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1969-10-17 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
• l 7 T ast eac aster an ue 1Poll Finds Most Voters Opposed To 1Moratorium DAILY .PILOT * * * 1oc * * * FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 17, 1969 VOl. ,I, NO. lO . C SECT ION~. C4 P"t>ES A1·abs Clai111 8 )' Uniled rrrss International Egypt filed a fonnal pr otest \\1th lnllcd J\at1ons !-iC<."rt.'tary Grnt'ra! V 1·ha nl tod:1y, aecu:.1ng the United Slates of •·aggrcss1on'' :igain-;l thc Aral> .... ·orld. A spokesman for the Egyptia11 l1.N. delegation said the protest was filed late this morning and that full 1lclails "'ere e xpetted In be made public later. The nlO\"C was pred icted this 1nornlng by the semiofficial Cai ro OC\\'SpJper Al ,\hrarn v>hi<'h saitl the n1alter "'ottld be placed before the Scc:urily Council. The nc..,,sparer i;aid Egypt in!t'rprC'!r_rl a rcrcnl C.S. t:inbassy spokesman s ~talt·1ncnl i11 Tt'I Aviv \n 1nc;1n t ~;iL /\nirrican tnililury prrsonn cl .ire ser v:n~ in lsnie\1 forcci'i 1tnd p\/ssi\Jly flying Ji;raeli warplanes. 'J'hc lipokcsm<111 \\':IS reported tn hai·~ snid tha t /\n1cri<.ans who hr<.·on1c l sra~h ~iu ~cns c;in ret.;11n 1hc1r U.S. cit_11.ensh11) f'ven if thr y serve in lhc Jsrach armed forces. /\\ Ahrani :-~iid tl1r Cairo govi.:rnn1c nt ln11l in:-.1 ruet t•il L, .'i. /\111h;i . .,sad nr :O.l oh.1 nl· r r! M a ~snn £1 Zay~ .1t to 1mrne1lla~cly trll l .orcl Car.1il(l!l. lhl" mon1h"s !-iccurit v l"ounc1l prc "1di.:n1. th:il Egvpt rri::t rdr{I !lie ;<;\ati:iui·nl ,,;; re1e;ih11::. ""d1rr< I American <1ggrp<;<;11Jn against J~gypl anti other /\rah cou11tnc'i... . Act•orclin~ 10 rcpnrt., (rom Tel f11·1v, thr t'.S. ::;pn\..t"l!TI:l n 111:iclt• thr !lt;1ten u'11l i1 h1le cont1rin1nJ? a r1·1~1rl 111 :in lsr:1t•h IH'"·::;p;1prr i1hll'il ~.11d ,\111lri1·a11., 1111 longer 10~,· 1h'"ir 1·1t11•·11.-ll111 ir tlil'y ~i-ric in thf' :irinrd fi•rl'1'' f\I :i11 •t h• r ~ n1!n\r1 . ln \V;i,hinl.!,lon. ;u\i1ur11s1r:i11on S1)t1rr1·~ saHl lhr 1·111IPd Sl ;il r~ tliw~ n111 lix•k 11 1\I'. l.iV!lr Upon lilC jflra Of 1\111rru•;1n \'lli/.l't1~ i;cr\'ing In the tirinril lorl"t'~ (If <1 frin'I~'~ \"ll\11l1rv. h\I\, hcca\l:C.t" nr f('t"('lll S11rrr 111< ( ·ourl fuling~, ;ipptirrntly c:1n11nt prcl'Cl1t '1 I I . Thi' ~onrti·s said the c1)1 1r1 h;1s ru l'i", 1'1 rffcct. that 11 1:1\..t's ;1 vr ry ~pcr1!il' al ~ ~I renuncial ion for any person 111 lose l, · · r i\i 7.enship. Tilus,. unly:;s . pl'r~ons con· r £>rncd were parlirlpal.JJlg 1n n11l1t arv ac· 11011 :igainst llH' United S\<1tcs, Joss o[ c-itizensh1 p \\·oulrl not result. ll ,v;is r rnphas11.rd that the l:i11"' ro~· r crnini; ){l~S of ri•\l'n!lon or r1t1!cn~h1p :ire j?rnrral ;ind tht'rc is no spe~·tflt• <1 p· plicali:in to Israel or any other t:ounl1 ~ · 13 Arrested In l(idnaping LQNr. Br·:AC'll ! l!l_'I) -TI;1 rtcr~! member s 11[ 11lr "L.alloping 1,oosr l\1otorcyclc Cliib v.'t'rc _;irrcslrd 1:hursd:i.v on kidnap ing rh;i rgrs 1n co11ne~t1nn 1\·1th the alleged abduction of a rival ga ng mrmbcr. . Police' said lhe grou p a!lcgrdly lod· naped George ·r . \Vvlkcr. Z2. a ·1ncmbcr of \hr Oakland llrll"s Angels. \Valkrr told pnlicc hr "l'!"a,<; taken at knife pnin1 fnnn an .ar i"lrlment h~rr to :i11 ;irea n11tsidr the r 11y 11·hc rc l11s hanr\<; \rere repc<itcdly sl:1shl·d "1lh a knHe. He v.·a~ not seriously injured. O[riec rs said Walker claimed he v.·as f'Cnt here lo puni.~h a woman· companion <lr a (;.11lopin~ (;oosc tncmbcr. Wal kr r r-laimed the girl. J udit h "SCc1rfacr Can- (t v" l..ong1ten. v.·as :1 former 1nen1ber n( 1hr Oakland grou p ;ind allrgcdly stole the club· ... ~avlnRs. Thr. 13 Ca llnp1n~ i:rw1sr n1rmhers. in· r lucllng sc \'rn yn111ii:: "·nm cn, \\"err :ir· rrsled at thr hon1e or the cl11h"1 prcsi· 1Jenl, Ben "Goose Art" ~1 oorc. 3!1. Testifying ., ~. --} ' I ; ' ... , :t •• , ... •.. ' Ul'I l1leo11G11 Dancer .Jea n Chanel. 28, 1n od - c\s negligee she \\"Ore in court- roon1 of Dcverlv l lills r\T unic1 · pal Court .ludgc. (;eorge Z11cke r cl11 ri n~ her t rial, along \1•it h \1\11 iilher d c.i ncers. on chargr o; of 1tulecent expo~urc. J utl gl· Zurk- ("I' fol lo\1·ing-lc;~(J nf Sacrn· 1ncnlo's .Judge E.:irl \Vcir rcn .Jr .. convened court in ha r 'vhere girls 'verc arre.~tcd. 'f ri a! con- t inues nex t \\leek. Another Attack On Mesa Coeds; No N eiv Leads I ' No new drvelopmen ts y,·ere reported ln- <lay in the knifepoinl rape Qf a IO-ye ar-0ld Costa ?-.1esa girl, but another youngster told of being molested in Corsica Par\( by lhrce leen-aged boys,. The girl, 13, v.·as not harmed. bu t had h<'r ca pri panl~ jerk"e1l down to hrr an~l,s and \l'<JS rond)(~d by 1hc assailant ~ ;is· a sccnnd girl compt,thion stood and scrcafn- rd fur help. ' · 11le junior higti srhool girls sa id 'they were \\'alking U>rough the Mesa:· W rde area p"ilrk during the evening ho11rs.Mohen one or the trio, aged 16 or 17, grab~ her ;inrl a second .Pushed her down: - "If yuu're going to report atte1npl rape, \\"C might as well do the real thini;,"' one reportedly said as !he youngster scream-"'· They rmii1y ned ·and the gif'hJ· 1~ nolify authorities ahout the incident, ap- parently unrelated to the criminal assaul t on the IO-year--0\d on the Orange Counly t ';iirgrnunds ;irca \Vednesday . Shr "·as accosted by a youth IA t11 20 , \\"hO forcf'rl her to disrol)e a~ knifepoinl, then :1llackt'tl her on the ground be\ween l wo dirt mnund!I hiding t hem from view in the weedy field. "MY, God,' Cried Cop Who Killed l1111ocent Dad From Wire Servlct~ A polil'c sergeant dispa!ched on t he ~pu r of the n101nent to he!p out in a \\'hll · 11C'r n<i rcotics raid lwo 11·ceks ago -and ;lcl·idcnlally killed an innottnt m:in - \..~pl rr1>t'<111ng the s:i111c 11·ords lo h1n1self allerwanl. '"i\ly God. lJnw did thi<; h1f1pcn ~." 11·a~ lhr onl y thing Vernon P;)h('C' D<'p.1 rl n1ent !:ii,:! Fran k S1\'eC'ncy J..rpl s:iytng. a frllow orriccr disclosed during a coroner 's in· q 1h'~I in Los Angeles Thur~da}. /\11thorit1cs 1nt'an11 htl r rc lc;1~t><l .1 kry 111i 'lt'~~ ;1g:1111~t lhe 1t·1u1i l\f l1J1phng J,11\tnr n w t11~ hrHk r inln !hf' .1p,1rln1rnt ()rt.~. ;Jf!t•r 11 1\ r111n ;1rrc~1 un <1 11H11dcr t hargc \Vetlnl·~rJ~y. /\rU1ur De vor£>, 22, t1f !/<11111Pv, 11·;is l}IK.lked after calling pohre tri a Cn1npton ;iparl1nent v.·here th::-y fo und 13arbnra J . J•:ir ker, 2~. of Lnkcwood, dei1d 1\.'ilh llr;i ises nn h('r head . An initial autopsy was 1ncnncl11sivr .:ind n second prnbt> will he conducted bcforr dclcrmining if Devore httd any role 10 her tleath. Devore v.·as a tenlra! figure in thr narcot ics probe dur 1ni; wh ich a tea m of slate and local police narcolil's ;igents raided a Whittier ;ipartmcnt, afLer an C\'ening of drinking. 'reslimony Thursday rf'vcalcd S~t. S"·et!'ney had lakrn aking an All.·15 ,i.utomatic wea pon wilhoul JX'rTTiiss ion - a violation of rules requiring agents In carry only pis\.Qls -v.·hen the fatal raid occu r~. During the confusion of breaking into the apart1nen t. the weapon fired and a slug crashed through the ilnnr . s1ri)dn~ lley\1•anJ H. l)ycr. 22, in !he head and caU~i·1g in~tanl death. \\'hi ll ie r Police Sgt. fl ichard Shelter!! tc~tilictl he IC>ok Sgt. Sweeney to the pnlice station to try an1! calm him down ofter the kill ing of Dyer, who lived in one up stairs apartment. Ironically, the lawmen crashed into a downstairs apartment erroneously before gel.ling the right one upst;iirs, but Dyer· had ROnr dov.•n to investigate the com· motion when fatally shot. 'CRASH' SERIES .... -:. '.. . . CONCLUDES TODAY Financial columni~t Svlvia l'otrrr \Vinds Up her rJve·par\ series ana lyzlni;?, lhc t C'onomy of 196!1 in ti/,:ht of the 192!1 11tock 1n11rk el crai;h in a column on Pap:r. 10 loday. Her conclusion : No more deep deprei;11ion.i;. Costa Mesa Girls E 1fteport Rape Try 2nd 'Day in a ·Row Protest Opposed Pull Finds Most Agai 1 ~st Morutoriu11i \'l~IV 'i'OHK (li l'I) -1\ 1n;ijorily (lr Atnl'nca11.~ polled fol!o>v1ni,: the nat iona l niorn toriun1 <lny 1\'Cr<' 11nsyn1p:1tht !1c to !hf• ::inl i11•;1r <l l·1no11stratiu11s ;inti 01n even larg~·r flCrcen1age endorsed Presiclcot Nixon 's Vii:ln;un pol irlr~. ll u·t1s reported today . Sindli nger & Ct1 . a n1ar keting and opi- nion r1·sl'an.:h org;1 niz:~tio11 111 Norwo:>(f, l'.t. cond 1u·!i·d 1hc :-.ur11t•y hy lrlcph onc Thu rsday . Ille da.v ;iftcr lhc 111nratorh1n1 ~1hsrr,·:inl"r, q11t·s110111ng ?95 lhroughoul 1llc 1.:ouotry. :-.1u~t Of those qucstionctl l\"t•rr ovrr 2:-J. Thr hri11 l1:iiJ thal of the 78.li pcrr rnt 11·1:"1 kr1e11· nhou! 1nora1nriurn <!ny. 5i ·t 1X'rrrnt thought il 1\·,1~ '';in ovrr.111 b;ir! 1rlra ." .11,7 percent !hought il 11·.1"1 nn "01·1·r;dl g1fud u!t•,1" ;111d 10.9 p1 •rt1•nl h.1\1 nh 11p111111n . 1\•kf·d l'.h1 '1!1•'t llll'V hr•llf'\f'\! '"Prr~i· dt•nt i"1xo11 l'l iJ1•1111.: .i i! 111· c:;in lo !i('ttlc ll1r 11.1r 111 \'11·t11.111i,'' l;l\!i pC'rCe11t :;<1ir/ .11·s. :;~ pl"1"rf'11t. ;-,aJd no ti11d 10.6 (X'ft~'nt ha rt nn np1n1on. Tli1s \1;1s a r1.~c Jn ~uppnrl r11r t-.·1x0n·s V1ctnnn1 policies si nce a si milar Sind· Jinr,rr poll rond11 ('lc1! in ~rplrn1bcr. Tn that ll<lll 6] ;, l'.lC/"Cl"lll Of lhOSC. (IUCstfnoed s11pported Nixon on Victnnm and 23.3 per· t·rnt thought he could do n1orr. The ,support di1! not howe1·cr rr,1ch the l,.1 el nf a Sind linger poll in June whe n 72 pr·rtcnt backrd Nixon ;ind on ly 13.4 per· r rnl llY."t Ligh l hC' could do rnorc to end lhe \\(Ir . Alhtrt I·:. S1n1llingrr, presi1lcnt of tl1e f1nn. s;i 1d i1 wa~ s1g111fic<1nt !hat Ilic prrc·r ntagc nf prr~on~ "'1th nn opinion rlropped from 23.3 111 September to 10.6 tn lhc kites! ;Xll!. "1 think thr 111nr:1!(1nurn n .. 1ual1y sol 1d1f1e~t su pport !or 1'l1xon." he said. "Thr. people ""e qut'~Joncd "·rrc more v0<.·:1I r1n !his than on ;1ny sur vt'y ""e have r1 Pr 1l11n1• l~'lnrr '' nr tho.~t· \\·1111 t!11I riot rndor st• Nixon ·~ \ H'!ll<llll [l•ll lC'lt'~ 111 the 11{•1\' pull. 67.!I per. t't'lll 11 a11l l'd lhr• "·lf ~toppt·d 11·1111 c111 1r n· 1nrd1:tll" \rfH•p 1v1(1ldra w.1I \\"l1ilc. i 7.fi p<'r· I.Till ".inl(·d t!I<' v.;1r ~li'rred up lo "grt 1t <11 r r \\Jlh ." The rrn1n111i11g: 4.5 1)("rcr nt hel 1c\'rd !h.'!L Nixon ~hnuld conccnlr;ite nn clo1n cst1 c prrihlr 111s wh11·h Lhry conside red 111ore importan t tha n Ille weir. 5 Cities, Co1u1ty Ag1·ee • To Maste1· Pla11 Sl1or eline By ,JOHN \!Al TERZA or r~• Dall, P'llof 1t1U In a precedent-selling meeti ng Thurs-- 1lay. representatives from the Orange Coast 's five cities, county departments, ,inti superviso rs agret.'<I on a two.year project to draft a nia s1cr plan for the en· tire county i;horclinr. Ac('orrt on the pl;in wns unani mou!' nt. thl' conf ercnc:c in the. l l<1rbor District's l:onrerence room in Newport Beach. The endorsc1ncnt. however, still nerds a more orficial fl avor, the represcn- latlvcs agreed. The planning offici als of the five ci ties will lake information on the two-phase structure of lhe master pla n "'Ork hack lo their respecti ve cities for a more firm co111n1itmcnt. Aft er that , the rea l v.·ork \l.'ill begin. Thal ahou ld start Oct. 30 in a wQrk~hop meeting aL lhe old Cou nty Courthouse in _Santa .. Ani,1. where the. aides from ~ nvc cities will begin to study the" two·year project. In the in1erim coonty planning person- nel "'ill f11 rn1sh proposal.~ fl'n' the i;horr llnr plan to \hr individual cilic~ for new sugges1ions on whal shou ld be sought .from cnn.'iullanlo;. Cot1n ly Planning Oireclor F o r r s t n ickason outl ined U1c program as a "vrry 1n1porlanl, far-reaching function." "The first thing v.·e will need is sug. gestions from each of the cities about wha t shou ld be included in instruct ions to a ronsullanl." he said. He s;i Jd !he project'.~ first phase will nf'ed <lonared personnr.l frotn each c.i1y tor planning work, possible financing and a prospectus (lcsign for the second phase. Th at should take a year, he saicl . Jn the second phase, he said, con· clusion.~ about specific areas of the grnrral pla n shoullf be drafted. Dickason as kl?il the group for unoHici11l sentimr.nl <ibout the seeking of fed eral funds for paying for some of the studlel'I. Un1Jtficial!y, the group agreed to the idcn. 1\ n1as!t•r plan for regional parks in Orangr. Coun ty alre;idy ex ists, Dicltas1Jn 1111!li11ed, bul nu1ltcrs dealiris with the shoreline are not included. "Once !his study is corn ple\c<l, then wt: -1vi ll ,be able ,to plug it ,int.o the.. e:Osling, p:ir k~ plan,'' hC Said, · "I must si res~ the uniqueness of !his proJct•I. \Ve honestly feel that If it suc- Le>sfu l, and we all work toge\/1cr on H, !l1r coll;iboralil'e rffort bel wC'rn ci!lrs :inrl a cnun!y will rcceiYC national al- trotior1," he !>aid . U1ckason s1re~s::d th:it thr coastline iStt: SHORE. Page 2) I But He Warns No Relaxing Price Controls \\'ASIUNGTON (UP I) -President Nixon declared today that lhe nation "is on the rn.1d to recovC.I)' frorn Lhc d!seast of runaway pi:iees." Jn a broadcast re porl to A1ncricans on h1.~ administra!1on's baU!e against in· f!ati on. Nixon said the steady rise in the 1·n~l of livi ng had not yet been halted , but he said it had been slon·ed. I fe SJ id ltl the !ext Qr his Spct'C"h frnm his ova l office al U1e While flou.se lhat l:lbor and n1anagemrnt. as v.·ell as tilt! public, could f'Xpccl the t1dmin istration to ~onti nue ils ortf'n unpopular S\f'ps to con- trol inflation. Ancl hr sairl H was winn ini;: the battle - without "shock treatment." Thr Prcsit!e11l dr<·l<i red : ''\\'e are nnt 1·onsid(l ri11g 11·agt: or price rontol.~." Nor, hl' s:1id, "oultl hr 11~(' thr ~alled glli!!rhne sys1crn of !ril ing the 1vorking n1.1n how n1urh he :;ho11ld ch;irge for hi :;< st>r1·K·es or how n1uc h a businessman should charge for his goods. Nixon stressed that in the con!inu lng 1\•,1r on infl ation . •·thert "'ill be "" ovcri1ight eurc," but add rcl. "\Ve are on the road lo _recovrry from the disease o( runaway price::;, "Let me be careful nol to mislea d :inyonr: prices are still going up, and rnay continue lo do so for a while -a: Ji1·r year momentum is not easy lo stop. "Bul now prices are no longer in· crea sing faster anrl faster -the in· r reases not only ha ve slackened. but the ra!rs of increase arc actually declining. \Vithou~ shock Lreatment, we are curing tSee NIXON, Page 2) Orange Coa•t Weather Cloudy skies and light winds shape up as the weekend pic- ture along the Orange Coal'll, with len1peraturcs still ranginc around the seventies. INSIDE TODA:Y If yo14 think Shea Stodi11m 11·rnt 1oild Thur sday 1ohr."11 th« f.Iets raptured th e World Serit.s, uoii should hove seen f.fanhat- ion. Page 5. ..~.!'I" m ' Wit ... ~~ " (11110"'" • Ntllofl.el ·-· ••• (l!H llil'CI ,, .. 01•-CHiii' • (t rllk.I .. lfhrl• ...... " (<tHW•r~ • lil ttllH1t•nlt 1'·M 0 •111! Noflrt1 • '"m ,.. Dl•ttct• ' "'" Martltll , .... E•llOrlt1 ..... • Ttlt •ll .... .. ""''"'!""''"' ''""" "~"'''' •·• f'1nt nc1 1 .. 11 "'"""-' • ..... J(.,. " 01'1!~ -ltl • '"" l t!MltlM " Vlt""''" ·~ 1).11 Ml lllMI• • w ... -p.n Mt•lt• ,, .. . l O~LY_Pl_l_OT ____ s _____ r_,,day O<tobfr 17 1%"1 Air Pollution Stirs Wrath at Smog Session • ~---- DA ll Y "llOT 11•11 ""-'• HUNT INGTON MAYOR JACK GREEN PLEADS CASE BEFORE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL 'We Must Have Additional Power Supplies Without Further Polluti on of the Air ' Reagan Says He Favors f'rom Page I NIXON • • • Def erred Tuition Fees lht <.Jt1$es of lht rlstng cost of li\1ng." . \i another point, Nixon said : ' The ru naway cost of !11·ing is no cross \\C' are obliged to bear. It can be brought tinder control. h is be ing sl ov.·ed by r1rm an<l steady action that deals \.\'Ith Jt s root causes." LOS A.\CELES 1A1'1 -Go\·, Reag~n. J1ead1ng 1n!o a ~es~ion of r n11·rr,11y or £ Jli fornia regf'nts In <'On5ider 1u111011 , ;~,~~ l~~~nt~e\~ s~~~!~ ~i~i~~anp~~~~~ • unul their earning years " Later in lhe day regents, asked Thurs· r!a\· trJ lake anolher look at their doctrine. b;i nnin,i: "political tc~sts"' 1n hi ring 1 cacher~. "ere to discuss the hiring of an :.i dmiU.ed Communist as an assist.ant pro- lrssor al CCL.A . Reagan told nr..,,·smen as he ;,rrivcd at l C Erten~1nn hradquart('rS du11ntu11 11 1'1 at tu1 11on in elfl'ct 11as decided ~urn!' 1.me 2go 11 hcn the unJ\er~1!y tx>gan 1 harg1r.g ll'e:o· ··r u11.Jon 1s a reality and ::;hould be .l reality in higher education," he s;ud before entering \~ session to consi der · 01nalysis of tuit ion allernatives." fteagan added : "\\'e should \\'atch out ~o students are not pen alitt<I ... The only \•·ay I got an education v.·a~ being allowed 10 defer the c.\pense unt il my earning ·. e<trs." · That principle certa inly mu~! be the principle regents ~hou!d l'JllO\Y 111 From l'nge l SHORE • • • pr~n 1drs the greate..t resource lo th~ , ,1u·~t r. thus a ma.ster plan is long ''. ~ rdue. .~nol.her factor leading lo i1nrned1ste \• •r ;c on L'ie plan is lhe allocation by r"lurty supervisors nf Sl milhon II} a new !cind !or beach acqu1sn1on He said that rnon('y already has been ~rt aside for consultant f e es for th!' Wore Hn e plan "otk. "The first thing v.r ha\e to do is ai;rre rn rur 1n<.truct 1r.n~ and desires for a con- 1ul1 ant, then 5e:ecl him al1er that." he 11 a1d. Tne pla n, he explained . w;l! be a hig hly comprehenS!\"e docume nt .. \\"e "·111 e>.am1n e e\erythin.: dea!1n.1: \\ 11h the shorehn~ -and it 11 .11 he a ma~· ri;ige. so to ~~ak, oi plarin ing l<"lr regi0nal parks 111 \t'c 1·~iC'r:or .i r r:1~. har!-..ors, be<i che• and o:hr:-coastlin e iit('<IS \\p 11 1;\ 111(!:.Jde r r~. a~pec'. 111· r-lud1ng 1na:1ers de .. !1n.1? 111th nff<hrirr clr,Ji1nc. mineral £>ip!n1tBl1·1:i. land 11 ;1 rllnce11t s. s;il'.·11a1rr \n tr is 1on. 1u 1 nar:l\' 1· ,'' Dicka5on ~ .. a! P . (" 1·111 cc~."· •·•· Oi e.- 1\0:'\ST.-\\Z. r.C'rmany 1LP !1 l'r.nce~s Thrndora nt H<iUc.n -.s1rr nf Rrltain":'! Prince Ph1 !1p. d1rd 111 ;i ~ar.itorium <it nearl)v Bued1r11:f .. l Th'.lr~·· r!c:~, ;i !ipoke5man for the fa mily •aid 111 ... na~. She 11·as 63. DAILY PILOl ......,. ..... ~·Inc· ............ ,......, ... , c--CAU..OINIA. C•iNGI (OA!1 "Vl~t~tNG-CO .... l !l'f llDl.t•f N. 'Wt•' "·~···· t ncl ,..... ..... " J.c~ •. c11.r • ., V~ l"•e>•0111>1 -c;. .. , ... .¥•••"1 Th•"'•' r:.,~a ··~ r ... ~•1 A lA .... ~;,, .......... ~. 1~ ..... """" C-tt ~" IX .,..H, lo• l'"t•' ._,, .,.... 111\ ........ ···-t &.1_ .. L._ ..... .,. tll •••tt .,.,.. """,.,....., ...... -,,~ i .... , dCterrn1 n1ng h1 \:1011 poli ry. he> ~aid . He11 ga n said that economit>~ 1nst1tulerl in ~late go\"crnrne nt should be appl1rd 10 the uni\·ers1ty s~ stem to eliminate '"useless overhead and de ad ..,,·ood and red tape. '"The student is lhe 1·1ctim if there are wasle and c.xtra1 agances in education .• .:· Reagan said. "A great and ma ny ~tude nts ha\'e com· mun.icaled 11·1th u~ tha t this is true. .. I lh1nk 1f the ~tudenls thcmse]l rs 11rrc obl1gat1ng 1hc1nselves to pay !Or lhr1r rducat 1on 111 latrr l'ear!i, l 1h1nk 1he~e students "ould be cii111lctl to n10rc nf a 1 01rc in determining the money that t he~ 1•. ere paying \\·as not being used lor usclrss ex tra \'agances." In n1ec:t1ng room. UC Presidenl Charles .!. Hitch said he IA'OUld discuss tuition •·14·i(h th(' greatest reluctance ·· H1•ch C1dded. ho11e 1er. that thC' question v,:as "unc J think 11 c must consider'' becausr of ··our indb1li !y to obtain from the state the· supporl that I conside r to be necessary to maintain quali ty·• and hrcau<;t> of 1he rrCT"nl defeat of a state cd11ea 1icn blind j ,~u c. The regc11ts h;H e bC'en a~kctl bl" their E~uca1 ion l'ohcv r .. 1n1r:1trc t1) tak" ;iJ;other look to · th1:1r doc.::tru~c banning "polillcal tests ' in h1r1ng ll'<lC/Jer •. The recornmenda1 10n 11 ~1s Ill CIJl11" be fore 1hc boa rd dunnt: ;.in ;ilt ernoon ~~sion to consider the appe.al of Angela Da\·is. a CCL.I\ phll<>sophy 1eacher 11 ho111 I.he regents dism1ss~d because &ii& JS a Communist . .. l\1csa l\lother Jailed on Child Stealin g Count A Co~ta :-.1esa -...clfare reci pient with ,hree chi ldren of her ov.n 11 as Jailed \n San Die go toda~ on a felon~ child·steahng l'harge, slemm1.1i: from the alleged ab- nuct1on of a nrighbor s \110 l1t1le boys ~ix d.+y~ ~go The missin g th1~tlrt'n 1\erc taken l 'I ll1llc rt'sl Rece1r1ng: hon<<' 1n F!ood hralth . ac; 11 ere I he arrestee ·s o·,, n ~ oung: ters. nut a1Jthorit1cs did nol say JU!>\ ho\1' 1he t r,1 1 r l!'r~ 1<•·r(' p!t krd up. t •1~1a \tesa Pohcc Ju 1· r o 1 Ir 1~1·.c:-1 1ga1or Linda Geisler ~;,1rl tl'l(i;i y H 11~c; be l1c1cd alt alon.': 1h<.ol l'atricia J, '-.1.:igril"r, 30. of 1'3 \\" \\.ilson St Apl !::, nad !al..en lne tl'o o bo1< The~· •,1 t'rr J(JC'nt1i1 cd ac l}a1 1d '1 F1n kcl •'1'1n . ~ • .;nd '11chael S Flnkt'I · ;1 r1n. ~-<vns nf .\lr and \1 r< ll obfr< 1 11;n 11 11 h0 occupy Apt. B at !he same I\ 11~1,11 .~1n·1·t J<1drt~~ · l\1• 11Lrr llf'\('r ;ih!r tr1 c<:;1bh•h ;i n1r•t11e."' ~a1U ln\·e.:.t1gator Gt'1 <lcr. 11ho l,.tl ~111 ... rnnrn1ng .... ·!th Detec1i1e Srrgcanl Joh n HrgJn 10 p1r k up the youngsll'.!rs. .\ teli·t~ pc ;ind ;iti~tr;ict 11.+rrant ca lh ng f.1r ;\Ir-. Stag1llr".<i ::irrt'SI 11 as sent 0111 ooly Thursday c1 en1ng. but no de tails oi the arre~ts 11ere a1a1lable toda y 1.QC'a l p"llice \1rrc no1 at1vl~d and " ~\l<•\..c~n1.in lor !'1c :-\~Hl Otrgn l'llllt!' Ucpar \nH•nl JUI ernlc bure(lu ~au1 the rn<ln .1ss1sgned In the case. Officer Gary Learn. \.\a5 out 11ork1ng on 1t. '"\\"hC'n they "rt gone that lon~. you hrgin ti) get 11·orr1ed ."' said Capt. Bob lirccn. chief of the dctectl\ r bureau. ··~obodv i~ morr rel1c\'ed than I am .'' ~aid ln\·cS1igator G1'1slcr. l'\ixon said thal he \.\'as scrK.ting a lett er this v.eekend to a cross section of Jeadl'rs in labor and businwJ calling their at- tention to "the latest facts of economic !Jfe.'' ··I am asking them to take a hard look at '11-'hat go11ernm enl has done in the$e rp.ast) nine months -not just our words, but our deeds,'' Nixon said. "And I am ask ing them to make their 011•n future plans on the ba sis of .... ·orkini: and selling 111 a country !hat 1s not fooling ;i bou l slo11;1ng do..,,·n the rise in the cost of ]ii·· 1ng '' The chief executive·s messagt !.> the American people y, as not intended 10 ex- plain steps taken by his administration that he !KIY~ are slarting 10 take effect. He said all segmenU of the economy - \••age earner.;, as v.·ell as their employers -might help thei r own cases by joini ng him in press ure on Congress to pass legislation whicll he rtgards as essenlial to the battle against inflat ion. For their parl. :'\ixon said, Amer1 ran., ~hou ld pral"t!Ce restraint "in their pers.:inal credit and purchasi ng <iec151•in~ :;:o as to reduce the pressures th<it help c!r11·e prices out or sigllt."' Hr made similar pl eas to labor le aders In base their \\age demands "on the new pro3 pect ol a return w .... ·ard price ~ability '' and to businessmen to base in· \ rstment and price decisions on a "ne\Y rcooomic climate ... ~4BC Takes Lead In Boob Tube Vie 11:er Ratings l\E\\" YORK (AP) -ABC grabbed first pla ce 1n the Ni elsen 7(1...('ity telc\i~ion ratings tod11y and too k th! first three spols in the top 10 .\BC knocked :'\BC into third place and en~ came in .scrund The raungs bottlr this ~e.1son ha s been 1hc ughtest 1n many years. ~·Bc 11·on the f1 r:t t11 o "·eeks and ABC and CBS ~rrsa\\'Cd for ~econd place The ratings period is Oct. 6·1'2 and th!! ~ur\ ey represen ts only the urban art' as of i:·" tot1 nlr\'. In 1he full national sur1·ry d\J~' :-.1onda). CBS pns~ibly could rn01 e l:'l· hi f!r~t because of its strenglh 111 the r.1r.;l areas. Tl1e highest rated sho1v 1ras !he ABC \1111 .r of the \\"erk . ''The Q\"er The Hil! G ~rig" Hert' arc lhe top 10. t. ,,BC \1ovie of the \\"eek 2 ABC S1in· ,.,,.. '.1-1 0\1(' :J .• \l;ircus \\"elby. !'11 n .• .\BC. 4. '"L.'.lllgh·ln."' r>;BC. 5. ''Jackie (!l ea.son ." CBS. 6. CBS Friday movie. 7. '"Boom 222," ABC. 8. ''l\lod Squ;id,'' ABC. " ··FBI," ARC, 10 [3111 Co~by. r-;nc, ln~ert1ni; '"CBS Friday \lovie " Se nior Ci Lizcn F etc \\ \S!ll.'\GTO'.\ JA PI -\1rs. Hicharrl >L ;\J\On said Friday the \\'hite llouse 111 11 gilc a Thanksg111ng dinner tor 250 senior c1t1zens and 1s promoti ng similar e..-ents 11cross the cou ntry. There ..,,·ere no immediale. de tails of the \\"hite House party. A s pokesman said plans are stlll to be: worked out. No Deatl1 Vows Icing to Assure Wedded Bliss Th!' granddaughtr r of a1rcraf! ccu11pany l'"\Ccuti1 e Donald Douglas Jr. will 11Pd Sa\urday night in Pac.ihc Pa lisade~. bul no1h1ng will be said in !he vo11 s about. Till Death Do t:J Pa rt. llolly Douglas, 22. of Pac1f1c Palisades, anfl FrM Marl.J n Jr., 27, of San J~. <1on ·1 believe in cJe11th. Both are f'xecu111·es in !hr ('r~on1rs Soc1rty of C.iJllfnmla . a branch of the na · t1on\lo 1<ll' or1ian12a11!Jn 11 hi ch t1d 1 xatrs .storagr of ri1n )cally tlrarl pNiple a1 f'X· trrmt'lv ]QI~ lt'fT\p<>T<11 l1re~. L1rnlun lly, :trrorrfins 10 lhP l-r,·on1('~ ,.nnr rpt. mr>d!,:-;oJ ~r1 rnrr "ill 1h~ro1 l'T cure1 for &O n1an} fatal .:11fh1·11on~ -C:\· rcpt perhaps In total des1ruc1 ion of the: bodl' -that rlrath it.self 11·111 bt cured . .'\f.nher ""Ill rer1te thr porti;)!l of lht "edding \·011·s dtali ng "'·Ith separation through deatil wht'n thty are married a l II p.m. in the Luth~an Church of the: P111isade~. ;\l1ss Dough'I! i! granddaughter ol the f\\undC'r of l)ougl<1s Aircraft Corporation , .,.,·hich <lei el~ the facility now knO\\·n ;i s ~lrDonnell-Oou~las Astrona utics C'orporar1on, ll unt1ngton Bearh. ,\lartin is an insurance. extcu\J\•e, but it 11as not dl!><;lo5('('] 11hether ht sell~ ool1c1f's dt ahng \\'Ith lo..c.s of life and dea th ~neflt.s. Gas, Electric Co11tpct11ies Defe11d Pla11s By Tt;R/l Y t:t)\ It.L E Ot '"" D••" "•lot \!tit i\ucl ear energy 113.3 h;i1l rd \\'ednesday as the future solution to alt pollutto n by three t:ahforn1a gas alld eJectr1c utilities -but not for eight to ten years. 1·1ic lack of au inun<.-diate "oluuon, ho11 e1·er. brought a barrage of c-r1lic1srn upon 1he ut1!1t1es from n1ernbt'rs of the state F.n l'Jronmental Qu ah ty Stud y Coun· cil n1cet1ng 1n .\lr1nor1al Hall, Huntington Brach. Center of the cu rren1 cunt rol"rr<sy ol"er air pollution ha,~ !Jeen till' announl't'd 1n· tt'n\1on of Southern Cal!forru;1 l::d1S-On Company lo doublr thi> size ol its llun- tin.l!tOn Beach power plant. Coun('il n1e1nbers did not atlack the Huntington !:leach plant solely, but rnade it c·lcar tht'Y oppo~ed further r,iss d fuel j a~ opposed to nu c!earl pDl\Cr plant!: HJ an1· heavy smog area. The council doe.!! not ha 1e !he po11 er 10 h:ilt Edison cOn· ~truc11on. but its recon1menda11ons rrom \\'l.'dnesday"s hearin g:; ma\· ha1e !Jr reaching innuence on the future of pJ..,,er plants in C;il\fornla. fCRTiiER CO~t~E~TS Testimon\' \.\'as heard in the afternoon from San Diego Ga s and F.lectric Com· pany and Pacific Gas and El ectric Com · pany (PG&E/ as \\'Cll as a few further commenls from Edison representatil'es . Spokesmen for tile. three utilities cile<I high cost. too many gt)\·erning agencies and public opp.>s111on as the reasons fl)r not n101·1ng rapidly into the nuclear JXJ\1 er plant field. Albert Pearlson. a Re1~rly Hill" at- lornev and member of the (Juahlv Coun· c1I, c"ited ··fresh air"' as the rea.son for nuc lear power or soine other clean power. im111edialely. \Vednesday, the Edison Company released an announcement claiming it UJ'l T,i..~e!• NEW RESERVE CHIEF, Arthur F. Bu rns ha d di:.t."1l1·ered a 1ueU1-.....! to reduce the 1u1roge11 o.\"1de (prime sup plier ()! :-.rnug 1 r nllssions by 40 pert enl, el'en with the proposed e,.'(pan,.,ion. Tilt Edison releue •a1•t this would occur by ne~· enginttring and i;:radual reduction in the use. of the Hunti ngton Beach plant in future year~. Pearlson. howe1'er. quizzed a chtn11st fro1n PG&t~. and dre11· an ad1n1ss1on from him that in his opinion . '"the e ~· p.1nsion of fossil fuel plants does bring 1nore smog and that thert' is no known -...a v to reduce ii " State Assemb1)'1Tlan John \. Briggs 1 !{. Fullerton 1, chairman of !he Leg1sla1ure·s .Ju1 n1 Coinmittee on Atomic Developm t nt and Spart. ga1·e. a brief report on fin· dings rtached by his C'JmmJl\tt. PL"BLIC FEAft Some ronrlusions Briggs said -The biggest probelm is the need !or t•!can ai r being hamptred by publu: ltar vf nuclear po11·er. -Lack of coordination among agr:nties de :i!1 ng with the u11l1 1y po" er plant s. -A need for pre-planning, conctrning the placing of power planU. Nuclear power is smog free. safr -Better education needed In the slate '.\lcLuhan· ~ So n Held For Drug Trafficking TORO!\TO {AP) -Police said today ,\fichael Charles ~fcLuhan, IS.year-old :-mn of con1munications 1heor\st ~1arsha ll J,\rl.uhan of Toronto, has been charged 1• 1tf1 1raf11ck1ng 1n narcolies He 11 as arrested after drug squad of- ficer.-. comp!eted a s 1 x ·mont h in· 1·estigation in Toronto"s l'orkv11le coffee. hoJst area. on nuclear p0wtr and !ht' nerP~~ity rnr 1t. Briggii; concluded 1h<1 t '"there 15 no v.a1 we can stay away rron1 fXlWer regul;;i t1on 011 the stale IC'vel." Pearlson. Or . Frank J. T).,t'n , L'SC P'·llloSiSt alld Dr . A J . llaagl'nS1nJt. Caltech scie nt ist. all of Lhe Quality Cnun- c·1l. expre~l'le<l lull ~up1)(]rt for pre·plao- 111ng arid ::it<lll' regulation on the power pla nts. Sai d llaagcnSm1t. "I du lei!I an entity must be responsible for reser1'1ng land sites for po11'er plants·· The rount•1 J also l1l'ard " plea lrorn Frank ;\I ::itcud, En11r onn1ent;1! ;\tan<ige· n1en! Consultant. to es1<1U!1sh a pli!n lor land u~e. \l'luch ll"Ould direct the lu1 11re gro11·th ol California to certcun ar('oS "1lh re spec I for the best use of land. EXPA.\'SIQ:o..; .FOES ThC' Q113l1ty Cuun~JI trrrn1naterJ iL< hearing 11·11h sta temenls lron1 se1·eral rnemb<'rs of the audient·c. all of .,.,hom opµo~ed expansion of J·:d1!.0n"s liunt 1n~· tvn lieach plant. Co~ta :\l esa Cilv ('uuncd1nan \\'ill1 <1 m St. Clair declared, •·our city is no1v clear. cool and clean. \Ve don 't want it pallid, poisoned and polluted." His declaration ..,,·ai. <lis puted by E. G. '\iarsh, a Costa flfesa resident \\'ho said, '"\\'e're alreadv deterinrat 1ng from thr. smog produc td by Edison. \\'e have reached <1 stage \\"here it's more in1· port.ant ta do without po..,,•er th an put in that plant.., Along thal line, Ty sen \.\"Olldered it perhaps Americans shouldn't b P- reeducated to realize that while they arc cl eaning their ll'eth wi!h an electric toot h brush. they rnay be poll uting the. atr fron1 pov.·er. Jn explaining 1ha1 lhe council .,.,·as not trvin i;: to tear up the utilities, Pearlson :;:a.id "the people are suff ering , and this 1s our concern. _i\1·tl1m· F. Bu1·11s ii1 Li11e F 01· F ede1·al Re se1·ve Spot ... \\.ASHl :'\GTO~ (AP) -President :'\ii.:- r•n aMounced today ht will nominate \l"hite House aide Arthur F. Burns to replace \\'illiam ~lcChesney :\1artin Jr. as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board . Burns, a 65-vear-old economist born 1n \ustria. is to iake O\"er lhe top JOb in the nat1on·s central bank next Jan. 31 nhen .\lartin's term expires :\larun, 11·ho is 62, has serl'ed on the· Federal Reser\"e Board since 1951. A forme r president of the Kew 'York Slock Exchange, fllarlin long has been rega rd - ed in financial circlt>s around the globe as a symbol of sound money. Burn~. ""ho ..,,·as chai rman of the Coun· cil of Economic Advisers during 1nuch of lhe Ei scnho\rer adn1i11i stration. has b~n :-erv1ng since January as counse lor to l"ixon. \\'hite Mouse press secretary Rona ld L. Zie-gler said he did not kno w at this point \\ hether another counselor 1rould be nam- r r! or 1\·hethe r the position, created b~· • :'\1xon. -...·ould be dispensed with. As counselor. Burns has been ~ hey presidential ad\ iscr 1n the formulallon ut dorneslic policy, taking an ac!J1·c intcres! in economic n1atters. Like :-.tarl!n, hr is considered an ~conorn!c conser1•at11·e. Formally. Burns is being nominated to be a rnember of the Fede ral !leserre Board but Nixon said following expected conf1rmat1on by the Senate, he 11·ould designa te Burns as chairn1an. The Federal Reserve top job pays $42.500 a year. Born in Stanis!au. Austna, Burns ..,,,as educated al Colu111b1a l'ni1·crs1 ty "·here lie recei1·ed a doctor (lf ph1losoplly degrer. \\"hJll> Burns and ;\larun art' both re~an!ed a~ conscr1·at11·es. congressional sourcrs close to monetary policy said lhl're migh t be s11bstantia l differ ences 111 detll il 1n the pollc1cs Burns 11 ould ad· 1 ocate. OH DIS"AY HOW •.. COMPLETr SETTIHCOS OF LIVIHCO. HDROOM AND DIHIHCO ROOM FURHITUAI. DON'T MISS AH OPPORTUNITY TO VIEW THIS EXCITIH~ HEW COLLECTION. YOUR LOCA L DEALERS FOR DREXEL. HENREDON . HERITAGE NEWPO•T BEACH 17 27 Wettcliff Or., 642-2050 Ol"IN ,llDA'I' ,ll ~ INTERIORS Prof•••lon•I Interior Designer• Av1i h1ble-AID-NSIO LAGUNA BliACH 34! North Co•sl Hwy . Ol"IN P.llOA'I' 1 1\ ' 494-<llS I . ] I y, • I N1: ()t\ ol I hi~ fla t.:o: he I hif !al 1 I •' o; bo " l ] I lo () h ,, b ' II ll " ;, r. ] ] b a ' 0 ;, I I I ' d s l I I I I --.. ,, Huntington Beaeh • Today's FIDal N.Y. Stocks VOL. bl, NO. 249 , 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGE S ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1969 TEN CENTS • a1ses team at ro e Price Hil{es Slow Utilities Sar, Solutio11 8 Nixon: U.S. Winning Inflation War Years Away \VASIIINGTON (l:l'l) -President Nixon declared today that thf' nalion •·,s on the road 10 recovcr.v lro111 the disease of runa way pr1ecs ·• In a br0adcasl report lo A1ncricans on his administration's battll' aga1n~l nl· flation, Nixon said the steady risr 1n the icost of liv ing had not yet hecn halted, but he said ii had been slowed. He said in the text of hi s speech from his o\·al office at U1e \Vhitc House thal labor and management, as well as lhe Sears, Roebucl{ To Build Store 111 W est111i11ster Scars, Roebuck and Company will build n 250,000·square·foot de part ment store in \V('stminstcr st the corner o[ Golden \\"est Strcf't and Bolsa Avenue, H "'as an· nounced today. l'retiinary plans 1·all fnr a structure n[ two levels \Vilh a complete basement, ac· rnrding to r.. \V. V.'cldon. general man<1ge r or Sear's Los Angclcs·Orange Counties Bl'lail District The location Is adj<Jcenl to the San Diego r·rceway and ju s t across the bot1ndary line bet ween Huntington Beach and \\'cstm lnstcr. Scars currently has four Orange Coun ty i:>lorcs in Orange, Buena P;irk. Sant:i Ana anrl South Coast Plaz;1 in Cosl<i ~1e.<i.t . The \Vr'stminstcr :;;lore is cxpct:lcd lo open for business in 1972. Ull. lo 70 Cars Expected lo Vic In Crate De rby Forty to 70 cars arc exp<'Ctr'rl Sun<lay fc1r the annual ll unt1 ngt nn Ucath Jaycee (1r;ingc Crate J)l"rhy. 1·hc rars, all hornr·hudt ;i111l pr11~·rrerl hv i.;ra\ it .1', 11 ill line up l11r ract'S 1n lirals :-larting <J1 !l :m a rn. nn (;l;iy A1·1:nut', brlll'et'J1 ill:-i1n ;ind {;11lden \\"f'.\l Sl.r~'ct ~. A frPf', 1nl'~pl'11~11r hrln1et 11 111 h<' f!llrn by ll1e .layct::r!i 10 the firs! 2fi rn- lr:.in ls. Nr 11hrr rl nvt'r.~ nnr spt.'<'la(nrs n1usL p;i y an adn11ss1011 Ice. _youngsters ~·ho pl;in lo p11 rti c1pa1e i ho11!d have lheir veh icles ;it the race i;tagi ng area by 8 30 a m. for 1cchnical ins pection. aceordin g to Jack Tatham , race organizer. Robbers A void Los Angeles SAN FRANCISCO (APJ -B::ink roh· hers are shying away frun1 Los Angeles , apparently because or th:it area'$ police. rrpulation for "shooting to ki ll," an FBI official reports. 13ul while hank robberies ate decreas- ing in the south. they arc increasing in the San Francisco area, added Byron \\!heeler. FBI agenl superviso r here. Los Angeles area bank holdups dropped rrom 225 in the firsl nine months of 1968 In 164 this year, Wheeler reporled Thurs- day in a news conference . During !he i;;imr periods. Northern California b«nk robbe ries jumped from J 11 to J2{), Fool ha I L .. 'Tcan1s Baltic for Buck s Football teams from all live $Choo!~ 1n the Huntinr,ton Beach Union High School District bt>gi n the hattle for hucks al 7:30 p m tooigh l at the lluntington Beach Jli,i;h Schoo l Stadium. Donations, in the amount nr SI. will he \J!;ed lo providf' funds for the d1stncl'1 1-.cholarshlp fund . p11bl ir. cot1lrl expect !hr. atlrninistration io continue its often unpopular steps to con· trol inflalion. Anti hc said it 1\·as ~·inning the balllr - 11•1ihoul ··shock tr1·at111cnt." The President dcclilrt'<I · "\\'e .irc not considering \1•age or price contols»' Nor, he said. \\'ou ld .he use the S<Kallcd guideline syste1n OF telling the \l.'Ork ing 1nan how much he should charge for his sf'rvict'S or how much a businessman should charge for his goods. Protest Nixon stressed that in the conti nuing w;i r on inflation, "there will br n:.i 11vemight cu re ," but added, "\Ve arc un the road lo recove ry lroin the disease of runaw;1y pr ices. "Let me be careful nOI to niislead <1nyonc: prices are still going up, and rnay rontinue lo do so for a \Yhile -a fi ve year momentum is not easy ta stop. "But now prices are no longer in· rrcasing faslcr and faster -the in- !See NIXON, Page ZJ Opposed Poll Fin<ls Most Against Moratoriu.rn NE\\.' YORK I lifJI) -A 1n<JJOrity 1)f A1nericans polled Following the nat1'Jnal moratorlurn da y "'ere un syrnpatlletic to the anti~'a r drmonslrcilions and cin even larger pcrcl'nlagc endorsed President Nixon 's Vietnam policies1 it was reporled IOllay. Sindlinger & Co .. a 1narkcting and ori· nlon res<>arch organization in Norwood, f'a .• cooducted the survey by lelrphon~ Thursday. 1he da y after I.he moratonum obser1·ancr. quf'Stioniug 995 thnn1ghoul the muntry. 1\1ost of those questioned 11·erc O\ er 2.5. The firm said that of thc 73.6 rcrcrnt whn knt<w :ibout moratorium 1lav. 57.4 percent thought il wa.~ •·an over~ll bad idea," 31 7 f)('rccnt thought it "'as au '"overal l good idea'' and 10 9 pcrC'cnt had no opinion. Askf'd 11 hcther !.hcy bclicvrd "Prrs\. denl Nixon 1s dning all hi.' can 10 settl~ lhe "'ar in Vietnam," 68.5 percent said vc s, 29 prrc-cnt said no and 10.6 pcrc'C'n! had no opin ion . This was :.i rise in su pport f('lr Nixon's Vlrtnam policies since a similar Sinrl· linger poll conclucted in Scptem!X'r. In lhat poll 61.~ percent or those qucs1ioned supported Nixon on Vietnam and 2.1.3 per· trnl thought he could do more. The support 1lid not ho"·cver reach the levcl of a Sindlinger poll in June when 72 J>C"rcrnt backed !\ixnn and only 13.4 per· cent though t he could do mo re to end the war. Albert E. Sindlinger, president of the f1 rni. said ii y.·as significant that the J>('rcenlag<' of pt>rsons "'1th no opinion r!r oppcd frorn 23 .3 in September to 10.6 1n the latest pol!. "I . think thr 1noratnriurn ac(u,1l ly i::nlldilied supJXJrt for Ni.~on." he s;iid. •·'nie people \l'C 11uestionc<I "'ere morf' Yora l nn t11is !.h::in on any sur vey we ha\le ever done before." Huntington Population Climbs Up _ to 111,846 llunfing1on Beach has a pnpulat1on or 111 .1146. Federal CPnsus Supervisor .Jane Cheatum announced today. L,\ JI arhor I )rdercd To E111l Di ~ehaq!c ~Al'\TA BAR BAH A !L.Pll -Tile St;11c \\ 111\er J{csourccs Co ntrol Board onlercd Los Angeles !!arbor Thu rsday nlghl to take acllon to enrl almost all induslrial 11·a..,te discharges int o the inner harbor by 1~7.l Thc slnte board , meeting hcre, also rc\'isC(I IY.o \\'ater riu a!ity sl<indards set by lhc regional Los Ang eles l larbor Boa rd . The Slate Board designated marine life as a present beneficial use for the inner Los Angeles Harbor and on:!ered a rise to dissolved oxygen standards to protect it. Thi" i::pe<:iat rederal census. ~hows an 1n- <'rf'ase 61 9.386 persons O\ C'r the last hea1! 1ount in October. 1%11. J'l ;1nn1ng drpartn1cnL 0H1ci.1!s had 1·<-t1ni:11rrl 1ha1 thf' pop1d;it1i"•11 11•111ld hf' I 1'.l.50<l Thev ;ittributed the lower figure !O lhf' hc:1\'Y r::i1ns last winter an1t rnn· sl r11c!Jon 1n1!ustr}l's st rike!' in tile sprink 11•l11eh slo\1C'•I down b11ihi1ni; of new homes . The increase will rnean ~112 .6.12 morr in sl.<ile 1.:nllcetf'rl taxf'~ on g;1~ol1 nr a11<I i:olhrr ]cries wh ich an1rn.1nl to $12 pcr person. Stock IUnrkefs NEW YORK (AP) -The s!ock m;ir- ket drifted to a mod~t Joos in moder· ately active trading late this afternoon, (See quotations, Pages 10-11 ). At 2 p.m. the Dow .Jone~ average of 30 indu strials 1vas down 2 31 ta 836.46. B~· TEHllV COVILLE Ol l~e 01llW l'il<ll $!111 Nuclear encr,i:y w;is hailed \Vednesday ;i.~ 1hr fut ure solution to air pnllutil"!n by three Calilrirnia gas and electric ut ilitics -but nc>t for eight lo tcn years. 1'he lack or an 11nrnedi<:ttc !=.olution, ho>1'el'er, brought a barrage of cnticis1n ll [lOn 1he u1ililirs froin nicmbcrs of the stale En1•1ronmental Quality Study t:oun· ci\ meeting in filemorial Hall , Huntington Beach. C1·nt('r or the current rontrovcrsy 01•er :ilr JX1llu1lon has hc('n \he announc('d in· tenllon or Southf'rn C.:;.1lifvrnia Edison Con111any to double the size ur its Hun· t1ngton Bcarh po1ver plant. r.ounc!I nicrnbf'rs <l id nol allack \hf' llu1111ngt11n Rca{'h plant sn lrl.1'. but 1na!lr 1i f 1e;i r tlll'Y nppQ!'C'd furlhcr £assi1 fuel 1ao; opposcd tn n11elenrl pow rr plants 1n ;inv heavv sn1 og arC'a. 'J"he \"nu ncil <iocs nnL hnvc "the power 10 halt Edison ron. s1nu:11on. but its r1'eo1111nr11dations from \\'cdncsllay·.., hrar1ngo; 1n;1y hal'c far reaching influener on the future of i)()we r 11lanls in Californin. FURTHER COl\ll\lENTS Testim-0ny was hrard in the afte rnoon fr o1n San Dicgo <.;as and r:lrctric Com· pany and Pacific Gas and Electric Com- 11any f PG&E) as \\"ell as a few fu.rtlier eommenl~ from Edi::on representatives. Spokesmen for the three ~ti1ities cit_ed high cosl, too many gov ern ing agencies ;ind public opposition as the reasons for not moving rapidly into the nuclear J)()ll'f'r pl<in t field. Alhcrt Pc11rlson. ;i D('l'Crly Hills at· torncv and n1ernhcr of the Quttlity Coun• ci l. Cited "fresh air" as the reason for rH1clear power or some other clean rower, im1ncdiately. \\'Nlnesda y, the Ed ison Company relra se11 a11 :inno1111ce n1cnt rlaimlng 1l !lad disco1ierrd a rncthr>d to reduce the 11 1trogr11 oxidC' fprin1c supplirr or _s1nog) ('n11S$ions hy 40 pcrrrnl , rvrn \V1t h the proriosed expansion. The f~rl ison _re le~sc ~aid 1h1s would occu r hy new cng1n rcr1ng ::rnd gradual reduction in U1e use of the Jlunt1ngtnn Beach pl.:int in future years. Pear!son, ho"'e1•cr, 11uizzcd a chf'mist from PG&E, and 1\rew an adm ission from him lhat in his i1pin1on . "the ex· pans1on of fo~s1 I furl plants does hrinr; rnore ~mog and that lhere is no knOY.'n w:iv 10 refiUl'f' ii." Stale Assernhh·man John V. Br iggs (R· F11Herton). t·haiiman nF thc Lrgislah1re'!' Joint Cnmmtltrr on 1\!r1n11c 11evf'lopm<'nl .1nd Sp~cr. ga1r ;i brief rrport on l1n· 1hngs rrarhed hy hi s C'Ommit!(.•r. rllRLIC FEA fl Sonlf' rn nrli1s1ons Brigg~ ~aid Tl1e h1ggrst probchn 1s the nrrd for r lc:111 .~ir being h11rnperrd by publu.: fea r jSct· S~TOG, l'age z, 'C RA Sll' SERIES CONC LVDTIS TODAY financial columnist Sylvia Potrer winds up her fivc-part .series analyzing the econnmy of Hl69 in hght or the 1929 stock market crai::h in a cnlumn on Page 10 today. Her conclusion: No more deep 1lcpres.!iions. Profs Give Students Vote VCI Faculty Opens Me1nbersliip of Acnde1nic Senate By TllO~tAS FORTUNE Ot I~• 01111 l"iltl lil1tl UC Irvin!'! professors voted 33 ta 13 at an Academic Senate meeting Thursday to <idmit students to membership in the Senate, the faculty dehberalive body. It is an action they fi gure will be loo r<ldit"al to he swallowed by professor.~ at Berkeley and other UC campuses and in all likelihood 'A'ill be struck down by the statewide Acadeinic Assembly. Ttie Irvin' cam pus plan is to admit one stud,nt member for every five faculty 1ncmhers belonging lo the Academic Scn<:te. A mot ion to submit the proposa l to all 27:1 UC! farulty mrmben1 by mail ballot was n.irrowly defeated by lhc about 60 pr'Jresso rs prl.'!scnt. .Aller passing it~ inlf'n!ion lo admit stu. dent members, lhe 5'nate recessed f()r one week when \vays of choosing the stu· dent members and finding means or legally giving them the vote will be discussed. , A couple other UC campuses havt made students Senate represent11tives wilh out voting privilege. Advoc ates or the Jr viroe plan want to go further and m11ke the 20 percent stud("llt mrr.ibcrs full members with voting rights. Assistant Professor of ~fathcmatirs Frank Cannonito said a!'i he rrad the UC rrgenL-;' Standard Orders \hey .~ay whn mnv be mcmbers of rach ca mpus' Ariirlemic Sen11te but not who may not. lte said it clearl y was th e intention or lhc persons who drew up the statutes lo specify who sha ll become fl Senate rncmber but that they left 11 looptiolc. "It is my contention we have the machinery In vole in Eldridge Cleaver or J 1tmes Ult if we wanted lo," he said. lliotl•1·tr, Profwor of EI t t tr i ca I f,ngincering and Physics Nathan Rynn said he was told this week by a UC vice pres!dent that he does not regard Can· nonilo's argument a valid argument. "{ walked away with !he feeling the ruling already has been made against us,'' Ryn n sa irl . Ch;iirinan or lhe VCI Acadernir Srnalc B,,rnard Grlhauin said the head of the L'.nivcrsity·wide ru l<'s committee coulrl not <'ountcr Cannonito's argument 'A'ith lhe printed word . "The opposi tion i!it frundcd on common lnw and long·stand· jng practice," he sail'!. "I t.l1lnk this will grind Its way up the .,tnte machinery and eventually to the re~cnts," Gelbaum said. In fl r g u i n g for admitting student membcrli, Associate ProfeSllOr n f Psychology John Wallace said, '"Do you want chao:oi al our front donr ? ~·e are \Sc:t. FACULTY, Page 21 'STATE REGULATION SURE' A~semblym11n Briggs 'RE-EDUCATION NEEDED' Council Membar Tysan • 'PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING' Attorney Pearlson DAILY ,.ILOr ~llfl l"l\Olt 'SITES MUST BE SET' Caltech's HaagenSmit A1·tl1u1· F. Bi11·11s i11 Line F 01· F ecle1·al Rese1·vc S1Jot \\ ASI 11;..:GTON I 1\Pl -Pre.r.idcnt f\1 x· on annnu11r1·;1 today he will nominate \\'hllr f!oq~r nHlf' 1\rthur i". Burns lfl rrp!ncf' \Vdt1an1 t>ltChesnry t>lartln Jr. a.~ c:h;i1rn1;:in.of lhr f'rdcral HrsC'rvc Br1:ir rl. H11rns, ,1 ~~-ycar-n lrl eco nomist born 1n Austria, is In t;ik c nvcr thr lop Job iri the 11a11on's central bank nex t Jan. :I I when J\lart1n "s tt1nn t>xpires. t-1 art in. ~·ho is 62. has servetl on lhe Federal Resc rve Board since 1951. i\ former president of lhe New Ynrk Stock Exeh<1ngc, r.1;irti n long has been rcg;i nl· ed in Financial circles around the globe as a symbol or sound money. Burns. who was chairinan of U1e Coun· cil nf Economic Advisers during much of lhe Eisenhower administration , has been serving sinC'e January as counselor to Nixo n. \\'hite !louse press sccrelary Ronald L. Ziegler said he did not kn<lw at this point vd1cthcr ;inothrr counselor wou ld be nam· f'd or "'helher the posilion, created by Nixon, wou ld be dii::pensed with. As counselor, Burns has been a key presidential adviser in the formula tion of domestic policy, tak ing an active interest in economic matters. Alioto Hints Politics In Mafia Link Article I.OS ANGELES <UPl) -San f'ran· ci.'iCo Mayor JOf>eph L, Alioto has charged !hat "polil ic11\ gangsters" were behind a J.ook magazine article linking him with the mafia . Al ioto said by the word "gangster ," hr did not mean the unnamed politicians had um!erworld connections. "I'm just using their (Look'sl language," ht told a news conference Thursday. The mayor said the names would be. disclosed when his $12.S million libel suit aga inst the magazine gol under way In court. He said they \\"O\Jlrl ~ "California political figures an<1 rli sccrnible s 111cs of Cal!fornla political figures.'' !.1kf' ,\!.1rl 111, hr J<; considered en ec·ono1111c con~erv~1.J1(', Formally. Burns 1 .. l)f'ul~ nnrn1na tcrl tn hr a tnC'n1br r of the Fcdrr;il Jleser•·e Rorird hut Nixon said ffrll •1w1i1g r xprcterl confirmation by the Scn;1I(', he "'ould de~ir.;na1c Burns as chairn1:1n. The Frdi;ral J\c.scr;·c top joh pays $42 ,500 a year. Born in Stanisla11. Austria, Burns w;i~ educ;itrrl at Columbia Uni\'ersitv where hr. received a doctor of philoso phy degree. \Vhile Burns and i\lartin ::ire both regarded as conscrva\Jves. conR:rrssiona l sources close· to monetary policy said there might be suh~t;in !ial rl iffcrrnces in 11etai[ in the policies Burns "·ould ad- \'OCale. Orange Coa.t Weather Cloudy skies and light ~·i nds shape up as the weekend pic- ture' along the Orange COast, wilh ff'mperatures still ranging around the seventies. INSIDE TODAY Jf you t/1i11k Shrn .~r rutium 111e11t wild Tltr1rsdny 10111'•1 tlic Afets cnplurerl. tlie \Vorlrl .'it'rir.s, !/CH' s/1011/d lurue sre11 .-\Ju11hoL· tan. Page 5. •••!!ft• " M11l11tl •in•"• .. Ctlll'tr~l• • N11 .. n1r "''"'' ... Cltnllitt ~· 0<1~•• CCHlftlr • '""'I<' " IY,.lt l"t<lff .. (l"tllWI•• " 1tnt•11rtnl• 11·!1 D11lh Ntll<H ' SHth .,. Dl•t•<t• ' "'"' M1•ktl1 1•11 E.dll"r11I ,., .. • Ttii•!!ltn " tnltrlllf""'"1 11-)1 ,.,,...,,,. •·• J l ... ft tl It-ti Wttlt'lt• ' "'""'" " Oltfln Whll• • ... Lt ndff• " w,,.., ... , ·-11-\J M11!bt~ • w..-...... ... Mevlu , .. ,. 2 DAILY PILOT H rrld .. Y, O~tobtr 17, 11969 Coast Cities Agree on Shoreline Master Plan By JOH~ \'AL TEllZA 01 lft1 ~1t1 l'li.t Sl•ll In a precedent-selllng muting Thurs· da y, representatives fron1 the Orange Coiu;t 's fl\"e cities. county drpart1ritnls and supC t\'Jsors agrrell un a '"o-se.ir proJeCl 10 1trafl a niast<'r plan for the en· l!re county shoreiln<'. Accord on the plan \\'as unanin1ou~ <it the coofetl'nce in !lie Harbor District's cnnfrren cr rooni in Ne1~·port Bcarh. 1'hr endorsement. howe\'('t. still need!! 11 1norc offici al flavor, the represen· t11l1ves agreed. The planning officials or the fJ\"e citie!I \1•111 take infonnallon on tl1e two-phase !'t ructure of the master pl an v.·ork hack to thf'1r respeclll'c citii.>s for a more f1m1 comm1tment. Pair i11 Fur Case Facing Federal Com·t A joint hearing was scheduled today in Brooklyn Federal Court for a Huntington Beach man and his companion, accused l'J[ shi pping $44 .000 in stolen furs across country via jetliner. Bail is set at $25,000 each for Donald f{ol!s. 30, 1vho formerly live d on Egret Lane, and Theodore '\lilliams. <\O, of ).Jalibu, according to authorities in t\ew 'fork. They were arrested \Yednesday night at l\ennedy Airpo rt on charges of inte rstaie t:.hipment and possession of stolen goods, namely five footlockers full of fur pieces. Assistant U.S. Attorney David Stein· rnan said at their arraignment Thursday !ha t the $44,000 in furs V.'as bu rglarized la~! Saturday from a 'Ve st Los Angele' 1 torc. An FBI spokesman 1n Los Angeles said Thursdav that Roll s, v.ho went by the name a··shea, and his pal are suspected of involvtml!:nt in burglariz.ini; the ex- clusive NCLTD Inc., shop. From Page I . FACULTY • • • faced with the necessity of change. \re Mould do it now while \'IC are not in a Ill.JP<'~ situation." The proposal lo ad1nit students a:'\ Academic Senate members arose out of ~t udent protest last school year ~ver the 1hrcatened dismissal of three assistant professors, one of whom was reinstated and promoted to tenure. (A fir1t ~n r·ession to the students had been granting Them privilege of the floor to speak in Senate debate. I Associate Prof..-ssor of Spanish Julian Palley, chairman of a commi tt ee that r1ne up with the student membership proposal , urged facu!ty n1cmbers to !or once become radicals. ··\Vc're asking you lo question one ol lhc f,ldes t university lencL~:· he said, '"IO ll"t Ul r students joi n us in decision inak· 111g. \\'<''re proposing \hey contr ibute !o l1ec1t"1ons regardln~ t•urr1cula and pt>rson· ncl. Of course stu1lrnts 11 ould not hu\c 1·0~1trol." Ile ::-aid the rar ul1y 11 as 110\ rra\ly bcin~ 1ad1cal but co nserl'a1n·e, in tl1t' sense 11f rrr~.c r\ Ing 11 " f rcc1!01ns, u1 ns Angel a D:i11• rrsolutlu1l">. A werk f!JlO lhr LL.! flru{l'~~or-. \f1(rd n1 <>rv. hehn111~ly to sct'k ;on 111JUnt t1fln .ic;;t n~t thr Bo.1rd 11f Rrg::nts fl'lr allr~rd· l\" 0\rr$1rpp1 ni: 1hr1r !l"lllnd"> 111 rrn1011 nt: • rr>d•t 1!'1•11\ a l••11r'r l.1u~li : I)~' ~11'"' I l;i1 1~. T11r f:ir11l•1 fo!lri11<'d 111,1\ lip 1111'1 h111 nr11 r£ ~ohll1'1!1'-Thin ~da~· \\' i I h •l u I 111~~en1. they \11led til e11roura~r t·on. tnr.iution to a fund to d('fray ~1\ss l 1<t11~· leg<>1 expc'nSf'S and tr. resol\"e 11\at ·nil political lr.!'1 or mrrr n1t·1nbl'r~h1 p in :ir1v orgdn.t7;J!1nn .!'h:iJl C\Cr bt eunsidrr!'rl \11 thr .:ippo1n1.r:ricnt. .or any fa cul!y memOCr ... DAILY PILOT Pob••I ~l W ood "'" dtrl •nd J'~b"l~tr J o,\. II. C111l o ~ I 't r ,1• :••• "''d (····,•!' t ' ,,., T~o"'"' IC•••·I l G ';• !~~.., .. "· !."""'":~, I '•~•D·~~ i ~··or A '~e!I W . 8 ""' J>•1<>< l't lG'"" Hijt1ti119tot1 ltotlt Olli'• JC~ S•~ Strei f 1µ,,f;r~ Add<t\\: P.O. l oo 1 ~0. 'l l6i f r:, •. ,,~·· "'"" ·•'' 1._.,. e.,,,., '" ,,~,·~ t c,.,. ~-• ., n~ ... ,., &1 • s• .. ·• +ll l•~.-· t h I>. ;'°;1 ' ... ~, ...... . DllL'I" PILOI, ,...ii. "~"ft " tr"'f -wd f'• ,,..,~P••" "e.n••·•o oo. ,.,.~, , ... Cl•~ •~ ••.,..·••t """ c~• '·" .,~-,,...~,•· P,~a,h, l·ourl••~ Yo "~· t1>'1• l 'r•• "'"'" ro·• """'" ""' l«;<l"t ~'"'" •·o~~ ,.,,~ '""' '<:!l!D""I .a.LG'" O··~~t Cn•" "v~•I•~; orq ,·, ... n.,·1· II'" 'ra r ""'' "" •' ))II \\" •·•l:.o &.n •••.. ;••• n••<'· o"O 1:~ ,.,,,. 111• ~11 rr•. ''"" , .. .,, ftl•1tho11• 17141 642-4111 fre111 W••l"'I'"'"' Cell 540-1120 Cl.ulfl<rf ""'"''liln • 642·1•11 Cot!•"t~t, ''''· 0••~'' ~Otll "'ub•"~'""f tcm•t•• "OM ... ••O• ,., "'1111•••· .. ~ .. o<lll<"•I moll•r er ~0•"''"'''""'' "'""" "'"~ t• ..... G~V<•O "'"'°"'Ill""" pt•m•n .. 'I r• <<•••·•~' e••f•, g • .,,,, •••i• <0>'•'1" .,.11 •• .,,,,,.,,, e· .. ~ •• ,, C.t •'a ........ (•"'" .......... t • ''" 1• j )CG ,..V'~'• "V ..,,., 1· !ll '''"'",.'}. •''•"I e•1•·""·· i1 rG .-e ·~v Alter lhal , the real v.·ork 1\il! begin . Thal should start Ocl. 30 in a v.·orkshop rntet!ng at the old County Courthou1e in Sa nt.a Ana. where the aides from five cities \Vil! begin to st udy the two-year project. In lhe interim county planning person- nel v.·ill furnish proposllls for the !>horeline plan lo the ind ividual cities for ne\v suggestions on \l'h::it should be snu ght from ronsultants. County Pla nning Director F o r r ~ l Dickason outlined U1e progran1 as a •·very im portant, f::ir-rea('h1 ni; funrt1on."' "The fir st tlung v.·e will nrcd 1s sui:;· geslions fro1n ('ach of the cities about 11·hat should be 1nrlud~ Jtl instructions to a c::insultant."' he said . He said the project's first phase 11·111 need donated personnel from each city for planning v.·ork, pos11ible f1n1neing and a proSPtClu' dt-11ign for the Meond ph;,i.se. That should take 1 year, he said .. In the second phase, he sald. con· cluslons abou t specific areas or !he gentral plan shoulrl IX' drafted . Dicka son asked 1he group for un::il!lcial scnlimt>nl about the seeking of fN!eral fu nds for pa}•ing for some of the stud ie~. Unofficially, !ht' group agreed lo ti le idea . A master plan for regiona l parks in Orange County already ex ists, !)1ekason outlined, but 1natt('rs dealing 11•1th th e ~horeline are not included. "Once this st ud y is comple!ed , then WI' 11 ill be able to plug it into the existing pa rk~ plan," he said . ' I must stre!:s the unlqueneis of this project. We honestly fee.I that if it sue· t:e:;szul, and v.·c. all v.·ork togeU1er on it, the collabor<it1v(' efrvrt IJ('twt•t'ri i·111e:-. and a county Y.'111 reeei1·e n:1l1onaJ ;it· le rlion," he said lli~k::ison stress~ tha t the eoastlinc pro11do.:s the greatest resource to the t·r1un ty. thus a rnaster pl::in is tong VI rrdur• Anothl'r fath)r leading hl i111n1t1dia te wark on !he p!an is thl• ;1ll11r:1tion tiy 1·our.1y supcr1·1:.vrs of SI nullion tu a nl·1v Jund for beal'h acquisition. lie :;air! that nioncy already ha5 been ~rt as[dc. fur i.:on.sult ant f c e s for the shorrline plan v.·o rk. "The f1r~1 thing we have lo dn is ;igret> 011 1:u r instruetion:. and <lcJiu·es fur a (:1111. tlAILY l'ILOT Stall l>~oto !.1il1ant, U1rn select him al\('r lhat."' he said. Tne pl:in. he c~p!a1ned , 11111 bP a highly t'On1prrhe11SJl'l' document •·\fr v. ill exarninc errrything dealing 11 Jth the shorelinz -;.ind 11 will be a mar- fl.ll-(f', so to :.peak, uf planning f•)r regional par ks in the interior areas, h:1rl,(!rs, bea ches and othl'r l·oastl1ne /Jl"t ·as. \\"~ 11 111 include every :.s1.1Cct. ln· rl11r11ng 11131!rr!I dealing 1r1Lh off.~horc <lr.Jtins. mineral f'Xp\oital ion, land-fill cun~·epts, sal l·\1ater inlrusion. ;.·ou nan1e H."' Dickason said. ·r11c officials attendi ng the af tt•n1oon sl·;~i'Jn V.'ere '"'nnr!h S:11np">on, rlirt·rto1 uf (Ounty harbors. beaches and p:irk~: Joh11 Kllle l~r. executil e assistant to Superviso r ..\lton E Allen, Ken Reynolds, llunt ington llt'a1:l 1 pl.11u11 ng director· ·rorn scrernc;, dt":£•!opnu·ni i:oordinator fol' lh111t1 ng!u11 Urat·h; Vince f\toort1Utt~(·, d1rl't'lOr of harbors :ind bc.'..lches tor llu1111ngto11 Beath; Pl·le f\IOfrr(', a~.!'IStUnl I 0 ~upcr1·1sor David Bilkt'r; Gene St.·h ul!f', ...~~ur1a tc pl:1nner for San t.:lcrnc-ntt•; Dick Ahhnan. director of bt1ild111g <ind pl..1n11111g Jor S:in Clcn1~nl<'. Al :\11\ry, Laguna BeJl'h tity p1anner , Chns Klinger, <"h:t1nnan of op~rations f\1r Harbor!>, Ben1·hcs and P:irks 1i~Orange Coun11'. Da rt•n Groth. pl"l"flcipal planner lor ~fv.pr.rl Beach . Dick<>son . :ind Dock l\(lmelln, prineipal planner for Ornng~ t."uun!y. Aldrich Explains His Davis Stand UC Ir\' inc C:h;incellor Dan iel G. Aldrich Jr. :.;1ld !Odity hC' would not f<'ar to hire A11i.:1·!;i !Javis il u11i1·er~ity ru!rs pcnnl\· It'd 11. ~ Hr sairl in ll!s persona l opinion hrr n1r1nbersh1]l 111 the. Con1n1t1nist party :.l111ulrJ not be r·i:u:.ou not to hire hrr. llo1ve 1r r, pr<'scnt liniversity rules pr1.:elutJe lt, hl' sai1I. an~11·C'r to t11c Santa Ana Kh\•anians. Expl>"tl ning his pos11101i. Aldnch in an in :rr\ u!11· said ··Bc111e('n J!Jj(J an1\ l!l(in a lo;\ ha., [,,i...rn pince . Questions harl' been raised about 11·hat 11 nH'an s to be a f'\1rn1nun1;..t, wht'thr.r tht•v atllJtillv arr in1<'rc5tccl in 1hl' orrrthr011· i1f ul1~ gove rnn1e11t. The California and L'S Su prc-1nc Court ha1 c rul c1t 1ha t peop le l'[1 11 t:i !k but until th ry act they arc net tn be denied right!i. HUNTINGTON MAYOR JACK GREEN PLEADS CASE BEFORE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL 'We Must Have Additional Power Supplie!I Without Further Pollution of th• A ir' The distinetion he fl . a1vs bct \vcen ho1v he \1 ould ha \"e tu act now, and ho1\' he would act if the bar on hiring Con1· rnunists v.·cre dropped, he says explains what he admils might seem lo be a con· lradicti n11 in his public statements. .. !n the event the regents' rule is shown to be illegal." Aldrich said, "then the issue comes down lo detcrm1111ng v.•ha t are the person's qualifi cation s. This will hal'e lo be determined in rach case:' Fron• Page J SMOG. • • or nuclear po\1·cr. -Lack or coordination an1ang agencies dealing wilh the ut1lity power plants. -A need for pre·planning , concerning_ !he placing of power plants. Nuclear power is smog frrr, safe. -Better education nee<lcd in the stair on nucll'ar pov.•er and thr neces~1ty for it. Driggs conc luded that "1hcre is no \\'ay 11e can stay away from power regulation nn the state levrl " Pear Ison. Dr. Frank .J. Tysen. t:SC <"co!ogist and Dr. A. J. HaagcnSmit, Caltech selentlst. al! of Lhe. Quality Coun- 1·11, expressed full support for pre-plan· nmg and slate regulation on the JXlwer pl}i.nts. Said llaagenSmit. '"I do fee l an f'n tity mus t be responsible for reserving !a nd &Hes for pow er plants." The cou ncil al~o hearcl a plea fron1 Frank r-.r. Stead. En11irnnmenlal Manage· rnent Consultant, to eslabrish a plan for t,1 nd use, whi ch v.·ould direct the futurr ~rowth of California to certain areas wilh rrspect for the best use of land. The Quali1y Council !errn1n1.ded It" hearin g 1\•ith statement s lro1n sel'rral 111c111bers of !he auc!iencr. all of \1•hon1 oppo;;;ed expansion of Edi~o1i"s !lt1n11ng· 11111 Beach p!anl Cost<i tl1rs;i City Co11ne11i11an \\'illiarn ~t. C!;;ilr dcrl11rrd, •·our f'ity i5 no11• clr:ir. t'l)(I] and cl('a11. \Vr 1l o11'L w11nl it p;ilhr!, J)Ol~Ollf'd :111d Jlt!)hill'(j " 1!1s tlt1ct11-.1!1011 11 ,1, i!J.<;puled hv ~ C. )J:i r~h . :i Costa ,\lcsa res1Jent \1•ho saut, "\\"e'rr ,tlr1»1<h· dl'tr riorat1ng from the ~·1110~ prl'Jd11r·1•d b\' Edi son. \\ c h<11·~ r<':•rl\rd .1 ,1;1:.:" 11 l~l'rP 11 ~ 1nOP' an · p1•rl;1nl 1·1 1lu l\lll1ulll pv11\'!" 1h;u1 pul in 1.1:i1 pJ ,1n1 · \l11ni;: th~1t hnr . T~""" 1~11nd1'rr.f It prih:ip-: \•nrrir.Jri, ,1\••,1!dr ·: t1 r 1···•1d11t:li"il l•l 11 •;1li1T 111.11 11l1dr tll<'.1' fl!'I' 'lo ;111.ih: 1:1.·1r IP• !h 11Hl1 ~11 t•l1·1·1rw totith t1ru•h tht•\I 111;i~ br pollt11111i;: thr air !r0111 1"10\IC'r ln rxpl;11n1u~ th;1t 1hc f·t•l!ll<'il 11.1:, ntA \1 .11H! to 1C;H' 11 p lhl' 11tll1t1f~. Jlearl~•HI ,\Id "'\he P<'l~p!t· :i.rc :,ufft'nng. and Lh!~ i~ Iliff r 011\"C!"ll Choirll's H \\:nghl. !1J ;i2 Dcrrnut!a lJn1I"' Jlu11tingto11 B<'ach. 11 ho h1·es near lh,. Ech:;:on Pl:inl, prai:.ed Lile council ~,1yi11g . "'This i~ the firs! gl1m rn rr of hoJ'lC 1h;i 1 tt1e. untlrrdog has a chance ."' lie al so Ll"l11c11.cd Ed ison·s full page newspaper ads procla1mu1g lhc necessity or t:\· p.insion. '";\l")d :1-; rnr lhrir breakthrough in ~1nall ~rnog rcduc11on ,'" added \\'right,'"[ r:-:pr ct 10 he;ir \hat il didn"L prore fea s1- hl c after .:ill." L:nl'rencc ,J. St:hn1 1dt, a l'i1 \' <·oun· ( ,1111<111 fr(l1n l;:irdf'n Gro1·f'. ~:iid. •·\\'e irll our children dun·t pl:iy too hard, y(l11 n.igltt chokr In death !t srr1ns our ';ilue.s arc 1n1~p!acrd . \\"e hiJ\ r to con· \ lnre the powr:rs 10 s:1op pol l11t1on . 'Ve t'.H:t rno\•e ;111 a) fron1 the prob\c111, 11'e h,1\f' to stan<I :;nd light ·· Hicha rd Gainei>. ri'.'prt}l'nting the Na- 1ioual Tube rculosis ;uid Hcspiratory r1i~easc AssoC"1:1tion calle(I fol" overnll !'::1\c pl ann111~ and :in rnct I o '"gnl"ern1nc.nt hy r•n:;i~.·· L;;rry Fol~on1 . ~n ai rline pilo\ of 21i72 1\1011'? Lall(', Uunt.in11:ton Brach charged 1hat 1he Ed1son plant \1a~ a "bad neighbor. bctau~c it hadn·t clraned its rk1nt in fi\·c ,1·rars."' Se ts r.";C Lcl'turc Tonight ~1adamc Jla ian :\'rhru, .:i lrader 1n In· cl1a11 riolilical aud ~ial 11fr. "'ill :itldre~s Golden \\'esL College. s1urlrnts anrl mrmberi:: of 1he c0mmnui1y at 8 1on1ghl ir, lhc C<lll <'J;C Crntcr. She is lhc cousin or !he I.ill"' Pnmc ~hn.isler t\rhru. llrr lopic: "l)cc1sion for I lr111ocr .1rv "' • Shari's Fight for Life Thi s 11 ('rk hr 11·as asked directly at a San!a Ana l\1wan1s Club n1ceting ii he 11ould hire ~li ss Lla,·1s, and he replied, ·•J.ord, yes.·• Two v.·eeks ::ign the cliancellor was a~k· r d allout A11.1:ela Dt11·ls at ::i Ne11p.Jrt I larbn r Chamhcl" of Cornn1crcc mcr ting. On 1h;it t•{'ca s1on he :.:.i1tl · The chancellor !'..'lid labrling so111ronc a Cnn1n111nist '"1s 1hc sa1nc as 1la mni ng anyone for being a this 11r a lhal. There art al! kind s of thises and th<its. '• ltt' '.'>aid th<it 11<1s thr r~.~cncr 11{ hi" po1nl 0.11 the hiring of ~OS lea~lrr r.11kl': l\nsrnan to an atl1n1ni strativc post. •·I knew 711tke. as a11 indi1·1ctua1:· he said. 6y ARTllL'R R. \"INSEL Ot l~o 0 111• ,llOI S!1!! ("1\11!1\RATA 5ihori L:n1Jl Cu1nnrola. Arir 26. nj 16:!1 fllrsa Drrvr . .fin>Jfa t\110. S11rvived hy '11.·o sons. Rouolrl and 8 1·et1: r<nenf.~. i'fr. find 1\Jr.~. AlherL Br/I. Sa111a Ann: 111•(1 brnthl'rs, .lac~'. nnrl Rc.t 81'11., Costa f\liso. Se1·vire.~ 1cil! he held Fn· day, J 1 Ai'>f. !Jell Broadu;a11 Clinpe/, 11·1Ul Reu. Char/Ps Snlit/1 ojfic1aru1g. /1Jtern1r11 t. Pacific V1cu1 J\le11111rio/ Park·. Bell Broailu·uy l>1 orl ua ry. D1rec• 1or,, There i~ more to the slory th an that. ~1uch 1norc. f"i \'e year~ ago J,xja~·. in the rendin g f'rash of glass and n1eral and the bone- brcaking im pact of a car h1lt1nJ.! a ro;ichvay d1 l'fd rr, l1fl' b('gan leavi ng Shan C111narala. Today was her funeral. If lhc hun1an ~p1ril has cnlflr. 1hc \\Ill ll'J ]1\·e rnu.~! be the blue par1. the last !Jercc l1Ulr glow before the flame goes fl\Jl The allr.'.ll:lh c ~'ou ng di vorcee 11'as riding \1•i!h t"o other girls on Oct. 17, 1964, when thr1r car 11·ent out of eontrol :1nd hurled her into the "orld ol the disabled. Friends. rela tl\·cs l'lnd a onc·t1111e f1 ancc t"nuld rrob[lh!y tell !he 111lle ;inec· <tn!cs that .:tdrl lilt to an account of her l;ist li ve years, but they were at her lunc.ral. llorr1hly iniured in the auto crash, ~h.:1r1 ~pent !hi' lir ~t frw 1\·r<'k.!' of hcr l:t~1 111c \l'<tr~ al Oak Park l o1ninun1t y ll n~p11,1I 111 1.1\~ 1\ngrlc~ l!l'I lnJurir.~ read a hno~I likf' an :i111np~y rcr1ort hrnkrn nrck. pell"IS, ll1fl. !r·c. •• 1101 to nie1111011 rhr Jaccr.1uons anti l1r111~r~ 11 Inch v.•011l<l eventually he;1l ,\ st ring of n1::ijor !iurg1e<1I 11per<il lun~ :in'I ~k rn graft s lollow('(I -rrqu1nng :!I hour nicclical ~uprr\ islon -a1 one pi.1int ((l;-,lin!! S30 pr r <l.'\y, ;11111 friends tipenf'il the Sha n Camarata Fund. Her insurancr 1\'as gone , 1'11c trcil sury 11 luth el'rnl ually hit $2,()()(J and 111orc \\"as niain1 ained at lhC U.S. Kat1 onal Ban k Branch, where she 1vorked before lile camr to one kind or an end . Thr hrlpless younc \\·oman \1 as finally tr;in~ferre(1 to Rancho Los Amigos llo!ipit<1I in !)Oll'nry, ;i J:pC'c1al facility 11 here :.01ne patients consider those with l ·"ro111 Pt•!J<" I NIXO N • • • l'rr.1,cs nn\ nnll' h:nc sl.1ckrncd . hu1 1hc r.1 1v~ of incrraSe are oretually drC'lin1ng. \~ 11hout shock treatment. v.·e are curing 1hr cause~ of thr r is1ng cost of living ." ,\I another 1mint. Nixon said '"Thr. runa1vay cost of living is nn cross \1'c are obliged to bear. ll can be brought under control. ll is being slov.·cd by firm anri steady aclion that deals v.·iiJl its root causes." Nixon s11irl th;it he 1vas sending a letler !his 11·rt kend to ::i eras;; section ol leaders in 1.1 bnr and business calling thr1r al· trrition 10 "lhe latest fa r.ts of eCQnom1c \ifr '' "'I ain a~k1ng 1hcm to take a hiird look ;it 1\ hat g:;.i1·ern1rie.nt has don!' in the~~ 1 pas1 l nine nionths -not just our words, but our t;lre1ls."' Nfxnn said. ··And I ;in1 :i~k1ng 1hrn1 10 rnake !heir own h1ture plans on !he basis of "'·orking and selling 111 ;:1 <'OUn1ry lhat is not fooling abo11l sin\\ 1ng down the rise in the cost of h\'· i n~ ,. Thr chief e:-:ecutive's mc::sa ge to !ht: An1cr1can people v.·ru; not inte nded to rx- pla1n stf'pS la krn by his arlm1nrs\r;it1on Ill.of h(' say~ arc starlifli 10 t;ike effccl. 1nolorizcd 11 hcrlc-hair.o; an1ong the agile ones. Shari had no use or her arnls or legs then. and life consisted of an almosl f'nd less ('hain of days, lighl into dark , dark intfl hgllt. and season into season. Th<: people closrst to Shari v.·erc :ii Bell·Broad1vay ~l ortuary lixtay, l\'J\h 1nore Jinportanl bu sine ss perhaps than p:issing on 10 othC'rs the bright spots thaL certainly inusl have come over !he yrars. Onr of thcn1 11oulrl ob1"1ouslv h<'Ht' been .1 return to the family hon1e 3t 1621 ~!e~a Dt11<'. Santa Ana llelghts, but t11:r af· llict1011 still required pc r i o d 1 c hfls pltal1zation. Sh r 11 as ndn1i tl c1! to Costa :'\les:i :'llcn1ori;il l\os1)1ta! less th:1n t11·0 11·erk~ ag::i, and on Oc1. 14. th(' spark !inally 1\ent out. Jong , long alter 1t began dun- 1n1ng. ~0111r 1111gh\ ~.11 ,,1hcr11•1sr . b•1t Sl1ar1 l"<Hnar;da k11c11 what "llC' 1<.Jnlrd -Iii<' -,11111 ~ht~ !Ol l~ht fflr 11 Ul'.il"ly !11 <' .\e;ir~. anrl r1·ery tl:iy 1vas :i 11t"lor~, '"IL 1~ 1·ery clear. Comn1un1sts are not l\1 hr r111p\oytd 111 lilt' t nivcrsi t:t i1f C<1l1l orn1a. Tht' unly thing to do is In get rid or thc1n, and that has IX'en done ."' Speaking to the Santa Ana Ki"·an1a ns, Aldrich v.'as saying he v.·ou ld not be afraid to hirr f\1iss Davis 1f she 1vere an app\1c:111t lor a UCI faculty position nnd accrptable 1o thr professo rs Judging her aL'i1dcn11c qualif1c:1t1ons. In his con1ments to 1he Newport llarbor Chamber, /,ldrich v.·as si mply telling 11'l1:it Un1ver.!'1ty rule~ are 110\v and not his personal opinion of what tlley should be . But by llmlt ing hi~ ans1\'l'r !(l •·It is 11•ry clear the only thinJ! lo do is to i:~t rid of the rn ... " he left the l1n- pre~s1on he agree.~ v.'ilh ~he bar on Com· n111nists. But .subseq uent ly lie \l'as pi nned <lov.•n hv the .<:tudent 11r1l'~p;lper on \vhrther hc. tl1tler" 111th hi.~ f,1eul1y 111r1nbcrs in their i\c:adrn11e Senatt• rote Aldr1t'l1 thrn g;1l'r thl' \1·l1olt' ;inswrr , in· tll1di ng hrs pcrso ntil np1nl1111 1h:tt 1nPre 111~·111h1·r:.ln p 111 lhC' C111 nn111111~1 l'arty ~h1111ld n11l hf· .~111 11L1t·nl rt·:i~1111 n1,1 to h1n: :1 l,k·ul1y n1en1brr. lie ;1l-.1 i:a1 c that Oce an Vierv Se ts T cacher T 011 r Of Junior 1-fig h L:iguna·s Thurston 1 n t c r rn rd i at ~ ~chOl"'I, becomi ng kn n11 n ;is a model i,1 tlcsii;:n far modern educational methods, 11·t11 be inspected lllonday by 25 1eachcrs lron1 the Ocean View School Di strict. Part icipants in the in-service trainini: prLJEt"l will tour the complete facilit.1·, \ isit classrooms and listen to tapes usrd in 1hr educatinnal prngran1. according !fl IV1c:k Lobo, scheduling cuunsl'IOr, who 111 11 ~u1dr ille !ral'hcr.~ '1cn1bcrs of thr Thur~ton PT A to11 r r111n1111ttee. hcat!rd by ~\rs. Judy Penney 11·111 assis l during !he 1·1~it. The n1odern school plan1 , rlrsigned r~prciolly for full fl P~1 ble schrduling. 1s a ('f·nl111u<1I oliJt't1 of stu dy hy educators l"'n1 thl"ougho11t the ~l~cl<'. ON DISPLAY NOW .•. COMPLETE SETTINliS Of LIVING HDROOM AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE. DON 'T MISS AN OPPORTUNITY 10 VIEW THIS EXCITINli NEW COLLECTION. YOUR LOCAL DEALERS FOR DREXEL . HENREDON . HERI TAGE NEWPORT BEACH 1727 WMt eJiff Dr., 642-1.0SO 0,IN fllDA'r 'TU f INTERIORS Profft•lon•I lnt•rior Duign•r• A v•ilabl~AIO-NSID • LAGUNA BEACH 3-45 North Co•1t Hwy. O'IN 'llD.lY 'Tl~ t 494~SS I A A 'J E1 Lnlt Tha of " A (!Cl{' 1h1 ~ f'Xp• Tl hy /\hr Jlla c Tl a ' stat Am ln lsrc T r1'C' fOl"l A ha ct ed Loe COL the Am o1h· A u.s \Vhi "" Ion ln I ' .~al· 131' ~f'r COl rm ii T f'f!• '" 1'iti "' t101 cit · I "' '" pli· (')I• !'la no To I illl do ' s<) "" !';I( In '" eu • A1·abs Oaim A1nerica11 'Agg1~essio11' By United Press International Egypt file<! a formal protest with United Na1 ions Secretary General U 7hant locl ay, accusing the United States of "aggrcss1Qn'' against the Arab world. A spokesman fo r the Egyptian U.N. .relegation said the protest was filed late !l11s morning and 1hat full details v.·ere expected la be made pu blic later. 1'he rno1•c wa~ predicted this rnorning h,v the scn110Hitlal Cairo newspaper Al Ahram 1\•hith ~aid the matter 11°0\Jld be placed before the Security Council. The newspaper said l~gypt interpreted a recent lLS. E1nbassy spoke sman's ~ta1t>ment 111 Tel Aviv to mean that A1neritan military personnel are serving In lsraC'li foree s and possibly flying Jsraeli 1varp1tines. 'fhc $pokcsman 1vas reporlt'.'d lo have :i;a1d thal Americans who berome Israeli c itizens ran retain their U.S. citizenshi]l C'\'C'n ff lhC'y serve in the Israeli armed JurcC's , • r ""'' .. ,_.._· '~ ~-.. , ...... "( ~f $ J~~ i ' I I ' j! . , , -~ ~ n .,, . •• .. ' &;Ah' . , t ·1t;., Court Appnrl'I. Al Ahram sa1rl the Cairo govtrnment h<id instructrd Li.N. A1nbassador Moham- rd Jl ass:in E:I Zay~«ll to immediately tel l T.orrl Cara41on, (his rnonth's Security Council president. that Egypt rr~arded th e sl a!emrnl-as revealing ''direct A1ncriean aggression against Egypt and other Arab countries." According to reports from Tel Aviv, the lj.S. spokesrnan made the statement \11hilc confirmln~ a report in an Israeli newspaper which said Americans no longer lose their citizenshi]l if they serve in the ::irmcd forces of another country. Jn 'Yashington, adminis1ration !'iOUrces :::aid the United Slates does not look wit h fa vor upon th e idea of American cit izens :"C'rVinR in the armed forces of a foreign r ouotry, hut, because of recent Supreme r ourt rulings, apparrntly cannot pre11ent II Dancer ,J ean Chanel. 28, n1od- els negligee she \Vore in court· room of Beverly 1-lill s Munici· pal Court Judge George Zucker during her trial, along \vith l'>''O other dancers. on charges of indecent exposure. Judge Zuck· er. following lead of Sacra- 1nento's Judge Earl \·Varren Jr .. convened c ourt in bar \Vhere ):(iris \Vere arrested. Trial con· tinues next \veek. Thr ~nurces saicl !he court has ruled, in rffer1. th.it it takes a very specific act or renunciation for any person lo lose U.S. r ilLzt"nship. Thus, unless persons con· t'Prned \\'ere participllling in military ac· 11 on against the lln>tcd States, Joss of ci!izensh1p \\'ould not result. It was e1nphas1zC'd that thC' lav.·s con· <'erning loss of retention of citizenship are general and there is no specific ap- plication lo Israel or any other country, Gov. R eaga n '~ l-lo1nc ~carcl1cd for Bo111h SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. Heagan·s home \\'as searched today for explos1\•es after a man called Sacra mento police and said a bomb \VOuld go off soon at Lhc house in fashionable East Sacra mento. 11lr caller als(} sa id a bomb had befn planted in the Capitol. No bombs "'ere found. No Death vo,vs Icing to Assure W cddecl Bliss ·rhc grand<laugh!er of aircraft company f'Xecut1ve Donald J)t)u)!las .J r., vnH "'erf !Saturday nigh t in Pacilic Palisades. hut nothing \VJl1 be s<1 1d 1n the vows about: Till Death Un Cs Part. I loll~ Douglas, 22 , of Pnciric Palisades, an<I Fred ,\larl1n .Jr . 27, of San J osr, clon't bcl 1rve in drath. Bo!h vrc t•xecu!l~rs in the Crvnnics ~or1et y or C.:ihforn1a. a br;inch or the na· l1nnw1dc organ1r,al1on ll'hich advxates i;.torage of t'!1nirally dead people al ex- lrcmely ]O\\' temperatu res. E11rntually. ac<·ord1ng to !hr Crynnic~ <·ru1crpt. n1edical science will discover cures for so n1any fatal afflictions -ex· cert pcrh.:ips in total <lcs1ruc!lon of the body -that death itself v.'i ll be cured. l\'e ithcr "'ill recite the Potl1on of the \veddini; vows dealing \\'llh separation through death 1vhrn they ;ire 1narried at 8 p.m. in the Lutheran Church of the Pa!1sad('S . . \li;;s Dougl as is granddaughter of the founder of J)ouglas Aircrafl Corporat ion , \\'hich clc\•eloped the fa cility now kno\\'n ;:i s ~1cDonncll-Oouglas Astronautics Corporation. Huntington Beach. J\1artin is <tn insurance rxccuLi vc, but it ,,,..as not disclosed \\hcther he sells policies dealing v.'ilh Joss of life and clcalh benefits. Tl1e Searcl1i11g of Y outl1 Fo1· a Left-Ha11ded Desi{ By Ji\NICE BERl\11\N or tilt 0 1111 '"1111 s1111 TT \\'i\S \\'ITH no small measure of relief that 1 learned that somebody 1s finally cloing something for the southpa"'S. l carnc across lhe editorial as I leafed through the DAILY PILOT, be· ginning at the back of lhe paper, \\'Orking frontward. Th<it practice began when I was small, at first because I liked to read the comics. and later because when you're left-handed. and must perforce read a book in the same manner as those of the right, it's the only feasible gesture of reading rebellion. Being left-handed has often filled me with mental anguish. As a child, I was the victim of an overbearing · Girl Seoul leader, who ripped the cover off my Flowe r ~Booklet. making me lose a merit badge. I had printed, with infinite care, r ' 0 w e p I SINCE THEN, a rose has never quite seemed a rose. But I struggled to overcome adversity. Struggled lime after time, from grade sc hool through college. "Oh, youre left-handed. Well, you I hold tl1e scissors, tilt you r paper, look through the microscope, place your hands on the golf club, hold your bowling ball) like this!' they would say brightly, after casting a desperate glance hca11enward . I SPENT FOUR years in college i;tarching, not for the ultimate truth, but for a desk with a left arm. But things got better at lhe DAILY PILO'l'. The paper has no fewer than fi\·e soulhpaws in !he newsroom, plus one ambidextrous assistant managing editor v.·ho likes to count himsclr a member of the opprtsi;cd minority. We all found solace logethcr. commiseraling on the perils of our statt, assuring one another that to be lcft·handed is the true mark of intense crealivity. I felt fin e. One day a colleague showed me a belt she was crocheting. A lovely belt of silvrr mrsh. "IT·s RF.ALLY easy, even if you'vt never done il bcfort. I'll be glad to s!lo111 vou hriw." .~he said . ;,C.rrat I'll run Oown to lhe store and get tht: twin~ anrl a crochet hOftk," I said blithely, picturing hours of domestic lranqu illily before the tele· \ 1s1on :;rt Thrn I ~aw her pen. lt was rlutchcd firmly in her right hand. Another tangle in the yarn of Lefty. Fr1d~1. Octobtr 17, 1%9 H OAJLY PJL07 :J Tunney • Ill Training '011, My Go<l; , Said Officer. Liberal Demo May Oppose Sen. Murphy In Shooting By RICJli\RD P. NALL 01 !ht OlllY Piie! "•II ThP son or former boxing great Gene 1·unney is doing lhe hard advance roadwork for his biggest political battle. II carried Rep, John V. Tunney ID· Jtiv1:rside) into a press conference and ~reeling session al lhe llotel Laguna 1 !1ursday cvrning. ·runney said he will announce in .l::i nu;iry "'hether ht ~·\II seek the lh:·mocratic nominal!on to oppo s e n,'publican Senator George Murphy next )'£'<Jr. The youthful liber1.1l D<'mocral also: -Called U1c adn1inistralion 's Operation l11tcrcept •·a band-aid on a cancer," -Called for a full -scale n1edical study on effects of marijuana Lo take it out o[ lhe realm of mythology but said he cur- rently opposes its legalization. -Criticized the administration poli cy on school de segregation in the South . -Sympathized with the Yi'ednesday r1r,ratoriun1 demonstration 11gainst Ila· \\'ar in Victnan1. -Said he opposed confirmation of J udge Clement f'. llaynS\\'Orlh Jr. If) ~cr1•e on the Supreme Court because of 1!:1ynswnr th 's alleged financial confhcls 01 interest. -Criticized lhe ad1ninistration for will- i11gness to settle out of court the federal ~·nog suit against the nation's auto in· tcre~t s. -Labeled Sen. ti1urphy's term a ques· t1on n1ark and called il a vacuum of !eadrrship. -Criticized offshore oil exploitation 1long the California coaslline su ggestint: the oil deposits lhere should be kept in reserve. -Said farm lahor shoul d he brought under t ~e National Labor Relations Art ilnd given the rights of collective bar,(!ain1ni; for better v.·ages. -Said a resulting hike in food priers \l'hllld be small and suggested llie /'1ncrican housewife "'ould be willlnR to .1bsorb il knowing that migrant "·orkers \1 ere obtaining decent Y•agcs. -Called for withdra\Yal of American r1ir('CS from Vietnam \\'1th1n 18 months. -Critirizt'cl the South Vietnamese Tliicu adminislratioo for a policy of pcrprtuating its own power by any n1eans anr!. OCing at cross purposes "'tlh U.S. Cll!ll~ Tun111·y said thp Thi cu -Ky ad- n11n1stration has squelched political op. Jl(1si1ion . J\~ked if he favored a coalition govern· m<'n t \1'ith co1nn1unists, hr said "I would J.1-e an e!ectlon v.•here everybody has U1e ]{cagan Supports Deferred Tuition Jn Regents Meet I.OS ANGELES IAP) -Gov. J{eagan. he;irling into a ses~ioo or llniversity of Cal1fon11a rrgcnts to consider tuit ion, :;;.1td torh1y there shou ld be a plan pcnnit· t1ni;: students to defer tu1llon paymC'nt "until their earning years.'' Later in thr d<ly regruts, asked Thur~· day to Lake another look at U1e.ir doc trine banning "pol1!ical te sts" in hiring teacher~. were to 1hsruss the hiring of fin ;idmittert Comrnu111st as an assistant pro- fessor at UCLA. Reagan lold nrwsmen as he arrived al t·c Exten::.1nn hr;idquarlC'rs dO\\'ntown that tuitio n 1n cffrct \11as drci~ed ,1;ome time ;igo \1'hen the university began charging rec'S. "Tu111on is a real ity ;ind shoulrt be a rc::ihly 1n higher educ<1\1on." he ,1;aid hrfore rnlC'ti ng the .~cs~ion tn CQns1dcr "analysis of tuition allernalivrs." Rrai:;an added · "'Ve should v.•atch oul so students arc not penali zed ... Th~ only \1ay I got an education "·as bring al1o"·e~I to defer the expense until my earning ye;1rs. ·• l'hat principle certainly mu,1;l be the principle regents should follow in detennining tuition policy, he said. Rragan said that economics instituted in stale govcmment should be applied to the university system In eliminate "uselt!ss overhead and dead "'ood and red tape. "The ~tudent is the vic1 im if 1here 11re Y.'astc and extravagances in education. , ., " Reagan said. "A great and many students h;ivccom- m11nicatf'd with us that \hjs is true. "I lhi11k if the students themselvrs \.\·ere obligating lhcmselvf'!s lo pay for lheir education In later years. I think these students would be entitled to more of ;i voice in determining lhe money th ot they \.\'ere paying v.•as not being used for useless exlravagances." Jn meeting room , UC President Charl e.!! J, llilch said he Y•ould discuss tuitio n "with lhe greatest reluctance." Hi'ch added . ho .... ·ever, thal the question v.•;is "one I think we must consider" because of "our inability to obta in from the stale the s1i[iport that I consider to be nccei:sary to n1aintain <J tiality" <in cl berausc of th~ recent defeat of a stale education bond issue. The regents have been a~ked hy their Education Policy Commi lJl'!e to lake annthrr l()()k to thei r doct rine banning "political tests" in hiring teachers. The recommendation was to come be!ore the board during an Jiftemoon session lo consider the appeal of Angela D;ivis, a UCLA philtlSOph y teacher who1n the regents dismissed because &he ls • Communist. OAILY PILOT .. llolo by lllc~•nl N•ll from Wire Servicn A police &ergeant dispatched on the spur of the moment to help ool in a Whit· tier narCQtics raid tv.·o weeks ago -and accidentally ki lled an innocent man - k!'.pl repeating the same words to himself afterward. "1.·ty God , How did this happen~." wa.s lhe. 11nly tl1ing Vcmon Police Department Sgt. Frank Sweeney kept saying, a fellow officer di sclose<! during a coroner 's in - qu~st in Los Angeles Thursday. Authorities meanwhile released a ltet \\'ltness against the team of tipplint Ja\\·men "'ho broke in!o the apartment Oct. 3. after his own arrest on a murder charge Wednesday. , Arthur Devore, 22, of Downey, wa~ booked after calling police to a Compton apartment where !hey found Barbara J. Parker. 24. of Lakewood, dead wiQi bruises on her head. Prediction Puts Park in Big Win Sf,OUL (AP) -The state.run Korean Ilroadcasting Sys tem predicted tonight • landslide Yictory for President Chung •rec Park's bid for a third term in a na· liona\ referendu1n. REP. TUNNEY SPEAKS OUT ON ISSUES OF THE DAY Congressman Covers a Lot of Ground in Laguna Appearance The network made the prediction on the basis of early returns that gave a margin of almost 2-1 for a constitutional a1nendment that would allow Park to seek a third consecutive term in 1971. 1 ighl to \'01C and evl'f) bOdy has lhe righl to run.'' If Tunney ran n1l1strr the De1nocral ir. ~11rrnrl to ;ittempl In unseat J\.furphy. hr SC'1':, the issues as Vietnam : the ~late of l h" econn1n y 1 inflation, unl'znployment l: Ja11" ordrr ;ind justice; c<imp11s unrest 1f it then exists ; and envl ronrnrnta! pro- 1>'Yi ~'·) t-.. ' !!" ' l tt'?J: j . -. • l ''"'~ . . . "'. ~f .... ')1-• t,'\'..'.\ ' "~ . ; ' •7 \\ --.. _ i ., ......... '& ..... blems f\Va\rr and air pollution), The J5.yea r-old Democrat was critical nl thr Arn1y Gorps of Engineers hand ling nf a hearing thrC'c yf'ars ago on the San· ta Barbar;i oi! siturttion. Heturns with about 15 percent of the votes counted. gave 102,247 votes for the amendment, 52,819 agail\.'ll and 4,242 in- ';,!id. It was ~ignificanl-that most of the early returns \\-ere from this capilal and the second larges t cily, Pusan. both of which 11·cre traditionally opposition strongholds. Ile s,11d the Corps ;;t the timr refu.~ed to consider cnvironmC'nta l pollution as a l'-'clor in deci sion n1ak1ng. • • Ask for MODEL TBF 15 SE #'•~·· JET FREEZE ICE COMPARTMENT Sub-1ero 31r is blown over trays for freezin1 ice cuNs u:tr1 11st -great for parties! GIANT ZERO DEGREE FREEZER .... holdi up to 147 lbs. ol llozen foods ready for use whefttvtt you want !~em. NO rllOST CONVENIENC[ lH BOTij Rf· rR ICfRAlOR ANO fllEUElf. "''-. "IDEAL BIG FAMILY" 14.7 -Cu. FL <le~•' ' · CAPACITY • ~ Load5 of s!orar! with 1 place for evtrythinf , , • ~ndy r door 1he!~es in both refri&erator and freezer, •• S!ptrltl " buUer compartment, removible bin th1t holds I! •us. SEPARATE TEMPERATURE CONTROLS "Mobile·Cold" provides CM!inuous air movemrnl. SIPfl'lll controls let yoo dial exKtly ri(ht t1mper1tur1 in ref1i11r- 1tor 01 freezer sectkin 101 ideal stor111. CONVENIENT SLIDE OUT SHELF ••• Over 22 sq. ll ol shell 1111, 1 bandy slidt-shtlf biin1s lh• food right out lo you. TWIN VEGETABLE BINS ••• Ruged porul1in·an-st1ll ve11!Jb1e bins keep ~ lo ;; bll5hel 111den fresh ••• rudy for ins tint use. Anilablt ii Detoi'1lor coordiN1ted tolon, Avoctdo, topper. tone, Hmest, « Ylllitt. Ask about our Special LOW, LOW TERMS I 4 CHARGE PLANS f O't VOUP CONVENIENCE STEREO e TELEVISION e APPLIANCES TELEPHONE 540·7131 Dally: 9 to 9 Saturday: 9 to ( 2300 HARBOR BLVD., COStA MESA , .... -.. ----------------------------------- 4 ~AILY PILOT ' F TODAY'S NEWS . "'----.'..... '-----· · tC-•llM l>w 1i.. D•llw f'lt9f '"'ti A \Vomboum, England newspa- per obituary said Gertrude Tho- mas was dead. I-fer mother, 67- year-ol d Alic• Mc.Dermott, read the notice, had a heart attack and Wed three days later. The obitu- ary \Vas a hoax . .l\1rs. Thomas, alive and well, said : "\\lhocver put that notice in the paper killed my mother. It is almost murder." De- tectives discovered the notice was telephoned to the paper by a man who asked that the bill for the an- nouncement be sent to the Thomas family. • l/PI Te .. plwl!t Calin After the Storni Odd, for this usually busy intersection of major city arteries in Springfield, Mass., is the quiet "\"hich last night hung over Winches ter Square dunng a curfew imposed alter welfare rights riots earlier in the week. Pair Kidnaped In $50,000 Plot Freed Unharmed 2nd Soviet Spaceship Back From Earth Orbit \Vhat may be on odd way to carry an eztra rider, turns out to be a oood way to keep two dry. These Vniversil!f of \Visconsin students ihow the.ir ingenuity during a rain shower. • If nude neighbors annoy you. you should build a highe r fence. That's \Vhat sunbather James A. Koch of Redwood City told his neighbor Troy J. Morris recently. and Pros· ecutor Keith Sorenson of San Ma· teo County a greed. Refusing 11or- ris' complaint against Koch for outraging public decency, Soren· son noted that the backyard fence between the t\vo homes was diffi. cult to sec throus::h or over. "Nudi· ly of itself is not against the la\V In your own back yard," Sorenson i>ai d . 0 :...:;----7"""-----~ . -~~ Th Pre t/Jerc 40 new lis tr11gs ' for bomb sl!e/tcr s11ppliers in ! ' the ycllo10 pages of the Sn11 Di· '1 ego telephone /Jonk in 1961, 1'1e yea r of the Berlin \Va ll crisis. :! This year lherc ore ftvo. One is 11 1-loward R. flfcQucen. "/ 11ad one j call la.st year.·• he snid. "There !loesn't scl'm trJ be n11y interest. • Other con tra ctors say the same thing." I . ·-l: "'"':"'"-. _:--·----.c:.-==- \\lastting lon Gov. Dan Evans re- ·ceived a gift of eight bot Il es of \\'jne fro1n California Gov. Ro ni!ld .Reagan, but it cost him Sfi .16, The California \Vine Institute, on Rea- gan's behalf, is presenting \Vines to 'the nation's governors in obserY· ence or the 200th ;innlvcrsary of the state's \Vine lndust.rv. Out &omebody forgot to pay the· 26 per. Cent tax and state liquor store inarkup requi red by \Vas hington law before out-of-stale \\·incs can be brought into the s tate. Evans bid he would pay the money him-j eJL PHILADELPHIA (AP) -1\vo dres! shop operators, kidnaped in a ~50,000 ransom plot, have been released unharn1· ed and the money recovered, the Philadelphia Bulletin reported today. The FBI and local police had no com· ment or. the story, "'hich. gnvc this ac- count : Brothers Slanley nnd Nathan \Volfe, in their 40s, were seized Tuesday at their dress warehouse. Nathan was freed to obtain the ransom, whl ch later v!'as thrown from a car at a designated place in nearby Princeton, N.J , The money was found undisturbed Thursday night and several hours later Stanley was freed, apparently unharmed. There v.·ere no arrests immediately. Nathan Wolfe told authorities they were seized and placed in the back of a panel truck by the driver of a truck sur- posedly bringing a load of dresses to their v.·arehouse. They were driven about first in the truck and then in a car, he said, then lock~ in a shed. Later they were put In the car :igain, driven to a place in "1est Philadelphia where Nathan Wolfe was freed and tol d how to deliver the money. He said that while he was held captive $4,200 v.·as taken from his wallet. Tl10SCO\V (UPI) -The Soviet Union brought the second of three spaceships back from earth orbit today. The three men or Soyuz 7 made an easy. pinpoint l<inding amid a group of scientists, sports commissioners, friPnds and journalists. The craft., launched Sunday. was the second lo return from space in two days and left only Soyuz 8 with its two-man crew stl!I in orbit. Soyuz 6 and its two cosmonauts made a soft landing in the same recovery area on Thursday. The official Tass .announcement said today's touchdov.11 came at 12:26 p.m. Moscow time !2 :26 a.m. PDT) about 193 miles northwest of Karaganda. The crC\\'men "felt excellent,'' Tass said, and a preliminary medical checkup shov.•ed they had endured their flight in good con- dition. "Al the landing site, the cosmonauts v.·ere given a warm welcome by members of the search group," Tass said. Their mission v.·as designed to pave lhe \l'ay for a mruined orbital station. The agency .said the crew fired rctrorockel'i at a planned time, the des· cent and "sort landing engines ensured a sn100Lh landing." In a rare view of spaceflight control in Da1konur, So\'ict Lelevision shov.·ed a row G@od Nig;it., (;het Hnntley May Leave NBC Next Y e<1r f\E\V YORK (AP) -After more than 13 years of saying ''Good night, David.'' Chet Huntley is expected to Jea\·e NBC News next year. l!un:ley, v.·ho has pai red v.·ith D:i\"id Rrinkley in one of lelevi~ion·s. best-known nc.1vs learns, probably will leave bet wePn l-~C'bruary and June. Huntley, 57, is associalrd \\'ith a grou p of businessmen who hope Ill build a year. rou nd sports resort on 15.000 acres in l\1ontana's Gallatin River Valle.v, 4:> miles north of West Yellov.'stone. The project \1·ould cost about $15 million. "The possibility of his !caving exists and as il gets close v.·e :;houlr! put our minds lo it."' said Reuven Frank, prcsi· dcnl of NBC Ncv•s. "But it's not such a certainty that \\'C should have to plan now. J:~ir,htccn months in this business is forrver.'' Frank said at the earliest he expected lhrntley's departure would be in early l!lil . "\\'hat has happened is that a group of people a rc trying to organize a major resort in l\!ontana." Frank said. "If it goes through they would like Huntley to be the principal operating officer. And Jl11nt!cy \\'ants to do it." lie emph11sized that the resort was still very much in the plann ing stage and that !he group hnd not acquired the land or arranged for the financing. Jl unrley \\'as paired with Brinkley in Octol>er 195G after their sucres~ful co\·rrnge of the presidential convl"ntions that year. Their "Good night, Chl"t ... Griod night, David," closing soon became f:in1iliar to many households. Prank was the original producer of the show. The six-day-a-week news sho1v bri ngs NBC an advertising revenue estimated at SJO million. In the ratings, the show trails CDS 's \Valier Cronkite by a few points. Cold Snap Keeps Grip Wes tern States Snf fer Through Snow, Ra.in Calltornln A frw 1ho-.-.. • 1""• ~· wl,,d, L lt"CI .. u111 ..... t i'""'• tnAf~tU In• •IMI"~ o! Soulhotn C1111aml•'I flr11 !•11-wel!""r w .. ~•nd _ _,_ 4 Tlrnooo<atu•tt -!• sllglillr U>Olfl In • ""'' ..... l. • lt>t Air Pollullon Con!rol 0+11,,(1 •,.. 91•..-. tf'Olher •II clNr •'"°II 1 -· ·-...:-....,,. .,,.,11. tlll'l>dv wl•h •-.1 flfff' "· 1~ w•!rr tem""'""'' ...... I ' 9:)Vl'H1"11tN CAllFOIHH• -P••!I ~ ..,,, ,...._,, S•!v.-clfJ. Few 11>owtr• UllUnd nonr....n rnounta.n• Frl<loY '"" ._..,,lotwtl ..-oJnv 111rlocl1 not1n •"" .... -!lone F•klav nltM end !•..,•· 'lld. Windy l'nOUn!tlN 1"6 lnterlGr, • ....,ttr cooler 111v1 t.CIS "'NG~lES °""I!'"' -p,.u., (!Ol.l!l'f Frl<NY tnd Satu•dav T"'""' -ctn! rtt-....:1 l)f r•onY ,,...'I'd• r .,. -n.1nt t nd WlurlllY. 0-.•·n ~~• "°""' _, 51.. H1911 l"rldrt 71. ~•·0~11, ~ s..tturllly CO"ST"'l ANO INTEll.o,\EC>IA TE "AlLIE YS -'°lr11Y c-loudv F•!d•• .~~ 51...,....~1. C"'~ of r11 ..... pe•·O<ll r ••· dllY nlll'lt 11111 Stl'llrffy, Sl .. M•w ~,,.-!rr dtY .. OY1rnltfll lcrws • lo 60. H•O~t ......... 11119 1•. MOUNT ... IN Alltl!A5 -CO<ttl~••b'• (ieUOlntU tllr...,.., Selurd1v Cl'lll~'• "' .-w ~.,,. ~ ....... ,, .. *"• Slt.nv 1>td-wl!l'I -""'"' ltle!w< ••llMI Frld•Y fli.tlf Ind 5'11• urdrf'. Wind• •nd 1l~•lv coal~r div•. J NTfll:IOlt AHO DE5EllT 1teG1CNS -, V1r11blt tloudt "'""""" Stllrrd•v. ~I 11orn1 .,_,. rw-tn -1!on .......,., '"""'"" ,,_nlt lnt. WlnOY Ind lollll'ltt• caoier d•••-awrn..,.r 1crw1 ., .... ._, v1llt-'f1, !Oto joO """'"""•~I· ..... Hien• F•.dJI• 10"' IO ...... , ... ,. ltra ,.,a to to a1 '''"' Y•ll•r•. i fA11t Coastal '-'-" Ind coot wflll ecc111t~tl re\ny ...,.IOdt. !Gutn_.1 to wt•! wlndl 10 to 10 11.tw:>ll lft tltt r-1 IOdtY Ind 5»•urG IY. HoOft• IOdtY ~- (')11t1I ltm..,n1lurtt ,.._ fro,,, 51 to n . 1,,land ltm1>t••lvrH ''"" lr-on1 SJ lD /1 S11t1, "lonn. Tides ".-:tDAY ltcO"d low 10 ~211>.m. CI l °"TUllD°"Y F!tol h tit • "'"'"' . • •:II o m, JI "'"' I-.................. ''" J • 5-KDf'd hlolt """"'" l <11>.m. JO 5t{Ond lg,. •• I I JC 1> "'· 0.0 lJ.S. S111n111nry "" H•IY ••••O'> told """" <onilftVfd to 00m1 ... 1e "'' "ft:O,,el wetli'M'r "e~•. Cola '''" tnd ""'"nt•I" '""""' nc· cu"fd .....,, .,,...t of lh~ we•'"'" JlftC•. "'"II '"°"' """''' .,,. ! ...,, •twoNe•• a~ vtl-Imm •~f urrt• mlawo•I la th• ,...,tht•ft "'~~··•~hlan• Uo to tlvt .ntht• o! n~· .. •-t<l<'· 11...,,..j .,..., 1i.e s1e,,1 Nrv"'6~ '""'" ct Col '"'"I• Tr ove:•• 1 '"""'l"'' "'''' ••••l~~d !a• "" SI'"" Ne••d•• whf>rf '"""' ,,.n t il'IV~ •~e)YJl'l !r>O! level 1,, '4orl"t'll C•lllor11.1 t na t,.. llCXlll '°"' •••el '" th• Ctonlr1I otr1 of ,,.,., •l•!f. llowev.,, t~e •"'7'" lovtl "'"' "'""''"" '" l1>w•• ta •~ !~et r,, t~• ~rlh •11<1 6.:JOO lt•I !n Ctn•rtl Celllor~lt loclt v. Temperat11re• 111111 ·~ ... lbuo"'"'Ut • " Ant~n••9• " " At!•nlt " .. 81-e••ll,•d " " Ill•"'•"• " '-' llo •e " " l!O\l('fl " " Br<rwn••1111 u " Cfllc190 " " Clnc!11n1!1 ~ " °"""" " " ~Molnet • tt °"'"' ' " .. F1lrb1nkt ~ " F re1110 " • ··~ tt " llO,.,lt,rlu n " l<:•n••• CllY " " l o\ VeQa1 u .. l O• AnttlH " .. M l•ml u " M ~,..tfloll• " " !j'"' 0.1.,.,. " " N-Yori< " " tlnri" r 1,111 " " O»••"d " " Qllle~""'' City " " °"'""' .. " "''"' $o•lnot N • "'·o ~<>bit$ " •• r ...,..,i. .. ~ Pllt10V•tfl " .. Porl!A"<! .. " "'~"'Cl.., " • lle'dll~ll " .. .. ~ " " S•""'"''O " • Seit L~~t Cll\I " " 5•" Oltto " .. !Min F•1ncl11CO " " St•l!I• .. " s .. .,.,-.... " " 1~., ... ,1 .. " w.,~1"'~" • • ·~' ·" ·" ·" ·" .n •• . " -~ ·" ... ., ·" of military controllers breaking into ap. plause, shouting and waving as the suc- cessful return announccmenl was made. The spacecraft came down close to its present target, and helicopters SJXllted its J1uge parachute canopy as it drifted dov.•n on a barren plain fl ecked with early winter snow. By the time the heat-seared <.:apsu le was lowered the last few feet, greeters were already there awaiting the crewmen. Tass said the crew carried out "an ex· tensive program of scientific, technological and medico-biological in- vestigations." Soyuz 7 v.·as piloted by Ll. Col. Anatoli V. Filipchenko and carried two fl ight engineers, V!adislav N. Volkov and V1ktor B. rr0rbatko. During its five-day flight, Soyuz 7 maneuvered v.•ithin 500 yards of Soyuz 8 but did not link up with 1l. Soyuz 8 \\'as expected lO be brought back Saturday. Earlier, Tass reported that Filipchenko and Col. Vladimir Shatlov, commander of Soyuz 8, said their crews had rested well, had breakfast, did some exercises and "began carrying out the program of their new d;iy in space.'' Astronants Star At Lollobrigida Bash • Rome lll ROJ\1E (UPI) -The three Apollo 11 astronauts v.·ent to the stars Thursday nigh !. The most glitterin~ of the stars were actresses Cl:iudia Ca rdin<ile and Gina Lollobrigida v.·ho in\·1 ted the three men and their wivPs to one of those Roman parties that last half the night and fe,11u red :i real princess and a v.•oman in a ~ee-through gov.11 . Neil A. Ann~trong, Ed\~·in E. "Buzz'' Ald rin and l\·lichael Collins met l\fls!I Lol lobr•g1da in J\l ex1ro Ci ty last month. a! stnrt of their goodwill 011ssion. She in- ''ited them to a party in Rome and they at [f-p!ed, "They ~aid they enjoyed ihemselves,'' Gina s.-1 id today. "l\1r . Annstrong pro- m1 ~cd lo send me a ntoon stone after his next. t.rip." Among the other guests were Princess Lalla Aicha. who is l\forocco's am- bassador lo Italy and the sister of King llassan II, .1nd several ltalian actors, ac· t1esses and members of the Roman nobility. Another guest was Consuelo Crespi who wa!t a prominent New York model befor-: her marriage lO Italian Count Rudt Crespi. The party was described as "quiet" ex· c.?pt for a burst of applause and a shout of approval when a huge cake shaped like the moon was wheeled into the dining room of Gina·~ villa on the Pncicnt Ap- pian Way outside Rome. A shapely, unidentified guest wore a full-length see-through gown and w.11s described by another party goer as ''an eyeful " t-.1l~s Lollobrigida, an am ale u r set1lptres.o;, presented the astronauts with tiny bronic. statues of her 12-year-old son ?tlllko. Party or no party the three astronauts ~er~ up early today to vi!it some of the famous tourl!l !rights of Rome -the ColoSl!leum, the Trevi Fountain and the Roman Forum. LSD Bragger Jumps Off G<ilden Gate SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - A young man v.·ho told police in 1967 he had taken 50 LSD trips plunged to h1s death Thurs- day from the Golden Gate Bridge. The vi ctim w.11s Identified a.s Prier V. Davis, 22, Novato. The Coast Guard recovered his body minUk'!i after he stop- J'll'd his car on U1e span and vaulted over the r•ilin&. Sniall Foree to Stay Laird Predicts Rapid Pullouts WASHINGTON (UPI) Defen~e Secretary Melvin R. Laird said today the L'nited Slates is moving lo turn over "in rapid fashion" all eon1bat responsibility in Vietnam lo the South Vietnamese. "We are doing son1ething more than the plans that were in being when we took office." Laird told a Pentagon seminar. "\Ire are now moving to transfer alt combat responsibility in a very rapid fashion to the forces of Sou th Vietnam based on the progress they make. " ... instead of our troop levels going up and up and up every month, our troop levels are going down and down and down.'' Laird's remarks ""'ere made at a day· long seminar on defense policy that in· eluded representatives of such groups as bankers, veterans organizations, 4-11 clubs, ship builders, women's groups and civil liberties groups. Laird said Thursday that afler the war Is over and American combat troops have come home , however, a residual U.S military force -perhaps numbering in the thosuands -will remain. Such a residual force, Lai rd told an im· promytu nev.·s conference at the Penta· gon, would be compr ised of a "training and advisorv force ." He did not say how long he env.isioned the force v.·ould ha \'e to be left there. Sixteen years after the end of the war in Korea, 50,000 American troops are sta· tioned there. Laird has said he hoped the ap· proximately 300,000 combat troops in Vietnam could be withdrawn in a "reasonable" lime. This would leave about 200,000 noncombat supJXlrt troops. The residual force v.·ould be left after the support units arc gone. Laird wa:; not specific as to the size of the residual force; but he said it \\'Oul d nol be anything like the number of troops in Korea, although it probably v.·iuld be larger than the 6,000 to 7,000 troops \\'ho v.·ere in Vietnam in the early years of the Kennerly administration. Laird also said he did not want to give * u * U.S. Dismisses Off er by Reds PARIS fU Pl) -Qualified diplomats to- day dismissed the Communisl offer of secret U S.·Viet Cong talks as just another e ffort to do1\•ngrade lhc Saigon government. The diplomats said Amba~sador llenry Cabot Lodge "'as surpr1S('d by 1.h(' liming and "blatancy" of the offrr but not by the substance of the proposal. Hanoi officials made the offer during Thursday's regular v.•eekly session of the Vietnam peace talks. If accepted by \l.'ashington, the South Vie t n a m c s c governnlent would be bypassed flS a par· ty lO a settlement. Lodge counterefi the proposal v>'ith a call for secret discussions among all friu r participants al the talks, including the. Viet Cong. The sources said the United Slates re- jected lhe move because it was not a g<'- nuine effort to finrl a peace :;cttlement but .1n attempt to cause fric tion betv.·een the alli c.'i. "ll"s not that the proposal i~ new," the sources sairl. "The North. Vietnamese have urged lhe same ttung in the past. the impression that he antici pa!ed a ll :=:. 1nilitar3• presence in Vic1nan1 for many years, as in Kor~a or \Vesl(·rr1 ~urUJX'. He said the President has made 1t clr nr that the ulti1natc level of Lrriops lo be tc tt in Vietnam is still "ucgo\.J ablc" \\ilh the north. Laird also s:iid lhc L:niled Slates r:cvcr actually had lhe capalli!ity 1u figh t 2 1 ~ v.·ars and dOl's not have. lt 1101\'. lie. referred to statements uf forn1rr defense secretary Robert S. r.1cNa1nara \\'ho said U.S. n1illtary forces \\'ere arranged to be able to handle a v.·ar in Europe, a Chinese invasion of Soulheast Asia and a small conflict in the Western Hemisphere -al th~ same lime if need be. Laird said the goal \Vas never actual ly provided for in final defense budgets. •t( ·.~: '* 5,993 Aircraft Lost i11 War, 28 Duri11g L11ll SAIGON !UPI) -The U.S. military command said today it has lo~t ::i.99J helicopters and airplanes in the Vietnant v.·ar -their total value conscr .'ativcly cstimalC'd at $6 billion. An announce1ncnt from headquarters said 28 of the aircraft 1vere lost in the past nine days despite a lull in fighting ,1·hich c!ropJX'd U.S. combat deaths to their lowesl poin t in nearly thrre .vears. The luU reached v.·ell into its fifth \1•cek this niorning, v.·ith niilitary spokcs1nen reixirting 39 guerrillas ~lain in fi1·c Saigon-area c\ashrs. 1\o A m e r i c a n casualties were reporll'rl. Com1nandcrs in the nurtl1('tn \1·ar zone said 1hree Americans 11TrC killed :ind 17 v.·oundcd in 25 sc;11tered overnight clashes there, killing n tola! of 23 \"1tt Cong and North Victnan1ese. The Con1m un1sts c;irried vul 21 niortar and rocket attacks against :t!lied large!'!. during the night. causing hgh~ da1nagc or casualties but no Al'nf'rican (.ilahtics, n1ilitary spokes1nen s:iid. .. In reporting !he l' S. :ii rtr:irt \'l,~r., !!incc J an. I, 1961. hcadqunrlcr~ sn1d 1hrre was no record of lh~ total nf n1en killer! in. crashes or do11'n1ngs. J\lany of th~ f1xed-v.·ing planes 11cnt down o'er North \'ir't nam. The ai rrrart lo$scs inr!udc 1 RB I fix('rl· \1•ing planes such ;;is fighter.l)(lmbcr:; ;111•t cargo carriers and 3.112 helicopter~. 1hi' r o1n1nnnd said. Thf' ;1\er;iJ(1• 1·u~1 1~ CJboul $1 million apiece, l".S source.~ ,c;:iirl. About half v.·e rc lost in cornbat lo ground fire v.·hilc the nthrr hnl f wrrc dest royed in shelling at lacks or ren1iercd nnusable hv brcakdov.·ns <•r cr<1shcs in noncombat ·sl!un!lon.~- Eighl \vaves Df B.52 lyimber~ kept up !heir pounding of retreats 1vhcrc :illlerl in · tclligence l><IYS the Comn1un1.~1~ .'l_rc regrouping for a new 11•;i1·e nf .--illn1'ks. The bombers. higgPst in Atnrrica's ar~cnal. concentratcrl fire of l h~i r r;iir!~ f)n a rcla\1\'cly nc1~· tar~rt ~ thr Jlln~!rs 19 to 24 mi!es no rthv.·f'~t nf l'lc\k11, a ma· jor rity in lhe Central I hehl;-ind~. l\1iht;iry spoke~mrn t:i...'!.'11f'11ly rr[YlrlcrJ one t• S. ~!a rine kl ll•:d and 15 11·oundcd 1n an overnight f1gh1 lh.11 bf'gnn \\"P<1neslf.1y 25 miles south nf IJ;i :\1ng E1pht Cr>111· munist solrl1crs died in !hr !i.1t1hng 0~1 T1lo1>h1•1 $140,000 Painti119 ,\ picture may be worth a thousand v.·ord.~. but this one hrou.cht $140.000, the highest price e ver paid at auc tion for Fl \1·ork of arl hv :'! n·o rnan, and by an :\mcrican. f\-1ary Ca ssatt's "i\lol he r nnrl ("hil d" was purc hased by Dr. Armand !Jammer. \\·ho ,~·\11 C\"l'nt11 Jlly ~l\'B> it to tbc Los . .\ngclcs County l\luscu1n. . ' s l d 1• d • • ' l ' ' I ' I • I l l l I l • i ~ l • • • • • • • : J • ' . • l .\ I J ·-- Business Warned ~~t;:"":~ To l(eep Brake On r· !!OT SPRINGS, \'a . (AP\ - s~cretary of the Treasury lJavid r-.1. Kennedy v.·arned to- d;iy against a pren1ature t'l:l.S· Ing of Lhe anti-inflation brakes despite current evidences of a slowdO\l'n, Jesl lhe price-wage i;piral be revived at full speed. Kennedy addressed 1nore than 100 lop leaders of in· duslry at the fall 1neel1ng of the Business Council , as one or :-;everal high administration ol- l1c1als on hand to enlist in- dustry's support in curbing 10- fla l!o n. "\\'c 111u~t and shall resist lhr ;ill-too tcnipting route uf 1 1no1·ing into an expansionary pusture too soo n,'' Kennedy said. "That route v•ould onty lead America into a dismal and stlf--dt-feating cycle of stagna- t ion and inflation." fiscal policies \\."ould tome into play and the economy would joyfully expand. "Soon underlying p r ic e pressures ~·ou!d reassert themselves and, once more, we v.·ould begin to experience the pain of inflation." Kennedy conceded it \\'OUld not be easy to decide the pro- per moment lo shift from a policy of restraint to one of t'dSC. IL is the administration's responsibility to \\.'atch closely and "lo respond promptly \11hen the signs oire un· m1stakably clear that the balance of risk has shi fted from infla tion to retession."' he said. He called on the business leaders to help in t'ft'O \1·ays: Revi·ved Boy No Longer Says 'Pig' DENV ER (UPI) -F ran k Vigil, 19. used to lhink of cops as '"pigs." fi e nearly lo.~t hts JifC' before lie changed his n1 ind , Lottery 11111:.eriled 111 Se11ate \i.'ASHINGTON !AP) Presi dent N1xon'J1; plan lo c!r<1H 19-year..olds· fir5l under a lottery syste1n appears like ly to 11·1n !·louse ·approv al next week but ll~ fate in the Senate is :in open question. The llouse Anned Service.'! Co1nmittee appro11ed the plan a imed at gi\'ing l8-year--0lds advarice notic e of the ir draH prospects by a surprise Jl-0 vote Thursday. House leaders, \l'ho believe lhev cttn block efforts lo lack "h0tes<ile re\"i1-dons on the bill, :ilinost. in1medi Ately scheduled floor action for late nf'xl v.•eek, P 1ndil'at111g thl'rc is l11llc hard • · ~l • ~ opposition the re. · .... :C.. I) l ... -• . _ut re ports from the Senate -~-f" ~ .. . '""· -...• 1nd1c:ated Arrned Se r v ices ~ .. '";,;J4'l'"· ~ J:" Cha1rn1an John C. Stennis (0-• ~· ..,.,, .... " · ~•.')-• ,,. ~ t'il iss.'), \\·as reluctant to put • ..:. v ~,.-., .... the bill on the rJoor "'her!! ~ '1' · ~ -~ critics, who count Sen. · iif.tt-·~ .. ";.t:* -r:'!-;c """' •• ,,,,." • ;"' ") , • Er!v:ard ~L l\rnnedy ( 0--~~;~ 1• . "!"I, ·· • t; J\1<iss.), have a host of pro· • ·"' .• ' '"· ... I . ~ U!'I T•l•~~olt. Kennedy spoke to the coun- t•i I members in a closed meeting, but made available to reporters a l!'X l of his speech. He sa id ··t11c most da1naging course ""e l'ould take v.·ould be 1he stop-and-go route." and added : -By supporting the arl· minislration·s e I ( o r t Ill Congress to curb expenditures lo prol'lclc a budget surplus as an anli·inflalion wea pon, and to support a s1x·month exten- ::don o fthe lax surcharge at five percent. -To exercise "enlightened rl'Slraint in your pricing decisions.'' 1'he IC'enagcr's hrart sto11· ped beating Sept. 26 v.•hen a car in \\.'hich he was riding \v:1s involved i11 an accident. A rooki e patrolm:i.n can1e to his <iid and saved his life. louchini:: off a rock-lhrowing demonstration in the process. posed revisions i n c I u d i n g elmination of all college draft dcfcnnents. NEW YORK STREET CLEANERS FACED FORMIDABLE TASK TODAY AFTER MET 'Even Better Th•n for the A1trono1ut1 ••• Everything'• Covered With Snow' MANIA ~~~~~~~~- "Under such a policy, \l'C v.·ould fight inflation, but only so long as our eff orts were not too painful. ··\\'hen inflation eon tr o 1 policies began lo 1\'0r k -and pinch -pressures v.·ou!d b111ld up lo change course. Ex- pansionary and nlonetary and Kennedy also rffJurstcd thal businessmen speak up in sup· port of a tax reform bill v.·hich \1•ould not provide large lax rcduetions. The Ho u s e ·a ]l- proved measure. he said. 11·ou ld afford aOOut $10.:J hillion of tax relief, 1noslly to in· dividual s. •·1 know people con5idf'r tl1e police 'pigs'," Vigil said in a letter to Patrolnian Robert 1\losirr. "I now reahLc !hal the police arc there to help us and arc on our si dr, not against us " Stennis could nol be re ached for comment but Senate De1nocratic Leader 111 i k e r.tansfi('ld, who [a v o r s elitn ln;!\ion of the draft, dis- counted those repor!s. J(opcchnes NY Goes Ape Over Mets Call Autopsy S B di.-B" Tl SI Officer r.1osier "'as lhe fir~! on the sctnc last month \\'hen Vigil 's car slammed into a parked auto. The young patrol1na n straddled the fa llen you!h and began applying ex- ternal hea rt massage to get the heart beating again . •· J feel certain that if the /louse passes it, he 1Ste11ni.~J ~·ill report it out as r x· pedil ious!y as possihlr.'' 1'1ansfield said , "and if he docs. I'll call it up as ex- peditiously as possible.." 'Off . , treet e ,wrn igger ian at iea CDSLVC U!'I Tl!N lltl• A gathering crowd of youths though t Mosier ll'as attacking the boy and trird to dr;1g hin1 off. Rock.~ began flylng and police had lo use tear gas to break up lhc cro11·d. Six!een persons, including 13 police of- fice rs, 11·erc injured. "J know it's kind of late to be saying thanks." Vlgil wrote "I found Olit the hard v.·ay. I almost Josl rnv life ... I v.·ish in somf' \1'ay the people of the \Vf'Sl side and any other community co u ) d com- 1nunicate with you and any other offi crr in a belier way. "Thank you." An effort to elirninate all college deferments was ru led out of order by a 21-10 roll-call vote in the House. committee that indicated the strateg~ tl1at may bc used lo block draft amendments on the House floor , The comn1 ilt<'e ru led th;1t the only issue before the House. i~ a one-line bill to repeal the 1967 ban against any draft lottery , Under House Rule Jf any other draft pro- posal is not gennane to tha t one-tine repeal. But an aide to Stennis noter! !he Senate has no such •·not germane" rule 'lvith v.•hich to prevent "'holesale amend· ments. \\'I LK E S·BAHRI;:, Pa. (AP) -The atrorneys for the pa rents or '.\lary .Jo Ko11echnc insisted today ''there 1s no good <'a use or u rge n t n<'ccssity" for an autopsy on her body. Disturbing her gra\'e "wou ld be grossly of- fensive." Attorn:.·y ,Jo seph 1;·. Flanagan filed an ans11'tr tC'I an aniendcd petition by Dist. Atty. Edrnond Din is, Ne1v Bedford, 1'1ass., \Vho has asked Common Pleas Judge Bernard C. Broininski lo appro\'e ex- humation for an autopsy. The hearing on lhe petition is scheduled to beg.in nl'xt fltonday at 10 a.m. NE\V ''ORK (AP) -Happy street cleaners plov.·cd today into sno~·dr'ifts or papl'r flun~ rrorn skyscrapers in Lhe city's del irious celC'bration of the New York r.1e1s' rise from seven yl'ars in the cella r lo the \\'rirld Se ries t·han1pionship. The hlizzard of tickert:ipc, stationery, <"on1 puter cards and \l'aste paper filled the air Thursday mon1ents a ft er ('!eon Jones caught a Bil!tin1nre Orioles fly ball for the las~ out. capping a tea1n dri;·e tu the top thttt was r.tct- eoric , Blase l\r\v \'orkcr~ rn1- braccd tntal str11ng<'rs ancl danced in the streets. Car horns blared and construrlion 11·orkcrs on the high steel cheered. r.~rgr \Vash ington's statue across from the Stock Ex- change suddenly sprouted a /\l ets pennant in his outstretched right hand. ··out of sight ~'' yl'lled a man in the garment district. •·1 knew they'd do IL~" At Shea St.adiunt lhr 5.3 vie· tory brought pure bedlam. "There i.~ no ton1orrow." cleclaroU a banner in the stands. l\ids po.c;ed for the final out slormt>d through the Qoxes, o\'er the shoulders of the car- riage trade, bov.•ling over pnlicemrn as thl'y led the general rush 011\0 1he field . Vir tually sn1otJ1ered v.'i !h affection, the Met., had to fight their v.•ay to the dressing roo mand it took an hour lo clear the field. The stadium ground crew's job v.·as minor compareri lo v.•hat faced the New York STUDENTS' LETTERS TELL 'WHY' Joan Fax and Boyfriend Craig Bo1dia1i .il'lcCormack Suspends Aide After Scandal The 28·yf'ar·old secre tary 11 as killed on U1c ni ght of July 18 whrn a car opc ratro by Sen. Ed'ft•ard 111. Kenn~y plunged of[ a narrow bridge and orerturncd in a pond on Chappaquiddick Jsland off the t-.lassachuseus roa.~t. !It r 1lrath v:as ruled hy drov.·ning, \\'ilhou l an autopsy. 'Chica(Jo Eight' Lalvver Died Pea~e lier parents, /\Ir. ;ind i\lrs. . Joseph A. Kop~chne of Berkeley HcighL~. N.J ., have ~ . Says Court Arn1ed Ca1np \\'ASHINGTON (UPI ) µany offic ials last /\fay al U1c vi gorously opposed disturbing CHICAGO IUPJ ) A Augu~t. 1968. eonl'ention . !louse Speaker John \V. Securilies and Exchange Com -her grave. defens!": attorney in the trial of Dwayne Oklcpek tei;lifi ed he r.·lcCormack said \()(la.v U1;it he mission, which had sus...,,ndcd Flttnagan, in hi.ii <'ight-page heArd one of the defendants, ,. -d th il h · d eight men charged v.'ilh in-Dead Teens Answer'Why?' CHEWS LANDING. l\ .. J. (UPI) -"Why?-Because \1e love our fell ow men enough to sacrifice our 11\·es so that they ~·ill try to find the ecs!a~y in just being ali\'e." has suspended 11•ithout pay a tradlng in Parvin Dohnnann ansv.•er sa1 al t e JU ge Tom Hayden. say on the eve met Jlusslan Alexei Kosygin Lop legislative assislant at·· stock pending an investigation. should order exhumation il citing violence at I h e or the convention that antiwar t11•0 years ago and \\.'here \Ved -1.:used of intervening on behalf Parvin Dohrmann investors would be •·prejudicial to the Democratic Na I i o n a I Con-demonstrators need "an army nesda_v Badiali and r.-tiss Fox of a company allegedly engag· were accused in the courl \Vis hes, sensitivities, health vention told the cou rt il looks and guns'' and that anolhrr. attended a mora torium rally cd in stock marke t ir· complaint of filing false and and well-bc.ing" of the parents. like an "armed camp" and Rennie Davis, to Id rrg-ula rilies. 1nisleadlng-reports v.·1th the Planagttn said fu rthl'r that said he expects his clients l.o dernons!rators, "Go down to :;j C:Ja.<:sboro State College. 1·11e aide is !\lartin Sweig, a government in order 10 gain ''the c'1L1se of death has been be ronvictcd. the Loop and bust it up -lie A lricn1J of r.11ss Fox 11 ho ~\cCor111ack employe for more control of the firm. thrn l'lcarly and legally f'Slablished \Villiam Kunstler made the up traffic and so forth. If the saw the couple after the ral ly than 24 years, ~·hose nam -:: n1anipulal1ng the market price hv Dr. Donald 1'-lills, acting coinmenl Thursday after a police battle u~. just rint." san itation missioner f\foeller. men of Corn· G r iswold L. The blanket of paper riva!rd even that poured out for the moo nmen of Apollo 11. '·Even better than for th!! astronauts," said W~l l Street secretary Eileen Nolan. ''It's beautiful. Eve r yt hing · ~ ro\'ererl -w·ith snow. It 's beautiful.'' "Sanitationmen ~ha re the joy of the World Se ries vie· tory," said Moeller. "Our nighl shifl and Lask force are prepared to do the job - \\."histling while they work.'' As dawn broke Ol'er a fi nally.qu irt New York, an of· ficial said lhere was no ·way o{ telling how long 1t v.·ould tak:: to clean up the mess. To speed th<' JOb, parkin;i was ttmporarily banned i::i three areas -mid-t-.1anhattan, the financial district anll downtown BrOtlkly n. Mayor Jnhn \1• Lind58y, who got a joyous champa1;nt shampoo in the Met s ' cluhhouse after the game . fht'n snatched a bottle out ol another pla yer's hand an d doused a couple of 1'-1e!.~. stayed up until 3 a.m. in· specting the cleanup work. · Gel lhe most on INSURED SAVINGS! KEYSTONE SAVINGS AND LO~I' AS~OCIAH01j 'a•.,J~ w c~.,, .... '•flid•"' &Sl AMIT Ill 5 38~ ~r ~ srECl1l tllll rw • •N•1111• l~••rut pa ill frv.,. d<>I• f•H•d• TOC•i~<ot lo d<1l4 <if..,1/,\4 ...... ,.,, That -in their own v.·nr<!s -v.•as \\·hy tv.·o high school sludenls n1arlyrerl thrm.~ell es by running carbon nirinox1de into a parkcd car on 1noratorium dil\'. Ofririals say ;i v.·a~ planned at least a day in advance. -the l;i sl person kno~·n to v.'as mentioned in a complaint of the stock. medica l exa1niner, in Dukes forme r n e \\.'spa p c rm an Unde r cross·cxamination , hare ~1'1'11 them ali\"e -c;aid filed in feder;il cou rt in New i\1cC-Ormack. in a statement. C.:ounly. i\-lass." and alleged re!)Qrted said he infiltrated the Oklepek said he heard leaders Jo:in l\lhl she harl hcrn di s:ip-,.ork Thu rsday ai:ains1 1hc said Sv.·eig ac!rd in the maller thnt ·Dinis is ""·ithou l suf· leadt>rshi p of the Na tional of the mobilization committee po1ntl'd by the proti'St nll.'i'1ing f'OntrO\'Cr~y-bcset par vi n ""·ithoul my Jinn~·lerlgl' or f1<·1<•nt inforn1alion tn form a i\fobilization C.:ommittcc to say repeatedly !hey ~·ished to Fil[ ASTIDlOllCAt fCllEUST bl't:ius<' the p<1rticipa nls ii.-•rr Dohrmann Co. permission and [ v.·as nnl behrr as to ~·hethrr there ls End the \Var in \1ietnam for avoid \'iolence but that they :~:Y~~:~! The \l'o'O -Cr:i1g Badiali and Joan Fox. ho!h 17 -left 24 neatly hand-printed lrtters adr!resscd to parents. fr'1encl1'. and offici:ils of Highland Regional High Schoo!, ~·here lhry v.·ere Doth senior~. acl l n~ too much in the spirit The complain~ said S'ft·eig made aware of the fa cts until dou bt and suspicion sur-Chicago's Amcrican ( nn1Y expected violence f rom ..... ~ ...... .,._~ ........ mr•t• or flin. ~".'.'~:"~~~~·~~l~~~-~~".':~··:_ ________ ~r~0<~1~nd~;~,~~t~h,~d_e_ea~t~h~.'~' ____ _<:C~h~;,~,~~n_:'T~od~•i::l~d~o~r~;n~g'_'l~h~c~C~h~;_:e1~g~n'.__l'!'°l~Jc:•:_------~!!!!~~lllli!llili!llili!iii'!iifiii~~!!!! Bolh sets of p1irrn1s ha1e mainr a1ned a cahn a n d dignified sllencr about Ll1e dooble suicidr. Close lrientls a re too choked up to lry to ex- plain it. Casual acqt1a1nLanccs cannot 11ndcrsland ii. The 1wo v.·ere found Thurs- day morning in a car parked on a dirt road about 10 miles from Glassboro, N.J., where President Lyndon 8. Johnson •:t< .. ,'6f~~.I The rrienrl talked to i\l1ss 1-:irrang a mee ing or com-""'ay. Fox :tl about 4 p.in. \\"ed· nc~ay . Can1den Count y ~l rdlcal Tnves11gator Thomas R. Dalt'y :.ai d tJ1e \\\O \\·crr asphyxiated between 6 and 9 p.rn . \Ved- nes<lay by ft11nes from the c.·ar"s cxhausL, carried into the \'Phic:lc by a vacuum-cleaner 11nse run through a hole in tl1e floor. "\\'hy?'' asked U1e suicide not r. ma de public by Da ley early today. "B('(.:i:luse we sec lhal people just -w·on't do and say v.1hat they !eel. •. .... '' ''''''' '' ''' '''' ,,,,,,, .............. ' ''' .,. ! YOUR PROBLEM: j : Yau want to Mii tome item : ~ that you no longer need but • ~ aomeone else can use fOf' f ;i NOT OVER $50 • ~ ?????? i i YOUR ANSWER: i i Yoy call THE DAILY PILOT, o11k for i 1. Cln1ifled Advertising, and place • i • ~o:..,,..". PILOT ! : PENNY t I ~~~~~~~DI f AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE I t 3 LINIS 2 TIMES 2 DOLLARS t : AND YOUR CREDIT JS GOOD I t : DIAL NOW DIRECT! t i 642-5678 i ~ IT•ll fr•• N•rtll C•1111fy 540·1 llOl f ...................................................................... . I ------·~--~~~~~~~~~.._. ____________ ._ ....................................................... ~~--. 8 DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL Pt\GE The Lot On Oct. 7 Fountain \!alley's City Council, freshly lnstalled follO\''ing a bitter recall eleClion, approved the Lar\\•1n Company's pla n fo r building on 4i5 lots aver- aging 6,800 sr1uare feet eric h with a minimu1n size of G,000 square fer.I. 'l'hc hon1es will be built on the san1c 111 acres that launched the recall which ousted three incurnbenl counctltnf·n. That recall n1ovC"1ncnt \11as started v.•hcn many resi· dents objected to Lt1r11111l's proposal to hluld Jots \1•ith a ininimum s ize of 5 000 square feel and to develop Edison ('o. land as a park for the city. 1\Jl three nev.•ly· elected councll111c n opposed this proposal, as did the t11·0 counciln1en JlOt u11 olved in the recall. To sornc i11 the and1c ncc it looked as if the new councilrnen "ere reneging on campaign prorni ses as they backed lhe nc\v Lar1vin proposal. But it \l'as not the reversal some claim. The main obje<:tion s to the or1 ~i nal La1,.,•in tract -5,000-square· foot lots and the t:di son land as a park -have been eliminated. fl l uch support for planned developments 'vith mlnimun1 lot sizes of 6,000 square feet has bee n openly expressed in the city. Size Issue ned developments. Some ol the follo\\·ing possibilitie~ have been expressed : -Elin1ination of any planned developments l'-'ilh an average lot size of Jess than 7 ,200 square feet. -A minimum lot size in planned developments ol 6.000 square feel for another fig ure) \>:hi!'! leavin g lhe average size variable. -Complele elimination of planned d evelop1ncnts. lf the issue appears confused at the moment it's only becau~e it is. But councilmen have promised a re1nedy in the very near future. Fi rst, ho\vcvcr, 'they inust carefully \vcigh the value or the planned developn1ent to the city (more park land or money, better tract design) a,gainst the desires of the citizens (large lols. more parks) until an ansv.'c r can be (ound to satisfy the most fountain Valley rcsi· dents. A Worthy Enterprise !11embers of the J-I untington Beach chapter of the Order o! DeMolay are engaged in a 'vorthy and thoughtful enterprise, The young !Tien arc collecting books to send to servicemen in Viet:iain. \\lhnt reall y happened is that the council openly ad· n1itted its confu ~ion on exactly 'vhat 1ype of planned d cvclopincnt ordinances it 1vants, but did express a I.rend to1vard larger lot sizes. ViCe Ivlayor .John Harper declared the La r1vin tract \\'oul d be the last of it s kind in Fountain Valley. That ren1ains to be .~cen . Ile is nnJy one of five men 1naking the decision and the others haven't made th ei r positions clear yet. The Def\'fola.vs en.~agcd in the book drive are offering a good cxan1ple of rernen1bering their ob!iga· t1on to young n1en 1vho -\l'il!ing!y or U!l\Vil11ngly -arc fighting b<1U!cs !or their country. 'ko_e .JJre1e1:..._ to_reorga.tLlZ~ t!Ut}gs , l{11:tJ1 ir1. tlze pre~en-t franzewor_k. ~ The council has pron1ised a chan.c:e in city ordi· nanccs 1\·1th a move to1vard larger lot s izes 1vith1n plan· Detractors 'Are More Helpful to Vs Sydney J. H a rri ~ Al !he height of his surce~s anrl popularity, when the Gilhl'TL and Sulhl'an operel1as \\'ere parking lhc Savoy Theater in London nightly . \V S r.1Hwrl appeared on the v.11ness stan1t in a libel case. He v:as asked by 1he dclrnsr counsel \\'hethf'r he had read 1he rnanv critKal comphmeots p<iHt lO him by a err!<11n mag<1z1ne , and h1s rrply doe~ nnl de~rve the ot>scuritv JI ha~ lt1llen into. I-le sairi: ••J ne\'er 'read fa1·or;1blr (TJl ici~m~ f prefer reading unfavorable nn1·s J kn<111· how good 1 arn , buL l elf, not knov• how bad I an1:' l\'.O\Y THI S i\IAY l\'.OT li;J1e brrn, strictly spca k1np,. tn1e . 111rrr is n11u:h r virlence that G1lhert re:id evrrythini; that wa s 11T1!1 en about h1n1 <ind h\.~ work. But the point he made is one that neerts to be empha sized ag:iin and again, 111 every age. As a drama critic for lhC' ra~t 2~ ~ea r s , 1 have recrtved dulens ot nnlf·~ lrru n grateful actors , d 1 re cto r .~ a11ct playv.-rights. thanking nic for any I.i nd t·ommen!5 about lhr1r work. In that same period . I ha\·r rl'<'Cl\'r<l r.carcely a handful or !ellers !r(lrn ;,ny lheatrlcal figures \\'hose eflorls J lound fa ult v.·ith. And vet, 11 my cr11 1t·1sm \ras v.·orth an ything ." thri:.e arr !hr one~ 11 hri should hal'e benel1lcd 1110~1 fron1 ('<JntluJ comment. If A CRITI C'S 01 '1 '.\'IO~-1s rc~prclcd Dea1· Gloomy Gus: 1!11ntin gton Bt'arh f•111n!;iin Vallry Lruck ownrrs ~hQ1Jlrl copy a s11:::n I ))ii\'.' on ;i big trih·k-in Virg1ni.1 : "T<illg;llf'rs -tl11s 1n1ek has hcc n 1n ~IX ;1tr:1dcnt~ and 11·1in lhl'1 n all ., -\' S N. l~I\ l<••uro rtllH!t •••t-e•<' V••""•• "°' n•«"l"I; t~on ol !~1 ~•w•••••' ~ond fOUf ·~' ·~•YI lo C.Joom, Gu•. O••I• ~.101. \1hen hr llkes \\"hat )OU 1!0, \hl'rl ii ::o.ho11l1f he re~pcclrd when hr dt~hkes whal }Oii do. If tu s :ippro\'al has any vahu.'. thl·n h1~ disapproval ~lluuld h;ll 1' sn1nr 1 ~1 l11r. Anrt 1t nolhln~ hr s;1ys, gooct 11r bl!d. h:1'i murh n1c;in1ng, then \l'hy trouble to 1hank h1nl'' All pf 11~. like G1\br rl. ;ill\·r 11·r h.11·t been 111 lilt• world a Wldlc, knuw prt·ll.V 111urh ))011· good we arl', 1'.hal 1s hard !(,r 11s 111 sci, 1s how hold 111' •ire. This ts 111 orc 1han ;i ni nl\cr of rncri·ly b1·1n~ Lh1n·~k111- Jl{•d ;iboul cnli<'1 ~n1 : J! !3 JU~t !hat lhe ;inglr. or rC'frn ct1011 rl[}{'~ n!1t turn bnf'k upon us. Nobody can exarnine !us 011•n C')'l'ba lls. ex cept in a 1nirror. ANO IT IS EQUALLY tn1r. thnugh p;un1l11. 1hal 11·c learn n1ore fro1n tho~c 11hn disli ke us th<Jn lron1 those who hke us. ~l'rn 1\·hrn thr1r np1111nn is nialJt'inu~. nr pcHy. or based 1111 ignor.1ncc. lhl·rc 1~ tiflt n a rorr of 1ru1h rn \1·h;1t they s.1,\. l\'e mu~t learn lu c:.:tract lhe cort' an<l ignore !he ~f:nlc.. This 1:, h:ir<I. drv1hshty harc1 , anrt I tlrin 't m•:an to prr1rnd that I an1 ;'lh!r to pr;..('\ ice \1 hat I prearh But. at leas!. !hr nd1·C'r.~c lcttrrs I rccr11 r g1l'c nic ii l\l lrll,'.>' Of p:Hn , 11 h1r h 1~ Oflcn a prcludr 111 :-~·lf,>'<Tu!fny. \Vo11ld lhn l morr h,,lf actors began to lullo w this d1ff1cu!L lead. Anoth,e1· Ge11 eral Pattori WASHlJ\GTON -There v.'lll soon be 8nother Gen George S. Pal1on 1n the t; S. Arni)'. Ml' 1s l~rorgr IV. ~on o! lhe 1llu10trious \\'orld \.\'ar J1 battle comrnand<'r who led \'ic!onous armies in Africa. Sicily and in hislory-making blitz sweeps through France and Gcrn1any. George IV is 36th on a list of 6• out.standing regular army r o 1o ne1 s i;elecled for promo1 1on to brigadier general. lie 11·1Jl get his star by lhc end of the }'rar. Like his father. Palton earned his elevation by cxcep11on<1l valur and ron1· bat leadership. Hr ha~ three d1st1n~uish tell ser1·'ice crosses-th(' ~t'('Ond hi,!!hC'st dkoralion for ex1ra1Jnhnary courage and compctencc under rirc. • l'fllE FIRST DSC 11 as wnn by Patton in ' ~'r---By <•e•~•·g e ' Otar George: l I rtteive a lot of complaints from 11 a sour-pussed ne ighbor who k<'rps G calling the police about the noise at : my Saturda.v nigh t parties. And, yet, he ls always waking me ' up on Sunday morning "''ith !he 4 noist. from his idiotic !lO"'er n1011o rr ~ as he goes out pr ac!ically at ri a" n .. ~·hile I'm trying lo sleep. \\11i•l : ~·oukl you suggest? Can I call the ~ police lo him~ 1'.ar J .: J. No -power mowers are legal in most statt:s, un fo r t u na t el y. However, I suggf'st you in\'ile him lo yvu r Snlurday night p<i r!y -an independent sur1•ey of mine sho"s 11:..til nobody with 8 hangovrr cu!s yards ~Arly on Sundas mornin g. A I l1·11-Go ld ~111i th Kore.a as a young captain commanding a tank company . Orderrd to hold a key hilt, he dug his tanks into the gun turret:< and for da ys fought off v.•a\'es of screaming Communist ('hine~e and Nnrlh Kort'an artackers. The other lwo OSCs v.·ere ai\•arded in Vietnam ror cqualiy striking leats as con1mander of 1hc lllh Armor£'d Cavalry Hrgiml'nt. This "as Patton·s second tou r or duly in Victna1n . The lirst \Yas as a major on lhc staff of C.rn Paul Harkins, then U.S. commander there. ' ( Patton c:~ppcd hi s latest Vietnam service in cha r:l('teristic manner. Upon returning to the U.S. last ~prin~. he asked for 1raining as a helicopter pilot-although 47 years old and a col~nl.'I. IUs request was grantC'd and he wa s sent lo For t Wolters. Tri ., where he co1nplc!e the regular lhree monlhs cour.-r. soloed anrl "'·as gi\'Cn his '1:ings as a "chopper" pilo t. TO t~RI ENOS he explained, •·r hr hrhcopter 1s now an rsscntial combat Y-eapon . In Vietnam. I had more than 50 of lhem in my command. about ha ll gun ~hips. As a co mb a j. commander.. I c(lnsider it vital that T knoy.· evtrylhrng about this weapon, including operating it, !he sarne as I do about running and lighting tanks and otiler \\'eapons of .i rn1nred units. Thal is why I asked for 1111~ fl ying training. 1 rlirln ·1 considt>r n1y ag ~ an obstacle in an~· \V<I)'" 8\ Hobert S. Alltn and iobn A. Gold1mllll Jf you have books to donate, 11hy not call 96~·4521 or 962-2196. Preve1itiv e Medical Cu1·e, F1·ie1td to Frie111I Family Doctor, Extinct or By ROBERT E. RAKEL, ~t.D. Dt. Rul.-1•/. a. d1 ~t/11n11i.~lled i11tt?l"•l- 1~·1 ond lra•li'r 111 nun1y Orn11oc Co111t· 111 slflfr n11d 11nl 1n11nl 111rd1('11/ orr1r1111- ·rd1n11~. i~ (/rrcc!.or of tl1e f"an!ll!J /"'r1u'/1('f' /i e~l(/ency Pro91·<J1n ai lloa!/ ~lr11ro1 u1l llu.~pita/. Pre.~byr1'ru111, 111 iVr 1rpurL Hr(lc/1 ourl u.~s1st0"11t clniic(/l nrnfl'.~~!•t 11f {01111/11 111rc/1c111e ot rhe. IJCI Cu/l evc 1!( J\/l'ciLC/llf'. -t:d.1tor One hqnclrC'd :ind forty yrar:i ago, Sir \\'altt'r ~cou 1\-ro1 r ··There is no rrraturt· 1n Scotland \hill \1·orks harder ;ind L~ 111orr poorls rcqu1tf'cl than a coon- rry !!O('lur, unle~s p('r\1ap!'. il be his hor~c " /'rub:thly lhi!' 11 as nne ex· 11lr111:1t1on for 1hc pr!'~!'ril ~hortagc or f.J111ily phy~1r1a 11 ~ Ano1hcr 1vas the rcn~u.\,<.anct of ~pl'rialilation l h:it lurrd coun!IC's~ physicians to1rards inlcns11·c s!11d,1 111 lll('al1zrd ;"Jrcas of 111edieint. The bt·~t rncdical eare. however, is not ohtainrd by the ;i1·cra~e prrsnn srt'king a sp!!C'1all~! f11r each ailment. For 1he ptJ- tit•nl conceivably 1nigl\t hal'c as in any personal ph.v~icians as thrre ;i r ,. spec1a ll 1C's. The n1nsl clficienl mcdic;il tare is pro1ndcrl b,v the pcrsnnal phy;.1. cian who ts broadly trained and able ro treat mosl of the illnesses he sees, but Ever yday Prohle111s 1vho is willing lo refer his patient to the ap1>ropriarc specialis t \\'hen additional help is needed while he continues lo supervise the to tal care or the ind1v1duat. THE PllYSICIA N bt'ing groomed to rill this role is the family praC'til1oner. a r<'birth of lhr family doctor. He v.·Hl have lh(' broad knowledge or the general prac- titioner, but Cl'en rnore for he receives 111·0 arldilional ~·cars of !raining in special programs dt>!<i.l!ned to acquaint him 11i1h niodern medical kn o\1•lcdge and tech- niques in a broad rang!:! of ml'dical d1s1"1plinrs. He then lakes an exam111at1on 1o be ccrtilicrl and subrnits !o a rc -c~- 1unl11atlon evt'ry six ye;ir~ In show !hat he is 11·orthy or continued cerUficaLion as a family praclitionr r. The fa1nily praclitioner's !raining 11·ill iocrea.s(' his elfect1vencss by ernphaSizing t:<1re of the family as a unit through his experiences in hand!nt problems u111q11t" lo !an1il1es -particularly the emotional ii1ter-relationl'.h1ps of its mcn1bt>rs :.nd the socio-econon1ic lac1ors lhal affect the hcaltn and the cqu1l1bnu1n of the 111lnle family. HIS SPEC IAL SKILLS ln t·on1- prehensivc medical care iinply prin1ary concern for the palient, r;ilh<'r lhnn for 1re<tting a di sease. for he will cons11l<'r all significant fact ors !hat aHcct the in· dtvidual's hcallh. The true fan1 1I,\' phy.~1c:1an arlds friend ship to professional services: his car~ 1s given 111th t•o111p.iss1un ;i,, fr1t•nd lo friend . not a~ propnrtor l(l custnml'f, A. family practitioner is ski lled 1n 1)rc1Tn- 11ve n1ediC";1] c·111·r. ~1ncr pre11'n!1 11' n1ai11trnancc is tnuch 1norl' rlfcc\11 c lhan torreetn·r m~1111tc11ancr. To dn this. lie 11111s l ha ve conlln111ng persona l contacts 1\•ith the p.1Hf'n! ;ind h1,<; la1nily. and ;1 ::,111t£'J't' dc.sir r for l'\'l'ryonr under l11s care lo be wrll, ralht·r lhi1n ill. 11\'CREASE D ~1lC'('ial11.r11lon in lhr L'nited Stales has led to ;1 fragn1Pn trd ~~StC'm ol mcdll'a! care. Tli~· rrsul1111g 111- effiC"iency has lC'd to rising rni'dic;'ll l·ar·l' f'osts. of CQT\ccrn to rvtr~·one. The hope i-; Iha! f<in1ily practice 11•ill be a 1nra11s nf diminishing this lrasmrntat1on and Case Against Haynsworth \\'ASHINGTON -T!'s pre1tv thin $!11lf, t h1~ c.ise ag<11nst Judge Ha,vnsv.(Jrlh . 'r'n11 h'HC to U~l' your unag1nat1on. thi nk 1he 1\01 st and <1ssu1ne th at ;i S1Jpren1 r Court n•1nHn1·e n1ust netcssarly be rl'g<irdcd as cul1 1y until proved innocenl. '!'hr <·nsr ll sc lf -Senator Bavh'.~ so- , i!lli·d hill nl p;1rtirulars -Contains 111 1•1H:ri·11~ <1dn1 111f'd crrnrs arid n1uch pl\,1.1\1n1:.h ~l uff b;1rdly w11rlh a n1lJ!l1Cnt's ,.,11~111u1n. f11r r;o,11111plt'. thr Ct'('cn 11llr County 11\ltrl Corpar;ition 111<.JllC'r involvt'<I in li :1[;atir111 bt'IOrl' Judgt· l!a~ns11 urth 111 1962. Thi· judge had not. in f:iet, owned n11y stock in that corporath111 s1n1".c 1958 ll'l11•n ;1 5 ;1 pril'atc lall'yrr hr w..is given onr share v.·orth $21 1n cons1drrat1on ot !Hi. being a d1rl'.'etor. No longer a director, he returned the stock plus a L"l1el'k for a dh•itlend of li:J cent~. They sent !he check back to him saying he would have lo accept it be- r:tuse il \\'as 10 his name and J udge !layns1\•orth duly reported this l:t-cent windfall on his i9a8 income tax return. S0~1 E OTHER instances citrd against ll aynsworth ha1·e the same or less \'alidi· ty. The issue really boils do"·n to the Brunswick C"ase in "'hich the judge pro- hably showed bad judgment in not te lling · l1i.~ broker to forgCol about bllying stock in the Brunswick Corporation after - underline after -a deci sion had already bce•1 reached in the court or appeals on a 1nattrr affecting lhe corporation. :he .,.,·ay it looked, the judge bought $16.000 worth of stock a short time. before a dccislon ravorab!e to the corporation. In point of fact , the stock was bought after a decision upholding a lower court JHdgmrnt involl'ing an an1011nt of money Iha! could ntil conceivably have had any rlf,.,..• f"'i rll~ not hill'<' ~nv effect, on I.he ,.a:~e ·of stock In a billion dollar cor· r.-0ril11ou. J udge Haynswonh would have been more prudent to have told hi~ broker not lo bolhtr v.·ith the Brunswick stock. but anv implication that he slood ln profit bv in~ide knowledgt or an 1mpt>nd1ng legal decision is pa!cntly absurd .• THE ~IOST Tlli\.T can he ~:iid is that a 111dse who buys 40 or ~ difFerenl \•:;inet1es ol common stock (lver a period Hi c ha r1I Wilson r.f 11n1e is bound sonnl'r or la1rr 10 h<Jl'C held son1c s1ock in con1pan1r ~ 1111 olvcd 111 htigallon thal n1i.i:h1 Con1r hrforr h1 n1 Thjs 1s !'1gnil1 e;1nt 111o~lly for tile t;it't Inn! a Jlid,i;e in thC,'>l' c1rcu1n st:1ncP-. ni1gllt tr cqu enlly luid 1t nrcrsf>ary to d1s- (llli1lifv h1rn~cl1 fron1 con~1dcring ;i ca.~f'. t l11J~ 1;1con1·rn1cnc111g a court alrCad y car· rying a hl·avy case load. Tile pcrtincnl question is 1vhethcr or not a fed1·ral judge should own and cnn - trol any signtflcanl amounl or con1n1011 :-tl"l(·k .ludgrs commonly do, ho111•1pr, and therC' i.~ n1;1 riile ,,r law !ir c:uv111 f'lf l'!h1r ai::a1n~L 1l. per l'f' 1f .Judge Ila) nsv.•orlh 1s ~1111 1 ::1 <1f <>nything so LS lh:: JUd1 l'1al :o;}~'>l rn1 :inil that rannot be c11crl as a loi::14'a1 rr.1·"11 \1•hy he sho11!d hr railed upon to atone fnr all judges v.'ho hold :;\04 ·k. ;o.;u:h1n,I! h;is b<·rn t1dll11 rrd lo ~111111 That I!(' profiLC'd prr:>nn;il ly trur11 'l1ll'k <•II ncrship bec:iu~e he was A JIHlgr, <ind 1f lh"rP 11'<1S an clh1c;il !ransgr.-·s~11u1 111 lh1i Ur11nSl'.'Jck case 1l was at l\nr~t 111arg1n:il. THE llA YNSWOllTll case h<ls Sh(J11 n lh!! risks that n11ght be 1nvo h·l'd 1n a :;.ystem 1\·here JUd~es hold ~ioL"k 111 pri1·aLe companies bul it has not shown A Needed OEO Reform President Nixon'll request th a t Congress continue the Office of Economic Oppor tunity for another tv.•o years was ba~ed on a desire to gil'e his ne1~!y ap- pQinLed director. Oonald Romsfeld, a chance lo pr0vc I.hat tht" SO-C<l lled war on po~-erty agency really can \1•in a few bat- tles . Run1s!eld 's plan is to 1nake OEO "in- novative rath l'r tl1an operational" -a 1'.'hnlly nl'W approach to the anti-poverty crrort that is intended to avoid past nii st.1 kes wherein unsuccessful programs, starterl 11o•11h too little forethought. became loc ked in by the old bureaucratic· art or se lf-preservation. THE DIRECTOR llAS begun a sc1en· 1ific approaC'h to OEO's operations. He 11·ant s the agency 1o think out new 1vays to help the poor, tben sel up pilot pro- grams to lest them. After a hard-headed e1·aluation or the programs abilily to meet real nttds lhe failures v.·ill be eli minated and the successes fully de· \'eloped and lransferred to another gov- rnmrnt agency for operation . Slates v.•111 be givl.'n more participation and their Ol\'O poverty off ices will be better slnffcd . Basically, the progrRm5 will provide nPw v.·<iy~ to hC'lp I.he poor develop marketable skills, improve 1he.ir homes, educate their c:hi ldrl'n. pay medic11l costs, and find efrccl.il'e lc,1t:al aid . These al\ ~re n1critoriou~. bu! none n1ore ~o than ihc rrforn1 of OEO's 1nclhocls of rlispensing lC'g al "help.'' THE OEO.FUNDED California J111ra\ Legal Assistance progra1n . for one prime instance. has used federal funds (or the harassment of pri vate industry in a number of way5. Most scandalous is ils current series of nuisance suiL~ against California grape grower~ on toLally f.ilsc pesticide charges drenme<I up by one of its board members. Cesar Chavez. Chavez and his Uni1rd F:irm \Vorkers Organizi ng Committee: hal'e been l:;irccd to resort to scare ta ctirs hl.'cau.-.r n! lht'l r failure. to win 01·t'r the grare \1'orkers and to compe l growers to arcertr to unreasonable and unhrnd111;? Cha1·ez demand.~. \\"hy public 1ax dnUars shou ld su pport them i~ bC'y onrl re:i~on If Rumslcld r;"111 el11111n.1tr :-t1ch r:illous distortions of the l)Eo·~ hcnrf1trnl purpose, it will be a 1·rry wrl C"OITie arid long ove.rdue reforn1 Ca lifornia fcaturt Str\'ite Reborn? developing an efficient practical n1ethod uf c<.1r...: In l!lOll there 1\·crc fr11·er lhan onr hL•a llh \rorkt'r (nurses. lhcr::ipisls, X·r<iy :ind laboratory tet·h11i<:1ans, etc.I for <'vrry phy~ician. In 1960 this had 111- l·rcascd to JO health \1·orkcr s £or every physician and the increase h:.t s been even 111ore rapid every year ~Jnl'e lhen. \Ve need a physician \\'h(I koo11's 11ol only how ;ind 1'.·hrn to use thc::.c anr:1llary heallh p<>rsonnrl, liut 11•ho mu~t be able to coord1nall' lhclr cfl ort s atnng 1.,..1th lhr s1:rvi crs nf other spec1ah1rcl phys1c1an~ 1011 an!s the co111111Qn benefit of his pa- lu·nt. ;'olOST 1.lt\F.l.Y the 1r,1 111i ng proi;r;'lm in f..111iil~ pr;11·llel' ti t ll n,11; l\n~p11;il, 1n- ;i11~ura!L·1! ,J11ly I ut th1~ ~·r::ir . will s11fnu!n11· ;inr! 1111pro1c Iii" quality of 111<'du;l11c pr:ii:!ir·•·d 1n 1hC' h11~pll;;f as well :1~ srr1'1• i1s ;1 l'un;L1nt :>n11n't' or wr.ll- 1ra'1nl'1 ! y•11111g lan11lv ph1 .. 1{"Jllll!; for Or<1ngc Co;1.~t co1n1nu11111"~ Ho a g J\lrmor 1;1l Hnspit.il 1s thl' f1r~t pr ivate l1n~pil.il 1n Ora11gC" County to de1 clop ,11 ('ll111pl rtc tearhing progr!'l1n ;ind one o! nnl,1· l111l r 10 C;1 !iforn1a lo h;1rc• a fan1 1ly prrn·1u·1· rts11lC'ncv progr:.111. a ma1nr trrnd 1 .. 11Hrd thr rr!urn of thr 101Pd and rel'rrrd fa1n1!y d(lt 1or n[ yrsler-year. Is Thin thnt ln 1h" l!.'l~11~1111 !h ca~r !hr~r ri~J., 1n:itr·1 tJIJt.<'IL 11••· rrllll'th'. !h('l'l'lorr. wruild ~rC'n1 In \11· ](·~-; 11l rf'Jt•e\1ng llcJ}n.1,wonh a.~ a n1\'mll1·r of th e Su1)rcnu' Cnu1•l ll1an 111 11 :i.rn11nJ; tl1r t'o1\d11)11n~ und••r wh1rh ll'lirral JIHlg•".' rn~~· 1~\l n or rnntr<1l rfl111- n1••n ~l1 1c k ;ind ti!lll'f ll1l l'~l111t•nl 'i and h.1h11ng, ,\Jor(:\i1 rr, ii .luditr ll.1vn~v.·i'1r1h 1s 10 l•r ..,,11":11tl'd nnll', 111•'11 ii \1H11l1I hr qnly 111~! 10 ff'l'nnsidr.r tht' 1-.1 ~1' "r .1 11~tH'I' Do11gl:i:; ;1~ thC' hr11~!it•1;1r v nf ;1 lrll.'1 '"1 11p hy ~ d1111nr d1.:!'J\ly 1n1 oh•ed 111 cnnll(l.il lcgol procre1t1ngs. IT \\'(!L:Lo BE equal JUStll'e undrr law alsn 11 othe r n1l 1n bers of thr hi gh and 1111\'cr 1·ourt s as now cons11lulcd \l'Crc In !Jr hl'!d responsible for l;wd ven1tirrs 1n 11 hich they have been l<1tely i11voil'cd on lhr outskirt s of \Vashington . In view of these circun1 slancrs .. Judgr llaynsworrh's proposal that his stock be placl'd in trust and out of his control and kno11·!rrlgr has merit. l\h1t•h of !he case ;'!gains! HaynS\\'Orth has been t'rlrrlessl~· ptl'parrd 11ncmb<'r~ nr 'Teddy· K rnnl.'d~1·s ~tall wrrc in,·olved 111 thl' prrparalionl and 1hr SC'nate 1hrrefnre nC"rds to give 1h1~ casr the 1nnsl rnli<"al rxan1in111 io11 brforC' 11 dil'idcs .:1!nr;! pnl1tic:i l and prn·!<Jbor hncs lo tr· JCl't Judge Haynsworth. -----~ 1-~riday , Octob<'r 17. 1969 The editorio! pagt or thP Dai/11 Pilot seeks lo inform and stim.. u/nte rentfl'rs b11 prcstnli11g this 'rlC !l'~paper's opr Hinns a nd com- 111entnr11 nn tornr~ ol inlrrt"st a•vl signi f1cauce, by providi11g a lorton fnr the expression nf o•ir rrn<f,.rs' opinions. and b!I rirr.~rn t 111 g r/1 e di11t"rss t:il!U,. pr1111t.~ nf n1formrtf ,,bservt'rS onti $POkesmen an topics of th e d~y. Rob~rt N. \~'eed. Publi5hcr l e 11 \ D "" My ., I/Jal hac sur1 T ~1or lta1 ""' rair non' nlal "11( bt'lt Tl -----~·---~~--:-~.·· ~-•r.••~.-:---~~:""'"':'. "":' .... ~.,; ~-•~-~·~.~: ~)~)~."!'£ 4~1•"'"4 #411'!."!'. 2"'!1.£•A•&~.,a-e;~4P~.·~.Pl!lllJL~P~"~'~··•=!!lli~J4JO""'""'*ll"4"!!~-=i\.;:-;A>l!'l'~"""'·~·~""~-'"'",.,.'"""'---::-:. ~ °' ----..--.'t'·"'T'<_.,. .. , .... ..,,.,.,... Tree House Not for ' ~·· ' .. · 1!1.--" •.•. ... ~"';'r • . • . ,'1 ' • • Kids BRIDGING THE GAP -George plays ball on the connecting bridge which joins his parents' tree house to the original house where the children live. The walkway, lined •Nith towering, leafy eucalyptus trees, links the }Jalls1 master bedroom to the dining area in the main house. Everyone has a de-- gree elf privacy. DAILY l'ILOT l'llHOI '°~ IUd11rtll kt-'!ler DREAM HOUSE NOW A REALITY -Ce0rg r llall and his so n George .J r. adn1irc the grirclen froln th e bridge of thei r prizc·\\•inning rcd\1·ood tree hou se. J\Jrs. l la!l. r elaxing 111 1he S\v1ng . nol ed !h <ll 1hc t11·0-lc vel addition provides for a separation of adults and children \\'hi!e adding living spa ce. Ron Yeo of Corona del Mar \Va s the architect. The hon1c is the fi rst in Orange County to receive the \Vestern llon1 r. A1vards from the American In stitute of Architects i1nd Sunset n1agazine. " r•lt II THE OLD AND NE\V -Th is \'iC\v illustrates the extension of the dining area of the original house in Corona del ri1ar. The deck leads bac k l o\vard the \rec house v.·hich is nestled among Ute trees. ENTERTAINING HOME -Beverly Hall relaxes while her son strums the guitar. The bright r edwood livi ng roo1n with a broad expanse of 1vindow 11·a!Js gives the feeling of freedom and airiness. The redwood deck continues outdoors for additional living space. HOME SWEET HOME -George studjes on his parents' shady, plant.lined lanai. The new annex includes a spacious living area downstairs and the ma ster bedroom, featuring indirect lighting a nd adjoining bath upstairs. Mothers DEAR ANN LANDERS: So m e newspa pt'rs donl care what they print. .f.1y teenagers just v.·aved under my nose an article fro1n the Sunday supplement that put my campaign for orderliness hack 30 years. I read il twice IO make sure I "'<t.~n ·1 scein~ thing.c;. The article said it is OK for kids lo be ri.loppy -il'.~ part of gro wing up 1f i\1.1 ry leaves her clothes on rhr Ooor -sn 141ia l? If Jimmy lra1·es his bike out in the rain -forget 11. It J11st pro1·es lh:il they don't attach murh 1mpor1::inre to n1alerial th1n~s. Thr pir re rontinue<I. "Hooray for the new 1•::tlue syslcn1! u·s b<?lter than ours was!" The article slalCJ specifically that of Sloppy Children ·'ANN LANDERS mothers aren't supposed to nag kids a!;oul making hcds or putting the ir clothes where they belong. "Be blind ,'' t!1e article said. "Don't nag about trifles. The fre edom lo be sloppy is a teenage righl. ·· Ann, you are our final hoPc. If you agree with this article I'm goin11: to slit my throat. PUT THEM TOGETHER THEY SP ELL MOTHER DEAR l\10TllER: One ol lhe Jivelll'i;t freedoms of all 11 the freedom lo dis:igret. And I do -.,,·holeheartedly. That article v.·ill undoubtedly be berald- l'd by tXh3uStt'd mothers as an exca~ to give up the fight. But I implore you to hang In lhere, fllom . It takes work and perseverance to t.eacb children to be orderly. Today'• sloppy kkl 11 tomorrow '• Around noodnlk husband or loaay boa1tketper. "New value 1yate'm" my Aant l\flnnle. Sloppy means lazy and there 11 nothlog of Y&lue in that. DEAR ANN Ll\NDERS: Last night my husband and I Yislled a couple who live 11p the street. When we came home he said, "Please don't ask me to go over there aga in." I knew why. The woman finished her husband 's sentences, cor- rected his grammar, interrupted him with -"No, dear, it wasn't like th at at all . ll was this way." She belittled him and put him down every lime he opened his mouth . These people are socially prom inent 11 nd ::Je man is well thou&ht or, but his the World, Unite wife makes such .11 nothing of him, It 11 embarrassing IO be In thelr company. Please print this letter and the name of the city. I don't ha ve the nerve to tell ll'le woman why we will not go to her place again or invi te her to ours. Thank you. -HAD JT DEAR HAD: llere's your letter bul I'm not printing the city. Every &owa In the U.S., Canada, Puerto RJco and Mexico hns wivts who flt your del!Ctiptlon. Let the batUe-ue1 1ak lbemselvea, "Could thi1 be me?" CONFIDENTIAL T 0 CLUTCHE D' Whal you really want Is someone to tell you not to marry the man, so I'll be the one. His track record Is a poor one. And yours Isn't anything to write home about either. Furlhennore there are too many obstacles and neither of you has a history for tenacity or~durance. What can you bu ild with this man -~ides an ulcer? And you've g-0l that already. Alcohol Is no shortcut lo aoclal sue> cess. II you lhink you hnve to drink lo ba acccfllCd by your frtcnds, gel lbe facts. Rt:id "Boo;:e and You -For TffM(Cf! Onl}'," by Ann L'.ln:leni. SeDd 31 ctstl t. coi n ar.d a long, self·•ddressed, 1tamped en1•elo~. Ann Landen wlll be_ 1lad Co Hip yoa wllh you r problems. Send lhem to her la cRre of the DAJL V PlLOT, enclollnJ • .. u.-...... ,... .... :ope. ' , . -------~~-~~~~~~---~~------------------------------------------~~~ .. I· 4 DAILY PILO T ' • -" I ··-" t ',. • • •' ·'. • Frld.11. Oct~r 17, 1%~ "=·· •. -· ;_~ j Terry Peterson Claims Bride Making their home in l{un- tlngton Beach fo\lou.·ing a dou· hie rin& ettemony in La Mirada Methodist Church are Pamela Louise Jenkins and Terry Joel Pet.erson, bolh <lf Huntington Beach. The daughter of f\.1r. and Mrs. Herbert C. Jenkins cf La Mirada and the son of Melvin Peterson of Long Beach were joined by the Rev. R. Hylton Sanders. For the morning nuptials the br:lde selected an organza over taffeta gown v.·ith a lace bodice. A pear!·lined bo\v caught her tiered veiling. t.tiss Susan Carol Jenkins. the bride's sister, v.•as ;naid of honor in a floor length mint green empire style gown. She carried a bouquet of daisies and asters. Dressed idenLically were the fo.1isses Debbie Peterson, the benedlct's sister and Vikki Jenlun.!, the bride's sister-in- law. Bob Dotson st.ood as best m an while Mike Clary and .J ohn Van Oeffelen ushered guests to their seats. The home of the bride's parents was lhe reception set. ling where Mrs. Mildred Kelley of Philadelphia, the . bnde's grandmother, assisted. ~ Following, the ne.wlywed.s ~elected San Francisco and poin1s north for their honey. rnoon. The former f\fiss Jenkins is a graduate of Cerritos Junior College and her husband at· !f'nded Long Beach Ci t y College. .. ' • Enlightenment Volunteered MRS. BARRY MONLON Former S•ndr• Lapsh•nsky -· MRS. TERRY JOEL PETERSON Double Ring Nuptlel1 ,.·~·..-·--··· 'I'•;·· ~·· 7~. . ..-..---... --..--, i l ..:._ • '"'' ... • Ft• • I ' '\ft 'i;· ~t~· ~ . J _.. , ·K ~ .i -~~;-. ,;J .~'\ ""!' ' " , -~ ' g . .: . '· ·:·f '. \ -.- ··' '!·1/-•• •, ' • . . ' . ' MRS. DAVID M. WALDEN Belmont Heights Ho m• ' ' , '-I Severa l d istinguished \101nen in the vol· unteer field \\111! a ddress re presentatives of 16 volunteer bureaus d u ring the Southern California Council conference next Tuesday. The Volunteer Durea u of Southern Or· ange County \\'ill host the confab in the Girls Club, Costa l\Icsa. \\'orks hops 'vill begin at 9 a .m. Discus s ing her r ecent trip to Russia \\•ill be T\·frs. Alexande r Tiipley, president of the Association of Volunterr Rureaus of Ameri· ca. The forrner 'fin1C'~ \\'oman-of-'lhe-year tvas a n1en1ber of the Delegation of Ameri· ran \Von1en for Inte r national Understanding louring on a fact-finding trip \\'ilh the coop. erat ion o[ the U. ~. Stale Department. Other pron1inent \l'Ornrn speaking \viii be l\liss Evelyn [J;:r \·1s, o rganizer and first di· rector of 1)]c L,0~ .\ngeles \'olunteer Bureau and past 'fin1es \\'01nan-of-the-year, and l\·[rs. R0hert Bogen. lecturer in parent education and famil v life . ,\ttending lhc confab ~·ill be members fron1 area supporting agencies: Newport Bearh U111 te d r·und. Co~'t a l\1esa United Fund . S anta An;:i-Tust in Community Chest and Ne·•l"port llarl>or Scr\·icc League . /\ "cl1111c" approach ha'i been planned Jn order to rxcha n~e !he bc~I i dea s for de vel· oping !<iUCce,c;sfut pr ogra m s for r ecruiting and retaining \'(J luntee rs. Only the Brave Need Say' Yes' By GAY PAULEY tnay get some of the credit for Betrothal Revealed The engagement of Waldyn-- ne Kauionalani li1ookini lo \Va yne Richard Jont.s of Newport Beach ha3 been an- nounced by the bride-elect's parents, 11r. and Mrs. Walter K. Mookini of lfonolulu. The future bride i5 ll graduate of the Kamehameha School for Girls aod now is a member or Nalani Kele's Polynesian Revue. Hrr f!ance, son of f\1r. and r.trs. Richard Jones of Newport Beach. is a student at California State College al Long Beach. WALDYNNE MOOKINI J\'o date has been ~et for tht v.·edding. To Marry CM Couple Plan Winter Ceremony r.lr. and r.fr~. Fr11nk Sl<'nl- mer of Costa f\lesa ha,·e a n· nounced the engagement of their daughter. Tamara Sue Slemmer to Gregory \\'aync Halley. Miss Slemmer ls a gradu;itc of Estancia High School and 1s enrolled at the Califomia Pro. fessional School for Dental Assist.ants, C-06ta J\1esa. NE\V YORK (UPI)_ Even-a ny successes. tually it happen.! to anyone One thing I learned right of f TAMARA SLEMMER who is a membt>r of an -e veryone knows hov.' to run _____ E_n~g~•~g~od ____ _ The bridegroom~lect is lhe son of t.frs. Joseph Coffey of Costa Mesa. He is an alun1nus of Otangev.'OOd AC'ademy 111 Anaheim and atterxled Orange Coasl College v.·here he ~tud ied business administration. Currently he ls serving v.·ith the U.S. Anny at Aberdeen Proving Ground . J\1aryland. Honeymoon in Mexico Selected by Waldens m-ganization, whether th e the organliation and hesitates PTA , the garden club, the not at all to offer advice in church guild, the bu!i.ness and person. by letter or telephone . profe.ssional women·s club. Ano!her fa ct C'ame early. r\"o You're called on to serve as ma!ler how carefully your president. ~omm itltts are C"hosen, there St, Willred'g Episcopal Church was the setting for lhe double ring ceremony linking P.fora Ji!\ r-.tcCol!Ster of Hun- tington Be.3ch and Da \'Ld Miehe.al Walden of Belmon t He1gh!3. The Rev. ,James C. Ca lry directt>d the \'Ow rxchangt> for !he daugh!er of f.lr. ;ind f.l ri;. John C. McColisttr of Parker, Ariz. ;ind the son of Mr. and r.trs. Donall'! f\l \\'alden of Fountain Valley. Given in marriage by her Overdue, But Credit Given Hu n llngton Ctnler ?.lerchants' A.sSoeiah(ln has not bet>n .l!'i\·cn crcd1 l y,·!Jen credit is due , ~ a!'S01 1.<1!1Qn is 11n- derv.-r 1ting half of t h e purchasr prirr rif a 1 '.lfi!l automobile 11h1r h 1 .... !hf' ron· test pritf' for the \llutr Tilf:: benefit :;ale. ~ponsorrd hv 1hr American F1rld S<'rvice in Huntington \'alley. Al&o being donated hy thr associaUon arc five classical gultars. The members start ~·ith is no way 8r0Und some do-it· fat.her. the bride wore a white flattery about your natural your~eU administration. Every organza and lace 8 own. quali1 1es a& a leader, and how president must be a dictator fashioned with a rounded 1he organization really netd., too, but try lo be benevolenl neckline, Joni 1deeves and a some new blood, new thinking about it. flawing train. A seed pearl at the Lop, You lap up the fi at· If yoo're. about kl t.ike of. crown caught. her illusion \'eil-tery and first thing yoo kn(!\\', fice, don't let me scar!'.' VOLi · yO'.i\·c accepted the call. off. Someborly ha!! to do· 1r. 1nfVearing red brocade gCJWT\s You·rc now madame pres1· ·r ou 'll find it swells the ego , and carrying nosegays of red den1. your narne look!: nice <ln Jet. and \\'hlte carnation~ with Then. horn to lead or no. you ll'rh eads. an<l Ihflfe is !iOni e v.·hHe chrysanthemum!! and soon ltam how -the hard rC'\\3.rrl ln\\·ardl y 1n ttl1 1ng 1rr. baby's breath were Mrs. Jon v.·ay. f know. J"m in lhe throes asking) prople \\hat's ex· J . ~lcColister. the bride's of hehnsmanship of I h e peeled of thc-m. sister·in-1.aw and matron of Nev.·spaper \Vomen's Clu b of It'll be more \\'ork than ,·0u honor; Miu ltfarilyn Hether· Nev.· York. bargained for. So c!C'ar ~·ith inglon, maid of honor, and \\'e're more lh<fn 2 0 0 your husband before acC"ept ing J\1 i s s Kar I a J\I i J 1 e. r, members. that means more h igh offlce. bridesmaid. than 200 J>('rsonalities. and You'll find vour home ~1cCollst.er was the best more than 200 viev.'poinls on lrlephone bill roars, !he house man, "'""bi le ushers were James what to do and how to do it. takes on a neglected "mam· D. \Valden, the. bridegroom's I suspect this holds true in ma 's presidenl this \'f'ar " look brother and Phil Standish.. any or/.! an i z a t inn . But :ind you'll be mu i. t er in g As.!iSting at the. re.~ption rem~mber. you're n111dame "decisions, decisions'' in your :tfler.rrard In La 11: e. Park: pre~1rlent and all thC' fa1lurrs slf'er. Clubhouse v.·tre lhc 111mes. dur1og the yrar. v.·111 be yours Bul rom!'borly up th ere must .lul1en Lccrivain. Bill ~liller. rhrectly. lf you re lucky, you like pre_<;ldenls. JI.\\'. Parker and Ed Barnett.J---- ---- l o~~~~r~~~frht~~~b~~r ~:r. ROUND TRIP ple \\'Ill reside 1n Belmont llcights. F~i~~a~~i;;alil~ya J[g~u£~~;i ANYWHERE IN and a modeh.ng school. ller husband. alJO a graduate of Sorrento Beckons Clubwomen A Nig ht in Sorrento will \relcomc new members of the Lido Isle \\"omen's Cl ub Fri· d;iy. Oc t 2t in the clubhouse . Tl1e c1 r ning, begi nning at (\ 30 rm . \l'\ll feature a buffet dinner and dancing lo the n1u~1c of CamC"ron Quinn, Accepting reservations are f\lrs. Armen Sivaslien. 673· !l18~. and J\1ts. Paul Wallace, fi7S.398 t The couple are planning a midwinter wedding. HS Auxiliary Tuice a month the Lad1e~· Auxiliary to Huntington Brach \'eterans of Foreign \\';ir.~. Post 7368 meets a~ 8 p.m . ThC' f1~l Friday of each monlh they gathC'r in Odd Fellows Hell for a business meeting and the third Friday they socialize in various locations. Further information may be secured by calling ~trJ. LeRoy Hennalll"J at 538-lMO. ~~;~:~.attended El Camino CALIFORNIA 'f':;;;;::;A7.W~A~R7D~W~l~NN~l~N~G~S~H~O~E~S~ER~~~C~E;;;;;-il • JI. COM~~AGE B~( i~ 8 HAND BAG REPAIR ALL WORK GUARANTEED TO YOUR SATISFACTION --s CONVE NIENT SHOPS --•~•1 1. (Oo\ll JolW'f, C...-• ......... '7~ ..,. \llA LIDO "'""""' ._,,, Ul-WJI .1' PAllllOll ISU"O ---.11111 l•VINF AVE. W .. 't,l!f P~/t N-penBH<Jl.....sl ••0•1~'°"'" '" '°" ....... --- I I For cans after 6 p.m. weekdays ;i nd all weekend. 3 minutes stat.ion·l<>>latJon. plus tax. --@ 4·tvd• "•n•lili+y ;.,. clu il•o "ii:;.,,, I o,.,·• <vcl• I• f•••h•11·11P 1lorellll d 11h•1. '-•ilut•t 1potlO"t cif ,1 ..... 1111111 ,11 ...... ;1h Spah -Aw1y l ;,.,, Cell· da;o"'' 0:1 11•~1••· 0 l oll1 \IOI/ tf t~ ''''' ef cv d t ! Flt•iblt ca111rel t ot l htt 1eq11f ftC e ,,....,. ~•l•ftt f•1l11•t . 0 Other modtlt pricecl f1cm I I Sl .18. HB Newlyweds Return Home Sandra Lapshansky became the bride of Barry McmJon during afttmoon ceremonies in St. Hedwig·a Catholi c C'hurch. Parent.! of the bridal couple are Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lapghansky of Eacondido and Mr. and Mr.s. David Monloo of Huntington Beach. Given in marriage by her father, the new Mrs. Monlon chose an organza over t.affeta peau d' ange lace gown v.·ith appliquts adorning the ~·at teau train. Her three-tiered nylon veiling was caught to a crown of laC'e and pearls and i;he carried a cascading bou· quet of ~·hite roses and stephanotis. During the double ring ex- change Mrs. James Haden at- tended as matron of honor. She wore a lemon chiffon over taffeta A-line gown with ruf. fies on the collar and hemline. She carried yellow and whi te daisy pompons. Dressed identically where Mrs. Julius Kanas!, Miss Susan Strobridge, M i s s Elizabeth Guccione and Mrs. Lowell Newsome, bridesmaids . i\-liss Lori Manion, sister of lhe bridegroon1 was flov.·er girl and David Tom aso, M C"OUSIO, was ring bearer. Stephen Phillips was bfo~t man. Ushers were Pelcr Radich, Haden, Kanas1 and Carl Salle. Huntington Jiarbour neach Club was the selling for a C'hampagne and buffet recC'p· lion. Among the 2flO gues•~ congratulating the couple \\"£'re Don1lnick Tom a s o, rhc benediC't'.~ grandfather fron1 Watsonville:; Mr. and .\lro;;, Donald Tomaso. hls unt ie ;:ind aunt from Watsonvilll', and f\1rs, Clarence Freitas from San Juan Bautista, his aunl. Miss Donna Th om p sun c1rC'ula ted the guest book and r-.trs. \\'arrrn Carrigan Jl· tended the gill table. The ne"'"·lyweds honr\·• mooned at f\·lission Bay befor~ making thei.r home in Hun· tington Beach. The bride is an alumna flf California State College at Long Beach and her liushanrt is an alumnus of Orange Coast College. Presently he i.~ a senior at CSCLB and a member of Sigma Pi fr atC"rni- ly, Linda Bradford Now Mrs. Dean B. Patton \Vedding vows were ex· changed by Linda Cooper Brad£ord and Dean Bayless Patton before a garden allar surrounded by white azaleas, spider lilies and topiary trees. The Rev. John Davis read the rites at the Balboa home of Mrs. George L. Bradford £or her daughter and the son of Mrs. Charles Patton of San. ta f\fonica. The bride was given in mar- riage by her brother, Peter C. Bradford of Los Angeles. She selected an embroidered swiss organdy empire style gown and wore a crov.'n of bou\ardia and baby's breath in her hair. Arranged in her bridal bouquet also v.·cre bouvardia and baby's breath. Attending as matron or honor v.·as fo..1rs. Anthony Jl ooker of Coronado, She \\'as atured in heige aod grry r<il k and carried an arrangement of yellow roses and baby ' s breath. Cllnton C. Campbell Jr. of Corona de\ fl-far performed the duties of best man, After receiving the ron· gratulations of 80 guests, in· cludlng ~1r. and l'ofrs. Chester Donnally of Dallas, the newlyweds left on a honey- moon trip to Carmel and San :~ MRS. PATTON Garden Rites ' l • Franc1~cn Thr y \1111 rci.i de in B<1lhoa. ThC' ll"t1' ~Ir~ r a1ton. ;il>n t he rl;iue,ht('r <;l !hf' late fl1r. Bradford. a t 1 C' n d C' d the Bishop"s School, La Jolla, and CastH!eta School for Girls. She 1vas graduated from l ha Univer~ity of California. Berkele~·. where she affiliated with Kappa Kappa Gamm;1 Sorority, and \\·as a member of the Los Angeles Spinsters. Her husband. a ,'lraduate of South Pasadena High School, is an alumnus of the linivers1· ly of Southern California Moon Wea r1-~-·~_.'_"-=h=e=p=le=d-:ge_d_B_,_ .. _Th_"' Marketed You knew it u·ouldn"t be long before moon v•a!ks inspired the fashion world. One C06lUme Jewelr y manufacturer is out with a collection that has the cur· rently fa\•ored bully look but a ctually Is almost v.·e ightles..~. Shapes are mo s t ly geometrics with one oversized pendant a moon in orbit design. It can be paired \1·ilh a satellite pendant. One design that dominates the bodice from neckline to walslllne is a series of mooos in gleaming metal. A Is o available: moon rlngs and bracelet$. ~~• "''•<\.I 1•• • ..,. wo~DI '"' •"•U. •'""'' •••C • '-''4" cw• oru l•o ••ot), ••D '"""''"v ·~·•u••• ~·• ._.,,, _, lO •1.1.IVIOT• O•(!<.UI<• 1•••• IT .... ,M, CWOTO" •OT"iOD IV ..... ,.., .. ,..,., T"'UllO, ..... ,~. ,,.., .... C.t.LL 675-5097 DAVIS-BROWN 411 E. 17th St. -Costa Mesa 646-1684 FRIGIDAIRE DISHWASHER Custom Deluxe JU ST •.. l YEAR WARRANTY! s173ss 1 1 Y..i, Wt1t111!J ~r lhC>OI• .i ,...,, Ot•r<I, fl'lll t Vt •r .... tt<!IOll "''" '"'"" on!yl "" Fur"""'"° rrtt~ltc•"""'' •o• "'"' o.trcr1 .. ''" .. ''" MtJot, , .. , .... I. .,..,,,, C.r<11l1h11t Sy1,..,,.. ' I , I • r ' ( t f ( t ' I r ] ' \\ " n• h cr m C· D "' " :<I ., ,, 1 I I '"' o, by st; be g" trc m< ~ '"' ~1; ins '" f I 1 be• ar1 fl'~ off E ing !he \\'h l '" In . r1a~ r<ar ,o1; );', Jl F !llC r }L.!" r n· Jr ii:: ,, 1 1.~c·· !>Ch• • I ' • -· 0 µy == "~ 4l a a a a a a £ 0 ~1 tt;!SCL fl+W WS A EJSS O . ·.7.--....,...,..~··- Fo11ntain Valley Today's Flnal VOL. 62, NO. 249, 4 SECTION S, 44 PAGE S ORANG E COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FR IDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1969 TEN CENTS • a1ses Price Slow Utilities SaY, Sol11tio11 8 Nixon: U.S. Winning· Inflation Wa1· Years Away WASHI NGTO'."J IU PJ\ -Presiden t t\ixon declared toclay th<il the nfltion "is on the road to recovery from the diS<'ase of runav•ay prices.·• In a broadcast report to Americans on his administration's battle a g:iinst in· nation, Nixon said the steady rise in the cost of Jiving had not yet been halted, but he said ii had been slo·.red. lie said 1n the \e:.:t or his sperch from hi ... ov;il office at the \\'hil e Hou se !hill labo r and management, as well as the -Sears, Roebuck To Build Store 111 W est1ni11 ster Scar.". fl ocbuck and Co1npany will build ~ 250.000·squ;irr·fOO\ depa.rirnenl ~torr 1n \\'cstminster at the corner of (,olden \\'rst S1reel and Bolsa 1\vcnuc. it ll'as an· nounced today. Pl'eliinary plans C'alt (or a structure or tv.·o levels with a complet.e basement, ac- cording tn 1::. W. \Ve!don, general manager of Scar's Lns Angeles-Orange Countie~ Retail District. Thr. lllC;ilion i.~ adjacrnt lo tht' San Diego Freeway ;incl j u s l across lhc boundary line br\ll'ecn llunungton Beach and \\'eslmins1cr. Sears cu rrently has four Orange County stores in Orange, Burna Park, Santa Ana and Soulh Coast Plaza in Costa t-.1csa. The \l.'estminster store is expected In open for business in 19i2. Up to 70 Cars Expected to Vi c In Crate Derby For ty lo iO C(lr~ .1rc rxprctcrl Sundi!Y f"r the nnn11at l{unt1nglon Bc<ich Jiiycc e Orange Crat e Dc rb \', Thr (ar.~. all f101nr.hnilt a111l IX111·r re<I Ii,\ ,i;ral'tly, 11 ill l111r 11p f•ff raf'c~ 1n hral~ i.:1art1ng ;it 9 30 a 111 rin Clay Arr nur, l:ict"·een ~lain and {;olden \\'rst Strccts A frC'C'. inC'xpcnsnc helmrt will be. g11·r.n by thl? J ;JyCC'C'S t;i the first 2S en· 1rants. Ne 1thrr dril'rrs nor :;pcclators must pay an ad m1ss1Qn Ice . Y oungsters \1•ho plan to p.:i rl1cipa1e should ha\'e their \'Chicles at the race f'1aging area by 8 JO a.m. for trchnical inspection, ,1ccord1ni; to Jack Tatham, race organizer. Robbers A void Lo s An geles SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Bank rob- hers are shying away from l.Ais Angeles, • ippa rent1y beca11~ or that area·s police rC'putaUon for "shoaling to kill," an FBI official reports. But while ban k robberies are df"('rea~· ing in the south, they are increasing in the San Francisco area. added Byron \\'heeler. FBI agent su pervisor here. Los Angeles area bank holdups dropped from 225 in the first nine months nf 1968 lo 16-4 this year, \Vhcrler reported Thurs· rlay in a Tlf'WS confercnre. During t~ s11mc pt'rind~. f\orthern California bank robberies Jumped from Ill to 120. Fool ha l 11'ca 111s Baille for Bucks Football teams from a!l five schools in li1c llunlinglon Beach Union lilgh Sc hool l)1~tr1ct be gin lhe battle for hue~ at 7:M p n-tonighl at thr l~u n!ingt on Beach Jl1i:;h School Slarl111111. ')nn;ition'.'>. in !hr amount nf Sl , will hr ll~er! to prO\'idt funds for the di:;trict'5 ~cholarsh1p rund . public, could expect the adrnlnistralion tn continue its often unpopular steps to con- trol inrlat ion. And he said it "'as \\'Inning the battle - \\'Jthoul •·shock treatment." The President declarrd : •·\Ve are not considering 11'.1ge or price contols. '' No r. he said, \\'OUld he use the so-<alled guideli ne system of !elling the -.11orking 111no how much he shoul d charJ?:e lnr his .scrviccs or how much ;:i bus1ness1nan .should charge for his goods. Protest Nixon stressed that in the CQntinuini:: "'ar on inflation, ··there "'ill be no overnight cure," but added, •·we arc on the road to recovery from the disease uf runa"•ay priC'eS. "~t me be careful not to mislearl anyone: prices are still going up, and n1ay c(Jntinue to do so for a ll'hile -a live year momentwn is not rasy to stop. ''Btil no1v priecs arc no longrr in· cre,1sing f.;i s!rr :inrl fa:oter -lhc 111· (See NL\0:-0:, Page t) Opposed By TERRY COVILLE Of !ho DlllY P llO! Sll U .'\ucle:ir energy Y:as h<1il ed Wednesday ;1s the future solution to air p::illut1on by lhree California gas and electric utilities -. but not for eight to ten years. . The Jack of an inunediale sol11llon, howe\'er, brought a barrage of criticisn1 uixin the ut ilities fron1 111emhe rs of the slate Environn1cnlal Quality Study Coun· cil 111ceting in Men1orial Hall , Hu ntington Beach. Ct•ntrr" of the e11rrrnt cvnt ro\'er~y n1·t'r nir pullu!1on ha s bt•e n lhr annou nc ed in· te1111on of Southern California Edison Con1pany 1o dou b!e the size of its Hun· l!ngton Reach power planl. Poll Finds ~1 ost Against M oratoriurn Counr1 I memberi; did not attack lhc. l lun!111i;:1 on Beach pl;int solely, but made 11 elcar thry opposed further fo~sil fuel !as opposed to nuclear) pc11ver plants in 11ny heavy smog are.:i, The councH dors not h;n·e 1he po11er 10 halt Edison con· :'trurtion, hut Jl s recommr n1lalions from \\'cdnesd;1y's hearings may ha\·e far r1·aching infh1t'ni:r nn the future of p.:iwrr pl ;in\~ in (';1!ifnrn1a. \'£:\\' YORK ll'PI) -A n1ajority f'f Am eri <'an s polled 101!011·111~ 1hf' nat1:in:il n1orato ri11n1 day 11'ere unsymp;Jlhrtlc to thr an\J ll'<l r drmonstr:itions and an rrrn larger percentage endorsed l'Trs1dcni r\ixon's Vietnam pohr1es, Jt "'as rrported today. Sindllnger & Co .. a marketi ng and npi. nion research organization ln Norv:ood, Pa., conducted the survey by telephonf' Thursday, the day af1cr the moratorium observance, qurslloniog 995 througho11t the country. ~tos! of those questioned \1•ere. over 25. The fi rin said that of the i8.6 percent \1 ha knew :ihout 1non.H nri111n day , 57 ·l percent thrH1gtit 1t "as ··an overall btid idea." JL7 ix·rcent thought it \1·as a11 ··o\·er~!l good idea " and 10.9 percent had no opinion A~ked \1 hr thf'r !hey bcl ir1·ed •·rre~i . rlr•nt I\'1xoo 1s doing all he can lo sc1t le the "·ar in Vietnam," 68.5 perccnl i;aid '"' .. 29 JWrcen\ ~aid no and 10.6 perc{n1 h3d n11 11p1n11111 Thi.' w;1s n r1:-r ln support for \l'.;nn·~ Vietna n1 policies s1nt't' a ~1n1il.-ir S1111I· li nger poll eon1!11ctrd in Srptembrr. In 1h:it poll 61.5 perccn1 or those riueslionr<t ~upported Nixon on Victnain and 23.J per· ecnt !hough! he could do more. The su pport did not ho\\·cver reach lht' le1·el of a Sindlinger poll in .June \\·hen 7l percent backed Nixon anrl only 13.4 pt'r· <·ent thought he could do rnore to .!nd the Albert F.. Sind lingrr. president of tlir firm. ~aid ii \\'as significant !hat thr pr rccnlngr nf persons \11th no np1n1 un llroppC'd fron1 23.J in Scptc1nbcr to lO 6 in the la1es! poll. "I think !he moratQnum <1clually so!1dificd support for N1>.on,'' he. ~aut. "Thr pcopl<' \VC queslioncd ll'ere mo re 1-('tl.·a! on this than on any survey "'C hal'e C\'Cr done before.·• F'l!RTHE!l CO~l:\1 1::."\TS T cs11munv \1•as heard 1n the ;i[t('rnOl'1n fro111 San b1egn Gns and !'.:lcclric Cflm· pany and Pacific Gas and Electric Com · pany !PG&E) as well as a few rurthe r comments from Edison representatives. Spokesmen for the thr~ utilities cited high cos t. too many governing agencies anrl public opposition as the reasons ror nol mo ving r11 pidly into t he nuclear J'lfl"'cr plant f1rld. Albert Prarlson. a Bevrrly ll 1Hs :i!· lnrnrv and n1cn1brr nl !hr Qual1ly Conn· 1·11. ,:ilrd "fre~h ;i1r" as the reason tor nuc lt•ar powrr nr son1e other ,·Jean po1\·er. unrnc(l!atrl.1·. Hu11ti11gton Population Climbs Up_ to 111 ,846 \l.'cdnr sday. 1he l':d1son Com pan)' rel ~;i ~cd ;in announcen1ent cla1n1ing 1l had ll1sco\'f'rrd a melhod 10 reduce the nitrc>gen o:i;1de lprime supplier ol smog! rnus~1ons bv 40 fX'rCf'nt. f'\'en \.\'ith the proposed r-'<pansion. The Edison rele~e oiirl t h1~ 1rnuld coert1r b'.' nrw eng1 nr rnng :ind gr;Hlual reduction · in lhc use of the J1 11nt1ngton Beacti plant 1n future years .. Pearl~nn. ho~·cver. quizzNl a chemist from PG&I::. and drew ;:in admi ssion fron1 h1n1 tha t in h1~ llpintnn, "the ex · p:i n~ion or fo~sil fur l plant.~ does brin ~ mnre smog and that U1ere 1s no known w ;'l\' to redurc 11.'' Hunti ngton Beach has 11 population nf 111.846. FedrraJ Crnsu~ .S11pcrv1sor .Ja ne Chratum announced toda y. L.\ I la rhvr ( )rd('l"l'cl Tu Eutl Disc ha r f!t: SA~'TA BAR BARA \UPl 1 -The State \~'atrr Hcsources Control Board ordered Ln~ Angeles Harbor Thursday nigh t to 1ake action lo end almosi all induslrial 11a ste discharges into the inner harbor by 1973 • The sl:ite bn.-ird. nirct 1n~ herr. al.~n rrvisrrl t1.1.o "a!cr riuality standarrls ~rt hy lhe regional IJ}s Angeles !!arbor Board. Thr Slate Board design:ited marine li(c as a present beneficial use for the inner Los Angeles !-!ar bor and ordered a rif>f': to dissolved oxygen standards to protect iL Thr special federal <'Cn~1 1s shn11·~ an in- crca~e of 9)86 pcr!'<>ns CJ\ rr thr la st head c11un1 in October, I~. Pl;innin ~ <lrp11r11nrn! r•l/1r 1:11~ 11,.,1 r·111n:1 tr ! !h;1! !he JX•Pt1la l1nn 1v•1ul1I I•" 113.~()fl, Thry :i i1ribt1led tht• lr:i\\r r fig ure lo !he he;11 y r:11ns ta~t 111ntcr anr1 ('<1!1· :-1n1r ti(ln 111d11~l r~ ·s st nk,.~ 111 !ht sprint "h1 ch slowed do\1·0 bu1ld1n g or nr11· hon1es. The increa ~c "'111 rnc;-1 11 $112.6.12 mnrr In .~ta1c colleC'led t axr~ nn gaso line ;inrl other Jrv ies which amount 10 $12 JX'r person. Stoel• /llarke ts NE\Y YORI\ (AP) -l'hr stock mar· kct drill ed lO a modr~t los.~ in modrr- ately active trading late this afternoon. iSeC quotatiorM~. Pages 10·1 I l At 2 p.m. the Dc11v .I OllC~ a\•erage nf JO industrials "as do"n 2.J I t(l 336.46, SlalC' Assemblyman John V. BriRg~ IR- F11\lt'r tnnl, c>ha inn.:i11 l1f lhc L1'1';lSlalurc·~ .Jnint Con1m iltl'C' nn Atomi c TH"vrlnr•mr11l .irid Sp11cr , ~air· :1 br1rf rep(lrt on fin· 11111gs reached by h 1~ co1nm1ltrc. r1 ·n1.1 t: rr,.,n S!'trnc roneh1 ~1<•n~ Hri'"g~ s;1i!I Ttir btgi::c~l probr hn 1~ thr nrrrl tror 1 lean air helf\i! harnperf1l by public fear IStt S,\IOG, Pag' 21 'C RASll' Sl\RI ES CONC /,UDES TOD AY Financial colun1nisl S~·Jvia Potrrr \11nds up hrr f1vc·part series analyz1n; the ecenomy or 196'1 in light nf the 1929 stock market cra sh in a column nn Pai;e 10 tncl ay. Her conclusion . No more deep drpress1ons. Profs Give Students Vote UC/ Facu.lt,y Opens Me 1nbershiJJ of A cadernic Senate By Tll0~1AS roRTU~E UC Irvint professors voted 33 lo 13 at an Academic Senate mceling Thursday tn ;1drni\ stude nts lo membership in the Senate, the faculty deliberative body. It is an action they figure y,•ill be loo radit·al lo be swallowed by professors at Berkeley and otJter UC campuses and in an likelihood will be struck down by the statewide Acade mic Assembly. Tbe J ni ine campus phm is to admit one ~ludent member for every five faculty members belonging to the Academic Senate. A motion lo submit the proposal In all 27:'\ UC I fa c\Jlty member!': by mail ballnl \\'II!'> narrowly defeated by the about fiO pr'.'lfcssors pre5ent. Alter passing its in tention lo ad mi t 5111· rlrnt membc.Pf, lhr Senate r€'cr~~rd rnr on' \.l'ttk "''hen \\'ays of choosing the st u· r!rnt memhcrs anrf findini;: mean~ nr t:n!ilincerlng and Physics Nathan Ryno legally gi\'ing them the \'Ole \\'ill be $3id he was told thi11 week by a UC vice C:iscusscd. presJdenl th:il he does not regard Can· A couple other UC campuses have non ito's argu111enl a valid argument. "I made students Senate representative~ ~'alked awa y ~·ith the feelin g the ruling t••ithout voting privllegc. Ad \'ocates of the already has been made against us." Rynn Irvine plan ~'ant lo go further and make said. 1hc 20 percent student members full C.'hairman or the UCT Academlc ::ienat' members with voting rights. Bernard Gelbawn said the head of the Assistant Professor of Mathemafta: Vnl\'ersilY·lYide n1le!i' commltttt could Frank Cannonito said as he rud¥C • hot cou11ter Cannon/Io's argument w1th regents' Staod;ird Orders \hey· · • · t,h! print.ed word. ''l'ht! opposition is may bl'! members ol Mc:h · -fn!JMect on con1mon ll'IW and long·stand· Aendemit" Se'Tlate but not who may not . Jn~ practi<'e," ·he !!{!id. lie said it clearly ~as \}le inh'!nti-nf "I think this will grind its wa y up the lh::: persons wi'to drew up the statutes lo state 1nachlnery and eventually to the .~pcr1fy who shall berome a S~tc rt'~cnt ~." Gelbaum ~aid. n1ernhcr b11t lhat they left a loophol~ ··11 In a r g u in i:: for admitting ~tudenl i~ my con tention we havr U1f' mru."h1nrry mr.mbcrs. Associate Profcs.<;nr of In vote in Eldridge Clea ver or Jartles l,;li P.sychnlORY J(lhn Walla{'e s111d. "Do you 1r 1·.c wa111ed lo," he said want chal'l:"i at nu r frnot door' \\'c are llowevrr, Professor o! E I e c t r I t 11 1 (Set f ACUL TY, Pag' Z I 'STATE 'RE-EDUCATION NEEDED' Council Member Tysen ro e 'PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING' At torney Pearlson 'SITES MUST BE SET' Caltecli's HaagenSmit A1·tl1rn· F. Bu1·11s in Line F 01· F ecle1·al Re se1·ve Spot \\,\:'jJ[f;\'G TO,'J !APJ -Prrs1den! r-.:i x· on anno11nct'd today ht' "111 nom1na!e \\'h1 tc llu11~c alde 1\rlhur F. Burns In rrpt~ce \\11ll1:im !\lcChr11ne y !\lartin .Jr . .;is l'h:t1rn1an 11f the Fed eral Rcser\·e Board. Burns, a fi.i ·year-0ld ec(lnornist born 1n Au~tria, 1s to lake O\'Cr the top job in the nation's c.rntra l bank next Jan. JI 'A'heo !\lartin's term expires. !\lartin , who is 62. has st:rved QO the Federal Re~cr\'e Board since 19::,1. A fnrmer presidf'nl of the New York Stock Exchangr, t-.l <1 rt1n Jong ha.~ been regard· cd in financial cirr.les around the globe as a ~yrnbol nf sound money. Uum~. 1.1·hQ "·as chairman of !ht Cou n· r 1I nf Eronn111ic Ad\'isers during much of lhe Ei5cnho"·er adminislration, ha~ been srrving !olncc January as counselor to Nixon. \l.'hlte Hou$e press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said he did ool know at this point whether another counselor would be nam· rd nr \\•he1hcr the position. created by r\1xon. ~·oulc\ be dispensed with . As counselor, Bums has been a k'Y presidential adviser in !hi! formu1a!ion of r!nmes!ic. policy, taking an active interest in rconomic matters. Alioto Hints Politics In il lafia Link Article LOS ANf,F.LES tUPJ) -San Fran· r isco f\layor Joseph L. Alioto ha11 charged th.:it ··po\ilical gangsters'' were behind a Loo\ magazine. 11rtic\e JinkJng him with the mafia. Alioto said by the word "ga.ngster," he did not mean the unnamed politkla ns had nnden:nrld amnectfons. '1.'rh fust u1ing their (Look'sl languaae," he tokl a news conference Thursday, The mayot uid the na me.'.'> would be dL..closcd when his $12.5 1nillion libel 11ull against t~ magazine Jtot under y,·ay· in C'OUT't. ltt said 'they would bf' '"'Cali fornia pnlltical figure!! and 1lisc~rnihle alhet or Calilontia polllical 11.urcs " • l.1kr !'l nr1111, hr i ~ r•ln~1dered an 'rnnom1r C'nnsrr\ a11vr f onnal!y, 13urn!I 1s be1n~ no minaled lo be a n1r.mbl'r of the Frdcral Reserv• Bo.1rd but Nixon s;iid fnl!owing e:itpecteti conhrmation by !hr. Senate, he would designate Bur ns as chairman. The Federal l\cser\'C top j0!:1 pays S~2.~ a year. Born in Stanislau, Austria. Burns wa'I tducnted at Columb ia University "'·here he received a doctor of philosophy cle~rC('. While B~ims :ind ;\lart1n are hol.h regarded as <'onser1•at1ves, congressiona l linurc's close to monetary policy said there might be .substan!i al differences in detai l in the policies Burns would ad· \'OCate. Orange Cnast Weather Cloudy skies and light 'l.l.'ind11 '.'>hape 'up as the weeke nd pie· lure along the Orange Coast, with temperatures still ranging around the seventies. INSIDE TODAY If you think Sliea Stad11.1m 1ceot 1vild Tli ursda!I 111h~n. tile ~fe!.t captured tlie \Vorld Serie.,, you t1ho1dd hot.•e set1t Manhat· Ian. Pag e 5. ... ._. v, <•nlfMfl• c .. ulfieol J).-. C•ntiC• II c......... ,,. P,1t• ... Ill.. I Ol••n•o f 1.i ... 111 '"'' ' l•ltrl.i11mo111 U ·>I , .... ..,. , •• 11 lltft K•.. 1t """ l...WI II """""-' ' -.. ft.M ::::~ '=-. ,1.~ O•-C-f'I' t s-t••• ,.,.., lt 111 ....... -,,,,. '""' n.n Stoc' ~,,_..,. 1 .. 11 T1i.vl11H JI Thfft.•1 ,.,.,,. W19!.,.t I o ...... Wllllt " W-1 1<1-. l ).11 WM...... U,.)I -----·---___________________________ ..., ___ '!'""'!""'""--~--~- '• ' .2 DA.IL V PILOT H Coast Cities Agree on Shoreline Master Plan By JO JIN ''ALTERZA 0t 1111 0.111 ,.llot Ht tf In a precedent-setting mttling Thur!!· tlay , represe11t.a1rves from the Orange t:oa.<>l's fJ\"C cities, county departments 11nd supervisors agreed on a twcryear project to drnFt a n1a ster plan for the en- \Jre county 6horel1ne. Accord on the plan w11s unanimous al U1e conference ln the Harbor !Jistrk:t's confrrencc rootn in Newport Beach. 'fhe endorsement. hO\\'l'vcr, st1!1 needs ll. n1orc 0!11c1al fli\OT, the reprcscn· \Jt11·cs agrrl'd. The pl<1nn1ng officials of the fJ\"e cities 11·111 take 1nformalion on the two-phasl'! struclure or thf' ma.'.iter plan work back to Lhe1r respec\11e c1ues Jor a more fi rm commitment Pair i.t1 Fur Case Facing Federal Com·t A joint hea ri ng was scheduled today lri Brooklyn Federal Court for a lluntington Beach man and his companion, accused or shipping $44 .000 in stolen furs across cou ntry via jetliner. Bail is set at $25,000 each for Donald r..olls, 30, 1vho fonncrly li1•ed on Egret Lane, and Theodore Wi lliams, 40, of T'ltalibu, according to authorities in New York. They v.•ere arrested Wednesday night at Kennedy Airport on charges of interstate thipment and possession of stolen good~. namely live footlockers full of fur pieces. Assistant U.S. Attorney David Stein· man said at their arraignment Thu rsday tha l lhe $4t000 in fu rs 11·as burglarized la::.t Saturday fr o1n a \Vesl Los Ange les t lOTC, 1\n fBI spokcsn1 an in Los Angele s said TI1l1rsday that Rolls, v.•ho 11·ent by thf'. name O'Shea. and his pal are suspected of involvement in burglarizing the ex- clu!ive NCLTD lnc ., shop. l'roni Page I FACULTY. • • faced 11·1th the necessity or change. \\'e ~hould do 1t nov• 11·hile 11·e are not in a ~uperbeated situatioo." The proposal to admit students a<; Academic Senate members arose out or ~tudent protest lasl school year ove r lhc lhreateoed dismissa l of three assistant professors, one of whom was reinstated .:.nd promo1ed 10 !(Inure. (A first c.Dn- «ession to the stude nts had been granting: lhem pri\"i/egc or lhc 11oor to speak in Senate deba te.) Associate Professor o/ Spanish Julian Pall<'y, cha1rn1an of fl comrnil!C'c that t 1ne up \\'Jlh tile studen t mc1T1bl'rship proposal. urged f<1culty n1 embers to for (1 nc e become radicals. '"\\'c 're asking you lo question one of 1 lu~ c.ldesl uni1·ers1!y tenets," he <;aid, "In lrt thr studcnl s JOln us in dcc15ion n1a~· 111g. \\'e·re propoi>111g ther contnbutr 10 rtct>flllns regarding rurrl<'u!a and person- nel Of euur.,c students 11 ould not h:11 c l on!! <1\ " He s:ucl the lacul1y 11 a~ nl'lt re ;1 1!~ l}l"1n:: r.1d:r J! but ronsrr1·a1i1·c, !~ thr :oensc o{ i'T"~crVing its freedoins. in its Angela ll.111< re~olul ivn~. /\ 11 rl'l. ;1i.;n 1h<' LCI pro(r!i~nr~ 111\rrl l"1".'nll1rhn1ngly I J :-re\.. an lllJ IJJl("\)f•n ;i;a1n~1 1hr Bo.1rd 1,f H c.r;~nts tor :illr ~<'d· I\ 01·rr.~trpp1ni.: 1hr1r br1u11ds in rrmo11n;: rr<•d·I Jr•1n1 !l 1·n11r~r l.lJ;!lll !)1 1\l l'·' )! .1•. Tr•r lii<'UI!~ f<oll•111 o'd lh:il 11p 1•1lh h1n '"'W rf!>t1\ut;1111~ Thur~i!a). \\' 11ho111 1Jb .. rn1. thrv 101ed to 1•11(·nur'<1£l' f·r111 · li'lD\!llon lo a fund lo dt fra_I \h ~s D;i1 is' lcg;u e.~prnsr.-; and l!'I re$nl1·c tha t ' nn pntitical ll'-"t or n1erl' mrmbrrshi p 111 any or~an1zal!on sh;il] Cl'er he t·ons.1dere1l 111 thr. apJXl ln tmcnt. .or any faculty mcmbrr ... ·• DAILY PILOT 'll ,h.·I t i Woo.f r .. ,,,,..,., ""d r~b•un·r J••~ 11 . C u•I•·• \ "'' ""·•Ofr l ••d C.f""" 1.'f• ,,., 1 ~·-•• > l '•··r~·"• , ...... ~ 'l ~ 1' l '~•·I W . g,o,, ,. -°""'' (~ ,., H u~tiftt,.R le•d1 Offit.• • 309 5111 5h,•I M•,1·"1 .iddr t o: P.O. Eco 710, '1~A I Otker OUlte' f/1...,1~·! !II"" •• 11 \\"-I Roff·• ~··•'trd '• r •••' /,·•~ '1~ ~.· ! B•·1 ,,_., • loq~·· 8•t'" 1~l l<r~>I ··~·I ..J _ I.-~~~· • r.1 ." ''•r.•, ~ •~ ""·' • n n t ·"'-'~ ••• t ·~·Pre·'· " f . .,t'• ••tt ft•"• t•<'OI '~" d •f 1n "'""'• f1l !~•l •r.r ••u·h~~'O' l!<K~ 0 Ou~t• ~ V• lf y. (6'"• "'""· Pif'•· f.o•l B•or ~ ••d l•~ll''" II••<"• •"""~ ,.,1~ '"0 •l'"Q•r~al ''In•• O••"'J• (GOit <'v~I·•~· •"1 Cen n•·,• P<•til •~~ so.•n1' .,, •I :JI! ll>r•1 •• .• ~ .• ..... ,... "'"'"· ••4 J)9 V• ! "'• :1•.,!. {t·•• '·"" lcl"phDftD 17141 •41-4J11 f ro"' W••l101IR1ftt Coll ~40·111 0 Cl•i.dl!clll At1vD111.IR• •41·5•71 (~~ .. ,~·. "•' Cl••"'" .<••·t "·~···~· .... t •ll'r•, •.n ~'"'' 11 0• •• •· ···~•h •h•••· ,, ,,. .1 .. ,, ... t.• ... , ............. ' .... . "'' .,. ••o·~~-·~'"''~''''""'''I F''""''"'"" .. !(f •' 1-1 ••••• "t· ·~ ' •• '' 1··=· ~· ~ •• >!•~··" ..... ~ .,.,' ••• 'f'•• ........... ,,.,_ •• ,, ... ,,;·1·•:·•~; ~,,. .. ,~·~A _.-·~·•· ,., ,,.,./ ~· ,,,,,~·~. 1:'1l "' .~ .... After th:it, the real 11·ork v.ill begin. That should start Oct 30 in a workshop mttting at lhe old County Courthouse in Santa Ana, where the aides £rom live cities will begin to stU;dy the two-year project. In the lnlerim tounty planning person· nel wtl l furnish proposals tor lht: shoreline pl an to the individual cilie.11 for new suggestions on whal should be soughl fro1n crinsult.ants. County Plo.nn1n~ Dircrtnr J.' or r s t Dickason outl ined the progran1 as a •·very Important. far-reachi ng func tion."' "The !irsl thing we 11·1l l need is Sllb· geslions fro1TI earh of the <"I lles about 11·hal shou ld ~ included in instructions \() a l':>nSUltanl." he said. He said U1e projecl"s first phase "·ill t1eed donated personnel fro n1 t'3l'h c1l.v for planning y,·ork, possible financing ::ind a pro!peclus dt:sign for the second ph<tst. Thal should take a year, he said. Jn lhe :!ttOnd ph1se, he said, con- clusions about specific areas of !he i;l'ncra! pl an should be draf!ed . Dic kason asked the grou11 for 1111;,ifl)cial senti1nent ahouL the seeking of fl.'deral hinds for paying [or some of the studies. Unofficially, Ille group agreed lo the id ea, /\ mast('r pl:in For regional parks i11 01 ;!r ge County already exist!', fJ1t·kaso11 uutlinecl, but n1a llers deal ing 111th th:.- }"horelint: are not included . "Once this study is complete<!, tht-n "" 11 ill be able lo plug il into the existing pa rkis plan," he said. ?j ioc-/1'.f''"•""'~· ' . 1$. .., •• .. ~-" .~--~, .,.; -1,(J . ' " ~ · I musl slrcss the uniqueness or this project. \Ve honestly fctl that 11 it sue- t e!~tul. and we a!t 11·ork toi;ethcr on n, th e collaOOratil'f' effort between i.'llll'.~ and a county will rece11·e n:i!1ona l at· lention," he said. Uiekason slrc·ss'..'d thJt ihc ("(1;.islli nc provides !he greatc~t resoL1rcr to the tounty, thus .ii n1:istrr pl.:i11 is Jong urt>rdur. Another f;ic\or lt>ad1ng 1r• i111111cdf111e 11·J rk 011 thr pln11 1:. the allc1eat1un bv 1 ·nu1~ty ~11per1't!>Vr11 o! ~\ 11ull1on l•1 a new fund for br;i ch acqu1s11J(Jn lie said 1h;ll 1noney alrt-Rd} J1as been :sr1 a~uJe for consultant f c e s /or the sh.;rrline pl.i11 \~ork , "The first lhing 11e have to do is agree n·n our instrucllons and de sires fvr a con· • • .. • • - :;ul1ant , U1tn select hun alter lh<tt,'' he !>aid. Tnr p!an , hc e>:pla1ned, 11 ±II be a highly t!\111 prehrns11·e document. ''\\"c 11·111 e>.:arnine c1crytJ1ing dcalit1E: 11 ilh the sl1orc lin'..' -and lt will Uc a in:ir~ ri:1ge, ~o lo :::peak, or planning for r<\~iun al parks 1n the irl1erior arras, h:i rburs, brai.:hes and otht>r coal!t!inc. ill •'<I~. ·'\\"{' 11111 1nt·lude e1·ery as['l("1·L in- l'li1•'1<'g 111;11ters dr<11ing 11 ith (lfl~h·u·r d r.~l!ng. 1111r1rral e.~ploita ltf)n. land ·flll concepts. sa][.11 at er intrusion, ~ ou nanle 11 ' D1cka~on ~aid. 'file officials att ending !hr af ternoo n St'\~J':ln 11•crc ;.:r>nneth Sa1np:.un, l11rctlor or <:oun1y harOOrs, bcac~es and p:irk~; Johri t\il\e/~r. txecu\1\'e assistant to SupcrvisQr Alton E. Allen , KE'n Reynold.:;, Huntington 13l':i t'h pl:iru1111i; cJ1rcl'hlr . Turn Si.:1crn,, dt\'1•lop1nenl coordinatur fur Hunt1ngtu11 Ue~ch; \'111c<· 1\loorlluusc, dirf'ctor 11[ harl,ors and llr:icht·s Jor llu111111gto11 Beach ; Pele Moon-., <iss1:.t1111t Io !)uprr11sor Oa1•id Bakl'r , C:enr St hultr, <o-~5ociatc pla11ner for S:.111 Clernrnlr.: Dirk ;\l;Jrnan, d1re.·tor or l.Jtilld111g ;.ind p l a1111111~ lur ~:in l,'lunrntr, Al 1\ulry, Lugun,1 Br:icll clly µ1 :1n11t•r. Ch 1·1s !\h11i.;er, <'hai."111an c•f up'.'r<1l1un~ ll'f l!<irbor~. Uea t•hcs al!d P:i rks fl'lr Or.111ge Count~·. Daren Groth. princi pal planner f1\r ~Cl\ p:1rt Beach; Dil·kason . an(t Dr>ck Romr!J n, principa l planner for Oronge L\1u nry. Aldrich Explains His Davis Stand LC Irvin e Cha n{'e!lor Daniel G. Aldrleh .Jr, :.aid today he would not fea r Lo hire 1\1 \gPla Da1is JI un11·er!'.1ty rules pcrn11l· led 1t. J le said in lus prr~unal opinion her n1enibcrshi p in the Com1Tiunist purly ~huultl not be rf'ason not lo hire her. HOY.'evcr. present L.:niversily rules preclude it, he saitl. ans11·cr to the S;in\a Ana K111·a11ian~ !'.;;.;plaining his position, Aldrich 1n a11 in:cr1 il"w s;11d · '"Between l!l:"iO ;111il 1!16!1 ;1 lut ha.~ t:1kcu plvee. Qurstions h<11·e l:icen rai:.ed ;:ihou L 11 hal it rnenns !o he <1 Con1n1unist, 1·:hrther they atlua!ly are interested in the overthro1I' of our gorernrnent. The Cotifornia and U !). !)upretne Cou rt ha ve ruled that pcopll' ran t<tlk bul until lht'y act they are not to be denied rights. Dt.ll Y P'tlOT S!•tl Pl'IOID HUNTINGTON MAYOR JACK GREEN PLEADS CASE BEFORE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL 'Wt MuJt Hevt Additional Power Supplies Wi tliout Further Pollution of the Air' The distinction he ti: a \\'S betwl"C'n ho1v he ll'outd ha l"c to act now, and how he "·oul d act if !he bar on hiring Com· munisls 11·ere dropped. he says explains 1vh:i1 he ad1nits 1night seem to be a con· tra<liction in hi~ public-s1::ite1ncnls. ··in the event the regents' rule is sho11'11 1o be i!ll.'gal:' Aldrich said, '"then the issue co1nes do\1'n to dctennining 11·h:it are the person's qu:ilifications. This 11·1!1 h;:i1·e Lo be determined in r<ich c;ise." From Page l Sl\f OG. • • of nL1c!car poll'er. -Lack of coord!na llon amons agencies rtcaling with the utility po11·er plants. -A need for pre·planning, concernint: the plac!ns of power plants. Nucl ear po11·er is smog free , so.fr . -Better education needed in the sta\t on nuclear po11'er anrl thr necessity for 1t. Brigg.~ conelurlcd thal "'lhcrr 1s no ""·ay we can stay away rrotn po11 er regulation on the slate level .. Pearlson, Dr. fro.nk J . Tysen. t;SC ""ologist arid Dr. A .. J. HaagenSmit, Caltech scientist, all of the Qu ali ty Coun- l'J I. expressed full support for pre.plan- ning and stale regulation on lhe power plants. Said HaagenSmit. "I do feel an entity must be responsible for rescr1 ing land sites for power plants.'' The. council al ~o heard a plea fron1 Frank fl!. Stead, En1·ironrnenlal r.1anagC'· 111c.nt Consultant. to csli1blish ii pla n for l:1nd use, \\'hieh l\'Ould direct the futurr gro wth of California to cert;iin areas with rC's pccl for the be st use of lanrl. The Quality Council !{'rm 1naled il s hearing with st<i ten1ents fron1 sel'eral 111rmbers of !he aud iC'ncc, .ill or 11·hon1 opposed expansion of Edison 's llunllng· ion B<>ach plant. l"osla ,\!e~;i C1tv Co11 nc1!tnan \V 1llian1 St. ('lair declarc.d, ''our citv 1-" now clrnr. cOlll ar11t rlran. \\'c 1lori 't 11ant 1l p<1!l11I. po1•oned and pollutc.-d " 1!1s del'l;ir.111011 11:1s disputed b1· E (;, \l.tr~h. a Cos\a .\lrs;1 rr~1dent 11 ho :-;a1rt. .. \re re already dclcr1orat 11l& !rom !11e srnos prod uced hy Edison. \\'e hal'e r{';1('h ec1 ;i ~ta~r 11 her1· It ' n1orr un· pnrtan! I 1 do 11 1thnul prr .. f'r lh:in pul 10 I 1.1t jll,1111 ' \long lh,1! l1nr . T~5C'n 11•111<lcrcd II prrhnps ,\n1rrl(·an.'> ~nn11lrl11't h r t•·r.I i. ,1ic>1l l11 11'.1111 •· !h<il 1\h1lr 1l1r y nrr 1 li·;11'\1l1!.'. 1,u•1r lr1 II) 1111 11 ;111 \Ir, lr11· ti)ll\I\ 11ru~l1, tue.> ni.11" br [Xillul111g till' ;11r !ro1TI 11011 r1 111 j'~p1a i n111g 1!1:\I th r l'l•lllll.'ll 11as 1\C1t 1r1111i:: lo 1+',ir llfl 1hr 11!il 111r~. l'r ilrl'>fln ~:1ul ··1hc pco11lr arc !.Uf1ertni;, and tl11s is n11 r conrern " ( h;irl rs I\. \\ nglil . !ll.12 Bf'nnutl;i llr11·r. H11ntu1gton Beach. 11•ho l11cs ne11r lh•: Edison Planl. praised the council :-.i)·111g. '"Thi s 1<> thc firs! ,i.;l11n1ncr nf hope 1h:i• the unrlr.rrlog h.:i<> a chancr ··He a\~(l trct1cizcd F,d1~n11's full pui::e nc11"spapcr ;ids _procla11n1ni; the necessity of CX"· p.1ns1on. "And ;is for 1hl'ir hrr<1kthrou,i.;h in ~n1a ll ~mog rt·d1rrllon,"' added \\'right. "l "1:pcct to hr;ir that it dtdn "t pro1e feas1· blc alter all."· L;i11·rence ,I. Schm1d1. a r1ly rnun· r ;'nian from <:a rdrn Gro1r. :-.;1111, .. \\'e I• II r11r r h1ldre11 tlon I 11lay [{10 )1 ;.i rd, you n·,1J.!ht chok<' to dr.1th It l>Ccnis our values are n11.~pl;ircd. \\"c h:1rr 1o con· 'inte the po11ers to s1011 pollul1011. \\'e l'Jr(L mol'C aw ny fron1 tl1r problc111, we h;t1-c to !>tand and f1~h1 ·· Richa rd r.::unes. rcpre~r11t1ng tl1e l"'a- llonul Tubcrculos1~ and Hrsplra1or.v DiFcase As~ociat1011 called for ovr.rall s:ait: planning and an end Ill "gol'emn1rnt by ('rl ~l"-·· 1.:;rry Fnlso111 . ;111 a1rl1nr pillll of 21172 J.'.101r;i. Lane, Huntington Bc;irh cllargect lha t the Edi~r111 plnn! 11:.i~ R ''had 11cigh bor. h<'c1<11~1· 11 li.•d11 '1 rlr:incd 1ts planl in l]vr yrar~ .. ' Ne hru's Cou~iu Sets GWC Lec ture Tonight r.ladame Rajan Nehru . a leader 1n In· rtian polit ic-al and social Ji fr . 1111! address GoklPn \Vest Collrge sturtcn1.s anrl rTitmbr.rs of the co1nmnu11y a! 8 tonigh t u, the College rcnrrr. SM i11 the cou~111 nf !he. l ;i;!~ Pri1ne r.11nister ~'thn1. Her topic. "Dct1s1rin for J"kmOCr:lf'\' '' Shari's Fight for Life -A Long Tragic Story Tins 11·erk he was asked direcll y al a SJnl.:i Ana l\11\':u11., Club 1T1crt111g ii he 111111ld h1rr 1\li.ss lJa1'1s, nntl he replied, "Lord, yrs" T11·0 wee.ks ago the chanrcllor 11·as nsh- r d ahout An gela Davis at a j\'e11•por~ I I arbor Chi.!nlbj'I' of Co1nrner<.:c rnerli11g. On that occasion he snid · '"It is Vt'ry clc~1r . Co1n 111unlsts are not to be employed in the Univrrsi ly of r.1hforni ;i . The nnly thin~ lo do JS to get rid of lhrni, and that has bC'cn done."' B)• ART HUR R. \"IN'SEL n1otonz.rd \1hcelchairs arnong liir ag1lr Speaking ta the San1a 1\na Klwanians, one~. Aldr ich 11·;.1.'l sa~ 1ng hr. 1rould not bt rA~!A RATA Sh<"lri had n:> use or hrr ;inno; or Jrgs ;;fraid to hire fl l!.'lS D:11•1s 1( shr 11·l'rc an Shari f,1/1111 ContorQta. Aal" 26. of 1621 then, and hie cons1slcd 111 an :iln1os\ <1ppl1c;int for a L.:CI rncul ty position anti 1\l r.~a Dr1t·r , Su11ta Aiia. S11r viv1>1l b~1 f'ndless chain of d:iy.~, l1~h! 1n!o da rk. acct·pt.-ililc lo 1hc professors Judgtn~ her tu:o sons. Ronald aud Brr.II; 11arr11t.v, d;irk into light, and season 1n10 .~cason. nv:i1le1111e <1uahfll'allon~ The chancellor s:ud labeling !;0111eonc "' fon11nu11i:-.t "1s till· ::a111e a ~ dan1n1n,1.t anyone for bri ng a this or a th;1l. 'f herc ~1r1:; all kinds of lhises and thats," He said that was the e~sence of hi:> point on !he luring ol l)OS leader ill ik~ l\ris1na11 to an adm111is1rative pn~t. ''! knew Mike as an individual," he said. Ocea n Vie1v Sets 1'eac her T 011 r Of Junior 1-Jig l i 1\fr. u11rl 1\lr.~ .. 4.lberl BPI/. Snula .Aua: Thf.' people closest to Shtiri "ere :it ln 111:-co111n1t•nl ~ tu lhr ~e11 port /ll'O brothrrs .. Jock l01d Re:r Bell, flell-Uroadw:iv !\lorluarv lutlvv. 1..,.111i Harbor Cho.1nbC'r, /,ldnth 11as :.1111ply l.ag11na·s Thu rston I nte r 1n c di ate Cos ta 1\lesa. Services u;i/l bP /4e/r.l r ri· 1nore impor1ant husinesS pcrha"ps th;iu 1elhng \\'hat L:n11"ers11y rules are 11011· and $l"hOC'I, becoming kn o11n as a n1odcl 1n rl(I!/. J 1 A ~ll. Btll Broodway Chopcl. p:issing on 10 others the bright spots that not lui> per~on:.il opinion or "·hat I.hey design for modern educa!ional method~. 11·1/h J?cv. ('liar/es Sn11th officiotuig. tcrt;unly must have come O\'Cr Lhe yrars. shou ld bt. 1·.i:J be inspe:cted ~londay hy 2~ teacheril /11 trrme111. Pacific View J.feniori(J/, One of thr.1n 11uutrf ob1·iously ha1·e bren But by lin1i11ni; his answrr lo .. It i.-; fr on1 the Ocean Virw School District. Par/>. Bell Broadway J.fortuary, DirPC· a rctur1110 the l:irnily hoinc. al !621 fllesa 1rrv <'lear lhe 1Jn!y 1h1ng to do is to Participants in the in-srrvil'c training l//r~. l)r11·r. Santa Aria I/eights, but h('r al-J!~t ru1 f•f 1hen1 .. '' he left 1hc iin· pn,J C:Ct 11·ill lour the complete facilit y, Therr. is more to the ~tori· than lk.it fl1cli(ln ~till rrqu1rrd pc r rod 1 c prr!is1011 he agrce~ 111th the bur 011 Coin· 11s1l cl assroo1ns and li strn Lo l<.1pes ui>rd fl'luch more. • hosp1 tal1zat1011 1111111ls1s. in 1l1r et.Ju«:itlnna1 progr<irll. acrordinc to r l>J · 1 Sh<' 11 ;is ;idini!trd tn {"ri~l a :'ll rf<i Bill suh~rCJlll'1,l ly hr 11ac; run nerl dn11 n \'.l(·k Lobo. schecJ 11ling t uu11~clor, 11·IH1 · n·r yc;i rs ago .• 1~'. 111 I 1e rrn<11ni; 1 II 1 1 11 1 11 iii guido llJ" ic·'(·lioc<, <'ra sh or glass ;ind metal and lhe bone· \lr1111or1od lln~p11;il lc;,s than h\·1, 11 rrk~ iy le 'Ll!t r11t 11f'w!-p;Jper on 11 it icr 11• ~ " ~ bni.1king impact of a ca r hilling ,. .:ig.l. and on Ocl. 14. ll1r ~pilrk !1nally diff rl's-1rith his facul1v n1c·n1hrr~ 1n U1 c1 r 'h1nbcr~ I)/ tilr 1'hurslon PTA lou r d I .• If b I · h wen1 out. Ion". lonr after it bi'"<ln d1111· 1\t"adL•1111c SL'n:11l' 1ulr. <·0111n1111cr, hc;idcd by :...1rs. Jutly Pcnnc·y rna 1vay r Jl'J uer, 1 r egan e:iv1ng S ar1 " b ., o C:irn<ir<ita, tn111g. Aldrith thr11 g:1ve thr 11hule 1H1~11er, 111· 1111' a-ssi~t dur111g !he v1s11. Today was lier funeral. Son1r rn1gh t <·;iv olht'rWi$r . b11l Shari eluding hi s pcr:>onu! {lp1111on 1h:i t tncrc. Thr 1nodcn1 school plant. designed I( the hunian spirit ha.-; colo r, the ivil l Carn <irata knrw 1rl1at she 11·anted -life rnr111brrsh1p 111 lhr Corn1111 1nb1 r :.rty r ~prci;,lly for full flcxiblr. scheduling. 1s ~ to 111·e rTiust be the blue part. the la st -anrl ~ht I ought lor ii. 11rarly IJ\f'. ~1i,-,11lrJ not hr ~ulflt'1e111 rrn ~<11t nol lo hire rr-n!lnua l ohjcct of ~tudy by educators r 1 ercc Ii t Ile glow be! ore the Ila me goes 1 ...:.,_'~'~'<;.;';";d;c;';·e0r~y0<01 n~y0•0·;;";;';';'.''~ -';;';;'.;;· ;;;;;;;;;;;;-';;-;;-;;' ';;'-·;;";;";;';;;;'-';;'-':·-'~";";';'. ";;';";:';' ';'';' :':':":'::':":'-':-:-:-:' =··-·:m::':":":':''c':":":":' :'-"~'~:':"--:':':· ::-_ out. The a!l raclJl'e young divorcee 11·;:is nd1ng i1·ith t110 other girls on OcL 17, 1964 , 11hen their c<i r went out of cantrol and hurled her into the wor ld of !he d1~abled . Friends. rl'latil"es anti a one·l1mr f1ance could probably tell the little aner- r!o1e ~ 1hat add life to an account of he r la.51 fJl'e years, but they \\'ere at her tuneral. 1 lornb!~· injured in the a1110 rra~h. :-iha n spent thr first few 1\·reks of her last I 11 c 1•r;1r'> at Oa k r<irk Cornmuni!y l!n•pl l,il 111 Lo~ llllFf'l{'• !I rr 1ni11rics read aln10~t 11\..r ;111 .11ll0!}~) rer,orl broken nef k. pch JS. hip. lr,c: . not lo n1ent1on the lacerat1nns antl hnusrs-11l11ch \1·ould e1·enlually hc:il. ,\ siring Qf 1n<1jnr surgical ripcra1 11111<> :ind ~kin grafts lo1lowccl -requi ring 2~ h1111r nH!dlcal supervision -at one point 1·n~t111g: ~ per day. and friend s orcned !he Shari Camarata Fund. Iler insurance 11•as gone. Tl1r treasury y:h1ch e1·rn!ualll' 1111 ~2 .000 a nd more 11 as nuiintauicd .lt !he l. S. l\allanal Bank Branch, 11hrrr. ~he 11·orked before life came to onr kind of an end . Tlw hrlples.5 YQung won)tHl "as finally transferred to Rancho Los 1\mi~os lln.,pilal 111 Oo\1·ncy, a special fa cility 11 herr sonic pa11en1s ro11s1drr those ""ith I NIXON • • • f'rr;isr~ no( n11\\' h.1rr. ~\:irkr 11td . hut thr r:itrs rif in ere11St arr acru:il ly dechn1ng. \\'ilhoul shock trealn1rnt, V>'C arc t•11nng 1hr cau ses of the rising tost of living." Al another poin1. f\i~on said : ' The t\111:11\'llY tO~l of living is no t'TOS~ 1'l'r arr ob!igOO to bear. 1t can be brought under cnntrol. It i~ being slowed by firn1 anrf .-;le11dy action that de al:< "'ith 1ls root t:\lltSCS." K1xon s;iirt that he 11·as srnding a IPller 1h1.~ 11eeke nd to a eros5 section or leader.-; 111 labor anrl ht1~1nr~~ Cllllin~ thr 1r ;ii. lcntion to "'the la!est facts of cc:~non11c tilt ... '"I an1 asking them to take a hard look at 11·hat g:>\ernment has done in these i past) nine months -not just our 11 ords, but our dteds," Ni xon said. "And I am asking lht1n to make thrir 011n future plans on !he ba~1s of working ;ind sellin,i.; in .:. cou ntry that i:o; not fooling aOOul ~!1)11 ins down lhe rlst 10 1he c-ost of hi'· in~ " Th' <hi!.'f r~rcul ive·~ n'es~agr to 111r An1rriran rcoplc \\·;:is nn! 1ntcndcd fl'l r~ pl.11n .-;trp:r; takrn h;• h1:r; adm1n1~tral10n t~at ht: 5.1y~ arr starling 10 take ~(fN'L ON DISPLAY NOW •.. COMPLETE SETTINGS OF LIVING IEDROOM AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE. DON'T MISS AN OPPORTUNITY TO VIEW THIS EXCITING NEW COLLECTION . YO UR LOCAL DEAL ERS FOR DREXEL -HENREDON . HERITAGE NEWPORT BEACH 1727 We1tcliff Or .. 642.2050 O,IN l'RIOAT 'Tll ' INTERIORS Prafes1oio11a l ln t•rlor Oe5 ignera A v1il1ble-AIO-NSIO 345 LA GUNA BEACH No rth Cc1•t Hwy. Ol"IN fllDAl' 'Tll t 494-6551 • " " • • ~ " •• ~ •• " •• ·-~ --• • .. • --. ' ·- -· - '. ' ~ I I r ~ c I< II " b n ,1 ,, ' f c ~ d ;1 " cl ' I v fl ' f " <· h c fr ,, ' 1; • r .. .. ' •• " • ~ •• .. ~ . ' . ' ... • .. . .. • • -·- - •. .. • • .. .. ' • • . . . ' .... . . . Beaeh EOIIION VOL. 62 , NO. 249, 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES ore Speaks i1i Lagaana Tunney to Push Sea Oil Attack Congressman John V, Tunney, speaking at a Laguna Beach press conference Thursday night. sa11t he h:lpcd to rencw the attack against offsho re oil ex· ploration. Tunney. a RivcrsJdP [)(>1nocr;il, lol11 lhf' press el l-lotcl Laguna !ha t he li•lt upl;i nd Down tlie Mission Trail Clemente Denies Tourism Fund SAN CLEJ\1Ei\'Tf: -The Cily Counc il Y.'C"dnesday night denied a Chamber o[ Cflmmerce request for an $11 .375 subsidy lo promote San Clcmcn1c tourism. 'f11e Chamber proposed us111g $8.500 o[ lh" amount , an allocation from bed tax: rcl'cnue. for newspaper ~dvc rt is1ng lri boost summer patronage of hotels and n1nte!s. Councilmen agreed ix'd lnx funds should be used for pron111l1 on. bul quP<.;· lioned the need for lhis type of ad· \'ETlislng. e f'ie•ln. Slt1l<'fl C.\PISTRA NO BEACH -St. F.dv.·ard'!I Council (lf Calhollc \\·on1t'n \1 \ll holrl a 1-fexican fe stival fr(lm 2 to 10 p.m. Sun· d;:iv in the church p:llio. llanchnildc g1(t i1cms will be avt1ilable for holiday shop· pcrs, along 11i·ith games and contc.:;t~ f!Jr cl1ildren .. Food stalls .,,, Lil of!rr aulhC'nl lC' i\ll·xican food. beer, c-:ind y an d J 1>memadc brrad Residents of the ne\\•ly eslabhshfd ti«rish, which includes Capistrano Beach, !Jcina Point and Lill.!Ullil NiRllCI are HI· \'1 tcd lo partic1 patc 1r. lhc fJC'S\.'.I . • , ... , i11 ,.,,.,f .~l("ill!J LAI\!~ FOR EST -II ~'Pll :!l'f' :i 1\n111 ;•1 \\11(1 v.n11ltl !1 ~1' 10 Ill' 1111l 1111 !l•r 1-:u'r 1 t,11rse s 11i 1ng111g .1 ~·li1h in~1r.:1d n/ tn )n,1· k11 che11 s11111g1ng ;i bruru11, !ht·ir \, ~1 lll"V cl"L for you. ,\1 1 L<i kc 1~ore,<;l 1vninrn in\t•r r.:;I Pr l Ill ffl n ning ·;1 \1 n1nt·11's gnlf (·l uh rn:111 111· d:rate their intrr"csl by r all111g the lJr;.ich £lld Tennis Club, 8.li-6100, -,.lembership in the new gr(lu p will rn· titlr you lo lessons llnd playing gol f on srea courses. nil pools could be exploilcd and (lf[shore oll placed in reserves. /-le sa id the smog suit against the auto companies should g(l for<A'ard to the 1nal· \(•r \1·ould be publirly aired. Tunnl'y said as things now stand, even lhe C'alilornia ,\ltorncv General cann(lt look at the lranscript ·or fcdt'ral granct jury h<'.'.H1ngs in the mailer \\'hi ch ronsumed 1nany n1on1hs. (See Helated Story, Page J). Tunney called for strict controls to prc- \•enl the free shipment (lf drugs to ~1ex ico. lie said major U.S. pharmaceutical firm,.; are manufac!l1ring twice as many drugs as a re sold in th e U.S. by prescri~ tlon. Thr Congressman said he had written llH' U S. Surgeon General asking for a 11111-~calc nH'<lieal slu <ly of effects <if 1nnrl]l1ana to take iL 011L of the realm of ~prrul 11 tion. Tunney s.'.lid problen1s <if the cities re· ri uire r£•sourc£.>S for solution that a U.S. al .,,,·;ir rannol a ff:'lrd . lie said $23 bil lion \vas spent getting to l he moon and mnrc billions arc being spent on dcveloptnent of supersnnic. planes that may not be sll{)Wed to fly O\'Pr land. "An ordering o( priori ties that pe(lple want something danc aboul is going to be on the agenda of 1he '70's," he told an enthusiastic g:il her1n~ of Democrats. Tunney \1'as clcr lcd to Congress In 196.f \\hen he v.·as barely 30. A roo1nmate of Sen . l..:dward Kennedy at the Universily of Virginia, Tunney had Kennedy's back· 1ng in laking his Congressional seal from a freshn1a n Republican representative. Officer Crushed Over Killing of Innocent Victirn From \\'ire Services :\ pnhre sergeant dispa tched on tile spur of the moment lo he lp out in a \\'h11- licr narcot ics rnld two weeks ag,l -and iJccidenlally killed an innoccnt man - ht·p1 repeating Lhe same 11i·ords to hunsel[ oft<'r11i·arJ , "_\1 y G™I. Jl<iw did this happe-n".'. """as 1111" i•nly thing \'ernon Pt'JJice Depar1ment !-~1 Fran k Sv.·crnrv kr pt sayini;. a fcl](iw ('lf1er r d1~rloscd du ring a coroner's in· 1111»~1 1n !..tis Angele.~ Tl1u rsda). 1\11lliuril1es mcanwlulc rcle::i~cd a key \I 1i'H'5S against the \C'am <if tippling tnw11H·n \\1h1) hrllkc into lhc apartment flc l. :i. after his <l\\'ll ~11-rest on a murder ;_h11r~e \\'ednesday, Arthur Devore, 22, of Oo\vney , was hooked arter calling police lo a Compt(ln ;111:1r1ment v.·here they found Barbara J, Parker, 24, of Lakev.·ood, dead with bruises on her head. ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 19~9 an r • READERS ELBOW-TO-EL BOW ON TYPICAL WEEKDAY AFTERNOON AT LAGUNA 'S LIBRARY Missing From th• Sh•lv•s: An Up to Oat• Answer on How to Finant.1 New Fac:ility Nixon Declares Nation Winning lnfla.tion Fight \Vt\SHlNGTON (UPI) -President J\ixon dttl1red today that the nati(ln •·1s on the road to recovery fron1 the disease of runaway prices." In a broadcast report lo Alnericans on his administration's battle against in· fl ation, Nixon said the steady rise in the cost (Jr living had not yet been hailed, but he said it had been slowed. He said in the text of hi.~ Spt>ffh from his ()Val office at lhe While House Iha~ labor and management. as v.·ell as the public, cou ld expect the admini stration to continu e its <Jften unpopular steps to con· trol inflation. And he said it was winning the battle - \\'ithout "shock treatment." The President decl<irPd : ''\\le <ire not cMsidcring .,,,·age or price contols." Nor, he said, would he use the so-called ,::uirielinc system of telling !he work ini;: man how much he should charge for hls services or ho\v much a businessman shn11ld cha q~e ror his goods. /\'lxon stressed that in the continuitll: war on 1nflat1on. "!here \vii! be p.) overnig ht cure," hut added, ''\\'c are 011 .~loci' Jflarl~ets NE\V YORK (/\Pl -The stock mar· ket drifted to a mocle;t loss in moder· ately active trading late this afternoon. (See quotatioos, Pages J0-11). At 2 p.m, the Dow Jones average (l[ 30 industrials was down 2.31 to 836.46. the road to recovery from the disease of rUOB'f8" prices. "Let me be careful not lo mislead anyone: priel?'!i are still going up, and n1iiy continu e to do so for a while -a five year momentum is not easy lo stop. "Bu~ now prices arc no longer in· <"rrasing faster mid faster -the in· i;Teascs not only have slackened , but the r rilcs or iner case are actually declining. \Vilh(luL shock treatn1cnt. \\'C arc c tiring the causes nf \he rising cost (lf living." AL ::inothcr point, Nixoo said: "The runaway cost o[ living is no cross we arc obliged to bear. It can be hrou_gh t under control. IL is being slowed by firm and steady action that denls wilh its root eauses." Nixon SC1 id that he ""'as sending a letter this v.·eekend to a cross section of leaders in labor and business calling their at- lrntion to "the latest facts or economic ]J({'_" LAGUNA SOPHS TV ASll FOR :51 TP.c Laguna Be;ich High School parking lot wi ll be awash Saturday as the school's snnhomore class scrubs cars to raise money for lhe junior-senior pr(lm. Students pronuse "the best ca r wash service in lown" for the. modest ree (lf $1 per vehicle. Laguna Library_ Site Quest Due Before Council L<!guna's long-su ffC'ri n~ quest for an adequate size library to rrplace itii: ovrrus~ 2.200·sriua re-foot facility wi ll svrf;:ce agaln Oct. 29 al a council sludy session, Councilman Richard Goldberg citl'd the c1 !y-c·ounty impasi;e (lver f u n d i n g \Vt'dncstJ ay nighl and said: ''l"\'C been approached by a grcal many prll plc concerned about gelling on with I his." (ioldbcrg ~uggested forrnation of a comn1itlrc lo probe the library situation and funding impasse and suggested it become a top priority item. The city had planned to acquire pro- pt'rly and finance library constn1ction on the cast side of Third Street at !\1ermaid Street Lhrough a non-profit corporation. I! 11i·oultl then le ase the bui lding to the C'lllnly. The prnblrn1, frrnn lhe counly stand· po111L \1-nu ld hr.. 1hc !'OSI of such leasing. T\l n1nor11zc th e Llcbt, a rcn!<il rate or 3(1 f•) ~'.i rent~ rcr sq\Ja rr fOOl IVllttld ha\'e h) be p:lH I fnr the 81000-S(]IJ;l re·fOOt fac1Jity. J\·l;iyor Gknn Veddt.'r said the max· lmu m the counly has previously paid ls 15 cents per square root. ··~taybc those rates arc not re,11listic ," :;<iid Vedder, '"!Jut there are five :;upcrvisors Ire.presenting fivC' districts) ;ind they arc v.·nrried aboul the library (financial) support structure if Laguna gels JO cents." Colle~e Wins Round i11 Hair Hassle V\"ddcr said there has hecn urgency a!Ylut Laguna having a new library since JPliJ . fiolrtbcri:: said working conditk>ns in the C'ro11·ded library a re ahnosl intolerable. Quoting the city manager, he said talki'J ""'ilh Supervisor Alloo Allen about lhe Jibr;iry project had been "desultory", : ' \ - DAILY f'l1.0T 119ff..,.... 'WHAT DOES HAIR HAVE TO 00 WITH EDUCATION?' Students King (left), Berrigan B•ttle College Judge Refuses to Suspend Dress Code By BARBARA KREIBICJI Of -D•ll1 f'llllt Sl•lf A Saddleback College student 106t lhe fir.c;t round of a legal battle against the college's dress code Thursday, but coort action on his suit is not yet final . Soph(lmore Gary Berrigan, 19, filed suit in Superior Court against Saddlebac k president Dr. Fred Bremer and each member of the junior college district'~ board of trustees charging the dress code vi(llates his cooslitutional rights under the 9th and 14th amendmenls, and al80 is in violation of portions ol !he state's educational code. Basing his complaint chiefly on regula- tions regardJng male stuclenLs ' hair 8tJ~S. Berrigan !leClts to have the entire dress code eliminated. However hi!; initial mo\·e, sttking a preliminary injuncti(ln against the defen- ctanls to suspend the dress corlc pending a full court hearing, ~·as di~missed Thurs· nay by Superior Judg e Robert L . Corfman. Corfman n1k!d that since lhc plaintiff had not been refused registrati(ln and is currently enrolled in classes al UM! col- lege, his right.t at Uris time have not betn violated. He reflt$td to grant the tern· • porary restraining order. Deputy County C(lunsel John F, Powell said Friday he will respond by Oct. 27 in behalf or the defendanl.8 lo the original compla int which seeks perm anent reslrainL Counsel will argue, he said, that no issue exists until the college takes action against Lhe plaintiff and the trustee.c; refuse his appeal of such acti(ln. Derrigan's aHorney, Thoma!! Whaling of Anaheim, claims that threat of. such aclion constitutes a violation cl rights. Foll(lwing Thursday'i; court action, Berrigan. who li ves in Capistrano Beach, said he plans to keep the dress code mat· ter in rourt "until we win." "They 11ay long hair is disturbing to !he learning process," he Mid. "Well, I was on the dean's list for two out of three quarters last year," Ttic liOCial science major said he was l""ice refused the right to regisler in freshman classe!I lasl year, but was ad· milted after "cutting my hair just a little and using a lot of "'aler and hair spray." This year, he accomplished registration by wearing a nt"Ck brace ancl tucking his longish hair Ullder ii, he explained. Dress corlc rtrulations at Saddleback, (See JIAIR, Page %) Goldberg said the matter is at a n im· passc unless the city can find $150,000 or the county doubles its rental criteria. Said J\1ay(lr Vedder, ''Let's all come two 1vceks from tonight. I'm helping by that time we ha ve more information. The city has been probin~ and pushing but it's hard to puU the two (financial) view:. together." AFS SPONSORS G.4ME DANCE The Laguna Beach branch o( American Field Service will sponsor an alter-game dance in the girls' gym a t the high school Friday night after the Laguna-Tustin foolball game. Psychedelic sounds will ~ provided by ThP Chain Reaction . Admission lo the clancf' will be 50 cents end idenliLication by ASB card or Room Pa~~ will he rcquired. Prc-cttds of !he event wj[I help bring foreign exchange students to Laguna Jligh. -----.. ----. .... I Today's Flaal N.Y. Steeb TEN CENTS ere Comity, 5 Cities Agree 011 Project_ By JOllN \'Al.TERZA Of hi• 01f11 f'lllll Sl11f Jn a precedent-setting meeting Thurs· day, representatives from the Orange Coast's fi ve cities, county departments :Ind supervisors agreed on a tw1>-ycar project to draft a master plan. ror the en· lire county shoreline. Accord on the plan was unanimous at the confC'rence ln the Harbor District's conference room in Newport Beach. The endorsement, however, still needs a more official fla vor, the rt!prtsen· tatives agreed. The planning officials of the five cities will take infonnaLion on the two-pha!lc !llructure of the master plan work back lo their respective cities for a more firm commitment. Afler that, the real \li'Ork will begin. 'T'hat should start Oct. 30 in a worksho;i tnec\ing at the old County Courth(luSC Jn Santa Ana, \1'here the aides fr(lm five r1 !ies \\'iii begin to study the two-year prnjeC'L In lhe interin1 county planning person· nel ""'ill furn ish proposals for the shoreline plan to lhc indiv idual citie11 fol' ne\v suggestions on 11i·hal should be sought from cunsultants, County Planning Director Fores I Dickason outlined the program a11 a ''\'ery important, far-reaching functioo.'' "The first thing we will need is sug. gcstions from each of the cities about wh11t should be included in instructions to a consullant."' he said. J1e said the project's first phase will need d(lnated personnel from each ci1y for planning work, possible financirlg and a prospectus design f(lr lhe second phase, That should take a year, he said. ln the second phase, he said. con- clusi(JOS about spe ci fic areas (lf the general plan :;hould be draflet,1. Dickason asked the group for unofficia.J sentiment about the seeking of federal funds for paying for ~ome of the studies. LioofficiaHy, the group agreed to lht idea. A master plnn for regional parks 11"1 Orange County already exisl'!, Dickason ou!lined. but matters dealing with the shoreline are not included. "Once this study is completed, Lhen we \\'ill be able to plug il into the existing park~ plan," he said. •·I must stress the uniqueness of thi• project. \Ve honestly feel Lhat if it suc- 1·e~sful, and 11i•e all 11i·ork tOgclher on i1t lhr. collaborative effort bclween cities ;ind a cou nty \YllJ rrccive national at- tcri liQn." he s;iid. Vickason stresSNI th.it the cnasllin,. rro\'idcs !he greate~t resource lO Lhc ('ounty, thus a mastrr nlan is long crverd U('. Another factor leading to immediate work on the plan is the allocati(ln by county supervisors nf $1 million to a new tSee SllORE, Pagt ZJ 'CRASH' SERIES CONCLUDES TODA l'. Financial columnist Sylvia Poirer winds up her five-part series analyzing the economy of 1969 in light of the 1929 !ilock market crash in a column CJn Page IO loday. Her conclu sion : No more deep depressions . Orange Coat Weather Cloudy skiei; and light wind~ shape up as the weekend pie· turc along the Orange C(last, with temperatures still ranging around the aeventies. INSWE TODAY 1/ you think Shea Stadium 1"nt wild Thursday wht"n the Mets captured the World Stt'Us, you should have-aten Manhat- tan, Page 5. • •• u.., " Mvhul ..... " C•ll"'"'t • Htl1911tl Hnn ... Cl111lt1M "'" o ...... ,_, • Ct"'k l " ,, ..... ·-" c ... ,_,, • ... _.... .... ~· -·-• ...... """ Dlw<cn • ·~· .. _ 1 .. 11 l:-1'9rlll '"• • T~....,.•1lllol " l!nltrt•lol.....,I lS-ll T,_.,. ... ''ft•IH:• , .. ,, w-• l'l•••tc•" " O'"'-• Wlollt " ••• ,_, " w-·-1).11 Mll .. 1 • w ... _ .... '-"''" "~ . ·--·----------~~-----~1!1111111111 ....... ------.-. :? DAIL V PILOT l rdd.1Y. Ottobtf 17, 1~6CJ --- UCI Profs Okay Students in Academic Senate By THO.\IAS FORTUNE 01 1'lte O<ll" 1'1111 ,,.If liC Irvine profes!Or! vote-d 33 lo 13 at 1111 Academic Senate nu.'eling 'l'hursday to nd•n il ~tudrnts lo ml'n1bersh1p 111 the ~nate, the faculty del1bcrat1rc body. ll is an action Utcy ftgurl' will bC' too rzdi cal to be swallowed by professors al DerJieley and o1hcr LlC campust·s and u1 ;ill likelihood wi!I be stru rk (\own by !he flatevddc Al·<1de1n1 c Assen1bly. T~ Ir\ inc campus plan is In ad1n11 one ~Ludent mcmh<'r /or e\·erv five fa cul1y nrembers be longing to the Acade1n1c Senate. A mQtion 10 submit !hf' proposa l 1u all 273 UC I faculty n1embers by mail ballot was na rrO\\•ly defeated by the ;1bout liO pr:>fessors pre~cnt. Egy pt Ac cuses United States Of 'Aggress io11' By United Press 1nlernational J;:gypt filed a lorma! protrst \\'i!h t:n1ted Nations Secretary General U Thant today, accusing the United States of "aggression" against the Arab \\'Orld. A spokesman for the Egyptian t:.'.'.'. delegation said the protest was r1:ed late this morning and that full details \\'ere expected to be made public later. The !TIO\'C was predic ted tlus n1orni ng by the semiofficial Cairo newspaper Al Ahram \11hich said the n1alter would be placed before the Security Counci l. The newspaper said Egypt interpreted a. recent U.S. Embassy spokesman's li'lat ement in Tel Aviv to 111ean th;it American milita ry personnel arc sc rvint: in Israeli forces and possibly flying Israeli v.·arplancs. The spokesn1an v.as reported to have :-.;:iid that Amer ica ns who become Israeli <ilizens can retain their U.S. cit izenship rl'en if they scr\·e in the Israeli armed forces. f'r o 111. Page .l SHOR E • • • fund £or beach acquisit1cin. Il e said that n\oney a\rt'ad.v has bN'n ~t'l aside for conSllltant recs for the shoreline plan Y.'ork . "The first thing we have lo do is agree fln our instructions and drsi res for a con· ru ltant , then select htm after that," he />did. Tne pla n, he <'Xplained, will be a highly cornprehensil'e document. "\\1e "'ill examine e\'€rything dealing \rllh the sho relln:.--and it w·ill be a mar- ri;igr, so to ::peak. of planning f11r regional parks in the i111erior areas. harbors, beaches and other coastline • 1reas. "\\'c w·ill include l'\'ery aspect. in- c Jud1ng n1atters dealing II ith nrf,<.ho rr dr,!ling, n11neral exploitat1on, land-1111 ,·nnccrts, sail-water intrusion. )OU naine it ."' Dickason ~<11d The nff k·ials atLen<l1ng tile afternoon ~cssion .,., Cr<' r:rnnelh Sarnp:.on, (i1rcclor err coun1v ha rbors , bcach<'s and p:Jrks. Joh11 i\1\lcfer. exrcut1v1• :is:.i~tant tn Supcr\is1or Alton E. Allen. l\cn Reynold~. llunting1on lie;ich planning <11rrr111r. T(il11 Sci crn,, cl c\'clopmcnt coord1nalor for llunt111gto11 Ucach; \'1n1·e \l1iorhous1". dirf'<'lnr uf l1a rbors dnd 1.c:1c-hc;-; l1•r ll11n1111ston lleach , Prl{' :'11uort•. ;1~.'·l~l,1n1 r o !'luprr1 1~or lJ,11 "11t B:1krr : Crnr> S(·l11Jl1\', ; ~.',{l(.'l.'.'tlr pl :u1ntr for :-i:ui tlrr111'11lr: 011 ~ Ahln1.1n, d1r1•ct1•r n! Uulld11 1i;: .1nit p!t11111hu.; fr,r San (lc111r111r . Al Alllr'), l.:t~O! .c Hr.:11.:h c i!~ pl,innrr . l.hr 1-; l\l1n;;rr. 1 ha1rrnan of 1•r"r.:il1nn~ l11r l l.11'~1·,, Heaches and Parks !or Orangr Count~·. fJaren Grnth, pri nripal µl ;J11ncr J,1r ~C\\p<1rl Bc:ich. D1 Lkason. and f.><>1 k l!omrlln, principal planner ltir Orang•• f'ounll'. OAllY Pl lOl •o"••f N. Wei.I l'rulftnl .... ""'llf/>tf Joe~ 1'. Cv•hv Y~ ,.fD«ltnl .... "'""'''' '911 .... "t l~ ...... k11•il fO<IOr Ti..e.,.•• "'· Murpi..;,., Ml•lt>"11 fdotor l\i<.l<.•rl' I'. Noll L"""' 8"<~ cu~ E••Jor 1..,. .. a.-a.Ofn,. 1?1 Fo •••I A•o. M1lli~11 Atltl•111; P.O. l o• •66, '2652 Otkt Ofrk" Co111 ""'"" J>O "'e•t ""' 5•, .. 1 ... _ .. •••<h 1)1 1 ...... a.111a. t! .. ·lt~•l'9 ~01r•tl~llC~ 6f-cll lOt JI~ ~"tll DAll,T P•LOI .,.,,~ .... <h ,. (O!'Nll...., ll>e ,.,...,, ....... .. ... b .. _ •• ~. ''""' 5.,..._ ... In -ot• ••liofll .. , I • .,... ... ,~. -lf!JOICll l •fO , "twpo•! 11-.:lt. C...I• M-"""tint: ... ltt<~ ord l'ewi••"' Vol· .... 0••"11• Co•u "Olblillllnt <"""''"" .. 1n11nt P!••to .... , n u WMI •• ,_ 111"' • "'"Pll'I luch, •~• )JI Wt1I l•r Atrn!, c.,.,, Mru , Jt~ioe CJl 41 49 4.,44, arui.; •• o.,.. 641-4111 c...,,...,, , ... , 0••-toou "~''"'~""" ~-... ...... ........ •11 ...... , .... .. ''''''"I ,...,,.. .,, ~vtrllu_,.,. h1,,1., ..................... "'""""' -··· "" ....iu-., <•••111>• -•· ........ u ... -t-.... ,, .............. h -('911 -.... C••ifO'I',. -..;ti.I..., bv u,...,. u.w -1vi .., -11 u.• .......,..,~, ... 1111.,., _, .......... u ......... 1111y. Alter passin1: it~ 111lenllon to admit :.(ll- dent m~mbers, the Senate recessed for one \\'eek \\•hen \\'ays of choosing the slu· dent members and finding means o [ h:ga\ly giving tl1em the vote "'ill be c!i!:tCUSSed. A couple oilier \;C ca1npuscs ha\·e 1n:i de students Senate rl'prcscn!al!\eS 1,1 thout voting pnv1ll'ge , Ad voealt'sol 1hc lrvirc plan '1·ant tu gu flU'lht•r .ind n1;1k1· the 20 percent 1>ludcn1 111e1nLl'f~ lull nlt 1nbcrs 11 1th \ot1ng righl ; Assi.stant Pl'ofessor ul ;\lalt1C'111l!I J~·~ Frank Cannon1to said as J1p read thr l C' regents' S!<lrl{lant OrdC'rs Jhry s;iy 111111 m:iy be 1nen1brrs o[ t'ar ll e11r11 1>u:,' Acadenl1C Senate but nol '1 ho nHi} 11ot lie s:iid 1t 1·lrnrly 11 .1s the 111tcnl1v11 of lh::. per:.ons 11 ho dl't'W up ll1e ~tntutrs 111 specify who 5ha ll become a Senate n1ember but that they left a loophole ... It 1s iny conttntlon we ha ve the n1achintry to vote in Eldrldgt Cleaver or James Utt 1f we wanted to," he said. 1-fo\vever, Professor of El t c tr i c a 1 J-:11g1ne:'r111g ar1n Phrs1t•s Nath<1n Rynn ~aid he w·as told tlus week by a UC vice president that he does not regard Can- no111 lv's arg:11111ent ;i l'al1d argu1nenl. "I 11 :1l~rd :i\Vay \\'1!li 1lie feeling !he rullng :dr1·0<.Jy has bcrn 1nade against us," Rynn .~.ud c11airrn;:in of the UC ! Academic Senalt Bl•r na rd tle!b.ium s;iid !he head of thr· Unive rsitv-wide rul es ron1rr1itter could nol countrr Cannonilo's argun1 enl with lhe prln1ed \\'Ord . "The opposi!Jon is founded Un C•lmmon la w and long-stand- ing prac11cc,'' he sa id. · I thmk tius will grind its \\'ay up the slate machinery and eventually to the regents," Gelbaum said. In arguing for adrn1llu11' ~lutlt!il members, Associate Profe ssor o f Psychology John Wallace said , "Do you "'ant chaos at our front door~ \\le are faceft with the necessity of change, \~'e 1>hou !d do it now w·hile we arc not in a :.upcrhea1ed ~1tu:it u1n ." 'I hr propo:.al l'l :1drnlt ~ludcnls a" Ac:1dcn1ic S('nalr. rneinbers ar!ise uut Qf ~tudrnt prot1·~t last school yea r Ol'l'r the 1J1rca tened dis1nissal of three assistant professors, one of whon1 was reinstated ;ind promot<'d to tenL1re. (A first cun- C'ession to lhe :.tudcnts had been granting thrrn pri,ilege of the floor to spe ak Jn Sen;ite debate l Ai.sociate Professor of !:i parll sh Julian P;.itlcy, chairman of a ron1n1iuec that cn1e up with the student membership proposal, urged faculty members to for ul!Ll' Lccon1e rsdica!s. "\\'e'rc asking you to question one of the c.ldest universit y tenets," he said, "to let the students join us in decision mak - ing. \\'e"re proposing they contribute to deci£ion s regarding curricula and person- 111·!. Qt course students would nol ha1•c t·111ltrol." I le said the faculty \1'3S riot rl.'ally being r..1dicat but conservat11·e, 1n the sense of prfSl"rving its freedo1ns. in lls Angela Uavi s resolutions. A week ago the UC! professors l'Oled 01·erY.'helmi ngly to seek :.111 injunction ;igainst the Board of Rcg~nts for alleged- ly oversrepp1ng their bounds in rrmov1ng \.Ted•t from a course !aught by f.liss Dal' IS Tnt faculty followed that up with tw11 ne1~ resolutions Thursday. Wit hout dissent, they l'otcd lo t'Ut11urage con- tribu tion to a fund to defr<1y r-.1 1:.s J)al'1s' · ll·g;it expenses and to resolve that ··no polit ical test or mere me1nbership 111 any orge1nizalion shall e\'er be con sider:?<! 1n the appc11ntmenl. .of any !aculty nil'mbcr .. :· A third proposed resolution w;is rcfrr- re1! hal'k to r.om1na1ce. It ca\Jcd for l''>taol1shn1ent or a fund for public educa- ti on to be voluntarily contnbuted lo by professors to inform the public "on mat- ters of vital concern to the University." llcmarked Professor Cannon110, ''I think this is a fatuous idea. To educate the publi c lo our point or l'if!'ol' ... there 1s JUSI not that n1uch n1oney a1nongst u:s.'' Opposed Poll Finds 1'1 ost Against 1'1 oratoriu 1n r\E\V YORK IL'PI\ -A 111aJOrity or A1ncr1c:ins polled follo1Ying the nal1Jn;il n1or;itoriu m rtay wrrc unsynlr:lllletic to lhc antiwar deinonstrations and an evrn largrr percentage endorsed President Nixon's Vietnam policies, it w·as reporled 11)(/Jy. Sindli nger & Co., a niarkcting arid ori- nion research organization in Norwood , Pa., conducted the su rvey by telephone ThursOay , the clay after the moratorium observance, queslioning 995 throughout the country. r-.lost of those questioned \l'l'rC O\·er 25. \es, 29 percent said no and 10 G per cc nl had no opinion. This 11·as a n sc in support for Nixon's Vietnam policies since a similar Sind- linge r poll conducted in Septembt>r. frt that poll 61.5 perecnl of those questioned su pported j';lxon on Vietnam and 23.3 per- cc:ll thought he cou ld do more. 'fhe support did nol ho1\·ever re ach the. level of a Sindlinger poll In June \\'hen 71 pcrcl'nt backed Nixon and only 13A per· cent thought he could do more lo end !he II ar, Albl'r! L. Sind lin ger, president of th~ f1nn. !>.'.lid 11 was significant that the pcrcen!Jgc of persons with no opinion <froppcd fron1 23.3 111 September to 10.6 in the liitest poll. RITA CUTLER, JOHN ALLAROI CE TUNE UP FOR FESTIVAL CHORALE'S FOLK FEST Wid1 Variety of Folk Music Will Be Offer.d During Event at New Forum The fir111 said that of the 78 ,6 percen t 1vho kne'v about n1oraloriun1 day. 57.4 percent thoughl il \l'as "an overall bad idea." 31.7 percent !hough\ it \\-as an •·o\'f"rall s:ood idea" and 10.9 percent had no opinion. Aske<l whether they believed "Presl- r!ent Nixon i~ doing all he, can to se ttl e the \\'ar in Vietnam ," 68 .5 percent said "I thin k the 111oralonu1n actually :-10J1chf1ed support for Nixon,'' he said: "The reople y,·c questioned 1verc more \'Ora! on this lha n <Jn any sur1·ey 11·e ha1·e e\·cr done before." Lagu11aAgainstExpansio11 Of Edi so11 Co1npa11 y Pla11t ":\II of u.<; in thi s air shed th:ll brciithe ti;" same air ha\'C a s1:i kc in th b " L;igun:i Be:K·h ( 'ou11c1lm.111 llov 1 l(Jlm \~:O~ talking aliuut :-:inulhern C,d 1forn1a 1-:t!ison Conlpany's pl;:ins !o triple lls \1011l'r prucJuc1ng fac1lllll'~ :il the l'X!sling ~1tc o[ its Huntington Be;ich steam plant The counci l \\'ednc<;day 11u:1n1n1ou<:ly i!duplcd J!ohn·s rc;;oh1 lion oppqs1ng the t':'llc1rgC1ncn!. then it "'as 1on liJ !c !hi.''> 11('1·cn'l !ak1ng HA IR ... 11 hith last } r.1r ruled rn11 only · b1 ~arrr ,111cl unkempt " hair .<!J 1r;s, \\'l'rr niade n1orr ~[ll'r1f1r t h1~ ~·r ilr \ln .July 2. lruSlf'l''> r11\1•d 1h.1 t rr~i.'l r,1- 111111 11ou ld hf' rrfu~ed !n n1id!' ~1udcn 1s 11hosr ha11·. '·f;1lh Li1·lu11· th•' 1''l·bro1\s or t )\f'f~ all ••r p.irl of 1hc 1 .1r~ fir eo,l'r~ ;di of !hr "oll;1r of ,1 d rc.:,~ ~hirt " B1,rr1g;1n·., h!nnd \i;"J1r 1trir~ not tourh his , oll;ir, hut rfnr<; 11<l\'1'r hi:. t'.:.11"' ,/\1 ;i ·'1H'!'1,1l n1rctin~ of 111r board •1r tr·u~tcf" Thur~d;Jy n1i;111. !•\Ill' ~11ul"t1I'> 11 !111 h:i1t hr,..n 1r f11·1·d r<'g1~1ra1 1r.n l)l•rau ~c nf !hC~\ e1"tr 1 i<o!.111'.'11.;. rirpc,1h·d 111 1 I! ! .t'J' ·i11r bo(11d f,,111111 11 . .i l'inl\1 p .\.n1n1uf f 1.f ln1.!11!ld Hl',h'/1 11 ;1, il"l 11111.ol,dJull ~int( ~tionlit 11(' :1i!1r111r1! lltc u:tu !' 1t1r111 111 rt' :"Id 11)"\' \llil h" ro'lull'C'o l tn r1'i..1 .. 11r 1r [1:1\ 1nn111h 11 1ih 1 1 11~ h.11r rc:.;u!.11..~n\ '1111.'\' .11" \·1t·l11r !ltr101;11a ril ~u111 ,1 .\11n. Tl1P111:,, Ynuns C!f !r\111r ;ind l,inil:1hl l\u1g 11r T11·.1111. 1\111~. 1\hO 1~ :1111i.nc th(' ·tu<ll'n1~ ~lJJI· 111rlln~ J.:, rrig:1 n 111 111~ \lll\, .,11111 TI1ur.,- 1t;1.1 ht· :Jl!l'nd1•c1 frcsh:nan t.:Ja,~t'S ,1l S~ul. <llch;il'k l:•~t .1rnr hul h;,, bcrn rl.'t usC'd rP~1~tra11un !nor 11111cs tl1 1s .1·c;ir hc c<1usl' ht.!> hair CO\'Cr~ 111~ t•ars :ind 1s 111\1olal111n or thr n1nrr rr~1r11'lc'I! rndr. "1 1lnn·1 '1'r 1\llt1! h.11r li,1, tn 1!0 ,~l!h rducat11J11:· ~;11,t K111i.;. ;i l1hl'r;il :iri s ma · J!lr. "l'n1 21 :i11d I 110rk pnr1 time. s.:i l ~·nn go tn ~chnnl " King :-;aid h1· 11n11· i~ 1011k 111;: f11r 11 JOh bC'cause hl' nrp.1rrn1I~ 11<1<: n11s:-;cd 0111 rn· 11rely on gelling 1nt u ;i 1u111ur collrge this "I \\'anted 111 rrturn to Saddleback hrc-ause ! "·;is !hrrr l:i"t yc<ir.'*' ) e ex- plained. "But ;iflrr 1he fo11rlh tin r::v refu sed lo let n1r rcg1~tcr 1 drcitl trY In grl in ln ~;;111 :'! 1\n;i .!\1nu1r Cnllegr. v.·hich docs not h<l\C a dress cod e. Dy .'Hl.\' n1 orc registrations. 1\uorney Whalen described Berrigan ·s ~utt as "One of the first of \'arious con· frontauons we 11'!1! be ha ving ll'ith thi~ 1l1~tnct because O[ lhe ir allitUd<'. I ~11 spcct we 1\•ll l be in ('{)Uf l fo r .a long 1.me. This issue has not been resolved 11·11h reg ard to junior colleges.·· ",-\1! of us.'' said Hol m. '"\\"ould be in- \ 11h crl 1n inhahng the addit io nal 90 i on.~ ol oxides per fl ay if this plant gocs through." 1101111 said it has become possible to lr'a nsmit extremely high voltages great 01~,ta ncl's, The rcso lut1on said all con- \ cntional electrical po11·er producing pl :;nls should be loca ted outside the C..re;itcr Los Angeles Basln. The resolution is to go to county ioup<.>_r\'isoN . !he State PO\\'er Planl Siting Cnn1rn1ttee and the Public Utilities Co1n- r.11~~1on, Ocea n V ie 1v Sets Teac her Tou r Of Ju nior High l .;i~11n.1 ·,. Thur~ton I 11 Irr 111 rd\ at c ~. l1t1\il bi;tc11n11n.1: knCt\1'11 ;i s ;i n1ode! in (if"l~ll f•ll' 111•1ft"rn <'dllc<11Jonal 1n<'lhnds. 111:1 lw ui~pcctc·d 1\lo11d:iy by 25 lcac·hers l1n1n thl' tirean \'1c\v School Oistnct. J';1r11i:1 rH•nl-: 111 the-1n-s cr1·1re tra 1ni11~ pr1d(f'l will tr111r lhe comple1c rac1lity , \ 1s11 rl;issrooms and listen to tapes used 111 thr rducat1011al prograrn. according to \. tl~ LoOO. scheduling counselor, y;·ho 111H gu1d(' !he teachers. !,lctnbers of !he Th urston PTA lour roD1n11tter. ht'.1rlecl by f.lrs. Judy Penney 1111' ass1.<l during thl' visit. 'rhc 1nodl'rn .!>chool plRnl , design('d r· pt'c·1ally for full fle:ublr scheduling, is a 1·(1nHn11:i! oh 1ect 111 study by educators ! : Pn1 throug hou1 the state . Princess, (1:l, Di e~ KO:'iSTA~7.. Germany !UPI) l 'r11u·c~.!> Theodora of Bad('n, sister of llnl1!1n's Prince Phllip, died in a ~;ir11Lori11n1 at nearby Buedingen Thurs- ci;,\ .• 1 spoke~rro~n Jor the family said tG- c!a~. She was 63. No Deatl1 Vows Icing· Lo Ass ure The granddatightrr of :iirrra(l cornpa11y f''(CC1J11ve Donald tJo11i:ta~ .J r , 11 1!1 11·crl Saturday night 111 Pae1flc l 'al11>arte.~. b11l n!lthing y,•j ll br said 111 the 1ows ahou!. Till Death Do L's Part. Holly Douglas. 22. of raC"ific P.1IJ~<1dr~. and Fred f.!<irl in .Jr. :!i. of ~.10 ,Josr, lion'\ belie\'C 1n de;ith. Bo!h are rXPt"Ull\'C~ 111 1hr rrvon1l'S Soc1c\\' ol Cal1fnrn1.1, a br;int:l1 of the na - l1on.,., ide organ i1:111on 11 h1ch ;irh ora!t'i 11tnrage of clini1':illy fl r;i<l flt'oplc at r x- lrf"mtly low lt'rnpcraturcs. Lventually, according IV !hr ('r~·on!('~ concept, medir:il liCIMlCI' 1\•111 d1sro1·cr c u re~ for ~o n1any (Jtal allli rl10n$ -r.x- W eclcled Bliss ccpt perhaps in lo\al destruction of the holly -th:i t death ltself will be cured. i\c1t.her "'ill rcci!e lhe portion of the \l'edding vo"·s dealing y,·ith scparaUon through death \vhen they are married al II pin. 1n lhc Lutheran Church of U1e f';1l 1s:u1e11. 011ss !)iiu~!a5 i5 granddaughter of the fn1111der of no1igla~ Aircraft Corporation. 11 h1th dcl'elopcd the facility now known .i s :'llr Donnell-Doug!a11 Astronautics CorpJ1·a11on. Huntington Bench . :'ll arlin is :in insuraJ1ce ext.cutivl', but it 11 a.'i not fli sclose1I "·hethcr he Sf"ll ~ politic~ dcahng "'llh loss ol llfc and death heneflL'i. Chorale to Gi ve World So ng T o111· In Ne ·1v For u111. Folk ~ongs fr o1n around the 11 or ld "'Ill br. presented by the FestJ\al o( Art'.\ Chorale Nov. I, at 8 p m. in the new f c5;11·al Foru1n . l 'nder lhe cl1r<'cl1on of 01ar 1 I y n lntcr!andi, th e Cho rale will offer Jolk ::i.hic ranging frorn Shrn:indnah to Br·ah n1 's llunsanan lJantr.~ Solulsts will inclutir .John ,,.,,ll:1rd1cc. :,1nging blues ~11n1 hard rock ; Anna ll<imilton 11i!h religious folk songs. Hn;i Cutler for Israeli music; ChuC'k and Val ori<' Griswald for inoun tain folk music and Da1•id Shr ppard . Dvnation Y.·ill be $1.50 for adults and 15 cc n!s for students. Develop er Modifies Plan For W ilco x W ay Uriit s 1\ r<'QU€"-t for a \'ar1ance to constru c:t 12 units on property zoned !or eight \\'as n1 od1fted this 11•eck by de1 el oper Ray- n1 ond Benford . Al n r-.1onday nigh! S\lldy session pla n- ning comm issioners w·ere presented 11·1th new plans for a nine-unit structure on two J01t11r.g lots at 61:'1 \\'tlco x \\·ay. Bl'nford ro1n1rd out tha t the property "'as only 366 -:quare feet short of lhe 18,000 square f<'el rc<pd red for ni ne units._ lie plans to 111d ~n the 16·foot road11ay 10 20 feet and pro1 id e a 1·ul·de-sac for traflic lurnarouncl lie \1·ou ld be permitted to bv1ld right 11n1!" 011 thr exisl!nJ! na rrow road. \l'J!houl turnaround, hr added. Ticnford J1ad e<1rher sougl1t Plnnn1ni:; Cornmis5ion approval for plan'i for l2 o:ic bcdr!lorn urii l$ on !he rroperty. 1na1n- t;11n1ng th:i l the 12 smaller units \.I 011ld result in a lo .... ·er populati on density than !hr lesser number of !"'<>-bedroom or tlir<'e-bcdroom apartments now pcrm1t- Led. \Vhen neigh~1ring propert y owners pro- 1c>Sle<t the density increase. Benford rev1s· cd !us req11l'St and no11• has sub1nitted pl1ns for three 2-bcdroom and six !- nert;oom units, 11·ith nine enclosed park· ing spaces and additional pared guest p;1rl,1ng area within the prC1pt:rt.1 . l'!anners appeared :.Jt1s/1ed l)1a1 sel- h:icl.s a~ pro-. idcd in thr n('w ar· rangement of liu1ld1ngs on the Jot \\er~ ; d:>quate. but con1n1 iss1one r~ C a r I .Johnson and Joseph To1nch:1k sti ll ex· pr.·~~ed doubt that thr <lf}plicant ha d rl~1nt>n~lrated ;i ny eco11om1c n!'ed Dr h;.rd.<h 1p that 1vould wa rrant pcrm1U1ng thr <'Xtra un11 ON DISPLA y NOW ... COMPLITI smlNGS OF LIVI NG llDlOOM AND DINING lOOM FURNITURE. DON'T MISS AN OPPORTUNITY TO VllW THIS IXCITING NI W COLLECTION. YOUR LOCAL DEALERS FOR DREXEL.HENREDON.HERITAGE NEWPORT BEACH 1727 We •fcliff Dr., 6'2-20.SO O,IH H IOAf 1'11. • INTERIORS Proftuion•I lnt•rior O.signer1 Av1il1bl ...... AID-NS ID LA GUNA BEACH 345 North Co1st Hwy . OPIN PllDAT "fll f 0 4-6551 I . I I ' I I , . ' .. • ' ' • • '"' M• •o• M,. "' '" ,,, '" "' •• -"·· '<M 'Su' ,,. •• ·1o~. .,, .. ~ •Co• ·Cer "" 'I".•; 'V ie • POI •d 'A ·o~, -,.., . "~Y "" '" '" ~ur• '" '""' "' Me· ~·" 11'1 ,r., F 111 Mo• c c r L' S; 1:--• .. I . I :. I : ! ; • • I .• 1; ' .. ,. , ·- • r I , r rlday Octob~ 17, Jqt,q Q.a,fl Y PILO\' 9 • Fo1· Japanese Do~tors St111ly Fairview ltletl1ods Record ' Japanese and Psychiatry f.1rs. Reiko Coic, of Gurden re s p on s i b I e for stale education fo r the rct:irdcd problen1s ant.I so peoplt con1e discussions. Dr. Toto pr1lsc<l U are both d1ff1cult langu.iges. <;rove, lraruil ated, while 1'1rs departments 1nvolv1ng hur11an under state law first. the ad\anced outlook of the Divorces LAS VEGAS. ll•• -/,\••HdVO l«•n••• 1>1uet1 l>••e on<lud• MrCULlEY·ltl'I Al<E t-IBllL -.!ieol, Ii. WIUl•m ,t.n<l<•" 11\<(u<+~•. 1• "' 1'1 l'oro, o/'>d l(•,en J11nnt l(.,.,.,,n,11, 16, cf (e»!I M._• ]IMM ERM,t.N•llUSSCL L -Sept It. O:enn'm R. l •mmermin. 11, cl LI Mlrad•, ~na <-inU~ M•~ Ru>l•I•· ~O. n1 Cn"' M~'•- J.1~NA':~11°l.&.°.l/;'o~~~ -S.iit. :xt, f'•!•lc• JQ• M<N1rn1r11, \I , ot A111n•lm, 111<1 ll•rbtrc• Ann w11on11, 11, ul ttvnl<n1>I"" 8•,tft VAN l>IEE·PfEBLES ~..,1 :Kl, Henry J V••"-••· ii. o! rounl1ln Valley, 111<1 Vil• 8. l'••bltl, J4, ol liuntlnQIO<I Br •cf\. SCHILLING.PETERSEN -~<Pl :1(1, "lol>rrl Lvnn S<hllllno, 11, gl (;1rd•n G•o••. ond P.nn LoH1ln• Prtr .. en, '/J, ol Now?Qrl Brt,~. ltOWAPD·BASIEDO -SePI 1a. Br•I l NOY Ho..,ord. J•, ?l. of Oow,,rv, One 1s ancient and Hl!ing; \'o~hr P1ther, tJf Orange, tuok 1o1·el!arc. "Any questiuns,'' asked "Jc)u·ban," explained 1he In-:"11 Ble adn1inistration 1n the !he other relatively new, notl's for the six J apanese "Alt are connected 1,1i!h 'l'lll ian1~. tcrprc1t'r "'llh ... grin. f1Pltl of irnproviog h1 cili~ ter hnical and !onl(11c. twisting, !>J>ecinlists ln their l'K.Change 'people prohll·rn)i·, " Ire cl\· llr i\h1.su0 l\nn:unura, c.•hit'f Ounng lhl! Tut'~ clay and proi:ram~. parl1cularly in n1utu al trans la· "'It h the Reagan Cabinet of-pltiin•'d lhrough ~Ir~ ('1.1..-:. 1.r the public he alth depart-I;========================-=, lion. l1c1al. ··and so1nctimes several uf n1ent in Fukui Prefec:turt . 1ltey arc being 111ixN tOday "Please try to ~tick to Uiesc dcpartn1enls n1;1y have than made a d e l a i I e d at r~airv1ew Stutc Jlospital, 'Hayman·s Ler1ns," joked fltrs. a p1e("e of a person's prol>-s\a!t·ment. Costa l\lesa, v.•here si x Cox, turning to "'illiains dur-!em." l\lrs. Co.x, the interpreter, J apanese do c tor s and ing the meC'ting in Superin· "I have to be a gen<.>rali!;t, Ourst 111to giggles. specialists arrived Tuesday to tcndent and l\fcdical Director not a sµe c:iol isl," he cuntinued, ''IL isn't a c1uestlon." Stop Dog-earing page! ''''11r 011r FREE FAGUE·llATT -Sepl 14. Ho rr>' t. F1g"'I 1J, c! •!v~•l~n •nn U••tn, ood Po11't 1 Ann !!oft, 1f, nl M<d"'"l Cl· ... begin a [1,1·0-wcek study of Dr. Anthony 1'oto's office. not ing that the 10-depnrtment Ur. Nakan1ura v.·as saying ... ,.,. California lrea!ment methods. "l don't kno1~ a o y,'' lluman Relall0ns Agency 111-the weather 1s beautiful and r .... ·0 psychiatric technicians \Villlams replied, "l'rn an al-,·olves 48,000 employes ant.I despite kno\\·inJ;: America v.·as 11"a 1Cetn1ee11 Marie El••!-, 70. of Faun•••• Voll••- A~>lBY SUMMERS -Se1>!, 11. rencn l "'•fll>Y, 11, 01 Co"• 11na W••<I• l u<oflt Summt rJ, Boof-l111urf-.s are fl1 e rage. \'l ... LlON B ... lOORI' -S~l>T IS, Die ter No11in Wltl<lf>, ~·. n l lo,l• M•••· ond L11.n1 lialaod. 11. <>I (a•ono oe! Mor, LAMSON BOGOANOW!CI: -S•1>t IS, Wl!ll1m u . lom\on, ». ~na Aonene M. Bcga~f\ll'""' ,o, l>Q•n ot Cc's"' Me•• l·IARl·Wll.S!tlR E-~eoT. 19, Alln RO" """· ·~. •~d O<ll!d I,,,,, WUl;nlrr. ie. bcn• ct 1i.1n11"~'"" a,""' FRAtH(S·FLOERCl"<INGl'"R St1>t . 19, lno..,,.~ tl Fr~~•1. !I (I! NPNl>(lf1 R•<>~~ 11<1<1 Fr~"c•• Ann FICM'rcnon•t" 71. OI Co,!o '~~·· ~NOE RSON-c;ALIK -SePt. \~, A•l~ur All•" ,o.n~n!.ttn. ll cl H•""'""''"'· ~~a w. lll<•nt Ann C.•11~. n. a! Hun-un~•,,., e•~<~ LARSE~<.JEfFRIES -S•O! JO, G•rv l'll•ne I dfl•n, 1J, al PhO<'n1.;. Ar'1 Ana Jo Oen• Jel" ·••· 19, cl W•<!rr•n<l•r WOODIN HUGOAflL-SePI. 10, oougla• F'rrod W<>0<11n, ''• ~no K•v Lynne H"9<1•n• 71, N>lh c• (•'>!• "'~" TIBBITS FLOYD -Sta• 70. e .. 1 II. l•bbin. 61 <ll N•·N~•·rl B•A<:n. &nil L"'""" D l'lov<1. •i. n! ~~~Ill Ann FLORE'5-F'LORES -Seo! 1\1, llo<~&rd l"IO•Pi. 11, a• Cn•!11 r!.,A. '"r"ll"'l!d Pabi,. (;1n1 Flor<'.:.. 11. ol Hunllnglnn B•1cn WFL(l1·~CH01111 -S•n1 ~O. DPn11l:i r W•lth, 40 1n<1 B•·•'''' A. Sthoro, 11. bo!h ol N•woo•I fl•" h, SHllAOCR VIGIL S•lll ?O. Jn~.n W"l•v 5~'"0••• ]1, ol G~rn•" Gr~••· Mid K11!t>rY" G~ll Vog ll, n, ol B"lbc& c~'~N~.WH!lTIE ll -S•n! 10. Ming H c~~M. 11. or Lnn~ B•11ct>. ond An~ w~1i1:.,, JO, or 1/1.'f\tm""'" V/ILKI NSON·l'ER l~I -S•PI :IC, Hn..,•r \Vol~ln•on. 58. """ llC>•ll• M """"· DEATU N OTICES CAfl1AHAT/\ Sh••I Lvnn C•m•r•I•. Aat ?6. o! 10'1 Me>• D•·••· Sdni• An•. SuN IVOll bV '"'" ~on" lloo•ld 1nci B••tt: l'~r•no., Mr_ 11nd "'''· AJl><:rl S~I!, S•nlll An•: lw" broi,,_ "''· J•c~ """ II•• B•it. Co•I• M•••· S•rvi<•• wo,. t>fld l<>Cl•V. F•IO•y. 11 >.M. Arll Bf<>ea,.~v (t>anrl, w1111 lie•. (nede1 Smlrn ott•<i•l•n~ tn•o•m..-1, l'~C·l'C v.~ .. M•m<lr<dl ,, ..... B•U Bro•d· w1y Mor!u&ty. Qfre•lof> COl\'A\\'AY -rauljn• T Con•w4V, Jl1 \V. vi.1,on Sf. "Co>lo M••~ oa1e at d•••~. OcToDl'r 11. • SU"'•Vt d b• 1 ... 0 dou9Mcr>· Mr\. M••Y Rudic lll end /..\,.. froncr• Sl<•U0<1, born "' Cini• Meu. "•• 1t••n<lc~•ldron 11nd •1our a•N'·Vr•ndcl>i!d'Pn. Srtv•<•'-N o11--a~v. \0 AM, B••ll (~•"''· 11•! Su~•'"'~· -CD!.!• Me.a. 1n1errnPM. Goo<! Snro~er<I ·Cemtoerv. d'AGRELLA • MirhMI L-<l'A~'•ll• AQr 19. cl lQlSt 'lo(olrrW DtlOt, llunlln~ton ll••cn, nu•<I In 'V•••n~m O<lcnor !. Survioed by """"' • Pei•o: oarenl~. /,Ir a11d Mr~. jo~n ·a'Aort118; 1'ur b•o"'"''' J"'1n, I'l l<<. •Oav d ond JOmml•. two !1•!••" Mir~ •Ann •nd ""''" d''-9••1111 ~'-'"'""" Mon-. <1av. 1 PM, Po•• F•mllv r atonial Fune111 l•omr. \'AN DE~ REllr. L 1mbt r!u\ >l. V~n Dtn l.\t•9. 08? Oa• ~· • C ~•I• Mc•• l'l•'~ ol d••ln, Ocloi><'r !~. ~U'"""a t>v wll•. Jnnan""· •011, Jan T. V•n O•n Bet~, dou~Me•<, Mo•11e Oen• '"no, N•..,Por1 Beacn; l•u•M~ O•nn1n9, ond Honn'e V~n Doorn. 110•n ol Co•t• M•••I •n<J nln~ 'il'"ndrlllld'!n Fun.,al '"'"'"''' Sd!urOd>', II p.M, B1111r (ll•oet, ,,., SUP•"O" to••a M•I•. "'''" ll•v. f'M•ld Jan1m~ o!h(••'•nQ lnfo.rmeM. ~Fo.-ftlv•" Cem~!e,., O•••~led ~1 811!1 Morlu•'t· ARBUCKLE & so~ \\'estclilf l\tort unry 427 E. 17th St.. Costa l\lesa 616-4838 • ' BAf.TZ l\IOltTUARIES .. .. ' • ' .. Corona dt'I i\tar OR J-9450 Costa J\tesa Pill 6-2-12-1 110 • BELL BHOAO\VAY l\lORTUAHY Broadway, Costa LI 8-3433 • l\1esa DILDAY BnOTHERS llunlington \'alley l\lortuary li911 Beach nJ,·rl. l/unlington Ueach 8·12-••il • l\lcCOR,11CK LAGliNA BEACH l\IORTUARY li95 Lagu na Canyon Hoad Laguna Beach 494-!1·115 • p,\CIFIC \'IE\V i\I E~tOfllAI.. f'A RK Cemetery e l\lorluary Chapel 3500 Par.ific \lie1v Drive J"\cwporl Beach, C.ilifornia 6~4-2700 • PEEK FA;\llt.Y COLONIAL FUi'\EfiAL HO,IE ':'801 Bolsa Ave. \\'estminster 893-3525 • SlfEFFF.R l\IORTUARV Laa:una Beach 49·1-IS35 San Clem ente 49?-01 00 • S:\11TllS' l\IORTUAR Y 627 !\lain St. lluntioRton Beach 536.8539 °"'""""'. W!LSON·BEVER -Srot. 1?, Denn•• l'lllf Wll>On, 70. •nd JU<IY LY"n B•v••, lt, both ot Foun1•ln Vall•~. (ARP·f"ISQN -S..o! 11. Glen W, C:trQ, 19, or Nrwpofl ll•a<f\. •n<I Lin· n~ Govl• En.an. 11, ct Coil• Mo..,. llUl"FMAN·O'Nt:.NS -5rot. 1), "\V•l1on H•••fl 1t1,rlm~n. jr_, 2•, o! Hun!lnuto• l.le~cn. ~nd c; ... •ndol•n Jo Owtnl, ll, o• ~~·• Oltvc. NASH·HAROY -S•OI ''· Newlon 0 NtJ~. SI. 1'1<1 J ••n tlArdV, •6, b01f\ of (O>'• M•'"· PllANOWASHBURl-I -SfPI. 16. J o" l11v•I• Pl11no. II. o1 N•w1>1>rl B••<n. dna J•nlno W&>nburn, 38, <Tl (O<Gfll r.•I Mer SHEA·SHEA -S•PI, 76, Wllll•m J' Snt~. ~S, ••m~rrl¥d Vlr gini11 It. Shi:•, ~I. boln pl N• .. POrt Be•cf\. PAllK~·HA.RGUS -Sta!, 26, Ltw••nc• E. PA'~" •1. or A~n,nelm , ~na Biiii• B 11otv"•· l<. o! (O••• Mr••. LA UE ll:·BUll.NER -S•o! 711, Junk>r ( L•u•~. •8. ot HunUngton B•ocn. 1na Cll••D"'n E Burner, .,, cl FuUtflon liAAS BLANCHARD S•ol 11 . WolH1m Guilb•rt >le•~. 39. o• l.e9U.,_. B••<~. 1na B11•~•·• R~1n a,.ncnaia. ••, 01 Hu~11nglcn B•"'" B[ll.INGEll.·S!MENSON -Seo!, 11, Alf>en~rr l _ Brlllngrt, Jl, ono \ii•g<n•o Sjm•n•on, ~J, both ol Hun· llng!on B••<n. TlllMILE·PHILLIPS SePI. 27. J•mt• P lrlmbl•. JO. ond Gr<•ldlM L Pnllllo•. 73, bot!\ o1 l.ltlbca l•llnd. CHUll (H·CLAUSEN -S••'· ll. Jonn 1/1.olbur cnurcn. •8. er>d Id~ (leu1•n, •1. 1>o1n o• Foun!1in V•ll•v. AVllES·BOSl(O -5<'p1 , 17. 1't>0<1'1•1 WDOdro"" Ayrrt. 2•. ct L•gun• ll•11cn. ~nd l(lr•n Al••dMtO 801~0. 1\, ol Son Morino. BYll NE-HIBllS -Seo!. ?1. llma!nv C. BYrnt, 1), ol Vl"'!m in•!•r, ind ~h~r ry O. Hibbs. 21, ol Sont& Ano. WILSON·MCSHA NE -Seo•. 77. Jos•Ph c Wll•on. lt, ond Pelrlcl~ L•• McS~~n•. 11. both of W••lrninsle•. 11.tGOll ML EY·VIDOV -Seot 11. Robr•t Chart•• McGcrrnl••· lJ. cl P+co-lllver1, M".d Mil~• Vodo~. lJ, cl NewPorr B•1cn. ~INAL OECllEES ll~COf\. Rob•r! E .•• H~d~n· II Hrnd•"on, />11ric'• A"n •• H•rm•n Elm•• Von ldc"l•ln, f>•fr•C:• Ann v1 Natn•n '" l r•cv, S••b••• ,o.nn v~ EdWlrd frt ncls S"o••P, ert1•• J, ·~ Cn••I"' M . Fior•, 1Ca1nle•n N. •• oon1ld l . . 5WP•rong•n. Donn• Lo,.. .. e "' t.onftlf (Ari l(ort. Fr•nC•S E v• Orlot><IO 1'. . wrl~~I, WlnnlUNI L. vs Homer Jun•Or /o,'e(onnell, f'•~n .,., Donald Clore. OO<l•la E u~•n• vs No•"'" J""" Ho<Jg~. Mar• K•'"'""' v• Rlcn1rd "Tnom~• Cro>" ll•<kv Sut V! Alo~ E"'' Eddv, J•n~rn V, VI Richard A, 5!•worr, Andrew EIW•ll "' B1rbar11 '"" Stftrunnr r. Po• C '"LOMG ,.. ~l•P~. ~vtvl.o J••nnr rtf v• 0 1rrt l! o~lo•m• r ,;.,., Corn•Uut J "' V«oinio v c;d•to!h, flc•lce F r<f~~ v1 W1!!1•m F;n~~;~•• Ellut>l'ln Joon •• R\cnard e&c on S•an!ord, N•n••1• "' l<:pnn•lti l-1 0.al, Jr,!..~"'" M11• v• Go<!fr•Y g ,.n, Oo•« t.ouv•r><I• "'' I.II•\• 11ob1r! sn•nn. cnrl1!ln• v1 llobtrt M!llOn 11.alev. M&•v A, "' Gc,don L. L~•· K•• A v• llOl>l'fl L. t"On, Co•mrn vi D•Vld P , 'lunU. Mlfht l "' M<><r!! v.·ol\\, Sr • Oe<olnv o . v1 Cl•••nct 0. E!••IOP, AM •llnt M. "' Htn ... K. 1-10,...mon. 1•1~0 vs Lo M•rr CrftVIOtd, O•bc!ft~ I', V\ Bruce 8 . ll!Klrtgut•. M•rv "I.•• Jonn R. JUOGMENTS D~I Reel, J«>•~f\lnio s. '" ll odv P. (an· nulml l\!l. John•O"• Arltnf J•1n V\ c1,Uord Lar- r~ln• ( "-nno•m•nli P•llV, (;olbo>rl "' (;&I• (1n11ulment) ~rtn<"• ll•t~1rd .. l!on V1 Minnie [IUeDI'"' t •••ul..,•n•I 01 ... 0 l!Cf.S F llf.0 Bovll, C.•lhy A vs Jon ° l(,n9, Katn'""" J .,., l~rcha•I J Ktllh. r 1,1~ M•tY .,., 8 11 1~ Lou" l\C0\!1, Lal• G. V1 Jo~n (_ ll ubln. Ev•lvn E. "' (f\3rlr• EaWln. P•!rl<l8 M v• llobed E. D•!i<, J•nf1 All<• v< llu,.•11 ~coll S1>•t1oo. lrt tl F'onl•lnt v• Mlt~ltl So•nc•r Br«•· (;•raid Phll!la VI Coro! J••n /J•ll!ll, Auou•I• v• J1m•1 Nlrhol•• P•n'"''• J'"'"" E ~· W••ll3m e /~((;r1n•n, P•lfO<•• II VI J8mt• W /~clC•n•a, Boni!• Suo VI Willltm Ar!~ur tJ,boJ~Y, J r . Virg,n'& !! UI S""~".n A. lJ•A~Q•, P~l"d8 Lou•'P ~' Auoolt1n 111.0,.1, C~ro1vn A,"' Ii•"""'" G. Vl•onn. Lou"• w_ '" E<!""t '<I ( c~uMn••"· B••nl<:• E•h•I V> llog!t l ta Mpn•Y, L•• P ~• v1 Jonn •-~(fin•''"' 11,<hM<! C •• Qo•anno INTEllLOCU T0 1!¥ OECAf.Et I'"'"• Vlv• f "' J•••rn 0 . HM1'n. JQ11• II, u< W•nO• J ri• s~·•o•. P•rn•i• Dtn••• •• 01n1•I c ~,•,1n. Aua•t• V "' l •'• f!ln"<l•I. M•·~ Ann v• 1'•11 1 1'~0'"'""' I •onMn f.1r1 •~ V~•~'• ~,nto!ln•u••· Pe•r,r!• ~ v• lo'•lv•r f r1,tk. lnrt•ln• On•I V\ f)illY Morn•n II•••• M•vl•n• M ~' \'/.1111 "' j•rom• Bv••· •un• llulh v• GHY Li n N•l~""~do, L•• J v• f d"'••d E . l'ut~•" (11,.1 r.• '' O~rr•ll l ~ .,,.,.,, l!~b1 J\!"'• v• f m•I A"<I'"'" ll ~· Prl,.rt 1•V ~~ v• F•1"'"' p, .. 11.,,, U•r ~•, Ill, (n,,.un~ v• B••b·"" Je•n l~ci<•• i o•~ A ~' l.,n.,.&• If """'o•. IJ•rl ,..,,. "' r vt'•" A "~•I•, G•O'~'"""' l>•dl~ "' l(•vln Tho"'"' r 1•!, ~nn L V\ M~•v·n l ""'"'• Jc, ,Ill A~~ llP"lv V! tJO•fT'•n W•ll•• 1•1•0•'-J', /\•'>' l•n• \"\ CIY<I• VI 11!,•ownr'"· Ontolhv •• Pot.or'! (I•·~ l(,n .. ~•r, ~11u1•r r "' w 1u; • .,. Vtn P"'"'"'' l'on•ld I\ rue• v• Jvdlt~ I vn• c.,1nu . .losro., 11»11"'"" v• •rlone P0<fton Oot n• "·VI M•rc•I £ l'OWl•r, P•fl•t • Ann vs 11 0!><:11 A. ""'d, II•"• .,., IC•l'1n•I~ Nor,.,., .. .f!•t! l-.,., Oor;, K. SiP•"._. l~ v• B•~" J • P••hkO, N""I Ann• v• ll •C~•rd Or•n·• [a9e~ornb. C~rll!ot>~rr F, "' P11 r1t111 '· Parl•. ~Y•!n •l~i• VI Gl•nn Alon L••· K•••n Ann v< J•m•• Edwtrd ll.~<0, P•n•!caio Jc•P YI Oovid t.ron Oodd, L.lr>d~ v• J•m., ••1nur lrt1m•n, E tt1•bfl~ Y• Don•ld ]1<'r"•• 5or>d•• J YI Jol>n P ~"""""· MoflOnn M V$ (~H<J•I Ii, Rvm•I. Sr .. Gorao• Bl•" "'' J vnr Bfrnflll Hurd. "l•udl• v1 F•ldr rirl< $lm1>s~n, M&r;lvn v• Jerom• Von Z•Pd!. ~url•I E •• Mlc~•rl A, 11.tn!ll\. Glori• Jo1nn• Yo H1fllld Fred•r!c~ ' ' • • • .. • ' .. -" ROUND TRIP ANYWHERE IN CALIFORNIA -, , '• 85< For calls alter 6 p m. week days an d all wee kend . 3 minutes stalion-to·stalion, plus tax.. ...,........_.@ al the J;trge facili ty got started tornev oot a doctor." $3.2 billion annually. hu ge rro111 seeing maps, th{' Tuesday in a brief conferent'e Me ·1hen for1nally 1,1•elcorned Or. l\l asaoa Uchid;i , <:hie£ wide open spaces still touk1 The Bookstall "'ilh Spencer \\I 1 11 i a ms , the \·is1tors, saying he hoped psychiatrist at Johan llos pual, hin1 by surprise. secretary of the State Human the experience \\'ould b c observed through the in-\\'1tliams closed by ex· Relations Agency, on hand to beneficial and e.xplaining that tcrprcter that California is to pl ;llning to 1he Japanese lh;1t \Velcome them. under recent lcg1~l11\lon, he is be congratulated for requiring 111 Californi;i, people h<iv{'• :133 t:. hw Everyday Low Prices on Color Prints & Photofinlsliln9 FULL YEAR'S SUPPLY S7" Value! Rybulol GELUCAPS Mulliple Vitamins 8olll10t 365 $2BI J.rothKart b a ttl• mn1'iftt 1"11 ,n.1·1 .1urp/f, 01•,1r1 I• D011r1 ltlW111 fff ''It SI.II 1'>:\ ·"'9 \ ;,'*' \'V FREEt Bottle of 30 Chewable Dally Vitamins Wltill,.,...11'1• ~11' Ofer odot1 minim,,.. ~ .Wit ttqulnmtn!I Reg. 'I" C.lorjul Magic Turbans 1300 Value Revlaa Clean 'N Clear '2'° 37' • Q.lot Switu. • c~i.. T•Pf> •P•llT"'911P S.<km •lo-10.RC.... ""~·~~·Hit.I Li1lltl • ~ 54" Galvanized Heavy Gauge Steel Trash Cans Big :10 Gallon $695 Value! All Metal Ironing Boards '.~"~•-,,~~NT $299 Wide ..i: urt... rd Im ..,th 1 ~hber lip" J'c'rf<iul•d lt>p. A•~od rnamcl J1n1<h. Won't Jlir er wobbir • $1.'tt V•!vtl INRl"t ho~ P14 6' c.~., S.t $I .39 s3ts to s5ts Values! i-+--t---Decorator Wall Shelving $299 2-3 ... Ft. L•"&th1 !l!l••IO:w.iant fini,h :sh•l•·n 1dimt 10 •nr pwiiioa. AIUl!linu111 til•l:r fLO- i<h ,1.,.danl.<. bnt>:ru. • 24" s1 • ..,,,. ........ , • ,, ... •ti" St•"'°'• .,,,,,$1 .l t • I" lrwck.r •..•...•• llc R19. sun Udlco Electric Can Optntr 1150 Value! Tiffany s3tt Hot Color '&" 1311 3 Quart Electric Corn Poppers A/uinican1 bo"I on ooo-&k;d • l•-9 (bowl I~ to •&th). H r.i '"i•l•nt lu• ro""°· General Electric $5" Alarm Clock 99 'll:'olrM· ynu, rhcn _ktJ you $444 ononit h;fori: "d.lng 7 01,1 ".II""· Whii. f1t.e. Flocked Velour Decorator Pieces Ice Cream Mugs J.t1dr cf i;l(lmin,o: w hi!I!' 99' rnf<•l•i~ •ilh J{Trt'01 •nd ,.,1 .. COl'.S Col•" dfCOt1- t1on. Reg. Sp• Kit Auto Wax s4ts Bucket Style Bed Rests s39a k~~~l 1'ful1i-c~!~rll~1>I 11nnl!. L ... n l>ulc • , . lnlll:Jd• 1nra """r ••nund l.:•urr. K1 polc nllcd. Fantastic Vari•ty of Halloween Metal Tool Boxes J>frto f 'll"i!ft mwi.kd <Om•f\, $299 flanrfr 1 .. r. L' ... for l1>lun1, "'''''~ 1nUu '"f'l>l1'1, "'- Reg. 2 for 39' Mallory "C" or "D" Batteries PACI( Of 2 i 29~ a Pushbutton Waring Blenders wn•f". '"""'· Jll'"I••· s21" m"""· blend.•, liq"''''"'· 13" Indian Madras Bed Spreads ', \ I ' 7lx108" Twl" SIT• $299 f"n I c r ful. !,io•I ""l"m hcautir1 in K ••hmi r (1old. &np! Oron~t • nd Aqw Stnl"", All Time hvorlte Halloween Candles Costumes Jelly Beans or Orange Slices -..... 53c .. ,... ... ~·· .... C••""' ,.1c .. .A •f"'ll~·t•C'lll•r S(lttU<>n of J:ru"" Jnm< Gho1t• !.ktlt1 <in 1 .,;J rcli(1 CQS!Wl!Ql 111111! Wl••l•r l '/a" P111,tl11. 691 ... ,., .... Wllo• l111t1rn1 aac .. 291 79c 691 l1111t1 ••••r• D•• •• •• 69c ,,.,. •• 40 1111 l Pl111t1 U11r101 Trt1!1 •• " . 7'14 , .......... . 19' All Plastic Playing Cards I 71h SI .. Co•ln 543 ... 1611 ~lesa ~··Women's Flannelette Sleepwear CHOICE OF GOWNS OR PAJAMAS P.f1n h i1nred P•i•· m.1.1 .lo f""'~ ""h crnbroiJ~fJ ium •nd 111 croer print'!. P•nts ,.~th •Wtic ,..,;.1.. w.1~ 111100~ ~..,, l 1 ~i1hl J Ir immrd r lih bet •nd ni!fks. f lo1.J prints. TbfJ'll ,.,, ''" ,, 1hr1 lo• pried IOOo/~ C<>l!On. Women's No Iron Dusters $398 i1ifftll'IN .-i!l1 -btoid•ml l•e. ..,... phque. or plcot.inJ. <=Pllns. 1~18. Embroidered Pant Tops $698 1r1nd l!!Omrd ind fo1- lr fulmin~ 111 ~i1.11u1 •cr;hc.. f•ll colon. ~-M·I- Women's Cardigans & Pullovers V-n«~I. .-.~rilic.. I >ti .... ~ ... I ·~· - Port1blr ••• '13" ..,,th N>o11ldrr ••••p" ll' rord . .l.or,te ••« ••p. on. boor in •fl 1•m1e ol 22 ala· 111 .. ! '29'' Polaroid Color Camera2411 CM P.ck II 59' I 10 DAILY PILOI L fr tl.i1 Ortobtr l 7 l %11 Co11clu sio11 Fro1n 1929: No OVER THE COUNTER More Deep U.S. Depress ions NASO L1•t1n9s for Wednesday, October 15 196'l •• ,... ........ Vt 1n1.r-<1e11., ...... ., ..... •I •PIH"•~ lllt lt 1 t AM ''•"' "II.SO. p, '"" ,.. oel ln<IW• rtr•U •r ...... w ... '"~'~OO•ft ... ••mm HIOft 8) S\L\I.\ PORTl!H (F'tnal Arl1<"lr 1n ~cries! /\o\v \\fare :ipproath1ng tic cl1machc 11.rck 1n 11h i.:h 40 \c 1rs afio 1oncnt1al 11a11cs of 1iC'll1ng rf!lcd u1tr 11 f' 5[(Kk 1narkcl and price!". knt11 11) botron1~ rl1cn IL 11 1."> Ott 24 ind 11 e n:iuon s 1110~1 1)()11rrf ii lJ t oons r r nerl a banking pool tu buy stoc~s to l1alt tht: p t!llC THE:'-1 I r \\ 1\S Bl t~ k Tur~ fhl1 Oc1 29 u1d I hor nas \\ Lanlon1 of J P ~lOrl(an & Co .1nnounrcd •! 1 :.ct r ( ~ 111t 1t11)1; of tile go1 1 r1111~ I lhc L\t w 'ork Stock f.xc l1ange Gt'ntk 1ncn thc1 c 1s 110 rn 111 01 group ol 1ncn \\ho can IJuy <.1ll lhc stoc ks the An1en c<1n public can sell Then it was the end of the gold plated phony era and then our w o r I d f ;i 111 o u s Se<'rctary of thr Ii c 1sury can1e up \\Ith !ht only ~ol 1 llon to rrpa1r thr r111nstrnus dam 1gc Liquidate labor sr11d he Liq111dalc stoc:ks liquid ile lhr farmf'r s liquid 1tc real csla1c AND THAT F \~TA STI C \'.tlhenng remark c ids me to "hat I belJC\e to be the mosl fundan1ental of i!ll the d1sl1nl' !Jons bel"C'cn 29 and 69 and I don t need one stat1sl1c to bark Jt up Our ;itl1\u{tl s f or ca n you unag111e ;in\ public off1c1al p 1 op o s 1 n g an} thing hke hqu1dat111g 111 or us I lnl'identaltv II.lei Ion came l lose to des{ nb1ng 11 h ll ac1ually h<tppencd 111 1931 32 ~ Can }OU 1magtnc y<n1r::.tlf sitting b} numbly J~ the adults of lhal er~ did 11 atchJng your .)ob disappear 1 our hun1c being foreclosed ) our sa1 ings becoming dclJt~ 1 our <I re ams turning into 11 1!lt tn1arcs .and 1n umbhng Jo 1 ourself thr lrss go1 e1 nincnt rncddlcs \11\h business tile lJCt1e1 CAN \OU VISU \LIZE our I ibor leaders p e r 111 1 t t 1 n g Jubkssncss 10 c;o 1r 10 trns of 1111Jl1ons 1111hout den1anchng 1a11d getting) great na tional a1 uons to rc\l."rsc the trend') I could JlO on and on rl 1hora11ni: 011 th1~ b11t the point 1s rltilr Of course yo u can l \ ou .... ould w1lhngly trade orr a rnaior inflation for Jobs pa)checks profits sa les We ha1 c le <1med how to control deep depressions \Ve know far rnorc about curbin g <lepress1ons than we do about r1:slr<nn1ng inflations as a 111 111er ol fact Dr \Vil ham C Freund th1rr rt onon11 st of the Ne11 Yo1 k Stock F.xchang1: thinks 11c \e c1cn learned our lesson too 1vcll But he sa1s as l say that 1o compare o u r rronom1c soph1sticat1on today \\Ith that of the 30s is like cornpar1ng the 1ndustr1al1zcd US "11h some pnmll1ve a!lritultura! state ' So summing up t:a n happen again '4'0n t V<> b"' . " " The .... hole rash 1n \ esln1cnt found<.1!1011 of the ~tock n1arket in 69 1s vitally di!fi rl.'nl rro1n the credit ga1nbh11g foundaflon of the 2 Wciys of Haridli11g Crecttive Perso11nel Si\:\T\ B/\flR\H\ /Al') T11Q ;uhcrl,111g l'XC'C1t1 t ~ \n eed oppo~1n g 1 hcnr 1c~ on !hr ~ ire and rrt r!11 g of tre;it11e person 1cl :ii 11 dustrv confcrcnl'C hrrr 1\rt h1r JI 1111~ku1s Ill .;:cn1or \ llC prc-.1dCnl or 1he l'\ew \ ork hasei1 l\t!Chu1n ri.1acl enn ~ Crn1r ln1 '.:l it.I creal11 I' J>Crsnnnrl ~hi uhl he !aid \1 hat t 1 do lhrn hr 1:1vtn fr('f.do1n In chooc;c thr -.11lr 111 wtnc:h to di 1t lhll !\la( kclt Jr 1 h1 rHi 1 cif th!.' bo 1rd of <.;h c 1go ha'c I Cln1on I ~r111k Inc r,,r l r egular «t1pcr11~01 v 1 hrrks o i lhl' rrr 1t11 t prfll ('~~ 1s ;i 11 iv nl grn~raung II t cl st 1p!1ncd <rr 1t 1\C n' nd Thev spoke ~! II~ los l)! sr~~1on \\t dl4\d \I \hr \\CS\crn 11gl 11 ( l\tlllll n ( r lhl' /\ml'rtt in A ~'Kl t ll0 l ul Acll c.rl1s1n~ Ag1nc1c~ c;Jn hr~ It s 1n these 1rra\ he s 11d lh:1! 1re 1t11e pcoplc either grl tin n1d on or olf \I hl i a 1n;in kno'v~ I 1e h1rt"Cl hun because I la1e his c;tvlr and that if he gets the tontcnt part right I 11 bu1 !us ~tvle JUSl about c1rry time then hr ~ turned on Blac:kcll p!a\cd d0\1n the crral1\r runct1011 1 n ad \C'rl1s1ng Th t' 1111porlanl 1l11ng 1s l! c st n ng1h or the ~riling 11rc;-.;-igr he si1141 The ~rank c1rg:in z 1l1on he ront11H1td motn a\{S 1 1 s rrc~t11r p{ople b} gl\Jng thrn1 1nd1 v id u a I rt:sponsibl t~ p1 r1111l111~ thein to \10rk on a 1 ilr!ctv r f account~ and p 11 ting 1hr1n u1 direcl c:ontacl \\1\h the c.:1 cnt ~\tr1 Fridav n1ornl11g Bl (kctt sad 1 crl'al 1e rl'1 1c11 c::imrn1t!re l<ikrs an ob J!t'! )(' ltflk 11 thc recent "or k r \f ;i { lirnt tri clrtrrin !'\! tuuld 1 r h 11c /Joor the Job br trr ;incl 1r so 1101\" !ilock markrt tn 29 -1 hr 1nshtt1t1onal investor 1~ a prufoun1lly important ne\v lor(e rtl,'lllarly 1n1cst1ng huge a1nounts of ca~h 1n ~toc ks - c1rn though this type or 1n 1 ~stor rrccntlv ha~ not been nea rly as st<1b1t1z1ng a fo rce <1s \ve thought anrl ne1v 1 cgu lri tions 1n th is area 11 ell rnay be nt:(eso;;ar1 -Ma1or la11 s <'On\rols and \1 1tchdog 1;1rgnn1z 1 11on~ ha vi' been dc,rlop<<l ~tnce the 29 lrash !o protect 1he public and to prevent a routine Occl1ne lrorn becoming a rout and 11c. arc cvnst 1ntly 011 1hc alert for nr1v leaks to plug Thf' cconnm1c backgrounds arc basically di[ fcrcnt and our bias has shifted from de\fat1on to inflation -And it is not na ive to say that our greatest s ifrgurd aga1n~t another 29 is our dctcrmtn 1l1on to p re v c n I another 29 ITS POPULAR lo sncrr al any claim of a nc11 c1 a but don t sneer -for 1f rny l'Un clusions Jn this series <1re wrong you \I on t be 1ntrrcstcd in reading a new series ex plaining "hy Because if I m \Vrong 11 \\ill mean that the Amencan s~ stem of pn\ ate enterprise and capllahsm born almost 200 years ago "1!1 ha1 c \ an1shcd from the earth Edison Co. Tells Gain 111 Ear11incrs e> t OS ANf El F. S -Southern Callforn ia E drson Coin pany to- d;iy reported tlurd quartl!r results \\Inch rcflcc1~d in <rca srs u1 oper;it11 .c: 1cvC'ntu s nrt 1nrome and e tl n1ngo;; per sh:ire Jatk K llorlon tha111n in ;ind l'hlef cXCl'lll \ c uf/1ccr 1nnounced that o p e r a t 1 n g revenues for the th11 d quarter totaled S16:> O m1ll1on as corn p ued 1\1th the $1 53 J rnilhon 1e1}1l!1cd for lhc lh1rd quarter in 1968 Revenues for lhe 111nc rnonl hs i:nded Sept 30 ltus \ear tota!rd S4 72 J rn1thon a 7 ~ pcr<'r nt 1ncrc;i-.r 01l'r lhc ~~39 8 n111!1on rrpo1 led for the s;11ne pcnod la~l }e i1 Net inc1nc fo1 1hr third qu irtcr irnoun1ed ro SZB 4 1n Ilion a<; cornp11rd 111th !hr ~26 7 nnlllon 1ecordcd for the t>q111v ilcnt pc notl J 1st vc ir Nrt 1n cornc lor the r Isl nine tnonlhs of 1969 lotalr.d S78 8 million a ~ I )JC'r<:cr t increase 01er the $75 0 m11l1on rtport r.d for the san1c period last ye ir .. m "on II.AA >,nt AA. Ca D Ar AP ~ I. 1 <; n(_ AV/\ (p '"n • •,1 9 A'"' v~ ~s Alt Ho><> 1• A ~""' A b n ~ I.~• H A !>P t; A <O Lntl II. .. ll•V A o P<<> All<! II.• a A. ~a E11 .A lon G!O Am&dc Am Bosn A Et L•b Am E•or Am Fu" A G •~t Am n•d A M~ll B A M•n CD Am p P• A S Gatl 1151 G of II 1• , An<!" Cn llnn• ' II A nk~n C A < ~ N A '' Ind A <l•n M A. """ of t. ~ MoP Ar ow H II. ~Id• A1CC 801 Auto Sc Av.,,,co B&bb I 8~ <! Al Flokr Bal Paint Ban •I C B& wck Ba• n P Baum I ll•Y •I' B••<~m 11•1 r •~ • 8~ m Ir.cl ... ~ co II•• H~ fl• L•b Blllvo W fl <! San II l<~r ll ~ck H A""u• Ef no 1 Br 11.,., n• C flo Cao II •wv G I" """ A Bru k 8• fluckrv llu """ ~ II n• F (~I W Sv C•mco (~nan M r•nnM B Con •d (~P Sow (•D n A ( •oTc~ A c~ • lll 1 c" r.o ?1 ,, '" c Ne; I 1 rrn•• ~ J• '"" yp~ 91 ' ;>fl . Ck P" 6 • I (k 0 J ! r~m l•• rn m d (n•1 ~~ c~ •• u • ' '"' • 0 • I 9 1~ ~ 1l 1 7 11 19 I 71 1S ,., 1 l'• l~ 6 J " . 16 II .. " 19 JO ll 10 , • l • ' ' 31 31 ' " 1\ 16 )j J• 1\ 1\ ,. . ' ' ' . 11 ~1 • • . .. • • '' '' 1n > 11 ' " " ' " . ' . ' " 1~ 1• . ' " " ' ' " ' " • '\hl'n I brief tr(' 111 r pro plr nn iln a s ~ 1 g n 1111 11 t Jl;n\klns s ~1d I h l\ thtnl r-: a.<"lly \\hal thr t1111 r1 1nu ~t bf> \\hrn hr P,ll ~ lh! r1~uh he said he v~k~ J, thr '1 rk corrct l for lhr 1u1l1rnrr' ]}()cc; lhc s!1lc n1rr[l011rr t h r m essage. Is l\ a~ goorl as 11 It 1" 1hc appl1c 1t1nn llf ~t i!'! nril J11rtc.111rn1 he ~ 11d The trea11\c flil1r 1s 1he r 1'<1 p:111 The 1urtgmrnl 1s h<irdrr to conic bv I 11111ng s ptr sl :ire lor the lh1rd quartrr 11erc 62 cen ts on 1 11cJ1;htcd a\rragr b1s1s on fon1n1on :ind \)art1c1pating on~1nal prrfcrrcd slotk as 1ornparrd "11h the Iii cents per o::harr for thr third quartc1 of 1!16& on a fe11er nu1nbcr of ~ " " " ' ' " shore~ I ~::C~'.'c__:_::._:_:1C'.'._:='.'.-c'"-'_:'._ Fear Blocking· Nuclecir Power Plcints? P") rl 1ln~\ n1a1 blOl k t 11! lr 1t n \1!1(1 ( ! 1l mu1111 !'~ 11 0111 tq 111i:: 111 r lcc1 rK al po111 r II(' r g1 01111 rlen1an<ls ~ttord1n,g 1) a nurlcar cn,c:inrcr \V1th po\\ er nl'rds 1lo 1lJl11 g r1rrv sc1en yea rs and "1th fa<;\ br('rdt r rc<.1t lnrs vlfcr nl! ttir mo~t prom1~r nr producing this po 1c r A1ncr1c 111s should attc1nrt to ~l'p:iratc Ir 1r lro111 fact concrrn1 ng lhf' !i 1fr!y of a1om1c po11cr st 1!1( n' ar c('lrr11ng tnnr 1le1u1 Frn1 ('h of 1hc departrnC'n! or l'htllll{' tl .and nu('lear l."llg1nr• rinJ! a! LC Santa Bai b ira \ l CSB l In an :irticlr ~oon 10 :ippr 1r 1n the F rcnth p11hllcat1on • Energ1 r \ut lc 11rc he nvtcs that con~1rul'lJOn 1s pl 1nneil lo start on lhrrc protot) pc t 1st breeder rcil{ tors in the t;n11ctl Sl ates hrl11rcn !~7 1 and JQ75 ~1th produtr1on or <l ectr1c 1l po11cr lo fol!o 1 lJy ~J:it or sc1 en )C 1rs GOLF PLAYING tq ~I ~ "'""' b• ii> p I ~ n,. Co~il Coun! y j'.;I b for t• • b, 11 ·~ • P• Iv be low m• ~ •• p •• Mem b• 1 ••• n9 • •• c.11 121 1 sea 7SS7 b1h•t•" '1 AM .& 5 P M ..... ~ da vs 'r11hr l nbdSt..,IP \1l1lh Ir• 1111 r x pr r r n c e d 1 1 r 1Jro11n tl" 1n ~IJHl<' of 1 ~ 111 )QI (1t 1rs could hi.' 11 1ppltd Ftittl tl;in1s 1n1I ~ 1 f!ort<. to 1lc1elop such an cf flCJCr ! :ind rconunHr 11 po\.\ et sou rce If pl hl1c 0111111{} i sl1ot1ld hlock construc11on of !~st breeder rractor~ hccau<.e nf ft 1r h 1sed u po n rn1sin /orn;ition Dr J-enrch en1phas1zc~ 1ha1 d1 ~igns for nur!car po11er plant~ :'Ire sub1ert to extra ~tnngl'nt rrgulation aud th 11 t ht~e Jllanls prov 1dr their en1plO\ c~ a n d .;:urrnund1ng nr1ghborho~ \\llh a ~ sale :in rr111roon1cnt as do clln \ cntional power plants In fact he said 111 dustrial plants 1\h1ch hu1 n lo"gratle coal as fuel subject !hf' public to a higher 1e1cl or r::nJ1oact v1 ty than do nuclear 1XJ11e r [Jl :ints Ile further s;ia! that ran l1rs 111111g 1n houses made c r t t r 111 I) p<'S of bi 1cks also ai c ~ub1cct cd lo rnnrc r:Hl10 11 t1111tv lhnn nuclear plant c1nplo) cs Safctv 1s drrcctly rel 1ted lo the problr1ns of eco11on11cs since tf nuclear po\\er stations cCHJld be built 1\1th1n the con st mrr C'l'ntrr~ ;i C'n n~irlr thl r s;i11ng 11 otilcl he rr:il11r I 111 thr ;ipprox1matcl11 ~200 ()(\() p1 r n11lc !r;in~port:i1H111 Losfs nl h gh 1 olt:<gc line the nuclr ir rng1nccr wr11c s 1n I 1s arl t lr 1 he De1 cl >pmc1 t uf Fast Rrf'cder n cactnrs 111 t h e US A Or F rnech spr.nt 1 ist stun rnC'r prcpar ng hi s s!udv 1ral tng the h1storv of 1hr de\ rlop 1ncnt of the fast brrcdcr rea l tor ind speculating on JI~ future role Mc rctcnt!y toured \\cstrrn luropc s tudy i ng nuclear J>O"Cr fa(1hl1cs and rcsrarch crntcrs nnl1ng that a n11mbrr of coun1ncs 1n both F astern anrl \\ rslrrn ~ urope 1ntencl lo gi1c A1nc1Jca a st H cQm pet1!J1e rncc 1n I h e <lcvelopmcnt and sale of la ~t brecdrr reactors \\hat 1s a fast brcrclcr rcac tor ~ Or I cnceh a l011sul!ant In Gulf Gener 11 Alon11c 111 5 in Diego expl unrd th it the I~ t hrrc1ler r ca( to rs-11nhkr the \\ itcr re icturs now 1n use do not usi' a n1od1 ra1o r !,v;itrr) 10 red ice neutron energy Plutoruum I 1el Js usrd lo pro- duce a se ll sustaining chain reaction The rrsult s morr pluton1u1n FOURTH ANNUAL MISSIONARY CONFERENCE II•• Coy T Motl'f lrrl•I• s,..lfl le9ht1 N1,htty •' 7 1 S wlrll tM t•ll•wl... ,,. ,, .. ,_ ...... -Mr lrl}ltl• Y1111111,..,4• M M ,. ..... , -Ne -11•• Tiii•""" f11tl.y Se111rdey -Mr l•tl Scti-.fffl 0 C I -M•l•l•11tl Ml1li•-ry '""" -"'' w.11 .. , 011n .,11 s 1 "' Mh u, Nltlot 16 JO P Ill I -lr••l•'I" 111 ilic,I•• W-4..Mey -lie• Georq• '•"1111• I l l f THEME LET US LABOR WHILE THERE IS LIGHT CENTRAL BIBLE CHURCH 1 '0 l 2lrtl Sr CMI• M .. • -AIH 541 llOJ Horry l .J111tH p.),;j. f 1rl !S prorhtC'('d Utan ~ I lll ~ nrd Tic f1 1 Qri:1drr rr;ic EXCLUSIVE BUSINESS ,.~~ l~bl. "0"' t •to -w II H 9~ •• " "'l' O'IU rt d W, 11 lo~ M poi" lle pl •• f d •nl al l4 ~pu•~•• •ca d -i~1~0 ~' !~ • ..~ .. ' ~old •' ,11~ son ,. ~ ' '" .: )S~no t n Sc (0> r " ~ S<o :.On\ Sc ~Pl 4 5< oto A & •• 10 " S• > c P S•~••• ~•v•n Uo ll ~~tP Nl4 5 Qn~ Ca s(. w~ Sy lC: l •I S.OUn c;, Sw c: CP 5,. EIS•c $ .,r • s .. "'""' '. s .ft i>d s ' Q s ' S ~., Cl S n ~ Tv SYQ<I~ ~ St•llO f d l ~" ., l •n•• ! • ' • l~vor 'I lfnn•n l • ~I AS , l n• n II. "T rnCo • \ > f ! "v I~ V I~ 1 '"n (,p l I l n< 11 71 l • l n<n O ~.l l ~n<I~ <o6l<a Pd "S?I Ttl~• •• ~ T out• " • n , '' en Fd 1 !,Un t•c t •,t,UnOo r •I , ·~ Un I um •••I \nM<r1 1 ~~ , ;; ~~ ~:r~I 7l l • \JS (TWn J>, J US Env•I ~• 1 ~7 US Sua11 ?I , l! '> US T ~l I~ o 11 \Jo P~nP JJ U•hSld ?•·?~ u l"(I ?J lJ V LO I? I? , V~nt• Sft l&•llV•an ~·V•Wod J J? W•d w r 11 l~ ~ w r;ioade 7 1 W• •l>w 1J H Wa•h Nr; 19 ?0 N a•I> llE 1 • Wa l llan~b E l lJ > U\', W•l>I> R• "••<II Co ??l 1)~ W•ldl n !;la"'' Co ?l l~ W• no //\ r;i.,,,.. Eo 5<I J1 W• lolf r, f;lpo M11 11 , 11 W•<•t P II• ( 'ii JI Jt W•I• NA. r;i .... Slo ?B lO W•nM<> 11011d E"•? ,1~,w,1nPb llob n M 71 19 Wn• WI! Ila••"'" 1 • o Wlnb&9 llov <••t <' 1 ~ w1,., w T ll u• Sir • ~ l• w '' Pl ~:;1:, Ho ll t: ~~~~ t Sc•fln E .I 6 """~ E MUTUAL FUNDS Co1111Jlete-Ne,v York Stock Li st • rw .,.0111c fAPI ,,-, "••, .. ,,.,~,, ~ h •"' To • 10<, l ~•ft9' I> '' -A- \1'4'• "I• i-I H l l'I L .. CIMll C:n1 ·"-l• XI 7'> 10 11 , I t •l •l '~1~'l: 1 1 It .le II !) JI , I• 1J 71 !l 11 1• 1 on 11 JO I 10 •I 0 • 10 o I lt 11 YI •J •l o 13• !! • l• I It! 161 iao s9 ~ 19, j II o I ~o l• ;J.; , J)9 11 1 • ' . 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'il:S>10n 11!ll Lh 11J)) the eighth highest on 11.:co rd Shot tl1 bclu1 ( the lln d hl'll !ht 1 I'! n1<i 1kct 111dc 1nd1tatu1 ... 1io11cd l Ji/ J\SUt :, on lhc t ipr and (i;:i<! dt:l line" ,J g llll I hi.: re of 0 14 ptlC C!ll Oil 11ctc t>U7 :-it11c1nce ~ The J)OI\ Jnll(':-. cl\C'l,l.!£' of 30 hl11r chip 1ndus t rial s \\as off ~ 18 lo fl lti 59 ne.11 !he (Jose Trcasu1, Scc1 ct 11 \ l)a11d fl.I Krnnrd1• "d id the ad1111n1strnt1on i~ rrs 1s t111~ p1cssurc to lLI up on the anti u10a\1on f1~l1t I think l)1c 111nst d trn aging cour se \\ct Jlllct tnkc \1ould he !ht stop-111d go route Kr11nrd1 noti.:d lf 1nfl 1t11>11 L0nl1nued un checked pi (Cs co ild double 11 I.! 11e 11 ::. <.in d 111 (Jcasc 10 fold 111 40 )C u s \111011~ 1hc 1110 ... t 1(1!1£ 1:-;s i<s \lllC Occ1 dcntal JJc tr olrun1 \1111 sl nn,.:-{ 01k Sk1l1nc lorp \!Ian ti c R1 chf1c!d and I 1111 s In c a 1c~l :-i1 11 ri11 \ f1.111 ch1s1 ng org,1111z1t1on \1hich n1ndc it s debut on the big bOdld thlS llC'Ck Elect1 on1cs sho1\Ccl scottc1c(I st1 r11glh all hough there \\ere a fC\\ point Sl7,.9..:I losr1 s in lhc g1oup Chen1JC.:al" rno\e{J 111 b oth cl11cc t1ons \\hilc \1caknc:-.s ttoppLd up 111 ,1 1n1n1bcr of 011 sh.ires s1ecl~ <ltHI n10\01s t1adrd l!l n:-.rro11l\ 1114'.'gular fasl11011 So did rnosl 1 .1 1 \~ and a1 rc1,1ft s \H !Jnr .., for nn n< 11 llllXC'd ho11 r1r1 grnr1allv n101rc\ fo111a 1cl cipp 11 i.:nl rca~on l 011gl::11nr 1,1!c s 11 ci c ' '"' . 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'" " " • " • .. • .. " .. " 10. t " + '"' I " ' " .,_ ,, '" .. . • ' + 111. II I I • • • I ' 1~ l6 lb 1) Tl ' ' II) 11 )~ '~ • . ' • . " • • •• .. " -.. " .. ' " • ' " . ., • " " ' " '. • • " • " " " .. " ' . ' ' • • '" . " • .. , • " .. ,. " • ' . )~•\ t '" + " " ' " ' • • " • " " ' " " ' . •• • " .. , ,, " " •• •• • • • I ' ------·-----------·----.,..---------------------------------............ ---""'!-~~--... . -. . . .. . ' ' . . .. '· our Maybrooke De lu xe worsted and silk suit T ne sturd ine ss of \·1001 v1iih 1he added rich · ness of silk. Handsomely iailorcd, An excit. ing c.ollect;on o f c,olor~ and pattern!;. reg. 100.00 79.00 our MacPhergus sh oes in a classic moc-toe A mu~t fr,1 f e Jrn'di tio nalists Wdrdrobe. Classic ~tyLn1 ,,., ·1 or;ile leather uppers. Very flex ible le at 11cr ·0'.c. Browri or black. reg . 24.00 19.99 may co men's s~oes 60 our MacPhergus label boys' hopsack slacks Permanently p1·cssed polyester and rayon. Comes with a color-coordinated belt. Tr im lopered fit. Cuffle:s . 8-12 acd 25 -30. reg. 8.00-10.00 6.79-8.49 e\, l,..·,, .. ~-' . ' . ' our MacPhergus label cotton velour shirts ! Velou r ha s made o bit] romoback in color· fu l ~tripes for your le;',ure pleasure. Cho ose from a host of hues. Waohoble . S-XL . reg. 12.00 7.99 may co men 's spotlsweor 84 J 2 OAll. Y PI LOT ST ARTS SA TU RDA Y SHOP 10 A.M. TO 9:30 P.M. LOWEST PRICES OF THE SEASON Maybrooke sport coats for business or pleasure Hondsome worn to the oifice or out after. hou rs. Single b reasted. W oo!. 2 or 3 b ut ton. Reg . 18.00 woo! dre~s slack s 14.99. reg. 50.00 <O•I 3 9, 00 may co men':; sportswe ar 45 boys' knit ski pajamas or pure, warm cotton His favorite style for warm sleeping com· fort. Brigh t colors of yellow, red. blue or green. Comple tely wo sho ble. 8-20. S. XL. reg. 4.00 3.39 may co boys' furn ishi ng s 23 men's permanent press Ivy casual wear s lacks A good value from one of the best know n ma kers of jea ns c'Jnd pants. !n o wide choic e of soli ds, checks or pla ids. Sizes 30-42 . reg. 10.00-12 .00 5.99 moy co men '~ spo rtswear 133 men's short sleeve shirts in the new bold colors Grcal new colors like rdspbcrry, bl ue. gol d or green. Have new wider spread collar. No-iron pol yester and cotton 14 1/2-17. reg. 4.50 3.39 may co men's furnishi ngs 6 l /10.00 moy co south coos! plozo, son d iego fwy ol bristol, costo mesa ; 546 -9321 shop mondoy through s~turdoy 10 o.m. lo 9:3 0 p.m. MA'VCO I ' I " ,. I l ,, " ,, " I 0 ,, I 1 r ' ~ N n ' I n " I I V• s ( at Th \hf pl~ pr• ( 1 \\11 Cc to th• " ho fl" sh Ii.:: "' • C< M d~ iii p< cl M 1. p. " " • " " k ,, fr <I ' " • i I 'l " I t ,, ,, <I ,, 0 •• r ' ,, ) Saddleba~k VOL. 62 , NO. 249, 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA: FR IDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1969 ore aster an r Speal~ff i1i Lag1111a Tunney to Push Sea Oil Attack Congrcssn1an John V. Tunney, spea king at a Laguna Beach press confe rence Thursday night. said he h::iped to renew the attack against offshore oil ex- ploration. Tunney. a Ri verside Democrat. lold the press at Hotel Laguna that he felt upland Down the Mission Trail Cleme11te Deities Tourism Fund SAN CLE1'1ENTE -The City Council \Vednesday night denied a Chamber of C(lmmerce requcsL for an $11 ,37:> subsidy to promote San C!rn11.•n1c tourism, The Chamber proposed using $3.500 of th" an1ount, an allocalinn from bed t;1:11: revenue, for ne\\"spa()C'r advt:>rtising In hoost surn1ner patron:igc of hotels and n1otcl:.. Council men agreed bed !;1:< fund11 shtJu!d be us('d for pron1olion. but quc~· 1ioned the need for this !ypc of ad· \'crt1s1ng. e Fiesla SlnlPrl CAPISTRANO BEACll -St. Edward·s Council of Catholic \Von1en \1'ill hold a i\1extcan festival from 2 to 10 p.m. Sun- d.'.lv in I.he church patio. Handmade gift jtc1ns will be available for holiday shnp· pcrs, along \\'ilh µarnc~ and contests lor cl1ildren. f'ood stalls will offer au thentic r>!t'"lrican f(lfl(I, beer, candy and I 1,mcmade bre<id ne~iden1s of the nev.·ly ('"\ab\ic;hcd p.insh. v.·hich lncli1dcs Capist rano Bench , I l:1na Poi nt and La~un.1 Niµl1cl arc in· \·itcd to participate in thl· f1cst;:i. e Get i11 LAKE FOREST -If ~ou arr a \\·nnli1n ,,no would like to he out on thr go!f ( r.urse swinging .1 club instl'a d of in : n1i; ·k11chen sv.inging a broo111 . thcre is 11 n•·11" cl·•!1 for you. All Lake Forest v.:01nen ir1te1"e~!cd ·111 ff'rming a \~·omcn "s golf 1·luh m11y 111- clirate their intert·~I by ca!hng the Bearh i:nd Tennis Club. 8.17-6100. J\iembership in the nf'W group v.·111 rn· litlr you to lessons and playing golf on aiea courses. nil pools could be exploited and offshore oil placed in reserves. Ile said 1he sn1og Sllil against the <llltO con1panirs shou!tl go forward to !ht inat· 1<•r \1·ould be publicly aired. Tunnry said as things now stand, e\•en the California Attorney General cannot. look at the transcript of federal grand jury hearings in the matter which consumed n1any 1nonlhs. tSec llelatcd Story, Page 3). Tunney called for strict controls to pre- vent the free shipment of drugs to Mex- ico. lie saiO majnr U.S. pharmaceutical f1nns <1rc manufacturing h•dce as many tlrug~ as arc sold in the U.S. by pr escrip- 11on . The Congres~man i;aid he h:itl wri11en thr CS. Sur~eon Gcnrral asking for 11 full·Sl"alr n1cdical study or cflecls or in ariJuana to t;1kc it out of the realn1 or :-peculation. Tunney said problems or the cities rr· r1u1re resourtrs for solution that a U.S. at v.·ar cannot afford. He said $Z.1 billion wa s spent getting !() lhe moon and more billions are being :;pent on development of supersonic planes tha t may not be allowed to fl y over land. "An ordering of priorities that people v.·anl something done about is going to be nn the agenda of the '70"s," he told an enthusiastic gathering of Democrals. Tunn'Y was elected to Congress in 1964 v.•hen he was b11rely 30. A roommate or /'iPn . Edward Kennedy at the University nf Virgi nia. Tunney had Kenned.Y's back· ing in laking his Congressional seat from a freshman Republican representative. Officer Crushecl Over Killing of Innocent Yicti1n From '\'ire Services A PQlice sergeant dispatched on the !'pur of the mornl'nt to h('l p out in 11 \\"hi t· 11rr narcotic!. r;iid l"'O 1\'eeks ago -and <K'cidentally ktllrd an innocent man - ~•-·pl rrpcat 1ng the san1c \Vords to h1n1self :1f!c·1·11•ard. ··,\ty Go<l , How did t11is ha ppen~:· was !Iii' nn!v thing Vrrnon Police Drpartment ScL Frank Swecnrv J;cpl s;"Jyin,c:. 11 fel101v nfficc r tlisclosed durinJ.: a toroncr"s in· qu,~~t 1n Los Angeles Thursrlay. 1\ulhor.ities meanwhile relca ~cd a key 111l'l(•Ss again~t the te:1n1 of llppl in.i: J:i111ncn 11·ho brnke into the apartment flct. J. after his own arrest on a murder lh;1rge \\'ednesday. Arl.hur lkvore, 22, of Do'o\·ney, v.·as hookcrl after calling police to a Com1)ton ;~parlment \\"here they found Barbara .I, P11rkcr. 24. of L:ikewood, dead with bruises on her head. 0 ... 11.Y "II.Of S!•H P'lto!• READERS ELBOW-TO-ELBOW ON TYPICAL WEEKDAY AFTERNOON AT LAGUNA'S LIBRARY Missing From the Shelves: An Up to Date Answer on How to Finance New Facility Nixon Dec:lares Nation Winning Inflation Fight \VASHINGTON (U PI) -President Nixon dcclarW today that the na11on "i.~ on the road to reco~·ery from the disease or runav.·ay prices." !n a broadcast report to Arncricans on his adrninistration's batlle aga inst in · l!ation. Nixon said the steady rise in the cost of li\·ing had not yet been halled, but he said ii had been slov.·cd . He said in the text of hi s speech from his oval office at the White. !louse !hat labor and management. as v.·el l as the publir. could expect the adn1 inistration to continue its often unpopular steps to con· trol innalion. And he said it wa s \\'inning the ba ttle - \\'Jthout "shock treatment." The President declare<!: "\\"e ;i re not C'Onsidering wage nr price rontols."' Nor. he s:iid. wnulrl hf' use the s()..('allc<l Rt1irtrl1 ne ~y$lem of l!'llin~ tl1c \\"ork ing nian how muc-h he sho11ld ch;irgr for his $rr\-1rr<: or how 111uch a businessman shnuld chargr for his goods. ~ixon strcssc-d thal 111 the 1·ont1nu1ng v.-,1r oo 1nf\at 1rJn. "there-11 dl he n1 nvcrnight cure," but a(!ded, "\\"rare nn Stoel< Mnrl<el• NEW YORK (AP\ -The ~lock mar- liet drifted to a modes~ I(\~.~ 1n moder· ately active trading late lhis afternoon. tSee quotations, Pages 10·!1 ). i\t 2 p.m. the Dow J ones avcr11!'.(e o[ 30 industrials ~-as down 2.JJ to 836.46, 1he marl In rrcovcry fron1 the di sease or run<'lv.a y prices, '"Let 1ne he-C<'l rrfu l nnt lo mislead anyone: prices are still going-1.1f1, and may continue 10 rin so for n 1vh1le -a ll\"r yc;1r n1nmcntu111 is not easy to stop. ''But now -price.~ are no longer in- crr:isins fa ster and fa s!C'r -!he 1n· creases nol only ha\"e slnckrned, bul the ra!es of increase <ire actually declining. \\lithoul shock treatment, we are curing !hr cause:<; of I.he rising cost of living." Al anolher point, Nixon said : "The runaway cost of living is no cro~~ v.·e arc obli ged to bear. It can be brought under control. It ls being slowed by finn :in(l steady <1ct1on thai deals with its rooL causes." Nixon sai<I !hat hr 'o\'llS s('nding a leller !his .,,,·cekcnd to a c-ross scrt1on of leaders 111 labor anrl bus1nr.ss railing thrir at· 1l'nt1on to "\he latest feicts of ticonomic 11fr " 1.tll.UNA SOPl-IS IJ'AS ll FOR ~,L TJ~c· 1,,,~una Beach ll igh 5chOIJ\ parktng 1111 v.·lll be awash Sa turd;iy a.~ the schonl'!i ~opho1norc r!a~s scrubs cars to raise n1oney fnr the Junior-senior prom. Slurlcnts promise "the hf>st car v.•ash service in town" for the modest fee of $1 pt"r vehicle. Laguna Library Site Que.st Due Before Council L~guna's !ong·s11fferir1g quest for an .1drquate s1?.c lib rary to replace Hs o•~·n1sed 2.200-S<iuarc-fool facility ,.,.ill :-;urf <:cc again Oct. 29 :it .'.l council study :-c·~~1nn, f"oi1ncilman Hicliard Gnldbcrg cilcd \tie 1·1ty-tnu111y i1npasse 01·er f u n d i n g- \l't·dncsday night and said: •·r.-c been approached by a great many people concerned about gelling on \.\'ith !his." Goldberg suggested formation of a cn1nmillee to probe the library situation and fundlng in1pa.~sc and suggested it bceon1e a tnp priority Hern. The <'i1y h;id planned to acquire prc>- Jl('rt.v and f1nancr library construction on 1hc cast side nf Third Street al fl1ennait.J ~lrt"l·L through a non·rrof1t corporation. 11 11ou ld then lca~c the building to the f'••\1111J. 1 he prohlrn1. lro1n the <'oun1y slar1d- pn1n1. would he the c-osl of such leasing. To ;in1orri1c the dcbl, n rental ra!e of 30 l·l '.l) cen1s per square foot 'o\'OUlrl ha1·c to br p.11tl rnr the 8.000·:::quare·foot (acil1ty. 1ll;1yor <il~nn Vl.'ddcr sa id the 1na:<- im11n1 thC' rounl,V ha.~ pr rv1ously paid ls 15 tt·11t" per sqt1arc foot. ''illa ybc those rates arc n1Jt realistit," ::::11d Vedder. "But there arc five :;upc rvisors (representing fivf' districts) ;inll thry arc Y.'orried aOOut the library ff inanci<Jl) .!iUppOrt st ructure if Laguna l,!<'1 s JO cents," College Wins Hound i11 Hair Hassle Vf'tl der said 1here has been urgl'ncy al)u11l Laguna havins a new library since J 963. (;oldberi:: saicl "'orking conditions in the cro\\·dcd libr:rry are almost intolerable. lJuoting the city manager. h2 said talks v.·i1h Supervisor Alton Allen about the library project had been "desultory". . . 'WHAT DOES HAIR HAVE TO DO WITH EDUCATION!' Students Kirig (left), Berrigan Battle College Judge Refuses to Suspend Dress Code By BARBARA KREIBJCll 0 1 "'-0.H'I' "llot S"ll A Saddleback College student lost !he first round of a kgal balllc against the college 's dress code Thursday, but court action on his suit is not yet fina l. Sophomore Gary Berrigan, l!I, Filed sui t in Superior Court against Saddleback president Dr. Frt'd Bremer aod each ITl('mber of the junior cotlegr distrk't's board Q{ lru.5tees charging the dress code violates hi!!" coostitutional rights under th~ 9lh and 14th amendments, and alSG is in violation of portions o( the stale 's Wucallonal code, Basing his cOmplaint chieny on regula~ lions reganflng male students' ha ir styles, Berrigan seeks to have the entire dress code eliminated. However his initial move, seeking a preliminary injunrtion agaiMt the defen- dant~ 10 suspen1I the dress corle pending a full CGurt hearing, was dismissed Thurs- day by Superior J u d 'g c Robert L. Corfman. Corfman ruled tha t since the plaintiff had not been refused registration and is currently enrolled in classt11 at IM C<>1- 1ege, hill rights al this time have not been violated. He refused to grant the lem• pnrary restraining order, Deputy Coun!y Counsel .John F'. f>0\\"<'11 s<1id Friday he v.·ill respond by Oct. 27 in behalf of the defendants to the original complaint "'hich ~eks perm a n c n t restraint. Coun sel will argue, he said, th;it no issue exist~unlll the college lakes ;iction against the plaintiff and the lru~lees refuse his appeal of such action. Berrigan's attorney, Thomas Whaling of Anaheim, claims that threat o( such action eon.!ltltutes a violation rJ rights. Following Thursday's court action, Be.n:i'an,.who Ji ves in Capl.!ilrano Beach, said tie plans to keep the dress code mat· ter in court "until we win." "They say long hair is disturbing to the learning process," he said. ''Well, I "·as on the dean's list for two out of three quarlcrs 1:u:it year ."' The social science major said he was l>1'ice reru.~ed lhe right to register in freshman classes last year, but wa s ad- mitted after "culling my hair just a little and usi ng a loL of v.1atcr and hal r spray." This year, he accom plished registralion by wearing a neck brace and tucking his long!Jh ha ir uodl:'r ii, he explained. Drc53 cof!e. teJZulations a~ Saddleback, ~See HAIR, rage 2) r.0ldberg said the matter is at an im- r1s~r unless the city can find $1 50,000 or thr rounty doubles it.s rental criteria. S;i:d J\l ayo r Vedder, ··Lers all come two weeks from tonight. I'm hoping by !hnt time Wl' have. more information. The <'i ly has.been probing and pushi ng but it's hanl lo pull the 1wo (financial) views together." AFS SPONSO RS GA 1l1E DANCE The Laguna B~ach branch of American Field Service will sponsor an arter-game dance in the girl s' gym at the high school Friday night a(ler the Laguna-Tustin loothall game. rs~·chedclic soundi; will be provided by Thl' Chain Rea ction. Admission to the danc' will he 50 cenL~ and identification by ASB card or Room ra.~s will be required. Pr<<Cceds or the event \\'ill help bring rorrign exchange students to Laguna I HR:h. --------......,. N.Y. Stoe.ks TEN CENTS ere County, 5 Cities Agree On Project Bv JOHN VALTERZA • 01 '"' Oanr Piii! s1111 Tri a precedenl·sctting meeting Thurs· <lay, representatives from the Orange Coast's fi1'c cities, county departments :ind s11per1'l::;nrs agrl'<'d on a two-year projcet lo draft a n1astrr plan for the en- lire county shoreline. Accord on the plan was unanimous at the conferen ce in the Harbor District"1 enn fcrence room in Newport Beach. 1'he endor.~emen!, however, still needs a more official fl avor, the represen- tatives agreed, The planning officials of the five t.itie!ll v.•ill take information on the two-phase structure of the master plan work back to thrtr respectil·e cities for a more firm cornmilmcnl. After that. lhc real work will begin. 1'h;iL should start C)(:t. 30 in a workshop n1rrt1ng at the old County Courthouse in ~an1.1 An;i. 1\'hrre the a11Jes from fi ve <'itics 11•ill begin to study the tv,.·o-yea r proi cct. In thr interiin coun ty planning person- nel v.•ill fumish proposals ror the shoreline plan to the individual cities for new suggestions on what should be sought lrom consultants. County Planning Director For est Dickason oulli~ the program • a "very important, far-reaching function ." .. 'T}ie first thing we will need is mig- ~estions from each of lhe cities about \vhat should be included in instructions to a ,consul!ant." he said. He .o;aid the project's first phase will need donated personnel from each ci!v for planning work, possible financing and a prospectus deslgo for the S<'Cond phase. Thal should take a year, he said. In the ~econd phase, he said, con· t•lusions about specific areas of the general plan should be drafted. Dickason asked the group for uoolficial sentiment about the seeking of federal funds for paying ror so1ne of the studies. linofficially, the group agreed lo lhe idea . A master plan for regional parks in Or ange Coun ty already exists, Dickason 11utlined, but matters dealing with the ~horclinc are not included. ··once thfs Sllldy is completed, then wr. \l'ill be able to plug it into the existing park~ plan," he said. '"I must strcs5 the unlqucness of thi.5 prnjcr:l. \\'e honestly feel that 1f it suc- 1·c ,5ful. and we all work tngether on it, the crillabor<itive effort between cities .1ni! :i coun ty v.ill rceeive national at- !ep t1on,'' he s;ud . Uirkason stressed that lhe coa~tl1ne pro\ ides the. grc<'ltest resource to the ('Oun !y, thu s a rna stcr plan is lon g orrrduc, Another factor leading to immediate wnrk on the plan is the alloc:atlon b)" cour,1.y su!)('rvisors of $1 mi!Hon to a new ISee SHORE, Page 2) 'CRASH' SER IES CONCLUDES TODAY Financial columni.~t Sylvia Polrer v.·inds up her five.part series analyzing lhc el·onomy of 1969 in light of the 1929 stock market crash in a rolumn on Page 10 today. Her conclusion: No more deep depressions. Orange Coad ' Weather Clo udy skies and light wind!! sh ape up as the weekend pie· ture along the Orange Coast. with temperatures st ill ranging around the seventies. INSIDE TODA. Y lf I/Oil tliinlc Shea Stadium 1ve11t wild Th11Tsday 1vhcn the ~fets captured the \.Vorld Series, you shnuld have seen Manhat- tan . Page 5. llttll~• " M~h•al '°llflf• " Call,.•nl• ' M••._.,tl •m •·l CllUlll•4 U·•• 01 ..... cwrt., • Comlu " l1lvl• ...... " CNllWO•• • lltl!..,lefth 11·H o.at~ Nt!ICt• • '"''"' ,.. o •v1tcu • '*' M•ri!tll , .. 11 llltt•i.• '"' ' T,llvhMR " •~l•rt•lol-1 ,,.,, ThMl.,t .... JINM1 1•11 ·-• l-l•••K .... " oi... _1,. ~ ... ,_" " ·-· •m lJ.U ~ ... • . ......... ..... ..... ...... ,.. . --. ---·---·--~-----........ ------------------------------ % DAIL V PI LOT l UCI Profs Ol(ay Student·s in Academic Senate ' By THO~IAS FORTll:"E 01 1M Deltr l"l•t i!ttf UC Irvine proressors \'Oltd 33 ll> 13 al an Academic Senate meeting 1'hursday 10 ;.d•nlt students 10 nieinlx-rship in !he Stnate, the faculty dcliberati1·e body . Jt 1s an action they figurL' \1'11! be !on radical to be 511·a!loll'ed by pruicssors :it }lerkeley and oth<'r ! •r campuses and u1 all likclihood 11·111 be strut k down by the fLilley,·idr Acadcrn1 i:-A.~Sl'n1bly. The Jr11ne campus pl;Jn 1~ to ad1nd one rtudent n1cm bt>r fur r>1rr1· f11c faculty n1embers belonging to the Academic !)en ate. A motion to ~ubm1l t11c proposal lt1 all 273 UC! faculty n1embcrs by mail ballot 11as narrov.•ly drfeated by 1he :ibout 60 professor s prc~cnt. Egypt Accu ses U11ited States Of 'A aaression' ~~ By United Press l nlt'rnational Egypt filed a formal protest \1'ilh tn11ed Nalions Secretary General IJ Thant today. accusing the Unit(l(t S1a1cs <if "aggression" against the Arab \1·orld. A spokesman for the Egyptian U.N. rlelegation said the protest 1>.·as filed late 1his morning and that full details \1·ere expcct('d to be n1adc public later. Tht' n1ovr v.as predicted this n1orn1ng by lhc semiof!1c1al Cairo nc1>.·spaper Al Ahram v.·hich said the matlcr v•ould be placed before the Security Council. The newspaper said Egypl interpreted ;i recent U.S. Embassy spokesman's ~tatement in Tel ,\\'JV to mean that American military personnel arc serving in Israeli forces and possibly flying Israeli v•arplanes. The spokesman wa s rcportOO to ha ve i;aid that Americans who become lsr;ieli c1t1Len:=; can retain !heir U.S. citizenship f'Ve n if they serve in lhe Israeli armed forces. Fron• Page .I SHORE • • • fund ror beaeh acquisition. }le :said that mOfll'y already has been se t aside for consultant fees for the sho reline plan ~·ork_ "The first thing we have to do is ai;rrc nn our instructions and desires for a con- ~u11 ant, then select him af\tr that," he :-aid. Tne plan, ~e expla ined, will be a highly eomprehensive document. '"\I.le will examine r ve:rything dcalinE: 111th t.he shoreline -and it will be a mar- ri~ge, so to ::;peak. or planning fnl" regiona l park s 111 the int£>ri(lr area~. ha rbors, beaches and other toastline tlreas. "\\'e \1•ill incl1idr ercry aspect. in- cluding matters dealing ""ith (lffsho rr dr.lling, minera l cxplo1tat1on. land.fill ronci·p1s, salt .water intrusion , you name 11 :· Dickason said . The officials attcnd111g the art C'moon !;cssion were: f\enncth Sampson, dire ctor nf counl y harbors, beaches and p:i rks. .fohn 1\1111.'ler , f'Xtcu!1ve a"-~lstant lo Surcr11x•r Alton i::. Allen. K<'n Reynolds, Jtununglrin fie.J t h planni ng t!1n.'C'tnr : T11n1 &1<'rn~. tiE>t"elopment coordinator For !lu1111ng!t111 Brach: \·1nre ~lfl(lr)Jou~r. d1 r{'('1!'1r i•f harbors an(\ lx';irhc·s for llun!1nR1on HE>ath . Pele \loor<'. a.-..~1~\.'1111 In ~u pcrt·isor 0~11 id Bakrr: i ;«nr St hui !". •·'i"'OC1a1r planner fHr S;in C'len1cnt c D1t k Ahhnan, di rector r•f bu1ld1ng and pl:inn1n~ fnr San r1cmr1111•: Al Atilry, L;ig1111<1 Re:ich t 1ty pl.1nnr r, Cl1r1s Kl1ngrr . tha1rn1an of ripflr:llJ'111S fr•r ll :1rhli r.c , Beaches :ind Park ~ fnr Or<Jngr Counly , Daren Gro1 h. pnnr1pat pl;in nrr h1r :'\e"·port Brach : D1rkason, :ind !Xir~ Homel!n, principal planner for Or.inRe l"ount)'. DAILY PILOI OltAH(il C0 ... ~1 •VII !SHIHG COMl"Ai'll' 1.i..rt N, w •• ~ •rcololo"I ..... '1/bllll>tr Jot~ IL Curl-v ~ "'U•Otftt oft d c;..,.., .. Mllllf'r T ~•'"'' Kotvil [U•lor Tl.0..,11 A. Mv•p~:"I A<l~lt•rt (~,!~r 11 .• ~ .. , ~-ti .11 L-ltot~ Cl•• '''''" l .... • •-• 01n •• 111 "•'•" ..... Mt1!fn9 A~~r111 : P.O. 111 ~•6, •2452 ' OtMt °'"(" C11t1 Moo•• JJO wnt I •• S'•e<'I t.'-'1 l !Kfl 7111 ,..~,, ftoltio• ,,. •1vt1• l'CW!t .... loA llllU' XII j!h )""Ill ---"!i~ri ·-· c•rt• •1~01 ... 1 ... "'""" "•-·""" "'-,. __ , • _..u.-... ~. ••ct~• ,~ ... ... Ill -•le <111Ui.,.o ... I_,.,. -tfl, ._ ... di: ..... i'l-1 lhotA, ( .. to -M""1"'9 .... 1 .. cfl or• ,..., ..... VOi• ....... 0•1,... (•HI ~h•>I~ '-'"f ..-lnllr"I '"'"'' 1•0 01 l111 WHI Ro lbo• ...... • .. .....,..,, l tKfl, ... .4 J• "'"•If ... , $trHI, (ftll M~u. T• ....... t714t 4t4-,464 Clrc ............ 642-4JZ1 t•~rll'I\, !Nt, 0 •-f (.ol.•I •~ti"•"l!ol ::-~y ... nf"'I ""'"" •ltMl,,f !,O"I. ..tlf!ltlf l .... Utt .. ...,.,, .. , .... ~'> >ltrl•ll ..... .. .... _.... ""'fltlllt _... .. •. "'""'-• , ... ,..,,1 -·· ,~ ~""" -i..e """ •' __, lut~ -(H to ,,.,. ... (olll-lf _, .. , .... I • ~.,.,. ... u.• -IV• ~ ..,.11 n.• ~111 ,.,lllt•'Y •tlMt ..... UM ,.,..,,,.,,_ After passing its in1e11t1on lo ldrnil SIU· dent members, the Senate recessed for one week 1o1.•hen '~ays of chrios•ng ltlf' st11- dent 1nembers and flnd !ng n1ean1 of legally giving lhen1 the \Ole will be ()l~(U!>Sed .i\ t·uuple other UC carnpuscs ha1•e ln:ldi' ~t11den1 li Se11<1!c rcprcsrnlati1·<''> '' 1t\11\ut tOllng pr1t 1legc ,\rh11c;11 e~ nf til e lr1•111f• p!a11 l'.ant \u gu lur!hl•r .1n(I JlHtkC ihe 20 pcrc<'tlt ~tud<'nt rnc1nbcr:; /l11l n1r mhcrs 11 1lh t 11\111g dgllls Assistant l'rolessor of .\l:1then1;i11r" r~rank Cannon1to s;lld as hC' rl·acl the re: regents' Standard Orders tli••y say whn may be niei nbers or r :1ch c:a 1n pu~· Academic Srn:ite but not \1ho m;1y nut. He l'3ld it l'll'arlv \\;JS Ill<' in1t·nt 1lin nr th-.: persons who drew u11 the. ~la!u l<':. lu specify ll.'ho shall become a Senate me1nber but lhiil they left a loophole ... It IS my contl!'fltion we have lhe machinery to vote in Eldrid1e Cleaver or James Utt If wr wanted lo," he said. I lowever, Professor of E I e c t r i c a I F:ng1nc~rin,1:; ;inn Physics Nathan Rynn st1id he Wi!S \old this "''eek b~· a UC vice pre~iclent that he does not regard Can- non1!u's :irgun1enl a \'<Jlid argument. ··1 11alked at1"<1y t1·ith the feeling the rL1lu1g ~ii ready has been n1ade against us," Rynn ~ a1rl. l.'h;_iirn1a11 or tile IJCf Academic Senate Bernard Gelbaurn said the head of thf' Un1versity-11·ide rules committee could nol tounte r Cannonito's argument with the printed word. '"The opposition is fnundf'il on cnmmon la\v and long-stand- ing practice," he said. 'I lhink lhls will grind its ~ay up the stale machinery and eventually to thr regent s,'' Gelbaum said. In a r g u 1 n g for adrn1tt1ng student members, Associate i'rofessor o f J'sychology John Wallace said, "l)O you 11·ant ch<io.~ at our front door·~ \\'c ;,ire lac£1cl "'i\11 the noc:essity of change. \\"c ,•-hould do it now ~·hilc \l"C are nol in a supc.-!1ca!ed s i1ua1ion " Tht' propos:d to :1dn1it ~ludenls as Acaden11t• Sena1<' 1nc111bcrs arnsc out of l'.>hu!rnt protl'st last sehool year over the !hrl·J tened d1sn11ssal of three assistant pru!essors, one of whorn was reinstated and promoted to tenure. (A firs~ co11- c~ss1on to the students had been granllng thrn1 privilege of the floor lo speak jn Senate debate ' A ~1a tc Profi.'S!>Or of Spani!'h Juhan Palley, chairman of a committee 1hal cme up with the student membership proposal, urged faculty members to for unce becon1e radic als. '"\\'e're asking you to question one or the vldest university tenets,'' he said, "to !et Ll1r sludents joi11 us in decision n1a k- 1ng . \\"e"re proposing they contribute lo rieci ~lons rl'garding curricula 11nd pers11n· nrl. Of course students would not have t'Ollll"Ol " I le 'iaid !ht faculty was not really being radical but conserva\l ve, in the sense of pr..:serving its freedom s, in Its Angela Da\'ls resolutions. A week ago the L'.CI professors voted O\'erwhelmingly to seek an Injunction again.st the Boa rd of Hegents for alleg~ ly overstepping their bounds in removing credit froin a course ta ught by 1'.11ss Davis. Tne faculty followed that up with two new resolutions Tllursd1y. W i t h o u t dissent, they l'Oted to en co urage <'On - t1·iout1on to a fund to defray 0\iss Davis' lcg:.11 expenses and to resct~·c that '"no political test or ml•re mernl.>Crsh1p in <in)' organlzal[on shall ever be considered in the appoin t1ncnl. .of nny faculty ni c:rnl>er .. A third propo~cd resulull on wa$ rcfi.'r- rcd back to con1mi ttce. It called for f'Slablishrncnt of a fund for pu blic cduea- 11011 to be voluntarily contributed to by profe~sors to inform the pu blic "on mat- ters of vital coneern to lhe Un1verslty.'' Remarked Professor Cannoruto. "I think this is a fatuous idea . Ta educate the public to our point of view .. there is JU~! not that n1uch money amongs t us. ' Opposed Poll Finds ~1 ost Against M orutoriu1n NE\V YORK IUPI) -A majority of Americans polled following lhe nat i::in<tl mor:itoriu m clay v.ere unsympalhetic to 1he antiwa r demonstrations and an eve n larger percentage endorsed President Nixo11"s Vietnam policies, it was reported {O(l<1y. Sindlinger & Co., a 1narkeli11g and opi- nion research organization in Kor11·ocxt, Pa .. conducted the survey by telephone Thursday, the da y after the moratorium observance. c1uesuoning 995 lhroughout the country. 1\lost of those quest1onet! v.•ere over 25. yr.~. 29 percent sa id no and 10.6 percent had no opinion . This "'as a rise in support for Nixon's \'ietnam polic ies sin<.:e a si milar Sind- li nger poll conducted in September. Jn that poll 6!.5 percent of those questioned supportecl Nixon on Vielna1n and 23 .3 per· eent thought he could do n1orc.. Th(' support did not howc l'cr reach U1c level of ;i Sindlinger poll 1n June ·when 72 percent backed Nixon and only 13.4 per· cent thought he could do more to end !he war. Albert E. Sindhngrr, president of the Firm, said it 1\'as significant that Iha percentage of persons t1•ith no opiniori dropped from 23.3 in September to 10.6 in lhe latest poll. RITA CUTLER , JOHN ALLAROICE TUNE UP FOR FESTIVAL CHORALE"S FOLK FEST Wide Variety of Folk Music Will Be Offer.d During Event et New Forum The firm said that or the 78.6 percent ~·ho knew about mo ratorium day, 57.4 percent thought it 1yas "an overall bad idea,'' 31.7 percent thought il was an •·overall good idea'' and 10.9 percent had no opinion. Asked whether they believed '"Pre~i· dent Nixon is doing all he can lo settle the war in Vietnam,'' 68 .5 percent said "I thin k the moralorH1n1 actually, sol idified su pport for Nixon," he said. '"Thl' people ""e questioned \~ere more \"OCal on this than on any survey 11c ha1·e ct·er done before ." Lag1111aAgainstExpansio11 Of Ecliso11 Co1npa11y Pla11t .. ,\It tif u~ in 1hr, air !-.hl'd 1hal !1rca the !!•"same air have ;i st.if.e 1n this.'' L:iguna Beach Cuu11c1lm:in floy lloll11 'la"-tal king about Snuihcrn Cullforn1a I·:Cison Compan~··s plans to 111ple JI<; poitcr produc1ni; 1<u·1l1l1(·~ ,J\ 1h1' i"X1"1in:; .Sitt ol its lhintington llC'<11 h ::.!C'fUll pt.int. Thr council \Vcdnl·.~d;iy una11in1ouslv .atlvpLcd Holm 's reso!utJvn 11ppu.~1tl~ lhC' r:ilargemenl. then IL v.-as too 1.1te l11ey al'fl'n"t l;1kini; HAIR ... \\ h1<..h l:i~I ~ r;ir r1ilcd Put nnl.11 ''h11;1rr r ;H1d unkC'111pt " hair s.tylc.<:, 11 rrc 111.-idc inure :::pr<.:1flc thiJ'. }'<'ar 011 .Jul y 2. inrstee::. rult•d Iha\ rcR1~\r<1· 11011 11 ou!d he rcfui>t•d to 111;ilc :.tudents 11ho5C hair, "fall.~ l1rlo11· 1he rl'rbrow5 or ..,,,crs all or p:irt nf !tir ears or corers ;ill I'll the tnll;ir of a dre~s ."h1rt " Bf'rng;in's blond ha ir rl·-ir:. n11l louch hi~ l'1.ll!;ir. but doc ., to·.rr 11,., c .. 1 .. :\I ;i sprr1.1I 111l'f'tln~ ti! !hr hn.1rd or t n1~tr1·s Th11r~(l,1v 11a:h1. luur ''11d<•n1 ~ 11ho t1;11I b<'f'n · n;-j11~•·r1 !'f'C!l,lr~1il'tn lx-r.1U~(I (Jf <i re!', l()(I{' I ,ul.111JI!) ;ippt"illfrl lh1·,r , ;1,f - T11r bn.~r.! f1 1~1rl 11 .. •I 1 11 p \..1u11v1l r 1.r 1 .:.~;i11H1 Ht'.1• h 11.1, 11"1 111 t\•)ldl11111 :ind ~/11111Jd l1r adnll!l ~'d "fhr 01hrr 111rl'" 11rr1 t1dd 1h11· 1\1!1 hr :..lh>',1 (',I to f!'~1,\Pr 11 111rv rnn1ply 11 1th !he IJ,i tr rr.tni!,!l1u11~. "l 1\1•\' .itt' V1rtur flrrtng11a nf s.111\!1 /\ri;1 Tho111 .1!. \'o\1ng of lrvinr :inr'l L1nd;1J1 I l\111g Of T11~11n !\1ng. 11·IJIJ 1-; :11no11g ll1r ~1ud rnl~ Sll[)· fl !•rtt111: l\<'J!lt:,.111 Ill hi'> l>Ull . )o.,11d Thill"'· il ;;1 he .1111 •11d1•rl 1rl':-hn1 :111 Ll ,1 ~•t·~ at Sad- rllcba•.'k I.isl j ca r hut h:1<; hecri rrl11~r1I rrg1 s1r:iuon lour t1 n1rs t!11s yrar hr('allS<' ht~ hair co1·er.• hi~ rars :ind 1 ~ in \"I U!at1on of thr n1orr rtstrirte1! r·odr '"I dOt\"t f>CC 11-h.'.ll h:ur ha~ 10 rln ti 11h rduc11 t1on .'' .s:i11l l\111R. a \1bt.•r:il ar1s 1na- ior. "l'n1 21 ancl I 11 or f. p;irt li1ne ~:i I fan go to ~chOQl ·• King ~•ud hr 110\1 i<; 11111\.111µ h•r ii Joh because he apparently l1as 1n1f-~cd out <'11· t1rely on ge1ting 11110 a iu111or college 1h1~ ~eilr. '"I \1·anted lo return to Sadd!rbar k l'lf'r.iu:-c I "·as there la~t yrar.'' he C>.· plained . '"But after the lo11rlh !11ne lht'.v rrf1.1sed lo let Ill<' rc~!s1('r ! rll"l"Hfed lo 1ry 111 get 1n!o S;int.i Ana .111n1or Cnl legr. "hich doe s not ha1 c .1 drc~s code. By ;1ny tnorc registrations. ,\ltorncy \Vhalen descr ibed BE>rr1gan "s ::=u11 as ··o ne of the first of \"arious con· 1rvnta!1ons \1·e 1vill be h:il'1ng tv1\h this (l1!>tr1ct lt>ccause o[ lhrir attitude. l ~u!ip~<:t we will he in courl for a 1oni:: 11n1e. This issue has not been resol ved 11111\ regard lo junior colleges.'' ·All of us," said tlolm. "'\Vould be tn- 1 •)I 11'ri in inhaling tho additional !IO Ion" ol oxides per dily if this plant goes lhrot1gh."' llolrn ~aid 1l has beco1ne possible IL) 1 l":J n~mit ex trc111ely high voltages great ci •~1~ni.:cs. Tile resolution said all con- \~·nt1onal clectric<1l power produt'.i ng pl;111t" should be located outside 1hc. l.i'C•<1!cr Los Angeles Basin. Tl1c· rr~olution 1s to go to counly ~uptr1 i~or~. the State Po"·er Plant Sitini; 1.,'on1n11 1tee and the Public Utilities Com- r.11~·1011 Ocean Vie1v Sets Teacher Tour Of Junior Hi g h 1 1i:11n,1 .-. Thu1·~tn11 I n t t r n1 r 11 i ~ t ,.. ~1-IH•PI hrc0m1ng knn11 n a" ii rnodcl 111 1\i ~1 r11 l1ir n1odrrn ed11l":11 1nn.-I 111rt hot1", 1· 1:1 hr 111~p<'c led ~l ond<iy h1 2;, 11'acl1crs ll'1)1n Iii<' (/1'ca n \"1ew Sch0(1I IJ1 >1ric1. l':1rl 1c1pants in the 1n-scc11rr lr<11n1ng pn.i(f'l will lour lhe complc!e facilJt:v. 11~1\ classroo111s and listen to tapes usrd 111 !he ~ducational program. according lo \\ ir:k l.ol>o, scheduling counselor, "ho 11111 J.!lllde the teachers. t lc1nbcrs of the Thurston PTA lou r C1)1111111t1re, hc:1dc<1 by ?'.lrs. Judy Permey 11 11' ;i.;,~1 st rl11ring !he 1"1s11. Thf' rnodern school pl<int, de'iigned ,... pt{1;,\ly for lull flc:\1blc scheduling:. 1s a 101111n11al obJ€'CI of study by educators l;1•n1 !hroughout the. slate. Prilll'CS"· h:·:, Dies KO~ST1\1'Z, Germany \UP I) l 'r,11f'e~s Thendor<1 ot Baden. ~1strr flf 1:ri1::11n ";; f'nnc:c Philip. died in a ~:ll'itonum :it nearby BuedinRen Thurs- d: .. 1, ii sp(1kc~n1an for the !amily said to- d;1~ She 11·as 63. No Deatl1 Vows l ci1ig Lo Assure Wedded Bliss The gran1tdaughter of aircraft company f''i rcUtive Donalcl fl0u'1 \<is .Jr. "·ill "ll'Pd Saturday n1ghl in P:ic1f1c Pahs11<1es, h11 t nothin g will hr salrl 1n thl' 1o"·s about Till Death Do Ls Part Holly Douglas, 22 of Pat 1f1r 1':111<.:idr.~ . an1! Fred ~1art 1n Jr. 2i, ut :'i.111 Josl', <lon't bclif'l"e 111 clr:it h. Both l'I Tf' exeru1 11·r s 1n lhr Cr\()n11 ~ ~Ot"l<'l .I' of C'ali/(lrn1:i. a !1r:i11rh uf 1hr na· t1on1v1de or~an 1zalHJn 11 h1ch arll ;w_•11l!'S storage of <'l1nicalty drad pcoplr at ell'.- lrrmr.l.1' 1011· 1 e111rwro1u rc~. Evrntu:i!lr . :11·corl'111\g 1 .. lhr Cr.101111·.;; ronc.~pt. 1nrd1f;1I 1-1·,rn tr 11111 i11~cu1cr 111r('s fnr !'ll n1 <i ny lr11r1I :1 lll1i,!1Qll~ -ex. rrpl perhaps in total dc.strutlion or the body -that cleath itself \~·ill he cured. /\"t ither "'Ill reci te the portion of the \\"edding \"Ol\"S dealing \\"ilh separation lhrou,ch <!rt1lh 1\hrn th€'y a.re marric<I at A p n1 rn lhr Lu!heran Church of the t ':1]1<;adr~ .'1 1<~ Dri:1~~a< is F(rancldaughtC'r of 1he fo1111drr of Dougla!i 1\ircraft Corporation, "h1rh t1C'rr lflpE•rl !hr. facility now known a " .\lrl>onne!\.Douglas AsLronaut1cs l rirp~ra11on. Huntington Beach . ,\!:irt1n is an in.~ur1ancc. exccutirr, but it 11 llS not rli sclo.•t<I "'he1her ht-~t-1!' ro11c1r ~ drahni; with los~ of life and death brnehl,<, Chorale to Give Worlcl Song Tour In N e1v F oruni Folk songs fr orn around the 11·or!d "'1ll )Jf' presented by 1hc Fest11·al of Arts Choraie Nov. I, at 8 p_m. in the new fl's:1\"..il Fortun. l"nder lhr direction nr 01 ar1 I y n Jnterlandi, the Chorale \\'ill nlfrr folk n1,r;ic ranging fron1 Shenandoah lo Orah1n·~ J·lunganan Dances. Solui~ts will inchidr Jolin All:i rdicr. i,1 ng111g bltles :ind h;ird roc k: Anna l!am1lton tl'ith religious folk song~: Rit <i Culler for l~r;1cl1 m11sic: Chuc k and V:iloric Criswald for 1nountai11 lolk music and David Sheppard. Dtinat ion t\'lll be $1.;)0 for adults and i5 ccn1s for :.tudents. - Developer Modifies Plan Fo1· Wilcox Way Units i\ request for a variance lo construct 12 uruts 011 property zoned for eight y.·as n1odified tlus "·ee k by developer Ray- 111ond Benford. At a l'>londay night study session pla n- ning commissioners "'ere presented "·1th ne•v plans for a nine-unil structure on t~·o JOinir.g lots at 615 \Vilcox Way_ Benford pointed out that the property was only 3fi6 square feet short of the 18,000 square feet rcri111red for nine units. He plans to 11·id ~n the !6·foot roadway to 20 feet and pro11de a 1•111-dc-sac for traffic t11r11around. l!e would be permitted to build eight 1111 11~ Dn the ex1st1ng narrow road, without lt1rnt1round, hr ;1ddcd. i3cnfo rd had earlier .~ought Planning ('nn1mission approv:il for plans for 12 onc-bcclrnorn u111ts on the propert y, n1a1n- t:1in111g lh<1t the 12 smaller units \\'Ould re~ult in a lov.·er populauon dcn~1ty tha n thr lesser number of t11.·o-bedroom or !hrec-bedroom apartments now pcnnil- ied. \\"hen neighboring properly owners prG- tested the density lncreasc. Benford re\"JS· cd his request and now has submilled plans for Lhree 2-hedroon1 and six I· ncdroom unils, v.•ith nine encloserl park· 1ng spaces and addi!ional paved guest parl.Jng area within the propi.·rty Plilnners appeared s<i tisflcrJ thal stt· h:itJ..s a~ pro\'idrd in 1hr 11e1\• ar· r;ingen)en t of buildi ngs <Jn the lot v.·ere < d ~quale, bul t•on1m1ss1oncrs C a r I ,J ohnson and ,Joseph To111ch:ik st.Ill r:<· pressed doubt th<1t th e appl1canL had dt·n1on;.\raled <1 ny ec:ono111 ic nrecl or hi.rd~h1p 1l1at "·ould "'arrant perin1\11ng !he extra un1L ON DISPLA y NOW ••• COMPLm smlNGS Of LIVING llDROOM AND DINING ROOM fURNITUH. DON'T MISS AN Ol'l'ORTUNITY TO VIEW THIS IJCCITING NIW COLLICTION . YOUR LOCAL DEALERS FOR DREXEL . HENREOON-HERITAGE NEWPO~T BEACH 1727 W11tcliff Dr., 642.2050 ONN f•IOA T "!'IL t INTERIORS Prof"1ion1I lnt•rlar O.•lgn•rt Ava il•ble-AIO-MSID LAGUNA BEACH 345 North Co11t Hwy. Of'IN PllDAT 111 t .... .,. T.n l'rw .,_,. 9' o._,. C:•n.., !40-1 1•1 494-<ISS I I I • 1 ' , I v s ,, Th 1h1 pl~ pc °'' .. 1 I l' l ( I t\1: 00 ol I hi'> fla ro~ hr his l:th put roe t rn t \\ii 1 <·or he gui ma :<Cr :,ho ' II a1 01·c 1[lr t illl In~· 11:1 '" ,., " ;11£ "' pr ' " ,1)1'. '!lfl dll ' ,,. 1'1) rr ,, "' "' >k 1 .. ' °' •g 11 'n ~ ' ' if ' ' :N "" ~y •T !: 1TO :o~ •ur jR f' '" •" j1~! 1~: '" "' °' II "' ----~~~·~-~--·--------..---------............... ...,,.....,,_,.,._.,.. _________ _, __ ..,.,. ....... ,., ..... ""------------------· Newport Barbor VOL. bl, NO. 249 , 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1969 ore aster an r Speal~s 111 La9u1aa Tunney to Push Sea Oil Attack Congrc:o;sn1an .John V. TunnC'y. );pe;ik111i; At a Lagunil BC!.:ith prC'Ss tonf~rcuce Thursd<iy nigh!. said he h~p1•tl \(I renew Ille allac;k ag<i.JnSL off~hurr oil CX· ploration. I Tunney. a n 1\er~uJr OC'moc·r:il. told the · press at Holt;I Laguna tha1 he fel t 11pland l nil pools could he. exploited and offshore oil placed in reserves. He said the smog suit against lhc auto Nixo1i Savs "' U.S. Wi111ii1ig· Ort lr1flatio1i \\'ASHINGTO:'J (t.:PI ) -Presidcnl J\1xon declared today that the nalio n ··is on the road to recovery fron1 the disease of runa\Yay price:;.'' In a broadcai;\ reporl to Americans nn Iii~ adrninistratioti'.s battle ai:;iinst In· fla!ion, Xixon i-,a1rl the stf'ady rise in the rost of living ha1! not}'('.! been h<.1ltcd, 'but iif' said il had been slowed. l!e s:iid io !hi" lf'XI of his sp<'C<'h fr onl his oral off1<'C at \hf' \\'h11c Jlnuse lhal 1:-ihor and tnan;igemrnl. ;1s well as !he public. could !"spec! lhe <1dminis1ration to o•ont!nur its orten unpQpul <i r steps lo con· t r0I inflallfln. And he sa al it \1·a~ winning lhc battle - \1.1\hout "!'hock treatment." The Pres11Jenl drclared: '·\\If" are not <'Ons1der1ng \\'CIJ:C or price contols." Nor. he s<t id, \\'Oukl h~ use the so-called ~uir!eline systcrn of trlling the 111<irking 1nan ho1v mllch he should charge for his srrvices or ho1v much a businessman :-.hould eharRC for his good~. Nixon stressed lhnt in tht: t•on1i nuing 11:ir on inll;i t1on. ··1hrrc will be nil n\·ern1gh\ i·urr," hul :idclrd . •·\\'r <irr on lllr road lt1 rtco,cry fro1n the disrasc of 11111:.iwav pntcs. ··Lrl · 111'' bl' •·.<1rf•ful nnt lo 1nlsh~ad 1n \·nne· prices arr s!lll go1n1: up, <11111 n~v cont1nur to dr> sn fnr a 11h1lr -a 11 (. \'('<I f 1n(ln111nt111ll IS nol I'll~\ tJ Stop. ''R.ut nnw priers are no lon~rr 111· rf',1s1ng f:i ~tl·r :inll fasll'r -th<' In· rr<iscs not oniv h<11<' slac'.1-:<'nl'<i . hut the ite5 of 1nrrc<1~c oirr at·tual!y rlrcl1nin~. \'1lhou t shci<·k 1rra1n1cn\, 1vr ,irr rur111g 11r CilU~C'" flf ll1r r1sini: co~t of l1v1n!;.'' . o\t anntlH•r point. N1xn11 ~:•al · "The n1 !);111n.v •·r"l nf l1\'1ni.: ii; no CTOS~ \('arc <1blli;rd to brar. It r;in hr hrou~ht .n1 l1'r rnn1ro1. 11 i,. hring sl01o1cd by f1rn1 111rt steady ae11nn 1h.1t deal~ 111th 1ls root .111scs." :\'1xon s;oid 1h:1T hr wa-. .:;rn<l1nl!. :i lr11 11r •l~ 11crkrn1 t ln iJ 1·rns.s sci t1nn 11f lradcr~ , l:'lb(lr n11{! bu~111r~~ <'illlJn~ 1i11·1 r :it · .. 1111on tn ··1 he l:itrst facts of cconorn)c ii'.·· ··1 am asking 1hem to take a hilrd look C'onipanies should go for11ard tn 1hr n1ar. lr:r wou ld be publicly a1rci.l. TunnC'y ::aid as things now slant!. e1cn !Ill· Calitornia Attorney Genc1·al ennnot look :1l the transcript of f('{]cra l grand JUI"~ he:irings 1n !he rnaller \Vhich <:onsum(·d n1any months. (Sec !{elated Story, Page JI. ·runncy called for strict controls to prl'· \'Cnl the free shipment of drugs to Mex· il'O. He said ma.ror U.S. pharmaceu!ical Jinns are manufacturing lY.'ice as many 1!rugs as arc sold in the U.S. by prescr1µ. t1on. Thr Congressman said he had 1vritt en th f' iJ S. Surgeon Genera l a s k in~ for a lull·scale nirdical study uf <"ffC('t~ nf niariJuana to ta~e it out of the realm of speculation. Tunney s;iid problrrns of 1l1c cities rr· r1u1rc resou rces for solution th<Jl ii U.S. <tl 1var cannot afford. lie said S'J...J billion v•as -"pent gt·lting to the nioon cind more billions arc bring ~pent on development of supersonic pl:incs that niay not be allowed to fly Ol'er land. "An ordering or priorities th;it people \~<int something done about is ROing to he t1n the agenda of the 'iO'~." tic lold an enthusiastic gathering of l)emocrats. Tunney was elected to Congress ln J964 \1·hcn he was bt1rely 30. i\ TOOmma tc of Sen Ed1\•ard Ke nnerly al the University of Virginia, Tunnry had Kennedy 's back · ing in taking his CQngressiona 1 seat rrotll .11 freshman Jtepu bhl'an representative. N c"'}>Ort Council, Pla11 Comn1ission Slate Joint Meet NeY.·port B!'ach cily (·n11nc1lml'n and 1>lanning comn1 iss 1oncr.~ will 111cet. JOlntly J\londa y night 1n di.,cu.o;s 1n1 p!c m!'nl<1t1ol1 of Ne\\"j)<lrt T 0 111 0 r r 0 IV • s rtCOl1l• rnrnd<itions. The ~cssu1n \1111 be held :ii ;\lari nrro; l.1hrary :it 7 31l p.111. ;\"r·.1·porl 1'nrnnrrn\v's l1nrl1n~~ 11!'rf' fonn:illy s11b1n 1!1l'd !o the count 11 1h1~ 11·!'.'ck .John 1\latnah. grneral cha1nna11 nf H1e 84·membf>r ci11zens' con1n11t1c(', :..Hd 10 th<' ('nunL'Jl · "I'd 11!..e to lh:ink yn11 f(lr g1l'ini; 11s absolutely free rein 111 reach ing 1hcsc f111· 1~l11g ...... 'CRA Sll' SF.HI 1;;5 CONCLUDES TODA)' F1nanl·itr! cnhunni~t s.1·lr1;:i l'o1rc r \11nds up her fl\'l'·part Sl'ril's analyling 1hc <'CQnon1y ol Hl69 in hghl of the 1929 !ilock markrt crash in a column fin Page JO today . Her conclusion ; No more dCl'P cleprcssions. Loses t~ight for Life Mesa Girl Buried 5 Y cars After Crippling Crash 1"111111\RATA Shn1·1 L r11111 (,'nn1nrurn .. '\fir 26. of 162 1 ~lrsa Drirr. So11in A.nn. S11rLJ1occl by 11110 .~on.~. Roun/cl 011d Breu: pnrc,ifs, J1/r. 011.J 11/1 .~. All1rr1 B1·ll. Snnl~r A 11n: l1l·11 /J rn rltrr~ .. lfll'I: nut/ Hr.r /fo'/I, l "osr11 .llr$'1 Srrrirr'.~ 1111/ br lir/rl f"rr. dn)r 11 A:\/ /11•1/, Ur(J11rl11·1r1r ('l)t1(11'/, 11 1111 /li>1'. Cl1ar/e~ Sn11r/i 11f f1r1n tr 11r1. /l/lf'1/l!t'1d /'ui·!lic \'1r111 11!,,1110(1;/1 /'111/:. Hr/I n1nr11//l.(I!/ Pl lJl/IUll'!J, V 1fl'("- 14H.~, Uy AHT ll UR R. Vl /\'.S EL 01 lhl D•il y P\lof SllH There is more to the story than J\luch 1norc. tha t. F11•c years ago t~ay. In the r,..n<ling cra . .:;h of glass and metal and the bonf'· hrC'aking 11npt1 ct of a ca r hilling :i rnacl11'<1y dividrr, life began lea ving Shari Can1a r;1ta . Tod;iy \l'J~ h1'r funeral. II th::.-human spi rit has colrir, !he 1\111 t'l hr!' musr he lhr blur par!. l hc la~t ll(•rtc hill!' glow before thr J l<1 1n~ goes 11111 1'hr :1t1r;1cl11·r ~oung di1•oreC'c \1·:.is r1d1ng \\'1th two other girls on Oct. Ii , 1964, v.'hcn their car went ouL or <·anl rol and hurled he r into lhc \Vorld of the d1sab!ed. l•'rlends, rela tives ;:ind a onc-tirne !iunce. could proba bly tell the li ttle anrr- dotcs that add life to an .account ol her last five ye ars, bul they Wf're. at hrr fune ral. Horribly injured in the .au1o er.ash, ~h;iri spen t the firc<;l few \vecks of hc>r last fil'e years at Oak Park C.:ommunlt y , LONG FIGHT ENOS Sl'if!ri Came1ra t11 J ln.,pit al In Los Angeles. lier 1n1ur1cs read .al most li ke an :\Utopsy report: broken neck, pelvis, hip, IC'g .•• not to mention the: lacerations and bruise~ which would eventually tical. A slring of niajor :c.urg!cat operations Seve11tl1 Letter D1~ops In Bacliu1g Tidela11ds Fees •·rm :imalcd that you hal'e received no letters (ron1 the vast rnojori!y of Newport rc~1dcnt:; 1vho c;i n·t afforrl 10 l1vr on tile baylrrn1l," l\1rs. Gerald c·. l l ;iyr~ .:;;i1d in a lellcr triilay ta i\r\\'J'IOl"l Jh·a~h \"1ec J\layor Lindsley Parsons. \Ir". ll n.vro;, of 2j2·1 Holly 1 .. 1nc. 1o1·;i o: ~!'ICa~ing :ibout the \ :;;;\ 1 nl111nc of !"(\r· rr~pnndl·n1·r p1'0tf'~l1ng the ("nnlro\cr~i<i l lrrlf'lanc!" 11~c lcr prnpos<i l Sn fnr. 1h" :tnl1fe,.. l<'l tr>r~ lnl ;rl 1.m. ~<·1 er brforr h:is r1t~• hall recc11 cd th:it nian.y ll'tters nn :i .~111~lr. 1~ur llut :\1rs. Ha.\·t's 1~ \1-rong . The 1·1!y ·1i:is rr,..,..11 l'f! l!'tlrr~ 1n s11 pp~•rl of tllr !t·t'. too. llrr lrltrr. 111 fatl, 1~ the srl'rnth. So that °., hilrdly :i 1~,nf'. Rut Jl 1 ~ a r1r· l>il' 111 her lrllC'r, t-.lrs Ha.1rs :-pC'ak~ l<lr the · :-.1!1'nl ni.aJrir11y ·• ~he flescribrs thr1n a~ t111:i.r·n~ ··who~r onlv <rct•c.~s 10 thn t l\1\ t·l v 1h.rrl>nr1 ;,ifO''l 1 ~ \.'i<i a m1n1~cule s1rt•rl t;nr t vr 1Jnc or lhf' Inn fe1v O\'C'rl'rn1o1dC'd bcru ·hr~ lh:it h~11 " h<'cn i;rudg1ni::ly pr('scr\'Cd lnr u.~ ,ind 011r l'hilrlrrn. and \1•ho 1hro11gho11l thr yf':ir.-; have been confr on ted ll'1l11 1hc 'priv:ilr. property' and 'no !rcsp11ss1ng· sign~ \Vhich ba r us frorn thosr so vrrv ex· elusive possessions of !he pr1vflegcd wh ic h actually rneroach 011 ;ind eli n1inate ii portion of our public tidelands .·• That"s a v<'ry Jong anrt involvr1! .<;.en· lcnr·e, 1\l rs. !l<iycs concedes, '"bul I hope. 1t exprcs.~es rny ad111iralion fo r the stan1l 11•li1th yau h;11·e taken. ancl the f<iel that on,.. local taxpayrr and vntcr supports .\'011r pns111on" ~hf C'UncllldC'~ bv ~ .. \ 1:;g ... he "t'<l!l°l lirl1t'1r" 1 11.~1 ~f·1.,prir1 ·~ p1rr nwn rr!ii rf'~e rll bring ask!'d to pny \11r. .~111all t ~x or r,•1'. T~c propni;cd fcC' i~ $1 ;1 1•rri r for f'a rh foot of bft;it slip. That averages out t:) abnut $30 per p1 t:r. On Nov. in. t"nuncihnrn 11·111 hnld <1n(1thrr public he:ir11 1~ on th\' i~M1e. T11'(l \\Crks J:1tcr. the rrqu1re1! lrg1sln!!on "'Ill 111~ 11p fnr fnrm;1l ;1rlnpt1nn As of. no11 . ;, .i.:\ rnunc1l m:iJ lrtty f:l\·or~ it . And ,; i.Jll·7 lf'ltr1'·l'r1t1ng 1n:iJori1y op- pn~;r~ It . ,.,,,,,.,~ ltlarkef• NE\V \'ORK (AP\ -l11e stock mar4 ;;rt drifted lo a modest Jo.ss in moder· <t!rly :ict ive lrading late this afternoon. tSre quotations, Pages 10-11 ). and skin grafts follo\Yed -requiring 24 ht)Uf n1cdic:il supervision -al one point C'osting $80 per day, and friends opened thf' Shari C:imnrata F11nd. lier insuran<'c 1vas gone. Tl1c treasury 1vhich cventuall}' hit S2.000 ant'I n1orc \\'as maintained al lhe l1.S. N:tli~na l Ba nk Bran rh. whrrc she 11 ork cd bcfnrc !ife came to one kind of an Crlfl. The helpl ess young 1voman \\'as finally transferred to Rancho Los Amigos Hospita l in Downey, a special facility wh ere some patients consider those with n1otorizcd v.·heelchair3 among the agile ones. Shari had no use of her arms or Jeg~ thrn. and life consisted of an almost C'n1!lt!SS chain of days, light into dark , <lark into light, and sc<ison into season. 1'hf' people closest to Shari y,•ere at 11<'11-Broadv.·ay Mortuary today. with 111nr<' i1nport:int business Jl('rhap~ than passing on to others the hrighl ~pols tha l <"<'rta1nl y must lu11·c come over !he years. One or th em wo11!d obvio usly have been :'I return to the fa 1nilv home at 1621 Mesa !)ri\"f'. Santa Ana l:leights, but her af- ll1ction still required period i c hr)SJli t<i Ii za t ion. She w.is admitted to Costa ~lesa l\lcmorial llospltal less than two week:-. ag:i, and on Oct. 14, the spark finally 1vent out, Jong, long after it began dim· ming. Some might say othen\'ise, but Sharl Can1ara\.d knew v.·hat she \\'antld -life -and lihe fought for it, nearly five years, and every day \\'BS a viclory. Chancellor Tells Hozv He'd Rule On ~1 i.ss .Davi.s UC Irvine Ch:incellor Danil'I G. Aldrich ,Jr. said today he would not fear to hire Angrl a Davis if university rules permit- lrrl 11.. lie said in his personal opinion her n1rn1bcrshi ri in the Communi!it party should not be reasnn no t to hire her. Jlov.·ever, prcscnl University rules prrclu<lr it. he said. The disl.incl1on he rl· aws between ho1q he ""'ould h;i1·c l() :lcl no1v, and how he \1·nuld act 1f the bar on hiring Con1· n1unisrs ,,,,·ere ciropprd, he says t'xplains 1vhat he admits might see m to be a con4 tra rtictinn in his public ~tatt'.'menLs. This \1•cek he y,·as asked d:rectly at a S:inla An;i Kiw anis Club meeting if he 11 nuld hire ~1t5S Da\·is, and he replied, "Lord, res " Tll'o 1\•ccks ago the chancellor y,·as a!"~ !'d :ibout Angrla Da1•1s at a Nc1o1•porl ll:rrbor C'ha rnber of Commerce meeti ng. (l11 th;1t (IC'CilSIOTl he ·s:1id · "II. Is Vl'ry rlcar. Con1munists are not lo b~ l'mpl11yrd in the University of 1":il1 fornia . The only thing to dn i~ to get rid rif thrn1, :ind that has been done." Sricaliing lo 1hc Sant a Ana Kiwanians, Aldrich W<1s saying he would not be afraid to hire f\1 iss Davis if fibe were an (See ALDRICH, Page Z) 11. ·what govcrnrncnl has done u1 1hese past) nine months -not jusi 011r words, ul our cieeds." Nixon said. "And I am ~king U1cm to make the ir O\\'n future Jans on the ba!iiS of \Vorkin~ ;ind selling 1 a country that is not fooling abnut owing do1o1·n the rise in I.he cost. of \iv· 1g." Statewilk Reversal Li-1,ely Btit ••• !-Jo1ncco 1ni11g Set Por Sai lor.~ > ' lit Plaza Mall > > : Newport Harbor i-ligh Schoo I · 3 umocoming celebrants v.·ill dance Satur4 ~y night in an out-0f·the.ordinary place. •They will have U1e.ir annual semi· !rmal rlancc in a shopping cen!er - )'ul h Coast Pl11 ta. In the indoor mall. 1Thc 9:30 p.m. :i ff air will h<' held afler :nsi nE! lime near !he ma ll 's lw~story •untain . !Be.side~ dancing ::it I.hr shopping center, . ;:ins call f:ir a roy:il procession of the ~·rnecomi ng quren ;i nd her court. The ,1ee n 1o1·ill be c'rownrd f"rida y nli;t:hl. dur. •t: the loolhall gn1nl' \\'1th \\'rsln1in~tr.r ~1,gh S:-hnol. I J -Photograph~ of fo rm!'r homecom ing 1ecns. CJF 1rnph1cs .. vrarbooks and rilpbooks will br nn display at the .:dter4 unc rcccptian 111 !he schoo l social hall rrt111y nighl. I Iltlth alumni and 51uricnt ~ arr y,•rle:nmc the ('V('t~. UCI Profs OK Student Senate Seats By TJIO,\IAS FORTUNE t·c Irvine profcs.c;ors voted 33 lo 13 al ;in Academic Sen ate meeting Th11rsday II) <od1nit students lo me1nbershi11 in the Sena te, the facul ty deli berali\'e body. It is an action they figure will be too radical lo be swallowed by professors at Berkeley and other UC campuses and in all likelihood wi ll be struck down by the statewide Academic Assembly. The Irvine ca mpus plan is lo admit one student me1nbcr for every fi 1'e facul\y members belonging to the. Academic Scn2te. A mnlion to submit the proposal In all 2i'.l UCI rii culty members by mail ballnl 11':is narrowly defeated by the ;'lbo1.1t 60 pr·1!essors present. Afte r passing il s intention lo admil stu· dent members, the Senate recessed f0r one week 1o1·he11 \vays of choosing the stu- dent inembcrs ancl find in~ mr:ins or h·gally givini: them the vote v.·ill be discusMd. A couplt olhf'r UC taml'J'llllf"f }\a"e tnaclr studrnls Senate rcprcscnta111·cs ,,11hout \'Oling privilege . Atl vocates of the lr·.ine plan want to go further and make the 20 percent student members lull nirmbcrs with voting rights. Assl.~1ilnt Professor of l\1athrmati cs l"rank Can nonito said <'IS he read the VC regents' Standard Orders they 5ay who may be members of each campus' AcadC'mic Senate but not who may not. He said it rlearly was the inten tion of !he. persons \Vho drew up the stRtu\.es to :;pcclfy who c<;hall become a Senate menibcr but that they left a loophole. "It is my contention we have Lhe machinery lo vote in Eldridge Cleaver or James Utt 1! we wanted to," he said . ll owcvcr. Professor of I:: I e c l r i t a I Engineering Aron Physics Nathan Rynn ~aid he was told this week by a UC \ice president that he does nnt rcRard Can· nonito"s argument a valid argument. "I \\•alked away with the feeli ng the n1l ing :i lrear!y has been made against u-." Rynn said. C.'hairman of the UCI Academic Scni1te Tl•·rn<ird Gelbaum said the head of lhP. 1·nivcrsit0;-wlde nUc.s corom1Lt.ee could not counter Cannonito"s argumrnl with the printed word. ''The opposit ion is fnundcd on comrnon law ;ind long·stand· Jn~ practice." he said. "I think this will grind its \Vay up the fitatc machinery and eventually to Ule regents ," Gelbaum said. In a r g u i n g for admitti ng student members, Associate Professor of Psycholog y John Wallace said, "Do you w:int chaos at our front door? We ·arc raced wilh the necessity or change. We 1hould do it ntlW while we .are not in a !UflCl'heated situation." 'fhe proposal lo admit 5ludcnl.'ll as Academi c Sena1c members arose out of i;lud<'nt protest la st school year over the t hreatened chsmissal of lhree assistant professor.~. one of whom was reinstated and promoted to tenure. (A first con· c:!ision lo the students had been granting thffil privilege or !he !loor lo speak in Senate debate.) Associate Professor of Spanish Julian P<11\ey. chairman of a commlllee Uiat cmc.· up with the sturlrnt membership orowsa!. ur~d faculty memhers t.o for onrc become radicals. ··We're asking you to question one or lhl" <,lrles t university teneU," he said, "to lel the stud ents join us in decision mak· ing. We're proposing they contribute to deci~ions regarding curricula and person- nel. Of course students would not have control." lie said the faculty was not really being radical but conservative, in the 1ense of r.r,..scrving ils freedoms, in ill: Angela Davi~ resolutions. A week ago the. UCI pro(CMM'! voted O\'Crwhelmingly to seek an tnjuncUon. 11ga1nst the Board of Regent.I far alleged- ly overstepping their bounds In removing <'redlt. rro1n a course taught by Miss Davis. Tr:e faculty foll nwed that up v.·lth tv.·o new rcsolulions Thuniday. Without dissent, they voted to tncour•se con- 1rlbution ln a fund to defray MW Davis' legiu expenses and to resolve that "no political test ()I' mere membership In any organization shall ever be coosidt!red in 1he apporntmenl. . .or any faculty member ••• " Today's Flnal N.Y. Stocks TEN CENlS ere County, 5 Cities Agree On Project By JOllN \'AL TERZA 01 1119 D•ll, l'llot S!llf In a precedent-se lling meeting Thur!· da~·. representatives from the Orange Coast's fi ve cities, eount y departmcnll and super visors agreed on a ty,·a.-yeat project to dr;ift a master plan for the en· lire cou11ty shoreline. Accord on the plan wa s unanimous at the conference in the Harbor District'! conference roorn in Newport Beach. 'The endorsement, however, still needt a more official flavor, the represen. tative.s agreed . The planning officials of the five cit)es will take information on the two-phase structure of the rnastcr plan work back to their re spective cities for a more firrD commitment. Aft er tbat , the real \\'Or-k will begin, That shou ld start Oct. 30 in a v.·orkshop ml'cting at the old County Courthouse in Santa An<i. when~ the aides from fi\'!! ei!1e~ will begin to study the two-year project. In the interim county planning person4 nel \1•ill furnish proposals for the shoreline plan to the individual cities for new sugge stions on what should be ~ght from consultants. County Planning Director Fore !I t Oickason outlined the program as 4 •·very important , far-reachin g function." "The first thing ~·e will need is su1• gestions from each of the cities abou t what should be included in instructions to <1 cansult;i nt," he said. He said the projcc\'3 fi rst phase will need donated personnel fro m ea ch city for plann ing work, possible Iin11ncing and a prospectus design for the second phast , That shou ld take a year, he said. In the second phase, be said, con- C'lusions about specific areas .of the genera! plan should be drafled. Dickason asked the group for unofficiaJ sentiment about the seeking of federal funds for pay ing for some of the studies. Unofficially, the group agreed to the Idea. A master plan for regional parlts II\ Orange County already exists, Dickason (1utlined, bul matters dealing with the' ~horeline are not included. "Once thi.~ study is completed, then we 1\·ill be able lo plug it into the existin1 p:i rki plan," he said. "I must stress the uniqueness of lhls projcel. \\'e honestly ferl that if it sue .. 1·r~sful. and we all "''Ork togeU1er on it, the collaborative effort between cities and a cou nty \\'Iii receive national at- tention." he 6aid. Dickason stressed th.at the coa!>llin« provides the greatest resource to lhfl county, thus a master plan is long overdue. An other factor lrading to Immediate: y,·:irk on the plan i.~ lhe allocation by ct1ur.ty supe r,•isor!'i of $1 mill ion to a new fund for beach acquisition. lie said th at money already ha ~ been set aside for consultant fees for the shnreline plan wo rk. "The first thing v.·e ha\'t: tn dn is agree (See SHORE, Page ZI Speeder llit by Auto BUFFALO. N.Y. (AP) -Miss Ellen Danker, 21 , a college student of Albany, N.Y .• °"·as slopped by state troopers CO. day for speeding, police said. She emerged from her ca r nnd w4s st ruck and killed by a pas & i n.1 automobile. Orange Coast Weather Cloudy skies and light winds shape up as the weekend plo- ture along the Orange Coast, with temperatures still ranging around the seventies. INSIDE TODA V If you lhink Shta Stadium 1nent wild Thursday when the Mets captur11d the World Strits. you sliould hovg seen ~fanlla.t· tan, Page 5. ..... " ,,. ...... , ........ " , ..... "". ' Jl91111!111 N-. •• (Multi.I »~ o ..... '"""' • (-k• » .,,..Ito 1'"111' " (,...,_,. • .", .. .....,.. ,, .. DMltl Htollcn • ·-.. n DI,.. rut • "'" ..... 1•11 lflltri.I P-• Tll'e¥1..._ n IRltrflilllMlll 2S-ll ........ ... .. l ... fte• 1 .. 11 ·-• ~-.. ..... -11'9 • ·~· l.-. " --lS.11 ,,. ..... • ·-,.., ,,...i,, n-• -----~----"'.""""-----------------------------.. ·~ • OA.ll V PILOT Air Pollution Stirs Wrath at Smog Session B~~ T!ft.!~ .T2~!Lt Nuclear enrrp wa1 hailed Wednud1y A S the fulure solution to air pollution by three Callrorn!a g.;is and electric utililies -but not for eight to ten ~ea r:.. The lack eif an 11nrned 1ate so!ut1on, however, broughl a ba rrage of eri t1cism upon the u!ili.!..ies lro111 n1 en1hcrs or the sf.ate E nvironmental Quality Study Coun· C'il meellng Jtl ~l en1or1a l l!u!I. Hu11l1ngto11 Beach. Cen!rr or !he curren1 w ntroversy 01·er air poll ution has been the announced ln· tentlon of Sou Lhe rn Californi a Edison Company to double the siu of its 11un· tington Beach l)O'A'er plant. Council members did oot atlack the Huntington Beach plant solely, but made Protest it clear they opposed further fos&Jl fuel ( u op poled to nuclear l power plants in an y heavy 11moa aru. The council does not have the power to halt EdiiOfl con- t.t ruction, but ii.!. recommeodallo1u; fro1n Wednesd.ay'A hearings may haYe lar rr:ach1ng influence on the future uf power plants in California. Testi mony was hea rd in the afternoon from San Diego Gas and i-:leclrlc Co nl· pany and Pac1l1c G11s and Electric Con1· pqny (PG&E) as well as a few furth<'r comments from l·:d1son representatives Spoliesinen for the three utilities Cited high cost, loo many governing agencies and public opposition as the reasons for not moving rapidly into the nuclear power plant field. Albert Pearlson, a Beverly llllls at· Opposed Poll Finds !l1 ast Against !l1 oratorium !\E\V 'YORK IUPll -A majority of Americans polled fol lo111ng the na11.1nii l n1ora tor1uJn day were unsyn1pa tht>tic to !hr a nti~·ar demonstrations and an e1•en larger percent.age endorsed Preside11t ~iixon's Vietnam policies, ii wa s rcpor!ed !t>:l'1y. ~1nc1linger & Co., ll 1narket1ni; :ind ori· nion research organization in \"nr wo:Kl, Pa .. conducled the survey by tele phone Thursday. 1he day after !he moratoriun1 t>bservancc, questioning 995 throughout the country. f.losl of those questioned \1ere <1ver 25. The firn1 said that of the 78.6 percent ''•h:> knl':\v about moratorium day. 57.~ percent thought il \lo'as "an overall bad idea," 31.7 percent thought it 11·as an "overall good idea" and '10.9 percent had no opinion. Asked "'·heth er lhev helievt.d "Presi· 11ent Nixon is doing 811 ne can to settle the v.•ar in Vietnam ," 68.5 percent said .l'e.~. 29 percent said no and 10.6 percent ha d no opinion. 'T'his was a rise ln support for Nixon·s Vietnam policies since a similar Sind· linger poll conducte d in September. Jn tl1at poll 61.5 percent of those questioned su pported Nixon on Vietnam and 23.3 per· crnt thought he could do more. The support did not however reach thr le\ el of a Sindlinge r poll in June wh('n 12 pcrcenL backed Ki xon and only !3.4 pe r· cen t thought he could do more to end 1he wa r. Albert E. Sindlinger, pr esident. of the firm, said ii 11·as signifi cant that the percentage of persons "'ilh no opini on dropped from 23.3 in September lo 10.6 in the latest poll . "I th ink the moratorium actually solidified support for Nixon," he said. "The people ~·e qu estioned "'ere more vocal on this than on any sur vey we ha1·e ever done before." l1·vi11e, New1lo1·t Studies Launcl1ed Nea1· Bacl\: Bay lrvine Co. execut11·es, cit y planning aides and the city's Parks and Recreallon Com mission nrxl Tuesday "·ill begin iron ing oul specific details of a huge prn- pascd communtly and commcrr1 al corp· ple.x for l ,000 person' easl ~f Newpor~ Ce nt.er. Detail~ of the proposed de\;e\opment , \\'htch will include h1 gh-~1sc buil<hngs, golf courses and recreati<in 11nd con1· me rc1al structures. arc ool tomplete. But il ha!i been conf irmed tha t the entire rJf'\'elopment is planned for about 400 ."lcres bordered bv Jamboree. f Jrd and 5an Joaquin H.1lls. Roads and !'ltacAr!hur Boule,·ard. Plans for the de 1'elopn1enl firm's gol( course and clubhouse 11•ere made public earl y last sumn1er. The golf cour se is ex pected !o co1 rr nbout 161 acrc~- !ncl uderl 1n the t arly proposals 1~ ;i five-acre par~ donated b~· the !inn lo the Cl\\'. i·he <1crca ge of lhe park exceeds minimums set by the city, c::in1m1 ssioners Ra nch Progr a n1 Di scuss ion Se t "Agrir·dtu ral ne .... e\opmcnl on tnc 1~·1ne R<inrh" 11111 be discussed hy \\'il!~am J. \\'1ll1ams ;;1 Tuesday 5 lun· fheon mct11ng ot the Ora11gc Coa5t Y~l CA E:<ec11t11·r rlub. Thr a:i~oc 1at1on <•f n10re th<in .100 Oran{:c Coa.~t c11 1zc11~ which liUp port:;; ~·011111 r<rv~r:im~ 1n ll1e Har bor Arra n1reL~ for l1111chcn11 al 1hc Y:'l!C',\. 2.10fl rn11·f'r~1ty Dt11·e, '.\r\1por1. Bc:i1:h , r:ith 'T l](•;,d;-.1 i-rir 1ntormat 1on. call 6~2. ~'.JO . DAILY PILOT flllt.IGl Cl)ASl "IJl l 1~><1!01) toiU'AIN I oli•" N. Wool. •rT•lfl~t ..... ,..,.i,,~ .. Joo~ I Cw•lov v.u "'h '11'f•J .,, c;o.,,, ............. , T ~o"'"' 11(,,.,1 [d•IO' T~o .. •• A M ~,.,h;•t ........... £0, ... , J,,0 .... f . Cr tli~1 "''"'""'' ~ .. ", C••1 E~ •or H ... ..,, h11ell Offiu 11 \1 Wt ol l1!b•• •e~IOY I'"' M1ili11f J.llth111: ,,o. 1., ll l!i .11 ••1. Ori..r OM,•• CMll M<u J:MI WU• t o• S°'t!I LI_. l ite•· n1 '""" ,..., • .,, .......... IOn llKI\ JOI !•~ l l•U I lcarnrd last 11·ce~. Green bells. te nnii:. courts, s"·imm ini: pools and a clubhouse are aiso proposed /or the co mplex. Spokesmen for !hr Jr1·i nc Company promlsed more rxplicit details on lhc proj ect later th is fa ll. Thev said that, before final plans a11d ~11ec1fic<11ions arc sci. honr-nf n1r,,ti11!!~ hrt11ccn [rv:ne reprcsen1;i !n·es ,111d r1ly .'c:1:1ff will lake place . rro1n Page I SHORE • • • r1n r·ur i ns!n1c1lon~ .and de~i res fnr ;i Cl'ln· tUl!ant, then selei.:l hinl alter that." lie said. Tne pla n, he explained ," ill IX' a highly co111 prchens1,·e documcn1 "\\'c \\'il! exami ne e'eryth1ns dealin,;: \\1th the shorclin~ -and 11"111 be a ma r- 11!1gr, so to :-peak, of plannin g for reg1011al par ks 111 the in terior area~. h~rt"1r~. hl'afhrs and othrr co;i~thne areas_ \\'c 111ll lnrludc r1 cr~· <i~pcrt. in· cl •1•'.1ng n1atters deah ns \\Ith offshore <!r.!l1ng. mineral cxploit;i!ion, land-fill 'nnrrpts, salt-irater intrusi on, ) ou nan1e 1:, ' IJickason sanl The off1tials a!tcnd1ng U1r al1('rnno11 ~t \~loll ,.,.err ;: ... n11c1h Sa1np~n11. d1rl'l'tor nf countv harbors, bcach('s and par ks, John t\1llc!c>r, r xtcut11e. a~s1stant to ~u!M'rvi~or Alto n E. Allen. Ken Reynolds. Jlun11nglon Hc<H'h pl;innlng d\rec tor. Toni SC'rcrn!'>', dcrrlnp111rn1 coordinato r lnr llunl111gton Br:ich . \'111ce :.!Of1rhou.~c. rhref'!l}r of harbors and bcncht·s r11r llu11t1ngto11 Hrach , Pelc ;\loorc, a.~s 1st<1n! ! o ~upcr\'isor Da vid Bak E'r: Gl'nc Schu ltr. c.ssociatr plannt r !or San Clemente; Dirk Ahlman, dlrl'clor or bu ilding and pla nn1n~ for San Cle1nente : Al Autry, La{:un11 Beal'h city planner : Chris l\hngrr, chai:-m;in of op?r3\\on~ fur H:i rbor~. 13eal'hcs and Parks for OranJ!c County, f);i ren Crnlh prinr1 p;il pl<anncr f«r '.\e1\port Beach. D1rkason. and Dork Hornclln, pr111c1p:i l planne r lrir Orani::c Lou nty. ~4 BC Tali<'.~ Le<1<l In Boob Tube Vieive r l~atings NEW YORK f.<\P) -ABC gritbbtd firsl place in the t-iielsrn 70.city television raUngs tod ay and took the f ir~l th.rec spols in U1e top 10. ABC knocked NBC into third place and CB~ came in serond . The ratings battle this season has been lhe tightest in many year~. NBC won the tlrst t1''0 v.·eeks and ABC and C,BS Sr'esawed for s'cond place Thi? ratings period is 01'! 6-12 and th,. :-urvt>y rtprest'nts onl y lhr urban area ~ nf u~ .. country . rn the full nalion31 suf\cy du\? Monday, CBS possibly could mo\'C fn· lo first bt<:au5e of its sLrcn gth in the 111ral areas. The highe~I rRted shO"' "'J~ th" Al3C T\1ovle of !he \\leek, "The 0 1'er The. Ifill Gang.'' \ornt y and membe r of the Quality Coun· ell , cited •·fresh air" as the reason for nuclear power or some other clean power, immMi&trly. Wednesday, the Edison Company released an a11noune('1nrrll cla1n1111g 1l had d1scovt'red a n1clh cld to redut'e the nll rogeu o;i.:1tie 1 pri1ne supplier of sniogl rmi~sions by 40 percent, even \\•ith the proposed e:o;pans1on. The Edison rel ease .'aid this 11·oulll 11ctur by new engineering and grad11<1! reduction in the usr ol the Hunt111gton Beach plant in future years. Pearlson, howe~·er. quizzed a chemist from PG&E, and drew an .:idmissio11 fr on1 h1 n1 tha t in his opinion , "the l·A· pansion or fossll fuel plants docs br1n~ more smog and that there is no known U,.1 ToloPl'lt!t NEW RESERVE CHIEF Arthu' f . Bu rns Ni'\'.011 to Nan1 e Burns Reserve Board Chairman \\'ASH!r\G TON (AP) -Prrs1dcnt '\r.;· nn 11nnouncl'<t !O{Jav he 11·1!1 non1u1;11c \\'hi!e l/nusc aide Arth ur F. Burns to rrpt<it·e \\'llllarn f\lcChes ney J\larll n Jr as cha irman of the Fede ral R"cscrvc Board. Burns, a 65-ycar-old econom ist born 1n Aus tria, iA to talil' over the top JOb in the nauon·s centra l bank next Jan. JI \.\'hen J\larlin·s tcrn1 expires. ,\larl1 n. \\'ho 1.~ 62, ha " ser1rd nn 1111· 1,'c•h'r<il Heser"c Board :.ince 19:)1 ,\ lnr111er president or the Ne1v York Stock £.>;cha nge, Martin Jong ha s bct>n rc~ard· C':l 111 f1 nanc1al circles arounrt ll\(' globe a~ a .\\'1Tlbol nt sou nd nione.r. Hurn,t, \1·ho 11'as chairn1a n of 1hc Coun. c'd nf E:co no rnic Advisers during much of !11(' L1~cnlio1>1•e r ar!n1inistration. has beeo ~l·r1111i; ~1nce Janu;Jry as cnunselor tfl i\1\111\. \\'h1lr. House pre~~ secreta ry Ronald L. z1,,glrr said he did not know al this poinl 11 hcthrr another counselor would be nan1- rd or whether the position. created by f\1xon. would be di~)'>Cnsed with. As counselor, Burns ha s ht-en a key presidentia l ach·1~C'r 1n !he fonnulat ii;in of <lomcst1c pollr~·. 1:.k1ng an ac1i1·e inter est Jn e1:onon1ic 11\dliC'r-; L!kl' ~larl111 . hr is cuns1d('rrrl <ln rconom1c con:-.er\·a1•vr Formally. Burns 1~ be ing nom1natrd Ill hr a n1e111brr of the Fedrral Beser l'a Board but i\'ixon said fnllowin,!! ('Xf){'Ctr<l ropf 1rm<ltinn bv thr Sen;:rtl'. 11~ 11nvld !!t"Slf:flil1E' BurnS as t'ha1rin an .A.LDRI Cll ... :1ppl1(':1nl lor ;t L'Cl f.1t'Ulll' po<1!1nn anrl ,1\1·rp1;il/le !O !hP flfOle:.~nf5 jtHJgtn g lif'r ;ir11 dr1n1c qual1!1ca!ions In lus cnrnn1en l ~ 10 1hc l":rw prir ! lfr•rhor Ch amber. /.ldrirh 11a:; ~1n1plv ttllin~ wh;it linh rr~!ty rule~ are no\1' and nnt hi:;; personal op1niDn of \l'h;it they !!houlrl be. Rul hy limiling hi~ an~wer 1n "It is IE'I")' (•lr:ir ... 1hc nnlv lhin,c: lo rln i.~ to f;"l nd nf 1hr111 , , ' he lrlt thr in1· prrs~1on he ogrrrs 1111h rhe bar nn Coin· 11111111.q~, B11l st1h~eq11cn1ly hr \\'<I S p1nncrl d1'llrn h~ •he ~t11dcnt nr1r~pa pt·r on 11 hcther he differs \11ith his fa culty n1en1bcrs in their Acadcmfe Senate \'Ole . Aldrich 1hcn i::al'e !he 11·'10\c ans\\·cr. in- t·l11r!ing l11s-prrsona l orinl{l!l tllut tl1f'rr 111c1ntrcr~hi p in !l1e C0n1111un1!it 1';1 r1 y ~hul1lc! not be suf11c1cnl rea11011 no t to hire a i <i~uHy n1r1nbcr. llr ;ibo i:;a1·e 1hat ani;wer 1n lhe Santa Ana l\1wanl ans. l'.:xpla111ing his position , l\ldrich in an in:er\·1cw said: "Behi:een 1950 and 1969 a lot hAS laken place. Que:;\1ons ha l'e been raised abo11t wh at 1t n1eans lo ~ a Con1munist, "'he!her they actually are interested in the overthro1Y of our govern1nenl. The California and U.S. Supreme Court have ruled that prople ca n talk but until they art 1hey <1re not 10 be deni ed rights. "In !he f'\'t'n! U1e regents• rule is shown to be illegal." Aldrich said, "!he n the 1s~ut' c-orncs do"·n 1n delrrn1i11ing "hat ar~ the prr~on·i; qua!ifi c:itlons Thi.\ ~ill h<:n e_ 10 ht 1!r1r.rmlned in rach ca~" Thr chancellor ~:lid lal:lf'ting someone 11 Communi~t "is the san1e as da1nnins anyon e for bei ng a this or <1 that. There .ar~ all kind~ of thises and that~.'' He said that wa.1; ~ cssenc(' of hi ~ p1"11nt on !he hi ri ng of SDS leadt'r f-.11k" Kri~n1an to an ;idmin islrnti vc po~l. •·J knc"' fllike as an indh·idilat," he said. way tD reduce it.'' Stale ;.11,emblyman Jo.tll't V. J rlu 11 (R· Fullerton), chalrm11n of the Legislature'a J oi nt Committee on Atotnic 0('1 elopn1cnt and Spa ce. gave a br tcl report on fln· dings reached by his ca1nr111ll1·i'_ Son1e concl usion~ Driggs sa1tl -The higgest probeln1 i.~ t.he 11eetl for r lcan air beinit hon1pcred by public fe:.r ol n1i c!ear pDl\'er. -l.:1r k nr roor<l111at 1un an1011i.; agt"1t 1e_s dralinb 11'1lh the lll1ll !v 1xi11 cr pl<in(~ -A rice<! for prf'-planning, t:01H.:er11 1ug !hr plal'ing ol po11 cr pla nts. Nuclear power 111 smog free. ~air . -Ilf.<l1er education needed tn the sta le on nuclear po11•er an d the necess ity for lt. Ori!!:gs concluded that "there is no way 11 c can stay a1>1'ay frorn JlO"'rr regulation on 1he sta le level" Pearlson, Or. Frank J. Tyaen, USC ,.-:o\ogist and Dr A. J. Haage nSmit, Cal tech srienlist. all or the Qua1lty Coun- cil. expressed full su pport for pre plan. n111g ;:u1d stut c regulat1011 on the po\\'er pl:1111 s, S;i1~! 1l:iai:enSm1t. ''I do feel an rn1 11 v 111ust be re~ricu1s1btc !or reserv111g lane( sites for prnl'cr pla11\.<, " · 'fhe counc il i'lt~o hcu nt a plea froin Frank .\!. S1ra1!. E11v1 ron rnt•nl~1 I :'ll a1111~e n1cnt C:onsult ;in\, lo establis h ii pl 1u1 for land use, wlirch wou!d llU'ect the future l\l'01'.1 h of Cal1fornit1 to certa111 areas \'lllh respc1:t fo r the best USI' Of lnnJ , The Qua h1 y Council ler1ninated its hr.arln j.! with statements fro1n several 111rml·rrs of !he audirn('e , .111 of \11hom oppo~cd expansion of Edi~orl's lluntinh· Vietna111 e se Fire A way Ion Beach plan&. Costa Me3.1 Clty Cauncilm an W11li1m St. Clair declared, "our elty ls no1v cl ear, cool and tic.a n. "1e <lon ·1 wunt 1t p;ill id, poisonrd and polllltcd " His declar,1t1on \l'as disputed by J:: t.. :O.larsh, a Costa i\!esa resident who l'ia1d, "\Ve_.re alrc<1d,v dctcnor.'.l!111g tro111 1he sn1og produced b.v Ed ison. \\'c have. /'{'<lt'ht·d Cl StHgC \\ lirre 11.'s lllOl'C llll· 1>or1<Jnt to r!o wit hout power tlnin put ir1 th<it plant " Along that line. Tysen wonde red lt perhaps American s shou ldn 't b '-' reeducated to realize that while they arc cleaning their teeth with an elec tric 100111 !)rush, I.hey n1ay be po llut ing the air !ron1 J>O"'er. Russian ·'Spy Ship Chased SAIGON (J;Pl ) - A South Vietnam esP Navy shi[l today fired on a suspected Sov iet spy vessel uff the norlhrrn eoa~t and chased il into international waters, allied military sources reported. The Sov iet i;hip, apparently a trawler, was hi l by at least one shell but con- tinued on its "·ay into the South Chi na Sea and the extenl of damage 11·as not dctcrn11ned . the sources saal. 1'10 An1erican ships were 111..,.o lved in tile inc:iden!, the US. Command said 111 an o!· Jic1al staten1ent. A South Vietnamese spokesn1an did no l identify the ship a~ Russian. ~a y1ns 1n a ~ta !ernen\ that ".:i foreign .ship. pol'.~lbly a iypc> of ~PY ship, has 11nlatcd lhe sea hClrder of IJa NHng." The spo).:cs1nan saal the V ictn an1c~e nHl'Y rC'ccived orders to pursue I.he vessf'I 11t1l uf Vietnainesc \\'atcrs. Da Nang, South Vll•tn;i rn'» sc('nnd lilrgr~t rlt;,. l'l located abnu1 3Hll nllle.~ nu1·1h:::i~t llr :-ia1 gv11 It 11 :ls no l Jl lHned1a l('IV dcter rn1ned ho1·. fa r off thE' Vietnamese coast tJ1t in- ~'iden! occurred . !nforn1ed allied source.~ said the So\' Je t ship 11 as she lled only al· Iverson Wins Approval Of Newport Auto Shop Nc\\·porl Beach p la n n I n g c61n· 1niss1011ers Tl1ursd;iy n1ghl tinaniinou5ly arpro1-rd a ne1v ... Chick ll'crson fore ign auto sJJes and ~er•·1ce agenc~'· Iver.sun long-111nc Harbor Ar C' ;i Volkswagen dealer. told pla nners he "·ants to rcn1od el an ahandoned auto ;:rgency build ing <it 'JOO \Vr~t Coasl Jl1gh11•ay, opposlle the Balboa Bay Club. Appro11a l by planners means the nld !';lructure -formerly o"·ned by Johnson :'llotors -will be. ren1odeled, lhe one·acre ~111• l"Cltnplelcly rcdrsigncd. lafl"'Jscapcd and •·srnerally upgracted ." ~aid l11erson. !1·erson , "'ho ~·on the New·pnrl Harbor Cha1nbe.r of Com1nerce·s Bcauliflcatlon ,\11·;i rcl for Ills Volh ~11:ii:en a~enr~ at .u:. ~~ Coa~I ll1,i:hw;1y. ~.uil !hr nC1\ l<1l1htv 111 11 st·ll l'orscl1rs and 1\11d1s. lie expects to spe nd about ~/5.000 gel· ting thr ne\11 agency ready for :in carlv .'\01 e1nbrr nr1•r11ni-: He 1,, rcntint: the ~1le lrorn Ill e Bal\Jn.i B:iy Club. "'h1ch rrcently purl'ilJ~rcl prrr- 11ert1es nor1h or the high"•ay lNn1 !he Irvine Comp<iny, TIH' planning ('ornrn1s~1t•n Tl111r;,d;1,v 111gll1 afso continued for !110 n1011lhs a hearing on an application for a u'r prnn1l to hu1 lr! a dri vr·ln restau ran t at 720 \\'. Co<isl H1 ghwny , :il.~o a site 011·ned by the B:i lboa B;iy Ch1h Alcx;indrr Tl'lrbiH Il l of Lido lslr, 11ho is see king !he pt•rn111. agreed with l'llv r lannf'r'l tha t his origin.ii pro po.~;il needed revision because of traUic problems . Rites Conducted For l\1r. W. Ca llis Cathol1r r1tE's were conducted Tue:;;dav for \\'1lha1n J . Callis. past presidcnL or the i\e"'po rt-Balboa Ro1ary Club, \1ho rl1 rd last Sunday at the 'a{le of 46. \lr (.";1!11-~. a 11;1111r of Oran;::r rn111111·. 11 :i~ il proclu1·1.~ agen1 !(Jr the '.'llobil OJI Cv for 2.6 \"C;1r~ He lrovrS hi s widow, :0.1ari;irir . of tile llr1'11r, 20l .1 l'o1111flnrlnrr J\n.111 · t110 .~nn~, .lohn an<l Richard : a daughter. l\·1rs, Shsan Price of 'I'r n1pr. Ariz . h111 niothrr, \T r~ C.'.lrol1nr C.'.1111 ~. :inf! ;i si~1cr :'<Ir~. ,\l<1r1orie Van Hh~n. bo1l1 ()t Spring r~1lle y. ~~~~~~~~~~~ \e r a Y1arning shot had been fi red and the Soviel ves~el tailed to ~top. "\\lc've heard that there. 1n:iy ha1·r. been an incid ent in voll'ing a South Viet· namesc anti possibly a Soviet vessel." tile L'S. Cominand said 111 a s!Jlcmcnt. "\\'e unrlc rs LanJ th.it the V1t'ln<irncsr ;ice i111·t~t 1g:i t 111g th1· rtport Thrrr hil.~ been absolutely nu l' S. 1nvol\'l'1ncnt 1n the reported incident." Russian trawler~ ;ire ~n(l\111 to sh<i<l<:i1' ~hip~ of !he U.S. 7th FleeL off the V1t't• namesc coast. Hairdres se rs To Help Cr(ls h Victini ii i Style Aln1os1 a ~core or !!arbor Arca hil ir ~lvlists 11·1!1 work around·thf'·C'lock thi ~ 11eekf'11d in a 1naralilQ11 h:iird ressing f'f· f:"lrt. but i1 isn't ;1 st;•11d<11'd g1 n11111ck to gcil busioC'sS. Instead . th(' h<1ir·a·lhon in a :\'Cll'po rt l!P<il'h fi.:i lon 11'ill be :in 11n11su(!I brncl1t tn hrl p 1l1e l'lt'!Jrn of a tr<igl(: arculcn\ The ha1rdressrrs. led by Ray Alvarado. ow ner of a Pacific Coa st High way salon nn ~lariner's ~1 ilr. will r:i1~e mon ey for a Laguna man who lo~\ his lrg and h 1~ bride-lo-be as 11 e!I 111 a lreak traffic crash. Fred fllolJna \\'as a ha1rclrf'S5et unul the accident early last August between Sooth Laguna and Da na Point. ~l ohna. Ji. and his fiancec, E\•c!yn .r. CJnnors. 43, a nur5e, had ~topped to help !he victim of a traff ic rra~h . As the pair ran across the highway l'l help th e won1an , a passi nb a1nbulance hit ;i c;iblc draPfd across lhe road. ·1 he c:ible snapped thrn "'l11ppe<l ln!n lilf' c·::iuple . kllllnb L11c nur~e and main1 in;; .\·lol1 na. H1r; leg couldn·1 be sa1·('d . ":\los l n[ the h:11 rdre~~er$ Jn the are:1 have work"erl "'Ith F'r('d »nd "·rre all shoc ked l\'hi'n it ha ppened, so we thou{:h! about \rays lo hel p:' Al11ara do i;aicl. I ~. I, \'> \':, 'l \,\ ON DIS,LA y NOW ' ' ' COM,LITE sml NGS 0, LIVING, HD ROOM AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE. DON'T MISS AN OPPORTUNITY TO VIEW THIS UC/TING NEW COLLECTION- YOUR LOCAL DEALERS FOR DREXEL-HENR EDON -HERITAGE ~I EWPORT BEACH 1727 We1 t<IUf Or., 64'2.2050 OPIN f llDAT 'T IL ' INTERIORS Proft s1ion•I lnltriOr Oa1ign1r1 Avail •bl._AID-NSID LAGUNA BE ACH 34.S Na,th Ca•1! Hwy, OHH ,l lllAT 'TIL ' 494-6ll 1 ' l I I I 1 I j ' ' I I .. .. : f : • : • : f • : i i • • : • • • • : .... ---. ----. -~---------------------------...... ------...... ---..-... --.~--'"'·""'-~-,...,."":.~-,...,_,-------------,,...--. Business Warned To Keep Brake On HOT SPRINGS, Va . (AP) -fiscal policies would come into play and the economy would joJ1u!ly expand Sccret;iry of the Treasury llav1d tv\. Kennedy warned to-"Soon underlying p r 1 c e day again.st a premature eas-pressures would reassert ing of the anti-inflation brakes themselves and , once niore, despit e current evidences of a y,•e would begin to t>xper ience S]O\l'dOwn, Jest the pril'e-wagc the pain Of inflation." i>pira l be revived al full speed. Kennedy concl'Cled it would Kennedy addrtssed more not be easy to decide lhe pro- than 100 top leaders of in-per moment to shift from a du stry at the fall meeting of policy of restraint to one cif the Business Council, as one of ease. sc\'eral high administralion of-lt is the administration's f1clals on hand to enlist in· responsibility to watch closely dustry's support in curbing in-and "lo respond promptly flatiQn. 11·hen the signs are un- .. \\'e must and shall resist n11sta kab!y clear that the the all-too tempting route of balance of ris k has shifted 1nov fng into an eltpansion11ry froin inllation to recession," posture too soon." Kennedy he said. said. He called on the busi ness "Thal route would only lead leaders to help in two \\'RYS America into a disrnal and -By supporting the ad- selt-defeating cycle of slagna-ministration's c f f Or I 111 tion and inflation." Congress to cu rb cxpi•nd1turcs Kennedy spo ke to the coun· to pro\'lde a budget surplus as ell members in a l'losed an ant1-111flt1tion weopon, and 1ncet1ng. but made ava1lahlc to support a six-month exten- to reporters a Lext of his sion o fthe tax st1rchargc at speel·h. He said ''the most five J)<'rcent. damaging course "'e ('oulrl -To exercise "enlightened take "'ould be the stop-and-go restraint 1n your pricing route," and added : decisions.'' "llnder such a policy, \\'C Kennedy also requested that would fight inflation, but only busine~smen speak up in sup- So long as our effons "·ere not (lOrt of a tax refor1n bill ""'hich too painrul. vouu!d not proridc large tax "\Vhcn inflat ion ton Ir n I reductions. The II o u s e -a p- policies began to work -aod prover.I rn('a surc, he said. pinch -prrssures \\'Ould build \1·ould af!ord about Sl0.5 hillion up lei l'hange course. Ex-of tax relief, mostly to 1n- pans1onary and rnonetary and rJi viduals. n. ., .•. It ... ~ ..... ~ .. ,&. t*.l..;·:1.:.-.--tr:.: ··= U,1 TtlNl<otf STUDENTS' LETTERS TELL 'WHY' Joen Fox end Boyfriend Craig Bedlell Died Pea~e Dead T ee ns A ns1ve r 'Why ?' Revived Bo y No Longer S ay s 'Pig' DENVEit (U PI ) -F1<in k Vigil, 19, used to think of cops as "pig~." lie nearly lost 111.~ life bc!ore lie changed lus n1 i11d. Thr lrenagt>r's h\':1rt :-.top- ped bf'at1 ng Sl'pt. Z1i 11'h«n a c.:ar in \l'hicl1 he \1·as riding "·as invol vrd in an acc1dPnt. A rnok ic patrolma n carne to his ;i id and saved his life, touching off a rock·lhrowing demonstrnlion in Lhe process. "l know people consider the police 'pigs'," Vigil said in a lc\\er to Patrol1nan Rohcrt t.losi!'r. "I now reali1.c that I.he polite arc there lo help us <ind arr on our sid e, not against us.·· OHiCt'r tl1nsier \\'::ts !he first on the scene last 1nonth "'hen Vigil'i; tar slatnmed into a parked auto. The y o u n g patrolman straddled the fallen you th and began applying ex. ternal heart rnassagc to get lhe heart beating again. A gathering crowd of youths thought t.1osicr was atlacking the boy <ind tried to drag hinl off. Rocks bt'gan flying and poLice had lo use tea r gas to break up the cro11d. Sixteen persons, lncluding 1.1 police of- fiCf'rS, Wl're injurt'd. "l kno"' H's kin d nf late lo he saying tht1nks , '' Vigil wrote. "l found out !he hard "·ay. I almost losl n1y life .. I \1 ish in some way the people of the west side and eny othe r community co u ! d com· monicate "'ilh you and eny othrr cifficer in a better wa y. "Thank you." Lottery I in periled 111 Senate \\!ASHINGTO~ {AP) l'rc:-.iclrnt Nix on's plan to tlr;1ft 1U-year-0Jds first under a lotlery system appears likely lo 11·in llnust> approval nex t "''eek but it5 ta1e 111 the SenaLe is an open question. The House Armed Servu:e.s U)1nmltte~ <ipprovcd the plan .;:11mccl at g1,·111g 18-year-olds advance notice of their draft p!'os-pects by a su rprise 31-0 l'ol e Thursday. House leaders, "'ho bclicl'e tht>_I' can block efforts to lack 11•hulcsall' re,·isions on the bill. ;ihnost 11nmedi11lcly scheduled !loo r ;1cl1on for la1e n('Xl "'eek, 111dicat1ng there Is Lillie hard opposition there. BuL reports from the Senate lnd il'il1rd Arn1ed S e r v i ces Chairrnan John C. Stennis (D- tll1ss. ), \1as relu ctant to put the bil l (llJ the floor \1·herc <T1t1 cs, 11'hO coun t Sen • Edw:1rd ~'I. Kennedy (D- t.1~s .), have a host of pro- posed revisions i n c I u d in g f'hnination of all college draft defennents. Stennis could not be reached for comment bt1t Senate Democratic Leader ti! i k e tl!ansrield, who fav ors f'!1tn1nati on of the draft, dis- <·ounled those reports. •· J feel cer1ain that if thr House pas~es it, he tSteunisl will rf'porl it out as ex- pcdit iou.~ly ;is poss1blf','' A-lan~fieJd said, "and if he does, I'll call it up as ex - peditiously as possiblr." An effort to r!imina tc all college deferments "'aS ruled out of order by a 21-10 roll-call vote in the House corrun illee that indicated lhe strategy thal may be u,cri to block draft l'lm<'ndmcnts on Ilic llousc floor. Th~ committee ruled that the only issue before the l!ou.~e is a one-line bill 10 repeal the 1967 ban a!ialnst any draft lottery. Under House Ru ic 17 any other drart pro- posal 1s not germane to thal one-hne repeal. But an aide to Stennis noted the Senate has no such "not gern1ane" rule \\'Ith \l'hich lfl prevent y,•holesale amend- ments. McCormack Suspends Aide After Scandal Frld.11, October 17. 1%9 U,1 Ttl••lwll9 NEW YORK STREET CLEANERS FACED FORMIDABLE TASK TODAY AFTER MET MANIA 'Even Better Then for the Astronauts ••• Everything'• Covered With Snow' ------------ Kopechnes NY Goes Ape 0'1er )lets CalJ Autop sy dl B" Th SI 'Off . , Street B e a111 igger an at iea en s1vc ,~.ILK ES·BABR I':, P.1. NF.\VYORK<APl-Happy change suddenly sproulcd a sanitation 1nen of Com· (AP) -1'he attorneys for the street clcant>rs plo\\'Cd tod ay t.1et J pennant 1n his missioner Li r is w o Id L. parents of i\lary Jo Kopechne in to sno"·drifts of p:.i1ier flung outstretched right hand. ti.foeller. insii;tcd today "there is no fro1n skyscrapers in the city's "Out of sighl!" yelled a rn<ifi The blanket of paper rivaled good cause or urge n t delirlo11s celebration or the in the garment district. "I eve n that poured out for the necessity" for an autopsy on Ne1v York t.fets' rise from knew they'd do it!" moon men of Apollo 11. her body, Dis turbing her seven years in the cellar to the At Shea SLadium lhe 5-3 rlc-''Even better than for the grave "would be grossly of-\Vorld Srr\es champif)nshlp. tory brought pure bedlam. ast ronauts," said Wall Street fcnsi\·e." The blizzard of tickertapP, "There is no tomorrow," secretary Eileen Nolan. "ll'!> Attorn~y J 011 e p h 1-·. stationery, computer cards declared a banner in the. beautiful. Every th i n p; • 11 Flanagan filed an answer to and 'v aste paper filled the air slnnds. covered \1/ith snow. It • s an amended petition by Dist. Thursday moments a f ter Kid.'l posrd for lhe final out beautiful.'' Atty . Edmond Dinis, New Cleon .Jones cnu~hl. a stormed lhrough the boxes, "Sanitationmen share the d ed B.l''mor• on·ol•' fly bail for O\'er the :o:houtders of the ca r-Bedfor , to.lass., who has ask u '" joy of lhe World Series vic-Conimon Pleas ,Judge Bernard the le ~t out, capping " te am ria gr-trade. bo\rling over tory," said Moeller. "Our C B · k-drire to the top that was Met policemen a!I !hr)' ltd the . romins 1 lo approve ex-. · · night shift and task force are humation for an aulopsy. eonc. i;c:nrral rush onto the lleld. prepared to do the job - The hearing on lhe petition Blase t\e1v \'orkrr.~ t m-Virtually smothered "'ith whistling "'hile they y,·ork.'' is scheduled to begin next braced total strangers anri :1ffection, t11c tliet., had to As dawn broke over 11 Monday al llJ a.m. danced in the streets. Car fight th<'ir 11·11y to the dre55ing finally-quiet New York. an of-. horns hh1red and con struclion roo mand it took an hour to The 28-ycar-old secretary ficlal said there was no way of \\·orkers on the high steel cl••r th• r,·eld "'as killed on the nigh t of July " ,_ · telling how long it would take cheered. The stadium ground crew's 18 whf'n a car operated by Georg*' Washingtnn's sta!ue job was minor compared 10 to clean up the mess. Sen, Edv.•ard flt. Kennedy across from the Stock Ex-what fa ced the New Yorlt To spced the job, parkinl plunged off a narrow bridge was temporarily banned ln and overturned in a pond on three areas -mid-lt'lanhattan, Ch•ppaquiddlck 1.1,,d off th• 'Chi· cago E1· ght' Lawye1· the financial district and Massachusetts coast, JI er downtown Brooklyn. <icath 1vRs ruled by drowning, tltayor John V. Lindsay, who wiLhout an autopsy. JZOt a joyous champagne lier parent;. Mr. a<Ki oi<'. Says Cou1·t Armed Ca1np ,hampoo in the M."' Jnseph A. Kopechne or clubhouse after the J:am~. Berkeley Heights. N.J .. have lhen ~natched ;i bottle out af "'ASHJNGTON 1L'PI) pany officials lasl r.tay at tJic \·ii:orously opposed disturbing CllICAGO <UP I\ A Augusl. 19611. conver1!ion . ano1hcr player's hand and llouiie Speaker .J ohn \V, Securilies and Exchange Com. her grave. defense attorney in the trial of Dwayn~ Oklepek te.c;tified he clouscd a couple ot MeL~. t".lcCormack said loda.v that he 1n1 ssion, "'htch had suspended Flanagan. in his t>ighl·page heArd onP. of the defendants, stayed up until 3 a.m. in- CHE\\1S LANDING , j'; .J. IUPll -''\\'hy?-Berause \.le Jove our fello\v men enou gh to sacriflC"t our lives so that they ..,,.111 try to finrl the ecstasy in JU5t being a\i1•e." has suspended \\'llhout pay a trading in Parvin Dohrman 11 ans'A·er said I.hat if the judge eight men charged "'Ith in-Tom Hayden, sey on the eve iispeiiic~ti~n·g~th;e;;;cl;c;an;u;p;wiiijoriiki.iii mt! Hussian Alexri Kosygin top legislat1\'e a!>sistant ac· stock pending an investi1alion. should order exhumation 1l cHin g \'IOl f'nce al the of lhe convention that antiwa r l\.\'O :ye<irs ago and where \Vcd-cuscd of intervening on behalf Parvin Dohrmann inve1tor.c; "'ou ld be "prejudicial to the Democr11t ic N at Ion a 1 Con-d<'monstrators nN>d "an army Get th• most on Thal -in their own \1·ord~ -1\•as 'A·hy l'A'O hi.ih school ~ludents martyred them se)v('s by running carbO'n n1anox1de into a parked car on mora!orium da.\'. Offl<'i<ils say it v.·as plan11(>(I al least a day in ad1a1K'C. The 111•0 ~ Craig Bad iatl and J oan Fox. both Ji -]('f1 24 neatly hand-printed lr1lrrs arldre$SCd lo p;irenls. frirnd~. and offit lal s of Highl~nd Regional High School, where thf'v "'ere both senior.;. Both M"ts of parents h:H e m.:11ntn1ned a c.11111 a r1 ct dignified sil<"nce about the dauble suicide. Close fncnils are too choked up lo Lry toe~ plain 11. Casual acq11aintanccs cannot understand it. The t\\·o were fnund Thurs- day mornini; in a rar parked on a dirt road about 10 mite.~ from Glassboro, N .• J., "·here President Lyndon B. Johnson -- nesday J)adiali and l\11ss Fox of a company allegedly eng11g-v.·ere accused in the court \.\'ishes. sensitivities, healU1 vcnt!on tol d the court it looks and (l un~·· and that another. INSURED SAVINGS! attended a moratorium rally ed in sl.ock marke t ir-compl ain t of filing fa lse and af'ld well-being" of the parents. like an "armed camp" and Renn I e Da vi s. to Id KEYSTONE re~larilies. misleading repor1s with !he Fl anagan said further that ~aid he ex pects his clienls to demonst r11tors, "Gf'l down to at Gla~sboro State College. The aide is l\1art in S\\•eig. a gol'ernmcnt 111 order to ~llln "!he cau~c of death has been be convicted. the Loop and bu~l it up -tie SAVINGS A friend of tll i~s Fox \\'ho l\lcCorinal'k <'niplo,\e for 1nore m n1rol of the firm, then clearly and lrgally established \V illia1n Konstler madr the up traffic and so forth. lf the ~1•0 ll'.'~N "'soc1•;10N sai~· the couple <ifter the rally than 2~ "Cars. 1rhose nam~ m;inipu\atlng the ma rket price hs Dr Donald r.1llls, ac1ing con1ment Thursday a{ter a pol!ce b;ittle us, ju.~t riot." '~""1.'!w "''''""·1'""Q•"' th I t k 0 I J l lKalll TIRI 5 38~'r11 -e ;is person ·n \Yll 0 \.\'&~ meJltioned in a cornpl alnt of the stock. mcdiea! examiner, in Dukes form rr n e w sp a perm ;i n Un d tr cross-examination , SPE"ll IUll rw • 1'NNUM have ~crn them alive -said flied in fede ral court 1n New t-.1cConnack. In a statement , County. r.1ass.'' and alleg"1 reported :i;aid he inl 1ltr11ted lhe Oklepek said he heard leader5 1~,,,..•l1KJidf,..,,,..u1./:.".u .lo.an lnld she had been disap-York Th11r~rlay again~t rhe said Sweig ;icted ln the m;itter th;:it Dinis is "\\·ithout suf· lradf'rship of the National of the mobilization comm!tlee ... .,. ••• <1.to.tat•G/w4t~ """"" pointed b_v the protc sl nrrr1 inJ: mnl rn1·crsy·brsct p a r \' i n .. 11·i1 hout my knnv.'lcrlge or ricient inforrn;itinn to form a r.!ob\h7.11tio11 Committee to .~ay repeflled!y they wl.~hed to fRlE AST•OlOllCAL TOIU:AST hf'i'ciu5r Ili c p<irt i<·1p:-1n!s 11·rrc Dohrmann co renni.~slon and I "'"·~ nnt brl1ef as to \\'hrlhrr there i~ F.nd the War in Vietnam for avoid violence but that they ~o=~~~:J!~! actin~ tou much 111 the spirit The complaint :-.aid S'A·e1g made swart of the fa ct.o; un11I doubl anrl 1-11.~pi('ton 1ur· Chicago's American ( n n 111 rxpected \'iO!tnce from ,,..~·..,,,,111"., of f.Jn . arranged a metung for com-today " rounding the death." Chic11go Today ) during the Chicago pnlice. The lrl('n<i 1alk<'d tn :'\fi~s 1 __ _::_ ___ _::. ______ :_ ____________ :_ ______________________________ _ Fo-.: al ilboul 4 p.n1 \\ecl- nrefla1 Can1dPn r:ounty :'llcd ical Tn\'est1gi1lf\r Thomas R. f)a!ey :o:;ud th<' t\\o "'ere asphyxia.led bet\\·t<'n 6 and 9 p 1n . \lied- nt'~tay by fumes from the car's P:<ha ust, carried into the \Ph1clr bv a 1acuum-cleaner ho~e run through a hole 1n the !loor. "\Vhy~·· a.--ked 111£' SUICl<!C no1e n1a1le publ!c by DAiey carlv !Olla\'. ·•.h('('auSr 11·e scr thal prople just "'nn ·t do and say "·hat lhey feel. .. .---.. .,.---~~ --_,_~_ ---·-----...,..,.....,.. ____________ ..,,.. ___ ,. ... _ .............. ""' ................................................ --'!"'---... --, 1'AIL Y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Police Pay Problem Inevitably, \\'hen a government agency dectl't~s to give consideration Lo salary adjustments for it s cm- ployes, it turns 'to compara11 ve sl ud1es. What is con1parcd . or cours~. are government \\·ages ,,11th those paid by private industry, as \Yell a s lhose paid by other ptib\it agencies. It is a systc1n that u sually 11•orks oul equitably- for most govcrnn1cnt en1ployes. . Jn th e vic\v nf Nc,rport Beach police,. it h a~ not worked uut t(10 ,1el1 for thcin. The rC'a .~o n 1s obvious: private industry docs not enter int~ their s~Jary equa- tions. There arc no comparable private police forces. So the sa!aric-" of Ne11•port police personnel are in - variably compared \1·ith the police ~alary schedules or other cities. The as5 u1npt1on here ts 'Lha t one city JS much like another. Ne\vport Beach police do not agrl'c \\"ith that as· ·=~-. They bclic1·e the typ<' of performance ~equ1red of officers in th is popular and often over-cfO\l·dcd beach comm unity 1s qualL tauve_ly d1ffere.nt fro111 "lh~t expecll'd of police in n1ost othrr c1 11cs. Aplltude, training, 1ntell1· gence, dedication and n1oralc-bccause o! th_e pressures -musl be higher, they 1.:ontend. So, accordUlgly, must be salaries. . 1. ff' It is for ihis reason tha t Newport s po ice o_ 1~crs \vant to speak !or thcin_selves in s alary ne~ol1al1on s \\·ith the. cf!y adn)inislral1on. They \vant the ( rly, Co~n cil to recognize the IOO-n1embcr P olice En1 ployes Asso- ciation as their barga1nlng agent. . Thev do no t fee l they have. received adequate reprc· ~enlalioi1 -because of the uniq u en~ss of ·1_he!r employ· tnent.-thrnugh the (i!y En1ployes .1\ssoc1~\1on . . Tl\'O 111eek s ago. s pokes1nen f?r the .f:'ol1ce 1\ssoc1~# tion implied they \1•ould sue the .<'1!~' to 11'1n the reco)'.!nl· lion they so ught. La:;L 1~e~k . City ~1 anager 1-fa rvey L. J~url burt 111et 1vith a ssoc1at1on _Jeacl_ers and. calmed the~1 dOl\'O. The threat of legal action Ja ded \\1th l·lurlburt s Detractors Are More Helpful to Vs i' Sydney J. liarri~ " ·At the height or J1ls success .and popularity y.•hen the Cilbcrl and Su1!1van nperellas ' were packing !he Sal'O;.' n eater in London nightly , \V. S. Gil~crt ~ppeared on the v.·i\ness st3nd 1n a libel case. He was asked hy the defcn~e rounsrl whether he had read lhe many cr1lle;1I compliments paid to him by a rcr!a1n magazine. and his reply does no1 dl"~('f\'C the obscurity it has !alien into. He ~aid; •·1 never read fa\'Ora blc rt111cism". 1 prefer reading unla1·orable onrs. I kno1\• how good I am, hut I do nol iinov.• how bad I am.·· /'\OW TllJS ~IA)' t-;OT ha1 e bern, strictly speaking. 1nie; 1i1rre 1s 1n11rh e:v1dence that Gilbert read f \'l'r) thing that was written about him anrl his work. But the point he made is one th.:it needs to be emphasri:e<.I again and again, in e.Yery age, As a drama critic for the rasl 2j years, J have receivrd dozens of nott·s fron1 grateful actors. d J rel" tor s and p\a~'rtghts. thanking me for an) kind comments about their v.•ork . Jn thal sarne period. I h:i l'C recei1·rrl !<.'arcely a handful of lcUrrs lro111 :i ny thealrical l1gurC's Y.'hosr ctforls I found fault y.·ilh. And \'el, If rny cri!1cio.1n v.·;ls •·orth anything.· these arc 1hc one" \\·~o !hould have benefited n1o!>t fron1 c:indid comment. IF A CRITIC'S OPINION is re~p('("led Dear Gloo1ny Gus: l n reply to \I.ill. 1r;u~. Oc!, 8): T!1e price nf ad111is.<ion lo high schoul foDtball ~:unr.s is high lo J1scourage pan·nts lron1 bnng111i:: ohnox1ou~. u11111lrresri:d hra1~ ;ind tur ning 1hr1n Joutic to J1~turh thr real Jans. -B. (;, T~I• ''''"" r•!l1tl1 "odor•' ~""'' ~•' ftf(l•~•ril~ lh<>U Of !l>t ftfWIPl otr. St<MI rour oet Pft•• ra (;loom-.,. Gu1. 0111~ P1lor. 11 hen h£' hkC's •1·hat \"Otl rlo . lhro ii should IJc rcspcctcd \\"hen °hc dislikes \1hal )OU tlo. If his appro1·<1l has <iny value, lhrn /11~ disapproval :>hould l1:11c ~onu.· vahir. J\11d 1f nothing he f;.a~·s, good or bad. has 1nu"h me aning, then why trouble to thank hu11 ·• 1\!l r,f 11~. l1k{' Cdbrrl. af!cr 11r h:n·r hern in the \\Orld a \\']11lc, know pr('!ly rntich ho1v good 11·r ;lri': wha1 IS h3rd lor u!-o to:-.('(' 1~ h.111' h:ir! 11t arr Tl11s 1s ninre !h;.in a rnaucr 01 111cr('ly bring 1h111-~k1n· n<'d ;1boul 1;r1lh'l:-,111 : 11 is Just that 1he ;ini;lr 1·11 rf'fracuon <lc1r:-not lurr1 hilf'k upon us. i\ubody can rxa1n1ne lll s 011•11 eyeball.!., CX('Cpt in a rnlfror. Ai\'O IT IS EQ L1ALL Y 1rur. though painful. that 11c lc:i rn 1nore Irani !ho.~r 11 hu r!1sl1 ke llS than lron1 lhosc who like 11s-. E1 cn \vhen their opinion is n1ahr1ou~. or PCl1Y, or ba:-.ed rm 1i:;nor~1nrr. 1hr.re IS often,.· corr-of trulh in 11hat thry ~ay. \\"e must \t\Hn 10 e;o.tract the (•ore and ignore the ~pile. T hi~ is h;11·d ¥ dr11h~h!y hard, and I 1tl)n'! 1Hl'iln lo prt!<'nd th<1t I :1111 able to nrar t11 r 11h:11 1 pr~J\h. Bur. :it lcJ\I, !he ~uhcr'-t: IP1l1•rs 1 rC"l.'1•1\r J.;11£' inc <l t111ng<' of pain. \1h1ch 1s of1en a prelude 1ri :-.1•H·.~"ru11ny. \\"ould lhal 1norc bad actors bci:;an 10 lollow this dif ficult lead, Anothe1· Ge11eral Patto1i V.'ASHINGTON -There "111 ~oon he (nother Gen r.eorsc S. P:itton in the tJ.S, .i,rmy. ·Ho.:. is Gcori:;e IV. ~on of the illustrious World \liar II battle conimantlrr '~ho !rrl Victorious armies in A[rica, Sicily and in ~story-making blilz sweeps through trance and German~. •George IV is 36\h on 3 list of 6~ CJ!Ulanding regular army c o Ione I s alected for promollfln 1(1 hriga•liC'r ~neral. l ie v.·ill gr.I his star Jy the end of dte: year. "Like his rat her, P<itlon carnrd his •evation b.v exr-cp1ional \'alor and com- illlat leadership. He has three d1st1nguish- tti service <"tosses-the second highe st lecoration for cxlraordinary courage Ind compctl'nt'C' under rltc. • ! 'fHE FIRST DSC 1ras \1·on by 1"'<11lon in • ---By (ieorge ---· ~ Dear Geo rge : I receiY~ a lot of complaint s lrom ~ a. sou r·puSsed neighbor who keeps 1 calling the police about the noise. at • my Sat urday nig~l parties. And, yet. he is alwa ys v. aking me up on Sunday morning with the noise from his idiotic po\\·cr 1nowrr as he goes out practically al tlav.:n while I'm trying -lo sleep. \\'hal would you suggest? Can I call tht po Ii ct 10~ him ? J . Dear J.: No -power mowers are IPgal 10 most 11atc1, u n for tun a I e I y . However, I suaest you lnv1le him to your Sa turday night party -an independent survey of mine shows that nobody with a hango,•er cuts yard& early on Sunday morning. A I lt·n-Golll o111 i I h Korea as a .''Oung t:ap\11111 con11nanding a 1ank company, Ortlererl to hold a kry hill, he dug his ta nks inlo the i;un turrets and for days fou~hl nf! v.·a\·rs Qf screaming Con1n1uni"t Chinrsr anrt f'orth Korean auackcrs. Thr other h\"O OSCs Y.'t're awarrlC'd in \'irtn;Hn ror equally striking feat s as corn1n:u1d rr ol the I Ith Annorcd Cavalry Rcg1n1cn! Thi" \\"ft.s l':l ll011"s second lour of rluly in V1e1nnrn . The 11rst v.·as as a major on the staff ol C.rn !'au! Harkins, then U.S. t.'.Hm n1andcr lh('re. I Pal!on t:apjl('d his latest V\clna1n Sf'l"\'iCe in char;ic1rristic manner. Cpon returning 10 the \J .S. last :-pring. he asktrl for training 11s :l hrl1cup1cr pi lot-<ilthough 47 years o!J and a c:o!oncl. ~t1is r{'quest was gr:1ntcd and he \\'<IS senl In fort \Voller~. Tex., v.•here he complete the regular three months co11r~"-solocrl anrl was given his \1•ings as a "chopper'' pilot. ' TO FRIE~DS he cxplain<'d, ··T h e heli copte r is now an eS!'!ent ial combat weapgn. In Vietnam, l had more than 50 of t.heih In my command, about half gun shiJ>!. As a c omb a l co1nmandt'r, I consider it \•ital that I know e\'erylhlng about this wea pon, including operatlni:: it, the. same as I do about running and fighting tanks and o<i1er wcapuns or armored units. Thal Is why t asked ror lhls flying training. I didn 't consider my ag : an obstacle ln any "'ay " By Robert S. All"11 ind Joha A. Gold1mlLb promise of action on t he associal.Jon's requesL "in the near fu'l ure." The original request already has gatherf d dul't: f~r six months. If ''in the near future" means another six months that would be regrettable. Ne1~port's police deserve a quicker ans \.\'er than th al. NOISE to Combat Noise A litlle noise was raised at a conference in \-Va sh- ington, D. C., last week. NOISE, in t his instance, is an acronym for a league of municipal governments opposed to jet aircraft noise and pollut.ion. The letters in 'the acronyrn stand for N~ tlonaJ Organization to Insure a Sound-controlled Env1- ronn1ent, founded a t the \\las hington 1nceting. l·l urlburt explained NOISE's purpose: ··Local agcn· noise in the near fu'!ure. Ne\vport Beach City i\•Ianager Jlarvey L. Jlurl- burt attended the conference. it had been called by the cities of lngle,vood. 11 hi ch lies 1n the path of J..os Ange- les International 1\irport. and J--lempstead. N.Y .. \vhich suffers the thunder o! jets using John F'. Kennedy Air· port.. l·Iurlbu rt explained NOISES's purpose: ''Local agen· cies have long needed a focal point, one central organ· 17.ation. so \vc could have a united stand and share in- for1nnlion and ideas.'' Cit ies the size of T'•.1ewport and Costa t-.·Iesa \\•ii! he charged a 1nembersip fee of about $1.500 a year. T he n1oney accurnu!a ted \\'ill be used by NOISE to finance st.udif'S llnd hire lobbyi.il.l. ·rhe lobb.vists, of course. \1'il1 be talking to the sa111e people the airline ind ustrys' lobbyists have been talk- ing lo for a!l these years. NO ISE n1av provide an out- let for vie\\'S of those \\"hose voices ·ha\'e been much ~1na!ler. '>Ve yrefer._tn reorganize things within the. present fr amework.'._ INI Preve1itive Medical Care, F1•ie1td to F1•ie111l Family Doctor, Extinct or By ROBERT E . RAKEL. :'11.0. Dr. Ro/1cl. n 1/1st111ouisl1ed inlern-i,, n11rl lcnrlt'r 111 n1a11!1 Or{1119c ('01111- 111 .. ,tcl/c 011!1 11atio1uil n1cdicol orga111- :n/1()11s. 1~ <iirt'Clor of /'!1c f'r11111/!f r11·ncli<'t' Neg1.dc11c11 Pran1-.rnn al /l uuu i\/c1n onr1/ /·losp1tr1!. Prc.~bytr na1i. 1•1 Neuiport Bl'at'h and oss1stm1t 1·/1•Ji1'rr/ prnfrssor of fan11/11 'n1Pd1c111c. or lite UC / Collcl)c nf 111rd1cn1c . . One hundred and fort y ~·C'ars ago, S(r \\'alter Sco!L wrote · ""There is no creature in Scotland 1h;.it 1\·orks harder :ind 1~ n1ore poorly requ lled than a coun- try doctor. unle~s perhaps, it be his horse " rrobahly th1~ was one cx- ptana1ion for the prrsrnt shor1age or f:11nily phys1r1:ins. Anotht·r \1'as the rtn;i1ss:inc£' ol !ip(•cia!i7.a!lon 1h;1t lured counllr.~.~ physicians to11·ards in1cns1,·e :;turJy in localiz1·rl ;1reas nl mcdic1n{'. The hrs! medical cu re, ho11•r1•cr, i.~ not oh1ainrd by 1hc average person srrking a :-.pecial1 til fnr each a1ln1cnr. For !he pa- ticn l conceivnhly n1ight h;11 c. as n1any Pl'rMJn:i! ph.vsicia ns <1s there a r c !-o!)('C.i alt1cs. The mnst i;lficienl 1ned1ca l carr is provided by the personal phy si- c11111 v:ho is bro<1dly trained and able 1r, treat n1ost or the ili1lesscs he secs, but Ever~'day Prohle111~ 1rho is 11·illing to refer his patient to the appropriate specialist \vhen additiona l tiel p ts nccdtd while he continues to super\'1Sc the total care or the individual. THE rHVSICIAN bC'iog groomed to fill this rolr is the family practitioner, a rrbir!h of the fa mily doctor. He v.·ill have the broad kno11'ledge of the general prac- tllioncr, but c1·en more for he receives lwo addil1onal years of !raining in spectal 11rograms drsi1;:ne(t to aequaint him 11·1th tnodern rncd1ral knowledge and tech- niques in a broad range of medical chsc1p\ines fir then lakes an examination lo be t·erlilied and submits to a rc-cx- an1ination e\lery six ~1car.i; tn ~ho1v th;it he is \l'Orthy of continued crr11licatinn as a family practitioner, Tht fan1ily pr:i ctitioner's training \11]]1 increase his effectiveness by £'n1phasizin~ care of rhe farnily as a unit through hiS expc:ricnccs in handing problems unique to fa1n1hes -pa rticularly !he emotional inler-relal!onsh1ps of its membcr ~ and the sociu-econon1ic fac lors that affe('t !hr. healln and the cquil11.lriun1 of the 11 lio!c fan1il y. lllS SPEC IAL Sl\ILl..S 111 cun1 - prehensive medi cal care imply pr11n ary concern for the pc<llcnt. rather th an for treating a disea sc. ror he will co nsider t1ll signi!ieant fa C"tors th<il affect !he in- dividual"s heal!h. The lruc t;i mi!y physician add~ rnendship lo professional services : ht." care is given l\i\11 t"Ornpass1Un as tru·nrl to friend, not as proprietor to cu~tomcr. :\ family practitioner is skillet! 1n prrvPn· live n1cdi cal can'. ~111t·c prr\t't1!11r rna1ntt11ancc is 111ut:h more effct'!11 e than co rrcc111·(' n1a1ntena 11ce. To 1!0 1h1s . h1: n1usl ha\e cnnt1nu1ng pcr~onal conlacts '1 11h the p;itient anti his latn1ly, and ~ .<:1nrrrc desirr for 1'\'i>r,1nnr under his l'arc to be well, ralhrr !h:1111ll. L\'CREASED ~prc1:1!izatio11 in !hr l "niled St:itcs l1 as It'd 1n a lra~n1rntcd systcn1 of rncdica l care. The re~ult1ni,: in- efficiency ha~ led to risi11g 111cdical care ros1s, of concrrn to c\·er~·onc. The hope 1~ that family practice 11·ilt be a means nr dln1inishing thi s fras1ncn1:i11011 and Case Against Haynsworth \\'.\Slll'.\G TO'.'i - lt"s prel!y \tun stutr, lh1~ ra~c aj?au1st Judge llayns1\'urth, Ytlu Ir ·It' I<> u~c }OUr 1nu1g1nal1on. think thr 11 ·11::-t ~Hid assun1e tha t a Supren1c Court non11nce must necessarly be regarded as £llllty until proved innOCC'nl. '1 hr casr 1!~cll -Scnator Bayh"s so· cJ1ll'd bJIJ of p11rticulars - contains r11 1•111·ro11~ :1fln111 tcd error~ and much p1r.11·11n1~h !ilull t1ard!y wc1r!h a n1on1cnt's 1111~11t 1un. f·"or 1'.~an1plc . 1hr C!'f'l'll\ illr Cnunly ll••ttl Corpora11011 n1i:l1t(•r 111111i1·<·d in l::11;:it1on bcfore Judge ll i,1yn~11'ort h in \'lfj~ The 1u<tgc had not. 111 fact, <:t1•1ncrl ;inv stock in that corporHt1C1n ~1nec 1958 11licn ;1s a pr11·at1· l1111·yt·r hr 11.1s g11en one share \\"Orth $21 in consulrration of hi.-. being a director. No longer a dircclor, hr r£'1urncd the s1uck plus a check for a d11•1drnd or JJ cents. They sent lhe checii ba ck to hun saying he \\'OUld ha1·e to accept it be- cause ii "'as in his name ;ind Judse Jlayns wor!h duly reported thi s lJ·cf'nt v.·1ndfall on hi s 1958 income lax return, SO~lE OTHER instances cited againsl Jl:iynsworth hal'e the sa1ne or 1£'ss 1alid1- ly. Th£' issue really boi ls tlo1vn !o the Brunswick casr in 1\·h1l'h the judge pro- hably shoY.·ed bad judi;n1enl in not IC'lling his broker to forgct about bt1y1ng slork in lhc Bruns\\·ick Corporation nflt'r - underline af1cr -a df'c1s1on had already bee n reached in the court of ;1ppeals on a 1nn!lcr affecting the cnrpor.1 tion . '"'.'he y.•ay it l()(lkcd, !he judge boughl $16.000 worth o( stock a short 111ne before (! decision favorable to the corporation. Jn polnt nf fact. the slock was bought ;ifter a df'Cision upholding a lower court Jll(tgn1f'n1 invo lving an amoun t of 1noney lh:i t could not conceivabl~· have. had any effect. and did not hal"e any effect, on the va·ae of stock in a billion dollar cor- poration. .Judge }!aynsworth y.·ould hal"c. bcen 1norc. prudent 10 ha\le to!rl his broker not to llothcr y.•ith the Brunswick stock. but ,,n.,. lmphcalloo that he stood to profit bv 1nsicte knowlt>dgr of an impcrnli ng lC'gal decision 1s patenlly absurd. TllE ~IOST TllAT can be said is lh11t a judge who ~uys 40 or ~ different vaneties of common stock over a period Hi c ha rtl Wil son r f 111nc ls hound soonrr or !<1trr to h;i1·r held somr slock 1n com pa nies 1n1·o)le<.! in li1ig:i11nn 1h;:i1 1111,1;111 ro111r hrforc h1n1 . Tiu~ is •1gn1f1can1 n1o~tl y for the faC'l \11;11 ;1 JUdgC Jll till'SC ('l l"C'UITI~lil!lC"f'~ 1111ght f1·l'f"lll C'rl!I~ f111d 1t n1•rrssary to dis· <JU:il1fv h1n1st•lf fron1 con ~1d r r1ng a r ;1~r. thus 1;1cnn1·cni enc1ng a court alrfady car- r.1111 g a h£'a\'Y ca.~e load. The !)rrt1n en t 11uest1on is "'hcthcr or 1101 a fedrr;il Judge should 1)\1·0 and con - trol any sign1ftcant ainount o( co1nmon :-.tock . .Judges (un11nonlv <lo. ho11r1cr, and thrre 1s no r ule of !;11\' or canon of i'ihii.: ap;a1nst it. per ;)<' II Judge 1-taynf;.\\Or!h 1~ J!llllll/ 1 f <'n~·lhing so is t h~· Jud1c1al .~v~lcn1 ;11111 lhat cannot be C'Jterl J ~ ;:i logu,:il rr;1 "111l 1rhy he should b<' c;illrd upon lo :itonr !fir all Judges v.·ho hohl stoi.:.k Xolhing has bri'n ~rldue~'d \11 ~ho11· th:1! hr profited 1X"r~on1illy lro111 '>lnrk nwnrrship bc cau~c hr 11 ;1s :i JU<li:r 11nd 1! 11J,..1·r 11 as an clfuc:il lr;1 11~i;n•>.s111n 1n 1he Cr1111sw1ck c:isr 11 11 a~ .1t ll"t1r~1 111<1rt;111<1I, Tll E llA Yi\'S\\'OHTll C'il"f' h:i~ sho11 n thl" risk~ !hat might br 111\'0lvcrl 111 ;1 s·;!.trm \1 here Jllcl~c<; hol d stQi·k 111 r}ri\ ate co111 pan1cs hul ii ha s nnl shov.·n A Needed OEO Refor11i President Nixon'! request th a t Coni;rcss ronlinue lhe Office of Economic Opportunit y for anothe_r t\v~ yea rs was ba1•rd on a dr~1rc to g11·c his ne1v!y ap- po1n\ecl direi:lor, Oonald Rumsfeld, a cha nce to pro\·e th:il !he so-callcd war no poverty agency rcally can win a lew bal· lies. . nurnsfcld"~ plan is to make OEO "1n- nov:iti\'C rather than operational"' -a v:holly nrw approach to the anti-poverty effort that is intended tn a\·oid past 1111stakes \1·hcrtin unsuccessfu l program~. ~lartf'd \\lith loo liUlc forethought, ·bctame loc ked in by I.he old bureaucratic art of sclf-preserva!ion. THE D1RECTOR llAS bcg11n a scien- tific approach to OEO's operations. He \\ants the agency lo think out new \1•ays to help the poor , then set up pilot prcr grams to lest them. After a hard:h.eaded c1·aluation or the programs ab1hty to meet real nttds the failures will be elilnin:lled and the successes fully de- ,·elopcd and lransferred to another gov· crnmcnt agrncy for operation. States \\ill be given more parliC'ipation aorl lhcir ov.·n poverty offices v.·ill be better slaffro. Basica!l.v , !he programs will provide new v.·ays to help the poor develop marketable skills, improvt lheir bomes, . (;uest Heporl educate !heir chiklrcn . pa ~· 111cdical rost~. and find cffective 1£'grtl ;lld These all ;ire merltor1ous. but none 111 orc ~o th;111 th<' reforn1 of OEO"s 111c\11ods ol dispensing legal '"help." THf, OEO.F'U~DE D fahfornia Rura l Lcgal Assistance progr;:in1 . fnr 01tc pr1r11r in st;:incc. has used [eder:-tl !11nds for the harassment or private indus!ry in a numbcr of ways. t.losl scand~lous i!_ its current series or nuisance su11s against California grape growers on totally false pesticide chRrges dreamed up by one o[ its board members, Ccs,1r Ch<J\'{'7.. Chavez and hi s UnitP<I Farm Workers Organizing Comm 1tlec ha~·e been f(lrc~rt to resort to scare ta etirs because of thf'1r failure to win over the grape "'Orkcr~ and lo compel gro11·ers to accede ICI un reasonable and unhernling Chai rz demands. \Vhy public la.-: dollars shoul d su pport them is bC"yond reason. ff R11msfcld can eli1111nal{' !<uch caltnu~ rh stortions of the OEO"s brncl1cenl purpose. It will he a 1·ery 11cll·on1c and Jong Overdue reform California f"calur c S«:rvice Reborn? developing an efficicnL practical method ol cari:. Jn 1000 there \1•rrc. frll'er than onr health ll'Orkcr (nurs~s. lhl'r;ipists, X-ray ;u1tl la boratory tr1:hn1~·iJ11s. etc.) for 1·1ery phy~ician. Jn 1960 !hls had in· t"rrasrd to 10 health workers for every physicion and the increase has been even tnore rapid every ~·car ~Ince then. \\'e need <i physician y.•ho kno\l's not only ho1v .111d when l•J use thcse ancillary health pcrsonr1el , blll who rnust br able t\l coordinate their effort..<; alone \~"ilh thr serv ices· or other spec1alized physician s 1i>11•<irds the conunon bcncf1! of h1~ p;.i· tien\. '.\IOST LIKELY 1hr tr;11nin~ pro;::ra1n 111 l•1111ily pracucc at HOil~ llo~p1t;il. 1n· .t111g11r:i!ccl July l of 1h1.~ ;.car, 11111 ~tnn11la!c ;1ml 1111prorc till' <111ahty c)f n1 t'fht'1nc. pr.ielll't·tl 111 the ho.sp1tol as \1·ctl :1 -. :-.rr1 {' <JS a l"<Jn~!11nt ~nurcc o( wt:\1- 11 ;,i1nrfl 11Hll1.I! l:in1il)' phvs!r1an<o for Or:inge • Co:i~t con1ln1tnid rs. 1 Io a g ,\!ernori:i! !Jospi!al is the fir~\ rri1a1r. hos pit.11 111 Clr 11ngc County to dc1 clop :i eo111plc1e teaching prograin :ind one fil 01111' four Hl California to hal'e a fan 1ilv pr;;ct1 ce residency progran1 , a 111a,inr lr en(! !011·ard tile return or the loved an t! revered family doctor of y~ster-year. Is Thin 1 ~11' in 1h:-lla.\nSl\Orth c;i•c lhc-sc risk !J );i1rr1<i[lzccl. J 11r rcn1ed). thrrrfurr. 1rould ~rrm to J1r !e~, 111 rt'J1.:r1111g llayn~1\orth a~ .l 11h'n1b•·r of the l'uprr111r Court than 111 1rt•1rn1111.1; the t1J11tl1t1rins undt·r 1·.h1ch to 1:~1r;il j1ldg1 ·~ 111.•) n11n 1ir rul'l1rn11'lJn1· 1.io•n '>l11t·k and ulhrr Jll'l"!>lrnt•n!.; ;:ind 111ld1nf;·- :.i11rcn1 cr If Jud~r llayn ... 11 .1r1b b IO br '.I(' .l u·~I !\fl\\', 111t'll 11 \\'OU\d IJt' only JO~! II') r1·t·1t11·1drr thr ''ii"(' (ii .l u~ltl'" Dougl;i~ ;i,, il:r hrn~l1ci;11·y nl :1 lr'U'-1 ~ct 11p bv :i do11111• drt•pl ~ 1111oht•tl 111 erl1nlna l lcg.;tl pr·J~·t'crl1ngs. TT \I Ot.:Lll r.l:: rq1i:d just ire under l:i11 :llso ti other n1i-rnb1·r.~ ol 1hc high and l<•Wt'r l"Ol11 Js a" now co11~t1tutcr! \\"ere tn bc held r£'spon::i iblr for lanli 1 r nl(1rrs in 11 hi .. h they havc hccn lat rly in\·olved on the ou l5klrts of \Vash1nston. la view of these c1rcun1stanccs . .lud ~: ll:iyns\\'Orlh's proposa l that his stock hr pl.1Cf'rl in trust and oul Of his control and kno"·led gt> has m£'ril. :\·J1.1ch of the ca.~e again~t lla~'nswotth has been carelessly prep:i;rrl 11ne1nber~ 11! Teddy l\enned) ·s staff 11 err 1n1·oh·cd h1 the prep.1rat1011I ;11ul lhr Scna t~ thcrcf11rc need~ 10 J!il'r 1h1~ ca~r the most cr1t'.cvl exa1111na!1011 hrlnrc 11 d11Hlr.~ .-1l 1·r~ pnl11ica l and pro-labor line~ t() rc- Jl'll Judgt Haynsworth. F'riday, October ti. 1969 T/1c editorial page-or tl1c Dai'y r 1/(I! seek!-to inform and sr1ni- 11/11/.t 1'eadcr5 by presen ting 011~ 11cu·i;r1aper"s api111a11s and ro111- t>Jcufnry on topzr.s ol 111tcrc:-;t c111rl signif1ca11cr. by prot:1d1 n9 a (01'11111 for the c.rrression nl 011r rtnrl crs ' onin1nns. a11rl b1f p tr~r )l/Hlf1 I/IC' (/1)'£f.<f! l"ll'W• non1ts of 111fol'mrr! <·h~r 1rr'~ 011.f SjlOkrS)!!('f! OU IOPICS of fl1c dfl!J. Robert N-\\'ced. Pl1blisher J • • ' I \ J • j ' ' " 1 b , u F p u n ' I· p " c i.-,. ' ll c ,, ,, ' p n· 11 f, ,. b I) " " c "' p ho d• "' • rr B f ( T "' Co In lh '" ., FE " .. , " m ., "' " " nt P< or F< wl '" '" in 'I c I I •. , lh• "' 10 ,,, I I i l J \ ' I Cosia Mesa EDITION VOL 62, NO. 2~9. ~ SECTIONS. 44 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1969 • IXOD ees • n ation Eairground Site Uses Due Probe A ma jor 5tudy 11/ 1hr Or;1ngc County Fairgrounds -lor a coun1y mu:-iiclpal court site and all other !XJS5 ihlc us!'~ - 1vill 600n bP unclC'rla ken. foH0\\'1ng action Thursday by the facility's i;ovrming board. Directors of the :JtniJ District Agricultural A s s o c i a Lio 11 voted tmanimously at their meeting i n r·unerton to Jet the county ~elect it.s own prl"ferred court site over one 13-acre spol they suggested. • The formal ac1ion foJlow C'd a com· mittee discussion t-.1onday in which Costa l\1esa city officials and members of the F11ir Board discussed how best to get the project moving again. Orange County Supervisors studied Lhr 1nattcr of a new Harbor Dislrict JudiciB l Cour~ site last. ~1av, then dropped the issue unti l the Fair Board and Cost a ~f esa officials clarified thei r stand . Supervisors had also been interested in :'I 11}-acre plol adjacent to the civic center !hat Costa Mesa is buying from Southern California College, and they had been of- fered a third site as v.•ell. The Costa r..fesa County \Yater District I C~1C\l.'D) had hinted it v.·ould part ~·ith ;i nine 1ere site at Red Hill Avenue and Palisades Road if the county cared t:i ne_goliate. The futu re court site was restricted in ihl'OTY al least lo specirically hehl fairgrounds property Thursday as Costa i\fesa Mayor Al vin L. Pinkley w1thdr('v; hath other land offers. Concerning the JO-a cre SCC property, the Mayor said: "One. \11e can't offer the county what ~e don't have -1t '.~ sltll in e!'Crow, and _ tw :i -we're no! going to offer 1 ~ 11ny\vay.'' . r-.1ayor Pinkley. also a d1re1.:tor {If thr f;i\fCWD, said Jt v.•as discussed and ftelmnineci th::it lhe Redhill Avenue· Palisades Road siU! more properly should hf;:comc a part of Irvine Company in· dustrial land. Cost is a major factor in estnh!ishing a permanent court si te .. possibly t.o include a county regional library, v.·1lh a $1 million savlllR estima1rd {Iver Ne'>'·por1 Beach·s wmpeting site offer. . Fairgrounds la nd has been nppra1:.cd at tSet COURT, Page 21 Another Atuich On ~lesa l'ocds~ IVo Ne 1v Lecul.~ jli o nr\\' i!rvrl opnlcnts \\·ere rrpor1rd In· (Jay in the knifrpoinl rape_ of a IO-year-0!rl rosta 1'.1esa girl, but an{lther youngster t;ld of being mo lested 1n Corsica Park by three leen.agcd boys. The girl, 1:t, was not hanncd, but had her capri pants Jerked d{lwn to her ankle!!' and was fondled by the assailants as a ~rrond girl companion ~1ood 110(! sc re11m- td ror help. The junior high school girls said they "'ere 91•alking through the Mesa Verde tirea park during the evening hours when one of lhe lr10, aged 16 or 17, grabbed her and 1 second pushed her down. "If you·re going to report 11ttempt rape-, we might as v.·ell do the real thing," one rPportedly said as the ~·oungster scream · rd. They finally fled and lhe girli; left Ill notify ;.uthorilics about the incJdent. ap- parently un_rtlatcd to the criminal assault on the IO-year-old on the Orange County fairgrounds area \\'ednesday. She was ace{)Sted by a yooth 18 to 20, who forced Mr to disrobe at knifepoint, then attacked hc.r on the ground between f\\'O dirt mound.~ hiding them from view In the \\'ecdy field . 'C RA SIJ' -S l\RIES CONCLUDES T<JDAl' Finaneial columnist Sylvia Pot rrr 1''1nds up her five-parl series analyzing lhe econonly of 1!!69 in lii;:ht of the 1929 ti loc k markcl crash in " column on Page 1n today. lier conclusi{ln : No more detp •lrprei:.i:.ion~. Sign of Zodiac Police drav.1ing of suspected ''Zodiac Kill er" is being circu- lated throughout California to- d ay a s la\v enforce1nent agen- cies press search for man be· tieved respons ible for series of unsolved slayings in nnrthcrn part of state. See ~lory, J=>age 8. Four Streets Due For Resurfacing In Costa Mesa Reconstruction ;ind resurfacing of fou r fosta ~fcsa strct•ls will ta ke pl<ice ne~t "'eek, Assistant City Engineer Norman K Spielman announced today. The Sully-Miller Company, winners of the $34,i54 contract, will be working on portions of Cara"''ay Drive, Gisler .. \venue. Babb Streel and Denver Dnvr, beginning f\tonday. Cara\vay Drive from Ginger Avenue. tn Cinnamon Avenue will br con1pletely rrconslrucled v.·ith complete removal of its exi sting aspha lt, C<>ncrete and ba.~e rnaterial. That portion of Caraway Drive, v.·il l be closed during the three-day work period. which v.•ill take 11lace "sometime next week ," city officials said. Ad jacent proPf'rly ov.·ners v.·ill he required lo seek parkmg {In ot her streets. An asphall O\•er1ay \1•ill be applierl lo Ci~ler Avenue from \\lashington A\enu~ lo Harbor Bou!e.vard next Y.'('Ck, but the roar! 11'111 rem;iin open. Heavy congestion is cxpcc:tr<!. h.">\\'ever. .i.nd Spielman :id1·1scd motorists lo la~e :in al1crn ate routr. Bahb St reet from Baker ~treet to l'aularioo Avenue and Drn1·f'r J)rive from nahh S!re.cl cast. 11·ill rcccivr an asphalt 111·rrlay next week, and v.·111 be closed to traffir for one day. Property ov.·ners v.·111 h;ne to sct•k parking on other pub!Jc ,,-trrels, Spielma n said. Slark llfnrkets NE\Y YORK f AP) ~The s1ock market sl1pprd tn a small los.~ t{)(Jay in the rinal t>ession of a "'eek in which ii scored a strong gain, tScc quotations, Pages 10· JI ). Shari Loses Fight for Life Mesa Girl Buried 5 Years After Crippling Crc~h ('AM ARATA Slior1 /,111111 Ca niarata, Ag1· 26. of 1621 fl/p ~a Drivr . Santa A na. S11ruivf'r1 b!/ tuio ~ou .~. Rouolr! and Brei/: pareitt ~. ll/r. 1111rl J\1 r.~. t\lbrrt BPI/. So1t1':! A,10; tlfc) broll!f•rs .. latl,; aurl Rv, Bell, Co,\•ta fl1e.~a . SPr v1ces 1vil/. br. lie.Id f'n- da!f. 11 AJ\f. Be.II 8road1oay Chapel. 1v1t11 Re i•. <.;llfir/c.~ S111i//1 of ficiatinr1. !11ter1neu r. Pacific v 1,.to J\1en1or1ol /'a rk. Bell Broo.dzvoy J\fvrlua ry, Direc· rors. By ARTIJUR R. VINSEL 0111•• Da!IJ l'llol Siii! There l! more to the itory than th11t. ~luell more. f ive years ago loday, tn the rending r rash {If glass and metal and the bon e· breakir.g im pacl of a car hiU ir.g a roadway di vlder, life beg11n leavini; Shan Can1arata, Today v.•as he r funeral. lf the human spirit has color, the 11'1!1 !o live tnusi he the blue par1. the J;i.~t fierce litt le glow before the flame goes fltlt The at1ract1l'e young divoreee y,•as rid ing "'ilh two {llhcr girls {In Oct. t7, 1964, \\·hen thei r car went out of rontrol and hurled her into the W{ltld of the Olsablcd . Friends, rel:itives and a one-t ime f1ance could probably tell tile liltle anec- •lotes that add life to an account of her last five years, but they \\"ere al her luneral. H{lrri bly iniure<l in lhc autl) crash, :jhan spent the first. few w('eks of her last fi\"e )'ears at Oak Park Community LONG FIGHT ENOS Sh,.ri Cama .. ata Hospital in Los Angeles. Her ii:iJurics read almost lik e an autopsy reix>rt: broken nec k, pelvi s, hip, lrg .•. not to mention lhe lacerations and bruise5 which would eventually heal. A strin& of major su rgical operalions Comhat-clisahled lndia11 Witts Out i11 Fai1· Costs A ronlbal.-disablctl Marine who is chief 1:"1 t I federated American India n tribe~ "'on arguments for reduced rent.al or the Orange County Fairgr{lunds Thursday in a po'>'·wow with !he governing body. The big All American Indian \Veek shi\"aree will go {In as scheduled Satu rday :ind Sunday, but some mcmb(rs of the :l2nct District Agricultural Associut1{1n arc \\'Orric<l about JI S !iUCC(':;~. t"h1cf f;e<>rge SL Picrrr, :i 1e!cvis1on 11T11cr v.-h:J 11\"l'S 1n \\'hH1 ier, fou n<I Fairgrounds Secretary-Manager Alfr erl 1;. L\11jrans ;i1 nnr point urgi ng the board to 111nk lhc 1-1 l1olr proie<-L _ l11slear!. rl iret1ors f1n all .1• •·otcd lo allow payment nf $2 .000 in rental fr es, or :t•: 1wrr!'ol of all income fr{)m 1hr sho1.,., bi ll- f'rl by Chief SL Pierre as bru1g1ng 50,000 I ndian.~ and spectator~ Lui.Jeans, however, tolrl the board th;il 1f SL Pier re roulcl not arrange guaran- 1,ced security, sanitation, food serviee and receipts accounting and the llke. the con· tr;ict should be. denied. Only it wa s a license 11n1!er con· sidf'ratlon, nol the cont ract. which Oirec· tor Alex Bowie noted v.·as approved last 1neellng . Bo\''ie an~1 ly 1!1'f]ared that if <lel:l i!~ have bren lrft unrlone !hey had better be accom plished :is swiftly a.o; possi ble.·• "l 1nean ii AUred ," he snapped. •·1 ~11hm1t that it is n{lt niy responsibil1ly. , ."' began Luljf'an!i, t:'.011- t111uing on tn say it is n(ll his f;i ult if the Al! A1TI('r icao Jnrlian \Vce k fund c;in L h11ndle its own plans. Securit y v.·as one question -since llir lndian nonrrofit orJ:anization app:irently arr;inged <111c -and 1he Fair BoArd ask- "" Cost;i J\!es;i r-..1a yor Alvin l,. Pinkley if pohre ro11ld h1•lf) oul. .. AfinA r:iised on ;in lnd 1;u1 rr~('rva\inn until I 1~·as ninr·ycar~-ohl . I say th~ Cosi.1 .".les.1 Polirr l)rpartmrnl \\'!II do ;all 1l can," said ,\1:iyor Pinklry, whosr parent.~ wrre m1ss1onanes. 111c vol e.. lo license lhe lr~iva1, ninniru; 1nost of each day f;a turrl.1y an<I Sunday, llas.~cd 6 to t. w1!h Rogers \"011ng no on lhr redu ce<! rC'nta l rate "I've got a ferling th is thing i~ poorly plannOO," he saui. Director Bowie added that if il turns 011t a fiasco. Lhe Indians will be barre<l from the fairgrouods forever- and skin gralts followed -requiring 24 hour me<lical supervision -at. {Ille point costin g $80 per day, and fr iend~ opened !hr Shari Camarata Fund. Hrr 111sur::incc ,.,.as gone. The treasury which rlJentually hit $2.000 and lllOr(' was maintained Rl the l .. S. Nationa l Bank Braneh, where she worked before life came to one kind of an rnd. The helpless yuung woman was finally transferred !{I Rancho Lo.~ Amigo~ 1-lospilal in Downey, a special facility Where some patient~ consider those with rnotorized wheelchairs among the agile ones. Sharl had no use of her arms or legs lhen, and life con!;islcd of an almost 1'n1tlcss chain of days. 11,:!ht into dark, dnrk into light, nnd season into season. The people closest to Shari were at ll£'ll·Broadway 1'.lortua ry today, o,•»il h n1ore 1n1portanl business perhaps than p:1ss1n,c: {In to otht rs the bright spots thal t'f'rl;iinl.v n1ust ha\"£' come 01•cr the years. One of !hr1n v.'ou!(I ubvious!y ha ve been a ret urn lo the fa mily home at 1621 ~lcsa Ori,·e, Santa Ana Heights, but her af. flirtion still required pc r i o d i c hospitalization. ~tic was adm illrd to Costa J\lesa ~temorial Hospital less thon two weeks ;ig:::i, and fln Oct. 14. the spark lina!ly wml out, long, long after it began dim· min_g . Some might say othenYise, but Shar l Camarata knew what 11he wanted -life -11nd iihe fought for it, neatly fly111 years, and every day was a victory. Chancellor Tells Hotv He'd Ru.le On ftli.ss _Duvis l "C Irvine Chance llor Daniel G. Aldrich J r. said today he would not fear to hire Aogrla Davis if university rules permit- ted it. lie sairl in hi.~ personal opinion hrr membership in the Communist party should not be reason not to hi re her. However, present University rule~ pr~rlude il, he said. The distinction he <!raw s bctwC<'n how· he would have In act now, and how he 11 011ld act if the bar on hiring Com· mun1::.ts v.·cre dropp«l , he says explain11 11·haL he arlmi1s ni1i;:ht seem to be a con- tradictinn in his public slatc1ncnts . This v.·cck he v.·as asked u:rectly iil :i S<inla Ana K1wan1s Club mccti n1: if he 11 ould h1r(' ,...1i~s Da1·is, 11nd he rrplicd, "Lord, y{'s.'' Two weeks ai:?o lhe rhancellor 1\·as ask· rrl about Angela Davis al a Nr"'J)(}rt I l11rbor Chamber of Commerce meeting. On lh<tl occasion he said: "It is very clear. Commuoisls are nr.t to be employ ed in Lhe University or Callfornia. The only thing to d{I i!I to gel rid of them, and that has been done." Statewide Reversal Likely Bait ••• UCI Profs OK Student Senate Seats By TITOi\fAS FORTlJNE Ot "'' D•ltf Pl19T ll•tf t:C Irvine professors v{lted l.1 to 13 at an Academic Senate meeting Thur.;day to ;1drnlt students to membership i11 the Scnale, the faculty deliberative body. It is an action they figure will be loo radical lo be swallowed by professors at Berkeley and other UC campuses and io all likelihood will be sl.ruck down by the statcv;·ide _Academic Assembly . The Irvine campus plan is to admit one st udent membe r ror every five faculty members belonging to the Academic &nate. A motion to submit the proposal to all 273 UCI faculty members by mail ballot y,·as narrowly defeated by lhe about 60 pr:iessors present. Arter passing its intention to admit sh1· den t members, the Senate recessed for one week \\'hen \vays of chOOll\ng the. sllt- rlent members and rinding means flf legally giving the1n the vote will be dlscu~scd . A couple nther ur. campuses ha"'.e made studcnl5 Senate rrpre~en!at 1ves \\'ilhou t voting privi lege. Advocatt~ of the lrvilie plan want to go further and make the 20 percent student members full nirmbcrs with voting rights. Assistant Professor of ~1alhrmatic.~ Frank Cannonito said as he read the LlC regents' Standard Orders they say whl) may be members of each campus' Academic Senate but not who may not . lie said it clearly wa s the intention or th::: persons who drew up the statutes to speciry who sha ll become a Senate member but that they left a loophole. "It is my contention we have Lhc machinery lo vote in Eldridge Cleaver or James Utt if we wanted kl," he said. However, Professor or E I e c tr I ca 1 F.ngineering 11no Physic!! Nalhan Rynn s11ld he was told this week by a UC vice: pre!i.ident that he does nol regard Can· non ito's argument a valid argument. "I walked away wtth the feeling the rulin.c: :ilready has hec:n made against U!I," Rynn said. Chainnan {If the UCI Academic Senate RernArd Gelbaum said the. head of th~ l..'niversity-wide rules commiltet could not counler Cannonito'i:. argument with lhe printed word. "The {lpposition is founded on common law and Jong·S"tand- iog practice," he said. ''f think this wil l grind its way up the state mach.inery and eventually to lhe rcgent.s," Gelbaum Wd. In a r g u i n g for admitting student me.mbers, Associate Professor or Psychology John Wallace said, "Do you v.•anl chaos: at our front door ~ We are laced with lhe necessity of cha nge. V.'e ~hould do it now wh ile we are not in a superheated situation." The proposal t{I admit studenl.S as Academic Senate members arose out or student prote!fl last school year over lhe 1.hr caLeried dismissal of three assista nt professor~. one of whom was 'reinstated and promoted lO tenure. (A flr~t con· ~ss1on to the sludenls had been granting lhrm privilege of the floor to speak in Senate debate.) Associate Professor of Spanish J ulian Palley , chairman or a committee th:l1 <'tTie up with the 5ludent mtmber.ihip propos:il, urged faculty members to for onre hecome radicals. "We're asking you to question one of the oldest univer.iity tenets," he said, "to let the students join us in decision mak· ing. We're proposing they contribute to decisions regarding curricula and person- nel. Of course studenl! woukl not have control.'' He said the faculty was not really being radical but conservative, ln the senae rl preserving its freedoms, in IU Angela Davis resolutions. A week ago the UCI profeuors voted {lvcf\lo·helmingly to seek an Injunction against the Board of Relftltl for alleged. Jy overstepping their bounds tn removing credit fr{lm a course taught by Miss Davis. Tne faeulty followed lhat up with two nev• resolution, Thursday. WI thou t 1H~scnt, they voted to encourage con- tribution to a rund to defray Miss Davis' lcg:'lt expense!!' and Lo resolve that "no political lest or mere membership in any organization shall ever be considered in the •ppoinlrnent. . .{If any faculty member .•. " Today's Final N.Y. Stock8 TEN CENTS ~ ar Again.sf High Costs Beit1g Won _ \\'ASHINGTO N CUP!) -President Nixon declared today lhi!l the nation "i! on the road to recovery from the disea~ of runaway prices .·• In a broadeast report to Americans on his administration's battle again~t in- flation, Nix{ln said the steady rise in the cost of living had not yet been halted, but he said il had been slowed. He said io the text of his speech from his oval office at the White Jlou5e that labor and management. as well a! the pu blic, could expect the administration(!) continue its orten unpopular steps to con· trol inflation . And he said it \\"ilS winning the bat,tle - v.•1thout "shock trl"atment." The Prrsidcnl drclarerl : •·\Ye are not l'Onsidrring w:igc nr price rontol.~.'' Nor, hf' said, wou ld h~ u.~e lhr ~n-called guide li ne systen1 of telling the work in_:: man how much he :;hould charge for hl:i services or how mueh a businessman: should charge f{lr his goods. Nixon slres~l'rl that in the cont.lnuin~ \\'ar on inflation, "there will he na (lvernight cure," bul added. "\Ve are on the road to recovery from the disease o( runaway price~. "Let me be careful not l{I mislead any{lne : prices are still goi ng up, and n1ay continue to do so for a whil• -a fi ve year momentum is not easy l{l stol?· "B11t now prices are no longer in- creasing fa ster and fa ster -the ln· rreases not {Inly have slackened. but the ratt.s o( increase are actually declining. Without ~hock treat1nen!, we are curin1 !he causeii c;if the rising cost of living ." At another polnl , Nixon said: "Tilt runaway cost of living is no c~, we are {l bligrd lo bea r. Tt can he brought under control. Jt 1s being slowed by firm ;ind ste;idy acl1on that deals wiLh its r00t causes.'' Nixon .i;aid thal he was sending :t letter this \.,.et>kend to a cross secti{ln or leaders 111 labor and business callin~ their af... 1enl1on to "the lalesl facts of economie life." '"[am asking lhem lo Lake a hard look at whal government has done in these tpast) nine months -not just our y,·ord!I, but our deeds," Nixon said. "And 1 am a~k 1ng them to make th eir own fut~• pl<ins on lhc ba~ls of working and selling in :i country that is not fooling a00.1t i;;lov.'ing down the. rise in the cost or liv· 1ng." f;NP Jumps 2% In 1'hrd Quarter \VA~ll!Nr.TON (UPI) -The Gro.~s N.11ion;il Producl in creased by 2 percent 1:1 the lhird quarter rir the ye.ir. outstrip- pini;: the rirst two quarters of the year. a1 cording to the Commerce Department. The dcpartincnt said Thursday thal the C.NP -the value of the nation'~ good:ii vnd services -increased $17.5 billirin in the third quarter Lo a seasonally adjusted rate {If $9~2.3 billion for 1969. lrcreascs in the first two quarters werr: $!6 billion and $16.5 bill ion respectively. At the same lime, prices increased at ;in annual rate of 5.5 percent during lhfl third quarter, a sligh t increa!'!e over the~ percrnl rate in the second quarter. Orange Coast WeacJter Cloudy skie~ and llghl wind! shape up a~ the weekend pie· lure along the Orange Coast, "·ith temperatures still ranging around the seventies. INSIDE TODAY If you 1hi11k Shea Stadium Wf!-nt wild T/1ursda11 when the ~lets c11pt11red the WoTLd Serie,,, yot' should hove :i:etn i\1onhat· 1a11. Page 5. •••flllt " M .... •I ..... • c.1 ... ,,.., • Nalllllal N ... , ••• Cln •I""' JJ.U °"'""' c-nr • Cl"'lc' " l•hll• ·-" c .... _,4 • ... ,_,_ ,,,,. -· llfllCH • '""' ... OIYlrc•• • '"" M•,._•n 1•11 •11,.r11r '"' • , ... ¥ ..... " 1111<1<11111-• H-11 t""llA ... ,.._. ••11 ·-• lfer-.C-" ....... '#lltt. • ... 1.-·· " ·-· ·-11-1' -~· ' ·--.... ""'¥'" • •• ,,.._..,,, --· .... ,. --.. -·~--~---~ -... -----------.... .---------.................................. "' ..................................... -.. -... ---..---.... , '"! OAJL Y PflOT c Air Pollution Stirs Wrath at Smog B" TERR\' COVILLE 'ot""' o.J" ,llM '"" Nucleu energy was hailed Wcdne.sd.ily "5 the faturt: solu tion te a ir p;)llutlon by 1iu'ee Ca lifornia ~as arid ele<:tru.: utilities -hut not for t ighl lo ten yC'ars. Tiie lack uf <1n immediate :r:olut1on, ~()\\·ever , br0t~ht a barrage o[ erit1c1s111 \Jpon the uLi\Jtics fro1n n1cmbers o~ the i;tele Envlronrnenlal Qual!t.v Stud~· Coun- <"ll n1C'eting 1n ~·1rmoria11\all, Huntington Bf' a ch Cenlf'r of the ('u rrent co nl rO\'t rsy 01cr :inr pollution has bl'-ea the ann~unced in- tention of Soulh rrn California Ed i~on Company to doublf' thf' £1ze of HS Hun- 1.Jngton Beach J)O\\ rr plant. Council meinbers did not auack the 1Jununglo11 Beach pla11t ~olely , but n1aclc NAMED TO KEY JOB United Fund's Mrs. Smith 'Good Neigh bors ' Donation Sought For United Fund ,I., big job -con1 arting 24 .000 familJt~ <l'.'i hearl of !he Costa ~l e~a UnitP<I Fund'! rrOOd !\e1ghbor program -has be.en allotted to ~trs. Jark Smith . The annou ncement V.'as m;ide Thursday bv UP Ch;iirman Frank Zrcb1ec. who F3id Mr s. Sn11th has the la.!k of raising C'o~ta !\-t esa 's per-family donation nearer lht national a\'rrage. '.'llrs. ~mit h. "'·ho hv('S Ill 1:190 Shannon Lane v.·1fh her tf'lephont company t x- K lltive husb;ind an d !hrre ron~. ~f ikf', J.1ark and Jeff. is a loqgl.Jrnc city resi- rlent. ,.\ ni('re. of 1ht la1e pharmaci~t Sa in Cra wford . \\•hosr Kewport Boulevard drug st.ore still bears his name . ~!rs. .Smilh attrnrled ~tr>:ally Elementary ~chool and ~cwp0rt Har bOr High School . 1-ihe is ar1!1c 111 the co1nmun1 ty. as ;i OOard nicmbcr of the llaltcrcst Club. as 11·c.ll 2s 11·1th her fam1h', 1vh1ch enjo\'s trail bike motorcycling~ exped itions 'to rUC.i!:ed . remo!e .:ircas. The new lF program cha1r1nan no1r ~ tha t 100 or morr \'O!untttr 11·omen will ;:issist in hrr segment of the campaign ·wlurh last ~·ear a1 eragC'cl only 17 c ent~ per household. The lola! collerte<l. $.\.1 20 :.(!. 11 a.; below 1J1e year's a1•cragr for s1m 11<1r c1\1t'.<; on the natkm::il ro111parison , in trrn1 "> nl ~Jlr ;inrl a\·rrai;r incC'lme Piirtnc. 1111· l!l•l!l li'l , .i1np,1 i.:n. r!1r 1 nllc~ F11n1I f?.'!Ti1rr r1I 111"!"'\ lfl h'lP ~I m,.mber ::ii::rnrl' l·•,' 111• ~,.d i ll\I' !.ture ha~ risen 10 22 or~an1za11on•. Prince.,.. (J :;, Ui c.• 1\0 \ST:\\Z. Gcrn1an_v (Cr'\) 'Pr,ner~s Tl1 roclor a of f3adr n. ~Jslcr nf Bnta1n·:'i Pr1ncr r~h1 l1p, rl1ecl 1n ,, :'iar.itonu1n ;ii nearby BuedJn~cn Thu r~ dii), a spoke~m ;:in for the f;in11 ly said to- day. She "'·as 63 . DAILY PILOT Cl••l'1GI COA~I "UIL tSl-IUloi C0M'4h"f J;1!.ert N. We•I "'"' .... "' '"' ~ulltlall• Je e ~ It. Cu•l •v \/•~ ''"''*'t 1...i "'"'''' ,l,'.i119tr l t•'•• Tk'"'"' A. ~u·11~;., "'tM1•fl !G"O' C•1'9 W... 0""-9 l l O W11t l1r .Shttl ~,11:., Adllll•111: ,,0 , lo~ 1560, ,,.26 Ort-Offk" H1ww1 Stir• ?71! .,....,, l•'!IO• ""'"'''' l•..,~· '""'" ))I ._.,·-· .. ~"''"''Gt! lh.VO. JOI ll~ , .... t ,...,.__ 17141 641-4JJI . Q11d .. I ............. Ml·i61t eo..-r....,. t,.., o·-t M" llu"'""looe :_ .. , ... ...... .......... .~ ..... 1-. .c:o0r111 .... u.. .. ,.,,,, ... _.... ... ..... -~ N rt1-...M •·-•ottill "'' ...... -"' u. ........ ·-· ~-r11,. _._ .. ••"' et ""'"'-' •--II ... ( .... !. -· Cl"'"''"" ~·,,·-... ....... ., .. -'~· .,. -" u. _ ... ..,, 1!'1111...,--W..•-· SJ• _..,, it clear thfiy oppn5f'cl furt her f:l!sil fuel (as oppo6ed tG nuclear) power plants in :;inv heavy smog area. 'The council doe1 not have lhe power to halt Edl50ll con· t>lruct.ion, bul il!: recommendations from \\'ednesday's hearings may have far rta('hing inf luence on the future of power plants in California. Testin1ony was heard in the afternoon from Sa n Diego G;is and Elet lrJC Com- pany and Pacific Gas <1nd Electric Con1- rany !PG&E ) as 11ell as a Jew furlher comments from f.rl1son rl'presrntatil'CS. Spokes1nen tor tl1c thre e u!llities cited high cosl, loo many go1·rrning agencies ;ind public opposition as the reasons for no! mo ving ra pidly 1n1tt the nurle<ir pr,"'rr plant field. .\lberl Pearlsun, a I:ie1 erl~ !11lls at- Protest tamey and mtmber of the Quahty Coun- cil. cited "fresh air " as the tea~ !or nuelear ~·er or aome ot her cleil n power, immediately. \Vednesday, the Edison Company released an <1nnounce1rient rlaim1ng 1l had d1sC"Ovcred a rnethad to retluce the nitrogen oxid e rprime supplier of s1nl)g1 Pm1ssions by .\0 percent, e1·cn 111t h l11e proposed expansion. 1'he Edison release i.;_11•! thi s "ou!d Ol'cur by new engineC'ring and gradual reduction in tJ1e use of the HunungLon Beach plant in futu re ye:irs. Pearlson. howe\·er, quilzed a chcrn1st from PG&E, and dre"' an admission from him that 111 his opinion. "Lhe c:..- r.1ns1on of losstl fuel plants doe s bri n~ tnore s1nos and U1al there is no kno1~11 Opposed Poll Finn s Most Against M oratoriurn l\E\V )'ORK IUPI\ -A majority of An1rr ican s polled following !he nati::inal rnoratonum d,1y \\ere unsyrnpathetic to the anti\\·ar demonstrations and ;tn C'ven larger perccntagr endorsed President !\1xon·s Vi etna1n policies. 11 was re1>0rted tod ay. Sind linger l Co. a rna rkr~ing and opi- nion rescarth organiza uon 1n :\'orwood. Pa , conducted the sur\·ey by tclrphone Thursday, the da~· after the mora loriun1 observance, q11cstion1og !195 throughout the country. ,\josl of those questioned \1·ere over 25. The firm said thal of U1e 78 .6 percent \\•ho knew about moratorium day. 57.4 percent thought it \\'as "an overall bad idea,'' 31.7 percent thought it y,·as an "overall goocl idea'' and JO.!J ~rcent had no opinion. Asked whet.her they believed ''Presi· dent Nixon is rloing all he can 11) sellle the v.·ar in Vietnam," 68 5 percent said :\'es, 2'J percent said no and in 6 perrenl had no opinion. This 11·a:'i a risf' in support for i'\1xon·:; \'ietnam pol icies s ince a similar Sind- linge r Poll cond ucted in Septembrr. In that poll 61 .5 percent of those quC'stionrd supported ~ixon on Vietnam and 23.3 per- cent thought he could do more. 'fhc support did not ho1vever reach thP lr1·et of a Sindlinger poll in June "''hen i2 percent backed ro'ixon and only 13.4 per- cent thought he could do more to end the 11 ar. Albert E. Sindlingf'r. presidtnl of tht firm , said it 1vas significant that the percentage of persons with no opinion dropped from 23.3 in September to 10.6 in the latest poll. "I thin k the moratorium actually :<0lidif1ed supporl for Ni:ton,'' he said. "The people ~·e. que~tioned y,·ere more \OCal on this tha n on any survry 1ve ba\·e £\'er done before," A1·th111· F. B111·ns i11 Li11e F 01· F ede1·al Reserve Spot \\'ASHINGTOl\ IAP) -President ro'1x- on announced today he 111111 nominate \\'h1te Houst aide Arthur F. Burns tri rrplare \\'i1J1a.n1 :'ll rChcs ne~· i\1art1n Jr , as f'ro111 Pnge 1 COURT. • • 5~0.000 per acrr. "TI1e building and grounds commnter or the agricultural di s!nr.l ha s several sites. an v of \\h1ch 11 ould be excellent. ;:incl lhev-are al';il)ablc to the coLtnty at a ~1•h.~tan'1 1 al $<1\111f' to 1hr la\'pil yer 01rr ni11{'r sites no1\' unde r con.~1drrat1on ,'' the 1n31·or said .\i<i king hi< 01•n report \'l Ille Fair Boa rd . Director Robcrl L Hu1nphrey~ ~a1ri the count;.· 1ra nl!i ::i cou rt s11c ne;i rcr to the Co~ta ~lesa Policr Facil!ty than the one offered. at Ar\Jn!!!O n l)ril'e and Fa1r1·1r11· Road . "1\s the board l-.no11 :.. tills niatler h.:1~ h~cn at loggtrheari~ for .~omr timr, 1!11mphrevs cnnu11urrl. · Tht·rP has been 11 .• th1n~ done " D1sruss1on cenlerM nn <1~1'111,i:: Sta nk": l\r ,111~c. rount~· diri.'ctor of 1·cal properties ~rr11rr ~. Ir• .<.l ucl\' !he L11r;;roun<!s again for a bes! J)(l";;1hlr ( ourt ~Jlr !"'inc" (•b~rrirrJ D1rrctnr T n in liri:tr~.' hill no1 "'a nnr--.hot thlll~" l!r f.11 rzgC:'olr1! rr11r11 111~ Jh(' entlfe ru1r~rouncls prcipen1 ""' " rnmm11 n1 \.\ 1f"crr:i:in:1al·r"t:hur.1I rrn;rr, l;.11 tnlJ(!I- r.1 r.r\\<r<ipcr ((11 crfH!," nf lhr pa~! ;:i~ ronta1n1ng l;i!!-r 1nlnr1n1T1on ;:in it ~e:-,r ra!lng l1;irJ Jeering~ a1no11g age.n<'lCS Jn1oh 1 rt D1reclr,r \\('\ Bow1r !n \t1r11 !->ill d Fa1 r T~o;i 1 d 111cn1ber, l1a1r l•IO re~pons1b1l it1r~ .'It hand, rxploring ho11· 10 do a better JOh !Jr tht counl~ and al~o how to best use lht" entire ground.'i. 1·hairinan of the Federal ncser1·e Boa rd Burns, <1 65·yca r-olrl economist born 1n Austria, is to take over lhe top job 1n the 11a11on·s central ban k next Jan. 3L ~·hen tltartin 's lern1 ex pires. il larlln, "''ho is 62, has scr1·ed on \hi" Fedtral Rf'serve Board si nce !95l. A fo rn1er pre51 dcnl of Lhe !\'e11' Yori-. Stock !:::-.:change, ~l artin Jong has been rrg<.1rd- r::l 1n financial circlrs around 1he globe as a~ syn1bol or sound money. l.lurn:<. 1rho 1l'as cha1rin;i11 .,r ~he Couri· 1 iJ Of £conon1:C 1\(1\'iSCfS cJurin g !11UCIJ f•f Jl1c E1:.e11howcr ;id1n1n1strat1nn. has brt n ~1·!'1111g since J;inua ry as eounsclor In .\'1'1;flll . \\h1tc Hnu~e pre ':. Sl'('rc1a ry l\onJ ld L. 7,1rglcr sa1rJ hr ll 1rt not knn11• .-ii 1 h1~ 1101111 11hclhcr anotlicr r.oun~clnr 11otdd be nam- rcl or whe the r lhe posn1on, created b~· :\1:-.:on, 11 ou ld be dispensed \\'Jth. i\.s counselor, Burns has bcC'n a hry pres1den11al adv iser 1n the formula!ion 11! domestic policy, laking an arti \·e 1ntere;,t in econun1H' 1na!lrr~- Likc t11art 111. he i~ 1•Jns1dercd ;in re•1non1ic rnn~rr1 a!!I r Forn1 all\·. Bur ns 1s bring nom1natrd to hr ;1 1nr1Tibc.r flf the FC'de ral Rc~rr\f' l!Oilrd bLJt j\ IX•ll1 5illd fo\I Q\l lflS f':>,pt'<'tf'<l <·onf1 rn1 a!1on bv the Senatr, 11,. 11oul1l dc:-1gn<11r Burn~ a.: cha1riT1ilrt Thf' Ferlcr ;:il H<"~rr1e l·1r 1nh p;p' ~~2 .. '100 ;< I (':Jr Born 111 ~J;uu.;;f.111 ,.\u<tna. Rurn~ 11::ii;; rdue;iteri al Colu1nb1a ln1,·er~11.1 11 hrr~ hr rrrr11 rd .~ dne\rir f,f philosophy clrgrer. \\'h1l e Rurn.• and :'llarun <Ir(' both rcg:.1rdcd :1~ 1 (1n~rr1nt 1\·es. co11grrss1ona l ~ource~ closr 10 monetary pol1ry ~a1 ri thcr P n11sht he substan!ial d1f!eren ccs 111 cicla1! in the policie s Bur ns .,.,ould ad · 1ocatc. DA ILY ,.It.OT SUI! ll~•lt Yo11ngste1•s Give1t Stature rosta tilesa yout hs DaYJd Fontes tlcf1), the illustrator. and Da,·id Df\11·e. author, sludy page 1ro1n book on Orangc County's aerospace indust ry they prepared last spring for ~ea r Street School teac her ~1rs . Janice F isher !center). This \\CC'k the school board ordered lhc n1ne year olrl ,._' rrporl reprinted a s a supplementary :-ciencc bo<1k f0r >1!1 thirrl c r.1d c i lt1 ~._,,r., Hl the Nc 11 por1-Mesa d1slr1 ct. \I ay to reduce. It " State Assemblyman Jtthn V. Briggs iR- Fullerton ). ch111rman of the Lrgi~lature'.s Joint Committee on At omic Df'1·elopn1t nt and Space, gave a bri rf report on f1 n- rli n11.s reached bv his ta1r11111U('>{I Some conclusions Briggs said · -The biccest prolx'!n1 is the need fnr rlean air being han1[>{'rCd by puhl1c fear of nutlear power -La ck ot coord1n::i11011 ;iinon~ :igencH'!'! ti f':ilulf: \l'lth tht> lllill!y fXJ\l'Cr pl;i11I ~ -A nce11 fl)r prc·plannir1g, t·01Kcrn1n;; thr plating of po11er pl.111Ls. i\111:lear po11er 1 ~ s1riog frer safr. -Heuer education necde1I 1n !ht rL11e on nu('lellr PV\1 er :inrl !he nrrrssJtv l•ir 11. Rnggs c·onc·luded thaL "lherr 1~ "nn 11·a_v 11c ('an .stay a11J~' froin po11er regulation on the st ate le vel." rearlson, Dr. Frank J. Tysen, tJSC rco lQftist arid Dr. A. J . llaagenSmit , Caltech st1('nt1st, al! ol the Qualit y Coun- 1"11 , expressed full support for pre-plan- ning .::ind Sl:ile regu lation on the pttwer plants, S:iid ll aagenS1n1t. •·1 do !eel an enlity niust be responsible for reserving land s ites for po11·er plants." Thr <·ouncil <l lso heard a plP;i fr oin Frank r--1. Stead. Env1 ronmcnta l ~l a nagc inent Consul tant, to •·st ablish a pla n for t:in1 I u5(', 11 h1{'h 11 i;iu!d diret't the fut ure ~roll'th of C;1l1f(ln11a 10 c·cna1 n areas wit h respect for !hr brst use of la nd. The Qua l1!~· f'tiunt ll termin<Jlccl 11 ~ h!:'aring 11·11h •talcn1rnts from se1 eral 11ir1nhrr<; of thl' a1u!1eni:r. al! or "'ho111 oppm;rd c.\p;:insion o[ Edison's ltun ung- DAILY Pl~OT St•H ~~o lo Repo1·t to tl1e City :\rti5t Ken \Vh ttney and Costa !l,lesa Cit y ('!e r).;'s Office recc pt 1on1~t Linda Al1\·ood check over one of 10.000 ne\v Costa ~le sa Annual Re- port booklets hot off the presses. ;\lunic1pal refercnre rnanuals \\·e re produced for the first t in1c tlus ·''c<Jr b1· l'll~'.o;; <'cntral Ser1·ice ~ branch. \\'hitncy produced 1ll ustra 11 ons lor the book. available free at c·i,•ic ('enter. \Vell. So111e B1·ass I lnprlully Antonr I oelnn 1 lu~ h~ u1 IQ\(\ brcau~c he tcr1.11nly 1.sn·1 in hus111es...<;. Costa :'lie.SJ rolice ~JJcl torlav 1111 r.<,t1gJtQr!-_aid Locll:1.1l ol Jjl:i \\', <"hr:.!nu1 St S.111ta .\11.t 11,1 ; ~cnt 1111h ii 5~1 6 lo,1d of surphis br,'lss Anny rifle parls fr om his en1plo1rr's plan! to a S.an- la r\na ~:iha gr )arr!-\\'rd11c.•d".1·. lie repor1rd\y told Ille bu~crs lo n1ak ~ 011! the chC'c k to h1m~el f in stcnd nf 2D Produ<I~. :JIO!l Pullinan A1T , ~ IQC;t rlcfc-n~i· 1 on!rarl .~u ppl1er. S:intri .<\na Polirr Detec!l~ P \\ 1lha:n \\"ra1herl.1• happened to be stancl1ng on th!' loa<hrt-:: dark :111d 01·rrhcard I he crin- 1f'r:>:it1on. 11 hich led tn d1scus~11111s \fll h :!n Prr>.iu, 1 r.1:('~11111 c :'llax D<n 15 . !'ol1rc shri11rt1 up ;it the f1rn1 'fln1r:.da~·. ;1rre~lcrl Corlhn and charged bun 111tll grand lheft, ac1.:ord111g lo Palroin1an r at f)rnohu e. Ion B€ach ptarf ... Costa ~lesa City Councilman Wmlam St . Clair declared, "our !'1ty i!'! no1v elear, cool and clean. \\'e don 't "ant Jl pa lHd, poisoned and pollu!ed." llis declaration was disputed by E. r.. '.'lt;i rsh, a Costa /rlcsa resident \1·ho said. "\\'e're alread.1· deteriorating fr om the !illlOE: produced \Jy Edison. \\'e hin o:> reached a stage where 1r s 1norc hn- por!nnl tJ do 11·1thout pow er than put Jrl tha t pl ant." Along that line, Tyscn 11 ondercd 1t perhaps Amer ican~ ~hou ldn't h P rreduca!ed to real11c that 1vhile the•: .ira j•lcanin:: their lrrth 11 ilh a11 clectnr tooth hnish. they may be polluting the cur fron1 pi:111rr. Bovs Safe; •' W 01na11 Jailed For Kidna11 :\ Cn.;1<1 :'11 e~:i weH:1re f('Clpirnt ~·il h ll 1rcr. cl11ldren !•f l1r.r r)11·n 11:.s 1~uled ln S;in Dlrgo loda ~' on a felon~· child·stealing 1·linrgr. sticmn1in;.: frnrn thC' ;illrgetl ;ih- 1hie11<111 (1f a nt'li;hlior \ (1111 l1ttlr Ix>~.~ i.1x <l.1) s <tJ:;•l. The n11ssini; cJu ,drrn 11rrc taken 1ri l!il lcresl Receiring hon1e 111 good hf'alih, a.~ \\'rrc the arrestee's O\\ll younssters, bul aulhorities did not say JUSl how Ille travelers 11"erc. picked 11p. Costa tllesa Police .J u v t n I I e lnl'cstigator Linda Geisler said today it \\'as believed all along that Patricia J_ Stagner, 30, of 7i3 \V. \\'ilson St., Apt. E, had taken the two boys . They 11·erc idcntifird as Da\·1cl '.\f. Finke istein, 6, ;ind ~tichael S. Finkel· sir1n, ~. sons of i\lr_ and iltrs. Robert rharez. 11ho QC('llPY /\pt B at !he sa1ne \\'ilson Strert address. "\\"r 1'.erc nc1 C'r ab le lo c~Labli5h ;i n1o t11·c," said !nl'rStigal or Gc1~k'r, "·ho lrfl th is rnorning 11-l!h Dr tcct11c Sergeant Joli n Regan lo p1t J.i lip lhc youngsiers. ,\ tclt'type and abstract w;irranL calling r,,r ~frs. Stagncr·s arrC'~\ 11·as sent oul l/nly Thursday r 1 ening, but no details of the arrests \\'C're ;:11aila ble tod ay. Local police 11·crc no l adl'Lscd and ~ spoJ.iesman for the San Diego Poli t e Departm ent iu1·en1 le bureau said the nian ;:iss1sgned lo the case, Officer Gary Learn, 11as oLJt working on it. "\\'hen thC'y 'rc gone tllat long, ~011 hcgin to get worried .'' said Capt. Boh CrcPn. chief nf !hr <le1rct11r bureau. 'i\obod v Is niorc rel1e1ed than I am.'' s..iid ln>eStigator (_ic islcr. ~c nior ::.:itizc u Fc tc \\'.-\Sl!l.\C.TO \ 1.\P 1 -:'llrs Richa rd 'I i\i:o:on said Fr1dav !hr \\'h1te Holl~!': \\'Ill gh c a Tha nksg1i·1ng din ne r for 250 ~('11lor <'1 ll ze ns and is pro111oting ~lmilar c1 cn1s ;icro~:; rhe cnuntr1· Thrrc "''ere nr'J 1m1ricd1atc detai ls of the \\'hilt' Hous~ party./\ spokesn1an ~;i1d plans are still tn hr 11·ork ed out I • .,, \ \, \i • ON DIS~LA y NOW .. ' COM~LITI smlNC.5 OF LIVINC., HDlOOM AND DININ(; lOOM FUlNITUll. DON'T MISS AN O~~OlTUNITY TO VllW THIS IXCITINC. NIW COLUCTION. YOUR LOCAL DEALERS FOR DREXEL . HENREDON ·HERITAGE NEWPORT BEACH 1727 We1tcliff Dr., 642 .2QSO OP'IH ,.110.\Y 'Tll • INTERIORS Professional lnt•rior Oe1lgn•r1 Av1it1ble-AIO-NS ID LAGUNA BEACH 345 Nortk Cotst Hwy . o,.,. fllll.lf 'Tll ' 04-6111 I I ) ij I 1 • < c I I ..., •• • i : • : • : • • • • • • ! • • • : : : • : i : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . ., ., ----. -----.. ·------·-------------------------------------- Business Warned To J(eep Brake On l!OT SPRINGS, Va. tAP) - Stcretary of the Treasury David M. Kennedy warned to- day againsl a premature eas- ing of the anti-i.nnation brakes despite current evidences of a i;lowdown, Jest the price-wage a;piral be revi\'ed at full speed. Kennedy addressed more 1han 100 top leaders of in- dustry at the fall meeting of the Business Council, as one of st veral high administration of- ficial s on hand to enl ist in- dustry's support in curbing in- llation. "\\'e must and sh;ill resist !he all-too tempting route of moving into an expansionary post ure too soon," Kennedy said. ''That route y;ould only lead America into a dismal and t.tlf-defealing cycle of 5tagna- lion and inrlation." fiscal Policies ll'OU!d come inti) play and the economy would joyfu lly expand. "Soon underlying pric e pressures would reassert themselve:"l and, once n1ore:, \Ye would begin to t'Xperience the pain of innation.'' Kennedy conceded It \l'ould not be easy to rlecide the pro- pt'r mornent to sh.ift from a policy of restraint to one of ease. IL is the administration's responsibility to watch closely and "to respond promptly 11·hen lhe signs are un· mtstakably clear that the balance or risk has shifted from inflation to recession," he said. I-le called on the business leaderi to help in lv.o w11ys : R ev ived Buy No Lou ger Say s 'Pig' DENVER (UPI) -Frank Vigil, 19, used to think of cops as "pigs." fie ne.arly lost his life before he changed his mind. , Lottery l111periled 111 Senate \\'ASlllNGTON (APl P rcsidrnt Nixon's plan to draft 19-year'<!lds lint under a lottery s~·stem ;,ippears likely to '"'1n House approval next ~·rek hut its late in the Senate is an open question. The House Arn1ed Service:!! r...omn1illee .1ppro\'ed the plan ain1ed at gi\'ing J&-year-0lds advance notice of their draft pros pects by a surprise Jl --0 lul(! Thursday. House leaders, who believe th<>y c<1n block efforts to tack 11 holcsale revisions on lhe bill. ;i l1nost 1m1nedit1lely scheduled floor action for late next 1,1•cek, indicating there is lillle hard opposltlofi there. Rut reports from the Senate ~--ji'O; indicated Anne<! Ser v ic e 1 Chairman John C. Stennis ID-' f.fiss.), was reluctant to put the bill on lhe floor v.·h,.re -~ Friday, Octobtr 17, 1969 . -. -...._ . ~. < Kennedy spoke to the coun· ci l members in a closed mcellng. but made available 10 r<'porters a te-.;t of hi.!\ ~pt'ech. He said •·tne most rlamag1ng cour.~e \\"C could 1ake \1 ould be the stop·antl-go rou te." and added: -By supporting the ad- ministration's e f [ o r I. in Congress to curb expenditures to provide a budget surplus as an an1i-1nflal1on wea pon . and tn support a si x-month eJliten- sio n o f1he !ax suri:-harge at fire perc·ent. The IC'enagcr's heart stop- ped bc.-i t1ng Srpt .. 26 v.·hcn a car in 11 h1rh h<' 11 as ndin~ ~·as in1·oll·cd in an nccidrnt. A rookie patrolman carnr to his t1id and sa\'rd his hfc, touching off a rock-t1u·o1,1·ing dcn1onstration in the proc<•ss. critics, v.·ho ('()Unl Sen . Ellv.·ard ~I . Kennedy ( 0.. to.lass ), ha\•e 8 host or pro- posed rrvisinns i n c I u d i n g elmina tion of all college drafl deferments. -~ ' ,,~. :· ·-~·-., ~ ~ . . .. " • .,. A i -·-·- ""L:ndcr such a pol1t•y, ~e 1101dd fight inflation. but (1111.v so tong as our t'fforts 11crc not 100 pain1ul. "\Vhcn inflation con t r o l policies began to work -and pin ch -pn•ssurcs ~·ould bu 1!tl up to change course. Ex - pansionary and monetary and -To rxercise "rnlightencd rt·s1raint in your pricing decisions " l\C'nnrdy :il so rrquested that bus1nr:.sme11 speak up in sup· port of a t;ix reform bill 11·h1ch \1uuld not pr o1·1Ue large ta>; rrdu1.:!ions. 'J'he 11 o use -a µ- pro\'rJ n1c;1sure, he said, 11ould afford aOOut SI0.5 billion of tax relief. moslly t:i 111- di\•iduals. \.1,.1 ttlt~Mlt ··1 kno11· pcople consider thr pohce 'pigs'." Vigil said in a l!'ttrr to Patrolman Robert ~!osier."[ 11011' rrali1.c thaL t.he pnlicc arc there to hel p us and <trt• on our sidl', 1101 agnin:;t us.'' Officer ~1oslcr v.·as the fir~t on the scene last month v.•hen Vigil 's car slammed into a parked auto. The you n g patrohnan straddled the fallen you1h and began applying es- tcrnal heart massage 1o get l.he heart beating again. A galher1ng cro111d of youths lhought Mosier wa.<: attacking lhr boy ;ind tried !o drag l1lm off. Jlocks began flying and police had to u~e tear gas to break up the cro11·d. Sixteen persons, including Ll police of- firrr:-. v.'rre injurctl. "I k11ow irs kind of late to br saying thanks," Vigil v.·role . "I found out the hard \Vay. r almost lost my life. , I \l'ish in some way the people of the v.•esl side and any other con1mu nity co 11 Id com· municate 11·ith ) ou and any other off icer in ;i better v.·av. '"Thank you."' · Stennis could not be reached for <·uinment but Sena!e Dcrnocratic Leader ~1 i k r. tlfansfield, "·ho f a v ors el11n1natio n of the draft, d1s- eounted those report s. ··1 feel certain that if the House passes it, he (Slenn1.~J \.\'ill report it out as ex- pedit iously as possi ble," Ma nsfi eld said , "and if he does, I'll call it up as ex- ped itiously as possihle.'' An effort to el imina!e all college deferme nts was rul~d out of orde-r by a 21-10 roll-call volt! in the Hou!e committt-~ that indic11ted the straleg.v !hat mav be u~ed to block draft t1fi1Pndments on ti,e Jlnuse floor. The committee rnlerl th:it the only issue before !he House is a one-line bill 10 repeal the 1967 ban aga in.~t any draft lottery. Under House Rule 17 any othC"r drift pro· posal is not ,11crmane lo that one-line repeal . But an aide to Stennis noti:-d the Senate ha.<1 no such "not .R:ennane'' n.1le v.·ith which tn preve:nt ll'holesale aml!'nd- menl~. U,.1 T.itPb•1- NEW Y0RK STREET CLEANER S FACED FORMIDABLE TASK TODAY AFTER MET MANIA 'Even Better Then fo r the Astronauts , •• Everyth ing's Cover.cl With Snow' ~~~~~~~~~~- Kopechnes NY Goes Ape Over ~'lets Call Autopsy , dla . Th SI 'Off . , ~tree t Be m Big ger an at iea ens1ve \\.'ILK ES-BARR F., Pa, (AP \ -'f'hc attorneys for the p<1renls of ,\Jary Jo Kopcchne insisted today "there is no good cause nr urg e n t necessity'' fo r an autopsy on hf'r bOOy. Disturbing he r gr are "would be grossly of- fi:-ns1vc ." J'\ttorn~y Joseph F. Flan~gan fi!rd an ans1vrr to an am"ndcd pct1t1on by Dist. Att y. Ed1nond Dinis, New Bedford , Mass., who has asked Common Pleas Judge Bernard C. Brominski to appro\'e ex- humation for an autopsy. The hearing on the petition Is sched uled to begin next tllonday at 10 a.m. NE\V YO RK (AP) -Harpy street cl eaners plowed today into snn1.,.drift s of pape r flung frnn1 skyscrapers in the ci!\''s deliriou:'I celrhrat1on of the New York t.lrts' ri se from seven ~·rar.~ in the tPlla r to lhe \forlr! Sr rir.~ rhompionship. The blizzar<I (lf tic:kerl ap,., statloner~·. computrr cards 11nd 11•asre papPr filled thr air Thursday momrn!s a rt fl r Cleon Jonf':'I caup:ht a BalLim ore Ori ol~ fly hall for the la,•l out. carping a tr::in1 drh·e to thr top that was f.1et· eoric. Blase l'\rw ''orker~ rn1· braced lntal s!r:ingrrs and danced 1n the strerts. Car horns bl<1rt'd nn d construction 1,1·orker~ on the high steel chee.rf'd. Gffirgo> \\'ashington·~ slalue 11.cross from the Stock Ex· change suddenly sproutrd a f\..lets penn11nl in his ou!stretched right hand. ··out of si ght !" yelled a ma n in the ga rment thstriet. "I knrv.· 1hey'd do it'." Al Shea St.adiu111 the 5-3 vie· tory brought pure brdlam . "Thrre LS no tnn1orrow.'' declared a bannrr in the st.<1nd~. Kids posrd for th<' fini.t out stormed through the boxes,. n1·t'r !he shoulders of the car· ri;ige 1rade. bowling Ol'er policen1cn as thry led the general nish onto thr field . V1r111ally smothered .,.,.j1h affection. the r--!ets had to light U1eir w·ay In lhe dre~ing roo niand 1t took an hour lo clea r thf' field . The stadium ground crev.··~ job v.·as minor compared to ~·hat fac ed the t\e.w York sanlfa1ion missioner Moeller. men o r Conl- G r is w o Id L. The blanket of papt>r rival"d e\·cn that poured out for the nioonmen of Apol!G 11. "E1·en brtler than for I.he astronau ts.'' sa id \Vall S1reet secretary Eileen Nolan, "It's beautiluL E very thing '$ f'G1rrc d \1'1\h sno1v. I t 's brau11ful." "Sanitationmen share I~ jny of· lhe \llorld Series vic· tory."' said r-.toeller. ··ou: ni11ht shi fl and task force. are prPpared In do the job - .,.,h1sthn11 v.·hile th('y v.·ork." As da111n broke o\'er ::i fina lly-quiet Nrw York, an of. ficial said there was no way of te lling how long it v.·ould tali:~ to r:'lean up lhf' mess. STUDENT S' LETTERS TELL 'WHY ' Joan Fox and Boyfriend Craig Bad iali McCormack Suspends Aide After Scandal The 28-year-old s~crelarv v.·as killed on the night of July 18 v.·hen a car operatcrl by 5rn. Edv.•ard ~1 . Kennedy plunged of[ a narro1v bridge and overturned in a pond nn Ch appaquiddick Island off the f\..lassachusetts coast. Her death v.·as nilttl by drownin g, 11·i!hout an auto~y. 'ChicaO'O Eight' Lawver To sp('ed the job, parldn~ v.·a!I temporarily banned 1;; three <irea~ ~ mid-r.!anhattan . the rinanc\al district an d downtown Brooklyn. Died Pea(!e Her parents, ~·tr. and tltr.' Joseph A. Ko~hne (I f Be:rkeley HeighL\, NJ .. ha re. I'.' • Says Court Ar111ed Ca1np \VASHJNGTON rUP!I pany orficials !Jsl rifay at U1e 1•igorously oppo!-td disturbing CHICAG O A Augu.'t. 1968. convrnlion. llC1u.<:c Spe<1ker .John W. Securities and Exch&nte Com · her grave. defense 11ttomey in thE' trial of Dwayne Oklepek 1estif!ed he tl!cCormack said today that he mission, which had suspended f laMgan. in his eight -page heard nne of the defend11 nt~. ·d th ·r 1 · d Pieht mPn charged wiU1 in· Dead T ee ns A nsu;er'Why ?' IUPI ) CHE\\'S l.A:"JDl:\G, J\.J. IUPI ) -"\Vhy?-Because 11·e lol'e our fellow men enough to sacrifice ou r Ji \·es so th at lhey ll.'ill Irv to find lhe ecstasy tn just bCing al11·c." Thal -tn thetr n11·n \1·orrl ~ -1,1a.~ wl1.v two high schMl i:.1uden1 s nu1rl~Ted thrn1scl1 rs by running carOOn m1111ox1<le Into a parkf'(f car on moralorium dav. Officials sa.v it 11·as p1;1nned at least a clay 111 ach·arJtr. has suspended v.•11hout pay a tr::iding in P11r\·in Dohrmann answer sai at t t le JU gl' Tom Hayden, i;ay on !he eve 1nel ltussian Alexei Ko..;;y gin top lrgislati1•e ass islant ac-stock pending an invjtstigalion. should order exhumation it Mling violencr ;it I h ' o( lhe ('flnven!ion that anli1,1·ar t~·o yrars a_l?l) and where \\'ed-cused of inte-rvening on behalf Parvin Dohrmann investor.<: \.\'otild be •·prejudicial lo thr Dem oc ratic N a I ion a 1 Con· demonstr.1tor.~ nttd "an army nesday Badiali an<! t-.i iss Fox of a compaey a\legedl.v engag-we-re accused in the court wis hts, sensitivillrs, health vrntion 1old the cou rt ii look~ and guns"' and that another. atlendrd a morawrlum rally ed in stock mark t t ir-complaint of filin g false anrt and \!'ell-being" of the p11rt.nts. like an "armed camp'' and Renn ie Da vi s , I o Id re!!11larities. misleading rrpor1s v.·ith the Flanagan .!\aid further that. said hr expects his clients to demonstrators. "f;n down to at G l.,~~boro State Cnllrgr. The aidr is ~1 art1n Swe1g . ., J:O\'Crnment in ordrr to ~ain "1 hi:-cause or clrath ha~ hf'l'n be ronvictrd. !he l,()(jp and bust 1t up -lie A tri rnrl of J\h"s Fnx whn J\1 cf"orrna('k emplo.1r fnr n1ore c·ontrol of the fi nn. rhr11 rlcarly and l<'i;taHy rslab11 shcd \\'illian1 K11nstlPr marle 1he. up traffir and so Forth . Tf the saw I.hr eouple after thr rally than 2 ~ .Yc,1rs. 11 hose na1n~ 1nnnipula!ing the 11111 rkct prire hv Dr. Donald t11ills, actin g eom mrnt 'J'hur.!\d!lv aftrr a pol ice hattle ui:, ju~t rint." -thr l,i ~t person known to wa s mrntinned in a compl ain t of the stock. · rrledical r~aminer, in Dukr.'> former n r w sp a ·perm a n U n de r cross-examination. h,1i·e :-;rcn them ahve -said filed in fede ral court in Nr1Y ,\lcCorm ack. in a slal('ment. Counly, i\1a.<:s.'' and aJle,i;i:e<l reportrd said he infiltrated the Oklrpek s11id he he;ird leaders J"::in tolit she h,ad hcen disap-York Thursday against the sai<I Sweig acted in the mailer lhal Dinis 1s "Yd!hout suf-leadPr:'lh1 p of 1hP i"ation.-i l of lhe mobilizat ion committee pointed h~' !he pro!rst nit'eling t'f)fltro1·ers~-beset par,. i n "11 1thout my knfl11'lcdge or fici enl infnrn1ation to forin ;:i ~1nh1Ji1.ation Committee lo :o.ay rrpra1 rd!y !hey ~·i~hed lo ll l'<':IU!ir llie parlH'lpHnls iirrr l)(Jhnna1111 co. J)('rn\1 :...~111n and r 11<-t:-11\'•l belief as to \1-h:.>l11i;or therr i.~ En!I Lhe War in Vietnam for ;ivnid ,·iolenre but that they r-.tayor John V. Lind.~ay, wh o got a joyous dtampagn9 shampoo in the r.f et s ' clubhouse. after the gamt, lhen .<:natched a bottle out el <inQth rr player's /Jarid and doused a couple of f\1f't(, stayed up until 3 a m, in· spectin;: the cleanup v.•ork. Get the most on INSURED SAVINGS! KEYSTONE SAVINGS >NO Ll).U4 A>~OCIA110,. ,,,.o'd W c~,,.,, . ., ''"'d""' m1un m 5 38"'"" SP!Clll ltllll Pl.lll • ANNUM '"''""If 'P'fid /..,, .... ,,,,,, f!..,d. "''~"'" ro dr:t, Q,f....,IAJ,..-z fl[[ ASTROlQ,IC~l fQR[ClST r oll tOUll SIGN I br s,..i ... y o -.. The l'.1.'0 -Craig Had1etH ;:ind Joan Fo-.;. bolh Ii -lett :!4 neatly hand-prin!ed lrtlers addres:.ed to parents, fr1r11d5. ;:ind ofJ1c1als of l\1ghl and Regio nal High School. 1,1hrre they v.·ere both senior:-. "''11n,g I fin int ilh in lhc ~pi rll Tbc coinpl<tinl )>;ud Swe1g rnadc aware of the fa cts until doubt and suspicion sur· C'hicago·s American ( n n ,.,. f'x pccted \"iolence r r om ol fun, ~":':~~~_"_~~~·~-f~~"".:~~O<J~~":._~~~~~~~~~'~""~"~d~i~o~~th~e~d~e~a~t~h.~"~~~~..'::C~h~io~a~o"_~T~od~a~'~'\_<_d~11~,i~n~_:t~he:_~c:·h~ic~''!i~'-~f'<"1~ic~e~.~~~~~~llllll"""llllll~ The frt('nd talked to \11ss I· 11rrange a mee ing or com-ay. J i~· Both sets nf parents h:i1e maintained a l'<lhn ,1 n r1 chgnihcd silence about the double suicide. ('lose fri end s are too choked up to try to c~ pla..in it. Casual ;icquainta11ce11 canool understand it. The lv.·o 1,1·ere fnunrt Th1ir~ day morning in a ear pa rke<l on a dirt road about IO mile.<: from Glassboro, N.J., where President Lyndon B. Johnso n Fo'\; ;1t aho.1111 ~ p 11\. \\"ccJ. nr-;Ja' Can1d1~11 Count} ~lrd1c<1l In\ rsl igator 'f11n111as n. Dairy :-;aid !lie t1rn 11·rrr a~phyx1 ated b<'t11·el'n fi and 9 p 111. \\"ed- nes..t~.v by tuin<'~ From lhr car's fXhaust, carrird in!o thP l'f'hl ctr by a 1·acu1un-cli:-aner hosi:-run lhrough a hole in the flll(lr. "\\'h~ ?'' 11skcrl !hf' s11ic1de note: r)1 ade public by Daley early loday. "Bl'Cao~e v.·e :'lite thal pt't'lftle ;u.~t w·on't do and 11ay what they feel. , . ............... ,,,.,, ... ,,,,,,, ...... -................. ,. i YOUR PROBLEM: i ! : ; You w•nt to 1ell some item ' that you no longer need but i • someone else un use f0< • : NOT OVER $50 i : ?????7 i f YOUR ANSWER: i • You c1IJ THE DAILY PILOT, ••k for • i Clruiliod Advt<ti::9· ~;IP~•~~ j i ~ PENNY i I "'--;.~~ PINCHER fi i -··~ CLASSIFIED AD i : AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE : : ~ 3 LINIS 2 TIMES 2 DOLLARS I : AND YOUR CREDI T IS GOOD ! : • DIAL NOW DIRECT! • • • : 642-5678 : • !Tell,, .. N•tflt C••~'' 14 0·12201 : • • ............................................. tt ............ .,. ... ~ • ·-- . ------------~----------......... """',_. _____ !"9"!"_"!"!"! •. -"!". "!!"". _,....._.-.:- I • DARY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Mesa High's New Ways They do things differently at Cos ta P.le sa J-hgh School. -l The cainpus is open. Students arrive and d~par from school al all hours of 1lhe_ day. They attend d1fler· ent cla sses at different hours different cla y_s of the \\'eek. Students have fr ee time sc heduled during the school d ay "'hen they aren't assigned anywhere, not even to a study hall. They also co_mplete laboratory ass1gn- n1enls on •their ov•n time . S tudent~ hear lectures in g~oups a s large as 1 270 students. Other tiincs th('y meet in classes 01 only eight students. . . The schNlul1ng a spccls of Costa J\I~sa lh g ~ School s prograrn are ~o n1uc h like .college 1t \\'Orr1~s son1e parents. They \\·orry lh<:il their 15-year-old can t handle the Jack or s upervision or isn't getting enough time 111 the c\as:;roor n . , . Jn the casr of some students the parents \Yorry 1s justified. But the Costa 1\1esa .J-Ligh ~Ch<>?l staff has pro- duced evidence 1o s hO\Y t his Js a m1nor1ty. Principal F'rank Lopes Jr. has statislics shO\\•ing that last s pring a norma l number of students satisfac- torilv compl eted class \\'Ork. '·That does n 't sav much \\'hen \\'C \11anted to im- prove," Lopes retnarked. ''But at least v.•e broke even the first year." For ihose student ~ \\'ho need it. or \\'hose p arenLc; \vant it, s1 udcnt.~ are a ssigned lo a clasfo._roo1n all t hrou,c;h the day. But I.opes and staff l r_y to d1.,courage it. on the ~rounds you ths need to be gi,·en ;i chance lo take rcsponsi bilit\' Given the chance, they've found n1ost stu9cnts sv1in1 raU1er th<in sink. thc.v report. a subject unt il he learns it, even if JI takes longer than usual. And tf he learns it faster than usual he can get on \Vilh learning somethinf: else. The school staff still is learning to make the pro- gran1 work. The changeover to th e ne\v program hasn 't always been smoot-h, but there is no strong evidence I.he program has been a failure .. A.nd the potential is: stiU \vorlh pursuing. NOISE to Combat Noise A little noi se \vas raised al a conference in \Va sh- ington. D. C .. last 'veek. NOISE. 111 this instance. is an acrony1n for a league of muntcipal governments opposed to Jet aircraft noise and pollulion. The letters in the acronym s tar.d for Na- t ional Organization to Insure a Sound-controlled Envi- ronment. founded at the \Vas hington meeting. l·lurlburt explained NOISE's purpose: "Local agen- noise in the near future. Ne\\'port Beach City 1'.tanager Ilarvey I.,_ Hurl· hurt attended the conference. l t had been called by the cities of Jngle\l'ood, which lies in the path of Los Ange- les Tnternationa! . .o\irport, and He1nps tead, N.Y., \Vhich suffers the thunder of jets using .John F. Kennedy Air· port. l[urlburt explained NOISES's purrio~e : "Local agen· cies have Jong needed a focal point , one central organ· 1z;ition. ~o \I e rould have a united stand and share in· for11111t1on and ideas.'' Tl1c possibitily lh11t soine slurlents 11111 si nk j, 'lhe ne)'.:ril.ive polcntial of !he Costa l\lr!i a prograin. 'rhere also is positive potential. . ('it.J es Ille size o f Ne\vporl and r·o.~1a 1'vlesa \\'Jil be ('ba rged a n1embersip fee of aboul ~1.500 a year. 1·11e n1011 ey ::iccu111ulate<l 1vi ll be used Uy NOISE to finance 1iluclirs a nd hire lobbyi :s-t.-5 , The lobbyists, of course. \\'ill be talking to the sa1ne peop le the a irl ine industrys' lobby i),t.s have been talk- ing to for all these years. NO ISE mily provide an out• let for vfe\\·s of those \vhose voices have been n1uch smaller. 1i1eprefe!.._ to_reorga1uze thil}gS_ lt'itl11n the. present frart}.£1.}!0J:.__k .~ The basic educational objective of the prog ran1 1s to ad\'<1nee students on the bas is of perforinance r a1her than lime spent on a subject. D and F grades ar.e clin1 i- nated. So is "courtesy p ron1otion." A student keeps at Detractors Are More flelJJful to Vs Sydney J. })arris At the heigh! or his SllC\e!'~ find popularity, \\'hen the Gilbert and ~u!l1 van operettas were p~ck1ng t h~ Savoy Thealtr in London nightly. \\!. S. Gilbert appeared on the \\]lncss s\aod in a hbc l ca~e. tie was asked by !hr defense coun~rl "'hether he had read the m:iny criur~I <'omphments pa id 10 him by a t•ertain magazine, and his reply d::ies not deserve the obscurity it has fallen int o. lie sa id: "I never re<11l fa vo rable criticismc. l prefer reading unfa\·orable one~. I know how good l am , but I 00 not know ho1v bad I am." NO\V THTS i\IAV 1'0T hal'C bern, gt ricUy speakJnR. tn1e: ll1ere 1 ~ m1.1rl1 evidence 1h11!. Gilbert read r\rr~1!l11n1t that was Y,TJ\!en abo11t h1110 and 111<; 1rork. But the point he rn ndc i~ one th:it needs to be ernphasized ;ig;i1n and ;iga1n, 111 e11ery age . As a drama critic for thr pa st 2 ~ yrars, 1 ha11e received dozcn5 vf nfltes fr11n1 grateful actors. d 1 r e c l ors ::ind plflyv.·righls . thanking me for any kind comments about their \1 ork. In that same prriod, I ha\·c receil'cd gcarctly a handful of tellers fro1n any- theatrica\ figures y,·hosc efforts I found fa ult v;·ith. And vet , 11 my crit1c1;,m "as "·orth anything .. lhl•Se arc the ont•:. "ho 1hould have benefi ted mo~t from candid comment. IF A CRITIC'S OPL\10.'1 1s respec!ed Dear Gloon1y Gus: ill rrp]1· to \'.T If. IG 11~. O<t 81: 1 he pr1re of ;1d1111~~1011 to high school /oo lbo.tll .t:<1n1C's-1s l11gh to rfi.ccot1r:1,i:c patT111 ~ fn1n1 bringing ohno;.;1011~. 11n111lf'rr~tcd 1Jra1." ~111d t1ir11111i.; tl1cn1 Jov.,e tu t11.c!l1rll ll•e rt•al r.io:;. ~13 G. Tn;\ '••1U,, rt!l•<h rttd.,\' w ..... ,,. "OI "f<~U•f11 Y !~OU ~! l~t r~\oj>O••~'· Sr•• 10~• ou ,,.,,, to Gloom, G~" D•"r ~llot \\hen he likes \1'hal \-O U do. then il !ihoulcl be rrspet:led "hen ·he d 1$IJ~Cs 11hat .vot1 do. If hi.~ <1ppro1~[ Ila~ <111y 1alut>. thrn l1Js d1s<rpprol'al :-.hould h;H(' :;omr value. ,\nd 1r no1h1ng he ~a~s. gond or bad . has 1nuch 1ncan111g, then why lrouble lo thank 111111 .. All or u~. like (;llbrrt. :1IU'r 11·r. h;11 r l1rcn in the world fl 1vh1lr, kno1v prcll y 111ur.h ho\v .c:nod 11c. nrr; wlla1 1s hurcl for 11c; !n ~rt· 1~ hn1v b<id 11r arr fl11~ 1:-n111re lhdll ii 1n ;ittcr ot llH'rrly hr1ni;: 1!1in-~k111- nrd ;i bout 1-r1t1t·L~1n : 1t 1s Jll'.>t tha t lhe angle of rrlrnc!1011 docs nol turn ba{'k upnn us. J'\ohorl .1· lari rx:11n1nc b15 u1111 C)Cba!I:., except 111 a 1111rror. A~O IT IS EQl'ALLY lrue. lli,,1 1i:ll l1"lnf11\. that wf' lr<1 rn 1nnrl'. frr1n1 lhrisc who <l1s!1kr u~ thcHI lrorn lllO~·C 1\110 !1hc "' L1e11 1rht•tl thcrr op111ion i:-. 111;ihc1011~. nr pc11y. or b<i~c<I 011 1i.;nor,1oce_ there 1~ ol!cn ;i cure .,( !ruth 1n 1\hat thry :-.a1. \re mu5l Jcar11 tu ex!ract ihc t:ure anll l£nore the ~pilr. This '"' h.1rd. rlC'I 1!1!h!y h:1rd, ;ind I rl nn'1 1n(';:in 10 prrtrnd rh;11 I ;_1111 ahlr 10 prarticr 11hat I prt•ath. Bu!, al lca•L thr ,1,11crsr lrHers I 1rrP11r i.;11c n1e " 111inl!c o! pa 111 . 11l11ch 1~ otl<'n a prelu1lr tn :-r'lf-~rru!1riv. \\ri11ld !hiit n111rc h.1d ac!ors began lo fo!low this difficult lead. Anothe1· Gene1·al Patto11 \\'ASHl\'GTO:-J -Th~re. 11·1\I won tic another Gen. George S. Patton in the L'.S. Army. H.:. is Gf':orge lV. son of the illustrious World \\'ar II battle. commander y,•ho led victorious armies in Africa. Sicily and in history.making blitz sweeps through France .and r.ermany. George IV is 36lh on a list or 6~ oot:;tanding regular army co 1 one 1 ~ stlect.ed fo r promotion In briR<Hlicr general. •le \lill get his star ;,y the end of tbe year. Li ke his fathrr. Pa1 ton r:irnPd Ju~ devation by e:1:rep11ona l t•alor ;ind ron1- bet leadership. He ha.~ 1hrcc d1stini;ui~h· cd l><'r\'ice. croSSC'!i-t he second highest decoration for extraordinary couragr. and competence under rirr. ' TIIE FIRST DSC 11as 11on by f'allon 1n • ~--By George ---• • Dear George ~ ~ I receive.a lolof compla ints from • a sour-pus~ neighbor v.·ho kerps t calling tile police about the noise at t my Saturday night parties. " And, yet. he is always wak ing me. • up on Sunday morning ,,·1th the 11 noise from his id1ntir pnv.'cr mowrr : u he gots out practically at dawn y,·hile I'm trying to slerp. \Vha t ~ would you susgest~ Can I call the ·, poUa to bim? J. Df:ai J .: No--power mowers ate lt>gal in molrt slatn, unf o rt unately. HaweVtt, J 1uggest you invite. him i o your Saturday nla:ht pa rty -an independent survey ot mint show.!I that nobody with a hangovrr cut:i yards early on Sunday rnomlng. A ll c11 -Go lfl ~111i I h '·- Korea as a young captain commanding a tank comrany. Ordered to hold a kry hill. he dug his lanks in lo the gun lurrets <1nrl for days fought off \\'a1·es of scream1ng C{itnn1un~Sl \l11ne~e and l\orth Korean a11arker!(. The nther 1wo DSCs \\'ere a1\'il rtlrd in \'1ctna m for equally strikin~ teals as eo1n1nanrlcr of the ! Ith Armored Ca11alry Hcg11ncn1. This was P:11ton·s srcond tour nl duty in V1rln;i1n . The f1r.~t 1vas as a m:11nr on rile s!afl of Gen Paul Harkins, then l' 5. <:ommandcr 1hcrr. I Patton r <ippcd his lale:>t. Victnarn service 111 charactrrist1c manner. Upon returning to the U.S. last spring. he asked for !raining a~ a hclicop!r.r pilot-although 47 ye11rs old and a colonel. Jlis request u·as granted ;inrl he "'as St>nl to Fort \'.'oilers, Tex., 1vhcrc he comrlete the regular thre" monlhs course. snl(l('(i •nd was given hi:<. ~·ings as a "c)loppcr" pilot. TO FRIENDS he explain ed, "T h e helicopter Is now an essential comb11L weapon. Jn Vietnam, I had more than 50 of them in my command, about half gun ships. M a c o m b a t romm11o nder, l consider it \•ital thal I know everything about this weapon, including operatini;: It, the same as J do about running and fighting tanks and otncr v.·capons ol .armored unit.s. Thal i~ "'hy I asked for this flying Lraintng. I didn't cons ider my ag : an obstacle in any y,·ay." By Robert S. Alie" and Joh11 A. GoldsmHb IC) Preve1itive Medical Care, Frie1ad to Frie11d Family Doctor, Extinct or By ROBERT E. RAKEL, ~t.O. [)r. r,,.,/;rl. fl distrnguislred i n lP r•I• i :r rlilrl lcur/1•r 1u l/lfJll)f Oro11r1c Co/111- /11 .. ~Julr rr11d 1111t11111nt ~i1cd1cal orr10 ;11 - ·n11n11~ .. 1~ r/11·1>t/r1r 1.f Ilic f'o01111/y l'rnctrrr• /(1•s1rle11c11 Prr111rn 1>I nt !!011r1 Jll'1111111t1/ l/li.l /ll!(I/. Prrsbytl'r1n11. 111 1\'c1rprp·' l lrflrli n11d o.~~1~/n 11/ clniicn/ prn(r~.~n r l'I/ 1on11l!1 111sd1c111l Qt ///(' l'l '/ Cul/r~H' of ,\/ed1c.01r. -Edilor flnr hunt!r('d :ind forty ~·cars ago, Sir \\'al!rr Scotl 1l'ro1c "There 1:; nn creature in Sl·otl<111d that works bardf'r ;ind 1• more poorly requ1lcd than a coon· rry d(}C'tor, unless perhaps, it be hi~ h"'rSl' '' J'rubahly th1:; wa.~ Qne C'X- pla nauon f{l r the prl·sen1. shortage nf l:irn1ly phy:-.il·1cins. Another 1\•as the rrna1~s<ince of ),pC'CJ<JJi1.ation that lured rountlf'~.S-physicL<Jns LO"'ards intcnsi1 c ~tutly 1n localized areas ol medicine. The hC'st n1cdical eare, however, 1s not ohta111 erl hy lhP average person seeking a speciall:_.t tor e.1ch ail rncot. For the pa- l1e11l r oncc1v:ihl y mighl ha vr as inany 11er!!(ln;d phys1cl:1ns a:> 111cre :i r r :-,pcc1alt1 cs. Tl1<' n10st efficien t 1nf'dic:il care' is providNI hy tile pcrs!l11a l µh ys1- ria11 "hn is broadly trained and able 10 1r('a! mo),l of !he 1Jloes~es he sees, bui Eve1·yday Prohl c111~ \1·1to 1s ll'illini;: to refer his patient to the :ippropr1alc specialist "'hen additional hel 1l 1,; needl'.d \.\'hlle he continues to ~upcr 111 sc the total care of \he individual. Tll E PllYSICIAi\' heing groomed to fill !ht~ rol(• ts the fam1ly practitioner. ;i, rf'b1rlh o/ the fan11!y doctor. He will h<1\·e !hr hroall knowledge or thr general prac- t1tionf'r. but e\'en n1ore for he recei11es l"o addi llon;il ye ars of training in speci al proi;:ran1s designed to acquainl him t\'llh 1nodern medical kno11·ledge and tech- niq ues in a broad range or n1edlea l disciplines. lie 1hen 1akrs an exa1n1na1 ion lo be certified and liub1n its to a re·ex- amination every six years lo .~ho1v that he is \\'Orthy of continued certification as a farnily pr actitioner. The fan1ily practitioner·.~ training V.'111 int.:rcasc his effectil'eness by emphasizi ng care of lhc family as a un1l through his r xpcriences 1n ha nding problems unique In familtes -particularly th e emotional inter·rclationships of i1s nie1nbers and !he socio·ei:onom1c lartors thii l affect 1l1e he:il tn and Lhr rq111l1b1111n1 111 the 11l111le J<rmily. lllS SPECIAL Sl\ILL .. "i 111 ('Olll- prchcnsive n1edical care im ply priinary concern for the patient, rather than for treating fl J1seasC'. /ur he will C'OllSiJcr all significant factors 1hal affcrl the in· dividual 's hcallh. The lruc l:i1n1ly physician adds frie ndship !o profc:.sionfl! ser\'1ces. hts l'are 1~ g111cn 11 1th i:on1pas~1un as lfl('ncl lo tnend, not as proprietur to tu'.>torner, A /<11111ly praclit1oner is ~killed 111 prc1·rr,· live 1nedic;il rarr, ~ince prr\en1 11(' maintenance is rnuch n1orr clfect11·c than corrl"Ct ive ma1nlena ncc. Tn di) !111s. he 1nust ha1·e continuing personal cont:ict~ 11ith lhl' p:i tien! ;;nd his family . .:ind a sincrre lles1rr for C\'f'ryonr under !11 -, care tu be ~·el L rather than 1!1. INCREASED sprc1alitali o11 111 !Iv• l'nilcd St;itcs has led In a lr<i ,enoc•n1f'd sy~tC'm of 111cdic ;1'l rarr. Tht' res ulting 1n- cffir.1cncy has led 10 rising 111cd1t'ill carr costs, of t'oncern tn everyone. Thi;i hopf' is lhat rami!y practice will be ;i 1ncan:-fl[ <hminishing this frag1ncntal ion ~nll Case Against Haynsworth \\l.\Slll\"GTO:'\ -l t's pr<'ttv thin .stuff, !111;; ca~r .iga1n~t Jud.cc Ha t n.st111r!h Ynu J1 .\r lo 11·•e 1nur 1n1~~1nai1nn. th1nh thr l•'l!~I and a:.surnc th:it a Su pren1e Courl 1H1rn 1nce must necc5.sarly be regard('d as r.11,lty Utltll provf'd Ull]UC'en!. ·,1 r l',1~t· 1l <t'lt -Sena tor -Ba yli's SO· 1 -,11c1l 11111 1>I p,1111rular;; -con1a1ns n111nt·1011~ .1rJ1n111r1! 1•1r••r~ and much p1,.;;1un1}h ll1UJJ hurdly 11 ur11l a mon1en1 's D11"1l1Hlll. Foir f'.\a111rlr. tl1c i ;rrt•1111!1c County 1!0trl ~orp111·a11on n1<1ll1 'r l111·ohcd 1n l1:ii:,.a11 on t>elore Judge. llay11.~1\•ri rih in l(lf'il . The JUdgr. had not. In fa cl. 01vncd a11v stock 111 1hat corporallon :<.1nce 1958 l\1;cn a.s a private la\\·yrr he 11;is given one ~hare "'Orth $2l 111 con~idcration o! 111!1' bring a d ireclor. No longer a director, he re!urned the ~lock pl11 ~ a chrck for rt dil'idcnd of 1:i rent.s. They sent the check hack to h1n1 .saying he 1\'0uld ha1·e to accept it bc- t.•ause it "'as in his name and .Ju1tgr Haynsworlh rluly reported this l:l-crnt 11111dfall on his J9[l8 in come tax return. SO~I E OTJIER instances cil ed again~t lli•) ri.~worth ha\'<' 1hc sarnc or less \'ahd1- t1·. The issue rea lly boils down 1o the J3runsv.·ick ca!'e 111 1vh 1<·h 1hc judge pro- hably shoWt>d had 1udgn1enL 111 not telhn~ his broker to forge1 al>oul buying stoc k in 1hc Brunsv•1ck Co rporal'lon ~fler 11i>dC'rhnc after -a decision had ~!ready hcen reached in the tourl of appeals on a 111a1\cr ~Heeling the corporation . '.he "·ay it JookE'd, the. judge bougQl !16,000 \\'Orlh of stock a short time before ;i deeis!on fal'orable to the corporatinn. In point of fact. the stock was bought ;iftcr a rlec ision upholding a lower court J•1rlgm€'nt involl'ing an amount of monev lhat could not CQnce1vably have had any l'rfect, and did not hat·e any effect."" the Ya <Je of stock in a billion dollar cor- poration. .l11dgc. Hayn!>Worl h y,·ould have bf'fn more prudent to ha1'e told hi s brQker not lo bother y,•ilh the Bruns\'>ick slock. but ::inv in1plicalion that. he stood to prolll by i11.i111e knowlL-dgc of ;in i1npcnd1ng legal deri.~i.on is paten\ly .absurd . TllE rtfOST TllAT can be said I~ that 11 j11,lgl" wlln ~ll)S 40 nr ;,o dtflertnt \ arielies of common stock O\Cr " period Hi1·h<1rd Wil son rf lime is bo1111d ,o,.nrr Qr latrr !o hi11 r held SOfll(' ~!Ol'k In 1'0111l)illlJ(':, 1111·0!\ed Ill Jil ig:11HJ11 tll;1! 1111ghl co me bclorc h1111 . 'l ll1s 1s .,1~n1l1t;1n1. ni osll y tor 1he fa1! t··;il :i Jlld/.!e 1n these <'irc11 111~t:inc€'), n11 ght lrf'qut·ntly rind ii nrcessary to di~· ou;11ifv hirnsrl! trom c(lnsidering a case, thus ii1conl'eniencing a court already car- rying a he .11')' ca:;e load. The pcr!1nenl qucs11on is 11·hether or not .:i fcdrr11l JUd,(!P shoulrl own ;ind cxin· trol ,1ny signifi cant amount of common ~Jock .J11dgr s l·on1mrinly tl"I, ho\\e1 er. and the.re i.~ 110 ru le 11! law r.r ranon n! cih1r aga1n~l 11. pi·r .~I' lf .Judge Ht1)11~11 urt h 1-gu,11 .' .. r '111)111ing so ls th::: JUd1r1 <1I ~1 .,IC"1n ;'11.d lh;1t cannot be t'l\l'd :l~ :i lr1k1t:d 1 r.1 ,;n•1 11•hy he shoulll be cal\t•d 11pon tu o111>11c lnr all judges who h•1ld :>tu• k. .\othini;: has bct·n ;idtluc(•d tn hu11 :h:1t he profited prr~1u1;illy 11·.,111 "l(•(k 011 11r r~il ip becau~r he 11 it~ ;i, JUd '~C' .• 11FI 11 1hrrc 11·a.~ an elluc,11 lr;in ~s.;1·t~~1on 111 111r l.ln111 s1\1i.:k case it 11·as <it 111)1 ~t 111arg111:1I. THE llAVNS\\'OHTll ea,~e ha11 sl1011tn the risks that niight be 1nvo ll'cd in fl .svstem '''here Judges hold stork 10 private companies bul it l1as not sho11·n A Needed OEO Refor11i President Nixon's request i ha t Congress c'()n11nuc the Office of Econon11c Op por!uni!y for another t\\'O years v.·as based 011 a drs1rc In gi\ c his ne\\'lY ap- f)Oinicrl rl1rrrlor. l)()n:ild Rumsleld. a chancc to pra\·e thfll the so-r ailed y,•;ir on pol'erty agency really can win a few bat· t i~. . Hum11feld 's plan is to make Ol·:O ''1n· novative rather !ha n operational" -a \1·holly ne1v approach to the anti.poverty f'ffort 1ha1 is intended lo ;i1·oid past nlislakes wherein unsuccessful program~. i;;tar1cd v.-11h too little forethought, became locked in by I.he old bureaucratic art of self·preservation. THE DIRECTOR HAS begun a scien· tiFic approach to OEo·~ operations. He wants the agency to think. ool new ways to help the poor, then set up pilot pro- grams lo lest them. After a hard-headed evaluation of the programs ability to meet real nreds the failures will be elitninaled and the successes fully de- 1 eloped and transferred to another go1•- cmn1f'nt agency for operation. States \\'1!1 be gh•cn more participation and their own poverty offices y,·ill be beller staffed . Bas1cilll~" tht programs y,·111 pro' 1de new v;·ays In help the poor de\·elop n'arkelable skill s, improve, Lheir homes, , ' ~- Pduc.1\c lhrir <.'h1\(!rr11 . p:ty 111erl1c:1I rl'lf'!~. <'Ind find effec tive legal ;11d Thc!'r ;ill ;irl' meritorio11~. buL none 1norr ~o tha11 1hr reform of OEO 's n1et hods o( d1~pcns1ni; legal "help.'' THE OEO-FUNDEfl Cal1forn1:l Rural Legal Assistance progrfl1n , for one prime inslancr, has usctl rcdcral fund s for the harassment of pr~vatc indus try 1n ;i number of ways. Most scanrlaloos i:io. iL~ current ~ries of nu1!':ance suits aga1n.~l California ,ll:rape grov.·crs on totally fal se. peslicide charges drl'flme<I up hy one of 1ts board memhe.rs. Cesar Chavez. Chavez .and his linlrM Farrn \\1orkcr!I Organiting Comm1Llec h;i1·e. been [:>reed to resort to scare tact1 c!i l)E'r ::tuse nf thr1 r failure to \\'in over the grape workrrs and to compel grov•ers !o acrec:le to 11nre.asonable anrl unbrnrlin~ Ch<11 ci demands. \'fhy public tax 1!nllnrs ~hould support them is bcyon1I reason. If Ruinsleld ran <'lln11natc such ('.1llous d1slortlons or the OEO's ll~11fllcrn1 purpose, ii \\'ill be a 1crv 1~f'l,·0111r and Jong overdue relor1n California Fraturr. Srr1·irr Reborn? drvrlop1 ng an eff1ric11t pr;ict1cal mcth<lL o ( C:Jft' In I!){}(} 1here 11·rre fcll'cr lhan onr hc;illh worker {nur.~es. therapists, .'\·r a: :111d hiboratory tcc:llni('1<l 111', elt:. I 101 ('Very pliy:.ictan. In 1960 this had 111 l'rcascrl to lO hc:.il1h 11 orkrrs for c1·r1" physic).Jfl and th(' 1ncTcasc ha~ been r 1·~ .. 1 n1ore rupid cvcr.v year ~ince then. \I,. need <1physician11hn kno11;; nut only 111111 and 11·hert lo usf' cht s1: an<.'1llary he<ilth pcrsonuel. hut 1\•ho 1nu:-.L be ahle 1•• c.:oordinatc thr1r t·llorl• along 1\•i th th .. ~rr1·i.::rs of other :-pr(·1:1li1rtl ph~s1cia11 1011a rds lhc r11111111un bcuel1t of l11s p;1 l l('l)l, ~IO!'iT 1.11\l:L\' 111" tr.1111111i! prn):ra11• in l;unJl,v pr;u'llCC' ;11 Hoa ~ l!o~p1\al. 1• :n1g111;1l('d July ! nr tl\1, ~1·11 r, will ~l1111uh1lc ;in d i1111iro\f' lhr quality 111 11icd1c111e pr:it:t l('~·d 111 thr lio~pu:il :is 11·111! ;1 .. ~('t'\-(' .. ~ a t011..,l;ir1l M'llllTC o! \l r!I· t1'1l1t1t•rl .1oung l;11nil}' ph~ ,jc1;111~ fur On111 gc roa:.t tvn1 1n un1l1i'S. JI o a i:. J\1eninnal ll r1_,pital is the t1rl-t privah' ho:.p11 ;iJ 1n Or<J11gc (.'11u111v to dr\elop a r0n1plrtp !'r>1rhing pr ngra111 and onl' nt univ l.iut 111 ('allforn1;i In h:11c a f;i1nil pr~ct1tc residrnc·~· progr;:inL a n1:11111 1r1·11d 1011 :1n l lhr rrh1r11 of 1hr lri1'erl and /'l.'\Cl'Cd Ja1111ly dflctor 0£ )'C~tf,r ·ycar. Is Thin 111;i 1 1n thP Ha~n'.>11tJrth • d~f' the~c 11 ~ n1aler1ahlt'li 'll1r 1rn1cd1t. 1hT'rPforr. 1r11uld •rrrn '" Ji .. Ii .. • 111 l'~'l~'tl111p Ila~ n~11 l)r1h :1~ .~ 11;,.n~ll"r •ll 111" :-.11p1r111r t·1111r1 rh.1n tn 1r.or111111,e tl11• f'rl!1d 11 1n11~ 11111'11>r 11 11" 11 l·d•·r"I 1111!;.:•' 111 .. 1 •11111 .,,. 1n1•1rol t<1111 1,1 .. 11 . 1.,, ~ .111d 1i1111'r I!\' 1•-t111cnt.; 11 11.t I> 11!1 11).;' ',i 11 !'!fl t'r If ,)11()gl' I l,11 ll.>ll•1l li1 j' !I) hi' ·,H.::,nr.t'd n .11· 11u·11 11 11n1ild hr· n1il ,v JU•I l'I t'f'CIJl\~lrlf'r 11.i· Cl •!' 1•1 ./I• 111" llougla :t~ ih r hf'11 :·t/l 1.1r1 r•! .1 tru<.t .-t·I 11p h~ .1 <l<1111'r dcrply 1n1·uhcll 111 en111111::il lr·~t1I pro,·ccdings. · IT \\'OUl.O BE eq ual just1rr 11 n1trr l;1w :il~n 1f other 1nt·n1bers or th(' :11gh anrJ lnwf'r eourts as 11011' consritutc d \l'rrr 111 be hPld responsible_ for land 1e11turr<; in 11h1ch they ha\·r been la1ely in1·ollcd f•ll IJil' IJll{Ji l.it'\5 Of \\·;i~hlllgtOll In view of lhcse t'.lrt't11ns1an tes .. luclg• !l;;ynswort h'$ proposal 1hat hi!. sll)Ch br pl at.:t'd 1n trust and ou t ol lus t'.Onlrr,J and kno1rlcdgc has 1nt•rit \lt1ch of 111r 1·asr again:-1 ll .iy11s11or1h h;1~ bC'rn r;1r('Jc~-~1v prr11a~t·d 11111'1nbrr~ of Teddy l\rn!lrdy·~ ~t:i11 11rrr Ul'.r>ll Pd 111 1!1 r fffl'\);;rdt10 \1l ,11ul Tilr Srnal r 1h<'rrlorr ne<'rl~ \n g 1 r \ht• f,1,r 1\11· 1110<.L l'TlliCill (•X.1111\11.HIOll h•'!ttre 1t dll'irlr~ ,11.'>r . .: \lOlil ical a11d pr O·l<1 b<1r lines In rr · JCC'I .J udge ll.1,l'nS\\'Orlh. ---WWW- f".r \day. October 17. 1969 T ht edi!orial pnge of !ht Daii!1 Pi!oC seek.~ lo i11ffll'ln nuri sfnn. 11/nre renrlr rs b11 rresel't1ng t/11 ~ ne u:spaper's op11uons onri crin1- 1nentnr11 011 topirs o/ hi trrr ~t ?11'1 sig11if1cG11ct'. bu providn1g a fnr t1 m tor rhr e:r1u·ts.~1(l~ 111 0•1r rr1'7drrs ' QnPril)H~. a11d Qi1 7)rr.~1·11ti1tf1 r11r ftirc,.cr 1 '"'"· nnl111~ nl t)Jlo1'1!r rl ,,/11,('l /I'(; 1111ti spo~·rsn1r11 Cit! ror1 rs 0/ 111,. di1!1 n obcrt K. \\eC"d, l111hll >hrr I I I r ' p II ,, ,, ·" n I) l 1 I ' '" 111 lll'"l il ul.\ ,, r··· I 111111 /'11>1 1!,11 1 •11• I, ' L• .'i( .'i I < " . il I Ill 11\,•I "' 1. ''l''' 11 i - ~----------------------------I I OAILV P ILOT S!•ll Pholo Punt ~ 1•"s·" Kiel;: \\ 1n11cr-. nf !Ja~una Ucac-h co1npctit1on in Ford i\l otor Con1 pany's na· t 1on;:ll /'unl, J:>ai;s :ind Kit k conlcst arc getting set fo r zone co1npet1- 11on Sa turday a t Orange 1-li gh School. In front IO\v ( fron1 left ) arc :\Pr1n ,.\nder:;nn. 10: .lamie Plun1mer, 9. and Da,;id Carlson, 8. Back Jfl\\' ~ r1·nn1 Jcf!J includes Dana Ada1n s, 13; J\like Koenig, 12, and Joe Oliver. II. Lctg L111a City Foil{ Lea1·11 Lctt1lllo1·(l's Role Tougl1 1.;1.:111i;i lit· 1t h CJIX 1\1anagrr .Jani('~ \',ht .11on ·'"·'" his offli:c is tiar1ni; its ior11l1 11'1n~ lrar11111~ 1hc rripcs of its llC\V 1luJ1·. t'o rn1111·rc1:1l properl y n1:.inagcrncnl. \ 0f!1ni; ;1'i land!nrd fr1r Bo;irdwalk pro- 1, t 11c·-; ;1rqulrl'd In' lhl' i:11y Jn 11s S:t 1•111 111111 :..111111 lif':tt·h purch;1~f'. \\ht•:ito11 . • 11d 111 a rut·niri !11 c1ly t'OuncJhnrn, .. has !1.1rp1·111• I hi' p1·r,pf't·t1\C rcg;i rd1n;: rr- l 1l111n-;h1p<; 111111 il'n,1nts .1nrl 1h<' rrgulari· 1· n• td• 11 rrg;irrli ni:: r<'ntal p:ivmcnts." • L•·s~cc \\'1ll1.1n1 S1bson, said ·\Vhcaton , ."CllOl 1RSllll' . ."1::1' fir Ol'l\1:.1 ::;t 1'• Ltl'·l 1111~ 01!lll)Ulll111~ In !.:1001) :ire ·~ ... 11 1•1 JO ~'H'Cl'~~Ju l ;ippl1 <.•1111 s for • or! 111 ln1• \.1 r1 •"" (Jprl"<I Co1np;iny·~ 1 111·111111 !1.111111\E; pru1:r.in1. IJUS IT11•.<.s H\.111 1,..•·r Hnhi:r 1 l.e11P('l'l h;i.~ ath i~cd J 1· 111 .il r'I' 1\rt~dir\·r1or~. l.1 PJ"1t.'1 I ~;1111 IZ SJO ~rhol:irships hu1•c 1 c•·n ~t·nl (11 1·l11 lr!n·n ·'t'll'l'ted for till' prt!· 11·.:in. !1••111 11111lt"r 11 :1v 111 1hl' Ft'!<l11·:i l l·n1111n . :ind t"ll!h! ;1d11lts 11·111 rct·r11 e •t l"11,1r ·h!j! ;1~Sl~\<1 1lCC Ill the ilnlOUllt Of ~~HO lo;llh. hns failed In p;iy any rcnl nt .1 1! fnr lhc hamburger s1and at 110 Oi.:c:1n A\'e., nn the corne r of the Hotel de l;1 Costa Luilding. and 11u1v owrs the e1ty S·l.250. S1bson took over thr prnpt'rly JU~t prior 10 1hc city purcliase and sp<'nd a s11h~:an· 1i:il :1mount on rcrnndtlin~ ;uvl 111Fl<1ll1n).! 11"11• equipn1cnt. Hental 11·ri" s<>t al 5250 a nu1nth, 1rith double p:1yn1cnls lnr six 111c"1111hs, \\'heaton s:utl, but hccausc business 11·as slow 111111\ sumn1cr. he. :igrccd to let Sibson delay rental p·•1·n1~nts until <1cl11•1ty incrc-nsed. The lr;is<'. he cxplaincd. ;1l!>o 1ncludrd the. buili.Jing ;il 303 Boarth .. alk. sub~e· r111rnt!y d<'clarcd unsafe hy the e1ty Ut1il1!1ng !)('part1nrnl. H<-1)(:<1!cd t,1lls faill'd In pr ndt1('C i!llY rent , the cit.v rnan:ii.:l"r r<'porlcd. f\nw r1:e11 port Ucach ;ilturncy Harry C;1rlt011, ;1!s1> a crcd1ln1· nf S1h.<;iJn·.~. wntild likl' to 1:1kc river 1!11' properly. Co111pnnu•:; 1,11 n· lit'! 111" "'1111 ]ll1H'll\ 111.~tillkd li.v S1h~nn 1· r11dd lit 11 iil111g In rnlr-r 11cw a1;rre1n('fll'> 111th C.1rllnn, 1n!)!C<1d id 1·i•po~~r.~"llll.!, ~:11d \\'hr;itn11 . li e rccnn1 rnt•111lc1I 111<J1 tl11~ ~1h~nn lc.1~r be l1·1 1nin:it<•d, lrgnl !)h'\)S takl'l1 1<f :-rcure iudg111r111 ti.r IJat·k 1·r11l :1111t thr opcr<Jt 1nn 111rn1·tl 01rr !n l';1rl1 0111 in thl' hnpc of n 1nore succc::;~lu! bt1;<,1 nt ~" :irrangrmcnt. Tl1c Sca1·c]1i11g of Y 0L1t]1 Fo1· a Left-Ha11(lell Desi{ By .1 1\i\ICE BEU \1 1\~ 01 l~t 0111Y Piiot ~111! IT \\1\S \\"ITll no sm;11t me<Jsurc of relief 1hat 1 learned th at ~nn1cbody 1 ~ !1n;!lly du111g ~ntnlelh111g ior lhe !>Otllllp<.111s. ! ;.a111t· ;Jcrnss the t'd1!nr1al as I lrafcd through li1r DA ILY PILOT. he· i.;inriing at !hr bnf'k of 1he p:ipcr. ll'orking frontward . Thn1 pr:u·licc brg;Jn when I 11·as small, ;it f1r~l bec.;u1sc I liked to read thr 1·on11c.~. ;111d la!t'r brc:iu.~c ll'hcn you're lrft·h<1ndcd . and n1usl perforce re.id .1 hriol. Hl tht ~;in11· rn;iuncr as those uf the right. 11 "s the only fC"asib!c !ll""l11n· !JI rf•:11l1ng rtbcll1un. Hein~ lef1·h<1nde<l has of\cn l1llcU me with 1ne11tal ani:uish. As a child, I was !he victim of an ovcrbcar1ni;: <~irl Sf'out ll';irler, \\'ho r1pJ>('!t I.he cover off my Flov.·cr Booklet. making me lose a nicril bad&C. I had printed, with infinite ca.re, ,. ' n w c F I SINC E: THEN . a ro se has n<'1'cr r1111tr sc.rmed a rosr.. I.hi! J stru.cu;l rd to ovrrcornc adversity. Struggled lime alter l1n11:, fr o1n grad!' :-;i·h1>nl 1hru11gh collr.gc. ··t/11. ~·nurl' left ha ndrd. \\lrll, you !hold the scissors. ti!! your p<iper. look lhro11gh th!' n1icrnseupt·. place }'our hands on the ~olf cluh, hold yo ur bowling hall1 Il k!' 1his'.' they 11 ould !:.<ly brlghtly, af1 cr casting a desperate t:lancc hc:ivrn11 ;1td I Si'E1'1T F"OU!t years in college searching, not for lhe ultimate truth, hut fnr ;~ ilrsk wi1h 11 lcf1 <1rtn . Bui ll11ngs i::ot better :ii the DA!l .. Y PILOT. The paper has no fewer than f11·r' s1>u1hpa1I'~ in 1he nc"'s room, pl us one amhidex1rous assistant n1anagi11g ••d1tnr 11h11 likes 1n l'ount hbn~elf a member of lhc. oppresserl minori ly. We 1111 ffiuntl :;nlarr 1.-)grthcr. r'omn1isrra1 ing on 1hc perils nf our state . assuring one :-inuthrr lh•11 to Oc. lrft-handcd is lhe true 1nark of intense creativity. I !t·lt /1nr. Clnl' tfr•.\I a colleague shov.·cd me a bcll she v.·as crocheting A lovely bell nl :,1h'f't rnt'l'h "IT'S BEA LL'' e;i!>y, c1·cn 1f you'\·e neve r done it be/ore. I"ll be glad to !.)1111\ \ •111 hnw .·· .~In• s;11rl =·t:ri•.i' 111 run 1lnw11 In the s1nrr and J.':l'L lhc lw1nr ;i nd 11 rrorhel 11 .... ~ .• r ~.114! hl11hrly. picturing hours of domestu: tranquillity before !he tele- 1 l~"Jtl < ••• ~ Thro r ~;nv h<'r f)('n. II II iis rlllll'hl'f'I fir1nl y tn her n ght harul. ~ .\r1111t1<'r 1:1n1:lc In the y;irn or Left y. FrldAY, Octobtr 17, 196<'1 S DAILY PJLOf .'; Tu~ney • Ill Training No Change In Festival Liberal De1110 May Oppose Se11. Mu ,rphy Art Scores By RICllARD r . 1'\ALL Ot tlMt 0111, l'li.tl 11111 'l'hr son of fonner boxing great Gene 1 urncy 1s doing the hard advance ro<idwork for his biggest po htica! battle. lt earned n ep. John V. 'l'unney ( D· H1vcrsidcj into a press conference and hfl'<'ling session at the llolcl Laguna 'J !1ursday evening. Tunney said he \Viii Jar.uary \\'hclhcr he announce in will ~eek the i)t·1nocralic nomination to oppo s e Ii· publica n Senator George t-.1urphy next ) (•:1r. 'I he yotnhful liberal Dcinoc:ral also: -Called lh c adnllnistration's Operation lultrceot •·a band·aid on a cancer." -Ca lled for a full·scale 1nedical study 1111 effects of marijuana lo take it out o( !11-.: real!n of mythology but said he cur- ri'ntly opposes its legalization. -Criticized the administration polil'y r111 f;Chool desegregation in the South. -Sympathized v.·1th lhe 'Vedncsdny 1·11.r:1toriun1 dcinonstration against the 11ar in Victnani. -S;iid he opposed confirrnalion or .:udge Clern cnt F. llaynswur!h Jr. Ir> ~erve 011 Lhc Suprcrne Courl because o[ l L1ynsworth"s al!cged financial conflic1s 01 interest. -Cri!ic1zed the administration for will· irigncss to sf'ttlc oul of court the federal ~·nng !>Uit against the nation's auto in· tcrc~ls. -Labeled Sen. l\1urph y"s term a quc~ l1on n1ark and called it a vacuun1 o( lcadcr~hip. -Cri!ic izcd offshore oil exploitation ;1 iong the Cal iforn ia coastline suggesting lhe oil deposits there should be kept in r<'~l'rvr. -Said f:irm lahnr should be brought unde r lhe National Labor Relations Al'l ;iuct given tile rights of collective t ;ugaining for twttcr w;igcs. -Said a resulting hike in food price'\ 11·1.uld be small and suggestrd lhe /. n1cricn n hou sewife would be willing to n:1snrb it knowing that migrant 1vorkers \1Trr obtaining decent wages. -Called for v.-ithdra\val of An1rrican fnrcrs from Vieinan1 1\·ithin 18 n1onths. -Criticized the South Victnan1esr ·riiitu nd1ninistration for a pol icy of ptt!}f'luating its nwn pnwcr by nn.v mrans an•! being at cros~ purposes 11 ilh U.S. ;urn~ . Tunney said the Th i c 11 · l\ .\' ;i(!. n11n1~tr11 tion has $QUC'lchcd po!i!tcal op· Jl0~111on . Asked if he favored a coalition ~overn menl wit h communi sts. he said "I would like an election "'here everybody has the J_,ag una Library J•'ri cn<l s N an1c l~oartl Officers Tit" n!'IV bu;.rd or directors of !hi? \ . .i1.11n.1 l_l,·:ith ~·ri('nds of the L1!Jr;iry, 111 1 l\\'i'k .1 1111011nl'cd tlC\\' antl conl1nuin g li11,1rtl 41llicers and con1m1tlcc. chainnan. ,, J.'•t111i:: 11(•11· president C 1 if Ion ;\1i h11l a.<; 1\11! he ~1 :1ry i\1ax\Vcll. fir st l'icr pr.·~1clrnl : i\lrs. D;n 1rl Yo11ng. second 111, pr.•o;1tlc111. ~lrs. \ViH1a1 n \\'1lcnxon, t"11111nu1ni; <1s :;('eretary; an d Hogrr I ;111phf'":1r, !r<•.1o;11rl"r . ("n;111n1lll'r cha1nn:i11 <irl' i\lro;, \\' II. ,\\lr•·h:i11t.l. mcinl"H:r!>tup. 11nra ,\lary ~11(\]1111ald, <·nnt1nu 1ng ;io; p u I> Ii r i l y 1·!1.1•111:111, .J;-i111c~ Uillry and Chfford (·,11r. h1,toru';1I, Ftrtl H;indnl ph. gif t ;ind 1nt'1nor·1,.1. \"1·n111 n Sp1talcn. C<1lhrr1n0 i\L1tQu"1-r+1'. Cl1ffrird C.i1c and Uonna 11! m••ln :1tir~. l1bra1 y ~i1r :ind ht11ldin1:; .ind ~1r s. All.J•·rt 11 ;i1'rn, tl!1~plt;t l11y. l)l111r i!1r1'1lnr:o; :ire i\11 :1 C:in11i1n nnrl 1 .1111r~ L<11>.l~r. illrs. Hobe rt Ann~lr11tl~ 1~1111 1\' rr,p1111.~1blc fnr 1hc 111•11.-.IC'tl{'r ;111tl 1,u("lllr \\"l11takrr will n1a1ntt11n 11 ;-n~un 1.11h tl1c PTA Cu\lnl'!L .Sudcllc ba ck Pegs Dis111issul Li1nit ~;1dlllchack College students v.·ho~ r:rad('s rlrop tno low 1nay he suhjcct to rl1.c;n1issal under a revised policy ap· pr11vcrl hy trustees this "'eek. . Trustees agreed that a student \\'l\h <1 1.2!"> atadcmic ~landing now will be .s1_ib- JCCl lo dismissal. This w!ll be in _add_1t1on to the existing policy cathng for d1sm1ssal of a stud ent with a cumulaJive 1.75 stand· ing in lhrce consecutive quarters. On thr pnint system used to determine :ic;1dl'1n1c standing. Pnints range from l 0 for a grade o( D lo 4.0 for an A grade. llcadi11g s Slated At Dana Art Meet Selertrd readings from 1he Son,c: nf Sol· nrnon wilt be presented by ltoberl J\1c· Ad am:o;, newly elected president of the Dana Point Art Guild al the gui ld"~ meet· Ing J\londay, Oct. 2{), at 8 p.m. in lhe Dan11 l'oinl Community tlouse, 24642 San Jufln Street 1\lcAdam~· intercsts in arl CO\'Cr a wide fiel d. from painting and architectural de.~ign lo theater, rnu~ic and \Vrit ing, "·ith special cmphasi,o:; on poetry, The. public is invited to hear the readings. • ' Arter some discussion of the current ~ policy of infonning exhibiting .11rtlst3 oL ~ their rank as well as their score following ~ Festival grounds jurying each year •. ~ directors have de cl d e d to let we11 · { enough ;:ilonc and n1ake no changes in the ~ procedure. Board Chairman \Villiam ~1 a rt I n broached the matter after busine:1:s manager Robert Leppert announced that annual letters advising exhibitors of their scores and rel1ttive standings had gone out "with no repercussions.'' Art.isls ~'ilh a s«ire of 39 or more, out nr a possible 70 poinls. arc invited lD return next year, while those with lower :;cores are requestrd to re-~11bm1t samples of their work in competition with new artists. •·1 never could understand why we tell the111 their rank ," said J\1artin at Tues· day's board he<'!ing. "It seen1s lo me. it niight be quite insulting to some artist.. \\'ho has done his besl 10 be. told his. score was <imong the lowest on the : i.;rounds. l can·t sec thal it serves any purpose. . Director Harold Burton thought 1t was "only human nature to want to know how YOU come out in any COm!X'lition, whether . lt serves a purpose or not.'' Mrs. Helen Keeley warned, "Any J1>ecrecy that lhe board agrees on would he subject to criticism. I think the artists \\'OU\d be justifiably up in arms if we refused this information ." REP. TUNNEY SPEAKS OUT ON ISSUES OF THE DAY Congressman Covers a Lot of G round in Laguna Appearance J\1artin said he v.·as thinking mainly t1f the artists' feelings. David Young agreed some might be insulted. Stuart Durkee lhought refusal to give !he rank might be .. one more reason to question the validity of the judging." 11ght lo vole and c1 er~ lx>dy has the right lo run." I{ Tunnrv t·:in muster the i)l'1nncra11c ~:1r11nr1 tn ~1!1rn1pt In 11!\Sf'~il i\1urph~·. h<' . •'!'!, Ilic i.~sucs as \'1clnil111 : Lhe state of tl1" (i.:onon1y 1 inf!alio11. unc111ployn1cnt 1: 1:111·. nrdrl" ;ind JllSl!Ct': ean1 pus unresl i[ il then exisls; <Ind cn \·iro11n1cntal pro. b1cms (\'•ater and air pollution). The 35·)'Ca r·old Dernocral y,•as criticnl or the Army Corps Qf Engineers handl ing of a hea ring three y('ars ago on the San- t<l llarbara oil situati on . Leppert explained thal the policy was ('Slablished by an earlier board and has "·orkcd well for the pasl two years. He said the scores are kept Jocked In his safe and revealed only lo the artist in person. The: letter mail!:'d out, he ~id. "'<ls approved by director Richard Il l' said the Co rps ;it the tin1r rrfu~rd to consider f'n1·ironn1ental pollutio n as a !actor in decision 1n;iking. Brooks. grou nds chainnan. ' .. ' • • Ask for MODEL TBF 15 SE #•~·· JET FREEZE, ICE COMPARTMENT Sub-Lero 1lr is blown O'ler tsars for freez ing ice cu~u ertra last-11e1t lot p1rties! GIANT ZERO DEGREE FREEZER .,. hollb up lo 147 lbs. of frozen foods teoldyfor ust whtnenr ~ou wan! them, NO FROST COtMNll.NCE IN BOTH Rf· fRIGEP.ATOR AltO FREEZER. "IDEAL BIG FAMILY" 14.7 Cu. FL CAPACITY lo1ds of stor~ge with 1 place for everythinr ••• Hrnctt door she!ves in both re!ri£erJ!or and lree1er, .. 1ep,1r1t1 butter comp~rtment, removable bin !hat holds JI eus. SEPARATE TEMPERATURE CONTROLS "Mobile.Cold" pro~ides cont1nuo11s air movement. Sepmtt controh let you <lial exictly right temperature in 11l1i1er0 1to1 or fr eezer secUon for Ideal 'torage, CONVENIENT SLIDE OUT SHELF ... 0...er 2Z sq. IL ol shell 11e1, 1 handy slide·she!I brin11 the food ri11ht out to you. TWIN VEGETABLE BINS ••• Rui:ged porcelain.gn.steel ve1etabl1 bins keep up '" ~ buslMI 11rdtn fltsh ... reldy lor insUnt use, Available in otcor1lor coordinated colon, AYou~. Copper· lont, Harvest, or Whitt. Ask about our Special LOW, LOW TERMS! 4 CHARGE PLANS FO• vou ro CO'tVENIENCE l. u,~ vwr B•n~Aomtr 1<1•d •· u .. y.,.,. Ml$1tr (f11t;e STEREO e TELEVISION e APPLIANCES TELEPHONE 540·7131 Daily: 9 to 9 Saturday: 9 to 6 2300 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA • DAILY PILOT A \\1ombourn, England ne\vspa· per obituary said Gertrude Ttl o- ma5 \\'3S dead. He r molher, 6i- year-0Jd Alice McDermott, read the notice, had a heart attack and died three d ays later. The obitu- a ry \ras a hoax. fllrs. Thomas, alive and we\J, said : · '\Vhoever put that notice in the paper killed my 1nother. I t is almoSl murder." De- tectives d iscovered the notice v.'as telephoned to the paper by a man \vho asked that the bill for the an- nouncement be sent to the Thomas family. • . ------.. --~ --- IJP I 'Ttlt PllOlt Cnl11i After the Stor11i Odd, for this u sually busy intersection of major city arteries in Springfield, Mass .. is the quiet \Vhich last night hung over \Vinches ter Square during a curfew imposed alter \Veliare rights riots earHer in the week . Pair Kidnaped In $50,000 Plot Freed Unharmed 2nd Soviet Spaceship Back From Earth Orbit 1\'hat may be an odd way to carry tnt extra rider, turns out· t :i be a good u;ay· to kee.p two dry. These University of \Visconsin students .i;how their ingenuity during a ra in shouirr. • If nude neighbor s annoy you. you should build a higher fence. That's \vhat sunbather Jame5 A. Koch of Redwood City told his neighbor Troy J . Morr is recently, and Pros· ecutor Keith Sorenson of San 1·1a- teo County agr.eed. Refusing Mor· ris' complaint against Koch for outraging public decency, Soren- ~on noted that the backyard fence between th e two homes \vas diffi. cult to see through or over. "Nudj. ty of itself is not against the la\V in your Q-\Vn back yard," Sorenson said. • ; ;;_~T·y,!·;,e -:;;· 40 ·;~;-~//S!;l!~S •J • for bomb sheller suppUers in. ~1 -t/1c yello10 'fXl!JCS Qf the Stln Di-! ego telephone book in 1061 , the uear of the Berlin Wall eris{.~. {! Thi.~ ueor th ere a.re 11.1.:0. One is 1 : Howard R. hfcQ11een. "I hod one ' ~ coll lo.st year." he. said_ "There doesn 't seern to be any i'tteresr, , I Other contractors say the same ! thing" , ~-~4~~ .... ,"""_...~ .:l~'?!.": ;;-~=-:• .•. ..: • \Vash.lngt011 Gov. Dan Evans re- ceived a gift of eight bottles of \r1ne from California Gov. Ronald Reagan, but it c:ost him S6.16. The California \\'ine Institute .. on Rea · gan's behalf. is presentin g \\'inc.o:; li>the nation ".s go\•emor s in observ- ance of the 200th annlversary of the state's \\·ine industry. But somebody forgot to pa y the 26 per· cent tax and .stale liquor store markup required by \Va shington Jaw before out--0f·stale \vines can be brolight into the state. Evans said he 'A'Ould pay the money him· £cU. PHILADELPJI!A {AP) -Tv.·o dress shop operators, kidnaped in a ~50.000 ransom plol, have been rr!eased unhar111· cd and the! money reco\"ercd, the Philndelphia Bulletin reported tod<iy. The FBI and local po!!ce had no com- ment OI! the story, v.·hich gave this ac- count : Brothers Stanley and Nathan \VoHe, in their 40s, were seized Tuesday at their dress warehouse. Nathan was freed to obtain the ransom, which later \\'as thrown from a car at a designateO place in nearby Princeton, N.J. The money v.•as found undisturbed Thursday night and scv~ral hours later Stanley was freed, apparently unharmed. There were no arrests immediately_ Nathan \Volfe told authorities thev were seized and placed in the back of a panel truck by the drh·er of a truck sup- posedly bringing a load of dresses lo their wareholl.!;e. They were driven about first in the truck and then in a car, he said, then locked in a shed, Later they were put in the car again, driven to a place in West Philadelphia where Nathan \Volfe \Yas freed and told hnw to deliver th e money. He said thnt ·while he \Vas held captive $4,200 was taken from his walleL Tl!OSCO\V (UPI) -The Soviet Union brought the second of three spaceships back from earth orbit today, The three n1en of Soyuz 7 made an easy, pinpoinl L:inding amid a group of scientists, sports commissioners, friends and journallsts. The craft, launched Sunday, was the second lo return from space in two days and left only Soyuz 8 with its two-man crew still in orbit. Soyuz 6 and its tv.·o cosmonauts made a soft landing in the same recovery area on Thursday. The official Tass announctment said today's touchdown came at 12:26 p.m. TlloscOw time 12 :26 a.m . PD'I') about 193 miles nortl1west of Karaganda. The cre\rmen "felt excellent," Tass said, and a preliminary medical checkup sho'"'·ed th('y had endured their llight in good con- cll!1on. "At the landing site. the cosmonauts w('re given a warm welcome by men1bcrs of the search group," Tass said. Their mission was designed to pave the 1l'ay for a manned orbital station. The agency said the crew fired retrorockets at a planned time, the des- cent and "soft landing engines ensured a smooth landing." In a rare view of spaceflight control in naikon ur, Sovicl television showed a row G@od Nig~1t" Chet Hu,ntley llfay Leave NBC Next Year NE\V YORK (AP) -After more than 13 years of saying .. Good night, Dav it!." Chet Huntley is expected to )('ave NBC News next year. Hvrltley, '-'·ho has paired with D;i\"id Brin kley 1n one or televi slon"s bcst·known news teams. probably v.·ill leave brt11·een F·ebruury and .June. Huntley, 57, 1s associalerl "''ilh a grnup of businessmen who hope to build a ycar- round sports resort on 15 .000 acres in fl lontana"s Gallatin !liver Valley. 45 mile<; north nf \Vr ~t Yellowstone . The project \•.-ou!d cost <1bout $1 5 1nil!ion. "The possibilit y of his !ea\ 1ng e xists :i nd as 1t gets close \\"e sl1uultl pUI 01 1r m inds lo 1!,'' sa1 d llcu\en Frank. presi- dent. of NBC Ne111~. .. But it"s not such a certainty that \1·e shou!d have to plan no11' Eighteen mnnths in th!~ bus1n('SS is forr\•er." Frank said al the earliest he e >:pcctcd l~un!ley's departure \VOU]d be in early lni 1 "\\'hat has happened is that a gro11p or Pf'Ople <i re trying to organize a major resort in tl1ontana," Frank s<iid . "lf it goes through they '-''Ould like 1-luntley to he the principal operating officer. And Huntley '"'"·ant s to do it." He ('m phasiied that the resort '"'·as still \·cry m\1ch in the pl an ning stage and that thr group had not acq uired the land or arr:1nr,ed for the financing. H11ntley .,,,·as p<ilrcd v.·ith Brinkley in (lctnber 19j6 after lhe1r successful <'rireragc or the presidential conventions thar. yc:i r. Thc-1r "Good night, Chet •.. Good night , David." clo~ing soon became farniliar to manv households. Fri1nk was thr original producer of the shO\\'. The six-day.a-week news show brings NBC an advertising revenue estimated at S~O million. In the ratings, the shov.' trails CBS's \\'alter Cronkite by a few points. Cold Snap l(eeps Grip Western States Suffer Throng h S110,1v, Rain California "' ftw ·-•· • ll!tle mcr• wl~d. 1r>CI c11l!1 a ltw CIO<J<I• ftl••Oec! lt>p beolnnl~~ ol Solll~trn c...11,.,...,11'1 ll•ll l1ll·wfatMr -end ,.,.,.v. i ....,.-1t~re1 wt •• 111"'111 o;o:>ler I~ moot •••••· lhe Air l"~llut10.~ C~!rcl D111r;c1 he1 g1v.., •f>Other 1 11 c•N r ~"'09 --k«~ ""''" ,,,,.!Iv c loL<dV ")'~ h'-"'• ne•r u . l~ "'"'"' 1e"'·"'"'"''"e -~. IOUTHf:JIM CALIF0 '1N IA -P•"'" ci.uclV m rOUl'll .Soh""-'· Ftw '~"'" 9;.._,nd l>(lrtlWrn "''°''ml• n1 l'•l!!~l' •"" ocu 11.,.,.1 r1ln" Htl<><11 '''"'" i nd -I l'(>l"fltlfll Ftlll•Y nl1M •fl<I S1•v•· dll1. Wlfl<t'f "'"'''"!lln1 1n!! ln•r rlo•, 1119111h' ,.,.,. ... ., .... ~ LOS ,t.MGfLES ,lRl'A -P•rllV Cleu<l1 Fri(l1Y 1r>CI S•1ur<11v. ltllft" -(~! d'llMI 11! r1lnY pt•i"(I\ """· d•I' n.1111 ""' ~1!ure1av. Ov••n lo~I -· -· JI. H .. 11 Fr!dlY n. Sl iQll llY Ctol<lr Sll\ltOt". COAS'T,t.L AND 1Nll''1MEOl .. 1E VALLEYS -1"1rt!y Cl-Y FrldlY •~II .. lorOty. C ... nc1 of .-.1 ..... Pf'rlo<!1 Fri· d•Y nlillll •nd $.oturd1v. Sllg~tlV Cl)Cl1•• ...... OWml~I Iowa 4 hi IO. Hlol\1 "'*"' .. Ill ''· MOUNTAIN ,1.•EAS -Contld•r8111• '10VdltWll ttyouth S1!urd•• CllJ~•• 9' -.,,_.,. -1N•n ••-Fd· <llf'f. 1111111v t11•10d• wn~ -""""" ........ tll>fff FriOtY nl1nt ~r>CI $M· vr<11y . w 1...,,,. """ 11+11~llY co•"~' ,.~v• !Nll!IUOll ,t.NO OESl!~l JIEG!ONS -V1rl1b .. C*1dl 111.--h lltvrll•Y. Oot••l-1 119111 "'-·· nltl1~ p(lt11o<'I ftlt ln!y ••Cll.lnd ...OU~ltlf\1. Wlr>CIY 1nd 1!11MTY cool•• dlYI. ov.<-n!tM tow1' ., '9 .sl _, vollfft, 9(1 to .0 ..._,., v•1· ............. F•l"-1 111 to IO vo<>t• VII• !Ht '"" ICI to II ,_., v1ll1r1. Coa1tal CTIK.ldl' end cool "'ill! occ11lon1l r1lny ,....1(1<11. SOIJ!h,...1• lo w11t wlnl11 10 10 '° •""" In' 1!!•rnllO'llo loOt• 1M s~1vr<11y, Hlv~• 10<11• 6). C0111!1I rwm"r1!11•t1 ''"'' from sf •o n. 1n11r>e1 t-....-1turt1 ••"9• tco-m .n !O I• Water ll"'l't!'•!~ft il. .Sttn , /tlnn1t. Titles FRIO,\Y sero"a low 10,n ~ '"· 0,1 SAlUll;OAY f'lf>! "GI! A•ll•m. l • Fl•" 1-...... , ... ,, , ......... 1 • ~ttn~~ "•Oii ~f•.11~0 !ON J 0 •'I' I~ 11 Xi ~"'~~ U.S. S1rtr11nnr11 "" eorly tiaoon <Dl<I 1n11> «>n!lnv•d to l!Oll'lln1•• I~• n•!lon1I we•'"" """'· Cold '•In 1nd mov~r~tn '"""'' «· cvnf<I ""'' 11'10•1 of Int wut•r~ 11~1~1. Ar>CI tnow flv•tl•1 p• I e"' •"Owen d~ ''loot"d ft<lll'I 1t! v1>n•• ll'l•O"'o't to rne .t"nort"''" Anp•l•(M~"' UP IO II•• '"'~·· o• "'" •now <e~· l lnu•d GW• 1n~ ~I""" "•••d• rang u of C11Horn<o, T,~,_,,., • w•rnl~~i w••i •o!•lnrd f~• lh• ~I•"• Nr•~tl•• "'""'" ~"G"" f• o ollC'Wt !n••Ylll IMt l••eJ In "4ortne•n c~1110•" ~ 1~d in• 0000 •oot '•••I ~ 11\p <•n•rol P•rt GI '"" tie!• l-1ow•v•r. •n~ '""'" ••v•I """' ••.,.<Ir<! In Inv.•• ·~ •Jl'CI '•r! In •n• n~"" •nd 6000 rctr '" C•nl•ol C:n••M<~l• IOd•» Temperat1rrr~ hltll low orK ,1.lbu~u••out oa •l ,t.ncnorot• ~s .i ,1.tlaM• I) •8 e.-• .,11.1d 11 S6 (l"ml•(~ •l 7~ ll~ ~f ~? 4l ,10 llo<IOft 61 17 5rown•vlllt &J 70 .1 6 Chlc100 Sl l~ Cintlnn•tl ll lS ~y.. ll 11 0•' Molnt~ '' '9 Otl'<l t 5:1 41 .02 Fol•t>1nl1 50 7S Ff~'"O 11 •I .Q} ... ,..... Jt l1 l<OMll!ll! 17 6J 1(1 ~10 Cltv l l JJ l1' VtQ-• l l ~l 1,n• A~~•I•• Jl M .n) M••<"rll u 14 ,n Mlnnt•"'11l' 51 l'1 tit" Orl••n• 11 5S N•w Yo•-,... S• Notth f'1t!!1 J6 15 o,~1~nd u ~ .o• 0 < 1o~o-m1 CHY St l-C Om•~• •S ~· P•lm So•fn11 11 10 f'••o Po~••• 11 •~ ,rµ Ph..,.nlv J6 60 Pl11,bll'Oh 61 4j r or•l•n<1 ~I 01 .10 P•nl~{lty 41 70 Rl'd e turt el •S R•~o 61 11 .11 S•• •'"'f"'P II '° ~.•'' l ·-• Cl!y SI •1 fO S•~ P•tnt> 71 ff _n1 S•n Fr1nchco ,... U .01 ~·""'~ •• •1 .07 Sno••.,. ,, )I' T"~·..,•I 'I }1 ,)1 l'i••~l"""" Ill " of military controllers breaking into ap. plause, shouting and waving as the suc· cessful return announcement was made. The spacecraft came down close lo its present target, and helicopters spotted its huge parachute canopy as it drifted down on a barren plain flecked Y;ith early \~inter snow. By the time the heat·seared c:apsule was \owe.red the last few fttt, greeters \.Vere already there awaiting the crev.·men. Tass said the crew carried oul "an ex- tensive program of scientific, technological and medico-biological in· vestigations. '' Soyuz 7 was piloted by LL Col. Anatoli V. Fi!ipchenko and carriect two flight engineers, Vladislav N. Volkov and Viktor B. Gorbatko. During its f1ve-<lay flight, Soyuz 7 n1aneuvered Vt'ithin 500 yards of Soyuz 8 but did not !Ink" up with it. Soyuz 8 was expected Lo be brought back Saturday. Earlier, Tass reported that Filipchenko and CoL Vladimir Shallov, commander of Soyuz 8, said their cre'!l-'s had rested well, had breakfast, did some exercises and "began carrying out lhe program of their n('W day in space." Astronauts Star At Lollobrigida Bash in Ro111e RO~fE (UPI) -The three Apollo 11 astronauts went to the stars Thursday ni ght. 'fhe most g!itterin~ of U1e stars \\'ere nrtrf'~Sl'.~ Claudia Cardinale ~nd Gina Lollobrl,i;ida v.·ho invited the three men :ind their wives lo one of those Roman parties that last hal( the ni ght and fe::i1ured a real princess and a v.·oman in a see·Lhrough gov.•n. !\eil /1 . Armstrong, Edwin E . "Bui.z .. Aldrin and Ml charl Collins met Mi~s J.ol lobrigirla in !ltexico City last month <1! start of thei r goorl1\•il \ mission. She in· YJletl Lhrn1 to a party in Rome and they .ater pted. "They said they enjoyed th f>mscl res.'' C'r1n a said today. •·111r. Armstrong pro-- m1~ed to send me a moo n stone alter his next tri p." Among the othC'r gue:sl<: "''ere Princc~s 1.alla Aicha. who is fll orocco's an1· b:issador to Italy and the sister of King llassan JI, and severRl l lallan actors. ac- t1 esses and members of the Roman nobility. tinother guest v.·as Consuelo Crespi who \rat a prominent New York model before her marriage to Jtalian Count Rudi Crespi. The party was described as "quiet" ex- Cl"pl for a burst of applause and a shoul of cpproval when a huge cRke shaped like the moon was wheeled into the dining room of Gina's villa on the ancient Atr plan \Vay ou tside Rome. 1'. shapely, unidentified guest wore 1l full-length see-through gown and 11·as desrribed by another party goer as •·an eyeful " !ltiss t.ollobrigida, an am ate 11 r ~ctl lptress, presented the astronaut.~ 11·Hh tiny bronze statues of her l2-year-01d son f\lilko. Party or no party the three aslronallt! v.·ere up early today to visit some of the f0mous tourist sights or Rome -tl1e Colosseum, the Tre\'i Fountain and the Roman Forum. LSD Bragge r Ju1nps Off Gold en Gate SAN FRANCISCO (t;PJ) -A young mnn ll'ho told police in 1067 he had taken 50 LSD trips plunged lo his denlh Thurs· d;iy from the C.olden Gate Bridge. The \'it t.im was ident ified rui Pe-ter V. D:n i~, 22, No\"afo. The C<>ast Guard recovered his body minu1es after he stop- ped his c;i r on the span and vaulted ovC'r th!!. railing. Small Force to Stag Laird Predicts Rapid Pullouts WASHINGTON (UPI) Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird said today the United States is moving to turn over '"in rapid fashion" all combat responsibility in Vietnam to the South Vietnamese. "We are doing something more than the plans lhat were in being when we look office," Laird told a Pentagon seminar. "We are now moving to transfer all combat responsibility in a very rapid fashion ta the forces of South Vietnam based on the progress they make, '' .. , instead or our troop levels going up and up and up every month, our troop levels arc going down and down and down_" Laird's remarks were made at a day. long seminar on defense policy that in· e luded representatives of such groups as bankers. veterans organizations, 4-H clubs, ship builders. women's groups and civil liberties groups. Laird said Thursday thal afler the war is over and American combat troops have come home, however, a residual U.S n1ilitary force -perhaps nwnbering in the thosuands -\\'ill remain. Such a residual force, Laird told an im· promptu news conference at the Penta· gon, would be comprised of a "training and advisory force." He dld not say how long he envisioned the force would have to be left I.here. Sixteen years after the end of the war ln Korea, 50,000 American troops are sta- ti oner! there. Laird has said he hoped the ap- proximately 300,000 con1bat troops ln Vietnam could be withdr a\\"11 in a "reasonable'' time. This would leave about 200.000 noncombat support troops. The residual force would be left after the support units are gone. Laird was not s pecific as to the size of the residual force; but he snld it v.'ould not be anything like the number of trc;iops in Korea, although it probably \Viuld be larger than the 6.000 to 7,000 troops V>'ho were in Vietnam in the early years of the Kennedy administration. Laird also said he did not want to give ·.':r -{;; u U.S. Dismisses Off er by Reds PARJS (t:PJ ) -Qualified diplomats to- day dism issed the Communist offer of. secret U.S.·VieL Cong talks as just another effort to dov.·ngrade the Saigon govtrnment. The diplomats said Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge was surprised by the timing and "blatancy" of the offer but not by the -·sub~tance of the proposal. Hanoi officials made t.he offer during Thursday's r egular weekly session of the Vietnam peace talk s. If accepted by \Vashington, the Sou th V i e t n a mes e govemmerit \1•ould be bypassed as a par. ty to a settlement. Lodge counte red the proposal wllh a call for secret discussions among all lour participants at the talks, including the Viet Cong. The sources said the United States re- jected the move because it was not a ge- ntiine effort to find a peace settlement but an nltem pt to cause lriction between thE' allies. "It's not that the propos3l is new." lhe sot1 rt es s~iO "The North \"ietnarne!'e hare t1 rgcd the snmc thin g in the past. the impression that he anticipated a U.S. milltary presence in Vietnam for many years, as in Korea or Western Jo:urope. He said the President has made it clear that the ultimate le vel of troops to be left in Vietnam is still ''negotiable'; with the north. Laird also said the United States never actually had the capability lo fight 21'.: wars and does not have it nov.·. lie referred to statements of forn1er defense secretary Robert S. !11cNan1ara who sai<.1 U.S. military forces were arranged to be able to handle a war in Europe. a Chinese invasion of Southeast Asia and a small conflict in the Western Hernisphere -et the same lime if need be. Laird said the goal v.·as never actually provided for in final defense budgets. u u * 5,993 Aircraft Lost in War, 23 Duri11g Lull SAIGON (UPI\ -The U.S. military command said today it has lost fl.993 helicopters and airplanes in the Vietnam \.l'ar -their total \'alue conservatively estimated at $6 billion. An announcement fron1 headquarters said 28· of the aircraft \verr lost in the past nine days despite a lull in fightlng v.'hich dropped L'_S·. cnn1bat deaths to their lowest point in nearly thr('e years. The !ull reached \\·ell into its fifth week !his morriing, \Yith military spokesmen reporting J9 guerril1<1s s!:iin in fi1'c Saigon·area clashes. No A in e r i ca n casuallles were reported. Commanders in the northern \var zone said t11rec Americans "''er e killed and 17 \\'Ounded in 25 sca!lerrd overnight clashes there, killing ;1 lo1al of 23 Viet Cong and North Vietnan1esc. The Communists carried out 21 mortar and rocket attacks against allied targets <luring the night, causing light damage or casualties but no American fa\J!lt\es, 1ni!itary spokt•s1nen said. ''In reportirig the U.S. aircraft \r1ssc-' since Jan. I. l9til, headquarters said there 11·as no record of !he total of men killed in craslies or do.,,,·nings. ~1any of the fixed·wing planes went down o\'Cr North Vietnam. The aircraft losses include 2,881 fixed· \Ying planes such as fighter-bombers and cargo carriers and 3,112 helicopters, the command said. The average cost is about $1 million apiece, U.S. sources said. About half were lost in combat to ground fire \\'hi!e the other ha lf were rlestroyed in shelling attacks or rendered unusable by breakdowns or crashes in noneombat situations. Eight "''aves of B52 bombers kept up !hei r pounding of retreats '-''here allied in· tc!Hg('ncc says the Con1m11nisls ~e regrouping for a ne1v wave of attacks. The bombers, biggest in America's arsenal. concentraleO five of their raids on a relatively new target -the jungles 19 t-0 24 miles north'-''est of Pleiku, a n1a- jor city in the Central High!an<1s. fl lili tary spokcs1ne11 belatedly rcportrd one U.S. Mari ne killed anrl 15 11·ounded in an overnight fight that began \Vcdnesday 25 miles ~Quth of On l\11ng. Fif7hl Com- mtinist so )d i('rs died in lht• battling. $140,000 PBinting 1\ picture 1nay be \\'Orth a thousand \ror ds, but this one brought $140,000, the highest price ever paid at auction for a work of art by :'I \von1a n, and by an i\mC'rican. l\1ary Cassott's ''i\'lo'1her and Child" \\'AS purchased by Dr: Annand liammrr, \\·ho \\"ill eventually g ive it lo ·t11c Los 1\ngclcs ('ounty l\rluseu1n. j • ' • • l l ! i • • • i • • l • • • ' l • l : • l • ' • : • • ' • • • • • : • Business W urned 11 0 J(eep Brake On 1 !JOT SPRINGS, Va. (AP) - S(Lretary of the T1easury I lu\'ld f\I. Kennedy warned to- 1lay :.iga1 nst a premature eas- ing of the anli-1nflation brakes cJe:.pitc current evidences of a !-,lowduwn, Jest lhe price-wage :spiral br revived at full speed. l\Pnnedy addressed more than 100 top leaders of in- du-;lry at lh<' fall meeting of till' Bus11w:-s Council, as one of ~t·\ C'l';.il l11gh administration of. I trials on hand to enlist in- dustry's :)llppurl rn curbing in- llat IHI!. .. \\ t' mu!il and sha II rcsi:;l lhr <ill too tempting rou te of inm•rng into an expan.:.1onary pno;lure too soon,'' Kennedy ~:11d. "That route would only lead America into a djsmal and :-elf defeating cycle of stagna- tion and inflation.•· Kennedy spoke to the coun· nl nwmbers in a C'losed mcctrng, but made ;i,·::i1lablc to reporlrrs a te:-.t or l11s :-.preL·h lie ~aid "l he rnosl damaging c:o11rse \\C cou ld take would be the stop-and-go route," and added· "l;11der suc:h a rolic:y, \\'(' would fight inflation, bu t only so !(Ing as our efforts were nol too painful. "When inflation c: o n l r o l polkirs began to wotk -and pinc:h -pressures would build up to change course. Ex- pansionary and monetary and liscal policies would come into pli.ty and the economy would Joj·fully expand. "Soon underlying pr 1 c e pressures would reassert themselves and. once more, we would begin to experience the pain of inflation.'' Kennedy conceded it would not be easy lo decide the pro- per moment lo shift from a policy of restraint to one of ease. II is the administration's responsibility to walc.h closely and "to respond promptly when the signs are un- mistakably clear that the balance of nsk has shifted from 1n£lation to recession," he said. He called 011 the business leaders to help in two "ays : -By supporting llw ;1d- ministrat1on·s c f r 0 r I Ill Congress lo eurl> c~pcndilurcs lo prol'ldf• a hudgd surplus as ;in ;J11ll·lnflation wrapon. and 111 ~upport a six-month extl'fl· i;1on o flhc tax surcharge al five percent. -To excn:isr 1 ·cnlightenc<I restraint 111 yvur pricing decisions." l\ennedy also requested that busine ssmen speak up in sup· port of a tax reform bill which \\Ould nol prol'idc large tax reduction s. The H o u s e • ::i p· prov<•d measure. h<' s:ud, \\Ould afforn about SIO.S billion of tax relief, mostly to lfl· dividuals. UPI TtltP~oto STUDENTS' LETTERS TELL 'WHY' Joan Fox and Boyfriend Craig Badic11i Died Peace Dead Teens Ansicer"Wliy?' ----------------------------------~------ Revived Boy No Longer Says 'Pig' DENVER (UPI) -Frank Vigil . 19, used to think of cops as "pigs.'' Ile nearly lost hi s lrrc before he clrnnged lus mind. Thi• lrt•11:1gei"s heart ~tor prct beat mg Sept. 26 '' h1·n a <'<tr in \\ hieh he w;1s ndlnR was i1n>ol,·ecl in an accident. A rookie patrolman c:imc t.o his aid and saved his life. touching off a rock-throwing demonstration in lhe process. "I know people consider the police 'pigs'," Vigil said in a ll'llrr to Patrolman Hobert Mosier. "[ now realile that the police are there to help us and nre on our side, not against llS." Officer Mosier was the first on the scene last month when Vigil's Ci'lr slammed into a parked auto. The you n g patrolmi'l11 straddled the fallen yo11lh and begim applyi ng c,;. tcrnal heart massage to gel the heart bealmg again. A gathering crowd of youths thought Mosier was attacking lh!' boy and tried lo drag him orf. Hocf..s began fl ying and police had to use tear gas lo break up the c:ro\\ d. Sixteen persons, including t3 police of- ficers. were injured. ··1 know it's kind of late to he saying thanks," Vigil wrote. "I found out the hard way. I almost Jost rny life .. .I wish m !'tome way the people of the west side and any other community co 11 I d com- municate with you and any other officer rn a better way. "Thank you." Lottery Imperiled 111 Senate WASHINGTON (AP) Ptt!::.1dent Nixon's plan to draft 19-year-olds first und er a lottery system appears likely lo \\in llouse approval next week but ils fate in the Senate is an ope11 qucstio11 The House Am1ed Services Committee approved the plan ai'med at g1' i11g 18-year-olds auva'lce notice of their draft pro!ipects by a surprise 31-0 \ ole Th11r.sdA1'. 1 louse leader~. who believe they can block effurL'i lo taek wholesale revisions on the bill. <1lmosl i1nmed1ately scheduled It. ?'' ~· -~·-.;a' ....... - lloor action for late next week, f "1,"' indka.ti.ng there is little hard ·~· ;,·,~ ~ ~ opposition there. ~ ... -.. ~-• ti ~ , . But reports from the Senate ~ '"'} ~ • · ·:. .... .tt.,. indica ted Am1ed S e r v i c es ~~~:.~.._ ,fl"L.i'sh~ Chairman John C. Stennis (0-"'~. ~ .. · 4 · ~~~- Miss.), was reluctant to put •. ~.;....-""Jiff.-,.,_. tile blll on the floor where ,. . 13~ 71 · •.1%' 6 , ' trllics. who count Se n "" ;;~<·:, · • .; ' ~:;.,-'·~~.,,,. . ~ ... --..• t;d1,·;ud M. Kennedy <D-;:-•; ,.._ ... ~.it';,....._ Mass.). have a host of pro· posed rensions i n c: I u d i n g clmiJ1ation of all college draft defermrnts. Stcnms could not be reached for comment but Senate Democratic Leader M 1 k e Mansfield, who favor s elimination of the draft, dis- counted those reports. .. 1 feel certain that if lhe House passes it, he (Stenn ls) will reporl it out as ex- peditiously as possiblr. '' Mansfield said. "and if he does. I'll call it up as ex- pediuously as possible." An cf[ort to eliminate all college deferments was ruled out ot order by a 21-10 roll-call vole in lhe House committee that indicated the strategy I hal may b<' used to blurk cl1•afl amendmenls cm tile House floor. The committee ruled th;i t the ohly issue before the House is a one-line bill to repeal the 1967 ban against any draft lottery. Under House Ruli> l 7 any other draft pro- posal is not germane to that one-line repeal. But an aide t.o Stennis noted the Senate has no such "nol gennane" rule with which to prevent "holesale ameml- ments. - UPI TelePholt NEW YORK STREET CLEANERS FACED FORMIDABLE TASK TODAY AFTER MET MANIA 'Even Better Than for the Ar.tronauts ••• Everything's Covered With Snow' Kopecl1nes NY Goes Ape Ove1• Mets Call Autopsy S B dl B. Tl SI 'Off . , .._ treel e an1 igger tlllt at ieu ens1vc w ILK F.S-BARnE. 1';1. M:w YOlll\ !AP) -Happy change suddenly :;prouted a (AP) -Thr at lorn('yo; for I ht' !-t rc1C'l cleHners pin wed today l\lrts p e n n a n t H1 his parents of :\l ary .Jo l\oµn.:hne rnt0 :.11owclr1fts of paper flung 011l strelched nght kind. santlation missioner Moeller. nwn o f Com- (j r i s w o I d L. msisted lodny "lllcrc I:> no from c;kyscrapcrs in lhr tily's "Out or sight!" yd led a m;in The blnnkel or paper rivaled gootl cause or u r g c n t delirious celrbrnlion ol tli<' in the garment district. "I cvrn th ill poured out for the necessity" for an autopsy on New York Mets' rise from k1ww they'd do it !" rnoonmen o{ Apollo 11. hrr body. Disturbing her seven rears in the cellar to Lhc Al Shea Stadium lhr ;,.3 \iC· ''Evi>n better than for the gra\·e "would be grossly of-Worlrl .Srrics ch::impi(ln:.hqJ. tory brought pure bedlam. a~tronauts,'' said Wtill Street fcn~ive." Tiu• bhzz<ird of t1ckerl<)pr. ..There is nn l0morrow.'1 secretary Eileen Nolan. ••)l's /\lloru:.-y .J 0 5 e p h I". stationrr). rn1nputer 1·arrls !lrclarrd a b;innrr in the beautiful. Eve ry l hi n g • s Flanagan filed an answer to and ''"1"lc pnper filled lht' air ~tnndc;. 1·nv(·rC'd with snow. It• s an amended petition by Dist. Th11rsd;1y moments Hf t er Kids posed fur the finlll 011l benutiful." Ally. Edmond Dinis, New Cleon .lo11rs raught a :;Lormed through lhc boxes, "Sanitalionmen share the Bedford, Mass., who has asked Baltimore Onoles fly ball for o,·er lhe shoulders of the car-joy of the World Series vic- Common Pleas Judge Bernard the last out. capping a IN1rn rn1g<' trade, bowl ing over tor.Y.'' said Moeller. "Ou-:- c B · k. t drive to the lop tlwt wa s Mel· policemen :is they led the . romins ·1 o approve ex-night shift and task force are humation for an autopsy. eori c. grn,.r;rl rush onto th e field . prepared lo do the job -Bl:ise New Yorhf'rs r m· \'1rtually smothrrecl with The hearing on the pet ii ion braced lotal slrflngers and ::iffection. the Mets had lo whistling while lhry work." is scheduled lo begin next danced 111 thr strecls. Car fight their way to lhe dressing Ac,, dawn brok<' O\'er 11 Monday at IO a.m. horns blared and construction roo mane! 1l look an hour lo finnlly-quiet New York. an of- The 28-year-old secrett'lrv k LI 1. 1 l 1 ···lcar tl'e [t'cl·'. f1c1al said thert-was no way o( \\'or ·rrs on 1e ug 1 see ... , u was killed on the night of July chi'eml. The stadiuin grou nd crew's telling how long it would takt 18 when a car opt•riiled hv (;eorg1• Washingtnn's statue job wfls minor comparrrl to Lo clean up the mess. Sen. Edward f\I. Kennedy across from the Stock Ex· what faced the l\ew York To speed the job, parking plungen off a narrow bridge was temporarily banned in McCor1nack Suspe1ids Aide After Sca11dal and overlurneci 1n a wml 011 three areas -mid-Manhattan, Chappaquiddick lsliind off the 'Ch1·cago E1·~/1Yht' Lawye1· the financial district and Massachusetts coa~t. II e r "' downtown Brooklyn. death was ruled by drowning. l\IDyor John V. Lindsay, who without an aulopsy. goL a joyous champagne Her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Says Cou1·t ! -·111ed Ca1np shampoo in the Met s ' Joseph A. Kopt>rhne of f-lJ clubhouse after I.he game, Berkeley Heights. N .I., ha\'r I hen snatched a bottle out of \\'ASHlNGTON (L'PI) pany officials la st May at tJ1c \·igorously opposed disturbing CIIJCA(;Q (UPll A A11~11st. l96R, convcnlion ;.iimlh,.r playri"s lrnnd anrt h dousrd a courle or Mets, I louse $pcakrr .John W. 5ecu rities and Exchange Com-er grave. ddense allorney in the t1·1al ol Uwa) ne Uklcpek lrsllfirri he :.la' eel up witll 3 a.m. ill· l\lcConnack said today that he mis1>ion, which had suspended Fl:inagan. in his eight-page heard one of the clrfrndants, J CIJ EWS LA:-;Dl:\1~. ;-.; .J. ICPI) -"Why'.'-Because "c lol'c our fellow men enough In sacrifice our ll\'CS so that thi>y will Irv to !ind the ecst asy m Ju<-1 he111g a lirl' " has suspended w1 tho11l pay a lrading in Parvin Dohrmann answrr said that if the i11dgP eight men C'lrnrged with in -Tnm Hayden. say on the eve _:-.p_c_·c_ti_n_g_t1_1e_· _cl_r_an_u_p_w_or_k_._ met 11w,sian Alexei Kosygin lop legislative a::.s1sta nl ac· sl0ck pending an investigation. !'lhou ld order exhumation it citing \'lolrnce al t he of the ccmvent1011 thnl antiwar ll\O ~·v;irs ago and whPre \\'ell-cused or internning on behalf Parvin Dohrmann investors wonlci be ··preJ11dicial to thr Drmocrcit1e N a t Ion a I Con-demon~trators nced "an armv Get the most on nrsday 8adiali and ~liss Fox of a company allegedly eng;ig-were accused in the court wishes. srnsitivitirs, health \ention l!old the court it lool:s ;ind guns" and llrnt an0lher. attcndrd a moratorium rally ed in stock mark et ir-complaint of filing fali;e and and we ll-bemg" of thi> parents. li~e ~ir1 .. arm<'d cam p" and n e TI n i e Dav 1 s. to Id regularities. misleading reports with the Flanagan said furt her that s:iid hr cxprcts his clients to demonstrators. "\.o down to at 1.1.i~shoro Slnte College. The aide 1<; Martin Swc1g . a go,·ernment 1n ordC'r lo ~nln "thr 1·a11se of clrath hn<; hrrn hr r·mll'id1•rl . thr Lo(Jp and bust it up -tie A rril'ncl ol !\1 1~:> Fox "ho J\IL'Curmack emplo~ e for more control of the firm. then clrarly and lrgall~· ,.stablishrd \\'tllt;im Kunstler made the up traffic and so rorth. tr lhe ~aw tlw c:ouple artl'r the rally than 24 V<'ar<;, \1hosr nam~ mn11ipulat111g the market price hv nr. Donald Mill<;, ndmg rommrnl 'Thursday a!lcr a police battle us. just riot." -lhe l:r•.I person known In \~as 111rnlio1wd in a complaint of thr stock. nied1cal ex;1mrner. in nukcc; former newspaperman ll n de r cross-examination. hni 1' ~1·cn them alive -said flied in federal co11 rt in New McCormack, in a statement. County. Mass." and alleged reportrd <.aid he infiltrated the Oklcpek said he hrard leaders INSURED SAVINGS! KEYSTONE SAVINGS A'.0 l l'A'I ASSOCIA'l"l4 /..~"JH W Ca.Fer". l'u:1dt fll ASK ABOUT OUR 5 38% Pt~ sm1u eoNss mN • ANNUM J11l,.•<ill 11aid f ro11L d1tl•.fto«i.J1 l"frt11 ti( to tfote Q) u1rtltdrauml Th<1I -111 rlH·11· o\1n \1ordc; -":1s wli,v I wo high ~rhool ::I udenis martvred thrms<'h-1•-; by running car hon nrnno\ 1de into a parkrcl c::ir on rnornforinm d;iv. ()ff 1r1;ils sa~ ·11 11 .1:-pl:11111c-d at le.isl ii n:l\ 111 ilth an1'1'. .Jo:in lrolll shr had bren di~<ip· York Thursday against the s;iid Sweig acted in the matter that Dini!' 1s "with out i-uf· lead<"r~h1p of the Nvlionnl of the mobilization commiltee pornti·n b~' lhr prolt'.,t mr<'ting C'Ontroversy-hesrt par vi n .. , .. ;ithout my knnwlcdge or firirnl infornw t1on to form a Mobilirnl1nn Com mittee to say repratedly thry wished to FREE ASTllOLO&ICAlfORECAST hr('<Jll~f' llw pariwir;inlc; iirrr Dohrmann Co permission ann I w;is not brlid as In whether thcrr ic; l•:nd lhr War in V1dn;1rn fnr ::ivoid violenre but that thcv :~:v~~~~J::!~! The 111 o ·-Craig Badia II ;:ind .Joan Fox. lw1h 17 -Jett 24 nC'aLly hand-printed lel ters addressed to parrnls, f nend~. arid off1c1C1I" uf !11ghl;ind Re~ 1onal High School, wlwre they were holh senior:-. Hoth ~els or parents h.rve ma111t.11ned a <;;ilm a n d <l1gn1lletl silence about the d~111ble suiC'itlc. Close friends are loo choked up to try to P\· plain 1l. Casual acq11aintancts c:J1111nt understand ii . Thr two \1 rrr found Thur:-- d::iy m0rn1ng 111 a c::ir p:irked on a d1rl road al>oul JO miles from Glassboro. N .. J .. \I here President Lyndon B. Johnson : . •1 ·iit:~ tnCJ muill in lilt' ~pint The complaml said ~we1g made aware of the fa cts until doubt and :msp1<"ion 5UI· Ch1cago·s Amrrican \n ow ••xpec ted violence fro n1 AA•~tim ·Ktyat .. .s 0 ,..w .. imr1Uter Of f1in. -~~!A~~~~:~·~~f~~~__!t~-~~a~y~·~·-~-~---~~~rO~U~n~cf~in~u~t~h:e~d~e~at~h~.'~'-~-~~C:'h~IC~A~~O_:T~O~d~a:1._~\~(lt~lr~in~g~~lh~e~~C~hi~C~a~C)~p~o~Jj~CC~.~--~-~~~~~~~~~~~~ The frn•ml tnl\..1•d lo .\I 1ss .irrang"'' 8 mre mg or com-'111 ... f-ox :ll .il.i11L1L 4 p rn \\ed· nl''rli.!\ Ca rr1drn < 'wml \ :0. I ert1ca 1 Im t"'-t1i.:.rt11r Th omas H. Dairy ~(110 tilt' l~O \\('ft• :J~ph~Xi;"ltC'd loelll'N'll fi and !1 pm \\'ed- ne~la \ Ii~ lunH.' frum the cur s ~·xh;;Ll!!l, e:irrt<'d mto the \(•h1tl1• hv ;i 1 .rcu11m d t>anPr !10.;c~ run through a holf> in lhr floor ' \\'hi ·• a<.k<'d 1111' S\ll<'ldP no1c• made pu blil' l.iy lJale:r earl\' lll(lciv. "BPr ;r11se we se<' thal people JllS L won·t do ann say what they feel. .. ................................................................ ,,. I YOUR PROBLEM: ~ : You want to sell some item ! ~ that you no longer need but ! t someone else e1n use fOf' • .. . 1 NOT OVER $50 ~ , , , , ? : .. ... .. , • • • • • • • ... • i You call THE DAILY PILOT, ask for t i YOUR ANSWER: • • : Classified Advertising, and place • t • • i .. -PILOT £ i PENNY i i PINCHER i i CLASS IFIED AD t ... AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RA TE ~ ~ 3 LINES 2 TIMES 2 DOLLARS ~ ; t ... AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I ~ ! DIAL NOW DIRECT! . t : 642-5678 : • • ~ lTell frH N9fth C•1111ty 540·12201 • • • '*******~······••**** .......................... ******ti~ -~---·---. --·· -·--------·--------------------------------- • • DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE . I A V aluahle Opportunity ! Dr. \Varren Bostick r ecently called 1nedi cal master pl anning for 'Lhe expected popul ation explosion 1n I.he southern half ol Orange County ··a unique opporlun1ty to do things right." Or. Bostick should knO\\'. lie i.s decin o[ the Cali· fornla Colle ge of l\lcdiclnc at UC!. . _ . . Said the dean, ·"rhc Universily of t·a11r~r111~ \1 ill look with great plea sure on Lhis type of organ1_zat1on as a prC1loty pe for Orange County. Our inlcntion. i~ to look outward to\vard basic facilities for the lra1nuig of a lotal hea lth t ea1n ." . Bostick \1•as speaking of ~ 20-yea~-pla n unveiled a t South Coast Comn1uni ty Jlosp1tal 1SCCll). It _lays ou~ a program for 1.hree non-profit hospitals. Including_ SCCl.1, that \\'OUld serve a populat.ion estilnated at 51<>,000 in 1990 \Yilh 1,170 general hospital beds. . The next l \VO hos pilals in the plans. one serving-the 1'1ission Viejo area and an<?lhe.r San Cle1nentc-San Juan Capistrano, \1•ould be on big sites, 40 or 50 acres. The site size \\'Ould a l!O\\' room for development of related 1nedical facilities s uch as convalescent hosp1 · tals in a full-scale medical co1nplcx. It v.·ould allo\v the non-profit . ho spi l ~l systen1 lo avoid duplication o! h ighly expensive cqui_p1ncnt I ~L.ich as the cobalt bomb) while-keeping pace 11·1\h cxplod111g medical capabililies. The study 1nade for SCC l·I in a sense attempts 'lo lcchnica lly underwrite a noble drean1 -a planned n1edical future. The fly in the ointment -the end of the dream - \l'Oul d be a p1·oli fcration of small proprietary hos pitals 1,:01npeting to keep financially solven'L '!'here ls no \Vay 1o stop such a proliferation. ]l's a free country. 13ut it \l'OU!d be a real 11'aste to pass up this valu- :ible npportunity ·to Jung-range plan the medical facili· tu.'s of a developing area for au tin1e. Legislative Irresponsibility 'To say that L aguna Beach Unified School District olficials \\'ere unhappy over loss of $41 ,000 in slate funds for educationally handicapped children und er· states the cas e. The dis tri ct had already budgeted the funds. hired people and planned its progran1 for t he educationally handicapped on the basls of the state·:; 1958-69 financing Iorn1Lila. Non-duplication and v0Ju1ne p11rchaEi11g should hel p hold do,1'n costs \1•hilc providing the best ca re to tho~e in lhe area. 'fhen. cluring the suinmer. the Legislature chani:;ed the fin<inciat ball gaine. I t \Vas too late to cha n_ge the progran1 pl a nned for the d istrict. even if the needs of Ilic C'hildrcn 1vere dlst'.ounled. 'f he $4 1,000 C{lllal s <ibout :!>ix ce11ts on the local tax rate. '!Ve _prefer to reorganile things_ wi th in Ilic.present framework .' ____ _..._ ·--. The governing board of such a 1.11edi cal syslen1 could quile easily be made representative of the entire service area, '!'his type of legisJa·tive action -\rithout regard to its financial dornino effect on 0U1er entities-is irre- sponsible to a dangerous degree. Detractors Dear Gloon1y Gns: Preve1itive Jtled·icul Cure, F1·ien1l to F1•ie111l ltre More Helpful to Vs ' ' < '·Sydney J. Harris At the hei ght or his success .and popularity when the Gilbert and Sulhvan operrttas ' \\'ere p~cking the ~avoy 'Theater in London nightly. \V. ~-Gil~crt appeared on the \\"ilness stand 1n a hbel cast. He was asked hy the defense coun~fl y,-hether he had read the n\any crit1ca l compliments paid to h11n by a certain magazine, and his reply docs not dc~er\•e th" obscurity it has fa llen into. He said: •·r never read favorable criticisms. t prefer reading unfavorable one s. I know how Rood I am, but I do not know ho1v bad 1 am.'' • NOW TlnS f\1AY !\"OT hare been. :stric1.ly ;<.peaking._ true; there is 111~ch <'Vidence that Gilbert read C\"Cr)·tlung I hat was wri1len about hi1n and t)i.s 11·ork. Bul the point he made is one tha1 needs to be emphasized again and again, 1n every age. As a drama critic for the past 25 )"ear$, T have rccei\•ed dozens or notes froin graleful actors. d 1 r ect o rs and playv.'righls. thanking me for any kind comments about lheir y,·ork. Jn that same pl'riod. I ha ve recch·rd 6Carcely a handful or letters frorn any theatrical fi gures y,•hose efforts I roun1I faull "'ilh. Anti vet, 1/ niy rrit1cis1n \Ya5 worth anything,· 1hesc are 1he onl'~ "h'l 1;hould have benefited 1nost from candid con1ment. lF A CRITIC'S OPINION is respected La i;unans arc learning lh:it tl1c best !'iafcty device n101orist~ ha1e Is a rear view mirror \Vith a p<Jtrol car in it. -C. S. l'. Th~ le1!ur1 tdletts ttld•n' ~'""'· ~ol n•CiiS>•"I' lhClt of '"" n•WtPI PIF. Srll<I your Pfl Pf••• 10 Gl,om, Gui, 011ly P•lol. \1•hen lie likes \\•ha t vou do. then il shot1ld be TP~pe<:lcd \1·hcn ·he ll1slikcs v.·hat you <lo. If his ap proval has ~iny l":lllle, lht'll his d1sappro1';:;I should havl" ~01nt: 1•alur. And if nQthin~ he says, good or had. has much meaning, then 11·hy truub!e to thank /urn'! All of us, like l~ilbcr\. aflrr v.•c l1a1·c been 1n the world a ll'hile, know pretly m11t·h hO\Y good \\T arc: \\'hat 1:; hard for 11~ 10 ~ee is haw barl \\'e arc. Thill rs 1nrirc !han a 1na!ler of rnerf'l.v being th'ir1·ski11· 11ed ab0u t cnt1eis111 ; 1l 1s J11:.1 !h;il the. ;inglc of refraction <lOC!-> nul IL11"11 b:it·k upon us. Nobody r.:an exnn1inc !us 01111 l'ycbilll s, cx cc pl 1n a n1irror. A:\"D lT IS EQUALLY lrur. 1hn ugh P~llnfu!, th:.t 11c le:irn n1ore lro111 lho~c. \1 ho dishke us than Jroui U1o~c \vho like us. £vcn \\"hen their fJ pinion is n1alieiou~. CIT petty, or bas<'1l on ignorant·c, lhl'l"r I'> often a core of lruth in 1rhilt lhry Sa}. \Ve n1ust lea rn to extracl the core and igno re the spilc. Ttus JS hard, dc•1 ihshly har<I. ;ind I tlun ·l mt>;;n lo pri•lf•11d !hill 1 ,1111 .1bli 111 practlre 1\'hat 1 prc:ieh. Bui. al !ea<..1 , 1111· ;1111-rrse ll'tters 1 rl'Ccire g1\-c me a 11\Jfll!e of pain. 11hirh i~ oftC'n a preh1dc tn ~··lf·~rru11n~'. \\"ould th,1L rn111·r h:11I actors bfgan to fOJlow this difficult lcud. Anotlie1· Gene1·cil Pcittori \\'ASH TNGTON -Thrre \\'t ll ::;oon he 11nother Gen. George S. Patton in the L'.S. Army. . . H~ is George IV. son of tht' illustrious World \\'ar II bat llc co1nmanrl tr \Yho lecl \'ictorious armies in Afri ca, Sicily and in history-mak ing blitz sweeps through France and Germany. George JV is 36lh on a list of 64 outstanding regular army co Ione I s selected for promotion to brigadier general. He "'ill gel his star :,y the end o( the year. Like his lalher. Patton earnrd his lf!ltvation by exceptional \'alor and coni· bat leadership . lie has three distingui!">h· ed &ervice crosses-the. sccond highe::;t decoralion for extraorrlinary courage and competence under rire. THE FlRST DSC \1'as \\"On by J>atton 1n ~--B11 George ---· Dear George: I receive a Jot of co1nplainls from a sour-pussed neighbor Y..ho keeps calling the police about the noi5e at my Saturday night par1ics . And, yet, he is alv.·ays waking me up on Sunday morning with the noise from his Id iotic po11,cr mo"·cr as he goe.s out practically at da14•n whUe I'm trying to sleep. \Vh;it wouJd you sugge.5t? Can I call the police to him '? J. Otar J.'. No -power mowers are legal in mo&Lst.ates, unfortunat ely. However. I suggest you invite him to your Saturday night party -an independenl survey of mine sho\1 s that nobody with a hangovtr cuts yard• early on Sunda y morning. Korea a~ a young ciJpla in cornn1:indi11g a tan k compan:.-. On!C'red to hold a kC'y hi ll. he dug his tanks into the gun tuircts and for days fought {If( \ra1·es nf :-;crean1ing Co1n1n1ini~l Chinc~c anrl l'orth Korean :iltackers. Thr o1hC'r lwo DSCs \\'ere all'arded in Vietna1n ror equally striking feats as tommandcr of the ! llh Annorcd Ca\·ah"v Regi mtnl . This ·\\·as Pa1!on·g second l0ur rif <lu1y ln Viclnan1. The f1r~t was as a n1:1jur on lhc staff nf f.1·n Paul Harkins. then U.5. <.:um111ander there. ~ Patton carptd hill lnlest Vietnam srrvicc in Lharac1rristic rnanncr, Upon rcturnin!:; \(l the ll.S. last ~prini:. he asked for tr:1ining ns a hC'licnptrr pilot-111thnu1:f1 47 yrn rs 011! find ;i colonrL llis req11esl w;is j!ranted an1I he was :-;rn l lo Fort \\'oltrrs. Tex,. v.·hcre he cornpletc the regular lhrcc 1nonth!'i cnursr. soh1rrt and Y•as gil·en his 111ngs as a '"Clloppcr" pilot. TO FRIENDS he cxpl11incd , "Th e J1elicopler is now an essential combl'll weapon. In Vietnam, J had more than 50 of them in my com1nand, about half gun shi ps. As a combat com1nander .. I consider it ,·ital that 1 know e\•eryth1ng about this \\'eapon. includ ing opera1ing it, the same as I <lo about running and f1ghling tan ks and oiiier 11·eap11ns ot :trmorrd uni1s. That is \\'hy I a~krcl for !his !lyi ng training. I didn·1 ronslder rny as~ an obstacle in all,Y wa.v." nv il(lbrrt S. ,\llen 11nd J'Ohn A. Gold1mllb Family Doctor, Extinct or Uy llOBERT E. RAKEL, l\LD. Dr. nlll>rl, n dis ti11r111isl1ed i11ter1t- i~t r;iu/, lco.Jer 111 nia1iy Orange Co111i- l !/ .. ~rule (111d 11aUon1f/ 111edical orgo111· ;c1Uo11s. is d irector of tile Pa111 ily f'ra!'llt:l' /:('sulenr.:y Proyran1. tJt !lon g 1'/11,norial llosriita/. Pre.~bytcria11, in Nc.11·port Bencli our! 11~~;i.~1n·111. cliuical 11rrojcssn1· rif fn n1il!r n1ecl1ci11e at tlie UC ! C..'u/lc[Jc uf ftl cdicine, -Editor Onr hundred and forty }'ears ago, Sir \\'<1lt1'r &oll \1·rotr: .. There 1s no 1·n•;1\\1re 111 Scotland that 1rorks harder and 1s 1nore poorly requi ted than a coun· try doctor. unless perhaps, it be his horse.'' Probably this 11·as one ex- planation lor the present shorlage cf f:inu!y phys1c1ans. Another 1vas the renaissance of spcci3!iza!1on UuH lured counlle~s ph ysicians tov.•ards intensive :.tudy in localized areas of medicine. The bl'.~L 111edical tare, ho1\·ever. 1s not olJta1nC'rJ by lhc ;iv('ragt• pr.rson 1leC'klng a ~1'1ee1a ltst tor C'lH'h ailment. For the pa· !1C'nl t:oncciVably rntghl have as 1na11y JK'rsona! Ph.l'si~l:ins as there a r c ~pecialti<>s. The nio::;t efficient 1nedi ca l 1';1rc is prol'ifh'i.! hy !he pc'rso nal physi- eliUl 11"ho is broadly trained and able to tn::<1t most uf the illnesses he sees, hut { Everyday Prohle1ns . . \1·ho is w•illing to refer his patient to the approprialc specialist \\'hen addjtional help is nee<lcd \~hile he continues to supervise the total care of the indiv idual. THE PllYSICIA~ bring groomed to fill !ht~ role is the family practitioner. a rebirth of the family doctor. He v.·ill ha\·e lhc broad kno11•lcdge or thr. general prac· titioner. but even more for he receives l\\"O additional years of training in special progra rns designed to acquainl hin1 y,;Jth rnodcrn medica l knoy,·\edg"' and ltch- niqucs in a broad range of mMital (hsrlpl incs He then takes an exa mination to be certified and submits to a rc·eX· arn1nat1on C\'ery six years lo sho~· that he i~ ll'Orthy of conLinued ccrliffr:ati on as a f;imily practitioner. The f::irnil y practilioner"s training 1v1 ll incrc;isc his effeclil'cncss by emphasizing care of the [<1mily as a unit through hls experiences in hand ing problcn1.~ unique to f<rrnihes -particularly the emotional lnter·rela tionships of its meinb<!rs ;ind the socio·tcOno1nic larlors th:it affect lhc hcaltn and Lhe equllibr1un1 of the whole l<1n1ily. lllS SPEC IAL ~KILLS 111 t"Olll· prehensivc 1ncd1C'a l care i111µly pr11n:i 1·y concern for tile p<1 L1ent, rather lhiJn lnr treati ng a disease. for he will consider <l it significant fartor:; thal :.iffect the 1n· dividual"s health. Th~ true la1nll.v physician oulds friendship to professional srr1"1tcs: lus co.ire is gJ\'e11 11•1th co1npass1un a!> lric1H.J lo friend. not as proprietor to cust1\lntr. A family practitioner ts ~killed 111 prc\·en· li ve medical c;1rr, sun.:e prc1"c•n t11•~ 1naintenance is niuch more effcctJ1·e tlian c:or rcctil'e ma1nten<1nce. To dn tht.'>. he must have. continuing per.-;onal eonlncts with the pa!icnt and his fainil y, :1nd a sincere clrsi rC' for e\'('l")'011r undl'r 111 s care to be \\·ell, ra1hcr tha11 ill. INC REA Sl-:D .-;prriali1.a1ion in lhr United States 11as lrd lo a lragin<'ntC'd system of n1rdical t'arc. The rl'Sult ing u1· efficiency has led 10 rising 01cdic;i l c:irc costs. of concern lo ever~·1n1r. Tile ho1x: 1s !hat family prnctice will he a n1eans or din1inishing this lr<1g1nenlat1on and Case Against Haynsworth \\' \SllL\'GTON -11 ·~ pretty thin stuff, 1111~ <'<t5e <1g;1 111~.l Judge Jla~·ns11·onh . YQll J1 11· 111 u,e your 1nH1g1nat1vn. \lunk ih" 1•, n1 ~1 ;ind a~~umr thal a .'lupren1e C1Jurt 11on1111ce ttll!sl nrccssarly be regarded as cuilly 11nt1I proved innO<.:C'nl. "1 hC' lfl '" Jtscll -Srnator Bayh's so- ';ill,:d lll ll 11! p:1rl1 ctdt1rs -contains 1 1tt'l1t•r<1ll~ :i1!11111lrd f'rrors and much pw.11 11n1sh ::.ltd! hJrdly \l'ort11 a 1nomenCs ,,11 ·.·11t111n. I· nr •'~;1111pl", tilt Crrcn1 illr Ci;tun ly llotr l L'<•l"fl(ir:1t1on n1;11trr· 111\(11\Cd 1n J::1~:il1on before Judge Jl::t )ns11·orlh in 11!tl2. The 1udg(' had not, in /act. 011 ncd ;1111,1 st1.ek 1ii lhat cnrpora11on !'incf 19~8 1r!~1'n ;1s a pril'.1te !:111}l'r hr 11as gi1en n11c share "·orth $21 in consideration of his bl'l1l/.: :i director. No JongC'r a threclor. hr returned the ;<.tnck phis a chrck for a dividend of l'i ..:ents. They .sent the check back to hnn saying he 11·oulct have to accept ii be· c;iusr 11 \1 as in hi s n;ime :ind .Judge llay11s11 orlh rlu!y reported this l.'i-ccnt 11•indf:ill on his 19:>8 income tax return. SO~IE OTllEH inslancP,S cit ed agains1 l l:i~ nsworU1 have the ~ame or less val1di· ty. The issue really boils dO\Yll to the Brunsv.•ick case in 11·hich the judge pro· h:ibly showed bad JUdgmenl in not telling his broker t(I lorgcl about buyi ng stock in the Brunswick Corporation after - 1111drrlinr after -a 1!e('1sion had already bce:1 reachM in lhe court of appeals on a n1:1 •1cr affe cting the corporation. ·~1 1r 11·a)· it lo:iked. the judge bought ~16 .000 \\Orth of stock a Short lime before a decision favorable to the corporation. 111 point or ract. the stock 1vas bought after a 1lecis1on upholding a lower court J111l;:n1rnt in1·ol\"1ng an amoun t of monfy that could not e1Jncclvably have had any 1•Hc<'l, ;ind did not ha ve any effect. on the ,.a .~e of stock in a billion dollar cor· poratio11. .ludge l\aynsworth \\'0~1\d hat·e ht-en 1nore prudenl to have told his broker not lo bothtr \\"ilh the Brunsv.·ick stock, but ;inv in1plil·a1inn I hat he stood lo profit by in.~ir!e kno11 ll'dge of an in1pend ing legal dct·15ion is patrntly absurd. THE fltOST TllAT can be said ts !hat a judge '1'ho htiys 40 Qr 50 dif fe rent , arictics or cn1nrnon ~tock over a period Riehartl Wilson cf lime is bound ~ooncr or \Jte r lt1 h;iv" held some stoc k Jn con1pan1 C!'i 1111·0]1·ed 1n lil!g:itJon 1hnt 1n1ght co111e before him 1"his is ~1Rnit1cant inostly for Ilic f:H'l 11.:+t ;i Jlr<l~I' 111 111rse c1rfu1n11tain:cs r11ighl 1rcf1ue11tly find 1\ nrccssary to <hS· (llJ<tlifv hirnself frorn Mnsidrring .:i case, 1hus inconveniencing a court already car· r1·1ng a heary ca.sc lofld. ·The J>('rt1 ncnl qlu~stii;in is v.·het hcr or nu1 a federal jurlgr should own and rnn. trol any signi ficant amount of common stoc~. Judges con1111onty tit\ 11011 r1 rr. and ther e is no rule "' 1:1111 c•r l anon of ethic ni;<iin.'>l it. j)l'r "-\" If Judge lla~ns1\01·1h 1-. i:111!1y .. f :iny1h1ng ;.,o 1s t h~ JUd1t'1:11 -.1~lr1n ;i nd lllat cannot be eitrd a., .1 log11·;il n•;1 ~1111 11 hy he ~hould be r;lllrd 11po11 lo atnnc for ;ill jt1dges 11·ho hold s1o~·k, .\o:h1ng has bC'et\ ;1dduerd 111 ~hu11 1 il:1t 11C' profited pt'rson~illy ln)111 ~lul'k 1111111/rf>ilip bcl.'<J!iSl' hr\\';!~ il JIHlg~. ;111d 1[ :1ierr 11 ~1s an ethical rr:1n~~r~~s 1on 111 tin.! Un111s\1·ick casr. 11 ll"as ;1t 11ur~l n1cirg111•1I. TIJF: llA YNS\\ OHTll 1'a~c has shn11·11 th e risks tl1at 1n1ghl be. 111voh·rd 111 .1 _..·.-stern \1·herc Judgl'~ hol d stot'k 111 priratc companies but i1. has nul :ill01\'ll A Needed OEO Refor1n President Nixon's request I h a t Congress continue the Office of Economic Opportunily for anolher ty,·o years \\•as ba sed on a desire !o gi\•c his ne\\'\y ap- point ed 1l ircctor. Donald Rumsfrld , a chance to pr:::ive tllat the so·t·allect war on poverty ag ency really can \\·in a few bat· tles. Rumsfe\d's plan Is lo make OE O "in· f\O\'a tivc rather than 0J)('r<1lionnr' -a \\'holl y new approach to the anli-_povPr\y ~rforl that is intended to avoid p:ist rnislakes wherein unsuccessl ul prograins, slartcd 1\·ith too little forethought. becarne loc ked in by the old bureaucratic art of self-preservation. TlfE DIRECTOR llAS begun a scie!l- tiflc approach to OEO"s opt>rations. lte y,•anls lhe agency lo think out new ways to help the poor, then set up pilot pro-- grams to test them. After a hard~aded evaluation of lhe programs ab1hty to 1nect real needs the failures '4'i11 be eliminated and the successes r1rlly de- veloped and transferred to another go\'· ernmenl agency for operation. SIAtes ~·ill be given more participation and lheir own poverty offi ei!S \\1il\ be better sta ffed. Haslcally, the programs \\'ill provide nrw v"ays lo help lht. poor develop marlrelablc skills, lmpro,·e their homes, (; ucst He port · ..... educate thtir cl1il<l rcn . p:i y n1erlical costs, l!nrl Hnrl effective !ega! aid. Thes£' all arc meritorious. b111 none n1orc ~o th cin lhc reforn1 of OEO "s methods of dispensing legal "'help." THE OEO-FUNDED Californi'1 fiur <i l Legal Assistance progran1. for one pr in1e insl.<lnC'C, has used federal funds for the harassment of pr ivate indust ry in ;1 number of ways. Mosl sc<1ndalous is. its 1·11rrcnl series of nuisance suits against California grape growers ~n totally false peslic1dc cha rges dreameil up by one of l!s board mcn1bers, Ccsllr Chavei. Chavez and his linl1cr1 f'arn1 \\"orkl'r~ Organlzing Comm ittee ha\"C l>crn f::irccd to resort to scare taclfcs bcc;111~e or their fai lure to win over the grape wo rkers and 10 compel growers tu flCCf'flr IQ unreasondble and unlX'nrllni;: C"h:11 C'Z demands. \Vhy public 1:1:-; 1to!lars ~hould support then\ is be~·ond re:t ~on 1f Rumsftild can elu11innl1' ~11rh L"lll1•11 1.~ dislortions of the QF:O's he11ef1rc11~ purpose, it Wi!l Ix' a 1rry 1\rl<.lu111e and long overdue rerorin . California Fca1nrc Sl'r\·lc • Reborn? rlevrloping an eflieicnl prnctic:il inclhod 111 (:ill"C, Jn 1000 !here \1'e 1·c fc11·rr than rrnr hr.alth \1·01"ker .(nurses, lht•r<ipi sts, X-ray ~11111 l:1boralory ltcl1nici:ins. ~It'./ for l"l'l•ry phy!)ician. In l!lGO tl1 ls hod 111· l"l"Cascd to 10 hcal1h workers for tvl·ry pl1 ysici:111 and the increa.~c h<Js been C \'~ll 111orc. r:1pid ever.v ~rJ r since then. \\e need a physician \\"ho kno11·s nnt onl y hn1v and \I hen lo use these ancillary hcallh personne l. but who n1ust he ;:ible 10 coordinate their C'(fuft s ;)long \\'lth the strl"i<:es nl 1,!hl"r ~peC'1<1lilPd phy~1ch;n, 11111 :irc.!s 11\c co111Jtiu11 bcnetit of his jlJ· 11ent. :'llOST Lll\El.\' lhc lra1111ng progra1n in fa 111Jly practice at l!O!lf:! Jlosp1tal, 111· ;1ugu rati:cl July I of tlu.o; year. will ~111nul<1tc ;ind in1pro\'c the quality of n1cd11::1nl' pr<itl1ecd 111 rhc !ins1l1t<1I as wel l ;is ser\·c as a consl::inl so11 rl'c of wrll· !r·a111rrl ~-nunr. )a1111l.1· phy~1e1:1 11<> lur Orange> Cu~st to11111H1111lil's. l-! o a g l\'lrn1on<1l Jlospi !.'.l ) rs lhl' f1r~t pr11a1r J1osp1Ud 111 Or<Jnge Counl y tu dl'\ C'IO[J ;i 1·11n1pli·te te;1rhing progr•1111 ri n(I one 111 (11ilv fnu r 111 C::rl1forn1a tn h<Jvc a filn11l y pr:lrLict rcsir!cncy prograni. ;i 11HIJ<11" fl"l't1d h111"ard lhc rrtlu·n of 11ir· loved .;r,nd re1crrd fa1nily doctor of yestcr·ycor. Is Thin 111;1! in 1h:; Jl<J~n\11 11rth 13\t tllc~c r 1s~ .. n1:it(·r 1:1l1lcd. "! l•e rl'n1rtly. t11rrl·lorr \1·nulrl \C'C'ITI tr1 111' Jt·~~ Ill JTJl'Cl111g H;1~t1~l\Orlh a;> a 1•1,.111ll1•r ,ir 1hc S11p1·rn1t• l'o11rt than in 1r:r,rn1i11g tl1r f·nnct1T111nr. 1111dl'r \1•hit•l1 fl·n~·ral JUdg('-" 111;n• 01111 uf (011 \rol c111n r;\1111 ~inc~ and 0!ht r 1n1 r~!lncnt~ :111d h.1lth11g~. t.J 11rC(ll"l'r. ir Jud j!L' I l;11·11•;11c 1rJl1 is to br ~al'r:l1<:1'•d 1111\V, 1111 ·11 11 11 u11l il b1· 1Jnly j11 ... t tr1 rPcnn ,aJrr ll1c r:l'ol' ,,1 .J11 ,!11 c Uougla ' II~ !he h1'n:·l1(•J;ll'y nl .1 11'\!'I 'l'I 1111 bY ;r do1:1;r di·~ply JOV!il\ Cd 111 1:l'lllli11JI lcgJI pro::ccd111gs. IT \\"OL.'Lll BE rqual jus11rr unrlrr J;iw ;ih(l ii (ithcr !lltlnbr1·~ nr lh i.: high t•11d 101\rr 1·nurl<> as 11n11· Lnn~titu1rrl 1\·1•rr t() ht held rrs110nsi1Jlc lor l<1ntl 1enturC'S i11 11h1ch thty have been l;11ely Jn\olvcd on tile outsk1rls of \\·a~h 1 nglun. Jn v1C\\' of lhcsc c!rC'ur11s1;u1ccs .. Judi;ri llay ns\vCJrth "s proposal that his st(lCk he pla['{'(j 111 1n15l <rnd nut ul his ('Untrol and knowledge has 1ncriL \l11rh of the cas;r :ig:1in;,t 11 :1~ ns1vor1h J1,1~ been (·:irc\cs~ly prepared 111icm!X'.r" flt Ti'<ldy KC'nnrd.l''s st:ill \\'Crl' 1n1·ohcd u1 t ~e prl'paro\1011 ! 11n!I ll1r Senat e therefore nc{·ds h~ g11e this ca."c. thc most 1-rinea l !.'~:u111n<11iOn brlorr 1l 1Ji, td cJ .1l;ir;; politica l and pro·lal)IJr lines to re· JCC:t Judge lla~·nsworlh. Fr1dity, October Ii, 1969 Tlir t'<litoria l pogl! Q/ !lie Dnil!J Pilot seeh's to i11/on11 oud srnn· 11/otc readers b11 prcsc_11l 111g llus rie 1i;-sraper s op1111011s ond corn· '111·11lnr!1 on top1rs o/ in/ere.s t 011'1 sigui/u.:ancr, by providing a torrent fo r Ilic e.t/)rtsslon nt "'1f rrnrlcrs' npln ion~. a·nd b11 prr ~crulillq t11r. t11rcr.~t! 1·i r 11J· poinl., nf i11f(lrmcrt. ntJsrrvfr3 out! spo/:csrn1:1t 011 top1c.s of lht dny. Robert N. \\'ced, Puhllshcr ,, t ( ' i I ' I ( ( I ' I t ' ' I I { ( I ; ' , ' ' ' ( t ( ( • ' I ' I I I ------------------------------------------------~~-~ Fri day, Oclob~r 17, 1%q DAILY PILOT 1 CHECKING •UP• 011 Law ye1·s Wl10 l(iss Sec1·etaries uy L. i'lt . novo Reel Tall{s Offer JL1sl Bear-trap? By \\'tl.L IA,\l L. H YAN -cRAmT1 l .. ~ ,. ,, ~'·· 1 • Ii The Nor!h \'1'"tn i1111ese [1 1 r .1n:., not unrnuidful of the I :<11011 i11g of t1nll111;1r senurncn t ,~ 111 AmcritJ, <1ppl'Hr to ha1·t: tncd lo itnpalc the Unlled . :0-:tntcs on the horns ot a d!leno-1\., lll,I, JI lhl'rC is a hopeful sign in 11 h:11 happened ·rho1'Sd:.1y <1t ~yt .. ry I KIRKPATRICK'S BUY NOW! CHECK OUR LOW, LOW PRICES! 1 1 oornm Color TV 2760 E. Coast * Bud9et Terms * Enjoy Color *New Fall Shows B•q·•C•eo n f1dd 1e I·~~ C:olo• TV, /l.d•••c~d ~u1 omdl,( "loel.1d·•n" f,n• l,.nonq. ( ..... F.J I p<nDO•~h l~n ;nq O~ I o • ! e ( I 1 <jnAI, T~o eosw ELL M od~I FM ~o~ 1J' d ,.q ' 2'1~ iq. 111. p 1clurt . Corona del Mar 00(]'.lliiJ SALES & SERVICE 673-2650 LO\'E AND THE l.A\V Can a ttl.1\')'Cr be dlSbarrl•d ror 1nak1ng ro1nanti c pnsscs at his (.;irl Frid11y'.' ll \\'ilS a !£'g;1I ~ccretary 1\hO rtJ1scd lh1s 11ucst1un. \Vhat sl.c \\'anted to kno1v, it n1ay be assu111ed, "'as 11 hrther :.he hnd a htJ1n- 1ner!ock 011 the old boy "ho ernployed her. Could she cause him serious trouble, if she ac- l'USCd hin1 of l1nprotessional 1.:onduct fo r unccren1oniously :-etzi ng her by lhe cars and planting multiple kisses on, :1bove or aboul her trc111bl111g chi n'! Aft er t·xtens1ve research in a Jaw library, our Love and \\'ar 1nan doubts her t·hargc 1rou ld stick. Jn one suc h t·ase, 1he ruling read: ''lndiscrctions of the nature cannot be t·har.:icterized as questionable legu l practice, but mu~t be ascribed to the \veaknesses, Jrailtics and passions comn1011 to a greater or lcss.:r dci;:rec in all mankind.'' a telephone call after any i;ivr~ time, Fir:;[, it -buzz - 1varu6 lhr c<ille r. Then, il - cliC'I> -cuts off Lhe ca!l. ll1c 3Sth st>ssion of the l'ans ·. . . Hwy • • .'Se1·1·i11~1 llc••·bor I lJ .I(; t~ilk~. 1t is thnL llanoi has bl•e11 .-.: · · "·· 0 Ct.:S'f0:\1ER SLJt\'ICL: Q. - '' A.~k your Languge n l<H\ 11•herc \\'e go! tltt: expression ·spruced up' to 1neun dressrd 11ell." .\. lie s;,)S Lhut <:an1e rron1 1he French \I' or d ··Prussc' for Pru.')!;;i:.tn. Tho~c Frcnchn1en thought t h c Pru~siun.~ lircs~cd 111 a ino:-t dandy m:1nner ... (l. "ltl:AO \\'HERE !he real Beau Brun1- n1cl set thr Lonlion trend 10 n1en's fasluons for 21 year~. J Jr 1nust li:.1ve been rith, Ft1ght?" A. llr \1·as prctly 1vcll hC"c lcd all right al first. Unfortunately. the old boy blew it all and 11'ound up in !'ranee, living in a lian111 poorhouse. n1u\·1·tl 11) 1nake <lny proposnl,~"i-·---------;;;;:;:;;;;;;::;;::::;;;;;;;:;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ ;it all, <ind that perhaps 1t 1:.j gt•l \lng ready to folio\\' this up 11 1th 011..r:-; clo:.e lo son1eth1ng urccptahle by 1he uthcr Sldt'. DO \\'llAl.l::S s n e e z c ? Indeed lhey do. Cerl<1inly \\'ould like In see a whale :-:neeze son1etune, but I don't kno\v how to arrange it .. , UNDERSTAND there's a real estate <!caler in Naples, F'la ., narned i\'frs. S\\'indle, but she docs not qualify for 111cn1- bership in the Proper Job Club .•• NAi\1E OF THAT J\1ereury Couga r that leaps around the screen in TV ads is Rags. The Opel elcphllnl is J\1ard ji. The 1!011 for 1he Drcytus Fund is Zu1nba, Jr. THE TELEPHONE -Let's say in you r house you 've got some youngstrrs 01· tugh school agf' 11•ho like to yip an<l yap on the tele phone . Let 's say. furthe r. you find it d1r- f1cult lo !unit lht: length or their calls. All righl, an out fit ealled Pu lse Com1nun1cations or Al exandria, Va., has come up wilh a rig to deal \Vith th is situation. Jl can be set lo end S~10Klr\G POT A 19· ye;;r-o!d lady yesterday asketJ n1e, "Did Lhe kids sn1oke pol 11•hen you \\'ere in school?" Ans\\•er is yes. a lot of 1hc1n did. \\'hen they could get it. But the pot-smokers I kne1v 11·cre not the random students. They \\·ere more distinctly dif • fercnt. A night crowd. !\1ostly musicians. Some artists and ac!ors and \\'filers and such . A few loose loners 11·i1h faint rnust3 ches and tears in their· beers. J[avJng had SOJTie fie ree little personal a 1n bit ion s toward other ends. I didn 't horse around with it. Nol lo ;iny exten t, any11•ay. But iL 11·as there. Al\\•ays. Jn the public parks at evening and 1n the 1ncn 's rooms or cafeleria.~ and in the back booths or second-story Chinese joints. This mari juana thing ls a lol older tha n you and L \1•hal? )'01<r questions a11d con1- 111cJl!s are 1velconied a !j it 1c11/ be 11sed wlle1ieuer pos· siblr ?It "Cl1ecki11g Up.' Ari· i1t cnre of Da ily Pilot, Bo.c (lrf'$S Tnail to L. flf. 80 11<1. 1875, Ne wport Beach, Calif. 92663. The proposal lrorn l la1101 was th;H the Unit ed States rngagc 111 "private and d1 n'ct" l·on1·cr~<it1ons 11•1th the Viel Cong's l.1brration FronL At ltrst blush. this could aµµcar I\) be good news to tl1osc \\•ho 11rc 1ircd of Lhe war. Hut there ~el'1ned lo Le <I hidden "1c1nen l in 11. 1·1ie li111ted S!1Jll'S hi.ls said :di :.long it 1vas willing to have <l1retl talks 11•Jth I h o s r represented in P;1ri.~. but h<1s ~tressed that such tal ks should provide ror representation or all four pn1tics at the 111ecllng . The -'ierotion Front 1101\• has 11·hal it calls a Provision11I Hevolutionary Governn1ent. ' -- NEWS ANALYSIS And here is the prosp t· d1lernn1;1 : If the United States :-houtd t11lk scp;irately 1vilh the Jront -that is. ll'ith th;ll ·. iulion:iry go~ernnient - 10 the exclusion of Saigon's rrprescnlat1ves, it irnplit•s a lri!'n1 of recognition 11·\1i ch coulrl only cause extren1c pain lo l\n1eric:i's ~ou1h V1ct- 11:11ncse all1c:;. Hut 1r tilt United S1:1lcs nJused (11 engag1· in sw .. 'li l;dks. tl.r <Jd111111i~tr!1 !1on eould lr1r.1, b11rl ill !ho:: cy~·s o! tl1o~t' i11 the United State~ 11 ho n!r1.;ady ,..ose its v.·a 1' policies. llc:nry Cabot Lodge . 1hc U.S. nc;;~'.ia tor, therefhre proposed private talks involv1 .; all !our I part1e~ to the 1\'ar, :111d th1 Libe ration f ront 's 1·e1'M ese11- ta l11·es rejecled th;.it For ester Fi11cls S111og Killi11 g Pi11 e Trees 'fhc NLF clauned lha1 (11.11".;- ll• .~ l"oncerning :.1n end lo 11\f' 11 ar and est;1blishn1cnl or llC;1cc could be h a n rl I t d :.; ;1 l i s factor i l y by the i\111cricans and thf' Provi.~1onal Ji e volutionary (;over11mcnl ,;i!unc. l'llis St'r1·ed !1l und1·r~corc the suggestion or be;11"trnp. AcC'eplnncc nf il 11•('1ild in- ~ilc.:i le tha1 nn lv the Vit•l Cong 11 ;is eng;iged ·in ligllring the A111e ric<1ns, 11nd !11al the tho11sands or 1roops )l;u10! h;is sent in!o Vif'L na1n ;Hc 1101 really !here. Hanoi l1;i., ye t to iidnoil in so n111 ny 11ords Iha! it h::is any 1roops ;.! all in the Sou th . A~N ARl30TI . t.1 irh. IAP\- Smog is kil ling 100,000 ucres o[ Pondcrosa and Jeffrey pinr: trees in Californi11's San Bern ardino Nation;i l Fore.~\ on the eastern rin\ of the sn10~ plagued Los Angeles Basin, a federal research r o r e s I e r reporlcd Thursday. '·The se1·crity ol the d!lm:1~('; serres as a 11 !lrning th:it the rt• is hllle tune left for <11>- plicat1on or effective ;ur pnllu· t 1on cnnlrol.~." sai d Ste\'cn L. '"The s111og-laden air i11· v-:des the m o u n ta i n s , espccial!y in late afternoon" \\'i!h strong onshore breezes,'' said \Vert. \\'ho works at the li Forest Service's Pacific Sou\h\\·est Forest and Range Exrerin1ent SI a t i o n in Bcrkelev. •·srnog oxid:u11~ 1lr~trfly th<' le:1f tissues 1\·h1t•h carrv 011 thr 'ital pr"Cess of pho!OS) tl· the~i ~" hy '\'hich the l rt'c is nourir-hed, \\'crl sa1rl . The Viel Cong 1•rrn1i~t' al.•o pron1o tes the irl1·a th at the South Vietnamc c p;111.n<'r of the Americans h •!' nn ~landing ;it all. tha t the :-.n1gon gover11· n1cnl is only ;l puppet 11·h1ch should have 11.1 1nicc in U1e outcome in V1ch1.1n1. \\'ert of Berkeley. Calif., at thr 1-.---------------------~. S 1 ,. t h lntcrnation:il Sy111-r:·- posium on Hemote Sensing of ~NN f:nv1rn11rnenl. ~ .. ,,_ "The dying Pondero~a pines F - nf the Snn Gabriel and Sall Uern::irdin{l mount:11ns arc the firs: knoll'11 casualties ol sn1og in cnnifcr forests. •·About 7.'i perce nt rif lhc Pondcr1)$:J pines arc alfec1cd to sonic degree," \\lerl added He said ;ierial photo surveys 1ast June and .July boosted th ~ csti!natcd area or blighted I recs fron1 2;),000 to 100,000 acres. A special filter emphasizing hoth lhl' green of healthy trees ;:i· l the )'ellO\Y or diseased trees was employed. lie said the techn ique is l;:ing used now ror a fast and accurate survey of the enti re -n Bernardino fr1rcsl. The srnog-atlacked pi-· <1rc 6(1 miles frorn Los Angeles. \\'here air pollutanl~ arc generated <1nd trapped by i~ version layers of "'a!lTl air over the n101111tain-rimmed Los Angeles Basin. UN IT E D S T AT E S N 1\TlO N AL B .1.N K SOUTH COAST PLAZA BRANCH NOW OPlN SATURDAYS ' ,. 1 '·"'· MON .·TH UJtS. 10·5 P.M. FRID.ATS 10-6 P.M. 17141 540-5211. L•tot•d 111 1 s •. Co'"t Plo111, Coil• M•io .,,.,, \lo(t "'fl.·M~:i•ttr Smart girl, I ~ r· "•;,-' ,,cu~~f . , .SROO~ .'. :~~ LJ ,-' • • ' ' • SUNNY BROOK Kl:~ti;KY BU:.\"OJ:::D 'VlUSKEY v.-J"'"' '.J.,:..;. .~--........ ·-~-·-.....,. -~wfl Smart guy, Smart buy Take one sip of ils ma·velous mildness and you'll ilgree: there's no s moorher whiskey t'!an Sunny Brook at any price. s3ss SUNNY BROOK E. H, LEVAN '=============:'1 " At Ctl o •• 11.t(t~to ,It 1.~10 t!l'.~to\' ·1:.t1 £')" f [t" •i·;i•.'P ~\ 'flflf~ !J ?i I}~~· ,, • ;-~' RlJA lirALl.BteP. ~Parfel1 avlvP \ . FREE STAND l '•• lll ~Wll "~rjrl (M.~~I i~·~·.11• l•tl~~. 1n r1·•uit Compu1 c1 C1allcd Color -!he RCA color television ct tomorrow -is here today! And lo celebrate !his gala 1ntroduc lioo, your part1ci· paling dealr1 is otlrring a11 c~c1 ting "KiL~ Oft Special '' A rollabout s!and at no cilra co·t when you buy 1lt•s b:i; ~cn::en RCA nortable color. It's a i:rcat Luy on a great set. But hurry -c;:iant1\1es are !0m1teJ. A Master-Crafted • ncn ' Cabinet and screen-size to score with any decor I a. Th rill to football in vivid co!or. lhe aames are twice as e~c1ti111 when the old school colors show up on your home scree'1. And here's a big·screen beauty that brings you all the action. =00> Has A.F.T. lor fiddle·f1ee tu ning . $549.95* b.A.F.T. locks calor inl RCA's Aotomahc Fine Tuning is comple lelr elecl1onic, no txlra tun1og meters or switches needed. And the 25,000-1101t chassis gives you brilliant color even on ha1d· •~a•• '"""''· $669.95* c . Come on in -the color's great! An irwestment in color lele~ision is an investment in furniture as well. 'with RCA Color TV. you can be sure of get- tiog the best of l>oth, as in this charm- ina Colonial opriaht console. $639.95* d Instant-Pie control ends warm·up wait! 'Trans Viste• solid stat1·~ color; ad- vanced Automatic "locked-Jn'' line tunin g (An): optional "Wireless Wil· ard" remote conhol; ele1anl Speni~ ,.,,;,,, $789.95* ncn =-~ see your dealer today! INTRODUCTORY PRICES ON 1970 COMPUTER CRAFTED COLOR TV -GREATEST VALUES IN RCA HISTORY Ask your Dealer about all the plus values that add up to ... I PLUS . ' ... the MORE of COLOR TV a, b, c, d. Color -lull compatl portab le. Hand·~~! color se t i;omg! Weighs only 40 lbs, but features a powerful ? J ,'.JOO voll r.hass1s lor Cllra·br1ll1aot color n1c!u1~s. Haodso111e wood·gra1ned Yrn~I Cdb111et $29995 * wilh luggage- "" "'"'"· -~---- ncn ~COO> ' " ' DAILY PILOT 'Do11ati110 ' ~ Co1111Ja11ies I11cli<·lc<I .. LOS ,\\"l;!~l.E~ !1\l 'I -\ ·<frr!<'r:JI gr;1nd Ju ry li:i -; 11 1· ;~rlil'led four ;.:orporauons -111· •A"l ud ing the giant Honie Sar· :111gs & Loan Association -on ;1·hargcs of llH1king $5-0,024, Jn 111c~ul L'011lrili1lllo11~ to :1 :;}r('~ld('lllJ;d r<1tH.l1date i11 1964, ·-.1l1rr1 l.y11rlun B. .J Ghnson ,;:1 f' f ,. :.i l c d ~1·11. f.larry- ··(:old11 alrr ( B-Arlz 1 ;. Thl' l';·1ndidate was nol narn- "T'd 111 lhl' 111dir1ments returned "Thurstl n:-. nor \Vas any i11- . 'fit 1'<lual t·1t ed as a defend:.in l. The t:.s. Corrupt Practices :Al'I prnh1l.Jits bu~i ness fir1ns '.a nd 1:.ihur unions from mak ing ..pOJi!Jt'.1 ] C'Oltll"lbUIJ UtlS I ll ~rdcral el<'r tions. ..• The 1 11d1<·ln1f'n!~ al~n :illegc ..,h,1t two or thl' ('(Jrpu~;iuons ,;·Jr:111dulenll.1 tl('dueecl ;1 tot:.il nf 'lii.467 ln1111 111t•11nr 1;.i x ;rrturns d11r111g tl11· ~t'Jr.-> l~)li3 ··<hrough l ~lli.!. ·; !101nr S;11·1ng.~. \il',,cr1brd H~ .-thr \1'~1rld "s li11'ge::>l .~;11 tng::; :j111d lo:1n 111.~ii1u1inn. ;ind thl' .otl1cr 111d1ctt•d 111·111" \\'ere ;:t1per;1!l'rl IJ\ llu11:1rd V. ·~\lillliHl:,CJll, \\hO cJ!rd [:J $l ,l('i1I'. :-111 :1ddil1011t o1-!oinc Sa1·111gs. ~)lie 111d1ttrd organiz:it1on.~ arc '•1:."on t1nenlal Sa1 1ngs & Lo1:111. # . ~rrowhead Savings & Lo.111 •.o;_1nd G:ilax1-. Inc'.. ;111 ;ul· ::l"CJ'l1~i11g ai;1·lll'Y nuw kn1.1111 .. ti < Howl 1rhl. l11c ·~ The Jur~ nr11011 h~to.:d ri11' .·r~111!rib11t1ons -all n1nilr. 111 ~;1te 1964 -<i ~ llmlll' Sa1111~s :~~l .32J; Cal11xy. Inc. $6.:!51, ~;ind Arrowhe 11d :ind Con- -:t111e11\nl S:.i1·ing~ .~l.'.!25 each. -lloine S<il 1ngs al~ is ('harg- :'"1'd \\·1Lh tnak1ng fBlsr and "1·audulen1 :1d1 ert1~1n i: deduL- .. J tons lro1n ta:< return~ nf ·~~9.2t4 1n 196·1 :111{] $!3.869 1n -:!'1!~5. Galaiy, Inc .. i! accus'd •-0f t·lalining f.'ll~t· and :~-,ra11rluJen t business rJertuct1ons :flr sz4_4.i.;1 h1r J9G~, $8 .079 !or '.:J!}6.t aud Si!,B!iO !or l!lli.5. " :neath Set '· ;.By Juror~ .. . LOS /\'.\CF.I.ES IAP\ -\ '.j url" ha~ 1f1\f•d \he de<1tl1 -~enlc11cc lor Rob<'rl Lc·c D1iren ;:.1 r. ;i c·rn1 ent f1111sJ1rr tun· ·~ 1rtcil 01 1n1ir<ll'r1 ng !11 c ;J1rr.-1111s 11 hn 11·rr1' P;1('!i 'tllOI 111 · J llr h1•;1d :1! pn1nt \Jl:+nk r:.i11µJ' :• Till' ~t1pPr11.r· !"u:ll'I 1111·1· .;iel1lx'nll"d !lo 11111111111~ 1111 q i· ~.n nou111111~ ~llr -. •' n ! "111 i• ... 'J'lit1r~t1:1~·. T111 1 ~.111\f' 1111~· 11,111 ~<'('n 1111 t l•"i li11n e:irlit•r ·1 111; '.;j11dgc 11 111 lur111J!ly p1u11111111Li' "'<1>cnlence .'\01 fl ~; The five. l-.1llt•d dur111g ;i ·"!'.rr1es of rnhbrru'~ t :irlv !!Ii~ ~\e<1r. 11cr~ D<tll s .\!t11l1J/, .12. ,1 _;"j1qunr ,<,1vre t ler ~ )j l' 11 '.J1rr~~ln , 53. ownrr C•f :t l1q11nr ·.-,tore; 0 . El Hun \. ~6. l\quor "'~tore cu ston1er H1 1•io n c1 111 - ;.11a. 6.1, ;int) )11:. 1111£. .\l!;):JJ. ;JG. i:·afc owners •. ;class H cs urn co; ·-~ f.a111 pu ~ Quie t .. • I.OS A;\r,ELES (!;Pl ) :Jefferson High School rcsurn- "f'd classes Thursdav aflcr it ~\1·as shut down for· two da ys ~lor t;il ks brtween perents, :i tudcots and faeul!y. • About 1.300 of lhe enroll · "tnent o[ 2AOO returned ror .. ~111sses. There 1rere no in- "cidents rrror1cd <i l the troubl-11 "d ~chool, 11 l11ch is 1nostly .black. ~1<1ny ~ludcnt.~ 11·;1Jkcd ufl ·the campus :..1ondn1• lo protest 0 LhP preS('ncr QI P';llte on the I tampus last Frid:iy to break I up a tight .-d ttT a football .~ame. ~ -------------------------------------------~-~---------- f r1dav, Octobtr l7, l</69 More A's Tlaan C's Students Graded 011 Strike S tci11d? SA:'\ FflA:'\C!SCO i AP l - Tracht•rs <tl San Frll!ll'lSt'O Strite College ha1·e been iic- (·U:ied of giv ing inflated gr11des t() :-itudents ;:1ct·Ort!ing 1 u whL•tl1L'r tl1e,1· suppvncd or op· p(•~f'd l:<"1111pu;; unrest 1<1:.t ) 1·.1r. '!'he ca1npus n e .... s p il p P r l'hoc nix s<.1id a coinputl'r study :.howell lhat 1nore than 75 per- cent of ;ii! grades gi~·en in the ~"111e<;ter last spr111g 1rere As .111tl ii~. a1 er aging :l.22 011 :1 ~e:ilt' r:1 11ng 4 as ;111 A Till~ 1·11111p.1r('(f with the pri111011s /"t'•:orr.I lii::ih JV('r;igc of 2,j/ 111 J fit)~ 1nen1bi'r." the <JV('fage gr;ld("~ \\'l'l'C lo11·e:-it. Vuu might find an 1nd1 v1d11 al profess-Jr 11 ho re11·ardt'll ~Inkers. just as ) ou 11 dl lu1d sutl1(' who rc1ra1dcd /lnl 1:.tr 1K1·r~ ·• T he I~ unre;;l :1ro~c f1·0111 clPniands lor l.J lack :111d ethnic .slu<Jies prograuis. The col\L'gc 11as pul on t110 ~ e~1rs probation l;i<;l f\1:1y h,v lhe \Vestrrn /\s~tia!ion of 1·1illeges. 11 li1cl 1 thr1•<i tl'nCd to \1·it)1tlr;111• act rcdit :1!1011. rnean- 1!lg th<!l cthur rJlle~(·S 111ould 11ri1 ;1 ceept S:in Frnncisco Statr ~lutll"n1 :> lor tr·aosler or MR.MUM ·t 'JL11 E Fol.LDW!NG-DREAM IS BROUGHT TO 'IOU !'.:¥ TH E SLEEPDEEP 11\JAMA AND NIGHTI!: Co ,., ,, ··urad"s 11e1·e gll'l'tl by ;1 nurnber of professors as 1'l'v.'ards for slrik lng ur staying <1ll'ay 1ron1 classes." declared Dr. Frederick Terrie n, t·hairn\an of the Academ ic Srna!r. composed of 42 of 1he :-.cl1ool's 1.300 lu ll-and part- t1n1e instructors. gr:.idualc :-iludy. -~~~~~~~===~========~~~~=l ··Thf' rt':JI scand;il 11·11 \ ~;!t ~• eoine," Terrien said. "whl·n Hut stuC:e nts and professors whiJ supported a t;lmpus strike declared i'nflated grades \\'ere glven to students who sided ~·ith President S. I. llava ka\\·a. He took over the 13.Doo-student campus I a s t November and called police to restore order after f o u r 1nonti1s of student and Lc;ieher st rikes. Erwin Kell\'. associH!i! pro- fessor of ecorio1nlcs an<l presi- den t of the Arnerican Federa- tion of Teachers local wh ic h supµorted the strike, com~ inented : "In several depar!n1ents \\'her e there arc many AFT 11•e gel d0\1·11 to 1n1til'1dual eases -grade by grade, pro- fessor by professor." The /u:adern ic S c n a 1 c or{lcre(l \he coin1H1\l'r :-ilu<ly !n onl y one ol lhe er1llrgt'' f'ight ;11:1,1or a e <i d r 111 1 c divisions did C gra<!t•s oul- number A grades. The breakdown for all ~rades in the spring scrncs1er, ~howed 40.3 percent \\'C're As. :l7,! percent were Bs. 16.7 per- c.•cnt Cs, 2.8 percent D~. and 3. J percent fail ing. 111 a letter to stu<Jents and facult y, Hayakawa questioned whether the current grading practit·es scr,'e student~ "as \\'ell as 1hcy dC'sl'r1 c" "Or <i.rc we. by :1busr. neglect. or e.\ccssi1r lenu·11c,v 111 grading pr.'lclll'•~S 111 el lL'<'I theating our s L u ti C n l s '! ' ' 11ayakaw11 asked. Califor1iia to Fight Welfare Hike Rt1li11g SACRAi11ENTO ( L'Pl l Tl1e Be<iJFJll atln11n1.,trii11t1n h;is indicated it will prub;ibly appc:il a court ruling \vhieh 1.h:e larl·d the· slate <icled 11· !eaall.v in rernovine: raise.~ ln t11e cost or n1ed!cal cart front \\'tlfare increases . The :Jrd District Court or Appeal 'l'hur•day or11ered lhr ~late lo restore the t:uls_ It ruled the ·Socia l Welfare Deparln1ent aeted "without a11y Rta!utory pern1iaRion. e1 · pressed or irnplied, .. 11'he11 1l subtracted medical costs from p:1y ment increases. S1•f'1 /ll \\'clf;1rt'.' [)1recl•Jr .l .. h11 C ,,\0111gnrnc ry said , ··u lh trc Denis Start ~(llll(Jlli~1i Fund Drive :-.ACRA ~J E:\'TO (l I'l l T h re e Dc1nocra(i c ·'"'t '111bl~ 111c·n ll;i1·r b t· i• n ~"!<'L!\'cl 111 dolt nut r1111rr 1!1:'1 11 i~ :i basis for :1ppe;11. 11'c·1·c ce1'l:i111 ly gotng to give 11 se rious co11~1dl·r:1(1on.·· l 11· also ~;11d. "\\'e ;ire ntora!ly snd log1call.v. :ind ! b~lleve higoll v l'u rrecl" 111 the policy he ordered AuJ.! :to. 1968. 10 go into Pl lec;t Dc Cl'lnber 1960. I Fou r \1·eHan· rl'tipient$ in 1 !lie: prograrns f(1r lhl' blind, I ;1ged and clb;;1ble<J :.iskt d the state supren1" •'t)Url for an order rescinding the po!il'y. The c:ise 11·as rrferred 1n the ~a(•ran1 cn\(l Cou rt w h i c: h l.'r;u1ted 1he wri!. But the court did nol ·s:iy 1 11 hclhcr tht• 1lcci s1on would be ;qip\1ed retroactil'C'ly. I The stales action luwcrrd , inon thlv 111rr\'ases to ~~ lll· i>Lrad Or s;, <ind $6 , ) Sta le l:i11· r1·<111i l'r~ t h~I p11yn1e11ts he r;i1 ,L'd or lo11cr1•d act'Ording 111 lliangl's 111 lhl' Collforn1;1 r1Jn.,111ner Pr1c1· lndcx i ~s11cd bv 111" l'.S., BureRu 11[ l.nbGr St,1ll.\.t1cs. lhe l court said Hut illootgu1ncry reduced 1l1c i11cn·a~e1> by e\cluding the "n1edk<il ('<1rr poinponenl" frrnn the ('on1 puttit1uns . ~1111111!'10 1n L<11np:i1gn fund~ 111 -------------' f.(·_1 h·g1i.J;1111 e r;il't'~ nr~L .11•:01 Fr•r !he l1r~l t11nc 111 nr:.i1"1y ,1 d (' l' a ct" II s s (" Ill b I Y !Je1111it·1·;itic lr<idrr .le.~~ Unruh 11 ill h;i1 e nu ~;iy 111 ho1v lhr Junds are spent Tilt' Dein<x:ra\!I hope lo r;11sc Sl(IO,OOU tJ! a ~100 iwr platr dinner 1'u1 18 <ii the lnterne- llonnl llott l in Los Angeles. ~en. F:drnund S 1\lu~k1r , 1·tl"t' pre~identio l t"1111d1datt' l:1s\ ) ear. 11·ill address aho11t 1.000 Dt•111ocr at1c conlributors_ l'roccecJs tron1 this <h11ncr and other funcl raisinR <'Yl>11\s 11·!11 he distribut ed by 1hrt1e .'.ls~emblym~n -DernocraU c caucus ch3 innan l:eoq~e N. 7,enov1ch of F'reino. Boll /11oretti of Van N u y 1 . chBlrmtn of the CiO\'ernment Or11n l1alion Com1nittee, and \Viilie L. Brown Jr .. or S1111 Francisco, De1nocratic whip and a Nt-gro . T V HKt'l'.'l A VA ILABLE ~:\CR"\:'>I E:'>TO ll"J.'l 1 Thr Stnte Aiir k·ultu rc l)Ppari-1 1nenl !11dn11 ;i~.,vrf'd Clll lfor-1 n1an ~ plcntv of 111r k e~·s 11·lll be1 :11'<Jilahlr for hrolulay 5Cilsonl dinners thi ~ _\'Ctir. .. Si nte Californi tt lrnds 1111 1 ~l:drs 111 !11e lonnngc QI !urkry l 111 eat prodt1ccd. our turkr·.r pnxlutrrs are able la ::.11pp!,1· not only r1!i7.ens ol this state b1 1\ also provi r!e birrls to grnce hnllday !ahlf's In 1nan.v other !:>l<tlcs.'' said Cl~·de \\111it1ed of lhe federnl -stBte rn arkel nc1l'SI' service. Th e dcp<irl1nent's news release 11'as issued 10 1 1:lnrlry 1111 earlier disclosure by 11 dfP41r1 ment 11pukeR1llan lhat som e processors t.lid not have enough turkeys lo rn c e I demands. I I SEE BY TODAYS WANT ADS • :-1or,Y i>~k hOtllr -{,ir fll<~it] hU11lf' Oll!\('I'«. •1 Be!!1·1Jl1111, ~ bath, h11 s !al'~<' f11 11ll l,v roon1. l1111111 ~0t' l11nrt.~caring and pa1io: a f111·111cr 1\Jodel ho1nr. Penclleto11's Cliief Orders Brip; Probe L CA.\lP PENDLETO\ (A l-'l -The comrnandin g gc11c'r;·1I ti[ this tlliJrlnc base 1s inaking 111 ~· own high-level probe of allegl'cl prisoner mistreatJnent at the Brig. tll<ij . Gen. Do n n J. Hobert~on, \\'ho has called 111;1g11zinc ;1 1 I e. g a L ions of 111a llreatrnl'n!. exaggerated ~aid Thur:.d;-1y t\l;1\ prisoners. :1 Hornan C;itllol1e priest and a Navy 111cd1t:al officer qu oted 111 the niagaz111cs n1ay be ~uh· j}{)('nacd. A base spokes man sa"1d, ·•11 ·s not known yeL c>.:aelly 11 hat lurn the probe 11·ill take." An announce1nent a.;cud onlv that the board of officers wil l "lnqul re tnLo the treatment of the confln&e• and alle1ed ni1sconduet." The Houae Anned Services ordered l'CSLigatlnn last 111on\·1 o[ COl1- <l1tinn;; ;it the brig. Vintling.~ h;il'c not been 1nade public. L. !>lcndcl River~ 1 D-S_C.), con11ni t1ee chairn1an, h:is said the l\Jarines have sought funds lo relieve overcrowding at the hrig, whi ch W.'.IS bltilt 111 \\'or!d \Var !J for 450 men IJLll has l1eld lip to aoo. Hobertson said 11::-h a s hcl pl'd reduce the brig pnpula- tion by olfcring in1nate., held for unauthorized absc11::e a "second chance." nlluwing the1n lo volunteer for Vie1nan1 duty. A majority ol bri~ in- n1ates \\;enl A \\'OL bee 1use rllcy didn'L v.•ant to go to \1et- nam. HoberL~on saicl about 80 per- cent accf'pl the offer and niany con1e ba ck \\'l!h medal~ <is well as clean sl.'.ltes. • i>OLYESTlR CO RD BOD Y z lull phe1 for ~\ren1t11 and cool tun11on1 •FIBERGLAS S CORO BELT TY>"1npl1 ll~I! under !he l•e~CJ tor IOni: mo1ea11e ' • TWINITlll"I Wiil TIWAll Sime ~·t:t~ ~l~I. onji lounCJ on ne" !970 co r~ • WIOE, DEEP l REAO OE S\G~ f <ir h "I p~r. 1ormanr:e 1ract1on i~d hand! r.c: --- SIZ[ ·~G. fjALF flQ.fl, ,llltl ,~IC[ " £11-1( '"·" IH.ff ti.II fll·l( --Ul.11 1110 U.K rll·!S 1U,H --11i.U 11.H --111:is--Gll·IS tll.11 It.II H!l-!5 Ul.15 ~ll.'l n 11 -., ·e~ ... ,,. S••GH!C• .o-;;t~-------- "'"" ••••• '"'" ....... 1 .. ~••"•0 " "'"~" ''"'"''"!Ir>"'"" c .... 0(.0,>.0h •""~II '"""" r.,. .,.,,.,, .... ,,.,., '"' 111 .... ., '''" LOW MILEAGE USED TIRES YOUR CHOICE JATO SUPE~·100 GOL~ BALLS 'Zodiac' Hunted Astrologer Consulted in Bizarre Case SAN F'HANCISCO fUPJ) - A JO.ni;1n tt><1n1 or de1 ec_tlvt·~ has consultc>d an astrologer for !ielp in its sc>arch for a 1n<111 who calls h i n1 s e 1 f '·Zodiac" and brags of five murders he has conun1tled io the past 10 months. :;orne 1norning. Jusl shc>OI Q11L the front lire and lhcn pl{'k 01{ !hr kiddies as they co1ne boun· ding out." Captain Lee noic·d 1.11 e ~hoi teni ng lirnt: span hcllvt·rn llic kilhngs -sc1·l'n 1no11lhs bc>tween the two Vallejo in- ('ld\•nts, :.il111\11;L 1!11·1•!' n1onth until the ~.1:i1·u1i.: ;it J..1 kr Bc1- rytssa. and on!y two 11erk.; b.e!ll'L'rn !hal kil l1ni:; nnd till' death ul St1t1t-', ••Jt do•·Su·l 111:11-.t• Ii~ •• 11V h;iµp1er that tli"Y :ire gL"ll11 1.; closer 1ogethcr," he said. C;ipla1n ~l;-11·1y Lt'e said Thursday the astrologer gave Ille detectives background on 1he science \\'hlch apparently fascin:i les th e slayer, ""ho sa~'S his next target rnay be .'.I busload of school children. UC Rege11ts lo Revic\v Political Test Policy .. \Ve are golng to have to learn son1cthing abo11t 1t LOS ANGELES (L'Pll - 1astrologv )," Lee sa id. "I 11111 The University of C.1liforn111 11drniuec"liy apprehf'nsil'f' about Boa rd of flegeots 1'hurstl <1_11 ;inolher 1nurder occurring in approved a proposal to appoint Ilic near future ." ·r1 k 11· h 1 a subcommittee Lo 1.Usi;uss the 1e ·1 ings egan :isl Decen1bcr 1\'hen a teen·agc meaning of ils "no poli1ic·al couple \\'as slain in a lo vers tests'' policy in the hiring and liine near Vallejo, about 30 pron1otion of fa eultv n1e 111- 1ni1t'S northwest of here. bers. · llnolher Jl_irl was ~lain 111 The proposal by UC Presi- V;illejo tn .July, \vhen .. Zodiac" dent Charles J. H1tell 11'<1'> began sending coded letters to g1\'en approvtil by t he ne\\·spapers and po I it e Hc>gents' Educationa l Policy departments in the Bay area . Committee. whith met at the 1·ranslations of his earher heavily guarded UC Extension letters indicated he fell killing Center. people is ··more fun than kiil-The subcommi!lee \viii be ing animals." Later notl's appointed to discuss the mea11- 1vere l\Tilten in ungran1-ir1g of the ixilicy with faculty niatical English and began: and ;idmi11is1raton. •·Tills is tile Zodiac speaking." The regents adopted lhe The fourth slaying occurred policy las! spring. They took baek frotn !111rh ;11 1d 111e 11111,.._ e:1n1pus cl1;111L'L'll0r:-. Ille nght 10 approve l1frtu11c 1 ~1t11 lfy <iJJ - poin11nt'1 1t.~ .:ind pro111nl1011~. Tl1e rcJ.!t'.lllS s!:1l ccJ !hill "n., political te~l ~hall eve r be rno· sidcred i11 the ;1ppo1r1lnH'n' and pro1nvtion nl a11v f.'.lr·ull~" 111c111her or t•111plo1f'" /11<1ny regents bl•l1t•\•' !)II' polie.y :.ig:1111:·l puli 11 e:1I !C'st- Uoes 11ot ;1ppl~· to ni1•1nlJ<'rsh1ri 111 the Cn111n11u 11;,t 1':1rt.v U11ckr ;) scrnr:.i1e poh1 ·y 2~ \ears nld. 1ne111brr.-; f•f [hr (;omn1l1ni~t P:i1·1y ;ire hanneC fro111 e111ploy1nl'11l :is li1cul ty 1nrmbcrs. i\ngcl:i [);11·1 ~. ;11·1111g :1 ssi~· la nl profe~sor or phdo;;ophy ;J LCLA. is an <idn1 ittf'd Con1- n1unist. Sept. 27 near Lake Berryessa. ------------------------ \\'here a college coed wa~ stabbed to dealh and he!' boyfriend was seriously in- ju red. 'rhe ;lttackcr 1vrute the iJ;iLcs of the Vallejo kill ings on her car door. The fifth vic!i1n \\"<JS Paul Sline, 29, a cab dril·er killed and robbed in San Francisco last Saturday nigl1t. A taunting note and a bloodstai ned piece of Stine 's shirt wns rnailed lo a S;in Francisco nc1rspapcr later 111 !he \reek. '"Zodifte" concluded his note \\'i1h a chilling threat. "School childre11 niakc nice targets." he \\'rote. "I think I sllnll \1'ipe out a school bus • TAMAHA PIANO$ & ORGANS • THOMAS OA:GAN5 • XOHlUI & CAMPI EU • klMIAU l"IAN05 C.oa.bi::- MUSIC The tire made for all • imported and //i 1 ,' ~. -sports cars. , z~,- '1--.:i-~." The proven radio: f.31 "''I ond dry weolhe1. ~~ Up to: !wice th, mileoge, ,. twice llie !roc!Pon, twice 1he comfo rt. (gntinental RaP 14 Radial WHITEWALL General Jet • Tou;" Ou'Og•n' 1'0•d <u~I>-• lo• long "'"••q• • <o.,ou1 du•l-l••ti<o• I•••~ d••~" !ot "•ndllno oaH, <C•nor.ng ~•Qabill1¥. . ., "' ... [• .......... ,. '"' ~"l'••oll ()OO•• ''"' 4\ "'"t" '"~ r•·,., ATTENTION CADILLAC -LINCOLN - CHRYSLER & BUICK OWNERS! PREMIUM 4·PL Y RA YON TIRES NARROW WHITEWALL 9:00r15-9:1 Srl 5 COMPLETE CAR CARE • Thi~ hirt1! he~ to ho· a )IH1y : goo rl111!kf'r-P11.nan1a [lAJT01 w1ll1 c:ugt. and »111.tlll. • Oura\on cover tor lono. cut-free i.re •Energized "'PB" cente1 gives great d os lance • Ultra-hi9l'l·lension winding Don Swedlund Siric e 1959 Hours: 7::\0 to 6:00 O· ·r., 646. 5033 • I For the Div orces LAS VEGAS, Ntv -Mur1•n llcenus 1o ue<1 here 111t1ucr. McCULLE'l'·KRAltENBILL -SeµI. 11, Wllll•m An<lrtw M CLlJll•v. 7~ It f I Toro. e nd Kereri Jta"'1e Kr•~enb1ll, 16, ol CO$fd Mr.e ZIMMERMJIN-Rl.ISSELL -Stpl, 14, Kennelh R. Zimmerman. n. ell l • Mlr•dd, ena Linde Moe. Runt ll, 10, or Cost• M-.a. FAGl.IE·BATT -StPI. H , HerrV C. F oou•1 23, o1 Hunf1nQfOn 0•atl1, e'ld Petrlt1e Ann Ball, 2}, Of MIOway Cl· h ' WALTON·BA10 0 RF -Sepf. H. Oltltr ~n~t'.'au~al~':;;,o~~· 2~.' of 0{~~011~'d:1 M•r. l.AMSON·BOGDANOWICl -S•Pf IS, W1lllam H. L•mson, )(), •od Annt lle M. Bogdenow1c1. 26, D<llh ot Cool• Me>• HART-WILSHIRE-Se1>I. 19, Alon Ro., Hart, 18, 6nd Ott>ra LY"n W1H~rtlrr, 18, both ol HUntlnalon Beach fRANKS·FLOERC~ilNGER -SePL 19. 'lnom•s H Frankl, 1/, ol Now1>orl B•dtll. ond Fran c •' Ann FIOf'rchlnoor. 77. ol Cosfa Mt.a ANOERSON·GALIK -Sepl. 19, Arftiur Allen Andoroon, JJ. ot HaWlnOrn•, ..nd Milllc•nt Ann Gahk, ·15, ol Hur>- '"'Jl'n1' 911o~cli LARSEN·JEFFRIES -Sep!. 19, Gary Wayne Lanen. 1J. of Ph~n1x. Afll •nd Jo Otna Jellnrs, 11. ol W~ifmlnstflr WOOOIN·HUGDAHL-Srot. 19, OoUolos ~:1~1,,.:fo~:~1~•,0f "c".,d~1,.t<~~~"LYnf\e TIBBITS.FLOYD -Sep!. 2(), Earl R. T lbb•lh 63, ot N•WP<'<I B••cll, •M Lnrenp 0 Ftnvd. AS. of 51rila .An;111 FLORES·FLORES -Scpl, 20, Ritl'lard Flore~, 23, ot Co~t• Mesa, rPmarr1ed Robin Gina Florts, n. o( Hunllnglon w~t'l:c~:scHORR -S~PI. '°· Donald E. W•lch. •O, and B~••rir A. S~norr, 7S, bOtll ot N•wporl Bt1teh. SHRADER·Vl(;IL -S•P!. 10. John WP>lev Shrader, 11, of Gord•n Grov•, Md Kolllrrn Gall Vi1111, 22. of Balboa l>l•n<f. CHANr.·WHITTIER -Sept. 70. Mino tf. (hMll· Jl, of Lonp Beach, and Ann Whlltltr, :JO, ol W•stmlnsln. WIU<INSON·PER IN -Sept, 70. Hom•r Wilkinson, 58, and Rosella M. Porln, D EATH N OTICES CAi'\'IARATA Sharl l.vnn Camara!•. Ave 76, of 167' Mesa Or.ve, Santo Ana. Survived bv two sons, ROl'ald arll'.I Broll; parenls, Mr. end Mrt. Albert Bell, Sonia Ana; lwo brolh· ers, Jock Bnd Rex Bell, Co\la Meu. Services wert held toctav. Friday. 11 /'\M, Bell 8roadwav Cllooel, with Rev. Cnarlo> Smith oHldatinll. lnlerment, Pacific View Memorl•I Park. Bell Broad· wav Morluarv, Olreclors. CONAWAY Pauline T Conawov. 137 W. Wiison SI,. Cost• M•>• Oale ol death, Oclober 16. Surviv~ bv 1wo dauvhi•r>, Mrs. Merv Rudlcitl and Mrs. Franc" Slroflon. boll! ot Coste Mesa; five 9r1ndchlldren al'd four 11re~H1randchlldren. Servlct5, Mon· d•v. 10 AM. Ballz Chaocl, 17'1 Supt rlor. Co>la Mesa. l11term en1, Good She1>herd C.emett rY. d'AGRELLA M1ch~et I.. o'Aorofla. Age 18, ot 10151 Kalmu Orive, H1mt1011lon Buch. Died In \lieln•m Oclobtr S. Survived by wll•, F>etra; r>arenls, Mr. end Mrs. John d'Agrella; fovr brothers, John, RitK, ()Avid anrl Jlmmlt!; two sls1er$, Marv Ann and pabe d'A<1rella Services. Mon- dav. l P M, Peek Farnllv Colonial Funeral llome. VAN DE~ BERG Lamber111s H. Vo" O•n Bero. 989 Oa~ SI, Co.I• Mc•• Oare of dealh, Octobtr IS. Survived bv wife. Johantia; son, Jan T. Van Oen Bero: dauohlers, Marlie Den· n1nq, Newoofl Beach; T ru1oe Oennlno, ~nd Hcnnie Van Doorn, both ot Co!la M.-a; and nlne 9rMdct>lldren. Funeral services, Selurdav, 11 AM. Ballr. Chaorl, 17•1 Superior. Co>•• Mes•, w1111 Rev. Donald Jani mR oHiciMirvtL Interment, Fairhaven C.emeterY. Olrecled bY Ballt Mor111erv. ARBUCKLE & SON WestclUf Mortuary 4%7 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa 646-4888 • BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona dcl Mar OR 3-9450 Costa l\lesa MI 6-%424 • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway. Costa Mesa LI 8-3433 • DILDAY BROTHERS Huntington Valley Mortuary 17911 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 842-i771 • J\tcCORMlCK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1795 Laguna Can yon Road Laguna Beach 494-9415 • PACIFIC VlEW l\IEMORIAL PARK Cemetery e Mortuary Chapel 3500 P acific View Drive Newport Beach, Calilorwa 6H-2i00 • PEEK FAMILY COLONLAL FUNERAL HOME ilOl Bolsa Ave. Westminster 893-3525 • SHEFFER MORTUARY Laguna Beach 494-1535 San Clemente 492-0100 • Sl\UTflS' MORTUARY 6%7 Main St. Huntington Beach 536-6539 Friday, Octobtr 11, 1 %CJ DAIL V PILO? f) .. Japanese Do~tors Study Fairview Methods R e co rd J11p11nese and PsyC't1ia try Mr~ Reiko l'ox, of (iurdt•fl r el> p 0 n.) I b It' for state t•du1:a11on for the rctartlcd pr<ibleni:. artd ~u peoplt• ('l)lllt'. 1.h11cuss1011s, ()r Toto praised are bolh d1f!1n1 IL lan~uage.. <irovt:'., ll'anslulell. while J\frs departments invul\'mg hut11 un under :.tale law first. the advanced outlook of the One is antient am! Jilting; Yoshi Pither. of Orange, took welfare. "Any questions," asked "lchi-ban," explained the in· state admlnislration i11 the M~6N ... ~~1to1.~~~o~~· SfPt. '°' the other relnt1velv n<'w, notes for Ow si.x Japanese ··All are connected with Williams. lt'rprtl!'r with a grin. field of improving facilities Patrick Jor Mc Nam.,.. ,., ot techmcal and tongue twisung, specrahsts rn their exchange 'people problems', " he ex· Ur Ma~ao Kanomura, d uet Uurmg the 1' u e s day and programs. ~6~·~1e1r;~nri'i~t::rt;~n~"" Wegonrr. particularly in rnulual Lransla· "ith the Reagan C:.sbinl!l of· plained through Mrs. Cox. of the public health deparl·i;=====================================. VAN REE-PEEBLES -S.i>t. 20. tlon. f icial. "and sometimes ~ever::il of mcnL sn Fukui Prefedure. Henrv J. VanRee. 51, ot Founl•ln d d t I ·' v•110. ana 1111a e. Pu 1110. }(), 01 They are be1110 mix<'tl today "!'lease try Lo Slll'k to U•cse t.lcparl111eub 1Hay ha\ e than ma e a c a l e u lhintln11!011 Beach t> • sc HILLING·PETERSEN _ SH•. 70, at F'a1rv1ew State Jlosp1tal, 'Rayman's terms." joked Mrs. a piece of a person!> prob· st;.11cmcnt. Stop Dog-e11ring y o 11 r page! Rot>t•I Lv11n sc1i111ino. 14• ot G.,dtn Costa Mesa, where s 1 x Cox. turning lo Wlllt!lms tlur-lem ." Mrs. Cox. the interpreter Grove, and Ann Lorraine PtferH n, n or NewPOrt Beech. J apanese d o c to r s and ing the meeting in Supertn· "l have to be a generalist, burst into giggles. H~~::0.:i~!.!:£0~, .-2rP~1 b°ow~:;~ specialists arrived Tuesday to tendent and Medical Director not a spec:ialist." h(' continued. "It isn't a question." •nd Kot'11"" Merie Bastedo, 20• 01 begin a lwo-week study of Dr. Anthony Toto's urrice . noting that the 10-department Dr. Nakamura was snying Founl~ln Vell•v. d ASH&'l'·SUMMERS _ 5 •Pt. ?t, Law· Calirorma treatment methods. "I don't know any , ' ' Human Relations Ag1·ncy in-the weather is beautiful an Our FREE ~~· Book11uirks rench L. AS/lbv. 17• ot Co•t• t:',a. Ho't Two psychiatric technicians Williams replied. "I'm an al· volvcs 48,000 emploues and despite knowing America W~IS Md Wa nda Lucille Summt rs, , J 0own.v. at the large facilit y got started torney not a doctor." $3.2 billion annually. huge fro!n seeing maps, the WILSON-BEVER -srot. n . Otnn'' Tuesday in 3 brief conterencc lie then formally welcomed Dr. Masana L'ch1da. c:hie[ wide open spal'CS sUll took Poge Wiison. 7(1, and Judy Lynn I • J b LJ J h' b · I srm-. 1t. bom ot Fountoln 111tltY, with Spencer W i I I 1 am s . the \ 1sitors. saying he hoped psyc 11atrsst at o an r osp1ta . Im Y surprise CARP·ENSON -seo1. n °1en w. secretary of the Stale Human the cx1lerie11ee would be observed through the tn· \VJllinms closed by ex ' Corp. 79, al Newporl B .. ch. a no Lin-h c I r . I t th J th ! aa cavl~ en.ori. 22, ot Co••• Mm . Relations Agency, on hand to bcnefit•tal and explaining that tcrpreter t at a i ornia is to P ;11111ng o e apanesc a a1•e tlae. r age . The Books tall :l:J:l E. l 7Ch S t._ Co st a Jtle~a 548-4811 HUFFMAN·OWENs -seoi. 73. Wallon welcome thern under recent leg1slallon. he is be congratulated for requiring in California. people havel H"oh Hullm•n. JI., )4, of 11unllngtor _ _:::.::~~_:.'..~~-------_:=~..'...::::.'...'..'.....:.::.~='..:'..'.:..::~:__::_:::_:~.:.:.::.::.::.::._:..::_....:_::.::.::..:..:.~~_::.:__....:..::..:..:.:..=.:..:..:.:_::..:.__'.:..:_:.::_:__:__:__:=========================== B•och. and Gwt ndotvn Jo OWtns, 26, ot San D lego, NASl1·HAROY -Seol. "· Ntwton 0 N1,_~h, SJ, and J ean Hardv, 46, bOlh of Cosio Meo•. P llANO·WASHBUPN -SePI. 76. Jou Z•vala Plrono, 18, ol Ntwport Buel\, and Janine Wesl'lburn, 38, or Coron• dtl Mar SHEA·SHEA -S•P!. ?6, William F Sile•. SS, romarrlto \/frolnl• H. Shta, SI, bOth of Newporl Beech. PARKS HARGUS -Sepl, 76. leWrtnCP E. Puks. d , of l\nnont lm. and Bllllt 8. Hargus, 34, ot Cosio Mtst . l AUER·BURNER -Sf Pf. 16. Junior c Lftutr, •8. of Hunlln9ton Beacl•, er>d EltzoDelh E. Burner, 49, of Fullr rton HAAS·BLANCHARD ~Pl. 1 1 , Wlll•am Gullborl Ha .. , l9. ot L"'une Brach, and BMbara Rulh Bla ncharo, 44, ol HunllnAfOn B•ach. BE'LLINGER·SIMENSON -StPI. 11 Alexander T. Belllngtr. Jl, •nd Virginia Simenson, JJ, bolh of Hun· llnolo'I Btacl1. TRIMBLE·PHtLUPS StPI. ?7. Jamt~ P. Trlmbl•· 30, end GeraldlM L Phillips, ?J, bolh ot Balboa Island. CHURCH·CLAIJSEN -Sepl 77. John Wilbur Church, d, and Iris Clausen, 41, b<>lh of Founlain Vall•Y. AYRES·BOSKO -Sepl. 77. Thomas Woodrow Avre•, 24. ot Lagune lluch. end Karen Alexandra Bo•ko, ll, ol San Marino. BYRNE·HIBElS -Sol. 77, TlmolhV c Bvrne, 77. ol Westminster. and Sher· ry O. Hibbs, 25. ol Sanla Ana. Vl lLSON·McSHANE -Sepf. 21. JottPh C. Wll>on, 19, and Patricia Le~ McShant, 19. both ot Wt$1minsltr McGORMLEY·\/IDOV -Sot. 77. Rob~rt Chari~ McCormlfy, Jl. o• Pico-River o, and Milka Vodov. 7J, ol Newport B•ach. FINAL DECREES B•con, Roben E. vs Hnrltnt R. Hendorson, Pntrlcla Ann vs Herman Elmer Von ld•rstein, Petrlci• Ann v' N1lhen Tr~~~. Barbara Ann vs Edw ard Fr1nci! S1ro111>. Btls•Y J. v' CharlH M. Fiori, Katt>leen N. vs Donald L. sweBrlngen, OOnl\I Louise \IS Lonnie C•rl l(o11, Fran"\ E . vs Orlando!. wr101>1, Winnifred l.. vs Homer Junior McConnell, Helen vs Donald Clpr1, Donald Eugtne vs Norma Jeon Hough. Marv Kalherlne v~ Rlclie rd Thom11s Gro<s, Beckv Sut Vt Alan Elll• EddY. J11neen Y, vs Richard A, Stewarl, Andrew Elw•ll vs Barber• Ann ScMunntr, Pov C. vs Lone G. Nielsen, Svlvla JMnntll• vs 01rrt.ll O•lorma Flk••· Co(N'llvs J. vs V11'Vlr>ia v Griftllh. f lorlce Fritda vs Wllll•m Charles Fyhrlt , Ellzabeth Join vs Rlchnrd st:~fo°r~. Nanell• V\ Kenneth Haul. Jr .. Laur• Mne vs GodfrtV Bish, Oorl• Lolll/and• vs Bl•lr Robert S'1(nn, Christine V \ Robert Miiion Rlolev. Mary A. Y> Gordon L. Lt .. Kov A. V> Rol>l!rt L L~n. CMmtn vs Oavid P. Nonez, Marl!"! vs Morris. Walls. Sr,, Ooro1hV D. V' Clarence O. Bui~•· A"9•11n• M. vs Henrv K. H1mlllon. Jsak<t vs La Marr Cr.vtora, Deborah F. ys llruct II. Rodriguez, M11rv T vs John R. J UDGMENTS Def Real, J~ephlne S. ys RUdY P'. (I n· nulmentl. Johnson, Arlene Jtan v• Clllford Lor· rnlne (a nnulment). PC!'llV. GllbPrt VI G•I• (111Mulipentl .. Frtnth, Richard Allen vs Mlnn1t Ell1abet1> IAnnulmer>fl. OIVORClS FIL~O tll1'(d, Cathy A. vs Jon P. Kino. Ka!her1n• J. v' MICMtl J. Ktllh. Elsie Merv vs B111v loul• Acosta, Loi> C, vs John C. Ru~ln, Evei\tn E. v• ChMl'1 E•~ln. Palricia M. vi Robrrt f Oetar, Jantt Alie• v• R11>1t ll Scott SPetko. Traci Fontaine vs Michael 5PPncr,. Brock, Gerald PhllllP vs Carol Jtan Melalli. Augu•I• vs Jnm-s Nicholas Plnkarl, Jewell E. vs Wllll1m B. McCr1.1han, Palrlcla R vs Jam°' W. McKenna. Bonltll sue VS Wll11•"1 Arthur Nabozny, Jr., Vlrvlnla N vs $1PDh•n A. Uf4no•• Patrlcl• l.oui" vs Augustin Morsk. Carolvn I<. vs K•nneth G. Wagon. LotJi~e W vs Edward C Cou,rneau. Bnnlce Etllal vs Roger Lto Henry, Le• R•• vs John A. Sc1>ne11•r, Richard C. vs Ro•ann• INTeRLOCUTORY OiC~lf' I amb, v rva L vs Jnn oh O. Hortin, John R. vs Wand• J . O• S•nlos. P•[l"tla Deni,. v• Oan1el r p1loln. AUdteY V. v• Lvl• 8 10.0PI, MorY Ann " P•ll T Thornton., L•of'!1'rd E11rl vs Vo,_.,tt Schlo11houer. Petric!& S. v~ l/lttvln £". Ctor~. Lorr61'" Ooel V\ Billv MMo•n ~f'~'"' Mavl~n.-M v' WU''""' Jtrome Bv.r, Ruby Rulh v• GuV Leo N • ldonado, L•• J V• En word ! . Aue~"'· Elh•I M VI DorHll L s mm• Pubv Jun• "' [mil Andrew Pllr•. Rob•rl I ·vlnq v• F ronr., P3ulln! Urbi"IC'i HI, Edm lJnd v~ 8#\rb11r• Jtan Mell:••· I o.-A v' ThM'\•I N. Monrcr. M1ttV Q~I! V" fVfllrtft A. . R•lllv <i•o•o••nn• Rrrllv vs Ktv1n 1horro\ c.,11. ""~ L. "'' M.rvln I. P••lly Jr , Jo Ann Rt lllv v1 Normr.n Wal!Pr 1 u<olt Jr , M~rv len• v• r tvdt W lll.n9wort~. DorolhV II\ Rnbfirt Clark y l<Jwpll, Harriot E. Ii' Wllllom Van Phlll10,, Ron•ld llruce vs Ju<lllh lvM Corin.,, Jo••oh N•Wnn•n vs A.rl•n• P1chnri, Dinn• I(. v1 M•ral E. F'owlrr, P•frlcl• Ann vs Robert A. Ford, Bellv vs K•n"~fh Nnrm•n. Btrl L. vs Oo•is t<:. 5;pr\. Tony L~ vs Btckl J . P•1hko. Noel l\nnr vs Richard Oonnis Edvecomb, ChristoPhtr F. vs Pafrlcl1 I Parts. Susan Altc;1 vs Gltnn Al•n L ••· t< or en Ann vs Jam•• E'dWord Ron . Penelope Joan vs Oovld Leon Oodd. Lind• vs Jemts Arthur Truman, E lltabtth vs Oon•ld 7arrelle, Sendra J. vs Jol1n P . Sewell. Marlnnn M. vs Canuh E. Rvma l, Sr,, Gordon Blalr '" Ju"' B&rntlla Hurd. 1rudie vs Frederick Slmp,on. MarltYn vs Jtrom• Van Zondl, Muriel E v• Mlchotl A. IHhlus. Glori• J tanne vs Harold Fr!dtrlck New Everyday Low Prices on Color Prints & Photoflnlshln9 $791 Value! Rybutol $6'5 Value! All Metal Ironing Boards . °"' .. s.ntdiet • C•~• Tape • h ah n ..... S.cket• • bt..W.11 Colli• • Nitt Llthh • M«e • T-Le1 Stoblllty ~NT $2•• Wide ~ um. ..J fc<t ""•tb rubber tip1. Prrforittd tor • &Iced rnamd 1·ni>h. Won't >!1p or wobble. $1.91Vel11et1-1 ....... '". WYtr Set $1 .Jt ·s4n Galwanized Heavy Gauge Steel Trash Cans s3ts to $5ts Values! ._..__-.i~ ..... Decorator Wall Shelving Big 30 Gallon 2-3-4 Ft. length• $299 9" .... Walo111 fini1h shtlve\ adjlllt to •nv po3ihon. Alum1ourn uh• 111>- hh alandard.!, brechu. . 119. s11 11 Udlco Electric Can Opener Witt! K•ifa Sherpnw '8'' I.id Wter. card •IO"'RC. Pto- lc'ctivc chnlme plaml. $311 3 Quart Eledrlc Cont Poppers AJomin11m bo'l'll oo non-oltid f tf Jc111 (ho"'lremoves10 .,,uh). llrot l't'!i•t•nl lu s cnn·r. General Electric s591 Alarm Clock '\VaKC>' TOU, then )tU JOll $444 SOOO<C b(for~ ,.a.king J 0 U a,o.Jn. W)iilc 12~. Flocked Velour Decorator Pieces $]'°Value! Tiffany Ice Cream Mugs J.Wle al 1tr1min~ white w F"'rttlaln with l!l"'UI and r~I "Coca Coli:' dtcor1-t1nn. All purpme light -· t.hcne oil. 3 ounce on. Reg. $1 79 Kit $13, Auto Wax $491 Bucket Style Bed Rests s39a Fanta1tic Variety of Halloween Costumes D;.e..i11t l'TM1t1 A ~rook·t.uul.r u Jr{t111n o( ,ttrue- wme G hos u Skt I ctons anJ Cilh«C COSIWlla I llt111t Wl1'11r •Yi" h11pk11: ., .... 694 '"' .. $)69 ... , ... '"' Wltoll L•11l•m 88' • U " St.n4•"• . • • •.. '9c • 41" StHMda •• , •• , $l .JI •I" 1-ltet ..•...... He $Jf' Hot Color Metal Tool Boxes )(tUJ ,..;th rouodod romcn, •2t9 handy tray. Ute for flshin.f, xwioit. artists fUl'J'.'lies. a c. Reg. 2 for 3fC Mallory "C" or "D'' Batteries , . PACKo•2 ~ 2f 8 Push•utton Waring ll1nd1rs Whips, cbopc. 11rste1, $21" mius, blends, JiquJ!in . $3" Indian Madras Bed Spreads 72x101" $299 Twin Size All Time l'averfte Hallownn Candles '2'1 Women's Flannelette Sleepwear CHOICE OF GOWNS OR PAJAMAS s221 Man lail<lftllf l>l'J•- mu so p«tty "'''b· cmbroickty trim and aJ ( OTU priDU. Pants ,.;1b dastic ,..,iJt. Waltz It Joa11 "awnt h vishfy trimmed "'i th lace an.d ruJ flu. Floral prials. Thq'IJ a<> hit 1t this low price I loo~ ccttoo. Wom111'1 Nolro11 Dusters $398 Trimmed .;11s -broidmd lace. •P- phqoe ot pltatiJi.a. Cotou. 10.U. Embroidered Pant Tops $698 Hand loomed 1ocl fvJ. Jy fashiOl'cd io 111111i11 •nylic. f all wlorr. S-M-l- Women's Cardi gas & PullOYtfl Tw1ltntclc It ~:";ff~· $347 r.11 •ohm . '4 ~t). - Cempare to .hen at $5. Panty Glrdl1 1tm~~':'.-.1u $337 STRETCH STOCKl~GS Girdle hu srip tl111't elatlc bmd ill I~ lo bold swrtingS f imly withoot f;l'1Cr1. ........... S...kiiltrt •.••• "' Portable • • • • 13• with abollldtr u up • 12• cotd. ~ ais cap. Dri.t hsir in Ill aftn~ of 22 -.. ates! ROUND TRIP ANYWHERE IN CALIFORNIA R1ml111fOn Lektro ~~~~~ IGdL 21 11 $29f• Pol1rold ColorCa•r•24'' Celef Pe&k II rldf Altomatlc Taltle Ltttr $1 " 85< For calls after 6 p.m. weekdays and all weekend. 3 minutes station-to.station, plus tax. ,........_.@ 69cea. SWITCHEROO Mod Color Stationery • ., J, """'" 2i69' 194 All Plastlc Playing Cards 59' 4-SPEED ecord Player .e=J~--~~ $)3'' -, J 0 DAILY PILOT s r•ass:c• ~ iL _ .... Co11clusio11 F1·0111 1929: No OVER THE COUNTER Mo1·e Dee1) U.S. Dep1·e~sio11 s NASO L1st1ngs for Wednesday October IS 1969 lil•Ptt•.,.,lit ... '"'H.Oe~let l!Ugl• ..... •t •PP••• m•lt•v ' "M t ... m ...... ~o ""'"s O• l\OI wcluU• ro1.11 •r m•rl<uP mdr~O-O•~ •• c-0mrn n11>n Dy S' L\ IA PORTER ! I 1nal Arl1cle an :Serie~~ No11 1\C are approach ng the ('hmact1c 11eek 1n 11h1th 40 ~Lars <igo to1rent1al 11 a1r~ of -.cll1ng rOlll d 01 er 1he ~101 k rnarkct and pnccs k11c11 nv bo\\oms Then 1L 11 as 0Ll 2~ inti tilt n ll10ll s 1110 1 IHJll! I ful fl cuons pool p<1n1< f 111nl'<l a b 1nk1n,g [I.) bu; stoc k~ LQ h;;ll tl c 111 F~ 11 \\\S Blu.:\.\ f t!''> d;i1 l)ll 2!.I ind l hon11' \\ I <1rnon1 of J I' \\or" u & ( 11 J l!lOUllt Cd <l! 1 ~Ll nl ll Ctl1 ~ of !lie ~n1c1111 so! tic \l11 l nrk ~tock I'.: x t h l 1 ~ t '(1('1Jl]c1Jllll !h(IC S )HJ Tll Ill or g1oup of n1cn 11\io c 111 Uu v all the stocks 1he f\n1eritan public can sci! I hen it \\ <1~ the end of tile gold plated phony era and 1hc11 our 11 o 1 Id fa 111 o us Seer ct<1ry o[ the J reJsury cnrnc up \\Jlh !hl' onl\ solu 11011 to rfp11r the IJl!)llS!I OJS d!nl igr I 1qu1d'1te l ibor ~ ud h!' L1qu1d i!t slot ks hqu1datt thr fa1 n1rr ~ liquid llc J l d CSI I< \'\l> 111AT FANTASf H.: \\!l lH 11ng H 1nark 1, ids rni: ln \1 h 1t l bcl1e1 c 111 be the n1o~t fund 1n1cntal of :ill !he d1 st111L: Irons bc\11 ern 2n and 69 .ind ! don t need unr st:it1st1c lo b ick 11 up Our :lll11uck s tile sill ng by n11mbly <is ;it.lulls uf U1at er 1 dH.I 11a\(l11ng your Job dis tppt 11 1our ho111e being foi~tlo ... ~1! 1ou1 :.<111ngs bct:o1n1ng dtbl ~ 1our dreams !l1rn111g 11 110 n1ght1narcs and n1umbling to 1ou rstlf th~ lc;;sgo1crn1nt11l 111ed<llcs 111lh bus 1n<'~~ tile bt.:l It r ' C \~ \OU \ ISIJAI IZE our 11bor le 1dcrs pc 1 rn 1 1 t 1 n g JUhlf ssntss I) soar to tens of nl lhous 111\huul den1 1nd1ng nd gttting) ~rf' tl 1 a!1u1 11 11 \ions to 1evc1se the 11 f'nd I t.:uuld go n 1 ;it d t;n lhl <I lhflr Jt111g illl 1l11 s bul point is th: 1r Of cou1 ~e \OU L'111 I Yo1 11ou!cl \1 ill111glv lrade uff a n1;iior 1nflat1011 101 JObs pa}checks prol11~ sales \Ve ha1e learned ho11 tn contr ol deep rlepress1ons \\ e know far n1ore a b o ut curbing" rltpressions than \le <lo ilbou~ rl st1a1n1ng 1nflat1ons as a 111 ltt<.:1 of fac t Dr \I 1!11:un C Freund ( h1rf PC011on11st of the New \ 01 k Stock l'. ~thangc llH 1ks 11i.: 1c r1en lr.01 ncd ou1 le~son too 11l'!I ' Bul he sa\ s IS J say !h 11 to lOn1parc o 11 r cru HHn1c soph1st1cat1on to<l 1y 111th t h~t of the 30s JS like 1onpar1n g the 1ndustr1al1zed L ~ 11ith soinc prim1t1~e 1g11cul!ur 11 st 1tc ' ~o ~u1n 1n1ng up t<in happen again \1 00 l '" ""' ,, ,, Jhc \\)HJ)(' (<J ;;li 11 ~lock 1narkrt 111 29 -The 111stJtut1on:.il 1n\ c .. Lor is a pro[oundlv 1n1pn1 IJol ne" lu1 ~c 11gul1rlv 1111csl1ng huge 11noun1 ~ uf 1: 1sh u1 stocks - i 1t11 I hough t111 s \)pr of 111 \cstor rtctntlv h:is not bc011 llf'<JJ Iv ls stab1hz u1g J force 1s 111.: thoughl 111d nc1v 1cgul 1 liuns 111 lills 1rl' 1 11 ell in.iv I.Jc l!l'tCSS 11 I -~1 IJOr I1\\S tl)ll!Jol s ;ind \l:Jli.:hdog urg 1111z 1t1ons hJlf' IJL~ 1 1!c.1c l11ptd since the 19 t 1 1sl1 to prOl~ct the pub! c <ind ln prc1tnt .1 1out1ne dtcllnc 11 011 1 hf'tOlning I !Ol t lllJ II(' tO!lSli.Jnl i\ Oil l11r nt 11 le 1k'i to plug fh! ~ll)ll !ll\I C b ll kgroun<ls :ire b 1s1t<1llV di[ fe r cn t and our bias hris shifted Jron1 delf:ition 10 1nfla!1011 -And 1\ 1~ not n u1 c to sav \11 1l our grc nest s ifcgurd <i gcllllS[ HlOlh~r 2!1 !~ OU! cl(tc 1 n11n.illon to p 1 t v en 1 Jnotht r 29 I r s POPULAR la "lltf :it 111 cla1111 of ci nc11 er 1 hut don l '>nctr -!01 if ni) eon liU~IO!lS Ill \ht<; S~t!CS ll C \1rong 1ou 11 00 l be interested 1n reading a new series ex p!au11ng \lily Bee JUSC if J 1n II rong I[ \\ 111 mean that the An1e r1c 1n s1 stcn1 of priv;;ilc enter pi 1se ind c ip1tal1srn bo111 aln1ust 2{Xl \C:irs 1go 1111! hw1e 1 :.in1 ~t1c<I lrom the f' 1rth Edison Co. NfW 'iQl'I( IAYl Tr o '~"~"'"~ b<I no • ~'"' <>u<>T~ <> •ul>PI td C• <>•N~O~A•W< •on ol 5 ~u ''' l•a "' Inc • I on' t.ul '" •<> ··~n~·· p ..... <••6><> ""P~•<>al•V ) " \'on >n 1no , ><u•I" cou d l>a•c C~•" PU c""'r<l !•~•<II o ~01<1 (b ~ d•~·· ch~~· •n \l\l(h OVI '"" dav I (• co no n~I d• e•~ I n~•~uo Of CO ,, , " " " • " " • " • • ' ' ' " " ' ·: '" • ". ,, • . ,. • • " ' • • ; " ' ' " " " . " " • ' • ,. ' .. ' , " ' " " ,. • " ,, • " ' " " " ' " • " .. • " ,. " . • ' ' . " " • " " ' ' • • '" • " " " ' . " ,. • '• • " ,i .. " " • ' '" .. ---r~ " , ' • " .: " • " ' ' • " , ' I~( o(tp '" ~( "~ <; \N'< 1~ •!~< ~r; A1 6'• SPO • Dl ir,s~,cn ~ 11 • uuYa l S•v•n Uo J) ~ t~ I • ' . ] s '1 (p • c~ v ' 9 S~NE l ei I SolJn c;, I~ ,,. C.>CP " ' ( " ., " • '" " " o >w F.ISvc 17 , ~!>~< •Y /j ~ <! ReQ ' i. ~·o ~"" JO , Mfl Hl'!l -111 Sle q SI IJ I aw fl 1q b <lv 11 S1 b f <I " ' " •• "i s•~lt i9 l "~ ' I l ~' " " " ' • " ' ' • ' ,, ' " " ' • J~ j ~ ~n'",, VI \~ l ~n' /.~ I 1 !I f Q ' 11 ' In 10 T '" l;n ~! 1+ n< ' g } l ""~ ol,oPd ' I' "' ,l ,onro c ' <l .. Un 0<>1•• U lllu <i •I 01 67 n I er I Un P•! us f\>:rol " ' n :11 2• US (rwn llS £r1y l US s ~ r US T lt l J • , • •I ~ 61 11 7 1e I~ 1' UD Prnf' ' " " " " • ; " ' ' " " " ,, ' " • ' . 1 u on Sld , 7; l > Ind l1 l/d LO ,1• Vn<•S~ ~1 1 v""" o V v Wo 1 31 Woow• I' U W Rr•d• ? w~ n. 1! Wa1" t1r, ?J VI n'1E W~ I• W•tl R~ V.r d n We n~ M ' "' "" " " 1n, " " ,., " ; ' • • 110 1R r W< <11 P w,1n ~" N> n f I V~ n P b W•n wn w"' '" W n<,,, T I ~ p~ • ow F Wv~ed C Vrdn; E " ' . ' " ' ' "• " ' ' '" " ,, ' " ' " " " '" • • ., " " " ' ,. • " ' • ' • " ' ' ' " • I 1r c: in )OU 1rnag1nic llll p11bltc off1c1 1J p r o po s 1 n g <U1)\h1ng hkr liquid 1\1111!. ~11 1 of us !lt1L:!dcnt 1lll tlfrllon c nne close to describing 111 I\ actually h 1ppcr1ed 111 J93! 3l 1 Can you 1111ag1ne \oursi:lr veslme a found 1!1011 uf tlli.: stoc k market in 69 JS \tta!lv cl1ffcr<'nt troin the credit gambling found,1!1011 of the Tells Gain " ' " " " " ,. " . ; " " ' • 11'· • MUTUAL " . 2 W c1ys ,,f llct1iclli1ig In Earnin«s ~ ' '" ,. " • • ' " '" ' " ' FUNDS " " • " ' " " ' . ' '" I Sn J I ' ' ' Crec1tive Perso111iel t (lS .\\(fl r.s -S1111ht 1n r ~1 1101111:.i l:t11~nn ( < 1 p111 t J <l iv reporter! 1h11d <1t lll\'1 it u11s 11h1lh r1flcrtC'd 111 t:1c1s(s 111(1ptr<1l1ng 111enuc~ ncl 1ncu111c ind c 1rn1 1g~ ptl sh 1r( " ' • ' " ' • " • • '~ J"coh• ~ Joe vn { I ~;,~ V c' rn •• ' ' ' ' " ' S \\TA D\llGl\!1 \ l\rl - T \o ad1C'r\1su1g r xt (UtJ 1ts Y01tC'd opµos11 g lheo1 1c~ <:n tl1P 1 u c 11(! flrrl11 ,i:: of ("r('~ JI(' IJC'fSOtlllC'I ;;I in Ill <l l !ti (0!\fl'l (IHC )J(r• 1\1lhur !I ll ;i11h11s 111 $'"11 nr 1ur prt~1d1111 11f 1he :\l 11 '\ nrk h 1s1 I h 1 t\;1111111 ~I H \ c1111 & ( 1 1 r I H " Id f l til l pC'rsonnel '-llJUl l br fJl rl 11hat to 1lu lhrn br g11 l n lrr.r rl111n \i chno:-;e 1hc ~l\ll 111 11 htrh to 1Jo 1l H II Blacket t !r tl1;i1 1111 or thr bo irrl uf Clut ago baste! ( 11111 n I I 1 :i ik [r < ir .r.;ed 1 rgt l .r s Ip( r11snrv l ht l k-. u 1 lhl l rl' J II I prnti ~ .. IS l II I\ ol ~cnrr:i1111i: lhl d1 ~c pl 1(1! 1rr lllll' 111Jnd l frv sppkt 1t 111( (111 11::; "l "s10 i \\ cdnl''d v ' I t ,, .. )1 ,.. lr111 r .., 111 ' 1111 r n 1 n nf Ilic \n11 h 111 , .... 111 11l1on uf Ath l rt ~1ni; \gr1l\ II' 1\hrn I hri• f (rr 111\r p10 tile 011 111 ;i ~ -. 1 " n 1 1 c n t H 111 kin"s 11d I 1rl l th 111 {'\ ~tl lv 11 h3t tl1c <ntltnt 11u1 .. t hr \\hen he gel' 1llr re..-ult !1 );:Hr! he :isks J, 1l1r 11 irk 1 or reel fo r thr :i 1 IH n{ r DO!'' !l t 'lllr o\11p 11rr 1h r .rnr!>sagc l s it 1 ~ goud as 1L ll s 11 thr 'c uras hr srnr! 1hat 'crc:11 11c people CJt hcr g<'l ltr1rd on nr olf \\hrn a 111 1n kno11..-11e hir rd h1111 br(~u~c l l:llc h1~ t\ le l!Hl thnt if hr gets r ic < o 1l('nt p 1rt r1gh1 Ill bu1 hi-. ~1111 JI \t nhou! 11rrv 1111H tllr1 h • t 1rnrcl on Ul1ck 1t1 pl ;'l1 1 I U 111n tl r <r1 1t11r funtl on 1 n 111 1 r1t h 1n ~ The lnpo1t:inl 1111ng 1~ lhe slrcngtli of lnt: 'C'lhn;: n1tss igc hr ~1d The J 1 ;ink orc:i 11~ 1!1011 he COlltl!lt1LI 110!11;>[\, II r 1t 1111r 1iroplt hv g111ng !hrn1 Jn d r 1 du a 1 res[XJ1s 1b1i1ll prr 111tt1n.., !hr1P lo 11 n k n ;i 1;:irlctv nf '1Ct01 it-. 111d flt!! t1og thc111 11 dirct! cont lt l II Jth [I\ I hen! ! I(' I /' nd 1y Bl JCkC'lt S~ld 111 0 f I I 1 J: l 1 rca!I\( re1 t 11 { :"1111111 tire 1.1ke~ <11 uli Jl l t11 t IO\\k J! the rC'Lent 11 ork lor ;; (l1rnl I ~ drtrr 111111 Could 11! h;nr donr the ;oh hrllcr ind 1f so hu1\ It is !he app!1<'ut1011 of ~r;.i~on~ I iud~1ntn1 hr ~rt1 d Th( trcat11c flair 1s lht 1'1"\ p;i1 \ rhr j11dg n1cnl J\ hu rclr1 \IJ L01nr b} .. ""'~ J;icli h in d t'.:h1c/ llor lun ti 11 11n1n Cli lCt1l 11c ul!1cr1 r "' IP~ r •< u ! ( "''°' ' ' 1nnounced th<il op c r ;it 1 11 g r 1 , oi 1(1!'111 r~ for \111 third q11111cr l' , • lot drd Sl6J 0 rn ll on 1s ro111 ~i '• u,:; p 1rcd l\llh thf ~l:J l 3 111111111 ~ ':'~~. l f'Jll!Cd f1;1 lhc lh1<l r1\111\11 ~~" (() 11 1!168 1it 1c11ue' fo1 lh1 !llllt'1~n " ~ niontlls ended Srpl 30 t h1 s1~~~~ ' \tar tot drd $4 2 I 11111 or a f~"' ~~' 7 4 JlCl ({'l\t J!){ t ~ I~(' ()\('I the n In $4198 1111111011 t)l H l•d I thc 1~~::, ~:, ' . s lllll pr11od ltisl 1c 11 r., rn"' 11 i\tl llllllllll f I 111( ll11d 1r n r r111111 er 1111u11nl(d t ~2a II'' n11!1011 '{t1111pr1nd I II ti\\ ~~ ~26 7 rnd l on tll\HJttl 101 11 c l ~"" ~ • fpl I ilC'11t p1 ! ! J I .-.1 I ( I r L )'\(\ 1nco1nc to1 Ilic 111 l 1111• ~ H rn onths of 10fl!l to1 illl! S18 i;! r ,, ,; 1nill1on ;i ~ 1 pt1 Ltlll Ul!l 1-.1I~.1 ,. ~ <11 r r \11c ~7::i O 111 II ion r • p< rl c d 1 ~ " v 0 ~ lur the s nnc pt:1 tod !ls\ \I'll 6, 1 Jt111ng~ p< r ~h 11c !111 thr ;;" ~ 11urd qu 11\tr 11 t1 r 6~ i cnl~ 111 ~•u• a 11r i;h tcd a111 ;gt: b 1s 1~ on g ~~ cn1nrnon ind p11t1i.:1p~\lng g"~ ~";, or1 g1n1! p1l'111ril ~litk is"""'' i nn1p1rrd 1111! Hr Iii 1(nts g~;n,;c pr1 ~11ur for 1l1r th11d ri11uh1 :;"0 , 1 o! Ill( & u11 1 f111i.:r 11u1nbcr ul ~~,,, t; " • ' ' " • • ' ' .. " ' ' • ' ' ,. '" 11 • Y FO< 1• I( I "' •nll(•S nt ~~'" r • " • ,. " • ' • ' " ' I( " r n ' . -,, , ' " " . . ' ' Kc•e 1 n K•Y C ,., ,. " • • " • • • " • • ' ' " ' " ,. " ' ' " ' ' ' ' • ' " '" ' '" • " ' • • " • !J G ~ Im I" le ' ' I ' ' " I " ~ ~ I ' ' . ; . " .. 11111 c~ ··'-'-'-'-'----~------- F ecir Blocking Nitclectr Poiver Pll111ts?\ r ,1 ! \1 Jo::.1 11 I I 11111 I i.;1 'i t i lhr I n1trd St \Jr~ 11 h11h <:11n1rr r rnlr1 ~ a r111 11lr1 I Ir f 1r1 1' p1od 1t(r\ th 11 'on r nil\ hli11.k \1ttlHlll 1111 1s :Jhrnh r'ipt r 11nt1d ~•1 111g 111 11l l l1~11ill11,,l111t 1 n!l l lir!i~tlirrtd(rl! ' p1111 ~ r hi 011 n 0111 111 su111c .i pprox 1111! I} '-200 oon 1 r I ~I pr lt1 I ~ I r1 Ill !ll\ll dil 11 I 11 ill '! I~ 111 II! r l lllCS LUllld he nulr t1 lll'P! !\ \ litl l l"I" 'r t1 I ( h1i.:h~ ! ' " '" " . " ' •• °" " I Hn<M._~ Jann ~ l(o•• ~nA C ' BI ( ' fl1 {! I A~ ( j< «I , ' ' " , , , 1 l'nl ' .. ·1· . ' ~ ~ Io;" I 1 • " ~ ' i l ~· , in111ll11 <: 11u1n q11111g 1)1r r\rtlri~ d pu1•tl llr r )!1111111\ 11< 111and ~ '1crunhn., l J (fll}µled I cnttli cl i1111s 1111ls h,..h 1nll1gc l11r tl1c ntult 1r 1fforts to 1\t\Clop <:uch ;in r f 1nµ1ne 1r 11rll t ~ 111 his 11t11l1 hrr111od11111111 1 ll!11n11 7v l111n \\ 1lt r fC<ll IOJ'i Be r IU"l h ', p1 I 1 11 l l 1 I pl 1t I! I I I I' 111 ~;~' • ' 0 ,, "' ,, ' ' nut:i{'<JJ 1,:ni:;11 ftr \\1t h po\1 er nt rrl~ <lnuhl ll\i r 1rr1 <:r1en \li'lf~ and 1•1 lh I l'I llrf'cdrr n 1rtn1-. off( r111,.: ti r most prnn11sC' of prml11r1n ~ th1..-IJ(\11t 1 A nrr l l'IS 'hnuld <1llrn1p! tu 'cp~r He har lron1 [1t L !IHltrrnru: th ~lfl'1 1 of 3lom1 c po11l 1 sl 111 111~ ar t ord1ng to [)1 Henn I rn1 rh t•f Ille tlr p01rtn1111t of 1h1 111 1c 1I ;:inrl nu( I car r ng1 nrr 11111; JI CL S'1nta Barb<i r;i I LCSB I 111 <ill 1rt11lt swn lu 1ppc<.1r In the I n 11{ h public 1\1011 'Encrgie \u1 lta1rc he nol f'S th il construct riHl 1s ph1nncd to start on tnrf'C pH•10l\pe l:ist brceOer re:ir1ors 1n the L:n1trd Sla 1c~ btlll l•n !!!ii ;'Ind il!i'i 111th prodL1 ( l1n11 uf clccl r1c 1! po11cr to lollow by six or seven \C<1t s GOLF PLAYING. •egul ~, "'""' b• 1h P I r•~• Co~•• Cou~! v Club for 10!• bv p ••to P• tv below rn~ ~el p ce Membe l•A• "9 •1•• C.11 !211 1 SIS 7!>5 7 b elwe•" ' A M & S PM w1 •k doy• l1t 1e11l :ind l {Onotn ic 1I powrr 1hc DC\1lopn1rnt 11l I 1 t source if public op1111 :Jn ~hould l~n ( Irr ! ~•llll.J!" J l I II t.: hlnck 1:on~trucl1i11 1 f !<t s! LS A brrcdcr rrilctor" brcausr of Dr J rnet h sp rnt J p,[ '1 11n fc tr based u p 0 11 Jlllsln n1rr pr1pu 111g 111' ~l\1/h Ir u formation 11,r.: 11 r h1 ~1ftrv of 1hc de1cl! p Dr Fcnrt h l 1nph;is1zcs th<it 111c1 t of the ta~t bn c !rr 1r1c ti c signs lor nu ckJr pO\\lr 1or :ind sprcul 11 ng (111 J\' r l<ints ;ire subicct to cxtr;i futur c 1 olc H rctcnll} toure1I st1 1ngcn! 1cgulat111n ;:ind th1L \\cstcrn Etiropc <:ltid) 1ng lhrsc pl:ints pro1idc tlR 1r nuclear po11r1 lal1l 1\1cs ltHl l lnplOJlS 1 n d surroundi ng rcseartli ccntr1 s 11011ng Ill 11 1 ne1ghborho1d \Vi\h ri s s:i/e u1 11u1nbrr or counlrifs 111 b(}1 h l'.'1111ronmcnl as do con l 1slcrn .111d \\cSt(rn l un)pl' \Cll\tonal pQ11er plant:-. r11cnrl to g11l Ancru~ 1 stll f ln fa c1 he said 11 t ornprt1t11c 1 ice 1 I h c du ~lr1n1 pl ;ints 11h t h h111 1 1lc1clo1111~n1 ;1.nd sale or t l~l lo11gradc l'Oal as tue! suhJrlt ll1 ccdcr rt ht JI - ii e pubhc to a lngher lc1 rl or \\hit 1s :i f;i ~t brrcdc1 r( H.: rn d1oac\11 1ty than do nu t le:.ir 101 po11 er plants 11r J-rnr< h ;i <'nnsul1 1111 11 He further saur lh 1! f;.11111!11 s ( ul f (tin 1 ii Al 11 n1c 111 S 111 ]11 ing in houses 1nadc of lll J) lgO cxpl unrd th it lhc t 1-.1 111n 1vpe s of bril ks also 11c biird1r 11 tl1UI' 1111l1kr lie s11h1rcted lo 111u1r r1th lil• 1~ 1\L I 11l nrs 11011 Jn ll~t do t111ty th 111 nuclc01r pln nl 11ot 11sr i 1notrrllnr 111 1lC'r! t111ployes to rc<lllll' !lt 11troo ent rg1 Safety 1s dtrct1ly rf'lall'li lo l lul o111u111f1e! 1s user! 10 p11 the problems of econon11 cs duce a :;elf sus1.11111ng chain since if nuclear JXl11cr stations reaction coulrl be builL 111th111 the con 1 bc resull~ rnorc pl11\011 1111 FOURTH ANNUAL MISSIONARY CONFERENCE ... N19htlr Cor T et 7 15 -l e• Woh11 Zurfluh ( ( M -Ne "'"''"9 T11e.day -Mr Wotl•r Do"oe1s 5 I M WH"e•dor -Rt• G•or91 ronttws I II: I f THEME M111et M11h1 Spe11ke1 with th• f11llow111t prt pro9rom Thurldor Frldoy 511!11rdoy -Mr lro11do Yi qu,.erdo M M -M1 lull 5ch1ttfftr 0 C I -M111t1l11"d Ml,,,ot10t'f' M•• Up Nl9ht 16 JO P M..l l rat1lol•Ot1 111 Ach ot1 ' ' , \t r ~~ 1 I 11hll 1-. (1lt1 ~un1rd g, ', f' Ollgh (':'\\('~, !iU ] I' 11 ldf' r~rn ,' o" ~ ~1 11) iblc lo ktt Jl 1111 11 th "" ~ ' ' . '" 0"\ In\ 1r;i<;I' 1n pi l\rr drni~ i I ~"<if'~ I he lui:;hrr t11t1 1n 1th n 11111t ~~~ 1 "l1r1cn(y 1111'111" thl\ I ,..,r" .~e 111 1t ts 11 <1~\ctl llit rthv rrd ll l" v0 !tu•G~ 111 ... thr 1l11gcrtf irh rrselv lf l•~ 1 n ]I' I 1r: 1hr 1 i "lng1 nf r11rt s 1r •~ • 1~ .. •o < :i11 11s1d1n1hr1(H i111gp1 ot • 111 css Dr I cncch s l!(f r 00~ C' " ~c111i11ar ~l.1t c d <n r n! EXCLUSIVE BUSINESS r ~ r od ' ' . •or 'I n, " '" ' I •Q < o . " " , ' 00 I 1 \" . ' ~ ?' o >I <;O .. ' . "'" . 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' . 11' lf l6. 1" •0 •I 11 •I lt •• u • J 11. 7l n ?O 11 11 > JI 11 77 11' 11unn. • Market Prices Up In Heavy Trudi1ig· NE \V l OfiK (UPI) -!lopes for a \ 1cln<in1 set tl en1c11 t and for an casing 111 rcco1d hi~h 111 Crl'~L rates sent stock prices h1ghe1 Thul sday In soinc of the heaviest trading of the y ca1 Sl1ortl) before the r!o<.l the l Jl l 111n1kcl\11 dr 1nd1cator sho\1cd i gc1111 ot 0 l!4 pctlc111 • 11 I ~U J iss ues c 1 os:,1ng 947 to 4li lhl! \<JpC \di .11H I'" ltli dL < lllll!\ The Do11 Jones a1cragc of 10 blul <hip 1.ria!s gained 9 43 to 8:19 49 nc1.1 1 the (i<1'L Volun1c approached the l'l-n1illlon ~h.111: 1n irk \lei! ahead of \\l('f1 11esda1 :. p 1t( 11 Jll1>1 :-.l1i.;h t11 bclo\v 1 uesd iy " h c n 19 9::i0 000 :-.h.u c ... ch 111ged hands lhe hca\1C st of the }Cai An1ong lhC' n1o~t cic:t1vc 1ss11cs \II re 1 tuns Int a restaurant franch ising 01 g;.in1zt1t1un \\ b1ch 1nud c it s debut on the big board \\ 1:dnc sd,1} ( oodyc ll and Dennison f\l anufactur1ng \ spnl es 1na11 fo1 Dennison said he kne11 ol no ~pcc1a! 1 c:lslJn for lhr stock s ac\J\Jt } Some of the b11 gh!C'sl pC'r1011nlt "-011 tile I!~ I 3Cll ~ha ip v.ere Co1n1n,.: < l 1!:is \\01 ks c1nd Pnl:"t101d I picked up se \ eral points after 1Juck111g dO\\n\11ard t1end u1 1eccnt SCSSlO! :-. Sever<1J clcct10111c s ,1Jso 11c1c .1n1 011 n 1hc poi nt si zed gaine1 s Avon product:. n1ovcd <ihcad sn1 u tlv .Jllt:r 1c porting a 11se 1n th rd qua1tc1 net Xl'tnx \Ids CJ ! other winnc1 /11 stall ~t1on of ~ci ox 1.:op1c1 s \\JS said to be running at a 'c1 y good 1 lie f\.Iotors \\Cic po1n t1n):! higher nlthough ~t hf'd uled tvcckl) uito p1oducl1on \\J ~ do1111 £10111 the }ear ago pct 1od Chen11cals sho\1 eel lines <\1rcrafts 1a1Js 111 f ractions rn.1rkccl s!ienglh 1~ dill nu ,1nd slcels gcnc1 1llv 11 .1ded Prices ad\ Jnccd nn the. o\n1c11c in Slol'k I x change 111 brisk turno' er r~fl'>' P1l0f Stoel(! Exchanae " List ... '" • •• " ,, fl 1 ..... o t1~ I I~ •t I d r " d ~ • l Q ~~ j) PP~n(p "1 1 t<"M• ~ '~· " . It •CV<\t USM o I~ !~:~· lllM L•• CloM (::I 11 I!. 11'• 11~ I DOW JONES AVERAGES 'J ~~ ' ~r' n"" ~ \ , N<"" Vo k(A,11' n• [),o., Jorw ••e ••• I G• •I• &J , u ~fOCl(S IJt ... 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An e)(cit . ing col lection of colors and patterns. reg. 10000 79.00 moy co men'.:; !:.U ils 21 our MacPhergus shoes in a classic moc-toe /\ mu<.t fr.r 11'e lradilionali$tS wardrobe. Closs 1L · tyl1nr.i .n ~upple leather uppers. Very flexible leot hcr ~ole. Brown or b!ack. reg. 24.00 19. 99 moy co f'l"len's ~hoes 60 our MacPhergus label boys' hopsack slacks Pe rmanenlly pt'c'.~ed polyester and rayori. Com~~ with o c.o!o r·coordino ted belt. l rim lapeced Id. Culflee1. 8 12 and 25 -30. ceg. 8.00-10.00 6.79-8.4 9 may co boy:,' v1ear 14 our MacPhergus label cotton velour shirts Velour ha =. made o bil] c.o mcbacl in color· ful stripes for you r lc 1 ~ure plea ::.ure. Choose fr om a ho st of hues. Washable. S-XL. reg. 12.00 7.99 moy co mens <;po~l::;wear 84 J 2 DAIL V PI LOT ST ARTS SATURDAY SHOP 10 A.M. TO 9:30 P.M. LOWEST PRICES OF THE SEASON Maybrooke sport coats for business or pleasure Hand!>omc \vorf'\ lo lhe o ffice or out after· hour~. Single breci~ted. Wool. 2 or J button . Reg. 18.00 wool dee;, slach 14.99 . reg. 50.00 coal 3 9. 00 may co men's :;po' tsv1e::"J r 45 boys' knit ski pa1amas or pure, warm cotton Hi•, favorite • ty\e for v1 nrrn .,lecping c.om· lort. Br ight rolors of yellow, red, blue or gceen. Completely wa sha ble. 8-20. S. XL. ceg. 4.00 3 .3 9 may co boy ~· fl!rnishi ngs 23 men's permanent press Ivy casual wear slacks A qood value from one of the best known maker s of jeanr. and pants. ln a wide choic.a of solid~. checks or plaids. Size 5 30-42. reg. 10.00-12.00 5.99 may c.o men's sportswear I 33 I ·~. I men's short sleeve shirts • in the new bold colors Greot new color<. like ra:.pborry, blue. qo!d or green. Have new wider ~,,)read collar. No-iron polyester and co tt on I 41/2-1 7. reg . 4.50 3.39 moy co men 's furnishings b 3/ 10.00 may co south' coast plaza, son d iego fwy al bristol, costa mesa ; 546 -'1221' •hop monday through ••lurday I 0 a .m. to 9:30 p.m. MAVCO .. = = DE new! f\1y I that hnck 1;i1 re Th ~lor1 leav· \vhal rain 1ton'I tna\I ··110o b('l !i Th r --------------·-----------------· --------------·----------·------------- \ 6men JEAN COX, 494-9466 ••ld•r, O<:lobtr 11, 1'•• ' P•tt IJ Causes Counted Trees. tourists and ti1nl ng constitute some of the major endeavors of :rv1ennaid s, \Vomen's Division of Laguna Beach Cham• ber of Con1merce. Currently the 4-y ear-old group is busy recruiting nc\v 111cmbers \Vho \Viii help \vork on projects geared IO\Vards inaklng Laguna's environment attracUve to re sidents and en- ticing to tourists. Constant contact \Vi lh the city's beauti- fi cation co1n1nittcc and initiating indepen· dent projects such as decorating trash cans comprise a portion of the becnitifica tion pro- gram \Vhich ~lrs. Robert Peacock, named yesterday as \Voman-of-the-year by Laguna Beach Business and Professional \Vo1nen 's Club, has chaired since it s inception. l\1ermaids have ~tarted a project in \Vhich a sapli n.~ tree is prcscn·ted to every baby born in Lagu na. f\lrs. Ray L. Fries?. represents the grou p in ;irrnngcn1e11ts for the gifts. In addition. persons respon si ble for con\'ert.lng neglec ted areas into a beauty s pot are honored \Vilh an a\r ard a l a monthl.Y luncheon 1neeting. l\lrs. l~nbert Souter, chairman, is a ssisted in seeking out these remodel ing or rcl;1ndscaping innovations by J\Irs. Kellie t-'Jetchcr. AWARDS LUNCHEON l\·lrs. Charles c;aulhey and lier cotnmit· tee are in charge of the tinnua l a\vards luncheon. a culmina 1ion of beautification ac- t ivities for the year. J 'roperties al tered in a n1ajor inanncr by ;~;-i ;iddilion of a n out- ::;ta nding ne\v buildin~ or landscaped area nr lJy renovaling an exi sting :;;i te are subrnitted in February for judging. \Vinners take bo\1s at the celebrated :-pring luncheon .. fvlr s. !\1argarct Go!!sc hl ich is senior rep· r esentativc to teen-agr. coeds in fl1in i-l\1er- maids \vho share the sumc goals as the par· ent organlzation. Providing an infor111a11011 booth in the J,..estiva\ of Arts. \1·orking on \Vinler Festivnl :ic1ivities. decorating a \hris1rn as house for Santa Claus etnd coopera1in g \\'llh Friends o[ the J_,Jbra ry in presenling a Book f air arc other projects. l\1errnaids al:-n ~ponsor ... community cn!endar of speci<il e\·cn1., and cl ub meetings in the area \\'hich is ed ited n1onthly by J\\rs. 1 la l S. l\1yers. RED CARPET Under 1he leadership of l\Jrs. l\'lcClellan Cole and her friend1y co1nn1ittee n1e nibcr:;, a red carpet !'requcn11y is rolled ou t by Ivl er- maids for a puhlic fun ction. servicen1en re· tun1ing fso1n V1clnan1 to 1·:1 Toro Marine Corps Air St::ition, v1s1lor:-a rrivin g at the airport or a ne \v n1en1hcr to the business community. Accordin ~ to !Vlrs. Thrimas .Johnsto11 , p resident, about one-third of the tnorc than 100 women !n the group arc hou SC \vives and nonprofe.~sional a s \Veil a:-; career \\'Om en are \velcome. .r l\l rs. Peter Fulmer and Mrs. Peg Allen are co-chairmen of the. current member1;!1ip drive. All ,~·omen in the commun ity may oh- 1.ain further inforination by calling the c han1.- 11er office, 494-1018 or contacting any Mer· maid member. COVERING LAGUNA -Mermaids can be found every\vhere \vorking to maintain the nat- ural beauty of the city and aiding its progress. Mrs. Robert Peacock holds a young evergreen pear tree to give to a new baby; Mrs. Thomas Mothers DEAR ANN LANDERS: S n m e newspapers don't care what they prin t. r.ty teenagers just waved under my :iose en article fron1 the Sunday supplcjllent that put my c-ampaign for orderliness back 30 years. I read JI, twice to make 1>ure I wasn't seeing things. The article said it is OK f(lr kid.~ to he ir;loppy -it's nart of growing up. If Mary leaves hC'r clothes on lh e floor -so \vhal? If Jim1ny leaves his bike nut in the rain -forget It, I L just proves !hill they 1lon't l'l\Ulch much import1111re. Lo 1nnterh1I lhitlgs. The pircc <.:ontinucd, "Hooray for the new value system! It's br1ter than QUrs wai;!" The article states ~cificall.Y that of Sloppy Children mothers aren't supposed to nag kids about making beds or pulling lheir clothes where they belong. "Be blind," the article sai d. "Don 't nag about trifles. The freedom to be sloppy is a teenage righ t." Ann, you are our final hone. If you 11grce with this article I'm going to slit my throat. PUT 111E~f TOGETtlER TH EY SPELL MOTHER DEAR MOTHER: One of the li\'ellest frt'edoms of t1U ls lbe frtedom to disagree. Aod l do -wbolehe1rttdly, That article will uodoubtt:dJy be benld· ed by exhausted mothers a1 an eircvse to give up the fight But I Implore you to han1 In there, Mom. It lake11 work and pen:e.verance to 1t:1cll chlldrt:D to be orderl y. TOOay's sloppy kid 11 tomorrow's ............ ~-· .. ~·"'"· _, -., .Johnston beckons loudly to all women to join the group; l\1rs. Cha rles Gauthey holds a little mermaid designed to rem ind m erchants and residents to keep Laguna beautiful; Mrs. Robert Souter seeks a pretty picture for a Beauty Spot a\vard and Mrs. McClellan Cole is ready to roll out the red carpet. Posing in thei r uniforms, these important individuals are the ~1mes . (standing, left to r ight) Peacock, J ohnston a nd Gauthey and (foreground, left to right) Souter and Cole. Around noodnlk bu1band or lou1y bouteket:per. "New value 1y1~m"' my Aunt Minnie. Sloppy mean1 laiy and there 11 nothing of value ln tbal. DEAR ANN LANDERS: La!t night my husband a'n d I visited a couple who live up the street. When we ca me home he sa id, ''Please don't as k me to go over there again ." I knew why. The woman finished her husba nd 's sentences, cor- rected his grammar, Interru pted him with -"No, dear, it ..yisn't like that at all . It was thls way." She belittled him and put him down every lime he opened his mouth. These people are ~ially prominent an d lhc man is well thought of, but his I the World, Unite wife makes such a nothing of him , it !~ embarrassing to be in their company. Please print I.his letter and lhe name of the city. I don't have the nerve to.tell the woman why we will not go to her place agaln or invite her to ours. Thank you. -HAD IT DEAR llAD: flere's your letter but I'm not printing lhe city. Every town In th e U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico and Mexico has wives wbn fit ynut fle~cripClnn, I.el the battle-ue1 ask themselves, "Could this be me"r' CONFIDENTIAl, T 0 CLUTCHF:D : What you rea lly want iii someone to tell you not to marry the man, 50 I'll be the one. His track record is a poor one. And yours isn't anything to write home abou t either. F'urthennore there are too many obstacles and neither of you has a history for tenaci ty or endurance. What can you bu ild with this man -besides an ulcer? And you've gol that already. Alcohol Is no shorlcul lo 1ocla1 1ue. cess. If )IOU lbink you have to drink to be- accepted hy your frie nds, get the facll. Read "Booze and You -For Teenager• Only,'' by Ann Landen . Se11d 35 cents In coin :'Ind a long. sell-addressed, stamped envelope. Ann Lande rs will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them lo her in Cll re of the DAILY PJLOT. encloslng 1 self-addresse<I, stamped envelope. J .f OAIL Y PILO T r • • Terry Peterson Claims Bride t ' •• ~ ... f-o1aking their horne in I-Ju n. tingtoo Beach rolln ... ·ing a dou· hie ring ceremony in La f-o1lrada f.t ethodisl Church a re Pamela Uluise Jenkins <ind Terry Joel Peterson, both of llunlington Beach. The daughter or r.1r. and Mrs. Herbert C. J enkins of La r.1irada and the son of t.t clvin Peterson of Long Beach wl'rc joi ned by the Rev. Jt Hylton Sanders. F'or the morning nupti::ils the bride selected an organza over taffeta goY.'n \l'il.h a lace bodice. A pearl-luu!d bo1v caught her tiered veiling . f.t iss Susan Carol Jenkins. the bride's sister, was maid of honor in a floor length m int green e mpire style. gown. She carried a bouquet of daisies and asters, Dressed identically were the t.lisscs De bbie Peterson, the ~nedict's sister and Vikki Jenkins, the bride's sister-in· law. Bob Dotson stood as best 1nan v•hlle r-.·Tikc Clary and John Van Oeffelcn ushered gues!s to their seat:<>. The home of the bride's parents was the reteption set· t1nl{ \Vhere t.1rs. r-.lildred t\ell('y of Philadelphia, the bride's grandmoth er, asslsted, Following, the nrwlyy.·eds selec!ed San Francisco and poinlS north for their honey. moon . The former Miss J enkins is a graduate of Ce:rritos Junior College and her husband at- tended Long Beach C i l y College. • " -f "'~ -; ""''.1' ,; • ' "~~~ ..... ~ • < ' J • i '. J Enlightenment Volunteered MRS. BARRY MONLON Former Sandra Lap1'1ansky ' . MRS. TERRY JOEL PETERSON Double Ring Nupti•I• Several distinguished women in the vol- unteer field will address representatives of 16 volunteer bureaus during the SouUlern California Council conference next Tuesday. The Volunteer Bureau of Southern Or- ange County will host the confab in the Girls Club, Costa :r.1esa. \Vorkshops \viU begin at 9 a.m. D iscussing her r ecent trip to Russia \Viii be :r.1r s. Alexander Ripley. p resident of the Association of Volunteer Bureaus of Ameri- ca. The former Times \Voman.af·the-year \vas a member o f the Delegation of Ameri- can \Vomen for International Understanding touring on a fact·finding trip \vith the coop- eration of the U. S. State Department. Betrothal Revealed The engagement or \Valdyn· ne Kauionalani t.!ookini to \\'ayne Richard Jones or Newport Beach has been an· nounced by the bride-e!ecfs parents. fl·lr. and r-.trs. \'falter K. r-.1ookini of Honolu lu . 'J11c future bride is a graduate or the Kamehameha School for Girls and now is a n1ember of Nalani Kele's Polynesian Revue. Olher protninen'l women speaking \vill be Miss Evelyn Davis, organizer and first di- rector of the Los Angeles Volunteer Bureau and past Times \Voman-of.the-year, and Mrs. ltobert Bogen, lecturer in parent education and family life. Her fiance, son of t.tr. and t.Trs. Richard Jones of Newporl Beach, is a 11ludent al California State College at Long Beach. WALOYNNE MOOKINI Attending the confab \\'ill be members from a rea supporting agencies: Newport l~each United r~und, Costa Mesa United Fund, Santa Ana.Tustin Community Chest and Ne\lo'}>Ort 11arbor Service League. 1\'o date has been set for the \Veddlng. To Marry A "ctinic" approach has been planned in order t o exchange the best ideas fo r devel- oping successful p rograms for r ecruiting and retaining volunteers. Only the Brave f Need Say' Yes' By GAY PAULEY may get some of the credit for MRS. DAVID M. WALDEN B•lmont Hei51Mt1 Home NE\V YORK (UPI)_ Even-any successes. tua!ly it happens to anyone . One 1.hing I learned r ight off TAMARA SLEMMER who Is a member of an -everyone knOYIS haw to run Engaged Honeymoon in Mexico Selected by Waldens organization, whether t h e the organization and hesilate s ------'---'------- St. Wilfred's Episcopal C'hurch Ylas the setting for the double ring ceremony linking r-.lora Jill McColiste r of Hun- llnJ;!on Beach and David ~l .1thcal Walden of Belmont lleights. Thr Rev . .James C. Caley 1l1rrr1ed the \'01v exchange for thr dauRhlcr of Mr. arid J\trs. J ohn C. t.1cColister or Parker. Arn. and lhc son of Mr. and f\1rs. Donald M. \Vaiden of Founlain Valley. Given in marriage by her Overdue, But Cred it Given ll un 1 i ngt n n Ccn l<'r ?llcrchanlS' A~soclation has nol been gi\·en credit v.·hen credit 1s dur. The :is:.or1alinn i s un. del"\l'ritin~ h:1lf of I h c purcha~ price or a 1969 aulomobilc v•h1rh j1; lhe con· tc!'-l prize for the \\'hilc Tag bf.'nc f1t sale. sponsorrd by th e Amcr'1can F1{•ld Service in. Huntingt11n Valley. Also being donated by the association arc five classical guJta rs. PTA, the garden club, the not at all to offer advice in church guild, the business and person, by lelter or telephone. professional women's club. Anolhtt fact came early. No You're called on to serve as matter how carefully your president. ~on1mittees are chosen, there The members start y.•ith Is no way around some d()-i!· father, the bride wort a wh ile: nattery about your natural your~eli administration. E\'ery orianza and lace g o wn, qualities as a leader. <ind hQ\v president must be a d ictator fashioned \\'i\h a rounded lhe organizauon reallv ne<'ds too, but try to be benc1·olenl neckline, Jong sleeves and a some new bloo::l. new ihinking <ibout it. flowing train. A seed pearl at the lop. You lap up th e. flal· If you're about to take of. c rown caught her illusion veil· lery and first thing you know, fice, don't Jet me scare ~·ou . you've accepted the call. off. Somebody has tn do 1t. Ing. y Wearing red brocade gowns ou're now madan1c pre~l· You'll find it S\vells the ego, and carrying nosegays or red dent your name looks nice on let· and v.·hite carnations \l"i!h Then, born 1.o lead or no, ''Oll terheads, and there i ~ sonic whit e chrysanthemums and soon leam how -t.hc h 0 anl rrw.ard inwardly in tell ing (er. baby's breath were Mrs. J on Y.'ay. I know. I'm in the throes asking) people what's ex· J . McColister, the bride"s or helmsmanship of the peeled of them. sister-in-law and matron of Newspaper \Vomen's Club o[ It'll be more work than you honor ; Miss Marilyn Hethcr-New York. bargained for. So clear ""ith ington, maid of h9;nor, and We 're more than 2 0 0 your husband before accepting M i s s Kar J a ~ i 11 er, members, that means more high office. brldeismaid. than 200 personalities, and You 'll find your h om e f.fcColisler was the best more than 200 vlevq)oints on telephone bill soars. the house man, y.·hile ushers v.·ere James \\'hat. lo do anrf hnw In dn ii. lakes on a neglN'led "mam- D. Walden, the bridegroom's I suspect this holds true in ma's president this year·· look brother and P hil Standish. any orga n i za t i o n . But and you'll be mutterin g Assisting al the reception remember, you 're madame "decisions, decisions'' in your a{t.erward in Lake Park president and all the failures sleep. Clubhouse. were the f-ofmes. during the year will be yours But somebody up there must .I u lien Lecri vain, Bi II Miller' l--::d=i'='='="=Y ·=lf=y=ou=·="='="'=k='y=', ='y=o="=="=k•:::::P="=~=· d='"="=·====:;::, I I.'"· Parker and Ed Barnett. r Following a honeymoon tr ip ROUND TRIP lo "'""'City lhe bridal COU·I pie will reside in Belmonll lleight~. ·n,, brid• is a graduate or ANYWHERE IN F ountain Valley High School and a modeling school. Her husband, a\!o a graduate of 1''VHS, attended El Camino College. CALIFORNIA AWARD WINNING SHOE Sl!RVICE ~~ 85( COMPLETE SHOE 0 LUGGAGE e HANO BAG REPAIR ALL WOllK GUAllANT!ED TO YOUR SATISFACTION --s CONVENIENT SHOPS .l .. I •• (O,f,IT llWT. •nm JR\llNf AV{. ,, .... ltl Mor,,,,......_ W .. 1<1•!1 PIU• e M11 Vt" LIDO N•w-r '"'"" ..._e.,u frft..,.rl lt<Otll. .,,_..,. •AOIHOON'I .,. ,AIHIOH UL.AND '" 1M lilt., ,....,.,, ... ,11. .... ,.,. "'''""" '"'" For calls after 6 p.m. wee.kd.'lys and all weekend. 3 minutes station·lo·station, plus tax. @ -- Sorrento Beckons Clubwomen /I N1ghl in ::;.nrrcn lo \li ll \\ £'1comc nrw 1ncmbcrs or !he Lalo Isle \\'otnfn's Club Fri· day, Oct 2-1. in thr clubhousc. Tl1c 1•vr11111g. beginning at r .. 30 p.11)., will feature a bllffet chnnrr and dancing to the m11sic or Cameron Quinn. Accepting reservations are 1'1rs. Armen Sivaslicn. 673· 918~. and i\lrs. Paul Wallace, 67!l-:1984. D <1-cvcl• "'"'lilify i11. t lu.l ot . R'"'• I O•y" cvcl• lo h•1h•11-u11 tlo•1d cl ·1h•1. lt•du<t• 1pollin9 .,f 9 1,111• •n.l 11!~•• wi!lo 5 poh --"w•v Rini• C1>n- CM Couple Plan Winter Ceremony 1\lr. and 1\1rs. Frank Slrm· n1er of Costa fl.1esa ha\'C an· nounced the engagement o( their daughter, Tamara Sue Slemmer lo Gregory \\'aync }!alley. l\1i.:ss Slemmer is a gradua te of Estancia •ligh School and 1s enrolled at the California Pro- fessional School for Dental Assistants, Costa Mesa, The bridegroom-elect i~ the son of Mrs. J oseph Coffry of Costa Mesa. He is an alumnus of Orangev.·ood Academy in Anaheim and attended Orange Coast College where he ~lud· ied business .administration. Currently he Is servi ng \1•i1 h the L'.S. Anny at Aberdeen Proving Ground, r-.laryland . The i.:oup!e are planning a m1d\\'inter \\'Cddi ng. HB Au xiliary Tu·ice a month 1hc I.aria·~· Auxilia ry lo l!lln!ini;iton Bea('h Vetera ns of Foreign \Vnr~. Po.~t 7368 meets at 8 p.1n. The. first Friday 11[ each month !hey gather jn Odd Frlln11·s Hall for a business meeting and the lhird Friday they socialize in Yarious locations. Further information may be secured by calling Mrs. LeRoy Hermann at 536-3580. 11:1\an•• Oi1p•n1•r. 0 Te llo vo u ·~ch al•9• ef cwcl•\ Fle•iblt <1>nl1ol d••l h•• 11qu•11ct i11cli· c 1ttn9 f••lur•. 0 on .. , ~ ..... 1. pric•d f•o >n $1.Sft .8!. HB Newlyweds Return Home Sandra Lapshansky beeamc the bride of Barry J\lonlon during afternoon cerrmon1.('s in St. Hedwig 's C a t h o I 1 c (;hurch. Parents of !he bridal couple an~ f.fr. and r-.1rs. Steve Lapshansky of Escondido and Mr. and Mrs. David Moolon of Jlunlinglon Beach. Given in n1arriage by her father. the new r-.frs. Monlon chose an organza over taffeta peau d' ange lace gown with appliques adorning the \\'lll· tea u train. lier three-tie.red nylon veiling was caught 1o a cruwn of late and pearls and she carried a cascading OOu· quet of l\'hite roses anti .stephanotis. Durlni,: lhc double ring ex· change l\1rs. James Haden al· !ended as matron of hono r. She y.•ore a lemon ehifron O\'er taffeta A·line gown \'lilh ruf· flcs on the collar and hemllne. She carried yellow anti white daisy pompons. Dr essed identically \\'here t.lrs. Julius Kanasi, illiss Susan Strobridge, 1\1 t s s Elizabeth Guccione and Mrs. Lowell N('wsomc. bridesmaids- r-.liss Lori Jv1on lon, sister o[ ll1e bridegroonl \\'<lS flov.'f:r girl and !)avid Tomaso. his t'OU.'>tn, \1 as nr ig bearer. Sleph{'ll Phill1ps \\'iS be~l 1nan. Vsh.ers "'ere Peter ltadich. !laden, Kanasi and Carl Sallr. Huntington Har bou r Beach Club """' the ~et11ng for a cha mpagne and buffet rec('p· tion. An1ong the 250 i;ue~t., 1,;ungralulaling the couple \VCre 1Jvn1fnitk T ,o 1n a s o, the benedirt"s gr<Jndfather rron1 \\'atson1•il lc ; r-.lr. and 1\1r .... Donald TomaSfl. 111~ uncle a111 I aunt fron1 \\'at sonvdlr , anti t.lr.s. Clarence Freitas lroi n !:ian Juan Bautista, his a11111. 1\1 1ss Donna Tho n1 11 .'> u 11 ci rculated the gur st book a n1I i\1rs. \\'arren Carrigan .at· tended the gifl table. The n l' 1~ J y \\' e 11 s honr_1. rnooned at r-.1 ission Bay beforP. 1n<iking H1c'1r hoine 111 Hun· 11ngton Beach. The bridf' 1~ an alumna n( Cahfornia Stale College al Long Beach and her hushan~I ts a11 al un1nus of Orange Coa!>l College. Prc~enlly he 1.~ a ~cnior al CSCL B and a n1embcr or Sigma Pi Jraterni· ty. Linda Bradford Now \Vcdding vows were ex· changed by Linda Cooper Bradford and Dean Bayless Patton before a garden altar surrounded by white azaleas, spider lilies <1nd topiar y trees. The Rev. J ohn Davis read I he riles at the Balboa home o[ r-.1rs. George L. Bradford for her claughtrr and the son or r-.1rs. Charles Patton of San. la tl1onica. The bride was given in mar. rlagc by her brother, Peter C. tlr<idford of Los Angeles. She selected an embroidered Sll'iss organdy empire style R01\n and \1·orc. a crown of bou\·ardia and baby's breath In her hair. Arranged in hrr b ridal bouquel also \\'ere llouvardia and baby's breath. Allending as matron of hono r v.·as !'llrs, Anthony Hooker of Coronado. She v.·as attired in beige and grey silk and carried an arrangement or yellow roses and b a by ' s bre:ith. Cl!nton C. Campbell Jr. of Corona dcl r-.1ar pe rformed lhe dutirs or best n1t1n. After receiving the ton· i:;ratula tio ns of 80 guests, 1n- eluding Mr . and r-,,1rs. Chester Donnally of Dallas, I h e newlyweds left on a honey· moon trip lo CanneJ and San I . : , ,j l•lh Koch P hO!t MRS. PATTON Garden Rites FrancisC'o. Thry y.·1\l re5ide In Dalboa. The new fll rs. Patton, also t he daughter of the late r-.lr. Bradford, a t I en de d the Bi.shop's School, La Joll a, and Castillcta Srhool for Girls. Sl1e was graduated from l tie r n1\-e1·sily of Cali fornia. Bcrkclry. l'lhere she affiliated \1'1th Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority. and 11'!1s a n1e1nbe r of the Los Angeles Spinsters. If Pr husband, a graduate o( South Pasadena High School, 1~ an :ilumn11~ of the Uni verfii · ly or Sou!hern Califomia \\'here he pledged Beta Theta Pi. Moon Wear 1---===---- Marketed ,.011 k f1e\\" ii \1'ot1ldn ·1 b<' Ion;.: hrfore moon "'·a!ks 1nsp1red thr fashion 11or\d. l)ne eo:-tu1nc j t; 11 r 1 r ~ , 1na1111fat'lL1rrr IS nut \\ 1lh ;1 cf!llrct1 nn thal h.1s 1he c·ur· rcntly /;11ored bully look hu l ;ie!ually is almost \\'eight le~~. Sh a p es are mos I I y geu111ct rics with one o\·ers11cd pen dant a moon in orbi\ <ltslgn. It can be paired v.•1lb a .s<i!('llil c pendan!. One design that don1inales 1'1c bodice fron1 neckline to 11·aist!inc is a series of moons- in gleaming metal. A I so a\'ailable: moon rlngs and bracelets. • -THE t>~lt.it1 BRA .,..,, "'"~V ••• ~ .... """""~wt '"".1. ''~u·• '"'""''-'"&•• cu•.,u L•O "<>l l. ~·o ••O ... OL• •U••OOto ~ ... IJo .. J •11•1' 'O 'Li"'"" •MOULD<•., ..... 01""'~- •u""" .,,..,,. ,... ~"""'"'"'"". Tott,'"1•, r 1•lftT '''""'"• CALL 675-50f7 DAVIS-BROWN 411 E. 17th St. -Costa Mesa 646·1684 FRIGIDAIRE DISHWASHER Custom Deluxe JUST ••• s17aaa l YiAR WARRANTY!-------. I I T"r Wt trt n!y fflr lt~lr "' Any Oflttl, clin ( v ur I'•• lttllDll !'Ion \port\ .... 1,1 fof-Furn•1~1~0 C•cl•••"'•nl '"' My Ortfc!•Yt l'•rl 11'1 m1 Mot,,,, PU'"ll I. W•trr Cltcult!l"ll Sy11-. •• i I -I I ~· · I .• :; ' • ·- 1 l ri r " " l ' c " • n I' " 1 ' h ' ' T I ' ~ I .. . •• f •. I '· I ::: I . . ' .. .. -· ' ,. ~ .. . . ,_ ··-.. ' . . , ' r . . ' :. I -~ I ·:. I ... Dress Prettily to Wait Association to View Decorative Antiquing ~e Flexible 'f l f i l :i . ·. , r-· TOTALLY FEMININE -l'or rin ;iftrrnPOll on the lo\.\•n, !'n1art 111111hrr:-.-111-hf' ~C'lct t ;1 llu1rl 11dl v rrrpf' rlrC!'S 1.hi'll ffll).~ frOlll H !l.l 11Crlll~ rlr;1pe{I ~t:,r( fllll· n1cd \ri!h \\hitc to define its triangle shapin;;:. Hol id ay Workshop Demonstration Due • A drmon~1 r;1t1ri11 011 n1akini; pith1r£' pl!i(lllf'~ II 111 ll 1· present£'d :1l lfl '.\fl :i 111 ;111•1 I JO p.n1. next ;,fundJy 1t1 !lu' Coast Club 'Coasting' To Even ts Tra1·rli nb Fun ;i 11 rl Head;irtics 1\·ill hr the lflJllf" dil'CU!'5Cd hv ~I r \\'i\h11 r Norgarrl l>l'forr 1hr \11;1 •t l\"ornen'5 Ctuh 11f ruron;i II• I ~lar. The ~rriup 11 111111rf'; 1•1 \I• t Yrrtle Coun\r1· ('lnh Tur •l 1• . Orl. 21. fl hu~1nf• , 1111·r·• "'111 be rfltir!111H'd ;1! 11 ;1 111 and Junrr. 11 111 be :,rr1cd ,11 noon. Carri parllr' :irr· pl;:inn"d nri th<' ~ec·nnrl T11··~d;i\' nl 1 11 11 monlh 111 F;1~l111•n I .1:i11i! Island 1ln11~" ,\1r~. Edw;11·!J ~lri<'r \\ill lin~I :i r .1rd n:11 1 ~ 111 her 110111(' Frirla1·. l!r·t .~I, ;1~ a benefit for tlic Brnillf' {';1111p lund. Each year thr C'luh ~rnns"r' t.v10 b!1nri chilrlrrn for 111 11 v.·eek.s at summer canip. Sewing Tip s Offered Wive s ·-A discussion nn th<" la1rst fabrics and a dcmons1r;i1ion on sc"·ing ~hort-cu1s 11·ill l'nm- prise lhc progr;irn fnr fin!drn \Vc.<:t College F;1culty \\'1vrs when they mert in Virginia'." Snip 'n Stit ch shop, Corona dcl flot ar, The meeting 11·ill be callrd lo order a~ 7.30 p.rn . ne>.l : Tuesday. :. Plans also 1vill lie dc!::iil('I\ ·-for I.he ;innual lund·rt11s1ng .~ project. the Sc h n \a rs hi r •. DesserL and Fa~hion fihow 1n ~: be presented Nnv. 15 in the •• college comn111n1!y cen lcr :; Hostt's.~es for !he mcc!ini:: ·.• will be '-Ir.;. J,!oyd Hamilton ·• and t.trs. John North . .. '· Report Due .. .·• FI n d I ng s anrl rccom- •• mendal.ions of the Ke"•port • Tomorrow Committ~ 'viii be ... : re.ported by the cornrni11ee •· chairman, John l\h1cn11b when ;~ he 11ddrc~~Ps the Newrort ·.~ Jlarbor \Voman 's C 1v1 c ::. l.e11guc. ••• All int('rcstcrl c1!it.en~ arc •'"' lnvitr.rl to altcnrl !he ~"~~inn at 10 ti m. next Tuc:.day 111 1i1arincn1 Library. 'T"1n0r+11I r.1rd"n r . nfrr a1 lhr (lr.1 nE;c ('oun t y 1 ·.1t1"groun1I~ \\ .ufahl1· In rhn 1• ;i(1r11d1n;: 11111 hr :11,•fl< '1 nl drn·rl pl;1111 1lldlr1 r;ll, cnnr s. :•t'Pdprnl~. l111f: 1ruitrrii!l fr,r arrang1·n1f'nt ~. 11<1r>d, gl;i~i>, 1•''1\'t·.~. 11irrU < 11:1r 1·111.~i<'rs l11r ,i; 1\· ;i g s , 11rr.11li·; :111rl tnrsJf:f'~. r.hPll'> ;111rl !1r,lid;1_v <lc;:ii;n fonns. S1;ilf11a: tht• p!;1 11t J.·1blr l-lTirl 11·h1 1~ rlrphiln! boo1h 11 111 1, .. lhr l\!111cr.. Vrrd !JLl\;tr . ,Jr11: J.11lr~ and f'hrirlf's !\fl1C'grr. 11 l11lr '.\Ir~_ fL L ! Sm ith 11·11 1 h\ II\ rh:irgr of thr fond har /\ bo11l 1fj11c 1;ihtr, fr·iturin:: fl1•r:il ll(l!r~. c-11Ir 111! a r ~. d••cnr.it11r r1n~ ;ir,1 (•th,...r _cih J1•''11<. 11 111 hn h;•"ldlcd l1v )Ir~ liuh('rl (. /lu'-im· · Week Named For Distr ict Juriior Clubs <1r 111 c,.. ('riitnl ·, Hn111·1[ nf ~11r• l'\!'ur...: h<i; df'•·l 1rrd Jhrl 111·o·f 11f 0 I 1'1 ,,, 01an1\r I 11.,11 I< I .I tJll !l•r IV n 111 c 11 ' ~ ('li11)~. Ju 11111 r Jnroht·tnL 1ol \'.'r,..k. (Jr;1ng(' Di <.I T l<'f alrri.11fy ji; lhe l;ir~c~L 1list1 ILi 1n lh{' ~t:lll' 1111 11 2/1 1·!11l•s ;ind rnotf' than 51)() mcrnbcrs. Int•irmat1.1n on Jn1111 ng a .lun ior «luti 1nay t)(' nh1ri inerl hy rrlnl:1r1 ing-U1r drca Chamber of Commerce offi('l'S . Dt."lftf't t'nflrdindl(>rS ancl ;1ssoci;1tcs t11c 1nv11et1 10 at- 1l'nd a hu1z scs:;1on Friday. Ort 24. al !l 30 a.n1 . 111 the La 1-l ahra \\'urnen"s Cluh. /\n1nng lhc sprci;1l guesls \l'ill he ;l.1rs. llalc ~1n1\•rry, 1!1strict !ir,•l \'ir" president froin Fountain Valley. Music Lovers Invited Out ln\·1tahon.~ arc 0111 hidctinE: music lo\'crs lo an old-fashion· erl llal"\'Cst ~lofln party next Sunday at 2 p.m. Jl osl.~ arc memhrrs nf thr Night 0\11~. Nc\1·porl Beach Jl onl 'n ll ollcr noost. The Barhershop 1-farrn nny Singers, Ne"·port II a r b o r Chapt rr, cl1rccted hy Rollo \\'r~t of Hu ntington Beach will offer a program of nnstalgic songs 1n the Senior Cltiz"ns Rc-credtinn c·rn1rr, Costumes 11il1 he in f;1~h1on On d1s1)lay llil\ be lt:1ndnladr. ;irtll'l('s on thr Chnlitn1us ha~.nar t:ilile. Rf'sC'.r,1alions :ilsn \\ 111 h,.. t;1ken fnr !h<" ;in· 1111<11 holicl<iy d1n11('r pvrty in t)rcr1nhcr. Pregnancy is a glorious time In a woman 's life. Yet, a time v.•heo she fee ls mo6t keenl y the n~cd to look her smartest, trimmest self. Can maternity clothes be pretty and fashi onable, many a 1voman may-ask during the waiting time. Crisp v.·hcat linens, piped y,•ilh stark accents of black soutachc that draw the eye to a prclty neckl ine or bolero bodice, 1night be the choice basics that go-to-luncheons in comfort. Accessory sc;1r\'es arc verv pretty addenda on a group Or d::irk crepe drf'sses that the n1othcr-to-he Vt'ilt \\'Car di11ing out. Sca rves abound among the collection . . . after <1!1 , \1hat hcttt'r 11 ;1y to focus oiltenllon on a glo11·1oi;. proud ra~e. Totally {C'rnin111c voiles that seem to llnill :.ire the after. dark drcssin.£! recornmended by the fashion director of Scars. "IJunng the niost irn· p(lrtant 1l1ne in :.i won1an·s life, ~hr f Pl'ls th e need to look her r;idiant bcsl. '' \\lhclher you arc planni ng a <-·ruise no111 or vacation later, tri111 p;u1l su11s pro111isc to be 1he backbone or a 11·ar111 11 cathf'r 11·ardrnhc. Long lun ic !nps 111 parf;1ll colors are 111\lll'hl·d II ith :.!1m. but CU!ll· fortable p:in ls. Bright as ~un~hinc printings arc trin1- mrd y,·ith handsome: borcl('r rlf'~tgns. 811 irnsui ts, for no w or future tans, .are coordinated \1"lth 1na1ch1ng ('rnpi rc tops. During Lhis \'Cry special tin1r. look your bcsl with flat· lt:rtn g n1atcrnity clothes. Horoscope UNCLUTTERED SIMPLICITY r\ pale linen blend collared a nd cuUed with black braid is a day· litne dress that's sure l.o he versatile and popular 1vit h 1nothers-to-bc. A very fen1i ninc touch is the arlist's bo1v tied beneath th e rounded coll ar. This !'1n1plc but elegant dress \\'Ill f.!O fro111 shopping to lunrh ca"ily. Cancer: Trust Intuition SATURDAY OCTOBER 18 lly S)'DNEY O:'llAR!l AR IES (i\!arch 21-Apri l l!l)-gc I. t.o bottom of mys1ctiL·s. Don"L overspend. Bu l dn i;ct Funds o( others rnay co1ne 11n· (\uali!y prnduc1s. This is not a lier your control. Allenlion conlrarlict ion. Selective shnr-C{'nters on estates. financial ping is order or the rla~·. Con-requirements. tac! n1adr tonight could cvrn· SCOHPIO (0f"t 21·Nf1V 21): l11:11ly benefit income poten-~!lQllighl on public relation.~. tia!. ho1v others react to vour TAURUS /April 20-l\lay 20); s 1 a I cm c n t s, a c l lons. You cornp!l'te impor1ant 1ask. l)iplomacy i~ best course. no Dc t:orat1ve :11t ;ind rlrrou pai:;c ""'ltl rornr:n~r :hr progran1 of th~· Founl~u n Vallt'y Art~ A~~ul·1:1l11 111 111 8 dt•('Of.i!Or, is a graduate or f"11lnr;1dn l 'ni\'Pr~l\11 and the IJl.'cora!11·e Arts JnSUtutc . Ex- i11nple~ of her work now are on display in the library. p.n1 . nfxt ~h1nd<1y in the t'urn-Tht· JIUblic 1s inl'ited to at- 1nuni1v rrn!l'r lt·1ul lhe 1ncx'ting. Ant iriu111g .i11rl appl\'in~ a A~sociat ion n1cn1bcrs again bl,u'k '1:1d 11 111te pt int to " 11·il l f!Xhib11 during th c IJ0;1rd •n tll:it 1t ~1rprar:-. lo f·11ywide h<irbcr11c taking h:i\l' brrn p:1111lfd dircttll" on p\at·c Satur·rlav, Oct. 2;i. 111(' ''""'!will he _<!C.'il'nbrd liy -Cla~~es 111 si1tehrry, painting ,\Tr ~ .lr1>rph C1es1ng. :ind po1trry r1nw arc being ol- 1\J,,, 10 be rt1~cu~.~c1t 11•ill b•· lrrrd l hr1111~h thr assix·ialion, 11H•lho1h u..;cd to antique ;ind :ind theater groups for bnth p:i111t ;ill typ<'S of hoxr~ ;u1d :_1rJ11lt~ :11td chilrl rC'n are r!:111ucs. ;11 ,11!.1hlc 1\ <It! l I 1 on a I in- 1\lrs. r.1l'si11;:::. \1·hn ;il\O h ;i~ lnrn1;111.1n 1na_v be obtaincrl liy cxpcrtt'Ol:C a~ an 1ntl'rillr c;ill1ng :>.tr~. C:icsing. 962-693[>. Provisionals t\r:-.t 'f11.,sd;1y !:-. d1's1gn:Hcd as oricnlat1on d;iy fnr 3:t pn•- v1~io11~ls of Jlarbnr !\l'.I', ('l11ld Guid;1ncc Ctnt~'r ol ur;111gr Ct•unry The tk1.v will begin ;ii Ill ;1.n1. 11·hen Ilic nr>1·con1Prs 111"f' l.:1kcn uf a tn11r ot lii1~ T1Tasut'l'S 'n Tl'inkl'tS ThrifL :;;hop, the cont1nu1n~ w.1\~ .iuiJ mC'ans proierl ul ll<frbcii· l\rv. Aflcrw;ird !hl'y 11·ill tr:il'cl to the lTlll cr \1l1 prc 1hev 11 111 lr;irn thf' l1npr>rlance u·f thtir fund-rnising elforl.~. Gr!'cting them ;it thr shnp will he the t-.hncs J. O"llara Sn1ith, prf'sid<'nt : Antho ny Ol· l!n.c. advisor: JQhn I'. \\'right, U111is F:. l'ratt. t enn Frv La11rencr E l\it!I(·. \"a1; P:irkcr, .John t-.lcl\rrrrn, J!;11"· r~· \'. 1\,-.inp ,ind C;1r l D. l)r:irlstnn Dr. Lron;irrl I. l-£sser, rrn- Oriented t('r director. 1vll\ chscuss the nonprofit Jo1v tnst p~yt:hiatric cl1n1(' fnr crnot1on::11Jy disturb- ed rlHldn~n J.uneh 11 ill he scr1·cd 1n 1he ho111e of J\lrs. Je<in Miller Jr, Makeup Comes In Handy Kit A new folding kil put.~ in one ncaL p:1ckai:;r the basic race lllilkeup most won1rr. need. f!cco1nrnrnded for travel, and tor a nrat looking pu rse, lhe k1l contains lipsticks in ;1~~r1rted sh:idrs. lip brush and g!o:-.srr, two bru~h-nn rouge rofor~. ;1 t1n,v brush, eye :-.h:t·low 1n 111·0 shades. h1·0 r ycl1ners. shad1J1v applicator :1n1 a sn1all 1nagn1 fyi ng mir- ror . OPEN DAILY 10°10; SUN. 10.7 0 < ~ l f f.i .._,,, ' .I j 9408 SIZES 8-16 i ~ 1lf...,;..., 1lf...,1"~ L1!he JinC's ma ke the mo~l flexible fashion 111 eve f y ~ense ! Thry sh npc a dress th<it bends and moves easily. Also can be m:ide in tbe mid- catf length. . Printed Pattern 9-108: NEW flli ssc.~· Sizes 8. lO, !2, 14, 16. Size 12 /bust .14 l requires 1 1.~ yards 60·inch fabric. SIXTY-F IVE CENTS I n coins ror each pallcrn - add J ~ cents for each pattern for fi rst-cl ass mailing and special handling: o!hcrv.·ise thlrd-clas!I delivery will tak e three \\leeks or 1norc. Send to '-larian. f.lart in. the DAILY PILOT, 442 P;1ltern Dept .. 232 West 18th St., New York, NY. JOO!!. Print NA i\1E, AD- URESS '"ith ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NUM BE H. FRl ••. SAT. ONLY OCT. 17-18 TEEN DATING ll!r\"TS: :-po llii;:ht (ln Taurus and this rooh1 arou~f' en1·y. Hnmanlic 1·vrnin;:: i n cl i c a l 1' 1t for ( ':iriri cn ri1 . Ari es m:iy have to pil'k up the check. Scorpio 15 rnncrrncd with a relationship that is in rrisis prriod. Grmini eould he rlras11n tly surprisfrl nn blind 1ht1r. Cnnct'r makes nr w friends <1nrl increases pnpularity ratio~. l\lany today arc aware or sou n d s, r.;periat!y nf s pr a k I n ~ \·niccs.'\"l•ll-morlulatrU to n cs lake pl:iy a\\ay from those "·h11 screech, demand or ca- jole. C_vcle is high. Your cffor1 <; plrnty of li~1cn1n_i::. Be a gtK1d produce appreciation. concrete audience. Leave performing to ~ results. r.ct together \\'Jth others. Arie~ indil"id11;il. !'iAGITTA RI US fNO\' 22· - GEi\1 11\1 li\lay 21-Junr 20!: Dre. 2\l: Stick to hasir 1nueh ocrurs in rornantic ar-i.~:-.ucs. Sonic 1nay try t o ~\('er 1no11phrre. He crea!ive. Gi \.e you off coursP. l\ey is to know full play lo in1agination. ·r otr \\'ha t rnust be ac·t{lmplishcd. can rnakc thi~ a rrn1ark<1blr Then at1 in nianner to clC'ar rlny :ind e\·rnlng . Kry 1~ !11 ;:i11"oi.v r!cbr1s~n1ol1onal and avoid lhr retty. Be generous othcr.,.,·is('. y,·1lh feelings. CA PRI CORN (Der. 2Z·Jan. CANCE R (Junr 21 -July 22): J!IJ · Creative. resources cnmc New Product Hits Market F r i e n rl s , <lt·~!rrs are lo fore. You have ex("r.~s nf highligh!rd. Tnisl intu'ilion. personHl magnc1is1n. People / Learn by te<iching-. tllc:in.~ rrspond 1o you r touch. tl1ean- ~harc k110\1•1edgC'. F:xcPllcnt in-ingful compli rncnts flow your di c:i!inns rnr .~ocial ar1il'lty 11·11y. LEO IJ11ly 23-Aug . 22): AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fch. f flr l•inrh c:irricr~ "'ho "'ant Somr obstacles are really ron-lll J: F'nce practical is~11cs, 1 luit and rold food al the same ~tn1cti1·e {·hallrngc~. Realit.e Don "t attempt 1<> delay 11·hal lnf'al a new produrl lh;it thi~-art ;u·cordlngly. Sprf'ad musL he a c romp I i shed ronihines a w i rl c -1110111 h infhirn,...C'. Expanrl al'tiv1tir~. Io day-lnrludrs cliininating 1 :icunm hultle. for hot !nods, \I JRC.O 1 /\oi;:. 23-Sl'p\. 22 1: sa fety h:i iarcls at horne. ~0·ir~ .ind brirrJf!t>S, V,•uh an /\t'Cf'I!! on brc:ikini:; do1rn brir· PISCES !l~eb. J9·~·1 arch 20)· . nPr ~ nf rrsrrictinn -rn11lrl i\"('11• outlook ma!cri;1l 17CS tluc 11 1n•ul:i1rrl snack Jitr for co!1l lf'·HI 10 tril'""I. b•l!•r ••m· I h r \' G l I I I I , ,L '" orangeosrcnr. 1s1l. e hi :1r ~ an1 r r~~<rt~. r1uniea1 ions S 1 re fl g I hr n nul and bl' scrn. Your 11 11 1s ·1hr l11n ~n.in lnµrlhrr "'Jlh !X'r~onal philr.sophy . !3chc1·c 111 <'Sp('{"ially a ppr e c 1 a l c ti . ;i rinc ro hr rarr1rd a~ a s1nglR 1o1hat vo•1 !'!~\", dn. Brla!ivc \l'h3 m,ikrs ~ug. 1111it r:,1rh part al;,O can be 11~-Llll.ltA 1Sepl. 23·0rl 22 1: µcs1ion doe~ nnl 1nean well. r1l ~"p;1r:11C'ly. F::-.ri!inJ: timl'~ indicatrrl. 'i'ou Rr~pond at:cordingly. ---------________ .:__ ___ _::.cc_ ___ , BOOKS AND AUTHORS SERIES with CARLOTTA WILLIAMS ... \\'ell known lit erary critic \vhosc intervie\v la pings heard by 7 million listeners over ABC •.. NBC ••. CBS and the CBC. • OPE NING PROGRAM, NO CHARGE OCTOBER 22, 9:45-11 :00 a.m. DINING ROOM · SECOND FLOOR GUEST SPEAKER .• , BEST SELLER AUTHOR MR.-ED REID! "THE GRIM REAPERS" AN EXPOSE Of THE MAFIA • Series to follow: Nov. 19, Dec.171 Jan.-21, Fe b. 18, Mar. 16, Apr.15, f\.1ay 20, JuncJ7 8 progr.ims lor S10,00. You may charge it to your .account. COFFEE •••••••••••• DOOR PRIZES •••••••••••• REVIEWS Reservations 547-721 1 •BOOK SHOP $ANTA ANA ' I x ' ' Loo/; Ul.-e A Mini Srrnw Quee n, Feel Snug A1 A Bunny GIRLS' S~I JACKETS Cozy zip·u~ 1\·it h nylon acrylic pile in colorful floral. gcomclric prints. Some reverse to solids ~nd some lined. All 1vi!h attnchnblc hoods - I.he peak of fas hion! s1~1y ton!i ly "'a rm, and so bunny·snug t his win1c r! 4-14. " Our Reg. -1.66 2 Duytt Only Cl1arge-li 11 ...... -\ 'SANTAANA•' o'lllliG'E" ""cb"stA MESA WESTMINSTER , [d1n1er 1t Bniloi • Tulhn 1t Till e H1rbor Bird it W•l<cn • &1"' 81,~ , -.t,r .• 14ll Ell 1855 fll lllrti . !2ff N b 81 d 1si~o 8 h Bl d I J 8 DAil Y PllDT " Stuln U~t Av•nu., P ·•••·~•. Crr11ornl1 "f~I ft1ll 1'1·JJll ... , ....... ,.., ,..1111 ..... • ~U~I'"'"' Cit<lr>V• (~~·I O•t1I Pl!Cf, O•!-r 16, 11, n. Utt itlll·tt . ·- LEG AL NOTICE • LEGAL NOTJCE Ni.rota Propo1al Welfare Estimate Off by $1 Billion? LEGAL NOTICt: WASHINGTON (UPI) The adminiWaLion's wtUare plan coold cost nearly $1 billion more a year th&a wbat President Nlzon eiitima~ v.·hen he un\'ejled the proposal in August. New dat.a submitted lo the Hoose Ways and ~1 eans Com- mittee this wee k S1Jggests the or iginal estimat.e was too low. The committee has opened hearings on Nixon's family assistance plan aod 10 percent Social Security benefits in- crease. Administration LEGAL NO flCE l"·IOU LEG/\L NOTICE Cl lllTll'IC .. TE .:II' •UUNl5l, -~~~-- J'ICTIT!OUI NAMf. CEllTtFltAte OF 9U~INESS ,.,,. u..Ott1lgn'11 doot t••!lfY ~· I• to~· FICTITIOUS NAME dve!ll'l9 I bull"•H Rt 7101 N~rbon~•. l~& Undt•Jl~nl'd d<>"• ctr11!• ~· II tOl'- Coil• MU•, C•!l!ornl•, und., •h• Ile dutl'"' 11 bu,ln••~ .t.t llJU Mlln Str~t, llllo1,1 11,,., nM.,• ot ~OUIHt <INO Hun!lng!bl> B~<1(~, C111U11tnle. u""'r tne ... Sf'H"'l T f\IA+NTEN/l."CE •nd •n•• 3•1o:J llclltlo1n llr"1 n~m~ o! KEt/NEOY ... 11 .. litlTI I, U>mP<l .. '11 nt lht lolll>wl"~ l>f"IOn llUL.\NCE t "1! th•I ••If ll•m 11 COmPOHo:I ..iio.t nemf on !ult t nd Pl•ct 01 rltlld~n~• of tnt loltr)wln9 """""· w!>GH "'"'' I" !I •• fOlll:lw1• lull •n<I "''"''"' r•1id•!'lct I• •1 ltll011"· Wllll•m J•t• Vtn Evtr'\I, I!. 1n1 W••t ICt~notn N ~lun!.,, 110S! Emttt ld M "'"",.I,, S•nlt .. ,,.. CtlUcrnll . l n. lfunt!n9t.,., St oen, Ct lll. 01 .... 5•P!'"'"' )6,. lf6t Ot !t<l 0<;1 I,, 19~t. Wm. Jt~~ Vt n lV!r'll II K•nn•tn N. Hun!or '''''at Ct lllorn11, O•t nff Coun•V• Siii• ol Ceh•o•nl•. Or1n9~ Cwnty· On 5tPt 111. !'°lit, i>.101• ..,.., t No!iiry On Oct. U, lt•t. l><'•o•• "''• t Nottry "utl!lt In •NI for ••Id ~'""· Pttl<lnlllV l'ubll( In """ lo• ·~ d STiii~. ""''°"•!IY •••••• .., Wlllltm J1c-v.,. livt1; II ....... ..: K•nnetl!"' HY/!! ... W/!CW/! !O "'' k""'*" t& me to be !f>ll """O~ w~o.t lo be 1)11 ""'"°" ... ~"'f """'" I• •u"1etlb-"'"'~ It •Ul>tcrlM!I I& ·~· "'''~'" In· td lo !/!• Wtl~ " '"'''U!T'f11t I nd '''V"'""' en<l •t -newltd•td ~• e;t cull'd 1c•.,,_l•d~PO ~· •·t~u!IPO 111r M0"1t. •~t '""'"· !OfFIClll SE ol~' (O~F IClll ,~IL! Jfo" l Job•t MAIY I( ME 'l"Y •Jo11•v Put•lt • (l!lilOtPl l "'"'"'" Pu~11c-c'.1111crl!l1 '"'"~t,11~1 (lljlf ~ 111 ,.rlncl•1I Ollie• In Cl•tog'" Coll"'" 0•1.,.1 (911nlv M~ (ct>"'""l"'011 E"•n!"' My (tm"11H l!lll li•~l•tt M.,U> 1· 1tl.1 N~~. 11. !t'7 PvtlJl\~M Or"n~• COi \! Ot llV P11Q!, l'v~lll~ff 01u 1;• Cff\I 01llV l'll'lt l"lt••,bf.I 11, 1•· JI ~~U 1iov1m~•r 1, O(:IOIHlr .J, 10, H, 11, ft6t 11Ql-4t lttt !ff/Mt welfMe officials admit the wide-ranging famil y ~iatance plan, which pro. vides p1yment:s to the working poor for u,e first time. would be more upens.ive at tbe start than the prestot welfare system. The. plan would guarantee a family ci. four at least $150() a year. Administration spokesmen say that in the long run the plan v•oold t.Ue. people off ~·e!fare and save money. HEW Secretary Robert If Finch gave the fint Indication thal the $4. billion estimated federal increa3e might be. too low when he suggested a new i4.4 billloo figure. He explained th.t the. ad ditlon of $400 million came as a result of last minute changes in the proposed Jegislatlon which would allow eligible families to keep more of their unearned income. -such as annuities and pension s a limony payments and dJvldend.!I and inlere.!il -than originally plaMed. ''The $4.4 billion Is the .. new COft of the program and is in addition to the $3.2 billion in federal funds spent on welfare in 1968," Finch said in a prepared statement. The greatest chunk of the $4.4 billion would be $3 billion for family assist a nce payments. However, Robert J . Meyers chief actuary of the Social Security Adminislralion, told committee rnembers Thursday the SJ billion estimate for family paymenlll , mostly to the v.·orking poor, n1ay ~ too low . His estimjl.tc v:hlch he said is based on different data is $3.:> billion for fa nl i 1 y payments, which v.·ould add a nother $600 milHon i n estimated federal expe.oses. ~teyers said both figure.<: are estimates but added, "I think my estim11te is right.'' Some H ou s e Democrats ha\"e. attacked t he ad ministration bill "ois pure political pie in tire sky" and ma ely a promise of more money for the poor without any welfare reform. Solo11 Asks U.S. Healtl1 Otief Quit 'VASHINGTON (UPI) -A Congressman has called for the resignation of Dr. Stanley F. Yo!les, lhe government"s No. l mental heal th official because of Yolles' stand on softer treatment for drug abusers. Rep. Albert \V. 'Vatson (R S.C.) said in a Hot~e speech he "'a!I "outraged and shocked" by Yoltes' comments during an appearance. be !ore the House. Crin1e Committee earlier this "·eek. Yollcs. dlre<:tor of the Na t\ona l lnstlLute oi Mental Health since 1964, told the committee he did nol favor 1nandatory jail sentences for u~e ilnd ~ale rif dn1g:;. \\'n tsn n ~a ir! Y nllc~ should re~1gn or be fired . Yolles, :>(), a p~ychiatris1 has been with the U.S. Public Heallh Service Mental HeaHh Study Center 11nd the r-:ationa l lnsli!ulr in various capacities since 19.SO. ··or. Voiles' vie~·s are an affront to every decent, l11w· ab: ing citizen in America," Watson said. "I don't believe that Dr. Yol\1s' viev.·s arc shared by one-te nth o[ I per· cent of the American people." In reply, Yoltes issued a statement saying: "I emphasi1.e that each violation of drug abuse laws must be. decided on its merits lo al\ovt' tl'le judge to flt the penally lo I.he crime, give a 1naxlmum sentence, suspend sentence, given an in- termediate sentence or see lo il th11l the addict jets !real menl." ANIMALogic J I ' l f I 1' '"Of C.OUR~E IT'S SAFE.I YOU GO flR.5TJ• • .' pt...,, •• . 't~ L~d'· -.-... s .:;. ............ .; ~··~ . ' " .. ~ .. -_ ........ _;;..,.,1._ .... Tlie A111igos ll'ay • 1 j I ' I ' Friendly \vaves of this lineup or cheerleaders are right in keeping 'vith the 1'~ount.ain Valley schools' name, Los A1nigos (The Friends). Girl.s are (left to right) Kathy Vino, J an Berry, Sue Nold, Debbie Frost and Leslie Carroll. 'Battle of Britain' Film Sparks Calls to Honor Hero. LONDON (l'PI\ Lord Dowding is 87 a nd his arthritic fingers can scarcely hold ;i pen, But painrully he scrawled a shaky signature: on the bot· ton1 of a letter of thanks to :i film producer who had .ser\·cd under him in \Vorld \Va r 11. S. Benjamin Fisz displayed the letter u·Hh pride. l\'ol every young pilot grows ur tn be able to help his idol. I\'Ut every flhn st:;rts out to re· count a !llice of history <.s entertainmen t and winds Ufl helping in the fight to right a u•rong. Fisz ls the producer of "The Battle of Britaln" v.·hich has its American premiere in Ne\V "York Sunday nigh1. On Mon· day Queen Elizabeth \1"il l al· tend a royal gala in Bnlain, Queen Juli.:ma of th e Nclher!ands wlll attend the Dutch opening and royal figures u·ill be present when 1l is si mult.aneously shown in Belg1l1m and Denmark. Such international r o ya 1 patronage is probably uniq\ie in !iln1 history, But Fisz is just as happy lhal as a result of the picture a movement has started v.·ith support in and out of Parliament to honor the man some credit with a major share in saving we s le r n civilization. fisz, a Pole studying In Bri· lain, volunteered for thr. Royal Air force at the outbreak of \Vorld \Var JI. ,\ir Chic{ r.ta1_hal Sir Hugh Dowding. as he 11·a.~ thrn called. coni· manded the fig hter force - "The Fe"·,'' immortalized in the "·ords of Sir \\'in5lQU C!,;,rchdl. He fought 50 hi1t cr!y ngain~L plans lo coinmit l1is fighter p1,1nc~ to try to sa1·e France lllill he in cu rred lasting en· rn1!ics. His strategy prover! correct. Nothing could ha ve :;a\"Cd fr80C'e. \\ih('n the Cerman air force ,1ttacked Lf,ndon he h ad C'nough fighter strength to sa\C 1 1"~ ca pital <ind other cities lrom des.truc11011. Once the danger was over he foun d his position intoll'rable and, sadly, in 1'342, he resigned. He was all but forgotten ,,·hen Flsz hegan 11·orking on 1he $14 million film four years ago. The cast included Sir Laurence Olivier, Sir ti.Hchael Redg rave , Si r Ral ph Rieh11rdson, l\-lichAcl Caine, Robert Sh a w , Christopher Plummer and Susannah York . One day they "'heeled the old man out to the studio to sec the recons!ruction of his "'arlime uffice. "I arn very honored," he murmured. "Very honored, in· deed." The photographs of the proud, crippled figure inspired demands U1at he be eleva ted in retirement 10 the highest air rank, marsh11\ 1..f t11e Jl.oyal Air Force. "The tiine is ripe lo do him ju~llct," said Oliv ier. "He won in 1940 the most critical battle since l he armada," said LQrd Boothby. •·His t reatment \\'a! disgraceful. There are limits to natio 1111 ingratitude." The L.<indon Tilnrs con1· p~red him to Arlmir;il Nel~on and Sir Fr;i ncts Orakr The rally F'·:prcss report.en A surge of • ' n at ion a I in· dignatl on." J ohn Cronin, mcn1ber of Pnrllamcnt, said D c1 w d Ing deserved his promotion "'ith· oot delay. Another rvt.P .. Keith Stainton, said he would raise. the matter in the session of the House of Commons "'hich has just opened. Fisz said he ts delighted. But he noted some barriers. "To make Do\'1ding a n1arshal, backdated to 1942, 11•ci.:~d cost so1ne 30,000 pounds (~72,000 ) in back ~,"!nsions," he said. Realistically, ''that m•Y. be a factor.'' ~lean~·hllc the Sun d a Y. ne~·spaprr, The Pe o p I e ~ editorially echoed the se.n· 1ln1en~s of many about tha hero of the Battle of Britain: "Do ~·e have to \Vail until hi is dead before we honor him properly?'' Si11ger's Protest P11t s La Scala Under Siege l\llLAN. I\aly (AP) n udolph Bing may not be ah!e lo get th e ti.·tctropolitan Opera open bccRuse o( s a 1 a r y di spu tes, but La Sc a I a ':; Antonio (;hiringhe!li has got the pnlic:e in his hair. Eighl patrols of pollce bloc.kaded Lbc ~ntrances to Italy's mosL fa1nous opera house this v.·eek \\"h\le inside n1.'.lgislratcs nnd officers pul seals on all the records ror the pa~t 20 year.'\. 1\-lorc police cordo11'!d the op c r a con1pany·s six-story ~·archouse \\"hlle offi cers in- spcclcd at! the sets and props. And other ofricers searched the l1omes of Ghiringhelli, Sc ala 's aJl.po\verfu! supcrinl('ndcnt for the past 24 years. and Lu1g1 Oldani, the administrative director. The pnht•r \\'Cnt inlo action af1rr Bra.1,1lian b a r 1 t o 11 e f;\uscppe Zc-cchitl o. 35, filed il r11mpl11int alleging Sla,l!C :;cl., I rnm I.a Scala had bern im· fH(•f'('rly sold to nl,i;htclub-;, rr~laurants and 0L11cr such bU\Cri: \\'hi le the police senrched, 1hc fol ngrr s1ood ou tside lh\' 1heatrr handing oll l lraf\ets rallin(o! I o r Gbiringhclll '::;. re.~ignat ion. (;hlringhel ll sale! Zecrhillo's complaint was •1stupid ," thaL nellher he nor anyone else in the 1heetrr's ad1ninistration was "in any ~·ay involved 111 this affair.'' The management Issued ;i statement sayi ng it \vas "at the full di11poial of ihr magistrates with lhe greatest serenity and readiness In cooperate." But It added · "\V e cannot but express a feeling of bitterness over the unusual deployment of police forces in carryi ng out an operation con· cernlng a pu blic institute of histcrrieal prestige in Italy 11ntl the world." Zccchlllo submitted 2 ~ photographs. \1•lth his com· plaint sho\\·lng s t 11 tu e s . thrones, weapons, tombs a nd other 1na terial from old opera :;ets flecoratln,1!· a restaurant and dance hall on the out· skirts of ~1ilan. "It 's all stuff I found In 11 nearby dump in the fields two or t'1ree years agn," sllld Ah•aro Pamp1ro. owner or the res taurant. "I saw truck!> coming and throwing It all u·ay. Little by liltle I plcktd up \\•hat I like." The poltce inquiry didn't in· lerrupt La Scala's mu11ea1 !Ur. While the theater was under blockade, !he orchestra ~·as rehearsing for a concert IOnight. Zecchtllo Is called Tta\111n optra '.o: "protest star'' for the numerou~ bunie1 slr!kes, !!t- ins and marche:; he has ltd outside opera houses In Miian, Rome, Paltrmo and ot her cllies. lie doesn't like the way the adnuni~tralors anrl th·! agenls run Italian musical !He. The baritone s;::rys he has i\ flil! !:ichedule of performances in Italy's n1ain opera hous~J next season, including two ap- pfarances aL L;i Sca la . But (;hiringhelh con11ncn tcd to nev:~mcn: "As f11r as Signor Zecch!l!!'I i~ concerned. \\'r \1·ill see to him afler th e 1n\"cst1gations: are over," l'ondor Counters Out Again BAKERSFIELD (AP) tllore lh an lOO consrrvationis!;ii braved rain '\'ednesday lo begin U1e a nnual count of Caf1forn1;i condor:-. k1ng..size buziard::. ll1a t onte nu1nbered in the. 1hol1~ands and .ire now nl'arly rxt1nct. L.:nd11r lo1v Qverca~L skle!l, the. b1rtl ro11nters stationer! thcmsel\ts on !he bn1sh hill' <111d ndges 1vl'sl uf Bakc;sfield to rlP1crin1nl' how ni a n .V ~urvivc 1n l\\'O c r a i g y sanct\tarici in Los Padr<'"s Na- 1i011:1I fores!, a rug g er\ II 11dt'r111'~S ~l n:1l"hing 2 0 0 n11lrs. <ilnni; lhl' 1·!la~tal range no rth ol Los Angeles. Lai;l yra r·~ ~igh1 ings tolaltd 5~. lhe. California Dl'partmcnt i)f Fish and f:iune said, A tol.al nf :m wen• ~ight eil rn 1965 , lir~t year of the program, 'T'he count in 1966 u·as :'II and tho 1967 tally was 47. The count, experts say. doc!'! not represent the entire con- dor popula11on . Sonie birds just don·1. fly in areas where !he count is-held. The majestic condor, a relic . of. the Ice Age, has a IO·foot '. \\'IOS Spread :ind once rangtd from the Columbia Rlvrr 1n Baja. California. No\v it 1.~ lhreatened w i th extinction because of civilization. The bi rds a rc carrion eaters and farn1s and s11bdivl~ions now cover much o[ the land they once patroled. 'IV.·o small sanctuaries in the mountains rlmn1i ng t he soulhern San .Joaquin \1al!ty a re their only ntsting area:;-, ~·hich occasionally are in· \'aded by curiosity seekers. lnlormalion gathered durin& the count will be used to uo- date programs designed !() ensure Lhe survival of the C(ln. dor. now officially r.las~ified as an endan11ered 1:pecies. Agencies invol \'rrl i11 the count are the N a t Ion n I Audubon Society, !he tJ.S. F'oresl Service 1ind r he California Departrnent of fish and Game . !. , ~ ' r ,. \ I " • " .. ti s h n '" c a c e ;, " n 0 I ' a c a (" c g c t: 0 • : • t ~ n n n a d l ; s <! c d a r. r. I. t J, c a s "t .. J. • • I ~! • • II I• • lo --------------------------------------------------.. ·-~·---· ------· ·---.... Vets Visited Nancy Reagan, wife of rthe California governor, visits with Arn1y Sgt. Specialist David V. Sierra of J:>aterson, Calif., as he \vork s on painting at Letter- 1nan c:encrnl 1-lospilal. San Francisco. She v.1as visi ting Vietnam \V<lr \\'Oundcd on the day of the Vletnarn 1noralorium. Indi1strial Desig11 Ca1·eer Sl{etcned By J0\1CE LAIN "II I P.,,.lU• lh~ car~~' I'm "°"' l~•n~ln9 of, \ndij$lr l~• ~e$1qn, •l>ould "1~ colle11<1 maior be art, arc~i1ectur• or •nti,,.,erin11' O• I• lhere ><It~ • 1evr•• ~" lr<1u1!flel de•isn .. ' A. -The incll!Slrial designer thinks like a consumer; he or she is concerned with all the hunH~n a~pects of machine· n1arlc products and cn- ,·ironmenls -the warking re!ation."ihip bel\\·een products and people. He doesn't design engines or clcrtronic cirr11ilry -the engineer does that -but \tic industri:il designer. using his technica l k no \V I c cl g e or matcri:1ls , machines, methods o! production and artistic talent. deals \1·ith parts of the product you can see or touch: ti pp ea ranee, convenience, comfort, safety, maintenance and cost. He must design hi s employer's product to CQTTIP- cte favora bly vdlh similar goods. FASH ION OF \VORK. from . concept to fin ished r.roduct, the lndu1tr la\ dealaner s job is often: (t) hl1torlca\ research and study cif competition's pmductt (3) 1kekhes of poossi- ble dt1l1m (3) confer with other1 in company (•) selec- tion of best design by CQm- pany officials (51 make first model , often in clay (6) after modification, make working model In actual material (7) after flnal approval, pro- duction begins. Be1lnners can't expect lo take chl!lrie overnl(ht : at first you're a "pair-Of-hands" to senior designers. VARIATIONS. Jn addition to designing a vast p;inorama of consumer <1nd indust rial pro- ducts. 1n{'luding cont.1i11ers and pack:igc:s. some indust n;il designers pr rpnrc s m ;i l I display rxh ibits or entire layouts for inc!ustrial and trade fairs. or design interior layou!--. for special purpose ccimmcrcia l exhibitions, such as superm;irkcts. fllnst or some 10,000 dcs1.:ncrs v.·ork for · big manufacturers or dc1ian · consulting firm. Others free-- lance. or work for archltect..s and lntarlor deslin flrm'!i. Jobs ire mainly in major industrial lflll. D~SIGN SCHOOL : JndUlttltl dMJIJl pl'OIJ'SID! •l'I offere~ by art 1oht1ol1,c o llege1 and 1mlver1ltle1. Programs are 11'.)(:aled In the department of .art, arc+i.Jt&cture or engineer· Inf. The lndllltrial Desianers• Society or America (IDSA) r~mmends that you pick a school offering a real four·le>- five-year major in industrial design. not a general art or engineerin g program with a few indust ria l design courses. These schools grant th e bachelor's degree in lndust rial design or fine arts; some also ;iw;i rd lhe masters degree for ;;d vancd study. However, it Is lrue that people with other ba c kg ro unds, notably engineering and architecture, n1ay qualify as industrial design<!rs if they have :ip- propria te experience and 1rti1lio lilent. A list of indu1tri11 d..tp school• l• avallabl•, 1lon1 with A BOOKLET. "Catt1r1 in Jnduatrlal DN!sn,'' Ir om JOSA. JI you want a copy, strid II etntl in cola t.o me at this new:r,per. Write "l.D." 011 out.II e envelope. Allow 11veral wtek1 for d1llvery. TAX BAIJ. The Induatr\1! Dt1lp1r1' Society 11y1 cur· rent 'Neekly earnlnt• for bt(inner1 are 1bout l25-175 or more, deprndln1 o n Q u aliflc1tlons. E1p1rlenced designers' salaries vary greatly. but voilh a few years of experience, $9416.000 is usual. Some ma ke $30,000 plus. consultants can earn between S!5·:>0,000. 1\ fc\v eminent clesigners command as much as ~200,000. 'ROl ·;-.;n TH F. CORNER : The firld ls ~ro\ving slowly but steadily. Factors; personal replacement need s, r a pi cl obsolescence of goods and ris· ing population. There's been competilion for entry jobs and no guarantee that every 1l'adu1t1 wlU be absorbed into tht field . A 11vere bUiinaN down turn mean• f1w1r Jobi for dt•laner1. (Althoulh, 1 el11ht dip In the eoonomy can incretlt tht nttd u m1nufac· turtr1 wamblt to lnor••e aales by orrmnc tlttter pro. ducts.) 1'11 11 ntU 1 ne• fi1ld, and I.ht weJMrained pro. fesslonal with q J.,t and perttrvtranCt cu pattern 1 model Mun u 111 llldustrlal d•ljner. ROUND TRIP ANYWHERE IN CALIFORNIA 85< FOf e1111tftlr15 p.m. u 1tl:dlQI and all Wlltktnd. 3 minutes "' statian.to-.UIJon, plus tax. · _ @ Frlih1r. Octobtt 17, 1%9 DAILY l'lLOT J7 th • 10 AM To 4 PM DOOR PRIZES -Dl!MONSTRATION -SAVINGS VISTA LATEX SATIN ENAMEL ENAMEL FINISH WITH W4TIR CLEAN UP s41~~L. POLKA DOT RAIN BONNET 9 ~ (LIMIT 1 PER CUST.I PAINT THINNER IN YOUlll MITAL CAN 9¢ GAL. r v1tomer) --------- Visit Our Wallcoverlng Department • • • Furnished By Cousyn's Fin e Furniture -Exclusively Wood WALLPAPER! H~ICTlg IOQKI 30% OPF - HOMI CARI PRODUCT ASSORTMENT By TREEWAX s2000 VALUE FREE• Hot D •· ogs Cokes ANTIQUING ·· CLINIC Demonstration of the Famous TONE 'N' TIQUE SYSTEM OF ANTIQUING BY HELEN SCARPELLA An Expert Wi ll Show You How To Make Old Fu rniture Look "Better Than New" Th e Easy Way. COLOR CONSULTANT Our Color Co-ordinator, Margaret Dehn is an expert In Color Har- mony. Bring In Yo ur Color Prob- lems. ---· -- ---- FAC'fORY DIMONSTRATION Br In 9 ony portable item with you. Demonst rator w!ll show you how to strip it of ell finhh & 1!1in1. DROP CLOTH 7c f Limit 4 ner c111ton'l•r) Factory ~emonstration A Professional Wilr Show You How To - END CRACKS FOREVER In All Wood And Mttentry VALUABll. COlll'ON REDEEM THIS COUPON FORA SPECIAL GIFT Saloons AMERITONE INTERIOR WASHABLE VINYL· BOND FLAT WALL PAINT S42 !AL. AMERITONE MATCHING SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL s1a9 (j)T. 3M MASKING TAPE 114" x 60 Y cf. Roll 24¢ ( Lltwtt 2 "' 1wterMr) LONG HANDLI STUCCO ROLLER COMPLETE WITH 99~ COVER !One to a CUslomerl VISTA FINEST STUCCO PAINT s311 •AL. l'LAlnc MIXING POTS 4¢ ( Llrnlt 4 ,... cutt...,.,) 2931 So. Bristol 4T RANDOLP Costa Mesa 140.IZIZ 1 MILi IOUTH OP SOUTH COAIT PLAZA 140·UIZ •TOlll HOUllll1 7 A.M TO & l'M MONOAY THlllU THUlllSDAY -l'llllDAY 'TIL 1 l'M-IATUlllDAY 'TIL I l'M ' -----'" " I 'I I. DAIL y PILOT r riday, Octobtr 17, 1969 I I I I I QUALITY DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORES I I SALE STARTS AT 10 A.M. AT ALL ZODYS STORES ''PAINTYOURWAGON'' ----SPECTACULAR AT ZODYS---- WIN! A FREE VOLKSWAGEN • IN COLOR OF YOUR CHOICE '( •• •• •• ... ••• •• WIN! 100 FREE TICKETS TO SEE THE FABULOUS MUSICAL Opening Oct. 23rd, Cinerama Theatre WIN! 100 DELUXE RECORD ALBUMS MUSIC P•OM SOUNDTRACK Of "PAINT TOUR WAOOW' COURTESY PARAMOUNT MUSIC DIVISION NO PURCHASE NECESSARY DIPOSIT COUPON IN RECORD DEPT. OF ANY ZODYS STORl BLOCKBUSTER SHREDDED I ~OAM PILLOW I STURDY REDY I ,;i1 STEP STOOL I . _ 1.21 87c 11' ~> #1 /.;..;;, l...' 1 "" · ... u .... ,, -.. -11.,.1 . ~ .... . ~·~ ............. ,,..., ___ ~~ ~ ~ • ,,,1.111 ..... p111-.. I ~!)' \J BEL TED VINYL MINI COAT 19.99 977 value 1Gw• 1l '-1 All•w•oth• •• co"'I"'' '" ••pGn\11- •lll ,.r"r• ,..;"; •••1-TG••• lt•lt l111e •llll•t, th•ullll•r a,..vl•H•t, ., ... , ......... , .. .. .......... 0 1 .. , •••• , .. lte1c•,1l1el-16. AUTOMATIC I TOASTIRf 19.9S 9••· ~ "Yalu:ITH couPoN I i fe ... a1 •i•• 4_,11,. I ........ 11. • ••• , •• ,I with .._••lif•I ... ,..,.. , floi1h. NYLON JACKET 3.99187 value Sow• 14~1 l ipp•r fro"' "'YI•" l••k11t w i1h 1l•11lll·vp ••'*••· •lo1lic <•If; 111,. •• 11ri111 ~ ....... "•">'· , ...... r•ll•w •• 1-1. Si1•1l,M,anllll. BLOCKDUSTlA RCA 14"® PORTABLE COLOR TV $228 I ...,,..,.1 l lMIT I I WlfH COUPON DAD'S ROOT BEER OR ORAN&E CRUSH I,_ JUMBO THROW I PILLOWS I . I 1.1 7 / ( "Val1.1e s 77.~ .• \_,,, . -1r'\. Ph11nply till•\11 wi1h 100~ l(apek,1circl• tufl11d c•11 t••I f•r . •dlll•d ltea•ly, Ao• ••r1•4 color1 aoul p•ll11rn1. I I WIN! FABULOUS VACATION FOR 21 .•. ;u;,;;;; o;~ MEXICO oR r. 1 DAYs IN HAWAII OR e GALA CARIBBEAN ~ AIR/SEA CRUISE ~ ~OUND TRIP JET TO MIAMI VIA NATIONAL AIRLINES 7 DA 1' CRUISE ABOARD M/S BOHtME N• purcll••• r•~•h·•• . A11gi1ter •I ~·r lody1 tt.ret r-----· --------•~ I : ~:::us CITY ~-I PHONE . AGE . I I I AM INTERESTED IN INFORMATION ABOUT, I I 0 HAWAll O MEXICO C EUROPE O OllllENT C l'iRAELU - " ! ZOI • Qll t••UN . ~----------------------~. li·l ·lfJi·lllJ·l:I ,1 ~ ,..._"""! BARBASOL I SHAVE CREAM I GIRLS' ACRYLIC I SWEATERS I 3.99197 I volue I So..-• so""'r G ir l•' •tr yl ic c orll igo" I .......... ;,. ..... . ." .. 1tu•1i1 ............ I • ............... u ... ,,,1 •. Whil•, pi"k· I •lue, ,...,;,. er ••Ill . , ........ x. 7·1<1. Miw LITTLE GIRLS' SLACKS .1~~.'.97c "YAHTZU' GAMI KINNIR 'l P IROGRAPll ' c P. I'." IM ll -. 1: I: ,, ' I I ii -- --·. --. -------------------·----..,...,---.._,--,-----;~ HERE'S J:ODYS HEW LYNWOOD STOREI 4050 IMPERIAL HIGHWAY AT·CO-ISH AVENUE ' 1•1sro,.,1 •t~o. ,;. " ~ > ;: , • • .; 0 s ~ " .. -z " • ~ ~ 0 z z " • .. 0 0 ;:: , ~\GHWAY u .. ,,._,tllAL • of • • z :,: o · .. :; ' ZODYS SELLS ONLY FIRST · QUALITY MERCHANDISE · , 1 r1 , ~U-ELECTRll BUILDING AWARD ••UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED! I I I JI BLOCKBUSTER GIRLS' NYLON PANTY TIGHTS 1.99 97c value SAVE 50,_ Nyl•ro 1lr•tch 1'•11ty t i9 h h , ••••lty p•ll1 r111, am••th 1oli11h . fa •hie" •• , •••• 1 • .:11 .... ,,., 1°10, 12-14. BLOCKBUSTER GIRLS' NO·IRON T IMMED SLIPS 1.99 97c. value 5AVI .SO'tft PIIMANINT ••ISi al iiH, ... 1 .... , ......... ••11• "" 1tylea. Schiffli eUrettl .. •rM trl•• w•;te, p1.-, w ...... u.~12. .IOHNNY CARRY· I NORTHERN I ALL SEAT I . ~··'!'-~•' 4,00 1991 ....... --_ .. .,, ... "' . : value -.. · . ' WITH COUPON I ·~ .. , ..... ,. .. , .... , .. ,. --· 1 ~ ..... 1 .... , ... 1 •••• , h•• I .. ·~ ,l .. ,.,., ., ........... . . .. ;... I µ #~407 llMIT 1 Wl'TMCOUPON , , , DUltONT ZIRIX I ANTl·FRIUll -• FACIAL TISSUE I 19• IOc 1 value WITH COUPON I ..... 1 00 .... .,,,. fociol li••uoo. 1<1ft.1 .......... f .... ,. I llMIT • WllM COUl'ON MEN'S STRETCH I HOSE SALEI CASSETTE I RECORDING TAPE 1 69c 37cl ~ 1,95 I value5AY£ 46% I ~ value C "• ... ,;.,.,. o" I :\ 99 I l•n" •<•J lic S·yr. 1 · / ~ ~ .:~ · . I ..... , ........... WITH coy PON .. ,1... •• ,."... ,,,, ...... ,;,,.., ..... , •• y; ... ·····"· ,.,.. I ............. o ... I !l'C60. ti•• fit1 lO·ll. LIMIT I WIT H COUPOM CREST I JERGEN'S I TOOTHPASTE I BATH SOAP! 13c 49c 1 . 1 5 c 9.~ I value I (}:if'~" si~e WITH CO UPON I WITH COUPON I . .. ;~ •• , •• ••••• ....... 1 . lll• .......... 1111 ..... 1 Creol, th• <••ity I •••I' by Jerg•n• l•r f " IO thl•r to•tllJt•llc. 'J;g.~s 24·hovr '••••cti•"· ~" wilh flu<1ri1I•"· 1 •• ,h .; ....... ~ ........... ' ........ ·-llMll 4 llMIT 2 WITH COUPON ~ W ITH COUPON ------· .. ·, DAILY PILOT Jfl WINI A FREE HOBllCAT14 $1200 SAILBOAT COURTESY OF THE ht ANNUAL SCMA SAILBOAT SHOW THIS COUPON WORTH 50c OFF on Ge11orol Adnti11IOn ticllet for th• SAILBOAT SHOW Long leach Arona, Oct. 24-Nov, 2 WINI ROBBINS SOLID VINYL ~~~ PEEL 'N STICK TILES BLOCKBUSTER MEN'S DRESS I OXFORD I 6 ,99 300 I value SAVI OYER .SO% •• , .. 1 •••• , .... I 1tyl•. 11 .. .. 11uff·r•1itt•nl 1 vp .. <1r1 . lif•· ,;..,. ··'··· ,, •• , •. •'h-12., 60 COUNT I BOBBIE PINS I f3ofb;f?',w 29c 9c1 value • WITH COUPON I 60 ....... ..... • • '11,,. ""•lily b•ltlti• II "i " •. •l•ck •. I .......... l lMlf 4 WITH COUPON Win enough Peel 'N Stick to cover a 12-foot by 12-foot room. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY DEPOSIT COUPON AT ANY ZODYS STORE SOLID STATE .I CLOCK RADIO I fo.,.•111 o•li .. 11•1• AM <lo<k ro .. ie hi 11•••. c•nt•ffllpOr•rJ ••bin•'· I . ! 15.95 9971 ' ~ , value 1.,. ............. h. I ...... ,., ... . , ..... ;,;..... I • •• 11 ..... CllOI llMlfl GUEST 'N TRAVEL TOOTH BRUSHES 39c 9,c values ••· "". ""'•lir,. ., ... • i p P• .. .. i .......... b .... 11 •• ·-....... , h•w•I u••· 1-1•pe•I• •lr•a"y ;,. It~, j1111f .... , .......... INTRYBLANK WIN FREE PRIZES! MO PUWCH~SI HI- / 2• DAILY PIL~OccT ________ ,,_ld_llYc.'_o_n_o•_.,_1_1c., _1'6_9 . • t x~• " . -... Nothing Miraculous : ' .. " 101).T0.1 SHOT SHUFFLE -Somebody ,,·ill p roh- <1bly come up '\"ilh a dance to honor Ed Charle.':>' little jig 011 the n1ound seconds after the Ne\v )'ork l\1ets '"on the 1969 \Vorl d Series. \Vhile Charles does: his thing, the Mets' battery of pitcher Jtrry Koos- man and catcher J erry Grote hug each other. . f ' .. ·-' . ..,, ... • • \ iJ •• • • • " ., " ·;r• . . '! , .. ,1/' i "I '1 -I' It t ' f 4Clt > t • '* • • •l•Mll . .. •• 1 •• , .. About NEW YORK (AP) -Gil llOOgt>S Is eoing home lo Brooklyn, it'll be the 1horte~t. sweeteat ruac! trip uf his l"~ear bitSeball life. "We're goinf to J1a\'C an off day tomor- row; then everybody 's going home," the unnappable managrr of the unb1li1vablt New York t.1 ets sai<l ;ifler Thu rsday's <'lirnactic 5.3 \\'orlc! S1•ries triumph over thi· •tunned D:.ilti111url' Orioles. "l'1n ju1t going In rest ... and look f•)r.v ard to J9i0," said the former Brooklyn Dodgers slu gge r, \Vho survl\'ed • he1rt t1U1ck and Ne w York's ninth- place finish last year to lead I.he Mets to the pinnacle. lie has much to look forward to. "Th1·re's nothing miraculous about us," Hodges said. ··1 don't bC'lie ve in any or th"!. The New York Mets are a grou p of young ball players who have made their n1ark in baseba ll this year and will con- tinue LO mn ke their mark. for ycar1 to come." l·lod"es then turned from a roomful of well-wl1hers to embrece Tom Seaver, the new champs' 25-garne winner and aplrilual le ade r, and to accept a ceremonial champafi1ne !hower trom his young pitching ace. "I told you I owed you one more of these," said Seaver. wh o had anru:ilnted llodges in similar fashi on after the ~1etJ cinched lhc National League East Dlvialtin title and aealn 11rter their playoff awoep ove r Atlanta. The chompaino ~·as flo'll.·ing from llodge1' crowded off ice through t he "'in- ners' clubhouse and into the trainer"s room, where Cleon Jone1 expressed 1he feelin1 !hat ha1 imbued the 100-1 shot Mets since early in the regular season. when an l l·aame Y:innlng sl.reak thrust the m into pennant contenllon. "Everybody thought we were a flash in the pan," the hard·hlltins outlitld1r a1id. Ul'I f1l11'l1 ... AND THI l'ANS l'"OLIC -Pandemonium rel an« tn th11 1t&nds and on the field 11 New York !1n1 celebrate the l\'11t1' triumph In the \Vorld Series. Fans fi lled the field. I Ol1glng out chunk• ol the turf and 1teallng the ba~e& or anythini el11 removable to claim 1ouvenirii o f the victory. '72 Oly1npics 011 Schedttle CHICAGO (AP ) -Pre p1r0Uons for lht 1972 Olympic ga1nes Rt M u n i ch, Germany, ire rrn;1:rr•~!n1? nn 8chfl(tu !I', the president of !hi' lnlcr11nt1on<il Olr 1n· pie Comn1 iltt•t ;111d ;.i reprrsentati\'C of the German Oh·1npic Organizing Com· mittec reported Thur ~d:iy. Avery BnJn,1dgr. 1()(" pr('~idrnl. ;inrl press director 11 ;111~ l\lc1n of lhi> :O.l11nit'h games reported ;1\ :i 111•11 ~ ennl1:re ncc that the Bnvari;111 i 11~ 11f l :i 1111\l1on hope~ lo match f.-fex1cn ('11y llf"rl Tokyo in a !'uccessful conduct 01 lnr 1972 game~. f.-fexico City y,·ith a popu !:11 1on of abou t 8 million hosted the 1968 i;~mes and Tokyo "'ith 12 million populace staged the l!JG4 olymplcs. Klein, on a Vnitrd Sl:;1r• l4 •1lr nf "r ;(· 1~ration and promoo nn , ·· i.;11d the ma in Olympic iiladium, in a <·uinplc~ in I.be heart of Munlch, iJ 30-40 per rent com· pl f'ted. Rrunrlage, who vl11tcd Munich earlier tin' yea r, tald : "progre!ls for lhe 19n f ames is up Lo schedule. I'm c11rt1in, \111 h characteristic German tfflrencv, ~vt'rJ!hi ng will be in readlnes11 In llme~" The i\1unich games will have a 21-sport proi;r.:irn, lor~~st In year~. and will run from Aug. 26 throug h Serl 10. Lakers Open in Philly; Birds Miserable-Finley l'll\LADELP\llA -'Vill Chamberlain, Jerry \\'rst. Elgin Baylor. 1'hree fl r th<! .e;rl'at naines in the history or the Na- tional· O;iskrtball A~.~oc\:11 1nn wh() 1.i~t yt>ar nearly ga ve Los Ant;clcs its lir~t NBA till('. But Bil l Russell anrl his Bostnn C.:l·H1c·~ !"ilopped that dreatn and llOY.', seven months later, the Los Angeles Lakers are back at ii again. opening another NBA camp<iii?n lonight a g a i n ~ t the Philadelphia 76rrs. • CHICAGO-Owner Charles 0. Finley of thr: Oakland A ·~ \!lewed lh!' 011tcomr: of the World S1rl11 Thurld1y at "l1nta1tlc •nd mlHrabl1." "It waa l•nl11llc lo the 11tenl th1t the New York Meli won In five 1!8mes when it '11.'as unbelie\'Bhle I hey would be in the • Series al all." said F inley. "ft w11s mi.•er:\ble in 1h11t lh<' r11n:iu·.1v Amcric<in Lc11.i;u e rh,1 111JJ10n llnltunore Ori(•lrs f:iiled the \\'ay they 1litl. ··1111\ I Jii11·e lo congratulate the ~l e1s on ;i i;n·;it pcrforn1ance.'' • 1.,\S \'EGAS -Arn old Paltner is back. 111111 Doug Sa nders \'ows he'll he back. "I'm not gil'in.t:: up," 1he colorf ul Sanders said Thursday after shooting a :-:111: unde r par fi;) fnr the fir!'tt rou nd lead u1 lhe $100,000 S<1h.'.lra lnvit.'.ltlona l golf t('lurn:1n1rnl. Iii· h1·ld a nnr·!'lrnkc h:.111 n\f'r a lrin nf l1111~~hn1:-. -ruok1('s TNl l l.1~rs .r r. and Jlnb ~ll'nnr :inrl tr:i<.'hing prn F.d ri1crr\ns -gnlng Into today's ~econd round, ~·Ith Pahner still \'ery mu ch in contention. • LOS ANGELES -8-0b Chondler, lhe l)nlvPr<v o! Snut hem Col!fOrnh1 '1 fine juni&r y,•lde rcceil"cr. i~ <'X"PC'Clt"d 10 see ;ictlon Saturday when !.he Trojans lake on Nn1rr n:i111r In ~nuth Ben<!. Tnd, ti 11·11' i1nnwi 1nt.:rd Tlnu~ ... f.,>- Griffith Goes For 6th Title LOS ANGELER (AP ) -'Vcl\erweight champion Jose Napolet nf Mexlcrt City Tl'maln s thr f:i1·nr!te tn retain his t!Ue but :<uppor! 1nu1u11cd for the three-time ti11rho!dcr, Ernile Griffith of New York, 111 lhc1r l ~·rol111d fight lnni ghr at the f'(lt'lllll. ·rhcrc \1 ill br no lt'lev1sion or radio of Ilic !i!J hl in !he United Slates. i'\;qxile~. 2!'1, ;1 1leva~t n t.i ng puncher with :19 knockouts lo his credit. \1"ill he making the second <lrfe nsc nf the 1'rO\.\'n he \1·011 fron1 Curtis Cokes in this same Forum Apr il 18. lie slopfX'O Cokes in 13 rounds and in a r r1n:i1 rh ended lhings 111 II in ~1exico Ci- 1\" .Jun,. 2~. ·<.;riff 1th , now :W. lt1 l' happy ~lad·llallcr fron1 f.-1n nh n11 an -he once 1rorked in a n1illlncry plan l owned by co-manager Howard Albert -has a remarkab[r: b1ckaround . (lrlffith will be flfhtlng In 1 title match for !he 19th llmt, not count1n1 an unof· tlel11I Junior m1drllewcil11ht C'ontea t. lie :ibandonL'd the 147-pouncl division 11· tlr 11·hen he "'hipped Dick Tiger for the n1id<l lcwclgh! rhamplon~h!fl April 2~. 1 ~fi6. Mets-Hodges , "Bu\ '11.'e were 25 guys who stayed In there all year and picked each other up. ·· 1 guess there •r• tom• ptaple who still don't believr: In us . But thore are people who still thlnk the world is flat , too .'' Jone~. v.·ho went lnlO Thursday 's game v.·ith only lwo hlta In l& Series at-bats, failed lo ronnect In hill fir st two trips to the plate, then bC<'ame t.he central figure in an incident lhat appel.l'(d to turn the tide a.v;ainsl the Orioles. 'Vith Baltimore leading 3.0 on UUrd·in· ning homtr1 by pllaher Dave MeNa lly and Frank Robinson, Jonr:s openr:d the sixth by catc!Ung a McNally pitch on his right instep. Plate umplre Lou Dil11luro firs t ruled the pitch hid not sLruck Jones, then r1v1r!~ his <.'all afLer Hodges showed hint shoe polish on the ball. Donn Clendenon, voted lha oUl8tanding playing in the Strie1 , then sm1cked his ttlird homer in U.. r1ve-11ame set. Al Weis' sevenlh-tnning hon1er tied !he same and the ~l ets shot ahe;id in the eighth with a two.n1n bur.~t keyed by doubles by Jones and Ron S1,nl>od a, "The ball did hit ,ne," Jones :said. ''Then it rolled in to 0 11r du11aut and Gil brou1ht it O\ll and ihowed the mark to the umpire. "\\'e needed something to get us 5larted I think maybe that did it." \ ... ··--l •. -_+ . ONE '-"~TY THAT DIDN 'T FIZZLE -The New York Mets prob- ably had more champagne poured over their headi than they drank after winnin1 the World Series Thursday. Here Ed Kranepool douses teanunat1 Tua McGraw. '69 Much Like '54 Series When Indians Took Gas 1111s most recent of \Vorld ~cries m1 r· rnrs the 19~ major league c.1mpaign in 111:111y \I, :i ys. 1, In 1954, Clevel:incl set tt junior circuit l'f'cord or l l l victories in a si ngle season <i nd y,aJ!zed away lo the Am eri can League pennant. 2. This \'enr Ballimore reco rded the third h1ghe.St single sea.~on '11.'in total in AL history -109 -in running away '11.i th the •1.1101 WIUta' Sb IUASib4UUUft WHITE WASH ..... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,. American Leaiu•'• ta1tem division. Then the Orlolu •••Jtl. the feeble Mtn-- nesoll Twins In lhe playoff or dlvlslon1I titlisll -a rooUne Cleveland did not ha ve to undert11k1. :l. 1n 1954 Cleveland was heavily f;ivore<l to win the World Series. But the Ne1v York (;!ants upset the oddsmaker~ and s\llept lhe Indians in four contests. 4. Baltimore was favored to win the 1969 Series. And after taking the opcninR gnme, the Orioles '11.'ere solid choices.But the pesky i\1ets foiled their acl and "'on the next four games. Baltimore (1969) and Cleveland (1954) enjoyed the greal runaway regular seasons. But in doing 90 !hey lost their edge and most of all, forRnt what it was llke to play pr essurf' ba seball. 'The Orioles reflecterl lha t most clearly with the ir key errors in the last ty,·o 11mes -I.he kind ot ml1Cue1 th1t come when you're buckling under pressure. Wrappln1 up pennant• -or dlvlaiontl Utl01 11 11 the c.111 now-Jn Aurutt and then co11tln1 tll \tie end of \ht re(War 1111100 ctn only be dltrlm1nt1I . * * * Quf'~tlon of th!': •·er.le : tf C11lvln r.rtf. lith \\l'tt' O\\nt'r of the Baltimofc Orioles, "·ould Earl ''i'ea\'er be out of a job toda y'.' * * * An outst;ind ing film docun1rntary of in- terest to bullfight fans 1s <lue ~l onday night at 9. Channel 28 '11.'ill present a film biogr:iphy of El Cordobes, the great Spani~h n1atador. El Cordobes premiered illc~al!y in the bullfight profession, leapi ng in to 11 Madrid rini. v.·hich wa s '11.'0rth a night in jail. The fil m will he rt·run on Channel ZI, Oct. 21 al 7 p.m. Birds Still Best Oaims Robinson BALTIMORE (AP) -The World Serles dream of the Baltimore Oriole1 has turned Into a nlghtm111e. Or, even wor11. "Even in a nightmare you couldn't dream up the thing!i !hat happened to U!I," outfielder Frank Robinson !iaid. "llol!y'll.'ood wouldn't believe it, either.'' "You can·t bent magie," reserve out- rieldC'r Curt Motton said, echoi ng the ofl- rrpeated description or lht> !\lets. !\tanager Earl \Veaver of 1he Orioles disagreed. ' •·the ~fels aren'! lucky and thry don't need gremlins to win," he said. "No olher pitching st.aff contained us as '11.·e!I during the year.'' T~e Orioles. who compilt'd a .265 team battins a\·arase ~·hlle w!M1na Jog rasular :ieason gemr:s, hit .146 in the Series end scored only nlnr: runs on 23 hits. Thret M· the run1 were bttt.ed In by pitchers "Wt v.·on 11\ lhOAe tames, but we' didn't win the ono which cou nt ad •• Frank Robtn50 n 11ld. • . '"I still feel we have the hesl club, po~I· lion by P?Sl_tlon, but the Mets have a fine tram, This 1~ proof of y,·hat r an h:ippcn l.o a ~hori series." j I f F T s Sa than day wh• mo> Geoi roco 'ma "' ance shO\.' w their pr CE like B' mor """' 'fob~ ha1·1 "I Ii tie \Ve'd I.hes• r;urp "[ only oor abm "' agai coml Fl \\'hh babi '"' Ar yarr this Al fens b1oo fmn will who "' ~hi s "" Des• T u L. 7, coac l•an Uie • F; or u '11.'ith lern ;i \d 'J'llsl ''\ """ tean "! and of(e. ooe toni, e, has bac~ !iprc 00 qua1 u buy i "Th stun lrou Al bacl hav1 lo ' Arb Al Tille Tu st Agl'l i garr. .. r 11cor lor 1 ""' G> 1am tog Can Tc mal ,. '" "' "' "' "' '" '" "' '" ,. Cl "" Nn "'" hos I n --- • Frosh Duo Top Gaucho Surprises ~y JAY DAVID 01 1'1111 0.11• Pll9l lft tl Saddleback College wlll complete .mere than half of its fooiball seaM>n this Salur· day night at ?o.11sslon Viejo High School ,vhen it battles Victor Valley and the most pleasant surprise so far lo coach George Hartman isn't his club's 3-1 record or its ranklng es the fourth best small junior college in the slate. Hartman is more pleased by the bal· ance his explosil·e ofrcnsivc unit has shO\\'n, particularly its running game. \\'he n the Gauchos lost Tim Butler, thei r leading ground gainer last year in a prcS<'ason scrimmage, Saddleback looked like it wa s in trouble. But veteran Paul Cox proved lo bt a more than capable replacement in tho nJl('ner <1nd si nce then it's been freshmen, Toby \\lhipple and Rocky Fletcher \rhG ha ve done the damage. "[ never thought they'd come along like they did. \Vithout Butler, I fi gured \ve'd have trouble running the ball. hut these two kids have bttn a wonderful r;urprlse," Hartman &ay11. •·1 always figured we could throw. Our only question in passing was ho\v would our pass blockini hold up. I don't .,..·orry. about that anymore." Hartman may have tn worry a li~t!e again because his freshman runrung combination is banged up. Fletcher. who has done the blocking for Whipple. has a sprained ankle ~nd pro. bably will only see spot duty against Vic· tor Valley. And Whipple . who has churned out 45l ~·ards. has Men held out of contact work ·thi s week \vith bruised ribs. Al90 new to the Gaucho injury list is of· fenslve tackle Chuck Finn, who has a biood clot In his hip. He's been scratched fmm the starting lineup this week and \viii be replaced by Bryan Colbert, who'll be going both ways at tackle. Hartman is expecting a tougher game this week from Victor Valley than it had last Saturday against College o[ the DeserL Tustitt Duels Under111anned Lag1111a Beach Tustin's Tillers are fa\'Ored to hand co<1ch Hal Akins' Laguna Beach football team its fifth straight defeat tonl11ht on the Artist gridiron. Kickoff is al 8 o'clock. Faced v.•ith a small turnout at outstl ol the season, Ak ins is l\Jrther plagued .... ·ith injuries and on \\'ednesday af· temoon had to Cill in the Bee squad ti) aid the \'<!rsHy in preparing for the 'l\Jslln encounter. •·we only had 21 player!\ in uniform , not f'nough to field an offen sive and deferusive team," Akins said. ' "Both of our quarterbacks are hurting Md v.'e m11y be forced lo go to a shotgun offense v.·lth a dirtCt pass from cent.er to one of our other backs in order to play tonight" Brian Ollmcr is the Artist starter and has been out y,•ith the llu th is week. 1-lis backup man . Den"y Schmitz has a ~prainl"CI anklf'. An<l wl•h only 27 pla~·rrs on the squad. there are no olht'r quarterbacks available. Coach George Allen or Tustin isn't buyin~ 1he lack of manpov.·cr tht'Ory_ "The Laguna Beach defense rlocs a lot of :;;tunllng and this give us all ki nds of trouble .'' Allen i~ impressed 1~·i1h !Jag11na runn1nl! hick f.1 ike Abbey and fee!s his team wil l have to stop the passin R game of Ottme r to split end Bart Tabor to keep U1c Artists from scoring. After three weeks of frustralioo as the Tillers failed lo score a 11ingle point, Tustin can1e hack \Yilh a loud boom egainsl El r.lodena by scoring 44 in one game. "Jt wasn't our offen~ that did all the scoring. We intercepted an oplion lateral for one score and had two others given to our dt>fenslve team ," Allen says. Gary Hicks leads the Tustin running game y,•ilh Kent Coiner the favorite pass-. Ing targ1t of quarterback L a r r y Carnahan. Tonight's contest will be the rubber match with the Tiilers favored by seven. TUITllt l-GUl'lll. S IACl'I .. '~' Col""' • Itri f 1• "' '" !lob WtO-' Ml~t Wlt1tiewP.I '" '" ,, .... k ~-· 0 Mi r-11,t!O•I "' "' ,,..,, , ........ ' 11 ... Mc. u ..... , "' "' DI '>'! 11ollowov 0 "" ·-~ '" '" ''"'" C11mmlM3• ' Chrl1 ._.,.,, "' "' ,~ Muml..-i:I • OtnllY khmllf '" '" L.,.,., C1.,..ht11 • ,,1,. 011 ... w '" "' WMI Ttdbur~ • M!kt A-Y ... '" ... $11d• • Sltvt I'l l'"''' '~ •• Gt•Y H1c•1 • r.con AIKll '" Newport, By GLENN WRITE Of 1111 °"'' P'll•t , .. ,. Ch1mpiorishlp of the Sunset League will he decided tonight and next Friday with Newport Harbor. Anaheim a n d Westminster all in the Ulick of Ulle hostilities. The key 11me tonight fl ) is 1t Newport ,.., coach \t.'1de Watta' SaUore entertain Westminster in crucial No. I. A v.·eek lrom toniaht Westminster will be al Anaheim. And In tho8e two games, the cham· p10Mtllp wlll be decided with Anaheim and We1t.min11ltr hav ing a shot •t clea r cut titles and Newport a chance at a tJriree-way tie for fir11l l'fter it dropped a 21-16 decision at Anaheim Saturday. ---.----·---· Fr1d1y, Oclob•r 17, 1%9 DAILY PILOT 21 Goal Line Defense Saves By ROGER CARLSON 01 111• 0.111 1'1111 tllfl f.1lke Blackford 's interce ption on a two. point conversion attempt preserved vie· tory for ~later Dci in its Angelus Leaeue opentr v.•ith Servile Thursday night at Santa Ana Bowl. Servile had pulled lo within 14·13 with 2:57 left in the game and the Friars had the shot at tying the count with a sue. cess.ful pla~e ki ck or winning Vlith the t wo-poinl try. Eltcllng lo go for the la tter, Blackford thwarted the effort with hill timely steal and Mater Dei was able lo hang on for the one.point verdict. Coach Bob Woods, still shaken from the narro"'' verdict moments aftrrwards, 11aid , "Our goal line defe nse did the job for us." And V.'Cll it did. Twice the Monarchs held Servile within I~ JO.yard line In the fourth quarter Mfore the Fralrs finally hit with Jess than three minutes to go on quarterback Pat Cogan's 2$-yard pass t-0 Ken Haynes. \Voods was still fuming from a crucial clipping penalty le vied against his charges in the first half that nullified halfback fi.lark Dunn's apparent 44·yard touchdown play. Fumbles ai&O played a large part ln the near-disaster for Woods' outfit. Quarterback Bob Haupert fumbled av.ay a touchdown drive In the second quarter on the Servile 11 and later cough. ed it up on tht Monarchs' eight in the fourth period. But the tremendous defensive play of Blackford, Jack Genlile, Ron Muniz , Mark Gallin and Tom Grzeeka lumed the tide. fl was a teat of. Mater Dei·s crushing inside ground game again11t t h e remarkable effor~ of Se r v i l e quarterback Cogan, who was playing hts first game of the year. r.1ater Dei turned away from the pass- ing game, and for the meet part the outside game, as time after time Dunn was sent ripping through the middle of the Ser\·i\e defensive wall. He tied tl up "'1th a lwo-yard smash 111 the second period capping a 75-yard dri\'c lltat saw him carry nine limes. Gentile evened It at 7.7 with 7:36 to go in the half. Dunn also scored the other Mater Dr 1 tally on a 28.yard burst up the middle with 8:03 left in the third /"riod. 04ME '14YUTIC MO ' ~It+! llown• ru1hif111 " ' ~lci! "°'"'' oouloo • • F "II oow~• pon~llin , • lOTll l>r.r llo'Wn~ " " Yo•d• r11onl"O m "' Y40ro1 P•Ul"11 • '" "<"'a' Iott , " "'•' y1t<1• o•lntd "' "' P11~1t Av1r1g1 dli11nc1 l'Jl 0 2•J1 0 P1~•it.•t1Y'1<d1 "'""'''"a l,.I ,,~~ Funll;>l1h/F11mOla. lo•! "' ... '""' •1 OMrt.•• Du~" Or11G~• '1~UPt+I .J •t~•C~ f O!dl• H~yo•) (,,~n•"' V•o De•I• M~·• ll•pgoot C...u•H Jot•" (ng~" E<'I''"'" To•t '' . ' ' ' . ' t'!USH!HO ~ -lj I -\l M•ltr Ot+ l Cl YC. Yl .. ,. :"! IJ:I I n l6 o I• 11 A ~ " B 51 ?ll I ' . . ' ••• •• '·' 10 l IT J , ' ' , )l I J I )' 0 I J 6J ~ I• 0 1~ l~ .;1 " .... .\)INC. ltl 1' 6 0 M•l•r O*I .... l'C l'HI YO l'tl, 1 000000 l•rvU1 ll I! ' . :• I ? I'' "' . ' ~ 1 HI .oa World Seri es Co111posite Box tJ[ v YOl>I( It.Pl -l"' rom~l•t• bol<ICOft ,1 •n~ 1?61 1.,or•1 ~"•rl l~Tlltl(; ~UMMA RY l1llnT10r1 OrlOIH l:ltllG>"d ... f:'llr, c• ~ lllobl~"'"• " Pow•ll, Ill Fl Rol1i111cn, JI> Jo:1,,,o.,. io IHndroclu, c Cl(hto•rrc,,, r btl•nger. u Cu~tlor. n M(N~lly. D Rell•nn1.Jr.a, p- o>•lmcr. p N••Y• pn le<111h•rd, p Ollrymp11, 11n S•lmon, pr 'll•U. II .... 1:, p ll it~er1. n MJ!«>n, pn 10111• A1t•. r l ''"'"''°"· ,, G•rrrU, l!> Jone.. lt (<ona...-...... In lo,r~"(pe>al, In \~An•,,o " 0" I! J • ..,~od•. •! , ....... Jb (,role, c \ ,, . . . I' o;weil, ;u '·••••r. n 01r•, nn \,,,ra~•ll, r G••DOI, p~ r! nr 1; v:o•. n .,;....,. "'""· p r.en• 'I 1• llV•'1, n M,a•t.•1, r~ loi.1, •!> ' h l!> l!> nr "''I .IV, 70 1 ?101 1 .100 70 1 1no o a .HJO 1&110 01 1 .fM ·~ 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 .?el l?OIOOOl.OU I~ I I 0 0 0 0 .()l) >Q > I 0 0 0 0 ,100 6000000 .000 IS l J 0 0 0 I .WO -~ 0 1 0 0 0 1 .ft-0 ) I I 0 0 I l 10l'l 0000000 .0',Q J000000 .000 IOODOOOOllO 000000 0 000 101 00001000 0000 000 .DDO 0000000 .000 00000 00 .000 0000000 .aoo 100000 0 .CIO(l Ill ' ll I 0 J r ,1 "6 NIW Yori! MIO 10' nl!>J!>h•rll!llf. II I l 0 0 I I .161 ti t l 0 0 0 0 ,,. 100 00 00.000 !'; ' J 1 0 0 0 .!J.8 1••5 10l •.Jl l ! I 0 0 1 ! 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''" ... ... ,., ... ·~ "' HARD TO SPEL L, HARD TO STOP -Fullback To1n Grzccka (65) of !l latcr Dci doesn 'l have the easiest name to spell and he·s also a hard nian to bring do\rn. lie picked up 5ti yards in 12 carries Thursday night agai nst Servi le and is shO\\'n here going through a hole In the l='r ia r line. Jdentiliable Servile defende rs are ('hris Palin 129\ and Jlaul DJr- rett 1561. At far left is t-.1ater Del !>plJ L end Bill 1'.lcKe!logg (BG). r ••' •0"-/'IO"'•C•"I ID! )ll(I !DI O -• /.j•w Yor~ 1N1 1·o~•ll 1)1) l~l Jl! ! -ll "'' C Q;; ::,1n~~it1::,·~;:'tiA~o';"'11tci~o1'.:_ v~;ltr!':~ u.1 I' l•C" ~0'~ ,.,\ l• Sfl fl1"•'. 11.~ff S r,.,,., '-'~"'" ~~ W•'•· ~ l>~hl"to" HIP -Uy MtN•lly !Jone11. WP -Mt NAlly . British Stars Rac e To1ti ght In Costa Mesa Speedv.·ay mot-Orr'.vcle racing at th" Orange Counly Fairgrounds stadium plays host to f\\'O more st.1 rs Fron1 Rrillsh $peed\1·ay r:icir1.c; l::inu::ht as preparations are completed for the Anglo-An1er1can i;eries that will <:lose U1..: 1969 season . The tv.·o foreign s1ars are Bert Jlarkln.~. r:ip1a1n of the Coatbridgc r.lonark.~ Team In Edinburgh, Scotland, and Aus!ralran ace .• Johnny J.angfieltl v.ho rides fo r \\lr~l llam in London. Bolh riders ll'<'re expecJrtJ to arrive frorn England lhis morning. A full field of Aincrican slar:. will he on hanrl. including L'.S. Cham pion S1erc J3as\ of Van Nuys, lhr 18·}'tar-old hi~h fchool seni or \vho \\'On the title earlier thl~ month. f ormer US. 11tlc hold er Rick \\'ood~. Orange County's fnvorile rider, will bl': on hand as v.·ill be Sonny Nutter of Culver City, f.1 ike Konlc of C<1nop;a Park and J ohnny Carte r of Granada Hills. Harkins, a 29-~·ear·Qld speedway racin,i: veteran, is considered one of the hardesl rid ing competitors in racinj!:. while 21i year old Langfield has the distinction of riding for one of the most famou s names in speedway motorcycle r a c 1 n g hist ory ... \\~cit llam. As the tempo of riding lalenl increases. fin al preparations arc being complel!YI for 1hc arrival or J\'<111 ~1augcr of Ne1v Zealand, who has jus~ won his second consecutive wor ld litle, and will f!y Hilo Los Angeles with Barry Driggs, a 1our· time world champ, for a series of races at Orange County. 0 Ste ve11s Loaded S addleback Firepower Ma y Burn Hoop Rivals By JOEi. SCH\YARZ Of l~e Otll, "'-' ~!Ill At li1nc.~ last year 11•h('I\ S~drllPbaLk ('ollt'gc competed in its hrst se:is:on or haskrlba!l thf' \.:'iurhris had trouble put· ting the b;ill 111 the honp . Bul now. a ~'ear later. ;i~ c·o3ch Roy- Strvl!ns s!arts prepAring his team f')r the 1?1i~·7fl ~ca~nn it ;ippears 1/lr r::iuchos n1a:y h<11c eno11gh f1rcpowcr 10 bl ow any 1ran1 11ff 1hc !\nor. Sarld lr.back !1gurc!i tn h;ivc an r \· plosh·e, qulck ll'am 1l11s year wHh a patr uf high scorers in the back cnurt. llrlurnrng fnr h1~ sorho1norc season 't.~ slender 6·1 guard Bill Noon. \1'ho w<1s the leading Junior <:ollege scorer in Orange County last season with a 19.2 average. And joining hin1 in the backcourt is ~n even more prolific scorer, E r 1 c C!1r1ste11sen front San Clemente High. Christensen \\'as the county's top prep 11co1cr lasl season with a 25.9 average. Stevens also has ano1her pair or vete rans back in !he fold, 6·2 lnr>A·;ird Handy LB>ATence and 5·11 guanl fH i:k ~tc rri!I. Lawrence wa~ the r.auchos' J'\o. 2 i.corer 11 i!h on 11 8 average and the learn:. second lic~l rebounder. Ulher pr i1.c nc:wcon1ers inrlud.-6 1 f1>rwartl Cameron S1n1th and 6·7 ecnlcr J~1l'h 1·:bcll. Sn1itl1 , v.·ho altentlcd Lag11na Bearh llijih, I~ a transfer from Washinglo11 ~ta!~ Uni versilv. while Ebell is a Jreshman from Tustin High . Slcl'ens says Smith is an f':Xcellrnt shooter and hc'!i -in ling on Elx.<11 to pl ay the po~t. Ebe!l's re!atlvely 1ne xperitnced righl now. but he shows excellent promise. lie has fairly good mobility and by the tune. he·s a sophomore he can be ;in outstand· B Gwc Le ing player. ucs, a 1·11 "\\'e have to tea ch him a lot anrl will he I rll()I} Toul·ney Draw concr:nt rnting on getting the ball inside -10 him once the season starts,'' sci ys Oran11e Coast and Golden West colleges Stevens. have drawn llarbor alld Fullerton all Other newcomers lo the Gaucho squatJ thr:ir first.rou nd opponents in lhc Chaffey ir.clt<de 5·10 J(uar<I Nick \Voodbury from College Invi tationa l basketall tourna· Laguna Beach, 6·1 forward Bill All en ment. Dec. 17. fron1 San Cltmente, 6-2 forward Bob 1.illy Orange Coast and Harbor open the lfi. lrom Tustin. also 6-0 guard Rick Edward.~ 1£'n111 tourney ;it 9::ID a.m. \\'ith Golden Y"'from Foothill . 11·2 forwar.d Jim Jlelm, a \\est fa cing Ea stern Conference cham· trsinsfrr from UCI, and Jim Mahar, a 6-2 pion Fullerton at 12:aQ p.n1. forward (rom Ore1on. Lions Ill Sunset Crucial \Vestmin1ter i! 2-0 in league hOl'itili tiei;:, having !lipped by Wtttern CIJ.fi) anti Santa Ana 1:11·23 ). Newpo rt throttled S:in. ta Ana (34-IS) and fell to Ana heim. Coach Bill Bosv.1ell's Liollll are expected to come out throwinK ag~iml Newport. 'They've averaged 21 pas11es per game and have quarterback Ed Bane tasting to Kurt Dedrick. Bane has conntttrd on 38 of as aeriali:; and Dedrick has snagged ha]( of them. Since Annheim pa1sei:; succeMJ hr!ly aga insl the Tars, Walls op ines that an y of his opponenti:; who can throw, will do 110. However, he th inks he has sol v~I much or Uie Sailor•' pass defending weaknesses. "Our llne rush should put more pressure on their passer and v.·t 'll U5C <louhle CO\'erage," he re~·eals. Walts also believes the return or f!efensivt: end Dan Herring anri a &1J,'lkh in one of \he tackles \\'ill bolster NP~·porl 'lii defense. Bos1>1·ell has cAlled Newport'i:; rushing rlffenRe better than that of El Rancho, the CIF'ii No. 8 team and a team th nt v.·hlp~ the Lions, 23·7. 11'\ree weeks ~110. Boswell is etlso impreA11ed w 1 t h Newpor1'~ hacklit:ld <.'flrps or Al \Vallac(', Roc ky nb:nn . Sttve Fi~h :inrl 8111 ~herld. "They all run with lh l!ir legs hrgh 11nrl ;ire very harrl to tackle. Shedd has fine deception and Is a good passer," the Lion coach says . Watts observn that Weatmin!iler docs everything well and 1ay1 the Llons might be as good aa Anaheim. Newport has defeated Westminster on· ly once ln four meetings -17.t in 1967. But the Sailors threw • ~are to the sunset champs last year before bowing, 3H8. NIW .. DRT WllTMINITI • "' Oorol 8\oOot ' ll'v•I o-<lrfc~ "' 1\f l!Oft Nt•ll" ' 01" Wltllo<.-i ,. '" !loll ,,1 •• G J ll'll M~Ntutfol•" ,.~ "' Oonn!I OHO < O•• P"Mlt<~~• ,., " Pftn l'[n G Wi ii ,.., '" '" c,,.nt G•I~~' ' "'' Dt•t• '"' " . Jorry ll'llllh • 1!6 M~LlllQhh" .. '" 11111 Sh"'d • l!d lt"'l ,., '" " Will~<· • Mi>n!t ~Tnl '" •• ·~· ~·~ • , .. 111111 "' "' llt •• Fiii\ • l!t•t Ci•tHll~tll '" WO RDS OF WI SDOM -Mater Del fli ~h School lootbal l coach Bob \Voods dl~cu&se !I strategy with one of his players during the r.1or .. archs' 14·13 victory over Servitc Thursday nigl]t. Ill lhe .i\ngC"!11s League opener for both t en rn s . 1'.laler Dei foil£'d ,t"t'\\ n·poinl convers· ion attc1npt by Scrvitc in the fin al three n1inutes to preserve Lhc w1n. / '2.2 DAILY PILOT Word's Out .. 011 Rustle1· .. '• Retur11 Ace By llOWr\llD L. l\At\l}\' OJ !tit 0•111 P!"'l $1111 liow do you go about p1c:k1ng 11 punt return specialist·.• .Accorcling to coach Ha y Sh;n.:\..lt•fonl al Golden \Vest. you gel the player \\1th H1r !'~St hands and then try 10 find one v.1111 11 coinbi nation of speed and agility 111 1·etum1ng \ht' ball. The Rustler co:.ich [eels lie h<i s thr r i"hl combination this season and 1sn·1 al ,.1i sure but that this onr isn 't even belier lhan a pair of all-linic (i\\'C ~lars, Steve Cashdolla r and R<indy Vatah:l. The playt>r in n1ention is flanker \J;ir k Tioger Parkman, :ilso Lhr Irani.~' top reccher . •• 1 tlunk he 's as good a~ anybody ''' ,,.e·vc had al that pos1t1on. And v.e've had some good guys bac k there :· Shacldcforrl a;ays. ApparcntJy 11 ord o( his ab1l1ly is gel· ling around. ln the first three g<Jn1e:ii Parkman returned nine punts for 190 \'ards. Against San ta Darbara Saturday. iie \i·as unable to return a single punt because the Vaqueros kicked short or ou t oI bounds, away froin Park1nan. Betng shut out is nothing new to the rlankcr ba c:k. Jn his lirst lwo games this ,·car he caught eight pal'iscs for 164 yard:. ~nd a pair of touchdowns. But gains! Sau· toi Ana he \'las held \1•i!hout a reception . In four games thil'i sca~on. Parkmnn has caught JO passes for 186 ya rd s ant.I a 11air of touchdo\1·ns. l11s longest pass reception v.·as for J!"1 ''ards while his longest punt return 1i.·as for 40 yards, both of \l'hich came against Orange Coast in a losing cause. A starter in his first year 11968 ), Parkn1an v.·as na1ncd to the second lea1u all-conference . He was fifth in the lcag\JC Jn pass receiving, catching 17 for 230 )'ards and rive touchdowns. \\'hen Parklnan gocl'i back 1o liclfi punts, he is the deepest or three ba ck11, being flank ed by Greg Henry and ,John (<Jrro!I. .Ai predetermined plan on rfirecLH)!l of a return is called in lhe huddle and these two usually block tor Parkman in the early slages. The former Hu ntington Beach lligh School star is the junior college equivalent of Alvin l!ayn1ond and Jal·k Snow rolled into one. A physical education major, Roger is .l :surfing and skiing enH1us1a:.l bul ha.~ Iii· tle Lime for either o! those sports during lhe football season. Yom1 g Ediso11 Challengeis Potent Saxo11 s Thirty is a nc1i.·spaper lcrm n1eaning the end of a story and it also figures to he ,. number or conS('Q lH'ncC tonight at An;ihein1"s La Palma Stadium \\'here the CJF''s firth ranked team. Loara. takes on Edi son, t\ickoff for the lrvinr League game i~ R "·clock and Loara ..... ·11 be gunning for it s Jl)th st raight league \'ictory. .£dlson has a slightly 1norc morlc<.,t ~rr.ea k gC1ing for it. one game. but that's 11lill a ~u rpri~ for .a t1r st-year tcain. llov.·e1•er. the Saxon.~ ;ire an n1'erwheln1· ing l9·po1nt choice to cxt<'nd their streak ;ind hand Edison its third loss of the lliC.'.lSOn. Coach Herb llill"s Loara outfit has all U1e ingredients of another championshi p i;rot.1p and .!!irnply figures to have too 1nuch firepo1\·rr for the Chargers. In ro1nping to fou r straight \1'ins \hi~ fall. the S;ixons have overpov•ered lh£'ir 01)position by a combined 1nargin of 128- 11 Quarterback Don Standlev a n d l1alfback Bay Spagnuolo have ·been the bt~ cogs in the Saxon attack. Standley has lhrown 32 completions in 60 attempt~ for t15 yards and fo11r touchdov.·ns. Hc"s also ruo for three more TDs. Spagnuolo. ho1i.·e\'('r, i~ Loara·s chic' running threat. ht. has 237 yards in 47 carries ll'ith four scoring runs and Hill says ht is comparablt. lo Brant Lighl, an All..ClF seleclio11 las! \'ear. On dPfC'n~e. 1hr !'.i0;1xon11 11ave bcrn i;tingy and ~hnuld be even more so tonight with the relurn 111 safely man Joe Dom inguez. Edison coach Biii Vail says his entire team is banged up bu: ::idds .. there isn't a player we ca n't tape up ;ind glue together before we send thrm out." Vail will be relying on halfback Jim 1'1oxley for most of what punch his tcan1 cen generate against the Saxons. Moxley is the Orange Coast area·:. leading ground gainer v.·1lh 4~1 yard s .a.rut is coming off a 239-yard pcrlormance last week. -tr -(:{ . ' .. " \.O•t• EDISON "' !!•UC• W•~""r ' J~kn r ·""r • •u J.'>d'f f •YIO<' ' M"o ~~·· ~ "" "' Ml~t ... "~' " J~lf '-~·,~· ·~ '" l!Dtl W~N'.11 ' ••• )•"" ""' "' "' aur 0 .. 1, ... e< " _,, 0.,•u•f ,. '" '"~ ~-· ' ,,,., No•!•nvn ·~ '" "' l!uOr• ' "••nld ( 1, ' "" '" DI!" li•t '-'f l..., • J•r,,. .. ,,.~,~~· ·~ "' ••• S..•9~'"'"' • ... "u•• ... m P•11I Clltdl!•"" • JIM M(!>io-y "' •• "''' ..,,1 ..... • ''"' Kio>~•· "' Golde11 West's All-around Grid Star # PUNT RETURN SPECIA LI ST -Roger Parktnan, Golden \Vest Col- lege flanker back. J1as add ed duties as a punt return specialist lhis ~cason. 1\ :-.econd learn ~II-conference s election last year, Jl arkman nol only leads the nust tcrs in pass receivin,I! but has returned nine D41LY Pl\.OT Pl!ohl b7 L" PIYllt pu nts for 100 yards including a 40-yard rlmback Jga1nst Orange Coast. Golden \V est tackles East Los Angeles on Saturd ay , Oct. 25 in its next game and first conference outin~. Area C1"oss Country Teams Sa11 Cle111 ente Ho sts Ora11ge 111 l(ey Clas h Outru11 League Opposition By STE \'E .-\:"'DHE\\S Of lht 0 1.ty POio! ~111! Dual mcel~ l1llc:1!'011 t the Sunsel. l r11nr ::rnrl Crestview League <Tfl~S criuntl'y schedules Thursd;1y and Orange Co;1:.l area schools sparkled. ln the Sunsrt l."acuc \\'('~l111111qrr 1lefe;ited Ne11p nr l l larhor, 17··1:!, llu11. 1111gton Br.1cl1 1,·i11pprd \liestrrn. li-11; ,1111\ San ta 1\na na1!ed i\larin;i \1·11h a 2:.-:a Joss. Q1·er in thr lr,.inr e1rcuil. Co~\;i i\1 ~,,1 r·lublx'1t F1111nt<11n Vallrv. lll·:!7, (11r1111.1 drl :'11:ir l'lippcd '.\1agn01ia. 25-JO, S;1111.1 An:1 \ allr.v upset l· •. ,l.J111..1,1, is.;m .uni U'l;ir;i took 1·:<hso11. 21 -:li' Thref' 1nce1s 11erl' 111 !ti In Ill'" !'rr·-11 II II' \\1th \,;1Ru11:1 131.•aeh !ln1111p111i.:. 'l11·11n ~: .11. ~:1 illl"ldena do11111ng i\li-~1"11 \ u·Jri. 1r;. 41 anti S<Jn (Jc111l'nt£' l:15hu1g l)r,111gt, l.1- <8 LIU'\S -TAliS \\estn1111~lcr 1ra,1·lt·ct 1n \r111'10rl .11°J 1 ;11nr ;111av v.11 !1 .1 \11'!111'\ .1t11I a f'•1111·•· rr<;"nrd r:>nn [)1~!011 uf tilt· Ll"t1~ :.1'! tilt• 111ark bv cro.~.~1ng 1hr !1111~11 ltn\' 111 !I :1<i ;, alle;ifi ol tcan1 t11<il C Sle11: Varg;t. \U [1!1 Kewport ll rirbor h;1d c re1·ord·~C!11 r uf its 01111 111 Crillg ("\;irk Thr tr£'shn1;111 :.1·L a school Jro!.h 111ark. l1n1sh1ng se,·cnth 111 J0 .37 9. Third p\a<'e he!ongl'{I to \\'c~t 1n1nstl'r'~ '\';11-nr Aki1·an1a 11ho r:in a !O 26 O\h1·r~ lo t~How 11·Cre Chns lle11tll'y 1:\1\1. 10 :10. J\C\'1n Co lrn1<ln 1\r1, JO 30. Tl'il ~1a111rr j\\1\, JO .11. Clo1rk . Ken llur::.t 1\\1\ IO <i8. Rick Fhnnini: 1Nlt 1, 10 '43, Ste v r· Lasscgartl \\\'), 10:50. ,John lloh:on1h t Nlll. 10.54. ();l\C J arfe !:\'H·. I! !Kl, Ste,·c Al11ard (N ii i. !I !land Lcl' Uatson (NHJ, 11 .28. OILEBS-\\'ESTt::ll :-.; Huntington Beach p\acrd all seven nf its cntranls 111 the top eight ~pots in 1he race at \\'eslern. Jack l>lcQuo1i."O led the 1i.ay corning in Corona llel Mar , E d ison D1utl{ Foes Corona de\ l\l ar anti !::fiison wa ll1e1t In \'iclories Th ursf'\ay in non -leagu e wati'r polo action. The :\e;i Kings fiowned ,·isiling Long Be:_i{'h \\'1lso11 , fi.[ and lht· Ed ison Chargrrs du1nped i n v a d i n i.: Tustin, 14-7. Garth Bergeson Jed the Sra l\111gs lo their 12th straight \'tctory ;1s he h11 thr nets lhrer tiines 10 top !he ~coring hsl Bn1ee Black h<1ckcd him up 11 ith 1110 goals and Scott Newcombe add<'d nnr. Edison clubbed Tustin for 11 ~11als Jn the first lhrre periods ;ind c:o<t!-'1f'd to II ~ fourth win or the f';!mp:i1~n Tom Liodas !"d !hf' barr:igr 11 11h t11 r p<iinls while tll 1kt> ,,1ourhou:-..' and 1\111) \\'urstrr poured 1n. lhrre ~();1!.~ :i p1rr r. r.1att l\roona. !"11. au•! f):in l-:1lit.v. nnr . \\'rrf' other (.11argcrs lo hit !he ~cor1 ni; column. f1r :;J. in Ill M. l\tth John ~1 11llin!'> ftn1.~hini;: ~ecnnd 1n 10 25 ;ind Stan Davenport third 1r JO 27. Other 01ll'r runners 11·crr ]\lnrC' T\l1t- 1·1i('Jl, fifth in 10.34, John \\'hC'rler, .sixth 111 lfl 41, Dana Babin, scv('nth in JO ,14 ;111\I Plul l\lc\.C'c, eighth in J0 ·45. \'ll\l.\'GS·SA 1\'TA A\,\ l);11c 1,o('kn1.in fini~hcd first in the r.1\·(' :it lrvinf' P<irk for the Vik ini::~. hrrwr1·1•r th1.s Lean1rn<l!C'S f;-iilrd 11) plaee h1ghrr lh.1n fift h and fell to S;in!;i Ana by ;1 pn111•. Lock rn ;1n·s !irne 1\'as 10 16. i)1hrr \"1k111~' to hit the l<!f)(' 11err Boh 1•111111r~. lifrh 111 1n 4e. Da\'c llt'rt1l rrsnu :-1x th 111 lfl .ii. Chris 'l'ork, sc1·e11th 111 Iii ~18 . [;!1IJ 1\r1l~n11. n1111h 111 11 09, Bnr ry h•·n11f•<lv, 12th ln 11 28 ,1nd Ken il1arli11, L:lh Jn 11 2!1. 'lt.:ST A.\'GS·B1\ 110,\S l ~1rh .. nt l 'r11·~1 :i11t1 r>ouJ,:: :'llacl..r:in 1!111~1tr(I 0111-111 1• lr.1 l'u~l;.i ;\1f'S:l a~ thr \1u ,1,111,r.:\ p1 c-kf'd 11r their 1h1n! :,\ra1E;ht lr11hr Lcai::ut• tl u:il 1n1·et Vtl'lfl!)' and han- il1 ·d tl1r B;irri11s chc1 r fir.,t ln~.~ 1n r1rcu1t ( <>111111.11!11\11 111 lh!' meet al Cost.a 1\·1es:i. !'t'1t·~1 ~l une w;1s 10 28 and :'llat:Lcan ·s 10 .15. foun1 :.1n \':illr~ ·~ h1r 111:in 1i.·as Tun F11nk and hr:. ('lrK:k111g \\·as 10 41. Folln11·111i:: 111'rr , .lohn Olswan~ fCl\I \, 10 4f>. 1'0111 fJ L,1'.;1ng 1Ci\f l, 10 :47. Str1c Drrt111grr (("j\l 1. HI :i.'i. ~tr1•e Chrisliann '~'\'1, JO ;.11. C.11ntT011 ll;111ry !FV ). 11 .J:l. l):tlT i\1tll1•r 1FVJ , JI 14 anfi \Vaync l.f'Ctls I V\' I. 11 2!! Bn11ncl1ng Olll lhr 111p 1 I \Oo f'rc rh1\ :'l!ar11. 1FV1. 11 31, P.nh Cn\1111l'k tCi\11, 11 4! .. /\Urn r,endrr ! F'V ), 12 lll and Jef f !l rtigh t !C :.1 ), 12·:\r,_ SEA KI NGS-i\IAl)NOLlr\ (nrona clrl l\1ar rarcrl tn 11s initial u·1n ol the 1rv1nr Lracue campaign, dump1ni.; l1011t i\lagno l1:i . Nick l!risr 1~·(ln the n1rf't for thr Sra h1n.i.::. 111 10 20 nnd 11·as followed hy tc;in1- 11l;1tt! Dit:k Day 1n 10 .. 1u, • C(l11rad t:l;irk g;1r11f'n.:d a ~ix1h fnr f'Qrona in 11 :02, Bob Dt>lant!ey \\'as ~e,·cnlh tn 11 ·0J. Uurton Hay, back aH rr t1gh11n~ ;i \~erk.Jon~ illorss. 11•as n1n1h 1n 11 IO .. J11n Edr111s1on ri nhhcr1 lllh1n 11 I~ .ind .Jrff r-.1<is!erson \1·as 12th 111 11 :Jj. EAGLES·SA:\'TA Ai\A \"i\LLE'' Estanri a r:in into a flu b11.1: nnrl a touj?h Sa nta 1\11a \'alley truss cnuntry 1can1 on 1he Falt.on 1·011rsf'. Sll'\·r Sl'hurernan rin1sl1cd 1n lhe lh1rd spot fnr lhr 1-:agles, 1vho 1n1s.i;ed t\urt fl n.1•1 (Oul w11h !hf' bug ), Schurernan 's tin1r \l'H~ 10 Ofi and thr next l·::igle "·as Jat k 1\ll)vl'f'. 1n ~cvenlh placf' in 10 Ill OtJ1er Eagles to rini.~h ll'rrr Trrry 11:11111 , runn1n~ 11\lh lhr tl11. ~f'\Cnlh 111 !O 2/), Enr 01.~on . 10 22 . 1\1 ;1r~ Bra(h. 10 18 ,1n<I I )(>nn1~ i";rrf'n. 11 lfi · Cll r\ llG !-:HS-LOA RA ,\lark \lr1r!f'n r;1ll1rrf host Loara !11 ;i "1n 01 r r r11r Erl.~111n Ch~ri::<'r~ ~l i~r All cre t ;111d f\l1ke l)1no1·11n ran three-four and one :;;rcond apart for Edi son. Al\'arez's time v.·as 10··16 to Donovan's 10 :47. John \\'cslon hil lhe l1 nr ninth fnr r·:Uison in 11 ·04 and v.·as 1railcd by tr:.in1- rnates Harry Hinton . tenth in 11 :06 , \\':ir· rrn fl ogan. !2th 1n l l 11 a nd Dod Balcn1an , 14th 10 11 5!. 0 11\BLOS-EL J\IODEl'\A One of the two 1op tean1s in lhr r resl11iC'v.' Leagur. El f\.1odena , 1nv<1rltd i\li s:o;iri n V1r10 anrl h;:indrd thr hn.sl Diahlos their ~erond loop 11c1bnck. l::iy Perez 1na nagr1t a r1rth for !hr D1:ib!os 111 10 22 hul \1·a~ the only n10111·r fron1 ~l!ssion \'1t'JO to challe11gc Lhc \'angunrrls. tllik C natlr:l\' fi111,~l1cd SC\'entJ1 ill 10 13 ::;1el'r G1\-en 1~as eighth Jn 10·5!1 and J1111 \';in \oil ll'Ound up !Cnth 111 12 01 for the v.a blo~. J+, F1TISTS-TliSTIN n.11c tl11,<;t111l'k \1as clockrd i11 11 4'2 ;"J11d capturer! a fir~t p\arl' in Laguna 's du<i l n1r.el \lctory Ol'Cr the Tillers in L;iguna Be:ich. Sandy Br:ich \1 a.s ~ecnncl for !he Ar\i~ts in 11 58. Dale \Vil son, 11·a~ fourth 10 12 · 13, f\1ark Rcsig finished eighth in 12:24, Josh Bright. a fre~hn1an n1nn1ng h1.s first 'ar:;i ty r<i<'C', was ninth in l2;30 and D;in J\\oorc \1·as l!lh in i2 ·a:l. 'f!llTONS-OnAN(,E Sa n Clc1nente"s Trilnn~ nianhanrtled the , isiting Orange Panthers. running SC '1 loop dual 1neet rccnrd In 2-1. The Tritons picked off ~l·~·en of the lop right rosi tions v.ilh Cra ig Strrling getting lhr. top :i:lot in 10.1'9. Fnlln11ing for San Cle1nente v1erc Bob Lincb::it:k. 10:36, Bi ll Ayer, 10·39, Gary Brashear. \Q·4t Brad \\iinton . 10.i)(l, John i\lilligan, 11 :32, and Bob Garcia, 11 :4~. Arca Sports Calendar l'oo1tl-Oll -T'""" 11 l•g~n• b•ech. w.-1..,,~'·• •I N•wl'Of'I M~"''<lr, Ed•><I~ "' l"•'• U l~ Pol.,,._ O•~~f U 5.,, (1,mcnlt, E•ftft<LI v• S•M! "'"" V•tltY •• Stn•• ~n• ~Md•um. Mtu lnn Vlr io ti E• """"•"I 1~11 11 I I'"' l C:ro" (Oun••v ~ 50 M•·• •! OCC:. Ml•~ Co•!• tt ~•ddlrb~C ~. C.o•d•n \\'t~I MIO l ... ·~•<bor •I 1110 f!O•· 00 (•II •I ) )Ol, W•<t~1'n•l<t •I Ne .. nod , Sor•lt• •! Moltf ~"Morino"' S•n!1 "'n" (oll •1 l U) IV•!<t no•o -Mt S~C •t Ort. Gold•n W•'' ol \l(LA. F•o·~ (tl<H~ 41] )(ll, ~OO!hlll •I Co!'• /lit!•· Fou"'"'" V•ll•~ "' u vn1•ntilM II••<'>. S"•''' •' £•10nt1•. l •qu•• ~ti(~ >! IV•",..'"~!•• I••""" •I \lot•"(•• foll M l "f. IJ( l•vlnc •I •ll·IJC: •<>11•"•· men! u IJC: ll •Vt •1•a• 5•turd1y rl)n<htH • Mo/ono Y! S1n!• •no •l $•fttO Ono S••d'"'"'· f OU1'P•1" VnU"" "' (Ml• "'"'" It ti•W~''C O•"~O d•I M•• V\ M•nnotl• al Lo l'•lm•, Mvnt>ftO\nn P.1•rh •I W•'"'" ~•nh •n• (Oii"<!" ol O•~n"• f.o•·! Vi<lo• V•ll•v "' ~•dd•tt>•t• "' Ml'""" Vl•oo "'"" l oll o! I p.., l \VO!" i)O)ln r,,.,'d•n W.,! •' r u''"'O" '"''"'""'""" ur1 ., ~II I!( "'!u•n•y ·•\IC Plv••••d• C•o<J ""'""¥ -0•1nor tounty ~'"" ''"''" Tu .. ,l'f W41•• "'11<>-C.Old•n W•" 11 ''""'' ll .lOl. ~ •• ,. •~• Vol••• •! CMI• M•,1. ("•"(ii ot E dl•~n, C:o•("!f dfl ""~' •• l'oun••I~ V•ll•• !t ll I I l ))I J.vllt• ~n ti Oro"Ot (;Nlt Cl JOI. • San Clr1nen1 e l l1j::h Srhool"s lofty am· lii1ions of a Cre.st.\·1cw Lrai!l1e fonthalt rl1cin1 pio11sh1p ;ire 11ndl'r a s1trf chJllengc lonii::ht \\•hen the Tritons host favored Orange High at. 8. Coaeh Vince Dcvrnry·s Panthers h11vr trounced Crestvlc1v fOC"s i\lission Vie jo ;i nd Tustin in pre,·ious league gamPs ;:ind ;irr a decidf'd Fa\·nri1e to add San CIC'n1cn1 e lo lhc !isl of v1clim.o;-, 1"hc-Pan!hers operate out of a mullrp!~ nffrnsr. Ir<! hy f]Uartf'rhae k 1\likc Churchw;;rd·~ sprin! 0111 sl.Vle of nptl011 pl;iys, and the hard runni ni:: of barks f)a1·r ~andhoff. Da re l"ortrr and Paul Sandfo!'d . The rushing i:;ame h .1~ \l'nrkrd tri such prrf1•ct1(111 1h;:rt (lrnngf', rior111:dl_y a learn 1101\'{f for its <i"ri<r! ~arnr, 11as alten1pterl l1 11lc in 111c \1·ay of passing. S;1n Ctrmrnle. mf'rinwh1lr, 1s tl1P ).l!rpri~r nf lhr Crr.~!11rw ('ir('11it :;if!rr 1!!""!1t1i:: V.I :'llndf fl(t. 27-2(). ;ind tying hugt! \ 111.1 l'ark, 8·8. la't \\'N'k. I t1,1f'h Tnn1 F.:irl~' Triton~ 1~·ork on nf· ff'•1~r 1ha1 rr1·ot1r.~ arrnnirl all·ar11•u1tl <ilhlf'tc l!itk Gcddrs a L quarterback. Th<.! slwJ.i !i-11 .. JflO-pound .~cnior ls a 9 It 110·\ani dash n1:in. npcratrd at spl it end lor <t 'tl'hi!e, runs and ra~~es frorn h1s riuartf'rbark po~it1on. llr .1!so docs the "1cking l'hores for San Clctncnt e. 1 lo1i.•r \·£'r ,. it 's 1hc drlcnse that has put the Tr1to11s 111to a conlending position . Leading Eads' Okie defense :ire linebackers !\·like Colt and Slcve Oi \'e l ::ilon g v.·ilh cornerbacks fl ick Kramer and Nolen Boyer. f)l\·e l opened al fullhack la st WN>k aflf'r plnying offcnsi\·e guard lhe first three 11·r('ks and did \1·ell . 11c·11 be back at fullback ag;iin ltinight. ' . " -A• .4' M ... CLEMENTI "' Jt!I Krl<•Y ' l!••d ...... 111.,.., "' '" • •• Ouv~ll ' ,,. lll<1•91worlft "' '" ,., (•ft~~"" " ~l••!l~, Orvrl '" '" ~,. ... V."oll• ' ·~ ~"'~•ron "' 17,1 ... 1.1. (o•• " Ml•.• ·~· "' "' W~vn• ~··~·r ' Roch•rd \'/O)I '~ "' J•c• rt•I~·~ ' '" Wl•nc•< ... ... "•c• G"tl~·' ' Ml•• C~u,chA~rd '" •o ~.,,. Qoy•I ' O•v• s~ndrn>!t "' "' Pit• Rr~-.m ' O•vt Pnr !O; "" '" '" M<Nafl'•r• • P•ul Sond•ord "' Area W r es tiers In AAU T o urney The Or:ingc Coast YillCA 's n<J!ion11l chan1pion Greco-Ron1an wrestling te:im enters lhe first of four AAU v.·res\linl; lournaments Saturday al tllesa College in San Dif'go. TI1c tourT1f.y is a fre<'stylc affair 1i.·ith oprn and high school rl iv isions and starts ;it 9 a.n1 . Olher tournamen1s on lap v.·ill he at r.1 onte Vista ll igh 1n Spring Valley No \·. I. :i t Nev.port Harbor High Nov. 8 and at Fullerton .Junior College Nov. 15. \\'orkout,11 are nprn ;:inrl 11·ill rnnt'1n11e f'1•er.v Tur~:i.v anti Thursday night al F:~tancia High fron1 7-9. IRVINE POLOIS'fS f l EA VY l"A JIOR I TES UC lrvine has become the favorite to \\'In the all University of California wall'r polo loornainent at l.JC lli~erside. Pre-louniey choit:l'.S C<il ~ud UCLA sud. denty 'tl'ithdrew Irom the evenl leaving coach Ed Ne \Oo'land "s Anteaters in ap- par1:nt command. UC Santa Barbara is apparrntly the only menace to UCL Newland is sending only a reserve unit to this afternoon's tiff with LiC San Diego. Saturday the Ant eaters go against lht! host school at 10:30; UC Oa\•is al Z p.m. and UCSB al $ in what should be the title decidt>r. Pat'ing UCI arc all-Americans Steve Farmer and f'.fike tttartin. Eagles, Vall ey Meet to Es cape Irvi11 e Cellar Estancia and Santa Ana Valley high 11chool football teams clash tonight al :Santa An;:i Stadium in a battle t.o escape the lr\·ine League cel!ar. Game t!ine is al a Brnh clubs have fai led 1.o chalk up an Irvine victory aft<'r tv.·o starts. Estaneia goes into the le-st with 11n overall 1·2·1 record \\•hi!e Valley has only a 28-28 tie with El ~1odena to show for its four starts 1his season. Coach Phil Bro\vn's Estancia crew bounced back from a poor effort against Costa r.tesa fJl-7) and \\•as mo!'l im- pressive last v.•eek against ~1agnotia. but fell. 20-!9, thanks to some crucial fumbles. Brown sa.vs his learn is still capable nf putting it all together. And if the defense c:in come up v1ith !he hie play against Vallry ['() go along \l'i!h !he crushin~ 001i.·er of halfback Dave Johnson anti fullb;ick J im Schult;:, the Ea gles 1i.•ill probably justify their seven·point favor· Hism tonight. Valley is still reclin.i: fro1n it.s JJ-0 ~hcllacking against first·year Edison \li.[!h lasl week. !lowcver, eo<Jeh Bill r.lills ~a ys his ace lialfback. Keith Denson, a 9.8 sprint<'r, J_, just about rC'ad y to return to Lhe h;i,ckfielrl after suslaining <in injury in the [;! l\lodena g:imc and H he·s :rhle tn petform. it'll prob<lbly mean big trouble for the Eagles' secondary. S;inla Ana Valle.v sporl s a 10-po11nd arl- ''antagc across the starting offensi"e lineup. 111e edge comes al tackle v.·here lhe f;ilcons boa.!!t To1n l1nt:>oden (210) 1111d Hoh Cheney !2381 "'h1!e Estanci a rnunters \1·ith ~lark Dennis ( 1~2) and Doug Brant I 160). Estancia 's n1ain source of att;ick ha_, been through the use of halfback J :ihnson. He's t he second·leadinc ground gainer in thr Orange Coast <rrea "''ith a a 6.1 al'crage, 421 yards on 69 carries and he's :.cored four touchdowns. £Sf4'1Cl4 .. V•ll.£Y "" s~~ "~''°' Oo" tJ~••un~ "' 0~U9 6'""' ' <om (ml><!<l~<'i "' ~ .. ,,. Sn•d•r " P""•o ltlve'• '" '" F~I• ' 5;i1 Gdrri•on ·~ l~,,... 1,1.oul•o~ " Oo" P•ll••1on "' "'"'~ D•no" ' "" (~~"' '" "' F·ot'ol•f'dorl ' Brut~ B•n•gtn .. (u•! l~om•• ' P~•I Bl•od "' o~"• Jo~nl"" ' O~lt c.~rcl1 l!O ,,. ~C~Ulll ' ... O•F""'" '" M•i<• s~.,.~~ne;,v • O&ve Rohrl• Dial1los Seek Nex t Bi g Step -A Victory • '" "' '" '" '" '" '" '" ,~, •M ·~ ~1 1,.~iol'l \'1r1n 1!1,l!h Srhnnl"l'i fo,1thr1!\ lr:nn :;cored its fir:;l louchfi'Jll'l1 nl the r:in1rr.1ij'!n l;i~t \1'rck An<l toni~hl it'll try 1o go 11 one hettcr b~· \1 inning 11 ~ f1rsl g:im<"-as 1hl'y 1angl<' v.ith f.I J\.lodena 1n a Cre.~tvic'v League encounter on th e tailer's firld. l\irkolf is al !I. For coach nay Dn<lcc·s charges this ob- jrt ti,·e nl:iy be il b1l more difficult lha n lhe fir~\ touchdov.·n. El l\1odcna hasn't \1 on a dct1s1on in lour 011ti ng~ but ha.~ ~t:ored ;il lca~t two touchdowns in every. gan1c and has one tic on the scoreboard. "\\'e have to stap lhf'm fron1 runnlni: 11·ide cod sweeps and oft lackle s!a nt..5 if "-e arc lo v.·in," Dodge say:>. "Ou r pass- inR defense has been adrquate." Coach Bob Le ster Jt El tl1odena ,-ic1~'S the gan1c in n different light. ""\Ve ha\'e In stop giving 11p 14 points and !hen playing eolch up foo1ba11 nr 11•c will ha\'e our hanrls full all season ." The Diablos 1i.·011ld welcom e an or- portunity to score tt1c first 14 poinlo; in any g:ime and lhe <tefensc could stabilize bchinrf :;uch an outburst. If tllission Viejo is lo slop the {){f lacklt sl;ints. it will h;1ve t.o handle Steve Bixler, described by Le~tcr as the hcsl college pro~pert on the Va nguard team. El ~1odrn:J will al!'O go 11,•ith a new quarterback tonighl., l\en Carlson, afte r d1 rrctin~ the Vang11a rd5 lo two touchdowns against Tusti n last week. Dodge is boU1ered with injuries to com- plicate 1he ~11ssion Viejo picture. J!i:iHback 0011 'Vilson is out for the season \~ilh a broken arm and three other players are doublt11I slartPrs tonight ln· cl11ding Kc11 r.lason, Gary Go\'cr and fl.like Gray. • -& 'i-~ ·.r Ml5510'f VllJO ·~ MOOINA •• 1~.1 o e ..... c '•~IO\ C.••1 ,. "' ' " .... ,~ r •f'>•• ' jP•v. ~ .. , .. "' ,., Do••• tlou~I•• '· r-,,v M,.,~.., ''" "' B~b P*~l~••<H ' ~'"'! ~ ..... ~ '" '" O·t~ w~'""' 0 l•••Y Ou•• ... '" ( ... ~ ~(·~""'' ' V•lioq9 JC>"~·~· •• .. fJI~. ~o(l <v ' ·-· (n•'fW•tl "' I'.\ [of c: .. ~ ' V•., C•,l·~n 1 -~ ·~ "u""'• ><ol"'~ • OM ""I""'" "' "' OM (lh• ' ... l...,.,.,. • .. '" r'fle l','t•~•lt~ • Jff! "'t~u~o" '~ • ---------·--------------------~----------··--···--··---. -·--·-· .. --· ----·------------ Hobie Cats Fi11d New Saili11g Waters regatta last \\'eek. The l·lob1e-Cat 1:-i produced by I-I Obie Alter, famed surfboard d esigner and n1anu- faC'turer. 'rhe fast-gro\\'ing fleet of llobie Cal-14s are spread- ing to inland sailing y,•aters as indicated in this scene on Vail Lake ,,ear Rancho Califon1ia \vhere the speedy new twin-hullers sailed a championship ------~--'-------------------- USC Top Douglas Cup Entry Defending champion USC heads a list of eight teams named to compete Oct. Jl- Nov. 1-2 in intercollegiate sail- race event -the 4th annual Douglas Cup Series. Named along \Vilh USC y,•ere the host Cal State Long Beach, Yale, \\'eync State of Detroit , Tulane of New O rl eans , University of \Vashington, Universlty of British Columbia and Stevens Institute of Tech- nology, Hoboken, N.J. Th e \al- ter school is noted for its tank test ing for na\'al architects. The Douglas Cup Series wilt consist of 28 ind.i\'idual leant \'ersus team matches i n Columbia-26 1.fark 11 sloops over A 21,4-mile y,Jndward- le eward course outside the Long Beach break\\'ater. Teams y,•11! be assigned eighl ldcn lical boats by lot, thus putting the emphasis on skip- per skill and cre1v teatn1\·ork rather than on boat speed. The fonnat is patterned :iftrr the Congressional Cup, :i!so sponsored by Long Beach Ya cht Club, y,·hich ha<> grown to be one of the most i1n- portant yachting e1·ents in the <.·ountry. use finished the Dougla!ll Cup last year with a 6-1 record, edging Cal State Long Beach y,•hich y,·ound up ll·ilh it record of 5 -2. The ~"ries \1asn't decided unlll the final da \'. "\\'e had requesl.S fr om ~choOls ;ill O\'er the counlry 10 he included in th is year's .<=cries," said chairman Bill Kli11gensm ith. •·\Ve made our fina l selections so as to ha1 c ;ill four corners nf I.he nalion rrpresentcd. \re·11 probably change some of Lhe schools !or ncxl year." Agi•ig Schoo11e1• Still a lt'inner Nina, one of the most famous and \Vinningcst schooners on thr I~a sl Co ast . proves she can still hold her 01\•n \\lith nc1\•cr designs by 1\"inning lhe third an- nual Mayorr's Cup Race in Ne1v York. l\'ina . no\v owned and sailed by the LJ.S. fllerchant J\.larinc .o\cacleiny, is shov.'n \v inging past the Statue of Liberty on her way lo l'ictory. -Joli1isori 's So1i Neiv SkiJJJJer of Passag·e 1'.lark .Johnson, Jl -~·e:ir ol d son nr the lntr nohcrl F'. .J ohnson, owner-skipper of 11le 7:\-foot ketch W i n d w a rd Passage, y,•il l take over his lather's du1 ies 111 the up- com ing Long Beach to L;i 1';11, rare and 1n future carnpaigns of lhe )'acht. The senior .John~on, \\ho died of a heart a\l~('k 11 hlle being toasted at a family rt11- nion in San F'ranci Sf'O Scpl lfl. prol'idr.rt in hi.~ \1·\lf th3t tile u111<iue 73-footer be !'.ailed 111 :1l lrast 10 m;1jor hl11c \v111rr ral·<'S in the e11r11! of las 1.k·alh , and that his son ~lark sucl'erd to the skipprr's ro1£' The )aLhl \I'll! continue to ti:,· the burget nf the Lahaina Yacht Club of tl1aui, }lail'aii. It is ironic l hat \\'i ndward Passage 1r11! :iga1n be rnat- c:hed against l\t.>n Dc!\feu~c·~ 73·foot Tripp-designed ketch Blackfin, the yacht shr fought a boat for IXMt duel \1'ilh all lhe y,•ay lo Honolulu in the re- cent Transpar. Harbotu· Race Set For Sunday The lluntington l!;ir·hour Race, the fir st of Los Ani;elr.~ Yacht Club's t hre r -r:it·r Harbor Series. 11 1!1 lie ~:Hied Sunday. The rat·c i.e. open 10 Class A, B <11\d t..: yachts a.~ nirasured under H1e Cruising C.:lulJ of Ameril'a liulr. Ne'\' Life Devi ce OK'd \\lindward P;l.~:-.:ige 11.,1.c. fir.~t to finish in U1e ·rr<in ~pac and !-.e\ a new tlapsed lirne record, heating B!nrk11n hy nl'.1rly an hour, Becatisc of a tw o-hour prnalty as~c~srd a g ;i i n s l elapsed lintl' tX'cau~e nr a -.•:i rting hnl' tnu!. thr honor or lirst to f1n1!-.h :inn ;i nf'1v rrl·o rd was 1.aken a11ay lron1 \\ 11ul1rant 1--';1,~agc a n d ;111 ar1led to Blackhn. Th11.~ the slage is ~cl for :i no l h c r head-to-head·cn- co11nter bch1·een the two ) ac·hl s. The course l1Jr lhc llun - lington Harbour 1·;1rc \1•1 11 be fro1n the starting tine in Lo~ /\nt;l·lcs Jl11rlJ11r. lf'a ring the Flsh Ha rbor B11nv to port. rn1dd!c scc\1 un .. 1 P1r Ln~ Ang elc.s-Lo ni:: Heach brr11kll"ciier to st:irboard, the Long Beach breakwater ex- tension to port, Anahcun Bay En!r:ince br.11 lluoy lo tt1e starboard. all sections of the LA-LB b r c a k w ;i t e r lo ::-tarbonrrt . L.A. llarbor hl at'k <tnd white cntr:incc buoy lo st:irbn.ird and finish leaving the red buoy No. 2 in the main cha nnel to port. A 1'1e1v lirr support <lci·ire for unlin1itc>U hydroplane dtil'- f'rs hlil.'1 hren approvM by the l!nlimited Racing Commission nf lhe American Power Boat Association. The device 11as a special pnrachute that is released and inflated automatically \\•hrn a drive r is hurled from his boat. The wing-like parachute slo\1s the driver down and deposits him gently in the water ;ifter he has traveled 84 feet laterally or SYJ feet vertical!y. /\ lan.1·:1~d attachrd tn ~l 1r rln1 er and I.he boat lri,egcr~ the mechani sn1. Dcl'clop111e11t of the device took almo.-L ;i year and \\'a~ directed by H<ir· ry Volpi. chairman of t!H• Unl united and Gold Cu p Technical and Safety Com- 1ni1tcc or APB..\. Volpi used lllc resou rces of more than a dozen org:u,izn- tion s, includ ing NA~A . FA . .\. N11val Air Dev e Io pm c 111 Center. and Dep<11tmenl of Defense test facilities. Cla~s designations are slil! prnd1ng for the La Paz racr. but othC'r Class A yacht.~ 11 hi ch "·ill be out lo challenge \\"1nch1·ard Passage. a n d Blackfin arr Bill \Vilson's 57- foot Rascal from R an t a Barbara. and lll'o Columb1a- :lis, Jack Hall's Conrerto, Nri1•1>0rt Harbor Yacht Cl ub , :ind Hobert Bc1>11champ's DoroLhY 0 11•hich y,·il l be skip· prrrfr by George Sturgis ol NllYC. Class C yachts \\•ill slarl ;it I p.ni. 11·ith Cla.\.ses B and 1\ .<=tarting al l(}.n1inutc 1nlcrvals thrrcufter. A large conling~nl nl lhr I.a Pa1. ral'c rntrirs i.~ cxprclcd to use lhe Harbor Senes ns 11 pre-start tune-up. NAYRU Honors Wilcler· By ALT\ION LOCKABEY Tom Wilder of Newport Bea ch and Hobert B I u m ens lock of Ne1v York are the only officia l 1neasv~ers c e r l i f ! e cl to •neasure yachts under the pro- JJOSed new International Oce:.11 Hacing rule . Other measurers "'ill be certified as soon as lht>y ;ire qualified, according lo the Offshore Racing Co1nmittee of the National Yach t ltacing Union. The final or 1he Interna- tional Offshore n.ule LS ex- pected to be available early r.ext year. Copies can be ob- 1a1ned lro111 the NAY \lU Offshore Office, 198 Ne11· York /\l'c., Hu nLington. N.Y. 117~3 . In the meantin1e. NA YR U ·~ proceeding with prepara!ions tu administer the JOit \Vork on lhe computer program has been started and detailed in- structions to 1ncasurers arc being drafted. 'fo expedite 1neasuremcnl.~ of yachts and tu take ad- vantage of the fact that rnany yachts now afloat 1vill shortly be hauled for the 1\·inter, there arr outlined belo\V procedures \1·hich O\\'ners can follo1v : Under the IOH, 1nany hull n1casurements can only be tnadc \\'hen the yacht is haul· cd, Prio r to hauling. the plane of flotat ion of the y<1chL "'h1:n trin1n1cd in accordance "'ith Paragraph 202 of tt1c ion should be accurately establish- ed. 1'hen when the }'<lCht is ha ule d it should be stored le\'el to this plane of notation. Care sho uld lie lakcn l<1 com piy exactly, as lhc yal'ht must be on the same planr of flotation before hauling. when hauled and then rcfloatcd. Otherwise, it rnny bf' necessary to rehaul lhc yacht for measurements. There arc several 11·a1·~ in \1·hich the plane of lloiatio11 can be established for the purpose of measurement: I. Call your measurer and ask hin1 to do the job arter you have prepared your yacht for 1ncasurernent. 2. J\lark your hull. under the fnr11'ard and after overhangs ,11 a po1nl an equal height ;ib\1\e the waterline. 3. Take accurate 1neasu rement s of the freeboard, oo the centerline of th e yacht, at the bo1v and the s!ern. Carefully mark the points from y,·hich these are taken. 4. \Vith the yacht in prope r !nn1. ask the yard (when hau l· 1ng) to 1nark the hull for you 111 such a w<1y as lo delcnn1nc its plane of flotat ion. The next step is lo arrange /or the yard lo cr;idle the yacht so that the plane of rlotation e st ab 1 is he d is horizonta l. Aquarius Triumphs John lloliday's Aquarius fron1 Long BPach Yacht Cluh 11as the ,,.,·inner or the Cal·2J nationa l championship r<'l!at1,1 held al LBYC last Sa1urdav and Sunda}·. There "'ere Jl entric~ in l11r U1rec -race regatta. Runner-up \1'as Jack l.on- clon's Sunburst fron1 l.OYr. 'T'l1ird was Richard i\lfrin~·<: Bandit. Sen l Beaelt Y;1rli! Clu b. fourth \1·as Jnt:k Uank.!.' L:i Ur<1, Kaneohe YC, and fifth y,·as Dave. Sc:irin~(.c. Tan- queray, Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club . L>oug Hastello ":oulcl have been a sure \1•inner in lhr regalia excepl 1hal hr fouled out in the first race . He scorrd 11 second and first in tht' se- cond and third races. DAIL V PILOT FAST AND ROOMY -The prot.olype' of lhc Col un1b1a-43\ Bil.I 'fripp'_s newcs L des ign for Colun1bla l'achts, is proving to be a ~pc.cdstcr in tr1~ls agai.ns! tnore seasoned yachts. It has been beating her larger s ister, 1hc Colun1b1a-oO, on both corrected and elapsed time. Colii11'ibia-43 Looks Winner, Def eating Larger Yachts ~outhland yac11tsrne1\ ;1rr r.\·1ng 11·1th adn1irat1on and t·u11L·crn the prototypr of ('o\utnbia's nc\Y 4J·hM1t ~IOO]l whi ch h;1.s bcc11 \\'11H1ini; ral·l's 111 lls !1rsl few ou11ngs ag;un!il larger aod llme-testcd yacht~. In the recent Alamitos Day Argosy the y<1chl. sailed by Slt·vr Barn;irtl or Nc11'1)0 1·1 ll arbor Yachl Club \l':JS lirst to f1111sh and overall 1r1nn<'r 111 both raci:s. Urs1gn1'.d by Bill Tripp of New Vol'k, the C.:olumbia-43 1.~ l'epuled lo exhibit the highest sad-i'lrt·~1-10 wr!lcd .!.llrface of Jny of 1hr. Tripp design~. Rrac:l1111g ~J fert abol'c lhr de<.'k. !he lofty s1:1il rig 1s on ly two fC'l'L .~horl <1[ that uf Iler heller known sister·ship, the t:uluinbia-50. Her extruded «luminurn m:1sl is placed well aft, g1l'1ng her a · · .I ' ' t lorelriangle) n1easuren1enl n( 17 fret 8 inches perm1U1ng the 11sc or large heads'ls. Thl' •·43" has a rcl'ersr lranso1n s11nilar lo that of !hr new Cl11u1111)ia-57. She bas a 11alcrlinr of 32 !eel. Gy cnrrying the lateral d1.~trihution of 1lispalccmenL 11rll 111\0 both the bow and stern sections. Tripp said he h;.i." :.1n1ulatcd the 11 ,1 1 1• ~).\len1 prodtll'ed hy a11 r1rn longer 11 at:orlinr. Since the ~need 11! :1 h•i;1t \<lrJrS dirCl'tly \\l\h I l ~ 11:t!L·rl111c length, this 1ncrea~c 111 pr1,1;n1;Jt1c <:oc ft1 c1cnt raises 1hc p11tcntial hull speed, he ex- plainer!. 1'!ic IOl\'·clraj.! kCl 'I Qf 1111' Co!un1bia-~J r l' :1 t ti r r s a 1n1nimu m of 11 r·tted sur!:itc and tapers inward near Its Juncture with the hull . l:rr3trr stability is achieved hy 101\er- ing the center of gra\·ity. Exceptional r o o 1n i n c ~" below decks stems parl1:illy from a bea1n nf !2 feet 4 111· ches -!our inches 1vider th :111 that or tht Colum bia-50. Ac· commoclations for eight are Diesel power Is optional . \'ital slatishcs on th e nrw ~ :icht arc 43 feet J 111l'hes length overall. 32 r r r t \\'a\erlinc, 12 lert 4 1nt·!u·s br.a1n, 6 feel JI inches dralt , $18,!l(MJ pounds <!1splacement, !l.500 pounds hallast, 8 0 $ .!.<1uarl' feet :;a1 t area. The yacht 1s produceri hy Cnlumbi;.i Yachts of Co"::.l.l f\lesa. Le Ma11s Stvle Tal\eoff J Set for 011tlJoarcl Race The most SJ){'Ctaru!ar sl ;_ir•t in race boat history is prn- n11sed for the $.'>0.()0{} Ou tho;inJ \\'orld Champ1nn.~hql No1·. 2~! .10 on the Colorado Hivcr whr11 :1ppro:'iimatr l.v 151J <I r i v £ r $ employ 11 dead cnginL· 1.r. J\lans type tnkeorf for the firsl time. "All l>oat~ w1!1l 1ln1·ers ahnard wilt he lined up 111 the 11·<1ter and held 1n position by pit t"rey,•s.'' e~plau1ed Rob<'rl r . ;..1cCulloch Jr .. race t11ree- tor. "There will be a J Cl-seeond I Shot.v Cets Top Nani es T1111 r.11nou~ n:in1r~ -Il ud- d.1· i".bS(•Jl and LO\\r ll North - \1111 hr a111nni: !he spc akc:-s fnr !he p;inel dhc11ss1on ses.\ions ;it !hr Lnng Hrach Sa1lbo11t Shnw ll'hich opens next Fri · dav Ebsen ;0, 1hr ~tar of the "Br1rrly 1!1lll.Jill1es'' tele\'is1on i;t"'nr~ <ind a cumpclenl s:11lor widely known for his victories 1n his catarnaran, Polynesian Concept. r·nunl down Oltl'r the public ad- flre~s systc1n then a gun and a fl<irr . •·[)nrcr<:" ll'ill p1ir1ch l]1r.. :--tart buttons and be off 011' the fot1r -n1dc course a)T'!id f.: n1;1ssive roar of engines.'' i 1, The boals will compet"e ~It' ope n racing. ']'here will ·!>¢~' o. class n1oney. t:l'ery drivfl.. · __ ·: be after the $15,000 in Cit ' !Jrst prize. !lace entries ha\·e a b:eaS, pass('if the 100 n1:ir k fqr the Thanksg1v1ng weekend classic. ------... NEW McCULLOCH SUPER 10·10 CHAIN SAW :~~: ,. .. ~.~~.?.95 ! Husky 55 cc engine speeds work. Patent•d Sound Sil· encer cuts noise uc lo 75,~• compared 10 cavllv rnul· 1Jer1. Engin• W•ighs only 11 lbs.-try it I BoatersGetNewSetof Navigation Aids to .Study localed in l~ main saloon and private fory,·arcl slateroom. Standard fuel c:i pacity. as 11·e!I as other tankagt, is 40 gnllons, f'ower is su pplied by an NorU1 won a gnld med<Jl fnr 1he United State~ 1n the 1968 O!yn1p ic yachting /,(amcs al Acapul co. The San Die gan 11•il1 be on the podium to talk ;i bou1 sailmaking. He is one of the. fore1nost sailn1aker.~ in the country. Others schedu led on the. sallmaking panel wi th North \Viii be Saint Cicero of Ba xter and Cicero, Costa fllega, and Kenneth Watt s , sailn1cikcr fr on1 Torrance. (q.,:pp1ul w:11' fl "'OlH M'Culi<xft cl>a1n, b1• i nd oP<OC~ol tl!tt .,, d•t•gned 10 .,..o,~ rog.ihtr. f\lany boat operators are familiar '<'·ith the federal aids lo navigation such as nuns, caps and spars and their \'arious markings. Dut since !he state has f'nte red U1e. bo.ating picture, there are numerous other aids .and markings -e~cially in ll'aters \\'here there is no f~eral jurisdiction. F'or the most part t he slate 01ids to navigation are pal· terned alter the old familiar aids maint.ained by the U.S. Coast Guard. They include : A red buoy or sign ln- ,Jiraling lhat side of U>t chan· ncl lo be ke pt on Ole right of a l'f'~se/ when ~terinf the chan· nel from tht: main body of 11·atrr or whfn proceeding up.~lream. 1\ blac k Rnd while vf'rtically 1triped buoy indicates the renter or a n a 1• i gab 1 e \\'ILerway. A red and blac~ horizontally 1>Lripcd buoy ind!catc.s a junc- tion !11 the ch<1nnel or a wreck or obs!ruction \1•hich may be passed on either side. If the top is red, the preJ:.:rred chan- nel is to the left when pro· ceeding upstream or leaving the main body of \Valer If the lop band is bl:ick the prr-fer· red channel is to the left under the same circumsl ance.~. White buoys Indicate an· chorage areas. C0~1PATIBLE When light! are plaefll on buoy! as an aid lo navigation, thfir characteristics are com- patible wilh those designated by federa l regulatiom. Red lights for thi11 purpos'-are us. ed on red buoys i nd green lights only on black buo)s. \\11ite lighl~. howc\·cr, may be used on buoys of any color. Special state aids or rn<1rk- ings inclu de the follo1Y ing: A diamond shcipc or in- tematiooal orange wiU1 white center indicates danger. The nature of the danger may be. indicated by "'ords or 11•ell- known abbreviati'lns in black letters inside lh~ ri1amond shape, or above and/or bc lo1v it on a "'hile background . A diamond shape of in - lernnlional orange with a cross of the same color within ii against a white center without qualifying lnfonnation indi cates a z<>ne from which all vessels are excluded. A circle or internation:il orange with a w'hite cenlrr In- dicates a coolrol or restric· t ion. The nature of the. con trol or restriction is indicated by 11·ords, known lel!crs numt'rals or 11'el1- abbre\'iat1ons 111 black inside the ~ircle. Ad· cl itiona l information 1nay lie gll'cn above and/or be!o11· it in bl ack lette rs on a ll'hite background. ~I ESSA GE A rectangular sha~ uf in- lerna tiooal orange "'ith 1vhite center ind icates inlon11:it1on -other than danger, control or restriction -whi.ch n1ay contril>ute to h(',alth, safety artd well-being. TI1e message will be presented within the rectangle in black letters. Numbers, letters or worri.• on a state aid to na\'lgallon or regulatory marker are ptac:od in a manMr to tnablc lhem lo be cl early \'isiblc to an air proaching nr pas~in~ \'f'ssel. They Me block style, well pro- FREEi Atomic·4 engine wi !h •·v·• portioned and as large as the drive and 2:1 reduction gear. a1•ailable space pennil~. Nurn~,--------------------------1 l '-l/" ... bers and letters on red or black backgrounds il re y,•hite; nuinbers and letters on 1vhite backgrounds arc black. GA S 'n 'GO ' KIT \\!here r eflectorlzed matrrials are used, a red reflector is usl'<I in a red buoy , a green reflector on a bliick buoy, and white reflectors only y,•iJI be used on all other y,•aterwuy 1nakers -except thal orange reflectors may be u.~d on orange portions of rcgulatnry marker!!. The size. shape, material and construction of a I I markers, both fixed and floating. are. such as to be observable under normal coo- clitions: or visibility at a dl.i;- tance such that the slgnifi· cancc of the marke r or aid y,•fll he reC"O~nizable in Umt to avoid danger. 1/2 GAL. SALE Kam·cha(ka s9aa t8,S5 Ul1ll Yafu1. Co.>11;n1 "1 OT !IN - tons lo ow"• ch11" 11w" bo,,ir;llf, One qu•n ol '"gin• 01!. on• 11u1rt of ch.in oil, w.dij• 1nd • o..,.. 111llon IJU eon11111 ... Sal•• -S•rvlce tlon'1 Mini-Cycle City 17116 B••ch llvd. (714) 141-1111 '--·---- BOAT BUFFS Al.,.on lock1b1v ;, the only futl -1;,.., bo11l ln9 1diler wert.in9 on 1ny n1w1p1p1r i11 01•-.J• Covn!y. H i1 1oclu1i¥1 cow t ;•t• of bo1tin9 1n4 y1chli1'19 11ew1 it 1 cl1 itv f11tur1 1f th1 DAllY I PllQf -----. ~--------------------•· ---... --····-----------·-------'"":"~·---------·----~..---------·-· --. - %f DAILY PILOT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE Ambulance Attenda11ts Required Salvador, Honduras Do Little to Hide Hatred ' SAN SALVA DOH. El Aul S&lvadoran il'llers to i;olvcd none of lhe prolJ]C'rns U.N. figures. A soccer ll•Ud cease-fire, Salvadorans In !!Uffered, too. Jlooduras has Salvador had gained a com· Salvador (AP) -A postage llonduras, bearing a st amp bety,•ttn El Salvador and lion-touched off I ester in g llonduras have been forced to closed the Pan-American fortable position in the Com· stamp meant to celebrate ('.Ommemorating 1hc 1nel'ling tluras and create.:d 11cw one~. re~l'nlzncnls over n1ore than repatriate under a constant highway to Salvadoran pro-moo Markel, with a balance of Central American friendship last year of Central Americ:Jn N11l tl1e le<ilit u[ l h c 300,000 Salvadoran pcas.:ints barrage or hatred that extends ducts, thus blocking the flow trade surplus with aU coun- carries instead a mcssaric 11! presidents Y.'ilh President Lyn-casuallits are the Central who had spilled over into lion-even lo those with Jtonduran of these goods ta twa other 0 d · 1 h tries.except Guatemala. It had contempt fruin El .Salvador to don B. Johnson. h;1vc a posL An1l'rican Cnmrnon ~111rki>t uras. "'Ives, A. simi ar exodus of t e members of the Common Honduras. office seal U1at unfadingly ;ual a drca1n of regional unity Despite advant:es into llon-much smaller Honduran col-J\tarket, Nicaragua and Costa a $9-millioJJ surplus wit.ti Hon- Through efforts of I he blOls out the lace of lhc Hondu· lllat ;1ppears to have been duran territory, El Salvador ony in El Salvador ill taking Rica to the :south . El duras. which i! basically an Organiz.alion of A m e r i c .a n ran president on the stamp. shattered beyond early repair. failed to provoke a cha nge of place. Salvador's trade with its exporter of agricultural pro- states _ OAS ~ postal and And the lc11cnd add s El Salvador, which has·2 1~ government and policy in lion· The OAS humau rights com-northern ne.ighbor, Guatemala, ducts. 1 e I ephone communit:a lions "Salvador, D cf ende r of n1tllion people, invaded lion-duras, while Honduras w1:1~ n1ission :say~ ''incredible" cootinues. El Salvador's industries are h<I\'C been restored bety,·ecn l luman Hight s." durr1s last July, llonduras has left with a devastated border violations h;ive oecurred on El Salvador, wilh Jts mare feeling the squeeze, with pro· By Peter Steincrohn, ~10 lhe two countries that fought a The ovcrµrint j3 ;i small in-f11'C limes 111orc lilnd space area that now depends on the both sides. industrialized economy, stands duction down at least 30 per· If you are ever in an ar· fierce, inconclusive war last d1catlon of the hatred and tl1a11 ~;1 Salv<idor but less lh<in 0 1\S for rehabilitation. E:conon1ic progress of lh~ lo Jose more than llonduras cent and unemployment added cident your life may flutter on _•_u_m_m_c_r. __________ 1r_u_,_1r_a_1_ion __ 1"1_1_bcy_a_· _w_ar_1_h_a1 __ 2_n_10_11_io_"_P_•_•_Pl_cc,_a_c_c_u_rd_i_"="-'-" __ ._s_;,,_,_•_•_h_e __ o_A_s_~_ucpe_r_v_i,_c_d __ c_c_"_''-'-'-A_m_e_rcicca_n_rccg'ico_"_ha_' __ f_r_o_m_1_h_e_b_lo_w_,_1_0_1r_a_d_e_. _E_-_1 _1_0_1_h_ecp_ro_le_m_•_f_lh_e_r_ef_ucg_ee_,_· lhe. wings of JUSt a fe"· minutes of time. \Vhal's done for you during lhe critical period before you get to a doc· tor in the hospital moy be Lhc deciding !'actor. In this era of ad1'0111c<'d niedical c<ire, long gone is the ordinary description; anl· bulance driver. He should be .. ambulance attendant" \\'ell·lrained lo 1necl mosl ernergencies. ln a recent report by the National Research Coun<:il's Comrnitlee, the find in g s indieated that there is lack of uniformity from city to city in the instruction of ambulance personnel It suggests a na· tionwide program for lhe training of attendants. "Although there are no figures on the number of deaths that might be prevented by i1npro1·ed am- bu lance services, experiences in a number of foreign coun· tries have demonstrated that 1nany lives may be saved in this manner."' Some say as 1n;iny a~ 20,000 Ii v e ~ are 11nncccssarily ~acrificed each vear due ta impropt>r or inadi!quate treat. n1ent. More lhan Z million persons arr hospitalized each year "'ilh accident<1 I injuries: ;ind accidents no1v rank as thr fourth leading cause of death at all ages. Only a small portion nf lh<' country's ambulance services 1nakcs usr ol appropr iate \'<'hicl<'s and highly trained at- 1cndants, Local governmental ;:igencies and ph ysicians - 11 ith rare exceptions -do no1 accept the rrsptins!bility ol pro\•iding or exerci sin ~ surveillance orer ambulance ser\tices. "The ambulance allendant of the fu1ure." the com rnitlee .suggests. ''should~ 1ra1ned IQ lhl' same Je1·cl as I a y a.~sist.1n\S in r rn e r I!, en e y 1ll'fl'o1rtmcnts or mC<htal corp::;. men in combat are;1 Thi' c·omm i1tee rrcommcnds at·· credited hospital 1r<11ning pro- ,i;irams, assuring the allendant of a carerr !hal rrovides at- tractive eompcnsati0n ;ind rrestige." Hov• are conditions in you r o"·n community·! i\IEDICALETTES I Rrplies to Rtadcr~ I For r.1rs. 11.: 1'hP lar.:t 1h;i! your unnr h;is a "port·wine t'Olo r" and that you su ffrr from headachl's and unex- plainable attack.~ of abdominal (·olic !earls me to suspect that .vou ought to have a physical examina11on immediately. I cannot diagnose from w;iy back here. but I do know your 1toctor will 11'anL tn determine 1l'he1hcr or not y11u <irf' suf. fcrin£ from ·pnrphvria." It can be defined a.~ "an upset in met<1bol1srn rr~ult inl! in 1n- ;;dequate u t ili1.;i 1ion nf f"hemicals knov.n a$ ··rorphyrins. ·· In cr.rL'lin people !his !rads to abdominal colic, p:1ralysis, 1nrpt.al d1sturban('I'. skin erup· 11n115 and brat•ki!'h colored urine 11\ov.·evl'r, "11rh coin pl1 r;i tion ~rr not unusual, ~n rton 't be ulldulv di sh1rbrd. l \Ve have not lr:iriird thr <·;iu~r or roorph1·ri<1, \\'r do know that <i1 - lacks ore son1ctimcs morr rrrqurnl after expo~ure to thr sun ; and lifter taking drugs H~e lhe barbiturates. For l\1r.~. Y.: A~ ~nu havr J:ivcn birth to tw o babir~ whn 1vrii;:hed nvrr nine-and·a·half pounds when born ;ind ynu 1·omf' from a family wilh predisposition lo diabetes, 1 agree v.·ith your doctor; f'VPI\ though you do not show ab- no rmal sugar no"'· you should havr yearly checks (blood sugar eslimates, rte.\ lo mllke sure you are not r!cvcloping diabetes. r·or ~1rs. B.: 1t S('l'ffiS ~'0\1 at e overlooking the most like· Jy irritant: smoking. Don 't you agree you are rationali7.ing when you overtook cigarettes and wonder if dripping from your iiinuses is ('ausing the cough? Ralhl'T' lhan have X· ra)'s of your :;inusrs. '"·hy not try th~ more simple method: qWt 1moking. The Orang• Coast'$ Most Complete PRINTING SERVICE Phone 6<42:.C J21 ''';"'"'!@ N .. ,,.MA~ laLLS CMCAP t~lfl!P' 78 DAYS 'TIL CHRISTM.AS, BABE FLEXIBLE DOORSTOPS Stop 9ivlog the wall an Excedrin h.adoche ev.,rytim• you op•n th•door. g i'I• lo lhe 9lop. while non-marking tip, bros9 finish. 4~. LAUGH-IN, SNOOPY CAMPBELL SOUP WASTEBASKETS Here'• cartoon wos1ebaske11 from 1oup to .nu1a ••. Comp bell Soup to 1he clownr. on Laugh-In. Lote1l lad lso how come no! one hoi;o Shorty on ii?) 97 ~ NEW TAP LIGHT 'fqp-lite pu~h but!on liq ht switch cnn hf! opero I ed w\t h your e I bow d yo1.<r hondsore !ull.Guoronteed !01 !i veors. con be pointed or wollpopered 10 molch your woll. !Lc11ry 'oid too~k Moior Hoopl• in H11nlin91on B•ochJ. 167 PLAQUE LAMPS G ivn pub lik1 l"°k and <i lrno1ph•r• to hom• bar or t11• In lrophy or gam•· room. anywb..r• o llll!• Imagination i1c<d.l..t lor.Hcoll•d for f"r•d [ber••ln. but do you lhlnk h• ehowed t1p,) BATTERY CABLES • .h-i~ Ur.eto storldeod bol!ery. lu•t hookup lo Ji.,• one onrl you're on your way. funl•~• you got a !Joi tir• loo,) -DELUXECA n VACUUM Belwe1n cor wo"hes .lh l ~l~"'"'ll w oy to k••P thf'(OT he<! ol 9111"'1 Y.'•oppctr ,, cig or11tte a~h "~-ol her ! i11Tle•. Works oJ! c1gorett& hcih1~r. 3ss LUTRON SPEED TOOL AND APPLIANCE CONTROL lr'~ th<! lutron Sp•..dial Mnrk D Pow.-r Tool Spred Control which will slow dow-n powo,t lool and kitchen oppllonc• mo l o r~ up to !i omp1. gi.,•• rig ht )uic• so o drill coo do the ..-ork ol on•lec:tric K r1wdriv•r. ass 6-FT. .'LASTIC RUNNER Prtv•nl ~loin s and mud spot~ on '(OUT c;orpet !l•I no one into the hous1 EVER) I! th•y won't coop•role. put on•or mor• ol th•••d own in th• h•o•y ::olllcmeat.. ! ORTHO LIQUI D '1RT1 LIZ Er 6 FOOT CEDAR GRAPE-STAKES Here's th<! ~lull !or mok \n g a len<:• tho• II gove yeor!' ol/•ivory proteclinn. ond goo look•. Pl~krt top Ii.d i six loo1&rs. 19~ 20 GAL. PLASTIC TRASH CAN A ndty trcsh sln<h thot ""'"I bo~h. or plunk vour 111n Ii: for Je~s. How ol->ou1 lo~~ your Io's lhni~h in 48,000 word1 or lois• and win nbsolulf'ly nolhi119, bul lhink ol 1he creoliv• ~oli~lc:u;tion,) ·• ' 9 X 12 PLASTIC DROP CLOTH' A drop cloth thot will look o lot b•tl•r on your l11rnltur• cind • ccirp•l thcin a big ugly point •lain, T know you 'r• n•al. but c:>M ol th•Jrid• could kick over Cl b11ck•I. NATIONAL LUMBER INT. EXT. LATEX You know ii'• vood or w• wouldn't put our nam• on II. For mo1onry. brlck. •tucco. plo1t•r. In white or colors. Th••• guy1 tnak• good pain!. no do11bt a.bo11t ii, 100~ scrubbabl• inl•rtof pa:lnl In sl.lllon1 of color a that go on nnootb.. look 9ood lo Ila• sr•boll. and la.I. quick d'Tlng, mon•y back 911aranle•. METAL BUILDING T h•old wood1h•d l!l•'l•T looked b•ll•r w mor•durobl•.•drca 11169. A11•mbl•1 In m inul••· gl••• ••r•ic• lor v•a•lf· bandl•1 garden toot1, lcrrg• toy1. hik•1, motorcycl•1. rni nihl ke1. Could do11bl• nlc•ly rz• kiddie ployb01.1n . Ten br 1ht wt1id• dlm.n1lon1. 10 FOOT x &FOOT 8997 2 X 4. ECONOMY STUDS f inally w• 9 •! la th• l.11m1Mr wh.lc'1 ltoet' thing ony..-ay. EcODC1m'f 1tud1 ani good lot many hom• building project1 • ..,thing too lon<:y though. At th\1 prlc•. TC7ll could C11t 11P !or firewood and 1tUI b. moa.yah.ad • 29~ IX 8 RIDGE & VALLEY FENCllG , "'t IC: l.tln9. lai;t1 lot 051es. Hond 1phl, full sis lool•r1. •a1y to put up. Mok•1 lor a ••rf llnf1h•d lookd•al and II JOI.I d o•'l I il11 \l, yo11 901 mor. llr.trOOd.rigbtf 6 FOOT 79c 13 1 1[ Sou ti ,;t.arl R• the lloh• Calif v.·Ul Th, year· r('Vll' Decc l hrn~ rh :irea: f rom CFISe f rom ll" Sti r xpll ~tnk ~,, rli~cc ctoor~ ;ire Calif rb 11 !ilil In th rh rlo"T •""" ;i la~ &torr . --.... --. -.. ..,---. .,. ... -----..-;--·--··. --. -,. . .,. ....,...,..,.. _ .. _.,..,. • r,11'1A¥, Ortob~r 11, 1"1(>'1 EE KE DER A Complete Guitle ••• Where to go • •• What to RANGER RUSS MC DONNELL TA KES IN WELCOME MAT Ca111ps Filling' Up Doheny Bea.c it Proving Popular Tf you've a yrn for heath camping ln Southern California in J9i0, you'd better 6t.a.rl p!annlni; now. Recausr by J anuary. al! campsiles {nr the year's big hnhday \11eckcnd.~ ;it Doheny Beach Sta!c Park -Sou1hcr11 Californi a's only beach campground will 00.fillerl. Thars thr v;;iy 1111ni:s have hccn in yea rs past, <1nd l'Ven wlth the SLJ million rev amping of the pnrk , racing to\•;ard a December romple!fon. 1hal 's the \1·ay t hings \11 il! cnnlinur to hr . The addi tion of nrv.• parking anrl picnic :ireas, <ls well. as a ne\11 entrance gale from Del Obispo Aven11e, 1s cxpPt1f'd to case. the crush or traffic £trcan1ing 111 fro m tl1c Coast I lighw;.iy, Bul 11nly tcmpnrcirily. Sletislics are \1•nrking ;:iga1ns1 lhc p;irk r xpansio:in, Jl!S1 ;i~ the floods <irHI !Jbor ~tri kes did 1hJs ye;;ir. !\lore ~Hid n1or1~ C;1l1forill<lns ;;re rliscovcring !bf:' plcas11rrs nf lhe out-n!- doors, and n1orc <ind 1norc out·of-,st at er.~ ;ire discovering !he pleasures of C:olifornia . Tbe result is "Carnpgro11nd Full" ~ign~. a ~t<tndard fix1urf' at lhe park . es pecially 1n lhc sun1n1crtin1c. The Doheny Beach S!atr Park faces rlO\\'Ticoast of Dana Harbor and offers ~ood sv.·imming and surfing. There is also :i. lagoon v:hich 1s full of dirty water, tile i;lorm debris washed down San Jua n Crerk during lasl \l'inter's rains. Hangers s<1y park crc11i'$ will probably dn1i11 the fou l \1'alcr so1nctime this \I 1nLcr. Th<'n, 1he beach '-l'ill look bet.tcr. fi11! 1l will ~till br pa<'ked with camper_, \Vith no plate else to go. Brit.isl1 To1u·ney Du e in Anaheim A colnrfu l ;ind ~ p e cl a cu 1 a r rn- trrtainmenL ;ittr,1cti1J n touring tb e Uni trd S!ates, the Bri tish Tournament and Tat- too, r1 u1nh£>ring JOO nil'mber.~ of 5 of Ilic L:r11ted K1ngd om·s most famous and 1irc-oratrd regiments, v.•ill play a single performance 1n the Anaheim Conven\iQn C<'nler on 1'u<'sd<iy night. The pon1p and pageantry of the 1nass<'d pipt~. dr11111~ and d<inrcrs-of !hr Rova l Srots Grry.~. !.ht' Gordon Jl1ghl;inders and thr Hnya l P:irarhtil<' ll.P_gin1rn1. 1\•ill vie wl!h 1he Royal S1g11al Corps Motorcycle teatn. th e Ho~·a l Air Force Police !log Unit and !he Women "s R-Oya! Army Corps gyrnnast un it for attenti nri. One of the thrilling fea tures or the show 1v1ll be the cli:iring "slid<' for life."' · pcrfonnc(l by the Red Devils \<'am of the Parachute Regiment. a grou p or 40 specially selected <'01n1n;indos. Anolhrr 1\•ill be the bair-r<iisi ng pcrforn1ance~ of lhc Hoyal Signal Corps Motorcycle unil, v.·hose sklll ls only exceeded by thclr nerveless courage. Weekend Higltlights COLLEGE FOOTBALL -Golden \Vest t akes a rr:-;1 and Orange l~oa st College faces Santa 1\na at ho1ne. \\'hilc Saddleback College stays on its l\-Ti ssion Vi ejo Jl igh School gridiron to confront Victor Valley in football games this \veekcnd. TEEN CLUB DANCE -\\lestn1 inster teens face "l ln- knov.'n Frontiers" this \reekend a t 1he Saturday niJ?hl. dance. The aforen1entioncd Frontiers are n1en1bers of the guest band, one of a roster of performers at the Comn1un· ity Center 's weekly bashes. SOFTBALL -11 ard on the heels of the \Vo rld Ser ies comes a benefit softball garne be lween the Huntin,g ton Beach Police Officers Association and that city's Police Reserve Associa!ion. Proceeds of Saturday's ga1ne \\'ill benefi t Explorer Seoul T roop 56.1. See GU IDE To FUN, P•g• ..................................... ,. ·:---·"' -... ----- CAMPERS EAT THE IR BREAKFAST IN COMFORT AT DOHENY CAMPGROUNDS DOHENY STATE BEACH'S LAGOON WAS CONTAMINATED BY WINTER FLOODS lnte 1·11iissio11 New Approach for occ By TOI\! TITCS 01 I~• Daily P'llOI ~la!! Thcr..:'s a fresh breeze. blov.·lng ar ross the Orange Coast College campus th<'se days, and its emanating from the drama dcpartmenL Fanning the v.·1nds of change is the n<'W head of the OCC drama department, Bill Purkiss, whose enthusiasm matches that nf any of his students. Pu rkiss hlls taken a firm grip on the reins held las1 season hy Lucian Scoll and earlier by John f ord . "\Ve"rr embarking on a new phase of theater v.·ork," Purkiss declares. "\Ve"re golng to try to diversify our program and place mo re emphasis on total theater, nol J11st spccialiiation ln one pha.~c or 11noth<>r such as acting, stagecraft or lighting ." To facili1ate this project. Purkiss has taken over a dilapidated old building on the north side of the OCC cam pus once used for cosn1et0Jogy classes and, in the Army t\ir Base days, as an ammunition dump. The frame structure is now on i!s v.·ay lo becoming an experin1cnlal theater. "OUR OWN AUDITORIUM stage is too proscenium orien ted," Purkiss explains. "The kids don't learn any other way to i:;t.agc a show. Jn fac t, when we fi rst went ove r to lhe oth"cr building, one of the first questioni; I was asked v.·as. '\l.'hich tnd of lhe roon1 are v.·e going lo builrl Lhc i;tage <ln ?'" Purkiss hope!'! t.n instill In hi s chllrge!I s new concept in theater -or, more ac- rurately, seve ra l lll'I'' concrpt:;. "\\'e'rc teaching many approaches rather tha n on e sol id theory," he nolc s. '"\\le v.·ant to slress individual expr<'SS1on. "This will be a place v.·here a drama student can make the mist;i kes which are inevitable in learning his craft v.·ithout being conscious of doing so in a hug<' auditorium v.·ith a couple lhousand people wa tching-," Purkiss goes on. Purkiss approaches his work with Lhc brimming energy of one of his t on· temporaries, J o h n Ferzacca, now artis- tic di r ector or lhe Laguna-r.1oul ton Playhousr . Purkis~ and r~crzac<'a both ltlught d r a m a flt di f f e r en t high schools in Fu llerton i<lSt yea r and both are still on the sun- ny side of 30. A NATIVE CALI-11LL P'UllKISS FORN IA N, bor n and raisro in Los Angeles, Purki ss picked up his bachelor's degree at San Jose State and hill master·s at Cal State Fullerton. Aft.er a fl ing at teaching in the lower grades. he tried acting professionally on television and in ~tock . "I disliked il inlen.se ly," he says of hi~ brief acting carf'Cr during v.•hich he work - er! variously as a TV pit chman /'Incl playe1\ bit parts on several shows. lie docsn'l brag about it, bul he was in the origi11a l n1arcl1ing urii1 of •·r.nrncr f'yl<' '' Purkiss does hi:I VC ;1 f<'w things to show from hi s stint in show busu1es.s, hO\\"ever -during a USO triur he 1nct hi s \\ ifc, c;cri. They now ha ve. tilrcc chi ldren and lhis, hP ,fiver.~. is no!, ronducivr !o wr1rk· ing in professional th<'ater. Currenlly Purkiss' biggest prnjc<'1 i.~ rlirccting his sLudenl s in the <:o llcgc·s fi rsl p_rodu ction of th e season -i;i b i~ c.ne. Jt's Arc:hihald MacLeish's heavy 1trama with hiblicill Ol'Crtonr.~. '"J ,!3 ·• opening nexl \Vcdncsday for I\ fot1r-nlgl1 l run . ' "On (lj)(?ning nighl Wt'"rc taking thr <.'Ur- tain lip ;~ b.:ilf hour early (7 ·4:-i) and wc"ll hold a sy1nµosiu1n on the pl<i.v on .~tagc after thr prrformanec <ind in .,.itc tile au. clientc 10 discuss il with o.~." Purkiss sa.vs "\Vc "re striving for ;iud"1rnce i11- volvc1nrnt," he continu<'S. "\\'e v.·an\ to assault th<'rn as mu ch as possible -this is where theater is going." * BA CKSTAGE -St1;ikespe;1te 1i:; gelling hi.~ due from Orange Count y c·oJ lcgci; I.his fa ll • , . Fullerton Junior College v.·ill presen~ '"01hC'llt"J'' nC'Xt Friday. while lwo weeks l<i lrr Golden West College follows v.·ith a prod uction of •·r.tacbeth"' .• , \Vhcn tile Sanln Ana Con1n1uni1v PlayC'r s move intn their ne'.'I theater ntx"t 1no11lh . i t'~ rh)\1l)lful th;1t it \~·ill h«:omC' a 1arge 1 for Vi:lndals as wa:; the old bulldin~ ... lhl' nt\v pli1yhf1usr i~ lor.'llc<l across !hi~ slreel from lil t Santa Ana Police Dc partn1cnt. tlo • •• Liza Minnelli Oscar Bait Uy VERNON SC(YrT llOLLY\VOOD -Liz.a f.-11 n n e 111 , d.'.lugllter of the late. Judy C<1r!and and clircc!or Vincente f.1innelli, v.·ould appear In be an Oscar r\"omin ee in he r fir st IL''lding role in a n10VI<'. \\'i',h shaggy h;iir, unflattering spec· ICTcles, and a f;ice whose features com· bine the least allrat ti ve elements of her parC>nts, Liza may surpass them both in talent S"e.m<ik<'s a po1l'erlul run ·at it in "The S1~ri!e Cuckoo,'"' portra~·i rig a college t1ndergraduate, fill ed \1•ilh the joy o( youtl' -· its fagile i 1n m at u r i t y, vulnerability and e~~ential tragedy. 111e Acad<'my A\.\·ard t;ilk has bee n of a rtor;; this yea r - ;John \Vay11e, Tony Quinn, Rob<'rl Redford and .Dustin Hoff- n1 a11. Liza is !he firsl actress to make a sti r in lhe awanJs rate. In l'rr first niajnr part -she had a tiny bit in '"Cha:-· li e Bubbles" -Lil.a has sl'r'-'<'d notice L h a ~ an r..~citlng n ew actres~ has rnad e her filn1 de- buL a n d will be :.iround a long, lung ti1ne. She may hi' likcn- c<l lu a fe1n<ile Llus· tin lluffrnan . Liz:i l.~ not one of the pretty p{'{Jple of old-time Lil._ MINNELL I glossy llollywod movies. She"s hard· core believable. Anyone who's ever fallen in lo~·e wi !h a. !'lightly homely, scnsitivr. eager. gawky, fa<'e-mllk ing, lonC'some girl, wi!! fall in Jo·;c with Liza. Porlun;i lely, Liza /'lilinnelli "s timing is fl;111·lcss. '"Tlie. Sterile Cuckoo·• is :i nn1v picture for lhe now generation v.·hich , whe n released, should rl'peal th e excitement amonr, young peop le gen<'rated by "The Graciuat1~·· and "f..1idnight Cowboy." Bul tl1is story of fir~t love with il., bl'au1y. humor. ~<'x and tragedy date~ 'Tb!' Graduate'' v.·1th its syn1boli sm and nvrr.~t;ited gcncr.:ition gap. "The Steri le Cu<'kno" <'aptures the gap between hum<.111 beings. Liza i.~ nhnost the r nti rc movie. \\'h<'n !'he ls on screen the aud ience c;-innot tear its ?lt<'ntio11 fro1n her tan inheritance lrnm Ju<ly). In ad dition lo n1ark1ng hrr debut a~ ~ ll'<ic:'ing lad}'. the film also \ntroduce.-t \Vf'ndl'I! D11rton as he r f U In b Ii n g boyfli !'nd. It is produc<'r Alan Pakula "s first 1ry at dir<'cling ard the story 1s taken Jron1 .John Nichols' first novel. The f\1ution Piclvre Producers A ~.~oci<1- t111n has g11·rn thr fllm an .. n,. +- n ".rrii:t"d r<it1ng -11 11'aning only ;idult~. or 1ni11ors aecon1pa nlcd by an adull, n1ay ~l n "'The Ste rile Cuckoo." \Vh:i tev<'r 1he reaso n ror lhe r;iting, "Cucknn'' is l{'s.~ obj ectionHhle in every \1•ay than niany a picture with an "M" (lflr mature audi<'n ces), It 11•ould behoove the parents of im· pressionablc teen-age rs to take their olfspring: to see this Pararnount pr~ <!uction. Not so much to introduce the yuu ng~ters lo the wo rld in which they :i lrca<l.V Jiv<>. bul for parents to better 11ndersland their children. Th<'re 's an even helter reason to !'let! the film - Liza Minne!li. \l'E EKENDE R INSIDE F EATURES Fall entertainmen t on the Orange Coast is jusl get.ti ng into high i;::ear. Norm Stanley's Out 'N' About colu mn, on Pages 27 and 28, cov- ers some or the action, plus other newit on the restaurant scene. Gulde to f'un P•ge %1 In lhe Galleries Page %6 Li ve Theater Paie is Travel Pette zt Polish Art Exhibit Pa8;e 21 Out 'N' About Pages %7-Zll Princess Louise Page 2t Enrico l't1acias Cnncerl Page %t Sinatra .Ir. Special Pa1e %t Cros sword Pntlle Page 30 1\larineland Entertainment Page 311 Gulde to l't1ovies Page 30 Comff'S Page 31 Qutt nlt f•age 3! TV \lir11·1 Pagt 31 Televi don Log Page 41 .., .. ···~-·--~ ·~--.....-----~···---~---~-----··-· ·.-.-.-.-------------------------------. 28 DAIL V PILOT Gulde to Fun OCCHosting Santa Ana OCT. 1 7-~I AFTER:\'00:".' t:O.\"CE HTS -Presenll.'d by :s1udr11!'i ;ind laeully of lhe D1'ptirt111rnl of ~1u~1c. l"C lr11nr , Fr1d;1)S :11 l p 1n . in roon1 li8 of Iii<' Fllll! Arts Bldg . .'\d 1111~~1011 ln·c . Hr- 1·1t<1ls scl1cduled 1nclud(' Oct. 17, piano : Ckt 21 , t:vnleuipor· ary songs, ant! Oct. :Ji. chamber niusic. OCT. li-1\'0\'. l$ l'ADUA HILLS !'LAY -The P;u.iu<i lll!ls 1"healrc is prC~l'lll· 111g "Panuraina J\lexicano," 11·1th authentic i\lex1can folk dances and songs lhrough Nov. I~. \\'ed. through Sal. al 8·3u p 111. with ma! 111 e e s <it 2·JO p.n1. \\'ed . and S;it. ;\rl joining the JOO-seal a1r-cunditioned thca!er is the Padua <lining roon1 11·here the players enterta in during lunch and dinner . :0.1c:1.1can a11d Arnerican food 1s served d<iily. e.~· ccpt r.1011. Padua llills 1.~ located on Padua A1·e .. three mdcs north of FootlulJ Bh·d. 1n Claremont. Phone l-62&-1288. OCT. 11 TEE.\ CLUB DA1\'CE -The \\lcslminsLer Recreation and J'arks Depart1nent will hold a Teen Club Dance in the con1 · inuruty Center, 8200 \\'estn11nsler Ave .. 1 for \\'es lminster 1ccnsJ each S<tl. from 8 p.111. to nlidn1ght. Adm ission, SI. for n1cn1brrs, $1.50 lor non-n1crnbers. '"Lnknown Frontler!:>" 11·ill play for dancing Oct. 18. (>CT. II INDIAN SllO\V -Indians frorn six south11·estern tribes 11•111 r!is p!ay nat ive hanclicraf\s and perform ceremonial dances Sal., Oct. 18 from 10 a.rn. lo 5 p.m. at \l"estcliff Plaza, Ne11'· JXlfl Beach. Funds raised from craft sales will go toward college schoL::irships for tri be members. OCT. 11·1''0V. I Ballet Ext.1·nvt1gfltlZH ·r11c eighth ~cuson pre1nlt•rc• of lh(• l lt1rbt1 1· J\rca t"on1n1u nity ("oncerl 1\.~"(1('1a1 1011 ;.I 7 -:~o p rn. Oct. 2-l at Nc \\•port I lc1 r bor l l1_:.;l1 School 111)1 l!·aturc Lhc. .·\r ncrican ! "1Jnc:c rt ltillcl ! '0n1p;1n v 1n ;i perfor tn· ;111ce o! l'rokol!ev's 1 ·c1as~i cal Sy mphony .'' 'fhe ~er· 1cs o! fou r r onccrts 1s by sub scriptinn only, !·'or srnsun t1tkct~, c.:on tact !\!rs. Kurt Kupfcrn1an at li42-3 18!i. Trnvel Desert Folks Given Tips By STAN DELAPLANE L.\1-\E l!.\\".\SU <"11'~". '°1 111ZO\".\ -\Vc 'vc been looki ng 011.:r the 1:rc<1L South11c·:i t ilnd !llc:..icn rind 1vo und up here 011 the b<1nks ol t·o1orc1d o r11 't'I". 'l"his is for lh c 11•\nter travtdt·rs 11!10 arc !Jt·'t'rt l'cuplc. (Son1 e ~1re lsJ::i nd People ~(HIJC .:l!'l' JJc ..,c1l l'eoplc ) \V~1 rn1 d Jy'i. 1J1·1..,k n1or111n ;.:~-_\ n1 c:tit ..,hy 11111 of a 1111111011 ~tar ~ .. \ hotel. t11·u iuotcl::i .ind a uc1v <:ily budding fro1n zero to 60 .000 . * 'fhe building i:-by Robert ~lcCull och (chain sa11·s. outboards. oil), Pro1noted by C. \1. \Vood, Jr. (Disneyland ). So it's son1e1vhat razzlc·dazzlc. 'J'hey've bought the London Bridge for S:.!.5 rn1l· lion. Shipping it over block by bl ock lo put up acro~s the ('ol orado. Part ot th i.~ project is selling lots in the 11e1v c·i'ly. (.•\ nian 1vh o can sell a half acre of sand and chol la cactus is son1c salesma n.) * '!'Ile cost is 111odest. c:ood boa ting and fi shing on the Colorado .. !\ go!J course. But 1vhat gets the Desert People is the endless desert. Changing fron1 1nor11ing gold to s unset pink . Open and cinply as far as you can sec do1vn into !l•lcxi co. * I "We may d rive down to Arizona thi' winter. 1 How would you estimate daily costs?" SAD OLER.\CK COLLEGE -All ho1ne gatTI"S al ?\lission Vir- jo High School, 25025 Chrisan ta Drivf:.. r-.1ission Viejo: all games at 8 p.in .: Oct. 18 vs. Victor Vall ry at ho1ne ; 1'\ov. l at ~l ira Costa, Oceanside. OCT. 11-NOV. T ORA~GE COAST COLLEGE fOOTBALL -Home games at LcBard Stadium, off Harbor Blvd. arid Fairview Road , Costa ,_lesa; all garnes al 8 p.m.; Oct. 18 1 ~. Santa Ana at hon1e : Hertel Paintings Exhibited AAA said driving costs S35 a day for a couple. 1 1 Bul I think it's closer to S50 -boorning th ose 500 rniles a day eats up gas. 1'love1nenl is lite high cost of 1raveling. * "What kind of dress for resorts 1n the South· west?" \Vestent pants and CO\rboy boots arc big for 1nen and \1·omen. ''ou can \VC'ar blue jean Levi's. At Havasu it"s relaxed. \Vhat you \l'ear in the d ay, ~'OU can 'vear at night. Around the s1va nk resorts of P hoenix, out around Camclback. and at 'fucson, it gets dressier at ni ght. .· Oct. 25 at Cerritos in Norwalk: F\ov. I ,-s. ~IL San Antonio, at home. OCT. 11 ROCK CO\CERT The Associated Students of Cal Stale 1',ullerton 11·ill present blu es singer John :\layal! ;ind Sout h· 11 ind at 8 p.m. Saturda.v 111 the CSF g~·i1111;1:;iun1. Ad1nissio11- $4.00. Ttckct.s at the box office. OCT. 19 BEr\EFTT SOFTBALL GArttE -Jluntington Beach Po-- bee Officers Assn. vs. lluntlngton Beach Police Reser ve Officers Assn. at ,_1arina Park. Grahan1 SL <ind Edinger Ave., Sun., Oct. 19 at 7 p.1n. Game 11 ill benefit Explorer Scout Troop 563. 11·hich is ~ponsored by the reserve (1Jl1- ceors. Adrni ssion : $1 .00, or book of SlX tic kets for $5.00. Dour prize.s. OCT. 19-NOV. 15 ClflLDREN'S 'fllEATRE -""\\'innic-the·Pooh"' by Sou1h Coast Repertory Children·s Theatre. 1627 Ne11•port Uh·d . Costa ~l esa. Admission: children, 75 cents: 11dults, Sl.00. Reser1•ations: 6~6-1365 fro1n noon to 6 p.nl . daily. The A. A. \filne children's cla ssic will be presented Sundays at I p n1 . and 2 30 p.m. COFFEE c;AllllE.\" G \LLF.HY-~1:1.1 [. Coa~1 ll1gh11";1y. Coron;1 dcl i\1ar. tl(Jllr:. JJ .1 111 to J :ii) p.rn. ~Ion. !hrough Satunl;1y. Un 1•xh11J1l :hri1111-:ll (h ·t , .t~~cmblagl'S by Car! J lt:r!t•I, 111! pa111lings hv Su'>:Jll I lo•rl1 •L l.,\(,LS°A Al!T 1;,\l.LEllY -:m7 l'ldf Dn1·r. l.;.igun;1 lle;u.:ll. AU1nl!;!'l1011 .~I ,\J i.:rnh{'f"~ :111U une guc~I fr1'l". l!uur:-.. 110-011 111 5 pin 1111 1·\l11h11 ll1ni11gh Ocl t(;, annu.J! 111crnbC'!-. st1ip :-.11011 · :\1•w l·:n1 Tl1n·1·. · :11'1 'how ln b!'llt:tll Or;111~,_. County 1::11 r Jluu~ing t"<iLlrltll, 1hrough Ot·t. in diuly lru111 noon to a p rn .\IESA ,\HT I.EA!:! E !l1111rs S;1\ .H1d ~1111 I 1,1 II' ll'k 111 I ;1nu11-. !ll('l lJ.i 11. i-iun l'IL1rgt•. ;11,J l'("l\111' ~·I. ("u ... l.1 \l\·!>;I ·, Ii Ill ( 'u11111111u 11-.; t•\}llhJI ! r ;11'1 \r\ l ,!';!~LH' 1111·111lwr, .\1• aohn1 '" l'l\'IC ("f-:\"TElt C\Ll.Elt\" -1\00 \\p": 0r \qi1111 l',l\d , \twporl Bl·a<·h ll uul".' i: :\II ;1111 lri :_, p 11• \11111 1'11 \)11 t•.\h!h1t !hro11gl1 f1t·1 ~l l!tlu l"v h1 !'Pt1i111>11 L1 ~t1lt'ht•ry (~ui!tl. 1\'E\\ l'OllT ,'\\TI O,,\ I. llA '\I\ -1111111 J\:n '1411' l 1r·i1 r, :-Oe11potl Br ;Jt'h. rurrl'tllh "11 1 ·~luh1! lhro1ugh El!'!, 1Junoi.: rC'_gUl:lr 1Juc111r-..1> hu11r1>. 11,111•1' 111l11r• Ii\ 1\lin1• Tl11"tlt·tl111.u1t·. SO. <"ALI!'. 1'11\S T \ \T"L t\A\I\ -lll:!'l l\1•arh Hl1il , ! lunt1ngt1111 llr:H h (111 •':-.h1h11 1ltir11•i.: n ·gul<tt tiu:.1n<·~!'I hour.:., thrrit1gll ll1·t 1;, p.11nt 111g-.. by Ald1n r '.'.ulllt·~. <C HOLARS lllP OCT. ?~·25 \\'EST ~:!!'\ .\HT 1;1\l.LEHY ~ o\l !hr S;11]1Jl('h;1(\.. Inn, ~ ART SllO\V -i\tembers of the Costa ~1e:;a ·~h 1· 1· s s II I . .. . . . 111•>" '• · 1r~1 . 1 ..• 111t<1 •\na . •1ur' 1 :iu ;1 Ill. 10 2 .10 p ni. Art t:eague are holdin 0 lhetr :annual sho~v ~nd.sale for :iCho--i\1•itl ! II ~f) .i ill Ui )II p 1tl 'lli•·s 11i r•\llgh Fri : .1 tn 11p 111 l:3fsh1p fund s Thurs. thro_ugh ~at .. Oct. -_3--5. in ~he !'11all ;i! S;.it. and "lo 11 11 in s110 (Jn 4'\hillll lhrnugh lhr riionlh r•l Sou~h Coast Plaza. Paintings 1n :all media and sizes ~i:i·lru~JJL'l'\llt' i•.\lii!lll 11f l\l : ti·ni :it'li i-t t 11 11. l \it 1 l"or. a1·a1lable , as 11ell as metal sculpture and other crafts. :-ytllr . · 1 OCT. 24-26 COST \ ~1ES \ Llnll \ltY ~,(,Ii ( t'lll"r '.'.t ('ir~t.1 \11 ·~:1 ClllLORE\""S l'LAY -The Cost a !'l!e~a Ci vic. Pla}'housc C"ln e:-.h1h:t d11r1 11g r1'~1!1.1r 111 11·;11 ! J1uur~ tl1rot1gh t!1I , Hlh .Juniors are presenting J.J .ll . Tolkien "s t'lassic story. ""The n11\I ncr~llrs liy l-"«1'11<· \\"1111.1111'_ 1-Jobbitl" Oct. 2~-26 al the Community Recreat ion CentC'r. i\l UT~AL :-i \\"1\(;S \:-0'11 LOA\_ ~ai;; 1·: ("11 •1~1 lligli- \\'esl Gale . Orange Coun1y Fairgrounds, Costa i\1esa. Shu11 . 11 11~'· Coruna !lt"·I :\1.u (In 1•\liil 111 d11r1n~ l't'};lii<ll" 1 10-.1111-~~ times are Fri. al 8 p.m .. Sal al 10 ·30 a m. and 8 p.m. <11111 hours through \h·I, pur1r;1J1 ~ <111d l,111(J~t.<1JJC'i IJy :-;y(li,1 \1(1r111. Sun. at 2:JO p.m. Adin ission 1s i5 cents for t·hild ren and $1.00 1er. for adults, 11·ith discounts a1ailable lo ;:;roups of 20 or murl'. /\:E \\'l'ORT 11.\llBOll ·\l!T 'IL'SEl-\1 . inn \!.nil~.\. T,or reservrat1ons. ca!I 8J4-~30J. P.albo;i. llot1r:-· \I 1111 ll11·H11t!l1 :-.1111 J p 111 ~. p 111 .\11111 to OCT. 24-:\"0\", 1 OTHELLO -Sh;ikcspeare "s drama 11ill hr presented by 1hr Orama depa r!n1ent of Fullerton Junior College in the cainpu& \heater at 8 p nt. Oct 2;i, JO. JI and l\01· I. OCT. 2j CHILDRE.\""S TllE.\TRE -"The ~llsarhentures of Aeso p.' a l'tudent-11rJtten a'ld proc!uced p1ipp<>l lantasy for children. 11 ill be staged at liolden \\e~t Cullrgr. lluntington Beach. at ~ p.m. Ott. 2;> 1n the Actor"s Playbo:1. off the Gothard Strecl entrance. Adrn1ss1on t~ frer <1r r z~-:~1 t :OLOE~ \\"EST COLLEG t-: FOOTH:\l.l. -All horn r g:in1r~ .1t OCC UBard Stad1un1 . o!! l!.irbor Bl1d .i11t1 ~ :irr1 IC'\\ l<o:nl, ro~la ~lesa : all gamrs at 8 pm , Oct ~; ;11 !~.i!:>t L .\ . 1 >rt JI \'S. H10 Hondo al ho111r. fJCT . 2fi-?6 ROSI:: 5110\\" -Or.inge Counl~· HOSl' !::i<1l"J l'l,1' 1:;ill H11.'<' .ind 1\rrangrn1enl Sho11·, Sat , Otl. 25. I p 111. 10 7 p 111 . :-.un. \k·t. 26. 10 a.rr .. _to 5 p m. ;it Ille \\"estn1 instrr Heerrat1on Bldg. ~200 \Veslminstrr Ave. The C:ity of \\'f'~tn11n.~trr 1s :-ponsor- 1ng the fourth annua l show. v.·hich fe atures l'u1npt't1!1uns, trophies and awards for roses and arr<ingn1ent s. OCT. 28 TI O'J'AL DftJTISll 1\llLITARY SPECTACULAR -1\nal1c 1111 Conl'enti on Center Ar~na, ~I. 28 at 8;30 p.rn . Tickets rari~c from $3.00 to $5.00, 1\•tth children under 12 admittCff for half pr ice. The Spectacu lar features mc1nber~ of Bruish rr&1- ments perforrning will1 n1assed bands, pipes and drums. OCT. 3G-r\OV. t p rn ·9 p rn. ~)11 1 ·x~n li1t 111nu1gh :\111. ~l. "lht• \1•w Arl of \'ancuu1~'1" ., ,, 'Ill"\•'\ ul · 1•1 ,.11 .l(!IH1::: pa1nl 1'r~ :<·1d11 · t11rs and obJl'l't 111;1!..1'1 ~ 11111 l..111;.: 111 \ .1111:11111 \ r, Bn11~h lolur11- l11 ;.1 C)J\,\\"GE ('1)\:0:T c o1.1.i-:1;1-: l.IBll \J;y \ a·w Hn:ul. I o~t.1 ~ll·.•,1 On 1•\hlhl! du1111i.: l1•1ur~. prtUill!I(:' h.1 .l t•a1111t• lf ;11111nrid -~:111 I I l't;11!.ir ld•1 u •• 1;£:-.1 SllO\\I -The first international Ce111. :O.h11cral ;uu! .le1~c!ry sho1v ;1L the Exhib1t1on Hall of !he Anaheun (on1en-.. • _ t1on llall of the Anehein1 Convention Ccr!le r 11·il! br open 10 lhe public Oct 30, JI and Nov. t from JO a.m. 10 !O p 111. :~ a.nd Nov. 2 frorn JO a.n1 . lo 7 p.n1. Admission: Adult s, SI 1.-1; •• Juniors (ages 12·18) 75 cents, Children under 12, tree. ' .. •. . _. . .. .· .; . .. ,. Julia Goes jlf usical 111 Tuesday Episode :-.·· "'Julia" is going 1nus1ca l in .· lhe episode 1'.hit'h airs Tues· .. ;... day Oct. 21 :ii 8 30 p.1n. on ~\ Channel 4. L<11·ely Diahann -:--Carroll. who s1,1rs in the title role, will l>e J01ncd by the: talented Gary Crosby in the ""Tank'! For The i\lemory" epl~e of 20th Century-Fox • •• .. • .. 1"elevi5lon's i;uccessful com- edy series. In the cpisod:::. U1ahann :iricl \.ary perlorm r1t 1 h e lrollyv.·ood Bo1\'I \\·1th IJ111hitnn itoing a man•elous re11dil1on of "Ju.st In Time:." This ('pisodc v.·111 1n ttr~ 911e of the fev• lanes tha t Lile television .audience ha.~ been .ab!r to g!unpse lhe singing a bility of !he: ~antiful ,\1 iss C11rrol1 . "'ho prior In the televi.sion series, had already ach1c1•cd stardom both fin Broad\l·:iy and in the night club cirrle via her \'o ice. Lloyd No I an "freq ucn11y stars" in the senes 11~ Ur. t.lorton Chegley. ill a r !' Copagr. Lu rCn(' Tu I! I I', t.lichael Link and 8ct1y Ik;11rrl c:",.star. 11111 l\an!rr 1s 111<' llerics l.l"Ca!or-prod ui.:cr POL ISH P RIM ITIVE WOOD SCULPTURE C o1•rit•y '~ Deco•cllivC' A1·fs on Displc>ty in L.A. :0.IESA YE HOE 1.IRHAHY -2%3 ~\~·:--a Verdi'! Dr J \" t' l·:ast, Custa !\lesa. Un rxh1bi l during r1·gular library l1ours 1hrough tl1e rnonth of O<:t., oi!s, 11·ater tnlurs and co!Jagf's hy Adelaide l'orter. COllO:"JA IJEL J\IAR Ll llRARY -411) ,\languid , ('oron;i tlC'I i\la1·. On cxtubil lllrough Oct. clur:ng regul;ir library hour.~. 1111µrcssioni stic oils by .Jacqul'l ine S1 ilge11b<1uC'r. HUNTl.\"GTO.\' /IEA Cll l.IBHAH Y -52~ :O.l:.i111 St., l!u11t- 1ng!11n Beach. On exl11bil during rcgul ul" lrbr<Jry hours. 111- t lutl111g J p 111. tu::. p.rn . Su n., lanclstapt:" in otl by J);-.ir11i11 JJunca11 l'L'll Cf:l.L c;.\l.J.F.HY ('l1:ip111:ni ('ullcge, OranRC'. ll riur,., ··1 a.111 lo 1; p 111, .\11111-FrL On r:o:hi!lit !hro1igh 0 l'L 17 '"F,i<·e~ (•t 1111· l'o(ll" .. , photo.~ t~1kc11 rltff111.r: the Poor PC'O· pl•··' l";11111;;i1g11 Ii.I' utl1ci.ll photographer J~cubC'n Greenspan ld Su11lh 1.;1g1111,1 L:C I AllT <.Al.LEl:Y -Th1rcf flour . l"111e 1\rts Bldg. I(' lr1•11w Hnur, I tn ~ p n1. Ttn·." ·Su11. fin rxhib1I ll1n•11gh -..;,,1 :in . ·· \11 L \. L:.•lhl·llc," 1 .1ncd nicd1a by four l'1lntt·n1purary art1.,1·. Or£111£;e Coast, SC R 011e1i L£itest S1itJ1 ,vs '·I ~('I c-r Sani! For ,'\ly Falhcr"' !)riuna of l:unlly s lu lh Df • n1nn1111u<·;1(1011. nn ~\age ;1!. l :1i;u11:1 • ~loulton J •J;i~·hou~i~ 1111r; l.;1gu11:1 C<111}011 ll•1<1d. I :1i.:un;1 H<':1('h, Tur~. tlirough 11.·1 JA liC'!otr1al11111~ -4~·1· :.:~:,11, '"l hri,lmns F.1 e ;1l the Sa11rni ll'' A 11111~1r;1I rnl'lacfran1,1 prr· ·n!n! 1,v Oki JamC's l');i1cr~ • ! /\r,1 p;>rt Bt><1rh :ind sOu1 h ~ "••'i l.1i.;ht V1>1:ra A.\SOl."J,1· 11011. i>n !.-tag1' ;,1 l\t·11·ro1'l lh•;n h Ehcll l"luh. 51') \\' B.11· t.•1.t li h't flrt 1i tll ;1\ S.111 t l1·1111•nlr J lthh :-ichuul ;\nl. 7 Poli .~h 1irt lJn ;111d ~ J:•·•!'I I ,ii 1!111' 0210 or :1i.",.,1r.r,o ''.1,/3 ,"' t\l'r·h1hal 'I 1\1 :i r I. r is II'~ 111';1111:1 ,11111111 ,1 1n1u i~'rn -d:1 .v .loll, nn : 1:1;.:r ;,\ rJr;111gc Co;1 ,l Col l e~!" 1\11dllur11 1n1. 2 i 0 ! F;11r1 ll'W HOiJtl, C1t:-l;J i\!esi.I. (f('I. 2.1 2.1 .1t 8 1~. p 111. l'rr-cnt1•d hv tllr OCC 1 lr:1111~1 tiCjl<iJ"\1111•111 -:\d1111,.~ion ll"l'l' "\ Funny Thin~ ll ;111pcnC'1t on th" \\:11 In lhc Furu111·· \h1~11 "1 'n1nrdy on .-.t:1gr .1l !-111ut!1 I '0.1•! H.cprrl11r: 11!27 \,·11p111' l;/1·11. co-1.1 :O.lr ~.1. Thur_, -:-01111 tkt 21 l hrou~n \01, I 1 r:r~t11;11111r1-li~li- 1 :r;.1 \II \ly !'-on,·· \l1il1·r \ I .i 111 I I\" 1'1 o1111.1 '' ·' .ig,. .ii ! io1 l••rl11n I 11otlhJ.;l•l• I'· 11~1 B11t'll.t \'1~:.t 11n1 1 !·ullr·rlnp 1·11. nnil :);11. !l1·L ~I lhr1n1j.!11 ;\111 , IJ ll r~rn .J li.•J1~ C27-1~3.!l . * To be absolutely correcl. tile boot design should he s ix.stitched. (They sel l ei c:hl-s titched boots, but 111 the \Vest these are called ··Pocohon tas " clothes.) F'o r v.·omcn lhe pants should be so lighl yo u can read the serial number on a do!la_r bill in the pi stol pocket. (\Vhen n1y sugar 1va \ks do11·n the street. a!l the birdies hold their brealh. l * " ... a suggestion for a Christm as present from overseas for a girl?" '1ou'd better get a catalo::: bv 11'ritini::-!l lri il Order Stores. Shannon Free Airpn1:t. l relanrl . (!l's gelling late so send then1 '.10 cent ~ and get it air n11HI.) 1·ake <.1 look in thcrf' al th~ bulky, <1ft-1rh11 e \rein Tslanrls <:\\('JtPr ~ .. \bout s1·, l\llh po<:la:.;c l' S. Cuslurns duty S2 7.1. * No\v dress lhis up \11th a :lt. Br1g1d 's c ross in silver and Conn£>r1 nara niarb!e It'~ an ornan1ental n111 . \l;irlc like thr ('rO!-~ of ro of 1hatch you s ec 111 fr1 :--h kilt hcn~ 'l'h1 s for s.15n. * .S-peDking nf Ireland . (;rcg;in's f il~\l c 11(1(.Cl 1!)1;.i t 1nr;.;pens1vc. delightful little place on c:n111•11y l>ay) 11 ri te!' n1c · '·\\'c a1'c In utter c111li.1rrnssn1e nl tn l1avc run 01tl of hroch11rri-" Th11y 1nf'nn if rou 11 rolr fo r one nnci di dn't gel 11 keep ti1c fsilh. hrOlh· ('r l t"s con11ni:-·\~ ::ioo n as thry get n1ore printed. (;ood reliable pc iiplc. * "Is tht-re "' way to go around Mex ico City and st-e something besides expensive hotel!. and reslaur· ants?" \·ou bu.1· .1<1hn \\'ilh el111's 'Guide !o il l l'xirC'l 1·1 1y"' in an.v to11ri"t hotel nc11·!':-;t<1n{l nr book store. 111~ 11 ~lk1ng t our~ of the <1l d city arc the Oest * "Is it absolutely necessary lo bt-vaccinated to 90 overseas?" i\"o. \"ou cun rcl'u ~c for 1 :ir1 0H:\ re ason ~ hc nlth. reh,i::1011. Or th,:it ,·nu t hink 1 arcinr 111,11111. f;1rlurrr~ <1re 111 -~l!lllc 11nhnl _\" lcClguc to tnakc 1111· t J!"llCd ll!Urt('~. * "If my fiance and I take a cruise 1n lhe Carib. bean, could we be married ill sea by the Captain?" P and() !\\ho !':iii 'l hr 11nrld1 '"' 11 0 (";1p t;11n s du11 ·L hn1·p 1h;it <lt1lhnr11\' \h1•-..1• I\ 1 11 ~1' (];-'!\.' f:nt ' • • . I 1111.:y .,~y. )OU t:~ll J.;l:I ;1 1n1111.~l('r·pcl ..,~i:11gcr10 d0 1f. (:olle1·1 i1111 Di .~pl"). \ 1 ,.1\l•c11 c1n .. r f'oh1>h fll'I \1u 1I. 11\ 1111ril ;ind 111,,>1! on THE BOSS SAYS 3900 ARE COMING TO DINNER 1l1•phr .. 1 thr 1·:d1 hir111.1 \hi~( !1111 i•f ~Clt'!ll"t' ,1 11 (j li1d11 .11·.1 111 Ei.po~il1un !';1r~ b lilt· J11 :-t 1·0111prrhcnsl\c \rl'~1 Cn:l~L shu11111i.: of 1ht•t 1·oun· 11~ ~ d1•('or:lli\r ar1~. F11t 1!ll'rl · 1-"orni-. F r 11111 T '111,11111, ' 1111· l'\l11ln1 1 ~ 'llV11~•>n·d b.v t "t'.'Jle l1:i ('nrp11r;1. 1101\. 11nporter~ or 1'0!11-h ;J rl ~ .11111 1·1;1 rr~ 11 11·11! ennt111uC' 110 lh•· 111u"·11111 1' Applird 1\rts 1:a ll1'11' lhroug!1 :\"111cn1bcr :! l-'t•:11 1111'(l 111 lht' slhl11 ur1• rhr r1.i11ur:1ll'. lo ;i I\ ii -I I 0 I c !I 1 :1pr~tr11'' l\I l'11l:1nd :in<I '"k1l11n"' ru g~ -111 lHJ lh tr;aJ1. I 1'111;.I f11lk-pall1'1"11.~ :ind ('nl· 11rf1 1I l"on11·111pur.:i1·r :ib~11':1('· 111111• \1~11 lni·hult•d :i1·r 11011d '-i·1rlp!\lt'l'' 111 11n1111111 l' jnll, ;1rt . • n1.-1t11.~ :ind C'tll'lrd tal.ilC'i-, 1·ho11r~ rind l1C'nl'hc.~ Thi· !ap1·::.lnl·~ -1·rr.ilCtl hi l''[i1b11~hl•tl ,l I' t I .'l ts ,1n;I 1lll{'t!tCtJ IH'I\ l'Olll('t"~ -.ir(' \1~11r11 ,1rr1.rd1r1i.: 111 :1 rhar;1c-lrr1 ~!1t • n11·1hoil 1",Jll•"fl · 1•urnp111>in~ .11 tllr loo1n 11h11·h rnal.Jlcs lhC' dc.~iJ:lll'r!t Jn ll:irinon111:0 p:1llt'rns ;u1<l 1rx- lt1rl'' tn n.ilural 11001 .-\1nong l!1t·n1 ilrr thr (;ol.it>hn l.i f11•;:.tl It'' 1)f I l1•lt1l;1 ;111d ~1i'li11t (;;tli..•Jll::>~I. .1!\d ;1!1 p•·11~11111I l ·1w It .I l1\ ~I.ii 1,1 ll11· 1 1~1111.1 !liar c·r1 111U1nt·~ the h 1·hru11111•, H1 11 e.111 11g .u1d l'tll· 1,1,.1111'1 \" •'"!!:Ill\·, th1' 11r1iild cl1ivf' 1111.l'f'nl' ma d, hut 11111 1111.-n Collin, r.lld l" ~;url 1h1' ln 'l..11 ]1"•111:1 ,,'1irl Hui• 11.-11111111;1 .. n' 41•1'11.-r~ of l. f.· t: Fu11d S• 1·111 • • !'1 1•·.1 il\•I l\<"1\1 '" "nr\.; ;11111 1•"•1 .l\Jil\11~'••1'1"1•l lh l hr 1n11~1 l,ullfl"\I('11nay ••I lt11•d !'11·1 '''hilulod In 111,1ni::c 1 ·,,11111~ · r,,n~n1lula!1••n~ fvr a .1uh \\f'll 1lonr'. J lo p• •ii'":! f ••\\" llUll:.'.' I""' ''l!'l'lit•fl · ~100(111)». \\flf, l"llli'lOn~. 1';"(1() ;!pp\1'._, SOI) p!«ll .<, lOllfl ..1.111;..•", JO lu;;~ ~111111'"'. :,()()lbs. \\"aldurf !:>11l11d. l lMI pra,·hrs, l~(l(} l>!lllllllill'. CL IP THESE COUPONS AND STOCK UP. YOU MAY GET l•OO FOR DINNER. . ........ , .........•.......... • AT THEIR BEST NOW • ALWAYS CHEAPER • FIRST OF THl • • JONAHTHAN HERE FLORIDA • • APPLES • HALLOWEEN • GRAPEFRUIT • • PUMPKINS • • • : s~ LI. : 1 Q¢EA. : LIMIT -~ LBS. • LIMIT --' • WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON • • • LIMIT -S WITH THIS COUPON • • •••••••••• • • • •••••••••• -• • • • • • • • • COUPONS EXPUtE -OCTOBER 21 'I',~, d.oor1 ~~, t11 b. '"11~1 of th't w11do:l" ,.1 th•1• 1:~. •••••~•n•"· th•v buv +~. fin11t IHO<lu(I ":l~f '/ <~n b1•v• l~•v "'""'! ,.11 1, fR • •"vth.~q 1li1. Tli.v d~mond the be'! l•v th.,., •nd ~11~·11 ·••' VllLA NOVA . Me,..pc!I TACO M(SA. Co1l1 Mr '"· ELICS CLUI. Nownod. IUR&ER l'A N• "TRY, Coile M f1A , All ORAN&E JULIUS • How •bout you call in g us? • (JflA.\'(;£ l"OU,VT Y'S FA STf.ST r.RO ll'/J\"f; r norir ;cf; ORGANfZ . .\T/01\r" " .. , ... r.•n1.~ "' r1·11r/1u r J111010 llouJ°' "\\"/lc1 1: IJlio /it)t l ~ rr1r Otrlrr of t!ii: //01i~c·• I I I. I I. .. L -----~~ --------~-------...-~------..----~---------.-----------·~ ----- DAil V PILOT 27 ,..,.,,,,,,:::::"-::o::'.""'~--=::::::c:""""""""""""""'""'""""'""""""""""""""""'"""""""""°""'"""-'""'""""'""'""'"~..,,.'l:::=:!Z::~.C:::--~------,---------~~~-;;;...:.JLL..::."U"~--'-=:::.:C---.!.-''tC-"3'•&.......,~::Z::-=__,,,,,,,~11""''::::::'"~~ .f ' I WEEKENDER OUT N ABOUT By STANLEY ' 1 • I ORANGE COUNTY'S RESTAURANT, NIGHT CLUB AND ENTERTAINMENT Costanzo and Woo 1'ean1 up a couple of top performers \Vith a va- riety of talents and the resu\l is a sh.ow _biz act.that leaves 'e1n begging fo r more. This JS precisely \vh at's happening these nights .vlhen ~ack Costanzo and Gerrie Woo pour forth their music and song at 1'he Sheraton-Beach Jnn. Huntington Beach. As the n1an 111ore than any other responsible for popularity of the bongos all over th~ world .• Cos- t anzo socks his audience a mighty solid helping of entertainn1ent in any given hour o_n _the bandstand. And the lithesoine 1-liss Woo administer s the coup de grace \t·i th her artful singing and dancing. VERSATILE GROUP \V ith Gerrie vocalizing rock, swing and ballads. and Jack and the band swin~ing rock, Latin .a.nd .standards, the group also displays a versatility bound to please any inixcd bag of . tastes. Coslanzo's credits in the profession go 1!f8Y back to his start \Vith II.he famous Stan Kenton Band, which shot him to jazz fame overnight. \Vi th Ken- ton he .recorded such hits as "Peanut Vendor," "Bongo Riff," "Cuban Carnival" and about 50 other numbers. WITH NAT KING COLE Jack next joined the late great Nat King Cole \Vhich caused 'I.he King Cole. Trio to ~e changed to Nat King Cole and the Trio featuring Jack Co s- 1anzo. Jack recorded on many of Cole's hi ts, includ- ing "Calypso Blues." "Lover Come Back to ll'le." "Lush Life," ''Alakazam" and "Yes Sir, That's My Baby.'' After Cole, Jack joined Peggy Lee and v.ras prominent!v sho\vcased in her a ct throµghout the country. H-e also \Vorked and was featured with Retty Grable and llarr:v .James, Judy Garland, Ray An'thony and Martin and Lewis. J\·Ir. Bongo finally started his O\vn band and o~ c ned a \rholc nc\v era for himself. He recordeOh1s Dining with An Ocean View SEAFOOD, STEAKS AND GOURMET ENTRfES * * * * FROM $3.25 * JESS PARKER Appearing Nightly T11e1doy f!lr11 S1111do., BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE PHONE 53&·2555 317 OCIAN AVI. 1-iUNTINGTON llACH Overlooking Th e P<'!l tific: Ocean At The Pier Open to the Piiblic ~ Newly Enlarged Yi';;;; Popular .•• ~~1 LARK ROOM Entertainment Nightly Tuesday through Saturday THE FA BU LOUS DICK SEAN * BANQU ET FACILITIES FOR 450 * SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER DAILY MEADOWLARK country club GOMER SH-IS, CECIL HOLLINGSWORTH. Co-Ow~'" 1678Z GRAHAM STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH For Reservations Cell 146-1116 or 146-1416 , 1{efreshme11t ...Means a .(ot of 'I'hings A long look at the rolling sea The nostalgic cry of a wheeling gull The floral artistry of .t French Garden And', good food and drink In such • setting! The VICTOR HUGO INN has been refreshing diners and making memories for over a quarter of a century. Open Dally Luncheori-Olnner Cocktalls Champagne Brun~h Sunday from 11 :30 a.m. tol p.m. Cliff Drive at Coast Highway-Laguna Beach V1ao11 Uu'o Inn • 9 .. 94 - ,.. Ju bJidiJry of .AMF f,C, lf'..'C, first album for Crescento Records -a n album which still continues to sell in n1any countries - and la ter made seven albwns for Liberty Records. WRITES SONGS, TOO Besides bein g an entertainer, .Jack is al so <1 :;ong \vriter. lie has \vritten many tunes, 20 of which have been recorded and released on different labels. Their ne\\I Tico album is called "Latin Percus- sion with Soul." During an engagement at Las Vegas' ·sands J-lotel, J ack incorporated Gerrie \Voo into his group. A former J-lollywood Playboy Cl ub ·bunny, she \vas originally .s igned 011 for five \Veeks but scored such an in1111ediate s uccess she \Vas fnduced by Co~lanzo to stay \Vith his band. The She.r<ilon-Beach Inn is located at 21 112 Ocean /\ve. \Coast l·lighway), 11 untin ~ton Beach. Costanzo and \\'09 <ippear J'vJonday •through Satur- day nights. Jan Deneau Trio Speaking or. fop-rated cntertainn1ent on tap hereabouts, there is another fine group deserving <ittention. It is the bouncy Jan Dcneau Trio. which has been booked by th e Tale of the Wh ale Restau- rant in the Balboa Pavilion for an unlimited en· gagen1enl, Out 'n' ahouters c<in l o~ several hours of prin1c n1usical cnjoyn1ent \Vith Uus gifted con1bine of jaz<i: piano, ba ss and drums. The trio is playing fron1 9::lO p.n1 , to 1:30 a.m ., Thursday, Friday and Sal- urd<ly nights. /\ very nice follo\v-up, if you ask us, lo one of U1e res laurant's excepllonal seafood dinners. Gilbert Flores, master of the Spanish guitar, is al so fe atured at the Tale of the \Vhale every Sun- day from 4 to 10 p.111 . I DELANEY'S k~~)r i IT'S LOCAL LOBSTER SEASON Fresh Daily From The Boat .Select Your Dinner Lobster Live From Our New T enk Open Da lly 11 A.M. - 2 A.M. 630 E. lido Park Dr., N.B. -675-0100 OPEN DAILY LUNCH & DINNER ENTERTAINMENT FR:I. & SAT. 1961 ADAMS AVENUE HUNTINGTON BEACH •nd AMERICAN CUISINE TROPICAL COCKTAILS l e S1ue and lry Our Go· l a aftd Sp~ial Family Dinnt1 968-5050 El_, PESCADOR RESTAURANT Feat11rin9 the Finest In SEAFOOD -STEAK e SPECIAL ATIRACTION e Mexica n !l·lusic Sunday 8:30 to I p.m. DIRECT FROM GUADALAJARA MARIACHI GUADALAJARA AND CARLOS GAMA 401 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa Reservations 548·324 l [)(ci!ingly different. A delightful !>l'tling to·mec1 ll!very mood and taste. Well prcp.ucd gourmet nientr-we!I ~eivcd. Stfollin& muilcians add an atmo~phere of charm and 1om~nce. Enjoy 1hl1 enthanting 1tmo1phere for lunch, cockto1i!s, dinner. And, Clpenlng 1oon, •he most e~oUng wine (ell~r in Sou thitrn Ulifornla. Reservations sug&eJled. 644-1700 ExL 552. r I The Towers Having-bided our time until lhere \vas a subsi- dence in the flurry of activity stirred up by the presidential press corps <1t Lt1g un a Be ac h's Sur[ and Sand 1-lotel. •Ve set of[ ar!ain last \veek to par· take of d1n111er 111 th e holel"s 'J'o11'crs llc:itaurant. Si nce it openPd early thi s year, !hr elegant c,s- tablishmcnt hJs develop.eel a legion or loy::il f<in ~ - from the hi gh :ind mi ghty of \V Rshingt on's press eli·te to so n1 e ol' us le s:it'r-l\nu1\11 tal thoHgh no Jes~ e nthusiastic) boys on th e loc~i! bc:il Not to merition th ose \1·ho toil in n1any \"inc- yards other than the fi el d of \l'Ord-1vielding. WITH A VIEW c;azln~ out over the scenic beauty of Lap;un ;1 :, unmatched coastline fro1n the rr.sJalira nt's n1nth- noor vantage point, th e uver;igc 'J'O\l'C't"s p<it.ron is probabl ~' tcn1pted to a~k 11cr1ni ssion to establish pcrinancnl living quarter;;. At .least that is the feeling \l'C h<ive had eve ry time \Ve have gotten c0n1fortcihly setlleil into the rela.x in~ alJnosphere. \\'c ll~l\'C f011nrl it difficul t to get up and \Vind our \vay hon1e11·ar d ai.;o in. You \Von't go \\'rorig \1 ilh an,v dinner entrrc that strikes your fancy \1'/tile perusing the menu. \\le have tried ci sub.~t<i ntial nun1bcr of them no1v and have been pleased '~itll ;:iJL l. 'TJ,lJ iv MAKE A CHOICE Served 'Nith soup, salad and ga rniture, there is ;; ,,·ealth of good eatin.c; i11 :-11ch 0rferi11g.-.: as pepper steak maitre d'hotel, 1enrlcrlo111 111t h cracked pep· per, flambc. $6 .25: vc <•l Oscc.i r. asparagus tips, t:rab legs and saure hcarnaise. $5.95 : stuffed scampi niornay, butterflied pra11·11s, \vi lli crab stuffinp;, $5 .25. Or chicken Kie v, butter sauce :111d riel', $•1 fiO; lobster and pet ite filet. rlra11·n h111tcr. ~~.Y sa~tr. Dean & Frank's Fa vori te Ch ef TONY SIRAMARCO f 0,,..-,1rl y c l th1 V.il a C spr-. a .... d y Holli Brin g, Hi• S~m1 F•1110~1 ITALIAN AND AMERICAN DI SHE S TO ORANGE COUNTY TRY TONY "S SP[CI ALTrrs SUCH A~ YIAL ALA PARMIGIANA on CASSEROLE with M•""I" w•nt , 1 . cooLed In I '''Y 1;1tc ,al l•vc t , !oh of chte>e • . '""'td ... 11h Sp19~11!,. CHICK!N ALA CACCIATORE " b>9 dlnotr for blq •~l•I•, A t.u ~ l\~l,~n l·o ~I SHRIMP "SCAMPI"' ALA ITALIANO Jumbo P'~"""' w.ih lem f!~ C"'~'"-"' bu11~r '~~r.•, AN D STEAKS e LOBSTER e PRIME RIB NOW: TON IGHT & EVER Y NIGHT AT THE CASPIAN 1670 Newport Bl\'d., -Costa Mesa 642-8293 Se1vlnt 11 A.M. -11 P'.M.. Mon.-Fri. -2·12 Sat. -2-t Sw11. 'Whe~ Exciting (J/ings c;;lrl! Happening' 7"frr> (Qf!rtd "T/lrr.r'• Comp11nu .. in the Sei;i/le Lou11ge Dining in /he lu•ru1tiful .1fotodflr frflotn Lflvi•h n e10 f1rrnqu11t fflcililir., GRAND HOTEL 7 FRF.En~lA N \VAY A N.\llf:IM, CALU'. 772·1777 LINDA LANE AFFAIRE MONDAY THRU SATURDAY JAN & PAUL 37 FASHION ISLANO NEWPORT CENTER ••tw"" •vfl11m• .. Ol"OtUWt Amplt P•rlllng ""'"'"""•t!ont • 644-2030. $6.75 : d ouble cttt lamb chops, $5 .50 : chateaubriand (for t1v o). cognac fla1nbc , sauce bea rnaise, carved at your table, ~14 ,95. Those seeking-savory luncheon fare will find the 'l'0\\1er.~ n1u r h to their liking too. J lig hly rccom- n1cnded are beer 13ourguignonnc, $2 25 : seafood St. .Jacque~. S2.25; :>hri1np or crnb Loui s, ~:1; cold New 'i'ork roast be ef sand\vic h, ~1.75 , chef.s 01n clette, $2. Thr restaurant i ~ located :llop lhe To1vrrs \Ving of the Surf und Sand ll1ltc!, 1555 S. (~oas L llig hway, Laguna ilcaeh, neservallons are advisable, Rouvi er Joius <:rand Henri K. Bou\'ier has joined the s taff of Ana- hC'im 's Grrind llotcl as 1na.itre d' in the handsome l\1atador Roo111 . Bouvier developed his restaurant n1anagement skills during seven years with the \Vell·kno\11n F rascati Restaurant organization on the ,~·est coast. l·Te also served in a supervisory position with the Louis IV and Peachtree Restaurants in New 'York City. A native of l'vlunich, Germany, Bouvier presides over the Matador Room's capable contin- gent of waiters, who serve· the al\vays choice house specialities from elaborate entree.s to flaming des- serts. The. personable Bouvier;s blend of Europe8!' ~raciousness and .Di.merican know-ho\v is a credit to his profession. And one of the many reasons you ~·ill enjoy your next outing to the Matador, Grand !·lotel, 7 Freedman \Vay, Anaheim. Pizza Palace Up Fountain Valley \\'BY last \veek \Ve hit a new place jumping V>'ith as much activity as a three-ring circus· ,.,,ith entertainment 'that turned our dinner visit into a rollicking evening. Continu111cd Ol'I PJige 28 "That's My Bag" Cu"enl Laugh -In Type Comedy 'On Stage In The Grand Hotel's CABARET THEATER 8:30 p.m. Tuesday-Sunday Plus 11 p.m. Sho., Friday and Saturday 7 Freedm11n Way, An11heim Rei ervations: 772 .7777 DON JOSE' Now Appearing The Sensational VIC GARCIA LTD. with vocals by GERMAINE I.' T!I E Fl EST/\ 1\1)0,\1 1··r.c)i\l u·:io r· ;..1. :o 1::10 .1'.1\l. Finest Mexican Food At Reasonable Prices e COCKTAILS e 9093 E. Ad am s (a f Magnolia) Hunt. Beach 962-7911 MONDAY NIGHT IS FAMILY NIGHT I TOP 51-LOIH SPECIAL 512' Wltlt leked Potolo o' P.re11eh llrln •••• · . • • · • · • , • • • Cl!lld1e11 Und•' 11 011e·Holf P'rl'• HUNTINGTON BEACH ~ COSTll MISll IOWN .. t OVNlll'f t•ILLGll !N SOU"llE UUJ lMCll ttvd, U l -Hll BEHINO TEXACO $TAT!bft l . 11111 & 5•"11 AM '42-1.,t CHILD'S PORTION HALF PRICE (Child"n under 12) PHONE IN ... ALL ITEMS AVAILABLE TO TAKE OUT --.,,,,,'"'-~ ----·--r~ -------.. ---·-.. ----...--... -.,,,_ -. ----... ----. -.·-;-'-;--: ··-.--..,--~----,-.. . • :,_,a"-o-•_1L_V_P_l_lO_T _________ ,._.,_11,,, 0.11.l>•'r 1'! 1969 ~~~~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::==.·1 ~~""'~~--~~·-~·~·z~.q::;co•E"~"'""" ..... 'il'~"""""'Q ................ ~"""'""'~~ .... ~--.... C1A~·~·""' ..... .,. .... ..,. ..... ~, ......... EllBMW...,llal2QM!Ol•~·9....,.,,.. ... l!!!l!C ......... ,.,""'~-~"°"""'~~"""'"""""'~~1 pc:!'511Z·L~1==1.~<1~'5~·~'1i>'D:-~--~~,,,.e~·""""""'"""~""''~"""""~ 'N ABOUT :: ., ARCADIA ~!o\m1r -AIRPOR'-i'' Fcoturin9 StNk -Chicken · Italian Cuisi ne Serving Late Dinners MO~ ·T~ur 11 A M •I 1~ .. M, •~l ?A~l$.0.0E~ RO. (QSlA M f~.:. ·s.o .,.,, Jolfv •' '" l ~.ti llOCi JO AM .I, l !•IJf/11'"'10~ (.<(___ ~~r~;,o.\ •-! ~' ' ,,f-:R\ I\'(; II \II.\ ll1·c11l.;J'11s1 * l .111f('l1 * IJi1111t•1· FIN EST IN FAMILY DININ G BUCCAN EER CUT OF PR IME RI B FLAVOR-CR ISP CHICKEN GRO UN D SI RLOI N STEAK TE RIYAKI STEAK STEAK ANO LOBS TER JUMBO FRI ED SHRIMPS OR SCALLC PS CAT ALI NA BROAD Bill SWOR DF ISH CAPTAIN 'S CHOICE NEW YOR K STEA K COMBINATION SEAFOOD PLATE SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MENU FOR LITTLE PIRATES UNDER 12 Al l diri nc1\ _o.arved wilh ~oup or ~d l.t d . thole " ol ·French fr ie s, whP ppod pot<'lto or ba ked . Ho! home- : m<'lde bre.tds, RELAX WITH OUR NEW DOUBLE BUBBLE COCKTAIL HOUR IN THE LOUNGE ONLY 4 T06 DAILY MIKE JORDAN DUO Monday thru Saturday -8: 30 to I : lO 2300 HARBOR BLVD. Costa Mesa 540-8535 WEEKENDER Continued from Page 27 Scene of al l the action was the area's latest 1 l'1zz.a J)alace in Fountain Vall ey Pl ~za. So me of th t: J1oopl<1 \1·as lied lo th e grand openi ng but most ot ·the p ruceedi ng~ \vitl be tuku1g place on a reg ular JJn si::.. Ill addition lo th e non-stop a1nusemenl and tasty blll of fare. 1vc made the acquaintance of the spirit- ed young proprietor. Ross "Pinky" de la Haye. 11e, le t ·it be noted quickl y, has a background as (·ol or- fu l and v<iried as th e offerings of the esta blishment JJC !lee.ids. PINKY'S PALACE Pinky's P izza Palace -if yo u 1vi ll -1narks the !1fth such s pot to open in Orange County. \Vhile 1ve ha d not had occasion 1.o call at any of th en1 before the li vely _F'ountain Valley local e served a s a sp!en- dld introduction. Pizza of course. is the principal foodstuff. but 11 is by no n1eans the onl y ltem on the rnenu. Pres- l'!l! too is a 11·idc assort1nent ol sand•viches, spag- tielt i. 1·::i1·iol1. salads. soup and dessert. In til e bre11' department one can order Bavarian \.' dark on draught by the pitcher or n1ug, or .~l.'l cct frorn a sub sta nt ici l li st of imported beers. '/'here is also \Vine. draught or by the bottle, soft drink s. coffee and milk. THREE SIZES 'rhe JlaJace's pizza coines in three sizes: in- Real Cantonese Food eat here or tak• home. STAG CHINESE CASINO 111 2l5t pl., Newport Beach ORiole 3-9560 Open Yea' Rround Dolly 12·1 Z -Fri. 011d Sat. 'tU l a.111. OUT dividu al, medium and large. Asking prices range, r espectively, from 98 cents, $1.75 and $2.50 !or de- luxe cheese lrriade \vith seven ta51y cheeses/ to SJ.89, $3. 19 and $3. 75 for either the Palace Special t !h e work s), or O'Reil ly's Dclite. a co1nbination of shrimp, oysters, nlushroo n1s, olives and bell pep· pcrs. In bet\veen is a n1ultitude of savory toppings: Italia n sausage, bctf and onion, pepperoni, salami. black olive, imported anchovy, beU pepper, ham linguicia (Portugese sausage mildly spiced), Canad- ian bacon, \Vhite rnushroon1s, oyster, shrimp, Ital- ian sausage and bell pepper, beef and bell pepper, mushrooms and sausage, nlUShrooms and pepper- oni. and 'I.he Friday special; mushrooms, bell pep- pers, olives, anchovies. PASTA Pasta offerings include spaghetti, ravioli, and half and half. 99 cents each ; spaghetti and meat ball s. $1.29 ; child's plate, 59 cents. An i ndividual salad is 29 cents; a family bO\VI , 99 cents. A free salad bar is open every day, fro1n 11 a.m. to 3 p.111., \1'ith lunch. Fifteen sand\\'iches lead off 1vith th e Pal<~ce Deligl1l : knack\vurst. cheese and pickles, 35 cen':s. Oth ers inc lude S 1v i s s cheese. 59 cents; ham, 69 cents, hot paslran1 i dip, 79 cents; submarine, 89 c:ents. hot beef dip, on 1''rench roll, 89 cents. lli!lcd as a fa1n ily restaurant and sho\v biz sa- lon . the tern1s closely reflect the principal features yo u \l'ill find a'l the Palace. l~eca use ll is a great place lo take the entire brood for a n1eal and have everyone roynlly entertained at the saine time. ENTERTAINMENT GALORE Amid the cozy atmosphere of dark paneling- and subdued lighting, patrons are trea ted variou sly to n1usic fron1 the nickelodeon ~ color television; ainusing pi ctures and signs on th e walls: old ti1nc n1ovics starring such greats as \.V.C. Fields, Laurel and !·lardy, th e Keystone Cops and Cha rli e Cha p- lin: music and song fron1 th e din1 eodcon; spo rt.~ and travel fi!Jns. a nd live banjo and piano music on Friday and Saturday nights. Presi ding over the bu stle like a genial 1nastcr of ceremonies is 31-year old Pinky. 1vho emba rked 0 11 the ne1v venture as n1anager-01vner after having been in the Ai r Fo rce foJl 01\'cd by a stint 1v ilh a yach t n1anufaclurer. Pinky's Palace is located at 1612 1 1-farbor l~lvd ., at Edinger. 1''ountain Valley. in f~ountai n Valley Plaza. Hours are Sun day to Thursday from JI :30 a.m. to midnight, and F'riday and Saturday fro1n 11 : 30 to 2 a.m . \Ve ~ugg est you rornp in \Vilh the 1\•hole famlly so on. \Vaiting is good food and fun-time for aJI . ~································~ : @ ~-'-·-1....... dfl5. __ _, trd.. Caribe Room :·11 ~ •yoc.u.31· 111 LLc..:E,.N11£JO-"Y-..O,U"l;R I" e.g1~ ""nm PRESENTS •1 MIDDAY 1: • ·.,: FAER ENTERTAINMENT -l SHOWS NIGHTLY -DANCING ': f.fonday lhru Saturday :I SUNDAY ~: JACK COSTANZO :. 12 i·.;i.ro 4 rM. 1. •' lc'ml,Tm! ~ fl~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;I Featuring 1 ll' ll \J ffi ~ ~ •••• Re5ervations: 494-6574 1" GERRIE WOO ~-r •1 l·H1<'Lhn•11,qS1Hrc /Y115 • "'*~ · •11 3SOI EA~T CuA~r I flGlll\'A'f ••• Open Daily • ~ rHBIDWers • LUNCHEOtt 1: c0Nr1NENTAL cu1s1NE ·"II.-'. : co~~1~,:~:':~;114~;·6~~~;~~~~1" • • "'"" 1•. 21112 OCEAN AVE. (Coa•I Hwy.I -HUNTINGTON BEACH -536-1421 .• '-o(Vc)..L~ " • RESTAURANT AND • surJ D-6 Y BP:U'J(H I T ·• • COCKTAIL LOUNGE • L.t.t E SU PPER .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 8 •••• ., -- • Dl,.ING OCEAN FRONT DIN ING , A TOP TOWER S WING Of SURF And SAND HOTEL LA.GUNA. (I E:ACH , CAll FO~NI A LUNCHEON BUFFET $2 .00 11 0 A M -1 00 P M Moo o:/,y Jh" S~·.,d,, 245 So. Coo51 Hi9liwa1 Pliant 494-1151 d•n,og 40d do ~~'"9 •>Oly "'""'"9 '" P,e, q SC ENIC MOUNTA IN /SEA ATMOSPHERE DANCING NIGHTL Y TUE. Thru SUN. The Naturals I 7'" I MONlH Open Daily-Sun. Brunch· Res. 499-2663 31106 Coast Hwy. South Laguna IJl l\'E ,\,\'D l>A1\'CE 1\T TUE BERLINER RESTAURANT AND BEER GARDEN 18582 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 968-5800 ENJOY THE DYNAMIC SOUNDS OF ~llCUAEI, THE ONE -M AN SANO FROM VIENNA llAPPY HOURS Tues. -Wed .• Thur. -5 To 10 p.m. SU1'\'D1lY IS L1tDIES NIGUT Escorted Ladies Pay Only H<'llf Price For Dinner DANCING EVERY FRI., SAT. & SUN. 11 .\1.1.0H'EEN 1),\1\'CE SAT., NOVEMBER 1 F'rites for The Best Costumes Make Your Reservations Now OPEN DAILY FROM 11 AM SUNDAY FROM ; PM o•· D CJ ~ --I \.-~I ' J,11 ""Z ·~ ! f! " l D tl . ~;,) ~f · ... J LI :·,,;1 H 1~r ... ~ o:J . • . n0\\uOOODLi0000Dft7flo . \ju\)0\J uu& ooo. D ~ doin the fun at our-8 -<'TijuanaTaco § Fiesta § GPan«la§ This weekend Fl'i«ln~ Noon throu1111 Sun«lll~ N4.!ht &MARVEM>US MEXICAN FOOD ~MUSIC BY ZAPATA'S STROhhlNG MARIACHI BAND FIESTA SPECIAh*A FREE TACO with th• pU1"c:h••• of two or mor• food ittml (OH•r tood all ne1t Wffk) '" . BREllll'.THE FIF.8Tll PINllTll WINA The lrillditional Fie!if.t Piil;al.ai filled with candy and 5urprise gifl!i. D CJ CJ CJ CJ D CJ ( ,' I (;:] Lro«ii:J [.\rN J r · ifJ ~;ij;Y , '[~{~ QJ ~ -~ ' {'¢1,'f~ l '>:!:J MEXICAN FIESTA ' <"' [;~j?'.J lf;aRJ PARTY FOR 2lS • • (i . . J Sign up illny time during our ~e19~ lACO r:;:,1 F1esli1. Gr41nde for" ch1inc' lo TOSTADA win .11 Mr-xian Fiest.11 plrty in your FRI JOLES 0 CHIU8URGll [ i;•1g own home w;th 1 mlri.tchi bind, I Olf\IE•THRU PICIC·UP OR EATIN OUR PATIO (.;~,a food from ' ' E3 Tijuan1 T1co and dean-up~-·-LJ ' CJ ,.., ... . . TljuanaTaco CJ CLOSED MONDAYS ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:IL~~~~L~u:nc~h~oo~n~S~•:•v~e~d~U~n1~;1~3~,!oo~p.!m~·~~~~JI ~ 34206 DOHENY PARK RD., CAPISTRANO CJ (. . i l ,. '" '" .. v ii c c • • .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. THE MOTION PICTURE CODE AND RATINCO PROCORAM Moll)W(IO(l lllJl HG U J1il t~. Mollo,. Pict111• Code •nd ---:c------:====cl ii.11i111;i Admlni1tr1tlon 1ppli 11 c-r. 'F:r th. followin9 ,.,:n91 lo fi'"'' cl I \I •I di •trib11!1d in lh1 U.S.>.. Pic- t11r11 ri ted G, M or A q111lily @1 JI R.! fo r !ht Codi S11I. ~ ~ '1 Pid ur11 r1l 1d X do no l ••tt i•• 224 1 We~t Cot1nt Highway: 1 S11I. Thi •o lin91 1pply lo pictur11 r1!1111d o1 fl1r No••"'· b1r I, 19t.I. Pictur11 11l1n1d Now port Bea ch 1714 1 646_5057 b1fo11 th1t d 1t1 1r1 i __________ _,, .d I I p•1•lou1ly I i ncl /or SMAJ. RIVIERA RESTAURANT Continental Cuis ine Cocktails [fil-Su<jq•1+1d for Cit:NllAL 1 11d i1nt11. ~-Su99 11 !1d for MATUIE 1udi1nc11 C P1r~nl11 di•- crtlion 1dw i1edl. @ -llESTllCTED P1r1on1 ~ und1r It. not 1drni111d, ~nlou 1ccomp1ni1d ~Y p•r•nl or 1dult 'JU11d -.. ~. @-~•rM•s •1icf•r 16 flllf •dml"°'". Thi' •9• ••· •lri,tio11 mly b• hi9her irt cerl•irt 1re11. Chee~ Servi11 g Lanclieon 01](t Dinner ~Iondoy through Sa!urday. I- Closed S111tdays Open for Private Parties Only We are located next to t he May Co. in South Co.!st Plaza. THE PARTY BAR J J33 S. lriuol Costa M"° 540·3140 " " FLING r~. ::1 ENTERTAINMENT • 7 NIGHTS A WEEK l)J.t.NCING * HAP HALL DUO with Joh11 Rosen o~ 111 .. Thur. thru Sun. MON.-TUES.·WED.~ * Larry Lake Singer GuitHri~t MESA c U-Rear•Mesa Theater ~..,uARE os.ta ,,~a 145 E. 1 fth St. J111f off Nowport ll•d, " 11 " Distinctive Dining F~~iu•i"g Our $pnc:~I f;nlr~• BEEF, BOTTLE & BIRD ..... $5.50 Di nn~r N iqhtly 5 lo 1 I P.M . " " :: Lun,l,e<>n From I I ,JO A.M. -Mcn. lhru F•i . " " " " " " " " AFTERNOON COCK TAIL HOUR ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY DANCING AND ENTERTAINMENT WITH MIKE & JUDY NOW APPE ARI NG> SAT. & SUN. HITE S JACK KING & MR. CORONA HY PNOTISTS Jf AH AD1l 11\N'.'i ROYAL PAGE RESTAURANT 1050 WEST l<AT ELLA, ANAHEIM Reiern1tion1 776· 791 0 "11 1_' ___ ·JI." INTERNATIO NAL PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS Oron9e Coosf Chopt•r # 26 Ertend~ An ln¥i totlo11 To All Si119lt' Porents To Their Mo111hly Do11ct' "OKTOBERFEST" Saturday Night, October 18 · 9 P.M. HUNTINGTON BEACH COUNTRY CLUB 71 9 17th St., Hunling!on leo'h MEMBERS SI.SO GU ESTS S2 .SO f<>r h1 fo11noti<>n Call -644·1327 fXClU~IVf RESERVED ~fAT fNCA,fMENT! TONIGHT AT 8:30 ·ONLY TWO MEN HAVE WAL KEO ON THE MOON. FOR THE REST OF U!f, "200 1" IS AS CLOSE AS WE'RE L/Kd Y TO GET. • " " " " :: " " " " . -----------·..,· --...... ----........ -------~-.-·--·----··-~--- rrirt~v. Octo!'ier 17, 1%~ DAIL V PILOT 29·: .. --...:~ Tete-a-Tete --.. • lr========••""Nno\\wi'saHi<olliwiii1;;iNiGG'°'•••::- BALBOA -ENDS TU ESDAY - 673-4048 VANESSA REOGRAVE Winner Bes.t Actre.ss. 1969 Cannes. Fettival ·~,_.o:'J':I Heironymus MERION ever 'f'mjel ~ HumFIPD and find /rue happiness 9" • Je an-Louis Trintignant and ,.\nouk Aimee share a n101nent !(lgether over a bottle of '\'ine in Claude Lelouch 's "/\ [11an and A \Vornan ." The F'rench love ,s tory, \l'idely acclaiined for its inood photography and sin1plicity, is no1v .screening at Nc1vport Beach's Lido Theatre. Trude Post Restuurunt Under WU )' J erry Sutton, President or the S.S. Princess Lou ise floating ship restaurant al Terminal Island, today an- nounced that construction has started on the fi rst µhase for a si mulated Northwest Canadian Trading Post at the edgl' or the dc)(:k imn1ediatcly adjacent to the ship. Plans for phase two or the ha!f·milllon dollar recreationa l \'i\lage and touris ~ attraction \l'hich will include a converted ore·carrying train r i de through gold mines, a variety of village stores, and a fresh seafood Fishcrn1e11's \Vharf, ;ire under sl udy by the Port of Los Angt>lcs Harbor Depart- ment authorities. The initial development no\11 underway typifies the colorful history of the 1649 gold rush Yukon area along I he \\'ilter[ront of the Northv.'esl l nside Passage. Projects no1v ne<1ring con1plelion include a l\l"O-S tory "Hotel Eagle;" an adjoining poker palace, pool hall, saloon, and dance pa1·illion, thr ''North Star'' r-.1 ercantile store and a Cana- dian Pa cific Railv.•ay a n d Stean1ship freight and ticket office. TY.'O doz.en full s i z e rinin1ated ch a r act er s i n autht•ntic costumes of the day fron1 fur trarpers to Canadian Tlloun!rd Pollcen1en and dan- cing girls will be visible in- doors and out in coordinated entrrtalning scenes. Vi sitors to the Princess Louise may vie1v the entire. production from the Starboard side or the vessel as they tour the deck:; or fro1n thei r dining t:ibles on tl\e Promenade Dec k. Thr S S .. PrincC'ss Louise is open sevtn days a 11·cck £or luncheon, dinner. coek1ai ls , banqut'!s, and entenainment from l J ,30 a,m, llll 2 a.in. Macias • Ill Concert at Ahmanson Fe1v singing artists ha l'c built as large a reputation in such a short period of lime as has Enrico Macias, \\.'ho will appear in The Music Ctnter's Ahmanson Th eater, L o s Angeles, in two performances on November 2 at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m., accompanied by an inst rumental ensemble. The chansonnier received rave reviev1s at hi,~ American debut in Carnegie Hall in New York City in 1968. coming \Vest also to enchant au- diences in Southern Californ ia who turned out for him in numbers because of a "grapevi ne'' reputation. This reputation includes breaking all records in Paris's Olympia Music Hall in 1965. records which previously had been held by Edith Piaf. ~1acias, born in 1968 in Algerici, is the son of. a violinist I-le became a guitar virtuoso in his native land. where he also developed a su re singing technique steeped in the folklore or his cou ntry. For a while he was a school teacher. Fra1ik Sutton Taki1ig His Coniedy Seriously }!0111 does someone with an average personality. some- lirnes on the serious side, with aspirations to play King Lear, Othello and Hamlet , become a comedian? Acco rding to Frank Sutton, who stars in CBS-TV's "Jirn Nabors Hour ," "It isn't easy!'' Not that he didn 't say "Ain'L." ll wouldn't do well for an hon- or graduate of Columbia Un- versity. After fi ve highly successful years as Sgt. Vince Carter in CBS' "Gomer Pyle-U.S.~1.C.", F'rank now begi ns another career as a standup co1ncdian and a sometime "singer and dancer" in tean1ing with-close friend Jim I\'abors. !L's been a short time sinee Frank Sut- ton \l'as an unknown. However, his "OvC'rnight" suceess took him twenty ye;i rs. Be fore. "Gomer Pyle," Frank's closest work to con1- edy v.·as when he was either being strapped into an electric chai r as a convicted murderer. or being shot by the FBI 1n one of his many gangster roles in television and motion pic- tures. '"Son1e of my roles ll'Cre. ~o vicious during the early part of my career, J'd have people all but hiss at me if thev hap- pened to recognize. me On the street", Frank remembers. Unlike the stand·up, ad-lib comedians seen on TV primar- ily as guests on variety shows, Frank is becoming a comedian through memori zation of words written for him, pri'nted on cue cards, and rehearsed in froot of a mirror. •·one of the biggest tran~i· lions I've had to make "'as performing my role from cue eards being held in front of me instead of memorizing a scripl and interpreting what l learn· ed in fronl of a camera, v.·it h no audience yet! When I fir st really thought about tht" fact !hat I'd be. performing in fr ont of a live studio audienee, it 11·as admittedly frightening,'' Frank says. However, he·s made !he lransltion, and credits Lhis to hls years of st111;ly as an actor. Hr.· "'orks carefully, drvcloping fa cia l expressions and reac- FRANK SUTTON Turns f unnyma n lions. using his kno\l'ledge of tin1ing to appear fully testrd .is a co1ncdian. "!'111 now nearing the pri111t 11·here l'1n actnnilv rrent1ng '1ny .~·tyle.' of con1c·d .v. :0.fa_vhc I.he rlny 11 ill eon1c, perh;q)s he· fur c !hr rnd of !h1.~ !1r~I ~P:l · :-,on, 11herc I 1ro11·t f'nll rC'ly rcl v nn \ht· 11·r1ICJ's t1J1d llH! n11frors,'' !1e ~ays, Si1iatra Jr. S p ecial Keeps Its Steir Dizz )r ''When Alex Grasshoff, the dorector of my ''Frank Sinatra Jr. with Family and Friends," special, round out that I'm allergic to heights, 1 think he went oul of his way to fi lm me on top of all the tallest buildings and landmarks he could find," says Frank J r, It airs Sunday, October 19 at 9 p.m. over Channel 2: and \Vas shot in and around and above Las Vegas. Featured are Jack Benny, Nancy Si natra, Jack E. Leonard, Frank Sr .. Sammy Davis Jr. and Arte Johnson. "I was the one who sug- ,1?;ested the Valley of Fire," Frank Jr. admits ruefully. "It's a park outside Las Vegas, and has been one of n1y favorite places for years. Being in that desolate spot is like be ing on the moon. I sup- pose, and it's so (luiet the silence is deafening~ "Well, there were -me, the crew, Alex and everybody - shooting for 13 hours in 118 degree heat. Only I was all by myself on top of 200 and 30Q.. foot cliffs, so scared I could hardly sing, and everybody FRANK SINATRA JR. Above Las. Vegas else "'a, down belo,v. relaxing in chairs and f a n n in g themselves!'' Alex's nexl bright idea was to put Frank in the huge sign on top of The Silver Slipper. Shaped like a lady's. shoe, the sign stands a bout 90 feet ebove the pavement a nd revolves. A New York Hit! ••• Direct 1a LJ. "Jilt ptalt ..,,.le1H11111, ,rn1C111Ye l t111chi111!~ 8•rne1, 1.v. ''"'~• ADAPTATION NEXT WRIEL DELL I' I /AMES COCO io Se ason Se t By Cluunber ~1usic Unit The _t aguna Beach Chan1ber t fusic Socie1y will open its Cllmlil- tenth se;i.~011 on NovC'rnbt'r !9\i~~i~~~~~~~~~~;~;~;;~;~~1 wi th the first of a four concert series b y internationally distinguished ;irtisls. Fol11l1\'1ng the firsl ('Once r\ Eve. Show Starts 7 p.m. by !he Berlin Philh.'.!rn1onic CONl lNUOUS SHOW Oclr.l on \\' e d n es d a Y . Sot, from 5 Sun. from 2 November l!l. the society "'ill present the. Trio di Tri este in Jrinuary and the on'ly \\'es1 Coast engagement of harp sichordis t Ralph l\irkpatrick ln febru;iry. The :;eason closes with th e A1nadeus Ql1artet in Apri l. Adn1iss1on is by ~ubscription -al l fo11r Cl'CJl\S ror $10 , students, S7. The I3eri1n Philharmnnl<'1 Oetel , \\hose rnember~ are all principals with the orchestra, [ dates from the C'ra of the late \Vilheln1 Furtwangler. They enjoy the additional distinction of having a 11111nber or con· temporary \\IOrks dedicated to ihe111. Prograrnmed for the Nov . 19 concert by the Octel :ire the Sonata No. 3 in C r-.-ta. j o r (Rossini), l!ind('mirh·.~ Octet ( 1958) <'Ind th(' ~L·hubert F n1ajor octe t, Op. lliH. Dr_ <.:la} !.on 1.;arri,.,on of L<1guna Bc;ir h \1·as l"l"elccled presidt'nt nf the Chan1bcr !\fusic Socir1y al its recent an· nua! meeting 1vilh George MAN HAS CONQUERED THE MOON VllTHTHE EPIC APOLLO 11 FLIGHT! NOW TAKE ~N OTHER MOMENTOUS JOURNEY! IARGAIN MATINEE WED, 1 P,M, ALSO IN TECHNICOLOR <;ade, En1erald Bay, and Dick -A UNIVERSAL PICTUR£ U>wis, Balboa, pie ked Lo serve iii ,. TECHIOCOLOR" ~ Fagin of L;iguna Beath \Y;is as vice presidents. 1-!cnryl:~f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elected secretary and J{oy L. Byrnes. C11pi.~trano Beach, the .. PACIFIC -ne11· 1reasurrr. J oining thein on the ho:ircl or ~: d I ~ I j : J # !~ directors are Frederick r-.-r. -·-·---··-·-Lang, South Laguna, and Mrs. Willi ~m Holde~ f•ne•t 8<>r9"ine Edward Nell. Ivlrs . Roger \V. "THE WILD BUNCH" Russell , Lloyd Seilset and II f'Lus Colin Slim , all of L<iguna Geo19e s~9~! 11.,b.,,. V.0119~" "THE BR IDGE AT REMACOEN " Deae,h. Ho on• ~od<f 11 w.11 D• •amntoa 111>11u •ccom· The COfl('ert s \\'ill p~n1ea DV p~rtn• or ~a~n guorO••n. Pf'Tformed in thP Laguna Beac1·1 ll igh St:hool audi1oriun1 on Pnrk Al'e. Laguna Braeh, :1t 8 .10 p.n1. For adc.11\H)nal J!l· !orn1<1L1on . or \n receive :1 ~C'a~Qn fo!J o, telephone 4~H· 5262. With<lra\val Debate Se t On TV Sholv Should the Gnodel! bill. c<ill- ing for '\'ilhdra wa l of all 1roo ps from Vietnnn1 by December 1. 1970, be adop1cd~ This is the i.~sue that wll I be debated on KCET's live pro- gram, "The Advoc;iles." Sun· day, October 19 at 7 p.1n. on Channel 28. Arguing for the bill \\.'ill be advocale Howard Miller, argu· ing aga.inst it will be J\1ax Greenberg. Both men cire pro- minent Los Angeles attorneys. The "decision -m a k e r." whom the two advocates hope to inOuence, will be freshman Senator Charles Mathias (R· Md.), who represents a seg· ment of the U.S. Congress 1.hus far uncommitted to either dove or hawk position and, therefore, an especially ap· propriate choice for this discus sion, The studio audience will be polled on the troop withdraw<i l issue, and a .second audience in Baltimore also wll l be. poll - ed. Baltimore is the largest ci· ty in Senator Mathias' con- stituency, "'"~" "' FORUM 0 nc•En NOWl w-~ SPEC IAL NOTICE TO OUR PATR ONS CONTl'l,loAY TO "DVEAT ISlNG eEYOND OUI" CON. TROL AND ,loPPEAl'!ING ELSEWHER E. VOUNO PEQ. PLE UNDER 18 (NOl 16• WILL NOT BE "OMITTED lO PACIFIC THEATRES TO SEE Tl><E "R" PIC. TURES LISTED IN THI S BOX UNLESS. ,loCCOMP.O.N. I E.O e v p,loRENT OR "CU L T C.U.0.ROl,loN, "T HE WILO IUNCH" (II,) TrlQ FanU~llC "JOURNEY TO THE FAR SIDE • OF THE SUN" P'lUS M;,~•11 Sarra1:N · · ........... _ "EYE OF THE CAT" ••••••••••••• CiNi I' 111+ •••••• H•M• J chn w~~n • G!on C1mpbt!I • "TRUE CORIT" Wdl,~m Hold:nLUS Er~11t !t<>''J"j~• "THE WILD BUNCH" ·-:C..J 110 O«• una•• 11 w!ll IM 8Gm!lll'd ,,.,., .. , a("t..,.. P•n•t<I by """"' or aault gu•rdt•11 ...................................... Kalhe1ine H1pbur11 Peltr O 'Toole "THE LION IN WINTER" P'l US G10•9e S19al Ro bert V1 u9h11 "THE IRIDCOE AT REMAIHN" 1t1e:omm....ieo !or ,lollvlla ............... ,.,_ ............. . a Robert Ml!thum Art91e O;t~i11to,. "YOUNCO BILLY YOUNCO " "Lui "" 1 Na+el i1 Wood G10•9e Cht~irlt -"WEST SIDE STORY" 1 ............. 4 1Ui•'···········-- . C1rt1 '1'1'11111 P'111I •urke "DADDY 'S !;ONE - A HUNTINCO" l"kn H11.., MUil bJ.fil!!!l~_MJJ o,Terrence McNally EMS: Tun. thn l1'IB. lJC>·-Su11. 7:l0: ~.7~tmt3.75 • £\ltS: rri. & Sat. 8 . .». $6.S0/5.~/4.SO • Mtb: Sit. ,.~,~.,-.~,~.oo.~.~,.~.~,.~,~,.~75~1~2~.75 • Dark on Mon. - $175 ·-...... _:.J Pllt CARLOAD "TWISTED NERVE" ltktmfl'le"deol tor Al'lllh :-. .. -. • -. .. .. ·. :' .· -· ·-.. ., .• '.: •. ·. .• .. · --------------.-.,--~-----...... -...,..-----------____.......,-..... --.-. -.-----T-"----···---. .. -'. I :10 DAILY PILOT Friday, October 17, 1969 -~· -,,,...---- .i 'Heironymus Editor's Nnie : T II i ~ m ovie gu ide 1s prcparetl by !he filnis r omm 1Ucc of Jl orbor (.'ou 11cil !,TA. ft1rs. Joh11 Clark is presi<le11t- anc.J lHrs. I/art S1ueene11 is com1nittee cl1air1nan. Jt 1s i'1\!e-1ided as a 1·efere~1ce 111 de1err~1i11lng suitable films for Cl'ffOill a [7 e !i l'oun s (Htcl v;lll appear 1oeekly. Y our t.'i ews arc snlicited. ~tail the111 to Mo- vie Guide, care of lite DA ILY PILOT.) ADULTS Can llelronymus J\I e rk in Ever F orget J\lercy Humppe and Find True llapplness? (X): Anthony Newly and Joan Collins play ln a movie oddity fea turing nudity. Daddy's (; on t a-ll unling 1 \1): l:on1 t:mporary suspens(~ f1hn set in San Franl'isco. It concerns a happily rnarried \1nn1an \1·hose former lover rcc1p111:ars to terrify her \1•ith den1:inds of hC"r child's niurder ;1~ ;1toncn1cn t fur a pre1·1ous ;1llortion. Carol White, ::>coll llylands, Paul Burke. Eye of the Cat (i\I): 1t1ATURE TEENS AND ADULTS 'l'he Bridge At Remagen 1J\fl : The bridge o v e.r lhe Rhlne Is only escape rt;iute for 50,000 retreating G e r ma n troops. Ainericans hope to take the bridge b e f ore Germans des~roy ii. The in- suing tension and conflict reveals characters of the men involved. Robert Vaugh n , George Segal, Ben Gazzara. Or. Zhivago : Story of young Russian doctor and poet caught in his country's revolu- tionary upheaval. 0 m a r Sharif, Geraldine Ch a p Ii n , Julie Ch ristie. Lion in \\'inter: Clash of two strong-willed monarchs, King Henry II of England and his queen, Eleanor of Aquitaine, 1nakes a brilli[1n1. explosive Urania out of fragment~ nf 12Lh century 11isLory. Peter f)'Toole and Katharine lier- burn. \\'est Sidt Story : Re-i ssue of lhe modern dance operetta Jnd poignant IO\'C stnr_v \l'ith Natalie \Vood , R 1 ch a rd l3cyrner. TEENS AND ADULTS l\lad11·oman 0 1 Chaill ot !G): Merkin' Rates an x Searching to find his son's •--========--~======= murderer, Robert Mitchum beco1nes &. deputy n1arsh<il and starts young man on the road to Jaw and order. FAMILY Chitty Chitty .Bang Bang (GI: A cheery musical in which Dick Van Dyke portrays the crackpot inventor or Jan Fleming's fantasy. Sa!ly Ann Howes also stars. Journey to the Far Side of lhe Sun {G): 21st Century astronauts explore unknown planet which appears to be a mirror of the Earth. Roy Thinnes, Lynn Loring. Oliver ( G ) : Spectacular musical version of Dickens's classic about an orphaned waif cast into the teemlng squalor of the 10111cr class. He finally escapes to the elegance of the upper class. !\lark Les!er, Oliver Reed, Jack Wild. Those Daring Young f\lcn In their Jaunty Jalopies !G ): Terry Thotnas and Tony Curtis, racing rivals in the in- ti.:rnnlionnl tl1onlc Carin Jl;illy in the J920s, go through hilarious n1isadvcntures in their vintage jalopies. _.._ "'"'DAMJ, (O~U. MIS•, '~ON! l•••llQl ..... o. ....... " ...... "''"" 01 ............... HOW FAR WIL L A 32 YEAR OLD SPINSTER GO TO POSSES A STRANGE. 19 YEAR OLD BOY? Dms ·t~?a DaY. "'"""'"o• p~~he !liiOO~~ HELD OVER FOR 4TH EXCLUSIVE WEEK I REX HARRISON iBURTON in the Stanley Oonen Production "STAIRCASE" a sad gay story .. ·~ - • 0 "l!•C:l1 llLVO. •T •LLIS • • •l!.T. co .. 1T .. wv." s.o." o••o<> """"'· ••7·UBOllt o ..iUNTlNOTON Bl!ACH EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY RUN DOLLY THE SEALION BUSES BELLSHANNY MAN Group Will Se renade Marineland Audiences On We ekend!> Su~pcnsC' builds <IS f\l'O young. nu~n and a girl plan lhe death nf an inva lid aunl who lives in :111 old rnansion overrun by cats. E leanor Parker, Tiin A :-;~l11rc in 11·hich Katharine J-lcpburn plots do1vnfall o( ruthless men scheming to in· cineratc Europe. Also stars Yul Brynner. Charles Boyer, Paul llcnreid. '/'!11:. Je tter i n1n1cdiale!11 ofter liie Litle indicates tile Tating gi ven the picture by 1/ic ft1ot ion l'icturr. ('od('. 'J'/ie. llfotion Pic!urc Coc/c Aud Rating Progra1n 111ay be found 011 the niolioa GP.r~ld>ne Cheplin-Jul<1 Chri•lit T ""' Courten8y-Alec Guinn e 1~ O mer S~erif-Rod Slei9er Rile Tu1h in9ham-R. Rich•rd•ol'I 1WINNER-OF 6 ACADEMY AWARDS~ Henry, Gayle Hunnicutt. Marinelan<l Offers Hutto11 Stars In D.A. ll.olc Belle De Jour ( R ) : Catherine Deneuve is an unsatisfied, cultivated young woman v.·ho finds comp- ensation by spending her afternoons as a prostitute in a 1000 Plane Raid .(G): Christopher George as an American officer plans \Vor ld \Var 11 bon1bing raid on German aircraft factory. MEIRO·GCIDl/YfHMYER"""""' A 000 PONTI ffiCOUCJO.I DAVID LEAN'S FILM OF BORIS PASTERNAKS Live Musical Group brothel. Executive pr odU(.'.t:f Staircase fR): Richard 2001: A Spuce Odessey (G): Fascinating fil m on th c history of Eartl1's formation throu£h the development of Man to travel in space, !ipec- lacul;i r visual e!fecls. Kie r Dullea. DOCTOR ZHi\1\.GO For the f1rsl I i 1TI r. 1\farine\and of the P;icific will present Live m u s l ca 1 I'll· ter1ainment. in sid e tile. oceanarium. Opening on-..sa turd a y, October 18 will be an cxci tin~ new folk and pop group , 1hc Bellshanny Men, never before see n in Southern Californl:1. They will gi ve t h re c performances on Saturdays and Sundays belv.·een the hours of 11 a.m. and 3:30 p.1n. <it Marineland's n e \I' 1 y developed $1.5 million Ocean Plaza. "We belif'\'e this group \\'ill make an attractive addition Lfl lhe oceanarium's new area," William Monahan, president of 1\farinrland said. "All six of ou r sea shows will continue on a regular basis in the variolls stadiums and arenas. The Bellshanny !\11.'n \1'ill com- plement our schedule of en· tertainment -the killer y,·hale shov1, top d!'ck whale show, dolphi n games. sea! circus, ~ea elephant show and the rllvers feeding fishes in the 540.000-gallon fish tank." The name. Be!lshanny 1\lcn nriginates frnm an old Irish lullaby. ''Bel\shanny," which ~·as vrritten hy the inhabitants of a small to1vn called Cornwe ll .J a ck s o 11 ;ind Eellsilannon. 1 Burton and Rex Harrison play producer \\!<liter G11u1nnn 1ave 1 The <>rou n consists of four 1. 1 unhappy, unfulfilled peop e in • " 1 sig ned, 1111 llutton to I ic stur-co!orful, talented and versa!i c · this sad, compassionate, and ring rol e of D1!:.trict Attorney _young musicians -Gen e Doug Selby in "Thf' D.A. sometimes sordid study of two Stevens, \Vin Jones Jr., Jack Draws A Circle," ;i Paisano aging homosexual barbers. Peterson and Le-e Smith. Producuon 111 ;issocialion \l'itlt That Cold Day tn the Park All four members \vere horn 20t h Century-Fox Television, (R ): A morbid drama in and reared in Sall Lake City. two-hnur niovie for Chn rinel 4, \1·hich a spinster develops a 'rhcy began their mt1sical i\·hJch began shoo1lng this sick passion for a young careers together while still in inonth. stranger and makes him a college but had to disband fl')r Gr<J.um<.1n 1~·il l direct the prisoner in her home. Sandy a short time while each did li ts s~11n Rolfe script from a book Den nis. ~tint in the Armed Force;;. /)y Eric St:uilcy (,;ardn er The \Vild Bunch (R): P!ans Once their military obli g/1• ,\:li ich \\'ill be the basis for -0f an aging outla\Y who leads [ lions were over they rcsun1cd "Dou g Sf'\hy, The DA.'' a his small band of de speradoes !heir musica l caree rs a~ a proposed hrnir-long ~eries for lo rob th e railroad in Texa s in group. ThC'y appeared at Ille ·NBC-TV in which Hutton \\'iii 1913 go awry, followed by 1 l\fonterev Fol k re s Ii v a I , ;ilso sta r in his fir st TV series \'\olcnce. Wi lliam ~I o Id en , toured the Midwest and 1hen role. Robert Ryan. I played a number of eoll!:'ge l.========================, datC"s. Intersp€rsed "'"ith this activity they alSQ filled a nu1n- bcr of nightclub and con l.'l·rt elates. I The ne111 O{'can Plaz:1 site is jusl one facet of Mnnnrlnn{rs .recent ~2,5 n1il]ion expansion! program, the largest in its 15- yenr history, adding new animals, new shows, and greatly increased facilities to the 90·;icre oceanariutn. f\1arineland is located on the Palos Verdes peninsula on the coast be tween Redondo Beach and San Pedro. F'or in- formation phone (213} 377· 1571. '"'°'" Er'iix··--soUTH COAST G!lifRAL r PLAZA THEATRE toRPORA!ION S•n Diuo fr1ewiY at Bllltol • 544-2711 OPEN 6'45-SHOW STARTS 7 P.M. Winner 3Aca4~!!1Y Awards BEST ACTRESS · Katharine Hepburn WINNER-"BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR!" -N..,.,.,, 1,1,,, C"I'<• ~~"d JOl.£1'1 (,lfl/IHC .-A.~/\VCO EMWt't'J1lM True Grit (G): \Vestern set In the 1880s about a 14 year old gir l \Vho is determined to avenge her father's n1urdcr and is helped by one-eyed marshal! and a young ranger, John \\layne, Glen Campbell , Kim Darby. Young Billy ''oung (G): "GOODBYE, COLUMIUS" • 1nd N•"' Ftilur• "THE APRIL FOOLS" With J1cl< Ltmmon ~IMlll!J1 •01 lNtQLMt.fil! JUNIOR MATINEE SATURDAY, 2 p.m. "JACK FROST" •nd "JOURNEY TO THE FAR SIDE 'OF THE SUN" ALL SEATS 50 • TROPICAL FISH SOUTH SEAS Largest Selection of Tropical Fish & Supplies in the area. Now 2 Locotlon1 111 W, WILSON, COSTA MIS4 (ell Fl lrvM!w II.~., ~41-7961 171-C. Pl~•.,:~. Or. -N~w~cM !!•&t~ t~~lnd T~• P"C41 Oll•C•) M4-8.IJ6 IN PANAVISlO~ ANO METROCClOR - TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME ANYWHERE llLL TRAVERS, VIR<ilNIA M eKENNA, Stol"I of "BORN FREE" In Crossword Puzzle PETER 'I.~ KATHARINE O'TOOLE ?n HEPBURN AND AT 8:00 ONLY "IWl(llJ~! PK:lUl!(S Prtv!llS f\UE GI ACROSS l SchQofroo.,, >\C"I bformor poll u(•on 10 Nild 14 Wea< ~way 15 Un1ve•s11y lb To1ncr 11 On ce rtior t 18 Corre~y rGu!J· • 1q l1v1nJ a1~~ 20 B1011qt1t h~(~ t:n :(I 11\~ s11d1ct 22 0110~1Jr > 23 Durk 24V IP at a C O'l'in~ out ba ll 25 Do a ct1!tln9 job 21 Constt lla t1on 29 G1s 30 ·--in the ',, )) I( ind cf f,Ol lar SS E11ro11tc r. lfl 011!11~ Ill 38 P ul~a1e <ibnoim i lly 40 Young 0'1n ~l Slatkel\td off •2 C11rhtd 45 lltve1J9e 4b State: Abhr , 47 M o~e o'l ii " " " .. curVt d t OU!5t l J ~8 R ldt> '..J 6 01.'s r.J ~kn.i,..,r 51 M o•s~I 52 P rr~frvr ·! ~4 s~v .. 57 Ta (O>~rl H11 1 ~'11 l~tt5SJJ;\'y bl [..,ply bZ. (.roup o! {~rds iJ Ultr•P1 \',[:d~ I'' l'•e 011j •I "-1 F" ac 1a I le1t 1rt 1-5 A d~rl t•:i Se·td l ~r· ~s a ooud b7 Walked on tis Fcrrelt b? 5c ftnte o! preoaling dr ugs. Abbr . DOWN 1 Pa1tota b11ild in9 2 Impu lse J Ba~tr':; 11n1t 4 ~ oman VIP 3 F rt~th a1 t1s\ b 1'1 ~n ord er ly mann er 7 M~nuhc!urer a smelly 'I Ob1a in 10 Do a tlt;in 1n9 job Yes\erday's l'ut z!e Solve d· •l• "' ' ' " • • • ' ' ' "'" ' ' ' • ' ' • ... ' • • ' " ' . • • "' ' • • ' ' • • • ,, ' ' • , ' • ' • ' • ' . . ' • ' • ' ' ' • ' ' ' ;~'. ' ' • ' " ' • ... ' ' ' " . ' ' • ' ' ' • "' • ' ' ' ' " " ! ( " ' ' ' ·" ' " ' • ' " ' ' ' ' . 't.•~I ' . • " • " ' ' ' ' " " . ' ' • ' ' . . ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' J 0 17 b'I ) l t•1 111r lnv.·rr :,9 P,1 t1 r,I :1 l!K OO r I .11 rdo br il Ck el~ d3 "Wl1 ere 12. Ru11 •••• !1101r1" lJ Obs tru~ls 44 Move 71 Eve's spouse quickly t2 Eilrth: Fr. 49 R l~e~: 2~ C11be 2 word~ 25 MootreJl's 51 R~l st tr:insnort an im11ls ~y slem 52 1(1rll of sauce 2b A di flere ~t SJ K iod of 011,. cl111r9e Z7 O! l1Jwer S4 Suggtslion Qll~l•ty SS Rtpu!e 2.1 Mal1,. Sb And sl r11~er 57 Neighbor 30 Sel lrrnil y of Ille US A 31 F'rrn111•ne 56 Polynrslar1 na me clles!n11 t 32 Ovtr 59 One who 34 Nrg,1\1V~ niJkts do word 60 Sk iri lay er: :i, l'leirili l Comb. form 31 Comm and bZ We ll-known to liors t Unt le • MArfJN l'Cll lHE LION IN WINTER '"""'':-:"" '-' ~\Ul t.~lJ./.>Y .... ~ "A ALSO ... ZERO MOSTEL "THE PRODUCERS" VOICE & ORAMATIC ART COACHING HOLLY LASH VISEL H·~Mv •~•<••l•l•~ <•~<" No., •c· cephn9 PUP•h or •II ~~ ... • Voe•• prObl•m• COHO<ltO. • f@<""IC•I h~tq•n9 lo• '""''"' <hurth, sl•;e & tn!orla•nr~•nl, e CfoOmlna • conduct 1nclu~to, l'ho11e 673 ·01 l 4 for Appol11t111e111 Wed., Tllu,..., frldoy, Before 10 A.M. fve Show SJarh 7 p.m. Contlnvov1 Show Sunday From Z p.m, FREE PARKING "''""(~ atsr r..:.iu•r \'I N>Cl r•l1'4 f(~fl"~l 1 1.\lll.lll(«.(t.-"°'°'~ '.'I ~~«CiJi IECHHlCOlO!l•· A P.IJJllOUNT 1".:IURE I!] Contln11010 S<rrurdoy from 1 :CO ; Toolqni •I I BEST PICTURf OF THE YEAR! You've got to be 0 crazy. The • He took you ' [ [Wlff.DWOlllff.O by alarm last aaaaon I I or GHlUllOT #·~ "7Lo, "'"T ... • ll!f!iillllll Ill ll•ill wolit!sl Ci> WARNER BROS.Pre$0n!s An El Y LANOAU·BRi ANFORBES Pto<1ueli°' lhe Inetodlble KATHARINE HEPBURN as "THE MADWOMAN OF CHAILLOT" CHARLES BOYER· CLAUDE OAUPHlt/ French-Al51rl1n Chan10nnl1r EDITH EVANS • JOHN GAVIN • PAUL HENREID . OSCAR HOMOLKA.. MARGARET LEIGHTON • GIULIETIA MAS(NA with h,::::bJ:*'lal NANETIE NEWMAN l"d RICHARD CHAM6E~lAIN YUl BR YNNER i~! Ch''""'"· DONALD PLEAS ENCE i~e Prol?ftloi ~ ""' and DANNY KAYE •~ Tlltlla~p·c•tr •Based on a play wr]!len by JEAN GIRAUDOUX and adapted into Englisl! by ... lio'J"~ MAURICE VALENCY · Screenplay by EDWA RD ANHALT • Executive Producer HEN11Y T WE INSTEIN I 'MaCUIS I ·1---~-·w-.-.-... "'..,...l Pro<Juced by ELY LANDAU• Directed by BRYAN FORBES • TECHNICOLOR" TWO P!RFORMANC£S, ONl Y SUNDAY. NOV. 2 II 2130 and 7'30 I ,,k .. , fJ.H /4.IO/l.IO/f.H I I t1ClrTI llQW 1t Mu1I~ Ctnltt. AlrtQ C!llfl ~!so. Cflll., tll Mu1u11 .\l;tRclt1, W1 ll!&ht I Mutfc Cl!) ind Oowoi1o~ So. Clllf, M~1 le 1 Com?tny. 1nform.111on1 &25-7~11 ror ti· t1.ltt1~1 1rou~ r1h11 82~-~711, E•t. •o~. I /\I-I MANSON , OfHEATRE, FASHION ISLAND + NEWPORT CENTER •• • ••• • • • • • ••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• * COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVO. _,, NEWPORT BEA CH * 644·0760 World Premiere En9a9ement e l'erfer111111nce Sth•dult e WMk Nl9ht1 . , •• 7:15 I. t :41 S1t1 •••• , Z:l 5·4:45-7:15 & ':45 Sv11, .•.. 1 :OO·l :J0.6:00 & 1:10 L_ _______________ •I ------•L------------------·----------- - " ; - ,' • ' ' .......,....~------·-----------------·--.----·----..----------·------· '~----, --~----------~ ...... ------· .. , .· :· ' .. .. • .. TUMBLEWEEDS --........ -.. I TV ·. l .L_ if OCTOBER 17 OCTOBER 11 EVENING l;OO IJ 1111 N1W1 (CJ (00) Jeny Dun)lhy 7:00 I ~ m ID HKkle ' i.tkll (C) 0 @n Huntle1-llrinkley fC) (30J (\1) (J) CE ~19" (CJ 0 Th• J.rry Wut Shew (CJ Liken Mi. Wi~bon1 (C) super-slar Jerry W11t ho1ts. ftlil Ille Cit (C) 0 L.A. TV DEBUT-BRIAN 7:25 ID Ciiw1 U1 n11i Der (Cl * KEITH, ROBERT RYAN 7:30.SUnris• Seinntu !Cl IN "ALASKA SEAS"! (J!J 00 CE Smoker thr lle1r (C) • DEBUT RMdin& Witl! l'our Ch ild: 0 Sil O'Clock Mo~it: MAl1U1 Mrs. Menon Marshall Mets weekiy S11s'' (d1am1) '54-RO'bert R)an, iduntional 1i11r11. Jao Sterhn1. Brian Ke ith, Gene Q) Ioli t11t Clo1t11 (C) Barry. m Did Ven Drke 130) l;OD ID r8 r_f) Tl'lt Jetson1 (C) Psyton Plic.1 (JO) 0 @Ii) ID Hwt Cc1111n !111 Stu Trell (C) (60) Grunip (C) €D Whit'• fftw? (30) I lij)CIJ Cl) C..tunq1 C1b !Cl W Ti1mpo d1 Perdon (30) Killlll (C) CD Nein (C) {60) l•ck Hickey. T1ln ol Wei!. f1rp Ci111111J (Cl &:OS D Lakert W1r111-1rp (CJ 1:30 ID a Cil lup ··~np/llotd llun· i :IO 0 L1ke1S 81Uetb1tl (CJ (21;2 hr) ner Hou1 (CJ Lakus ~. l6e1s. §@ \1) ID Pin• Pantlltr (C) 1:30 8 MBC New1«W~e fC) (£0) C1mpn Profile · The litmt G1 mt (C) (30) J11T1 Movie: (C) "Tiit I ii Tr111 MacKrtll hos1s. (westun) '5?-Kirk Dou1lo1!. I To Tell the Truth (C) ()0) I CiKo Kid N.\S.A fntu1e (30) I Roc:-et Robin Hood (Cl Book lltlt (CJ (30) IR) ':OD Q) (6) m H. It P11!n1tul (C) No.liti•ro l-( (CJ (SO) Mowit: "Nit:ht Plant fr1m N1•1 (C) (JO) Ch~ni 11.iftt:" (mysttl)') '43-Ellen 7·00 O CBS [~'"·nz •-(C) (30) Ore•. Robert Preston, . ' ... M 11_7: (:f' ~ Hot WllMI• (C) Waller Cronki1e-~ ~ liOU §Wit • • MO'lie: (Cl "Tht H1llbrlld" ti i MJ l int? (C) (JO) (we.1ler") '52-Rober1 Youo1. I l ow1 Lucy (30) Q) Rull 'n' Rtddy tC) ... , th• Cloc:k (C) 00) Jtlk ft) CantiGn. J MllSIC. del llKllll· Nu1 ho1ti. .io - Commodity/Stock lllPOrt (3{)) ':300~[l_]Dad.tnl'-' M-• Ahon! (30) \Cl '' Alllerican Wut (C) (JO) ".. Thtlr Flyin1 M1cltiM1 (C) o @ ® m 1111 .... "' s,li1I That 'irl (C) (JO) (C) 7:30 1)~(1)6et Sm1r1 (C) (30\ m (J"J)(~)(F)The Kltdy lt)'S (C) Over 99's ob1~!1ons. Smart 11 A1111rinr Thr1e •ss1gned to rom1n'1 ind 1!1110 1 Cutnl11 y 'uitllrr• marry 1 be~utilul bu! mu'h 'fl'ido>ttd ~---------~ KAOS 1gent •ho 1s susoecltd ot having done '""Y 'tl'ilh her twelve WORLD SCRl[S IA50Al..L previous huYlands. Dana Wynter l"loir-1111,.in& ill 1ubjKt 18 .:llaRfl J!uesls as 1hft beautiful wt for cow1up •f World S..-ill llM- 0 -" c ll1M r11111, If pl9J9d tod1y. T•ms · =nigh h1parril (C) (f>O) ere New Yor' Mtb ind ltltllf!Ort "'Bad Oat lor 1 Sad Mao ·• . . 0 il}J ~J Cl) let's M1k1 I 0.11 Oriol.a. Tt1111 te k lnrw>llflttei. (CJ (30) Monll Hall hosls . Q Million $ Mol'i1: (C) ''AU111ti1, 10:00 IJ 9 (ilQ TN l"lnlt If P1ntlopt !ht Lost Continent" (!antesy) '6! Pits~ ( l --Anthony Hall, Joyc1 T1ylo1. 8 [1J ~ m Skf, H..U .,<C) W Truth 01 Conwqutt1c11 (t) (30) Mowrt. "Tiit tide lid (•Hl· m Judd lor tht DtftnM (C) (f>O) "") '57-Anlllony Quinn. T1cbn•ul ComH (30) @ Morit: ''JMpke" (drtma) ·~ fr!ffith Chd: {30) lulii Child -(dw1rd G. Robin.-, Lynn But. 21~e1 dire~l11)f11 on ma~in1 choto-' . €1) El Oo!w M An111 r~te mousse (RJ 110.30 I) 9 fl l ScoobJ-0.., Wiier• A11 .:7"l Ch di ej Yeu! (C) ~ M o Rolo '10\ 8 ''i:i [6)m11mb• (C) too 0 tS (]) Tht Good 6uy1 (t) (301 MC,.,it: •fu C1•bi.t •nd lhl A lin•ci,y healt~ 'i"spector, aue~tl Lidy" ~drama) 'SZ -Dant Cl11k. \'1n!'.l!J1I Pritt, finds t fly in II·~ 0 (1~(3) rI) Cvllivtl' (C) s1tw ind tllrealtns lo {!011 !nr ID MOt"it : "'W.U1loo lo.ird" (di•· d1nu. I IT\11 ·~s -John Mil ls. Ste••r1 O (iT.(ll (DThr ll•1d' llund1 Granier_ (C l {30) .,"'.'thee Oot~~·t l 1v• Hert 11 :00 § ~ (8) Arellie Slio• (C) Anymore . rfl@ID Tll1 Flinbtonet :CJ I Quttn for • o., (C) (J O) GL rri m ABC'1 Wid1 World S1grhru1h lha1tr1 (6ni o! Sporf.1 (C) NB"-B1liletll1ll. Thi tnterf1cr (C) {30) (H ) M11w1 ul;ee Bucks \'1. Detroit Pi~toni. Lucec1\1 (C) (JQ) 11 :108 f1j I 6J m Un6trdor (C) 1:15 ~tu W11p-11p (CJ (I ~) 1 • Movia: (C) "Retu rn 11 th1 l:J(I ®• (J1 Hog1n'1 Htroes (C) (JO) f •on!ietwl•n" (•esfe1n) 'SG---Gc1-l:ll 1 6j a) N1m1 ol the G1mr don M1cR11, Julie London. (C) (90) ''Cha1nl ol Comm1"d_" m Me•il: "IOn1 tf tllt Undtr-9 l{in1:1 Hoe~e, (C) l21'. h!I •or1d" (dr1m1) '.19 -Humphay Ktng~ ~~ 5'a l~ at O~~land Bo11rt. llay fr1nc1s. O @WCDMr. Oeeds 6nes to To•n (CJ (JO) "Sparkllni Spr•n~." ~ I m 01wid Frost (C) (90) Vi1n1 L11i_I . 1· loe Julia n. P~I Henry, Wilham Red-1 t•eld, Turltv R•r,hard!, inventor W11.l1z;OO 11 9 rf.I Tll1 Mon~'" fCI l•am I tat and Brook Benion 1uesl ! Q On Ciir11pu1 (C) "l•ll1ao Hellman Q) The BiE V1ll1Y (C) (60) oo Campus." Et! C1ul1 M1st11 Cltu \JO) 0 H11mt and RtcrhtiGn ShGw (C) aJ Noth11 T•p1!i11 ()Ol Jatk Rourlt hos1'. 1:00 I Er1nJ-Norfk Rt,or1 (Cl fJ RO SAL IND RUSSELL I ' T11tr• F1111ili1r ,. bitty llnifW (C) * WHERE ANGELS GO •.. JZ:30 ~(j)W1cty 11.c. (C) TROUBLE FOLLOWS" t Hi1h ind Wild (C) CBS FR IDAY MOVIES M<Wl1: ''flll H(IW1t dt ol ~•t· O ~i aJ CBS frid1y Mo~il : (C) i:in11" (di1m1) '40-Mart~a &cit "Wheft .\ng1l3 6n, T1ouhle fnllo'11rJ'' m M,~vi1: ''Thi P1omot1r" (com· (comedy) '68 -Ro,ahnd Rus.s~11 I r.ny) .~2-Alet: Gu1nneu O ll't',3)(DHolf Comr th1 1 ~!1cture (C) Bri6e1 (C) (60J • Ne•t Weet l all LOO Q!; l!J Sill)lufl1~ (CJ t ynnr " · Doubl1 f11!1Jft: ~s...1r1 Wom- EE Ho111 Op1r1 1601 an" (dt1m1) ·43 -Br11n AAernt. EtJ 01wld Suul.lnd {C) (= t,r 1 Con1hn~ Bennt lt "l lu in1 Sand" "'Rnc~. Pot •nd ~''' l~er B!e-.. ld•am~) &4-01h1h l.•v1. The" Min d> &I Woodslo(J .• I 0 l!t (iJ m NW foetblll lCJ I Nue~1 Cr\J Mu11ul 130) Cal1fornl~ 11 UCLA. 1.30 N1•~ jC) (30) ltd Me~et• I QM0¥1t: (~I "Tltl 'f111111 lac.rt" Ht S11d, She Si id (C) (30) (1dvt111ure) 63-M1 rt 01mon. P1 ndoflma {30) I C.rl ·•5 _ 10:00 ~ ~J ID, Britktn'5 World (C) · Cuttl d~ MUJll'll ('") .. 0 1. .. P 1 11 .... 1 I • Sll~1r W1np (C) "" p ions. aue 1 uuu1a1 1.30 ~·(T)Jt Q 1 (C) Martha Raye, Buddy [b!tn ~ndt · W ' fl' n~J lllS Bobby Gold~borQ sh••• !he 1ue~I Film ,"'t ( I soo!ligM . • 111 •• ur11 0 Lif fi} m JinUllJ DMrlllll Ptl· 2:00 Mr, Ed . 1tr11!-Th1 Lennon SINrl (C) (60)1 2.lO Sltfll • l~11n1n( (C) Q Dalla! (C) (60) Je>t ~uth. Pit • ~'it Trllt (C) Htn~d fr1n Jetfr1t1 rutJI, I J:OO N£W SEASON TN New S.Cietr rerrr ~1,J~/6-0) I ) Thi~ '"urnfnr ur_ie1 P.ro1ide1 R h"dt II d (6') I Jcr~m lw OPln d11tUISIOll 111 ft' 1 OMn. up I loca l hi1h .,;hoo! sWd1nts. · C1ral ff Mu1tr11 (30) IChllllpioli.Jii, lowtlni (CJ 10:10 · Un !i.rl11 tn 11 Obscvfidtd (30) SMllon (C) 10:45 ll'.in11 wr1p-111 (C) T1 .. 111 .i1 ,..... 11 ;00 p ~c'P ""' (Cl J:JO Vi"1K1int (Cl J1re W1t1t1 hosts. 1:..-: McKiy SIM• (C) ( ) Olfldoo11 W!tlt LllMrtJ MYtual Outer limih OJ P•tty D•k• Thi fon.)'l.t S11• (I!) , t :OO II Mnit: ''ffilll " Htftlt" {dre-1 m N..s (C_) . I ma) '48 -Edmund '"'""· 11:30 ~ M111" Cintl111 (C) Tllll WM M ,,. f .... 11 (CJ @D Jolln11Y C1r11n (CJ • 1 s,p (C) G) loeJ litllo, (Cl V1t·j 1rt111 fr .. UJICU (C) nt Lisi. Norm CrOSbl, Buddy Gr eco MdtlWI JtftJ 1nd IB~ & Sylvia IU'"L . ~ IM .. c.i....r 0 Mw\11: IC) "Mr. lltlllll"tt (co m· 4·to TNlll UM1 .. r.lice CCI 1dy) 'S5 -Henry fond1, BeBy 1ffJ (f)fl) FHtldlc flJll' (t) P•lm1r, t \ l1li if"lllllltn m lrtlol'i1: fC) .. C.pl.ain1 ., tlit 1ft1tc9 Clollll1" (dram~) '42-Jimes Car· 4:5S U"'1 Wtl"M·UJ (C) nty, Br~nda Marsh1ll, 5:00 1r1 ~le (C) Compt lil'lt lZ :OO O Mont: (CJ '"'TMi C.eta.t Ha'" h11h 1thool1 u1 C.nGI• P11k. b•lld" (comtdy) ':.4-R•~ H1r1i10n, C11spi (Encino} elld Sy1m1r. Kay Kend~ll. D lllrlrt lnua.U (C) mMo.it: "titilln l1•t• (drama) 0 ~(.ll (i) AllltfiUUt 11114- '4!--0BO!I Welle! . .)o11ph ·Cotten. 1tH/(C) 1:00 II Mow!1: "Cluny llrowri" (com1dy) TM Attl'll'fl (C) '46-J110n1J11 Joo~. C~111ti BQftr. 1 D1litri (C) CJ 0 NIMn (Cl a. .... (C) CD Adll!I nutr1: ""'*"' " ,...... ,..,. P1iirt.cl fllll" (wtdtrn) '59 -,..,.., Urli Cliltlr (R) C1ninn1 C1lvet, ~-ip Hom1!1r. flllltl..S.U.1 l :J08Co!111111•1tJ I.ti..!• hlnl CCl 5:l0 blflll 5'l!J (Cl (R) 1:4.5 · Mt11it: "Tiii 'fffllll 111111" llliC ~ (C) (Wt!S!!1fn) '!17-lhm T1mb!yn, Clllpl'1 hNM1 (C) !:oomAll·IUctrt Show: "BeM~d !M l Mr, alld Ml'\. ""111 Md~~ QI 7nrra •• "V11l'J <>I lht . Nn Sptclll fC) ''Vi1t"1m Mell" noon ... 1," "The liG111blf Dr H 1~h 1 ,1onull' Day" Ill) ta~~ " m ,l,fricutture USA !Cl By Tom K. Ryan SALLY BANANAS YOU CAN STOP NUDG IN G ME NOW! EVERVcNE 1:1 11<.AD • AT ME .. NO ()IE 1! WILLSl'fAK ,\~, eTOME ... ., .:· ;~ -~' :; .,._,, PERKINS JUDGE PARKER .Ill.Ii: Dl?IVEI?: I 'VE SEEN ~OPlt.16 TO MEEf YOU! •• MISS J,\SPfl? 0.UGHr ME- JUSf AS I W/>.5 A.BOOT TO GO llolTO TOWN: _) ' ~-. r '1 -... I ¥.OlfT "TA.~E !IUf A. MINUTE Of: YOO~ TIME MR. W.fER"E: MOON MULLINS ,. ·~ ----- By Charles M. Schulz ~~~~~~---.. l D1DN'T .WW tx><'T TAL~ !.LJ-IAT I lil'S CQH6! TO ME .. ITS I U}'l,5 UPSET! lxl LATE N0:i.J ! r J..PPl?ECl ... rE YOU!.'!: SEEIN6 CON(fl?N ~RODY DO\\'N ~T J,O..I L! ~PP"I?• RA.TI-IE!? THA.N Et.Inv VOll HAVE,., 6'1'.E"-f Pf.AL 'INFLUEWCE', OF lWFlllENCE OVER HIM! »S.. Di:l'r"Eli::: By John Miles By Harold Le Doux By Ferd Johnson r:::==:::--7 YES , SI~, ® M•· SPATULA, YES, SIR! STEVE ROPER WOME~ ARE FUl.li.IY, MIKE. J Tf</lt.'K SHE WAS l'l.APP'1' THE CAR WAS W~ECKED.' -Y'K~OW-L1KE SHE'S J EALOUS Ot=-lT.' MUTT AND JEFF GORDO 5oR;:;:iY. MUiT, I 1NVESTMY MONEY IN J'r>.1 SURE GLAD IT'S DAl<K /·" 50 THE Y MAYBE \~'Jt.''T SEE US/ By Al Smith YEH, THEY'RE ALWAYS GOING UP! By Gus Arriola r--:--~--~ OMf All fl16~Tf tLL £11Vf: MISS PEACH {5UiM !) 11 TAl'E:S ~ LONG T1ME FOR ourc:. PARENTS -ro DEV~LOP !=Alf~ IN WE Cl.-1/l..DRE N .•• • l f:!E:T iHf: 'IOLl A HllJ T! CLt:A"1 l !: ' 'le5. M'/ M OT "EIZ OOE.SN'i T~US"T ME WIT ~ A THING. 140\\1 ABDUi '/OURS", L..rNDA ? I CA0E- B01'"fO M F'A~r<t By Mell • SO F"AJC?', MY MOTHEF: HAS ~):.l-l!BlTE.D I A Pf:ZOFOUND FAITl-I IN M'I ASILI T..., TD TAKE 6UT II-IE 6A~l3A GE." ••. 10·1 7 (~;(L lt' 11'\IVf " -------.... --·.--.. ~ --··--------~-~ ........... . ___ nan v P!l nr ::r I QUEENIE By Phi l ln terlandi • ~ l.:o•r f'"'"'~ ~, ....... '"" I '0• Jl'll-,,ld ,,,,,,, ,_,,, ! "Oh, oh: 1'J say t o\~::iy goin~ IS \)if' d ,1y ~l l!l·~ t u r ,iJ J." [,(:,.J:'> I!: TllLllVISION l ·11;ns Ro scy lllo .. k~ For Dt111icl By CYNTHIA LOW RY NE\V \'Of:I\ 1.-\l'I -\ p:11r fd n1•\1 r 1 ·l('f 1el cvi.~1011 :1Ll1011 ~l'l'I \'' \11•1t· 1111r1 1dH1·1 d I i 1 n1 gl1 L. H.o scy l;r1l'r . \1 1(· l01'1n1·1· p:·11 1 .. •1llJ.tll 111 1nadc his delJul as "0ou 1J l") l ;i1u 11(· l,,1 ccl 11 · ~·\ FRED ASTAIRE 111rnrd up '1 ' 1111• 1\1'1 ril, ('~t crook, father 11 ! t ht IH:rur1 1 ,i\ l1u1 I 'J;_1kc;.. a 'l'l1i vf." (;I'l l'!"_ pl~i ~ Ill~~ .UI "'d .q1('il l.!1 ( ,,(!1 •,'" I I+' l11d1 a11 \rilJ1'. v xl11h1 l1·d .i11 •I' 111 1, ,\I• 1\ l• :--0111c11he rt: li el1vee11 ll 1!' ,)oil \' 1.1t•'\I 1.1, 111 - r\ I , f!l<l li'S llo1J111 , l~uL l hl'!I Il l\';\(;( '-'II• J, often give .;1 11yu11r, 111l l11 d111·i .•t,1 1· l·L· , 11 ·1 1 1, cha nce. lo rl'gl!i1cr 111ll('h u1u1'1..· l!i,11 1 • '111'1 , ,11" crnot 1ons 'J'his 111eck J)nni c! 11<1 ,, b 11 ''' ;i·, 11 11,11 \ 111111" 1hc i\n1t•r1c<111 Jt,,1-ol1d11•11 1111)1 11111 "'11 ( '! froin hi-" l111dc!v. 'J ll r ,.. , 1-.111n1 111 \ . , t , I 1H I , 1 -.'ii nglc han(ll'rl --11H' 1;1"1l1 •h 1 ,rr 11 , ,11 l, \l inc cn11cs, GABE COOPER -111.11 1:11 \I I I r-·1 alo ng 11'hich 1vns l ui·ky lit:c.i11 c !li11 111 1 ),,111 I· i1 an d could barely l1o h!,l1· t :1•11 ·1· il1tl llt!' 1'11 1 l1\ hrut ::;lrength. He 1ipped <1 clu11r <ill 111 It" 11111 !('~ \1) J!l a'L some gunpo\vder. 11 c•e d .1 ft•l.111 111 1i.q1p 11 ..-~ IJJ manacles and gul rid nl" t 11' 1 "lil<!ll. 11· f 111-'-111 thc1n , one by onl', (1\f!r ,11 1111 11 111 f\ 111•1 11,1\t• l,t•C n111ch acting, but 11. 11 ~1 ~ ~111 1ntr·r (·-.;!111:; /.l1h..,1 1t 11l•· ft fi sl !ighls, As1al rc anti \\i;i r:111•r •11·1· .1 ·~1 11 1!1 l !\!111 -n r l l1t 1vould be !! thry <11 dn'1 11,1\ t· ~111 i1 .11·1 il hu111•1r 1 fli11g a round . 'rli C' pli 1 1 ~ .-1r{· li 1·l 1t·r lli:1 11 111·· 11'111·d-; this scrie:; .. i\s t<11rl' ;-111d \\:1t;il ('!' ro rt 1111·d j.11111111 thrnu_i.,:h a -~iddy ~!(l r ~-.ilJ,1\1\ J11l:l 1,11 ~ .111 II !Iii T1iviera ca!:iino H5" p;11t 11r .1 {l•llll'IH .i11·d 1 '•1t·1111HL· ruse 10 trap_<i c ountc•r!l•li1•:' Du ring f.hc s11111tl1 l·r \l.1l,11 l1i '11: 1'(' \\)\•' !_, pl;-iycc\ the f1·dC'1·,1 1 .i·_('lif 1•11,, 11 .i I''•" \10, 'lit• dy'-s bo.-.::.. q11 11 ll1 (' ~hu11 l.d..-•• 11d l+1 1u1. h.•' l1r 1 (.','l ~I, llS <I J"C'j\Jiif"l'tlll.'l\( .d!d jd,1 1 Jl1<· I '!I 11 1 "111 ~('!1 [ officer ;:is n t"1•1 ned,v t·np THE SHOW 111:.tdi' )11('.i1+1 'I n 11o1d :;1 thr. b <1ck~rn111H I<; 11f 'l(ti)ll' n f l!u· "'''!•It ' I'( HHC c:.l1ni:! and hn nd ~r11 nr 1\;,\;11 rl' II 11 1 :1 pp(· II' ltl 'f'~f'1 ,JI r•p1-11d1· (J ~i 'r, :-;nn. :1 goo d 1ilt .. 1 ·r111· ·l'•J"' 1 .1'1 1• , ,1e,, h stylr:-and brigiltnes;-; ~riH 1· II 1 11 .t d •"11t, 111•1 -.1 r in the Nielsen rat 111 r:~ Among progrJ111 ... 111 :1 1 '.1'1 '111 1,, 11'' i11 r1•01 I [·:it iiH:!'i t rouble ;irP /\I :<·~ ":\Ir J/pprl r,.,, 1 .. ·ro11n "J'.,.JuSi C' Sc:PtH'.01 ''Nf'1v Jlr npl!·,' .i11d 'L-111rt 1 Giant s'' <i ritl i 'J ;~· ·"l'li c.: 1 :1,1,d ( :111 " \11 ;1rl' i.lr ... to the ho'LlOn) of ll1f' 1rio-.1 rPi-1·1 11 11 ... 1 De1111is tl1e i'fle11uce I I I ( ................ ---~--~-----~~ -· -----·--. -----.---.-. -...--. -,. ·--··. ···-·,,,-~···~~ ...... -. . . --:r.-::~·~.-.-. ~.-,---~----.·-;·~·-----·-··-·--·-----·-~--......,.--· -·· jJf. Dlll Y PILOT._ ------''-''-'''-· O_<_to_b<_• _17_._1_%• USit> 'bq 11.0AORUNN£1l 4 Speed 1rons111ission. . 1-1eoter 1t.od10. 1964 FORD THUNDERBIRD HARDTOP V.8, a utom.,tic transmission, radio & he.,ter, power steerin g, p owtir brakes, powtir w indows. INMY b25 ) •995 1964 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN Autom11 t ic tra l'lsmission, rad io and hea ler, power steering. IH PB 61 8) '695 1965 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 2-DOOR HARDTOP V-8, r<"l dto ,,.,d he..,ter, e utometic t ransmission, powtir steering, p ower brekes. I YXU869) 1967 RAMBLER 440 2 DOOR HARDTOP Avlomet ic: t rens m isiion, radio, he<"l ler, power steering, vil'lyf top. IUIR 436 1 '1595 1964 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER s A v E Automatic: transmis sion, radio, heater, power steering, brakes, win- dows, fa ctory a ir condit ioning. IOYP918 ) '995 1965 PONTIAC CATALINA STATION WAGON J seet, 9 pMsenger, V-8, eutomalic tra nsmission, radio e rid heater, power i;teering a nd power brakes. !REC 5051 '1195 1967 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR STATION WAGON v.a, o1ulom,,!ic lr<"l nsmission, r<"Jd io lll1d hedter, power 1leering lUZF 480 l •1495 1969 CHEVROLET NOVA SEDAN V.8, a utomdlic transmission, r•d io and hl!a ter, while sid e walls, vinyl interior, a ll d eluxe safety features. l ess tha n 5800 miles. IYNW 8601 '1995 All pr!cn ar• pl"' ta• a11d lie:-... Ptlc:n Yolid 1111til 10:00 P.M .. Su 11dcry, Ck.tob.t 19, 1 ~&':. Volume Savings! Greatest Selection: COLORS- EQUIPMENT-sooy STYLES , IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NOW! 1966 DODGE DART 2-DOOR R"dio a nd heal er, full y factory eci uipped ( TRE 429 l 1965 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill 2-Door Ha rdtop, V-8 , a ulomoJl ic tral'lsmission, radio & heater, power steering, fo1c tory a ir conditioning. ( RGV 662 I 1965 JEEP WAGONEER 4 wheel drive. Radle a nd healer, new t ir es, deiux e chrome luggage reek. ! R08704 ) PRICED TO SELL! CHR¥SLER PL¥MOVTH IMPERIAL . I I . • • ' • • • .. • . . • . . • . . • . " . . . ! " • . • . . • . . • .. . : ·' , ; .. • YOUR CHOICE '67 !~~~o~~,S~O~'~"~';,y1 roof. $1388 or 1gini1I dark green finish. Bal . fa c.rory warrdnly. avail. TUT 637. YOUR CHOICE I 6 7 !~~u~m~~l~Lt~~g.~d~. heo ter, $13 8 8 bal. fac rory warr<1nty avdilable. VOY 102. YOUR CHOICE Fr!d~y. Ott~r 17, 1%9 n "TOTAL * YOUR 'f1i 3,. s~ ~ e ,.1 PAYMENT CHOICE $ I . . '. f 66 ~~~~~"l'~~AS~nog, lacr '" cood $13 8 8 New bronle hn1sh. fYV 747. YOUR CHOICE Payments include all tax and total finance charge of $274. for 30 months, on approved cred it, finance charge based on annu;;I perce ntage rate 14 .63 ~~ deff ered payment. Price $1734 .40. (a5h price includes tax & lie . $1460.40 Transporta Eon Spec ials 1 61 '~~~i~ .~!~,~r~ .. ~ !~: S 2 88 '66 ·~~~I;~.~.~.~!,.~~top s933 , 63 r.~~~~\:~~!~~!.~,. "' s 3 a. '66 ,~!.~~.: !~.".!~ .. ~:T. S""j ~ .. <8 rid•O ln..:I hH'~'-RI G ll'I. ' SUPE R SPEClnLs '65 r~ ~~ .. s.~~'~•n00'"' "~"'" :;f;' :-: """'" nr~'"' 11<>v.c• ,..,,,uc" 1oc1c·, ;.. ~jJ ~'" toncl•••on.r~. V '· au1~~,~·' v ~•I roe!, ~w<vvno~ 1 ,n.,~ zc,o JOO> '70 MUSTANGS NEW '70 MAVERICKS New '70 Thunderbird . .z ' ,... . = v EXT RA SPEC l11l S '67 CHEY. Impala S"'I I:,!~') H~l~I~?. V·I ""'~"'•!·< '""' ·, "~' 1~ • •" "'"'· """" '"~"~ i..,,, -'c " ''"'" UNI 101 '67 THUNDERBIRD ~<"'r\"'·'' L~ndO• "~«:Ito~ Vi. •"'" '"" , 1 ,.,..,. r ~, l't·'""'· p,,, '""o""' ,._. •• """ ,.1"' ,,,,~, •"r•• vr-. 111 n '70 NEW '70 TORINO'S ~) IMP IJR T Dt PT . SPtC !~lS '67 ,,~.~~!~N .. ,~' .. ~ .. : ,,,5? c;.Q VEN !II o ... , •J NEW '69 GALAXIE 500 NEW 1969 COBRA SAVE EL DORADO CAMPER SPECIAL NEW '69 C'NTRY. SON. SPORTS ROOF FULL PRICE $2588 New '69 T ·Bird LANDAU l'UL~ FACTOltY EOl'T, l'LU S Pc-"'~' ~•nao"'" ~ .,,,.. Mtl>, !ln•ed ;l•>1, hit 1tr W~ffl, w~•l•Wllli. No. 9JllNllll l6. FULL PRICE $3988 $ 00 FJ:tO~ ~UGGESl'EO F"CTOll:Y l!Sl PRICI'!" SEJ:t. NO. tlCURIOll" BRAND NEW CORTINA 2 DOOR FULL PRICE $17 8 OROEll NOW & ELDORADO lOV1 CHEROKEE CAMPER HCI. l lllllfl IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FllO'ol SU<>GESTEO F.llCTO~'f LIST PRl(ii ON ANY 1969 THUNDERBIRD · NEW '69 MUSTANG SAVE F llOM SU!iGESTEO ""CT!;'l>'i LIST P 11.ICE S~P. NO. HIOJ~11140• SAVE $ rt'!]'! ~ I . .ti.a Flf!)M 51J(;GE5TFO Fac:fOll'I' l •5T Pll:IC:ll NEW '69 RAllCHERO $ MODEL 47 Cru is·o·mal!c trans. radio, tinted glas s. . ' . ( • • • ! £ ' . . : ' , -. • -. ' . . . . . . . . . . _..-::-----. . . ·--------------------.. -------·------r----~~~--~--~~ ··-.----~--.,----------·---- HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE !'-"~-"'-~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 1000 Gener•I 1 OOOGenerel 1000 1000 liiGiiiii•iinoiirii•iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilOOOiiiiiiiiGii•iiniii•iirii•iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiOOOiiii1l 'G_•:"3•-r"j•jjl ~iRO~M1_000_ General I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ;;;;~~~~;;;;; 3 BED R 0 0 M FOREST E. B•v~r~~tR CHOICE FINER HOMES B:1R9~8~~N 0 L S 0 N General READ THIS • • • e .A.re you in the mar- ket for ~ ne\v home, a home 111 a prin1e area ve ry c lose to J.l unting ton State Beach ; a hon1e you can customize \Vhile 11 is lH·111g built. J ho1ne dc- :-1gncd by ou tstand ing arch 1- 1ects :i nd constru cted by J:>rank ! I .. i\ vrcs & Son : a Company that ha s been in business since 1005"? IF YOU ARE e e e e Come to RANCHO LA CUESTA at Brookhurst and .\tlnnta 111 llun11ngton Beach 11 11 1' da\' bet1\"cen 10 A.l\J. & (i P.-r..1. a·nd select your hoine in vur 11c11·ly opened UNIT V. PRICED FROM $2S,990 to $34,200 968-2929 or 968-1338 1000 Ope11 Houses THIS WEEKEND Keep this h1l'ld'f directory with you thi1 Wttk· end 11 you 90 hou1e-huntln9. All th• lot1tion1 1i1t.O below 1r• dncribed In 9r11t er d1t1ll by 1dverti1ing 1IHWh1r1 In tod1J'1 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. P11tron1 showlny open hou111 for 11111 or to rent 1r1 urgld to itt 1uth Inform•· t lon in t hit tolumn elth Frid1y, 12 Bedroom) 614 L<Jrk~p nr. Co rona del r..1<i r 1;;5.3310 (Snt & Sun 1-5) 12 Br & Fam;ly or Den) 2i7 l\1o r n1 n~ L-anyon t~horecltffsl ('.di\1 833-0700 or G44-:!4'.l0 1 Sun 1-5 ) ll Bed room ) l il:lt !'vl ch.1nnry (1rcl e. llunt1n gton Beach 3,12-~1 tG f.-\11 dJy Sat & Sun J 21 '.!7 Parsons_< u~l.J .r..Jr sa lii."!-4766 (Sa t & Sun J.5\ **106 Linda L~lc !Jrivc, J'\:e,vport Beach 642-81~ I Sat & SunJ 4549 Brighton Bel 1f'a1nco Shores} Cdl\f 83J...0700 or 644-2430 1Sun 1-5) 4a21 Co rt la nd Dr IC'<imeo ll1ghl<inds) ('dr-.1 833..0700 or 644·24:lo rSun 1-5) j3 Bedroom & Fam ily or Oen) 324 SnuJ.! fJ arbor (Cliffhavenl NB li-45·2000 IDaily 1-5) 25'.~8 Colu mbia Drive (College Park) Cl\·1 li4G-8811 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1010 Otlk St reet. l ·osta ?.lesa 673-7420 ISat & Sun) 221:> An1u\·er:.ary Lane. (Back Bay\ NB (!Jatl v) 301~ \011n1r,· ('luh l)rive l >l e~a 'v'erd'e) ('~!. 540-1720 (Sun 1-5·30J 11 47 c;Jcneagle, Costa l\'le!:ia ."140-1720 (S un 1·5) 1B4!'1 Trade\1·inds (fi.a ycrc st) NB 833-0700 or £4-l---2430 rsun 1·6) 14 Bedroom) ~~ti Shadv Dr i'e (\\'estcliff :.i rra) t'.\f ~i4:!-.')i!1i IS:.it & Sun 1·5) :iO I \lr-..;1 i)r flnr :-.ant;i .\na .'\vc ) (~'.\1 1141i-DR\I t!'i<.1l ~~Sun l·5 f **::ii:: J;tlena \1:.tu 1:.:ilUH:1 l'cnin sul;i li-12-5200 IS.1! & Su11 1-:}) *2015 Galate a Terrace (lr\'111c Terr ) 1 ·r1 \I. 642-82:!.i t Sat &-:-.un) :)JI; l';11:1l111<l (J'\c11pnrt l!c1 gh1s ) N I ~ •l\:!-lif l !l··ri & Sat (-1 Bedro om & Family or Den) *ll>Oi Santiago {Baycrest ) NB 64"!-~12.00 (Sun J-j) NB l jJ.\ \\nr\1Jck Lane l\\'c!:ilcltff) 641-5"!00 * 1907 I lol id ay t Ba ye rest) N B 642·5200 3120 L incoln \Vay, Cosla l\le:.il (Sun 1-5) I.Sun 1-5) 171 ·11 .l~l "GOl ~ 1Sat & Sun) ***11.l !'\'lilford n oacl (Can1eo Shores ) t 'df\I. !il.').6!196 {.Sat & Sun 1-5) 14:t0 Gala.1>y Dri1·e rDover Shores) NB 646-1550 !Daily) 461 ~ Perhan1 1Can1eo Shoresl rdl\I fr-12-8235 ISat & Sun ) 13:10 Cialaxy Dr i,·e IDovcr Shores) NB 6~2-R235 I Sa t & Sun) 1736 Antigua \\'ay {Dover Shores) i\'B 642-6235 (Sa t & Sun) 2341 Irvine (Back Bay) NB 54().1 720 rSun 1-51 915 Sandcastle flla rbor \"ic\v llill s) Cdl\I 833-0700 or 644-2430 (Sun 1·5) *4512 Roxbury, (Cameo Shores) CdM 833--0700 or 644-2430 (Sat 1-5) *1948 Santiago Dr <Dover Shores\ NB 833--0700 or 644-2430 (Sun 1-5) IS Bedroom) **14 Linda "fsle Drive. Nt \Vport Beach 00-8235 (Sat & Sun) u·NITS FOR SALE (4-3 Bedroom) 746 l\Iain St., (nr Ocean & J,akc Park) HB 536-1459 (Sat & Sun 1-5) • • • r .. 1 ,,.,, w.,.,.,,,,, * • W119'ftMf . '"' Quality bu\Jt 4 hdrrn :3 ba DOVER SHORES VIEW Thhi; ti; a house hu nters dream lam, rm . + dt'n on lge 11·1th l good sized bedrooms. lot. Exf'C'l. 1·alue S66,500. Large 4,000 sq. ft . of luxury with heated & fil-The owner has gol\f' ott and Ha rbor Highlands tered pool & a view of the back bay. A r~al 1 .. 11 It vacant, .so it's ready Big 2 story 5 lxlrnis :3~;, family home. 4 Bedrooms, 4 baths, family !or you to move in today. b11 on huge oor lot. 20x 40' room, formal din ing room. Ideal for enter-You bcHe r move last on this pool 1vlth Jacuzzi. t·1r.:.t taining. Only 21h years old . Beautiful & well unr : tune o ffered S!lj,OClO. priced at $104,000. Call for app'I. Dove r Shor" MESA VERDE l.1.1."1:1111ous S1•<1n1sh 4 hd-LIDO ISLE BAY FRONT rin. larn i-111 3't ha. Built A ·1erv rare 40 ft. waterfront 3 bedroom & 4 BEDRM-$24,950 <il"t)llnd .1 23 x:ig• gardrn 2112 b.it h home \Vi lh pier & sli11. 80 F't . pier-niu111 11·11h 1·1' IHgh 11'· 1ri11·1a ble celling, 71 x 27' head line. 0\1•ner \\'lll finance. Asking S199,500. 1'\T1·;1 bonus 1~;o1n over :; Call for app't. 1·;11· i.;ar. Panor<11n1c v1c1v or Upprr Ba.Y. Open Sun 1-~. $103,000. JS.% Sanll· ago Dr. Roy J . Ward Co. <B11ycn">I OL1lcrl 1-l:IO Cala.xy Dn1'e 616-1.'i:.oO HOME RUN This 1~ !l\csa Verdi''.~ I.lest b11y, it's a nice a nd clean 4 t:o.-•c!1~JOn1 2 ba th hon1e in Mo's/I Verde \\i lh buil t in k111•h(•n, douhlt" gar.1.ge, ex- C't'llen l neighborhood and the 011·nr r is an.'l:lous, fry 10' ~ do11.•n and at this price you'd better hUrty! 5 Bedroom Fixer Upper-Eastside Costa Mesa Inc. RC>altors HAVE $1,0007 HO ME+ R-2 TemlicC' 1n\'estmcn1. Ul\'ely lloine rarnes 11.selr, ll'hile ynu·l'f' 1!11nl;1nf: ul n11111 .. ruu; rnnrr 1u11 t~. H111,;r l~5 fwl Jut. Only Sll!,500 lu.Jl pr1<ee. .rantastir tc1111s• ~!!er paid olf rvc1ybody antJ hr I\ 1!l ~o 11ll 0111 for you. Bcncr hur- ry~! Dial 6l:i.crm. 645-0303 ;it 11a rbor Cen1er 22S9 J ll1rbor Blvd .. C.~1 . Sporlcling Pool Home-Near The Beoch "·ith no n1ninlf'nanCP bock yai1I. ~11a1·khni.; ele11n l brd· roorns anrl 2 pulln1a11 ba ths. \\'all 10 v.·aU ca llM't~c Ranch siird bu1!t-i11 KITCHEN and brcakf11st bar. :::pa('ious l1v. 111i::: l"'Om <i n.I 1-,:,man1ic Our Best Baycrest executive. Large 4 BR 21,".! baths, heated & fil tered poo l. Mesa Verde Republic 2 story 5 BR 3 baths. Corner lot. College Parle Jmmaculate Ca m- bridge Estate. 3 Bd- r1ns + family. Estancia Heights Cozy 3 bdr1n l 1h baths. Lots of concrete. DAVIDSON Realty 2750 Harbor Blvd., C.M, S46-5460 Eves; 548-8584 -------·--~ - 1000 General 1000 OPEN HOUSE Sat & Sun 1-5 p.m. 746 Main St., H.B. NI:.il' DELU>.:1·; 1 U:'\'115 NEWPORT BEACH FHA or VA ~Pa! 1'IC'.•n 3 61.•.Jrwm • .'\'"1 ·;1r 1wr;>11 .(· J.,,kr Park. • ' • ·u l"w ~1r11s ln11n \l'cstl'!1 :-;11,.pp111g. -D1; )-'ard 1vith Jruit Irr.cs S2S,950_ 011n1·1· .. :: !:!\, :! 1;.\ \,1 011 11('1· 1<1x advan111j::(', S!i6,IX)() "fF:HRY RF.ALTY 5:l6-l l,i!J a11y lan1• :: lift 1 Bi\, la1111Jy 1·u1, Prof decor. J !~ yr olrl-.xl11! cond. S.12,500. 12.'lil2 Fleet Ln, HE. Owner 616-4328 646-7111 \-0· THE REAL ~E§'.f~!ERS T\\'O ST0f{Y, FJVE: BED· ROOJ\I S. :! RATHS in l!ppPr Bay, SLIGHTLY SPANISH, slate entry, hrick L.R. floor. "Dea th V:.illf'y Rock Rark" hrf'plaer i\le'l;h'an ntr in ha1hs. (;OST,\ J\Jl::S,\ "S Rl::ST Bil > -F.\:l!ILY BUY. Nc~' IC'd at 1hr end ol a private <·ul-dr-sa,·. l~1rgr y11.rd - \1·orks!ior1 & pl('nty parking spatf', 7\EAH. Y,:'11.C.A - Be cliarmC'tJ , sec this, Only $2\l.500. :O.'o do11.·n to vets, pu1 some ~] bow grea se into this house and yol1'1J con"Le out on top. IJ's p111·rd 10 sell because 1!'s vacant and The owner rnus1 srlJ. Tlus L<. a rra.I hedi;I' again.st JnJlat1on. Sec it! ~·11:F.PL:\CJ-:. \\'al[., rn p;11·k, Gen@r al 1000 Generll ~rhool~ ;uni .<hoppuH;, Try 1.===================:.:·1 1000 CAPE COO CUSTOM THE NEWEST BY IYAN WELLS llll\11('(il;i1 1:' Orl"UJl!'IJH';,.:. •I hd- nns :3 li;1 ...j.. powder roo111. ~-;1111. nn. 11·1111 h I'll' S.· l\P\ lnr Panvran111· 1 ,.·.iv 11u111 11;a~lf'r Ill.Inn, 11\· r111, 1!111. nn & island k1t,·lH•11 "11h hre.ak<isl ari'a , Child r•"'ll's iring f'nihrat'f'o; \ar;::r ('1)11rt IUl~J 11·\1h ~p<1rl.;l 111g jXJIJ!. i~u:i.111·1uu~l.Y l' a I' p r I l ' ti. $\!l:l.t'OO. Roy J . Ward Co. I u.ayt:l'(!~l Ofl ll'(' I 1430 Cialaxy 646-ll iO A REAL SLEEPER 5 R-l Lot1-70x I 10 ••· (°)rant"I". Bmkf'r . 53..'l-·tYJ!'l S BED RM. -$38,SOO J1·. 1::sta1c yard. Eleogant :? ~Tory ho1nc. tllastf'r lx'dro0m wilh f11~plaC<', ad<lttio11a.J Victoria 646-11111 fl11'plan· 1H l1\·u1::; roon1. (anytime) Forn1a11l1n1n_1: ruo n1. :1'10-1770 "'"""'""""'""'"""""'~"'I TARBELL 2955 Ha rbor -fHEQu1cKER YOU CALL, tiArlYl'Ji:C."!"r\\DT_A_O""°S"'. jTll E QL·1::._i\~~~Ol' s~:LL Gen@ ra l 1000Gen1r11I 1000 [l:.:J BA Y & BEACH RLTY., INC. I B Smee 1949 Tl >c llnn1c of Con1p/r t~ Rr.al t:stntc S('ru,cc" BE THE FIRST .. lo ,.,·r l h1~ """!.\" ]1slr·d l r1111f' Terr11(r :\ B,.fl. 1(10111, rxtri\ bath, ~·on1 r11 ... 1r ly rC'm odclrd. a ~d rr· (1rrorat"d hon1r. ~h{l""'S llJ..,. R 111odel. \\'on t last al ~·16,UOO. ~p\ .. a~(' , all -[('5 n JOY to shOI\', A LITTLE MONEY . . . du\1-n \viii sa1!,.f~ 1 hi~ ii hs•'l1\ ,,11·nf'r. llome \"l'I· 1•ant-11uick pQss1•<s:on ;1 bf'cl room. :\ bath. H0bby 1:00111 "'1lh bath off s;ar11o:f'. Large beautifully krpt i::ro11ncls. Price rrduc~d t.o 531,950 -Open terms. WASTED RENT SPr hu1•· f'asily you C'_an t urn \1·asltd r_,.nt lntn ." ~··· tll"r invrslmrnl. L11'{' co1nrort11.bly 1n 0"11"1'5 ~!•'1r 1ou~ 2 Bcd1·00111 \1·ith large f'~mll .: Hoom l!nit -11•l h rr11t11l 11THl 1n rrnr. 0 1\•nrrs u1111 h;i< 2 f1rP- l•lac""· .,ue!ily 1·;11'pf'I~ nnd dro1 •·~. 1)1·rr-~1zr. co1·- no·r lo)t-CoronB dcl i\lar. S BEDROOM-ONE YEAR NEW-$65,SOO l'Prf.-·i•t lv pl11 nnl'd fur grA1'iOus livinc ()\'rt· :..':100 •iJ. 11 :...._ 11uali ty 11 11 1hC' 11·.:iy! l..rir,t;I' .ljl' fron l a~r lo!, plush and park·likr.. Srpe.rnlt' Fam ily Room 1vi1h firepla ce. 3 Baths. Exrrnsivr ly detailed. STIRS THE IMAGINATION Yrs~ llugr 13x38 Pool and \\'h1tt A Setting! Co\·,.r- f'd pa tio ror rffortle~~ t n trr111lni11g . Th,. homr- ~ cl C'C'orn1or's cl rC'a tn. You'll lO\"f' "\"rry inrh of thl!i! .1 brdr()f)nl + 1)(>11 , "·ilh bui lt-in Bar. 01·pr 1ROO i;11 fr . i11 .<·C'm1-pl'il"alc secluded H11.rbor Isl11nd area. A rnust ser! SPLASH I . . in 1his hfoautiful Blue l ln vrn Po0 l in lhl! pri· \"IU'Y or your o\1·n b11ek yn!'d. Ln1u1s Qf ~-h11.rm r;.:trA h11·ii:e LivlnJ.'.( Room , Bo•111nt'd ceiling, 3 Bf'ri· roon1s a nd 2 BAths. Firsl timr. on the 111arket. Gel ting lots or action at $59,000. BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC. 67S·l000 Call Anyt irnt 67S-3000 ~I ULTTPLF: l.ISTT ~G )':ERVICF: -Farr:."" -· , ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. S46-8640 3 MINUTE WALK Tn ou1i;1antl1ng rlrn1rn· 1.11·_1· ... 11.-.,1 .~· ,,, """'1- lrnt <.lltlpf'lll'<: • rn1r1- ~-lr1" '; "'fn1-,, i1nrl11"' l!_'ri.) •q I I'.~ Mnn-~ l n:11. \\1th {'\lr.r l.io~r tlo'll Iha! i•;i n b.> 11~rf1 ;i ~ \111 b<ltn1 t·11ArVA 1r1 111~. ~:i.':J,'.lf\1, /Q'JJJJa... COATS ~WAL~C! REALTOIU -S4~141- (0pen Ev1ninga) S-TOP-f HIEFl- s1ori h~· the Real Elitalf'rs 1 0~-;, down at ll LOI\', LO\\' $17.9j0, WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2790 Harbor All·rl. at Arlan1s :~S.9'1'.11 Open 'nl 9 P:'ll 3 Bedroom I $17,!SO I Lookini: for a bal'gain '.' \\"•'II here it is. 1\~.~u1nablc ti '. financing \l'i!h a lota.J pay- menl including land pur- cha se-of only S1 20 per month. 3 Bright bl'drwms, all cle-c· 11·1c buil l . 111 k1tchc n. hig I fcncecl .1-·111~1 . :! <e<rr ;arai::r Co111·r111r 11t JI) ~{·hool.~ ;u1rt I ~hopping, Ll'f'at :;litr!cr hOIDI.'. "F'or A \\'1~e B11y" Colesworthy & Co. Newport at Victoria 646-$811 (anytime) RELA X & ENJOY J·:.1•1 1J1 1;1;: II Ith YOll l' tlll 11 11,·;,lr.t po.11, f lllC' .) hdr1TI I\ •lll•' 1111!1 l,1rl£r li1"1!1g roo n1, 111rpl,P •'. ri u.il 11y 1, "' 1'nr· f'"l• .~· • U~l.,lh dr.1pr~, h1n\1 . Jn kl!chrn, pancllli 1n11Tnr. rd 11 Wis. ,\.<;..~111111• l;ui:c j ·'.', k·nn • $182 I nio. Askin£; $~1.::l'(l. .. IOO:f 13.'lktr, c.~1. 516-7>110 and 11c'll sho1v you lllr """""'!~!"'!;~'!":"'"""" STE:\L of the srar. lmai;:1nr HARBOR 11. UCO srr . II. ;, bcdrooni HIGHLANDS 3 hatl1 f:1n1ily room hOmc 1ralkini;:: clistance to pai·k~. FHA OR VA !l('hools, rh11rclW'!> and shop· T1·in1 :: 1.k'd1'0ollll in 11 i'ln1 r (I 11ln~ • All thi~ in OllE' ot i\l;11•1n•'1s &hool Dislncl • Costa illf'sa 's linc~1-pr\dr. lla1"fl1\1!0d f.oor~. brlrk f1rt- of-011.•ncrshlp at't!HS for only placr, l1t1l!r yanl 11·Jlh Crull S~i,9j{). 111'cs si;alorc, SZS.!KiO, • A \-oTHEREAL '"\.. ESTA,TERS I , '' ,l, • ! • 548·2J1J • 646·7171 $30,750 BEAUTY + POOL \\raterfall & fountain a dja- etnf tht lowly hea1ed k liJ. t ... r~ pool. Large dC'n, ram- 1ly room. Luxury hutlt-in ki1rhrn. rrime }ocal1011. ~1-1().17'.ZO TARBELL 29SS Hubor VIEW HO~ 3 bdrm.~. hke-ne,1• c ptsl drps. bl!-ln.~. lsra:e ro1-ered pa tio. On a 60x i3S' VJ E\V IOI, (1Qs;_> 10 elemr 111ary ~t'hool. F ll1\ 11ppr1i.scd a t s21.1no • vets no <In. Full•t Rlty 546-0114 THE SUN' NEVEH. SETS on DAILY P!LOT \\'ANT ADS! ----- r :ll'e !ind . • 3 BR's--POOL- VACANT Upp,•r ba y, Cemcnr blk, frnr. ~ rear &,, front \V/dn\'~ thru ornamC'nla\ 1ron s11. ini;. u1i; ;ale~. pan 'ld & brain ('t'1]ing~ .t· \\"alls, bl!ns, buf. Ir !, stO\'P, dshwshr, Ov r r- ~izcd J111!c. Nt'll' crp1s . s:'9.9¥1. 13kr &)6.3750_ $34,SOO Th i~ ha~ rtw: room, Ideal for bit p iC'nlcs. ;lj fr . l1 \·1ng rwn1. <1dd11 1onaJ flrt'pla('r in lan11ly roon1 Built-ins. 1hsh. \1~hrr. Co111plelely fenr·ed yard, fru11 t r'C'r~. ;>4()..J no TARBELL 2955 Har bor Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: OPEN HOUSE SUN . 1-5 P.M. 1-·ront ro\v -t 'an1eo Shores -4ri49 Brigh· ton fid. I·:x. Lrg. n1aster ~tulc. sep. gu~st qlrs. l)<tncletl de n '"' frp!. S..: \1 ct ba.r . ~)1n . rnt. :1 {'ar g<lr. fi nl. for CXJl<lllSIOll. ~1 4 t ,500 Kathryn Raulslon OPEN SUN. 1-5 DOVER SHORES -VIEWI 1048 Sn.ntiago. Q\1·11er sa.1 .~ sel l~ Lc~v_i nt area. Lr ge. 4 BR. hon1e. Fain. rm. S\\'1n1. pool. Bcauuful Yie1r of hills & back b<iy. !\skinl! .. S72,500 Cathr) n Tennille H{.RBOR HIGHLANDS Completciy rcdec . 4 BR. (one of _these sep. \l'hich co11l d be inaid's rin. or office). 3 ba. hotnc. IJ 111 rrn . & !ge. fan1. rn1. \1•/frplc. Lge. pool~idc .rd ....... , ......... SG8,500. J\uthry11 l :uuL~t o n OPEN SAT. 1-5 CAM EO SHOR ES 4!i12 Roxbury. fi educ ed $6.600. Out of to11•rt Q11·11e t• 1nust sell. 4 BR ., conv. den, 5 bat hs. llon1c 11cccts :iorne rcdcc. s .. tandscp. Swim. l'ool. -..•... 562,900. ('athr.1·11 'lcn11tl!e CHINA COVE + AAA VIEW 1~1\·111 ~ ron111 ~1t-do11'11 \ ic11• of al l boats en· lcr1ng harbo r. I·:x ccl)ent beache s only 50 'i'ards fro111 tills tin e year-round ho1n e. $62 .. 500 \VJth ~ood loan. \\'al ter Jl nase SHORE CLIFFS OPEN SUN. 1-S 2i7 :\lnrni n:; f'anyon . !\letrvelous re1nod. pnlenL1a l. L\carned ce1l111gs. pcggc_d floors, circ. dri\·e. 2 Dc droo n1 & den \1'1 f1rep!acc. . S55,500 ON THE BEACH-S. LAGUNA (;rC'at ocran Yie1v & sound of surf. Priv. ton1n1. 11 ponl S.: tennis cou rl. .... 2 Bn. & den , 3 ha . 11 e.L bar. Con1p. tnrn. !Jes! hny '11 .............. ~59,500. Carol 'fn\1 1111 EXCEPTIONAL WATERFRONT J,:1 1 ·.:r 11vine: rnnrn 11-ith fireplace. Pr1v01 te sli p 1nr l er~·{' 1)0;1\, f;r;1.-:~ 1~11r n .L covered pat1n. :.and.v l1Cilth n11d ~ill f11r ~~4 500 11·\th fi ' r 10;111. \\"alter Jlaa:'.IC LEASE OR OPTION Cu:.ton1 !~luffs ~pl1 t-le vcl 11 1\ie'v of bay· prn·. ~al cd cnll",\' -lrg. \l'<illrd vie\v patio -t11·C'ry co11\·rn1cnce added for 0\1•ner. r-.1 rs. I lnr1 rv . S53,500 OPEN HOUSE-LUSK H.V.H. fl15 S;-111 dc<1 sll e. Op en Sun. 1-5. 4 Bn .. 21 '2 ba . + fain. rn1 . 2 Fireplaces. 2 palios. 3 l ar ga ra r.:c. r-'rofe ss. landscaping. ~49,950' J oe f'lark ~on BA YCREST OPEN SUN. l 06 1849 TR ADEWINDS -546,SOO 1'hc tnve !inc ~s of Baycrest 1s this 3 bed- roo111, taniilv r1n ., 2 fireplaces. Beautifully land "crl pcd.· professionally decorated. I1n~ J1l8Cll l<ite. r..1ary Lou f\Tar ion OPEN SUN. 1-5 VIEW Cameo llighlands, 4821 Cortland Dr. 3 BR. 2 Ba. Beain ceil1ngs1 Jot of red brick - great yard ......................... $43,400 3 BEDROOM & DEN $41,500 7he Bl uffs Popular "E" Plan. Lovt:ly view or ~pacious greenbelt. Large den ove rlook· ing brick patio. ln1mediate occupancy. M ary Lou 1'-l arion COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. SSO NEWPORT CENTER DR., NEWPORT BEACH v fl D y E· D Tl H •• " ., ., " .. .. " .. .. .. " "' "' "' " .. " " " .. .. .. " " "' "' " .. •u " " " " " " " •• ., " " " n "' " "' "' " " " M ,. " " " " " ,. " "' " o< .. R ,., .. " •• "' " .. "' " .. " "' "' " .. .. " " .. .. " .. "' " " " " " "' • ,, " u " • " .. " ,, " " " " R " " • • " " " " .. ,. • "' ,. •• .. " " .. " " •• " " " " •• " " .. • • .. " " " ' M .. " " " " " R " . ---9~-~--......... ---------·----~-----------~-,.--.--------------------·---· ... --··---~· -. ···--~---A HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Gen•r•I 1000 G•ner1I 1000 Phones Are Open 8:00 a .m. • 5:30 p.m. q to Noon S.itturd<!!y -Clo~ed Sundl!y DIAL DIRE CT ... b42 -5b78 WE STMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAL FREE 540-122 0 Huntington Beach; 540-1220 Laguna Bt1ch: 494·9%6 Hours-Regulations-Deadlines ERRORS: Ady1rti1er1 1houtd check their 1d1 d illy ind rejtOf't lmmed i•t•ly •rror• or milcl•11lllc1tions. THE DAILY P1LOT •s1um11 liilbllity tor 11rror1 •nly to the e Jltent of publi1hing th• •dvlt'"t it•m•nt correctly on• t ime. DfADLINE FOR COP Y ANO K ILLS: 5:30 P.M. the d ily before public1tion, ••c•pt for Wnk•nd Edition 1nd Mond •y 1ec.tionJ wh•n closing time It 5;30 P.M. Frid•y. YOU because ot quick re1ult1, you by your ad taker •• OCEAN VIEW Lov<'IY 1111!1· \'Illa At -l~l Tr<>n1vn1 1 ~111f' in r\eh1s1V(' C<imco !'ho1'<·<; RL•al:y Ul'au11luJ l.1r1<.lst•11p1ng 2 Bl·U1\JUn1~. :! llaths t'onnat 1l11u11~ 10011 1 C.\11111111 ~·1 l,1n11I~· l•JIHLI An <',\\ ,.IJ, 111 1...iuc ,11 Si l,JW Open J k1us..• This \\\•ekc11d W!H:J cxclu"1vl'ly 1111h GOOD NEWS TJ"111•1·Js l11~t ~o hut'l'Y! A ~ su1n1· $Ji1000. :i'::~o 111t111. along \\'Ith ('O!f)Ssal BDR'r;, J hu'J:e baths, Ju11nal d1n1n;; n 10rll a nd ,>:inrlr rl de n 11·11h fi1,•plat·t·. ~.ntrr1aln <i mund 1~\ 10 ht·;ilerl. filrrirrl pool. f or apJ)Q1nt111en1 lo sec. rall Dan Lee 54().11s1 HARBOR HIGHLANDS FHA OR VA MUST HAVE K ILL NUMBER! When k illing .an ild b1 1ure to mak• ii record ot th• k lll number g iYel'l yerific1tion of your t•ll. EYery effort i1 mild• to kill or corrett • n•w •d th•t he1 beeri order9d, but w• cen· not gu1r1nt11 to do 10 until the ed h11 •PPl•red in the p1p1r. "'"""""'"""",..""""-"'~I T"1·1111 '.': lx'drnon1 ul \\tlfl !•'d ;\l:•f'i111·1·~ St l)()QI D11-1111•1 1r111ill1 "'"1 n(l(,1·~. hr•1·i.: 11•'"· pla1•1·. htl'\!1" _yarrl 111!h fn11 I trr<"S i;alo r<' $'.!S,9:.0 -I\ J are Cu1d . Assume $18,000 6°/. Annu•I G .I. Loan DtM E-A-LtNE Adi •r• 1tric.tly c.15h in 1 dYilnte by m•il or 1t 1ny one of NO phone order1. our: olllc••· Al $l j:! j)l>r /1K>!ll h TO'rAL~ l...01·ely st1akr roo1 htJn1<" 11 [lh l li•l',i:.'-' b<'d1uon1,., anJ 2 pull111a11 I.la th~. \\'all( to P;n·k! Caq :..:ls and l)r ap1·s. ALL ELECTR IC l\ITCllEN ,I.: DISllWASl ll:..ft U11cly Th• DA.ILY P ILOT restrYCI the r ight to cl•,5ify , edit , ctn1or or refuse 1ny •dv•r• t11em•nl, •rid to chengt it1 r•te1 and reguliltlons w ithout prior notlc•. \R .:THEREAL 'C ~RTJ\TE~ M1il Addrt11: Bo• 1175, Newporl Bt•ch, Cillifornl• 546·2313 • 646-7171 1·u.~to1n firr 11l;1c<' and lil•a1n _______ _ t'f'ilin~ fa1uily 1'QOn1: I ;rac-1""""'..,..,..,.,. ...... ,_.,..., CLASSIFIED CO UNTERS •re loc•ted •• follo w1: Do ily Pilot Class ified CLASSIFIED INDEX '°'" ba<k )'<'I """ COi'· BIG HOUSE! E HE.:D PATIO <1nd block \\"il l] frn~·111~. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES HOUSES FOR Gt:l<llllAL COSTA Ml!A SALE I COSTA MES• IHG MES• VEllOI CONTR-lCTORS CA.l{PET CLEANINO "" i'U Walker & Lee 76~~ Edinr:r r !6.·i0 ~11 rt of ~ol1d ('0111fort \\ ilh :: bdrn1s, h1115r rn!"lo.~rrt family r i! o 111, ha1'(1\1 00.1<.I flOOl'S & in 11n111atu latc 1:011. dJLiu11 LITTLE PRICE! Mt:Sill Ol!L MAit MES ill VERDE COLLl!GI! 'ARK l<llW,.ORT I E•£!ol NEWPORT Hl lGHTS IALIOA COVES l<IEW,ORT SHORES IAYCRESl IAYSHOll.ES DOVEi!. SHORES WfSTCLIFF HARIOll HIGHL.•NOS Ul<llYEllSITY l'ARI( IRYINE IACI< IAT EillSTILU F" IRY ll<IE TEltlt,liCE (OROl<l ,ti DEL Mill l! IA LI OA l'ENINSUL.A •EACON IAY l,li 'I" ISLA"10S LIDO IS LE IA LIOA ISLAND HUNTINGTO N BEACH liUNTINGTON HJ.l!BOUI FOUNTAIN VALLEY SE•.L BE ... CH SUNSET IEillCH GARDEN Gl!OYE LONG BEillCH LAKEWOOD OR-lNGE COUNTY OUT OF COU NTY OUT OF STo\TE STo\NfO"' NE STMINSTl!lt MIOWo\T CITY SANT,\ o\No\ S-lNTo\ o\N-l !o!GTS. 011: ... NGE r uSTIN HORT" TUSf l"I lN-l!o!EIM ~ILYED AOO C•NYON HillV ... SU LillKE L-lGUNA ttlLL S LAGUN"' l[ ... CH LAGllN" Nl':O<'L MISSIO N VIEJO i"'N CLEME NTE S•.H JUAN C,1i ,.IS"'"l!"N0 (.1.PISfR&,.O IEA(H D"'NA POINT l -l!lSll.O OCE ... NSIOI!: SAN DIEGO •IYEll S!OE COUNTY HOUSES TO !IE MOV EO tOl<IOOMIHIUM OU,Ll!K~S FQ I! ~illL F "'PART,,.ENTS FOR S-lLf. RENTALS l 'I EWPOll f 8EICK 1::: NEWPORT HEIGHTS llU NEWPORT SHn.1115 !IU WESTCLI Fll' l lQO UNIVERSITY P-llll( lllO BACI! II• V Viii EillST ILUF F l 1'0 CORON4 OEL MA R llll 1-lllOA lTl.i IAY ISLANDS 1121 LIOO ISlE ::;: ~t~~~~G;~1;."~~A C H >lll l'"OUHT•1N V"LLEY Ill• S!.'Al BEACH 11•0 LONG I E ... CH 110) OllA"GE C:OU "Ty 11'J GAR OE H GROV E n JC WESTM'NSTElt IJK MIDWAY c1rY 1;1, s"''"" &.NA llSt S4Hlo\ -lNo\ HE IGHlS 11\1 TUSTIOf ll'I COo\ST•L HOO LAOUNo\ BE ... CH 1'01 L•GUNA NIGUE L HJI MISSION VI EJO 1<!0 Sj,H (lEMEHlE H'! D•NA l'O!trtf 1'1S TlllPLEX. otc. 119!1 (ONOOMINI UM 1111 RENTALS :~: Apts. Unfurnished '611 •111 •Ill ·~" U lO .... "" ... , •107 "" U IO .,,, ... •no 1111 GEN ERAL soao Ull COSTA MES"' SIOO u n MES • VERDE !•IC U\' NEWPORT BE•.,.. !;oo Ult NEW l'Olll HEIGHTS !110 UH NIWPORT ~HORES ?110 llll WESTCL1FF !110 U•O VNIVER ~IT Y PAl!I( !lll 11•! llACK ll•Y '1'0 \'!I EAST ~LUFF S10 l<SI (ORON A DEL MAI Sl50 111} l l LBOA SlM 1100 llloY ISL.ANDI !iW 110! LIDO ISLE Sl!l llO! llUl<IT!H(';TO IO 111!~(11 S&M HOI FOIJ Nl•IN YAl lEY !•It 1110 1*'-80& !!LAN O 11H 1110 SE•l Bf&(H !dt llJ\ LONG IE•CH !!lit 1110 OR&tOr.E COUH~Y !iH 11•1 G&R OEN GROV E 5'11 1/U WF!lMINITE lt 1111 HlS MfDW,l,Y CITY !ill ltot S•NT&. •HA 1611 1'1HI SAl<I T• AN A HEIGllTS !'lt 1'10 TUSTl l<I ~!•O i•11 co•st&.L Hat \1111 LAGU "A I F.ACI" !)OS t•r:.""• J11<':1•ri.. 1'0' MISSION \'l[JO !101 S~.N CLEMf" .. TE nu CAl!PFT lAY IN!i .&. ll:fPAlll ORAl'f l!llS Of,,.OllTIOl<I ORo\FTING Slll VIC • ELl!CTRICAL Ull ,,,. S \~·I l:i» Op!'l1 E1·r.:-, ::!! 1 •------·--·····-•1 "'' ''" $23,500 P a1·1l1c Shores Hr;1hy IOU!PMENT I ENT ALI FENCING FLOORS Ull HAC E ltf,.A!llS. r.tc. FURNITURE RESTORING & ll:El'"IN ISHING GAii OEN i NG GENEll:"'l 5[11VICE5 GR&.OING, DISClNli GLASS ''" .... '"' IUJ ... Ill! U ll .... .,. 1111 1771 :i::&-xS9 1 or 1:!7,S:i~6 TRACT 1=1RV=INE=A=VE~. Cusiom built ho111c, la t);e rrt· GRE EN TN UMe GUN SNOI' NE,tiLTll CLUBS HAULING SALES tlosf'd couz·tyarrl fur 11111.xl• n1un1 p r1va1·Y. :\l;iny c~!ra s 111 1hi;; bcau1iJul 3 Bdr hun1c, lllt HOUSECLEANING 613, INTER IOR OECOllAltNO 1111 INCOME TA)( l lt• IRO•:, Ocnamonlal, (IC.. l llo IRONING 61!J INSlt Lo\flNG •'II INSUl!.o\NCE 1711 INVESTI G ... TING, 01!0<11 •• lllf J"'NITOllj,l 67'1 JIWElltY llEl'o\111:, l!tc. 1100 LANOSCA,.ING 1111 lO(KSM!T K 1111 MASONRY, l l!!CK llll M ission V iejo Area Salesm e n / Saleswomen irlO ('.\pCriC'n1·r nrc.) Call Jahn Stanis 646-4414 MOVING & STORAGE llOI I ·---... --... ---... •I PA INllNG, P••••~1n10~1 itll .DANA POINT MOTEL l'AINTING, Sig"' IU) P-lt1os ''" 1-.XCLU~!VF.:LY L I S 1' F; D PHOTOCR •PH1' "" r on Tl!E Ftfl.."T Tl.\1£! l'L-lSTll!tNG, P1!Cll, Jltll'tlr IHI PlUMlllro<O '"' Luca(cd IHI lilf' !Jl'('<-11} ~1dr PET GR OOM IN• '"" of lhr L'<•i1~1 llli-!11 1\<J)' in POOL !ERV!l'f •••• ~ I l'OW Ell SWI EP <NG llll 1.,u111lng [);in,) I 01 11•, 1 llS PUM P SEA V!tll: t •11 )fl 111111 111'•1<'1 •'<>U!d hi' thr ROOFI NG '"' '"IN:\"' 111~<'<' hll' .l'Hll. 'f"he RI.DID, Aep1l11, 11" ''ll REMOD ELING • PEPAIR ,... flt'\\ li1·<':1k11,1h'l' ;ind :'1!:11•1n;i !;17,:ioo. Wells -McC ardle, Rltrs. lSIO Nt'\l"IWl'I Bhd., C.:'11. J-18-7!:r.l any!in1" $26,9SO 5 BEDRM-3 BATH SWIM POOL ;-:par1011.~ hnnu' nn .!r. E~ 1111<' ~ro1uHl<. Lovrly r 11•h 1rood pancl11>:::, hnndrotnt tJ1·r;1 kfr,~l lJ~r. f 1rrpl;11::c. ;)lrt-10~0. T arbell 2955 Harbor --BV OWNER-- •ll0n1r + ln{"Qnv• t-La11t1 • l'll'il .~ n1: 1 1 ~ B.\ C.'ornpl t•pt. !11·p~. F'.P. R<-an1 r1•1l, SS, f(1Q C<'ram1e tilr ~ 11€MODELlotG. ltlTCHEN1 , ... a1f' •1 •~11 1o 1.,. 1 ·u1 ~1Jol<'IPil 5toUDrl s~ • .,..,. IHI ~··1r 111'1, ~E Wl l<IG '"' ;i111I llu~ PI UI!« ''-1\P I'll> 11 111 so·, n10. o;:nr. l no· 111111 at! Pl.in~ •1 nuirr 111111~ Tr r n1 ~ $.~1.~i00. SEWI NG MACH!Hf l!Ef'A l~S ... : I~· 1111 11' \\,II l.111 h:I~ :,!{),",. 1E,.11c TA>IKS, ~'"'"·f l<. o;1~ E ;i ~ 11 TAILORl hG 1111 l,"ll!;ll'.'' ,<.,,,,, Ii• 1"''!1 al 1'11·.-l(H!; TER MITE CONlllOL .. !l '\!"J!!l'I O. T<'l"llt~ HI• nf'\ll•J<'_ TILE, t 1r1m1c •"• \\ltlTI:: c;1~ f'IHJ.\!·; tOlt --MISS10NVIEJO- TIL£, l tnOI"""' & """''"" Ull TREE sr:~v1c 1 1111 }"\("r:-; .t: t·11 ,L'lt~.:--Open Sunday TEtEY1s10N, 11 ... ,, .. 1:10:.. 1•11 Red Carn.it Realty XII~ f'()llTJ:\1\ tJr. Ul'llOLSTl!IY "" r~ WILDING "'S :?fl'2:1 \\'. Baltio;1. 1'\B f;j;,._liOO(l \IJSSIO:>l' STYLE s r A'.'l !Sll JOBS & EMPLOYMENT ~11;; 1';. Co.1~1 . Cct:i1 61::.·6060 IJ<'('Qrator's rl1t'am, c ourt-1•"""'""""---"""""'""' .1.1r•I ('11try. S:l~.9:..0 ::: Priced Reduced TARBELL 837·0845 JOI WANTEO, Ml" JOI WANTED, Wlmln JOI W•H TEO. MEN • WOMEN .'\F./\r. 1't-~\\'.iJf'311t1!uJ Foun-BEST BUY __ _ HOUSES FOR SALE f ridil), HOUSES FOR SALE --~------- 0LtObtr 17, 1%q DAILY r'ILOT .J.) HOUS ES"FORSAlE~HClUSESFORSAL e-- Cott• Me•• 1100 Newport Be•ch ~ ... ;;; ... ;;1.A;;;.1;;_1,;; .. ;;1;;,,;;,;; .. E;;·;;·_;;_;;r ;;_;; / oc EA NF RON T 1200 Huntington Buch 1400Huntlftffon BNch ltOO r: "'~ ~ .... ~ :Sc..' EK-:Z-Slory ~ BR 4 hath, on 1 1\h..olutl'ly ~rll't'I 4 larg(' [)l'\'anht>1>! 101 ,, l:lraut ~ar U..h•1n1', Ul'U, lornui.l duun; d .. os &: BllQ 111.lusi'; 01,·hnl roo111, :! bath .. ~ k hu~1· hvu:-r-Askuii: $10C.,OC(), 0 1111_ n1as1rr l11tnn. J->1-.:1fess1unaJ er 11uJ llTTJl\l'f'. la 11tlSCMl)111g lnr 11u1111nu111 Red Carpet R •It upkeep, l11rgr lllx ~o· II s .. t • :?0:2:t \V Balboa NB e 6T~ l«•I 1!r~1~n t d ror--· · ---- rh1ld-suft·ty. ,\\u:;t popuJaJ· FUJ{ECLflSUll i:: rnlidt'I nn rul--dt'-hlll' i;tr('C'\, 3 BR, l ttA 'J'o11 n!111u,r. 1)(.101 ~''~'.< loan L'll TT '"' a~~urncd. fll!ln~. N"rd ~ 11nrk-A~ 1:1 J"\('~t fr>r 1ht" pnr r of ~ IS,9:..0 $21!,47!1. P.nil~Pr f\.16--07~2 Call ll<'r ltagc Re;i l J:::stille Bl.UF~YBA. Y Vli::\\'-Cus ... 51(,)...JJj l (Op<'n ('\('Sl. BB, :I ll/\ o n 11 idr ~l'f'C lllOl'I!, Jt(•dui•rd ~tiOOO lor quick i.11lt'! $-l2.~.00. ti-l·l--421\:i. 1010 OAK ST. ., VI E\V (Jf Jl<Kll, ehnl'rn111g: ~ Open Sa t. & Sun. r;I', 2 B:i 1~uuln, L:; pal m. P nr·p rr d ut'f'd ro $2:;.;JIU! S27,!()4}/~400() J n. 13 k r . Shal'p! .1 1~1:. i 111111!1~: ~ l111 ti·lC-oO:;i ('•!I' p:l.llu' ~1 1111h•l'k \\'1lh -"707"~~--,.~~ ,,1,r,111 , \'tf'll ~· ~'l'ul! trr·r:; \\'Ef;T~J.IFf :I Thtrru 2 B;i!h [!,,,.,.,. ''''Y ''··'" ,1 -~, B1'aullful f)OOI ~ ~11rd. By • ..1 e .i '" '"~"r"' ~ '·~i 10;111~ (I\\ llf'r '·"'""''" :>I -.. ~u . BALBOA BAY PROP. 673-1 1!0 ANYTl.\lt; OPEN SAT/SUN. l ·S 2127 PARSONS J f3.drn1~. So:1l'r 11cd ti on~ !', liaHl". PilllO, Tup $24,:ioo Ruth Seeley Realtor 6 73-4766 FORMER MODEL ·1 Bit, 2 B .\, lg<' ran1lly r 111. Drp~ .t cq11~. ""P!'11.~(\'r Bluffs pritJJ(' nn R11y ]"lt'a!o'ln. 2 bdrs. s::!l.500 Call 614-:"~.i!l f'\'l'~/llli('IMf~ 1220 e REDUCED S.1,000e II you n('f'(I 11. J:::Tl'ttl l;11111ly hornc, Set' 11us onl'! 4;r. hv. r m. plus lgP, pa rty r in.: •I Ar. 3 B.1 ., k1H·h. hl1·ins. I'•! B lks. to beach. r•·<' ~i111ple. SHi.:'>f(I Eqllily S 19,j(;{J, i\Iay considf'r lrAdi:. e O\rN t_J l fi,1r.-is-1:ie J;1 ndM·11p1ng & pallo. COOL.I ========"'=== \!CEA1'{ BREEZLS. 191.'0 SIJ. Dover Shores 1227 II. s.~4.!lOO. • :.iG·299;; *ENCHANTING VIEW S7.D!HI ,\· r;1k1· 01r·r Sl4 ·>UO Supr rb R;iy ,l i\1111 VU 1110,t }111\ ,..1 ;)',!,:::Bit. J'~ BA. nn~. Uni(ll'f" "Old \\',1rld" 11!)() sq fr . •, ;i t:r<', /0 ft ..:q r ontl'm[ll'wa_i:·. r~t'Cuf\1"1· l11x. ill bat k of l:ilfagr, 6-16-S[IJj u1 y hon11•. ~Sf\. f1. 4 nn, ni· :il:J.-3·1l:i -1 1 ~ B.\ ·I-rnulfl~ ntn<. hlr11.l FAST MOVE IN Ne1v homes, ready to move in . 2 to 5 bed· rv0n1s, 2 to 3 baths. 1t'i mile from beach. l''irst payincnt up to 60 days after move in. VA/FHA Terms. From $23,990 The Beach lon Brook hurst 1 mile South of Adams) 962. 1353 Corona del M.tr 1250 I Huntington LOVE LY 1BH,1 1 ~ BA h•u11r l\"/:l l'111' ~;!('. &_ 1'('11fli l I(\ 1'<'al': r;11 2 Int~. S,"i°>.000 cci.'h, Adja{'Plll 101 a1 a llablc. BY t l\\'N ~'.R. J;7:t-.~Ol:M . Ol'EN HEt\:'11 L··'1'1Aclc!:O.clc>c:rcl L;i r;.:1• li\·1ni.: !'00111, 1.:11t1h·n nl01H, 2 P~'llH)l1111s. $:.i.IJOO. Uw111•r. t;1; .... ~:t10 ---• O(,._AN ~·RONT _ P<)UI • C;in1<'n :.:tw,.1,·~-•I nr. .t.: Orn ll:t l\lilf<Jnl lt1!. 61.>-69()(; ------------ B1lbo1 Peninsul• 1300 D evelop e r 's Duplex Thi~<' hr rtroon1 11pp«r two llt•<li'OOIH Jn11f'r, i11 V('fy :!;U(X/ 1'<'111al al'i!il. N'""" fu lly ]t'a!>- •·d. (;/)(/!.] l{l'Oll'lh fl<.lll'!llial. ~ 19,:/(11 BURR WHITE r.E1\LTOR ~!)(ll Nr 11port Blvd .• N.B. 67:'.1-lt>:lO 6 12-l lJ:l Eve.~. Park View Charmer l)<'!ll!hlful co1ta~r fnr in1.: pa1·!1 on i'r11insula P oint. T1111 b!'f:l. ll)IJltl~. (I!)(' h;.th. \\'il!lf'd l!<ltilr 11 ;ind ~11 nrl.,ck. 011·ni:r 11·ii1 11-~<1 ... _ SJ!l.!l~.o BURR WHITE "Corner" w ith "Boat Gate " A.,snn1r Jfig h r._J. L..•i•11 11·11h tl'!lal p11~•n1rn1s of S19S p<'I' n111111h. l!ug,, R<',ll\•11n~. pl11~ ~·p;ira!•~ "!'1·11", R•'aul 1fu l Golrl ",.:;hilt: .. f"ill'[ll'I~ "1th 1n;tl•'h1n:~ d1-~p•·~. A 1n<J'I rll•"'1"r!l J;uctl••n 11 1111 1•11~ .. r ""ti •h.,1ll\I s1·1< t ll•' "1'111111")'" T\1u I'll\ r•f(!ll fl·•llUS. Suhni;1 )•.J1t1' 11,11111 P·•)lTil'll1 WE SE LL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 7li~'.! Ed111::;"r 111~-1 1.">1 Opr n !·:yr~. ELEGANT-- '2Sfl0 sq fT, •I l~li·n1~ .. 1 hath~. panc llrd rlt'll 11 11h li.'l1' & 1.:u11 r·~'"· H"nl ~tn (lrs1gn t1ratrd flll<1I 11·i1h .!ar u1i 1 & .~lul<'. r·u1·1nal rlining 1w 111, \\"• 1\' C'll l'f)('l~. draprs. S·l7,\J:i0 full Pl'IC<'. f111· rn1rrt;i1111og. t;;isy 1nn111, L;\" 0\\"NER • .~ BR, l;;.• £,\. lrnrni.-11 o~'l'UJl. F111·n1~h1'd. Fr11!r, lain n n. h ll;'l!;lrlil· SliS,OCO. Assun1t> ,;·•,•.,loan, l ion, nn 1rred lo!. A.~s11 n1<' Bo~ 163'.! N B. J IS-i:.!19 $1785 :,', '•Fil/\. Total $:!3,:00.'-o=====-===== 111 612-$:.!::2 1-110 Jr pa11I by :-<'!Irr f,1r \t,..i. University Park 1231 I '..",10I N<'l''l)()l'l Rh ·d .. N R. r i•a n'i;: loa n . 011rsli1.11cl1ng ;:: r:.E1\L·ror:. H<!-~1111111 :i fl•nrNI. Low Loll' lil.\rs. JJl<-.-)4}1 I B1'. l;.:r. Int down ~16,:.00. zcot' Charlr :c-----I ~~J.-ll>:;U 61:-:":!.".,,1 1-;1-c~. btlrn1 ~ J:i,,\R' fa mily room, STEAL IT ! L INDA J ... lt• Int f11r !>al•' liy eon1pl<'t,.Jy rrfurhl,.,h<'rt . 01·. 1110 ~'.\:\T.\STJC R I:: PU BL I C J!O.\!l~ Ill abS<•IUt<' P•'rfccl & ~parkl111i,: t'1.\ndillo11. 4 l11ri;r hdn11.-, '.': llalhs. !on \\al d u;. 111i; 1uo111, ~~·par;Jt•· fanul} DC':-f)"l'lllC' 011't1<'1' 11 111 rnn.si1 l- ('I' )Our r1d1ru lo11~ orirr un !hi~ vaeanr J !Ir , i F'r. Choirr lo<'at101~. & ... It hlllily. fo'P S'l'.l,9.>o •red hill !\~-:,\I.TY 1'0!1111 & h11i;r 111a s 1r1· t 'n1\', P itl'k C1'11!1•r, Ii\ Ill(' lit."d 1~10111. i\1111111111111 upkl'\'ll, __ (_°<_1l1__!~.v11111r x~;:,r~2(1 ya1'd hr t1ulifl1lly la111!s<':tpt"d. ----- l'upulal' 1111nh'! 1111h ~ ~·;11· Bac.k Bey 1240 J.:Hl'<H;fl. Bt1'l l(•I' !ht !11011C'I' ------------ il l ~10.!KJl, Call ;,1; •. s 1i .1 $29.!Y.l:i. O\\'Nl:.r.. C11~l!Jll1. :: UR, :!', BA. l':lrc. k11t'hrt1. 51/4"/o l\c1v l;arp<;l~. d1 11. 1•111. 111 111. r 111, lq1le. <'I<'(' ;.:nra11r (I r, On 1111~ l11sh rllA l•1an, Or><'n Hr111s<' 'tll ~1l1I 2'21."1 An. p:1) I.'. ~ltiU~ l'I f l: 111'\lill" nii·r1..;;n")' 1.n, ;o,;r, ~1 \.~·:M(~I hTr11~ .: f:llt . : />.ii _ Spll\'k1111;; --~ -~ - rVnti. l-~1'"'· X.~~-ij.',11 Oki•, OPEN HOUSE 1\:-;Sl".\lt;;:I;\ :11,·,, SC..Mli11, S\7.~(10 b;1l;111('t' on lna11. ·1 Bit , fl1n1 n11, h'l; yartl. B} 01\n!'I". <.:all :Hf,...7708 aH Ii ol ~. L\J:·~ -1.1''.: f,1111 '"" C1w 1111 . r>1any • \11 ;•"- l:Y U\1 ,'\~:I:. :,1~.~-:;s-~ ·:(1!¥.1 C<'n1rll:1 J'l. ,'\\; 11knU• 1=========== Coron• del Mar 1250 4 UH, 2 Et \ i\l!'~a ll1ghl;i111ls l------------ p r 1 n r 1 p ~ I s only. RY U\\ N ~~R. $ltj,900. ;,1!1-36:;1' DON'T CALL ME A DUPLE X 011 ncr. S:t.'.:.00 pl ll~ l!'asc <'l'!-11.NI Int 1 h!nrk to ~•'hont pa.rnit. or scoo p..·i· )l';ir_ P l'lc1"1t ro s.•lt fll/Jl'k. Sll,500 Slip \a l).1r1ty l11r '.! 60' lNJa ts. \-els SO do•111. :i1 F l. "a1rrfrun1 . Approved K•tella Rlty pl;'11l~ 1111'.:ludr•I. 1, ..... _,....,_.;.,..,_ __ ,.._•I 847-6-061 "1"·"1 o.-.;i.'-"" PROBATE SALE Lido I sle Vat·ant, 2 ~lory, 4 t~J 1•rn :: 1351 1 l1<11h c\rrut11·r li1•nl<', t ·or- -----------111<1 ! din !'Ill, ~;1 nio'r1 k11i·h. EXECUTIVE HOMES 2:!('1(1 ~ft, r xr·<'I rnnll. s.o,.s.;t1111 Enll1 11·11h fnnn;d dini "~ t:v1h 11 Ill\ 1a1nil.1 1•no111 1'1'1•'('tl 111 l{•11·r1· SSO i\r _, LIDO REALTY INC. u7~ .. 7:mo BAY FRONT-- Tt11·r(· 1,1 ~1x li.'<l1•,:i<_11n 1in111r\ 11·11h p1rr ,(. ~l ip. P l'irrd fr._1111 Sl 19 "-0(1 \\'1lh'1ut 11i1•r .1. ~1111. s11:,,r.no. W a lker Rlty . 675-5200 ::~.~1: \1111 l.11111, ;\I:, Op<'ll l'iun. --BE-STBlfY f ,,r l;:r. f110111y. i\l.-vl0r11 2- S1,1·. 1 1;1• "'"1v. Jen_ 0 111, rill. Dr;1n1;1IH' Cll!l'Y 0111,v 7 ~!"'. ultl. S06,jlXI. C;ill r.w 11rp·1 \\'1~/h•T l~•·al11• Paul Jon es Re•lty S·17-l:>!iti T·:\'rs. 1\U-22~1 5 BEDROOMS! WOW l /Only $28,9SO Cpl 1cl1·1•~. Ii: ]uL BP~I A!"<'il HAFFDAL REALTY 842-4405 ---.-~-2 St1wy ,", llr, 2'.: l:!J, l•!l'n1.1I ilh1 l"IH f i,.·; .. 11 lnd-.r·11<I ···•r•n Ji,1, 1l<'l.i1'h . 1:ar, ln: r1~1· r n1 ,\111n y •'\1r A ~ H ~ 1)\1 11• I' S':!l.f\:JO. !\fl· i~::,> fount•in V •lley 1410 ------~--Sll ,500 2 Stary! Houses Furnished l';il' .. l!l!•l REl<ITAlS TO SHAlll COSTA ME ~A SIN JUAN CA,.!S lltll/0 !".! Olll~ 1'01._T !UI R EAL E S TATE, General SCllOOLS • IN5l~UCll(IN JOI Pl!EPallATION THEATRICAL /Ill "" 110~ ... 1al11 \'allry hun1l'. ()" ncr ~ hrrhwni, :-.•)~. "\Ty lri-.. i~ )vUr S2 :.!l.-:H' ~;(111";: 1Jdrn1 ~:: lJ.ilh~. nr•11· urcradPd f'.il"JWI~ &· !frap. f/OUJ. \' I r1·rik k 1,1,111. College Pa r 1'1n Art ('\Ira ll ll'C' :.l hr<lr(l()lll TlJ Sj 110:\Jt~ 11 Hli a 2 11111/1'•»111 l\IONEY ll1A h"LR •1l1 t l\,(rl•. ~untington Be•ch 1400 Young Executiver Home 4 Qll<'o'l1 ~I/(' /J.C<ll\•1111\.~, "·"''f'il1'111<' t«1r1nal U1 11111_1.: n n,,111··, (!•Jl").:•'1111• 111·1n . .; ,.,,n1H 11 !1h 1111..:1• 1:(1111<1 111 11: ~'i1·<·· pl;11·<· Clull!'N' d<'t'O!', \\'ll:d II 1\1·;,ul I lliJ ":;.~· J\!llll•/11,\1 l'•~·l' 111 ~··p,irar,~ ~1dr y:u'fl II 1lh "Drri<'1tl:,: l~(fU/lf ' ;,1,.1 !llr ""1·k, Put ~ .. ur Jl\ul1•'Y II) I' ••I I; 1,11 1111 ~ ":11,', 11;1\· nu,1! r.!!1 '" t· 1 ! ,\_ ]1•:•11 11 tlh r111a l flilY\lH'llf llf $:.!.iO 1•r1· n1.1111h J:,•.11111/ul 111·1v:ilc a 1v:1 l\'1-'ll ~hqw 11 ro .1 .. 11! 4 h1:,: ll('flro,,n1.~. :! IAf'l!r ha1h, and !lir sh.<qu••I J;u1d"·r+1•· 1n.e; ~nu nJuld rl~·~I!'!' H"llil~ 111 l'll,1•1.1' lol b,,1·i:a111 p111·r ;i11d ;:r.~J l1·f1n, \"01n1,'111••r11 tn M'h1111!, ~1 1 .. pp111;:: 11nd t'llll!"<'ll .... es• DE L ,.,. ... MIS.Ii YEllOE COLLEGE P,O.lllC NE WPORT ll E•CH NEWl'Ollf HGTS NEWl'Oll T SHO RES llAY SHODF < OOVEll Sl'ORE\ WESTC LIFF UNIVERSIT Y l'•l!K lllVINE lj,(I( 11•., EAST I LUFF 111YINE fEl!l!•C£ CORON-l DEL MAR IALIO& IAY ISLAND' l lDO ISLE ll•LllOA 1SLl,.0 HUNTIN GTON llE ACll FOUHTill !N Vj,LLEY SE •L 1£ .. (l•t lONG I EA(ll Ol!•NGI! COUNTY l•HTA •NA HESTMINST(R "'-11'1"'." c"" SillNT,I, •N• H(IG ll T\ :O•Sl•l LAGUNA ft[A (H '.Ar.to.,A NPr.U Fl Ml\SION VIEJO IAN ClE,,.ENT [ \AH JU•H C•"•STP&'10 :APllTl!A N(I IEACH O•N• POI NT ~IVEl!S1ne COU N!1' VACATION RE"T&LS :oN nOMP"ll\JM )Ul'LE)(ES F\JllH. RENTA LS "'O ,.. tl!IPLE)(. •tt CONDOMI NIUM llENTALS WANTrO DOOMS FOR ~FH T llOOM I. BQAPO MOTELS, lPA ILE ll (OUll:TS GUESt ttOl.'E S MISC. llEHTA LS INCOME Pll;OPE PtY !\1'51 .. <'<S l!ll;OPERTY Tll•ILFR l'AR l(S llU\1>.:ESS l!fNlAL OF~ltr. IE"ITAL IOIDUSTl!IAl l'll:OPE ll TY COMMERC !Al 11'HHlSTll:l .. L 11.(NT•L LOTS l!AN~HES Cll'tUS CllD\1£5 ACPE•GE t •ICF EL \INDPF ll E\Oil'T PDOPEPlY Ol!&Jlr.E (0 Pl!Ql'l-•t Y OUT Of" STATE PD('P, MOUNT AIN 1. OE.51'111 'U~OIVISlCN l A,N() DF•L F <T~I F <El!Vl(f P E Fl!C "•>1r.E '1. E W•HTED Bll ~INESS and F INANCIAL RllllNF <S W•NT EO !NVE ~TM [N f OP~•''"""'-' '"' SUSIN~~s 0"P('l1>1U"l•T1ES INVESTMENT WANTED MONl;V TO 1.0•.N PERSONAL LOANS ,.,. .,, H ouses Unfurnish e d J[WELDT LOANS COLL AT E'!AL tD•'-'< l!E •l ESTATE !.OAN5 MODlf'~f:~'· ''"'I Dffl O 1-\0NE'Y W"'NTEO ~!HE RAL ~OSTA ME SA "'-fS"' 0£l MAii '~EI A VEllflE t:OlLEGE l'AOIC NEWPOR T llEACI< NEWl'OllT HGTS N[WPORT 511011£, I AYSHOllES DOYER S HORE~ >VESTC:l !F F UN1VEll51TY P-llllC \llVINE l,l,CI! llA1' EA.ST BLUFF tllVIN I TEl>ll•CE :ORONA DEL MAR lALIOo\ lo\Y ll L,ti NDS LI DO ISLE ,,. "" "GI Jt\t lll! )100 )110 lllt llll JJll "" JUI ANNOlJNCEMl:NTS and NOTICES FDll ND !~ro• Al\I LOST PE llSONl l 5 "'NNOUHCEME'ITS BlllT KS JUNEll"'LI PAID 011r u&R Y ~UNE R•t Ol llf(TOl!S FlO~!S•~ 1•01 .. ~1 ... , U lt "11 1•11 '"l ,,,. l<'I "" "" ••11 MERCHANDISE" FOR rl'll'~ tl11'1'.Ju~l\ou1 Cn1 nf'1' P)•Jn1 irt r:,,·\11111:.:•;1, Jt1•;il I <J1' SALE AND TRADE !1,1 -hn1'1 a1'f'a !'l'ir·r iJ at :11~-!J.JG~. 1•1f'~. :1 \(1 •. ljl:J FUllNITURE O ~F IC£ FUllNITUl!I OFFICE EOUl ~MENT STOiie eau1PME Nr CAFE. ll ES TAUlll,.T J Aii. EOU!PM(Nl HOUSEHOLD GOODS GAl!AGE SALE FUll NIT Ullt AUCTION &.PPLIANCEI -llT IQUES SEWING MACMl"ll!S MUSICAL INSlR\.IM tHI PIANOS I. ORGA IO RADIO TElfVIS!OH ~l·F I • ST£1!EO T•PE ll E(ORr E•S Cj,ME ll AS I. £0\JIPME NT MOBI T SUPl'llES SPOllTINQ GOODS l lNOCUlARS, SCOPlJ "'ISC ELL•NEOUS MISC. WANTED M•Cl'l1"£11.'Y , El<. LUM I EI! STOll&Cf" BUllOING M•TE l l•LJ SWAl'S ·~ H ll ... ~·11 9011 •011 Hl~ ton ... 1111 111' 117' S.~1 ~.00. hul ], 1'1' II'_}' ~:!!'J.:i(l(}, [,01\' !h111 11 lo l.u ~·· l11.c1n. Nl::\I' -;'\LIV -;\l;:\\1• H eaven Still Protect~ The Working M a n Co1y j·o1t11,g" f111· 1 011 <l<'rp 1:>0 JI, B:1d~ B;i~· Jot. l'o~ ~olJ!r 1·;11 1;1111·r f1w :'nd hvl11(' fll' ]ll('flill!', ~17 .. 1(~. 11111• Hal P inchin & A ssoc. 111J I JUSTLJSTED--:~: DRIVE BY ?'"If~ R rd11.1111l \lr~.1 \'r 1.i,.. 11n •11·~• lfJlh !-1, ,'\B ...... ~~·~:.OO Tl11~ 4 Bl~.'.! l>i, 1111h Jnt-11J :~;:I ·;01:.: I\', 1:•1111!.111. ="-1~ •. ~!"i.:iOO .-,11 .. 1 ~ plu<; n•-.u· 11<'111 ,111:.:. IJCI I>.~" II . {~ll.'at!ll\l!ll. ;\i:.. 'ill"i"'! -1111111 "ul ,1 ... /})1 U&O ··•••••·•••••• \l~.(m ta..rg1• CuJ-d,~~11c Jul ~i~.:il;O :;'!! 7:lf\I \\'. l•<'1'<Hlll1•1l!, :'\L\. • G raham Rlty 646-2414 :::: ·· ............. \r.;,Ofl(l :'\1"11' .'\o 111~•1'1 f'loh! •1111"' :;:: 1~~6~~Ri~E1S ·w~:~i)O M esa Verde -sJJ,900- :~~: 675-4130 675-1642 '"' Ft \\' •rl'••tt1!s to <;,,II l "••lll'•'' P;11 \, ltki• \\;1 .!<'d Pl ~-·rd • PETS a nd LIVESTOCK ·110 011h kr., h111;• ~ 1r·d h<'d- '11 '"-r :-;\('l:Jl'H'I' Tii i~ 1 .,. 11 •. ,,JI ,1,·1·11,c l.11 1li•+1 1~1 ~1\;\'P i\!·\\' 1111 \IJ: IN 1.li ;.'.!l ll l1<•pl.u r'. r·,.,11111 1!1 -;\TJ:\!iTO:-.' !'· t· A (' II 1·1,1111 J'11 •l1J.!1 "1' .i ,llo IOl ,i 1111.r. Sl-.l.I. t lJI: -~.:.~>ti TARBELL 2955 Harbor PE TS. GENEl!IL C/\l~ DOGS MORSEi L!VElfOClt U~I 1111 1111 1!11 ... CALIFORNIA LIVING NUJt;lER•ES SW!MMl"G f'OOl l PA TIOS ... W,.!NGS VA.CATIO NS TRANSPORTATION IOAlS & V A ~HTS Sl lllOATS PDWlll. CAUli &:IS SPEED-St(! I O•Tt llO•T Tl!l lLEl!t l!IO•T MA!l•TENAotCI IO•T lAUNCHINO Malt lNE EQUIP. llO&T ~l ll'. "''1011 1NG I O•f SERY!CI$ I OAT ltENTo\LS 104T CH•ll:Tllt ~ISHING I OIT\ llO•T MOVING '~&I .. ,. tOJI ... ••JI ... 'l1' •t ll .. ,. •• "" "" ... ••o HO f!!lll N' F \-LL 1•r:1 1·1.; \',"\I •t,r~ ~:'::1,l'l~I 'ol (1 \' E 01r:-:F:R. \ll:i'I ,\. 111111011 I'\ l,11 "l f'f~! ~-,\LL '.;ir,._;,J~il. :'1111111'1 n r 11:;tun1 a ll\>!!('. 1 ._ t-.Vt-:S. 616-J~l l 1\• ~~·1111 1 111\JSl'lllL 2 BIL 2 BEACH BARGAIN .1 r.n. ~ h.1, s }J'~ :iotina. i"\P;1r IJ{'o·an. On!~· ~2~.fJllO. lfl'' 11,,11 n. CAYWOOO REAL TY llA. Rlt-111', !'pl,\, drr,~, frplr, t:l'f'I;.' Conv. S l'J,:.OO 1'2 1--6~~:,, ;21-11;!11 * .">011111 C,\;,~I f{r,~J l:.s1<11r 1~ ~··~·l;1ni:: ~u•·•·r•·st u! pnol<'s. ~•<111<11 rr;o J t·~llll<' .~ .. !•·s111rn i::\~'l'pl1onal IN-nrll1s Plra~l' ti:;oG \\". Cn;i~1 lh1y.,:'\13. t·;i.lt rn1· ;t p(Xtin1111r111 ·:,1.:..~M'2 I • 548-1 290 • M11lh Co;u;t. J:1•;ilrn1•. ·' nn :! hllth h•imr . l'<Jf!M"\' liAV~: buy•'r~. l'\l'f'!~ kot l~{h]S(J -ad<I ;, ml#c 1(1lionat p1u1w1·1y lo ~\'II. unit.~. [)111 (' by 1.·11.1 S..1nta r R A N-I~ 1\J A r. ~ 11 A I. An;i /\\'<', !hrn ""11 nt:ALTY 11·, ~llth St. :110 \\'. Rillhoa 60,"J-4000. Mother-In-Law? ~II<' c·;ul l"C'itt.\ 111 hr r own pl'i· l illt' .•1111(' l\'llh Pl'l\'illf' h;1 th. Yu11 ll ~1ill 11~1·,. plr"ll(Y nl l"r"'.1111 foll" tlir n·~I of Ill" f:i111. 1ly 111!h J IM:dl'(J{)lll,<, 2 hil !ll~ .~· I llUJ'lllflUS la1nily l't)oJill pi ll~ dnul•l(' ~ii.rai::r . Y'111 will <1Plll1'('1:1ll' !Ill.~ h<H11f' 11r~!l<'1I 111 (1Ull'1 a11,1 ('\{"i;:::i111 Collr~c Pa1·k -\\"••II 11or1h s::1,S5D, 546-2313 N ewport Be.itch 1200 B/B Open House Daily 1.5 ~:·1 ~ru1.! !!;1rho1. n r1rh:1 1•"'' T h1 <o l1·>1l'•' I<. l•11l•'IJ ,~11·1 '" ···t~ I»\ 11\::: , .. 1. 'ri."' '" •11•><•1'1-, <I• 11 -"11<! I •n••· 111 Ill)( 1•••111 1~1411110 <'d !O H<1lh uni!.~ art' (111'nr1• 1~"<'lJ· pl<'d a1111 n.111 l'''"· :-:"11u,11,•d o n ;i q uir1 Ir•'•' l1111•d ton111:1 d rl 1\lar .~ll'i'f'I Onl'r ~n1 1'1•· se4·1l !11J• J""~I • C'u111f' ~r·r li1r b<',<I, A Jtral J-:~111 10·1·s L.\- l'hJSll'f', P.F:ACJlSJDF: 2 SP,\f~l\1.l !\'1 ; 2 P,1· hn111<'~. "'1 lul", It.fl lr)J.·;i111111 S~!I, ollO \]1 ~ JIHli!lf'I 1 Br: :'I l'.alh 1111.'." pl'l_\Pllllll 1r:iol_~ 111 Ii<' •l111d- ('{l Ullo 2 l,,,·~11 ~•I ll~ ,,(j l,."1110 \J/ "11 1rk.rr YOt''\1; rn •,,-1"1'1'. :: R1'. l.1<l1\IV 1'1'1111 \!' l t l•1I. s.1t1 . ..w \J,· I· 1~111 r \\" .~)!'" 1 d11 . !11 ( '••l'•IHd d\ I ~i ,t.· !'Al\'l·,lt,-.;ITY l!I·, \I.TY 1,;' :'ilJl, Ah~fll1"<' (J11'n<'r ;;111,\• .~fllll l·~·n,~~,~:;.1~0 '°"' Rusfc Ch m 1;1j 21 ll'Yf "'''""· ~ii" 1.~10 1 ar "Two For One" c1· .. 11 ·111Jt1~ ! Sl•llY lHlTl1 11,,11-r , "f11,1 11r I hlilll liuJll•·~ ,111r 11!!11 >'1•'1;.111111~. 111,..Ju(J1n:.: 1.1.,, k 1i'•!IH llq 'llll lllld <·1"''' pt'!!:!<'d l11u·d11nn<l flr•>I ~ tn lo ~h·•l~j"/1111!. 011Ul't' \\ill ,.Hr- 1.Y 1~1 TD. 11·11h ~111.flOO •l1111n l:r1!ucr1J !11 $1!t.f0 1 fi 1.-... ~~~IO 1·:1'1·~ 6 1~-'.\.'S< Eas lside Costa M esa! Thll'<' IJ<'(l1'0An1~. rlr11, d 1111ni:: 1•1.11 11, lht"f' k1k·hi:11, \_'\}\'l"!'l•J /liil lH, Ownc1· 11<ill a r.cr.11l l<11V 111111 n p;1y111<'t1t (1-.:1111 qualih· •·rt hu>cr, f'~·n·r • $~4.~!Nl. nH>'kn1 l)ui!l-111 k1!,•hr11. Pf"1- 1.·111·y un Irr J;ind, !'oulh vf till' 1!1-11 11y, :: 1~-·<Jruun1, 2 loalh -i· JUl'J.:(' l;11n1Jy lo!Olll. !)1;,.2000 ~;l'"s. ;,t~-6966 Harbor V iew H ills Corona del M•r -V iew! f..\pansn·r \·ww o ( ~1·rr11-IALIOA !SL,,.I' NEWl'Oll.T WEST !"llTINr>TON ll F•CH NUNT INGTON H,l,llBOllll ~"'N T•!H Vill LLf. Y l•j,L IE ... CH nn JUI lit) .1l 'l J~!O , .. lJll n11 ll!! Jlll "M J•a! )'11 l •St l •ll JIDI ,,. 11\1 JI TJ (o\1!0 Q~ THA"lll;J IN MEMORIAM CEMETIRT LOTS Ct:MflEl!Y Clt Y"1$ (llEMATOll lES MENOl!lj,l PAllKS ill U(TIONS j,VIAt lON SEll VIC I TllAVEL U lt 4'1t 1•'1 t ilt .. 11 10! , .. W> 1111 I OAl STOll•GI! 10-TS W-lNTID o\111.CI AFT ·~1· ... llunia Eeulty ~=====~=-=-===I La1•gr CTll'lll'I' J01! T lu'('e !J.:-d-brl1. Ill'. il"-"-0\'. ronls. Lo~'<·ly OAllDEN OllOV• lONG l l!:ACH )ll•JIGI CO UNl1' SANT"' ,t,1'!,I, WISTMIN SrEll ~IDWAY CI TY \,t,l<IT"' ,t,N,t, HEIG NTS co•.st•l LAGUNA l!I EACH L,t,GUNA Hl>'ll~I •I MISSICll't VIE JO iAl<I CLEME "TI '"'"1sT1t.i,Ho CArllTl•HO l lo\l'H Qj,l<IA POINT CONDOMINIUM !>UPLl.XIS UNl'U•ot. RENTALS A pts . Fur ni•h•d 01'111111.lL l''' llll "" ,., J'"' ,,. llll '"' JUI ll•a ... JOI ... •IR TA INSll'Ol!T•TION ... uTO TllAHSPOllTAT IOll LECAl NOTIC ES GIRMAN & TUTOlllNG ••• c;~~VICF;: DIRECTORY "'CCOUNTINO ANSWEll.IHG Sl!l!VICI APPl!~Nr" lllPAlllS, APPll.AtSINO ~· .. .,~. 1 '"" ARClllTECTUllAL SE RV ICE .. uro RE PAIR ~ •uTO. S•ll 1.u .. Tl>Pt. •tc. lllB'YSITTING IO•l MAIN Tt"l<llNCt: 1111.ICI(, M,l,SONIY, el(. ftlJS!NESS S•llVIC(S IUllDllS CATEll!NO CA l lN l!T MAl(!NG CAl!l''ENTElllNO CEMENT.(.•"<'•'• (NlLO (.,t,11,1, ll<tlllff "" 110~ , ... m > 11•0 1!11 ... °''I ISH 1511 .... ·~· "" 1S1t ... ... ·~ "" FLYI NG LESSDllS MO~llE HI'"'""\ MOTOll: llOMl!:S ll(Y(Lf"~ ELI CTR!C (,l,ltl Mll<ll •tKES MOTORCYCLI!' ,,.'ITnO<r'l(\TF•' JI UTO S[llVl(ES i PAll TS AUfO TOOLJ I EQUIP. TRAILER, JllA VEL rRo\1 r..1111s. v11111, fll.UCltS JEE"S CAMPl!PS CAM,.Elt ll ENlALS DUNE IUGGl[S IMl'CRTlO lllf0$ S,ORT C.llll "'NTI QUIS, tl.Atl!CI RAC:• CAll:S, 11001 AUTO EVENTS •UTOS WANTE D Nl!W C,lilll AUTO LllAllN• Ut fD CAiii •1,. .,,. nu ••ll "" "" ... •111 ••• ''11 tns ,,,, ... •111 •lll '"' 1S11 ... ''" ••11 ••1• •nJ "" ... •11• ... !-------------------- HAVE YOU LOOKED FOR THE HIDDEN DOLLARS IN YOUR HOME LATELY? = 1100 Co•t• Me s• ..................... oiiiiiiii ...... j SENSATIONAL! $11,SOO Fix•r Upper 2 BR. J B:\ hnust', dhlr gar, Ji; tll<' •\ord for lhis l Br. x ln1 at'rii. Nt•c!ls hai1<!y n"1n/ licll\·h hunic S~!l.'1C<I pain!<'l', $2,"iOO down, l'irr: George W illiamson :::11 1\l:H~nr;Jia . Co.•la i\fr~a. r:.E:ALTOR .\IE :-;A V('j:;),.--j.;,ct· hon10~ 673-4;!."Jfl !il~·l ."16.I 1-.:1·ei;. !-~· olrl. ·1 bdr, :: h,1, ran1 n11. SAN.u~~IPt.:rt hous~ Paln1 ~~11.'.;1,11·n:~11;;<'f\~~~~s,s:~'.':.i J:)c•sc1~, a/r, 1'0n1 plerely ~i l&-3j'J2 Jurn. ~ Br. ronvl. den, 2 Ba, ~,-,_---,-,,,.-,cc-c pool, put!in~ gi'rrn. !'rice BY 011'nt'r; 4 ER. 2 h11!h , $?.l1.000: 6 ',., Joan. 6'7:·9j i2 or drtar hPd s tudio shop. p.allri, li1;;....(1;;8J. l!;' frnc rd yrl, ricad<'n<I :-1. RAR°EHOM_E__ Clo,..,. tn 1;1~hnol,11:, \\.'J>,~l('!l rr Pl<11.a lll'f"A, $18.500. 6·12-:,i!ll Brin:; mo1wy _ buy heau!. l Br. 2 Ila . 1.::a~t hlurr hoinr. (ul"l(I. i>("ll•·r than new, Fin. I.VAii. $:j9,500 CORBIN-MARTIN REAi.TO RS 67;..1662 -Open House s;f& Sun :'.i20 Lincoln \Vay, L'.\I L.i_1i,::r 4 AR ,t. lan1 nn. $:Jl,9l)l, T111~t n 1·al1y (j\ \) :i:tl-0012 :1006 ~:. C11;i<-I 1111-y, C<lill QUIET rul-<1<'-SIU', J Bit. Newport Beactil--2 R1~ cu.~!~n1_ rrpl:~ :t· •!rps. ~ IY'drmn1~ J hil t! Tl'~i· A\ O\\Nl'.R .• ,1,...!)i.l fi • • 1-'5 -~·-------tl<'tl('(', li.ol:tt<'rl li\'in;: r00n1 DIAL <llrc1·! fi l"l-~'678, Ch8r~r B11iJ(.111s, :Z lul'plaL'<'~. \Vt'I your ad. 1hrn J;.1! hac k 111nii hnr, nr1Y <'!H'Jlf'f111(: '.H0-17'21'! ll~•r n to the ph•rn(' n nr:! TARBELL 2955-Harbor ;\'nw! roo111~. tlr n. Nc1v kitch<'n 4 BfL, f1t111. I.· 11 111. rn1 ~-\Vi•t Scr111ralc 1li11111g room 1•>'i!h hn 1·. Lik,, nr1v rpts .. t; d1·up- \!i•"v ur CX:ce o. 0 1vnl'r's J,J. r s $63.:JOO _ i\1ak" offfl1'~ rws~ 1 01~··'~ s;1Jc, Pr1t·c unly Del•ncy Re•I Estat• ~'l'..1,;ir.u. Shown by appl. onl,v. 2S'J.ll 1':;. tua.;;1 )twy. li7:h1770 61;,.~xiii Bvr~. :i.i~·li!IGG SO FAR -SO-CLOSE:- Bay & Beach Rlty, Inc. l'ar f,'0111 1nif1h.: • clo~i· 1(1 901 Do1·cr Dr., Suile 126, NC ~·;i shiun 1~1111111 , Ill', 1'1!.'liiwi.s 615·2000 -~=== k PAl'I>, ;: B•I .. Din, ,t. f;1111. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 1111~. ~,~ &1th:o;. B l Kit. THAT ONI:: IN i\ il/ILLION S:i-1,!lj(j FIND, Older but <·hanning R . C . GREER R ealty hon1c In choit.oe ;u,.a, 0vl'I' :13."i.""1 ViA Lidu 6i3-ll.100 ~ rPr t, La1-i;:-<' !iv, 1·m . JU!':.1 P~E IJUCEDI J\olust sl'll 11-11h FP plu:o; dC'n w~1h 1··~· riuickly. 200 sq. rt . 110111,.. ion r~n1, Prc~1ge Rl'f"A . :>I0-1 7~0 N('i\·port !~and. 4 RH, 2 BA . k1tr hl'll with hrkli;t nvok. SPfl rhn rni. Ch;inning •10 yr ~7~k 0'. bay 1 fro n1 illa~ll'r nld hsr rerr nlly rrni'l<h•lro\, • h SU~-· 000 ns~~-(' Olit1:r $6000 d n, a~sun1f' fi l z' f 1 ~1. pore · . _J', • 1n, ava · .rus! $11.~..00 huys lh1s~ _Ag-t, 962-1~21 or 6-l:Z-V.10. Gi:i--OJG:::. OCEAN ' .1--~=~==~- llarbor 1711e~;·ra .ci~sc0r.1 ~ LUSK HOME 11111h, an cl<'ctrit! k i1ch<'n. HARB.OR V IEW HILL; llui."(' patio 111th O<'Ct111 \'l<'IY, 3 O:R ' x l,r;i lg l:i111 1TI1, - f"ci-111rnplr -uol l('tiS<' hul!I . R~. !J.(, _ ~1~lcn,1lr ~l.r. - Prrct'fl al s:.1,900. f ut' ln-$·1J,X.0 6.,,.,.1,0, 6l-1-2!1./.li Fpt'!'11nn (';111 i\J11rk 1,.-.-s, 1.c r.:lt;'i1ln;:;-T.>C-1;c,M \:;;;;,. Co~r;1 i\fps;1 l11\'<'bln1c nt Co. o! OC<'1111 N hill<. Pr11·11cy. ;,tii-ii l 1 A r1yt1n1,. Jte11l!or 67::-2010 WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee !1i~! r111n:::<'r ~ 1 ~ I I,,·, ()pr11 1 I'"< SPACIOUS 1·11• 1·1i 111, ·r '"·"111'•'~ H11;:r 1, .. )jil.\.-1>11\Pll \>ill> \\<'I 1,;1 1·, f•li'l!l:d d illlPlt! t'~'lll, ~·ll olo'll h'1l<'fl!'11, hllL'I• 111.i-i1•r lul1'111 ~ 111 lfl. :i h.1 I Ii•. ·: p.11 i.1s .~· ii!!'t;" .1 ,'<l fl nil l\i<)o'k l1·nr!'(!, :'o-l,1 n~·. 1\1:111,1 '11,ct,1111 r1 '<1llll'- "" If ~I'll ;11·n louk1r1i; 1111' ~lll111'IJi1!1J.: l'\fl',1 lllt:I', ~l:'t l hl~ "IH' MUTUAL REAL TY 842-1411 A nytime ----·- Duplex With High F .H .A , Lo•n WE SELL A HOME EVER Y JI MINUTES Walker & Lee '.!01:: \l'~·~ll'l•ff D1· 6 IG-771 1 Op•'ll f·;\!r~ NEW 4 BR HOME- :?<"3."1 ~l II , l:.'00 ~ri It Jot. f'l"l<'l' s::;;,(iUQ. <luwn s.~:l(KJ ,\ll!Jllal Jl<'l"<"t'!l!:ii.:<' r<l !<' !i.9' • ·""•'ill li('ll,"1 ~ •• n lt1c:u1lo SI ~,,,u111-.111 ,.-,,ll1',\, •)If \\"111·npr '.; nu i'. 01 ll1(1o1ktiu1·-"r 01 j•:dl ·"!•l lllghu1 ~I JI (J Ill(' ~ nt.! 2il)I ~----1 Hit ,1 hnlJ!•.;• rooni or .1 Br t,ill\ll.\I I' IT1 . f'\l'.l'IJll•!rlal kl1('1l•·ll. l.11 :.:•· p.1 !111, w;ilk· 111~ 111~H1n1·•' tr• nil ~··hnfllc 17~,'\.ll l.11" (Jfik Cirdr ~~.~-•1~1; Seal Beach 1450 CJCJ :AN VIE \\', l1kr-11<'11, va· 1·ii11!. .~ fir l Ila, SfJ.~ lh.1 lot \11,Xf)f) U11nr1· ~.:;J -11::~1 L.aguna Hills 1700 ron. ,i;:nl<· tiy o wn<'r. Nr,1 \lalen1·n1-Lrls,1n ' IV or Id , ,\lulu11! :1:1. l<:!{l--ti~lli!l. Laguna Beach 170S A.~11111r ~'Iii\ IORn 111th S::OOO FOil St\LI~ Uy Ow1wr- IJ011n J[;n·r indcpcndrn!'r Sarr i l1 ('<', Jf<1\11ni:; Joi' ;i nd !r t >'Ollr trn,1nr P~.Y your t-:uro11(' 1 1n 111 r it 1 a ( r 1 y ~ny c ,.r ~11111r1 ' T"f~I p;i,v. Custon1 hu1H \\UCHI & i,:Jas.., rnrnl nr 51~~ rrichtdrs 1111. house. l )!·i·:in s;. ('IH!yon (.t"'llt llunr111g1on Bc11c h Ul-\ 1t'iv. \\ ;111 t11 1\' a. I I ca11un. Call! rarpc11n~. h u i I 1 -t n ~ i · WE SELL A HOME fin:pl:=11.'{' 2 t.:1·t1nw1111. :? EVERY 31 MINUTES Ruths . li111ri11" t·on.,1 1·ui:t 11111 Wa Ike ~ & Lee oPEN 11ous1·: "'' " '"" ( 11·~>. 11·L'1!kd11y~ 111l<'r 6. !'l~I iG~:! l::ilingrr ll 12·11 :i:1 llri1•n Evrs, -------tlY 0\l'Nl<T: A~M1n1.--. 6'.; Fiii\ :'! Br. 1 Bn. '/. ~1'!'\ new n r1 Cut 1lr Sa(•. JJr11s. shA~ rrr!lnq, lrplt:, ~iu·t!cn kit. 11 llJl!11~ • f111!,v lnnrlFChflCd lr pa1io. Open hou.~e Sat &: S\ln <JI' ~hc>l\'11 by appn1n!. R'l'l-:il26 . 177:12 ~1 eK 111n<',Y C ir('IC A ttorney Says, ''Sell" I ,, Bit. 2 ha. U1·1:::. n1od"'· \V11.l nu1 kl!ch., frr l. ~pr1nk. '"'""· $'.?,i,'.!,"\11, Far•I Walker Realtor lfll N, ;>;.~1\·po1•t. !\'pt, Bl.'aC'h 6'6-7414 D•ys o r Eves . Former Moder Home- P n1111\11r F .. 11 11tH i11 I l••<HI T 1'Hl't t'11.\ nr \'.\ 1!'1'111~ 11n• OK O!l lhil' ·~·11111~·. $2'!,(1.'-0 Re1t L. Hodges, Rltr. .~ 11 ::;;z-, l'\I i r 11 nl a r, Lag Bch. '1~!-30ti6 HA~N~D~Y=M~A~N~'S~ ~1wri11I! 4 lnC'on1r ur11tl' 1'.10 )Cl't, to beach, P111io~. dPck~ wl oc•·an vie1v, Nds. paint, etc . ~hould ~1'1lss S~t.O!KJ y r Pr. $6!1.!lOO, Con~irl<'r 1lnri<'~ r>11S.'IJO,\l REALTY ~~1-0T.:I COA.'IT A LV I f;\V !-- Tr1Ti lic Joa11 11ssun1pl)on' Jntert>st rnt•• 1lorsn'I Ill· crease: no point~. :: 81 1rm~. rn1111ly r n1 .. 2 bulh~. ;, Yl'Ars I.lid. Rl'{/Ut..'t'rl to S41 .~..0U PL;\CJ-: RE,\LTY •ID-l-9i0·1 * County of Orenge AUCTIO N OCT. ::Olh. I ::2.~:i6 ~ton1ng1011 Ril • Th1·re Art·h 11 1l'a, 4 Hoo111 -l &th. Open 11 .. 11.c;c O•·I. ~o. 11 11111-' pn1. ~ll NJ ,\lU;\1 P.IU $21.llfO. ~,Oil INf'O (',\!.!. l<.1•1 25Z I &11'. 2 ba. hr.1ut \"lC'IV, ocran \;i!ali11:1. $.1 1.!\:0. 0 11'n<'r ·19-1-'.1'!3:! I \~ ---· ---------. -· ----·------·~·-· -·---····-·----.....,,..,.---~~-----.-,--~~-------~··------------ FrldAy Octobtr 17 1%q 3ft,yDAIL Y PILOT RfNTAL' R ENTALS RENTALS RENTALS Lagune 8e1ch 1705 Hou••• Furnl1htd Hou••• Unfurni11hed HouM1 Unfurftlshed Aet1. ~urn l1hed _ SEE THIS ONE l ido lale 2351 Newport Helgttta 3210 Mlaalon Vl•jo 370I Newport Beech 4200 l HH, ' BA. " .. 11 1•ri1ta. d1'J)S, bltns, 1J.Q l1U, fnl·d, 3 \TS old O!'e!ln \"I!'\\' 1n1mac. $32,~. 4TI41 ~91-6.100 ISO Vl'.:G ftEI:; VIE.lie-. ~L~O~T7 o/ 11111!<> 11Hlfr l-,~;nto!l1nP, "111all Uul 1<'11:1. Si,9:,0 1·, 1th :51.000 Uo1•n. llll.l al $83 n10. All rtue J )I'S. Bruh1•r ~9i-12\0 497 -!021 OPE.i"\J Hou.sc Sat & Sun \Q.J 616 VIJ'):"irua Park Dr. Laguna. Ulrt:r la1'r11Jy hon1e by u\1 nf r. •lfH-242 I NE\\ L ,. Ix.'" C'hct.>rrul, 1 DR, :!'~ llA. furn \\"in!tt" 1l'll lal . 42131 691-1!13~ 1\'11\"Tf:R LEAht:~ 1 Bil , d .. n. 2 Ua!h hon1c. No rets. 67~>-6~10 23S5 ~~L"lt:\ 4 BP.., 3 BA. 11'111lfl' or )r!y. 11 3 Prarl. f.l~n hvu:-c Fri, SMl &. sun. t!"il-8.171 or 67~J331 H:EN TALS Hous•s Unfurn isshed 1707 Gen•ral 3000 Laguna Nigu•I Terr. ;<•>tw :.'500 >.1./. tt. ;;-1 A· .1 Hr. hl)mrs 1n 11>1."l'lln '11'w .11"(';;1. Dlrpi_•!l'J, f1"1Jnt lar~1 . .,ra1wrl, 'I llil '<pr1nkll'ri;: bl!11."'. si•!f. c•lraning o\\rL:: ..:ur 6arai:.~ s.:i~.r.10 To Sbl,9~). i-:,,.r,ll·n1 /1nan{·1ng 111th dt>..:lin111i:-Jll· 1e1>est ra1 e lron1 ~·.'" tu 6\ ,, . Laguna Nigu•I Corp. ~99-1.11-1 ;,.ir.7761 3 Bdr., 1·w. lol , 11!! erptcd, 11('11' comp!elr cus. olrp~ - fully landsrllp ••d S :-pnnkll•rs, Ol·r. 6 11l" 49G-:!1"i7 San Juan ~pistc'~"c"c• ___ 1_1_2_0 4 BR. SPANISH CONDOMINIUM Jdrally located acro.~s from pool & 1·an1::illa. Carprted, ' . . \ RENTAL FINDERS 1 INDl'IHSIY( •· • GUWNTE!D ·,-\ RBIDOOIAL -llNllBS A~T.·-lttlCMMAR SfltVIC[ \\"OH!\l:\G Couple, cll'nn & 1ru1rt, 11· • apL r a 1 s rd tubPd-1ra111l'{I/ cloi; \lishr.s l QI "J hi·. lir1fur11 h."><'. or ap1. 111 :"\L•11porl Beach .. c .J\I ' 11 1,c. Rl'h. IJ'i'C'f, Nov. J) "S\ \j.$130. S·l2-::TI6 $Hb. :: BH. Newly cll·L"-Ol"ll.l•·U. I.gr .\d lor thlldren or pels. Bkr Gl.i-fllll Sl!S.'i. 3 llr, 2 Ba. TownhouSl', r a110, hltin.~. 11'/11'. drps. /\l'il ll no11·. UkT ~4-69Sr1 4 BH. 2 b;1. 2 yrs. old. Bit-ins. Ua~l'. $~~:1 l\lonth DAVIS llEALTY G-12·i000 clrapN/; lcncrd p.1l io. Dnu· i'\OllTll 1·usl111. Iinn1c11ia1c blc J;lilrage 11-/entry to k1trl1-poss. 4 Br. 21 ~ Ba. 2100 sq. en All b!t-ins. incl. dish-fl. S350 iier mo. 54-\-{i/l:.6 ,1-~shC'r & rcfrig. 1 !llin. lfl I=========== North America n Rock\l't'll. This 1s ft>r sin1ple !1tl r Pi·1~·~> Costa Mesa 3100 $28.950 wi!!1 F!I.\ 3~.', lwn.1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, POINT REAL TY LAHG£ J BP. & larnily 2 3-tlj(j Coasl Jt11•y., Dana Point balh.~ & double g:..ragc. ITI~l ·\9&-~>323 \\"alk to schools & shopping. D•n• Point Carpt•tcd, rl r ap rd & 173 0 J1rcplacc. Childn •n OK-~01v ,·ac;1nt. $200/mo. Ca 11 * County of Orang• llrnTai::C' !teal Es t 11 t C' Auclion Or1. 30th, ·1969 J.\Q-ll.il (nf>(•n C'VCS) J.1101 Amt><-1· Lantern. R·?, __ _ _ _ _ ___ _ OCEAN & bay \'it'\\". 2 lklrm. BEAUTlt--uL ... I I' w. Pl· Cp11., drp.s. Garagt. Adult.I tracth·e 1 yr old 1 Bit l~l only, $175 moruh. BA. f'rplr, bltln bookcases, Gr'aham Rlty. ~2414 fully crptd, d~s. $2-10 mo. N1:11r Newpor t PO!ll Ofl k-e !St'. 23771 Calle lioga.r. ~ho,111 liy appl only, Call University P•rk 32:37 S37-lhJ::7 ----l..l'&~r: 3 nr. 2·~ b a · Condominium 3950 Cu111tl1ou.sr. ?-r. school. $:lOOl----------- n1t). LARGE I bdmi Condo. Shag 4 Bit 21 ~ ba. xh1t Joe. $J30 epts, 1l1shwiu:htr, drps. J I~ 1110. tno le11se1 bath. P atio, i,;ar. 96.1-7622 Rrtl 11111 Rrnliy 8:1--0820 RENTALS 32SO Apts. Furnished -u-,-u-·s_U_A_L--.,,,-. ,-,-,-,-, .-,-,-,-. G•ner1I 4000 11"/Llk to S4'lttl01, bt'ach, sho1>- 11111g, 4 BR, larn n11. IJ'.:l' yd. ill! Jasrnirw, CJ.\I. $lXI mu . A1·ail Oct. Jjth. I 11 ·I ) ll:ii-!483 CA~l!::O s1 1on1·:s d<'11, :: Baths, The GORGEOUS Ntw VAL D'ISERE Singl-1 IJr-2 /1r" Furn·Unr. !'aun11. A1·!'y 1\111. lliUlards Th~r11py & .i~· pooJ, BBQs ~IV Parsons .ltd &12-8670 :: nr . .t •-011\ 1 ,·u·11·. IA'as•· 11011. S·l:ll.I 1nO. ~12ijjj~ or lt':1~l'/Ojl-SIJO 2 Ar 4-ph·,,;. \V/11•, frplC'. Do.,,; '1001, ND /\1·1ul 11011·. Utd p1.1d, Broker 53,1-b!tl<O Sl :!:i Lg<' 1 Dr, uar, 11·111·. dr;ifl('.~. Avail Bnikrr f>Jl-ti9l!O nCll' j 1/1 J 13R, SIDI •', rt>!riJ:, i.:ar. llGJ l!H ... )Tly lsr. li75.-722j 111.ldh.• S:. Ross P.eal1ors :::,:ti E. Co;1.~! lhry. Cd,\f Cl IA!t:\llr->G 2 nrt. I nA. C"1·pts, drp;:;. Nu po'l~ :';].~;, 1110. Call G7~1-77:ilt $1~:i. JJJ>:LUXE l Ilr. Con\'f'· 111t·11t )l)r. SunUac.k. Aval! no\\·. Bkr &.l:rQI 11 '.! BP... ;-fain. So. o! ~1ry.1.c'"'-o0•tc•;..cMcc.;;•c•~•----'4-lcOOc Ne1v cpts. $2:15 r-.to. im;I. ut1I. Sc:en1e Prop. 67:.....57:.'li $30.00 Wk. Up NE\l'LY dceorutcd 2 BR • ,<.;1udio & 1 Rr Apr!:. house. Crp1~, 1lrp.~. g11r. $180 • l~1tchcn &. TV incl. 1no. 49-l-22JO or ~!H-97!1~1 • f'hont• Service & Pol)] ~=--c~-c--,--.,----,,""I • ~laid s trvieC' 11vail. 4 nn. 2~: Ba. duylcx. 2200 e Day. 11·cek &· ~lonth Sq. It. Dltns, 1hsh~1·as~~!·· 2JHi Nrwpotl Oh-d. 5-18-975:> !rpt. :S300 i\!o. IC'asf'. 540-1.113 SHARP 2 BR •I BR. honie \1·/pool 1'26·1 i\Iap!c by \Vilson. pnn(lramic view;,~ P .':iv· t.·lodcrn furni!ure. Pool, beaehes. Ai::cnt 61 . .-22:!:l No pc1s. $155 rnonth. i\l ~r. Longtin -646-69i-1 Huntington Beach 3400 ~i· •11 0 1 1. 1 B" ---~-------",,, ~· c .,, ''" /l{'\\", 3 BDr-:. 2 ba1hs 11·1th family beau!. Jurn, Sl2:i. Couple. no r"UUnt -area ne1v paint. children, no pels, to assist drapes, 11•/w l"rpts, prestige n1b1". r-.IUST qu<tl1fy. 220 a rea close to schools. S250 J-:!drn. &l:>-1231 n10. flefli. 8-16-3575 BEAUTIFULLY YURN :i 13fl, 3 Ha condo. \\"a!erl.ron1 2 Bil. Pool. /\dull s, no JX'!.~. Jlunt. llarbOr 11·11h 32' :-lip, SIJJ. 2272 i\faple St., Apt. A. 1enn1s 1·ourt & poul $-100 mo. ~18-0I:ii or 64'2-9:)20 lrase 8~6-222:1 LARGE 2 Br. 2 BA. Pool, :-if'\\'port Beach GRAND OPENING IMMEDIATE OCCU~ANCY Luxury gllrd~n Rpartm~nts nrJrrlng con1pletc p1'!vaty. beal11!Jul landscapina .r. un- paralJr led recreatlorw.J facll-1 1llrs 1n a country cluh at. n1._;s1.1he1l'. Now lcasilig in Nt wport Beach. F'urni.ahl!d or untumishtd l>lodels optn S am to 9 pin OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS l iOO 6th StfN'l 71 1: 6-12-817() BEA U T IF U LL Y rurn. (Spou1ishl 2 BDR ap! near l!oag Hospiral. Sub-lens£' SHJj n10. 11111. ~'.!0 1 JlUaria \Vay. &.li-43K7. Sl:!j, l BR clean, quiet, beau! fu r n . Nr 1nar k e t . \Va~her/dryer, g ar 11 g t . P refrr older woman. 1912 B \\"allaee SA IL Inn Motel, (Jb: n 11s, couples. $110 to $121} u10. Cu111 brkJst, nnud serv. 67.)...1&41 YRL\' rental, l'r1od, spaC'lous :I Br, 2 Ba. hal<:011y. Jlpspo11s1blc adults. $190. s-1~:!643 \\'INTER Or Yearly l 13r a pt 11/ garg .• ulll p<l, l adult only. rrfs. 673-61 15 fiENTALS PROPER"TIES \\'EST 675-1642 $1:;7.:.0 BACHELOR apt, util pd . Crpts. Urps, bltins, pool. ·1j:!J Place111 '1a. LARCf.: I-Br. ap!.'i.. nicC'ly furn, Nr. bay, S141).S150 tii5-7876 or 4!H·975J I B LK rrom Octan-Bachtlor w /511·imming pool. $1 30. mo. 518-1132 be{ S or Aft 8 pm OCEAN FRONT I, 2 & 3 bd- rms. \Vlh'TER RENTAL. 673·.lltllS DUPLEX l Room 1 B:i1h. ()ill'n i!!'t1~r O~ Back Bay 3 Br 11100. Or! \Ith 11 a 111 .• ~ pin. ho111r. :-..1•\\Jy r1a 1nted, erpls, :i.11NI.\l L"ilT BID s1:1,l.I(] ~lovr. Resp. (X'r1n. adulls. FOR INTO CALI. ~4-mlJ Yard niain!aincd .. U9:'.i. 218::1 3 BR, 2 Ba, lrplc, nr11· ··rpls. util pd. $150. i\Ta1url' ,r,,, drps, 11{'a1· s chuol & adults only. No p ets. 2 Er near bay. ti13-6.S!IO uccan. ()P. 3-l ~i] or eves. Placentia Ave. 5-18-2407 TRAI LER r1.1rn, adult pftrk. Apaf°tments For S•I• Tu!itin Avr . No pcls. 3 Bi·, r;rpts, Urps, bll-1n~. ne;ii· So. Coast Plaza. ~250 1110. lrasr. fi.1G.-:-12j9 LI 8-()2f.'ij. $110 .. furn. J Dlt apt. Ut!.l. pd Pool. 11•a 1er & gfls paid. ] Hli den, 2 Ba, crpts, -Q11i1•t Adults 198j ~nior c-iti:>.en. $100 n10. drps, fcneeU yd, (:lose to Pon1ona. C.\1 $.18--0i28 549-01 '10 or 646--114"5 1980 SHARP 4 un11.~ near ~ulh Ll-:ASE: 11/npt lo buy. llon1c CQast Pla1.a 1n f',~('10:Jent \1"/s:nl rrnlal in rPar. E- c'Ondit1an. Si"100 annuH.l in-:-1dr. '.161 .\lagnoha . 6-l6-2ltKi come. Prired less 11la11 7.\ - s1·hools .r.: l><•ach. S2lj. 2 Br. h('a\ed pool, no 2 Bil !urn. vicv,t ocenn k bay. !)\i ... \0::6 pets. 226.J Canyon Ur, U!il. pairl. garg. 1825 Balboa ::; BR, 2 l::A. n(';•r bt·h .. :: 11,.11 :;.1.-... 2JQ.1 B!vd. $165. 968-1793 s rhls. S21JO . NC'\Yly J Br. fuz-11 apt for Dar·h<'lot OC t.:/\NfRONT-AttraC'tivc- gross. !lun)'! Mesa Verde 3110 d('r·oral<'d . :162-1 ~11'.11 n1nn o/'.;j..only, $12~1 U1 il pcl. ::! Br, g<1rngf'. ulil furn. FOUR STAR R1alty 53:i-4 I'!:! 2 DR duplc.-:. $110. Nr. l\n1g 1!171 Church SI. &lr..-209:; * &12-3429 * J\!\IACL"L1\TE:.:: Bit, ~ BA. fa1n1ly \"U'JIO, ::! r1rl'plaCl'S, rJishwa.~h<'r, L"(o\"Cl"C'd p111!11. s2:.o rno. Call for ap- po1n1m,.nt, ~17-7()1).1. 1n1t·rCon11n. llo s p i la l . -SUSCASITAS ••••••••• ~;r.2~2;::, a ft 6 pm \vkdys. furn 1 Bit apL 2110 Nrwport NOW'S THE !111t To,~·nhQuSP. !"ea!" b1>aC"h. Bh•tJ. i\lcthd!ion by llo1point. '! p<JOl.~. C'lubhoos<'. LEASE. STUDIO A11t. crpts. util ptl~ ~,:~i-1797 Quiel person only. Nr llvine RENTALS Houses Furnilhed Rentals to Sh•re 2005 3200 \\'ILL !'hat"' "! BR/:!DA Newport Be•ch Ne11·po11 ShOl""S cJupJc,,; 11·1111 1.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 3 ill{, 11~ BA. blt1n~. rrp1s, & lith. SIOO. 6-\2--053S (!1·p~. "S220 per 1110. 103j2 2 BR furn. Hdt pool, gan1C' l~ukui Dr, H.B. 9G2-J<i10. rn1. Adults only, no pets. single frn1 ;ile ovrr 30. "SlOO mo. &12--9576 all 6 or ,1·knds HA VE J Br apl : "ill .!>llarC' \l'i!h p<>rron under .311. Abou t S60 mo. w.,...;,z;i; C \T f-"E:\l ,\Ll'.: :.0 sh;1rr 2 Br., 2 RA w1!h samr. !'onl & patio. l\lust like dog~. !JAA..:1193 LAD\" to share Blur!~ hon1r, NB. Prl\". b alh, kll .t laun- dry pn\'. ft.H..{)369 SHAr.J::: Apl. \\'Ith la<!)' l\('f\\" age 51)-6.j, rlO a!,·toho!1cs plC'aSf'_ ;..;.~ af1 3: :.0 N•wport B•ach 2200 646'$.~~~ B/B TO\\".'lllOU!'E Huntington 3405 Si:'. Bai·h, Jtefrit:. Hot pla!l'. Allul 1 ~ •inly. :.! Dd1m~. :! Harbour \"Iii [)IL \\"on1an on I y. hath~ Spl 1t-lr\.r\. Avail. Ort,0 C"-,.-5->r-U-.D-\'-. -,-.h-,-,-,-. -...,-.-,·,I' ='="=·=:n="'======== 1:i!l1 ~~::j Prr i\lonth_ 1· 1\ 11h op!io11 S 100 111onth Bay & Beach ,.-0un STAR Jt E 11 L -r r N __ •_w~p-••_•_B_•_•_•_h __ 4_2_oo R•alty, Inc. l(f>-4122 9"1'1 Do\'t•r Ur., :-.·1,: ::>ut1,-. !2fi c.-1;,..2orQ E\'rs ;J1.~-ti966 Fountain Valley 3410 1 Br. "! 131\ Baeh. t-lairl ser- --- _ ___ _ Vll"P,TV&f)')Ol. $30 WEEK & UP c JI/\ R ~! r ;..;_ (; Oreanrront l\~~AUTIFlJL 2 ~tory : THE BAYCLIFF honll'. :: HH, ~pac hv rm '"•1hmin 2 ba1h hn111r E,,;-4;)J N. Nr11·pnrt Bl\'d. " I I r Pl<· · ltoomy hit r~llt>nl area. Nrar school. 6·1G-3~6:; 11 /l>l lln~. ,\\·OCarlo sh :t g I l l'rpt r hr u out. Patio S:t2j1tnonth. yror,_ rase: SINGLE Young Adults Lu.x- 1,1'·•1 loc. Ask for Ari. 8-l7-.,.>\9 °1 11J"' "lll"rlcn apts \l'ilh coun-11 /l·uhana .. nr J .. '<rhl~. $:'.:i.I 1110/yrl). l~l 3\ ~iJ&..<\:.:.8 lry t"l11h atn1o~plll'l"f! 1111\l TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD OCEA:\" Yronl hoU'<('. '.!BR. 2 BA . DeJw;r. ~an! &. pauo. rr-11 "·1n1Pr ll•~~~ 69L.11;27 ----1·01n 11trtc Jll"ll"l.ll'Y· SOUTJl "J:.!lil-.sQ-1t-::H1t :! l>ailu;:, BAY CLUB APTS. l rl'inc at 642 5678 Will lease or L•ase Option l.1rt:•• 1111~!1111·s IJttll\lS l'll01H. 16th, Nr>,1•port Beach. • !'E\\'LY t um 1shffi 4 BP., 4 Ba. a1·atJ ~o,,.. \r1n'•'r "' lan,t:r r 1 ?1 :• 1~9-93b~ ~r !Zl31 472-F;i;i'Z 1111lk 111 F.le1n('nt;1ry l..· 11 1 (714) 64~.',:,0 S• h1 •1I Fr.mil\"~ u n l y --=-~~~-~--••••••••• BAYCREST I nr. f:in1 r111. formal d111inJ.? r l'jJ ~lfl((I l"lf'Jlll)ll, !P;J~I' J,~!l~ l'"r 111". J•·'oll ~r1111 1! H• ;dlor ' ·1· till \\"h1tr F.lephan1s~ j ..... ;O'.i!'c' ''" ... ~ _:._ 2300 LEASE , FURNISHED Prn1 11~ula. 4·, b.1;: lr<•rila ;:" 1• n.,:it 2 :--1•11; ·, r:r: .. 1 BA r1tus ~" 1n1n1'T, •It··~~ 1ng rm "-s\111""1" ~·IY,~I ;il l 11;lai-s. D 1~h1'd~hr-I", .!11.p. ... :u, 2 n~lnc:. :-t'pa1·;1;r ln·o'1.1•r, Uhl ovrn, ••h'C1n r ~101···, S('parate hrndrr t. rr111· '"r ir. Laum:lry mi. Auto1na111 i:;ara.:c o;•Pnrr. Yr11rly nr \l"intrr. 6Ll-?f11.9. Lido Iii• 23SI * Furn 4 BR, ~ B,\, C<i ll- 1emp, 1){'11•ly rlcc, Bl 111•. i\1•11\I now. l'f'arly. t71~1 C:.!1-~l{f.I ii Hj.·12.·,;, l•l·.1.11.1rrrt:1. \\«1rr1ro)11t ,\ l'.1. : !11\. 11<-•ll. 1"11111'> ,., 1. ~~01 111(! S11'Jl<; '" l1rh +,',"-fiH.r6 ur t;ll-.!.~'\ all !J 1orn. 1!1\HBO!t 11 1:,:hlantl~ :; f,IL "J R,\, 1 ·1111~, tlrps, [,!!Jn~. 1n- fn11t 0 I\, no 1x·t~. l,r·11~r S'.."10 n10. Hlrl .:;+rd1·111·r ~,\,'\-fl.JO 01· :l:'.7-1:::\r, "'.Bl:.: BA T11"nhousr, PcoCtl. trplr , t'Xlr~~ K " 11· l y d1 •r"111";:rlc-t!. $2jJ. A :;<' n I 1;.1r...n;32 ~~·-· rnLY IS!'. Ba..;.:k Bay, :i BR, l ·'t BA, 1600 sq n. nro pfls, ref~ rl'quircd !!33-3•!30. Santa Ana H@ights 3630 f:'\!'C.. hnJ11e ;, Bl:. "'. R·1 l jo'-<, tlrp< . 1"'11•1• !111-111< \.,.;1 l•1t·I ~,1.-.l .. 11••1 ,.!f;.1;;111 Laguna Beach 3705 ) 1\1 : ~rr ~\ .. !'p1 ni.:: r n\ 1'rp1 ~. 1lrp>. 1h111;11d i·1 1.lo·, '""J.:'' -rrlnh l\'n lk '" \11·n1 h '' ~h'·P~ '.'1 111:• 1110_ 1111 I 11111 !\j'.:-l!I~!. ·1'1-1·~1~ .• 2 Bf: unfur11. l.111 .·ly 1 1r11 l\1·i·rh rod. 1\dult~, 1 i.:h1ld :12:111 !110 Str1"11ng lte11lt~' ~9 l-2:i'!!l r.o~ :\.Coast \111-y , 1..ah Brh DIAL d1rpr t !il'!·~lli1.~~Chargr ~our ;id. lh<'ll ~\! hnc·k snd listen to lhe phon<> r111g! Gen•r•I 2000Gen•f°•I 2000Gener11I 2000 0 l«mange ~,.., of rlle fO<Jr xrambled WOrds h.- low to form lour simple ~ IRATWIE I I I I I I' l.WEFAR . I ' t-_ T'"I -T'I ,l'r-rl-1 INAVHE . I New product: Plo1tic song shaels have been created for people who sing in the -. ISODWIM I IO-rt I r I I• 1 O Comolete th1 t hU<:lc1e quoled by 1;111,,g 1,, 1he ,.,,t:Sing \llJ'Ord I -- - - - --yott dcv1lop from .Jl•p No, 3 below. PRINT NUM8fRED LETTERS IN l THESE SOUAI! S UNSCl!AM8lE AW VE lE ITll!S TO GEr ANSW~lf ~CRAM-Lm ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 8800 NO MATTER WHAT IT. IS • • • YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD For F.,st Servic e & E:ipe rt Ass istance ~ DIAL 642-5678 DIRECT Are You Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers See If You Have Any Of These Things A DAILY PILOT _WANT-AD 1. Stow• 2. Guit1r 3. Baby Crib 4. Electr'ic S•w S. C1m•re 6. Wath•r 7. Outboerd Motor 8. Stareo Set 9. Couch 10. Clarinet 11 . Refrt1er1tor 12. Pickup Truclt 13. Sewing M1chin• 14. Surfboard 15. Machin• Tools 16. Oi1hwe1h1r 17. Puppy 18 . C1bin Cruiser 19. Golf C1rt 20. B1romet1r 2:1 . St1mp Collaction 22. Oin•tte S•t 23. Pl1y P•n 24. Bowling lall 2S. Water Skis 26. Fruz1r 27. Sultc•s• 21. Clock Will Sell Fast! 29. Blcycl• 30. Typewritef° 31 . Bar Stools 32. Encyclopedia 33. V1cuum Cleaner 34. Trooical Fi,h 35. Hot Rod Eciuipm't 36. Fil• Cabinet 37. Golf Clubs 38. St•rling Silver 39. Vlctori1n Mirror 40. Bedroom Set 41 . Slid• Proiector 42. Lawn Mower 43. Pool Table 44. Tiras 45. Pi1no 46. Fur Coit 47. Orap•s 48. l in•nl 49. Hor'se 50. Air11!1ne 51. Org1n 5'2 . Ex•rcv<I• 53 . R•r• Books 54 . Ski Boots SS. Hltih Chair' 56. Coins 57. Ele ctric Tr1in 58. Kitten 59. Cl•11ic Auto /.0. Coff•e T•ble 61 . Motorcycle 62. Accof°dion 63. Skis 64. TV Sot 65 . Workbench 66. Oi1mond Watch 67. Go·ICert 68. Ironer 69. C1mping Trailer 70. Antiqu• Furniture 71 . Ta11e Recorder 72. Saltbcat 73. Spor11 Cir 74. Maittr•ss, Box Spgs 75, lnbo1rd Spe•dbo1t 76 . Shotqun 7 7. Saddle 78. Dart G.!me 79. Punching Ba g 80. Baity Carrl•ge 81 . Drums 82. Rifle 13. Desk 84. SCUBA Gur These or any other otxtra things around tli• house may be hlmed into c:ash with a DAILY. PILOT WANT-AD so • • • Don't Just Sit There! DIAL , DIRECT 642-5678 l CYOUR CREDIT IS GOOD) • ' • • • - . , ! ' . , • ( . • • • '· -' r ... ---·----··r ·--· -.--.• 4.-.--. ,-,;r,f"'r:· REAL ESTAT! Apts. Furni1hMI Apt•. Unfurnished Aph. Unfurnlihect (i9ner•• ~~~~~~-1 -~~~~~~ -~--~~~-G•n•r•I RENTALS RENTALS !RENTALS REAL ESlATE Newport Hgf5, 4110 Cost• Mesa .SIOO Newpo rt Be•ch 5 200 Ra nt1ls W1nt9d .5990 Offic e R•ntel 6070 • Cleanlor2BR • r\rhl!li:, no pets, 2-0J E . llilh s •. $133 1no. up. &JG.1801 81ck B1y REALLY QUIET·CLEAN 2 Br. l \; Ba. Sl90. 2310 645-2933 Pool , Santa Co rona d•I Mar ailul!~ A"' ~2SO 1 Br furn. near i;.hop'g. $140 mo. 602 Heliotrope. &l2-329J or 673-721 1 Harbor Heights Four CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING '.! & 3 BR UNITS all with fireplaces, d ishwashC'rs & 2 baths, nr.ntaJ lltanager - llT.rs. Chri5liensen 3117-A Cinnamon Ave. Costa Me1a Phone 546-1034 .t BH, j.•, HA, ~ru•J10. I IJlk rron1 beach. \'~·:arly, Call 673-21.7.i_ '.! BR. 2 BA, Jge. $175, Lease. No fll.'l~. • Cl!.-1·1!¥.l • e LANDLORDS e F1U::l': RJ-:NTAL SEl~VICE Brokf'r 5.14.69.'1'.? RENTAL SERVICE f Rf>:E TO LANDLORDS • Blue Bea(:on ti l:'>·Cll 11 * UNI-'U){ apt or s1 11aH house l East Bluff 5242 or 2 BR!, ~aragf' & 300 gq It • NEW DELUXE e or rnore cle;1.n room ror ~ B. ?I;. b I . 8SS€'n1bly or i;nialt ll1tXlf'IS. • 1• --a apt. 0~ lea~ \\"ill paint ln~id{' ::i~0.-179:; lt1t·L spac. 1nastr. suite, din ' I'm. & dbl. garage, auto. GENTLEi\IAN l\'anls Roon1 door (lr>ener a vail. Pool & .l Board, Nf'1vport 0<.:h rrc. arra. Nr. Catholic arf'a. Phone &1&5-171 Churl'li, ,\dt!ll~. no P<-'1~. Rooms for Rent S99S LAGUNA BEACH Air Conditioned ON J.''ORE!:.i' AVENUE Df:.~k spaee avail.tbl' In newe~t office bt.ildlng at p1•in1e Iocatlun in U01vruo"'n Laguna. Beai·h. Air l'.:011(.h· L!oncd, l:11.11>eted, beautlful t>nt.rance:s: Frontage on Foresl Ave .. 1'('a1· leads lo ?.JuneipaJ p;U'king Jnts, $50 per n1onU1 for space. Desk and cl1airs available fo-r $5. Business Oouts a11sv;erin1: i;e1vice av&ilable tor $10. All utilities paid c."<cept telephone. r r1d11, Octobtr' 17, 196• DAILY PILOT BUSINESS •nd FINANCIAL FAMOUS BRAND NAME CA .. '\'DY ROUTI!'.$ No1v available in Co6ta t.Tesa & n1any othrr 101vn.~ in rhi.5 arra, All locations are ron1. n1rrci11J or 111.ctorv. \'"I'' h1&h <«1rn1ngs, no s~ll ing i;. vo!~·r(I, To (JU&.l1ry yuu n1us1 be r<'liable &: ha vf' I hr a day spal'e 1in1e tdays or f'\'f'SI. S1200 ro $l1;xJ REQUIRED Inquire abo111 01.41· "ft•cc bonus rou1(' plan". t-.lake your fu-SERVICE DIRECTORY tun-secure 11·1th us. a Dunn & Bi·adslrr·rt ratffi Na!ional A1ph1lt, Oils 6520 When You Want it done right .•• Call one of the experts listed below!! SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY C;:.:;.•~cpoo:ct_:C~l•~•::.n~;~n~g--6~6~2=.5 Ironing 6 755 c~~"o;i•,n'i'i'". -.A;;;,,,;c,,-,.o.:,-::,1;;;:''";0;1 ""'!'H'!'A'!"RB'!"O!"!R~GR'!"E!!EH-S""' 1 ti73-337S COZY 2 Br., lrpl. Ground BAC1IELOR u~furn _from floor. Nr s hopping. SlSQ $110. Also avail 1 -2 1.:.. :1 Hal ·p tnchin & Assoc 675"·1:i92 Bdrin. l leated pool!i, t"hild 1 ---~~---·~--('a1·e center, a r:lj lo shopping. e ONL \' ~'.!l J e !lf,~1 An11gns \\'ay, N.B_ IJC:LUXE .'l HI{, '.! BA. Encl f?R 1 or :.! }01111g 110111"~· ~··i A 11. 3_ :-;tuden1~ or cn1p. NI' i;:ar. <.J. ,.m1go8 ay. ~3 .J. \I' 1 111 h ,. t;-· j(f'" ·r.s c 1 li op8. , a r a.g r DAILY PILOT :?:!:? l-'OP..E!i"'l' AVENUE L-\GUNA BEACJ I 49·1·9466 Co, t'or 1nor<' l1lI01111ation - .i;en,J namr, atldrPss & phone S~AL!NG & PATCHING CARPET & upholsl1•ry s!ran1 no. 10: ROUTE DRPT, p o Rcs1dcnt1al • l ndu~ • Con1c·1 l'lt11.1irrl, also carpt>t 111. Bo:.; 5S Pomon:i, Calir. 9i7f.i~ ('ontpl reas se1v. C~trcntly i;1alla!1u11 . r-:rsu!1~ g11a.s.·. For l d ' A I Sh engaged by Ciry of L:.i\L Jor fn'r r!it. l'ali fMi-~1!)71 \\'!LL t!1• 1r<j111ni;: in llo1nP, l.ic <i fJJf'l''' • 64\r 7UK.' * J1·on1n;;. Alter0tt1(,•h. Brin:; (H\'11 h11n.i::rr-.. • J 1:'.>-l>O!i6 • 1x·r nio. iJ-"J space avail. ~:.o 81 111.:h• s1;, Co-on• "•I Ma• 1lbl. Prcler no11.s1Hok('rs. :=;.;' ==...c";:;....:c;;:;.' _ _:S::2=:.50 ~>18-----17\ I l\IOOJ::ltN A ii· condi!iontd sui1r, 17th Street. Costa l\lesa . 01'cr 700 square reet, S1·10 per n1onU1, P11.r king-- , a 1•1 ppare op i;treei restoration. l ::.C::::::::::=:::=:::::::=~ Like ~ro 01vn. your 011·n busi· NATO CORP. BACHELOR apt lur rent. $85 No [)('ls. ness. ll('re .~ a real oppor. r;rn'\ Contrac!or~ £38.:,.~JS 66'0 1un1ty ti) 011·n your own s!1op 11·11h a ~ma]] 111ve~t111cnt for B1bysitting 6S.50 ELECTRICAL S r r v & Jinitorial 6790 rixtun's in !h(' Fount410 Val-:..;;_:.c:;;_;.;;_;;:_ ___ _:_:c:~ Hep111r :?-1 hours/7 day.~. f\u 1-----------l'Ofil•e roo1n j a n i t o r :set'l"kc all t1lllitii:s in. per mo. incl u11J. :!iOO Pc!('rson \Vav • 673·11 3Q * Costa l\1e~a :HG-o'.:10 NEWLY COMPLETED l Bl't kllel1l'rlf'lles, :sieeping DUPLEX m1s. Hf'ated pool. t-111.irl 1 BR fu rn apt. \\'ilh g111~. :! p{'()plr Ok. l l60. 67;'}.-jjj3 01' fii:i--0098 MARTINIQUE GARDEN APTS. '.! sr:.. :! IJ". ($:!:.Ol or ~ BR. servi<·f'. $30 per irk & up. ,lJO 3 ba \~3:.'5 J. Pnv. pat1os,1,,;'0",;';c"';'~'=--~~-- cuv, garages. Cp(d., draped, SLEEPING rnis SJO wk. t <·luded. Phone l\Jr. Rtfi' G-12-9660 I•'} a!'ea. All nlt'!Thandisf' BAR:fS!TTINC. ~ly honir. Joh !oo i.1nall. ltcn1od & ad-SPARh:LE ,J:uii!orial & \\'in· is 011 i•on~ignmrnt .. No in. Day/111re l\'arn1 fOOIL Nii:<:' 1l1l1i•n~. Ir .is clcc1r1cal 111· <low clc;uiini; St~rv. \\'Hi· \'l'~tn1tnt in rnrrchandi!;r )ar1t. l111a111 01\ li l:!-~·~9'1 fix ii ! 6·!&-4172 do11·~. rr.sld., coni.'l. eon!>l. BACHELOR apt. shag drps, util ptl. $l20 cpl:;, Ext't'llent, park·like sUtr<ltind. ing~ fQr adults only, Nea ~ shopping. Pool. =========~I I, :! & :: Bf! APT,..; cvmp. h!f.j11~. Best \or, BR \1·1ki1t hrnl·ttc ~4:i 11·k. 70-,:) _ 707 01•t:h11J l!P-al eil ll!'.101. ii.laid :.r rv1ce. S.\JALL Offli;e uni t-aln10~1 300 :.q. lt. Carpet:s~uti111 1t>s paid. Short te1111 lease OK. Cri•a l loca1.1011 a rl j a 1·,. n t f:11hrn·~, Orange County a 1 1· port t1l'l"<1. Pl1one •1·1•rkday~. !l--5, ~.41)..2381) DELUXE 3 roon1 olliel' SUllC i11 Corona del Illar, Prr~tige localiurt. Panelled, 11 e w cn!'JICL~ t.: drupe~, pr1val<' pul'ldn~. Rea!o1111n1ics Corp. pay 11Jlrr it is sold. \l'r trai~ ALL day or a!trr ~l·hool. niy ELE('rRICIAN: Licensed, ClC'anup. FrPr rst. %8-'.l\.i!ll. you & :.upcrvise you al no ho111P E·s1d(' Cl\l , 1 yrs or bondPd, sm11ll JObs, niatn! .t DUTCll i\laint Sc rv, CJ'p1 * 67.).0~t°il * •• '75-4050 0 --...... .\~I() V\c\oria, nr HarOOr. BACHELQlt'S Hoorn, .~60. ino. 1nl'I 11111, !lfl c.;ook1n.-;. 11 1-11.tl no"" f'llan only "~'f>C'll.'¢. For compli:tl' 1nfur. 01·r r plralit". 6·12-43Sli. n:p1t1r~. ~S-J20:l l'ln:;. fir wa....:in;;, 11 indOw n1atio11, 11 ntr or phone f . L. -. -. ~ . n 81lbo11 4300 li77 S;1nla Ana. Apl lll "----------6--16-5.).12 or 6~2· J 46.l Ticrnry, :!L1o i\/oi'lh !!oily· GOUlJ t:a1·c for ~·o'.ir 1·l11hi 11·a~hini::. l!a11·y van vcync n ii-IXX I \Vnv Burbank CaliJ Lunche!, fenced }all.!. Days Floort 666.5 ~..:l7-l:..US if 110 tins c111l ail 3, l'ho11e (~i:ii 8~3-4J·H>° . only C.l\f. 646-21(11 CARPET VJNYL TILL EST AT!:' 7'la.r1t Tree Sl.'rv FRIGIDIARE SIT, 1ny honir, C.~I. Clr1111, Frcr r~t. Lie. c.;onlr. :i-10-7262, Removal & tri1nn1in:;~. tree 673-11·18 BEAUTIFUL. Bay vie11·. '.! i\IERRiiltAC \VOODS Br. ~200 u11I paid. Beach. A , ·. . ho1ncy atn1osph~re; 1nany 5-16-4 178 c~tin1a1t-. Lall 5'11-00S.'J. JET ACTION rers. &1~2001 1 ~========= l;=oOO:"_".~~==~~:I 1 k' Ad I! 30~ n f':o;cinng: new f'oneept ir1 P rr, P~ 1'1i:'.· u s. · luxurious apt. living. !-2 E.Edge1~ater .. {7111 871-2866 BR., 2 baths \vith EVER Y ~ .. -HOO:\! for 11orking 1na11 11•1!h ....,. or 1vl1hout cooking P r lv's, Fr1~idai1'\' 18 rnin. 1ra~h. * BABYSl1i'l!'\C, 4iay or Girdening '6IO Landsc1ping 6110 Fa.,,teSL Ill the 1ndu:;try. lO. nile, l\lal(nolia & \Var nFr, .:.__c:c.__.::_ ____ _ CLEAN Bachelor Apts, CANCEIV ABLE ITATURE. All util incl :S85 up Jst Units a vailable Nov. J:>L Nici' lli(:a lion. 6<\2--032!i o~ ·rEN ACRES lc,,c;,-'-c,c,.,c,=o&c· c,c,,,,.:.:,o,.;:,::;:klckc·1-,,.-,,_ 3\:i E. Balboa Blvd. Srar1ing al Sl40 .. Adul!s. 4Z:} BA LBOA 673-9'.14:-i i\1er1n1ac \Vay tjust East of OCEAN Front, 1 & 2 BR fu n1 :!600 llarbor Blvd.) ap1s. \Vintrr. 507 E. Balboa 675---60'.'!0 Blvd. 673-AASO Bkr. Lido Isl• ~3S1 ~20 NORD BEACH APTS. Nr.1v furn. Garage. S200· S2'2.'l 4 ~2~ 1no. 714 I 5~ D\xon .•• ~3SS Bilbo• Island •1----------1 four :S<:hool Teachers Share nc1v S. Baytront 4 Bl'. ORLEANS APTS. l Bn a vail. Adults only. 17~1 Tustin, Costa ~1c~a l\Jgr, 1'1rs, Carson, 64:!-%41 Fairway Villa Apts l Ha, beaut. decorat!'d, Ian· Near Orange Co Airport & laslic bay v1c1~· \vith sand UCL Adi;!ts only. 20122 beach a t ~·our doorstep. S·lOO Santa Ana Ave, a40.2796 n10. 67:>-667.l 2 BR, 2 B.o\ opt, JOO' from NE\V 2 BR, .1 BA, shai; crpt. beach. ~22J yearly lease. Di-p~. dish11hsr, patio, hean1 675-5207 ceiling, f.rp!c, ga.r, Adulrs, no pets. Slli.i. :lii;'J() Eldt:n, 537--0'.162 after 7 pin & Sun. Orange County 4600 Sli5. :; Br -!-gue~l hse, POl)I , I ~;.;:..;,,;_ __ __,_____ blu1s, 1,1•/v.•, c!rps, Family & SINGLE \"oung atlults, hi:,-li111I Jl{'l 0.J{. Bkr 33·1--6980 ury g'.rrden a~ts, iv/!111! AVAlLABLE no,v, 2 BVRill. rrere&tion facihtirs k ro111 · crp1s, drps, b ltlns. carport. plcte privacy. &>~!h B~y AduHs. No {X!l!l. 5-1S.fi76!l , CI u b Apl~. :.17 Nl_l _-~-c-~=''-c~=~'--'• Brookllurst, Anahtllll (71~) DLX I!:;" 1 BR. l !i BA 1riplPX, 772-4500 fl'pll', has f"VC'ryt!11ni;. 22~ll i\lini'r, SU!O. ~'1:>--81J2 Garden Grov• 4610 '.! BJ-. apt, bl!1n~. r·rpls X: <]rps, Gar. Adults, no pct:.. SNGLE Young Ad1~l t~ Lux-'l'J l2 Pomona. 640-Jl&l. ury garden apt<: 1~·Jlh coun- trY fluh amto~phe rc 11nd 2 BR,_ 1 ~1 Ba, + patio, nr (•o n1p!ete privary. SOUTH ~ho_rp111~, ~adult$, 110 pe.ls. B,\ y CLUB APTS 13100 51 3.i. 642-2389. Chapman A1·r .. Gard£> n STU DIO · 2 Br. nrw crpts k Cn•1·r fll·il fi3(',-'.":(}J(I drps. 1l\1Jl.~. f ;lrporl. poril. No child agrs 2·10. 646-0491; lagun1 Beach 4705 SL',O:? BR 11 ppcr. hltn~. t'rpls, DELU:\F. B~ch. flpL, T\"o. rlrp~, 4 nn 11.rls. JG8 \V. \\"1lson end, 2nd fir, priv. l'ntr . -'-'c· c"_!.HT~l='='"-----,... dt>1·k, \·1,·. l blk lir h. & Sl~O. '.! BR upper. S101•', shop, Adt1lt, ~1.1:1 !TIO. rt ll"tg. Ulil 111rl"d ~~!-99R'.!. "* (H2-::.;1:1 * 2 RR. 2 ba lU'<llr)' !urn ;,p(. 2 BR. CP1S, flrps, bll•lS. Ut ll Pool. hf'i>.rh. ~JOO n10. prl. ll!Jj. Adul!s, no pct~ ~l<'1'l1n<> P.rallv ~~1-2')~9 :-i4~2ti27. !'l68-1i40 Gos )r."rn11~t .llwv, l,'IJ: B!h 1-iir.. 11•111·, rlrps, ;::::ir, ponl. :? Br:. ~ BA. \'1ell', deck. Uhl p•!, arlu!!~. no prls. !\car bcarh. Arlulls. \12.'>--:Sl:iO :,.1s..0:;~6 ==='=C"°'=l=l='='='·="='='='===IS\1:, P1•r mo. 2 P.R. 1 sn\11 \1 40 ehilfl 01\. No p••ls. Bit-in;;, Do_::•~n:•..;.P"ocicnct ____ •_7:__ c1·pt;;, •lrps. ~i3:\-~G2. All, :>. 6i: .. t;70[) l & :O IIR. Fut·n & Unfiirn s:;o. 11 k stt11J1o apt. 237G f'~irep!ares / priv, palios ; 1'.'t~11·porl Illvd. :-..IS-9;J.i. .::==::::::::::::=::::::.:: 18 n1i11 11•ashC'li 11ilt do lhc l'V. 84'.!-647~1 11·ork or 4.J, ::o n1i11 11"asllr~ 1-----------Fl~I C I DJ,\RI:: OUTST.4.Nn . LICENSED Day cai·e , '1'rl'k JNG LOCATIONS: La i\lii·a. day.~. inf:.t nt th1u 5 yr:o;,~ So. da niajor shoppin;:: f'l'lll{'r, Coa~t Plaza a.r('a, ~19-4038 Pools. Tennis. Contnt'J Bldst, NICE 1.:l~;1n roon1 Io r 9()1) Sea La11r, Cdi\1 6-1~-Zlll l e111ployeJ n1an. Costa illesa. lillacArthur nr. Coast Hwy) l.i'i:"C.-c'o'"'~,_.,,c-c,,.,-,---,...~ PRlVATf_; Entrani:e nr b11 th. l BR rear house. Stove, ~-r,,11 only. ~,){) pi.'r nio. Call 1·rfr1g. & nc1~ <"arpcls. lif·forc noun :-ws-::(i!lG 2 Bf:. 2 ba .. JUSt COlll~lcleU. -::::::=========- C1trp., dr;ipes, Uishwasher. -M I T I C S bll·111s. ote 1. r r-. rt•. 997 3 BR. :; ba. £l'and ne 11 . 811 tn \;-E~ ra1 rs Sra Lnrk d1slnvashcr, cpt.~. drapes, ~!otcl, 2:m1 l\r11port Blvd., paliu. . Co~tii l\le~a Don Franklin Ttllr. u;::.2222!1"~==~======= .Nr;AR Ocean 2 Br. u11fur11 Gue1t Homes 5998 /\pl, f:illl:\, lll'll' !Tpl ~ & ___ :.:_:_: drps. No pc!s or cluldren. PRIVATE roon\ l11 licrn~~d S200 n10, &<j-8:.{iO or 673--4S !l board & !'arr horne for ~ll's. Ca~cy, A~!. rldrrl y grnl l r 1ncn. 1\n1ubliltory only, ~,~S-~i22:i LARta:: :?1 ~ Bft -i-:! bath•. blk to lx.•a,•h. bl1 1n ~lo\c & Misc. Rent•ls 5999 d1sh"'hr, cpt~ I drps. fl.'o :;;::::_:::::;.::;::_ _ _;.:.:.:~ JH'\S. S2l} i\lo )Tly. Jl01,~ '.! Bdr , r~. rond. Vir11·, Jris, 67:-,_;,~:,'.! choler ' arra, su11n;, patio, :; Bit. 1 Ea. l:1u11dry nJOn1. 1n111. yd. 111a1n. $:?7:, yr. lsc. liltns, {!i:.1111·;.i~hrr, fli'\I' ~hag .\,1-1101 1Tpl;:, no pct;<;, p1'{'f cpt.l 1••rc>1~,c· '"rc":"n-,c0c"c"c"c,_--.,-,-,.-,,-,, ~;c:,. !ii;)..Jj~ flJr s!oragr; N'p1.: c~1:-.1' or NEIV large 3 BR. 2 .BA. Cos1~ i'i lc~a a1'('a. 6<~;,,)96 Vit•11·, bean1 c£>1l1ng.!i, l!ltins. rpts, 1ll'ps, b{'~t e r r a . 6/J--6004 Slor11 g,. gdr11ge SI.> 20' "' ;!j' x 10' hli;:h Sth11·orr'r li73-2(ij.! CO!lOLlDO /\pis. 1 Bl' r.11RAGES -10x20-Hlx1:i .. ~l .'1 stuthos, i.o1nc •v/fq1\~·~ :'i.l~O X· :';"1() rno. NP~r OC a1rpo1·1, & up. Al~o ~nthou;;r S'.!:W. Pulisadrs Hd, :tl8-J0·14 Pool S· pa1i05. li73-3378 ---~---.----.~20 i\lo. separate si11,i,:le 1 B~ unf. All ut1I pr!._ Stove, g;,ragr. Cor. 23 rd & Orange, rrfr 1g, l'pls, drps. $\.JO 1110. C'os1a Jllrsa. 5'lll-O:i2t i\laturr adull. 6i:;..S:t'l!I turn J Income Property 6000 lndu1triel R•nt1I 6090 -----------e l~j() sq. IL Sl6j/1nonlh Co~la l\le~a. • :1100 sq. IL ~ olf 1cc!, 3 ph11sr f)01Yrr. S :; I 0 / n1 o . Co~ta l\lesa, e 17;)() lo IJ.CIOO ~(l. II. nOll' lra;.J11g, nndl'r c<•nsu·iJ~'lH)Jl l'tista ;\J e~<1. C. flobei·t Nattrr~s Rral1or Costa l\l('~a 6·1i-1~~J HUNTINGTON BEACH 907[1 Sq Fl lndusnial ~p;ice. Il a.~ ::400 sq !t, 11-ir C011(Jl!ion. cd olfl,·r~. $\j j(I p!'I' lllOlllh. Garden Grove & Buena Park. Brick, M15onry, etc. Coin-0-Matic: 6S60 Equipment, Inc. BUILD, P.!'n1odcl, 1·l'p11ir. :!:;3.p ~ \V, V:.:i lrncia Bl'irk, b!ocl>. 1~011ci'f'!e, Fi!ll \"rton i1 I: ~j..iS.11 car~nlf'l")-', no job loo s111al1. MANUFACTURING E.~1-11i11d1ng: conipany needs nl:~n for supi>1·vision or prn- rlut:t1on. $15.000 1nvr stmenL ~a!a.ry open "f. sharr In prol- iL~ f---<:(Jnlpilny l'l'ingf' hrn. rf11~. For appl Jihonr 111 ·11 ~ •• ~9.~Sil, C'.\l ~!>O, Pl'1nr1p;J.\' only, CUGl'·'71.cE--\\-, A-N-'T_E_D--, -, I opr1-11!r ~n1all 1·afr1eria on Lie. Conlr. !l62·1i91j Business Servic• 6562 TYPESETTING N~w 11nd con1plrle ,. o [ d t~p(" fa(·1l 1l1t•s ~el'l'tni;: all 01 Orangr l.\1u11\y, 011<'1'4 Jng spcf'dy ~t'l'\"icr & lo'v l'~Trs. Ca!! for furthl'r 1nfoi·1nation. (11 41 8~6-C3jJ profes~ional bldg. i\·Just hel~========== know\£!<lp:abl r !.· drsire l~t f'i(1;:s O]X't'a1ln11. Conlal'T i\lr. T1·r11111al;1, ~::i-2~i0 r \t :;1o1. l\'orld Trend~ E!rlg, Lu;;una I !1!l~. . C•rp•nt•ring 6S90 CARPENTRY l\IINOB. Rl!:PAJRS. No Job TO(' Sn1all. Cabinet in i ar· R. D. Slates .A:;I, ;,::6-SSOl 1-~XCEl.LE:'-.'T fHl.lfll n1.1k1ng pla11 fol' dub~. c h n t· (" h groups. oi"ga111zat1ons a 11d llll' ind1\'idu,1!. D<)llhlr ;>-oul' n1011c:.v. 11'11f.· or pi1u nf' nr.11· f,11· frrr , 1•nn1rlr!r-111fo1·nv1. liUll, C'o1n p11b, 10.iS 1::. \.Sl Sl. Suite '.!0.1. 111~) .~.\t).69;'i"1. OllESS Sho11. J\lodr-0-Day, ages & o I h e r cabinets, 'fRAILJ::H. ~1r:::;. ~r1t1p 011 I '~ h11~y B1ie1111 Park al'l'<I. 5'1~8175, it no an.o;\ver lcavf' r1•11c1'll ar·n·s. 10,0CICI lifl_ ft ;.-Owne1''. 527·3~46. 8·17-3827 t 6'6 "J-• 'I 4()il!J' dovk. Rcdl ·and ~ msg a ~·~ 1 •• ~. O. Anderson <1n'.•:i--t.c fl. :-ic hw 11rr r 1fi:;.21:;,·,.1 Bus , Wanted 6305 CARPENT!~\', ca b 1 n,. 1 :-1 500 SQ. FT. BLDG . I< 17th SI., Cos1;1 7\·lrsa , '..120 J·:l1•l'. powrr. Availahlr Nov. l ~I. ss:, ~111nth 6T.>-G700 ULDG for Ira»(', 11,1"(.l() !IJ fl l'ropcr1y 90' ~ 300'. ~1~,_11 :::~ {lay$, 1-:vcs. 6~2-1479. ~l-10 \\'. l ltY ('l' 11 p.,, .1 Ren1od. f\o Jtlb toq ~n1nll, J .. t.Hioii:;-11 ·~ :.;iop, qunlll 11·01•k.Callli1t>-:!.'17!i Nr11-[XJrl fi(h, L;1gu na 13rh ___ Y__ _ ___:_ prof, Pnv prty. I ~ I 3 l QUALITY Rep;J1rs -Altera· 1/\2-J7iJ l ion~ -New roni;t. by hour or Contrarl. li46<l44:.! Money to Loin 6320 REPAIHS, ALTERATIONS --~--------1 CABINET. Any sizr 1oh 11th .. c .. \L UNFUR~ or partly Br . garage npl. • 677>-l:i::.~ * ~.u J:'ullerton. $·!l~,\f ('q, I\E\V Jnr:lu.11r1111 Bld<>.~ (•• °"==========-I .~$2;\! sp.•n1fulJJr. .1 2 () 0 l\1 ,..., '" 2nd TD L :?.i yrs. r x-prr. ;,18-1171':; oan RF:P!\/f;, l'artitoons Sn1a!I nen1ode!. clc. Nitr or day, Rf'ai:~ Call KEN ~~l0-<167:1 -I•' • 2~ •q 1· 9 '' !6"9 Pro111 pL t·o11!it:c11Li~I srrvic~ c·<ish. Tri.~. ~t<)('k r"qd; sonic ~is~. ·""' ·' · '· (' · :. ' p1•rpi!, f!ig r>Olrnlinl. J rai·e 1_• 0 1 7 0< 7 ,,_·0 0 \_1,_._c_,,_1_. _6_13_-_!JO_T_l_. _ 642·2171 545-0411 !'r1·11111g-J !a rbor are.1 :!lJ yrs. ~<'V('t'AI lrg f.: sn1lr 1nr!u~.t ,';,; 4.000 SQ. FT .. nr. H11rbor & S I ;1pt 1·rin11'lf'\<'~. Bkr/b!t!r Bakr.r. C'.ill. ,\\·a il. at oncr . att er Mor.fg•g• Co, f,.11-426;, SULl.JVA.\i :'i40-4~2ll ___ :i_::G_E, 11t h .Slr(!r l Huntington Beach 5400 2 BDRMS. -2 BATH ~1:101 ~10, llP.,\TED POO L 2 ·r . I fr. 2 IND"s·11 ·1 \L I \ SlS 000 1u(·d. 'Ill 'til"'S. l\t·'s. OF np l:.\l'~. .! .; '· f'ach, '"' .• ' uni ~. \"e>I ' !)(< ,. " ' gara-.:e~. Co~la ,\lr~:i llilh SI. N.B. $(i0 to )11 0. for l?()Qff 1rnl "'!air lo~n. Cement, Concret• 6600 e CONCf!ETF: 11·orl; a 11 !,vpl':>. Ponl deck~ & .:us1om. Citll ~1 13-1 32·1 h111·u1'f' S1l1dlo ''111;. t'01'1 U1, l:Pal1ur ti·1''--ll0[) G-lft.li24 r ;Han1, 01~. llli'. Ada1n~. 2f.20 D<>lawafco 11.B. • ' ==========::. B1·01'i>r * 4!)9.~I ~() * CONCRETE: F ! o Qr i;, G16-96Gl.i anyt1n1{' ;,:lt,.J~lH B . p 6-· _ pa tios, r h· P..easonahlr. Call 6620 LARGE J Bit 2 Ba., -"-'-'"-·-·~·--'0~P~·-'-'~Y __ 0_c50 ;L;0;';'======;6;1;00~ Mortg•g•s. T.D.'1 6l4S Don, 611-8.il~ fircplu ~r $1~:; 1110. Abo ne11· SACT:1r·1C'E • o wner hn$ l 13R $1 2J, Ncul' Ol'l'ai1, rwi. ,.1,,1n:..;•' nf pl n n~ tor dell!\(' IDEAL 1·t1nd1 liv\ng, ahnost CO;>:STJ{LiC.'TION i\l one y Contr1ctors tlrck, i,:;ir. :tlJ~B 11 r h ldrl~ al 1810 P!acPnlla. C.ill. 11.n at·ir. \1·0nlor1i:: on an a\'&ilatilc for lr.ron1e pro-~1~G-1~.l!l, (ii:\-178·1 1-1 T n S~!\.~00. A~'U lll'' oran_t!r g-r(11(' in Capistr:in(1 <lu~in:; properly. Fof(>ign k Formica Fabricating lili'•· /\n !'('<\SO!lilhll' o11P.r t'1(y J11n 1!.o;, 111 li1 Dal•a Pl. dnn1ei;!1t:. i\IOlcL'i, N11rsing fully lOQlr<I fae!ory in Co~ra. 2 B('droo1n. 2 l!alh, ,··pt<>. l lo c SI c· , 'I >:' '· , I "' rr·f•l<;Cr! Ca.JJ 011 nrr/hrok<'l' hrct'~f' .. zoned .~1naH f':.;lalr, in .s. · 1opp1n1; en l'r~. 1 r~;.i .. 1n,; op~ -•·ai1n .. ~ -<l1'<1)1CS, built iri~. H~·st lU\'il· O f I · ll I " I T 10 °~ ~c!l-~-1 7 1 hol'~r" pr1w11lrr!. all util., 1 Ce U ! "Jn b s , (•uslon1 or1n111t,:. or ·'~'"· t1011. J blk 10 •)Pon\! ~LOl'C1\.l 1•!!!11liii!iil!iiji'"'iiiiiii A I R I I I ,, 1nr! ~c1i'i·r. S29,!!i.i. Owner. parrmrn ~. ctr. \Vrite JJr aw n1atrr r1 ~ 10 t 1r fH1uo1c S14il. 1111 1'"u111 1~h1·ii !. 1111· 11 ·1· I I'· I ' I I 1· Bl k K ·hi R t ·l.'J\-4:!"4br(nrej~,\:\lf . r ;i · J1(' >.e!l1Y &· f..· 1rr~1,u pan, ·11 .~1 1·011r-f111n1~lwU 64~-2s.::·., ,H ac n1g es. ~., l.nsun1ncc Company, 21J lf'o1is h1U ~ on ,'inll &. l;:;r JOils, il11-S:lO~ 7701 ~'.l11i; /\pl D .:::o t:. l jlh ~!.. ('ill. ., "\ o~' . CJa1·k H u 1 Id i n •", Bil'ln· Opl'n ,<:,\')' a1n, ----'' -··" ' Old" ) oc t:,\N ~-LA.\ . ·' \ Ll'IV * BEACH BLUFF * l.d " · ,,. Jn .• 01 thi~ 11·oodst'y, ar1i~lic in;.:han1, 1\Jahan1.i :.::,~o:, Ha rdin Ent~rprises l\•~w 1 & 3 BR.'.! BA. f \iJ't'· Rv Oiirwr -;i 1 (iJ:.r;~no !>.rt!in::: ou Rlur Hiril CHn}un l'honr 1~0.-,) :!:i l-:12.~r;. ~I:; \\'. 1.q111 ~I , C )I. rd a 11·, d:;l111'f'll\''i, 11a~10, V;Jll ;1·, r•nninl 1,. all bkr~. n.i. La;.: nr h fi~.',...\1'2:; ---'\,--:-" Rr;·f(:r:~--* 64:?-'2S~:.'_• __ ~ pt'l()I, \'If'\\'. 1 S.· 2 l'l•'1:.·. -~.-,::.ooo .s.·a.<-oiwrJ 1.,t TD. Medallion Homes \I nlk 10 :i Pu111t Shops. Or1ng~ Co. P rop. 6 '20 7 pa,\ al1le s:;oo 1no. 8' i , iilu· 1r1 l'l~~·::'i;,7 B -c"c'c;"c•c•c•:....;Rc•c"c'c'cl __ 6c0c6;.:;0 --~----~---1~ 1111J11111~. ,'1',lrl ;ii SI01.!)l)O ® NE\V LL\:>.'1JRY 1 "'2 HI! -Jl.OO.\! t•or. A BL.::"\Cll -ti \\111 1 s.JO.(J® •JOIJll; 1111 ;, ~ jJ1\T1 0~ f... Bi\l . .C'(l:"'>ILS ON THE BAY tnH· · :: ti;•· h ll~I' ftini. 1111 A rre~ magi11f1ce11t ortr.11 U ''. ll••·c•I,,.,._ 11nl!-t"'-1'''ll •·· • ·· I nd I" 1·y AD LT L;VlNrt 1 .\TXU l~ll.)O;.; lt!OO ~(J 11 , off-" ,_,--1·101.; .--.... ~gt111<1 a -11'~ ~ ~t .HFSIDE CIJAl .f·:T n·e ,1 1 lllln 1i«T i.1..,., hy •'ill"flt'l~. rrlri~. 1nl·L Likr IJ1q·111111t. Brnkrr f',,t·l<'~r.Ratlry B111h.lr r~ ~2C2 Atlanta, 5~.G-2~00 CoH~I llwy $%0 1110. :.' )'Cnr 1 nr1<. 1h'ril 111 :: mn's. o ,vner ·1~7-1110 nr ·19::.1700 F.vrs. i;.u.;,.ro1 pO'•T•l.B.• ,. v.,, ~., n ...... le11~r . li7J·722J lra vin~ al"l':l. Sl l,9:i0. l\i>y 111 ~c.;TTo---;;;-\Vhi lr \Va (cJ: v1;;-1 110,\!E BUlL -cUcl.cll-- " "4 ., '-' • "•· "·' I I R I Four S<oason~ !"Rlrs Offlrr, 1 BR \l'/pool. ·uasc:. children. ~J;;;,. No 2 BR \\'/11' rrp!s, 1lrps. b\lns. 1-2 rhilrlrcn ok Sll'1 mo. Nr ~£>eluded Iii lo". •tr<' Ja~''" I 1:1rrl " & o~< R,.a tor~ lot 111 Lagu11a B£'11ch. $6,000 E1111ld 011 your ln1 , <·u~101n ·• ~ " " 'b ... • l' ~ It I\ :>.lal(n01in /:.· l ndi11nr,,.oh~. * 4~~2Qj,} * ~rhl.<-. 91i2-:l0~J:i n,.. 1-I•, <I"<"'' •.. ,.,. _"'!"·__'._ · ... l:p.bt llJ, Cr' I n1~O1110. 1nel. 9•,;. Alt r!ue crafl~n1anshi p k dr~1g11. ..... • "' " b ' -1 r11n!1na1nn P.rar li. 9fiil-'lflfl(J. '. RENTALS /lriults 11:·n. !t:2-i \16 FOi~ lf'R~f' • rlrlu.\r pro· l yrar.~. 12':0 Discount l<l'cry l'nom a. n11t~!r 1·p1p1·r. • :! RR, S!fl\"r. C1·p1~. d1TJ~. "' A I Unfurnished frpll', dishi\'hr, ihsposal. 2 BR. cnc.;losvd Pa 11 0 , les~io1111 I hlr!(:'. Only $4:>CI per R. E. Wanted 6240 BHOl\ER 491-8100 rtea~. l.ic. bondl'd. :Ji~..()769 P s. Adul1~. 110 pets. 5-l'l-:1181 ii•ashini:::: faC'il. Adults onl.Y. n10. Suitable rnr meny us<:>s. $;~100 2nd TD. Jo ~;, Jnl . GENl!:Rll L Contrnctor. All Generll 5000 $1 35. 847--66!i2 -1Kl"O P !11cen1ia, C.~J. C11.ll NOTIC[ J>;;i~·oif Or t. 'IL Seasoned. c11-rpcnll'y, con•-relr, atld & ! 1;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.1 B h l o::.CC..."--"~-----·I 011•ncr 494-~Hi l Pay. $~:. f\1Qn1h on 4 Br. ren1odcling. 2:, yrs "X· • I• N~•~w,po;..;..'.1...;c•c•_•;____..;::.S=2=00= 2 BR, rh)ldrcn & pet ok. C0\1~1FflCIAL bid, ,. '1ouse. .in Orange. 67:;..2916 perienrr. 331·7984. 8~7-~82 • VEN DOME Crpl~. drp~. rnnG:c, gal". • ', • g .. pi in~: If you l11il'f' a l or 4 l:>c<l1001TI NE\VPOHT BEACH Villa Sl3J mo 961.1637 loca !1on, dov•n!nwn C.i\J. 2.J home for ~ale or ror rl'll1. • .\pt. Exclusive se"tion, I""· · · lronl"'"'f' e:mo --0,1• "Ol ' " "" "~ · .,. """ · .,....,.. ' f·J.ll us today. \rr rrprr~ent L\ThfACULATE APTS? ury living; large hra!ed 2 Elr duple.-.. carpels, di·ap··~. ·ronE r 1 J()O &: FAMI y pool, Pen!hOU!C vi e \\I. ~IO\'P & refr ig. s12:1 1110. s or C:l~l'. l sq. fl. lhe employees or a 111l'ge • ADULT • L •. ,,, 1~.3 0ePari!ron1 al Ne wport Pier. f11•m n1ovin~ 10 thf llartwr t SECTIONS AVAIT..ABLE Spaciou~ 2 BR, 2 BA, \\'el ,,.~,....""" ti7:>-7~i66 Are~ and lhr.y mu~t ha\·r. ., Clo1• to shopping, Park har, frplc. a l! clr.e, crpls, :? Bf~ u11furn 11pl. Drp.~. crpt. THE QUICKER YOU CALL, housinJ:(! All rash if de~ired . ~ * Spacious 3 s r·s, 2 Ba drp11. Artul!!<, no pets. $32."i bltu1s. Le<i ~c. c 1111 Farro'v ~rlf>..116•10 * 2 Bl'drooms !TIO. \\'cstc!iff Villas, No. 8. • ;.:\6-4j·l6 * ·n1F. QUICl\ER YOU SELL ( * Swim Pool, Put/~en Phonl' 642-2496 for 11.ppl . " • F'rp\, lndiv/lndry fa c'I! DELUXE 2 & :I BR 4-PLl:X 6070 5640 Offic• R•ntal Tustin . C1rpet Cl .. nlng 6625 2NI> T.D 1!0111(' In cily of 1-~-----=--- C~r~nn. 'i 1 i '~. All clu~ 6 yrs. • DIAi\IONDS arr. nie~SllTCd ~.11'1. inc: int. Disct 2:i',L lly qualHy, so arc ll'e~ R~0.00.~6 D!Ai\ION D CARP ET 1 ST d 2N Ds CLEANERS 6·1:;.J3J7 anylin1r a ft CARP l':T & Furn, cleaning: for I day strviee &: qua lity Sri. Calif, T.D'1. l nc. \\·ork. call Sterlin& for ZENt'rf.I 2--60().l • Toll Frer brlfhtnr~s! 642~&520 ANTHONY'S 644-4860 The Gest, C'Os\s no mor": L."<perie11ced Jllaintenai1ce Budget Landscaping Gra dua te I-Jorticu\turist AL'S Gai•dening & Lawn i\Iaintrua11cc:. Cornmcrcial, i11du~trial & residential. * 616--3629 • COMPLETE f Yal'd i\lulnt. CJca11up Rea~. 96S·19"181646·S~·17 \VANTED! t_;ARDEN ERS' VACUlil\l e 11::G-:!~.1~ e -_::_::___ Cut &: Ecl;;e L11-1vn l\lain1c;nanrt, Lieen~ed .1 1S--4S08/5"1~l!l9·t 11-ft 4 J a panese G;irdencr Con1p!e1e Yard &r.111'!!. ~·rPr Estln1atc <i·lti-OS:!ll F11 J1 I.awn Sf'l'l'Wr & (;entTal Yarrl Cl('ilnup ~o l0-•1969 !.'rrr li:stin111lr• CLl::AN.UP SPC:CIALI ST~ !1!01~·ing, f'l!ging, orld jnb~. Rrasonahlr. ~>·18·G!l:i~> Jl:Ol'S GardPJllll~ & lawn n1111n!rnanre. Rrs. & Con1- n1('1'l'lal. * '.:40-·IS,';? * Expe rt J apanes• Fl/\'F.:-l \VORJ\ 6~6.fl3.~·1 6682 GARAGE Doors Srr >irr.d & R('p;iin •r!. Grnrr;il !louse i\Iain t. $l0. 01111, 6i.>-:i:iS·J. H1ulinp TOP DoUar fol' old your garage, !<lore/and/or n101T, 6730 itr 111s IV I I I Lrl a snta!J b1i~inrl\sn1an Pa .I' at- !enllon to your nreds .. John. 5:16-6!'!6 YARD1t;a.r. c l e a u up . Ite1no1c 11·er~. IV)'. !lir!. 1r11 c.101· backhoe, J:i' a tJ c CLEAN UP k T n 111111ing Tree & shn1h rcn10\'11L Rr:i.~onablr. :J 19-11.'i!l HAUl.lNU, Clranup, IOI~ fTr J[;,111Jyn1.1n ;i11ylin1e you call ** ti l ~.:'!.1~\S .-* C!.EA N~l!p and ligltt llH;:'.-Call Da1·r • Stl-!'t!l.i • ----C1e1n UP And Haul sin a loarl \>·11;.:t .• ~~ Hou1ecle1nint 673S llO \J:i l::C1.b 1\NING!.- llrnc1•nJ l\lninlelllll1Cl'. C~i ll a 11y11111r, gootl rel~. rr.as! 1;!\HiOS I LJC'D .Japanr~.-land~r;<pe 1·vrJlrat·tor, L0"11rri.~. i;prklrs. P<1tlo~, <'IC. 8~0--:;Q:;7 M11onry, Brick 6830 RICHARD ALLEN Custom & Spanisii Masonry A Specia1ty1 Block, Brick, Concrete Free Est. 633-2343 P1perhanging Painting 6850 NEED PAINTING? Call us: Hc!iab!c Sc1v1ee w/ Qui\lity al ii.~ t.o('s1, at Lhe !1!(J~t. 1·r:iw 1i;,blc Pl'l<'Pli, j.'\·er r~11111<1lr~. J JS.131)()2 -. !NTl'~fl!Oil !i:XTERIOl':.ir f'aonling -Pi•rl'rhanging Lie. Jns. Guara111 red llan·1s Pai111ing" 642-1:-.:~~ ~UEURBAN Pa111!111g-,<Dl'c I::Xpl·1·t Guaranltetl \\'ork Fr('(; ('.,I. Nu Job !w \:1r;;e 0r IOU "111<111 . •1!1 1·3\~[l PAINTING Int & L):t Lowe:sl ro11tracled pric.;es. Fully u1s. Satisfaction gu.11 . Free est. J i1H \Vee.ks 6i3-lhi6 PAINTJi\G, Poip<:n ni:; Jli ;, r~. 111 llr1.rbor arl.'a. Lie·. & h0n1!r·(I. fl1'f~. ft11·11. li·l'.l-2::36. C & S P11l11tc.1·~. lnt·t~xt I 1011.-e & .1pl~. No JOb 10\l s111all. 1,75.:;9:_,:, a ft:,. UOF:l 'S il l:i~lt>r P11i111r1 · .~. E~n1111111·r. ('11~tqrn \l'O!'I~ unly .. :!l> ~o!l:!-"l~/(ij \\i1\LLPAJJl::r~JNG & J'AJi\'. TING, JO Yll."i 111 .:irta. 1~1';1s1Jn;ihlr ralPs. 6-1'l-O.i27 [l'i\'JNTl:\'G & pupcrh&ni::in.;. Reaso11:iblr. 11 ~1·;; exp. !.;rnn>1n >-k•ll.•. tH~-JJ22 INTE:RIOR & rxl. Avrragc .~ br. hsr, luhor only :1127 .. 'iO Cnlt 54S-1 ~1'lli Pla1terin9, Repair 6880 e PAT l' ll PLASTERING. All lyp\:s. Froe r stin1alc. (•all )41)..(i:;jt.l Plumbing f'LU~IRIN(.; 1\0 .1uh t\YI ~111all • fi-12-3128 • 6890 Remodel, Repair, 6940 F:lllLD, Reft1Q(Je l, P.epalr Brlrk. b!ock. co n c r e t •, crpntry, 110 job lOO s1na!I Lie. Ccntr_ ~2-6!M:i * JF \Oil nrrd 1·r1n11d("l 1 n~ r:u11t11i~ 01· rC'r:1 1r~. ca u 1)1('!;, lit'.'-1091 6960 1Jress1nnk1n>: -Al!~ral1un~ !'\pe~·u1I on hrrns. B1\\' &: Beach Jal\il6!1;1I ~r1'\', • (A.l'pt'I\, \1111Jo1r!;, flOlll'!:'. rtr. f"!t·! k Co m 111 e · I • li•lli-U.\.I!; • -c~T=1r~c~Mf.RY c··7LcA~S~S~f;~S-&Jf ... !4(11 (,\RPETS, l\'1udow;;, fir~. 1'1C. r.e~ or Con1c'I. Xl111 11·nrk Reas! Rrf,. ;,r!S-4111. \l'INDO\V CLt.:ANINt,_; l'l'OllllSI' 10 plrn:.P'. • '.i46-2'.!10 • e \VINDC)\VS DIRTY ': fl·ee 1'$1, 15 yeats f"Xf!. J ol1nny Dunn 642-2:~1 \\'OULD You believe I 111il! clear1 your hon1e for Blue Chip Sl11111ps? 897-73:il:I Bli.Sll::ST 111arketnlace in lo11·n. 111e D/\11.Y PILOT Clas~ititrl sec·tion. S a v r 111onr.v. time. & t ffort. Look nowl !! s1·11·111g . Hei11 11•!1!1 Chrill ln1a~ ideas. 6'1~1·\00 Al teration& -6424 5845 Nra1. /l ('curarr. 20 yrar~ exp T re• Servic• 6980 Bt::\VARE! ! Ruhbrr hi•cuk founcla lions. l'·rre <'.-<I. Any Tree Service. ~~1()...3920 Doti;:- Upholstery 6990 CZ\'K08T<l'S Cu~!. Uphol. I:.:urof'('un Cruft.~manship 100•;:, F'in! 642-14J.1 1831 Nc1vporl Bl., C.i\f. ~ IMS Anaheim Ave. APTS. Sl8CI 10 $220 mo. • T!!t<_.: r\SPEXS 1~i13;a \Villiam :-;1 , 131'.:AUTJfUL Exreuli\'{' of. Bus. O_pportunlties 6300 -·-----' COSTA f.IESA 641-2824 A d u I l s, illedilrrrane-1111 Vlliag-t ibrhind Park Lido Bldg Ho.-qrHaH 41.;o Pa!rlcr ·ru>-1!11'5 pre~lig« 1Hld rl'~5 Rd., NB , li·\2-·l::S'r Aduli livini:. no pcls Shag carpels i • RENT • 3 Roems Furnitur• lirr , co11vc111ent parkiug. Xln1 loc;1tio11. Air r:ond. LIITLE Golrl /\tine for Tll'o _M_o_n_•"y_W_•_n_t_od ___ 6_l_S_o_. Hill~rr11 Bldg. 2~-..ll E . li!h In S.A. tndu"1J"1al Cafr . :';!. C.l\L &ffi-9'i07 i;hort hnurs, i;horl orders: C,,\I. 11.l l "qui p , Goo d S~iOOll Secured loan, in1. opt>n, ANNOUNCEMENTS tenn~ p re f 1 )r. Call J\lr . d NOTICES Bf'nson 646-8004 •n ANNOUNCEMENTS ind NOTICES ANNOUNCEMENTS •nd NOTICES $25 & UP HONEYi\tOON apt, s P I i t Tol<1.I a ir conditioning J7::6 Annhcl111, level , fir('pl11ct", \'l e w, Unfurnished 2 0H1cc<11 \l'llobby 1 j\fon!h·To-ro.fon1h Rf!n tals eleRant carpet~. ,Jrape:s. r.ym nasiums k Sauna"i noor -1· upt lrs, on grnt'I, Sch1vorer U:tsc. 540.5589 i\fA CHINE Shop, ow ne r retiring. P ropr r ty & equlpn1e nl. G4:J-2601 I) 1· ~·'·~261 ANNOUNCEMENTS •nd NOTICES ---------IL :c:•;.;•1 _____ ~6401 L•1t 6401 Found {frH Ads) 6400 -------- i \\'JOE SELECTION S250. 548-219-1 sfl 6 _p ro,1 All Apa.rt111cnl., Imm $l~i0 673-26:t1 , 51~1~:~9~~.rn~~~re Re~~~Sl ~':. ~J." Sun. 200ltJ King! 1-cF_nc;,-40c;'c.''c~o';=~c~Dc"c...~c:~c:~c:'=,='c..1 ~:~;;;:1 $\:X,, 3 BR, 2 Ba . Crp1 ~. drpl!, 2 BR, 2 BA, CID, PBlln, SPANISH VrLLAGt:: 3:;.1J Ne11'po11 Blvd., N.B. R/0. Children \\·elcomc. filJlC, di~h1vhr. Nr \VestcHH J & 2 BEOROO~JS 67>-1601 '1 Avnll 11(111•. Dkr 645--011 1 Plz. 166.i I r vi n e. $200. Air cond, Panelled \\'all~, ~asl --,2o8c11~Lcn~l=,,c,=,0,.c.-c-Nc.B~. - ~ $13:;. 2 U1· 4-plex. Bltlns, Adults! For Anpt 642---0239 fired BBQ. Oprn beam ccil· Storr nr orfice SJ2:J. Grnd ; drps, 1v/1\', Avail no1v. 2 BR upprr, crpts, Urps:, ing!; .. Private patios & fl oor .f upslrs. &ll\l'Ol'Cr I. Brokrr 5.1~..{i!ISO ~l/Jvt & n:'rig. $160 yrly. llalcon1r!<. 673-20!',.I ~ 673-8088 VILLA VIENTO ~:_::::._. _____ _ '• $140. LGE 2 Br. 4.plex. Nr .. 1..::.:::..==--~-~--COSTA Mtlla offices. AtC. o , t ,.RLY 2 BR I ll. • B" 127, 3,1:; \V. ls!. 'fug!in 8J!l...9j,10 ~ ~tore~. .,!eve ~ re rig. :i . ., r. · ·" rrpts, f!rps. Parklni;:. Vrry •, Arlu ll!<. Bkr 64~011 1 Crpts. drp!<. slo1•e & r t trii;. D P • 5740 nil'I) office~. 1~ B11ker, • & 6-5SOO 1n1 •tnt DAILY PILOT D I :Ol E -A · No pets. 1 ----------:J Ul·~S!IO E LINES. 'fou can use thtm Is Your !Id in ou r Dt:LUXE 2 Bl{, 'l EA. fl<'rnn 10o0P.01.cucxc-,cc-o"1c"-"-c;-,-,C~o-,-., lor j11!<f penni1s a day. Oi11.J i:l111~silif'd!! Semcon,. .,..-111 he view. lllil pool. Least, Rer~. -f°llC'sa. 1:-.00 i1q rt . Alr l'Ond, ~ r..t:2-&fiiR ""1kin~ for It. 0111 1 &12-"67R :\16il. 4~'21),'>:'o M'J)t~. rtl'J)i1 .. '.lg...fjilil. Gu·-rs & CARDS-- \\'\l h uniriur t:X\"ha nct b11sinf'sS. t\n r-nmpe1itln11. Real Bargain! 64·1-2420 alt G pn1 or wknd~. DO You want s good income for I\ J illi~ e llorf! Lae k ol limr lorrto.~ salr ol unique <'ollr."~~inn ti11!in('S1, 642-9G!Ki Found (flrH A•) 6400 2 mos old gTty/ll'h ite len1M lc kil1en found 1·ic 0 CC POODLE·tetTier m fx puppy, Agrlcullural Bid.:;. C a 11 black, gray on face. Found 61._7~1~ 11!1 5 pm . on \V;,i rner, 11.B .. 816-4627 \'OUNr; part 1i·hill' 1., 1•alieo \\'HtTf; nialc poodle, 1 t HL Vic Orange Park, F'ri roonthll old, 1it. \Varner & 10110. Call :)39-:.wl J0/18 _ ~ringd111e;...!>li-206l YNG female eat p/Sien1e~ CALICO Kitlrri. found vir, \'I('. l\Jagnol1a & Ad11 ms, Vie1orll\ & Pl11a:ntla Av,. H.B. 8•12-;'!613 5-16-3012 11-lt 5 P.ilf. Sl.lnrs·o'cAcftcoc_"_'_· ~11".E~.-,~;,-,. :rJSll &: Cl/JPS ~HOP (;nEEN Par11 k£'rt in \\'(':,! Call to idenl1fy. ld!.'~I for 1"011pl~. 1 1\le~a Vr rdr . ;l'1~,..-3~63 842-:!01:1 • 64·l-'.!!H4 * GREY r&bbil. >46-5146 or Tiit<: QL:JCl\f:R YOU CALL. OA1LY PIL.01' \l.o'ANT ADS1 :rl!}-.W THE QUICKER ·i:ou SELL AF'GHAN Hound, 1 \V/black fac,. Los t 10/1:1. 673-8~118 BLACl.: Cock·a·Poo, )TJ olil, an~. to 6~~j77 nuilr, 2 ''Alf1 r.." )1", 1an BLAC[\ a.nd 1~·htlr and gr&y in Ci!~!. altered 111alr cat, lost lasl Thur~ (Ir Fri in Old Ne\1'pcn·t \·ir~ Cl11y & Orun;;C' ~!.:!. \\'Quring clf!er fle;i · Pnll11r, chil(I'~ pc.1, Ri:1v'd. &1:>--26~ L \BIES "'nllet. Vic Ce111cr St, C~I or l rd Ave., La~ BrBch. f'11 8/L ValuMhle pa p e: r !. RC\l'Brd. 199-236!1 nCI. 6. LOST: Sn1 nll tan 1nalc Cuck- A-Poo. 1hagR}'. hlk. fHl'l-:: vie. Corona de-I ~1ar. 67J-666~ Blk, while, O\'llng<' Cl;\1, F t n1ale. No lron1 r-ll;\11'6. $:ii) P.f!1\"B.1'(l. fi.lf>-:126:1 D/\l LV PILOT 0 1 1\IE ·A · LlNES. You Cflll u~c 1h('l11 for Jui!! prnnlcs a day. Dial 6<1~·:.6iS GOLIJl:;N Rel r tl:Vtrl' ''H111·vr.y," v -t(' ~I,..~ ii Vr1·dr Rewaru. Ca 1 1 ~14&-.'QJ!l o;;fCY'r=11~.o=·=r"w=:c,N"°T-,~n°sc.,-I I ~--------·-------------------~-----------~------------,------- \ Jt 3S DAILY PILO T * * I • ' *IJOBS & EMPLOYMENT IJOBS & EMPLOYMENT Job~n. W om. 7100 Jobs-M •n. Wom. 71 00 AC:: C 0 U NTl\!\.I/ 6001\ KEt.:J•l::H, ~ I I'. I·.\ perirncrd, prn!,!n'~"'\I.' th111I.. f'r, Ph : 6,12-:lGfi!i ITT JABSCO Cooks FRY COOKS Top \1 agc1, prrm•nent, )}()n• r~t , and good \l'Orking ('On- d1! 1ons in ar<'u's Jradini;: r'"Statirant. Apply 9 am to ;J !llll for u1tet'\'lt:W a t Whaddy• Want? Wh11ddy11 Gd't? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Special Rat• ASSEMBLY FOREMAN Company 11a" ;111 11n1nrdi- ,,,,... upc111n~ lnr a pro· rh1<·!1un a''>t'n1bty furr · 11u1r1. i\lln1mu111 of 1110 .'t'il•'~ rt·l<1tl'd t':\pr 1'. P 1•r. 1"1' :-<)Ill" c11ll1•g1•_ L1IJ{'l • <>I fi•111:::c h1•nrf1\ p10- i:,:r.1rn :'.1!:1ry .-n111mrn•11- 1·atr 11·11h ('t]uc;1t 1on & i':O.· Jli'l'U"ntf'. MANNING 'S COFFEE SHOP :l IWl El 'fo~u Rd. Leisure \Vorld Lai;:-una Hills 837-101 4 L' O U 1\ ·Din n-e rs. liutlst'work. Live 1n or Sl!!O. lit :-1879. No out. 5 Lin e1 -5 times -5 bucks 11 Ul E$ -AO MUST INClUDE COt11131Ni\T!ON. Sharp Bar ,\!aHl.~ & (;o Go Dan~r:>. Top 11 at:<'~. Pho11c lor in· lrl'\ 1c11·. S<is~-y Lossy, 2901 llal'hOr , C.i\I. 1-W"" ~Oll ~·•·t •• If•""· 1-W~U TOU "'""' Ir> tr_,: •. l-TOUR pO\Ont •no101 .oor ... 1 ---~ u~r, o! ~d;tr!IJ'"'" ~N011't"'r' ~01! SALE -ll!~OES ONLYI PHONE 642-5678 To Place Your T rader's P aradise Ad :.ori ..;q_ 11 ··.1ti ir1 ••l\ :.'' -.ll 11 ·~ 111 Yu<Ta \·,1U1·.•. 'i2l1'0 1•1p.1 , \\'alrl' .~ 1 I<·•·. h111.u11• 1,,111.. r1·;ul .. lul 1•.11, 1 •••• 1 .11\~· lhul:,: ol \.,Ju. b I! l l !\, --l.-1 kC l. ... 11J.•ll.1. ij ll JlfU l'll ., RI{ n ·11!.tl•. s1.·,,l~•l Fl', ~:;,\,OCo'I •'fl 1\,1111, (',.,, .. 1 • .1 11"1'<1 li•llll!' 11r ("111nlu. ()\1 "· ,,. 11111 .:7ii._'\i77 .'ah111 l'r111-r1· ,,.,11111 11 r. lltlcl'~. l"lll'\~l<•r r: \I ,I ;i l •111.:;. ~vl1J ,\ IUl'll l.:1'~ H"ad.1·. !'1 ,1Jr· f,),. la ir 111,~l··I C.id, .1111pr i·, n1.,ULlo> hu1 il• ul' ·: 'l()_l-9!1 i~ C\1r'Uit, f'l111 1ii.1 J lll{ hulJ•<'. ·tl11·1f'lll'\" ;")pl fl\)1)1 ·"' J1·p1r. S~J.:.Ql1. :'!'. '" Fl I.\. •<io'JJ !'fl, \\'1ll 11·adr 1111 l•ir 11 H l11i1111· P..lrr .~9 1.:1::1 1 Op1•1·:..1111::: rc•s1it11r:..r11 ~~7.~tl'() Trilt!(' fur ho1111• nr TD~. 'ne(' ind. hldg. Ji::, fl~\'''' r -:!. lu1 ~r rqu1p. L1•on \11ti<'1•t r..:1r. :..i~{t:"~~ -------\\"ill rr;1d,.· .\111n1no11vr runf'·UJl 1•q u1p1nrn1 an1! p<l\V. ,.. · tnol.s fur l.1p1dary f'IJUlfl- n1rnr. ~tl!l-2011 --~ BT:, .: IJA. pl.1;. hon1c ;i, 111r nu. 111• <t1("(1111r l'l'Jll .. 1 ; .1 •• 1111;.. 1~. r:11n. 11111;:: Sjll"lll!!~. hnn•~ 1,.1· in. \''1n1•~ [ll•1p. ~.i~,1 1.~I !'']. 1, !l 1.Yj I 11·111 I r.1111• 111111 • I• 11• ·1 ~-.n .. 111111• 11ro·-11\1\l I 1•11' r1il p ... 111110;;:. fl'•l l.1 hlr TV ,.,r an.1111 111::: <11 •'•f111,il 1'nl11". I l'l :::.-.111' .11'rl f :a . ('n1·,111,1 d r·l ~l~r. Pl1Clnr· ti~:, ~I L!~. 7_''~11<;P1· 1\11-,,-[~1 p1!1it, 1«1ngr 1 ~1 ;1 <111 11••·1·111 .. U!'l •'Y s.1r .\J , \\1ll •Ol1•·1 l•1' lrtJS! rl1•l'd vr .•111,111•-r bulll . U11 rn•t I 'i I I• l:.."J...: 101) - -ll,nr h11111e • 1a111/ ' Tll '• :S~~)\I •IJI ~. \\.•!" ;1p l OJI"· 11•1. a u•p!.Plf'. •II · ' 1:1,. f: ·'\ :Iii .. '.,11 4 :,1lo1 irl. I ',!11!. 1'..'L;1 '!SI-Iii!.\ 1:· \lal Jll<'\.\~ t>• il1h1\,• rl) 111::: Rr11lg1· ,,.,1,1f1_ ·11'.ulf' 1<1r .-.111.111"1' hu111. "" l'l lfl•. , ,,1·. h1111'c .... :.iii ;n::o /'\I I'. I. 'l,9 P 1111r P.U!!!;Y. f>1,n<",ll>r <'11.:; \ 1•11011 bod~. llul1 i'rrd lui:h 1 .. p. • '.1 1 ~'..'~1),J_ Tl'a1I" 1,11· "117 ur -,,, ~:I c.,1111110 01" r:,,1 wh•·1 ·~ \fl 4 1.:1 .• -1!2.i EQL .. \l. f)PPOl t'l't :\JT\' J_:'I JPLOYl·.J{ 0.11~ \\ ,1.I ~ll'~a. C..il+r {'11st~li<1n l.\J;lll::U. openlng ror rrhable 1n;i.1 "1th JJ1'('\'ious 1n· du~tri:tl janito1ial e,\p. Xlnt \\Orking l'()lld., g1L p~y & a!] fnngr hfonef11s in.;:!. profit shar ing. C<1lir. I n j e (: t i on i\l uldiui.:. '....JOO Brig~s A\c, c .\!. 5'16-4,lfoO --C U ~TODIAN 'l'()\\'\l!Oli:'f::: Bi'. :!'<! ti:i H1•;n 11. :i iJ[J!'tl. L'+n Jl.i!ln. /l{•~l . 1w lo~1), \"al. S32.:'"J(XI I.qi\ !tll' 'r D .• •·.11, <":1 n1 pc1· or " .. U11 111·1· r, lli·bl,·11 \!11rhll' 1.d•l•·, ~ ''!1 .• 11'.;-, lluf. frl. slor<' ('0\lt1 !('r, h11~I")" 111 .1ph• d1'C'~~l'1'. ,!1 rfhn.1 r•I. \\',1111 1·r•lt'lf.: or rl"1·, s!O\'<' 1)1' ., ,-, 16· l~:)fl f(!r sinall t·hu1-rll, 5 C'VPS !- ------------1 :-:.,1. Oµportun!ly fo1• 1-c111•cd A ssembler s, Bonders eouplr•. S:l:.!~1 prr 010. J,n- E le ctronic Tech nic ians rnNhalf' Opt'nu1;::. 0 a y ' I l i\ \II·~ -C1·~·-,-\1~~ lfl"ri·l ;o l ~~.~,fr()() TRAnr:- .~11,f\flO rqu1t~' r"r 1 lu 6 111.11 ~ Orang,. C'utln1.• p ,'!T•lll f!r-,1Jt,v b !~·l7~1 Expr-ri1•111·<1'1 . S.1 1~1'.•' \lf"l/'ll. APPL\' I:\' PF.H::iON rt .. u!1x i\l 1!·rrn'l(•1·11Y1n11·~ ('•U"P. ~1 :~1 Pu!l1n;111 .-,;1. Cu~r.i i\lf'.-a. :1.1i;.i:1:in ----U,\BY:-:ITTEP., li\i'-ln tvr ~ (·l111Urrn 1 :.! seliool-;1t:!' I. \\'.\.~1': Phuln ~1ud10 eqt11p, S.d"-r.V opPll. .\lt1sl Jo\·r ,!J,O!f1!1i,! & lll'Ol'l'S~lllJ::, !'Ill· ('h1!dr1'n, !11e housr11u rk. 01· .~-H \\'. /11\\IE::-Lari:;r lul ~'.:-0--l'.2~1. Hr _,!:"Inna. ~111•111 Sl'a. \'al. ---~c.c~~----1 llP ~ 1:lf()_ :-.'.:G-Tili! BABY S I TT I·: /{, :'llalur<' l:\"i!llT !1.lllrk J,111,-. & \l hil•" lnlou(lr'rt '~I tJ,,,,1, r·\l·r l l.:.\H)" . .;(TTl·:H JJl -.i'.:'.~() F011t1l~in VallC'.V 11r ... ~. X l'.!-!·l:.!;;, f'\'<'s .~39·11~1. Dala Pl'OC('S!>lll!. ITT JABSCO KEYPUNCH OPERATOR 16 :'11 alpha a11d numl'ri- ,·.11. \lcnfy a11d :so1nc re- l:itcrl 1 leneal d 11 t i <'~. f iOQtl 1\·ork1ng cond11tons and brncrits. J::QlJ.<\1, OPPOP.Tt.::-.llTY l:::'l!PLOYER 11~.i n :dr \\"::iy cv~la ~l ··~a. Cah/ \71-11 ,dj.S:.lj l E x perienced '"nd. T1,1dr IH1' ph·ku1•, BAE:YSJ'l'T~Jt 1\'ant!•d: 111,1 1.ll!lll•'I' UI' l•'-'P llp ,., •• lf,I\\ 11 hon1r. 1\1011·~·1·1 . pr· i' r ('I' Apply in person F1·•1111 ~l 1(1(1 1 ,il u" .• ~i,;.:,i;,9 1natu1·r \\'0111an. ~!l-1-1 ~21 S URF & SIRLOIN 'I--1~111:P.·SIT-r1-:f{ 1v ;in 1,.. d -5930 P a c . C st . Hwy. ""' "'('I'•'" li·1· I. •11a\'" _ • N B h r',111111v !rnlu•ln -11 l°•'!IT•T llnui s. l\londa.v thr11 ~ rul.1y. ewport e~c __ _ .!ll J•i;I 1,111J.,,,.,1 .• ii;ilf'I." 10~~· :; l l11lr!n•11 \1y hn11 1r D~:NTA L 1\~si.stant , pa rt 1,,.11,. 1,1; " 111, 11 11111 1. ,· ~I• l"'I' 111>r l... (';ill Dla nr !ln1r . II 111 h';1111 s harp go·J \\11t11.1wl•11.,,11f!"1"1 l ',11/ .:u s11111!: 1111 1.nc: $(\ \1 orli. rh.: ('o1\ul1,l di'I \l,11 • •.;1.1r:i! 11vn! I~/{, ~ U,\. fr11!,, i11<lr I)· h.q l.11 I' UI ur 1~'1 I lut 1, .. ,,11 11.;. \\";,111 ll!(·•)lll1> 11• !:111 1tt -..[3 l'rH1 1 ,';-~711~'.l !>1\BYSJTTJ·:I: 11·~11. ru·1·ru•d 1111n11•d. ~1 y hu11u• nnl.\. ~·' <1:1\", ::-1 1!;,~.;; Ilk ·' 1-, 11111 · ~~O 11111. 01\11 lranlip ~1 I~· I L'!t ,;.4 .10 only li'1G--!ltii~ [)I:.:\ fl\L A~.;;J ~l,\1'\T for Or tfi<)(lrnl!!I' pr.1~·1 1~!'. Cha1r~1dr ,\· J.1h. !Ji·ntaJ r :..p rr·11. Or1hn <'1'.fl prr/ Ace l ~JO. Top ~a!. ~··.v lil!-2Ji2ti ---.~~-- * * · li;, BY :'1l·r~:R."11..:T,r1 l :s100 l.111• 111 6 ;I".\! .. ~:t~-45'iS l!!'~11l;ir r.i1~1·s fll sr.rt. * * * !1!1!!1°'1!11!1!!!'\!'~!!!!11!!!!1!11!!!!1!111!11""1!11•!!111J!l1!!1,.1!11~ I "-,,-nk 1111.::: ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNC-EMENTS ,'\r11[1(!•1 :-i.11 1n11:1J P.a11k: IJcn!al ,, .. ,.,~ta1H. <'l1;111·>;idr. ~:.p('r1rnc.,.d PhonC' 11ny111111• ~l(h~.:17~~ and NOTICES and NOTICES l·:~,·row Orr11·r1· Vr p\. ~10l'l' .J . W. RO BINSON Los t 6401 LU.,,;;T. Lr;.: l1JI, ;dlr·11 tl H1:dr· < ,1 ( 11 / 1•h·H1 '•·ii lh a '"11.o t', 1 ·1 !..1;:1 111<1 :>.1 :i1wl l··u··· . ..;1.1. ('11.!d rr·n., f"l"I. 1:1 ,,1_ !'11'.,~r 1 •• 11 l't.>--107.: Per5on•1s 6405 Don't! (ill I• I'" I I 111,t 111 ,,11 ... ,,,,. .i,1,u~ l l]'.'1\"1 ,f ; \"1 1 Ii I •1< '1 JI' >1 •l1 --HOUSEWIVES-- fl·1U+•I•" 1.+!(!" lilHll• l l"I \ • t• "I j.,,., 111<•1\• ·. I•• ''ill • lu' " • 11111' ,, \ 1,1 ... 1·,. ' •• 1 ',, I• 1 + o' I° ,, '~ I I , I " J. ' , ' • "" l' ), Ii' l>I 'I ,, I · .. 1111•111> !1•.1\ I " ' I '1\ L \! A I ·.11 •I I:•'·" 1111~: 1\d' I• f' .~ 11• Ip "II l l 1dl\\' pi;11 1<·1'•, I· 1dil 11,· •I t •1w11 o ;i t I ;• I 11 ,1 11 1 I n !'<!I _ :l ~/•i~';"-'l]i_:. :Ill II \I 11<1 h <'l' f\11•11. I •. ~ 11 •h1, '"'! !(l l .. 1! l.1111',1 ,\ .II, Ill 111".oll C LI CENS E D !'11n·1111<il J~, .1111 11~~ .... 11 , ,. 11/l all 111;i11r1 ~ ::12 ;>. I I ~ll)ll ht j{,.;11, :'.tll r 11 u1'·l1I\• -19!-!ll:'.t., 19!,,.9.~1; JO .\'I ~ 10 P\J A ttr active E xpe...,.-- 'OL:\t; l\0:'11/\\ Ji<ill!"f'I 11111 lt•.11 Ii ,ldll :11) Jatr .. 1 •l<'I'' < d i .\nh II 21'.i .1~1 1-1 .. :~ I 10 l',\1 \IE'.RY ltll<'l "'""''I Ill r.••)(I l)r1<Jgp pl<!)l'I" ltS p.11111<'!" I••! duplica••·. Tra\rl ii )1111 l1k1 .. share. 83'i...(i6.t-, 81\CJiELOI{ Look1ni:; fr11' :;1rl 1r11nf~ rlnyrr tll .~r~ • flying. l!llc. \Vn1e Bo:-. i\IS-17 Daily Pllo! A!..C:OHOLICS Anonyn1 ous Phone a4 2-7217 OI' wrile to P.O. Box 1223 Costa l\les.a . Announcement1 6410 Grand Opening Acodemy of Phy•io Therapy Sauna !.· rnaS:>a$:C'. 6 fen1 .. J<' trc·h. J O am-12 midn1i;t11 7 d~. 2:h-, Thalia. ~uile C, l.11 gun11 Ot'arh. <49-1-1~1 ~ (,.,met ery Lot1 6-41 a -----fOR X.·\J,,.; by 01\"nrr. Mfi~ V1t"11' l'"mricry l'n ll ~. <:all .\lr. f';.11·1r 1 !In~ ;111 oprn111g for a -MAID -Legal Notices 6450 ~-.'. ii·l2~.i1 11 l l~AJ~\\,\!D . fl or Ill 1unr·, I \\"!l.J. tint l1r rr~iounsili lr lllgh!s, (;•.oil salnr~. Apply Offrl'ini: 111!1 tin1r l'n111\oy- l11r a11.v drhls nthrr lh;"\n Ill.\ <la):-, ~:;6 J:. Jitli. C .. \I. 1111•111 I' illl e\c1•lli'nt li~ni'f it,,. ""11. ,la nH'" :\l11•h:"·1 Fti'\ :11s-!i~lt\ /\pply Hl pr1"t>On lo lhl' Per· =~----------~unnr! Lh'pl JOB~ & c:MPLOYMENT HE1\Ul'ICli\,'\'-', t•·111al ('. 10 fA~l lll i:-0' [8_.,\Nll 111wl.: e1·~n 111gs S. S1u1d,1~ ~ 1n !'>;f_\\ PORT BE/IC! I Job W ci n ted, Men 7000 1 ('n<ti• 111~"-1 '" b 11 1; 1<'s 1 · 00~1E:-.-r1c • Liv(' 1 n, p••ptil.1r r•rir·•·d s.1l1J11. Op-I , I • I I I . r l11 lr n •u .~ 111<';1 ~ ...._ ;iun1 1"\"- \\" \.'\TL[) ~ .. r t: r n ,.. r .;i J rortu•lll.•' for tr1i "•·1·ning:~ No hron )' h~i'11 01·k S1:!1l·g;rl (•h k-11p l,.1.11 11n.•I""'· ~:1 11 /fl,11.I, 1<1"'111011, A fl fl 1 ~ •Jr u1111rd n1n1hrr ')I.:. :-:ala r v 1,.1 h• l .Jl i·tr-1"'~~ \Jc;r ! l'•1\n1nr: \1101~ Br.111. 11 . 1, 1 t\-·ot i!l --~==~~o·=~~-h· ~1 l1•1t, :bi I·:. J~!h ::>1. -B~ h>.I "" 111""\J a ,,,. '' Job Wanted, 1 4· \) [)IOl llMl1Pl1 Womon 7020 "-1"1' I n .. m"""""""-Architectural _________ _;_;:_~ i"<!ll (oj" r .i1l·l llll{'. C'osla ""1 '11"1""1·"-1'" "'· """ Draftsmen & I 1;1r, '7~01 ', •. /,, "110.1 .1..;<·1~ I lot· 1-------- 11,111 '"'"\" '\11•1•11 t ,111.1 BOAT CARP E N T ERS '·'~~.~,.'.':1E7.~~N '.~~.,,, Job Captains l,jl r~~-.~ -------11111 ;-). \\")~ \\,tl111 "fl h.> .j.1.1 1•1111 11 .. 1i-r1 I ~r-!• I '.•II 1.1·11 -i ,, ,, a i\• r.r .1 rrr 1· -, 11111 " I 1111~ --(10 \11·..:T 11 · \'.t11:r~ :-;() \111•'1 l.1•11 I' 1tJ d1• '"llf ')llt' !r•/ ' ........ ~ 111 " .1 .,_1 1'11 11 ~ ~·1 11 1. 1't .. r1. l'\I ti l: -;:11<1 1\C(\1t.;~"l'IX<; __ _ S+11,1ll ~·1, ,,i n,~··I.• '!.• llhll1r .. >10-:!!ll r 1r< ' •!>•Ii II' '+"11 ·l ·•J> "°''••·~ \\!l.\,,\f:ll H11 IT \l \ll~l~S l_'n , f;,,\,,, I' -I . f ,1 ll.i.t! 1·,.qwt111•1 !'\fl I], •\u1n f'on•I ii..,.> •'I l'•, l I 'ln1 ••1111.1 l \! BOYS 10 · 14-- C~111r r Rou1 c, Open IO< I mme diate O penings Per mcinen l P ositions Frank L. Hope & Associates ,,,., h11• l 1S k ~:n;:r 401 r 11'U' C111r Dr \\'. ~.tnl;1 .\n:i_ ~1-17·!11~1 L1;;u11a Br ;1 l"11, :::o l..ai;una DAJI.\' PlLO'r lJr.ifl. .. lll''Tl DRAFTSMAN t' fl" 8kp1'-~t·t. Thru P&L BL":S DIUVFlt lnr Pl II ;iii' or Jr Draftsman .i -1 yrs. <'\fl, l:l11·1 .. 1t:1n "'·hol•! l';1r1 11 111•• {S . . ) :,·~~l t~ \1 ill u·:i1 n ti(ll.•d ih·ivu1.. o penings •n -----------1 1.-.1· .. rd 1<r<1u1rr·1I. Apply 1r~'l:13 e MAPPING .\-... ·1nhl1·1s H rook ti u r "1, ~·oun!a1n e SUB-DIV PLOTTING MECHANICAL \"ollcy. "2-::.;1' • SCRIBING ASSEMBLERS Cashier /Bkkpr $403 • INKl1'G l "\llf'l'l•'tll 'f'CI i'1 ltssrn1hly 11! · pply I I_ Cl1fl 1ird Tho1·11 /.· • "lltrilu~;il p11n1p.<. 11~1ng .\/1:. ,!i,11)', i:••l<I "flJll .~: ,\~)<()C'"]~tc~ !1111!1 ·•"J IJO"rr too.1!:;, h'Olll lndope nde nt '.!9:oi Ci'ntu1y P\a,·r b\11n11nu1... P sonn ti A 1,1 Jl r, fll•ll 11 01-k 11r('k er e gency Costa i\lesa. ;,..w.44:;1 r•1·vf!1 Slla1·1ng lil7 Or;uig,. l\i·r ... "uu r DRAFTSMAN {" .. \! 6·1:l·/l!.l'L6 ;11:1 [1!17!1 J.C. CARTER CO. · '----A11l on1ol1\·r I truck body !"Ir • <',1,.;111E1t • f'11r 11,1 ~h. c·nrn11a rahtr c.'t:/l<'l'1Pnce nrc- lull r.1111r ~r . n:in .. ~ipu:. rs~:iry. Bill to mn1rri0\I~. CALI .•. &1'>-2(1..2 h1t1<'J11·1nt, c lc. Si!laiy l·om- 6Tl \I', 17\h ·"1' ('l.f:l\NINli 11·n1nrn 1v11.ntrd n11·11~uralr 111th abi/11y, 0 1'-l:<J~ta 1'1r~a ,.._ I lur llP1l<. 01111 1r;in.~purla-11 1\g,.. ....... \1111y O<.'t1t 1on. 5-18-3·1'.?1 11nn 6·1~-202fl E a plorer Motor Homes Ari l'{]U3l op)l'lrh1n11y --1 4 -16-'.~00 Pmpl<'.ly<'r CLEl{ICAL. I ti .< n 1· ;1n1•" 1 • ! •1· -----'--"-----1 ri>~111\lty f''<f)f'r. 1 ~lrl olr 111 * DRIVERS * abilities rir:ilimiteo age r:icy 1-1 .B. illr r.1:i1111. 1!·12-41·1!1 * cOOK--n pe•;tln ced No Experi•nce 1::.,r rllr111 11·nrk 1n;:: ,·n11•l11 1011• Necessary! ,,PPl.Y I ~ P~~n .;o:--: -\lu~t havt' clt>a n Calitomia S NACK SHOP =9 rinvini: r<"cord. Aoply YELLOW CAB CO. 1<rr!ion NOIV' JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOIS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMINT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT J ob .-M en, W o m. 71 00 Job.-M9n , Wom. 7100 Jot.-M.n. Wom . 71 00 J obt--M•n, Wom . 7100 Job.--Mln. Wom, 7100 t.::-.ei:ut11'e D11·cc tor ::JI :: ••)Ju-= RETIRED ~Ian or 1,1011'&11 "·1th drivers 1 1<."tr~. C .)1. for 12 hN Am 's, Ten1p. ~8-80:)3 .'ifi:re11u-y 1'\',.11spap!'r ne,di Pert Time Secr etery KEY MAN Nc1v otl1ce repno!entinc: a natll)nal POl'fl. no1v open 1n llunllngton Beach. Look.in~ fnl' key n1an Ht lit-.t.ff this .t luture_ oflicc. Should have sa!r~ .t. IJ·dlnlni,: nirtn.,,,ge_. 1nent background all(f havr ability 10 dl'\'elop & train lat-ge_ salt's forcr lo diSll'L· bute & s<'LI nationally adver- tl..;ed produet. Liberal fringe bencfi1s, retire111cn1, proril sha1ing. Liru:•oln Continental furnL'1hed to qualified man. Call for appoint. Fri. ~l & Suu . b-11-171)) e:-."'t. liOJ. C:ST ABLISl-IED l nsuranra • Lead! avail, N.B. o.fficr. Carr.er opp!. 675-6383 f'aclory ITT IABSCO TURRET LATHE Setup & Operate TOOL , DIE & MOLD MAKER M ILL & DRILL OPERATOR SHIPPING/ RECEIVING CLERK * * Housewives and Mothers Earn e x tra money for * CHRISTMAS * J. C. Penney Company F•shion l1land -Newport Baach H•• po1ition1 open in *Sales *Stock * Santa's 1-lelper * Credit interviews * Gift v.·rapping * ~1erchandise records *PBX Schedules including afternoons evenings a nd combination of both. ' Finest cond itions -Top supervision -Ex- cellent benefits including discount privilege. * Apply Now * 10 A.M. to 9 P .M ., Monday t hru Friday J. C. Penney Company ±24 Fa1hion lsl•nd N1wport Beach, Californie J~Liurant BUSBOYS For WHk·end~ ,,PPLY JN PERSON REUBEN E. LEE 151 E . Coest Hwy. Newport Be,1ch Resl&Urant Ancient Mariner now takill&'. a ppl1cauons for :t"ull I,, part time, day &: e\·t's :shift!!. e KITCHEN HELP e DISHWASHER e BUSBOYS Apply in person :!(;07 \\'. Coast lh\)', Ne\1"J)Ort Beach Re.staurant: E.xpt>rienC't'd * \VAITRESSES * COOK Apply in person, Cottage Cof- ff'e Shop, 562 \V. 191.h ~"t., Costa i\les;i. P.rs!aurant Rr.staurant: Part time help 11·a11ted, mature pe rson. 32.00 hr/ :).Q-9S63 '° \'ice • Pi'l!Stdent k Gt>llf'ral l>lariagtt \\'ho can lill.o:e i;horthand 100 11-pm. bkes variety and fig. Ul'I!~. type 60 \\'pn1 or ~ICI', illany con1pany tiene.tns !!Ueh as paid vacations, s i ck 11.'a''t'.', paid mt'<lic:il and l1fl! ill.'iurancl!, ci·rdit union, pcn- ~ion pliln. l'tc. Call the DAIL\' PILOT for a" IJl· po1ntmrnt. 6~:!-4321 and a.Ilk Jor il1rs. Cr•renman. SECRETARY !or busy t",'(• ft:Utl\'t> to assist ln Sl'tl1n,r: up nr.1v dt>p!. \l'llh1 n l\Iutual r·unds Co. 1n Ne1vpt. Bch •rea. Top skdls, 1>t10rthand, typing I:. aptiludt' l\11h fig111X's + personality + Starting sala1-y S~7J ~'ilh bt'nefit of stock 011t1on. Cilll 6-1:1-9.';60 for appoint. ::ice Betty Brul:t' 1.t m:Jj E:xec AgeiK-y rol' Carl?l?r Girl• 4!0 \V Coa~t H1ry., N.B. By appoint. 6l0.3!ll!J SE,RVICE Sta. A 11 ndn ' t . Exp. Apply in pen;on ::soo \V. Coast l·fl~-y. N.B. STOCKROOM CLERK S~~LE~n~e~:e~!~ion:~ r"~1~ SERVICE. S!nllon att.ndnl. Covenlry need~ full k Jo'ull time. Night ~hilt Jl-8 * pan-time help. Nn del; \\'e am. Mu~1 be neaf . Set Jim, * train. f'or int. ph. ~.>4Mil00 :?590 Nt'.'Y1porl, C.!'-1 . • 1\LL pos1t1ons 1'1"quire son1e (':>µcrience = :: 11 =~-~'~'J',,~I ~::~~~~'~'Jl!i~::~~~ SALESLAD\', r..xp'd. r 0 r STERV~I1CEd ~::A110N ~ · -je\1·clry store. full timr. op 1,,.an ,,..,esinen. Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 5-IS-3400 GOOD pay for t':<p'd . men. LIBERAL F'P.INr.E BENEFJT PROGRA:II Jobs-Men. Wom. 7100 oiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... ioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiO I Corona d<'I l\tar Shrll Serv. HOUSEKEEPER, Live in; l I----------SWes 2801 E. Coast Hwy. al cha1111ing 11 chool -ag e 'fE" EXCELLENT Goldenrod. 615-Qi33 chilcJrcn. $1j(J fl l 0 n 1 h. n \\·anted, early morning 642-j602 n e w 1 paper de!i\·ery, OPPORTUNITY SERVICE Station Attendant, Nt11-port Beach a.rca. Call ;-.., !~in~ ,,1,-~0,1 1;1, insurance full tlme days. 164J Adam!. J:.:QU.\L OPPORTUNITY 1'.::'llPLOYEP. ll 0 U S E k: E £P E R ....... 800 ....., .. , " Costa l\1esa. 5-IO-L'l()G ""--4 · oo. "'ilh mutuaJ fund brok· 1-Ul:i Dalr \\'::iy Cosla tlle1'a, Cali!. Thoroughly c :1:p'd tor SERVICE S d f'r/dealer i~ expanding its tallon allen ant. v,i do11·. Live Lil. S '2 5 0 , newport o--•lik 4 613-18i9. ., • Ne11·po11 o l r i c e. Complete ~xp. nee. .,._~ e, 678 I personalil:ed training, involv-1 ~C0•0m~P0"~'-°'"_c·_N_._Bc--~--I TI I' ;j•la-8:.lJl HOUSEI~EPJ::R, li\"e -in, -c,,~c.-~------1 Priv. rm & bath. 2 children. ~ 1sh1ng Rod \\"r;1ppr1·s Frn. Vall. 84'.!-72J4 Tor dollar.~ 1r f''l;p"d & 11dhng - ro 11orl.:. Bi'01vning i\U:::. Co. • !!'\SP ECTOR. ror qua!ity 19 1~ PlaC"cnlia, <.:.!II . co~ 11· o I, needed un· ~flS--1171 mt'diatcly. lll cGregor 'Yacht • FRY COOK • * E XPERIENCED ,\PPL\' JN PJ::rtC:ON THE RIGGER # 16 ~·a~luon l ~!and 1\c11 pon 1"r aL·h FRY COOK .\ppl.v in pf'l'W(l IO ·rin:; l'J[E ~· "! 10 5 rm The F ive Cro wns Re51a ura n t :'.~01 E P<trll1<· C<1i1.•I 1111)'. Cv1.i11.1 drl '.'11 ~1· No ph. cii.l!s Fo reig~ c ;r""Me c hanics Good r'1l. tit•11rf11~. incl pa id \-ii( allon. i:;ro111l ins, 1.1ni. forrn~ lul'n1•hPd free. Good Corp. 1631 Placentia. C.:'11. JR. ACCOUNTANT Ac('ounTin:::. bac:kgmund, 1vith G£"11eraJ ufiiec skills, otcns- ionaJ t1•;n ·cl, young boss, hrach arra;· to SG00.00, call Lrira1nr. f\\e1"Chan1s Person· llC'! AJ::rnr-y. :l(H:; \restcllff Dr .. N .E. 6~5-2710 Kl·:NNEL~l l\N & :'oia in- lcnanc<', 11111 or part 11111e. Ph: llt!.--38 13 l\EN:\'EL, i\l ~'. (;t>n. ;:Ir an· in;:. Age no ba1·ner but i;o1ne hi'avy \\'Ork. li-!2-:;MO KITCHEN Help, man 13 or O\'f'I". Apply KENTUCKY f'Rl~:D O~ICKEN, 2929 }:;, Coast lhvy., Cd 111. LAUNDRESS. TO \VASI-{ I\ r·t:1v SHIRTS E/\Clf \\"f;l~I\. ti~.f-6'.?9·1" LEGAL TRAINEE \\'01•k Dt .'\c11 fl0l"I Cl'ntrr, St31'l S·IOO 'n10. Rl"quir~~ S<'C· l'~!~nal <':l:f"ll"l"l<'ll('f'. TypP GO \l'P\!, J1;:h1 .<llorr ha nd .. A,r. toi·ncy. Roland .'i, Barcun1e. (;11-0Cf]3 1·0111111, s1·hr(1LJlr. 1\~I• ror ----------- .IQ(' :'l loo1e l'h. f.>.10.llli l. * • DELIC1\TESSE:-.I ~I A :\" f'uU l1mr l\Ol"k. Ne<' TC'll)', -19.J E. !ilh C.~I. LIBRARY ASSISTANT p8rSOOTie ing bolh estate creation &: S'E\\'ERS, expmenced. Ap-agency conservation. Substantial ill-ply 5'2.i Forest Ave ., Lazuna -··· vrstn1ent \Vil! be n1ade by Brach. 497-1131 Profession•! Service for the employer and the applicant 133 Dover Or., N.B. Co. ln qualified app\icanl het\l"een 24 &. 4,; \.\·ith college SHAi\JPOO ;:irl, n1u~t be backgrourxl. \\'rite Daily licensed. For int. ph. Ptter P ilot Box ill ::019. Christian, The Ne1\!J)Orter Inn. 644~340 642-3170 549-2743 Nurses: RN, pai·t li1nc; 7-:;, 3-1 1, 11-7 LYN, full timr ; 7-l PMk Lido Convale.~('f'nl Cenler, 466 Flags hip Rd. Nt>wport Eea('h. &12--8044 NURSES· Priva1t> Oury nee<led. RN'!!, LVN 's, All 11luft.,, Call any hour 6·12·!85J NURSE.':> KrcdeiJ for priv aic duly. Prat1cal t.· Aid<'s, No lie. n{'c. AH i;hil!!! a nd \ive- in. i\Just ha\'e r<'f"!I:. Call a ny hi'. 64:1-99.-~) NUP.SER Y S CJIOOL HELPER fl EPL Y BOX P "iti~. DAILY PILOT Ot"FICE ~li1~r~RVISOr. \Vonian n1u~t ha\·c Sllpervisory ~1'.f'. 11· 1 lh telepllont answt.rlnl:' sr.l'\1ce or Tt>lt'phonr Co. 8-4:::0, 5 days incl. wki'nd~. 5'13-Z!!.? Sele1 Mgr, Regine I to $10,500 + car + •:-.llr!l!;Cs 4-comm. I.>egr~ not !ll"C, relocait' fo r promotion. Profit shari11i;:. Send resumt> or call John, 5-16-5410 JASON BEST E mp\oyml.'nt Agency :'.!1'.!0 :SO. l\ta.m, Santa Ana ::iaJes * Fantastic! is the \\·ord for thiz national t'Om pany'5 ne1v program for Southern CalifQnua! \Ve nttd -DISTRIBUTORS -illAN,\GERS -SAL.ES'.\IEN -S,\LES.VO:'i'f'E:-J -REPRESEi\T ATIV ES -TRAINEE.$ This i.~ a reotl ground fl oor opportunity 11·1rh a solid aut~ n1atir elct tJ'On1t cquip1ncnt fi.nn that nffrri<: ... OPERATORS . . . HIGH .t:'.>.~ri<'nCf.'d in .. inglC" nerdle and overlocks. Good pie"e Immediate 11-01'1: price~. steacfy \\"Ork. Earnings EDDY il!OSS 1-I0-12 Locu~t St., \Vestminstf r: 534-87~!. 546-3050 SURVEY BOYS foi· Pool Cu .• ~ hrs a day, !l d;;y 1'"k, afl ,;chi k Sat. SJ.'l.l JX'l' hr. 879-i062 f\r.rd gtn<'ral lulor\ng for 2 boys tac:es 10-121 in my Hunlington l larbour home. S46-15&-I e TYPISTS e \\'ORK \\1-iEN' & \\'lfERE YOU \\' A.~T on 1en1porary as.sii;nmenl! VOLT Instant Ptrsonr1<'l ;\8~8 Cunpus Dr. Suile 100 Ne111J0rt Beach 346-4141 WAITRESS EXPERIENCED Apply in Person SURF & SIRLOIN .5930 Pac. Cit. Hwy. Newport Beach e e WAITRESSES Dramatic. t-.'l;titing, nt'I"' con. eept ln \\'aitress employmen1 pl'ograin. Young, a!tractive 11omen. opporlunity to t'arn good n1oncy in bu~y coaec shop. f abulous bonu~ ptai1, fine medica.I coverage, thru union, a utomatic pay in- ('real't's. n1l'ah:. pleasant 11ur- 111\ll! Styl11'!S -l":r.1u1y t.J1 .... 1·.11 11r~. II u n I \ n ;; ton P.•'<1• h ,, ..:;int,, \n 1 B\J"I C ITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OPEl\li\'G . FLOOR LADY .............. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; I for Garm.ent ii.If~. Good Sa.lc:5 '_,_.,._ P<m"oenl. .,,__ UNUSUAL P AP.T-Tin1r. 1 li'an111;; lady round1ngs. E:o.p"d and un· ,._,p'd. SJittia.J tra.in1na pro- gran1. ~1~r>n':~QOrl r•.1\ !' ~1 o ,; C $3.30 l.:i S.C.04 Per Hour .i-1--11 11., !"lliS-..WW. 01 e\r-. ()ni:-hal f 1i111r 7'1 1."t-~110 HICKORY FARMS II " ~I I" !1"'1111111'! p.lrl hn1 r ,..,1.·~ 11r··•r l•• f;i r P''1,n.1 11r'111 ~l\d t "l\ 1•1111:1.;; !•oil,;. ~-11 10.)· <1 l1[r I\ •II h,. \1:1.~ ~ ,( £\\ ~ f 'lf',1 r • ·d l ;it I !11 k'•l'.I ~'.l!'t\1 , ~·). l "n.•Sl P!a ~~. (' \I , l ..;11 1·1· :'II :i 11 I ru:-.P IT,, [,fTY-llUSTE :f."I"" IO<Jkll•!! ror n1«l111·r 1,r,.n('ll 111 11eh·o111<' nr\\'1'0111er.;; lo L~O hi.<. pf'L', \1 k ' Opr11H':~ 1n ~l.i_rinrr.< r..·.i nch nl City Lihrary !\I '1"1n. Rrq u11'f's ("Dll r;r ll r<::l"'C 01· an ron-tl illllfJHlll (II lltll"<ll'}' C'\flCl"· /\ppi) iin 111,d1,11r l.v lo - Thr l 'r!'~onnrJ Offwr ·, ::.:oo ;,;,.,\1~1rt Blvd., l\"t11· pu1'l 6 C'.i,·h , c ... 11r_ tii:;.663.:i tlir r·o11nnt1111ly. :'l lu.<I ha\'<' 1\11\CllI:\"I:: Opt'.'ralors. TUR· l)Jlf'llT1!i'J", i·ar. aud h<' ron-RET Qprr;;1111·, Apply 111 1lahlr. 1\pply '..'::,1 I': .\lain, pt'.'r~n. 118 Ea:;t 16th St. tiuitc 7, T11-.!111, C a I 1 ! . c :'II. :1\1-lifl:?,-, .,;_-===~------ t'1111 Tit11'" HOUSEKEEPER .\pply in IM''l'~Oll Hunt1ni;t(ln lkar h C•1nv~!t'<.t.·r11t l!o~p1 t~I 1~i9:! Drl111\·11rr ::=t .• 11 .B. HOUSEKE EPER- ~J,\Cl-II KIST E.'t:p"d Bcehle1"To1 nos srl·up n1cn. Xlnt pay, brnehls, rutu1·e 11 i1h rapid!~· r :.- panrl111g l1rn1 ht sn1og lrce eon1111un ity. i14-'i97-91 J:i_ ,\lat'h 1n1~ls e Punch Press & e Multislide Oprs. To :s i::::? per 11cek. ;\pply Tony Ouc:hi. \\'ILCO TOOL & DIE t.· P.r!iahlr child carr. I'' ~oun.i: <'lllh!rcnl. Full 1!111<'. l11'f'-111. Rn1 & l>o.'lrd J i;:rn-;;100 Pulln1an_ La __ n~. r•\lu~ .«:1111.ry. Ev<'s. :;.u,;.ss2s Costa illr~a . ;)~0..5432 llr ~r,,,1 11'!!t1n1(' to ~Ir.<. illi\CHINIST 1\"an1rd :!' j~' l;an.~. ~:i.l'i Rk·hn1ond \\"ay, l'XP. prercITl'.cl . Call for •pp! C ~. ~G U3~5PM a~7 ~ llOUSI::l,i:':EPE:H . I. l \i c -I 111 _,_P_,_1. ________ _ hrlri ncccll.'rl by 1 I/ 1 illA ID:, n101hrl'lrss lhirhor a r f' a f'ULL-Tin1 r , rci;orl hotel, )101t1f'. Local prot n11u1 & 6 Laguna Beach. 49-1-1196 )r old _ son. Sr1:d brirli\I Ai\'AGE.'IE~T position 1lescr 1pl1on or p~v1ou.< <'AP. \\'ll h liller manuractu~r ol G.· . personal daln .. Car or \\'alt>r &. w11s1e fit>ld. Broad dnV<'l"! lie .. prt'f .d. \\"lll SJ)("cln1n1 ol dut1e.~; t:quip- pho~ _ !Ot' ln1Ct"\'~('~\', , ~· mtlll J.:nginf'etini;:. Purt hll.S• Cool>, l:xJO Adami;, Suite !OJ, in, o , , I I · n •. · "d C :'II , I !;: ...: 1ns1 c ·· · Mlc~. E1nphsi:5 being able llOU.SF.KF.l::PF.:R Li\·r 1n, lo 11ork on your 01\n pro- n1othcrll'!i..~ hotnr. t:.rat'.'h jl.'C1:5 hun1 slnrt to hni.;;h. 11rrq. :l tccnllgl'r.I. P11'a$llnl Salary. 642-1212 rrl11-.:M 11 tmo~~ph~rt .e ~1E:01Ai-..:1c e ~)o:p 'd , Pen11antnt. Ph. :»1-l·lj() Good salMY lor good skills. 11!'1\.PR & clnld ('8'rt'.', J11·e 111, Ph. for in1 rr.·•e11• 644-41:;1 :;•" rln~·~ flrl\" rn1 I.-barh. ~I EDICAL A~s1st;u11. B:u:li Hrr< S.'.iel 1\ k, 51C·9~\~ .~--~ Qfflrr l"\prr l\1usl bf' l\l!l-iJOUS'i::1.;;~:EPER-L11·t 111 !or in~ 10 11 ork 111 h11~y G.P. :ii· ho1111? 11·/ \1orlong 111olhflr. f1t-e.. Othr r~ nerd not apply. ~pan1~h ~P"aking ok. $\JO !\ol;:iry OPf'll. l\l is~!On \l\e. n10. :>l~--f}j!l:; _n F:: Tom llf'f'll . &37-7::0~U 101· Ill'\\" rur u. mOll. hon1e~. Opportun1"ty not h\'N'i 1n l<1r 1h~pla y pu1'po~es only. <19'.;...1'.!&i. ' Apply r:i11ly dunng f0Uo11 ing hour.~: il lon., \\"rd.. Fri . :)al. :! pin !O ·I pm: Tue$. k Thu1 s. S pn1 to 9 pm. Ste i\l;irge Grayson, Kona LaM~. '.!699 Ha.rhor. Cos1a l\lesa in person. No phonr tails, Ap- Jl•Y prior to (kt, ?2nd . --ThP lndr pc'ncl"llt OrdC'r o! PART-Tinlf' rn;i.lr, IS k o\PI·. Fnl'f'~1er:5 hr11,, opf'netl a ,,~,!~ :'ll;;r. tr~inrr, Ari p!y II nl'\I' o 11'e 1n Orange O;iun- Tal·n Ro>l l. b% S<:l. Coa ~t ll11Y, rv. n<"qu1rr 1n1<'ll i;;<'nt n1an Lai::. p,, h ~ _ :;;J. Colleg,.. mt Tl('l"- PBX Ans11ering ""r111·~. ,.,. <'··ar;.. Sh ould half'":.:- pcr1rnr" pr f' Ii' r r (' d , ;:tf-pcl'li'rlr r ill llH'<'lil'I!'.; puhllc. !rrr10011 X., 111irln1ght ~h1f1 ~, D11:n1f1r,·t hll' 11111r ro~i lion. !!uni Brh a rr.i. :1:;6-,li!\Sl Earning 1·on1mf'ncr,; 1n111H;t!. P rof•ssional iil!cly. ~houltl be in ('Xl:C.~s o/ S.!.)O \1r1•kl.1. Employm •nt Assi•tanc• COASTAL AGENCY Trlrplhl lli' IY'l l\Cl'll !O 11111 -~ pn1. :>Ion. !hru Fri., for a11- A rnl.'n1tier or poullment. ~J:J4-17C•I or So!l th ~n<"l11n~ t.· !'t1clllnR. lnr. c d I lh ,,~ 11 ,_ Bl ~I ''". __ I oo st C'n o . c colJnly. • ""' aru"r , "-'' .>-t .... &0;;.1 1~-8100. PUBLIC SPEAKER ~l "s.,"',"',.,"""""""""""""""""""' Pt.ti me or Full-time \\',\JTrtESSE S. Ex r. ,, ·Dln- n<'r. !\r w rl lr111r r Jrou~r. Corda11's r.cstauri:i n1 . cor nf'r of Cro1111 Va 11 r \ l'a1 ]\11•ay & Coa~t J-111):, La-;:ur1a Ni!:;t!PI. \\'AITR l::SS-Flc~1h!r sched, 1->1 <' x 1 ca n Food-Cocktail~. .Pac1f1r Cs1 H11y , Exp not !'SS<'n!i>\J. Call S1!i-:i?l)7 \rArIT:ESS -Exp"d COFFEE ~HOP. • &1'.!·i~2·1 * Ir }Oll tan l'C'Cruir & train, or 1f ~·ou ha1·,. c\'l.'t had a 1·ou1·~ in puhlir spraking, th"N' 1nay 1 ... ~ plare for you 11·ith ou1· Nat"] Cn. illooli l\lood, 436 \V. tith .SI., l'lr.;- tin. 5·1·t-'23re \\',\JlT.R~. \V a 1 tresses. lllen, 1ron1rn & stut!Pn!~. :-;uri- plem<'nl )Our tnC'Onl<' 11 ith 21:!1 E. Coa st H11y. C cl J\I. •n o>\lra 1l50 10 S:'A) 3 Bus boy. Pref. l'xp"d. Apply: PRODUCTION -WORKERS- interest to wom1n Sl\"JNG SHIFT THE HARTLEY CO. l'.IS7 P!acrnlla Costa illtsa REST,\UR.A.'IT : Lar!y. {ull or p11.rl lime, m atun. s~ J>Cl' hr. ;}4::,...9863 REP RE SF.NTATIVJ:; !or Sta le of Calilorn1a·unlqur career opportunity. Ont' hundred year old company 11·anls rt~po11siblt> r :1.·ccu11\'I'! tr pe: saleJ reprtscntatil·e \\i lh provrn r t>c o r d . Kno11le<lge of marine paint. coal!n:z.< and allied produc1s rt-quirt'd. Abllity to "':nrk 1vithin f'~tahl1.~hf'<l dr;\Jrr· d1st1ihntor org11n1iation i5 f'~~cn!rnl ALL 1·rplirJ conf1dr 11\111l ~nd rr~un1e 1Jncl l'lal11ry rr· rytnrrrnrnts lo·Box Jll-i64, The D1 ily P ilot. month CDll for appoint. • SALES\VO:'llAN * fi14-1700 r xt. 603 F ri, Sat k ;\lATIJRE Part time. Sun. Young 1'1aternily Shops Sale• V.P. to S20,000 ~ COL~! Pla~I. P;\1'!! on))' .t. ear + incenuvc + rx-- prnscs. Dynan1ic i;ro11111;: co. Dcgrre E!1>c:tric~t !"ll' mrl,."!g. Stock op1ion & all t"o. bener1t.~. Sencl rrsun1e or l'all Annll11, 516-5410 JASON BEST F.n1plo)ment l\gcncy :!!10 So. l\fain. Santa An11 ~?!""' THE NEW JUDY LEE i.s pru!l!11blc. lun &: exciting. F:arn Sj(] • SlOO per 11·~k full or part . time. Choose your o,i·n hours. No delivtry or collecting, no investment lo start. lmmro. profits • 11·e train. P hunr :>15-2036. *SALESMEN* Established arta 10 be ex- panded, Saliiry and eomn1. plus car a1Ja1,·an~. Ph: llfr. ~lichat>ls. 641-7"2 SALES Sanih Co\',nlty hall opening• ror (] or Jll tin1e X1na.~ s;iles. P 1 i:: a 8 a n r , d 1;:nlficd 11ork 11/n" in. \"('~I.. co l lect ion s or rlcli\'tries. Choo.«e ~·our 0\1n hni.. t-fin. A~ 21. For intv: <"a11 : 540-0614 It 962-.1693 School.·ln1tructlon 7600 JOIN TllF. FIELD \\.ITH A FUTUP.E! A;clrduc11tion no b~'1i.:"r! Li't us help you qualify. INNl{EE PERS INSTITUTE INTERNATIONAL l\fotel/Horcl/ Apt ~l~mt Sehl A DIVISION OF ANTI10 :\Y SCHOOL~ 1717 S. BROOKHURST .ANAHEl i\1. CALIFORNIA a11~stJ fonn evrry \\.'relt PHONE FOR APPT. Ask for Beuy 776-5800 ATTENTION 1...0VING PAR· E...'lTS! YOlITll SPEECll \VORKSl!OP. Age" 7 to 17. Learn to i;peak "·cU. enunC'l· ale, proicct. Aht>r M"hoot ,. ~turdays_ Pr1\•at.e or cJa ~~ rate~. 49-t-!29:i VOCAL Tec h. k 'Otll' tn- ltrprt'talion. Bfoginnera lhru 1td\"anred. 49-t-9340 9ff g TYPISTS: En1-n n10rr le11rn ~fTST g. Cnm po~er. Cal\ 642.579'1 11-IE QUICJ.:ER YOU CAU •. THE QUICKER ''OU St:LL ---- --· ------------~-~~----------~--·--------. -· -----· Friday, Octob~~ 17 , 1%9 DAil V PILOT 39 PETS end LIVESTOCK Livestock IMO JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Schoola.ln•truc.tlon 7600 -------LEARN TO BE AN AUCTIONEER TPrm !ilarlli soon, \\'EST-BEST Sf'l!OOI. Of AUCTIONEEltlNL~ Enro!ln1e11t l1tt'n1tun• l1f'1·. Handed and <'CT1lllt'U 1n:;1ruc- ror1. Opportu!'11!y for th~· ~a.ndicapped. PO Box 30'.!1, Anaheim, Calif. 9~SO::; 01· ITI4 ~ 6l&-5Cm. MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE Furniture 8000 AL1\JOST New R iviera Qul"e11-1>1zc sola-\J\•tl, i\laplL' dPsk &: cha11', nu,,;1:. l\lapJ(' lah!es, Pusy <.:hai rs, d111c11r !!el, lo\·cty J\laplc lx-drooin suite, lan111s, l' h 1 n a , s I I vel"\\•arr, kltt·henv.ar~'. line pru1t11 & JKlll1\1ng~. linens. blankr1s .'i.: n1a11y n1isc 1ti>n1s. Day.~-2612 S.tn· ta Ana, J.18-jtf:;(). E\·cs 6-1~86:-i MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE --~-1 -~----'-..C:..=- MERCHANDIS! FOR SALE AND TRADE Furniture IOOOFurnitu r • 8000 Furniture tooOFurniture 1000 P ianos & Organs 1130 Miscellaneous -~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,f-~.; ... ~.c~··~:~o~R~G~.~.~N;-;:C~U~\~$~<~"'~'.::. SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN Show Room • Floor Samples -Factory Closeouts 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE $389. e 5 p c. autlientic Spanisli Bdrm. set, e 96 in. quilted sofa witli 56 in. matching love seat, or cliair e S pc. Spanisli Dinette, oak t able top • 3 lieavy Mediterranean matcliing tables, top durable enougl1 for Flamenco Dancing. Will sell pieces individually. Shop First! Then See Out Unbelievablo Buys.! 1001 otlier items witli terrific savings! Bank 1·ern1s Slore Charge l\laster Charge BankA1nericard All Accepted PUBLIC NOTICE DECORATOR GETS CANCELLATION OF 18 LUXURY APARTMENTS Spanisli & Mediterranei1n Fu rniture $50,000 Inventory To Choose F rom !\1ond1y nit!'s 7:3(1 -8:::0 pm GOULD MUSIC CO. ~>01;> N, ?.1ain, S. \. :J-17.CGJI 1205 A DECO RATOn DnfA~I HOUSE ON DISPLAY -3 HOO~IS OF GOnt;rous S PANI SH FUllNl'l'UltE {11'as r<'J.!-~l ,295) U•ase. Color TV or Black &-\\'hill'. Op11011 co bu~. t rce serv1cl'. No deposit A·ACtlvc TV R1·11tal Co, S.i\CRIFICE ...... _ . _ ..... $308. tern1 s. Iii Ii] FURNITURE (l) ~22·ll:l:! SYLVANIA Port. TV 8:\10 &~Teen \ 12V DC car or boat battJ Ex, co11d. S60. &13.-280& aftl'r 5 1•1n 1844 Newport Blvd ., Cos t• Mesa * USED 'l'V's * Every N iglit 'til 9 -Wed., Sat. & Sun 'Iii 6 $!5 • $10. All good ('•on<Jition. 1:~:..~~~~~~~=7===:::..~::!=~::~f c,.u sr~.6!13 I --llCA J9" color t·nslr, Xlnt Garag•_S_1_1. ____ 8_0_2_2 Antiques 1110 Nini!. l l50. P ort. Ll'nl!h 11" •• 1 n.vs .s<:.. 64-1-4;;11 GARAGI'.: sal<' & antiques. H.ound oak ttible c-la11• Jcet, 111any ant111u" ~·Io r I\ s . r.tis~n san1ovar, 1·c-ry old V11:Lor1a11 sofa, hcau1ifully ANTIQUE Oak buff£-!, cd ni1n11r, howcd 1·lavJ lr~s-slrippcJ. '"-'\II' -=========== clas.;, H'-FI & St Sl~i 1 ereo 8210 Call 612--09~J i\IARANTZ 2:, re cciv er , OAK D1·sk. UlU,,IC bo..... Bozak 302 B s pc a k e r harirl klulled drc~.; site~ 10 C!uncsr ru:.;, Fl1'!l('h S111\'(' .!i y .!ii e n1 !f, dual 1019 & 11carpculcr1ools,& n1ueh ell'. \Sl2:l Bl'ach Blvfl., Jiil turntable. Si'OO or l:wst oil<'!'. n1orc. 'fhis Sa! &-Sunday ===,--=-======= &12-9838 before <I P'.\l *AUCTION* Jf )·ou 11·111 so.'ll 111· l>uy ;;ive \Vlndy a try Auct:un..;; J-'riday 7 :::0 p,n1. W indy's Auction Ba rn &•hind 1\1ny·,; Bltlg. i\\111'1. WT:l'~ N'°'"J'IOrt, C.\I ti1C.8686 i\IOVJl'\G. Caniprr S 1 j 0 , SIWWCi!.S(', iron bed. 1·ugs, <"hes1, an11q. picture fr11mc.~. ,::h1~s11arc, lors ot ll'l(b & ends. Aft 10 11111, l'nds Oct. 2S. 121 Cl'!'\! Pl, C:-.1. CARPET lnslallrr lias uue roll, avoc11do nylrin Cilr)lf·t, douh!r jutc-hackl't1. \Vi!! srll all or part l:l/~;;ril. :..10-72·1:1 UP·TO·DAT ~: 1·lo1t1rs Ii z 11112 & 13/l<t. Brtler 11ual. ~asua l & fonnul. Tustin s::s-1:1s1 OL\'il!PIC TV Console s1e1'C'o- Ai\t/F~l. Lo1vrey Or;:an 11•/ ben.·h. Bot h Xlul, sac! 96:_>.!):,g;; FREE TO YOU do11it•1it 11'1i 1e1t. lca.<ih tra trl("cl . 10 &dulr.t only. ~1ll\'ln~ and t·t1n1101 lake h1n1 v.·uh 1ne. 616.!WiG 101ro CATS. l<ITTENS & DOGS, all ~pa)f!d, had shots. Also BANTY ROO ST ERS . 5-1(}-1~13 1 I llOt bctwn l pm & 7 ll!ll) --~~---~--t'OUND !I abafllklned kttten,;, now all healthy & must Jind hon\l'S, Please help _ we've hnd a ruff start~ 49.1-1326 111/20 !iO:\I LONf~ \Vantli us -\Yho? L1k~ 10 slay indoors, use !it· 1t•r bo~. "G•'Orge" & "ClHl'f'll('C" (h: It l f' n sl ~!19-l i!.lli 10/18 FREI': To good homes. loval,ic, !l"··y & wht . ki!!ens. 8 \1k~. ,\Jso SC\•l"ral o1ht·r~. 1111·1011" colors. :i:: i-.12:.1. !'.!12-7000 10/18 ti r·1ur1y k111,•ns, all l'Olo1'S, 21; n1onths •llrt. playful & h1•althy !)lj:-\.j6Qo 10/20 SltOR·rf\31,·fU-1 1 i;ro1111 sul1d bhu·k l'aL, \'LC. Lastbtufl. &1 1-45!!7 10/20 IT'S FUN TO BOARD Your hor°"' .il TALLY HO F.\&'\1S. Box s taila S!6 per mo PrlctaJ shaded corra.11 S~5 per mo. AutofUaU.t wa· Tf'1', fl't'd & cleaned dally. 11 · ar re1 lighted ll.rf'na, tr:.in1ng ring. H.lver trail ac- NS,.. Expert F:nglish j. \\'cst~rn 111s1ruction. Tally llo Fam1~. 17262 Newhope, F ountain Vil.llty. 545-9587 TRANSPORTATION DAVID L. FRASER 2.)' T.S, CRUISE/l Complete. Sacrifice 1hi1 week. l'tkl , S l.500. Call: Ted RQJ:C'rs 312.J Via Oporlo, Newport 673-~:!:12 'S" ta .. \S..l>1-' AR c I l a I I 0 n • lnboard-00..itl.oard. 120 r.ren:. Cruiser with po11•er jel It power tr1n1. Full cover . Re11.dy lo enjoy. A 11 main1eaa11(·e record!. 1 01,,ner. Kl 6-44•14 HER l TA l; E ~IQ 11 1 I 1" four • poster bed, ch1•,t of drawers, bedside I" h Jr , .. : '•I 226 C1and f'anal, Li!!lf' Sewo'ng M1ch<"ne1 8120 · •• ti9 Chc\·y 8-tra.:k la™', B;i.!boa J ~land -Nu 1;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.I , .. a lso 6 la[ll's. Only $TO • pre\'1c11·.~. £.1'.:\\'L\G J\\.'\ClllNF. e :'llS<l98fl e SINGER · - $123; 111·0 eharn11ni:: 1·l1;urs, sz:i each; sinall .. 11 ... st, I o==========C"'==========~IODDS & f•11Us o( funu1urc & SURPLUS }'aelory tlress fii\Jrics & re1nna11ts. Sold to the public 8-4 i\londay thru Sal. l S20 i\lonm1,ia. C.1\I. ==~~--~-'--c---JCIVL tt k111cn a hon1e! Cuti\ CROSS tori R c Ir i R · • pl«)111l, hou~elJrokl'll, 1nale, 11u1omatic delrost. E:>.<'. $65. 5:IB-::J:i6 l.'\l"S. 10/2{1 The I lou~c in Back 4A:> E. l'iTh . f>.12-5741. LIVl:::--011 work bual. Navy LCVP 33''L ll '. huill '63. Siove. sinks. englnr. p3int, I ton, srian' par I .!i &r hard1rare S600 0 w n er lranslt'rrf'i! lo Alr1~·11. See llt 20J3 Nr.11·fl0rt Blvd, C:\f. n1atrhini; 1nin111". SIS; fl ou· 'F . , IOOO appli;ine,.s. loys &: gan1rs b!e lx'd hox spl·ings, nial-Furniture 8000 1. urn1lure _ ~alrirr, nil kinds of odd-; & trelis, l2J: 20011, f.\ing~ 1-----------·INEAlt m"w blollill' kin.c: si1.C' .1 rnds \1ln'11 tile pn.•n11i>cs Road, ~18-239-l. Sa1.-:3un. & OVER -STOCKED pr. 1.i·drn1. ~uit•', L!:C'. ~J 11!'n' vac;1h'd. 40'\1 Selon Eves. i!i·aiii·r drr~"\'I', 11,0 ~ fid, Univ. Pilrk, Irvine. Al! MUST SELL' I I I I I 1 day Sat & tiun. DON'T Give up! You 111a)' • i 1-.111<'r I!'( ~11,• ,. 1PSts, tind it at Amc n ca·s Ja1·ges1, hrodl){ln rd. :'112~>. '.d~-1 212. I·. V }.: RY T 11 1 NG E:-:.-rpt most unusual u11fi111~!1"d t\l,-Q.\f"11l---;:-!1_e_I B -; k1trhPn sink' S11111_•1· ~a l'a;.:c d Nl"w ~ rl'I'.'.. 1·!,l'lll'I' illTililf:. • ' u t• 1 1 " -i,.: sulr. :);11 & Sun. ,\~6 C-1 rnu-furn1tu1"C ~101~-Cur. Re ltlll t'l1<>ll'I' OI 1·Jr.~ f('~ s::~o fl•)W !'='p:ini~h ('Ull "<llf', ,\lolurolu & Santa Ana F11·y, TU!>.lln.] SLi!l . .)(]. ?\eiv ix:ci~: 'i\ui<> col<H' TV, ~lill 111 h""· t'ur t1on, Cun111:t tlt•I ill a r . mi So o( Ne11·port t'1 ·v ., k J 11 -'6' i;;::-11Sl.An1on!:n1<1nyothcr 0-n .362 da)'' I'" ,':r: S!Y.l .-l(), Qt1rl'ns ~~9.JO, Full ~I~~· •·11 .., ·lfrJ~!. ll11ni;s; kul.(; Dre.'1.el bJr n1 ,~ :Sl~l.:..O, T11111s :s:~9.:IO, fully l:ph••L'-lrnd ('{11'11('r ;::n1up 544--5470 sc1. !!U<11n. ]-(ini.: S7. sp11'a1ls ~t::.!6 rutl\•'1·1~ 11110 :!. t11·1n t,.r>rb.1~-~---~---- 2 T\\'IN bcds, conl<'11111. S!iO. fl. ~z. $9.~.'i. llr<idl\rcb: l'•i~I SJ:!O ~111, 12~;, vi' bc~t BANDSA\\', tlrill Pl'l"~s. lahlt• SmaU desk$~. Dressrr S2:i, J\111g:;, SC•. (Jur<'ll!>. S l~.30, oft('r 6·1l-i1!9 r1·l's/\l'kt'uds sandrr, pol.u11nl :.110, tape both An1iq. ~ccn. 2 1w1n Full SlO.;;o, ·r11u1.~ st9j. ---· , r!'cortlrr. n11sc hon1r . !>.hOp Spanish l>edSpl'l'J<ls ~JO ra. Tru11<1lc ~<'l') !duo r lsC't·l 1,/ C0'.1.IPLLTJ:.: boy'~ rooni .~· IT'I'. itr.111:;. ~i6 Jllissiun fllisc. All 1u vr.ry good t'Ontl. innl•i· ··11ru1g niall. rl'~-~l f'/13. fornihu·i., uit•I liunk beds. & !'>l!J-11)6. cvrnl'r :in·an~rn1i:n!, like ---~-~~-~~ 6-W-1397 no\v 379.JO. K.s, ~rin:!~ SI:.9~. nrw S:?::O. ~~1:..-G!l~I. r1tE1':Clf s l)lr furn. Xl111. NEARLY New n1aplr turn, ~1-r><:. ~pan gp. S'.!19, h li. \'r l-pnr\. <lish11·ashrr. l't-h·i~. New early Aniei'i(·an 3· \t'! spread-; S·l9.SO. Canopy TV. l::unps, r lc;. 1.117 La !.1n- coueh & 6' hu1 ch bt:ind ne\1'. hrfls n·~. Sl!9 .'>ll. now SS9.:iJ. Office Furnitur• 8010 da Pl, NB /off oi 2~rd1 Oct. An!ique furn, di shi:s &· t~l1ll ~1.. sh•cr1 -so/;1 re~. 1$-\!l 10:::0 A'.1.1-'.i P:'I!. bric-a-brac. 9 A:'ll 10 6 P i\! 32:l9.;~1. now Sl69 ~. L11r1~1. RETURNED FROM ...... '>A'J' ON!\" To lorhi 002-6067 nia~l(l.y-:111aysJ1•)\1,~!E~fA Rt:NTAL to lJt•I ,\!:ir J(,11('~L-.•· I ,. ys, c& I~. :-OLE:LP ~JIQf>, 1:127 Tli!rhor •· \\' I C I I I " uc"'"s• \ii~!':<, pois . pHUs, S li\1~101'\S Quct•n lnde.-a-br<l, orn;; & t'1•ecd. l;ood coud. 54.8-8926 1' I t. r b1·wn $7j. ELEGANT F1·Pnt:l1 l'H•"· {lining roo ni :;ulJc: l1ulfel, oval table ..,_/ 12" fill s .~· 6 chail'.!i. Never US('l/. ~11~1~1[1 all 6::;1) 7 Pil'rc a\'OCado ri1ne1tr srl. pt>can \••OO<l-,i:;1-n1nrd •or t Jea\'CS. lh1.rdJy used. $l2;i. ~2941\ aJ1l'r 2 P~l l!'dl'" nor • s ''" 1 C'~I\!>., RBQ ,i t I Bll'd., Ci\I 6li).:!760 daily JI}. 1•h,,1 r~ f1h•s .~· 1.1hlr' " ·.gal 1'11 I)() s. ntnny q ::i;i 1-Sun 10.-6. McMAHAN'S 772_8450 1111sC'_ 11r111:~· 1122 Co!'ona La, -. C'.1.1 .1·10--0!i.JS. 17 p K' s· 1~~() ·"· i\lii:11l,•1n 1 IJ!vrl ' 1111.-=-=-c---~~c. 1n9 IZe An:illi·ir n lal11ng~ide ~. A. LOTS Or Goodies ~ l •vhe••! Bedroom 11· l'\\.>\' al J\.11 ~11~1 1 1ril ilrr, T\i", dhl bed, 11) HP . . . '. . ,/i,hnson. ~. cc-!!o. lSiO Boa L!l.I';:(" ~ d1·a11·i'r tJrr~~rr. mir. J'\)I·, 2 !){'d~1d" stand~. li in;! sr1.r hl'adlX1;11·d. lra1ne. q11111· C'il inattfess, shccl~. bl:;nk· r..ts, •'ll". Ci1011·C' of Spani,h 01· 11lnd1'tn ~tyl,. All For $249 ~o 1J."1 u P 1lll<, onl y $:l 1no. t:Xf.CUf_IVI~ (lrsk 111111 ~1d" Visl<'l Cir. C.!11. :0 16-~i:;lG ;inn Sl~.i. AdJ11s1, t~ 1ll'\1T1t1•r cl1u11· S'2.i. Haik s ror:i):I' har:? FA,\llL"\'. sale! E1rly\h1 n!: SIO li ll-2J~6!l lH'lw. fl & :i ln1111 furn. lo .~11illxw1. Sal. STEE.1.;--j:·i1111g cahincl, ·1 31\11 Al pOlf'na Al'c, Balboa I I I I II .~ anr. , l'awrr. (•i.;;1 ~11r. u ~-~--------~11.~rl('ns1u11. S.'.{). s11-r~11 9 GAnAC~; SAL~.: !11 any llr·111~. llnu.~chol<I fur1111ur". 011. E . I 8011 :JOS3 T-'lattc Dr. C)! &.1 lSth. ice qu1pmen ~.:,. TOUCH and SEW Ci1meras & Equip. 8300 SllJ::htly uscll, in .~lyil~h c:ih- 1net f:>otls rv1'l)'thi11:;. ,'\l0 FOTJlON Eler1ron1c catncra atlJ"h 10 buy, slr111! n<..'l'Jlr. 111lh ra~C'. Sl'i:l or 111ake ol- »l·lr 11•1nd bobbin, r te. ri yrn1· fer. 61J--0.176 aft 7 P .\I JH11 rs & ~!'l'l'ii•c guura111ce. , - FULL PRICE $62.20 Sperling Goods 8500 or p:1y Sii.2'1 cl wn & 9 1110 S \\'\''f; 1., pyn11s or S6.Z-2. No inll'rr~l l ~, .. ' "',·11:. gauf:'e. dou_blr (')l,.. f or nu ohli"aTion li'f'C ,, • u n10<'11hrd, pad. IH1~i!' r!Cnlo _ cau'\'.:rri.Jii lll"r Vc1y ~oorl :S6:1 f1n11. Lady's 'lll 9 pin. " Sl'a su1 1. full J z1pprr, 11~·!0~ 634_5621 ~nf'd, Sl s1nall. $18. 5-U!-SGG~ "::"".'.:'.:".:'.~~~~~~10)\E :;o lb. Bral'cat bo1v, '69 l~EN)10RE ('(on.<;o,e scii::: hrand 1 _ nr;~~ S io 1 v a l~u <', 111~ n1ach1ne, 1\lr1l1tl·n ·anrn sarn 1~'!' S~.1. A so ~~e .iO lb s1ylC'. Doc!i ri·r.rylhing. All Red ·'·\ 111,i:: hu~ler .~1~ value. attach 1nl•I. 6 1110s olrl. Iller sacrifice SIO. 5--IS-·!Ll.1 11r11 1und. :S:?OO. Ca 11 ONL pair of laui~·s "Le 5--l') .'1181 Traripcur" ski l;oors, size 6 J%9'°Sl:'\GEr. \\fbeaut ivaJ o.!' 6't 111e!l 11·it~i ~t 1 ~~£-: eonSQle & zii;:-za:;. flfakf's t~xrr lent concht1on. :i-18--0::IJ button holes. O\'ercas1s. 5 BltAND nr w surrtoaroi 7'10 ... \'C'ar guar .. Full price $38.2·1 011ly in water oner:. Xlnt fur or S:i.26 n10 . 526-6616 Clln~tn1as. ;,.18--1i60 f;L PAIPO bcll.v board. Knee 8125 Musical Inst. n1achine 51. 3•l0. T B C * !'1IS<1SG3 * f'AP.BERIVA HI:: E I e C' ! 1' I l" ro!\s~cl'ir $30. ~prnno Sa x- opha11t• $HG. Pa1·tablc color 'J'V $21:1. filG-217·1 CONTE:i\JPORAHY-,-, -,~1-,,-,,·1 bdrn1 s1·1 ~100, rPln~ 31 J. Cas s!o1e :S:.!O & n1isc ilc111s. 67J-2tiill or li7.'i-2.~02 GIBSON ES 335 TD 1 pickups, lonJ: neck, Solid hotly, n1a1 chll"~s. &15.12·16 Evcninc,; TRU~!PET, Si:hwinn bike, Conlon ilu11rr, two 6' );Ofu~. la1111 n1011rr. PhonC' 1!l1-.ll!Jj\ GQ.J'l'.,\RT. ":'\lac" ~ Ill' enbine. i.;ood t-011d1t1on. $10 &16·01-1:1 \l'ed~l'1\'IJOfl-ll11lly h111h- ins and l.:enn1nn• St'\\'UlJ; 111ach111r. &lli-301'.! -,-,\-;o-ho_l_oo_Ro_dfii:JC90J05xJ~5- lll1'~. l1k,. !lt'IV, C.111 611·15:.!.i Qu ality king hcoi-qu!l1ed Co1111Jlrte-unuscd $!03, 11·or1h ~2:5o. Afl 5 & 11·knri~ 8~2·60116 HE calll'~, 011·sil1 ~. Shon·l==~~~----- rlell's, l'll'., l'llOI(.'('. J !of11rr1SCUl3 A D1111ni:: Cf!Ulp111('11!. J1 fl 11 d -111 a rt C' ~ ui La!' s S70 \\cl :1uiL 11sC'd lll'icc, li3 UPP.JGllT f:CA Frr.ezt·r S73. unusually <'~f'rll enl. Al so lb. $::0. 51S-3!lli9 Bcdroo1n sr1. $:it>. Call Ior Lien Campbell's r srh1.<1\'C SUHf l30ARDS 9'2" lloh1e appf, :.:i&-1fl4·1 1•hnirr. Thi• 0 v 111 ion \\loody, 12' QI.lie:;:: Tandem. c,6c1c0-orl-g-e.-2~<l-,-,"100~.-v",-,-,,,-,m- r.oundhatk Rn 1 I ad c r r · bolh for S3S. 6'il--06'.)2 (•)ranrr & 111m1h. ~::S. Both l\lar!ins. La\·a11·i1y Jori===========' c·11ns1rn;i~ !3;111k An1crican:l-Misce!l•neout 1600] i:n. N)nd 9(;$.:;!'lfJl Discount Priers USED \\·a~hrr & (lryrr l :.O : ESTATE SALE -J\ledieal THI:: 111USlC 1\1 \N on 111e /l('n1n~11l,1 81:;1 ~ I·:. Balboa nlvd r11u1p. l!osp. bed: prtl1en t "·hi!c n1clal pa1io !urn., 4 ~-SjO. Af! 6 pn1, ft.14-2!iJ7 1 1.:ncn.~. Sll'l[l/lCI!, ~18-!JSil '~ S1an1ese, tiger 6 Ilks. Ol d . l0/20 CUT~: 1\1!\cri,,, lovr rcoplr, I lousclJrokcn. Look r 0 r IHllllP. (';di 57:-,...-1.182 10/20 Oro.LY 2 Ii-ft, fat lu1ahl~ pup pies, 5 \1•ks old 121[]" 111 al 11111 111ri1y. Call 616-(}l~O 10 '30 -----~~=-~-A DuJt,\BLE S!!k1c-Ponc!!c pu11s, 11 \\'ks old, 3 males, t ren111Je. Sl:J.-1868 10120 ~ FLUf~·y ren1ale yel!ow s1ripcd kiucns, frce 10 Jov- 1111: hon1cs. &12-1.'!Q!i 10/17 3 Fluffy n1ale kt11e11s, 7 "'ks <lh!, ll'1'ai1<'<l & tra11X'd. 518-161:1 10/17 JllANX Cal. onP. 7 1\'k.!i. old & niothrr. 5-18--41·10 10/17 DARL!Nt~ n1alc k111e11s, lree 10 _t:'OOd hon1e. 962·9:-.ffl 10/17 3 l\lONTll old n11xcd brcl'tl bl;irk pup py. 962-£9:1 101 17 !ll ALE & ff'n1ale k1!tr.11s took- ini.: fur hon1e. 8-12-3127 l fl/18 Cl".NTLE. Frisl.)' n11ile k11- t•·n x~~n1 u1 r~o PETS and LIVESTOCK Pets, General 8800 BOAT \\'ANTED Privale party. 30 lo 3j' T·S rJ~;1n. 11al1•r ready. no deniers please. To $10,000. Phone ~~fi-.931 l 1110 hp Ford-clc,,c,.-,-o.-p-1~°' J/O. 111r111y rxtras, must S('I!! 321JO. Call aft S Pr.t ~136-.'>~10 18' SEARAY Tri hull lnbo.1rrl/Outhoarri. L i k ~ nc1v s:ri00. 11-16-222.'i. Sailboats 9010 2f Islantl"r llloor F'. G. inh. a11x. Pulpct. h<'ad galley, bilge pump. Full cover,; and cushion.~, Slrrps <I . ll99:'i. 714-833-1311 Ext 221 ~·k tlars li' O'DA \'. Daysailcr Denio Sll50 -Used $1350 11' O'Day c~ecl ..•. $:)00 Fun Zone Roat Co. Balboll. GREATEST ol racer.~ 2'2'7" Slnr Slonri rnod 2.1..l 33' llli!Sf, like Mt'\\'. Sac. s2:ioo. :.:; 1--0101 PENGU IN sailboat 11 1,;' SCRAM LE v•/satl & tra1ler. Top con-• TS 1 '"'•=";"-c' ",---,'°· "'rn,_-soos~_, LIDO 11. Tr.?2; xh1l cond, ANSWERS Fu!! ra"'" T1'-0phy 11·1nner. l lW!I. 6·16-lil2 \l'ntt<'r -\Va ler -ll<1\·en - \V1~lon1 -~J 101\ J·.R HOBIE CAT $1000 * 4g 1.01::1 * 39" Bo:\; spring, n1.1 111•·,~, fl'8111C, !lf'ftr!y tlf'I\' s::~1. As.sortcd lran1C'd fll(·turrs S2. 5'18-.'19% WELK 'S WAREHOUSE =~~~----,s Pl:: EU • l) • l'l:l:'>T GAJ'{At,;I·: Salr ['\'<'I) thin;; 1n1ll1Ng1·arl1: J ~hrlC blue h1ltil rvrlashcs In loot~ lo 1ur t:1t l.MJlit:a~\". l' o rl a k toys. S~t Sun. 4G:2 Sc:enano l-t1·1"1<lyp1·1nt <'111)11'!'. All Lil Dr, llR. B;i!IJQi!. 673-'.'i~'Gl l1 it; \\al lier . alirr. prcs~ure --,-~-------• pad: lTaJX:le bar. ~Id P!Al\0, f.\a11a11 c;o n so Ir. !>Cparalcly or collcc1ively. \\'alnul e11b., 2 yrs old, a! Subn1it bids in 11-riting ro nc1v S·\9:i. Lu(ll\IJ::' s11a1·c Unlt~J Cahf. Bank, Attn. drum 11•/all r xc<'s. l::o. Darla D. Jlolthy, Box 17:9, \\'ANT~:D: Brass hr1t 1ra1nc, Rr:a ~on;iblr, ltl2--ji'l(i /\'riv pr'lllHcl: Pl;.~1lc Hin;: ==========-= shret.~ havr b<'cn rreatrd for SAC-RI F fc!CCAL 20.- S2.S<11. * 673-7699 8 METER SINGER Cabinrt !>. r 11 1 n J:?. machine S2:J. i\laplr ,10' \ .fi" corner bed table s2:.. 54&-892ti QUILTED Atllll\U•' s a I In chair, orangc & ~1·rrn S i(I. ~laple l dra11rr chr.~t SIJ. 548-8926 ·--~----~-~ ~l' Sofa, ~ood cond 111u11, Scotrhguardr<l. S.iO. 5'1&-l;)-18 aft1·1· 4 P:>l PAIR Lu nips SlO. A ~sorl r<I fu11ai n~. •I r a pr ~ , .\. bl'dsprrarls Sl-SlO. :)!~-l\921i FL0~1AL pnnl tornrr gr.111p con1plrlr., " snln" /1.· l11hlc 111/covrrs & bol~trri;, S!li. Gold plast1o· s11 i1·rl n>rkrr S'.'2. Thr F;.u·tory. :110..6~C FOP.~AL-Early 1\rnl'nca11 rhn1ni:: l:\hlr. i; , hau·,: bif'i"hwoorl f... 1' h n n1 a s m:\kr, l1kr Ill'\\. S 1 i:,, :>!H!l~I . --~------;-.1,\PLt : uphol~h.>rrd ro1krr. S:;:'. t.:sC'd 11•1![1(11111 • 011· l'f't'lonr rrl1·10:: S~fl. The F ai.:fory, ;,.1(\.{i.') I'.! POOL T\1lr. l•l•rl1· .. -,,-,.-,_-.. -,-,,,--,,1 rn:r., r11r11111u·"· la11111~ .t nil~r r.nr,d ,.,.,ii.I ~1!i-",I~~. Hro111'l. Enrly /1111r>r11 .111 ~.:. fi l::>-i'lif!~. Qu;il1ty l\111i:: h1'1!-q1111!1·d Co1nplc1c-unuscJ :ilQJ. 111orlh S1:io Afr 5 & 11 knrl~ S 1:! 1.-,:;fi ).fODERN d1nr·ll r, lli111Prrd prlTit cha in;. -, re s~.,. 1 he faC1ory. 5 !0-6.q·I'.'. COUCJr & mnlcch-,~,,-"-,,.-. --,,,1~,1·, her!, f'nd !hls, &11·n11('~·· ~ ! C11ll &lG-~~ DINING ~t . .s<'llid 11;1111111, 6 chau-s, :..Int l']ual11y, ron- temporary s1ylr. 1;.1.1-11 2.~ USED 5 pr. ant1qur 1rlu1e bdrm ~('! rlrtuxr, S~7. The r actory, 5!0-6842 uo (~ JUL~ lJ ~.·Al/8.11 I"\ 1 ... 9. )t ~·1·4M1 'rllGO 600 \\1. 4!h s1 .. Salll.t 1\na Opr11 Daily ~! . ~ Silt, 9-6 Sun. 11-6 Misc. W•nl•d 1610 pro11lc "'ho ~1ni:; in the SllO\V. good l'l}Jld. &11-1-122. c··A-PJ-,-E~T-.-,-h,-,-.-,,-;.-1,~,'·E=w E5PANO'L IN QUALITY TYPElrHrl'EI{, ;ich!. 111ai.:h .. 3·l .\ofJ-yd. 3% Hamilton, M odel Home Furniture •·al1·ulalnr". V••ry n·asonablc C.~I. Saturday only. Xln1 •·und. ~92.2n:; ==========~1GA!1Al.E &ih-Furn, n11S1'. a.18--9766 Sa nta Ana !r2702 GIBSON ES 335 TD 2 p1cl\U p~, Jon:::: tll'\ h.. Sol1rt lxod.\1, 111<111'hlr~s. 6t'>-12!6 t;vr11111;:~ ::.2 INTERNAT I ONAi. 111rkup. con1n1e rcial lie('nse SJ2j. 60 Datsun Sedan, run~ good, tral cc.o11on1y S17j fJrr. it•Jnrr $12. Tools. n1isc 91;2-19:,7. lOO!g San Pablo CL F.V. $WEBUY$ $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES :-::.n·1ngs I•) l'j' "· \'f'•Y C'<1S.Y 1111;1nc1ng. 3 ro1npk·t" roonis of rht'-OndoN sl}!rd :'p;1n1sh (\1n111urr. Con~1.~tu1~ uf th~· fillTIO\IS 1USTu1n q11:J 11y !lla- dnd 1i1·111g room group, Thc- ri ng1 11.1! El P1'l'S1<lcn1,. :,pil<." ious 111a.'-l<:r k1ni; ~11,. lJf'<'l. l'UOl1J SU1ll' ,ind til<' 1Hllh1•11(•i' La P;;z 11·11111;,;11, iron d111l'llr ~rt~ L•llllll'd !';ltwk • !i J~S. ll ,1111111011 :-;,io11 ronrn, .J~!l! l\lrsin11n~!r1· ,\\ l'. \\ l'~tn11ns.. 1l'!. 8~11.11:; I -=~-cc-,-,~~ SO LTD 111;ipll! h1111 h. !Jr\!~ 11 tl;irl!k·r ~G:i. Pl;" 11c 1 .. p lqa·~•lir•I•• 111111" dt•,fi S• ... I l 'n111 h l.Jl.-k 111 plr rJr,k fh.11r ~1."• f>u1c-h 1~1x 111pl" 1.1hl•· '1~ o(I. J:ound 11111111 111pl1• 11l,Jr ~11 .'~l \lin~1r 1 .. 11 rln•""lllg J;ihl(' "/•k11l :'Ill, l'h• IT) l.!1-.11'111\~ IJ<•ll1h ~~l 1, 11-:!~Ufl. '.I"· -c--~-.\ ( l J\•t.( I I" 1<11\.111> I' 11•11]'"; 1n11-.1 ,,,1111 11· ,..1,.i r11.qil" ~t11'1 11 111111 ni: .. 1 1o111\pl 1 ·11'11•1•11• 1""l 1u• 1,11 r1 .1n11·, '•1 -.!HHl r'•l\l'I J'"i'I, 11,1111111 11.<1. l l1 1f1u1.,11 11 · t i.n-••I•• 1V ·1 11111,lll' l'I ' pn1·I ·1v. All \till l'Olli( ,i·l'J-1171 11, LUfJ l\lNt,; f .. r olrl ll•;l h•~!!.lln,1" )j;c'.•ll f' 1'.l' \ (,1\111\r·1 SWO. Blillcl S'.!OU. ~· l 1-1;,~.11; i\1001·'.H:'li ~1'C'•'11 d1\;.11 ,I',, t'.hatr. l.;oocj l'Ollil $.">~. j >r nf g .. Jrl l;11nr~. 1~>1h ~;. 1 he F.11·rory ~,\f'..-GSJI. . ----~-~-i\1AH8LE 'l.ill•f. ! 11.1111111 JJl1" 1·h;i u·~. t'111<' '"11cr. 611-l~llj 11(1;>1' 1 ~!l. co~Tl~\1 f'0R,\!tY"rl-,-,-, -,-" room set :i chaw~. ;ood eon- -,J,11011 ~}(). &12--09.'G. Garage Sale 8022 f1·1, S.11 & Sun. ll am • <! p111. 4~6 S1'!1\\'11rrl. Cd'.\.! 6 i"lnng clct·!r•c l,'l1il;ir ~nd an1pl1!1rr S ~1 0 . O 0 Cnll ;;1s-rns1 a.r1,.,. J r~1 i\10VED h·un1 1:1r,r;"r hon1". n111~t srll ro11t<'1n p. sr1·11on;.il Appliances SJ::(), i\1'111 "hc1irs :');.;,, r,1 1100 < I SI" IJ , .. ,. ----------· TE'.\Qll Sn". Si.•1111!'1' :>.l:irli li . 11·11i.: .111111 l, r,._,s,.1·~ .,,,,, P:11 nt•'I'~ Equip: D1nks Jow- t·.i. J.i.:r 1u1nlo d1 l·~"'!'l'/di·~k r:"rl'l~"r.1101·~ •... fro1n S~li. \':il ur .~iro. A'li111g l :hil. I ., h<1y COl11pl'CSSOf, ·~ othct'$, SO. L:1111p~ ~.i A· S:m. i\!lr-CJ; l'ui't Co OI' TV, C.,ll 6!_-:r.2~r~c''-"---I •lCl' exlrnsion ladder, 2 :o· J'lll'~ .~10 -~· S:.!:J, A!l ll!l(' COllil l1k1• Ill! ··-·· .... ····-·· Sl•IS rENlJl·:r:. (;U JT \l~ laddci".•, 5 J:.1 ! pot, 2 gal pol ~. g1 l\';•linic-111,, In SlO .. .::111 & ill~i.vi,,g .. Ir(' dtJ'l'r llOV G1h1'011 pirk11p~ ~12:1 o!ler n1 1~,· guns & hose~. DeVt!bf's S1111 only 2Lo12 1'.1.•Ulan\ls Dr, U~<'rl :;\ldays ............ $~1'1 ('all..filr1c '.11.ll--0%7 air\r~s. 54~.(1!1! aflrr 5 C.11, P.CA Consol r, cok1r TV, SJl8 ----==--1 \\'h11'!poo! Jn1prrial gas 13F:Cl\l·:r. I \1101,J;-.1 l!EIRl.00.\I Kln!:si1r hi'•! Garage Sale Sat/Sun 1 'til ? 2400 ELDEN, CM dr}rr .•...... ,, .....• $G!l NE\V STRINGS. CASr•; SliO, 60'' rnd {JC{lr-.t11t tahlr DUNLAP'S 5.:.{) ;.,.1,-,..1~s l~."!. 1lo1po1111 <'1'oss 1np lSl :J ;'\l·1•11n1·t nlvd .. C '.I.I, --rr h1i;: S:.0. Drcp lrer1r SJO. S41J.7788 8130 !Jrrs,,l'r :11·,, O<lds k =-==~--____ 1 P ianol & Organs Encl~ :d"-l•:.:;1 C\)LI 1:'f'OT 1·1•;-, .-:/lr"f'"'', ----~-- FACTORY CLEARANCE ! 1\l:'>G :)11r b<'d SiflO. 1 tll.J11r hn;"::y a~lro r1n1 ,r., \Irr SW. ).J,.f..;ih.1 ~l1r1bonr.! .~ ~ o . Color TV•-l'i •~ot-S l•r•o• 1 l"lt<• •r Houl• Full CASH IH lO MINUTl:I • 541-4531 • WE PAY CASH * FURNITURE & APPLIANCES WANTED I *CASH* ('nch 111 ~O n1l1111tr~ 101· ~ood. u~"1I furnit\111.", TV, bll'l'C'O, aprl1an1·<'' 547-5722 --,=-op ~ii J:--. t: v~1 c, ,,--c,o,,-- rnr l11 ri111111·,. f. ilpf1l1i1nc.r.! Ca ll J ,\KIS. l!~ll-1'<1~ ;-;1:::i::u bn1·h.s 1111e l'l J ll{l(J, rr11 ~n,1hly pr1c1'd . f.1 1 -16.~7 f ,1,.tory "idt'rs c!,,ar,on•·r of C:o-C,11·t s2:; 221J-C Canyon :ill ••\rra;::r, dC"•110•t•J1 <1!•'I'~. Ur ('\] h\1~~(.~I I • Machinery, •fc. 8700 r1•"11' n1c~!r!~. ~Ill•!'> r..: rr. 1-.1,1 •• -1-,.-1~--~"0 <1111 n11·11 f.: l'hlll!I', , . .,11 . ..oli· d<>41r. \\'n•k" 11,.ll, 1'V. t·l11hlrrn s t;<1111"' s.. :<;~i ;,:;(;.~JS:' 1111.'\ 111'111~ .. 1 1_10'.l Pn.,cilla ;\IQDEL 600 hc.,-,,-,,c,0-,.-,~.-,,-,., l.11. ;\ll t112.1.._,7 \\;1<]l .. )', ,1111 f •()Jld. $;.i. .\'~.IC ;IJ riUI ~Jr(H tU \; .i r ;1 i: r :)IG.i\!ii2 nr .ll li·Sl 15 s,,1,._ 11 .-.u~rh•)h! I· 111·n11urC', \\',\Sl11· r.: ~-111,t·J-.,-,-,-.oc-,,-,,,-,, 'l1"·"!lrt1lrvu!'., lUOU7 ~pa1·-~12.i. J:rlrn:-rr~~t frer SIOO. Ji)•i. ~ V Fn'"'"r's lG:i. 541}-109:; {;Ar.,\i.;~--; ~fllr ()ltl 4lr~ks. f'IHl.f'() rrlr1g,.rator 5.:{>. bcdroon1 srt. n11~1·I 1!rn1~. f':\:r('llr nl condition 6~:?-S:i!)~. 2'r.lfl '!1Jl•rn, ('\I. S:.t! ~· ~un ti\G l:l\.16 · \\. J·: :iTl\l~llOl:Sl·: elcC"l nc r;oll~l' S::.O l:l·fri~1·1·:11(lr free 111th ra n~e or ,,10. 6i."..-~:::i0 \\ ,\SICJ·:R k 1lrycr, avor·irlO, $12'1. P.r lr1-:::-trnst h rc. .$100. Fret'7,l'l' ,Sri). :.nJ-109.> Antiques 8110 . .\ P.EAL SALE at Crntury 1Joust' AntiqllC!<. Li?-pot hr lly ~lovr S39. Iron dbl bed S60. Rd n1ai::. lbl. :! lcavrs, $37. 4 rnatch. chrs. .s:;o. Dres!'er S.:.'9, library 1hl ,,,; drawer $29. Chrs. Ibis, etc. DISCOVER CENTURY HOUSE "'1]'('re price~ 11rt' bc~t /,, ~tflC'k 1s r.xcirin::;. Look for the ~,le sli::11 In 2nd b~k. p11~1 B;iy ~r., golni:; North on Nr11 l"'rl Clvd ., Costa ~lr~a. 21:l l Ncw- P'Jl't Blvd_ JI /\i\1 _ S P~I. --BUILT In Br11un~rh11·rit. Crrmnny in 1869; this b: <1n anli1ruc upr1i::ht piano, 111.1• .1·nl1'1c 11<'\'Cr wn, ~lirl l)i·,.,~<; rondl(' holrlrr<i, ~1 1'nlt rd k") boitr<I ~tiprJOrL 0111• nl l1tst !'!r1nll'rcs f'1·r1· l)uil! Nn. 11)<l.1, $100, 6T.''l-0.1J7 for :111 nppointn1cnt In ~rr, I' < O , .r. !>\\rt ;1 1•11t·1;.. _ 1111111•1 Hlll•f~ "' l.!·111•. l SI 1~18 !)!) r Of<K!.IFT !•11v 1\l"to1·, J:,·~! ~flYIJlf'• 1111 '" ~n·'. f"l•l!u s . . ••rr 1J1·11c' l\+·1~p,..11 Be ;i r h ~Ji.1qi, ~l)f)(l !lo-lfl' hf!-1" w 1':1l11'Jllllllr. ~1t1r.1nlf'l'rl likr filli--1·.,1 11p,,_ niton1111 ~11111 .. m i;:.i< 1)1·11 , .'11r J1n11•r il 1.-, •ll•'1·ilw ~_:! --------~llifKJ 011 f:ut1111•• $J;;>(), ~li-00 ~i,11·1;. ~•• h111T)' ,'\() 111r1lll'Y l\ll:l:Y \';11·11u111•1c,1 t1rr 111111 lb. ('J.,ik. 11111 ~ 111, '· 11, w il,~1111 01\(', :i J('.11~ 11> p.1y . Hlla l'h & poli~hcr. Xlnl 1'1•1ld i'lihh,.r $~/lJ"i. ld~-!i.:~;:, 1.1,., Thi.~ c.1·,•n1 i;;:ilr (!Illy at i:. ~u;i 1-.1nlrrd. Pay oi l hal nl ~:11_2 i:::; ll .\!1!1':-; E.\LD\\'1:-l ~TUD!O S~'J.tl7 or t;ik<c o~•T pymnt ~. --~---- JSl9 :-;,'11pcll'I, C.:\1. 6·12 -8 131 C'rrrl11 1lrp1 :1:r..-72~n L!i\!·: nr11 Pa~lt><.Je n1a1l\11~ Opr11 1~11'1.Y Nilr Dfi\·i·:·r r E Sc!. fornnt'a, ~~" 11111fil, lar::.r • ••il11il'• "'cir. II & s rl Af1 n pl'rl nf';,' i:i1tn, 1:io· ,,r tlo~r _ · . 1111 :iy_ l'rnoo __ r11U1t(t , JG" !1llrr, 4 <'h:11r~. Sti:.O :i-"IS-23G7 r vrs 0 r *l'l1\0\0 l\J·.,'\'TAL 3Hl. (h1 11:t, SC\Vll'C I'll' 12, Sl"ECl1\l.1ST . .; ~~·'· J,nrJ!r n1nd,.1·n !';had11111 :\o tll11r. l1n111, Hr111;1I appl ir~ lfl'J'I. ~:?I. Call 6·12-~21~ l•i 111•rrh,1'lr 11 11hin l• ~"ii'' 3"-k. ~4·~1 p;.;--1~1 1anks r-:1 :\V & L:~l·.n Pl \:\US f.· cJnll. \1 r ldi11;.: h•~M', :iir h!•~('. ()J1G,\NS. Br,t •l'.·,,ls 111 lonls. D1>11rh, ehain hnk Orani:ie CQun1 y. \I e lake rt•11t·e . .'link & s1nall n1otors. tr:irlrs. H{lnk IC'rms. Open 61~ 1610 i\lon & rn evrs, Sun 12 to •I ~---------llA'.\l'.\10:\'D TOOi~ Ix.\, rabuwt .~· chC'~t. in CORONA DEL ;\I \R L~ capacity, po1·tahle SS:i. 2;.i:,, E. Cnii~t lhvv. 6j:}-119'.'.{l IY.17 n1versitle Pl, C.?.t. --. 6\li.-:'~19 Pl.'°17\0S .\: ORGANS =~~-~--.,..--~~.\V k li::::f:D i\llSCL flll'llllUn'. porL SCll- e Yan1.1ha rn1n0~ &. Drba.ns 111g 1nnt•h. Doy's hikr. Qurcn e ·ihv1na'I Or1:.1 11'1 fi ll'' hrrl spread. 612-2020 • l\i1nh:ul Piano~ ;\fr~-Rrnucr e l\ohl"1' .~ C:i111phrll Cnrl)('t layri• has Iii Lo COAST MUSIC nylons $1.9'.I yd. Shags NF.IVPOl!T & 111\r..P,O R f111n1 s;J.:i(} up + n1,v labor, Cos1a illf'~a • 612·2s:il OOc J)('r ynrd. 968-6910 Or>t•n JO-G Fri 1n.9 ::::un 12·3 QliEEN Anne w fn $!2:i; WOW! Top Brand Name1 sunlan1p $::0: !iilvcr plal!'d full 40 in 'h piano console 11'H & coffee .!iCl'Vlce s:i0. for only .... _·-· ..... ~699 ~>1-"-~"c_1 __ :oi·------~ This i5 our spec111J b11y for QltlE.NTAL m~. very old Oc!obcr -i;:et yours oow -all $70. flnishC's. GOULD MUSIC BATilROOl\t pul1n13.n, like :?0 1~ N. i\lain, SA :!17·068 1 lll'W tcrraw top, bow, plumb. ing fixtures. $.j(), 673-7226 llAi>ThJOND -Sttln\\·ay • Ya· maha -new & used pianos C~RPlTING -. ~oral color. ol all mallc.s. Best buys in f~,.ccllenl cond1hon. llxl2.9. So. ra11f. r1;ht hcl'!'. _01"",·0 6_7 0"-_7_225 ____ ~-- SClli\flDT ?.IUSIC CO., NJ-.:IV, Custom macle 6' bar, 1907 N. 1'la1n, $22.~. Po11·!'r m o11·er, 6 mos Santa Ana old, l:::i. Dc~k $7.:tO. 1>12-51118 /'l:l\'1\TI:: 1'1\l{TY \\'A:'>ITS l'.l" TV c<1n!lOle. a~ 1.s S35. 6 TO BUY PIANO t'OP. uphl~trcl din!'!!~ ehr.s $3. ea C,\Sll. ~.12.fi0.r1 Ot' all Sl 3. &12-2\12 l'Pll!GllT piano.,\!. 8'·h111!1., '1'hl!r & cnl!I. :S!)O. fi1~>-6898 rirl rr f> or 11·knoi~. ------$1!)0 • PARl10'f tPnh11n1a1 Good talkrr f'11~e & Stand &16-1.Wl 11krnds Lumber 8750 t::.'l:t. 11 h1lr pa1111, r,.•1 .. S2 9:; 1 'I. 12 Shi'lv1111:, ~ 11 •• S.<'9 4 :o.: 8 Panrlhn;: ...... 31.,9 J x 6'.~ 11 runn111~ fool . , ~.(]3 COSTA MESA BUILDERS SUPPLY liOO ~uprrior. CT.I FREE TO YOU .SEVt:nAL hu nrl I ('~ of ncwspafl<--r.• & l<Jts of P l'pSi cans lo be li(1ve11 tn 11 ny Boy or Gil'! Scout Clu\J or any J:l'Ollp collecting lhern. The alurn, cans bling 1,~c lor oric can. ti12-!l84li !0/17 SPRING F.R Spnnirl :! yr. old. Good na1url'd. gcnHe do!{. ;i hahy puppies playful, quu:k to learn, 2 rnos. Qlrl. 548-{i{i87 10/\l\ HOBBY 1ten1s. paprr nlaPhr, egj;! t•ar!on.~. l"Dff"" c;a n~. Chrishnas canl~. rlc. for hobbyists. 531-18~.i JOr l!fl LABRAl)()R m ix pupp!C'S 1 black. 3 whi tc, I b11l1\·n. All "'11nt children to play \\•ith. ~193J 10/22 t'J~t;E To g(l')t'1 hon1r. 2 yr, cld 5\.l'eCt, i;:rntlc. ru~ty col· nr p11 rt Cocker. frn1ol~ ~·:l&-102'1 \1'1/1~ ·-~-~---~ --St.:Z JE !lf·r'rl~ lo\ln': 1~0111r, liin ~· ...,hlle l1'1n .de 1·111. ~payrr/ All "hOt.!i. Call 67l-'.11M 1011 7 ER. 111 :'II AL,\\' AN _ S1111nc~ blt1l'!>0nl5. 7 "k.~. Sl.1. AKC l'f't:. Brit. Sran. 96U:1~0 l'..'J.11 E X 3·16..15 SABOTS New incl i;all, $249. fil:>.022:? Cats Power Cruisers 8820 9020 ··-------S!A:\IESE SlO. Dog1 k11rr11s, vurebred 8825 1%7 ::2' Cl-IRIS Cori11th111n, r11!!y l"]tiip!X"I. :\1nt c<tnd. \\'1JJ S<:'\J IH]Ully. Days (TI41 7~i·06:1 !, e\'es SlS·Z.131 1'.lr. 011r110. CRU!ZON 16' Callin cmill,.r v,•ood/!bgL~. motor Ii b'lr. :;:>.10. ;,.13--131!11 c;r·:R;\l,\N Shephl'J'd Al<C, 1np 11u11l11y pupp1e~. :? nios Speed-Ski Bo1f1 9030 old. :\ll1L p.tpcr~. * -· -i;::.:-1~,.r.s. 11' Inboard ~ki boat, cleep V cc==~===-hull, 111ncl~hieJn. gau~ti't. ,\l\C !ill,!\Y l'U/'J'l''-.S "" xtra rng1nr. ltl? '"heel 1 \\•'t•k,. old !<ti .~· l't\Hl,Y for I $6"' S nJ 11. nrw J10111c. l'o111c & ~('(' th1•1n. :~1-;.....19.11 tn11 rr. ~.1. un o y. 61f.-1:!~.l - - ---.7""-C7'~-ll!llG Garwnnd 11ti111y .!ipttd l'lol{f: brrd [);u·h,..h11nrt l1l;11·k he;;,\ )00 hp Chrysler. full fl•n1,1ll' 1•11ppy !) '"'f•k, nJf"l. nr11· 1•01·rr, .!itcal a! SiOO. 1•1·ry ln,.n111), ar~J lh\':Jlllc c ,,ll 611-1319 artcr 5 pnt !~'I./. !)6~..Ji7i0 ==-~\l'LJ \[,\J:,\:'\l:.1: I' 11 p I'+" s ,\hC, :-ll•i(.,, (,r;in<! 111,l!!l- l'IUll~ •111 11 i,1~-21.'..~· lJr\Cll :-.!!li\IJ,<>;, 1\l\\..'., \lilt 111 !h 1 hildro•11. 1 11 k;.. :.i·l-.;bll iill J, itll)l1il11' So.it. :-iu11 -~----~,\1'1.l' J:L•;,;1~!1•i'l'd l.i1'1'Jlh!I\ ~ht'phcnl 1n1 rs for ~nle. 1 111;11•• ,\· I l••n1alc $Gj,I)() and -~·10.00 .ll.'.!l..:i9-1 I ----------Cll1\:\ll'JOi'o Sired hro1111 1oy r oodlr. t-. P11µs Stu d S!.•rvll'r. r, l(~:;~r,;, ,\IJQfi,\BLC Puppi~s lvok1n~ IQr a ho;,.. s:. cad1. 8r111g hoy. Gl2~5i·I ------BLACK La!1rad<lr P.c1nr1 er 11upp1C'!., Ii wccki;, shots. $3.j. :, 16--0."1!;7 SCllNAUZLRS. i\lln. Ai.-C pups. Show "r pc1~, Stud SC'l'\'lee, 833--0JGl B [,, ur-,.--u-L -A l\c"C"""'•-,c,lc,-NJ~l ! ic puppll'S \\ llh ~11'>1S & cye t'<'rllrlcates. 612-~iS!J1 .;ii.;\-;-tZ"'l,k:1tRl!'.:H. AK C. cha111p 'iire.d lrn1alc pup, 21, 1110s. Hras. J.19-'l.J.17 -----xfunABLE fl1inia111re SCJ IA UZf:Rs. A!{C Reg, C:ill f'\'(>S, 4'.l:i-4519 \\1111 1'1~ Tiny Toy Poodle puppic~. Af.\C, JO weeks old. 673-4281 POODLE Pups, tiny toy & toy, all color.!i, AKC, 1op qualily. Stud .!i<'r. 89l--9TI9 AKC h'cis1ered G' rm ll n Shepherd puflll for sale. 1 n1a lc f,, 1 fen\alr. 839-5!+1~ TA.'11 male chihuahua., 112 year!! old, No papt'ts, $30. 791 Shll.lbnar No. 3, C?.I. Hori" 8830 -----------HORSE 1111r!hc<'nt, gentle, :·;ood 1-onf1n11a11ou, 2•~ )I' ~rltllng. $li0. :JIU-3769 ~Lll Al~t :-iht•lland~""hlld broke, d11pl~ ~Y $ij, 5'15-~28 11' 1 ;1H-.~pa r l>mll, 30 hp .Jl'lhns.,11 r•n:(, 11lt trlr. Sac . s.t(l(I. :.iLO-li~l. 6~2-2011 Boat Slip Mooring 9036 \l'A\T! .. D: Sltp or bo11y that 111!1 1.1k<.> 16' : 1:bo.11 Call dci)~ fi\\-1300 fl'X1 :it: ~vei; .li:;~-2!.i·I"• ask lor Altllfl. S!Ot:-t1;;-for sailboa--,-. 'z"i-~2"4· S2 10 f)('r loot. Vista Del Lt(IO :>1S-l6!JS Bo•t· Y 1clit Cliarter1 9039 S,\\L CAL 24 S25 J)f'r d~y. CAL ~!i. ml pt'r rtay. Sleep1 6. Call 'i14: &l&-2!'[17 Mobil• Hom•• 9200 IUf S~LL J • HIW 1m ""' Cooper TRAILER SALES "Buy fr om a m•n wlio livea In onel" \VE SERVICE \Vl!AT \VE SEU.! 321 So. Harbor. Santa A,. l Bick So. or Bolsa 531-H& ------SAY HARBOR Mobil• Home S•lea Casa Loma RoU • Away , Shc-raton Manor -llometlie . Kit ~ P rcstlce -Sahara ALL SIZES NO\V ON DISPLAY 1.U3 Bak!!'r St., Costa P.fesa •,~ block l::ast oI Harbor Blvd. Cos!ll fl.Ir.~ CTI4) ~70 GREAT Lakl"S mo!J1le ~ l BR, d isposal, new w/w cpt Ir. drp,, land11eapcd. ael up in Skarwlia P a r Ii , Reasonablc. SC'r. to •P- precia.1 <'. S·IG-2:;1 7 Afler 7 pm or anytime Sond11 y. SELL Your Mobile Home FOR CASH 639-3291 SJ&.1169 Broker . • ----.. -. ··-· -----·· ··-··· -·-. -··---__...,,._ ... _.-......--···-·-··-·----~~------__......--.. ··-··-----·--.. ·-·. ff DAJLY PI LOT rrlday, Octob,, 17, 1%9 ;:1:RAH:::5:"°::R:TA=T:•:ON==::.-1~r~RA~N~s~Po~11-r-A~T-10N=-·r liANs PORT ATtoN -I TRANsP01tTA TtoN -TRANSPORTAT10N I Tl'ucks 9500 Imported Auto1 9600 Imported Autos 9600 TRANSPORTATION TR ANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION Imported Autos 9600 lmport•d Autos 9600 1Mob ·;;;;l;;;l•;;;H;;;om;;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;9'l;;;OO;! Mot•"Y""' 93oo ,69 DODGE AUSTIN MERCEDES BENZ l" 19b'7 I IONDA 160 iGIEENLEAf ~r;:.r.~~;;;c~. !00 ong_ nii. l/2 TON ~------Autos W1nt9d VOLKSWAGEN SUNBEAM TH.ANSPORTATI01~ CARS 9900 oo Sweptline Pickup PARK 1~7 'r.tATCllL.ESS 5C0CC Big 6 1·.vl1n<l<'r r ni;?1nr, stand. GS80 Sci'ttm bl~r. f'or the aPl t1·;,ns11u,,,1vn, line only clt'ar, clean, cool eo~rn . Nt'w 92 sr>ace Arlult NO\V OPEN~ t.TobiJC' me Display r.lodels .t: es ollice localed .at Park. • OPEN i AM TO 6 PM ACCENT MOBILE JJUM~t. ~j(l. -Dnvr ir hv111,·. Nu. 1167· UJ67 TR.JU;\IP!l T-lOOC: t.()(1<10). l!~rd. j(l(I CC. Vtry rlean. $7;j(J. $2077 JAMES LTD SADDLEBACK l :lS~ Nl'111>0n Blvd. 64~-00--IO DODGE 1~ BSA 6j() c:c L1ghln111g 1.600 nulcs. real clean Jikt! 547-9381 lir1tnd nt'W no scratches, 1-101 N Tl!St1n. ~111t;1 Ana hlue book $1.030 sacrifu.:e F1111n J\r"1Y'rl ~~1·1·r11ay - for ss.q:;. 8·12-38 13 \\'rs! cin J7th S.1. iurn lrf[ on N. Tu,hn. l!ON DA HOME SALB Sh"'~' $:!7:'!. &-r<an1blrr 2:; 0. lAJts ul CJi.ro1nc. '69 Cht>l'Y 1 ~ lvn fll l'k up. 1111h t'an1pr1· ~liC'll, Air, pw1• ~IC'Pruig. a11tr, Iran~. f1'1r hr;!kcs. V-"1 1·11:;, rrtd11). U.C'-01.l n1i1 .. ~ S~UHI. 1750 Whittier Ave 1--*-c_,_n_ci_2-_1268 __ *_ '63 YA,\IAllA 80 Costa Mesa :\'.L~T COND. $160 SOUTH COAST '69 AUSTIN Amer I c II' 'OH Coupe RoodS(CI'. l\1!d111ght autorn11.llc, lo1v mllcs. $16!Q. blur-, lull pwr, 11.uto, a/1', 6i5-6912 aJtrr 1 Pf.1 n,.w rudlal llrcs. $7100. 636-3030 AUSTIN HEALEY I~ J\-1ert.~es 190. Clean, -----------f •11''" lln'". 11:.0 f ir rn . '67 Austin Heal•y $2495 lll:!--4-132 cvcs . v 111 1sht'd in glC'anun_i:: rub}i M"1-:;;n"c">:c.0cE"-"s-l"k-.,c.-o1c,IWc. c-c,c.,"'s 11"'d \v/b!k _le:1thcr 1n!<.'f!vr. '1 <i•JOr . Air. t}l·w tu~s. x!nl. Fully f'G Ulpt. 1n.;-l. '1·ire $1.iJ. 518·i~5:S 11hr••ls-, \\'('('k-cnd Special. 1 ~===~=· ====== J1rtuport 31inports 3100 \V. Coast 1111')'., N.B. 612-!l IC.l '.i-!O-J 764 A111 hor11.<"<I ;\Ii; De:tler AUS TIN AM ERICA MG 11JC :"..1l{'s. &>rv1~. Parl! 11nmed1a!e Dc'l1vcry, All J\1ode ls 1005 SUNBE~l A I p i n r RoadSttr, au1o 11hilt. i::ood r.ond. A5kini; $900. 002--7~1 . TRIUMPH TOYOTA TOYOTA SPECTACULAR YEAR END SALE VW BUGS FRO:'ll $399 ALL MODELS .d'I. ::l\:t Ext. 66 or b7 YOUR BEST Dt:ALS l !.17U J l.\RBOR Hi.VU. ARE STJLL AT CU.'ITA i\11~SA u,,,.,i;,,,b1,, F'"'"I" v>l. CASH lor used cars & trucks iust caU WI !or 11.tt t'}itifnd l(·. GROTH CHEVROl£T Ask for Sale11 tilana:er 18Zll Bear h Blvd. lluntins:-ton Beach KI 9-llli WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET llWPORJER MOTORS 2m6 HARBOR BLVD. COSfA !llESA 548-5294 or 548-8511 F l:-OA'.';CJ:-.'G AVAILABLE BUICK 68 Buick Spo11 \\!agon. l1n- n1 ar;-11l111<>-low n1 i If' a ~ f'. l:J.:0.l 1111. A/C, 1·ad10, l'/b, f'/~. 11••a1· 111·11 C<~l)c.1r rolyi;la~ 11 rd ... 11-ai·k ures. s:n~:i. 673-~'\;.:: <Jr li7:-r1Z11i BUJCJ\--No. :Z2:i. II ii s c1•crylhin;;~ GARGA!t-.'~ 714: 642-1350 •12-1?>'3 'jS T.anderT\Kcnsk11i2Y. Toilet & sho11·er, nlr coolrr, New awnini;. Sleeps 4, Perlecl cond. New paint. Sacrilice for (juk·k sale $1 35o. Anchor Trailrr P or1, Co.is1a t.l<'sa. &Cl-~41 '67 HON DA 3Qj Chopper. r.1l1SI Sell. $6:.0 or best (l![er. '.";\1\-!0jO CAR LEASING ::~~ Csr. ll•1_v. N/~21.~2 1 S.ilrs .. "crv1cr, Pa rts Jni111N:l1a1r Del1vc1y All l\!O(lels J1rll1port 31111µorts :1100 \V. Coast llwy • N.B. Gl:.1-91().) SJ!J.Ji61 Allll10l'IZCd :'llG Ot'aler DEAN LEWIS l--.,°"69,-.vw $199S-- 616.93"~ t1f'1 i.:vr1y un:1g111ahl<' acl'f'S-J96(i IJArb<Jr, C.:11. "" -=o-:c~~-'c~c"-~~,C.:C-1 sury tncl. \l ood rlash, 11•ood BILL l\'JAXEY steering 1vheel, ~un roof. :'.!828 1-iarbor Blvd. CQsla t.'lesa 516--121)'1 WE PAY TOP- '{jj BUICK Gran Spor l Couvl l\l11s1 SPP! Sl:lOO. Pnv J!ly. ti7:i-:!."A.if\ ]!16:1 13 U I C I\ Cnrivf'rl ihl~ LaS;d1 rr. Xnll t'Olld. Bc~t oC· l<"I". 15ij-H\1. "60 l\loPt'.:f 50 er. low n11!es. Xlnl shafll'. Sti:i. t).IB-1721 a lter 6 Jeeps 9510 J1rll1port 31111 orts ·:ll TD Classic. N1·w 111 1rr1nr, new ryrl's. Please cal!, n1akc ofll'r. a-IS-5~1 continental radial tU'l"S-. til ,13 l'fl"•OIYIO-i T ~/1 loci:!! miles. f·a ctory '"arran. ~ "' .. "' ~. ty. See and drive to believ~. ___ z ___ - DOLLAR '66 llARJ.~;y S(XlrL~tcr s 1.0'JJ ·5: i\ltliraiy l}J)P ·I \\becl d1·1,·r Ul (tlp r nncl! 1!J6:1 !'•'OUL .1 11111 111'1\r, bu.:kl•I :-rr.!s A·l 1\bo S1100 c•ai·li. :~too \\'. Coast 1-!wy., N.B. C1 1l 6l6--JG:17 :!~IS rt~l'f'll l l,1, 6 1~-nin;; ~J~(~l7G·I '62 l\l~-l\1K JI; J\'rw lLfC~ & pain1. :\Int COil<!. $~ 67;i-IJ:i03 18881 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. Beach 847-8555 3 nii N. or Coast llwy, on Bch 'IP 11 DR. Cuslo1n 11·irh lac. <'!Jr Sl,000 bl ue book. Pr. pty. J1rtuport 31! 11 p ll l'l ~' for good. t !ean used cars. all makes. See George Ray Theodore Robin~ Ford 2000 lla':'bor Blvd. C.J\f. 6t!-OOJO CADILLAC DOUBLE Expanrlo. Kit Tro-fn · 20x5:'J. Lll1·_:::e carport, porches & i;1or-c1ge shed. ~1u~I 5f'll In settle t>state. $6.750. Kalella i\I oh i I c f:!!tatc~. Sp 11•1, Stanton, Call 8ZS-46iO -----'68 12x60 ?. hf'droon1 "·ith a1•·n1~~. Jkirts, .shed, con1pletc. In beautiful Costa l\1esa Park. Ownet mu5t leave area. 636-3291 Broker. Many Mobil Homes Family & adult parb Priced Righi! Call 536-8869 OJ 636-3291 Brokc1 24' SE:TUP 01• thi' choicest Call aflP:I' ;, P1\1 67~2~'.H Auto Services & P&rts BEAO ! 9400 Auto Supply Wholesole Prii:cs to All Comp!{'(e l\lachinl.' S!iop .'\P EED EQUIP!\IENT P.EBUIL T ENGINES 1:?:1 Vict<Jria. ('.\1 5-IS~ij{) 18391 Beach Bh·rl , 118 847-0091 * OP~:.'J 7 D:\ YS • c_,_,_ 'ti l -l-11·he<'I Jrep. loa der!. 111lh o'erd1·1vc . .S l!JOO . &16-~.0j(j JEEP-19·!6 CJ2A, ovcr!lized rirr.s, clran . 984 Prr s1d10 Dr, c.:u. Recreat'n Veh icles 9515 "65 Scout •1 x •I Dir. SIJ Bo1k<'r. C.:'11. ~().5!115 location in love!)' Trailer I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Park. Ren! paid\(\ Isl. f'lrs t fl2j() lakes. 327 \\'. \\'ilson, Ci\! See Space 29 63 CllEV ~; T. P.U. VS 8" C11!1f. C:abovrr C a ni p r r . l\Ju ny t'xtras~ Fl u~h toilf't Br ltPr lha n :\J111 1·01JP!, SIS."rJ. ~1~6-716:! all ·' 11r •1knds. 20X55 3 BC'drooms. 2 bath~. huffr1. cooler, a"'flln~s. shed. ron1- plrte. Jn 11 !OJI famlly parli 6:J6..3:?91 Brokl'r. 20x55 3 Bedroom. 2 hath. All rxtr11s. Family Park. Call 53&-!!869 Broker. 2 F ULL beds. 30 i;?al hot 11·a-ter tank :usoo. 1640 !\'c11'por1. Sp. No. 3. C. :-I. l2x60 Front & Rear All C'Xtras. ~~am ily park. Call 53&-SS69. 636-3291 Broker. 19Y.I Nashui.I 10.~40. con111 furn, nr 11 alum. ;i 11•t11ni:: $2600. ~J \\'. A:iy St., C.:'11 Space 6. 6•1Z.. 7·141 Trucks GMC TRUCKS Orange County . .::ales Scr\•ice Hendquarlers. NE\\' • USED UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE 1SJO Harbor Bl1·d Co.~l a L\lcsa $-1(}.96·10 9SOO ;ind Ten Light Van5 Volks-.va:;en:o;. Dodges, Chrv- )S. EXL"Cllrnt 1-01111. 100'111> 11 :in·an1.v. KUSTOM MOTORS .Slj Bakei St,, Cl\! ;111).J~lJ Open 'ti! 9 P.\I. 06:! Cl1cvy .~, ion lll'ct ,,11.e V8. l>lr R.Ia B;1kt•r, C .\I . t".\NTASTIC 4-~1/lr Can111- l.'rS. nc1v \\lcs!ways & nf'w 111i11l·ran11x·rs. Prier s st;i rl ;1 1 $.~Ii Seo!!~. !11 1 N. ll;1l'bnr. :'>.A. ·~-----1%7 ~. TO:\' Forrl r:ang('r C:a1nprr Spec1:.I. auto. p11T brk.~. r11cl10. ati "Onrl .. 29,{)(l() n11. Brst offer. 2SU7 ll11·kory PL .Apt B. C.\I :l !ii-~.19 1 NE\\' <·an1n«1' ~h<'I!" t·ah hi;::h. fully ltnrrt 11 11h 1nr. h;:h1 ~ ,'\.: •rnt S~:'9-~·,,u~. !11 l 1 1.~rl,,..r. S .. \. i\IO:\V ""i() Frirrl Pill :.:'" over dlr. 1111·u1t·r 111111 1•arnprr jllU"C'h;1s1•_ S~1J!ls, ~14 ('; llarhor, S.A. ·~~~---f,:I V\V C,\\1ri:.1: X!11L VLl:Y 1:ra~unablc e l'.ll-2LIG·I • '68 Dodi;:(' l~~\"f:, auiO. Dir. ~l:i 13akrt, C _,\I _ :...il).5£11:) .=~-C~-~--~= I Dune Buggies '68 fo1-d J::conohne \\'~11_ Dir. ----- MAK E OllC'r for ~1(1 · -: ;,7· Gold('nwest. 40' ~rr r rn porch. Tf'nnj 11vail. 5.".6-~:i -----· 8 •I J Ba k r r, Co~ (a '69 Ol'Nl:'.: Hu g(!'y, 2 mo". nJd. IM_i_n_i_B_ik_ .. _____ 9_2_7_5 -,'-I'•"'=· c"'.,~7.5>9cl5==-=~ 11i{l(I P;of]P,o kr <'Jig. \"cllow 11~ To n 1919 c.;~IC lrU«k ,,1111 hody. flo11·1•rcd hit:h top. tiydraulic. l.til i::•i!,.. lift. S2:'.00 01 lrar!1• for 'ti7 or 'b~ 5 H.P. ~11NT RIKI::. J.1ke nc~-. $129, Cati :1HJ.•100.'i .i:,.e at 3036 Ja\·;> Rd. :'lle:o;a Verde rlrr ilti(ini lJf!. riini:: ~«l. ~~l Ca n1111u or R;.i uchero 312J ~I on thnJ rri 642-s;i;2 l'/U. ,\I t. 4, tii.1--+t!.l <1;,h Motorcycle• 9300 1961 YA:'llAHA. ?,oj, Bi~ f.,('ar Scrambler ~500 m1 Bell hrln1el S·100. :>16--9318 67 Yan111ha T111n 100 NC'I~ tirri: ~L~.j. • ;-;1{}-17i:1 • ----HONDA CJ 360. l:iOO nu. lt1g- gage rack. sral back, \'~ry cl~a.n 1500. !16.'!-5761 any11mf.! 1969 Ya1na l111 End11ro :25(' CC_ DT·l ~-1'>.u .. s. Sfi.::.O • 5-18-596:. • ----,-E\Y 131\llY __ _ ht-lo"· 11 holesah: rn~t R--lil. 6fl0 C'!'. ~IS-2.~26 ·6s Ch,,1-y Cu~lfln1 \~~ ~:;i-1 Cakl'r, <.:o~la .:'lh·~a. !)-l(J.j9],j .-~~--".l'.) l ;.\f(', ("0111J d1•lp llf'\\' (''1>:. l1ri>s ~· pain!-1\llrr 6 r all 6i3--719-I INT~:RNATION1\I , 1 Ion 1l11n1 11 rrurk. Di r. 154:, Baker. c '.'II. .-~l{}-59\;i TEN Ln::;hl Dir S-1:. 5111-:191.) Van ... u Bak~r. n1ak··~. C. :'II. 'fif. t nnl Flm. \'8, Slj Uakr1, C.~l au1 u. Ulr --~--'."•10-"•!11~ ___ _ ~· Cah!J~cl 1·:~1'111·1. 11. w nn ~. Chel'y. VS. S21'11 lJlr. ~·l:1 Gltkcr. C.~I . :,1().~,~11 ; '68 Tfl.lli:'ITr'JI Ho nnr1·ill" '15~ Chr\y I 1'111 fl~I l:.1k1 I, 1 ... 11. \'~ C -.\I . $ro!Xl. 12V1 \\!. B1llh£,11 Hll'd, n11· ~l:" Api, lil, N n b<'h1 ~,.7 t•rn '."olfl·:•'JlJ ----- f•1r Juhn .\!,\.\;:\ L'ORV.\llt \1\1~! ~fll. 12"200 1·all ~i 11;.Jl'9l 1\\1 !J..11 , P~l 1o-'< ----. fm portM Autos ~I \'\\" ~llllu'1·li.1t·h ·1;1 01 .. 'I Cadet Ii'..' V\I' Srd.111 ·~2 Han1lJlrr Anl('fl• ,.11 .<:r,111nn .~1 111•111 \\"a:.:1111 "lil t"i;ll 1200 r:n;ul~!\ r t 1·011\rr111>l" '50 Chcvy ti ,-) 1 ;u1111 \\";1<.:n11 ".J~j l'fll H ht· l•:QO S11j11 1· 1up con1 l1t1un ··,'1 Knrn1ann \iln,1 ·;...; ~11; l:"·"hl• f ·.-11 !'1~ n111111h v ..:. 9600 ~r1;i \ ,l'l .')i~~ ) ! ,•1'• ~"j'l'J 51:1 I 1%8 TRIU'.\t Pll 2:lll CC. XJnt 1\1 ~:ron..,11111• \",111. \hll r•1111t Tu~11n .\nln t 111111• cond. 3,flOtl ITII s·.10. nr .. 1 •hrt l f" Cr.1,.;.1 r \\11:· 1::00 \\'. Cio1~1 !h11. ~r11poH * !1:-:&iS\1; • s;-9-,_ (;";~,.:t;Y1! r,r:-1,;o,2 l :===:":==~=:-:====~====--==~~==-lmported Autos 96001mported Autos 9600 Imported Aut'ls 9600 l1d·o ' "''· lt'1 the ci r il.1! wo1,"t 'I••• yo.: 1t1ylhon 9 lo "'0"¥ 1boul. W1 "'•~• 1<1<1 of lhol. W1 <1iv1 d lht VW ll:o·PO•fl l 11fe• ty 1t1d p1tfo•m1nc1 It •!. !! ho, lo pou. So ... 1 'I "" ,, our IOO Y. <1 U1r1n!ee '""' wo'll r1oli ct •II m 110r m1• tl1111ic1I pfrh l,,, JO d1y1 o• 1000 ,.,;111, wh•che•e• comel fiflt. l.n't lh1t w~11 1 "'"" t l•·o,..n1r n1ed•f A bu'I t!.11 .. cn'I d riv1 ~O U t1Ul1. '69 VY, I '68 VW Squ•re Back 1963 v.w. R.d w;+h b I 1 c ~ it1!e1io·. otht r f1tlory ... Sho..-1 1•c1ll1t1! c ", •· So R1d10, 1 1(. Speci1!, n«e on +kt ro"d. R1dio & '" 1>11111. VlU 544 $1899 $2099 $999 UOl· '66 VW Fastback Sed. '66 Ghia Coupe '66 Porsche 912 Cpe. E•h• cl11n ' 1hcw• Th i Pi n~ l11dv F1n1 d rtvinq ""'· 5 1peed Pe•· ''""'· & FM •1dio. 5p1ci1lly 1onel t•••· A;QP41 I R1d•D i nd h1•!1•. 581( 7" ll"''d '" 1111 th11 w 1 1 ~end, $1599 $1699 YOT 705 $3999 '67 vw 1965 v .w . 1967 DUNE BUGGY 5p1ci1I m1rcon plil'I li ~1 RA,0!0. -PBE 59 I ll o1d '"' R•11v •<:iuipped. f!t W. !TRH 7051 ONl Y H11dtop. UVR48 7 $1499 $1199 51999 EXT. 66 & 67 1970 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa l =.'.'~'~"~''"~'~·l~~·'~"~'1~C:_• ~ll~'c"~"~'~-1,==========c 't;Z, 1\11sl1 n 1-h~alt•y ~pri tc E:-.:. MORRIS (_·ontl., $500. ·1~1-535~, aflC'rl----------- '1 P,\\. "6 1 ·~17 AUSTIN Healy. gd. rond, n1 any xtras ~59J. ~i36-963G l\IORRJ S r.11nor, l'<Jnrlit1on, JO in pg 8•12-7890 """" :S200. IJYI. pl y. 1========== FOR sale J:i:i:i ,\u5 ltn Healey Spntr. Brit. Ra(•1 11g grn & OPEL ----------i; o Ir L SG.".O. ~t!}..(f.!28_____ ·i;ri. Orel \Vagon 10:! Ill'. Dir. 8-1:J Bake r. C.'.'11. DATSUN ORANGE COUNTY'S PORSCHE NO. 1 !-------- DATSUN DEALER '68 Porsche '91 1 $5295 DOT DATSUN Ba han1a yrl!o1v i1111~h 1v/blk 111lrT1<l r. ~~ull.v rqui r. ind. lS835 Beach Blvd. !'Par 1' 1ntl•1w ilrfo;~~l'J'. S:cn1- Huntington Beach peril rathal r1rE$, ctr. \Vcck- 84 2-77Sl or 5-l().{\W2 end Sf)Ccial. ~'69~D~A~Ts==u=-N ' C1g l-dr Scdnn. 4-~rd. Dlr .. rad1u. t1caH-r. 1300 milf's. \\'ill s111•r11icc; Tak<' uld<'r J1rll1port 31111 µ o rt s 11·adr Call Phi!, l~-1-:JTil, :llOO \Y. Coa~l !11\y., N.B. fr!~t-003 1 . Zl\'J03\. 6 12-!140,J 5-1(}.176 1 ENGLISH FORD ORAN GE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES -SERVICE ·~ Z..IODl::LS l1nmcdlatc delive ry LAl~GE Sl'.:LECTION Theodore ROBINS FORD 2000 J.larbor Bh·cl. Cosl;t hlesa 642-001 0 FERRARI FERRARI :-;,11·port I mport~ L!d. Or- ani;e Cour.t}•s only ;iulhor· Vl'l l dral r.r. ~,\LES-SE:RVlCE-P AP.TS ~HOO \V. Coast }i"'Y· •"'"'port Beach (;.J'.!-9·10..l 5·10-1764 ,\ulh•il'IZl'cl Frrrari l>c;1lf'r Vl·:!{J!AH I "thi. :;.1u GT 1 i·2 H•'!'(•llt rPbuill, y ('I ! 0 \\' • l!lon·k ]('Ulhl'r Sli!IJ.O n1· offer. CuU Skip :..:~:.-111. E:-. ~·9~1 FIAT ----~~----1 '6i.i Porsche 911, :J spd, A:'ll /F:ll radio, niany more xtra~. xlnt cond. SJJJ(). 6·~-0.:I 19 ---~~-----'69 Por!>che 911 S Targa TangC'rHl" <':>:tc.rlor 11· hlk 111- !('1 l"r. E v1'ry 1 ~1.,~1blr a 1·- ('C'"Sflry. [f,(l nl!lr.~· :->hu•I· n~•rn <"nn<l1tion ~'J:1.1 ,2 n1J1r1· Por~ehr·.., In l'I• ,.~c J1 rtu po r l 31t11µons :1100 \V. Coa.st lhvy., N.B. li 1:1·9·105 ~Jln·l~!i~ 1\11thori1"d \lf~ D1·~d< r 't)I PORSCl!F. FC, I u111u 1·. 11pprox. :;iooo <Jn r hH <'nr,. nC'11 eluic•h, 1-lk 1 n 1 r 1· , f'1Tfl'c·t car '.'1111~1 Sl'll !his ll"C'<'krnd~ Dt·~L o I f « r filj-J Hl.i Pors.che '60 Coupe $1795 Cn.·o h1•(nvn 11 hlack u1•r1· Fully •"f!Ulfl. C1~>CI "nnd11i.,n lill"UIHIL \\'p1.'kC'11d ~l l!'C i!!I. J1rtuµort 1hnports ::!ll(J \\'. Coast Jl11y .. '.'I.e. fi 1~·'.l l()J :)11}.li lJ.1 61&-IJ67 :lloo \V. Coast H~')' .. N.B. =========~I Gt!-9-1~ ~a.11&1 -Atlthonzcd i\JC Ikalcr '68 V\V. $1500. Ju excellent VOLKSWAGEN L\tPOR'ni \\"ANTED Oran~e 1.ountles 'f UP $ BUYER Bll.L l\tA."\EY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. H. Beach. Ph. 847-&555 condition. '68 VW P!-1: 67'.i-3256 Auto Leasing . '66 V\\' Sqback SlU'J:i 01· trade 1 ·---------- 9810 Al,. cond1t1oner, 4 5fKI, dlr, largl•r e11..r or lt"\J1·k Can1per lo3ded! J-lonry crean1 ext., shell $110. 839--42::7 · plu~h black int. Take smallf---c.;co=""'~---do11·11 or trade Low low 6·1 V\V IhHWs pyn1n!s. VJlf~8·!lOLB ' Call Dlr. 8·1:i Bakrr, C.l\·l. h'.cn 49~·9i73 or 51~6634. ~J!}-;1!J IJ '65 VW !\!UST Sell '66 V\V CM11per \'rry c:lrari. Lit. NOL '!27 full y equip!, lo1v 1111. A-!! Be~t fJ\'Cf Best off 642-1 :~16 r vrs. $695 HOLIDAY RAMBLER l!ltl9 llarbor, c .. \J, '66 S Passenger \\'a.:011. l\lu~t S1'll Ibis \\"eek. Xlnl cond. !)7~>-2877 6-\2-6023 '62 Volks11agl'n ::icdau. C"11 '65 V\V, 2 t1oor, ·1 speed, aftrr 6 Plll, radio, heater. beautiful red -196-:!8.~0 and sha t'P. RUi\T J40 . .$111.J:i. ':xi V\\', 1•11gine 0 \'L"rhaulcd. Ctl rl's l\Iotor Co. Jni·., 19-11 Good :"Shape. S2!J."i. G-16----:0721 !!arbor, C.i\1 .. 6-12-0.ll J. ;ifler ti '&~ V\V Sunroof, Blaupunkr ,\.\11 f ,\I, C0<:0 n1a 1s, niint C"Ond! ii-lust sell, 1\lakc oUer! 1ft !-6~93 '."17 Bug. li l ll"lillS. R/!I. Trust11urthy tr11n~porta1 1on S300. Lanibrrtt« l.JOcL" .S l?J. t;,i;:..11.10 '!i7 V\\' l1U:'-. ~u111!1al t"flllljl \I /Cillllfllt1~ .~~200/hc~l offer. :~1r~;1RJ:i alter li t :1111pr1· elx l'll.~. Ho h 'L:I \"OLK."1.\'.\G~~;.i f.,n1p- 11hJb1h•. A.\I -r ~[ n1dot1. VOLVO VOLVO CLEARANCE NO\Y! 142 -144. 14S • 164 ·r11r: 1.0 1-vEST 1•r:1 ci::s YOUR BE~-r D ~:A LS 1\P.1:: STJL!. AT DEAN LEWIS !'up-11p lop. S11lr 11111 . ;\Jon-1%6 lla!'+l(lr, C \I GIG-9~0.~ t;ui;1 ltrd. :,.1:,....1;1~J2 Pl:«J!J '~;:,~1r i:unrl .•. \ ~rid. V\V ~qu;~rcbiu 'l>-1\'C'IV J 11I)· \\', n/rl. r/h. l'<'d/hl k int li!I. H.a d10. 11/11•. Ju~i hke li·l:.-11 :>1 ('IC. !IT 61&-IHXJ 01'\I'. 7700 tlHl{'S. St:.:9:J t!Ry.<: 67::;...~2.~2 VOLV"O~'cb7~7.1Co,2cc,c. ~,~B=ll 1%7 V\V, chro111!' wh.-:els . Srdan. Grrr11. A1110 11·/ '"r.v elran. A~kln~ ~1 395 . /\/C. Xlnl l'orn !. l'!'I pr1y_ C.1 11 ;.1G--'.1.l21i nit 3 P\J. ,'='·1='-='=1=~2========:: '!,>; \"\\I Ilta:. i-lund. tran5. IA--11d1-.: i\:'11/r\I. u n rl r r Antiques fl ·1s11 r.H·k ,,-:()..3719 afl('f 5 ' Classics 9615 111rcl1;1111 e;1l C•111d 1-"J ne Hl29 FOP.!J l\l od~I ,\ 'fi"1 V\V ·"fluarelJIH'k l",00 S_ ~·11 ·, l·:\crllcnt c-ond1t1on. ,\11 7 fllll. ~1 1."n'\!::~1 '!i1 V \\" Bl""i 1-·..,,·l'llcnl i-nnr\i11011 s1:;:i0 -Call :i1s 1 ~00 H.narlqrr P1 r k l 11. ~, racf' L!, C'l1£1nr, hradrr~ .~· •lu;i f 1·1u·hs. l:i" whrrl~. h1·draulic hrakl'.'s. SlflOO. fi-1-1-0i:!ll 'j 7 ~lor~a ll -I !. r\cr.Jlf'nt C<•l1CI. $]!;()() S1!-::7Ui alt 5 all 11a.I' \1 k,..;al.,, --1 fJ1_D_E·"s'o~T~o.-- '62 V\\. l"f'hh 1•111:, 11('\Y pall II Call j.l'.J.l:iil 11r11 h1 a kcs. $Y"(J. ,-;c;;--o ~~~ id:1-0:i.i'.! l'l;:o FOHD .\!odl l 1\ ,,--,c,,.--ccc--.-,---,-.,,-,-1 floarl~ li'r h1JJ:: 1· <' ,. I or r-11 , '(11i Vlr. 1'/h, :o.ln! LUll\L Pvl 1111111 (•nntl. s~~IYJ. ~dli ·12,,1 pl,\ $!lAIO hl~· 111'.l 'ffi V\\I ~nrl, lll'I<:•' 11/11lk Ult l~/i !. J'nr~• !tr rin1~. Xlnl i .,111!. S l~~,o. ;>111-:lil!i ~utos Wanted 9700 Will Buy \· \\-' -_-l'i.1,·~~:'llrr"C'dC'~. Yn11r \."olks1ral!rn or r 111-.,1 he v LE ASE v '69 LTD Ford coupe, a ir, p11r st1-g 8: brakes radio $109 mo. ·67 V\V ••..... , .... 119 n1v. '65 T-Biitl. air, hilly cqp'rl. ."alr pl'fcp •........• :SlC·lJ. '69 C<1d E l l)o1·11.do l'OUJie, fully equlpperl •. ~lrtD 11lo. '69 Cadillac CDupc rll' Ville luJly c~1u1pped . . . $16~ 1110. ·69 Chev Ca n1aro, 111\'r s trg & br.1kf's. air .....•.• 19:! 1110. SOUTH COAST CAR LEASING :;oo \\', C:>l 1111)', NB 61~1181 LEASE -RENT ORDER YOUR 1970 TODAY FOR EARLIEST DELIVERY ,\\I popular n1akcs. Ford au1hor1zc1! leasini:;-~ystem. Ljct Our Con1pe1i1ivl! Ratl's Theodore ROBINS FORD :!OGV l!arbor Rlvd. Costa J\J('ca 6•12·0/JHl LEASEA NYM AKE- OR MODEL Vt our jr;isc r.\JICfls :o.110111 )Utl llic brsl plu11 Jur .1 01.Jr lrt:rson;J orcds 11,11hot1t obl>- gauon. UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE 2s:.o ! hi rbrir Bll•d, Us•d co~ra :\lrsa ~~HJ.9ftlfl Cars 9900 CHATHAM AUTO SYSTEM .:~fl() \\·. !}ii, :'<1111 ••. \JIJ * :,n.'.Jf•31 • Bank fn1anc1ng .;11 ;;1J1;1hlc. \\"e a!~r· (\llTy ()U]" (!\\fl c·ontra1·1s nn 11•a 11~pt1r1 11 1 11u1 c.'a 1·~-'ffi C".1m;1rn S1)9!l. '67 [)n.lr;e HT ~!'!1.l. '(ii !'ont!.H" GTO $lfl9:l. 0fi.1 :'llu,tani: ~6:1.l. 'Ii i f unt XL Sfi99 'f,.! :'IJ,1111.,1 ~?ro. 'f;() T l.\irtl ~~~(I \iQ T'l y1n11111!1 Sl'.r:t '61 Con1 r t Sl!l9. '60 Cl1r1-:-· 1r,1i.:o n s1:-r.1 '•ii \·,i.11. ii.Ill SHY.I :r.i Ohl" Sl'.l:J. CHATHAM AUTO SYST EM ~·,,;n I\'. 1 ~t. :'-11 11Ta .\11;1 t-;.11 !/!).1 1 • '68 ELDORADO B!a~k "i!h bla(·k &: 11·hitc hounds !OOlh 1n tc1·101·, local 1·ar. faciory air. A:'llr f:'I! s1e1'<'0 raclh). 6-wa.v .~eat, r1h &,, lC'!csr•npt' s lcer lni;: wheel. fl0 \1l'r rtoor locks. 0 n I y :?1,000 milC'J<. Lir·. \\'QD·HH $5795 ALLEN Olrlsn1obile-Cadill.1 c Inc. 11.::.0 So. Coast lltgh11·ay Laguna BrJ.ch f;".;p-:t 10 Pultery ~hack\ 494-1084 547-3103 '6 7 Cadilloc Convrrhb!e, lull flO"'rr. ail·. f'Xrrptionallv cir-an thniou1. Shows vciy ·fine l·are. $3399 e~,~, ~"" :.i!J.::O~l E:-.t. 61i or 67 l!l7U 1!1\r.BOP. 13L\'lJ. COST A L\1 ESA CJ\D '67 Sec!. DI/. Blk 11·/rnall·h brgh1n lop. Xtra ll••an. Fl!11·d ci r [JOSI & all a<·cc~. Pvl ply. rnusl sl'll. ~::.~;,(). Gi.-.-7171 or 5-\1)-•MG!l --,69 Fleetwood Brougham Best offer over $6000 Cull 4!H.fi882 '69 CAD FLEE1WOOD UP.OUGHA~I 9;.00 m il1•s "67 LI Dorado. Lo rni. Xlnt cond. 1'c1v tires. l..Nidctl. S!.~ . .o pnv prtY. &14-4265 ·66Col:Pr:: dC-Vi~\\'h11c. IJ lci t k lrarhcr. l-'1111 C'quir1- n\1•n1 C I" a 11. Ask S~'!lOO. :).t!}.\\j j d11y~, ('\"CS, 546-Js.l~ '!Ai Coupe dr V1ll<'. Gold. i'.:<JUl]'f)Cd \\llh l'VC!Y poss1blr :1c~c~w1y. :'llus1 ~ell 1101v. Any r ~11.~otlabl c olfer. '.).j~!-11 7."1 d.Jy~. evi:s . .-1-16-3642. 1963 Cud1lh1c 2 dr !IT. Comp\ cqtup'd. beaut cond. Lo n11trs. :S1:l9;,_ 2 'lilY radio equip Op!\Otllll. 8 Hi-::002 '!iii C:\l!. !'{'dun l)i;Ville ; lo\\ 11111!·, G11ard1:1n 111 a 1 n T • ~uu·i· llt'll". $31:15. P r. Pry. !lt;:!--031'1 ~~~~--1 1.,·\!J 'tJ:l St.•d !JI' V1l!r , c'lras LH'I. air, -•11 og. nwncr, 1'll'1·frl'1 -1il1\ ·l'.l 1~S79 1 1., ~ l.\ r ;.,.~1 !'.j•)•!r-;::--B!uo: ~J\1~1 , '•;.; l-.• ~ 11~ril 11111'h .... 1rnd~ & p.1y t11p d f'lllur~. P.1id for '6~ ~l'O!~TS ~·'<Ian. 1:1.100 'flf! (",\f) ~ed~\·111Z"M1 • ,\[\ Ii, .11;.1::_1(; • (.s ~·!,\T :->PYnt.l~ t;Ul.I' Slli~1.1 Ill ;,•,.;,\I: ------- JAGUAR t '(;!\ :"\h'E, i11111ir1r11l;ilr {'(111· 1l11111n. h.111 n11lr•;1i:r. 6T.>-6:.'o ----·:·7 J\Gl-AR ;>\h -1 1(l E\· ,·o·!\1 ·11t l V1ld1!1nn. I' hon ( l.il()-2'.J~li KARMANN GHIA 2-'."1!1 1\AR:'l1Ai\"N l-; h I :l ~' Gon<l tran~f1(1rtu1 ion 1•11rs or l111c:::;.v n1n1rn01 t. s11:, & SZ:.0, /'hone 6~:i.-:!G:'L LOTUS 'fi.l T.O'TUS Ell1r. S1ogc> Tl, ~1n1 n1nn111c t-ond., $2'0tKl 1 r:rr~ :.36--,~il I I ":fl ·~ l!l!l-."1.: '''•'r s~:r0 111- 1r,.,1rd in 11:1~13 ~n: 111 r ni:. c\lrr , u1IE<r. ,\,k. l li.)(l u\ .-ro ,,·k. hl~-0-~.Yt or no!. Call H.i lph rni., .nr, pl\T .. \ln~J 101 •• lop <''tno>~ Lo11· n1ilr:H~L". J::.\· ·1,; \I\\' rth~11 ,J 1~.111 hl;1rk 6;::·ro<il l.XJnd11 1on. 4::11-3!:;.! 1·rll1•n1 huy! 6-1.\-29:i:! ------===---c=""··--~=====I \I h1Tr. \IHI ("1\1111 ,\ \1 !·:'If~.''..'!~ .,Ho.11,2 1111 ~· 1 ~Kl 1111, .\lnt ~·ond , s I "iO!l :, lli-12~'1 -.-~~==-~-~--~=-~ Imported Autos 96001mported Autos VOLVO EXECUTIVE CAI: s ... # l8 J5 9600 144 SEDAN, R & H, AUTOMATIC $2989 81 EX:ECUTlfl CAk CORO LLA SID. F.,11 ft cl<>rv ,q.,,.,, plu1 •f· Full f1 cl. 1quip. d iD, Ser. #0907. Str. #4211 s 183660 $I 790°0 Dean Lewis Imports Orang• County's lar911t '"d M••t Modern TOYOTA·VOLVO DIALlR ,,,, HAllOlt , .. ,.,JOJ C11t• Mei• Imported .A•Jtos 9600 Imported A~l~9600 Imported Autos 9600 I!', th • c•r !h1I "'on'! 9«e YDU •nythOn'I lo "'""~ 1bcul. ~ w. m1~1 1ur• o f lh•f. We 9"'• !! I~• VW It. point 1eftly ~nd p1,form ~nce led. It h., !o P•n. ~" w1 g•v• <t DJ f 100'• qu~renl1 1 lh el we'll teol •ct 111 mo 10' .,. •. ( t h11n.c1 I p~rh~ fo• J O d i v• or 1000 mde1, wh >ch•vt r ccmt• f:n 1. l•n't 1h ol wh1! ~ "'"" ct •·ownt r ne1d1 1 A buq thel ... on'! dri•1 vou nult. '6S VW RO A 6 69 $1299 '68 VW Sedan S•v"-yc ur mo"t V 1nd ,!111 d-i•t fh1 he1I. Light 1:.:v1 wdh hla(~ •n l11icr, r•d•c and h1~t.._r. UTllJI $1699 '67 VW GHIA Coupe We 1Dld ii "'"'· Such Clf"- ;1 1 h•d. 11'1 •D cl"-~" i! !cc~• j;J,. • "t.9. WXG272 $1999 '66 VW Sunroof Sed, Graen in colo• with • p1t1 1!11p1. Wow! Tl>i1 cir " 1 ~no<~·DIJI. ROJll:oS $1499 '65 VW Sedan Gold wo!h d 1 r~ brown ,hedlnq "" lend111 ind d DOfl. Et19 ;n1 ov1,ht ul1d bv u1. look1 diHtrt n!. YPS195 $1399 '65 PORSCHE Coup• Undoubledly l~t clt •ntlf Po,.cht 1round, lvn•d lo p1rf1chon. MOG t.77. $3799 445 last Coast Highway '68 VW Sedan Aulo R, H. Specie! y1I• low. (XIH6011 $1899 '68 VW FASTBACK Di1mond blve ...,;,i, bloc~ inltr;or. !I !oc ~< 8 n0 d r:~11 l.~e 1 Oit mo110. R&H. VTS- 7'7 $2099 '64 VW Sedan 8.t~ IO tchool CD)Ofl, .A l• li e brc nr1 w>lh gDld !rim, Ouh!1nd in9 fo ur toned •~· h1u1t. OTV1l I $1299 •t I AYSID! DRIV[ NEWPORT IEACM o;·. ,.,,, ,:''!! ------------!!!!.·•------------------~ ·1 .. '· " .. ·- ' • ' -------- RANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION T~AN S PORTAT ION TRANSPORTATION 1 .u~ .. :..d_c_._,_, ____ m....;;:o 1 mported Auto• 9600 Imported Auto1 9600 lmport•d Autos 9600 TRANSPORTATION \iJi::••••••• Used Cars 9900 CADILLAC CHRYSLER '69 Cadillac '67 Chrysler FLEETWOOO BROUGHAM TUL'l1U0LS(.', \\hll(' lcntlil.'L' in· i(•J'iur with ll·lillr vi11)•l top. f:t('lory air, ,\:\!; F~l strr• •1 rarl10, &-way S('af, tilt&. ll'l1-•. scOPe sterring. fl'Jl\Ci' tlOOl' lucks. Lie V\VY&1.i BRAND NEW BUGS Town & Country St,1!11111 \\'llii:On. Full 1xi1·:~~ !lll'luJ1ng dual air. V39080. Bt:.( u1•<:r 12295 HOLIOAY RAMBLER 1969 I larbo1·. c_;.t, &\2"60'23 1%ll CllRYS New Yorker it door hardtop. Ui;1dt'd! Pr1 pr y, Jo 111i, 4 11e1v fl4d1a.l lil'l'S. ~l'nul ctu· & ccind! Cati !i7J-117•!1) '· '• • $6695 ALLEN (Jld~mub1Je-Cad1ll:ic Jrw. 11 :.>0 :'o. Coa~t 1l1gl 1way Laguna 13c<H'h (~c·xt lu Pullt'ry !'h;'l('k\ 494-1084 547-3 103 CAMARO 'h9 L<Hlllll~I Z28 Bil\ 1·11{)n1ao; ~u ··p , 1\ .. 111·~. riol.vgl;i.<, 1\11 1 lii<r. i 'un1p_ bf'Jls n1orr. 11,()(X) 1111. Nrvrr l"lterr!, btil J''"hily. $33!K1. fi"iJ-~~:i l!loi Car11a1'\J, P I ~-fl•n1t' cor1solr, xl11t ('ond_ ~l /"1() ur b<'sl offrr. :i ll-OJ07 CHEVROLET 1970's ON DISPLAY & READY TO CO C/-10/CE OF COLORS AND MODELS AT ••• CHICK IVERSON Harbor Areo ~ On ly Authorized VW, Porsche Dealer TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YO U 445 EA ST COAST HWY. at BAYSIOE DRIVE , NEWPORT BEACH 673·0900 & 1970 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA HOME OF THE LOVE BUG SPECIALS 549°3031 ------·i;9 CllHY ~LEI? \V agon , PIS, P/B, P/\I'., au·, Jo i n1iles. like nrll', '.\·lust .see to 11pprrfi11te~ ~161-i6~7 COMET 't:i:! CD:'llET Stu.uon l\'agon, ;,;d. tO!\dJllOll, 4<J.1 .:;1r1 ·ii;, CO~ll<T ·llH ·1 Dr. ll-H. P· :-;, 36.000 1111. :\nit ('Olld, l OW!1PJ'_ S9!l:i. !).10-~1~1El. CONTINENTAL i;ri;11 by eu!hng ill!". Hanson 1!16:> J.\IPALA. v.:-:. I '/.~. P/IJ. vinyl tnp, J'rrff'('( n1cchanlcal cond. 1 O\l'rwr_ ('rv prty. 16,000 1111. Asking SllOO. J):.iys 1:!l ~\ 1s2-:;1:11 . x JJ7, ('\/CS &. 11k11cJs (7\<J) frl:HJ!)lii Uled Cars 9900 Used Cars J9(j~ CONTINENTALS, 4 dr i-,cd1llls. Tl1rtc or 011r of·j J1~·1a b ha1:r (11t'1f nr1v I?iO, 11100<'1 $. Thr c1.i·s for .~nll''I hU\l' lull' n11's, fl p11T & air. Xlnt ("(111rl. Ca r~ JllilY bcl 9900 ' Used Cars 9900 nf .\ 11o1 1 •l JJ(·v('Jopnl('n\ ---~"-'----..C...-l 'nq1. 7>17-70 14, 110·1 l :. 17\h TflUCI\ For :;ale; ·:1:! Chev. p.11. 11·i1li •·:.i111p<'r. !1\'W tires. P/B. S1.:.0. -1~-~86 ;titer 3: ~0 P!IJ _ \VILL T!li\DJ:: 't)O l111pal;i :2dr harr!1op stk !<l1ift !or Chf>1.--y plekup O[ f'qual \'alUC', 6~J-.IS4:t 'frl Che\'y Jn1palci Con\'rrt rhlt cng, loaded, dlr, lake foreign ('ar in t raJe. :\YZ756 4'.M-!JT71 '62 4 Dr. Chevy l mpala. Pis, Pih. Hadial !ires. Xlnt cond. ~650 543-263-1 ------- CHEVROLET '59 Chevrolet '.! (kKlr ha.it!: J)l, Original t.ila('k p;11n1, L io·. Z\'ZlC~t Hc.:l 1n!P.nnr. air & full po11·. er. Dl'st ovr 1· $29S HOLIDAY RAMBLER 1%9 l h1l'hor, C.:'11. ti·l1-fi023 '57 Chev. :,ta. Wgn . B!'i Air , ,I Dr, Very good conrl. Rebuilt 2SJ cnglno:, ni::w lires, !l('IV 1r;ins., power slccnng, power hrakcs, <JU!o tn:in:;-, i\llls! sec lo app!'('t'iJfr. Hea- sona lJ!y pri('l't! :11 ~ !~J:i, Ca ll S!7-7JS7 '57 Clll::VROLI:.T 28.1, 3 spd. trans, gJ. conJ., nciv tires. '66 CJll-:VH.OLET Capnco.. $J50 6·11-1467 One owner car "'ilh only :Jl,IXXJ l1lilE'S, has aU JlOll'E'f + '66 Chevy I111pala, au·. R&H, air conditiorung. 1\bsolutely PI S . G ood Co n d · the elctt11cst one in town. $1450 [;.10--1337 J1n1 s1 ... ninns i\J t•f l'f'rlcs '60 l:'llPALA 4 dr, \fl'. V-.~. 13C'nl, 120 \\'. \l'arncr, Sai1ia CHEVROLET '69 Chevelle SS396 Fae!nt·y >111", <I ~l''"'(I, l1t1ckr1 :-••BIS:, \'Ill~ J 1n1L'l'IUJ'. ~p!.'clal l1rL'S .!..: ll'IH'('I~. $2499 O~l~S~ ~,, .. .,11 1.::1~1 1:,1. (;5 f•)' 1~7 1'.J;o 11 .\1:1:0n 1~1.\·u. f'U:-l f ,\ ,\ll·,,".\ '6-1 SUl 'f.:!~ Sp;:;,c.,-. -,,-,,,-,,-,.t-, auto shift, gold Illus l sec! 64:i-73i-l '66 Cl !EV~:LLf·: '.;(Jl) Ucl11\<', 2 f li'., v.~. ;iu!I). pis. ~lOll OVl'I' lllHilo•~JI«, 1,7,1-."17~ .. i auto., ps/pb. ll&ll. pvt ply. cA~<7m~. ~3·~1'-'~~'c"'~--~~ l :,,·,.lknt «••ll'l1T1,,11 S?7J. ;'})~."2ll lfl66 CHEVY Jn1p1da 4 Dr. i;1:z~l·l"l:1 <it~I: J~-- 'J7 Cl!EV 2 dr. xlril n1Ccll. J!T. P /5, H/JI. lu1v 1111lc, I 'li6 Chcvrllc :'."i :::K:, •1 ~l"I. r.ond. $~2.J. Hill, s(i<:k shif!. 01o;ncr. !1ke new $14!J:i. l,rv Dir ~1 :1 B.1k{'J", <:.'.II . 54.">-7:i')6 prty . .>!Il-1'.12'..'. ~11-:,~r. Used Cars 9900 CHEVROLET '63 Chc\1y I1npa.Ja Z Dr. Good <'OntL 1\u!o, V-S, $l200. 6i:r-ti57ii 'f;~ CA:\1AR0 3?7 /LS_ P S. fl 1 !. Auto, 2ii·1 !'no'\ :)!., (,\! 1;1,-,.~!J'.I! •'\'r~. \Vil! tradr. l'liiO CJIC'\'Y ·I Dr. nuns gond :\Int P'111ll, Tll'<'>l", fully ~q111p'<l. :S:J!l.J. ~~21JO.I CHRYSLER '67 CHRYSLER 2-DOOR HARDTOP V-S, atl\01na t1r. !ac1nry <'.lr. power stc>enng, poll'~r bra· kcs, radio & heater, Imma- cu!<11c, (lif)I~ 7131 $2295 ATLAS CJ!r.YSLE!l -P!.Y~IOIJTJJ 2929 11ArtBOR 13L\'D. CO~T:\ ;\IESA ;:i lG-1~4 Up••n Daily 'ti\ If\ p rn. I :-;1., S,;\, 8 /Jill 10 G Pill 11 k. 1l:1~·s '62 Continental full n••l"I'!' 1nrll1d1ng ;11!". One (l\l!l•'I". Lik(' new. L ie. JP.D· ~JOS. liL'Sl 0\"'I' $495 HOLIOAY RAMBLER 1%9 Jlnrbo!'. C.;\t iH2-6(t':) ------'6.J -.f-L'LL C:'llll pn1c_nt. Clean. LealhL'I' in I c r i or J\lctall\c_ bhu-'. S1500. Days ~~Jq._) )7~ 01' l'l't-'S '.J-16---Jfi-12 ·i;~ COi\'J"/[\'ENTAl~ -1 Dr. V1111 J'Oll'f'r. Vei·y Cl<'iU1. S:+otL (;7;!-i l19 -----·(;!1.1:\·CoLN l'OllllllCnt;il !cp <'01\rlil\lfl\1 ~!~:lO \;111 Sl:.1-842-l '6G Contint'ntal Si'll. Loaded, xlnl ('Oll(l. !ow mll('agc. s z.;on_ P1·1 :~10-7~2~ ----~--~c-~ CORVAIR (iO Corvan-. :i ~prrrl i::1)(1d ,.,.,ndition $150. Call .:o l.}-!~l':;ii :;,1 :'hllrp :\lor1i:., 4 spit. Yuu i'ilU~l .St-'I' this nn,.. ·196-:.1:,:.7 1969's r OUT! • • • OUT ••• ~ EVERY REMAINING '69 MUST GO! NEW 1969'S, E XECUTIVE CARS , DEMONSTRA.TORS -FINAL ROCK BOTTOM PRICES ••• TOP SKY HIGH TRADE·IN ALLOWANCES WHILE THEY LAST. OUR 1970's ARE HERE NOW! JAGUARS JAGUARS JAGUARS ONE OF THE LARGEST SELECTIONS IN ORANGE COUNTY! POOLE'S BETTER 1JS.ED CAR VALUES '67 T·BIRD '68 DOOGE '68 IMPALA '65 PO NTIA C '66 MERCURY l•nd•u • doc•. I '66 PONTIAC F ~ll 9 P•l'en9•r w•gc~. •u· Corn"•' 400 4-dr, ldd. 1 Dr . H.T. F~t 4it .. ~ulo Gr•nd Pri•, Aulo. '"'"" Colonv P~r k wogcn. 9 ~~'" ·~d.c, poi<e•g''· Full pew••. QN277 ! F&<lory •" ccnd, 50S- pow•r, f1 ctory oOr tond . "· Ir • " .. pew er ''""'. .;. cc nd., • •i!O fr • <ii .. TTl 702 T~'l'70S P.S., RIH. VG6 979 $2595 $1695 $2395 '65 FORO '67 BUICK '66 RIVIERA W19con Country S.,uir1. W ildt •I C:ullom Cp1. Coui:ie. F"oc t. ,;, cond , low m;l119e, lull pw• .. Fie!. 1ir ccond .. e ule>. f1ctory 1ir cond. RGV !ron1. P.S. UUVOS4 •ulo h•nl., pwr ileet & '" pw1 br1 ~11. r&D•64 $1595 $2595 $2695 '69.JAGUAR '65 CHEVROLET i '66 OPEL XKE Rc1d1i1•. chrome Pic~u p-'4 -!on $pod1 Coupo. todio w ire wh11l1, •odio, h11t-li11!er. TXH 103 1r, Low mil109e. R.6 15)] $5195 $1195 $895 Ir• n1, pcwor \!oenng, WJM 189 $2495 '66 CAPRICE 2 Or hord!op. eir c.,nd, •u+o ti ~n 1. ,., sit••. •edlo, h.,.+~r. SB Ml71 $1795 '68 PONTIAC 8onne•-illt . • door h1rd- top, FA C T ORY AIR COND .. P.S., P.8. W XG . " $2995 p 0 w . t ,, hoo!1r. ( M ll I 51 095 $2395 '65 OLDS WAGON F.85, •uto. tron1., p e>w· e; >leer. PB H 7 l7. $1 495 ---'65 M ONZA Hordlcp. Avie. l•1n1., condition. i'nmocul •it !iXJ l7bl S9 95 '67 MERCURY Mcnh ••v 2 d co• h~rd lop. Aulo. hon•, pew•• 1t1er, R&H . UON-704. $1795 '67 OLDSMOBILE SH p•el!le c.,1!&11 h1tdlp ccup~, oulo lr1n1 .. !~ct. ""• pgwor •Ir, UJB912 $2295 Open Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. -Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. -Sun ~ 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. AUTHORIZED BUICK· OPEL · JAGUAR SALES & SERVICE $ BRAND NEW 1970 OLDSMOBILE SPORT COUPE Fully foclory 1qui pp•d in- cluding ht&d 101h •••t bell,, bock up li ghts, wi<i<:hh:,lcl w11~tr1, out• •id1 mirrc r, c11peh, olt, FULL PRICE ORDER TODAY WE'RE WHEEL'IN & DEAL'IN ON ALL 1970 MODELS! . ....__.._..___...._... ____ .._.. _________ ,,___...._...__.....__..,.._._.. hltl:~t'&;mz!f!-·f E-1 EXCELLENT SELECT.ON OF I . " ' , I (12) '69 Leftovers ! SAVE HUNDREDS NOW!1 ON EXECUTIVE & DEMONSTRATORS '•y~· I NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A QUALITY VALUE-RATED USED CAR lllEDr.wl '66 v.w. BUG • •Med. 11;,~ .~.n. r•dlo, he•ltr. \V8T 01&. '66 FORD MUSTA NG ' n! ~ti'~ '"1'1, rro,o. l\r•l<r, y,n•<I co,er> lfHr 01 • $,995 '65 CHEVROLET WAGON 118. ftutomell< lr&n>m111lon, PQwer •i.tr• ; .. """$79'5 '65 CHEVROLET BELAIR V 8, •u!O, 'Mn1., elr con<!ltlonlnQ, l'(lwtr \IOr<<rlg, r,1010, h•eter, wnileNlll tore1, w~~~I cOvt" 18l4•1 $795 '62 MERCURY 4 DOOR \It. ~~•o ''""', •~oorv olr (ond•llQnlnQ, f''>W•r \t•rtong, ••010. he•I•'· wl\l!ow1ll "" ''" 5195 '65 CHEVROLET CORVAIR ' c~•, ftU'O Tron\, te010, l\e•lor, .. n11e-W•tl "rei . ..,r.eel tove ... 111or; 319 I $595 '66 OLDSMOBILE 442 HA RDTOP \I I . j 1 .... «:\. r8CIO, llt•I•" Wl\lltW•IJ l lf•I. Wh~•I <OVt". $1495 '64 OLDS 88 4 OOOR HARDTOP v .a. •uTo. uan,., f•c•o•v elr <On<l'l!lonlno;, POW•>" 1te1rlnq, pew"' br•~••· ••dlo, heolor, w'Ol!rwell llrn , tln1W glfn, wnetl cover1, (OOA O.f!l I $995 '66 BUICK SKYLARK VI 1ulo. tr•n• .• pcwer >rou lng, ••dlo, nonrer, "'"''""6'1 '""'• wneel cover1, "" '"$109 5 '68 PONTIAC G.T.O. HAROTOP VI 5 Ht~ •nc'1. pcwer 1tee'"'Y, •~d«>, l\e•t•'. whlltwell l"t•, w~~ .. <over1, 11116• '62 OLDSMOBILE 88 SEOAN ~ulT PQwer Ind •Ir condi!ic,,lng, (EXJi i?Q). '66 SIMCA 4 DOOR lhdlo 1nd ht•ttr, Fl•• •"lllnt rid. (Tll;I) 210), 2850 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA O'IN 7 DAVI A WllK 5.t~-9640 . . 1 ' 1 ~ --~--------.....-..... ·-------~------~----____ ..._...,.. -----.. ----~ - jft DAILY "lDT F"rld,Y, Cktobtr 17, 1%9 iRANSi'ORTATION TllANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION -TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION Ttuck1 9300 9500 lmport.d Autoa 9600 Imported Auto• 9600 lmport~d Auto• 9600 Imported Autoa 9600 99110 .6.utos W1nted MetHle HOmff 9200 Motorcycles ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ! l 967 /ION DA ltiO :GREENLEAF ~·~~.~. !00 ong PARK s~oo. · mi. ID cltar, clean. cool Co~ta M~a. Ntw 92 ~pac, /\!lull Park NO\V OPJ::N ! t-.lobile llome Dlsplay fl1 ode.ls & Sales oliict localed at Park. OPEN 9 AM TO 6 PM ACCENT MOBILE HOME SALB 1750 Whittier Ave Costa Mesa 714: 642-1350 ----- 1967 t>IATCl lLESS 500CC GSSO Sc1'8mbltr, .t•or purisf $6j{l. 1~7 1 J{lU,\1!-'11 T ·IOOC ,j(J() CC. Vf'ry 1·lean. S750. JAMES LTD th< l:Yl·1 Nf'11'PCH1 Blvd. 6·12·0040 1968 BSA 650 l'C 1.1ghtn1ng 1,600 n1lles • real clean llKe hrand iww no :scralches, l1lt1e hook $1 ,030 sacrifice ror ):8.'l;J. 8'1'2-38\J HONDA Shai•p! $275. &ran1ble 1· 2 ~ 0 . Lois ol Chro1ne. * C11ll £..12-1268 * '63 YA,\IAJ.l.A 80 XLNT COND. Sl60 8~2-49-13 '67 HONDA :WJ Chopper. t-.lust Sell. $6j() or best offer. J.18-4050 '69 DODGE! 1/2 TON Sweptline Pickup Big 6 1·yiill(k>r eni;:1ne, srand. anl transu1 b s1un Une vnly -Dn\'I' II l1u1'11~. No. 1167· lt»WS. USl'o.I. $1077 SADDL~BACK DODGE 547-938 1 1-101 N. Tustin. Santa An<t r~ro1n N<'llTIOrl F"n'r11<;1y - \Ve~' 011 )7th ~I . Turn lr lt on N. 'fu,11n. '69 Chl'l'Y 1-. tu1lf1i'0iliP. 11·lth l'<llll[JPI' .~hell. All', [lll'I' s tc;Pr1ng, auu1 tr;ins, 1111T hrake~. v.s f'n:;, radio. 6,{'{)() n111Ps. S3Vl0. SOUTH COAST CAR LEASING :~\\' c.~r.11 .. ~n 615-21~1 [ Jeeps 9510 'j~ i\lilila1'}' 1YP" ~ l•ht'I'! d1•11'e u1 10µ f'<"ncl: 196:i AUSTIN MERCEDES BENZ '69 AUSTIN Amer le a , '611 Coupo.· H.011Uslcr. ftltd uighl aulomarie, lo1v mi.le& $1&.i;;i. lJlue, full pwr, auto, a/1·, 675-6911 afte r 7 Pt.1 llt'W radial 11rc>s. $7100. 6:1,6.-30~ AUSTIN HEALEY """ M,,.,,,,, !!JO. Cl""· nc1v tires. $7:11 f i r m • '61 Austin Healey $2495 6-l:!-4452 eves . t '1111sh1'{j in gleamil'.i::: ruby i\lF.RCJ::DES Benz l!JGo :l:!OS fL'd 1vl blk . ll';1tJ1i:r tnterl~r. '1 ooor. Air, new lit'f's, :\!Ill. t~1ll y «JUlpt. 1n~·L . \11rc S7:A. !l18_7~ll! 11hc>P!s. \\'L'Ck·end .Spc!c1a.!. J1rtuport 3\Jnµorts :llf(J \V. Coa~t llwy., N.B. 612-!l K> j..j!J-17&1 Aurhor1iell '.I!<: Di>al<'r AUST IN AMERICA Sale~. :'<>r.'1cc>, Paris l11lJ1lNl1a1(' D t ll\Tl')' All J\lodl'IS J1rtuport 31111 orrs MG l\IG :;IL\rs, Service. P1:1r111 I1nml.'di1:1.fe Delivery, 1\11 t-.1odels J1rtuporl Jlinporrs 3100 \V. Coast llwy. N.B. li·t!·9 ll)j 5 ]().1764 Authorizl'<I il1G J:h.'a ler ·:it TD Classic. Nrw 1nter1or, nc1v tyres. Please cal!, n1ake nllt•r. 5-18-59lll SUNBEAM 10C.j SUNBEA.\l A I p i n f' Road11ler , auto shill. i;:UOtl cond. Asking $900. 9>2-7:ll71. TRIUMPH 'fi'J TRI UJ\TPll Sp1l11re. :\Int eontl.. 7JOO n1iles. l'n\' (.11\'lll'I'. Call 646-3()6;, alt 4. TOYOTA TOYOTA SPECTACULAR YEAR END SALE VOLKSWAGEN YW BUGS FitOi\1 $399 ALL MODELS .11'..l-::0.:1 Ext. 66 ur 67 YOU R BEST DE.\LS 1!.liO f!.\llBOR Bl.VU. /\P..F~ S'TllL AT COSTA l'\1ESA DEAN LEWIS 1 -~.6~9~·vw~1995-- 1900 lla.rlxlr. C.'11, 6·16·930:: BILL J\fAXEY [!J\OllYIOIT@ unbt'lic>vab1e! fa n1a~l l(' vaJ. UI'! [\.,..r·y 11nug1r1<1\Jlr ac~·rs. SU!)' 1no.:I. 11ood dai:h, 11·ood s\eerint: 11·hel'l, sun roof. continental radial pi't's. till3 local miles. F aelory wa1-ran. lY. &<c and drive lo belirvl!. \VE PAY .·. CASH ror used ca n & trucks iust eaU u! ror lt't'e Pi;lim;itc. GROTH CHEVROl!T Ask !or Sales f\lanap 18'111 Bear ll Blvd. lluntini:;ton Beach Kl ~333 1 WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET ~828 Harbor Blvd. Cosh1 !\lesa 5-16-12{)(1 WE PAY TOP-- COLLAR 'T'H.ANSPOR'fATION CARS llWPORTER MOTORS 2036 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA ?>fESA 541-5294 or 548-8511 F"I NA;\!CINC: AVAii.ARi.Jo~ BUICK '6S Buick ~poL't \Vagon. 1111· n'11t·u l;,t.~-1!11V n1 i I "a ~ r . 1\:.00 1\11, A!C, 1'ad1u, 1'111, P/~. 11r ;11· 11\'ll' G0txlyc.1r l 'c!yg\;1~ \\ lrl<' r1·111·k tircs. s;;19."i. 613·~1 7:1 oir 67.)..\?16 oiJiC1~No. 2:?:1. II ii !i e1•crything! GA P.GAIN! ·5;:, BUICK Gran Sport Convt i\lus l sf'('~ S1200. Priv ply. ti7::-'.!;Jli(} 196.,j B U I C 1.;: Convrrt1hl"r L<:><o hrf'. :"\nil 1•011d. !:;est of· f!'I', 61:r-llll. ·:is Tandem Kenskill 25'. Toilet & shol4'cr, a ir cooler. New av.-n1ng. Sleeps '1. Perfeel l'Ond. f'\ew pain!. Sacrifice for quick sale $1350. Anchor Trailrr l'or1, C'.osta t-.lesa. 6~:l·:Zfl41 '6() i\loPPd 50 ef", IO\\' nHles. Xlnt sha(l<'. SW. 646---4721 alter £. '66 llARl.EY Sporl~1.cr $1 ,0!IS Scout •I 11 1!1 <lrl\"f', bth:h('t '62 i\IC-!\\K JI; Nf'-n' tires & scats A-1 ,,bo SllOO t:lltl!. '.!!Oil\\'. Coast lhvy., N.B. paint. X!nt corlll. $j00 18881 BEACH BLvo-:- Hunt. Beach 847-.8555 3 ml N. ol Coast lhvy. on Sch '6'7 •I DR. Custo1n 11·ith fac. :11r Sl.000 blue book. Pr. pty. J1rllljJOrl 31111µ01'1 ~' for good, t:lea.n used cars, all 1nakes. See George Ray 'fheodore Robins Ford 2060 Harbor Blvd. c.r-.1. 512.0010 CADILLAC DOUBLE Expando, 8 il 'l'ro· fn. 20x:l.J. l.;u·;::e rarport, Call af!e1· 5 P i\! 61.· ... 2.1!J.t {j 12-!1 lfl:i :141}-176·1 CJ.)) C!&:Ail7 :..".'!IS Placc1111,., ,.. I) I 677>--0~03 c :.1 I "~'~'~"~"'~'"il'.''~"'..;'-"~"~· d"'~"~'~';,_-J,========== 1.\l?OHTS \\·ANTED Ora.n;!t C.ountits TOP S BUYER Bil.L r.tA.'\'EY TOYOTA 1~81 Beacll Blvd. '68 ELDORADO porches &. storage shed. Auto Services 'Iii ·1-ll'h(ll'I .Jcrp. loac!l"d, 'ijj Au~t1n llc:ilcy Sprite l:x. MORRIS 11 ilh uvcrdnvr. S l 9 0 0 . c•1ncl., $SOO, 4!J.l-:l3j'.!, altcr1 ___________ _ fi,16--['67 :;100 \V. Coa~t Hv•y,, N.13 Black 111 \h hlar k & \\liitr hounds tooth in terior. loclll cllr, fa cro1y air. A;\l,-f;\I s1c<i'C'O 1·acJ10, 6·1\'ii.v seal, tilt &. trlcsenpr :>lee ring 1~·heel, /)O'rrr door lot·ks. 0 n I .Y '.?1,000 miles. L1r. \\'QD·J04 ~111~1 M'll lo settle rstat". & Pirts 9400 $6,750. Katel\a i\1 oh i I e 1 -~~~iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiim~~ 6-16-.'.m::.6 4 Pi\l. '61 !\!OR.Il l ~ illi11or, ===========1 641·94~ 540-1 761 VOLl(SWAGEN Autho1·1zC'd l'\IG J)ralrr JAtatc>l'. S11 ll·l, St1.1nton. ~II 828-4670 "68 12~.~60 __ _ Z. bc>droorn l'.'ith ;n1•n1nii:, tkirts, sher!, con1pletc>. In beautiful Costa Mesa Park. Owne1 must leave ~a . '3&-3291 BroKer. ~ M1ny Mobil Homes Family & adult par~ Priced Right ~ Call 536&69 01 630.3291 Brokc1 BEACH Auto Supply Wholesale Prircs 10 1111 Complete !\lachinc Shop SPEED EQUfPi\fF.1\'T REBUILT ENGINES 112J Vle101·ia, O T '.>IS~.DO 18391 Bearh Bh·rl. HR M7..oo'Jl • OPEN 7 D1\YS * JF:EP·l!l-16 CJ2l1 011crsir.cd iires, clean. 9S4 Pres1d10 Dr, C,;\L Recreat'n Veh ic les 9515 '6:1 Seout •1 x •I Dir. 81J Bcikcr, C.~!. J.10-J!ll:i Camper!. 9S2C 63 CHEV ~-T. P.U. V8 8' Calif. <:abo1·er Ca n1 p r r . ~!any l'Xlras~ Flu.~h 10 1lrt. 24' SETUP on lhe cholt~st location in lovely Trailer Park. Rent paid tl\ Isl F'u~t Sl.250 takes. 327 \V. \\'1lson, Ci\t See Space 2'J "!!~~~!!"~~~~~~I Brtlrr than Xlnt c·ond. :; $18:.0. :1:;t>-.71!i2 ale :1 or 20X55 l Brdroom!i. 2 baths. buffet. C"QC!ler, av.'n1ng~. shrd, r<1n1· p!r t!". In a top lamtly pa rk 6.11).3291 Brokeor. 20xSS l Bedroon1. 2 bath. Al! r -:1r11:i:. family Park. ca.JJ ~6-886!! Broker. 2 FULL br!cls. 30 gal hot 11·a. ler tank SISOO. 1640 l\'<;11•port. Sp. No. 3. C.111. 12:x60 Front & Rear All extra!. family park. Call 5J6.SSS9. 636-.1291 Broker. 1!1:'19 Nashl.I<' 10x40. romp. furn, nr1\ ahun. il1111111:: $2600. ;:jJ \\'. B;iy St , C.'.\I. Spae~ 6. 61Z-7·MI hl'Al\E Oller for 20' 'I: '.17' Goldrnwest. 40' s r r r r 11 porch. Term5 11va 1t. :i36-2!!4:i Mini Bikff 9275 5 H.P. 11111\'T HIKF7. l.ike new . S129, CaU 51(}.•\00.l S.-e at 3036 Ja1·<' Rd. i\lc.-..1 Verde Motorcycles 9300 19!i'I Yi\~IAHA, :',OJ. B1i:; g oar Scramb!rr ~j{)() m1. Bell heln1c>t. S400. 5'\G-9378 67 Yan1oh11 T1' in 100 Nr1\ tin'~. S L1:i. • ~>lG-17i:1 • HONDA Cl 360. 1:-.00 n11, h1i::· gage rack, srat back, \'l'fY ciean SSOO. ~.5761 any!imc !!Mi~ 'l'ani aha l'.:nrlum 25( CC. DT.J<:: ~,'ol\i•S .. ~6.)0 Truck1 9500 GMC TRUCKS Orang!" County S.~les Service Headquarlcrs. NE\V _ USED UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE '.?8:,0 Harbor Bl\'cL Cnsla 111esa 5-1(}.96·10 Ten Light Vans \·olk!f\IU.'.~ens, l)odbes, Chrv. yi;. E.'H'Cih•nl eond. lt.'Q',(, \\';lll';J/lfl•. KUSTOM MOTORS Slj BaKei St., C~! ;~(}.j'.Jlj Open 'til 9 P.i\J. '&:J Chevy~. Ion llf'e t :-.11.c V8. \)Ir R\j Baker, C .. \I. 5-1()..j'.ll!"i ~-(J(';i;t~ ion Vil. auto. Dir. &IJ BaJ..f"1, C. i\I • :~1()..591 S '68 t·ord J:.:eonohnc \\-~n. Dir. fl;.JJ Bakrr, Cos ta '.'llrsa. ~a.;,s1J 11, Ton 1[11[1 G;\!C trui·h w1!h h)rlraul1e, 1.11 1 i::atr Iii!. t•lrr•. hovn1 l1 !1. n1ns i::rl. Sl3J. ;\Ion tl1n.i Fri 642-SiS2 'fi~ Chrvy Cuslnn1 Van. Dir. I'\ r, Hake r, Co~t;i :\ll'Sa . ~!t).:i9l:i -------·19 G.\l C, t!!lll PIL•h• llPll' Pi1g .• l11't's .~· p:unl ,\llL'r 6 <:all 6i3-7l91 ·===---1.\/TERN/IT!ONAL 1 o n d11111p 1n1r k. Dlr. 81.i Bltkcr. c ;\I. .">4(}.5915 T~~N Ln.:ll1-v-,-,-. -,-u-,-n-,-,,-.,. !)Ir_ 1([,1 &tker, C , '.II . ~10--.·191~. '&13 ~~,,1•1! FIO(l. \'S. a u1u. Sl:i Bakr1, r '.11 Ulr • $.13-J96:: • ~dfl.-·!lll --~~ ----1 ----1\E\V Il~l \V 9' (';,\)fi\C! 1·a°1npr1, ln'W nil hrlnw \1hole.~alf' m .. 1 \ Chr 1·_, .. \'S ~21111 Ulr. ~-' R-60, 600 r r. ;,1~-:!.~:!6 l:;.kr r. C.~L ;,.1[}-;,!\ri 'f;R TRlli'.\lPll Bonnrv11l" $~. 1210 \\·. BRlhoa Blvd. Apt. i::. N n. 11rt1\. s I 11n1 19C.S TH.IU'.'llPll 2:i0 CC. Xln1 cond. 3,000 1n1 . ·,10. * ;,".G·781+i * 'ti7 [hf'\') 1 nh ~ 1~ "d[l.:,91.J ;Iii E(:--l)!m--1,-.,0-\'-.,-.,.-,-llll <''111rl r.1•,11 ,h,11 p• C!'i.1h•1f 1111:, s-;~· •. rn:...-:!:,:,:; 1\knds. f ,\NTASTJC 4 · St;ir t'I'~. t1e1v \Vc>S!\\'8,YS 111111i-ca1npr'rs. Pl'icrs ~t;u·t ;i1 S~';'J. Sc<i11,,. !ll~ N. llarbur. S.A, 1%7 ~; TON F'ord Ranger Carnfl{'r Spco.:1al. auto, pv..T brks. rat!io. a11 t:ulld., 29,000 m1. Bc>st o!fer. 2S!i7 !lit·kory Pl. Apt B, C'.'1·1 :11fi·7n!l l NE\\' (·;irnrx•1· shc>l l.;; l'al1 hii;:ll. !1.1lly lin"d w11h int. lio;h1" & \'cnt. S~:'!l. Scrit1~. ,!11·1 !l;i1·IH1r, S.1\. NJ<\V '70 t-nl'd PtU '.;'.o 01·rr dlr. in\·01er 11·1th 1·amprr purc ha st• &:nt!s, ~14 N. II;i.rbor, S.A. Ii~ \f',\' C.\:'-IPl:'.I: XluL VEP..Y R.e;1sonablc • 1~1-29&1 • Dune Buggies 952!1 ----'69 DUNf'~ Hu{;gy, 2 mos. old. 1600 P<11u·<1kc 1'11,g. \·cuow body. flOll'f'l'efl hiqh top. S'.2300 01 ti·ar1c for '67 or 'b:\ El Ca1n1nu or Ra11i::ht ro f'/U. All. 4, ffir1'1~J a~k for J<1hn cc_ ____ _ .\1,\.\/X !COlt V .\lit 7\l11st st•ll. S:l200 i:;dl f>Hi-1~96 i\;\1 g...11. P.~l Ii·~ Imported Autot 'GI V\V :-;qur1r•'b<1t k ·1;1 0 1•"1 CadC>l 'Ii~ V\\I Srd,111 'li2 Rt1n1hlrr i\1nrr1(':1n S1;i!1•111 !''t·1t1,•1 1 \\';11:1•n '61 f 1;1I 1700 r.oad:-.1r r I 1·011\r r111Jlr '60 Ch<'\'V b r1·1 auto I\ ,1\.:i'!l ':.O:l Pul·~( :11· ll>QO :\uJH r !Op l'iHnh! 1•/ll ·-,9 hur111u11n (il1"1 ·;.~ '.'llii r:n;i<bl• r ·;;7 l'h111•1ulh \"11. 9600 ~·1~1'.'1 ,,;~n Si~:! a l1!<1111;11w ~;~1'.l J.ld•I \!nlnr~ !1r 0111•\J Tu~•111 .\11 !0 ('111110• l~OO \\'. lo•,t~I lh1), :\1•11·pnr\ ti1~-(,j(;2 Impor ted Autos 96001mported Autos 9600 Imported Aut.,s 9600 l•dio I *'••· 11'1 lhe cer l~•I wo"'! qi•• vo e •"vth,"q +o .... 0.,v •boul w. m•I• 1u<• of 1h.1. w, 9i•t ii lht VW lli·po:nt "''" ly •nd p•tform•l>t• le1I . I! h., to P•H .. ~"' ,., 9·~• d our 100"', qut rt n!et l~t! we'll ft ple<e ~II mtior mt• <h•n;,,t ptrl• lo• J O dtv• o• I 000 m>le1, wh,chl!•rt 'ome1 fit 11. l,11'1 l~t ! "'~•! • "•"" c••·ownt r 11 •• J, 7 /\ bu9 tht ! ..,on'\ dri•t yo11 nut,, '69 Vl/v I '68 VW Squue Back 196 3 v.w. R.d .,.;th b l •' lo !nt••io·. o!htr f•clorv ... Shows •'ct lltnt c • r •· So Rtd•o. t•c . Speci•l. nice on the •o•d. R.dio & '" l11eto r. VlU S44 $1899 $2099 $999 UQT. '66 VW Fastback Sed. '66 Ghia Coupe '66 Porsche 911 Cpe. f Jlr• c:!e111 I tho w1 The Pi"lo l •dv f ;n• d ri~inq '"" s 1oeed ptf> !>tn•. & FM •1di1>. Specitllv 1on1I ''''· RQP•l 1 R1d ·o ind ht •t•'· SBK 1)9 p!l ctd to 1ell th;, wetktnd. $1599 $1699 YO! 70S $3999 '67 vw 1965 v.w. 1967 DUNE BUGGY s,.,,,1 "'''oon p•i111 Ii~• RADIO. -l'BES'1 I Rood 111d R1llv 1qu;pped. 111w. ITRH 7051 ONLY Htrd!op. UVR417 $1499 $1199 $1999 EXT. 66 & 67 197t Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa ·:,7 AUSTIN Healy, gd. corn!, conr\111011, JO inpi; n1any xlras S:i!l5. J3G-9G31l 8·12-7r.90 11v1. p1_~'c· =~~~~-~I ~~============ ~·or{ s~le l'.ri'.l Austin Healey OPEL ::ipl'ltr. Hril. naeing grn & 1 __________ _ r,olrt. i!l:iO. :1-l:}--!Y.128 __ DATSUN 'fill Opel \\'aron 102 ill'. Dir. 8\:i Baker. C '.'IL :Jl!J-j91'.'i PORSCHE ORANGE COUNTY'S NO. 1 DATSUN DEALER '68 Porsche 911 $5295 OT DATSUN Bahama ye l101v li r11~h 11· hlk D 1111e11or. r~uuy rquiri. 1nr1. 1S8Jj Eeaeh Blvd. reilr 11·111do1V rlrfog~l'r. !-;en1· I lun1ington Beacll pent radi;il 11rt·~. c>tt·. \\'rck. _,,-=•c•~:..:.7-c''c'-';'c,:"c"""'~='~-I end Special. '69 DATSUN Big, ·l·dr Sr<l11n. 4·srt1 , D\r .. 1·adiu, hratrr, 1:;00 m 1!rs. \\'ill ~tHTificr : Takr older lr;1'1r. C:ill Phil, ·lD·l·rl771. 5•!J·O!i3 1, Z\VJ():l l. ENGLISH FORD J1rtuport 31tnports ~JOO \V. Coa~I 11111' .. N.R. 6 12-~HO.i 5 \(}.176 I /\ull1nt·1~rrl ;11r. l)r alrr ·i;i; Porsrhr 911. 5 :.pd, /1~1/Y'.'11 r11dio, rnnny r1101•r -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;! ;.;1ra'>, :-.1 nt «01111. S ll JO. • 61.:.!-[J.'.il!l . '-~~----ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD OEALER SALES -SERVICE ·re Z..IODELS lin1nediatc de\h·ery L\i!GF: Sl::LECTION Theodore ROBINS FORD ::!!XiO Harbor Costa 1'1csa Blvd. 642-0010 FERRARI FERRARI :'\ev..•porl l1nport! Ltd. ()r. ange Cow;cy's orUy author· i1.cfl dealer. !::>AL~:s.sERVlCE-P .>\RTS JIOO \V. Coasl J.i11)'. Ne1,·port Beach G4::!-9•10:l 540-1 76~ 1\u1h0 rizr d Frl'rari UCalt•r F t·;Rl!AP.l 'ti.). :.;JO 1.;T Z :· 2. HcrPll\ rebuil1 , y r l Io 1v, bl.o(·k ]c>;llllrr SG!Jj(J or offer . C:1lt Skip ;1:1&-:;.",1 \, Ex :,~);, FIAT 'r,~ tl,\'I 1~1. ~pl •Ill'. 1.l.·l1. ;11 1. Ill••!: II h<' Is s.::ifi(J \ +!-~:\~'~ ("\('~ ----l•' r L\J' ~-IV :-1)~1fr•r P lue Sl~l>ll. '69 Porsche 9115 Targ.i Tan:::rnnr "\ICL'il'/r 11 ·hlk 111. 11>1 ... r. E v.~ry l"·'•1hl" at· !T'~n1y. !l:.O nHlr~· :'ht1\\· ,,.,ro rnnd111un. ~~J!(,. ,,! hlllfT l'••l ~/·h1·, l•I 1!1 ·•~C f1"·!l J1rtuport 31t nµ o rt s ~1 00 \V. Coast H11·y., N B. G 1:!·91/N ~ 10 1 ~b~ Atll h<lrll•~d I'll(; 0 1•;1ii 1· ---·i;1 POll.SCllF. ~·c. I Ol<!lt·r, f!pprnx. ;;J,000 c•n r l>l1 r nr,. nr11 elulrh, 1,11; i n ( r r. f'rl'f<'<'t 1•cir . i\111.~t ~rll t111 s 11·e!!kr11d! 1~1~~1 11 If r r . f,1 5-11-lli --'--~---Po rs c: he '60 Coupe $1795 Cr'!'o brown "1 li!;·H·k 1n •rr Full.v .-rp 11 p. (j(l(I{] o·cintllllun th1·uu111. \\rclq•nd ~pC'c·1111 . .. ,, ~ J1rtuport 1hnports --------.,~, J'Ol:SCl!l·! 111'..'/.i l1111011u· .'l.<i pa1111 J-.;..: rH.\~ ,\lo•, h !l•'l'f J;p .. t t'f·n.~ r.ti.·r 111.:-:1:~H --.-l ''li:!-~I ~)~Sl 'j))·-- ___ ::.:_::.:__:.;_:.cc_:c.::c_:_ I '6S V'.V. Sl500. Ju cxi::e!!cnt eonditlon. H. Br.sch. Ph. 847-3555 Pl I: 673·3286 Auto Leasing 9810 '6li V\V Sqbatk $1 09.1 01· trade I----------- Ai• condi11oner, ·I spd. d!r, lat"ger o.:<u· 0r tnick. Cantpt:r loaded~ l-feinry cream e..-..:t., shell $110. 83!>-42.37 1 Jtl LEASE , ~ pl ush black int. Take. sr.1alll---c.c. ~=~----·I ,,.-,,.- '68 vw down or trarlr Low lo1v Ii~ V\V Bu.-;cs p.}nll1ls. VllFiiwLB • Call D!r. g,JJ Bakf'r, C.l\I. '69 LTD f ord roupc, air, pll'r Ken '19-1·9n3 or 5~5-0634. J.I0-~1DIJ stl'g & brakc>s radio SHY.I mo. '65 VW ~IUSf Sell '66 V\V C.11111..-:r ·61 V\V ............ :Sl9 mo. fully eriuip!. !01v nu. A-!? '6j T·Bird. a ir, fully rqp'rl. \'c1y rlran. Lie·. NOL :!21 o;;-• Bc:.t o~·er SC'S\ off &IZ·\:"3G C\'CS. '<LL(' Pril'.r .........• SIC·lJ. $695 'ii9 Caci £1 J:)o1'lido l'Ou[Jr, HOLIDAY RAMBLER ·r:.1~ ~~~~se~1::'~."·~~~1· ~~~'. fully e•1uipped .. ~!99 rno. J•·o II ~ C \I 67;'r2$j7 'li9 Cadillac Coupe <If' V11le ...., ;u· .. .,r. .. . fully f'qlilppcd ••. S\69 1110. £U·6023 '62 Volk s1\agc11 SC1Jun. Call '(i9 Chev Can1.1ro, p1vr ~tr~ & '65 V\V, 2 dOOr, ~ speed, aflrr 6 Pi\f, tir;ikrs , a ir ........ S92 n10. 1·adJO, healer, beautiful red ·l!JG.3.~30 SOUTH COAST anc! sharp. RUi\I 1~0. SHJ95, ·;x; V\V, 1·11g1nl· Overhauled. CAR LEASING Co.rJ'.s l\lolor Co. I nc·., 1941 GOO<i sllapc. S2'~5. 61li-~721 :;oo \V. Cst llwy, NB til).:llS'.!. l larlJor, C.i\l .. t.J2-0,113. ;i fll'l' Ii -------- '6S \l\V .Sunr()()/, Blaupunkl A'1'i!F'i\I, Coco nials, n1inl l'Ond! i\I11s.1 sc>!l, ~lake oUer! 49 1-639.~ ·:17 B11i.;. li l trans. R/I\, Trust\101·thy lran:<ro1·1 atioo S:lllO. La1nhrrtta 150cc ~1 2S. t;.J."...-~7·10 t 'Ollljl 11 /l'a11!plng: ~l2fX'l/ht·~1 offrr. !,i&-:\<r3~l aftrr ti Bob 'li9 VOLK.~1\'.\GE:-J C1:1n1 p· 111ub1fr·. ,\'.\! • F~T 1·11d1ei. VOLVO VOLVO CLEARANCE NOW! 142 -144. 145 -164 '!'lit: LO~l'J::ST !'RICES YOUR BE:-.Nl' DEALS ,\P.E: STIL!. AT DEAN LEWIS Jlt•p·up tnp. Sid~· 1111t ;\Jon-1966 fla t'l;inr. C \J 61li·!l."»:\ l<lnil ltNI. ~~."..-1:>9'1 P\SOO 'i>:1~a 1r eond .• 4 !-!l!I , \'\\! S<tu;u·ebar li-Ne'v J 11!) 11·. ofl(, r/h, n•d /t;lk 1111 Ii~. JWd10, "'"'· Ju~I hkl' (ilj..L)j l r1r. ur 6\U-\!OU Tlf'll'. 7'i00 n11les. $2395. day~ 673~282 VOL v-·o--.,-,-,-'.!.1,,--, .. -,-,-,-ll. 1!!67 V\V, c h1·0111C" 1vhecls, ~dan. 1:;rc1>n. A1110 w/ l'rry •·Ir an. A~kini:; SI::95. A/C. Xlnt o·ontl. Pn prly. Call :.11>-~r12fi :111 3 r~J. 1000.10-:::'="=·'::::::::::::===:- i.s V\V B11i;:, :>land. tra11~. LEASE · RENT OROER YOUR 1970 TODAY FOR EARLIEST DELIVERY All popular 1nakes. Ford ;iu!hol'izcd lc11.s.in~ systr111 , lie! Ou r Conipetitive Rates Theodore ROBINS FORD 206\i llarbor Rlvd. Cosla t-.IC'~a 612·0010 LEASEA NY MAKE- OR MODEL lPt Ollr J1'a.<e (')(j)('ffS .~l•O\Y }CiU \lie t)('~! plan hir ~·1ur J>1.·rMJ11;J !'IP('ds 1v1thc.Ut uh.Ii· gat1on. UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE 2S:itl JI A.r00r Blvd _ eo.,!(l \lr.sa ~.l(l.Y,111 1;i·11dix ,\)1/l·-'1· unrli·r Antiques, Classics 9615 •l.tsl1 1·,1rk. ~.'';()-3719 after 5 Used Cars 9900 't;z V\\'~·ij.J t·11~1nl·. n1echan1t·11I C1,ntL fine t!'l:.19 1-'0RU 1\Iorlnl A 1~::-2:~2J 'li:1 V\V :-;q uarPh;·,.-ck.~lc""°~cS. !j:ij:i. E:-:cellr11t condition. Alt 7 pin. :11:r1H3!J 'll1 V_\V. IJUS t~\rf•!lent r onrl 1!1l'11 Sl;!j(l. C;ill 5 1S·l~f~l 'G:! V\\'. rrblt f'llj!, new pa 111\, nc1v bl akes. S."1:(1. ti1:...o:,.r2 Roa.i!stcr P1r k l "p. ~. r<1<'(' B. eng111('. h1·r11Jrr:o; .~· d11rtl l'ai·lls. l:'i" 11·hrr·J.~. hyd raulic brakes. SlOOO. f.4•1-01~~1 'S7 '.'llori::-rtn 1 I. r ~ccllent cund. $Hi00. S 1:!·371 6 alt 5, all day 1rkcntls. 1931 OE SOTO CHATHAM AUTO SYSTEM ~'ii(~ \I'. 1-.1, :-;11 111;1 .\11u • ;J 11.:lfl:ll * $5795 ALLEN Olds n1ob1Je.Cad1llae Inc. l \j() So. Coast I lighway Laguna Braeh 11\'r -.:1 to Putt.cl)' Sha rkl 494-1084 547-3103 ----• 61 Cadillac Convertible, lull po11'er, air, 1''!.cept.i{lnally c!ran !hruoul. $hO\\'S ve ry rine eare. $3399 Q~I~~ ~., .. :! 19".'.;0~l Ext. 6fi or 67 J97U !!APJJOR BL\'D. COSTA i\l ESA CAD '61 Sctl. DV. Blk \1·/!natrh brgh1n lop. Xtra t·lcan •. Fltv..·d ctr post & all aci.:es, Pvt ply, n1us1 srll. .~::::~,([. 6'i: .. ii71 fJI' 5.\0-146!:! -----'69 Fleetwood Brougham Best offer over $6000 C11.ll 494.6882 '69 CAD FLEETV.'000 UROUGHAM 9;.00 mil1•s 494..tiSS:! '67 E! Dvrndo. Lo 1ni. Xlnl l'(lnd. J'l.e w 111·r.:s. Lollded !i·Lli;iO pt'l\I p!'!Y. &l.\.4265 'CB COUPE d;-V1lle. \\'hilf'. bl<ick le111!1r r. }\ill cqui11· tl)Pl\I. CI(' a n. A~k St!l()'l. ).jfl..-]lj.\ <lays, ('VI'S. 5'16·3fH:! 't.i6 Coupe <I C' Ville. Gold. !::quipped 111tl1 1'v!11-y poss1blr acce:.soiy, .\lus t sell no111. Any rra 5 0 nab I c oirer. 5J~·l17:1 days, rves. :).i&.3&12. 19!i3 C1.11h.llac 2 rlr llT. Comp! <'ri11 ip'rl, br;u1! cond. Lo n11lrs, Sl~l9~1. 2 11ay radio ('q Ui[l Opl1on;,[. 81fi-:'.002 ----'liS V\\'. r/h. xl nt (,1.uul. ply. SlfiOO !'vi ('all :.~19·157 1 ,-.,-00--FuRn .1\l0<-,-,.71 --A Hn.1rl~trr fully r r ~I " r" it , 1111111 rnnrl. S'.?htlfl. :.1~ .. 1'..' •I E;u1k f111anti11i;: ;n -;11\ahlr . \\',, a l ~o, o11Tv ou1· Q11 n cuntrac·!s otL 1ran~·pn 1·tril 1nn (•:1rs. '6i C.1man • Sl'i!l9. 'li7 Oorl;;e RT Sl<\9':1. 'Iii l'ont1;11· GTO SU'OO. 'f..1 \llu~Hun:: S6!19. 'G1 F C•11i :'\I. .~69!1 'ti~ '.\l1•n1.:1 1:!ro. '60 T·BlnJ ~'.!':r.i. ·uo r 1.1·n10111h s 1•1~ 'OJ Cnn11·t Sl!'9, 'hti '61iC.\D. N.·dan IJcVille; !011 ('hf'\)' \\,,i,:,in $19':1 'Iii \';d i. nulr , Gua nha n 1n a 1 n t . 6-12· 171[1 '\O(j V\\' Snrl. hc\;;c> "/lo!!; 1111 1:111. Prll'~1·lv· rirns, Xlnl 1'f1111\. S11il. ;..!lt-2i !il ~utos Wanted 9 700 ----~ Will Buy \1 IV. _ r .. 1·scl1e • '1\crccdc.s Yn11r \'olks1\'.l,Rf'n or ror~r·he , ni.: "· !.; ll:·•·tl par ts. ;.lrad,1· & p.1y top dnl111rs. l'.11d for 111 ,..1t,.·J.:. 6 12-0:i.JI\ or nol. Call P.!'ll pli 5;;:.[J!}((t ant ~J!l'J 'Y,l Old~ $\~. ~1 111·,. 0('11•, ~3195. Pr. J>iy. CHATHAM !lli.!--03!!! AUTO SYSTEM C.\D o:J-5'--·d-ll<'~-v-,1-1o-.-"-"-,,-. ,·1 :! .. :Cl \\', J.,i, Nint ... \1111 tarl. air, -nni::. 011ntr, ___ •_'.1 \\.!¥.J~l • prrfrl'' -47141 4f!l .... ~i9 1 "6,~ ~POI!TS :.1•dan. 1:t'i1J{) ·c~ CAD Sr<l;in <Ir Ville. 1\11 1111., air. p1vr .. \Ul~l lo,.. Jop <·\!rti..'' Lo111 n11Jra1,;•-. £;.,. L'Ontl111on. 4::11·32:.:~. ,.,,ll,..111 hu.v~ f,\.\-29'1:! • .\11 G. :.ir .. 1.;:.!1> • --,~S Fl1\'l' ;-;PYO!~!{ (;OL,O. S I G~;, -=~,,-~~-=-=--~='===-'-'-=-~·~·-~==========~I >1 h1lf', \11 11 , nu1I 1111 :?:1,llOO 1111, , ~~ _p1~:-',-:d-~}_1~_' u_l_o_s --' H-~-~0-i '~~' ,-m~'-.=\ ;o_"'=,=,°':~d~~r.:=A-' =~-'=:o=,===96=0=0~ ! jl~miip~o;';o';;;';;;diiiii/>ii";';o•;• iiiiii9~6~0~0iiiil~m~p~o~•~l~e~diiiiA~~~t;ioi;s iiiim9~6~0~0~1~miiipoiiii' t~e~diiiiA~u~li;oi;' -~9~60;0~1 o.:ond I 1 I ;,;-::,.;, l I : JAGUAR • 'GS Xl~E. i111mar ulatc ton· d1l 1r1n. low ni1lc>:11;c. 67 .... 6~6 ---·;,7 .J .\Cl'AH Xl-\-1 10. ~~X· 1·f'll,,11! ro111lil1on. Ph o n (' (i lfi-2!l:!li KARMANN GHIA z::)~ l\AR:\IANN G h \all . c;ooJ lransporta!inn cars or h11i::i::-.v n1a 1 ,,r\~I. $17;) & S2:-ict. Phnnr (i~;)-2ii:!1 . LOTUS 'li.1 LOTUS Eli!r , St11gr TT . ,.,1n1 runn1ni: o.:ond., S:!Q(KJ 1 ,',:~··"='~:.:1.6=-=11"1=1"'=====-! : '· ·;r1 VOLVO EXECUllVE CAR Se1. #1815 144 SEDAN, R & H, AUTOMATIC $2989 81 CORONA SEDAN EllCUTIVE CAR EXICUTl'I CAR COROLLA SlD. Full f1ct. •<tw;p, Str. #~211 Full f•clo•v 1qu;p. plu• •A· dio, s,,, #0907. $183660 $1790°0 , Dean Lewis Imports Or•nt• County'' L•rg••t •ncl' Mett Mod•rn TOYOTA . VOLVO DI.ALER ,,,, HAlllOR 646·9JOJ Ceil• M•1• 1!'1 t~t t t r th1t wen'! 9;v1 'IOU •"v !hing lo w ortv •bcu L ~ W• mo~• sur t of th t l. Wt give It lh• VW lli·po;nl t•l•+v •nd perform•~~• +11 1. I! h•t le P•••· So""'' 9i•e ii O J r 100°, quor enlet th•I ..... II reploce t ll 'l'l•inr ..,,. ( ~h•n ice l parh" for JO d1y1 or 1000 mil"'· wh;che••r <Om ct fu 1t. hn'I lh•I wh et • """' ''"ownor ntod11 A buq l~t! won't d""" VOii 1111h. '6S vw $1299 '68 VW Sedan S t~e y OUt MOnl y •"d ,till d•:¥, t h1 be1I. l i9ht blu1 .... .Jh b l.,~ •n!11io r, r•dio And htater. Ultll8 $1699 '67 VW GHIA Coupe We sold ii ntw. Suell cue ;t 1 htd. 11'1 10 cletn ;1 100~1 lik e , '1>'1. WliG272 $1999 '66 VW Sunroof Sed. I '68 VW Sedan Gre•n in color w>th 1 p;n Aulo .. It., H. Spt ci1I v•I· 1!1.p1. Wo.,.! Thtt ,., !• • low . 4XIH601 I ~nock·out. ROJ7 1i~ $1499 $1899 '65 VW Sedan Gold will. d11 ~ bro """ 1hedin'J on le11de" And doo•1. En9int O¥t •ha ul t d by u1. loo~1 ddftrt nl . YPS7'S $1399 '65 PORSCHE Coupe Undoubltdlv iht d tA neol Po,.ch1 ••ound, lun1d to ptd tc!ion. MOG 472. $3799 '68 VW FASTBACK Diemond blue wi!h bl•ck inler•or , I! 11>0~1 end dti¥1S l;~e • di•mo11d. R&H. VTS-", $2099 I '64 VW Sedan B~c~ to 1thool colot1 . A,. !•t bron1• w;!~ 9old trim. O~hlt"di~q lo~• ton1d •~· ht uo1. OTV7l 1 $1299 • --... --------------------------------------------------------------~·•"•••· . ""-' -.,-~--,,.--- 1.Uo.•c.•_d_C_•_•_• ___ _c9'.;.;.coo Imported Autos CADILLAC '69 Cadillac BRAND CHRYSLER '61 Chrysler FLEETWOOD BROUGHAM TlU'l'Jl.lOiS(', v.h1tc IC'iJlhl'l' 111- trrior wllh \\"!lllf \'1n)·J top. fat·tury air, A~I, 1":\I s!r1·, ,, 1·acl10, 6-\1ay s<.'at, 1111 & 1• Ir. SCOPe steering. 1"11\rr dwr locks. Lie V\\'Y6-l:i NEW BUGS Town & Country S1at1u11 l\11.1.;on. ~·w1 power int·luthng dual air. V390Sll. Be~t UVl'l" !229S HOLi DAY RAMBLER 1969 l11o1rbur, C.)l. 6-12·ti0'!3 1968 CllRYS NC\Y Yorker 4 door hun!top. Louch:d~ Pn ply. lo 1ni, 4 lll'IY RlldiaJ 11r•·s, Elt';1L1t ca1· & c:ond~ Call fi1:1-~7·Hl $6695 ALLEN Olrlsmub1lc-Cad1l!ar lrn·. i1 :.o :-r,_ C~l ll 1~1i11ny Lagun.l Bt:11 rh C\'rxt IU Pulll:I)' .'=ha1 kl 494 -1084 547-J I OJ CA MARO "fi9 C<unarn Z'2~ Bill Thon1as ~u·r, i.;.,11r~. polyglas, n1ll l1a1, t 'Vn11> bf>JI ~ llLUl'C, J:/.()00 1111. .'-:rl"r r r11.rrd, buL 1'r11d~. $33!f1. n'i3--:1ti:J:1 19!.7 Cau1l11\J, P I .'=-, lln•n console, Xl nr co11!I. ~t 7:1U tu• ~s1 orrer. :il l·ti507 CHEVROLET 1%:1 l.\ll'ALA. V-8. Tl/.", P/b. v1n.l"I 1or. Prrfrr! n1cc·han1 c11J rond. I own1·r. P rv pr1y, 46,f)()ll 1111. Ask111·~ $1100. Uay.~ C.!J :J1 l:-::l-:;l Jl. x 3:)7, t'\'('S & l'~:lldS {7l •lt 61.>-0!HS TRUCh'. For ~air: '!i3 Chev. p.u. 1'11h 1·;.unprr. n<'w Tt1't !\, P/B. :i;2;111_ 49-l-:>BSG .:i.ftr r ::..30 P:'ll. \\'ILL TltAUJ:: '60 ln1p::.J.:i. 2dr hartllop stk ~t11ft fol' Ch<'''Y pirkup ol •'{JUal 1970's ON DISPLAY & READY TO CO CHOICE OF COLORS AND MODELS AT .•• CHICK IVERSON Harbor Area~ Only Avlhorized YW, Porsch e Dealer l WO LOCATION!. TO !oERVE YOU 445 EAST COAST HWY. a l BAYS IDE DRI VE, NEWPORT BEACH 673-0900 & 1970 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA HOME OF THE LOVE BU6 SPECIALS 549-3031 -----'ti9 cinf'·SLEH IV it g 0 n ' Pl~. PIH, P/IV. air. Jo m1l1>s, like nrw_ )'!11s-t S('e to il[lprN 'l!llt' '.J62-71i$7 COMET 'li2 CO'.\IET Station \l'abon, ;;d. t:ondllinn. ,l!H-311.0 '1i:. CO.\IET ·IOI I Dr. R·H, 1~ ~. 36,000 nu. Xnl1 NHKl. l 01\·ner. S!Y.r1. ~rl0-."i!IJ9. CONTINENTAL lX~ C-ONTINENTALS, 4 drl M'd:111s. Th rrr of our ol- /i('llll.~ hill''-' 1Jw1r nc1v l~l70 111orh•ls. Tht• (·11rs fpr !i;l.11'1 1 11:1\'{' 1011• n1 1·~. fl 1111•r & air, Xlnr N11\rl, Car~ 11111y bt.> Used Carri 9900 Used Cara ~e{'n Uy t'!ill111~ f\lr. 1!1111so111 9900 Used Cars 9900 1•f _.\I' o 11 n l'lrvrlnp111<'nt! ---~.C..-'-----t "orp_ .>!7-70M, llO·I J·;. li!11 ----~---~ CHEVROLET '59 Chevrolet '.? rloor hard: 'r. Orig1n<1l IJlark" p<11nt, L1,._ ZVZ!t,l;l. ilC'll 1nh~1·1or. au· & full pow. er. nr~t eo1 rT CHEVROLET '69 Chevelle 55396 Fa1·101y <11r, •I i.1u·('1I, hut·kr1 :.0•11tf, \'oil)! 111lt'l'1Ur. :'pc1.:lul 11n·s & 11 h1•t·I~. $2499 CHEVROLET '6.i Chevy lmpah1 2 Dr. G('IO('l c'Qnd. Ai.:tu , V-8, $1200. tii;:,....65~ ·r,~ C1\i\l 1\Rfl 3~7 ll.S. r,s. P. rr. AlltO, 28·1 h:nox St.. C'.\I jil."i-29'.'1 {'\"<'!".\\'ill trar!r. I St., S.1\. 8 an1 10 6 11111 l'k. (1,1ys '62 Continental F'llil po\''Pr 1nc·lurl111i: air, One n11·1h'I'. L1k(.' n('W. Lii.:. ,JHD· !JO.S. Ucsl 01•'1" $49S HOLIDAY RAMBLER 1%9 llarhor. C '.\1. , valu{'. £4.">-18-13 $29S HOLIDAY RAMBLER 1:'.169 l!;'J.l'l>or . (_;\J. &l:t-6023 C~l~SoJI l'lliO thr vy ·1 D1-. l:uns gOfld. Xl111 p;1111t. r1r•''" fully ~1u1µ·!1. s:i9J. 5.j!}...~ltjO.\ '65 -FULL <'1Ju1pmcnt . Clean. IA'ather in l·<' r 1 o r . fl·Jr1al11c blue. S\500. Days ~.1~ 11 i-1 or !'VI'S :~1&-31H2 .. .. ' 'ti-I Che\"y I ntll!lla Con,·rrt rhll rng, loaded, •llr, lake foreign car in trade. XYZ756 49-1--977l '62 4 Dr. Chevy Impala. P/s, P/b. Hadinl rirc:s. Xlnt cond. ~650 :>4S-26:>.I '57 CJIEVHOLET 2HJ, 3 spd. trans, gd. cond., new lil"CS. ll'">D. 6·l2-l%7 '66 Chevy l111pala, ;tlr, H&H , P /S, Gond Conr!. S \4~ SI0-1337 '60 !:\!PALA 4 dr. HT. V·8. auto., ps/ph. ll&ll, pvt pty. S27J. ~>4R-<Vl 1 'j 7 CHEV Z dr, xlnt n1l'th. cond. S32j. H/11, stick ~lull. '51 Chev. ~ta . Wgn. B~i Air. ~ nr, Very good ronrl. Rebuilt 283 engin.:, new lil'f'.~, 11cw trans., po1rcr s!rrnng. po11·<.'r brakes, auto trrins. )\fust Sf'C to appt'f'Cl~lr, He;i- .soniihly prk·t•U ;it SIQ.J, C;.H .~17-71117 '66 CllF:V!tOLl-:"I' Caprirc. One 011•ncr car 1vilh only 'l 1.000 n1ilcs, has all flUll"f'l" + air conditioning. /\bsolulcly 1he rlca.nest pnc in 1ow11. J1n1 ::ili'lll"ns !'11 f' r e rd cs Bt~n:t, 120 \\', \\lar nrr, Sa11ta Ana. :i·IG-lll•I -~~~~ 1%6 Cl!EV Y l111pula •I Dr. HT. P/s, H/ll. low milr, 1 01~'tH"r. like nr1\P $1·1!i:i. l'rv p1·1y .. ~:t1-13'.?'.:. ~,~~ .!'1.::1 ·~1 l·.\t. 65 nr 1,7 l!Jiti ll.\l:1:r111 1:1.\'U. ('U~l'.\ \I~.:'.\ 'ti-! ~Ul'l·Y:-:-;1;11~1~ auto sh1!1, ,::o!rl. !\lust sec! 6·12-737-1 '66 C!!l::V!·:LL!·: :J(HJ 1Jeh1\r, 2 dr. \'-JI, aulo, pl ~. ~lOO over 11i11 ilo·~ulo •. f,j .... :,;:,.-, -j'~;-(·11.:-;-;.11:-:--:-. ..... -~,!(1- J \r•·ll•·11t •·1or1d1ll1•11 Ii l:t-t.l'i:1 all 1; P\I '66 Chc1f'lll' s . ..; :;~11;, Dir ll IJ B..ikcT, 5-1[}..."1'.ll.1 •I "l"I. C, :"II , CHRYSLER '67 CHRYSLER 2-DOOR HARDTOP V·~. au!om;itir , factory ~Ir, power sl~c1•1ng:, po11•cr bra- kes, r adio & healer. 1n1ma- cula!r. l UDT-:71J 1 $2295 ATLAS CJ!P.Y:-:Ll::R -PLYi\IOUTIJ '..'929 llAP.1301l BLVD. CO!'T.\ il!ES1\ ~ 16-1~4 llp•·n D:;i!y 'Iii Jn pm. :;i3 Ct1!\TINENT1\l, ·1 !Jr. Vull l'nw .. r. Vrry Clran. ~rl(lll. GiJ-7119 ·t; 1-1.1~'\"C_O_L_N_m-,-,,,-,,,-.,,-,,-, -00-p I 1·n11rt1111,11~ $1~:i0 1 Call 11-11-X·l:.!1 'f,!i Con1111l•n1al Sl·d. Loaded, xlnt rond, low n11lcage. $2;iOO_._P~1_c•_0-_7~2~'=== CORVAIR 'liO Co1·va 1r. 3 Sfl1'<'il t:•...,!I ,·'l ndition $150. Call 31ll-l~S7 'b~hlll'P \111111~. >1 SJ•I. i"uu JllU~l ~('(' lhl" "'"'. ~'l&.:.i:.:17 OUT ••• 1969's • • • OUT! ... EVERY REMAINING '69 MUST GO! NEW 1969'S, E XEC UTIVE CA RS . CEMONSTRATORS -FINAL ROCK BOTTOM PRICES ••. TOP SKY HI GH T RADE-IN ALLOWANC E S WH I LE THE Y LAST. OUR 1970's ARE HERE NOW! JAGUARS JAGUARS JAGUARS ONE OF THE LARGEST SELECTIONS IN ORANGE COUNTY! POOLE'S BETTER USED CAR VALUES '67 T-BIRD I '66 PONTIAC l •nd•u 4 door. F~:I 9 p•uen9~r W•t;on e u· power. feclorv eir cond. lo. tr .. n., "o"'•' iteer. TTl-701 T~Y708 $2595 $1695 '65 FORD We'o" Coun+.v S<i,,;••. low m;l1eg1, full pwr., feclorv eir tend. RGV '" $1595 '69 JAGUAR XICE Ro1d1!1r, tl.ro"'t wire wh11I•, red;o, heel· er. l ow milt egt. $5195 '67 BUICK W;IJc,.t Cu•'•"' Cpe. feel. •+• cond., 1 11!0. l11n1. l'.S. UUVOS 4 $2595 '65 CHEVROLET i Picl u"-l~ -Ion R6 15l3 $1195 "68 DODGE "68 IMPALA Cot!'ln1! 400 'l ·d>. !~c t . 1 D,. H.T. fAt I". Auto ,.;, cond., 1ule> lr~n•., PS . R&H. VGB 979 $2395 '66 RIVIERA Co11"e. f eel. ,;, cond., eulo lr1n1., pw• oleet & P"'f brek11. f BO•b4 $2695 '66 OPEL Sporh Co11p1. r•J;o, l.1ete•. lXH !OJ $895 I"'"'· power 1!o e,.ng. WJM 189 $2495 '66 CAPRI CE 2 Q, lufdlop, ,;, cond. eu!o lr<'ln1, P'"' 1te 1•. r1dio, 1-.e.oler. SBM l71 $1795 '68 PONTIAC Bonn 1.n!1. 4 dorH h••d- lop. FA C TORY AIR CONO .. P.S., P.B. WXG '17 $2995 '6S PONTIAC GrAnd p,;, A ~lo. it•nl p ow 1 r ,tee'., r•d10, l-.ool1r. I MQN277) S1095 '6S OLDS WAGON F-IS. 11110. tren1., pow- '' 1lttr. P9H 7]7, $1495 '6S MONZA H1rdto". Auto. lr1n1., i"'"'•tul•lt condition. (iXJ l 71t f $995 '66 iY.ERCURY Colon ~ Perk wag on. ' P•"eng••· Fvll powe r, Feclory 1ir cond. SQS- 1" $2395 '67 MERCURY Monlt••v 2 door he•d· to". Aulo. lfen1. pow•' alter, R&H. UOl~-10'1. S1795 '67 OLDSMOBILE S"P''"'• C11tl1,, h11dtp coupo, 1uto !r1n1 .. !ftcl. 1it, "o"''' 1!r, UJB9!2 $2295 Open Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. -Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. -Sun. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. AUTHORIZED BUICK· OPEL · JAGUAR SALES & SERVICE $ Fr1a11y, J t tobH 17, l'lti., DAIL Y l'ILOf BRAND NEW 1970 OLDSMOBILE SPORT COUPE Fullv f1 ctory 1q 11ipp1d in• e luding h11d t eih 111t be!+1, bock up l ;g~h, w ;nd1~;e!d w e1~'"• oul• 1id1 mirror, t erp1h, elt . FULL PRICE ORDER TODAY WE'RE WHEEL'IN & DEAL'IN ON ALL 1970 MODELS! EXCELLENT SELECTION OF i (12) '69 Left~vers ! SAVE HUNDREDS NOW!1 ON EXECUTIVE & DEMONSTRATORS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A QUALITY VALUE-RATED USED CAR lusmr.wl '66 Y.W. BUG • ·~ted. •!·t~ 1~.I!, •O.,,O, ~eatrr. IV8T 011. '66 FORD MUSTANG i r•' ~ilC~ '~"!, tf~,C·, ~·"L', \'.M•~I """ ""$99 5 '65 CHEVROLET WAGON V8, 1~1omo1lt ''"""""1!on, riower lite•• In~.' PA"'""er IP8F U.•I $795 '65 CHEVROLET BEL AIR VI. ~u•o "n"~ .• olr C<>Nll!lofllnO, f>O""'" •lu• """· "'"•D, hr•le•, wh11t ... 1U l••n, .. ~eel COYC•! llJUI $795 '62 MERCURY 4 DOOR V·!. ~Y'O ··~n· • ·~<IO•y 11• cOn<l•llOn•n~. r o,.•r >'"'""'l· •AdlO, hef!er, whltewoll '"e'. "'"crl ·~·r•! I ~•ON O~I $195 '65 CHEVROLET COR VAIR ' 01•. """ ''""'. ""'"· he•I••· ... ~.1ewo11 1,ro\, ""''°'' tl•<t•I. (~D.., H9 I $595 '66 OLDSMOBILE 442 HARDTOP v I • "'"'"· fOdiO, ~·•T•r, wl!lltw•ll """""$1'495 '64 OLDS 88 4 ODOR HARDTOP VI •wlo lrAn~, l•c•o•y •Ir to.,.,UI011lnQ, pewer ll•1•ln9, !>DWI• bra~ci, rad!o, hel!T•r, -lttw•U lltn , !ln!MI 111111, WflHI cover•. COOA Q.C l $995 '66 BUICK SKYLARK V 8 ~\/TO. l••n> , PD"'er ite1r1ng, •e.,lo, htd•er, "'"•!•w~lt II•~. Whttl cc;cn. "" '"$109 5 '68 PONTIAC G.T.0 . HARDTOP v e. s 11c1< •hof1. """'"' $IH•lnq, •~d•o, ~~•tc" Wh•tf,,&11 tort •, WhCfl tO<•fl, 11116' '62 OLDSMOBILE 88 SEDAN Full pewor I n" el• tO<ldltlcfling. lEXli l'ICI). '66 SIMCA 4 ODOR 2850 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA OPEN 7 DAYS A WllK 5.CD-9640 . • • ' ' ' '. • '. -.... ~'!"' ... -~-----------------------------------~-----....;---~-~ .... ...-..,..~----·-·-----·----------• ------ 42 OAJLY PILOT Frida}', Octobtr 17, l ?&'l -rRANSPOlltlTION I TRANSPofifAf 10N TRA NSPO RTAT ION TRANSPORTATION I TRANSPORTATION TRAN SPORTATION 1 TR AN SPORTAT ION TRANSPORTATION TR ANSPORTATION UMCI C•rt '900 UMd C•r• 9900 U..ct C•rs 9900 ----------l,.',ed Cars 9900 --------~--J UsH Cera 9900 UHd Cars 9900 Us•d Cars 9900 UMd C1rs .,.,.""' COIVAIR CORVmE CORVETTE 60 CORV AIR $98. Ru• good-looks rood! Sat or Sunday st&-6534 '56 <l'RvITi-E S650 or best otJer. Good cond. .. ,...,. CORVt:-rt'E '6.i h&nltOJ), 327 y,•ilh ~J hp. '1 s[l(I, r'adial.!!, AM /J.":\I. n1ui;t M'll. 9G8-1053 Imported Autos t600imported Autos 9600 lmporied Autos 9600 . . ---------. BRAND NEW 1969 TOYOTA'S BRANO NEW 1969 0 VER IN STOCK 50 IN STOCK Ready & Serviced far Immediate Delivery WE'RE DEALING YOUR WAY THIS WEEKEND!! • COROLLAS-Sedan1-Fastback Sprinter1-Statian Wagons • CORONAS--4 Door Sedans-Hardtop Caupe1 • MARK I l's-Hardtop Caupes-4 Coar Sedans • CROWNS-Statian Wagons--4 Door Sedans e LANDCRUISERS-Hardtop1-4 Wlieel Drive Wa gons • PICKUPS-4 Speed Standard Trans. Automatics -4 speeds - f e ctory .,;, canditianing -stereo tape decks mlllg wheels a nd mlll flY other option-i. • Many Demonstrators at Reduced Prices • NAME YOUR DEAL -WE Will TRY -EASY TERMS e Select Domestic & Imported Used Cars Below Market Prices e JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS 417 W. WARNER, SANTA ANA Open Sun. 11·5 540-2512 y 9900 DODGE '67 DODGE DART FORD i!ltil\ LTV Cnur11ry ~111rr sl11. 111111 11ai:(1n. 10 pa!IS!'ngrr, 1'1111 ,..r d1~ .. hruk<'~, l~"''('r '''"'11111: All'. ::'.Ill en1:1ll<', I~ l~~t 111 1h·~ :O.,.Jnt l~111tl. -'66 Fa l~on Futura FuU~ f;;t'h11•y 1'IJUlP1'4'J. Ulr, :Sli!(1. l::Xl'l.'lh•nt Condihou? \\'lute 11•ith v111yl top, air con- d111on1n~. auto. 1 r:in~ .• pow· t•r ~h·ering, roriio and hcatrl'. )'\('1v riN'S. $1."1!!\ 35.000 (lrlJ>· 111;•1 111ilcs. ('all li37-U56 01·1,i.:1nal 011•rl('r. ----------r11 .. n1• (;.12.fiO'!.': 'ti;) !Jodgc Polar:• I ~.,~, ~~ ----~~-llanl!Ofl, <llr. ::i t:. &l:~·r, • t'urd (.;;1kl;>."IC llrd1op, ~ll\·f'r-H!111'. :)'.!() •'Ill;. f111! C.Ll-1. ;,10-5!'115 $10'" FALCON '66 Falcon Futura 2 door. SoJrl rlPIV :l _1.1.-, <11,;o. S3200, now hr~I 01rt' $595 HOLIDAY RAMBLER 1969 l!a!"l)l)r, C i\J. tit>.fifltl '61 Falcon Wagon 011g111al pa111l. \'o•ry cJCaJI. Uest over $295 HOLIDAY RAMBLER l'.169 Harbor, C.i\I. n 12.ufl:::; ~~~~. -~~·ss Falcon \\';,g11n. hill flll'I', 11.11·. IOW n1ilt'abl' T.0.Pyint~. ~:I0-6.J07 ~2 FALCON WAGON E1.~1non11cal S\50. 6•:~-7-1.il FORD '64 Galaxie SOOXL lla1-U1o p, oni.:1nal Jf'd p;i1n!. '' nn the floo!'. l.1l·. NY!\ .~u·J. JIP~t OllC'r 1111111', air, t\<'\I' 1 11·1·.~. JU, ]'1 I\' jU-ly. ~1].'l-!j~1'J7 ---'{i7 FOl<l> t_;;,la:...11• :.oo, 1 .. 1r, ::'.~J 1·11~. l'I~. l'lh. ;u1!0 1r.111>, rat·t :111. r•111~ ('\tn1~. ,'\111! 1•1111<1. ~lltlJ. tl'i:\-l !S:.! l'Mi~ l•UH U fatrlane :oo 5111· 111111 ,,,1~1>fl H.~·11. pl, ,Y: r s, .-11r-tr111•I s1;7;, ti l6-:!l;ll t')\t, :!~I; \11111-Fn, i ::tJ .. J::':O 11\(1 1 ~11}• J-'(!1~1 L;al'1..\l1·s I· 11Jly lu;1d1·d S'J4iJ :1:: I-c,:;'+n 1;p ·. l:i ,.) t. .,11rr.. 1:11 1. S\IKJ 616-l'l.",O =j;·:l;1\L. Fnl ('(Hl\'. s:·:!l.>, ~rli/i l'd few V\V b11~. Call -1!1 l-:2~ 17:: -1>:1~ I· OBIJ CHuHlry N•llll ll ~l.11Jnn 11aguu. Lu.1•!<·d! r'..fli'Wl ;,1,•l·JZ!IO 'G:l FOR D C11n1·p1·11lilc. !tuns i;ood. ~~~i:,. * x 1r,-:11J~l * l!lt>:! FOJ:D Slit11011 \\':.i.:on. \'~·1·y good eon1.hllu11. Best r•flrr. fi·l:!-737•1 JAVELIN LINCOLN '66 CONT., gold 11/lllk. 111n~l roor: all rxrni~. Xlnt rond. S2.lj(J. 1111 N. S;tJ'frunt, R<i lboa Island. 67:.-7~ti2 MERCURY '64 Mercury Colony Pk. Station \\'ago11 . 9 passrng••r. Air, full power. Lie, 0\VZ· 4();j, Bc~t ovr r $695 HOLIDAY RAMBLER 19!i9 llarbtlr. C.l\I , ti 12·60'2:! '!I I COiVlET 2 rh'. 3!'1,000 1111. v.s, r lh, pt~. lnri·k1•t sr~I ~. n r 11· h1·ak1•~. :::d. .·u11d. \\'llHt: Sh!JJ. ti7:~fii l'.I 'ti-I :\laraudrr. a11ln, jl\11', hk! 1>1s, CB radio, 390 ('ti{;:. $~ R:l:;..2J7:J aft 6. MUSTANG '1\9 "JACH I l l.000 n1L, PIS, PIDIB, stereo ltiflC', 1J spc·r(!, :1:11 J::11n Hll'. still 11·,11Trtn!c·d. ln1n1:1e. lk'sl ul· ft'I' U\'('I' ~:!1'00. ·199--3627. •;,2 FOHD s1ll. \\l!, 1:1" :-lick tires, a s is $100. ·;,;i Chiyslc'I' 'ed., rntr. rrc. ov1't'haulC"d. l':x. r11n. tond .. ~1 30. 49:;_31;,g ·i;7 illustang. really <:lc•a 11! Hiii. big rircs, T·Binl in!. :S.187,j for fast salr . li~~-8!:!2 'li7 1\luslang. 1011· n1il1•s, 6-cyl s !ic:k , n e w tir es, s 1 :~oo. 962-1:i30 S69S HOLIDAY RAMBLER •1;~ S.'iT ,fal'f'l1n, \18, a111n. Sl;i THE Hest ,\tustanc: Grande lf/69 Harbor. C :'IL l!;ikcr, C :\I_ Dir. l!l69 for salr hy 01v11cr. j.1<1-:,:11.1 6'!0-9i0'2 MUSTANG OLDSMOBILE '65 MUSTANG OLDS 4<2 l!JG<. "'"'"" cu,.ri .. Below book. By owner. Very :? dr .. hd.lop, ,\11to1111111c, ra-IO\\' down payrnt. 320 l\lyr!le ,Jto, heater. Run.'I likt> new. St.. Lag . Beach. 4lH-l 15G 'l'akc h.1rc1gn t•ar HI 11-.. t11• \\'ill tint• prvt. prty. Dir J\i:n, 4'..1 1-:1711, 515-0CJ I, DC:\! 7·1::.. '6~1 illu.s1ang llT :al!J VS R/!I. l'IS J\ew •we~. llrakf.>s. ~hvcks & ra•nl. I-.\ shap!.' $!100 ~-U'm . t~&-G:il7 aft 6 PM. 'tl7, Like nf'"', lo. r111 , ~-in 1;,p, auto., consolr, <ur, Jri;1df'd. Orig. o w n C' r . PLYMOUTH 'QI PLY. Signet V -8: ~ Dr. Fac1. air. auto., pwr. s\et'r. & brks. Vinyl top. 19,000 illi. 01·1i;. ownr 1· 11101·ing abro.1d rnu~t sell. 8Jl-1795 E\"f'.~. 'G!! H-,.-,~, ~R-,-,."-,-,-. 71o_w_m-,I~,-,. Dlr. !!~J BakL'!", C . ~1 . 5 10-j!)\j RAMBLER '63 Rambler Wagon Ovrrhaulrd, VC'l1' 1·h·ar1. owrl('r car. Uc. JGL~7. &SI ovrr $395 HOLIDAY RAMBLER l~~ ll ar bo1', L.l\l. 6 !:!-6'r23 '7""7-c~""'"---,~1 -RA .\lflLJ::H-'63 C.1a~su·, r/h. rle:in p;.ilru & lnt. t-;ew nrr...: $3:.0. 6·11-1919 a ll 5:00 pin '6S Rambler 660 Cla11ic ~:Xl'l:'ptlo11ally ;Jea.11 . I 01' 11,•1 Lil·. i\JJ....\I 358 . Best 011rr $595 ·lli6-2:0::7 '5S PLYi\IOUTH \\"abon, t:o i\IUST ANL; Can v I . o.:ond .. S l:\~1. Bl11elll'hilc top. R/11. •I ,..11_ ;dS-19."1'.I gd. HOLIDAY RAMBLER 1969 lfarhor, C.:'>1. t ra11~. Rally P1H'k ('on~ul(•_\~========= ~1:1.000 ml. Guud con LI . PONTIAC iil2~7 1 ~ 1---------- '6J i\IUSTt\N!J Convert, '68 GTO r·ocoa, new 1rt111s., goo! con-P0nt1ar;, faL·1ory air, po11·pi· r!ll ivn, one owner, $1095. h\•akf's, pv1\l;•r s!L'Cl'ing, 67:l-!\0711 Hfter Ii. ''1n~! lop. :'>pt'cial wllccls l!lti9 \'\U~"TAJ\G & tires. Lie \\'EO ~ij2, ruuy loaclcrl $'.:.100 $2599 53'1·:)~'90 ~.~~~:~ Q~,~~o~ ~c~:,~;~· ~:~·Ii~{~~. owner. £x· o~.4- li73-77~:~ :119.;;00 1 Ex1. 66 or 67 '6l Jlolirlay COll!JI'-l'/s, 1970 1!1\R.BOR BLVD, COSTA i\IESA f'/h, :::00rl cond, O\\JICI' -,,.,-~~~~c'-__ _ $JOO. &1&--112-J '66 Pontiac T empe1t 1!169 OLDS Cutlass-6 nio old. l l:irdtop, radio, ht'ale1·, Air OT'h: eost S3800, ~l'll for co11di t 1onin~. JXJll'l'l' Sft'cring. S~8~i0. 6-16-?>971 rvrs Li(', RZU l28. EPsl OVC'l" $995 ESTATE Sa.le. 69 Olds !IS 2 HOLIDAY RAMBLER 1tr. 11.T, l-~ull po11rr. Au· 1,., 11 fi 12-l :i:!j arbor, C.i\1. 612-60'1:: '65 Cat ali na 11;11..-11011. F'uil poll'er. Lie. VZ:\1-60-l. Best over $695 HOLIDAY RAMBLER 1969 Hal'lxw. C.:\I. 6 !2-602.l 'lil 'fl'n1r11•s1 Lc1\la11~ Convt. ,, eyt. It/I I. F loor s1 ick. Hed/bla('k lop. N1l'c. ,tj2.I. lj{) cc :S.J2j. 6 l:l-60:!3 • 'Ii:\ Ai\l BASSAD(Jfl s1:i11i:in \~;;n. P 1\T, a11· :S,J7~1 or bc~t orrrr. fi73-41-1-t REBEL '69 r:rt.lf't. VS. auto, a ir. Dir. 81:1 BakC'r, C,'.\1. 5-ll}-5915 STUDEBAKER '6-t S1udrbaker Commander, n1C'e t·ur, need~ niotor y,·ork $12), 847-4.c,,:;& T-BIRD '63 T-BIRD 2 ell' .. hd. tor. f ull pwr. Dlt·_ Fa<'!01y air rond1tionlng. On{' 011·11<'r. Sn1alJ (loll'n. t:x<'t>l. ' Jr nt i:or1d ll ion. 49-1-9773. OKL- 410. '61 T-Blrd Full flO"'f'I" 1ni:lud1ng air, or- igin<1t pain!, 1 O\\'llf'i\ Lit. VT IY 91:l_ 8<'<;1 ovrr $395 HOLIDAY RAMBLER 1969 I ru rbor. C.;>.[. 612-6{1'13 ·66 Cu!lloin To1vn Landau. rull rquipmrn1, rf't•linin;:- front seat, less lh::in 24.000 ; m1. L1kr ne11', u1·ig1na! 011nrr. $2,750, No trades. 61:::.-;ms9 -PONTIAC'S 69' s- '65 (;RAND Prix :! dr HT, r> I .~. p / h, n1d10 1v it h l'!'\'f'rh. S7JO or b!'.'SI ofr. X~l :l~l '63 Pont Bu11nc~·1J!c ~ dr, P\1-r S&S, <ilr, R&ll. ilU!o trans, ll'hllc int, pn ply, $b2.i, Call 8·16-1 lj J. '67 LAND AU all po11/cqu1 pl /\ir an1/f1n radio po1v an1 Nc1v 11.d. ball Nt'w p/i:: lires Oru;. 011•ner Br!ow book Prrlcc1 ro11d. ~>1~306 1 '57 T-B i r d , :>-s p d 11/0\erdrivc, J 12 V -~. P o r 1 h o l r ~-$2000. 3310 Cl1·erH1fron!. NB • • • NOT EVERl' !HODEL AND COLUR ll U'/' STILL AN OUT- ' THE WAY IT'S GOING TO BE! STAN DING SE tECTIO!V . T l/ESE NEW 1969 JVIIJE TRACl\."i (JVE l/AJ!E IJE1llONSTRATORS TOO) REPRESENT EX,CE LT,EN1' BUl'S, SU BSTANTIAL DISCOUNTS AND E,YCELLENT TERi\1S. PONTIAC'S 70's AND ARE BUT A FEW OF THE PREMIUM TRADES THAT HAVE COME IN ON THE GREAT NEW PONTIACS '68 MERCEDES 230 Std•n· Autom •l;c, po,,.•• 1+t••in9, 21,]47 ori9in11 rnil11, C •e•rn ••'•rio r -:th l<qh! green inlerior (W fY Jlll '67 BONNEVILLE '4 Door ~.,dtop. R.O;o, heol•r, •ulomol1c, powtr 1!tt<inq, letlcty ,;, cond;tion~n9, po"''' windowo, bron1t. 4TFIH600~ '67 COUGAR XR7 ll:edio tncl hetltt, tulomttit !ttntmin ion, po•tr 1!eering, fat lory t !r conditiD"in9. leett!e r i"l•rior ! T2G~60 ) ROY '69 FIREBIRD 400 Co..,p. Or •n<]e , bit <~ toJ>, 4 opeeO +'~"·· "''I"""• eon•ole, roOio , he,.fft <, •~II~ w~o~I<. power t!ee""?· 1q 000 ,..,1,, !X:OSe7q 1 '68 LE MANS H.T. R. .. i ,o ftn!i hr•!••, e u!omotit iron'"''"'""· P""'"'' •lee r;ng. fotlo<y ,.;, eondi!ion•ng. I o wn~r. !J ,000 mde1. !\ITM1 ~1) '67 CADILLAC Cou pe OrVill t . Ful l powtt, ft t lorv oir eond :!1onin9, til t · lel11copi< 1teerin9 whrrl, AM-fM fftd io, blu• with wf,itt pod.led lop, !lWVb66l )?,llS 4ttluAI !<'i. PR ICES PLUS LICENSE AND TAX ·CARVER 2925 HARBOR BLVD I • '68 GTO Rftdio ond heofer, ft uto,.,•lic lt•n1,.,111ion. J>ower 1fe~•i n<], lotlory ,.;, oondl!1onin9. i W ICOb 7l '67 CATALINA WGN. R .. dio "'"~ ht At•r. "'ulom•+;t, P""'"' 1let•· ino;, pcwer w1ndo w1, .,fnyl lop, f,t !ory ,;, eonrld1c,.in9, !VCK1~9) '68 BONNEVILLE 4 Door h••d!OJ>. Rtdio, ho•!er, riow~r •!tu1n9. powe r btt~tl, t ulomt lit, ftt lo1y .,;, 011nd<tionin9 . "invl lop. !WCK 7?7l $3177 PONTIAC COSTA MESA Kl-64444 ·ro PO~Tl/\C Bonncvillr Sin· 11on \l'a,i::on . 11 /11. Runs. Clran, SIJO. :, l'.l-0·177 'j~ T·BIHO, nil power, I'./11, xnlt t.."Onli , S2·1.'1. • :-HS-291~ • '(.8 f !RF;BJP.D ~00. riowrr, r11rhu hydro. s!e1't'o F:\T. bt'.~t offrr. 673-6f!70 '61 r ord T-Einl. lull po11rr ''I air. good cond. Rl'~I of- lct•. Call aft 5. 6T;i-l'J71J, ·;i!I PONTIAC Sta.lion \Vago11. :s.:ill. !llov111g mus! ~II! ·;;.g TBIRD, gd. ond . '"" • 548--7142 * '" 9900 Used C1rs 9900 T-BONE STEAKS AT GROUND BEEF PRICES!! 1'1•8 DODGl CORONET COUI'[ \1 .8, outo +1•n•., J>OW •r st•orin9, rod:o, he•te1, WXf 071 1,5, TRI UMl'H Tl ·l CONV'f. ~ •1>eed. J ML 11'1~ 1965 CHlVlllE CONYlRTJI L[ V-1 ,,.ufo. !r•n•. J>0'"'"' 1teetin9, '"d10, ~••i e•. SZH 71 1 , 1'167 l'ONT1AC CONYllTllll v.e. outo. !··~· .. powor 1fo erin9, r41dlo, h,.,.,.,_ Xl8 01'1 $2395 $295 $1195 $1895 • 1968 CHlYROL(T IM l'ALA $2495 CUSTOM COUPE. Auto trt r• .. feotory t ir e ond., P S .. r•dio, ht~le r. VlL 78 1 1965 IARRACUDA Aulo. f•an•-,,.dio & he•ler, P""'"' 1lee1•n9. NNP 1T6t FOID GALAXlf 500 1 Or. H.l , Fet !ory .:., t u!o. l••n•,, R&H , P.S. No . 108171 1''' CHfVIOLIT IMl'ALA ST,.,.TION W.AGON \I.e. t ulo, """'·· powtf 1lee•in9, t1dio. h1aftt SU'!' 17• 1 •65 fORD GALAXIE 500 COUl'I v.1. '"'"· lrtn• .. ••dio, l>1111r. SBN 57 ~ 1964 COIVEnE COUPE 4 •Pt•d. r•dio, httler. UPZ 076 1t67 MUSTAH• fASTIACK 2+z V-1, ftclory •ir oondition:"9· J>Ow1r 1letrin9, 11dto. ,.,,,,,,, TIY ~I 0 $1395 $1295 $2195 s1795 CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-1203 •. .. ' ' .• I ----------------------------------------------------~~---------·----------------.-·-~--·-·· .. ~ ~··· Frld&y, Octobfr 11, 1%~ THAT'S RIGHT!! THERE IS STILL AN OPPORYUNITY TO SAVE BIG M 0 NEY ON 1969 NEW CONTINENTALS, MERCURYS '.AND COUGARS. OVER 20 NEW .1969 CARS TO CH 0 0 SE FROM. LOOK '.AT THE EXAMPLES BELOW. SAVE BRAND NEW 5-AT CLOSE-OUT PRICE-5 1969 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL EXECUTIVE SEDAN $911.70 1969 COUGAR XR-7 2-DOOR HARDTOP Bea ut iful medium gol d metalli c f i ni~h. Front <11nd rear rub ber floor mets, <11utometic transmis sion, E78xl 4 wh ite we ll tire s, power steer- in g, power br<'l kes, power side windows, con,ole, fa ctory air condi- tioning, t inted glass , deluxe seat end fron t should er belts, wire wheel co\'e rs. AM-FM stereo, etc. Windshield sticker pric a $4858.90. Stk. No. 4517, Ser. No. 9F93M58791 I. NOW $4039.21. WITH VERY LOW MILES Med ium green m1t,~dlic with leather interior, 'linyl roof, belted white wa ll s, power vent windows, 6 way teet, tilt wheel, <11uto. temp .• 1dr, AM-FM r<'ldio, tint glass, power door locks , W indshield sl ic ker price $78 01.10. Stock No . 1176. S..-. No. 9Y82AB819l5 . NOW $6268.00. BRAND NEW 1969 MARQUIS COLONY PARK WAGON THIS CAR IS PRICED $1533.00 LESS THAN ORIGINAL WINDSHIELD PRICE Hard to find maroon color wi th 429 engine, f ront & reer mats, <11 utomatic fr<11n smission , w-s-w tires, luggage carrier, lrd seat, power brak es & steer· ing, air cond itioner, AM ra dio , tint ed gla ss. H.D. suspension. Windsh ield price $5325.70 . Stock No. 2255. Ser. No. 927bKS939J]. NOW $4414.00 3 Brend New & 2 Ex1cutive W1gon1 To Choose From All et Out1t1nding S1vln511. 5 More Ex1cullve Contln1n tals to Choo11 From at Hugi S1vln11 SAVE $819.69 12 To Choos• From at Similar Sa'ting• • ' ORANGE COUNTl'S FINEST USED. CARS • JoJ111so11 & Son Has TJte CONTINENTAL 1969 CONTINENTAL' 2 DR. HARDTOP 'Arctic whi te finish wi th dark i ... y green leath er interior & La ndau roof. Fully luxury power equipped , til t steering wheel, factory air co nd itioni ng, etc. XSS SOl $5995 1968 CONTINENTAL COUPE Medium turquoise metallic finish with m.,t chin g interior, black landau roof. Lux ury eguipped. Com ple te ly tilt steer wheel, fa cto ry air, power door locks, etc. ZVP7 I 6 $4495 1968 CONTINENTAL 4 DOOR SEDAN Attractive light ch rome rellow with black lea ther int er- ior .i nd landa u roo f. Fu l power equi pped, fa ctory e ir, etc. WXF33 5 $4795 1967 CONTINENTAL 4 DOOR SEDAN Bee utilul Huron blue me ta llic finish wit h matchin g lea th er interior. Black land au roof, fu ll y luxu ry equipped e nd fa ctory ,a i1 conditioni ng, AM -FM radio, stereo ie pe deck. One owner c.tr. Bea ut ifully maintain ed. TTN020 $3395 1967 CONTINENTAL Convertible beautiful Ocean Turquoise finis h with metch· ing inter. & whit11 top. Completely luxury equipped, full pow er, AM-FM radio, fa ct. air, tilt wheel, etc. 4 new tire s. UOA 184 . $2895 MERCURY 1968 MERCURY PARK LANE Convertible. Huron b!ue mi1t finiih wit h matching in- terior •nd bleck top. Lu){ury equipped throughout, Fu ll power factory air condit ion ing , stereo tape system, etc. Driven on ly 19,000 miles . Special pure.he s& from Ford Motor Co. and 1av in9s passed on to you. YBK54 I $2995 Hep11tatio1i of OfferiH!I MERCURY 1967 MERCURY MONTCLAIR 2·Door Hardtop. Arc.fie white wit h bleck infe rior end land"u roof. Full pow er equipped and factory <1 ir con- diti onin g. One owner. Carefully ma inta ined. UOF8 60. $2495 1966 MERCURY PARK LANE 2-Door Hard lop. Arctic wh ite with l ... y go ld interio r <11 nd block la ndau roof, <11 ulo., R&H, P.S., P.B., fe c.tory a ir conditi oning. Real luxury el rea son able pr ice. VZU202 $1995 1968 MERCURY COLONY PARK 9 pa s\eng cr, Po pular cardi!'le! red f;nish with bl ack com - fort wee'le 'linyl interior. auto., R&H, ilareo tepe deck, fa ctory a ir condition in g, P.S., P.B., du.,/ a ction t ail g11le. On ly 19.000 mil es. !Th e Contin ental of St at ion Wagon1I No. 3614. $3595 COUGAR 1967 COUGAR 2 DOOR HARDTOP Lime fro st with matching vinyl buck ets, <11 uto., 289 en· gine, P.S., R&H, naw car lrt1 d11.in, one owner end ser'I· iced by our company. VDR2 3l $2175 1968 COUGAR 2 DOOR HARDTOP De sert Be ige finish wit h s.,dd le comfort weave bucket s11ets, black landau roof, <11ulo., R&H, P.S., P.B., conso le, factory eir, Beautiful condition throughout. XEV866 $2695 OTHER MAKES '66 PONTIAC 2 + 2 Con\'erf. cream yellow finish with black bucket seat,, console, wh ite top, fully powered end equipped, includ- ing fa ctory eir. Stk, #3 lllA $1395 tl1e Finest Selection. of Used Cars iii tlae -Cou1ity? OTHER MAKES 1967 FORD GALAXIE 500 2·0 oor Hardtop. Beautiful British Green wi th black in- terior end white la ndau roof, auto., R&H , P.S., P.B., a ir condition ing, etc. Very cleon thro ughout. VUZ8 37 $1995 1965 T-BIRD CONVERTIBLE Beaut iful light turquoise finis h with wh ite interior end fop. Fully power equipped. Inc luding factory <11 ir. Very well ma inta ined. PFG373 $1895 1969 VOLKSWAGEN 2 DOOR BUG Radio and he11ter. Show room sharp with onl y I 0,000 mil es. OX.A.b95 $1795 1967 PONTIAC GTO 2 DOOR H.T. Gold mi\! me talli c finish wi ih bl a ck buc ke t i e11ts , auto. tra ns., r<11dio & heater, power steer in g, fa ctory air. Beau- tiful cond<tion. TRJ 503 $2495 1966 RIVIERA Beeutful British gre en with m.ttch ing inferior. Full power eq ui pped <11nd factory <11 ir condition. One owner and driven only 2100 miles . E ~cellent condition. SZN727 $2995 1968 PONTIAC LE MANS 2-0oor Hardtop Fi1ebird green, black buckets, fa ctory air, P.S., P.B., stereo tape deck, etc. low 25 ,000 miles. VCT912 $2795 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4-0oor Hardtop. Desert beig1 fini1h with matching in· terior, eulo . tran s., radio & heafer, power steering, etc. Very clean and well ma in tained. NCAOJl $1295 1968 ELDORADO Full power, factory .e ir, Lendeu top, eutomelic, redio, ~eater, tilf wheel, stereo, AM-FM, etc, WFU466 $5495 1968 JAGUAR XKE-2 COUPE Attract ive British Rac in g Green finish with bleck le ather in terior, wire wheels, Radial Ply tire s, etc. Beeutiful co ndition, WID60 1 $4695 Sportsman's Special 1964 JEEP WAGONEER Sta tion Wagon. Che ... y V.8, con'lerted engine, oi.wheel driv e with dua l-o-matic front wheels, radio & he•ter, near now Co mmando tire s! See <11 nd dr i ... e. UOT082 $1095 BARGAIN CORNER In 011r BarCJClln Corner we have numtrous u1ed earl, Some clean, some not 10 clean. Some that are duplications, lame we've had too long -In any event the1e car1 are rHI barqalna. LOOK 'EM OYER. '66 T·Bird LANDAU. RTB724 '66 Ford •A~:,·'" 2-DOOR H.T. $VF052 '65 Mercury '•• $1375 MONTCLAIR H.T. ;ooSoJ NEW CARS Johnson+son. USED CARS 540-5635 540-5630 n, ~ U:il © ® n, lt!J © ® lt!J 'ii' ~ lt!J ~ lt!J 'ii' & n, • 11/JJ & oo ~ m • 11aJ ~ oo © llll oo w • © ® llll@& rm 1 Mile South of the 642-0981 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA San Dleso Freeway • • . • • ., ) ,• ,. -. 9'UlV •llOT . T H E s H A R p E s T p E N c I L I N T H E w E s T FOR THE BEST LOOK AT TOMORROW sEE Theodore Robins Forti TODA v THE HOME OF THE SHARPEST PENCIL IN THE WEST See The111 All At 0 range Co unty's Yol1u11e Ford Dealer! FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS OFF SEASON s OVER ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE ON ALL 1969 MOD EL LARGE SELECTION I OF BOTH NEW AND DEMONSTRATOR CARS ENGLISH FORDS! ., .. E -<. .,A.. *[ !~ 1 J England's No. 1 Seller .•• America's No. I Import Buy I Customs -GT's - Station Wagons. Larg.e S• lection of Automatics and Four Speeds! C.A 1f ~1~ . 1,.!E Almost 40 new Four Winds ond El Dorados to choose from! Wide variety of floor plans and equipment options, oil reody for immediote instal· lation on your pickup or ours! O U ~ Special Extended Fin ancing Available During This Clearance! r ·-r 1c.r ·.1' 't • . . ., Pickups - Droncos Econoline Vans Rancheros Comper Specials rz r A r , ..... -· ' ,, POSITIVELY NO ADDDT;ONAL CEALER'S (H~RGES! LEASE A NEW 1970! ALL POPULAR MAKES ANO MODELS We Are A Member Of The Ford Author i z:ed Leasing System .......................................................................................... .., USED CAR : LOOK FOR THE DIAGNOSTIC CENTER SEAL ON THE WINDSHIELD. : SP ECIALS i 100°/o PARTS & LABOR WARRANTY--4000 MILES OR 90 DAYS : : Co"4't •II MKlll•11lc• p~ lncl1di119 1n9l111, tron1mh 1lo11 drlf1 Une, rear end, PLUS broke1, batter., 011d ed1aust sy1trm. All repair : • "'orlc •e111 111 our o-11n1u it.,artm1n1. e '-••••••ee•••• .. •••••••••••••••••e•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••o•••••••••••••••••••••~ '63 CADILLAC COUPE DeVILLE Full p<m'rr, factory air conditioning. Sufl('rb condition. (OQ29AGI '64 OLDSMOBILE WAGON Air cnndilioninr. 11utomatic, radio, h,.afrr, 11011rr stcrrin~. rrvc.'i:'.i·ll '64 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 4-DOOR SEDAN 5 ,( n I"' V-8. FACTORY All\ CONDITIONl:'llG. Auloma1ir, t'!i 11/ ("';\ f>Ol•fT ~trrrin-;:. pro11r1· hr;ikr~. t O fF/'631 VI \.I '63 FORD FAIRLANE WAGON V-8, J\YH CO:\"D!TIO~t !'\"G, radio. hratrr, ~t ick i;hif!. !i\1Zl\73:JJ '68 FORD LTD 4-DOOR SEDAN nnr 011·ncr. ."\W V-8, autotnatir, 11011r>r ~tcerin1:, radio, lit•a!rr, 11c11· tirr~. t \ITJ'i(l.1) '68 '68 '65 '64 '66 '66 '69 FORD CUSTOM 4-DOOR SEDAN ;)9Q V-8, Jl<n\r·r ~l rrring. Cl"lllSOlll<ll l(', fnd10, hcatf•I\ Pollrr Car. ( 115·1~i0J DODGE CORONET 4-DOOR SEDAN \r.s, 1){)11'rr ~leering, po1l'cr bra kl·~. hrat••r. JX.lcct i\"e C:\r. C.1 15.'lil I FORD MUSTANG V-8 e-nginf', i\ S!lt'.'rd l ran~mi<.<.ion. rad10, hra1Pr. Olh·p grcrn v.·ith blnrk 1ntrrinr. tf)TD5191 CORVETTE HARDTOP f:rn1nvahlf' lnp. ·I «f)o·rd, rnd1•1, hrn!rr, f•\lll'r'r \1·indry11·!1;, A:'ll·F)l 1'.i1!10. 11:rrC"!1(1 11 PONTIAC LE MANS HARDTOP 2-Dnor. 326 \'-8, 1>011·.,r ~l••rnni::. au1n111ai,.·. R&·l·f. buckrt ~r:lts, 111dr> O\'a l 111•5 f!:)l\'2'.?Ci\ FORD MUSTANG V-8, nuton1<11ic tran~1ni;:~\on , r11d10 and hC'll l"r. St ock No. 3Cl20A (."\.1002fi) MUSTANC> SPORT ROOF A11 ton1atic, radio, 1lo •11 !rr. 1•h1tr> 11·nl!~. "h1 !r "'ilh red intrrior . Faclory 11arran!y av111lablr. Approx. 7,800 miles. rYC\VOGl ) .. '69 FORD F-100 PICl<UP $2495 s· hr d :-:1 11··~11!'" \f.)<:, a11 lu11 1,1ll•. rn1J1n. h,..~I· I". (!i;i111rond 1>1:1lr h111111"'1·, rl1rnn1r mi1·rnr.<.. 1:":77:191'1 '66 '66 '66 '67 '68 '66 CHEVR OLET MALIBU SUPER SPORT ('nn,,.r11hl" \'.!\. :1HIH·11a 11r, i'"'1"r ... r .. rr111-, I'"" P)" llrak,.;:, r.1(110, hrn!• r. I rr:Gl:?l 1 OLDSMOBILE F-B5 4-D OOR: SEDAN \·.~. ;.,11<•1t1a111· 11 ;111.1111,.11,n, 1.1rl1n. h• ;11 tr. Jl1·1 .. , 111r ,;,r, 1::11 !".!ii t .'-'trw:k "°" 2·!h."1,I\ CHEVROLET 1/i TON PICKUP Lone hrd, auto1n-.11c trans nus;,1011. (T8J5 \:i) OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK (ALL SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH NEXT SUNDAY UNLESS PREVIOUSLY SOLO.) ,,_ •' ,_._, / ;:' _ f, 8112 acres of the most modern Ford sa l es and ,.,. ~ ; /' ".f1' service facilities on t he West Coast / ,5.'",.<~/~~ ..... ,,,rheodore _,--.z:..__....,,~ ,i / ··s~~&:,r ~/ R~b; n· s ~..,, , / ~ !J1r{,'. ..r44'. U I :-------:;;_-~"" // ... : ADAMS L_J~ .!~l ~ ... tr... F 0 rd SERVING \ / / ... I '.t:-' :;/!!'4t ~. . SIN CE "l::l,: ' ./ i5 --.J. «:' '' ~ '~... 1921 . // a:· C04sr HIGH"'•~ I fa.<f'>.;, '~ ~9 0 D , .'• ''•11 :c ~<;; ~~ I " c=:i llTH , i';.~)" /~' ' ~ : . . -17' /' 2060 Harbor •o•o "'°'.,. co.1 Costa Mesa <:@> 642-0010 ' ' , ' ' . ' ;~. , . B AM )()OPM MOND•Y•RIDAY •SATURDAYBAM T06PM PARTS '&SERVICEHOURS . ·. "'· •.. :·· .•:"PA.RTSONlY. ou•d•yi 10 .m lo6 pm /A M T0 9 P M MONDAY •I AM T06 P.M TUE SDAYFRIDAY SAM T06PM.SATURDAY • I