OT Comb at l unch ~En n ui Lunch box carriers .,,.,. In ill shopes and ..... 'Ibey travel to scboo!s, to COD- struction sites. to factorie&, to offices. fbelr rune is leg.loft. la It -cl 111 Amerlcaa lioma IODld>ody -• ,a<ked)uaeb at least _, -'weetdaJ . y~ <••'nl -for JD pertenl ol lbe pocked -.....,.,. foe another 11 pen:e!t. wornea for 15 per- '""~ and -for a wllopplo& $1 per<enl For IOOlC women. packing a &l>Od lunch .. • b...... Set. tllnl into ... ..., ,..tine, they take lull advllllage cl all their -equlpmenl. (TbeJ bave a apedal lunch bU comer In the refrigerator, ~~~":11~ keep thae .noraae coostanUy repleDJshed they propar< tlje &l>Odles ~Juncbes to came - -1\Yle. wmoea areni quite so l.o'a~ « ao well- <ganir.ed. For them, packed Jfncbel can be • chore. r~ kinds of women •lcome suggestions ror mak· ltC the lunches they pack ~ varied, more nutritious, lj)d more appetizing. l'ibe mon popular lund> ~binatlon, at home or "{fl•,1· ii sS:llJ aoup and a sf>dw:lcb. Coodemtd I 0 U p ti In minutes and, ID 1 ~"" boU!e, stays piping for hours. ot only does it add a elike touch to a c.arried bOt it boostl the -.contenL itb IO · many · different cl coodenaed soups lo ftom and so many dif - ! combos tha1 can be nlade' ming coodenstd soups a't stm1tn. there's aJmost no ~ to t11e vanet,· !hat can nial<• • packed lunch hot and lllls!yil!I. i&ere are a few suggestions !• bmcll box combinatiom. "With your favorite soup. serve a sandwich spread with a.combinaUon ol chicken.. ce~ "" Ind almmds; green pep-~ bonl<ooked eu and ba- con; tuna, celery and banl- a10ked ea; ham. pickle relish ml _, luncheon meat ancJ iOJffed roltva. or c re 1 m cheese, pinfapple Ind shred- ded beet • Or, try a combination of salami, sweet pickle and cel- trf' pcaoul baiter,~ and r1..1sin; sardine, naro<mked egg, and pickle; salmon, :witl-: en:ress and ooloo ; shrunp, cottage dteeae and chili sauce; apple. wattrcress, celery and nuts ar baked beans and pick1e rtliJb. ~ should be chop- ped and mol!lened with may- onnaise or salad drming to ·~ oomlslency. ' SalM cup suggestions in- clude cabbqe, apple a n d carrot &laW; potato, celery, ereen pepJ>er and onion; meat and mb:ed vegetable; apple, prune and nut; tomato shell atuffed with gJaw, cottage cbeese or potato salad, and avocado hall stuffed with crab meat ar fruit salad. Deuert suggestions are coollJ~' cupcakes, fresh fruit, lndlv I plea or tarnovers, canned nUt, applesauce and canned puddings. K ids Love 'Em Crisp II poond (2 stlclts) butler or margarine % cup chunky peanut butter ~ cup granulated sugar lb cup firmly packed light brown q1r ' tea~ vanilla I oU - 11 ~ cups unsifted nour II C11P fine corn !late crumbs Jn a .,.ctlum mixing bowl creom bullc', peanut buller, 111ar5 a.nd vanilla. ~beolhieg. Gradualll' lllt In flour until -eo-tightly ml pboe lo "-1111W Orm - oj>ooll I llourl. W«t rill II cl the cloo&b al I tiloe and keep mnalnioi dollP t<ftleer•led. ........ --bolil; ,. M own flake aumb&. ftlCtl a lw met.ea apart on Ullll-*...idelheela. • "' • preh!lled ~ HP1 ...,, untll llih\IJ booo ... -llrnlzMa.Witba -tpllUla ......... lo •in HOURS: ·9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. FRESH . ., .... • BROADBI EL" ' .LB. SWORDFISH SKIPPY DOG FOOD 15 OZ. TIN BETTY CROCKER Cake .MIX -~ALL FLAVORS .. .. ~ . ~ .. FOL GER'S COFFEE 1 LB. 2 lb. $1.15 WE GIVE S & H GREEN S·TAMPS -~unmrn i -1imun11. l ll.40l. 59 = = =· ;;; = ~ = = ~ i ! KING SIZE C § TIDE XK ~ ONLY wrnt THt5 eotm>11 ~ l'ltlCt: 87' • ~ltJ' .. °o'a' ~ GOOD ii o•.v BALBOA MARKET iO AT SEPT. 20, 1969 § -O,Fflt IXPll!l:I ! LIMIT 1 COUPON PER P\IRCHAll ~ WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT. 10'.4 DISCOUNT ON AtL CASH PURCHASES ON WINE & LIQUOR • PriCes Effective Sept. 18, 19 and 20 ' 608 EAtT BALBOA BLVD. BALBOA Phone: 673 -8310 .. IT'S FRESH ! _;. l·T'S LOCAL .. . ' "1l.~S¥. DEtlCIOUS Q ' . ·C&H SUGAR .. GERBER'S BABY FOOD ' STRAINED 41/z OZ. JAR IVORY LIQUID DETERG~~!z. REG. 89 c: 69 ~. CARNATION INSTANT BREAKFAST 59c REG. 79c: CORONET FACIAL TISSUE 200 COUNT REG. 31 c: 17.~. I ~~~-F-~_M_ou_R_FR_DZEN~Fo_oo_o_~_AR_TM_~_r~~_,I MINUTE MAID ORANGE JUICE 6 OZ. TIN REG. 33< SWANSON'S PIES e BEEF e TURKEY e CHICKEN I, o i, PKG. RE~~ 29< EA. · ftSON'S PRIDl•ROCK CORNISH GAME HENS NON DAIRY WHIPPED TOPPING " . REDDI WHIP REG.De 4i51 • 9~ " FROM OUR PRODUCE DEPT. "FRESH DAILY" LARGE HEAD LETTUCE 2~29c I - BALBOA MARKET ' l'ICb lo cool • FULL QT, REG. 59c , 608 IAST BALBOA BOULEVARD, BALBOA llon !n Uptly covered tln l---------------------.!.!:::=================::! .. • boL -•boul I-· ' -· --I •- I ,l~OT·APYf~S~· Hints Shored . . ~ ... WtdneJday, StJttmhl' 11, 1'6CJ "'"'' - •• --. l" I DAil Y l'ILOT '4i Cooks Learn Trick for · Making· a Smdother Cream Sauce • DJ:All NAN: I llili an ....,...;. talL U ,,. "' Ila< ho .. to add moro hot water lha'I• 11 .. ltrww still ldl -....,. el 1...... d°'"' A "'11 ate. Just make ..,. '"" bave Savina Hot · Dllhea" lend :IS Nan Wiley rearm tllal .ii. EngJilli woman end ti1~n"t 1i!J pork 1oa lftlY not Mtd lrom lime to Ume betaust u.ey,.. doae. ot ,,... ~ or a sUett o1 plenty of ptpleg bot corn bread cents and a Jon1,• 1tJmped, cannot provide P • r • o o a I been •bk lo find ptaln, flQtly any ttlle.r 11lt «t all · those pea1 are preUy abso.... I bow a Vlrlllla ~ wltt ~ tbe dried ltub dona!& hut &o 10 with them. self.addreSled tnvel(ln. with answers to your cooldns que .. grated cPIPUt over here. In -' ..... Uons,~t uestlons ot 1eneral Enll..-1 It II cot(ed -ca\e<J t ll!.._,.u l!U• eo>:!~,.. bent and a reaU..lhent "pol adds 1 bly leol, 1 clove ol '"11MDI eUhu. Only y..-ii"""* for ~ ti> N111 !llllft!I 1 be an>wered in eoconut o!ld II muc~ belt«' to -1 twO,lltm er !11J au i, llkker" sbookl .. ,., be Ulm-ll'!lll> '""Q'l>t I,........, -U file"' "DI "!'1 prlle For Y""' copy of NINI at o( '-DAILY lier . uselncookit>Olld~4J altt llo4 ........ )'O!I may py. Yot-11~,llllol , ,,.._.,.....,,..,.~a er '<rb Davor la~ 1"' WUey'~lilw booklet "Dell# •' .-!•,,_.,_...,·,.., llbUlllWHielled.DoUleY•Ul~~'--~~,+f-'-.~-'--"-~-'--~...,-'~'---';;-,-''-,_;;_,;......,,;....-'-';--"~~~~~~...:.:...;.c_~..;;.,;.~~"'--~"'--....;.o,..;.;-.;;;.._~~~~ ..... ~.--;;.,;;.,;.;::::::..;;;;::._:;,;;;.;..~. Jt over here! I !tied ll'ldini my own hut II b loo wel. Then l tried drying It slowly in the oven but It turned brown. Can you help me! Abo, t wonder U you know it Is much a#ftr to make a smooth l:itlJJI ...... tither with nour'et c0rnswch, if you ··· beat !ht m . and flour llrlt, htat •lawtY, then add the but· tir Qr. 1111t1""'9 called for and let II melt rl&ht In the LETS ASK THE COOK by ~~ watm milture, IUrrinJ: COD- 11.lntly. 1 never get lumpy 1auce U\ft way wbtrtU I nearly al~s did before, no matter whit I did. ROf!Efo!ARY R!TClllE. ROCl!ESTER, N. Y. ' .. . . SWISS STEAK ~ .. ~:: ................. 88 1 Tenderloin STEAK~~ ........ n.. 2'• HAM "°" ............................... n.. c BEEF BA.C McCo,.SlkocL •••••• n..·,i.~.79• 1 SIRLOJ" S.TEAK =~ ... ; .... lb.169 RUMP ROAST~ZS::: ......... .n.,89• HAM SLICES-..c.;1.t.t .... ~.1.1 1 ' SLl(Ep HALIBUT c..i.c ............ 1°' Porter)!ouse ST~Al(~.~!~~r..'1° STEW MEAT ~;.t::: ................ 89• SLICED '&"CON ~.~.~· ..... ,,.L 69• FRESH SHRIMP ~~~,::'~nn..125 SIRLOIN·,STEAK ~~ •• d ......... l3' GROUND ROUND '"'h"""''r·· .. , •. 86• BEEF SAU$AGE Nv.C#y, , •. .,,, ...... 581 DUNGENESS CRAB ,,.jeo .......... 78' CUBE STEAK .i:::O::tr .. ~ .... , ..... 1 •• l" SPARERIBS :,o;:::!:::' .............. l" .SAUSAGE~°'"''"""······•·· 2/69" SOLE FilLETS .....,....ic ... ..i .... "' 981 HOFFMAN!S1 . CH,OICE-FUJ,L CUT SHANK · PORllON ROUND HAMS STE4K . -. AU !be prepared CG<Gll•I I buy 1t ibe ~re lla1 aq1r ad. dtd, but I ihlnk It you'll 1et the tind &Ut come1 In bermeUcalJy iealed CUI ytU'll !lad II u ~ut ••bodtute for tM ~ pated, wl&b 1 lot lt11 trtaWe. It may be labeled "•outltent 1 1tyk" II aeme hraati.Oo<eopeneo!,H•~~ fresll aJm:lfl i.deflolt.ely II you cu mua1e Mi pat It la tile freeu;. Maa1 dwp.ts for Ute cream saqce tip. We all b1ve to ttb our hmt1>1 in Ille, but preferably not.11 aravy of ~ ..... WIENERS ~.d~~~ .................. , •. 59c' COOKED HAM !~;:.::t ............ 65 1 CHEESE Kndto..ddm,Mo1d,JK., 891 lo!ISJhorn, Random Weight fb .••• •••••• DRESSING ~:!'m~OOo"::rood ........ TOoL 47 / DEAR NAN: Wher. we ~'en: S6uth we ate some very &ood blaclwyed peas. I bought aomt: and now fmd I do not know how to prepare them 11 they do there. Can you help me? ~ MR3. It JI;. HOLMGREN. NEW LONDON, MINN. Prtbably .. twe rtJio11 ~o them eueUy alike but I'll bet lhOff peil hid ,renty or 1ood rlclt pot Uqaor te tbem for ~~d•P tl!f,;U·~I ~ = er unia you licly ._ them. Of et a~ e , molt soutMn water 11 on \be eofi side off that CU lll•H I hlJ Oavor difference, too. Allyway, try lhll. (Alod I be J llear fro111 . aD my 10Utbe111 readen II"-l!ie wbW• bee-ht.~ their very f-vortte nJ w!QI black· eyed ,.ui:-s. MIJ;-l cu take. It ... It•• f~)' , Will 1 colfJle GI CUJll of llloct-tyed piu ... -tllell .veml1bt In about two quarj:I of tolcl water. Or yoa can HU them In lukewarm water far lt1s ihaa siI houn. U!Jt tbe 1ame w4ter for ttoll:· lig tllem, lddhl1 more If you h1v1 to. Tbm add a pound pfm of blcoe, 11It pork or port 11kiuldtr, e11t ID pieces. Somt people fry tbe bacon or 1alt ,.,ti: a bit ftrlt, add It to the pas a1on1 with die drlp- plntt, some d•'t. Tou In 1 .,._,..."" -!llld marbe • Cheeses Versatile Sandwich fiU!qs mado with cheese add v1rtety, character,' and 11Uslacllon to the luncli bOx meal beeause so . many other foods combine wttJl thtese. The following comblnaUons can be. mixed In aw pro- porti011s to taote. ODO lhlnl le> remember ls -make the mix• l'urts • 1preadlng comltt~ but NOT "sOUJJ1" (a bit of yof!Url. dairy lour cream, er maf'onoalst mv M add~ to make the mi 1 tut e spread tasier).t. Tlllo sulPJl!ot11 '"' mm-ly I iWlft' for I h j ~ilil'~~~ONS AND qtJMtv: ~ and .,, aU..0 with cldll ..... ~ «lln or l'llifll', C1toPJ*1 pew\! ~ n d Cn!atJ cbetll (Jllllt '"1U 10.e 11111) I Cottose cheelt. d!-4 peahut<, p,each or plndpo pl• l!Ull . cream cl>oOM. chopped gM<n (TOlllMr.. dloppe4 rlpt at ......, ollv" •nd ~<tl•rJ Creom cheae, poalJlll ~ tor .......... ... oi-....... ._ rtod ...... . Tltt" o1111p1t -rna111111 l!'•ke It .. ., lo -= dUl•IOJll klndl ol t6 ldtool or lo work . RemtQ\ber. bowt'Vtr, wrap each ~ NP'!'ate11 1o Imp navOri !1<111 mJsln&. LUNCH MEATS !';';.~::~~.: .. ,.,L631 MOZZARELLA'" .. '°"' •..• ,. ....... 481 BISCPll.S =.s::-.:: .............. BoL9c DRiSSI NG ,,,,,_, ............. io ·~ 67 c SHOP and COMPARE NATIONAL BRAND ITEMS at FULL DISCOUNT -7DAY S A WEEK Save at Albertson's · " O!Mfk Pft!CE OUR "ICE KOTEX ..,., ... , ...•.•.•••••••••• 77' 73t ALBJRTSON'S :::._,,.,.,._ 49• .45t TEA BAGS ....._,,.,.; ••••••••. 59 c 48t PRESERVES ~:::.=.:~.......... 57 • 531 RAISIN BR~N ,d,,,,."'~··· 47• 441 DOG FOOD """''"·-··· 25' 231 CRYSTAL WlllJf.,~-··· 63' 591 NO. 1 RUSSET . 'u.s. NO. I MILD ... ll. LB. BAG Save at Albertson's CHUNK TUNA :;;;,.:::,,,,,.,,.: AJAX =~t· .. .'-..r·········· GRAVY MIX ,,......,._ ••.•••• ; GRAVY MIX ,,~,,,.;.,.;.. .•• ; AJAX w.r>dowo-.100 .............. . SANKA COFFEE :'::'.' ... ".:.": ••••• MAXIM COFFEE :;::;:-:;~ .• : .. OIMER ~ 59< . 55•' 19• 23• 49'< ]09 1 o.s ou• PRICE. 55t 51t 17t 21~ 45• 99t 971 GILLETTE SUPER 1~• 11 s ST.AINlESS BLADES ••• :DEODORANT VESPRE . 111 FEMININE HY.GIENE ~.AY · · · 'NEW· WITH . ~ . ·35 DRIVE ENZO~YE ,;gK~~E . . ' Save at Albertson's OTHER ou• Save at Albertson,.s Olltllt ~ltlCE PRJCf PRICE QU,CK RICE.,....., ........ "" 71• 67t .,lll>l>I,.(; ::::,';':-!' •••••••••••••• 14< G~AD WRAP ,,,_ ........ ·51• 47• fANTASTIK 1.'.:.~ .......... sr· SUGAR TWIN ::::, ........... 39• 37t 11#1~ •• KLEENEX,...,,. ................... - SYRUP l.ot~-24a4c ,,, .••••••• 69• 65• MARGARINE :':..."':':'. ......... 31 • SA NKA COFFEE I .. : ........... l., .1 .. MARGARINE-.. ......... 45• SUGAR s.i'""'• 0t•""""9d ,, •••••• 61• 57t POTATO CHIPS_. ... ~. '69• PUDDING ::::'.!"::'"' •••••••••• 2/31 2/27 BABY FOOD_. .............. 11 • ICE CREAM ~~~-~;.. 591 -ALASKA COD~:Z.:•= 59t POPSICLES :.'::':.'h:'a... 4/1. POTATOES~~.!'~!:.~. 351 ENCHILADA~h:!:;~~·,:.Ch;, 491 .POTATOES ~~i~ 281 ' . 12f 79• .;a• 28• 421 59t 10t Huntl119to11 Bea11h -15511 S.. ldwarcls Lag1111a Beacll -700 So. Coast Hwy: Fountain Valley -16042 MalJllOll• · . . Huntington 9"ch -Ml 1 Ada::w ~. Corano cltl Mar-3049 Coat HWy. r , ' 1 l I I ; . • " ' j l I I •' ... .. DAI~ PILOT ,, \ ., ., ' i"" • . ~· •. ... - , ":t l1 , ' ., ,, • . . r . . . ~-- • in:. thi,~ .. ad,. inelUdjng as· DOUBLE · DtSCoum:r- . save. you s9~ 11 *~' . . . ~. 1 •. : • .. •· ... . •to111 ....;.. b ~· • 111111• IMil """"'· lk. fl'"'' ... w lo,.,., hfnr N 11oot a'\'«"' """" ~ ~ TO!l.L 01\COlJ~TS [~fRY [JAY • IOM! _Allll4 IETA ITOllEI 01$COUHT tKAnl Piie& coL'Gm"ioor.·... 19' 61 1 111 791 mrfot TABLETS 2" t_2'• toraisPi\t.AJlt • llOT!\l 07~ .631 viTAUS HAIR TOlllC 87• 691 ~~~~mYtu0rI11iou111 991 iu'RU.ainoT10111 11 931 MiNNEN BABY POWDfll • 1ls l3c •. P/D1UJ Q"'1ity • ~· dniscom mca •-OZ. 1AR ~ FREEZ£ DRllD ~ SAllU COFFEE Your ALPHA BETA Neighb«hood Butcher (the Man In the Red Apron) Proudly Offers 101~1 [Jl\LlllJ ~f', f •f P~ lAl -I l • . I OM[ ALINA mt. l'l'OltEt DJSCOllllT tlWlQE llUCI l OUNCE • ALL V A!ll!TIES 23, l 81 l~RTOll IOT PIES N'isii 'iuwls""·. a1· 351 , IM'fTA'floitic'EM'rL1 39' 35 1 ORAHE 7Uic£"°' CAN 29• 271 12 OUNCE CAN • . S1c U. ihiJf;RuW ~'u'icE." 21• 251 ' • BVTCHB!'S . ralDB MIATSi . _, MEATS YOU'LL II PIOUD TO mYI J r •DISCO.UK! PRICED • QIJILllY I SATISl'ACTION G~ . '·')) j. • U.S. GOYIRNMOO iNlh:cTED BEIF C111imi£ fASllllll' ';!,!1 BONELESS FAMILY STEAK 99:. . " · ~~i\jfr : BEEF ·SHORT 'RIBS 43:. ·BACON FRfSH FROZEN ARMOUR STAR • CORlllSll BONELESS STEWING BEEF 19:. . ROUND .STEAK Riil CUT 95:. iucul •I-II:,_ . . GAME HENS SHOULDER CLOD ROAST~at:. ' ~ McCOY B~ • RAl'ORfUI. ~Olli FASHIOllD mt£ llR1Sm •1-: -tOUED tac 7fl •••• -u. QUICK .M1A1. . fAVOllTIS MflM•l'tNDI\ • NtA1' 'I UT ..... 98' ... ..... _ 'ftl COJNIJtlEln' fOll ~ IRM."'lm:. •1 •• UAL lilDS IL I \ TlllCll JIL\llll IAIAllA SQUASH .3~ SWIET • BllO!lll !!•i!N$ _CARROtS SOLID• GREDt • CABBAGE f(ll~t 'I'. )1 ~I' [VfR• '~T . ~4ii~Brls&;w'1c 29' CHI l'llESERYIS-Z ~. JAlt • STRAWllOllT 75c 891 • APJIJCot-PINW PLr · •APRICOT PRESERVES 17c: Sk • P-..ACH PRESEJIVES 1k Ne • I'll WlllDDW' Ctllllll S0"4t 6TOfltS 411 CHARGE 49~ STORE HOURS MON. THRU FRI. 10 am to f in SAT. AND SUN. '10 Cl'l'I t0 7· Jll'lf . . Tltt 11/ilifTfdft/ mnu llifCJ&BIMI ~.~ .......... ,,. W1.UMB • THRU n .... $1.tf VOWME l HOW OH SAW COSTA MISA-441 I. 17 .. St, HUNTIN•TON llACH-to41 U.. HUMTIN•TOM llACN-1"81 N. M• 1t. 10UNT~tN YALLIT-tt38 \¥...., SOUTH UAUHA-ltaJ L C... H..., 1.A•UNA HIUS-11541 c.n. •St b'- lhlNl-1 ... 1 C•"'-'· l.i"'""' hrl 'n1A• ,1;~co l'j i, l 'rlP' rl~T GIANT P.\CIAGt mciuDi:s 111e orr COLD 80ME AllHA lctA ITORE9 0/seootn' CtlARGE f!llCE 101 931 91 ' POWlR 83' 691 L'Ilif~uil!lllur~a.. v'At . 361 • COOJCED &Al.AMI • PICnE & PEPPER LOAF lllltlll lfTII •WISCONSIN CHEESt 87' LOllGHORI CHEDDAR't'.~· • uuliosuSiil'Mi" 55° 491 fi OUNCE PACO.Gt' 9k tk • c mw.ruws 39c 37' • ftED ltASl.IDIY • OM.Nat • UMt @UH'.U1ii ..... "'""'39o 371 @uFTiA'Ra·a11H43e 41 1 @i'Onri'&ualiii42' 37• ~ • , • ' " 1 _,. I ' • ' l • . . -. • , . I • I • • t i • • . • • • ' • ·..; • • ( ' • JI 'ILOT·AOVEl!TISU w~. $tptlll1l>tf 11, 1'169 • • 1 .__....... . . - --,,, •• ... I. ••••• ' ''· -; '°'-""' ·: ·~1,,: ... "'~: . .tr' '.I •. 1'·"\_·l~,.T,.. • ~"' .;. • '"';;" ;::;. .. -.;.~.-~ ""''"'!' ..:...,,.1 '' l .. •• -'\'' ' I : .'-l~ °' ( JA ~it-I.. ~~ . l . \) . . ~ ' . • , r o • ' I I , I I , I . ..... 1. . ' ,. HEJU;1NOW ON J)lS{>LAY ·.ALL SERVICED &.READY CADILLAC ·. NIN'ETEEN SEYMY . .. ~ . 1. : t .• I ,. •. . • ! . ' . ~ fl· I ' . . : f . I" ...... '.. · . •' .. • •· I,.. :• -"' I • , • • t '," .. I'.• • • • . , ' . ~ ... 't :; .. . r ' • -.. ·' • • ' . t ......... . " " . . l • ; j • • ' . ' • • f • A · MagniliceJJ-(:-.Expe~ielice • ' . ' .. r .. • 1966 FUQwOOD· BroucJ>ani. ~ wlthblac• Landau top amt 'bJat~ and lea.t.fler trlm. iuu ~~r. factor)' air: condition, at~ ~-flit Jlt~~-~~~.optlOns. I,.oca1 one ~er. .~ /':-•j I._. 1967-EL 'l>O~;. """'~' ""'"'qod with ~~ roor &: saddle lea~ irlrn. Full ~; 1fatt. alr, tilt telescope< Wbeel;· AM..f'M~.Nsfo, cruise- control, door~ lf&l)t M!tltinel A: dimmer, rear window detor11:er, disc brakl!S. fTVK· 1969 IMPERIAL LeBaron coupe. Full powef,' factory air, stereo tape, cruise control, every poaible option. Padded top. CX~} 1968 EL DORADO Chestnut with beige roof an matchlns cloth and !other intertor. Full ~'ft', factory air, Stereo AM-FM, tllt-teleteopic wheel, ·a11 op- tions. (UNB466) 1969 MAKO SHARK Corvette' Fastback with removable pane.ls. Full power, factory &Jr conditioning, AM· FM stereo rad1o. tilt &tee'rlng .wheel. Gor· &"~ Cobalt fti'emlat-W'lth matclllna Jnter· t~. CXNZ8~) . . . ~1,96£f CUILliAC . · 1~ DeVlllt. ,gherwood ....., wfth•black top1•ndi black !.t&th« )ntmOr."Full , facttiry air eoOdltiorU n(, .AM,..J'M Ml• · ·.wt ateerinr wheel, po~llpener. INCS831) 1 • '.• , • ~ .... -' • PRICI , P~ICI SAU "". ' -, ~· '.· Cadillac proudly intr?duees,·~leven magnificent choices of motoring pleasure for the spirited sev· enties. Each hrillianL-new 19170 I Cadillac heralds the beginning of a motoring life-style anticipated for a great new era. The clean, contemporary styling clearly looks Lo tbe f nll;lre, and · distin• guisbes Cadillac f1·01u all otber fine Cl}r&,, And tbere are new luxuries, new feat11res, new inno- v~tions in all Cadillacs for 1970, Test drive the new. Ca~illac !h¥1·sd~1, September 18. r ~ - ... . • r •. , .. • OVER 80 QUALI'fY CADILLACS TO 1968 'CADILLAC ' : ' · .. -. . ' ~ ~ • ' 1-. SELECT fRO'M • Coupe de VjJJ'e. ~ormandf blUe ·wtth black Landau and blu'' )eathtt trlin. J'ull pcrwer. factory air 't:oMltloninr, tllt-tele wheel, AM-FP.t: radio, etc. Local • one owner. 1 CVGZUT~ i . 1.967 l:ADIL.._C Sedan ck H~ille. Full power, factory air condltloninf, padded roof, woftder-bl.r radio, tilt-tele whttl. door locks. eic. (VIH78SJ PRICI . PRICI $5000 1966 MERCEDIS BENZ 23os' 4-Door Sedan. Auto. trans., air condUJonlnc, power atttrlnr Ir: bralCts, Sad- dle lel.ther-·trlm. J~VC268) PRICI SALi $5300 PRICI SAU s5300 P.RICI PRICI 1967 CADILLAC C<in"!!"\b\" -.'f!!l!e.. with ~lack top arl6· bt&Ck 'fiill i8theT ·1n~nor. 1\ID power includlttr poweT 1teering ·brakes ·windows-, 6 way Seat, Mf-JM radio. (f'7168072) 1965 CADILLAC . ·Sedan de Ville. Tahoe blue wlth b)Ue dewr- aux cloth and leather trlm. Full power, &. • ·to!")' 1111' eonditfonfnt, tilt wheel, ~·.op. tioM. (I\VD204) . ' . I 1966· CAtlLLAC f'JeetwoM"f.I ~ ... f.JI ·powa, fKIOl'J' air, full I le•tll• btlerior. ll«1'f .\k.rM, tilt •heel. ..,., . . ~ . oonc:ei'fdtle opijOL (TIH74\) PRICI '. SALi $3100 PRICI SAi.i ~2200 ·, " • PRICI ' l'RICI Your Factory Authorized eadlllac Dealer (e.Ylng ~ 01'.0nll• ~·· Harbor ire, . . . • ' • NABERS . 2600 Harbor Blvd., , . . . Costa Mesa .. ( ! 540-9100 ''.," .. ' ' ' . , SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN .. ~ <' . ' ' • • . • ' ' ' .-1.:; . . . ' NAIE'RS· CADll:~G " ' ' ,.ij.:,P ! • I .'JIJlljOUN..,,.. I .. . A NEW SUISIDIAR'f "NLC" (Nabers leasill C.,.I 'LtASE · DIRECT ORDER YOUR 1978 ~adllac Today for October Delivery outl! .. dlot s ... 1 .. 1 •• ir.ty •• drenig• Cout1ty 11 mo1t moderft tl••l.,..hiP:. • 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM Mon.·tliru Fft,..:.1 • 9:00 AM to ~:00 PM ~t. an~ Stm. ALL CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. All SAi.~ f l(tES E~FECHVE,,THROUGH TU'So.+..Y, SEPTEMIE,A ti, lt6', • • • .: . - • . ' - '· • " ' 1,. I I ~ I I I I l [ \ ' lj I I -~-~----~-~~~··· ·----.... -....... -........... -..... -..... ·-·--............. -..... --....... --~-.-.----·-·------~-----·~~---· --.-,.---.....----·----. - 'i{' 14ous1s FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE llOUSES FOR SALE llOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE .. " -jffneral 1000 General IOOOGonarol 1000 General ~E~.~.1a;w.;;;;;;c~ •• • •• ~Mo~w~·1 ;;;;;;;;;;~P~A~N~O~RA;:,M;:::IC;:;;V:l;E:wf:o~f~;;;;;;~! 1000 C..noral 1009 General 1o06 ,. .. 2 on Lot NEWPORT HARBOR Good potrnUaJ income. :i Beautiful shake roof, single story 3 Bedroom, BDR's l!ach., Price, $27.500. 4 bath Waterfront home on Bayside Drive. Lachenmyer Rl· 1ll<•r Fronts on excellent s\vimming beat b. Newl y redecorated. Spacious patio with room for pool. Priced $180,000. 201 Bayside Drive. . B¥ AppaiOtm.nt Only 8111 Grvnlly, 6754210 uai Newport Blvd .. °' L1nda'lt1• O.Yef-~L •nf Co. • CALL'*"3921 vpm ; E:~ I •Ev,_",,-".,._"!"1"60;;"-~"!""•<>,,.,""'., '!!!!!!!!!!!l!!OIO!!!!!!B!!ay!!!s!!!lde!!!!!!D!'r .'!';!!r,i!!o!!w!!po!!rt!!!!B!!e!!a!!ch!!!!!!!!!!!!' .>ii $18,500! General • ~-~ LESS THAN RENT 1000 , I ~; R~neots "'render Lavina: • i-":':_ 'Care" Ki!'ll lll~ bedrooms, , I 't' . 2 baths, All elc<.'tric built-In ' !\ ·1 kitchen. Larsc yard -pe.tlo. : r •. ~ TARBELL Horbor Hi9hlonds w•i•111 ':r • .. --..,_ ""- "'" . ·'. ·-- ·-- ... " . '. -~ ' ... ~ I 1 '. : . ' .. " " .. , . I • ' a;::-, , . 'I t·-· I ..... ' ·~ fl . , ... ,_ 1.l"' !Tt I ;,,, "' .. ' " '. " : . .. ., . j . ,,.. OOCK IT TO 'KM! --1000 fOREST E. OLSON Inc. RcaJtors NEWPORT BEACH DELUXE DUPLEX Sand pebble1 throw from t~ pound.In&: Sllt'f. Two lar&:t't bedrooms. Larie Lar;e bedroCHl\,S-La.rgt kitcllen with -dtluxc built· ln11. aundeck!L Great lo- cation. Big rtnls, pays for itself. Only $38,:-i<Kl. Call now! 64f>.-030J. CITY RANCH- HOR SES! Assume b i'o loan The big 6% loan pays tverythini: at Sl66.50 mo. 4 multr ma.ssi~ bed- rooms. Larae. 25 fl. living room. B.11 country kit· chen with deluxe bullt-lns. Huge, bu~ lot riaht in the dty? f'Senty oI elbow room, and llU'J can bl.\·e hont11 too! Don't delay! Call loday for cxdlinf klw ~ and ttnns. Dial st;-0303. TAKE OVER 7112% FANTASTIC BUY Fantastic $20,900 loan. No 11!6. OM of 35 beauUlul town h0me1 in ~ N~ Buch artL To- tal price S23,1:JO. 2 utra ~ ~ms, 2 b1thl, fireplace, built-ins + club bouae and i;uper pool. Only 10% dn. HWTY! Call 6<>-0303. COSTA MESA EAST SIDE O eanell and prettiert ttreel in town. Decorated S bedroom bomt', formal dlnina. new plulh pUt ~ting over hardwood, nn.i We. In kltcbe.n and bath! Giant Jan.al ~ looks immense garden of pal.nu. Alley acct&& for boat.a and tJtl1ttS. Grt!at location! 1'tl!: prlce 19 rtght! $2A,99a.OO. Here's ttlll clincher! Near new home, burty! can &\).. ""'· Bi9 four Perteet family home close to Mariners School and II· brary, 4 Large bedrooms, built • In kitchen and spa. clous lan1lly room. Spark· ling clean throughout. Sl3.SOO. Listed Exclusivcly, call for appoint.men!. "For A \Vist Buy" Colesworlhy & Co. 6-t!-7777 S20,425 Spacious. Neat THREE BED- ROOM, lath and plaster con. structed hon1e. Excellent conditioQ in and out. New carpets Uving 1'00n1 and hall. COVERED PATIO, ce. merit block wall, truit trees and well landscaped, An ex. cellent. buy -ACT NO\V! ! E.Vrninp call 641H519 TAKE OVER "4A LOAN Pl,)'Ulcmts I~ than S150 month, including taxes and insuraJl(e. Xlnt neighbor- hood. Highly assumable FHA IOM at 6% inte~st. :I BDR. wall·t~wall carpeting, 11,nd much much more! Just List.d ~ co:rs ~ WALLAC! REALTOllS --;S>44M 141- (0pen Ev.ninga) Newport B11ach Executive Home For lhe-lamily ol the future. Charming homC' & patio: e 4 Bclnns :!~ baths e Formal dinmg room e Separate breaklast room • Family room w/frplc. • Beamed ceiling llvinll' rm JEAN SMITH REALTOR 646-3255 400 E. l 71h, Cost ii Al~sa r:hkago Bou~ '1 • Owners !\ave opportun. lty in Chlcaaoi 10 you havr oPP<>l'tunlty here. :: good sizM bdrms. 2 bath.~. r or ma I li\'ing 1·oom &. latllC: fun1lly roon1. Bcautif\JI shttg 1·arpcts. Near golf course. Asking $26.950. Gottahuatle! ''i;: \ . . ' . ' ':J4b-~940 WEST Cliff POOL HOME Owners have moved lo nc111 home and need lmmechale sale. -Lovely 3 Brdroom, 2 bath on quiet side street. Extra WJ:e Uvina; room, and master bedf'OOl'n with loa.d• or storq:e 1pace. -f"rre fonn heated pool, -$4.9,:iQO -Let's talk lcnns. 'O THE HEAL ""\.. ESTATERS . . ' Ho1v about 4 large bedroon1s, :J bath&, elec bit-ins, double garagt:, lal'IC cul-de-sac lot, forced air heaUng. 6'1~ inter. e1t on an auuma ble Joan. paint ii, li\'. it, love It. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 646°7711 2043 W•stctlff Dr. at Irvine 2Z + ACRES -CLOSI TO ANANllM STADIUM uad READY for dt.1,"-l9pmenl. ProdticUve Orangw Grovt' \\'Ill carry. Q\\'llt'r UADY to WJ AND WILL FINANCE. PRICED RIGHT -CAU. NOW! NIWPOlT Hll•NTS DllJ•HT ~rt~ GUl:S'T' l'QOl'n, tdttJ for TEEN HIDt·A\V,\Y, :\ llllHIClous bedroom!., 2 t.tlJt,, brick Mrbequt. Quiet 1b'eet nt•t ALL Khoob. $33,900. IAYCUST POOL HOME PLUS Huie prt.,.te PARTY ROOM with BEAM CEll.JNG 11.nd "ti 1) p:tnC'hnc-. f;lqant. M1u1tf'r SuUe ovl!Tlooklns the. 1patklin,c pool. Stt thlA many splcndorr'(I heme -Just W .900. IAYCllST IUILDINCO LOT OVQ 1/3 ACR.£ Maullf11!17 lOP-tfi!I •mont pl'flfift hotnPS Spet:11cul1r VIE\V ot the I.AO< BAY is poutb~ WJIN...Moey dtfilsn. Complete "ftt 1implc" o"•ne1·- lt\lp al $22:,8$0 and O\.,.'NER WllL l'INANCEI Lcl owners ... A 3•1•droom Home J.'Ofl ONLY $10,995 BUILT ON YOUR LAND' f'EATURINC ; • 1osc. sq. n. • DouhL! ga.rarc: • All lath aM pla.st\'r • Pullman bath • ~paclous "'a1'd"1hr'I CALL 537-ll380 $In most Orangf' County antl other approved al'r.is. STANCO Build•n Inc. OPEN 1 Dll.,Ys 10066 We1tmlnster Aw. Garden Grove Balanced Powel" Homes COUEGE PARK WITH POOL Lachenmyer Rc'.l ltor 1860 N"1port Bh·d .. Ciil CALL 646-3928 7612 ldlntor $19,500 FULL PRICE IMMED. POSS. 5 BR & FAMILY This 111.f'IC family home ln Not:th Costa ~:eaa with all the built • ins inc.h.ldl111 a watrr condlt)rncr, Needs a little n..c, Vacant &: priced Way under market. llu"7 - this "'-on'l lat!. 0 NL Y $29,T;iO. ~ --PER~ON , .... ~ .. 60-1771 Anytim• BAYIRONT HOME (Name your 1c1·n1sl Newport at Vicloriai 64'4111 (•nytimt) Ce•s•r's Pelacel TrulY-thia oulflandine .model pool borne &ivts YoU that f~llng · H's that lush. Com· p!dely covered & eoclosed patio J-4' high. 4 bdnm, tam• ily dinin; areas. OHered $.)1,(0) or $.)8,500 rumished. 546·5!!0 {nurcintml t/\fatitl OLLEGE REALTY . l!mAdMl!atlUrt.,<:M. MESA VERDE 5 BEDROOM Absolutely 5potless, 11nd so lutefully decoraled. it's bet- ICI" lhan new. 3 Baths, IUX· urious g<ild sha;: c:arpets, eustom drapes. Block wall Lenee, patio, iropical land· seeping. $48,950 -Don'I mlu this one. ·o THE REAL ""\.. LSTATf.R:-; ------- Nf'\\·iywe&! Planning your future l1 simple in Hrll cute Rlnc:ho. 3 Bedrooms o(ftrt room for fa.mlly 1rowth plu11 2 baths. Brick F1rtPltct. Ele-ctrlc built-Ins. Dlsh11·a!iht'r. Qn1~~ and Drapes. NO Cash Do" n GI et $195 includes all, FHA S900 Do1vn. No Closing Costs. $20,200 FULL r•ICE F'TIA Loan at 5"~ "'1th toal payment1 ot Sl2J P.lT.L Fi:e1l sharp doU housl' "'ilh J queen tbe bedrooms.. Goraeous pullma.n blth. An)'Onie. qualifies. Hubr 2:>xlO(I lot \\1th doubk pn!Je. Hon1e has• built tn v•cuum. Subml! y(lur dn\.\ n. $22,000 FULL P•ICE 4 IED•OOM5 $140 prr n1onUt inelud~ all -0n e:dsUni:: loan arl,)·one can hsumc ""ithout quallfy· Ing! F'eaturing 4 hugr bedrooms. 2 Ju.,11rloua baths. Chamilne "Queen1" Kitchen Crtat li\•I°" rocm with rich panellna. Ankle deep carpt-Ona. Excrllont cul-dc:·.~r.: Our Ofllet' I~ #3 In Walktr A: l..tt'-4 2~ OCflefs. \Vr 're expa.ndin~. \Ve n«'d 4 men or women who u'Ould Jike to join a t>Ail'l&:l.na otrfce:. ..... :. WI SILL A NOMI IYllY 31 MINUTIS .. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Gentr•I I 000 Ntwport Beach 1200 C.Oron• d•I #Nr 12.10 Lusk View Home $20,900 4 Bedr m + 2 Betns Near Orange Coas1 PJaz.a.. Larae patio. Boat ;att, No. thine compa~bl.e at lhe price in nice IJU1 ·StO-l'l'lO TARBl!LL 2'15 Harbor ROOM FOR 6 UNITS $22,950 1100 Chi ncr ls an.'Clous h:i \JISPQSl' ol sn\all hoUSc on 60'x:l30 Jot in lop \V.side location . 10 THEREAL '""\.. l:STATERS 4 BR, 21~ BA. Large llvin& room. Fireplace. Kitche.n- dil1Jng room. Fantlly or den. Open llQ.Llsc Sat-Sun l·7 Beautiful patk>, d o u b I e W~k Days 4· 7 gal'!lg1:. 01vncr. }~or app'l I::Ie-i:anl l Bed1'001ll, 2 bath. btwn 8-10 M 1 or 6-10 Pl\1. famUy roon\ This hon1e"i 6-'2·5449. hrautitul landscaping & deo- BEACH BARGAIN! orati11e complin1tn1~ 1 he wonderful view LI has of Charm!~ 3 Br. 2 ba. bomt. C..talina and thl' rnountains. Carp_, drapei, btlbii. SteP5 Owner. 644-1392 to ocet.n! $23.900 -'-~-'.-bo-=-~H='l~I -I CAYW<>qO-REAL TY H•r r View 1 s L106 W. ODUt ,ljwy., N.B. Ex"pamive-view of i:r-ecn-e 541.1290' • belt, nr. auoe. pools, Loveb 4 Bt., ram. k din. rn1s. \Vel DUPLEX bhr. Like nc:1v cpts. &: drap. Sale or lea!:LC, ln1mac. furn, es S65.500 . i 1ake of/er! near beach, 4 Br, den, 2 Ba, D•L•nty Real Estate 2 lrpJ.s. each unit. 2nd unit 2828 E. Coast l·l\vy, tiU.::ilO leased at ~ mo. SlO.OOO EXECUTIVE HOME dn, owner 6.U.3490. 548-2313 • 646 ~71n N•wport Heights 1210 Assume 6¥4•/. Loan Ne1v Broadn)Q()r ·I Br. I: Fam. rm. Tastefully dc<:or- ated I: landsc:apcd. Li\RGE LOT - $MALL HOME. Completely Jw'tllshed for W ,950. '!ilarp a.a; .t pin and waltin& distance to bolh Kai. ser and Llndbergh sthOols. Irnmediale pi>saes.sion. HERITAGE 540-1151 NO 00\\.'N TO VETERANS. Sparlutig l BR 2 bath hon1e in quiet lftidential area. Lo\'dy tree shaded patio, nicely landscaped ln tnflic free strfft. Pr&d tor im- mediate We at $23, 750. CAL L 545-8424 Sout h Coasl Real Estate. IMAGINE 00x:;30' R-2 for only 126,500. Po!1Sible II u11i1 s. aosc.in. (773-C) PROPERTIES WEST 67>4130 675-1642 Quick Possession 2 Bedrooms, large living room, w/w cpts, Insulated. Attach. gar. Trees, patio, Oov.·e~. R-2 lot 55 x 131!, $19,500. Tl'm1s. 373 Ra.lcan1 Pl. 642-'i&19 $18.500. * f'L'\:EH. UPPER * Sound 2 BR. l BA house, dbl i:11r. Xlnt area. ~eeds handyn111n • p;unter. JJ.I l\fagnolia. c .it. WANTED \Ve llllve buyers. we need sellen. U you >A"ould like to sell your hon1e, list 1vilh us and let us help you \\'ilh h'C'C advertising, appraisals, and flnancing. c;;ranam Rlty. 646--2414 Near Nr11porc Post Office Dover snores 1227 C&ll: Jack Chci;hirc Cheshire Re:il Est.1.lc ti7:>-2JOO DECORATOR FRESH Comfy 'l Br. w/cxlra lg(', liv, n11.. hdwd. firs.. wa.lk 10 c:1•crylhin~. R-2 Lot. Cl.:iclO Oeloinc.y Reil Estoite 2828 E. Coast llw-y. li73-J770 ~~lXER-UPPER B)' O\l'aer. Belo1v hiway. $29,900. low do>A'H. 67~, Cl'l'S & ll'@Ckends. 61~141 days ~pacious custom '.!-slo1y tx-1 ~=-----~ec:utive home, Large formal 2 BR., den, 'l baths. Beytl. dining l'OOm. Paneled den decorated. All v.·ool carJl!ls. with wet bar & fireplace. 1nany shutters. Elegant bar Sittln; room w/fin'p!ace. J & resUul garden patio. bJr, 3~;. baths. Garden en-SIS,500. Own/agt 613-(1145 try. Vie1v o( bay & moun-LGE. hilltop lot. Penn. view 2i~S~500:!:16"~1 _ _ of oce11n & hills. Privacy, ----~ Realtor 67J.2010 * CAPTIVATING DiUerenl "Old \\'orl:d" con· temporary, executive 1uxury home. Unobstructed Bay & l\H.n VU-mos! rm.s. 5000 sq. fl. 4 BR, 41;, BA + maids qlrs. Ideal for entertaini.ng. Easy main. lmmed occup. $178.000. Assume 6\:. ~' loan. Bo.x 1632 NB. 5-iS-7249 University P1rk 1237 1250 Lido Isl• 1351 NEW LISTING! Rl'al Warp 2·sly. home 11p- p1-ox. 2000 sq . fl. 3 Br. 3 balhs. By app·t. only. $;»,OOl F\rn1 LIDO REAL TY INC. Vic Woehlel' l3TI Via Lido o.:;.. 7300 BAYFRONT HOMES Priced from $98.500 See us for the Lido holll(' to suit your needs W•lker Rlty. 67S.S200 3336 Via Lido, NB Open Sun. QUICK OCCUPANCY NE\\' 4 BR. :! BA Spanish style homt' on large lot. Cose to everyll\lng, yel {'01n. plttc pril'acy behind stucco walls. Prit"<' inclds many cu~ lorn extras; wet bar, book· cue, decorator wall paper. Good !emu on conventional loan. $34, 750. Jerry O'Beim Rltr F.V. 9fi8.J25I or !140-03.)2 2790 HAUO_._._Lv_D_. _______ o..,e-_E_._._1 ... 'tU ' P.M. $21,950 NEAR THE IEACll with 4 bedrooms. 2 baths and gul'(eous deep pllr carpets and custom drape&! SO CLOSE to ~hool il shopplnal Outetandlne FA!l.1lLY ROO}t for the id&! Secludc:d ?llaster Besdrooma! MOdem as tom01Tvw all t.lt'Cll'ic 1'1£DALUON Jllte.hen >A<ith l'poclou.~ dlnlna: are.a,and breakfast. bflr! NO DOWN VETS or Sl,100 to ANY QUAL!t1ED BUYER at lea tllan rent P8)'lTltnta. MESA YfRDE UPUlllC BctlC'r than n~ in appt"aranct' "''Ith i!J LUSH .LANDSCAPING and s>A·eeplni:; f)O.lio. \1j tJ\ t'ABULOUS ROSE GARDEN! Get Olis ... 5 BIG BEDROOliolS! J luxurious bath~! St'perute FAMILY ROOM and portable bar? Swetpl1J1r llvl1\!f 1'00ln 111th n1n~h·e fi replaC('! ~·o firt'plaees! View Crom FORMAL OINCNG ROO;"lt' ~lodern as tomorrov.• AfEI>AWON elect.rte kitchen! \Vhal mott could you ask In tins HlGff-U P slla.kt roor beauty In Costa M"9o's finest anoa "1th a LO\V.LQ\V S42.500 ll$king price \VAY BELOW markel value and very attracttve tcrm8. PLEASE liURRY It. SAVE THO\JSANDS! YOU• HOlSiS NEED A FENCED PASTUU On lhi$ ovt'r 2 acT't' ranch with mauiYI' 3 bedroom! I: 2 luxurious belhl! Jleevy shakl' roor on lop and gleam.In& HARDWOOD FLOORS beneath! Only one hour rrom the ~IOUNTAlNS 4 1A hour to the BLUE PACD'IC? 2,000 IQ, IL. of ranch Hvln1 for your grm\•lng Jamil)'! P!\11 private GUf!:ST HOUSE with sep1r11t<" bllth. Srparall' family room \\'Ith BBQ! Ra.mbllng all built In kJlcht"l'll SUNKEN LTVINC AOOliot \\'llh hl'art \\'t1.rmlng flrt'place for those family eveninp:! Ju11t a little lna lhan he11ven al $34,$00. ••• ..__ ·-~ ~-.. • ·. 21 PILOT·ADVUTISER Wednesd!)', ·s.pt•mbet IT, 1'169 • w..i .. .-. Sor!tomw 11.196'1 OAD.Y Pilat' ii HOUSES FOR 5ALE HOUSES FOR'SALE IC•N rALS RENTALS ReNTALI ' ~!NTALS RENTALS lltNTAU • RENTAL~ • H101!lt19!on 8N$h l44IOHunt11111ton ...... 14411 Ho ..... F~ .... 1-HoUMI Unfurnltll... ~!'!!-'"'"W:'d " Ap!I. '"""l•htd ,Aph. Fumlshtd . AIOH. u -,ivrnl•hod Apll. -~""'"'I- -·--·------Corene d~~· ::250 EU! Bluff ' 3242 Gonorol 4000 ~port 9'!tth 42® Lo1un1 _a.~ 470~ c:.;tio •IMM ~-5100 ~8'\0 .dl! Mir 5250 ..... EAST MOVE'', .. r' 2 BDRM. ;,~· u....: IAYVU UNS.URiSSEO SIM .• BR. pr. w/w ,,,,._ t.ARGE i 0 BEDtlOOM LC.IBRl"'boaoh$lll0,1)!r MARTINl9UE -2 BR so. ol bl...,,~ .r \'" ,!pl<:bcn, '"'· $1!11. ' Leal!c. or 09llon, I mo, 2 Near beaoh, avail '1'1· $l!iO Mo•th, -••view· '"''· SJl,;. Wlm!n • tll<ri ""'l""DEN Al'TS ~pr. II<> ddl4. • P'h. New ·homes, ready to move· It!. Z to S bed· 1116.mt BR, > &,<. 40' por & pool Booker -e 673-«ll!I • ~ 1" 'l • '" "' • 1, ''11¥ ""'~mo. Arill - ·rooms, 2 to 3 baths. 1f.i mile from beach. First CHINA ~~ 3 ~ ~ .t yVd malnt., OwOf 6~1'1 $135. 2 BR, poo1, Tt<41naier 3 BR, 1 ea. 11 hlk. to beach. lJ.35; $1lS. ~i:ont ~bldio E.~Ucnt, pa.rk·llke sun'OW!d-AA~. tf2...7a 1 payment up to 00 days alter n1ove in. J?antl.$lle ~. 1 or 2 yr °" b~J. OK. Garate, av•ll l0/-4. $240 Mo. yr!;' be. ·ain·s, 'All uiU "-teledCar lrtE:• for adult, only. VA/FHA Terms. From $23,990 1 ... 61~or fl~ 2 EASl'llLUIT eo• llOmet Bkr. 6'0<lll1 126}1 ... lh st. 61">-32.19 Incl. i,,, only, 494-7115 llod!, I, J A 3 Bit, Apia.· Hvnt-leach s.tOCi S 'Btt. at $550: 3 .88 11 $315. MltN • Dlvorcod Stfl'"' LUX 2 Bl' 2 Bl octan1rt I Pool, nr ahopploa. The Beach Balboa .. 2300 leue. A&ent 6.f)..9Uf> C.ost1 Mua 4100 anted • Joln u~ ~wd. Lag. Ro;tik. $Joo.· tn-ini:; Jm·~t;.~ J.:t. US. '~ "-;.;;.;,;;'_B_tl,_l_e. ____ -',=.;u • Therapy too. &16-7933 or rt~ cw:1. •• • • :-· -·-· ,., Corono dol Mor 3250 * $89/mo OCEAN FRONT ), , • 3 bay. nmlly only. 1225. D "-I I 47•• m4) 871-~ YEARS Leuc. J ust ol1 bdtm•· \VINTER RENTAL.. '"' ~· l' ~ - Ocean BIVd. on Poppy, ' 6'73-m. $25 Week I: Up, he.ltd p00l, Lidct ltl• 2351 Vamt. Olv1ded t.istt. Br., 23' Trallcr (N.8.) . rent in· kit, laundry.-UtU paid. Dana Laguna Beach 1705 NE\VLY Fuml.sbed 4 BR. 4 conv. dm + lge, tamil)o rm, cludlne qtU &: s:round rent. Newport Hgts. ~~ Marina Inn 34111 Cat Hi· . or addt'I. SR. 2 car pr. Alao: 2 AR, 2 Ba, unf apt. * Oean 1 or 2 BR * '1'ay, Dena Poi.nt. 714: (on Brookhurs' I mile $ovtltof Adorno> ,.62 • 1353 Huntington Beoch 1400 Faiiway Villa Apts Near O~~ Co Airport I ucr. Adults only. 20122 Santa Ana A\·~. 540-2796 COMMANDING · s.., anll se,o• i5th. \Vlnt0< Extra -· 13.>0 mo. w/pool. $!50. Adulb no pets 2'21 E JGlh 4">1300 MERMAID 'S . or o-. I Ill 'ISS-.,., or BIB ~ -.~,~ ,.-642.WJ &t&-9666 • ' . .::.:.=:..... _____ 1, BR. ChJI'-· 0'. BIL·•··. (Destline-Catalina (213) 4~ vi~ ~· ... ::.::f:mJiii)Wj['';;~:,~S~l.~1~135~"~mo~.~u~p=. ~6'~&~180~1::-,, .•. ,TALS w= " ·~ EXCLUSIVE ON·THE·IEACH, 2" a Bod""!m Apt•. Luxury llvlnc to pleaae lht nlO!t dl.8criminattnr. Now •vallable at Th~ Huntington Pacific MANSION Vl<w l<>l "' Loguoa Beaoh • -~ •••.•• -• BR 'Sa FOR Lease -Qfmeo ..... ~ $30.00 wk. up ..... drpa, L&• ''""" yd. ~ .. -~ , 6 •· 2Bd • • Apt• Unlurnla•·• No pets $165 mo. 2m F'rankly, this beach home $6.9.50. Small but I e vet house. Sept.June oncy'. $225 mos or «U. 2""ba'· lh~,.. e Day, Wttk. month. W•tcllff <4230 • ~ American, nr V l c: t or i • ~ d · $1,000 Do1vn. bal. It $70 n-* .,...., ~.,-vert.ible den, ' a, e Sludlo • Sa h A ts G I 5000 ~ 1vas eslgtled for th!: n1er· .... 1111~ · llvl dln' c . P . 2 BDR W•ll rw-, bit-I.,, ener• Elen1, MS-1S'l3 k .'.. ' 111 'Vl.'Nn A~., 11.B. maid in your life to s!t month. 494-UJ7 1-"0,';,,,.,.,;.,.:,,:,,;:.;,~-=-I &paCJOUS ti& nn, mg •Ind Utlls A Phone .sen, " I ;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1--------- around lelsurly &: tuck her C'OlY. n1 oder n, :l BR, FURN 4 BR, l BA, $-IOO. room. $375 per m 0 ' • Maid Service. 'JV avail. hho'Plc, ~; block .~~ Nw.,.ptcli~r I 1 UNnJRN 4;e 2 Br apt, ne,v. ,..,. en t,ail in the sea breeze, $20,500. 100 uwyon Acres w lat '·· ~ JI! ......,,. .. \..4lCI .. l"lt\A I .,, 0072 '3 q.i .... ,. ..... ._ ·-~d ,,..~-Ne\vl)i dee. Avail now. pniener included. 673-8778 e Ne•· ~·-• Sar 5 P cntr. Adul..... O Ct:;, VEN DOME "' paint·•. w I w ,,,...tr .... , ~ .. ,, ~3 .. _ ~1 n1r ren or y1·.,, or coUect ~,.3/ -"'°'""' .... 16 Ne-rt ....... ••• .....,. -mo. year y. ~ $150 mo. iocl utU. App"· It has aJt th e conveniences ..,.,.. '' ;J~"N (n4.J 62-l·TI09 ~ ... ..., U<vu. .,._.,1;,g hf 135 Albe Pl C ..,. =~ ':ttstr!e1;imhea~: s~~~~ COZY, modern. 2 BR.• WINTER ftnta.1, imy z bdr ~ ~~:~Br~vt~ SHARP 2 BR. Coron1 del Mir 4250 IMMActn.ATE APTS! cJ{~968 ·~ S::!IJ p·1~f. or about in the surr or sun or $20,500. 190 Canytir1 Acres 'J ba, {rplc, patio, d~ car. den. 2 Ba. ipac. livine: rm. t.!64 Maple by WilJon. ADULT • FAJ.IU.Y ho Drive. 213: 399-2501. 218 Via Dijon. dinin .. nn, gordeoor pd. hfodem turnJture. Pool. Z BR So. ol hiwa.y, crpL~, SEC'I'JONS AVAD..ABLE NE\V 2 BR Apt, East side. s P or rix >'011 an extra ..... No pets. nos month, drps, gar. No child, no pets. Close to shopping. Perk Cpt.s, <I.rps, bll-11'1!!, dshwshr, $pecial dinner after a hard L I 17 $375 mo. 613-8'118 .. Lo I'd days ·.,.,·ork. Bc-au!Uul glass •auna N!a._•_• __ c,c.;07 B•lboa Jsl•nd 23551..:;.:.,c;:.c_;--'=='===-•• Jgr. ngl\n · 6.J6..6974 Yrly lse. $185 mo. Aval!. • Spacklus 3 Br's, 3 Ha :,.~gar, pvt patio . ki he 'ill·' u h ·--OCEAN VrEW HOMES * VILLA POMONA oow. Aft. 5,•642-7898 • 2 ,~me tc n = \vilh a I e L•gu, na Ninuel Terr. \'"NTER·, ~--•~ 4 Sr. '· For k!a11e from $350 up Swl Pool · · · 1· 1·k • ·•• ""'--~-.. New 1 & 2 BR furn apts, l BR, View. Near beach. $100 * m , Put/grttn tune MVll'IJi: app 1ant:1!s 1 ~ Nevt 2500_ ,q. ft. 3-4. & 5 Br .. ba. ho"-.•• 1.~ RI~. A..o Don V, Franklin, Realtor * ~1 tndw· l'I....,.., 1--·•-d. h •· d ),.,_ .,..... ...,..,,.. ·~ ...,... CloSl!d Ko~ .... pool, laun. wlnle·r, $180 yearly. ••v. · '"!,...,, u:u; ... IS 11'a511.,r. ouu.c oven homes 1n ocean v_Je\v area. P·"· A·-. ......,~""" m2222 --e 1••5 •-h · · A ( U cl ' • ..... ""' ... ..-Uo<N d"" nn, adult! only, no pets. Owner/a'". 6'15-3m V"I """" 11m Ye. one se eant'r • range Carpeted, front Jandscaped,l='=;,;::=~;;::O:== JJ\IJ\tAC. 2 BR, cpts, drps, 176o Pomona, C.~I. "' COSTA rttESA 642-2824 diqxisa.l_ Romantic "parent wilh .sprinklers: bltn.s, sell· Vac•tion Rentilt 2900 frplc, beamed ceiling, blt· saver N?lteat" adult apart. cleantngoven; Jearear"ao~.1,;.;:;,;...'-"';.;...;c;:,:.:.:.:;:....:,= Ins, 673-6904 LEASEJlOO.Stud\-OApt,v/ba, lklbN 4300 • RENT • 3 BR, Z BA. Crpts, drps, b1tir¥. f:rplc, d & b w h 1 r. Patio, dbl gar. Adulbi, no pets. S40-7088 aft • REDECORATED 'l BR, blt-in1, crpl.s & drps., I'» !1l•l .~HIT * BEACH BLUFF* 1 Ne'v 2 • 3 Br, 2 Ba, F.A .. disbw.ttn. patloa, po ol. vle,v, 1 k 2 1tory, walk ~ S Poinb Sbop'c, H.B. .-347.3957 ment. l bclmu, 2 baths. $58, 750 To $61,0CiO. Ex~llenl CAB.IN FOi\ RENT 011 the .::c::...:::::..::::_~-~~ kit. Preftt middle age man CLEAN Bachelor Apts. Drapll'ries thro11ghout. car. financing with declining in. beach Ensenada, Mexico. 4 BR. 3 ba. 2-sl}', home Year. or \1·on1an. Sp, 19 Trade1vind All uiil incl $8.l up petln;;:: in living, dining-, hall, terest rate lrom 1~i ';f, to Private,.,.,...,, 838-3916 ly, $27:> Month. Trailer Villa&e. 31·, E Balboa BJ,< pets. j68 \V. \\'Uson St. ""''""'""'""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![ , 545--0760 MODERN 2 BR.is, all extras. 3 Rooms Furniture m.'l'r •·•room w•.<h p• ~ ~ \Vinton °"AI Estate 67:>-3331 .,..-., .,. 6~.'!... """"' $135. 1 BR upstrs apt. Crpts. BALBOA , 673-904.j vatc bath .. Completely fenc· Laguna Niguel Corp. Summer Rent•I• "910 2 BR, clbl Karage, lg yard, d 1 Month·T~Month Ren1a11 ed, private gate, front land· 499--!344 Sj7.7761 ' OK for boat, trailer, etc. l'J>$ & b tins. ~\. bJgr, \VINTER • BAY FRONT \VIDE SELECTION scapin&:. !\fove in today.["==~~-----12 BR flalboa ap! adj ~250 nw. ~2025 apt E. lM5 Plat-entia Single apt. Utilities paid $ll0 liFRC Furniture Rentals $30,450, Only $59;) guaranteed RENTAL!> beaehes/pier .$75-$1511 wkly. I,:;:"=-'=='='===== EAST Side 2 BR turn. clean, month 926 J::. Ba Ibo a 517 \V, 19th, CM 548-3481 closing cost to all! {714) Houses Furnished fi3G.3911, Gra-51110 Huntington Beech 3400 aclull.s only, n.> pets. 364 E. 673-9749 SPAC bach $~ c. r.i. 968-1997 . 2lll0 Vacation Lane, General -2000 $250 wk. Lux u r io u 1 l-'1"-6lt~P'<li'aee:,=:,. ="=";;·,;Mo;:::.·-=-_ YEARLY J rooms by the 1 BR, patio CP-SlJS C.J\ol. '"'H!"on~tin!!!!g!!to!!o!!Bea!!!!!!'h., . .,•.,kr~. !""' [ ---------waterfront apt. pool. Furn 2 3 BR, 2 BA, 2 car ear&.i'?· • Nassau Palms • Bay. $150 rno inc:! util. 2 BR stu41o. 2 BA $160 l' FrH Rtnttl Service BR. 2 BA. (TI4l 673-3003 Fenced yd. Totally redec. 1 &: 2 BR. Pool Adults only, no pets. 319 2 BR delx, pool iiso CdM $168 l'AYMENTS Un Ne "'hoola • 'hopng. 1215 117 E. 22n~ St. 6'2-3&15 F•mondo St, 61J.5$l5 3 + lam n.. e'"' ok 10~ Have tena_ nl'!I waJ_ g, Give RENTALS . cl 1 0 .... 1 •wa ...,., BEAUTIFUL l BR'S us the inform~Uon o~ your Housu Unfurnished ~~ m '"'a er .• ~. l BR furn apt. SlOO/mo. incl. $135. CLEAN. Yrly apts. 1 & •.BR, ~ck Bay lhc $400. Carpelll like new. Lovely rental & ""e will M!nt it free .. 1-..:...=.;.;:...:....c..:c..c=....:.c. util. Mature people prefer-2 BR. Ulil. pd, Crpts & Widt-1Jekctton ap~, houlles. drapes. Lg family nn. Cov. The Real Estate Mart General 3000 i BR. home, 2 story. 2 car red. 548-3209 RJtr, drps. No kids. No pets. Local BJtr. &Q.(llU "red patio, Huge boat gatr. 17420 Beach Blvd., H.B.I.:;.::;.;;;;.::_ ___ ..;:= garage, patio. Fenced yd. 1 BR turn $145 incl util. 547-1155 $13). I BR. 4-plex. Nr shop. Assume 6'A7<> loan, S6.390 847-8531 ~-4 &: lan1ily 1m. 2.11 Ba Crpt& & drps. $200 nio/lse, Healed pool, adults, 00 pets. BACl·IELOR Apts. Util paid ping Avail 10.1. do"''"· $'.?SAGO. $400 3 BR + t d 1 C.O~. Pool, many e:t<tras. 9182 Annik Dr. H.B. 968-5802 549-26%1 or 96S.li40 $18 & $80 mo. El r.1ar i\iotel Bkr. 645-0111 $25 & UP 1 BOR, gar, cplll, dl'llS, Prefer teacher or couple. 2tJ F'lower, C.M. $13;)4145. Some w/pooL hfgr: J74Zl Kee.ban Ln. HB. Eves: 847-1594 OiEZ ORO APARTltENT$ 8234 AUanta 2 BR \\'/ a:aragc, patio &: fel'IC.'ed in ya.rd. * 642.-123.5 .. 1 Bdrm, Prl pr. Pool, wuher/dryer. 53&-3927. :l. BR, crpts, drp!, swim.min: ... • . pool, garage. Adults, no 2 Boru.1. 2 DJ'I, p"1 pauo, pets, tM2-8042 ' heated pool, wubcr book 2 BR, drapes. carpi?ted, illn.ge. immaculate, adults, no pets $125. 646-5.170. 2 BR, 2 ba. Cpll, drps. $1~ month ·~· up. 9fi2..8994 OCEAN Vle1v new deluxe 2 Br, 2 Ba .t: 2BR, 1BA apb. $165 mo. 536-6720 REAL ESTATE Gen•r•I H•ffdal Realty "'-a'"til"lly '"".''·' .::.,.-~; Fannly '''clcome, nr ocean. A Ne\v j BR, 4 Ba. bit-ins, 310 E Bal'-"" 8 Iv d $'"" J BR I N oo;: .. u., YU Bia 534-6980 LOVELY 2 BR. l \~ BA. pool. · ......,.. '' .......,, • gar, poo · ew AVAILABLE No\v, 2 BDR.i\I, Rent1l1 Wanted 5990 !i-12--44();} patio. Childi"l'!n 01\, Bkr " drps, fenced 'yd, 'vater pd, Ad .. lts, Im Sl!JO "nl ·~. 231 673-9702 W/\v , Avail no11'. d •00 2 SR + I 1•·-U"JO, 968--'013 " " ""'°' S k ~'>• .,,.0n crpts, rps, bltins, carport. Sl/4 °/o INTEREST 645--0111 s...... am rm. • -==-=~~=~--Santa .Ana. 64~2933 AVAIL Sept. 19, modem 2 ro er ...........,:iov Adult.. No p(!t~. 543-6769 \VANT 1 or 2 bedroom apt. Only $LS3 montl1 Rintals to St..re 2005 :j~~iri~stov~·ts.YdBio;: 3bc~rm ~ Ba~:it·~;.p;ar f\100ERN tlJRN. 2 BR., BR, bllns, crpts,~I~ $14J. 2 BR. gar. Child ac· $ll5. Lge 1 BR Ul)h1n apL on ocean or Bayfront. Payments. Huge tree-shaded ----------°'" "ill • sc ' Y • heated pool, adults, no i:iets. mo, 205 Cypress. · · cepted. \Valk to beach. Crpts, .i-~. bltlns. Pool, Prefer \Veit Newport or ........., $200 per month. 536-8129 "-k 534-0980 ... .,,, L.do 1·• y ·" •--lot and beautiful 3 BR, 2 I-"=='""=~--~~ $145 + util, 642-9520 YRLY lse, l BR turn or un· Dlv er Mgr apt E, 1340 Placentia 1 ... e. e .... y ._, bath home. E •. ,,. 1,_, -... SHARE 5 BR house, 3 ba, 3 EA'ECUTNE borne 3 Br. 3 I l , · bl-k •-ni s145 2 BR Stud. tt• o.. ..ft _.__,_, "0 ·-Mr "' " ,., ~u• VI ' 370I GORGEOUS New 1 & 2 Br. urn ap · '111 "'" "" · IG. 1i P«· 2 BR, O!'P~. drp •, .,.....,..,.., · ......-uuu, · 'rod -i;o, •·nfi·--... Doon, car gar iv Im at u re, BA, crpts, drps. ~ec: bltns Mission •10 .__ h ~" °"" C •· bl•--0 ._ \Velch ,..... ,,.. •uuu Jo·~ 1 CM Acllvity im. pool, sauna . .,.,ac · '"~ rpts, ... ·ps, ...... ....... \\Ul\e;r/d""'•e.i-. Rct:s .-.'d, ---------1 :\111t location. Qi.II for Wor-emp J"""' ma e · · · Fenced. ll50. 546-6740 · nd 64rH>lll '" ·~., NEED) or 2 bedroom houlle ""!""'" r.A" ""23 --k •tr 3 BR & tam rm. Air/co • '..'.""'~.!Po~no~n·~·~C::!·'~'C:· &1~2-8610~~[--------:::'.::-169 ~lesa Dr. $1.J(I. 642-4868 mM"uionTUooAloLJoRdEowAnL. TY ;:'kt>;"'' .... ..-~ """ ., ' Costa Mtse 3100 tully crptd, drpd, 1~ned I· 1 , 4351 or ap&J1ment by October 1st palio. intercomm system, Lido s1.e Cotta M•• 5100 l·BR .. \V/'v cpts, liloW, gar. -$1DO.OO Lady with 1 child 841-1418 NEAT, t.'Ongenial, ~'Orking 3 BDRM 2 Bath + pool . soft v.·11.ter, close to all schls Newport 8Nch 4200 BAYFRONT APT I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\ Ad!ts., no pcls. $l20 rito. Call alter 4 or week-ends. lady lo share small apart. 1 ft-patio. G ...... .,c in batk A ail 642-8579 Aft('r :>PM. "Aa .,,...,7 .__,5 ., ........ & parks. Quiet street. v \'"NTER, -··•-nt, 2 BR. WINTER LEASE, ::. BR. 2 CONSJRUCTIQM !!!: --workl'ng Mon's D1.shl ment 'll"ith same. $60 mo. ol lot, -overt-.... 0 nnt or n..1 I ·~ mo 831 °0!4 or ·•• "'"""...,..," C.l\1. 642-5976 l"ase. ~ ""' •....: V\,. • • .,..~ • -,,., $200 nionth. ::00' From BA, f111lc, large patio, fully . EMPLOYED man needs apt Sharp 2 BR in adult commun. '""'"':;o;-;;;;-,-;;..-o.::· l;;':=::,::~~=~-c= 837-1741 o1.:ean 2_ BR. S160 month. r .. u r 11. 6T."9-328, or (21:11 Newport Beach 5200 in cxch, for week-end/eve- ity. All desi~d built-ins. SHAREN~ 3 BR, :l BA, hm. $125 AITRACTIVE, :ot:paratc Costa J\1ei;a y~arly, 2 BR. li;;.i.3016. JUST COMP' ""NG nln;,t y,·ork. P.O •. ~ 92 Fully carpeted and draped, Frplc, s\\1111 pool, leruus cts, house. 2 BR, 1 BA. crpts. RENTALS 1'11 YEARLY RENTALS Balboa Island and 1valk 10 shoppin;;:: center. $ltl mo. &IB.9585 ctrps, adults only. No pets, Apts. Furnished ~~il paid, no pets. 4355 Harbor Hiightt Four 4 BR. 2 .Baths ........ $300 FAMILY Needs houa~ $18.IXX} FULL PRJCE. FEJ\fALE roommate {2Q.30J, Refs. 673-0395, 4000 CO :Bc;l;;lboo:.:;::,.. ;;ls:;;l•:.:n<f;;:. __ c.:.;c,: ·'. 3 BR UNITS 3 BR, 2f!aUu "'"'" $3tJ! d-rately 4 childtt11. Aces Pacilic Shores Rral1y T ctie r ed Gener•I BEA N BAY VLE\V, l Bdr S SR f':tsaths $265 847.ss.ss 962.9711 <>i·es. ea r pre err .: Share 2 AVAIL Oct 1. E-side 3 BR h-g liv rm, p'inc pane.I, beam $160 \VINTER J"ental L!tUe 11.IJ with fireplaces, 2 Bl\: 2 Baths : :: ::::: '265 17, 16, Ia l U. ~ BR &ach apt. 613-1941 holl&", bltlns, dshwhr. cplS, s· I cell\~. Beach /boat avail. Isl(', 24' LR. 15' lron1 boat dishwashers' 3 baful. J BR. 2 Baths ........ $250 NEED 2 Bdrm. a.pl in MANY FEATURES dli>S, $250 mo. 642--0&0 1ng e $17:> yrly lse util incl. 4-7 dock. <Use $15;. 2 BR, food ReniaJ J\1a.nager -2 BR. l Bath ••...••••. J200 HarperSch.areabySept. l . J\file to beach. walk to new Cost1 Mesi 210013 BR, 2 BA, J\tonllcello Con· PJ\1 61~7 bar, gar, adlls b7l-5644 f\In. Oiristiensen l BR. 1 Ba, Furn ...... Jl'iS Reasonable, ~1150 Jr & Hi schools, '!pools, :2 do. !\ids OK $200: least'. OCEAN FRONT 1 BR, ipac H • •· h ••oo 3117·A Cinnamon Ave. J BR. 2 Ba. Furn ...... $250 e LANDLORDS e tennis courts. Beaut. decor· Ni " e I y furn 10 x 4-0 673-4277 it no ans. 962..Q302 Young kitchen & liv nii. Nlef!IY unt1ngton U111'•C -Costa Mes• BURR WHITE FREE RENTAL SERVICE a led '1 BR Condo. Assume \\'/cabana mobile home. 3•00 clecorated, shag crpt. $130 NEAR 8 each , ne'vly Phone 546-1034 REALTOR Broker 534-6982 *<'! FHA Adults on!y park, pool & rec Newport Be1ch £ [!!!!!!,.,.!!!O!!!!!!""'"'"""''""''"' Zi ·" · $Z6.~. 21Z9G privileges. StlO nio. or mo incl ulil. Bach onJy. decorated Bach apt. Util pd. ff-ARBOR GREENS 2901 Ne1vport Blvd .• N.B. \VANTED: Go.rage for car \Vavccrest Cir., f-f . B. 952. might sell. Owner: 67S-Oll6 Ad It 673-6~ or <2UJ 693-3627 Start $12S pel' mo. All;() new 675-1630 &12·2233 Eves. vlorage, vie. Balboa laJ, 5191 · or &CUW B / B u s Nwpt Island--Bayfront 2 BR, crpts. drps. No pets $300 to $3.% Waterfront. Lux· 6'13-968a Ma.ry-tl'ances POOLS? TO\VNHOUSE Up!lairs, ne1vly dee, rompl 01· children $15.5. n1 o · BACHELOR unfurn from urious & elepol 2 BR. 2 BOAT Slip or mooring tors• I BR, furn. rear houM<, fllO Adults only 3 BR 21 ii Ba turn, 2 BR den. Oshr/dlspl. 536-2379 $1.lO. Also avail 1 • 2 & 3 RA. pool, p.ri balt'Ony, vie'v s a i I boa. t 6 7 3 -9 Ct 5 TAKE YOUR CHOICE OF month. Call 842-2015 eves. Beaut dean~ s27a 'montli Luxury single, 1 & 2 Adult1, no pets. Ulil. pd, $250 '1 ·-8-D-R--1-,,-rus-· -,,.,-,-,-,-1-t h Bdrm. Heated pools, child apts. Boat slips avail, "Mary-Francos" THESE TIVO. Bo!h in t ile only: days 536-3207 a·ay & •. each ~· 1~ ' bedroom apartments, mo. ur;:,--~ utUitles paid. $13:i mo. care center. adj to shoppin;:. 1>1tbterrancan parking. Prestige tract. Both 2 slor· 2 BR •·m or "nl"-1,....... N 1 o. '"· Balboa A I JU "' ..... "°" R It I f . h d and unfur SPECIAL LO\V WEEKLY Trad!?\\oi.ncls Realty 847-8511 0 pe s. ....1-·= pis ies. has 4 &. thf' other has Ad"l'· only. $l"c. rvor mo. ea y, nc. UrnLS e -,~00 p l \V 3 S DIPLOYED Nurite \vantl arnall apt grnd tlr Celltl hfesa area -4!»-7696 ' BR R L 'lod Rl " "' ;Jo,I ,.-, • ..., n !S· hed, with complete RATES Rooms &-Apb 1vlth 2 BR, 2 BA. p" •ou·o. !lid ~1 e erson ay 10 Fernando t, N.B. s. ex-• ges, tr. ''"" ~,011 901 Dover Dr., NB Sulle U<J .. ,.... c 1 •r rn ••·o 11 6 ,,_, 847-2525. -'----------·164i).2000 Eves. 548-6966 privacy and landscap-TV and maid serviC<'. pool, 'vashC'r hook up. $185 os a "esa ......,_., j 41 1~ * RENTAL SERVICE * TO\VNliOUSE H ,. I _______ ,.,,~ ....... ~ ................ 1 d c ntry club at 1'1ariner f\1otcl 302S \V. month962-8994. ATTRACTIVE ne1vly NE\V 2 BR,% Ba, Cl'PlB. !'REE ro LANDLORDS · un ing on I: e OU -Coast High"'·ay redecorated spacious 2 or 3 dr"-, •-J•, dshYlhr, patio. C.Ontinental, 2 Bclrin, 11; Newport Beach 2200 TOWNHOUSE; 3 Br. 2YJ Ba. osphere ,·ncludi·ng .-... ., ... Blue &aeon 645--0lll Frpl. Patio, pool. 2 car m 1 & 2 BR-Bachelor Apts. Garden Grove <4610 BR, 2 bath aplll. Poo.I & ACl'OS!I trom Coco's & -,.======== Ba, crpW, drpd, all ap. LINDA SLE $750 000 , .. or th of 1· Ch.,, •n 1 nor. .-i1r:: -plianccs. Like nciv rood. I gar.; all bltns., c pt s., ' "' I , Kit-TV-Pool-Maid Ser. $35. d rt>c1-ea ion room. 1 r" \Vestc ilf Plaza.~...., to~· •16 !XXl &JS.'-"·" r 6 2 Year lease for Beautiful 6 drapes. Lease $27:> hionth recreational faci lttes per wk. & up. 11iE J\tESA ~ELUXE lg, 1 Br, 1un eek. 01\. 6~7095 or 221.J Colleee 1665 Irvine. 2 BR, 1 BA, Room. for Rent 59" • · · ...,...., a t pm. Bedroon1 & study, 41,~ bath 871-8811 or 642-2497 desi~ned and operat· lli N Nwpt Blvd ~9681 var, ocean view, carport, Ave. $170 up, $173 down. 1601 ll\tMAC. 3 Br. 2 Ba. SeabW')' honie. 60'.slip. S1500 mo. AVAIL n., 1. l••/opl. ~-ed 1'ust for si n g 1 e . . $1b5 lellM'. U1U pct -499--1473 Bedford. 642---0'm LARGE comronable room, convenient art'&. S20 pet \'i'eek can ~1ra1 home r.r. St. Francis & L d I I V\,. ..... -..... * BA YFRONT, spac, 2 Br. Edison High. 9624.115 In a s e sq ft -4 BR, 3~:.: BA, crpt&, people. pvt. patio, sml. boat slip, Lagun• e •• ('h 4705 ORLEANS APTS. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba carpets, drps. Huntington Harbour 1405 \VA TERFRONT nelghbon1 aC"ros~ the srreet! Slill just $46.950 for nc1v '1 Bdrm., formal din. rm .. 21 ~ baths. Ru1nored $5,IXX} pricc in. crease! 4142 l\loming Star, llt1ntington Harbour. Broker. 5'1&-6.288 Fountain Valley 1410 WHY PAY RENT? 'itr. old Spanhd1 stylf', As- aumc 6·~4 <;:;; F1l.A lo.n. ~BR., patio, BBQ, bllns. Acti. to golf CO\Jr.'JC, pool. $'.!fi.950 CORBIN-MARTIN · REALTORS 675-1662 3036 E, Coast ff1vy., Cdl\f Sul BHch 1450 -=~---'-''-'- OCEAN View, 3 BR. 2 BA, !rplc, Jge lot. $44.800. 1700 Bolsa Ave, 531-4239 Development drps, bltins. Corona deJ Mar \Vinter lsc $190-$225 mo. ;;..;;:.· ;.;..;,,.;;..;______ h'plc, blt-lns. bch 1 blk. I BDRM 'vi bath. Privat' Bill Grundy ti7~3.."10 Hi Dist. $300 !\lo, 545-;;:lU 01 ANAHEIM incl. utll. LI 8-439j, Eve. 2 VIE\V APls. 2 BR: aclJ. 10 3 BR avail. Adults only, $22.) yrly lse. 133 44th St. entry, No CfJOking. $10 mo. LIDO Sands. 4909 Bruce 546-418.J. 277 So. Brookhur'!I lSOI OCEANFRONT n\&in beach & i>hoppin;:. Days 547..f.1511 ext. 6.1 uk for furnished. 675-0m Crescent. AvaU to June 15. 3EAST °'""=SL""'u~r~F~. ~,-bd-rn-,.~3 Cl blk. So. ol Lincoln) ~ Bdrm, :! BA furnished. $113 l $140 Incl. util. 17,11 Tuslin, CoHta J\1e~ Dick Smllh. 6T>l&JO eveii. _E_X_C_L_U_S_l _V_E_rcs_M_•_n_tial~I Bed1'. 2 bath, \v<lsher/dryer, bath, fam rm, J car gar. (714) 772-4500 F'rplc, garg, \vash/dlj'. $285 213: 349-1040 Mgr. ~h~. Carson, 6'12-4841 2 BR. H~ Hosp. Area. beach area. Use of com- fenced yard. Pool avail. Gardener pd. Lease AiO GARDEN GROVE mo. Call (213) 377-U69. 2 BR duplex, furn & unfurn, Crpts 1 , 183 •ri:",· b~~:!5 r &: &~ll plete> home, $100. 646-1931 Near beach. $250 mo. No mo. 644--0770 *NEW BAY FRONT* nr Vic Hugo, nc\v Graciout Adult Living ~~ • .1-.,,,.,., .. ~·"2.i~ Huari':; w:v, BEACH l block, Wze, ~ ~~~I 5J!>.457S or (l) loP~A~RK=· ~L~!OO=~,nh~,,-.~3~B~,-. =2% 1 BR, 2 BA. $330. Yrly Jse. cpWd_rps, Jrpl, i a r · PURN &. unful'n 2 Br, Dl1J!i, .nv-ww """' private entr & bath. Uttl. J>!1 · Ba, frplc, htd pool. $265. Lse 13100 Chapman Av~. Adu11.s, 233 llJth St. 67a-0236 _<:::91::1_::1000:::_ ______ 1 1v/iv crpts, frplc. Pool. Stu· ,N~·~·~· =-===== $75. ~ eves. PENINSULA POINT ,v/opt Bia 646--0732 C4 bl.Its \Y. Santa Ana Fwy.) e \VINTER RENTALS e OCEANFRONT, 9 ~ leuc, dents OK. No childrt"n, BEACH APARTMENT 2 BDRM'S So. Of Hwy. 1 blk. Cl-fEER1'~UL 3 BR. 2 Ba. 2 BR, rt d 2 balh 1714) 636-3000 wrn-ED L. ross. •·1. 2 BR. 2 BA. frplc, d1!!hwshr.. ~fESA EAST APfS Furn or unfurn, crpL5' drp!, from beach. $18S. Ad\Llho no n·/St>p. family m .. te11c.... ronvt en,. · uin. ...,. 1 E 18 h c 'l I s= '" 0189 -I __ Sl 1 .._ _":' trplc, retrig,. blt-um, nr e '42-J&iO e TV-eable, <>lee garg, ullL 1;) . I .... · yl"ar)'. LMN, mo. ~ pets. 642-7898 pay Ywv. eps o ucau1. $250 495--1519 NEWPORT BEACH Adults $250. 491-l.668 642-3474 or 548-5745 c•::flo,":...::,':..Pc:M:... ~~-~ .=c,;;_.:;c.~:_~---1 Avail. NOW! S375 Mo. _;°"';::an"". ~;;·.,;;;:...;cc.=-=:--c Irvine and .I DELUXE furn 2 BR at ~~=;~~===C:.:="======== 2 BR lower duplex, fl'plc. LIKEABLE bachelor qtrs. 1-lal Pinchin & Aasoc, 675--4392 WATERFRONT, 30' dock, J in4J 645-0SSO beach. \Vinter. $15.5 & $165 Newport Beacft 4200Newport a.tdl 4200 $ISO. Yrly. BIUns. Crpts & for employed man. , \\'INTER, 3 BR, J BA Br, l % Ba, crpti;, drps, util pd. Call 642-8759. -+ drps. 1 child ok, 311 J6th SI. &l&-.5689 duplex, 101vcr, beach front, adlts. SSOO 1110 lse, 67~98 South Bey Club J BR apt, niee but not (213) 248-1921 n'RN Room in beaut C.dN prefer family, 6210 Ocean-LSE-oplion 3 BR. ~!i Ba, elaborate, Quiet adWL m Now LeasinCJ In Newport leach 2 d home for sngt permn. $125. ·~' d •· + < BR 2 Sa A art ! 2 BR, BA, cpta, rps, 0-1. no k 6'J3..4.l""' front, NS. ~ 213: en, .am. • • p men I plus ul.ll. 675-4192 oakwood bltins. Adults, no pets. $17~ •waa. 11mo en. """ 5§-1709 lam. from .$300. ,646-4414 _ $65 PER week. :l Br. util. pd, 3 BR. 2 BA winter rental. 111 Lse 548-3708, 673-2370 Motels. Trlr. Crtt. 5"7 BAYSHORES. 4 Bdrm, 3 ba. For J;)aily Pilot Want Ad! Children welcome. Wil l co~ blk to ocean. Furn or un-f Id Sept. • June lease. Private Dial 6'12-56?8 sider pets. Bia. 534-6980 tum. 642-a752 The be1t o two wor S • • • eommunHy Mlh/beaeb, ;m -~~~:!!..--!.:===~-=====-====="'===="-II your home and your country club mo. MS-1086 Agt. Gentral 3000Gen1ral 3000Generel 3000 NE\VPORT Channel: 2 Br. 'vsbr/drycr, ~· pr, Lg. !n<xl. ,yd. Side tle avall, Winter. 3507 Finley 83.3-ll34 'P©'R~lA-L&t-~s· $6 NIGHT UP ~k_!S•y 5240 • KttcheneHi', TV. maid ICl"V EXCELLENT Jocatkm. 2 • Phone aemce and pool la.rte BR'&, 2 BA. ~ • Care , Bar ceiUna, tittplacc,, t\ld pool. 3316. NtwPOrt Bt. CM Refs. Adults. no pets. $175 _. ___ S<B-'--'-_m>-'-",._ __ 1 Wettrnimter 1612 2 BR F'um home, i n ·-----Baystmoes, S3z. mo. tYrly Solv c4 Simple Scra.m.b!ecl Word Punk for a Chuckle For your horn•, 11l•ct from 1inglt, one •nd two bedroom 1partmtnts. Furniihtd or unfurnished, tech is profes1ioi'lally dtc- or1ted tnd inc;ludts "'rpetin9i drtptrits, ell. alecfric Westinghouse •ppljences, itor19• 1pec1 eplenty end pr1vefe btl· mo. Beaut view. Avail Oct. WEERLY rates 'Sea L&rt 4th •. LI M84ii ~loti!l, 2301 • NcWJ!O,rt Blvd., J BDRM. 1 Sath REF'O. Low lei'se) 642-3863 clown. lo1v payml.5. Built-in ls"Ai'Y:iFiiR"'ONT::ii;;i'i&"-doe=k.,....,3'°'B"r-, -:3 I range:. oven. F'.P. $11.500. Ba den. Lease/option $500. BY O\VNER 642-3092 tno. 6f~L Also unlum. 1620 WATERFRONT, 4 BR, new. ly cptd. pkg for t. $550 mo. BY Owt»er-sw San~ Ana. _.,_>""n°'n~======""~ Jmmsc. 3 BR. 2 BA. new • · · ·· · - c:arpell. drps, [Tplc. blk tnc. 1_N•w..._po_r.;,t_H_,_vt_•_. __ 2_2_10 encl. patio. Finished gar. nr i;choob1. cul~t'-sac. 5"10-1435 Lo119un1 Be•ch 1705 2 BR, ~vly ttmcd., cptll, 11.pplnci;. w11sher, focd yd. l"rpl('. $225. 645-1446 0 l1otronge l•tt11t of th1 -c:ony p1tio. f01Jr $(l"Omblad 'WOfdt t.. 1 Just 1tefs fron'I your door is • whole low' p ~ ~o~m~; ~~re ~d~, j' .;/. ~ ' I ~=:l,d 0 udu,;ve coonlry club rocru· II I I' I 1: . 1 I • Profe1siorw1I site Tennis Coum . . . _ . . '\ • R•sident Ttn!'lil Profe11ion1l end Shop "" • Olympic size Swimming Poo l ISURCH I . . .-•Whirlpool Bath• I r ~ 11 1 · n~I~ 1 • ::~:~;b.~i"Z;~:.011eyb•11 ~l!!!~.._ _ _:I~ '~-"'--,.,. And e 20,000 squire foot clubhouse off1r·1 °""" "''" EHt Bluff S2A2 ::i:.i;;;======<= I e NEW DELUXE e Gueat Homes S"I ~ Br. 2~ b& apt. for 1tuc PRI room in U.c'd GUfft tncl. 1pac. m.utr. suite, dlo •tome for elderly man « rm. It dbl. p.rl.I\'. auto. ~ Good foOd. cori- door opener av.U. Pool A aenial atmosphere, avail rec. aru. Nr. Catholic -'now:;:,· -=======I church & ~hOOI A. Corona -- .de! Mar Rl&h. Mite. lttnl•lt 90NLY $251.e 86$ AmlaoS W1:1. N.B. SINOLE CAR. OARAG& Oor. ona del Mar, S13 mol'llh TOWNHOU~ new 2, l It 4 * 6Tutn • BR. W . 752 Amlp \Vay. __ .:........:.:.;..:=---1 IPERGI I lho" fulur11 : • About o vo!n octor1 '1he • Sep1rate Men '• end Women's OCEAN VlE\V ltO~tE Coron• ditl Mar 2250 I I I' I ~on is such a hom he owns Heilth Cl .. bs with S1unes ·-• rty ~ XLNT Vet Joan au umptlon. -. . . . . h •1 lnC0"'9 rrope -v Int. nt!t w\U not inctta . .!e. 3 OCEAN ride, l~~ btkl. to o cu1tom-mode Jelep Ol'le. If • Indoor Gol Drivi119 R..n91, Corona ct.I' Mlt SUO BRAND NIW 61Ml:ll or 6Ti>'0033 Br. 2 Bl. w/w crpls, lrplc. heach. Well 1\lrn. home. 3 'ID_A_M_W_O_E---~, dOta.n'l ting, 11-.'* t•'t lilli•rdt. TRVoom S d. Cor lot; comp! privacy, Br. 2 ha. Lee. lam. rm. • • O ~ tfi chud.I. • Theetr• loun9t, Art tu iO, .., 2 IR. FO\JINX An:\: Io u 1 • s t1hmll. f/P l..('ase 'til June: 15; $373 mo. J I* I' ) I by fiH"'sl In ~hot m'-ift9 ~'f. P1rty Room1 ~· •v ll'ICOO'lc $S80/fno, WI\h i;le- SA4.500. Boyd Realty ~ • • • • · you dl't"°P frOfll • No. 3 below. Modtl1 ope11 noon until 9:00 p.m. daily ~ •N• predlUOn al'IOUld aot eVti ~:-~~~~~9704 i;i~, f'= -.: ~ch.Doi~ • f:iw.rv:t6sgy~.ES r r r r 11 r I' 1· 1 ON TEN A(JU;S ~~0~1~"'" -.,Clf.11 t ll'COme uni11 t20 BR.l251)mo.wlnter-.. OAKWOOD ta J BR. Fum ·A U.Wrn 3·17~9 5'3&.e8oi ...... >dt. • 11<•<1>, Pallot, d""' •m ~ ---~ ~ ~m-~1l. Lfnt•s I I I 1 I I I I I GARDEN APART"ENTS ""'1'" .. 1 ,.w. ,., ... ' DON'T.IUstWISR•-l •locta• vliew. Ndt, pa int, ) BR. 1 BA. OD tbt ~. • ----. • • ! . . . ft _ IYI Pools. Ten:nla .O::a11tn118kftt. tt.t-ta fllmta =-•te. Should Cl'* $9.0CO )'1'. IBl"Mkm t>r, aftl I •~""'.....,......_.., 1700. 16,h ltr•at. Newport B•tc:.h 900 SU t.a;ne, O:IM lw.311 ~ .-=-' .... !«I.MO. O>ns ldor "'"''· "'°"°"· 1!111 "'°' IJUI "• W CATION 8000 'hooa: 642 -1110 1,'iiiMi"ii""iiiii~uriiinriiiO,.i1~rjRii:Zlill . ·• Ood-' t> ~ MISSION nF.ALTY <D<-otll -I _.:.•c="""=M~·L::Al.-!~:s:.;,NS;:::.:WE.:.=R:...::IN.:...:C=.ij;::.Sl;:.Fl:..:..:,;,;.:.,:..:..:...:...::.:..;:._11 .... -... ----.. ---11 • T-..... """1""' ....., :r T -4J .._ ~} • ~ -.. l J 11 • \ 1. ' I J • • ...., . ' WhlUya Wont? Whffdy1 o.t? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOil NATUltAL llO!t .. SWAPPERS S,.Clal !tale 5 Linel -5 ilmH -S buck• llUl.I.' -..0 MU$T O~ClUOS l ..... WM, 'l'tV fll'l't .. , lreclt, ....wt\lt 1'W •-"I In It• ... J 1-'fOUlt -•Mflr .etl'UI. ,._,s llfth .. M'N1b• t I 1 .....,.OTHINC:. f'Olil SAle -Tll.&Oil OHL'fl •I PHONE 642·5671' SILVER VALLEY RANCH HOUSE -. & ACREAGE CITY 0, 100 LAKES !iEwUJIRy SPRINCS MAKE YO\/!\ OWN LAKE ' 20 ~files Etst ol 8ar1tow M f~. Elev. 2000 ft NUT Lake f..(lteen.. Wondertu.: Jlll4 tor •pri¢ot$, a!talta. nul Mo arowtiiz. tilh raial~. horse rancb, boa\ini, etc; ttc; •1· To Plte9 Your TrlCftl"t P1r1dlM Ad ' . ; Sa.n C!e.tntnte 2 R..3 lrvtl JCAVE : ~ar's rl@ctrie dl'Y" 'O Acru Ranch Land·, im· ~ ~100 cl~r. OOM: lo er, xlnt. NEED: Equivalent ~ WITH modem 2 BR I JhoP:C k te\ch. Trade lo~ a:as dryer. ~ 'bopae, I.I• Uv 1·m, N.8., C.M.Cornn1't 'nl1'. or Call af1 ll p.n1. beamed edllnr .. breakfast 1 'alu -64U4SQ call pm 968-69CC nn,.kitclien. ~ru bath 4 1 1 · ' · fllumbJll:. Tl.nk-house en- custOl'll built Mini· '63 Chevy SUper Sport, 321, clollnt tftlO aal 1atv. stOl'· orne, $5,500 value, Trade air, pis, p/b, R/ll, lo ml, are ta.Dk under 43 lbs pre~ ! eqUi(y in home, duple:-: ln:imac! ~ for '67•'68 sure. With doubie ear. Con. tJi.pJ~. J\'cv.·port Beach "'v Bu::. same cond. ci.·ete .eptic tank. all el~ .. ! pa, $9661 968-3129 Alt 6 ~n1. 5 hp pumj, 30l &al ~r min ~ lYi'aP occ.uional use 31..t &Cl'flS citrus, Llndsay, at 80' dept#l, J.m,prOvenwi.ts: + o1 ski chalet at Moonridge Calif., $80,00o eqully for Fenced W1tb t•• by I' X :IOO fl ~ Ski to\V near eolf course for boat, airplane or TD'1 or recl\vood'fenet. 7 1'.lile1 E;a!i I .. ol beach front place. submit. Paul Stuart. Own· of tcbool. $18,000. /,2131 180-9408 er/broker~ Ill ·S' Je(lrib fishing boa!.. 350 PUERTO VAU.ARTA, l\tex. Or will• ~ubcUvid• I 0 tip ood di ico: Comn:iercial + apai·lr •ere • 4111 ttnprov•m•nfs •[ ene, 1 ra os. ran:t'· •55 000 30 ., mecb xlnl. Trade for ne1v, nlents, ss:i.000 . Trade for "' , 6r •ere• vn• 1 ~ue car or dune buuy. salable So. Cal. PauJ Stuart, itnp.t••td " $21 ,000. ·;, 2560 a.ft 6 pm, Bkr. '9~ '40 Y. Down, l1lat1c•' on ;' "'59 Cadillac..5dV. Cood tires, Bayfront 9 Bdrm, home. I st ff\ltf '••d. , R,jnl, $500 value. Want pick. \Va.nt smaller or tndltst. LITE MANU,ACTUltlNG ~~VICE DllllCTOllY a.byaittlnt 1 lltlit 1irl. •re 2JA. to 5 FOUND: Black jlijl!PY \llitb yeU9, As paym.ate A com· \llhite chest A: white front panion tor. my 4 year old p.aw, ~ flea co.liar; d hie M·-• 1 .... ~~ NMcl uaociatt wlth m&IW.&e. •ua: r. -.is ,....,....,.. ..... mant and/or en.clrlffMt :· ~ ~· O)ata Near Ma.anolia .t Edingl'r b&ckaround. Manutactuter -esa. : . · · FC1Untaib Vallty lln!a, $W.OO in Pl'O£'ram for national dis-FOUND: FtnWe Wl!.ima.ru. a ~-eek. can 841·?1B7, trlbutlon. faO. per 'vk. to er &l1et l!1ac;k ~ blvw~ CHU.D Cue. MY home. \Vill start plu• equal ahare ot haired nnall dOJ~ vie. of take infant or up to 3 years. proiitJ to ac~ve party with Baker • Fa.lrrie • Costa Have ~ yard and 1~~ $12,500. c-Uh. ShouJd euilY Mesa. 5'&-lt13 -Utpnl? old Child. Lbcalion between net stl~l!d pa.rt)' SZ,000. \VHITE DOG W/black spots, f"airview le Su n 11 o wt r first y;. For ;en0n.a1 lnt,r. veey friendly, vlC. ot &tan. 510-6908 view, · c&lJ Tu.tn.2952 ts- 1 da ~!ah. OwnU ·phi QJJCHIW ~='=""c.re~-;-ma_tu_t'e_·_~-- 6 PM) 15#4)81_ . pean woman 'vill care for IE.AD THIS PSYCH~LOGY bOolcs a.nd children in niee home in noles 1n Meredith Carden! C.t.l. L.&:+ fenced yd. Aft 5, arta HB Owner pis call fi46..2$20 !16Z"""4544 -s=u=y~SffriN==~G~-my-~ho-,.-,, Xlnt !er t'ftil'ed people lr you want a pa11 or full MIXED brindle ~er. hll Prefer azes l!~ to 3, fencOO 11me opportunlry to make neat· l9tb I. Harbor, under yrd. Vk: 8_.w;bal'd l Adams. nlonty i.n a bminess of your treatment. do1n&: nicely. 4 968-2603 Cf'.\'1'1. For exa.rnplt $200o in. yr, old remale. 6'6-9663 M=O'l1lER==~w~an-ts-p~l.,.,.--.. vestment ean net UO \vkfy Black Kltten. Mar CM eoU tcn· pJ"e«hool boy. Joilea dcl by 11pendlnr -t lu's m&ldlll course. or ~ :o aood home l\1ar area. 54i-169'J deliverie!l. it unclaimed. 6'2·5802 1 1 ~p, truck, camper or \\-ant pl'op. Local or OcellllSide COUlllTISY TO ta nnt 3 BR, CM bouse, 2 OK. Balboa &y Prop. lltOKElt. Call l\lr, 'fhomu FOUND 9115 dot. Vic Hun-'~rg:al'&ge.ti-J6...5186 Oil-7t.90 Anytime WILL NEGOTIATEI I cn4l ;m_~ _ tin&tOn c.eittu. M2-481J &ft \VlLL ~t fur child of teacher. X·IA!achtt, now mother. m-3504 + Habra Hgls Shangra-La LOVELY hOme on Altadena CALL 1474640 A f TENT J 0 N° BEAUTY pAiiAK:fET treen /1 •: 'l,'R, 2 RA. botanical gar-Goll CoW'8C. 5\*% auum· AFTllll '· OPERATORS Chvn your band. vie Talbert _ ~: care:, my hrune. J>"t:noed BABYSl'JTING i. alter ac.hl . When 'fou Won ~ it done rig ht ••• Call one of . the experts · li sted below!! SElt'ilCE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIR&CTORY 6510 llulldert 6570 e Add A Room e Apartment f Units • Custom Homes • Kitchen Experts • Two Story Specialists FREE LAYOUT I. OESIGN 20 YEA~S EXPERIENCE CALL NOW OPIH WllkPA 'fS 675°7191 UT, A SUN. APf'TS. AVAI L. IN OUlll OfflCf 0111 YOU R HOMl . ... ... .. PU.OT.ADVERTISE~ .22 V C RY 6'8C GDNE'.S TR E-E smv· tfct!t I sl}ru.llbei·y l'ChlO\'f!d trimmed, h<l~tll.I a w a y • .s 19-13,;9 Upholstery 6990 CZYKOSKJ'S Cu.st. lJl>hol. Ew'Opcan Crafh;n111.ns!up 100~ tin! 642-14::.4 1831 Newport Bl .. C.1-.1. A NNOUNCEMfNTS and NOTICES Announc•m•nts PUT ON A HAPPY FACE 641 Q . F'rtt makeup Je:s$on & 0011 care analysis. e737J fIU."'E LESSONS it1 makeup application & 8kln care. By appointmenl. 839-7373 CHURCH choir singers need· l"d. Opportunity for soloists. 64'4-42.jj. L•gal N_o_t-'ic.c.es ___ 6:.;4;o.;;50 I \\'ill not be re8ponslble for ally personal dt bts otM1· than my 011·n. Robert "r .; F'Uderman. I \1·iU not bl' responsible lor any d!'.'bts other than n1) own. l\1ildred Ol lv<' Sha.W\le1· JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Job Wanted, M•n 7000 DEPENDABLE, intclligen1 28 yr old man looki.n;;: for e career. Can you pa)' $3.2.) hr to train'.' High school grad pre\'iOUS Rest. n1anager Of lari:e dinner house & have 1\'0rkl!d as rubber &:-plastics laborer. Xlnt v>orkcr. \Vntc Box l'ot-683. Druly Pilo~ Job W1nted, Women 7020 1 ~-.'·pool. S25.000eqty. \Vant able loan. $59,9:i0. Trad'e for ... +.-. own thop, one you could be }'oun•·•-v.ney ...,. .... ~.. yard. 548-5874 1 !1!' 3 condo apts, Npt Bch beach &l'Ca. owner • Lee. llf1I<; ... ""'"' -VZ:• itll proud of. 3 atatlorl.9, and .....,, · __...,, BABYSITTING my home 1 1• a. Bkr 646-0732 6~2-3025 or &38-5712 room for one more, in DEBBIE -found ,Yt)Ul' wallet vicinity Slater &; Beach Ht& 2•3S I . COAST HIGHWAY ATIRACTIVE petite 29 yr ; ~de 2.,'Ull !IQ ft business HorM ranch Riverside s•~ Exch•~•s~ R. E. 623t downtown Costa ?iiesa. Belst ~= t":rOnt. Pl!W <:all Bch. M2-6l33 CORONA DEL MAR old nlother comi~ out ol ; -~nta1: office Cfr retail shop 1 1 ba ,_. • • qulprnent, l.-OU~ b<ir, dye ~"="~~~~---W!LL babysit in my honte, retire1nent !01· hrs 9-2 daily I ~2nd TD'i. :lll-213 62nd acrcll, ove Y home, . rn. room, aood parkinz, loveJy l f.fO. Bllt &c wht puppy, hot fneals, fd. 1cferences. "!:!;,5';=====""========:=: I Can op c r a 1 c o If i C.t' : . Npt Bch, O\\'ner. (2.13~ pastW'(', $30,000 e qui l y. PROP£RJY PROBLEM? "mod" decor and brand C'.ockcr ~ '? S1CN383 to iden-$15/wk. 53&-3977 : machines, cacUully handlt I 101, t:l:e (213l 21&-0100 \Vant _,income, Iott, house. • ne1v, for only $-C,000. Let tify Floors ' 6665 J•nitorial 6790 clients, driver. 5 k j 11 e d 5 p.crcs :;,aturc avocado, &tZ.1653 your hail' do\vn, &nd call . BABYSITTING, Next t Cf ---------\VANT used Mercedes 250 to \Vhy not t:.::cl)ana:e '? Van. at Tile Real Estattts \VOMENS &}a..Mds, VU.'. K-Newport Heiihts park, f.Ion C ---------wtmenl.a.lly & phySJcall.)o 1 ·=~~s.:ce Ex~~~~ buy or TRADE FOR ,67 V\V Call fol' App't ~ 64&-nn and start maJdn& AW't store, C.M. 642"'101 lhru Sat. 16-2754 ~r:1~V!~lcJ~~ :;:i~~~ito~~-k ~~:~ ~=~:P~~eh~'.on ;:it~; f ...... <.!nuareblck. 0. D. COLE, RLTR. money! GREY 1'1.bbil. S46-31t5 Cfl' EXP'D child care in my .. or ,..,ust, units, or ~ '?'? "" oua ... _ •--.1.. ... "''tee esr. Lie. contt. dO'.vs, resid., comcl. coru;t. th1nkc.r. church youth , Bert Mott,·Ed Riddle R,al. 613-'.Ql.:! BUSINESS ind DlSTRIBllt'ORSHrP wrnI· "'"""'°""' ~_,1'-;~~ mo-il'l'Oll ~7262 54&+47! Cleanup. Free est. 968-2691. counilClor 7 yrs. Min $3 hr . • ' tY 646-88U or tJ3.o.!31 eves. Evening~ FINANCIAL OlM' IN V E 8 TM ENT: L ;,0-0539 Mt '401 ESfATE Mai11t Tree Serv•========= j Ventut'il. ,.;......_view honie, \Vantcd : Late modtl Van, Oelu."e candy l: druf BABYstr'n.NG. l\fy home. G1rd1nin1 6680 R al•-· ._ 1" _ _. 8 Op ~111" t M "·· •. 11, ,. V amov "" tr1mn1ings, uee J b W nt·' I clear, \Vlllt "elcchan&e for "'ill s\1•ap 1 10 IG parccls VI. portunifllt 4SOI s...,..., ues o t a v e. r n s • L \DIF.S '\'&llet Vic center &gnoua ~ arner, · · ---------cstimatt, ....:aJI !'141~. o • cu !!' bayl'ront, '~Vldbck-, vie111 or land In Goldfiek:I:, N~vada. restaurants, st~ll, etc· St, Cl\I or 3rd Ave .. Latuna Any age. M2--M7:t ANT 0 ======· === Men & Women 7030 ~income property In N.B. Val S300 per lot. s.ti-41.ftt FRANOUSE: No food exper. Direct f.al.10ry c0nneetion Beach, Fli 811. VaJuablt BABYSI'JTlNG my home H HY'S Landscaping 68 10 COLLEGE STUDENTS atta, Lorin Carver 6T:r2072 dys, evts. 642-1122 nee. tarnili& h.i&:h daily cash papers. ft,e\\.·ard. "499-2369 near Paularino School. Any T>" ,..._,,~-r T . D t llAVE C __ ,,. 1 MULTIPLY commiS»ionsl:m~n t hly alt.6. age.Call5f5-2201 644•4860 ~UU.S & SLOPES our AVAILABLE 'fl ._.....,,,.., 1\·1n . au o : omme.1ucu 01. overwrites. Every I h i na: specially, Next yea.rs rain for all types of work. 1 1 Pit.Ot, range 1200 mi; 1'Cccn1 clear $15,000. Lake Arrow· CAPITAL tumlahed free, but must be BUW.tESE cat, al1ered male, BABYSJ'ITING, l\ly home, Th, Oest, costs no mol'I!! 1vill be 11·oNC: Gel Pro-Part tinit' .. CaJJ: I lbtvey $~. Will considt'r head $Hl,(X)) clear. WANT: l>ynamjc Co. combinlnc best bol'ldable. Part or fUll tim~. \vhite flea coli.r. Cr)'sta1 J\leaa Verde aiu. J:;..,.perienced Maintenance tection OO\v! Call 4ga.og-u Southern • ~-u:'lt dttd or smaller bool. V.'hat you ha~. Broltar. (lJ features ot fut food field as \Vri~ CHEXCO, 2910 N. Cove 9/12. R'w'd. 21J. 540-273:J Budget Land!caping I rnr (714J 1'l9-J400 ,,.,, 8801 378-4764 (.'Oil (iraduat .. Ho-<i,.ul•·•st * Lic'd JapatK'Sf': land!Cape C•lifornia College ...,.... nev'r d-· ... ~Ott. 16th St., Phila .. Pa. 19132 · BABY Sl'ITlNG, mv Mme, " '' '" '"-'' Ind St d t E I l o" ' """ """1' • 1.:ontractor; complere . u en mp oymen .;x;Mce, 1 1 1' * * * * _., Hi&'hut V1Uc. Inv•stment-MlNAGER TOY &pricot poodle, lo1t Vic near achooJ.s prefer 3-yr. ald COMPLETE sepg & gardens 8.30.303r Kl 5-1178 l 'I , Jlf to-orotit r1Uo. \\'e pa·o11ide Re'·il, ,~,L·•e··'" 0,,0,t, Qr. Suview A Cttalina, Lq: boy, day1. '46-078S v.0,, co PL . IV h ,.. • uu' __. .. 8 It GENEREO"S. ~ J\lAINT~ -~. • U E AN1. to fnanagt I ~ customers via m'assn·, •n .. 0 ~. --•. 'fan sol•"l·" c · u ....... ,., 8 k 6830 il A~AL 'STAT· . REAL !STATE -'"''1 .. " " .. .,... RE\VA'-'" .,, a . k M Sprinkler installed &: repair. rTWJ-nry, tlC Ap\11. 1 ch" d -cx:perienccd. ; "~ '" Ii TV ads, ')'OU awn the bu:!.. m."'t hav• ,•• abo'llt• 10 lUI. ~7 or r1c • 1sor1ry, .tc. _ " G I '"' • 4M-9806 6560 ed. Ne\V la\vns, clellllu11s. 12131 465-~ • ener1 G.ntrll and k~p the profit!. manate a tcl1il store a!l '-fonthly Service,. RICHARD ALLEN CHINESE live.in. Doni""'"·'. :' S5 invested in corttpetitor's we 11 a~ a v.·orkilhop. BOYS fl.asses 9115 bet !Jtl!.19: 8 -.~ .... ; lnco,,.~ttroptirty 6000 lndustriar flttntll 6090 C1por. 1966 \\'Orth o\·er S300 Thorouih tninl"'•. Facto'"" Newpt Elem. Sehl a; 500 E BUILD, Remodel, t"Cpair. ·-Permancn1. t;.'(perienced. • 1 ·-. •• Qu.ality Lown Ser•'tc• Cus1om ,t· Spanish r-.lasonry Far Ea.st A."'enc" 64.2-8/"l • loday. ~it expect "v'n l>et· dirtx:r merchandise. m.noo blk Ctn Oc::eanfront, 8aL D. Bticlt. block, concrete, -.-s · • "' I • f-Plcx -S48,:.'i00, 10~{. FOR t.case. 1300 -2600 sq ft ter. in11kt. req'd, Iully i;eev ed. Vorgang 6'B-1699 carpe..-., no ,.,. b too sn1all. Establishlnr nc.1v route by A pcctalty • do\\11. Terrific ii.nan· indu.s. space. lOc sq ft. nt\~ Req. Sl4-l1,000 (secured)~+ ~per wk, to lltarl + "4 "' \\'ell known profeS11M>na.I. Block, Brick, Concl'rlc Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 f clng-lake over S31.'100 Is l bldg, 1240 Logan St, C.i\t. hard work + abW.., control :i;;hare of &.:;rotits. Should re-SMALJ.. 8 wka old pUppy. Blk Lie. Contr. 962-6945 Rca:>on .. refs. ~:>2754 .,,~"~"~'~'~'~t.d;63..~'~·Zl~l~O=O'I--~;:;~:;;:;::"-' I TD al 61!'~. O\vocr \\'ill &16--0681 •1 \11/brown markinp. I\lale. -;: b ·L•t• ' . ,:.::..:=------your employees under our turn $25. per year, For Bits at leet. Vic 42nd .i &uildtn 6570 NE\V La'"' n s re-scroing. '•perh.angln" 0 1 I I e s inance balaflCC al 7'k. S500 RENT ne\v !11-1: llZi sq. ft, direction. Simi>le Ol)lf!l'ation. detail, nc.aat.!'ISn. &.Ibo&, NB, 9/l2. 67;)..3190 Complete la1l'u cart, clean • L. to S600 mo inoome. J.-2 BR $1!5 mo. 2200 ""'· ft $2:25 Get . 1 ta 1 1 up by job or nlOnth. r ...... P•inting 6150 Orl JmifeQ 't: 1-2 BR 2 beU1 apL \l'iU1 "" • in a J , tt or owtr $5,000 lf' YOU A<:f NOW! TOY Collie, feml.IC, vie. REM 0 OEL-Addilions-Ca~ ..... ~ ~· lil'tpla(."(" k air co n d . ~~J:as Lofan, c . 1\1 • invest .. ch6lce tetTit., hii:h· Ch\~r aays reduce price DW)'tt School 14th &: Palm, inets-Block fences-O>ncrelt' cstimate11. CaU 346-09J2 NEED PA 1 NT I NG ? 09 en C(V ~ Euildln;: 011er 4000 sq fl. well est yield. from $15,000 to only $10,000 na.med "Ginter.'' R.e\vard. work. 642-9852 J•p•nese G•rd•n•r Call us! Reliable Service 1v/ Qu:dity Positions for : ~iv replacement value. ~ INVESTIGATE crrHERS and just $:>,000 down. for 536-29(6 Expcr., oompl yard service! Quality at its besl at tl"ll! Qualified Applican\!'J I .,eanacs that back on alley. Lots •100 ,. 1'~IRST,,..... this fine 11-laxiean food hand-~LO=sr=,-ere....~--yod~-.,-.~1-e Car1Mnt•rint 6590 Free e6t. 645-0912, 968-2303 nlost reasonable prices. 488 E. 17th St., Sui!e ~~ : ··~e 75x13l' Jot. Smiley c.2 LOTS. 30, X 90, , or appt .. l\1n. oou•pn :!13/ out restaurant, Cfn busy Exp'd Japanese Gardener. t'rf.•e es1in1att-s. S.tS-6002 Costa hfe5a 642-lof70 , . nur. 642-2'121 , 646-!!666 SUNSET BEAClt ti52+8020 121 hrs.) An e>;ecu-Harbor Elvd. Good leut, Sia.mest cat vie College CARPINTRY Complete yard ltlCrVi<:c, e SPECIAL • Accounting SupervilOr t 592-.l94l li ve \\·ill return your call. fully equipptd and \Veil Park. Cf.1.1 S45--0l5:!. ~fiNOR REPAIRS. No Job ftte estimate. 540-1332 lNTERIOR & ex 1 c r i or . $750 •' Bu•ln••• R•nt•I 6060 · f•••~us eatablish6d. ~a capitalist .1.•os T(I(' Small Cabone' tin,.,. s1 1 3 BR 1 & t · ' R-4 LOTS, Costa 1.1eaa. l?Ox """""' !o t•· ~-1 1 P•rnnJls -TREE Sen·ice, general yard ng e s ucco · rim Degree Not nt?ces~al')'. h1n1 --BRAND N•ue r '"" P•''-" o a ''v ;.c;;;.;:,:.::o.:.: ___ ..;:= ages • o ther cabinets. $288 •BR or" t $""' I 309 Zon~ •0 ·1s Phil -'''""U 0 -t till • · kl · "' s ory """· t·ai·cer oppo1·tunily lor """ \VAN'T'ED: a local busines..o; · "" "" uni · tortill&s. Call VIJ\ at "The ~"' ... .,,,, "no ··-·er 1 ... ,., '"'' p. '"" 0 spnn er 3JJ Ch ··~ ' Sulll «• -·· CANDY •oun:s •• w·NTED'. ............ .... :u ... ..,.. ..... 6"' ~D• yrs. exp. uck 645--0809 man. Call c·,, ". IC.';tlO , Mdms & \\"OUld like lo rt'nt van . .,.......,, · " ""'al Estatcrs" 6'6-7171 " t 646-2372 H O serv. ...,_r,.,.,g ·~ .~.,, ~ 1 a de!k in your office-. --· t\01\•-avallable in Costa ~Iesa RETIRED===,._""' ___ ~ QWrweitht l•dils ~er'~" ' . . CLEAN-UP SPECIALIS"f'! SUBURBAN Painting/Dec J ASON BEST \ S42-2IJ2 Ri nches 6150 k many &thCr te\vh.! in this Per a 0 n for 1 \Y&nl 10 women "''ho al'e 10 !\lowing, ect...in,, odd ,.,. bs. Expe11 Guaranteed \\'ork Employment .<\gency -··-area. All Jocattons are L'Clm· partner In prtstiae tra.n· QUALITY Repair!. -Altera· •• 1·r.-e est. No job too !ar<>e 21'.?0 So, illain. Santa Ans. ' ' BALBOA JSLAND -Lea·• 2 ·a1 1 M-· v ,,.,_ bu•I-,. -re.,__ pounds or more ovenveiiht u N b hour Reasonable. 548-69.U "' • ~ O.s1rt Retort R11nch merc1 Ol' a ...... ,1. ery ,........, ,,.. • ~-,..,,.,, ons -ew const. Y CL' too small. 494--3190 ORDER 'Taker5, won1cn-g1rls stores. :i01 !\lar1ne Avl' 1n 232 acres close in 10 Palm hig:h l'&rnings, no sellin&: in· up to $500 mo. PIT, no aell-j~~~"of'::c:~ or Ccntraet. 646-3442 * Expert J 1p1ned PAU\"TING Int &: Ext Lowest O\'er 19; days or t'ves. Arcade Gr~5.1. Or seo Sprin<>s. All fenced I: cro" volved. To quality you must , '"ing"". ~"~M=""=~--~-d In 1 lr1 CAR Pi'NTRY-Cabinets _ J."INESf \VORK 64&.0lM ,_ A_, -u . Pl •. N )'OUt broker. 1,..:_~d ,,,,.th •. t-I pipe po"'a ~ reliabl' I.: have 1 hr a 1 -*LIQ. LlC'S. Ot'IUI••· <•--re' UC c. All nqu es con-con~aclC\,.I pr1t:"l!S. Fu y ins. eusan1 \1·or..:. o eXpet'. "'"' " "" ..... d . Cd o>lll! fldential. A$ for ~1rs. Tiiom-CUstom doors • fences. Aey Satisfaction ruai . Free est. rieccss. !'5al<iry $1 .6J hour. Small store le drill rod. All steel \\'Ol'kint ay spare lime ays or Dieao $12,500 on sale: ..,, 5.17$,. siztt job. Call &46-2576. H•ull ng 6730 Jini Weeks 673--llr.G :H7·1321 Catalina Uland fRi 1-lo. -ra1s & h F • eyes). $10,000 oU .ale. Call \VINS. .::;.::.:.:.:.:·:.:·-----cot • c Utl!'.. ~reman 11 SI20<l to $3.35() REQUIRED * REPAIR, Partitions Small pAlflj"'fJNG, Papering 16 yrs. ANS\VERING service ()pt'r. in Harbor a.rt'a. Lie. & ator, Expel'icnce preferrr.<I. bonded. Refs. furn. &12~2356. but \11il1 train. Phone Avalon lST house, other builchngs plus Inquire 00 t "!ret ban TON collect (~131 272-42'9 Don'f,1 Remodel. etc. Nlle or day, lodge for CfW11er. All or the 11 ~ our us ftl!a.s! Call KEN Sof0-4679 : Offict Rtnt1:.l __ 60::;7c;:O lll'ld is s11.ke-graded ! pipe. route plan • ~ake your fu. ln'i'tltn\•nt Opper. 6310 1 --lioed, Approx 200 acres in lure secure w1th us, t OUlln REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS ( , LAGUNA BEACH pututt and a1lal!a. Ranch & Bradstreet ra~ Na~al Sil.ENT Interest ch at n call us it you still belii'Y~ in CABINETS. Any size job • .i A ir Cond itioned ii presenUy us~ for pure Co. For more 1nlonnauon motor hotel incl Sambo cot· cavit atyte datlna. 25 yrs. expel'. ~8.£713 ' -:ON f'ORESI' AVENUE bred bee( herd opera Lion ~end nainc, addres.s ~phone fee shop. 1}• yr old-Net ORlNGE 00. ~7-6668 b'tsk space availabl' in This ls one oC the !ine't Im: ~»/~~OUTED~, P9 .• o69. 20 ~;, ~ tax •~lter--$6f00 tot 24 Hr recordin&: ' 'p,1\'tSt o!ficc bullding 111 proved ranches in So. Calif. __ omon11., 'Alu, 1 I 2,._ 7~ ava.11. ~1893 PALM l: Caril Reading. ' ti' rime 1-a'"'-n in downoo1\'n b t be be CANDY SUPPLY .,,, • ~1 "'-«v °" mUll seen to appret-S1 Mil'..LION Profit retum in nuv•Ct? '"" P on many ' ·, una Beach. Air rondl· iated. Price S950.000 \\•i1h ROUTE 00 days. \\lant partper ,for m&tuors. Fully lic'd. Open : ed. carpeted, beautiful liberal tem1s to t~e right Afl'fl..IATE land project.. $2a,OOO re-d a i I y 1 0 am-t 0 pm. C•m9nt, Ctncrete 6600 •CONCRETE v.·ork 11 11 types. Pool decks l.: custom. Call .)(.i.1324 Will Do Your Haulin g 49~60 A•k for Kurt Y ARDl&ar cleanup. Remove tree!!, ivy. dit1, tractor backhoe, grade 962-876 CLEAN UP & lile movinr Tree t: shnib removal. Reuonablt. 54~13.i9 CLEAN-Up and light mov- ifl&, Call Dave: * 893-429:i + INT. & Exter-Housc &: Apls. --~•-"""...:..:."':::·"2:...::• __ At prices you call afford. C Assemblers t: S Painler.~. 675-2955 •FOR Beller Painting, Ul- terior & t-x1e1ior. acoustic ceillng!. 64fi.40'Tr I:: 5~1..3502 PAINTING Bay area 15 y111. cxper, Immediate servii~. Ca11 Bob at 6~6-6446 1 Jt!btrances: Frontage on party, f'or further inforrna-!No Sellin& Involved) .... ~ 14g.•-• d . 2131697-9212. 210 W. Whit· CEMEMT \VORJ\, oo job too 1 '<11-'Cfrcat Ave .. t'f!.11r leads to Uon, pita~ call Ernest Eck. Exct!Uent income for ft w ,,......... ~ ay ot· ew. l.ier ft.lvd, La Jlabn. Next small, reasonable. Free • JU 1 k' 1 $50 Plastering. Repair 6810 1 unc pal par mg ots. hoff hours v.'Cekly work (t>a.y1 w Meftav N' LH .\32o to L&Habra waJk in theatre. e.stirn. H. Stunick, 54.8-8615 Hountt .. nin9 6735 I '.J)er montti for spaco. Desk Eckhoff&. Assoc., Inc. eveninis). Retillil'lf I cot. ' · n LICIN"'.SED • PATCH PLASTEJUNG. ASSEMBLERS ' • And cha.irs available for $5. •OJB W ~-• A·-JecUng mo-y ~--•n d TD Blotk Fences -Patios -• 'ness houni anS\1-Crin:t .., ~~:. .. ~. ~"· opentrd db;nse;;~ c;-ta 2n Loan Spiritual Readblp. advitt Planten:. Add &: remodel. H 0 us E c LE AN ING I: ~I ~Free eatimalC!. 1 arvlct available fol' $10. 5-tJ-26:?l , Eves-wknd& &33-8914 l\tesa Ii: SUl"l"OUndinc U'M. on l.ll matters. 312 N. El }'rce est. 642--9852 E\.'ell. General Maintenance.. call -:::=:==:'=o====IElecll'O-mechanical asi;emhly, I .:AJ.I utilitic• pa.1d cx:cept \Ve est. routlf!:. (Handles ~mpl. l.-Onf!dential aerviO! ClmJno Real, Sar..Clernenlt anytime, good 1'tfs. n:u! -including i;oldering. EAperi· "'telephone. 17 ·~~ ~-ated u--.. 2 •171 .,. ~1 1 492-91.Sfi; 496-9i07 Chihf Cira 6610 -·:;;,,""'~°""==--c= Plumbing 68% enccd. or will train, ~ '"""""' ... .,., <11,11-...: name brand candy & -'"• --10 Ar.t'. 10 P~l -~"--..0..---= ~ 1 OAILY PILOT Ranch. treewa.y trontarc. f 11naCk!ll $157:i. Cuh ~ Serving HIU'bor irl:a 20 yrs. I -__,.,;::.::;:;.::_:;,;_:::..,---I CHUJ> care in my home. CARPETS, \Vindo1\·s, fi1-s, PLUMBING REPAIR J m !>'"OR.EST AVENUE Bedroom, J bath home: quired. For penonal in-S•ttt.r MtC' .. •I• Co. Attractlv• Exptrt fanctd yard: Jn Nev.'(IOrt f:tc. Re$ or Comc'I. Xlnl No jtlb too smaU LAGUNA BEAOI mahogany panelled dilling l'rvi~w in Costa ti1'sa area, SJ8 £, 17th Streif!! YOUNG \VOMAN ~ach area.. i42·T.>07 Yi'Ork R'as! Refs. 54$-4111.1 • 642-J218 • 491-9466 room. Value $200;\1. }"P send name, address & phOne .· ...--dancer will teach you a1J WOULD You bclicve I will a.,.ODEFL~ A J r conditioned S70M. For 1ppolntm*'1t_. number to t.1ulti-Stale. Inc. Morf'tll ... , T.O.'i 6MS lattlt !!ep&. Call Ardp Cl.I (entrtmn ''10 clean your hon1e for Blue Remodel, Re,.ir. •740 llll1tt. 17th Slttet. Cotita Soren~n ReaJty. (J) 88Wl>1 9057 E. lmpt.rilll H\m>,. 213: a;,l.40.18 1·18 l\t Chi s """' ...,,n · • .. , CON en-· p tamps! .,,,,_,....,., BUILD. •-~·1, •·pa1r ·~r.:-· Over 'iOO lqUAtt feet, • hn ..., b OM·nlf!)', C&W. 90242 (213) S'l1lU v1-. Money ENJOY eoonomy vacation GENERAL Cornraclor. All '"'""""""' n.o:: ; per month, Parkllli -10 mwCftG 861..os?t. •vaU&&le tor Ir.come pro-Catalina hlat.d. Fro m $1 carplf!ntr')', concrete, add A BA y l Sea.ch Cleaning Sim'. Brirk., block. co n c re t e . Ct! room Jan t Io r (71 4) 642..IJU L d i A I Sh duclnc property. Fcrttip I: mklweek for 1\\-0, llmnou remoBeling. 25 yrs el"• c.rpets, windoi\'S. t\oors, crprrtry, no job too s1na!I Call P•rsonMI Dept. (714) 494-9401 TELONIC ENGINEERING CO. ~ aJI uUliUes In· 901 Do\'tr Drive, Sulle 120 , =··· es 'p•r• ep . dbmesUc. r.to16ls. Nurs:tn& Hottl Phone Avalon Ut ptrfenct. 5l1-79M. 841-2382 etc. Res A Conlmc'I 6*1401 Lie. Cotttr. ~5 t 'eluded. Phone Mr. Rile N,wpo11 Beach .... ..:e !0 own )'CHU' 0''"" bu.I\-H9t1es. Shoet>itt&: Clf!nten, = \VINOOWS DlRTY~ * IF ""U need remodeli""· L•gun1 B•ach '"" ~-, .,.===-'==-===•! negs . Hert's a rffl opporo Of! I c • B ,, II d In I 1, ALCllHOUO .lMlQl'mOUS Ca ·~• I I •-·~ ,,..,__, 1 • tunlty to own YoUr own W»i i... Phoot wz.mt °' wrtte t6 tM! Ctt•,nin! -u Johnny Dunn your oca painting or repairs. Ca.II MO DERN OF,IC•s Ac-raag1 6200 with •small Investment for A;..rtme.ots, oetc. \Vrlte or P.O ao --.--... , ~ aerv\ce Frne est. 642-2364 Dick, 642-17!17 EquaJ opportunity employer '" · call TIUe .Realty A • " -..,.._ we& CARnr A Furn. cleantnr. FRO?if $&l PER MO.Vl'H L•gune IMeh fl'(tures in the HuntiJlalon 1'nwre.n« Company, :ru SILICONE 'POI MEN for 1 day .ervloe i: quaJlty lroni"" 6755 APP RENT I c E in 1 .,paridn;,ttllb'lllo. 7 ACRESW/PlllMIT ee,,~" ... ..,.on~n~nm""'••""*"'I. No Oaf1c: Buildtnr, 81~ Proof. ir~4 '\'Of:it, call S!~dlnr tot "• • ~h,p 6960 PHA~tACEUTJCAJ, planl • .,cationf, Sectttarlal 1ervicc. .., .. v .,.. t ham AJ ham 333lJ brllhtJ'llf! , 842-8320 • 0 aklng 1 . learning ttadl". &t&-3931 fo1· ' ,l:io, CIJif, lJt Nat. Bk. Bkl£. TO KI EP HORII$ Investment In merehlndl!!t, ~ (21"»l ~l ,.,!., SILICONE P:OR BUST sa. IRONINGS in rny home. "'8'.::111' ,,·,•,m","'. Uo••1 ~•;,:w;,,t=. =~~--~~I '"'-.. E 110• '""'nta Mo Adjacent 1ubdlviakln one ...,., alter it ill lfOld. Wt train ..__ Prool 61S-33&-4 DIAMOND Is a .... -ts bts1 ll "~ ...... ,...¥ ~ . .,.,, ....... M mile E. of h\IN, uw IVl.U. ,-:;; ' if" ... ,.,..i ... ~· tt 110 2~ .... fer • y,,. friend! Oiamo;;-,... ........ ! •W per ~~-:UI;.~,, * + 646-6446 * ASSISTANT rifanagcr Fill\ ' '41·lff5 '"-~ ·• "' """" -1vw ¥7• • ·•~ .__.,.. "'°'"""" , lime. convenien! market, , , O'"ICES $33.000, '>\ ...... b. baJ lat tru.St l'XPellllC. For complt.M lntor. $3,5n.c tnd tnist deed be-Announ~mtfttJ '410 Clcanen . ..V-1317 D"OP Clot"" 11, iv·u Alterations -'42-5145 Vacation le lnsurance Xl,,1 ' ,,,,. '1""' · chf.d. m•"·-. 1vrit~ ..... ,~. F, " hind 1m.n •-on lot with .,. "'' 5 0 · 1 N ~ .. n,.,_...;i... .. _ •--·-"'"'"'" ,..,., .. -'""""' "'-'-"' -"'h f ld • · ""·'" "'-""'! ear. acclll'itt: ... u )'e1.n; e:"P· nnnnrtuni'"· 64" ""'"" ' ~·· *"""""';t;ri:i~.... MAKE OFFER II Tierney, 2130 N'ortb 1-lolb'· J..Qun•'• fineat oewi view. ..EftMANENT C1rpet L1Y1n1 & '~""' · 0 I" U'Oll . .,....1'"\11), =:ii;;==:======o:1,~-·~~~~v~'."~~~~- '""' 1 \Vrltt or cont&ct: Goor:t R. \\'OOd \V1,y, Burbank. CaUI, i-iOf 04 month lntl ,~. 3 SPICIAL b~lr 6"26 iJi.er 6 pin TILE, C•ramlc 6974 A'ITR. women 10 !rain 111 ' u ..: NtWJ)lll't·Jl. ''d,. N.B. Knutl. Box-914. LAIUN. Pl)Otte C213t &fi3..GtO. )'l'tl. 5• Di.count. 2 \\'k.t tlti'C\ni Stpt 12 IRONING n\akeup 11r1n1lll'. l<'ull or-Pl· 11>.JWl SC1dl ur phone 494--4?26. 'soAT Buildtr, ~p. 1 n OKEJt ..._1131 JU.SO. :.7.50 FOR. CARPITING Rea.~hle 89i-7"'..50 • Verne, The TUr ?!Jan • lime, up lo S5 h1·. 839-7313. ~XE of'tlce • In Co..'18 is 00\\!l'f, $! p E A. MO., llbtralus. Xlnl rtba'll for lST TD on liitillt "°'tl"r view Roril"I Beauty Wotld OR. CAR,IT LAYING CU•l \\'Ol'k. 1nstalJ &: n!pain. PLANNING lo rno\'t ? You 'll .. ~· 1®0 1'11 It. Alt blnd, rm. }tit.a.. PRICE!, buls JO wcy smal tnvtst Build Jot In lAsuna Beacb. 15,000 So. Cout Pll.ta. ~~-C. A. Pqc 642-1070 J1nitorl1I 6190 No job too tmWJ. Plaster tind an a1nazin; nu.mbar or , ~ta, d11>1. ~M'itlL &<1~ ln So. Callt. t.. •l&lilllJld tlUI al am.n "1 161 nw-1nd, 19', au due SUN s1C:N AmOLOGY 1 Iii ct patch. 1Mk1nc s ha we 1 • tiome1 in tod;i.y'1 Ctautftfd I Aan.ABL.E . Oct I a t.1 Sl.IC\\ftlt. tl:i '''· 3r\t fl..1 -.lnloal ~ ..... at • ,...,,... so~ DltColµ'lt ct.uc1. fteibter now. t'' :J!.c•lm .... -':a~ DUTCH Malnt Serv, rrpl n!pair. Ml-l95 7 IM&--020S Ads, Oiedc them now. ~~A: 'Ntllout peneUns.1 L.A. 1m> fZM.102 br.b Pilot -.&ti OTmt Bea1nnm ... ~. I ~rRl~Uln'; not • dnc. 4r waxln;. wtndow ts Your Ad 1n our cl&SSUledJT ' 1$ n. 51Wt4' Tilt~ ~UN N'J:\1.ER IE'tS ..-~AJt.S a. ~ E itUJC OffP 1nd 1'0. Call U. !wt ~ f1$-6llft ~ ~bt, m1tnt A \\'!Uhlna:. Bany \•an Beyncn IOmeone wUI bl ~ for 1ofor4! fferp Won.., •• "'" r... aii'fA .,_-·Ax;. a-tiled'• Wion power. tiltlutal>llthe4,•lnd-.I "-· -1 '"' ~-.,~•oft.I. npalra. rin.1508 MM•t10•allanl. tt.Dfll-~ ...... Pl! !Or f . 1511 For an ed 1ti oil! 4lowltl ....,,, B<ado liri. I ll 1111 QI. ""'1l•x. lli1!14nlr. THE S\Jll NEVEll SETI • 'lliolttr, -lhe 9'dt-4W -"". ,.... a,.. aue. -DAILY PllDr WANT ADS! 1 ..------' ~ 1 ----------------------·- • ~ 1,1; ;,, .j t • For Your Convenience -' All Positions Offered ARE LISTED ALPHABETICALLY IN NOW! CLASSIFICATION #7100 HELP WANTED <Men and Women'> NE " , ' I JOBS a EMPLOYM'ENT JOBS ~ .E~PL.p)'ME!1T J6BS A EMPLOYMENT JOllS ". EMPLOYMENT ' JOIS A EMPLOYMIN1; More Help Wonted on Pr.wiou.a Poor JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Jobt.-Men. Wom . 7100 , f l ;;;;J~~~"'~""~i\)~'W~om;·~7~100~J~~"'~·~Mo~n.~W~om.;~7~100~ 1 ~~o~bs=~~~11~n.~W~om~·;;7~1~00 Jobi Men. Wom. 7100 · ' * e Journeyman Me chanic JOllS & ~LOYMENT JOIS & EMPLOYMENT JOllS ·a El:'P~OYMINT Jobi Men. Wom. 7100 Joi..-Mon. Wom. 7100 Jobo Mon. Wom. 7100 Jobo Mon. Wom. 71; -------1---,.--.,---1==---::--NCR 3200 Book k ef': PI n g -POLICE.-SALES' light oUlct worit in SE\V'J'NG .. n:P,&lr oi *AVON* CALLING Be amoi:ig ti• fin1l to 11tll our fabulous Chrislmas !inc. Tum spano time ir~ lo money. Ar t no"·? 540-7041 * J. c. Pennie)' Co. f'a.WOn llland Newport Btacil NEEDS FULL TIME • CASHIER * * Ce.ncral J. C. PENNEY COMPANY Fashion Island -N~wport Beach HAS OPININOS POR WA IT R E S $ E S .. BUS II 0 Y S With &«ne ~"pri·ienCI" and willina: to learn. Top worklnr conditions and environment. Compe:Utlve W&l<'S p.lu1 meals and tips, and oul.standin1; bent-- lits includlni: hosplt&llzation and pront sharing. Apply In person 10 Al\1 to-9 PM l\tonday thn.i Saturday PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND Equal Opportunity Employf:r All student JlOllition.s are filled t"ot"eian car PXperlencc prt'- r~r1-ed, min 5 ycari exp. • Lot & Lube Mon Sc."Vlce 11\ation e.~pericfl{"(' necessary. BARWICK OATSUN 998 So. O!t H1vay, Lag Sch .(!M.9771 or 56-06:1 machine. p/rimc he.Ip to DISPATCH CLERK faahkmable Lido j!!wclry unUonn1. Part-tinle. post. 549-2286 Ml!e or Female •I~ •. Re tall j~velry 1110.rt . 31,._, HWtt. Seti\. NURSES AIDES S510. 10 HI&. per mo. expenenee.-n e~e·a1a.ry. Experienced. l.arge exttnd-High School &rad. I year clt":r-Permanent position. CaJl for rd Can' hospital needs NOU? !cal e:xp. Typini 40 wpm. appointment 673-9334. Onl,y !hose \Vho cart need Rotalir'& shilt1, Xlnt lrina:e Salca apply. bt.neflts. Realdt!nee not re-EARN NOW ROY ALE' quired. Apply Westmln!lcr LEARN NOW ,_.. ~v~.~'i;,~,~::~~.";: . CALL NOW NURSE AIDES • S p.m. Ph: (TI41 S93-45J.l Luzier Inc, a silltt'r Co. ot Day !. Pr-.t shifts. l'Xf, :m. Lady Oairot 642-BTlS S"H.AMPOO slrl ~ ma.nlcuriat. Call for aP110ln~, ~·,..,....,,,,, l Shlppl"I A Roc'vi\g $toll Xlnt opportunHy. Good com! pa.oy, and too benetltJ. caiJ Cf.otie 5*S41.G. ! JASON BEST " EmpM>yment Attney '!: 2120 So. Main, Santa AnaJ BABYSIITER needed for 8 yr old boy lr0n1 3 until 12 midnight. Tut'I> lhru S<lts. Area-~lariner's s r h u o I , Q>rnw~I Ln. CaU 6.12-3j67 BABYSrITER -\Vcnna.n to takt' care of l\\'O child1'Cn. \Ylll!ng to do Ute OOuse1vork. ()lvn trans. 675-1.276 * * LADlES 19 to 10 earn $25 tct Rcc<'ul. successful ex~rience I ~!!!~!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!'l!!!'l!!!!!!!!!!!'!~ SlOO ¥.'el!k!y C a t t a n I pl'Cf<'n'ed. Competitive "-ag-Llflaerie. EquaJ o p p or t, <'S and outstandin& Uenc.llt!i Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobs--Men. Wom. 7100 employer. We train 546-J508 Including profit sharing. Laundry Preuen for our money room APPLY RECEPTIONIST Sale& I ~-·na Beach Nursi ... llonlt' YARD Salo•-.. -n ' ._.,. C'.ood typlat. Genr-ral ..... • .. ¥-er ; PH: 4M-8J7S olficc e)(pe_rienet', phones, day wk. Son\e mechanical NURSES AIDF.S It LYN public i:ontact. ex Pet · RED-E-ftENTALS Experionced. MISS EXEC AGENCY 2l<7 H.rnor Blw, CM - Stet!OCJraphr•A ., ! Challc~ poglUon tor ~ ( son "'ho like& variety. ~ die steno dUIJCI !or 3 dqt\ heads. Som(' personnel e. d<'..sircd. Shorthand 80, BABYSrM'ER Housekeeper. Liv<' In, Slr.iO per n10. t.tust lwvr J"'C'fS. Call aft 6 & wknd.~. ~2393 SABYSITI'ER need.ct! \111· n1cdiately S:30 am • 2:30 pru. 548-1429 aft 3 pn1. • :\PPLY IN PERSON JO A.t.1. to 5:00 P.t.1. i\1ooday thru r1iday J. C. PENNEY CO. 24 Fashion Island ·"" equal opportunity rn1ployer * BABYSITTER 7:J0..4, My hOm(' Univ~rsity CHILD care, Hart:ior V~1v park aiu. 2 children, 1 £, 4. area. I need a neighbor \\·ho call 833-3439 aft 6 pn1. would provide "emenenc;r" BABYSITTER needed befott: care for children age 12 It llChool for lrd grader. 13 i1·nose mother works In Pasadena. 6#-ZIOO alt 1:30 Newport Shores. fris-80'.5 p.m. BABYSITTER -3 mo boy. Child Catt my home, \\ton-I hrs. Fri 3-PLAYROO~f attendant over 5. S5 wkly. call 64ft...l79S. 21. ~ lime ~ im- BABYSITTER, 8 AM·2P\\I. 8 med. Call Ray Randall mo old. Li1r hskpg. Good 9S-3366 \i-qcs, ref t"')qd 64.2--7~ I =c~LEAN==.u~,-"-.-,..~-.----~~,.-0-"-' BABYSITTER; Girl male, 18-21. prof. student; 8:»5:30, Mon thru Fri, nzy no Ion: harr. 2 To 10 Pi\1, hou~ In Laguna. 49-1-SG:il $l.6J Hr. \Vincht'U'!I. Donut BAP.."ERY. Man f1,,.:-nite 1\'ork. Shop. 2:kl I::. 17th. Costa Mak<' donuts & assilit bak· f\olesa. en Permanent only. Apply CLEANING lady wanted Tro'tter's, 234 Forest Ave. •11 day/\\•k. S2 hr. ALSO oc- Laguna Bch. casional ove1,,ight babysit· BAKERY. &1ni·retlred man l-'-"~·=E=l~T=o=ro=, ~8:»-559==·='==-- to do cleanup ivork In b:ik· CLERK TYPIST pry, days, Apply Troller's. 234 F'oiTS1 Ave. l..agUna Sch. for Advertising agen- Bankin:; cy. Sharp, alert, type f':xperi<'n1 ·rd 5>40 wpm accurate, able to spell, hendle p h o n e and clerical duties. PROOF OPERATOR • DRILL pn>!!S &: 0 I her n1achi11e shop operations. J\fus1 br, neat. alrr1 .l dependable. Exp. prcrd but not req'd. Small precise parl'I, clean shop willi good 'l'Orklng cond. & benefi111. Oi>1e rnstt'\Jmcnts, 1701 S. Halladay, Santa Ana * DRIVERS * No Experience Necessary! ?o1ust have dean Cl.lifomla drivtna; record. Aup!,y YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th St. Costa Pt1eta ESTABLISHED ll'ISUJ'anre . Leads avail, N.B, offi~. Career oppt. 6T~ E."pc.rien(.'ed In single needle and ovcrlock. Good piece work prices, steady 1\"0rk. EDDY f.10SS 14042 Locust SI., \Vesbninsler; 534-8738 Foreign Car Mech•nicl Good (.'O. benefits, incl paid vacation. group Ins, uni. ronns lurnishcd tree. Good comm. sdleduJe. Ask for JOC? ~,oo~ Ph. 540-l71H. Fry Cook t:..-.;pcr. 1op pay, full 1in1r: Boh'~ CoffL'<' Shop 1109 ::i. El Camino. San ct FRYOXJK 11anled. E.~p'd, top 1va:;c:s. musl h11.1·r rt'ls. Baysid<' Inn. 3:l3 Paci[ic Coast ll"'Y· N.B. 673--0934 HOSTESS r.1ature A attr. Sorn<' o~ \\'Ork. ApPly in person bf'h1·~n 7 I.: 9 p.m, BLUE OOLPHIN RESTAURANT 3355 Via Lido. N'pt. Beach HOSTESS ~ earn ea.sh for Chrilltmu. Judy Lee J e11'els • party plan, ~itts. 54>-2036 ffOU5('keeper Bc?ard i room. private guest house + aa.Laty. LJ&.il houtekeeping and cooking. Own car des. 833--0600 ext. "" HOUSEKEEPER I Com· panion "'llltcd, 50 to 6J yr.i for single, elderly lady. Live-in. Prl. room. bath & TV. CaU :»8-1900 for in. forn1ation. HOUSEKEEPER -Cook. Gt'~raJ lite dulit's . Grorrous salary. I "l -6 preferably. 0\Yll trans. NB. 644-1318 HOUSEKEEPER. Live 1n, 'l(] to 65 yrs._ Prof. couplet: 16 yr daugbttt. Most wknds free. Eves. 7-9. 673-4097 lfOUSEKEEPER. Uve in motherless home N.8. area. 2 teenagers. \Voman 11iih l sml child ok. Prd<'r under ti 531-1.C II 0 U SEK EE P £ R, 2 schoolagers. pril'. apl. Costa 1.lesa. 67;>-0310 or 5-18-7197. HOUSEKEEPER, lil·I" • in . Priv. nn It bath. 2 children. No~rieocr ~ H.B. SU-5565 l Live-in, molht'rlr:u home. Lite duties, exchange for roon1 & board. 64!>-077U LOT I. DETAIL MAN Experienced, 011er 21. This ls a 1:ood opportun1t)' for steady dependable worker. Good co bl"l\efilll. Catt Chuck 646-9303. LOT & DETAIL MAN Over 21, good 11Lcady posi· lion with outstanding co. benefits. Group ins.. ctr. Phone 646-9303 Ask f~ Chuck ~1aehinists • Punch Press & e Multislide Oprs. To S-O'J pt"r 1vl"Ck. Apply Tony Ouchi. \VILCO T'OOL If DTE J l90 Pullman Lane Cos1a iilcsa. S-io.5~32 ~IAID. full tin1r, Apply in pcrwn. Conlact llousekeep<'l' al 1hr JAri-tAICA INN JIOTl!:L :.!IOI E. Coast li\\y Coronu drl 1.1ar i\IAJDS. Az,e no Lim it. Part and full tin1r. KEN NIL.ES l\10TEL lO'n Bayskle Drl11e, NB f.lA:IDS FUU...T!mt, reM>rt hotel. L.aguna Beach. t9-J..1.196 54S.-3061 410 IV. Coast lhvy. SALES -Eam money •Mth Nunrina: * LVN * t'ull or part tin1t' 7..J HWlfington Valley Convalesccnl llosp1tal 11382 Newman Avr. llunt. Bch. ll l:?·j."jjl Nursin1: t':ewport Beach S.16-J939 no inveslment. Sa r a h R t/ T • 1 1 ~ ... "" Covc111r)' needs full It .. ece~ VP11 0 ~ pa11·11nlt' help. No dt'llvery; \\ 111 1i:a1n sw1tchboanl. Lov<'-\\'t' !rain. For lntervie111 caJI ly ofl lt't'S. Lag. Bch. J.()...OlOO c11.11 Diane 546-:iuo loc.,;;;;.-.rt."-:=,,-...,._,, JASON BEST SALESLAD'i". e:-.-p'd, I u 11 Employm<'nt Agency 2l2Q So. ~1aln. Sanl.a Ana Nurses Aides. J::xpc'l'icnce Restaurant ~ lin1f' to \\"Ql'k In Lingerie 11lore. rashkm..'I for W'cm- me. :a t'ashlo11 fsland, Ncl\'J)Ort Beach. &14-0170 SALES: 60 Salary open. Compa 1 reloca!ing 111 l!'lli°'" Ind lria1 complex, Oct 1111. LooiJ Tmerviews. For a.ppointmCn call 121J) 679--2261 . ': ~ ,:,'TOCK Ctrl; sales ~ Young, sharp, quick, Odl Umc. Interview 1 O -i. .. APROPOS, 29 F a • b I CJJfi Ill.and, N.B. ~"'.1 STOCKR.OOf\1 Girl. U~: rentals exp. helpfu.I. -~ train. H.iS. 842-656.1 N ~ l)('(.'t'ssar)'. Huntington V:illey Convaleiscent Hospital 8382 Ncwrnllll Ave. JIUJll . Bch. g.(2-jS,jl NURSE REG'D 5UPERVISOR * 5-$9-3061 OUi(.'C newport personnei ... agency ll:U DOVER DRIVF: NE\\'PORT BEACH 642-3870 \Vi:.; ARE PRESENTLY INTERVIE\VING F' 0 R THE FOLLO\VING POSI· TIONS: Ai P Bkkp• to »GO EPF * Sales Asst. $475 EPF Girl Fri/Typist to $550 CRF Cons1ruction bac~uncl Exec Secty to $65o E PF Cofl)Oration expcrK'ncr Inventory Control Now Interviewing for KNOWLEDGEABLE Stetco A real tarttr opoprtunity component sales trainee. awaits you in lhc l'l"ttaurant 21-30 yrs. CdJ !\tr. Vann industry • Now thr thin! 646-8897 largest Industry 1n 1hr·l..:=.*=;SA;,.,l.ESW~.=~(Th=,~1AN=-.-- 11·01'1d~ MA1'1RE Part f U you are ~righl i, a.lt'rt. Youn: 1.tatcmll.}' Sh>~ neat appeanng " an •I So Coast Plaza PM' nl least 18 )IC&l'S ol age, we · · s 0_ Y KITCHEN HELi' T E AC H E R S ·Mlbirti:·;.~ Jnterestifle I: lrl e n d I work'g cond. 644--0232... -• TRAINEE: MR BEST ~~ HOUR CLEANERS netll; one lady far preste:r "" "'"" ,.... Salesmen Wanted EXP NOT NEC FUU. TIME lion. ldu.I. fuU lime. -~ pt'riencc not noc. 2949 .& \\'e oller: Complctr trainhig Inquire ln pen;on C Cd Z at our r.~pensr. Pronll>Oon KINGS FOR MEN oul llwy., M. !J"Om within .' Co. benefit~ 2300 Harbor Blvd, 01 TRAINEE Young nlllll i;l.l(:h all: lcS~ALE""~s~•~tA~N0::.~0..:,::.::,~.~,=.~,-.-,·I tcre&ted tn lto•mlJl& t~ ', LUe lns-1nrals-unll01,,1$--t"/Hmt-fl!ust hr c.."p'd. l\tust ha11e &ooc:I refUl!lnc hospl.la.Hiatlon·pd vacalion Guarantee r.gainst (.'Omm. Good pa.y i benetila. Ste• Jntel'\liews between 9-11 11.m 1932'1 Beach BJvd, HB. employment. 646-m.l. -; &: 2-J pm, 5-6 Day v.•eck, 96.2-663l Hixson l\fel.al F'lnbhi.1111 ., nlghc 01· day, ~"··-;::__=_:::,."~1------Sce Mr. KahoUua .,..-,.:ret .. 'a : A I. W COFFEE SHOP '.!sa5 Harbor Blvd. Cost.a f.leaa S-16-llOl Equal opportunity en1ploycr Rc~taurant~ SNACK SHOP #9 ~·, DISHWASHERS Pa.rl-lime. 011er 18. Evenlnp. HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH lwa imn1t'dialr opening~ lot EXPERIENCED SECRETARIES for Administrative 11ntl Enginccril'll Department • A minimum of 3 yn ol JttE"nt Technician ........ ,.1 .. ... ; I ....... TELLER DUREL ADVERTISING 425 N. Newpol1 Bh•d. Newport Bt'.!arh 642-3910 YULL-'rimt' maids. resort }"tn. VaJI. 342-1254 ~!AIDS &: PORTERS E.~C'll111g apl complc." nef'd~ full l· parl 1 imr tK>ip, Good pay. Call t'ayr at 642--3170 ~IAINTENANCF. & boa I 1·\C'arrup, -t riay -'"' r r k . SCHOCK, NC'11·pot1 67:\-:!0:il Manager to $575 1/2 EPF, t;, CRF Pul'\'.has1ng bkgrnd, llpr. Recpt /Typist $400 CRF Attrartivr, yQUnR. 3~46 E. Coast H11)". industrial r::<p is nta.ndttor)'. TV, c1rcui1 board .~~ ayslcm1 check out ~ cncc. U!lt': and knowledp ; .. test cquipmf!nl. M e t f. ~ ~ !iOOp("S. Aucmbly t~ and IOiderinc. .&. " UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK Oerk hott'l Laguna Beach. -llOUSEKPR Live-in for Corona del i\111.T Alxlllt' a\/Cragl" typini And 1(1/ I FEMALE clt'rk. apply In pE>rson Driv~ln LlQUOt", 'ro6 Pacific Coast H I 1 h w a y , J-fun1ington Sch. 494-1196 eldc.rly rouplf!. ma l u r I" COUPLE \\'ltn!C'fl for iimall mot.cl. .\pl [urn " wiall salat)'. ~tr. Forney ~G-3.1162 • E PF, employ•r p•ys fee '-...,-,-.,-.~ .. ~,~,=--"'==--·' ahorttiand drtlla requited. Cell Personnel n..A i 11141 4M-...oi··r~ 2Zl Ot'<!an : •;r , Laguna bC:ach 49'-6546 CORE WINOERS Torodal cxperienee prcfcrrerl. General BARi\IAI lJ 11•an1etl. niusl )Jf' i;harp. Nile lihilt, no f'XP nee. Apply In person Vikk1s Lounge, 1791 '~ Ne"' port Bl11d., Cosla i\1csa. • Part-t ime l•b Tech- n icians, s tudents p r• ferred, but not n•c- e ssary. VALOR e Perrn•nent Molders Apprentice Machin. ist ELECTRONICS. INC . e BEAUTICIANS, female, to 3100 Pullman St.. Y,'Ork evenings & Sundays in -oc-C~°'-·1_a_M_,_,. __ ,,.._•_2_61_ Cofita Mesa's bus I es I , Cooks Fl!Y COOKS PRECISION .. CASTINQS popuJar priced salon. ()i)- portunity ror top l'arnings "·/pa.Id 1·acation. App I y il-1gr. Croy,•ning Glory Beau- ty Salon. 267 E. 171h St., c.~L Tnp 1\agr!>', J)('rmanenl, hon· 2044 PLACENTIA <':.t, and good working ron· COSTA MESA BT K 1 N I Barmaid/dancer. Full or parl·timc. Costa ditions in arra's lcadino:: ~ ... ..,..,...,...,...,...,...,...,.. restaurant Apply 9 am 10 :i ~ncral M•" pm for 1111crvicw at e CABINET ASSE<\IBLERS 6'16-TIOl MANNING'S BOAT CARPENTERS COFFEE SHOP Experienced. L..arge custom 2~001 El Toro Rd. oonstruclion. Top wages, Leisure Worid Laguna Hills WILLARD BOAT \Vorks 837-Wl4 129;, Baker St., Oi COOK -HOUSEKEEPER, BOOKKEEPER or houseman, <Xlnt) for 2 Thn.1 T/B, AI P, ~ood <1dulls. NB. \Vrite Daily phon<' 1rch11ic1ur. Pilol Bo:-.: P 904. G<'ncni.1 off\('(' ba1·kg,.011nd. * COOKS MISS EXEC AGENCY ALl. SHJFTS ·110 \V. Coa~ H1''Y· THI:: FLYING BUTI..ER Nf'1vport Beach &16·39.39 ti73-0977 BOOKKEEPER, GIL. till Clay. Unit No. 6. Hun· DELIVERIES: 'i(>y,nx n1a11 for servicing c$ip. in con- t ington Bea.eh. Set' f.Ir. structlon equip rental yard. Goren For appmt. phone ~ BOYS 10 • 14 Delivery man -F'umilul'I'.!. carrier Rootea Open F/tim<', o/18. Start im· ror med. $:l hr. 19322 Beach. HB Laguna Beach, So. La;un.a DAILY PILOT DENTAL of(icc Ne1vport, 00-4321 prefer mature y,"Oman with Box Boys front d~k exp. Send resume I: qualifica:tiOns to Box P- f.Just bt avail. \\'k, day morn· 912, Daily Pilot ings, 011er 16, good appear· I -O~E.c_N~T"-'A~J,-CCC.h-,-,~,-.. ~1 ~., a.nee required. Apply in per- son. Richard's Lido Markel. As$istam.. Se.nd your work 3433 v · 1 ·d Ne resume and qualificaOons 18 .i o. . ' to: Box 1\1-644 Dally Pilot BUSBOY Availablr tur11•h k dinner. Prefer 18 y~. or o~r. DISHWASHER A~J & PM. Over 18 )'r!I. t-APPLY IN PERSON • Snack Shop No. 1 230.5 E . Coas t Hwy. Coron• del M•r, Ca l. e DISh-WASHER e * FULL TIME * EXPERIENCED THE RIGGER # 15 Fa11hkln Island Nt11110rt Beach e fl1ETAL BODY CUTTERS e ELECTRICIANS e CARPENERS Balboa 1.fotor llomr~ 3070 Pullman. C.i\I. 54()...5100 General College student pit 1vork lhat e11n b<' !ailor,-d co your class. r~. $'.!.65 per hr guar. to start. Car nee. Pll: 546.63J9 t~ULLER BRUS!T CO. Gcnet(IJ Man to clean k maintain 32 ft. ChrisCraf! about 1 day a wttk. Boat It located near Balboa lsl!llld. Tho i ' seldon1 used, 1\-ant it kept clean and in running order. \\'rite Daily Pilot Box r.1-340 GENERAL: \Vanted, i;ome- onc to care for ln11aJid \Vornan in your horn~ nr henr. CaJI eve1 or wk encb 536-<214 GENERAL: Pleasant, Neal Lady. for Danish CoU~ Garden. Attra.ctiw po:oiition for 9Cmi·rrlircd. 673-2740 GENER.AL: \Vantl!d 1nen for lite L\.lli('n1))ly, \\'attbOUSt' & ~hlppin; ctulle~. 887 \V, ltith St .. Ne\\'porl Beach. Genera]: \VANTED youn1t gil'I 11'ho likr.s to S<"\\'. CaU behveen 4 ii 5. 673-()412 Gencl~ SAL£&\1AN-~lcchanlc . ply 172& Su~Mor. C.i\,. ... GIRLS. earn llO • $80 a da)' being a mL'IM!WW'. WIU lrain. <1M01313 BUS BOYS Da)'ll. 5 tla)'s '11"('rk. ,\pply In f)('n!on · Apply In prnioa <aRL 'Nll.nlcd rnr part-Ume DISH\VASHER-Part uni!! \\'Ork. Gf'n'I ollicr lnci lite f'\'CS. Apply V\1111 Ron111 1ypini::. ~wltchlJoArrl ' n1ail . Re1hlllrB.nt .. ~ N. Nc .... •port 8:30-J· 30. Could ai.cc:omc f\Jll Blvd, NB 64fi...<t929 tlmt'. Applf COCO'S i8 }'ashlon l11land Nl"WJ)OT1 Center, NB 1-fa.rry ' Da111d Dravery Workroom 21.5 Rl\'mllidc A,.T, N8 PART I< full tinw Drapery 1---------- ()pe-aton. Exper1enc preferrable or .. 111 train good @eWing ma c hine operators. Hesnss FUU.11ME N1e;hts It Wtt~ndt 1'f1.atl be ow.r tl \\'Otnan prefeITcd. ~ * * i;~:;,~~k * * MARINEM ECHANIC- 491_36~7 Laguna Bra•·h E.,pcricnrcd. L..a1i;::f' cui!tum .. APF, applicant peys fee Ancient Mariner now taking appllc.&Lions for run & part limt', day ,, err11 ~hilts. J>leR!I(' appl)' In person to: HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH TELONIC ~ HOUSEKEEPER. Ex Pc r, t'Qns1rucllon. Top "·agc11. \\'ILLARO BOAT \\'orks English or German, Lagu110 129J Baker Sc .. C~I · • CRF, compa ny reimburses fee e KITCHEN HELP =-------1• DISHWASHER ... area. 494-6170 MECHANIC H 0 US EK P R/Bnbysittcr. Jive in for 2 girls. Aft 6 _ all Import aul08. Gooct cu. hen... day iYkends s.G-4400. elit!I, Group ins. gOOd con1m. ;,c;o Superior Avrnu,. ENGINEERING CQ , N<wpo" B"oh, Calli. .::;, 'I Temporary Apply in pct·snn I'• Orrict> e BUSBOYS Assignments 2607 \V. CO<lsi lh1'y. Equal opponunHy Lagune leach 111' ' Harbor area fa stest gro\\•lng HOUSE\VlFE. part ti.ill(! ~,hr import aulo dcaJcr. Ph. day; atlending 11 !' n ding 646-9303 ask for Mike. niachincs, local high school.1-M-ECH--A-N_l_C-.-,-,-,-.,-1,-b-r.-ko fll 521-lll5 or iifl Ii fl) & aJignnicn1. Salary ln- 6.\3-l:i53. ccnlive. f~ hosp. le lilc INSUfL\NCE Agcl1<'Y g i r 1 ins. paid v11.c. S<'r Bob 11·ith lull kncw•ledi:e of 8Bshan1. 482 Ocean A1·r. operations of i;ener.i.l in-1..agunaa Bch. suranee off!('<'. Not lif<' in--=~.,~..,~ha-o~;.-w-,-,-,-.,.~.-- FASHION ISLAND Nc"•port Bcarh employ<'r . ~ll:I" c.,i.: ' AREA Secty, Extc to Pres Equal opportunity ern.palytr • Secretary Rrs1~ur1111t Top !Udlls le grooming. li!e Temporary JoM 1:1, * Bookkeepct'l'; • BUSBOYS bkkpg, publJc contacL Sharp West•rn Girl Inc • .,-! * Typisis e DISHWASHERS seU gtarter. NO\V Jn NC\\'J>OM Beach! ~ * PBX Receptionist MISS EXEC AGENCY later today fer 1111e~•tlda 1 * Grn .. 1~·1 Officr 1-"'ull or part tlmt', over 18, now. O:>ast Hich11·ay temporary assignments. di:: NEWPORT BUSINESS ncal in ap~arancc. No_ t'"P-Ne1vport Beach 6Mi-:w9 tervk-w houra: 9-11 AM, . .ti.l SERVICE CENTER nee. Apply tn person 1~.1 pm. P!\I. .. -Z! BOB'S BIG BOY SECRETARY 4667 MoAnhu• BJ>d. ,f surance. Near 0 r a nit' Union 76 S1a1ion 550 N('\\•port Cenler Dr. l:i-1 E. 17th, C.M. Versalllc pcr90n to IAtrisl SUtle 314. NB -' Swte 20C, N.8, 644-<l!LSl Rc~launinr n1anager l: diltrict manaarr 540-0325 fl County Airport. ~;-,4 1000 Ne"-port Blvd, C.r.I. E;~n~:!~~~~~s ~1; * ~saHifs:~ER ~nei:~ ~~1:Zf = --w=~AITR==u=s~-.-·;1 . Installer SEARS COSTA MESA ANNOUNCES OPENINGS FOR Experienced Truck Tire lnstaner ExccUcnt Eamln.gs Plus • Profit sharlnt: • Hospitalization • Group lilt ins. • Paid vacation • ! paid holidays • Emplo)er discount • Apply In Personnel Office ~1onday th.nl Saturday IO AM to 4 PM SEARS Roebuck & Co. Medlc el Beck $450 Local geit'I practio~r. >.1nt 1vorklng condilions. Call Kay ~5410 JASON BEST l':n1ployn1~nt Agf'n1·y 2120 So. Main. San1n Ana and overlocks. Good piece needed at duUes. Shorthand 90, type EXPERIENCED ~ , 1vork price.~. steady work. ALl...EY WEST 60. Salary commensurate wl t~ EDDY MOSS 14042 Locust :!1C6 ()(.""Canfront cxp & ability, Company re-Apply in Person ,l~' St., Westminster; 53-1-873.'. Ne111>011 Bc11.c1t 67:>.1714 locMUng In Jrvinc JndustriaJ SURF & SIRLOIN_,;,. -~----.-'--'--'-=C complex, Oct. 1st. Local 111. Plca1m.n1, part llml" work. no RESTAURANT ASSIST. tervleil'S for appoinlmenl 5930 P•c. Cit. Hwt{:..' SC'llirtt: No c x per i (' n c (' i\l~n. \\ith fry cook e .... p. for Cllll f:?\J0 \ 679-226"1. Newport a .. ch nece11sary. l."'hoosr! o \I' 11 ~'\' fa:.t-lood l'f'staurant In SEA,\l51'RESS 0 --*-WAliRESSE~ Opporluni1)' f. 11 futurr for hou~. 1'rlepl'\onc a n d Co 1 ta :vleS<i, Xln! op. ' • r • P' r Y prn;onal intcrvil'll'ing for portunit)' for advarn:~nienl. 11'01'k, Inquire Laguna Beach Apply at Tl{E F'LYlNG Blfl': MEN n1en 1vho are 1\·illing lo WQl'k l\\'f'nly-year-old 11 ur 11 e Y .,A~ ... .ill\ ivk<layo. lntrrlors, 103) s. Coast LER, EKperienced 67~· 8 hrs per da,y. That'll the ... ,.,....,.,...., 'I I 4"' ~· only rt!qulremen!. \Vp will reS<"arch ron1pany. $2.00 per Rereption\91 ~ wy, mom ngs. ~s WAITERS. Waft r es se ' train you, Open in: hour, plus expense!!. F'.qual 2 POSITIO:-IS 11.vail : Al· SERVICE: CoJJege iotudent al.21 E. Coast Hwy. Cd M, • e Shippinr opportunl~y employer. Wrl1e lractivc, Pre a 1 •n 1. ~X· lor pa.rt time v.:ork dUring Busboy. Prcl. ~p'd. Appl.,,: e Receiving B:>X 1.f-M:i The Dally Pilot pcri<'need RECEPTIONIST school .at ~vron Sta. on WOt.tAN-h:>u!M!Mfe, use~ • Aasembly PART Tinie remalt' help w/good typing 11ki!IJ1 plus .11. ~ac~Om 1 ~: MuM be spe.no ttme lo earn~ • & P11rt11 rlepl. \.\•anted. General offit'f', typ-TYPIST-STENO. Speed lo · , 0~ ir. SaJ I: Win prir.es. n:i .11.ge limit, Company relocalin11: ln 11'11\nc l11g le NCR posting. tn11esl· accuracy requin>d. For In· _conlln y,/rnu'lc!I. 61-9003 lime limit. Wlll train 1 lndu111rial romplc.'I, Oct ls!. m<'nt Concepts a13-2286 lormatton Se. appolntn1c111 SERVICE Statioo Pit an, Beauty Counsek>n. 147-- Local intervle11·s. t'or 11.p-PRES~ER: ~IR BEST ONE call 646-7434 semi . retired .,,.; 901ll{' exp, WO~IAN for Ironing In ~ polnlment colt •21:!1 679--2261 App· OtEVRON ~· So d I •t "'' M HOUR CLEA.'llERS ne<'ds Salrs · · """ · rama . " csa ar a.J"S, MOTHERS HELPER Coa11t H1\')'., Laguna Beactt. ., • .,_,......., 11 6 r ·~ '''' ,., ,..,.., ..... * F tast1'c' 1---"-'--"=:..:::= ~.. • , · Beachfront bol'llC r>eed!I pal'1 tioo. lrict1J, full timf'. E.~-an 8 time mothers hf!lptor. Pleas. pericnct' not fl«. 2S49 E SERVICE ITT'ATION nttda anl condilkl~ 1. surround-COii.St Hwy, Cd\\f. · Is lhti word for this natk>nal c x pc r Ir: n c r: d man lnp. Ca.JI Marclt-675--0993. company's new program for Penna.ncnt. Good 11-orkm; NE\\'SPAPER dealcnr for PAYROLL A/P Sou1ncm Ca.Hfomia! We conditions. riaya. Union OU, raucE-'Ru•N SCH'f"t. 180 employee~. Musi be fa.· ~cd 393 17th SL, Cos18 Mcu. ~ '""' Herald Examiner on horn~ mlliar wl data pl'Ot'Cft!'!in:: -Dtst'RIBUTORS Co. Fai1-g1"Uuricla, II'· l • delivery In Ontn~ County procwrinrt!'I. -MANAGERS \Vhcre tbe l'rolrlm alfl. Bond tlf>llO!'ltls ~· MISS EXEC AGENCY -SA~l.EN SER. Sta. Exp. Salary+ 10% Jo'lt.s the Chlld 11uired. Ear 11 i n gs ap. 410 \V. Coast Hwy. -&\LESW01'11EN comm, o/time pay fllft 40 \Villard ll. Saucemwt, pro)(ln1alcly S!IOO monthly. Ni>i\'flOl1 Beach 6~6-3939 -REPRESENTATIVES hrs. Jo'UU/t. Perm. 990 E. Ed. D. ~- " Schoofs.lnstrudlon 7MO •• \\'rite Box PR at 6370 Altura -TRAINEES C!wl Hwy, NB. 540-4000 EnrolJ "°"' SOUTH COAST PLAZA B:vd. Buena Purk. rr·s \VONDERFUL the many This Is 1 real ground floor SERVICE STATION ncedM Eves 548-1758 ,i• 3333 S. BRISTOL 1 -a~.,""',u~led~-.. -.. ~,.-,-. -.,~. -ve hQ.Ys In app.llances you find oppo1·1 11nit;y "'Ith • 90lid auto. night man with C>.'J>. S Wot 'A~Tr'""ENTI"""o~N~. -UJ""VI'"'N"G"""P~A""1 , COSTA MESA money, time '-eUort. Look In the C1~itied Ads. 01eck ma.tic ~leclronic cquip,nent to 10 PM. App: 393 t. 17th ENTS! YOUTH SPEE • ~-~:;;":.:,'--------"'lhci"'::"""'::"·====='I firm tMI oftel'!I St., C.M. WORKSJtOP, Acct 1 to , 7 An Equal Opportunily Employe.r Jobt Men. Worn. 7100 Jobs-Men, \Vom, 7100 HIGH SERVICE Station Graveyard Le.11.rn to speak well, enu!f9.: I d• shift. J~T or I AM. Sun, ate, project. After tclDolcJ' ~ .+• • •••• • • • • • •••• • • • • • • • •t mrne late Mon, Tue!! .nit& Apply at SaturdayA. Priwle ot ~ • JANITOR e t M•NVFACTVRING • Earnings °""""" s1at1on, 11.-• '"'" .....,.. •. • Pt'r1nq,nen1, full lill"lt', ISLANDER MOTOR HOMES 213.j Ol.11)'0n t>r., Costa f.lcsa JANITOR OR JANITRESS P/thne Aft S pm, ~Fri to wotk 1n CM. NB or l.l'lllnc area. Apply at 1'1m·2C Sky • i•. PRODUCTION t 546 3050 San oi. .. ""'1, CM WHY PASS UP . , TRAINEES + • SERVICE Stal!oo •ll<ndanl, Brid" lnvlla!lono wl>en 1''l ~ M''" ~-Cll.@f ~ )'0'1 ~n ~JO t SALES cq>. oot:. .,,.,.,, lllt, w•• t ii TI-IE LOOK Campus Dr. N,8. ~~!Ca.II me!! Joi.r( + NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. 21 TO 35 ls looklni: for •lw'J air1s who .SERVICE 1taUon attendant. *54&-9GSI" i YEARS. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE . IF ne<d P<"""""' poolllon. Part• lull timr. DIJ'I. MOO ~==:;-'-..:'.=::-w:I YOU HAVE THE APTITUDE, WE WILL M~t be t"..~enc@d In blab W. PadJic Coast fflwl.y, NB FAucaOonal Vacation $t1 TRAIN YOU. PERMANENT E M P L 0 Y • i 1" h 10 n d '""' • -Sowint Moch' .,.._,, ' · ' St Cllb<ft\ t MENT EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR •P•rl<wear . For lP' 0po ~--Oillooat 10 "'-l>P~ • pointm•nl, call The. Look, '•'--• Sehl. 'hlal 1..-.an. lTl -t ADVANCEMENT. m.:woo 33 Fuhion illand, ""11<""""" oo -t. Mu, C.M. S48>2'11 - t INT ERVIEWS MON. THRU FRI. NB 1PO"""'"· Top Pll'· 1113 MONTESSORI tnl Inc 0:S: BUS BOYS nttded I o r variou.s shifts. Apply (ll 5 pm, In pcraon to Mr. Anselo, TO\VERS R.ES'l'AURANT. lfil S. Cow Hwy, l.A(ll11¥ ~ch BUSlESf ma.l'ke~crt tll 1..quN. Beach Interiors J03> S. Coast Hwy Laguna Beach. Call morn-.._ ,..._ AoPly between ti AS parlc Orcle, fl"t"". 5-1().1910 S S W &ttel Prod~tlon Pl,, N8 6.-.moa N to 5. Glvt ~r' :. p estern II CASH '°' Clu'\almu SS SEWERS, oxpcrienoed. AJ> betrl td""'tlon. -. Judt Lee Je~ts • Pl.fl¥ ply 5tl Forut Ave .. L.aaul.'11. t plan. S\)'IJfilJ eart1 $34.t'iO on Stach. 491~101 DlAL d!Mt f0..11111. C!'"lt.'I town. 1'ht PAlLY PILOT Dftl:AM Job -Ktiep )'OU!' Clu&ifil!d .ectkm. Sa.vt lmportan1 Job u wltt I.: l"fl{')ftey, ttm. It eUort. Look ~!' &. tarn • wkly llQWftl ~ ~ MO-i987 '1VE CROWNS Janllon.t RESTAURANT CLEANING lady """"'· 12 MQ1 E, Pacific. Col., Hwy. ht'. Vlu..AGI:! RE At. Cnnn IW• Mu-' "f!STAT& f0..4.ttt f t 270 I So. Har bor, Santa An1 a" er 116 t>, r i y. No SE\V1NG m1chl.oe ope:r1lort. your ad, UV?n ail bKk a • AN EQUAL Ol'l'ORTUNftY EMl'lOYEA. ttcllverfcl. Coml*ftY PIY Exp'd, lop pe.y, ideal cond. listen to lbe pholl9 rinll ~~J i~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·!· ~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~,1!'-~·~-~..i~n~,~~~~-~~l6~ __ 11_1*~~Mo~~·nw~·~la .. ~C~)~r.:.... __ I now! .... " + I I I \ . I ., I • -~---.... ~ ._,.......,..... ----··--· ............. -........................ -.......... -........ ,.,_, ... , ••• , ... --······ ..... ,.,_ .. ,_.,,... .................. , ........ # .......... ,.,,..., .... _ ... .,, ....... t=-,,.,....,,~~-- DAILY PILOT Mffrl..,.. MIJ ,Cac• tMlr ... '1 t1l.,tien1 P'~anes Are Open 1:00 a.m. • S;JO p.m. 9 lo Nooo sOturd1y -Clo1ed Sunday DIAL DIRECT •.. 642 -5678 WESTMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAL FREE 540-1220 Huntington INch: 540.1220 • MIRCHANDISI PDR SALE AND TRADE -- SP'ANISH 1100 1110 Houts-Regulotions-Doodlines ·and MEDITERRANEAN ""'"" Lood or AnU•""' lllltOJtlt MvtnlNn "-"' chtclr: tMir ab ;.11., anti rapott hnmMlat.iy wr•r• Show Room .. Floor Sampl11 ·.F•ctory Closeouts al 4·~ 8?·~! 1Qu ,; '""''-lfluti-THI DAILY PILOT -11""1111' t.. .,...,. °"11 to 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE $389 i•h,.,, llO k up !WI.,_, , the utMt flt JUMl1hlnt tfle Mlv•tlaemant cerNctly ent tlrn• • Baii-ei top ~. China DIADLINI PO• COfJY AND KILLS: J :3t P.M ....... ., befwe pui.llutl-. •11ctpt • s pc. authentic Spanish Bdrm. Ht, • 96 cabinets, Secretary I dWtl, fw w .. UM llllt'41ft •"4 Mday Metlen1 wt.1n clo1lft1! tline It Sr~O P.M. In. quilted sofa with 56 In, matthlnt 10.,1 Roll top desk, Victorian PrlQy. seat, or chlir e S pc. Spanlth Olnett1, oak sofas, Cedar chests, TifJa.ey YOU MUIT HAYI KILL NUMllll When kllllnt •n H '-ceuN ef 411vlctc ret1r1lt1, t•ble top e 3 ht•vy Medlterr•ne•n m•tchln9 aha.des. ... ..,,. te m•k• • ,_ertl ef tt.9 klll numkr tlwert r-v llJ Jeur •• t•••r •• t•ble1, top durable enough for flimtnco ANTIQUE TIFf'ANY HOUSE[ ftf'fflcett.n flf '(tVr c•ll. ' D•nc•. Wiii sell Hp•r•telyl 122 S. Oraaa:e. S..A. 541..3iS1. lv*'Y eff.rt '' mHe te klll er cerrect • ..._ H that h•• ll•n ._.,,,..,, i.vt we canp SHOP FIRST! THEN SEE Sewing Machines 1120 net t~r•ntw .. 411• IO until th •If has •PPNrlNI In tht ,a,..r. • OUR UNBELIEVABLE BUYS! DIMl·A·LINI Alf• are 1trlctly c••ti In afv•nce lly m•ll "" •' •ny one .t our offlcet. Bank Terms Store Charge ~Jaster Charge NO pfMne ertlen. TM DAILY 'ILOT rttenu th. rl9ht .. cl1ulfy, edit, cen1or ., r.rvN •11r. a4v•r· tlNnMnt, ~ te ch•nt• ltt rat• •ntl retul•tlon1 wttheut prlw not ce. BankAmericard All Accepted M•ll AHr111: l•a 117$, N9W1Mf"t luch, C1llflf"nl• CLAS51fll0 COUNTERS •r• leutM •• f•llew1: ( Doily Pilot Clouified CLASSIFIED INDEX HOUSES FOlt SALE •l"llAL , ... COIT& MISA 11 .. MIJA 01'1. 'AAR llU '°""" 'llaDI 1111 tOu.l•I '"AllC 1111 N.......,-IUC::H ltlf NIWt"OllT lf810HTI 1111 IAUO& COYIS 1n1 1llWl'Offt ..... , llH UYCIUT Im MYMloaas 1m DOVI!• .-.:rs IUJ nncu,.,. 1ne NIUOa_NtMLAH.DI IHI UIUY•lt$ffY P&tK 17'1 lltVllllll IUll aACI! U't !Hf IUlftLU,P: 1141 1av11Ja 1W•a.t.c1 na COIONA Dl'L MAt l?H llAl ..... "IJlllNSIJLA '* 11.ACON MT Utt UY QU."OJ IUI LIM IM,.a 1111 IALIM IJUND lW MUWTIN•TON llACll u .. .,..,.,,,..,..,. H>.111011' uu flOUtn.f.IN YAlUIY 141t SU.I. IUCN UM IUMllT llM:N UH UIDlff eaoYI un UNte 81ACN ISll LAKl•OOO llM o••N•• COUNTY u• O\IT OI' COU"TY UIS OUT OP" n.f.Ta IHI n•HTON 1611 '#llTAUNfn• un NllDWAY cm 161, MltTA AMA 1f7t "'"'"' """ "1'1. u• HAMii UH rvnuri 1~• fllOITk TUSTllf 1'4S UAlll'IM 115f 111.VltAOO CMYON USI MVAIU UICI" 1m U.MNANILU n• LAeUNA 18At:M 1111 i.MWA lft9UIL 1111 MrtllON VIVO 111t .. Ct.IM•NYI 1111 .... ltlAlf CA,llTIANO Int tlTUJtO ••ACM 111!1 NNA l"OWT 11'1 U.JtU•AD 11• OCIUIUIO• 11M IA••...o 1m •tv11UtOI COUNTY tt• MCMIWS "NII MDYID 1' .. COWDOMINIUM lfH U"AXn '" ULI ltrJ Al'.f.aTM•Nft l'Oa ULt: lfM RENTALS HouNS Furni1h1d .. Na•AL =~1s':' IHA•I MUA Oil MAI Mail vsta1 COi.Laii ,AtlC H...,,..llT llACH Nl..,..ltT MIT"S. HllWHltf tMHlJ UYIHOUI oovn 11to1m Wll"KLll'fl UNl'AlllTY l'ARlt lll:YINI IACJC ... ., IUT 1 1.Ulll, il:Vlflft: TlaaACI CO•ON.f. Oil MAI IAUOA IAY llU.MOS l,100 ISLI: IALIOA tlU#tO HUH'TUllTON llACM •OUNTi\IM ¥Al.LaY Sbl llACfl LONI llUCM :1a.f.Me1 couNn \,NfTA .f.11• #ISTMINST•• "'IOWAY CtT'I' U.NTA AtlA MllGNTI !OAIT'Al LAGUNA llAC"' :..A.OUN& NllUIL MllllOH VllJO iAll CLIM•NTt: 0.11 .IUAN CAlllllTIANO ;AP:tnaAHO t•ACH MN.& ,DINT llYa•ltDI COUNTT lfAU.TioN llHT&l5 :ONDOMINIUM )Uf'LllXIJ P:UIN. lt!NTALS ... "" "" 1111 1111 "" •• "" •• "" m• ,,,. "" "" •• "" no ,,. "" '"' 1JU "" "" 1•1t , ... •• '* 1111 HU till ... "" ... "" ,,. ,,,, 1115 1Ut ,,. "" .... ·~ . .. Houses Unfurnl1hed .. ,.. .. ,... ,... :OSt.t. MllA JIM 111\ISA DIL MAA Jll.S 1j\ISA VIRDll lilt COLI..lel P:AlllC l lll lflWl"O•T llACM UM lfl'#POltT NITS. 111• ltl'#HttT ttto•ll mt •ATlltOllll 1121 ocntla S"Olllt tnl MUTCU,.P n• UNIVl•llTT PAllll nu 1av1Na m1 u.ca .... ,. 11• IAIT •Lu~• 121! ..,..,., T•••ACI na COit.MA DIL MA• 17$1 IAUOA :n• IAT Ill.ANDS Int LIM tlLI J:JI IA~ .llUHD IUf NIWNllT '#SST JJ11 fttllTfNOTON •rACM UM H\lrrrt'"O'tON HAl&ou1 JOtJ •Nt AIN V•lLtT Hll M:A" •IACM >4M e.••• e•ov• JUI ~ alACN u .. flU'ICtl (OUNTT SIM Man"& ANA MM '""'*'MtTI• MU • .._., cin "'" =-Al&A Nlt•titl UM ...,._.LllAtN = ~-~·· l'tt Mtntoff YllJe J7 .. MJt CLIMlojTI Jiit CA,trnANO mt CA,.trTIUMO ll~M JIM OA ... NllfT 11tt CONMMHUUM ltH ,u"9JCU U.N,U•tt. 1'11 ltENTALS ... ~ Fumllhed - COITA Mt:SA Miu. vr•oir MliWP'OlllT lf,.CH HaWlllOaT HllGNTI Ht:W,OIT lwt•1s WllTCLIP:fl UMIVIUITY P:ARk ~CJC IAT 0$T ILUP'P: CO•OtilA Oil '41.R IALIOA IAT "LANDS LIDO ISLI U.~ ISU.NO NUNTINGTOtll llAQI ,ouMTAIN-'tALLt:T 11.f.L llUCN LO ... 18,f,CH OllAllll COVNTT IAROIJI 91'~1 WISTM!JtSTI• MIDW#>Y cnv SANTA Al'tA SAH'TA Atl& MllOHTS TUSTIN CGASTM.. U.04IMA llACM L.AOUNA HllUl!L MISSION VllJO MN CLIMl#TI DAMA l'OINT TalPLIX, llt. CONOOMINIUM RENTALS Apts. Unfurnished ... lllt -... .,. •• ,., GW "" "" -.,,. ••• ... ... ... •• .... -... ... ... •• •• .... .... .... ••• ... •111 ... -~· Gl:Nl°ltAL StM COIT.f. M•IA SI• MUA VllDt: 111• NIWHHIT tl"H JUI NIWl'OaT HllOMT1 n11 Hl'#l"ORT INOats Jnt WIS"TCLI"' 5tM UNtvaa!ITY P:A•• Jtn IACJ( UT J14t tAST lt.UflP: tt.i co•OtfA OIL "'4• nJt tAL.IOA IM IAY ISU.NOS 53:51 LIOO llll IUI HUNTINGTON ll:ACM HM P:OUJIT,f,IM VJolLIT sot IM.IOA "U.NO 51" llAl 11.ACll JUI l.Ofte lt:ACH H• OltAlll• COUNn' Ull uaoaw 1tO'ct1 111• WllTMltana HU MIDW.f.Y CITY IU' IMTA AlfA U)ll IAMTA AMA H•t5HTl U• TUnlM S«t COAITAL 17'1 LAGUNA t•ACH SHI LAIUJIA NllUI\, tm MllllDN Vll:JO nn SAit CLIEMllNTI! J1lt SAN .IUAN CA,1naAHG J7'5 DANA POIJIT SJ4t REAL ESTATE. Gener•I TalP:L•Jt, .tc. u .. COllDOMINIUM IHI alMTAU WAllTt:O s"' IOOMI P:OI alNT 5'fS aooM & eo••o ,,.. MOTllS. TRAILi• COU•TS ""'1 GUl:n HOMll Sftl MISC. llNTAU ft'f9 INCGMf" ,,.O,IRTY , ... IUSIMln ~·O~l•TY •m Ta.llLla ,Alkl 'ISJ 1us111•ss "'"'"L '"' Ollll'ICI lt:NTAl .-11 INDUSTll•l PRD~•rt.TT , ... COMILIERCIAl •Ml lllOUSTlllAl •INTAl '"t LOTS 11• aAN~NllS '1H CITRUS GIOVIS 'US .f.CRIAGI: , .. LUI ILS!NOIE "" aaso•T PaOPl•TY •HS oaANGll CO. ,IOPERTT •2'1 OUT 0, ITATI Pao~. 4HI MOUNTAIN I OllSl•T '911 IUIOIVISION LAND ~fU ll:AL l:ITATI SlllVICI!: IJ\5 R.ll. llllCWANOI. iUt a. t:. WAllTED UO BUSINESS ind FINANCIAL IUllJll!SS WANTID INVllTMINT o ..... 11un11111 IUUNllS O~P'OATIJlllfllS IMYISTMl .. 1 WANTIO MOMIY TO t.O.IJf ~l!RIOllAL LOANS Jt:WILIY LOANS COll.f.TllAl. LOANS allAl l!STATf LOANS MORTOUEI, frvsf °'"' MONIY WANTfO ANNOUNCEMENTS ind NOTICES l'OUNO ll'fff Ah) ... ,, P:l•SGllALS Al'INOUHCt:MINTI lllTNS FUlllll.l.U PAIO OllTUAIY P'UN•RAl Dl•ICTOll f'LOatsTt u.ao OF TMANICI Ill MfMOalAM Cl!MITIR'I LOTS C&MITl:ll' CtlT~Ts CalMAT0•1t:I MIMOlllAL PAllCS AUCTIONS AVIATIOJI SllYICI TllAYll a1• Tlt.f.Mll'OllT .. TION AVTO TllANS~OaT.ITIO,. L81Al HOTICIS llllM.lM I TVTOAI,_. ,,., ,,11 -IJll •m "" .,. ,111 .,. "" ... ... .• , ... .... 101 "" ,,,, .... .... ... ... 1411 Hit .. ,. ••• ... ••IJ ... .... ..... -... SERVICE DIRECTORY ACCOUNTING 'IM AN.'#la1Mo llllYICI 1111 AP~l9'Mrt lt~AIRS, ~..,,_ Ull ,............ ..,, AS•t1•• T OM1 e.h• AaCNITlctv•AL. Sl"l.¥1(1: WS au 10 tt•P:A••• '"' AUTO. ...... """-'"'"· •tr. 6'4t IAl'lltnlHG t&M IC)..&T MAlllfTIM•HCI '111 llllCI(, MASONaT. dt. U# IUSINISI ••1.v.cts U.t IUtLDlllS Wt CATl!ltNO 4l7'1 CAllNITlllAklfll UM CAaP:1lNTa11111• Ull C•MlMT, c-r.. 4- CMILD CAat. ~ .Wit OVER -STOCKED MAPLE dresser CONTU.CTORS .. ,. S.10. ~1aplc hdbd w/wagon c .. .a~•T CLIANIHG tfll MUSJ SELLI hi I 1•·-d "'" 2 all t:A•~•T LAYINO .. •l,AI• .... • w 00 uun ..,.,. sm ou,1•111 "111 dtt!lsers SlO. 2 Car Coolers g~~::~l•vic• :!i: S:, &. $10. Swing ioet s;;. Twin IL.aCTll.CAL ..... New 9 pt'. corner arrang. ~i:ce bed $2.">. aot!)'...ssss :::~::"T arNTAL• :!: choice of clrs. l'l'g. S230, la"E=ic"E""c-na=ucgca~h-y~de,-~h~idoe--,. n ow $159.50. Headbrds: .. _.1 bl ~-n.ooas MU Kings, $l j, Queens $12 .50, '-"-.... dou ~ I•...: $67.50. Anti· PURN.f.t:ll ••~.&1•s. "'• u11 quf' avocado J dr-.v.·er chesl, P:URNITUae ••snia1NG Full $10.5(,. Tv.•ins S4.93. & at:P:INISHrNo M7:$ T rundle sets {duo rise.rt W I excelle111 1'0ndilion $ 4 O. GMDt:NJNO t'ff •.A11 ""7< •INllUL seavt<•s ...ai Inner spring m;1tt. re2. Sl06. :,.,..........., •u.D1No. 01sc1N& 1n5 now $79.50. Roll.a.way beds< 0'"u"P"H'-o~u"sc.-c-"c,-,.,,,,c,chc--y-dc-e IU.SI 'tit ••••• TNUMI OM w I inn. spring mall. reg. chairs., Chinc!IC leak coUce OUN SNO~ 1111 S59.J(), 001\' $39.;;o, Canopy tbl. hani;ing lamp11, DaniM NULTH CLUIS '11t be<ls $119 50 now .. .,... ao l"ak du1 tbl 11'/6 ,,._. HAUUQ 17JI reg. · • *°"· · ~ .. ~ MOUSICLl.f.IUNI "" Full sz. s.lecp • sofa reg. 613-8593. INTaJllO• Dt:CD•ATINI IJJJ 1239 50 ..... $169 50 New "'"'""""'"'--,;:=.,,---, INCOMI TAJll '1tt .. ' ..... w . . l\WIOCAJ\'Y drelllier. 6 1a0tt. OrM-111, 11c.. ,,,. beds: Kuig $99.50, QUC'l'ZlS drawer, $50. Black & \\'hilt 1•0N11'1G 1n1 SS9.5(!, Full S-49.5(], Tw1n5 CA TV rHIUU.To11 IJM portablr R , $."lO INIVU.NCI t )rt $39.50. fully guarn. 1-i:ing i;l &12-8507. INVISTIOATINI, DtlKH~· ,,.. sprearls $13.9.j, n. sZ. $9.!la. ,-~~,-,-,-,--~,-- , .... TO.U.L '"' Orristn1a!I lay.aways 11011'. Qualily king bed-quilled. e.::::.:,1::'"'"-11' ::: SIESTA SLEEP Sl-fOP, 1927 Complrtc-unused $98, 'vor1h LOCKIM"H '"t Harbor Blvd., CM &\5-2760 $Z"IO. Aft ~' & \vknds 842-6536 MASONllT, lalCk llH d 'I J•9 o. S 1"6 SQ MOVIN• & nOa.f.GI: 'Mt Ill )I V" • ...;ll·. \Ill .,. . FA bed. 2 ITI at c h i n g ::::~:::: ~=-''"'"1u1 = ~2~o""p=c=.~ .. ~Mc=-A""'D=R=l=D~'~' I chairs. IM!w uphGlstery. 284 PATtot ,,0 Knox Place, CM. PHOTOO•A~H' ,,,. 3 Room Group M.APLE bunk beds with mat· :t!:::.::0• '11 '"' "'111 ' :::: 1'"'ROM MODEL HOMES trcs~11. $50. :!Jl •1•.o:::~~· ::: Inel~des: Quilted sofa and '* 962-8331 .. PO'#la ,. •• ,,NI tru chair -2 end tables &: l'OI· lllDE·A·BED, Colonial, l'OliC. ~UMI' sa•v1c1 tm ff!'e table -2 lamps -dress. aooP:1NO ,,51 A·l roncl. Al!. ~ pin uoio. •-n. ire. ,,,. er -mirror -bea.dboard -96&-1437. ••MOOILIN• I •• ,Allt H41 quilled box spring&: matt·1------------1 •t:MOOILIN .. IC/TCHINS 041 n!M - 5 ..... dinin<> room· 1----------kUMrt ...,,,_ '"' ..... .... • $1WIMO IJM tablr & ~ hi·ba<.'k C'halN:. 11w1111s totACHINI llEPAr•s uu COMPARE AT S149.9::i Slil'TI( T.l>MKI. SI~ II<.. UC TAtLOalNO 1t1' $399 ~:L•~1~;t."'10l ~~No do"'~Pm1s only $Hi 1110. :~':• ~ 1 Mittie ;:;: WELK'S WAREHOUSE TILaVlllOll, •11111'1, 1:1<.. ltU ~~~~~&IT !: 600 \\'. 4th Sf., Santa Ana Open Daily 9-9 !1.al. 9-6 Sun JJ-b JOBS l EMPLOYMENT '01 W.f.JITID, Mt!! .IOI WAllTID, W_•, .IOI W.IMTID, Ml!M & WOMlll SCHOOLS I INST•UCTION JOI Pal,Allt.f.TION TMEATa1CAl '"'''~::ccc-c=c.,.--,,,-:-,,--,-"7C'. 1ut ESPANO'L IN QUALITY Jnt Model Home Furniture , ... Sa . ,.r, " 1IH v1ngll !o ;:> , • ~ rry f'asy tt• fin11ncing. 3 con1pletr rooms or drt-01·ators styled Spanish MERCHANDISE f=OR fun1Hure. Consisting of the SALE AND TRADE famou:i1 custom quality Ma· 'u•N•Tuat! Mt4 drl .. r · Th OlllFICI P:llJINtTU•• ... " 1v1ng room group. e OFl'ICE IGUll'MINT •u original El Presidentc spac. STOits llUl,MlllT Mn iuus n1as1er king size. bed· U.1111:, altT.f.Ua .. MT M14 aa1 l!.QUl~Ml!NT 1,,1 roorn suitr and the authentic HOU'JIHOlO GO<IDS MH La Paz \\'rought iron dinerte OAIAOI! S•Lt: Mt1 L' . d ·-" 1 188 ,UllllTUll AUCTION NH SC'\~. 1m1te stvui'. 4 • •~'L•ANCtl 11• llarnilton Sbo...,TOOm. 5.'J48 .. JfTIQUIS 1111 \\les1Jn1n.strr Avr, \\'cs1n1in~ 5t:WIN0 MAC'M INl!I l ilt MUSICAL INSTRUMINl 11u1_>_C>_._8'_'4_·13_4 _____ _ ,IANOS I-OIOANS 1111 llADIO '* SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Tl!l lVISION nlS .. I.fl I ITl!llO 111t TA'I •lt:ORDIJll IJH CAMllRAS & IOUtl'MIHT IUt NO&IY su~,Lt•• Mff SPOITINI GOODS UM •tNOCUU.ltS, SCO,IS IHI MISCElLANIOUS MN MISC. WANTIO NII MAtH1N&aT, fie.. UM \l/allop -Crush -GriPe - LUMllR 1151 MC'adow -APPLAUDS ITOJIAOt! 1711 IUILOIN• MATll.IALS 1·0 .\bo11l a vain ai:Tv1. "Thi' nH•ll rs ~u!"11 <\ hant hr uwr1~ a i:ustD111 • n1adr rrltphon<'. !t dO<'~r1 ·1 r 1 n i;:, Jl AP· PLAUDs.·· SWA,1 l lU PETS ond LIVESTOCK 1'11"S. G .. NIJIAl till CATS ltll DOGS nn HDISl!S UH LIVl!STOCk 1141 f----..~..-..-.=~---SPANfSH CALIFORNIA LIVING MEDITERRANEAN NUllllllll MU A11 Shown in model hurnes . 3 Rmll o f furn. !din rm, liv rn1, & hedrml priced else. 11•here at SS$ is yours today IWIMMINO 'OOll "°' PATIOS H!I AWlllHOS "l l Y .. C.f.TIGNS lfU TRANSPORTATION IOAT1 I T.l.'.:HTI SAILIOATS ~OWlll CIU l~llJ ll'lllD-$1(1 I OATS 10.lT TIAlll:•t 10 .. T MAINTtNANC• IOAT LAUNCHING hUAIN• tQUI~, &OAT ll!P, MOOR!Nll IO.IT 11av1c•1 IOAT llNtALS IOAT CHA•TEtl llllSHlllO IOATS IOAT MO'tlNe IOAT STOIAGI IO•TI WANTID AlltCa.f.FT l'L,ING llliOtU MOllll MMF.S MOTOll HONllS llC'IClES 81.ICT•IC C.ARS MINI llKIS MOJORCTCllS MOTOllltCOOT"•S AUTO •••v1c11 I l'A•T~ AUTO TOOLS I IQlll•. fUllllll, 1"1lAYll T'IAILtaS, Ulltfto, TRUCJCI Jll:~I CAM,IRI CAM~!• ll:NTAl' DUNI IUGOllS IM~OlflO l'UIOS lf"OIT CAii ANTIGUl!S, CLASS •• IACI C.f.RS, ROOS AUTO IYIMTS AUTOS WANT11D Maw ca•s AUTO Ll.lll,._ '1110 CA•t at only $'.:99. Ui&y t.'rcdil "" Tc1mi;. '111 Sant• An• Furniture ,,,, ""' .C.'6 W. 4th SI.. Santa A.na •"ll • ~1·0189 • ''" """"""'"'~---"'"'"~~::: 1''URNITURE l: cabinets like ffl• l'OU have never seen At tru America's largest tr most ::~ Lu1usual unflni~hed furniture "II s1ore. C0r Redhill &. Santa :::; ,\1H1 r,1~, T11s1in. 1 111i Sn. tDSI of NC\11>01"1 r·11•y. Open 362 llH d"\l'< !KT "" k.t~ "-~10 tUt ' • ,, •. ....,.,...,.., " "" CoLDSPUTR<'frig I•., ..,...., "" . .···• ·~ 0111. l"On111 auto $l:i0., Colol' ttfl TV·lg. Phlll'O console-ebony n: dyed walnut Sl1tl .. I bi{l{'k '"' con1e1n p orary chair ::: wlwhl l e nauga.hyde ""» cui&hlon.\ $30. Call: 8'17-9809 :: aftl'r j P~l. ''"l--•-Furn4iture .--"" •n1 Appliances e Color TV :lll AOK AUCTION "'' 77"1'~ Ga1licn Grove Blvd. ,,,, I G ttii I 1•s1111111s!t'r nr ti. , 1-'l"I\')'. •tit T11(',;; ,t Thul'!! i Pr.1-S..t G:30 :: .~stat!... consgn1u1. R~po. New = 1'10VlNG · :.tu.st Sell. Llkto Office Furniture 11010 USE~'.;ood corv.J11ion. [)c:gk, 2 tilair'll, t'OUCh, lamp~. tablCll & o!hcr I t t n1 s . IM7-2507 or c~s 5J6...9284 Office Equipment 1011 :',.i\1 AUTO. l'Opy mach. No, 209. JBf\1 Sr I" ct ro n i c ly]l('1\Tilcr, like n f' 11•. 615-0060 ROYAL t:lc-etric Typl'writer 1st class shnJ>('. riJ&..Jm alter 5. 8'12-2335 TYPE\VRITER, Add. n1ach. calculator. Very rrasonable. Xlnt. Cond. 892-2~23 Garage Sale 8022 CARAGB Salr: ~'ri & Sal l\!01·1ng. Antiqurs, dinette St'll'I. baby IW'n, di,hes. 10 SJ>ll Sch\\'lnll, 16 g11.J. Scl.!"5 l;I~)' houS(' pa.int. ping: pong lhl. love sc11.t. apt. iitove & nu~ furn. 315 E . Blryfront. Bal ls.le. GARAGE Sale • 1-'ri, Sat, Sun. lj() Tulip Lant, C:\1. Co1nplr1e ho u s ehold fw·ni1hings. Retrig, slrrto, :l 1v·i;. BR set. dl'1hts, furn1tw'C'. lamps. ju 11 I ('Vrrylhins;:. f\lov111g Io Orr\!on. Si\ T·SUN~,-7b7ie-y7d7"-,--fn7'1<-<.-, 1 !'hr!'ls, flJ'('~~rs. t a b I es. hookcuscs. ~111. brds. n1any others. l:IB.12 \V11lett Ln. HS CHINESE l\10D hi. Ji rRd, fur1 ~ ~lai. cbnirs la111ps, 1Vif"krr furn, misc. Sat/Sun 1-'I, :i012 River, r\8 USED Clothinit" sale. ~rl"s clolht'S. slt.•' 1 lo 11, in ~(·k y;.ird. Tues & \\'ed. 128 2ls1 St. Apt 2. C.l\I. CARP ET, 11h:1.g. hi-lo NE\V $4 sq. yd. 396 Hamilton. C.M. Saturday only. Furniture Auction 1025 • Furnltur• e Appliances • Color TV AOK AUCTION m:.! Ganlrrt Grove Blvd. \Vestmlnster nr. G.G. 1''1'1\'Y 'J'ues k Tluu-,; 7 P1\l·Sal G:Jfl J.::o.lalt conqnrnl . Rcro. r-.r11 Appll•nce1 1100 LARGE sch:?C"!ion of rtMndl. jlonl'd appll.an~s. t'f'PQs. •P. t>Uancts rrom n1odct homes 4 aU KWlrantecd. \\'1• N!rvlrr -\\'r 1-'ln«ncc OUN LAP APPLIANCE IS15 !\,• •·I 1111.t . l' :\f, Singer, alito. zia" u.g, 8 moa old. No atta.cli needed lo do de.~ij;n, monocnn. blind hem. $0.27 mo or $42.00 cad!. 52&<616 SAYE t~ASH!· Read The DAILY PILOT c L A s s I F I E D lli.'"'' rAllv..n tll'C'llona1 . !--------------------------------····-matehl~ ann r ba.ir "- • 141-7710 • KE.Vl\IORE a Ut o n1 a I 1 r WIUifX'r, hi.I(' 11\0dtJ, ."\1111 cond. S40. M7~ll,j o 1· ......,.. 1,-......... HAVE YOU LOOKED FOR ~:.~~ .. ;~~."· """'' g· SO:FA. nevtr UMd, q\lliled THE HIDDEN DOLLARS flo«I. KOICh·<Uonltd, $125. 1'1alr h\flt love sent S7l. 3.':7-0032 IN YOUR HOME LATELY? ----· OOFJ\S .t dinrl!r Sl'hl '"°turn. l'<I ll'O!n lr.a.w Al ;""' of 1"WoL 11 .F.R.('. ~17 \\\ Ullh ~1R-J.1SI or !">1()...68(2 ~ORGE aulo mod~!. xlnl peMoot $6.i !M7-.l!l ll '"'asher, late (.'Ond. Cop. 546 4 8 672, Gas rttna;('. la•ll" 01·r11, bro1lrr . l'~·rlr"'tl O\'t'TI, hkr new $150. ~118--870..) \V1\~llt:R & (1~"'· IH"Ol'11dU, I $12.i n.rrr la-f1wt frre SUj, i'l'l'C:r:rl' $1\5. ~10-100;; / PILOT-AIMllTISf~ U I'm The ·Kind Of Woman Who Gets What She Wants • • " • • • Because I'm The Kind Of Woman Who's Smart Enough To Use DAILY PILOT I Classified Advertising Believe me. thert's nothin9 •round our home anymore that isn't being used -beceuse the minute I discover something is no longer needed, I sell it, while it still his maximum value, throu9h an inexpensive DAILY PILOT Classified Ad. Th1t way, in1tHd of a clutter of things we don't use, I hive the extra cesh that lets me have the newer things ... thl "extra" thin9s my whole family enjoys. Here's what I mean. The c.,h I got for the good clothes and toys the childrtn had outgrown bought me the decor1tor limp I'd been w1nting. The musical instrument no one played paid for a big pert of our portable stereo unit. The power tools redecor1ted our deughter's room, And, just for the fun of it, the 9ood cheir thet just didn't m1tch anything anymore took my husband find me out for a fabulous dinner et the fanciest restaurant in town. Go through your home. Mile 1 list of all the worthwhile things you find that aren't being u1td. (You'll be surprised 11 the numb.r you turn up the first time.) Then, di1I 6'42-5678 any time b1twHn 8 e.m. ind 5 p.m. ind give your llst to • friendly, e1perienced Ad Writer. Th1t's •II there is to it. It's inexpensive too! It can cost you as tittle u PENNIES A DAY! Well, now t~at you know my secret -isri't it time you got started tow1rd better, easier, hippier llvin9 with DAILY PILOT Oessifitd Ad17 St1rt b1ing the lind of wom1n who gets whit she w1nts tod1y! I: . • -1 .. ........ ~-· ... -.... ..... ·--.. -·-___ ,.. •• --·~ ft -••• .. .... . , -.... ..._ . .. ...... . . • 25 PILOT-ADV!RTIS[ft Wld•tld11, Sepu.W. 17, 1969 ' Wedntsdof, Stptomb« 17, l!M omv mar ss • .r. rRANSPORTATIOli '" ll~HANDI • FOii ·•tl<~HA'fl>I R MI RCHANDISI '4)1tt ,--F-R_E_E_T_O_Y_O_U_ PETS Ind llVESTOCIC TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION I TRANSPORTATION SALE ANO TRADE SALE AND Tlt.&DE SALE AND fltADI Dot• ll2J S•llbooll 90IO Mobllt Homet 9200 Truckt 9500 ~ure IOOO Furniture IOOO. Ml1c1fllnHUt 1600 6 }·Lv•·rv kltttnl, au COi· . • -----1 ·---------lmporftd A-- * AUCTI08 * .,.. Cul• male ~ 1,.,.1, CKIBUAllUA pupplts, bo.,Y '15-lll' Tbundm>mi Bloop. GR.EENLEAF PARK '65 DATSUN available. Apprmi:. 2~ mo. bloode. Braudt\IJ lovable 4 Bands of SIU,.. clean. U.ul-In dear, clan, coot Cotti old. Vay ~ ~ pets. A.1111 Stud Servlc.. ed 6-19. Xlnt cond. m50. Mna. Ntw 92 91)rlCe adult JAGUAR PUBLIC NOTICE 9118 :w&--3634. ll69 Denet Lane, Enllcll Ykeht Sale• ~1131. park, Mod.di A: Sa.Ju olftc.e FRIDAY-SEPT. 1tTH l o2~AOO=~RABJ..E==-.... ~"th.Y-kl~t-l;C-;.:;;M;;;. c;;;:m;;o;;=,--;;=::: SEA Seou t 'a desperate!)' Jocated at Park. Open 9 AM 7:30 P .M. tens. ira.Y I ""ht, and 3 MINATU~E Bia.ck ~oodle1 need a MAIN all for 22 to 6 PAI. DlCOUTOR GfTS CANCtllATION OF 18 LUXURY APARTMlNTS Sp1nish & M1diterront1n Fumltur1 All BRAND NEW Repcsse1slonll &: BanltNpl· \\·hte/rry •tripped. g Wks, nttd a ch11da love, tired Of FOOT A L 8 A T It 0 $ S , ACCENT MOBJLE rlc1, Bedroom N'tS. divan1. •1ee 11 10 0 d h 0 me•, each other. AMC, shot.t, $1S.. &fl.6769 HOMC SALES chalr1, bunk bed.11, cbesll, 5"35-l890/542-'1006 ,.,,•12-=""==c--~== 1150 WbllUer Ave. "·'-~· '· P C f 9020 Coata P.tesa nt: 642-1350 mattreues, """"'r ·• ~. occ \VE are the produets of a CJUHUAHUA pup p Y, ower ru Hrt 9·pc. Medlterr•neen ledroom Suite In Pec,oin !Rog. $149.00 1 ........................ NOW $10.00 Gor9eou1 Spani1h Cu1tom Bu ilt Sofa with m1tchin 9 lov• s,1t-Choic.• of beeutiful l•bdc" IR09. $419.UI ···-·······NOW $221.00 ~:»d 1~. ~' E~'1 t~:e ~ ··~·~;,-·c~·, '·;·~ · ·1-~·b·i;~·::tr:::: l 111 01c.or•tor Table lamps IR09. $49.911 ............................ NOW $11.00 Sp1nish Han9in9 Sw19 .. empi IR09 . $49.951 ............................ NOW $1'.50 table~ lampf. dinetltl, rt-~uver ta.bby inolher &: a In£:. male, ll \\'ffkl, no pape.ni, frla:eraton, freeier, 1towii:. hah-ed blk fatht'r. All 7 of U& ~-_,,~Tl W, Bay, CM \VMhers. dryers &: MUCH ~ Jl.10RE! ! luroed out &imply &dorable. l;;,===-=--c-= COME SRO\VSE AROUN D Nd id homes. rM-4085 9n9 WHIPPET Pupa, ch amp WINDY'S AUCTION YOUNG exotic rats, black &: &'Ired, AKC re1. Top raclfli' "hit•. CinMmOn ""' whll•. lock. MartJncn1t K'""'" 54&-3834:. 1169 Dorset Pl. 54'6--0989 2015~'1 Newport Blvd. BehJnd Tony·, Bl<la. M11t'ls Costa 1'11esa * 6"6-8686 OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 91111'N"O'°'R"'w=EG"1AN=-E"l"°k-H"ound-~~ r=L~u~r=yy=-Kl~-11,-,,.-. -i"v~J 11 mos.,' 1hota It pepen. deU\·er lo yoor ho~. 615-1869 alt 5:30 846--0768 OAOISHUND puppies. Black 9/19 &: lan; Red. AKC rea:. 3& ft. Chfu Craft ExpnlliS Crulitr '81. M a n y ex- f:rll..radio/01'~. etc &: deluxe Interior. $ 1 4 , 0 0 0 • ..,..,,.,. Cl\VIZON 16' Cabin cruiaer wood/fbala, n\otor It trlr. ""'· -23' FORMULA, 20).hp Jotmson on. Like new. $4000. 644-()80.l. or' '"1-A't.E~-p-up-,-,-. -;-;~c-,-,m-.,,-Champ iired. 644-0227. Speed-Ski &oet1 9030 Sh1!phcrd & 1 ~ AustraJlan BEAGLES • AKC regh1tered. Sllet:p doe. Free to good 9 weeks. Tri-color. FREE Boat N:p&.lr e-5l. home. 891-9683 9/19 can ~9 ~r your boa.I to lhe Moton:ycl" 9:100 A decorator dream house on display -3 rooms of gorgeous Spanish furniture (was reg. $1295.00 SACRIFICE . • • • • • $398 Oceanfront. cor11!"r 2lrtl &: \V. Ocean front in Nc1Ypot1 Beach. Special each da,y, Monday t h r u Thursday. Plenly of Pftrkin~ now! I! 3 pup p IE s. part r M\WSI, ta1!eel boat aervkt HoneJ 1130 in the ~-Let 111 make DOUBLE scat $3.50. Honda Chlbuahua to good home . )'our boat like new (no 3ob Seiki lamp & gpeedometl'r Credit Terms Av1 il. Credit Cleared lmmediat•ly Ca.II after 4:30 ~7672 9118 11~ YR OLD FILLY too mall). We aim Mii $lJ. Good cond. aft 5 Beauutut orl1lna1 oU paint. &16-7622 9118 $300. Partly trained. fiberalau aUJ>plie:a, Open 1 _673-.,,;;12;-;;'l ;;o;:-o;;;::;-::::::;-.,, FOR SALE mm FURNITURE Ing. mountain scene in be1111· PURE bred Sheltfe (Toy 968-5063 dy1/wk. '67 GIL.ARRA. XJnt cond. 106 liful blue1 It sreens. Oark Collie! 1» yrs, all •hots. BLACK Mare, JO yn old, \VIND AN' SEA CC. Fast. Road or dirt, wood carved frame. f-t'f> lo papers. 968-7054 aft 5 well trained. Idea.I 10 r 1731 SUpet1or Mml ttll. $250 or best otter. appreciate. Reasonable Call p.m. 9/19 leenager. * !136--6936 Costa rifes!l. 642-7607 536-01&1 alt 4·30 1844 Newport Blvd. H.~, 11.d.> Costa Mesa only 8~1-1187. I ~°""'==:-:.:::-,;;:m:l;:c::.:;~:.,;..;:::::::..._~ -======== --;-;;;~=,.·-,,,· --==-FREE Puppies. 'toy Collie SMALL Shetland chi I d B M . 9033 1965 Honda 00. $135. 10 Spd boya F~nch ractr. llke new $65. Refri1 $3.l. s· quilted couch $75. picnic tbl with 4 benchrs U2.50. Girls blkc 55. fi.15-5311 and Cocka!lOO mixed. 7 \vk• broke, daple creY $75. o•t 11nten1nce Good rondltlon. Call 01··. Adorable. to i::ood homt 543--S828 Fl BE RGLASS art 5 pm, ~69 8.JG.9678 REPAIRS 1966 HONDA trail 00. $175. COMP LET E Brownle TRANSPORTATION Boats, dune bugaies & camp. 1964 Yamaha tral1 5.5, lvtry Nl9ht 'Tll 9 -Wed., S.t. & Sun. 'Tl 6 Grand Opening SALE! Pemco tanks • f15h • aet·~ss 'TIS TROPICAL flSll 9080 Edin1er ft[J• Magnol ia) Fn1n Valley • 8~2-4jJO Unllonn to 110111eone u.·ho 1---------$100. 548-!K509 r ea lly needs It !! B01t1 & Yachh 9000 ers.Smith Boa! Repairs 64 AISl'ATE 251kc ----------------- Sewing MachlnM 962-861~ 91 19 14 ~J' GLASSPAR ~1a.ralhon, • 847-545.1 * $195 or Belt Offer! J MALE and t female-kit· white w / blue dttk dlxe '1B"'"'r"ibor&=:;1:-1 -;:0oa=t"'•'"""••::-:"':::0:::re • 646-6577 • 1130 SE\VING h1ACHJNE 1969 SINGER CONSOLE THOMAS ORGANS KIRBY vacuum cleaner \vith attach & polisher. Xlnt cond E.'o:rluslvo ColOl"glo Proett1n1. & guarantttel. Pay off bal ol med 1ythn1n, l\1.any other ~.12 or take ov,er pymnts. plus fcatUl'l'ii. Stt the new Credit dept ~ 7289 l.a'>''r'l!nee \Ve_lk model. Tre-1965-1'40 HP reverse ca m mendous ~vu1g:s on select· Corvair engine, ne\v o"haul lens, gry/while or blk/wht, back to tla.ck seating.' Ride-mooring llO hp Vol\'o, ste-rn '69 YAMAllA 1000-CC strrel need Jo v In I home . KUide steering. 65 HP t.1erc drive, s/a radio, bait tank5, b!ke. Lo'v mile. $250. :-i.11-3085 9119 O/B wllh 61ngle lewr con. elc. Xlnt oond. Gd. ski boat. 847-9670 BC!fore 5 PM Zig Za.t:" Cab. n1oclel. Slir;htly used. Stylla:1 \\'al. cab. Docs !"vcrythlng \Yilhout anach. Built in conlrols to overca~t. make but-holes, i;c\\' on but's, hem dresses, n1ake fancy stile-hes, e'tc. 5 yr. parts and se1'Vice guaranttt. $5.64 dv.·n. l 9 py1nts. of s.;i.64 mo. No inle1·csl chge .. ol': YOUNG adult male cat 3 trol. Tilt tra.ller for eaay On shOre moorlng BaJboa n1011ths old, pure blk. vtJ)' launching. S950 or Beat of. Ill, No. Bay 71HJ5..2899 Honda 90 Trail. $100 genllt', purrs constaritly. fer. &1~1686 days, SJ3..0447 17~~ OUTBOARD cab In l==°""=·=1.=CaJ=l=6'6-924=='== hsbdm. 644-0088 9/19 e-ves. cruistr, slee ... 2, &luoed up 9425 r¥ Triller# Travel GORGEOUS 4 long-ha.Ired '66 Luhr:s, 28' s e d t n, to tht watt:r1 Jtnc, w/traUer, ed dcn1onstrator models. sg50 or coinp!et bus sz;:,oo Used Oraans from S199, 36 hp VW cn;inc. ~ COAST MUSIC ,. .. ,"' "" ,. .. ,'°'. COMPLETE PRICE NEWPORT t. J-lARBOR CANON QL-19 COSTA h1ESA * 6-12-28.31 3:Jmm Electric E):c I yr cld. x.ln! cond. tiger kittens. Ca.n Jee la.p1lrake, hvln 18:> VS grey OOlh JlcenM<!. NO fiiOTOR. mother & father. 3 males. marine, ma.hog Int, Ta wt S245. 494-2189 alter 6 PM <\!H-9271 9/19 radk>, beau!. family boat 18' QMna w/85 hp Mere 'N'°'E'°'E'°'D'°g-.,.-,,,.ho_me_'°lo-,.-lo"v°"•b°'l•· I $9100. E-Z ~ terms with eng., l&e whl ttlr, skiing black and white kitten g lo do'l1:n payment No trade. equip. Good cond. S1395 1\'ks, Mott.rr Si&meest. 841·7049. Beard'11 Aircraft • hfarlne, 548-2631 '66 TERRY 17')' complete stlf contained, sl!!eps 6, like new. A!kin& $1850. 893-1179 16' CUSTOt.1 built. Fully equipped. Sleeps !I. Ex- cellent cond. $\2!JS. 54(1..7665 $56.40 For no oblig., f~c hon1e demo., call Crrdi1 i\l:;:r. till 9 P.M. If toll. Call CoU«:t. Play Before You Buy ""' 64;>-0397 after 6 P~f ~~~ewport Blvd., N.B. •-,.~ •• ~ •. -~G7LA=3P~A~R~.-,~s"H~P OUR Chri t · Evlnrude motor. Good con. Trucks 9500 . . a mas prestnt is 26' Endeavor, 1969 Nat'!. d!tlon S625. 673-5158 ---------\\'e have best selection and 1 ~~-=~~~--~be:st teac~rs in Oranit 8 NE\V. 8 ply heavy duty, County. Dayt~na nylon tubelea:s tires ;~:iting to~ YOUi J ks £Jf~· Chan1pion. F'ull race. 12 =~=~---,,,-.,--1945 SCOUT 4x4 1 ·c gray tigers, w • o . volt. 8 sails, new bat. &: boat 1967 16" Glutron, 50 h.p. FUU y equipped, HPC75G pric. 2U . 531-9694 846-2718 9/19 bath. hla.ny other xtras. Sec ~lerc:ury. Xlnt cond. $1495. ed to .ell al: -1 GRAY and \vhlte kilUC!ti, 2 at CYC sip 525 or e&ll days ,Cal~l,,.6_7~'--2'59....,,,.,-,.-,.-,:;--;;::o KUSTOM MOTORS From $10 monthly 11•/trailer \vheel1. m. ea.ch. Musical Inst. 8125 Factory Cle1rance! Gould Music Comp1ny 0=~---~--~--2o,i5 N. hlaln, SA 547-0681 53 Pt. oval diamond & h11.nd with s1na ll dia.mond . $690. NO\V -rent a Baldwin orga.n Stt at 129 441h St. N.B. &. learn lo play. Adu!! 61. 3396 pure \\"hltc ones, free to peer 2 1 J. J 9 1 -1 I 7 1 ; n I t e Ci' HorUon Ski boat. 80 HP SIS Baker st., Costa MH& pie ,\·ho care. 546-5242 9/19 2IJ..828-t326 Mere. New trailer. $12SO. S41l-Mfl5 '*" Authorized SAVE a trip to the pound, '67 GLAS:n'AR C 1 tat j 0 n. 642--9911 •ft 4 PM International Oeder Quilter Sound Co. must clea1 out all Its stock at cost. PA 1ystems. Gullar·Bass amps & Speake r Boxes. Stalll!ttt'CI Amp $00) rlOIY s~oo. Gui!ar & Bass cab ·112 (Quiller Spkr!l $;,40 J'IO\v $200. <\12 IA\tt-c Spkn;) S900 nov1 S300. 41;) (Altec Spkrsl S1100 now S400. PA s~stems mod 1000 (Quilter spkrs ) $2130 now S700. mod 1000 !A.ltec Spkrsl S2900 no1Y SllXXI. 1936 Pia· cen!ia Ave., Costa Mrsa &IJ..2540 beginners only. Private or =r=~==--- c!ass lcsaons available -ENCYCLOPEDIA re c e n l results guaranlecd. &lieve edition S35. Alsc be s. t it or not -$:1.00 a \VCCk rr-n· children's enryclopcdia take a p~tty cat or kitten. Inboard.outboard. no Mere. M. . E I 9035 '681/2 FORD CUSTOM 540.-2614 9/19 Cruiser with pc\\-er ;jet It __.!'.!.."• qu p_.____ club wagon, auto, r & h, red, ADORABLE Kl1lY &: bla.ck power trim. Full cover. ONE factory re-built (never WBJ019, priced to 11ell al: kiHcns, 8 11·cckil old. hsbrkn. Ready to enjoy. A 11 ninJ Gen'I Min &11 model .KUSTOM MOTORS 64.J...D6&~ 9/19 malnle:iance records. 1 64 HNG grey marine dl@sel 845 Baker St., Costa ~1tsa ta/. lessons extra. 544-93Ei0 \VARD"S BALD\VIN STUDIO s~u~-R~.P~L~U~.-~,.-.,-,.-,.,.--,,.,-,,, 1819 Ne\vpo11, C.i\.I. 642-8484 fabrics & remnants. Sold IO llAMMOND. Steinway • Ya-the public 3-4 ?ttonday lhru maha • new &: used plallOll Sat. 1820 ?t1onrovia, C.M. PUPPIES. 1~ Cocker. 1~ 0¥7ler. Kl 6-4444 engine, Complete w/twln. 5'1D-591S * \VE DEAL! \\'etnle. m i\lontc Visla 24 FT. Correctt Craft Cabin disc redaction gear 2:1 AUlh lnll'n1ational Dir c .?tf. after 6 PM 9/20 Cnilise 18.:i HP cruise at 20 ra.tio. For further detail,, ·~ Cbev z. Lon pick-tip. --~~~-----1 RPM. Tip top oond. Fully call P. Sullon <213) 626-9301 $750 of all makes. Best huys in GUILD F-30 10 \VEEK old male puppy equipped. rn \Yater now. \vttkdays. or (714) 546-0438 i7S-ll55 or 67:'>3(1.1'1 Part cocker & cock·a·poo. fl.lust 1Cll. Call aftre g p.m. "'·eekend1. :;;-;;:=;;-..-=~== 546-6689 9/18 646-1981 GRAY MARINE '67 FORD l,J Ton. Custom LARGE G...., Md "''hite cab. E ~tr as : 37,000 So. callt. ~ht here. Acoustical, steel alrini SCHMIDT MUSIC 00., GOOD BLUES AXE 1907 N. Main, siz; '*" 645-22-16 ·~J 22· CABlN Cruiser al slip 1\\'o 477 cu in, 200 hp, 6 cyl miles. $1595. 893-318.3 long-haired cal. 6 years old. near new 100 hp l.lercurY gll1i r-ng. llydro rrve1~. 2~-=~=~=~~~ Neutered. 675--0389 9/16 outbtd. Custom trlr, mMI 1 red. Xlnl cond. $300 ea. '65 FORD-0.D.·All Dttras. THESE are the cutest kittena M!ll snso or best oUer. 548-3414 Clean XInt Co n d l ti on· GUILD l'"-30 Santa Ana GREEN Ova.I Braide<l rug, \VE 1-IA VE PIANOS! 9x12. $20. Acoustical, 11leel slri11i;, GOOD BLUES A:\E You may purchase or rent *6"2-3100 * and credit all monies paid ===~::7."'::-;-= toward purchase. DO~BLE h1attreu &: box HOUSE OF HARMONY springs w/le11. nearly new ever, 1Uaranteed. 494-tlSB 54!h3283 =========c I 5-19-0412 after 5 &: 11,.knds. 9/15. ''27=.~o"RAKS==T~/~S.~Sp~t ~0.,,~. ~fiy &o.t Sllp Mooring 9036 s12::. * 64~>-2246 B ·FL AT Clarinet·i\Iartin r~m. Complete w/casr. & stand $60. 545-4260. FRENCH Hom. double Alex- ander. with case. like ne1\'. Best mutual rlca.I! G·~JTII OLDS TR0:'\180NE for 511.!e. s1:;. • o.w--01:-ri Pianos & Organs 1130 Used Hammond Organ SALE S.3 &: U sllc, A-100, S.-100, H-1~ M-100. M·~. [,JOO, J.100, S.1. From $195. Tt1ms. ALLEN THEATER, J~ ped- als, almost newt '8 !"ashion Isla.nd $25 642-T!Wl i\"ewport Beach * 644-G.191 l'U"P;R,.;l;,O"HT~R"C"A,.--;;Fc:reo=,.::,-;S7;;;;5. =========I Bedroom stl, $50. Call for Televlslon 8205 appt. 530-1944 -'-'=::...--_;;=:IFOOTBALL. SHOES. NE\\', Lease Color TV or Black & \Vhite. OpHon to !Ny. SlZE 1;84~~7l29* Free !lervicc. No dtpos1t A-Active TV Rental Co. LONG, 100% 1-tuman Ha.1r ti) 522-IlJ.1 Fall. bro.,..•n, in excellent G. E. black & u.•hile, good condition. 646-7590 condition, <t yrs. Sti or oller. M" W 1 _ _. 6610 0/~3631 ""'"~'~·-'-'-·~""'-'~----- 14'' COLOR Zenith TV, :;till undtr warranty, Xlnt ccn- dltlon. 646-2863 ZENITH TV portable, 14", including stand. Xlnt rond. i\lr. Tholna~ {714l 521-65M WE PAY MORE CASH NEED god home-for )"OUl1I bridge, loaded. Too SLIP WANTED long haired white and a:rey numerous to mention all ex-for 35• crul.ser. \Vill pay 6 cat. Male Slame1t. 536-ro!ll tras. Sa.cr1f $5800. 87J..6822, mOI!!. in advance, no bridges. AOORABl..E maJe tiger kit-675--3353 963-4257 ten, 6 mo. old. Shots. 23=· ~Sc-larera-~!t-. -Al"I-,-,-.-.• -, ~,-°'FRE •=-;;Ec-Sli=pc-.:lnc-:ex"cha-;c::n::,.::--;,;:::°' 61:,...0137 9/18 albacore fishing. AJ50 great parllal use of power boat or Need good homes for 4 love-ski boat 547.f.649fbwi . or A&il with drop mast. Alic for Able 1ortoise ahr-U kittens, 536-3176/home Lea 675.-6055 or 546-824!1 4 mos. old. 827·2501 Licen.'!ed N A V I G A T 0 R TO Good home. feniale available for Ocean cruise. Siamese kitten, :> m011. old. Call &U-2752 893-9ji0 9/18 23' CHRIS Craft "1th trailer. MOTHER r11.bbil and babies, h1ooret'! at Balboa. $399;). w/cage 543-6660. ~ or a.11 1_"'2-~="=1=•====±== logether. L· BROWN couch, good rond. Si llboah 90lO ;;,. .. has~ C:i:'r<.:6'°8 END OF SUMMER SALE Mobile Homes 9200 BAY HARBOR Mobile Home Selts Casa Loma. Roll • Away • Sheraton Manor. Homette • Kit -Pre1t1Je -Sahara ALL SIZES NOW ON DISPLAY 1425 Baker St., Costa Mesa good bo 3 1r' i... % block East ol Harbor Blvd. ~EE to , . mt 15"-" Below Dealer trade-in co1t! Co M n •••JM!O k1ttr-ns, ,, Siamese, 6 \\.'k5. ~f int 2+2 19, •• S239,; sta esa f 4) """ "' d Hi.Fi & Stereo 1210 for furniture, applian~s. old 962-21.Jli 9/18 ' ai ~ ' '' CASH FOR YOUR Bii: Savings Nol\' in our o:.n -'-'-'--"-'==-.....;= 1 · Columbia 21 ••.•..•••• S19W Cl Sal , , -rolo~d TV, p snos. organs il -oI Sum1ner earance e .. STEREO 96 1 2 \Vhttl ut!llty tra" er. M.1UUI Lido 14, loaded ••••.•.• Sl.2j(J MOBILE HOME , 'IOND 1 9 d x conwle, and antiques. H llA.-t, pl 1 Cypre!I!, Santa Ana eights. Victory 11 ...••• dealer rost in CORONA DEL i\IAR com ,\.th full stereo, 4 sfxl Day or night :716--0989 9/18 Sabots . neu.· & con1plete $269 PriV3.te party "''ants 8 x tO or ~ r.. Coast Hwy. 673-8930 Gan·ard changer, 60 1va!t 636-3620 KIITENS. ,,, & f, 962.M,;l YACHTS ROYALE larger to be moved to moun. duaJ channel. 4 spkr llOUnd $ E u y $ te in Jot. Se nd description, ••YAMAHA sysltm. Pay off bal of $77.26 W B long & short ha ir 9118 2912 W. Coast ffiway price &: location to: Write PIANOS &. ORGANS cash or small pymnls. KITTENS need homes &. Ne1~1>0rt Beach * 645-<fllO Box p 424 Oal1y Pilot. See the co1npl~te Hn,. al: Credit dept. ~7289 $ FURNITURE $ lovr. hsbrkn. 545-6519 9/18 1'Fl'Li:YJNmii'c:sccrrsai'f.".lrC:ao•itto;-1itt.: 1,1968;;;;;:..:..,,1""5;:,,. ~..;NO,a::,;,,,.:::-._-;2 COAST MUSIC C & E • IJOO APPL IANCES F"REE kitteM. Black and Mfcsl , strona:esf &:. blgcJt &!drooni. Awning a •m•r•s quip. ,,. , •• •-·· 1 b .,, Ni::WPORT & HARBOR Color TVs-Pi•rtot-Sler•o• V.'hlle. MS-3158 · h,.;rg-'oop Ul · Aki11ing. Scacllffc Park. COSTA i\1ESA • 6~Z·2$51 CANON QL-19 1 ""-• •r H•-F•ll \\1HITE Doe rabbit Coinplctc w/ trallc1· l 646-2556 Jj n1m Electric Eye CASH IN :JO MINUTES ~996j ~n!ls. Appraised v a I u e 1 --~~=--~--• PIANOS • 541..-i531 e ~~~-· ~=-:-.c==I i2.41s. Sac far $1SOO. (714) ** SPACE u.·anled far e PIANOS 1 YI., old.~lnl oond. 2 \\'ashing machines. 1 work· 61J..1465 or 645-008) wkday1 10x58' moblle home in lami· e PIANOS 6'5-0397 ""'' PM WE PAY CASH ,,,. rond. Call 54,._1228 9115 VIKING 20' a I oo p • lm· I> pack. 64z.-08!t Final Days of our sum1nor I~=====-===== 4 Bl..Ap< female, ""Slameae macullate, allp 1 n c I u de d. '81 10. x 46' ROD A: REfL Sale. Save on I a h u I o u s Sporting Gooda 1500 1 -~W~E~P~A~Y~C~A~S~H~I, --I kitte:ns. 5'13-5978 9/15. $1650 er trade for equiv partly furn. To be D10'I· GRANDS Includ ing :.:.....;.;....:'--'-"°"----'-.;.; RED cat. male, 8 rnontha. value J\.tcrcedes ar smaller ed. 64&-3520 MOTOR HOMES 9215 HEADQUARTERS FOR MOTORHOMES ON DISNY TNt All MEW DODGE "EXPLORER" ... , ......... •lftl 111' •• ,.. ........... Uta .,. .... tr. ktt•lllll, ...... •!Pt. ALL l ltl .. 11 JOOl, t• ,OOl, 11 fOOT. , 'l'lAlll rl•ANC• 118 Al Al'l'lfO'l'l& Cll£01f. 16)55 Rf ACH Bl VO HUNTINGTO N Bl ACH •" ' lU 7r1t•O -.. -e Chl~rl nt e \\'urlUur SURFBOARDS 9'2" Hob~ ~&-7233 boat and cash. 645--2629 • Stl'imva,y • KnobC' \Voody. 12' Quigg Tande1n, • NOT Checks 17' o·oAY Oayiiailer 9500 Trucks 9500 PLUS i\11\NY :'>!ORE! both ror s;,s, 6i3--0632 PETS and LIVESTOCK . SPINETS & CONSOLES l========IFor GOOD, USED D•m• smo · ""• smo "AV" UP TO s~ Ml•<•llonoouo "600 F ·1 s TV Ptll, Genlral 1800 14' O'Da,y used.·• ,S50Q .~ .,, • . • .;iu. , urnt uf'I!. t!!n"O, or Fun Zrull!' Bollt Co. Balboa BUY NOW~! Pl·irt:s \l'ill nol Housctlokl 11rrn~ nf nny 'klnd. SIAMESE KITTENS $l5 27• Vl"'NG Ao". "caut. -~. br !his Jaw 11:::aln:: • • • '*" e 547.5n2 • iu OA ,,.., """" COAST Music f A.i\llLY :\ten1bersl1lp l n --. -----10083 Lehn1hardt rv t.1oor avaU. Trd OK. Irvine Co&!il Counlr>' Club WANTED •531-8716• 546-&130 x"34 f.tr. Pos!nut, NEWPORT l HAHSOI< Joe ""'· Pv\ pty. 67'-!1131 FURNITURE 8't-<OSI OOSTA AtESA • ~l·28.il Dots ll25•1°w~o=-~"W~lg-h~l~Po,-t~l,-r-. ~Gd~. Open lG-1 rn 10-9 ~un 17 . .i ATUST SELL LEAVING sr. TOP CASH IN 30 Minutes £..:>• ComplPle hou5f' furnitu.... Q all 1 1 1 TV Al<C Ccrrn&n ShepMrdm cond, 2 bunk. Bl• &. rig. NOW-ftnt • Baldwin piano deep rrHic, 1ool1, 10" table u t)' Urtl lure, co or • 11 Mont•·. 1 •i·•e. 1 r---•c se.,un mtr A trlr. $1200. .,.., hlld t 12 oo stertO(I;, 11ppltanct1 tools, n:i "., 1CJ1i..1 ,v, )'Olli' c or · uw. 939 \V. 18th St. at m 1 5'~7956 UT·l668 week. Proftt,.iorlll1 h1-o Oe ~1 p. l,.0==-~-=_.,..,..,,_..,,-,- 1ll'Uction 11v1H1blc -rcsulls GOOD Bellone & Zenith 531-1212 B 0 XE R p tip'• AK C . NEW N1pkls Stbot 8', ~a. 111?11.rlng aides In perlC"Cll'"====-------Reaaonable. Shcr.v or pet. com plete. Euy to car top. ruaran1eed. condhlon. JjQ e.ach. 64i..:t!'ZS RES!AURANT O'll<'Tll't'S chrf~ ~1 1 _ ·-. Call rm.1747 \VARo·s BALO\VTN STUDIO ====~~-c--~I '"° dlsh~·a,.hers. I bU)' no 10 ''""""°"° ==~_,,,,.,....,..,.~..., 181!'1 Ne¥.'pot1. C.M. ti·l:a.-3484 SURf'BO,\RD !l' ·1... Ad· l'an.~ ur I gel c•n:.. C11ll AOORABLE 111b:td. pood!e L-IDQ l<l no. '41, incl lrlr, a:d. \\'ANTEO julltHblr rln. Xlnt «Qr11.l. SSO 642-."l2·19 puppies, 8 weeks old ~-conb. $500. PIAl'lO k ORGANS Si;,...s2.i7 l.N°'E"'E"°ffi~b"<k,.,-b-...,--,-,-cllXXJ=, I 493-1970. 644-0603 •~* l\.IE~BERSHll" F"or 2 at reuonably prlttd. 644-4687 COCKER/Poodle puppies 15 SABOTS F"mm PX! to $400, GOOD Upti;ht p;8no, ,n. Hoa.Ith Spo for J;ale. each. 6 Wttkl old. xlnt cond. 5'8-4542 or tOM, $115. 200 PacHlc Coast Call S4&-Sla.1 Mlchinery, etc. 1700 *M9--04ll* ~6=3-34=,.,30=-==-c-;-;-;-, H"''Y. H.B. 536-0llil TILE "'u.11 mural. 111 ft. x 1 IS FULL KLUGE rRISlt St'l'IER PENGUIN sailboat 11 'h' 1 s"'P~IN;,;,l.'T""--'-pl>~no-'-°"sm='°.-,Ca'°"U I 6', fl. (uilboeta:J. $50. Call l x 4 mos, Rec. AKC $00 w/saJI .i traJJer. Top con- ---.t .. -.. _ ••M Cotta 813-40.18. ' Automallc . New Idell roll· • ~l-36:6 • dition $GS. 137-1598 .. ~. .......-... en. New Mol'lln rxpenslon hleta. STEREO Console. Olymplo. mtll"I' trueks. 2S ca•• of DOC TRAINtNC KITE No. sn;. 1 ·p=1-.1."'TI:R""-p=1~A~N~Oc-. -1"1"'7!i,_ac-I l.ott'tf!Y Organ 'W/ blonch. ~ h•nd~•l t.vpt.. stone.. 2 Prlv 1elJ'IClt1~ only; tt1u1 rtlte• Aqua BlU!!. Xlnt cond. b(ost offCT. 132J S. hltan, Bolh XJnt. MC! ~) chtun I: ml!C fUrnltnrn ~ 213: 42:'J.l,;C6 nl: 423·1!30 * 61J..3M8 * !;. A. &-18-1088. CJ-llNESE Rue 9 x. 12 Plmi\ lrnrtPMliK ink. S700 lor All. DAILY PILOT OrJ';t&A· CA(, 24. 3rd In NATIONl\J.S. "·HJtilitY Beby Grand wllh G~y boarder. $2!).j. ;>36.8111 LINF..S. You ran Ule tMm 2 yean. F\111 set or 11\11. P!aoo. REASONABLE. Call &1~11399 ~-U~SJ~!Sl'=-.,..--.. -.... --.,.--1n fot just paMles I da)'. Ola.I WOO. • 146-2951 S49-3298 aft C At Whl&e Elephantl:? '°"'1\. The DAILY PILOT SQ.S61I Wld• depbantal Dime+Une ----"-----· \ IUIOUOO 10Yt' lnquols 6 Sle1ptr Liit: u. ... H OISC I tlM tt Sol" $1197.00 No, 1•11 . ·rout WINDS 6 ~ .. ,., i,Ht: 01«1 . '"""' ..... s.1., $1605.00 ...... TRUCK & UMPlll Htw l'<Ut • .!.f!!2: •nrf 111'1'~ ~·;rm.1\1.\ ~111'. ·n s.1,, $41 • a noouoo t' CtmrMntha 6 s1 •• ,., '"" -· O!Ko IS<tf.,. S1lt1 $1739.00 .. •• lMf IAUACUDA Slffptr t.111 1 1Dt)C1 Stlti "" -$555 PU w/ camper, ntw ena. o-'&t JAGUAR XfCE+ 23,,0IXI •ldt mJrton. 4 apd, dlt, :rlrit n11°s only. Cnn whll:, mectr1 Small dn or take trade. Lo xln t. &42-0U0,...7670 pymtifs. NO'l.63klB, call Rob I========= I i .....m 0 ' --MERCEDES IENZ '61 DODGE Spomman 108.1--------·l V...S, I. auto. 3 Sea.ta. $2295. Otl\C'n; to choo5C from. Kustom '11otors, MS Baker SL, C~I. 54Q.-fS1~ (Auth. l.H. DeaJerJ Compo",..'-----'-95:.:lc:O '69 V\V Sundial camper, "'Iller, Ice bbx, table, bed. storage. Owned only 4 mos. l.f ust sell_ htovlni: to Africa. $3:!00. 644-2!Wi2 10' CAB OVER, excellent condition: '65 Chevrolet ~ ton. 646-'IJZ 066 Dodge Van A·lOO, V-8, euto trans. "'·Ith Cll)tl, $1995. * MT-8018 PICKUP CAMPER Shells cab-hi, slla:ht fttight damage. Cheap! 839-1800 Dune 8ugglft 9525 SUPER MANX Puri>!e mttalllake finish. Special Bill Thomas Corvair cllflinc'. $1695 JAMES LTD 1584 Newport Blvd. 642.0010 MEYt:RS 1'1:anx for stl'l'l!t or oU road use. 1966 53 hp Bu• en1. Xlnt cond. SLIOO, call s. 7 pm. 5411-9861. VW Dune Bugl}'. chassis Ahot\ened, n1etaJ flake hley- ers towed nose secl. $250. 495-4219 or 531.J&IO Imported Autos 9600 ALPINE 67 SUNBEA?tt Alpine Ex. oond. New tires. h1u.sl See! $1495. 67~2284 AUSTIN HEALEY RARE '61 Austin mitii 11ta- tlon 'll'a.gon (woody). $1500. 10-6, 673-9685 "'1ta.ry.f'ran- ces" '63 MARK II • JOO:> \V I re wheels, 6 cyl, Tran!'. need• work SlOOO. 613-4i:i23 DATSUN ORANGE COUNTY'S NO. 1 DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN 18135 Beacb Blvd. IIunUnaton Beach 8~2-1181 or 541).(1642 '67 DATSUN 01.inr1·! CO'I• •11 L.•tq c~t s,.1 .. ,1,011 Nl•,, ,!I. IJ. I "'"'l'· ( ··rl• ' f~ ' J im Sl cmon s Imp,. YIJ.1rn<"t Fl. /l.'.1·11 '.•! 5.Jnf.i An .1 5·16 ·1 l 1-l ·~ MERCEDES. Xlht eond. New paint, Inter, brUa.. S700/clr. 64.2-46811 1960 Mercedel 190. aean, new tires. f150 t t r m . 642--4452 eves. •. '68 250 SL. both topl. pis, disc brakes, AM/FM. $5595. :·· 194-1532 19&3 190. PRIVATE o~. AM/FM. new lirer;. Make oiler~ 842-3957 af~ 5 p.ra. MG MG Salts, Servi~. Partt Immediate Delivery, All t.todels J?rtuµort jl 111IJ0 rt s ,. 3100 W. Coast J-fwy, N.B. ,;; ga.!M(ti 540-1214 ... Authorized MG Dealer •• ·, MGA hardtop (.'()Upe, new ~ eng, tires, etc. Xlnt cond. :: Mu1t S!?l1 $495. 495-4798 r,,,. ... MGB .. -~ ·' '63 ?t-IGB hard & soft top, •t " . • di l "-1-... ~ new res, ra o, w rt w~ ... .. Very good cond. Must tell. -u Make oUer. 494-9808 ·'" OPEL "' •1,:• .• '68 OPEL wagon, )'dlow, like !~ nu, sharp, 102 engine. $1595. .... Ku.stem Mctors, IMS Blbr _;:, · ·St., Cf..1. $40-5915 : ::· •·"~ PORSCHE ~:: _________ ,,,. .)•: ' PORSCHE 1967 • 912 -NEW • ~· TlRES O!ROME WHEELS !I•' • COCOA MATS • EX. ;~ CELLENT CONDmON • P,,. $t.350. <Phone) ~ M'· "':,' TE.R 4:00 P.M. "I• I + '65 CONVERT * ;; xint cond. All xtraa. nu pDt. ~,~ • top. Must 1ell. 646-U:W ,.. '67 Porsche 912, AM-FM, 4 ~:, spd, low miles. $4295. Mr. n.• Isley, 673-8281, 673-7829 t.;., ~ Ponchc, one owner. ~~; Like new, Many Extras! i;:-, 4 OR &!d, ~ spd. dlr, ~ S3lXI ~1A62 •'1' , new. Ha~ had e>:ceptional , • .,, care. Will sacrifice. miall '56 PORSCHl:: ltm Coupe, • •• • dn, line pl'VI pr!y. VGG879-xlnt cone!. ~9291 or lP LB. call Phil, 49~·97'13 or 1 "673-~~==~'"'='-"~-wk•7ndl~·,...,.1 a.!:>-0634. '66 PORSCHE 5 spd. Black 1..r ENGLISH FORD ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES· SERVICE '69 MODELS Immediate delivery LARGE SELECMON Theodore ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Rivet Costa itcsa ~2-0010 FERRARI FERRARI Newport Imports Ltd. Or- anze CounlJ'• only author- ized dealer. SALES-SERVICE-PARTS 3100 \V. Coast Rwy. Newport Beach 6'2-9405 540-1164 Authorizca-Fernri Dtattr FIAT =-= '68 F"iat Spider 850, xlnl oond. CaU '94-9875 wffi<· day1 2-4. JAGUAR Int. Xlnl cond. OOS.1%10 &tt. "r> t:i. .. 6 PM. -,. •. ===~~-,.,--..,.-,1 ..-.. PDRSCHE '59 Roadster. xlnt 1 l · • thnJoul. will ll&Cl'iJ.ioe. Call "''° 968-4998 ._.,I ~~~~o=----.,,.,,.,-1 ''• '61 PORSCHE. everythinJ: ~~ ptrlect &. all mecbankally reblt. $2250. 841"-20'l2 ...,.========-1 '" . .. ' ... ~ RENAULT ... ' " ••• ... N • '"··. '~ 1960 RENAULT in good con- dition and ~ economka1. 25 mi per ga.l • $125.00 Call to lee 642--6-168 .... '" '62 RENAULT , sood 1 !~: transportation car. '"" t> *89'7...(l665• ,.. ======== • "' SPRnt ·~·r ~, '" . '65 BLUE Au~tin Healey ·~• Sprite Good rond. Goin& to ;.:, Vietnam. !\lust eell. $000. ot•· Ms-mt'.13 ~: 1900 SPRITE. Lookll &'OOd l :~. .. runs a.real? ssoo ... 494-3200 1•f TRIUMPH ~-----·~--!·'· , .. ,,. ,. '66 TRIUMPH TR 4 11r rood condition * Reasonable 548-4224. :~.· '03 TR 4 \\"ire wheels '•· ' I ~·· Jlbl!:rgl"5 top, ne~ tirn. .... '&I JAGUAR 3.8 Aulo., Mark Reasonable. ~ "l>f' IT Sedan. Wire whls. New 1--==.,--,---:-:---1 <' Good" ear Shelbu.(:obra '63 TR.4, wire whls. •II. 3 3 plastic top. $1095. "• tires. Xlnt cond. R&H. Dark 893-J(l)t effL :; . green w/be(ge inttt. ?,150. 546-9941. DAILY Pll.l1l' \VANT ADS! ~ .. t6001mported Autos 9600 'O• ===~~~~!·" ~ •' iTl[Q]OO~[!l~I if DNn Ltwls for ..,..,, JNf1 Ml told T .,-ot• tt ;.~, hontlrtd• of Mtlofled --lo o._ c..y. :.~~: Thia must 111feYt fftlt * for tM but dt1I *tor t1t1 :{;· molt CtWheul ui... * .. the N"ke ,.. Ha We •ff•r pvrchllt, 0.-Ltwil T .,.t• hM ft. THI NIW TOYOTA PIClUP TRUClt IS Hlll HOW 1966 HAHO• llV»!.!!!ll!!!!ll!!!!ll!!!!!!C!!OSTA lllSA ., " .... .. ' ,,. .•. ,, .. , .,. ' I I I ~~ -~~·---·~~--~~ ............ ~~ .................................................................. '!"' ..................................... ~ DAll.Y PILOT Wld_,, Stpt-17, 1'69 Wldnt*J, !tptembft 17, 1969 A ION TRAHS RT TION T NSPORTATION TRANSl'ORTATION TnNSflOllT A TIOll TRANSPORTATION I TRANSPoRTATION t RTA I N PILOt.AOvtRTISE~ 211 TRAN POlffiliQ;r-1 "."!!':""' -HOO l"'l"'rlod Autos • -tmpo•lod A!l!ot -.,b'J,.po:;.;..rtecl,;.;.;;_A_•_.._.;;;;._·f6ao;..;=l''.;.;m;.;""=""="';..;;A;.;ulW;:::.._.:;HOO= Aulo L•H~nt 9810 Uso~C•n 9900 UHd C•rs TOYOTA TOYOTA VOLK~WAGEN VOLKSWAGEN ' VOLKSWAGEN ;;,;;;L;;E;;;;AS;,;;E;;;-R;:E:;;N;;;T;;;,: CADILLAC · DODGE OLDSMOl!ILE 9900 U sed C•rs 9900 £ltlJR£ MOTORS ~ 69 VW. Dlamonil blue. Now VW V&riant w...,.. Uho VW 1UGS ORDER YOUR 1 IT!Of!!Ol!IAJ "'""iUqa. ~:"' t~; ~~-~;.\:;.,.~ ~· , · FJ~0El~~~isr ~ TOYOTA Best O.•I• Atff At 61 V,\V. im ~"'"~~""";,.;.:."-"~----1 l"Rm.t DELIVERY '69 Cad Sfdan do vtue, 1~oOo 'till CHARGER. £tr.~· .to:lni nil. Pvt')ly, 9GS10l3 . cond, auto~ tlb. red w/whl vinyl i»t. sa;. 4M-OTl1 BF.AU'I' red '&I Old$ Culloss JiDTP eoupe 1\•/wlro 1111\iH. Auto, Pl1, P/b, Rift new tlttl. Orig q:;ner A palnl. ~ DEAN LEWIS M~" S.11' ExttllNll '"" 'S6 VW. •=ll•nl running $399 All "°"""' • ....., Fonl ~ e ~st eelec:tion of 1' 11 dillon. 61l>-J507 rondllloo, reblt el\I. Ava.tl authotj;icd leasing ~ystem. FALCON Le nli. J>rV. prty. SllXXI. Z2 8 C • m u o , nu • " ___ ._.._.___ 6'1:HJ5!18 CAMARO J, models, colon;, fn:im the 1966 Hlll'bor, C.M. 1)46.9303 &I vw. BLUE. Oct. I. ~ Good S.l~ion Get Our Con1peUIJve Rates lltiost 'l'oyohl d..U". 1968 TOYOTA c .. o na . Low mileage. Many'"''""'' '66 VW eu.. P>" "°""· &>._ RO~fORD Goodyear F-60x15, gauges, '61 FALCON station ,1·agon '.-'.,--0-L_D_l_lo_li_d_.,-.~,-•• -u-,' $2800. 6Th--3300 stick shlft. $175. eqwp. po1\·cr cvcrytlWng. Lo 'Qi Ca.ma.ro 327. R.S. PIS 6"5-3018 miles. or!& o\\·ner. xlnl = w:!.~~~ ~~'·Es~~~: -~~·i~~~~~; 1005-:-:~-00~-··_.""""_""'_.833-~7-"'-~-.ca-:.-""'-.. -"-"_, oh ~so~ c .... ":1.:-"''t;,...," '61 Toyot• c • ....,. VOLKSWAGEN .57 vw eon""'""'' 497.,113:;, ••k "'' DON "'"~"~ ""' LEASE ""' __ C_H_EV_R_O_LET.:__1 White wtth black budtf'I S250 ~ '68 Cadillac Coupe de Ville, -'59 Ford 2 dr. New mufncr, R.H. Auto. 2M }{nox SL CM I====:=-.:==== I .O'°::"":o.· ::l&lO:::c·.:":::""=70~7 • .:;•::;fl..;<.:.. ~I 64ij-2991 tvea. Will trade. FORD '6!"1 VISTA CRU ISER, air, PIS. P/B, auto., J)..ri.f nu. S199J. (Dual 90's SlOO e-x - 1ra1. 675-lst& After 3 PM. GAS SAVER i; • aet.ts. a.uto. radio. VlJLJ(H .. 62 V•' • .....,...." ,..~.,, * ...,., .,..,63 , * 'fig V\V, Air l"Olld. Radio. fully equipped, Sl29 nlO, '57 Ch•Y. St•. Wgn. tail piPl', 2 htirly n<'\I' tires, I:.· 5t1arp! Priced 10 ~II fll:.. &·-· •L v.JU<• con-'71»111.i. Vinyl. \Vhl walls. Cobalt '67 f"ord, IO pas,s 111utlon wag-Bei Air, 4 Dr, Very good l.'tlnd, chrotne rims. Needs tune-up. KUSTOM MOTORS dilidn. S600 Or offer. 1959 VW. Good l!DndiOon. blue. Jn1mac. Sl995. 644-2141 ~·l9.J031 Ext 66 01' 67 on, i·/h, air, ps, $69.51) 1110. Rrbui\1 283 cngl~. fll'W tires. clutch. 642-2765 ., 49-1-4619 e_~.,r: bet U '61 VIV Ca R "'t 197U "•RBQR B'VO •-", 8.t5 Bak(')r St.., Costa ?i1esa ..,,a Ol" Ii O er. mpt'L Cui . en:. nn .., . '65 El Cu.ml!)(), !I.Ir, $700. new tran!t., powt>r &lee ... ,... '&I FORD Councry \l'a"Oll ~ : 5-K>-5915 * WE DEAL! '60 V\\', red, good running •615-51!U * &: tram. $850. Call &14-0552.1_.,=CO:-ST•_,.A>,_,1=-ES~A=~-I SOUTH COAST powrr brakes, auto trans. ~7 1 IU.:ll Xi j PLYMOUTH ---'till ROADRUNNER. V-3, 4 spd. dbk-11b11.rp C" a r , n1etallic green, n1~. $2295. Kustorn ~lo~. 845 &ke-r St , C~I . 540-59L'i '. ''-------x=E=Y~ I cond. $XI(). I ~, ... ~~vw=~--.-.~Xl=.~,-.. -,~kl a.lier 5 P!o.I. '62 VOL KS CAR LEASING !o.lust !it>e to appreciate. Rra-Cond. ~ ~r-, ' s'·•" l,: 811.L MA * 675-1939 * ._ IOnably p1iced at $595. . v1·1g. o11ncr. j J. ~h out. CaU aUcr 5 '66 & '67 VW engines, lo mi, 300 \V. Csr l-l11•y, NB 6·1:>-:!JSZ Call S·IT-n8'T 673-37St ~; MUST &·II '66 VW Camper, p.n1. 54S-1397 15 0 0, 13 0 0, 1 2 0 0 . B ,. d !led .C l l960 f<'ORO Gala....:ie 2 tlr ~. (TIOIY._IQlTJAI fully equip, lo rniles, idnl '66 V\V. Strong running. I c7&l~2-0-"'350~/646-cc_~1670'-'--:-:--I ;gi: H. ~ck t~·~·~: Used C a r• 9900 '66 IMPALA R/H. Plii. PIB. Sl!K> or • .. ~ --~_ ;J cond. 642-li.16 e-.ics.. Drf\1e to appreciate Sll.00. 1935 VW. New paint, la!, Small down, low· pey-TRANSPORTATION CARS :! Door, hard1op, V-8, stick Bei:1t offer. &12-31'45 aH 6 : llUJ BEACH Bl VO. i --·sa-vw--V~A~N=$~S=so~-* 642-0040 oay, only hc'tdcrs, reblt englnr., mags, ments. Will tine priv party. llWPO JfR M ~hill. dlr., r&h, o1111ed by 62 PONTIAC '• Hunt. S.och IA7...&SS5 atcreo. $350. 675-1084 PllT628' • Call '"' -R OJO"" ' f<'ord Sta \Vag, [).~. rib, 542-6994 e-ves. '68 VW BUg, 1vhite, 4 & 8 o..o, Phil, 'l.7t-9• •J ltJ llttlr 'ole local policeni;1.n. &sl oiler over $400 ~ 3 mi N. of Coe.st Hwy. on Bch 1,.~66~vw='"'s~nrf,.,..., '°oo"~'"•'"w"1°'blk.,,.--c:i,~I. track tape deck S16SO. 1967 VW $1200. New brakes, or 545-0034. Has had Jovlng cat'f'. Clelln, 642-0161 or ~2-8.13.:i '66 PONTl'AC : THE qui~• yo' u CALL. R/H. Porsche r1n1s, Xlnt • 962--0661 * tile blue. R/H. Ca I I 1---;1"6"8'""'V=w=--2036 HARBOR BLVD. in~1dr & out. s1200 Jul\ pnt-e. I,,,,,...~,...,-~~~~ \ ~ COSTA ?tfESA 1961 Calaxil> R 1 11. P 1 S, , : f,11iE;:::_;Q:,oUJ;CKER;;_=Y=O=U=Sf:=!.=.I -="°""==· =$=1350=·=·=""=271=6=== ;D;:.A:;ll.::Y.:..:P_:ILOT:::::,:._::"'.;:.ANT::;.;_:A:::D:.:S::.!..!.o=aniyt=i=n"=''""=="'"="====: 548-5294 or S4M5l I .~~~·.1;:L0~· j~~~I. 11 Ai\!, air~ncl. Excellcul. tu). VS, automatic trans, radio. hrate-r, Lie RVL-312, SPEC· JAL ~ 9600 Jmported ~utos 9600 lmoorted Autos 9600 Ai,. cooditioncl', 4 spd, dlr, FINANCING AVAILABLE Aft 7 & 1rknd.~ 968·6002 Imported Aut>s 9600 Imported Autos loaded! HOJM!f cream c.xt. 2 P.t ~ $2650 '66 Q-IEVROLE'T .Caprice. '60 FORD 2 Dr. Xlnl v.·ork $1599 . ' • • • • : . .. " " '. '. " " • '. i : :: ' ' •'.. · .. ~" : .. .. j; '• f ~ . ' •• ': ; : •• I· . : •• : I .. : . • • : t : : .. •• .. ·I l 1 : ! ! I !1 !I j! 1' I l • . . MAKE .US ·AN OFFER!! i NO KIQDING! YOU · CAN REALLY MAK.E A MONEY SAVING DEAL DURING THIS BIG, BIG, I lj ! . . BIG OONSTRUl;TION . CLEARANCE SALE! · rr~ . ~;~~;:·L '65 SUNBEAM ·~~ ~ ~;;;;~~ '57 PORSCHE SPECIAL '63 YOLKS Alpine Roadster. Blue f iniih hes hardtop end eutomatic trensmi1sion. RPR200 Sunroof. Slack on bla ck. 4' speed. ·SKFlo4l Blue finish. Radio, heater, o4 spied. GPZ37"4 $1095 .$999 $695 '66 MGB ROADSTER I to c!l•o•e from. It, H, 'speff. SHA984, $1595 '67 MG GT COUPE Wliite 1111 11~. It, H, 4 1per-cl. IJJC111. $2088 '66 AUSTIN HEALEY 3000 fire ero •. rtcl, bleck in terior. R., H, 4 •peed. RRY400 $2395 '68 D~TSUN" PICK·UI'· Egf wt.lie, red inle1ior. H. low mile•. Reedy to worL See this todev. SOVS5l $1495 '66 DATSUN STA. WAGON ~Ml fi11i11!, bl1ck inle1ior, R. H, .. 1pe1d. \IWV56 I $1099 Brand New 1969 Volvo 2-DOOR FULL FACTORY EQUI PPED. Stock No. 7800 $2698 · T. & L. '6 7 FIAT 850 COUPE lt•yel blue fini1h. H11 li11+1r & "1p1~d. #9919 $1395 '64 TRIUMPH CONVERTIBLE ll1ck. red i11+11io•, R. H," 1peed. SJC61 I $599 '67 VOLVO 144S SEDAN He1 It H, 11110. feclory e/c. le1uliful wliitw f;.,;,k_ UYAlll. $2195 '67 TOYOTA CROWN St,w19011, It. H. 1utolft1fic fr1111, low lft ilet. Nice, TXSS1• U?Yl6J $1599 '65 SUNBEAM TIGER '58 MERCEDES 190 SL Conv, R, H, ' •p .. 1d. R11 I nic1 for i~, v•••· $995 '68 OPEL STA. WAGON l1bv 01111 r:11i1 ~. R, H, 4 1p11d, l~'i19''i ' ••ck. Sh1rp. uzv l 6l $1395 '66 OPEL "ltADETT Caup1, R. H. ~ 1p11d, low miles, nice cir. SIR•QO $1099 '66 VOLK,S KARMANN GHIA Can•. H11 '1p11d, R, H, 1h1•p. TPC 776 $1399 1969 Toyota Corona EXECUTIVE CAR CORONA SEDAN FULL FACTORY EQUIPPED. Stock No, 0907 $1798 "T.&L. '67 VOLKS SEDAN Sed. 111 h11 R, H, •1pe1d, low lftile•, 1h1rp, U5057' $1399 '60 CHEV. PICK-UP VI •11lo wilh Al11k1n C•mp1•. Re•I 1h1•p i111id1 I 0111. K6l 1!1 $1295 '61 AUSTIN HEALEY 3000 R.011hter. R.ed & bl1ck fini 1I., R, H, 'ipe1d. laok 11 thi' one. RXIC091 $995 '67 TOYOTA CORONA SEDAN It, H, 1fick. Whil• finith, conlr11tin9 f11t•rior & low rnilet. 1 rno:1 lo choo•• frolft. $1195 '68 TOYOTA H.T. COUPE I pluSh .black lnt. Take small 3 1'~~·~ ~~a.\'i<'lt S2700 ::: DIM' O\~r car ivtth only car. Sl85 -Finn . down or trade. Low, lo11.• YOUR CHOICE 1969 24.(Q) mil_r~. has all power + 9fi2-4J3J c o~ mnt VllF890'8 Cal all' l'Oll<.hliorung. Abso.lulelyl=~==-'=-.c:.:-~-py s. ... · • 534-5290 • the <'leanest one in lown. 1962 f<-ORD: New brakes, Ken ~94·9T13 or 545-06.14. I"~~"-==:....: __ " VW. ·~-ui'th 81,,. •••/blk ·ss SPORTS sedan, U.iOO .lin1 8l!'n1ons ~I er cc des 1~"' battery. S300 ask for u.; .... mi air vin 11 T Bt>nz, 120 \V. \Varner, Sanla Debbie. S46--SJ50 or 646-0223. lnlcrior. Excellcn! '"'"''. 111. " · pwr.. Y op. op '""" con<litlon. 49'1-3231. Ana, 546-4114 side & out. nnted front j .,;~~~~~;;=== "''indshlcld. COl.:o m a t !I. CHEVY '67 Capr1t:c :.! DR Drafled ~ Mu~t Sell! Best BUICK liu1tlau -Hd!p, Pis, P/b,1 ---------519-JG31 Ex1. liti or 67 MERCURY Ofter? :""~8-7826 ---R/H. h1ctory air. S216:l. l year mileage F'REt.: 1970 HARBOR BLVD. '66 RIVIERA ·19+-."l3Zl eves. '67 !\1!'rcury Co ni mu I er COSTA MESA '6,j VW, 2 door. '4 speed, , 4 O Cl P/ Wagon. Pis, Plb, R/H. 1 --------- radkl,. heater, beaullJul red Full power including auto1na. 62 r. .M'vy Impala. s. o\\Tll'r. A·l ronU $?J *i0 '64 Tempest Lc!'ilans <:Gn.,,1. and l!hal'P. RU!\I 140. $1095. tiC' transmission, air condi-P/b. Radial tires. Xlnt &12--0828 · -' · Nr111 red palnl. clran, $9j(I Carl's !\lotor Co. Inc., 1941 lio11ins. cle. Lie. RVA.J96 rond. ~ :>1S-2W4 or best olr. 673-MSl Har~'" C.!\I .. &12-0413. $2199 '6.i Malibu, J..speed, exl";'I. '63 PONTIAC. good t."01KiitJOn '62 VW, top l"Ond, overhauled ~ rond. Very low mileage. new MUSTANG thl'UOUt. S500. motor. lll'W brakes, b'OOCI equipment. 962-9663 ---------Cal! &IZ.9721 .!Zv$69~·u:::: ::r; Ct~,~ tgSO~ ·~::c:~I,~;~~~:::c::: c:6~,,,"!i0~!,3.~~' ~~~;~,~.~~~;. new eni;tne. front end. \ll'f'S. ~ '65 Chevy Jmpal11 2 Dr. Good p1\r stl'g & brkli, dlr. int. Luggage rack. Only Sl<IOO. ~ f.I cond. Auto, V~. $1200. group, Bl Bk $2810 ~·ill sac· RAMBLER Pbone 64&-:!!W y 6T.>-6:178 rir S1950. Tnke °"J~r trad!'. ---- '65 V\V VAN 1500 Engine. '6.l CH.EVY ln1pala '64-301 VZI..082LB call Phlli'191.9m '69 REBEL SST SU.9776 aflrr 6 Pl\f ~il9'J031 E.\t. 66 or 67 Vl'l! engine. ritake offer'. o,· 5t5-0631. . This car only has B;;oo nules 1970 llARBOR BLVD. 5-tS-7.WS Ask for Ron 61 J\lustang Jo'actory 1Yarranty, air cond .. VOLVO ------VOLVO Best Deals A re At DEAN LEWIS 1966 HarOOr, C.~I. 616-9303 '6.3 VOLVO Sedan. !..OIY niileagr. Xln! tl1rcha111cal cond. Good 111,,s. $7j(). 675-2794 aft -1· :\0. COSTA P.fESA .68 CAMARO l!T R.S PIS. Excep. clean. slick shift, PS, PB. landau top. Mint 1966 BUICK RiviiJra. ~lust R/ll. Auto. 284 Knox St .. Cl\t ra~10, ht'aler, bu c. kt.ts. conc.litlon. A9A197l\115724J . sell .. l"ully equipped &. air. &L'i-2991 !'ves \Vill trad!'. 11·h1te 1\·alls DLR. Ur. TRH Savl' al: S2500 or makr of r ~ r . · 690. Sll95. Phone 642-Mn kUSTOM MOTORS WANTED: 56 CHEV. Ba C 548-2$11 days, j-'8-3098 aftl'r '6.i ;o.1usrang. Xlnt cond . VS Sti ker !oil., osla Me~a ;, 2 dr. v.s. ~ spd. I Sl'OO ,.. k' ··-·· 546.:i!ll:i * \VE DEAL! '63 BUICK Spcci;il 4 Or. &-clan v.s. auto trans. Pis, P/b. Riii. Oi1;;-01•ocr - r.1us1 !'.<ICnliCl'. .$ti;; O. 64•l-Jeoi BUJO< No. Z'l.i. II a s e•·erything: BAP.Gi\l'.'/' e frl6-4j27 e au o. ~ ; ., s 1 vu<t.!. n1crt 018 .. Sl200. Buy both 1960 CHEVY 2 Dr., 6 e~l. for $2300. 64.>-0J\4 stLc:k sluft. <l'.l . .'100 mi. SJ,j(I, '65 l\1USTAf\'.G Riii PS Afl :; pm. 67:1-1:>36 PB, AC. nu p~I . ..:rm. 1\'hls: s .. \\·h . Irk lrs. &11-0l'iO/&l&-7670 CHRYSLER T·BIRD 612-2252 aftC'r 6 P;\I Sport C•rs 9610 ----------'---------'fiO BUICK Le Sabre', all pwr. LaOAU Ital t'brglas spons; Gd. c:ond. tl fust sell. :\lake bir Chev VS. B\V stick &. .":.:':.:l...:'.::"":..::1"2:.1:..::•l.:.1 _.>.:.:: lll'--- OD. $2800 Invested. runn1nt:'. '6J BUICK. 11 blU{' con1 t - ncls completing. &Jn gone !o Lr Sa b r <'-t'Xl.'f'ilC'nt huy. '67 CHRYSLER '6j tl1USTANG V-6. 3 spr.I, rarlio/hC'ate-r. * ~6-1950 * 2-DOOR HARDTOP NE\V 69. Blur. 3.11. t spd. V-8, automatic, factory air, Tape deck. A.:\1-FM slereo po11'Cr sleering, power bra· s.lOO. T.O.P. 833--0317 i\ltkr k!'s, radio k b .. .aler. ln1ma· culale. (UDE 1431 1967 T·BIRD. 1 011•/lt'r. ln1- 11111c CQncl., lo1v 1n1's. Gl't- ting 1970 T-B1nl. f<'or quick S11le. S200 O\'!'r low blue book S24j(). Da}~ 646-7721. I::\(', ti73-,j16:'1 T·BIRO '56. Hardtop, 3 speed, good rondition. Bes! olf('r 0\'l'r s12oo. S.14-0168 '62 T BIRD all aulomatir. Vrry good 2nd cnr. /\take or-$2295 OLDSMOBILE '" ;1;.oo19 "''"" '· C(lllcgr. SHIOO. B~G--~I! Nicely rquippcd. ti7:i-J44~. 9700 \VE PAY CASH for used can I-trucks 1ust c.all us for free ntlmate. 16ROTH CHEVROlfT Ask for Sales ?i1anaacr 1&211 Bearh Blvd. Hunling1on Beach KI 9-3331 WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR CONNEU CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd. Olsta !\1esa 546-1200 L\!?ORTs \\'t\N'rr.:l> Oran;e r'.ountirs TO? S BUYER 80.L P.tAXEY TOYm A 18881 Beach Blvd. H. Bea.ch. Pb. 847-3555 Will Buy Your Volkswagl'n or Porsche .t: pay top dollan:. Pa.kl for or not. Call Ralph 6i3-0900 -WE PAYTOP DOLLAR for ;-ood. clellfl used r<it'S, all makes. See George Ray TheodoJ't' Robins Ford 2000 Harbor Blvd. C.?it 612.0010 otAhGE IT' '63 Buick RJYiera. air, Il\1- ~1,\CULATE, looded, S II 7'.i. 4~-t05.'! '68 R1v1rra. all cxtta.~. Like !IC'\\' $3925. * &t2-4ttl * '61 BUICK Special V-8. R/H, J.spd. Drive away !or $200 or niakc ol!!'r. &1.2-7074 CADILLAC Estatr sale '61 Cnd CdV. P1•·r. au-. l:'!r ;\lechanical-ln avc1'J;' l'Olld. l 'ront pass seal converted 10 al·comodat!' 1n,•al1cl . Subm11 IVRl'ITEN BID To: U.C.B. Trust, Attn; D. Ho!tby P.O. Box 1739 Santa Ana, Cal 9270'~ '67 ELDORADO 011ni'!I by 1111tr 'olc !IC'.'!ool tr acll('r fL"Oin Lai.;una Bcarh. Ila~ hod 1.,vi11g c.u'C'. ~1it\ undc-r l<J!'! 11;11J", dli·. \\'ill fint' pr1·r prly 11• s11111l1 Uo11 n or tradr YCl..5.i.1LR Call Phil 'i9~-97i::: or ZH.J.063~. '65 OLDS 88, 2 c1r. r & h, fac•I -.~111 T-BIRD. rd. C.'O/ld., ATLAS air. tilt 11'hJ, cust ml. Nr11· S300 5~}-2196 !rans. Clra.n! Orig 011·rll'r. Leo==='-="===== I Cl·IRVSLER -PLYMOUTH Sacrilic:t" 6'l5-ll7? 2929 HARBOR BLVD. '61 COMET \Vi.goo. $175. COSTA l\'fESA 546-J.!13( Runs good. Ideal 2Dd car. Open Daily 'ti! 10 p.m. i,.::,"::.S-..:2'02=-~~--~. '68 CUTLASS Supreme 350 eng. ps &. pb, air, vinyl top, $2600. or bes!. 837-3891 CONTINENTAL '6~ CONT'L. Jo\111 pv.T, air, '65 F-85 CUTLASS Sprt Cpc. leather. lo1v n1ilcs. Xnlt .Full IJ\IT, lo mi. gd !ires, cond. SJ450. t213l CE 1-6370 xnlt cond. $1325. &w--01n OAU.Y PILOT 1VANT ADS! CORVAIR TORINO '68 TORINO GT, Fastback. 350 hp. 4 spd. dlr, loaded! Would like for· eicn car in lradc if possible. Blur Book S2:>9:i · best oner ovt'r Sl900. \\'IL1!71LB. Call Phil, ·19~·9773 or 51f>.-0&31. 9900 Used Cars 9900 '64 Gn.-enbrtar Van. :--.·e\1' tire5. Clean? $630. 54&-744.2 COUGAR 'GR COUGAR. $2695. Radio. 11 ii'. cxtro1.o:. ~ at R!?«ls Tt'xaco. 293) \V. Nc11·JX1rl Bll·~r. 6'i1...Q3!1.j .,, -_co_u_GA~n.'-""x"n°'1.-"x1;:.:, 11 l {'\)nd, S!1'1i.'O. Hhr. sca1:-i, 1nnny more extras. 642-6182 DESOTO A Theodore Robins exclusive! look for our diilgnostic center seal ilnd tilke the guess· work oul of buying • used car. Thes• cars have pissed 130 vital tests fo r performance, reli1bility, ind saf•ty. '63 CADILLAC :-:.roan de Ville. Ll'at!wr. po11'l't·. 22.000 miles. 'Pr11'atr µarty. S.169:i. '5.i DE SOTO. lmmat'. All 8l).-OJSI pwr. Has been stored. must IOOo/o PARTS AND LABOR WARRANTY lllO\'r ~S-5515. I' v e s '68 SJ::DAN dr Ville. Landau ~l'llL2~l6 top. lull p11r. A~tlt~l\l j ~========~I slrn>o. Sl:.l),i. 494-l:i32 l\lLSf~se!l cheap: '6--1 Cad C6up<>, '66 Cont. Both load- ed. xlnl. 540-7828 BUSIESf marketplatt' tn town. The DAILY PILOT Classlficd section. S a .,. e money, dine l. effort. Look DODGE '67 DODGE DART l\'hite with vinyl 1op. air con- rli!ionlng. aulo. 1rans .. po\v. t'I' sll"l'ring. radio and heater. i\luS1 sell. $1 795. 35.000 orig- ina\ miler:. Call 637-4156 • Original OWTlt'r. 4,000 MILES OR 90 DAYS Covers 111 mtch1nic1I parts incl11ding engine, drive lin1 r11r end, 'LUS br1k11, Htt1ry 1nll 1:ii:Mldt sr1i1m, All repair work don1 iR tur own 11nitt d1p1rt1n1nt. 19'7 THUNDERllRD 4-Dr. Landau. full po\\·cr, lilt stet"ring w het!. rVCKJt2f 1967 OATSUN WAGON Factory air, a.utomat1c. Ni1·r bu~ (ULG5791 1965 OLOS WAGON Vl.sta Cruiser. F'aclory R1r, V-8, automatic, R&-H, P.S. lPCR78Jl 1965 FAIRLANE SOO 1-Dr. Han:hop V-8. factory air, aulC1matlc, P.S., P.i:ll. ITYSMll I 196' PONTIAC LE MANS 2-Dr. lfa1·dto11 :l16 V-8. IHIH\., P .S .. R.lH. bucket sea Ui, v.1dfo oval Uri's. 1P.l\IV2"2'.il 1'68 CHEVROLET WAGON lm111ala 6 pa.$!1. V-8. Aulornal!r, P.S., R.l:H, approx. ;!6.000 mile«: tVZU619J · s1995 $1195 $1195 $1095 s1595 s2295 I ---Johnson-. son~-- . . ' • • • ,• .. • . !LO[l!J©@!L[l!J ©®[liJ'ifO[l!J~[liJ'ii'b.\1!. •. ~b.\00~ m · ~~fm©MlmW • ©®WJ@&OO ••• j .. . Proudly Presents THE LINCOLN CONTIN~TAL INTRODUCING THE FIRST ALTOGETHER-NEW UNCOlN CONTINENTAL IN NEARLY A DECADE. AMERICA 'S MOST DISTINGUISHED MOTORCAR PRESENTS NEW DIMENSIONS IN SPACIOUS- NESS, LUXURY AN D APPOINTMENTS THE INTERIOR ROOM IS MORE COMMODIOUS, FRONT AND REAR. THE !ODY IS LONGER. THE STANCE IS THE WIDEST EVER IN A CONTINENTAL. THE LINCOLN CONTINENTAL SEDAN. IN TH ESE GENER 0 US NEW PROPORTIONS, EACH ELEGANT HALLMARK .OF CONTIN- ENTAL DESIGN -THE SCULPTURED HOOD • . THE GRACEFUL GREENHOUSE, THE SWEEP- ING REAR DECK -HAS BECOME MORE DRAMA TIC. AND M 0 RE APART FROM Oti-llR CARS. THE HIAOLAM'9 ARE NOW <OON~LIO. NIW QOA~lRINt ' tAMPI ., , LltMT THI WAY 'POR TUllNl 'AT ·NltMT, ' I ' ... ' • • . -:: : . . ' • ' I Cyclone .. • •• • • . ~ • \ "• • ) .CYCLONE GT Mercury is your password to action and adventure in the 70's! Mercury soys it all, and no Mercury says it better then th;s Cyclone GT, Sleek, herdtop styl;ng. Thrust;ng, scooped hood. An unmistakably bold grille. Special Cyclone running lights. Concealed headlamps. Strong 351-2V Mer- cury V-8. 117" wheelbese. W;de 60.5" front end 60.0 " rear tread. From the hi-back bucket seats on out , Cyclone GT is an action car -a great leader for Lincoln-Mercurv,'$ completely restyled, all.new intermedillles! See The Entire Exciting Line Of All Neto Lincoln Mercury& All New All Exciting All Ne'v Luxury ~ ~~ ___ _, ON DISPLAY · FRI., SEPT. 19th . JohnSOD+SOD.'1~ 1626 HAllOlt IOULIYAID, COSTA MISA NEW CARS: 540.5630 1 Mlle South of USED CARS: 540-5635 ·' ' I 642-0981 the San Diego Freeway -I ,. I I , . - ' . . ' ~ -This·· as . . . •'•t .-~-. 6>,~ #"'1' ... ~ the ••Y it's . . ' I i going to be. ·' I ' J •, . ' , , 1970 GTO HARDTOP COUPE (THIS IS THE WAY QUICK IS GOING TO BE) t J . I t-~ -~ .. ~ -- . . -l . Catch the New Wide-tracks tomorrow, Thursday the 18th, .. . at Roy Carver's. Look over .the complete 1970 Wide-track line and see how it's going . ; to be! Register for our GTO drawing ••• You could· . win and you'll receive a model · GTO 'free .~! -. -' . . ' I ROY CA.RV·ER p,QNTIAC 2925. HAR-BOR BLVD/. COSTA MESA • - -. -·-..._..._ ----- • Kl-64444 I . ' 1 ' I ' • . . ' • __ ....,._ . -"l ... .. . ....-..-;·--·-- ,,, . A ne1¥ yov ... with our ~ llkldocwyfic;Jibec """'fort. It 's 14 16 inc~, i" leflgth, p<°o-set. QOd boKed i" flotten"? .hodt',, -. The prettiest legs in town weor Penneys hotel 3 for$) s.omi.., ploln lcnlt nylon. ••• lcnoMI fof th* extra f!llleage and good loob ... nude hMl.d ... at • atoc:k~ pricel 11'1 Suntan, Jet lt'OWl'I and Off llodc, MHJ 8'/.-11 CMl'Clgt""""" J .. i , . ' . ·- •· . . ----··---. .. •• t; . >. ,:..J .• I -< (J . l: .: . . J '., ' , ,t"i , .. j . .. . :5 . () ~ "'O r. 1 .. ~··1.···:· z :~ • '> I ' .. . c:, ~; z ,! ftl .. ~ . (.I ~ rn . -< F CJ) I d ::0 3 m ,.,r, ~ \ 3 ' ' I ... I l ~-. • l ' 1 _, I 1 AVAii-ABLE AT YOUR. b..OCAL. PENNEY STORE ,_ . . .. --.. -. ------ , I -•4 Quilted beds~s in -L:~~·· ~' s,.,,~~ prints. ~ MiN D9:9 fULl 12.99 Yovr bedrooml wlll klb Oft o MWly iMic•d1dlook with If.~ llOft of one of rhNe athoetl~y ~ lOO'Jt. cotton ~ bedapreod&. MW with fluffy ~· k. loob expentive, but IN1't ••• wftft' ltt well MMd ~ w9fted edgH. ~ Ifie rich eofot that Jo.s the )no$t for eocfl of your '**'OOMJ In CKsorted prints. ;;::_.~ ., .... _ ........ 1.99 ::~"::-............... 2.29 .CU36-............ 2 t.rtff Stedr tie now °" tt.e ......,, M tMty ~ .......... "'"Y ...... for .... h .,.. "' .,..,, e.ou... . ~:..,1c11...:_ ............... 2.59 ::=.t:-................ 3.59 =~s:' ................ 4.49 100Jfl1Hir. or ~ ~ 19 'T'lXM fdno fltt.4 ..... , ••••••••• ~ GXM -..................... .!for IM 42)(~ kifll·-......... '"~"..t ... Y9 ~up Oft our MIY.._ ...... ._ ~-..Slnti ... ,., .. ~ .. ""' AVAlb.;ABLE AT YOUR l.:..OCAL PENNEY STORE \ lrin9 your wincfew meCHurementJ window wid•h, len91hl l ""le tte .. ...... ...... ... '11,NOW 5 ' WW. 2 ,,._. ., 'wchoM we Ill" .. ........ ... ,,.,..i.. .. 4M ••o ..... ....... ,... ..... .._ ., ..... ..... . .. . .... •" I r...,llnotkeeMe fir ..... '" .... ... ._... Jwt <-"toct u: . .,, na ....... ~·· "·" -- 11" wWe .... .... ..... .,, .. 7.99 ... Sts 7.W ... 7M . ,. , ... '" ' :WM , ... '" lfM ...... ... lfM IM "' AVA!LAS' E AT XOUR LOCAL. ~ST.ORE I I I f _ .... ' )ei .,,-• ~' • • . , ' Q I 1be 'Mia Look' in a modacfylic wig ._ •• instant hairdo! 17.88 Mltwfout Wtt ............. wle ..... At. ....... ,111_~ooeltynileCM1heaclllMI "' ... ....., ~ c-.. Go ahead Cll\cl ""°1 l't/,,..,,. ... then don • 'NMI' wigl Ring scarves add • I spic~ ••• you $0Ve. 1.25 Giye oil ~ outfits • 'fdlole MW look with tqUOre or oblong KOM5 Clf ocetote twit! If} prWS or aoRds ••• each II.Id togeihlrwftti ltt own rlnf. Let your~ be)'OIW~ OUr vinyl stretch ~t says fashion 8.99 The 'Jr/ look. -'" ""' .. , 16" ~ ... the boot h • .,.at" _,.1 You Clllft hwt It lit Wade. """' ,,.., ••• far • NOiiy ......... look ........... MOIOft.w.;-•• ... UICE IT..,! CH.uo£1TI luy then\ l>Y the doa.nt Aeetata brleh Cit Cl d0ck·41li ~ PJb ... I 3for .. Comfoe1GWe, ""°°"' "• -..c lit IMWs. 1'19('9 ...~ ........... . 'WotMttlft'• ..... 1-M-L AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE ---.. ---- . ' ,. . ..... -'" . .. ... ,___ -·- I I I . II I I • • I • • Penncrest~ 4 piece comP!'nent stereo .. Reg. 199.95 'Now $179 • Solid alott amplifier • 7 controls • 8SR UA '65 changer with 1 l'' tUmtable • 4 speaker aound system • Diamond LP and sapphftt 78 RPM needles • Bass and treble c:Ontrola • CerQIY'lc cartridge • 20 watts peak power output • AM/FM/FM ttereo funer • Dust ~er e Waln"t Save '30 PtnncrJ "Spanish ~itenanean" style stereo .... leg. $229 NOW '199 e Solid state amplifier • 6 speaker 1y1tem • 7 controls• Slide rule AM/ f M tuner wlth automatic fine tuning • Pecan veneer or Oil Walnut veneer /hardwood a Save 12.951 .C piece compon- ent stereo system. Reg. 13.4.'5 NOW •122 • Sol14 lfat• ompliffttt • 6 con· ttOlt e 2 tpfOken e asR mini chonoer • Rodlo tu_,fnt • Cry•· tol cartrklge • Sopphl,. LP and 78 lPM ntedlea • bust cover • Walnut Save 10.951 Penncrest9 Cas- sette tape deck. leg.89.95 NOW .. .,9 • Solid llate cha.ii • Constant speed capstan drive • Two VU meten • Two recording volum• controls • Two mkrophO«le Input lodes e Remote control Jack e 4 track Penncresf' 18 cu. ft. ice-maker refrigerator Reg. 469.95 NOW '428 Penncrest$ 21 cu. ft. ice-maker refrigerator Reg. 539.95 Now -, . - 5498 • 223 lb. freezer caPQdty • 4 • 235 lb. freuef capacity • 4 full steel shelves -2 sliding, 1 slide/ caofllever shelves • Compl.t&ly adjustable and 1 fixed • Adjust· frost free • removable molded 4tgg able roll-about wheel' • Sliding rqcks • Porcelain enamel ftn15" egg storage ba_aket (24 <opacity) criapeT and moot pqn • White, • Avallable In white, coppertone, copper1one or avocado • Color avocado or harvest gold. com no mol'9 at Penneyst lll(f IT ••• CHARGE tn I 18 cu. ~. tide by aide ...Frio ... olof 1n whii., cop.,.non• or Cl't'O«,ldQ. Reg. 429.95 NOW $3tl Saw 21.951 U cu. ft. no frost upright 1r .. Z:.r. a..239.95 NOW •218 • 532 lb. capCl(ity • lru1hed alumlnur11 door trllft with full length handle • Slide-out bulk It~ botket •Whitt or avocado 21 tU. ~.aide by aide re"'i~Of' i!' white, coppertone ot ovoeo<lCJ. Reg. -479.9.5 NOW Sn• Saw 31.951 18 cu. ft. no frost, upright fr .. nr. leg.219.95 NOW •249 • 63-4 lb. capadty • 5 lhetve1 • Sflde-out bulk ttorage bosket • Hot woll conatrudiori • Whft~ copper1one or avocado.