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DAILY PILOT A Visit to Mesa Tea~her!)
* * * IOc * * * Class • ID Sex Edu~ation
VOL. 6,1, NO. 1JJ, 1 llt rlONJ, l' P'.._GlS
ecret itness or
Speculation Grows
On War Cease-fire
Democratic Leader l\1ike ~lan sfield said
today President Nixon's latest ord ers to
c'Ommanders in Vietnam amounted to a
unilateral cease-fire.
\Vhile speculation continued o v c r
\1·hether Nixon n)igh t ann oun ce a
unilateral cense-fire -in his Nov. 3
i;peech lo the n;11ion, Mansfic·ld said 111C'
President alre<idy lu1d n)ade a bas1t
change in pol icy by ordering troops t[i
l1mil themselves lo •·protective reac-
Asked by a reporter if this \Vas a rle
racto cease.fire, Mansfielrl said ''I think
that is what protective reaction means."
Kopechne Says
Autopsy J11st
Like F rn1eral
\VILKES-BAHRE . r~. (UPI) -The
rathe r of f.ilary Jn l\npcchnc testified to-
dJy 1hat permiltin~ an ;iu!op.•_v on hi~
dciughtcr, killed in an siccidcnt involving
lj,S. Sen. E:rlward 1\1. K(•nnctly, "1,·011ld be
JUSI like! anoth er funeral."
'"\\'c hJ\'C had 11," th \! father said at a
hearing on a request hy 1\1.:issachusetls
;iuthorilics for an au topsy on tHe body of
IJ1c 28-year-old \Vashington sccret.1ry who
dit!d last July 18 in a tidal pond in Kcn-
nedy"s submerged auto ()ff Chap-
paq uiddick Island, Mass.
The. father, speaking in a barely audi·
hie voict>, said he and his wife, who \vas
not in court, felt alllhorlties 1"had their
chance. We absolutely do not want it
F:dmund S. Dinis. a 1.1assacha se.IL~
district attorney who is scekirjg the
autopsy, did not cross-£xamine Kopcchne
duri11g his onc-mniute appearance on the
The \Vhile House continued to warn
against speculation on ,,..·hal Nixon would
announce in his Nov. 3 speech to the na-
tion on Vietn<i n1.
Presidential Press Secretary Ronald I..
Ziegler said tOOay Nixon already had in
1nind generally \\•hat he would say, buL
('.1ut1oned newsmen not to speculate
"because of a feeling I've got."
Sen. George D. Aiken (R·VL) prcdicle<!
thal all U.S . ground troops would be out
Qf V1 et1iam in one year.
Aiken, Sen. J . William Fulbright and
other senior leaders in the Senatr issued
i;ome of the most optimistic appraisals on
the war in months.
Fulbright. chairman of the Senate
Foreign Relations Co mm i 11 (! ~, con-
tributed to the wave of opt.imi3m by an-
nouncing lhat public hearings on Vetnam
he had scheduled for next ·week had been
postponed indefi nit ely. He said he wanted
to hea r Nixon"s Nov. 3 Vietnam speech
f 1rs1.
Fulbright did not :1ay if the hearings
'l"otl!d be rescheduled,
Senate Republ ican Leader lll1gh Scott
~;i1d there ha d been a "growth of op·
timism '' and expressed hope fo r a
"speedy de-esca lation of the war.''
Scott liaid there was "a feeling we have
a very good chance" of gelling out of
Material for Sex Class
Stashed Until Tax Vote
A sex education curriculum written for
Newport-Mesa Unified District schools
has been conveniently ~lashed nut of
There-sec1ns vi rt uall y no possibility it
\\•ill be brought before the school board
11111\1 at least after !lie Feb. JO override
tax <'lcction.
"[guess it's fa ir tn say il"s l'iind of ;:it a
stand$ti11 now," said Schools Supt.
\Villiam Cnnningha1n T\1onday night.
''Nnthm g has tak<'n place since 3 year
agn ]Jst summer. .
"All l can say is it has not come to the
board." said ~1r:1. Mari811 Ber&eson,
school board president. "We're not in
that area .•. I should say 'arena.'"
r-.1rs. Dorothy Paul, chairman of a
}!arbor Council PT A committee that 2~~
years ago recommended the school
rtistri ct teach sex education, spo"ke Mon·
day to a Newport. Harbor Chamber of
Commerce committee looking into set
Asked what the school board Is doing
;ibout the recommendation now, she said
the school board is waiting to hear from
lhc C()mmunily.
A:1ker1 \\•hen the 2chool board has ever
sair! that is what they are wa iting for, she
"If they ha ven't ta ken 3ny action and
thc~<ve v.rrillcn a curri_culum ynd U1iy'ce
nol doing anything ._. doesn't il slahd to
reason they're waitlng to hear from
so meone?"
Rem arked Tom Garver of the chamber
committee, "The board is showing a very
low profile these da ys."
Dr. Cunningham admitted the proposed
"Family Life Program" for the school
districl had been co m pl et e d and
presented to him. He said he had discuss-
ed it with individual board members.
It has not been presented to the school
board nt a publlc meeting.
Dr. Cunningham said he personally is
"'ailing for the Newport Harbor Chamber
Dr. Nolan Fri.zzelle, chainnan of the
Chamber's com mitt.et, "esti.Jt'rattdiMonttiy'
that the recommendation would be ready
in January. (That is the month before th!?
(See CURRICULUr-.1, Page l)
TRAGEDY TO TRIUMPH -Newport Beach postman .J im 'Viernicz
gathers J1is family around him as he recovers at his Cos ta !vlesa
home from ki~QCY µ-anspl~t he, e"pects rwill .allow him t(}-livc nCJl'-0
mal li fe a'gain. Witb lrlm are son, Duane, 10 ; da ughter, J:Jeggy, 8, an d
\vife, Sue.
New Life Begins
Mesa1i Gets Kidney Transplant
01 -0.11)1' ''"" S!l'ff The middle-aged lady stepped lo the
.side o!~t.tie:..ho,pital,bed .;o tae.anaJI, neat
rOOm wittilfS get-well cards and flowers
of cong ratulation and convalescence.
She reached out lo the sallow man
recovering Crom major surgery,
"She held my hand just like 1 was her
own son," he said. "It was a very emo-
tiOfla! moment."
·1n.1a·way, she wa s h~lding the hand of
her own son.
\Villlam Seinsoth Jr., 22, Ji ves through
J ames Wiernicz, .15. anr1 vice ver~a.
Dinis rested his case during the morn-
ing session after Cyril H. Wecht, chiC'f
·pathologist for Allegheny County (Pa.I.
testified an autopsy on a body exhumed
after four to six months could be "'quite
' Asked lo estimate the value ot an ex•
lt rnal examination done at the tftne the
gi rl's body was reco.vcred, Wecht said
"To C?lSider an exlernal examlnalion the
r ;-id ptiocess of a med ical and legal in·
VC'sligation is absurd ."
Sex . Class Answers 'Why?'
\Vie rnicz, 318 Ogle St., Apt. D, Costa
11esa, is al home this week, recovering
frcm a Sept. 7 kidney transplant at Ml.
Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. now
virtually assured o[ a renewed normal
He was a patient In a Los Angeles
County convalescent home -awaiting
anoth er ordeal of having his polluted
bloocl chemically cleansed by an artificia l
kidney -when the next process was
abruptly cancelled.
Dun GiHord, Washington. D.C., :i
legislative aide to Sen. Kennedy who was
C'alled as a witness by a K9pccbue at-
lornl'y, Joseph f'. Fl anagan, said he was
c!elayed until July 20 in returning with I.he
body lo Pennsyl vania because of bad
• \1ca1her. "1 li e said he <1lso thought "!here was a
'TU£'s1ion or whether there was a hold on
thr body for possible autop!!y.''
Dinis, the first w1lneSll al today'll
,;r~sion, testified he ordered an autopsy
n'1 the girl two days <irtcr she died but
w ::i~ told lhe bocly had been flown to
.' -
Mesa W or'nan, Tells Grove Scliool Approach to Course
OI lllt 0.111 ,._ Sl•rf
'·Jf VD is 80 easy to·cure why ls.there .
so much·of·il?''•tht earl1-teen·,1irl.asked,
"'Peopl<' who 'have jt won 't go'llo the
rlocto.. because they are embarrassed
abou t it," said a boy her age.
··r~y know they aren't r;uppMed to,·•
another girl in the seventh grade class
"Aren 't supposed to what?" asked the
"Have sexual contact," one of the boy11
~;iid ,
"I t'~ not • law but il'11 no t recom-
mended untll they are married," a girl
repeated an earlier lesson as she
remembered it. o;n.e girl you do It lo, her parenL'I ... "
began a boy. ..
"Don't say 'Do it,' " corrected lhe
Then the teacher su mmed up the point.
"You don't go to the doctor because you
had i;exual intercourse. You're em-
barrassed because you know that is a no,
no. Sociely's no, no. For your pro-
Thal'& the way the discwsion went one
recent day in the clamoom of Mrs.
Cordon Marsh. a Co11ta Mesa resident
who t.eachrs family life, sex educa tion
and drugs to her scienC'e class~ at Bell
Intermediate &.:hool In Garden Grove.
Another cla~~another hour, and a girl
asked, "Tilat VM;·Wfia"t's: It called .•• "
''VO," 11he wa11 reminded.
" ... can you get It by ki.nlng?"
''lt'a possible, but its not as great a
possiblllty as with 1exu11l Intercourse,"
Mr11. Marsh said.
"Did It bother you to find out about
venereal dlseAst?" sh1; asked the cla ss.
''It did me. It would be nice if lhest
things didn't ei:ist, but they do.
"I hJven't m~ant to frighten you but lf
I did 1!'1 because mme of these Utlnga i!lee SEX j:LASS, Pop l )
The day before, Los Angele.<11 Dodgers
farm club baseball player Bill SelnsotO
~~d rolled his .car• on· a desert hfghway
and 'was flown wllh critical injuries to
llarbor General Hospital, Torrance.
He died there.
On<' family faced with tragedy chose to
try to transform It into triumph for
olh<'rs and made transplanlable organs
from the body of the young athlete
.a vailable Lo recipients.
The long-awa lled kidney was ready and
Jim Wicrnl cz had no choice but to gam-
\ll iernlcz him~clf kept In trim walkin&
? •
A se<:ret defense witne ss was prom~il
loday as attorneys for Dr. Tund.hJ
Lra11 . his wife and son, tried lo show at
a pretrial hearing that their drug amsts
in Laguna Beach last year were illegal
Officer Neat Purcell -with more thaq
UHl narcotics arrests to his credit -said
lie took the trio into custody last Dec. 2~
after finding ma rijuana, pills and
su.<.pecled LSD table.ls in their car.
\\'hat rig ht did he have to search? -
none. argued defen se attorney George
Chula, one of three lawyers handling
cases for the colorful family circle at the
hearinS in Orang~ County Superior
Chula charged that Purcell saw Jona:
hair and hippie-style -the sort of thine
tl1at automatically suggests marijuana
and other mtch things to many lawmen.
Purcell countered by saying that Jobit
Leary. 20, was crawling around in tht
rear of the slation "\\o·agon, dilal.td eyes
perring childishly through hls long-hair
ann appearing under the inOucnce.
Chula, however, claimed that m cw;t
ni;1rijuana smokers get high !n the dark
and lhis is the reason for the dilated
f'.\'f's, not the weed itself. hence PurctU'J
r.:.asoning was fault y.
Tl'c Leary fami!y seemed relaxed and
confident aboot the outC<>me of the casl!
invclving charges of pos.o;cssion of both
n1ari~uana an d LSD during a recess in
!hr hearing.
Dr. Leary, 49, wt!ffrlhg his •graY!n(hair
lonr:, lndlan·stylc, grinned and winked
d11rlng the proceedi ngs and pred icted
later that marijuana will be legalized
\I ithi n a year.
"\V c.'11 all be high and happy and tbf!re
tvon"t be any more wars." he said.
1-lis wife Rosemary, 33, appeared pale
and dray,·n from recent surgery for cor•
rection of a problem which may allow the
couple to have children.
Leary's grown son by a prior marrlap
knelt at his stepmothe r's lap in the cor-
ridor outside as she ran a comb througll
hi •, long hair, a picture of motherly devo-
-' Orange
Those desert winds art slowing
down and should give way to
cloudy skies on Wednesday. Loo'
for a high of about 7S on the
Orange Coast and over the 80 me.rl.
flfutuaL f und s/ia reholder1
liave had a bad year ·ond fioon·
cfa! cdlumnfJt SuLvia Poi-ttr dil·
c1~se.t what can be done about
it -if anything -on Pogt 10
today. It's the start of a four·
part series.
C1 t1,.t11lt ' ~·-..
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2 OAll Y PILOT s Tw~sd~'f, Octob~r 21 , !l'Jb'1
Rafferty Backs Appeal of Davis Ruling
From Wire Sen1cea
SACRMfENTO -State Schools Chier
1.tax ltalferty has de<.·lared his support
for the planned appea l of a cou rt decision
that the firlng of UCLA instructor Angela
Davis is uneonstitu tional.
"l don't believe in leUing n1 en1ber! of
the mafia , murder incorporated or a
Communist speak with my money on a
t<ix..wpported campus," said Rafferty, u.e Republican super intendent of public
Los Angeles Su))('rior Court Jud ge Jer·
i;y Pacht ruled ~1onday that Angel a Davi.s
cannot be barred from teaching in a state
university on the sole ground that she is a
Comn1unist party member.
l:n1v ersity or California regents tired
?>Iiss-Da vis, a 25·year·old Negro :1ss1s1anL
professor of philosophy, on Sept. l!I after
she acknowledge.:J being a Con1m unist.
Pending an appeal through school ad-
ministrative channels, she was pcrrnitled
to go on teaching a noncredit course,
'·Recurring Philosophical Themes in
Black Literature," at the Unlve rsity of
Califr-mia at Los Angeles.
Attcr a hearing Monday on a taxpayers
Youngsters Inject Pea nut Butler
·€HICAGO (AP) -A federal drug ex-
pert says youngsters 'in some parts of the
country have taken to injecting pcanu l
butter and mayonnaise into their veins as
a ·substitute for narcotics.
·1n several documented cases the result
has heen death, Emest A. Carabi\Jo Jr., a
lawyer-pha rmacist in the Federal Burea u
ot Narcotics, told a nt'ws conference
Carabillo said the information thnt
peanut butter and mayonnnise would
send use.rs "on a little trip" was con·
tained in an undergrou nd recipe book
purporting to outline "clllinary escapes
from reality."
Other recenl fads, he said, 1ncluc!ed the
use of paragoric, cleaning fluid, the local
anesthetic ethychloride and freon, the
pressurized prop<'ll<Jnt g.-i s in aerosols.
Carabillo :;.:.iic! user.; of n:ircotle
substitute confusct! the hlt.<irre and toxic
reactions v.·itl1 tile so-i:ullell "l1 1gh" pro-
' 1dcd by such drugs os heroin 01· mari·
iua na. He cited !he smoking or t!ric<l
banana skins, a fad of a couple of )'C"ars
ago, as <Jn example.
Frank Gullch, a narco1ics bure1HI of·
ficial .stationed in Ch1engo, sai\I Uie
underground "cook honks" usun!ly sel!
for about $1 and often give the lormu!ns
for preparing drugs such as LSD.
Drug users, Gulich said, :-ire ":-ilwa ys
looking for new drugs that v.·on't be a
violation of the law."
Carabil lo snid Gulich appenred al the
annua l meeting of the A n1 c r i ca n
Acaden1y of Pediatrics.
Japan Stude11ts Rampage
In Tokyo Against U.S.
TOKYO IUPll 11undrcds 0 r
thousands of left-v.'ing stude nts r ampaged
'through the streets of Tokyo and clashed
.. with police today 1ri an antiwar
'demonstration with violent anti-American
The students halted commuter trains,
Fron& Page l
override election.)
Last week, Dr. Cunningham presented
lhe school board with a list of objectives
for the school year. Number one ob·
jecti ve was successful passage of the
override election.
· A couple o[ other objectives:
Priority 8 -develop a progran1 on the
effects of drugs for grades 6 .. 7 and 8.
Priority JO -develop a h1w and order
prog r;im for the elementary schools.
Not on the list of 15 objectives was the
"Family Life Program," a I r e ad y
deve loped.
Asked about it, Dr. Cunningham sa irl,
~·1 hadn'l even thou ghl of that, to be quite
Mrs. Bergeson said she hadn't notic· ed Family Life \Vas not on the list. "lt's
not of primary concern at this til11e," she
J\itrs. Paul, a Costa r.Iesa housewife,
l<ilcl the Chan1be r's committee abou t lhc
1nves!1gations in to sex education of the
l iarbor Council PTA.
She s.:iid speakers anrl \rorkshops \\'ere
<irranged for each school PTA unit and a
rfsolut ion asking for a sex education pro·
gram ind uded in ne11•sletlers to p ~ent s.
t t th" end of a ye;i r, "·i 1h study and a
\'Ole: at at !east Lhr bo.inl lcvr l, she sµid
the school dislricl PTA 's b.i ltoled 24 in
favo r ol the rrsnlul1on. lou r opposed , oi1e
ab,q ain and 1wo no ;111s-wL1r.
Tl1e findings and \'Otc rr..-,ul~ lhcn v;crc.
presenled to lhe school bo<'!rd 111 r.l;:iy,
1:!67, she said . That led 10 study by school
personnel and during 1hc sun1n1cr. 19611,
preparat.ion of the no11·-shc lvcd C'ur-
rlcu!um for kinderga rten through 12Lh
....,_. ..... H1w1 ....... S..lli
1...-..... ..... .. ,~ c--CALlfOINIA.
fl obtrl "11. Wtt4
f'ruliWnl ..,,. l'Vblh1hn
Jtt:li R. Cwrl•'I' "l(e Pr•ldenl tM Gt:nel'IOI Ml"'"-'
Tht11tet ICtt'fil ••w nolfl•• ,._ M•rpki~•
""""Int t•llor -mt1 MQI: nl wt•I 9rt l"M! ........ a.t<h; 111! ..... HI M IOO. "°"11¥tl'9 L•-leK h; 11', ,,.,.,,, .. ..,.,.,.,
tlwltlnllClll 9M<ll; • .itll 11•8'
hurled firebombs in su rprise ,oittac ks on
police cars and public buildings, battled
police 1vith torn up chunk s of pavement
and tried in vain to invade U.S. air base:i'
to bomb them.
Lesser disorders hit other Japanese
cities and police announced 1,120 persons
had been jailed in the country , 718 of
them in Tokyo. Police said 45 civilia ns
were injured and 21 pol ice, most of th em
burned by flaming 1\1olotov cocktails.
At Tachika1va U.S. Air J•"orce Base
mHlta ry police arrested Shinji Kato. 24,
who tried to crash into the base in a
rented car and blcrw up a Cl30 cargo
plane with dynamite because American
planes were used in Vietnam. He. was
caught beneath the plane the dynamite
still intact.
Another man tossed a homemade bomb
nver the fen ce of nearby Yokota Air
-Force Base and escaped. The bomb fa iled
to explode.
Police said an estimated 4l0,000
persons look part in the mostly violent
dem onstrations in 594 point s throughout
the country, including a11 1n;:ijor cities, in
demanding that the Uni ted Slates im·
med lately turn Ok inawa back lo Japan.
1'he protesters forced a halt lo subway
a nd rail service in Tokyo. lncidents 1vere
reported at twti U.S. Air Force bases on
Tokyo 's outskirts.
Students ove rturn<'d nu\ornobiles. rip-
ping apart police sentry boxes and hur led
i\lolotov C'oc kta ils. They tried to sta ck up
the cars to form barricades but fled when
police arrived.
l'ro111 Page 1
lits Back Bay R(H tll' :-is a :\'r1\1')(11I Ot•Jt·h
Post Office 111ail ra rri~r, h11t the hc1.1lthy
hidncy \\'hirh rrrl11ct·d l1iS" riwn ra1·Jg\·d
i r~nns rnc;ins new \ itill1t\·.
"~l v blood prc,.snr c.• 1 ~ ;1ho11I lh•1l nl .t
,1'01111~ n111n <1nd n1y 1~1dv l'hrn11~!ry 1.•
111lrn1aL 1·1-e got ;i frr{' <h<'L _no w 11>('\, I
t•an cal an~·thing I 11:1nl." s<1 id 1hl' 111:in
11·hose menu v.•as so s)1arply rC'stricl <'d.
Saturd ay night <linncr -his flr;;t ;it
hr:nn!:' -hcgn n v.·iti1 n nch anl 1pa~t1\
salad n1adc by d:llighter Pegg)" 8, 1n-
rlud1n g greens, pcfl~. lctl ucc . cllcc:;l' '11J<l
.:old cuts.
"And a big pizza with rlH'.'f'!'C.. f,!round
beef -the \\'hole ·~1.1r~· /\nnr','' :;;ii d
\Virrnicz, whose physiciflns just one ye.1r
ago might not have g<1n1blrd the pr irc of
ri. pizz a on his chnncr 11f r.ver rcga1111ng a
nornial life,
\\'ierni c1. firsl n0ticr\I hi:-po~\;il jnh
seemed to bC' ~e!ing h1n1 do11 n four
:,·r;ir:; ago and his cloc\or. hunting !hr
sou rce t)f th e nagging <l ai\~' fatigue. found
a little kidney da mage.
That diagnosis '"as offset b Y
assurances tha t he could 1i1'e lo hr 8(1
\\'ilh it but Jim ha d glomer11!oncphrilis
-an '18-lctlcr 11·ord thnt ~pclls kidney
f<t ilure -and 111e near.fata l .nf!l icUvn
gr:iduali~· \\•nrscned. .
The \\1icrniez family :;aid 111ore t1:an
one year ago, 1vhen ht' \.\-a:; rilrr ady hvuig
011 \y)rrov.·ed 1imr. thnl they hrtrl rice~)
!ait h in (iod, the ir fr iend~. the st all at
i\1t. Sin.:ii llospital, and of cour sr
"l've got to give a lot of credi1. t.o my
11·ife for having the bnc.kbonC' lo go 1 hro'~gh all this," \Vcirn icz. said 1'.1onday.
llr also cxprl'ssed deep gr atitude In Lhc
Sein~olh (amlly.
''\\'e expect la remain in contact,'' he
He h11pes to return 10 1\''lrk ~oon. but.
just \.\'hen dtp<•nds on his co nt1n11{'d
''Things v•il! take 1unr. Eventu:illy
v.·e'l l be baC'k 1ro normii l life," said
\\'iem1 cz, /'but r 1en now • _. lh1s ls JU.St
~rcat,'' •
s1 1lt filed by faculty supporters of Miss
lJav1 s .. Judg f' r acht held her fir ing to be
LI nconst it ution:1 I,
He sai d if she could be 0~1sted for bei ng
a Conununis t, the regents cou ld lire
lca chers for being n1cmbers of other
Thomas J. Cunningham, ge ner a I
counsel for the regents, said "all a~
propriatc steps'' "'·ould be take n in an
attempt to have the ruling reversed.
Rafferty said U1e UC Board of Regents,
or whlch he is a mc1nber, hopes the case
11'tl i go clea r lo the U.S. Supreme Court
and the panel will rule "that society has
a right to protect itself from its enemies
and docs uol ha1~ lu subsidize the con·
~·piracy ."
~1iss Davis, :< Negro. has C'Ontinucd to
.rC'('e:ve her $9,864 annu<il sal11ry while ap·
pealing ht"r dismis~;cl throug h uni versity
Asked 11·hat she t hough~ the regents
\.\'ould do next, she rl·plicd ·
"They've done a 1Ut u( rf':-i lly crazy
things alrcady. J've given up trying lo sec
any rationality in their helHl \'IO!', ''
llegent Elinor Heller nf Atherton said,
"In \'!ew of prel'iOUS t'()Url decisions, I'm
n11 l ~+1q1rised 1he regents' ac1inn W<i~
d(.•rlJr~d unco n:.\1tution t1l. \Vlnil sur prl:.l'S
me 1~ such ll c1uick decision."
J•'nr1ncr c:ov. J~dn1 und G. Brown said
he believed the court decision v.·as
"legally correct."
"Jt is not a quesUon of whether you
fal'or it or not," Brown said. "I think the
legents know they were wrong and l
think (Gnv . Ronald) Reagan knew it was
just a pol1lic:al grandstand on his part.''
Stale Sen. IL J,. Richardson, former
member and cmploye of thC' John Blrdl
Srn,>iPty, called Judge Pacht a "career
]C'f!1st.'' The Arc:.idia Hept1bltcan cited a
J'.1~7 report 0f the. _L!!gis!ature's Un -
A1nerican Activi!iC'S Conuuittce wh1cl1
slated that in 1945 Pacht was a guest
speaker before the Amt rlcan You th for
Democracy. which the committee con·
tcnd<'d "follows the Communist Party
Pacht declined h1 eo mment n 11
Rich ardson's slatcmcnt. lie was 22 in
Chile Rel1ellio11
Mounts; Siege
State Declared
SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) -President
Eduardo Fre i Montal va imposed a state
or siege on Chile today and reces!ed
Congress indefinitely amid mounting
reports of a burgeoning arn1y rebellion in
this coppet··rich land \YhC're U.S. firms
hal'e about SI bil!i1'n in n1in1ng in·
Tv.·o arn1y units of the ~nd Di1l sio11,
buse d in Sant iago, rebe lled early in the
day, and within hours there 1rere pcrsis·
tent reports that other units we re joining
in. The governn1ent <innoL1nced it "''<.is
facing "an attempt at 1nilitary sedition."
A president ial decree read to the nation
over radio and television proclairned th <!
stale Of sieg1:, whitl1 is a ri1od ificd £ornl
of n1artial law.
Th~ erisis in Chile, 1\'h1cil tias not had a
mili!a[y coup in n1ore lh;rn 30 year:>,
l9llows by only a ~·ear an arn1y rC'vo!t
\1hich seized ptJ1vcr 1n /'rru, a11d a n1or1~
fL'cc nl miliLH'Y uphf'a1-;i l 111 Boli via. in
b<l!h of 1.,.hi.:h cuscs L' .S. rin ns 11•ere seiz.·
<d .
Spirited A1iteaters
In \V ashington official s said rhe issur-.;
in the Ch Ile an· uprising related lo mili tary
pay levels and other itnprovements in th '!
status of lhe tnil1tary. The controversy
hc!v,reen the govcrnml'nt and officer~
lry;ng 10 force c:hilngcs h;is b'.'en buildi ng
11p for \\'eeks. A CIA spokesn1an said th!."!
age11cy had bee11 :lll'.'.l re of devC'lopn1ent~
lC'ading to thi s turn of events in Chile for
the last 6 l\l'cks.
UC I rvine doesn't have a football tcan1 , but tha t
cl oesn't mean it doesn't have pep squad. Thes·e
songleaders are Currently appe<1 ring at UCI \vater
polo games, where cries of "ZOT" are n1usic to
1\nteater !ans. From left are Dottie Goforth, 20,
\\'h 1tt1r r : Su e 1-.. rost. 19. Upland , ~ue Hill. 19, Palo
Alto: Elise Sn1i lh, 20. Ora nge : Penny \Viborg. 18,
Temple City: Ann Prc~t on , 1!1. \\'oodl<i nd !Jil l";
P an1 \'ielc, 19, C'al <i ba ~as , and Arlc!e C.:asso, 18,
1-'uunlain \'a lley.
The \eadr;r ~1r the uprising in Chile Bp·
pc:i rC'd 10 he Brig. Gen . HObC'rlo Viaux
fl lal'am!.JJ.1, who 1vas pron10tcd to getlC'-r~I
offiL<' status 1iinc 1nonths ago and the:i
rclirrd fron1 cornrnand of the lst infantry
div ision al Antofagasta, 500 1niles nortlt
of San tiago. His retirement stirrc<l new
unr!'St among a rmy off icC'rs already
disaffected because of th eir low pa y,
Fron& Page l
are pretty frightening:' she continued.
"Therr is no 1-•:ay to put i!Cing on V D or
dnigs. Sometimes truth Is 111ore frighten·
ing than a story."
Discussio n turned on things lhc cla s~
had !ea rned \.\'atching movies. For the
sex-educati on part of the course thev arr
"Girl to Woman'' and "Boy to r-.1a n,''
movies \videly used fo r Sl'parate show ing-
to girls and boys in school districts lhat
don't bave a sex education program.
No written materials arc Us<'d for sex
educatio n ins tructlon Jn the Garden
Grove Unified District, nothing that can
be taken away from class and sni ckered
over, Instr uction is all by movies,
speakers (pa rliculnrly for the drug por·
lion l and class discussion.
Parents arc invlt ed to sit in class anv
ti1nr. but not l~eir own child's class. A
1!<1 ily asslgnmC'n l for the st11dents is 1,1
di scuss_ 1vhal 1vas talked about in class
\Vith their parents.
"How many of )'OU can ask your
parents c1ne~t1ons ~1nii gcl ,i;:oo<l a ns\1 ('r~."
,\I r~-)11:cr~h as~rd lhr rl.1s!i".
About h;tlf the chi ldren raised thl'lr
h.1111t ~.
"i.;ncxl fGr yo11 t:11ys," :-he sal\J. "That's
te rr1fiC'."
\\'lien a~k ed l101v !l\t'y thought 1hP
co11 rse couli1 hr 11npro1ed. :-ludcnts :.(lid
1l1ey wrre n1osl inlC'rc strrl 111 <frlJ ~!' anct
11 ou!rl l1kr tu sC'r n1ore tin1e gil'rn !O 1h:ll.
Tile:".' didn't think n1uch of the family lilt!
portion ~c;Hl!'c it 1vas boring, trf;'<1lcd
lhcm like sissies ;:i nd didn't tell thc111
:i nylhini:: 1!1ty didn't .:ilready know.
~\rs. J\.lar;;h a~kcd about the scx rr!ur.1-
lion portion and one girl \'ol11ntcer{'1! tl1c
opinion, "\Ve've ctl\'crcd what nee<ls to
""l'rs. right now for your rigr,'' ;\lrs.
:\l;ir~h said.
Sr'x di scu~sion for seven th gr ad{'rs also
in 1·oll'cs the unpleasanlry one bov
bl'o11g ht up of hav ing to kiss grandn1ii
"I know, there's no!lting you like less,''
l\lrs. r.-larsh said. "But "'ha\ H \'011 r
pn rr11l s just cut !his off. You'd miss it."
17 De111s Sponsor
11 nti-oil Bill
'\'ASlll NGTON li\f-')
falilomia De mocra tic Congressmen arc
:;p011!'0rs 0f a bill 1o SUSflt'nd offshore oil
1.'lsing un~il lhe lederaJ parkland
ptir('hast' fund ts fully rclrnscd.
If the bill passes. Rep. ,Jeffrey CoheJan
:i;;1id l\1nnd<1y. oil producers might be bet·
lo ·r nhlr than con.~ervationists lo persuade
Ilic Nix on n<lmlnistratlon to spend for
p[1rks-al the authorized rate of $200
uull1nn a .1ear.
Tins ~ea r on1y $124 mlll ion will be
~pent , sa·1d CQhelan, the bill'~ chief
~Pt)n~1ir. lie said ·the Point Reyes Na·
tir·1':ll SC'ashore i:r: one place \\'here ad-
dit1on:i J land should be bough t
Off~l1rJrc oil )easing fees are part of tile
t..1nd un~ Waler Con.servatioo _Fund.
N ewpo1·t Bea,cli Resumes
Sand Haul-Selective ly lleaviest 1-0sses
Sii1ce Lull Began;
14 Americans Die
Of !ht D••l1 Pilol S11!1
\\'est Ne1vrort·s &l 2 1nlll1on s<t nd-or
clay-11au! rcsuinrd today. But \VJ!h ;1
In an emergency 1ncC'ti111; \.\'ilh :-:ew-
port Ucach ;ind Or ange Count~· officials
il1onday. U. S. Anny Corps of J~uguiccrs
rcprescn tati1'cs promised to·
-Exercise "quality ct1ntr0l" over the
Sa nta Ana River 1natC'ri11 ! that 1.~ being
:;pr('.1 r! 111·rr 1hc hC':1ch.
-.\!Ol'C the li.1ul ro:id ;1~1-a\' fro:n l1c11·I•.
f1·unl hrinH'S ;111d {')l)S\'f In. Ill!' \\dl ~'l' :'>
cdgr-, 1\hC'rt.' rl.1y depo~11s-11i!I be r!un1r1•<!.
City Cou nriln1,111 Donald ,\, !l li·ln111<;,
\\ho 11,1s .1n1ong tllO>\~ R lrenrl1n~ thr 1nr·!'!-
1ng 111 thr JOh <"P11irnct11r s tlt'!d ufl11 •·,
!'.1irt 111 1s n10l't1111i:: 111• 1' plc.1-..c!! 1•.-r•l1 111r
1'f>flp{'r;111on nf lhl' t'orp' o[ l-~ng11\l'!"r1i
nnd i.~ s.11 1 ~l11·d th~1L \\1,\<;t \r1>JJ1lrt '-t
hr~H'hfront 11011 \ br· 111rn('d 11110 an :-1dohc
fJ.1(<;, 11ftrr .111.
1'ht• ~t~··l1•!l, .11.il .1 t11npr11.it'.1' n11t:-d;1v
halt ln tl1r projet·\, t'f'.•1111fd ~'l<l!ldJ,I'
frf'lnl ron1p!i11nts: bv 111.1 l)ff1i:1JIS :ind
\Vest J\1i·w por t rrs1d1•11 1~ i1bout the qu :i!Jl_v
of thr fill drcdi:;cd up .\nd hauled fro1n
lh<' rivrr holl11n1. Thi'~ ~.lld it 1vas de-
::;rl'l\·i:i~ ;i h:<"11111ful br:ith
Corp~ eng1nC'L'r-' 1ns1~:('d tile quality oi
1111• fill \1 as ··generally good 111 excel·
lrnL" But .\-!el n111s .sharplv disagreed.
llC' !'aid $flfll1 rrorle \IOllld be <ibJe tn
pJ;int ec,rn ;u1d f)Ul.:ltor~ Jn it. unless they
\.\·n11t (11 11 <>r 11 f1•r a roadw:iy
Thi• [(·d(•r:1! !-p0k~'~111e11 fi nally ron·
('('dC'd t!l\•rc \.\!'l't,' ":.n1tJ!I por krls of clay"
tl <·po s1ted 0n th<' heal·h by the giant earth-
h:1uling rigs. Thf'y ~ai d 1he contractor,
ri1:1rll11c·k ,~ l1u1·h.:no111 1tf Long Hr:ich,
11011ld , l1•J11 ''!' 111\' , J.,11 1·l 111h, 111tl11din g
\t'.t.:l·:.ll1011, 111 .1 l'L'•ord,111('c 11 1\li ll1e Corps
COlll i'f1cl
C1t,V l'll!ilrc \ror ks D1r£"elor .Joseph T.
n !'\ l1n 11 11 .-1~ ;ir;n:eJI, 11·nuld <il«n make
1"'1'11,,11~ 1n~il!'ll1111Js lo as~ure gci11d (]11.ll·
1'y 1111
f111il1lin!! flnrns
:\!~\\''YORK \l'Pl1 -A J11u·alarm f1ri:
i11 lhe nr1\· Grnc'ral :-1ot0rc, Corp" 1l11ilr!1ni::
'.llnnd .1\' :'lflrrnonn r.111sr<l :in rs01nated SI
1111111•111 d:11n;1gc ;111d ;i F lfll1 Avenue !raf-
f I(° Ji1J1l ,
You r Omcg11
Sales & Scrricr
~AJGO~ <U PI1 -Comn1uniquf's from
t ' ,S, headquartC'rs tod;1y li,'i1ed 1,1
Arnericans (lend <ind 34 wollnded -the
hea1'JC.~t si ngl e day of losses reported
!i inre the bat lC'field lull began six \.\'eek!
A 1n1 al 11[ 11\6 \"1rt Con!:: ;i11d Xor th V1{'l·
n:11nC"~e \1 rrc kdled in lht" f1ght1ng -the
~r"ond successi1e <lay of incrcJ~ed com·
ll<!I 1nnrri ng tile lull 1ha t bC'gil n Scp1. 17.
Spo kcsn1cn fnr (~Cn. Crt>1ghlon \V,
Ahr.:ims, the t.:.S. t."01n1nandC'r in Viel'
11An1. said the An1rrican Cfl1 nman~ C(lf1·
:<J(I C'r.~ t!ic lull :r:1ill 111 •·ffeel {ir~ptle thr
new fighting a11d reports of lln pc ndi n.u
Communi st .1!1;icks
A ~ Lhr lt•1'C'I of combat. 1nr rra.~rr1 , $0 <lirl
the rare of !hr \;dr~t A1ncr11 an troo p
11 1thdrawals. ll eilflqunr\f'r:i ~:11d J bat·
11111011 of the 4th j\l;ir1ne Heg11n!"nt. 2.3fl\I
111cn. had hegun 111thd r.;11r1 ng 1o Okin;i wa
S;_1nd<1.v and v.•ould l:ic gone hy lht'
--· ,._..,_.Fri'"
ti'• ...
t Cltmtd • Oilff
• Adj""td
l l991Cl1t-.d
Whllt Toi Woit FREE
T,, •ory 11"'• 0"'•0•
Spoodm.,111 '"'''~ ....
t u ry wu u l:ctod ""i•k·
od ••Y l"'od:l:coho• l1
NASA 1o bo """'" b~ c-.r
"''~ "" !ho "'oon, T~1
"''~";tio•. tr~ly • 10•
w ''' f or t •ctlt•••t,
"'•••1 "' 11-•o~.I *• be
you• 1Y•hcril tcl 0"'•~•
; ... ,1 ... c.,.,. '" -•••
iii ' fo,d1om1, j bu!lo•,
• ci ••I. Om1;1 S~o1Jm u·
h • .~.0~•9r1~h. T~ ••• r,
'"''''~ "'"'" bv lho ''"" 01 1~, ..,oo•. p,,,, ll tL
1£.ST•L!NG 110"'
Slt(D, frtlW
Dl,AMONDS $6 00
llPU.CED. frc"' •
Huntington Center
Beach al Edingor
. '
and back
Harbor Sllopping Center
2300 Harbor Blvd.
I .
·-: ~ 1 :~ ~7--:---:r-~~--,?._,,....,.,~·~:~:,_,.,~,~~~,~''""''--,,,~~....,-.-:1,...,-.~1~~!..,>~P...,,,..,.,.,,.,~,,..,.,,.,.,,.,,..,_ •• ,~.-• .. ••••,..>""''••.,.•"'""•>,..>..,>"'>••,..t•.,.1 ••"'">.,o•o"'"s""o14's~>,.,>..,>•>,..,>""'•o,..o,.,;""P""'·•.> .. •""o•o,.,;,..,.; .... ,..,., ... 1~ .......... ----· -..-
Don.tington Beaeh
Rafferty Backs Appeal of
From \\'ire Ser\'ices
SACRAMENTO -State Schools Chief
t-.lax H.arferty has declared lus support
fo r the planned arpeal of a court decision
tha l the firing of UCLA instructor Angela
Oa\•is is unconstitutional.
"I don'l believe in lclt ing members of
lhc mafia, murdr r incorporated or a
Communist speak with my money on a
t1x-supporlcd campus,'' said Rafferty,
!he Republican superintendent of public
Los Angeles Suptrior Court Judge Jer-
ry Pacht ruled Monday lhat Angela Davis
cannot be uarred [ro1n teaching in a state
university on the sole ground that she is a
Communist party member.
University ol California regenls rired
r-1iss Davis, a 25-year-old Ne(ro assistant
professnr Qf philosophy, on Sept. 19 after
she acknowledged being a Communist.
Pending an appeal through school ad-
ministrative channels, she was pennitled
to go on teaching a noncredit course,
'·Recurring Philosophical Themes in
Black Literature," al I.he University of
CatifC'rnia at Los Angeles.
Alter a hearing Monday on a taxpayers
suit fi led by faculty supporters of r-.tiss
Davis. Judge Pacht held her firing lo be
He said lf she C<luld be ousted for b<ti11g
a Communist, lhe regents could fire
1eachers for being members Clf other
Thomas J . Cunningham, gene r al
Appeal for Homes
Beach Demolition Order Stalled
01 .... 0•111" , •• S!•ll
The fat e <lf JS old homes ordered
<lemolished was debated for 90 minute~
t.1onday night by tile Huntington Beach
City Cooncil.
A split 4-3 wm defeated a proposed 90·
clay moratorium on the con-
dem nations and sent the problem to the
city's Hous.ing Board of Appeals.
1 le pointed oul that many or the
huildings have no foundations <>r they
have foundations unable to support them.
"The walls are buckling and the roofs
sagging,'' the inspector pointed out.
After the film, Ferm admitted some of
the homes could not be saved. But he
charged. "Those are the ones on your
film . You didn't shov• the olhers."
Mayor Green askcrl Ferm, "\Vhat
\\'Ould your position be. if one of these
homes collapsed and son1eone was
counsel for the regents, said "all ap.
propriate steps" ~·ould be la.ken in an
attempt to have the ruling reversed.
lla!fcrty said I.he UC Board of Regenls,
of \Vhich he is a member, hopes the case
will go clear to the U.S. Supreme Court
and the panel will rule "that society has
a right lo prote<:l itself from ils enemies
a nd does not have to subsidize the con·
Miss Davis, a Negro, has continued to
receive her $9,864 annual salary while ap-
pealing her dismiMaJ through university
A~ke<I what she thought the regents
v.·ould do next, she replied:
"They'\'e done a lot of really craey
things a\readY.~ I've given up trying to see
any rationali(y In the.Jr behavior ."
Regent Elinor Heller of Atherton said,
"In view of previou..s court decisions, J'n1
not 5urprised t~ regents' act.ion was
declared unconstituUanal. What surprises
Today's Final
N.Y. Stocks
rne I~ suth a qutck dt'ri~inn "
fQrmer (',ov. l-:dn1u nrl r;. Brown ;<atd
he belil'\"l'<I the COUJ l llCl'lSIOll WdS
"Jeg<!lly correct."
"h 1s nol a fJ!le~11on of whc!hrr yo1 1
fa\·Or it or not," 8/'0\Yn s;ud. "I 1h1nk the
regenls knO\Y they Wl'!'C \\'rOnb and (
L'link (Gov. Hon ald) HC'agun knl'w 1t "·as
JUSl a pol1!1cal grr1ntl st:1111! tin his part "
St.ale .Sen. H. L. H1rh;ird$on . fnrn1('r
member and empln:'-'C of the .John Birch
The homes are in the old Wintersburg
~cction of the city mostly in the 1500
block of Washington Avenue. They have
been ordered demolished by the city
Building Department because they are
"unsafe for human habitation."
Joseph S. F erm, chairman of the
Property Owners Protective League
(POPL) led off the lengthy debate.
asserting that he represented J9 persons
in the affected area,
Ferm replled thal "dangerous" is a
misused word.
Councilman Ted Bartlett mo\'ed that a
90'"<1ay moratoriu1n be declared on the
1!emtllishment program, "to give us time
to check these homes."
Nov .;· G•mt:• Against Crosstown Riv•I Oilers Set for Westminster Stadium
tt"I~ ._ PILQ1 Sltlt ,.,.q '
INSPECTOR lluntington
Beach l1•1<1yOr .J ack Green
points to problen1 during re-
cent 1nspcct1on t our of some ol
city·~ older res idence.~.
Council Tightens
Lau;s 011. B11il<li11g
I ndustrir1l Plants
Col1nci\111an George r.t c:Crackcn pu! up
~ brief bat!l e bu1 lri~t 6-l as the Clly
\'OltnCil r.1 ond<1y night appr0ved an
nrclinance tightcnini; induslrial regula-
lion.~ ne.ar residential areas in lluntington
Dea eh.
The ordinance call~ ror additional
landscaping and open space for any in-
dustrial facil ity buill adjacent to a single
family residence.
"It's just more hcauracracy,'' com-
mente<I t.fcCracken, repeating his op·
position of h\'O weeks earlier. "If we
lvant industry we can't be loo restric·
CoUilcilman McCracken thrn \.\"arned
that Garden Grove' and \Vesln1ln~tcr
11.'cre luring industry nway from llun·
Lington Beach.
•·0ur city historically has looked hettrr
lhan those Lwo," replied Councilman
Donald Shipley.
"Apparcnlly you haven'l sttn them
recentl y," retorted McCracken, "you
fihouldn 'l make statements with ou t
Councilman Alvin Coen pointed out that
lhe Irvine Development, pointed to as the
best industrial example in Orange Coun·
1y, is considerably more lllrlngenl tha n
Jluntington Beach.
The ordinance will rCf]uire ~O feet rir
Eip&cc fron1 an industrial building IQ
either of ils side boundaries and its rear
boundary in a residential area.
Beach Traffic Lights
Get Co un ci l App1·oval
A tol<.1 1 of $60 ,000 In Install traffic lightl'I
11t fnur inlersections alon~ Pacific Coa5t
Jligh way ·was a pproved ~londay night by
the Huntington lkach Cily Counr.il.
lnt.cr,.;ecli ni;: strcels to rccc1vf' light.~ or
lmprnvrmf'nll'! :ir(' lh1nlini;:lon, Lake ,
Main and Golden \Vest Sl rccts.
lie charged that the c.ity'r Jaw on
substandard homes was "immoral" and
that the board of appeals was a
"kangaroo court."
Mayor Jack Green had asked Ferm
why the people he represented had not
appeared before the appeals board as
allowed in the law.
F'erm replied that the board was onl.Y
sel up to interpret the law. "It is a bad
law and you shoold declare a moratorium
until the counci l has the chance to read
the ordinance and change it, whatever
t.ime it takes."
A videotape of the dilapidated buildings
under condemnation was shown to the
packed council chambers. narrated by
L.1larles Gerarden, city housing inspector.
Building Director 0. C. "Jark·'
Cleveland repeated that the <>Yi'llers had
recourse lo lhe board o( appea ls.
City Attorney Don Bonfa said he wa~
concerned about "the council jumping in
and taking o\·er pr~du~ provided by
the law. It is premature lo intervene
Bartlett's motion lost by the 4·3 vole
'\'ith Councilmen D<>na!d Shipley and
f;eorge McCracken supporting the mo-
tion. Opposing were Mayor Green, and
councilrnen Al Coen, J erry r.tatney and
Dr. llenry Kaufman.
Green concluded lhe Jong discussion
with, "\Ve. never intended to put anyone
oul or their home with no place to go , but
\\'e do not want Lo circumvent the process
of the law."
Beach Youth Coalition
Rapped for Donation
The Youth Coalition CommiUee of Hun-
tir;gton Beach received a light rebuff
fro m Mime city councilmen Monday nigh t
for donating city funds to other agencies.
Councilmen Alvin Coen and Henry
K.:ufman warned the city'.!! yo uth that
1noney appropriated for Youth C-011!ition
activities should be spent specifically for
th~t activity.
The subject came up when it was noted
that $100 had been donated to Help Linc.
a communit y service combatting drug
.abuse .
"\\'e· considered Help Line as directly
aHecting the youth of thill city," repll ed
.lim Sampson, a high school student
speaking for the Coalition.
"lt's a good cause," said Coen, ''but we
f an·t let the Youth Coalition u.se tax-
Storie Jtlarkets
NEW YORK (AP)-The 11toclc market
continued a strong upward mareh on a
broadening front in active trading late
this afternoon. (See quotaUons, Pages
10-l I).
Advances widened I.heir margin over
declines in individual issues traded on the
New York Stock Exchange, 849 to 474.
payers' money when we don 't kn ow 11."
/<.fayor Jack Green defended the youth,
explaining that he had received v.•ord
f'rnm U1ree o1hrr councilmen that the ex-
pendi ture v.·ou!d be approved. "\Ve sin1p-
ly forgot to have il on last meeting':»
agenda," he said, "so I talked to some of
the CQuncilmen afterwarrJs. ''
The money \\'as profit from a dance
sponsored by the Youth Coalition which
had been backed by city funds.
Councilman Ted Bartlett called for
nlor'! thorough coordination of Coalition
acti\'ilies with the Recreation Deperl·
menL But Councilman J erry Mill ne.y
replied that would defeat the purpose of
allowing the youth to do something for
The Youth Coalition had brought l"'O
proposals before I.he council for approval.
The first was a request for a student
government day and the second a request
for funds to hold a car rally.
Councilmen asked the youth t o
coordinate lhe .student government day
with the schools and return with a
specific proposal, tentatively setting the
date for Nov. 17.
The counci l authorized $176 for a car
rally and dance Nov. 10.
'We Have Had It'
Kopechne Say Autopsy
\YlLKl::S-BARRE. Pa. (UPI) -The
r.1lhcr or J\tary Jo Kopechne testified to-
d.i y 1hat pcr1nitting an autopsy on his
d:iughler, killed in an accident involving
U.S. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, "would be
jusl like another funera1.·•
"\Ve have had it," the father said at a
hearing on a request by Massachusetts
:iuthorities for an autopsy on the body of
lhc 28·year-old \Va5hington secretary who
Oicd last .July 18 in a tidal pond in Ken-
nedy·i; submerged auto off Chap-
paquidd ick Island, ~fass.
The lather, speaking ln a barely audi-
ble voice. said he and his v.·ife. who was
nol in court, felt authorili<'s "had I.heir
.::hance.. \Ve absolutely do not \Vant it
f'~dmund S. Dini~. a Massaehuseu ..
district attorney v.•ho is seeking the
autopsy, did nol cross·examine Kopedine
Ou ring lus one-mniute appearance on the
Dinis rested his case during the morn-
in::: session after Cyril ~L Wechl, chief
pathologist for Allegheny County (Pa_),
leslified an autopsy on a. body exhumed
a fter four lo six months could be "quite
Asked to estimate the value of an ex-
llrnal examination done at the time the
girl's body was recovered, Wecht said
"To consider an external examination the
Edison High School boosters club will
hold its wttkly meeUng tonight •~
originally scheduled.
The gathering will take place at 7:30
()·clock in the school's faculty r oom
c:id process of a medi cal and legal Jn.
vesligalion is absurd."
Dun Gifford, Washington, D.C., a
legislative aide to Sen_ Kennedy who was
ralled as a Y•ilnel'is by a Kopechne at-
torney, Joseph F. Flanagan, said he wa!I
CeJ~yed unlil July 20 in returning with lhe
body to Pennsylvania because of bad
He said he al.so thought "there was a
que!!lion of whether there was a hold on
the body for possible autopsy."
Dinis, the first witness at today·,.
srssion, testi fied he ordered an autopsy
on the girl lwo da ys after she died but
"'as told the body had bee n flown to
After finishing his testunony, the
district atlorney asked the court to place
in the record a handwritten statement
J\ennedy gave police concerning the ac-
cident and a videotape of the ,,;enator's
televised explanation of the tragedy.
Judge Bernard C. Brominski denied the
motion on lhe Kennedy police irt.atement
and withheld decision on the videotape.
Valley Officer
Dies in Action
Navy Lt Cmdr, Paul E. Wall, <>f 17706
Bay CircJe, Fountain VaHey, wa.~ killed in
Vietnam action last week , the U.S.
Defense Department announced today.
Survivon include ·his wife, 1'-frs, Joan
\\>'all, four aons, Martt, Scott, Chad and
Paul, Jr.; two daughters, Pamela and
Laurie; five brothers Carl of Edwards,
Ford of Fort Worth, Hardy of Hot
Springs, ~k., Lyon of Bakersfield and A.
ll' of Robertsvl lle, Mo.; and two 11lsters,
Mrs. Helma Smith of Spear5mith, La.,
and Mr11. Chrh1tine Willers of Garden
Sex Class Answers 'Why?~
Cmdr. Walt had nearly D years or
tervice in lt. Navy.
Funeral arnngernents are pending et
the Peek Fmftly Colonial Funeral borne
in Westminster.
Mesa Woman Tells Grove Scliool Approach to Course
Of ttw 1>11111" l'llM SN'ff
'' If VD ill so easy to cure why ls there
i;o much of it'?" the early-teen girl .asked.
"People who have it wOQl go to the
docto.. because they are embarra!l5ed
about it," !laid • boy her a1e.
··Th-oy know they aren't supposed to,"
another 1irt in the seventh grade ctas11
"Artn'l supposed lo what?" asked the
.. Have .sexual contact," O'Of: of the boy•
"ll'!! not 3 law hut It'~ not rtc:om-
n1cncte<1 unti l they are married . .'' 11 git1
repeated an earlier lOMOA-.aa :;he
remembered it. J.'
"The girl you do it to:•·,_,,... . :•
began a boy. •
"Don't say 'Do it.' ~f.C'O~ the
teacher . • ·•
Then the teacher sumiflld the point
"You don't go to the d~ · · au:w: you
had 11e.xunl intercourse. You 're em-
barrassed because you trltow thiil i.s a no,
no. Society's no, no. For your pro-
tection . .,
Thal's the way the discussion_ w'nt one
recent day in the clamocnn fl. Mr~.
Gordon tifoirsh, a Co!!ta ~1 esa· "6ident
who leaches family life., iex tlUcatlon
and drugs le her acience ·clusts at Bell
lntermedlate Sthool In Garden Grove.
AooUler cl1ss. a11other hour, and ~ girl
a.sked, "That VM, what's it celled .•. "
"VD," she was reminded.
" .. can yon gel it by kis5ing1''
••it's possible, but Us not 8S ' great a
posaibllity as with sexual inte.tcount,"
r.1rs . to.farsh said.
.rDid 'it bother yoo to find ·out about
vt'nerell dise11se?'' 11he asked lhe ct1s11.
"11 did me. It would be nice lf theae
things didn't e.rtst, but they do.
"I haven't mellflt lo frlgllten you but If
J did i!'ll because Mime or thfifie lhirlgl
(8'e SEX CLAM, P11t Z)
Edison Player
Remains Ci-itiCal · . . .
M~ Naylol!I, 'Ji.Jei-r-okl junior-\·a'ririly .
r00Cball 'pl1yer at ~Ison Hid:! Schoo~~r1> matns in cfitlcal cendltion W<!ay al tt.un-
tin,um Jntercommunlty HospKal
llotpit.al' offlcial1 aald 'the youth's con-
dition h3d· not changed from Monday J
Neylon coTI1pted Sa'turday 1fternoon
following • gama with l..oara lligh and '
was·rushed to the horplLal with head ln-
jutieii:. _
He rem ain., in· 'ttfit lnten11ive care unit
Aofferinl( from 1 ·subdural . htm•to&I,
v.hlch is internal bleedln1 In tbe brain.
~ .. 0
Marina Planning
Hon1eco1ning for
Big Grid Ganie
r.Jarina Jlirh ~chflOl s111d,.nt~ 11rr
already making-plans fnr lhl'lr <innu:i l
homecomini:: \1·hcn the Vikin_gs wi ll facn
their arch.foe.~. the 1 l1111tJ1H!to11 Rc:irh
High School Ollrrs. ;JL Ilic \\'cstinln~tcr
lln~h School Slnd1urn Nnv. 7.
The. prC-l;!illTIC <l('t1vit11•-: II ill hr£:i n ,i t
7 ·4~ p Ill. With (he ln!r{ldUf'lll')ll or l f'n
qu<'cn nominees on a flu~1 l des1gn"rl to
carry out tins year's theme. of "'The
N1,r~cman Con1 <'th ."
Entertainment ,,.,.,)] be pro\·idcd b,v
r-Tsrina·~ av.•ard.y,·inni ng Vik111.1: r-.larching
B1i11d and the Valkvric IJnll Tc;in1.
Half.time act1v1i1es w·ill cnnlcudr \Ytt!t
the crowning of the llC\Y homecorn1ng
queen. "Amerira's Junior 1\11~::.," .Jackie
Henington, last ~car·<> quel'n, "·111 ol-
t'ic1ate at the cere1nony.
The ~r<id ilional homtico1nin~ danr" will
br hl'.ld at 9 pm. Nov. 8 Ill 1hc 1'1ari na
High School cafeteria. All alumni a rc in-
vited t.o altend .
Car Takes 'Vild
Ride, Girl 1'oo
The ()atn:;htrr of a \\r,.t1111nstc r car
wash qpcra!nr lnnk a wild. unexpcct rd
rirle through a cleaning f;icility ;it 6850
We stminster A\'e. anrl in!o e1n adjoining
apartment building Monday morr.ing_
Police sa id Linda Brucl', HI. or 5021
Pheasant Circle. was placing a car on the
conveyor line v.·hen she slipped :incl the
rar tore through thr machine. The ricie
ended as the vehicle smashed a large
hole in a neilrby aparlmcnt u11it.
Miss Bruce suffered only minor cuts
and bruises in !he 10.42 a.n1 . a rcidC'nl.
The car was c!C'an bul had a few lun1p.~
in it as a resu lt of the washin.i:.
Orange Coast
Those desert v.•inds arc s!fJw1n~
down and shoulrl .1:ivc. \1•;1,v 11'1
cloudy skits on Wedne~<!ay. Lonie
for a tiigh of about 'i!"l on the
Orange Coast and o~·cr the 80 mark
i\f1itua! J111uI Rl1nrrl1oldcrs
hn ue lia<l a bad yrnr t1111l }111n11.-
cial colunuiist Sylvia Potier dJ.~
c11sses wliat. ca1i ·he dope abo11 t
'it -if a11 yt11i11n -011 Porie 10
tcw:lay, f t':» the .start of a /ut1r·
part sr.ries.
C•l!lernlt I MlltlU l t ci ... 111..i ,...,1 ~tw1• ,.,.....,.. 13
Ct.,,1<1 11 Nolltn..11 N1w• I•' C••••worf n o...... ,..,,,,1 ' 0.•"' Nlllr•• t $Yl~I• l>lrlttt II
EdlMrl .. '"'' I \Nl't• 1 .. 11
Enl11··111"'"Mll '' Jtoc~ Mll'tlll• 1•11
"'"-· 1•1• '•lt~l•••ll 11 ... __ ·-f ft1At1r• 11
""'"' L...,..,, ll W1•tfttf I
Mlilbl• • WO•lll N .... t (•I
M"ll11•• ' w,..,.,,., NtW\ 1S·11
'Lost Body'
Suit Delayed
A dental surgeon's reluctance to ex-·
11mine the eight-yea r-<lld remains o[ a
Lo n1ita y,·01nan -if irideed they can be
found al \\'estrninster t-.lemorial Park -
!rd to the delay r-.1ond:iy of Ronald T.
fi.1cGinnis' $500,000 Superior Court suit
agaJnst the mortuary.
Attorney Dudley Cray ~·ill not now en.
force the exhumation order obtained last
\\'eek from Judge Claude O\.l•ens until he
c::in engage a patholngist to study the re·
mains v.hich he alleges were mislaid by
fi.lemorial Park officials shortly after in·
tC'rmcnl of f'.trs. Pearl G. fi.1cGinnis in
"\\'e had hoped to have her dentist
check the remains but he quile un·
derstandably refused," Gray said. ''But
\\'\?now have until fi.iay l -the new court
date -to sel up some other mean s of
idrntifica1ion. possihly by a pathologist,''
McGinnis. 65, now of Wilmington. suecl
tlperators of the Westminster mortua~y
Y•lth the allegation that the body of his
wift' had been mistakenly cremated.
Memorial Park officials insist Mrs.
1'-tcGinnis' remains are "on the premis·
McGinnis argues in his suit that "con·
dihor.s of chaos" existed in the mortuary
at the time of his wife's inlennent and in·
11isls that she was cremated in error.
He states that he paid in full (or a
single crypt on Aug. 16, 1961, but a~~
to temporary interment of Mrs. fi.1cGuws
in a double drypt at Peace Mausol~um
pending completion of her own final
resting place.
Somewhere along: the line, 1'1cGinnis
says, his wife 's remains were mUp\aced.
And attorney Gray hopes to revive bis
d~ before Judge Owens on 11ay 3.
From Page 1
are pretty frighlening," .she continued.
•·There ls no v.·ay lo put 1c!ng on VD or
drugs. Sometimes truth is more fri ghten·
ing than a story:•
Discussion turnffi on things the claM
had learned \I atrhing mo\' if'~. For the
se"X ed ucation part of the course thE"y are
"Girl to \Voman" and ''Boy Ui 1\!an.''
mo\'i es v.·iilelv used for sepa rate showin,i;t
to girls and boys in school districts 'that
don"t have.a sex education program.
f\;, written materials arc used for sex
educ ation instruction in the Garden
Gro1·e Unified District. nolhing that can
be taken away from clas~ and snic kered
Ol'P r. Instruction is all by movies,
:-;peakers (particularly for !he drug por·
tion) and class discussion.
Parents are inl'il.ed to sit In class any
time but not their o~·n child's class. A
dai!Y assignment for the student.~ is to
discuss v.·hat y,·as talked about in class
v.·ilh I.heir parents.
"How many of you can ask your
parenl~ questions and get good answers;'
f'.lrs. 1-farsh asked the class.
About ha lf the children raised their
''G-ood £or you guys," she :sa..id. "That's
lerrtfic .''
\\lirn asked how they thought the
course could be 1mprovP.d, students i;aid
they v.·ere mnsl interested in drugs and
would like to stt more time gi\'en to that.
They rl1dn 't th1nk much or the ramily nre
portion bccau.\c 1t v.·as boring. treated
them llke sissies and didn "t tell lhem
anylhin.1: they didn't already know.
1\tr~. ~larsh asked about thr ~r tduca-
llpn porl!0n ;,nd one )Jirl \'Olunteert'd the
opinio n, "\\'c're ro1ercd \1·hat nN'ds lo be ..
'Yr.~. r11:ht now for your a&r,'' ~Ir~.
~J arsh said.
Gi\I Buihlini:: Burns
r>'E\V \'ORK ft.;PI ~ -II llV'l>alarm fire
1n the new General :-.l otors Corp. building
~tonday af1emoon caused an f'stimated $\
million damage and a fifth 111·enue tra f.
fie jam.
llob•rl tl. W 11d rru:.tml •nd '\Ot!lllh••
J ocO R. Cu•l•v
Viet 'rnla1n1 •nd G•.,.r11 MtNttr
Thom•• lt1o •il
Tho"''' A. Muq>~i~t
/,'1 ~191~~ ldolOt
,l.lherl W. 11+11
M .oclolt £d•IOI'
H•Rllftftlt!I lt•cli Offio
309 5!h Sht•I
Ma ili119 Addrtn: P.O. let 7•0, 92641
OIMr Olnl•
~I kKll: ~111 W""! 11•111•1• 'lltN~u• C"''" Mr1•: llO W~'t lov S"rrt
UINM k°"~' J1J Fortll .. •tll~t
L . ---()AIL V PILOT, ,.ll!o ,.l!ICl'I I• ''""''""" .... 1<t-·Prt>1, • eulll'"'°" ... ,,. '"~' !Iv,.. cby l'1 ·~••t• rdltlo•u lor """''ftq,.~ IBtodo. Founlollo v.ii.,r. CMI• M .... N•-,,..., ll•oCll •lld l."9111'11 IB•••"· ,,_ '"itl'I
·-... _.1 .,, ...... 0 ••11ft' C.0.\1 "~ti"• ... tft9 (ompo111• prltl•"°" plll!ll l ft It ~!! W••I
811to1 111•<1 , Nr,.ro<I llrKJ\,, I ncl )JO
Wfll ft•• ~lrr!JI, (Mii N~W.
,,, ......... 17141 641-4121
f1o11t Wtt1..,l11tfft Cell 540·11JI
Cleulfltl Attrml1litt '42·5611
c ...... ,111, 1t1t, or•nt• Ctotll Put111.,,,,..
( ..... ro~Y "" ....... 1 rt11ir1. •lloJ•Htl"'I'
.... llO•••I """" t • t <lvtlt!•l•mlftll "''''"
..,11 r.. ''"'"""''°' '"'"'°"' to:>tC!Ol ,.!mlu ..... cl CCPvr-.ftl 11•<1',
kc•"tl '''" r.o•'.-;• ~'d 11 .,,MMlr1' .. .ell ,..., (<•'• N""' (olllr,rr •• 'c~'" n•l(.rl h
''""' l]oloO ..,0,.,,,,. '" "'"'' '~ ~ ,,_lfllJI l"llllllrt *111 .... llOftJ. S~tfl f"l!>11lll'Y,
OA.ILT PILOT Stoll 'noTt
Spirited Anteaters
ll'aiti1tg for Word
Diet Food Sales
Drop on Coast
•DJ l~I Otllf l'llo! ill /I
I 'ood ~;fl)rc~ along the Orang~ Coast
hJ vf' 110111·rd a drop in sales of diet foods
:ind drinks containing cyclan1ate, now
banned by the federal government.
Hii l many storE" managers are v.·ailing
l11 hear frnn1 1hc1r ct>ntral offices, as 1\·ell
<1" frun1 suppl iers of 1hc food .
ltt!tallrrs hll\'C 11n1il Jan. I to rento,·e
1r1l' loods l'(Jntaining t y c I a 1n a t e ,
:;uspccted of causing cancer, from their
s hrives.
At Albertson's in Laguna Ikach,
r 1.1n,1ger Jerry Ha ines said, .. \\'e v.•ill be
dropping the eri:ire diet line by letting the
stock run out. A few people are still
burlng 11, hut v.·c ilre giving refunds now
;1:1d I nnagine sales \1·ill come to a
st;• :·,us1 i 11."
"They 1nay go back lo sucaryl (an
fnl ifl e1a! s11 cctener 1hal contains no
11(.'lamate1. and 1 read some where that
l ;rps1 1s going Lo l1sc a very srn<i!l
:1111011111 11r suga r for their dil·l drinks,'' he
in haU, at least. ..
''As of now, we are not ant1c1pat1ni;
pulling i't off the Shelves Ull\11 January,"
he said.
fl.lei Lloy, manager of l\tarket Baske t,
1150 Jrl'ine: Ave., Ney,·port, is waiting to
hear from the store's corporate ofrices.
•·Not more than three peop!e wanted to
bring the stuff bark," he said.
"\\'e expect more. but \1·e're probably
going lo lea ve 1t on the shelves and juSt
Jet it run out.''
Cherry said customers had slopped buy·
ing and v.·ere bringing back unopened
cartons of diet soda.
And at Riehard 's 1.ido 1'.tarket, 343:\
\'1a Lido, New port Beach, clerk J im
''\\'e have hi-en return ing their money
because ~·e hal'e mainly good rstablisherl
customers and we don 't want lo Jose
them_" he said.
At Thriftimart. 271}! l!arbnr Blvd,
Costa 1\1csa. n1anage r ArL 1\yvazian said
he 1.1·ould hear b,v the end of the day
wheth er or not all diet soft drink s and
olhrr cyrlamatc-conlai11ing foodstuffs
\\'Ould be remo\'ed fro1n the shcl\•es.
1£ they are removed. Ayv azian said, thP
store "v.'ould probably get credit on most
of the items.''
UC Irvine doesn't have a football team, but that
doesn 't mean it doesn't ha ve pep squad. These
songleaders are currently appearing at UC I v.•ater
polo games, where cries ot "ZOT" are music to
Anteater fans. From left are Dottie Goforth, 20,
\Vhiltier: Sue F rost. 1 ~. L'pland : Su r !1 111. l'.'.l , Pain
.<\Ito ; Elise Smith, 20. Orange : Jlenny \\'1bor,:::. 13.
Temple City: Ann Preston, l!l, \\'oodl;:1nd lf1ll!'.
Pam Viele. 19, Calabasas, and Ade le Ca~so, 13,
Fountain Valley.
At llr0rcl's tllarkc1. 283 Broad1\•ay,
Laguna BC'ach, Gl~n Acord said. "We·rc
going :ilong wilh the companies that sell
the merchandise and are still lea ving il
on th·~ shch·es. \\lc\•e had no ref und re·
fjlle~t1> .. ,
Rut he add ed th:it the independent
~tore i:. now selling ··1·ery little., in the
\ray 01 1liel drinks.
At SaFewav, 1000 Bayside Drive,
'N ell1JOrl Beac·h, manager Bob Clark !laid
t!icit 5alcs of the diel food '"have been cut
"One customer v.·ho brought so1ne stuf{
back \\'JS a llttle Insulting. but lhai·s the
on!v trouble we'\'c had." he said. "J\1ost
of ihe people hare been very nice, and of
course v.·e give them 1heir money back i(
they ask for it."
He rt'ca\Jcd the cranberry scare of 10
yea rs ago.
Huntington Holding l(ey?
"The tranberry thing was bcc;iusc they
lhought there \\'ere insecticides in the
cranberries , but after a while people
1\·ere buying them again like nothing had
e\·er happened," he noted.
At anolher Costa t1 esa grocery, Alph.t
Bela·s store at 241 E. 17th St., J im 111 ·
ing"11·orth. the manager, said, ''It's too
early to tell if there·s been any drop in
Newport's Bi.d for Inland Route Depends on Beach Protest, Raps
Davis Ruli11g By JEROME F . COLLINS
Of tho D•!ll' P'l'91 U1ll
Huntington Beach may hold the key to
Newport Beach's hopes for an inland
routing of the Pacific Coast frer1\·ay
1.1·estof the Upper Bay, Newport Planning
Director Larry Wi!S()n said f\1onday.
\\'ilson, in a talk before Ney,•port
}!arbor Chamber of Comm Prce directors,
said the ideal inland routing v.·ould bf' one
that h<'ads dov.·n towa rd Nc1.1·port frnn1
the \·icinity of the adopted alignment at
B<'ach Boulrvard a11d Adam s Avenue in
llunlington Beach.
From there. il 11·ould ctlt soul h11·rsterly
-or diagonally -across Huntington
Beach territory, across the ril'er, acros.~
Ba nning Flats behind .N<'wport Shores
and v.·ould pass Hoa r; 1\lemona\ Jlnspita l
on the north. Cont111uing lhe diagonal, it
v.·ouid slice south o[ Clay Street cast of
t\ewport Boule\'ard and ult1mJlely con·
net'! v.·ilh lhc adnr1 ed ('Oas1!1nc·hugging
rouU" in lhr area of 11ie Ball>O;i Ba y ('luh.
"This alignn1ent," said \\'ilson , "rnig:hi
be favorable to the Highway Commission
because it would be a mile shorter than
the existing route.
''But this is a question that obviously
Involves the Ci!y nf Huntington Beach,
hecause it goes across an area v.·hcrc.
rapid development (n1ostly residenlia!J JS
taking place .. ,
Scl'eral years ago, Hu ntington Beach
stipp:irted ;in 1nl11nd alignment for the
lree1\·ay. It got one , as far inland as
Beach Bou!e\·ard and Adams Avenue_ Bul
from there. the adopted route slires
<1hn1plly loward the coastline 1n the area
vf Beach Boulevard and Coast Highway.
Since then. \\'ilson reported, Huntington
Reach city officials have sho~·n no en-
U1u s1asn1 for further involvcn1ent Jn !.he
route rontroversy.
•·Jf we can't gain the cooperat ion Ill
ll untinglon Beach on this," said \Vil son,
",\/ewport's only altt>rnative is to 1ry rro
i:rt lhr state 10 S\1·1ng lhe roulc heh1nd
lln:1g i\1en1orial star11ng :it a point ;i~
Brookhurst and the highway."'
H1111tiI1gto11 Stole11 Ca1·d
Case Linl{ed to Rohhe1·y
A Hunungton Beach pol1cr ca~ 1n·
volving stolen crechl cards m11\·cd 1n
-La;:una Beach ll')d a\' as rcihce snughl In
r1uest1on tYi o :suspt'cts nn an ar1ncd rob·
bfrv in Laguna.
On Ocr. 16, ~hchael Richard Conklin .
21!. of 17~6 \\'rstrl1 ff Drl\'t>, f\ewport
Bea( /1, rePQrtcd t(J L:1guna rollre th:it 11r
h.ld p1rked up tv.·o 1nrn 111 llunhngtn n
He ach and g1,·en them a rirl e to Liii:una
11here !hey ;i\lrgMly p111lrd a knife and
1001\ hi s.-v.·;ill<'t cr•n1;11111ng !ll'lll('Y and
crrdit c.i rdl'
Tnat night. Huntington !3each p<1l1re,
alrrtrd hv credit card cnn1pa11ie5. pic kc1I
up George Brinley. 20, of \\'est ll ol \;.-·11·ood
:incl Cunis Andcr,on, IS, of Long Beach.
as Brinlev anempr ed to 11sr a crrd1t
rard to riiakc a purcha5c ln a c)o\hing
Anderson. \\'h!l ~·as not in pnssrss100 nr
any of the credit cards, \\as released, but
Request Studied
For llealth Spa
A request for a heallh .spa in Founlain
Valley will agaln appe;:1 r on a bncf ph1n·
ning commission agenda al 7 .30 p.m.,
Planners had delaved a previous public
hearing on the he3\th i;pa in (lrdrr lo
11uesllon the applicant. Beverl y Anderson.
operator of a similar facility in Ne~·port
Onf' ot her Hern, ;i reQ11rst lo srrvr brer
nl Phil's !'.texican Food, IS also schtdu!rd
for a public hearinf;.
Two Arabs Sentenced
For Anti-Israel Acts
HEBRON, Occupied Jordan (l"PI) -
An Israeli military court ~lonrlay i::en·
1cnced two He bron Arabs to 20 year!> in
prison for anti-Israeli activities. Israeli
~ecurily forces chnrged the Arab~
monitored radioed commands from Al
Falah guerrillas ln An1man, includln,:: an
ordeo· lo Sf't off a tnickload of explos1\·es
in downto~'TI J enisalcm. Thry were sc 1z-
t.cd bclore they could do it, l.srael $id.
• (
p1rkl"l \!fl again later a~ a sv~pecl in a
!!un11ni:;1on Beach burglary ca!'<'.
Con1paring notes on the m1ss1n~ tard~
:ind Conklln's dcscrlpt1on of h 1 '>
:..;;s.'.lilanl s, the two police drparlments
1fcriderl 1hcy apparently 11·rrc 11·or k1ng on
the .!>ame case.
flr1nley v.:as br ollght to Laguna Bra rh
J,111 '.\1onda y to face arraignment on 1hf'
,,r111rd rifbbcry cou nt His cornp:::rri1011 11 111
f,,, 111rkr<! 11p hy l.a .'(una Beach policr ,
!hrv rrportcd, v.·hen the l!un11n,':1 on
Bea.:h hurglary m<itter is ta1 e11 care ol .
'.\1ranwhile. po ller in both ('Illes arr
)f10 k1ng for the rest of the stolen credit
Ocean Vie'v OKs
Try for $60,000
In State Funds
Tru!'!er!' l'lf the: Ocean ViPw Srhnril
f11!'trict J\1onday said they seek S60,000 in
federal funds for a library at Park \'icw
The money will become av11ilable under
1he E!en1entary and Secondary Edur;i.tinn
Art. according lo Dist. Supt. Clarence
ll:rll ~ai~ Park View Schoo1 \\;t:o;
.~elrc1cd bccau!'e: ii has 1.i'H' requ irerl n1Hn·
l'lf'r of !'qu are feet available for a libra ry
flf l hi~ type. '
!Ir added that the sum of monr.I' \1oul d
rrpr<'sPnl about 7,000 volume.~ of hooks
:ind t;J 6.QOO 1n audlo-\·isual tf"arhing aids.
"P.~lahl1shmt'nt and o~ratirin of a
l1hrary or lhis type denlonslrJtcs the
f"rlncstinna\ value of an adequate school
l1br!lry or ins1rurtional materials cen1c r
~f'T\·ing child ren and teachers in a single
:i11f'ndance area," he said . "It will be of
rlirccl benefit to the children of this
d1 t!rfc1.··
111 olhcr action, the trustees approvt<l
r -.:f)f'n1lilure at $100 per school to
purchase eQll lpTTlt'nt to be used in an
aftrr-school rccrcauon program bt'ginning
i'\.11· :1.
The rity·sf>Onsorrd program will IX': of.
frrl'fl from 3 30 p.m. to 5 pm. al abnlli 11'1
of the district's ~hools. 111e Iota I cost of
lhr proi:irain, "'ilh lhe exception of e<JUip-
111cnt. i~ raid for by the Ci1y nf llun·
t1ng1on Beach .
But he !nllicatrd little optl111isr11 a ~.:iut
!he sla te finding that an ncceplable
nlternativc. "Fra11klv. I think th is \viii he
1!ifficult 10 !'C'll !u 1lic .~tatr ." hf' !'fl ld. "ll
v.ould be slightly ](ini;t·r than lhc ;idoptc<l
r\e11·port c11;. rriunr1hn<'n Li st 11·cr \.: in·
'-lructed the ir ~taff to rrc p<1rc a prcsrn·
tation arguing for reopening nf route
hearings hy ~hr ll ii::hway Comm ission.
\\'1lson !'aid 1t 1• poo;~1blr'th<' prrsrn1;1tr.:ln
v.ill IJc rnll<li! at the co:111niss1on·s
November or J anuary t11<'rt1 ng_
lie s;ud, hn11·evrr. lha t !he ci!~'·s ''he~t
position" would be to agree on a sprcd1c
alrcmative route .
"If we h:t\c ii \Vlile npen,'· he s;i id. "wr.
r ,1n"t bl't l)Jf' ('01\!'U rl l'll{'I' "' r(\~·ljl
'.\lcsa," Offlcia ls in that citv h<h'C :-;i1d
thaL 1f NewJlljrt 11:i11ts to rr·r:iu1c 1he
frcr1\;1y. lh<il's all r ight with 1hrn1, ds
trn1g as 1t stays in t\rwport.
Newport '.~ pre i;f'n l:111on of fl prrt'I~<'
:il1 gnn1ent 1(l !he :-late would as!>L1ag1' ,111y
Co~ta :-.1esa r.oncern, \V11.o;on i11d1ca1 crL
Counclln1r11 last week :igrerd Cn.,ta
:--tesa terr1torv !'hould nol be tou!'hrrl by
;iny nc\v roiitin~. Tlut thf',V voiecd na
prf'frrrnrr for ,1ny p.1 rticul;1r al1gnn1t.'!'\t.
11h1ch wou ld. nl nrec~~1ty. cut n hur•', 10·
J.1nr :,11;11h through l..i ewport [lr1gh1~
\\'1ls11n tnltl ehambc r dlrf'r1or.:; lhnl thr
r·oJ~t Freev.'ay , as now planned b) the
!>\;t!r. 11 ou1 c:·
-\\'ipc nu! n1n•l h11~ n<·--.r~ n11 111,.
n'lrlh i.lrlf' ol \\'r~t l p,1~t l\1,:11·.··•. tr• 111
111r r11·f'r 11 1hc ha1
T.ikr llul a· h1i.: ··hunk of lloa;
\J.·111r.r1:1I lln!'p!lill prPprrjv .i!nni;: \hr>
.~out hr rn f'di,:r.
-l'rri·l11dc :in• tl\,1r111,1 ,i,.-.rl11p:11• 1 !
1-.Pihn(t Nr1.1·por! Short'"'·
-Hr~u lt in ;i 25·1001 h111h !111 11a\\1 ot
••If \\'r:-t Ne\\•port'~ l1t'.tc)1 ,,rr,1 frnn1 Ilic
r1·~\ nf the ron1n1un1\1·.
Concerni ng pn!'~lh\r 11 a 1 r r 11 .:i v ~
11p~1 rra m of 1hr ~<i nl.1 A n~• ltl 1'r. \\11~"11
~:1Hl 1t I' 11nl1kcly till' c·11v 11·uuld 11" .-.111·~
1 .. ('On11n1." tl1c ::,trilc l•1 !'h,1n~!." 1h•'
t'llt1t1ng nn the bi1s1' o/ :i s ,,\t'I 'ti'·
r,.futabl c.'' plan:. tu build a 111<1r;n,1 111 Ille
lnCC'ni;ed hy a court blockade of the fir·
i• :; r f l CLA co n1munist instructor
;\r.~cl a T).11·1s, Aseemblyman Robert ll.
li:irk~ I It-Huntington Beach) tod ay joined
;; rltolrU5 t1f prot esting legislators.
The 01·ertu rn1ng in Los Angeles
Superior Court of l\1iss Davis' dismissal
l•·d llu rkc 111 dt•1nand todety lhat loyalty
'l:tth !rgis!ation he introd uced in the past
~1 ~:-inn be appro1·ed as soon as possible.
··Ti-.is measure \\'ould requi re a stall'·
n1rnt llf lflyalty for all stale emp!oyes
11 hi::h wo11ld fu lfill the ed icts of the U.S.
S11prc1ne. Court." said Burke, \\'ho feels
th r J).ivls ct1se may swing it.
"'l 'lt" 1r1ed in the past to gel a loyalty
oa th v.-hich would accom plish this ap-
11ro1 cr! but the npponcn!s pooh-poohed thr
IH'rd by ~tJt1ng nothing like this ever
ln1pprn; \\'ell it ha s happened," he. said.
Burkes' mc;i~urc \VOUld in part stale
1'1;-.t 11·iit'n :i11y 11ubl1 e ctnployc advocates,
or l' ).(nDwingly a rnen1bcr of the Corn·
111uo1~t pt1rty or ;iny organization he
h11riv. s adl'oc;ites the O\'Cr1hrow of U.S. or
l :i!1lr.rn1 a ~ovcrnmenl by force or
11'll"nee, 11·11 h the 1nlc nt In furthrr suth
;111 .'1111. thi~ 11oui:l be !'uf!ic1cnt caus:: for
l'nyc 1
l{AFFE R1'Y . • •
.'-" ,r·t,. ',i!led J11dgc Pach! a 'career
t• !t15t ·· The-1\rcad1 a Republican c.ited a
1'117 rcpi1r t of the Legislature':s Ln·
.\n1rrtl'<111 At t111ucs Con1n1hlee whlch
, · olrd \h;J! Jn 1945 Pacht v.as a guest
1-1, ,1J.,r r bt;forr the An1eri can Youth for
lh1n •1cr:H·), 11 h1c h 1hc con1mitrce con·
I• •11h·d • luilo v.s the Co1nn1un1sl Party
1 ·.i· 111 .lrLl 1nrr! 111
!'whardson s :starcinent.
I 'l 1,l,
1•1"1mme11t o n
He was 22 in
l'our Omtg,,
SilltJ &: Scn.i.ct
He added, "If the public doesn't want
1n blly them, I guess v.·e'!l take them ofr
the shelves."
In Huntington Beach, thc manager o{
\'on's store 90, v.·ho decHned to identify
hirnself. said, "Any information on thil
has to come out of our El Monte head·
Beacl1 Planners
Get Second Looi{
At Ga s Station
Standard Oil Company's much-de bated
st•rvice station comes before the Hun-
tingto n Beach Planning Commission
again tonight at 7 o'clock in the City
Co11rci l Chambers.
Tl:e station, proposed for loca t1on at
11ic southv.·est corner of \Varnrr Ave nue
;il'\d Golden Wesl Street, became the
(.~r.ter of a controversy over rsthetic
desig n some \\'eeks ago.
~leanwhle, a cit y attorncy·s report
forv:arded to the planning commission
hac: disclosed that therc v.·ould be nothini;:
illegal about requiring ga ~ :stations lo bC
f1 r.~t appro\'ed by the. Design Review
Sr\rral city councilmen. i ncludin~
;1!;.,vor Jack Green ha\c conlrn<led that
rf'f'fnl gas stations do not con1e: up 10
r .=thet ic standards. lra\·i ng much lo be
de~ired in thr lr dC's1g11.
1\t tonight's meeting the plannrr, 111;.iy
rf'fc r the ~talion plans to the rev 1t'w
hQard rnr the first Lime, 1n1l1J1Jng J ne·,.,.
Cl!" poliC'}'
Also scheduled for pla nning com·
mi~~ion ar fion is a use rcnn11 for !he rx·
11an~1on of :in c-x1:,1111g eri111 ,1lr~crnt
hv~p1 !al into an 8(}·bcd :.n1all i;:cneral
Th e present hosp11al. oprr;:i1cd b.v I I. B
II . Inc .. i.~ located nn lhe ea~t side of
rK!a v.·are Street. south of to.lain Stre<"l.
--,__, .. ,Mn
~ ...
FREE • C1.....t • Oiied
•.UI.,.... "Alli
R£·STRUHG ffOlll $2.00
.,,., •• ..., lfl!ll o .. .,.
Sp••'"'"'''' .... It-~ ...
cury "''' u 11<t•• •i!~
a .. t ony ... od<r.c11: •• ~.,
NASA I• l.1 ""''" ~y '"'
1111• e• th• "'•••• TJ, I
ltCot nitio•, l111!y • ••·
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Moln Ml ,r•u• 11 ~I
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....,.~ ...... .., lt!1 lllt• ••
S!llD, fr0111
llPLACIO, fro• $6.00
W"4 lll 1'0U WAn
Huntin9t0• Center
Btach at Edinqer
!ht -··· ,,,,, 11 '"
and back
Harbor Shoppinq Center
2300 Harbor Blvd.
192-5501 545-9485
. I
' I
t I
. . . . ~·~·~.:-:.-:-.~.:--..".·--:~~,..,.~~·-;--;~~"ri1~~FF'lr-1'l""tr":',.~c~•:.•P'.'.'r.~1~.~Pc .. ~'·;:~·••r-.•""''_,';',...,'-•'"'• ... •"'""••..,,..,,.,,.. ... , ... ,,~,, ...... ,,,,,,~,~·~··""'·'•>,..,,•,.-.... , ..... ,..,, .. , •• ...,,,..,..,,=> ... ~• ..... ,.. .. 1,
T11Hd.1r, October 21, 1%9 H DAILY PILOT :J
Panel Seeks Air Transport Problem Solution
During the ncxl decade n1a11y serious
proble1ns Jl)U~t be solved 1( our air
transportation systc111 Is Lo happily co-ex·
tst with the community.
\\'hat can be done <ibout these problem.~
and how they mny possibly be solved
beca·me the subject of a panel diseti!isiori
today bet\\-·een four e,;pcrlS al the annual
meeting of the Aincncan lnstllule <JL
Aeronautics and Astronautics I r1
?l:lajor General Clift()n F. Von Kan n
/USAF-rel.), now vice president of opera-
tions and eng1netr1ng at I.he Orpartn1ent
or Transporlalion In Washington 0 .C.,
said, ''A CiJllision between our technology
and the qllal1ty or our life appears im-
minent. If these problems go unsolvet.l
our civilization wi!I be torn apart.''
He cited this organization in the
transportation industry as one of lhe ma.
JOr maladies, saying "fro1n th e
Spinning Through Space, A Giant Lab From Which to Probe fhe· Unknown
Space Station Plans Told
H1tnti11 gto1i's Alltronautics l 'hief Predicts 1975 Orbit
Designs fur a 12-ni:in ear\11-0rbiling
&pace station \\·ere rcv!'alc<l l\londay by
An engineer for f\1 cDonncll Dougla.!
As1ronauLics Company In 11Unlington
Speaking before lhc annual meeting of
the Am<'rican 1nstitute or Aeronautics
21 nd Astronautics iri Anaheim, F'ritz C.
Runge, l\·1cDonncll Douglas program
manager for advanced space sl<:1 tlons,
said lhc s!Jl\on C'OUld he pl.1ccd Into orbit
by a Saturn V clrr1vat1ve V'ehiclc by 1975.
Shuttle vehicles of an advanced lifting
body confijlur:ition. lie sa id, could ferry
the cre1v lo the orbi1ing co111plcx, ir !he
t·urrent r;i te of technological progress
contin ues.
''In three to !il'e vears," Runi::e ~aid,
"Ulis 12-man space s"ta tion could grow in·
l.o a SO-nu1n space base by lhP addition nf
r sscnt1ally duplicate modules to the
origH)al onr.
"As many a~ f11·e n1odulcs wi1h dif·
fcrent types of e xper1n1ents could be
clustered to form such a space b<ise
lra\'ehng :ibotil ihe earth 1n a circular
250·nautical-n11le p;!lh. Each modulr.
v.·otild be a fi ve-floor ~tructurc, 33 feet in
2 Officers Eject
As Jct 'fraincr
Plunges in Sea
Two unit cor11manding offi cers ejected
'.lafel,Y five miles ;it sea of[ Laguna Beach
Monday, after lhcir jet trainer developed
control trouble on a flight from El Toro
1Iarine Corps Air Station.
They were picked up by a helicopter
from lhe Marine Corps Air Station Santa
Ana, while lh!! crippled TA4F' Skyhel'·k
trainer do\'c in to the ocean, disintegrated
;ind sank.
rrhe pi lot \1•:1.~ identified as Lt. Col.
Jlerbcrt L. \Ynghl, 41, rif I 220
Candlcwood SL. Orange. commanding of·
ficer (Jr lleadquarters and Maintenance
Squadron 33, sccording to b a s e
Copilot was Ll. Col. Jerry 1-:. Kehrlc.,
37, of 1722 Mi!che!l Ave., Sanla Ana cnm·
manding oHie£r or r.tarlne Air Ba:r;e
Squadron 33, '"'ho, like his rnrnpanion,
escaped injury when forcrd lo ditch.
Authorities ~aid the men cncounl<'red
dirficulty with the aircraft's control
~ystem bcfore heading it out to !lea and
bailing (}ff the C1:last at Emerald Bay.
Ac tor Paul Lukas
Injured .iu Accident
PAL~l SPRINGS (UPI) -Ac.ademy
Aw"rd·wlnnlng actor Paul Luk.a!', 75, suf.
re.red a fractured col:irbone and ribs
~lnnday nrght \\-'hen his car "·as
:-;1rlcsw!ped and II. struck a utility pole.
Lukas, "·ho lives hcrl', v.•as a1one al lhe
I 1mc of the :iccidcnt . which occurrrd two
h!OC'ks fro1n Dcsrrt llospilal. A hospita l
i:.pokesm11n dcscr1brd tuii injuri es a~
"'ve ry pa1n£ul.'1
diameter and 40 feet in \engl.h."
Once placed into orbit, the primary
purpose of the station will be to provide
an extra-terrestrial base from which to
conduct experiments in astrcmOmy, space
:;cience, met.eorology, marine life. geol-
(}gy, air and water pollution, crop disease
and other global phenomena.
Special m aterials may some day be
processed in the \Yeightlessness and
vacuum in outer space and expcrimenl.3
in that direction \\'ii! be conducted hy the
Ilrst men to inhnbit the station as wCll.
As an example of such production,
Runge cited the possibility that vaccines
can be grown faster ln space, th us pro-
viding a quicker reaction capability to
counter epidemics on earth.
Runge sald the space base would scr\'e
;is lhe control center for the free.flying
niodules ,1·hich '1ould n1ainlain a
separale orbit becau~e of effluent and
vibrations problems that might affect the
The unmanned modules would he
capable of carrying out thei r 011'n scien-
tific explorations automatically and coul d
be docked to the central base at will, ac·
Lording to Runge.
Portions of the base could be rot;ilcd
around a central core ln providc artificial
gravity for visitors unfamiliar \>.'ilh ex·
tended periods ol weightlessness.
Si:t 1nonths "·ould be the maximu1n
t\mc a cre\\·man would remain 1n space
ba~e, according to Runge,
Electric power would be developed
either through large !iiOlar panels or
through nuclear power if the. technology
IS sufficiently advanced at that time.
B(:twcen 25 and 100 kilow<it!s of electric:
JX!Wcr ll'ill be nel'essary to op~ratc equip-
1nenl in the st;:i tion. That is 2J to JOO
limes as much cleclricJl j}O\\'er as in the
avcr;.ge Southern Ca!ifomia hQ111c.
fl1 cl)onnell Douglas :;cicnt1sts Robcrl L.
<"lt•rva1s and Vern D. Kirkland s;;1d power
l"l'qUircments for the 50-man base v.·ould
be mcrcased to JOO-kilowatts and ""ould
he.!'l be hand led by two nu clc;1r reactor
~y~tc1ns v.·l'1gh1ng 50,000 to 75 ,000 pounds.
lniual powrr requiremcnl fur the 12·
n1;1r stalion \rould be about 2S k1lov.·a11s.
1\l<·Drinnrll Do11gla<; J<; nnr nf '"'"
Orange County space industnr<; '"ho 1-1•ete
recrr.tly awarded 1wn p.1r:illrl <lesi~n
fea~1h1h1y t•cmtracts for ~11<1rc :;t;1tions hy
/\i\Si\. The 01h1'r 1-. r\onh American
.nockwell Corporat1rin·s SLJaCC s yslenlii
di\ 1s1on in Seal Beach.
Martial Law P1·oclai1ned
In Cliile Army Revolt
SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) -President
Edu<i rdo Frei 1-Ionlalva imposed a stale
of si ege on Chile. today and recessed
Congress indeUnitcly amid mounting
reports o( a burge<>ning anny rebellion in
lhis copper-rich land where U.S. firms
h;ive about $l billirn in mining in·
'f"·o army un its or the 2nd Division.
based in S:intiago, rebelled early in the
cla y, and '''ilhin hours there were persis-
tent reports thal other unils ll'ere joining
in_ The government announced it was
lacing "an attempt at military sedition.''
A presidenlial decree read lo the nation
over radio and television proclaimed the
state of siege, which is a modified forn1
of martial law.
Steinl1aus Rites
Scheduled Friday
r.temorial funeral ~rvi~ for famed
lJC Trvine scientist Dr. Edward A.
Stc.inhaus will be held Friday.
Dr, St.cinhaus, 54, of 241fl Blacl..1hom
St., Ne.wport Beach, died Monday morn·
ing in his i;!ecp.
f.femorial services will be al 11 a m .
Friday a t Corona de! r.1ar Community
Congregational Church, 611 Jleliolrope
Ave., the. Rev. Phillir Murray officiating.
Privale burial wi ll follow al Pacific
\'i"1v ~1emorial Park, Corona del l\1ar.
Or. Steinhau.~ is survived hy his wiff',
r.l::i t:>rs: rhildren. Tirn <inrl Cindy, of
th~ home, and ?l·largarlt Gor.tz, of
Holhuwt: hi!! moth('r, 11>1r~. 111 I cc
Stetnhnus, .:tnd hrothcrs Rnlph, Jnhn and
J ames.
Tl1..:. crisi.~ in Chile, which has not had a
military coup in more than 30 years,
lollo\l'S by only a year on a rmy revolt
which seized power in Peru, and a more
recent military upheaval in Bolivia, fn
both or \\-'hit"h cases t.;.S. firms "'ere sciz.
In \V:ishington officials sairl the issues
in lh':.' Chilean uprisin~ related If) military
pay levels and other improvements in the
status: of the 1ni1Hary. The controversy
het\veen lhc govcrnn1enl and off icers
lry~11g to force changes has been building
up fur wcrks. A CIA spokesman said the
agency had been aware of devcloprnerils
leading lo this turn or events in Chile for
lhe last 6 week s.
The leader of tile unrising in Chile ap-
peared to be Brig. Gen. Rohcrto Viaux
f\.fnram!x1, who was promoted lo general
()ffiLc status nine mnnths ago and then
retired from command of 1he Isl infantry
d'1vision al Antofa gasl.1, 500 mites north
of Sanliago. His retirement stirred new
unrest a mong army officers already
disaffttted because or their low pay.
Billy Graha111 lo !\lark
Nixou Prayct· Day
WASHINGTON (AP) -The Rev. Billy
{;raham will rleliver brief remarks and a
benediction WM ne.<:(lay at a "Nritional
Oay of Prayer" breakfast al U1c \'{hite
I louse.
Presidt.nl Nocon has invi!.('(l prayl'r
Rrou ps fro1n the House and Senii le. to a!·
1rnd the breakrast, an<! " scna1or will
re:id the. scriptures at !he oh~r\lance.
pas.seDger's viewpoint the transportation
system is anything but a 1ystem. One
wonde.rs why things hang together as well
as they do."
"I've got a bellyrul or all this bitching
about our problem.!i." :said George Had·
daway , another panel member and
publisher of Flight M:igatine in Dallas,
Texas. "We've got to take advantage of
Trouble Hinted
the-things we have l'Oinl for us 10 that
we can stop crying in our beet."
Haddaway said he felt opUmi..stic about
solving these problems becauae industry
and government representatives are
finally getting together "on the tllh.
"Our problcw can be aolved becaw•
Soviets Ready
Space Station
U~I SP1c1 Wrlttr
'rile. first manned space station to orbit
the ll'Orld may bear the red hammer and
sickle of the Soviet Union.
Space experts attending the annual
111ec1ing of America's most prestigious
aerospace society Monday in Anaheim
said the Russi ans already have flight
tes!f:ci all the elements of an embryonic
:>pace station and may soon attemPl to
crc:ilc one.
A 1najor puu.le, they said, is why no
such station was put together during the
flight of Soyuz 6, Soyuz 7 and &lyuz 8 this
1non!h. The. answer may be that !rouble
developed during I.he flight, they said.
Fritz C. Runge, space station program
1nanager for the McDonnell Douglas
Astronautics Company of Huntington
Beach, .. aid the three space vehicles -
carrying a total of seven cosmonauts -
constituted the :sections for "modules" or
a total slation.
.. They had space station equipment up
there," he told a news conference at the
~\x th a1U1ual meeting or tile American
ln ~1 i!u le of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
''They esscnUally have a minor space
station right now that ls flightworthy. t
don't know why they dldn't use it longer.
They may have had trouble."
Another possibility, Runge said, is that
the Russians were testing I.he iitatioa
components individually before trying a
fligbt to link them up - a technique
<i!ready demonstrated on earlier Soyuz
1-le said he would not be surprised il the
Russlans tried another flight soon to link
up several vehicles.
The Russians. although p o s !!i i b I y
operating on a faster timetable than the
U.S. are not ahead in developing the
technology to build space stations, said
Charles R. Ellsworth, of the U.S. Space
Ellsworlh, manager of the agency's
early space slation program at Marshall
Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala .,
said the U.S. today has all the
technolog ical know-how needed to build
:-;pace station. U.S. plans call for a three·
man orbit.al workshop in 1972, followed in
1975 by a 12-man space station that would
be enlarged, sect.ion by section, until it
became a 50-man .!ipace base by 1980.
Plans for tile space stat.ion were a ma-
jor toplc at the meeting today and Mon·
Japan Students Rampage
111 Tokyo Against U.S.
TOKYO (UPI) Hu ndreds of
lhousands or left-wing students rampaged
through the streets of Tokyo and clashed
V.'ith police today in an antiwar
den1onstratlon with violent anti·American
The students halted commuter tra'ins.
J111rled firebombs in surpr ise attatks on
police cars and public buildings, battled
police v.·ith tom up chunks of pavement
;ind tried in vain to invade U.S. air bases
to bQm b lhe1n.
Lesser disorders hit other Japanese
ri11 cs and police announced 1.120 perso ns
had been j;:iiled in the country, 718 o[
!hem in Tokyo. Police said 4fl civilians
11·crc injured and 21 police, most of them
burned by flaming Molotov cocktails.
Al Tachikawa U.!'i. Air Force Ba~e
n11l1 tary police arrested Shinji Kato, 24,
"·ho tried to crash into the ba se in a
rented car and blow up a C130 cargo
plane \\'lib dynamite because Amerlca.n
lfcavies t Llsses
Since Lull Began;
14 Americans Die
SAIGON IUPI) -Communiques from
U.!'i. headquarter.o; toda y li~ted 1-4
An1ericans dead end :1i wollnded -tbe
heaviest single day of losses reported
since the batlefield lull began six. weeks
A Iola! of 166 Viel Cong and North Viet-
namese were killed in the fightlng -the
S<'Cond :successive cla y of increased COTll·
bat marring the lull that began Sept. 17.
Spokesmen for Gen. Creighton \V,
Abrams. the U.S. commander in Viet-
tiam. said the American C<Jmmand con·
siders the Juli st ill in effect d<'spite the
nPw fighting and report.s of impending
Communist attacks.
As lhc level of combat increased, so did
the rate (}f the latest American troop
\>.'ithdrawals. Heridquarters said a bat-
talion of the 4lh Marine. Regiment, 2,300
men. had begun withdrawing to Okinawa
Sunrlay and would be gone by the
weekend .
planes were used fn Vietnam. He was
caught beneath the plane the dynamite
still int.act.
Another man tossed a homemade bomb
over the fence of nearby Yokota Air
Force Base and escaped. The bomb failed
to explode.
Police said an estimated •:>0,000
perSQns took part in Ule mostly violent
demonstrations in 594 points throughout
!he country, including all major cities, in
demanding tiiat the United States im-
mediately tum Okinawa back to Japan.
The protesters forced a halt to subway
and rail service in Tokyo. lncidenl.5 were
reported at t\\-"O U.S. Air Force bases on
Tokyo's oulskirts.
Sludent..s overturned a utomobiles, r ip-
pini; apart police sentry boxes and hurled
f.·!olot.ov cocktails. They tri~ to stack up
the cars to fonn barricades but fled when
police arrived.
As if to reafflnn U.S . ..Japanese Lies,
Prime. f.finisle r Eisaku Sat.o conferred
!his afternoon wilh fonner \•ice president
Hubert ll Humphrey who had offered to
call otr !he meeting because of the
17 Dems Sponsor
Anti-oil Bill
\VASHl NGTON (AP) -Seventeen
Ca!ifomia Democratic Congressmen are
sponsors of a bill to suspend oUshore oil
lasing unlil lhe fedual parkland
purchase fund is fully released.
If the bill passes, Rep. Jeffrey Cohelan
said Monday, oil produce.rs might be bet~
tcr able lhan con.servationisb to persuade
the Nixon administration to spend for
parks at the authorized r ale or $200
million a year.
11iis year only $124 million will be
spent, said Cohe1an, the bill's chief
sponr<0r. He sald the Polnt Reyes Na·
tiC1nal Seashore is one place where ad-
ditional land shou ld be boughl
Off~hore oil lea~ing fees are part of the
Land and Water Conservation Fund,
we ha'·~ th~ technology 3ncf the money,"
he added. But he pointed out the ntt'1 t<>
de\•elop some concret.e short and long
range plans.
He said in his hometown of Dallas, lhe
mayor through the aid of lhe community ,
developed a series of objectives called
"Goal:. for Dallas" lo which community
m~mbers and airline industry people
might address themselves in finding •
solulion for the problem.
John F. Collini;, professor or urban af-
fairs at ~1IT and former mayor of
Boston, said the expansion of airport
facilities alwa~·s encounters th e ob-
jections of the local citizenry for air lrar.
fie, noise and safely reasons.
He off<'red some suggestions, however,
on ~w to make e:ristlng airports realize
their present potentials better.
_Collins said that a change in the
airport-use pricing schedule to fa vor
commercial aviation is definitely needed.
Increases in the landing fees \\'Ould ef-
fecli\'ely clear tbe runways of much of it.!
current general aviation traffic, he sug-
gested .
In addition, he said, airlines shl'}Uld
raise their fares during certain hours of
the day lo eliminate congestion durin~
pea_k periods. "\'Ve should discourage
P.assengers \Yho do not require these
Equipment inves!ments for air traffic:
controls and obsolete rules which hinder
rather than promote safety should also be
looked at in revamping the system the:
Massachusetts professor said. '
"l don't see the money coming for all
(}f our needs," said another panel
member Alfred H. Norling, director of
research for Rosenthal and Company, In-
vestment bankers. ~le pointed out that
mergers and consolidations within the
present carriers might pm,•ide financial
assistance to bring about changes.
Secor D. Borwne, assistant secretary
for research and technology at the
Department of Transportation ta
Washington, D.C. said "\\-'e need trt
restore confidence in our carriers. Therf!
i~ a cert.a.in amount of denigration or bar!
mouthing going on which is eating into a ll
element.1 of our society."
He stressed the need for a constructive
program to implement changes rather
than overwhelming negative criticism.
Browne also pointed out the need fo r
continued research into tho m atter of
supersonic transports If the United Stales
intends ti) r etain its pre-eminence in
Baker to Seek
6-county Smog
Control Agency
Orange Counly Supervisor David Baku
will ask SUpt'rvisors of neighboring
Southland counties Oct. 30 to b.1ck his
proposal for creation or a six-county air
pollution control agcncr.
Baker said Monday that hf! hoP"!'l tn
P_lace the suggestion on an agenda to be
di scussed by representatives of the six
counties at their Palm Springs mctting.
"It is !he same proposal that I offered
Jast v.·eekend lo the Breathable Air Coun-
cil," Baker said. "It does not repreSf'nt
the thinking of my board of supervisors
and is my own personal approach
towards attacking this mounting smog
probl<tn (Jn a regional basis ."'
Baker will wam the Palm Springs con-
ference that "pollutants know no houn-
daries. '' He suggested to the Breathable
Air Counci l that "each of the six air
pollution control districts in the (Los
Angeles) basin should enter into a joint
powers agreement.''
That agreement wou!d bind the coun-
ties of Orange, Riverside, Los Angeles,
San Bernardino, Venlllra a nd Imperial in-
to one air pollulion control agency.
"We must,'' sriid Baker, "set up 11
singl e agency which can identify the pro-
hlem areas, t's\ablish effective regu!a.
lions and then enforce !hose regu la tions.
Baker, \\-'ho serVl'S as chairman of 1hP
recently organized state Environmental
Quality S!11dy Counci1, adinitted that en·
forcement of any regulations devised bf
the hoped-for, six-coun!y agency "wi!I he
very difficult. especially when it ct1mes to
monitoring motor vehicles."
There are, he said. mnre !hen !)(l(l,000
registered molor vehicles in Oranj:le:
County alone-JO percent more than the
auto level recorded in 1968.
Baker's stance was backed at the
Breathable Air Council meeting by
Assemblyman Ken Cl'l ry , (D·Anaheim).
Cory stressed lhe need rnr :o;tricier rinti·•
pollution la\\'S "at the national and state
"There are those \\'ho believe that ihe
problem or pollution should he left to In··
dustry to solve." Cn ry said. ''But govern·
ment has a right to con~rn IL'!el f when
the environment becomes uninhabitable."
Copter Service
Remains Crippled
Death "Trips'
Youngsters Inject Peanut Butter
1-lelicoptcr commuter service remained
cript:~'<i rrom Newport Beach 1 n
Anahei m, Riverside, Van Nuys and point!
around the route today as a strike
against Los Angeles Airways continued.
The walkout by 30 LAA pilol.!I and 55
ground crew employes began Monday,
when the Airline Pilots Association st.ruck
the line following collapse of 16 months
negoti ations.
The bargainers want a 14 per«nl pay
increase and a fi ve·hour·per·month
reduction in Qylng time, while the com·
pany reportecfly offered a fi ve percent
\1'age hike.
A total of 70 LAA fiigh ts are offered
d;iily helwcen l..Qs Angeles lntemalional
/11rport and nine l'lthe.r communities, in·
eluding the two Qril(lge Counly stops.
CHICAGO (AP) -A federal drug e.:a:-
pert says young•er1 in JOme perta ol the
country have laken to injecting peanut
butter and mayonnaise Into their vehu as
.a substitute for narcotics.
In several documented cues the result
has been death. Eme..i;t A. Carabillo Jr., a
lawyer·phannacist in the Federal Bureau
of NarCQUc:s, told a news conferenci-
Carabillo 11aid the Information that
peanut butler end mayonnaise would
send users •·on a little trip" was ron-
tained in an underground recipe boQk
purporting to outline "culinary e!Capes
from reallty." '
9ther recent fads, he said, ln<!luded th~
use of paragoric, cleaning fhUd, I.he local
anesLhellc ethychlaride and freon, the
pressurized propellant ga& in a"°osol s.
Carabillo .said USt'.'ni of narcotic
substitute confused the bizarre and toxic
reactions with the so-called "high'' pr<>-
vided by such drugs as heroin or mari ..
juana. }fe cited the smoking of dried
banan1 skins. a fad of a couple of yeara.
ago, ~ an example.
Frank Gulich, a narcotics bureau o(.
flc ial stationed in Chicago, said the
underground "cook books'' usually sell
for a bout $1 and oflen give the formulas
for preparing drugs such a11 LSD.
Drug users, Gulich said, are ''always
looking for new drugs that won't be a
violation of the law."
Carabilln, said Gulich appearert at the
iinnual meeUng or the A n1 er I ea n
Acaderw Clf Pediatrics.
.;____;..;.. ~-~ ----.-~-·-
A member of a teen-age roc k
band is free to return to school this
'veek in accord \vi th grooming
rules -provided he conceals hi s
shoulder-length tresses under a
short-hair wig. Parents of Cele
8oec:k, 17, told Mayville, Wi s., high
school officials last week the wig
had been ordered, and the school
board voted 5-1 to accept the co1n-
promise. Boeck has been ou t of
school six weeks, refusing to trim
the hair style \\'hith he said was
part of his professional muslc a t-
tire. The board bad ruled the long
hair violated a ~roon1ing code
adopted by the student cowicil. • l'l" .. ""'""""""'""~'I'c:;·-~~ ~-' Enrollme-nt in segregat ed priu-; 1
att schools in the So uth has in· J crcnsed ten fold since passage 1 oJ the 1964 Civil Rights A ct. a
publication of the Soui/1er1t ·
Regional Council ltas reported. ~.
Russian Konstantin Faoktistov {l•ft) •nd Frank Bormi1n J oin 'Dolly' on Stag•
Thi! publication said many <Jf 1,
thl! school.f are nonaccrr.dited !•
and substandard. It .safd the ! 1
schools represent the largest j:
obstacle to racial school deseg. fi
regatian and qlUJ.lily educatio n
NY Welcomes Cosmonauts
iii ~h~ iou1h. Soviet.s Do Big Town , But Drink Only Vodka
• The quarterly electric bill s for a
nudist camp in \Vestern England
ranged from alarmingly high to
amazingly lo\v. Curious, the camp
s ecretary started asking question s.
The southwestern electric board
held an inquiry which revealed the
reguJ ar meter r eader for the camp
had been renting his official cap
and badge to friends for 30 cents.
The friends \c.>ere more intere sted
in the sights inside th e cam p than
in 1n eter reading and had errone·
ously jotted down the figures on thP-
meter dial s. The electric board
'1>ould not say if the regul ar reade r
had been stripped of his jbb. • P•ul•tt• Whitwort'1, a banking
consuJtant from Nashville, Tenn ..
\vas named i.American Business
Woman of th e Year" at the '"'eek·
end convention of the Americ an
Business \Vomen 's Association in
Detroit. •
NEW YORK (AP) -Tv.1l Soviet cos·
monauls -took in a Broadway i;how and
dined in a French res taurant on their
first day in the United States. They drank
CJnly vodka,
One of them said their warm welcome
"revealed hum anity at its best."
l\1aJ. Gen. Georgi T. Bercgovoi. 48, and
Konstantin Feoktistov, 43, a civilian, ar·
ri\'cd in New York flf onday from MoS<.'QW.
They immediately declined an invit ation
to Mayor John V. Lindsay's reception for
the New York Pifets, the l;iaseball world
"They have just had a 12.-hour jet trip
and they 're pooped ," said Col. Frank
Bonnan, the U.S. astronaut who is their
host on the two-week tour,
Beregovoi and Feoktistov went to their
Plaza Hotel m.iites to rest, then went to
see "He!Jo, Dolly!" with Pearl Bailey and
Ca b Calloway.
Miss Bailey brought the S o v i e t
spacemen and Bonnan on stage after the
Scott Rebukes Agnew's
Attack on War Critics
F.epublican Leader Hugh Scott, rebuking
Vice President Spi ro T. Ag new Without
na111ing him. ha~ ca lled for tolerance and
an end to •·name calling and accusation"
in the debate over Vietnam.
Scott. in his most evident disagree1nenl
\1·ilh the \Vhite House since his election as
the GoP·s Senate leader a month ago,
~aid "the administration must accept the
s1nt'cre intent of this dl'bate and of
demonstration~" as a pheno1nenon of
freedom and a product of anguish over
the· \\'a r.
Scot t's written statement, volunteered
late fllonday, did not mention AgMw. But
a !ource close. to the GOP leade.r made
clear the statement was prompted by
Agnew's Sunday attack on the war pro-
tes t movement.
Agne"'" in Ne w Orleans. said leader! of
the. protest movement are "hard core
dissidents and professlonal anarchis ts."
The vi ce president :oiaid they are being
encouraged by "an effete corp! of in-
pudent snobs who characteri z e
themselves as intellectuals."
show, to a stand ing ovation from the au·
··11ove you," she said, and kissed each
on the cheek ... But tell me , how do you
n1anage to fly up in space like tha t'?"
'·You h;ive IQ have time and ability to
everythi ng, .. Bi;-.rego\•oi told her.
"How we\11 k.nmv, honey ! l·!nw v.·cll l
know," Miss Bailey chortled, and the au·
dience roared.
The party then went to Chez Vito for a
!."lte su pper. 'The cosmorfki.Jts orrl!'red Co·
quHlc St. Jacques -a scallops·in-creain.
s<iuce dish -steak a nd vodka .
Beregovoi told newsmen, •·I was very
n1uch in1prcsscd not so rnuch v.-1th j11st
the ci ty as \rith the proplc and especially
the memorable people in the theater
whose "''elcome surpassed cordiality
because it revealed humani ty at its
The _ spacemen surprised t h e i r
American hosts by announcing they could
not make their scheduled stop at Cape:
Kennedy, F la .. where America launches
its tnoon tnissions.
They gave no explanation, but some
Ame rlc ans traveling with the party
speculated th at MoS!=!OW feared if the two
visited Cape Kennedy then V.'ashington
might request that American astronauts
be allowed to \'isit the Soviet secret
takeoff center at Baikonur in cen tral
Beregovoi and Feoktistov fle.w lo
Houston today to visit the Manned
Spacecraft Center and hold a news con·
The. Pennsylvania senator said such
protests .. wl!I not be stifled or talk ed
In Ne.\v 'York. Secretary nf State
\r 1!h<Hn r . Roger:-said the ad-
1ninlsLration h;is "listened wit h respect''
to opponents of the \var.
Beat Generation Autl1or,
.. Our President is s!ri vin~ fo r pea<'e in
\1ays that only the man in 1hat oHic~
can." Rogers .:-flld at tlie Council of
( htuThri; ;innual ''Farruly of fl-1an''
;i11·nrrlf; dinnrr.
Jack l(e1~ouac, Dies at 4 7
Little cowpok.es gath ere d nt t/1e
Cow Palace in San f ranciscn to i:1r
for the '"Littlest Cou;by" til/c la$t
1.oeekend. Shannon }Jansen. 4. (lcjtJ
end brother Shawn, 3, of J.ferced
were honored fo r best u·estcrn cos•
~\'hilr ther(' \1·rrr ::;0111c-"unplrasant
aspects" of last \Vednesday's. demonstra-
l 1()11s. Rogers said. "on the \1•hole. it
~rrmrd 10 r11r th:it a i;:reat niany of thl'
<lrn1onstr.'ltnrs l"·ished prinripal ly to
1e~l~l('r 1lran1atic bu t dignified ex·
pre~~1011 of 1hl'1r deep concern for peace
in V1etnan1, And we listened to these
1.-oJces with respect -because we , too,
ha\·e a deep concern for peaef: in Viet·
narn ...
s:r. PETERSBC RG, Fl a. (AP) -Jack
Kerouac, spokesman of the bea t genera·
tion whose. book.!l ushered in the hi ppie
er<1, died today .at St. Petersburg
hos pital. He was 47.
Kerouac·s wife, Sttlla, :o;aid he died
abou t 5:30 a.m. of massive abdominal
She sald Kerouac was rushed lo St.
Anthony 's Hos pital Monday afternoon but
did nol respood to emergency lreatmen~
Snow Falls Across Midwest
Slwwers Dunip Inch, of Rain From Texas to Arizona
C11Hfol'td11 re111 .. r11ture•
tOUTHlltH CAllFOltN14 -M01tlv
, ... ll'!rOl.<Oh w..i~ • ., b<r! 111•IU1I~
<t""'llh'"'" wlttt cllt11t1 "' ltw 'tt1·
f.,.9d 1111>...,.rl l"'OUllfll~I 1"<j ik>f•PS.
St._ t Ulf'o' ltOf'ftletl! W!ll(ll mOl.J/I•
ltlnt t P'ld 1>&10# <I""°"' T11tlodt Y.
Sli1Mlv wt rmt1 Tut..i•v 11'11' In '"'••·
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Mtt~ L.9• ,,.c,
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end W~1v, 5!itlltlv w1rrnfr Tu,_..
1111 wind• below <811VD'" TurdtY
P()tl<tf CONCEPT!ON TO MEXl(411
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VALL~llV "'' ""'-" WHI•
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...,__ TU'l90f\' wllll til1111 1(1 !o 'O.
MOUNTAIN AlltlA-'-Vtrltbll OWlf•
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IPI WIA1Mll PVTICllT(t~~:!;jt';~ ..
Sun"Y t>vt wlnev tod1r. Li•lll \lt d·
1bl1 ,.1...,, nl1l11 Ind mornl"o "°V••
bltomlP\9 wto••rlv f II) U lo;.t10t1 •n
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Hil~ iOl!fY, llO.
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Se!o"'1 11·~~ 111,,..,.~1
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•i•t l 1 d I',.., S~!I I ~--, ~·.
U.S. Summary
···~ loll ••• "°"''~'"' Ctll~•11l1
•o F·!prln1 ~ ·~ 1~1 ,llltnl!c ff.,
~.,d l<XU ~. 1t1,n " '"°"" ... ...
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"" IVt>ft>', mud ........ , ..
1'"°"1tnd1 OI 110•1'1""'*''' C.1111 C':ot•l
'f'l•DI~''• "'l llV '"' ~lehm1 "' 1111•"·
(o/la C•"'lllt, ""' i"lo~~ !odov •• h~r,.11nt l~urot er•~• MQr!~W~td
~r-nu •~• G.,t/ n• Mt<lto. ~'' (ltJ!•n•·
!1n" "111 II"<•• t11n, .. ' .... COT 1i,. Yl•o•~t' l~•1ou ., ' LI U'°I ••• '" ... 1··· ·~'" •' "'"' .,.1 •• ". •"d ... ~··"~ ~"~ .... ti ...... •n<'•• •• h"I<'· ••••••Pnl~t LO>u•
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Alb!ICU•r~v• " ff '" .-.nc~or••• " " .O.llt nlt " ., ,.,
B1ier11lell$ " " '''"''P"tk " .,
Bo h t " •
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to $I.op the internal bleeding.
Kerouac's first book Y•as titled
To1-1n anrl lllr City." ll \l'<l!i an
autoblographll'<Ji 1-1•ork deta!lnig his you1h
in Lowell, Mass., and lat er advent ures in
Nr\V York City.
His besl known book V.'as "On TIK
Road,'' an account of his v.·ide travels
across the country in the early l9SO's.
Later catne "The. Dharma. Bums" and
"The SubterTanea ns'' which also de.alt
\.\'ith his travels <md popularized the. no-
tion of the beat generation.
Ktrruac was at the home of hs motlrer
ln St. Petersburg when he Yr·as stricken.
•le and his wife had· been staying at the
house for several months, caring for the
ailing woman.
Kerouac often said his original in·
tenlion regarding the term "beat," had to
do with the idea of "beatific," a term he
use'd for the concept of people rejecting
materialism of the United Stales in the
J950's and turning inst.ead to a frank en·
joyment of life.
He was a Roman Catholic but was
fascinated with Zen Buddhism.
In a newspaper interview, Kerouac
sald he v.·as planning a new novel :
''Stories of the past. P.iy story is endlesg,
1 put in a teletype: roll ..• and run it
through there and fix the margins and
just go, go, just go, go go."
,Jayue l\l a ns(ielcl's
Children Get l\foncy
hlAn:;field 'i; fi ve children \\.'ill receive
$1 1.00!l t:ach in a settlement of a suit flied
arter the actrt'ss died in a car crash.
~upcrior Court J1tdtce Art hur Marshall
:il sr. appro1·frl h-tonday an agreement that
three of the chlldtt'n recelve an ad-
ditlonal $5,000 each becauM: of lht_ir ip.-
Juries in the accident that killed their
mo!her June 29, 1 ~7. ~tiss fl1a nsfield wa,
on hrr \1'ay from Blln'.t'i. ~-ti~~. to N'!"w
Orltans, afttr a night club arpe11rance.
Club Overseer
General Recalled
For Graft Probe
\\'ASHINGTON (AP) -The. Anny has
abruplly recalled a general Crom Europe
to the Pentagon for what may be further
sensational testimony in & Senate in·
vestigation (lf military graft.
The Army said Brig. Gen. Earl F. Cole
was being reassigned indefinitely to
Washington "in connection wlth the cur·
rent Senate hearings on alleged ir·
regularities" in noncommissioned of·
ficers' club operations.
The Army didn'l go further officially,
but Pentagon sources said Cole's name
has figured in military reports on the ir-
regularities which have been turned over
to a subcommittee headed by Sen.
Abraham A. Ribicoff (D-Conn.)
Committee sources said Cole, who turn·
ed 50 today and is a native of ttlad ison
County, Neb., is expected lo be ques·
tioned although he has not yet been sub-
Ribicofrs panel is scheduled to resume
hearings Wednesday.
The sessions recently p r o d u c e d
testimony that a gT(lup of sergean'l.'i pro-
fiteered at the expense of NCO clubs and
that Maj. Gen. Carl C. Turner, former
provost marshal general, sold police-con·
fiscat.ed guns for personal gain.
It was understood the subcommittee
wants to queston Cole about his tour in
Vietnam as deputy chief of stalf for
personnel and .administration in 1966 and
1~7 -a job which made him a chief
overseer of NCO club operations.
It was during that general period when
r.t. Sgt. William Higdon. named in
previous Senate testimony, was chief
custodian of several service clubs in Viet·
nam .
Subcommittee sources said Cole also
may be. questioned about any relationship
he had with \Villiam Crum, associated
\\'l\h a Hong Kong-based firm called Sari
Electronics which sold skit machines to
enlisted men's clubs.
Producer Quit.s
'Laugh-In,' Says
Pro g rcini 'Dirt y'
NE \V YORK (AP) -Paul W. Keye~
has resigned as producer and head writer
(If NBC's "Laugh·In" amid report:o; that
he calls the show "slanted, wlgar and
dirty "
Keyes was quoted Jn the Industry press
a.!l saying be had been disturbed by the
direction of the show a!I far back as
April. He :o;aid he objected to certain
words and phra~es "1hich he said had
sli pped by the NBC censor.
Keyes could not be rea ched lm·
n1ediate!y for comn1ent.
Carolyn Raskin, \\·ho ha d been
coprodu cer, \\•ill produce the show under
the direct.ion of George Schlatter and Ed r riendly, executi\'e producers.
In an interview in June, Keyes :o;aid.
"We're naughty, but \\'e're not dirty. If
people want lo hear dirty jokes they can
turn off the TV set and tell them to each
other in the li ving room .·•
Keyes told the Daily News fl.fond ay that
his resigna1ion had nolhing to do with hi~
friendship \1:ith President Nixon. He sald
he. had not been under White House
pressure to stop sniping at the President
because he did not think there had bee n
11Laugh-1n," "''hich slars Dan Rowan
::ind Ditk ~tarti n, \~as No. 1 in the Nielsen
raungs last sea~on and in !hr_ latest na·
tional ratings is thl': No. 2 sho1\'.
Air Canada Ucvca ls
Big rare Rccluctio u
T\fO NTREAL (UPI ) -Air Ca nada an ·
nounted ~!onday it y,·i!I "dramatically
reduce'' its trans-Atlantic fare structure D~c. 4, 1969 and offer an all·tlme low
1itontreal·London return fare ol $165 for
group lravel.
The announcement, by Air Canada
President. J, R, Bald.,,.in, folloy;·s a simi·
Jar rate cul by Alita\la Airlines a montll
ago, a decision that promptOO ~e Inter-
national Air Tran.sport Association (JA-
'f A 1 to convene its current emergency
n1eeting in Lausanne, Switierland, to
review the existing intemat.ional fare
UPI Ttt-"'lt
Brig. Gen. Earl F. Col•
Brandt Now
Chancellor of
Wes t Ger1nan y
BONN 1 CPl) -'rhc Bunde!->tag (101vrr
house) today elected \Vil!y Brandt as
\Vest Gern1any's first Socialist chancellor
in almost 40 years. The prospects were
for clos('r ties \vlth Comm unist nations
hut ";ilh no Uin1inishin g or \\'csl
Germany's role in NATO.
Brandt's Social Dernocralic part~·,
l1hi('h has 224 sra\S in the Bundestag,
1camrd up with the Free Den1ocratic
parly {30 seil ts) to form a coalltion y.·hi ch
\\'<Is voted into office 20 years to the day
.afte r Konrad Adenauer becaine chan·
cello r to begin 20 years of Christian
Democratic rule.
The vote was 251 In 235, a majority or
orilv two in the 496-seat house. Brandl
r ec.ailed tha t Adenauer's margin v.·a~
closer - he received the ex.act 1najor1 ty
of 249 -an d commented: "11y maJority
v.•as 200 percent greater."
Only one n1e1nbe r of the Bundcs1ag 1-1·;,is
absent v.·hen parliamen1ary :presi dent
Kai·U\1'e•Von H.assel started calling tht>:
roll -former minister of interior Paul
Luecke. Von Hassel said five o\hrr
members abstained and four turned in in·
va lid ba llots.
Party sou rces said it l\'3S unlikely that
n1ore than two or threr -Free Democrat:;
;:i bstalned, meaning that sev e r a 1
n1embe rs of former chance]lgr Kurt
Georg Kiesinger's Christian ~emocralic
party abstained or ~poiled 1hc1r ballots.
f\ie s1nger fonnally resigned Jvlon9ay
night and the Chnstia n Democrat~
became tile opposition party for the fi rst
time in po~t1-1'ar Grrma ny. .
\\'hen Von Hassel announced the result
of the electl nn hi' asked Brandt if he a<:·
c·cp'.ed. Brand l JUmped up fr om his fro nt
rn11· SC'at, re.-icll<'C! fnr a hand\'
111ic ropl1nne-and r.:11d "Yf~. !\1r. 1're~l
den1, I accept the Pleet ion ."
Kiesing er· ro.~c from his 0\1n frrin ! ro11
~cal and moved 01 er to be one of the flr:.t
to congratulatt Brandl -
Branrlt is th:= first Social Democrat tn
h!":!d a Ger111an go1 <'rnrncnt ~incr
J lermann flluellcr was fo rced 011t of officr
in J9~0 in a ro\v or"r rrnarnt1o no;
payments to thL victors o! \~·orld \Var 1.
Nixon P l ans ::-i peecheti
For GOP Cand idates
WASHINGTON (UPI) -Pres ident
Nixor: may travel lo New Jersey and
Virgin ia in coming weeks lo speak in sup·
port ol Republican gubernatorial can-
diates. ar.cording to the \\'hi te Housr.
Pre~ldenlia1 press srcretary Ronald L,
Ziegler did not mention dat es.
Where's Nessie~
Locli Ne ss Se ar cli Se ason Ove r
DRliMNADROCH IT, Scotland rUPI ) -
'T'his year's official search for the Loch
Ness mon:5ler is over.
Neither a yellow submarine, television
crews, touris ts nor member.!l of the Loch
Ness Phenomena Investigation Bureau
Y.'tre able to prove the monster exists.
All spent a hard aumtntr scanning the
mu rky waters of the Loc h for the
monster or monsters that supposedly Jive
there .
In its rinal report on this year's
observe.lion season, the investigation
bureau said ·there were 20 verified
sightings between ~fay 17 ant. Oct. 12.
The tote) was more than the 14
sightings recorded 1Mt year but less than
U1e 23 In 1967 and %9 In 19$6 .
Scientist! dttermined there w a !I
something lar11e and a\Jve in the Loch
frotn son ar read lng:o; taken during the
1967 :o;eason. But this year'5 assault brt>
Ne~~ie -a.~ !he Scoti; call th eir monster
-11'<1$ f'n11!ll"~S.
Jt did nothing lo determine ~·hetht'r
Nessie actually is an overgro1-1·n sea cow
or a genuine monster.
Dan S. Ta ylor ol Atla nta, Ga .• took hiJi
hmemade }'ellow subnt arine Viper Fish
in to the Loeb again and agai n to find
Nessie and possibly take a chunk of it5
Bui he failed lo spot her.
It "'ar. not su rprising, said the 28·ycar-
old Taylor, si~ the Loch is 25 mile~
Jo11g and deep cnnugh tn subme rge 1lie
t 1npire slate building. He says ht "'ill
bui!d a bi gger sub and try agai n.
For a wee k in September, cr1"1-1·~ fr ont
Britain's Independ ent Tele1 ision Nelworlo:
rnanned cameras on a 24-hour day hasl1
and tried to lure Nessie to the stirface
'''Ith a mlxlure of rtsh blQO<l and rncal.
Tl1e inonsler did nol respon<L
Ii. 1''as housewlves and studC'nts \\ho a i:~
counted fo't-the 20 reported f,ighti ni;s.
They stood out in all kin d or wrathcr \\at.
ch i11 g ror Ne.~sic -:i1 the ~an1 I'.' ti 111~
'r :i111ing money trr.111 1111" ln\C!>11i!!'.n\J11~
.. '
• •
' ' '
J ODEAN HAST ING S, 642-4321
,.~··~··· (l(!Oti.• tl, !Ht • ,.,. ,,
A-hau ntin g They'll Go
Spooky Tour
Coniured Up
\Vhen it comes to cooperation there is no co1nmunity that better ex-
emplifies its meaning than .F'ountain \'a!ley.
Numerous organizations are jumping on the bandv.iagon to present
an even bigger and better all-day Hallo\veen Barbecue, \rhich is being:
sponsored by the city's Chamber of Con1merce and will be presented at
the Fountain \1alley Jligh School fro1n 2 to 7 p.1n. Saturday, Oct. 25.
And, a hauntingly good time is In store for all children touring the
booth of the Fountain Valley \V oman's Club.
Members are conjuring up all of the scary sights of a haunted alley
for their Spook Booth, a fitting complement to the barbecue theme. Ad·
1nission for each child is only 10 cents, announced l\lrs. Ellner l\'laisio \Vho
1nay be called at 842-5297 for further information.
Helping her prepare the booth are the J\'lmes. Dave lleffner, Charle~
Rohrbacher, \ViUiam Cunningha1n, J-lugh Magill. Gerald \Vessler, Emilia
Chavez, Norman Huber, Joseph Giesing and Lorin Lammers.
Al so in cooperation \Vil h the chamber, the \\'Oman 's club has donated
three prizes for children's costumes, judged best of parade.
Also occupying men1bers' time is the perparation for lhc c!uh's sa·
Jute to the Christmas season, a fashion sho\V entitled Holiday Kickoff.
' '
-·-... --
' ,,
Community Center ,~·ill be the setting for this dazzling benefit Nov.
22 at 4 p.1n.
Assisting 1vlrs. Maisio, chairman, are the Mmes. \Vessler, Ches ter
Venning and Robert Curley.
SPIRITED ENDEAVOR -Conjuring up a spooky setting
for their participalion in the all-c:i ty liallo\veen Barbecue in
r~ountain Valley are n1embers of the city's \Voman's Club.
Ready to spirit a\vay children for the spook alley tour are
lleft to right) W\rs. Norman Jluber, J\.1rs. E!n1er J\.1ai sio,
chairn1an and 1'.1 rs. Lorin Lan1n1ers.
Benefit Filled With Hope
Figures Artfully Draped During Juniors' Demonstration
• ' . \
The decorative art o( figure draping 'vii i be sho\vn during a series
of arts and crafts classes sponsored between 8 and 10:30 p.m. each
Thursday by t.he Huntington Beach Junior \Voman's Club. Jnstruc-
lor ~1rs. William Biss gives an advance demonstration to !'rlr s.
Neal Jlaverbeke and ?-.'lrs. Cody TayJor (left to rig ht). 1'.lr~. Larry
Dick will demonst rate decoupage next Thursday and Mrs. \Villian1
t.okken will conclude the series \vith £ormafilni Nov. 6. Additional
information may be obtained by calling ?vlrs. Taylor, 968-2338,
A rail fa shion parade. sponsored by Xi Mu Zeta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi,
\V ill benefit the City of Hope. The parade o! styles, furn ished by Huntington
Beach merchants, \fill follo\v a luncheon Saturday. Nov. I. in Costa Mesa
t:otf and Country Club. Discovering a hope chest of en sembles arc (left to
ri,ght) ~1rs. Don Miller, chairman; Mrs. Ralph Adatns, president, and Mrs.
Robert Cannon, model.
Memo To God; From, Executive; Re.:
DEAR ANN LANDERS : The gal "·hn
!'il!nt in "The Secrelary"s Prayer" asked
IM an opportunity to tell il like it is. I de·
mand equal time. Will you please print
an ••Executive's Prayer?" Thank you
Vfl'Y much. -ClflCAGO
DEAR LORD: Give me lhe patience of
1: saint and the ability lo endure my
secretary's knack for confusion. Help me
kE!tp calm when she reminds me o( my
mernlng appointments -after lunch.
Give me the strength, llravenly Father,
to keep my anger in check when ~he
hikes 30 minutes for a mid ·maming cof·
fee break while 1 take phone mei;.sagel'i:
from her friend s. 1 realize that nohody'l'i:
perft!<:t, but heir me, dear Lord, to keep
nl) cool wher. she handr-: me a 1c1lcr to
lhe company preifldent wit h two erasures,
two strikeovers and a misspelled word. I
need extra strength, lfeavenly Father , lo
hold my tongue when l'lhe orders her
groceries and makes hair appointmenl.!
on my private phone which is rcsrrvM
for incoming, long distance call.~. I
realizr th at assault and hallery is against
the law, dear Lord, so please rcstraineth
my hand so that 1 may not do violeoce.
Amert. -TH.E BOSS
DEAR BOSS ; I believe In prayer hut if
It's as bad as It sounds you rieed to look
In tbc want ads -betft·ee n prayers, of
DEAR ANN LANDERS: ~fy brother
was married in 19S7. G<irdon had a
wonderful job and a promising future. lie
rlimbed the l.:idder of success rapidl y anrl
his family life wa~ fine -l'A'O lovely
children .
Late In 1'.iay Gordon·s wife Yo'COt t.:t
Europe and took the youngsters. They
y,·erc gone nearly 10 weeks. During that
time Gordon becarne involved with a
woman -a friend of his wile's, no less.
It was no love affair, just raw sex. They
met at his place or hers -never where
anyone could see them . A w~k before his
family ,·elumcd from Europe, Gordon
told me tie couldn't sleep rrom guilt. He
rell llke A sneaking skunk . He asked me if
he should confess to his wife. I told him
Instead or forgiving Gordon, his wife
!hrew him out and f1lcj for divorce. He
now is living in a small efficiency
apartment, pa ying alimony and support.
r just loved you r wonderful ''forgive
;i nd forgel" column . I scn l it lo 1ny
.sistcr·in-law but she never answered .
Don't you think it is heartless of her not
to give her husband a second chance?
Please say so. -SAO SIS
DEAR SIS: Of course lt'1 heartless
and I feel sorry for Gordon , but it's loo
bad Gordon didn't ask me for adv ice In·
1tead of you. I would have told him to
ket p hJ1 mou lh shut. He could have
unloaded his guil t on a clergyman. vow·
ed neve r to cheat again and betn • la.llp.
pUy married man today.
DEAR ANN LANDF.RS : You mi!i~cd
the point or Bonnie's letter. Maybe
Mendel doesn't like lo eat dinner al hi~
in-laws' house three nights a week . If
Bonnie was 11ny kind of a riaughtcr she
\\'Ould ha ve .~airl , "Knoc k off the key rat-
tling,.Bub. ll sounds like you're anidous
to go home.'' l~'s plain that she Is over
ob ligated lo her parents because she im·
poses on them so much.
Yoo should have told Bonni!'! to get
some of her mother's recipes and starL
aetir.g like a wife. -IRVINGTON, N. Y.
DEAR IRV : You 'tt rlPl I misted the
point Than ks for baullnc me •P 1ltort.
Unsure" of yourself on dates? What's
rlghl'! \Vhat's wrong? Should you'
Shouldn't you? Send for Ann Landers '
booklet "Dating Dos and Don!"s," t'nclos-
ing with your request 3S cent1 In coin and
a long, self.addressed.stamped envelope.
Ann Landers \Vil be glad to help you
\\'ilh your problems. Send them to her in
care of the DAILY PILOT. enclosln1 a
self.addressed, stamped envelope.
.i ....... . . . . • •
I 4 DAI L v Pll,,T Tut~1y, Octobtt 21, 19f}~
ROYAL TREATMENT -Both 1'.tr. Pumpkin and
Lotus receive the best of trea'lment from (left to
right) 1'.1rs. David 1'.1. Smith, fi.1rs. Raymond Booth
and fi.Ir s. James P. Aynes. members of the Officers'
Curtains Raise
For Concerts
The curtain will go up next Friday on
I.he eighth season of the l-lnrbor .<\rea Co n1·
n1 unity Concert :~ssocial ion \1•it.h a perform·
ance by the American Concert Ballet (om·
pany 111 the Ke11•port Jlarbor llig h School
'fhe eight dancers. under the direction
of Gene t-.·1arinaccio. perform ballets to the
1nusic of Poulenl', \iiJla-Lobos. Barto~, De-
bussy and other famous cornposcrs.
As conceived by 11larinaccio. the d ances
are based not only on classical ballet, but a
form \Vh ich embodies the broader ranges of
n1ovem en t fOWld in n1odern and ethnic
Othe r concerts durin~ the year \o,1ill be
given by Ozan fi.'larsh. piani st. Sunday, Feb.
8; Ne'v York Brass Quintet. Friday, ri.tarch
20, and Stanley JJ!ummcr, violinist, Friday,
April 10.
Along \\•ith ~easo n tickets goes I.he privi-
lege of reciprocity, \\'hich opens concerts in
other area associations to Harbor ticket
hold ers.
. t-.1embership information may be ob-
la1nl'd by calling the association's execu tive
s ecretary, ~Jrs. Kurt Kupferman. 642-3186 .
Other officers are Dr. Daniel \Vulff ot
Ne\Yport Beach, president, and Raymond
Teys of 1-lunlington Beach, public ity chair-
Box Lunch Affair
Juniors Call
Box lll nchC!l and casuill BL·
lire v.·ill be. thr order of tlie
d.11y for the .lun1or Ebe.I\ Club
or Ne1,1·port Beach ne.xt 111urs·
The Corona del P.lar home of
M~. Richa rd Hochschild will
be the setting for P.1rs. Warren
Fix. president to call lhe
Mrs. lf. J . \\'ood of Costa
illesa \\Jll host a luncheon
mttting of the Costa :'\lesa
Federated Repub lican \Vomen
next Tiiursday at 10 a.m.
Reports on national and
southern division conventions
will be presented.
nirrt1 ng to orde.r at 10 a.n1.
Speakuig \l'l ll be Dr. Hilda
l\lcCartnry, head l1hrar\an for
Nrv.·port-fllesa School District
and Presiderit of l.JCI Tov.·n
<ind c;own. She v.•ill discuss
children's books.
Special guests will be f\!rs.
Frank 1-lughes, slate con~
vention cha irman. P.!rs. Arthur
Korn, Area D vice presi dent
and 1'.Irs. Terry Thomas.
Orange District Junior pres1-
/";('\\' provisionals h e i n g
\1·c\con1cd are f.irs. Kit Tap-
pti n onll fllrs . f\eit)1 f\cpplrr.
tilrs. Len Miller, past presi-
dent ol Victor Valley Junio r
\\'omen's Club will br v.·elcom-
l'd into the membership as a
. . .
Sagittarius: Utilize Abilities
Lunar position favorable for
fishing. planting. In groomin g.
empbaslit face , bead. ~Ian)'
wi ll be 1een we11 ring bt>r1.'I·
type headgear today. Fashi on
~·ill highlight eyes. ears and
balr, as weU .1115 hats.
ARIES (~farch 21-April 19)'.
Cycle high; you can con1e oul
of emotional shell. Stop con-
cerning yourscll only 11'Jlh
01hcrs. Today you 1nust lake
steps \\'hich insure you r o"n
security, pleasure. ti1o1• e
TA URUS (A pr il 20-.,l<iy 20 1:
Your lime is corning. Know
this and act accordingly . \\'hat
appears to be a rcstru:tion 1s
rnerely a warning signal.
!'.:mphasis 011 organizations,
hospit als, illusion.
GE~11Nl /fllay 2t -J11ne 20 ):
Accent on \\"hal you would like
In accomplish. Kl'y is to get
backing -hath Jn morale and
in financing. Not easy. nut to-
day events Jl'l l and yuu
key note accomplishntent.
CANCER (June 21.July 22 1:
\\'helher or not the idea ap·
peals to you, there i.s progress
and extra duty. Key is to know
thtit basics are important.
Advancrmf'llt indicated. Bul
you scent to move in reluctant
LEO (July 23·Aug. 22)~ 'fou
revel in opportunity to express
}ourself. \\'riling. publistung
and ad vertisi ng arc featured .
Chips are do""· You gf'l
chance 10 verify intentions,
prol'e claims. Co to it.
VIRGO tAug. 23-Srpt. 22):
l nlerest in the occult or hidden
is accented. You know thlll
certain tasks musl be com-
pleted. Your rhythm i s
natural. You reccil•e com-
pliment s. Key is lo eYaluate.
)'ou gain rt'cognJtion.
LIBRA (S ept. 23-0ct. 22l:
Public relations, agree1nc11 Ls,
the "'ay you present products
-these are empha sized .
Clubwomen Caught Up
In Halloween Spirit
Stress independen ce. orig inali·
I\. Adhe re to your own Ide
;IJIC. l3<1lance emotion and
SCO "PIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21 ):
~I savi ngs.
BI RT HOA Y you are separate
psychologically from fam ily.
Your ideas are unique. Cive
full play to thenl, bul don·~
sacrifice basic happiness. lo l•no cu! moro •Do"t vovr>•ll' •l'ld ••lrQl<Xrv. ord•r !.vu,,•v Orn1rr'• 50· ooD• l>OO<te•. lhc truth A?>oul "'''gloQ,. Send '.)!) (•M• lo Om•<r
ll<IOO.Jet. "'" CAIL y PILOT' fta• ;ruo, Gt•nd Ce~lrll Slatl001, r-t·" Yori<, N.Y, 1\IOll.
Your intuJtion rings bell _ of
truUi. Trust it -applles
especially to joh, 1v or k ,
.:issociutes and general he<1llh.
J)on·t gu against what yo u feel
ls right. De suhjecti1'e. I
SAGITTARIUS {Nov. 22· Ao•e""•"'e"'
Dre, 21 l: Utilize i n n ate ;====='======o;
r re::illve ;ibilit1cs. \Vhal you do1 :.hould be stamped v.•J\h your1
Ol\'n sty)r, mark, touch. Be.
versatile. Don 't per mi I
yourself to be tied d;:i1\·n to
tradition. I
CAPR ICOR.i'l (Dec. 22·Jan.
1 9 ~: Complete attention l01
b:i.sics is essential. Don '~ try tol
be a genius. Stick" to rules ,
rcgulatioos. Your ho111e, prop-
erty n1ay be al stake. find
out the v.hy of things. Be ,
positive. I
AQUARIUS (J an. 20-Feb.
18): fllenl al a c tivi t ies ,
changes, short joumrys are
.spotlig hted. SLalllS q110 is ll1rn·
ed upside d:>wn; you more and
nial-.c de cisions. Nrighbor v.•ho
is inquisitive shollld be treated
.... 1th humor.
PISCES (Feb. 19-~larch 20):
If you think '1hat you "'an t
v1on't cost, lhink again. Be
practica l about budget. luxury
Zal11 Jewelen, 17 FQt,hl•• I•·
lo11d t11ke1 pl•C!Ulf• ifl Ollfl OllnC•
inq thal M'lii lordHn ha Jolnoed
their i:tr9 1111i1111i o11,
\V ives League of Orange County .. The stole \Vill be
sho,vn in the lea,gue's upcoming fur fa shion sho\v
and Lotus ... '"e!l, he \\'On't be modeling his fur
piece in th is sho\V,
lrrl l11 lardHfl hill bHn ou•cl•
oroed with the jewelr1 ltuif,....
lor m1111y yeors I• th• Newport
ond lolbi:ta areo, Por ifl•lt ..
)ll'f" 111011y fri•nd1 to •l1lt Zeln,
fmhio11 hlo11d. \\'ork.i ng hard to eo1nple1e a ned by the club next Thursday items. You can get ·what you
float for the Foun1ai11 Va lley-~"'....'..\ ~P~·m'.':_. --------~w:•:n:t~-::_:b~u~t~':'"~':•~m~bc~r'....:'.b~ud~g~e:I !!::============~ llal!o"·een Parade. nex t Satur-
Veferons Benefit day are members of the Foun·
lain Valley \\'oman's Club.
11nder the leadership of fllrs .
'Fun Fur All' Promised
Laurence Er"·ln, prc~idcnt.
tilrs. Hobert Curley 1 s
chairman of the project, v.·hich
v.·11! also publicize the t·lub's
Haunted I louse at I he
barhccuc. scheduled lor lhc
same day and evening_ At Annual League Gala
Assisting with lhe float
preparations arc the ~tme~.
\\'allace Sho rt, Van cr Der-
ington, Peter Barbolak, Ed
J3ooth and .Jim Grundv.
Husbands of members of the
Officrrs1 \Vives League of
Orange Coun!y v.•ill grt some
ideas for Chris\1nas gill. g1 vu1g
\1•her1 they a!ll'nlt, with ll1eir
\1·i\·es, a fur f.1sh1on sho1v and
dinner dancf' next Frid<iy.
l'hc lcap:uf'·.51J011sorcd r1·rnt
11 ill take place at 7 p.1n. 111 the
\Vaterv:hee\ re s l a u r a n 1 ,
Anahein1. and "·ii! b c lhf'
i.:roup·s c1nnu:1l benefit for the
paraplegics 1n V ct e r :i n s
Hospital, Long Beach.
A Hallov.•ecn n1otif 11·1n
prevail Jn the decorations, as
planned by tiirs. Tuler Dixon
of \\!hillier, chairman.
Assisting V.'i lh prepar:it inn~
:ire the Mmes. \Vi!J1am Fryh,
Edward Storck. R. J . Curreri
and Edwin Smose.
Le Leche
Second In a serir.5 or
sessions sponsored by the
lluntington Beach J.,a Lcchc
League \\'ill take p I a c r
hPtween 9 :~5 a ni. and noon
Thursday. Oct. 23, in lhe home
of ~1rs. f.lorris Boyaner.
'Topic for the session ""ill be
1he Art of Breaslfccdi ng and
Overcoming Difficulties.
Also on the agenda Rre 11ie
Birth of the Baby and 1-·amily
Adjustment f\ov. 20 an d Nutri·
tion and \\leaning Dec. 18.
L;i Leche League, :i non·
profit, nonsectarian nrganiza·
Lion. i.~ dedicated to fosteri ng
natural feedinl: of infants for
the health and happiness of
both mother and child.
All inlercslcd women arr in-
vited to attend and those
desiring either advice or ad-
ditional information regarding
!he league n1ay contact 1'.1rs.
Hobert Boutin. 827·0~92: fi.1 r~.
Donald \\lalker. 962·3987, or
Y..1rs. Jame.5 Ncttlclou. M~-
Club Opens
Furs \1•i!1 be shown from the
New York Fur Coinpany, Los
Angeles. Mrs. John !11ullady of
\Vestrnin~tr r 11·ill co1n1ncnlatc
;ind models "'i ll he the ~1 rnes.
~torck, Snionr. Hay111ond
Eo<•lh :ind Jarnrs 11. Llall"f'!ii.
Ftinds ral)l'll 11"1!1 he i.:i1c11 tr1
" "\:indu1~ fund 1>ili1 Ilic
Parl \'Z<'d Veterans' Associa ·
!ion · ,11 !hf'" h11sp11al. .\l!1n1cc;
;ire. 11.~ed at rhc d1,.rret1u11 i•f
thC' P\·A tu rr111·1c1t• !ipcl'1ally
dcs1gncd t'(!tllptnrnt which 1:>
gi\'en to patients fnr use in the.
hospital and after I he i r
orficers' v.·i\'£'S \\' h 0 !ii t
husbands are on active duty or
retire<1 are in vited lo attend
the luncheon. Reservallons
may be made with ~lrs.
Storck, 637-04i7.
Las Olas
Good Groomini:: v.·ill be the
lheme \Vhr n Las 0 1 a s
Toastmistress Club m e et~
tomorrow at 7.30 p.m. in
fl1rrcury Savin~.
Table topics \1•11! be dirC<"IE'd
hy ~liss Joya St>Klon and i\lr~.
Paul Bronson , parl iamrn·
tanan, will e\'aluate l h e
business. i'olrs. Ernest Johnson
of I·:ulahc Toaslmtstress Cluh
in Stanton v.·111 givr a Yalue
JUdgn1cnt of the 1n ecting.
1'.frmbership is oiwn lo adult
\\"Omen. J\1rs. Rollo \\'c~l wil l
handle questions at 536-3052.
Club Set
For Girls
A se\\'ing rlub for girls fro1n
9 through 12 11ill begin nc~I
Thur.'\day under sponsor~hip Qf
lhr !!11nting\r1n Bf''11'h Y.\lCA.
The rla~~ 11 1!1 111 r r I
Two 1nen1bers of ihr c!uh
havC! been appointed 1 o
rhal rn1.1nsliips. flf r s. Al
1,r11kcnbcrg 11'11l ser1 e as
l 'Jl1fnrni:i h 1:;; to r y and
land111arks chairman and 1'.1rs.
Lawrence Leeds as music
l'h<11rman .
1\ series of roffers '1·il1 takr
place for rncmhcrs and their
lnrnds \1·ho v.·i"h to purchase
Christmas cards, according to
1'.1rs. Lyle Greenwa y,
chairman . Proceeds w i l l
benefit the philanthropy fund.
The club recently purchased
138 ya rds or flannel material
for paJam:is for children in the
Albert Sitton Home. \\'omen
inmates in the Orange County
jail cut out and se\\·ed the pa·
Jam as.
Also donated rrcenll y for
the home were lace, rickrack,
thread and other notions. The
nialerials v.·cre used in
clothing for the children.
A tou r of the Or<inBe Count y
Jail's \\'Omen's section is plan-
Fashion Forecast for Fall Is
the then1e of the Halecrest
Club's annual fashion shov•
and luncheon next Thu rsday
in the c!uh.
Cockt;iils at 11 a.m. v.·ill be
fnllowcd by a bufft't at noon
Coo rdinating the show \\'ill he
J\1rs. Roseli ne 'T'rent with fa~h·
inns by R<'eli ne. and hair s!yles
by llnuse of Loveline.~s.
Club n1embers modeling will
he thP fl·1mes. John Consoli ,
Ca rl Egette.r. Thomas Berry,
KenneU1 Hazen. Jlobert A.
llayes. Bernard P.1athieson,
l\·an Str;iyrr. Joseph \\'hitacre
and Les \\'eisner, chairman.
OC Phi Mu s
Pl a nning Dote
Tll\1r:-dt1.1'~ 1r•)tJ1 ·1 1o ;. p 1n. :inrl i1·ill bi' instrU{"lf'd by ~llss nran~c ('011nty Phi i\1 u Alun1nae ·will gathrr nf'xl
Kathy Ha}CS. Th11r~clay at 8 p.m. in the
S111dent5 11•i1! lram sewini::, Yorba Linda home of tilrs.
."'kills :md ma)ir ('hnstma.~ Edward Anderson.
i.:ifls for their fami lies and i\lrs. Arthur s1n1r k, c:iwnt'r
friend.<;. f'I The Tri lnk in the Attir.
Anyone 11·1~hrn.i:: to rrgl~tr r Ornngr, v.·ill talk im Hobbies
"Extending n1e1Tib('rsh1p lo or ubla1n f11r1h('I" lnlflrn1;i ti1111 ;ind 1\nliques. F11 rthcr 1n·
cill ro1nmt1nity v.·nint•n in· nlay call 1hr Y .11 ll!l4-4;i~a or torn1 at 1nn n1ay l:l<' obtained by
teresled in the J!rowth and \'isit the office al 147i6 Beach "alling ti1.rs. Anderso n at 628-
development of the Y~1CA BlvO., \Vrslnlinstrr. 7942.
program is the new ly nrganiz-,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;11
ed \\101nen·s Sen·i('C! Club. I' d
The first lunch<'Oll rncrting Intro ucing
nr the new group v.·ill take!
place at noon Thur~day , Oct.1 23, in the 1'~ishe rma n
restaurant. lluntingtnn Bra ch
and the club v.11! me<'l the
fourth Thursd::iy each monlh
Primary obJf'Clh r of lhr
club is to gil·e ser\ ice lo the
Yti!CA through voluntCf r v.·ork
and special funding cvl'nts,I
and lo pro\•idr se rvll'l' to conl ·
n1uni1y youth . 1
\\'omrn and 11tirl:1 ('Oln prisr
1norc Uu1n a thi rd of !hr lotal
Y~1CA mC'mbcrship, and in-
trre~1rd w()1nen arl' Invited to
Ben Stiles
Winn•r •f I H•lrirylint
App•11t•d In W11t•r•
1101111 Trtndi lrrlot••i••
(all fl1is~ .I rr! Dn11 nard. 817· lJC 5 Newport l lwd. !ocro•t from City Holl) •11.411• ~fi48, !{lr add j t l 0 n al Ill· • FRff PAIUCING-.. f VI. AP'POINTMINfS
'WeJ t /Jea ulif
fonnation. 1._ _____________________ _,,
the .wig for all seasons . . -. --;--~· .,.
from Deltress of London
pre-styled, pr e-cut, ready to wea r 18.99
This wig is truly amazing. It looks and feels just like real
hai r. But it's a whole lot easier to care for. It's pre-styled,
and you never set ii. Just was h it in col d water. Toss it for
curls. Brush it for sleek ness. Try it. It's soft, silky, fu ll, and
natu ral. Because it's made of Deltress® modacrylic. Wit h
contou r stitching on a stretch base. Cut and sty led in Lon-
don. Here now in a wide range of natural shades?
:.'! off black
4 ddrk bro1vn ,
6 chestn ut bro\Vn ~
R n1cd iLJm btO\Vn
111 \1ghr brQ\\'n
12 reddish bro\vn
l 7 lighl brow11
22 light ash blonde
28 11,':ht ,1uburn
32 auburn
I~ 1 may co cosmetics 136
may co south coast pla1a,
san dieg o fwy at brist ol, c osta mesa: 5'46.C~32 r
shop monday !hru sa!urday' I Oa.m. lo 9:30 p.m.
44 mixed brown gray
51 gray
10 1 platinum blonde
103 blonde
17 f22 11ght frosted
8/l2 fr osted
I '
i h
" lh
! •
' .
Fountain Valley
Rafferty Appeal of
From \\'Ire Services
SACRl\i\IENTO -Stale Schools Chief
r.tax Hafferty has declared his support
lor the planned a11peal or a court decision
lhal lhe fir.mg or UCLA 111Slructor Angela
Dt1vis is uneonslilutiunal.
.. I don·t believe in letting members of
1l1c mafia, n1urdcr incorporated or a
Cummunist speak \Yilh my mon<'y on a
11x -s uppor1ed ca1npu~." said Raflerly,
the ltepublican su~rintcndenl of public
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Jer-
ry Pacht ruled Monday that Angela Davis
cannot be .:Jarred from leaehing in a slate
university on the sole ground that she is a
Communist party member.
University oi California regents fired
r.ti3s Davis, a 25-year-old Negro assistanl
professor of philosophy, on Sept. 19 after
she acknowledged being a Communist
Pending an appeal through school ad·
rn1nistrative channels, she was pennitted
to go on teaching a noncredi~ course,
'·Recurring Philosophical Themes In
Black Literature," at lhr Univl'rs11y of
C:alife>rnia al Los Angeles.
After a hearing Monda y on a 1axpayers
suit filed by faculty supporters of J\i iss
Davis. Judge Pachl held her firing lo be
lie said i( she could be ousted ror being
a Communist, the rC'gents could fire
teachers for being members or other
Thomas J. Cunninghain, genera I
Appeal for Homes
Beacli Demolition Order Stnlled
01 !ht Dtl!IT Pllft Sit" ·rne rate of 15 old homes ordered
,Jemolished was debated for 90 minute~
i"llonday night by the Huntington Beach
City Council.
A split 4-3 vote. defeated a proposed 90·
rlav mOT"atorium on the con·
nerTinations and sent the problem lo t.ht
cit~'s Housing Board of Appeals.
lie pointed out that many of the
buildings have no foundations or they
have foundations unable 10 su pport thf'nl,
"The ~·alls are buckling and 1hc ro.)fs
sagging," I.he inspector pointed out.
After the film, Ferm admi11ed some of
the homes could nol be saved. But hi'!
charged, "'Those are the ones on your
film. You dldn"t show the others."
Mayor Green asked Ferm. ''\\0h<1t
would you r position be if one of these
homes collapsed and so1neone \vas
is a
counsel for tile regents, said "all ap-
propriate steps" \\'ould be taken in an
attempt to have the ruling reversed_
H.:i~tcrly said lhe UC Board of llegents,
of "'hich he is a member , hopes lhe case
\Viii go clear to the U.S. Sup reme Court
and the panel will rule "that society has
a right to protect itself from its enemies
;:ind tlocs not have to subsidize the coo-
Miss Davis, a Negro, has CQntinued to
recelve her $9,864 annual salary while ap-
pealing her dismlssal through university
Asked what she thought the re1;ent~
·would do next, she replied :
"They've done a lot of really crazy
things already. I've given up trying to see
any rationality in their behavio r."
negenl Elinor Heller of Atherton said,
"In view of previous court decisions, 1'1n
nol surprised the regents' action v.·a~
declared unconstitutional. What surprises
Today's Flnal
N.Y. Stoek8 ·
me Is !Uch a qulck dec ision "
Former Gov. Edmund G. Brown !a1'1
he bclie\"ed the cuurt decision was
"leg2lly <..-orrecl."
"l l !s not a que stion or ~·hethf'r yo!.l
filvor 1t or not,'' Bro1\'n said. "I think the
regents )lnow they were V.Tong and t
think (Gov. Ron<ildJ ltcagan knew it 11·as
JUSI a politica l grandstand on his part.''
State Sen. J-1. L. Jlichardson, former·
1nen1ber and employe or the John Birch
(See RAFFERTY, Page%)
DJ.ll"ll 'tlOl ~!•II Pllll'I
The homes are in the old Wintersburi;:
sectlon of lhe city mostly in the 7500
block of Washington Avenue. They have
been ordered demolished by the city
nui\ding Department because the y are
"unsa re for human habitation."
Joseph S. Ferm, chairman or the
Property Owners Protective League
I POPL) led off the lengthy debate,
t1sscrting that he represented 19 persons
ln the affected area.
Fenn replied that "dangerous"
misused word .
Councilman Tcd Bartlrtl moved lha! a
90-dav moratorium be declared on lhe
demO!ishrnent program, "to give us time
to check these homes."'
Nov . i Gemt A.gain•! Crosstown Rivel Oil1r1 Set for W11tmin1t1r Stadium
111•1< \ PllOl S!•tl PMTt
INSPECTOR l-Iunlin gton
Beach 1\-tayor .Jack Green
points to problc1n during re-
cent in ... peclion tour of some or
C'ily"s older rc.'iidrncc i;;
Council Tig htens
Lu 11: s on Il nildi11 g
I n<lu st,rial Plants
r ounc1Jn,an G('nrgc J\lcCrackcn pul ur
;i brief battle h11t ICl~1 lj-1 a.~ Ilic Ci1y
ro11nri\ J\1nnday night :ipprovcrl an
f"lrd '111aoce Lightening industrial regula·
t1nns n<:ar residential areas in llunlington
The onhnancc calls for adfli11on:11
J;inr!scaping and open .~pace for any in·
dustrial facility built adjacent lo a single
family residence.
•·Jrs just more beauracracy," com-
rncnted McCracken , repealing his op-
rosition of two weeks earlier. "If ".P.
want industry we can't be too rcstric-
Counc ilman ~tcCrackcn then "'arne1I
l hal Garden Grove and Westmin.~ler
\~ere luring industry away from I-Jun·
tin~lon Beach.
··Our city historically has looked better
lhan those two," replied Councilman
Donald Shi pley.
"/\pp<irenlly you haven 't seen thcn1
recently ,'' retortecl McCracken. "you
shouldn't make statements wi t h ou t
kn qwl edge."
Councilman Alvi n Coen pointed out that
the Irvine Development, pointed to as the
hcst industr ial example in Orange Cot1n-
ly. is considerably more stringent than
Jlun1.ington Beach.
The ordinance Yr'Lll require 40 feet of
space from . <Jn industrial building lo
either' of its side boundaries and its rear
boundary in a residential area.
Beach Trarfic Lights
Gel Council Approval
A total ol $60,000 lo inslaJl traffic light.<11
11l fnur intersections Along :Pacific Coast
1 l1gh~·ay was appn)ved P.1onday night by
IJ1e. Hunt ington Beach City Council .
lnle rsecling streets lo receivt. lighl~ nr
1111provements arc ll11nlin_gton, Lake ,
f\.-lain and ~Iden \Vest Slreel$.
He charged that the city's law on
~ubstandard homes "'as "immoral" and
!hat !he bot1rd of appeals "·as a
"'kangaroo court."
Mayor Jack Green had 11sked Ferm
why the people he ttpresented had not
al>J>Cared before the appeal11 board as
all<JWed in the law·.
Ferm replied thal the board ~·as only
set up ta interpret lhe law, "It is a bad
law and you should dKlare a moratorium
until the council has the chance to read
the ordinance and change it, lfhalever
time it takes."
A videotape of the dila pidated buildings
under condemnation was shown to the
packed council chambers, narrated by
Charles Ge:rarden, city housing inspector.
Building Director 0 . C. ''.iatl('
Clevela nd repeated that the owners had
recourse to 1he board of appeal.~.
City Attorney Don Bonfa said he was
concerned about "thr l'Ouncil jumping 1n
and taking O\"er procedures pro\'jded by
!he hl\Y. It is premature to intervene
now ."
Bartlett's motion , Inst by the 4·:1 vO(e
"·ith Councilmen Donald Shiplry an d
(;eorge J\1cCracken supporting !he mo-
tion. Opposing were Maynr Green, and
<'ouncilmen Al Coen, Jerry Matney and
Dr. Henry Ka ufman.
Green concluded the lnng disc:u.~s1on
with, "We never intended 1.o put anyone
out of their home with no p!are to J;:O, hut
we do not "'ant to circumvent the process
of the law."
Beach Youth Coalition
Rapped for Donation
The. Youth Coalition Committee of Hun-
tir.gton Beach received a light rebuff
fro1n some city councilmen P.londay night
for donating city funds to other agencies.
Councilmen Al vin Coen and Henry
Ka11fman warned the city '! youth that
n1oney apprQPT"iat.ed for YQUth Conlition
activities should be spent specifically for
th;it activity.
"The subject came up when it was noted
that $100 had been donated to Help Line,
a community service combatting drug
"\Ve considered llelp Line as directly
aftecting the youth of this city," replied
.li m Sampson, a high school student
speaking for the: Coalition.
'"It's a good cause,'' said Coen, "but we
ca n't !el the Youth CoaliUon uae I.al-
Stock JHarket•
NEW YORK (AP)-The. 1tock market
conUnued a strong upward march on •
broadening front in active trading late
this· afternoon. (See quotaUona:, Pages
J 1)-11 ) •
Advances widened their margin over
declines in individual issues traded on the
New Yor k Stock Exchange, M9 to 47i.
payers' rnnney when we dnn 't knnw it."
f\la yor Jark Green drlendcd the youth.
c·xplain1ng that he had reteivcd \.\'ord
from threr other counc1ltncn that thee~·
penditure would hr approved. '"\\'e simp·
ly forgot to ha\"e 1~ on last meeting's
<!Renda." he ~Jd, "so I talked lo some of
the coune1lme.n af\el"\\'ards."
Tiic money "'a$ profit from a dance
sponscrcd by the Youth Coolition whir.h
had been backed by cily funds.
Councilman Ted Bartlr.ll railed for
nior~ thorough coordination of Coalilion
activitie!! with the Recreation Depart·
ment. But Councilman Jerry r.tatney
replied that v.·ould defeat the purpose of
allowing the youth to do something for
The Youth Coalition had brought tv.·o
proposals before the coun('il for approval.
'f'he first was a request for a student
government day and the second a request
for funds to hold a car rally.
Councilmen asked the youth I o
coordinate the student government day
with the schools and return with a
specific proposal, tentatively setting the
dale for Nov. 17.
The council authorized $176 for a car
rally and dance Nov. 10.
'We Have Had It'
J(opechne Say Autop.sy
'W ouldBeLikeFuneral'
\\'ILKES -BARRE. !'a. 1ur1) - The
falh!."'r nf J\1ary Jo Kopechne. testified 10-
d.iy 1h::it pe.rmiUing an autopsy on ills
d:111ghter, kill ed in an accident involving
U.S Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, "would be
JUSI like another funeral."
''\\1e ha\'e had it," the ralhcr said al a
hranng on a request by Massaehusetl<;
.-:iulhorities for an autopsy on the body of
1hr. 2R-year..f!ld Washington secretary "'ho
1lh·rl lost July 18 in a tidal poor! in Ken-
oetly"s submerged n.ulo of( Chap-
pariuidrlick Island, f\1as,<;.
The lather, speaking 1n 11 ha rcly audi·
hie voice. said he and his v.•ife. who wa$
po1 in court, felt authorities "had the ir
··han('e. We absolulc!y do not \.\'ant it
Edmun~ S. Di11i~. n M as~achusrtt.~
district a11orney who is seeking the
autopsy. du;I not eross--exa1nine Kop<:chne
rtu rin& lus one·inniule appearance on lhe
Dini s rested hi:;; case durlnll. the morn-
!11;: session afler Cyril H. \Vecht, chief
pat hologist fnr Allegheny County 1Pa .).
tPstified an autopsy nn a body ex humed
<1ftcr four tv six n1onlhs could be "quite
fruitf'Jl .''
.l\sked lo esti1natc the value of an ex·
tt rna l examination done at the lime the
girl';. body lYas recovered, \Vecht said
··ro consider an external examination lhe
Edison Jligh School boos~rs club will
hold its v.·ee.kly meeting tonight as
originally scheduled .
The gathering wlll take place at 7::'ln
o'clock in the school's faculty room
e;id prt\Cess or ~ meclical and legal in·
vcsligation is absurd."
Dun t.:Hford, \Vashi ngton. D.C.. a
lrgis l<illve aide to Sen. Kennedy \\"ho was
ca lled as a witness by a Kopechne at.
lotney, Joseph F. Flanagan, said he "';Uo:
delryed unlit July 20 in returning with the
body lo Pennsylvania because of bad
lie said he a!110 thought "there ~·as ~
(Juestion of whether there was a hold on
IJ1e body for possible autopsy."
Dini5, the first witness at today'!!
session , testiried he orde red an autopsy
on the girl l\.\'O da ys after she died but
•va ~ told the body had been flown to
After finishing his teslirnony, the
district attorney ctskcd lhe court to plaC'e
1n lhe record a handwritten statement
h.ennedy gave police concerning the ac-
e1drnt Md a videolap" of the senaLor"s
telr1·ised explctnalion of the tragedy
Judge Bernard C. Brominski denied the
motion on the Kennedy police statement
and withheld decision on Lhe videotape.
Valley Officer
Dies in Action
Navy Lt. Cmdr. Paul E. Wall, of 17706
Bay Circle, Fountain Valley. was killed in
Vietnam action last "''eek, the U.S.
Defense Department announced today.
Survivors include his wife, ~1rs. Joan
V.'all, four sons, Mark, Scott, Chad and
Paul, Jr.; two daughters, Pamela and
Laurie; five brothers Carl of Edwards,
Forrl of Fort Worth, Hardy of Hot
Springs, Ark .. Lyon of Bakerslieltl and A.
H. of Robertsvi\le,. Mo.; and' two sisters,
Mrs. Helma Smi th of Spear.smith, La.,
and r.trs. Ch.-istine Walters of Garden
Sex Class Answers 'Why?'
Cmdr. Wall had nearly ?9 years o{
service in the Navy.
Funeral arrangemenls arc pending at
the Peek Family Colonial Funeral home
in Westm inster.
Mesa Woman Tells Grove School Approach to Course
Of tM o.llY PlllM fttft
'"If VD Is !IO easy to cure why ls there
so much of It'!" the early·tttn gtrl asked.
"People wha have il won 't go to the
docter because they .are embarruised
about it," said a boy her aee.
"ThP..y bJOW they 11eit't aupposed to.'•
another l(lrl in the aevmt.h grade class
"Aren't 5Uppo!IOO to what~" askf'd the
"Have 1e%Ual contad," one: of the boys
"ff~ not a la• hut il'!!i not rl'!Com·
rnended until they are married," a girl
repeated an earlier lesson as she
remembered it.
"'The girl you do it to, her parents. "
began a boy.
"Don't say 'Do it.' " corrected the
teacher. •
Then the le11cher surtTmcrl..up the point.
''You don't go to the doctor because you
had sexual interconr~. You're e1n·
barrassed because you knQW th:it is a no,
no. Society 's no, no. FQr your pro-
Th11t's the way the tl1scussion went one
recent day in the cl;issroom of J1,1rs.
Gordon Marsh, a Costa Mesa re5ident
v.·ho teaches family life. set education.
artd tlrugs to her science. classes al Bell
Intermediate Schoo l in Garden Grove.
Aaolher.cla.<is. another hour, and a girl
asked, "That VP.1, what's II ctUled : ; ."
""VD," sin! was remin<,led.
• •·. :. .can you grt it by ki.'>:ilng1"
·'·It's possi\.lte. bul its not as gre.1t 3
possibility as with sexual intercourse,"
Mrs. Marsh said,
"Did It bother ym1 lo finrt out about
venereal disease'!" she a11ked the claiis.
"It did me. It v.·ould be nice. If these
thing!'! tlidn't ex.isl, hut they do.
"I haven 'l nieant lo frighte.n you bul if
J did it 's hccau~ some at these things
tSee SEX Ct.ASS, Paae Z)
Edison Player
Remains Critical
Mark Naylon. lS.year.o0ld junior \l'arsfly
loolball playt.r at Edison High School. re·
mains in critiCal coiidition today at lfun.
tlngton lntercommWllty Hospjtal.
1 Hospital officials said the youth's· con--
dition bad not changed from Monday.
Naylon collapsed Saturday afternoon·
following a game with Loara lligh ind
was rushed lo the ho:lpital with head in--
lie remaim in the tnteru.ive care unit
3ufrering from a subdural Mmatoma,
whl('h i3 internal bleeding in the brafn.
' I
Marina Planning
Homecoming for
Big Grid Game
P.farina Tligh School studPnls ~~
~lready making plans for their annual
homecoming when the Vikings will face
their arch-foe~. the Jlunlingtnn Beach
lll gh School Oilers, at th(' \Vestminslcr
Jl ip h !-i<'h1111I Slndiu n1 Nnv. 7.
The pre -game ar..t1vit1e~ \'o'il\ brg\n al
i ·4S r.m. ~·1th the introduction of ten
riueen no1ninees on a fJo;:it de.signer! tn
carry out lhis year 's theme of "The
Nc·rEeman Cometh."
Entertainment will bi' provided by
r.tarina·s award·"'inning \'iking Marching
Band and lhe. Valkyrie Drill Team.
Half-lime activities will conlcude with
the crowning or the new homecomini;:
queen . "America's Junior ~1iss/' J ackie
Henington. last year's queen, will (l[·
flciatc at the. ceremony.
The traditional homecominb dance will
hi' h~ld at 9 p.m. Nov. 8 in the r.,arina
High Sc:hool cafeteria. All alumni arc 1n·
\•ited to attend.
Car 1'akes Wild
Ride, Girl Too
The cl ;i11gtiter nf a \\1t>s\m1n:;;l<'r ra.r
v.·ash 1Jprr;itor tonk a wilrl. 11nexrccterl
ride through a cleaning facility at lill:>O
Y.'eslminstcr A\"t>. and into an a<ljoinina:
apartment building f\1onday momins.
Police said Linda Bruer. 18, of 502l
Phea.<;ant Circle, was placing a car on th•
conveyor line when she slipped and lhe
car lore lhroogh the machine. The ride
ended as the \'Chicle 5mashed a large
hole in a nearby apartment unit.
P.1iss Bruce suffered only minor cuts
and bn1iscs in the 10-42 a.m. accident
The car was clean bul had a fc1v lumps
in il as a result or the v.·ashing.
Orange Coa•t
Those de sert winds ere slowing
down and shoulrl give way to
cloudy skies on Wednesday. 'Look
ror a high of about 75 on lhc
Orange Coast and over the 80 mark
J'ifitl!.(ot f11nrl. sltareholrler•
huve liod a bnd year aitd /i11011-
cia.L columnist Sylvia Porter dis·
cusses wlint car~ be done nbout.
tt -·if unylhi11g -OIL Page 10
todny."lf.~ flte start <l/ o jour· . ' porl .rer1e3.
c.11 ...... 1. •
(ll tllll... ,..,s
CtmlU 11
("U'lf9rtll II CM••~ lttt!<to t l"l .. r l•I f'•tt t a11tt•l•lw,.,..,1 n
PhlM<t lt •l • ...,.w... "
Allll l •ft<ll•I IJ ..UHM• I
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l!'lwlo,l•I ,.w.,.. n
HtlloMI N•w1 4-' Or•"" C911ntf t 1v1¥1.tt f'•rl...,. lt
S-'t 16-1'
S!Kk '°""fh 1 .. tl
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WM""'" I W.,lol N-1 ._,
Wt-'1 Nton 1).1•
1!1111--------..... ~!"1"!"'-:-i""""-""!~~ ........ 111!"'7"-------~--~----.. ..... ~. ~· ...... .
2 DAll V rtLOT
'Lost Body'
Suit Delayecl
A dental ~mrgeon·:i re]ucl<inC'e lo Cl ·
amine the t>ighl·year-old rr:maln.s of a
Lon11ta v.·oman -if indeed lhey can be
found al \~'estminsler ~1ernorial Park ~
ltd to the delay !'llonday of Ronald T.
P.lcGinnis' $~.000 SuP'rior Court suit
against the mortuary.
Attorney Dudlry Cray \\'Ill nol now rn·
forct the exht1n1alion order nbta1l'lt'd last
\\eek from Judge ClatJd<' Qy;rns until ht':
c;;n engage a palho!ogl st lo s\udy the re·
mains \\'hlch he alleges were mislaid by
t.femorial Park of11cial s !iihortly after in·
terment of i•lrs. Pearl G. ti lcGinnis in
196 1.
"\Ve had hoped to ha\'e her dentist
check the rrmains but he quite un·
der~tandably refused," Gray said, "But
v.•c now ha\'e until Mey 3 -the new court
date -to set up :so1ne other means of
1df'n1Jficet!on, possibly by a pathologist'' f.1cGinni~. 6.l, now of Y.'ilmington . ~ued
fl perators o[ the \Vesltnlnsler mortua~y
\\'l1h Ute atlegatlon that the body of his
~·ife had been mis takenly cremated.
Memorial Park offlclal:s Insist ?-.!rs.
McGinnis' remains are "on the premis·
McGinnis argues In his sult that "con·
ditions of chaos" ex!stecl In the mortuary
at the time of his ~:ife'11 interment and In·
sisUI that she v.·u cremated In error.
He states that he paid In full for a
:oinglt!: crypt on Aug. 16, 1961, but agreed
to temporary intt!:nnenl of Mrs. ?-.tcGlnnis
in a dou ble drypt at Peace r.tausolewn
p!nding completion (If her ()WO final
resting place.
Somewhere along the line, t-.fcG!nnis
:wys, his wife's remains v.·ere misplaced.
And 1tt.omey Gray hope• to revive his
daim before J udge Owens on r.Jay 3.
From Page 1
:ire pretty frightening," she continued.
"There \s no way to put Icing on VO or
dn.igs. Sometime~ truth is more frighten·
ing than a story."
Discussion lurn'd nn things the class
had learned ,1·au:hing mo"irs. For the
::;€'x educat io n part of 1he cou rse thl'Y arc
"Girl lo \\'on1a n" and ''Boy to f.1a n,"
movi es \.\'Jdely used for separate showing
to girls and boys in school dlstricla that
don't hll\'t. a StX e.d ucati on program.
No 9.Titten materials arc u~d for r.'x
Pducallon instruction in the Garden
Gro\'" Unified District, nothing th11t can
be taken away from class and snickered
m·er. Jn:slruction is .1111 by movies,
speakeri; {particularly for the drug por·
ti an ) and class discussion.
Parent..s are invited to sit In class any
time, but not their own child's class. A
daily assignment for the students is to
discu!is what was talk ed about in class
\.\'ith their parent~.
"How many of ~·ou can ~k you r
pa rents questions and get good answers,"
~Jr!. Marsh asked the class.
About half th" chlldren raised thell'
ha nds.
"GQOO fo r you g\J)'s," she said. "Thars
\\'hrn a:sktd how they thought lhe
course could be improved, ~tudenl!I 1aid
they w"re most interested in drugs and
would like to see more time given to that.
Th'Y didn't think much af the fam tly life
portion because jt y,•as boring. treatt:d.
them like sissies and didn't te ll the1n
anylhi ng they didn't already know.
1-frs. ~fersh asked about the sex ed UCll·
11rin portion and ont' 111rl \'oluntet'red the
"Pin ion, ••\\·e·re L'Q\crcd \\'hat ne<'ds t'l
br .''
"Y,s. right 110\v for )O\Jr agr.'' !'\Ir~.
)lars.h ~aid.
G.~I Building Hurns
NEW YORK !U Pll -A tll.i;i.alarm fire
tn the new Gtn"ral f.1otor11 Corp. build ing
Monda y afternoon cau~ed an t'stimat~ SL
million damage and a Fifth A\'enue traf·
fie jam.
lteb••I N. W1•' """lft"I •NI 1>uo11""''
J·~~ It. Cu•l•y
..,k, rrn111e .. 1 '"" C.•~"•1 "''"'"'
Th•"'"' IC11•il lod1t~r
1~01"11 1 A. M~iri~;n•
l.',1,.111"• ld•'Of
A!!.111 W, 111,,
··-·"'• ldlHo•
H1111llllf'H ..... Office
JC9 ~tit $t•1•t
t.f1!1i"t Atlclrtn: P.O. I•• 790, fli41
Otlrln Olfle•
........ ,! 111(11' l111 W•\I lllll'lt lleUlt~l/1111
ta1'" ~""' llO We•t ltY l l•ftl LttYnl 1 1.cl\; lll ~ftl•I ....... ut
11-'11.Y •1l 0 1, "'''" "'""'" 11 «f"Ol!lfll t•t .,.,.,,.,.~11. ,. ouOhl••d tll •'• f •(MI Su,..
llllY Ill u p1•1!9 l d<!-1 tor 14""'11"'tN•
I t.ell. '""'1•111 \11111;, CM+• M.-., Nrw-
Je•I lll UI\ 1•d L19u•1 l11cll, ,,..., •<lit
,..,. •n-•I 11°•:e.rio. (l11nt 1 c11o111 rYll"•""
l•t c_.n1 """''""' P••~•• "" 11 n 11 w .. 1 l 11tff 11•8 . Nt .. /l<rl !'llUI, eflf ~ "-'•i.l ....... ,,,,,1, (~11• ,,,., ••
Tel•plleM 171 41 44J.eJl1
"'"" W•lf111l11tlt• Co ll S40·1110 C'-"""11 Ai'l'ertl,IRt 642 ·1•71
r...,,191"tt, 1Ht, Cl••·i• t • .,r ·~1111111,,.. r.-··~... . .......... '.' ........... , .. , ... ..
H ili"t l ,....,,., II ·~"'"''-"" H•••R "'I~ .. 11 ... Nu<H •llr.oul llletl•I '""'~ •• ,~ ... •'9fll ........
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•••• 1,. I)~ ......... ,,''''"" t' ., '!!O<l!~lrl
''"1111r, "4111.,t l'°"'-llOI -'• •·
.. Spil'ited A11teate1's
1Vuitiug for Wol'd
Diet Food Sales
Drop on Coast
01 !ht Ol llt "11•1 Sloll
l·"ood :-;!11res along the Orange Coast
have notll'rd a <Jrop in sales of d\cl foods
;ind drinks eontainin1 cyclamalt, now
banntd by the fede ral gove rnment.
Dul ni any 11tore 1nanagers ar" Y.'aiting
lo hear from the ir central offi ces, as 1\ell
<i.~ frorn supplirrs of the food.
itt"lailers ha1e unt i! Jan. I tn remo1·"
lhc tuuds cuntatning c y c I a n1 a t t ,
!'>U:i>peeted of causing canctr, from tht'ir
At Albertson's in 1..aguna Stach,
r1annger Jerry Baines sald, "\\'e y,·itl be
tlronping thf' en:i re dlet tine by lettlng the
!'lock run out. A few peop!t are: still
huying ii, but Y.'C are giving refunds now
;111d 1 imagine sales y,·ill come: to 1
s1 ;1ndsti!J."
"They may go ba ck to :;;ur&l')'I filn
:n !Jfi('i al sv.•eetener that contains no
1·yl·lamaLe ), and I read &om"where that
J 'l'p."i is ~oing to use a very 5n1;il1
:1 n1ount O[ S\lg<l"r for the ir diet drinks,'' he
1n half, at least "
"As of now. \1 e are n11! an1rc1 roa1tn~
pulling it off t11e ~hch•cs until Jctnuary,"
lie said.
Mel Lloy, manager of ri.larket Basket.
1150 lr1'ine Ave., r-;'ewport, i! waitin g to
hear trum the store'3 t orporate offices.
"Not more than ihree J}('ople wan tt'd to
br ing the ~turf bark.'' he ~airl .
"\\'e ex pet'I mor1•, hut wr·re prohablv
,:ioing lo lca\'e J\ un the shelves and Ju i t
Jet it run vut."
Cherry said cus tomers had slopped buy·
Ing and \Vere bringing back unopened
c<irtons of riiel sod a.
And at Richard's Lido f.f arkel, 34.iJ
\'1.i Lido. Ne,l'port Beech clerk Jun
"\\'e have ht-en ret urning 'their 1noney
tx-r.ause 11·e ha1·e main ly good established
c11stomeri; and we don't v.·ru1t to lose
111em." he said.
At Tnriftimart, 270 1 Harbor B!\'d ,
Cns tn ~f,~.~il, n1a11;1gcr 1\rt /ly\·azian said
ht• 11·ould hear Uy lllf' €'nd or the (la y
\\'he thcr or nol ci ll dict snit tln nks anrl
olhcr 1;"ytla rna\C·t'(lnla1n 1ng f()()fJst uif.1
wou ld be rrn1ovcd frorn the ~hel ve.~.
If they are rrn1oved, A,v\'azian .sa1rl, U1p
store "would pr;:>bably get credit on mo~t
of the item s,"
UC Irvine doesn 't have a football team, but that
doesn't mean it d oesn't ha\'e pep squad. These
songleaders are currently arpearing at UC J v.1ater
polo games, where cries o "ZOT'' are music to
Anteater fans. From left are Dottie Goforth, 20,
\\lhittier: Sue Frost, 19. Upland : Sue 111 11 . l'l, r ain
Alto; Elise Smith , 20, Orange : Jlenn.v \\'1h or;;:. lR,
Temple City; Ann Preston, lfl, \\'f)()d la 11 d 1\111•.
Pam Viele, 19, Calabasas, a nd .i\dcle Ca ~so, IB.
Fountain Valley ..
At Acnrd'~ J\\a rl\rt, 283 Broadll'ay,
Laguna Beach, Glen AcQJ'd said, "'\Ve're
going ;i loni,: with the compa nies that sell
the merchandise and are stiU lea \'ing it
on the shelves. We've had no refund re-
que sts."
R111 he adderl lhat the independent
~lore 1s now selling "\'Cry little'' in the
way o, di et dr in ks.
At Safev.·ay, l!XHl Bayside Dri\·c,
t-.'e1•.'port Beach , manager Bob Clark ~ald
!hat sales of the diet food "have been cut
"One customer who brou ght snme f':\uft
bark was a littlr in<ulting. but t hat ".~ lhe
on!~· trouhlr 11c'\'c harl ," he said. ".\1o~t
of the peopl€' ha\'r hcrn \<'ry nice. and nr
course y,·e gi\'<' 1h<'rn !heir money bat k if
the y ask for ii "
He recalled lh<' cranberry scare or 10
years agn.
Huntington Holding l(ey? Bm·ke Joi11s
Protest, Raps
Davis Ruling
"The cranbcrrv th111~ \1'as brcausc thry
thou ght !here "ere ln~ectic1des 1n the
Cranberries, but after a y,•hile people
"·ere buying thf'm aga in like nothing had
e\·er happenerl." he noted.
At another (o.~ta r-.tesa grocery. A!phll
Beta's store at 2~l E. 17th SL., Jim Ill·
ingv.·orth, the ma na.i:er, said. "]l 's too
early to te !l ir there·s been any drop in
sales ."
Newport's Bid for Inland Route Depends on Beach
Of 111• 01111 "lot $11!f
Huntington Beach may hold tne key to
t-.'ewport Beach'g hope:; for an inland
routing of the Pacific Coast FrPev.•ay
y,·est of the Upper Bay, Nev.·port Plann ing
Director Larry Wilson :said Monday.
Wilson. in a lalk before Newport
l~arbor Chambt>r nf Commprce dirertor~.
!>aid the ideal inland ro11!inJ: \1·nuld be one
tha t heads dnwn 1011"<1rd i\cwporl from
the \·jcfnily of the adopted ;ilignment at
Beach Boulel'arrl and Adams A\'cnuc in
Jluntmgton Beach.
f ron1 there. lt 1\·ou\d cul wu1h11·€'~terly
-or diagonally -across Hunt ington
Beach territory, acr05."I the rirf'r, across
Banning Flats behind i'\ewporl Shores
.and V."ould pass Hoag ~l emorlal Hospital
on the north. Cont inuing the diagonal, il
11·ou!d slice routh of Clay Street east of
Newport Bou/t\'ard Rnd ul timately con·
11ect with the adopll'd c0a stltne-huJ:gin~
rouU' in the arr;i of !he BalOOa Ba y Cluh.
"This alignment," i;aid Wilson, ;,might
be favorable to the Highway Commission
beeause it would be a mile shorter than
t.he existing rou~.
"But thls i.5 a question that obviou!ly
Inv olve s !he City of Huntington Beach,
because il goes across an area y,·herc
rapid development (mostly residential) is
ta king place."
Several year! ago, Huntington Beach
1'U ppnrtCTJ an inl and alignment for the
fr ttv.·ay. It got one. as far inland as
Beach Boulevard and Adams Al'enue. But
from thert, the adopted rout" sllces
ahrurtl.v tov.·ard tht coastline in I.he ar'a
of Beach Boulevard and Coast Highv.•ay.
Slnct lhfn, Wilson rtported, Huntington
Beech city official! ha ve :shown no en·
lhusl asm for further involvement in lhc
route C'Ontroversy. ··t r v1e can't gain the cooperation of
ltuntington Beach on this," sald \Vilron,
··~ev.-por!'s only alternative is to try to
l'.:C'l !hr stnte to swing the route hehind
Hoag ill emorial starting 11 t a point ot
Drookhurst and the highway."
Hunth1gto11 Stole11 Card
-Case Lhtl{ed to Rohhe1·y
/\ H.untinglon Beach pohce rase in·
\Ol~ing sto!t n credit card~ mo1td to
Laguna Beach loda:-r as police sought lo
11uestlon tY.o su~pccts on an armed rob·
ber.J' in Laguna.
On Oct. 16, ~11chacl nichard Conk\Jn,
'.!ll, ol li3S \Ve~lrh f! Or1\·e, !\r11•port
Beat h. rf'ported to Laguna police that lie
had picked up Lwo n1en in J!un1ingl.on
Beat h and g1vtn ther11 11 ride 1'1 t..ag un11
11 he•' thry allrgMl.v pulled 11 'K nife and
ivok his 11:.il!ct conl~tn1n:; 1noncy and
l redi ! card.-:-
Tllat night, l\w1Lini;:ton Beach polict.
:;lcn ~ct by crNl it card comf'8 nie~. picked
up lico rge Brin ley , 20, nf \\'est Hollywood
;u1d Curtls Anderson , IB. of Long Beacl1,
as Brinley att emptrd to L/SC a cred it
r ard to make ;a purchase. in a clothing
i'>tore .
Andt>T"&On , "'h<"I was not in possession of
any or the credit cards, y,·a:s released, but
Request Studied
For Health Spa
A requt~l for a he11th spa In F0unta1n
\'11\ley y,•[ll again appear on a br!ef plan·
nlng comml&l!ion asenda at 7:30 p.1n.,
\\'rdnesda v.
PJ1nnei5 harf drla~•ed 1 prt1Jio11.\ ri11 blic
litaring on th" health sp• in order to
11uestion the applicant, Btverly Anderl!0n,
operator of 1 similar faclllty In Newport
Onr (lthrr i\en1, a rcf(U C'SI In ~t"r11~ horr
~t Phil's {>.lr s11·an Food , 1s also scheduler!
for a public hearing.
Two Arabs Sen tenced
For Anti-Israel Acts
HEBRON, Ckcupled J ordan 11·r11 -
An l.~raell ml\U11ry court r-.f(lndey stn·
tcnced t1.1•0 Hebron Arabe: lo 20 yt1rs in
prison for 11ntJ-lsrAell act!vltlrs. Jsrarlt
1«t1rlty rorres c.hargtd the Arob11
monitored r11dioM con1m1nrts from Al
Falah Rtlerrlllas In Amman, In cluding an
ordc• to ~t't ofr a truckload of rxp!oslves
In downto"n J eru.satem. Thty·\l•err ~Ii·
ted before they could do it, i3r.acl aid.
i -
rickf'd up again later as 1 susptd. m 1
Jlununi;t.on Beach burglary Ci5t'.
Comparing notes on tht mi:s5i.ng cards
and Conklin's description ol h i s
<assailants, the tv.·o police departments
drcu1cd tht y <ipparently \\'ere "'·orking on
the same ca!e.
Brinley was brought to Laguna Beach
jail ~fonday lO face arraignmerit on the.
arn1ed robbery count. His companion y,•1!1
he plc~td \IP by Laguna Beach police,
they ttported, ~'hen I.he Huntington
llr.ach burglary matter is taken care of.
f.f eanwhlle, pollc" in both cities are
1(1\'.lklng for the r~t of the !lolen credit
Ocean View OKs
Try for $60,000
In State Funds
Tru.~ttes "' the Oct'an \1ie\' ~chonl
n lstrlct ~lonrtay said they setk '60,000 tn
federal funds for a library al Park View
Thr mont y 9''111 ~come available under
!hf' Elrmtntary And Secondary Education
Ar t, acco rding to Dist. Supt. Clarence
\\ni l ~;1id Park YiC\\' N-hool ~·as
!<.elected bcrau~e i~ has thf require<! nun1·
her or 11quarc feet 1v1Jlable for • library
of !hi,, type.
I le added that lhe :sum of 1nonty "·ould
r<'pr!'St'nt about 7,000 volurnri: of hooks
:in1! Sl6.000 tn audio.,·isual teaching aids.
"f.~tablish1nent and operation o[ a
libr<iry of this type demonstrates the
rrlucational value of an ad@(!uate school
library or ini:lrurtional materials ctnter
~t'r\'lng children i nd l'tchr rs in 1 single;
;i tteodance 1re1." he said. ••ft will be nf
,Jt rl'<'t benefit to the chlldrtn or this
dl~tr!cl. ·•
In othrr action, th~ tru:stttJ apprO\'t>d
t').prnditure al $100 ptr school to
rurchast tqulpment to be usPd in 1n
.;i f\er-~chool recreation proiram be1lMln1
j';;i\·. 3.
Tht rlly·spon~rtd proir•m "·Ill be of.
ff't"'<I fr om 3:30 p.m. to~ p.m. 1t 111bout 10
of tJ1e dlslrlcl'11 tthools. The total C'Olll of
lhr prl'~.1m . "'Ith the; trctpt!on of tqul p·
mr nt. Is paid for by I.ht City of lfun·
llnJl1on Beach.
But fir lndic<1 tPd \it!Jr oplim1sm ah 1\l t
the :st.ate findin11: that an arrrptable
alternativr. "Fran klv, I thi nk this v.·ilt he
difficult to ~ell to th.e s1 al€'." hr said. "It
y,·O\Jld be slighlly longrr thiln tl1e udopt cd
New port rlty cn11ncthnr11 la~l 1\l:'ek in·
structed lhel r staff to prepare a presen·
talion iirguing /or reopening of rnute
hearings by the lli J(hway Con1mi~sion.
\Vilson said 1t 1~ po:-.,.iblt' th e pri>srntaicvn
will be made at !he com1n1ss1on's
No\'ember or January meeting.
lie said, hn1\•e1·er. !hat thr c1!y's "best
pos ition" y,•ould be to agree on a sprcil!c
.alternati ve rou!e.
"If v.·e have it "'ide open." he ~aid. "11·c
ran'l get the roncurrence nf Co.~tll
~ftsa." Officials 1n that city have saicl
that if New po rt wa nts to j.e.rou1 e the
freey,ay. !hat's all right with them , as
long as it stays in Newport.
Newport's presentation or a preri~~
;i lignm('nt to the slil tf' v.·ould a~~u;ige any
Costa fl!esa concern, \\'ilson indic;i ted .
Counci lmen last \\'Ce k egreecl Cos ta
~fesa territory should not bt touched hy
any new routing. But they 1•oiced n.J
prererencc for nny p;1 r1 icu lrir ali gn n1e11l,
\\0hi ch 1\•ou!d. of nrt.:c.<>sit\·, cul a hu.:r, 10·
Jan !" S\.\'ath through ~rY.:porL !!c1ghtli
\\'i!son tol d chamber dire ctor~ 1h,1L lhe
Coast Freey,·ay, as now planned by the
i-.tate, v.•ould·
-\~·ipc out mo~t h11s1ne~'"" nn 1!1('
north sirlc of l\·p~l Coast 1l1gh11:i;. lroin
the r11·rr la the bay.
-Trike out a · big chunk o[ Hoag
r-.1rm?r1a l llospl tal property, along 1hc
southcm edge.
-Precludt an.v rnar1n:i 1!c1 e!r.p:nl"nt
bchinri Newport Shor!'~.
-Hesu lt ln a 2.S·fcxit. high /1ll Y.alhn.t:
<>ff \\'est Newport"s beach area fro1n tho
re~t of tht' com1nunll v.
Concerning possible 11• a t e r w a 1· ~
11pstr,am of !he S;in!a Ana H11·e1·. \\'1l~r>11
~aid it is unlikely the city "·oulrl he able
lei cnn1 inrc the slnte in chan'1:e 1he
root ing on lhc basis of as ~ct ''Jr·
rtfuta ble '' pla11s to build a n1arina Hl the
Incensed b.v a court blockade of the fit·
i11g Qf UCLA communist instructor
Angela Davis, Aseemblyman Robt.rt H.
Uurke (R-Huntington Beech) today jolned
;, chcrus of prote:sUng legislators.
The overturning in Los Angeles
Superior Court of ~Uss Davis' dismissal
lrd Burke to de1nand today that loyalty
oath legis lation he int roduced in the put
~esslon be approved as soon as poss ible.
0 'Th1s measure would requi re a stat"'
menl (lf ll)yahy for all :state employt!
\\'hi ch y,·ould fulfill the edicts of the U.S.
~upreme Court," .said Burke, v.·ho fee ls
the Da vi! case may swing it.
··r ve trird in th" past lo 'et a loyalty
oath which would aceompl1&h this ap-
proved bu t the opponents pooh-poohed the
nted by stalin g nothing like: this ever
l1apJ}('ns. \\'ell it hes happened," he said.
Burkes' n1easure would in part :slate
lh11L v.·hcn any public cn1ploye advocates,
ur t~ knowingly a member of the Com·
rnunisl party or any organization he
kno\\s ad\'ocales the overthrow of U.S. or
Ca!ilcrnia government by force or
\ioli:.>nr r . \1·it h the In ten t to further suth
an 2oin. this \\'Ould be su ff icient cause for
. ..... '-·:.i
l'rom Page l
:-,.l(.1et_1·. called Jud~c Pacht a "career
lrltist.'' Tile Arcadia Republican cited a
l!H7 re port of the Leg islat ur e's L'n·
Ampril'an Activities Com mittee \\h1ch
: lated that in 1945 Pacht y,•as 1 gue.st
~.~a ker before the American YoutiL for
Oen1orra cy. y,•hich the committee con·
lrnrlf'd •·foilows the Cotnmunis l Party
l';ich t rlrcli_n('d !o corn mt nt n n
T:lchardson 's i;tetement. lie was 22 in
YMlr ~00
!!Uc1 o6 S1tt1sct
He added , "If the public (!l)('sn't 1Yant
lo buy them, I guess y,·e·11 take them off
Lhc shel\'es. ·•
In Huntington Beath, the manager o[
\'on's st.ore 90, y,·ho declined lo ideotify
hirnse lf, said, "Any inforn1ation on thi1
has lo come out of our El f.lonte head·
Beacl1 Planners
Get Second Look
At Gas Station
S!andard Oil Company's much-debaltd
service station comes before the Hun·
tingto n Beach Planning Comrnission
ag;iin tonight at 7 o'clock 1n the Clty
Cnunc!l Chambers.
The station, proposed ror loca11 on at
the southwest corner of \Va rner Aveoue
<ind Golden Vt'est Street. became the
c1>r.ter of a controversy over esthetic
dt."slgn some y,·eeks ego.
r.l"anwhle, a city a ltorney's report
forwarded to the planning commission
ha~ di:sclostd that there y,·ou!d be nothing
illegal about requiring gas st;it ion.~ to be
firs t approved by the Dts1gn Re\·ir>.1•
Several city cooncilmen, 111ctud1ng
r-.1ayor Jack Green have conlendetl th11t
rc{'ent gas stations do not corne up to
f'Sthetic sta ndard~. l<'av1ng much to be
dr.•ired in their d<-·i:1g11.
r\L tonight's meeting lhr pl.1n11rr ~ rn ay
rrfer the stat ion pl<ins to t!Jc re\·1ew
board for the fJrs l 1l me, 1n11J<111ng a new
C!('' polJcy.
Also scheduled for plann1nc t·o1n·
mls~1 on action is a u.~e penn1t for the e;\·
r:insion nf an r~1~1 1ns l'nll\'<t lc~ernt
hu~pit;;l into an 80·1.ird small gcncr;il
The pre-senl ho~_n1l;il. C'lpcra1rtl by 11 E
IL Inc., is located on the east sir:lc or
D£lav.·are ~tree!, south of flla in S1reet.
--~ ... ,.., _ .. ,
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WATCH~ .. i.~ FREE
NASA It •• •••• •1 •••
"""" 10 fti1 ""110. Tf I
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•ci-.d•OIW wwi. '" w• •Mi-l'lAlLS $100 s4as •l·ST•UN5 fr ..
WI TH l lNc;S $3.00 THIS SlZID, trM
AD Dll.MONDt $6.00 •DLA.C::ID, ,, .. ==.•Slit· fNllAYIN• IONI -_, '#HILi TOU WArt
Huntlnqton Ctnttr
looch crt Edln941r
""' •••••••··,,h. Tk1 '"'' ... , .. --.., .... ··~ ..
tlit 1H1a. ~•:11 S1tL
.,._, AtllUSU
and back
Harbor Shoppin9 Center
2100 Harbor llvd .
892-5501 545-9485
" I
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Lag11na Bea eh Today's Flnal
N.Y. Stocks
Diet Drinl( Sales Tumble Along Orange Coast
01 tht D•lf'I l'llOI Sift!
~~ood stores ;:ilong t!1e Orange Coast
ha\lf" noticed a drop in sales of diet foods
and drink~ containing l'yclainatc, now
b:inncd by thl' fcc!('ral go11crn1nC'nl.
But many store rnanagers arc \1-'<J.iting
to hear from their central offices, as \~Cll
as from suppllcrs of the food .
Retaltcrs have until Jan, 1 to remove
the !oods containing c y c I a ma t e,
suspected of causing cancer, from their
At Albertson's in Laguna Beach,
man;igcr Jerry Baines said, "We "''ill be
droppfng the entire diet line by letting the
stock run out. A re\'•' people arc still
buying it, but we are giving refunds now
and I imagine sales will come to a
"They may go back to sucaryl (an
arliricial sweetener that contains no
cyclamate ), and I read somewh ere that
Pepsi is going to use a very small
amount of sugar ror their diet drinks," he
At Acord 's t-.tarket , 28J Broadway,
Laguna Beach, Glen Acord said, "\Ve're
going along "'ilh the cun1panles that. S(>I!
the merchandise and are still !ea\•ing it
on the shelves. We've had nu refund re·
But he adrle-d thal the indcpcndC'nl
store iG nO\~ selling "very little"' in the
V.'ay 01 dlcl drinks,
At Safeway. 1000 Bayside Drive.
Newport Beach, manager Bob Clark said
that sales of the diet food "have been cut
in half, at least."
"As of now, we are not anticipating
pulling it off the shelves until January,"
he said.
~lei Lloy, manager of Markel Basket,
I \;,{I Irvine, Newport Beach, is walling to
hear from the, store's corporate offices.
'"Nol more than three people wanted lo
bring the stuff back," he said .
"We expect more, but ""·e 're probably
going to leave it on the shelves and just
Jct it run out."
And at Richard's Lido Mart, Newport
Beach, clerk Jim Cherry said customer!
had stopped buying and were bringing
back unOpefled cartons of diet sod<i.
"We have been returning their money
because we have mainly good est.ablished
customers and \\IC don't want to lose
them " he said.
At Thrlftimart , 2701 Harbor Bouleva rd,
Costa Mesa, manager Art Ayval..ian said
he would hear by the end of the day
whether or not all diet soft drinks and
othrr cyclamate-containlng focidstuftt
would be rentoved from the shelves.
[f they are removed. Ayvazia n said, the
store "would probably get credit on mD6t
of the i~ms."
''One customer who brought some stuff
back was a little insulting, but I.hat's the
only trouble we've bad," he said. "Mo.st
of the people ha ve been very nice, and of
ecret itness or ear ? •
Autopsy 'Funeral'
'We've Had It,' Says Mary Jo's Dad
father of Mary Jo Ko~chne testified to-
day that pern1itting an autopsy on !]Is
dJught er, killed in an accident involving
U.S. Sen. Ed\.\'ard M. Kennedy, "would be
just like another funeral."
"\Ve have had it," the father said at a
t.earing on a request by 11assachusetts
authorities for an autopsy on the body or
the 28-year-0\d Washington secretary \\'ho
dit!d last July 18 in a tidal pond in Ken·
nedy's submerged auto off Chap·
paquiddick Island, Mass.
The father, speaking in a ba""IY audi·
b!e voice, said he and his wife, who was
not in court, felt authorities '"had their
chance. \Ve absolutely do not want it
F.dmund S. Dinis, a Ma ssachusetts
district attorney who is seeking the
autopsy, did not cross-examine Kopechne
during: his one-mniute appearance on the
Dinis rested his case during the morn·
ing session after Cyril H. Wecht, chief
pathologist for Allegheny County (Pa.),
testified an autopsy on a body eKhumed
after four to six month s could be "quite
fruitful ."
Asked to estimate the value of an ex-
Youngsters Inject Peanut Butter
Cl11CAGO ( ~ -· -A federal drug ex-
pert says young~. ·s in some parts of the
country have takl.I lo injecting pcariut
butter and mayonnaise into their veins as
a substitute for narcotics,
In several documented cases the result
has bc€n death, Ernest A. Carabi!Jo Jr., a
2 Officers Eject
As J et Trainer
Plunges in Sea
rr11•0 unll cnn1rnandi11g officers ejectrd
::;afely five miles al se a off La guna Beach
r.1ond11y, af1er their jet tralner dc1'eloped
control trouble on a flight from El Toro
~farin1: Corps Ajr Station.
They were picked up by a hel icopter
from the Marine C-Orps Air Station Santa
Ana. while the crippled TA4F Skyha1vk
trainer dove into lhc ocean, disintegrated
and sank.
The pilot "'a~ identified as Lt. Col.
llerbert I.. Wright, 41, of J 220
Ca nd!ewood St., Orange, commanding of·
fleer of HeadquartE'rs ;;ind JVJaintenanf'e
Squadron JJ, according to bas e
Copi!Qt was Lt. Col. Jerry E. Kehrle,
27 of 1722 Mitchell Ave., Santa Ana com· m~nrling officer of Marine Air Base
Squadron 33, who, like his companion,
escaped injury when forced to ditch.
Authorilies ~afd the men encountered
difficully wilh the aircraft's control
system before heading it out to sea and
bailing off the coast at Emerald Bay.
la1vyer·pharmacist in the Federal Bureau
of Narcotics, told a news conference
Carabillo said the information that
peanut butler and mayonnaise v.·ould
send users "on a little trip" \\'as con·
tained in an underground recipe book
purporting to outline "culinary escapes
from reality."
Other recent fad s, he said , Included the
use of paragoric, cleaning fl uld, the local
anesthetic ethychloride and freon. the
pressuriied propellant gas in aerosols.
Carahillo said users. or narcotic
~ubslitute conJused the bizarre and toxic
reac1ions ~'1th the so-called "high" pro-
\ ided by such drugs as heroin or mari-
juana. He cited the smoking of dried
hanana skins, a !;id of a couple ol years
ago, a." an example.
Frank Gulich, a narcotics bureau of·
ficial stationed in Chicago. said the
un<lerground "cook books" usually r;ell
ror about $1 and often give the rormulas
for preparing drugs such as UO.
Drug users, Gulich said, are "alwa)'S
looking for new drugs that won't be. a
violation ol the law."
Carabillo said Gulich appeared at lhe
<innua l meeting of the American
Academy ot Pediatrics.
Stock JtJarkeU
NEW YORK (AP)-The stock market
continued a strong upward march on a
broadening tron~ in active trading late
this afternoon. (See quotations, Pages
10-11 ).
Advances widened their margin over
declines in individual issues lraded on the
New York Stock Exchange, 849 to ·474.
tt rnal examination done at the ti1ne the
girl's body \.\'as recovered, 'Vechl said
'"'ro consider an exter11<1 l examination the
(',1d proce::;s of a medical and !eg<i l in-
ve~tigation is absurd ."
Dun Gifford, \Vashlngton, D.C., a
legisl.:itive aide to Sen. Kennedy v.·ho was
(•:1lled as a 1vitness by a Kopechne at-
tQrner. Joseph F. Flanagan, said he was
c!eleyed until July 20 in returning with the
body to Pennsylvania because of bad
\~·eather .
lie said he also thought "there was a
question of whether the.re was a hold on
the body for possible autopsy."
Capo's Teacl1crs
Get Raise, But
Still Lolvest Paid
By PAl\1 ELA lfALl.A1\I
or tft1 01111 p ;1a1 H1H
Teachers in the Capistrrin" Unified
School Dislrict v.•il\ be getting a pay in·
crease but they'll sill! be the lowest paid
in Orange County,
Trustee Bob llurst reported to the
Bnarrl of Trustee~ al 1-·londay night's
meeting, t.hc joint cnmm1ltec of teacl1ers
and board mcrnbcrs h.'.lrl rcnched :in
agreement on salary adju&lmcnL<; ef·
fcctive Jul.)• I, 1!)69. The adJU Stmcnt.'>
\1·oul cl m;ikr. IC\lt'l'lcrs' salaries hf>gin at
$6,750 with a 1nux1mun1 figure of $l3,5(l3
)X'r ~·ear .
Classified personnel 1\·ould receive a
one percent increase and adn1inis1rators
also would gain one percent nd;ustment
ln their salary schedule.
The board voled 5 lo 2 in favor or the
increase \vhich ..,,.ou!d be funded in
various ways. The main sum would come
fr om funds that had been planned for a
projected growth \~hich did not come
about leaving a surplus.
Another area included person n e l
salaries \\/hereby persons leaving !he
district were paid n1ore than their
replacements leaving money left over.
Al Pierce, representing • the teacheri;,
said that his group was pleased by the
roo:)mmendation and felt that the study
committee which had been appointed last
June had been an excellent way to pro-
mote communications between teachers
and board.
Sex Class Answers 'Why?'
Mesa Woman, Tells Grove School Approacli to Course
01 t111 Dall¥ Pli.t Sllff
"If VD Is so easy to cure why is. there
M> much of it?" the early-teen girl asked.
;'People who have it won't go to the
c.JOCtor because they are embarrassed
about it.'' said a boy her age.
"Thry. know they aren't supposed to.''
ano ther girl in the seventh grade c\as~
sald .
"Aren't stt pposrd to what~" asked the
··Have sexual contact," one of the boys
6aid .
'"It'!!: not R law but il"s not rccom·
mended unLil I.hey are marcied,'' a girl
repeated an earlier lesson a.~ she
remembered It.
"The girl you do it to, her ,parent.,, •• "'
began a bay.
"Don't say 'Do it,' •• corrected the
Then the teacher :i;ummed up the point.
"You don't go to the doctor because you
had sexual intercourse. You're em·
barrassed because you know that is a no.
no. Society's no, no. For your pro -
That's the way !he discw;sion went one
recent day in the classroom nr Mrs,
(;ordOfi M&rsll , I Cost.a Mesa resident
\\'ho teaches family life, sex educalion
and drugs to her science classes at Bell
Intermediate School in Garden Grave.
Another class, another hollr. and a girl
asked, "That VM, what's it called .•• "
"VD," she was reminded.
" .•. can you get it by kissing~''
"H.'s possible., but it~ not as greal a
po::isibili ly as wilh se:(ual intercourse,"
r.1rs. ~larsh said.
"Did it bother yo\1 to fi nd out oho11t
vr,ne rcal dise:i!<c"?" sh1. asked the rlass.
''It did me.. It would be nice if these
th ings didn 't exi~t. hut they do,
"I havc.n"l .meant to frighten you b11t if
l did it'!I hrx:ausc soml' of these things
D.t.IL 'r l'ILC1 Sll ll l' .. lt
Laguna'• Winter Lifeguard F ind1 Workload Challenging
Lone Lifegunrd Patrols
3 Miles of Laguna Sand
Cl In• ClllJ P'llo! il•fl
.And then !here wai;: one.
Lt. Eugene DePaulis is the one. He's
the sole on-duty lifeguard w Inter
weekday s, responsible for about three
miles (as the seagull flies) of Laguna
Be;irh <inrl county beaches.
DePaulis 'is supposed to have an assis·
But Craig Lockwood, former Laguna
.i::uard and writer. came to the fork in the
road and folhwied his literary calling.
D<:Pau lis said -a llttle wisUully it
seemed -that his former sidekick is on
an e~lcnded tour of the South Pacific for
11 surfer publication.
Capt. Phillip 5tubbs, a permanent guard.
Alt.hough San Clen1enle can call mor•
men from its reserves, the regular filrce
can be. spread pretty thin on a busy
weekday, Stubbs noted that opening of
Dana Poinl Harbor is causing more
boating-type rescues.
If you call the Laguna lifeguard tower
during the weekday and DePaulls is on
patrol, a recording answ.ers and notifies
callers to call the police departinent.
Tilere is also a weather report.
Police ca n radio DePaulis if he is in the
lifeguard emergency vehicle. tn an
emergency, police have a list of other
tem porary lifeguards to call.
Such was the case recmtly when a
young man strolled into the surf with his
shoes on, swam out past the surf, sank
and drowned.
DePaulis said there had been three.
drownings this yea r by the end of Sep-
Later Jack Liocke joined DePaulis in
the jOh of guarding the beaches from
Abalone PQint to Aliso Creek during the
winie r months. Lincke recently quit to
join the Huntingtnn Beach lifeguard force
for. said OePaulis, about $250 additiona l
per monlh.
DePaulis find s his workload challeng• Statistics for most lifeguard activities
·ing. He has beach patrols, rescue work, are up,
flrsl aid calls, lost persons, maintenance There have been 669 rescues \ogg~:
of equipment and slrudures, paper work .. -&ie beach heart attack death : 4,13d first
and physical conditioning for himsell to aids aclminUtered: 161 missing pencmt11
work into his 40-hour week. reported : 9,747 enforcements of Jaw;
On weekends there is · help. Other 11,389 respon.'ies lo beach activities (from
1Heguards who , work at oth~ wee.kday throwing sand to climbing cliffs); and 813
jobs appear. three strong, to gv.ard. reports" of·lost ·articles.
De.Paulis is attempting to recruit help Of CQurM there are more guards in lhe
-help, he hopes will stay wtth 1ht jab. summer. DePaulis said there are: ~2
One problem. said lhe veteran e;uard, is: co1Jnllng the guards at private beaches
the pay. such as Emt!rald Bay , .I rvine Cove and
lie said Laguna guards begin 11t .$2.60 Bille Lagoon.
per hour. San Clcn1ent.t guards start at But at the moment, DePau!ls is hoping
S2.85, said DePaulis. but the guards al for just one more full -lime. dedicated
st:i1r beaches sfart at $3.41. p,ul\J'd who will slay with the (orce. When
Thlc; doesn't cht!er Sa n Clemente guards .leave, new ones have to be pro-
guards. DcPaufis noted, since I.bey d\) the cessed wJth their papers and municipal
same v.·orJ.; fqr .km pa;., S;an Cleme.nte benefit..' through city ilaU. "There111 a lot
h11s UPh milu of c1ty <ii~. CC¥Jld.Y ~ of pa.per work" !&id DePaulls st.arin& at
with 'four"pftmfDent wltl~~ uid the s~.
LSD Leader
Says Arrests
Were filegal
A secret defense witness was promised
today as attorneys for Dr. Timothy
Leal)", his wife and ron, tried to show at
P pretrial hearing that thei r drug arrests
ln Laguna Beach last year were illegal.
Officer Neal Purcell -with more than
!JOO narcotics arrests lo his credit -said
he took the trio into custody last Dec. 28
after finding marijuana, pills and
sui.pec led LSD tablets in their car.
\Vhat right did he have to search? -
none. 1Ugucd defense attorney Georg•
Chula, one of three lawyen handlin1
cases for the C9lorfuJ family circle at the
hearin& in Orange County superior
Chula charged that Purcell !aw tong
hair and hippie-style -the sort of thing
that automatically i;uggests marijuana
and other such things to many lawmen.
Purcell countered by saying that John
Leary, 20, was crawling around in the
rear of the station wagon, dilated eyes
peering childishly through his long-hair
and appearing under the influence.
Chula , however, claimed lhat most
marijuana smokers gel High io the dark
and this is the reason for the dilat.ed
eyes, not the weed itsell, hence PurCf:ll's
reasoning was faulty.
The Leary family seemed relaxed and
cunfidenl about the outcome of the case
invo lving charges of possession of both
marijuana and LSD during a recess in
I.ht hearing.
Dr, Leary, ~9. wearing his graying hair
long, Ind!an·style, grinned and winked
during the proceedings and predicted
later that marijuana will be legalized
"·ithin a year.
'''Ve'll a!l be high and happy and Ulere
"'on"l be any more w~rs,'' he said.
Hls l'.'ife Rosemary, J3, appeared pale
and. drawn from recent surgery for cor·
rcctlon of a problem which may allow the
couple lo have children.
Leary'i; grol'.·n son by a prior marriage
knelt at his stepmother's lap in the cor·
ridor outside as she ran a com b through
hi~ long hair, a picture of motherly devo-
Illegal Contributions
WS ANGEL.ES (UPI) -the Floor
Corp. of Los Angeles was Indicted Mon·
day on rive C1)lln ts of making illegal con-
tributions to unidentified candidates in
presidential and congressional t:lections
throughou t the nation.
Those desert winds are 1Jowln1
down and should give way to
cloudy skies on Wednesday. Look
for a high of about 75 on th•
Orange Coast and over tbe I) mart
Mutual Jund 1hortho!Mr1
have hod a bad utar and finaft>
cial cotumnise Sylvia Porttr dit-
cusses what can bt done: cbout
it -if anuthina -on Page 10
today. Jt's tht 1tar£ of G }OUT•
part strit:s.
C•lt.r!l!I • ..-" (l1H:t11<1 ,.,, ·-·-..
Co"I!'' " Nlfloollt ,.._. •• c .. , ... .., " 0.MM Ctv•r'I' • Dtll~ _..,. • ,, ..... l'wtrw ..
lfllorlll ·-• -· , .. ,,
l~t.MtiR-" .... -'"" f l"ance 11-11 , ...... 1 .... " ... r9M-.. , ....... " ... ·-~ .. ·-• ...... • ..... -• • ,,,. ....... , • ........ N9M 1).14
......................................................................... .,.. ..... """" ......... """""""'"''"""' ... ~""""~~~~~~~~~~~-------. •
Rafferty Appeal of Davis Ruling
Frtm: Wtre Servlctt
SACRAMENTO -State School$ ChJer
Max Rafferty has de<:lared hi~ support
for the planned app<'al of il court decision
that the fir ing of UCLA (nstrucior Angela
Davis is unconstitutional.
"I don't believe in lc!\lng men1bers of
the mafia, murder incorporated or a
Communist speak \l'ith my money on a
f 'lx•suJ)(X}tled campus," said R<lfferly,
the Republican superintendent of public
Los Angeles Superior Court Jud ge Jer·
ty Pacht ruled Monday that Angela Davis
Schools Due
To Seek U.S.
Library Aid
School trustees tonight are expected to
ri pprove application for $121,345 in federal
funds to beef up tC'sources at Laguna
Seach High Schoo! library.
lt will be the third tirne the school
district has applied for funds available
llnder the Elementarv and Secondary
Education Act. Applic.itions were denied
If the funds are approved, the district
\10U)d add S!S,000 and purchase more
than 8.000 needed new books, furniture
and audio visua l equipment.
Jn other business, the board:
-ls expected to adopt resolulion!
autl1orizing borrowing $45,000 from the
di strict building fund and $10,000 from
hanks to tide over the district un til tax
funds are 3vJilable In OecC'm ber.
-\Viii probably adopt a job description
"nd procedures to seek a business
manager to rC'place Edwin Hind who wlll
r<:ltire after 20 )'ears service.
-\Vil! look at an edltorial from the
!'an\a Ana Regi~ter theorizing why
another Santa Ana school OOnd lost.
-Consider a second lettrr from Dr.
fl1 ax Rafferly, state superintendent of in·
~lrLtction, on "Project TumoH" whic~
cal!ed for inspection of school students
From Pnge l
lirr pre!ly frightening,'' she contin1ie<I.
•·There is no \\·ay to put Icing on VD or
rlrugs. Sometime!> truth Is tnore frighten·
ing thrui a 6tory." ,
Discussion turned on things the class
hart learned \\'alching movies. For the
~ex education part or the cou rse they are
''Girl to Won1an'' (Ind "Boy to Ma n,"
movi es \Videly used for separate showing
1(1 girl!) and boys in school districts that
don't ha\·e a sex educa tion prog ram.
No l\'ritten materials are used for sex
education inslruction 1n the Garden
C.rovP L'nified District, nothing, that can
be 1aken awav from cla~!'> and snickered
1>1ocr. lnst ru C1ion is all hy movies,
speakers \particu larly for the drug por·
tion ) and class discussion.
Part'nls are invited to ~it in class any
lime, but not their own child's class. A
daily assignment fo~ the students is lo
rH~uss \\'hat ,,·as talked about in class
with their pa r~nts .
"Ho1v n1any of ~'Ou can :is)r; you r
parents questions and gr! good an5weri;,"
>fr s. f\ia rsh asked the class.
About half the ch!ldren rais!'rl lheir
"('>i)()(l for you gu~·s ," ~he ~aH! "Th11\'l
\\'hen a ~ke<l hnw ll1l'y 11\(1Ughl the
coors(' rou ld he unprovPd, ~!ur1cnt~ ~airl
1hey 1\·ere 1110~1 1ntrrc!':ted in flrURS 311!1
\1·011ld like to 11ee mnr{' Orne i::lven 101hnl.
Thev didn't think rnuch of the !arn\ly hfe
poriion betint~e il was boring. lrea!e<l
them like s1 ~~H·s aQd dirfn't tell then1
;inylhing they didn 't Alrtadv knO\\',
Mrp;. Marsh asked aboul the !JC'll: ~ur:i.
tion porUon :ind one Ritl vo!unteererl the
(!pin ion, "\Ve 've ctivere<l whal neerl! to "" " "Yes. right no1~' for you r ai;c,'' 111rs.
fl·tarsh said.
OlAH~ «411 P\lal W!INQ COMl'#JCY
JtMti N. W•••
Prnlllt!il 11111 ,....._
J•e.• ~. c.~.., VICI Pm""'1'1 Md Gentr.i Mll\ll"t
n .... k1tvil ....
n.,,..,, A. M"""t.i~•
Mlfll9!fll •ffw
a11li1r4 '· N1Q L"-1-'t '"" .... .._ __
2J! Pt1tll A••·
M1lTit1f #oll'1••H P.O •••• ,, .. •21lt --Cloilfti'MM! nt ofll'hl ="'t
····" ~1 tfll .,., .. .. ....... fl~ INdl: • illl
cannot be barrtd h'Oln teachlnc ln a slat•
un!verslty on the sole &round that she b •
CommuniJt party member.
Uni versity of C&Wornla re1enta fired
MW DavlJ. • 25-ytar-old Necro auistarrt
professo r of philoso phy·, on Sept. 19 after
she acknowJedgeiJ being a Communist.
Pending an appeal through fiChool ad·
n1inistrative channels, she was permitted
to go on teaching a noncredit course,
"Recurring Philosophical Themes in
Dlack Literature," al the University of
Catlfe>rnia at Los Angele5.
After a h!'aring Monday on a taxpayers
1ult filed by faculty auPSIOl'ttn of Miii
D1viJ. JU<l.le Picht held lier lltlni io be uncon1Ututfonal.
He .. 1d U tho e<>Wd be OUltecl lor bclnl
a Commun.lat, the rettnll ·could fire
teachers for bting members of other
Thomas J. Cunningham, general
counsel for tile regen~, 1ald "all ap-
propriate steps" woul~' be taken in an
attempt to have the ruling reversed.
lla!ferty said the UC, Board of Regen_ts,
<>r which he is a mem ber, 'hope5 the case
will go clear to the U.S. Supreme Court
By Phil lnlerlandi
• ...
"Here's One -Old Legun• Charm, N~r T0W!91 N•ar the leech,
and Neer the Banlc, Which Wiii C61'1'\e In H•ncily When
You Get to R1mod1lln9."
Capo Schools Vote to Sell
Old Football Field to City
The Capistrano Unified School Dialrict
appei:lr11 lo be going inlo the real estate
Truatee11 voted Monday night to sell the
football field adjacent to the old
Capistrano High School to the clly of San
Juan Caplslrano for $300,000.
T1ro property had been apprelsed al ap·
proximately '188,000 and •176,000 b)'_lwo
appraisers, one npresenllng the-:66ttrd;
the other represe nting the city whlclfWaii
intereated in lhe site as a possible civi c
The board decided to aet a high price
on the approximately 7.5 acres in order
to pay for an existing d!slritt project.
Joe Wimer, director of ad1ninlstralive
:-erv\cea, told the board that any money
rrcelved in payment for the propE?rty
\\'(\Uld either be reverted to the state for
pay1nent On loans or would havt; to be us-
ed for e11igtlng school building projects.
A current project Is lhe C'Xpansion of
Ti irh<ird HC'nry Dana EltmC'nlury School
Jn Dana Point ,\·h\ch will cost ap-
pr..,~·i ma!ely $310,000.
The m0,Uon lo raise the. pr'1C't' or the
:irreagc camr rrom 1r11stee Fred
Nf\\'hart Jr~ flfter Lrustee Tom \\'lnget, a
l ·"rf•1t1. Pngl" 1
coursr 1.1·c givr Lhcm their n1oncy \Ja ck Ir
lht'V ask for 11 "
Ile recalled tl1e cranberry ~car<' o[ 10
vrars ago.
· "The cranh<'rry thing wns lm:riuse thry
1!1ooght there were insecticides In the
cranberries, but after a wh ile . people
·were buying then\ again like nothing had
C\'er happened ," he noted.
Al anolher Costa ~i<'Sl'i grocery. Alpha
Bclll's store at 2~1 E. 171h St ... Jim Ill·
lngv.1:1rlh. the manager, said. "!ri; too
earl y lo tell if there's been any drop in
.sale s." Ile added. ;,Ir t.h(' public doesn't wanl
111 buy lhttn, I g\leli!I \\'C'll ta)r;e them off
U1c shelves."
banker. argued that the appraisal had
been Jn his opinion far too. low.
Trustee Harcourt Bull wanted the
bc>ard to hang onto the property ln-
dtiflnile!y. He bel ieved its value "ould in-
crease year by year.
Newhart argued that the city should
have a chance to buy ll and made his m~
tlon Bflet Winget .1lated that If the
di!lrlct needed the money they should
Eell it for whet they !'li!ed or elile keep It.
The OOard has given the city DO days lo
make up its mind.
San J ua11 Names
Group to Study
Tra.iler Pa.rks
A CQmmlttee of five participating
citizens and one alternate has been ap-
proved by the San Juan Caplstrano Ci ty
Council lo sludy the effect of mobile
l101ne park11 on the commu nity.
Partlclpa!lng in the fa ct finding rom.
m1\!ee \~hi ch will Til.'.lke recomtnend:itions
nn mobile home park zoning will be Dr.
J'hyllls Sha inm <!n. \\lendell McCracken,
Dale Ladd, Rick Baldino and Chrts Chrii:.·
l it1n~r:in .. o\lt ernatc \\'iii be Dr. Fred
!n appointing lllc rommittce. !\.1ayor Ed
Cht>nriak said UJat he felt lhi!t there
::holll<l be an area of the city \\'here
lraile r parks rould flt In but he wa.!I not
plca~ed wi\h their pre1ent heller skelter
"IL's my plan to si ve lhe commi ttee
specific goals to attain," 3aid Chermak.
"I can't let them go willy nilly because
there isn't enougll time."
The committee whlcti nipre1ent1 view·
p<iints for and against trailer parks will
have two or three months lo make an in·
il ia! report and \\'Ill report n1onthly
Unsafe Slope Concerns
School Board in Capo
A ~lope controvrr:r;:y v•as brought to the
11tlen!lon of the San Juan Capistrano
Unified School Ol1t rlct Mondny night.
The slope in question is on property
O\\'ned by the district above and behind
Crown Valley Sc-hool. The covnty Bu!ldin~
and Sitfety Department hits reru!'ed
building permits to devtloper1 owning
propert1 on top of the. 1k>pe, deeming It
to be Ul\Hfe.
Attorney Lronard llampel asked the
board to cooperale ._,Ith I'll! client1, the
cJcveJopers. at a hearing nf lhfl Oritnge
County Oradln1 Board ol Appeal3 on Ot't.
He 1::iid that hl:r;: clien~' gcolORllL hatf
round the 11lope& to be 11afe and requested
the dlltrlct-to present all !he evh1cnce in
tbal r pos1tulon eupporttns that J)Ollltlon.
Trmtff Nolle f'amularo 11ald th111 the
i:.lope11 were Indeed w11fe without tht tx'tra
load of hou4t1 on top And th1tt It wa1 up
to tl'le d .. veloptr lo buttress the 1lope1 U
lllt'y wanted to bllild on them.
Clayton Parlc er, chief •s~lstant eounty
counsel. ~aid that thr. present Qwner had
purcht1i11td the property know1n1 about
thr e111!.tlng condlllona.
Hampel counter~ that It would (o.!l\
$20,000 to bultreM: the 1lope1 but that It
would nol be ntce111ary If the board
presented Its evidence and convinced tht
county thst lhe slopfs were ufe.
Pa r~er 11.11id that It wu nol lht M:hoot
di~lrict'11 jOb to present tvldence but he
su1re11tfd that 1he bo1u·t1 ma~e tM:lr
records available 1lnct they wttt public
"Your company can contact anyOT1fl
conhet'.led w11h thf 11lope11 or 1et any nf
l he p11bllc rtcord~ h\lt we 11~ 11 board art
not involved,'' said ltu3tt!t Fred Newhart
H11mprl 11nswf!l'ed that if tht &lopes 11re
rull!d lm!lafe. the board would h11vt. tn
t:w-comr lnv olvtd 11lr.ce hl111 r.lient woold
st"nd In Joie $.'i0,000 to M0.000 and the
310~! an on ecbool property.
and the panel Will rule "that aoclety has
a rtabt to prolect it.ell from its enemlta
and does not. have lO subsidize the Mn·
Miu Davis, a Negro, has continued to
receive her $9,864 annual sal~ry while ap-
pealing her dismissal through university
Asked wh at she thought the regents
would do next, she replied ;
"They've done a lot of really crazy
things already . I've given up trylng l-0 sec
any rationali ty in their behavior.1•
Regent Elinor Heller of Atherton said,
''ln view of previous c:oun dec:lstons, I'm
not 1urprlsed the reaents' acUon wa.s
declared unconstilulional. \'ihat surprises
n1e is such a quick decision."
Fnrn1er Gov. Edmund G. Bro\Vn said
he believed lhe court deci,,ion was
"legally corre<·t."
"It Is not a question of whether you
favor it or not," Brown said. "I think the
regents know they were wrong and I
thi nk lGov. Ronald) Reagan kn ew il was
just a political grandstand on his parL"
State Sen. ll. L. Rich ardson, former
member and employe of the John Biri·h
Society, called Judge Pacht a ''career
Jcf!is L" The Arcadia Jlcpub!i c:in cited a
J9.17 repor.L of the. Legislature's L'n·-
Amt'ritan Activi ties Co1nmittcc \1hich
~tated that in 1945 Pacht was a guest
speaker before the An1crican Youth fo r
Deinoc.racv, which th<' co1111n11lce cn11·
1end1'd "follows the Con1n1unist Party
Pach! declined !o co1nment on
Rich ardson's statement lie was 22 in
Major Air Ills Studied
Ma.ny Serious Problems Seen at Anaheim Confab
By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI 01 111• 0111~ t1 1s1 Sl•ll
During the next decade many serious
problems must be solved if our ai r
transportation system is to happily co-ex.
lst with the comn1unity. (Related Story
Page 3 ).
\Vhat can be done about these problerns
and how they may possil;lly be solved
became the subject of a panel discussion
today between four experts at the annual
mef!!ling of the American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics 'i n
Maj or General Cli ft on F. Von Kann
(USAF-rel.), now Vice president of opern·
tions and engineering at the Department
or Transporta1ion in \Y.ashingl o11 D.C.,
said, "A colli sion between our \cchnology
and the quality of our life appea rs iin·
minen t. If these problems go unsolved
our ci vilization will be torn apart."
lie cited this organlzation in the
lransportation industry as one of the ma-
jor nialadies. saying "fron1 t he
passenger's viewpoint the transportatlo11
systen1 is any!hlng but a systcn1. One
v»onders \\1hy things hang togclht>r <is v.·cll
as they do.''
"I've got a bellyful of all this bitching
about our problems ," said George Ha<l-
da1\·ay, another pa11f'l n1c1nber dfld
publisher of Flight Magazine in Oalla s,
Texas. "We've gol lo !Ake advan1 Rgr of
the things we have going for us so that
we can stop crying in our N>er."
Haddaway said he fel l optimistic ilbout
~olving these problems because indus1ry
and government represenlalivrs are
finally getting together "on Lhc J Uh
"Ou r problems can be snlved hec au.~c
\Ve have. the tedlnology and the money ,''
he added. But he pol11tccl (lUt the need to
develop some concrete short and long
range plans.
J1e said In his hometown or Dallas, the
mayor through the air! of the Cl!mmunity,
dc•·eloped a series f'lf objpc\ives callci.1
"Goal~ for Da llas'' to which ('omniuni ty
memhera and airline industry people
might address themselves in finding a
solution for the problern ,
John F'. Colllns, professor of urban al·
Mrs. Carlton, 80,
Rites Scheduled
A memorial 11ervlce will be conductetl
;it Jl a.m. Wednesday In 1hc L;igun a
Beach Community Pre~byt erian Church
for l'lfrs. S. Ilcrne C;i.rlto11. 80. whn c!ir rl
l\ofnnday at lie r hl"lrnc, l5i0 Via Ctipri,
Lagu1111 Beach. .
Dr. Da ll<i& R. Turner and DI'. Alhrrt 0 ,
Hjerpe will jointly cnnducl thr srrvire i11
the ch urch parlr:ir , 1'11r~. C;irJ!,1n. ;i Ill yr ;i r
rr.~itlen\ nf La,2'.una Dearh. hnrl heo11 at·
live in the church througl1\iu ! hr1· sl ay
She 1~ sllr\ijved hy her h11~hfln~. Qf 1111'
fnmily ho1ne '. 11 !>on. Hntif'rt ;\l c:i1·\1on iof
Bellevue. \\'ash. :ind by 'fou r
grnndchlldren .
lntprnlen l will he :it rari fir Vtrw
~1emorlal Park. In llell of fln\.\'er~.
n1ern<irial contribut ion5 n1ay be made lo
the Presbyterlan Church.
fairs at fl.tlT and former mayor of
Boston, said the expansion of airport
facilities always encou nters the ob-
jections of the local citizenry for air traf·
fie. ncii:Se and sa frty reasons.
He offered some suggestions, ho\\'e\•er,
on how to make existing airports reali~e
thei r present potentials betler.
Collins said thJ~ a change in the
airport-use pricing schedule to favo r
commercial nviation is definitely needed ,
Increases in the landing fees would ef-
fecti vely clear the run1vays of much of its
current general aviation traffic, he sug-
In addition, he said, air\lnes should
r<lis-:! their fares during certain hours of
the tlay !o cllmlna1c congestion du ring
pc;1k periods. "\Ve shoulcl di scour;igc
pas:ocngcrs who do nol require these
Equip~nt investments for ai r traffic
con!rols and obsolete rules which hinder
rather than promote safety should also be
looked at in revamping the system, the
lllassachus(.'L!S professor said.
".l don't see the money con1ing for all
of our needs,'' said another pane l
rnen1ber AHrciJ fl. Norling. director or
research for Roscnlh<.rl ;ind Co111pany, i'n·
vestment b~1nkcrs. lie pointed out that
n1ergcrs a11d consolidations with in the
prese nt ca.rrirrs <ilight pr<ivide financial
assistance to bring' aboul changes.
Secor D. Borwne , assistant secretary
for researeh and tech nology at the
Depa rtmen t of Transportation i n
\Vashington , D.C. sciid' "11'c need to
restore confide nce in our ca rriers. There
is a certain a1nuu11l of dcnigrat1011 or bad
1nouthlng going (l!l whi ch is eating into al l
elen1ents of our societ,v "
He stressed lhr neer! for a 1:-0 n~tr-uc!ivr.·
program tD in1plrn1cJ1t changl's rather
than 01•er\Vh{'l111ing ncgativr criticism.
Brownr. also pointed out the need fnr
continued rese;i rch into the matter o[
supersonic transport s if the L'nited Statf'.')
intends to retain its pre-eminenca in
Laguna Planners Give
Support to Boys Club
Pl anning cornmiss/oncrs Monday night
c:w;pressed sympathy with current tinan.
cia l prolil{'ms of the Bays Cluh of Laguna
RcAch and offered congrAtul:i tions for the
(•ffort already {'xpended in conslructlQn o[
th e cluh's new Laguna Canyon facJ!ity.
Builder Berna rd Syfan told com·
n1 :ss ioners thal a ron\;ibu lion or $85.000
11·hlch the club had hoped lo receive from
th e lrvi nc Foundation has not bttn
for thcflming and plans tor comptr.tion o[
the pla)·lng field~ \Viii have to be rle!aye<I.
lie noted that $50,!IOO in cash and about
twicr that amount in donated materials
:111d l;ibor already has gone into lhe pr(l·
J1~r1 :ind \h;it directors are pl anning to
prf\te{'rd 11·lth tile cons1ruction of the gyn1.
~1 fa n recommend{'<! thnt the trailer
p:1r'k. \Y hic lJ r vcntually 1vll1 he removed
111 n1:1J.:c wny for a football field , be n1ain·
tnincd as· a 're\enue·producrr for the club
to help arnorlizc loans. Con1n1iss ioners
appro\'c1! !]is site plan and landsca ping
plan And requested that progrcs,c; be
reviewer! annually to see that plans are
bring followed 11p.
They also suggested thal the club ask
1hc City Council to v.·n!ve tr1nporaril_y re-
quirrn1cnts Jor slrrcL improve ment-'! nn
the \Vood!o.nd Drive side of the c)llb's
propC'rly, prnrllng decision on a proposal
tr1 drvrlnp a park areA there.
In other ac!lon t-.tonday, thr Plrinnlng
Cllnunis.~lon grant ed llriy IJrnford
1•ern1 l~si1J11 lfJ huild nine units at 61:1
\\'ilcni; \\'a.1', on pr(1per\y wned f0r eight
units .
l!Pnford flriginally had 5ought ;i
':;ri11n('\'.' (rJ built! twelve unit8 but rlrf'lp·
111•d 1h;1I v.·hen nelgl1bor~ protested. The
nu1r 11111t pica \.\'a.~ gt anted In ret urn for
111~ rrnn1L~e to \\'iden lhc roadway and
provide R turn around.
Co1nn1i11sioncr1 denied II reque~t frnm
l)r. and Mr~, P .. J. Martin, 821 Thalia St..
Your OmtQ1'
Salt& .l Str11icr
to mainla1 n an cxisl!ng {;ll\"~1 hous~ fln a
nonconforin1ng Jot "''llhJ\ll providing
Neighbor!! prot('sted the gu•':it house,
which has figured in previous con1plaints.
The P..tarlins we re 1nstructrd to use the
structure. v.·htch docs nDt meet building
corfc. rf'quircinen!s, only as t1n Aux iliary
roon1 and not for sletping ot llving ac·
comrnodt1t ion.
The comn1issi11n rccon1 mended ap-
prova l of a 1on1nA change in Lagu11:1
Canyon Annll.~<i!!on No. 3 fron1 R·l[
1rt·~'1denl!a l h1Jls11Je) tr:i M-IA 11ight 11\·
d11~t rial ).
In a series of reflLl<'"i!s for ho111c [){"·
('11pn!lon approvril~. :ir1i~t s' anri 11·ri1cr ;;'
~l11d10'>. 11'hi('h h11 vr iil way.~ b!;cn n11·
proved b11t were in;1dvertcn!ly onrm1trr!
trum !he new zoning ('Mr . 11·prr r··~r orciJ
l<i rhe appro\·rd home ncc upa1 1on l1 sl.
t,a ndsca pe rte~ign w :~s ;ipprnl'cd ;i~ a
l1omc ot'cupatlon. btil windo w scree n
repair \1'.!IS denied approvill sin<'t' it. re-
quire$ noisy tool.~ and r<irnpclr.'> wi1h
l1usi nessts required In be Jn cnrnmerclal
First ~·e:ir rr\'icv.1 of drc~5n1:ik 1ng as a
J101nc occlI[l3l ion 11 as defer red un11 \
further informa11 nn r::in hr nritained fro1n
the applict1nt anrf nrighlxirs.
Two A rnhs Se11 trne<'1l
JIEBHO:-.;, 1)rrup1ed .J •·nLin 1rP rJ -
1\11 l ~raeli mll1tary r1111rt ,\1 <ini!ay ~rn•
tcnccd !11 0 !l ehn111 Arabs lo 211 vr.-1ri:; 10
prison for anl1·l ~r<H'l1 act1111!r~: J . .;raPli
secu rity for crs t'hRr~rrl 111,. Aralis
moni tored radiord ('11mn1ond ~ lron1 A1
_Falah guerrill;is 1n Arnrnto11, l11clurl1ng Rn
nrrJe, l<i 8r.l orr :1 lrll{'k!oflcl of explo~il'r.c;
.i11 r!ownlown .fertlSll lrm. Thf·\' \\f'P' FCIZ•
7.ed bffor~ they co1ild 110 il, lsrllcl i;irJ.
--_ ... _ . ,.. ..
"'' ... .., •• ,,,. Of!,,, •
''''""'"'., •iltk ... Iii,.., •11 1tl•tff4 1"if~.
o~I •"v "'atllfittllt" l1
NASA to be we•" by o••
. c-. °'"" • A~Juato4
WITH s411 ,U.ILS
IE-STRUNG-fr""" $2.00
"''" •• t~1 "'"""· TF1 , ••• ,"11: ••. ,,.,1~ ....
.... , .i f , , •• ,,n,"11,
fPt1k11 "' ~10 .. d ••••
JO•' t v!hori1td 0 1111(1
1 ..... 1.,, c • .,. i• -...
l~oO k1•tl10 ... I, 1 bvf1t R,
4 t111!, o ... .,. ·~··•1111r.
,., .~,.~Ofl· •• ~. Tk1 ·~''
wilt~ werft ~ tk1 "''" ..
·~· 111•••· '•!•• ti tL
Gr ··s:c,· .... ·-'""""
JllHll llftt. ,,_
RltUCID, fl'••
WHl l l YOU WAlf
Hvnlfnqton Ctnttr
IHCh at ldln9tr
and back
Harbor llleppln9 Ct"'"
2300 Harbor Blvd.
tl'l·5501 545 ·~~~5 flll
:, .... ..,.,...,,,,,.,"'"""'"""'""" • ~ A•. For The
TUESDAY Ve••r~n~ ol Wooa 'nor • Ir.cl Au~ltl•"'·
N•w M••b fl•rraclo.• lJ~, Am•ric•"
l""''"" HAii, ~ w. ll!n r.1~ Co•I•
M••a, 6 p,m.
, , l'!oler• (lull OI Ne-or! lhlb!lo, ltvl~
~·. (oa't Coun1rv (lvl>. 1600 f . (<>a•I
Hion .. ay, C0t-on• d•I MAr. 6 :JO""'· Co••• M•!.1-N,PO!rt tiarl>Or l'llns
(lun, M•.., V.ro~ C:oi.mlr>' Club,
c ... ,. ""~'·' 6'l0 0 '"· l'hlbo~ I i• Loon• (11111, Villa Mlfina,
ltl.t.I 8ay1,de Dr!Yo. N•""''"' B•ocn, 1
•' Pm,
• •l1untlng1on B••cl\ !.:•~• l<><!g~, E•~• , lods~. IN Oc~•n Av•., l<unllngtcn
• Beacn, 1-)0 p,m,
,Sod •TY for lho Pre1•rvl11i0tl and ~ Fncou,ag•m•n• ct BarbH ~"°"
Ouar!ot S1nol~g In Amee.ca, N•w1><1tl , ;~11"No~~-p~~,~~01~·:.~. P~!.!,'"r',rS
" rn. ()no "•llow1 L<><lo• No U J, Odd
• F•iO<>W• lo'1'PI•. 176 Ma·n St. Hun-
-''""'"" fl••<!\, ! o.m. •l 0.0 M, Ml>O<O No 1151 . ..is £. 11•~
SI , CO•!~ M•'"· l :IS P,m,
.11•1-S~i Club. N•WPorT~r Inn, N•w<>orl ll•ac~. I <>.m
,Se• •nd S49• Avdvbon Soclelv, , Sov•~eon !loom. Sanla Ani Llbr•rv,
, er ... ana llOI• '"""''· S•nto Ana,. J,30 , P.m.
e raden A•~••T Br•alord. Age ~. of '1J1• E. O<eanfronl, New0111rl lle•c~.
O••e of d••t~, 0<1ober lt. Survived ~~~.;:;,o;•·~.~~~.:."ae,~~~· -~~.,:~ ... ~;
'matern•I tr•ndmol~er, Ell>•De11"! ll•ll
ot Co•Ta Me••· G•ove•ide ••rvlc u.
""<>d•Y. Tue•d•Y· 11 AM, P•d lk View
M•mori•I Park. OlrectW bv lhill
'Mortuorv, Coron• del Mar.
Backi1i9 Thei1• Mo1iarchs
A-later Dei Catholic High School in Santa Ana has as n1any cheerleaders as it
does football players on the field at any one time. First stringers on cheer-
, M•rg~••U• M. L•zov•kv. ai' sa~H~go leading squad include (on ground from left) Marianne Duane, Denise Durrell
• R""~· Co"a M•••· Oat<" 01 d••1h, Oc· d Cl F · B f I fl) J ff ·H 1· Bob B k S 1ob•r 1Y. survlv•d bv h~•b•nd. oani•I• an a re raz1er. oys are ( rom e e arne iaux, ar ·er. ean
molh•r. K"hloen Jack•on. St. Poul, Murphy and Michael Cu rran, l{iding high are (from left) Dianna Toledo, Cor-1'.\lnnt•ol•; ~i•ter. k•thloen Mc~r•Y•"
-~•n Lu·• Dbi•Po. 11:0...,rv. TuHd•v. ky Corcoran, Jill Hasler and Julie Pena. 7.Jll PM; Re<>ule m Ma., Wf<Jno<d•Y. --'-'-'C:..:C::C:.:2--'C"-C:.:.:C:..:_:_.:::_:__:_:..:__:__:_ _____________________ _
t ;ltl AM, 1>o•h ,, s1. John the eap!lst DEATH ""OTl~ES (~th<>l.c Church. Ci•ecied by P1cl!ic J ~ ~
Vl•w MorTu•rv. --------------WASllBURN
., Donald I(. W••hburn. Beloved hu>b•nd
0 01 "-\r~. Geno M. Washburn; l•ll>tr ot
.. ~;~,"~·~~1"w,:i.:~n. ~1':','d;';,~n:i~~
• Wl•hburn, Ml<• C•rOI• .Jo•n Wa,r>burn. ~ J•CI< I(, W•M>burn. ll<>bert I(. Wash·
•burn, Ge>•ld R. Wa•nburn; ahG •u•·
• v lved bY live grandchildren. Servit•o.
Malcolm S. f ;eld. 129 Avon101 Prfn·
ce•a, San Clt m•nlo. D••• of d••'"·
October 11. Sur¥i>•d b., wile, E.le&nor
J .. o1 tne ~Off!•; •l•Tor. c~arlo!•e M.
F 1e1a. l• Jolla; ni•ce, Virgin;• II ,
F ield. Clevtlfnd. Servi<"••• t001y. Tue ..
dav, P•cillc View Ch•Pel. Dfrec!od bl'
Ivy Priest to S11eak
At Economic Co11fab • Fridav. 10 AM, In 1h• Church or 1~
•Rocession•I, Fore•! L•,.n-Glef'\d&lo;
"FGr•SI L•w<I Mortuary. Family SU9•
• P<lll mtm<>riel <Mtribu!lMS m lY bot • .,...,d• to Hoa~ Memo«el !1ospiT•1 for
~ Cancor Fun<!, Addrn» )OT Newporr
• tllvd., Newoorl Beach,
• M••ion G, Collin•. •l Cabrillo, Parl:
• Liao. 0.1• cf dealh OctoDer 10. Su•·
• v<ved by daugh!tr, Mn. Jofe<>h R•I-
' l~tl, Sa!1 Geronimo. Calif.; two •i•·
• te r~, Mt~ G!!0•1>• MclMyre and Mro.
• P~arl Ba~er; and lhree qrandchildten.
'Fklneral Se<vicos ~nd lnlermen! will
• ~e '" Ch~•lorte, Michinan, 110111 Mor·
• !f•ary Co•ta MO>•· lor..,.•rdln9 dirtt· • lors.
' Cor•I £. Tnomp•on. P•,.ed ~w•ll Oc-
• loPer 19, Survived by d~u9Me•, Se11Y
• M•rtin, (01!• Me••· f'"v11e 1ervlce•.
• ll•l!Z MOrlu~rY. Coll~ M•••· O"eC•
• 10"-
P&c llit Vltw Morlu•"· ROSS Ai~AHEl\f -I vy Baker
Paul v. l.Jockl~ Ron. 1'.01 1 Cami"" Priest-, California's ( i rs t C•plstrano, C•P1'Tr1no B•~c~. Survi•ed
b• wlte. M•r1>•ret; d•uoh1••1, Mr" woman treasurer, will be a 'falpl"o STU•dev•nl, S•n Juan (•PIS·
1rano; Mrs. Dale l1 •d•. Northrid9e; speaker at the Orange County I 11rar.dchild..,n; on• 11t0aT·11randchlld.
service•. Wo:dne1d•v. J PM, P•cil1c :Economic Conference Nov. 13· V.ew Ch•.,.I. EniombmenT, P~tiric Vi•w Memorial P•ri<, Family •u119e••1 at the Anaheim Convention
tho•• wi•n•n11 mav m•~• memorial
con11 ibul•on• 10 '"" Joe~ Ro!> I.I•· Center.
mor101 Fund, c/o cap1""'no va11•v ·n1r <'leeting \rill feature e ao•i" Ch"•ch. P.O. Bo~ 77, Son ' Jv~n c~o••tr•no. Diro ciea bY Po<•Pi: leaders fron1 industry and
View Moriua•v. local <.ind stale go1·ern1ncnt for CARLTO:-.J
"Theo<!oris s Co•t•on. 1510 v1,. t:•P-r. iln in-{!epth look al Orange
La~un~ Beacn. Dote ot gea•h. on. 10.. Coun ly today and the decades s~rv•ved tw hu•~ond, s. Borne C~rl· I b h •nn; son. ll oberl M. ca"tcn. ll•ll•v•ow, ahead. Il is spon sore( Y t e
W•sh,; 1wo nlO!'t•• "nd on• neuh••" Orange County Chamber -Of STEINHA US ~·s!er·«How, Mri. Thoma• 11. Hu~h••·
; Edw•rd Artnur si.;nhou1. 7•1' e 11ck· l •9••n• 6e•<h. service• will 1>1 ~Id Cornmercr.
,..inorn, Ncwoorl Beach. Surviv ed bV Wednesday. 11 AM, in 1~• Commun11v '1 Pr'••[ y,·ill •peak 00 wife, Mabry: <!iU"Qh!!r" Morgaref Prtobv!o•i"ll Chute~ o! L•9una Sc,.Ch. I\ rS. )L.o ·'
:c.oell, of Hollan<!; CfndY Slein!'Wuo; lnurnm•n!, Pocili~ Vliw Mtmo"•I '"Money."
',..,n, Tim sreinhau1: "'"'l>e•, Mr'1. P•rk. Oir•<:l•d by P•<Uic 'Vir.Y Mor· ·
''"A li<t s1•lllh•u1: tnrtt broti...rs, R•IP"-tuary, She also wi!J participate in
.. Jtit>n "1\11 Jamn sielnt..tu•. Memo•••• HESSE the morning panel sesslon with ~ ,.,v!ce•. ThundaV, ' PM. P•dlic B•uct 1. !1e"•· O•T• of deal~, Oi;te-l'lli a· d · .d t '"'View Memori•l P•rlc. 8•11Z Mortu1ry, b•r 10, Survl¥ed bY brother, Owiglo l '\I am J. )r • \'!Cf pfeSJ en
1>coron1 oel Mar. Directo•$. 11.,..1 •• o! BodTlst>. Calil., """ ol•ce~ for special projects, Kaiser " ALDO\JS •nd lwo oe<>~r.Y!.. Service' will be d · Co · k lleT" ,.~,. A111ou" Age ,9, of 300 E. "•Id 1'hu .. 11av, l PM. ST. Andrew'• In ustr1es rporation, spea • :~,"'"~'.,,~'.'"o•,•,~-...~ew;:·'',',~~.'.~~.oa,t~ Ch111•el with or. D1nger11e1d ou1ci.t· ing on ··~farkets ;" Stale Con· u Y " """' '" .. .,,.., , ln9. Directed by Wntcl<!! C~•<>•I Mor· fl '~u1t>and, Fred c. Aldou" aouGM•r. tu•rv, '"4<1·~81!. I roller -HOtJston ournoy on
'Oiane audd. W••lwOOCI ; •r.d lwo 9rand· !\1AGRUDER ''Taxes," and Niels Pederson,
Speaker P riest
cnildre~. Rc..,ry, ton i~~I, Tue~dlV, I Dorotnv C . M•gruder. •OI Bern•ril $ h C rf . M po er
•PM, RMuiem M•"· Wo:d"•111a•. 10 st. A<>•. A. coota Meu. Date or out ern a 1 ornia an w pao)·, \\'Ji] be the inoderalor. ' AM. bolh •1 O,,r lid·• Oueen "' An· <Jo1!h, Oc!obcr 10. ~u•v,ved b• aaugh· .'\dmJnis!ra!Of. 011 "Labor."
'le1' C•1nohc C"'urcti. Newpor1 B••ch. ''"' Mn. Morg•••I A<cncr. of Rullo~ · • Jerome \V. /-lull, president, lnt1•m•nt, GOOCI S~eoh•rd C•me!e•v. Wil low. C•lol ; M"· J~coueline 10,.00• .John J . Ly1na11, Vice presl·
i· !!•"' Mortuary, Corona <!e1 M1•, Di· ""'••t Lo• Anoereo; •"<! Two 'l••n<1c~il· dent, c 0 r p 0 r ale relations. Pacific 'Telephone Con1pany ,
' ••clor>. Cron. P•l••le "'"'C••, Wtdne~day, JO "' llOTGER AM, we'1ctill Ch•o•I. 6-l~iasa. Security Title Insurance Cotn· \l'i ll br the luncheon sreaker. ; M•·~ ,,\_ Hoiger. All• !6 . .,, 111.e,-'-'::_c:.::::c:.c:.:=::...=:::::.:. ___ _;:_.:_:_:::_::__:_ ___________________ ::_ __ _ , s""'• l•abflle. Co!•~ M~•~. Dflle of • de•lh, Oc!(>t.1~ ~O. ~urviv•d by .on.
p C••rrnce, ct towa; •i~ dau;M1n, Mrs.
"F•oreni1 M. Oa,,fOf"tl'I, or Al~1rr1bra ; ~ M, .. Mt,le M. Powel l, MrJ. Irene R
• T.<eh•I. M". Norm1 Miller and Mr~.
•Gladys O~mman. all of !owfl ; Mrs .
' AubV Revier, (°'ta Mt•ol Two 9istt.,,
• M", Htl•n Schaumburg, """ Ml., ' Emm• Slol!rman. both cf Minnt•cl~.
• ftnll 16 vr•ndchildron. Service• and
ln!O•m•nl will M held In New!o". -lo..-a. Bel! Br°"dw~v Mortuery, (0<1•
Me•a, !orwa•di,,g direclo".
Fri nce< M. S!•u'-AQr ~?. flf Hl1 B
PonderQ'~· Co'!a Me;a. Da•• of d••'"·
O<;•obor ~-Surv;yed b• nu>band.
51~o~en A. STrul: '""o ion•, FranO. l
~"d Jam•' w. Mean•· .J• botl'I tll (<>SI~ Me•a; b•ol~"" How1rd Murch,
S•n!a A~a : ''''"'• F•rn Solcr!Al"· f.l~we(lrt Seoch: ~nd 11~ Q1~ndchifd1e"
•">••vie~• w111 be held T~undav, 1 PM.
,, Bell S•o•llw•v °'".,.'· lnte•ment. H1r-btl< R••I Memorial Pa•I<. Bell Aro•d·
w~v M"'tv1rv, Co''' M~ ... Oirec!o.,,
WestcliJf Mortuary
427 E. 17th SI., Costa l\fesa
• •
'"Corona del l\1ar OR :l-M5'
• 118 Broadway, Cosla Ptfeia
LI 8-3'33
Huntington Valley
1791 1 Beach Blvd.
Huntington Beach
17'5 Lagun• Canyoa Road
La1una Btacb
494-1415 • PACIFIC VIEW
Cemetery e 1t10f\llary
3500 Pacific View Drive
l'iewport Beach, CaWornla
Mt.%700 • PEEK FAl\flLV
':'SOl Bolsa A vt.
Wtstmln&ttr 893-35?5 • SHEFFER MORTUARY
Laguna &et b •tf·ISlS
San Clemente ftt-0100 • S~IJTllS' MORTUARY
627 t\1ain St,
llunli n1tton Beacll
5Jt-6S:rt 1. ....
Now! Buy
Seagram's 7 Crown
and save $1.10.
From Oct.1 tkrough Nov. 30, 1969
you pay only $11.39 for
each Y.i:·gallon of 7 Crow11
instead of $12,49 .
Don't miss this big saving
on America's favorite whiskey. "'"°'"''" _. .. 1, C•I>"'" •I
Say Seagram's and Be Sure .
Dent Due
Ar Countv .;
GOP Meet
Ai'JA l-I EIM -J-tarry Dent, a
lop political adl'tsor to Presi·
denl Nixon, '4-'111 speak to
delegates al the Republican
State Cen tral Committee con·
vention here Nov. 1. Dent's
presentation will be part of a
day-long seminar designed \<J
give party 1nembers behind·
the-scene s inforn1ation on cur·
rent Republican progJ"a1ns.
Dent, former assist.'.lnt t11
Senator Strom Thurmond i H-
S.C.1. has bccon1e one of thi•
people closest to the PresidenL
since assurning 1he \\'hite
.Hou se post earlier l111s year.
The seminar \l'lll consist of a
series of presentations by to11
elective and staff personnel.
including Lieutenanl Governor
Ed Reinecke and St at c
Treasu rer Ivy Baker Pries!.
In addition, a debate. on !he
meri ts of the Electoral College
J1as been schedul ed. Hep.
Ch a r I es \Viggins (R.·EI
fl..1ontl'), a leader in th e fight
lo eliminate the r:tectoral
College, and P r o fe ss o r
J\1ichael Uhlman of Clare1nonl
r.1en's College, v.'ho favors ils
retention. will debate.
More than 2,500 Republicans
are exr,cctcd for the con-
\'ention, Oct. 31 through fl.'ov.
Irvine \Va ler
Ai<les Na11 1etl
supervisors have moved lo ap·
point t hree men to ll1e board
of the Irvine Ranch Waler
District in lieu of elections.
Named by the county board
\\'ere Max C. liocptner, Frank
E'. Hughes and E. Ray Quigl ey
Jr. Also appointed by
supervisors \\'as flfanuel ,J.
Armendariz \vho \rill aSSl1n1c
the duties of assessor. \ax con·
!roller and treasurer.
1'alk Slate<l
For Clinic
'·The Conununity: J\!enacc
or Cu:.irdit11~ to Publie He<ilth"
11 il l be !he 1opic of a talk 11y
Jj r, Edll'arG St.:11 nbrook ;1t t\in
.annual n1cc11ng Ut\ 27 of (!u.-
Cl1ild (!uidanCl' Clinic of
Orange Coun1y.
Dr. St;iinbrook is ('hi l·f
psychia trist :it !lit• Lo s
Angeles Counly-CSC J\ledieul
The Guidance Ce n I er ,
Nature W cilk Set
At Yorba Park
YORBA Lli\'DA -The pro-Highway. Tri-County League
posed Yorba Regional P'11'k signs will give directions to
along the Santa Ana Ril'er \1·1JI
be lite scene of a natu re wa lk the starting pciint of the tours.
Sa turday. Tile wa lk 1 s 'J'he ()range County Planning
sponsored by the Tri-County Cornn1lss1on hearing on Yorba
Conservation L('ague. park 1s set for 1:30 p.m Oct
The 386<1ere p<.1r·ksile ex-29 , Jn the con1mission heari11g
tends do>1·n rh·er f r 0 n1 room. ~~ngint.>ering Buil<lini.:
Featherl y Pci rk· 1o llnperial Hoon1 168, 400 Civic Center
Hi ghway along· the north sittl'1 jjU~n~'~e~W~e~s~·t~, ~S~a~o~taijAjji"ji'jj· iji~ of !he ri11er channel. ~f
N<1luralists will lead walking!
\~u~~n~t:~~t~ c~~1n11;, :~r~~·e:~~~:
ta live \rill explain the pilrk '
prnposul. I
Faniilles should b ring:
lu11ctH•S. I
Purk1ng is penniltetl un lhc
right hand side of l'.:speranza
Jtoad, ea~l o[ I n1 pc r i a I
Cancer ]\leel
OR.'\i\"GE -The Orangc1 County B r a n ch of I h e
A111 erican C;111cer Soeietv isl r:;t::;::;:;;::;:,.,,..r;;,...
donating $22.293 to St. JoSeph
Hospita l to J11lti<1tc a social
se rvice department for cancer
;ind chronically ill patients.
formerly called South Coast!r=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""i
Child Guidance CI in i c .1
diagnoses and treats en1o·I
11011<1lly disturbed children. ltl
is located ln Costa r.tesa. I
The Oet. 27 program al~o
\viii include cleetlnn of d11·t·c·
toir~. election of life 1nernber~
i1nd present:.ilion of i11vards.
The n1eeling \1·ill be al 7·3o 1 p.ni. <il Lincoln lntern1edi<1tc
S(·hool in Corona dtl J\Ltr. 'fhe
publit is inl'i\ed.
JHcet Slated
SANTA A!'<A -Boys and
girl~ interested in archc(1logy
or anthropology arc inviletl \O
;i 111eet1n~ Th tirsr;lay 1Jf Ex-
plorer Scriut 806. The 1n~li11A.
is S('ii('dull'd for 7 30 p 111 ;il
B<J\l'ers ~1useutn, 2002 N. ~1 <11n\
St hcrr.
CHOOSING TO OIEY! R•9••din9 Ch1i,1,
the BIBlE ••v•. ""Thou9h h• w••• • Son,
yet l f R.ANEO h• cbed1ante -and h•
boc•me l ~t •ul ho, o f •l••n•I 10111 .t:o ~
.,n!o .,!I !h""' the! OBEY him", Heb. 5;
S·9. Althougn Je•Y•, l[ARNEO obed•enc.e,
h .. "''"' once OIS08EYEO. A• ho 9rtw
11 p, he leuned to obey r1tftar th•n io
SIN.Ho COULD HAYE tobelled. bul ht d,dn'L H• ,.Id lo God,
··-n.,t "' I ,.,.;II but "' thou .,..;i f ", M.H. 1b, 19.
Jo1hu• ••'d to h;, P•Ople , "-choo>e vou th,. d&y whom Y• ... 111
'"'"• -•• for· me and my hou••, ,.. w ill ••<•f tho Lo1d", Jo1h.
1•~15. 5.,...,,1 ooid, '"Behold, lo obe y;, b 1t1er l h•n 11crilic1-",
I S~m. 15 ;22 .Je1u1 ••id , "why c•!I y• m•, l ord, lotd and 00
NOT !ht Jh in91 which I ••v?". Al•o, "",f v• lo•• Me, ~••P my
COmh'•ndMenh" I L~. b:•b. Jr. 14:15). Ht!e, ho in11paf1bly Cflft•
n•ci"d lOVE and OBED l£NCE. lo•t i1 d1mon1lt•!od bt ob1di·
Oo YOU obev Ch,.,t, •• yo•J 1 ;,.~ f,o.,, dev to dev1 H••• you
LEARNED ;h;,/ H1 ,.;d, "-1ee<h ,,11 ~•lion•. b•pli1inq th,,,,
-t~•<h:n9 ~~""' lo ob1er•e all thing • "'ho hoe¥et I ho•• com•
"'""did you-", MA!!. /B·: •8.·11.
VIS IT u1, •tudv t~e 818'.E with "'·Chu te~ of C~,;,1 287 W. W;f.
""St.. Co••• 1v1 ••• , c. 92bll , P~. ~·e .s11 1 . ~·S·l•~I. b~b.
!) 7 bl
l\low! PSI\ jets
even' hour
on the hour
to San Francisco!
7am to 9 pm.Both ways. 7-8-9-10-11 am-12 noon-1-2-3-4-
5-6-7-8-9 pm. More on weekends.
Plus flights
ever liour
on the alf hour
to San Diego!
8:15 am to 10:10 pm. Both ways.
8:15 ... 8:30-9:30-10:30-11:30 am-12:30-1:30-2:30-3:30-
4:30-5:30-6:15-6:30-7:30-8:30-10:10 pm. More on weekends.
Why worry about a reservation when PSA has ove r 160 fli ghts a day? Such an easy·to-
remember schedu le you can carry it around in you r head. Why remember lowest fares?
Or all jets? Or great service to Oakland , San Jose. and Sacramento? Or that _ -,.;.~
kids under 12 fly PSA (w ith their paren ls) for hal f fare? Sllll want a reser-
vation ? Just remember to call you r travel agent or wh alsi lsname air lines .
PSA gi>es l'OO a lift.
.. ,.11!!'~,-!!"!"!'!!"'"',.,."",."" .. ,. .... ,. .... ,...,,. .... ,. .. ., .. .,,. .. ,...,,. ....... ..,.,,..,..,.. .. .,. ... ,.."'!'"""'""""'"',.,..""l"!r;,c ~·-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·-·
LEGAL NOTICE Your Money's Worth
NOTICE IS ... !011.EeV G YEN "'' tti~ Points to Check OVER THE COUNTER
o ow"" flml <>! 1ouna o u 11e<1 p ""'
h••• boon "'d II> ho Po c• D•••rlrn•h
o ho c " Co ., M• • ro e oo "" In •~<:O • l>f h ,_. y (~ <U Y• n <• OYO •• Mo 0 Ol• ,. • .....
<•II~ covo "°"" lO •r'>!> b •<•> ~I> vcle b u• b (y O
b CY< •• CO!Of u/\M/\Ow n
no o-.. •f •""•"'' '"" p "'"' h oWn••hOO! h•P~YWh
d••• n ow no tho oub • °" o
No t lh• • M o o >na ••• n ho
lndo I h•e tw-ono <>"~(Y O
C0>la M••• n wh h "'' h• " ""' fY •h• bo ~ d •' 1>ub c •u<l!O<I • • mo
""" d• •Jo bt """"Unted DAT ED Ocl°"" :10 Ht
Pub 1,nod o on<K Co•• Ila • P ot
0< Ol>t' l Y6l 1;~1 6~
,. lSNI
Tho ut>d•
o < 119 •CU>~~·•
Co• • Mn• Cd Cl"/\ • •mO• ""
' " "
"'"I m n~me c T a. R PRODUC T 0/.15
"'"a , 1 ~•<I ! m <:e< wo>"O " ht
oowno o• on wr.ef Am• n " e .d
1>a •o rdH>C• ••I O O<ll
lo •"<• T fJ'O• J08 ll ~ll>U
A•• Co ona 6• M" 01 t'd Oc Oil<' ?(I 9t'
lP p~p l "'~f
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Pub c "end o ••d 5 •• P•>on1 V
"'""'" ~ l• •nc• ,. mb • ~nown o m• To ~ ti t o• -.on W"" « n1mf • >Ub!C ~ •d to M• ,.1~n n I um•! •nd
~ •no w 1'<19•~ ~.·~•Cu •d I~• ••m•
O~f C •l SEAL
~a •N Pub t Co to n •
o anQ• Coun v
MV Comm" 1>11 E•C •• ov ,, 1911
I> b ,~~ o ~ng• Co••' D• " P ot o ober 1 71 • d Novernbro" •
909 19«1 69
BEVERAGES Octobt-r 17 1969
l o It nom It M•Y Conte n Suo "' lo •IU•n<• ol ~. I •n•• AO
p ~ 1o not '" , hereby !I ~"" Ila! lhe u ne • ~nea p .,,,.,,,., o •• • cohol c
b•vr aqe1 al tne p em ~"' dri< IMd ••
10 ';"~~ V • I Ba be• B vd N•wP<1'1
ll•~ h Pu >Yn! to s~,11 nlen on !hf un-
<! , onod , •oo .., ~ to h• Deoa lm•n
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l'.vd Su •100 M '1on\/•o C• on •
nd• "' ! ll OV> I m non• of ~SON H L~ l'l f;~LlY •nd 100 <od
m > comOQ!>•<'i o! h• lo OW "'I P •on
"-"'' """'' n I~ •f\11 O acr O • (!"'lei! \•oow< ~ob<' L KonntdY
on V • D
O• ed Oc o'>• 1~ •~•
Pell<' ' L l(f n~dY
a •o!C•o "•
(,I onq• County
Cn Oc l1l Olf b•c • m• a NOaY
""" < n fnd •c s•d S •• ~·'""" v ~•P•• ""'Robo L l(~nnM• Of'IOwn D m• to bt h• ,,. son ...,ose nl'lm• • 1ub$t l>-
•a ,o It\• w"' n n• V"""' •r-<I •t'r.ow !'!lo~ h• •x«Vlftl !he ••m• <O~FIC AL $EAL Ml y 11&1~ Mor1Gl'I
No A Pub c Ca !otnl•
r noaOH cel"
O onu• (Oul'llV
M• Comm 11'°" ExplrH
..... t 9 1
Pub 1~"<1 O anM Coott D• 'f Piiot o~ obo 1 11 and No•tmbot ~ 11 >'•• lffl~
NASO Listings for Monday, October 20, 1969
In Buying Funds RtPf"••1<1lf! ~• tnl•r.O••I•,. '"•i.t1ot"• •I '"""'1 mt1...., 1 A M, '"'"' l'llU O.
P t•• ot M l --re • I •• mlrti:up, 11111".40 .. •t tommb~1111o
I EW YOllK (A.P Dov r OS
-Tnr o ow 11 bu 0 rw N
•l'ld ••-«! ouo ~ 8~ • 0'!, D
toda J begins £1 nc10 sencs
o 1 bu111ng mutunt J1111ds-
1 rofcss1onally II u Ill be. 1 1
Jui r parts
If you re a typica l owner of
mutual fund sha es you h3\C
had a s1n1ply dread!ul 1969 As
a grou p mutual funds ha\ c
o 11 performed the s l ot k
1narkel on the dO\\n~ dt r
d 11du;illy most fund s h n c
also It rned 1n records far 1r
fcnor lo the st0t k avc1 ages
so ue of th is years v.orst
perlonners v.ere las t year ~
mosl glittering fund s man1 of
the Jo<;ses in 'alues are
absolutely awful
The questlon v.h1ch leaps lo
mind as the :stock market
fumbles for a boll.om
therefore is a.re mutual
funds as mu ch or a lop notch
investment medium for vou as
thev re cracked up to be'
the one qual!f1catlon that you
buy them 1ntelligently In
todays com plex technology
1n\est1ng 1s a full time Job
which shou ld bf: left to the
professionals Trying to be a
do-it you rself stock market
wizard is not for the amateur
who does not ha\ e the time
nor !he knowledge resource!'!
nor the f1nanc1al resources nor
the expe ri ence and
background which are essen
t1al to successful investing
over the long-term
But another vital point
underlined by the 1969 slump
1n mutual fund share prices 1s
that there is far more to the
pu rchase or these funds than a
simple dec1s1on that this 1s the
prudent way for you to invest
p 3'995
Th<' UM• • 11nt<I <'l<>fs c• I v II• ! con nuc n~ t bu• ntn or 9~ 6 El V1 • Av•
Fo~n onV• •v C• Iona ~~a• t~•!c
! lo\!\~ m nam~ ol ~'I.YI AV AV AT ON • n th!I'> '" n f m i compo'"" ot ~e o ow n11 pe on who e n•me n u onn
p •<~ o " Otnct • •• lo ow, "'1 h• v P Leona d 9i ~ El Vt ~ Ao• Fou~I• n Va •v Co I
01 '" 0< ~t... ! 069 M•h•wP l ono cl
On Ocobe O lf~ b~o • '!'•
Noo v Pullc n '"" 10 •d ~~· ..., •onol y once• •d Mot hrw P l•ono d
~"""'" o mt ~ be lt>r De "'" w~t
nom• Is '""" b"" '" h• wt~ " n sr uml!'nl •ncl •'kr>OW t'd9e<I II• •~•'u f'd
tile n mf
!Ott'kl•I S... J J••n L Jflboil
Not•rv Pub c Ca !ctn •
P Mot OffCf n
I) ang• Covn f
My Comm ,. o" EJFI U
Ma c~?Ul
Publ ~~ 0 '"°' C"" I Do Iv Pl ot Octobl!r '-1 i i •no Novembo 4
?H 189169
Tht und• • on•d do <• t rv I~.,, 1 •
(!)r]<!<JCt n~ t l>U$ n••S a! 113J H• ~O
B vn Cota M•"' C•llon• und• h• < I o f rn n•m.t o (;llEEN OOOR
and na! ''" d t m 1 comPn••d o ne o <>W ng P• '""' wno•r nom• v and o •~•• o • d•nct • • as o OWi 'I.~ E l<'.<h<I& ''l W W son
Co• a M•>~
l om• n~ l(•nn• ' S W w >Of\ S
CO• I Me10
O&!e<I Oc oP.• 13 1f61 I<:& £ l(o'ld~ !
loml'll n• 1(-111
On Oc 1l "'' b"'o • mo a No""' r'vl> c "•nd IOI \Ad S I• p•r-o ••
•O<>•• ""' l(a E K<ndl'l t nd Tom• " l(<nda 'nown lo mf O bo tl1e ""'IC < whc•f f'l•mr• a f •v~ < l>O!(! IQ th• w ~ n
n "''""' 1nd 1c~now ~ged l~•v •~ "'°".., h• ••ml Ot <•I~•• " I • o Pu~ (~ on •
o • nt\ .. .
5l A.l l! Of CALll"ORN A. FO •
£1 • ._
Ott •••M
c "<I o • of h• •t>ovr n•mM Ot'""" ~· a P• <0n• I>•~ n~ c • m• 090 "' ht '"a o...;ro•n • • reou ..., 10 r • th""'
w h me """"'""' vou(ht s n ii,., ~ • ollnec•kolt~•bove...,!IKl tou o
o Prt ••n1 lhom w lh lht n•<e"~"' ~ovChf • o lh~ """' I ~ntd • mr L•w O .. o F • ' nan<'! f •n~ n 101 Eo en Sr• Co a Mo;• (1 lon o tJ~?I
Wh(n ~ thr pac• o bu•n•~ o n._
n••Qnl"d n 3 m• fl O• • nQ Q
'"' ••••o ••d dN:ooont w h ~ o m<m h~ t ! e 1/lf I • pub col.on cl th•
~" O•leod Octobo 1 1f6•
Wa te G ~·• I E•ecu o
of lh• ~II• t ol thr •Ml~• nomod ~tilt!'
Flt•NICLIN •ttD f RAfrll(LlN
1tl I!••' '"" '"'"' '"'' M.u c .1 .. n 1 '1n 1 l 11 11i.1 J4•ns1 Atter....,1 f« l!-K ... r
Plltl 1-~..t 0 1n.. Coo!l DI
O<:tot>et 11 H "'" tlovombt
v ,. lot . ' 1951.m
M >U t> t<I IJV El P~ I no Na <>no A >I>( E•• Sn There 1s much more to the • "n " s~cu ~ E.<on L~D Or•~ nc • .,E'a11(b !i
\I 1se select on Of J fund than a "~ , • iJ;• ., ~~n =~ €c1u~a;~i ~>•n ~ v• • El N ~ cursory comparison of records d•~" or(~ • o E N"c:
""" ox n• • l E!c '"~ and a quick loo k <it a portfol o ~"' " w c11 nr.-e rcu l o tov d El
cf 1nvestn1ent!j Behlnd a ~~~·e<1 t><o~~ta l 1>u0 ~1 MQnul
I d l
d o d lo a • e"' C•n un s inves men r ec Or <>••, "'" ~· 1 mps o
I o~g• 11011~nffte 11Y C. porlf o o m ikcup ll \C:i!mcnt ou no o,y P ,, Enr ~ "• <10 no ud• Enn• II nt ilosophy :ind 1nve:;tn1e it ob • • d • ,'"', m• ~down on o " Jcl lhcs ire rnany Cl 1c1a l , un Ln o
cons1dera!1ons ind f 1cls \1 h1ch ~:A c~n,, ~ ~ 1"'
\0 l shot !d rxplOlf' 111 detJ ! 111 !FA5P "~ ~!.,C e~~
tJrder to re l<'h a sound AvM c~ fa A nf E Ft19 ilct.:ls1on on wluch fund is th~ ~cm~0v~ ~;0Nll0M
llll <:t suit ihlr f Jr \OU A d ' F• c; llE
" I) n f-(. SURt:LV if }OU h ave.All•• H ~
b f AW ~ F ought mutual 1 nds you ate A ,a L~d F c~n9
a11are th<i\ n1os l of the sell ng ~ ~ ~.~ F~ ~~
foe ises on pot ltS \Vh1t h ni l: ~A'E~ $ ~: Gont
f 1nds ha ve 1n co m mo n !~~ci'.,., lt ~g g'~
management d1vcrs1flcat1on A eu n 10 1 F n~ co A ELa0 6h~.~WnE services ctt No one fund has Am e~p u . ~,Fu v•w
I h S f An Fu rt JD O Co nk anyt 11ng unique ere ure y A c ~ MJ • •/.\, c ... soc ~OU know Iha! 1nosl fund ~~a "1~ 1: ~~ g ~~,; ~
h!CratUre CQTil'1!nS Sl!ni!u\y !mM Po~: r: 3t ,g'1:Kf' ~
persuasivr text p h o to s :s~ c;Go~ ~ • ~1• g•o ;.,
charts etc ~~r~ 'c".. l~ • 16 • g ~0 r 1 lf 1969 S bitter CJ(""flCTICe IS Anheus B ~~ ~9 G •~•" "I
f I'~ Ankrn C I " 9 Gob ~ub lo ha ve ong term val le lo A <ala ~ Jli 11 Go<'I cc
h f A nd 11 l Goa<! lS you lt must e p you become A d•n M 13 , l , c ~P" cn
ff Ad•n~JJ J'1 Gaon.S.c more pro ess1ona in your A ~ MoP 11 3 G ... n tM
selection of a fund -<;O }OU : J"t~ M 56~. 5~ !g nnnel!E
can in fact as well as theory A cc 1101 13 • c o•e P Au o Sc ll ) G wh come out with a superior Jon•' A v•m~o 9 •Guo a "'llallb 1~Gun term investment record 110 a Al Q Gv 0<1n
Y I 60~• 1• H~m. Co~ ou won t get t Hs sort or s,. p~ n1 6 Hdnov .s.
dccp-do\\n talk tron1 the ~:nw'fk c
a v crag e 1nutual fund ~: :;. "
salesman he probably docsn t ~~~ ~;.
even know ti Nor \1111 }OU get e. ~ • • llo m a it in the average mutual fund 11. <o
literature rt isn I there ~;} LH:o
TODAYS COLUMN begins 8 nvpt0';{
p1npo1nling baSIC ractors lo : ~ ~h I
<;Onsldcr be fore 1.'.hoosi ng a ~~"' i-~r
fund Boo he c MUTUAL
No 1 Your own s11uation :~·w~ c~o
D b d El "'n I> on t c C('CI I ('d by lhe ll u•~ II•
sccn1 ng s1mphc1tv of ih " for ~~c~~~ s
Jt is tie most fundamental ~~ n~ s~
cons deration of all Too often f~m0 ° M
mutual fund s<i!csmcn pay on ~~~"~ B
ly hp service lo it too often cao sow Ir C•P nA you yoursc down grade it L l C"PTtn
your eagerness for qu c:k and cc~"r c:1 ?
big profits too often tht: [anlJ c~« NG
ly \1 hich really r ecds to con c""
serve J!S c3n1t al and sc..:k on ly
moder:itr go ns t;ikt.s undue
isks in I ct ascs af1 er n
1ni:d <l\f ~ 1 ns
In J9G8 s ro rlr g 1111rkct
ho1v n1 1r1v of \Ol stet J nhl:(I c u ~
lo !he glo\1 t g run Ors th3t c /on r
XYZ I und would bt rig v )\J 1 c n Mr C non O st a n t f1nanc1<1 ! happiness cow c~
'f I Co e<n l' O\V many o you v.erc lured co ~• F
into g1v1ng up a proper in ~~~~. 5 r
\.estment to buy a fund ~~ f. •,
pubhcized as fantast ca!Jy sue.: ~g;;: c. ,
c:e~sful '> f~::::: ~·"
110\Y flfANY Qf :orou in 1968 t ""' P v
abandoned an investment ~~" c~
strategy whi ch \Vas right for ~~~ ,.,n~
you 1n order lo follow the ~;;',," R~~
miracle 111anagcr<; -only ~on s a" 11
lo find out 1n 1969 th<Jt \QU r ~g,,~~nt.
1~racle capita l g 1 ~ ;ire to.: d;
\\ opp1ng losses instead" c •d ~11
S\v1tch1ng ('a n be t ~pcc :il y ~ ~·" ~
cost y 1n 1nutual f ntl 1n\cst1ng ~v~ :;,
btcause of the ~<i lt s ch i rgr~ g~ ~ 0,~
SQ POINT NU I I :i 1cilv c 8~"0 M
)Our O\~n need s decide 01 111 g ~~"~D
Jn \estmcnt strategy ~H d stick o. u• c."
\\1111t1ngoodl1 nls andbatl g; c~ r
flier:! /11vesln1e1 t goals g~~ :0~
rn cl t/J I'! t n p J 1ct J g•:•v /'
0 ' " Gets 1'1 0 1n o ll on ° -·-·-------
l 1u Ii 1'1 0111 otcil
'" ~ dl
ti c l d nlff'r I Srt1ri11 ~
I <Jt:lf l( ;.,; llJU I J ~<Jl1h J l L i~
Angt lf's
Inc l 1 h
GOLF PLAYI NG •<1ul• m•"'
ba .~ p I v n• Co• I Count y
C ~b /or •a • by p v•f1 p• •~
btlow mo ki t p Cf Me mb•
1 •• ~ nq • •& c.11 21 )) '588
7557 belw••" 9 AM & 'S PM
..... k d1y1
bank fore ght )l:<1rs v.orks lfl ~~~Q., ~c
the ~ y s t e in s development g: "•"' {,
cl1\1s1on of 1tc tlcctronlC cata g0~~ 5n:
process ng department go;n 1 F
Role ol Living Trusts in Financial Planning
An info rmative lecture by an attorney on the all rm por-
tant features of Liv1ni; Trusts fo r the avoidance of pro ...
bate, probate costs, delays and unwanted publicity and
also possible tax reductions and pnvacy of estates..
NEWPORr BEACH-Tucsday,October26
Newporter Inn, Board Room
1107 Jamboree Road
PALOS VIRDES PENIN SUIA-Wednesday, October :9
J lungry Tiger Restaurant
27300 Hawthorne Boulevard
J,mple umew11l be allowed for questions from the audt·
e.nce. Admission is free. To make reservations, fill out
the coupon below, or call Miss Lenz collect at CR+-0393,
0 ~ I'd '
Complete-New York Stock List
" ,,.
311• '"• '" ' . '" ..
1 }l • ,. ' ' • .. ' ,. " ' • 0 ?7 ~ • . " ' . ~
" " '" " • ' "
• " ,,.
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hospital He said the et1mpany
has cash and loan com
m1tmf'nls totalhng $70 m1lllon
for the new ventures all of E1o •~c11 10
v.hich \\llJ be franchised ~::'~co ii! E•1GF 1 1! E•• U IM)
\\()Qf).RIOGE NJ (UPI ~:f,,.,"~•_.l
-C11r11ss Wrigh! Corp hAS ~!~or'nJr' 1~
r xrrci-:e t .ln option to huy 600 ~~M~1•0 ~
:icrrs 1n ~lanatce County ~GJ'v~ c 1600a
f loruia tor a l:lnd dc\elo • "'c' ""O( i;: M'm Mi a mrnl on \\ h1ch lhe compan.r ",., M•~ o 1 plan ~ to speO<I $5 n11lhon The ~1;;;;u '\d
1rart lies ~twreri Bradentoi ,.,! Yin 2l'
:ind Anna Maria Island J ~z;:,1vA r'l:
,.... Mtt
t11• J Mllll Ltw C ... Cftt
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Mu DI'• I XI Mur~ln 11!0
,.1vrDl'IO I ·~ '·'"'p() 1>IS ld
Tuesday's -Closing •;Prices-"'
Complete New York: Stock Exchange List
tJilh I Nlfft Low CloM C~t
1 ~I Ml•~ c ... J:~l····························1
-~ i"' •• ' -· " ·-· _,
l: ~ -·
'•. --+ •
+ " ·-· t~ . ' -" ~ •• -. t ~ t ~ r " =t -
Market Makes
Healthy Advance
NEW YORK (UPI) -Demand for •lock• ac·
celerated ~esday anud predictions of lower Inter-
est ratu within the next few months and reports
that Prerident Nixon might be considering a uni·
1aleral C8'J&-flre Jn Vietnam or a :sizeable troop
Shortly before the-final bell the UPI market-
wide indicator showed a gain of 0 75 percent on
1 627 1ssuet crossing the tape There were 915 ad-
vances and 483 declines
The Dow Jones average of 30 blue chip 1ndus-
tr1aJs gained 6 60 to 845 83 near the close
Turnover of better than
well above Monday 'j ttace
15 000 000 sharcl!i \Vas
General 1'1oto1 s ''as on the uptrack but l hr) s-
Jer fell folloY.1 ni:: a sharp drop 1n third quartc1 11el
Electronics shov.ed marked strength although
a number of issues were po11rt1ng lower in fraction s
Diet soft dnnk producers finned up some\vhat
The group had been under pressure 111onday follo\v-
tng the governments ban on cyclamate ~roduct s
tMany producers say they \VJll have substitutes on
the shtl\tes Jn a matter of day!!
Airlines were impressive \\1th se\cral issues
ncld1ng a pomt or more '\11 crafts \\ere mi xed
Rail s aJ90 follo\Yed an irregular pattern
oehem1cals Oils "ere mixed ''1th Nato1nas
tfle "rea.Jrer issues
a s
Pnces advanced on
change in a«1ve trad1ng
the Stoc k Ex
l""f'' • .• ,, r ,. ltfl 'JC
t••t'fl> 1 • !twW•r d
IC$• Vt ..C I loktVC ,.r 1..,.W-T.to
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•111 Co to "''":!.'<~ :s z ... ,.,l..,
~""'" o ......
-America11 Stock Exchange List
• " • ' " " . 110 Jl .. ' 101 l
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f DAILY PILOT T11r~day Ottobfr 21. t%q ~----------
\\.'hite I louse suS\X'Cts the
Senate Dcn1otrnt1c Po 1 icy
Ctunmi1lct• uf w u r k in g
lf'!:i Sla!i\'1• hlnf'k n1:1g1r lo cast
l'I spl'll on President NixoH's
pn1posats 10 Congrl·ss.
This hint of wil chcn1lt pro-
du c('(f surprisl' and some
amusem("nt among the nil'n
\1•ho ran the panel l)f Senate
Democratic leaders.
One comn1ittee Drmocrnl
said 1t 1\•11s ni('e 10 be notic("d.
!'ena!e L)Cn1ocratir Lcad1·r
fl11ke ~1ansfield, the ('hafnnan.
\1·as nol ab1lut to deny :1 bit uf
\1·izardry. so he su pplil'd 1h1s
deseript1on of a <'Olllnultee
n1eeting ·
'"\\'e p11t nn our skull caps.
"'" '"""· '"'""" '"' 1;gh1s Ployi1ig Posst&JH out and acl likl' zornbies.··
-----..,-..-·-~ . -•
The argurnenl over the pace Susi e J\.1acli n , a sophornore at Austin College in· the 'vildlife of her ho1n eland, gave her a na ti ve.
of congressional action on Ni.~-Shcrinan, 'f ex .. is from Nairobi, Kenya, East Af-'fexa s possum for a pet. To n1ake home seern a bit
on's proposals vaulted into the ri ca. llci-classmates, fearing she mi ght be. Jnissing closer, she gave il a S\vahili name, Tolo 01nba. occult al a \Vhite !louse brief-_:.:.:.:..:..:..:..:..:..::::=.c....:..:.:.::.c..::.:..:.c..:c:._ __ .::_ ____ .....::._ __________________ . _____ _
iug Ott. JO.
Under thl' rules that brief.
Auto Show Rail Safety Rules Sought
German Party Falls
Christian Dernos Might Not Survive
By GEORGE TllOlHS01...; have lk'gencraled Into "a club
that mCt'ts once In fou r years
BONN (AP -Kurt Georg to i>lcct a chancellor.''
Kiesinger's fall today frorn The Sl'plenibcr e J c cl ion
power sounds an omi nous underlined the d1n1inish!ng
110Le for his Christinn Demo-rule of the B.on1an Catholic
cratlc party. Observl·rs a re Church i11 political 11ffairs.
;_1sking whether the Catholic Ad cn;iuer's cabinets always
party which led West Ger-con!aincd a 3-1 maJurity of many from the ruin of war to wealth in two clecadcs can Catholics, but the prttclice
survive. out of office. \~as discarded after his res·
ignation in 1963. West Germany's n e w
Bundestag, the lower house of More than 80 percent of the Christia n Democratic party's parliament, me.I Io d a y lo
('lect a chance.llor. \Villy n1embcrs are Catholics. But
Brandt, Jeade.r of the Socia l an increasing number of
Democrats, is expected to be Catholics apparently feel less
the c:hoice. Although Brandt's comm11tcd lo vo te for a
Sotialists ran behind the ''Christian'' party, and thtre
Christian f>eniocrals 111 the. has been an influx of Catholics
Sept. 28 eieclion, he put into Brandt's party in recent
I · I I n1 onths. together a coa ition •wit i tie Protestants o u l n u m be r tiny 1''ree Democratic party to
gel a niaJorily in the Dun-Catholics 51 to 44 percent 111
\Vest Germany. l~estag . The Christian Democrats
ll<'lmut Koh\ of the R!1lnelantl
Palatinate stale. ti co1npara·
live unknown ; and the party'll
floor leader. Rainer BarLel,
who ran at::ainst Kt•Js1ngcr tor
chanttl!or in 1966.
Party bu siness n1anager
Kon rad Krask1• glno!nily told a
nl'wsn1an recently: "\\'e need
at h~asl four years to n1ake a
new part.v of the CDU. replace
the old generation and build
up a chancellor candidate in
the 1973 ele<:tion in tune for
him !o Y.·in in 1977."
Kiesinger is ou1wardly more
optimistic. lie has announced
plans to confront lhc ne1v
govcrnn1e nt Y.'1th a "shadow
cabinet'" headed by himself.
Concert Set
At College \Vh:"!t caused the decline of also niay lose support arnong
the brilliantly success f u I the srnal! businessmen, wh ite
politlca t grouping set up in collar workers mercha nts and 19~9 by the late Konrad farmers who make up 40 per· Southern California Col!ege,
Adenauer? cent of the party's 380 ,000 Costa tllesa \\'ill prrsrnt a
The answer is not pl ain, but in cmbcrs. Brandt's coalition community concert with guest
it is argued that the party promises to take more account folk-singer John Fi sc h e r
~tchieved its initial obje<:tive o[ or 1heir interests in deference Saturday.
rebu ilding West G e r n1 an Y to the liberal Free Democrats, The concert. beginning al 7
\1•ithout making further plans who draw many of their mem· p.n1 .. will be held in the Coal·
Ing. on t he hurryup message
President Nixon sent t n
Capitol lli!I, can be attributed
only to Wh ite House sources,
and cannot be quote<.! directly.
Those rules remained in 1·f·
fl'ct, hut Senate Dctnocrats
identify the source as Bryce
N. ll arlow. Nixon's assistant
for Congressional affai rs.
Opening for the future. J\fany \Vest hers fro m tha t sector of socie· of-Arn1s Room of the gym·
\VASJl lNGTON (API n1ot0r vehicles. Sonic 3.816 Transpor!ation Safety Board, Germans regard the Chri sti an ty. nasium . 1'heconccrt J!i localed
Spurred by thr •·new Clnd persons died in grade crossing points out "it is no\V obvious Democrats and their Bavarian Fighting has begun among al 2525 Newport Blvd. In Nelv}>Orl catastrophic potential for aceidl'nts last year. lhat railroad derailment ac-allies, the l11ristian Socia l the Christian Democrats, and John Fischer. folk-si nger
de", ti> a•d de•t<u<·.t<·u··· ,·.. · ·d d h Union headed by Franz Josef there is talk of an attempt to "'"d •omnn~er. graduated from " " ., " " Loss of life in accidents in-Cl ents, angerous cnoug in · '"' ... r·"
train Y.'rccks, the Nixon ad-\'olving hazardous inalenals themselves, have acquirrd a Strauss. as p<1triarchal and replace Kiesinger as party '\!heaton College in Illinois and
At that briefing, the StnJlc
Dl'mocratic Policy Comm1nee
was said to he function ing in ,.
fash ion n1ore powerful lha n
the l·lou~e Rules Commitlcl'.
·which schedules lcgisla1ion fnr
action on the floor ol !he
i1lorc th :in a quarlcr million
1lolli1rs \\'Orth of new !970
;.1 11 tom:>hiles \\'ill he. sho\\·n lree
lo the public at Fashion lslantl
shopping ernler Thursday,
:Friday and Saturday, October
:.!3. 24. 25.
1n1n1stration has proposed the has been relatively hght so llC\V and catastrophic potential apathetic. leader. is presently travelling about fir.~t 1.:omprchcnsive federal far. But J ohn IL Recd, for death and destruction 1'he nrws 1nagazine Der Th re I! prospective can-the country entertaining a&
railroad safety legislation. chairman of the National previously unknown ." Spiegel said last week thry didates arl! Strauss; Premier various college campuses. Se n d i n g the recom·\-::'.'.:'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.::.....:'.'.._:::::._:.::::::::::.._:_::.::::::::::....::::::::::::: ____ _:::;.:::::_ __ -...c... ___ ...:. _________________ _c ____ _
According lo lhe \\lhite
l!ouse, wt1en i\-lansfield calls
leaders of !hf' policy l'Olll·
n1iUC'e lo his office 11C'ar lhe
Senat e floor. closes and 101:ks
the door ;ind Rnes in10 black
magic. Ille ;u.lniinistr:1t1on h;is
no chance to influence 01e
And this. it 1v:is sa11l. pu1 s
Nixon in a le<1dcrsh111 s11ua1fo11
lhal has not brt'n c.~pcriencrct
by a nc1v J'residt·nt s1nt1·
Zachary Taylor took officl' 120
years ago, (;icing an Op·
po~ition Congress.
"I thought he knt•w inc bel·
lcr than that." J\1 ansfield said
of /larlo1v. "The rec:nrd speak s
for itself. The policy cnin·
mittee y,·.:ints lo cooperate.
\1•ith the PresJdl'nl. .,
The eornmiltee has 1 :1
m e n1 be r s , chnsrn hv
J\1ansficld as m;:ij(>ril.v lc;1tlc1:.
;ind ranging frorn nor1her11
liberals, likt• ~en . i'hilip A.
Hart. of J\Iichigan, In lh C' cor1-
servalive Hichi.lrt! ll Hus!\C'll
of Georgia.
This new automobile shov,• is
sponsorPrl by U1e Fashion
Island Merchants Association
in cooperation \Vith sixtee n
Orange County ne w ca r
dt'<ilcrs. :Foreign and do111cstic
1nakcs and models \\'ill be on
(li~play on the Fashion Island
1n;il! all lhrl'e days.
F'rcP entertainment 1vill be
prol'ided Saturday. JI a.m. lo
2 p.n1. on stage courl vf the
CtnH·r. l'ashinn lslanrl 1~
locall'!I on Pacif ic Coa sl
ll1~hway 1Jct11·cen J amboree
oi11d 1\1;.u:Arthur.
!)('ale.rs parlicjpating are:
Chitk Iverson, Inc .• Jim
~l1•rnons lrnports, George Z1m-
Jlll'rm<.1n, Dean Lewis Imports.
:\ewport lrnports, Bill .l onl.'s
Sports ('ar Center. Poole
!.:tuck, Theodore Hobbin~.
lloy C.1rver Pnntiac. Connrll
Cl1 t'1'rolcr. llarbor D <1 d g c ,
J 11,lld.1y S<tlcs.
.lul;nson ,I\· Son. N:1bors
(";1<11ll.1r, l :n11·rr.~itv OJ (Is
All.1.~ r11 r·yslc1·-J•lyh1ou111.
Draft ~•~•tl1
Youtli Figures Nixon Plan
niendalions to C o n g r e s s ,
'l'ransportalion Secretary John
Volpe last \\•eek cited ".'.!
~!cadi!y rising trend" in r:u!
accidcu!s, 1n a n y involving
shipment or hazardous po isons
<ind explosives.
"Existing rail s a f c t y
statutes ;ire inntlequatc to
enable the government to res-
pond to the problern," Volp~
s:iid, noting !hat -in an
abrupt <1boul·facc since last
spring -the r a i I r o a d s
thcrnselvcs now sec111 ln
Unlike airlines :111d lnJl'ks,
r:ulroads thus l:1r 11 av r
<'Scaped any sori of to1n-
prchensi\'C min imum safcl~
standards scl by the govcrn-
1ncnt, despite -.ttrmpts 111 the
past to pass such leg1.Slat1on.
'fhe propos;il itself docs not
outline ~pcc1fic s a I ct y
1ncasurcs. rather it v;ou!d
prrrnit Ilic srcrctary fl f
1r:insptJrtrit1on lu draw 11p
rrgulalinns selling 1n1nin1um
:-:tandards for, :11nong other
i1('111s, ir:ick.~. rnlllng slack
;;nd loading procedures.
'fhc ;1d1ninis1rat ion 1J i 11 .
11-r1t(t•n fnirn the rcpo!'t of :i
1:1sk for ce eon1poset1 n t
rail1·oad n1rinagcrnCHI. labor
:1 n c1 i:f0Vtrnn1cnt rcprcscn-
1a111 t'~. is lhe lhird ~uC'h safe·
ty rnc;1s11re lo I.Ir introduced
llus ~·car.
Sens, Vance J!.-irlke fl).
l nd J.. ..ind 1\brah:im A
rl1b1coff \ D-Conn. I, h;ire 1n-
1rorluced 1he1 r own bills -
\VASl!fNGTON (:\P\ ;ind lillJSI' \\"lln uic lirst HMJ hnlh nr \vh1ch rcm;un 1n com-
Prcsidcnt /\'ixnn ·s drafl Jo!tl'ry h1rthda!l'S 1trawn ll"Oll!d pr,,. 1nit!cc.
system -Jf ll r fl s s (' ·~ b;1bly b<.-1•;1!Jrd Thr I'<'· All thrt't' l\ll'Ot!>U l"CS <11'1•
<..:ongress -•S ~urc In bnng u1:i1n1ng h:i h1rllulalcs 11 otihl prompted, 1n P~Jrt . by !ht'S('
out a 1,1)("11! a1nong Iii~ cn1111-bf' hordrrlinc \ .1 ~1•,;. ~l;Jl1~1u·~
lry's IS·yf':l r-0111~ lor f1g11 r111g Thi· c·;illlip~ \,11·y !iuin -S1nl'l' l!Jf..J, df'r.11hnf'UI~ nl
n1aU1ern<Jt1c:1I pro!Jal11l1l1C'S 1111,ntli 1 ~1 ln•>nlll 11111 ;i in:in 1r.dll" la r 1· 1· J 11 Jl ha?;11·t!rn1~
Crit1rs !>fl.V the p1:1 n 11 111 11)111 dri•ii Ill•· 11101r1 r!:iti· i·niitd 1n;1lt'n.1I~ h;i\r lnrt·i•d t ilt·
l••a\e mo>l .vnun" 1111•11 "ll<''·'· I · II I 11.1rli h1· c·1;1c11;1111111 11[ u1.111 .. ., r.o I 1g~1rt' 1f' d !\•• 1';1 "(( nr:1r 1 ii·
JnJ! :1booul JU~t 11hi·n !her 1,1111 nl 1111, 'l':'lf, :i 111 ;\TJ iihri 1li,11\ 4() 1\ 111 !' r 1 t' ;i 11 t:Ot\l·
1n1ght bf> (";dirt! !111· lullc1w 1n1: dn•\V .'ill 11;111111 pruhably lit• 1111111J\1rs.
1rnr and thi11r 1 h;1nl'~·~ for 1 ;illi·d :1110111 niid .1i·;ir. ~T1·;1111 :1t:c1den1" h.11~ in
Csc<iping l hc 1lr;11! rnl 1rt'h'. 1T1'J~f'd frorn ·\,(4!1 \n 1f/11i 10 Sludi·nli> :111tl l('l'h 11H·r1l 1irn-But <1rtned 11•1lh ;i f1 ·11· h;1 ~11· 7.29-! 111 l~(i7, 11p i~ 8 Jl{'rrrn! plr gc.tling dr·lennrnts 1•0\11<1 rigures those 15urssr ... l";1n ht'l 'l'r:i1n ;1tTl tlt'nls ex ceeded 8.000 dr<.1w tht•1r 1!r alt el\g1b!litv. Pretty l'lOSl'. And s1unr n1cn Jn HIGIJ. pl:lrl'1nent lor 1l1c.1r 191h \'t•:irs wnn'l h;ive 10 guess <i1 all. -Vol1>e c>.11m:11cs 11> a 1 like r\'£'rvonc 1·l~f' :inti would The pl an for draft111~ 1!1· l"Onie baCk in!o !he. dr;ifl rool three-fourth.~ uf ;i!J <1cc1Ucnts
yea r-olds firsl nn <i l~ttcry :ir" t';H1s1·d hv fnt·!ors -such \1'1th that san1c p1;1c1'1111:nt · basis is likely tn pas.~ thl' :1 !i 1n1prn11l'r!.11 ni:iint:iinf'd \l'hi'n 1hcir dl'ferrncnts ended llouse lat e. Uiis wctk . It 1s still 1 tr:ick and d~·fi:rli\·e rolling four y1·ars <iter. an open que.stinn in the Sena1l'. s!r11,:k -not covcrrtl bv ex.
The 3fi5 b1r1.hd11te."-for the i\ll lhis is hni\' the l<•ttcrv 1,t1ng rai l safety l:i11·s i.abor
f '·· 'Y~lern 1s to work 11•hen it Is f • I following yrar 11·01.111 111!' 1lr;1wn IJrt•j,.11 11·nl s o sa1c1 y rg1sla-
out of a fi.~h bov.·l :ii .1 publ1r \l'Cll established. !1011 csrin1:ite the percentage is
lottery in 1-.te Septrmbcr or Thc first )Car. ho1\'('\'C'r . 1.:loscr to 9;._
carlv Oc-tobc r each vcar. \1•nuld be a transitory Onl' in -In !!)fill. therf' \vert' 1112
There's little guc'Ss"'·ork for \1•hich t1ll mtn b<'h1'er.n 19 .-ind persons killed and 20,8111 in-
ab~·bodif'd men whose 19th 25. not just 19.ycnr-olds, 11·oulrl jtirrd in train acc idents ex·
birthdays fall ()n the r1rst bf' subject to the draft undrr eluding grade crossi nn' ('01-
dates dra"''n: lhe.v'll be an1ong the systrm. li~ions bclw('('n t rai n~ :ind
the flr~t men ca lied car ly I he /ljiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;j I
nf'xl yea r.
Aod '"'" wilh b;<lhda\» "" ' I SEE BY TODAYS the last 150 0r inu re da1c.~ I
drawn \1•ill likely rsca pc 1hc
d'"fl eoU<e ly. I WANT ADS r.:vcrybody else \~·ill have to
lake out his scral ch pad and
pencil and start figuring the l
odds on thr b11sis of thr. I
number of ml'n in Uic drafl 1 1>001 and 1he rate a1 whirh
1hey'rc being called up each
If the S}'!\lcm were in ('fft'CI
now, as Selective Scn •ice nf-
flcia\s ex.pl;iin ii. 18-yc:ir-olds
y,•ould figure 1here \l'nuld bf'
:O:llmC'thing likl' Ii o O , o o o
available for lhc 1!raft nrx.I
\'Cilr art.er reJ etls e n 11 ~<'ferments I
Drafl calls hopefully 1\ ill
drnp orr to so1nethin~ l i~f'
200.000 from thi s year·~ :ll){l l~M1
That would mean mf•n 11 1111
birthday!! on !he lasl 2!Ml flf ~~
datC! drawn in lhr 1o1trrv
e R;irk i ~ ""'"~" 1ti;1n his
hilr' S.:111"'1(1 11 <1lrhllu_g, hut
a 1111!(' ,·hihuahun, n1a1lr.
i:-00tl 11·i1h a(IUIL~, Nil JI<!·
fl<'l"!i, S20. Rea l ~'fllllll!!.ny,
• Drl'amini:: fir f'hestnut ll
masriris.: ov('r <111 upen
fire~ llrrl''~ 11 rlrluxr 2
hcdro.-im n1011nlAin home
in R11nn 111£' Spnng~. ni11y
h11vr so1nr 11lu1r lnnd.
scap1nR; i;oon.
e 1'C'tl11g on 1111pul~r. fill! f,1r
.!!1 ll!)fl()ill llllf'll!, \l'lU 11111.Y
hf' i;rlN·!c>.I Tt• J!•ln lh1i1
;i1·tu1g work11l~1p tor ri111-
ff's~1tJn11I tr111nlr1A : i.;c•I n1 lr1
thl' srorl 1i::h1: i;rr .\·our
uaine in l1~ht!I'.
the differ ence betwe en en joy ing re tirement -or just retiring ,;: the
difference be tw een going to see your grandchildren -or just yearn·
ing to see th em the difference between carefr ee and careful
living ; . enjo y the l °!o yield on 2 year investment certificates when
held to maturity ($5,000 minimum) .. · interest checks ma iled quar-
terly '. · of course, if you need more flexibility, there are other plans
for Thrift Custom ers -such as a Thrift Passbook Account, with 5.50 o/o
interest. • · switch to the big difference -and let your money grow.
.. -----------Remember we p.ay postage both ways -----------
(ntlosed i.s my check in t~e 1maunt of
$ I h~\'t marked !hr t~pe of ;iiccounl I would like opened.
Plea1e send me 1 s1gna tur1 t•rd
"'hich I will fill out ancr 1elur11.
1J ~ SO"b l~"U Pnsbool (1n1.,,.o~ntl
f 1 1"i ? 1"' urhl'<1!t SS,llOO "'I"'"'""'
I , 6'ij I ,,., u •l•li<olt Sl,COQ """'"'"'"
1 I 611,, 2 oor "''''"•I• II 000 ''""'"'"m
1 1 ~·. & "'"~t~ ••!11f""' s~.noo "'1"""""'
I. 61j;, ll•) '" Oo O•! '""'"1 l2~ 000
CAtffORNI.\ l HRln & lO.\H
l 70 r. l 71h Street, Casi• Mesa. Cali torni~ 92627
Stott _________ "''------
5 olhces serving South ern Cali forn•a
170 r I 11h $t1eet (il~fOSS fu11~rton SI..
lrorri Sri Boy"s ReshUrB nt) • (714 ) 646 ~04 S
would likely l'SCap1· thr dralt 11.. _____________________ _.,. __________________________________________________________ _
Saddleha~k Today's Final.
N.Y. Stoek.s
Diet Drinl( Sales Tumble Along Orange Coast
01 111• 0•11~ P1lol S!•ll
Food stores along the Orange Coast
havr nollccd a drop in sal<'s of diet foods
and drinks containin g c:yclamatc, now
b:.inned by U1e fl!dcral government.
Bt1 t many store managers are waiting
to hear fro1n their centra l offi ces, as well
us from suppliers of the food .
llclailers have until Jan. I to remO\'C
the toods containing c y c I am a l c.
suspected of causing cancer, from their
Al AlbertiOn 's in Laguna Beach,
r'lanager Jerry Baines said, "\Ve y,·lll be
dropping the f ntire diet line by lelling the
stock run out. A few people are stl ll
buying it, but we are giving refunds nuv;
and I imagine sales ·will come lo a
"They may go back to sucar)'I (an
;:irli ficial sv.·eetener lhat cont ains nil
cyclamatel. and I read somewhere that
Pepsi is going to use a very s1nall
amount of sugar tor thei r die1 drink i;, .. he
Al Acord's fllarket, 283 Broalll\'01.1,
Laguna Beach, Glfn r\c:ord snid. "\\·c·re
g111nR along w11h the co mpanies that sell
the 1ncrchandisc and <1rc st ill lea1·ing 1L
on the shelves. \Yc've had no refund re-
Bul he add £1d lhat th e indeprnd~'nl
store 1~ no1v selling ''very lit11c'' in 1hc.
w<ty o, diet <lrin ks.
Al Safev.·ay, 1000 llaysidc Dr1vr,
Ncv.']Xlrt Beach, 1nanagcr Bob Clark said
that sales (I f the rhet food ''have been cut
111 half, nt least."
.. As ol now, 1\'C rtre not an ticipating
pulling it ofr the shelves until January,''
he saiC.
fl·lel Lloy , manage r of f.1arkel Basket,
1 !50 Irvine, Newporl Beach, is waiting tu
hear from the store's corporate offi ces.
""Not mor(' than three people •wanted to
bring 1he stuH back," he said.
'"\\1c expect more, but 1~·c·re probably
going to leave il on the shelves and just
let it run out."
And at. Richard's LidJ t-.tart, Nev.·port
Beach. clerk Jim Cherry said customers
had stopped buy ing and were bringin g
back unopened cartons of diet soda.
•·we have been returning their money
because we have mainly good established
customers and y;e don't want to lose
them " he said.
At, Thriftimarl. 270 1 llarbor Boulevard.
Costa Mesa, manager Art Ayval.ian said
ecret itness or
Autopsy 'Funeral'
'We've Had It,' Says Mary Jo's Dad
father of ~lary Jo Kopcchne testified to-
day that pcrn1itting an autopsy on hi:«
d:H1ghtcr, killrd in .'.I n accident involving
U.S. Sen . Edv.•ard M . Kennedy, ''would be
JUSl like another funeral."
"Vi c ha ve had it," the father said at a
!;earing on a request by f.1 assachuse tts
authori ties fo r an autopsy on the body of
!he 28-year--0ld Washington secretary who
(Jil:d last J uly 18 in a tida l pond in Ken·
nedy's submerged auto off Ch<t p-
p:iqu iddick Island , f\l ass.
The fathe r, speaking in a barely audi-
ble VQ1ce. said he and his wile, v.·ho was
not in court , felt autho rities ''had their
chanet'. We absolutely do not v.·an t it
Edmund S. Dinis, a titassachu~rtt s
district attorney who is seeking _the
;1utopsy, did not cross-examine Kopechnc.
during his one·mniute appearance on the
Dinis resled his case during the morn-
ing session after Cyril H. Wecht, chief
pathologist for Allegheny County (Pa.).
testified an autopsy on a body exhumed
after four to six months could be ··quite
.i\.sked to estimate the value o! an ex-
Youngsters Inject Peanut Butter
CHI CAGO (AP) -A federal dn1g f'X·
pert says youn~sters in some parts of the
country hal'e taken lo injecting peanut
butter and mayonnaise into their veins as
a substitute for narcotics,
In several documented case:-; the result
has been death, Ernest A. Carab1 llo J r., a
2 Officers Eject
As Jet Trainer
Plunges in Sea
Tv.·o 11n1t commanding nfhcer:o; t'jected
_,afrl.v fi\'c miles al sea off La~una Bea.ch
fllonday. after thc1 r jc! trainer del'elnped
rnn1rol l roubl~ on a flight from E! Toro
J\.lnrine Corps Air St ation .
'They \\'ere picked up by a helicopter
frnnl the 1'1arine Corps Air Station Santa
Ana, 'vili le the crippled TA4F' Skyhav.·k
lra incr dove inlo the ocean, disintegrated
and sank.
The pilol was idenllficd as Lt. Col.
llerbert L. \Vright, 41. of 1220
Candlev.·ood SI., Orange, commanding of-
Fict'r of Headquarters and Maintenance
Squadron JJ. accordin,;! lo b a s e
Copilot \Vas Ll. Col. Jerry E. Kehrle,
27. of 1722 Mitchell Ave., Sanla Ana con1-
mand ing officer of Marine Air Base
Squadron JJ, "'ho, like his ~o.mpanion,
escaped injury when forced to ditch.
Authorities said the men encountererl
difficulty with the aircraft's control
:o;ys tem before heading it out to :sea and
bailing of! the coast at Emerald Bay.
lawyer·phar macisl in the Federal Bureau
of Narcotics, told a nev.·s conference
Carabi!lo said the information !hill
peariut butter and may onnaise \\•ould
send users "on a little trip'' v.·as con·
tai ned in <1 n underground recipe book
purporting lo outli ne "culinary esca pes
fro1n reality ."
Othet recent fads, he :;aid . incl11dPfi thr
use of paragoric. cleaning fluid. the local
a nesthetic elhychloride and freon, tl1e
prC'ssurized pr ope llant gas in aerosols.
Carabillo :1ai d users or n;i rcot1c
:o;ubstitute confused lhe bizarrt? and lo1uc
reactions with the 50.called "high" pro-
1 ided by such drugs as heroin or rnar1-
1uana. He cl lcd the smokin~ of dried
banana skins, a fad of a couple or years
ago. a.~ ;in example.
Frank Gulich. a narcntic.~ burcnu of-
firinl stati oned in Ch:cago, said the
underground "rook books"' usuall y ~ell
for about $1 and often give the formulas
for preparing drugs such as LSD.
Drug users. Gulich sald, are ''alv.·ay!I
looking for new drugs that won'l be a
violation or the law."
Carabillo said Gulich appeared at the
annual meeUng of lhe Am c r l c a n
Academy of Pediatrics.
Stock /IJarkets
NEW YORK tAP)-The stock market
continued a strong up'ft·ard march on a
broadening front in active trading late
this aflernoon. (See quotations, Pages
10..LI ).
Ad~·ances widened their margin over
declines in individual issues traded on the
New York Stock Exchange, 849 to 474.
lt rna l examination done al the tirne the
girl's body was recovered, \Vecht said
'·To consider an e:tternal c:'l:amination the
r :1d process of a 1ncdical and legal in-
vesl igation is absurd."
Dun Gifford , \Vashington. D.C., a
legisl::itive aid e lo Sen. Kennedy who 1~as
called as a witness by a Kopechne at-
torney, Joseph f. Flanagan. said he was
de\2yed unti l July 20 in returning "'ith the
body lo Pennsylvania because of bad
He sa id he also thoughl "1here was a
fjtle!ltion of v.·hclhr.r there \Va.~ a hold on
the body !or possible autopsy."
Capo's 'f eachcrs
Get Raise, But
Still Lowest Paid
By l'A,\ff.l.A llALLA.llJ
Ot l~t 0•1f1 ,!IOI S!11l
Tcar hcrs in the Capistr;ino t:111f1r.d
School Di strict. v.•i!I be gcttini:: a pay !!l·
<.Tca.;e but they'll still be the lnwei,t paid
in Orange County.
Tnistec Boh Hurst rep(l r\ed to the
Boa rd of Trustees ;it ~l ond:iy nighl"s
1nCT'ti ng, the Joint com11111\ec n[ 1eachers
and board mem bers had reached an
;igreemcnl on salary :utju.~lm1•n1~ ef·
fe.r!11'e July ! , 1%!1 . Tiu· :irl111.<.t1nrnt~
·,\·ould n1nkc trarh('r<.' ~<1l\lr1ri; begin at
$6,750 Y>'llh a 1n;:ix1mum ftb\lrc ol S13.50J
per year.
Cla~i;1rwd perliQ!lllt:I l\l)l lh! T~'CC'llr .1
one percent Increase and aOn11nisttil tors
also v.·ould g:1in nnr. percent ill1Jt1s\111ent
in !helr salary s.cl1cdulC'.
The boarcl vote<I 5 to 2 in f:il'nr of 1hc
increaJ;c v.•hich 1vould ht: Ju ndcr1 in
l'arious ways. The main sum 1-1•o uld romc
fro1n funds that had been planned lor a
projected growth which did not co1nc
alxiut leaving a surplus.
An other area included p er s o tl 11 r 1
salaries whereby persons !eal"in;: the
district were paid more than their
r eplacements lea ving money left Ol"er.
Al Pierre, representing the tcachrr~.
snid that his gruup was pleased by the
recommendation and felt that 1hc :<illld y
committee which had been appointed l&~t
June had been an excellent way to pro-
mote co mmunications be tween teachers
and board.
Sex Class Answers 'Why?'
]tf esa Woman Tells Grove School Approacli to Course
01 t~t D•lhl PJ11I Slllt
"If VD is so eosy to cure why is th ere
so much of ii ?" the early-teen girl asked .
"PCQple.. \\'ho hsve it won "t go to the
docto,. because lhe.y arc embarrassed
about it," said a boy her age.
"Th'!y know !hey ar~n·t supposed lo,"
another girl in the seventh grade clas!l
liaid. "Aren't supposed lo what?" asked the
"Have. sexual contact," one or the boy!l
saifi .
"ll'!' not I l11w hut ii.'.~ not tc<:on1·
111cndcU until they arc nlarricd." a gir t
l"Cpeated an earlier lesson as she
remembered it.
"The girl you do it to, her parents. ''
began a boy.
"Don't say 'Do it,' " corrected lht:
Then the teacher summed up the point.
"You don't go lo the doclor because you
had sexual Intercourse. You're ~m·
ba rrassed because you know that i:i; a no,
no. Sociely's no, no. For you r pro-
tectio n."
That's the way the discussion went one
rCC"ent day In the cl1ssroom rif ~1r,;.
c:ordon Marsh, a Co~ta Mt:sa resident
\1·ho tcache!l family life, sex cducaUon
and dn 1gs to her science classes al ncll
Intermediate Schoo l in Carden Grove.
Another class. another hour. and a girl
asked , "That VM, what 's ii called .•• "
"VO," she was reminded .
".,.can, you gct it by kissing?''
"ll's possible, but Its nol as great a
possibility a:o; with sexual intercou rse,"
Mrs. Marsh :«aid.
"Did it bother you to find out nhout
venereal disea.~~" 11ht. .nsked the cl;:iss.
''It did me. It would be nice iI these
things fiidn't exist, but they do.
"I hal'en'l meant to fr ighten you h11l if
I did it's because some of the.~e things
(Set SEX CLASS, Page %)
' DAIL._ PILOl S11ll PMM
Laguna '' Winter Lifeguard Finds Workload Challenging
Lone Lifeguard Patrols
3 Miles of Laguna Sand
Hy RICllA Jln r . NALL
1)1 mt 011tr "llGI Sttl!
l\n<I !hr-n lh('rr w.11' O!P"
Ll. l~11s1;ne Del'a11\1s is lhr 011r. llr's
lhc ~·•Ir on·1luty l1frgu;ird w l n le r
1\·cckdays, responsible for about three
1n1 lt•s I a:o; the seag111J flil'S) or Laguna
Bf'ilt'h .111rl county bearhe~.
11cl'aul!s is su ppusc1I t\I h<1vc an ass1 ~·
!anl .
Oul Craig Lockwood. lnrmr r Laguna
guard and writer. came to the fork in lhe
road and followed his li1erary calllng.
J)ePau!is said -a litt le '>''istrull y lt
seemed -thaL his fonner side kick is 011
an cxlendecl tour of the South Pacific for
a surfer publlca1iQn,
La ter Jack Lirn::kc joined Dt'Paulis in
the job of guardi ng the beaches from
Abn lone Point lo Aliso Creek dur ing the
\vi ntf'r months. Lincke recently (Juil to
Join the. Hunl ing tQn Beach lifrguard force
for. said DcPau!is , <.ibout $250 additiona l
per mon lh.
r:>eraulis rinds his workload challeng·
Ing. He has beach patrols, re~ue work .
first aid calls. lost persons, maintenance
of equipment and slrudurcs, paper work
;i nd physical conditioning for himself to
\\'Ork into his 40-honr week.
On weekends there is help. Other
lifeguards who work al other weekday
jobs appear, three strong, lo guard.
OePoulis is attempling to recruit he.Ip
-help, he hO"pell wi lt slay wit h the job.
One problem, said the veleran guard, is
lhc. pay .
"lie said Laguna gu11rfis brgin at $2.fiO
per hour. Sa n Clemente guards 5tarl at
$Z.85, said DePauli.~. but the gu ards at
stale beaches ~tart at $3.41.
Th is rlocsn 't cherr San Cl('mf'nt e
g11arcls. OtP11ulis noted , since they do the
~amf' wor k for \e~s p;iy. ~an Clemenl c
has 18 1~ tnlles nf cily ;"J nrl coun ty beachel'!
1,11lh fO\lr perm anent winier guards, said
('.1pt Phillip S\\Jbbs. a permanent guard.
/,llhl'.lugh San Clctncntr can call more
rncn from ils rcscrvc5, the regular fori.:e
f·:1n be spread pretty thin on a busy
11·cekday, Stubbs noted that opening of
D:ina Point Harbor is causing more
booting·type rescues.
!f you call the Laguna lifeguard tower
during the v.·eekday and DePaulill is on
patrol, a record ing answers and notifie:oi
callers to call the police department.
There is also a \'1caU1er report.
Police can rad io DePau/is if he is in the
lifegua rd l'mergency vehicle. In an
l'mergency, police have a list o[ other
temporary lifeguards to call.
Su ch was the case recently when a
ynung man slrollcd into the surf with his
~hOf!s on, swam out past the surf, sank
.and drowned.
DePaulis !aid there had been three
drownings this year by the end or Sep-
Statistics for most lifegl1ard activit ies
are up.
There have been 669 rescues logged:
one beach heart attack death; 4,138 first
ald~ administered ; 161 missing per!IOTls
reported : 9,747 enforcements or Jaw;
11,369 responses to beach actlvitle.., I from
throwing sand to climb1ng cliffs); and fill
reports of lost articles.
Q{ course there are more guards in the
summcr. DePaulis said there are SJ
coun ting the guards at private -beaches
~uch as Emerald Bay, Irvine Cove and
Blue Lagoon.
But at the moment, l)ePaulis is hoping
for just one more full -time, dedicated
r.u<trd who wlll stay wlt.h the force . When
~uards leave, new ones ha ve to be pro-
ces5ed with their papct3 and munlclp.~I
benefits through city hsll, "There's a lot
f\f JM1Pfr work'' said DcPaulis staring Dt
the sea.
he would hear by the end of the day
whether or not all diet soft drinks and
othe r cyclamate-containing food sturfs
would be removed from the shelves.
Jr they are removed, Ayvazian said, the
store "would probably get credit on most
of the items." ·
"One customer who brought some stuff
ba rk was a little insulting. but that's the
only trouble we've had," he said. "Most
of the people have been very nice. and of
(See CYCLAMATE, Page %)
? •
LSD Leader
Says Arrests
Were lliegal
A secret defense witness was promised
today as attorneys for Dr. Timoth y
Lrar}, his wife and son. tried lo show at
,. pretrial hearing that their drug arrest1
In Laguna Beach last year were illegal.
Officer Neal Purcell -with more than
[JOO narcotics arrests lo his credit -said
he took the trio into custody last Dec. 26
after finding marijuana, pills and
su~pected LS D lablels in their car.
\\rt\al right did he have to search? -
none, argued defense. attorney George
Chula, one of lhrtt lawyers handling
~ases for the colorful fam ily circle al the
hearing in Orange County Superior
Chula charged that Purcell ~aw long
hair and hippie-slyle -the sort of thing
that automatically sugges~ marijuana
and olher such things to many lawmen.
Purcell countered by saying th at Joh"
Leary. 20, v..·a:s crawlfng around in the
rea r of the :-;talion 1vagon, dilated eyes
~ring childishly through his long·ha ir
and appearing under the influence.
Chula, howel'er, claimed that most
mnrijuana smokers gel high in the dark
and th is is the reason for the dilated
eyes, not the weed itself, hence Purcell's
reasoning was faulty.
The Leary family seemed rela,.ed and
confident about the outcome of the case
invol\"ing charges of possession o[ both
rna ri!uana and LSD during a recess in
the hearing.
Or. U ary, 49, wearing his graying hai r
lor.g, Indian-style, grinned and winked
during the proceedings and _predicted
later thal marijuana will be legalized
\11!hin a year.
"\Vc'll all be high and happy and there
1~·on "t be any more wars." he said.
Iii~ wire Rosemary, 33, appeared pa le
and drawn from recent surgery for cnr-
tt·ction of a problem which ma y allow the
couple to ha ve children.
LC'ary 's grown so n by a prior marriage
knelt at. his stepmother's lap in lhe cor·
rido r outside as she ran a comb through
hl1; long hair, a picture or motherly de\·o-
Illegal Contributions
LOS ANGELES IUPI ) -the 1'~1uor
::::orp, of. Los Angele& was indicted f\1on·
day on five counts of making illegal con~
tributiorui to unidentified candidates in
presidential and congrcssion.al eleclions
throughout the nation.
Orange Coast
Those desert winds are slowing
down ,and should give way to
cloudy skies on Wednesday. Look
for a high of about 75 on the
Orange Coast and over the 80 mark
ltl utuat fund shareholdenr
11avc IUld a bad t1tttr and /i11at1·
cial colunntilt St1lvia Poritr dis·
cus.sts what can be done about
it -if anutlitt111·~~ on Page 10
today. It's the skirt o/ a fou.r-
porL series.
CIMll,..11 I ..... " C!n11...-..,, Mllhlll ·-" C""l(I " ""1111 .. Ntw• •·• c ........ " ... _ ,_ • 0.•" Ntflclt • s,1-r11 "-lNr " lclll< l~I ·-,, ...... '",, •~k. ··-"'" ........ 1 .. 11 """•~<• t•n "' ... "'""" " "'-l'"Ml'•H " "t~Ml.n " ·~ l•""'' " --• M1lllM• • -· ·-...
"""""'' ' W-·· ...... 1).U
................................... _. ................ -. ................................. ._._..__,~~--~---~~-·----·---·--. -. . . . . . .
., D..ULV PILOT -L Tu!Sdly, Ottcbtr 21 , 1%1
Rafferty Backs Appeal of Davis Ruling
From Vt'l.rl Suvkn
SACRAMENTO -State Schools Ch1ef
t.lax Rafferty has dectarM hh1 support
Jor tht: plannftl appeal o[ a court decision
that the firlJlg o[ UCLA instructor Angela
Davis 1s unconstitutional.
··1 don't believe in Jetting mf'mhE'rs of
lhe mafia, murder incorporated or a
Communist speak ~·ith my money on a
l3xvupported campus," said Ralfert:-o,
I.he. Rcpuhlican supcr1ntendeot of public
IJlstruct ion.
Los Angelr s Su perior Court Judge Jer-
ry Pac.ht ruled htonday that Angela Davis
Schools Due
To Seek U.S.
Library Aid
School trustees tonight are exper ted lo
appro•·e application foc $121,345 In federal
funds lo beef up rcsQurces at Laguna
Beach High School library.
It will be the t hird time the school
f'listrict has applied for funds avail able
nnder the Elcml'ntary and Secondary
Educati on Acl Applications were denied
If the funJs are approved, the district
"'ou)d add $15.000 and purchase more
than 8,000 needed new books, furniture
and audio visual NJ Uipment.
Jn other business, the board:
-ls expected lo adopt resolutions
aut horizing borrowing $45,000 from the
district building fund and $10,000 from
hanks lo tide over the district until tax
funds arc availa ble in Decen1be r.
-Will probably adopt a job description
and procedures to seek a business
rnanager lo replace Edvo in Hind who v:i!l
r'!lire after 20 years service.
-\Viii look at an editorial from the
Santa Ana Register theorizing why
another Santa Ana school bond Jost.
-Consider a Sl'cond letter from Dr.
P.fax Rafferty , stale superintendent of in-
r;truction, on "Project Turnoff " \\'hich
rallrd for inspectioo of 6Chool students'
From P09e 1
;11re pretty frig htening,'' she continued .
•·There is no \\'ay lo put icing on VO or
rlrugs. Somelime:i; truth is more frighten·
l.ng than a story."
Discussion turned on things th e class
had lc:irned y,•atching movies. for th e
Fex educalion part of !he course they are
"Girl to \\'oman" and ''Boy to r..1an,''
movies widely used for separate shO\\'ing
to girls and boys in school districts tha~
c!on 't have a sex education program.
No writlen materials are use d for sex
1·cl ucalion instruction in the Garden
I ;rove UnHied District, nothing tha t can
be taken ay,·ay from class and snickered
over. Inst.ruction is all by movies,
i;-peakers (particularly for th(' drug por -
11on) and class discussion.
Parents are in\·ited to sit in class any
time, but not thei r o"·n child's class. A
,Jaily assignmenl for the students is lo
1lil'CUss what ·was talked about in class
~·ith their parents.
"How many c1f )OU can a~k your
parents ques11Qns an1! £1:'l good ans,,.,·ers,''
]lfrs. f.l arsh asked the class.
About half the children raised their
Ii ands.
"Good for ~·ou guys,'' she sa.Jd. "That's
terrif1r .'1
\\1len a~ke-1 hrr,i,• they thought th!'
1 our~ Cl)IJ!li be 1mpro\ed, students said
they v. ere r.ir,s~ interested in cl rugs anrl
11ould 11 ~!' t.) ~more lime given to tha l.
They dte~: ::~r,r; much of the fam ily life
f"lr'-1'7-! ~-"~..,. 11 v.as bor ing, treated
them J,,t.! ~.,,;,f'~ and <l1dn't lell thetn
an,1..li:~:< :..-.o;·. CJdn t already knov.·.
:\i.rs. !-~a:i.: ~k M about the sex edura·
lt\'ln por ... rm ;;:-r'.I one girl \'Olunteered the
opinion, •·\\·e ·,e ctii'ered \1·hat nee<ls to
IX' "
"\'!'~. ri;_;~t r;r,·,i,· lor your age.'' P.trs.
?>lar~h said .
••liM tl. WM
Pruloleid ...i "'*._.
J•~., l. C•rlrr
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Tiro,.,•• A. M.,,,1t1~1 ---~;~"·'"' r. w.a ·--Ch •ditw
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212 ,.., ••• ""· u.m., "'••UI P.O .... "'-tZUl ..........
(Cllle INl9' DO W.01 11111' """ ........, _.,, Jiii t in ! .,.-.., ..,.,11*'9
~ 111«11. -Jiii "1111
c1nnot be barred from teaching In a slate
university on the sole ground that she is a
Commwtlst party member.
Un1versity of California reg,nts fired
Miss Davis, a ~year-0Jd Negr o assistant
profesror or philosophy. on Sept. 19 after
she acknowledged being a Cominunist.
Pending an appeal tl\rough schoo l ad-
ministrative <'h<innels. she was JX'rmitled
lo go on teaching a noncredit course,
"Recurring Philosophical 'f hemcs in
Blac k Literature,'' ;it the Unlversity (If
California at L<>s Angl'les.
After a hearing Monday on a taxpa~er3
suit filed by facul ty 1upporter1 of Mlss
Davi!. Judfle Pacht held ber flrinj: to be
He sa.ld ii ehe could be ooated fer btlna
a Communlst, the regenta couJd fire
teache~ for being members of other
Thornas J. Cunningham, g e nera I
coonsel for the regents , said ''all ap-
propriate steps" \\'Outd be taken in an
tJl!('tnpt to have the ru!ing reversed.
Ha~fert y said the UC Board of Regen~.
or which he is a mem ber, hopes the case
\\'ill go clear to the U.S. Supreme Court
By Phil lnterlandi
"Here's One -Old Laguna Charm, Near Town, Near the Be1ch,
ind Near the Bank, Wh ich Will Com• in Hi1ndy When
You Get to Remodeling."
Capo Scliools Vote to Sell
Old Football Field to City
The Capistrano Unifird School Di~trict
;ipP'ars to be going into the real estate
Trustees voled r-.1onday ni~ht lo sell the
footba ll field ;idjacl'nl to the old
Capi strano 11igh School to the city of San
J uan Capistrano for $300,000,
1'hc property had been a ppraised at ap-
proi:imalely $188,000 and $176,000 by two
appraisers, one represcn1ing the board,
the other repr esenting the ci!y which \ras
inte rested in the site as a possible ci\•1c
The board decided 1o i;cl a liigh prire
on the approxim ately 7.~ acres in order
lo pay (or an existing district project.
Joe Wimer, director of administrative
i;crvices, told the board !hat any nioney
rN::eived in payment for the properly
"'Cluld either be reverted lo the state for
payment on loans or "·ould have to be us.
l'd for e ~isting school building projects.
A current project is the cxp;;in~ion nr
Rich;ird ll rnry Dana Elcn1rn1.iry School
in 0:1na J'o1nl \1hic h 1rilJ COl>t ap·
pnJ\im111cly .~.110,oon
The 1nol 1(l!l lo raise' 1h,-, rric,.. of 111,..
;ierr::i~(' can11· h nn1 truslrr Frtd
J\r1rha rt Jr. alter trustee Toin \\'ingi:l, a
l ·'rfJJtl J•ttfl (' I
rour~r 11r ~11 r thrn1 !hrir 1nunry h,1i·k 1f
lhr>\ a<.k for 11 "
Hr. reralled the cranberry :;c<1 rc nf 10
yeilrs ;igo
"'The cr:inbrrry thin g 11:1!' lx'C'au:>r they
lhl'lught. thPr<' 11 rtr 11tSN'ti1·1<!,.," 1n thr
cranbl'rril's, hut Jflrr :t 11hilr rcople
11·erc buyioi: th1'1TI ag;11u like notlu ng had
ever ha ppened." he nnte<!.
At annlh1•r C1'1"t:l ~lr"a crnrery. Alpha
Bela's slorP ;'l \ :l·ll E. lith St., .lim 111·
in~·o,r1h. \hr m;inagcr. ~;"t1d, "'lf~ too
early to tell if 1herr·s been any drop in
He added, •·tr U1r. puhlic doc~n·1 "'ant
In buy Hwm. l suei:.s \\'r 'I\ hike 1l1rn1 ofr
t.he shel\'cs."
banker. argued th at the appraisal had
be.en in his opini on far too low.
Trustee llarCQurt Bull wanted the
brurd to hang onto the property in-
c!Lfinitely. lie believed its value would in·
crease year by year.
Newhart argued that the c ity should
ha1·e a chance to buy it and made his m~
t1on arter \Vinget !tat'1:1 that if th'
di~lrict needed the money lhey should
sell it for what they need or else keep it.
The board has given the city 90 da ys to
make up its mind.
S an Juan Names
Group to Study
Trailer Purks
A com1n1tt('(' Gr five parllripatin.i:
r1111rns :lnf'I 011<' ;il1cn1;i1e h.1s been ap-
prn\'ed by lhe San .lu<1n Capistrano Cit y
Council to study the effecL of mobile
11ornt' parks on the tomn1un1ty.
P<1rt1eipnt111g in thr fac t f111d ing tnm-
11111\ee \lhtrh 11111 n1ake rttnrnm1>n<la 11onc;
••!l mobile hoinc pa rk inning v.111 hr Dr.
l"l11l11s Shainniar~. \\·endrll \lc\r[1('ken,
Du!c Ladd, Rick Baldino and Chri s Chri s-
!tanson Al!('rnate \1•1lJ be !Jr. Fr('d
In 11p!"l'11nt1ng the romm1t\{'(' :'ll.1vor Ed
1·1il·rn1.ik :>aid that he felt thai thPre
. ho11Jd be an area of the city \\.'here
(railer parks t'l'luld fit in but he v.·as nol
plc:i"ed wi1h their present heller skelter
"It's my plan lo give the commilltt
~pcc1fic goals to attain," said Chennak.
··1 canl let them go \\'illy nilly becaus'
\here isn't enough tin1e."
The C'Qn1n1ittee which represents viev. ..
potnls for and against trailer parks "'ill
have tv.·o or Uirtt monl.hs to make an in·
11ial reporl and \Yjll report monthly
Unsafe Slope Concerns
School Board in Capo
A slClpe rnot rorers~· \\a" hro11;::ht to the.
.atlentlon of the San .JuA n Cap1~1rano
linifi<>cl School Distrlcl tl\l\ndoy ni).jhl.
The slope in question is on proprrt y
o\.\ned by the district abo1•e and behind
('rown Valley School. The county Build1n~
and Safety Ocparln1e nt has refused
building permits lo dcveloprrs ownin.c::'
property on top of lhe slope. tleerning 11
to be unsafe .
Altomey Le<>nard trampcl nskcd 1hc
board to cooperate \\o'ilh his cl1en!s, the
rlevelopers. at a hear ini:: nf. !hr Oran~c
County Grading Board of Appc.lls on Oct
Ile said tha t his c-l1enl:,' i;:cn!ogisl h<id
found the slopes to b(' safe and r~qursled
the cllstricl 1D present all th!' c\·irlcnce in
their possession suppor ting Lha_t Pos ition.
Trust«' Nofie FJm11li1ro said that Ill<'
!'lopes \.\ere indeed safe "1thuut lhr C'>.!ra
lfl ;:icl of housr.~ nn top and \h;i! 1! 11·a:o; ur
1.-. 111--clrl'rlrir11•r tl'I h•1tlr"·'~ !he slnpc:, if
they "·a111.cd to build on lht'fll. •
i la y!on Parker. <'hier a.~sistant county
<'ounsel. said that the present owner had
purcnased the properl.y kno,,.,·ing about
lhe ex1~1ing CQndiUons.
Hampel countered that it would cost
~20.((M} to bultress lhe slopes but that lt
11'(lulrl not be necessary ir the board
presenter! it,._ e\'idence and convinced the
county that the. slopes y.·er<' 5afe..
Pa rke r said lhal it v.'as not the school
1l1s!rict's job IG present evidence bu t he.
suggested lhat the board make their
rrcords 11\·ai lable. since they were pu blic
"\"our cQmpa ny ca n co ntact an yone.
rnnnectcd y,•11h U1e slopes or sre an y of
the public rr<:ords but "''f! as 11 board are
nol in\'olvcrl." said trusttt fred Ne\\· hart
1!,1111pel 11n~\\·rred U1at if the !'lnpt's Are
ruled uns;ifr, the board woulrl have. 11'1
hN."nrne in,·olrM .~1n!"e his rlient would
,,111nd lo lose $50,000 to S60.000 and the
slopc.5 are on school property.
and the panel will rule "that society has
a. right to protect it.self from its enemies
and dots not have lo subsidize the t.'011·
Miss Davis, a Negro, hus con tinued to
rectiVe her $9,864 annual sa lary v.'hile ap-
pealing her dismissal through university
Asked \\'hat she thought the regents
,,..·ould do next. shl' replied
"They've done a lot <Jf really tTazy
things al ready. I've given up tryin~ lo ~ee
any rationa lity in thel r bcha\'liir "
Regent Elinor Heller of Atherton said,
''Cn view of previous court deciJion!l, I'm
not surprised the regents' action was
declared un ronst1tutional. \\'hat surprises
inc IS such a quick derision.''
i--ormer Gov. E<lrn und G. Brown stud
he brhe1·ed tl1e court decision was
..leg:dly co1·rcrt."
''It is not a question of wltether you
fa1or JI or :iot ,' 13rov.·n said. "I lhink the
rrgents know they \.\'ere 11·rong and r
think (\.ov. Ronald) Reagan knew it was
ju!'t a polllical grand.~!;:ind on his part."
State Sen. 1-1. L . .Richardson, former
member and tmploye of the John Birrh
Society, called J uclge Pachl 1 "career
leftist." The Arcadia Rcpublic<in tited .a
1!)~7 report. of the Lcgi~laturc's L n·
Amerit an Acllv1l1es t:on11nlltee \1'h1ch
staled tha t in 1945 Pach! was a guest
SP'aker before the Amffican Youth for
Den1ocracy. which the cornn11ttee con-
tendf'd "foilows the C:o1nn1un1st Party'
Pacht det:lined to co1n1nent (I 11
n ichardson 's statement. lie was 22 111
Major Air Ills Studied
Many Serious Proble1ns Seen at Anaheini Confab
01 !~t D1U1 f'llel 5111/
During the next decade many Sl'rious
problerns must be wh ed ii our air
transportation sys~cm is lo happil.v co-ex-
ist v.·ith the co1n1nuni\)'. tflel;itc<l Story
Page 31.
\\'hat can he done about lhese problr-ms
and how they may possi bly be solved
becarnc the subject of a panel <!isc ussiori
today betwff'n four exper1s at \h(' annua l
meeting of !he American Institute nf
Aeronautics a nd Astronautics i n
An ahein1.
Major G<'nrral Clifton r·. Von K;inn
(!;SAF·rct.). 1101v r ice pres idrnt of fll>Cra-
tions and engineering at the Departml'nt
of Tr<inspor1ation in \Vashinglon 11.C.,
said, "A coHislon bct\1•rrn our technology
and the quality of our life a pJX'ars im·
mi nenl. If these probleins go unsolved
our civili za tion will be torn apart.''
lie cited this organizaliO!l in the
lranspor1 ation industry as one of the ma-
jor maladies, saying "froin th c
passenger's v1e \\·point the trans portatir111
system is anything bu t a systrn1. One
\YOnders "'hy things hang tog ether as \\'ell
as they do."
''I've got 11 bellyful of all this hltchin~
about our problems." said George Harl-
da\\·ay, another panel member and
publisher of Flight f..1agazine in Dall as,
Texas. "We've got to t.1ke advantage of
the things we have going for us so tha t
v.·e can stop cryinF: in our beer."
Hadda1vay said he felt optim istic about
solving the5 e problems because in(tus!ry
Md government represen tatives are
finally gelling together "on the 1 !th
"Our problems can be solver! he<:ause
\\'e ha\'e the technology and the money."
hr arldrd. But he pointed out !he nl'ed 10
de\•elop some concrete short and Jong
range pl ans.
He said. in his hometown of Dallas. the
mayor through the aid or lhe rommunn~·,
rteveloped a seri('s of ohJC'clives called
"Goal:. for Dallas'' to \l'hich com1nunity
members and airline industry people
n1ight address themse!1·cs in finding a
solotion for the problem.
John F. Co!lins, professo r of urban af-
Mrs. Carlton, 80,
Rites Scheduled
A 1nemorlal srrvict \\'ill be cond ucted
at 11 a m. \\'erinesday in the Laguna
Beach Community Presbyterian Church
for r.trs. S. Berne Carllnn , 80. who died
i\londay al her ho1nc, 1570 \'ia Capri,
La gun.:i Bc3ch.
Dr. Oa!las R. Turne r and Or. All>l'rt 0.
llierpe \1'ill jnintly cond11ct th e serl'!Cf" in
the rhurch parlor. ~!rs. Carlton. a lO·year
resiclf'nl 1>f Laguna Bcarh. had bern ac-
lt\'f' in the church throughout hf'r stay
She. is survil•P<! by l1Pr hll~h:ind. nf thf'
fa nirlv hon1e: a son, Rnbrrt .i'll. Carhon of
Be\1e1 ue. \\'ash. and hy I o u r
lnt.crn1 (',nt \1·i\l be al rarlfir \'1e1v
f..1£'n1ntia l Park. ln heu f'J( flo11·cr-:.
m('1nl'lr1a! rontr1bu~ion~ 111ay be. made In
the l'rrsbyterian C'hurch.
l111rs at f.llT and Jormer mayor of
Bostfln, saicl the expansion of airport
facllitles ah1•ays encounters the ob-
JCCllo ns of the IOC':il ci1izenry for ai r lrat-
/1c. noise and sa fety rea sons.
lie offered some suggestions , hov.•e1•cr,
nn ho w to make cx is1 ing airports realize
1heir present potentials better.
Collins said that a change in the
airport-use pricing i-.c·hedu le to fa vor
comml'rcial .aviatlon is de fini tely needed.
Increases in the landing fees v.·ould ef.
fe«tiv f'ly clear the r11nways of much of it11
<·11rre11l g1'ncral al'iillion 1raff1r , he sug-
In ad rl1!in11, he said. airline11 ~hould
raise their fares cluring certain hours of
tile day In cli111inale congestion during
peak pcriocls. "\Ve should di~cou rage
pa~ngers "'ho do not require these
lin1es ...
Equipment invcst111rnls for air traffic
ront ro!s and ob~olrte rules \\·hi ch hinder
rather lhan proinote !'afety should also be.
looked <it In rc1'amp1ng the system, the
f.tassachusells professor said.
"I don't sec the nioncy conung for all
of our needs," said a11other pnne l
n1embl'r Alfred ll Norling. directQr of
research for R{l!'l'n\h(ll and Company. in·
1'estmcnt bJnkrrs. He pointed out U1at
mergers ;;incl co11soJ1da t ion~ wi1h111 ttie
present carrirrs might pro1•ide financial
assistance to bring about chnnges.
Secor D. Borwnc, assistant secretary
for research and technology al the
Department of Transportation i n
\\'ashing\011, 0.C. said "ll'e nel'<l to
rc~lore. conf1d('ncc in our ea rners. Therr.
is a rl"rtai11 111nount of drn1gr(ltinn or ba d
n1outhlng going on 11 hich is eating into all
elements of our society."
He stressed 1he nt'Cd for a ronstru c!ivr
progran1 10 un11len1e11t changes raU1~r
than 01er\\·l1eln1lng negati ve criticism.
Bro1vne also pointed out the need fnr
continued research into the matter of
su personic transpor ts if the L'nited Stalf's
intends lo rl'lain its pre-eminence in
Laguna Planners Give
Support to Boys Club
Planning co1 n1nissio ners ~tonday night
exprc5f.Cd ~yn1patlty 1\·ilh cu rre nt finan·
1·l al problcni.~ of the Boys Club o[ Laguna
Beach and offered congratulat ions fo r the
erfort ;ilready expended in construction of
the club 's nc1v Laguna Canyon facility.
Builder Bernard SyFan told com-
tn:ssioners tha l a cont;-ibution of $85,000
11·hich the cluh had hoped to receive from
the Irvine foundation has nol been
f11rtht'om1ng and plans for com pletion of
th<' plJyi ni;: fit'lds .... n1 ha\'e to be delayed.
He 11Q!ed that S50.000 in cash and about
11l'1r r 1hul nmou11t in donated maleria!s
anti J;iOOr :-11ready has gone into the pro-
JrC't and !h;il directors are pla nni ng to
!)f!X'l'fd 1v1th the construction of the gyn1.
~rf ;i n rct'on1mendM that the trailrr
p:11.-k. 11 hk·h erl"ntu:illy 11·ill be removed
111 n1.1kc wav for a football firlrl. he ma in·
taincd as a ·revrnue.·producer for the club
111 hrlp anlortizc loans. Comm issioners
<1ppro1 ed his site pl;:in and la11dscaping
plan an d requested that progress be
rerle11cd annlJal!y to sec that plans are
being followed up.
They also suggesled that the club ask
the (;ilv Council In \~a.ire l.einporarLly re-
quirl'nicnts frir street nn prnvements on
!he \\'oorlland Dril'e side of the cluh '.~
proper!~'. pcnd1ng decision on a proposal
to rlcl'elo p a park area there.
In oth<'r action ~·l nnday. the Planning
1~0nnn1s.<;J1111 granlC'rl R<1y Benforrl
pcrrni!'slno 1n bu ild nine unJl~ at fi l~1
\\'1lcos \\'a~, on proprrty zoned for eight
Benfr1rrl rrr1g1nally h~d ~ou~ht a
'.1r1anC'r lo build t11f'lrc units but drop-
pcft th;l! \1 hen neighbors protested. The
nine. unit plea 11·as granted in return rnr
his rro1111.~c to \\idPn the roadway and
prQ1 u1c a I urn aroun(t.
Co1nn1 issioners denied a request from
!Jr and r-.1r.•. P . .I. 1\lartin, 621 Thaha St..
Yo ur Omtgiz
~olt1 I. Stru1c•
In maintain an exi ~ltniz guest houi,c on a.
nonconforming Jot 111 th::iuL prrividing·
Neighbors pro!('Ste<i the guest h01Jsl",
which has figured in previous complai nts.
The Martins were instructed lO 11sr th e
structure. 11•hich does not ml'et hu1lding
codl' requ1ren1ent s. only as an auxiti;iry
room and not for sleeping or h\•ing a.c·
The t•omrnissiori rrromn1rntl1>d rlfl·
prov<1 I of a zonin i:: ('hange rn Laguna
Canyon Annexatio n r\o. 3 fp)nl n .1£
1 residentia l hill side ! lo il1 ·1A • lr~h t Jn·
du.~lrial ).
In a Serie.~ of rf'Qllf'"\!' for t'ro1nr f1"-
cup;i t1on appro1•al ~. ar11~ts ' and 11 ritcr:-,'
~Ludio.<:. \1·hich h;irr always bren ap·
proved but \1 rre inadverl rn!I~· 01nm1 trd
tr(ln1 the ne11· zonin g codf', 11f'r1' rPslored
10 the approved home occupaHon ]1st.
La11dscape drs1gn \1'as 11pproved as 11
home occupalion. but \\'lndo\Y sc reen
repa ir v.•as denied appro\'al since Jt re-
l'JUires noisy tools and compc.tes v.·1th
busi nesses requi red to be 1n cQn11nerc1aJ
First year rc111'w o! cln·"..'111:'!~1ng ;i.~ 11
l1nml' occup;i!1on 11a~ drf1·rred un\11
f11r1her 1n forlil :it1nn c:in be obta !ncd from
the apphcanl and neighbors.
Two Ar a bs :;cnlc nC'c d
flEBllf>N. Orru pied J11rd:1n 1 l·r1) -
An Israeli m1l1t.iry courl r-.·londay sen-
tenced llro llt•brnn Arab~ In 20 }C;ir~ 111
prison for <11111.!srat•h acl111t1cs. lsraeh
seC'\Jflly forces chargrrl the Arabs
mon1 toi;ed radioed con1mands frorn Al
Patah guerril las In Amm an, 1n<'h1d1ng :in
nrd<', to -;et off ;i 1ruckloa1l ol explosives
in rlownto"'n Jerusalen1. Th~y "'ere M!!Z·
zed before the y could do it, Israel sicl.
• a.-d • Oiled
• Aoljwttd
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llPLAC:ID, .,,,.
INii l AV!Ht-DONf
Hlllltington C 1111er
Beach al Edinger
flllMI A•Afl.AILI
and back
Harbor Shopping Cont•r
2300 Harbor Blvd.
5'5-0~PS Ill
• r
,p • ....
I 1,
... ~ . -~ ' .. ---......... -___ ___..~-----------
Newport Harbor
Today's Fl•al
N.Y. Stoek.8
No 'Adobe Flats' for Beachfront
'Selective' Sand Haul Resumes
01 1111 o.u~ l'lllf ~1111
West Newport's S!.2 n1ill1on sand-or
clay-haul resumed today. But with a
Jn an emergency meeting with New-
port Beach and Orange County officials
i\1onday. U, S. Army Corps of Engineers
represen1a!ives promised to:
-Exercise "quality control'' ove r 1he
S<inla Ana River n1atenal !hill is being
spread ove r the beach .
-fl1ovc the haul road av•ay from brach-
front hon1es ;ind closer to the water's
edge , \\'here clay de1>0sits l'!'ill be dun1pe<l.
City Cou nci l1nan Donald A. J\1clnnis,
.v.·ho was an1ong those attending the meet-
ing in the job contractor's field office,
.said this morning he is pleased with the
cooperation or the Corps of i-::ngineers
and is satisfied thal West Newport's
heachfront 1,ron't be turned into an adobe
flats, after all.
The .session, and a temporary one-day
Bargai11 Price
For Schools'
Bo11ds Sot1ght
J\;c>1•port.\lesa i;chool officials are
i rying to in terest local financial in·
slitutions in buying the ir school bonds at
less than the going interest rate as a
public serv ice.
And if the ~hool d istrict can swing it,
school trustees fC(!I it v.·i ll make their
1ask of passing an override tax election
Feb. JO easier.
What they hopt lo avoid is a double ta x
iS5tle ballot that besides the override asks
for repassage of $9 million tn boOOs at a
seven percent interest rate, higher than
the five percent rate approved by voters
in the last go around.
Superintendent \Vi lli.am Cunningham
last \veck wrote let!crs to all the financial
instilu!.fons in the Harbor Arca asking if
they would be intcrcsle<l in purchasing
E>chool bonds al fi ve percent.
A couple of replies w£1re encouraging,
he told the school board Monday night.
''The door has at least tx>en opened.
Some inferred they are \\'illing to talk. l
<lon't know "'hy but l'm a llltle bit op·
The precedent ha~ been i;eL Ocean
View School District in Huntington Bearh
last month arranged to sell $1.5 million in
bond.-; at fi ve percent to United States
National Bank, located in dO\\'nlown HWl·
tington Beach.
The going interest rate is closer lo six
Ne\\·porl·\lesa has $9 milhon of a $15.9
mLlhon bond is.sue passed JasL :rebruary
r emaining unsold. State Ja w at that time
\1a~ that 1he maximum interest rate a
public agency could pay \\-'as fi ve percent,
lhe rate specifiert in the bond issue, The
n1oney loaning rate has since gone up and
the state Legislature has raiser! the legal
n1a:idmum to seven percent. But un90lrf
bonds must he resubmitted to \'Otcrs if
they are to be sold al higher than five
Cunningham said the idea he has in the
back of his mind is to suggest to local
hankers interested !hat they come
togethe r and kick it around.
":-01aybe they don't want to share
::-ecrcts but I don't think this is a com·
petitive situalion," he lold the school
board. "\l/e'ra asking them to take a
halt in the project. resulted t-.1onda y
from compla ints by city officials and
West Newport residents about the quality
of the fill dredged up and hauled rron1
the riv er bottoin. They sa id it was de·
slroying a beautiful beach.
Corps engineers insisled the (JUality or
lhe fill was "generally good to excel·
lent." But t-.1clnnis sh<1rply dlsagrecd.
He said soon people would be abll' 10
plant corn and polato.::s 111 Jt, unl ess 1hcy
want Lo use il for a road\\'<ly.
The rederal spokesmen finall y ton·
ceded there \Vere "small pockets of clay"
deposited on the beach by the gi<inl eartl1·
hauling rigs. They said the contractor,
Chadwick & Buchanan of Long Beach,
would clean up the clay clods, incl uding
vegetation, in accordance with the Corps
City Public Works Director J oseph T.
Devlin, it was agreed, would also n1ake
periodic inspections to assure good qual-
ity fill.
(11.v Tidelands Administ.rat:>r Grorge
Da\\'eS rl!ported that corps officials
1111!1ed the existing haul road close to
houses is not su1toble. "It will be aban-
doned," reported Da\rCs, "and thr con-
tractor \\'ill be required to reconstitute
the beaeh a lorig the line of the haul roar!
to 1oclude ony nearby pockets of inferior
fill "
•·.\ssu111ing nil thi~ is done.'' coneludcd
Cnu11~·il1n;111 :>.tclnnis, "!he problcn1s
1·1·c:1led \1l1en the h<1uling brg<in la~l
Thursd;iy will be taken c<irc of."
The 1n:i~s11r operation. whose prt11 t'ipi.1 I
pcrprisc 1s lo unplug the n ver befurc the
oe;.;t ri.l1ny sei.1~011. is c.~pccted, to !i.lst
through n1id-Dccr1nbcr. ll "'ill require a
second shift of 01·ernight hauling, starting
Nov. I.
\lclnnis said whether this \\'ill result in
:in arklitiona l problem - loss of sleep for
\\'est Newport residenls -remains to be
Connell, Planners Act
Work on General Plan
For Newport Launclied
Ot Ille DliiY l'lkl! S!1ll
Ne\\'port Beach city councilmen and
planning commissioners r.t on 'd ay
unanimously agreed to launch Y:ork un·
mediately on the city's general plan v.·ith
staff work on statistics and a report on
hiring of an outside economic consultanL
In a joint meeting held in Marinrr.s
library, councilmen and commissioners
al.so agreed to publish the goals and
recommendat ion.~ of the Newport Tomor·
row citizen project for the genera! public
and make the information available in 11.~
present form instead of a revised one
The s!aff of the ci!y planning dc p;ir1·
ment will begin irnmediately 10 compile
I.he necessary surveys and analysis as the
groundwork for thr plan.
\Vithin the next month the s;in1c
members \\'ill rcp::irt on U1e hiring or an
ouUide consultant.
The l"'O phases \\'ill he the first in·
gredients -except for the year.Jon~
Ne\l.110fl Tomorrow project -in a 20·
month series of functions leadin g to the
general plan, which eventually will guide
'U11stu1g H eroes'
To Get Awards
f'our "unsung heroes'' of Nr1'·p::ir t
Beach will be presented sil ver an!'hnr
pins at the fourth annual awards 1i·1·
ch!'Qn at the In ·ine Coast Country c.i11b
r.lr~. Laura Lagios, chairman of \h<'
awards comm1t1ee or lhe Newpnrt
Harbor Chamber of Com mer c e 's
Women's Divisi on , sponsor of the even1.
will read the citations. The silver anchor
pins will be presented by Mayor Doreen
"These citizens so far unrecognizt>d will
have the acclaim they so deserve," t-.1rs.
Lagios said today ... The four unsung
hcrots, to be named at the luncheon, will
be cited for their contributions to the
ResC"Tvations may be made by calling
\11c development or Nev;port Bea ch.
~'le~hed intn !hf' two phases \\'ill be Lhc
fir st stage of o policy plan fo!lo\\'ed by
rxplornlory plans dealing "'1th all aspects
of cl!y development.
All the v.·hile, the \\\'O bodies agreed,
1hcy \\'Ill review the specific recom·
rnrndations of the seven Nell·port Tomor-
ro\\' coinmittces \\hich hare made ~g·
gcstions on the Newixut Beach of the
Di.'pcnding on the \'Olume of staff work
Involved in the plan formulation. the rn·
tire porJect could cost $:x!,OOO or morf!.
It \\'Ill change the tenor of city p!annini::
ent1r£1ly for !he city.
"L'p 10 n01\' "·e ha1•c hail our b:irks 1n
lhc wall 111 a srnsc 1n planning this r11 y,"
said Pl ;i nning Corn1ni~s!oner Cu rl Dosh
He said ei1y rlcvclopmcnt h•is been ;i
1lcf£1n~h e procc~s. The city \\h1ch h:is
had ln reacl lo !he onsla ught ~,f
d£1velopcrs seeking approval for spccif1c
"Once we have the plan, !hen we wil l
he able to lake a positive approach. 1n·
stead. \\'e will have the guidelines and we
1l'on't Ix> on the defensive,'' he said.
Planning Director Laurence \Vilson
clarified !he nature o{ the gener:il plan
:-<1ying it wou!rl not ht-an ironclad docu·
n1en1, "bound forever in plastic."
"It \\'On°1 he in the fnnn of Slone
tablets han1led dO\\'n from t.·lt. S1n:;1," he
quipped .
"Instead. it u·ill be an ;ipphcable docu.
1ncnl \\'hlch \1-111 be adaptable anrl ria s1ly
f·hnngrrl <1.~ the nerfl arisrs. ll "'111 be a
l11r 1h1ng"
~laking puhlic of lhr ]\'C\1'port TQ1nor·
ro1\' rr~ult s 1m1nPdiately v,'as a departure
I rom I hr expect rd pol icy.
Origin;il plans called for condrnsation
of thP gnals :ind objcc1ivrs ;;fter boll1
bodies r evised and approved them.
But all agreed r-.tonday that lhe public's
reaction to the s wee.pi n g rccom.
n1endations is needed now.
Exactly how and when lhe Information
\\'i ll be distributed will be :innounccd
Details of the ecoriomic consultant hir·
ing arc still vague, the groups agrccc\.
The stalf will recommend that sevrral
possible consu\!ants address the (.!roups
Driver Feell Bump •nd, the Next Thing he Knowl, He's Ouf of Control
• I
DAil l ,.ILCll S"ff ,."""8
Sand is for Beaches; Clay is for Tennis Courts and Potters' Wheels
Schools Stash
Sex Literalt1re
Till Tax Vote
A srx education curriculum \~Tillrn ft1 r
Newport-t-.lesa UnHied District schools
has been con1·rniently stashed out of
'DJere see.ms virtually no possibility it
wiU be brought before the school boarrl
un lit oil lcasl after the Feb. JO override
tax election.
''[guess it's fa ir to say it's kind of al a
stanclstill no\\'," said Schools Supt.
\\'ilhan1 Cunningham J\1onrtay night
"No!h1ng has taken place since a year
<J.cn l:isl sumrner,
"All I c;i n sav is it has nn! con1r !o !he
bnnrd," i;a1rl ·l\lrs. 1\1arian BergC'son,
.... chnol brnird prc:;irlen t. "\Ye'rc not in
I hat area .•. I should sav 'arena.'"
J\lrs. Doro!hy l'aul. ·chainn;1n nf ;i
Harbor Council PTA commiLtre that 2 1 ~
~ rars :ig:'l rc!'omme nded the school
1!1 .... tnct lC'ilt'h sex education, spoke l\1on·
fl ;iy lo a Ne\\'PQrt Harbor Chamber nf
Cornrnerec cornmitlcc looking intn sex
Asked whal the school board i.'\ doing
about the r!'Commcndation now. she said
1he school hoard 1s waiting lo hear from
lhl' communlly.
Asked "'hen thr fichool boa rrl h<1s cv!'r
said thi11 is \\'hat they arc "ailing for, she
.lOS\\'Crccl :
"If they hitven'l l:ihrn any actio n anrl
lht•y \•i' \\Tlllen a curriculum and thcy·rf'
not dn1n~ <inythini: ... rlnesn't it ~tand to
!Ser CURR ICULU:'if, Page 2)
Boulder Truck
Runs Amuck;
Driver in Lu ck
A truck loaded with heavy boulders tor
\\'est Newport's groin project sideswiped
a car ~tonday afternoon, crossed a busy
intr rst'f'tion, brushed a school bus, thrn
shc:ireL off a p<l\\'Cr pole.
But no one v.·as injured, relieved police
r ecounted t()(J a•.·
Nit k Louis !)·~·1nncy, 21. Norco. drive r
of lhe hea\•y !ruck, told off1rers he tried
lu change lanes on Nr\\ porl Boulevard
11car 47th St reet at 3:25 p.m. and fell a
bum r .
ThaL \\'ilS ;i rar driven hy Philip
f.lcLaugh!in. 17. of 1703 W. Balboa Blvd .
Swinney told police he lost e<>ntrol of
the truck after thal collision and crossed
1he Intersection. brushing the front of the
bus, empty except for driver Joanne
Evans, 41 , of 2142 Orange Ave., Costa
t 1csa.
The bus was stopped on 47lh street.
After hitting it, the truck continued in
1hc \\Tong lanes of Newport Boulevard
and sheared off the po'NCr pole.
The only injuries, officers said, '11.'ere
Swinney's complaint of minor pains to his
upoer body: He was not hospitallzed.
ppmage lo the truck and car was in ex-
CC'SS of $200 lo each vdliclc.
~nts lo fhe bus, poli~ S:l ld, "·ere
It "'as \hr ~ccond rra~h along the
Orange Coa ~t in as many days Involving
a ~Hool bus.
A 37-year'(lld F ountain Va 11 e y
l1ousewife wAs !Oiled Monday morning
when her car ploWed inti) a loQded bus 1n
th~t city.
A .few cbiJdren suffered brt1lSM Jn the.
jolting crash.
TRAGEDY TO TRIUMPH -Ne\vport Beach postman Ji1n \Viernicz
gathers his fnn11ly around hin1 as he recovers a t his Costa l\ilesa
hnmc fron1 kidney transplant he C'Xpcct s \\'Jll allo\v h im to live nor-
111.:11 life again. \\'1th hun a rc son, Duane, 10 ; daughter, I)eggy, 8, and
\\ifr, Su e.
New Life Begins
Mesan Gets Kidney Tra1tsplant
01 tl1t o.+rv ~Ila! St11!
The middle-;iged lady stepped ltJ the
side of the hospital bed in the small, neal
rfJOtn with its get·well cards and no\\·ers
or er.ngratutation and convalescence.
She reached oul to the sallow man
reco\·cring from major surgery.
"She held n1y hand JUSl like I v.·as her
own son," he said. ''It \\'<IS a \'Cry em~
lional moment."
In a way, she was holding the hand of
her own son.
\Villiam Seinsoth Jr., 22, Jives through
James Wiernicz. 35, and vice versa.
Wiernicz, 318 Ogle St., Apt. D, Costa
ttesa, is al home this week •. recovering
from a Sept. 7 kidney transplant at ~lt,
Sinai ilospital in Los: Angeles, now
virtually assured of A renewed normal
t ie v.·as a patie nt in a Los Angeles
Cou.nty C011valcscent home -awaiting
&nolhcr ordeal <if Mving his-polluted
blood chemieally c\ean.se<I by an artificial
kidMy -v.·ben the next process was
abruptly cancelled.
The day before, Los Angtlrs Dodgers
farm club baset>all player Bill Seinsoth
had rolled his car on a desert highway
a nd was flown wi th critical injuries lo
Harbor Gene ra! Hospital, Torrance.
He died there.
One farnily faced wi th tragedy chose to
try lo transform it illt() triumph fm"
()!hers and made tran~t.nnt11ble organ•
lron1 lhc body of lhe young ' athlete
a\•ailablc to recipients.
The long-awaited lddney was ready and
Jim \\'iernicz had no choice but to gam·
\\'iernicz himself kcpl in t.rim walking
Orange Coast
Those desert winds art slowing
down and should give way to
cloudy skies on Wednesday. Look
for a high of about 75 on the
Orange Coast and over the 80 mark
~f u tual futtrf shareholders
have had a bad year 1111d Jinan·
cu1t colum1li3t Sylvia Porter dis·
cusses what can be don.? about
it -if onvthi,.g -"" Po.irr.· 10
todau. lt'i the start of a f our4
part .o;erits.
C1 ~llr"l• ' ,.,.,. ..... , " Cl•Uill .. ... .. Jlllulvtl ., .... " c .... 1,, " N1l-t "'" •• c ........ " °"'"': c..,~" ' .... tt.ii(el ' ,.,,..1. ,..,._ " e .. ttrl•I '"' ' '""' ,,.11
l!nl•rttlft....,.I " ·~· ...... 1•11
l'lftf ft(I , .. 11 '''"""'" " JtettK-" ,_,'" .. •M L ... W I " W"tl"• • Mtllk~ • Wff• ·-'" Jlllffll"I ' w-·· MIWI It.If
lUSfQ OOWOOCfCWOUCUOUO 9 ¥£44 c;ucec4c+cuuue4+e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --·-~-----
Sex Class A11swers •whys~ Rafferty Wai.ting to1• Word
Diet Food Sales Mesa Woman Tells Grove Approach to Tee 1i Class
By 11f0t.1AS FORTUNE
01 1119 Dalh' Jiit.i 5111t
"If \'Dis !<O (':isy to t·ure ~'h.v is there
so ntuch of it~" the early-teen girl asked .
"People who ha\'e it 1\·on ·t ~o to the
doct o~ ber:iusc 1hry arc embarrassed
about it," said a boy her age.
"Th"'Y know they aren't su pposed to.''
anothrr gir l in the seventh grade class
··.t..ren't !-upposcd tf"I \1h;1t ~" a:-ked Lhe
"Have sexual contact," one of lhe boys
.said ..
discuss what was talked about lo clas.s
with their parenu.
'"How many of you tan aak your
parents queltiona and get aOOd answer a,"
f\lrs. Marsh aaked th~ c\as.s.
About half the children raised their
"'GOOd !or you 'uys," she said. "'Thal"s
\\'hen asked how ihry thought the
C'ourse could be improved, students said
they were most interested in drugs and
v.•ould like to see more time given lo that.
Thry didn 't lhink much or the family lHr.
portion because it \\'as boring, treated
lhtm lib allaieo and didn't !ell them •nylhiJll they didn't already know.
Mrt. Mirth uttd •bout the an educ•·
Uon ,POrtlon and one girl volunteered the
opinion, "We've rnvered what need.a to
"Yes, right now for your age," Mrs.
~1arsh said.
Sex discussion for seventh graders also
involves the unpleasantry one boy
brought up of having to kiss grandma
"l know, there's nothing you like less,"
~\rs. 1.larsh said. "But what if your
parents just cut this ()ff. You'd miss ii." "lt"s not t1 law but it's nol recom·
rn~ndcd until they arc married,'' a l!lrl
repeatffi <i n r:irhrr lesson as :.he
remt>mbt>rcd 1t.
'"The girl you do Jl to, her parents.
began a boy.
'We Have llad It'
"Don't say 'Do it,' " corrected the
Then the teacher summed up the point.
"You don't go lO the doctor because you
had sexual intercourse. You're em·
barrassed because you know that is a no.
no. Society's no, no. For you r pro-
Kopechne Say Autopsy
'W ouldBe Like Funeral'
That"s the way the discussion v.·ent one
recent day in the classroom of Mrs.
Gordon i1arsh, a Costa Mesa resident
\\'ho teaches family life, sex education
<i nd drugs to her science classes at Bell
Jntern1ediate School in Garden Grove.
Another class, another hour, and a girl
nsked. '"That Vt-.t , what's il called .•. "
"VD," she was reminded.
" ... can you get it by kissing?"
"It's possible. but its not as great a
possibility as with sexual intercourse,"
f\Irs. Marsh said .
"Did It bother you to find out about
venereal disease?" she asked the class.
''It did me. It would be nice if these
things didn't exist. but they do.
.. I haven't meant to fri;;hten you but if
I did it's because some of these lhlngs
~re pretty frightening ," she continued.
"There is no way to put 1c1ng on VD or
drugs. Sometimes truth is more frighten·
ing than a story.''
Discussion lt:rnl'd on thini;:s the class
hart learned \ratching mo\·U-~. for the
sex educallon part of the course they are
•·Girl to \Voman'' and ''Boy to Man,''
movies widely used for separate sho11.·ing
to girls and boys in school districts that
don't have ti sex eth1cation program.
No v.·ritlen materials are used for sex
education instruction in !he Garden
Grove Unified District, nothing that can
be taken away from class and snickered
o-.•er. Instruction is all by movies.
speakers (particu larly for the drug por·
lion) and class discussion.
Parents are invited lo sit !n class any
time, but not their O\\'n child's class. A
daily assignment for the students is lo
\\'ILKES·BARRE. Pa. (UPI) -The
father of Mary Jo Kopechne t'!stified to.
day that permitting an autopsy on his
daughter, killed in an acC"idenl involving
U.S. Sen. Edward M. Kenned y, "would be
just like another funeral.''
''\Ve have had it," the father said at a
hearing on a request by 1-lassachuselts
authorities for an autopsy on the body or
the 28-year-old Washington secretary who
ditd last July 18 in a tidal pond in Ken-
nedy's submerged auto off Chap.
paquiddick Island, Mass.
The father. speaking in a barely audi-
ble voice, said he and his wife. who was
not in court, felt authorities "had their
chance. \Ve absolutely do not want it
Edmund S. Dinis, a fi.lassachusetts
district attorney who is seeking the
aut0psy. did not cross-examine Kopechne
during hls one·n1niutc appearance on the
Dinis rested his case during the morn ·
ing session after Cyril H. \Vecht, chie(
pathologist for Allegheny County (Pa. I.
testified an autopsy on a body exhumed
after fou r to six months C()U ld be "quil(I
. .\.sked to estimate the value of an ex·
ternal examination done at the time the
girrs body was recovered, \Vecht said
"To consider an external examination tt1c
e;id process of a medical and legal in-
,·estigation is absurd."
Dun Gifford, Washington, D.C., a
Huntington Stolen Card
Case Linked to Robbery
A Huntington Beach police case ln·
valving stolen cred it cards moved to
Laguna Beach today as police sought to
riuestion two :suspects on an armed rolr
bery in Laguna.
On Oct.. Hi, 1'1icha£'l Richard Conklin,
Zli. of 1736 \\'estcliff Dti\'C, Ne\\'pclT~
Beal'h, reported lo Laguna police that he
had picked up 1v.·o men in Hunt ing ton
Beach and given them a ride: to Laguna
1.,.here they allegedly pulled a knife and
took his \\"alle t containing money and
credit cards.
Tha t night, Hu ntington 3each police,
ale:n~ by credit card companies. picked
up George Br inle~. 2Q, of \\"est Hollywood
;ind Cunis A~rll • ''"· 111. of l.llni;: B<>:ich.
:i ~ Bnnlr·; :,:;• :: ::"1 ·i' 11~c :i rrrrllt
card to make a f/.l~~lla~e 111 it clothing
Anderson , who was not. in possession of
any of the credit cards, was released, hut
picked up again Jatrr as a suspect in a
Huntington Beach burglary case.
Comparing notes on the missing cards
and Conkhn·s description of h ii;
assail anls. the tv.·o pohce department ~
decided they appare:it!y were working on
the same case.
Brinley was brought to Laguna Beach
jail fi.fonday lO face arraignment on the
armed robbery count. His companion y,·111
he picked up by Laguna Beach polic<'.
the:,• reported , \~'h~n the lluntington
Beach burglary matter is taken care of.
~lr,n11 hil r . pnhrr i11 both ci tie" arc
1,..r,k•l'J; fLir 1tic rc~t or (!l~ stol1:0 crcrl1t
• • •
his Back Ba_v Roule as a Nc1,·port Bcachyour,g man anrJ 111y hotly chemistry 1s
Pest Officr ma il carntr. b\Jt the hralr hy n0rmal. J"1·e griL a fre e rl 1Pt no1v too,
kidney t1 htcn rFp!arrd his c11·n ra\·a &c<I r ;in cat an)!h1ng I \\:!Ill." said 1hc m:in
rri;:01ns mean~ n•·\\" \ 11al11.1 . \\'hn~e mrnu 1va~ so :-;h:irpl y restricterl .
"~1y blood pressure IS atx:>u t thal of a _Saturday night dinner -his first :it
no ... •• .: ••• :1
Tlo.0,..11 A. Mwrpl,: •• .,...n .. ln; [llJot
. J,,,, .... r. c .. 11; •• ,.., ...... ,, ll•Kll
t nt l.dllOr
w..,..r ..... Ofrlc.e
2211 We1l l1!\1•• lewl••••4
M1niaf iY~r•u: ,.O. I•• 1115, ,,,,,, ---toete <Mw: l» """' ..., ,,,.., l •...,... ...... ~ 711 ~or~•• • ..,..,,
1"11111\"'lcn 81K11, lC' "" Sr."'
D.i.!L" PllOI, •'"' ,.~,,~ 11 C°'""'I ... .... .......... """'" ...... o ....... ,, ......... t ..... ..., -_, ... .., ........ , ,.,.. llf ........... "' .....
Clfll Mow, L•e.,.... lt1t~. """~ ~ -"-':"" ..,.,.,.,. ·-wl., •-... ..,,.;,· eofl•:.0....• o .. n .. C..t.i .--~..,.
'--• rr, .. ,.,,. ~·•"'• .,. •• 1111 "e<' lltl"M 111'11.. N•wO!l•t ~•ot;ft, •...i ,pil
!'¥W ••• \lt•ot. C.e".o ... !I•
Twl•p•cue 17141 •42·4JJI
c-1,... A.•-•lal=• ••J..t•fl
h111n:: -began 14·1U1 a r1C'h antipa~to
~.1larl made by dau ghter Peg~y. a. in -
c turl1 ng gret'n:o;, peas, lettuce. cheese and
t'o\d culs.
"And a big pizza 11·ith che<'S£'. izrounrt
he!f -!he \\hole "1\Jary Anne'." ~aid
\\'i<'rnicz. v.·ho,~c phys1c1ans j11st one year
ago inight not ha\ l' gam htrd thl' price of
,, p1z1.1 <ln his chance of e\t'r rl'gaining a
no rmal lifr.
\\'JC'rn irr. fir~! not1tf'd hr~ postal joh
5eemed lo be i;:et ing him down four
~ ~:1 r:: ;igo .1n<l his 1l11Clor, hunt1n,1t the
:iourcc of !he nagging dally fatigue, found
a ht!IC' kidney dam;igr
Tha t diagnosis 1\;1~ offscl b y
n~surancc.~ thal lie could live to be 80
\\'J!h ll, but Jim had Jt!omen11 onephril!s
-nn 18·!etter word lhat spells kidney
failure -and the ncar·fatal affliction
gradt1t11ly worsened.
The Wiernic1. fam ily said inorl' than
one year ago, \\·hen hr "''as already living
on borrowed lime. Iha! they had <leep
foith jn CrOd . L.ieir f riend~. the sla ff at
~rt. Sinai Hospilal. and or cours'
thl:'msel ves.
"l"\•e: got to gi\"e a lot nf crt(iit lo my
\\'ife. for ha\·ing !he backbnnP tn g'l
thrO'JRh all this,'' \\'ein1icz s111d ~tonday.
Mc also rxrrP ~~cd deep gralltude In lhc
Scln~oth famil y.
''\l."e <'Xpect to remain in contacl.'' ht
~a lrt.
lie hopts-In ret11 rn Ill "'nrk soon. hut
jtist ~·hen drpends on h!.~ continued
"'Things \\•1ll take tin1r. t-:ventualt.v
W<''ll be bat k lo norn1al 11rr," !\aid
\Viernicz, ''but even llQ\\I ... thi.~ Is Ju~I
legislative aide to Sen. Kennedy who was
called as a witness by a Kopechne at·
tomey. Joseph F. Flanagan, said he was
c:!el2yed until July 20 in returning with the.
body to Pennsylvania because of bad
He said he also thought ''there was a
question of whether there was a hold on
the body for possible autopsy."
Dinis, the fi rst witness at today's
session, testified he ordered an autopsy
on the girl two days alter she died but
was told the body had been nown to
After finishing his testimony, the
district attorney asked the OJurt to place
in the re cord a handwritten statement
J\ennedy gave police concerning the ac-
cident and a videotape of the senator·s
l.elevised e:tplanalion of the tragedy.
Judge Bernard C. Brominski denied the
motion on the Kennedy police statement
and withheld decision on the videotape.
Fron• P~e l
rea.~on 1hcy're "''aiting to hear from
Remarked Tom Garver of the chamber
committee, '"The board is sho\\·lng a V£'ry
10111 profile these days."
Or. Cunningham admitted the proposed
"F'a mily Life Program" for the school
rli strict had been comp J e. t e d and
pre!\enled lo him . He said he had discuss·
ed it with individual board ~mbers.
It h.:is not been presented to the school
board al a public meeting.
Dr. Cunningham said he personally i!
"'ailing for the Newport Harbor Chamber
reC"omm endation.
Dr. Nola n F'rizzell~. chairman of the
Chamber·s committee, estimated Monday
:haL !he recommendation would be ready
1n January. !That is the month before the
override elecllon.)
Last week, Dr. Cunningham presented
!he ~chool board \l'ith a list of objectives
fnr lhe schoo l year. Number one ob·
jel'li\'e was succes11ful passage of the
01·erride election.
/\ couple of other objectives:
Priority 8 -dtvelop a program on thr.
clfccts of drugs for grade.! 6, 7 and 8.
Priority 10 -develop a law and order
progrnm for the elementary :schools.
Not on the list of JS objectives ~·as the
''family Life Program.'' alread y
Asked about it, Dr. Cunningham said,
"I hadn't even thought of that, to be quite
1\lrs. Bergeson said sh t hadn't no11c-
cd Family Life 11·as not on the list. "It 's
1101 of primary concrrn at this time," she
~Ir.~. F'au]. a Cost;t ~le~a ho11se1,·1Jr-.
1"1ld the Ch11ntbrr's r.omm1ttcc ah<Jut !h<"
1·1\'C~tigations into se:t education of the
I i:1rOOr Council PT/\.
~11,.. said speakers and 14·ork;;hnp~ wrre
::irranged for e;ich school PTA un1l and a
1 esrolution asking for a sex education pro-
J:I am included in ne14•sl<'llers to parents .
. ~! !he end of a year, with sludy and a
\ 01C' at at least !he board level. she said
th e? school district PTA"s balloted 24 in
fa,·or of the resolution, four opposed, one
ab!'tain and two no answer.
The findings and vote result then \l·ere
presented to the school board in 1>1ay,
1007. she .said. That led lo study by school
\)('r~onntl and during the summer. 1968,
preparation of the nov.'-shelved cnr·
rirulum for kindergarten through 12th
Plane Hijacked
Over Mexico,
Flo,vn to Cuba
~IEXICO crrv (AP) -A Pan
American World Airways jet plane with
37 persons aboard was hijacked Tuesday
on a flight from ~te:tico City and Yr'as
dive rted lo Cuba.
A Pan Ame:rican ~kesman in t-.texiC(l
C1!y said the pilot reporttd the hijacking
as U1e plane v.·u over r-.terida. Yucatan.
Circ1unslancts of lhe hijacking were not
lmmediatl'I}' kno~·n.
The plan•'. Pan Ame:rican 's Flight SS!.
look off from f.texi<'o Cily lntemallonal
/,irl)Orl \\'ith scheduled stops in Merida,
Tam pa. Fla., and f\tJami.
There \\'tre nine crew mtmbtr! aOOard
:11)({ J:l passengers destined for Tampa, 11
for JVl1 11mi and four going on to San Juan,
Thi.~ wa! UM" second hijack.Ing of a P11.n
Aml'fican planl' on the !'illfTlf.. routt. The
n1htr on,. the firs t over f\.1ex\can tcr-
r11 0f}, v.·a.~ In l!lfil.
For Appeal
On Davis
Fron1 \\'Ire Servires
SACRA,.1ENTO -S1alt' Schools ChJ('f
!llnx Rafferty has declared lus suppor~
for the plannt'd appea l of a court dec1sinn
lhal the firing of UCL A inslrut'tor Angela
Davis is unt:onst1tutional.
"J don't bellt've 1n Jelling 1nembcrs r1/
the mafia. murder incor~orated or a
Co1nmunist speak \\'ilh n1y n1onl'y on a
t1x·s upported ca111pu!i."' ~<11d Ha!l er!y,
lilt! Hepubl1c0Jn superin!C?ndcnl of public
Los Angeles Superior Court J udge Jct·
ry Pacht ruled fi.1onday that Angela Davis
cannot be uarrcd from teaching in a slate
uni \•rrsily on the sole &round that she is a
Communist party member.
University of CaJi[ornia regents fired
1-!iss Davis, a 25--year-old Negro assistant
professor of philosophy, on Sept. 19 after
she acknowledgeJ being a Comn1unisl
Pending an appeal through school ad·
min istrat!ve channels, she was permitted
to go on teaching a nonc redit course,
"'Recurring Philo.~ophical Themes in
Black LilC'taturc," at lhc Unlvers\!y of
Calif11rnia at Los Ange!e~.
Af!er a hea ring Monday on a toixpayrri;
suit f 1!~d by fa ct1lty !\llpporters of !IUss
Dav is. Judge Pacht held her fir ing to be
He said if :she could be 011.~tC'd ror bring
a Communi st. the regents t>ould fire
leachers for being membtrs of othr[
Thomas J. Cunningham, i: en' r a I
counsel for !he regents. said "all ap-
propriate. steps " wou ld be taken in an
attempt to ha ve the ruling revt'rsed.
Ra~ferty said the UC Board of Rcgenls,
of which he is a mrmbfor, hop<>s the case
vdll go clear to the U.S. Supreme Court
and Lh~ panel \\'ill rull' "that society has
a ri~ht lo protect it self from us rncmie!<
and dots not have to subsidize the con·
~1iss Da \'i5, a Negro. has ronlin11cd 1r'I
rccel\·e her $9,864 annu al sal;iry 11'h1lc nr-
pealing her d1s111 issal th1'lug-h un11'er.0 11y
Asked y,·hat she thought thr rcgrn1s
v.•ould do next, she replied ·
''They've done a lot 0f re ally rra7y
thi ngs already. l'\'e givrn up lry1n g to sec
any rationality in their beha1 ior ·•
Drop on Coast
or •~• 01111 f'li.t 11111
1-'ood stores along the Orange Coast
hav(' noticed a drop in sales of diet !nods
:ind drinks containing cyclamate, now
banned by U1e federal government.
But many store 1nanagers are ~·a1 t1ng
to hear fri;m !heir central offices, as \1·e1t
;,~ front suppliers of the food.
flctailers have until Jan. I 10 rr n10\e
the toods containing c y c J am a t e ,
sus~ted of causi ng e:ancer, from their
l\t Albcrlson·s in Labruna Beach,
t'lanilger Jerry Baines sa id, "\Ve \\'ill be
dropping the entire diet line by letting the:
stock run out. A rew pe<1ple are still
buying ii. but \\'e are giving refunds now
and I imagine sales vdll come to a
"They may go back to 5ucaryl (an
a1tificlal sweetener !hat contains nfl
cyclama\el, and I read somewhere that
Pepsi ls going lo u~e a vrry ~m::11l
amount of sugar fur their 1het drinks,'' he
/\l Acord 's I'll<Hkel. 263 Brc,.adway,
Lagun a Beach . Cltn Acord said , "We're
going along 11•1lh the con1panies that sell
!he nt£'rchandise and are still leaving 1t
on the shch'C:i \\'e\r had no refund re·
tj\lf'SIS "
Bui he added lh:Jt the lndepend1'n\
~lore 1~ nuw selling "vC?ry little" in thr
way 01 diet drinks.
At Sa feway, 1000 Bny~1dc Dr11·r ,
Nr1,1l0rl 8('JCh, manag('r Bob Clark sai•!
lhal sales of the rhct food "ha\'C been rut
Jn half, at least."
"As of no\v, we are not ant icipalin.i:
pullln~ it off the shel \'es unti l January,'"
he saic!.
Mel !Joy. manager of t.1arket Basket.
1150 Irvine Ave., Nrwporl, is waiting 10
hear front the store·5 corporate offices.
"Not more than three people wanted to
bring the stuff back ," he said.
Frona Pnge 1
tu ~ive idea s on that par! of the plan
11•ork .
Two major factors in th e city's
de1 l'lo pmenl 1\•ill shade the ccono1n1c
rcport -freeway alignment and pro·
posals for developments by the Irvine
\Vilson said that both ra <.'.tors \\'OU]d be
taken int o account in an economic con-
sultant report.
Councilman Donald P.1clnnis called for
immediate Irvine Company reports on
their plans for development of land \\'hi ch
lies rither in lhl' city or in areas \\'hich
migh t £'Vcntually become part of Ne11'port
Re<1 rh.
"\\'r ~l1ould kno w thC' lim11s ;:ind
gr-nrr;it nature of the~e dr1·elrip111£'nl~
hrforr \l't can really plnn Lile city." he
He said the firm promised city offiei al ~
a .1 ear agc;i report;; rin prol)O'!ied streets
and highways 1n in'ine dcvelopmt>nl s.
"'\\r sliH haven't seen the1n." he-3d·
• •
\'ice r..layor Lindsley Parsons agreed.
'"Those issues are no\V so loose "'e
don't know how to plan the city very we\!.
··Are we right in our observations on
the company 's 1ilans, or are 11·e groping
around in the dark?
"I hope they rea li ze our plighl,'' ht'
\\lilson promisl'd to contact officials of
th<" dc\'elopmcnl firm on thr subJect,
One other aspect of the general plan
\l'l !J need immediate attention by the
commission anrl council -it~ f1nanrinF:.
\\'ilson c1lcd ('hanee~ of rrcei\'in~
f Prlrr~I funds 10 pny for the project on a
h;"Jlf.fcdrral. half.ci!v basis.
"\\'h('t hrr ll't' 11·a11·t to g 1 f'l r a fede ral
i::r:.int 1s your drc1~1on." !1c_ told the coun·
1.:1lmen and con1n1issionrrs-
But if !hr c1lv \l'.'.1111 ~ 1hr rnoncv. lt will
h:11't1 lo ask fr;r Jt before ils pOpula11on
•·~-~('c·'"s 50.000
If it excerds Iha! su1n. Ill£' federal
gn1 rrq:nf;'nl 1•·1 11 not l1nanc,.. lhe work .
The city's pop11lat1rin now excreds 48.000.
Huntington Holding l(ey?
Ne1v port's Bid for Inland Route Depends on Beach,
nunti ngton Beach may hold \he key to
7\ewport Beach's hopes for an inland
routi ng of the Pac1f1c Coast Frrcwny
\\'esi of lh e Upper Bil)', Newport Planning
Director Larry \\'ilson ~:ud fl 1ooday.
Wilson, in a talk before Newport
Ha rbor Chamber of Co111merce dirrctor.•,
said the ideal inland rou11ng would be one
that heads down Inward /\e11·1:KJrt !rom
the vicinity of the adopter! alignrricnt al
Beach Boule\·ard ~nd ,\rl<1n15 1\venue 1n
lluntington Beach.
From there, it would <'Ul .~ou!h\\'Cs\rr\y
-or diagonally -<1cross Huntington
fleach territory, across the river, :tcross
Banning f lats behind Nc11 port Shorr"
and would pass Hoag r-.lcmorial Ho~pual
on the nor1h. Continuing !hr. cllagonal. 1l
11·oulrt slice south (lf Clay Street t'asl of
Newport BQ\.ilc-.•ard n.nd ult 1n1a\ety ('nti·
nect \\'ilh the adopted coastline lHl/!glng
r01 1tc in !he ;ire!! of the B;ilboa Uav Cluh.
"This al1gnmr nl." ~~ud \\'1lsn11, "n11ch1
be favora ble to thr 1!1gh1\'<IS Comn11:\.s1011
hecause 1L would be a n1ilc shortrr lhan
the ex1sl 1ni; rnu!l'
"Rut this is :1 qurs!1<1 n th,11 o~., Hn1~h
invol\'£'S 1l1e City nf 1lun1u1gtnn BC'.1('11 .
hl'C'all!iC 11 i!Ol'l' arross an arr<1 \1hrrr
rapid develop1nC"nt I n10~1 ly re~1dc11~1;1l 1 1~
rak in g p!ncr."
Sc rcral year.~ ago. Hunl111gt on Bcal'h
suppr;rled an inland a lignment for lhr
frec11o'ay. It got ont', as far inland a.~
Reach Boulevard and Adams Avenul'. But
fr01n lh!'re, !he adopted rr>11te slice!\
abrt1plly towa rd the coastl ine in the area
nf Beth:h Boulevard and Coast Highwa y.
Since then. \Vils(ln reporled, Hun11nJ;t 0n
Ucac-!1 clly officin.ls have shown no e.n ·
1hu s1as1n for further involvement 111 lhe
routr rontroversv.
"If 1~t' c<111 ·1 ~a i11 !he cooprrat1on of
lhintlni?tnn Bear:h on thi.~." ~aid Wilson,
··:-;rv.•port ':o:: only alternatire 1s 1o try to
gr\ 1he state to S\\'ing the route behin<I
lln;ig r-.1emorial starling at a point al
Brookhurst and the highway."
But lu• 111chcated little optimism :ib-.'lu!
thl' ~l:itr flncl1ng that iln accepl:ihlt'
;il tC'rn<1l/\('. "franklv . J thin k !his 11·11\ be
r11ffl rul1 10 sell to tlir stale," he ~aid. ' !t
11011lr! br <ol1 ghUy longl'r thJn !he adop ted
rn11tr ·•
\'l'l\'P..-,tl r1t} C'Ouncillncn last ~·ec~ in·
~1r•11'!£'1I !hr1r ~1.dr to prep;i rc a prc '-£'Jl·
1at1on arHutn~ /or rtopen1 11~ Qf rout ,..
hrnr1ngs by the ll igh11 11y Comm ission.
\\'il,.011 sa id 1t 1s J}l.)~s1ble the pre~rnt;Ho::in
11 111 b!' m:ldr 011 the con1n1iss1on·~
\01 c•n1hrr nr .!:1n11;1r\1 nlcclln.'!.
l!r ~aid , howevrr. ih<1t the 1.:l!) 's "tir.-.1
pn~111on" 110111(1 be lo agrcc on a spec1l1 c
;1l1r rnnt1vc ruule.
' If we have it wide open." he said. "w!':
can ·~ get !he concurrence of Costa
Your Omtim
Sole• & Strv1c1
,~. ···~ ..... o'''"('
$p••4'1'11~1f ... 1.~ ...
Clf"f ..... u lt ttl4 .,.;!f,
•u! ••v ,,,.,,j.f,t1!00• ~V
t-IA SA lo bt """'"by•••
..... "" ,~ ....... lh .
\1esa " Offic ials in that city ha1-c said
!.hal ir Newport \1•anls to re·rnule the
fr('('11'ay. that"s all right 111ith them. as
long as it s!Jys in Nc11·por1.
Newpo rt's pre!icnt;i tion or a preci.'il!
,:i]lgnmf'n! lo Ilic sta!r would assuage any
Cost;i ~1r.c;a concern. \\lil s11n indicated.
Councilmen la sl 111('Ck agreed Costa
~lr:i<i terntory should no1 be touched hy
any new routing. But they voiced nl'l
prcfrrencr for any p:irticul:ir alignment.,
11·hich 11·011ld. of necessity , cut a huge,]().
lane swath through Ncwporl Heights.
\\'1!son told chamber dircclors that thr
f"o;ist Frcr1\'~y. as no11' plannrd by the
state. \\'oukl:
-\\:1pe out n1o~t hus1 nesses on the
north. ~1dc of \\'rst Coast Highv.·ay fr om
the r11·er IJ 1he bar.
-Take oul a · big chunk of Tloa~
J\l.;n1nrial lln~r11a1 property, along thE
~011!he m <'d~r
-Prrrl11dc ;.nv marina 1Jr1rlopment
hrhintt i'\rw port sh11rrs.
-Hi:s111t 111 "' 25-l•ll'.ll h1i:;h 1!11 w,:iJ!in:!
off \\'l'st i\c\\•porl's brach arra from the
rrst of the ron1mun1lv.
Concrrn1n g pos.c;1fl[l" 11· a t r r 1v a y 1
up~1 rcam of 1hl' S;int.1 Anil R11,,r. \\'1lso11
~<!Jd II IS un l1krly thr ('II}' \I OU\d he abl&
to ron11 nre Ilic qa1r 10 rh iln,IZe the
rout 111g 011 the basis ni as ye t ''1r·
rcfulabk'' plan s to build a n1ar1na in the
••&Oi •ilioo, t1u!r 1 ••· WATCH\\'1 ---~ ... . ,.,...._. FREE
·-· 04114
Wliile r .. Welt
• M)oolod ....... $100
WITH s4aa ll·ITl:UN• '"-
llNGS $3.00 llllD, rr ...
THIS lllANONDS $6.00 AO llPLACID, .... Or-w"= • WI· INWUTINe DONI
..... .... ,W&iu:
Huntington Ctnttr
leoch ot Edlnqor
WHl ~I TOii WAit
"'''' , ••• , •• 11 •••••
... ~II ~· ''""' io loe y••• 1u!~1ri104 o,.,,,,
, .... 1.,. c'"'' 1. -"'
thlt ~.,..,."''· 1 ... tt ....
f .... 1. o ..... s,. ........ .
......... ,;.ph. lt.1 tBfl
"''""' _,. ... fill .... "
·~· IP!ffl, p,;,, .,,,
and back
Harbor Sltopping C•nter
2300 Harbor Blvd.
545·9~~5 II
':'"~"""~-·"'"'."~~. •:'! ..,_ ,'t' '.""~. .~ ... • + • • 4 -. • .~."'-"'·*."!''a .•"~ ...... •r.~e-,••. -.•r,w4-·----........... ~ .... ..-r •--• 1 ._.._ -,..-----..,. • • • • '• ........ ........-;-<; -... J .,j ,,~··~ .•.' "~~-:--;-:-.··.-::--.-;--;-•:-;-:--!
?uno11, O<roblor 11, 1Ht N l'l tt II
Annual Benefit
New Program
Goes on Air
1'.1embers of the Orange County J\ledical 1\uxiliary have been
busy writing their own version o[ Laugh-in for airing 1'ucsday, No\·.
4, in the Orange County J\1edical A!socialion building . Orange.
Their script, ho"'ever. includes a luncheon and bridge, thei r
annual fall benefit for the A.n1erican J\1cdical Association E ducation
and Researc h Fund.
The Bridge-in. as they call it, \VIII begin at 11 a .m. \vhcn the
c ards are dealt, and continue \Vith a salad luncheon later in the after·
Cue cards, carrying typical Lau~h-in messages, such as "sock
it to m e," will cue the decorations, which will be accented with large
flower s.
Serving as "chief script writers" are "tl.·l rs. Sanford llepps and
Mrs. David Johnson, chairmen, and on their crew are the l\1 mes.
Hobart Smith, decor ations ; Richary Hainey, food, and Edmund
Ga ulden, publ icity.
Reservations for U1e event. the eighth such affair hosted by the
auxiliary, may be made by calling Mrs. Hepps. ·
The auxiliary dona tion traditionally assist.o; research being car·
r ied on at various medical schools. including UCL in vital field.<>.
The 580 member auxiliary is led by ~!rs. La\\1r encc !\!osier of
Other officers are lhc J\lines, Philip \Vinsor of Ne\vporl Beach,
president.elect; David :l\1acLachlan of Santa Ana, first vice presidenl ;
Art hur J1oward of Santa Ana. :-;econd vice president; \Varren Kran1er
of Laguna Beach , recording secretary, and G. J ohn Knauer of Santa
Ana, t reasurer.
' "'.1-1
,. t'
Dee De• White
RIGHT ON CUE -Fun and ga1nes both have been \vri tten into
th e ~t'rlp t for the Bridge-in ~pon :<;ored by Orange Co un ty t\1edical
:\uxitiary \\'hich is planned for Tuesday, Nov. 4, in the !\1edical
:\ssociation building, Orange . \Vilh a Lough-in theme, the lunch-
eon and day of bridge ,,·il l benefit r esearch projects at variou!
n1cdica! :<>chools. Rehearsing their "lines' are !left to ri.e;ht) the
J\ln1es. Loren I-leather, fi ichard Altman and J . n. Betson.
Her Golf Game Is a Funny One
A funny lh1ng happena-1 lo Dee Dre
Jn fa r!, ;i l'Ouplc of tunny tt11ngs hap-
pened to her.
Her hrsl friend in Cle\'elanrl. Oh1n,
talked her into taking 11p golf ~o .~he could
hat(' ;i p.'.lrln('r. so nee llee. 11·hn h;id
nc1·1'r held a golf club in hl.'r l1le, took llP
the garnc.
The 11ex l thing !)er Iler knicw. hrr
friend had quil 1hc ga1nf' and Jcfl her
high and dry on the ninth h::1lc.
Shr \\';JS srari..:cly lcfl high and dr.1',
lhou~h. because she has gone on to
becon1c a real "pro" and an outstanding
golfer 111 her O\\"n right.
Dec Dec, a Laguna Beach re s1drnt wtu1
i~ a rnen1btr of the Irvine Coast Counlry
Cluh \Vn1nen·s (:olf Assoc1at1on, has been
el11b ch>1mp1on for the pa.~t six years <ind
;ilsn ha~ 11·on U1e coveted President's cup
.11 l(..:l'(.
T11n rlfl~·~ a 11·t·rk. at le;i ~t. ~l 1r·~ fnunrl
011 the lr1·1nc golf course <1nd 11•011\cJ bC'
ll1cre f'\"l'ry d,1y if ~he could.
"Golfing gc1 s inlo your blood. You get
Jiooked. 11·s like surfinR -once ~.111
OC-c.-oinr involved il gro11·s on you ." she
expla ined.
_During lournainent period.~ she rloc s
~pend additional lime practicins. and irs
hard l() miss the fact that her practicing
pays off.
And wha t aboul that other runny thing
that happened lo Dee ~ \Vhite?
Tl occurred when she was playing in "
54-holf' tournan1enl at the San Gabriel
Golf Course several years ago.
'";\lost golfers ha\"C !rou ble keeping
llicir ball 'Jn-bounds,' but that day I had
trouble keeping my clu b 'in-play.' I had
Jut nne of my frequent great drive.~ about
;l(l ya rds along the ground. The turf 11·a.<;
still very v.·ct from de\v and someho1v
r1!her m~· hands or the gri p of the club
had bcc::>nie v.·ct.
.. ,\s I took a hefty prar11cc S\v1ng
!IC'forr attempting my sc<eond ~hot. the
elub flew oul of 111y hands and s:ii!e<I up
and away over a high fence bortle ring the
gulf course and out into the street.
.. Someone driving by honked his horn
a~ a 'four-wood ' barely missed hilling hi.~
car, A very kind lady h;inded the club
through the fence to my caddy, com-
menting tha t someone musl have quite a
tcrnpcr," she laughed.
Der Dec has played in ;ind won
!ournaments at n1any Southern C;iliforni;i
eourscs. and ha.~ had lhc nppor1un1ly to
be teamed \\'ll h both celebrities and top
lier ti:;:in1n1a1c~ h;nr in<'luilrd f\u1h
!lll l!rr .. Jane Brckcr , Shirley Englrhorn
anr! !hr lalc .\l arge Ferric. an1 ong women
alhlelcs, and s1ngl'r Curt ~lasscy.
The laUC'r she played 1111\h during the
Proposition Six tou rnam ent in 1960 at Los
:\ngeles Country Club. Bob 11 op e
presented the trophies on that occasion,
''That's one reason I like to play golf."
she mused. "You meel so many nice and
interesting people .. ,
And lhen there are many exciting and
l·hal!cnging courses to play. Miss White
likes, 1n particula r, Los Angel es Country
Club. Bren!wood. Lakeside and the desert
courses -Indian Wells, Bermuda Dunes .
Dee Dee says ~he has becn wielding her
golf club_, ''not Jong enough." She also
likes ho rseback riding, ping pong and
o!hcr sport s.
Athletics def1n11e!.v is her "thing," aJ
she turns domestic out of nec essity.
Her life rC\'oh·es around her mother,
~l rs. l::li za bcth \Vhllc . her springer
tipanict and two c<1t.~. \\"ho all live \\'ilh
her in Lagun;i Beach,
l)C'e Dee, who describes herself ;i s 1'
•·.soupy brunette ,'' \1•as born in Columbus,
Uhio. and came to Cal ifornia in 1960 after
\acat1oning here and liking il.
\\llat makes a good golfer, Dee Dee
was asked. "A v.·oman has a be-tter
chancr if she is !all an1t strong and has
gooc1 coord1nal1011 , t1m1ng and strong
hands ·•
Tall Dec [)(<(' hn·L al f1 \r lerl. lhrcc
Inches. hul strnng shr 1s .:ind gOOll
coord inat ion and L1n11ng ~he rnusl havf'.
Or at least she m11:;t to h:.it·c hcC'n c.-lub
cha111p1on for six years.
Dec Dec offered advice for 11·onH:n who
ha \"C never played but would like to ,tnin
the grov.•ing numtw:>r of won1en on the
links. "Get ahotd of a good pro and tak e a
long series of lessons hcfore you e\'t'r
play_ TMt way you v.""On"l begin 1o,·ith bad
habits that are hard to break , as I did."
Most usually wearing brigh t orange
bermudas or shorts and a blouse or
sweater. Dee Dee hefts her gold and
black gol f bag ent husiast.r.cally as she
moves across the smooth greens t she
prefers lo walk ).
After all, that's he r bag
Memo To God; From, Executive; Re.: Secretaries-Help
~t tn WJ'he Secretary's Prayer" a5ked
for an opportunity to tell It Uke it Is. I ~e·
mand equal time. Will you please print
an "Executive's Prayer?'' Thank you
very'much. -CHICAGO
DEAR LORD: Give me lhe patience of
a saint and the ability to endure my
secretary's knack ror confusion. llelp me
keep calm v.·hcn she reminds me of my
morning appointments -aft er lunch.
Give me the strength , 1-leavenly Father.
to keep my an ger in chec k when she
IAkes 30 minuks for :i mid-morning cof-
fee break while I take phone mC'ssagcs
ri-om her friends. I realize thal nobtXly "s
~tfeet. but help me, dear Lord, to kerp
my cool when she hands rne a letter lo
01e company president with two era sure~.
., ....
!1o,•n strikeovers and a misspelled worri . I
need extra strenglh. lfea venly Father, !n
ho!d my tongu e \\'hen she ordrrs her
grocerirs and makes hair appointments
on my private phone which is reservC'1l
for incoming. Jong distance calls. I
realize that assa ult and battery is against
the law. dear Lnrtl, sn please rcstra1ncth
my hand ~ that I may not do \'iolence.
Amen. -TH I:: BOSS
DEAR BOSS : I bclic\'t in prayer but if
it'11 ai; ha rt sis it sound~ you o'rrl In lon k
in the \\·anl eds -between pray,ra, of
cou rs,.
DEAn ANN LANDERS· r-.1 y brolhC'r
\\'as nlarricd in 19~7. (iordon had a
v.·ondcrful job and a promis1nR ruturc. lie
clim bed !he l<1ddcr of success rapidly and
his fa mily life \\'as fine -t1o,·o lovely
children .
La le in 1'-J<iy (;onlon"s 11'1fc went lo
Europe and took the youngsters. They
were gone nearly 10 weeks. During that
time Gordon became involved with a
woman -a fr iend of his wife's, no less.
I t was no love affair, just raw sex. They
met at his place or hers -never where
anyone could see them. A iA'eek before his
family returned from f~urope, Gordon
lo!d me he couldn 't sleep fr om guilt . lie
felt like a sneaking skunk. !I r asked me H
he should confess to his wife. I !old hi1n
lnstcad of forgi ving Gordon, hi~ wife
lhre\Y hi1n out and Fi lcJ for di vorce He
now is liv ing 1n a s1nall elficieney
apartmen t, paying alimony and support.
I JllSl lo\•ed your wonderfu l "forgive
and forget'' column. I se nt it to my
~1ster-1n-law bul she ne ver answered .
Don't you think it is heartless Of her not
lo give her husband a M!eood chance?
Please say so. -SAD SIS
DEAR SIS: Of cour1e It's heartless
and I f,,, sorry for Gordon, but it's too
had Gordon didn't ask me ror 1dvlce In·
stead of you. I would have lold hlrn to
k'ep his mouth ~hul. lie <'OUld ha\•e
unloaded his r ulll on • el,rgyman. \'o~·
t'd nev'r lo cheat agai n and been • h a~
plly married man toda y.
DEAR A:\N LA NDERS Vo11 mi s$Cd
the poinl or Bonnie 's leller. Maybe
r-.·tendC'l doesn't like l() eat dinner al h1.-.
in·la\\"s' housr lhrer. nights a v.·eck. If
Bonn ie was any kind or a daughter she
w()uld ha\'fl said. "Knock off the key rat-
tling, Dub. It sound!! like you're anxioos
lo go home." It's plain that she I~ over
obligated to her parenl'I because she im-
poses on thtm so much.
You should have told Bonnie to gtt
some or he r mother's reeipes and start
acting like a wife. -IRVINGTON, N.Y,
DEAR 1RV : You 're right. I miattd the
p41int. Th anks for haulln( me up short.
Unsure of you rself on dates? \\'hat"s
right '! What's wrong? Should you!
Shou ldn't yo11? Send for Ann Landers'
boo klet ''Dating Dos and Dont's," cnclo~
ing with }'OUr request 35 cents in coin and
a long . selr-addresscd ,stainped envtlope.
Ann Landers wil be glad to help you
1o,·1th you r problems. Send them to her in
tare or the DAILY PILltr, encklsing a
sclr-address<'d, stamped enve lopt.
!CM!l!•l~!!"'ll"""f~> .. u,..s~u ... us.•o""s~;..,u,..e .. u"*e•a .. f"*•0"*"*4~4..,"""•0"'"0~•.-••..,.•0"*0•0'""0"*"·0"'""""""*"•0"""""""""""*'•*..,'"""'""''•0~• ... ••-0"""" ... 0-'"""' ... '"*-•"""0~' -~~--~~-~------~·~----~
\ •
ROYAL TREATMENT -Both J\·Jr. Pumpkin and
Lotus receive the best of treatment from (left to
right) Mrs. David M. Smith, 1vlrs. Raymond Booth
and Mrs. James P . Aynes, members of the Officers'
Curtains Raise
For Concerts
'!'he curtain \\'ill go up next J.'rlday on
the clghth seaso n of !he llarbor Arca Corn -
n1unily Concert A ~sociat ion \Vith a perforn1·
ancc !Jy the :\n1cr1can Concert Ballet ('0111-
pany in lhc Nc\1·port ll nrbor 1/igh School
<1udi toriun1.
The eight d ancers. under the direction
of Gene J\1<1ri11accio. perfor1TI Oallcts lo !he
n1usic of J'>oulcnc. \'ilia-Lobos .. Bartok, Oe-
bu s~y and othe r fan1ou c; t:on1 posers.
.'\s conceived by i\larinaccio. the d:.incr_,;
::ire based not only on c:la~~ltal IJallet. blrt :1
Jor1n \\'h1ch cn100d1es the broader ranges of
n1ovcn1cnl found n1 1nodern an d cth1u c
Other concerts du ring the :vear ,,·ti! be
given by Oza n !\1arsh, pianist. Sunday. F'eh.
R; .r'•le\v 'lork Bra.<;s Quin1ct , Friday, l\la rC"h
20. and Stanley Plum1ncr, \'!Ol1n1;;t, Frid<1y,
:'\pril 10.
Al on~ '>'•i th season tickets goes the privi -
lege of r eciproci ty. \vh ich opens c oncert~ 111
nlher area assot·iaho11 s lo JlarbCJr ticket
fl1cmbership information 1nay he ob·
lai11ed by c alling 1hc a ssociation's excc11\1ve
secretary, fllrs. Kurt Kupferman. H42-:ll8G
Other office rs arc Dr. Dani el \Vullf o r
Ne\\·port Beach. president, and Raymond
Tcvc; of lluntington I3each, publici!y chair·
Box Lunch Affair
Juniors Call
Rox hull hr-.; :ind t ;1~u.il "t
t ire \1 111 b1• 11il' orrfr-r 11f t!1c
fl<1v for thf' J11n1(•r El:J('\I (Juh
nl :\°L'\1 1l11r1 ll('.u h tH'Xl Th urs-
Thr Coruna df'l 1'1·1ar home or
l'llr!'. RJ<"h11rd llnch~child ~11 1
bf' the selling /or l'l·lrs. \\'arrcn
Fix, presidenl to call the
Republican s
~1rs. ll J. \\'O()(] o( Costa
~lt::i;a ·will host a lunch<'On
m<'Cting or the Costa 1'11esa
Ff'derated Republican \\'01nrn
ne'\t Thursdvy vl JO a .m.
HrprrrL~ on national anrl
:i;nu1hrrn di\ 1~ion C'Q!l\"Cntions
11·111 bf' pre~ented .
11'•·1'111,!! lo i.l!J• r ;d JO a 111
~1wa\..1 ng \11!1 br> Dr ll1kl.1
;\lrC<•rtne~. h«;1d li\)r<1r1an tur
;.it_•wpon·'.\lr~.i :--rhoul D1striC'~
;111d l'r('si rlrn! <if 1·c 1 Tr1w11
:.nrl t;own . She 11ill discuss
<h1ldrcn ·s boqk".
Sprc1al gur~ls \1•ill be l'lfrs.
Frank llugl1<'s, state con·
vcntion chairman, tlrs. Arthur
Korn, Area n \'it·e president
and l'llrs. Terry Thomas.
Orange Dislnci J unior presi·
Ncw prov1);ionals h c in i::
v•elcomed arc i\.lrs . Kil Tap-
pan and l'llr:;;. t\eith Keppler.
l'llrs. Len l'll11lcr. pa::t presi ·
dent of V1rtllr Valley Junior
\\'orncn's (;!uh 11·i!I br 11·cJcorn·
f'd 1n!n the rncn1bcrship as a
1r;111sfe r.
.... .--~-·--·
Mmtud CAN be dUlmmtl AD J011 hlrT9
to do b taste Jiickory Fan:os o[ Ohio
51'FCCl·llot Mmtatd.Made accmdini:t ton
old Getmm J"edpe. It bu • distinctive
!la'mt whlcb •dd1 nst to G ything you •11"• with 1L Sample htrore 7oa buy, See
w hy Swe11t·11-l Mastard ls a •ir~~••im~·
t:.:OUTH ,,~~~.~!.,, PLA:.j
l rl1tol at Sall Oi_,o f r .. way NOW. 24
Co1to M1• 5~0·6••1
Sagittarius: Utilize Abilities
Lunar position favorable for
fii;bing, planting. In groo1nlng ,
~niphaslze face, head. fl1any
""lll be seen wearing berel·
type headgear today. Fashion
~·ill highlight eye~. ear! and
hai r, as ~·ell as hats.
AHIES (.\larch 2l·Apr il l!ll :
fycle hii;h ; you can come out
of r rnotiona! shell. Stop con·
1·rrn1ng your~elf only 111th
<11hers. Tod:iy you n111st lake
steps \1hieh insure your own
:>Cl'UrJly, Jlleasurc. 1'11 o v e
TAUHUS /Apr il 20·~1ay 20):
Your t1n1e 1s c.:otning. Know
this and act accordingly. \\'ha t
appe<.1rs tn be a restnction is
n1crely a 11arning signal.
1:-:mphasl~ on organizauons,
hospi tals, illusion.
GE.\1 1NI 11'11ay 21.Junc 20l:
Accent on what you would hke
ln accomplish. Key JS 10 ~ct
backing -both Jn mor;ilc and
in f1n:incing. Not easy. But !O·
day e1ents jell an1J you
kf'y note 3l'Compl1sh1ncnt.
t.:ANCER (June 21 .. July 22!;
\\lhethtr ()t not the idea ap·
p;>lils to yo11. there JS progress
.inrl extra duty. Key is to know
that ha~ics are import.ant.
Ad van el'ment indicated. BuL
ynu St'l'm to 1nov~ in reluct!lnt
LEO \.J uly 2J·Aug. 22 \: You
rrvel JO Opflf1rt11n1ty lo t·.\pri•:-.;,
~oursl'lf. \\'nt1ng, p11hl1stu11~
;ind ad1crltsJn~ arc f(':llurl·1l.
(.'l11ps <ire 1lu11n. Yo11 gel
l"h:.intr. to \'erify intc1111u11::.,
pru1 c el aims. Go lo 1l.
\'lltGO !Aug. 2J·Sepl, 221:
Interest in the occult or Jud1!eo
JS acc~nted. You know tha t
ccrta1n tasks must be con1-
p1l'tl'rl. Your rhythn1 1 s
natural. You receive com-
ptin1ent.~. Key is 10 el'aluatc.
You gain rc<:ognillon.
LIBRA 1Sept. 2J·Ocl. 22 1:
Public relations, agreement s,
t he 1~·ay )'OU present produtts
these are emphasized.
Clubwomen Caught Up
In Halloween Spirit
~trt-~~ i!ldt>pPn•!rnrr, originali· and S:l\'ings.
I} Adhcrl' lu your 01111 life. IF TODAY IS Y 0 UR
:<:t~IP. H::ilancc crno11on and BIRTHDAY you are srparal•
loil11·. psychologically fni1n family.
SCOHPIO !Ocl 2J·N i:n· 2!l· You r ideas arc un ique. Give
'Your 1ntu111on rings bell Uf f11ll play to l11en1, bul don 't
ln11h. Trust it -:ipplies :.<icrifice basic llappines~ .
('!>J}CCiil\ly tn jOb, \V 0 f k , to Pina O<J! "'Of~ •tlovl VOV"~ll tr>d
1.1ssoc1ales and g('ner:i l health. ~!~~'""b;,,,~,·~~r ~·~~nev1,~';;.""lba~ r I I· ,PfolOllV S•na !rO '~"" lo Om1•r l lon'l~oa ga1n.'\t v.·h<i! you ee 1°""1.,, ·~~ O-"nv PI LOT. flo• n •o, • < '"'·0 C•nh•I S1•1oon. N•" Y~r~. N.Y. is right. Be .~ul)JCC\1 \1'. \ 1w1 1.
SAGl11'AlllUS tNov. 22· -='---,-,-.,-,.-.,-,.-,-",~---
1).:c. 21\: Utilize 1 n n a tel;====='======;
<·rc.il11·c ;di1!1tie~. \\/hat _\'OU 1lo
!-ihuuld be !>l.1111f>C'tl 111lh ;,our
011 11 st.\ If', 1nark, luuch. Re
1rrsJ!dt•, 1J1~n·1 pr r 1111 t
}Oursell to be. t1Ctl down to
1rad1!1011. I
CA PRICO!l.\I (Dec, 22·Jan.
l\l1 : Con1plcte atU>n11on to
basics is essential. Don'l !ry to
1 be a genius. Stick to rules. rc~lat ions. Your hnn1c, prop-'
erty may be at st:ike. Vind
out the \1·hy u( things. Be
positive. I
AQUARI VS (Jan, 20·Feb.
11-~~:ng~~~n~~1~r~ 1;1;tir~;r\•1s1 ~;~e·1
~rn11igli1r1I. Sl:11us qw1 1.~ turn·
I'd upside llt>11·n; .vou 11101 r <ind
niakc decisions. NP1ghbnr whf1
1.~ inquisitive sl1ould bc.1rc;1lcd
11·i1h humor.
?Cites Jewelers, 17 F~hion II·
land tok•• plvatu,e in a11 na1111t •
in9 thot Misi l a1d"n ha1 lol111d
their au.1a11i1C1llo n.
\Vives League of Orange County. The stoi c \Yil! be
sho\1•n in the league's upcoming fur fa shion shO\V
and Lotus .•• \veil , he won 't be modeling his fur
piece in this sho1v.
PISCES (Feb. l!l.:!\larch 20):
lf vnu thiuk \l'hat vo11 1r<111L \1 o~·l cost, think ;igain. Bel
praclieal ;:ibout budget. luxury
Mis1 llordeon ha1 be-e11 0110,I•
altd with t~• jew1ttr1 buslnnl
far mci11y years in rho Na ... part
a11d l olboo a reo. 'at h1•!fn
her '"""' fl i811d1 lo •isit Iol..s.
Fcnhion hland. \'lorking hard to coinplete a ned by the club ne xt Thursday items. You can gel 11·hat you
l lo:.il fo r the Fountain Valley ~·~'~'-P~·~"'.:,. ________ _:"~·a:n~I ~-::.:'.b:"~' ~ce~m~c~o~n~bc~c_.::bo:•rl~g~c~lf'============' J!allo\veen Parade next Satur-;
Veterans Benefit day sre membt>rs of the Foun·
t:iin Valley \Voman's Club,
under the leadership o[ l\1rs.
Laurence Ern·in, president.
'Fun Fur All' Promised
At Annual League Gala
Mrs. Robert Curley l s ,. ........
Husbands nf mcn1bcrs of the
Officl'rs' \\'ivcs League of
Orange Cou11 !y will get scrne
ideas !or Cl1ristrn<1s gill givin g
,1·hc11 they at1e11d , 111ith their
111 vcs , ;1 fur fasl1iun show ;ind
111nner d;incr next Frida.\'.
The lragut'·S pons11rrd f'l'C'11t
will take place ;;l 7 p.ni. in Ill!!
\\'ate~·heel r es t a u r a n I ,
,\nahciin. and 11 111 li •· l lh·
group·s annual b<:ncflt for the
varaplcgtcs in Ve I e r ~ n s
Hospital, Long Beach.
A lillllowcen nu1l1f 11 1ll
prc\·ail in tht· dcoora11on~. :1~
planned hy ;\l rs. Tuler Uixon
or \\'hillier, <:hair1nan.
Assisting \\'ill1 preparations
.:irt' the !\lines. \\1il!iam Feyh.
Edw;ird Storck, IC J. l'urrrn
<ind Edwin Smose.
Le Leche
Second In ::t :<f'rir~ of
sessions sponsored by 1ht•
Huntington Beach La Lrf'hc
League "ill lake p I a c r
brt11een 9:~5 :i n1. and noon
Thursday. Ot'!. 2~. in the hnn1e
'1f l'll rs. !\1orns Boya ner.
T op1c f(1r the session \.\ 111 he
!he Ar! nr Hn·;i~tfeed1ng l'lnd
Overcornin~ Dif<irultie:;;.
Al~o on the agrnd:1 ;1rr tl1I'
n1r1h (lf the RaU;.' and F;1n1llv
AdJtJ'i1rn1·nl i\nv. 20 ;ind i\u\11•
11nn and \\'1•:111111g Det. 18 .
L;1 Lech<' Lc.1 guc , a 11n11.
prot1t. nonseclar1 ;111 org;11111a ·
11on, is dedicated lo lostcnn~
n<itura l fcecllng of infants lor
lhc health ;111d h:ippincss of
borh mother and child.
All interested women arc in·
viled to a!tend and lhnsc
desiring either advice or ad·
ditional information reJ:arding
lhe league may contacl 1'11r~.
lloberl Boutin, 827-0592 : ~I r.~.
J)onald \\!slkcr. 962·3987. 11r
r.lrs. James Nettlclon. 8-12·
Club Open s
Furs will be shol'.'n fron1 the
J'\~11' York Fur Cu1np<iny, Los
Angeles. /'.!rs .. lohn :'l·lull<.1dy <1f
~'estm1nster \1 111 1..•1,mn1entalc.
<ind 1nodeJ~ will be the :\1!11('S.
Storc'k. Sn1onc. r!ay111011<l
Booth :ind J;11nt·~ J L /);i11'l'<;,
Fund.~ r,1iscd 11 ill b•' g11·en 111
a !>lantluig fun1J l'o 1lh Ille
P:irl yzcd Veterans-' Ass r>l'ia·
11011 ;it the hosp11al. .\11,nn·~
;ire u~1·d ;it li1e <11,.,1.r<'l!un iof
1hr l'\'A 1o pn11 1df' !>prtt:illy
1les1gncd et1u1p1ncnt 11•l11th 1s
~11t·n In p<11u•1l\!o; f11r lbr 1111h1•
l111spL1<1l ~ind alll·r the 1 r
Officers' 11·ives 'v ho s e
l1 u~bands are Qn ;:ietive duty nr
ret1rer! are invitrfl !1\ :ittend
thr J1111chron . nr~1·r1·;111rino;
1na_\· br n1adr 11 1th :>Ir'.
~tnrck, 637-0~77.
Las Olas
(;(>Od i ;l"OPITI!lll\ \\ tJl hr thr
thcn1r when !.;1."' 0 1 a "'
·roastmistre!'<; l '!uh 111 r c I ~
1on1nrro\v ;it i :ID p ni. 111
r.1err11ry S,.\ 1ng-.
T;ihlc. lropa·~ ,,.,11 bc illr(.'t'\ed
bv \It~~ .1u1;i S.«~ton 1111!! :'\Ir~.
l'..i11l II r on:; o 11, p.1rl1::i111rn·
tar1;i11. 11 1\1 C\ahlA!C I h r
hu~Jnr~..; :-.Ir.; C:rn1•._l .ltlhn~un
j if J :uL..111<' T1r.1:.!1n1$'rrss !'l.111
i11 :-.tnnl\•11 11 ill µ11 (' a 1,1\\J!'
J'idµ.1111\1 11 r•f llw Ill•• till::.
\lrrnbl'r ~li.p 1._ "I" 11 111 .0(11:1
11 n11H'f1 ,\Ir" Holir1 \l f'•;I 111ll
ha ndle fjuest1on.~ ;1t JJb.:rn:i:!.
Club Set
For Gi rl s
A sr1ving rluh f11r girls from
!l thrJugh 12 \1lll brg1n 11cx1
Thursd;iy unctcr spo11sor5hip of
thr llunringlon D<'a1·h Y~ICA.
Th" cl:i;." \1 111 111 r r I
chairman of the project, wh ich
"'ill also publicize the club·s
Haunted !louse at the
barbecue, scheduled for the
Sil1Tie day and evening.
Assisting \\'ith the fl oat
prepnralions arc lhe l'll mcs.
\Vallncc Short, V;ince Orr·
1ngton, rr1cr narbolak, Ed
J~11nth and .11111 L;nindy.
Tll"O n1cn1bers of the club
h:1\'c been appoin ted I n
1·hairn1:inl'ihips. I'll rs. Al
hrul;l'nbt'rg 11111 !>l"r1 c a<
C:i\1fnrnia h t s l or y and
Jandoi:1rks cha1nn:i11 and l\lrs.
l.;Hvrcnce Leed~ a~ music
t ha1rn1;1n.
A :-t·ri<·s {•f toflrt·s 111!1 !;ikr>
p\acr tor n1crnh<'r~ and 111l·1r
Jriends who \Vi.'>h lo 11un.:h:1se
I "hnst1n<i~ canh. arl·nrd1ng to
!\lr~ l.1lc (;ret•1111·a1 ,
1·h:11rn1:10 l'rocceds 1.1· 1 l l
bl•nf'ltt the philanthropy fund .
Tl!~· l'lub recently purchased
1~8 1ard~ of flannel material
lnr p;11:.in1as for chi ldren tn the
Albrri Sitton Jlomc. \Von1en
n1111;dl'S 111 lhc Orang(' County
p1 1l 1·u1 out und se11·cd lhe pa·
,\l•o cl011aled recentl y ror
the h(lll1t• 1vl're lace, rickrack.
thrratl ;111d other nolinns. The
1nal tT1a ls 11·rrc usrd i n
clnth1ng for the children .
A tn11r nf !he Orange County
.J;i!l·s 1101nen's sec!Jon is plan·
Fash ions
Fa~lu1u1 Forecasl fo r Fall ls
lhr th('n11' of !he 1-la!ecrcst
t l11b ~ .nu\ual r.1sl1ion sho\\·
:ind h1n1 hcon nex t Thursday
in tl1i· 'luh.
C'•1 ~1 11!. at 11 a 111. 11·lll ht>
f•\!IO\\Pll hy ;i huHrt al nrion
l 1)0rd 111.i1111~ !h<' ~how will be
l\1rs. Ji n1f'llnc Trent w11h fash·
i•1n, l1v Bet·linc and hair styles
1)1· l lni1 ~r or Lovelines.~.
·ctuh n1('1nbcrs modeling will
hr t11r '.\l111cs. John Consoli,
L.irl Ec:r!t rr, Thoina~ Berry,
l\ennrth Haze n. Robert A.
lh11 e~. Berna rd jl,.lalhieson,
11.in s1r.1yer. J oseph \\'hitacre
.1nd Li;s \Veisner, chairman.
OC Phi Mu s
Pl on ning Dote
Th ur5ciay5 from 4 In :'i P tn. Or:in~r 4 ':•Hnti• J'lH ~111
anrl wil l hr instructt'd bv l\h~5 Alunuiar \\ill gather ncx l
J\;11h,\· lla;,cs. . 1'hur,,!;ii· :ii R p n1. in !hr
~111dcot ~ ,1·111 lr:1r11 ~r111n:: \0rt 1a l,ind,1 hnn1c 11[ ~lrs
~kill s :inti 111:1kr l 'hn.•tn1;1~ E•h1;1rd 1\riilerson.
girts ror 1he1r f11n1 l!1r.~ ;ind ;\lrs. 1\rlh11r :--1rurk. fl\l'll(.'f
lricnib. Pl Thr Trunk 111 till' A!ll!'.
i\11~'"J1<-' l\i ~hir1g-1n rr)!1~1i'r 1)rangP, 11111 1:ilk nn llnbble~
l·:x1rn1ling 111en1brr~h1p tfl nr ohL1in further 1nfor111~11jn11 :111(1 1\1 1t1ques. J•'u rthrr 111 ·
nll 1·n1111nun1ty 11•nn,c.n in· n1av r.111 lhf' Y at fl!H-'15·\ll ur h1rr11.1t1 op n1ay Ix-ob l:1ir rrl hy
tercsted in 1hc growth 11nd visit tt1c officr al 14776 Beach ealling Mr~. Anderso n at 528·
1lcvelop1TIC11l of lhe Yl\1C1\ Blvd .. \\'eslminst cr. 7942.
program i:o:: !he nrwly nrganiz· ;;;;;---------------------;;;;;11 cd \\'omcn·s Serv ice Club. I
The rir~I Junchron meeting
or the ne\9 group \\'ill lake l
place at nonn Thuri::day, Oct
23. in the f"ishe rma n
rrstaurant, llunlington Beach I
and the club \\Ill meel lhe
fourth Thu rsday t::ach 1nonth
Introducing Be n St iles
Primary nbJCCll\'C of the1 rlub is to lli\'e st.rl'lct In the
)'l\ICA through volt1n1cer 11·orkl
and :r;pecial fund1n~ rvenls.
ttnd lo pro1·idc ser1 1ce to con1·1
111unity youth.
\Vnmcn and girli:: compri.~f' NOW AT
Wi1111•1 of I Hoir1ryll n9
.Appea1•d In Wt\!orn
lea~t1 Tr1ndt Ma,a1i110
mnrc lhan a third ol ttie 101<11 .JJ. 'W d J s, ft
Ytl!CA 1nembe rsh1p, and in·1 • [ " {
1erest"d 11·omr.n 11rf' inv11ed to l lt1· c.J ~ect tt ~f a .0 11.
call l'lli~s J rrl Dln1nArd, 8~7· 1105 Newpo•I l l•d. lacrou '•ti"' Cit1 H~lll 671·~136 ~~1411. fnr add 1 l 1 ° n a I Jll·1 • f REl l'ARll !NG It £Vl . Al'f'OINTMENTS
fonnalion. L.---------------------..l '
' '
the .wig for all seas ons
~ . --. ., .. ,;.•-,.
fro m Deltress of London
pre-s lyled, pre-cut, ready to \Vea r 18.99
This wig is truly amazing. It looks and feels just like rea l
hair. Bu t it's a whole lot easier to care fo r. It's pre-styled,
and you neve r set it Just wash it in cold water. Toss it for
curls. Brush it for sleekness. Try it. It's soft, silky, fu ll, and
natural. Because it's made of Deltress® modacrylic. With
co ntou r st itching on a stretch base. Cut and styled in l on -
don. Here no\v in a w ide range of natura l shades?
~ nfi bl.le:.:
·I darl.: bro\\ n
fl c.ht·~lnuL l1r011·n
H rrird111ri1 b1011n
11) 1r~ht hrn1\11
1 ~ redd 1<h IHIJl,11
17 l1;;ht brO\\n
~2: l 1~ht ash b!onclc :·R l 1~ht ,,uUurn
J~ .1ubur11
12 1 may co cosmetics 136
may c.o south coast plaza,
san diego fwy at br istol, c.o sta mesa; 546-932 1
shop mond•y th'" s•lurd•y I O•.m. lo 9:30 p.m .
•14 mi,cd btO\Vn gray
S 1 _c rav
1o1 plJ t1num bl onde
103 h!ondc
1 ; 12 :! J 1i;1ht fro~ted
8/ ,;~ fro,tcd
• r
' l
Costa Mesa Today's Final
N.)'. Stocks
UC Plans Davis Appeal
Max Rafferty Blasts Superior Court Decision
TRAGEDY TO TRIUMPH -Nc1l'port Beach postman Jim \Viern icz
~alher.~ his fam ily c:iround hi 111 a s he recovers a l his Co sta l\1e sa
home froin kidnry 1 r;i nspl:111( he r xpects 1vill allcnv hin1 to live nor-
1nal life age1l n. \\1tJ1 h1111 ;1r1: ~011. Uuanc, 10; da ughlcr , 1-,cggy, 3, and
\1·\fe, Sue.
New Life Begi11s
Mesan Gets Kidney Transplant
01 "'' Otilr P'llel Si.ti
Thr: middle -agtd !Jdy stepped 1o 1hr
Ride of th~ hospital bed in the small , nP::t L
room with ils get-well cards anrl f\011•eri;-
of C'(lngratulallnn and cnnvalesrrnl'".
She r~ached Qul In l he !>.1lluw n1nn
reco1'C'ring from 1n<i10r su TJ;!'r}'.
''She held my hand 111st !1kc I v.·:1~ hrr
nv.·n so",'' he s:ud. ''IL wn.'> a very t•n1n-
ll onal momcnl "
Jn a way. ~he 11<;1s h()]cl1ng the h;inU rif
her 01-vn so n.
William Scinsoth Jr . 22. l11·c:. thrnug li
James \Vicrn ici, 35. anri vit:c versa.
Wiemicz , 318 Ogle St .. Apt. D, Cns1 a
.Mesa. is at home this '1'r('k, rcenvrrtng
from a Sept. 7 kidney lranspl ::i nt at f.1 l.
Schools Sccl{i ng
Bargai11 ]{ate ~
On Ne ,~· Bonds
Ncwporl·~lc•a ~ch~H•l ollu \.11 :111·
tryl nil: In intr1('~l lul'al l1n.11u 1.11 111·
1;t1tutions in buyu;,i: l]1r1r ~1·hriril hund • 11!
Jess than tJ1e going 1111crr~1 ra1r ,,._ ,,.
public service.
And ir the sc hflOI rl islrir'I ran :-.w111g 11.
M:hool truste es feel ii. ,..,il l m;:ikr lhr1r
I.ask of passing 011 override t;i~ elr1.:11n n
Feb. 10 rasier.
"'hat they hope lo a\'Oid is a Uouhle 1 ~1 x
ls.5Ue ba!Jot thiit besides the nvrrridP a~~"
for repassage of $9 million in hoods ;it a
seven percent interest rate, highC'r than
the five percC'nt r;ite appro\'ed by 1·nrcrs
in the last go around.
Superintendent William Cunni n_gl1:irn
last week wrote letters to =ill the fin:1nr1;il
institutions in the llarbor Arca aski ng 1f
they ·woul d be Interested in p11rC'h.1sing
gchool bonds at five percent.
A couple of replies were cncnu rag 1ng,
tic told the school board 1.1onrlriy n1gh1 .
''The door has at i<'ast been opPncd.
Some inferred they are willing 1o talk. I
don 't know why but I'm a littlr b11 or ·
Sinai l lospital in Lus Angeles. now
\'lf\ual!y assured of a renewed normal
life .
lie v.·as .:i p:il1rn1 in a Los Angrlrs
<'ounly 1·on~<1lt~c:·nl homr -awaiting
:.no1hrr nrcic;il ol h,n·111c his poll uted
lilnotl c.:hrn11r:1lh• cll'anscd by an ar11 littal
l.idnr_y -ll'hl'n tile nexl protes~ was
abruptly t:<incrll rd. ·r he day bcfo rr. Los Angeles !Jodgers
J.11·111 <:!uh ba~c:h;i l l player l31 ll Seinsoth
had rolled h1,.; l:ar 011 a desert h1gh\\'ay
;1nd was llown 1v1lh critical 111Jurlcs 10
Ji,.u·bor Genera l l-losp1ta l, ·rorrancc.
He died there.
t )nr family faced vdth tragedy chose to
1ry to translorn1 it into triumph for
ot hers and n1ade lran5planta ble organs
from the body (I r the young athlete
.;Yadablc to recipient ~.
The long-aw;i1tcd kidney was ready and
.l11n \Vicrnicz had nn choice but 1o gam-
\\"it:rnicl him s('lf ki:-p! in tri m v::il king
h•« 13<rtk Blly Hnule ilS a Nr \1·rort Br;i<'h
Jlo~L Offit·r n1ail r;i rrirr. but the hea lthY
~1dnfy wh11·h rC'pl.acf'.'d h i~ own ral'aged
1 rg;ins m{'.:i ns n{•1v v1 t<1l1ty.
"1\ly lllood prl's'.'lu rc is abou t I.hat nl a
• uurp 1n;in and my bl'ldy chemistry 1<>
1a 1ri11<1l. J'l·r got ;i fr('f' d 1t't now trio [
j ,111 cat :1nylh1ng I 1\·:int." said The man
1\h1J~C' mrnu 11·;i~ ~o !'harply rl·~t rtcicrl.
S:itu rd<Jy night dinner -his first a!
h<•rn~ -began 11•1t h a rich ;i nli pastn
:;;ila•i made oy ci augh!r r Pe1<:.i;y. 8, In·
1·l11rl1ng greens, peas, lctlucr , cheese and
t·r1ltl cuts.
"And a big pir.ta w11h c:hersr. ground
hrt f -the wholr. 'f.1ary Anne'," .sa id
\\';crn1cl. 1v ho.~e physicians just one yettr
ago might not have gambled the price of
;i piZ7.a on his chance of ever regaining a
non n<1I hfc.
\\'iernicz !1 r.~t noticed his posta l joh
:;cc1ncrl to bc Re1ing hin1 down four
jcar.c; ag(1 and his doctor. hunting the
liOurce of the na ggi ng da ily fa tigue, found
a lit!lc kidney damage.
That diagnosis v.·as offsel by
a~:=;urancrs lh:it he could live to be 80
\1•i!h it, but .lint had glon1!'11J lonephritis
-on l3·1etter v.•o rd thal spells kidney
l:ii lure -and the near-fata l affliction
gn•rlually worS<"ned.
The \Virrn1rz lamily ~tlld more Lhan
!See TRANSPLAYr, Page ?J
Fron1 \\'ire Servil·cs
SACHA:\lENTO -State Schoo ls Chief
r-.tax !{affer!y has declared his suppnrl
for t11e planned nppea l of a court decision
1hat the firing of UCLA instructor Angela
!Javis is unconstitutional.
··1 don 't believe in Jelling members or
the 1nafia, murder incorporat.ed or a
Communist speak with my money on a
l1x-supported campus," said Rafferty,
the Republican superintendent of public
Schools Stash
Sex Literature
Till Tax Vote
A S('X rducalion curriculum wr itten for
Ncwport-f.tc,,a Unified District 5Chools
has been conveniently stashed out of
There see1n s virtually no possibility it
wil\ hr brou ght hefnre the school board
11nti l at leasl after the f'eb. 10 override
lax election.
..[guess it's fair 1o say it 's Jd nd of al a
ll \andslill now.'' said Schools S11pl.
\Vill iam Cunningham Monday night.
"Nothing has taken place si nce a year
ago la sl summer.
··All I can say is it has not come lo the
hoa rd," said Mrs. Marian Bergeson,
school board president. "\Ve"re not in ..
tha 1 ar(:a , .. 1 should say 'arena.' "
tl1r~. Dornth y Paul. chairman cf 11.
llarbor Council PTA coinmitlee that 21,,
years ago recommended th e school
di.~triel teach sex education, spoke Mon·
1!ay Lo a Nc\11port Ha rbor Chamber nf
Commerce committee looking into sex
Asked 1\•hat the school board is dning
abo11L lhc. rc>co mmendatinn now, she sa11I
rhc school board is "·aiting to hear from
the co n11nun1ty.
,\skcd when the schOl'll board ha s r vrr
!>aid lhf!t 1s what they are wa1ti.og for, she
.. If lhcy haven't taken any ac1inn and
1hcy've \\Tillcn a curricul um and they're
not doing anything ... doesn't it stand to
reason they're \Vaiting to hear fron1
Remarked Tom Gar\'er of the chamber
committee, "The board i.s sho\\·ing a very
low profile these days."
Dr. Cunningham admitted the proposed
''Farnily Life Program'' for the fichool
(li ~tricl had been c o mp l e t ed and
prc~cnt cd to him. tic said he had discuss-
ed it ~·1lh in ri iv idual borird mem bers.
II. ha s nol be en presented to the school
bo~rn at a ptrl11 ic meeting .
fl r. Cunn1nghan1 ~aid he pt"rsnnall.\' i~
11t1i1inE:: for thf' Ne\\vort Harbor Chamber
1 t·rornmrnda t inn.
llr. Nola n Frizlell c. chai rn1an of thl!:
Ch;,1nbc r's romm1ttc c, cs1imalcd !\1onda y
:h;i t the recom ml'ndat1on v.•ould be ready
1n .J<.1 nur1ry. jThat ts the month hcforc the
override electio n.)
La.~t week, Dr. Cu nn ingham presented
lhe ~chool board "·it.ha list of objective~
lor 1he schoo l year. Nu1nhcr on~ nh·
Jci·tivf> 11·as successful passage of the
01·crndc election.
A couple of othe r objectives:
Priority 8 -develop a program rm th!!:
erfrcts of drugs for grades 6. 7 and 8.
Priority 10 -develop a Jaw and order
prr.gr:i m for the elementary schools.
Not on the list of 15 objecti ves wa.~ lhl':
"F'an1ily Life Program," a Ire ad y
Asked about it, Dr. Cunnin gham said,
"l hadn't ev en thought or that, to be quite
Mrs. Bergeson said she hadn't nntic·
C'd Family Life was not on the list. "ll's
no! of primary concern at this time," she
sa id.
fllrs. Paul, a Cn~la fllc.~a housewife,
fSee CURR ICULUl\I, Page %)
·f.t ·'. .,
Los Angeles S11perior Cour t Judg<' Jer-
ry Pacht ruled r.1011d:iy lhat Angela Da \'ts
cannot be uarred fron1 teaching in a st at~
universi ty on the sole ground that she is a
Con1munist party mcn1ber.
University of Califo rnia regents fired
1.1iss Davis, a 25-year-old Negro assistant
professor of philosophy, on ScpL 19 after
she acknowledged be ing a Communist.
Pending .an appeal through school ad·
ml ni.~trative channe ls, she wa ~ permitled
lo gll on teachir:g a noncredit course,
"Rrcurring Philosnphical Then1e" iri
Alack Litrraturr," at lhe li nil'ers1ty of
Cahfrrnia at Los Ange les.
Allrr a hearing f.l onday on a taxpayers
su1l fil ed by fa culty supporters o( f.11~.,
Oa\'i5. Judge Pacht held her firing to be
uncnnstit u!ional.
He said if she could be ousted for being
a Communist, the regent.~ could f1r r.
1eachers for being members of othlor
Thomas J . Cunn ingham, g c n ~ r a I
DAILY 'ILOT 'hale ~y Ari~~~ Vo~MI
C'ln1111it19 fo1· llelpi119 ffn11ds
CoS'la r..1csa iYlayo r Al vin L. Pinkley leads applause at !vlonday's cit y
council meeting for DAILY PILU'J' carrier boy Roll Shado\vcn. 12.
\l'ho \vas honored for his Oct. 2 resc ue of drowning tot. \Vhile deliver·
ing papers, Ron, 951 Darrell St., spotted little Kimberly 1-lale bobbin,t:!
in S\l'in1 1ning p ool a t 2229 Canyon Drive, He jum ped in and pulled her
lo safety.
C1·osswalk P1·opo sal Get s
Reel Ligl1t F1·01n Cou11cil
A rontrO\'C'r~i;i l proposal to r limina le
the. f.OU lhernmo.s t of two rrass1.1•alk<; 0 11
Ne1..,port Boulcv;i rd at the 1-1 a r b Or
Bou!e.\•ard intr rser t1on mrl "'tth R rNl
light from the Costa tl·lesa City Counci l
The group wan ts Lhc ci1y Traffic Com·
mission and ex pc r1s from I.he Stale
Oivi.c;Jon of llighv.·ays to try other solu·
!ions to the peril.~ of ri ght·lurning lraffi c
versus pedestrians in tha t crosswalk .
Opposition among dow ntown arrn
merchants and residcnls \\'as sharp, with
!tome charging it was merely a st.ate pint
to speed up vehicular traff ic through. the
heart of to"'n.
Ci~y Traffi c En~ineer .Ja1nes Eldridge-
said he had a 10-minule vitleotape presen.
tation showing the problem, but
discussion never even reached its airing
before councilmen made up thei r minds.
During the talks Monday, concepts of
an overcrossing for pedestrians, or even
an unde rground subway with city-built
and leased .shops along the way were
difiCUssed .
Under the current signal 5elup in cf·
fet I. a pcdC'slrian v.-ho punches th, "'·al k
hulton al eithrr north or south crosfv1alks
on Ne'.l'port Bouleva rd face's ll len gthy
11 .111.
Frequen !ly when one does get the Walk
sign, it flashes off v.·hi!e a pc<ll!:slrian 1~ in
mid-crossing and vehicles released at
o1her poinl~ pose a safely thrC'a!, sonic
.speakers said.
.J ohn G. MacDonald. of l.'16 ~1agno!ia St.,
told the C'Ouncil he has been hit once,
grazed lwice and forced to jump lo
safety several times v•hile using !hi!: busy
in terseclion .
"You may be surprised to learn I find
it's safer to jaywalk," MacDonald
rlcc la red. adding the crosswalk elimina-
tion is simply a state trick to speed lraf.
fie through town.
Councilman George A. Tucker said if
the slate wants to speed up 1hrough traf-
f1t , ii ca n speed up construction of the
Newport Freeway and moved denial of
!he crosswalk elimination. The precedent has been srt. flc-c:1 n
View School District ln Hunt ington llca1 h
last month arranged to sell Sl.5 mil llrtn 111
bonds al five percent to United Sl;1lr."
National Bank, localed in downtown J lun·
ting lon Beach.
The going interest rate is C'lose r to .~ix
Newport·Mesa has $9 million or a s;15 "
million bond issue passed last )''ebn1ary
remaining unsold. State Jaw at that l1n1c
was thal the max:imum Interest rate a
publ)c agency could pa y was fl \•e ptrl·rn!,
lhe rate specified in the bond 1s.~11r. The
money loaning rate has since gone up find
the 11tate ).A)gislature has rai ~erl the legal
maximum to seven JX'fcCnt. !l11 l unsold
bond.~ rnu st be rr5ubn1i1!ed tn 'ntrr~ If
1hey are lo he sold at h1ghrr th;1n li\e
Sex Class Answers 'Why?'
Fellow officials indicated some othe r
solution could be found for the proble1n
and referred the matter back for ad-
ditiona l aludy.
• U.S. Moving Near
Cunnin~hrirn said the idea he has in lhr
bark of his 1n1nd is In :•a1gi.:r l\I lo lol'o1 I
banker~ 1nlrrestrrl Ih a! lh"v !"On1r
to~et hrr and kic k it around
",\!aybt: they don·l ~anl lo i;h;ire
,.rcrcts but I don't !hink 11us lo; 111 CQTn-
petitivr ,o1il11a!ion. ·· he tnld lhr o:choo l
board. "\Ve're R.~k1nj! ll1e1n 10 lake "
Mesa W oma1i Tells Grove School Approach to Course
()I lhl 0.llJ ,.Ir.I Sl•fl
"Jf VD is ~o easy to cure why h1 there
so much of it1'' the early.teen girl a.sked.
"l'coplc l\'ho have ll 11·on'l gn 1n tlll':
1loctor hf'CiHJSC lhry arc rmbarrassed
about it.'' said a boy her ag('.
"Th"Y know they aren't su pfl'lsed l!J,"
:inn1hct girl in the seventh grade rlas.s
SH Id.
"1\rrn'l su p[JCJsetl lo \\.'ha t'?" askrd the
"1111vt ie:irual cnntact," onr of tht-boys
~aid .
"It's not a law hut it's nnt rccont·
mended until tney arc marTied," a girl
repealed an earlier lesson as she
remembcrerl it.
"The girl you do 1L lo, her partnl11 .• :•
began a boy.
"Don 'l say 'Do i1,' " corrected the
Then the traC'her summerl 11 p th!!: point.
"You don·l go to lhc doctor because you
had srxual intercourse. You're f'm·
barrassrd because you know thHl ill a n11,
no. Society's no, no. For your pro-
That's the way the di~sion wt.nl OM
recent day in the classroom of Mr~.
Gordon Marsh, a Coiita Me5a resident
who teaches family li fe, 11e1: education
and dn1g~ to her scien ce classe11 at Bell
Int ermediate School in Ga rden Grove.
Ano:ther class. another hour, and a gi rl
a!'lked, "Tht1l V1'1 , what'11 it called .. .''
"VD," she was remlnrferl.
" ... can you ge l. il hy ki~8 ing ~"
''It 's possible. hut ils nnt as great a
possibility as "'ilh scxu1J I intercourse,"
f..1rs. f..1nr sh said.
"Did It bothPr you to find out ahoul
venereal di .sease1" she asked !he class.
''ll did me. It would be nice if thefie
things didn't e:ii:ist, but they dn.
"I haven't nl<•anl to frii;ihten you but Jt
IS.. SEX CLASS, Pare %1
Viet Cease-fire?
Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield said
loday Prellidcnt Nixon's latest orderll lo
rommander~ in Vietnam amounted kl a
11nil11teral cea~e-fire.
\Vhlle speculation rontinued ove r
"·hether Nixon might announce a
unilatC'ral cease-fire -in hi1' Nov. 3
speech to the nation, Mansfield said the
Prcsidenl already had made n basic
change in policy by ordering troops to
limit lhemselves to "protective reac·
A.~ktd by a reporter If this was a d~
facto cease-firt, Mansfield said "I think
lhRt i! whal protective reaction means."
roun i;rl for I.he rci::rn1s. s:11d "all ~r-
propria1 c ~\rps·· "'oulrl be taken lJl an
attempt to have lhe ruling rr \·crserl .
H~!ferty said the 1;c Uo;1rd of Regrnls.
or which he is a mr mbcr, hopes the case
"'ill go clear to the U.S. Supreme Cour t
and the panel will r ule "that sociely ha~
a right to protect it."4'1f fro1n its enernie!
and docs not have to subsidize the con·
l\liss Davis. a Negro, has continued to
(See RAFFERTY, Page 2)
TreasL1rer Joll
Report Sparks
New Skir1nish
A running ~kirm ish O\'rr n1uniclpal
mailers may fla re up significantly at the
next Costa !\lesa Cily Counci l meeting
v..·hen the Issue of a city treasurer -
diplorn ~tically avoided l\londay - comes
up again.
Pi$cusi;ion or a srcc:ia l re[Y!rt compiled
by a l..o_s Angele~ consull<111L !1rrn ur gin g
;.i holitiou of the O)(! !1lu lc1r office 11'tiS
sched uled bu t foresl<ill ~d as the battle
sh;iped up.
The report pul together by Grif·
fi>nhagen·l\rO<'gcr Inc, 1·oslin g $965.95,
i;uggesls shifting the trrasurer's nominal
n1ont hly dut ies lo Fina nce Director
Robert Oman.
Ci ty Councilman \\'i\li am L. ~t. Clair,
v,·ho pushed hard for the study alnng wi th
Collnt ilman George A. Tucker, now i:c.
1horough!y Uisg ustrd by the findings an~
has issuOO a lengthy dtsscnlint: report
.dgalnst it.
St. Cl air's dnC'ument, ranging fa r from
the treasurer matler 111 crrtain sections,
\\•as prrscntcd In lrlJnw r uunr l\m Pn
shortly before lhc n1rC'tu1s and Lo th~
pre ss aftrr it cnn1·cn{'rl.
\'ice !11,1yor Robert tll. \'.'il,nn im-
rncdi2 lelv no1rrl tl1ot he llarrly had 11 m~
1,1 s!.arl .-per11sing lhc dol·11rncnt <l uring
<linner and saul hi s reactions Lo \\htil he
read were negn li\'r.
He added Iha! St. Clnir himself com·
plained se\'eral rnonths ago abou t niat·
ters being sprung on councilmPn wi!hout
a.dequate lime to pon1tcr them and movC'd
a t~o-wcck or one-month delay of the
Una"·are of distnbu11on to nrwspapcr~.
the vice mayor said he hoped St. Clair
w(luld keep ·hi5 paper confidential until
c:ouncihn~n could 1veigh il individually
;i nrl (Onfer in npen scs~inn .
SL Clair said he h;1d already l1andcd
r op1r ... to the pr ess.
"Bill , \\'C elc~<:t a n1avnr and \1•e ~o
thrnui.;h the mayor Tl1;i1 's wha l we rlrr!,
him fl)r," said '\'1lson C()!J1ly, "! (l on"t
ll11n~ ~·ou'rr pla.1·1nl! 1h,.. i::aml' of protocol
(See THEASURER, Page 21
LA Coun lyG rand Jury
'fo P ro he Haid Death
LOS ANGELES (1\Pl -The cnl1nty
grand JUry announced lO<lay iL will 1n-
\ ts!lga te Nov. ~ !hr f:i la l shootini; nf a
\\'liiltier man by a Vcrnnn pol1r!'! olfir.er
during, a narco!1C'S raid earlier lh15
i:nont h. Hey~·ard Henry Oyer, 22. \\'as ~t ruck
Oct. 3 by a bullet from a rifle held by
J)etective Sgt. f"r;ink F:. S\vccncy. "'ho
'\';:1:, among several nflicers 1n an apart-
n1ent above the room where !Jyer was
holding his ch ild.
Orange Coast
Those desert 1vinds are slowing
down :ind shoulrl sive way to
cloudy skies on Wednesday. Look
for a high or about 75 on the
Orange Coast and oYcr the 80 mark
l\futu(ll f11nrf .~/i(lreliolder1
have hod a bod yPa r nnd Jina"·
Ci(ll colum11i1L Syl via Porter dis·
c11.~ses tvhot ra1~ be don e obo11t
it -1/ 011ylhi11a -on Page JO
for'lay. Jr 's t/1e 5lurt ilf a fou.r·
part serie s.
C••l .. rft<I • M•vt•• " C+•nl!lit H ·ll MUllt•! l'Wf181 ..
Cern1<1 " N•H ... 11 N1w, .. ,
(1'9HWVr• " Or•ftff (OUll!f • Dell~ !'IO!l(tt • 31fwl• '"''ff " l'<fl .. •l•I , ... • l"'8f'fo , .. ,,
EMeMalll'"•RI .. lllH:t "''"'"" 1 .. 11 1'111.,.ct 11·11 'tet1vhlo11 ..
W.<lot:Off .. '~"''" " ••• l ........ .. W1ltl'lt< • MllllH• • W1r lt ·~· .. ,
Mttllll•I • w ......... ,. ..... 1J.lf
Ke1u1 edy TV
{rape Played
At Hea1·ii1g
WILKES-BARRE , Pa .. (rr ll -A !wo-
t.lay hearing on a request for an autopsy
un the bndy of ~l ary Jo Ko~rhnr ended
tnday aftrr a [df)C (if l' S. Sen. Edward
!'-1. Kennedy's 1t'IC'\'lSCd r:.:pl<.1n:i tion of 1he
• 1t1ly 18 aecklt>nt 1n which tl1c girl ditd
\\as pl ayed in Ule courtroom.
Luzerne County J udgt Bernard C.
Bromin ski said he voould givl.' 2~ hour~
11;:[1ce before announcing his rul in g on the
r rqucst by a 11 th o r it i e s from
:.la.s~arhuselts for an autopsy nn the body
r1f !ht girl 111 ho died in a tidal pond in
Kenncd,\''s subme rged aulo off Chap·
paq:.iiddick lsl.:ind. ~lass.
Jose ph Kopeclln c, lather of t11r girl,
t C'~t10ed earlier that permiHing an
autopsy on his daughter .. ,.,,ould be jusL
like another funeral. \Ve have had it."
The fatht>r, speaking in a barely audi·
b!e voice, said he and his 1vi!e, \\'ho wa:oi
not in court, felt authorities "had their
chan~e. \Ve absol utely do not \Vant it
n O\V
Edmund S. Dinis, a ?ltassachuset!'.';
di~trict attornry v.·ho is seeking the
autopsy, did not cross-e xamine Kopechne
r!uring his one-mniute. appearance on the
Di nis rested his C'aSP.. during the mor n-
jn:; session after Cyril 1-1. \Vccht, chief
pathologist for Al legl1eny County (Pa.).
trslified an autopsy on a body exhumed
:ilttr four to six inonths could be '·quite
f niitful.''
Asked lo eslirnate the value of ·an ex·
It rnal examination done at the time the.
i;:rJ's body \Vas recovered. \Vecht said
'·To consider an external e,xamin<ition the
f',1d process of a n1edical and legal in-
\c.c.tigation is absurd ."
Dun Gifford, \Vashing1 011. D.C.. a
legislative aide to Sen. Kennedy \Vho w;is
called as a v;-itness by a Kopechne al·
torney, Joseph F. Fl<inagan, said he was
Ce !ayed until July 20 in rf'turnlng with the
body lo Pennsylvania because of bad
Jfe said he also lhoL1ght "!here \\"<IS ;i
question of lli'hether there 1vas a hold on
the body for possible autopsy."
Dinis, 1he first witness at today's
~rs~ion. fC's\ified he ordered an autopsy
(J'l the girl t11 0 days aft er ~he died but
was told lhe body had been flown to
After finishing his testimony, the
district attornC'y asked !he. courl to place
in the record a hand1\'ritten statement
1'.ennedy gave police concerning the ac·
ctdenl and a videotape of the se nator·s
teieviscd explanation of the tragedy.
From Page 1
rece:ve her S9.864 annua l salary ,1-hi!e ar-
peahng her d1.0 rn1ssal through univer.sily
A ~ked Y..ha l ~he lllriugl1\. the regtnts
wo11ld do next, she rcplltil .
''They\·e done a lot or really crazy
fhing.<,: alrea1y. l'l"f' given up trying to see
,;iny rationalit y in thei r behavio r."
ltegent Elinor Helle r of Atherton said
''Jn view of previous court decisions, J'n~
not surprised the regents' action l\'as
declared 11nconsti!utionaL \\'hat surprises
mr 1 ~ such a quick dcri~ion."
Former Gov. Edmund G. Bri"llvn sa1rl
he believed the court decision v.·as
""!eg2!ly correct '"
"It i~ not ;::i fJl lP~\irin flf 11hf'thf'r vnu
fa>'or it or :iol," Brown sai d. •·1 thin k ·the
rrl.!"n\s kno1v lhfv \1rre \ITOng cind I
think 1Go\_ Rnn ald l l!e;i~an knew it ,\·,1~
Ju~t. a pol1t1cal gr;ind ~l.1nd <•n his p;i r\ ..
State SC"n II L. H1chnrd sn n. formrr
rnemli~r ;inrl f'n1pl riye 1\f !hf' Jvhn nirl'h
~r\1'1Pt~" C'-1llerl .J11rlgC' Parht a •·carer!'
l<'fl1t 1 ., Thf' Arrarlia Rrpuhl1ran r 1t,..<l .1
1'J17 rrpnrt r•f !hr LC'_.:t:-.l:it11rr.·~ l 11.
i\n1Pncan ,\J'l111t1r~ 1-r.n un1llrc 11l11ch
rJ;;ted that 1n 1!145 r achl 11i·a ~ a gue_..,t
i:peaker bc[orr lbc A1ner1r;.in 'i'riut.h !or
Democraf'y. \1·h1 cl1 thr comm lltee con·
!endf'd "foi!ows !'he Communi~t Par1v
line ." .
Pacht <ltcli.nrri lo rrnnn1f'n! ro n
Ti ichardson·s state111enl. He 1ras 22 in
OUNGI Co.l.'1 PUil\ !5MIN~ COM,AN'I
l <>i:..rt N. W••'
f'•eilde"I •rwS P'\1111\tllf.f
J t c\:: R. C url1y
Vltt l'/Ulff~I •NII ~.._, .. Ml!lllrl
T~'"''' ktt¥:1 Edilor
T~o"''' A. Mu'l'l.i~• ....,.....,,.,_ E11Uor
CMt9 Mete Otflu
)JO W•1I l'y St .. 11
M1:1:~1 A.11.11110; P,0.102 15•0. •162,
Ok OHlcH
Nl'IP'll0'19ekl>· 1111 "'••• 1111-e,,._,tc~trf ._ • ......., II-•· lll ~o~ll ...........
Mvn11~r1en .. a<tl>. M l!n Slt1'n
OAll Y "'ILOI• •111'1 """OCll " <Ctnllil'ltf fN ............. , • .. ~,.,,..,. ~1111' I WlOOI S-••f ... ·-•'1• tdlllont "" tbo1• ""-· .. _. ~. L ...... •uo:ll, .o.,..11.,...,.
~ af'$ '""'""' \lt llt'I'• ~-.. Wiii\ IWO ... -1 111111'0!'•. ()n"91 c ... , Jlu&\l>'>ln;I.
C-flf ,..lft!!fit plfM> It• •I 1111 Wn~
BtlO.• 11-c!M 1'1-" IMtll, '"" J» weal
la1 JI'"!• (0'\11 Mr .. ,
T...,.. .. 17141 t41-4Jl1
. Cll11HIM ... ..,.,. .. ,, '41·1•71 Coo''""'· 1Nt. Or-cu.1 l'v1>11..,i... ::..-.. , .......... , "<I'"'· •11 .... l•tl-. "'·'QI"!•' ..... ,... .,. ..,..,p,,~,... hr'lift
-w be ._.. .-1"""" '""i.' -
...,.,_ OI <•w'""'' e.,,., "«"'4 cci.u -111e 1>11111 •' ...,.._. 8-" • .,. C"''" ~ ... c..morr"• :\utKl"'-11-> .,., <•"'-' 17 • """' .. !YI b'/' ,,..11 d .. -'lil!JI ,..nu.,., -11r1.1111n1. st• ,...,1fll't'. ,
------.---·---·-·--. . . '
1J'niting for ll'ord
Diet Food Sales
Drop on Coast
Uy .JANICE Bt:R~1Ar-o
01 l~t Dl llY JlilOI ~lt!I
Vond stores along the Orange Coast
havr noticed a drop in sales of diet foods
I.i nd drinks cont:iinlng cyclamate, now
b:ir.ned by I.h e federal government.
But m;iny store managers are waiting
lo l1ear frorn their <."entral offices as well
as fro1n su ppliers of the food . '
Retal!ers have until Jan. I to remove
the foods containing c y c J am a t e ,
suspecte<l of causing cancer, from their
s helves.
he would hear by the end or lhe dav
11ihether or not all diet. soil drinks and
other cyelan1a te-contai11i11g f oodstuff~
would be ren1oved from the shelves .
Jf they are removed, Ayvaz.ian said, t h!"
store "would probably get credil on mo~t
of lhe items."
"One customrr who brought some stuff
back was a little insulting. but that's th r.
only trouble v:e'v e had," he said. "Most
of the people have been very nice. and of
course we give them their money back i!
lhev ask for it."
Driver Feel& Bump •nd, t '1e Next T'1ing '1e Knows, He's Out of Control
At Albcrtson·s 1n Laguna Beath,
l'ianager J erry Baines said, "\Ve will be
dropping the entire diet line by Jetting the
!=-Lock run out. A few people are still
bu,Ying it , but we are giving refunds now
and l imagine sales will come to a
He recalled the cranberry sca re of 10
yea rs ago.
"The cranberry thing 1vas because thry
lhought there were insecticides 1n the
cranberries, but after a while. pc<1pl~
1vere buying thern again like nothing had
t'\'er happened," he not ed.
Monopoly Game Beating
Ends With Dad in Jail
A Costa ~tes<i father \1 ho allegedly
v.•hipped his son after the boy tried to sell
his hand in a Monopoly game to his sister
went lo jail ~1onday night on a child·
beating charge.
Michael T. Gallagher, 36, or 2230
Avalon St., \\'as scheduled for ar·
ra.ignment on the misdemeanor charge
today at 2 p.m. in Harbor Judicial
District Court.
~tichael P. Gallagher, 14, and his sister
Teresa, 15. were taken to the Albert Sit·
ton Home in Orange for protective
~u~tody after reporting the Swlday night
From Page 1
\vhen v;e gc.t hit 1vith fi ve or six pages of
lhis stuff."
''I've delivered things to you at home
before and you've said: 'Don't botller me
1vilh you r junk,' " St. Clair countered,
althuug h he had seconded Wilson's mo·
!Jon to delay discussion of the matter.
!11uch of the St. Clair essay, which pro.
inise~ to generate firc\vorks al tile Nov. 3
meeting, ranges far from. the specific
The four-and-a-h aU-pa!:e St. Clair docu·
ment was nol read into the record by its
;iuthoi' and Y>'Ould practically require
polnt-by-point reply. lt lacilly rejects the
nearly $1,000 Griffenagen-Kroeger report.
"Basically, I disagree with almost
('\"Cry\h1ng he say.~ 111 hrrc," /\1ayor A!1·1n
L. Pin\;ley co111m('11lrd tnday, speci fically
reh"lTtng t'l a complaint lha l. som e ex·
cc11tivcs .ire 011-thc-job-trainccL
"I \vou!d rC'n1ind !'ll r. St. Clai r that he i~
br.ing trained on the Job as a coun·
c1lm<1n." said thr.. mayor, \Vhn did not
~<>und pleased in his tones about the pro-
gress of tiis co1Jeaguc.
"He ge ts paid the :;-an1f' ;is tl1f' mayor
tl<•C" after 1~ J'ears on tile 3oh."' !11:iyor
f1ink]ry f'Ont1nuc(L
"This C:nffcnhagrn-1\rocgt·r report \IJS
dcn1n.nded by St. Clair and Cou11c·11n1an
Turkrr. Since the report rloes not sui t ~l r.
:-.t ( l.i1r . hr i., nr'l.; .in;; lo acc cp1 it," the
111 1\"~'r :<11'1
\11' added lh:it ii '''''111., llll1 lr 111 rrq\ir•I,
;11'v other ~\:.r1:1,1! 1 cp{l1·1 ~ 011 c 1 1~ 1~:;1a·~ 1f
1111 <.' arr l1l h? rPJe tlrfl hrca11' e they do
h• I Hllf •! 111 I I o•r, I"[ 11111~\:ii"' 1•p l11\f\11
\p 11!1f' II.I· 1111•!1 11i r• 11f!1tt' of ("I"\~\,\
\\t'·;:1 ~II'>' trr;i .. ur • r r1111 I'.' th<' l;itr \\'. r .
'C1 n1C .... f1r~l and 0111\ 111'1!1 lo 110\d (he
P' :1 aJlrr !hr titv 11·,1<. 1nrl)rporatrd.
\J r_ 1\1"~ died la'I ~rr1n~ :ind the 1~:;ue
h;i~ r11;i\\1111rd 1111 1l•.<,o\lrd lhr1111~l1 ~rvcra l
pablic d1scu~~1{lns . pr11 :itr ( 111111cd 111-
1rr1•lcws nf fl\f'. arrlu·a11ts, for lhe post
a11rl the cn~1 ro1rr~1a l ~tnrly_
Cn1111ciln1cn Tur krr and. SL C!:>1r hn;!"
p11~hcd for 1·rr11\1011 of a ~e p<ira!e city
rrr~~u rr r 10 ;i(t as a f111;111r:ia ! watcndoi:::
11·1\h full dep;rr1111rnl. lv~ad dut\rs instead
11f thf' SlOO·rer-monlh c1tli:cn-[1gurr.head
The reprirl !hey for("cd at a C'o~t "'
nearlv ~l,000 l'llJ:gests rlin1in:iting the 01d
piist 3nd turning 01·rr lhr rluli+-s -manv
of thc1n no\v \\·l1hin hi~ realm -lll
f in an ce Director Robert Oman.
Mesa Missionary
Meet in Prog ress
Tl1e F1lur1h Annnal T>.lis~·1nnary Con-
1.erPn ce of !hr Ccn lral B1blr Church. 2:lrrl
S!reet ;i nri nrangr Avl'n\le. is now in prn-
grr~s and "ill con11nU\' lhrou~h Saturday.
Th\" !1r1'. Dr. l"ny T ~tarr1. p:i ~l r•r nf
the Emmanuel 1''aith C;)111n1u11i!y Churcl1
nl EscondidQ, V.'ill speak Tuesday through
Friday nigh ts at 7 f) 111.
l 'sing 1hc co11fct1'fl\"" thr111r. "Lrt i..;_._
Lubor While There is Light," Dr. ~l arf'.t
v.·ill discus:<: a rC'cc nt trip lo various
n1iss\on fields nf thr. 1vorld.
Representat11"es fron1 ch ureh-i;upportrd
mission~ in Ethiopia. Japan, th~ PhiHr·
pines. El S11lvador 11nrl the U.S. \\'Ill
de.<1r-rihe fh('ir 11"Prk.
All n1ectings arc oprn In thr p11hl11·,
Ill egal ~u ntrihul ion s
LOS ANGEt.ES 1t.:Pl1 -thr Flunr
Corp. of Los Angclrs 11i·as indicted t-.lon-
llay on fl\'e count:; of making i!IPgal cOn·
1ributions to unidentif ied candidates in
11residt>nl1al and tongre~sional elections
lhroughou t the naiion.
The brother and sister told .JuvPoilr
Investigator Linda Geisler they were
playing ~tonopoly with their father when
young Michael tried to cheaply sell his
part in the popular in vestment game to
-They said their father forbid him to dn
so, then beat him on the face , head and
back, 6ending a younger child for a two-
foot-long board allegedly used to beat
hlm still further.
Miss Gallagher, who objected, said she
was struck several times during the in-
cident and clalmed she had to block a
blow with her arm to avoid being clubbed
in the head.
A younger child who reportedly cried
nut it was only a game was reportedly
threatened with punishment. according tn
statements taken in the case.
Badham, Schmitz
To Talk to GOP
Assemblyman Robert Badham a nd
Slate Senator John G. Schmitz will be the
featu red speakers Thursday when 1he
Newport Harbor chapter of the Califom1a
Federation of Republican Women meets
at the Newporl.er Inn.
Schmitz (R-Tustin) and Badham 1R-
Newport Beach) will address U1P.
Carousel Room luncheon meeting of thi:-
GOP group following the chapter's
business meeting. scheduled for 11 ·30
' rn Tl1r lun{'heon rnrcl!ng is open lri th\'
1·ro11• Page 1
1 did it's brcause so1ne of these things
arc pretty frightening." she cnntinued.
"There is no 1vay ~o put icin g 011 \'D or
dnigs. Sometintes truth is more frighten-
ing lhan a story."'
Discussion lurncrl on t.hings the cla~~
h:irl !ra rnt d \l'.11t'hin;:: rnri1·1r::. Fnr 1h~
~<'-" f'duf•;i11on Jl'1 r1 (•f the r·n11rsr lhrv arr
"t;1rl to \\'oman" <ind "Boy t'l /llan;'
n101·1c<: 1\'1dely used for :irDar;i\e sho\1'ing
111 !!"iris 11nd boys in school d1strirt..s 1h<1~
11nn'1 ha\r ;i :,ex f'rl11 rn l1nn prn~·rr111i .
,'\1) 11ri11rn n1a(rr1;!ls ;ire. 1•~L·rl fnr ·"'''
t'1lucalin11 instrurt10n in lhe (,ardrn
<-:1·n1·r t:n1fied Districl. nothing 1hal ciln
h" takrn rt\\'<lY from cl<>.ss ·and sn1ckrrt(!
(lier. !ns1ruct1011 is ;ill bv moires, ~pca kers (partlcularly for !hC dnig por-
ti,;n ·1 anrl class discussio11.
Pa rents are in1'ited to sit in cla ss anv
time, but not their own child's clJss. ,\
da ily assignment for Hie ~tudrnts is tn
rliscuss \1·hat \\'as 1alked about in clas~
11·\th their parents.
"Ho1Y many of ) J\l ca n ;i ~k ~our
parents fJlJ estions and gP I. good ans\1•ers,"
J\1rs. ~l arsh asked the class.
About hal f the children rai sed their
"Good for yo u i;uy.~ ... she said. '"That's
\\lien asked hnw 1hry thQ11ght th~
course could be l1npro\·ed, students ~aid
lh<'Y \vere mo~t interested in drugs and
1vould like to see more time given to that.
They didn't th ink much of the fan1 Hy life
portion hetause it \Yas boring, treated
!hem lik(' sissies and dldn"t tell them
any!hing the.v didn't already kn ow.
~lrs. ~1.1rsb asked ahoul l'hr sex edura-
lio11 portion anrl one gi rl \'Olunleered thr
t1pin1on, "\\'r"re c;{)l"ered 11·ha t needs to
\)(' ' ..
"Yes, rigl1l now for your age," ~tr~.
1l~11rsh said.
St>X discu5~ion for .seventh grarltr.~ also
i11r.1ll"es. the unplC'asan lry one boy
lirought up of havi ng lo kiss grandma
good ·h~'.
'"1 kn01v, there"::; nothing you like less,"'
?\1rs. ?\-tarsh said . "But whal if your
parents just cu l !his off. You 'd mi ss it..,
ll l esa W 0111an Dozes,
(ar Hits Utility Pole
/\ Costa t-.le~a v.·n1nan doze<l off at !he
,1·herl early lriday and continuf'tl straight
in~1e.irl 0r 1.1kiu~ a eurve in 11·tor1a
~trret, cr.1sh1ng lnlO a U1illl}' role Al
Can~'On Drivr, police ~aid.
F.:H:iabrth P. Ri('h, ~9. or 2128 Hepubl 1c
A1·r. v.·:..s treated for cuts and al)raslon5
:it to.~ta t-.1esa t-.tcmnrlal Jl nspital and
n l"a~cd rollowing the 3 a .m. accidc.nt..
Boulder Truck
Runs A1nuck· ' Driver in Luck
1\ tn1ck loadC'rl 11'1lh hea1y hn1Jld cr.t; fo r
\\"r.o;t Ncwport"s groin prOJC'CL sides\1·1ped
a ear fo.fonday aflernoon, crossed a bu sy
inlC'f .'J'.C't !lon . bn1shrd a sch:x:il hus. lhc n
sheared off a po11·rr polr.
But no one wa s injured, relieved pol ic e
recounied today.
Nick l,01us !'iw11111e~'. 21, Norco. driver
of the heavy trutk. told offi cers he tried
to change lanrs rin Nell'port Bov!eva rd
nC'ar 47 lh Streel al 3.25 p.m. and f('Jt a
Thal \\'as 11 tar <lr1ven by r h1l1p
~l rLaughlin, .17. nt t70J \V. Ba!b::>a []J 1d.
S\1·inney told police. he lost control nf
the truck after that coll1~inn <1nrl C'rosr.cd
lhe in\erset.·t1on, bn1sh1ng Lhe front ol the
b11.;. c1np1y r xrrpt rrir flr1 r er Jo;inne
!':rans, 41. of 2142 Orange /\11c. Costa
111e bus WtlS slopf>ed rn1 ·17th ~1 rer1.
After hilling it, the truck continued Jn
1he wrong lanes of Newport Boule1'ard
and she ared off the. po\ver pole..
The only injuries, ofl1crrs :;:::iHf, \1·rrc
Swin11ey's coinplaint of niinor pa111.~ lo hL~
uppe r body. He wa~ not hospitalized.
Damage lo the lrut k anrl rar 11i·as 1n ex-
cess of $200 to e:::ich vehicle.
Denis to the bu ~. polii::e sai<l , 11icr"
!I 11·;is lhr ~crnnd •r ;1~l1 <1]0ni: 1J1r
Or<inge Ct1<1st 1n as n1a11y d<1ys 1111·olv1t1~
a si:liool bu.~.
/\ 37-year·nld Fo11111a111 Va 11 r v
hou~r11 Jfr 11i·a ~ killf'ct jl\011rlav mornirr•
11 hrn her car pl o11•ed into a Jo;ldcd bu:. ,;
th at city.
;\ fe1v rhiltlrrn ~'ulfrrrd bnu~~ 111 !hr
jolti ng crash.
C U RRIC U LU ~i • •
h1ld the Chamber's con1mlltee abouL lhP
i:1vC'sliga1ions lntn se x education or 1he
J;arbor Council PTA .
Shr said spea~crs -and v.-nrk~hnp~ 11crr-
:irranged for C'ach ~chool PT:\ 11111! and a
1esolt1!ion asking for a ~rx rdtlcation pro·
g1a1n 1nrl11drd in ncwslellrrs to parents.
,~1 th" rnd of a ~l'<ir , 11l!h studv :ind ;1
1,1tt at al lc:i~1 1hc br,ard lr1·c1. ;he ~.1111
1hr fthn11! d1~tr1r1 !'T,\'s b.:illntc«I 21 111
J;i\'rw n( lhr rco~nlul1011, fotJr opposed. 11n1•
<iii.-t;.Jn and 1110 1H1 <111s11 cr.
Thf' fi ndings and \'ole rr:.u\I l)h'n 11 rrr
P•'CJ,r111rti 1n tli<' ~rhnol b0:ird 111 )11,,1• t :~i . :c.hr ~<lid. Th~il l<'d to study b,v s0hoOi
prr.sonnJ'! a11cl dunng 1he sun11ner" J'.)6:1,
preparation or 1he 110\\"·.~11(']\'td r ut··
rl culu1n for kindergart en through J2l h
".T.h~y may go back to sucaryl (an
<1rt1flc1al sweetener that contains no
cyclamale), and I read somewhere that
Pepsi is going to use a very small
amount of sugar for their diet drinks," he
At A('ord's ~farkel, 283 Broadway,
Laguna Beach, Glen Acord said "\Ve're
going along with the companies 'thal sell
the merchandise and are still leaving it
on the shelves. \Ve've had no refund re-
But . he. added that the independent
store IS now selling "verv little" in the ~·ay 01 diet drinks. ·
At Safeway, 1000 Bayside Drive.
Nc1l'port. BcaC'h, manager Bob Clark said
~hat sa le~ of the diet food "have been cut
In half, at !east."
'' ~s ~f now, v.'e are not anticipating
pulling it off lhr. shelves until January "
he saiC. '
Mel Lloy, manager or ?\Iarket Basket
1150 lrvine Ave., Ne\vport, is waiting t~
hP.ar from the store '.~ corporate off icet;.
··Not. n1rire !han three people 1v anted to
I iring the stuff back," he said_
'."iVe. expect. .i:norc, but 1vc·re probably
goin g lo learc it on the shelves and just
lC't it run out,"
C"ll (l1-r~· said ct1s!ro1nrrs h:id .slopped buY-
111~ a11d 11 rrc bringi ng back unopcnfd
I ;1rl0n~ Of /JI(•( ~OdtJ.
, 1\11d _at fli
charcfs Lido i'\larkct , 3·133
\ 1a Lido, Ne1vporL Beach, clerk J im
. "\Ve have brcn rC'lumlng their money
because we hare mainly good rstablishrd
l'U.~toi~crs and 11·e don"L 11ant to lo:;c
thr-111 ' Joe S<Jld.
.\l Thriftimart, 270 1 l!;irbor Bl vd ..
< nSlil .\lcs:i, m;:inagrr Art Ayvazian said
1111c '<'il r ago , 11 1lc11 he \\"as alrr;;dv ]J1'1ng
••11 l,'"11'101\••d t1n1r. lhrtt thc v ha·d deep
t.,1ti1 111 God, their fl 1ends, ·thr staff :Jt
1\Jf, ~ln;u Jlo~pit:i), and of course
i.h~:11sc l 1c:s .
· f\·e go1 to g•1'{' a lol of l'red1! to my
111f{', for h;11 i11g the bacl;bone to go
lhrc1•:i;:h <111 th1~."' \Vr1rnicz ~aid !11on dav
.Hr. also c~prr~~cd deep gratitude to th~
Sefn~otll fan1itv.
·1\"e expect 'in rcn1.:i 1n in co nt<iC'I ," he
lie. \1npr \ 1'1 rclurn to 1\·or\; soon. but.
.111~1 when de.pends on hi;; continutd
. Tlv11r<; 11111 1;ikt: 11111r-.
11 (' 1! I'~ l1;1o::k tn n0r111a l
\':1rrnir: .. 'hul c\rn 11•)11·
greeot '
r~1 r11luallv
lift." ~aid
th1_:. is JUSI.
1111 1 \lod e ! T ~!ri ppe d
\I li111I !h<'I' tol rl f.111~· !'1!:1rti11 h1~ 1927
il\ot:r 1 T ll'a;; f1n1~hcd. thry meant 1l
l1trrnli1·. •
~1 1trt 111. 11f z:ia Norlhumbcr1and A1•f' (Jf;;t~.c~. nr nvrd to pick llp the 1nod11ied
ro,1dstcr cit 2096 Harbor Blvd., Cos1a
?\f P~a. Jn.-! found S39~ '\\"Orth of ac-
(_e~.-;urlc.~ ~!t"ippcrJ.
Yovr Omrg'1
.Snit~ .l Str\llCt
A ~tn(y
At another Costa ?llesa grocery. Alph:i
~eta's store at 241 J~. 17th SL, J im 111·
lngi.\'orth. the manager. said, "lt"s I.on
early to tell if there 's been any drop in
He added, "H the pub!lt· doesn't want
to buy them , I guess \l'e'll take them off
the shelves."
In Huntington Beach, the nianager of
V.on's store 90, \VhO declined to identJly
himself, said, "An y inlormation on this
has to come out of our El ~1onte head·
And a spokesman there said, ''Thi.""
thing hit the industry like a load of
bricks." He added that he had heard thaL
some diabetics have been stocking up on
the soft drinks, and that thus far, therr.
~as been no clear indication of a change
1n consumer buying patterns.
Like Von's, ~1ayfair Market declined t•)
Cornparison Set
Befor e R epairs
On A ir Systern
'The air conditioning S\'S!cn1 ls out of
killer in the Co.~!a i\lesii: City Hall and
Police Facility. but il won ·t do to hold off
rr pairs unHl ne}.L 1vinte r.
The \\'Orn bearings run 1t1r heating
Lnil ts also.
Costa ~1esa Ci ty Council membcro:;
voted flt onday night to c'hec k around wi th
otrer companies before purchasinl!
rLp.!acement components valued at S2.()()(t
frorn the manufacturer.
?\layor Alvin L. Pinkl ey said I.he ci1 y
has encounteretd nothing but trouble ;n
t h~ two and a half years ~ince the unit.s
\\'ere installed and said !hat was a ralhrr
brief prriod of 11i·ear,
""You're right J'vl r. t-.ltlyor," sa id Fred
Scrs:ib;;I. assista11t cil y manager, "we've
h;1d no thing but lroublr ."
tl laynr Pinkley a!:i\;C'd about the
po:-~ibi lil y of legal action to recover a
portio~ of the an1ou n1, especially In Hg'h t
of disclosures tha t the architect'1
mech.:inical engineer never approved the
Sorsaba! v.·as optimist1c.
"The Hnnry11·rll Corporation does nnt
11kr th is sort of thing," he explainer!, "11;~
h<n -f.' ~very _ re.,~on lo be optim\.<;tic
something \I'll! be u:nrked out"
D espondent Mesa
Wicf o,v 1'akes Lif c
A Costa J\le.<ci hou,c111fe, de~rronrll"n!
n. r r the drath of hrr h1Fband l hrC'~
11·erks ;ign, v.-;:i~ found rl ead herself ?\·lon.
d,1v. holding his A1nerlcan Legion cap.
Doro1h.v C. J\1ngnid rr, 70. 111" -10it
fi prnard Place. left a note saying ~he had
lo be with him, accord ing to the Orange.
<:oun1y Coroner's office_ Invcsti'gators
hs!cd her death as n suicide .
--'---'"°"' •ilM 'II t
'ti-• ~•'Y t fl!'.O 0..,1~•
Sp ood,,,ulu "•te~ ....
<•rrv .... , •t l1t!ocl •ith-
n .. o ••1 111 odll:e 1 j;o~ ~.,
NASA lo bo "o'" hy eJ,
"''' o• n ..... oe•. 1•.
nco~•ltio•, i•~ly • ••·
,,.,,,j f <>r .,.,\lor.to, WATCH\'\( ll~'i' Cl""""°' FREE "'"'" "' 'reud I• to
yew• 1u•ho,/11d Om•1•
j1 ... 1l1r. Coror• i• -...
i~·• h1•d1om•, 1 huHo..,
~ cjif1, O"'•t • Spood111u•
tor ch1eoo9.,ph, Tho o•lf
....... h ...... ~ '''" ,., ••••
1~1 ""'''"· ,,,., SltL
I CIMNicl • OiW ~it• l'<>t Weir • All l ... td PIA.ILS $2.00
~~,~ s4ss •1-STIUN" f•a•
l lN"S $3.00 SIDO,lrOll
DIA.MONOS $6.00 AD ~fJ"U.CIO, ho•
~·llolr-JN!i-AVIN• DONI . -
Huntington Center
Beach at Edinger
WHIL( 'l'OU W.1.11
and back
Harbor Shopping Center
2300 Harbor Blvd.
545.9495 Ill
I ' I
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Do1v1a the
School Building
Plans Approved
have been approved for construction o[
n1! elen1entary schoo l on Del Obispo
St rel'L on property adjacent to Forster
Junio r l ligh Sthool hrrc.
011ly minor changes \\'ere made by the.
bo;i rd of trustees of lhe Capistrano
Ur:il1ed School District before approvir.g
ll:e facility which \Vlll contain ap.
proxin1a lcly 4~,000 sriuare feet with a
c;ipacily of 738 students with 25 leaching
e Slim Cla s< li /aled
l\.1JSS ION VI EJO -l!nusewives who
\\'ould like lo take off pounds while they
are doing their housework are invited lo
join the Sli m 'n Trim l'iass here at the
recreation center.
Sessions are \\1ednesday momini::s
between 9 and JI a .m. r-.tiss Caryl
Davidson ins1rucls the class 11·hi ch ad·
\·ocales ''dancing it off'' \1•it h techniq ues
dcsignld to accompany basic household
ch ores.
Call the center al 837--4084 for furthe r
Cotu1tian Killed
In llcadon Crasl1
A La l lnbr.1 man tlied in the v:reckage
of his c;i r car!y today as the auio
smashed heatl-on into a Lruck al a Ful-
}er1on intersection.
Fullerton police idcntifif'rl the vlctiin
as D.:ivid \\leishaupl. Z9. Officers said he
\1•as alone in the ciir.
Two n1en in the truck v.·hich colli'ded
\\'ith \\lcish.1upl 's car csca~d v.·ith only
mino r injuries,
Ofieers said the driver. Dou glas R.1y
L1Jsher, 33, of Port l;ind. Orl'gon and his
p~sscngcr La\\-rence Bradley ?ililligan.
2~. of Brea, were allowed lo go horne
aftrr emergency hos pital treatn1ent.
The accident is sti ll under inv estiga1ion
by Fullerton police.
Steiu.l1aus Rites
Scl1ec1 ul ec1 Friday
1\Tcmorial fune ral service." for r;iincrl
l~G Irvine scien1 i~t Dr. Ed\1'ard A.
Strinhaus 11•ill be held Fr1rlay.
Dr. St.cinha11s, :=i4, or 2415 Blackthorn
~L. Newport Beach, died Illondi.ly 1nom-
ing in his sleep.
fl·lcmorial sPrv iccs \\•il l be at II a.m.
Friday al Corona de! ll'tar Conununily
Congregational Church. 61 l Heliotrope
Ave., the Rev . Phill ip Murray officiating .
Prh'atc buri .11 ·w1!1 foll ow at Pacific
Vif'w l'rlemo ria l Park, Corona del l\1ar.
Dr. Ste1nh:ius is ~ur\i\"Cd by his \~·1fr.
t-1abry; l'hildrl'n , Tim and rinrty, of
the hnn1c. and i\l argartl Goct1., of
l!olland : hi!" 1nothr-r. ;\J r.;. 1\ Ii 1' ,.
~tr-1nhaus, and brothers Halph. John and
Lag una Approves
\\'i!h the ble~s111i:: nf the City Co11ncll,
Lagu na Beach youngsters v.•ill be able 1.o
cornhinc !heir llalloween run \\•i1h lending
a helping hand to Jess forlunt c children In
other lands.
Adele 1pscn. Laguna rcprlsen1 ative or
the United Nations Coastline Chapter,
v. ill guide this year's "Trick or Treat for
UNICEF'' program, proceeds of v.·hich
\~·ill go to the United Nations lnterna·
tional Children 's Emergency }<'unrl.
Children 1vho v.•ish lo participa te may
obtai n official coll ec tion containers from
Illrs. Ipsen, 127 1 Cliff Dri ve, nr call her at
4~4-4320 for delivery of the kits.
Also availabl e at l\lrs. lpsen 's home are
UNICEF Christmas cards.
. , -'
•' t
Ai.~ . • ' l
' . ' .,
' )
; i\:f!: •
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Spinning Through Space, A Gi ant Lab from Wh ich to Probe the Un known
Space Station Plans Told
Huntington's Astronautics Chief Predicts 1975 Orbit
or !~• C•tlY Polo! ~!Ill
Designs for 3 12-man earth.:irbiling
.SJX!Ce station v.•ere revealed Iltond;iy by
an engineer for !11cDonncll OQugl;1 s
AstronaulK'S Ccmpa11y 1n Hunltngton
Speaking before lhe annu:il rncc tinir <if
t11e American Institut e <if Acron;111l.h'S
and Astrona utics in A11nb•·i111 , Frit z C.
Jlungc, !i1cDonnell Douglas prog ram
n1:inager for adv<1 nced sp;-ic:c :-.tc11 1on~.
!'i<lid the station could be placed into orbit
by a S;;iturn V <ler1v(lt!ve vehicle by 1975.
Shuttle \'Chicll's of an advanced lifting
body conf iguration, he said, eould frrry
the ere\\' to the orbi\lng co1np!cx, if 1hc
teurrent r.'.l \e Of tcchnologic<i l progr('SS
conti nues.
"In thrre to fi\'c years," Runge said,
"'this 12-nian space station could grow Ill·
to a 50-man space base by t he adchl1on of
esscnllally duplicate modules 10 the
original one.
''As many as five modules with dif-
fere nt lypcs or experi ments coulrl be
clustered to form such a space base
travelin g abnu t the earth in a c1 rcul;i r
250-nautical-milc path. E.::ich n10(1ulc
v.·ould be a five-floor structure, 33 Ice~ 111
Quiet Propeller
Airport Ans\vcr?
A nC\\', fJUict propeller \1·as heraldf'!rl
r.I onday by l11·0 scienti.~ts :it lhc
American Institute nf Al·ronautirs an<I
Aslrnnau!ics Cnn ventlon in Anaheim a<.,,
11o~s 1hle 1ncthocl of reducing no1~c al lorat
a1rr.o rt.;.
1 ;r.1r.1~e Ho~r11 :1111! C:i rl !1 nlir h:i1'h, 1110
rl'~.1rcher$ ::it ll :i1111hru1 :-itnnd:irc!, :1
rh1 is1or. of L:r11tC'd Atr\'r:if!. s;i1 1l the nois1·
prohteorn hrt•(1n1l's enn1r10LJndi·d 11"1!h re-
<'cnt cnr.~irtrr;1\1<1n ~ of shurt tnkc off nnd
lJnd 1n~ 1STOL ) .1 nd \'crv short !ak~' o!f
;ind k1ntl 1ng j\'-STOLJ Pinn:; 111 hc:n1ly
p0pulaLed e11y cen ters.
The l •f'll' prnptller 11·nukl jrdtJCf' no 1:-r
lo <i s1gn1 lir~111tly low 2.)-:lll dec ibel lcv~·I
1l1rn11gh sc1'er.1I clc~ign 111no1a!inns, i11-
r ludrng Jnwrr llP sp1•rU, le:-.:-ll'C1gh1 and .i
different bl ade shape.
Billy Crahan1 to J\Ia rk
Nixon Prayer Day
\\'ASIIINGTON (AP) -The Rev. Bill y
r.raham 11·i!1 <leliver hrief remarks an<l a
bened iction \Ved nesday at a '·Nal1ona l
Day of Prayer" br cakfa.')t al the \Vhtte
Prcsidenl i\ixon lias invited prayer
group~ from the House and Senat e lo a l·
tend the hrcakfast. 11nd a sena tor vo'ill
read the scriptures aL the o\Jscrvance.
l11:1n1c!l'r and 40 feel in length."'
Once pl;it•cd in to orbit, the pr imary
purpose <if the station will be to provide
.::ir1 ~ ... tra-tl'rrestr1al base from \Vhi ch to
conduct cxperin1cnts in astronomy, spa ce
~e1cnct·, ITIC'Leorology, marine life, gcol·
,,gy , ;:iir and \1•nlcr pollution. crop di sea se
<J11ri other glob;:il pheoomena.
!'ipt•t111l mnterlals may some <l ay be
proce~~cd in th e \veigh tlessncss and
VilCUtnn in outer space and experimenis
in that (Jireet ion \Vil! be conducted by the
J 1r~t rncn lo inhabit the station as well.
As <Jn e.~a 1nplc of such proclu c:tion,
Hunge t·itcd th e possihilily that vaccines
can be' gro\·10 laster in spacC', thus pro-
'ul1ng a qu icker reaction capability to
counter epidemics on e.1n h.
J{ungc said the space base \vould $erve
;1<> the control center for the free-flying
nioc!ules \\ hich \\'OU!d maintain a
:-.f'pariJ\e orbit because or C'fflucnt and
\Lb rations problen1s that might affect the
The unma nned modules would be
c,1 pable (J f carrying out their own scicn-
t1tic rx pJora t1ons autom<111cally and cou ld
lie dockctl to the central base al ~'ill, ac-
Ll.ll rt1ng lo Bunge.
Portion s nf tile b;;sc could be rota ted
around a central core to provide artificial
gravity for vis itors unfam iliar \vith ex-
trnded periods of \\'eighllessness.
Six months \\'ould be tho maxiffiiim
tin1e a crewman wo11ld remain in space
base. ciccording lo Run.qe.
Electric power would be developed
either tl1rough large solar panels or
lhroug h nuclear power if lhe technology
is sufficiently advanced at that time.
Between 25 and ICl!:l kilowatts of electric
power v.·ill be necessary to operate equi~
1nent in the station. That is 25 lo 100
times as much electrical power as in tile
aver:1gC' Southern California home.
tl1c1Jonnell Dougl as scientists Robert L.
Gerva is and Vern D. Kirkland said p!)\\'er
ren uirl'mcnls for the 50-man base would
be · increased to JOO-kilowatts and would
bc~t be handled by two nuclear reactor
~")'s1cms weighing S0,000 to 75,000 JXlUnds,
Initia l power requirement for the 12·
n1an station would be about 25 kilowatts.
l\1cDonnel l Dougl as is one o[ tYlO
Orange. County space indu stries who were
recently awarded two parallel design
feasibili1y contracts for space stations by
NASA. The othe r is North Am erican
f{ock\\•e!I Corporat ion's space systems
division in Seal Beach.
* Engineers, Medics Eye
' . -' -__ (
Better Communication
Crnwing !'oncem abo ut the Jack of
1·na11nun1cat1on hl'\\1'ren ae r o s pa c e
1·11i:1nr-er<; and n1 l'tli1«1I personnel v.·a<;
\ ."Jlt·e(t ,\1onftay a1 !he ann11<1 I meet1ni: uf
:he lnst1tutf' r.r Ae ronautics a n d
;\~lron:i1111c~ 111 An:ihf'!m.
"\\"c nr "d tCl cncuu r.1ge further cnn-
l.1r1, 111 t•\rr·y 11,1y pOS!>1t1lr,'' said .Jnhn
H1ll1ngham. ;1r11ng chirf of t h c
h1n\i>1·hnolngy divi sion at NASA's Ames
/ie<;carch ('cnti•r.
II" ~1"tPll 1·d 0111. 1 h ~ nrerl for in·
tr-r(l1\cipl111;irv r o1nmun1r;1t1011 during a
p:1nel rl1scu~~i rin 011 the. impart of
:H'r :i~pac•t• ~c1ent'e ;ind engineering on
b111lng_v tind m0rl1c1ne.
"The 1111plit'all Ons of such com-
1nu n1cal ion arr .')0 enormous lhal we
ean'I. eve n begi n lo vis ualize them lo-
da v." he s:11d. i~c added !hat Interdisciplinary in·
lerac1ion \\'ill probably nnl be presenl un-
11 a fast, up-to-date informat ion ex-
Auhrcy to J-lead l\felro
NF.\V YORK (AP) -James T. Aubrey,
forn1cr he.ado[ CBS-TV, loday was nam·
rd pre..<;1denl and chief executive of
?ilctro..(;01<hvyn ti.·laycr, Inc.
Tht• $0-yea r-0ld Aubrey replaces Louis
Pol k who has held those ~sts sin ce
change system is availa ble.
"\Vhal we need is a streamlin ing of in-
formation, sur h a,, a lrlephane syi.1en1 or
d:i!<i ban k lo tell a resea rcher \\'hat is
.ilready knO\\'n about a particula r subje<'t,
and more importantly of v.·hat is cur-
rcn1 ly gl'l1np; on."
l3ill1np;har11 said it would pr oba bly lake
11) years before such a syste m would
brcon1c renh ly.
1\leanwhilc ' ' .<:pi 11 -o ff s '' from
;i~tronaulir nl research arc find ing their
l\'ay inlo th e bail iwicks (lf biologists, he
~;iirl. These include a method of predic-
!1ng fish harvcsls, studying the gro1vth or
al gae to prcvenl sea pollution and a
system for monitoring bacteria In human
urine samples.
lllf!day, Octobtr 21, 196'1 S DAIL V PILOT iJ
Trouble Hinted
Soviets Ready
Space Station
The first manned space station to orbit
the world may bear the red hanuner and
sickle 0£ the Soviet Union .
Space experts attending the aMual
meeting of America's most prestigiou11
aerospace society Monday in Anaheim
said the Russians already have flight
tested all the elements of an embryonic
space station and may soon attempt to
create one.
A major puzzle, they said, i11 why no
such station 1,1,·as put together during the
flight of Soyuz 6, Soyuz 7 and Soyuz 8 this
month. The answer may be that trouble
developed during the flight, they sa,J.
1'"ritz C. Runge, space station program
n1anager for the 1i-fc0onnell Douglas
Astronautics Company of Huntingtoo
Beach, said the three space vehicles -
carrying a total of seven cosmonaut s -
CQnstituted the sections for "modules" of
a total station.
"They had s pace station equlpment up
th ere," he told a news conference at the
sixlh annual meeting of the American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
"They essentially have a minor space
station right now that Is filghtworthy. I
don't know why they didn't use it lancer •
They may have had trouble."
Another possibility, Runge sald, b that
Lhe Russians Y.'ere testing the statioD
comJXlnenis individua lly before trying a
flight to link them up -a technique
already demonstrated on earlier Soyu.i
He said he would not be surprised if the
Russiam tried another flight soon lo link
up several vehicles ,
The Ru ssians, although p o s 1 i b I y
operating on a faster timetable than the
U.S. are not ahead in developing the
technology to build space stations, 11aid
Charles R. Ellsworth, of the U.S. Space
Agency .
Ellsworth, manager of the agency'•
early space station program at Marshall
Space Flight Center in Huntsville. Ala .,
said the U.S. today has all the
lectmological know-how needed lo build
space station. U.S. plaM call for a three.
man orbital 1,1,·orkshop in 1972, followtd ln
1975 by a 12-man space station that would
be enlarged, section by section, until 1t
became a :;().man space base by 1980.
Plans for tile space station were a ma-
jor topic at the meeting today and Mon·
day. i
Laguna Council Studies
Trash Disposal Issue
Resalts of a detailed study of Laguna.'!
trash disposal problems will be-presented
to the City Council at a study seS!lion
\Vednesday night
Mayor Glenn Vedder and Councilman
Roy Holm have been holding a series of
meetings with twu experts on the 11ubject,
John Lindley, whose Laguna Beach
Disposa l Service Inc. has been serving
the city for the past decade, and Tom
Trulis, owner of Solag Disposal Company
'''hich services South Lagun a, Dana Point
and Capistrano Beach. Trulis would like
to bid on the Laguna contract.
The trash problem has been littering
City Council agendas since early April,
·when Lindley requested a three-year
renewal of his present contract, which
expires Sept. 30, 1970.
Lindley exptaintd that the job of co).
lecling Laguna'!: trash requires long-
range planning because of special loca l
problems. It is necessary to replace
trucks every two years becau~ of the
Slide Lectures
Set for Laguna
School of Art
Inneli Desenberg will pr~sent a new
~cries of slide lectures and museum lours
fnr the Laguna Beach School of Ari and
Desig n. beginning Nov , 12.
Fralured in the tv.·!ce-monthl y 1eries,
meeting at the school at 9 a.m, \Ved-
nesdays through February, will be the
Vincent Van Gogh ex hibi l .al the Los
Al'gelcs County tl1uscum .
A nat il'C of Gennany, ~irs. Desenberg
\Va"-edueated in London, Madrid and at
lhe University of Lausanne, and is an art
history graduate ot the University of
C.::il iforn ia at Berkele y.
A v:ell-known art columnist, !!ihe also
taught "Discusions aOOJt Art'' for UCLA
exl cnsion <1nd has condu cted art tour11
and lectures for the UCI gallery
Enrollment In the setics will be limited.
F1,rlher infonnalion is avallable a~ the
school, 630 Laguna Canyon Road, 494·
hilly topography and to ketp lllftidet'lt
help to maintain two men on each truck
for safety reason!!, he said.
lie Also noted that, 111i1:1-"e 1ub9crtptian
to trash plck·up service is not compulsory
in the city, more than 100 businesses do
not subscribe and, among resident! who
do patronize the trash pick-up, there
usually are more than 500 delinquent. ac·
"'"""-After discussing the possibilities of
compulsory trash pick-up and billing in
cooperation with the water district, which
could shut off water for nonpayment, the
council named Vedder and Holm as a
tw<>-man committee to delve further into
the matter.
Trulis entt>red the picture by sug·
gesting that the city al!IO consider con·
tract bid11 from outside f Ir ms,
1pecifically, his own.
A!so due for council scrutiny 11t the
study session Is a request from Earl
Secor and other property owners in the
900 blocks of Glenneyre Street and S.
Coast Highway that the city act lo open •
tw<>-way dead-end alley running !Olllh
from Thalia Street between the two traf.
fie arteries.
The Anita Street end of the alley wa!
blocked to through traffic by construction
of the Laguna Beach Mortuary in the
1930s. Secor states, and possibility of
egress to GleMeyre Slrt"et was further
bl ocked in the early 60s by construction
of an apartment building.
The request urging that the alley be
opened to through traffic going south has
been studied by the city staff, wbicb will
report to the council Wedne11day.
Actor Paul Lukas
Injured in Accident
PAL~f SPRINGS (UPI) -Academy
Award-winning actor Paul Luka!!, 75, suf·
fercd a fractured co\arOOne and ribs
r.1onday night when his car was
sideswiped and it slruek a utility JXlle.
Lukas, who lives here, was alone at the
time of lhe accident, which occurred two
blocks from Desert Hospital. A hospital
spokesman described his injurie11 as
"very painful.''
Niguel Proje~t ·011'
6,000 to Occupy $23 Millio1i County Plant
The North America n Rock\\·ell Corp.
doe~n 't plan to sell its ziggurat to Howard
Jlughes or anynne el.~.
So said officials of !he corporation"s
Autonetic!l division today when ques-
tioned about a popula r rumor blossoming
In aerospace ranks and other nooks and
crannies of Oran~c Counl y.
'fhe story -\4''hich has variations on
lhc theme -puts the seven -story
\Babylonian pyramid) structure up for
:ialc. :n r.scrow or you name it
Not S-O, said Dwain C. Freeburg, direc-
lor of Autonrtir.s Laguna Niguel faci lity.
Although delayed by winter rnin s last
year ar,d sumn1er strikes involv ing four
1lifrerent unions. worlt ill busll lng along
towanl an occupation date of mid·l970,
posi.1bly J uly.
Freebu rg said 5.000 l.o fi ,000 cmployr~
arf' lo occupy the $23 million facility in-
They are, he said, Autonetics' data
sys tems_ di\'ision jairborne computers )
and the tl1inutcman (I CB~1) progra1n
managemenl group. Both arc slated lo
mo ve from the Anaheim complex.
F'reehurg said many of the personnel
are TIO\\' in trailers or leased bui ldings al
the Anahei m facilit y <ind Ille co1npany
prefers to house the di visions Jn its own
fatilit y.
He said lhc rumors -!)1Jmc of ~·hith
arc pa~scd .<llnn1: hy Autonet lc~ pc<if•IC' -
probably sprang from the plan!\ I an·
nounceri Saturday) for a 7:10-acrf' rf'sidf'n·
tial comn1unily adjacent tp the P.lant site.
It i.~ to include single family home s,
NJUeslrian estat('s, apartmcnt.s, a mobile
h0mc park and a 35-acre recreation
frf'Cburg said Autonetics bought 1.340
acres from the Laguna Niguel Corp, and
the tl1oulton Ranch. Only 326 acres are
for the plant.
Th.! zigg urat design is at this point
abollt tlirf'e layers high. Inside it an
cigh!-story crane lacilitales I.he work that
is addinEt t.hc -Other four layers or stories.
But while those sto ries arc being ad·
r!c.d, sn are the kin d lhat people enjoy -
the inside scoop type about pending hig
Th ey ju~t aren't so, said Freeburg, who
ecknow!etli;es hearing the san1c stories.
D&IL T' I'll.OT ,.,_. n l;lcMfto iltllMW"
Oe1pit1 Rumors, Laguna Nl9uel Zl99urat Wiil R.•m•ln In North Am•rlcan f•mlly ,, ,... . "° '
........................................... --.............. -------~~---........ ----------~--------,T-·------:--·~-~-··
/\. n1 cn1ber of a lccn·agc rock
band is free to return lo school this
\vce!c jn atcord \\J lh groomin g
rules -provided he l'Oncl·als his
shoulder-length tres.scs under a
short-hair \\'Jg. Pare1r1s of Dale
Boeck, 17, !old Muyville. \Vi s., high
s.chool officials Jast \Vcck the v.1ig
had been ordered. and the school
board voted 5-1 to accept the co1n-
pro1ni se. J3occk has been out of
::ithool !'\IX \I eeks. refu sing to trin1
the hair stvlc. \rhich he said \Vas
part of hi s· professional music at-
tire. 'l'hc board had ruled 1hc Jong
hair \'iOli'tle!I a ).!roo1nin,e: code
adopted by the stu dent council.
' f,
I .
• -· En roll 1n ~11t in scnrrnC1ted pr1v-
11tt. $Cli ool.~ ia rlie Sou rh lias in·
creased 1e11 )old si11cr passnge
, of 1/1e J.964 l'ivi l f~1ght.~ ~\ct. n I'
Russian Konstantin Feoktistov (left ) and Frank Borman Join 'Dolly' on Stage
t j 11ub/u·tn1011 uf //1r Sou/Ju·r11
1 llcriionat C..'01111c1l 1111-; rcplitll'li.
7·11e 1111blicu11n1i suid 1uuu11 u/
the sc/lools are uouarcreditrd
i' and substandard. Jt said the
school~ Teprrsl'nt the lnrgest NY Welcomes Cosmonauts
t1bs1ncle 111 racial sr/1001 rlcsCQ· t ~ reya/1011 n11lf qun/1111 educattu11
'' "' ,,,. }1111111.
Soviets Do Big Town, But Drink Only Vodka
• The quarterly electric bills for a
nudist camp in 'vestern J~ngland
ranged lr(Hll a!ar1ningly high to
arnazingly lo\11. Curious, the can1 p
secretary started asking questions.
The southwestern eleetric board
held an inquiry \Vhich revealed the
regula r meter reader for the camp
had been renting his official cap
and bad,ge to friends for 30 cents.
1.'he friends \Vere 1nore interested
in the sights inside the can1p than
in meter reading and J1ad errone-
ousl y jotted d o\vn the figures on 1the
rnel('r dials. The electric board
\Y Ould not say i[ the regular reader
had been .s lrippcct of his JO b. • Paulette Wh itworth, a banking
cons ultant fro1n Nashville, Tenn .•
\Vas nan1ed "American Busi ness
\Voman of the Year" al the \\'eek-
end c·onven1ion o( the Amerlcan
Business \Von1cn·s Association lll
Detroit. • •
NE\\I YORK !AP ) -T\ro Soviel co~
monsuts took in a Broadway show and
dined in a 1'~rench restaurant on their
first day in the L:nited States. They drank
t.nly vodka.
One of thctn said their warm wc lcon1c
'·revealed humanity at its best."
J\1aj. Gen . Georgi T. Bcregovoi, 48, and
Konstanti n Feoktistov, 43, a civilian, ar·
rived in New York J\tonday from Moscow .
They immediately decliried an invitalivn
to ~layor J ohn V. Lindsay·s reception for
1he New York Mets, the baseball v;orld
''They have just had a 12-hour jet trip
and 1hey're pooped," said Col. t~rank
Borman, the U.S. astronaut who is their
host on lhe two-week tour.
Beregovoi and Feoktistov went to their
Plaza Hotel suites to rest, then went to
see "J-lel!o, Dolly!" with Pearl Bailey and
Cab Calloway.
r.1iss Bailey brought the So v i e t
spacemen and Borman on stage after the
Scott Rebukes Agnew's
Attack on· War Critics
f:cpublican Leader I I ugh Scott, rebuking
\'ice P re~ident Spiro •r. Agne1v \Vithoul
n<l1ni11g hin1, h;is called for tolerance and
;111 ('nd lo •·name calling and accusation"
111 the debnte, O\'Cr Vi!!tnan1 .
Scott. in his most evident disngrce1nenl
11 !1 h the \V hite House since his election as
the <;or·s Senate leader ;i rnonlh <igo.
~:ud "tile <1dn1inii;tralio11 rnust accept the
~1nrcrC' intent of this debate and of
ilcn1on.')tr:itions" :is a phenomenon of
frcedo1n and a product of anguish over
!he v.·ar.
Scott's v.·ritten statement, volunteered
Jate f\.1onday, did not mention Agnew. But
a source close to the GOP leader made
('iC'ar 1he staten1ent was prompted by
''gncw·s Sunday attack on the war pro·
te!il n101·erncnt.
Agnew, in New Orleans. said leaders of
lhc protest moveme nt are "hard core
d1.~sidents and professiona l anarchists."
The vice president said they arc being
Pncouraged by ''an effete corps of in-
pudcnt snobs who char a cteri z e
thcrnsel ves as lntellecluals."
sho1v, to a standing ovation fr orn the au·
d1 ence.
"/ love you," she said, and kissed each
on the check. •·But tell me, how do you
rnanag(' to fly up in space like that?"
"You ha ve lo have tlme and ability lo
everything," Bcregovoi told her.
•·J1ow well I know, honey~ llov.• v.•ell I
know," r.1iss Uailey chortled, and the au·
di ence roared.
The party then 1vl'nl to Chez Vito fQr a
late supper. The cosn1onauts ordered Co-
quille St. Jacques -a scal!ops·in-crean1-
~auce dish -steak and vcw.lkt1.
Beregovoi tolcl new smen. "I '' ;1s \'ery
n1uch impressed nol so much \vith JUSt
the city as \1·ith the people and esprc1al!y
the memorable people in the theater
"'hos e v.·elcome su rpassed cordiality
because It rc1 ca led humanity al its
1'he spacl'mcn surprised the i r
American hosts by announcing thC>.Y could
nol make th eir scheduled stop al Cape
Kennedy, Fla., Y.'here ,\merica launches
its moon mi ss ions.
They gave no rxplanation, but some
A1ncricans 1raveling v.•ith the par1y
spt'l.'ul;1led ll1<il 1'-'lost'0 11' fl':ircfl 1f the t11 n
vi sited C;ipe Ki •nner!y then \V<1 sl1inglnn
n1 1ght ri:riuc~t that /\n1rritiln a.~trona11 1 s
br ;1llowcd to \ isiL the Soviet secret
takeoff cen ter at Ba ikonur in central
ficl'egol'oi <ind Ft•ol.11.stnv flt'11· 1()
HoustQ11 loclay lo \'i•11 the ~!anned
Sp::icccraft Center and hold a nc1~-s c.:On·
The Pennsyl\'ania senator said such
proll'Sls "v.·HI nol be stifled or talked
In ~c11· York . Secretary of Slate
\\ 11l iam P. Jlo~ers said the ad·
1n1n1stration has "hstened with respecl''
to op1>nnC'n!s '1f the 1\'<lr.
Beat Generatio11 Autl101~,
··our President is stnvin,i.: for peace in
11 ay:o: that only the n1nn in tha t officl'
r:'l n.'' Rogers said at the Council of
Churches annual ''Family of hlan··
.111 anis dinnt'r.
Jacl{ l{ero11ac, Die s at 4 7
l~itUr: l·o11;pnkr.\ nr11!1ercf/ <1/ 7110•
·Coto Pnlacr in .'\a11 Fra11r1srrl IO !'11'
fo r tl1c ''Littlest Co 1rb1i'' /dJr /t'1.1r
1veeke 11d. Shan11n11 l ll/'llS f /I. 4, f/rjl I
nnd broilter Sl1aun .. '?, of l>fcii:cd
u.:ere ltonoreU for /Jes! u1c~te1 11 1«11~·
•·1 ')1ps,
\\'hile lhere 11•erc soine •·unp!ea~ant
:1spccts·· of last \\'ednesday's dernonstra·
\1011~. Hogers said. "on the 11·hole , 1t
St'l'Jned 10 inr that :i grcilt 1nany of the
d!·111r111~t r;1tnr~ 11 1slit'd principally to
l'l'A1:<>ter dr::unat1c but dignified ex·
11ress1on of tl1eir dcrp concern for peace
1n \'ietnani. And 1vc listened to these
1uiccs 11 ith respect -because "·e. too,
l1ave a deep concern for peace in Viet-
l\rrouac. spoke!iman of the beat gener:i·
11011 ll'hose books ushered in the hippie
t'ra, died today at St. Petersbtirg
J1ospi1al. lie \1·as 47.
Kerouac ·s wile, Stella , said he died
about 5:30 a.m. of massive abdominal
She said Ke rouac was rushed lo St.
Anthony's Hospital Monday afternoon but
t!id not respond to emergency treatment
Snow Falls Across Midwest
Shoivers Dump Inch of Rain From Texw; to Arizona
Callfo,.,,la Temperature•
SOLIT~Ell:H CAL1~011:H !A -Mol!IV
f1lr ll'ttDUgf\ Wedn1>d1r b<.tl 111rT1b11
coloudlnen wl!ll dl1nc1 DI few 1(11·
lertd ,,,.,,.,.,, mounT1 ln1 end dnerl1,
Slf'D"9 9\lllf' !Klrt,,.111 w1'!dl mou'I•
t1!115 •nd bflow c1nyo~1 'Tue1d1v.
S!ltl!t!r w1rmer 'T111>d1r i n.cl In lnll••
lor Wt>dneMYr.
141th LIW Prtc,
111M' with toml <loudln1n 'Tuttd~Y
e11r wlttl hlwll M. s1ron1 eu•tr M"~-
1..ci W"'"9tclrr. su-.nv w1rmtr Tvt•·
ffJI wlM• below <l ftVOt'll Tue1111v P'OIHT CONCIE .. l lON TO MlllOCAN
BC*Wlt-4fnlll tr1h "''rnlniu Pain!
COt\C911flofl lo Oc•1n1llM hr l«•I
nor!Ml9.i wlnltl JO 10 lO moh below <•-Tllftd9,. OlhtrwlH ll1M ¥1••
11ble "''""-blcomlM w11ltrlr I ta lJ m""' Ill •Ill,_ T""6llr 1"4! Wed-,...,..,, _,tr 111r _,,..... tivt '°""'
v1ri.ble doudlneu. Sllehll'f w1rmer
T ...... v.
~ VALLl!Y......._ft'I' f1lr ""°"'h Wt'd· ~ ,_..,., M .,,.,. nMllll <ICIUClt l'ld
·~""° ol ftlw ~ 1rou'ld mo111•·
l1ln11 Ml\/,,,..,. v1lln1. !lron11 t ufl1
-1hff1I wino. below t1nyon1 lue1-
d1v. °""""lflrl 1owt 4) 10 o!O. 51111hUV
"'I'"* T\lft<UY wlTt! hl1h• ID lo fO.
MOUNTAIN All:EAS-V1rl1bl1 c!oud•
l ntn lhfOIJlh WtdMkll~. Cl<llMt al
ffW t(t ttt•td tl!owtfl Ill' lllul'ICitf,,,.W•
l 'f n'\llnly dur!l\f 11!1r1100" 11111 •~•· ""'' "°"'" 11> too!ht•I> rt,,..I. 1!1111\llv Wtrmtr d1v1. !lront l \IJIY nortl\1111
Wlf>(I• 'T1111<11v.
IN lf:PIOll AND DE5ERT ll EG101115
-Mo<illY lt!r ''"''""'" Wfdl)ololUV bu! ~"'' v~•ltbi. cloud1 wlrPI rhtn't tr! f•w f.<•lt•r•d 11\0wtll mt.nl~ <'I
-.'""" ~.,, •. ,. ~11•1<11 "'"'""°" i nd " "-''llllt ho\ot\, l"l' ~11.~·~ ,,~,,~,.1 . mn9\ '~'Ml'•· \,u ,f,~ w.l•~e• 1:11~\.
Coast Ill
S.Unn~ b<.tt .. 1ncrr tod1v. l.l11M v••I·
t blt .. '""' "1111'!1 1n<1 mornln1 l>Dur•
DK.oml<1• w11ltrl' I 10 JJ -"°'" !" •~' l<ICl1~ -Wldnnd•~. Hl9h IO!lt>', ID. Cot.,•1 ltm<>ert luru r•n....S I~"'
JI lo I•, l~l•nO •trn<>er1luro r1n01
w11 lrom )I !O ti, Wt !tr ltmotrl •
lurt •l,
Sun, 1Unnn. Tides
second ~11th I !f p,m, ~)
St<°"" low I Jll P,m, I l
~.,,, ~1,11 'o~.,., ~r
~'"' l(>'N '• l ll l(l'l.01
$1'(,on(j hlQh ,.,. • .,,.,., 1 1) P"'' ))
$KtnCI IOW .......... •!I! !I m. C•
lll lonl 11•.,.. S•h~'lll"m
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ll:tl'I 1111 ''°"' tou!l•tlll C1Ufor"l1
lo "!orkll •ncf •loftl ttlll Atl11>l1< 111•
"'" toc11r. ll:tln .. ·-... ...
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"~"l(trlt L111rlt ,,.~, 1>9rlhw1•d
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l"t lt bllnll.I ,,_
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to s1op the internal blecdins:-
Kerou nc·.s first book \l'ilS titled ''The
To\\'ll ,1ncl thr City" It \1·~1s an
au1obioi;raphieal work de tailing his youth
in Lo1\•ell. t.lass, antl later atlv cntures 1n
r-;f'1v York L'lr y.
His best kno11·n hook 1~as "On The
Road,'' an account or his \\'Jdc travels
:Jcross lhe coun try Jn the early l9:Kfs.
Later came ''The Dh<ir1na Bums'' and
•·1·he Subterranenns" \vh ich also dealt
"'i lh his !ravels and popularized the no-
llon of lhc beat i:;rner:1!1un.
Kirouac 'vas at the home of hs mother
in SL Pelershurg ll'ht'n he \Ya~ stricken.
lie and hi~ wife had b«n slaying al lhe
house for several months, caring for the
ai ling 1\·nman.
Kerouac oflen said his original in·
lc11tion regarct1ng 1he term "beat ," had to
d(I n·ith th r idea nf .. beatific." a term he
used for the concept of p<'Ople rejecting
n1atcrioli sn1 of lhc C:ni1cd Stales in the
1950's and turning instead to a frank en·
joyn1cnt o( life.
lie 11•as a Hon1<1n Ca tholic but y.·a~
fascinated v.'ith 7.en Buddhisni.
In a new.~11apcr interl'il'I\', Kcrol1ac
:-;:iid he ll':lS planning a nc1v novel :
"S1orics of the pa~t. My story is endless.
I put in a tclctyp<' roll ... and run 11
thrnugh there and fix !he ntargins and
just go, go. JU.SI go. i:;o go,"
Ja vnc l\lans fi c ld"s ,
Children Ccl l\foney
~lan~f1cld's fi ve children \rill recril'e
$11 ,00:J each in a sett le ment of a sui l filrd
after the ac~ress died in a c:i r cra.~h .
~upcrior Cour1 Judge Arthur Marsh111I
a!sr, approved Monday an agrcrmen1 th at
1hree or the children receive an ::id·
fl ili onnl $~.000 l'ach becau~e of I.heir in-
iune ~ in rhe accident th;it killed their
mother June 29. 1967, J\flss l\1;ins field \Viii!
''" her \\'n\' from Bi!nxl, J\1lss , 1('1 Nc111
Urlrens, t1l.tcr\i nightclub app!':it:.nr~
Club Overseer
General Recalled
For Graft Probe
\VASHINGTON (AP) -The Army has
abruptly recalled a general from Europe
lo the Pentagon for what ntay be furth er
sensational testimony in a Senate in·
vestigatioo of military graft.
The Arn1y said Brig. Gen. Earl F. Cole
was being reassigned indefinitely to
Washington ''in connection with the cur·
rent Senate hearings on alleged ir-
regularities" in nont'Qmmissioncd ul-
!icers' club operations,
The Army didn't go further officially,
but Pentagon sources said Cole's nan1e
has figured in military reports on the ir-
regularities which have been turned ove r
to a subcommittee headed by Sen.
Abraham A. Ribicoff (D.Conn.)
Commitlee sources said Cole:, who tu rn·
ed 50 today and is a native of f\.1adii::un
County, Neb., is expected to be qu<'li·
tioned although he has nul yet been sUIJ·
Ribicoff's panel is scheduled lo re sun1e
hearings \Vednesday.
The sessions rece ntly prod u r c It
testimony that a grol1p of sc.rgt1ants pro-
Filccred at the expense of NCO clubs :111d
!hat tl1aJ. Gen. Carl C. Turner. ro rn1cr
provost 1narsh<1l general. sold policc·CO!l·
fiscated guns £or [)CrSuna l gain.
It \\'as understood the subcommitt t'c
wants lo queslon Cole about his tour in
Vietnam as deputy chief of staff for
personnel <ind administration in 1966 <ind
1967 -a job which n1ade him a chief
overseer of NCO club opcr<itions.
It \1•as during that general period v.•hen r.1. Sgt \Villiam lligdon, named in
pr('viotts Senate 1eslin1 ony. \\'3S t·h1cf
custodian of several service clubs in Viet-
nam .
Subcommittee sources said Cole also
may be questioned about any relationship
he had with \Villi am Crum, associated
\vith a Hong Kong.based firn1 called Sari
J-:lectronics which sold slot muchines to
enlisted men's clubs.
Producer Quits
'Laugh-111.,' Sa,y·s
Progra111 'Dirty'
NE\V YORK (AP) -P<iul \V. Kevcs
hat resigned as producer and head writer
of NBC's "L<iugh-ln·• amid reports Iha\
he calls the sho111 "slanted, vulgar and
dirty "
Keyes \l'as quoted in the industry pres<;
as saying he had been disturbed by the
direction of the sho1v as far back as
April. I le said he objected Lo certain
v.•ords and phra~es \\'hich he said had
slipped by the NBC censor.
Keyes cou ld not he rea ched iin·
l11<'di n1c)y for l'orn1ncn1.
C..'a roh·n J\;i~kin. 11 J10 hnd hr r n
C'llprndUcer, will produce 1he show undPr
the clirection of George Sclil;itter and l::d
l·J"iendly. cxec111ive producers.
In ;:in inlerv1c1v in .June, l\Pyes said.
•·\ve·re naught.v, but y.•e're not dirly. lf
people ,,...ant to hear dirl y jnkes they can
tum off the TV set and tell thc1n to each
other in the living room ."
!\eyes told the Daily News r-.lnndny !hat
his resignation had nothing 10 do \1·i1h his
fnendsi11p 1\·i th President Nixon . llr said
h1· harl not been under \\'h1tc 1 louse
pressure lo st'lp ~nip1ng ;i t 1he Prcs1dPn1
because he did not think thl're had ber11
;·LnuRh·ln," \1l1ich ~tars l)<in Howa11
and Dick r.lartin, 11·as No, l in the Nicl~rn
r:itings last season ;ind in th<" latest n~•·
t1onal ratings is the :'llo. 2 show.
Air Canada Ucn ?al:;
Bio Fare Uctlu clion ,.,
J\·10.\ITR EAL IU Pl ) -Ai r Canada an·
nriuncc d J\lond<iy it \1·111 ··dr r11nalically
rl·dl1tc" lts trans-Atl antic fare struc1urc
0 ("C. 4. 1969 and ofrer an all-tune ln1v
J\lon treal·London return Fare or $J6:t fnr
g1 nup travel.
The annotlncen1 cnt, by Ai r C<inada
President, .I. R. Rald1,·in, fnllo\vs ::i si1n1 .
lar rate cut by A1italia Airlin"S a i11nn!h
ago, a dec.ision that prompted the Inter·
national Air Transport Associ<ition i IA-
TA I to con\'ene its cu rrent emergency
n1eeting in La u!i<innc. Sn·iti:erland, to
revir\1' the existing international Jnre
UPI 'T•!t•htlt
Brig. Gen. Earl F. Cole
Brandt Nolv
Cl1a11cellor of
We st Ger111a11v ••
nONN (l'PI) -The B11nde~lag (]O\\'er
hoL1SCJ to<l<1 y i:h:-ctcd \V1 IJy Brandt as
\\'rst Gennany's first Soc1alisl chancellor
in t.Jmos t 40 ye3rs. The prospects \vere
for closer li~s \1l!h Con1n1un1st nations
but v.·ith no ctim1n1sh1ng o! \\'c~l
Germany's role in NATO.
Brandt's $01.'i ;il Dernncralie party,
\\ hJC h has 22.J scats in the Bundestag ,
t{'Jln~d up \Yllh the Frt1c l)C1notrat1c
party ~30 seats) to fQrm a to:-il1f1on whi ch
1\',-.S voted Into olf1ec 20 yt•:1rs tn the tlay
after Konrad Adenauer bcc:unc t'han·
C't'llrr In begin 20 ~·cars of t:hnstian
1Nn1ut'fi1\ic ru le.
The vote 11·;i~ 251 to 235. a rnJJOrily n[
fl'll V l\1·0 1n the 4!16-scaL h(ll1.-.e. Brandt
recalled 1ht.1l Adcn~a1t·r·s n1:irg1n was
clo:.er -he rcccil'cd the cx<itl nl<Jjority
nf :!·19 -and 1.:nm1nrn!l'd , "J\1y n1ajorily
11'0~ 200 pert rnt gre;iter "
Only unr mernbcr of the Bundestag was
,11)<;(f,t 11he11 parlia1nentar,\I pr·csidrnt
t-;:;iJ.U11•e \'on l la~sr l !>tarlt'd c:nil1ng thr.
r•ll l -form t•r 1n1111stcr or 111lerior P:.iu l
Luecke. \'un Has:;c l s;11d f11e other
n1en1bers abstai ned and fou r turned u1 1n-
v:1!id hallot s,
P;irly ~r)Uf{'C'S .. :iirl 11 11as un\lkt.'!y lh<it
niorc rhnn l\l'O or three Free Oc1nocrat s
abst;1ined. rnc<in lng that s c 1• er a 1
nic1nbers ol frirn1r r chancellor Kurt
(;eorg Kiesingcr's Christi;in DcmocraUc
party ahstainPd or spoiled _their b<ill nts.
Kirsinger fnrn1ally rc:.1gnc1t r.t onday
11ight ;;ncl thr ('hn:;t1an Dcmocral ~
brr~1ne thc <1ppu<:;1!1on party for !he first
111111' 111 pn<>t\\'}lr (;!'rmnny.
\\'hrn r.,n \1:1 s,.el ;inno1111crd 1hr result
of th<' r\P~'\lnn 11<' askf'!I Brandt 1f he l'IC·
t rl)'l'd -!lrnn<!t Jlltnpt·d 11p I ro1n l11s fr{lnt
rn11· :-.rn1 r•·,1(·hcd l"r ,1 It ~1 n (1 \
111h''l•·phnnr ;i11d •111d '\'r ~ >l r. l'rr•t·
cl1'nL I :11·,·(·pl 111<' 1>it'rli n11 .,
Kirs ini:tcr To:;e fron1 hi-; ov.n front row
<:;n,il .111d rJ\O\·rd O\'rr 111 bl' nil<' of 1!1r l1r~t
1+1 1·11•1Aral11!.1tr gr;i'ld1
8r;i nci l i.~ th" lir·! Sorial f)rn1ocral In
lie;1 d :1 (;Prn1't1l g•1\'i'1'nn11•nt s111r1·
I IPrn1ann ;\\11cl!cr 11 as !11rLt·d 11ut of ciH1ct
111 1930 in ;1 rn11' (1\ c·r r<'par:1t•n11"
pa}'!1lCl1lS lo th! I H:tnr s Of \\'Or]d \Var (
l\ix o n Pla11 s S pl"ccl1 c,;
For GOP Ca ndi1lalcs
\YASHINGTON (l'Pll -\'resident
i\1x(lr n1ay lra1 el l•J Nc1v .Jersey a11d
Vi rginia in coining \1 Ctks to spc<ik 1n l'iU \)·
JltH1 of Republican gubern ;i1or ia! C"an·
d1:i1rs, according to !he \\'h11e Jl nusr .
Prr~idenlial press sC'cre!a ry Jtonald L.
Zie gler did nnl ntcnt ion d~i\cs.
Locli Ness Search Senson 0 ver
DRL';\1i\ADROCJ-llT. Scotl<ind iUPll -
This year's of£icia l search for the Loch
Nrss monster is ovrr.
Neither a yellow subrnarinc. l<'levision
crC\\'S. tourists no r mernbers of the Loch
Ness Phenomena Jnvestigatlon Bureau
\Vere able to prove the monster exisls
All spent a hard su1nn1rr sranning the
murky waters nf the Loch for the
monster or monsters that supposedly li ve
In its ri nal report on this ycar·s
observt;linn season, the inl'CStigatlon
bureau ~aid thrre \l'<'re 20 1·crificd
s1ghlings bet"·ecn ~1 ay 17 ant! Oc! !2
The total \1·11s more th11n 1he I~
sightings record ed l:ist year but less than
the 23 in 1967 and 29 in 1006 .
&ien t1sls delerrn1ntd there 11· ::i::.
something large and alive in thr Loch
fro111 sonar readings t11ken rluring the
1967 season. Bu1 this \·rar"s ass11ult on
Ncs5ie -;:15 lhe Scots Call their 111on~tcr
-11as f .. uitlr~.~. ·n 1lirf" nolh1ng lo dc:rrn1u1e 11·hrthcr
1'C'ssic actunlly is an 01·crgro1111 ~c;i cow
or a genuine 1n9nstc.r.
Dnn S Taylor of Atla ntri. (,;1 . look hi~
l1mem1Hl<' yellow submarinr Viper f1~h
in to 1he Loch again and <1ga1n to find
Nrss1e and possibly take a chunk of 1ls
Bul hr fi11trd lo spol hl'r.
II was not surprising. said !he 28·yca r.
nld Taylor, since the Loch ts 25 1111[(',,
long and dC'Cp enough to s11bmerJ.lc the
rmp1rl' stale building. lie says he 1\'111
build a bigger ~ub ,11>d try ;iga1n.
For a \1·cck in Scplcrnh<'r. <'rc1\'S fro1n
nrltain 's Independent Tr.l<'I 1:-1on Network
1n;i11nrrl camrrns on a 24-11011r dr1v hasll
atHt tnlcl to lurf' Nl'.~S le In the Surf;:acr
11 ith :1 n1i xturc of fi~h blootj and na'al.
Thr n1011stcr did not respond
IL was.holiSewilrs and :.ludents 10,ho ac-
rnunted for lhc 20 rt'portcd Si,l!ht1n11:s.
Thl'Y~~1ood n111 in ;ill k1 nrl nl \\'l'alht'r v.·a1 .
1·!11n1? for Nt'~.~ir -n! thr S'1n1P lin11t
'=¥11u1.i.: 1HU1J~Y lrun1 11ir in\c~l1ga1Ln1 •
' '
QUEENIE By Phil lnterlandl
0'This may be it!-Thc big solution to air pollution! ..
A n,ie rica1i s Mciy Soon
W alk A cross Nation
1'hc lnlcnor De pa r I 111 c n l
l'Stim;ilcs !l1at "walking ro l'
p!c11surc'' \\ill incre ;i s e
<I r (I 111 a ti c a 11 y <1111nn~
An1crlc::ins by H~ao, :)o n1u(·h
~0 1h('y n1::iy \1•n11 l lo rctr<1ce
:iome nf the hiqori(• 1rt1ils.
The l nlcrinr :ind Agric1.1l!\ll'e
drp11rln11•nl), w1lh Cluthorlty
h:1ndt>d d0wn by C<ini:rcss. ;ire
pl Jnning :1hc~d lnr this hlkin'1;
bnnm by J;i y i n g lhc
i:round\~ork f0r a n3tiotnvirle
~y~1c111 11f 1r:iilS1 1lvJt one d;i_y
\1'111 en:ible l11kl'r\ if thry wan t
111 wnlk !h;1t f:ir, In traverse
!he na\lnn on foot fron1 the
J\11;_,ntir to the Pacific .
The lrss h:1rt!y will be <ib1c
1r'1 follow tl1r! !rails o 11
l1nr~chack l)f peddle bikes and
not have 10 1vo 1·ry abou t co1n-
prling on crnwdcd hi gh11·;iys
\Vl\11 c;:ir" nnd t ruck~. So11H!
!rail~ 11·111 bi.· {!Ps1gnrd for
lil\11d prnplr nr 1hnsc confine d
jr1 W)'lc>CI Chi.Ill'\,
Fl HST TilJ\l L:-i
f'on,crr s<o: dc~ign.:i1ert rhc i\p-
r~l11ch1<1n Trail n11ir11ni;: t1nm
~1;Jlflf' 1" (;rvrg1 .1 ;ind the
l'<1c1fi1· Cr~~l tr·all tron1 the
t:;i n adian h o.r d e r i n
\V;:i"hinglnn tn Ilic fl•lt•x icn n
bordrr ir1 ~n11lhl'1'!l CalJfnrnia
;1, the t 1r~t, of Ilic Na llonal
Sc<'n1c Tr:iits
IL :1!so a11Lhn1·ii'cd 1he h1•11
1h·p:1ri1nrnl:; (n s1.udy 14 nthPr
lr:-iils for pn~~1blc 1nelus1nn in
lhe N:1tr(!n1l l St:cntr Tratl
!'i~·stcn1 l:1tcr. All ~ccn1c tr.1 ils
n1usl be ;i11t.hnri7.ed b y
f ir!lf1:1'1'.''" i!IHi ,11l l fvllow
)ii~l.nrlc rnulcs.
One lnlcrinr nlfli:i:il s;l1d
tll('t"r II l'IT hnpri; ('n11r:!fC'o<;
1<.nuld p11l ;il l 14 111 thr -N<l-
l 1nn~1 I ~it•t•ni1· Trn1l fly~1rnl
before the nalion's 2001h an·
ni\'rrs<ir~· in 1!17fi.
Hu t. lnt('nnr :ind A1;1'ic11 t11irc
;111• go1ni.:, :1111·:1d \1il h pl.111., lri
~I'~ \•11 r1•rrt':111nn 11·:11\s:. 11 h1el1
do 11,,1 1·1·rp1rrr~ sprc!lic rnn-
J.!l •'l~!•Hl••I ,Jl)prrn...il 111 ITlO'l
rn't'S. 111,-. 1'1'rrr,1t1on tr:.1ls
\\•111 hr· :.hnrl r011!Ps ~1·r\ Ill/!
Ill b:J!1 q ti.;;;<; ;!J ld \l.~ll\l l)y II il l
h•• "('! 11p tiv lpr ;i l
gnlt'rnrncrll~ nr 111<' !'1~1{'~ IO
1nr1•f'lr1rk 11·1th lhr> lr111gy r ni.l-
\J111111I '.>i cn1r tr•ul.,,
l,,1rnRT\~T T \Si\
!;, flp11;;l;1<; llro1r. d1r1•PlJll" of
lnlf'nrw's !J111·c·~111 pf 0111door
rccrl';J!1011. ~.11d t!ir \r;;1 1!
::;v ~\1'111 1~ "n11r nf tl1r n10~t
i1n1101ta111 an d inll'rc~1 1n~
rndeovorc." 11ndtrlakcn by the
Ile !'illd !11(' b11rr:-111 h11r!
('"~1111atrd pc"pli' 11•J lkrd fo r
pleasurT :;&Ii n1illinn 111nt s 111
1%0, and that this n1crrascd to
1 liillioo 1irnrs in 196.~ .rnrl ll'ill
.lump tn 1nnre· th<J11 l,!'i billion
t1 n1«s b_v l!lRO.
"There's ix'cn .an increase in
al l fnnns nf rrrrf':11 irrn. but
f'spcch1lly in bcickpacking,"
l /nfc ~aid jn an 'inte r11ic1v.
Cri teria adoptc.d for N;1.
lion;il Scenic Tr~ils require
1l1rn1 to hJ\'C "supr.r1or sccnif',
l.islflrJC<'ll, nn1ur;i l or cul lural
rp1ali1irs with m;r~in1um out.
<l<1nr rccn.'.1l 1nn pnlf'ttti;il."
The guldt>l 1n(·s ;:il~o sl1pulatc
lhal ~ccnic tr:iils "<1s fur ilS
p!'~1ctic:iblc. should av o 1 d
hlgh1~·ays, 1ra ns1nis!'ion li ne);,
r ring r lcnces and olher l'rJm-
1ncrc1al or industrial develop·
ntrnt ; provide adequate public
:'lrress and fi:il \ow principa l
hi~tonc routes."
Na tinn:il recreat ion tra'1ls
".qhoultl prnvi~r a va ricly of
r1u1door r('C!'{'iltion uses to
~cr\'C ;in urll:in are;i. It may
tw ~hort (pe.rhnr~ a half milt')
1lr Jon~ enough tn have urhan-
rural t hrar!eristict;, but must
be cont1nunu.~. Short lrnils
11li~hl be USf'rl rllr lhe blind or
pcr~nns in wherlchl'lirs.
"Trail pos~Jh1litics inclucle
~1a:l1 lnc:111nns ;1s ~1re ;i1r1
I •• 11f'y~ ::ind !l1r.ir r I 0 0 cl
pl:iins ; 111 ili ly rigti !~·1Jf.11·:iy:
•. 1h,1ndo11crl nt1ln1;id or ~1n;l'l·
t·.ir ~1~ht~-i1f-11.1.1 . ca!:>t'1t'1t·11t.s
ror underground cables; areas
around reservoirs, irrigalion
of transportation canal banks
<ind levees , flood dikes, jetties
and breakwaters.
lnlr.rior Secretary \V altrr J
Jlickr l said recreation trails
"may be designed solely for
hike r~. horsemen or bicyclists.
but \\'here practicable shou ld
serve multiple uses."
Br.fore a rel·realion trai! 1ri ll
he includl'd in the nallon (ll
:;;y:;;tem. he ~;Jirl, the agency
llH1l <tdrnini~tcrs ii must pro-
vide pr oof lhJt i1 v:ill be
av;:iil:.ible lo lhc public for at
lca~l JO consecutive years.
The National Park Ser\•lce
nf the Interior Department
will adn1ini~lc.r I h c Ap-
palachi ;in Trail, which was
be~un in 1922 and cotnplcted in
The Agri culture Department
will adm inister the Pacific
Crest Tr:iil, mu ch of \~hich
also already is completed.
The 14 lr<iil s being studied
fnr possible inclusion in the
nalion<J l scenic trail sy~\em
-Conl inenlal Divide Trail,
a 3,100·n1l!e route . following
the. Conl1ncnlal Divide in the
Rorky t-.loun(ains.
-P1.1tomar Jleritage Trail, •
;in 825-rnilc tr.'lil fron1 the
Potom:i c Rive r's source in
P cnnsylv:inla lo its mouth,
-Old Callie Trails of tbe
Sou thv1est. about 800 mil es of
routes through Oklaho1na and
Texas and into parts of "-?'
K;,insn.~ and t-.1i ssouri, in-
cl ud ing the Chishol m Tr:i il,
-Lt'wi~ and Cl:irk Tr<1i l •
fro111 the !Vfississippi River l0
the P<ir.if1c Ocean on lhe.
Oregnn cna.~t,
-~·at<.!hei Trace. aboul 600
rni!r>s rron1 Nashvil le, Ten n ,
to i'-.·;itchcz. !'1·11s~.
-North Country Trail -
r\inning :L200 mile~ frnn1 thl'
ApJ)alacl11;J n Tra il in Vcrn1onl
llf tile l,1•1\·is and Clark Trail in
North 0.'lkola.
J\ilt.;1nninit Tniil in
P e1111syl1·.1n1<1,
-1Jn·i;on Trail, running
2 rn~1 n'11lc.~ fron1 Jndepcn-
(ience, J\ln .. ID near Fort Van·
l 'OllVCr, \Vash ,
-Santa Fe Trail, about. 800
1n1lrs Ir n n1 Independence,
i\1o . lo S;i nta Fe, N.M.
-Long Trail. extending 2.'iS
1niles frorn the f\fa ssachusetts
border 10 Lhe Canadian border.
l\lorn1on Tr~il, frnm
N;iuvoo, Ill., lo Sall L ake Ci!y,
l 't;;ih,
-Gold Ru sh 'frails in
-t\lormon Bollallon Trail, -
running 2,000 miles from
Mount Pisgah, lowa, to LOs
-El Camino Real from St.
Augustine lo San Mateo~ Fla.
200 Em·oll
In Fitness
Class at Y
fllo:-e than 200 men and
\~·omen are registered for the
Orange Coast YM CA fi tness
progr<ljll, at ZJOO Unive rsity
Drive, Newport Beach,
Classes for women arc held
Tuesrlay~ and Thursday~ frorr.
9·JO to JO.JO a.in. and from 7
In B p.m.
Child care is available In the.
moming. A class is followed
by a swi m jn the pool or
steam, and a massage,
f.1en's classes are schedulM
Tuesdays and Thursdays from
noon lo I p.m. and 6 to 7 p,m,
The program consists of jog-
ging. for endurance and
clrcvlal111n and calisthenics for
muscle tone.
For n1orc information, c;i11
fabulous broadloom selection:
many fibers, colors, sty1es
A small sampling of the values you
wi ll find during our Fall Sale. See the se
a nd many oihers, all at savings. Prices
include comple te installa tion .•• no
extra chorges.
reg. sale
sq, yd, sq, yd.
10.00 nylon pile frieze sha g, 9 colo rs
12,00 nylon pile long shag, 16 colors
12,00 polye ster pile sculptured,
I I color; I 0.00
13,00 polyes ter pile plush shag,
17 colors I Q,OQ
1 lOO pol ye;ter pile shag , 19 colo rs
I J,00 nylo n pile 4 color shag.
'14 color combinations l 1.00
13.00 nylon pile sculptured, ! 0 colors
16,00 pol yester pil e shag , 16 colors
'I 8,00 polyesl 8' pile sha g plu sh,
8 coloro 15,00
may co fl oor coverings 32
' ' ... , ,,,..1
se e lovely slip cover and
d rapery fabrics at home
save 22%-40°/. on drapery fabrics
, .. boucles, casements end a ntique
satins in cotton ond rayon bends.
Labor not included.
reg , 1.79-
J,SO yd. 1.39 -2.29 yd.
Linen and cotton slipcover fabrics.
from Kendell. 20 patterns. Wash·
oble, pre-shrunk, color-fast. Scotch~
gord: treated to resist stain, soil.
reg , 4,49-
6,49 yd, 3.45 -5.49 yd.
Kirsch drapery hardware, custom
beads, rods available.
SHOP AT HOME ... one of our
consu!tonts will help you ma,ke your
selection. No charge or obligation.
may co cu stom fabrics I I
when your comfort counts
choose e Sealy
Sealy Re st G uard. Fine exceptiona l
values with this Sealy mattress ond
get oil the comfortable night-time
rest you need. There are heavy steel
coils f or the firmness you wont ond
on ottroctive deeply quilted print
covering for protection. Save today.
reg. 59,95 twin or full 49.95
2-pc. queen set, 60x80"
3-pc, king set, 72-84"
may co sleep shop 145
Mediterranean styled
Spanish dining room
Robledo ••. on intricately carved
Me diterraneil n dining set remini5cen t
of Spanish romantics. Al! pieces of f ini!t
solid oak with ook veneer over ha rd-
wood. 8-pc. dining room includes 42x
IA" trestle toble with I 0" leaf, 60"
2-door buffet, 5 side chairs, and 1 orm
reg, 760,00 629.00
A l~o avoiloble, ch ina
reg. 380,00, 349.00
may co furniture 142
.... • , '#' .... - -.. • --~ • • .. - ' .. • -.. • • • • • ~ ~
moy co south coost plo zo, son di ego fwy ot bristol, costo m•so : 546-9321
shop mondoy through so tu rooy I 0 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
--···--·----.------,,_ .. . . .. · : .· . ,
Air Pollution Questions
ltow much aJr pollution-smog-la too much?
Judging from the tenor of the hearing in Hunting·
ton Beach last week on proposed expansion of the South·
em California Edison steam generating plant there, the
1.-0s Angeles basin can tolerate no more smog emissions.
Orange County (as it has come to regre:t on other
occasions) is a part of th e ~~ Angele_s ~as LO. And so
Los Angeles' sin s of comm1ss1on, om1ss1on-and now
emission-are being visited on Orange County.
Assuming the claims of air pollution danger that
\Vi\J come from any increase in .6ize of trye Edis~n plant
are reasonably valid, then some other interesting and
difficult questions demand answers.
Does this also mean that no more pollution-emitting
motor vehicles should be added in Los Angeles County
(\vhich adds 300 ,000 per year)? Or in Or~nge ,Coui;ity
(which adds nearly 100,000 per year? Or m R1vers1de
and San Bernardino counties?
Does this also suggest the eventuality of severely
hmitfng the frequency of large pubUc gatherings, such
as last Sunday's professional football game at the Coli·
seum, wh ere some 50.000 smog-emitting vehicles enter-
ed and left a confined area \Vithin four hours?
Does this sug,gest a building curb-no more homes,
no more large office buildings and no more industries
anywhere in the Los An geles basin, since most struc·
tures-even homes-contribute to air pollution through
tornbustion of some form of fossil fuel?
A few more questions:
If 'the Huntington Beach pawer plant cannot be ex·
panded , ~d power must be imported. from a distance,
who should pcly? Shouldn't Los Angeles city and county,
and Long Beach; as the 8rimary, long-time sources of
our pollution problem in range County, be expected to
bear a financial liability for air pollution they export?
And, ii po~'er must be rationed. in Orange County,
States Are
No Longer
Speaking of Wisconsin, as I was yest.er·
day, reminded me of a recent paragraph
in which I observed I.hat we netd to get
rid of our old political entities, and
replace them with new geo-ecooomic
unlts that have some relevance to today'•
needs and pro~lems.
Very few states are mea$tgfu1 entities
ln 1969, as they were even at the begin·
ning of the century. My own sl?te,
Illinois, for instance, is a geographica l
tnonstrosity ; the metropolitan area of
Chicago, which contains half the popula·
lion, has lilt.le in common with
downstate, "'hich contains the other half.
MOST OF THE states have a deep
rural·urban coJlflict, which accounts for
the fiscal lrouble in the big cities. The
r;tale legislatures, for lhe most part, are
controlled by men from rural areas, who
are not only ignorant ol urban problenls
but are actively hostile toward the big
Even Wisconsin, which is a more
Qnified state than most, because of the
predominance of farming an~ dairy pro-
ducts, is having a bumpy time. Al the
Nationa l (}(Jvemors' Conference this
rummer, Gov. \Varren P. Knowles
lamented that "we must find ways to
educate rural legislators on urban prcr
HE WAS Sr.1ARTING from s rebuff
given by Lhe Wisconsin Slate Legislature
to his programs for urban aid and
Don't just complain about smog.
Do something. Stop idling and
gunning your mqtor so much.
T~• ........ rtflld1 ,...._., v.._., ""'
11-IUrl/y Ill-of Ille --r. leNf
.,..., ..... -~• No Gl-.... 011/y Pll"·
weUare assistance -where help was cut
off for 1,100 famillea, includ!ng &,000
children, because <lf pr o g r a m 1
terminated by the legislature.
'11lese rural legislators, he said,
"represent re\alively provincial con-
stituencie:oi, and sometimes simply do
rot get a state·wide perspective on major
problems. They think of the city of
h1ilwaukee as a Milwaukee problem. I
keep trying to tell them it is a state
BUT THE MODERN ''st.ate." e1ists
largely as a political dinosaur lhat has
outl ived its lime and function, except in a
few instances. Norman Mailer's sug-
gestion this spring to separate New York
Ci ty from tbe state and make it the 51st
stale was not as cockeyed as it ma y have
sounded -for New York City and
Upstate New York have little in common.
We are -an irn:reasingly urbanized peo-
ple -75 percent ol whom now liv e in
urban complexes -and yet our political
destinies are controJ\ed by r u r a 1
legislators who dominate 011r stale
capitals. The shape and form of our
thriving business and corporate life have
changed immensely slnce the tum of the
century : why should our po\i\i('a\ life be
constricted in the iron corset of 19th Cen·
tury America?
Obstacles Beset Pay TV
Several years ago a number of men
had what seemed a simple idea ; Since
many people expressed discontent wilh
regular commercial television, perhaps a
eizable share of them would pay a fee for
the privilege of receiving better pro-
The technical problems were difficult,
but pay TV planners finally worked out
a system to broadcast scrambled. sig·
nals th at could be clarilled only by
1Ubscribers who paid a monthly charge
(or a special device attached to their own
televlsion sets. Several experiments
Mowed th.at the sys tem worked and that
there waa a degree o( public demand for
.. ere minor compared wlth th e political
•nd legal obstacles that St1bscriplion
lelevb:ion meL The opposition currently
Is led by movie theater owners, since pay
TV promises to provide new moti on pie·
turea ln the quiet and convenience of the
aubacriber'1 own home.
In trying to persuade the Federal
Government to ban pay TV. the op-
f)OfMUlb: argl.MI that the new medium
•ould overwhelm present Lelevlsion. For
what it'• worth. U. reasoning ia that '"batplloo teJev111on would llpend
enormous suma to puU top perlonners,
1port1 evtnll and other features away
from convtntlonal TV. to that the set
IMntr would bave tQ pa,y for what be now
1'R! F E D E R A L Communlcat.ion3
Commlsslon, In ponder1nt: the mat t.er,
foo. !.t•t NfUmm1 I""° m'tOunt. WI hen it
"nitJJJ B"'• lhl r.~an"11.d to )J~•Y TV
earlier thls year, lt specified that
subscription television atatlons could be
localed nnly ln cities whf.re there already
were at least four conventional stations,
that there could be only one pay TV
outlet in any community, and lhat
subscription TV could not broadcut
sports events that had been regularly
televised before.
That's not aU. The FCC also sharply
limited pay TV use. of movies more than
two years old, almost the only sort that
now show up on conventional teleylslon.
'The agency furl.her 5Upulattd that any
pay TV outlet would have to provide a
minimum of 28 hours a week of free ~
graming. All in all, you would llave to
conclude lhal the objectors' logic was
given a great deel of weight.
BUT NOT ENOUGH w suit them. The
opponents went to court to upset the FCC
approval and, although • Court of A~
peals has upheld the agency, the theater
owners announced th11t they will appeal
Ille .,.. lo Ille Supnme Court.
No one knows whether enoulh publ~
demand exlsta to make pay TV profitable
let •lone affluent enough to pull aw.!ly the
attractiorus of conventional television. In
this land of alleged free enterprise, °""'""· • bu~-uauall1 II 1l'&nted the freedom to fall.
AU of which may make pay TV's pro-
JlOnenl.s wonder just how free our free
enterprise always 11.
ll'all Stttet Jourul
doesn't equity dictate that It must be rationed every.
where from Malibu south to San Clemente and from
Palos Verde Peninsula inland to Riverside and Sen
Bernardino? Why should" Orange County aJOne bear the
economic lo&s that results from being made a 0 power
poor" area.
Air pollution is indeed a regional problem. But how
much of the price should Orange County residents be
made to pay for the follies committed for so Jong in Los
Angeles and Long Beach?
One dangerous delusion that we must guard against
in this problem is that "the choice is between electric
power and pure air." That is pure hokum.
The choices are: more electric power and more air
pollution, or 1lowing the increase in air pollution at the
probable cost of. more expensive power or a power
Air pollution In .orange County will continue to build
up, with or without the Edison plant expansion, aa: long
as there is business, residential and indwtrial growth
in Los Angeles County.
The Edison plant expansion does make an easy.
identifiable understandable target-a clear symbol of
the problem.
But what we need to determine is what "prices''
we. are willing to pay to significantly slow down air pol· lution.
Brown-out? Higher electric bills? Gasoline raUon-ln~? AJr travel restrictions? Residential and industrial
building curtailment? Another $100 or '200 for a more
smog.free personal car?
Unless we really are at the point where we are rea-
dy. to go all-out against air pollution, and accept the
price for some changes that must come in our basic
li ving-and our economy, then the Edison plant problem
is only a momentary !iymbol of a much bigger problem.
'Th•t.:S &n "'"tr,-s ..... 1 .. y.v,-.K ..... i-s
pistol fl"t hcl'c.• Yo..,..,
ot-clt1•nca ~vys Mitkt
:;c-t-,. kick o.rl-.S It.•
Embarrassing Ques tifms for Genewlts
Army Money Scandal • ID
Abraham Riblcoff ([).Conn.) has finished
his lnvestigaUon into the Anny's service
clubs, other generals -in addition to the
former provost marshal, Maj. Gen. Carl
Turner-will be asked s o m e em-
barrassing qu~ons. Turner, who d i d
a brief hitch earlier thls year as the chief
U . .:. marshal, hM Implicated himself-at
least-In the illegal sale of government
First on Ribtooff'a list 1s Brig. Gen.
Earl F. Cole, tanner deputy chief of 6taff
for personnel and adminlstraUon for the
Army in Vietnam.
JUblcoff wants to know why the ring
headed by Sgt. Maj. William Wooldridge
was permltted to fleete enlisted m e n
und~r Gen. Cole's nose. He wants an ex·
planation of Cole's close relationship with
a ubiquitous and mysterious American
busintssman, William Crum, wOO r;pent
several years in Shanghai after the Com-
munist takeover, supplied goods to the
Army in Korea and now controls nearly
all the pfnball, slot machines and juke
boxes in Vietnam.
JUKES AND SLOTS constitu te a major
elemtnt of the Army service clubs' $277
million annu al gross.
Crum was the 6Ubject of an Army la-
vestigation in Korea, but hls record did
not hinder hJ1 obtaining franchises for
Elot machines in Vietnam aerv1ce clubs,
from whlch he takes an estimated fl
mllllon or more annually.
Jn Vietnam, Crum aucceeded in
establi!hing several or his old Shanghai
aSMX:iala in profitable Army·relaled
businesses. One 0( these ii a steam bath
and mauaae parlor, which Riblcoff will
try to prove was a front ,for currency
Another general whom RJbicoff may
call Ls Maj. Gen. William A. Cunrungham,
who commanded the 2fth Infantry
Divillon in Germany while Ille ring ol
11ergeant.s was fleecing the Army clubs.
Cunningham, now retired, was a high of.
ficial of a company called Pacific
Architects and Engineeni, whose services
to the Army tn Vietnam run the gamut
from rubbi.alH:ollecUon to street-paving.
ALREADY, RIBICOFF's lnvesUgatioa
has revealed enou~h scandal to make
American,, blush when they talk about
the "corrupt Saigon reglme." But it has
demonstrated two other points as well.
First, it is now clear that Atty. Gen.
John MitcheJI and his deputy, Richard
Kleindeinst, both of whom have reputa-
tloos as tough adrninlstral.ors, in fact ex-
hibited the nai vete of country boys
among Washington city slickers.
It was Kleindeinst who urged the ap.
pointment of Gen. Turner as chief
marshal of the United States at the very
time that the Anny's Cr i ril. in a I
Investlgation Division was then looking
into Turner's affairs.
IN ft.1ARCH, 1'69, Mitchell named
Turner to be chief marshal, taking the
word of Kleindeinst. who in turn took the
word of J. Edgar Hoover, who told Klein-
delnst that Turner was a "great
American." Thus convinced, KleJndeinst
neglected to order the routine in-
vestigation which surely would have been
required had Turner's title been
"'profeuor" Of' "doctor" and wh ic h
would aa surely have turned up the fact
that the Anny was not as certain abou t
bis greatness as Hoover wall.
The second point which the Ribicof[
hearings are demonstrating is that o\d-
scbool ties come in many Colors and that
relying on them ls an insecure way of
running a gove rnment. In the days of
Franklin D. Roosevelt, bright young
Harvard lawyers were above suspicion,
particularly if t.hey were vouched for by
Felix Frankfurter. They were able, they
were bright and they served their country
brilliantly, but among them was Alge r
Washington also honored a tie .
Businessmen in this case ~'ere above
suspicion, and they too served their coun-
try well, but they included Harold Talbot,
who got caught soliciting business for hi!
company on his official stationery while
serving as secretary of the Air Force.
Today the fashion in Washington ts
generals, and the country would be the
lesser without the devoted_ service of
these mainly selfless men, many of
whom earn far less than lhey could earn
in civilian life. Yet they included Carl
Turner, at the least. Ribicof! thinks there
will be more.
By Frank Mllllkiew1cz
and Tom Braden
Reader Cheers the Drive on Drugs
To the Editor :
Operation Intercept, with a)! its bad
points, inconveniences and supposedly
unhealthy side effects, will accomplish
one very significant thing. It just m!8:ht
prevent some of our youngster11 from
becoming physJcally acquainted wllh
"dangerous drugs."
This, to me, is well worth the agony
both physical and financial which mlght
beset some who cannot get to the "sup-
ply." As Mr. Bangs pointed out so readJ..
ly, Operation Intercept wiU cause a
"marijuana short.age." But one very lm·
portent fact Mr. Ban11 failed to take in-
to considerat.ion was the overall intent.
of lhe govemment-apofl90fed war on
drugs. Operation Intercept ls not llmlte1
to the seizure of marijuana but to all
types of drugs conaJdered dange:roua to
the health of the people. U there II a
"shortage.' It wUI be an ovtnll dnq:
MEANWHILE, THOSE . who a r e
already "hooked" wUl noL be the primary
bendacton of OperaUon .lnler<tpl. 'Ibey
moot lll<ely will be burl not only
physically but financially sl~ the cost
of the drugs will lncrua wilh the
decr<ue in the supply. Thll II the Intent
ol OperaUon intercept. n-moot llkely
to be aided In thla drive are the millions
of youngsters acrou the country who
Utttr• from rtaden ar1 welcome.
Normallfl tcrittr1 ahotild conve11 Uuir
mt.!saQt1 in 300 tDOrdi or less. The
right to condeni1 Utttr• to fit 1pac1
or eliminate libtl U rt1trt1td. AU l•Z-
ttr1 mU&'t include iignatur11 and mail-
hig addres1, but name1 mov be toith.
held on reqU1.st if 1ujjicUnt rta.son
iJ appart11t.
mllht be u....i or IPlnd from the grou
lncoovenieocea and lndisnJUea cauaed by
drui addlc:Uoa.
In addlllm, It hu been Aid that
OperaUon Interctpt contribute.a to the
broal<down ol the beallb of innumerable
California youngsterL
Tlllll, HOWEVER, II completely lais<.
If, due to a "marljuana shortage," or any
other "drug shortage," a penon elects to
"1et hb: klcka'' on aome other drug, hil
healUt can hardly be COfllidered '"being
endangered." H1I heallh became en.
danc•nd when be llnl dedded w Lake
U. due to Operation Intercept, Illa ~
pl1 II bani lo come by Ind u a mu!~ he
~-------Bv Geor"fle --------·
Dear George :
You had a 1ett.er from a fellow
complalnlns that hll &irl wu all
the lime making him Lalk baby-Lalk
to her poodle. I'm In even worte
shape -my girl Insists on taking
her Collie (with the dumb name <lf
Sue-Sue) practically everywhere we
go and Sue-Sue even goes to tht
drive-la movie with us and alt.a
between U1 In tbe front teat! Any
Dear Sick:
Yeah -buy a boy collie!
Actually, a double-date Isn't aa bad
•s a thref.some, partlcularb' at a
drive-in movie.
Dear George:·
What ls the na.mt of that big bird
called an albelrou thlt aallors are ao IUptfltitkm about?
Dur G<erp:
Tell the truth! Don't you make up
molt of the letters ln yOur column?
Dare YoU deny It?
U you don't make up motl of the
leUtrs In your column how come
tn..i of Ille --who write lo YGU think you nevtr set any mail?
Dear curious:
Say ••• you ARE curious, aren't
Mak• up most ol tho letlml In
my column? Frankly, Curious, I
~on't evtn undentand most of the
letters In my column.
1ufftr1, this ls too bad. He had a chance
to be cured.
EVERYONE HAS a chance t i> be
cured. Tbere is a host or free clinics
available to all if they want to avail
themselves ol them .
Sorry, Operation Intercept is ror the
non-addict!. Their heallh wHl be made
better and safer by il Three cheers for
Operation Intercept and may it cause my
daughter neve r to become involved wilb
dangerous mind cripplers -drugs.
Rqimented Srhools
To the Editor:
Probably one shouldn't spend the time
required to respond to the response to a
prior letter printed in your column. I do,
however, feel that St.an Dom 's (age given
u 13) response (Mailbo1:, Oct. 8) to my
prior letter" regarding school regulaUons
warrants an answer.
Youns Mr. Dorn cited Nazi Gennany'a
results of a regimented school system.
Logic tells us that the school children of
the Nazi era were in fact not the leaders
of the time, due lo the fact that Nazi
Germany didn't survive long enough for
school children ti) grow up. Those
regimented children are, however' the
leaders of a West Germany which today
Is lhe most prosperous country in the
THE REICHMARlt: is more valuable
than the dollar and when one considen:
that they came back Crom ~ disul.t.r' I
Mn:. J, _R, Grtnf•, Chula Vlat. -
"Now that "' have the truth-ln-lendlng
bill provldlna the ulUmate consumer
must be told in plain lancuage the true
co9t cf his purchase, might It not be an
excellent Idea to provide tht ultimate
taxpayer similar Informal.ion on the tax
cost of legislation?"
Pn:tldent Nl1on, .. Su Clemeote -
"We must become pioneers Jn re.11baping
our societ.y, even as we. have become
pioneers in space."
believe that one must grant them some
amount of intelligence.
It might also be pointed out lo J\.'lr _
Dorn that many of our engineers and
scientists, nol excluding \Verner von
Braun, were trained in the German
regimented sort of educational systen1.
Further. all Catholic schools have uni·
form dress codes and I believe that it
is an accepted fact that said schools are
recognized ;is being ahead of public
Al the risk of once again being accused
of "right" thinking (I have stayed statu~
quo and the n orm ha s moved lefl) or did
he mean ''right,' meaning correct , J
~·ould still rather see Werner von Braun.~
produced than Timolhy Learys.
'PletUe Leave Toaon'
To the Editor:
Coming from New England, I back the
editor of the Manchester (N. H.) Union
All peace marchers, hippies, yippies,
beatniks, peaceniks, yellow be I I i e ~,
traitors , Commies, draft clod g er g .
cowards. zsmell.ies -please leave town
because you smell.
Why should I pay high taxes for the
likes or Angela Davis, \\'ho spouts hale.
Let's close the colleges and schools if
they do not want to attend.
Tuesday, October 21, 1969
The editorial page 01 the Daily
Pilot 1tekl to 'nform and stim-
ulate reader• by presenting thil
m wspop11r'1 opiniuni and com-
mtntary 011 topic.a of inttreft
and significance, by providing o
forum for the exprtsrion nf
our rtadns' opfnloni. and by
pre1tntin11 the diverst fJft'U>"
point& of informed. observer•
ond spokesmen on topic1 of tht
Robert N. Weed, Publis her
' •• •
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h• ,, ,, ,,
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Age 3 7 Is a Ti111e
Of Unfaitl1fulness
By L. l\'1. lJUYD
'\r'ERE' 'l'OU A\VARE it is
against the law in Bostori tn
own a dog more than 10 inches
tall? . , • THE STATISTI-
CIANS say !hose s l n g I c
\\'Omen \vho drive cllr!:i are
twice as apt to be ticketed for
traffic viola tions as the 1n<1r-
ricd g'irls \l'ilh children, .. ,
f','O\V TllE LATEST surveys
1iho1v age :l7 is ll'hen a wife is
rnost likt!y lo turn unfn1 thful,
1f 1>v c r , • , 1\ i\lEDICO
(;LAl!\IS !\ u 111 c l<lpc1vurn\~
l1ave been known to reach ~L
t'Oilcli Jcnglh of JO ferl 111 the
]lu n1an miclscc\ion. Shall I gn
on? . , . LOUISIANA IS tha t
slate \Vhe rein live the mo~t
people \\'ho still bt;lieve in
FIGURES -It is the claiin
{lf that i n t e r n <i t i on a l
photographer Peter c:ro;v\anrt
that English gil'ls possess the
best figures in Europe. 'rhnl's
debatable. Still, J \1 on't ~.'.1y
Ju•s wrong. Too 1nany Swedish
girls tend lo be round·
~houldered, too many Fri'nch
girls arc apt lo be rtal·<'hcstcd,
and too many lt .'.11ian i::1rl~ .;i1·c
inclined to be construc°Lcd \Vith
an exceedingly Jov1 center or
gravily. liowever, the German
girls compete pretty 'veil \Vilh
the English girls in thi s
department. They arc not
usually thin-v;aisted, lrue, but
they are generally pneuinatic.
Call it a tie.
'1\Vhich drinks the most water,
a horse or a cow?" A. A cow
normally will drink about 2.f
gallons a da y, a horse maybe
12 gallons. Wl1y didn 't you ask
about a hog and a sheep, too'!
A hog will drink two gallons. a
sheep about one and a half.
Stand by, my notes on this
matter also shov.• lhat a
reasonably \l'eli-built l1ouse in
the temperate zone drinks
about four gallons of \Yat er a
day, Think of that! A horse.
drinks t\\·icc as much \1•atcr as
tv:o hogs.
BACK llOME. a \arly up the
street last \veek received a
wire from her husband 1vho
\Vas at a sales meeting in J'vJi.
ami. It read: "Having a 11·on·
derful time. 'Vish you \\'ere
he:-e ." An aged line, yes. She
)11ugherl about 1L An<l laughed
~ind l~ntghetl. l.;11td hc·r e>'(1s
gri1 da mp .... NOTB A CON·
TE~tJ>ORAllY talk~ <1b(lu t
"\he underc\villzcd $ o u t h
American countries " Suppose
tha t's ~II right. Bul lt might
lie kep t in mind th a i
Ecuador's rirst university y,•as
founded about 50 years before
ll a r ~·;11d.
PATIE N'rS. -\\'hen 'it CO!ll·
cs tn dc c1Jrng \\'ilh patients In
J1osp1lals. nurses prefer 1nen,
<loc tnr s prefer \\OITi en-
Cencrally, \\111<.it nur:,{·s don't
likr about v.·omen 1~ their
teudcncy to 11·hin c. A.~ !or th e
men, Dr. Joseph Peck says:
"l\Iale patients arc a bore.
Either lhey have sornc \\•ell.·
kno1vn disease or thl:'}' h;1ven·l,
Or they are \Yorricd ~irk for
ll'~ir nf los ing thC'lr true
rn<Jlene.<s. the power ! o
rcprnduel' ln sc:ir<;hing for a
man's fl uctuating b Io o d
pr essure, 1vc consu l! Ille Do11'·
Jones a1'crages rather tl1a n
our j('xlbooks. And if we in ·
forn) hlrn that his gl<1nds art'
l ~U!l.'linni r1g norn1ally, lie goc<;
l101nc happy ;ind 11·c don't sc-r
hln1 :ig::iin for a ye;1r or
RAPID REPLY; Yes, sir,
one dandelion, just one. can
turn out about 12,000 seeds a
year and I have yet to find
.:inybody \l'ho doesn·t belie\'€
Your r1nestin11s and co~n·
1ne11ls are we/corned an cl
111i/! be used wheret)er po.~
srble in "Cllccki11'] Up."
Address ?nail ta L. f\1.
Boyd, in care nf DAIL)' flf-
J,QT. Hn :r: 1875. Neuirori
Beach, Calif,, 92663.
Given Asyhun
Swedish Imm igration Board
today announced another 15
An1crican s o Id i.e rs and
draftdodgers h<id been granted
asylu1n in Sweden.
This raised the number of
self-exiled An1r.ri can Vietnan1
1\'ar resisters g r :i n t c d
permission to stay in this
country to :101. Anothc.r 15
A1ncrican asy lum cai.cs arc
under investigation.
OkilUtwa Retiirri Set;
U.S. Bases to Stay
Tut~ay, Oetobfr 21 , 1%q DAILY PILOT f
Nixon Asksr----.--------r High Court
Vote Still
Tax Shelter
U.S. Build
More Ships
\\"ASHl"NGTON (U PI) -
President Nixon will ask Con·
gress this week to modernize
the nation's aglng merchant
,,..,..__ ..
fleet and put it back in com-'-..Ir ,,r,_
petiUOn with the major mari-
time powers, Including the
fasl-growing Ru ssian Oeet.
Nixon WHI ask for $300 mll-
Hon to finance cons truction of
30 ships a year -three times
the current rate. He also is
expected to urge industry to
support a n1ulti-bill ion pri\'ale
investment program designed
to expand the Merchan't Ma·
nne, administration sources
Nixon pledged during hls
st.ore the United Sta tes "to the
n I
In Balance
On Depreciation?
Prtsident Niioo swayed any \VASIIINGTON (UPI )
undecldM aenitocs wtth his The Senate finance Con1-
•lrona:ly worded defense <Jr mittee has \'otcd to raze parl
of one. 1Jf the biggest tax
Jucqe Clement F. Hayruiworth shelters in the 1 n tern a J
Jr., they are keeping it to Revenue Code -the practice
themselves. under whi ch <i person makes
The more than 20 senators both a profit and a ta:< Joss on his real estate investment. who hold the key to con· Over the real estate in·
flnnatlon of llaynsworth's dustry 's intense opposition and
nomination to the Supreme after rour hour debate, the
Court didn 't show any signs committee voted Monday to
that Nlton's statement Mon-change depreciation rules for nonresidential property. These
day would start a stampede to rules someti1nes allow real
back the administration. estate investors to pay no in·
Such senior Republicans as come tax despite big profits
George. D. Aiken of Vermont Jrom their properly and fr om
and John J. Williams of other sources of in!;on1e.
th<' J~ouse this summer end
under consideration by the
SC'nate co111mittee. With a few
modifications, the committee
approved the House's pr<r
visions on rapid depreciation.
The romn1ittec action ap·
plies only to nonresidential
hull dings -motels, offlce
buildings, warehouses, shop-
ping cenlers. privately owned
post offices that are leased to
the goYernment and other
commercial s tr u c t u res
Residential construelion "'as
left out because of the national
housing shortagt.
1968 t ampaign to try lo re· ~
rolf' uf a first rate maritime ~::===::~:y~~·:·=========~==~= power "
But observers agree the job
\l'ill Ti.ot. be easy. At present,
Delaware stlll are listed as un-pe~~d~~ ;fl~wl:{~v 1~0~:·p:cc~~~~
decided with an expected vote .for tax purooses twice as last
on confirmation about two as it actually does depreciate.
weeks off. Such r a pi d dcpreclatlon
Now an investor <Jr a syn.
dicat e can buy or construct a
building, take advantage of
rapirl <lcpreci ation rules, sell
the structurl' af\l'r a f('w years
\vhen the benefits start 1~
1vear off, anrl in1·est the. pro.
ceeds from the sa le in a new
building and repeat the cycle. two-lhfrrls of the 963·shiD
Arnerlcan fleet is over 2.')
years old. The U.S. ranks 11th
<imong the world ship buildin~
n<1tions, and Hs once sleek
lleet or prissenger liners is
do11'n to a handful and is ex·
peeled to get even smaller.
Catholic Bishops OK
Greater Voice · Points
Nixon said at a surpirse creates a paper loss. The tax·
news confertnce Monday payer can deduct that loss
Hayn!worth has been sub-from hls taxable incon)e to
jec:ted to "vicious character reduce -or s o 1n e t i 1n c s
assaa1lnation." The President eliminate -his la:u.·s.
said he would not withdraw his The committee action, if
no m In at ion even if sustained by congress, would M•
Ha)hlsworth requested him to increase government revenues l-9'~ ~7orse, critics claim, is the
fact that the United States
nn\V carri es only .five percent
of its foreign commerce in
Arnerican-flag ships.
Arni y Takes
111 Somalia
majority in the world iynod of
bishops agreed today o n
sweeping recommendations ft>
gi\'e bishops a greater volce
with the Pope in the govern-
ment of lhe Roman Catholic
A Vatican press oUktr NW
the majority agp,ed on amc
main points:
-The Pope should cooperate
with bishop&' Conferenct1 ·on
vital decisions afftcUna: the
enUre church. '
-Some type of permanent
NAIROBI (UPI) -The body should be &et up to
12.000-man army and police coordinate relations between
force seized control of Somalia the Holy See A1)rl the bl.shopa'
today, five days after the conferencees.
assassination of the East -The Roman Curia should
African nation's president. the serve not only the Pope but
Somali;:i Embassy reported. the bishops' c () n f e r e n c t s
The coup apparently was throughout the world.
bloodless. -There should be greater
An embassy spokesman, personal cont.act between the
quoting a broadcast by Pope and representatives of
Mogadishu RacUo from the bishopg,' conferences.
capital of the nine.year-old, -The synod shou.ld be called
Texas·sized country,, sai d Into annual vr bj a D nu a I
troops had surrounded the city --'-"-'_io_ns_b.:.y_lh_e_P_oP':__· __ _
and ousted Premier Moham-
med Haji lbrahaim Egal and
l1is Somalia Youth League
The coup came the day after
Presidenl Abdirashid Ali
Sherma rke was buried and th"e
country began five days of na·
tional mourning.
Vatican obetrvtr1 1ald the
m a Jortty recommendations
represented a •lanlflcant vie·
tory for the li~ral viewpointa
in the synod. The libtrals have
generally strtSRd the nttd for
greater powtrs for bishOps
wbOe camervallvts h • v • tmJlbuhed the 1 u pre m e
JIOW" al the Pop<.
do· so. by $1.J billion by 1979, when
Alken said laler he still Hs full effects arc felt. lllliiilllil
h.lsn't decided how he will This is the biggest single
vote on Haynsworth's con· revenue gainer in the swee(>" COSTA M!SA-ZZOO H•rNr llwd,
finnatlon. -~in~g~ta~x~r~ef~o~rm~b~i~ll~p~a~ss~ed~b~y~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~·:::::::::::::::::::::~:= "I doubt if the President 1-
made any votes by his state·
ment," Alken commented.
But Sen. Roman L. Hruska
of Nebraska, r ·anking
Republlcan member of the
Senate Judiciary Committee,
1ald he ls more confident than
Arabs R.OUted ever the Senate will confirm
Haynsworth, now chief judge
of the 4th U.S. Court of Ap.
B T -b peals.
Expert Color Service
Reasonable Prices Both
At Home Or In Our Shop
IULLA'S STEVENS TV Y .IA:; Blle8C Sen. B~ch Bayh CD·lnd .• l a
leader of the opposition, said
a,. u ..... """ Wen•donal conflict-of-interest charges he
today tMt ...,_ Lebllle$e refuted by the administration
armf 1n1op1 hue attaicbd an ''and make an eloquent case IUWHllWI
A Cairo newspqer reported has made have not been m
Arab cuen1J1a C9!DP just against confinnation of Judge
north ot the JJraiell border, ~H~a'.!y~ns~w'.;o~rth~.':_' -----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ killing tWo perlOQI and WOUDd·
inl! n1 ...
It wu the law.et club be-
tween the rqu)ar1 and eon'I·
mar>Qos since the suemnas
beg,. bulldlnt comps In the
·area ,despite orders from the
Lebanese a:overnment to stay
The Cilro """PIP'' Al
Ahram, • 1tmiofficl1J outlet
for the leadership of the Arab
world, aald the Lebanese
•m'ly Md belle1ed • euerrlila
camp Mlftday and ahelkd it
before a sround attack.. Egal, 41, had been appointed
by Shermarke following the
president's election in 1967.
Both men ser<ed in the fast Research Lah Somalia government after it
gaioed independeooe in 1960, Hi'.t by Vandals but had been voted out of of·
rice in 1964.
As premier. Shennarke had CAMBRIDGE, Mw. (AP)
kept his country unaligned and -Vaftdal1 reJe1ttd llOl'nt
\\'1\Sf-llNCTON (AP) -The job of actually defending the played \Vest against East for 3,llOO hlm.sttn 1n ~ Ble-
United States and Japan have strategic chain \Vllh its ov.rn aid. Egal continued the policy Relearch lmtib,rte Menday,
of your
sea, ground and air defense when he was appointed to de~I )'tlfl ol ,_.,ell reached an underslanding for units, t/JC'y said. head the government. fnto mediCll pnbltml.
the return of Okina\\'a to _:::::::::_:_:_:_:::::_ _____ _::::::_::::.c:::.:.::.:::_:.:::_:.:::_ _____ __:=======.:='-----'-'--~-----f
Tokyo's administrative contro!
by 1972 while maintaining the
l!.S. 1nllitary base on the
island, ()fflcia! sources 5ay.
The agreen)cnt \vii! call for
taking U.S. nuclear 1vcapon s
off the is!and, hel rl by !he
United Sliltr.s since. t he
Japanese defeat in \Vor ld \\lar
II. according to the officials,
President Nix o n and
.J:ip;,nesc Prime il1 in is t er
Eisaku Sato plan lo issue :i
Joint state111cnl about the
lransfer \l'hcn lhcy conclude
!heir Nov. 19·21 n1cetlng in
Wa shington. 1111: officials said
It will provide the date and
the conditions to be embodied
in a formal agreement
negotiated after tile Sato·Nlx·
on meeting.
Negotiation of the final
agreement, Nixon ad-
ministral)on officials s a Id ,
n1ay take a year or more.
When the United Slates and
Japan reached an agreement
in 1967 for ihc relurn of lwo
Jima and the Bonin Islands, it
too k seven mon1hs lo negotiate
the final details.
Officials say that the details
are far more complicated in
the case of Okinawa and th e
Ryukyu Islands. U.S. officials
are not willing to detail in ad·
vance conditions for use of
Okinawa as a 1najor U.S.
military outpost in the western
But Japan wll l take ovrr lht
U you have new nclghbon
or know of l!.nyone moving
to our area. please ll>U l11
so that 1ve ma.v extend a
ftil?ndly \1·el<:ome and help
them lo lM.'come 11cqualnt cd
In their nc1v fi11rroundini;s.
So. Coasl Visitor
• ~ ITLllm~-____ ..
~-.. --.. . ..................... ? ..... ..
ll&11"'1t If.• t.00t1•1LU.U
James Crow developed the
first quality-control
distilling process-and
created smoother, mellower
Old Crow.
Nothing finer has
happened to Bourbon in seven genetationt.
Old Crow •
$5~5 QT.
And leave
to us.
Wc'lldrivetbe butaia and you drive the car. No w, for the lir.;t
time you can leue a new car and take advantage of the b:ui,'>ining
power of a $950 million bank. Our car leas ing is for people who hate
to haggle and dhlil.e dumping a lot of cash into a down payment. Even
more important, our plan iii for people who want lo lca.•c their car at
low bank rl"'8.
Nobocl1""1nll nobody-can lease you a car for less. You don't
have lo Ma mathematical genius to figure out why. \Ve're the source of
cub-the money factory! There arc no middlemen who want their cut.
F11r your CllnTcnicna: we have 93 oOi cc.• throughout California. Any
oiie of than an -a.., you u much as $300 on a two-year lease.
Cct Ollf profe11lonal and unbiased advice, free. Come in to
any hnnch of First W""tcrn Bank for the financial facts about car leas-u.,. We won't twist your a.rm, but we will olfcr our advice. \Vc'll even
1how you why som~timcs it's even chca1,cr to lease a m<irc expensive
car. And just to show you how 0 __..
ohjectiTc Finot Western Ban~ is, r ~L
whether you lcue a car or bor-Bancar
rowtbemoneytobuyone, we'll Lease
gi.e 10'1 • &..e chttking account.
Wbuelae M>uld you like? ..._, _____ _
Harbor Visitor ~('i !Ut.N Sl~~IG~t £(lJ~~~lj ~·1111~K(.V fi6J'R00f...ll1Sl1Ll{D 1UD BOl!L[fl av I~[ 141JOUl.l}l0 eRO\IJ DISfllUAY co .. fllllkfDll. ~1 ..
" I
""' .................................................. ~ .... ~--~ .. ~.~ .... ~..,.....,..~-~ ................................. ~ ....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--···--. . . . .. ~
I DAILY PI LOT lut~d'4y O~tobtr 21 l~Jt.,q
State Popula1· 1•
Tourists Spend $2. 7 Billion
SACRAMENTO, C,;1!1f. CA!')
-lie drives a ca r. 1~ over 35
;1nd probably is 11 ... adl'd for
Disneyland 111 A11<ilieun or
Fisherman's \\'harf in S;111
Francisco with a wile and
lle's !lit: typu.::11 vi~J!ur lo
California -a 1rC('·Sprnd1n~
tourist who l1<'lprtf pun1p ::ii 7
billion lro1n 1our1:-,1n 1n10 the
~talc's cconorny I.1st )C<ir.
Thn1's the portr'11t dn11\·n
?"o·londay by a rrport prrparctf
by the private t·onsullant fur
the Ca!Homta State Of11cc of
Tnun:-.1n and Vistlor Srr11<·<'~
Lconon11 C HCSCitfl'h
:\ssoc1<1 tcs reported lo 1!1r ul-
l1ce th<it JO.J n1ilhnn pt'r~on~
1·an1e u110 C111lfnrr11a by {';1r
l;i~t yc<i r and 5 8 nnl\1un Li~
plaoo. .
They provided :i sub~tan11:il
:-.hol in the arm for llil'
economy of a state Y:1th :1
population of just under 2!J
rn1 thon, the t·un~u!t <in\s ~,;iii
Total 1ncumc was $l I billion
!rorn ;1uto \'1SJt0rs ;ind ~l 6
btlhon from air trav elers.
The f;1vorite allraclion \1 r1s
D1sncyl Jnd, thr ;1n1uscn1cnt
park bu ilt by \Valt J)isney in
<Jr:u1gc County s11uthcast ol
Lu~ 1\11gclf'S.
A lul<1I of 34.8 pt'r ccnt of 1hr
;1uto travelers and 22 4 percl'nt
11f 1hc air p;1sscngcrs \1 cnt
1llcrc, the consultants said.
The second n1ost popul<1r .al·
tracuon 1v as F1sherrnan·s
\\'harf in San Francisco -
1lcst1nation of 18 3 ptrccnt j1f
the n1otorists and 18.8 pl'rrrnl
of !he <11r passengers. Other
fa1·urite s po!s \1·r rr
J\larincland. an aqua11c e1re11~
11e;1r Los AnAclcs . Chinato1111
111 San Francisco; Knoll 's Bt'f·
ry 1'arn1, an Orange Countv
;1n1usen1enl park 11·11h
ln slorical attractions. ond lhc
S<in Diego Zoo.
Lo11 g Beach
Nc ,v s111a11
1'1 t1 rcl Cl'Cll
I \I'\
l't•la:(· ~ay :1 J1rt'pk1t·1• J'i.h1•r ~
hl'l1t.:\'t·d ll> 1 1~11 e h l·C'tt Ii"'
1·.r:.ipon 11 l11 cl1 kdll'd l;c·u1';:11 I'.
\\(•:ti..'. ii\ 1 h1cf rdil on,d
11ntl'r l11r 1l1e Long J~t·:i· Ii
J nrlcpt•nlit'1ll-I 'r1·~~ Tl·lc-g rJ11n .
'Zodiac' Hunt Strategy Develo ped
J~"rc G1111. Pc r1nits Clwcked for 'Best Clu e' to ll1ad1nan's ltlcntit)·
~\\I·!:\\! 1 ~i1 f 1·\I ')-A.
n1 •'t·l11rg 1•1 "'I• 11 pphl'r .•gtn·
C'll'~ 11'\!fll !1 n ;1!'CU (l'fl OfllC\(
b) lh1• z,1(]1.ir killt'I" 1111<;
tJ1·vt'IUf H'd .r J.:l•nf'r;il ~1 r;11cgy
:11111cd ,1[ 1tl1•11t1lyu1;.; :u1d Ci.Ip·
turln.~ !1in1
l~ut. ·.::i.1. !'o!!f'!:' (';i pt,
ilL1rt1 •1 l.1.t.1,r ~~.<11 F'r;1 11l'1 ~('<J.
·I 1.111'1 ~uv 1•.t,-I(' any t·l o~cr
tu r;11rl111I 111111 ·•
I , \ Id ,,,,,,~·nit>n altl'r 1\1~·
1!111 1 l• .. 111 i·lu~«tl f.1·~~inn .\!•111·
11.11· 111.il 1,,, ~·uuhl u1it r• 11.ul
tl·1• :-.11..oll',.::. But he ~;iid th ll
"'h,11:dt1 !tli:1;'. balh~llt·s ,111U
ringel'pl'J nt experts linked lhe
:-.:11ne inon" to five sl;iyings in
the S.1n f"ranci~co B;iy area
~i nce last Occ. 20.
In ii nutlit·r development,
\Volt lhlr nf 1!1e San Franc1st::o
Cr1111c L<1boralory said the
best !'Ille. rnriy be the gun used
1o kill fo11r of the vlctirns -H
~lu1rn p1.-.!ul of which only J-13
J1.1'<l' ht'C'll .sold in the p<tst
II rt·t· .ve,irs in th is <1rea. The
Jillh l'iC"tin1 1vas stabbed. ··tr-. ;1 gun for killing,'' he
sJ1d "II has a tern ble impact
(jUilhl y '•
Permit appl1cat1 011s r o r 11soncd .. p1cklng ulf the kid·
persons who bought such guns dies as they conic bouncuig,
11ut'' of fl schootbus. Up to 70 are being checked for corn· pol ice units arc accompanyu1g
purison with handwriting un schuo! buses as a precaution.
the Zodiac notes. Lee s:11 d lie thinks tile con·
Police have said t 11 e v fcrencc gav(' ol!iccrs ,1
<lr<'ds .,j plior.t· ,-,ill~ fr• r l
The 2fi men <lt the 1nrt>I'"~
includeci rl'prc:-.t'r11 at1vcs 11t I .,;
N<1p.1 ;111(./ Sul.1n1 1 C1111p•y
:-;hcn f!'s ulfii·t'~ ;1n<I \ .11lo p•,
N;.ip.1 <H1d Sa11 Frar1.:1i-rn 11111,1 1:
;r<; 11 t ll ;is tht• C':1 IJ)lil'l l• 1
!!1ghw;.,y r',1(rod "llrj liio· cJ I•!
Btff t•<n1 1\I ('r 111,1111.! Jo:
(Jfi('.:Jll011 ;i/ld 111\ (·~I l~dl IHI]
believe they arc dc:iling winiii ~t rongt·r and tJellL'r pitture "
n1adn1an. He has bonstt'd of uf the n1an they're h1111t1ng,
!lie slay ings in telephone l'Jll \ l!l' :1ddrd · ··There ;11·r no
to police and no!e.s t 0 reul SlL\pt'cls ~.l't , rll'~pilt• tiun-
nc1vspapers stierting, ··Thi-: 1~·----'---'--------------------
Zodiac speaking.'' lie Ila~
\Vritlen cryptograins which ht'
says give clues to his identity
In a recent threat. Ile en--~:,, tjONS /CONo ~ Cu stom-made clothing
Sailo r Gets to Sta y i11 U.S.
Mr. P. G l 1fwdni, p1e>le 11•Q~~1 de
''3 ~1'r "<I I be '" Ne ... poot e c~~~
2 d<1~\ cnty, 0,1, 2 and J, "' lh ~
l'"'~lo:l~e Mo!rl, b208 \•,I~,/
Cc~•! l'-tn;h ... dy. f o• "P~O n•m enl,
plr.d 'e coll ~L m el 64 2.825!.
LOS ,\\1,1:Lf:S (L:P ll -A
2'i ~·t:.J! I HI i ·ri..h ~111 k1r I' )111
JU!11JJ1d !'1111• , • !·h.,1:; Jilli It I< .d
.• ~_.lur11 u:1il' tu J<.ind 111 i:,u t
.'.Jil.l ••I' I ol' j.! I ,I II\ I'd
p1 11111 .:.lu!l Iii l• !I, •'l Ill !ill'
l 11i\1'U bL,ilc:; <it lcosL one
'" po!1(·e "" the
lethni('<il gr11und~ he v.•as a
rlesc rtcr froni his ship. He
:-.µtnt the nigh! 1n tile Los
1\1 1r1·lcs Co11111y J:i1I.
Jlis rclc:ise l'<iinc <iflcr the
l 11tc1'nalion~I Hescuc
and possible rcxidency in lhc
Li S. immigration 01!1cial'>
1"hc VJ!koviee, \vhi c·h
departed Sunday night for
Peru, 11·as the first Czeth ship
10 dock in the Los An ge les
n1ittrc Jnc . uf Lo s Angeles, ll<irbor in more than a dozen
k years.
" ' ' -------------_, I 1,·'° ~·,1 ·, .,. ~-' o~~1 ,,,, •• 1~''" nt.r1 •. ~1,! t) ., ' -C.ct fl'~d'U'•!I 1~·-
S•l•<I t1cm CV<f 7 ,000 ~·"'nl., 0" " ·,pl•Y· ~l)o do1r'11t'c ee1~td SN•dle11, ~1n~U1g>, C .•r> -: : •'·1 :< ~·.1
Reaga11 Orders Probe
IJc.[<'{·11vc Sgl. J .• J. l!urlLi1 ·1 L
s:1id the wrilt·r"s cldr!' MJ11
(;•'orgr .Ir , :J:1. 11u~ bo~•kt'd 1 .. 1·
i11l'c'!1ga!1un uf 1nurdt•r.
11or ·ccJ out ;1n :1grcc1ncnl wi t Ii .. 1 Je<J rn hoiv not to be /rec
111:1• 1 11111~! 1111 t11e (' /. cc h 1hc L.' S. Immigration .Servi ce is:' Vokruhlik, a n:itivc of
In 1:'ht•'r \'i!k(J\i1n. Jpa11 :•~rd to .~ponsor the ~a1lor. Prague said ir, broken English
Of Oakland Grants The bnrly 11.1\ fr11111d :\l111uJa1
;1!1crnoon, Jl url\Jl'ft ~<11d. 11.1
io ~1u•;1t. 11;1 ( 111 ... 1d oil·1·rs S1 •1t· \'ukrouhhk. 1rho snal he ''/ am in square v.'hcn 1a11ks
1!:1y und 111;•hc 1t ;1~l1urc \1·t1ef c pl:innect fo r nine years to seek come, many people die. l ca11-
Ll' a-.httf fur poli:a:;il ;isy!llrn. politica l asylu1n . \\'ill be able not fight tanks \Vil li r"
;inothi·r 11011. Johns(ir\ \\'ral., Dul h1· 11J'i 1.1h!"I i1.:() to :ipply for <ln i1nn1igrant vis:i hands.''
Gov. Ronald Reagan plans to
initiate 11n investigation of
federal v.·ar on poverty pro·
grams in the Oakland area to
determine if their fund s arc
hl'ncfitting the needy.
;nltipoverfy grant for Oakland.
I le l'h<1rged persons assol'iated
11·ith the local program tiicd lo
$<'l up a • 'sh a do II'
government'" police depart·
n1ent and school board.
al, 11')10 l1rrs ii! lhl' 1;111111\ ,,,,·=-====-=--'-"""'""""=='-==o.==========================================-o·o-=-=-=-=-=""=====
hon1e 111 lhc Bel1nunt ::ihon
Th<' governor n1adc 1hc
disc!osurr tl1onda~ 1n ;111-
nouncing his veto of a SZJ4.8!JO
Unruh Ask:;
School Aid
Goof Fixed
::iACRAiltENTO lt;Pll
Assembly Ormocra1lc leader
.l ess linn1h has urged C.ov.
llonal<l RraJ,:;in tu t:a ll a
sprl'1al SC~SIO!l of I h I'
1cgi~1a1urr to eorreet a Sj:l
rnillion error 1n a maJrir school
a u;! bill the go1·ernor ~1gncd in
L:nruh n1;1de tht' rcquc~t
;\fondny \1·h1te 1'harging !he
Drp:ir1mPnl of 1·:d11ca1ion "1s
acting illegally ln ignoring the
!aw and admi nistering" stnte
;11d to school~ :'Is 1f lhr
mistakes Y/<ls oC\'Cr 1nade.''
Ht' salrt lhe t'rror "C'ould cosl
lhc s1al c !:o.'i.1 n11ll1on inure
tl1;in wns plann!'.'rl."
n eagan said he \\'Jll appoint
~ .~pcti<il c:o1nrnit1cc to in·
\·cstigate the O:ikland area ;1n-
11povcrly jl r o g r a n1 s lo
··dctern1inc whether 1 h e
fede ral tax rnonit:s arc. in
fi1et. helpi ng thusc persons
th<'Y arc intended to be ncl!I .,
The grnnt. subject t o
f\e;1gan's npproval, was to the
O:ikland Economic Develop.
rncnt Council Inc. (QEDCI)
and v.·,,1ild be administered by
ihc East Oakl.:ind-Fruil\'alr.
Pl:inning Couneil. It v.·ould
hal'C expired next Aug. :11 .
.<\ ~ovcrnor·s \'eto ({In hl'
nl't'r!urncd by ft:d(·ral ;in-
t1po1·erty o!ficials.
In a s tat<'rn cnt, RPagan·~
l'Xecutive secretary Ed\\'ard
~l ecsc said that ''pe rsons
as~ociatcd with OEDCI pro·
grams are. and have been. us-
ing their position and certain
fed eral funds to set up a kind
nf shadow gove rnment drsign·
t•d to lhv.•art the efforts or
public offiei:ils and OEO
)!roups in the O;ikland area in
111ec t1ng lcgllln1ate con1mun11 y
neccl s."
The \ll!tlJ!I -.; 111f t'. i\lJIJ1 •1
11;is ;1v.;1v fro1u tinme ;11.•
tending ~ 1·011v£nt 1r)11, 1n-
\'l'St1gator~ :-.a id
1\ecord1ng to !I u r I b c r !
(;£•orgc .Jr. 11;1s 111t,·n·oj:!;1ltil
;ind tnken into t:l'"liidy \1h('l1
h(' c:.iinc to tilt' l1nu~t· :il \(·r
polite 1i;1d a11·111•d 11n 11iv
:-.rrn(•. Tiii' 11 111•'<'1" :-,;11d (1 1 •
cp1l'~liun .. r 11 1•1i1•.<· 11 .1s ~l·ll
under :-.!Lidy.
\Vc;i ks. 11 11:1t11·0· 11f \l.11 1! r
\inl lcy, Ky, Jri1ned the l.(11'1.!
Beach ncwsp;qu•rs 111 l'l:t,. lit·
served Jnr I~ _\'tj1 r;; ;1:. l'il ,v lril l
rcror1 <'r ;i nrt wo ... n:11111'd L 111, I
editori:il 11 ri tcr 111 PJhti.
S lalt'
Fa ir.-
cl 1·11
Al:1n .\l iln<'~ .. • • 1 I' 1 1 ,, r \'.
nian<if.!<'r 1•1 th f' r f' • 1+ 11
Distncl F.11r, 11 ,1-. 111·111"1
J.'lonlf;1y ;is l!fi'O J!l'"~illl'llt ,,f
t h~ \\l·~tl'rn F,01rs A-.:,oc r1·1••11.1
!\lilnt•s, asso1.ia!t' \'It'(! p1 1 1-1
1ll'nt 1vho has b1·t11 1·nnn1•• 11·r!
\1'1\h the Fn ",no F 1ir · 1•1• !'
1~'.l5, stircedcd .!aC'k N1r \·111•11-I
f.!"r. ~f'{'J't't:1 r.1 111;111;11'.1·1· iii 111c
:-\il vcr [Ji )ll.ir I· ,i1r .d ( l.1111.
!:'.rt G1·av. an a~sisl11nl pr1·<>s
sccretary'tor Beagan. saa.l the
gol'rrnor's olf1re \1 011ld l'On-
sull 11'1th th1· clcpal'ln1cnL or
<'rh1eat1011 "lo a s c t' rt ri 1 n
whether thrre n11ght br <1ny ir·
r<'i:11l::ir1 tics" 1n Ille hill.
Unnih. a probHh\e candidate
for go1·crnor nc:-.L year. noted
Hcagan ealhxl a ~pc c 1 a I
IC'g1slatt\'(' SCSSJ011 lo tlc;il 11•1lh
a ~SO 1n1H10n rrror in a Hlfi7
.-c·hool aid 1ncasun• l nruh
authon•it. The Bc;1g;.i n .11l·
n11111\tr;it1on In~! \1 ·a r t h<tfl:l'd
!here \1 as a S,1:io r111ll1nn
rn1s1;ikt' 1r1 the aicl bll\ Uu~ thr
monl',\' 10 11nill\t:f' 1t 11;1 s l>ilcr
cl i~CO\'Crcd.
Police Lo Join Hi111 i.11 l'i111r l 1
IGdnap 1'ry
Rap N ixcd
OXN 1\n D tUP!) -Ri«h an!
Blase is a la\\'~cr \1·ho kno\1 '
Jus 1 1gllt~.
l.;1~L Augu:..L B\.1,t' .1·, 11.1 '
.in nfl IC'<'1' in ll 1'
11[ h1~ rt\11\,
lil,I'''' ",, Loi
11.111 .1rd 11,,,,i,,, I 11 '"ti'
'In.-Jn•,\!'. lldh ~ ltllh I\
rlr11 1ng ;:dong ;in Ox n;1n! •llTl 1 f.,r , ttd•·.., .111d ',.I., 11 I,,,.,.
\I hl'n a cnr n11dgcd pi•nl1111•.ly ho• I 111 d 111 11 • • " 1111 1 1 I'
1·lo~r Lo )11~ bu1npcr . 1i11 ,,,.1 , uf l11lh1,1111 I•"••,,,,
The t,:;lr passrd ~111d 1'.l,1.,1· ii .i· ,,1ult ;ind 11,11'• 11 ,11+<1
g;ivc chase in :in attt•tnpl to r1 ·tu,.,,1 tn l•·t 1111 11 1 "I. I" 111
nvcrt<lkc the "1.iilg1l!1ng·• nf. :111r.rnev bc:furl' !111111"
!rndl'r. l l lurn<'d nut Ill<' ;11 1l (i !..1.•.l °Fnd:1\. i\l 11111 \I \1 1 I
he ll'as ch:ising \1·as i1 pnl u·,. J 11dgt' Rnh•'rl I.. !-.ll.11\ 1 'd 1
p;1lrol cr111~<·r 111 ]l\ll'~u1l 01 ,, 11.1 11.11!1 tnr tin· ;1n • I •.l II 1
!lun! n1otonsl. 111 .... 1111 •TS Tii e• 11 ,11 1 ,,,,
Blase caughl up 1111 11 ll1r 110·1·,. 1 ~~11cd :\1nntl ;i v ;111<1 !11'
pat rol uni t ~1 l lh<' !i:o1n<' l1 :nl' 1il ll'T1d1ng ul!l1'c1·:-. 11 • r •
rohce cornered thr11· culpn l. un!r1·c!l ln :1pp1 ·;11' 1111 ... 111 111r
SAN' tllATEO (U PI ) -All \\"hC'ntheofficers11'Prf'1\'fll1ni.: n lwarint.: lnr!a\'.
fl'lnny chargC's v.·rrr dism1s~cd oul a lickel for 1he lhtrd o1-1{1('h;1r1I l ~l:1~t' 11111 .ii ·'' .1 i·
~1 (1nct;"1V ;1g;i1nst Aa ron P<it-frnl\cr. U I a s !' .appro:.icl1rd I 11 ,11·. II •' !I I 111 ( h:11 ::1 ' 011 111
trr~on; a San ,Jose 1cchn1cal police v.·iq1 a "cllizen s 01rrr'I · l1•1l •·n1H: 11 .1h ,,., ••liu •·1· lll 11"'
l\'n ler originally actu~ed of for lailga ling. p1·riun11;u1t•1• nl h" 1 1u1~·. J..11
thr altcmptc<l kidnap1ng of Officers Ken Budwro anti 111i.: f.1!...1· uil111 111.111,u1 I•• .1
1110 peninsula girl~. Ri chard Stani land turned f•ll Jl<'11c<' of111·rr ;111d d1I\11':' ;111
Thr di~lrit·I a11orncv·s ollic£ Blase and issued hirn ;i 1101u·1· .u111·n1oh ll1• 1111ho u1 :i 1h11tT'
asked 1h<1 t 1he cha rges against on charges of interferi~~ ~uh hr1•11sl' 111 h1' 1 ~1~,,· ... ~11111.
Patterson. 56, be dropped and •••...,•••••• .... ••....,•••••••••••••••• ... ••••••••,,. he he tncd instead 011 t1vo it ! '°''"'' 01 '""''ing child rco -: YOUR PROBLEM· : a rntsdemeanor. : • .,
Municipal Court J u d ge • You want to sell so1T1e. iterri !
Brookes Ice dismissed the ! ttiat you no longer need but •
{c\onies and redu ced Pal· • someone else can use fot" !
terson'!'! hail from $25.000 lo : !
i1 .ooo. 'f he m;,,demeanors ! N 0 T 0 VER $ 5 0 •
stem from a case involving :.1 ,. ? ') ? ? ? ? !
Belmont girl. ! . . • . . .,
Patterson initially \\'<JS ac· • !
cuscdofenticemr n t ,at-: YOUR ANSWER: !
tempted kidnapinR an at· : .,
tempted child stcalini;. ,. You call THE DAILY PILOT, ask for +
~~~~~~~~~~~~.!: Clas1ified Advertising, and p lace " ~ : : PILOT LET'S BE FRIENDLY
U you have ne\v ncl~hbon
or know of anyone movinc:
to our area plt'a.sc tc.11 us
go that ""e may extend a
frlt:ndly welcome and heir
them to become acqu;iinted
lD their new 1unoundin~L
So. Coast Visitor
i ,,,--:,.~ PENNY
i ~--~-~ ~, PINCHER • ,. 1: '• 1: ': Ii • lo
'! Harbor Visitor • DIAL NOW DIRECT !
• • •
• • • • • • • • •
• .~fl fJ}JOrt tlie Canipaign iri Your [01111111.111it_y
i '
~~~~~~~~~~~~Ji IT~I f~ ~"'': C~wn~ s?o.1?201 ~I 1· • i:.••*******••··········· ... ~,~ ....... ,,. ............. ':'. ___ ,.---------------.;--------------~--------------,---------------1 •
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For Tl1 e
~·· ... -
V"•rln! or wo, ;.a V•d• 1 •na •u.••I'"'•· Now M•><1 B"""'~' l?•Y, Am0<«•n Ll'tllon H•ll, ~u w. 111" ~'. co.i• M•>•,6um,
l!ol••• Clue or Nowpor1 B~lt>o•. Ir.In•
Coa;t Coun1rv (luD. 1600 ( Coa,1
Hi~hW••· Coron• O~I M~•, j, JO o m
(o"a M"•·NtPOh1 Hort>ot L'O'I~
Clue, M~• '"'""" Counlrv Club. Co1t• M~;•. 6 lO p m.
Bolbo.I B•v Lion> CluO. Voll• M••ln•,
100.I B•~l•O• 0 Tlvo, N•Wl>0•1 B••ch. I o m
llun11no1on B•~<h tl~s Looqo, Fl~t
LO<l~•. ID• OC~•n ...... Hu .. 1;n111on
8•~<1', 7 JO p m
~OC•"'V ror '"• Prts••v~••Ol'I •n<I r ncou•,.~•mrnt OI fht!W• 5""9
Gu•llet 5•ngl~u In ...,..,..,,<•. N•'Wl>Of'I
HMt>ot Ch&PT•r, Coll•~• P•rk 5Cl>Ool,
7JIO Notrt O•m•, (O'>lt Mt••· I 4.1 om
oaa ""'"'"'' Lw9• •:o II!, Ooa ~tllo"'' Ttmi>lt, )76 M••'I ~1 , Hun-
lonq!on lledch, I 1>.m
L 0 0 .M, Moo>• No. 1151. •JJ E. 111~
SI , Co•I~ M•••· I. I~ o n•
ll1iboa ~.; Club, N•WPO•l•r tnn,
N•WPO•I 6t1cn. t o.m.
5•• •no Sig~ Au<:!ul>o" ~OC•tlY, Sou,~•on fl'Q()m, S•nll An~ L•O••"'•
~·.::..~ria "°'' ~"'"''· ~~'"" An•. /·JO
l!<10en Ailber! B••Oloro, ,.qt •. o!
IJH E Oce•nfrnnT. N•w°"'1 llo•c~.
D1tt af Ot•lti. O~lober 19. Survive<!
bv ""'"""· Mr. ~no Mr•. wa .. on R.
l!r1dfo1a; brome,., Brvan 1nd l!•en•; B k • Th • M J
mo1trn11 V•~ndmol~~r, El;<l~Th 11111 o .c 'l 'tlg e1·1· 011.11re 1.s 01 Co•1• Mt••· Vt•ve .. ot service>. ICld1y, Tue•d•v. 11 AM, Pi clrlc view
M....,0•1•1 P••~. oorec•ed ~y e011i fllatcr Dei Catholic J-ligh School in SanL<l Ana has as n1any cheerleaders as 11 Morluory, Coron• <tel M•r. I
LAZOVSKY does_ football players on the field at any one lin1_e. First stringers. on c ieer·
M1r~u••il• M. L••oY•kv. 1?t s1n1iogo leading squad include (On ground fron1 left ) J\lar1an11~ Duane. Denise Du~rell ~o':~·,;~·~:.~:::·b~·;:,~~n~:·~~ .. ~~; and Clare Frazier. Boys arc lfroin lcft 1 Jeff llarnct1aux , Bob Barker. ~can
"'"'"'" 1C11n11en Ja(~~n. s1. P1u1. J\ol urphy and Jl.·1ichael Curran. flidu1,g high are tfro1n left) Dianna Toledo, Cor~ Minnt$41a; 1l11t~. katn1..,,. M<6raver.
son Lv1• 0t>!1pa, 110..,,•v. tue•d1v. ky Corcoran, J il l Jiasle r and Julie Pen<i. 7·JO PM; lle<>uie"' M~•• Wedne101Y, -~::_:.:::.::::.:.:::::_.:::::_::.:::.::.::::_::.::::__::_:.::_::__.:_.:_ ___________________ _
0·10 fl.M, both 11 s1. Jann 1ne 11101111 DEATH ~'OTICES C11holic Church. Ol•K't" by P1c!lic I l • View MOrh11r.,
Oor>11d K, W1•hburn. Beloved hu'>b1nlf
or Mn. Vm1 M, Wl>hburn; l1!htt ol
Mr•. Ctrcle Ainnt Lum"len, Ml•s
Oorot~y J, W11hb<!r1>, Min Do""" G, \V~>hburn, Miu C1role Je•n W11l11>urn.
J•<~ K. W11hourn, l':Otle•I K. WAlh-
bUrn, Gerald JI . W1>nburn: •IJ.o '"'' VIII~ bv Ii•• gr1nt1cnlldrt1>. St •Y\(f\, F'rlday, 10 AM, Jn I~ Chu((h o! ll>e
llece»lon~I, Forest L•wn-C.l~ml.11•;
F'Qro51 Lawn Mortu•"'· F1milY •ug-
~•" mtmorl1I cot1!rlbunon< moY De
"'~de lo HOA9 Memorial Ho1pUal lo•
Can•t• Fund. Add•en. 30! New~orf
Blvd., NtWPOr! 6eacn.
M~"o" G. ColliM. •l CAbr>llo, PA•~
Lido. DAit QI de•lh Otlcbt!• XI. Su•· 111v~ by d•uohler. M•1. Ja•toh Ro•-
!1101, Son Geronimo, (All' : lwo ,.,.
loci. Mr<. Geo,..ie Mcln!vte And M".
PtAr( 611ker; ~nd l"••t gtonachll<:!rfn. Funerfl ~ervlte1 on(! lnlerment .. 111
bt In Cha•lol!e. M,,higan. 6•111 Mer-
lu••Y Co•I• Me••· lo•w1rding altec· '""· TllOJ\1PSON
Cor•I I!:. 'Tl>o"'PS<m. Pa~•ed •WIY Ot· lo!>f r n . Su•.,Yed by d1uvMer. BtltV
M•"i", Co111 Mew. P"Y•I• •e•vicr•.
B•lll MortU•rv, (OSI• M., •. Dire(•
[d·~·•rd Ai•lnur S•t....,tul. ,.u Bl1c.-.
1horn, NeWPO•I 601cn. Su•Y<YOd bY
witt, M1br1; d1u11hl•"· M1•v1•el Gort1. ot Hollt"a; Cln"" S•elnh1us;
•on. Tl"' Sleinh•u•; molh•" Mro. "''I<• Ste•nh1us; tnrtt brolhtr~. 1111..n,
John 1nd J1m11 S!!inh1u1. M"""'""I «••V•Cts, Tnu .. d1¥. • PM, P1<ltrc
\lltw M....,0,111 Pe•~. 61l!i Mor•u1ry,
Coron1 del Mir. Olrt{lo~.
lltlh Ann Aldou1. Ait1• "'· of Di F. COll'I Hlghw1y. NtwPOr! Be•ch 0•1•
of death, Oct~• 71!. Sut.,Yed l>v
"'"1>1nd, Frod C. "'I"""" d1ugMer. Oi1ne Budd, Wt1lwOOC; 1nd two t1•1nd·
chlldrt1>, Ro11rv, •on,ghl, 1ue•d1v, I
PM, lle<>Uit"' M•"· Wedno•O•v, 10
AM. bolt> 1t Our l•~V Ou""n ol /1n·
""'' C•!l'>Olic (/lure~. New<>o•T no•t~. 1"'"""'""1. Good Sner.~.-o Cemelerv. l!•l•t Mor!u1rv, Co•cn• d•I M.-, 01.
M&lcolm S. Field, 119 Avt<>i<lo Pror>-
C¥•&, San Clt m•n•t. Dale ot <!eor~.
Oclot>er 11. 5<1•Y•Ytd bv W•lt. Eo•••""'
J, 01 ine nomc: l 1'1er, Cni•loi'e M ,
Foefd, lo Joli~; n••<•, V·•~•ni• R.
Foeld, C1e-;el1no . .5tl'\l•Ct •. toaay, l utl•
C•>'. Paci!lc v,.,, Cti•D•'· O"•c•ta ov P•tillc 'hew Morlv~•Y,
Ivy Pries t to S p eak
.4 t E cononi ic Confctb
P•ul V. (Jeck\ Ro,.. 3S-Ol! C•m 'n~
C•oi$1,all0, C"""''""" flear;.n,, ~u'"'"'~ by w11e. Mar9••"· """~h'"''• M••. Ralph S•u•uevanl, S~n Juan Caol;.
lrono: M,., Dalt lwde, Norltirlogt;
I V••"Oc"lldren; one g,.aJ.gr,.nocnHu.
~••Yke1. WMnr•dav, J PM, P•c•!« v,,., Cha""'· Enleml>monl , Pdtllir
Vitw Memor!•I P••'· F•mllv •uuoe"' tno•• wl•nong m•• ma<t mtm<>r1~1
contribution• lo me J•c~ Rea M•·
n•orlll Fvnd, (lo (Jei•lronQ Vall~•
6aoh'T Chu•cn. P.O, Bo< 11, \1n
Juan Cao.,!tan~. Dittcted by Po<d lt View MQr!~orv.
'Theodcrl! S C~•llon l~XI V•a Coo.r.
Lo11una 6t~cn °"'" or deal~. Oct 10. Su•v••ea l>v "U•banQ, S 6r•~• (••'-
ton: •en, Rot>e•I I.I, Ca•non. Bell•v••"·
\'f••h : 1,.0 ~I•~•• """ on~ neonr".
•••lf•_,11-IOw, Mr1 lhom•• fl. HUO"•'·
Lo11.,-a 6,ocn, 5~rv•ce• w 11 !lo" ti•M
Wed1:o•d1¥, 11 ..,,., '" Int (.,.,,mun,rv
Pr"'t1~1er1 .. ~ C:hu•c" ot Loguna 6o~cn
lnurnmenl. Pa<0f« V~w M•m~«•I
Paro, Oir...:ltod l>Y Pacil1c Voow M ot-lul rv,
A~,\!IE!.\1 l1·y Haker
rncst. l ';,.il Jfo ri1i:.i'i; f 1 r :-I
wu111a11 trc11 ~urrr, \1•il! be a
spcakr.r at till' Orange County
Eeonon11t· CunferCllC'C Nov. 13
;lL lht.' Anahcun Convc1111on
Thr n1cclini; will fcalurr
11-aders fro1n indu;;try and
local ;ind s\ati· gClvernn1cnt for
;ui u1-.!cp1h look at Orange
('ounty tod:.iy and thr decn1les
:.iheatl. It 1s '-POn.~ored by the
l)rcinge County Cha1nbt·r of
~Ir~. l 'rie~1 will spt•;1k on
..,..\'lonl'Y "
Shr :s!:;o \I 1!1 particip;11t· in
lhe rnorn1ng pant•l .~esston with B•ut~ I. ~••~•-011• of dea•n, Ddr. \\lilllil!TI .I. l.l ird. \It(' [Jrl·~trh•nt bt• JO, Sur~l ... d 11' brorn~r. D"'·phl
•i~ ..... ot eo01.,n, (alit : l•v• ~·•r•• !or .special prOJecls, K1uscr '"° two """"''"''· se ... \Ct• Woll ~.. I I c l . k hetd Tnu••d•Y· l PM, SI. And<tW'• n< uslr!l'S orpora 1011, !>.f-1('.1 •
Cl\.op!'I w.,~ D•. Oonqe-t1~1d 0•1.i .. " ing 011 "~1arkcts :" Stair ('on· :::~?;':;=.'.~~e:.Y wr~''1111 (noo•I M••· 1roll!•r l!oustun Flournoy un
l\IAGRUDER '·Taxes," and Niels PCdl'rson,
Speaker Priest
Oo•o1"v c. N•Q•voer .01 Be•n-''~ ~riu1h1·rn California 1'.1 :s111){l11~r ~·-".o•. A. Cn•1• M~io. oo•r r,1 ., pan~. 11'1!1 be the moderat or. Oo11n. Q(!Ober 10 Surv ,veo bv cav~"· Adrn11JJSl l'~ll (11' 011 ''Labor
""· Mr1. M••qare! Arr.n.,, 01 Bv!!n" ,l nli>> .I. LI ll)!.lll, \'l('f' lll'!'~i-J i>run1c \V. Hull, prcsnlent, w111n,,, (&Iii.; M ... Jo<quelo~t l•"c~. " I I C w,,, Lo• An901e•; -'nd '"'o 9r1nd<h" dr:nl, c 0 1· p ·or ;1 I(' rclti!1ori~. J'a c1fic Te ep ionc ornpany,
o .. n. Pd .. o•r •e•v''"'· Wt<1ne1d~v. ID I c· JI b JI I I k HOTGEH AM, we11c1o11 Chooo1. 6'r.-•m. SL'CLJr1!y ·r11 <· ln~ur;1nce 0111· \l'I c 1e line icon ~pr.a er. Marv M. Holge._ Ant e&. cf lll·B 1-'--'-'--C::..:_:::__::::..:_c._::::_::::::_ ___ _::__::__.o_ ________ -------------~--
s~n•1 hdbf lle. Co•ta Mt•~. Dole of dt•tf>, Oc1ober 70, Su1Ylvfd by ..,n,
Cl•••nce, ot •~•; •i• ooughle••· M•• Flo•f<IC• M. D•f>!O<Th, o! Alh•,.,b•~.
M.,. M~"• M. Powell, M•J, Irene II
Zichel, Mr!. No•"'il Miiier l rtd """
Gl1dy1 °'""'m""· •II ol low•' M"
Rubv Revier, Co•!• M"'"' fwo 11,iers,
.0.1,., Hel'n Sctw1umbuft1, •"<I Ml" Emm• Slollim1n. bo!~ of Minnt iOI•.
1nd 16 g•ff>d(h:l(!rtn St•Yic" •na
fn•e•menl w•ll i,., t>e•d ,~ f>lt,..•o•
to~•-lltll l!r,..dway Mor1utrv, Co•••
Mt,., lc•w•rdln~ d••"'O•I.
'°'l~(e• M. 51•u• /1 '>e 61 of 15}1 11 1 P""dero••· Cos11 M .. a. Dale ~· d••'"
Oc!ol>lr 10 Su•••vtd ti¥ ""'b•nn S•eDften A. Strui; '""' ion" frfn~ I ~no J•mt• W. M••"•· J• . bo•~ t • C:o"• M!U! tiroth•t, How1rd M<i•Ch,
.5 on1f An•: '""'· l'e•n Sele""" NewPOrl fl••c~! 1no i i• gra~dc~;ld••"
~··•l<tl .... 11 be held 1hv••d•V. 1 PM.
Btll Broodw1v Cn•Ofl. tn1t•m1n1. H•'
bo• Rt >! Me,,.,o•l•I P••~. Bell 9,,..a.
w•V Mor!uar.. Co•I• Mt••· DlrKJOO'\
\Vestcllff l\1ortuary
427 E. 17th SI., Costa l'ltcsa
646-4888 • BALTZ !\10RTUARIES
Corona del !\far OR 3·!450
Costa !\1esa ~II 6-Zt2'
llO Broadway, Co~t• MeA
Jluntington Valley
17911 Beach Blvd.
llunllngton Beach
l.U-7771 • AlcCOR!\llCK l.AGUN A
17§ Laguna Canyon Road
Laguna Beach
4H-9fl5 • PACIFIC VlEW
Cemetery • !\tortuary
M Pacific View Drive
1\ewport Bcacti, CalilonUa
'44·!700 • PEEK FAMILY
-;sot Bolaa AYe.
\Vestminster 193-351$ • SHEFFER l\IORTUARY
Laguna Beach f'4·1 ~5
Se n Clemente ftt.etOI • S.\11TllS' l\IORTUAHY
,£27 r.taln SI.
llunlin~lon Heach
536-6~· '' '•'
Now! Buy
Seagram's 7 Crown
and save $1 .10.
Fro m Oct.1 tkrough Nov. 30, 1969
you pa:f only $11.39 for
each Yi-gallon of 7 C rown
inalead of $12.49.
Don't miss this big saving
on America's favorite whiskey. ....... ..,, ..... """'''"''·•'
Say Seagram 's and Be Sure .
"' I r I f' o •r·•1.~ t.··'J•H~ •
De11t Due
At Countv
" GOP Mee t
ANAHF:IM -Ha rry Dent, a
lop political advisor to Presi-
dent Nixo11. wdl speak lo
delcg;llcs at the Hepublican
St;1tc Central CommiU ce cun-
vc11t1on here No v. I. Dent's
prl'sentation \Viii be part of a
day.long semina r designed 10
give p:irty membt>rs beh111d-
111e-sccnes information on cur·
rent ltepubli~an progran1s.
Dent. foriner assistant lo
Senator Strom Thurn1ond ( R-
S.C. ), has become one of thr
people closest to the l.,res1dent
since assun1ing the Yi1h1te
!louse post earlier this year.
The se rninar 11•ill consist of a
series of presentations by top
t'lective ;ind staff personnr.t.
including Lieutenant (;overnor
Ed Br1neckl' and S l a l c
Treasurer Jvy Baker Priest.
In addition , a debate on the
mcnts of the Electornl Collcg:!
has U1•t•n schl•tlulrd. Hep.
<.: h n r I e !'l \Viggins (H -1::1
f.1onH·l. a leader in !he fighL
tv clin1inate the Electoral
College. and Profe sso r
r.Tichael Uhlman of Clnremonl
f.1cn·.~ College, who favors its
retention. \Viii debate.
!\lore than 2,500 Republicans
;:ire C'XJA'Clcd for the con·
1ention. Oc~. JI through Nov.
Irvine Wa ter
A id e~ Nan1 etl
lRVINE County
supervisors ha ve n1ovcd lo ap-
point three men to Ille board
or \hf' Jrvine Ranch \\tater
District in lieu of elections.
Nan1ed by the county boarrl
\1•err 1\tax C. Hoeptner. Frank
1-:. llughes and E. Ray Qu igley
.Ir Also appointed by
su pervisors \~as 1\-lanuel J.
Armendariz 11·ho v.·HI assume
1 he duties of assessor. tax con-
troller and lreasurer.
Co nilllun..it y
Talk Sla ted
For Clinic
"The Con1n1un11y : t.lenace
or Guardi;i1: to Public Health"
1v1ll lle thr top1r or a talk by
Or Ed1l'art: Sta1nbrook al tllB
annu;il rncetinb Oct. 27 of tht•
Chil d Guidance Clinic ur
Nature W alk Se t
A t Yorba Park
YORBA LJND1\ ~ Thr prn· Highway. Tri·County League
posed Yorb;i Rl'g ional P,u·k :iigns 1vill give directions to
along thr Santa Ana Hiver \1'111 lht• st;irt ing po int of the tours. be the scene of a nature walk
Sa tu rday . The walk 1 ~ The Orange County Planning
sponsored by the Tri-County C:on1mission hearing on Yorba
Conserv:itiCln League.. park 1s set for I :30 p.111. Oct.
·rhe 386-acre parksite e~· 29, 111 the con1mission hearini.:
tends down n\'er f r 0 rn rooni. Engineering BuilclinJ.!
Featherly Park to Im perial !loom 168, 400 Civic Center
Highway along the north side iiDiiii,,i,.ii,i;iii\Vii•iis~l.i;iiiSiaiioiil3iiiAii"'i·iii~ of the river channel. Iii
N;ilurallsls w11l leacl Y•alking l
lours sta rling al 10 a .111. and •
11 a.m, and a county reprcsen-1
ta!ive \\'ill explain the park l
proposal I
Families should b r i n gj
lunches. I
Parking is permitted on the
right hand side of Espcranza
Huad, ca~t of l n1 p c r i a I
Ca ueer J\lcet
Orange County. OHANGF: The Ornngc
Dr. S1a1nllrook is t·hit·f County Br an ch of l h c
American Cuncer ~ocicty is l ~:;:;:;:;:;:;;,..,;;,T.,... psych1.1tris t ;Jl lhc Lo s donating $22,293 to St. J ose ph Angeles Cuunty-CSC tlledit•al Hospital to initiate a social
Center. se rvice department for cancer COSTA M(U. • 2200 HAllOll llYU.
Thr (iLJidant•c Ce n t er , and chronically ill patients.
formerly called South Coa;;t lp;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;i;;;;ii;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-t
Child (;uidance C l in i c ,!
diagnoses and lreats en10-I
l iunally disturbed children. It '
is located in Costa r.1esa. I
The Oct. 27 program also
11·ill include election of direc-!
iors. election of life members!
and presentation of a\1•ards.
The n1eeling 11·i1\ be at 7:30 1
p.1n. at Lincoln lnlermediatc
Schoo! in Corona dcl tllar. The
pLJblie is invited.
l\[cet Sla ted
SANTA ANA -Bovs an
girls interested in arcl1eolog
or :inthropo!ogy are invited to
a mee\\ng Thursday of F:x·
plorer Scout 806. The meeting
is scheduled for 7:30 p.ni. :it
Bo'>''ers l\tuseum, 2002 N. Main
St. herr.
CHOOSING-TO OllY! Req••d1n9 Chritl,
tl>e BUI LE ••Y>. "Thouqh he W••• 1 Son,
~·' LERANED he obedienc• -i nd h,
b•<•m• t~• 1uthor of ••••"•I 1•lv.tion
""'o .11 !hf m !het O BE Y llim", Heb. S;
1-9. Althouq~ Je1u1, LEARNED obedie"c e,
h• ne•er ante 01508E'l'ED. A• h• 9r1w
up, h1 le •tn1d lo eb•v 11lh•r lh1n lo
SIN,H, COULD HAVE ,.bell ed, but ha d ;d~'t. H, ••<d l<> God,
"-not •• I wjll but •• lhou wilt", M.tt. 2t.: 39.
Jo ohu1 •••d I<> hi1 p 1ople, "-<ioo<>•• you lh,. d1y .,.hem v• .. ,II
•e•Y• -•• fot m• •nd mv hou•e, "'' w:ll ••••• th1 lord", Jo,h. 14;15, S1rrue! ••id , "Behold , to obev i• b•tl•• th•n ,,,,;l:c1-··,
I S•m. 15 :22 .J91u< ,,,;d, "why coll ye "''· L<>•d , Lord •nd DO
MOT th1 1hin91 which I ••v7". Alt1>, "ii Y• lo•• mo , kte!) m~
coml"""""''"h " flk. b:4b, J,_ 14:15) Ho•e, h1 in ••P••obly con-
n1ct1d LOVE i nd O BEDIENCE. l o•• ;, demo"•l•e led bv obedP-
e nct.
Do YOU o b•v Ch,;,1, 11 you J;.,, lro"' day !o d •v7 H av1 you
LEARNED lhi17 H. 11icl, "-to•ch all n•tion1. b•p1;,;n9 !hem
-le1<hln9 ~hem to ob11,.1 ell lh>n9• '"'h1ho1v•• I h1•1 com•
m•nd 1d you-". M1H. 28 : 18-l'i.
VISI T v" 11.,dy 1h, l lBLE w>th u•, Chu•ch of Chr:1t, 211 W. W il.
,;,, St,, Co•l• Me••. C 1. 9262 7" Ph. 548-51 11. 545-2441 , 6•6· s 761
l\low! PSA jets
on the hour
to San Francisco!
7am to9 pm.Both ways. 7-8-9-10-11 am-12 noon-1-2-3-4-
5-6-7-8-9 pm. More on weekends.
Plus flights
on the alf hour
to San Diego!
8:15 am to 10:10 pm . Both ways.
8:15-8:30-9:30-10:30-11:30 am -12:30-1:30-2:30-3:30-
4:30-5:30-6:15-6:30-7:30-8:30-10:10 pm. More on weekends.
Why worry aboot a reservation when PSA has over 160 fl ights a day? Such an ea sy-to·
remember sched ule you can carry it aroond in your head. Why remember lowest fares 7
Or all jets? Or great se rvi ce to Oakland, San Jose. and Sac ramento ? Or that . ,~
kids under 12 fly PSA (with their parents) for half fare? Still want a reser-'
vation ? Just remember to call your travel agent or wh atsitsname airlines .
PSA gWei; tw a lift •
a s a • ; a 4 4 4ACf44 SQ4 a Q Q ••4 4QIQW"f"fi42f • •"' • ••• • --'"""------------~-~---
,JccO!L..::D_•:_•t:_Y_P..:l:_LO:_T _____ _._t s T~~d•Y Octobtr 21 }96q
LEGAL NOTICE Your l'tloney's Worth
NOT CE IS HEREllY Cl\/E"I 11t1 '"'
fo IO"' "" 111,..1 OI tou04 o u veo " °"" •
1>1 •0 ~" Mia bv tt>t Po lo:• Ot PI mfll
~ tlt C .. o Co•I N'r>I o 1 1"'"' OCI"
t•('°"~ of nlf'~ ¥ 0 6 GIY
Points to Check OVER THE COUNTER
:::n:::::::" '"-UZJ (CJ J \·&"* w' ••+w i ¥£j !'W
ti 'II t'v<llyt Mc:l0<0 I <1 fl<I P
tlnvl Cl covv '"'° V 1 o l r'IO
b(YCI .. I ""'l>ocy~le I l>~r b CYcJf l
"'<~<,., -eek>< ~n~-~
NASO L1st1ng~ for Monday Octob•r 20, 1969
lttl'rti ... 11 .,.. Ito M411 tr .... U lln1 11 •-• .... 11tr t A M.. !rt"' NASO.
P Cti • ..i ..,....._ •tott I tr fltlrll~ll. nuncda ... ., c•mn i...i.a. NOl Cl! I~ FURTl-1Ell G V(N n1
"0 ownr<' H•Pel • • .a ~ ovn ~ • ""'"''~"ot nopoe>r~w nn r•n
""" lo low "8 • p~b I on .,t h
f.:o•c• ,... r no •o • 1 ~· ~ h•
'""' ! hotW ollrfl n\"'C o
(<»I• """'" " .. ·~ <••• no ",.,,. ~~ ~ •Diel I p C 111< oO~ I I mt
1fl<I 08 r lo o. anncunc•G
D•TEO Ocol><-10 ~ ..
R E N!<T CH ff o~ POL tr
Pub •nta O an~r C~•
Dt!ot.,, 1 1&9
CEITIF c•Tl 0, IV~ NE ~!
f-ICT TIClV~ N•,Y.l
1 ,. ln<lffS qn•G o"" <• y h <<V'
out ng 1 bv< "'" • lH Lo••~ "' • c.,.1 MtSI Cl'"'"" u..ae he t
'°"'I m n•m• ol f 1. 11 PROOVCI ON5
"""!not wa • m co""'°""' O! "" o owng P•._ wl>o,. ntm• n u l 1 od
Pl<O fll °'<lfr><'.f •ti OIO"
lt fr><'.f I mD f 0& > lo sou
AY• (o """ G• M~ De ed Oc -l'll !9t• fp •nt• l ... b .
S llt flf C1 lorn 1 D 1nv• Ceu" •
On Oc l'O l96f b< or• mf' • No ~ Y
Pull c n """ n '"" 51 • o• •On• 10,...1 rd 1• """" 1 mb ' >no .. ~ o m•
o I)< n1 .,~ ll>n .. ,..,, .. n•m• $ vb>C D
•d to "9 w n n n•t umrn 1nd
1(..~N)W _.., t>~ t r<;Y •<I ~· IA1f
(OFF c ill 'lilt M•fl.'I' I( t<E_NllY
Noe vPub c C• on •
P ncn• Otltt In
O •no• Coun •
/..y Comm •on E~I> '' N<!Y~•t ? Pb1~•<1 Don~•(~ D&v P n
Oc o~r 2 '' and Noveme.
• 160.,19
IEllEllAG!'S Ot obt 11 1'69
O Wl'lom It MIV COl'Ci!ln
Sub ct to tJU•1'<• fl/ h& I crns• A~
., ft! lo not <• 1 ~· rOY ~ •~n th• rnr
t}r!G• • gnf<I " ooolr• o .r 1 <""" <
hfYr •<>•• •I !ht o •'" ,., a••< llf<I •• •W• 7000 Wt>I 1!11 .,.,. II Yd Ntwocirl •••en Pu '"" to lll(h 1 ... 1~1 on lnr ~,..
""'' Q1'fd 11 '"" • nQ to '"" Oto• '"'"" ., A collol < II••• eo• Con fol lo •uun(I
by I '"' t of 1n I COllO c brvr 19•
t cen" Cor I crn•••l to 1n..,. P t m II'\ •• .....
I DITOR S NOT! !tf ~s
/odoy be91ns u eio ~rries
' 1 b1 11119 1111.111 al 111 ds-
1 Oll'SS 01 1ally Jt i; II be 'I
Jv r /)( rts
If )Ou re a typical ov.ner or
rnutual fund shares you h<I\ c
had a simply dreadful 1969 As
a group n1utual funds ha\e
out perforrned the s lo c k
mark et on lhe downside 111
d1v1dualh most funds ha\ e
also lur11ed n records far 111
ferior to the $lock ~nera ge!S
~ome of Uus }ears \vorst
performers \\ere la~t }ear :..
most gl11ter1ng funds many of
the losses 1n values nre
absolutely a\\ ful
The queslLon 1 h1ch leap~ to
m nd as the stock markel
fun1bles for a b o 11 om
therefore 1s are mutual
f 1nds as much of a lop-notch
investment 1ned1um for vou as
they re cracked up to be'
~IY ANSWER is \ES \\1th
the one quahflcat1on that l10U
buy them 1ntelhgently In
today s complex technology
1nvest1rig 1s a full time JOb
which should be left to the
professionals Trying lo be a
d1>1t yourself stock market
"1zard is not for the amateur
who does riot have the time
nor the knowledge resources
nor the f1nanc1al resources nor
the ex perie nce and
background which are essen ON Sill( 8 EEll. ""'"""a .. ny 10 pro "'' tnt nu1n<• !Jal to successful 1n vesLing
ril •un c•·r,.•h ,,.,••'••Yt t~p o-th I t
'""' • onY 0, c• o '"' o • .,. m•n oi O\er e ong erm
Al<oM c eev• ·~ con " o b• m• 0 But another vrlal point
tne D•PI "'"" flf ,. <ollo C lltv• ·~• d f d b h C0<1 0 , .1 o s •• sic •m•n., Un er 1ne y t e 1969 slump
c1 1"'" • '-.i ~ •o •• 10 b• ""' '"1 1n mutual fund share prices is w n n JO G••• ot ll>t d• r nr p 1>1><>•1'<! ., .., H.. .,..., • 1 1 poi ~ • • ng that there ls far more to the
g ~un<r. 10 arn • • P o• df'G b• ""' purchase of these funds than a Tn• o rm ~·1 • • now I trn1!'<! lo hr
••, 0 1 cono < "" or••• 'Th• to ,,., "' ::> mple decision that this 1s the ~• ~ on m•• bt ob• ned 1 om 1"' 01 prudent way for you to invest I '" o1 mt O~PI ,,.,,
Mort S Cl U"'
Pub •l't•d 0 1ngr c~ I DI • " 0 LEGAL NOTICE ()(fO CI'! l 1969 1961 ~9 , _______________ _
~UllEll Clll: COUllT OF THE'
STATE OF CAL !'0111>1 .. FOii
'THE COU!o!TY 0!' Clllillo!Gf
Ne A UJ f
!'Olt PllC>l•TE 0!' W LL INO FOii
\.ETTEltS TE,T•MENTilll'I' ( N 0
11ClNOl Es • ol W LL A ' J•50N C•Ll ~
a "" ~new~ e~ W (ALL S 1nd ••
Vl'Ll f>.'Y> J Clll!~ O•c• •d I Ol !CE IS HERE'.11'1' GIVEN fn1t />I
lo r l en•C• ,h~ l!Pdh '"""' o~ lo o o~ • ol w end o h •u•nce OI
lt •, Tnlem•nl~rv o Pr o"• (No
l'lon<I r• • •n<• o when • mid• tor
fu nt o• '" 1 1 111d h~I n• Im• •""
1>1<e ~ 1>•• r.g .,.. ""...,.. bn -n ••
a 'ovtmb<' 1 •6• al,)tl •M Int""
OU Ofl"'of0f01 monlNO l flflold
"""•I 700 C¥C (•nH 0 v• w .. in
r<> C vo 5on•An• C1tllon • De ta Oclobfo 20 Ht vi E S1 JOH•/
CO'J•V C r 0 ~•11WOOD SODCN Ii .lOK N'ON
,. O lot ttl
N .... .or IH<ll Cl ! M II I '!Ul
"• 4 • , .. l ]
A o ntY• for II., "" <'ub '" d o .,,..,, Cn,1t DI v r ~
ti( OM 11 il 'l 9~1 1901 ''
•EVEll•GES Ot oi>" 10 16t
10 WHOM T 11•'1' C,_0 CElltl
<ubtt o tu•"r n nr c•n • •~
r> •~ or no <r • ~• •~¥ ' ~·n "" IA• O• > ,nfd 0 DQO'> 0 S• I tolw> < ~· l'>t1 11 the o t 'T> It• <I•>< ~ 11
lf OW> ~1 P1tlC C.o ••l 14W'Y $u"'°"
fl ath !Ou
"" ~""" o ' t.h In "" on lh• "" d•" ~....., 11 1cp v no o tho Drl>I ,,...."
o>J. o...,<B ••~G•CO<I o or ~•u•"t
c """i.:~lo" e """' I <•"> I I~ ht r
' ..
p J..19"J
ff CT TtOU~ JlilME
Tnr unar • gnrd a""' <• I • It• c (0.,.
d~< n~ 1 bu• n••• 1 94 6 El Va " A••
Foun .o n V1 •~ C• •on o vrd~ h• le
Gii• ~ m """''of SKYWAY il V ilTION
1 ... d hlll •• " I '"' r. (On\OC"!l'<I ol h•
o ow n9 p >On w"" e "•"'• n fu t nG o t ct of n 'arncr •• o ow• M• th•~ p l•on• a ·~' El V•l t A•• Fo .. anV••v C•
D11fa Octo~ I !•6'
Mt hfW P ll'fl"I cl i T•TE or CAL FORN A
On ()( o~r 10 U6t ~lo f ""
No1v Pul>c "111G lo ••d 5 ••
~ 10"• y 100>r1 .a M•ll~w P l eO<:i•rtl
kno•m o m• o bl tM oo "'" ,..,..,,,. n1m• Is t ub:K bf:d la lhr w nln In-
' .,,,..,,, 11'0 •cknoWl1<19..0 ~t "'"""Vita "" ••m• (OH Clll St• I J••" l. Jobit Noart Pub c C:1 Ion a
p nt ol Otf<t" Oton<i• Covn y
~ Y Corr""'""'~ Esp •I M• rh ? i•n
P ub l~Ocl 0 •"II'• Co••
Oto~ 11 ~ 21 1M ... o. y p "
NovHnbt 1
1991 ~'
P lol 9U
!' Cf !TIOUS JlilME
'T~t unde • enta <!O c~ rv fh•V • e
conduc ng • tlu1 n••S ti '253 '"'" Do II vd Cm I M<•• Cel !......, I> ~ndo II• < Ou• I m nemt ol GREE N DOOR
1nd 1111 ••a I m ' comoo•K o he
o ow nv o• 1<1n1 w1101t <>amu 11 IU
1na " 1ct \ er •• dt11<• • • •• c ow1 II.• I E K t nc11 ! ,,, w w l•on SI
c m •• M•••
-,.....,. nt KenG•I 615 W W ~"" !ii
CO!lo M•11
DI I'll Oc obe• \l l"t
1(1 t E Ktnd• I
Tomei ne Kt<IO• !
Still[ CF CALIFDllN!il
on 0<1 J 1•6t tl .. o " ft• "
Pub(' "• d o •d ~·• n on••
'"" •..., I<• E O(•..,o• •~a Ton'l•I ft
Ktndo I •nown lo "' lo bl! "' I>~ o
.. llOY naMr• & f <\ID < btG I> » "' II n
n 1 m• ••~ "'~nowlfas•d ~ •• •cu..,, hf am•
0 C l ~fa
IOYIC '"'••V
Nn •yl'ut>rC•o
I' nt 1>•IOltt!
Oona• Co nv ~vC om'T!>OnE'o ..... ,.,1
,.,,.~ O •n•• Co•
~ I aMI 0• " ~ I OYt mb<' •
'J'here 1s much tnorl' to lhe
\VLSe selection of a fu nd than a
l t rsory com par son of records
and a qu ck look <it a porlfoho
of !n\estinents Behind a
fund s 1nvestmeo1 r !'co rd •• • ~. 1nv<:st n1ent w portfolio 1nakcup
" philosophy and u \('Slrnenl ob-~" ~-· "'~ ~"""'/\ Jectnes are many er K1al ;,,',.. °'fn•
<:ons1derat1ons and f 1<:ls 11 h1ch AA cot<>
\OU should expl ore in detail 1n !F-ts" ~~
order to reach a sou 1ct !~.:~ ct
dec1s1on on \\h1ch fu nd is the :cni~0v:
lllOS! s . table for }OU : (I ~lluF•
SUR tLY tf you have"ti.,~ H
boh I ,.~ •• ug l mutua funds vou ;1re A ~o tn<1
111 ire lh<1\ n1o:;l of the ~ell ng :1: ~~:
focuses on points 11 l11ch a!!: kl~Atg
f 1nds h:n e 1n co rn n1 on : ~~~eo
1nanagement d1ve1 s1fzc;1\1on :"'[ a~!'i.
serv ices etc No one fund has A"' c~p /Im F~ n <in) th ng un ique hCre Surely • G ~~
'ou know that 1nost fund :.n;..,.J""~
literature co ita1ns sunil:irly ~,,M';.d ~:
persuasive text p ho to s ~s5 c:G",,~
1.:ha1 ts etc :::", .. T•c~
If 1969 s b Uer ( xper1ence •~ Ann•v• 6 An~ n C lo ha ve long t<'rm value l 1 A ca a N ' "' you 1t must help you become 11 a~n M
n1ore professiona l in your : ~·'M~J
selectiou of a fund -so you : y0'//a H
c.an Jn fact as \ICJI as theory ;~c0c s~'
come out with a superior long ~=~;;'<o
term 1nvestn1crit record 11a d At
Y ll•k• OU V.On l get lhlS sort Of 111 Pan
deep-down talk fro1n the G!"O:) c
aver a g c rnu tual fund ~:~~ P
salesman he probably doesn t ~:;ch~
even kno\v 11 Nor \I 111 you get ~: ~ 11~~
11 in the average mutual fund at c"
Ji!eraturc it 1sn t 1hcre :; ~ i'.'."t.
TODAYS COi UMN begins g J'"~o~
p1npo1nt1ng basic factors 10 : a·~" ,...
1.:ons1der before 1.:I oos1ng a ~~ut lrr
fund Boo nt c Bo Cap No 1 'oar own s tuation a '""" G II wn fl Don t Le deceived by the a u h a.,
seeming s1mphc1ty of !hi s for~~·~~: s
1t is the n1osl fun1larncntal ~d "$.: 5~
<:onsideration of .-ill Too of!cn ~!~<,,0 ""
mulual fund salesmen pay on ~:~"~ a
ly hp service to 1t too oftln C~p 5ow C"P n A you you rsec lf downg rade 1t 1n c~PTch (a t Cl your eagerness for qu ck ind C:8 c11
big profits too often the fa1ru c~~c,/H:.
ly v.h1ch really necc:ds t{I con c~ v:~
!:ier\e Its cap1l ll and see k only c~~ L~•
n1odcrate g 1 1~ lakes undue g:;;-i o,.0 r isks and t hascs ifter 1m en~• u
dJ " " Ille ate-i,::i1ns n
In 1968 ~ ro 1r111g 111:irkct ~" ~11~1 '
how many of vou ~ucc:un1llcd ~ ~ ~:
lo the glowing ru n1ors that c :v'onMI
XYZ Fund would bring vou 1n f ~ on"'"O
slan t l1nanc1al happiness' c1<>w c~ CO em [" llow many of you were lured co ns F
t (OO~ ~( in o g1v1ng up a proper 1n c""'''
\.eslmcnt to buy a fund ~~ S, r,
pubhcized as fan tastically ~uc ~:::;.. ~"d!
l eSSful ~ ~~ ~ "
JlOW !'If ANY of you l !968 r om P •
abandoned a n investment ~~Pc~
h (m1> "d stra cgy w ch 1vas right for en P ~"
you 1n order lo follow the f;:;,0 R~';1
miracle 1nnn 1ge1 s -only [0,. ~ ~~ ~
to find out 1n 1969 11 :it your f~~• ~ L
miracle capital gau s a e [ow~ ds
v.hopp1ng losses in~tcad' c .,. Mh
Sw1 tch1ng can be espce ally ~~'enc~
costly in mutual ft d 1nvrst1ng 6~~1~~ (;.
lx-causc o f the sal(ls charges 8:.~, °F~
SO POINT ~O I Ls anal) ze g:;0 M,,
~our own nerds dlc1dc on :in oeuanc Df ~ AJ' 1n\estmenl stratci:y and stick D•ru• c~
\.\Llh II 1n good t1111es and br1d g~, ~gnT
Ne:rt ln1 r s/ment goals g·~ t;;;,
G If~ Ilic 1Tlnl' faC ff ~r"'.:; /'
IJ < f\L ..
' . " "' .. •• " "
' " • " • " • • ' ,,
" " l • ' ' ' ' " • " ,
" ' '
' ' " ' • ; '. " • •
fl • "'" I.low Jc~ 1)9 I' I o 1110 I IO 11 =-='-'-C..-"--'-"'--'-
f\lr~ Rf'tte I ~1001 c , I
(011 l\lcs~ h lwf'n 1r1-
n1nted !o St l r <:< n 1 nrf r
Hobc1 t l\1
1ingl 1 fle <.1eh
rnotel frr;n
t !I e llunt1ng!nn B1 I lff ~
of So tt1"rn C l1 fo1n11 J r~t
N11l101 <.1l Bink '0 M !;======= llle I rail , .. 0•
CEllTIF CA Tl ClF I V,.Nf.55
1''1• ""O• go d di>" c• h• I <fin
~~c ng • t>o n •" l Jfl ~u Ind
8 Yd ~u •lQ "'S1C~V •c Collonla
"""' h• ov m <1&m • OI r>.S~OH I L L~ ll.( .. l1Y end h~ ••d
I m ! (°"'P~"<I C h• I~ ....... 119 pr _.
wl'IM.o """'" n lu IMI a e <t of f•l d•n<•
J •• o OW> P~!>f t l K'"nri!
1 or v o 01ltd De;lol>• 10 t~f
llol!<'1 L ..:.,~n•av
~e •nC•cr • O 1 no~ CO<lnlV
,.,,, SPld f
On O<: l'O •ot bo>f0<• .,.., • Ne """ PuD c n 1"'9 lo ••d i 1t• at s~IV
•o,,.A .-a ll obfrt L K•nntav ~"""'" o me
10 be h• o• ""' wt>ost I'•-• 1ub\C ti •O lo h• W ti> n n•! Uf'""' •nd ~r~now tdotG \,. •~~ul..., "'• ••m•
!OFF C ill SCill) Ma y 8• h Mt> Inn
Notf yJ'ubcCt Ion •
0 An9• C""n
GOLF PLAYING •quid mom I <IC: I t r\ " NOT C£ TO CltlCl TtlJI ~ be .~ p I v n• Co• I Coun V An gell S
'1111 E11 0 11 cou111 0 1' 1H< Club l o •• • bv p •• • po v ! 1cl $l.1Tf O, C•Lll'Oll:N1• FOii b hu I
THE COUNTY OF Oll•HGE I o w ,,.. ~., p C• Mombe ban k fo1 l'Jgl t )'C JI E'•~ Ne .. .,.,,,, le a vnq •••C o l l ll ll ~8 8 \he sys ien s dl.'~Clopnl!'t {
0 ,. ·~ ,0 m t<•llVEY w 7 ~57 b•"•••0 9 AM & ~ PM chv1s1on of the cleclro111c c<1ta
tlOT cc: S HEllE8Y GIVEN to w••k ,j~y _. I I
< "" 1o , OI tht •ba~• named "'-tta•o 1·=================":'~0C::::C:S:':':":"::":':P:'::':":':':"==== I "' • ~ ,.,.,, l>•Y <10 ( ",,.,. fql "' ~.
•• d OKl'll<!"I • • •roul e<1 to 1 • t~•"' w h ht nKeu•rv YOIJC!I• I " tl>e c <•
fl! Mc•k.,t ne•boYr ~lll<I"" fl
0 p e.ont lhtm wl"' .,.. f"CO'UIN
vou•~• 1, lo Ille u~•• 4ntG ti Ille L•w on Cff fll F a nk n •nd f •nkl n 107 E~•
1111 5ttttl CC"!!• ~ Cl lo n 1 t 117
wn ,n ~ lh• 1>1K t flf bu•""" "' '" ... a• g""" n " m• I• 1 oo • " n• • 11 1 •1 flt ol 11\d <!Kid..,! ,... lh n !Ou
fnO"'ll" 11 1 tne I r.;t oub c• ""' .,j lh 1
nol ct
Oolta Octoh1' 11 196t
W• • G ~· ~ E•Hula o ~•t•••l>f h~ ~ncv• ""'"" d• Nl•o 'll•NKLOI ilNCl PltANKllN
U £11 ltttl ' rHI
(•Ill Mfff Cl lo<~ I 'M1J , •• 11 0 5• .. 2151
All .. ,..Y• 111 E•t<lfft'
Role of Living Trusts in Financial Planning
An in Formative lecture by an attorney on the all 1mpor ..
tant features of L1v1ng Trusts for the avoidance of pr°"'
bate, probate costs, delays and unwanted publicity_..,
also possible tax reductions and pnvacy of estates.
Mv Co"'"''-'"'" E•O 11
Ao t •I ll~b '""" 0 1no• (o•• D•
Jlub t~~ Qrfntt (M\I DI W P Ill
Y P 0 De obe 11 ll •"'9 Nevt mbe 1•9!>1 6,
• "'. 1,' :c'"::.---,-,:::c:-:--:-:::=:::=---()t obo ' 11 •nO NoY!ml>e •M u& ..it LEGAL NOTICE f'IIWPOR)" BEACH-Tuesday, Oc1nber 28
Newporterlnn, Board Room
1107 Jamboree Road
PALOS VERDES PENINSUIA-Wednesday, October 79
Hun gryligcr Restaurant
27300 Hawthorne Boulevard
J,mple l•mew1ll be allowed for questions fmm the aud1·
ence. Adm1ss1o n 1s free To make reservations, fill out
the coupon below, or call Miss Lenz collect at CR4-0393,
Gendemen Pfeoise tt'SCl'W! C ) scats for
rne ac your f1ec Seclur-e.l"-----
~UllU!oHU.l 117'J
"' '" rn Sr C~a ~ na
H• 1n (OM SI "'" M~
Complete-New York Stock List
·-~ 'it..oti l ob I ..
"'CF "" l<ll '"c....C ! .:i. Atmr Mk l~ !Ad.om~ I a \Ad ,.,, • l'O
Aad <tlfO Aam 1 ••~•LI l at Ap~ • Co ,. "O<I "1lb
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Four Seasons Nursing Centers
of America Inc \1 lll expflnd
into the general hospi tal and
c h1ld care £1cld Prcs1<.lcnt
J ack L Clark told thl.' annual
meeting Tuesday i1e said the
flrsl child care cenlers will be
opened 1n Atlanta Denver
Las Vegas and Oklahoma City
and land has been acquired 1n
Oklahoma City to build a
hosp1tal He said the company
has cash and Joan com
m1trnents totalli ng $70 m1lhon
for the new vcritures all of
\\htch \\LH be franchised
Curtiss Wrighl Corp has
exercised an option lo buy 600
acres 1n ~1anatee County
F lor1da for a la nd develop-
ment on which the company
plans to spend $S m1lhon The
tract lies bclween Braderiton
and Anna Maria Island
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15 5i ~:
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Prices-Complete New York
t 11ct ""''11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111;
IM11 I Ml• .. U. Clnf C1t11
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!! ~ SS~ -1 7• ?• .... •!. + 1 • 1 • I • 5?
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17 1' I
Market Moves Up
As Trading Brisk
NEW YORK ( Ul) -Stocks moved forward
of last week s big rally Monday 1n an extension
Trading was brtsk
Analysts attributed renewed strength to reports
that Pres1dent Nixon might be cons1denng a WU·
lateral cease-hre 1n V1e'l.nam
Shortly before the clos e the UPl market"1de
indicator \Vas up 0 37 pe rcent on 1 602 issues cross
1.0g the tape The re were 798 advances and 592 --2!-
The Dow J ones average o{ 30 Blue Chip mdus
tnals gained 3 04 to 839 10 near the final bell
Volume of approx1mately 13 000 000 shares
about in line \~1 lh Fnda)
Electronics sho• ed
sev eral issue s moving a
scattered stren,i::th \\1th
point or n1ore on the up-
small Steels and motors generally traded in
fr actions and 1n both d1r~ct1on s Automobile n1an
ufaC'lu rers are expected to trim their Dcccn1bcr
ste el orders
Chemicals a1 so lacked a def1rute pattern
a1rhnes and rurcrafts tradeti narro\v ly
Stocks affected by th£. government s ban on
cycta1n ate products attracted selling pressure 1n
eluding Abbott Laboratories the biggest producer
of cyclamates
Sugar stocks, ho" ever
most mstances
\Vere on the uptrend 1n
Pnces firmed up on the Am eri can Stock Ex
change \\lth volume approx1 mat1n g 4 000 000 shares
-as trading moved into the final hour
Octobtr 1969
Stock Exchange Li st .... ..
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Den1ocrat s
Practici11 g
White House ::-uspects 1i1e
Senate De1nocratic P o I i c Y
Con1n1ittr.C' (lf w o r ki ng
legislatil·e black m:igir to casl
e spell on Prl'SJdcnt l\l;..:vn 's
prop11sals to Cougt'l''>S.
Ttiis hint of witcheraft pro-
duced su rprisC' and sun1e
an1usement among 1he 1nen
"·ho ran the panel of Senate
Dernocralic leaders.
One {'nmlnittce Dcn1ocr:1t
said it ll'as nice !o hr. r1otit•ed .
Senate Dernocr<if1c Leader
fl11ke i\hlnsfi eld. the choil'lnan.
\1'85 not about to deny a bit of
Y.'iz;irdry, so he supplied this
dt'scription of a conunittee
1 ~---• • . -. '
• '
t• J. -
German Party Falls
Christian Demos Mi g ht No t Surv ive
By GEORGE 'l'HO~lSO~ h:.i1·c O!>gencrsted into .. a club
that meets once in iour years
BONN (AP -Kurt Georg to elect a chans:ellor ."
Kiesinger·s fall today fron1 The Seplembor e I e c t \on
power sounds <in ominous underlined the dtn1lnlshing
note fi:ir his Christian Demo-r11Je of the r.nman Catholic
cratic party. Observers are Church in political affairi;.
asking Whl·Lher the Catholic party which led V.'cst Ger-Adenauer's rabincts always
containcd a 3-1 inajority of many rron1 tlic ruin of 1var
to wealth in tv,.0 dCc<1dcs can Catholics. but the pr:.ic1ice
survive oul of office. 1vos di scarded after his res-
\ ignation in 1963 . \Vest Gcrmanv'. n e w
Bundestag, lhe !o\\;er house of More thun 80 percent o[ the
parliament, rnct t 0 day 10 Ch ris tian Democr:itic party's
elect a chance.Hor. \\.'Illy n1en1bers are Catholics. But
Brandt. leader of the Social ~u1 increasing number of
Detnocrats, is cxpe<.:led to be Catholics apparently feel less
con1mitled lo vote fqr a the choice. Although Brandt's
S()('ialists ran behind the "Christian·• p.'.lr!y. and tl1ere
Chris tian Democrats in tire l1as been an inrlux o[ Catholi cs
Sept. UI cl.etion, he pul into Brandl 's party in recenl
together a coalition with the months. Protestants o u t nu m be r tiny Free Democratic party lo
l!eJ111u1 l\vh! of the Rhirw1<1nd
Palatinate :;tate, a compara-
tive unknown ; and the 11any's
floor leader, R<iiner Barze!,
v.•ho ran against Keisinger for
thanti.'llor in 1966.
Pnrt y bu s111cs:; rnauager
l\{Jnrud Kraskc gloomfl.v lold a
ncwsni:in recen tl v" '"\\'t need
at k·a st four ycaTs to rnake a
new pJrtv of the CDlJ, repl<t<"f!
the old genrration and build
up a c·hancellor t·andid1Jte ir1
the 197·:! c!cclion 111 !inie fur
him to \\'in in 1.977 "
Kiesinger is outwardly nlorr
optin1istie . lie has announct'1I
plans to confront the ne1v
govrrnment with a •·shadow
c'et" headed by hirnselL
"\\1e put on our skull cnps, p
o"r robes, '"'"'d 1hc Hghl s Playi1ig OSS111H
ou1 and act like zotnbies."
get a majority in the Bun-Catholics 51 to 44 percent in
\Vest Germany.
destag. The Chri stian Democrats
Conce rt Se t
At College The argument over the pace Susi e Jvlatli n, a sopho1nore at Austin College in the \vildllfe ol her homeland, gave her a nallvc
of congressional attion 011 /\·Ix-Shernian Tex., is fron1 Nairobi, Kenya, Eas'L Af-'fexas poss um for a pet. To 1nake home sce1n a bit
"\\'hat caused !he decline of a!so mav lose support among
the brilliantly s u cc es s f u 1 tile sniall businessmen. v:hile
political grouping set up in collar workers merchants and
on's proposals vaulted into the -~r~1c~a~·c._'._ll~e~~~,~·l~a~s:sn:r:a:l~e:s.~fe~a~r~in~g'?....:s~h:e:.:.:m:i~g:h:l~b~e:_::m:i:s:si:'n~g'---=c='lo:s:c=r:.='="-•--"g-a_v_e_i_l_a_S_w_a~h-i_li_n_a_m_e~,-T_o_to_O_m_b_a_. __ ocl'Ult at a \Vhite House brief-1949 by the la!e Konrad fanners who 1nake up 40 per-Southern Califnrnia College.
Adenauer? cent o/ the party's 380,000 Costa l\1 esa vr1!1 present a ing Oct. 10.
Unde r the rules that brief-
ing, on the hurryup message
President Nixon sent l o
Capitol !·/ill, can be attributed
<Jnly to \Vhlte House sources-,
and cannot be (luotcd direct!~·.
Those rules remained in ('f-
fect. but Senate Dernocrats
identify the source as Bryce
N. Harlow, Nixon's assistant
for Congressional affairs.
At that briefing. the Senate
Democratic Policy Committee
\ras said to be fun ctioning in :l
fas!iion mon' powerful than
the House Rules Commit1t1f',
\l'hich sched_ules legislation for
<lction on the floor of the
AccQrding to tile \Vhitc
Jlouse, \vhen Mansfield calls
leaders <Jf the policy {'Om-
mittee lo his office near !he
Senate floor, closes and locks
the door and gOt>s _into black
1nagic. the aC:n1inistrallon has
no chance to influence tl1c
And thi s. ii \vas said, puts
Nixon in a leadership situallon
rhat has not been experienced
by a ne1v President since
Zachary T.-i yJOr look office l2U
yea rs ago, facing an 11r-
posi tion Congress.
"r thought he k11e1\· rn e bl't-
1er !han thaL" Jl.1ansficld suld
of Har1 01v_ ''The re cord spe:1ks
for itself. 'fhe policy co1n-
mittee wants lo cooperate
with the President."
The cornmittce h;is l ~
member s . <'ho:;en by
fll;111stield as 1naJonty lrncler.
:ind ranging frorn nnr1he1·n
ltbcrals, lik~ Sen. Philip A.
l larl. of tl11 chigan, Ill thr (·ori.
.~e.rva1ive Hichard !! Hu.t~ell
of Georgia.
Auto Sl10\v
Openin g
I11 Ne ,vport
i1·lure than a q11arler million
1lollars worth of new 1\)7(1
;iutu111:ibiles will br ~ho1vt1 frre
10 the pttbltc at Fashio11 lsl<1nd
::;hopping t·en ll'r ·rllt>rsday,
-F riday and Saturllay, Octobe r
23. 24, 25.
'J'his ne1v auto1nobilc sl1ow is
sponsored by the Fashion
1sland !l-1erc:hants Assoc:.ia1ion
in cooperation v.•i!h :;1xteen
Orange Counly 11cw c n r
dealers. Foreign and do1nes\i (.'
makes .;ind 1nO(irls will lie on
displ<l.V on the F :ishion Island
n1:ill a!J three da) ~.
Free rnterlainincnl 1~·1JI be
provided Sa turday, I l a.in. LU
:! p.m. on stage C.ilur l of !he
Ct'nter. Fasl1ion l!:;!anrl 1s
located on 11ncif1{' toa~t
l!igh11·ay bcl\\'een Jamboree
;.ir,d :-.1acArthur.
Dealers particip;iting arc:
Chick Iverson, lnc., Jin1
l::ilcrnons imports, Geor ge Zim-
mennan , Dean Le•vis l1nports.
Newport Imports. Bill Jones
Sports Car Cl'.'nter. Poole
Uu1ck. Theodore Hohhlns.
Roy Car\'rr Poritl;ic, Connell
('hr\'rt)let. Harbor !J o d g.r ,
l!olrd<J y :->:de~.
.Johnson & Sun, :\ahor.~
r:rddlae. t:n11'Crs1ty fl I Us
l\llas Chryslt:r-Plyniout!J,
The ans1vcr is not plain. but inembcrs. Brandt's coalition com1nunity t·onccrt \Vilh guest
iL is argued thal the party proiniscs to take more account folk-singer .John f i s c h c r
achieved its initial objective of Qf their interests in dcferenee Saturday.
rebuilding West G er m a 11 Y to th e liberal Free Democrats, The concert. be ginning al 7
1vithout making fu rther plans who draw many of their mern-p.ni., 1vill be held in the Coat-
Rail Safety Rules Sought
fo r the future. l\1ttnY \Vest brrs from Lhal sector of socie-of-Arrns Roon1 of the gyn1-
\VASllINGTON IAPJ motor vehicles. Some 3.816 Transportation Safety Board, Germans regard the Christian ty. nasium . The concert is located
Spurred by the ''new and J)€rsons died in grade crossing points out "it ls now obvious Democrats and thei'-Bavarian Fighting has begun ainong <it 2525 Ne1vport Blvd.
<·a tastrophic potential for accidents last year. that railroa d deral!ment ac· allies, the ChriStian Social the Christian Democrats, and John Fischer, folk-singer
dc;:rth and destructi on" in Loss or life in accidents in· cidenls, dangerous enough in Unlon headed by Franz Josef there is talk of an attempt to and composer, grachialed from
train \\•reeks. the Nixon ad-vo!vi1tg hazardous materials themselves, have acquired a Strauss, as patriarchal and replace Kiesinger as party \Vheaton College in Illinois and
111i111stratlon has proposed the has been relatively light so new and catastrophic potential apathetic. Jeadrr. is presently travelling about
first comprehensive fcder<i l fa r. But John JI . Reed, for death and destructiQn The news 111agazine Der Thr ee prospective can-the CilJntry entertaining at
r;1 ilro;id safety legislation. c!iairnian of the National previously unknown ." Spiegel said last week they dida1cs arc Strauss; Pren1ier variou~ co!legc campuses. Se n di n g the rccom-i-'.:'.:'.'.'.:."."."_~__:::::;_'..'..'.'.'.'.:::::'._".'..'.::::::::'.:'...:::'.:'.'.:::'.::__ ___ _::::,:~_:::.::__::.::__.:::_:__:__:_:__::.:::.::__ ___ :__ ________ _:'---'----
111endalions 111 Co 11 g re s s .
·1·ransport:1tion Secretary John
\'o lpe lust \l'Cek l'i ted '"a
stc;idily rising trend'' in rail
<-iccidents, tn a n y involving
ship1nent of hazardous poisons
and explosives·.
"Existing rail 5 a f el y
s!atutes are inadequate Ln
l'nah!e the govcrnn1ent to res·
pond to the problcni," .Volpe
said. nuting that -1n an
abrupt about-face since las1
spring -the r a i' I r o a d s
tht•n1 sclvcs now sec1n lo
linlike airlines ;ind trucks.
r..i1lruad s thOs l;ir ha v r.
l'SC;iped ;iny ~•H·t of toni·
prehl·n .... ive 1n1n1111 uil1 .~arety
Slandards set by the govcrn-
1ncnl. dei;pite uttcrnpts in the
p;1 sl !o pass such lcgi slal1on.
Tiic proposal itself docs not
outline specific s a f c I y
n1 easu res. rather iL would
penn1t the secretary n r
trrinspor1.i11on It) dra1v np
rl'gu l:itions ,-;ctling 1nin1rnun-1
sl .indards for, a 111011g <11.hf'r
1lems. !r:ick~. rril]i11g s1ock
:111d loading procedures.
Draft Math
·r11e ild1n1111stralion hi 11 .
ll'!"l l!Cl1 ff()lll llH! T"CpOr\ Of '1
t;1 ~k force eo1npuscd o I
railro;id 111anage1nent. labor
:i n (I governn1ent represen·
l:dl\CS. is lh(' third such sa fe·
ly n1ca st1re lo be introduced
!111s ye;ir . ••
Youth Fi.g ures N ixon Pl<111.
Seu~. Vane(• H<irt"c ll)-
l11d 1, .int! Abrahrun A
H1b'1coff tD·Conn.l, ha1·c in·
lrodutcd 1ht·ir own bi ll~ -
ho1 h of v.-l11l'h re<.1na1n 111 coni·
11llt I \'l'.
\\'AStl!NGTO N (t\PI
President Nixon ':;-Ur:1tL l1•t11,ri
sys1 en1 -1f 1t p a,.~,.·~
Congress -1" ~u re tn bring
out a t;1Jcnl ::imong !hr C'oun-
try·s J8.ycar·old~ fo r ftgurtng
mathrma!i~al prob::ibi lit ic.s.
Cri!H'.S say th l' pl;111 will
lrave mosL ~nung tnl'n g11f'<o_~-
111 g about JU~l 11111·11 thrv
n11ght be c:illrd 11\r futlo11 l!ll:
~r;i r nrir! thi•ir t'!l<Jnce~ f11r
t•srap1ng tlK' dral1 ~·1111rl'J,v,
But arnir:d ll'1 lh -a ft'W !1;1 ~ir·
f1gurl'S thnsc. gur,..,sr~ <Tin gl't
prelly tlosc. And son1(• nicn
\\'nn 't have to ~uess :it ;:ill.
The pl;in for draft ing 1~
\"Car-olds Urst on -a l(iltrrv
b;'l sis l~ rftl.cl~' to pass the
l louse late lhis 1verk. 11 1s s(ill
an open que~t1on IH lhc ~r11:11e.
The 365 b1rll1da1 es for the
folloY.·ing .ve;ir would he dr<Jwn
out of a fish 00\\'1 !11 ;r public
lottery i11 late Septcinber 11r
early October eac!i year ..
Therl'·s little gucss\\'ork for
abk-bodied 1ncn 1vhose 19th
birthd ays rall or. the first
Oates drawn : lhey·11 be ;11nong
the firsl men <.:allcrl early the
next year.
And rnen \\'ith birthdays on
the lasl 150 nr morr. datrs,
drawn \\'ill likely escape 1he '[
draft entirely.
Everybody else \\'ill havc to I
take out his :::cra teh pad and
pencil and start figuring thc l
odds on the basis of the
number of men in U1c draft I pool and rhe r;ite a1 which
th('y're being c:alled up each
month. I
If U1e svs1em 1~·ere in effect ,
now. as Selective Service or-1
ficials explain it. 18-year-olds
would figure there would bej
something likf' 6 O O. O O O
available for lhe dra(l ncxl
year arter rejects 11 n d
Draft call!'! hopef11!1y ·will
drop off to 5omethinf! 11.ke
200,000 from th is year'i; 300;000
and those "'1 th !lit· l1r"t. 100
birlhd:.ilt'S Ll ra11n ll'Ollld pro•
l•n!Jly be callC'<I. Tht· r•·-
111~un 111g f,5 1)1rtild;ites 1>u11IJ
lie b(\1'dt·rlu1t cJ~f',
Thc 1•,ill!Jp~ 1 ,11-y trnrn
n11'\ntl1 lo rnuuth i,ut .~ 111:111
11 ho drew t h1~ !!H,lth dalt• l'Ollld
l1g11ri' l1r·d hr r:iltr-d 111'l1r 1l1r
l:lld of !he yl':ir, a rn an v.!111
1lfi'\I :,u 11•ould pr11bably bt•
t-:i lh'd trl\t/L1t m1d-vr:1r.
All lhre_r n1f'a;;llrr~ :1rr
pron1plt>d1 tn parl, by thcSl'
;-.l<tli~l ic:~.
·-S1nct' HlGt dt•r;11l1nrnts of
1ra111s ('a r r y i n g ha zardou.~
111;11e r1;tls h111r lnrrect 11\(1
\I :irhkr ('\ ac·u~1!.1nn ul ni11n'
1ha11 4[) Arn l' r· 1 1•" n C"Olll·
-Trn1n acclcit'111S h:11·r 1n·
~Tc<ts(·d rrn rn 4 ,1~~' in llitll 1<l
1.2:·1~ 111 l~f,7, lip 75 H pcr!'rn1
Trani ;1(:e1dents r xcccdcd 8.000
Jn 19Gll.
:)111 rlrnt" ;111rl f('Ch nical pr<i·
pip gelling dL"lcrn1l'll\" 1r1111ld
dr;:rw 11J(·tr dr:1ft rl1g1b1l1ty
pl11cc111ent_ for lhc1 r 191 h ~·c;irs
liJ.:r cvrrvnne clsP ;ind 11·ouJct' -Volpe l'Slin1a \e:; .111 a I
<"(lni e Q.i(.'k into the draft pu'},j _ '..~~~.ro~~lhs of ~I I acca!ent s
i1·11h th:it sntne ilactrnenL .irt {,_1us1.rl by f:"Jctors .-~ucll
I . ;1 :; 1n1propcrlv 1n;'l111\;oncd \1'hcn their dcfermen1s rnded lr;.ick and d>..!fccl ive rolling
four yrars .laler, ~tock _ not covcrrd by ex ·
All this 1s ho1v lh'." lott erv 1;.ting r::iil safelv l;i11•s_ Labor
sy:;tem is !fl \\'orJ.: \Vh cn ll JS pr11pont·nt~ ol Saf('1 y legis!a .
\ve il estahhshcd. tirn1r~tln1<1te 1 he pcreent::ige is
'fhe first ye:ir. hoWl'\C'r, (lo:;cr to !15.
'l'(lUld be a trans1tor.1• one in -ln J91i8. there \Vel'e 812
whlt.:h all men bc!w ern J!I and persons killed :"Ind 20.801 in-
':.l:J, not jusl 19-}'ear.olds, 1vould jured in train accidenl.5, ex·
he suhjl'ct to the draft 11ndcr <·luding grade crossing col ·
the sySll'nl. lisions hct,1•een !rain.~ and
• r.ark i._ 11·ori;r lhal\ h\s
bitC': ~oorl 111111t'hdoi;. btit
n lilllr «hih11.'lht1t1, n1adr,
;:Ol•l "'•l h ;1dul1.~ N11 Jlll ·
pr1·~. $~<). l:1•:tl \'nn11i;111y.
"' n•a~r1n1.: nr<'I' ;.1n •iren
rir<'? llrri"s 11 oh•h"''' 2
h,..dnlon1 1111)11111,iin hnn1r
1n Hun11\n~ ,"!:pr"1~s. n111y
h;i\.,.. snn1f' '1!111;• lanrl-
St:llJllllf: SO(lfl,
e .\ct111g on 1n111ub.t\ «rill rnr
;in llflfll"n!n1en1. Ynu n111y
hr !l('lf~·11 ... 1 !!'> Jnin 011s
nc!ing 1vo1·k ~hnr for pr ....
f('.ss1on11J lrf\1rin~: ~cl 1ntn
tl1r 11Mtli~ti1 ; 11c-e your
Wi.Jl1!' in 11£"111~.
th e difference between en joyi ng re tirement -or just retiring , the
differen ce betw ee n going t o see yo ur gra nd chil dren -or ju st yea rn -
ing to se e th em the difference betw ee n ca refree and ca reful
living : enjo y the 7o/o yield on 2 yef r inv estment certificates when
held to maturity ($5,000 minimum) intere st check s ma iled quar-
terly of cour se, if you need more fl ex ibility, ther e are oth er plans
for Thrift Custom ers -such as a Thrift Pas sbook Account , with 5.50 o/o
interest. _ switch to the big difference -and let your mon ey grow.
------------Remember we pay Postage both ways -----------
[nclos~d ls my cher.k in the dmount or
$ __ -~I ~ave marked Ille
tvp~ of atcount I would like opened.
Plea~e ~end me ~ ~·gnature card
wh1cll I will !ill out and re!~rn.
11 5 ~n·~ lh"t! ,.,~book (o~r •mo~"'>
I I 7"f, "': , .. , «rlolf<tl• $~.00~ monom"m
: ~"!.I rur '"'M•<>t• 1 1,000m•n•m~"'
1 1 b"ii ; ,.., urtdl<t!• $1,000 m'"""""'
I I .f>"~ 6 mon!h «•ld•tt t• S~.000 mlnn111<m
Li 1>% Dor Jn o., O"I ••lt<lll s~~.o~Q
170 [.17th Strtel, Cos\it Mesa. California 92627
St•te lip
' ~
5 offices serving Southetn Californ111
----------------------------------------J'7!l L 17t h Str~el (across ru11erto11 St.
from B·~ Boy'1 Re~taur•nl) • (7J4) 646-5CMS Thal would mea n men \\•ilh
birthdays on the La!!l 2(X) nr so
.• dates drawn in the. lottery
would likely esc;ipe the drart 1!..--------------------•!:------------------------------------------------------
' ' '
'-• • '• .. ~ " .. -,, .. 4• 'o ·, .. ..,-.,_.. 'o .. -.. '-•; ........ '' .,,,----.-.--._.-..--"""-,/"'"..,.---,.._ .......... ,,,..'V'" .... F4. '4'• '4 ........ ---~-----...---...--y··--..---__...-.. ....,.--.---.-T----.---v---->--• -.-·..---.--.-...---.------.. -----..----..--.. -.,..---___,..--..,-... -,.. -... -y·r·..----.-... ___,. .--y-.--.-~----.. 1
-~Ward Begin
JEAN COX, 194-9466
1'~ei.d1Y. October JI, IH' ' ,,,. 11
The Laguna Line
People Get in Shape
Before Holiday Rush
Most residents seem to be preserving the n1ajority of their party
gtrength for the upcoming holiday rush, ho\vever there have been a sprinkl-
ing of dinner parties as a sort of social \varmup.
MRS. CRAIG B. Ketchatn of Laguna Beach \Viii give a dinner party
next Thursday night for several of her friends.
Guests will include l\1iss Corinne Griffith of Beverly l·lil!s along \vith
~·Ir. and Mrs. Franklin IVlctzlcur of Capistrano Beach, Col. and i\'lrs.
\Villiam H. Bruggere of Monarch Bay and 1'1iss Anne .tvletzleur and 1'1rs.
Einar Christensen, two sisters who gave their O\Vn dinner party recently
in their Laguna Beach ho1ne.
MRS. HAROLD SNEAD o[ South Laguna also hosted a s1nall dinner
party for Col. and 1'.1rs. Bruggere, l\tr. and J\.1rs. Farrelt Smith of Laguna
Niguel and Burton French from Ne\v York.
SEVERAL LAGUNANS got together recently lo entertain J\Jrs. Anna
Elizabeth McLaughlin froin J ohannesburg. South Africa, \\"ho ls partici·
pating in the program of the Bureau ol Educational and Cultural Affairs,
U.S. State Department.
I .
Her h osts ~nd hostesses, Jvlr. and 1vlrs. Rudy Burton, Mrs . \.Vi\liam
Roley and l'vlr s. Burt \Veir all agreed Mrs. McLaughlin, a journalist and
v"ice president of the Trade Union Congress of South Africa, is a 1nost
interesting conversationist.
THE WILSON KLINES of Leisure \Vorld recently hosted a brunch in
honor of l\'lr. and l\'lrs. C. S. Tinsn1an of Three Arch Bay who were cele-
brating their 45th \Vedding anniversary.
According to !\1rs. Kline, all 20 guests for the occasion kne\v each
<>ther since school days.
Ebell Club of I~aguna Beach \Viii begin another sea-
son of parties for its adopted ward in Fairvie\v State
llospital with a Halloween party Wednesday, Ocl.
29. It is the first of four scheduled festivities for the
55 to 70 women in the ward. Ready for a pumpkin-
cutting cere1nony \Vhich. \.\'ill begin the party, ~1rs.
' --.,.; James To\vnsend pulls J\il rs. l·lerbe~ Burridge and
a wagon of 1-lallo''"een decorations towards the hos-
pital. J\ilusical entertainment \vi ii be provided by
l'.1rs. 1'~d1nund L. \'an Duesen. Others assisting are
the ~fme s. Thorton Bos,ve!l. Richard Racich,
lfo,vard \V ilson and David Young.
Festivities bega n in the Klines' ho1nc \vhere the friends enjoyed
Bloody Marys before going to Don Quixote rest aurant for brunch.
Why Not Keep Hoping for Free Shampoo and
~trs. R. Bruce Stevens, who is having her hair \vashed by. Mrs. ;1.111. Thursday, Oct. 30, in the Vv'on1an's Clubhouse. Proceeds \Vill
Ronald Dugan, hopes her next shampoo is from a professional. go to South Coast Co1nmunity llospital. Mrs. Dugan, 494-4855, i~
She has her eye on one of the door prizes planned at Laguna taking reservations.
Beach Junior Woman's Club's bridge party and luncheon at 11 :30
Christmas Bazaar
St. Mary's Women
.; ~··· ,,,
lnflatiOI} Fight
' ·-!
The gover111nent is not alone in its ·m)ht against inflation. In
fact. the aid-of SL Mary's Episcopal Church,von1en of Laguna Beach
has been enlisted.
Church\\'Olnen. \Vho arc planning their fou rth annual Chris tn1as
Aazaar, Nov. 7-8, clairn the decorati ons they \rill :o;eJL in addition to
being entirely different this year, also '' i!l be cheaper, ranging in
price fron1 25 cents to $20.
All those \V ho \\'a nt lo rn<ikc l hcir Christ11 1a s preparations early
and save money later .;ire 111t·1tcd to the b<lzaar \1'hich takes pl<lcc 10
a.in. to 4 p.m . Friday. Nov. 7, and 10 a.in. to 1 p,ni. Saturday, Nov.
8, in the church·s parish hall, 428 Park l\ve.
Visitors arc urged to gel to the church early ii they \Vant to take
advantage of the fullest selection. It has reported that a nc\v church
Jot \Vi ii be open for pa rking.
l\len1 bers of the church's \\'Omen 's groups have been \vorking
for a year to create intriguing iteins for s·aJe. ,.\ very special feature
this yeCJr is the table Ch ri stn1as trees already decorated and su itable
for ll n1all apartments. In addition there will be hand se\v n articles,
;:iprons, to\vels, baby clothes and accessories a s \\'C ll as knitted cloth-
ing, table pieces and home baked food.
J"ree coffee \Vill be served to s hoppers. who also n1ay purchase
sand\viches. Liquid refreshments \Vill be sold in a booth staffed by
teen men1bers of the church.
1-trs. Andre\v !\1orthland is chairman of !tie annual event. Co-
ordinators are Mrs. Robert S. Burnside a nd Nlrs. l<'rancis Nau who
arc assisted by Mrs. Edmund Fairchild and Mrs. Donald Arvold.
Co1111nittee chairmen in clude the Mmes. ,John Dowi:ier, sewing;
l.yn1an M. King Jr., decorations ; l~d\vin Cutting, invitations: Robtrt
Schnitzer, food booth; Joseph JI. Fairbanks, secretary, and Glen I.
Buzzard, treasurer. "
Memo To God; From, Executive; Re.: Secretaries-Help
DEAR ANN LA NDERS: The i.tal v:hn
.sent in "The Secrel.<lry's Prayer" asked
for an opportunity lo tell it like il is. I de-
mand equal time. Will you please print
.an "Executive's Prayer?" Thank you
very much. -CHlCAGO
DEAR LORD: Give me the patience of
a saint and the ability lo endure my
.secretary's knack for confusion. Jlelp me
keep calm "''hen she reminds me or my
morning appointments -afler lunch.
Give me the slrength, Heavenly Father,
to keep my anger in check when she
takes 30 minutes for a mid-morning cof-
fee break while t take phone messages
fr Jm her friends. I realize that nobody's
perfect. but he lp me, dear Lord, to keep
m} cool when she hands me a letter to
tlie company president with two erasures,
two slrik~vers and a misspelled word. I
need t!Xtra strength, Heavenly Father, to
hold my tongue when she orders ~r
groceries and mukei< hair appointments
on my priv;ile phone wh ich is reserved
for incoming, long distance call~. I
rcali7.e that assault and battery is again~t
the law, dear Lord. so please re.'ltrainelh
111y hand so th:il I 1nay not do violence.
Ame,,, -THI:.: BOSS
OEAfl BOSS : I believe in prayrr but if
Ifs as had 11 It sounds you need to look
In tbe want ads -between prayer&, of
DEAR ANN LA NDERS: l\1y brother
was married in 1957. Gordon had a
wonderful job and a promi sing h1turc . He
rlimbcd the ladder or success rapidly and
his fa mi ly lire wa<: fine -two lovely
Lat.c In r.t ay Gordon·~ wHe v.·ent to
Europe and took the youngsters. They
were gone nearly 10 weeks. During that
lime Gordon became invnlved with a
woman -a friend of his wife's, no less.
It was no love affair, just raw sex. They
met at his place or hers -never where
anyone e11uld see them. A week before his
family returned from Europe, Gordon
told me he couldn't sleep from guilt. lie
felt like a sneaking skunk. He asked me if
he should confess to hls wife. I told him
Instead of forgi vi ng Gordon, hi~ ~:ife
threw him oul and lileJ for divorce. He
now is living in a small efficiency
apartment, paying alimony and support.
I jv.sl loved your v•onderful "forgive
;ind forget'' column. I sent it to my
sisler·in·law bul she never answere d.
Don't you think It Is heartless of her not
to give her hu sband a second chance?
Please say so. -SAD SIS
DEAR SIS: Of course Ifs heartless
and I feel sorry for Gordon, but it'1 too
bad Gordon didn't ask me for advice in-
stead cif you. I would have told him to
keep his mouth abut. He could have
unloaded his guilt on 1 <'lergyman, vow-
ed never lo cheat again and been 1 ba~
pily married man today.
the poinl of Bonnie 's letter. Mayhe
Mendel does n't like to eat dinner al his
in .Jaws' hou se th ree nights a week. If
Bonnie was any kind or a daughter she
y,·ou ld have sald, "Knock off the key rat ·
tling,_,B ub. It sounds like you 're anxious
to go home ." It's plain that she ls ()Vtr
ob.ligated to her parents because she im-
(>Oflts on then1 so much.
. •. should have told BoMie to get
_ ,."-her mother's recipes and start ~like a wife. -IRVINGTON, N.Y. --.:"-"' DEAR IRV: You're rl1bt. J ml1std lh
point. Thanks fDr. hauling IJHI up sbOll,
Unsure of yourS_rlf on elates? What'l
right'! What's 'lfr'Ong? Should you?
Shouldn't you ? hod for Ann Landers•
booklet "Dating OoS'and 0on1 's," enclos·
ing with your requelit JS cents in coin and
,. long, i;elf·addr'.f~·stamped envelope.
Ann Landers 1'll. _ glad to help you
\vilh yo11r problem~ end them to her in
care of the(JAILV PILOT, enclosing a
self·addressed, st3mpcd envelope.
! ..
ROYAL TREATMENT -Both i\Jr. Jlumpkin a nd
Lotus receive the best of trcatinent fro1n (left to
r ight ) fl1rs. David M. Sm ith. J\1rs. Rayn1ond Booth
and l\1rs. J a mes P. Aynes, 1nen1bers of the Officer!.'
Curtains Raise
For Concerts
The c urtain \\'il l go up next F riday on
the eighth season of the 1-larbor Arca Con1 -
1nunity Concert J\ssoc1a1lon \\ ith :i perforn1·
ancc by lhc 1\merican Concert l~allct ("o n1·
pnny in the J\1e11'port /!arbor l!igh School
~l udi!O/'I \1111.
'fhc eight dancers. unrt rr lhr direction
of Gene i\larinaccio. pcrf0rn1 ballet ~ to the
111u s it of P oulenc. \'ilia-Lobos. l::arlok, JJl'·
bussy and other fa1nous coinposcrs.
/\s conceived by i11::irin~1cc10. the dt1ncc<::
arc based not only on classical ballet. !Ju l a
form \1·hirh embod ies the broa der rang('.-, of
1novcment foun d ui inodcrn ;.1nd t•lllruc
d anrf's.
Other concer ts during-tl1e yc,1r 1r1ll he
~i1·cn by Ozan J'l']ar:-.h. pianist. Sund;1y. Ft•h.
H ~ i\ie\v l'ork J~ra s.; <)u intel. l·'r1d;1y, i\bi r·c·h
20. ~nd Stanley Jlll11nm er, ~iol1n1 :i 1, J;-nd~i.1 ,
:\prit 10.
,1\lon~ \1•it h sc.cison tickets gnr .~ thr pri1 l-
lrgc Of rCCJ prOCJt)'. \l'hlCh OpC11S ('O!l(.'(:1'1 ,.; In
othl'r ~rea assoc1.J t1on s to Jlarbur l1 c ket
l\1einbcrship in forn1ation 1nay be ob-
tained by c alling the ;i ssocialion·s executive
s ecretary, fll rs. Kurt Kupfc rn1an. fi42·318G.
Other officers <ire Dr. Daniel \\'l1if f qf
T':c11·port 13Ca{'h. president, and Ray1n ond
'J'eys of Huntington Beach, publici ty ci1n1r ..
Bo x Lun ch Alfoir
Juniors Call
H0~· li1111 Ii\·~ .111d 1 ;1~11;,I .,t
11re 11·11! hr 11!0 01ll1r •11 1•1,
da.v ff•r !ht· .l11n111r 1:1il':1 r·111'1
of :\t'11·porl [h'<ith nt·X1. Thur~
The Corona Uf·I ]\lar h•)llll' of
l\fr.c: Richard ll och~ch\ld 11 •11
be the ~cll1ng hlr r.·!rs. \rarl'•'11
Fix, prrsltlcnl 10 i.:;dl 1l1t"
Republicon s
~l rs. 11, J_ \Vood or Costa
;'lles:_i v;ill host a luncheon
n1ceting of the. Costa ?>fcsa
Fedcr::ited Jlcpublican \\'oincn
next Thursday at 10 a.m.
Reports on nation<tl and
SO\Hhem division con\·entions
"'ill be prr~ented.
Ill•''·! 1111: lo• ••l"ll«r .1[ Jfl a 111
'lh. :o~ll!li II 111 [)(• ( ll' }!Jld:\
\hL<11·tn•'> h•·<H1 ldlr;1r1;1n for
Kt'11p1<1"I .\!r.,;1 Sr'l1t111I Di.<aril t
;ond l're!-,1dcnt of l:tr Tov•n
:111d (;01111. She 11·111 d1sc:uss
~·li1ldr('n·s book".
:-;JX'l lal t;uPsls \1 ill be tllrs.
l'r;1t1k Hughes, :-;tal\' ton·
1i'l\l1011 ch;unn;.in. tllr~. Arthur
hur11 , Arca D vice president
.111d :>.Ir~. Terry Tho111a.<,
1w;1 ngi.: l>1 ,tr11 ·t .Junior prcsi·
i\'(·w pro1·isio11.1 L~ h r i n g
\l"\•lcom('d :ire r.lr:;. J\1 t Tap·
pan ;i11t1 illr.,_ l\Pit h l\C'ppl('r.
J\lrs. L1·n :-.tiller. past 1;rc.'i1·
clt'nl of \'ic111r \'<J!ky .lunior
\\'01nen·s l'luh will be wcll:on1-
l'd in10 tllr n1c1nbership :is a
M .. 'll&rti CAN be diifcrenll All f{Jn. J1;i,·c
to do i:J t a1>le Jlh:l:oty F;irmi: or O h,o
Sw!X't·l lot Muslart1. t.1a tlc ntLOTd in1-: lo 1111
.,Jd German n.-r.ipe. 11 has • c.li1tJnclh<1
flavor wltich add11 ztri;l to nll ythini; you
11rr.e ...,·i1li it. Sample be fore-you !roy. ~C'c
1'1'hJ 8 wr.e r·l l-. M111lard is a ....... ""''"""--39•
'litta17 i•i~i ~
'l:OUTH COAST PLA~A ~ l a..-u C•'QY1•I M •II TMllU
l rht ol 01 Sa" Oi1t90 f• ... wey NOV. 14
Colfo Mlo 540.,991
Sagittarius: Utilize Abilities
Lunar position fa\'Orable for
fishing, planting. In groon1ing,
emphasize face, head. 1\-taoy
will be seeo W'taring beret.-
lype headgear today. Faiibion
will highlight eyes. earli and
ha1r, as well as bats.
ARIES (r.1arch 21-ApriJ 19):
Cycle high: you ('an con1e out
of emotional shell. Stop con·
cem ing yoursrlf only with
others. Today you must take
steps v.·hich insure your own
security, p\C'asure. J\1 o v e
ahead .
TAURUS I April 20-?>-tay 20):
Your lime is coming. Know
this and act accord ingly. What
appears to be a restriction is
merely a v.·arning signal.
Emphasis on C!rganiza tions,
hospllals, illusion.
GEMTNI (?>1ay 21·JllJle 20):
Accent on what you would li ke
to accomplish. Key is lo get
backing -both in morale and
in financing. Not easy. But !O-
day events jell and ~·ou
key note accompli shment.
CANCE R (June 21.July 22 ):
\Vhether or not the idea ap-
peals to yotJ. lheT'e is progress
and ex tra duty. Key is to know
Lhat basi('S are important.
Advanceinent indica ted . But
you seem to move in re luctan t
ma nner.
LEO (July 23·Aug . 22): You
revel in opportunity to ex press
yourself. \V riling, publishing
and advertising arc featured.
Chi ps are Uown, You get
chance to verify intentlons,
prove claims. Go to lt.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
lnterest in the occult or hidden
is accented . You know that
certain tasks must be com·
pleted. Your rhythm 1 s
na tural. You receive coin·
plin1ents. Key is to evaluate.
You gJin recognit ion.
LI BllA (Sept. 23·0cl. 221:
Public relation s. agreements ,
the way you present prcxlucts
-these are emphasized.
StreS!I independenct-, originali ·
ty. Adhe re to J'OUT own life
style. B<tlanee emotion and
SCORPlO (Oct. 2J.Nov. 21 ):
Your intui tion rings bell of
truth. Trust it -applies
especiall y to job, w o r k ,
a ssoc iates and general health.
Don't go against wha t you feel
is right. Be su bjective.
and saving•.
BIRTllOAY you are separate
psychologica lly fro1n family.
Your ideas are unique, Give
full piny to the m, but don 't
5acriflce basic happiness.
IQ llnd "'" mOI • •bOUI vour->el! ltl'CI ~:~:1""t,;,.,~.~' ~~~,,.~ ,,~'i;..''lt.o~i
A>ltOIO'll• ~end l.o ''"" 10 Om11r BOllOle!. ·~· 0.A ILY P l~OT, Bo• :17•0. c.ro<1d Cer1.,•I ~l•llOI', Ntw Yor~. N.Y. 1001 /,
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22· .i.d~•rto••m•"r
Dec. 21 ): Ulilize in n a t ed;o===========
creatlve abilities. What you do
shou ld be s tamped with your1 own style, n1ar k, touch. Be,
versatile. Don't pe rm i l
yourself to be tied do1vn to
CAPRI CORN (Dec. 22·JJn.
19/: Co mplete a1!en1ion to'
hasics is essential. Don'L try to
1 be a genius. Stick ti} rules.
regulations. Your hon1e, prop-
erty may be al stJke. Find '
otJ~ the ""·hy of things. Be
posilive. I
\Vi ves League of Orange County. The stole will be
:;ho1v n in the league's upcoming fur fashi on shO\V
;ind Lotus .•. ,.,.ell, he won 't be n1odeling hi s f ur
piece in Lhis show.
Clubwomen Caught Up
In Halloween Spirit
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.1
18): l\lental activitie s.I
cha nges, short journeys are
spotlighted . Status quo is turn·
ed upside down; you move and
make decisions. Neighbor who
is inquis itive should be treated
\\'it h humor.
PISCES (Feb. 19·~1arch 20):
If you think v.·hat you v,·an t
Y•on't cost, think again. Be
practical about btJdget. luxury
Zain J•woltn, 17 FOlhio" h-
lo11d takn pl1ta111~ 111 _,,_lllK·
i119 rho! Miis lordHll hen Joined
their or9011ilatio11.
Mii1 lord"it hot bff11 ossocl·
ol1td with th-I' jow•lry bw1i11.u
for mony yellll .I• tho Nowport
011d lalboa orltG. Por l11Titft
htr ma11r fri1t11ds to 'llllt Iain,
fcrthia11 llla11d. Working hard to complete a ned by tile club next Thursday items. You can get v.·hal you
fl oat for the Fountain Valley ~•_c_l~l2p~.m'.'.'.:.. ---------w~.n~t:_:~b~u~l~'~e~m~em::;:be~c~b~u~dg~e:'.l'.'::=========== Halloween Parade next Sa tur-~
Veterans Benefit day are members of the Faun·
lain Valley \Voman·s Club,
unde r the leadership of ?>trs.
'Fun Fur All' Promised
· Laurence Erwin, president.
l\trs. Robert Curley l s
cha irman of I.he project, which
will also publicize the club's
llaunted House at t he
barbecue, scheduled ror the
same day and evening. At Annual League Gala
Assisllng wit h the float
preparations are the l\ln1es.
\\'allace Short, Vance Der-
ington, Peter Barbolak, Ed
Bool.h and J im Gn1ndy.
Husbands of rnembe rs of the
OfficC'rs' \Vive~ U:ague of
Orange County wi!J ge t some
ideas fnr Chri~tmas gift gi\'int,
\1'hc:1 tl1t•y 111te11d, with tht•ir
11 l1t·s. a fllr f.1.-,h1un show and
dinner dLJn cc next Frid11y.
The lc;1guc·.,ponsorcd e1·cnt
\\di lake placr ;1[ 7 p ni. 111 the
0 ,1tl'rll'hC'1:I re s l a 11 r ;J n t ,
/\11;1h1.::1n1. ;111d will be liic
grnu1fs ;innu::il b~'nt'f1\ f1~r !he
p:ir:1plegies in Ve I er J n s
H'lsp1tal. Long Br<J ch
1\ Jl;d[r111ecn 111(1!1( \1 il l
pre1'ai! in thr (!e t'Or:1tions. <JS
111.inne<l l>_v .\1 1·_< Tukr Ut.\On
u) \\ l11tt1cr, t:l1:11nn<l11.
,\~::.1~t111g 11·1t11 prr p<J r:1lions
;1r•' lht' illrnr4'. ll '1ll1:.in1 !·t\h,
1·~d1\.1 rd Sti•t'!l, H. ,J. Curreri
<lnU !::J111n Srnose.
Le Leche
·sctond in a $eri!'" nr
~e~~1on.-. ~·1innsnrl•d l1y lht'
Hunt111~lnn Urat1h L:i l.rt'hC
L1·;iµ1 1r· 11 111 1:11<.c p I :-i 1· r
hrt11f'1'n !J iJ ;i .rn. and nr~n
'!'l\11rsU.1y, OeL 2:1. 1n tile 1111rnc
1d ~11·~. ilt(Jrris l~o~•!lll'I.
'ropic for lhc :,p~~lon 1\'lll lie
Ilic Ari tlf Dr~·a~tfeeding ;inti
lh crtomu1g Diff1culti1':o;.
i\l~n nn tile 01grndr1 ;1rr 11ir•
H1r1h ,,f the B•1h.1 :111d F;1111ily
/ldJU!-tlllC't\L I\()V. ~Ii :uul '.\°Ulrt·
llnr1 i1nt! \\'l'~1111ng DtT. 18 ,
L.i Lf'l'hr Lr:1g1u', ;i n•Jn·
p n1f1i. non srrl:tri:in 1lq1(H111;i-
lion. 1s dcd1ra1ed 1n lo~1er1n~
11at urnl feedin g 11[ 1nf;u1l.c: tor
t ll(' he~lth and h.1ppintss of
both rnot hcr ;:ind child.
All in1rrcs!ed \\'Omf!n arr Ill·
'1\\·d 10 .1tll'n<l ;ind !hnsP
clt·siring either o.idv1cc nr :id·
cl1\1on;1! inforn1ation reg::ird1ng
the lr11guc n1ay cont:iet t-lrs.
Huber t Boul1n, 82i-O.'J92 : r.1rs.
Donald \\'alker. 962-3987, or
111rs. Jan1cs Nettleton. 8~2-
Club Opens
T~xtcnd1ng 111cmhl'r:;h1p lo
~11 eon1muni!v wnmt'n in·
11.:rcsled 1n tl;C' i,;rO\\'!h and
develop1ncnl of lhc Y~1Ci\
Furs will be shown from the
New York Fur Con1pany. Los
Angeles . Mrs. John 1'11ullady of
\\lestminster \l"ili c:omn1cntate "
cu1d mOdrl s will be lhe r.11ncs.
Slorck. Sn1onr, Ravn1ond.
Booth and ,Jan1es I!. Dawes.
Fllnds raised wilt be given tn
a standing fund with the
Parlyzcd Veterans' Ass ocia·
lion at the hospi t:il. ,\lnnies
<i re 11~rd <it the {listrction nf
the PVA to provide i;pec1:_illy
1!esigned rqu1 pmcnt. 1vhich is
.i::11 cn l11 p;1t1ents fn1· llSC In the
hosp1t<1I and <tftCr t hei r
Officer.;' l\'ives \\'hos e
husbands are on active duty or
retired are invited to at1end
1he lunch eon. I\eservations
n1.1v bt> m:ide v•ilh r.lrs.
5lofck, 6.17.()477.
Las Olas
<:ood Grooming v.·il! be the
theme 11·hcn Las 0 l as
Toastn1istrcss Club tn c e Is
1omorro1v al 7 30 p.rn. 1n
f\1crcury S<J1111r5.
Table topics 11·!11 br direclrd
by ;\!lss Joya Sexton anJ .\Ir:;.
Paul Bron s o n , parlia mrn-
1arian, will ('13IU:ll c t h c
hus1nf'SS. ?>lrs. Ernest Johnson
of Eulalie To:tstm1stress Cl11b
111 Stanlon \1·11[ gt\'{' a \'aluc
Jllrlgment or t.lle 1neet1ng.
r.Jctnbersh1p is npcn to adult
11·omen. :'lfrs. Rollo \\"est 1r1ll
handle questions at 5.16-3052.
Club Set
For Girls
/I se\1•i ng rlub f0r girls from
9 lhrough 12 1ril1 lx'gin next
Thursd:iy under sponsorship of
the ll un !lngton Bc:tch Y:'l1CA.
ThC' cl::i.c:.~ 1ri1! m I' r l
Tlnir.-.days from 4 1'1 ;; r 1n.
and will he instructed bv ~tiss
h athy llaycs. ·
Students v.·il l le,1 rn ~rw1ng
~kil l5 :ind rn;i kr Ch ristmas
¢if1S fu r their r:in11l1e~ anU
fri ends.
Anyont 11ish1ng In rC'gislcr
or obtain fur thrr 1nforn1at1011
m;iy c;ill the Y ;1( 894-4548 or
visit thC' office al 14i76 Beach
Bl vd ., \\lcstminstcr.
Two membe rs of the cl ub
have bern appointed t o
C'ha!rmanshlps. r.·I r s . Al
i\ru kenbcrg 11ill sC'rv e a~
California h i s to r y and
hindmark s chairman and ?>-1 rs.
La11"rence Leeds as music
A s('rics of coffees v.•ill lake
place for me mbers and their
fl'lends v.·ho \l'ish to purchase
Christmas cards, according to
!llrs. Lyle G r e enwa y.
chairman. Proceeds w i 11
benefit the philanthropy fund.
The club recently purchased
138 yards of fla nnel material
for pajamas for chi ldren in the
Albert Sitton Home. Women
inrnates in the Orange Cou nty
j::iil cu t out a nd sewed the pa·
jam as.
/\!so donated recently for
the home v.·ere lace, rickrack,
thread and other notions. The
ma teri als were used in
clothing for the children.
A tour of lhe Orange County
Jail's women·s secLion is plan·
Fashion Forecast for Fall Is
the theme nf the Halecrest
Club's annu<tl fashion shov.'
:i nd lllnchcon next Thursday
in the rlub.
Coc ktails at 11 <1.m. v.·lll be
fo"ll!11wrd hy a buHeL at noon
Coordinati ng the show \\-'ill be
ilfrs. Roseline Trl'nt \\-'ith fa~h·
ions by Beeline and hair styles
by House of Loveliness.
Club members modeli ng v.'ill
be the Mmes. John Co nsoli,
Carl Egetter, Thomas Berry,
Kenneth Ha zen. Robert A.
Haves. Bernard ~1athieson,
J\'<in Slrayer. Joseph \Vhitacrl'
and Les \Veisner, chairman.
OC Phi Mus
Planning Date
Orange f(lunly Phi r-1u
/llun1nae \l'ill gather next
Thu rsday al fl p,m. in !he
Yorba Linda home of ft1rs.
E<!wa rrl /ln<lcrson.
r.1rs. Ar thur .Struck. 01\·ner
of The Trun k in the /\Hie.
Orange. will talk on Hobbies
;cind Antiques. Further in·
fo rmation may be obtained by
calling J\.1rs. Anderson at 528-
prngra1n is the nell'ly nrganiz· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m;11
t·d \\'on1e1fs Sl'rvice Club. I
Tlir first luncheon rncc\ing ,
of the ne1v group 1vill takel
pince .it nnon Thursday. Ort.
23 .. In thr Fi sher m a n
rr~!;iu.ran1. lfun!ington Beach
.111d the club will rncct the
lo"lurth Thursday c:tch tnonth
Pri1nary objcctire nf lhei
r hih is to gi\·e SCf\'ICC to the '
i'~ICA through volunteer 1vork
.111(! spe cial fundin ~ eve nts,
;ind lo provide service lo co111·
n111n1t.v youth_
Introducing Ben Stiles
Wi1111•• of I HoJ,.,tyll"t
Appoor"1 h1 W011or11
l••~ty Tr•11cta Metarl"•
We :1 ! &au!'! Salon
\\'on1cn nod girl!> compri!>e
1nul'l' than a third ol the totall
Y11fCA mrmbersh1p. :ind in·I
lrr•'~1rrl 11(1mPn arr invited to1 r:ill ?>li.c:~ ,Jer i l)()i\nard. 817· Jl OS Newport lhd. loc•ou f,o"' Clry Holli '7).41 1' i1r,.is. lrtr ad d 1 t 1 rt n a I in-
1 fori nat1on. ,._ ____ •.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'".~---'·'·'·'·.'.'.'.o.'.".'.".'".'.'---~'
~-. '
f '
t~e .wig for all seasons
• from Deltress of Londo n
pre-styled, pre-cut, ready lo wear 18.99
This wi g is truly amazing. It looks and feels just like real
ha ir. But it's a wh ole lot easier.to care for. It's pre-styled,
and you never set 1t Jus t wash tt in cold \.Yater. Toss it for
curls. Br ush it for. ;leekness. Try it. It's soft, silky, full, and
natural. Because 1t s ma de of Del~ess® modacrylic. With
contour stitching on a stretch base. Cut an d sty led in l on-
cton. Here now in a wide range of natura l shades?
16 black.
2 off blac k
4 d.uk bro\vn
fi chestnut bro\vn
H medium brown
1 0 I 1ght bfO\\'n
J 2 reddish brown
17 light brown
22 lig ht ash blonde
28 lig ht aubur n
32 ;iuburn
1 ~1 mdy co cos metics 136
may co s.outh coast plaza,
san die90 fwy at bristol, costa mesa; 546.932 r
shop monday thru ••lurda-, I Oa.m. to 9:30 p.m.
44 mixed brown gr.:iy
5 1 gr<1y
101 p1'1 tinu m blonde
1 OJ blonde
17/22 light fros1cd
fJ/22 fro~ted
i\/l f~!~~(.
1:00 B lit Mews (CJ (60) Jerry Ounphy.
0 iD Huntley·Brinklry (C) (JO)
1J SleM Alltn Sllow (C) (90) Jen)'
Collin:i.. Rip T;iylo1, lrroll Garnt1,
Tommy Coope1 and Jeanine Oelys
O f'A(6J mJuli1 (CJ 110:
"Tank's !or !ht Memory." Julia k
olTered a job as vocalosl to 1 musi·
cal group heade\I by Taok Blut
(gu,sl Gary Crosby).
(I Win With th1 St.in (C) (JO)
Host Allen Ludden weloomes 111est1
Judy Carne and Bill B1~by.
0 lft) (1J '1) Mowiti If IN W•k:
(C) "Tht Mon-~ (advanture-dr1ma)
'69-Janet Leigh, Jae~ Albertson,
Gecrge Maharis, Carl Belz. A hit
ot 11rgu1i1ed crime unro!dln1 on the
streets. bridges 1nd bays of San
francisco. Maharis por1rayl Gu!
Monk. 1 completely independen1
ma11 wtm hk« a job wht11 and
where he wants, then moves on.
m Dnld Frost (C) (90) Singei
Oliver. comedian Leon!rd Barr, Hol·
lywood columllist Sheilah Graham,
:10und ettects expert Wes Hanisoo
and singer Br&nda l tt guest,
m The Bir Y~lff (C) (60) m 51&ebl'vsh Thlatre (60)
•• •
By Tom K. Ryan
By Charles M. Schulz
By John Miles
By Harold Le Doux
~Sil o·C1otk M!Wir. (C) "'A
Disbnl l ru111pet'' Part II (we5tem)
64 -Troy Donahue, Suzanne Pie·
shette. Oiane McBain, James Greg.
011. U.S. Cavalryman fall$ ln love
with anolher Lleutenanl's wile, and
Ill Ind ian uprising c:.1U$tS more tell·
sions for the romance.
ffl l11terl1ce ~C) (30) "Air Tra ns-
pons--lhe New Look: Paris Air
Show.~ Part II. Host.commentator
is Albert Hibbs oi Clillech.
O Did Vin Dyke (30)
m P9fton P1Kt (30)
ID Star TM (C) (60)
@ 00 Mit.e Dou(ln (C) (90)
fr) Wllat"s Ntw? (30) .. Coin Dis·
tributilln," Roger Anderson tr~ces
.1 coin !ram the mln!.
® ([J CBS Kews (C) (JO)
EE Tielnpo di PWdl)fl (JO) CD""" (C) (50) Jack H1c~ey.
i :JO 0 KMBC 1'rwservfct (C) (60)
O Tiii C•me G1111t (C) (30) Jim
MadVell !lost~
mTo 111 ttlt Trvtll (C) (JO)
El) PlrSl*M (30)
~ (!) HanlleJ·Bri11t11r (C) (JO)
ffl MllSetlll. 01*' House (30) "The
f,~e ot Rome." Russ~ll Connor e~·
amines the unique artistic acbleve
men!s tnd limilat1ons of the prag·
matic Romans.
~@ TIM M11nltm (3())
EE Notici«o J4 (C) (W)
m """ 1CJ (301
7;00 0 CBS (ftflln1 1'ews (C) (JO)
Walter Cronkite..
Q WMt't MJ line (C) (30) A
pea1l diver h11l'S !Cl ltump par..hsts
m I t... l ur, (30)
ID a..t 1111 CIO('-(C) (30)
!:000 ®) r6) ffi World l'remit1t
Movie: (C) "TIMI Lonely Prolnsion"
(mystery) '69 -HarlJ Guardioo,
fJ1na Merril!, Dea11 Jagger, Joseph
Cotten, r ernando Lama:i, Barbara
McNair. Ina Balin. A private i~
vestiga!G! atl~pts to sotve a m~r
der case in whi~h he is a primt
0 ShowaM 5 (C} (60) GllOfp
Burn.s and Abbi Larie star.
ffl Nfl Fn.tival (C) (90) "lhrre b1
Marth~ Gr!l1am," includis three
major lilms ad;rpled for TV.
ill Hoy! (30)
MBEY, YOO AJlrol'r "-'KE SENSE'.
f!EPIJ..CEP! •• WHY -?
''"o®m '" ,..._ ~• 1.1. MOON MULLINS
(C) (30) Gov. Orinkwater's de1teM t::::=========::::~( !rom an old Indian fighter nearlJ MO"E '>'. ~"EY'VE' blocks some importimt Indian legis-II" l n
'""' ALP.f3A'DY <;or INCf3NTIVE'
ONews jCJ (30) l ed Me'J'l.'l'l.. PAY ... S lCK PA'/ ... WHAT
m He Said, Sii• Said (C) (30) Do 7HEY "'.:':~r NOW?
C'::I R•w hide Rnll!ld"' (60) 4.r..,,11~\,
u.> ~"~:IF-:~!~) t ro Ch11cho Avellanet (CJ (JO) P'r.)\"S.~.~ (r~;:j
lO:OO O ~f8)!SPi CIAll rootlMU: or \",J i!f#!Y
100 Yurs Old <ind Still Kk king (Cl • f')
(60) A :i.alute to the centen11ial
year ol lootball. American style.
with 1 s1udy ol how it llas ch1 ngtd
1n • cllang1ng Amerie1. Ctiarles Ku·
rail report~
0 m Hews (CJ (5-0)
By Ferd Johnson
@ (6J Br1~ed (C) (30)
O @@·rn Marcus Welby, M.D.
(C) (6o) ~All flags f11ing." Henry
Wiloo•ori gues11 a~ Capl Rkk Bat.
linge-r, •ging war hero determined
ti) .sail al!We to the South Pacific.
Hut• l ee al:io ruest.s. STEVE ROPER By Saunders and Over9ard
tD Ahora! (30)
tw (ru Trutll °' Con5t13utnces (C)
0 Delli! (C) 1&0) Th'. fo or F rt sh·
111en. Big Marpa l~l!rnlll~ and
Wood1 Woodbury gue~t. m lslarub In "" Sun (C) (30) ffi Perry Mason (&O)
(D Tlllt 'irl (CJ (30) €?) C•JUI de Mui•n (30)
7:30 fl!S (8) llntet (C) (GO) Jelly 10:30 ff) Homewood (W) Hosluns· romance with a~ attractive
.,.idow leeds Ill \rllJJble \1111h bCM €?)Un Grito t11 ll Obscuridad (30)
Murdoch lancer ¥1he~ thP. grrl,
played by gu~ Anto<nel\e Bowe1,1ll :OO 0 0 0 m News (C)
set$ lier cap 101 Murdoch, I O Alfred Hitdtrod
0 !jj ~6 m I Drum of Jeannie Q TM Morie ,._ (C)
(CJ (JO) "Jeann:e and tne Bdr.hell!t l Party." Tcm1 i5 !ricked into attend m I SPitlA~! l fidi• r ro"' No
i1111 his own bachelor partv, an~ Plau: Pu1 111 of a drui abuse
the a!ra11 taU5e$ ioo lusio n lo< 1n1Qgv. The film, narra!ed by Roxi liA.SA. I Steiger; lool<.!i at th• rnearcll 1nd
0 stump ltle St1r1 (C) (JO) M .k~
!'!akt'I' hosts_ Gu~tJ a1e Bill B11b~
[dward Muthart and, Ka ren Valen.,
prey,;'nfllln Qf drug 11~.
(li/ !1) 1';1"} (6) ® ® Ne"1 (C)
m rn rn Newi 1c>
!me, 111:30 0 (i9l (81 Me!'f Griffin (Cl
0 l!'1'; fi)·CD MOO SQut!I (C) l60Jj O 1:13 \61 ED John nr Carson (Cl
'1o l1nl}-W1th Ltwe.. ~ Linc fall» Cat1 lle•n'r sub' es host Matil~n
h• )ova .,,.;111 an 1t11adiv1 youne M~ye and Yaphe'I Gotto guest. Al·
woman, bul ltieir ronMnce i~ threat-I
&ned when 1 man trllm the girl's
ru~t ~rrive~ In town. Janel Mc I
lachlan and I re-d Pinkard 11uesl j
O Million S: Movit: (C) "lireen
M1nliMI" (rl)m~nct) "59-Audrey
Hepbyrn. Allthoriy Perkins. Lee J.j
Cobb. Bas~ on W. ll Hud'°n'l
IO'l't dory rJ a young political rd
ugr:e in the Veneiuelan jungle and
Rima, th1 ''bird iirl."
ID Trlltlr or ConM!llll'llCH (C) (30)
m Jlldd lor till °"'"'• (CJ (60)
fE Tldlnical Cornei (lO)
€D T111 City Wattllefi (t) (60)
€I1 ChucM ti Roto (30)
htrl BrooU i, &ls.o schtdu!ed.
0 Movie: •Aifi't "9 TI11tt tor 'lory'"
l~dvenlurr) •57 -Barry Sullivan,
Gene Barry.
O flt)(~).G)Joer l i1llop (C)
~theduled zuests: J~kl1 Sttwart.
~rand prix taca dri'ler; cou~!IJ
s•nie/S Geoti• JDnes and Timmy
O Movie: "A TllAI of HOiiey" (dr1-
111a) '&2 -Oora Bryan, Robert
S!&phens, Rita l u'hingham.
m Out« liMib
(!)Mo-fit: "'KtUpW" (dram1) "!il
-S1et1ing H11<1en, .kM11 Lrlit.
ff! FutJ.111 (C) '"Wald." Slc>ry Df
!he !.1lv11inr of the 1r1:11t warship
l ;tlD D in @ m Oebble Rtynold' (C)I -33J }tit' l flflf its sinkin2 in tlle
(JO) "Tht Bod,guard " Whtn Jim port ol Sloc~hotm fn 162&.
behtl!es a hockey play~r 1n his
sports column. Debbie deodes to 12:30 m Movie: "ledtlit" (drama) '47
rirotecl Jim arainst tht aneered -M1rraret Lock'IPOOd, Ian Hunhr.
p!ayer. 1:00 0 M°"lt: "WithHt lelwwatitlll"
0 J1ct lenll)' (30) Bob Hope (roman~tomtdy) '4~J!lhn W1JM,
1uest~ Claudette Colbert, Oon Oefort.
m Q\19111 fOr 1 DaJ (C) (JO\ 0 0""" {C)
fl) stoct Mdrt SlllllM•fJ (3-0) 0 Com111111ity llllltin lolli (C}
OI Oilcoti .... I '°"' (C) (50) m Action Tlteatr•
I ;)() I) ®i (l) hi Skttllln (C) (60) 2:1S m All·NilM Slllr. ".fillt2h•n1 Up·
[d Sullivan, K1ye 8111,,d, P;iul R!• rising,~ and '1h1 Baron·s .filri~n
ver1 and l!'!1 Raidm gu~. War:·
O "All Tbit: alld Mtnt11 f•" {drt·
m~) '40-Cll1rl1s Boye1, B1rb1t1
O'Neill. m "P1rl1 Altw Dtit'" (ad"ntore)
'13---GfJOrlt Stnden, Brtn61 Mu·
DAYTIME MOVIES 12:0DO'"llllCW111 lor !!It $111" ccorri·
edy) '41-Joet MtCr11, llltn D1ew.
1:00 O (CJ "forth $oil(' (dr•ma) 'SJI 2:30 0 "Ard! -' Triu11J1h" (drtmt) '4&
-Joan Crawford. Gli Young. -!nr11d Be1r11""· Charles Boyer.
l:lOO"ftlM II tht $p111" (dram~} 4:30f)"Tht Sptnish M11n'" (•dvtn •
TOMOR~OW, DAO 7 >---'
::i ,=~cr R.OD •1
SO YOU 11-l.INK I 'M
oH, 1'D
LOVE J--y--1
:~•1\-.::=;:'T~! JI (;r.3:~~
OU~ VEAReooK PHOro;;
NE He.RE, CUI~""'!
. -~'
Ol-1, B Y THE
A1£NGAOOUT ,.2s-
By Al Smith
By Gus Arriola
/fl.-i '
i '4ft-Mk:ht~ l!tdir1vr. Ros~mundl !Ore) '45 -M&urP.en O'H1r~. Paul
)o~' Henre1d, Wallet Sluak. ''?-! MO<. • ~cl\'
T ut5dQ', Octob@r 21, 1961) OAILV PTLOT , J[j
By Charles Barsotti.,
FOOTBALL'S GREATEST -Four o[ football's
great est names \V iii be seen tonight on Cha nnel 2
at 10 p.1n. \vhen ''Football: Or 100 Y~a rs Old and
Still Kicking" is aired. Above, clock\v1se from left
are Walter Can1p, .A.lonzo Stagg, Knute Rockne and
Ji1n Thorpe. Charles Kuralt \Viii report on the sport
from its beginnin g.
U.S. Looking
Good on TV
llOLLY\VOOL> (UPI) -Sho\v business. has
cycle!'i in \Vhich a hit is follO\Ve~ by si1nilar projec.ts
or frank in1italions. The 1nov1es always do this.
'I'elcvision too. Si nce the ratings success of CBS-
TV's NationCll Geographic specials. \ve've been
suffocated by \vlldlifc shO\\'S, It's as if Tarzan c?un-
try were suddenl y comn1andeered by the AJner1can
Civil Liberties Un ion .
TELEVISION, at <1ny rate, loves these \Vildllfe
programs. Good ratings. No cont_roversy. Nice
pic ture postcard stuff. Al l on the side of dece~cy
and fine intentions. \Vho could ask fo r anything
n1ore? The onl y problem, of cou~s c, is that i.t's the
same story 1.old again a nd again and again and
again and again
Well , any>\'ay, one. of the next video cycles .ap-
parently on tap 1s also going !o. be _very soothing.
l•'or it s theme is that v,rc a re liVlng in a wonderful
country, and have accon1plished \YOnder!u1 thi~gs .
And those are undeniable facts, but \Vhat is genuine-
ly interesting about the app<1rent upcoming cycle
'is lhe rather obvious reason for its instigation.
A LOT of people. you see. are fe d up with look-
ing at the home screen and seeing drugs and stu-
dent protest and civil disorder and demonstra-
lions at the Dcrnocra·lic convention and "hippies''
{ rneaning anyone \vho doesn't look like everybody
else). And a lot of 'these people \vho are fed up are
certain !hat 1nany of these things \VOtild just go
a\vay if only television didn 't sho\v them.
t,et's get a fe\Y things straigh t here. This is a
great country, and programs that depict this \11i th
for ce are a joy to behold. J3ut it 's not as if there
haven't been nttcmpts by the nel\1'orks to tell this ~tory beforr . There have 'been countless video hours
of Ainerican history, fcin1ou s figure . ..; and pure
An1ericana -and almost i nvariably, th ey have re-
ceived nlcdiocre ratings becat1sc the people no\v
l1ollering: for then1 didn't tune in enough.
AS -ANOTHER exatnple, viewers .s urely have
noted the gem-like "On lhc Road" pieces of Amer·
icana 1hat Charles Kuralt has b~n doing for some
time no\v for CBS-TV's evening news.
Nel\11ork people kno\v they have been a s pro--
American as they can be. Yet some seem to feel
t hat lhe mere fact that unpteasanl things have ap-
peared on their outlets has cost them confidence
from some viewer s. 1'.•Jay be it has -but that is a
cheap price to pay fo r doing: one 's job properly, for
not shying a\vay from events.
Den1ais the Jtfeiaace
4; a 4 4 cc o coo••••• • • • • • •" • •,. ... • • •• • • • • • • • • ··,..---,.-.-.-.-.-..,..---------.-.-. •.---------------~---·------··--• r r t ,, . . . ' ..
{I CAIL Y 'llaT
Everything for Pros in U.S., Laments Toomey·
;;... 0t ... _,., ''* tMfl
Lbs A:~GELES -P h ys 1 c a 1 l y ei-Jlfllfsed. rMOtally dov.·n. Bill Tootnt"y
bN.ght VI end lo 1 spark ling, carttr by
•"90tJncing his rttirement fro m com-
P4tt'Jvn loUowtng an unsuccessful at -
tdnpt to trast the v.·orld decathlon
ncJOrd during a t'tll'O.-Oay show al CCLA.
iJbe. Laguna Beach Ol~·mpic champion
came close again -as he did 1wo ,..·ttk.s
a&o at this Ymt facility. But as v.·a.s the
c• then, he came up shor1 of Kurt
B«xilin's world siandard of l ,319 point!.
1;his time ht tallied, 1,%79 points -a
hi&bly crtd1tablie perfonnanct. tspeciaUy
1n view of the fact that only 15 day•
et1lier he chalked up an American record
~ 0( 1.277.
Although du.appointed at not having
cracked the v.·orld r~ord , Toomty v.•as
mort concerntd abotJI amatt ur sports
and their fadin& status in America.
"Miss.in& the point total lStf t tht t nc:I or
tht v.·orkl. \'i'bat bothers tnt' mort. i.s that
!his country dotsn·t gi\'e a damn about
its amataJ.r alhlett s.
"E\·trythlng is for lhe pros. Tht
Russian mttt last su mmer lw"dly drtw
anyone. The story on this meet v.·i.ll be
buried on lht back page.s of lht
"It's a pretly dishtarttning Uung to ti~
amat.Nrs." Toomty cold tht. DAILY
The five-lime national champion also
told why he had such a burning dt.si re to
break the world rtterd since ht. ha d ad·
mit~ that ht wouldn·t sv.·ap his Oly mpic
gold medal for a ,..·or ld mark if such
For Poor Calls
Syracuse Coach
Blisters Officials
~'EW YORK (AP) -"Thi.! is VI age ot
protest," said Ben Schwartzwalder, and
Monday it rtached the football field.
The Syracust Cniversity coach spoke to
1ht wttldy gathering of New York foo t-
ball writers and his topic v.·as officia ls -
particularly those from Ptnnsylvanla.
"!>ly boys art in an utter stale or
depression," Sch1~;artn.·alder said about
Sa turday's heartbrtak..ing 1;,...14 loss to
f1f\h·ranked Penn State. "and rve got to
deal v•ilh their bitterness and lrustra-
llons "
It Looks Lik e
Rigney Will
Get Twi11 s Joi>
Sunday night t-.1innesota T\\·ins' President
Cal vin Griffith said ht. \\'as mak ing a
telephone call to the man who could sue··
ceed Billy t-.1artin, fired as the baseball
l earn ·~ manager a "'eek ago.
\londay , former Ca lirornia Angels'
~lanager Bill A iRne~' con rirn1ed rect l\·ing
a ca ll from Griffuh in San Francisco.
"I'm ho ping to ha1·t: an announcemtnl
laile thl~ v.·eek," Griffith said. "\\'t \·e got
10 stt do"'·n ...,·1th l~ ne"'· ma nager and
Talk for a couplt. of days before anything
it finaHu:d.''
Rigney said. "! ha rt: talked to Cai>·i n
Griffith but beyond lhat I c.an ·1 makt. any
Howtver, !he ~1inneapolis Tribune
reported that Rigney v.·as to mttt ,.,·ith
Griffi th today or \Vednesd ay.
The :tl·year-0ld Rigney is popul ar in !ht:
\finnesota area, having managed tht. okl
American Associ ation M in n t a p o l i s
J.!illen in 19~:.5.
Rigney "''as manager of tht old New
'fork Giants from 1950-60 and managu or
Uie Ang•ls from 1961 until early this past
.ieason v•htn the Angels got off to a bad
Gr1 ff1th had sai d Sun dav that he hl;ld
I nm med tus ong111al !ist o( ;,o manager1<1 I
candidatt.s to four.
The T...,·ins' prtsident hsled R1Rnt ).
Billy Hunter, Ball1more Orio les' coach ,
J oe Schultz, Seattlt: Pilots' managtr 1n
19&9. and Eddie Yos t, r-;tw 'York ~lets'
coach, a.s the fou r.
S ports In Brie f
The comm01.ion re vo[\'ed around tv.o
critiCAI penaltit.11 v.·1th Jess than 1oi,
mi nule.J to play and Syr11cust , a t'>l'O-
touchd<l'\.l·n underdog, aht ad l+-0. The
game, by the 11ay. 11 a ~ played 1n
Penn Stalt threw an incomplete pa~s
on fourth dov.'ll and si x at the S~Tacuse Jj
but an ln terft:renct. call ga1 t the Nittany
Lions a first do\\·n at tht four and they
iCOred on the next play.
They v.·ent for a tv.·o-point conversion
and Franco Harris ,.,·as nailed at the one
arter catching a pass. But a holding call
ga1·e the Lions another shot from the I 11
and Harris ran around right end to make
it 14--3.
Less than three minutes lattr Penn
Statt scored again, kicked the decisive
extra point and extended the nation's
longtst major unbeaten strea k to 24
"I debated a long lime '>l"he:lher to keep
my mouth shu t," Sch\\•artzwaldtr said,
··but I ha \'t a group of bo ys who rtatly
c.:are a nd they fee l horri ble about t h1.~
gamt . They came to me after the game
y,·ith dozens of question.s and I v.-rote
somt of them dov.·n.
-"Why were thrtt officials from the
stat.t. of PtnnSyll'an ia, v.·her e they earn
their living:'
-"\Vhy did tht y call pass inlerle rence
when the film s show no contact:'
-"\Vhy did the y call us for holdi ng
when I.hf films sho'>I' that their recei ver
bangM into our man and hung him up:'
-"\\'hy '''eren·1 they called onct: for
holding our deFt nsivl' right tackle on
practically e-very pla y:' They continua lly
and flagrantly held 11nd tackled our
boys, \\'hile two of the three holding
ptnalties aga inst LLS "·ere a.s legal as J"ve
e1'er seen.
"I ha\·e no anS"'l'TS, but v•e ha ve films.
T hopt somt pt<:ip!t see the films and
n1aybe they'll ha ve somt. answers. ~1y
boy.s say they got an inJU.5tice and the
films say thty're right ."
"~ly analysis of !he film.~ v.·as such that
l say my boys v;ert JLLStified in aski ng
somt: of thesr qu e s t io n s ,·•
Sch"·artz'>'·alder continued. "On the ln·
1erftrence call. for \nstanC'E". my boys say
11 was origin ally called both '>'"a)'S, of-
1ensively and dtfensivtly.
··1 knov• I s0und hke a sorehead lostr
but l'm JUSt standin g up for my boys . II
~ou lose faith with your bo~·s they won't
play for you and that'~ the btl!~£'st th1n2;
1n roachin g today, btggtr than tee::.
n1qu, ·•
Wi lliams Top Manag er;
NB A Expansion Slated
NEW YO RK -Ted \\'il!iams. bast--
ball's first million dollar manager "ho
led the \\'ashing ton Senators lo thtir
tirst winning season in 17 yurs. has
bren selecttd The Associated Press·
American ~ague ~1anager of the yt ar
\\.'illiams. winning the honor in his first
year u manager. narro,.,·ly outpolled an·
other nr11t year man. Billy P.tartin. \\'ho
was fired aft.er directing P.finnesota to
the Western Division title.
Willian. drew I IJ votr.s to 102 for ~lar.
Lin. Earl Weaver. ,.,·ho took Baltimore
to a runaway Eastern Division title, had
CINCINNATI -The National Ba~et
ball Auociation plans to expand lo 11
tean11 next year with fraochist.li to go
to Memphis and Houston . the Cincinn111i
El'IQulrer re.ported f.tonday.
The lucue. in its feud "·ith tht com-
peting American Basketball ASIOClation.
'Will divide into four diviaiofl! lnat.ead or
two and emnd the post 1u80n playOff
a•mr.s. 'The Enquirer said the franchiles ,.,.ill
.ell for $UJ mJUlon each. Plans for the
expanalon an: e.xpect.ed lo be announced
•t the NBA AlJ..SUr game in January al
Phlladelphl>. •
CfflCAGO -President Jot Cronin and
a group of American Learue owners m~t
"'ith rcprcsenlati\'CS of the Seattle P\lnt~
t-.tonday and pot dov.·n any possibility o!
a fraochl!e movr.
Rumors that the Seattle franch i!'.t.
v.·ould bt moved to f\1ilwauktt or Dallas-
For1 \\'orth "''ere cut down by Cronin
and atlt.nding ltague owners.
The !'l"Ssion was infonnaJ and rrqut.~
ltd by Seattle inltrest.o; .,.ho appare.nlly
ft ared rt.pri~ls ovtr tht. facl the Pilots
drew only 680,000 in thtir initial )ear.
NEW YORK -\Vhtn Don ~1a ynard
shO'A'll A~ric1n football League pas~
deft.nde.rs the No. 13 on the back o! hi~
New York Jets jtrsey. they're usually
out of luck.
P.taynard gave Houston 's Miller Farr
and Ken Hou.ston lht back of hi3 s hirt
P.1onday night 13 the Jets oo~·ned lhe
Oilers 2~17 to grab nrsl plact. in tht
AFL East.
Joe Namath firtd touchdo'>l·n s1rikt.~ or
57 and 5• yards lo fl.fa ynard and .lint
Turner k.ickt:d four field coa l~ a~ the Jct~
1'"00 their home opent:r before 111 Shea
Stadium crowd of 63 .MI.
C 0 L 0 G NE , ~rman,y -Spain's
Andtts G!meno defeatfd Roy Emerson
of Ntwpor!, 6-3, Jt.J7 fl.l onday ni ght to
v.i n the ~n·s si ngl e.s t.Jt lt in the Spoga
Cup Proftssional Ttnnis Tournament .
AustrAlia·s Ken Ro.st ""<'lll 11·on third
place aft.er deft21ting Mar1 in Rit.s.sen nt
E\ansln n. 111 . l l-1~. 6-3. fi.z·
barter were poS!>lblc
·· J gue.55 v. hen lnt'y lovl. 1t 1 .... orld
record) atA·ay fro111 int 1n 1966 I decided I
had lo get 11 ag411n ··
Toomey was referring to lhe incet .11
Salin.a, Kansas lie bro ke the v.·orld
re-con:! ""'1t h 8.2.J~ poi nt:.. But it \1 as
disallowed Ix-c ause or f<ie1l1ty shurl.con1.
ings, such as the i.hot litll rin~
dimensk>oi , {'\{',
Toomey had a ch:..;icc :it getting
Bendlin's elushe mark .\londay. lie had
to run the final t'~ent -lhe J ,500 mt tcrs
-tn i ·ZJ .I A.nd. ht has a best of 4.20.2
But Jt wasn I 10 the cards.. It ~ra s still
\\·arm and "'·,nds that had !Tu.mpered hin1
all day cootinucd to blJw. And his only
competitor -Barr; King or Great Bn·
ta1n -is no 1.sr;, metc r 11rtuoSQ.
I! "'·as almr.61 dark when he stepped .. n.
lQ the red \.art an O\ a l for this final •hot
;it the record ,\r1r1 h£' stayed on pJCt' ::1l'
first 80IJ mettr~ ~1t h a 2 18.5 But then he
ucd up an d a~ ~11· <1t1rn111cd later. v.<is
hJrely able 10 fi:l t~h the race
ltt clock{'([ 4 ~J ~
Toomey 1,;1~ :.o sapped at the end of
th1: run he fell onto the track and re-
1nained prone for a few momen ts. Then
lie h:id to be hrlpc·d to 11:1lk :.bnut for
~l".<.:r<11 1nore rn1n11!(·3. Thrrl v n11nutt ~
!;·1er he ~11!1 w,1~ t''\!l.JU'1 "d ·. l ~;l.\e u
•·1er;.thing I h;,;tl," v.") all he i.:uu!d .)<i)
lor 20 minutes
Finally he did hait ~trength enough In
.. nnuurn:c h1::. rt:l1ren1en1. '·This 13 IL
There arc no more oppor1un111es tQ cor11-
p£"t!'. F11r inc Lne plra~urc of ptrlormi n11,
ha s brtn :;elf ~au sfaellon and J\r h<ttJ
p lrnl~· 111 that he sairi
Thl'y turned the t;CLA tr;tck inside
JOYS OF THE DECATHLON -Lo&11n;:i Jjcach's Bil l Toon1ey t ries to
recover rron1 the all·out 1.500 m e ter~ he ran in a \il!n a ttcrnpt to break
the \VOr ld decat hl on record :-.t onday. L·cL.-\ lrack coach .Jim Bus h. a
r1.J\ to ard Toomey against thost brt~k
l.lreczes. Tht oiscus seclQr Y.as ITTO\ed
·t·I era I f~I The PQIC' vault pit v.·as mo\·-
f t! co:nple1e!~· ~11t h a nev.· plant box. 1n-
st.-illcd dun n1: a 1• ... o hour dc!a).
And the 1a1·el1n r un 11 ay was shilled
from dir t to grass.
The record v.·as in and ou t of his hip
f>"lCkl'! on va riOLIS occasions during Sun-
dav and \Jondar JCt1on He needed 4,007
po;nt.. \!onday lo erase the record.
And ht' got off to a great start by run·
ning the 110 mt'h'r hurdles in 112 -a
hf et1me best But the same 11 ind that
hclp<>d !he )\I ill hurdle effort ruined
d1;;rus thrc~ 1ni;: Il e 1hrew the platter J~.1-
~1 ; -se1·en feet unde r what he should
h<il~ /J<id.
li n~c1 er. hr botJnted back for a
l1!comr besl of 13.91, ir. th e pole vaull
for111c r r\e•\ port Shore!' resident
helps Toomey off \11th hi s spike s.
A LIFETIME BEST -1\111 1·r1nn1rv clc:irs thc lia r
;1t 1.1-fl l 2 to rccor<I a pcr~on ,11 pol <' v:iul1 hc't d11r111r:
decathlon compc11t1011 ;\Jonclay at \1111 d-S\\cpt L L-
(,.\ l'nf•1n'f'V ·4.'{1n1f'< "1lh111 5fl pl">1n !s nf c 1~1s 1n:.: the
r·!11~1 1 r 11rirhl
1f'C'hn1 c ;'l1 ! ire;
SJllna. l\cin~.
rrrnr<l hr h.1 .. "f1LJl!h' ~1 nr e \966 11·hrn
<l e111c d 11 1111 a t.lnb;il ~t.Jndard <11
and got a creditablt 211-212 in the javt lin.:
That le!! Lhe 1.500 meter as the dec-1dtr.
and B11J simply didn't have enough left. ·
/Ir said tl "as hktly he didn't have
£>nough !1n1e bet" een decathlons bu t that
J1r had to c:on1e bal k thl~ soon becau.se
finding con1pctition. a facilHy to hold the·
1nett and Qfficials would have bct.n im·
pos~!hle at a later rl ate.
··Jt wa.s too tough to try and i;:o out with
tv.o or three guys and ~ay you're going to
break :i "'orld rtcord . You 've got lo have
the competition," he pointed out.
The only other finisher -King -wa~
nearly 1.000 points beh ind Toomey . , _
ha rdly what you'd call stiff opposition
But now it d()('sn'I matter becau~ Bill
'roomey had hun g up his shoes as l.'.S.
record holde r and OlympiC'champion.
And that's not all bad. ·
O.lll y ,ILOT l'~otn ~' li!l "ft Wl'lltl
and n1anagcr of the lv.,o-day meet,
Stanford Boss
La ud s Brt1in s
S.\\ FRA:-O"CJSCO \CPI 1-Stanford and
1·CLA do fl{1'. appea r anxious to light a
lire 11ndrr 01111 anf•thrr hl'fnrr their cru·
c1<1! P.1t Jfll·8 conff'r f·nLe ~amc Saturtla.\'.
S:;1nJ()rd t'OJ!'h .Juhn Ralston ~lond<l:+'
!nl rl \orthcrn 1 ·.111lorn1a foothall '>''n:ers
thal LCLo\ J~ · t!1r qu it krst , lub wr·1 e
srrn.·· 1rh!lr L.CLA puhlici~t \"1c Krllry
~.11d :-1.lnford "11111 tr ~t our secondary
1nnr1' :i1<1n ;1nyonr ha~ 1 h1~ sr:1son.
Thi· 11nbci1 trn l3n11ns led 1he Pat·:>
11 t1h .1 :;.o ri'lonl
.-\ St:infonl 12·1 I l<i~s io the Bruin.~
would r;incct out any Hos e Bowl hopes.
llal.~ion told football v.riters that thc-
Bru1ns <lcstlrvr to br fa\·orrd in Sa1 ur -
<ia~··s contest aft rr shu1t1ni:: out lhrrr
tc;;rns this season and a1·tlrai;ing l1
pnint~ .1 g,1n1r
"Th1C1r ciuartrrbac k, Dennis Dumn1 it.
rnakcs the big pl:iy. I Ir niakrs their of·
fcnsr go. and the clu O as a wholr i~
Rrlt1ni.:, lllC' niosl nul or its material,"
Jl;i!slon s;ud .
"Gr<'g .Jones and f\lirkcy Cu reton arr
great runncrs and Dum m1 t ha~ excellenf
recrH·C'r~ in G1rrn fooptr 11nd George
r·arrner ..
l\rllr.1· prcferrcd to talk al>oul Stanford
qua rterback J in1 Ph 1nkt'l t. 11 iunio r 1\·ho
al rcar!y h<\.~ brokc n several Stanford
passing records.
"Th£' cnllre lnr!ian s~ufld has both size
11nd qu ickness, ~omct h1ng other teams
'>''e'\'C played all have lacked,'' Kelley
Plunketl and rrstri·t quarterback Don
Buncr lec1 lhe Indians tn a 4!1-0 win ovtr
\1.'11sh1ngton Stale !11 ~1 1~rrktnc1 while the
Brui ns were overrunning Cahfornl a, 32·0.
Grid Ra nkings
"' 'OlL .. '0Lt T••lfl W·L·f '"· '"" '#·L·T Ph. ' O•• S!11e .. '" ' O•• Slltl .. m ' l •~·· • 0 "' ' To~•• •• ' 1 •""f1'~ " '" ' 1..,ftlU" .. "' • .... k~ft ... •• ,., • ...... ft ... ••• "' ' UCl.l. •• "' s .............. + '' "' • Pe~" Sli t• " "' • UCl.t. •• "' ' M"•Dll•l " "' ' "" 1.1)..I "' • "" . " "' • '""~ 511 !1 •• m • lOll••l••I " .. '" • l~111.,•n• " '0 "' " ,,~,ft • .. .. " F lorlcl1 " '" " 01 Ir~"'" " ,, ,, ' 1•~0 "" " "' " ton•,. o ..... '" " " '<01 .. 0•"'" " ' "' ,. ''"'" "Q " " " r.-·~ • " "' " ~t~"·~·n " ' " lou~"'" " .. ,. ·~· " ' " ·~· " ""
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Sprint Out Attack
Makes Loar a Go
Rtjuven1ted Estancia 1-ligh School
resurnu Irvine League football wars
Thursday night when coach Phil BrGwn's
1-2-1 ooUit invades LA Palma Stadium to
batlle league-le.ading Loara.
The Eagle.\ are fresh from a coovtncing
35-12 rout ol Santa Ana Valley. It's the
most points ev~ chalked up by an Est.a.n-
cia varsity in tht five-year hi!tory of the
achoo I.
Now, howeve r. Brown's club is raced
'11'ith an opponent touted as the fourth
best ttam in the CIF AAAA and holder of
29 consecu tive Irvi ne League wins and 111
1Lraight victorles overall.
Coach Herb 1-lill's Loara Saxons, rank-
ed No. 1 in Orange Cou nty, present an
imposing list of credentials.
First and foremost Is quarterback Don
Standley, a 6--0, 165-pound senior who
leads the Saxon offense with 43 e<>m·
pletion.s out of 76 atlempts for 549 yards
and fi\·e touchdowns.
And, out of hi:ii sprint out type option,
he 's run for another 147 yards on 52 car·
r ies, despite being dropped for 71 yards
on attempted passes. flt carried over the
gDal line three tlrnes.
His chief ball carrier has been tailback
Ray Spagnuolo, a aenior who's averaged
4.7 yards per carry oo 58 tries and has
chalked up 5i1 t.ouchdowru.
'Thrtt other running backs h.ave been
impressive in Loara's first five wins this
Steve Elkins, another tailback, has 147
yards ln 31 carries (4.7) for one
toochdown and fullback Greg Hehm has
totaled 118 yards on 17 attempts for a 6.9
average and three TDs.
Rererve fullback J im Beyers ha~
averaged 5.4 yarcb a clip en roule to
three touchdowns on 15 totes.
Hill say a his opponent Thursday night,
Estancia, is a vastly improved team
since he saw the Eagles earlier in the
"They e:s:ecute the option sertes real
well. Their quarterback (Curt Thom~)
does a good job. He doesn't make the
critical errors that ao often plague that
type of offense.
"'And of course, they have that No. 26
(tailback Dave Johnson) running with the
ball m09lly, regardles.s of which way
they're going.
"His dives, power arid pitch off the op-
ticm worry us, but we can't put all our
chips on Johnson because of their
fullback (sophomore Jim Schultz)," says
Prep Football Stats
Eagles' Johnson Leads
After 123-yard Showing
Estancia High School's Dave Johnson
has t.aken over the No. 1 position in the
Orange Coast area rushing race, displac-
ing Edison High's Jim ~1oxley.
JohMOl'I, who ran for 123 yards In
leading the Eagles lo a 3&-12 win ()Ver
Santa Ana Valley, has now rushed for 544
yards on 94 carries for a 5.7 average.
J-le's third in SCOTing with 30 points,
behind Matrr Dei's Mark DuM (36) and
?i-ioxley (32).
f\1oxley fell to !eCOnd In the rushing
statistics after being limited to 16 yards
.against powerful Loara
Mater Dei's tandem of Dunn and Bob
Haupert continue tG hold the third and
fourth spots in rushing with 466 and 349
Westminster·s Ed Bane continues to
hol.d first place in total yards gained
pagsi.ng, but Newport Harbor's Bill Shedd
hail come on fast tet take second place
and is 24 yards behind Bane.
1'14.. 1)11 ....
I. J"""-.l)n lf:oll..C:lt) 2. Mo•lt v UE<!•...,.l 3. Oun~ (Miil'!" 0.1)
•· 1-ltupert !Mtt1r 0.1) i: ~, i~~~"t:'~1
1. li1rhllt ld lfV) 1. OcW"i"ll 1w,11m1.,,1,r1 •. v.,,,11mlal • (M•rl~-.l 10. 111111 !W11mif\Shlr)
Plt<t Ntmt
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JUllltt'I SomY!!l P1!10' M lll..-
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= wc .•f&W> w::a::aa:±l@(t.-Uilf!s::a .... 1~·-t • g dB «~ •aw ... w ••--T-
Corona del l'tiar
Fountain Vallt'y
~lission \1it'jo
Area Prep
~ '·t
Costa t-.lesa
Huntington Beach
J\1ater Dei
Laguna Be;u:h
Newport Harb(1r
San Clemente
' •
Gauchos Pacing JC Stats
Brett Wlute Nabs
5th Pickeroo Test
Brett White of Huntington Beach pic k·
ed Ill winners out of a possible 19 to win
the fifth weeKly contest in the DAILY
PILOT'S Pigskin Pickeroo C<lmpclition in
clear cul fashion.
White will be presented wilh a Voit
sports product of his choice plus $10 for
picking the most winners.
Total points scored became a big (actor
in tabbing <lther winners as 24 con·
testants had 17 winne rs. A lw~y,·ay tie
for tenlh resulted with Chuck Hanson and
W. E. West each being 29 points away
fretm the total total of 672.
Judges at the DAILY PILOT and Voit
Ru bber Company ruled that bolh would
receive the Voit sports product of their
choice making 11 v.·inners this week.
The complete list of winners: \\'hilt
(Hun tington Beach), J ames G. HGstetlcr
(Fountain Valley ), Minnie f\I. Ros.~
(Costa Mesa), Robert F igci ra (Laguna
Niguel ). Doug Hilliard (Coronn de\ t-.1ar),
Chuck Clinch (Costa J;tes:.), \Villiam O.
Scholes (Costa Mesa). f\.'90 Flin n (Foun·
lain Valle y), Gerald Walton (Costa
f..1 esa), Chuck Hanson (Costa J\Iesa ) and
W. E. \Vest 1Ney,·port Beach ).
Entry blanks are printed in lhe DAILY
PILOT every Tuesday and \Vedncsdny
during .. I.ht !ooLbaJI ,season.
Graves, Wliipple , J-1 a rel ) .. 4 re Leculer.~
Hod Graves, J\l;ir-:: !lardy an<l 'rob}'
\Vh1pplc, the torrid trio !run1 Saddlebaci.
College, c·nntinuc 10 dorn1nalc thr are:i ·~
JUntnr college sc:isnn football slat1st1cs-.
f..l rrnbcrs nf the trio ll'<id or ,1rc tied for
1he IC'ad 111 Cl t'ry 111aJor uffen::.!\C
\Vli1pple cont1n \1cd !fl hultl h 1~ k·a!) In
tile ~usl1ing drrhy \\1th :'!18 )'ilrd.~. bl1l
flrange Coa si·s l<<.•y l(1carcJ0 clnscd thr:
distance in second place to 62 yards 1vith
another JOO-plu s n1gnL to boos! his season
lo!al lo 456. Golden \\'est's Charlie
R:ick1nncl hrld <ln tn third 111th JJ2. r 1r11
lhnugh h1:; te1tn1 11,1\ h!le.
Hanly c;.iught l11c n1nrc· pa~.,rs 1.1,1
\\'rekrnd Ir• raise his Sf'3l>llll ·s 1111;11 tn 2R
;1nr! :1!l7 \'ant.~. Oran)(•' Cr);i ~1 ·., l!otw rt
C:i ~t1llo 11°1•1\l'd 111 ~l'('lllld 11 1Lh !B ca111t1es
~ood fnr 260 y;ird~.
f;r;11•e.~ 1~ all :i \nn1· 111 thr• p;1~.-,.1 ng.
dcpa rt rnl'PI 111lh ~6 l'11111 111f,l1•1~1., •1ut 111
102 tri e~ for 8i·I ynrd:;
J Jc <.il,~o n1011crt into ;.i I 1(! for lht• sco nng
lead 1•ri th Buckland. Bnlh h;11'f' '12 pol nl ~.
\1hile Hardy is thi rd "1lh 40 .1nd OCG'.<>
~l i ke T<:un1 yasu is fourth 11·1th :!G.
East LA Picl\:ed to Wi11
SoCal Football C1·ow11
01 1111 Ot lt1 Piii! jl•H
Picking a probable winner in lhe
Southern California Conference on the
eve uf opening foolhall action is an easy
lask. Tabbing the other positions is much
more di ffi cult
Ea sl Los Angeles J:i lhc heavy favorite
for league honors. The Huskies have been
raled No. J in the state si nce starl of the
season when they rolled over defending
state lillc holder Fresno, 41-13.
Coach Ray ShacklefGrd's Golden West
tcan1 should be in the th ick or lhe ba ttle
for second place and if they suf\'ive an
etpening clash with the Huskies Saturday
nigh t cuuld win the title.
Two <llher teams have 3-1 records al
I he momenl. Los Angeles llarbor snd Lo s
Angeles City College have each lost but
one decision and figure lo be 1n con-
tention for the title ii the Huskies or
Rustlers falter.
This iii the first year for the Southern
California Conference. Six teams from
lhe Western Slates Conference and the
South Coast circuit comprise the entries
including Cypress, East Los Angeles,
Golden \V est, Harbor. LACC and Rio
Herc's the DAlLY PILOT predictions :
I. Ea111 Los Angeles -Chris Jaran1 1llo
returns al quarterback fr om a state
rhampionship finalist team last year.
l>cspllc the loss of Clarence· J ones to
liSC. the lluskic s tire the top-rated te:1n1
in the state at the mon1cnt 1\'\th a •1-0
record. including a "'in over Fresno.
2. Golden We~t -Th is mav be lhe
yco r of the qu;ir1crback In the" SCC. Al
any rate, Tony Bonwell has mnde big ll il·
rerencc in Rustler offense si nce loss In
Orang~ Coast and C\VC defense Is one of
it s stronJ,lest points. Decision cou!r l be
forlhcoming early as Bustle.rs travel 10
East LA Saturday nighl.
3. Harbor -A lnu gh defcnsr nn d a
good quarterback in ,Jizn Stindc r give
Harbor a chance to 11·i n 1t all. l.k,,pil c
one-point loss lo Orange CGasl. George
Lumpkin carries weight of running allack
at halftack post. l'lay Jtio Hondo this
4. LM Angeles CC -A dark hor~ can-
didate for league honors. th is is a typi<·al
'ub team. They romped over 1hrec foes
then lost lo Ventur;"!. The Cubs play
Cypress in Sa turday afternoon game
s. Rio lloodo -Cre,i: l.ec directs the
Roadrunner attack but thry will havc
their hands full nn nprning nigh! aga ins t
Harbor. A new head coach in a new con·
fc.renc!' could pick: the llunners up for a
higher finish.
&. Cypress -\\'ilh i)ne \ icto ry in four
pre·lcaguc oulings. lhc Cl1:1r11ers fig11n'
as the rloormat of the t·onlcrcnrc lh is
sea son Thev wun oVl't' Sntt n<'rn:irclino. fi·
0. hut scorc;I only ont to11clulo11·n iu ll\t'(·c
olhcr gftrries .
$u(O I~"~
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W~'""I• J1 iJ •o•, 1 1 DI "'''· 31ewJrt It !U "~'· I •qi, Co•, l!~Hm~fl. ll uo>•r. H~tlof , llll(lma~;
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·•-•=••~c•oe•.-r•.-••c ,,ror••r••·-...-.,... r ,-..,.........----
' •
' -J 8 0.AIL V PILOT
Orange Coast
Pilot Pigskin
Ca·Sponsored by
For Each Week's
W inner
In Cash
First Place
Footballs (or
Equ ipment)
each week
~U P fRIOll COVIil 01" THIE
~lJ.TE 01" (ALl l'OllNl4 1'0 ..
Nt. 4 •'4HI
lllOTICIE 0 1" NEAii.iNG 0~ .. t:TITION I 1'011 .. llOIAJI 011 WILL 4NO f'Oll
I LfTTEllS TflTAMl!.NT411V
E.r.i• ol EON.I. E. HICKOX, oec .. MO.
NOTICE 1$ HEllEIY GIVEN THAT IA n<lr~w c;_ Hlc~o~ II•• tlif'<I n.tel~ 1 i>tll· '!IO~ !O• l>fObU• of Wiii U\d !or ln u•n<• of
L•!le,.. T'>t•m•nl•"' •~ Ptll!l~r.
'""'"n<• 10 whl~TI Is m1de ''" tvrlher porticui..,., •nd t~at t~e t!mt •nd ~I•<•
QI M•rln9 Ille ••m• h•o bole" if! tor r10.-•m1Hr 1. 196,, •T t •XI •.m .• in !h•
l<o,,,r,oom 01 Oopartmenr No. l 01 ••id tourl, et 1tlO cr.-;c c..,,., Orlve Wo1!, Jn
!Me Cll~ or ~•nl1 An•. C1lltor~i1,
Count\' Clort<
MCOWEN 4NO Glll!IH no 11!••1 ChlPrn•n Or•MI, C1l!lornl1
IT•I: (114) 'lJ•ll ..
IAl!1rn1v' fer l'llili-r
P~bllsh"d O'"""" (o.1t Ooll y Piiot, Octol>tr ?1. n. ?7, 1969 1'611.i.t
T"• unoe,.lgnPd do tet!Uv rn•v ••• conduc!lng • b<1•ln•n •I '-'1 w. 111~ st,.
Cu"• MP••• Clll1ornl•, <Ir.Ger lht fie. t1riou1 tirm ,,,,_at P a. ft l!UllOEA:S
•nd !Ni! Slid tirm h cnmPMe<t ol the I 1ollow:ng P•r$O<I• Wl>o>t n•-• In full
•nd Pl•••• o! r~•i<:lonco •re •• to11ows:
Elden Avo., Co"a M••• EDWAllO BOWLES, 61!1 W. ll!h S•,,
(asra Mr••· D•l•d Oct. 6, 1969
1.1.11·11 ..
SU l'Ell;IOI! COU.llT 01' 'THIE
SI Ali Of CAllFOllHIA fO._
Nn. 4-.,4111
NOTICE 01' l-l l All lMG 01' PETITIO N
'011 ,.llOBATE 01' WILL ANO FOii
Ll.'TI'Ell S ft,TAMENTAll.Y
ESTATE OF W4LlEll II, STABV. D-ece•oe-o.
Allll• M.le (t~w!ord h•• hlOO h.,oln •
l"IUtlqt\ for ~•onl!• or Wil! •nd ior
IHulAce ot Lel!f" Te.!•menlaro •o Prtl-nor.e•, ,.., ... ,,,. to Wh«h ;. mad• tot
iurt"" N r11Culot>. •no th"I !M• !Im• •r>O ~i.e. of M1'1ng "'• ••mt lwts M on •el
10< Nowmbl'r J, 1919, •t 9.10 •.m .• in rno
CO<Jrt•-.i ol 0f<!lrl.,,.nt No. 1 Of H id
CO<Jt!, II }QO Covi( Cenlfr Drove Wnl 1n t~• C!lf Of S1n1• Ano, Celo!ornl•. 0111<1 Oclobtr 10, 1961',
W. [. ST JOH'°' Coun•v (l•r~
CMll.t y, SchuM1c;h1r, Collm10, Mlnrird
• ti .....
1U TitW11 1n' Countrv I.Nil
Otl lltlt, C•li!orn<1
T•!; 17141 ~l·~\11
4ttorn•Yt tor f'•litlOfttr
Puouon!'<I o,.~g• Co••t D1Uy oe1ooe• 21, n. 11, 19'9
NOl•(t ii hPreO• g1,.,\ ~10! '"' ~n· no<>•grlod w<li ,,01 b~ '"'~o•l>•hlr !O' ~'"
aeot1 ur l<•~•ll t•"> tQnt••tt~ n• •n•O"•
ntnec '""" "'''"" on n" ''"'' lh•~ a~•· 1or THOMA~ SrRJ.lA 08A Ntwootr S!i
Coln"'" OolM t"ls ir<d 1'$V 01 A"gui.I, 1109
l l>oM•> Strei•
illl W. CO.Ml HlgllW•Y, '°'t Wl>lld 8ta'~' (flllotnlf
Putlllih"" Oran9• (o•>I O•llY PflOI,
Oc•ot>t• I<. )~. 1' 19.!t l~l j 69
llOTICI!. 01' #.Al!llt41.'I SAtE
~ C1l••nrn•• to•P.,,•Ho"· i"""'"" ""~"' CREDI T llE5E•Fl:C" CO.ll?Q.11:,.TION
Al/0 A~5Ul!l=O CllEOIT CON TllOL.
n11,~111t vo WE.NTWOlll H L. KOWN,
Detu>0an1, No. U 466.
Bv Ylflu• GI "" execvl•i:>n 111u1<1 ,,.,
O(IObr• I, If.it b~ m< M"nlC IDll Cou,I,
A•n•ml>r"• Judl<>•I 01ut1cr. Count~ o! l.o•
An~~le>, Sl•I< cl Cehlo""~· "~o~ • 1u<1"
"''"' •»l•rod on !ovO• 01 ''"~•! II~••~'"' Con><>r•lloo , • C•lilQ<""•~ tOr~orot.on .,.
c•n>PO unO•• (rf<!I! Jol•••MC" (O•l>O•~-LEGAL .NOTICE lion •nd A"u•N C••O•t C0<11<ol •• luO~·
-----------------lmenr Ct Nllor. •n<I •QM"" Wentworth L. -'T-4tlSt kow• •·' l<J<lomen1 dt"b!or. ~howln.i .. NOTIC~ TO CRE0 1l0115 1101 b11enc• of 1/\1.IO <1CtU1llv du• on >••<t
SUPlll !Oll COURT OP: •udQmenl On the U•!• ol tnr l»uance ol
THf ~TATE OF CA1.IFORlll!.O FOii ••Id •••<ullon, I ~8Vf i...-1.a Vl><ln •II the
THE COUNTY Of 01!,t.HGE r1onr, !0111 ona ln 1ere>1 O! •••O ou<llimrnl No, A·t'7ll ~eb!or In tne u•'>P~•lf In the Cavn!v 0 1
EU•t• ol WI LllAM W, TAYLOR. J R .. 0'""""' Sl•t• Pf C•llfornle, <l•><'•betl 01 0~6~'11E IS t-4 ERE8V C•VE"' to th•
10110t'~t •O. Tro<I 1011, M•D 36o•o••ll·«I
C•PdllOr> QI mo ol>Ove nonied dtceclrnl ma'• common•• 1<.nown .,. IO fl1l1>no
Iha! •II 01r..,n1 h1Ylng cl~im' o~oln•t lht Coye-;, N•wl>QrT Beath, C•hlp'''I•
,0 1d dec,,.,enl are rMultM lo Ill• tnem. NOTICE IS HEl!EBV GIVEN thot on
with t~e ""'•'""Y V<>U<h"" on !ht ol!lc. Fr.rt•v, NQ\otmber u , 1~69, ~! 1 CO o'cl<><~
ol Th~ d••• of t~e •t>o•• enMIN courl. "' "M •• lfOO\t '>I Cou,thau••· 561 W, 161h
1o Ptt•enl mem, wllh mr """"~" ~t .. Cllv of Co•!• Mt>•· Coun!v ol O••"l>• vouch.,,, ra 1h~ unar,.lqnfCI ot lh• oltlct Sl•Te of C~li!or~;", I wil l 1e11 •I Publ•r;
o• HAH"' & HAHN, At!otn•••· 10! E•>I ouct•On 10 th~ hlphelf b;<lde" lo• CO'h '"
Color•do 8oule•ira. Po .. O•n•, Cori!otnia l~wl11I mone• ol !MP United S+_•'"'· •II •~•
¥110\ whicn "me piece ot llu""'"' of me roghl, !!ti• oll<I •nitre;! ~· >••<I +u<IQm~nt u~<lr"tgnPd In 111 m•tl.,, P•d•inlnq !o doblor "' 1h• above dt•crobMI ori»>•fl•, n~
1he ••!lie ot cold aoc..ien!, w1lh•n fou• •o """'' thereOI •• mov ?• nr<• .. Mv to
monlhs atl~r th• Ht\! oubl1C•hOn of !Ml1 '"''"'' '•la •••<ut,pn, Wo!h 4<crvrd In•
REAi. PllOl'El!T'r' no~~~.;d SeP•om~r 74, 19!•
Al PRIV4TE SAl f M••vare! Ad•"" T~Ylo•
lt•P•I ond <OSI!
Oote<l •t Co1•• ,.,.,.,.. (Ol•IO'~···
0CIOIH• 10. 1f6Y FRANCIS l. GLASE R No. A .. 11'1 E•ocutn• ol th• Will al
IN THE SUPlll!IOll tOUllT 01' TMl me ~bov• ~•med Oe<fP;nl NM~~~n,,',1•1 Co"•I H,t.HN & tt,t.ttN v • STJ.TE OF C41.IFOllNIA '011 I~: ll!thlnf G. NI~~ Or•"'.I• Counlv
THE COUNTY OF OllAPiOE JOI E1st Col••l do l !vd. >4.1'Mot .lud1<•~1 Ols!rlct
In In• Man,., M 1ne flla" cf l!EX I!, PesHt11J, C•llf<lr"!I tllOl Bv L. H. Doyle ANDERSON. Dece,,sea, T•I: (7lll JH·tlll Se•Re•n!
Nor>ce ;, hereby ~lv•n th.I r lh• ~ .... Ano•n9l'I lor E••cutri• POINDfXTEll ANO l YNC H
Mate r Dei J Jtl• Be., pigs kin prophet. Play th" DAILY PILOT Pickeroo
gt1me for weekly prizes. Winner e.mch week receives
$J O c.msh and .m Voit Collegiate foot b.m ll !suggested
retail pr ice, $10 .951 or pri.ze picked i"rom list of other
Voit quality sporting goods !no prize und11r $10 re·
tail vcilue I.
E. Bowl••
Samurl 0 . POOi• SI••• QI CoH!ornl•
Orange County 04ilv P,101.
de-tlignPd wm >Pll •I Prlv•I" ••I~, to ·~· Publl•l'leo Or•r-vt Co•~· D•d~ Pilo1. P. o .••• •JO Mg~tul 81\d b•" bidder, iublocr lo con. StPttm!Hr XI t nd Ot!ob" J, !<. ~l. Sin G•~r!tl. t•ti1orni1 '111•
rtrml!lon of ~•·d s .. 0.,;0, Cou,1, "" 0, 19~9 UU·61 Pl•l"!IU't 4!!orney
•lier the 2tlh d•Y DI OCIOltt•, UH , •I !hol----~==~-====~---1 PuDh•h•a Ocong • Coa••
Olllce QI CHAllLES c. MOllll EY, A!-LEGAL NOTfCE Octo~r H, 11, 11. 11~9 l016·b~
Blai1· Holcl s Leatl
On OClob<-c 6, 1t6,. be!ore me. 1 NOia"'
Public In ftnd 1o• ••id St~!•, oer.on~ltv
EDWARO BOWLE$ ~nown lo m• 10 be
!he De•~<>"• whOse n•m•• •ro M1bocribf<I
to !he within ln11tumen! 10<1 1tknowlN111· •d !hey exoculeo !nr '"m~.
!Orrrey •I Law, 1•6o w_ Wh;11;er Blvd .• l---~=~=~===~--1 ·---L-E~G-A-L~CNCOCTCCfCcE=----Monlellfllo, C•li!orni• ?0.1•0. CouMv of NOTICE TO Cl!IEDITOllS ':°' Angeln, Stair ol Cdlllornl1. •II lht IUPElllOll COU RT O~ THE:
r,ghl, !Ille •"d ln1er•" or '"lo <!~t••1M ST4TE OP CALIFOl!lll lA FOR •I me time ol ncottl ar\d all !he right. tlHe
and lnt•r•st lh•I !ht ost•te al ••id O•· THIE COUNTY OP Oll,t.NGl
H igh-scoring: Blair Jl igh or
Pasadena (·ontu1ut·s lo hold
first place in the CJP ."\Ai\1\
lop JO football rankings ;itl1'f
blasllng t~lendll!P. :i2-12.
St. Paul and Bishop A1n.:1I ,
two Angelu s l.c11gur tnlril'~.
lllOl'ed up a n otc!1 as An~1hc·11n
\;H:a1ed ~f!l'Und plac·p n11t•r
dropping a 1:;.14 (]1 '<·1>1011 1"
J~niitlllll 01 l1:1ker::;I 1••ld
Thl' Colonist<; 1lr·oppt·d Iii
!'l).:\h pl;H't'
St f'Ll t1! il<•ft'.1led SI •
.11.nthntl\. l!l-11. 11 11111• B 1-.l1r•1l
A1n<.1L 11·;;0: hun1il1;i11ng P1u~ \,
notch to
alsn n11Jvrtl
lour!!1 afLrr
lip Oil('
<H1 rasy
B11c s l>y 3~
R11 stl er s
Orange C'oa . .;t CnllrgP i'I a
11re{';1nuL1.~ llirt'l'·poin! l:11 :.i r·1t1•
t o C'Xltnd its 11·inning stro•;1k l1J
~1x gan1cs this w rekf'nd n11•r
Cerritos CoJlp~f" hut C 1olU•·11
\\'est Coll!'gt' ~huuld !1:.i\1' 11q
t !1 rr·(l·g:11nr ~k1•1n ~o,ipptiJ b•·
fl\t .. pn111t' ag <-!1 11,.1 l·~a~1 l.1
i\n ~rlv-. ·•ITl11'dll1g Ii• Iii•' \J.\I·
LY I 'll.OT'~ !1111t1J.ill ,.dd
1\lthuug11 1111• ll1n 111111• r 1 •i
11 "I' f:.1 1111'< :11·1· 1ht• k•" 1'111\.
tr~t~ on ttu' \\('(·);,'~ ~11i. 1•1\1'
th<'rr :+ri' a 11111nbrl' 111 1 lo~('
h1r'll ..:, lli!Ul f!.11111'~
11 .. n.'~ h<l\I' ill<' 11 \ 11 , \'
1'\1.0T ,;~·:!! -1 1t1d -:1•1 1n1 :111·
;<.1·.1-1111 \ ,.,.,,, 11111111
111 Iii<' ll"l!I• ,• prl'p !-!»111• 11f
t11t \1,, I 10•:.1 \\, .,, I ,1 ,.tn
1111 k
Hl Ill
I 1 ! ": JI•' I
\\., Ti"IJ.•
I ill' 111 ti1
I!\' I'
!i I I! II'
( l'f'lll ,,
1.t .11.1 "" '" l!o.1 11!\i' 1 ·, lrl•l'•I ; ] H \I I !
11~ ·:111 11 1r"1"h1 Ii .. _11··
'll "1!1 •I I·'. r 11111 'I l
t 11! \'.11!1•\ I• ·I ~I pot"I , 11
(o\ flf" :-11!1 0 •\I' I \ t ' I'\
111 r:h1 ho·\ :-.1•'\ I I.; 1;
!o •!111~ /o,0,1110·+11, I ! ' 1•11 ·I I"
I~ 111 t'I' \\ r•,1 111111~!1•1 111 11,
'\r11p1)r! lt.11 l1n1 .+nd 11,11 ·
l1111!l011 1\1',I• 11 :!l'I" I'\ :111d ;_
rt1J1JI ( l\ul1 ,,, ·I' t'I \),II Ill.I ,11iil
:-. .. 111.1 :\lt,1
' l.1 I 1 •I' I .• 'i 1-; ;1 I "I " I ti Poj '.' !·
p .. 1nt pH k nit•r Pl 11~ \ 111 ,\,,.
~·rlu~ Lt'i•l!ll{· p(:i1 11111 ,.11
1 11'!'1' :1ri ,I l(':\11\~ Jll Ill(· ( 1! \·I•
\u)11 L1•;1 gt1i· .1r1 · 111\110 ·1'!1";..
'rht• Odil ~
~ ... ,., !IV•r (nlr"•IO IW · 1
VCLA o.-,., .!>!o.,Jc,tl. '"
'" '"'""•"'•' ov~r i •"""·¥' '" • M<"O~•i o•~r (o""'''"' ! <
! ~·1 UV"' Aubwn I» I
'·'•t~ "'" ~·•·• ~v•• 1.,.-, • ''' 0•;•1~• (tM! O~t• (~fOjO 'o,
F.:~,t I A "V'" (,,11det1 \I r»! I" IO••• ~I"' [lt,,~q; ~.-\\
1!~''' 0•1 ~··· " • "'" "~·l'••m '""' v .. '" , .. ,. '~>I" noo. I~,. ·~" v.,,.~ ,.
I "IJ"°O'~ llAI••• ~,., >-,.. '" v.1,., ., .. ·1
1'0011"11 • .,., '••'' """""' 1e l>' •: N-,..~or< """' ~' ~' " ,.,
" '
(ol!~ M•>• tol"' t+.i~o ,1 U•I I>'~>' o Hu~•·"~·o~ ll•·•t~ '·'' ~ ... 1~ AO~ I;
01~n9p 0•"' L•q ~· fl•"~ ~y H
N·d<lnOll• r,o• I I _, I> '
26·0 d£·rislon over Edison.
Bl:i1(~ No. I. r.1nking \\•ill
Ltkt' 11~ only serious test or the
rt•g11lar ~Cason 'Thursdny night
\1hl'11 !lie Vikings niret
12·3J ill lhe Huse
;ii lt·I' lu~int:
is C'ighth r:J11ked
tllri1e g<Jmcs via
'1;11 .. r [)ri 1ni~~rd 1l1l' lor 10
)11· "11!' pl;IL'<'. lln1~l1111g I !lh
:11 \•'I' 1t~ narrow f'Sl'\l[le ovrr
~I'!"\ 111· o I~· I:\ I.
Tilt· lop llirt·t• \11 lhr AAA
r:1t1n1:~ rl•111:11nc d stable' 11ilh
Si1u11i P :1suUen<1 lCtHl111g the
i;<tl'k i.dl•l\\(•d by l\oll1ng Hill:;
and Ft1:ill11ll
P.l:tll' 1: •. 01 lfi9
2. ;.;1 I '.1lll 15·0) l:l.'I
:\. [}1.ll1qi !\111:1! lJ·(ll 12.1
·!. l.{1i 1r:i (5·01 !1.1
'.i ~.111\a B1.1rhurJ 1:'»01 ~I
Ii A11;llii.'ll!l 14-ll 72
1-:1 1\,11\('I\() ·~-11 !)5
I\ l'.1~,.iti·nn 1.:t 3J 49
!I. 1\l'l'OI\ 11 I !°i-fl I 41
111 l.n10L.1 14-! 1 2J
(ltlit•r 1\\:1lrr Ori 1 ~.
Hilll)dfJ<I 11. Cl'l)lrn111 ~1 1 10. Po-
ll 11 l 'urnpton 8. ~:Jll1il ,\·lun1r.i
',!_ ll u1·n1 ·n1e and l.;1k t 11ood I.
1. ""11li1 Pll~:1d1·11a 1 :1-0)
'' !\ul l111~ 11111~ ~5·0)
:1. f• 0111 hill l ~.())
4. l!Jnila {~-01
~. 1.,1\11f·o ia.111
1 I 1\'1 ( ~ \i·ridon ;i ••I (I r I 1
\\ (',! ( '01 Ill.I '-I I I
('11hf·r ('1ty 1~i 11•
""' t '~.11.
•Hi .u;
~~ :m
111 (',1iJnllu 1 ·ill\ :JU
Oi11Pt'-.. T 1 1111ill' 4 1!\' 2G,
!:,tnl1·11 Crn1·i· 22 . L:t l'.1t1<)\JJ
12 f';ilLJS \ t•rde~ \Q, l-'.Xvt·1'1or
7 C;in•·.,ha 4. ,\111'1111 h>11 ;i1lli
1. .. n1pu '.!. \l11nt«l;1w 2 .. \lu.>;I.
l\•'lll1t<I;-• ;111<1 l. pl,111d l.
'I 11• ( ·•:+ I l\anl!•'I • r1·! II 1110
11 .1 11111\ 111d .1,+ ' u I
\-1•11 I ,. ~1.1t'1!1('f ~
!'11th '-•1111!.1'. 111 110 ,.,
11 11 111 ,J jl.qr Pl )'.n 11 •t :-,ol!li'I'
W.mtch for this pl.11ye r\ form ea ch week !Tuesdays
.a nd Wednesdci ysl ir. the DAILY PILOT Sports Sec·
t ion. C ircl9 the taams you think will win in the list
of 20 games .and send in the pl.myer 's form cir reai;on·
.able f.a csimile. Then watch the DAILY PI LOT sports
pt1ges for "ach week's list of I 0 winn 11rs .
Sun.mil 11111 •Mrv Ille"~ or 1 ,.~1on1DI• 0f•c1im1 •• te en!t r 111• conl•>I.
5o"a lo PI LO T pl(,~t<IN Pl(KE llOO CONTEST, 5QOr1' Oo111r1rno"'.•
P 0 BOX l)bO, Ca>t~ M•<•. C• 91li6.
.1 Qntv onr ontrv P•' oor•o" eocn weei<.
&nrc••> rt•usl l'!f <!eh.er«! IDV m•ll or In per\Of\) !O 0,0.ILV PILO T ctfore
Dv j ~ '1' Tnu,~u,,.,,
w J Yo.t ll uOb•r Co•~-•nd DA!lY P!LOT ....,,p1ove1 1nd t~eir 1m-
m.-0101r 1 .. ml•••• "qi ei.q,ble •o Qn :"'
Tlf !H!E/\l<fll • .,a CHOICE OF Pll;IZE bl1nk 1 f1'V<! br r;oeo In or
!••••·············••! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • •
C ircle 11.'am~ yow rhlnk will wh1 rhi1 w••k'1 9ames
!ho m• ltam h t.econd 011t li11tdl
Rams vs Chica90
USC vs
vs Stanford
Tech Geor9ia
Alabama vs Clemson
Missouri vs Colorado
Auburn vs LSU
Michi9an State vs Iowa
Coast vs Cerritos
West vs East LA
Estancia VS Loaro
Pius X Mater De i vs
Westminster vs Anaheim
SA Valley
Mesa vs
Santa Ana vs
Fountain Valley
Clemente San
VS Marina
Corona del Ma r
Beach Hu nti n9ton
O ra n9e Beach La9una
vs Edison
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Mory o<., Henrv
"o'""' PuDllt·Cali!ornl1 PrinciDal Ollie• 1n urange Countv
.O.\v Comml,.iGn Ex~lttl
Nov, 1•. 19n
Publlsl>ed Or•n111t (01.i O•llV Pllol.
Octob•• 7, U, )I , 2~, 1U9 1811'69
The ur\dor5iqn .. d di>'!< <••lily nr 1, ton,
du(IJn1 • b<1•in•" •t 80~ sn, Co.t•
]Mess, Calilornl1. 92621, under !he tit· 1i11ou1 I It m n•"" ol BACH ELORS'
ANONYMOUS and th8! ••id llrm ;, tom· poseo 01 the !ollowi~o F•••<m. who'"
hamc I~ full •n<:t '""'e cl .. ~ldence i• ••
GAl!V C. H"Vl1C£K. , 'l 6 l
No. •o, Huntin9ton l3r0<>~nu"I So _
B~•cn, C1tlforrnJ.
D•l•d Octo!Ht ~. l!Ot Gorv (. 1-l•vllc•~
State o! (11:torn••
0'~119• Countv
On Octob.r 6. 1~69, bt foro me. ~ tlol•"'
Pu~•·c "' inn !nr •~id s1 .. t•, o•,.o•nllv
•QDt.tte<I Gorv C. Hovllc•i< l<.no'N1' to me
1~ bl" lne oNson w!>o•• n>mp '' •,uP"••D•
ed lo lhe ,,,,1hln •nst•~"'""t anll
•<~nowledgN! ht ••t<:uTed lhe •am•.
iOFFICIAl SE ALf Joseph E. O•Vi•
Not•rv P ublic-Ca11101n1 •
Pfinc•Pal O!tkt I"
O••nqe Countv
Mv Camm1~•ran i:~o1,., .lutte ~l, 1910
Publli ~ttt O••no• Co11f Ol•IV O<ll>htc /, I .. )I, 11, 1969
Polo!. 18SS-6t
1h• un<l•rs;~n•a doe• co•ll!v ~· i• con.
Nuctong a bu<in•ss •I •!J E ll!h SI""·
Co>11 M•'"· C•.UorMo, "nd•r I~• He·
t;1iov• 1:,.,., nomt o< MOT E L -MOBILESlATE INV fSTMENT CO ~nd
lhal ,.,d r.,m i• eamoo••d at lh• lo,.ow•
fr,~ Dr,1on. w~ooe ••m• In •utl •nd pla"
ot r<•id"'"" I• "' lollow•· Oovld P. Ceud;ll, 2l?l 1r,ln• ••t.
Now110.i B••<"· C•llf Oiled Octoll<'• IJ, 1969
Oevld P. Coudlil
STATE OP: (,t.lll'OllNIJ\,
On Octobec 1J. 19M, bcto't m•, 1
"'otorv Pvbllc In an<I fo• ••Id '>l•te.
D•'Sonallv .opprorM O•v•d P. C•udrll
onown ta me to I>• me Ot'>O" who\r
M•m• i• 'vD1crlb'"d to lh• wi!Min in·
1"um•M 1nd oc~nowledgPd he •~«:ul•O
•~• 1•m•
IOfh<oJI ~''" JQ·~oh r: o~""
Nn•••• Pub.lie C•O(Ofn•• l'r1<1tl~•I Olf!" ,,, o'"""" c_,,.,.,,. I /v'•• (M•1n••''•Un (<P<V~ J"'" ?I 10/0
P""" ''"" Clrrln~• Co" ci~ 'V Pd.->'
l)r•vbN '" ~I, ~~ "nu !,O>r""'"' • 19~9 1911·••
I LEGAL NOTJCE 1------.-.,-.-,-,------
Tne un~ersig"oa do•• terH!v "' I• can· 1 ~uctlng • busln•" •• ?ltO Ho,Dor Blva .
IC<'>IO M•u, C••llO'l'1•. und"' !h• ,;, •
"''""' t.rm n•mt of COASTAL AC.E~iCY • h'•tnb•r u! S"tll ;~• •Pd 5n•lhro •~<! '"~' ••1<1 II'"' 11 comoo••P ~· "'" <oll~w-
1100 ~•,.on. whO!• """'" '" •vii •ra olac• ~• '""ldJ'n'' " •• rol•~"'' t j (»ilum, Hi\ Cocd"l•I Dr<••, ,-.,,, •·~l•· (.Ol1fo•"'~
001•0 s~oi.m~rr '6· 1•'~ C ! (»llum
''"'" o• r ,1,fo•":" Q,.noe r ru"'• O" ~·P,.mV~• 1~. \OOI ~rPor ..
•.o•M• Put.llo In •rd IM '" d
"""""'''" AOH>•M•d ( J (<.Jllum • • m• •o b• •~· P'''"' """'" """!' i, • ··t ~~ "' r Q • ;~~~~~~:~.;~ ~:· ,:;,•:;;~ ',"~;,~;-,:,;1 '"a
10FF•CIA L ~F AI \
• • I M~,,. -: ,..,,.,
N~l.»v Pul1lrt C.•1•<0•"'t • p ,,.,~ P•I O•JI~• •n
N • •·c•~---O••~o• Cnun1v
' ,. I ua "''''"'
• -• I Mv C~m.n1s"o" E•o•"' "o"emb•• 1•. 101.1 W ADDRESS • Puo11,;~·a O••n~• CM1! D~dv Pnot, l\1 ·~1 ·1 \ j <._ pl;1 \ ,1! 12 :10 )1;1 • S•Pl rmt>•t lO ~11<1 Ooob•• /, IA 1:.
J .. 1 di\l·Hln ,1,_1i.1111• ·••'.!'.lo • • 1•9it 1101·69 • Cl .. T~'-----------~'c°'·----~ ('1.;u·'1 l~n .111 \J, ( .1111ill•·1··~ -l.EGAL NOTICE
!!~11 1~1"· 11.rl>' ·•h1·,11h h<':ilt'll • PHONE SEX" • I ,.OTICE TO ("EDI TORS
Ful!(•rh111 111 I!!' 111 'ji!';t('!1c(' • • ~UPIEl!IOll tOUl!l OF THIE
liiu·h I stAT IO OF tAl•l'ORN •A FOii
Ce••N h•• acquired bv e<te'O!lon of 11w N1. A·Ultl or 011\trwlJ~. 01ncr 1han or ;" •aa;110,, 10 Iha• ct said <lee•~'""· •! rno r;m~ or
du!h, In •na ta all •ne ce•taln real oroo·
•rtY sll'li•lt<I I" the Cllv ot l •tunl
l ••ch, Cl>Vn!V ol O•anYo. St11e 01 Coif.
lorni•, P•rticul,ulv <1escnn..a •• 10 11ow>. Ip.wit:
l!e1I p•Ol>t•IV In lh• Ci!v ~t L~gun"
Brach, 'Co"nlv ot 0f6nge, St•lf o! CalUornl•'
Lei 60 of "''•ct No, Jiii•. •• o•• mao In Boo• \6j, pa;•> 10 lo 1t lnelu1ive Of Ml~c•ll•nco"' Maps, •• rtcordecl !n th•
afllt • of tne Counly lltcorder ot ••id Orange Counfv
more commonlv known al
:IOJJ Nt>!•ll Ro..a, L•Qu"• Brach. CalUQr~I•.
To•ms of salr <~>h In IMwlul mono• or
the Uni!~ SIM~• on confirm•tion ot sale, or l>ft! <ash •n<I balance evid•nc~ by
noit >1>eurrd hV Mortgage o• Trull Oe!'d
on !ht P•ODcnv so •old. l •n p.,~•n! Of
1m<111nt bid to be dfPosi!cd wi•h ~id. B;d• <1• oflf'r\ la ht In wril;nq •nd will
"" rece;vPd "' th" .,o•csoid o11ir• eT ""' hmo •ft•r the 1;.,1 PuOllcM;on h.,cot and
Oetor• <t••~ ol \llP_
O•!ed •Ms 101n <l•v (If nctobtt. 1961.
SP•<i~I A~m•nl•t•a!or OI !h• f•lat•
01 >a•d ll•x II. Andrroon D'1:edrn1
l..O W. Whl!lier llYd.
Mon1ti..t10, C•IHorni• 1064J l•I: Ull) lll-l5l)
AtlO•n•v lo• Sp'1:i•I Adminl1tr11or
Publl•he-<t o,~ng• Coe,,. o~''' Oclo!H• U, 11. 11. 1~09
9AI! lOlS
No, •·••1n
lllOTICf OF HEAl!IHO of Petlll•• tot
P•t bt t • of Will 1nd !or l t !len
Tn!•m"""'' !l onl Waiv.ct I~ Wiii)
ANDER. •150 ~nown •• LEONA l\fN·
lllEOY ALE-'llNOE fl:. And"' LEONA M. ALEXA,,.O EP, •nd MAITIE LEONA AL E~•NO Ell. O•cr n"d
NOTIC E IS HEll EBV GO YE N Th•! Eun Ic e E!Mo• Marcvm h • • J1'ed h•r~ln I ""'"'"" fM P'Ob~I• o• .. 111 and
•or "'"""'' of lrll•" lt•l•m~n!~"' to P•!l!ion•• !Bond w&lvtd Jn will),
•cl•ren(r to which b m•d• lor lur!h•c
por!lcul•"· •nd lh•I I~• tlme •n<I ol•c•
a! ht:oring !h• •amo nao bf•~ ,~, to•
Ot!ot>er JI . 1169. •I 9.JO ··"', '" ,,,. cw•lroom o! Oeo•dmenl fJo . J o• 1orn
(ourt, al 100 CIVIC C•n•t• Drlv• W"t. in tne C:tv o• Son•• An•. C•lrlornio_
D•!Pd Octob•r 10. 10~0
W, I'.. ST JOH N
Cou~iv r 1 .. ~
~LUNl(ETT ANO f'LlJllll(EfT
'11 OHvo Avo.
So• 11•
"""'•n•t•~ ~ •• ,h C•lllo•••• '1••1 Tel: 11111 jJi•llllC Or SU.6011 ,.!!O•o•" lg1 P•!oloontt ,,,,n1·1il~d o,.,.~. Co••I
O<lo~., '" ll, !l. Mo•
TH E' UN OERSICNEO do ht r •b V E <taf~ Of l'LOllENCE ANN,t. Fl!ITZ. O•'<••••d. (Ht,(v lh•V ••e c<>11au<11n9 a d••~erv [o.
NOT ICE IS 11 El!EBV GIYE N to •h• 0101l"!;on b~l•n•» lo<•lrd '11 Jle E's1t10"
crl'<lllo" of •~• al>t>ve ncmrd d•ctaen1 CO>!• M•••· Ora~g' County, Cd!;!orn10.
tnat •II P"'>on• ~.v;nq claim• og~lnst t~t unP•r I~• licllhW• !.rm nom• ol
'3id de~edenl o!f rNuirPd to tile !h•m, COMPLETE ~RAf'.ERV INSTALLATI0 '-1 wi1n lt-.t no(e<o•ry voucher,, In lhe ol!ice •~d lh•1 Uld lirm "comPo>ed, of Ill~ lo'·
ol th• clerl! cf 1ne •bov• '"tl!lrd cour1, or lowing P••1on1. wnose n•m"' •n lull ~nd
10 p'"'""' mrm, with th• ""'""a" Pi•<'"' ol "'ld•~c~ •'" •• follow,, lo-W••:
Vouthrr>, !O the undor.,gnf'd at l~e olf ;ce ~TE:YEN KENT JO'°'ES, Jll E"h"'•
ol h;I AHo•n~V PETER C. TOllNAV, (o~~W~o;:~· RAY (IESZl'°'5t(I, 2$.'~ ~~=~ ~~Z'e':"~111;~~nll;o:l6~~a::;lc:~:n;ih•~ Wf<!mln•lt•. C.M. ~ta<r of builn•" or !h• und•r<I"~~~ 1" _ •• , WITNESS our ~•"<! tnis lllM dav r•
mnti.rs per!•l11ing lo 1~• t<la!<'-ol '"'" Oc•o!ler, 1969.
dtcl'd•"I, wit~in !QUf mon!h> •ITC• 1t1r M•v• K _Jones
lirnt Publ;(aHoM 01 1n•1 n~••te. E<t Ci"'""'k'
OarPd Se~lernt>rr 16. lli1 SlAlE OF CALIFO?NIA
Walt•r l 'o Ftlfl COU NTY OF O~A,NCE S~.
E•ecuTor On 0'9oU•r 1), 1969, brfo't mr, tf •
or th' Wiii ot th• und•"'~""d, o Nol•ll' P"bhc In •nd lor
6t>ov• n~m'd doc~d•n! "•l•~ Sl•1P. '~•Tdl09 l"treln, dulv tom•
PETEA C. TORNAV "''"\oncd ond •Worn, PCr~on~llV aoP••••<I
Su1t1 Numbor 10' S ! • v en l(r nl Jont' ond Ed W a r d
1!00 Adfms Avenue ~ ov (le111n>• t ~ no w n 10 m~ lo ~ lh•
Costa Mt<a, Calllotnla ')flt pfrwnl w~o•• n~m•• 6•f 1ub!<dbod '"
ltl: !11•1 S~O-Otso 1ne wit,,ln 1n,l<umcnt ond •t~now\edg•lf A!totney loc E•etu"r 1o m• noal tnrv f>rtulO!d r~e ••me.
Publi,ned OtdnQ< Co••! D•llV p ;1o1, \OFFICIAL SEAL)
S~Ptomb•r JO •~d Otlobrt J, jj, 11, P•lrlcTo W•rd BlatkbUt~
1969 lr1J·69 No!ar• PuDllc·C•lilornl•
"'"• unot,1lonNI ao (erJilr 1n•v .,.
condu(lln~ a Dul•"'" at 1811 Trodewind;
Printioal Olllce In
Oronq' Counlv
Nv Comm"''on E•P""' f•~!uMV )~. 1111 PuDl•l"M Ora"9• Coa>I Ooilv Pi~!.
October 1-. 11. 11 •no Nav•mbt' •,
1169 ltll-6•
L•n•, Newoort B••<h, C•ll!o•n;•. undor l-------cccccccc-------lh~ l1t!ot1GU\ litm n•m• or (ALIFO~Nl~ BAii 1081 TECHNICAL EMPLOY•AE NT AC.EN ('!' NOTI([ TO CREOITOllS
lhd tna! sa;d firm « <Om<>P<NI QI !h• Sl lPERIOR COURT OF TH!'
rollowlnq ue"on" who;e nam~1 In full STATE Of C,t.llFORNIA l'OR ana o•ac~~ ol r•>iaence Me~~ follow" THE COUNlY O~ ORAlllGE
G•'V (a<! Graham, UJ1 Tt80rwtnO; No_ A·OlHl
L,1n•. tl•Wl>Otl Bcacn, C•llfornl1. E11~11 QI HOllACE SAWVED CLAY A~A.
llObP'I Eug•ne P;ol!, i71 8ro1a .... 1y. HORAC~ S. (LAV. Dec•os~U C.,t,1 M~'~• C1l.!Otnll 'iDT!CE I~ HEREBY GIVFN lo I~•
Da!~d S•membec ll, 1 9~'· crPd1lo" ol th • ~oov• ~<lm•d d~crd.,,t f.~cv Carl Grlhom lhAI ~II nr"o"' hovinq clo•m~ OQ••n>t 11!~ Ro~trl EuQ•n• p,11! oa•d de<•OP111 .v• ''nvor•~ to hi• th•"'• SIM• ol C•lrlornl~. O '"""~ COunlY; ,.;in !ne <>~t•"•" vuu<"""· In lh• ofhc•
On ~•P!•rnb., ?I, 1969, ~•lo'O m•1 • ot '"' c»r< ol lh• •~ovo •"•i!l•d <o~r< r•
Not.ir,. Pu~t'' l~ •nd lor ••id St•tr. lo nre•~rt lh~''" wtl" t"~ n•tFS<M~
P•"onnllv """'"r~d C•tY c .. 1 Groh•rn vouch!.'!">. to lh• und,.>1q"'ld •1 !h• olflf~
•"d Robot! f.uv•nt Pro!1 ~nown lo m• •o Of "'' o!lornev•, HAHN 1nd !-<AHN, -111
bP tllr Prr>O"I wn,o,. n•m•• "" •ublC'•b-E. Color•c!o 61•0 . ST• llOO, P•••d•"••
I'd I~ !~• wo!hon in•l•um•nl •~d (olilorn;~ 9\101. w•1ich t~ '"'pl•<• nf ~tknowi.dg•d lhrv e~eeu1NI lh• 1amf, bv•in•« ~r !~• und•"·~nl'<l in all M~rt••• IO~F!CIAl SE All p~rt•l••n~ to Ill• "'"I" ot Mid <l•<"d""''
l•vrrncr E S li nkh"n w11n1n 10"' mor1!h~ ,1tl•r th~ 1ir11 p~bl1<•• ""'~'Y Pvblic·C41ifnrn•• lion or '"ii nollce. Or1n9r Counlv Oiled Uc•oher J, '°"~
M• Comrnlnion E~n"'' l'l•lm~ ~u!h (lb• AuQU" Jl, 1911
P~l)ti;"~d Or•n~e Co"'' Oti1Y P1f"', f'"''morr JO •nd 0(100.t I, 1', ?!.
)O~q 18\l-~i
"' t~• W•ll o• IMO ~~V•
M ""r~ r•• •atn! HAHH Ar.ID MAI<'°'
~110,nev< •! L•w
-----------------1-101 E colorodo !ll•d. Sto 100 f'·l•ll•
CE ll ll ,l(~lE OF l!USIN~SS
Th• ""n""'"n•d dot> <ertll• h• ;, co·1·
U~<llf\~ • b""~'" •I IOM Pi•<id•"I
P!•r•. Co>!" N.-A. C"l<lt•n10, ~n~t· 111•
rlcHtlou• !>rm """"" 01 I R W I rl MAINT EUAN(( CON"PArlV 01'0 !ho!~~·~
P•••POOI, (•OUO'"'' f llO!
Tri; Olli lf6•1ll
~l!Orn••~ !•r EYe<vlfi•
PuM "'~ n'""n• Cn••t l'J ••lv Pilot, Oc •ot.0r II ,1 II •nd Novcmi:..r "
1?~9 191• 60
lllOTI CE OF DEFAULT AN D ElECTION f"m ,, <n"1PO>ttl or·~· IQllQWlno p• .. on
TO ~ELL U"1DE R OIEe O OF TRU Sf "'"M• o•me In IUll ona F••<• ol rr>IU•n••
NOTICE I~ HEltE!lV (;•VEN• •I~· !MIOW'-
Thal HOME FEDE DAL ~AYINGS P.ND Woll•• L trW•o, ?06j p,.,,d,nt PIO(O
LOAN A~SOCIA T ION OF SAN OlfGD, Cn,1a M••• C~lltntni'
CALll'Ol!NIA A C<1rOOt,'1•0n, " !r"''"' D•l!'d 5<Plrmbe' i•. Jq69,
unart • d""O o• ••u•• '""''''UJ~d "' pl•'" W·'"" L 1rw.n of HOME OfFO l ESC llOW CO OF SAiii \•01< ot Coh!o+"'" lo• A"""'" rui•"1•
DIEGO, A C'!rpor.1""" •YOC Ul•O bY JA(k: Oh )~Dl"''I>•< l •· )90~, ~~·. h t"' o. COl!Nll l~. •n unr''"''''d m•n a.it•~ Not''' Publ·c In onu to' •ao so,,,, /vn• \lift )q\l ""~ rfCO'd<d Jvn• ;I o•rsono1,., ~PP••r><! W1l+or ''"'" lt~l. F;,. 'lo ?•11'1 P•o• 11, Boo• /,(,(I! n1 •nown 'n .,, .. '" I>• f~• ~··1<·" w~t.e
Ollltl•I "··~·<l• '" '"' 0""' ol lh• n~''" " ,, !><U ''"" In .... w•I"'" '" D°'or<I<• ~t tl1• {Qv"IY ot O-.nQ•. St>,. ;l•~m•nl •0 lf M0 <10W'"d~~Q ht f•f(V t•O
ol C11ilo•n" •"~ q,v•n In '""'' 0,,,.. th• "'" l"l•nt OI . n•nn;l"0'' ""''In< \•.l.00000, (Of~l(I Al SC ALI ~ole<I Ju"• \l 111.J, <>•••Ill• w1!h 1nt•,.·f )>"" ,, 'lead,)• '~"'ton ~• th•••'" P'O"I~·~ lo •ovo' o• "~'""' PL1hl < C ~· "'"'" HO'llE FErlf~AI ~AU•N r,~ ~ .. o L0,0.N f'""""~' 0111,, '" ASSDC IAT •O•I or 51.N O<EGO. l o• A ·~·I· (.,, • .,
(ol1to'"'" c~'"""""" tom. f>~ """ ;;1, •0 -1
Th'' • ~'""'~ r.t !h• 0~1.qat1on• IN I' ""~"'~' l '\. wnoc~ \.\•~ 1+.•d nl t1'u<I w•< Qi'"o ,t (AYlOD Ar.ID 11,IE~D
'''"''''' n~, qcu,,•<I '"Oh•• me lollow•nQ j A:I~'"°'' ~• L•w
PAvme"" d1o• UP~" l••d no!• wore "0' JSO E lllh ,, • ~"'" \I I
n&ld WI'"" dtl• and ,,,II '""'"'~ du•. QW· CO•!• ,,,.,;\, Can•. t)j)/
me And "n'""!! T-•IJSO T~• mo"'nlv 1,,tollm,.n! ~I o"nr.o,;I T'on•,.h•d O!Anq•
~~d inl"''" di>• 5r<>t•mh•~ St~, 1~9, S•"'t"'!'" JO •nd
•"d ;ub'"~u•nl .n,lnllm•n!< d" • ••o•
Co•-J DA\IV Pi•('
Ot1ob•r r, I• 11
l!'l I~
!h•teMlor. '""'~nv d~tl~•ltt~ tn• •n!i.----~--c---~~~cc----orLn(!P~I "·'' '"'" o• i•1 .. 1q ~l du• tin~ LEG 1\L l"OTICE ~.~~b:~Q~';i"111~:',.~~'.h.1";~~,:~11, '~;·;.',," 1-----------------P·H'1t •nd I••• '"''qr< •• sot lortn in <>Id
P·:l•lll ([ll;Tl l'l(ATE OF 11 U51 NESS.
T~• ""~~r.,gn•d do•• ~rr!i lv ~· Is ~O~·
d\•' I"'' • ~u•1n•» •I 1)11! f l Pf•ro St,
t"I 1 '1n ("1forn1A \lnrl•• t~• O.cfd10 •
'"'"' "'"" '' fl IDPO IJIN"''-'Ol'lf'l o~P~ID •nO tnol ~~·a '''"' " <""'~" '"
n' fh• •MIOl'lo"9 p""""· W"~'· """''' ,,
lull •n~ "'"(• ~· '•"d•~ I' ~ '""~" • <'••,.-. l<~d' "''"" )\1)1 f l Pr.10 _, .
Fl I '" 04'r<I I JI~· ""'' .. ~,, ,, ,,
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<!••d of ''u>I, """ 111<1~·~·· w••n ""~ ""d CERT IFICATE OF I USI HES, ~II ''""'' •<!v~n,•<! bv ·~· B•n•fi<•M> Fl (l ll!OU$ NAME ~OTICE 70 Cl!E"OtTOfl:S
'"'""' ll>A l•'m' "''d PtoV\\ion\ of ,.,;.,-SU PClll O ~ COURT OF TH f <!••~ d "V•I, •rd a."i>nQu•nl !av.,, I T"" und•r>oon•~ do~' '~'"'V ln•v ''' S T~TE: 01' CAL!FOll"11A FOD
'""1•m•nt• ond •n•ur~nr• P•~mlums, It CQ"~uct·n~ • ~u""'" ·"' ] .. Yl•V•". ~· tKE COUlllT'T OF OllANGIE • CHOICE OF P'IUZE fCkeck one. cirtl• swi"' f1ft 1i1 .. J • THE COUNTY OF OR ANG~
T lw JC111J!1·r-. •111nhh'il ~1111 · I N~ A-i11n '"~ •l 11 Ill l.111\1~ H· ;11 11 .I < 1110•1· • L s .. ;,.,. Fifti I E 1erc i~• Kir ! I Foolboll • ,.~:;~··Of THOMA~ f WUO(AV.1f1, .,;~;~,1>vb;~~;l~~o;:"'1:~~":"·,~rnor~:1:a"~1
CO'·'~ rA.,~. C.1l•lo•n1•, unO., "'" '" r.io A·tltQl
t•T.nus h•m n•mP 01 MA.S CLEAN UP ~oo F.11a•• pl f·'"~I e [,o•, D•co•i•d
!h~I "";d 11,m " COrl'~C\ed ~· lh• IOllr,W• ~IQTIC[ I~ HI l<E~Y f.IVE N to 1~• In~ ou,onl. woo'' """'"" '" fi!ll ~nd «t:l1lo" ,,J !h• ~hov• """"'I d'<•d•~I
Pl•<., o! '~""''"" "" '' luiln"' ,1,.1 ~11 '""""'>'""'"''tr,.,.,,,""~""' !11• \'.t!V Jnd hi i l:lltlb:;J. \I , • SM Ml l XL i1 Ttther l oll [" l mktrboll • t' NOTICE: I~ l;t;ll.£6V CIY(;N to rnr 111,,1, ha' •••<"'"a"""~""'"'""" 10 s~;d r••rt•lo" o! '"" ~t><I',. n~mra rt•cntonl !ruot•• • w"l!'n <lecl.,rAlion o! <l•f.,Ult
I :;111g1•r-. ,,Jl•• h.1d II liHl{;h but ii • • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "; 1h~t ~·1 pf,\n~s h•~T"" ,1A1m• Aq•ln•t in. ~nd a•m•no 'o' ••I•. •na h•• •U"endrrr.d
-.;=;,.;=-===========================Ii'> ti <In•""'" "" '""V"Od 1~ !''• tn•" '"'"'a !<u\I•• ,.1a drNI ol t"'" 1nd ~II '\\Oill ·! 1 .,'.,'lh ti•• ~~tt•••" vnu<h•"· on ;n, 0u 1°c~ dn<vrn<Mt ov,~cnc•nv obl,q•tion, >•CU"'!!"
llu111h1;1 '<; g11.~J1r p11lled in o! lh• cle•t 01 m• allOv• •ntltl•d co'"'· or fh•r•bf, ""o h•s <:1'1:'"'0<! •nd dO)I'• I lo ort>!n! lh•m. wi.h 1ne neceUJt~ h"ebv d•"~r• •It 111mJ '"CVrf"<! lh•r'b'
T 11'~··· ull!~l.111d1 11,r.i cleti·11S11·e dh w·11 H d vouchers, to th• und•···~nM nl '"' o!li<• lmmMl•t•lv due •nd ~•v•bl•. •na n~,
11 I :t ,1 " anrl ;JIH1\h1·r l l'H I vi P1·11 0111111e .I ea "' h•r Al!o•n•v ~oo.r• A E "'m~n. 11'0C d•c'·~ •n~ d""' hor•~v •l"<I lo c•u•• lh• ' H•rt>or 80vltVl '11, ~ullP Number )Cl). nt0<>l'rlv O'<(ribrd 1n said d•~d ol "u•! '" l i,11 1~1'1' j.;tl,1) 1riP' l11t ellhrT (Q•ra M~•~. (•Hlornl• q7~]~. wh"h I• bt •old !o '"ll>lv tk• obt;9•lfon1 ••curod
ll1t C'ro~., b.11' or' lllll'l"ll( to bl' tt\f ~l•ce of businen of '"" ur>d.r"on•d •he••bv, " "' •II m11!•r< ~··t••n;nQ to '"" ••!•I• ,._, A "'""~" or Lo! I, l!loc~ H S, ·C~N,t.L
E•~•st L•• M••, 111 V1•;iM•• Pl ' •.•• n <!"Cr<lrM .,. 'ta,,l'•d In '"" ·~·"'•
(O'I~ Mt>•. w11n •h• n•~•~S••• vou<~-.~. In int ~H I(•
CIM• A, Som•rl. l~• U·<~ln,o r1 , n• !k• d"' o• thP ~11~•· .,,,:11~d cau•I. o• (o;•~ M•••. ·o ~"'l•nl •~rm. wllh lh• ""Cf"•'Y
O•l•d Ot> 6. \96t vovtJt••• In '~" •1•~"''""~"d ~• !h• on-,. F L Mov (If ~N J.'lornrv llol!frl II. Ea•IITTon. 11?~
co.,.~ 11 Som•" 'i••t>or llo.,iov,••11. Su•" Ni.mb.r )01,
~t.1re or C•lororn:o, O••nO• CQvrtv· to••·• /;',•\>. c~11!Q•'n•• ~161!, wn:c n ii lh~
On O•I 6. 1q.1•. brfo'" m•. o No!arv ~l•t• ol hu••""" ol •11• """'"la~•d in •II
Pubolc 1~ ~nd far •~Id Sl•t•. P•'•On•I" '11•1'"" n•r!1'1n•noi lo I"' "'!Me al ••Id ,on•Mtd E'"'" l H M•v & (l~r~ A d"<•<lont Wl!~in !Oii• n1nnth1 ~!!or lk• ~Qmtr,, ~nown IO mr !O b• •~• D.,.<OM f"'' "•1hlir•"~" oi lhl< ""'"~' w~o .. n~mM ~'~ 1ub1rt1n1n '" t~• Wl!h 1n O•tHI Dctobrr 6, 1?69.
1n1lrum•n! •nd et~nowlNloed !hr1 t~· Pon".;-E •~•
d('nll'il R . ocm ·~·<I docPd•nl, '""'hln """ '"""~'"· .,,,, SE(llON .• , Def m~P ••(O•d•a '" Doo~ ••
All 1·1•d11 \l;ir:1n':; ~ri,.1 211 Dr·a bo· ac111bo-at lh6~'.'::i' ODc~~~:·;~~ l~:,Thl, noli<t. •a~:I~ o~.:~;~'i~1.~~~~~ M••I.
11\llllll(·~ in\tl th .. g;q111• h;1d Shirltv c w .. ~3Wi!l HOMF FFOERA L S~VIN<'.;$ ~(Ul•<I •n• ~'me, f •ocuH,; ol lh• Woll E•r(ut•i• DI th• Wil o• AND LOAN ASSOCIA TION IOfllc1•• S••I\ l'll !'!l !I\(" H:111gi•rs ;1 1,ff lt·a1L lh• ~l>OV• »~m•<I <l•tr<l•nl OF SAN oter.o M.ADV i< HE.NDY ~I tnr •l>Ov• n1m•O <1tc•<1•11•
I ;111 l1111ub1a t 11·d ii up ~·11:l1l 11on l'ru<lhomnie. 1 9 6 9 220 mph <lrags ter Saturday. ~1~~~'T""~· 1~:,s.~':.~~· ~.~. Jt;;:~11.~1-Mclnni.. ~~.~/.~~;t,'t'~, c1~1•1t'n'• 1~::'~'~,~·E::~7~~',d.
Hllnult•s liiler c111 a hr·<J~ ~11111 J'\llRA n 3 1 i 0 n a 1 c hampion, Q ualifying b egins at 2 \\'i\h sui1• Numb•r :io1, Br D""'' w. (o•••· o,~n~• '°""'Y su11, Numl>t• 101
S l'Oflll" for Hangi·r r<','~'I'\"$ Co•t• Mt\•, C•ll!etnl• t l•ll ,t.u111~nt S•c,.ta" M• Comml1ilo" E•ni•"'· Co111 M•••· C•lllotni• •1111 '"' ' 11e:uls <in outslanchng field \)f the first round o f competition TOI: 111 0 J•o.ouo Pubi;,1>,,., Q.-,onq• cn~,1 O•itv Pilot. Nov, 1•. 11n T••: !IHI 1,0.119111 \\'f'r(' Andn' ('ijt1SJ1l \Vllh lhree Al!nrn•v lnr E•ecuttl• Otto1>er 11. 1• And Nov~mb•" " ll. Pu1>1;<hO!d Or •noo Co•~I Do11v Piiot, 4!1o•nev for E••cu1ri~
and Jolin F orde I l \, 1op fuel dr:igs\er ('l1minators gelling under "'ay al 8. PuMl'•I>"" O'••g• co~.1 D~Hv F>;101. 190 1•51·6' 0c1ot1er 1, 11, 11. 11. ••6• llll·6t l'u1>11,~~o 0·•~9e co~>t 0~11v Pilci•. O~"""'' l j. 11. 1J •nd Nov~m~~' "1 ----t:E:GAJCNCYnCJC---1 ----lRGAtCNi'1'ii'F'"'---1:o~<c'°~'~'c':.'_'·C'."'.·-''.'~·-'~''.c"~''.' _______ _'.'~"~':'~' ;===============-=========cl ;1l Orange Cou nt:v lnterna· OC IR Will a lso be open on 10.-it?S·6t LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE
tion:il Ruc e"«iy s :it u rd fly Sun.1ay with gates opening a! II --LLEE~G~A~L~N~O~T~ICCEE--1 ---:::::::::;•;i,,~"!:::::::::---1 ---_.'.:'.:'.'.'.:;,;"~"~''..:::'.'.'... ___ l.--~l~.E~G~,~AL __ N_O_T_IC_E __ _
Group L;I•
& M.di~~I
P1M1ion1 I
P•of>t s~"""~
p.,,n,r.hip S1od1
K.-.~ M•n·D•l•1r •d
C ompt1Htf1gJI
Does Your Life
Insurance Adequately
Protect Your Estote?
rton Agency
ccidental Life
323 2.5 ('nn.~t Hig!J111ay, Suite E.
South LaRttna, California 92677
1714) 499.4070
night. a ,111. E ve nt wi ll be lhe Bug·ln NOTICE 01" INTENOIEO l'.JOO P·lol"l Tll4"1$,Ell AND l EASf:&,t.(I( CEll Tl,IC.l,TE 01' I USlllllESS,
\\'Ill be fa cing Ill which will include slalom . CEltTll'ICATE 01" IUSlllllES$ Nolle~ I• hPrebv olv•n 111~· r.,,.11 l FIClillOU5 NAME (l ATIFtC,t.TE OF BUSINESS
l"ICTITIOU$ Ill.I.ME Aooi. 0 0 s. T••nsto•o•. o< 1119 NewD<lrl l it• V•<IP,,1?r>f<I dooi• <••Toi• 11'.!t ~· 1. FICTITIOUS NAME J•rudhomme
Hl \'CrsaJe· c hampio n Larry drag and off.road r ace ('0!11· Th• und•"•gro-d <10.-s <•rtllv •Tit 1, (o•· B~1~u8•1', cu.-ot CMll M••"· C•tllorn.~, tandue11ng • Tlu•'""'l 11 lJf1 For .. t•rr• "'"t undr«•Q"MI d""• ~·-r,1.-he 11 (O"" .. f V lk d duC!l"O • bu~l••u II 1JJ El!! 111h ~t .. intend• lo .,11 Ctr!•ln ptc~1>8I ~•¢11rrty Lin,, S•nl• An•. (llllO•nl•. u~d•• '"" du<hng ~ bu!l"!'.s 11! 11• M111n SI,, S"ul•~ 0 j_x(ln Of Hes('da and \he pctiltOllS Or O S"'3gens an S1nl~ •n•. C6111nrnl•, u"<l•• !~P llcllttov• lo: lr~•~u;p Cor..e•et;on, " C•!l!otnT• hdlllou1 htm n•mP Qf H H COMPANY r. Huntlnoton lle&t~. C1llf<>•nt11, ut><1••
buggies. li•m """"'of AltMOUll CONST co. •nd to•o .. ln!-O!d Tr1nd•••P (l•i1od. o! •nd I~•! '''<I '"'" ;, comao11<1 01 '"' '"P 1Tc11!10,. firm n•m• of COUl!TESV
"n1dgerOule Terror" J:i1ncslii"';o;i;i;,;;,;0000000~-----;o;o.J!h•I '"'" '""' ,1 camPOu<I 01 1~• tollow-nc1 w11.~1,. Bout.u•rd. c11v o1 D•v••lv •011ow:nq n~c~on, who.• n~m• 111 full •nd !!AIL BONDS •rw:t '"~' •a;a llfm I< tom· \\'"rr"" of naker~fieJd . \\':lr· lnQ P•'>on, w~o~• n•m• In lull ond nl•<• HiUs, C1!1fo•nl•1 •r><i 11>1! s•ld ln!e"<il'd ol•C• o! "lld•nc• I• •• rtflowt. 001«1 01 m• \Ollowlno P•non. ""'o•• " ~" " 0 I of '"'·H•No• 11 0 follow1-Tr&n1l•rPf' 11.•uor\, l ••••OulP Coroo••· J Lmn Ho.!pl!or. 1311 fotn!P"I n•m• In lull and pl•c• ol '"''d•nct !1 ••
l'f'!l 1vi!l be tr~rin~ a nt'w J"'n Y, .. """"" lllll Fash•n, Wr.Jt li0<1. lnt•nd• to 1t&1•b•c~ to u ld T•rr•ll l •n•, S•nl• An8, Ce\ilo•n•1. 1o!fow1 • . . h. INDIAN l <ll Ano•lf• C•I!• l . ltoo!, o.o.s., l r•n•foror IL•!l"t), ·~· o .. rc1 seo .. ml>rr ?~. 1'19, (la .. a• H Su1~pr1•nd, 1Sll1 ti0f!m1n, Rtilomatie transn11s~ron in ls oatPd ociob·., 1J. • 196, ••'d oer..,..al ~'¢1>•r••· • q"""'"1 de<t •I•· J l•nn Host••t•r (Nt110,, c..1i1
Av~.i~bl . n(lw. I• V••<1 ••P••·
••"~• ~ .. ;II t,.,n pu1th~1••·
H iqh ••otnino;• 1•co•d -\',150
r 1q~<1td,
w,.,. Bo• M -1•• 1 ~ , ~.,.,,.
P•Rt (. RtpJ••• lltf<I 1 !"c;~y c;on·
SERVATION Jpin v . •rmour lion o! w~lt~ « •• lollow .. 1.,..-.11 , D•n•.i Sr•lo nt C•llfornl•. O••no• Covnh-D1l•<1 Qt10~~' J, IO~I RE STATE: OF (,t.LtFOl!N 1,t.. .,.uiomonl, ollic• equl""1•nt, lurnl!ur~ On Seot,mbf'r 16. 19~t, b••oro m•. 0 (!.,If\• H Su!h•""'"
QR,t.NCE (OUNT'Y. 1rod ll~!ure< ~~d ICC•lM •' 1$,. N•WM<I Notorv Public In 1nd lot ,.,~ Staio. St•I• ct C•lllo""''· O••nu• (ouMv:
LAND On Oct. IJ. 196f, l)<o•orr m•, • NOii"' (lw ltv•td, Cllv o< C"''• M.,I, C01llo•ni1, """""""' •PP••r~<f J. L•nn H~lr1!fr On OclO~(t J, 1~~9, b"'O" nit,• NotMY
l>ubtlc '" •r><I for ••Id St&Tf, """Of'•llv •nO t~.i 1&ld ••I• •nd l••,.twlclt lrtns•'· ~nown 10 n,. lo ~ '"' P•no• wll<»• Pvl!lit ;n 1...i for '"'d ~!•fr. Pr"on~uv
" ...
"""' ""'
commwnuy '" ll I••••, tullv
rtvtt '" !•~ l or~•'111M Count~
LHI• t• V••• 101' A.0 -l.ot .. ,
-.,1n. (Ill Cll•J t ll-tlu , C•'-r•1't
••P•M~d J•on v Armout •"own 10 m• 10 lion I• to 1>t con1u"""'"'fd 0" tnt ~1,1 dAY """'' I• •ub,<tl~d 10 lh• within 1n. ••••-'•<! CrAudt 11 ~u!n•rland known • ~ !hr "'""" who•• """'" ,, <ub,trlllfod ol 0<1-. 1~9, -., 10 I m ,•' !~• <>'Ile• 11...;,.,,•n• on<I •c1tnow1Pd1Pd n, ••tcute<;t ,.., In I>• 1~· """on wno1• namt • to !~~ wl!"I" inst•um•nt •t><I aeltntlwlf09• nl lt•l~UID (~•~Or•!~, A! f)OI WI"~"" !"• '"m• <.ih<'•lf>M lo m• w1l•"n ln•l<l1'T'tnt 1nd
•d •~• ••><u!rd fht umr. Bou,..vard, C•!Y ot Bev.,lv l"llUi, IOFl'!C!Al ~t •L! •<~N wl•n•ra h• •••Gule<I ·~• •~m~
(0Hlt••I S•••) (~li,o•nto. f v.rvn P P"''"'" IOl'flCIAL ~Ell\ I ~•ancr~ I' l'lowr1 011Pd 11111 111~ <l•V of Or'ab<''. \9/t, tlo'&" Public C•l•'O'"'' Je•n L Jrill•!
No!ory P.ibl'• • (~11<0•"'" LP"'"""'" C.n•l>f\•~''°"'' 11•~"''' CeuMy P•,ncln•I O!t•<;t !n C.•lllor~,. <O'~ M• Cemml.,lcn {,0,,., ljQ,l!V p ,.blltC•lolOtP••
0•1nao CouMv e v M•lv)n ~"'m•n Ju" JO, \Ofl Prlt>l.101! Olt.t• '"
M> (omr•Hsiio~ t•ol1•1 ~lASEOU!P (Ol!POll,O.T!Olll Hu....,111. Hwrwll l & llfmu , ,t.11orN" Or•1>11• C1>11~lv.
Oc• lt. lt/1 tJlll WllsM .. BIN. •Ja.Jln~ S!r•el Mv tomm1.,1cn t::•o•r•I
"'ubli•"°" O••n~• C~~~I OotlV Pltf!!. &""'IV Niii~ ( .... ,•tit -No..,..tt """~' C•Ntf!"lrit fl'1'"Tft ,., 1111 ...
• l('!rtn~~' U. )I. 11 •n<I Nnv•mll<'' '· Put:JllM1•1' Or•ng~ COllSI OO•IY P,lnf. P"~"l~•ft 0'•"~• Cn••I Onllv PH~• ""~'·•""" Or •o~• ro~•I D•·l\I Pl';,\ '=================;;==================:·c=-=-=-=-============== ~""""""""""""""""' '-'-"--------------'-'-"-"-' .. '-'-'-'-'-"-'-'-'-·-'-'_'·---------'-'-"-" -'-'-'-~-'-'-'-'-'-'-"-·-'-'-'-'---T·'-'_"_1~:"t'"'" r 1 '1 n, ?I. 1"9 1!\!">~•
' '
Doris Brightens
After Gloomy '68
'1'hree Men
On Horse'
.!\. Longshot
NE;\V YORK IAPl-A com·
dy \\'inner of 1!135, ''Three
.lt>n on a llorsc," returned
rhursday night to Broadway'
Lyceum Thc<iter, a dubious
longshot for repeat triumph.
Time han \l'ithcred many
once glittering gags into crou-
py \liheezcs \1•hile repetition
has stalled the farclca! connip-
tions that diverted us all in
that pre-TV, simpler enter-
tainment era.
Participating in l h e ex-
humation are quite a clutch of
favorite performers. but the
sad, inescapable central reali-
ly is that talent as \Veil as text
is collectively a bit the "'orse
fo r \Vear.
In no particular order of
judgment. the central pl:iyers
include Sam Levene, back
\llil h accent and shrug in the
role he crcalcd for the orif{ina l
production. of a tin-horn
gambler : Jack Gllford, the:
mousy greeting card versifier
y,•ho picks race track winners
for fun ; Paul J?ord. his ter-
rible·lcmpcred employer. But-
terfly l\1cQueen pitches in "'ilh
the chipmunk \IOicc that made
her name in ''Gone \\'ith the
\\'ind.·· And Dorothy Loudon,
ex of the night clubs. appears
as the dumb chorine v.·ho in-
.serts sorne e a r t h y com-
plication into the dizzy plot.
Also present are Leon J an·
ney, Rosemary P rinz and Al
Nesor, video fa miliars all.
George A bbot t, '~'ho
coauthored the story \111th
John Cecil !·John, again ha.~
directed, apparently 1n a
preoccupied mood. Ra t h r. r
frugal setl ings ha11e been
;isscmbled by Boyd Dumrosc,
\\"hilc A. Christina Giannini
has clad c11eryone \\'ilh the
now quaint fashions o [
.. There is no such time as
1~8." Doris Day said.
It was the yea r her produc-
er-husband tlliirty 1'11elcher
died, leaving Doris with a con-
tract lo begin a new television
sho\11 a brief six \1•ccks .iftcr
his death.
On ly now arc the nun1bing
effects disappearing.
"Death is cold," Do ris said
in her dressing room the other
"After it happened I
couldn't get \\·arm. My son.
Terry, insisted I go to Palm
Springs and lie in the sun. The
swimming pool was heated to
90 degrees. And gradually the
chill began to lea11c me.
"The heat or ihe desert v.•as
like a pair of arms encircling
nie. It \Yas healthy, enabling
me to go Lo work v.•ht>n J didn't
\\'ant to sec anyone or do
Melcher was !o produce Ilic
~how and had been Doris'
guldi ng hand for n1orc than a
decade in motion pictu res.
"The telc11isio11 series s;1ved
my !ife.'' she said of the situ:<·
lion comedy "The Doris Day
Sho\Y" that drew m i x c d
re11iew and so-so ratings in ils
first year .
'"\Vithout the shO\V I'd have
been lost. \Vhen you lose one
half of yourself. you face the
slo\V death of sitting in a cor·
ner someplace. But Terry in-
sisted I fulfill the c-ontract. l"d
lost 18 j:>ounds but I disciplined
myself to go back 10 work .. ,
This year Doris is a dif-
ferent girl. She has regained
her sunny disposition and
The sho1v has undrrgonr
changes al CBS. too. Thcrl'
arc new producers an d n1o~t
of the action has been sw1L-
ched from a bu co I i c
bac kground to San F rancisco
\Vhe re Doris portrays a \Vork-
ing girl.
"I knew I shouldn't. slay 011
the farm," she explained. •· Jt
isn't a modern thing for a
young widow lo do. There are
some stories. situations and
possibilities for me.cling u1-
leresling people in the cl\y.
··And San Francisco 1~ a
1·hic, marvelous place to 11·ear
:smart clothes.''
Instead of blue jeans, Doris
1vi ll be seen in one of the n1osl
expensive wardrobes o n
television, much of which is
her own -given her from the
scores of motion pictures in
which she starred.
"Some of the best designer-.;
contributed to my wardrobe .. ,
Doris said, ''including Hay
Agayhan. Jrenc. Jean Lou is
and Norel. But the changes in
th e series are more than just
clothes and new situations .. IL
gives us a chance to provide
1nore sophisticated comedy .''
Crossword Puzzle
1 'l a
to acl
' Asia,,
j:fltSIS 14 ChiHJtter
1" a nov,J 15 Affc c:,o;i
i& Atcum11lation
~f ~trou~
flu id
17 Pad : d As it 11-oril .::I
b<' if:
2 "'orris 19 /.l !n er's
liolr!1n 1J
: 0 E11ttrt.J i~ml.'T1 l
~rou p; Abb r.
21 Su!Jtly
derisiv e i:~ D1ac11t1c~t
m ar ~
f l Join!lv
~5 Soci ~I
IJ'OU P 27 Poss.rs.s.cd
28 Play til e
lop role
2'J M1ntral spring
J2 Frst111e
35 Bram down
on: 2 words
37 Spoken
;a Rrmovt 11iin 1ayrr lrom
;qR ole
.! 0 Krio111in!f
'2. tJu ts
~J Negative
I I. l •
" ..
44 I< 1rid cf
1 II pr ogra~
'~ ~pott '~ Cori lt)!
4 7 Str10.o!
rri mes
,; O ~i:v
prodv, I
~4 Lac !u v ~o
~b Fa:1 a1
fe~!Uf f 57 C.ittl .r1<':
~ B ----0011,
S9 L~t·.
p,-r fo r 11 ~r
60 f'1J l :he
bl M~n·s 11ame
t.Z /l n a!on·i~al
pas sa ~t
t.J Pla~1nq
piece 111
Ii~ l11strnm enl
~5 Simpl e
DO'.'l tJ
l Woody
Z Rra l tslatr
~11reemrn t J Sprcial
vocabulary 4 Amtritan
5 llade
S."TIOO iii
~ Pin e lret
produc t
7 Ea rly
Rorran peel
8 Hav1 n9
~ flAw or two
I} lns.!n1ct1onar
c.'isccur st
Y~s.!trd.1y's Puzzle Solved:
• s t•T il ~C
L 0 5(• H •L l<A
•~!~' 0011 .. sir
i i) Uonl~n nt•I
1 rrn~r~:
2 "-(}"dS
ll Ho.;sr-
"' I fr 's.
f.O•l~t•ll l~ Amon11
11 lr!ent1c'I
l l Oc~ans
24 L.u 9e mam1J1 al
l 3 Thc rou!jjh-
fa rr
28 Q111vrr
29 F am llv
quar rel JO· Angelts
01 Arlhu1 31 AboundinlJ
tri c ~tain HlS tC!S
:i2 Garment
j ) 011trat 1c
mr lody ~4 Brit ish
till e
j5 Sec ond
li t11 lrnanl;
l il Zl1b'I
:::i " .. ·--
2 wor ds J8 Do tl1 ~
~I In f~sliic 1:
J words
4! P11t in
tl1t ea•U1
4S Gentr~I
comm ol1,,1
(5 Early
phys ici 111
4 7 Abode
48 Chotct
~9 Missouri or Mat -tnZit 50 Score u1
bowlin9 •
51 De Ga ull e,
to som t
52 M11$iCa l
5~ C rty i11
t!ev~da ~5 One of !li t
·cltad!y sins
~9 Not brllli~n l
10 11 lJ 13
Dl\ILY PILOr Sl•il Pl\Olf
4 :;:: a c = w .-+ o u eec ;uqcp;a:o:c $) ( ... ... f'VIQ4¥4jl*9'.:
Tu~l~~1. Ottohtr 21 . 1'16"1 CA/LY PILO T Jt) -------
•Five-0" Goes ll11111a11
ilfacArth11r Points tu For111at l 'hanges
llt)!'\O!,l'l,U \\"h1·n 11
computer in Ne111 Yo rk Clly
got J ;irnt>s J\tacArthur 1hr ro le
as Danny \\'ill iums i11 CCS·
TV"s ··H:n\1111 FiVl'·O," 1L
n1arkrd oni.: of th!! aclor"s l111p·
p1csl d<1ys <Jf his 1·arrer.
"l~ has g11c11 111v C':ll"Cl'r .1
Ill'\\' d1n.•tt1un ~inU ·Jne a ucw
11n~1gt'. ,111d lh<.t's ~u111cih111g
11\Jl l'ilSily t'\J(rl(' hy i!lt'M.:
d:.i)s." ht• cicula111:;.
\l<itAr!hur 11 ;.1~ rcfl"rring 1•1
the fat:l lhn! lit' hnd ht'!'n c.1~t
1n a succcs:uor1 uf \\'flit D1s1wv
fllr.1s, fr11111 .. S.,..i~s F:1n 1ii'11
Hob111~on " to ··.\1:111 nn 111~·
1\l11unl:un " He fl'arcd, ,incl
11isely :<11. 1hat he ha ll beeu
t v~d. 11 lllt"h rnrant a .... harp
t'U!'t:ti!n1l'lll HI ca:-.tu1g flOll'IL·
l ial~.
\\"1th his '"lt ;1\1•a1i F1vc·U"'
roll' he 11 as l!il"Cn a con1pl•·tc
s11·itch u1 f h11racter11.at1011 ·;.
1!011·evl'r, 11•hen thl' shuw 11·;1 . ..;
~w1tchrd 1l1 \Vt'd11csdny lll J::hl-;
:<nd lhl' nll1 11gs accek•rated it
to one nl 111t· lop 10 .show~ 011
!rl r11 ~inn. 11 bet;nnc ;1pµ;irent
that the llaw;111a n !'i1:1te Police
Force ~'l're sunply hard con.:
James MacArthur
up, 111• 11 11rh n gh1 1l1r1111c;h !11r
:.:'Ii rp1.~nd(·"· \\11111 li1•1l h111d of
~l'lit•dul1'. I J.;t'l In f;dl d1i11 II nn
:-iunda\s ;111d rt'f1 1~'I for 1hf' f,il1ow;n1~ wech. :11HI lhtit "s
:11Jout ;ill."
!!! (">;1•w Yo1k l·:i1rh ,·\r\\·et
t1eld ;1 (.[1;.il , which. when turn-
ed onr v.:1y or I.he. other. 111·
tll t'<i\rtl .,.. h;.i t lie hkcd or d1~t 1h
'J'l1is 1111 01"11\Cl\1011 WHS fed in·
!u a l"!1111putrr, ll'h1ch sho11 rrl
1ll:1l 1hi· aud1enc:c defln1tcly
J1~;1ppro1 l't! 1if tlic al'lor 1~ho
pl nycd Lord 's young <1 ss1s1an\.
Thu:-.. L (' () 11 ;1 rd Frccnuu1,
, re;itor ;111d c.~c1·ut1vc 11rt1-
duccr 11r the !il'1·1c ... r<'p l;iccr!
thl' 111111\g aelor w i l h
HUNTINGTON'S BEST -F"l.:i.~!1in.~ \ iclnry s n1ilcs ,d{\11~ 1r11 h hard1rnl'c for the
1nantelpiecc ;ire l hcsc l!un1in_gto11 I.;c<i ch Playhou :-.c <1 1\';1rll \Vi nnC'r: •• :-.r;ited
ifrom leflt :1rc J\Ii kc Sk11111t•r, bc:-.t ;1elnr : :'l\.1 ril~11 :\J b(•t'l~c n . be~I <1c1res~.
David J\lai\"illC'. ht'.S L d1rrctu1': :\1 1•1allC'llr l)111 g!c.1•, hl'i-l :-upp0rting at!rt'""· ;ind
'l'c:rrcncc Doyle. lie-.\ :-.u pport1n ·~ ;1 ctor. S1:11Hli 11 .~ cire l i,H1~l v l\l'C'llC. pi·t''idcn\' ...
<11vard 11in ncr : 13!1! \\illt<.1n1s <i11d Dill i\!orl'l:.t1d lt'Li11u c.1J ;111:i rcl 111nncr:-i: J oi
Lovell, lH.')>l ~ct, and J ohn ~!OJ"ii ll. bc •,t c;,u11,o. ·
On l.1· ou a cu1Jplc or nc-
i:a~ions did the ~erir>l ;illu1>'
•tnyone fron1 thl' show to lln1c
;111 "111 vol\'cn1cnt ," 'lr i,ho1v
:111~ c111ollon outside o r
(ic.:lennin:ition to c:ip!urc Ilic
C! lllllll;1I.
111 this. it ~ srcond -.1·:1.-.1111,
/Ind 11 ~ Sund.1ys th:,[ ht·
~uddcnly llt•l"flllll'S a part or
!lit' secnery. ··1 felt pretty cnn·
~pic11ous here \\•hen lil t' sen('S
brgan '!'hr n1l'n1bcr~ ot our
c·nsl :ire abnul the nnl.\' nnrs-
11ho11e;ir ~l11ls illltl ncekt 11•:. 111
tlu· 1:-.lnnd~ ··
\\'ht'I! he doc~ !1avl' the fr1•('
fiHH'. ;ind 1f hr·s nol up tul~
~1\"l1n1n111~ or di1·1ng, he enjoys
rt'l<1x1n g ilrnund hi~ ap<irtmcn~
tll'ar J)ian1ond I lead and
r1·;1cl1n~ while he listens to his ~lrrcu. I
Pltryl1 OH.Ii("
nnr of the ni<1Jor 1•len1e111 ... 111-
dur(•tl in the ca~t \1 ;1" tli•·
"l1urnan"' i1n;1§e. That 1,, 111-
~h·ad of the h;inl con' grn11p
Pl eop!O", 1hc~'l1 gr;1cl11al ly
'Ba1·ef oot' I-Ieacl s A 'vards
brtome '"<11·t•ragc l"illLen..,·· c1.s
11 rll
"'[1 11·;i..; l'I ldf'nt 1h;1I !Hll
nlt1·1l 111· w1 ·re untouc·ht·d l1 v
l111111;i11 t·ns1s ot" th\• 111•rds nf
,l u(' l"1111c11 ' l lur IJ;1..,ll' ('llll-
,,b11ul tile con1puler in New
\'urk . .Ji111 sn1i!cs :ind rela1es1 111:11 ;111othrr actor pl:iyed the
p;11 \ 111 1hf' nrigina l. rnovic-
lt•J1g!\1 p1ln1 . ll(.foro this 11·ent
un !hr :11r 1 ;1~1 fall, it 11·as
:,11111111 1,1 ;1n ;11 al1cncc or 1.2001
Hy ro:\I TITLS
01 lhe O•il~ P<lot !t~f!
"Ra1·croot 111 thr r :1rk,"
whi ch shal!t'rr.·cl lv1x ofl1re
records ;11. l!1c ll unt 11~gt1111
Beach Playhouse J;i:;t season,
returned io rea p <1dd1t1on,iJ
honors Suturday night.
The Nei l Simon cuincdy
~11;1 1"('•d f111 •r 11111 uf 11 111r>
I l'!•f!l)1c~. 111clt1<llng hL·~l p:·o-
c!uction, rr-, tho J111nt1n~lnn
llr:11 ·1l J.;1'111 1p p.1',,l"rl OU I II •,
J~i!l-li9 a 1•,1rd" ;ii I Ii r
rlJJyhou~e. David ~1:11vlllt' 11·11c;
Jin1111rrcl :JS he~[ d1r~C"!O!' flf 1hl'
y!'ar for lits protiuc\1on nl
;\];irilyn 1\lhr r!-.1'11 111;i(lr lir:· l''''"ll 11:i i; t11 t·,ip1ure 111,.
•rrond trip tile 111nnr r\ c1rrlr 1,1111111.d, p!'l'iod," i\1acl\rllH11·
111 !hrce s<'a~ons as !-.l1it J)H·h<'d l'\pl :inli'CI. \
11p tile hl'~t ac11·rss ;111 :+rd !11r "I 1111111., 111111·1·1'('1". 11!.:i t \I ll$
l11•r pc-1 l1 1r111:1111·1' l!l · St1111l ;1_v •.p;isn n llu· 1 iewc•rs· 1vil l .'>f•r
111 l''ir w York.' ~Ile \V(•I\ ll1t .1.ii·k. 11.urd) ;111d prub;.1b\y 1 ~•1rr.r hn111rr 111 1m;fi.fi7 fo r 1111• 1111 .,<·ll t.H'l"lll!1!' deeply i11 -
le:JCl1ns rolr 1n ·Florri \'rstr r· V(lf\{·d in the l1un1:in eltn1e111
d:l\ ·· (lf :1 S!\t1<1l1n11. \\'r."ll be bent nn
l\,11ncd hf'sl :11•1•11· (11 Iii•' t•;i\eh1ng the b:1 d _guy, of
~r;1<>011 11<;.l ~ 1'11 1kf• :-ik1nnrT t1•r rnur::c, but how !he b:id guy
wii,E~· -,.__:
'Ecirt 1i ilt j)fy lici11ds '
Reo1Je1is at Colle~·c
his pcrfurrnanc<· 111 .. Barrf•1 .. 1 li:•-. nr 1111ght .1llcc1 ,111 in ·
Jn 1111• J'arh '' Sh111nr r·s tr11ph1• ll•ii1·nt ('t111.c11 11111 lnuL·h us on
11!11 1r11n ,inothl r 1111111 1111• ;1 111111 1• p1·r-.onal lt"1cl '
1'167-f.f: :-.c.:i~on .ii I 111• .-\~ t"u·sl;1r <i( llH· ~1·1 u· .1111 1
\'."r~llll lll lf·r l " ('I Ill Ill U 1111 v ~P{"llds n In 1' HIOl!tll:o-HI 1 h ('
"l h1·.1l•r 1111111 h" 11;.-; 1h,,,,r1 .1•'•1 r 1·.111"k111g 1111 loc:1t1011 111
hr"1 :1c1or for ··.4. ll n!ful 111 th1..., 1 .... t111d p;u'iuli'>t' -;111tl h>r;
J-i.<1111 • .i .'-jlOl"ls·llHJltled n111n whn
Reber! Mitchum ;,,
"Yo ung Billy Young"
"1000 Plilnc Raid"
r",l~~ Dr. Al vin J\.eller"s •·i::arl h in
1-ly !lands."' a Urarna 20 years
in creation. rcnpcns nc,;t Sun-
day as 1hr opc1nng at tr.1c11011
i11 the 10th 11nn11·crsar11 tJIJ-
sCrl"ancc ;1\ Cal State Fuller·
Born of c.:rcnts in \Vn rld \Vr•r
JI and J11 progrl'-.~ frurn 1l1t'
Korean \V:i r lo the prc.~cnt
fighting in Vict11a1n, thr thrcr-
acl play -\11hich Tt'CCJl'eU it<:
world prem iere las! July nt
Na\ajo )lovic
Shcr\~"OOt"I r n 1 (' \I 1ll I.the h· ~
film crc1v to \\ 1n(lo111 H0<·k and
Canyon de l"hrlly. A1 11 . for
locauon !>hooting tJ1 '"A N<il1nn
\\'lth1n .'' a rl(}('"urnrnt 1r.v on the
fir st 11nil'rrs11y 1un l(1r and liy
Enda Tonight
Starts Wednesda y
C~F -roncrrns .1 ~uun;;
so!rlier~ fi.carrh f11r klcnt ity
;ind mr,u1ing 11 hllr C':1ught in
111,.. honor ri f 11 :i1f;Jn'.
C11rtain 11111•' 1s ll ::o Jl rn,
S1111d.:iy in tile Li!l!I' Thc:llcr
11·1tl1 a second perfn1·111;1 net• ll;c
foll oll'111g n1t;lil. Prn•'P1·1!s go t•i
lla· c.l r:i11i.1 ~rl11il.11 '.h1 11 fund,
and ticket inforrna11on i~
;t\tlll::iblc. ::i1 lli0·:~::1 1 betwrr11
noon ;ind 4 p 111. 11 cckd.1ys and
Saturtla) s.
!leading lln' (',1'1 1~ .11111
l..in~ ur /..1 ll:1br<1 ,/)\ !h1~
ri1 •1!1i1'1 nnrd •old1rr, 1v1!h .Jr-r-
1 I" !->)' ol .\!l,!hl'llll JS Ill ' l'Olll·
J!loii11h'l I 11:1"·~·1·, 1\1 II 1>0•
I·• l"lllJ..: .11(' l\1';11t ;inti C.1111 .. r
l .a111;::., .1 l.1r lr•ll1I !11 "1 111 h·
11·;1111 fr11111 [Irr 1· .I II Jl .1111 •k•1l
•1f ()r,1nc1· .1n1! S 1 r p !1 1 11
:.../•:>111rn 111 C;<1r!r•11 1:rr.11•. 1\tl
hu1 :...!•-,pu n . ppr.11rd 111 lh1•
11rr·1n 11 !'j
"li11· .fHl1' p111n.r 11• 1u1 \'
111 .. 111 ~l,1h{' 11 ,•· p.il"I 11r I 111·
'!IF 11)11 I" lli!•i l••I" \\'Ht\ •li<•1I,
11h1l1• tilt• I"• 11111 tlill f. C'!'ii'hl ,,.,
!lir c11llc"C s 11:11 111,.: c0111pli io·tl
its l1rs1 10 yrnr ~.
An••!lll'r 'J •. 1r!'f<K1l "0 r .1-l Juif's sk1n·d1\111i.:. J1\h1nb c1nd
n11'1nhcr. A11n;i b1·1lr Qu1~lt·~. 11 ;1tl'f shung, th:t\")> nol ha1d
\\'(II! hc.~t :-.11ppnr11n;:: .il'lrr<;'I lo 1tikt I
l ~1\1t ('I<; t11r ll('t J',,11• ;h 11io· "ft l11ok..; goo1/ 1111 llu•
111111111>1', 11l1il1• Tr>1n·l\r<' Un1 lc ~111 1,'1('r_·· ,/11 11 ~.11 ..,. ··1J!1 £ ;11·
~1·,.n·rl .•. ln'ol :upp11r1 1111.!, •11· tu:il(v /'111 111111'('0 J1kr a kiri
1<'r l!\1' !11\ p( 1 !01111.illf'l 11s 1111' 1111,111ng l\i\ no:-1· .1g.+ll1,l 111"
• \·Pl'f' •ld!•t1l 111 ··'I 111• C1·~l C'iiiidy ·Inn· 11 111dtJ11·. I 111-.1
.\l.11 ' u .. 111 h:11" lh(' l111ll' ln i11d11lgc
l'.1111('11 ill\.~ld,; 1\1 I '" \.Hl i,id Jll ;ill 1hll,'\' lhillg~.
tit .l nl tn \1 01·:111 ;1~ I Ii 1' •·"l'lic w ;11' th!· ~cru·:-. i ~ :<>et
11 Ir p/1oi11•' 111,111 111 '' !\,11rl11nl .. 1-:::::::::::' :;::::::::::::::;, I
.i n I L.111.1 C;11nphell a~ 1111·,.
111;1111 HI ··urcn!h ol Spring."). BALBOA
L1ll'rl lnr be~I ~e! 111 lh!· .-.f'a .... un · • . · 673-4048
11;" .1111• Lo11·ll. 111•0 (it'-.1gn!0dl • , OPEN 1111' -.t .1t;c 1111 ··111c:1lh ot 6,4s
!'111 111f I 70f r_ 11lbo1
T!u· !C'.1111 11f lid I \\ +lli:1m~J 81ID01 Ptnl,,1ul1
r\:u wv '---------::
\', , 1 I, ,11,1r1·d t!.i• l1u•1•11 , lo1r
h1 1 t•·1·11 n1c.1l ,1("h1r\f'1n1'tlt f11r
I •1 1r h,1r l:sl.1i;•' 11.irh 1111 '"S11 n·
ii .~ 111 ,\rw Yiu 1-.. ' "\ ~11r(·1 .1I
111'1 .• 11!r n1 ..; :• 11 ,t r ii 11 .• ~
l'H ~··111< 11 H1 l l,u11I ~ h•""'ll" l•\f
!11 ... dl!l'1 111)11 111 11'.tl I t 1diJl l'll0~(
j.110\ 1111 (1\1' pl 'Ill•\! I'
·1.,111 ;111d ,\lo l,1 l;:'<1d1'T II k
\' 1·11 • 1 l1o1ll"l1l''I\ 1 I !It' ,1 '.11 •I•
1 + l'i I 111c1:un, 11 l•u 11 1111 :1111 ,·d
.111 u11:.;11 .. .I (I I .i 111 .i ! I '
P!lrUH.i\1~11(!. \o.\• l, J l/ II 11 11 11
J)o I:, ITih .
.ver 'f'~. /G.B.CY ~
@ and find lrul /uJppiRm?"
~ 1 ~1;1101 f~~ ~11u11 ht11•iet~•· I
"l oves of Isadora"
is so graphic; ' I could have
sworn the
screen was
-IV Y Q.a,1, Column
.· ~
Im~..! .-.., /"lt'I ~ OCl.lf'TlfU.l.S -·"""'
.... '~
TllC' .sh(,11·. w1tl1 !h!' · :11111·,----~ :;.,_ :'\\ ':, • SCCner1 , ("O.S!\1111f"S ;ind l 1i;h 1 1 11r~ ''~~r· ••fllll"lC CCA'T Hl(ltl'llAY ~ST.
;is 111c· nrig1n;'I. :d ~n Ii;;•; h('"tl ~~~) i n('-.,_/).
r11l1•rcd in. TIH' l~lirl A1n1·111·.u1 1· (_'O ~ rJA tJ ,,-r .
('f'lh·tlr Thc;11t'r fc ~t11 :il t•i1;n r:Jfl:~ •
Ends Tonight
?-4Jis 'Bun11ci1 c)\Wslcr piece ·
of'Erot1aJ! .. .... ......,.._
J dE
......... v ""-'\Jf!t
"""''' •!\JI "·''"IC.
if\UE GRIT .
JOHNWAYNE ,~ r-i.~ "\~ TrCHNICOLOR c-"" · ..• ·-
) •• /U.\H"C H.~Sf"'tJ
Seu/ l.•1rag,•mr..,r!
. ~ . . . . .
(!) ... ·-· ........ 11 _, -TT•P
"Under (ever Rogue"
CCIRl'Dl!il!OH S~n Diuo Frttw•Y 1t Bliltol • 546-2711
-winner 3Acag~!PY Awards
BEST ACTRESS· Ka1harine Hepburn
.lOSErH ( ll\'1N( ,_ ~ A.VCO(MUJS"I fllM
lHE LION IN WINTER . ., ... ,.::-:""'' ••Alto UllAl>Y-
l·: ·J llCil~llCIJ\OR • \Gl1·3 ·)
~t faf cateJ" @]
.. ·~ -
• ' fl (AC H l'lVr.>. Al ,,.LLJS • •
·~y en•~· ..... ~ .. SA .. "'"'"' ~WV. 11'17·1HH>ll • HUNTINC>TO N ll!i;ACH
KJIOC."l!)Pm; WO 111
~FQrl ~
I l'"'""'"''n•~ (()•.10~1 '·"'<>'"l";•OI ................. ___ ... _ ...... _.
IEI RllllSU llClllll lllll•
"'Jn• '' '~''' Litlr...., P1o~u<' '"'
· SlllRCISE" , •••••1~10•' • .._..., ~ ""'" ®
ON rll A ..,..,
CTNF.R Al\1 \ !'<.'REEN
l\1ETR.Ol"IH.Ort EXCLUSIVE ~~~~~: and ~~:cG• ENGAGEMENT
h9lk!ll WO!<ft • lrrwtl.,. t fWTtl! r' · .... '.' ... : .. ~· . "·;The p}l\D\VOZYll\0
. . ofGHl\ILLOT
Don't iust SIT there!
Grab hold of the
BIG action today!
Dial Direct:
Just say: "CHARGE IT!"
I North County, 540-1220, toll free)
$ OR
' ' '
' ' ... --... ~ ·r·rr-\ ,.-·----, "'I '"...-~-1 -.-,.-~-,~rr""T•l-"'f-.,.,-r~~·~•--Of"""f ..... F ... F~P-P ... 1p'1•••-•< .... •P•14 ................. ,., ....... ...-•• ••<1ll'<T'rT,.--"'.,,.~'r""tO .... " • .-Or••1<._ .-•• +' +' +' +"'\'e t; f'·-'Y"'' \ ·~ ><ZV*'llf i"' -~ i "t 'C ,, ... *(-'if f"'i . . , •
r• ·~· --
Everyone l-~n1
Someth;ng lhAI
Someone ase Y./ 0'1 ts
Gene ra l 1000 General 1000 General 1000 General 1000
__ .;;;;;;;;;;;:::;:::;;;;;;,l--:;-J -;;B:.d:;:,:oo:m;:--FOREST E.
#U P#$$
O pen Evenin9<;
t ill 8:30
Duplex For Vets
No Down
\\'I' \"I ' I 1 I 1
l1+1V il.•'"11 •' \II
'o' I\
Pll•' 'I '" 11111 >I'" \''' 11 • +
\'. \ I•' 1·111~ \> I•
' ~·,.I I<'• 1! n ":' 11l 1"'h
lH'o ll"o lfll 11 \ti •I
h.!111..; <',ll 'il. ,-...
... uu ( ;111 I ,, II .,
I I'll
"·' 1111
·Ii '.
'_' I
I\ 1
I' '·
4 BedrD!l T>
Added F2Mi!t r:.'.
$2 3,9:i0
lhi•; hn1 11o• ·~
1"<-.tdy l+•r .\I"•
11 l"I'' 1
" '
h1·drn""" '.! I, 1 1
111:.' 111 111•' 1-I I: ! < '
:111 Liiii;< d Jo1 1I ol.
' I
,, "
fj2if.E & INCOME 1""'1""" fo~I:·:,~~"'"' \\oil 0 L s 0 N
I /' 1~1 1 1, "'Ii I 1«-h•'I'" 11 1~. A~su1n~1ble ti'f I ;::.,, ,.' .1 , 11 !nt;J nL·111g 1v1th a tol:d pay-
·•'11.• '"' j 1 •! "!i".d 1,.\ 11\!'rtl 1nr lud1ni:-J;u1d Jlllr-
1• " ,/ •t ' 1 1 h.b ,. or "11ly Sl 2U Pl'I' n1u11th.
C"6 r·o ~ ...J I. .~ \J
1 l.1!'111,' 11• JI• • 1\1
: J;1·1i;h1 IR•dro1.1111S, all t•IC'l"
1111· l•ullt _ 111 k11l·he11, b1::,
l•'ll•·•·d ~<1rd , 2 ··•1r gar,1g1'.
l'ua11·1111·11t ro s«houls a nd
111<'. Hoaltors
$27 ;1 50
I J,.11,u
" I, ( "t
:-,. Jl .. 11111•111n.;.
J\rn1 1akf' uver high • F'll A
!olarter _ J..Q1v u11errst loan. 3 Bcd-
\I i•1 npp
.\' I l ,l!I ;
lu1•1 1•11 I
h• .. 111 ,\Ir-. l \,
f,•:11lll'"~ I
11··;~. J 111.l
1-"·l·""' ,1,
h •t !'UJ ,\
lo i1••11!. t
<i;:t~ '"1U tr
Ncv1por t
" Victoria
646-581 1
•) I I h
oil,.,,] "
l• o.11 '.
.1 .•
;' ... ,
o ...
1:-. '
"r··n1· ,\ \\'1~1· P,11y"
Colesworthy & Co.
6 L'-7i77
rou111 '.! hath dl'luxe buill-
ir1s. r·a1111ly rooni. /lard \\"al.
nur paneling, Newly decor-
i1l<'d. Plush pile ca rpei ing.
Beat innatinn to the punch.
S.:·e tlus h1ghJy rlcsirable
l'oll rg1• J)ark hon1c. Call
a 1 ! I arbor C!'ntcr
2299 ll;irbor Blvd .. C.i\t.
:11\ll you Vr ls i\10Vl:: JN
NO\\"~ J spacious bed1uon1s
llltd 11ni lx1ths. HUGE SUNK.
1-~N ~'A:IUL\: R00!\11vith ro-
1na11!1!' n1assivr brick F'IRE-
Pl..ACI-:! Beautiful at'f:'a of
1011·cring shade h'('('s on cor.
11cr lot w i th room for boat
or frailer. B<>st buy !his
)rar at a LOW LO\V S2~.;,oo.
Generel 1000 Coit• Mesa 1100
Ocrasionally in resale
ll<nncs one l"OrnC's aloni,:
I hat's in fa bl1lous LlK~;
Nl::\V (.'ONDITlON &
11e ha ve ii . IT'S JU~r
BEE.'/ LI STl::'.D & it's
an J J\I i\'I A C U LA T ~:
IU.:')!l' 3 bdrnt ho111e lll
a prun<' arc•a. CloS<' co
park & playg1'0und .
BcaurifuUy n1ani!'u1•'<i
la11·n, \\'1th sprinklel"!l,
l'nhance l h!' exterior .t
lnsicl<' you·u hnd lovely
~·aiix·ts 1hrou~hout &
<!1sh1vashr r. SOUND
0 N LY $23.950, YA
/f!ia... COATS
(0pen Ennings)
4 BR, 2 BA, lgc la niily r 111.
Drps ,!',; crptg, «Xµ<'ns1 v1•
land ~raping ,!',; p.itio COOL
OCl::A1~ BREEZE.S, 1900 sq
lJ1.900. * 5-!6·:'9'.l~
-~---LIKE l'..:XTHAS '.' T!us ts 11! "
bedroon1s 2 b:tlhs , 01}{' hlo«k
to School, Park Pool. &-
i:;Jarl you coniL"! 01\·ncrs
BY 011·11!'r: ~ llR. 2 bath,
dctaC'hc<l sturliu shop. patio.
lg fenc<•rl ~·II, d!'ad<'JH[ St.
Clo!le lv ~l'11ools, \\'!'slclilf
Plaza arf'H. S:!J!.;J(l(l._&l'.?·57~1
Mesa Verde lllD
FANTA:--ric J: E p u BL I c
HOJ\I E u1 absolul P Jlf'rff'cl &
i:pnrkhng rnn<!i1inn. 4 !an;-!'
bdi'nls. :i h;llhs. fornial din·
ing roo111, SCJJ.:lratc f;unily
l'OOITI & hug(' Ill a )i 1 I' l'
hcdroon1. fllu1i1nun1 11rk<'•rp,
.vn rrl hrautirully l<inrbeapt·d .
Popul11 1· n101!cl ,1·ith 3 !'a r
gar:.igr . Rrsl for th!' nlnll<',V
at $47.9:io. Call 5-C>-8-121
Pool · GI Resal• South Coast R"al Es1atc
J\ttracrive corner 4 bdnn 11•i1h I·-----------:;l:i~~ ~I .. r!~~·~,\~:~i ~E;.:~~~:.C.j ~~~.3B~:.l ~~;
n 11. d in rm , shag crp ls. £..xcC'l 5~~ ',;. loan at $191 incl. ta.,. & ins. OwnC"r n1ost anx-rlqis, spklrs. $-12.000 5~1>-J:19:!
ious for offer . already 1rans. 4 BR. 2 IJA l\lesa l l1,::hla11rl s.
lc1Tt'd out of stalt', PI' inc 1 pa I s only. B'i
O\\'NER. $26,900. ~~19--3fi.1f;
•• '
Tueuhf, Octobe r 21, l !J61J ----O!ll V Plln r ?J
I '(OU C.srt Sull It ,
Find It , T•od• it
With o Wont Ad
. '
Huntington Ceach 1400Huntington Beach 1400
Ne\v homes, ready to move in. 2 to 5 bed-
r uoms, 2 to 3 baths, 11i mile from beach. F'1rst
payn1ent up Lo 60 d'1ys after n1ove in.
VA/FHA Terms. From $23,990
The Beach
(on Brookhurst 1 mile South of Adam~)
962 -1353
University Park 1237 Hunt ington Beach 1400
.;;;H;;';;';;o;;n;;;;;Fo;;';;;;C;;h;;;;;I d;;';;e ;;n;; $1 00 T 0 TA L
Yn11 f: I liU)•'I~, h•'l'1' is :111 NF.1\B. (;REENB~'.LT, TflT I.O r. POOL :\NI) ~1 1()1'-"llf''Ol'l11111Ty, ! ~r your l•l'lll'·
lrl" •Hl 1111~ Sh.11·p J l l\'1 l1·1~J!ll
!'J,\T:. •I H r.~'~ lia, L,ir;-'.•' (',1,1((11 111,( l:au\·h•l '.! 1.\1\ll''•
Joi, air 1·ondi111Hw1! lJwll!'I' iutlS 11., 1 ll .~. "ll:ll\ll1<i0<I"
i.111.'\l•!lli; for S!ol«. Sl\,11(~\ Tl·1n1'< L's1•rl lwi<·k f1p •pl ;"'''-• d h•11 ~vj1111 n l1 · "l:\ ;..: :."2 ~·;unily re I l\111•111'', r;•ll'g('Ul l~ illO<h 'l'll
1 .. :. I"" ·'• 111' I"" 11 .. 11.-1,., ..
L;111v, Park Cf'n1t·r, lrv111c
C;i l! 1\11~ti111r i".;:;;.u.~~11
Back Bay 124D
S29.99:i. 0\\-Nl::n .. Cu-.1nn1. J
1\1{, 21,~ B1\. El('c, k1!rhr 11 .
Nc1v l':trpl'I~. tl!n. ri n, fan1 .
rm. frptc. !'Ire 1::11·;"1~" rtr.
Open /1011sr 't1l M•lrl ~!15 J\n-
ni\·"r:<.1t)' Ln. NR ;;1.~·9 10~1
l'1·d li"ll'•' I~ \',L\';1111 ,l/J<I Ii•'
\\Ill p •• J ,111 J ••il r v1>~ls. \\'..:'JJ
~···· d ;.·1>Ur •1ual1r11•d on a
~~1 .. 1~1 ~.ii<'~ p t'il'(', (' • .II'
Walker & Lee
7f,~'.? F:rlin):!!'!'
~l:!-M:;., Open 111 9 P\r
Huntington Beach 1430
'.\E\V },\•'t:lll•le l .• U:\lll
!i<•lll!', 1/:1 J:f, >. :: J' I ·: I
~:u·. ,\·,~llllll' 1:1 "" r I
1 \If'<')( ' HI\ \ 17 '"''
Hunt ington
Ha rbour
1 t.'1 5
lt1!11l!. 3 r 1r ~ '"'"'' fl
'' J ·~, •. (/· .. _\ .s '' ~·11 -
.. ,1 1•·1 "" \\ l I•,,,
I· ·"" ' I J ·~" I 11!l·•1>
Harbour Riiy, 846-1 311 ----------
NEW 4 BR ~l Cf/1 C: .....
• •,I "I 11 , ,_ ·I
!'1 ' ,. \. ,,1,1 ''· '·,
.\ 111 iii, ii Ii' , o Hiol .,
, I t' I
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·"'''' .. 1 I :1 L. ·" "' I' "I i
Fo11 1111.11n \' dlo ·1, ••ii \\ u·,
1<11 ! 111 I,, 1! !1 I! I
• 11 ll .'° i I. 111; ,! 111! ' I
'.It,~ .. 'I~·'·
11 "tll !>
Out Of State
~·--• I 1dl 1'1 ,
.\C. [),,. h1",1"
t;l,1!1. Tn1 , 11.
lak•·. :-.l:,: liu11•,n · I
\t'"1H\<'1!1, 1; 11-!I
Laguna Beach
FOH ~\I l:
I •HI•
'' '1
ii,\. I
.Jt 11 I •·+I I\ II
pan• 101!, i1 !1, .II t •
n11~· 1u1Ul·r v .,\. or r .11.i\.
1·1 .. r.:11..;. Thn·(· 1.it•cll'oun1~.
111 ,, h;i l h~. t;11111!y 1w111, din.
111..: ;1 ~·"·' :incl built-in kil!'h-
f'll . ~par1ou~ rear t1v111i.: 1"V01U
11·11h f1 rt'p[:1rr. Carpl'lt~l and
~lnq1NI. L.u-gr c"Qv1•rrrl 1><1-
110. i<'ru·t~I .1 11r(i ;inti 11cll
J.1ndso<>1(Jot.'d (1 .. 11l and r!'<1r.
l'lt lf'EI 1 TO SELL J\T
Walker & Lee
2<90 Harbor Blvd. a1 Adam~
5-10.-9491 Open t i'.l 9 P i\!
2 bdf!ll
un11 at
con1pl. fu rn.,
$173, l n11nl"d.
Newport Beach 1200 Corona del Mar -'---"-'"-==-~
rhf'<•l1 ill!'.,,. f<•a turr.. llllJ-:C'
[,111111,1· ro.1111 1~1\h 11••1 lm1.<,
l1•1·ni.1I ~l u11•1~ 1'••111, g ;"11~!1 1n
k1tehl'!1, hur:" n1:istt'l' bdrn1
~\lilt', : h;,lh~. ,( p:diO._ ,\t
!;11'!'" ;.·u1i t ;di llll'l>·k fr·no·.-,J.
:l1.111v, 111.111.v 1·u~tu1 11 f<'nlill"
··~. 11 ,,,u an' Jo11l1111i-: r .. r
~•"ll!'lllHl~ l'Xl1';1 Jlil't', .\<l~
tl ii~ '1111'
S ii,.!' I f I 1· "• I• 1\ I"•
!•: •l"I'" I tll Inf' d I I ,
I '11.• ! <111 I "11 I I 1• " I
\ ,. ·' •, ~ 1 , 11 '. 11:.U t'.il I" 1111 I 1 •:I rn11
and 11 11·1·.v J1 • ' I .1' 11 .11111
ro•a r ·""'I· J 'I I • \ \
Ii l"l!I);. ! Ill•.~ \H! •I••
Brand !'.cw
4 Bnurrnm
Exe cutive Ho:;;e
tlii.-.: i.; , !1 • , ·I
l1o ,iUl•IHI
1'\l'I' •,• 'l •'' I
111 .. 1111\·. 1·1 l. I .• I 1
·'-'l'illll•·lo I
1!•••••r 11• I
UI 1••11"-I•
1 I••\\ 11 •,,
1''~•111 \
I 1f•·111 ••• '
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\1• 11 111'1'1'1:1>•.
11 1111 , h, Ir, 1. t• I 1 II',
-.11111• J1I f•q· ,, I
I'< ~· 11\ 1111 /''' I
l•M•l,111. I· I' •
11 c. la•nlll l<1I.
3 Cer.rn ···1 .i. cu
111 drrn
·• 11 11 s
111•1 "
' . "
~~~~~::~~----·I (.J'.\LY :S'.?3.91)'1. Th(: ;i ppraisaJ
i11 •ti lull pru'!'. \Vf'rr rc <1dy
!<1 J.:l> ~ Ac.·r NQ\V.
·• t
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11·. I .
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r:1r:c nab
( ·l1-8~35
l·.11·111!1~:~ c,,11 Ll lG--1~179
,,r 1111-. ,.,eC"Jl1·11t Fiii\ To.1n
:,1,•: .. ~1 :SJ:.!l pc'l' ninnlh TO-
TAL. 1 BIG. B!(; B~;0-
1:(1(1\t;-; ,\ !. qu,·rn ~11.e
h•<!li:--H;unbl1nJ: ln·1n)! roon1
1\11h 111;1-.-.11 .. f1r1·pl ;l(·P' Cnr--=-=-=.:.:.:.:.:.=:.::::::===I :,:l'•111 ... l'••l'J~·•" & .·11~10111 drap. ··~ 1hr1111ghou1' Cli<'•'ry kll«h-
1•11 ~.nd ht!'akfas1 1-.:1<Jlll ]l'ads
1,, l'»•l!lr:1Jly Jandscapi.•d r!'ar
~;1 rd ;1rMI ~prawJ 1ng COVEH-
J<fJ J '.\TIO~ .111.~1 gnrgrous~
~11h111i1 ~ 1011· as $-1,()f'M) du1vn
1 Ccr;::m cl :I Mar
."1"r~ ~
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i L ''·
"'"'" j I I. '.\1 l.1!
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I• 11
, " 4,l l' lry FllA nr V t\ 1~·n11~.
1 [~.::r7.1,-:i~ ~0~1 ~11~,~~,,~1 ~~'~
I ' ·~ r, I & { • • ' 1., l..:111 :€t O. ,i-.. 11\(;.-, Opc•n 1i\1 9 !'.\!
SHORECLIFFS t•·l•'-11t1
..,1 !•·II· I
H••lll ,
,·1ln111 1
" ' n l I J r ... ~.po1 t Cc•1t~r Dr.
r.:ewf')t'r t Be.::c11, Ca t.f.
1', I" CJ J.C700 641-143 :'.I \~".q•n1. 11.1~111· h•>lll1
'" " I
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l.11111-.1 .,,.,1 tro1 1 !·
\ d1 ' . ' '
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···d I
II• \'.•1
p ol
Prc s:i ~e livir:
In Mesa
~ :..::o ci~i<FA™Nw =
" I ' I I
II J!l1 •: IJt~!l·(•ol11S, :! l1,1lhs
/;J1!111y l1l1Hll ;111d
111111..: r1Jull1 1111 h
l•J•'ll lit· 1111t •11101;~
,·!l I 11" · ! 111 t•·i; !11 "i11.11·C'.
l ... u •· p;111,. ,, ~ ..i1JI.
l:·.Olll 1 ... 1r11l .. 11.
l."' d 1 \r!u~11, I~ w1 lh
'" 11111
ill 11,.· i. ..... 1 l',I
\ ,·q 11' I h" 1•1\111 ·
11" 1.1,,1· , l\;1':
1•:iri1 i• 11 ' 'I k''•
II l'V ' Ill '' ;\'
i ';o l'\•< Iii"' l'l I I
1'.nl!1 fl'!ilil 11 I 1
~ 11: , :: I"
1 1 I I 11 II 11 II I I
i.1 '
1! '
673-4400 ------" I," It ·11
1 $18 ,000 Full Price!
,, ,, ,, 'I II
1. '
:I'll' and 'p:1 r1 2 1 ... ·111·00111 on
l.11 ··,. I( 2 (_'(Jl \Nl•:I C ~:a,y
\\:ilk In ~IF•P[lllli;:'., ! ln11Tll
a nd .~• h1•1l. Y .. u h,,i~···11·1 ~·t'n
\.lill" l1k1· !hi .. '11\('f• l!J60.
:;;,, !JL'Ht:Y !ur 1!11s ni•w !1~1-
'I I , ll , • 1' 1· n I '
L1n•l-.1· '1"·11.
for Rent I
W.esa Vc'.•i ; 1 ,,,,,.~a~~~lrn~.:,s: t
IU1 lh~llt'd "r S",!'j, •~I I• !
111••. tu 1 nii::l 1•··t. 'l'l.1~ I
Jo wat1·d Ill lh•· 11{','IUI ful
u1111 ""1til>l1'\ n1;ht ,.,.,t ti\
th" \j,· ..... \' I• " (
('l11h. " '"' " ;u1d JM "I.
I 1' I
I I .I f'''' •'
',H d
t I 11
" 1•" i,,.. lilt.: , r t "'' > ' • •
1 I~. '" .'{... I I'• WE SELL A HOME
,. "·-' co W I k & L ---"~." 1 .. , :",I a21J.j, ~'~'"''" o •. ee
1.. ! t>~ii!!
• \' ,., 1111 1,ff I
\I 111 l1t·11. I on1pl1 I 1· I 11
,.,, I I I . .\1 l('Sl11· I
'I !i I
'iAr?r;:LL ?~55 He r be r
l ~'JE'.>T f>R ICE!
I\ ~
Investment Income
7 1·...:rr-:. l a~r 101 i::'.!-.;::!L""·
rnrnn 111 11u11d 'n10r" s~.CVO
t)1\11.~1· "111 i·H rr:.· 1.~1 TD
Wells-McC ardle, Rltrs.
1R1n ,,C',1 fl<Jl'I 1111·!1 , c .,\I. 5 Bedroom
Fi xe r U p.~er
Costa Mesa
I 1111 1111 I
De l ancy Reil l
) ~:-.~·~ ! " {
'• ' ';l'i-7~1 li·\l-1.~i/l l {'V!'S.
E 5.t.1 te
no 1)<11111 I•>\', 1~, J>lll "l"
l'ilMll\' • l'l'il ~f' H11H II l
h1111~t' ,111d \oHfll I• 1'•' "'I
on 1 .. p, JI ..; r•r" • I 1,, 1,·'I
llf'o 1111'.t' II -. I 11 ,•'ol ;ol .I
ti~> "llll<'r ldll· I • .!, 1
·'' ( 111 1 l7~.37;0 ----l h:! r·11ve!.I by
l\/,111 \Vc:l5.
" I. ·~ .I II
'' ·•·. !"'" "' ' "'
' "
ti t 1, ... , •••
.. l11ln11~. l1kl'·ncw r·pts, Jrps,
lilt.in~. ln~C' rovrr"d p.1tio.
On a 60x138' VIE\V lot. Clo~
In .. 1o·n1r111ary ~t·h'101. Fl IA
a pf'lt'fllSC'1I II! $27.10() -\'l'IS
U•I d11,
Fuller Rlty 546-0814
111. n l'•'JI lH·•li:•· ;q;.1111~t Ill· 4
fl:1!1on. &f' it. I Oedrm! +Guest Rm
Mesa Verde.
r.rini: nlonry _ huy hcaul. J
Rr. ,J. 11,1 t~asthl11H hnnn•
(".,nit. ho !!Pr than nr11. Fin
wa gs
2629 H AR BOO ELY D.
546·E6' D
Open Eveninqs.
till 8:30
11\ •• 11 s l'• . .-100
'" 1 I<' -J:/:,\J.TOr.s C7:i 16G2
,\, 1.\ .'l0.1G 1·" C"'"~1 lh1 y .. C'tl:\l
1.;, • "' •' 'I I •
TAR BE LL 2911
H.J rborj 1" thfl worrt fnr lh1~ 3 Br.
l.ll' II h 1Jnll1f' $,\(l •>f)O •
·'' : I
' '' 1 I · • 1' George Willia mson
I 1'"•1• -HE1\LT01l
! •Lil, 1ti!•i""•n 67J .J$1 1':\"i'"'.'11: I '11 ,,, ' .
I'' I l'tr • !1'1'11.•"' ' I l1n ' ti 11111'
E:-:qu1s1lc hon1e in prestige
;1rl'11 of N ewport Jleights.
J•ru1u1·111g ·1 large bdrms,
~..:paralc dining roon1 & love-
ly rC'ar yanl. Conic Sl'e this
fQ¥-1;1.!!til REAL~ COMPANY * 642-1771 Anytime *
Located JUSI a short ~2 hlock
froin ocean, this i1n1na<'. in.
\'C'l>ln1e111 p1'0P. has 'l. bdrn1~.
du11 n, ;1 bdrtns. up. Gas
buLll·1ns in kitchens. d;1!'k·
roont 111 owners unit. 011·0.:rs
may a ccl'pl your trade.
ljJ,500 1s 1t rcaJ George
pr\c(', Conl<' SC'e.
llDOiff Eastside C.M. REALTY 8 <':'.l.llttful :: bd rn1 :.! bath 20'l5 \V. Balboa, f\'B ti<:i-W'O hon1" 1·on1p\e1ely redi'.'C'orat-?-l.t3 ~:. Coasl. Crf:ll 1;7;1..{i(ILo "d. El<'<'l n~ buil1-111s . .La rg!' _______ _
h1·1ng zuon1 \\'Ith firrplace
also rrerration room beauu.
fully panelled. Garage doors
built for cainp<"r. ExU'a 20x
20' bldg.
18!10 Nc\1"porl 13Jvrl., CM
CALL 646-3928
C.\LL EVf:S. 6·12-0lS:i
Priced Reduced
'.\EAR i\£\V-heautiful Foun-
1.1111 Vall"y home. (},•,:ner
~ ·~s. ".\ly loss i:< your
~<1u1.'' :l hdrms 2 baths. new
upi:n1tl1'tl caqwls & draf}-
'1 irs !hrou<:;huul. Cot11f'r
J.,1 -bna t ar<'a , f>l'i('!'ll al
~;:1 .:iOO. hul IL·t's try $~MJ.:J()(l.
I ll\V ;11"' 11 1u 1;1!'!.'." loan.
:-.J::\\1 -i\1::\V -NE\\1•
(ne~r c1nem~ thutn!)
LLEGE REALTY 1500 Adami al Harbor.CM
Coty Cott age For 2
Darling. 11nmacula1r homr
on large R-3 lo! 4 J\lost con-
venient lnca!1on -c·lo~r lo
1ilh :;:1. Shop ('n1r. 1-'l'nr"d
yartl, l't'ar alley a('('i'ss lor
boat 01• lrll tler. Sl ~.:..00.
~!'~!'.~,,~,e:,fl~" ~
642-5200 ~--
l111ag1nr a '1 bi-droo111 'J. balh
hon1e for only s2:i.5W. [...ari;:c
r11joynbl" b:ick yard 111th
fan1ily ~i7(' p;i11•1. 1\5SUl1\C
ex1su11g r1nanru1g 81 Io 1\'
:\~,·; lnh•rrs1 r;11t•. 011ner
·WJJI aJsu ~rll FllA or \'1\.
•l!on11• +-Jncon1r ~ l .. 11111•
FIND. Older but eharn1ini::
l101n~ In choice ar>·a. Ovi•r
200o lrf'I. l..argc l1v. rni.
\\lih J.,P plus dr n \\'l lli FP.
forn1al clin1ni,: 1·111, hit _ 111
kili·hen 11·111; brkfst nool~
Prck of bay /ron1 i\1 a~h·r
BR SUI!>'. lns1dr ut1ll ly
flOl'l'h. $35.000. ~·111. ;\\';ti.I.
AgL !l6'.?-'.! 121 or 6 lt-2'.'HO.
OCl::AN vic11', clo~c 1 n
Harbor 111 al'!'.i . :J BR 2
bath, all clt'{'\1'1r k1tchl'n.
llUJ:f' patio 11ilh rl('r an ,·icw.
F!'r silnpl<' -root lease hul\I.
Pr1ttcl <il S~)·\.!100. For Ill·
.c;pccllon call i\lark Lt-s,
Costa i\lcs.:1 l11\·cs1n1ent Cu
~~l.~-i71 1 ;inyl 11111•
J)r=-cn brs !hi~ hl!lll•' on csl llr
size lo1 .. J Gdrlll~' r .• n1il.v
ri11 . din. 111 , :.1 1 • h.11!1,;,
111.-... c1
675-4130 675-1642
~'OHI::CLUSU llI::
1 RR , 3 BA To1vnhousr, pool,
Ullin~. NC'rd~ \\'Ol'k·llS l~
~2SA7'.l. Brnkrr f>·lG-0732
Bluf'f.~ pl'l!ll<' on Ba.v locat ion.
2 bclrs. s:m.500 CaU 6·H·2:/:i:J
Newport Heights 1210
.1 !3drrn & lanHly rn1, L~"
J1v. rn1 .. ston" frpl_ \\ IV
•·pis O\'{'f Jhv fir~. \\'r!l krf1t
Gaa Jr11 ~r rruu:. $'.!.~.Of:<!
()l\';\'J;f: BHlll\El~
:1 11\~(;E hi·,~· •In.'.! Ba, fr11lc.
hlln" < l'J•L'. 1lq1~. 'i~i()flfl rln-
llllllf'·lll, C.1S•'Y I: I I) .
G::; .... ~J ·1 2.
Newport Shores 1220
cus1 ~ BR Jl 2 nA Co111pl rr e Jt l'..:DUl'E\) ~.\fK'\rJ e
you ll!'('1( a gro ;it 1.1111 '1 y
:"\'ra1, ··lt'a!l 3 fl(\_ll'O(lnl n
fr'" ,;lr ps from \\'rstelirf
~hopJ1ing. -Rig yard 1v1th
/nut !rres S2R,950.
i11·p~. t' !'. Ucan1 c·c1I.
rt 0 Crr~n111· 1il1'. :!
,,,.,. d1>t. r;ar. 1110: 111111 alt
S7:1 nH1. Platl.~ ·1 n1on• unit~
l1rin1!'. s•·(· lh1s onr: Li,:r . l1v
1·111. pin~ J1:P. p:11·1 .v n n.: 1
Hi·. 3 Ha .. kil('li. hl !·1 n.~. \ '~
Blks. to hear-Ii. F!'!' .<;1111pl".
1•: :t ~ y
T f' r !ll s s:11,:i00 .. ~16.:il'JO F.qt1 1ly Sl~1.:11JO, :IL1y
5 Bedrm. -3 Bath
Pool -$26,950
l'Ol1~1<1rr lr:.,lc.
e O\VNER 61&--7S4!le
Dove,. Shores 1227
I rreplacable View of
Orll.v a r .. up!1• of l1iocks frnn1
C"runa B,•a1·h t h1~ ;·har1n•·r
\\'ll li pt<g::<'d hnrd11onif fl()l)1 ...:,
n1oi:!e111 k111 li1•11 .011d ~ hrd.
n10111s. 2 ·~111ils and l;untJy
l\.ltfJ ll -~r;,:11~1.
Largc fn1111ly ·I heiln~untrlrn
11·11h 1111n1n1um , .. ,,.,, ):orrl
a uc! IO\I' pl'lr(' ar ~ li.~IOO ;U\Ll
you •11\!l !hr land'
Hal Pinchin & Assoc.
l .U\'J:J.\" :! Bl~. 1•, B1\ hu1n1•
w/".:, •·:o r l!dl'. ,\ J'f•n la! 111
r!'a\'; on ~ lots. s.-.;;.ooo t:.1~11.
,\dJ;1e!'11t 1111 11\.illa blr. J.1\'
O\\'N~.!t. 67:;-~0:-:1. ---Jl;J:.\V l1n1nf' 22S (;,.lol1•111'!1il
,\~k n1p S7~t.:•JO l'hn11"
1\7.\.;«,s f11r 11ppl
\I!'\\. \'.,di !11 11.111
t';ll I" Ii i' , lo 11 I : -I 11 ~ ,
Ill"• 11111 •• " J:r '1111111.
I ~ d It~. \ niql•·' , 1•11 11·1 1 1, , ..
Cl)'! .. '.: Ji1)\ ,I: •. I ,\ :-
ll '· \'' ,,,l,1;., ;1! 1 <" 1,
'.\I I I' ;1 11\ :1 I',
i'I \ .:(~,(,
! ·':
--r·r1 ·1 "Tli.\·1 1:.:··
842-1418 Anytime
$1S,9SO TPn ll h :: Bd 1·•n '!.11.•lio. V \\l)O' lr n<·•·.l Ii .,.,.,
1,,, 11
,.,1.• '' ·'"I'''
''" ' I ;.,T <l<1u\ol.-"11(,0;:", t;·h·1·t1·1,-
hu1ll·lll r:1111::1', ,.,, , 11. d1~11 . ',,'' 11 • /" •11
I , ll \ I•: 1 I I' ~· I • ·, 1 I
\\,L!-.l\<'I\ !.IJ'[l<I~, dt".•I"~· 1,1,1 p ,,,ltlJ' I l•~lj ''I
S2;11~1 rnul'•1-1n -11•1 utl1• r Pl \(' \1.1'\' : 11."I-•
.... ~1---
., HAl;DYMAN'; • ~!ijlJjjQUIGft'J 1 ·"f><'('..•!' \ I ""!IP ! -, ~
962-4411 'i::: I Sll0-810l ·' i ... I' I.. " I '
1 " I I
LIKE NEw-[ · , .. ' " I':' ' I I (
1·,'Jui•llt• .~ !"!1·111 '2 h.1'h '11"-•lf 1,, 1 \I 1 1
B··l1•·1·,-. llH', f111• fill<; .•h.-11 fl
Fr 1n1 ,.,.,,11 F•111 •11.1111 11-.111• I \-illi"7-I· 1 -\
r or 1 .. 1, 1·p1 .. rllfl". -rnnf..· 1· i (,,I • 11
, ll I• Ii I'• \\ h I" ' 1, ,.. .I.; J.,11 1111, ~ I I,\ /•1,11+. I I I I ,
\ I I
• I .I ,1,1 I I • ~ , t1ra1 , 11 !•.• .11111, t l11Jy '\.;'2:.1•1. .~111111 1 ,i,, 11, lo.d . \ ' I• 'I
Harbour Riiy, 846-1311 \I! du··.;~!''· i:rr·I, ,.
' '' 1_1 11 I; -!1 -$19,950-ls The Price-------1 ~' ! I' '..' I I . I • 11' I
-----------1 li•111w Tod .ii p.<~111('1o!~ on ;i
d L .di ( ,,. ,J,o) 1 .',.
0 111<• 111 ' I ._I Linda Isle 1306
L l"-'11,.\ !'I" l••I I.ii' :;al•· IJ.v
n11 nrr. $:\~.<H I plu...: lo ·a~1·
rm ;.n1r ... r 51.~1 11 P<r ''""'
:-Iii', ·'P•" ii)' fur 2 f;f) hn;d~
!'.I /-'L 11:1ir•rfr1111I . ,\[JJHUll'd
plun~ inclL1(lrd.
r.c r,1,1 •• r
Lido Isle 135 1
Ci.;"11111111~ :\ r.· ,\ • 1,1,
11·•111•« F.to.. 1111 rrrl. ,,
111~11' •1111", l 'l''i\111!'1·•1 th
, . .,,. ~·. ' 111•
.Tli7 \'111 I.id"
r 1;1~. r:1111t1.1· 1 n• 1 1, 11 11
,\ a k1I• l;1•n !t1 • 1111' 111
Ill l•'I o•ll 11 iLl1• ~Ir! i ·I
1>11,dil \ 1·11 n •l l''ll I ti
Walker Rii y. 675 ·5 200
:r:r;,; \'1'1 L1•l11, ,,ll •l1w11 :-.1111
Thl•'l' 111 ,,!,\ b..:d l1•1IU hOlllf"
l'ilh p1t r .~· .~IL!•. l't1J•1il
fron1 ~I !~'.'iflll \\'11)10111 p11•r
A:. ~11 r. Sl l.\llOO.
Wa lker Rlty. 675-5200
l~.11i \'1a Lui". i\H_ f)r1"11 :-iun
hi •1 1 !: f i'f."111 I.~ ~J.1 ! IJI I
Ill'" Ill{ l11il1 ' .i ll. llH;'. .. I' 1.
r.11;111~. I :,1r.1 L:in~,. Fi 11<, I
hr1!·l1 ,1.11·•t lor 1111• f..1d!> pill~
"/'I 1,v I lo« I"'" I il'l''I I /''I I ''
,11·•·.1 :0'11l.1n1t )Ulll' ~11 .. dl
1)1 10\ ti fl.(.\ tllf'l'I
Walker & Le e
11 •2 I (11l•·rr
~ 12 11 .. , ti1,,,,, 111 '.1 r·· r
Iii, 1••
1111•:. Ill. I IT!"' o\\' I l .1t' '
.,1, 1 • 1 d d·1Ld•, ,11 I ,
Laguna Niguel l 7V7 ' ----Laguna Ni')uc.I Trrr.
:\r 11 -, I 'I I
'""'"' 'I "' Iii I
('1•'lwt< I,
111'11 111 ·nl
'" I 1•·
1 I '•''' 'l • 'iC I I '
" ' '
'· 11 1l
" .
Lagunu t'1 1g ue l Coro.
I '
J111' l•1, "I l•I 'lil~Uo!"11·t i'!\\11
I ! I'· l 'oo:!Jim•n I 9112-4471 t ~:.'.' I ~46-S lOl
1:y \J\\\l•.I: /:di II, J !,,,,
f.11:1 1·111, 111111, d, 11 "I' :
• 1111 If ,p1-.,1 1 I I ) I 111 •1 ( •11
!'Il l-do• ,;,.· ,\, .i1· ' ' Ii I ·
lirlo1 111•11 \' ( '•11 nnh·1,.)v
f• 111 ·1·.J ,1 I t11 1• '"'!"'IL i,, ..
111;11·' ~· ,. ;11 ~I 1\'l _,,., li•'J
Cw11''. .~Ill fllil"I '.11,,~-i-,1; !
\ ~· ' " I,
For Su l~
~'I' t I'
""' ''""" 1.'•,.
I 11 I
I.· 11 I ·'
l '/;)J
FOUR STAR Reu t~y Parking for )·our boat ,f..: 1rai].
f'l' too! 11.ich 1voocl pan!'hnh
halll'ISCJ1ne twc11kla.~t liar,
f1rrplaf'r. Lovely f 1('Sta pool,
2 l\I: Un1qnC' "olrl \\Orl!I'' conlt'lll· /\T T I\ ,\ C 'l' I V I·:
li•·n1"'l'•l1 •ol Ch 11" r ,1111 , .• 1
ry l}!l' Joan . f\o pu111r.~
$1.»,:ro T'lul S u l l iv H 11 .
V :(,1111, .! ,1.,ry, 1 hh·11i 1
111111 r \r,•111111• ho111!' l'o1··-
rn~l rt111 n11. g:1111i n kil1·l1,
2~1 0 ·"'I Ir. '''t'••I '""nl, ti~.:.rJi.l
j',) \1 I " 1 ... ' ....
1·•' 1t" I '" ' '
II you 11·ant privacy & yet
l'los(' lo :-chool.~ & shopping,
11!' have-a large & beautiful
J::~rcu!iv" type home \1·i1h
'1 bdrn1s 21 ~ baths, large liv-
ini: roon1 ovc-rlooking: a hC'a!.
1•d ,(· f1ltrrrll pool. As~unlr
11. 5'~"~ loan. CaJI today lo
21.JJ I !11rhor Blvd., C.M.
l::vc-s. 54:>-49·11
3 bdrms 2 baths. lnnnacula1!'.
2 rrplcs, outslancling lighted
yal'\'.I wirh custom 36' heated
pool. Lo\/cly built-in kitchen,
clish\\·a.shcr. 2 blocks lo shop..
ping C!'nter, Asking S-11,500.
~-J(fll Baker. C.:'-f . 546-5440
Buy Of The Week
D<>l1ghHul honi,.. Oil larg,.. R·2
lo! with room for more units.
Sll,300 -10'1;, and owner
11"ilt 1'arry at 71~'/r> \\'ilh no
lo.a n cos!
3 BR '.? b.-11h horn!', corner
lot 130x!SO • a1lrl 3 more
units. Drive hy 154:i Sanla
Ana Ave. 1hrn call
ilania £ralty
Costa M•sa 1100
Lo\\'!'Sl pnct'd home 1n Mesa
cl<'I r-.1ar. An appealing 3 bed-
room 2 bath shingled roof
beauty. Home rK'\\'IY painted
on outside. Ca!'J>C'tS and
drapes in exC"e::en1 condition.
Call now for a sho\1-·ing.
• I ' •,
l.()\V OOWN -SUB:\1IT
Driv" by 919 croar. CM &·
rnll ir inl!'f't'S!rd. EXCF.J_,.
L~:NT F'INANCIN'C: -s1::i.ooo.
5~;. ~:,, FllA loan you c11u 11..~
i::11m!'. f'AY~I F.NTS LESS
T!IAN RENT_ BILL S:-.111_,.
f;Y, Rlt r. 616-9666, 612·22'21.
R-2 sn1oll 3 Dr,
rCnc('(I. Lo1v
J-'!1'1 1aXf'~.
~.1s.:,f)1 I
I~"· lot
pu1',11·~. t'\('C\llJ I•' h1 \lll)
hnn1r. :'.llOO sq . r1. '1 BR's.
·1 '~ BA -·-mriids fl fr~. l<1<'<1 I
fnr Pnh'rla1n1ni;:-. Ea.~y n1a 1n.
ln1mrrf Of'Cup. Furnish('(!
S178,000. Assu111r 612'• Joan.
Bnx 16.12 NR. :i·~·i'2 19
W1stcliff 1230
Two Separate Wings
i\1astr r, r:1 n. <!en. Bl kit
Break fas! rn1., ~ B(!, in o1hrr
wini;: • bc!\\'C('n lu."(·inu.~ LR
& din. rn1 . Tns11I. $69)1)'1
R. C. GREER Rell lty
33:15 Via Lido 673·9.100
Universi1y Park 1237
In addition 10 lhc 3 lgr.
hf!rms., !his horn" orfer,<; a n
1:rx.10· "bonu.~ roo111"
ideal for 1"Ct:. room or could
ea.~ily tw• n111.di-inlo 2 addi-
tional brlrms. Frplc., hll-ins
&-2 baths. CM·nrr lca\/ing
U.S. and has pnN'd it rcal-
illt1cally at $34,950! \\'ill con-
sid!'r c·onlract sale, lea.'le-
op1inn or \\·11! c:arry 200 T.n.
Huntin~~each i400
Hr•!·;iu.'" ,,r fa mily prohlP1n~
lt11 s h1111 l•• '' 111 fnreclu~urr·.
J]H\\(·1 r1·, 1111~ is nul 11lc u~.
1.al 1,\ f)(' Ill h11n1 r ~·ou l:nd
Ill fo 1·1·1']1!~Ul't' h1 '!'ill!S(' tl1 is
h•1n1f• 1~ l11111H1<'t1°:1l (•ly kept
fllHI has t'llSllH'il ~IJ';'\f'tt'S anrl
h,.a1111!11l 1•.i111(•11111:. Thi.~ 3
yca1· old hon11• 11 ffl•1·~ J big
brd 1wn1~ ~ halh...: a 11d a
11111!" fan1ily kitrlll'n. !t also
h:is a lnrkt~ ll'1'1·gul:or yard
l'llh 1·01•1·n •d pa 110 T1n1r i.~
or lhr f':<~t·r11·1•. This homt0
1:;; prw"d :11 rOl:k 00110111 to
save 1h1' <"1'nC'r's C'N'dll, To-
tal prier s:tdY.-.0,
\..'.',hli (;n\d4•n \\'1""
I lt1nt 1 ri{.'.1'1n H!'rtrll
4 Rclrm.'l/:? !'itory
Nf'1v rp!;f1 n1nl. ru1-dr·~'1C
Pa ul Jones Realty
S l~.1~11; I·"'· !'ll:l-~2X
Ha\/e openings for 4
Rea l E sta te Sa lesm en
in our new office. Ca ll
for appointment.
R. 0 . Slates, Realtors
5J6-88D I
o1 .. 1..1 •. J!I 1,1, 111 I •
\ /\•, 1 o!. l I 1.
l'<•l 1 111
:-; •. ,·11p1
!:•·" h. \' 11 I•
Hou s~!. F urnished
-----..---..-..... IS.!UU. " .'. IJI ', u
.\ 2 ~~rr . .'~Ill sq II. ! UI:,:; 11/l)<f,il iliM •I;, .\1i1·I'
B,\_ \\.di; 1" heach .~· .~l'honl.
::;,..JI :d f l!,\ Hf'fll':1is;ol Con~idcr ~n1a llrr llo1n•' 111 Rentals to Share~
!!'ad~. 9~12 ll11dsnn J)r . Jt1.,l.J.\l\LI·: \\1 1:11,.:
11.B. X2-7•13:i 11~:•' 2.'i 1,. ,\.•In ~11111 11•1 r 1
V.A. Loan Assumption r 11 nrt .. rn1n111n1 11 /11111 ii':
"1lh $·1.000 Total Du1\·11 pay-1n.,J11cr & r!:i11 ·Ii' .,. 1•
in~nt for this 6'. ;i11n11a! ~1 00 Ill•• i11('I, 11 1i1 I•, \ r. I. loan i.~ $15'.' :-..n h•1h l1·n ·~is-;·:1;~1
•"n.'i!S, ClC'flll :: rl Pd1ilfl1ll. l ct'cf.c.,c1-AcLclc:-:c.O~,-,,-,-,..-.-~ I "
r!'.1dy f1\l' 111Tllp11111y Tll'r. i :i\witli .'i,lll;r l'1•t I'
,.-:01i::rou~ hall•~. c,1rp1•1 ~. i\hi~! hk•• 11 .. 1 .... •
1lr.1pri:: throughn11!. l~111 hf(·
,1:a1':l rr . T,1 .1 p.d111~. Clo~c
In ~l'ilVo>I and !ihupping, S!.·c-
1ni:: 1~ lll'l i••\·1111:
L.\ti\' ''' ·I• 11-,. ).I t Kr. l'l'I\ l1 1•h I 11
•h)' pr11 l·l l-•1 "
WE SELL A HOME Balboa 2:'.i:.O
EVERY 31 MINUT ES ------
walker & Lee LEASE, F URN l£'1E !J
r r•r 11l,ll1a .. r, I
if>.~·~ Erl 1nr,rr
~ 12 415."· Drwn h) !'l r~.f
ST ILL rnont IH'll' f<)I' s1.f'( •! '
I 11"' {lhl1·1· ho1111• in:i kr.~ 1'""1
1~·111 un ('.I t.•Jla·d l11iin1·.
.lu~t 11 !f l'i<';1rh lllvd, CJ·<'a t
r~i:.sd1il1 11 ' \\'11!r 1111"11 !• nns,
Rex L.' Hodries, Rllrs.
'11: ' '
" nr·;it.
1:1\ 11 .ll~
irrr, r m 11 ~hf!" .. ,.
,,1 ....... \ 11 • .:1" •'
' " 111,j .. ~ ... ,
~' H!' 3'1' i•f<'li!.•r
)'' j.J>l!ll' 11'1 l 11
' ' \ ,
...... •:•-...,..i .... ' -~ ... ---... --.....--... ' -' ' . .
.~N 1Al..S
Houses Furnis.hltd
. . •' --..--:
Tl.l!'5da~ <kt~ fl 1%~
: ' t f' ,. t t f' .. 'f
t-touMt Untumi1h.d -~A~·~·~·~· ~F_u~r_n~;~•h_..t~--l-~A~ptc;.:s..:_cF_u~r~n~l~·h~>od~--Apt1. linfumish1d Apts. Unfurnith.d -~G~e~n~·~·~•~I ____ _
Lido ltle 2351 Univef'tity P•rk 3137 Cott• Meo 4100 Balboa Island 4355 Cos-ta M.a 5100 Huntington Bffch 5400 Bu1in1ts R1nt•I 6060 Bus. Opportuniti .. 6300 Bus. Opportunities &JOO
NE\VLY De<-, chttrtul. 3 BR,
211 BA. Furn. \Vinter rental.
12\3) 691-1932
Lc &.~r: :. Br. ~·, b 11 .
11)1111h01JSC'. !'ir. S<'l\OOI. $300
~ BH. 2'i ba . .\.Int loc. s.;:'l • Furn 4 BR, 3 BA. Con· ino, fno lt!a.'-l·t
temp, ne11iy der. Bl tns. Ava11 R•.J Hill f{,,,.111 lC~JJ
now. )'parly. (714 1 fl:!·l-il09 C::~C.::~'-'-'------'-
Houses Unfurnisshed
General 3000
F-· INWflM'( ... GIJ.W.NTHD :i=:1 a£SIDOOl.U-IUSIMESS ur.-rtOCMMAn S8VIC(
•n '#. ltt~. Co•f• "'""· us..tlll
Corona del Mar 3250
:! HR, 1 ll.-\, pn pallo, l11un-
r!ry roon1, car. Adults only.
$1 8.i. Call •»"f's aJtcr !.t & on
"kl'nd~ 67~r77::i8
·I RR. hon1r 1'>'/pool
pannran1ic \'11.'\\''. pr 1 v.
bcHclit·s. Agent 673-2'122
4 BR. 2'~ Ba. duplex. 1200
!"q. ft. Bltns, dishwasher,
frpl. s:jll() il!r>. lense. 54(}-7573
-Huntington Beach 3400 CLF'.A.-.; :1 Be1!n.-ion1, 1 Bnth.
n1rc ari'il. ! rn in c ci 1 a t •' ;: BR. 3 B.a condo ...... ·a!rrtront
pu~sr~~1011. HPao.onablc ~J!}j Hunt. Harbor 1,·Hh 32 ' sl1r.
nionlh. t<'n111s court & pool $400 mo.
\\'1\Lh:t:R ,r,, LEE lrtt.Sf' 8~6-2'.r.r.
:'.<~ !!arbor Bll·d. al fldll ms, 3 Bil, 2 Ba, frplc, !}('II' crpt~.
.'>.i:.,..0-161, Op<>n nll !J P~I & <lrps, near school &
IYORKJNG Couplt', (')ran & ocean. OR :.:-J87l or t'\'C~.
q1nrt, 11· -ap!. T a l s c <l LI .~0200.
(·l·-"-1"'.'"''"' do• '\'i~hr~ 1 "-"-"'1 • " " "' ~ 2 BR d11plcx. $1;.i(J. .l\r. Hntg
or 2 lir. Unfurn hse, or apt. JnTcrConim. II 0 ~ p 1 ta J.
Hl l\0C'\\Tl(lfl Beach. C.tl! • ~:!.-ii!'17S al! 6 pin ,1 kdys.
J11i;:. Br h. !Prt>I. .l\ov, l J
Sl \j..SIJO. 842-3716 SPARKLJ:-;~ nanch 4 Bil,:!
ha, S'.!?O. In1n1('d Occup. 517.),-:: BR. Large yrl. SIOl'C', !J6S---{;2Jj 11.ftcr 5 P'.>f
<ll'p~. Children 0 .K. Bkr. I -=-"'.:.C~"'-'-~--fl.14-6~8() 4 BR To11·11houSf'. Near lwac·h.
2 ponl~. clu\Jl\ousc. LEASE. ~J.\S. 2 BR. 11i Ba Town-;,J&-l797
llou~. Patio, R I 0, ,,. II',
drps. Bkr :~1-1-6.~
Costa Mesa 3100
LARGE 2 BR plus den, 2·ear
garage, pool, largl:' f('nted
Harbour 3405
3 + STUDY. Sharp. Lease
11 iih op1 1on. Asking $4001 mo.
FOUR STAR Rlty, $J>4412
yard. Tf'('('-!1ned s lrC'l't, Fountain Valley 3410
\Vestcl1U shopping. 4 !'1.1 ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
l'lo"•rr SL $'.1:5 { Z I 3 }
374-SJO.l BEAUTIFUL 2 Story ::
homr. E:>:· 4 BEDROO~l u11furn1~hrd.
BuilLu1s. !n111 !r!"es, ('i.tl (iP.
sar lo!, $2:'1 ~r nio.
I ncludi 11g: g<ordf'rn!C !J!lOne
S2~ BR_, 2 BA, bltns, crp~s-.
f('ncrd. \\'alk 10 st hls.
L<'asr. 5'1Cl-8To'.J.
bPdl'OOITI 2 balh
"'~!lent area. Near school.
$22~/monlh. 1 ~car lease.
A~k for /\rt, S-!7-JJ19 or
!100 SQ It 3 BR 2 haths,
lai·i;e t1pstair5 honu! roo111.
\\';,lk to tkn1rn!ary & Hi
~<'hool t'am1llrs on J y
S27.i/mo. A~t ;J l!i-41 ·11
$30.00 Wk. Up 2 BR. 2 BA apt. 100' .from $160. J BR, frplc, patio, STUDJO Apt, :.! HR, 2 BA, at FOR lease -deluxe ~ro-
• S!udio & 1 Br Apt::. beach. S22J yea.JiY. lease. crptd, drpd, garage, adults. bellCh. Adult,,. :.!19 15th SL Jessional bldg. Only $4;tl per
e Kitchen &-TV incl, ~ 289 Ogle, C. f.l . TI4: 5'18-8301 ·=N='=·='~· =H=B======= mo. Suitable for many OM!'!!'. e Phone Serv1C'e & Pool or 213: 592-5227 1870 Placentia, C.tlt. Call
• P.laid .service avail, Huntington &.•ch 4400 $275. 3 Br + guest hse. Pool, .Tc"o'o'c;";:.. ___ • __ c5:64::::01 ,o'"°":.,::c·'__:'94-:..:..0l:.:.:n.:__ ___ _
~ ~Da~. ~·eek & b1ontl!. • QUIET & BEAUTIFUL bltns, Yi/w •• drps. fami.ly & THE: ASPENS ~-l'Olll:: lor lease, 1:«1 sq. 11.
230 6 Ne\\ port Blvd. 548·9T;);) 2 BR 1 1.1 ~ 1.,00 ,_,_ml_",,.._1_0_.K_._s_1a_'3_><9SO___ 15652 William St. Oceanfront at Newport Pier. , poo. u 1 I'"'· ~ mo., ~7566 l BEDHOO!ll large. Ideal !or Adults only No pets 17676 $130 '1 BR upper, b!lns, crpts, Tustin's prestige address
bachrlor . Pool. $125. 1993 Cam('ron, 8-i7-1125. • clr1}5, no pets. 568 \V. \Vd:!Dn Adult llvini;. no pets
Ch11rch St. :-~8-96.13 ~·c"c·c'-'-'-"c._160c. ------Shag: carpr1~
Orange County 4600 2 BR, cp1 s, drps, bllns. Ulll Total air cond:tionini:
N I B n. "200 ~ !I" • 1 I Un lurnishC'd ewpor eat • SINGL~' ,,,., I 1~.. :v_ "1 i.J ts, .no !'*ts --~--------1 · c.. avw!s, uxury g~r· "549-2627, 96S-17·10 Gymnasiun1s & Saunas
!\C''l'fXlr1 &ach den ap!s, '1'/lull f('creat1on -----c·-----Aparlments ll'Om Sl'.lO
GRAND OPENING laciliLi1's & ('Ompl('t~ pri. $!1J Per niu. 2 BR. 1 sn1a!l For information &rK.l687
IMMEDIATE vaC'y. s..:iu1h Buy Club Apts. child OK . No pets. B!t-1ns, 277 So. Brookhurst, Ana. C'rpls, drps. 53S-941ll. All 5. $1~0. BR/IND NE\\'!
OCCUPANCY SPANISH VILLAGE heim (71 4) ':Tl-4::.c(I 1 BR, ~aragC', apphune('s. l & 2 BEDROO~S Lu.~ury gaNc n apartments Crpts, rlrps. Qui('t a(!ul\s. .-rrer111" rompl•I" p~i"~"y Air t."Ond. Panellrd 1va.J ls, g"' ' ... ~ .... ' '"" · Garden Grove 4610 $1 25. 2.5ro Orang('. 548~1360 bcau11fi.tl Landst"ap1ng &: Un--·-----------' fin:-d BBQ. Open bcil.m tcil·
p:irallr!c<l I'l!cre~itiona.J factJ. SINGLE: Adu 11 s L lL~ury ings. Private pa1ios &
J/i('S H1 a rounrry l'l ub a t· gan!rn ap!s .,.._, 1 1 h eoun· Newport Beach 5200 baleonir.~.
n.iospllt'Te. l't'ow leasing in try club amln:-;phcrP ;:inti NE\VPORT BEACJl Vtlla VILLA VIENT0 N~wporl Beach. -C<Jmplel~ prlVal·y. SOUTH Apt. E.~tlusive :st-ct1on !u:-:. 34~, \V. !sf. Tusj1n 8.'lS-~5:ID
t urnishcd or unfurn1shrd P./\ Y CLUB APTS 13100 I I 1' d 'I 1 1 9 ury 1111ng; arge 1C'ah' l' ~ cs open an1 lo 9 pm Chapm1111 AVI'" Gard" n ~ , P..cnts f m S\55 t 1310 c . rn4 ,,~., .,n~o pool, I enrhousc V 1 e \1 ,
OA'"Kwoo' D · "r0'" 1 ...........-.-;u.; :'ipaeious 2 BR, 2 BA, '''ct
D•na Point 4740 har, fr1ilr, all elcc, crp1s, GARDEN drps. Adults, no pe1s. $325
I BR \\'/pool. Lease. No 1110. \\11'~tC'lirf Villas, No. 8. APARTMENTS children. $\a.i Phone fi.12-2~96 for appt.
1700 6th Stl'C'l't * 499-2055 * Dl'.:Ll:XE :; BR 1 ba. Yearly
Ill: &12-i'l170 RENTALS lsc. All bit-ins, rL~hwshr.
$30 WEEK & UP Apts. Unfurnished Lari;e I.: bnght. \Valk to heach. Avail Nov. :i $2~.
1 Br, 2 Br, Bach, !\laid ser. General 5000 <2131 ~;,255 or 622-9193.
Laguna Beach 5705
$ISO l BR, 1' ~ Il,\. Crpts,
drps, bltins. View of o<:ean.
\\'alking dis tance lo tC•l'>'!l.
Also furn Bachelor, ve!'y
large, $170, 4!J+.24·19 or
Dana Point 5740
Air Conditioned
Desk spar(' available 1n
newest offire bt;llding at
prime location in down1ow11
Laguna Beach. Air condi·
lioned, carpe1ed, beautiful
cnlranres: Frontage cn
Fores! Ave., rear leads to
J\oluncipaJ parldng lots. S50
per n1onth for space-. Desk
and chalrs available for $J,
Business hours answC'ring
~l'rvice avaiJ11ble !or $10.
All ut.i.Hti<'s paid CXC€pi
l\JODE:RN Air <..'Ondltioned
:o>uite, 17th Street, Costa
lllesa. Over 700 .liCJT.tare feet,
$2-10 per month. Parking -
1.-oflce room j a n i t o r
S('rvlce all u:ilities in-
\'ll"(', 1V & pool. BACHELOR apt, employed
THE BAYCL!FF VENDOME flrl ult or1Jy. ~7:i. 1216 \V.
cluded. Phone lllr. Rife
DELUXE 2 Bil. 2 RA, oce;in 6-12-!lfiiO
Vll'\V, Htd pool. Lease, [t('L~.1 ~c::-;:;~..,----~-$165. 41J9-20:i:'i DELUXE 3 room ol!ite suite .1:,,:. N, Newport Blvd. Balboa Blvd. 675 -7·876 ,
646--3'.!fij 4!1--1---~J7;1;i
Sl:\'GLE Ad 11 L . Thfil!ACULATE APTS~ 2~cB-R-.~,-B-A-,-C-'/-D-.-P-•-ll-o.
· U s uxury ADULT & FAMILY l rplc, d1~l1whr, Nr \\lestelllf
g;:u'llcn ap1s v.•llh l'Vun· SECTIONS AVAILABLE Pl:t 1665 I rvin c S?OO ~Y club atmosphcrt> and Close to shopping, Park Ad~lts! For Appt 642-0239 ·
1:01nplr1e Prl\'iH'Y. SOUTII * Spaclou9 3 Br's 2 Ba
BAY CLUB APTS. Irvine at * 2 Bedrooms ' 2 BR upper, crpts, drps,
16th, Nc1vpor~ _!3e~:h. * Swim Pool, Put/grt'Cn stove & refrig. $160 yrly.
171,11 645'-QJ50 * Frpl, Jndiv/lndry fac'is 673-8088
$\2j, .1 BR {'Jean, quiet, beaur 1845 Anaheim Ave. 4 BR, 21, BA, studio. l hlk
I urn. N r ma rk c t . COSTA l.fESA &12·2824 from beacli. Yearly. Call
\\'asher/dryer, ga r a;:: r .\""'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'""I 673--2·\5j Prt'f,or older 11·oman, 1922 B e RENT e 2·""ocRc,c,cB_,-\-, -,,-.,-.-,-1--,,-.-L-,-,-:;.c.
\l'alla!'f' No 1x·ts.,
3 Rooms Furniture * 6-12-4499 *
Rentals Wanted
ln Corona del illar, Prest1gc
loealinn. 1~ancl1C'd, 11 e w
carpt.'ls ,r.t, drapes, priva te
parking. Realonoinics Corp.
675-6700 S990 1 c.-.-c_:.:..~~~~~
----------OFFICES e LANDLORDS e Rcccption-Answ"ring
BrokC'r 534-6982 3343 )';ey.'port 131 vd., N.B.
F REE TO LAN'DLORDS BEAUTll-,UL l:."xecutive of. * Blue Bearon 6-L'l-0111 * !ire, convenient. parking .
Rooms for Rent S99S
Xlnl localfou. Air cond.
H1llgrcn Bldg. 250 E. 17th
SI. C .. \I. 646-9707
'.' Br nrar b.1y. 67~.tMO 1 ER ki1cnenettes, :'Jeeping
ltlonlh·T~Month Rentals East Bluff 5242 rm!. }!eatcd pool. :O.laid
llAC!!E:LOH. Apl, C'Jllploycrl \\'!DE SELECTION Sl'1vicP. $30 per wk & up. 450
Exec11ll\-(' officC', 300 sq. ft,
{·rpt"d, air c'Clnrl., c!('vator &
\'iew. $7;;. 67:\-6.')74
adlll1 only, $7:1. 111fi \V. 1-JFRC Fumiture Rentals e NEW DELUXE e V1r1oria
J~alboa Blvd. 6 7 5 -18 7 6, 517 \V. 1!lth, CM !>'18-3481 ~ Br. 21; ba apt. !or lease -----------... 1 ,,,.-J L d. .FOR "UJ ct nv111, l'''I.
S22;,. 3 BR, Jrn r n1, 2 lli.
bl1n.~. frpl c. Children 0 .K.
Rrokr.r fi~~'>-0111
SJ3:i. 2 BR. Lb(' fenced )'P E-
s1d('. Child & pt'l OK.
Broker 61.",_{l\Jl
''"' -._, ,,,) I I:G. 2 BR nc ~pac. ma.~tr. su1tc, in ., • 4·plc.x. R/0. & dbl cnJ r_, pvt. h;1th, hlk. fro1n
Santa Ana Heights 3630 TRAILER fllrn, adult park. v.-/\V, iirp~. Singles 0 .J\, nn. · garag(', auto, bny, no cooking $1:1 inti. Pool, 11ater & J:a ~ pair!. Bkr <-;1-6n~o door opener <ivail, Pool & s.··n1or c1!1zen .. $100 1110, .,.r -"" rec. area. Nr. Ca1holic 67;'i-05-l2 aflrr lj
DELUXE olfiee 111 Costa
!llesa. 1~..00 sq I!. Air cond,
crpts, rlrps. 54&-6j6L
2 BP. hciust'. ~u;;,, n10,
RO{'bCS11"r ~t , C .~r. * fi.!.)-1 ~\S * ""
Mesa Verde JI 10
VACANT-3 BR. tu·rplr, c-pts.
d1sh1,ashrr. s t01l'. :\o pel~.
f'rnced yd. :j;~OO. 201•11
EXL--:C. hOme :, l3R. 3 Ra,
Cpl!<, d111<, f']f'C'. hll·1ns.
S.'i:fl lnfl. gf!rrlr·nfr 5'16-6T·IO
~!l-()140 or &16-1145 Sl:ID. 2 BH., gar. Chilrl OK. Church. Arlults, f1{l pr1s. SLEEPll\'G r111s SJO 11•k. I
Avail 11/.~. Brokf'r 645--0111 e ONLY S~lJ e BR '1'/kiechcn"llC' $·1:i wk.
OCEAN FRONT J, 2, & 3 bd "'6-• \V NB Jlea1rd .......... 1. J\laid ,,-.,·"". rrns. \VLVI'ER REl\'TAL. ";i "m1gos ay, , . '""' '• ..... 4:Al Viclorill, nr I/arbor.
67:l-S088 Costa Mas• 5100
I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; IC~o~ro~n~o~d~e~I CM~•~r-,~S~2~5~0' I ROOM Yor rrnt, kit pnv. OCl::AN FRONT Bachelor, I• illt'n only. ~:.o 1110. 803
FOR L~:ASE 3 BR 2 B.\ L N" I ~?2:'i. :>harp! Sh~rp~ housr . aguna 1gue
\l 1ntl'r. s110 mo. Ut11 incl. Harbor Heights Four NEWLY COMPLETED t.ovl'rMr 51. C.\I 6·16-.J2i:;9·,
3707 ' =AD=U=L=T=Q=NL=Y=' ="=3-S=IJ"=,I CONSTRUCTION DUPLEX ''"'"'c_~""-'"-"-----1 · 2 BR. 2 ba. iS2.JOl or 3 BR. 1.,..
3 ba ($~2.J). Priv. patios, FUHN. t\IOn1~. l\it f)l'll'I \\'ill consider lcal'('/OptJon.
113~4 1 l'\'f'.~
Newport Beach 3200
4 BDJ{., :~ ba .. r cntral vac.,
s1,('rp J1ch1J11J;. \32.'i a
1nonlh. \\"a!('r paid. :\li'-11
J.~I" P.(ly11J Dnvc. 49&-1879
Newport Hgts, 4210
*Clean l or 2 BR'*
Arlu.l!s, no pets, 2421 ~:. 16tll
S!. Sl35 1no. up. 646-IS(ll
Ju ry COMPL" r " d d ill'JlL Sl~1 f)Pr \\ k. J\lcn only. J 11IHG ~~~;;a11,'~t~~~-.. rfe~~1.ioc~apc ' C\I. * fi·lf.-X~.1~·
2 k :I BR Ui\'ITS "/05 . 707 Orchid Sl:J \\IK i up 11'/ k1l l'hr11.
Industrial Rental 6090 '-"--''--
• 13.iO sq. JI. $lfi j/monlh
Co.~1a lllC'sa.
• 3100 sq_ ft. ~ o!fiC'rs, 3
pl1;\~(1 pci11t'r. S ~ 1 0 I nl o.
Costa ;\l('!;••·
• 17:.0 to J~,,000 ~q . rt, now
lr•as1 11i:, 111Kkr cu11s1ruc11011
Co~la ,\\rsa.
B/B Mission Viejo 3708 Back Bey ---~·---4240
all 1\ilh fireplaces.
dishwashers & :? baLh11.
nrnta.1 l\Janag('r -
l\trs, Chrlsriensen
J117-A Cinnamon Ave.
> < 475-6050 0 _.,+ •11a..&
$]), \\'k :;tudio a pl 2376
N('\>.'porl Blvd. $48-9755.
c. Robl'rl N;i.l!rf.'SS f:C'aH•1r
Co~H1 llJ1·sa &12-141'5
4900 SQ FT, J offices & Joh·
by, cont1·r1e tilt-u p eon-
slrur hon; 2·10·!hree phaSf'
JJ01vr.r. Imn1t>d i 11.te or·
1·uf)3nry. Costa J\lesa. ?\r 'J'O\\"NHO U.Sl'.:
Adults unl.v. :!' Bdrms., 'l
bal hs !'plll·l('l'C•l. /\\·a~J. Oct.
i;ith_ S:?2.j P<'r )1..,nth.
Bay & Beach
Realty, Inc.
9'.Y! Dov r r Dr., NB Sui te 12ft
61~-20Coo r:vcs ~S·69GG
!lE,\UTlfUL v 1 e w, a !·
tracll\'f' 1 yr nld 2 BR, 11,,,
R/\. frplc. t1!11n hl':iokrases,
!\illy 1'rp1t1 , rJrps. S2-Hl mo.
ls". :!Jill Ca.Ile Hoi;:ar ..
~ho\\'11 by appl only, Call
Apts. Furnished
!!ARBO!? !!1i::hlands ~ DP., 2
B1\, CfT'IS, dl11"· b1!1ns, no General 4000
pc1s_ T_.t'af.i", .S2i';J n10. lnrl
ganlenr-r. ~,.\~..f,l.;.iO or 537-1:\-16
3 .BR. ~BA To1\nhousc. Pool.
lrplc. c.\tr.~~ N ew I y
rl ccur;i!ed. $20.J, /I g en I
S:?i '.:i YP.L \~ I.Ii<'. 13ark B11y, 3
r.1t 1 ', DA. 1600 ~q 11. r.o
....,ti:. TPl i; if'ff1111W s:::.; .. :{l~JJ
;:; BP-2 Ba. A-t-ramr . ,._rar
~'1t1·h. 'Yrly !.-.-.. ~~<:i mo,
C,11•1·f'"~t 1:!1\ 7o l~-12'l'l.
~fi{L"\' l:.c. Ra,.k B.1y, :1
r!H, J.i, B,\, JfilQ ~'1 ft, n,-,
t><'!s, n·r~ r•·riu 1r<'rl ~~3-1·\~n.
University Park 3237
lnwnhi:;u~. l'\r, ~rh•lfll .
-------The CORGl::OUS New
S1 11gl.J br·'2 br. Furn·unf.
S..1un;1 , Act'y Arn, Billiard!
111rn1py & 45' pool, RBQ~
:>00.,l Parsons P.rt_ &~2·867(}
3 BDJlOO!\l 11 1th '1rw. S!'il
r r n10. Lta~e. Nr<1 r nrw
l'll IC C('n\rr. \\,i lk I !)
C111hol1c ~~llool. J' hon c·
~ I 1:1. L. 'cc>cC cl-R"' ,-.-,c,-,1c,,-.,-,ch-,-,,
i.::ir, drork, Pri1·a tr. Brok('r
;1 :.\-f.!'l:'fl
Sl 1(), NF.A'l' baf'h <1pL \\'alk
lo t":;1('h & :-hopping. Ilkr.
St:,.~., '.! BR. 1·lo~
F:11('!'d gCII'. /l\·1111
'.i~ 1--f,!'IRO
l fl Ol'l'll.n
no11 . Bkr
I EP.. Z'7 Ji;i. xlnt II}('. ~:r,o ===========
rnn. 1:~1 1";!~1'\. Costa Mesa 4100
Rl'rl Hill Hr-;1l1y i;:::~2n -----------
Motels. Trlr. Crts. 5997 REALLY QUJET.cLEAN 2
Br. l '~ Ba. Pool, adults
S190-2310 Santa An a
\\'F:E:!-:LY ral•·s ~<'a Lark ?\ll'p!-S.D. lr1vys. O.C .
~-~lot<'l, 2:~01 l\('1\!pQJ't Blvd., /\iJ1XlrL ,').\fl-4~93 Costa Mesa
Phone 546-1034 ...,.. Cosla f\·l•'sa l':XCELLE~T prof.it rnaking
pl nn lur club~, ch u r r h
"C_o_r_•_n_•_d_•_I _M_•_, __ 4_2_5_0,1 ;>.!EHl{J;.!AC \l'OODS GUl$t Homes 5998 i:;r'tups. organ1ia.11,)n~ and
i\n r :-;ci!lng ncil' ('OllCC: t · 0~ TEN ACRES the 1nd1v1rlual. Douhlc )'our l Er furn near i;hop'g. Sl•IO 1 -P in 1 & 9 BP. Furn & Unfum .. ,., 11 1 .. 1., ~""· u;o;urious apL l11·111g. 1 ·~ . -~ _ . PRIVAT E roo1n in !Jccn.~<'d m.>nl'y. \\'1·11e or phone now
mo ""'" e iolrof>l'. o-•-«~JJ f'R., 2 haths 1,.11h EVER y F1rrplaOC's .1 priv. patios I bo.;.n! /..: ('ai'(' IJ(ln\I' lor for frrc, ('0111plr1e inlor 11111.
or 673-721 1 co:--;CEIV/\flLE: ~"'E \TuR!·· Pools. Tennis . Contnl'l Bkfst r ! rl l' r I y g ~· n 1 Ic 111 en. tlon. Compuh. 10.i.Q. E . l~t St.
COROLI OO A"IS 1 Br stud io 1 U 1
• ... 90J Sea Lane, Cd111 6!·1-2611 ,<;;u11n 2"\. (71·11 .~36.&.Jii. ,.. st nits available Nov, 1 ~•. Ii\{ Arlh Co H 1 /\na1blatory only. r~~:,2z:i , '-'
turn. $2!067? ~?~R ~111r11ng iit Sl40. Adulls. 42:i ' aC' ur nr. 1151 "'Y 50050. FT. BLDG.
.,-... ,_., 1\lrnmac \\'ay !just East ol 1 BR ho S Misc. Rentals 5999 E, 17th St-. Co~!~ il!esa. 220
2 BR. 2 B;i. near ot:c:in. pool 2C.OO Jlarhor Bh·d,) rear use. lOl'C, 1c.c_;;~_c:;:.c~.;:_--.;:_.;:_ Elr(•. power. i\vailab!e Nov.
• "l"bho"."". .,,,-6Q"-" rf'ft og. &. nc'I' l.'fl!1)('1s. G 'l',AG" iO" '''"( E·.·,~1•,d• , , G O<....... "·"· ",)-,,., 2 BR. 2 "'~ .. )"''! '"''"Pl"l",I. II r. ' "' ~ ' ~ ... 1st s.~.l flfonth. \>T.r 700 1\12-2~-R '·"' , .. , "" '.. Costa. i\lf'~A. S:!O ]llonth 1' HARBOR GREENS C11rp., drapC's, dishwasher, r,.12-~"t;:,7 BL.DC ror !f':L<.c, 11 .{XO !q It
COZ'i _:.i Br., frpl. Ground bl1 .1n!'l. rrnperty !Kl' x 3(.(1'. 6'15-1133 l !,'\Dr...;STJl tAL \1n1I~ f n r I oor. l'\r shopping. ~\Sil R\....,IEI OP. I I 3 BR. 3 hd Branrl new. Bl11n r,.0 \ I" I S d;1_1s. t :l't'S. &12-1179. 940 \\'.
II IP h. , A 6,_ 1,02 1 1.i-• , • un u111 r o m 1 -h ··h 1 ,., .. .stnr.1gr. ~1. l"c~t .. 11 -L 1• 1 , \I "l in•' in..., -'>-~. 1.,r·,~ l 'IO. •I•." 3,,0 0 l. '· '· 3 r1~ \\,!~ f'r, 1p <;, ul .Jf'CS, 111,,,, • "--.-« J\'f"wpnrt l!.f''1f'l1. Klfi-li"i l -'.~'---------
1 BR furn art. \Vl!h i::;in:, 2 B ! J! t ,., l I Id p;il ui. -~========= Snv :--f'I tT r.. !·! .-.hr;ip. Storr r im, rae., poo~. C'll Do V ~I RI 67~ .• -'l'J'll ·~ D"OPl" ok. $160. 6i::-r~3 11r care rruter, adj to shoppins:, n r;in · 111 '!r Income Property 6000 t"')lll. /\COUS(1c l'('J\1rig. SJOO.
673-~!(Y.)ll Na pct.~. L1\r{GE :?1" BR :.! bat/ts, 1'.P.l PI at" r n Ii a, C.~1
B/ICHELOR .ip!, sh.ig
{!rps, Ulll Jl<L Sl'.?O
i:pt~. ~j(lil r rt!"tson \\'11v bl\{ to beach. Lllln :;!Ol't' & MONEY MAKER! !'tl~-1;).12 Cn~1:t :\\1·sa ;.u;.o~;n cl1.shwhr. cpts I drps. No
* bl.',..fr::tM *
Balboa 4300
f.x(1'Urnl, pal'k·llhr .~u1 t'l'lllf-'. CLE/IS 8.;i('helnr Ap1s. "1
lngs fnr ;u!til T\ onl.'" Z\('aJ /\II ut1l 111cl $1"1:1 up slieopp\n~. p,1111 JLi J::. Balboa Bh·•l. 1 ~ ,\: 3 IJB ,\PT S
BALBOA f;7;}-'.l'JI;, 1771 1;.1nt.\ J\11:1. _,\pt JlJ
2 n n , nr br achrs t.: p w r. U 111 , ___ ,c1_;.c;_.\lcZ_oc'_"c. lc'c· lc·•o·_, --I
pd . ~iO a 11·ec.k. ~f,.J~ll or 1
i)j~ ..... ~1:-\l (l ORLEANS APTS.
pr Ts. S:!J:, '\I) ~Tly, ~10',
l r1~ r,7:,_·1°.;"'
l.r\ltl;I:'. .1 Bl~. 2 1'.\, pri
pnt1.,, bl1111s. rlt~h11•hr,
,,111'" •h.1g 'qili.:. o !r1•~.
\ln. i;7~,_;nn 1 ;1f11·r :;
j t:r!Vd uni!' Pl 1 ,,.,.l!C'nt r,'111.
n.l n,rr>11 111<,,r ~<·h·.o:>L• and
.~l1npp111 ~ ,o.;i,~,'fl 011n.~r~ ~~;P.
,\!~.\TE H<l.\11-: '1 11\1 !11\P.J).
\\'DOD FL.00R.':i pl lh 2 111r .. J.
rrn duplP\!'~. /ll,L ~ t-.•.J,
1'<•1111~. ~()l llf' 11 11h l'. li<1th~
c 1r 11-;1·s.. r ;i 1 1 11 "'· f1·:1('l•rl
>·"~1~ A>lJ rJ.ll1.\f f11r 1
111.i:·,.. 111111. f< . .\rf'l:•'n! h~~n
1'!~1\:\.~Fr:!\R \l:ll.J·: al~ ti' •.
:Slll,r.io do" n 11-1!! h,111111··'
,'\E\V Jnd11stnal l~ldgs lor
lt-a.sc. 2.'«J :;;q. f\. !le 11. 163~
i'lonro\'ia, C:I!. 6i:l-901 7.
1.flOO SQ. F'T., nr. l!arhor &
l'.11l;rr, C ~I. /l\'a1!, al on~.
St:LtlV/\,'; 5\G-1 !29
Lots 6100
r!,\LBOA P1•n1n :llh.90 lnt on
1,;,y, C-1 or n,2. s,.;s.~.
jj'i:!--'iZSfi or 6i: .. 33!i1
;; BLlll.'1 · ln!g(' "lirmu~
rf\Om" 1.i:,:;o·, l"o • i;r:-.d!'fl
thmu::hot11. A\·:i1lablr !\'ov.
1, nn ~'eJ r 11'a:::c at $.}.)()
EXTRA l<Jrgc. Baclt-1 BR f.:
:2 BR, 2 £,\. A\·ail now !.:.
C6i~OLJD!J ,\rt~. " r~1·
:<!U\il•)~. ~n1r •1 /!rplri;. ~1 ~1)
.t· 11r. /\I~ Pfn1hnt1~,, S:!20.
r(l('\1 .~· ri• 11fls 1,73_3:::~
):';\!,\LL l I ~!\. \"'""· ~. n(
]I \\')', l\f'W C;'lr)X'1S &
drt1pcs. SlfiO. 60~>-~'.:~.! i,oon, Pool, util pd. Irani _L_;_d_o_l,_1_• _____ 4_3_5_1,
1 Sl n.;. Adults, no p ets.
l BR aval!. /ltlulls only ..
1 BR. U!il pd. Gar. 1 /\rlult. 1711 Tus!1n, Costa ~lcsa 1r~~.t:~n:.p,~:u<l~~~1!, ~:~.-0~'~11:.
Walker & Lee
It-!!<)!, C·1~\n /lll'sa. 110 unll~
()wnrr. Phil Su ll i van
~!l.~<6 1
mo11th. no pc!s. Sl W mo yr\y. 11.i;I'. l\1rs. Carson, 6~2-4&41 flla!urr adult. 6P: .. \~.;{1 :?013 \\.('slf•\;f[ Dr.
BOB PETTIT & ASSOC. Furn 1 BR apt. 2110 Newpol1
Hlvd, :'-l('{111 U1on by lro1pc11n!.
fi73--0SJ7 e ve~. "16-771l -----'-------\----------_!VIE\\', nMv 3 Rr. '] b..1. ~·ph1 ____ I)-" --~~
Cl lAP.GI': IT! X~l0)(1l
General Fairway Villa Apts
tlql~·. h!1ns, s.~:2j :110. SALE OR EXCHANGE
&·cn•l' Proprrlll'S 6/;.,_!-,7~16 f'nr L.1ri::er Un•!~
3000 General 3000 General 3000 ------------'-----=c....===----...:..:.::1,. 0 r , A & Huntington Beach 5400 ,,l'ar r;ing(' .....,, 1rport
\ B•·Jth 11rr~1 111111~
AdaJo,1rcn t l1up;e:,;rs
U>asr Lanrl
O 11e-orrOtlQ9 letten ol tt..
fovr Kramblad wordt be-
low 10 form foor ~mple words.
I I I I' I
I' I' I
I I' I r An ageless w ife: Her hus·
bond is pleod!ng. with her 10
ho\'e birthdays ogoin. He
r--,.--,.-------, d~'I wont lo grow - -.
FORGEL I 1--~l ,~I '~I -1~.--1 ° °"""1
"'" ... """"'· -·' by foUifiV in th. rniulr.g word1
• YOlf d-lop lrCWll ftp No . .J below.
'"" t ETTE11S IN SOVAP£~ r1·1·1·1·rr1
UCL 1\rh.:!ts only. 20122 2 BE:DROO~I 1. ba th . 1·pl!i,
Santa Ana Ave. 5'10-'2TI!6 dra[l('s, bullt-ins. FW~L loca·
11on. l blk, !o 5 Pol nt ~!or~·s.
$Hi0. 3 BR. l''. BA. hit.iris. S\30 u11. F urn1shrd & un·
rrpls, drp1'-. fl1sh1'·ash('r. furn1s!H'd. l."'12-~:i.~ Or
patio. Kn pcL~. :.I chtlr!rcn S12-~03. 77nt ]::ll1s. Apt n.
ok, 51.<i.:tl15 I.ARC[ 3 BH , 2 Ba.,
l.G 3 BR, 1 a~ ba. Cp!s, d rps. flrrplac'f' Sift') mo. /\lso nf'1\·
Carporl & poo!, Ki ds OK, 1 BR $12:i. Nra.r ocean. pri.
Z'!\4 COlll'ge No. 2. fi<•ek. gar. 2028 14 I h
2 RR. N1r,. play arr a for _-'~c'"&-_1c·3-"c· c'7:l-__:.c1c18c4 ___ _
children. :2219 Oran~e. Ci\f. 2 Bedroon1, 2 b.1lh, rp!s,
J13-2.45.1 flraJX'i>. huiH-111s, f,csl Joca.
<'rpls, drp!, hllu\s, <'lll"'J'IOJ"I .
Adults. No pc1 s. 548-676!1
OLX quiel al1racr. 2 13R. 1111·
mar, adu!l s, no pc1s, yd.
f'arc. Pr11·al.)'. Sl fi:l_ 67.>-1~;,9
lion. 1 blk 11) 5 l\lin( StOt'f'!I",
$14-0. up. Furn1$h<'d & uri-
furnt.~herl 642-2835 or
S42-830.i 7701 Ellis Apt D * BEACH BLUFF * New 2 & 3 BR. 2 BA. Forc-
ed air, dshwshrs, paiio,
pool, v1e1I', I &-:2 !'\\Ory.
\Valk to 5 Point Shops.
:! BR. bltins, crpts. drp!<.
Adults, no pets. SI~. JSO
Roch('~!Pr_ S.la-811)'1 1~'c1,_'·c·"'c·-'-----~LARGE I Br apts, $1.111 1110. f\E\\I LUXURY J & 2 BR
illcAA dcl r.lar ApL !1.1!\ LI PATJOS & BALC0.1'.;!ES
C.aminn Dr. C . .\I. "11i-04:il ADULT' r.;VJNG
2 BR. 2 ba Sl50 nlo.
15[~ Cor111rtfkr Dr.
;..il)-2fq I
1':262 Atlanta, !i,'lli-2800
~l\)lll:'.ll~ 2 HR. lrplc"
2 -~ n Nlrnums . 1 R111 h ~
2 • 2 &drooJn~ . :! Ba!h~
6 6':. Tru~1 Dl"1'd~ Assumable
For S·:;1() }'i'r,
Call ~I r_ Kr;v·l••u nr
~Ir, Y1 ·rl;US<1n
lrllrsl1ncnt' Dept.
2 Trlpl('Xl'S. 2 BR. l'ath.
garage~. co~te ill<'sa
Fortin, Realtor &12-!'iOOO
Business Prc;iperty 6050
SACRtncF.: • o"·ncr t111s
changl" <11 plans lnr d('lux('
hlrlg at 1870 Pl11r'Cnlln , C.:'11.
ls! T,D. $39,;,oo,_ /\ssurne
6.6 .... r. No n•a."<Onah)i;o offC'r
f('fused. Call 011-·ner/broker
Blac:k knight Rest.
llo [. 17th S!.. <;.i\t.
(Land & Bldi;.)
A y (h:rw r 714 : fl 12 .f,21)(!
Fu:.I !'.'':. r11mrn. ln all hkMi,
SPLIT -U-\'f'I 2 HR, ~-rpli>. rn111;r. rclni::, rrp!s, pal10.
,1rrs. n111ns l</n, J\n IX'l1'. :SJJO. ;1 1~~.'t Bu~i ness Rental 6060
:Ox~~ 11-l,,nd(l za. ;>i;,..:,121 2 Hll. rnt·ln~t·d fl :t l 1 u,
l'or Dady P iloi \\.'11nt Aoi!; '"ll"hlnq .fat·o l. .-\dull~ .ci1iJ,11.
fl111 I r.12.~:t.~ S l~i ~17-(.6!12
ro;.1 ~1 c 1:r1A1. blrtr:. rnmt
loi:Jl!10ll, .(ltlll'lltrl}\n (.;\( 2J_'
fronlJ.ll:I' $.~)1 r11n. !'•!S-?.W3
Acreage 6200
13,\R II '.i acrl"s, all ulil. k
<lfll('t111ll'S, !'iu\!able [ 0 r
r.1nch or :<u\>-0 11·. S::.6.oo:J,
ll"r111s, Coa!s, Bkr. 901 S.
llnrhor, S.A. :l-11--0340
R. E . Wanted 6240
Ir _you hav(' a 3 or 4 l:l('d room
hflnl" fQI' sail' or ror ren t ca.II
U$ today. \\'e J'C'p~sent lhl'
c1nplo~·ef'5 of a la~e f1nn
niov1ng to titr harbor arcA
and thry must havr housini::~
All cash 1f de;ircd. Call
.F11m_lW ~8&10.
2629 HARBOR BLVD. --OPEN EVES Till a,30
If yri u h~\'e a 3 or 4 bedroom
h11n11• for ~le or Jor n"nt.
r11.U u~ Hiday. \\-'e rf'prt'scn!
rm-r mpl(.ycl'.'s of a 11111=!'
!11111 nin\·111g !o the l!arhor
Arf'a and t/lry n111~t havC'
h<'u~ln~! ,\]I i•i;i,i;h 1r desired.
r.~11 t·,1m111· :)16.~10
OJAI. d1r~cl &l'l-:AJ78, Char,:r
:\Oltr <1tl. l ~n .sit Qvek aod
li~lrn rn the rhonf' rin~!
OJl('rntc gmall caJetC'rla in
proleuion.al bldg. JI.lust be
kno\\•ledgable & destre 1st
class operahon. Contact !ltr,
Trempala, 837-2970 ext :!1 4,
\\'orld Trend! Bldg, J..at:una
Dcli~r car parb to our cu~
tomen 1n Orangp CounlY
area. $3950 for in~ntory. A
,1urke; can make SI® Pf'I'
month. For appt phone CTI41
5.~ ~lrt 391.
No Matter What It Is
IV ••
" " '" 'fl. ,,
" u·
"' B· ,,
~ ...
80 ,,
"' cl
" \V
"" y
"' ll
I" ~ ;
11 • .. 1, ..
II ~
" ,1
.r ,,
' ' ' 0
' ,,
' '" 1'
" i
J. i .,
' .r ;
' ' ,
' .I
' J ' ,I
~·· •• ' , -rv-.,••""'7'f1'~,r~TT••....,, .... ,.,_,..~.,..,.,...., .. ..., ...... ,.., ... ,, • .,,.,,,..,, ... .,..'T.,. ..... ,.,,..,.......,-,,,,T,,,T,--.,..,,..,, ... ,.....,, •. .,. .. ,,..T•••••n•,.... .. ..,, •• ,,..,, •. , •.• _ _,,,.,.,,.,,..,....,,-,,...,.,...,,..,.,,.,,,,....,,.,,...,,... .. ,...,.....,,,..,,...,.,,...,,., .... ,,,.. __ ,E•
* *
IUSINUS • ...,
Mar1g•ge1, T.D.'a 634.S
a>NSTRUCTION t.1 o n e y
aVBilable for ir.con1e pro-
ducing property. Furelgn "
don1eMtic. Jo.totrls, Nursing
llo1nt1~. Shoppi11;,: Ce1.ters,
O f fi ce Bui l cl~ni.:s.
Apartrnents, etc. \Vrite or
cis.U '1'11Je Rea lly &
Insura nce Con\pAny , 215
Clark Build 111g, Birm-
ingham, Alabama Jj2Ql
Phone Cl05) 251-5286.
When You
Wont it done
right •..
Coll one of
the experts
!isled below!!
Wh•dcty• W•nt? Wh•ddy• Got?
Sf)9C:i•I R•t•
lS'/Q RETilRN SERVICE DIRECTORY $:15,000 &asoned lsl T D.
payable~ mo. So;'o, due in
14 month!!. Solrt at $104,00'J
\1 11h ~,OO'J down; on 5
Arn~s n1agnifice11t (l('l'a n
view SO. Laguna land. ID',~
01~count. Broker
S Lines -S tim .. -S bucks
t-W~&t you nt"e lo ITll!le. ~~11 Y<l\I w1nt In l >'dt..
)-YOUR O"°"' ·~O/or l dOthL '""4 d ...... ol .a ... trtls•n ..
PHONE 642..$671
To Pl•c• Your Tr•der'1 P•r•di .. Ad
\VANT : P ho1o ~tudio equip,
st.001 1ng & proct>ss111g. eoJ.
or & B t\V. HAVE: La rg£' lot
nr i\la.rina. Sal!on Sea. Val.
Ue S.1;,oG. 53&.7761
r;"l' Cruiser Tw in D, ~ulo
nilo1. rangr 1200 n11 : r f'c·e nt
survey $·10.\l, \1'11! consider
!rust rlee<l or .~mall.:r bo11t, o .... ·ner 1 71~) 729-:J.100.
Hav>;" hon1r ·• Jand -"-TD"s,
S90:'1f f'qly, \Vant art. nio·
tel, aii·plane , 01' ? ? Bkr:
Bo:< 9e. San Gabnel, Calif.
1213l 28+.46C8
Lt3' i\la\lhf'1\'~ '6."· deluxt!
:Flying Bridgr sedan. Trade
lor sn1aller boat, a11·plane,
ar, house or '? ZA&.-8030
~~! ·13~.
TO\\'NHOUSE 3 Br, '.11.~ ba.
Beaut, appt'd. Ptiv. paTio,
poo!; nr ba:V, V<1.l. $:12,:-ioo.
f..:qiy for T .D., ('ar, earnpt!r
or ? ? Owl"IE'r 946--6654.
l!AV E: Cos!a l\lcs<1. Com·
m e!'f"1al S.3~,000. T RADF::
Si.J.OCO equity for 4 to 6
11niTs Orange County.
Perron Rr>alty 6~2-1m
\rill trade four j4\ new
.1-'lr'C'ston{' tires &l:'ixli lor
otl pairntng,. Porl1tble T .V,
01· anything of r qual valur.
4~9 &a11•ard Rd . Corona
d{'! t.lar. "Phone: 6T:r:la.12,
:'i nvo bdrm ur111s, C.M. 63x
270' R·2 lot. Pnce<l low at
$38,600. Trade Jor honle
cqulty. Bob Olson Realtor.
'197-12 10 Qr ·193-17C6 Eve~.
JST TD on \\'hire \Vatcr \'iew
lot 1n Laguna Beach. S6.00'J
11.1 $60 ·mo. incl. 9<,V. All due
3 years. 12'1ff .Discount
BROh."ER 49'1-8100
$j-100 2nd TD. 10% Int.
PayoU Oct. '71. Seasoned.
Pay, $85 fl.1onth on 4 Br.
house in Orange. 67.:'r2916
1ST and 2NDS
So. Calif. T.D".<1. lnC'.
ZENrTH 2-6003 . Toll f'rf'r
2ND 'T.D. I-tome in ci1y Qf
Carson. 7~~ '.~, All d qe 6 Yf$.
S3[l. inc int. Disct 2::,-;;,.
Money W1nttd 6350 80,l)Xl + l'q f1 com n1. zone
property 111 lll!' heart of
·Yuraira. \\'ill trade cqty
for Ne\1"port Apts or '? '?
J-Jave securi1ies, real invest.
nlent· opportunity. s~0.000 Want $7.5,000 Loan. Have
\'al, \\'ill !J·ade all or part $150,000 1st TO as se-
67:>-214 1
'ii-1 lots Palm Spn ngs, t'lca.r.
1 nt>ar tennis {']Ub $20,(IOO,
,Olhc1· 11·indlcss ;o"{'a ~10,00'J.
Trade !or eqt.v in unl!s or
~:omni"!. in C.'.'11, Ol' N.B.
·Bkr. 6..J6-41..J·l
\VANT Costa i\lesa or vie.
l tAVE So Lake' Tahoe Jot
:Nevada side & '.)0 Acres ov·
:~l'lookun:: Lake illathews
~!ear. Own-Agt, 673-41 44
Viii U'lld. Dr<l pt'S \\'/\'alam:-·
t-s. hot tray, .rrc. play,, e n-
·1ry h;i.ll l'onso!!', ov;il r1.1;::,
rrl'Ords !or good vacu un1
cleanl'r 0r Bh1e Chip
$tamps. :146-1.:.SI •llrr 6P1\I
or 11 PCkr11ds.
\Vhat do you have to !rade ~
List it hero -ln O!'ange
County's lan::es t n::ad !rad·
W"!g post -af'1 make a deal
You .:-an hal'e c!ics!nuls
r oa!'.IC<l on a n open fin" 2
Br delx mt, hon1r 111· J-{11n-
n1n;;: Spring~. f-'HA appr
$17,500 bal ~\:!l)'l \\':int little
place in C.?-1. .i l&-6~77
5 ACRE S n e a r PAL:'II
pPRGS, 1nust ~crlf1,·e Sj"JQ
for homr, un1!s, T.D.'s or curity. Will pay 10°/~
? ? Owner 616-8004 . int. Principals only.
BeauL. Buick blue & \l"hlle.
Inboard ski boat, excel,
cond. Trad(' for pickup,
r ;1.n1p.>r or jeep up or down.
F1"1n1 Sl400 vaJuc. 5..Jb.5~59
212 acres lf'vel. t.lojave
Cou nty Jntlustrial Cen1er,
airpot•t. railroads, water,
route 66. 6 hrs from L.A.
\Vill trade for sailboat. Call
Corona dcl i\lar. giant·pool,
::I BR, 2 BA, lrplr, indr b-
IJ.q. Live in or pcrf !or
IC'asing. \Vant: Jnconie in
n iv. or ~.B. Cnty. 67;-,.7re9
i\!1n k J;tole, cap, Argus 8
!llilI Ca1ncra, projector, b1-
n!K·ulars, tape J'l'cordcr .. For
V\\', value s;,oo, 5404088 or
M6·5'145 Eve.
T\VO, 13()' lots heart of
Paln1 Desert, you can build
16 U, S'.'.5.(XXl equity, trade
for u nits or ron1m'l N.B. or
C.:'11. 0 11'nc1· 67l-30·k~
• 546-5984 •
Found (Fr" Ads) 6400
s\Jvrr/black n1a!e l'a!, 3 or
4 n1os. old. \\"ear1n,i:: Ilea
collar, vie. Princeton Dr.
FOUND'. i\l en"f>. prescription
sunglAsM-s; vie. Cal1!ornia
& Idaho Pl., r.!C'~a V1~rdc.
Call & 1denlilx..Jl5rl'F!l:2.
YELLO\V Poodle/mix, 11bout
I yr. old. very small.
Paularino Schnol a rr a.
;, 16-20tll
FOUi'\D Krrs u11 Colu1nli1a
~l.. Costa !\!rs.a. • CalJ
5-19-1930 aft 6 pin.
S111ALL i;rey sir1ped kitten.
Has flea collar . vie Balboa
Island. 675-61.~6
GER i\IA N ::;hort .ha1r
roinlcr. f.SS..:3?16
!~I IT EN, Flu fl,;. \·Jr lsl &.
Begon1<1. Cct:'ll !i7.1-518!l
Accounting 6500 floor& ---·"---6665 Ironing 6755
BOOKKEEPING dorl<' in my
hOnll'. sruall <'I c (· o u n t s
wanted. Call <ill 6 p.111.,
~-r .... ., ,,,,1. Lie. contr. :rJ(}..72(52,
611.rhclors-J~t 111a l'l.:e do your
ll'Ornnr;:. 642~11
A•ph1lt, Oil• 6520 Gard•ning 6680 Janitorial 6790
Residential -lnrlus • Coinc'l
Comp] reas serv, CWTI!n!ly
engaged by City of C.J\t. !or
street restoration.
Gen'! Contractors 638·SS18
B1by1itting 6550
BABYS!TTl:\'G, N e w p o r t
Heights <trca. Larg1' fenc••rl
yard. Xlnl can:: & rcls.
&.1.:r2754 * BABY~JTI'li\.G , rl;i.v or
nitf', illagnolia & \Varner.
FV. 8~2-6-175
[IAUYSITTING days. ln!'rl
yd. 5 day werk. Hu nting-Con
Beach a.n.•a, 8·17-6-118
Brick, Masonry, etc.
BGJLD, Rrnioclel. repair.
Brick, block. COOCl'C'!C,
rarpe.ntcry, no job too :s1n;ill .
Llr.. Con!r. !162-694j
Bu.sineu Service 6562
Nrw a nd con1ple1r e o 1 d
1.1rc !aeiliti.'s ~rrv111g :d!
of Orange-Coun1y_ Ofh'!"
J11c; ~peerly seivlce .t )()W
r:1t r.~. Call fnr furtt1•"r
1nlurn1atJon. 171·\J 836 :;~.:i:,
Carpentering 6590
Too Small Cabinet in gar·
ages & ot her cabinets.
5~5-8175, iI no a.ru;wcr leave
ntsg at 64&-2372. H.. 0.
TRAi'lSl'ER Panel !ruck~ .r,
l/\\"s to Capers. Re builrl ur
1"{'n1odcl boals + p1't'!,i l1rh
"i1l1on. Cus1 on1·hu1Jr t'<ibtn<>I\
,\,. fL\lun-s. F1.1rm1C"a \\Ork.
The Bes t, cos1s no n1ore!
E..xp<>r1 encecl l\.l~intenanc:e
Budget l..a ndscap!ng
G raduate Horticulturist
l\'E\V I a IV n s lfl·Secding.
C1.;1nplete la1rn care .. Clean
up by JOb or month. Free
l'St1n1!1!CS. For 11\ff), ('i\U
S.16-0~J3:.! or 893-199:1
AL'S Gardening & Lawn
!llaintcnancc. Comrnel"cial,
industrial & residential,
.. 6·1&-3629 *
\':trd :\lain!. Cleanup
r:ras. 968-1~28/646--82·17
Cut & Edge La1vn
illaint~nance, Licensed
.':>-\S-+IS08/549·-J99.J aft 4
J<.i pancsc G;;rtlcnPr
Complr1e Yurd Srrvicf'
Frtc E~1i n1al<' &l&.0830
FuJI l.<1\\'ll Service
& Genera.I Yard Clr,an11p
MO..J9C~ r rcc I::stin1a tc
illowlng. ed;-:1 ng, rxld jobs.
Reasonabl<'. 548-69:),)
TP.EE Scr\'l<'r. i;c nrra! yord
cleanup. Tot<:ifill & sprinkler
~"rv. 61&-5S48
JI:\l"S Gardening & lall'n
1n alntC'nancc. R!'s. & Com·
n1cre1al. * 540-4~:{7 * Expert Japanese
F l;\"E:ST \\'ORK 646-033 1
General Services 6682
GARAG£ Doors Serviced &
Repairrrl. Gcnel'al llousc
ill aint. $10. m in. 67~5384.
Hauling 6730
TOP Dollar for nl cl itrms
y r:o u r ga r agr , 1v i l!
:.torr/anct/or n101·e. Le t a
~n1all busim;:;s1nan pay a1 -
!f'/l!l•1n lo yollr needs. J oh11.
L•ndscaping 6810
LJC"D J arianrsc landscape
cnnlrac1or. La1\·n~. sprklrs,
pa1 1os, cir. ~30-3(1.~7
Masonry, Br ick 6830
Custom & Spanish
Masonry A Specialty I
Block, Brick, Concr•te
Free Est. 633-2343
Painting 6850
Call us! Rrllalile &order w/
Quality at i1s best, At the
n1ost 1"{'asonable p1·i<'es.
Fn'e rs1 i 111a1rs. 5-18-600:.!
f';ont1n~ -PR[l!'rhang1ng
J.1c. Ins. f ;uarantccrl
llarris P<1.int1ng &12-45,~
SUBURBAN Pai r1tin~/Dec
Exr>crt Guaranlccd \\'ork
frt'P r~1. f\o Joh too large
or too small. 4.94-3190
PAlNTING Int & Ext Lowest
contr11c tr.d pri<'es. Fully ins.
Sa!isfaction guru , Free est.
J 1n1 \Vecks 673-1.106
PAJ'.'ITL"\G , Papt'ring 16 YJ"1'.
111 Harbor arl'..'a. Lie. &
h•111dr>fl . Hr>fs. furn. 6•1J..23.'o6.
BOG'S !\laster Painter &
£st1n1a1 er. Clls lom 11 •)rj(
only. 21:1: ~i92-2.J86
\\IALLPAI~ER !NG .~· PAil'·
·r !NG. llJ YHS in an-.1.
Hr11~on<1hle rarl"'s. 6·12-4127
Tu~sday, October 21, 1%9
Joba--Men, Wom. 7100 Jobs.-Men, Wom. 7IOI
7020 '---------COMBINATION', Sb11.rp Bar
----------BOOKK EEPER 1'.la1cts & Go 1.-;o Dancers.
PAflT·TI!'ot E o!fire 11 o r k F'u!J cha rge-, lhni T!'ial Bal. Top wagPs. PhrJnl'..' lor in-
\\ a n I ed . Ty p I n g & il l'l(V, IVr boat sales business, l1.•rv1r1v. S.1s~y Lassy, 2!l01
~l)Ort.hand. Laguna to San ~lln 2 )TI eXper; "''Oman 25. Har bor, c.~1.
ClPrllCnl('. 4!l;}..420(} '.).}_ Ac:turate, neat, ambit. Custodian
HOUSEKEEPER • Compan· 1oui;. f'f'rrnane11t posH!on. J ,,,~,IED. opening for relk1bll'!
ion, .E.'xp. seeks t'mploy in X l n t ~;1.lary & benttits. man ,,.,·\th previous Jn·
Bch or Bay area. Havt' car 6~2-5735 J\"lr Ga n-ia. dustriaJ ja.Hilorial exp. Xlnt
& re!rr. 497-1032 BOOKE E PER, F/C "''C_'rk.!ngcond ... grl. pay & ~I
n•PING a11rl PhOto copy f et> rcinib<Jr.;ed, also Ice po-fn~ benefits incl. P:Ofll
service, reasonable, speedy sitions sharing. Cah!. I n j e ct 1 on
._r1·v]<"\', 96S--7~2 · Tllolding, 200 Briggs Avf'.,
ACCOum=m=o~--Niguel Pt'rsonnel Agency C.M. 546-4460
S1nall Sets of Book.s ZiGl.l F'Orbes Road * DISHWASHERS
Tlly home, S.i(}..2211 eves. La~una NiguC'I -· 8J l-14TI
F/c Bkpr-sec. Thn1 P&L BOOKKEEJ)ER .. P art TlnH', *BUSBOYS
l J yrs. t'."ip. 1\1lh 1111· ofc, 11or1, 1n local
;,:\&-7'2'18 r'(•!;11! IH!l~l'l"y. 6-J6.;}996 Af'PLY IN PERSON
COCO'S Job Wanted,
Men & Women 7030
Q11<1l1ty Po~1!1f!n5 for
Q<1ahf1ed Apphcanl ~
·IS8 E .. 17lh St., Sulte '.:2.1
Co:<ta i\11~:.a 642·1~70
KEEPEn, F I c . Ex-
BOYS 10 . 14
Carrier Routes Open
for 78 Fashion Isla nd
Laguna Beach, SQ. Laguna. 1 -~N='="='°~'=' =C='="-"='=· ='="=· _
BOYS BO'{S Experienced
CABLE & Harness trainee
No t'Xper, nccf'ssary
2'J'.:0 College /Ive, C~l
Apply in person
5930 Pac. Cst. Hwy ..
Newport Beach
Experirnr ed Days
Apply llJ ;\Tr. C.;ilr
720 \\i', Bay, Ball~a
(Closed :\Ion. & Tue~.)
"''''""''· ''"'""'" 101"~ ~C-as~h~·1e-r/~B"'k""k-pr-.$'"'4=03 er. P IL 612-2tiii6
Onhodonth~ p r a c 1 i c t-.
Cha.irs1de &. !;1,h. Do111a] exp
ref!. Ortho exp pre. Age
l!hiO. Top salary. 642-2626 Advert1s1ng
Production Artist
Production M9r.
Experienced agency
production a rt i $ t
ca pable of !o o m •
production manage.
ment for Newport
Beach agency. Xlnt.
$alar y and benefits.
Please ~end
Daily Pilot
J"('Sllm(' !" T h.?
Bnx ~1-:iiS.
has ln1n1ed ia1e opening.~ for:
A/R, sharp, good oppty!
Personnetl Agency
.1 TI7 Orange Ave., Suit C
C.111, 642-0026, 5'15 OOT!l
\\'(' need r8_\Tlers, male
Ol" ft'mal!", lR yrs. or OV·
er. good health, to de-
liver thil"d class type
n1ail each S111iday morn·
ing in thf'SI' areas . Hunt·
ington Beach. Fou11tain
Valley. \\'estminst.er, Sun·
set Beach, f\l1d\vay City,
~al Beacl1, C'.o!;ta i\\~sa.
Newport Beai.'h, Corona
rl <>l ilia!', !n i ne, Laguna
lltils, 1-:1 Toro, h1 ission
V1rJo, San J uan Capis...
trano. Capisl ra.no Beach,
La\;una B('ach, ~uth La·
~una, Dana Poml, San
E:xcellcnt pay, sh o rt
hours, Apply hf>tv1e r n 10
;im & ~ pm at tile !0Ho1v-
1ng addrrsses.
7-152 Lorge Circle
lluntington Bea ch
6.~0 Tf'rminal \\'ay
Costa i\lt'Sa
Oral .surgery & X-Ray exp
only need apply. 54~7719
Dental Assistant
eha.1rside, expcrienred
Phone anyOme 963-~782
Dept. ~torr
I las an 0pPning for a
O!fenng full 11mc employ-
ment \\ith excellr11t benefit~.
Apply in person !o the Per-
sonr ! Dr pt.
Draftsmen &
Job Captains
Immediate Opening•
Permanent Position•
Frank L. Hope &
Al"l'..'hitects & Engr.
101 Civic Cntr Dr \\'.
&1n!a Ana. 5~7-9481
Dra!tsmrn ~ll]l y, bal1111L1' $10 n10,
ILL TR.ADE !or motor~·}'·
e or ? CALL 536-1131.
Large lot. upper Ba.ck Bay,
cul-Oe-sal·. Granada \Vay,
S1~.2j() clear. Sl1bm1c auto,
truL·k or f'ampcr, PcJTOn
R~alty &12-li71. BABY Car bl'<l , 7th & /lla1 n
Sis. BB Plr11sf> r ail ~:;& ... 6:1.~!}
CARPENTRY. Ca h 1 n l' ! ~
Hc111od . No Jnb Iron sni:.11 ,
qual 11y 11'0rk. Call &l&-2J06.
QUAL fIT Repairs -Al1c r a·
tion., -l\ew Cons t. by hour
or Contracl. 646-3442
Tt1P Doll~J' [c;r r1Jtl
yn 11r i:;ar agr>,
.~!urf'/;;nd/or n101i:.
,,. i I I
LeL a
f""(l/: J:<'tll•r Pai11l1ntc, Hll!'I'•
1,w ,t, r~te rior. :IP<Jll~r1e· cr'tl· ·°'IS lll"nlh~ nr morr or l't"r·rn t :106~1 ca1n1no Capistrano
JllL'". 6-16-40'7 ,t 5-JJ.;:;1rr: f :>:fJl"'ri l"ncr 1s 1't'qu1red in 1l1e Laguna Niguel DRAFTSMAN
* * ius1NESS and
ius. Op~;t_u_n_lt_l_es_6_300-
" "1fillatr
ltc:llahl" n1e n & 1<.omrn, "-~·
ltl'llent rai-nings-_ Full ,r,. par!
1time avaiJ;iJile. I Oars ,t
;rvcnin~s.) Nn srlling! Re-
1fll!1ng & c0Uect1ng monf'y
1from cc-.in opPl'itted dispen-
!er~ in Ol'angc County &
t,un"l'.lunding ar<'a. Compr111y
fUP[l!icrl Jocat1ons. 11l11nct!re
n a m.. branrl candy &
1-n<i1·k,1 . SJJ75.00 cash re·
<1111rrd. F'or per::oon::ll 1n1rr-
l\'1r11· in this a1'f':'I, st'nd
,(1all11', addrr:..~ ,\; r hnn1'
f11n1brr To !llul11-Stat" D1$I,
nc., 9()7;") f:~ ln1p<>1·1,.,[ }/11·y.
tJ011·nr.~" Calif, 002·tt. 1113)
$t€j] .(\1:71 .
·Ladies Appa rel Shop
L1k:r to own your Oll'n busi-
ne ss; ilcl'f''s a real op por.
tun11y to own your own ~!Jrip
1v1th a small 1nves1ment for
fLxturei; 1n thr Fountain Val-
l<!) arra. All merchandise
js on consi~nment. No in.
1''estml'nl in nicrchandise,
,pay af1rr it is sold. \Ve Ira.in
yo11 & supcrvi.se you at no
f :xpensc, .f·or comple!r 1nlor.
n1ation, 11-rite or phone F. L,
'r1crney, 2130 North JloJly. "-·ood \\'ay, Burb11 nk:, Calif.
.Pilon(' {21.il 8·13-43~0.
Q\\"N Your own profllahlc
businr~s in bf'autHul Cd111
.h i:;ht on Coo.st Jliw11y. Sharp
~ .sea! c11le. All ne1v shin-
11!111.: rqu1p. NO\V serving
h1nf'h ;ind dinner. Cou!d
S('r11r brea.kfasL Buill 1n
,t·l1rnt"l". lo""' rent. Only
59.:Jj() for quick sale. Tem1s
·t all Van at "The Real
f;stat<'rs"' 64&-7171
~111 n11fact urt' auto accie!i;ory
,par1s 1n your spill"(? timr .
G00<! fa mily projrct. $1500
s11ppl1cs netdt:'d. S h o u 1 rt
,1'f'!u1·n $.;J()'.) ~ per niont h or
1nnrf' hill !Im<'-For arip1,
;?lionr 1i l4~ :)39-9871 , r ~t
211 ,
t xr;.nfllrll:' company ~cd5
m1111 f('\r ~upeni.~lon of pro-
rl1K't1on. $15,COO inve&tmrnt.
.!'a!Ary open + share in prof.
•its + comPAny fnnge OOn-
f'filJ; t or 11pp1 phOne. 1714~
i\!J.:Jj\7\, ex t. 490. Pnr.c1pal.s
/'11():\~;y ~!11.ki ng r 11ff' I 11 r
h 1n :::-,,111 11 An11 lridu~1r1:il
'1\rr:i ~·ully l'q11ipp!(I. 5hor!
• 01'rl"''" J,, shnrt h.o 1,1 rs .
* * BUSINESS and
-----Bus. Opportunities 6300
:\iJW a1·aiJal)\c in Costa i\lesa
& many olher to1vns in this
area. All loca!1oris arc con1.
n:cn:1al or lactory. Very
high earnings, no scU1ng in·
vol vetl. To qua.1 1fy you niust
be 1'i'l1;ibJc & have 1 hr a
day spa1'(' time {day,'i or
$120G IO .S.-;J;l! REQt.:JRED
I nqu1r-c lll)(J(I! our ··tree born1s
ro,11., pl<!n '. .\l<tke ynur fli-
!urr s<'''llre \\'l!h uo;, a Dunn
S· Bri\d~trf'f't ratr<l :\a(10n11 I
Co, For muN' 1nforn1a 11on
send nam<', add~l' &: pOOne
no. 10: ROUTE DF:PT, P. 0 ,
&ix !),~ Pon1on,:i, Calif. 91 76'.l
Fr1g1da11"{' 18 ni1n. wash.
Fastr~t 111 t h!' 111dustry, ~o.
18 m i11 \\'ashes \\"ill do the
\1·ork of 4J, 30 min 11·ashc~.
da major shOpping cen!er.
( ;arl'.!cn Gro~·c & Buena
Equipment, Inc.
233-1 1,~ W. Valencia
Fullerton 71~: 525-7833
CARPETS & llphol. A\'er.
$200 thnl S300 per day, no
pcr{'('ntagr!, You Ol\'n it.
S.1600 ea!:oh. &16-.j97t eves
Ideal for cuuplc, * 644-2944 +
DRESS Shop, !llode--0-Day,
busy Buena Park area.
01i.'ner: 527-5946, 847-3827
lnv11tment Oppot. 6310
f.IERGER.. Small educa-
tional products mf.':" hall pro-
rlucts launched bul neerls
broac!tr basP for marketln.'("
expansion. \\'rite Daily Pilot
Box ;\l-346
Money to Lo•n "320
2nd TD Loan
Prom!'!, confidenti11.J ~rv1ce
642-2171 54>-0611
Sen.i1ng H.11rbor AI't'll 20 Yn.
S•ttl•r Mortgage Co.
:;35· F,, 17th .Streer
.r .. r 1t()()(l t'f"!ll "~ta!~ ]Qfln.
V~r>11n1 ,QK, :i.Ir. Adl'ffif!,
Arnk"r + >19!'1·2130
Lost 6401
RE\VARD. Small tan shaggy
dog, Cock-a-Poo I y pc.
Black ears. Losr Cd:'ll.
Ans1<.'\\'ers to ' ' Ra J p h ' '.
ALL Blk Gl"'rn1an She p-Lah.
CABINET. Any s ize job
2J yrs. e xprr. :,is-6713
REPAIR, Par i1!1ons Sn1all
R1:n1ode1, etr. Nile nr clay,
Rras! Call KEN 510-4679
Dlk ba nd arourirt nAr~~. Cement, Concrete 6600 l\"/r ll h ll'A \II!:! • .,.
"Blackdog". Please' call * CONCRETE FI n o r ~.
4g4 ... 2202 patlos, etr Reasonable. Call
LOST: Sma ll ian 111alc Co<:k·
A-Poo. sl\ai;i;y, bl k. 1;ars:
vie. Corona r!C'I !\I 11 r .
Ft:~L\LE lllat·k n111unture
flO(!lr. f:rrl r J e a 1·n!l11r.
\JJ ni:: ta11 Rr,uirrl. \"1r C:\1
Police Drpl :'!'I0-1471
S.\I \Vhl \'II'(' Tc11·11'r "'ff'.
q1ulla", tnrk rrflr Ir:;. 1 1c
C'l. lfl/10. C11l1 642-401'1
Don, 6·1~-.~514
I 10:\lt.: Bl"lL[IErt
Build on your lo!, cus1oin
cr11fl sn1an ... 111r .v !lrs1g11.
Eve ry 11.,,in1 a o;;u;lr•rpl('<'f'.
f(rai;, ! .J<". bnritfPd. :rJS..Q"j6'.I
Gl::1'ERJ\L Co11t r,1rlnr. All
carpf'ntiy. conrrCtr, adcl &
1·cm(l((cl1nc:. 2» .~I"' ..,,, ...
DI A,\l, P.1 111; -2 ~T0nr. Call pcncnce. ~:l1 ·7'.lSt 810·2::82
Collecl alter ,11 P~I. 4:12-3036. ~
P,E\\'AR Q. Carpet Cl•1nlng 6625
BLACK Cock"-a-Poo, rna\c, 2
}T~ nlr!, ans. 10 '"Allie:·
LOST l-~rn1ale lnsh Setter ,
\'IC. A\'OC!l.dO & Fa1rv1ew,
C!\l, 11)...IG-69; ~6-27.i!l
LOST: Sn1a.ll tan male Cock·
A·POO. sha~gy,, blk. t>ari;:
vie. Oirona de! iltar. 6T.l·fi6&t
1 1•:ant to \Vomi:"n 11·11<:1 arc J()
pound.• oc more oV<'l""''<'iglit
to take flflM 111 J:"f"l'.lUD 11•l'i~ht
loss progran1 of sJ)l"'t'1ali1.rrl
t"1"'ducing, All inqu1riPS rnn ..
fidential. A~k for ~1 r. l~C'n~
nN:ly 537-5412,
Double your money tor Xmas
or rai5e money for your C'i~h
or c hurr h. A phone fall br
letter and you will t"{'t'••ivr
lree, comple'c i11lorn1a t1on .
Comp11b, 1(68 E. J~t St ..
~u1te ZO.\, (11 4) ~~6-6.<"t.ii. -----LICENSED
Spiritual P.eadin~~. ntlvi•·c
nn all niatter.s, ~1 2 i". I-:!
Camino Real, So n Clrn1cn\C'
492-91~. 496-9.107
10 A111 . lO f'111
BAOIELOR Looking In!' r,:lrl
tennis player 1n :i.o·~ · -
fl ying, ere. \Vrl!e Box l\1 &47
011.ily Pllo1
Phone 542-721'1 01' wri!e lo
P.O. Bolt 1223 Co~ta i\h·~.1.
NO mal!tr wh111 11 1~. yr,q
""" :<I'll 1! l\1lh II 11Afl.\'
PILOT \VAi'JT AD1 ! ll4'2.:'-o!l7R
* DlA!l·lONDS are mr>11surt·rl
by '1 U11!11y, ro are w!'~
D!i\}!OND CA RPI:../
CLEANERS 6~J-1317 a nyr1n1c
CARPET & Flirn. cleanin~;
for 1 day scn.i1cc & 11ual1ty
work, call Strrhng lor
brigl1tncss! 612-8:i20
CARPET & upholslel'.Y ~team
cleaner!, also carprc 1n·
Rlalint1on. Resul1s g11ar. For
free e~!. call &IB-.5~71
Elect rice I 6640
ELECTRICIAN: Licen~er! .
bolldrd, i;mall jobs, ni;unt &·.
rC"pairs. ~1&-.JW3
Do you 1vant to be a full tinie
l\'Orking professional~ Do
you hA 1'e 1he self rlisriplin..-
ro subject you!'SC'U to a rig·
Id British lr aining cour.;e &
1he 11rt i.~t ic humility lo 1.1 c·
rrpl n1il'!o1T rolrs until t h !'
1r111n 1ng rirrio<I I"' romplC'1t'"
II S'l THE 1.0!\'DO N LA·
r.lJN1\ A C T 0 R ,.;; \\.'ORl\-
SJIOP m1ghl. he able to hr lp
YOll· No previous eiql>i"ricnce
orct;>~sary. no ;igi: ba1TJrr.
1\-fembeNi of this exclusive
group 1dl1 only r.,... aci:r pterl
upon a satisfactory persona!
lntervie~· with 1he r!irector.
Call 494..+KH for ;ipp!.
Attractive Expert
YOU!"G \V0:-.1,\N
danr"r 11 \ll leR('h Y•'ll 1111
laTr~t $!i>p~. C;1,ll ,,M,,\I
21.J; ~~I~~~!! 1.1n Pi\!
sm<1ll businl'..'~sm11n p;1y a1.
trnt1rin to your needs. John
YARD 1Gar. t.:leanup ,
Ren1ovc lrcc~. ivy .. d irt,
tr atrr:ir backl1oe, i;r ad e
CLl::AN t.:P & Tr1n1n11ri~
TrPe "'-shrub 1·cmoval.
Rl"a~nablr . ~19-1359
CLEA:-: ... u p and light n10V·
1ng. Call D:ivr·
... ,11g,'1-42':)J ...
~~-~ Clean Up And Haul
SHI a ln,i ! 6-16·25::'-~
Housecleaning 6735
r.,\~· ,\. Bcar h .1an1to11al ::Ort»'.
c .. rp<•t-, \\ 111dow~. f!onrt,
r Tr Rt\~ & Co m 1n f' ' j
b jl,~1101
e \\'J c,~C~C~\\~.S~D~l~R~T~Yc7-
t'1·<•r l'~l. 1j }'t'al's f'\P
.J0hnny n11nn 1; 12-:135-1
\\"Ol:LD Lou believe I \''111
f'lcn r; your hnn1e for Bhle
Ch1p ::>ta111p.'~ ,11!17-73:.o
C:\RPJ·;Ts. \\ lflrlO\\'~. firs,
rlc. P.c~ or Comr·r. Xlnt
11T,rk Rt'.15! Rel.<;. :i~S-41 11.
PAINTl;\G & paperil,1ng1n,c:.
Rcllsonabl<'. 2.i ) ,._, c:o.:p.
(;.,rrnan ski!JJ;. 642-1.~22
Plastering, Repair 6880
,\II types. Yree
C~ II 5-lO..f.S2:">
6890 ~~bing
PLL':\!13!!'\G REPAlR
No J0h too sm<tll
• 6-12-::!28 •
Re ... ':!'!~el , R~pair, 6940
Bli!LD, Remodel, R ep11lr
I3rif'k, block, co 11 c r e t e ,
crpniry, no iob too J;n1a!l
Lir, Cr1n1 r. 962-691.i
• If ~ou nr1 rt l'r>:n~1ctrJ 1ni::
ria.1n 11n1:: "r 1"1"'pa1r-;. Ca:J
Li1 r k .. h!2-li!"l7,
Sewing 6960
• Drrssn1ak1nc • Alterauons
Spro;:i:.i.) ol1 hr111F..
.. &!6-64·1fi ..
Alta rations -642-5845
j'\:r>a i, arcurate. 20 yrn1·~ rxp,
Ironing 67.5~ Tree Service
IRO:-.JNG in iny horn",
re ferences. 1.)c & 20c per
* :-.JS-5104 *
BUS IEST marke tplacf' in
1own. T he DAILY P ILOT
ClassH1C'd SC'Clion. S a v r
m oney, lime & eJJort. Look
BE\VARE'. ! Rubber trees
break !ountlatiu n.~. f~rr!e ($1,
Any Tree Service. 5:Jl>.3920
Upholstery 6990
CZYl\OSKJ'S Cu~T Uphol.
European Craftsmanship
100~;, Fin! 642-1454
11131 Newport Bl .. C.i\T.
6 405 Cemetery Lot• 6418
f 0r r'Prorrled m('A.~11g" that
11·1!1 ch1.1 fl~<' )'O\lr Jile call
OH.ANGE CO. 547-6667
:'l hour recording
S iN G E n S, WR TT E R S
rvt"ord rn111pany ronducllng
talr 11! go:>a rrh. !")4~2353
Announcem•nt1 6410
Grand Opening
of Physio The,.py
~i 1i1111 ~· m a.5:<Ao;:l', f; lemalr
t"• h, 1n 11111-12 n11 'ln1iz:hr i
da,v~. l.~:l ThA lla, .l'ul!e C,
Lnc:11n11 Rei\<'h ~S-1·1.11.'
F OR SALE by r:iwner. 6 P a.
c i/ie Vie1v t•emctery lots.
Call 545-6!)6(}.
Legal Notice• 6450
I. Lenox 11. 1-luhl:iard, can<'f'I
lh<' Po1vr>r or Attnmcy m;id~
out to .lu'\ni!a :.1a~in~ H11h,
i).'11\l . 10·'.20-69. 19i4 t"rdera.I.
t wiU not hr 1'PsPQn:<ib!c tor
any rfr hl:< nrhcr ll111n my
O""'n, Leonanl T, Krahenbill
J r,
I \\'JLl. not he responsihle
l or any dehlll other thlln my
own .• James fl.11rhael F'ox
r 11·Ul oo! be responsible for
eny clC'bl:< nthe r than my
nwn Rnhrrt V BnsMn
T'l.r\i'N?NG tn n1n\'e~ )'ou'll
r1rirl an :una z\ni;-n11mber of
hon1es !n lnday"s Classl.Ocd
Ari,;. Chcrk !hem oow .
fr1ilo•1·ing-il!'t'flS: llllrk-fi lnl or Jr Draftsman
sol,Jcrin.c. wl rr hond1t1l:, CASHIER TO $450 ~S openings in )
chtp m ollnt1ng, m1crowcld· 8 1 .• N 8 h ff e MAPPING ini; or bonding. _eaut1 lJ.I e1vport. eac o .
!Jf}f'n1ngs ari:" nn
!~1 and 2nrl shift ~.
PltaSe apply in prrson !0:
500 Superior Avenu&
Newport Beach, Ca lif.
ices. Brokerage background. e SUB~O J V PLOTTING
Call Koy 546--:l-fJ()
E mp!oymr nt Agency
2120 So. /'11ain. S;tnca Ana
Part Time
Jor Sunday &. ;\londa.y
nigh1 , 4 to 11 PNI.
needed at
IL C1ifford Thorn &.
2952 Century Pla~
Costa ~lesa. 541).4481
l·:qu:1J opportun1tv
en1plOYPf' • !II & f
No Experience
ALLEY WEST ,\lus t have t'lean Calilomla
2106 Oct'anlront driving record. A9PIY
B, \H Y,.._! TTE l~~l 1,;: u1 1Qr--:1
rhllclren r 2 -~rh00l-a~cl.
Salary opr>n. :-.111.~t lnvr
rhildrr n. l.1lr' lvu1~rwr1rk.
N"1"'J>'ir1 Bc ar 11 675-lTl~ YELLOW CAB CO.
**CHRISTMAS** 188 E. 1611' SL HE L p Costa hlesa
(Male or Female) Electronic Inspector"
Fnli and part time i'l!All. Treine• $2.50 hr 8c,c\clclcYc>~lcTcT=F:c, 7R-,-,\cl-,,-,,-"-,,I \\IR A P P 1-~ RS, SALES X1nt JrviJ11' ('Q P..('ad b\ue.
11,,1nan . '..!', d:1.v~ \\ k, l in-C1 .. E:RKS, STOCK Cl...ERK.'i pn nt.~. C:ilJ A~an. 5-16--5410
tilnt. '.! school-age 1~!)--s. Apply 10 to 4 rni. JASON BEST
B'lck H<1y :i1'ra. ~~li'.i RICHARD'S ·F:mplorml'n! Ageory
?120 ~-Main, &!n!a Ana RABYSJTT-E-.R--\\1 ant r. d Lido Center
![0111·~, :\·lnnrlRy !hr\i Fri(l:1y,l-~-::~c'c1_'="c••~Lc'0c0c·_'_··_8_·~ Experienced 1n single ocedle
J0.2 :: l'ililrlren ~ly hnnv~ CLf:ANING lady neeried. and overlock. Good piece
:i;1·1 fl"l' 11'f'E'k. Cal! Diane F nday prel!!rred. 4 hN: o n· 11·ork prices, steady ,,.,·or k.
r,:\S-.':-ll I H B. ly. i\lust have own F.DDY MOSS 14042 Locust
s ,\f\YS!TIER, your hoine. 6 transportation. R!'ferences. St., \\'r.~tmins ter; 534-Jl7:l&
rno. r:ild l'hllrl. VI('. 22nrl & 5-16·7S17. EXTRA Chri.srma.s money.
J\·c\1•port, Ci\.!. 7Ai\l-4:3UP.'<l. *CASHIER * Car ,,.,.·ash, Ea~y. fun. no investmenl.
:':>l~>--5::111 after 5 PTll t ull time or part time.. no rlcliveory. Part time, goo-I
IlAB\'SIT'TING & ironing CALL: 645-W22 r11.v. Cal l SARAH COVEN-
pal'1 lime for tr.ac.her. Call CLERICAL: In su r a n c e TRY. 546-7122, 548-577!1,
R-16--0407 af! •1;30 ra.o;ualty exper, 1 girl ofc in1 ~'16-<S=='c'==~:'.'.'.=,,,.,,..-
Lh'c in 6 day.s, ~92..4378
R1:g11lar ra 1~rs io $1 50.
H.B. l\lr /'llann, 842-4449 ESTABLISHED lnsurance ·
BABYSITTER, F'rom 2 to 6
P111 daily. tllesa North area,
C'.osta ~lesa :'i--1&«>37 E\e~.
BARMAID: 0 or pt tim~.
nights. Good salary. Apply
(toys: 436 E. 17th, C.fl.1.
Top w11gc!, permanent, hon·
l"sl, and good workin1 con·
ditions in area's leading
reslauranf. Apply 9 am to j
pm for inler1.iew at
for d11.y &: evening shifts in MANNING'S
popular. priced C.M. salon, COFFEE SHOP
Prt:?srrn slaff can't handle 24031 El Toro Rd.
rapidly expallding voJumt', L.elsure Wor ld J...t.runA Hllh
Paid vacation. Call Viola: 837-1014
5~8-9!H~ or apply In person, * COOK-4xperienced
Crowning Glory Beauty SA-Exre>llent working ronditiorn;
l0n, 267 E . 17th S!. APPLY JN PE RSON -
B I K I N I &rmsid/danl"!r. SNACK SHOP #9
Full or part·tlme. Costa
Boat Mfgr.
• As5embltrs
• F inish C•rpenter•
300!) Pulln11U1, Costa hlesa
B 0 OKKEEPER flSS!Stant,
for O('C11no"r11phlc firm. ,\r.
r nu nts pay11ble-r,.ceh'able .~
.-;.encral bn.okke1pin1
knO\l'l&doi;c. ;l-18-3~~
3446 E. Coast H\\y.
Corona de! Mar
SECOND or dlnfl!'T
Phone . 400-5'146
Computer Oper•tor1
!Swing k Mid Shifts)
1 yeal'9 experience on IBM
1130. Cfl3 &Ot11'r k 511 repro-
duction. Teletype bkgrnd.
3:>J!) \\I \Varner. S.A.
filil 5-11).2820
Eq1111.l o}'.lflQrt11nity tmplo)•er
Leads a vail, N.B. affioe.
Can-er oppt, 675-6383
S•tup & Oper•te
ALL positions ~uire
some e:icper\!'nce
14SS D~ \\'ay
Co~ta i\le!oa, Cahl.
'il 1) 545-8'2~1
24 DAILY PJLOr Tllf:Mfay, Octobff' 21, 1%~
Jok---Men, Wom . 7100 Joba-Men. Wom. 7100
* *
Housewives and Mothers
Earn txtra money for * CHRISTMAS *
J. C. Penney Company
Fas.hion Island -Newport Stach
Has positions open in * Sa les * Stoc k * Santa's ~felpcr * ('red1l intcrvie\\'S * Gift \1·rapping * Tvle rchandisc records * PBX
Schedules including afternoons, evenings and
con1b1nation of both.
}.'1nest co nd itions -Top snpervi~io n -E x-
cellenl be nefit s including discount privilege.
* Apply Now *
10 A.M. to 9 P.M., Monday thru Friday
J. C. Penney Company
£24 Fashion ls.land
Newport Beach, California
* * -"II "
Jobs-Men, Worn. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100
Sun. 1 .. Holidays nlf * EXPERIENCED
# 16 Fashion l~l:ind
l\ewporl £.ca('h
e lNSPECTOR, !or quality
eon I r o I, needed im·
mcd1atrly. i\lcGregor Yacht
Corp. 1631 Placenlla, C.M.
Areounung background, 11·ith
~t·n~'1·aJ o!fJ("C :;kills, occa·
,,1ontd 1ra1·c l, young boss,
bl'a(·h a1'r:i, to SGOO. Call w .
rain(', ,,J<'rchan1s PC'rsonncl
A~cn~·y, :?(l-1.3 \Vesicli([ Dr.
N.B. 615-2770
-----------1 \Vot·k al Ne wport CrntC'r. start $·100/rno. R r quirt•s sN:-
rcrarial l"Xpcnencr. Type 60
\\'Pill, l1i.-:h1 shor lhand. Ar .
tornl'y. P.o!ard S. Ban~umc.
Fishing Rori \Vrapprr~
Top doll an; 11 i"Xp"d F.· \\ illing
to \l"Ol"k. Bro11"n1ng !11fi::. Co.
1919 Placentia, C . :-.t,
j.1$-.l lil
1\pply Lil ~r-nn 1v
TH~~ C1JC.f"
2 10 5 p1n
The F ive Crowns
t:!rgari! n1'1•· offl('C, beat·h
ill"C'J, M'VCral yrs. <'Xp. top
pay. call Ann, .\1£'rchanls
/'i'rY>nnrl A g ,. n c y. ::'{)4.l
\l"r~h·hff Dr_ N.B. 6-15-2770
Re staurant * :::.~1 E . Pa1·1r1c Co.1~1 llwy. FOUNTAIN VALLEY
Conrnci d<'l '.l!ar r-:o ph. falls SCHOOL DISTRICT
Foreign Car Mechanics *
Good co. bC"nclirs, 111<·1 paid ~);lry rar~<' Sj.43-. • ~6:1:.',
Job$-Mtn, Wom. 7100
newport .
•. egencf
Proft1osional Service
for th• •mployer
and th• •pplicant
133 Dover Dr., N.B.
642·3170 549-2743
Nurses;. RN, par! 11n1c; 7-~~
3-J I, 11~7
LVN. full time; 7.;:
Park Lido Conval<'~nt
Center. 466 Fla~~hlµ 1\rl.
Newport Beach . 642-8044
l"URSES -J'riv;1!P Duty
nreclcd. flN's. LVN's. All
£lulls. Call any hour
f NURSES NCl.'tled !or private
rlury, Prat1cal ,ft-Aides. No
lie. nc<:. All s ll1fls and h\"C·
1n. J\lusr have IT'f"s. Call any
hr. 642-9"J35
NUTtsES Aides. t:xp"d. All
:-hilts. Jnq. p<>rsonnc.I dept.
Hoar. Mrm. /lo,,p.
}"'Q R busy a nd in!crrs.1 1ng job
in per.;onnel a.nd sales clept.
,,fu~t have good skill~.
Receptionist/ PBX
J\.1USl' be attrac1jv,..., \\'cll-
groorned with friendly s mile
lo handlr 1n!crt•sting fl'onl
desk. Fi1•m loca led 1n S:1n
Cl f'mcnrc, Pll: i'-1rs. lltlsou,
Experienced in ~ing!e ne('(!le
and ovcrlocks. Good piece
\\·ork prices, .1Hcady \\"ork.
l::DDY r.1oss 11042 Locust
St., \Vcstminstcr ; 5::1-ST'..S.
!or Garincnt i\Jlgr. (.;ood
pay, pcrn1a nrnt. 6'12-26fi6
PART-Tin1c ,:Jraning lady
lor ne1'>' !urn. n1od. J1on1cs,
not Jived in for ,1 i.~play
purpo~cs only. 4%-121!6.
PBX Operators
Personnel Service
4-15 r.::. 17th ::it .• C.1\I.
PBX Ans11"<'ring S<'r1·1t:t', ,.-.;.
pcric ncc pr e I c r r <'d , :il-
tcrnoon & m1rlrui:ht ~h1fL~.
Hunt. Bch. aren. :,;:G-AASl
inlerest to women
Sl''ING !'.iH ll-1"
Job.--Men: Worn. 7lOO 'obs--Men. Wom. 7100 SALE AND TRADE SALE ANO TRADE ~~,==~~~~~~~l~F;;::u:rn:l~tu::::r.:-----;;:8000;:;~F~u~r=n~;~1u~r=•....;.::....;.;.;:.:~8~000;;;;-
Restaurant SALF-5 Sar11.h Coventry has ---~--="-"----.;:::::~:.:.cc:::.:. ____ :::::_ Furniture 8000 Furniture 8000
l.\L,lEOIATI: Nl::I:.:O
(l!lt'lllll~S for 0 <.Jr pt lllTIC
X1nas .sa..leii. Pl e a sa nl,
rhgnified \.\'Ol"k \~/IVJ in-
vest., c oll cc t 10 11 s or
drlivcrics. Choose your own
hr.;. r.tin. Ul,<e 21. For intv.
call: ':">40--0614 & 96:!-5693
Spani$h & Mediterranean Furniture
$50,000 Inventory To Choose From
•DISHWASHERS Soles Secretary
11·i1 h :l·3 years nation::i..I con SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN
9 Pc. Meditt Sedroom iuite, reg. $349, now ~168.00
Gorgeoui Spaniih Custom bu ilt sofa with
matchg love seat . Choice of beautiftJI .APP LY IN PERSON io;u111c r products <'XJX'rienli!. Show
~uhr11l1 ~ume to Da.Liy l>ilot
Room -Floor Samples · Factory Closeouts fdbrics, reg. 54 19.95 ·--·· _now $255.00
REUBEN E. LEE Bo .... !'vl-569. 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE $389. Span i~h Dining ~et s . . .. $ 75.00
So lid O ak End Tdbles & Coffee Tdb/e\ •... _$ 18.00
Tall Decor Ta ble Ldrn ps, reg. 49.95 now S 18 .00
Sp dni sh Hang. Swag Lamps-, reg. 49.95 now S 15.00 151 E. Coast Hwy.
Newport Beach
SALESLAUY, exp'J. I o r
Jewelry store, hill tin1e.
-----------I Secretary
ltcstaura.nt N<'\.\.'SP<Jpcr nc<'ds
Part Time
• 5 pc . .authentic Spanish Bdrm. set, • 96
in. quilted sofa with 56 in. matching love
seat, or chair e S pc. Spanish Dinette, oak
table top e 3 heavy Mediterranean matching
tables, top dura ble enough for Flamenco
Da ncing. Wi11 sell pieces individua lly.
3 Rooms of Gorgeo us Spanish Furniture
(was reg. $1,295 ) Sacrifice! $398, terms
1844 Newport Blvd., Costa Me sa BUSBOYS
For Week-ends
151 E. Coast Hwy.
Newport Beach
'" V1("e • Prcsid<'nl
& C.1·ncral r.lanai;:<'r
\\"ho can take shu1·thand 100
\\ prn, !1krs \"ar1cty and fig.
ur•·~. type 60 11·p1n or bc1t<'r.
.\!any con1pa.ny ix'r11•lus such
dS paid vacanons, s 1 c k
lrav<', paid n1f'CliCal and life
insuranc~'. cr(·du union, prn.
sJo/l plan, <'I C. Call thr
IJAILY PJLOT for an np.
po1n!n1enr. 6-12-4:\21 and a.-.k Ancient Mariner for t11rs. Green111an.
Shop First! Then See Our Unbelievable Buys! Every Night 'til 9 -Wed., Sat. & Sun. 'til 6
1001 other items with terrific savings! l '"'====~~~=:"":~~""~="".~~=~==·I Bank 'l'crms Store Charge !\'laster Charge ~ cF~"c'~"~"~"c'~·----~8~0=00 Appliances 8100
BankAmer icard All Accepted
•• .. : ••I
~!ODI::L tiOO l\l'rlrnol't!
"a~1lr·1•. :'\lrll •"OJ\l.I.
~1.JG-/!672 nr !!17·1111:-i
Used refrigerator $20.
Call ;dler J 11111 , 6·ll.f&14
20 PC . "MADRID"
3 Room Group
FR0111 MODEL 110:\lf:S
Inr!udcs: Qu1!t('d sofa and
chair -2 <'nd tables & cof. Ire lablc -2 lainps -drl'ss-.A_n_H_q_u_e_, _____ 8_l_l_O_I
no1v tnking a pplil'a11oris for SECRETARY 1 b s . JOBS & EMPLOYME-NT f~uu & part 11nil' day & . or . u.y <'." Furniture 8000 ri·cs shif!.~. • 1·cu11ve ro ass1:-.I 111 sc11111g Jobs-Men. Wom. 7100 :...::.::c:.:.:_:::_ ____ :;::.::
1·r -tn1r1"0t" -11.,al!bo:rrd -
ciuilled txix spring & n1att·
11.'SS -J 111·. <l ining 1·1..0111;
t~l)lr & •! h1 -l1.'l\'k chair~.
COMPl\HF; AT $l-l9.'.!.J
](illi f\•Ul\11)' C° h I !l (' S {'
1iorec•);t1n 1a.,r. J\lany olllC'r
111"11.·nt:d ti·rn.~111"1'~. Pv. Pty
• KITCHEN HELP U_P ll{'IV ~l'Jll: 1v11_h1n !l·lutua! s1·esta f uncls Co. 111 Nc111pL Bch \Vtd T!{E"SS: Exfl"I._ 6 a111 to e DISHWASHER 11rf'a . T011 skills. s hor1Jnuid, 2 pm Sun/hol. off. 1>:ta111rrs
~o th111•n-l•n11s only Sl6 mo.
J::lJl.~01\ 1,1iu110.i;r:1pli, :;n1all
horn ,.p1·;ik1·r &: 1·yl1ndl'r
l"t'l'Ol'!!S. J';d, 1.~!l6 S\50,
:.10-:1111 • BUSBOYS ryping .~: np!1tudl' 11~111 Colonial J\:itchcn 191h & liar.
Apply 111 prrson figurr~ ·/-pcrson;1l1 !y -!· hor C~I
!.'607 \V. Coasl l·f1\y , Staron~ salary :s n:, 11·11h --11-·,=11=·1=·n=1=::s"·,---_=,_--,-,.-.,-1-
Ne.wpor1 Beach benefit or s tock option. (;;;JJ COFFEE SllOP.
P.cstatii·ant &12-93GO for appoint. * &12-7·12,I *
R cstauran!: Part lime help SE:CRETARY W;\11l('d for \VAITE'flS, \Va I I r es SC s '
11•antcd. 1!,l~turr. pt: r .s on. devC"loprr. Bu1l'.Jing . r xp. 2121 E. Coast 11\.\.'Y. c d l\1.
$2.00 hr/ 5'1.r9S6.1 Pr r f c r re d. STANDARD Bushoy. Prrl. e-.;Jl'd. Apply:
HESTAU!l.ANT: L..1rly, full PACIF IC COH.P. 5 16-1161 * SALl:S\VO.\·lAN *
or part Tin1c, nla1urC". :S2 per '.llATURE Parl Hme.
hr. 5 1~!>Sli3 Secur ity Gudrds Young ~tatC"rnity Shops
ll;:r.nry for Carrt:r Girls
•IHI \\' °'8st JJ11y., N.B.
By a ppoin1. 616-:::939
SALl::S -l::;1rn n1nney \1·i lh
oo inv!'s!n1cnt. S ar ah
Covrnlry need' lull &
11a rl -!1n1r hrlp. No de l: 11·c
rra1n. For int. ph. ~l'\.'i-6100
Sales * Fantastic!
Personable 111rn 11 ho arr So Coast Pla7a. P'.ll's only
bondablc, a hlC" _to pas~ a \VANTED f-"«r ~ e 11" r a I
llll'l"l1ca.I & JJ:hysu:aJ :i._):ib!y pi~k-up lahor, 1111alrs1, $2
e.xan1. Pos111ons ava1l:ib!1· p<>r hr. C:ill _ 4'Jli-12!1G.
starling <I\ s.·..oo a 1no111h.
J'llgh!S only. J~rnpluyrr \VIII ----------
lurni~h u1vn un1lonns ,'I,, Schools-Instruction 7600
<'<Jll1p11u'nt. F:n1ploy1•r pro-
\'lcl!'s xJ111111ork1nJ,:1"01\di11on~
in a Hl::i\l, <1dvan(i'.'n1!'1il
progran1. Vor inll'l"l'l<'W ap.
no1111. t:all i\Jr. D[>illl al
S ECU.7R~l=T~Y-G-U7A_R_D_S_
N!'1\'fX ll"t ;1n'a. li37<HJ70
l\IE:-1 -\\"0'.lll·:N
On prolr.ss1on:1! •:<]tup111rn! in
n lllf'al radio st<1t1on lro1n Phillip.~ Pt•lrull·um Cn.
is !he 11·01'1"1 for this national Now hirtn~ 101· S.!lary • l\oi·king broadt·astct'S.
d Fur ('011\lllct<' vn1l'(' anaJ;.~is ron1p:u1y's Ol'\\l pr()J;ram for opcralf' sc1vu·r :-1a11on, ,. d d c~.1 CALI, Sflu!hrrn Cahlurn1a! \\'c r..xpcnC"ncc l"SLrl' · '"'"-' THE INSTITUTE OF nerd s1arli11g ~ ;1 I a r y 11!us BROADCAST ARTS -Dl!ITRIBUTORS g.<'ncrous eon11n. 111111 •'Sl·ell
-;\l,\.'11:\GEHS o fl fl o r r 11 n 1 I 1,... s for act 772-3800
-SALE$~1 EN v1111cenu·11I. ·r or 1nforn1:1t1on I 'l.\f •·tlll'l\I ~· l'I u ,.
-S,\LES\\'O'.ll f.~ Bl"ookhursl & /\1la111s. llun. 1•rlu~11t1•111 l11a11
-llEPRESE1\'TATIVES 11ngt<1n Urh. r:11ui1l or.-.101:-.1 Tl1l·.-.::!F:1~
-TRAINE:ES po1·run11y <'n1plO~l'I'-\\"IT!! A FL'TCfl1':' ----1 This is a real i;round floor -::J.:rtvJCC: .STATION A:;c <'rluca!!un no t·,.~ri··r~
oppoqu111fy 1vlth a !!;olld auto. T(•p island salrsinl'n. Lr t us hclr1 ~··ill (\Ull!11y.
,,,. GOO \V. •l!h SI., S.inla Ana (JLIJ CLOCK~. Abo A111111ue 1,ew !I p{. eurn1~r nrrang-. c · I J Oprn Dally 9.9 at1('asiun w;i nut a 111 p
c'h1J1t"0 o[ 1 I rs. t"'~. s~:;o, n11w Sat. 9.6 Sun 11.6 !;ihlt•, t ;ill r..1()..:1~1;::
$159.:io. New lx·d.~: J\1ni:: I ~~c:cc,c:_:_ _ _.c=.c..:.:..::_ I========== $99.50, Qllf'<'ns S~£1 ~10, Full I [ I U J; -A -ll I:: D , ):.'Tc•en ~wi ng Machines 8120 !5!9.j(I, T11u1~ :s:;9_:;1), f111ly n;1ui.:ahytl1': :: fl<' ~1·tL1)n.al,
;::uarn. ]\:in~ sz spr•\1d..; S!3!~j Early Alll(•r: Pl11lto 1'rfl'ig, 'ti!l i.,;E~:'<!Or.I:: «onsolc :.cii·-
fl. sl. S9 !>;i. 11 .. artbrd~· l,1t «hcn 1ablr .~· 2 chairs. tn~ 1n1u·l1111!'. ~lr1li !t·tranrn Kin~!>. Sl f"•. Quf'l'ns :S l:!.511. l;i1np~-. .-h·~k. <'nd ;:ihll'~ ct1·. :-.t~il'. [1(11·~ •'\l'l)'lhlnJ'.:. All Full :SIO,!"J(), 'r'lv1ns S·l.9::.. ~.1!1-1\i?;; b<·lon• ~I & af(cr :1. <Hin.ch 1n1·I. 6 11t0i old. hkl' ·ri-undle sets fdu~ r1scr1 11·/ t ·~EI) i; 1lraw1·1· ,1 .• ,1,,,, · ,,,. n<'"' 1'111111. S::'OO. C ;1 11
1n11er sp1·1ng 111at!. l"Cf:. Sh"''· 1h·l"~M·~· .~· u11r1-u r. S·M.9.C• - ' -"I
'.,. ' .~. now r .50. "-~-sprtls S!:!.99. 1';111• 1,[ lar1111,.. grf'L'!l i..· ---------•, ,.,,. <;: .... ,,, 'P S'l9 ,,-·· ··••I l!l<i!> SJ.\"G!-'.J! 1•/hc a t11 wal · ·1·~. · ,., ,., · • · • -~. ' · l•hll<> Sfi (Jdd <lu11'tteo ch;Ho"
Vl"! ~pl"C<Jds s 19.:iO. C:tnopy s~ ~(·.' Ti11· 1';11"tory. J,'\SJ cn!l."'4111: ,(· 1.11.\·l.a'.'.;. '.\lakes
1-1·•-' 11 19·• , ''''·' hullon holC's. ovrrca~is. :. ""'" ~,.. .....,, 1111 II " ··""· 1 l<J!'l>Ol'. !"i·lO~iS·I:!
·,,11 '' I '"" •"in ,, Y1':1r !'11<1r. Full 11rll1:' ~~..i.24 •.•• :. i ,·,, • ''" i~·~. U~l 'll-OLS"f l-"Rl··.o . -S239.:.0, 111111• Sl 6:J.~0. Ch1·1,I· -<-O r r\ c r nt' S~1.2G n1n. f121>--6fil6
gJ"nu11 1·11n1·f'1'ts i11lu :! f\1 in I=='==-====:=== I nl;lS lay-a ways no1v. SIE:ITA
SLEl::P !'"I !OP, .1 !127 1 larhor
Blvd., C\11 liJ::..:!760 U;11l11 10.
~l S;ll-'.'1111 JO.!i. .
ln •ds. Co~l SJ:Al Nie $:!i:; or
b,·~t oflrr. ti ·1:?-71J!)
Office Furniture 8010
Musical Inst. 8125
1 pll'kUJJ\ Jong 11<'ck,
Solid hndy, 111:L1thlr~:;.
t;IJ.~'.!lfi l-:1 r1unr,~
17 Pc. Kinq Size
L~ir.c:c 9 dritwCr drr~~"t', rn ir.
rC1r, 2 b("d.~~rle :-lands, king
Sll.C hr;1d t)(l.'.1rtl. /f<ilTI<'. fjlllll·
e•! n1all1l.·s.s. ~11rt ts, l1l..i11k·
i>ls, •·ll'
RETURNED FROM ...... l\CCO!:nl0:-.1 (:!I Xl 11!. l:!O
Ch1u1·.-nl Sp;1 n1cl1
or ,\[nd1'L"n S!.' 1"
All For $249
'.\.1 tlp11·n i 'llH~. unly SU 11111.
WO\\' 11h ~1 , S.Hlld Ana
()f)t'll D.,dy :; • !I
~I . !J.G Sun. 11-i.i
HENT,\L lfJ D<:l illa1· R11Pe
!i"at·k. \\!(l(){I ,r:, s h•rl dc~ks,
c'h;ur<:. !1h·~ ,(; lahlP~
M<MA HAN"S 772·84SO
!~:ill :.; J\11;1ll•'llll Blvd.. UI
A•1:-1ht•1n1 (;1!011g~1lli! S. A.
ln·1·11;i.11 111 K;HPll.i ~
A l).ll"ST.\Bl.I·. ·r}P'""TllL·r
•·";11r S:!."• B,1•·i-~1oragc tia1'
~1n _•_1_1_-2'16'1c. -"-'-' ___ _
STl·J·:L F1l1n:;: 1•:il1u1c1. •\
dr.11u•r. ]\·r;1 I ~1:t.\'. h1U
!>USfll"·n~11Jn. S:.(I. Sl7-6::1!1
Bas5 L<'111;1r, 11 Bass Noble.
Ll.!J\\ l\i Ol><.1111 s o·!. ~llJll'.'r!!
A-I l"•'nd . 11 I Z!i<IJl<.1n cyni-
h;1ls. <:al! ti7;:...jJG:)
P ia nos & Organs 8130
Office Equipme nt 8011 -
n111tic clect1"0nic cqu1pmen1 GOOD pay lor ""P"rl. men. JNi•-iKl·:t:Pl<~R~ 11\STITUTI:.:
f1rn1 tha1 offc rs Corona dcl i\!nr Shrll :;civ. JNTEP..NATI0:-1,\L ESPANO'L IN Q UAL ITY HIGH 2,."!(Jl E. (nn~r 1111')'. at :'-lotel1!1otf'1/Apt l\1g1111 Sehl Model Home Furniture • d" Gol lrnnxl f7"...(11~·: ,\ D!VlSION OF S;ivino;:~ lc1 .~j '"; .. Vl't)' •'.i ~y Imme 1ate 1 · '· , ·" A,1·110N.· Y ... ·.-11001.<. •""'-lit1tlllt1nt:. 3 t"1J111 plc'tl' !"1)1Jn1s
E • .>.;EJ tVJCI<~ sta. altcndant , f\111 1·.17 s.·. "110CJ'"JJUR~·r r Ornln ft§ l n "' "' (I cil'Cfl)\1lo1o; "'I;], d ·"P:tlll!'h ., 111111', UV{'f '..1. nld<'r n1;111 ''·',\11'·"1.\I , c,\LJFORNlA
TYPE\VR!Tl-:1' •. :1d1I. n1arh ,
i ";J l1·1d.1 lll1", v. ·r.· ····:i~011<l lll1•.
::\Int < •>nd. -~~!'.!-::'I~:
Garage So'tle 8022
"acalion, group ht~. uni-RE:QUIRl'.::'.lt:N'f S -V;J1cl
lo1m:'I f11r111~hr<I frl'c-Good C;ihfornia busdrivcrs Jiccnsr,
cun1n1. i;chl'.'dul('. A.~k for n1rchan1cal 1"Cpa 1r r1( school
J0c !l·loorf' Ph. ;,.l(l..176-1. bu.se~. au1on1obill'S. light
!rucks ar11! gasolin,.. f'ng incs.
Gll{L To \\'Ol'k par t !1 n1c 111 FRINGE B I:: N F-; FI TS -
Delicalcs~r n ~hop. Apply 1n 'rwelve days pa id vacation
Pl'rson. A111hony's i\lnrket, pt;r y!'ar. twelve d :.ys sick
37:1 E . .li!h S!. C'.11. if';L\"<' prr Y<'ar. n1aJor mcdt-
l.'lS7 Pla1·rn11a
Co~ta !lle:sa
3 50 i:. /1u·111turr. C11ns1,~1ln;:: .,r 11\1• 546• 0 Jll"l'fl'rn•tl. Apply A.,\1. only, ,.1., •. ,,.,. 1,,,.,,1 , .... ,,_. 11.,,,.k 1 , ., , ., .1111011~ c11s t.,111 11ua..l1lv '\!:i-
l iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii[ Sav-il!or 011 Co. 71 h -~· f'llONf-". ··01• '"l'T. . ,. -. '" t1 «1d 111·1111? r10.,ni g1·oup. The
Ocean 11.T>. 1\•k fnr Hrll.11 7i(i·j~M I 1·1 I' I SJ.lt•s " · l/l"lJ::!ll.1 ~ l'PSJr !'1111' Sfl!I!"•
CARPl::T, !<l1a1:;. h1-lo l\"F.\V
SI ~1J. yd. J:J(i l!amdto11.
C.M. Sa1urday o;11ly.
Faelory or1l1•rs l·lr;u·:inc" ol
:iU u1r1·;i;:.e, dl"rnnn~u·.><.1or~.
floor 111od!'ls. :-.1ul110 & l"L'·
tt11·11r1l f'tar¥>s .</; ()l}:::illls.
R1•al i;iL\"1nc~ 11ri In :~o· ;,.
.l:::l'rr~l11ni.: g11,1i .1nrrcd like
11(''1'. S.Jlt• lirnllrd !o SJl<'Cif1c
~tr11·k --'~ h1 11T)' i"n 1nn11ry
11,,wn (l,\C, '1 yc.1rs to P<lY.
This i::1·t·.il :-.;1ll' only ;ii ;
\l'A !:n·~ HALD\\' IN STUDIO
l'il'J '.\,·,1p11r1. C:\l, b·l2·8·1Si
0111 11 E1-r11• (l,"ilr
.~ ,-.;L(111l :1y 1\llCl"ll<l(}r"!
* * DJ.::LICATESSEN i\1AN 1·al 1nsurant'f' JX!licy.
r ull 1unf' work. See Tcny, FOR JNFOR'.11ATION -Call
.J9:l I:.:. Jirh C !II. "\!iss Zachmryer at Sl2-66::.I
llOSPITALIT\' l!O~IES.if"7s E:>.t. 22:1 hetwttn 2 & 5 p.n1 .,
took1nt; !or 1n aturc ii"Omen no larcr than Oct. 22, 1:169.
111 11-clromr nl'll'f'umeN: to r.IACHJ;-;i:: Opcrs. Ti.JITC"I
lh,. comn1un1ty. !\lu:-.1 h~11• L ;iltl(' OfK'r.:. Small 111p1·h"\
1y1·1C1•T1lf'r. •·al'. a111i hr 1-un· pans asscntbly, llS E. l6th,
11at•!c. Apply ;n;, E. i\trun, C ~I.
!>lcGrrt:or Yacht Corp.
1631 Plarrnt1a
Costa i\lcsa
UNUSUAL SE RV~la . A l lnd n '1. __ L_E_A_R_N~T-0-cBcE~-1nus 1nal'lrr k111g Slit> hi'll-
"Exp. Apply in 1)('r.;on 2800 AN AUCTIONEER 1·0<i111 :-u1te :.1111 thf' a1111Jr111 lr
\V. Co;1st ]il~y. N,B. J~f'J;lll>tl' 2 l\"l'('k IC'l')ll Ln P;.iz \\TO\l)!.b, l!l'fl dHlf'l!l'
0 t •t SEllVJCF Sn t1 n 11tcn!111t :<rts. Li1n11t·U l'lut·k . SL~~. Ppor Uni Y · ~ .• u ' (, . s1'!11S sonn' .1 C''ll· nee. Srr i\11ke, 4ti78 \Vf:~.Gf;::,1 SCllOOL ll<i1nu!on !'ho11•roon1, :,:1-1;.j
Tite /ndc:pcndcnt On:lrr of C:lmpus Dr. N.B. UF i\UCTIONJ-:J::HIN1; \\ t'SlllHJ\strr ,\vc. II cs1 mu1:s-
Tl"l{i{J·:T !(·ns n101·1r ,•:u111Ta
Sl -1. f{O!l·a·;t\\'ay h~·d Sl 'l
! ;r.i_:rr .-ourl!rr rm. ~.Jun
h:11r dr;.•c·r SJ J. ~1lr.-1:i6!l
" II 1 1 I I l•·r. ,..;9.J.1-1::! f "ores!rf'll havf' opcnrd a St:\\'EHS. r xpcrl<'t1c('d. Ap· r.ni'' 1nl"nt 1 <'1·11 u1 e t'\'C. -----------Appliance1o
IJ('W offirr. in Or.1ng<' Coun-ply ;,2.J Yorcsl Ave., Laguna B1lt1t!c11 .inti t •·1·1tl1rd 111s11•ue-USl::D 1l<"li1>;t• .'110:1111.~h rriJ
ty, l1C"f1ULI"(' 1nlC"ll1gi•nl 111an Bl'ach. •lf!7-1131 tOrli. Oppn!"lun11y for lh·· 1'f>la & Jo1 pi;1•a1. htolh Sl·ll. !{r•iric:1•ra1ors ···-lrnm s,~'!.
7-, • 59. Coll<'.t:r not nl'r· SITTEft hal)(l1r;ippr1t. !'O l:Y1x JO'Jl. ~;1,:int 11s1•ll ·"fl:1 111~h 1,1111p, I G~: l''1l"1;1ult· C"11lur T\·,
rs..~ary. S h o u J d have l'X· For O\Jr l;unilv f)'.'\,\" ,\ruohi 1n1. l":iltf. :i:,1J.:, llf .~;l Th" t ;1rtur;.. J,,,_1 J l<1rhvr ld,r 1<11 • • • • • • • • • •• • • • ~11"'\
pf'n<'ll('f' in 111rt'l!n;:: puhll('. Ai·ailablt• 1,11<'-n itt·l'<lcd: t71~1 6'~~-·c"™':..:.c·_____ :o11}....li'il2 r;1 .. • h•• 1n1 • rlr~tr •..• ~li'.l~f·
Su11r 7, Tu~t111, Ca I 1 I . tlla (·tJJlnsts
'..l~..fi!n~i e Punch Press &
l!Ot;Sl:..J..:~~l:.l'l·:J:. LL 1 ,. -1 e Multislide Oprs.
n ,,n1fLr•I life 11n1r nn~1li1Jn. ·.··~ m" ,1 .. ,,... .\"IT!· ~TIO.' 1.0V J'.';f; PAR-0 f(I '.\ < ·,fn.,11h·. < '•1·11· TV · Sl 7,, ,~ ,,.., • ·' O;'\ 1" 1,11C Up' 'l 1tll 11!,1)' A m<'mh<'r n( 1· I l"'"T" )"0'-11 ""EECll \\"h11·Jr•i.1J :1111• 1n.11u· 1•.L~h•'r. ·.arning-•"Omn1r1u·r~ 1rnm«. ~on1,. i•i rnuu.:~ ·,., ~· u • ;'\I. 1111d 11 ;11 Ain,.1·1r;1 ~ lart:<'~t.
Snellini:: & Srwl\1n,. Jnr. , <l"li· Sl-••lrl 'o ''' .. ,,.,,-\\"ORl-"'1 101' A""--, ''' ,-, I ("•l)ifl'"ll"flf' • ···· •· ·• ... Sti'.l
hrlr nrrtlC'<t \\y 11 /I T,., $1.~! JX'r 11cck, :\pply
· ' · • '" " •· ) Ocr·1:c1n11al \\f:~:i..;:1:::-;ns ""' · .... ~ · :nu:-.1 11111t'-1JH 1111f1ni.,h••(I :rr-JO 1!.1rll<lr Bl, O l ;,\()..fili;.:, I s i~n •·1 I ' II DU NLAP'S _ o . .111 "·rr,;; y. Sn. 1 hi!iln ·n (rig,· !O & untlrl .• aL"11 1n ~pra,;; 11 1• • rnun1•1. !urn11ur<' ~1 ,,1 ... r •r lii~lh ill ]'l.·1 ~I ~l f)•"I l\l1·d., n101hcrle~.~ ll11rt)(ir R 1 f',. Tony Dnrhi.
htomr 1)11•111 prnl. 111011 !..· h \\IL('() TOOL &. DJF:
~r nl!J ~1;11 )o..i nil 1111~! :a!() Pulln1an Lane
dt>i;rnplinn of prrv 1u11~ (":\I), Cni;T,1 i\lr!«t. ~>lll-~1::2
"" P"r~nniLl 1l;il:i. l ;ir or I,----------I r I \'II :-.1ACHl~l))l' 11•ru11rd 2· ~t!' fll"l\'f'I"~ If', !II"• • . \ I (·'\P. flTC'fCn'rd. Call for ap[JI
ph<Jnr fnr i111~1; u•11·. B. :14,((_t iJt 3 10 5 Pl\1 n nd 7 to
C01•k. 1...00 Adu.111~. S111ti" '.!OJ, !1 l'~l . r :'It.
rull T1111r
'.\Icl"liil nu·/:iall'sman.
Apply 172.-, ~uprnor, C:.t
TO $1000 + COMM
There is no better I !unt 1n;:ton lkil~ h f sales position or re~ Convalr!:el'11' l h1~p11;i1
18792 Orlawar<' :-0:1.. H.B. cent colleg• grads
HOUSEK-E-EPE°R with d emonstrated
sales ability! &:: Rl'liable child <'<LIT. <2 Rivirra E mploy ml'nl Agy , Inc
youni; chlidrrn•. T nU t1n1c. 46bi ~fac Ar\hur Blvd, Ste 201
hvr.1n. Rm & h::iard + J;:C'l'I-N B 5"1()..fi370
crou~ i<alal")'. t:vr~. :1 Mi·.~~8
or i:.C"n..I n'~umr 111 tllr~. i\lAINTENANCl: &. boat
(;an~. :!:t)'.: Hl•'hn1(•11cl \\'ay. c-Jeanop, 4 day ~"C"Ck, r.tust
C.il1. be nrat appearing &
responsiblr . S C H 0 C K , HOliSEJ\El-.:P L!l S.· S1 1tr·r. ~ t.: ED l~l.\I F:!l1,\l'ELY Ne11'JXlrl 673-20~JO
rcspon~1bl1·. d <'pt' n d a lJ 1,. !ltAlDS 1\·antcd for m ot('I
oldt>r \.\."01111111 lrJ l':\l'r /or :i \•'Ork. For tippt ,. a 11
ch1ldr~n 1nus1 havC' rrls I.· &1G-:\2Gj. llaycl\U l\tolcl 45J
c<i r. P lrilsr pl101lf' trir 1n-c_Nc. cNc"c"""°'-'-'------
tervfc111 $2-7;192 a rt ::0 p.m. !ltAID!'.
HOU~EKEE PE R L!\"{' Lil •• ,UU....Time. resort hotel,
motherless hon1e, IJ<'ar h I~ Beach. 494-1196
area. 2 lccnagrrs. Plt'a.sant '.IIEDICAL Assistant. Back
relaxed l'L t m o s p h l' r •. offi~ exper. fl.'lu&t be V>'ill·
PC'rrnntwn1. Ph. !l~\-14:.oQ ing to v.•orK in busy G.P. ::ii·
l·!OUSEKE EPEH, 11\'e 111, fu;:e . Others l1C(!(! not apply.
p\'L apl. 2 schl l'Ll:;f'l"S. Call Sala ry open. Mission Vic-67:..-031 0/~~~7197 )0 t:: Toro area, 837-7:i20
charming s e h o o ! • a g c Yoong man. through "'1th
ch1ldn'n. $1[(1 /'II on 1 h. m ilita ry obligations. for rull
6-t2-ffi02 Timr job 1vith Daily Pilot.
HOUSEKEEPEH.. 11\·e _ in. Va.lid d river.; lie. Good start·
Priv, rm &. bath. 2 chddf't'n. ins: salary. rnmpany bcne-
Excellent Employee
Personnel Off ice
Third Floor
The Broadway
47 Courts of Fashion
FASlllO:-l I~\NO
N ewport Beac~
An Equal Opportun11y
E n1ployrr
JI )'OU can l"t'cruit & trai n, or
ii YQU ha11r rvf'r h11tl a
roursc in publ1r-SJX'Dking,
there may IX" a place !or you
\\'Ith our Nari Co. i'look
!'<100<'!, '1.~ \\'. 6th !'l!., Tus-
tin ;,14-'.!3{)'2
Personnel Service
445 E .. H7h St .. C.:O.l.
ASSISTANT !or l o cal
orthodonlisl. Xlnt \l"Orkfn1=
cond'~ & puy. Sta1r cxrx-r .
anri qu11.lil1cu11011s. llo.>t lli86
Ne\l.'f'Orl Brnch, Cal.
F'1 n. Vall. 842-72:14 111s. f'!C. S4"'e 1'1r. Rich al 0vf'r ].~. No i;<'hMI plCflS{".
HSKPR Ii. cluld rarr, ,,1,. Daily PUot betwctn 1 & J Apply in pel'!IOn lo
da.rs. S::.O. wk ·!-nn. &. cpc·c,M-,·=~==c-7== BOB 'S BIG BOY
ho:i rd. paid v11r. 5-1(}.!!~\2 i\frN!RUS !)RIVER N"ARR.·\-1:~1 E. 171h. S!., C.i\1.
llOUS}';\\'IV~:S t· high ~(·hml TOR FOR NE\VPOfiT ARE,\ -R-,-,1-,-,-,.-,-,-.--E-.-,-,,..-,-."-,-,-.,.cl
TOUTL \\'rile Box !11-::.67 "E' COOi" M""niori.. J n1cr('~Hlli: \\nrk * \\'AJTRES.:-~" * \
h1 Jl or p1-11mr, hourly Daily Pilar Apply 111 pc1·~n. f oltai;::r ('nf.
1\agr . phone Ior 11 ppo1n r. TI IF. QUICKER YOU CALL, fi>c ~h'lp. 562 \V. 19111 ft.,
M0-4<~ '.tl ll:: QU"lCKER YO.U SELL Costa illesa.
Lil:ltl •<Jotikin~ o11r. fll"lf'l.~, Al1rr s,•IJoPl ,t .~ .~.,111.1 \n:i ~\'·'' Tu:o!in. 1
Tf'lf'phon.-IJ('f\\f'<''.1.l!l .1111 -~'Oii·n tran~f)IJf1.1ll"ll !·.,1u1~l,1\~. Pri1<1tc t.or .. !a"'.~ ,, 1 NJ 1,f i\•·\l)••r! fll\
l•m, j\\1111. 1hrn f n .. !or :ir· •-•h·~ ·1~/.1-!(.":(1 11 '• I ----------1"'1 .•• o ;+.1~ p··r ~L".
pll1n1.n1rnt 5:'d·l7fl1 or ~1 11h \\'r 'J"f' nioi·in~ 1,., Ll•ln ]~lr \10CAL Te<::h. & ~"ng in-;.ii-.;~n
Coll.'! •'nd or lhc county, Coll I•>· ,,,,., 11,.· .ind 111-,.,.1,,.,l"'••>i1 r-o;..,,,111,,,.r~ 11>"' --, .• -------, " ' ,, " " '" '.llOJ ihf::'>/ ·~1•'1 1 1 111•'.111 /:.· 49"2-..((700. !f'rVlf'\I' ~7'.1-71 1:> Ft11lf'1"llJ1l 11d•·an•·('.'ll. 4lH-!l'.MO 1111 6 I ,. I I •• I' I ' 1r11r, ,,YM nim ~ ..... r r.
11·ork for pranul s
Our men ~111.11 $715. rw-r
n1onth. Ou l:<idc ~air~.
\\'ill train. i\111IL1p.al. l 1nr.~.
P t-rf. 1n<'n under JO \11th
sonw col1<'~•'.
Lido Oish·ihu!Qts
S !l ll'l'IN \;: J•:xp 'd
~upcrv1snr [tq· srn.'ll! (lrpl
/\pp.· 11~ I·:. Hil h .0::1. .f" '.II.
\\'ORK \Vll(N &
\\"HERE YOU \\'Ai\'T
TYJ'l:(J'S: !·:arn n1or<'
h:ai 11 1\l"l :-;T .t· C0n1 po,;e1'.
Lal! 0.12.;,;~2
enlol l:JH li"· horh ~7. Thi·
F 10<•111r.11 .•·ll~G~!~.
lh111"rn·\I s::.1. The
c '.11.
__ _;:_548-7788
GI .. l·.!•·1 l11c ~l••I•', 1•.111 1",
pii,)l 1,1.11tu11. !·'1,rc-r 11 to ,,.\I
( , •• ,,1 •·11•1d1111111 1'.r:i-.0n:11.1t•.
r}i:t .1(J;ll af1rr -1 P~I ---hl .:-.'luf~J;; 1:a~-1 .i nl!l ' 1~-.
1011t0n1a!w, !:l)(ld 1•n11d111011,
rl1· •• 11 $ . .0. f'11>--{i:'l1~
• 1 'L\1'.( li:!·'i\Ti\L
:-i!'T<CI i\ Ll:-iTS
'.\o l1111c· 1!11111. l ~!'nl.d :ipp!1c~
1u purl"hasi-11·1111111 a yf'ar
i\·r-:1\" .~. USED PIANOS k
(l]({;,\i\S . Poll;,l •h•,1ls in
l ll':•n~c 0111nty. \\ ,. takr·
!r;1dt ·-~. f;;u1t.: lrrn1s. Or.w·n
.\lun .~ f"n r\·r~, Sun J2 lo •I.
llA ~l\-10'.'f't
in r o1:0:-..\ DI.I.. :-.1 ,\rt
:,?>;1 1 ~:. Coi•'>I llwy. ffi'.";-89:'.(I
l'IA"\"O:-; & l'11{(iAi\5
:"I.IV & Ui'l-~Ll e Yan111h:i f'tann' ,f, Organs
e Thhlll·I~ nq::.111~
• h 1111h:ul 1'1~11,1~ e r\0 1l1lt'r ,t· f'.i111pl"'l1
~ J..\\'j'I )fl I' r.. I !1\Hf~!1rt
1·,1,111 :'11· -..1 .. hl2·2~.1 \
n1 .. ·n J0..i; r1·1 Jn.!"! Sun l~ ... i
SAVE $300
Introduct o ry Offer
41·· \\',d1111 • C.iri\,-,1<' P 1:1no
.L•n11r"d rn1n1h,.1· .... :o;r.9.1
N s
' ' ' ' E
" E
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Sl ,,
°' E
0 c
A y.,
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" El
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"' Al
"' Kii
"' • ,,
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"' ~J]
CR. ,.,
" Bo
" "'' "' CR<
'" Th
'" "" Q
-· ...... --.. __,, --.. -~~~--.~~·~-------.... ----.... ---------------·~~--------.--------------------....
---------· 1 Hor1•s 8830
MoDll• HonMs 9200 lmpor~ Autos ffOO Imported ~""°' 9600
Tutsd.iy, Oclober 21, l%CJ DAILY PILOT !5
Autos Want.cl 9700 U1.d Cars 9900•1---------
Plano1 & Organ1 8130 Misc. Want•d ---~---
8610 S:O.IALL Shetland, c b 11 d
llAl\t~IOND organ, perfecl
condillnn. Mod PI B-3
w/Ll'stle model 222 R-V
11peaker. New price $3430;
\\11 ll Mcrif:icc for $2595 cash.
~fond11y nites 7:3(). 8:30 pm
2045 N. t-.1a1n, S .. \. 5-17.oo!l
Ca.sh 1n 30 minutes tor good,
used lurnlture, TV, stereo,
NEED bncks one to lOOJ,
reAsonably priced. 644-4687
Your Mo~llo Homo ---DOLLAR
FOR C: '"IH ORANCll COUNTY'S TOYOTA t.r ,..00. '""' .-"'' ""' O!EVRot.ET Slat<>n "" all Makf'S .... 0..., ft-.v wagon. Ortgi.MJ. Power
6:J6.3291, 53'.Nlt lroker VOLUMI ENGLllH S'ICTACULAlt n.todore Robina Ford titttring, po111'tt bra k ~ 5,
IT'S FUN TO BOARD 2 FULL beds, 30ga1 hot wa-FORD DEALI" 2060 Hubol' BlYf. automatic tran.,miMk>n . SALES SERVICE YEAR ENO SALE CM -J'ri Cd Your horse at TALLY 110 1l'r tank S1800.1WQNr.,.,•port, • ALL uooELS . . va&e ,..ny. ..... 6
S N 3 C M 'W 1'CODEL8 1•• •~•POR-W .... -.. or .. , I.I Sul'I. ~
FAfu\1S. Box slal!s $~ ""f -:'::·:·~·~·=·=·=· ==== ''OUR 8''ST DE .. '•
" ·~ """''~ n1o, t.1etal shaded co~s ll'ftlllfd lalf dtllftry i ARE irJLL ,;w. Oru,p <Dunttn '65 IilJiALA ! aeat ~.
$'45 per ma, Automatic wa-L4AOI U:u:cnolf 'tOP 1 BVYER Air, de. ll1gh Jltkage. xW:
Llv•stock 1840 DUNTON
(Pr, fc€'d & clra1M'.:d daily. Motorcycles 9100 Th.....,_ DEAN LEWIS 8ll.L 18881~ ~JOT• ~~ !\!AKE OffE&. 1 1~ acres l~h!l·d arena. 1968 BSA ~ oc LlJhtnina IOllNS FORD ,,.,..._, trainln~ ring. River trail ac-1.600 nllll's -rrlll cleoan like 2060 H~ Blvd. 1!196 Harbor, C.1\f, '*'9303 H. leach.. Pb. M7-e55
2241 S. Main
CASH. S.12-6045
T•levlslon 1205
Lt'il~ Color TV or Blaek
.t· \\'lulr. O[ltJon to buy.
t 'r<.'<' Sl'I'\ 1ce. No deposit
,.,.,\r1111l' ·rv H.ental Co.
I !J 522-l.153
* USE:D TV'1 *
$lj -S·10. All good condition.
Call 5-13.6415
Hi-Fi & Sttr90 8210 -----'
FREE TO YOU ''"'· ''"'" '"'"'' • hrora1 "'w "" "'"'"""· c .. 1. "'" "2.0010 ~8-1=LL~~-M-A_X_E_Y W'll 8 CHRYSLER ~' Poodlf', ~~rocker. Female ~:s~;nn:.ns;~~o~~"'~~":, ~~~l'$89~~2:~oi~ sacr iflCi' ""~-~-~-~ .. ~~-~~~~~ J • I UJ '69 QlRYSLER \Va go n, ~~~lo~ER:~RI o!.
14.J.:. ~s Y~g~~-s io~:nghoa~ t'ountain VaUl'y. ~9587 1~ TRIUr>ll'll ~cc. Xlnt FERRARI IT~OJIVIOIT(AJ \:u;.;o1~:W:~.r ~:it; ~~~s. fi~:·nc~\~fus~i~~c ~~ ~~· ::~o.~•:',(:~;,·"~i.o,P~-,:~;
II' i I h 1 en e e d ya r d TRANSPORTATION oond. 3.000 n1i. $510. FERRARI 1888 B "' H -or bOl ean, .... R~h t1nnrC('Ja le~ 962·7657 bra~e •. f4elo•~ •" cot1d .. 5-1.&-~m 1012~ • !':1&7816 * 1 E C BLVD. ',J-V""" ,.,. 11011ing, ,,~ied ql•u. TSA
Boats & Y•chts 9000 '69 YA,\lAllA 12J Scrambler N"'lJOl"I lm!)(XU Ud. Or-Hunt. B•ach 147-4555 I----------'::'~'~·~=~--==
AKC Basscu llound, female, ----------" 800 n••l"'·. Ar.··l oiler. Call &nil! Councy'1 m1y author-3 ml N. ot Coast Jlwy. on Sch COMET '66 FORD $1295 11, y!'s. tri-0'.Jlor, loves Z2' Rcml'!l [ilx'rglas deep vl'e ~ '' !zed dealer . Aut!_1:••1lng ~810 ----------11
children. Perfect pct, needs OillC VG engine, l .'i 51 ~"'~'~'~'-'~' _,_,;-_,._6'_I~'·----SALES-SERVICE-PARTS •.t. Mt XL 1 Dr. H,T.
fenced yartl. Adults only call horsepoii·er, flllly found. 1----------3100 \V. Coast lh\'y. VOLKSWAGEN 1 ~ LEASE ~ J/111 ·~ .... 'w.~ 97= v,.i. i uto"'•1i', r•?•0
• please. 5-lG-863.'J J0/21 NC\\'port Bear h ~ ~ ..,...,,..~~ ••1•'· pow t r "1•'"'9· !lead Galley, radio, rovers Auto Services 642.9405 540-l?S4 YW BUGS att.t!T 4 PM. pwr. lt r1k11, ftclcrv t i•
FOUND 8 abandoned kittens, ('tr, only 50 hours, w1lh 4 & Partl 9400 Alllhori~ Ferrari Dealer '69 LTD Ford coupe, alr, •ii 8JiOll:t 4A' 4 151'. £M", p." --'·· ,..hit1 ... 11 tir11,
now all twalthy & must find "'IJePI tilt trailer. $8000. I ,;;;;.;.-~-~-;.iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ strg &· brakrs radio SlOO mo. s 36 00'.l ,.. Xnlt CDllll. ...w.r *°"· ti11!1d 91111.
homes. PlPase hrlp _ v;e'v" value. f.1 o st outstanding I 1 FIAT rno;..1 '67 V'V .......... ·-$49 mo. ' ' -. ;,..,. ....,,,. R'1111 151
had a ruU start! 494-1326 b oat buy of 1 he 5Cason. BEAO I $399 '&5 T-Binl. 811', hilly eqp'd. owner. •;,;,,,, ,,___""'· "'6~7""M'U=s;TA.-.N~G;c--$~1~4~9"'S
,\IAR/\NTZ 25 receive r , 10/23 Ready lo go at $5995. Will A s 1 9M Sale price ........ ,. Sl045. CONTINENTAL Y.8. eulom•'''• r1d:o, l'Jo1~k 302 B spea k er IP~S~.,~.0~1£~_0-E-L-lC~. -,-.,-I-, -1-,,-,,-ny help arrange financing uto u pp y l. FIAT, J24 Sedan, Ille '69U Cad i:I Por&Qo cou111.•, he•te•. p()wer ,!1erin9,
s y st erns, dual 1019 girl· brother, blue eyes, Contact Sales Jl,fanager. Bol, blur. l ·lOO mi. $1l9.'.i. or $795 GOOD SELECTION fu y equipped .. flllt f!IO. ,67 CONT Co'""" ""l'f """nd fa ctory .,, c.o11d., tinted
turnlahle. $700 or best oUer . Longprt:' Pontiac at 13600 Whc les•le !.t T.0.P. frl&-7:"-.S4 '69 Cadillac Coupe de VIHM .. ,.~, ,.. ..u · 9iou. TUP 391. rA2-!18:l.~ be.lore 4 P!\f i1·h1IC'y • 11•ant ham es. Beach Blvd., \Vestminstcr. '68 f [AT 12~. spt cpe, r&h, fully equipped , •.. Sl69 mo. lifichrl1n 111-.·s. Attorney will '67 FORD Sl 695
Sparting Goods 8500 '--------SURFBOARDS 9'2'' J.lobic
\Voody, 12' Quigg Tandem,
both for SSS. 673--0632
Sporting Goods 8500
ONF. :~o lb. Searest bow,
tirancl new $40 va l ue,
~arrir1cc $25. Al!IO one 50 lb
rted \\ling hunter $75 value,
sacrit1ce $40. 548-6315
ONE pair of ladies "Le
Trap("leur" !ki bootll, !be 6
or 61,~. med with boot tref!.
r;xrellrnt com;lilion. ~1~31:>
BRAND new surfboard 7'10".
Only in water onl'<'. Xlnt !or
Chri~tmas. 548-li60
Miscellaneous 8600
If you will sell or buy
J;IVC 'Vindy a iry
.l\uctiori;; Friday 7:30 p.m,
W indy's Auction Barn
Rl'hinrf Tony's Bldg. r-.la1'1.
207'.i'l Nl'wport, CU1 &1$ .. ~6flG
pickup, l'On1mercial license
Sl2:i. 60 DA tsun Sc.dan, nu1~
~ood, rc:tl <'<.'Onomy $1i:.i.
Ell't'. iron1'r $12. Tools, m1~c
!'162-1!)~,7. 10079 San Pablo
Ct. F'.V.
i\ Good buy & great opporlun.
ity in helong to fan1ous
:'\'TITC. 6-16-5597
DR,\PEJ~JES inin1 inodrl
hon1cs; i;ood sclrctio11 or
color<;. fuh ric" & siirs.
Altl·ratinn "~rvi<.'f'. 5'1(µ).'1,.16.
Hand0lpl1 llnuse Drapcr1rs,
2957 P..andolrh Avr , c;-,1 ,
KIRBY Vacuum 1.'lf';'lnrr Y.1th
ettarh & polisher. Xlnt 1'Qnd
/,,, gi1arantr.cd. Pay olf bal ol
S.l9.67 or take over pym.n!s.
Credit rlrpt ~'1289
5.16-7779 10/21 892~51 Prices to i\11 a1r, mag "'h<'els $2500. 'lrl Ottv C.maro, pwr strg & sat:t~hcc personal ea r .
i\t'!-l::CTtON1\TE J\1a1 e Complete f.lacllltll' Shop '1~\-S328 evrs brakes, air ........ $9'l mo. $299;,. Ulr. Tucker. 83~2200 F1ir lt n1 SOO l Or. H.T.
Cocker ~panic!, buff. Xlnt SCRAM LETS SOUTH co·•T \'lkriys. v.s. aulom tlic, rtdLf>, hralth, 9 yrs. 833-1611 ext '• SPEED EQUIPU1E:\,. (•= L1••1-·a='~c=u~· -Jal~~o~-~. "-"d~-~,ll llet!tr, pow•• •l•e1in9, REBUILT ENGL"Jl'.:S JAGUAR jlllt"' ,_. ...,. "" on nen ..x:u, .....,.. .. .,,., whit1w1ll ii•e•, i•nttd
231n, Dr. Gantz. 10/:?l ANSWERS 300 W. Cit Hwy, NB lom-2112 x!nr cond, low mileage. 91tu. UPS 555. ATIENT!ON ~ 2 k 1 t tr n s, 1125 Victori!I, 0.I 5-l8.S.."{iCI * '68 }.1\E, immaculate con-I •iii•Mlli,;;iliiioiiiiimil $2500. Pri. 54(}...781.8 '66 PONTIAC $149S
1 h d 18.391 Brach Blvd, !!'R 347..oog1 Ll'•I •INT tr o l e rs. nr!' hon1e Dampen _ Cn).Jk _ Felon * OPEN 7 DAYS * dition, Jo1v mileage. -•" '69 MARK III, black, red G.T.0 .1 O()o~ Herdtop v.a,
rogr!hf'r, L:~e litter box. _Golfer_ OLD ALONE 67:>.li'-"16 :">19. 3031 Ex!. 86 or g7 O'lDlll VOUR leather interior. Loaded~ eutom•li<. ,8d 'o. ~eote•, ~!)..liUI) l0/22 An agC"less wile; HC"r hus-1~3 JAGUAR Xl\E 3 8. Xlnl 1970 HARBOR BLVD. 1970 TODAY 838-5-160 ~in~I top, lint•d 9la" Vil
6 l\ITIENS, 1 ~ Siamese. band is pleadi11g 11·ith her to Genuin• Mag Wheel' t-"Ond, illAl\E OFFEP.. COSTA ?>IF.SA FOR EARLIEST 1==========011 0 ,~"~·===-----,=
Need i;ood homes. \Vill have birthdays again. lie 14.x7 SOO per M"t plus lugs 962--0054 DELIVERY CORYEM '63 FORD $395
dr•l1vrr • 8 4 7 -7 3 9 0 or doesn'! 1vanl 10 j;l'O\V OLD & caps. ''&~l-.J~A~G'°"H~T~K~c=o=u~r=E""E,,.-IYr><-" '68 vw All popular makes. Fordll----------· II c .. untrv Squir1 W9"· '1
5-18-3082 10/21 AUJNE. National Speed Center ~ 2, yello"" black inrer. authorlz.ed leasing system. '1)8 CORVETTE 327 eng, auto p,.,., v.s, 1ulom4tic, r•·
2 LONG hai red blk kittens, 2 '6J GLA.5!>1-'AR C 1 t a t I 0 n _ 2110 S. llarbor, Costa 1'lesa Tape drc, R,~JI. 838-5160 · _ _,. . __. Gel 0\8' Com~titive Ratrs trans, fa<'l air, many :octras. dio, h1e t1r, power •l•e•-•~ ~oo o-'ti! 9 6 ''' o-1 A1 ~ !"011u1t1oncr, 4 • ...,, dlr, Th--'-·o "'"II o• lr•d• w~ 67' "" ·,,,, power brtki1, 1,,,,,, gray, l blk/wht, 1 gry/wht. Inboard-outboard. 120 Mere. ""'""' ,,,.n ' · 1 .. 1 Ji1 • loaded~ !lone'" tream ext.. l9GUVr "" • " ~.,. ..--.-..w
Cru. 'lh (Nc:oc t to Ir s ·~17 JAGUAR XK·l,10. F:x. 1 ROBINS FORD or 6i3-3107 r1el<. PFY 765.
Box trnd &: hsbrkn. 7 wks. 1.ser wi power jet & I "-,,c~·-=-7-·-"'·-=~ c<'llent cond~!ion. p h 0 n e plush black 1nt. Take small ).;,=:=::;;:======JI old. 96&-7952. 1012'2 Cynthia Jl(l\ver trim, Full cover. J\1AGS, J\llT lta1dc r, 1l" for 646-:.'986 do1vn or trade. Low, low 2C&J Hubor Jllri, '67 CHEVY
Dr. JIB 10121 Ready to enjoy. A 11 Ford, 2 !or $20. &15-2246 -========== pymntt. VHFBIOLB. Call Calta M-"2-00IO DODGE Bi1c111n1 1 D•. v.s, au!<>·
maln1enance rerords. l 1~'~1~1'~r~6~p~.~m~.===== " K ·~9m ""~' ~~'!'!i!i~'l!!l"!l~~;;;11--;;;-;;;;;;;~-;;:;;;:;:-ll m•tic, iadio, httler, pow · FHE:J:: to qua!. hon1r. Beaut. O\'Tter. Kl 6-4444 KARMANN GHIA en _,... or .... ~. -:: Llnl ... Sy aru,a: '67 DODGE DART er •le•r. Whit• Wdll ti111,
AKC, nied. size bro""'" male Tro'iler, Trovel 942s -----------1 '6!) VW Bus RIH. tooo ml. "9 "'.. ~ tifl ted 91 .... VA.Y 714. 21 It ""b. c · "", , .. o• MODIL Excellrnt Condition~ J)0xie . All shots. , ....., in ruiscr I%5KARillANN'Ghi117door Useu mos . .....,rppra.ek. " Whtt 'th I I t . '66 FORD $1495
"•IB 2 in \l'atC'r now. l\lahogany DUNE BUGGY TRAILER. l'OU(X'. Excrl!cnt? Src at 1SO l\l111t Condition Blut ;2600 Let our tease •XP1rtl lhow . -e _wi v ny op, air con. S1o--., 1011 plankill". Bait !<i nk and ~lJ--06l8 ' • ""'" ...... .._11 •••• ,_ IW< dition1ng, au!o .. trans., pow. Mutlt1 n9, Y.s eulcmalie, " .XLNT COND. BEST 01--Broad.,.,.ay, C.i\1. and bnng "" ,,_,.. .,,. • 1-• lll1l' rl h d' < I w '''''' :? W\Tl::LY, all black k1U.ens, puinp. Ve...., clean. 183 llP. ..-·n·' ~. -~•-·t _.,11 er stee. ng. radio a.nd en.ter. •• '"· """ •r. po • ..
'J t•ER. nionC'y V\V ~nua.rebac:k-New July '"" .. -••~ .,...... N ti v 8 >l'"'" ..,~""" while well 1.re1, linft d 1 long hair, l short hair. 3 Bl:'atn 8'2", r.111st Sell! ·"t gation "' res. -· """· .>.1,.......,
mos. Free to good horn<'. &16-198T af!er 7 Pill 1 ~===*=>1~8-5=:7=17~*=== LOTUS '6!'1. Radio, w/w. Just like UNIVERSITY miles. Call 637-1156. 9lau. TRU 1_1_J_. --~~
!>12-4567 10/2:: 1-:.:C-"'-"-'""'-=,.:..:---11r1v. T.00 mile1, $2395. DO '66 FORD $995 ALGl..AS 2:i' 1'~brgls. Cabin Trucks 9500 ----------613-8282 OLDSMOBILE '61 DGI::, many new G.I. ~oo 4-dr. v.a 1ut o,
PRETTILY markl:'d playlul Cruisrr F IB. SS radio.1c...:..;;:.c:.... _____ ;..;_ '63 LOTUS Elitr, ~tagr IL ~!UST 51,11 'f,6 V\V Cam.....,. 2&.)0 Harbor Blvd. f<lrtks, m..':.,~ani~Uy gooc!U ' ri di,., lle•hr PS , PB, fi e·
tabby ki11ens, nl'Cd sond n 1 1n in i top. Les.~ tha11 GMC TRUCKS ··lot ru"••'••" r-•d., 1-. ,..... Costa Mee• oo s guuu. DCSt o er 1 · d •·,, .,11 " " ,.. v" <1N11 f•..1;ly ('Quip\, !nw ml, A-!! ,,.. !lei&-ory 11r co~ , '"""
/Jonie. 7 \\'ks. old, box tratn-75 hrs. Sil.COO. Call Ellis Orange County S.iles and Eves 536--i97l Best oll &12-l 5..l6 eves. :i40-9640 .::.:::..::399~·~'-------tire•, 1;~11d qi.,.. SHK 128
ed. Call 6·1~-169:! 10/21 days 213: 53::>-1370; n1tes Service ll11adqu;u1<'rs, 'ih> DART GT. l l i g h '65 FORD $1295
71 ,l: 67::>-3717 NE\V USED '61 V.\\I, Riii. New tin.ke~. BUICK I 4 -• Xln 3 Darling kittcn&, 2 male tab-UNIVERSl.TY MERCEDES BENZ Grl. rransp. $'450. Ca 11 per ormance, s1"'""· . t r.a;,d, v.a, •Ylo .. ,.dio.
b1es, l female funny, 5 v.'ks. BOAT \lil\NTED 6,~179S aft 6 Pf.t. ---~.;:_;;.:.;.:. ___ I cond. ll•1l1r, power dee•, po••r
<lld. 61,,...(1 117 aJt<'r 5 Private par1y. 30 tor,· T-S OLDSMOBILE BUICK 'U Jtlviera, tac:t air, * 548-5885 * b11lt11, pow • r windo .. •,
p111 10/23 rlran, 11·atcr rracly, no 28JO Harbor Bh·d, 'GS V\V Bug. s!and. Irani , full pwr, 1t~reo. vtn)'l lop, '6.'\ Dart autom, R .r. H, wllitew•U '''"'• vinyl to p,
1lraler:ii p1PaSf:'. To SI0,000. Cost ... l\lcsa IlendJX AY..1/F1'1. und er bucket te.alJI wfcon90le, ,.._n\'•rtibl•. ~~"~.• .;~··~·~d ~g~I·~"~·==....,="' :: l\DORl\BLt: Klllcns. JO ...., ...,.,., :-PhonP. 54&-9511 S.I0-96.iO rl;uh rack. 11mn1 a111r I xll\t mnd, low mllel. Prlv 675-4192 '68 MUSTANG $2195 11k~. l n1al<', 2 !cm. ____ Mk '.11•2-fiJ.J'.~ 10/23 20' Callin cruiser i/b, F.· Ten Light Vans V.\V .• Ponche -MercedM riarly, • e Olltr. Ev•• '68 DODGE DART F e1 lb•c~. 39 0 v.a, 4 •p d,
OAR, trailer. lll."C'{l~ t\'Ork. VolkS\i•agpns, Dodge~. Ch('\'-cng's. Ii uaed p&rts, 1t1ad,y 714: 49~37 Daye 714; Loiv mileage. Loadrd! r1d<o, h10!1r pwr. s!etr, GAS range :o;tuvr. older. You · .. 64'"3-"'°57!3 bl w'odo•• Good IJuy for handyman. ys, E~rcllent rond. lOO~G 1n stoc,._ .-... ""· ·"~ 11600 a.14-:a90 pwr ' 1·• P""''r ' ' pick up. 22S Cr('i[ P latt. "' 1"===· ======· =·= ,,..11;11 ..... 11 1ir t1, tinltd Costa i'lll'~a 6'lli-i 2:\0 l0..2J 13rst ollrr. 67j...J:wt aft 6. "'arran1y. '66 VW Sedan, xlnt ccnd. BIG ~'TEAL~ 1!lb5 Buick1 91111. VWP 175
I T _ _, 8 1\-IAN \Vinslow lilc raft ivith KUSTOM MOTORS Orig 011.'TM!rr·leaving country. LeSabre COn\•ert. Xnlt cond. FORD ,69 MUSTAN'-5269S
ELl.S\VORTI omcat ne<.~1s ."" bag 4 ~ nld 845 Baker St., c;..t 5-10..5915 '6.°' Courvo Roadster. J\1idnight $10j(l, S.18-1!117 Lo'v mileage. ~toving·must ----------·II ~ a home. J\1alr, ,,...,,about J carryi..,. · J •·· · ,.. I M4e~ I 41! V-8, 4 •pd. Ncvrr been use<I. Chrcked Open 'til 9 P.1'1. blue. fuU flY.T, auto, fl./c, '62 V\V, '&I e....l~, Fine M'l quick! Best oU.r takes! '66 F•lcon Futura mos. &16-4~:,o 10·23 "II"'"' 675-3228. radoo, ~e•l•r. power o/111, <1nnually. ST.->(!. 61.~--0I)~:, '62 FORD ~~ T0n. V-~. 4 spd. nrw radial t1rrs. $7100. mechanical Cone!, Fully factory equipped, Olt. pow•• br•~c .. YXR b07
i'l11NIJ\TUl1 E pink male kH· T . 1 En.1;1ne l'l'bll 2..JOO 1111les R.go. 6:)[.-3030 S.1:l·2J2j '63 Rivie ra; P/\\', P/S, air $6%.
Ir''. 1,.,,,, .. ,1. ''"'"" ooly. JS' sr-:ARAY r 1 h u I '67 CHEVY $1295 " ,_ bo 'Cl 0 boarrl L 1 k 8 ply hea1·y ch1ty tires. ,65 VW $f00 <:anti . l.Mther seats. Fire P OOne 642-6023 54S-U~3. In a,~~!.. u,1•0 222~ c Hea\'Y rl u I y ~uspcn~ion. MG t:ngine red. Sim. 117~00 1962 FORD Sl•l'•o• \V••oo. c11 ... ., ti e .d,, b cyl .. ·~tod· new .>:JIN. ""'"" ·'· Call 673-JMT after S .._ m•"'· radio. hoat•r, ljnl• 2-P/PER.SIAN k1l.ten J-4 Positraction. $900. 646--0l~S 1""" Gnm Sport. Pl•, ~lb, V--g~ -rn1,·uon. "-·1 I 000 I F·oR Sale or trade 'fr6 V\V """ ... , uuu '-V U<:" 9 '"· 18 • "'' •.•··=~~ n1n!1 nlrt. Nrrrl hnmC'_, badly. Soo'lboals 9010 ·52 DODGE r ick-ur w/utili· fl.IC 1ir, R/Jt hu&ers. n 150. offer. 642-7374 •69 MUSTAN,.~$26'S '•'"!.'•'"•. 6·12-1327. I k •-•,,, .... ,; ... , Po""-Bus "'i th new Corv11ir, big ~ 7 .,.,.,... '''' ty box<'s ;i /1( rar , V'f":I """ """' ••'-" •.. Call 6U-1597 all 5 pm. d ' "ST 227. ~ d · th Immediate Dl'liv~""'. t1rl:'i'I & more. 961-3178 ==========-=,1 '63 Jo'on:I Gala.xy XL. l:.Xccl F•1tbeek. v.1, ft Y!o, '' '"· EXL"EP'f!ON1\LLY l ovi:oly GREATr~. or racl.'ri'I •' ' g,....,, con !11on, '111 new '" oond. New tires. $800. 2210 hi a\tf, pwr 1111r;n9, white
k illens, 3 mos. olrl. Sec lo Star Sloop mod 2:1,1. 35' tires and brc1kes, 962-7579 All Modal• '64 VolklWAf9n CADILLAC \V. Oceanfront, NB w•ll , ; , 1 1, tinted qlau.
appreciate. 644--09!l0 J0/21 mast, like nC"w, Sae. S2500. "19 GMC, complete new ,n1., Alnt condition. M8-2132 1 -----------i.'""~""'""::;:_~°"'"",.--'ll Xl H 191
COCK-A-POO puµpy, 6 mos, ~34--0?0l !Ires & pamt. Altr r 6 call 'fi2 V\V, le1;s than 15.000 mi '67 t:L DORADO. nr nu tires, 'li9 FORD Count:>' Sedan, 9 •·06~7~F~O~R~D;:---,$~1~7'9=5
needs good honie. 6-1:?~ LIOO l•I tCapns• + 1ri11lrr, l~6~7~3-~7~l>~I======= on '&I re-bit 11ng. MM. Jo ml, tuU pwr, air, tUt-t11,, pas5ens;rr 51~;:J1n ~·~n Gel. soo 2 Or HT, v.a.
10/23 complete. Hull needs \\'Ork. 8·17-6418 CT\ll•. G. ma.tic, blk w/wht load~d. $3000. t ulo, r4die, lle1t1r, po;iwe•
$300. ~18-~~151 Jffpl 9S10 ST 11 ·= r.m _.. lthr. 14TM. Pr pty, &f+.4265 1tetr, f.ctory •'' ( .. nd . 2 ~10. old ~rey/whlle, Jemale ..::=:~::..:=~~~~-31110 W ........ t H""' NB MU ~r ""•"'•top corm., MUr. TANG II · ' d
~ pick-ups, long ncek.
Solid body, matchless.
fi.15-22·16 Even1nj.?<;
\\'anted: Singrr Tourh
HOBIE CAT $1000 '~ "'' · · /I I 11150 ~I I '67 DeVILLE. all p"T, llh,, _____ ..,______ w hi Ii we *"''• tin lt kitten. Trained. Call '64 4--11·heel Jet!p, loaded, 6'2-!Ml'.li ~1).1™ r 1• ,:unr · · Cl' ""s 0 · 1 VOH 298
& 6'16-7349 al! 5 pm.. 10/23 *SA4'Bl-OJOT37S * ~~?.O~verdrive. S l9 00 . =~'~"="'°~rl~'~"'='-'r._,_O.~•~l•"r_ l~~· ~~~7~::.675-pr~porty, ~au~~('':;~t \\~I n d~ '65 MUSTANG ~,·~··FORD $1495
CUTF: 1111xl'd br<>rd p11pptcs, 'f,J r>IG I.JOO. J\tust sell. fllake J.J 9624887 Aft 6. Coy~trv Sq ~i11 W•90" v.s ,
For ~1!!': Sln1n1on~ rlhl n1at.
& spnnc:~. 'f,\·cs '1').1-J!)(}!)
s~;\VI NG mach. le. chair,
pat1n grill, uprl1ht pl1no,
upr1c:h1 frttttr 6: mile:.
~136-26Kl. 1701 Park SI, ll.B.
CRAFTS;o.IAN table u('. e•-
IC"n~lon top. 1 H mctor,
n1('t.1l ~!and + pl!ltlet' &
rnol0r. all for S165. 546--013!1
\\ Ai\'TEf1: Brau bed ii'a.m•,
rea s on a b le : al90 old
Brnt11·nrid chairs to retinlm.
CARP1':T Installer ha• nne
roll, avocado nylon r.ui>el.
ririuhle jute-backed. Will Rr!I
all or piui SJ/yard. 5-1(}...7245
OLYi\fPIC TV ConsDlc stcrco-
A'.\1/fl\f. l...o1'TeY Organ 1''/
bench. Botb :.Jnt, sac!
CROSS top Rcfrig.,
;iuloma!ic defrost. Exe. $6.'i,
The lloul!ll In Back 445 E.
J7th. &12-5741 .
Carpet layer has Hi U>
n10stly cock('r. &1.J.226.l New incl !111il. S:?4!l. fil .>0272 JEEP·1946 Cf2A, uversi7.cd of/f'r. ,\lake me an o[frr! dVlom1!•c. red io, he•ltt, 10/21 011 7 . o "ll~'I * ~ .. \6-!'15Zll* '66 CAD. Serlan Dt-Villr : !nw 2 dr., hfl.tor. A11!01na!1c, ra· 1ires, clean. 984 P residio Dr, ·1 • oo.nn1r: ""'~ . . .. n1llr., l.uarriian m 11 i n 1. dio, healer. Runs like nc1v. power •f~1riA'jl. p ~w••
CATS and kittcl\I, homes P . ...:;•w;.:.:•~r_C~'~u~l~se~•~•;___9~0~2:.:0 ,c;;>~I.========= ''O~l~T~D~-~C~l,-,,~.,-,-. ~N~rw-,-.,~,-n-or, )lust Sac. 'Gl! V,V, lite blu,,, ~1n~·e nrw. $3195. Pr. Pry. T11ke foreign cJr in trade. bra~••· I white~ "''~·
want«!, ~TTT9. Ill f X-T 32 CJ/ C nc1v fJ,Tt'S. Please call, w/sun1T>Of. <'x. c:ond. St99:i. 962--0~19 \\'ill rinc p:vt. rr!y. Dir. !ln!1d 9 ''" rt e .
traordinaf"I 10lll 1:11y ~rrulri:~ X~~":!~: Campers 9520 make offer. S.t3--591!1 Phone. 49'1-Jli2l fir 5-18-5734 ~TLT:-."T ~ELL -BEST Of-Ken, 434.9m, s.1:...C6.11. 00.1. Uc'~':...c'~"~-=~--$=17~9=5
INSfANT pWT, tiaer, v.·hite E 745. '65 BUICK Will It'll equity. De.YR {T\4) 69 V\V CAfl.fP R MG>I VOLVO FF.R '6!'1 Cad . S eda nol----------R ,·,,, 2 Do HT y ! , . ~.,, blo0 k ... M , -"I-null. b '69 \lUST\"'G v' I I I • ' •• ' •• .~ " uu ..., ...., T3?-0Ml, e~s 54S-2434 fllr. Xlnl VERY ftealOn.e. le DrVill,.. Ph<Jnr -4'}1.Jl;i!l~ · '1• -• o ivr ~m tomtlic, r•d;., Iii ••••,
homtl needed. 5Jf.T779 10/lt Owen• e 496-296'1 e 11·/blck vinyl !rip . F"A1·1 air., ,
!·===·=-====== VOLVO '69 C•d 4 "r ••d•o powo r 1l1w-, p()wtr S800 -u ,_ " 9000 mi. CleRn. ~M~26:?:l aft . ....,. I'M big n ut! (tomcat) Mille · Fl tll'O()(j B h J J /' b•ek••· P...,.., ""-clowi,
want a lovable ma1ter &pt•fl Ski Boats 9030 Oun• Bu99 .. i•~•c_ __ 9~S~2~~ 1'.fUST S.!I '&I 1'.1GB. C'C ~~~,m, oar re · 6. full P"w1r, 1.,1ory ,;, <o,...
Ctn!ul 116--717'9 10121 -67M319 CLEARANCE NOV~! i\1US T ~rll '6j r-.1u~ta.ng, d'''""'""· l1n11.t gl•u. NRE
CUTE blk A wht pfOoxie & 12 1'T SKI boat. American MHERS MANX 142 -144 . 145 . 164 ·:.~ C;1d1Jl<lf' ~rtan dr Villr stick:.. l"c11·\y ovvrha11lcd 040.
Trailer, 35 II Evinrude alJla PORSCH! ·~ PRl~s ='=; .. ,.1.=c=n=~=1·='=m00·=·=="'='=";'=:!9I X" 1 -" 1 g ·o '68 FORD "'295 -·•-~•pp;.,, 54&J250 I""" Custom bronze mt:l ke. THE UJ\''r ..... , 'r~ f'ng. . .. n COuu. J • -~,. r-n1otor & arN'~snries. ~"" ~. ~• •-. 10123 All componcn!s brand new. YOUR BEST DEALS .rt&-9823 G.I. 500 4 Or. H.T Y-&, t u· .....--..... t1kf'• au. s.1&-01:t9 CAMARO , , Ulust see! S2695. '88 P orsche 911 L Coupe ARE STILL AT iom etic, •• io, "et1r.
t'Rllt Ptid!aree Collie dog, I 1946 Oarwnod utility srwen JAMES, LTD 5 Spd, AM /FM, ma& v.·hce1~. DEAN LEWIS OLDSMOBILE pow~r o!e~·•~ •• ,.,,.,.,~ 1'' mo8, Cid ma.le. 8 4 7-boat 100 hp Chrysler, lull 'fi9 Ci\;\IARO S27, 4 11~ed. ~ond., i1nled ,t .... WT E 2668 10123 1581 New·port Blvd. "'2-00«l VP'r/ low mll1qe, look~ & · nt:w cover, steal at $700. runa like new~ $.\'i!Y.I. S1ock <'Uslom inter ior, r.1 11 n Y '63 OLDS S!Arf1re. blark, c"c'~====~==
eR6\\'N Am1 1\•hlte ten'ier, call &14-4919 after 5 pm MANX/CORVAJ R # .. 7 1966 HarOOr, C.Uf. 616-930~ ,xlras. Xl. nt cond. $7,550 xlnt cond. air co. od., new '68 MUSTANG $1995
I Mu1t aeU. $2200 call · 1 n---' brl '--k f lemalr, adul!, to oving la'fll-'-Motor~ VOLVO '67 127 S. 2 BR. 1r:n. ,.,1c._.,,. 01v 'JUU or tires $700. s.J5--3Jl')J 1/.8. 1utom•ti,, ·~dio.
hon1r . &12--02CY.l 10/23 Boat Slip Moorln9 9036 Ml--ll96 AM S-ll, Pt<T 6-S UW • Sed&Jl. GN'Crl. Auto w/ quick sale. 675-5229 &ft 6 c..=..:c.:.::..:.::.=:__---ll hetler, powlf 1+11 ri119.
1200 W. Cout ll!ihway AIC. Xl ol ro-. p,1 prty. p.m. '64 OLDS Cullass convert. w~i ti will fir••· YiK 610
LO\V Oak drf"Slil'W table .11 t 21' I --.......1 .a ._ ..... 00 ·~ -'=~======~=! XI t _, s~"' ~·~ n~n1 1v/1g, mirror 67~1~ 1012.1 °v'!ni::;1.1Pl1;:~ :Jte 'O.u, Tr..,. "'u•-l'V N•wport Set.ch 646-~ 536-T~J -d~s. ;;_~~19 ;;;:;!. ""~ '6~· OLDS tit 95
SPOTTED rabbit to .ood Pilot Bo M 345 ausnN 'f,'i c <X>UPE, tanctt!ne/ CHEVROLET Delmon t 88 l ·dr. H.7. Y-8.
homr . &t!-1256 !..;~~::;'~,;· ,;;;·===-;<~ " blck, reb fJOfine. many ex-Antlf4U91, Classics 9615 PLYMOUTH euto, r ~dio, ~•wt.•, power
l''HEL male kittena,
marked. 54!1-1~
HliO tiu. Xlnt eond. Pliv ""'Y· '66 CHEVROLET caprice. 11,,,, pwr brd••• f•c+orv
tl Mo•lloHo-·-'UITIN Amer ic a , '"' 'ST M + 4 -11, 1 d hi -• 1· aer • ,.,_ .., " OaYI ~730; aft T, 5J5.5624 orr11n · ex .. ~ n One owner car with only 1ir con . w t• • .,, 01•1,
10171 •utl>matlc, lnw mll•1. ;1816. cond. Sl600. 8'12-3Il6 alt 5, 74.cxxi mile!, has all power + '68 Ply .'1:gn S~rt Sub. 9 .. ;n~I top, 11 .. t1d t i•••·
nyl<Jns $1.99 yd. Sh.agii CUTE fluffy k1tten1, "'9&ntd =~~l Jim ::: 675-«lll after 7 PM 1966 Porsche 0{2 Coupe all day wkcnds. !l ir conditioning . .Absolulely ~· arr. ~o ~,, x-clean. '65 FORD $995
Cooper •u1nN HEALEY ~m:!: ~l~~:&: i931 DE SOTO the CIC!anest one ln tov.11. ~aaed ."~~.·30'1·iil lake !rd. Gt l. 500 4.0,. v .•. eulo, lrom $3.3() up + my labor, & hsbrkn 5'18-62.112 10/21
Ole per yord. 96&-69IO l'lTI end LIVUTOCK
QUEEN Anne sola $175;
sunlamp $30; silver plated ~ 1125
tr a & corree service $50. GERMAN Shepherd /\KC, zy1&-28l!J. I 2 lop qua 1ty puppies, mos
Quality king brrl-quil~ old. Xlnt papen. •
Complree-unw>ed $105, worth 83J.-1568.
S250. Alt 5 6 -..·knd1 Kl-OaJG MALE 0Uhuahu1, 1 o o d
BOYS StinlP'llY bike Pl. watc:kdo1. Adulf11. SM no
Console stt'rt'O in good con-papers. 111 Sha.llmu No. 3,
.di !ion S~J(). ~593 C.r.t.
.l'irewood lor u.le WEL,lARAN U pu p p I• 1
Dry Eucalyptue AKC, shota. Grand cham-
-540-988'1 plonl.
RUMMAGE SALE Oct 23--=*,..,cm.;':.:'.c"""=.:.2'::23:.•:....._
2.1, 9-5. Colle1e Center, 2750 COLLIE, g mo·1. Good
Harbor Blvd .• C.J\1. wi th chlldrt!n. m
_, 1610 -=~Co="~' ="'",c.,,1"':;,,=~ MIK. Want-1:.:=;:...;'---'-----'-AKC <!oct{ER SPANIELS
Coler TV1-Pi•~o1-Sftt101
1 ......... " ... ,." C.t.IH IN JI MINllTIS
• 5-41-4531 •
i"6P i10NEY PAID
lnr h1rniT\l ~ k JippliAnCI'!.
CAil .JANI~. ~:H-1 ~1'1
Show or pet $50 up.
497-1088 nHcr 6 pm \\'kdays.
pups, Sho1r." or IH"ts, Stud
lil'fViCt', 8.'\J.-()Jl;l ----------SILKY Tf!nif!r male pup1, 7
v.·ks. AKC. Adorable healthy .r. shot.. SUO. &W 4808 .
Call ~ve1, 4~519
POODLE Pups, Uny toy &
toy. a.II rolol'!'i, AKC, top
f]U11l i1y ~tud ~<'r, S~l-~71:1
" can 549-15n .nm Slcmorui M ere e de i1 "'"''llCr . ....,.,......, •• d;o, ll1et1r, ,....,, ,,.,,, # 476. TRAILER SALES 19_30 FORD Model A Benz, 120 W. Warner, Sant.a '65 Plymouth Vali11nt ·225· w~l t1 wi ll ti, ... SYI 20J.
"Buy from 1 m•n AUSTIN AMER ICA Bayside Motors Roodstrr lully r eR t o red, Ana, 546-4114 aix, 11Uc:k, good cond. $750. '65 MUSTANG $1095
who lives in on•!" Sales, Strvl<:e, Pa.rts UOO W, Coa!t lfli:hway minl rond . $2600, 543--425.f -"="-=30=7='·=·======-ll Htrdlop. \I.I, 1<11(),,.,•flc.
\\'E SERVlCE Immediate Or>livery Nf"ll'J)()rt Beach 648-Sem '67 Impala -·~d ie, ~•••••· whit1 will
\VliAT \\'E SELL! All l\lodcls *~ PORSCHE J dr cpe, Sold·blatl( Y!"YI PONTIAC fir••• tlnt1d 91111. NBZ Jl8
321 So. Harbor. Santa An:t WhiW, xlnt cond. AMl l'M'. Autos W•ntell t700 top. 1 owner-local car. Blue 'i7 MERCURY $2195
1 Bick So. of. Bol!.a 5.11-U66 Sl200 Tlrm. 541-flt!ll 'fiook wbal 11!11. Phone '67 GTO, HT, OM owner, Civttr. \1-1, •u'"· r1 dio,
BAY HARBOR 1968 .PORSCHE Tup fil. WE FAY . . • IM-1371 cleu, ~ ml., vtnyl top, ~,,,,,, pow1t ''••r, pow1r
M bll H S I l\ed, l9,000 milH, AM·l'M hit 11 t' · I t CASH p/1, new car t0mlns. JU!O ~r•k••· feclorv ••r 'ond,
o • om• a •s ndlo. ~T or ~ ·ii CheV)' Impal11, alr, n.llt, ftnn tu-1039 ... • •• ,. ••. "'"Y op.
Cau. Lon1a It.oil -A1vay -3100 W, Coast Ilwy., N.B. ·64 POJti51E IC Cori. New p IS' Coo d Con d . 1968 PONTIAC 1'1"blrd fOO . tifttt-1 9!111. UJA l7l,
Bh1ratGn Manor -Homctte • 642.9405 540-1764 kir ull!d can • tn>clrl 11111 at•::io 540-1337 4 eptltd. Power ~rr. power 161 FORD $795
Kit • Prestige . Sahara Authorized MG Dealer top, Urei, • •na\fll. f1S.ltCtO call 111 lor h"ee nttmata. brka 1J 000 1 !143-2330 61l1•i• ~00 Co"v•r!Oble. AU. SIZFS wttkd&y1. 'IO IMPALA 4 dr, KT. V-3, . ' m . v.1, 1uto. r1dio, h1 tt11,
NOW ON DISPLAY t~Olt sale l!&I Austin Healty 1§67 Porscb1 912 COupe 6ROJH QIEYIOlll auto., pa/ph. R&H, pvt pty. pwr •'••·· wll!t1 well 1;,,,,
1C2S Blk~r SI., Costa Afesa Sprlte. Brit. Racing gm & 4 Jpd, low mllta. ODI OWMT, 1175. 548-4211 RAMIUI O'fl JTI.
"'ii blnck E111t of Jf11rbor Btvfl. ''°="=·====· 0:>1;"'1928==== x!nt t.hNouL $4318. VOJXl(I, Alt ter !at. Mam.. 1881 CHEVY El Ca.mlno, rww ~·u Oadf fh ., .. i-i'--:l'O'rii"Dc----:$"°14°"9'°'5
Costa M11& (n4) 541)..9-170 ~ 9-Jff Matot 11211 Bean llhd. 313 en(ine I: tranaminion (', 1 ' P•lrl1ft1 100 2 dr. H••dtop
GREENLEAF PARK DATSUN -1· ~ H~ 8Mcll tm 6TS-i2ss . c:lean~t A lrtt. NIW tiNI v.1, 1ulo, •edlo, ht•l•f,
in clear, clC"an, coo.I Cnsta ----UOO W. O::Ut Hlehway Kl ..m 'M ~MfiAL.A conv. 11uto. $3.~. 919 llfl S:OO pm '"''• ''''" f e ( 1 or 'I ,;, ~tesa.. New 92 """ace ndu ll ORANGE COUNTY'S Newport Bach M&.60B WE PAY WH P IS Riii. ,.......,. _ _.. e~t:n 101'111, whit" .... 11 tires, ti ~f· '" NO I 1 VINlil <.vuu, _,.,, T•llRD td ~l •u. SlY 105 p.1rk, il10(1rl11 &. Salrll offli'f' • 64&-7993 :::-~l~~~lat Park. Open 9 AUi o:~~u~~~suE: TRIUMPH '61 Oievro1:1 Bel_ Air new ~3 '63 T BIRD
ACU:NT MOBILE FOR YOUR (AR '""I"", •Itek, $550 °' ollu. • DUNTO llO:O.lE SALES ]883:) Beach Blvd, 'fi9 TR.-6 R~al Bargain~ \Vire aff.3074
Hunt:1ngttin Beach •l'hi8., O'drlvr, IOlt !or . COMN!LL '62 2 dr .. hd. top ru11 flWT. Dir. 175() Whittier Ave. 842-7781 54()-M42 British rroen. $3,2 00 . ,.. Chev 6 cyl i tlck, l dr, fectoryalreOnd lUo nln1.0nt
ColtA M11& TlC: 00-1350 ~,,;=.:.:;:_;;;"~=:-:~o-:-MS-.'i942 Eves. or 17~. CHEVROLn ::; = 1d~~~1P· owner. Sma.11 down, Eicee:..
DOUBLE Expando, Kit Tro. '69 DATSUN Mrs. Burke {days) 2Q Ha rbor Blvd. · or lent oonditlon.t&f.9'TT!.OKL. FORD
jan, 21:bc5S. Lars• c.arpo.rt, Costa Me111. M&-l:M!t '57 atEVROLET %83, 3 apd.1-'4'l~O~·--------porc:~ A: 1tor1.1e 1hed. Big 4-0r Sed11.n. 4-tpd. Dir., BUSIEST rnarke.tplace in 1--=.=..;.c=...c..:.c.:.c._ trans, 1d. C'Ond., new tirt.i. '87 LANDAU all pow/equip! '
Mu1t ael\ to •tUe Hlatf!. radio. tte1f'llr. J300 mile1. town. Tbe DAll.Y PILOT OOJll'T .rusr WISR for $MO. Ml-1467 Air am/fm racUo pow ant 2240 S, Main
$6,750. K11tella f.1ob11 e Wil l u crlflce: T11ke older money, time (, tUort. Look something lo furnish your '&J CHEVY Jklair M"rian, New h.<I. bell Nc1v pl~
l':.~t;i1r.~. Sri l 1·1. Stan!on. 1r11r!r Call Phil, 491-:tm. C1:1!"s1f1rri 11rchon. Sa v e home ... find irre111 huys in riuto, p/!1, p/b, xlnt cond. lu'l'!\ Orig, 0•1•ner Belowj CAL 7n7 6
ran ~:!.~~1;71} 545-00J~. 7.\VJ0.11 llf)W!!! todAy·~ flR.s~ihrfl /\fl~. S6!Y.1 &J2-9l'I.'\ p~;t pty. boo~ Prrfr('f'\"'lnrl fl'lll~:Wt4· ~".1,,!". tf
' I
_____ _.,
' •
.. _..,.__., .......... ___ ------·----------... -.-----~~~~~~---------~--~·----·-----... ·--. ----.
n DAILY PILOT Tutsday, Ott.obtr 21, 1%'1 ---
.,:ooo Ar OISCOUNT
DAILY l 0:00 A.M. TO 9:00 P .M.
SAT. & SUN. 10:00 A.M. TO 7;00 P.M.
' .. .
Prices Effect ive Wed. thru Tues.
October 22. 23, 2~. 25, 26, 27 & 28
f>Wll"T'S • St:L.l!CT LAMll e FFIE6H
5W11'T'S • liEL.ECT L AM B ·• IMAL.L. ~~~PS 1 61~ Fsluoy · s"(icG1·1AN AiicoN
aWll"T'$ e S~LECT LAM •
•W11"T'& e SELl:CT \.AM•
LAMi'"'"L···· '""" r. TASTY CHUCK ROAST
U.S. NO. 1 e ALL. PUll;POSI!
• RUSSET 1 Q 49
1v •. oz. BOXES . SUNMAID
LUNCH BOX 10 39c
COU"°"4 0000 OCT. 22-21
t I ,
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