HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-11-25 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa.. •1 ..
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·Hostage ..
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: ~UESOAY · AFTERN " ' --'
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NEW•Y,ORK (AP) -Steve Ow..,s of
Qklahom~. a reconi;setUng ~II-carrier in .
8JI age of pa$5er!, was named winner te>-
day of lhe i969 Heimfan Trophy, symbol
of college footb~ij's oq_tstandlng football
The 6-t, 215-pouiid senior tailback from
Miami, Okla., Js the · sport!11 top
toocbdown,maker:of all-Ume and has set.
a three-year career record for rushing.
In one of the closest competiUonS in
yean, Owens be.at out such stars as Mike
Propps of Purdue, Rex . Kern of Ohlo
• ~ Stale, Archie Manning of Missi ssippi and
· • .Jlm Plunkett of Stanford, a 11
quarterbacks, The award will be made
...i ~ .. ~at thft.Downiawn AthletiC ~lub ...
W}th ,21 touchdowns already thJs year,
and ·B final game to play Saturday
against Oklahoma Slate, 'the Sooner ace
has a career-tolal of M touchdowns,
surpassing the record of 52 stt by Army's
Glenn Davis in 194H&. With 3,606 rushing
yards he has shattered· the three-year
mark of 2,6,7; set b)' Ka.,..' Gayle ·
Sayers Jn 1962-K
County Man Held
I Will Limit ' ' ' . • R~m:. :\
' -. .. J
Bj. ARnruR ·R. VINSEL lorlrtu w)llch ,Ji ~ a iitcrt WASHINGTON (AP)-PreJldint~-
or,... ~ rn1t•11M tildeaway. on tenOWK.'f!d today any resort to germ
A Costa Meun. who rftoved to· the ''When you pee moat of the ratrvailons · w~i:f~re ~ C~IJed-~ ctatro; ,ixlittnt:
lit d f . tarlci ~~write In llli1: 00\fDtr)'," NYl .Adam Nordwall, sf~ll~,of ,actei10folfeatwtaP,pn,. :;
so " • 0 on 11 •"·;-;·•~ • a 40, a C!>!PllO!'•• ledtr, "Alcllraz,looia . It•·~ n!lloun«d l'l!l'•llrsl.,. by th~; book tod11 ·hu the company ,of 100.plus · Pret{y good." • Untted Statea of cbeirilcal 'weapom that;
""41vading Indians ·100 not-·even tpe U.S "I'm 100 percent with them," added Incapacitate, is well as those that cari :
&ast Guard -let~alone the Cavalry -Dodson, "The.e are wonderful people." klll. ::
knows what to do. · The fonner Hughel AJrcrall chemill Nixoo told new!'l'en the Unli.cl Stalq:
Glen Dodton is under house arrest on wlWbecalne cantU:tr of the bleat; birl' ~ nevq rploy cenn wa,r:tar, effQ. -
Alcatraz, a happy ~e beld ·by men, ten former ...fedenl prilori .got a caD Cl-entm:J rt to dt.m: : :
women and · ch!kirtn demanding a through to tus relaUves on the sole bot He also ~ that future i~ ·
powwow with Secretary• of tbe IAterlor line to the outside world. ment research in the biological field wllt ~
Walter J . Hickel. "He was teally exclte<I.'' said ·Mrs. be limited~ deteostft ~ ~ ~:
So far the Ume Isn't set, but the loca· Hoyt, "he-badn'.l_•li'P.I. II!' 41. ~-. bui f' a ~,...~f~ ~ '""': Uori seems obvious. · he said be wu gttUng IOl1le tantuUc gam .. weaponS uun:rl UR. :-
Dodson, who aold his home at 881 Joann photos.}• The President, In a fonnal statement;
Sl to go off' in search of adventure, caJI· Dodson may not be doing much writing, said .he wu takll1g a aertea: of JD9Ve• iq
ed tus brother and sis\er·fn.law Monday but he jJ certainly ptherlng material for ~he ch.emici.I, bacttriO~ area u "aq
to repori he had finally found It. . one of tho111 tnJlh-lHtranger:·than-tk:tlon i!Utiativertoward peace!'! .• " .n .:
, ·'.'I think tt:. 'Ol1' of the funniest things J epics, af\er six day1 qf Indian(occui-tJon. t-Talkinc !l:lief!J to reporteh, bei Aid ~:
ever heard," said Mrs. John Hoyt, of 2189 Dodaon'i ·brolhr was not a\ home, but believes his av:tioN will ~y reduce :
Tu1Un ·Ave., Costa Mesa, 0 In fact, lt'1 hop~ an Air Calif~ plane l;9 San t!le.,...poulbllity tMt '°Y chem1cal or· pnii:
just delightful." . Francisco Monday ·'night after repea~ weaporui; evet wlli be u.ed by any oaUon.
Federal authorities have other deicrip-ef!•rls .to get a return call lhrouih fall"'!· Nixblt 'nafrlnntid · ICIOl!lan~ •'iJ.s.'
tlons or the prospect of · clwing more "11le Coast Guard sakf. they haven t renunCll~on Of the first 1t1e 6t lethal
than JOO original Americans around the evf.n been able to get·ln tou~~ since the ~cAI w~'po,J)! Ind for\the'iifst ttme.;
cave-riddled rock if It comes to that. Indians took over the ls1and, etplalned extended ~ renunclau;;i to first ule of ·
The liberators of Alcatraz from the Mrs. Hoyt, who Isn't too worried about chelnlCals· ..ftuCh incapacitate wttbclut :
General Servictl Administration say.they he.~ brothe;r~ln·!.•~· ,. kil'1N;.. . , , · ' -· ~
just may. r • I ' . He ·eald hei:I ~to drop UI' 1lD!-· The President ~.ea 'the &ei.ate to '.
They-want Alcatru;under "1m&...ot an she ~· _1~ ltewa nporta frdm ~ raUly 'I. .uz...Gtneva protocol ·
1868 lttaty In which ~ Sloax were•given Alcatraz lnd!Cate Dodton Is IMisY "1lh . • piublbltJnc lbe linl '* Jn wu of "'•S-.
abandoned federal prqperty, but ·H you oilier Wiii, iach U'he!pihc ~ boOlo , pily<tallng, ~ .... ~r-ml
give ~ people 21 acres of. rock they canytng lood ond supplies. ',__:_ al ~ .-,., .. of illllfln!. • , :
may try to take the' 4lth llate. • Dacendanls of red -who Ill"""" ,Sen. Mib ~ (D-Mont.), the
"AIHka ts nen," declores l\lchard to the lint Thaniagfylng dbmer oppealed maJorilY. leader iald he will ,.i. to llave
... •• J _,, -,... ' .-4-··~-: .... . .;.;•'" ~(''' . ~ .. '". OAH..Y ''LOT ....W llrr ~ .... .., /TW~ST0l;D Ml.TAL.tifl L~;A~ Of.~~Y,-ljl~M~:i· :,
WOrft•n Dle1 lri 'PJlit;;Up Nffr FrM,W•Y Offr•"1P ·
01ke1, "'· a Mohawk who ~ -today for prov!-worthy of the Im-: cS.. GOH BAN ... ,J) • WJ~. ~P~a!:tiJ~~;~·-~ :t the.,....pr~·M .... -~~ .... ,,.r"al""'. the .... .:~c..,m._b .. lln .. '.,,·".,~""--"'A'"·-'!....:"...:>":J·"'!<S..-il:°'~"~:.·:;•:.A..i~:.:~-r.p.ll"L::';.· •::.ll;:.";..;·:..':.·"" .·, • :~ • • • ., .
· · Oru ge c:-&
• ·. . . --r :
; •• '. • ~. ~~ ' .:A.I ~ ' •
. ·Laguna W qman -Killed,
~Four-Hur t in Sma8 hup _
• ' ' .1 ' •
~ ' ·~ . ~ A Laguna ljjJl.!I woman died and fOW"°'
.. other persons were Injured Monday night
). ID a .two-:car crash al the· inter9]ection ol)
; M.icArthur Boulevard and Sf:ri Diqo
• • • Frteway. .
" CllUorrtta Hlihw!-Y , palrolrpen pullr,I;
·Ole "b.iciy Of' Mri. · v1r11iili 'tttiesuD<~
Mount, ea. or 802 Ronda Mendoaa. from
the wreckage of her car. Her husband,~
WOiiam , &t, -was crlUcaUy tnjul'!d. "
A!So seriously Injured and on the ~
critical list at Costa 'Mesa ff.emorial
HosJ)lial tociay were two pa.!!engera in.
~ ~tount vehicle, ·Arl}Jvr SChlffemum. ,,
75, and Ns wile,' Cleo, 70, of 511 Calle .
Ara1on, -La1una ffill1. •
'omctta ~ lihn Perry,' 38, ot Las•
•. . 1"
Vqas, Nev., the driver of the car ,which
collided with the Mount auto, suffered
Jl!ajor Jnj-. He Is· lilt.cl In li[ir ...,ndl-
lion 11 Caola M ... Memorial, Hoopltal.
;OflkOn vld'lht Mount CV wiis le••· Ing the l ...... y oUramp II the )lme al =1':"1'"w -·::-iii<! ill 1
' . Britain Invites Brandt
LONDON (/IP) . -Prime Mlnisl<r •
Harold lvlllon alUl<JUl!Ced today West
qerman'Ch1ncellor Willy Brandl h•• ""' ~ttd an invllaµoo to visit BrllaJn In the
qrn ha11 al -year. No !Inn date lw
be<n set. • · ' ; I
Murdep.lfue ·Plot · R k .. s'' . • o• "" · ·e.d1•-•4e· A suspected murder-for.hire· p I o t W.... .__, ---·
with an allegedly adulterous auto dealer
the target tias led to the arre11t of a
Garden Grove 'man and his lppar:ent
partner in a $52,000 stolen goods opera·
tlon. ·
The ca~ Originating In 'South Gale was
revtalecl.Monday, when 1-u tho r It I e 1
d~ Uli: arresta of Allred Slatoo. It,
of 6501 KiUamey Ave., Garden Grove,
and Francis Kerrlng, 29, of Wilmington.
They were booked last Friday for In-
vestigation of conspiracy to commit
mttrder, illegal po11esslon of
macblnqum and po11e11ion of danlft'OUS
~IP!LIJIF.ll~,.. ... ;:01. , .• :_. ;.>.~ , .....a G'a\I ~~:;u. """"" T01ior
&aid a tota1 of -Jn stolen goodl wu rtcovel'M from the ure &hop where
Sl1too and Kerrin& were captured.
Lt. T'3flor &aid the pair had been gl~en '* to arrange for the ellmination of •
new car dealer lhe payee believed to be
involved In a domatii; trian&Je.
Autllorilles di\! not dloclose JUll how
they received ln!onn1Uon leadlOC to the
arTUI of Slatoo and Keniq, peocllna 111
uoe In further prooeculion.
' '
' ' " Visitors Given Press .Passes·
SAN FRANCISCO (UPl)J-Alcalraz Ialand•s Indian ciccuplen have set
up a "bureau of cauca1lan ~(fain" to screen and ~le· vialtofs to tPe.i;
''Rock." (Rel1ted story, Pqe 5). · , , .. . . ' 1 ' ..
A IJ'OUI' al newamen vlslµng the Island htld for 1lx d•YI by ~ !-
were iasued· "J)na _ .. aiondaf'nllhl ·and Jnolructed to oqrn1ider lbeni
when leaving. •
Bui the holpitable lndlanl. lttlttd. them to • home -meal al .
chicken, mathld pqta~ ~ti ~ mnthmU." ._.. , .,. ~ ,.,. ,. . , ... , 1 '' ',•·z.~"?1.lii•ti..t·J -. . .,..,..,:~~f ... , ... ~ ·~""# ">,I." ""·•fl) r , ~,~ . ... ... --tciolt ""' the niarty ablncloned '"' al the ,..,,. federll
prilon 1111 Thunday, c1aim1na 11 u "wiuoad 1-11 llrid" llld lllllOUnCinC
plans to build on Indian educll1onal and cultural center on IL
"We were ·eeccrted. e.a1wbere," 'uid Terry Schmitt, a fret lance
phololropllor, "ond told 'I' <euJd l\OI p Into the main, cell bloct or oo Ila
roof. We ccM!I• tall< to onb-dutlnaled spokamen. ' ' . "Boau <!ame 11111· ni1Jt1 . with -· -neo, ~ 1 bale or new blonkell. n wu my cold oo the lalflld and· tho lndlana iAo1til toni·lonll Ill nlPI and 111 llWDll wood Ora." . . . . • • . : . ., ,,
, --
I There'll, be a l•lllP Jn t1Je .. ~ •
ly winds wecln.Ocraj, but the "'""'
I cury will 11>,y ¥!' \lllre -1boul 77.
degrees 11ont! the . COllt and 1$ I
further Inland. f r ,
-I ...... ,...,. " ~=. ·1 ~ lf.M
r.;;.;· ...... ··1· ,....... s
-I -.
·--M --., ---
. ' . • '. . \ . . -~ ....... .._
ti DAILY I'll.OT S I , , T~. N-2S.,1M . j . ·
~e~pO~t OKs Pier 'f.~t:s 'Over,'S,trong_ PrOt~.st~
Ir IOliN VALTZlllA <llf!1 of se""'1 prlriaua -Iii 'lllddl Roctra llM It F. Birth JiJlned 'lh• k<ir11 from sever;i segmenif' of ._ city'• hesdaches tryi., to enlor<e ll r • • · .. ll'• not 1 fair ...._ for lalN lh• It• Dellr-........., the debite over the pier fua hU RCed. of roes of the propoSal. boatln1 and co1nmerclal groups. Mofe than 200 opposition lettirs have Udelandt and it's an unfalr way lo hit the
Nearly four hours of stem pubUc op. the council introduced a revised fee All three argued that the ordinance, ~pokC$men for the M11rlne Dtviotlo'l or ,, been received . boat owner who can't be here to delend ,..wan failed to sway Newport Beech structure in ordlnanoe form and pe$Sed which has a newly revised Intricate fee the Newport Harbor Chamber or Com Spokesmen for severaJ community hJmseU'," Jorgensen said. · JU first readinc:. merce sald the enUre Chamber op ..... ...i aSiOCiati-Ons, tnc.tudina the Balboa Coves "H• --es •·re and spe·' hi• moae ,...._ "'--"l'I 4 to J •11-t ln fivor o( ll UI ~-la I I I , 1lruclu,e, ·was, punlUve,' 1·nequl1••Je and ,..... ·• I .. v.u '"" uus y ...., --,-__... , w ...,...,~ w ~ 1..-a •~ , ..,, lhe fees. , r Coqununlly "'*ialloo, said lhtir lqla Jn oor "°'" llJld, shops 1111111 1 ~k·
___ ,_ llooday alPI .... ,lhe '/ialiiied meedallllc.11 K .. :deeply en-dlocrflnlollod qli!lJ( Nel'()lO!'I Beach's Doe Cook,.~<>! lho CO..Oa ~I """~ oJ)f>MM tboJeo. ·. Ju way of jull nlbb"•• 11him11-• =hider •..,_ cbllr ... ilovod .~.....nl!llllponllllaodlhese-yachlamoawhoulUmalelywooldhaveto l,lar Cha111bei' of Coaurion!t, iJo!cllhed · VJn lJorpnsm, -munily)eacler o~d "' '"'" . ··-· ... ..._, •• ,c:-• -=-· / pay '"·lee. ' " • U d" . L ., I , ..., ~ _. _., lh f don'l ':'" U ~ f~_ll, on1J 'a ~· -·-• l9"•' · ..... , u.,. ie or 1nan~ as111 ~no ~ ,_,,.,/ . root prope1\Y .0Wllf1 .s-e trllliontll of m.o.percent .o ~ total·pro-, .. 1' -UnC wllldl· ...-I carboo t ~ . Doll •' llclMJs, Howard The ~+au r«:)?ivecfalrong ,oppoa!Uon· , •arned lhat jhe e.oncll•'llClll!d ,lll!•i "sOilkl." , peily value di-a wa""'"°l Joi, fl'•·..UU
I ' l • \ .I I D0t fair," fie llJa. • f .. I
a.~. Matte ' .... , •
Ag~ Won'~,!'lfrsue ..
' . -
" ,; A~ta~ks Against Medit;i:
•WASllVfGTON (AP) -Viet -lili• tllll le.., •pooch allot anolh<r.'' lplro T. A-haa no dalr< to ketp up The dtbile aparkod ~' Agrlow's
,. attack• on the news media, a crtUclsm wlll be continued tonleht in
.,Okmnan aaid 'I\le8day ,·and very likely tonight'• "60 Minutes" program on CBS
wlU let the matter dn>p. television. Walter Cron~ite, Chet Huotley,
·Agnew is dllcrlbed u believing he has David Brinkley and HoWard K. Smith will
tplde bis point and stimulated discusaion be among the commentators heard rrom
Ud self-examinaUon among· the press ' in ,tbe program, beginning at 10 p.m.
and television. He attacked bolh in na~ De vice president' nest scheduled a<l-
\IOnally broadcut apeechel in the pe.st drMS will be Dec. It at a l'Onference of
two weeks. ·• Republican governors In Hot Springs.
"I don't think he wants to harp on Ark. 'Mtere, 'Jbompaon said, Agnew will
tL" 11id Herbert. Tbompaon, who ii most likely speak on an entirely different
..,,,...., pms secretary. "He haa subject.
....... -··--··-.. """" ~ -dilc-Gl dilcuasion thlt 'VflrY likely wvuktn't -and cries of outrage from some
have taken place without him. Jt ill not segments of the pretS and television -
hla style or method to continue aomethlng by questioning publicly the fairness of
1:JC Regents Ask
'Status Report'
On Angela Davis
81'.:llltELEY (UPI) -Ur.iveraily of
C&Ufornll npntl have ordered a "1l.ltua
r'lpert" In January on tllo 1 .. ching
pertormaDce of UCLA lnstruetor Angela
Divis. UC PrWdenl Charla J. ·HJlch
nld Monday.
But Hitch denied that the regents
ordered creaUon of a special campus
cpmmlttee to rev iew the performance of
M)ss Divis, an admitte4 member of lbt
Qommunist party, I
Hitch uhi Miss Davis' teachine
abilities were discussed at last week's
r,1mtf meetin& in San F'ranclsco, "but it !l' nol lru•" Chancellor Charles Young of
l!CLA "w11 ontwed to conduct 1 review
~ her performaoct.'"
·The univenity preside11t said Young
!Old the regent! ezisUn'l ·campus pro-
cedures "provide for a Uaorough review ot hir performance" and he· intended to
make use of them. Hitch sakl the regents
then ordered a status report at their
January session.
Mlaa Davia. a 25-year-old Negro, was
hired qn a 'wo-year contract u a
pbll-1!y iMlruclor IU!, spring. The
rcgcnll order«! her fired afler she Id·
mitted beln1 a member of the Com-
munill party, bul 1 Loe Angeles auperlor
court Judie overturned the 4lsmlu11.
television commentary on President Nix·
on's Nov. J Vietnam addrm. the news
policies of television in cenefal, the new;s
judll'ftent of the New York Times, and
what be ctOed • trend toward monopoly
in the news industry.
"I wouldn't say," Thompson. cautioned.
"that i1 he feels COl'IJtratned to speak out
on the subject again, he won't. But the
vice president bu made bis point and
made it effectively. Re'1 perfectly con-
tent to stay out of the dlsam!on and
leave it now to the people who are most
cornpttent to deal with il"
How does Agnew feel about the recep-
tion giveo hla critlque1?
"He IJ: delighted with I.he attention it's
gotten in the media itself," said
Thompson, "and feels it's a healthy
Blaze Damages
Mesa Build~rtgs
Billowing black smoke swept skyward
over Costa Mes·a shortly before 11 a.m.
today when fire broke out behind an
c:utomatic transmlssion aerviCe shop and
spread to other bulkllnp.
Most of the damage was confined to
Coast Automatlz Transmiasion Service,
447 W. Bay St., but a shed was burned
and a small frame home behind it
partially damaged.
Costa Mesa Flre Department crews
were still at the scene shortly before
noon, cleaning up hot spots and checking
to determine the origin of the blaze.
2 ·Beach Residents Among
10 Nabbed for Narcotics
Two Huntinston Beach residents were
1mon1 ID peraona indicted by the Oran1e
Counl3 Grand · Jury today on various
ntrcotlcs and dangerous drugs violations.
The indictment followed the panel's ln-
vestlgaUon of arrest& made last Nov. 5 in
a roundup conducted by Huntlnpon
B•cb Potk:e, Loi Anatles Coun ty sher·
lff1 lnvestlgator1, Downey pollce offlt'trs
and lnvestlg1Uon or the LA:>ng Beach
Pollee Dept.
It is alle1ed that officers recovered
!Jhlll ~·1101
............. ................ ------c ........ ,,
_...... COAll P\*.llMIHO CIOMH'"
..... N. ...,_. ---J.,. L c.lly .. ,.,..... ... ~ ........
n ..... ,..,.. -flit••• A. M1St,ti!111 -·--c.11 MIMi ,_ .,.., 9" 11-' .........,...._1n11_, ...... ......,.
4.-hldt1 m,,.... ""'-,...._ lltcfl: .. 11111 .,,..
nur1y 17 pounda of huhish, three pounds
of marijuana, 360 barbiturate capsules
and 95 LSD tablets. Most of the drugs
allegedly were found at 9351 Tahiti Cir-
cle, Huntington Beach.
Names In the indictment are Elerd Lon
Hocker, 2.8, and Carol M. Hocker, 32, both
of HunUngton Beach addreu.
The Hockera and eight other defendants
have been ordered to appear Friday in
Superior Court.
Alto. named in the Indictment are: Vic·
tor Steven Svbnonoff, IS, or 11470 Har-
risburg Road, Rossmoor : Tommie Mike
Thomas, 20, and John Allen Thomas, 21,
both of Long Beach: Michael Robert
Gray, 20. of Santa A,na; Phillip Baker
Horton, 22, of Bellflower; John Peter
Dallas, 19, of Big Bear Lake: Greg
Burchess Cantreil, ZZ, of Long Beach and
Steven Frank Hamblin, 11, of Bellnower.
1'he Hockers are accused of possession
of dangerous drugs for sale, possession or
marijuana for sale and 5'.?lling and
cultivating marijuana. Hamblin, Cantrell.
Dallas, Svlm0n.>ff and Hoctor, are ac·
cused of the sale of marijuana.
Gray is accused of possession of mari-
juana. John Allen Thomu of possession
of marijuana for sale and Tommie ?i.fike
Thoma• of possession of marijuana for
snle and sale of marijuana.
SAIGON CUPJ) - U.S. me!s !ergeants
tod1y began preparing Th1nksglvlng din· ·
ners' for 4'0,000 American troops In South
Vietnam with the promltt' that all would a:et a hot meal .
The mtnu Included 11\rlmp cocktail.
roast turkey, gr1vy, eornbread dressing,
mashed potatoes, sw~ potatoes, hot
rolls, frultciike, minctmeat and pumpkin
pit, assorted fruit ind nuts and candles.
'Mle food was ordered seven months
ago: 15.&40 pounds of shrimp, 32.400 cans
ol pumpkin, 49,"5 pounds of fruitcake
Ind 2,337,14$ pounds of lurkoy.
A .
' Jl'Onner BalliOa • counCibiwt Hrtty
~ rop...iJng tbo Ban. eo...
rolidolllS, w'""9C1 lhe ci>lmCfl ,lhal tllo
tl~aQIS.s use fM would become '• elec-
tion luue in next ye.ii-'s councll elections.
499 Exit Plane i1i 90 SecOnds ,. .
' The Boeing 747 passes FAA evacuation tests per-
formed a\ Seattle, Wash. A total of 499 persons left
the plane through four of the five exits on one side
of the craft \vi thin 90 Seconds. The tests were con·
du cted in total darkness except for the plane's
emergency lights. In this photo some of the 499 in
the test mill around outside of two of the exit slides
Purse Snatcl1ers
Kill Wido,~r, 70
DETROIT (AP) -Clinging to· her
pune which contained five; cents, a iO· ' ' year-old widow suffered a fatal beating
by four would-be purse snatchers Monday
~'lorence Knotts. who lived alone on her
Social Security income, died of bead ln-
jilries in a Detroit hospital soine eight
house after the beating.
Patrolman Allen llughes said he was
driving in his· palro! car when he sa1v
lou r youths attack her. Hughes pursued
and said he caght one of the youths, a 13-
year-old boy now in custody.
Neighbors of \he widow said they knew
littlP about Mrs. Knotts. except she had
betn robbed of $4 two months ago by a
12-year-old purse snatcher.
Frotn Page I
pending celebration Thursday, lhrough
their Alcatraz Relief Fund.
j.nother boatload of supplies was due lo
set out for occupied Alcatraz today, after
a delivery f\.1onday w hi ch included
blankets, staple foods. fresh water.
medicine and even tetanus vaccine.
Ten1peratures on the barren rock drop
to the low thirties this tin1e of year and
dozens of the Inriians arc suffering fron1
colds and sore throats.
Some have even jumped inlo lhe
treacherous, current·laccd waters of the
bay to help small boats dock and the only
heat is from fires built of wood ripped
from old rotting cellblocks.
Several children have as a result step.
ped on rusty nails, necessilating tetanus
vaccine, but the Indians vow to stay as
long as necessary and hidC' From lJ.S.
inarshals in a 12 acre n1aze of foriner
prison buildings and caves.
Secreta ry Hickel has agreed to meet
and discuss their demands to take over
Alcatraz as an Indian Culture Center.
plus giving more aid to 100,000 Indians in
Federal authorities have given the in·
vaders· holding Dodson hostage no
deadline to evacuate Alcatraz. at least
until after Hickel reviews their demand .
Farm Cost Boost Sends
Wholesale Pi:ir-~s Up
WASlUNGTON (UPI) -Wholesale
prices have risen four-tenths of I percent
this month because of a sharp rise in the
cost of rann products, ttie Labor Depart-
ment es~ated today.
The wholesale price level was .45 per-
cent above the figure a year ago.
Preliminary figures released by the
department's Bureau of Labor Statistics
tBLS) said wholesale prices of fann pro-
Lauuna's Little " Nuisance Slated
To Be Ended Soon
You might call it Laguna's little
nuisance -three and fi ve eighths inches
to be exact.
Clyde Z. Spring, city planning and
huilding director. expects the problem to
be resolved soon by the board of ad-
justment so couu cllmen can rorget about
h involves Lhe 3 5/8 inch encroachment
of a house owned by Mr. and 1.1!'1. Hy
Tucker into the sideyard of their property
at t28 Shadow Lane.
Spring told councilmen that the
Tuckers made application to add a screen
\va ll and other things but went beyond
the bounds authorized including a dress-
ing room and bathroom. An order to stop
1vork was posted.· The Tuckers were
traveling. They're back now with survey
"Three and rive eighU1s in.ches. Clyde
yo u make me laugh," said Tucker at the
recent council session. Springe dldn 't
laugh but thought the matter could be
resolved. Councilmen continued their
public hearing on the nuisance again until
Dec. 17 to see if it is.
ducts rose an estimated 2.3 percent In
November. Industrial commodities rose
0.2 percent while processed food and
feeds averaged the same as in October.
Such incrtases at the wholesale level
normally signal new retail price hikes In
the offing.
The November rise ln wholisale price!
matched , the' October advance, whJch
followed three months of smaller in-
creases. The new increase appeared to
offer !t'ttle hope that conswner price in-
crea:sea would be abating in the coming
The November rise pushed t h e
wholesale price indez to 114.5, which
meant that goods which cost $100 at
wholesale in the 1957-59 base period cost
$114.50 this month.
The BLS said prices for fresh and dried
fruits and vegetables jumped more than
seasonally in November and egg quota-
tions climbed sharply. Cattle and bog
prices declined WhJle prices for proces sed
poultry, fish and coffee rose.
Schooner Burns,
Sinks at Islapd
A 69·foot schlOner valued at $125.,000
caught fire and sank at her moorings In
Catalina Island's Isthmus Harbor early
The schooner "ri.1ajectic Schwan''
owned by Dane Sturgeon of Tulare,
caught fire in the-engine room. Three
hours later, despite efforts by the harbor
patrol !reboot the blaze burned to the schooner's water line .
The boat sank In 2Q feet of water, a
total loss.
Sturgeon. 39. 11 retired insurance ez-
crulive. said he tried to put the names
oul. but the heat drove him overboard.
He s...,·am ashore to find help.
The schooner sank at 2 a.m.
Reds Have Ratified
"It's never good it someone is elected
to the council becaU1e ot his stand on one
~ 111oDL II will definlt.Jy be a --paigD Issue and if you haven't heard fr_c!rn
enoujh of the people now, then wait jntl
the elections, then you'll bear from the
people and the men they elect," somers u;d, .
The councU. pnimiiod to abide .by a
policy nf iltepiq lhe ·I!" !lructurt the
same .for the next five yeaNJ but the siro-
mise won litUe affection from fee ,oP-
Mayor Doreen Marshall assured ~
group Uiat if ever the fees were increued
(aft average private l)ler 1nd dock would
cost about $25 a year), then the stan-
dard public hearing procedure would be
followed .
"We've seen how good a public hearin~
ts and how much it can change the COUl'l-
cil's mind. Jt won't make a damned bitof
difference," an angry opponent shouted •
Tllo new ordhW!Ce, dratted by a comt·
en committee and revised arte rearlier
bearinp: marked .by mare strona. public
oppooltlon. changes tho concept of an
OVtJ"-111 $1-per-foqt « boat 1J*1 a.Jtar
to 1n intricate formula. · *,
' Any owner of a pier which juts·lito jhe
htrbor over land which is not a)nady
1 lelsed by the city woold pay •10 ·' year u a fegistraiion fee .. ~ . · ' '
'!bat lnchldOe ........, .-pi<rl cross
atrtpo of llMill OWll undt<,Wol<l",ilnd.
Conunerdll -·m 'l\OUld pq file ..... llAI ,wi; 'Wtlll lt.ibr 'eoch,alf.
dltlariol !ilJI.-'. f!oal b · ioiii 11 lhe .. I
-not -It. U Ibey lilvo ...-e than 10, then they would pay 5o-cents for
each sUp with a maximum of 20.
Above 20 slips in the marina, the owner
would pay $15 plus 25 cents for each slip
or noat over the total or 20.
Along with the money charged for boat
slips and no.ts, the ordinance also hits
the marine gasoline service stations.
They would pay the standard com-
mercial pier fees along with three-tenths
or a cent ror each gallon of fuel they sell.
Ctty Harbor and Tidelanda Coordinator
Geor&e Dawes, whose department woold
~ve the money raised from the fees,
satd the 1970. yield would total about
Councilmen voting for Ibo f,. Jll'Ol*ll
-· to their stalemen!S nf tllo paat ouUlninf lh• philooophy behind the pier
The state's trust which gives the ctty
control over the tidelands states that the
areas should be left availabll! to the
publlc fir fishirig; compreree and recrea-
tion, the a.ssenters agreed.
The phllooopby, tboy said, holds that
private indivkluals enjoying use of the
public tidelands for private docks ahould
reimburse the ,public for the privilege.
Councilman Robert Shelton, wboee vote
has been the deciding one on the issue in
past council action, sakl he believed the
adv1ntages ,of the ordinance fa r
outweighed tne disadvantages.
Shelton ·defied the "anonyrnouJ callers
Ind writers of some al the lettert I have
received" and vowed that • threats of
rtc&ll Would oot change his opinion.
"This woo't Clrive the boat.I out cl. the
harbor, nc:r will it klfl tllo '"°"that laid
the golden eq," he said.
The quottlon, bci said, "could be llfllued
eloquently oo both skies."
He said there would be fewer inequities
under the ordinance than more.
From Page 1
the atteement ratified by the Senate this
That w_ould add gas and 1enn warfare
to an already clogged Senate schedule,
with less than one month of the session
Nixon 1lso said the United States wa s
joining Canada in associating itself, with
the principle' and objectives or• It Brttistt.
sponsored proposed convention to ban the
use of biological methods of warfare.
Further, Nixon said he has asked the
Defense Depannent "to make recom-
mendations as to the disposal of existing
stock! of bacteriolOfj:ical weapons.'' White
House sources said this meant auch
stockpiles will be destroyed .
Jn the meantime, life goes on d11y by
day on the Rock, perhai>s more miserable
than In Its prison days -with food cook-
ed O\!Cr an open fire on a broken graling
-but certainly 1norc idealistic than ever.
"This land is my land.'' say!> a sign
ovl'r lhe crude dining area.
No ooe is in a position Lo disagree 10·
day. least of 311 Alratraz· custodian
Dodson, who went there tD get away from
excitement and v.•ritr his book about
u~s. Delays Gas Treaty
Duke au Antbassado1·
LONDON (AP) -Britain got a ne1v
duke and a new an1bassador today -
·bandleader Duke EUington arri\'ecl wilh a
letter from President r\ixon appolnllng
him as a goodv.·ill envoy for Amerlcnn
1nuslc abroad.
"I was surprised. toucht'd and honored
by the leUcr," said Ellington, as he set
orr ror series of onc·nlglit stands in Bri-
tain. lie Is on :i tou r of nlorc tt1nn 20
Geneva protocol banning the use of
poison eases and other chemica l agents
has been raUflcd by more than 8J nations
including Communist ChJna and the
Soviet Union -but not the Unit@<! Slates.
The accord ls formally called the
•·protocol for the prohlb!Uon of Ole use in
'''llr of asphyxlaUng, poisonous or other
gases and of bacterlalogJcal methods of
The U.S. Sena te never votOO on It
although tile United States had taken a
first step towa rd adhtrenc~ by slgnlng
the. protocol.
One reason the Senate did not aet wasi
that the Army Chemical Warfare Service
mobilized considerable feeling against the
treaty on grounds that ,II would never be
observed in warfare and that g81 was a
more humane method o( killing than
olher weapons.
Ironically. In J922 the Senate had V()ted
ln favw of a limllar aareement which
never came Into force ~ause of French
The Ccneva protocol of June 17, 192$,
declares lhat the parties ban the use of
chemical and blological weapons and
''will exert every effort to induce othfr
sta tes lo accede to the prtsent protocol."
A number of lhc 80-odd nations 1ew
ceptins ~ aareement did 10 wfth
reMnalionl. Same reeerved the ri&hf; to
use chemical weapons so lon1 as they d1d
not make first use of them, and the rlsht
to uae such weapons but not again.st other
~gnon of tllo occord.
The Soviet Unloo occeded to lhe prol
locol oo Aprfl 5, 11121, Ind Communll[
China on August I, 1162. A r~t nttloa.
to join It w•s Communist Moncolil on
December S, 1M8. 1 Neither North nor South Vietnam wu
joined Ibo 1(1' .. menl.
Besides the Unllod Slala. Brolil, El
Salvidor, Japan, Nicaraeu1 and Urupg
have aignecl lhe J>N(OCOI bul llOl larmallJ
roUfled fl.
' ,
, .
he. ... AV
' ...
"' I!<
P' ju
. "'
' •
' !
' 1
. ' nuDtb.gto•· i¥ae11
• •
' . . ~ ...... ' ,. • '
're~•Y'• 11-111 .
' TUESDAY, NOVEtAER 25, 1969 . . '
; TEN ·CENTS .. : ,. ,,.,., . ... ....... . . ' ~ollncil ~j)Iits, Okays First .. ·.·Gi:vi~. Ceijter ·Site
~ ,. • ,. • A •'
By JACK BROllACK .ioliJOdf7't. came.al the request ol
Of tfle Diii~ ,I~ Miff M~ Jeck' oreen and .... voted oa •
·1n sulprisihgly sUdden 1<Uon, the Hun· mnllon<by c..nc:ui-AIYin Coen.
tihgt<in Beach City councu Monday nlabl -~ Donald, Slltpley Ind Jarry
la"a .•Pl!\ I to 3 vote decided to locale the M1ineJ• ~ Green and Coen lo reaf.
fiiture Civic Qenter.on upper Main Street fif'm.lag'~ pr.efertnce .for ~ I~
oppblit.,Huntlngton Beach Hip School,, MlilA Stm\'ltte "'blch ~ !114,voted for
MOnday mormng, councilman Md mono:tbln.llx 'lnontbl aiO: :
heard a report by the admlnistraUve candln\an ~enry, Kaufman at,ued
staff urglg,g selection of a new site· on briefi.y for \he Atlanta-Lake site poinUng
Atlanta Avenue between HuntinlfOILand out tfaat· Jt: 'r9Uld be =1' -ted with ,"'
Lallo 111~1&. · ' · proille( enjloo ·~. 111' --.,.-~ ~ ·~1 I 'l ' J ' -~ . ' , ~-I· > ~
t ) .. -t· ' ..
MayOI" Green said there '"is no doubt a •
convention center will be built eveniualty
in the downlown area."
Counctlmon . Ted Blrllott ~ G<c!r ..
Mcfracllen joined Dr. Kaufmao In their
conliltent oppoattloa to !hi Upj>er Main
Streol alt.:
Follo.,ing I.he 4,to 3 vote, the council
moved to cJOse the escrow on the selected
site.and "acquire the property as soon as
poujble" from the Huntirlgt.oo Beacb " .
> • " . ~-· Only 'Dr. Kaufman ' dlaap.
prOved abla·rilove.
A unanimous . vote to, lnltrucl -the
udllllcl ~ oroceed with piam'lor the'
Maln Slnifohe WU tl>en act<d·upon, · 6iiurdhm• ·~ fo~ witb' a mo-
tlta to -!hi odmlnllli'llllve atafl to proceed wttb . reultittty · -on· the
convenUon center. '11tls waa •J>FOved.
The Main Street site ii the least ex·
penalve ol tbhe. ~ by 'ft council. &.trmaled coot la·lll07,lllO. In contra.I the
T '"t • •· ! • ... • . .
ilroperty if!th 1 report due at !hi tl01I
council meeting Dec. a. Tb. upper · M1ln . Simi site Wu
8'lactecf lost aprl111 by the· -f to •
apltt vote. Rocenlly tho; 111111 wu ordeiod
to study !he,Beacl>Atl111\a alt. ~ ...,.
UP. wt\h. the altornaUve Atlanta-Lab pro. perty. . ' The ... lacted altt Is lo · be purChUed
!run. the, Huntlna!On Beach co: for
"80,000, 11 can be ozp11D!leil by n .. icr;., liter. • . ' •
'. Top of .Pier
Plan Moves
Step Ahead Nixon Orders U.S. Stockpile J!estrQyed
Huntingtqn ·Beach councihpen sit tin&· as
the city's Parking Authority MOO!lay
night took another ~tep ,forward on. the
Top of the Pier plan for downtown
~v~pmpll. .
They approved the same thing they ap.
proved two weeks ago when they voted ll!
a city council. Created will be an 873-
space parking project on fi ve city blocks
from Sixth to Lake Streets inland to \Val-
nut Avenue plus five acres of Huntington
Beach Co. propertv east 'of Lake ex-
tendiilg inland·l!> Atlanta Avenue.
City administr<!lor Doyle Miller was
directed to arrange for an immediate ap-
praisal of the property which will be ac-
qulred.,by negotiation or condemnation.
Planned for part of the t>roperty ls a
beach-0riented Specialty sbopping center
similar to Ghlrardelli Square .tn San
The moluti«}-flitol!li"S: t!>f.plan c_!l!led
for U\e l acqdioa of the ~y
becadse • It reptoseted d'the• ,_..~
public goo\! wttll the leaot .prly1t• 1in-jury~., r ., ~
The' Council has voted a moratorium on
a.II "building permiLa in the aU.t<:led area
djlriog the acqW.lilon proceedings.
Co5t .of the project is estlmated at $3.8
J1lillion to be financ«I by revenue boods
. Wld by. the park.in& authority.
The project was~recommeoded ~y the
Urba,. ' ~--d Institu te Citizens Steering
Corr and backed by a study or
Ee::. ,£search Associates.
Valley Planning
Special eJ.ass
For Handicapped
. • ' Orthopedically ha1W!ca pped children
from a large portion of Orange County
may ultimately attend classes in a spe.-
<;ial classroom unit of·the Fountain \'al-
ley School District.
The therapy and educational fa cility
\Vould serve childen from nursery school
age to eighth grade from si:< school
'dlslricts, including Wesminster, Foun-
tain Valley, Ocean. View, }Juntington
Beach, Newport-Mesa and Seal Beach.
fountain Valley trustees gave Uflr ap.
proval to a study of the proposed unit
during their meeting last Thursday.
·Most probable location of the building,
wtioae 11Umated coootruction cost Is
$17,IOO, 0is .hiar war.er Avenue mct
Bushard Street, school-admlnlst.raton
A -portioo of the construction and
OperlUng costs would be borfte 0by the
coojiera"'8 ochool dlotrlcls. State monies
anil fUnda !"'"', tlle. f.,taill, ya11ey
school District ...wcJ pay for the ·,...
malning por11on ot,the pacb&e.
No indication WIS given by ad-
minlitrators,. to when the unit might gO
Into operatlo!!. . jllher local school districts are already
~ spldal •<l'Vlce for children wttn' other ·types of jllndlcaps. The w-ie. School Dl*lct•providfs for
the hard ol hoarlng, the N"'JJO'(-M ...
Scllool OOtrtct for the vlauaUy nan.
dtcapped, ind the 00..0 View School
Dlltrlct ror Ibo tralnlbtt mentally
. ' . ..
Huntington Beach city offices will be
closed Thursday, Thanksgivliig Day, and
Frld•y, the City Council voted Monday,
Citv Administra\br DoyJe Mil~ re-
quested the 1ddltitnal day o~ for cit)'
cmpioyes. He said il would I"-an n1n--
r L.-entlvt in salary negotiations . for the
coming' fiscal year which are noW Under
••ay I'S required by Jaw."
. '. DAl\.T PILOy tltff"""'
JuniOr Ml1i Chri1· Wnver r I ' ,,
, ~t Sumiper Chris weaver }\'(IS deeply
i.nv61~ in &be We of lkUnbay. India, aa • • io an American Field Ser'vice exchange stu-
dent.· ·
This 'week the Pretty 17-year-old high
school.senior ls the reigning Junior MliS
of t"oWllain Valley and1ryiDg tO readjust
to-~~i1nw'!' ~i~tid Saturday nlg~t by
the FOuntain Valley Jayce~s ·10 represent
them · in state and national compeU~on
for Junior Ml!.s. 'Runner-up 'to ·Chris was
Chris Wendell, also a l'l-year-old 9enlor
at Fountain Valley High ScboOI.
"I thought It would be a worthwhile
co~~si," commented the winner .on h~r
reason for entering lhe Junior Miss
· ''I Hke to meet in1'resting and sincere
peoP,le11 especially the contestants," she
The thought of state and oation!i-1 com-
petition stirred Chris' yen for travel.
"Since I "!nt to India I've wanted to see
more · of . the workl , · find out about
my111l.f." ·
''You trioW, 1 almor;t felt like an Indian
when J was there. I really felt out of
p!.O., <when I returned llere. Bat I'm beP.mllrii to. get ·back. in ·conneCtio~\1 ahe-
&md: ~ ·' •' ! •.
CJ>rlll 'comtilnod\potie, looks 111d a 3.15
grade-jlQln\·rior•ie to Win a contest tl>llt
placol beauty· and ocholarshlp on tho .samt Jevel. .
Chrtl ·tbtnu she'tf like to attend UC
Santa Barbara and perhaps be an Engllsh toaehe(. . .
"8'1t there are .so ~any -other pung1
I'd like to study," sbe ~.
The i~1te future, "bow.ever, mean1·
another raw\tt of cankatl on the state
level in 'Jaouary. ·
WASHINGTON (AP)-, Prealdent Nix-
og .relJOlU!Ced t~y any resort to germ
warfare and p_romised to destroy existing
stockpiles ot Dacterio}ogtcal weaPoiis.
He also rtnoUnced 8.ny first use by the
United States of Chemical weapons that
incapacitate, as well as those that can kill. • . .
Nixon told newmnen·the United .States
woold never employ germ warfare even
if an enemy were to do· so. ·
He, also a~unced that future govern-
Actress Named
Hoµorary Chest
tlfjve t:bwnww
l ' ,. ". '·Aktr<s;'-~ ~lbk<
nW!d. biincfa'tv i:biiHiit' 'J !ht -R~-· ~(~ " I u.,..,.. Beach I ftss;ooo . communlly Cbai ·c~ Chell· President. Steve Rold.!n 'a .. 'tod ' . ' . .. ,8Y ·Miss Mo«et>ead urged drive Je1dtr1 ·to
make rney rffort to accelerate the~
pa.jgn which has paSRd the 50 percent
mark in rontrlliutlohs. ·
"The che!t concept financing cqm.
munlty vouth and chairty projects makes
it easy for everyone to be a shareholder,"
the aCtrels ' 1aii:I. "Onl)' when ~·e
participate do we re8Uy be<:orne con-
cern!(,! and do someQUng ibout the needs
of pedple. u .
Drive leader Jack Feehan said postal
employeii, Huritlng~n Beach Union High
s<:bool District Workers and HuntlngtOn
Be.ach .Elementary Dlstrict employe1 are
apMoachlng 55 1percenf f>artiCipat!on. ·
Professional <Jjvision chilrman WIWam
CarlsOn said contributions were s!Ow and·
an elfOrt ls being made·to reci'uit more
worklj_rs in the drive .
HOiden s4ld Community Chest agen-
cies) If ln &fl, 1ere 'eeirig 'asked ilbt to con·
lact business and professional rflnns woo
donate to the campaign. "'lbe concept of
one tjngle campaign will be followed in
the 197<1 drive," the president said.
Pendleton Brig
Charges Probed
Mortne Corps said today the ~ .. r
Maj. Wlbon A. VoiJl!t In rwmJni· Camp
Pendleton'a brtl will' .._ ~ol"liled i!I :a
formal inveltipdoa into c1ha·r·1es
prisoners were mlltteated. . . ,
Ll Col. Winn M. Tln!'man. 1. Marine
judge advocate and for,ner civilian at-
torney, was named ·to defend Vol&ht if
charges are brought. The· aulgnmerit, of
Thunnan was announ~ by Maj. Gen.
Donn :. Robertton, base:commander.
Voight was relieved as brig com-
mander two months ago by Maj. Charles
Finney alter commanding the prlsOn
alnr.e Juno 1168. ·
' ' Re,._ @-.ve 'fl•tffled ,
ment reaean:h in the blologlcat fle14 will
be limited ICl deJ!O'lvo ~ aoch as .
a "U<!' for lm\n~Uon ~ aginsl genn. ~~ ~n mtg~t u~.
·The ~deitt,t in 1 fonnal· statement,
siild he wn...tiklbl a aer1es· of moves In
the chemical, ba~logtcal area as "an
inUl1U\'.e .towa~·peace:."
Talk.Ing brieOy to reporten, he said he
believes his 1cUona will sharply reduce
the possibility that any chemical or germ
wea~tll e\;'l!r will' be used by any nation.
Nixon reaffirmed lonptandlor U.S.
renunclpli!"' of the ~l'lt -.,.. ol -letbll
chemical we&PQ!ls and ,' for \he. flnt'lim'r
oxtonded'tliis reinmclai!00.19 first· ... or
ctleinlcala wlilch lbca)lacliaili · wttl)nut
killing. ' " • '
The President asked the Sellai. to
promptly ratify a 1925 Geneva protocol
prohibiting the first use In war of "u·
phyxlatlnJ•· p<1:isonOu1 er other gases aind
of bacter101oglcal mtthod1 of wa,rfare."
Sen. M~ 11.ansfleld (D-Mont.)o the
' .v~if.o.r· ,, ltiven· Preu· Posses · ·
•. •t:;J '.j·-.•; . ~~" • ; t 1 .f '6 \ .. -,~ , ..
. . ~ ~~· . Gfcr~~L;.;.t!f'~~ ''~~ ... ~'&'i: I. !IP ... , 'o ', !!l:;-;r_ .,.._ . -· 'f-.._.. !il!IOi!' 1.-~ "~' iD .... ,,, ... ·a).r ,. 1 ~ .... · • ,, . ' ' ' .
1A BJ'C!UP ·o1 newsmen.vtsitlng the Island ht}d1ror '~ d.l.Y• by 120 IndJans
were 1luued "press pas1e1" Monday nlght and instr.uctf!d tO 1uh'ender them
when laavlog ...
But lhe hospitable Jndlans treated them to 1 home cooked meal of
chicken; mul>ed potatoeo; &palhetU and meatballs. •
The 'ind1'1is t9C)lt ov~ the n~arly abandoned a.Ile .of th~ rormer federal
prbOn last Thwlday, clabnlng it as "unused federal lao<fl' and announcing
plant to build .an Indian educational and cultural center on It.
. "Vie were escorted everywhere," saJd Terry Schmitt, a free · lance photogra~r" ·~and "tbld we could not 10 Into ~ ,main cell block or on its
roof. We could talk to only destgnated 1poke1men. -·
~'Boata came last 'nllht; with more supplie,, tncludJng a bale of new
blanktts. It wo very coJd on the island and the Jpdian1 played tom·tomi all
nlght' and: sa~ around wood fires." ' , •
'l-bst ,Delightful'
Me8an Held 'Hostage'
By Indians on Alcatraz
By ARTlllll\ R• VINSEL
Of t1M CN111Y l'UM Ii.ff
A Costa Mesan who moved to the
solitude of iri ls?lftd reoenUy to write a
book.today baa •the ~mpany of ,100-plus
invading •JndJans and· not even the U.S
Coast Guard,-. let a}one the Cavalry -
knows what to do.
'Glen Doo.Son ls wxkr house arrest on
Alcatraz, a happy hostage held by men,
women and · chikiren demanding a
powWow with Secretary of the Interior
Walter J. Hickel.,
So far the time isn't set, but the loca-
tion seems · obvious.
Dodson, who sold bis home at 881 Joann
St. to go off in search of adv'1'.lhlr~. call·
ed his brother and sister-in.law Monday
to report he had finally found It.
"I think lt'1 one of the funniest thi.np I
ever heard,'' said Mrs. John Hoyt, of 2t•
Tustin Ave ,, Costa Mesa, 11 in fact, it'•
i!"I. dellghUul.'' . ,
Federal authorities have other delCl'tp.
tions of the prospect of chJaln1 more
than· too original Americana irowkr the
cave-riddled' toCk if· It coma to~~
The liberators of Alatrn from the
General Services AClmintsfr1Uon say It
just may. · i ·
They want Alcatraz under' tenna qf 4n
HISS treaty in which the· Stou1".wefe &lven
aband'oned federal property, but 11 you
give those people 21 acres of'rock the)>
may try to take the 19th stale.
"Alaska is next." declares R!chard
Oakes, 28, a Mohawk who has auuroed
the presidency of the1 cMnbling, prison
fortress which ls hardly .. a rnor,t
hideaway. .. · '
:.p .S. D.el1:1ys Gas Tneaty
"Wheii you see m0&t of '°" ~au°"' In I.his countrj." 1ay1 Adam Nordwall.
40, a Chippewa leader. "Alcatraz looks .;~11 ' • pretty......,.,.. I : ._• r'• .
"I'm 100 perCent wlUl'.them," added
Dod50fl, ''Thete' aA wonderfu!S)e\O,
1be former llogheo ,AJror · Clleinlat
who became '.cal'etlker or the ti " bar· ,..,,· .!°""\'< ~ prll6!l tJll ·1 ' call
.t-gh li»llli rel1U,.. on the IOI< bOt
• , ' ' .. 1r :.
·WASHINGTON (uPl) ...: 1lli 19S
GtNYa pt-be •"'t . tbe' -GI
polocot -and other cbanlci1 ~ haa.be!n ratified b)' men -t11 DllloU
lncl!llllnl Communiat Chino and !hi
&mel Union -but no( tho United SLttft.
'nie ' ·.-<!, Is forma!l1 c1lled the
"~ for Ille JlfOl!tbltton ol the ,.. In
war of asphy1lallng, poi.tonOUs or other
,.,.. and 41 bacter~l metl)ods of
warfart'" ~ ~ ~
The V.S. Senate never \·~ on Jt
11Ui6ul)i the. United Stai.a bad Liken · a
lint •ltep '°"ard adbennce by •l&nlni
tbc 'Jiroti>col. ' I '
One realQft thl Senate did !'°' aft "!''
!bit lhl.Am!Y Cl1emlcal Wufare Betvlee
m®llllld COlll!deralile _, aplmt t!ie
tnoty on """'* UJal ·11 ..Uld never bJ'
-in 'fVf.., and !bit ps WU I
more hunlino m<!llOd ol ktlltq thin
other weepons.
lr'Onlcally, lo 1911 tho Senate had voled
In flVO< of I litnlllr ll""llleni-whlCh
never came tntO force becauae of frtnclt
oppqsiUOn. ' ' ; ~Genito 'P,.olocol ol lu111 17. tllS.
1$eclirtt that the partlts ban .lhe use ·of
ebemlcal and bi?lqgical w•pori• land
'"'will tt"1 every effort lo ln6uce other otalt. lo accede to the prtsenl J>(QtocOI."
A numbet ol the llJ.<dd naUona ac-. . ' '
.. ~ . ~· ' ~b!J~··~.'dtd ao ·wit!!
rmrvAtlona· Some rooerved the right lo
..... chonilclll w.apOna .. Jooc .. they did ·no! mite f!rat .,.. ol them, and the rJcbt
·to UO.'..Ch we• ~noUplmt other ·~Ofthe ·iccoi\I ..
1be &JV!et Union occldOd. to the P""
tocol on· April 6, tt:ZI, 1nd Communist
. ChJna on Ausust 9, 19P. A recent nation
lo.~ I~ wa Conununtll lil1>1110lla on December.···-• v • )'leltbet~ortll' rl1i South Viotnabi WIS JolnOd the qro<riierit. 'Jlesldei tM United, Statft, Bra~I, El
'Salvidor: Japan~ Ntca~~lu1 and llruruay
hlva alJned the """""'1, ' but Ml formally
raUfled It... • ... ' " -
line to the outlkfe·1fOlid, I• ..
"He. WU' rully : tz.:Jt.ed," .-Hi ¥,rt.
Hoyt. "he -~·a1ep1•for 18 hnun, but
be Slid be .... Jldlinl .... 1.-nhM-" ' ' .,. .......... , l ' . . ·•
Dodlon may not -be ..tol1111 much lfrltllll,
(So< HOSTAGE, 1'1&• I)
.. (
majority leader, said he will lelek .. to .hive
tho agreomenl rallfled by tl>o 5el!tja dlla
year. _
· That woukl· add gu and ·genn warfare:
lo an al..-.<iy ctOf(led ·-acbeWI•, wltlt ·less titan one month of.the: MUlm
Nixon also said the United states wu
joining Canada In associating ltaelf with
the priDciplt!s:.and objectives .of .a Brltlah-
spoosored pr0f>06ed convention to ban the
use of biological methoda of warfare.
2 Huntington
' . '
Men lndicted1
• • •
~q :DmgRap
Tiro: ff\IDUnaton Belld! nstdOllll -.
~~ 0 -~by lhl Onni• Coup\Y, 'G~, J!lry today on vorloua,
narcotics• andu.,.;..,us drop 'violations.
The. indictment followed the panel'1 m.
vestlgatlon of arrests made last Nov. I in
' roundup conducted by HUtttlnstoa
Beach police, Los Angeles County aher-
JJra lnvest1g1tor1, Downty poUCe officers
•nd lnv.;tlgaUon of the Loi]g Beac4
Police Dept. ,
Jt is alleged tt:iat . olficen recorired
neatljr 17 pounds of hlslilah, !hr,. pouncta
of iharijUIDI, l!IO. barbttunta 'C&fllllloti
and 95 LSD tablets. MOii Of the drup
allegedly wore found al. 91$1 TahiU Ctr·
cle, Huntln~ ~acb. '
N&me1 in the lncUctment are Eleni Lon
Hocke!'., 8 ; and (::Ornl M. Hdder, 12, both
of lluntifirton B'4ch address.
The Hocken and eight other deferidants
have been Of<lered to 1ppear ·Frtd.y In Superior· Cotirt. . ·
A1io named lo the lndlctment,•.,.:Vlc·
tor Steven' Svlnionoff, 11,· of 11470· Har4
r1;1rurr Road, Roumoor: Tommie Mike
Thomu, 20, and John· Allon Tbomu, 11, bolb of Long, Beacb; Mlchul llabert
Gray, 21, of Santa .Ana; PbJWp. Biker
Horton; 22, of Bellflower: Ji>hn Peter
Dallas, 19,. of Big Bear Late; Greg
Burchess ~antrell, 22, of•Lontl'·Beacb and
Sleven Fr1pt Hamblin, 11, of Bellflower.
The Hockm are accused or posseaaloft
of dangoroU. drui• foi aale, posaosalon ol
marijuana for Bale and s.!Wng and
cuhlvating marijuana. Hamblin, Cantrell,
Dallu, SvimOn.>rr and Hortor. are ac-
fU•ed or lhl u1e ot llllr!Juana.
Gray ill ictU:Md,ilf pM1111ion of marl· Juana, Jolla Aflila ,,,..,,Iii _.1on
of marijuana for 11Je ind. Tommie "Jlke
Thomas: of posaesston ot marijuana !qr
oale and ••~. or m~rlJUIQa.
Ora11ge Cout
Theto'll be a letup In lite easier·
.I)' wtnda Wedneiday1 bul II'< mer-1
cury will atay' uji' there -about 77
deir.... aionl llJe coast and 15 I iiiitbler inland. ' I I . . . .
.Meinll<T qf the Ord<T of ta-
Brittah. tmmr. John Lenno11 to-
dav Q..,. U.. Qtlfc• hi< m<d«l •~~·in.~ B'"'kfntillom hloco
allo had an apt .comeboClt j-Or
'11.c BtOtlt'1 prott'.st. Storu Poot
' n
' "" " ,,
' ' I
..... I ,,_....,..... It
Nlt:..IMNt ... Or.,._ e.tJ' f """' , .. ,. ..,. ........ ,..,,
T~ IS ,......... .. -. • ._..... Ill --.. .................. ,,. ..
. I
. ---. -··-------------·' -. ---===-=-:c-::""'..:-;--;-""" ·-·..;,;;:_ -:-. -------·-------·--"'-~--·.;.-__ .;. __________ ...
To Support
' . ·' . ~ \ ~
-WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen a to
~inocr.atic Leader Mike Mansfield said
tOday be will vote reluctantly against a
piQPO&al to eod lbe _income tax surcharge
at 1th' end of this yea!'.
A I pefcent surcharge continuinf uritil
next June 30 is included in the pending
ta'x reform bill, but Sen. Harry F. Byrd
Jr., (0.Va.). offered an amendment to
kAI the exten11lon.
Afansfield said he hoped to obtain 1
vote on Byrd's proposal by mid·ahemoon
and • then proceed with o l h e r
·The Democratic leader said he did nOt
like lhe surt111 because he regarded it as
a war tax which should be dispensed with
as 90C!n as possible.
On the ether hand, he said, there· has
been a sort of understanding that a six·
months extension , al the reduced 5 per·
cent rate, would be included in the big
tax reform.tax relief package.
. Sen. Robert P. Griffin (R·Mich.), the
· 3-(:tlng Republi =an leader, said he also
would vote.against the Byrd am~drpe~t.
"The President's program against in-
flation. depends o:t continuing the surtax,"
he said. "It's just beginning to take hold and I
think it would be very unfortunate to pull
the rua: out from under him."
f'rom P _age l
but he is certainly gathering material for
one of those truth-ls·lltranger-tban-flction
epics. after six days of Indian occupation.
Dodson's brother was not at home, but
hopped an Air California plane to San
Francisco Monday night after repeated.
effortl io get a return call through failed.
"The Coast Guard said they haven 't
ev<"ll been · able to get In touch since the
Indians took over the island," explained
Mrs. Hoyt, who isn't too worried about
her brother-in-law.
"He said he'd try to drop us a line,"
s~e added. but ne~'S r_eports fr~m
Alcatraz indic&te Dodson 1s busy with
other taSk1,,sucb as helping unload boats
Wrying food and supplies.
: Descendants of red men who sat down
to the first Thanksgiving dinner appealed
todai: for provisions worthy of the im·
ptndjhg 'celebration Thursday, through
their Alcatraz Relief Fund.
Another boatlo1d of supplies was due lo
set out for occtJpied A111atraz today. after
1 delivery Monday w Jolie h included
blilnket.s, staple foods.~ fresh water,
medicine and even tetanus. vaccine.
Temperatures ori the ban:en rock drop
to the low thirties this time of year and
dozens of the Indians are suffering from
colds and sore throats.
Some have even jumped into the
treacherous, current·laced waters of the
b1y t.o help small boats dock and the only
heat is from !ires built o( wood ripped
from old rotting celtblocks.
Several children have as a result ste~
ptd on ruity nails, necesslt.aUng tetanus
vaccine, but the Indians vow to stay a:s
Jong 11 necessary and hide from U.S.
marshals in a 12 acre maze of former
prison buildings and caves.
SeCretary Hickel has agreed to meet
&Qd· discuss their demands to take over
Alcatraz as an Indian Culture Center,
plus giving "more aid to 100,000 Indians in
Federal authorities have given the in·
vaders· holding Dodson hostage no
deadline to 'evacuate Alcatraz, at least
unUJ after Hickel reviews their demand .
In the meantime. life goes on day by
day on the Rock, perhaps rilore miserable
than in its prison days -with food cook-
ed over an Open fire on a broken grating
-but certainly more idealistic than ever.
· "Th.is land is my land," says a sign
Over the crude din ing area.
No one is ln a position to disagree to-
day. least of an Alcatrai' custodian
Dodson, who went there to get away from
eXCitement and write his book about
R•t••I N. W•1d 1'•1•!dl!~I ~!Id '"~Hsher
J•ck 1t c111••r
Viet ,fUlclr~I t~d G~""' M•Nttr
Tho"'•• K11~il Edltt.r
Tho111•• A, >-41trphin1
Mfllltl"1 Editor
.Allier! W, l tt,1
... tt«'-1'1 ·t•lttf
H111.tl11tt•11. It-ell Offkl l~• Siii Sl1ttl •
Mt11iflt Addrt u t P.Q. 111 7•0. •t•~I
Other Offl•n
f<ltwlltf1 '(""· 1111 wtt! 1•1811• 100.01tv1rjl Col!t Mc51: 130 Wt1! l•Y Stt"' LttuM lrootll: ,,, l'Olt'l.t ... ~Ill
041L'I' l'ILOt, wllll wllkfl It (t'"'•flftl fllt
H ..... ,.,tttf, • ~~ltl>f<I M~J t•Cttt $111'1<
''' in HCMl'tk ..:Ill" ltt K""tllllto~ -..c:11. P'-0\ll'lt•lil v111tv. c..i• M..,, Mcw-
et•t tc1c11 tr.d L•OIJ'"'• &e•(ll, •lent Wlllt
twt ~11tlonal odlllO!\t. 0rtfl9' Cot•I ""bl~ll· Jn9 Gtl'!WN"Y prM\llflf p .. n11 •rt 11 Hll Wlf\I
l11to. •r••. ttf,.M<I l~(fl, . t nd WO
Wfd An lt•••·· (011• Mnt . ..,
,,.,...,.. l1t41 642-4121
"91111 Whstt11l•1t•r e.11 541.121•
CtMlftt4 AfJertldRf 642·1671
COl''t'1'~fM, ..... O'"''' (t1:1 l'l;bllJlunt
Cll"'ltn• NO ""'" ! '1, i ' t. t1l\ltl!•tllOl\I.
!e•16rlt t IN!lt"• ., t f\'f""'"""tt "'''"" ~•t . ,, .. td\rfff .... "'°''' ... (•~• ptfllllttlol!
c• cet•Plt!~• e·1r11
~((~I ci.f• f.et'O';f ... '1+ N1v.~•r• lkttll
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C..'rl\r U Cl ...Cr"'["l W "''" '1 '41 -lfl"'I l't.i1!!1ry CN.d"'-1-•t• _,,,.,1.,
._•I, '
/ ' ' ,... T,._n-,,~gtrirag ·Favor
Cosf of· ·L'iving
-I ~ In Sharp 'Rise •
WASHINGTON (UPI) -Wllolfiale
prices have risen four-tenths of J ~ree11t
this month becauae ol a sharp rile in the
cost of farm ptoduct1, the Labor Depart-
ment eatimateit today.
The wholesale price Jew.I was .(6 per-
cent •above the figure a ye4r ago.
Preliminary figures rtleaaed by the
department's Bureau of La.OOr Statistics
(BLS) said wholesale prices of taiin pro-
du<;ts rose an estimated 2.3 ~pertent in
November. Industrial commodities rose
0.2 percent while proce~d ' food and
feeda averaged the same as, bf October.
Such increases at the wholesale level
normally silnal new retail price hikea in
the offing . ..
Tut November rile Ill wholeaale prlcM '
matched the October advance, whµ:h
followed three months of smalltr ln-
creaaes. Tbe new increase a,ppeaied to
offer litUe hope that consumer price tn-
creues would be &bating in the cOmJ.na
moDtbs. .
The November rise pushed t h e
wholesale price index' to 114 .S, which
meant that goods ~hich cost $100 at
wholesale in th@ ..J957~9 base period cost
$114.50 thls montti.
The BLS said prices for fresh and dried
fruits and vegetables jumped more than
seasonally in November and eg quota-
tions climbed sParply. CatUe and hog
prices decl~ while: pricea fOr proceued
pOultry, fish and coffee rose.
Dana Slovak · (lefti and Jay ShiM of Huntington
Beach's Cub Scout Pack 227 deliver Thanksgiving
dinner table favors they made to Kenny Calland, a
patient at Huntington Valley Convales~ent Hospital.
Boys of Pack 227 made more than 200 small flower Masked Bandit Holds Up
Re~raura_iii_, Gets $1,17 o c
vases, nut containers and decorative cone turkeys
for shut--in patientS at four local convalescent hos-
ValleyChamber'Sponsors UC Regents Ask
'Status Report'
On Angela Davis
A bandJt; '!fearing: a paper bag. with eye
slits,; M0nday .held up a Westmui'st.er
fried chicken restaurant and ' fled with
$1 ,170 in casli after\locking, tb~~nianager
and a woman employe in U.e : wilk-in
ordered Allen out of the freezer and
demanded a cardboard chicken bucket to
put the money in before locking him up
again, polic e reported. Yule Decoration "C-ontest
·Rt!sidential and commercial :ispects
F ountam V•lley will take on a oew ll&ht
th.is year -when the wo111en's division of
the Fbuntain Valley Chamber of Com·
merce launches the fii-st city.wide Christ·
Purse Snatchers
IGll Widow, 70
DETROIT (AP ) -Clinging to he r
purse which contotinep five cents, a 7().. • year-old widow suffered a fatal beating
by four would-be purse snatchers Monday
Florence Knotts, who Jiyed alone on her
Social Security income, died of head in·
jariei in a t.Detrojt hospital some· eight
house after the beating.
P•"olma!t Al~i.!!ughes said he w., d~;,tn "'lf po••ii(far · lien n. ..W 1o{JrlyOuths at'tack her. Hlhes pUrsued
and said he caght one of the youths, a 13·
year-old boy now in custody.
Neighbors of r.ne widow said they knew
littlt. about Mrs. Knotts , except she had
been robbed of $4 two months ago by a
12-year-old purse snatcher.
Ban on Topless
Bef 01·e Cou11cil
A new muni cipal ordinance banning
topless and bottomless entertainment in
nightclubs and restaurants will have a
first reading tonight before I h e
Westminster City Counci l.
Taken 'from a model ordinance drawn
up by attorneys for the Lea~1~e of
California Cilles. the new Jaw spec1f1ca!ly
prohibits ''the display of fe1nale breasts
and private parts."
It must be read for a second time and
adopted at the next city council meeting
before it becomes law.
Neither topless nor bottomless en-
tertainment is currently featured within
the \Vestminster city limits, according to
Lt. Jack Essex, of the Westminster
Police Department.
Students Guests
At Rotary Group
Sixty foreien students currently at·
tending Gclf)en West and Orange Coast
colte;ts were guesta at an international
dinner recently held by Rotaract, a new
Rotary-sponsored service organization at
Golden West.
Rotaract's parent group, the Hun·
tlngton Beach Rotary Club. presented the
charter to the first president, Rick
LaVassuer, a freshman business major
from Garden Grove.
Golden West College has seven foreign
students this fall from British Honduras,
Canada, Thailand, Israel and China.
Orange Coast College has "more than 80
fortian students.
Huntington School
Trustees Skip Meet
There will be no meeting of the Hun-
tington Beach City School District
(elementary) Board of Trustees.
Truatees: will hold their next re11.1lar
meeUng on Dtc. 9. A special meetina last
week. at which Feb. 10 was set as the
date for an election changing bond In·
tfrest r1te1, finished thig month's
Poland Talks Asked
WARSAW (UPIJ -W"t Germany t<>
day ofncially proposed political talks with
Poland , the Polish ntws agency PAP an·
mu, Decoratk>o Conte.I.
Four categorte1 wtll be contta:ted in the
home divlsion and three in the buslneas
division. Homes will be compeUng for
top honors Jn most religioua, best Christ·
mas scene, most unusual and santa spe·
clal. Business categories are best wlndow
decoration, best Indoor and outdoor dee·
oration and best decorated shopping cen-
Deadline for entries is Dec. 17. Entry
blanks are available at the community
center. ci ty hall, Security Pacific Bank .
Crocker Citizens Bank, Dr. Marvin Ad-
ler's ofUce a™:! Founlain Valley Fire
Plaques and certifica tes will be award·
ed to the best dressed homes and busi-
nesses. A special award will also be pre-
sented to th~ ~t cooperative neighbor·
hood decoration.
Thn ·i.eary "Can'i
Stand 2 Trials;
County Backs Off
Dr. Timothy Leary and his family sue·
cessfully appealed Monday for a delay of
their Orange County Superior Court trial
with the convincing argument that tlley
can•t be in two places at once.
Dr. Leary. 49, Rosemary Leary, 33, and
son John Bush Leary, 2tl, are currently
facing possession of narcotics charges in
New York city.
The!r tri~I here stems from the filing of
similar charges in Laguna Beach last
Ile<. 21.
Judge Samuel Dreizen delayed the trial
until Jan. 19. He noted that the family
has filed appeals against the recent re-
jection in the same court of the Leary's
motion for su ppression of evidence.
Laguna ~ach officers booked the LSD
cultist and his family after allegedly
discovering drugs in Dr. Leary's parked
station wagon.
Story Hour Set
At Library Annex
A story hour program on Saturdays at
10 a.m. for children from five to seven
has been started at the Huntington Beach
library annex on the Eader Park
grounds, Banning Avenue west of
Bushard Street.
~frs. Kay caine, library assis1ant, said
the annex story hour on Tuesday for pre-
school children would continue.
The library is next to Eader School and
has a large collection of adult non-fiction
works in addition to book! for children
and a collection of records for juniors.
The library hours are 9 a.m. to 9 p.n1.,
Monday through Thursday and Saturday
from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The facility is clos·
ed Fridays and Sundays ,
James Pontius
Funeral Friday
Funeral services for James E. Pon-
tius, '13, ol 704 Yorktown Ave .• Hunting·
ton Beach will be tOnduct.ed at 1 p.m ..
Friday at Smith's Mortuary. Burial ""' fol.low In Weatmin.i;ter Memorial Park.
"'fr. PonUua died Monday at Hoag Me-
morial Hoapital.
Mr. Pontlu!I was an active member or
Lhc local Elk 's Lodge and had served 20
years as secretary to the Orange County
Bo~·\ing Association. lte had lived for 37
years in Huntington Beach.
He is survived by his wife r.targarel:
daughter. lt1rs. Lut11a >.f. Dixon of Hunt·
ington Beach: a sister, Mr1, Nellie
Leake ol Seattle. and lour grandchlldrtn.
BERKELEY CVPI) -Ur.iversity of
c.t.ifornia regents have crdered a "status
rePort" in January on the teaching
perfonnance of UCLA instructor Angela
Davis, UC President Charles J. Hitch
sail!. Monday.
But Hitch denied that the regents
ordered creation of a special campus
committee to review the performance of
Miss Davis, an admitted member of the
Communist party.
Hitch said Miss Davis' leaching
abi lities were discussed at last week's
regents meeting in San Francisco, "but it
is not true" Chancellor Charles Young of
t:CLA "was ordered to conduct a review
of her performance."
The university president said Young
told the regents existing campus pro-
cedures "provide for a thorough review
or her performance" and he intended to
make i;se of them. Hitch said the regents
then ordered a status report at their
January session.
MJ11s D1yis, a 25-year-old, Negro, was
hired on a iwo-year con"lract ·as a
philosophy 'instructor last spring. The
!'<!gents ordered her fired after she ad-
mitted being a member' of th'e Com·
munist party, but a Los Angeles superior
court judge overturned the dismissal.
Wreck Victim
Remains Critical
Very critical is the wa y nurses sti ll
described the condition of a Huntington
Beach woman today, nearly 48 hours
after she and her husband were injured
in a Costa Mesa auto collision.
Mrs. Judith McQ\!S;id. 21, of 9332
Velardo Lane, suffered a concussion and
multiple lacerations Sunday night when
the small car driven by her husband
Thoma s, 23. was struck broadside.
The crash at Newport Boulevard and
Fair Drive sent the McQuaid auto boun-
cing over the second car involved, cau s-
ing it to topple a traffic signal on the cor-
Both were taken to Costa Mesa
Meinorial Hospital , where the husband is
in fair condition.
freezer. ·
Wllltam_D. Allen, manqer.o! th! Ken·
lucky Colonel, 7051 Weatmlnttl:l Ave.,
said the robber knocked at the'blc~ door
just ·before opening time at Jf:OS a.m.1 confri>nted him with a .2Z caliber. rifie
and told him lo put the mO.ey In a paper
bag. !"
Aa he left, he locked Allen and hia
fellow emptoye, Carol !Amerandi, Into
the freezer. police reported.
He came ba,ck a few minutes later,
,Notice of Zone
Change Oka yed
\Vhen a ·public hearing for a proposed
zone ch8'.1ge is set, each citizen of Foun-
tair. Valley living wilhin 30 feet of that
property will be notified or thi.. hearing by
The city council has given final ap-
proval to the·actlon initiated by the plan·
ning commission. The council also di·
rected the planning st.alf to mail such
notices to an appropriate number of
affected residents if none live within 300
feet of the property.
The city had stopped mailing such
notices several months a~o when it was
discovered that many residents were not
receiving them. Stan Mansfield, city
planning director, said his staff will Ill-
sure this time that the letters go to the
correct people. In addltiu.1, the city will
continue to post public hearing notices on
the property.
Paul Jones New
Clerks' President
Hunt ington Beach City C1erk Paul
Jones has been elected president of the
Southern California City Clerks Associa·
Jones ~·ill be installed d u r i n g
ceremoni es Feb. 27 at the Sheraton
Beach Inn, Huntington Beach . He is cur-
rently first vice president of the 231-
membe r group and also serves as an of-
fice r of the National Association of City
(199 Exit Platae i11 90 Seeo11d1
Drums Not 4gal
As Trash Cans
Huntlns:ton Beach residents were warn.
ed again today that the use of 55-pllon
oil drums as refuse · containers i1 ao
longer legal.
Brander Castle, assistant city ad-
ministrator, pointed out that since Nov. t
the city 's refuse collector, Rainbow
Disposal Co., has Qee-.1 unable to pick up
trash from the heavy containers under
the city's new Jaws.
"Too many back injuries resulted from
lifting the heavy drums," Cas Ue pointed
Smaller drums, no larger than M
gallons are allowed if when loaded with
r.ef~se the~. do _not ex~d the 60-pound
ltrrut spec1f1ed 1n the city contract with
the collectors, Castle said .
60 in Audience
At Drug Lecture
About 60 persons listened to a narcotics
officer and a former drug pusher talk in
Santa Ana Monday night at the first
meeting of PANIC (Parent Anti·
Narcotics Information Committee).
No decision was reached on how to
combat drug abuse in the schools waa
reached, but a five-man coordinatina
council was selected.
The group was formed by Mrs. Carlton
Hinz of Fountain Valley to fight what she
tenned the "high use of drugs in local
schools." Parents from Founlain Valley,
Santa Ana, Orange and Seal Beach al·
Police Chief to Tell
Departtnent Progress
Police Chief Earle Robitaille will
outline progress made in his department
to the Huntington Beach-Fountain Valley
Board o( Realtors at 8 a.m. tomorrow.
The Huntington Seacliff Country Club
breakfast meeting will find the chief
outli ning his reorganization plan for the
The Boeing 747 passe& FAA evacuation tests per-
formed at Seattle, Wash. A total of 499 persons left
the plane through four of the five exits on one side
of the craft within 90 seconds. The tests were con·
ducted Jn total rtarkneu except for the plane's
emergency li&hts. In this photo some of the 499 tn
the test mill around outside of two of the exit slides
" or
" de
P' th
" • ~ •
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...... ,.. . ~ .... _ ..... ""'_"'•-''-"'·"'-~ " ·~··""'-'" ··----~~= ---,.,,==-----------------... -----.----------... ----... -:""--:,----·------,
Uptempo Devotion to Deity in a 1939 Chevrolet Pickup
•nigh"' on Religion
Kris hna Group Denounces Drug s
ot "" D•llY Plltl Sl•fl
"A hippie, a businessman -th ey're on-
ly temporary designations. I've been a
salesman and an orange picker. They're
only <iesignations. We're all servants of
The point being made was that the
body, its occupations and much else is
transitory, but that God is all.
It was made this time on Laguna's
Woodland Drive by a 21-year-old member
of the cu1ture known as the International
Society for Krishna Consci.:>usness.
Nanda Kumar Das, 21 , whose head is
shaved s;we fer @ pigtail he ca!IJ a sitha,
spoke of an all-3ttract.ive God, Krishna,
as opposed to an all-mighty Jehovah who
doesn.'t ·attract some. .
Krishna is-so attractive say the young
desciples that many turn away from
psychedelic drugs to the spartan rules
that include:
-Abstinence from Intoxicants which
they categorize as liquor, drugs, cqffee,
cigarets, or television.
-No illicit sex which means In this in-
gtance no sex outside marriage and even
in marriage 110 sexual relations except
for procreation.
-No consumption of mea t, fish or eggs
or use of materials such as leather that
means t.he death of an animal.
-Unquestioning acceptance of t~e
directions of the spiritual maste,r who is
the spiritual cruise director.
Nanda Kumar Das -formerl y Craig
Joseph of Laguna Beach -sa:d he turn-
ed from the use of psychedelic drugs to
Krishna -which he termed not a
re)igion but a culture.
Das avoids the use of his legal name
except for signing checks and business
matters. His chosen name, he said,
means the ser 1ant of Krishna when
Krishna was a small boy.
Na111e Ban Sought
Watson (R.S.C.), Jntroduced legislation
today to ban use of names of Vietnam
war dead in demonstrations such as the
Nov. 15 antiwar march in Washington,
without permission of the next of kin.
Das and five others live ln an old house
on Woodland Drive. One room has been
converted to an altar with candles,
fl ashing lights and color pictures.
The group chants, thumps a drum and
uses other instruments in lively uptempo
devotion to its deity.
The religion or philosophy ls also ex-
ported to public places and city coun-
cilmen of Laguna next meeting, Dec. 3,
will again take up the matter of whether
the Krishna group shall be allowed to
solicit funds in public.
The group subsists on donations and
fu,Kl.s made selling incense to retailers.
Funds are used to spread lhe word. The
Krishna members invite persons to the
teQ)ple to di.scqss life and eat curry and
other lndiao.f.ype foods.
The group chants the Bhagavad Gita
(song of God) from the Vedic scripture.
They go about their daily chores -
whether hanking or chanting -in an ail-
ing 1939 Chevrolet pickup truck donated
by one of the devotees.
Das said the philosophy 111 to work
more and more at e1iminaUng bodily co~
sclousness and substituting spiritual con-
Their appeal to drug wers, said
members, is that drugs produce a fabe
high or illusion but that Krishna
Consciousness is the ultimate and eternal
joy. other religions are viewed as fine,
just different perspectives of God.
"Our prime mission is to spread the
love of God," said Das. "We're trying to
become lovers of God ourselves, if
someone already loves God we wouldn't
argue we would agree."
The philosophy began in this country,
say C:evotees, in the fall of 1965 when A.
C. Bhaktivedanta Swami came to thil
country from Indla on orders from his
spiritual master.
He went to a park and began to chant.
Now there are many temples including
one in Los Angeles on La Cienega.
In !he three months the order has been
active at the old wooden house In Laguna
Canyon, devotees saJd, they have turned
10 persons from drugs toward Krishna
"A person taking drugs," said Das, "ls
reany looking for a meanlnc to life.
Drugs are only a temporary limited in-
sight. They have no real benefll You
must provide people with something bet-
Yorty Ignores 1st Speech,
TalksAbout U.S. Problems
Of 1M o.llY l'tlfl SUN
Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty defend:.
ed his President and einulated his Vice
President Monday in a speech before the
cit; of Orange Chlimber of Commerce
calling on "those wh o helped us get into
this 30rry (Vietnam) mess to have the
courage to adrr.it their mistakes and get
in back of President Ni1on's plaru: for a
just peace."
Yorty left his &ebeduled gpeech -
"Controversial Problems Facing ot1r
?l.egalopolis" -untouched on lhe lun-
cheon table as he condemned "those who
have mlsJed and betrayed the young peo.
pie of United !tatet to the point that this
nation is 90 divided today .
·~The Comniunbt cause ln Vi etnam Is
lo.~t." Yorty said. "What they are cou11+
Ung on today is the division of the
American people from within and lhr.y
have dangled the bait or the Paris peace
talks and encouraged the doubts or our
young people to save v;h11t we should
recognize ai:i a lost C8U!le."
Yorty told tho Orange Chumbcr thnt
fonner President Lyndon B. Johnso n v.·as
primarily responsible for "this nation's
prncnt dilemma ln Vleb1am, a tragic
situation that President Nixon will
resolve if he's given the time.
"Nixon's doing all right," Yorty
assured :m members and guests at the
chamber's annual industrial luncheon.
"But he has inherited a situation that
owes inuch of its nature to President
Johnson's fear of the Russians an(l a
change o! action based on his reluctance
io adop'.t a policy that might anger
.That policy ,Yorty noted, precluded the
bombing of Haiphong "and our Jllowing
as percent of the enemy'• supplies to go
through virtually untoodied whllo ,..
created a Vietnam drcle in which our
men were encased while the enemy could
move back and forth at wlU."
Yorty had a warning word• for "\bole
who may live under the Uluak>a that the
United St.ates Us itl no position todap to
deal with an aggressive sl:zth rate power
and that this great naUon would allow a
small Communist state to perpetually
de(y us.
"\Ve could squash them In two or thrct
hours," he said. "And this could ha ve
been achieved long ago If the American
people had been olerted to the fnct that
this was • war In which every effort
should have been modn to put Uwl peopWi
as a whole in back of IL
DAILY 1'11.GT 3
Agnew . to . ilJ rop Press Feud
A.ides Say Vice Presuuht Has Made His Point
' ' .
WASHINGTON (AP) -Vic• President
S¢ro T, Agnew has no desire to keep up
his attack! on the news medl11, a
awkem.an aaJd·Tuesday, and very likely
wlll r.e111e matter drop.
Agnew is described u believing he has
made his point and stimu1ated discUJsio11
and self-examination among the press
and television. He attacked both in na-
tionally broadcast speeches in the past
two weeks.
"I don't th.ink he wants to harp on
It," said Herbert Thompson, wbo ii
Agnew'• press secretary. "He baa
Oklahoma Star
Steve Owens
Wins Reisman
NEW YORK (AP) -Steve Owens ()f
Ok lahoma, a record-setting ball-carrier in 1
an age of passers, was named winner to-
day of the 1969 Reisman Trophy, gym.bot
of college football's outstanding football
The 6-2, 215--pound senior tailback from
?.1laml, Okla., is the sport's top
touchdown maker of all-time and has set
a three-year career record for rushing.
In one of the closest compeUUons In
years, Owens beat out JUCb stars as Mike
f'hlws ol Purdue, Ra K•m ol Ohio
State, ArchJe Manning of Mlsslsstppl and
Jim Plunkett of Stanford, 1 I I
quarterbacks. The award will be made
Dec. 4 at the Downtown Athletic Club. ,
With 21 touchdowns already thJs year,
and a final game to play Saturday
against Oklahoma State, the Sooner ace
has a career total of 54 touchdowns,
surpassing the record of 52 set by Army's
Glenn Davis in 19«-46. With 3,606 rushing
yards he has shattered the three-year
mark of 2,675 set by Kansas' Gayle
Sayers in 1962-64.
Yorty Confident
LA to Get Games
Mayor Sam Yorty predicted Monday
that ·his city ol Lot Angeles will host
the 1978 Olympie games.
He told newsmen he was "almost cer-
tain" that his recent negotiations with
the Olympic Games: International Com-
mittee would ."just about ensure" se-
lection of Los Angeles for the ll!C()nd
time in the history of the world com-
Yorty said he felt the bid of Mon-
treal was ended with the Canadian
city's: "astonishing: failure to mount a
re'l11y competitive bid at our recent
meeting." And he described Moscow'•
subsequent bid for the games: as: "an
interesting late orfer that will not, I
think, prove Wbe acceptable."
Yorty said he L1'. urging "all involved
city personnel in Los Angeles to get
ready now for the 1976 game3 -be-
cause they are coming our way .11
As tronauts to Vienna
VIENNA (UPI) -Vienna's Lord
Mayor Bruno Marek invited the Apollo 12
crew to visit Vienna "in the nearest
possible future," a city hall &pokesman
announced toda1.
achieved what he wa'nted -a .stim1.1lalion
oJ discussion tl\ali vtr;y )ikely , ~1'
have taken place wltbout him., It Is not
his style or methOd to continue something
like'thls In one si)eech'after aiK>ther.,''" ·'
The debate sparked by, . Agnew's
criticism will be continued tont8ht in
tonight's 1160 Minutes" program on CBS
television. Walter Cronkite, Chet ~untley,
David Brinkley and lfoward K. Smith will
be among the commentatars heard from
In the program, beginning at 10 p.m. .
The vice president 's ne11.1 scheduled.ad-
dres!I will be Dec. 11 at a conference of
' Republican governors in Hot ·sprine:s,
Ark. There, Thompson .said, ,~gnew wil.l
mo,t likely speak .On an·enUrely dU.ferent
su~ject. ·
AgneW sparked nationwide diteuSs,lon 1
-• and cries o~ outrage ',fr'.Om, ·some
segme'nla of tbe .press ·ah4 teleytsibri -
by quest.Ion.in& publicly the fairness of
televlslon c:omment'.ary on Presldeat Nil·
on 's Nov. 3 Vietnam address. the hews
policies ()f.television in general; the ne,ws
ju~gment ol the. New York Tlrnes, and
what be called a trend toward monopolJ
in the news industry.
DAILY PILOT ...... ., llkllft KHtlllr
Woman Dies In Pile Up Near Freeway Offramp
Laguna Woman Killed,
Four Hurt in Smashup
A Laguna Hills woman died and four
other persons were injured Monday night
in a t!ol'O-Car crash at the Intersection .of
f.1acArthur Boulevard and San Diego
California Highway patrolmen pulled
the body of J\1rs. Virginia Ernestine
P.1ount. 69, of 802 Ronda Mendoza, from
the wreckage of her car. Her husband,
William, 69, was critically injured.
Also seriously injured and on the
critical list at Costa Mesa lf.emorlal
Hospital today were two passengers In
the Mount vehicle, Arthur Schiffennan,
75, and his wife, Cleo, 70, of 518 Calle
Aragon, Laguna Hills.
Officers said John Perry, 38. of Las
Vegas, Nev., the driver of the car which
collided with the Mount auto, suffered
major injuries. He Ls listed ln fair condi-
Uon at Costa Ptfesa Memorfa1 Hospital.
Officers said the Mount car was: leav·
Ing the freeway offramp at the time of.
the crash. Perry'a car was west bound on
MacArth ur.
Duke an Amha~sad or
LONDON (AP} -Britain got a new
duke and a new ambassador today -
bandleader Duke Ellington arrived with a
Jetter from President Nixon appointing
him as: a goodwill envoy for American
music abroad.
"f was surprised, touched and honored
by the letter," said Ellington, u be aet
off for series of one-night standJ in Bri-
tain. He ls on 1 tour of mort than 20
How long would your family last
Five years maybe? Then what?
l.nvated at 6X ~ 11 monthly drawin1
account ot SSOO. ft would lut just uodcr 4 ,,-, fllfd JO,,.,,,,,,,,.
teMce roc.uxa on you and your family,
your prttent situation and your ob;cc...
iives. It cute out all au~sswork and
aencralitics. For uampk:, it will help
you determine I. exactly what you want
your estate to do. 2. WheU\cr your ~
ent estate is sufficient and 3. if not,
it will 1uueat the next .atep towards
acbievina your goals.
J,Lh ......... C.L.U.
Now uk ~r thit question. How
Iona: c:oWd Yoiu' ,wife aod cbildn:n livc on your atale? Would there be enoup
money to ensure a ax:wtPgc-frec home?
Foryour.c:hildren to pow on? And how
about their ..luoalioa! lo other wonb,
snO.llt to t111are continuin1 famil,J
llOCaritJ u Aon1 .. it'• needed.
,,_ .......... --"'*' help to answer. That's why Manu-
f-Ule boo~•~ »-""~-·
·Here'• bow It wort .. Throoah the
Manufactunn Ufl Jlepramtativc, the
A1 put of this acrvk:e the Manufacturcn
Life Reptt::SCntatiw: will plot your iodj..
vidual Security Grapb-lhe clearest way
we know of to show you bow you stand.
Why not act in touch with the well in-
rormed profes1ional rrom Manu-
racturen Ufe. You will find him a eom-
pet.ent advitcr wbo will re.peel your
con fid e.nee and understand your
Aa•ncy Auocklta
Tel: !'i47·5621
Toi: 1547-11621 '
" , "I wouldn't say," Thomp!IOO cautioned.
"that U he feell cooatrained to speak out
on the subj!ct again, be won't. But tbe
vice Jll',eeident hit made hJ1 point and~
made It effectively. Ho's perlecllJ _.
tent to st.y out ol the dlSCUlllOn ud
leave it now to the people who ire IDOi&'
competent to deal with it."
How does Agnew feel about the recep.
ti~ given bis critiques?
"He ls delighted with the attenUon tt't
goUen in the media itself," ukl,
ThomPIOO, "and {eels Jt't a healthy
Atomic Reactor
At UCI Placed
Into Operation
UC Irvine's atomic reJctor -the ftnt
In the world to be operated by a ~
sity department of chemistry and the ftrat ·
reactor in Orange County -was plactd~
Jnto operation today.
-Scientists began the day-long process '
this morning of loading uranium-zircon.'
tum hydride alloy fuel into the ruc:tor
The fuel rods were lowered IO feet
through crystal clear wattt, which acts .
as a radiation shield, into the ruatot
core at the bottom of a 26,000 gallon Wik .
In the basement ol th• pbylfcal ocr.nce..;
building. •
Pro!. F. S. Rowland, chalnnan el tile
department of chemistry and head of the
reactor project, said It will be a week ·
or more before the device la in full oper• ·
lion and ready to begin research Into
basic questions of "hot atom" chemistry.
Research funds are provided bJ the
Atomic Energy Commlsslon.
The reactor is a TRIGA Mark J, bufll
and installed under a $395,IJM contract
with Gull G<neral Alomio el San Diep.
A principal feature of the relatlvel1
sma11 · research reactor ii: its .b:ibereot
safety, UCI officials said.
When the fuel reaches certain tem~
ture levels, the reactor rapidly returu
to 1 Jower, safe power level without re-
quiring tither manual or automatic con-
trol deYices, thq explained.
Whoo in fuD •dporaUon, the TRIGA will
have 1 ateady atate power level of 250:
therma l kllowat\s and wW be capabli
of brief pulses of 250,000 kilowatt.. It wU1
•mlt a 1low Hght!nc . up th• pool .,...
near the fuel element and will be uallJ
visible through the clear water above.
The fUelln1 today wu cloaely monitor-
ed by the Alomle Energy Commllllon,
which u,..... the facility. .
Schooner Bums,
Sinks at Island
I A IMool och>oner n)uod 11 ......
caught fire and 111111: al ber --ID
Calaliu lsland'o I-Hortlcr ..,,,
The ICbooner "Majeet.lc Sdnrm"
owned by Dane Slur,_ el 'l'IWIR,
caught fire In the "'line room. 'l1no
houn lain', daplte eflarta by the llatllor
patrol ireboat the blaze burn«! lo tbt
1chooner'1 water line.
The boat sank in 20 feet of water, a
total loss.
Sturgeon, 39, a retired lnluranoe U •
ecuUve, said he tried to put the fiaine:t
out, but the heat drove hhn Oftrbocd.
He swam ashore to-find help. n.e acbooner sank at J 1.m.
...... J.T......., ...,..,.._....
Toi: 1547-lliU
[ .
Dolll.Y Pit.OT
I& Pr._.. ~rt. going to jqln
lh• Royll<Air F"""' wben he com-
~ ht.,..,...... at Cambridge
~t sumsner? The London Mirror
1ays he Is. The Ministry of Defense
declines to comment. A Bucking-
11am Pai.ce JP<*•"''""' profeued
no knowledge that &uch a decision
had been made and added: "There
wUJ be DO llDllOWICOll1tll hefqre
Christmas!' The prince has logged
89 hours of flying with a Royal Air
Force instructor . •
Senator Blasts Army for DCath Trial
Holllnp ([).S.C'.), denounced the Anny
today for proceedlng with plam lo try Lt.
William L. Calley lot murqer iii the
alltpd massacre of 5outh VietMmelO
villqen early lut year.
Another senator, Peter H. Dominick
(o.coJo.h ~ the Columbia Broad-
cutJnc ..,.._ of /~ Calley'•
rlgbt lo a fllr lrla by carrying oh in-
terv{ew with a former ...,.ber ol
Calley'• unit who said the Ueotetw11
ordered the lbootlng ol dvlliaol at Song
In a Senile ~. Holllnp uked If
the Army's dedlton lo try Calley meonl
an -who mmmltted • ''miatal;e In
judgment" under pressure of combat
ftre •1 go&nc to be tried ,. common crtm~
mall. u murderers?"
"Are we aolng to take every helicopter
plloL and pllol of a ~ that hits the wronc target and call hkn a murderer?"
be demanded. Doniln19k denowlced CBS for brood-
. cutlng an lntervieW with Paul Meadlo, a
member ol the piatooo led by Callty al
the Ume of the 1Cardl, 11111, lncldenl
"f have never been 10 uptet over any
ne"'1C8St I have ever seen," Dombtick
,.Id, contending that Meadlo's rights,
Calley's riChls and the opportuniUes lor a
fair trial bad been jeopardlud by the in-
"lie aald be had personally porllclpoted
Jn. the murder of aome ot thele men,
some of these women and aome of. these
chlldrtn," the aenator aaid.
"He specifically 11•1lllfa11ed the nama of
the man who is under tndk:tment.'"
DominJcl< said with reference to Anny
charge< lpinal Calley.
"What kind ol country hsve we got
when this kind of. garbage ls put
around ?" Dominick asked.
He said the interview carried the
pouiblllty ol crtllll1I u:b I ft
"a\omOlphere" suilt" &bat ''1te mar not
even be able to pt a fair trial,.
The dwge.o lgllnol Cilley baft ool in.
dlcated oo far whether the Anny la oc-
cualng him ol killing 1111 --the total lilted in apeciflc1tiolll qllinlt him
-... with paalog onion w1licb ~
in their death.
And .-.p the ......, probably will
haye to await Calley 's ccmt-martial,
tllere may not be mucb of a diltinctlon IO
far u miliWy law and inced"11 la ...,.
cerned. ·
One ol the lepl considerallom that will
come into pll,f ii the ume one used in
the Nureml>orJ war crlmeo tr!all -tbal obeylllfl 1 lairful ..-der la no exClllO for
murder. Tbat principle hss beeo adopted
by the Army. bul the Anny also llold•
that bluing an onler lo till can anlounl
lo premeditated murder, eveo if the
-who-the oni. lak .... part in the actual slaytni. '
catley, •, Wll I plai-leader fO the
aDqed m'''lcrt at Sons My bamlrt on
Mu<:b II, 1111. The charges do ool in-
dlcote whether be la being -of onltrlnc the slayinp, c&!Tl'inl -out, or both. AD nine apoci/lcltlons do 1CCU10
him of the slaytnp "by meeos Of ahootlni them wt\b • rifle ...
* * * Soldier Tells Story
'They Begged No, No;
But We K~pt on Firing'
Geo,.. L1-.by says that I I k e
S..n Connery he has had enough o!
the James Bond role. It took Con·
nery five films, Lazenby only one.
Lazenby, a 29-year.old Australian,
declared Sunday he would make no
more 007 movies after his first.
"On Her Majesty's Secret Serv·
lee," due for release next month.
Best known previously for a Brlwh
chocolate · commercial on televis--
ion, ~nby was picked from a
field of 500 hopefuls to P.lay Bone!.
He said makers of the film ''made
me feel like I was mindless."
• ? ,
NEW YORK (UPI) -Ex..oldlef Paul
Meadlo told Mooday ni&hl bow his com-
paey ttlled about m Vietnam.,.
villagers in Song My on a day In March,
bullets from his M·IS rtne In quick, "
autornaUc burstt. ' ~
For tM pait /e?D month.I Mr1.
K.U.u Pollock 10Gt<hed the L<o-
114Td Mor,. Hoipilal b<ing built
acro11 the ltreet frtYm Mr home
in , Natick,· Mau. SundaJI. ~
ment.r attn ribbon-cutting cue-
monlu officiallu op<md the hoJ.
pUal. 1M became the fir1t pa.:
~t. A Jew houri later the gdve
birth to her fiflh chlld, a daugh-
• Leborer Rico,.... V-ro found
1 clay pot In lhe wrecka~of an old bouse at Torquemada, in. Va-
quero was convinced he found
a ,secret treasure, but 'when he
cracked open the container all he
found was a note : "He who wants
to get rich, Jet him sweat." •
Not enJoying the warmest gover·
ttM·mo~ 1'tlotion1 around, Mayor
John Lindsay and Gou. Nelson Rocke·
ftlltf' ao their but to share a place
Of ho'not at ground-breaking of n e to
East Rfvtr tunml in Neto York Mon-
day. Lindsay a>ld Roeku havrn't b .. 11
t~ to 1houldc fn. too many Te·
cent elections -let alone eye-to-eye.
W1-ite HOUlle Rooms llneovered
Artifacis fo und burled in two underground rooms
uncovered by White House workmen date back to
the Llllcoln Administration, White HOUie curator
James Ketchum said Monday, The rooms them-
selves are believed to date back to the administra·
tion of Thomas Jefferson. They were unearthed by
workmen tearing up the indoor swimming pool to
make room for expanded press facilities.
Vietnam Pulwut Called
A Continuing Program
stai.s wtll . continue lo pull troops out of
Vietnam even though President Nixon
Red Troops Hit
Green Berets
With Shellings
SAIGON (UPI) -· North Vietnamese
troops hit the Due Lap and Bu Prang
Green Beret camps with 110 mortar,
rocket and recoilless rifle rounds today.
Hazy weather prevented allied planes
from attacking the gunsites.
The sbe.llings killed two allied soldiers
and wounded 11. One of lhe dead wu an
American, believed to be the first
American killed during the 25-day siege,
.and five of the wounded were Americans.
They were hit while preparing breakfast.
An allied spokesman said allied troops
battled North Vietnamese east or Bu
Prang on Monday and that 1J:9 North
Vietnamese bodies were found later on
the battlefield, vtcUms mainly of air
strikes and artillery. The South Viet~
bu not yet announced any fw1her cat.
back goals, a Pentagon spokesman said
The spokesman described th e
withdrawal u an "on-going. continuing
program" and llid the momentum would
be maintained beyond the announced im·
medlale goal of 60,000, which was reach-
ed Jut . week, !Ome 25 days be.fore the
Dec. '15 objective date.
The spokesman said Secretary ol
Defense Melvin R. Laird believes there Is
a momentum In the: withdrawal process
that will continue.
The spokeaman agreed that a new
pfesldentiaJ announcement of withdrawal
goals probably will delcribe what already
hu been happening.
Nixon is erpected to make a further
announcement on wlthdra~als by late
December. This would be hia third such
annooncement &nee the troop reducUon
proaram was ordered in June.
Pentagon authorities declined to ' . di.scuss either a rate of withdrawal or a
Violence Board
Urges Lowering
Vote Age to 18
WASIDNGTON (AP) -The National
Violence Commission. deploring "grow.
Ing eotagonlmi between young and old,"
recO!nmended today lowering the voting
age to 18 to give young people a greater
voice 1n government.
Jt alJo endoned President Nixon's
draft monn proposals and ur1ed new
1-.ilslaUon to expand employment op.
porlunities for the nation's youths.
And It 11rged revision Of state and
federal laws to "make use and Incidental
possession of marijuana no more than a
misdemeanor until more definitive in·
formalion about marijuana i.s·at hand."
Dr. Milton S. Eisenhower, commission
chairman, saying youths are being
alienated by being called upon to defend
\'alues and causes, such as the Vietnam
y,•ar, In 9tt.ich they doo't believe,
suggested lhe least the country could do
would be to give them a voice in deciding
issues Mich as tile war.
Fog Blankets Appalachians
"Lowering the voting age will not
eliminate protests by the young,'' the
commission said tn a 1%-page report.
••sut it will provide them with a direct,
constructive and democratic channel for
making their views felt and for ;ving
them a responsible stake in the future of
the nation."
Noting only two stai.s -Georgia and
Kentucty -permit l~year~lds to vote,
the commission pointed out young people
are "tzuted as adults by the criminal
law'' and forced to give "the ultimate
sevict, the hl.gbest sacrifice, when we
require them to perform military
Arctic Air Poised for Winter Blast at Midwest
C•llfornl• PRl'llEW Of USI WIA111U MUllJGllWT 11) J:OIP ... H T 11 •l>-H
An m t•
•• k ... •f'-ld
'"" '""' ClllcelCI '""'-" ,_ .... , .......... ..-
"-~~. ~ "· 7, ,4
" M 17 4!
n " .. ~ .. " " .. " " .. " ,. '' " .. " ..
Calling today's youth the best educated
the country has ever produ ce d,
Eisenhower said, "A very high percen·
tage, 7~ to 80 percent, are opposed to the
war yet only 1 Vf!T'Y tiny perctntq:e has
refuaed to aerve."
rr.eadlo rtcalled the first 15 men,
women and children he shot, then lost
count. 'I couldn't say . . . just too
many," he said.
"Wby did I do it'!" Meadlow, 22, Of Ter.
re Haute. lod., &aid to an intervJewer Of!
the CBS Radio Network. "Because I felt
like I was ordered to do it, and it seemed
Jille thal At the Um• I felt lite I was
doing the right thing, because Uke I said I
loll buddiu I lost • damn good buddy,
B<>bby Wilson, and II was m my ...,_.
science. So lfter I done I~ I ftlt good, but
later on that day, it was getting' to me." The clay afl<r the killing at Soog My,
Mu.dlo atepped on a land mine out.side
his camp aod the explosion tore off part
ol hb fool.
.. I felt I WU pmished, .. he sld.
He dtscirbed how hls squad of !OldJers
gathered 40 to 45 villagers when they first
got to the hamlet:
"We all huddled them up. We made
them 1qu1t down, and Lt. (Wlllilpn)
Calley c:ame over and said. 'You know
what to do with them, doo't yoU ?' and I
said 1Yes.' So I took lt for granted that he
just wanted us to watch them. And he
left. and c:ame back about 10 or 15
minutes later, and said. how come you
ain't killed them ya? And I told him that
•1 didn't think you wanted us to kill them,
that you just wanted us to guard them'.
He sa.ld, 'No, I want them dead.'
"He (Calley) stepped back ••• and he
started 11hooting them • • • so I started
shooting:" Meadlo said he fired 60 to 70
Rogers Plans Visit
To Bonn Dec. 5-6
BON (UPI) -U.S. Secrelary of Slate
William Rogers will visit Bonn Dec. 5-6
for his flnt talks with the new West
German Government of Chancellor Willy
Brandt, a Foreign Ministry spokesman
said today.
The visit wiU follow Rogers' attendance
at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) foreign ministers conference in
Brussels Dec. 2-.f, the spokesman aaid.
Later the soldiers gathered more
villagers, about 70 to 75 men.,women and
children, and shot them at the brink or a
ravine. Someone told the soldiers to flrt
single shots -"to save our ammo,"
Meadlo said.
"They (the Vietnamese) was begging
and saying no, no. And the m~rs was
hugging their children ••• but they kept
right oo firing. Well, we kept right oo fir·
Ing. They was waving their amu and
The attack, Meadlo said, "was just
Even now, the er-eoldier h.Jd, "I see
the women and children in my sleep.
Some days •.. sm:ne Jli&hts, I can't even
sleep. I just lay there thintlng about il"
1tfeadlo is one of 2S men whose alle1ed
participation tn the massacre the Ann)•
is investigating. Calley faces a OJUrt.
martial for the kllllngs.
* * * Army Says 128
'Enemy' Killed
At Song My
QUANG NGA!, Vietnaqi (UPI). -An
olflcill U.S. Anny publicaUon reported
that 128 "enemy" were ki lled tn the
village of Song My on March 16, 1968, the
day of the alleged massacre.
The newsletter distributed in the
Army's Americo.l Division on March 17, a
day later, implied that U.S. troops with
htlicopter and artillery support attacked
part of the village.
It eave this account of the action:
••Jungle warriors (the nickname for
,.Jdiers ol the 11th Llgbt lnleoll'y
Brigade) together with arUllery and
helicopter support hit the village of My
Lal (part of Song My) early yesterday
"Contacts throughout the morning and
early afternoon resWted in 128 enemy
ldlled, 13 suspects detained and three
wtapons captured."
The newsletter gave no· act00nt of
American losses, normal procedure tn
battle reports distributed to U.S. troops.
Keep Your Medal
Lennon Protests British Policy
,.,.,,. wir. 11ronc.
LONDON -John Lennon of the Beatles today returned his Member of
the Order o( the British Empire (MBE) medal to Queen Elizabeth in protest
against Britain's involvement in the Vietnamese and Nl1erian wars, Beatles'
spokesman Derek Taylor said.
In ldenlicll lelters to the queen, Prime Minister Harold Wilaon. and the
secretary of the Central Chancellory, Lennon wrote :
"I am returning th.is MBE In protest against Britain's involvement In
the Nlgertan-Biafra thing, against our support of America in Vietnam and
againat 'Cold Turkey' 1llppirig down the charts." ·
The last reference was to a BeaUea' aong.
The award was given to all the Beatles by the queen In 1965 because
their music bad brought heavy dollar canUng servicea to Britain.
0 0f course, Mr. Lennon Is free to do whatever he wants," said a spokes-
man fer Buckingham Palace. "This very rarely happens but it has happened
before. In fact several people returned their MBEs at the Ume the Beatles
were awarded theirs."
When the BeaUes got their MBEs others turned theirs in 1ayina: the award
lo the BeaUes downgraded the order.
·-· l'ort Wirth ·-··-......
kotl'IWI C:llY .... v_
" " JJ ., ....
•1 14 Tr ., ..
" J7 Novelist Can 'Go West~
Mott1V wnft'I' "'*"• LllM Wf'\lllt9
'" '"~ toclt'r .... ~y.
Hltiht 11 te •·
coat11t li'l'fl-•tuirw ,... "-" n
to n . 11111fld tem...,....... ,.,.. fl'-.
I:;! to U. Wlltf' ""-'ll'ort 61.
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Firs! lo'lll ........ , •••• J!OO t .fll, f,1
$t(Cllld Ptllflil , ................. .
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''" fl'Oft'I "" °"'-•lld ,.,.~ v•llt\>t to !flt ioo111m1 or !ht 11Mrtw
'rtthoiltllen w•s c°""""" """'"' tit K elllf"l'd ""°""". Wllh I ... fl'lulto 6«1,_,.. eloltt Hit Gull COltl. Al-
l'*'lfl r•lflf•ft ...,, -••IJo lltfl•, Clll"Jlllt O.,bll. Trx .• MMw....i 1,n
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111111 ef Artllt t lr .... , llOIWll ~!Oftl
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Oel9' ._ ...... -....... •lotll
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MOSCOW (UPI) -The Sovie! literary
establlshmenl told novel~! Aluander
SOlzbenltsyn today he could leave 'the
Soviet Uni1111 lllCI Uve in the West.
Solzhenitsyn, author of "The cancer
Ward" and "The First Circle," was ex-
pelled earUer this month from the writers
union of the Russian Federated Republic
because of his anti-SOviet writings.
Today, an official statement of the
Russian Federation Writers Union said :
•·Nobody ls going to hold SOlihC!nltsyn and
prevent him from going away even If he
desires to go the.re where his anti-Soviet
workers and leUeri are rece.ive.d with
such deJl&hl." (
Solzhenitsyn became famoua In the
Wfllt with publlcollon In 1961 ol hia abon
novel.~ A DIJ In the Life ol Ivan Denla<>
vlch," whlcb depicted lite Jn a Stalinist
prison camp.
•i'J'be C1ncer Ward" and ''The Finl
Clr<:le" ...... CIUllllcally cr!Ucal ol Joatf
Stalin and the authoritarian aspects of
the Soviet ayrt.em. HJ1 wriUng1 made him
lhe hero or many Soviet liberals and in-
Solzhenlt&yn ran Into more trouble with
the literary est.ablishment on Nov. 10
when the &l·year~ld author aent a letter
lo the writ~I union descrlbln& Russia as
a "stck society" 1nd attackln& those .,.hQ
expelled bim for their "baJe.vlgflance.*
Ula letter said be •u expelled be!ort
he was given a chance. to defend hlmlelf,
but a writers union statement carried ~ ~•Y by Tw said "This ts nOthlng bat 1
"Solzbenilayn arroganUy diaregarded
tbe just crlliciam of the literary public."
the 1tatcment &aid. "He dki not stand up
aga!iut the use or his name and his works
by bourgeois propaganda for a cam1>1ign
or slander against our country."
"Moreover," It said, "in his acUons
and slatements he actually jol.ned hands
with those who are comlna out apinst
the Sovie! social gylte111." •
Of .... Dal" ,... ...... .
· Jn ~t~ing1y' sudden actk>n. the. ~un
tingU>q Beach City Council Monday ai&hl
ht a split 4 'to S vote decided to 1Qc1te lbe
future· CiVic Center OD; upper Mahl Stred
opposite Hunting!~ Beach Ill;> Schoolbl.d
Monday mormng, councUman · .
heard a report by the admlnislr•Uve
&taff urgin& selection .of a new site on
Atlanta .,Avenue bel~een. HunUnctoo Ind
Lake ·,treets. ·
Tbp of.Pier
Plan Moves
Step .. Abead
Huntli'I~ Beach ~ihT1en sillif11 lS
the cltY's Parking Authority MOnday
rrlght look another step forward on t~e
Top of • the Pl er plan for downtr.iwn
redevelopment. · They appro\'ed the same thing they ap-
proved two weelcs ago when they voted as
a cttY council. Created ".ill ~ an 178-
s parking pro}ect on five ctly blocks f= Si:xtn to Lake Streets iqland to Wal-
nut A\renue plus1ive acres of. J-1.unUngton
Beach Co. property . east -.of Lake es·
let"ding inland to Atlanta Avenu~.
City administrator Doyle · M!ll~r was
directed to arrange for an Immediate ap-
prai!al of·the propertr which will '!' ac-
quired br negotiation or condemnatl@!'· .
Plitnned for part or the properly IS a
be<1rh-0riented specialty shopping center
similar lo C'rhirardelli Square In San
Francisco. ed The resolutio,n ~dopling the, p~an call
for ·l~<' •-1sllion-O! \lit, P<'IPJrlY
"'bec'al!!e" tt 1epr"Hded1r ''the :~tt
public good with the least JX'!V~ \n·
j " J ' ., u;te couiicil has Voted a moratorium on
all buil4lni permits in the af/~ed area
during the aoquisilil;>ii .Pr~nas-
Cost· of the project 1s est1m~ted. at .$3.8
million to be fin anced by rt:venue bonds
50\d by the parking auUlOrity.
The· projec:t was recommended l>Y ~he
Urban Land Institute Citizens Sfeenng
Committee and backed ~~ a study of
Economic Research Associates.
Valley Planning
Special Class
For Handicapped
Orthopedlcally handicapped children
from a large portion o( Orange CounLY.
may ulUmately attend classes in . a ·spe.
cial cJassrobm unit ol the Fountain Val·
ley ~hool District.
The therapy and educational facUit y
\Vould se rve childen from nursery school
age to eighth grade from sb: school
distric ts. including \Vesminster, Foun·
taln Valley, Oce,an '(lew. HunUn,gton
Beach, Newport-MeSa and Seal Buch.
Fountain Valley trustees gave lheir ap.
proval to a study of the proposed unit
during their meeting last Thursday.
Most probable location of the building,
'Whose e!timaled L'OQStrvction cost is
$T1,l!OO, is near warner Avenue al'.'d
Bushard Street, school administrators
said. ;
A 1>9rtlon of the canstrucpon and
op<llllni cosls would be borne by lhe c:Ooi*ra11ng school dl!lri~ Stale monies
and fund's from the · l'Ooinloln 'Valley
School Dblricl would pay for the re·
ma/lllni portlcm or the j)ackage. • No lndicaUon was &lvtn by ad-
ministrators as to when tne' unit nU&ht go
into opflratloa. -
Other !Ocal school district.a are already
provldlnl speCi81 se"lce for children
wllh oilier -· or hondlcapo. The Wetlmlnsler scli0j>I Dl!trlcl provldoa for
the hard or heanng, the N~·Mesa
School. District for the vllually han-
dicapped, and the O.:..n View School
Dillrlct for lhe trainable mentally
Huntlnglon Beach clly offlc.s will be
clOled Thursday, Tbanklg1Ylng Illy, and
Friday, the City Council voted Monday.
City Admin istrator Doyle Miller re-
quested the additional day off for city
employes. He said it would ~ •n "In-
centive In salary negotiations for the
ooming fiscal year which are now under-
":ay as required by law."
·1 •
~-. .. • r
. ---
Valley T•d91''it Diiil . .
N.Y. Stoeti .. •
OAIL YPtLOT 'staff PM,.
Junior Mi11 Chris Weaver
: 'ft-rlv, .lf ~~~f.,: l'.l, ~lf . '' . .
PiCU,ed ·.Y"1ilky's ..
N~~·~iuni;or Miss
~ ~triSher Chris' Weaver was deeply
lnvtjlved. in~the lif! of Bombay-t India, a!
an Ainkican Field tfervice exchange stu·
dent,'· I · I ' '
nus wee.I tlie Jtttty 11.year-01d high
school senior 15 th~ reigning Junior Mls5
of Fountain Valley and trying to readjusl
to life in lhd U.S. .
Chris was aelicted Saturday~ night by
the Fountain Valley Jaycees to represent
them in State \end nallo'1al competition
for Junior Miss! Runner-up to Chris was
Chris Wendel~ also. a 17-year-old senior
at F.oont.a1n vliitey High School.
"I thoughl it would be a worthwhile
contest," commented tht winner on her
reason fO'r entering the Junior Mlss
Pageant. ·
"J like to meet interesting and sincere
pegt)Je. esj;ecially the contestants," she
contlnu!d . .fr ·
The th~ght of state and national com·
petition f.Urred Chris' yen for travel.
"Since J.:-wenl to India I've wanted to see mo~ ol tbe world, find out about
myle.l.f " "Y;fknow, I almost fell like an Indian
when •I was there. 1 really felf out of place~ When 1 returned here. But I'm
b!fghi@hig to get back in cormection,!' she
.• ~.Is CO!lll>lned· poise, looi<J and. a.'J.45
,,._point-average to wln a eonteat ,lhat
p~ beauly and scholarship on Ille sariie Jeni. · , '
.~ thlnlls she'd like lo allend UC
S&l1ta Barbara and perhaps be an Ena:~
"But there are so many other things
J'd like to atudy," she adds.
The linmedlale future , however, means
another round of contens · oo tbe st.ate
level fn January.
Mayor Green said there ukl ·no doubt a
conventlon center wW be·built evenWally
in the downtown area." .
Councilmen Ted Birllell and Geor(e
McCracken joined DI\· Koufniao In lhelr
COlllftt;,,t opposilloo IO-lhe Upper Main
Street sile. · •
ro11owl11g .. the ' tp, 3' vote , the council moved to clole lhe escrow 'on the seieded
1lte a.nd "acquire the property as 1109f1 as
poutble" from the Huntinglnn Beach . ·~·
' . . . . 'I' .... . . . ... ,-.... : ......... ' ' .
Firs·t. Civic Center
' • .. I '
company. !>n1Y Di-. Kaofii,a. dlail>
proved Wi move. .,.
A unanimous vole lo Instruct lhe
arcllllect lo proceed with plans for lhe
Main street site wu thtn acted .uwn.
COilDCilmln Coen foUowed with a mo-
UO. lo Grder lhe idmfnlatraUvt ·slalf lo
"'"""" wllb feulbl)lly -.. lhe Conventloh ceriter. Thia wu approved.
The ;.tiln ·-alle la the te..i ... p<nllve of. lhree studied by ~ COl1'1ciJ.
Eolimated cool If "71,!00. In c<mltast the
"~ ., .. ~· .
~·atte !"'f'lll-!Olt $!.8 mllllon property w\lh : a reporl diJe at Ille J1U1
•lo ~ and ·a 'PfOl'O'!d . Beach council m~Ung Dec. 8. ·•
BOulivald and AUuiia stle, $1.Be Mllllnn, , The upper t.lliln Street .site W"'! . . "-;:::-~ aelecled fas) spring by· the same t 14 3 Mayor Green had ~ 191!1....,. split viile. Recently the otaff wu Ordered,
day plOl'nlna 1llal U Ille AllaN·i.aka Ille lo study the Beach·Allanta site and came
wu.1elected .tbe·owaen of.the a,~ uPwlth the-aJtematlve Atlanta-Lake pro-:
al Allanla lllld Bljoi:ll·nuld \l'-.1 •lit> p<rty, .
a traUe.r·part ~\pier. n.e· se.lecttd site ·1s to be purclwed
CoWx:llman Kaulmin proposed l sue-. from llJe .Hunfingtpn Beach Co. for
cwlul m.tl&t lhel lbe ilalf,be -$311),00l). ll can be exPanded by· five acres
lo llUdy'ocllOn lo pno-ladl'uie ol lhe liter: ·
" ~ ' ' ' '
Germ · Warf~re
' '· . . ' .
, . .
Nixl!n l)rders · U.S., Sto<;.~pi'le .Destroyed
-. . . ' ' . .
WASHING TON (Al!) -Preaident Nix-
on ,.re.~ced today any resort jo genn
warfare and prcrillsed to destroy existing
1t.oi:kplles of bacleriologjcal .weapdns.
He also rt11ooncetl any first use by the
United .States of chemical weapons that
incapacitate, as well as those that can kill.. •
Nixon told newsmen the United States
would never employ germ w11.rfare even
if an eoemy were to do ao. ,
He also announced that future govern-
Actress Na1ned ' . .
Honorary Chest
Driv~ Ch~rm1Jn
• , > ,.-'l '' I • c!"fl \
'A'ctieu Ag,ies Momltiead' llaJ )ioiii 1\eill'4 :]>onoriry"cbalilllan .ol illit :Jl,1111' llnili>oi lliaoh'a i!IS.GIO Colnmtmlty Chest cimpatln. Chest President Sieve
Holder,. announced today. i
'")flsi: Moorehtid urged drive le~ders. ta
make every effort to accelerate the cam,
paign which has passed the 50 percent
mark In contributions.
''The ch~: COllCept financ,in1 · com·
munlty voubi and chairty projects makes
lt .easy ror everyone to be a shareholder,"
the actress ilaid. "Only when we
partlcipaie do . we Teaily be:Co,neot con·
cemed and do something about the needs
Of people." · ·
Drive leader Jack Feehan said postal
employes, Huntington Beach Union Hlgh
School Oiatrict workers and HuntiA1ton
Beach Elementary DL!trict employes Si re
apl)roachlng 55 percent partl c1p·at1on.
Professional division chainnan Willi.am
Carison. said ~ntrlbutio,.is were slow and
an ·effort is belrig t mac1t~ro rechrit ·more
workers in the drlV~ ·
Holden said Community Che.!t agen--
cles,.19 ln all, are, being asked not to con-
tact'buslness i.nd professional flrms ·who
dona~ to the campaign. "The concept of
one Single campaign will be followed In
the 1970 drive ," the• president sald.
Pe11dleton Brig
Charges Probed
Marine Cori>! said today the Cllliduct of
Maj. WU.On A. Voight In nmnlng Camp
Penc:Ueton's brig will be atudled In a
fonna I lnvestication . into c h a r 1 e s
prisoners were mlattnted.
Lt. Col. Winn M. Thurm1n, a Marine
judge advcqte and ~former clvlllln at·
torney, was namec( to defend Vollht if
charges are broughL The assignment of
Thurman waa announced by M1J. Gen.
Donn .•. Robertaoo, bue commanCter.
Voight was relltved as brig com·
minder two months ago by M~. Charles
Finney afler commanding Ille prison
'1n<:e June 1918.
ment research lo the blologica1 field will
be limltea to.def•Q#ilve ·meMures such as
a search for. lmrituni2atloi1 serums aB:inst
germ "'8fJOM ,OiheQ might~-'
The President, In a fohnal statement,
Said.be was llkin'g a .series of. moves in
the chemical, bacterio1oglcal area as "an
Initiative toward peace."
Talking briefly to reporters, he said he
believe5· hlS actions will sharply reduce
the pOSsibility 'thlt' any cheinical or germ
weapons ever will.be used by any nation. . .
Nixon reafftnned longstanding U.S.
renunclatJon of the first use of lethal
chemlc'al'weaponi ~d; for tht itnt tlme,
extended tb& TenUllCiatlcia to· first ule of
cheritlc81a whictl . incapadtate witaout
killing. ' '
The Pmidenl &ft.eel the Senale lo
~n:imptly ratify a 1925 Geneva protocol
prohlblUng the first use in war of "as-
phyxiating, poisonous or other gases and
or baoteiiologlcal mdhd'ds or warfare."
Sen. Mike V.ariifleld (O:Mont.), lhe
· ¥,isiwrs ,Givert Press . P,asses
. ,·,\:i. •, :...!.(; ' ' •••. , ,..i.,J. •,
• · ·s~N· 11'11ANCJko c Pl -Alcalrn l&l!tnd'• In~:!ll~.,:;, h .. e iet.
' • up .. a :*"""" or cauwtan affairs" lo """P 'ao<j "'l'!'"l!'J ~ ~'Iba~. '"'llia:"'l8'ili!Od·•l!il?'· Jl ..... 1: 1 ' . ' : ' ' . .> •
A IJ'OUP' of newsmen Visiting the island ·held 1fbr ab: daya~by, 1JO Indl1n1
were lsaued ·"pnoss _. .. Mondq night and lnslrucled lo surrender them
when ltitJiig: . ·
But. the hospitable Indians treated them to a homi: cooked. mtal of
cliicken, mashed potatoes, spagl)etti and meatballs. , . ' ' The Indians look over the nearly abandoned site of the former federal
prison ·lut IJ'hursday, c;laimlqg it as "unused federal la.pd" and announcing
plaqa t~.buUd an Jndlap ~ational and culturatcel'!ttr on IL .•
"We wefe C.!COrted everywhere," &aJd Terry Scfunltt, a free . l,ance
photographer, "and told we could not go into the main ctli block or on its
rOQf. We c6uJd talk to only deslgni:ted spokesmen.
. ' "Boals ' came last night with more SUPP.lies, Including a bale of new
blankets. It was very cold on the island and the Indi&nl pl.I.yeti 'tom-toms all
nig~t and sat around wood fires."
,;r~t Dellghtfal'
Mesan .c Held 'Hostage'
By ~~ians on Alcatraz
Of 1M hllr f'llM Miff
A Costa ~1esan who moved lo the
solitude of an Island recently to write a
book today hlfiS the.company of 100.plus
invading Indiana and not even the U.S
Coe.st Guard -let aJone the Cavalry -
knows what 'to do: ·
Glen i>od!IOR Is under houae arrest on
· Alcatraz a happy hostage held by inen,
women ' and c!llldren demanding a
powwt?W wilh Se_cretary of the Interior
Walter J. Hickel. ,
So far ihi Uine Isn't set. but the loca·
lion aeema obvlou1.
Dodson. who aold his home at 881 Joann
st. to· eo pff In iearch of adventure, call·
· ed his brother and 1ister·ln-law Monday
lo report he had finally found II.
"l thJnk Jl'a one ol the ftmnlest thlnp I
ever heard," aa.Jd·Mrs. John Hoyt,· bf 2119
TusUn Ave., Costa Mesa, " in fact, Jt's
just delightful."
Federal alrthortlles have other descrip.
tioru: of the prospect of chasing more
than 100 original Ame~ around the
cave-riddled rock· If It comes to1thaL
The liberators of ~Im . from the
General Service& ·Adminlltratlon say it
just may. .•
They want Alcatraz under terma' of an
18SI treaty In whiclr the Slom were 11,lven
abandoned federal property, but If' you
gl ve those people 21 acres of roct they
may try to take the 4tth state.
"Alaska is nest," declarea Richard
Qakes, 28, a l\Cohawk who haJ. auumed
the presidency or the crumbJlni, prlaon
majority leader, said he.wµI Me~ lo bayC
the agreemeql i;_aUfled by the Stl)ata thts;
That would add gas and germ "'arfare
14 an already clogged Senale -le:
wilh less lhao one monlh of the -· remaining. • •
Nixon alao said the Uo.i\ed Stales was
joining Canada lo associating Itself wtlh
tbe .principles and objectives of' a British-
spoosored proposed convention to baa the
use of blo_k>gical methods .of '!'arfare.
2 Huntington
Men Indicted
~n · ~rn.g R1;1p .
Two Huntlniton Beach ruldentl Wert
" amq JO persons JD<Ucted by the Orange
Coun(J Grand Jury today on various
narcotics' and dangerous drugs\ violations.
The."lndictment followed lbe -panel's in-
vestigation of arrests made la.!t Nov. S Jn
a roundup conducted by ,Huntington.
Beach pollce, Los Angeles County sher-
iffs lnyestigators, Downey police .officer.!
Rnd >Jnve.stigation or the Long Beach
Police Dept.
It is alleged that officers recovered
'nearly t7 pounds 'of basllbh, lhree pounds
of marijuana, 360 barbiturate capsu[es
and ·15 LSD tablef.s. Mosl of lhe cfnJB1!
allegedly were found at 9351 TaliiU Cir-
cle, Huntington Beach.' ·
.Names In the lndfctp>enl are Eleni Loa
Hocker , ZS, and.Carol,M. Hocker, 32, both
of Hufitington Beach a<lcfrlsa.,. . --···
The llackert and elghl olhir defendaall
have been ordered to appear Friday in
Superior Court.
Also named ln the 'indJctment are.:Vlc·
tor Steven Svimonoff, II, Or JIC70 Har-
risburg Road, Rossmoor; Tommie Mike
Thomas, :ro, and John Alim --it,
bolh of, Long Buch; Michael Robert
Gray.t 20. of Santa Ana; Phillip Btker
Horton, 22, of Bellflower; John Peter
-Dallas, 19, of Big Bear Lake; Greg
Burchess Cantrell, 22, of Long Beach and
Steven Frank Hamblin, 18, of BelUlower.
1'he Hockers are aceused of possession
of dangerom drup lot sale, possession of
marijuana for aale and sclling and
cultivating marijuana. Hamblin, Cantrell,
Dallas, Svlmon.>ff and Hortor. are &e·
cused of the sale of marijuana.
Gray Is a~,of pollellion of marl~
Juana, John AlleD\~of possess.ion
of marijuana for ale. lixl 1rorrimie Mike
Thomas of possess!on of marijuana t9f
sale and sale o.f marijuana.
H~d• Have Ratified . fortress which is hardly a raoft t
hideaway. 1 "When you see most of the reservaUoas
In this country," says · Adam Nordwan,
40, a Chi!J?:!wa leader, "Alcatraz looks
Tbere1f be o letup In lhe easier-,
ly winds Wednpday. bul the met'!
cury win itay up there· -about 77
,degrees &king lhe coast and a.s
fUrtber tntand.
' U.S. Delays Gas Treaty
' \\IASBINGTON (OPJi -• 1f!ie Jiiii
0-V. protocol banning 6ii .,. . of
Rf!bon· ~ aad,.olher chemical ..,u
hu bem railfled by moie lhan In natlohl
Including Cammunlal China and the
Soviet Unlon-·but nol lhe Ualled Slates.
'Ille llC<Otd 11 formally called the
"protocol for Ille prohibition Of the uoe In
war or asphyxlatlng. pol!OOOUa or other
gatet and. of bacterlaloglca1 methods of
The U.S. Senate never voted on it
allhough Ille United Slalea had laken a
lint step toward adherence by signing
fhe protocol. <lrie rwon the Senale did nol act was
'lllal the ""'1Y Chemical Worfare Service mliblflled-•~ f..U.1,a.-llie
!roal1 on .gJ'q!ndl lllal It would never be
oblerveCI ., •mate ahd that gu waa a
more b-oe metl1Dd l ol · kllllni than
other Wei~ ~
Ironically, In 1111 ihe.Senale had'voted
In f1vor or I ltmllar qr.emem which
never came Into force because of. Fftnch
opposllloo. '
The Genna prOIOcOI ol''Juno 17, 1911,
declafet thal lhe p«rtlee'ban lbe -of chemk:al and blologlcal w._ . Ind
"wlll exerl evecy elfort I~ lndu..3.~•r
states to accede to the pr~nt pi-u~vl."
A nwnber ,·of tile -Jlfllom ac·
• ' • I "Jr , ' •
..pii,\g flie ............ d~', .. ' ~till.
reset!•tlonl. -· reserved the righl to · uio c&emlcal lrllflOlll ao loill u lhey did
·mt malte,fint•Ule of ~{11 .. and the rf~t
. lo uae siJi:b w._. but nol a~ olhtr
signers of the lccord.
The'. Sovlel Union aooeded' 10 the pro-
locol on April I. · 1$11, and Commµnl!I
China on Aqusl I. tll5Z. A recenl naUon
lo join H wn Communllt Moogolla on
Dtcember 1; lM.
fllllher N«1b -·s.ulh VIOlnlm was
\JOI• lhe z--~. Belldea Unlled Staltl. Bralll, El ~li!Oi', illpall, Nlcaraaua and u.,...ay
hive ilirled the Pf'l«OI boll not formally
raWled tt. • .
prelty 1qoct." .. , , •
"I'm JOD percent' with them," added
Oodoon,.''Tbeoe..ere yonderiUl people,.''
l'he lorintt HiillJ!a -chem!•\ who became careti.br of the bleak, bar-
. r<ll ·former-·fldtral , prllpir· 90!. a· call
lhr..,1h \o •• l!la• relaUYia on tile !Ole "91
line I'! Ille -.,...Id. , 1 · "~ ,..., ~1Y«'"'11ec!.'" uilf ~n. '
llO)'i; ''he bldn'I o\ept for • llour1, bul
' he tald ha .. ~ 1•111!>1 ..... l•at1~lc
phoe.o&.". ,. • • Il,ndlOll moy not be.dp!ng much wrlUng.
(See llOITAGt, Paco I) ,
Nn> YORK (AP) The olock market
. ~ a ~"1 shoW ol strenclh, bOt II
~Ulcklt waned late lodaf. CSe<I quota· tlonl, Pqa JG-11).
Member 91 the Order of the
British Ern,Pirt ,John Wnnoll to-
day ga11< 'Ill< Qllft1I his medal
, back·-but BU<klnohom.~alac"'
al.so had, an apt comeback fof'
the Bea.tlt'• protest. Stor11 Page 4. ~ . . ,......... ,
t !•n.f tt-14 :=:.. -u --' -. lt'"ltftll ,.,. ' h'~ I :=:-.,.. , .. ~,
Al'lll...... II -. Ml'""9 ...... ,.
Millsfield -
To S_upport
WASl!INGTON !AP) -S • n a It
Dernocratlc Leader Mike Mansfield said
today he will volt reluctantly against a.
propoW to end the Income las surcharae
1t tht end·ot thla year.
'A 5 percent surcharge continuing untlt
nr.xt June 30 is Included In the pending
ta,. reform blll. but Sen. Harry F. Byrd
Jr., (0-Va.). offered an .amendment to
kill the extension.
Mansfield said he hoped to obtain a
vote on Byrd 's proposal by mid-afternoon
and then proceed wlth o t b e r
The Democratlc leader &aid he did" not
like the surtax because he regarded it as
a war tax which should be dispensed with
as soon as possible.
On Uie other hand, he said, there hts
been a sort of understanding that a six·
months extension. al lhe reduced 5 per·
cent rate, would be included in the big
tax reform-tax relief package.
Sen. Robert P. Griffin (R-Mich.), the
~cling ·Republican leader, said he also
\\-'ould vote against the BYlii amendment.
''The Prea1den\'1 program a1ainst in-
nation depends o:i conUnuing the surtax, ..
he said.
"It's just beginning to take hold and I
think it would be very unfortunate to pull
the rue out from under him ...
From Page 1
but he 11 certainty gathtrine m1ttrlal for
one of those truth·iwtran1er-than-Octlon
epics. after six days of Indian occupation.
Dodson's brother ~·as not at home, but
hopped an Air California plane to San
Francisco Monday night alter repeated
efforll to get a return call throu1h failed.
"The Coast Guard said they haven't
t!v :>n been able to get in touch since the
Indians took over the island," explained
fl.frs. Hoyt, who isn't too worried about
her brotber·in-law.
"He 11aid he'd try to drop us a line,''
!il\e added. but news reports from
Alcatraz indicate Dodson i! busy with
other tasks, r;uch as helping unload boats
carrying food and supplies.
Descendants of red men who sat down
to the fint Thanksgiving dinner appealtd
today for proVisions worthy of the im-
pendiog celebration Thursdp.y, through
their Alcatraz Relief Fund.
Another boatload or supplies was due to
set out for occupied Alcatraz today, after
1 delivery Monday w h I c h included
blankets, staple foods, fre5h water,
medicine' and even tetanus vaccine.
Temperatures on the baJTen rock drop
to the low thirties this time or year and
dozens of the Indians are suffering from
colds and Sore throats.
Some ha ve even jumped lnto the
treacherous, current-laced waters of the
bay to help small boats dock and the only
heat is from fires built of wood ripped
from old rotting cellblocks.
Several children have as a result step-
ped on rusty nails. necessitating tetanu!
vaccine, but the Indians vow to stay as
Joni as neceisary and hide from U.S.
marshals in a IZ acre maze of former
prison buildings and caves,
'Stcretary Hickel has agreed lo meet
and discuss theif demands to take over
AJcatraz as an Indian Culture Center,
plus giving mort aid to 100,0IXI Iodi8116 in
Federal authorities have give n the in·
\'aders holding Ood30n hostage no
deadline to evacuate Alcalra:r;, at least
unUI after Hickel re\'lews their demand.
In the meantime. life goes on day by
clay on the Rock, perhaps more miserable
than in its prison days -with food cook-
ed over an open fire on a broken grating
-but certainly n1ore Idealistic than ever.
"This land i11 my land." says a sign
over the crude dining area.
No one is in a po!iltlon to disagree to-
day, least of all Alcatr11z' custodian
Dodson, who went there to get away from
excitement and \vtlte his book about
Ro\i•tl N. W114
1''1tl4v'i1 ..... P11bll1M1
J1tk R. Curl1y
Vlt• Prt"Orlll • ..,, Gt°"'ll "''"''"
Tho"'1' K11•il
Th111111 A. M111phl111
M11111!n1 (dolw
Alh1d W. l•I••
An«l•Ht E•lt9r
Htntl•fl911 '"'~ Offlc• 109 Slh Str11t
M•il:n, Ad1h1n1 P.b. I•• 790, •i•~I
Oti.t Offk"
N••oe-rt Nit" llll W,11 hltlll IW"-V•t~ Co1!1 -'lclf UG Wttl ltf ~trttl L"Ulll 6t•tll. 111 ~Ct~1t ...... ~I
. .
A ~llanfn9idiafJ Favqt"
Far••• Prl4!e1 Vp
... 1
Cost of Livin'g
. . ' Ji: I '· , •. In .. 'Sharp ·Rise ·
WASHINGTON (U PI) -Wbol ... l'i
prices have risen rour-tCnths of 1 percent
this month because of a sharp rlae in the
cost or farm product.I, the Labor Otpart-
ment estimated tod~. •
The wholesale price level was .U~per·
cen t above the figure a year ago.
Preliminary figures released by the
department's jJureau o( Labor Statistlc$
CBLS) said wholeaale prices of farm pro-
ducts rose an estimated 2.3 percent ·In
November. Industrial commodities rost
0.2 perce.at while processed food 1bd
feeds averaged the same as in_ October, '
Such increases at the wholesa~ level
normally signal new retail prk:e hlke1 l.n
the offing.
The November riM In wholillle priClS
matched the October advance, which
followed three months of smallt(' ln-
creues. The new Increase appeared to
o!farllltle hope lhat cooswner price !JI.
creases would be •bilinl Jn the comlq
monlhs. " The November rise pushed t h e
wholesale prict index to 114.5, which
meant that goods whlch cost $100 at
wholesale in the 1957-59 base ptr1od cost
$114.50 Utis month. ·
Tht BLS said prict!I for fresh and dried
fruits and vegeLlbles jumped more tbU
stalOllaUy in November and q:g quota-
UoM climbed ahl!iJ>ly. CatUe and hoS
prices dtclined while prices for proceqed
poultry, fiab and coll .. '""'·
Dana Slovak (left) and Jay Shinn of HuntiJll!on
Beach'• Cub Scout Pack '127 deliver ThanksgiV!ng
diM'er table favors they ma4e to K•nny Calland, a
patient at Huntington Valley Conva!Ncent Hospital.
Boys of Pack 227 made more than 200 small f!o\ver
vases, nut containers and decorative cone turkeys
for aput·in patients at four local convalescent hos-
Masked Baudit Holds Up
Restaurqnt; Gets $1J70 '
Yule Decoration Contest
lleoldeoUal and commercial >aptds
Founl&ln Valley will.tab on a new liaht
lhll ftlr wben the w<men's division of
the Fountain Valley Chamber of Com·
merce Jau'nches the rirst city-wide Christ.
Purse Snatchers
Kill Widow, 70
DETROIT (AP) -Clinging to her
purse which contained fi ve cents, a ~
year-old widow suffered a fatal be1tin&
by four wou1d·be purse snatchers Monday
r:ig ht.
Florence Knotts, wbo lived alone on her
Social Security Income, died of head in-
juries in a Detroit h01pilal some eight
hoUse after. tbe .beatlna.
PatrQllnan ~Allenjfugbes said ht: w1s
<1rlvllll·lft tila :pati6! <It '{hen II< 11w·
lour youths altack her. Hughes pursued
and said he cagh't one of the youtlui, a 13-
year~ld boy now in· custody.
Neighbors of ,.he widow said they knew
tittlt': about Mrs. Knotts, eicept she had
been robbed of $4 two months a&o by a
12-year-old purse snatcher.
Ban 011 1'opless
Before Council
A new municipal ordinance banning
tople:Ss and bottomless entertainment in
nightclubs and restaurants 'A'ill have a
first reading tonight before t h e
Westminster City Council.
Taken from a model ordinance dra'A'n
up 'by attorneys for the League of
California Cities. the new Jaw !ipecifically
prohibits "the displ ay of female breasts
and private parts."
II must be read for a second time and
adopted at the next city council mttling
before it becomes lalv.
Neither topless nor bottomless en·
tertainment is currenUy featured within
the Westminster city llmits, according to
Lt. Jack Essex, of the Westminster
Police Department.
Students Guests
At Rotary Group
Sixty foreign 1tudents currently at-
tending Golden ·West and Orange Coast
colleges were guests at an lntemaUonal
dinner recently held by Rotaract, a new
Rotary-sponsored service organi1.ation at
Golden Wast
Rotaract's parent a:roup., the Hun-
tington Beach Rotary Club, pretented the
charter to the first president, Rick
LaVassuer. a freshman business major
from Garden Grove.
Golden Weit College has seven foreia:n
students this fall from Briti•h Honduras,
Canada, Thalland, Israel and China.
Orange Coast College has mnre than 60
foreign st.udent.s.
lluntingtou School
Trustees Skip !\feet
There will be no meeUng of the Hun·
tington Beach City ,School District
Celement.acy) Board ot Trustees .
Trustt;:s will hold lheir next regular
mettll\I on Dec. t. A special meeting list
week, at which Feb. JO was set as the
date foe an election changing bond in·
t.erest ratea, flnilhed ihls month 's
Poland 1'alks Asked
WARSAW !UPI) -Wut G<rmany lo-
day oHlciolly proposed poliUcal t1IM wllh
Poland. tM PoUsli M:WI agency PAP ao-
mu Decoration eom.t.
· Folir cateaor!., ,.m tie C<lllteoled In thto
1-dlvlaion aod three In lhe business
division.' Homea: w1ll ~ competing for
top honors hi =-t rtllaious. best Christ·
mas scene, mast unU1Ual and Santa spe·
cial. Buainesa categories are best windo,,.
decoraUon, best indoor and outdoor dee·
oraUon and belt dtcorated shopping cen-
Deadline for entries is Dec. 17. Entry
blanks are available at the community
center, ci_ty hall, Securit_y Pacific Bank,
Crocker Citizens Bink, Dr. Marvin Ad·
ler's office and FountaJn Valley Fire
Plaques and certificates will be award·
ed to the best dressed homes and busi-
ntSSeS, A special award will also be pre-
sented to the be&t cooperative neighbor-
hood deC!lration,
Tim Eeary Can't
Stand 2 Trials;
County Backs Off
Dr. Timothy Leary and his family SllC·
cessfully appealed fl.fonday for a delay of
their Orange County Superior Court trial
with the convincing argument that they
can't be in two places at once.
Dr. Leary, 4V, Rosemary Leary, 33, and
son John Bush Leary, 20, are currently
facing poSsel>slon of narcotics charges in
New York city.
Thtlr trial here stems from the filing of
similar charges in Laguna Beach last
Dec. 26
Judge Samuel Dreizeq delayed the trial
until Jan. _19. He noted that the family
has filed appeals agaimt the recent re·
jection in the same court of the Leary's
motion for suppression of evldenct.
Laguna Beach officers booked the LSD
cultist and his family after allegedly
discovering drugs in Or . Leary's parked
station lvagon.
Story Hom· Set
At Library Am1ex
A story hour program on Saturdays at
10 a.m. for children from five to seven
has been started at the Huntington Beach
library annex on the Eader Park
grounds, Banning Avenue v.·est or
Bushard Street.
Mrs. Kay Caine, library assistant , said
the annex story hour on Tuesday for pre·
school children would continue.
The library is next to Eader School and
has a large collection of adull non-fiction
v.·orks in addJtion to books for children
and a collection of records for juniors.
The library hours are 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.,
Monday through Thursday and Saturday
from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The facility is clos·
ed Fridays and Sundays.
James Pontius
Funeral Friday
Funeral services for James R. Pon-
tiu!I, 7~. of 704 Yorktown Ave .. Hunting -
ton Beach will be conducted at I p.n1 ..
Friday at Smith 's Mortuary. Burltl will
follow In Weat.rnlnsttr Memorial Park.
Mt. Pontius died Monday at Hoa1 Me-
n1or1al Hospll.al.
Mr. Pontius was an active membtr oC
the loc11 Elk'• Lod&e and had aerved 20
years &J secretary to the Orange County
Bowling Association. He hid Jived for 37
yeara In HunUnston Beach.
He ls survived by his wlft Margaret :
dauihte:r. htrs. Luella M. Di:i:on of Hunt·
lngtcn Beach: 1 sister. fo.1r1. Nelllt
Leake or Seattle. and four grandchildren,
' UC Regents Ask
'Status Report'
On Angela Davis
BERKELEY (UPI) -Ur.iversity of
California regtnta; have ordered a "statWI
report" in January on the teaching
perfonnance of UCLA instructor Angela
Davis, UC President Charles J. Hitch
1alc! Monday.
But Hitch denied that the regent!
ordered creatiori of a special campu~
committee to review the perfonnance of
Miss Davis, an admitted member of the
Communist party.
Hitch said Miss Davis' teaching
abilities were discussed at last week 's
regents meeting in San Francisco, ''but it
is not'tnie" Chancellor Charles Young of
t:CLA "was ordered to conduct a review
of her performance."
The university president said Young
told the regents existing campus pro-
cedures "provide for a thorough review
<lf her perfgrmanct" and he intended to
make cse of them. Hitch said the regenLs
then ordered a status report at the ir
January session.
Miss Davis,-a Z5--year-old Negro. was
hired on a twc>-year contract as a
phlloeophy instructor last spring. The
regents ordered her fired after she ad·
mitted being a member of the Com·
munist party, but •Los Angeles superitl'r
court judge overturned the dismissal.
W reek Victim
Remains Critical
Very critical Is the "'ay nurses still
described the condition of a Huntington
Beach woman today. nearly 48 hour~
after she and her husband were injured
In a Costa Mesa auto collision.
Mrs. Judith McQuaid, 21 , of 9332
Velardo Lane, suffered a concussion and
multiple lacerations Sunday night \Yhen
the small car driven by her husband
Thomas, 23, was struck broadside.
The era.sh at Newport Boulevard and
Fair Drive sent the fl.1cQuakl auto boun·
cing over the second car involved , caus-
ing it to topple a traffic signal on the cor-
Both were taken lo Costa ti1esa
Memorial Hospital, where the husband is
in fair condition.
A bandit, wearinc a paper bq with eye
slits, Monday held up a Westminster
fried chicken restaurant and fled with
$1,170 in cash after lockin& tije manager
and a woman employe in tht walk-in
William D.' Allen, mabaaer o{ the Keft
lucky Colonel, 7051 Westmluter Ave.,
said the robber knocked at the back door j~t before opening time at 11 :05 ·a.m.,
confronted him with a .22: caliber riDe
and told him to put the money in a paper
As he left, he locke~ Allen and bis
fellow employe, Carol Lemerahdi, into
the freeu:r, police reported.
He came back a feW minutes later,
Notice of Zone
01ange Okayed
\Vhen a public hearing for a proposed
zone ch3'.1ge is set, each citizen of Foun·
lair. Valley living within 30 feet of that
properly will be notified of tht. hearing by
The city council has given final ap-
proval to the action initiated by the plan·
ning commission. The counC:i1 also di-
reC'led the planning staff to mall such
noti ces to an appropriate number of
affected residents if none live within 300
feet of the property.
The city had stopped mailing su'cb
notices several months ago when it was
discovered that many residents were not
receiving them. Stan Mansfield, city
planning director, sai d his staff will in·
sure this time that the letters go to the
correct people. In addlliu.1. the city will
continue to post public hearing notices on
the property.
Paul Jones New
Oerks' President
'Huntington Beach City Clerk Paul
.Jones has been elected president of the
Southern California City Clerks Associa·
ti on.
Jones 1vill be installed d u r i n g
ceremonies Feb. 27 at the Sheraton
Beac h Inn. Huntington Beach. He is cur·
rently fir5t vice president of the 231 ·
member group and also serves as an.Of-
ficer o( the National Association of City
499 Exit Pla1ae i.1a 90 Seeo1ads
ordered Allen out of the freezer llld
demanded a cardboud chicken )¥::bt to
put the money in \)efore lockinc hbn up
again , police reported.
Drums Not Legal
As Trash Cans
Huntington Beach residents were warn-
ed again today that the use of 55-'allon
oil drums a.s refuse containers 11 no
longer legal.
Brander Castle, aS!iistant city ad-
ministrator, pointed out that since Nov. I
the city's refuse collector, Rainbow
Dl9potal Co., hu bee-.1 unable to pick up
truh from the heavy containera under
the city's new laws.
'"Too many back injuries t!SUlted from
lifting the heavy drums," Ca1Ue pointtd
Smaller drums, no larger thu JS
gallons are allowed jf when loadtd with
r~fuse they do _not exceed the 80-pound
lunJt specifi ed 1n the city contract with
the colfectors, Castle saJd.
60 in Audience
At Drug Lecture
About l50 persons: listened to e narcot1CI
officer and a former drug pusher talk tn
Santa Ana Monday night at the flnt
meeting of PANIC (Parent Ant I.
Narcotics Information Committee).
No decision was reached on how to
combat drug abuse in the schools was
reached. but a five-man coordinaUng
council was selected.
The group was formed by ~!rs. Carlton
flinz or Fountajn Valley to fight what she
termed the "high . use of drugs 1n Joc1I
schools." Paren ts from Fountain Valley,
Santa Ana , Orange and Seal Btacb al·
tended .
I Police Chief to Tell
Depart111ent Progress
Police Chief Earle Robitaille will
outline progress made in his department
to the Huntington Beach-Fou.ntain. Valley
Board ol Realtors at 8 a.m. tomorrow.
The Huntington SeacllU Country Club
.breakfast meeting will find the chief
outlining his reorganization plan for the
UPIT .........
The Boeing 747 passes F.4.A evacuaUon tests per-
formed at Seattle, Wash. A lolal of 499 persons lcfl
the plane through four of the fi ve exits on one side
o! the craft within 90 seconds. The tests were con·
ducted in total darkn&ss except !or the plane's
emergency H1hts. In thl! photo some of the 4911 In
the test mlll around outside or two of the exlt slides
.. ' ........ ' ..
• • • S.ddl ' ,. . ' . . ' .. . '
. " .. ' ~:~~Big' --h . . ..,
·~· ....... · •
TUE~AY, NQ~.21,d969 • llN CENTS' . .
. • I. •• ,.
, , I • •, .· arcotic.s
. ' .. ... .. .
' > Nanda Kumar. Du -!otmerly Craig
Jo9'1'b.ol !-Muna ~etch -sai~ he turn-
ed troin lhe. me of mochedeUc dl'uia to ~ i -which ~e leqiae.d ' not a
rell&i9n tlut.a culLul'.f. • ,_ t.)
:Dal .avolda ,!be UM ol hit legal ·liilflo
•J1"]!t .(or ,ollnln&. itieW. f"! "iatilea
matlers. · u o.' ,..._. • -· ho Aid -no .:!""· 'rir'.or ltilllll8 ;,.tiei\ ~fulr.;,!OJI bOj. ' : ..
Jlfl iftd·ti•e olhen live ·1n lift olcrliMe ..... ' (l!ei IBJl!!IN"-Pqj,,11 . :
J': I • ' -4 ' ' ,. ' .
' ' .
Germ ·Warfare
..... -~ -· ' Will·· Limit . .
Question ,Settled'l
Lib~~ry .E~pansion .O:K·'d Res,earch
To Defense
t • , 'DAl~Y ,IL~T .IMll ........
. Uptempo Devoti;n to Deity in • 1939 Chevrolet P'c.kup
. I
. ~-· J ~ J{ ~· ~·. I ' ·~·1, ' ., ,; , :,· ' • , • • -1· ·-. ~. '
, , r • ~ ) ;. • '¥ ~, ' 9jl , 'J .I . ~r .\-. ~~ . ··~ fJ ......... ,p, "". '·
. • • ... • " -1 ') •. -' ... . , ' J . .
Laguna ~ach councilmen Monday O'Sullivan said Allen ls concerned that
unanimously agreed to expand the counLY. I.ht problem be solved as ql!Jckly as
library building al ils present sJte by possible.
aban<lonnig a Segment of Park Avenue Councilman IUchard Go1dberg com·
and acquirini the adjacent triangle of mended the library committee. and said
property. he had always felt \hlL the .present loca·
The acuOO may settle i. community uon· ts in the hf.It tnterena of the city.
tug-of-war ulat endured for >years · over He .said ·he was ~treued •t. the ~Uy w~e '"'bilierrUbraqi ~ .lllou!d , ~ ~~t •-~•i!f,J¥,N!1Uon
tit: t1 ~!·,If'.' l ~#it). ··~q1 1!1 'llnoolti:~.·· 1 •• 'Ti i ~.t~ r]",I• •'
--•-' •··-fol ' "iled ·~ "hrni;. Mann -"P>e ~~ -" "•r·-· '-,,.: iodenlWI; , '. blllloflf ~c:.=..~: La~¥"'11')' {tC<!l'l""li/M itllt 1bild,~'~ 11 I
second choice. , It bis now ricommendtd
the expansion at the praent, !ocatlon.
Ma)'or Vedder defended the firm 11 ''try.
ing to give a valid analysis."
1' I ,• ' ~ WASHmGTON (AP) -'-'Pmldent !Ill<· Before the Third Street 1lte wu chosen
unanimously b~ councilmen tn February, on renounced tod•y any resort to ''"'
the Laguna Beach Civic Leaiu• backed warfare IOd pramtsed to deatri>y utltlq
the planning copsuliuta, ]>llllcitlarly tlte s~U.. ol,bacterlologlca! ~-· • ·
-1t.,ia;}_ln,'.;o;!ioi~ :••tor~~ 1,He-also ..,......_....,!Int Ult Ill' Iba lri~ ~~· ~m, .; Ualtid .s1a~·o1 _chemlcl!· __ Iba\
'lion oppooad ~a~;r"" , ' 'a' """paoltalo, II w,U U U!I* 1llit ~ •'' · • ' It) l• ldll I ,
l • , !"'' . . 'N&in toil! '.neoln,.. tboi bnltecr -P·lannf!,dl or Early.March
Unilied School
In effect It overturns a unanimous Feb.
5 council decl&lon to .. place tbt library
on 1a !J'hlrd,Street slte. ~The actlon tea't'tS
many 'detalb to bt! -keel' out;witli the
cminty whlCh i'ents ~the pretenl 1;ooo..
squa re-foot slt'e from the city. The pres-
ent building also houses Jie chamber
of copunerce which is guaranteed olClce
V.Ci' $ A·iomic ReactOr
·~ iie>.t employ aetin ' warfjre .... if ID eoem)' wert 'to (lo 9J.
He, alJo ann0.nctd that future pem. nlent reae.mh 1b the bloloalcal flelcl 'l!ill
be limited, to defensive ,measW'tl u:b 11
a.seircb for Jnimunl~Uon1 ~ Acbtst
eenn weapons others ~t use •.
Voters in the Capistran
District will cast their tballlt& for or
against a tax .override In ta~lf'.March.
After considerable dlseuision, the
Board of Trustees decideJ on ·lbe March
date 1and ·voted to keep a' ' year time
vie\v .stating that the district cannot ig-
nore the exploding population and the
area ~i growth ,
Ar~tng ror anleartY election, -he said.
"When' I go to bat,l Qon't want ohe sttlke
against me. I want to be able ta lake all
space in Perpetuiiy,, ., .J
Qu.,Uoned /about the Monday couocll
acUon, City Manager James n .:Wheaton .
said It presupposes that about 15,900-add l-
Uona1 feet of library building w;ould be
a"ded 'to. tbe e:s:is;ting structure.
Go~s Into Operation
limit on the override. . ~.
U the measure fails ii\ Marcil, the
dislnct can then schedule \tnotner elec-
tion for June but their timinj· will have t.o
be precise. There is a Jaw .lstitthig· that
such elections can only take 1place every
90 days.· The-Mardi. elettlon wi l haye ~0:.
take'p1aoe 90 days before dte, JUnc 11
'lbe Citizens Ad\'jsory Committee sW-
dytng the district.'s budgetary liteds had
recommended the elecUon.for J40e.
Art Holmes, committee chpirman:
stated that .June had· been . '4el~te!1
because the committee be.Jie'led the
measure would ha've a better ~ tD
paSs for the sai:ne. reason ,the .oyerrld~
, had ·~n recomm·ended 'for no la ~than
one .year. , \'.
Suyerintendent 'Truro~ .B e n e· q i c t
argued that the election should ,be held a.s soon u · :posSible · so ~at . tht· .ad-
mlni.Stratlon• would oot ,have to pfepal't
dual budgets. He also st8tt?d .tha} ~
ovtrrlde ·sbOuld ndL ~\le a tlme1 limit
sloce arOher election might .have tQ' take
pl~e when the time llirtit elapsed . ~
. Ch'ai-les Dargan, a member of t~ au-
di~noe, supported the adminlslra~on's
I .
S~hoonei' BU.1·ru4
Sinks at Island
! . ~ '
I'( ~foot 'f_h>on!'f v•l'!"I. ~t $llS,ioo
caught fire and sank at her moorlngs ~n
Catalina Island's Isthmus Harbor eaAy
today. I , ."I {
Al Pierce representing the district's
teache(I said ,lhat because of a Ia Ck · of
funds tJle district had reduced the junior
higli educa\ion by )4 perCent and the
senii::ir hlgh educaUon byil!h'perctnt.
A In· urging the earliest possible. election,
P~fce said the a4minlflratlon . n~ed
tjme-to pjan, fhat the di$'.i~f.S J.ibfary
materials · wer~ substandilql~ t'h at
remedial teachers were neede<I and that
·a. compeUUve salary. schedule was
necessary to ail\Bct teachers to the
district. He pointed out that Ule district
has tbe lowest saht~ schedule in the
county and that teachirlg morale was'lpw.
AldFich SCores ' . . . .
' '
DiSinissal .~ll . ' ~ .
vei:o,a'l\C.t!llor Dalllel c. 'Mir!~~. Jr .•
today said he saw "no basJs'J lO'i-fhe-Tus-
tin r Union ·lilgh School District's 'resolu-
tioil Ca!ling!for his dlsmlsul tiy the'Board or Regent!. • · - . ..
T.he high school b0ard1 .meeting Mon.
day hight, voiced unanlinous .declaritlon
·to -stand -by iUf earlier rfSOlutloD "'f'-·a re~9hitio!11 ,temn;ting from corilrnents• al·
l'!g~y made by Aldrich in •a: ta~ OCL
11.• · ' ' · I ; ·
An erroneous central coUnty OeWsP.per
account said that Aldrich bad defended
the use of four-letter words by the cam-
pus student newspaper. "The paper ;Jater
retracied.the report. • ··
Asked whether t'tie ·city or county would
oirn 'the huJJdJn(: Wheaton 58..ld this is
among1 matly detalls ·to .be worked ou!.-
Another .quesUon mark is the . melhod
of financing: C~uncilmen hope the county
will finance :the p'roject or much of It to
a Vold ttie:expl!nse' (1nterest) of · flhanclilg
through the lease-back , method using a
non-profit corporaion.
Maj'Qr GleM Vedtler, whO orfered the
successful ttbrary motion, ·said Monday:
"No money can be spent in Orange
County,-that's county money-un1es.s the
board of supervisors says speclfically
that you can whether it's for an all4ay
sucker or a $10 million building."
Vedder also said briskly, "We're. here
to ·lake action on the triangle o( prop-
erty, thert'r! ~n ~ugh tafk.'9' H~ said
after, the mee_tlng that the Ubrary talk
hJls Deel) golnJ .oh since IIM. ·
VeildE!r sald..,the. county ·librarian has ag'reed tO reCamtnend to the ·· board • of su~isors thai ft spind PS(t,Ol'.I01induitly
ort i. La~na · Be~Ch library. ' • · ·
the ~ncll itction _set aalde $5'.IXX> for
entering escrow on the 5i991 square feet
of tliangle that is · owned ·by James
Schmitz and ·Richard Burt. The action
brOught applause from 1 the audience at
the bril!I< aciJourned meeting. .
At the urgina; df CounC!lman Chari.ton
Boyd, the otayor. or .his· de•lgnee ,-11
authorized to carry on. the negotla~ons
wilh tht county. .
Vlce Mayor Joseph O'Sullivan said he
had. talked with John Klllefer, aide to
Alton Allen, fifth district 5Uper'Vl19r.
UC 'lrvine's ' atomic reactor -the first
in ~ world to b;e operated by a u¢ver·
ally depar1m•n\ o! ch<lnlstry and the !Int
reactor in Oranie County :-·was placed
into' operaUOn today. · ·
Scientists bepn the day-Iona: process
this momlna:, of l91ldl ng uranllim·zireon-
ium hydride alloy fuet Into the reactor
The fuel ~ were lowered 20 feet
throu.1h · CO'ltflil clear waler, which acts
as a radiation shield, 'into the reactor
core .lit the bot.tom of a 26.000 gario,; tank
In the basement of the , phfaica! sciences
Prof. F. S. Rowland, chairman of the
department· of chemlstry and head of the
reactor 1prqj~t, ,aald It will be a week
or mor.e be(or,e the device 11 In full opera-
tion and ready 1 to beglnr ··i:ese~rch into
basic questions of' •'hot itoni" chemistry.
Research funqs · are·. pi'avlded by the
AIQ:nic Energy COmmlss~n. ,
Tho r<actoo ls a TRIOA M;lrk -I, built
and lnstOlledo ..,... a 139$,IOI contract
with Gui; General Atomic of Sin Diego.
A prttiC1pa1 feature ol' the .'1elaUvely
small resUrch · rNctor ls. -Its inherent
safety, uCr offlelaJi,sald. . .
When ,the fuel mchea certain tempera·
ture levels, the .react91' ra[l~~ly returns
to a tawer,·safe power level, without re-
quiring· either man1,1al or apton}aUc_ ,ron-
trol de•l11t1. ,tbey u platoed. · ,
When Iii fulf oper1Uon, the TRIG·A· wlU
have a steady state power level of 250
thermal kilowatts and wUI be capable
of .brlef pulsu o! 250,000 kllowalla. It will-
emtt a 1low llgbllng up tbe poal, area
. ' Why ,Grade J.l.es.trictip~s? 'ftle ' sehoOner '"fi,fajOCUc : .Schwall''
owned by·· ~rte· :~t':";g~n . b~ "'fUlari,
caught hre In Ute 'eQgipe ·~IJl. TJu·~ · ' · . · ::&J11T:'~~~~ b[~rta;i,1:;Y~ ~"~ . , T:r,liste q-Hits f oJ(C.Y, .q~i ,~.~nt. Qfficers . ' schoofler's wafer llne. · " . , . ,. _._ • .i
The bo3t sank .to 20 feet' or wal.cr · By BAU .4.IU KREIBICH distasteM 'to 'rli:e."·' • . . 1 • in. order .lP hold~!" 'asked DOUJW!ll. ·
I I 11 . . " ' ..... ""~·-' > • .. u-··· '""'·he ..... chec•-' ,1a1e •loo> ' eout-~--"'-' ---oald 0s~'l"~,!~,. 19, , .ret~ed,j!!SJ!r.~ ,;..~ ' 'A SM41eba~l< CO\lefe =· , ' elm!~&· . t~-~oiind ;;'~"'aiionai 11>11 ,,,:;:,;oi' ~cai.'.~~ of
eciJUve1'181cr ,be tried' to puJ 10ie. .nimes ' , ed ~u~entl" .MonGa1 ~gl;it I. the .~ulremta&a •at all , for -~ldaie1 fol-·:r~rca~tt·· a~~.~ app~t1~
out.. ~* the h~f drove hJm o.verboard. 1. ju~C;t ';o! requiring, ca~ldil .~~\¥ ·;'lil· govemment-Qffice, ''l'~ ;r:.--c-;.-:~ He sWa~. ashore lo find help.. , derlt ·g~ment offie!I to have 11,2.0 (C) "I agree with your . ·phlJOsophy, •: low gldes· can t,m1t bta.stuctenl s being Th~ s(:flooner sank at 2 a.m. "' grade PJtnt 8'\erage. ', ·, 1 Bothwell replied, "but the ~uestlon is the placed 1 On probatlOn or, . eventu:aJly. · ' ~. The ~sion 111 included in the ntW stltdent'1 abUtt.1. to wty on .hia studies llismlssed~ Bre~ explained. . '
Stef!lc Mnrket
. NEW YORK (AP) The iltock market
it.aged a midday show Of strength, but it
quickly waned late today. (See quota·
lions, Pages 10-11).
Prtces.dlpped in early trading', ho1dllic
to the pattern Of the previous ll•sesslona,
and then f~med.
I ••
l -
student' ¢Mtltutlon oa which students alOng with stuaeot 1'&0Yetnment .dqttes: NO ~luskln w11 readied in the arade
'will vote Dec. 14. 1 MOit of· us flnd!tbM. our lfadtl go dowo polrrt dltcUUlon, which aroee rrom an ' "Wlir li'6v, ant provision aboUt grade when we ar< Involved In lludent, Sovm> earljer ~ reprd!oc vottnl rJCbtl. '
pOinti 9ver..ges?" trustee Pat Backus ask-ment.'' " 1 _ ., • , • • The ~ bad ~ a draft ol
ed student body -!dent John BollrweU. Backus pursued ·the • u ·b J tc h their · ~. 900tltll·•'-lo ...... ". "It .,..,,., to,,:;--; lludent with • 1.7 "Somelimes 11uc1eo11Jrlod lheJ,de•bell<I' board I~ o1 the ti,;,,11er ~ ~.v~tCould concelvabty be as good a when they carry more units. TbeY Mve . ._and lmited·LruMea: to 'oomment.
student gtvernment offtcer u a 4.0 (A) &o'organlze their Ume.11 \ After clartncauon · of a few minor
'ortudtnl. ' "Is It no1 admlnlstr1lloo pollcy that polnta a qaotlJon •-r<lli'Cllo& a pro-
"lt's Your buslne111, but Its ju•t lludentl mual bave a good grade averaae , (let l'l\1DBNTI, , ... I)
• _..,.
-,, . • ,
near the fuel elemeiit' and will be easily
vlslble through the clear water above.
The fllellrJg today wmi cloeety monitor-
ed by the Atomic Enef&Y Commillloo,
which licenses the facllity.
Lagl.llla's Little·
Nuisance Slated
To Be Ended Soon
You might call It Laguna's UUle
nuisance -three and five eighths tncbes
to be exact.
(;tydt! Z. 'Springe; City' plaiµtlng and
building dlreelor, 6"""' tlie problem to
be ".re~IVed soon bi the 00.nf Of ad-
justment 19· ~i~en. can~forge;t.al!M
tt . . . . "
· lt involves the 3 511 lncb·eocroichinlnt
of a .hOUle o~ by' Mr .. mid Mn. ky
Tucker' Into the sideyard -bl-their p;operiy·
at 428 ShadOw ·Lane.
spring ' told counCllme'n . thit the
Tucken made appJlcaUop to Md ~ ICreen
wall ana 'qihe~·: ~na. but ~e~ 1~d
tlte bounds auihcirhed lnclUdlni a ~
Ing room and bathroom. An ordtr ta>atop
work was pocted. The Tuckers were
traveling. They're b&ck now with iurvey
re perts. -. • . "Three and five e!lhthi biches. ~;de
you make me laugh," saJCl-Tucller at the
recent council session. Springe dkfn't lau~h but 'thought the matter oouJd· be
resolved. Councilmen1 CO(llkrued their
public hearinl on the nliisance a1iln lDltll
Dec. 17 to see II IU• . ' . .
t • ' I
\. ~ ..
SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. Jl1<ll waeanll
today ·RP~ ~rfDI. ~vlilf .dln-ners for 45Cl,118 AmeriCan troopa ,ln ·Solidh
Vletnmn !wit.Ii the. pton\Jee that all w°'*f
get a hot meat · : The: m<oitl lnc!Uded ohrbnp .coclltall,
roalll .turkey, pavy, combmd ........,,.
mulled · ,..._, -potatoio, hot
rblla, lnilt<allt, -and llUlrlltldn
pl•, ...arted lnllt and nuts and iandl•.
The food was ..-,.... montlll
&llO!·ll.14' JIO"nda" ohrtmp, 11,4111-
ol pumpkin, lt,116 pounda•ol lrulloltt
and 2,317,MI pounda <f tmny.
.The l'relldetit, In a · lolJllal Ila~
Aid, he WU !akin& I •riet of· 1110Ye1 in
the ~ica;I. hlderioJogj~ area.u "ID
inWaUve toward peaceJ' 1 .
Ta!klni lirlefly to re~;~ aaJil ho
bellev., his actlon.s win sharply r.duce
the possibility that any chemical or amn
weapons ever will be used ~ any ilation.
Nixon i;<alfirmod ~ U.S.
renuOclaU"'11nl the an&•# of ,lotllal
chemlcal weaponi' ana, !or the finl -.
extended tbla .....mc!atliJn 'to !lrll ... o!
chemicals ' wllJCh, '1---'••ton wiiltod tllllng. ' .........:---• ., ·~
Tl\e President asked . the Senate to promP!,r,' ral!iy a' 1915 Gelteva j>rotDcol prol)lbl~ tlie 'llnl ... lii,"'81' " ..... Pltl"illlnc, ~l•cr 'olbtr p.;. •Gd
ol bacterjo~cal ihethods of Watflre." s_en. Mui< N:Wfleld (0.Mont.); tho
mijority 1.ac1er~ said ho 'will -to llaTe
the 'ajreement ratllled. liy the Sonata tldi year'.
~t .1Vould add gas' and germ warfare
to ah a1re1Cly clogged Senate~ llchlmle.
with liis tflab 'one mohlh of 'Uwl.e.son rtonilntnl. . ·, I f ,
Nh<on-alto sald tlte Unlled Stalaa:wu J<li!!nl ·~ Iii .-Sltni, llMI! with I~ prlqclp~ ahd ol>~veo o1 a'Brltilli-
-"" prOpooed conveotli>a·to'ban tlti
ute or blolOllcal methods of 'ifarfare.
""'1110r, Nlxoo .hid be bas oiilied tlti
Defenoe ~t ""''lllUe recom-
nlenclaHons.aa tO tlte d._r ol exlstfnl
stocks ol liaelertoio.teal •-·" W!iltt H:ouse 'llOW'Ct!I ... 14, ,.this meanti 'MJcl!
otodplles wm "' ~·~ '
Weadlel' ' ; There'll be a letup In ~ .. st.,.
ly winds w~. bul the .,.,..
'!"Y l'w ll<f;up 'i)lln ,.. about 77
deareOs alont tJ/e. cONI lll>d a further inland. ' .
• • Member of tlle> Order elf f~f
Britbla Empire John Lennon to-
day oave the ~n his mtdal
~k -. but Buc.ldnoham ~qce , Obo had an apt1 com.bGci for.
the BeatZ.'1 ,pro.,at Storti Pa.Qe
4. ' .
~ 1...! c.;a II ·-"·· --E:.~ i . ...... , .. ,. -" .... ....,.,, 1) -. __ ..
. . . .
.. ~ . -
~-= ~ --. .... , .. 1. = .......... II
" ' . -. E:i:...J f
1 • •
, DAILY ftl\.OT \. Tut-=', N•• tl, 2'. l• "('...,?
:Latin Visi-to~ ".
• Brazilia1i Attend.mg Sciddleback , . ...-·. . • ( • < I ... , . ;\ 11111wr ...-.. -._,"' u.i·· tinKed States •15eclult, tie has the de11lre r.
to learn ind an Interest in Mar1Pe
Biology" ls Saddleback COiiege'• flht
fQnip-l Antonio P1ulo Assis de fl.1oraes, who
h11~ta.ken on the eborter Americanized
ntJrlt of P1ul1 reskta with Mr. and Mrs.
Ervin Wri&ht in fl.11aaion Viejo. He
becamt acquainted with the Wrights tl!"!UP their dlughter,'S\llll!, who,..,
ILlllped u 1 Peece Corps worker in '
A pleasaol,, friendly 20-yeaMld youth,
P1ul is a .ioqa student who finds his c:."' at Sad;dleback .tcadtmically serious
"Studenta here are tnore interested Jn
rw-n~ wblle h\ the clasm>orns than in IYt eo.mtr,/' he commented In nuent
· ·U. odded Uiat he believes U.S.
have more general knowledae.
llaried worlllna with U.S. Peace ::~ / pa iou:MI in .his country about
1Sft; ~rs ago and this led to his in· >f-1 in UM 'U.s:
l,.a.t year he was employed wUh the
Ptk'e Corps training program in
P~Jvania teaching Portuguese for 11
weeks. •
)..fter returning to Brazil , he began to
:nike plans for a rdurn trip to the U.S.
ts I student.
P1ul'1 -e ii in RecUe. th< third
largest city tn Btatil, located about five
niles frtlm the ocean. He says he misses
:he wanner water of Brazil beaches and
M "inexpensive" )obste!-.
-Paul has three brothers and seven
listers. His f@ther ii al90Ciated with
~-Uoivenlty in R«Ue.
&rezll'• Attl• dt Mor•••
Paul studied English in high school, but
it was out of the classroom lhat ~ gain·
ed a thorough knowledge of the language.
Paul became conversant in English by
talking with Peace Corps workers.
Al Saddleback Paul takes notes In
English and Portuguese in classes, "but
Engiish most of the time,••
Paul believes the Peace Corps is a
g~at idea , ;,~1ore American students
should apply," he said. "They benerit by
working in foreign countries'' ·-a
philosophy Paul is following by attending
Saddlebiick College.
From Pqe J
' :ecommendatJons aod favored 'expanalon
ll the existing site.
Dlrtcton: of Friend!: of the Llbrary had
·icommended one of the sites chosen by :fie pl1Ming conaultantJ, "1'hlchever could .i; first implemented.
l.ibtarian CWford Cave had criticized
fir1als Slated
' For Volleyball
" •ll'oornament finals In the volleyball
tiiaue sponaored by the Lal\lfla Beach
«reaUOO. department will be held from
·tot p'.m. Wedneeday in the boys' gym
ti th< high ldloOI. 1'11 aevan teams parUcipatinll in the
1etnUy terminated league play will
.., the-double ellminaUoo tournament.
at}' champ in this year's league is \he
1'htee Arch Bay team, coached by Tom
Jrtgo to an undefeated six wins.
:Pllycn included Tom Wells, Bob
r1:1tell, Dan M1cFarland, Bob Hogan.
'O(er Oii, P,hll Ander.on, Bo Boeck,
Ary Johneon, Sandy Nosier, Larry Ham·
nack and Nick Woodbury.
Final Jeag:ue "8ndings found TAB with
1 'flrins: Carnet Point with 5; Emerald
lay with 4; Mothers with 3; Thurston
\'itb 2 and Clfl'.> Street with l. Crescent
by was in the cellar with 0 wins, 6,
~ •
fop Saddleback
Speakers Talk
JJ'wo prize-winning studeot speakers
tom Saddllblck Colle,g will display
Heir akill for the Laguna Beach Chamber
1f, Commer~ at an 8 a.m. breakfast
~ednesday, Dec. 17. in the Hotel Laguna.
•Jlob Yount and Mike Stoddard, who
mi flnt and fourth places, respectively,
ri 'tht novice oral-interpretation division
If the Riverside City Colle11e Forensic
~ent, will be presented by their
l\lltUd<JI', Dr. Doyle G. McKinney,
Mitman ol Saddleback's line arts
l>r. McKinney also will participate in
he program, speaking on "The Function
if Literlture."
11tl I Y L'lif\I .
~ CQU1 l"\llletfflNO COll\~H•
l•'*t N. W11' _ .. _
JHl l. C1.J1Y v... ,,....... ... Gt!otrll #ilMttt
~ the planning report-consultants did not
interview librarians-and recommended
the present site. .
The city planning commission "baCked
the plaMlng consult.ants' recommenda·
A county study on'\ library 1iles show11
that the existing site upanskln will add
up to 22.491 square feet or land. This in·
eludes 7.153 square feet gained from
abandoning Park Avenue's segment;
5.966 square feet frOm the Schmlb:·Burt .
property; and 9,372 8quare feet at the
· exis~ing site.
Craft Fair Set
For Do·wntown
The Craft Guild of Laguna Beach will
spo11sor its third annual pre-Christmu
~air from 10 a,m. to dusk Sunday, Nov.
30. on El Paseo iii downtown Laguna.
In past years the fair has been
pre~ented on the festival of Arts
grounds. Th is year, to make the exhibits
more accessible lo visitors, the city coun·
cil has agreed to permit the closing ol the
block·long street running from S. Coast
High'll'ay to Laguna Avenue, parallel with
the boardwalk.
There will be no admission charge to
the fair, which wiU feature a number of
\\·or king exhibits manned by top Laguna
area craftsmen r.nd displays of work by
many olhers.
Tom Leslie, grounds manager and
Andrew Frary. communlty a ff a Ir s
chairmen, are in charge of the presen·
tat ion,
County Economy
Meeting Topic
The e<"Onomy of Southern California
and its future, with special emphasis on
Orange County, will be the topic of the
day for the Friday lunch:on meeting of
the Laguna Beach Rotary Club.
Speaker \V. 0, Lindstrom, sen ior vice
president for Southern California of the
Crocker~itizens Nati onal Bank will ad-
dress the Rotarians at the noon session
in Hott! Laguna.
Lindstrom, an oUicer of Citizens Na·
tional Bank of Los Angeles, became
1enior vice iWtsldent of Southern
C<tllfornia operations after the merger of
Cll izens Bank with Crocker National 1
Bank ol San FrancisC'O.
Two matters Involving tnobile home
parkr were tabled rfor further study at
the Mondoy night meeting or the San
Juan Capbtrano City Council.
Jam., McCall appealed 1 pl~
commlsalon <klifM denYlftC a1>Uftlit for
a mobile bollie 1>1rk off DelJlblsPO S-t
near tM Baptist Owrch: The~on
denied the pennlt on graunds that the
land could not be developed for adequate
Or. Phyllis Shalrunan upheld the p!af}.:
ners' dectsloa II a letter to the· t'OUnell
st.Ung that if· the council &l'IDted the
pennit they would be violaUna ·the cur ..
rent mortatorium on •trailer parks.
She further stated that the whole
moratorium was on lrailer park 1pplica-
trailer park study commJtt.tt apppolnted
by the mayor would be a mockery and it
would be ridiculous for them to continue.
Councilmen pointed out that the
moratorium was on traler part 1pplica·
lions and that this particular trailer park
application had been made prior to the
The matter was referred back to the
staff for a recommendation.
The cowtcil also deferred action on the
possible u&e of the city sewer ~ by a
mobile home park oulside the city limit5.
If the city allows such use, the park
might be annexed to the city at a later
date. The council would then have to
decide whether or not such act ion would
fall inside or oulside the limits of the
Another matter detoured for the third
time was action on whether the Lions
Club or the American Legion would take
charge of a building in one of the city's
park sites.
Both groups have indicated an interest
·in r:naintaining the building as a
The council did decide that the cfty
would connect ut11ities and repair the roof
for whichever group will become the
f'rom Page I
on Woodland Drive, One room has betn
converted to an altar with candles,
Oashlng lights and color pictures,
The group chants, thumps a drum and
uses other Inst ruments in lively uptempo
devotion to its delty,
The religion or philosophy ls alao ex-
ported to public places and city coun·
cilmen of LafWla next meeting, Dec. 3,
will again like up the matter of whtther
the Krfshna group shall be allowed to
solicit funds in public,
The group subsists on donations and
fu,xls made selling incense to retailers.
Fund1 are used to spread the word, The
Kristina members Invite persons to the
temple to discuss life and eat curry and
other Indlan·type food s,
The group chants the Bhagavad Gita
(song"of God) from the Vedic scripture.
They go about their daily chores -
whether banking or chanting -·in an ail·
ing 1939 Chevrolet pickup truck donated
by one or the devotees,
Das said the phUosophy i! to work
more and more at ellminaUng bodily con-
sciousness and substituting spiritual con-
sciousness. '
Their appeal to drug users, said
members, is that drugs produce a false
high or illusion but that Krishna
Consciousness is the ultimate and eternal
joy. Other religions are viewed as fine.
just different perspecUves of God.
"Our prime mission Is to spread the
love of God,'' said Das. "We're trying to
become lovers of God ourselves, if
someane already loves God we wouldn 't
argue we would agree."
The philosophy began in this country,
say devotees, in the fall of 1965 when A,
C. Bhaktlvedanta Swami came to thi1
country from India on orders from his
spiritual master.
He wen t to a park and began to chant
Now there are many temples including
one in Lo.s Angeles on La Cienaga.
In tbe three months the order has been
active at the old wooden house in Laguna
Canyon, devotees said, they have turned
10 persons from drugs toward Krishna
"A person taking drugs," said Das, "ls
really looking for a meaning to life.
Drugs are only a temporary limited in-
sight. They have no real benefit. You
must provide people with something bet·
Worn1n Di11 in Piie Up Nt•r FrMway Offr•mp
Laguna W omµn l(illed,
Four Hurt in Smashup
A Laguna Hi!~ woman died and four
other per60J1S were injured Monday night
In a two-car crash at the intersection of
MacArthur Boulevard and San Diego
California Highway patrolmen pulled
the body of t.irs, Virginia Ernestine
Mowit. 69, or 802 Ronda Mendoza, from
the v.Teckage of her car. Her husband,
William, 69, was critically injured,
Also seriously injufed and on the
critical list at Costa Mesa V.emorial
Hospital today were two pa!lltngers In
the MounL vehicle, Arthur Schlfferman,
75, and his wile, Cleo, 70, of 518 Calle
Aragon, Lagwia· Hills.
Officers said John Perry, 38, of Lu
Vegas, Nev., the driver of the car which
collided with the Mount auto, suffefed
major injuries, He is listed in fair condi·
lion al Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital.
Officers said the Mount cai wu leav·
ing the freeway offramp at the time of
the crash. Perry's car was westbound on
Hearing Set £019 Capo's
Plan to Get Water Works
The Local Agency Fonnalion Com·
mission has set Dec. 10 as the date for a
hP-aring on whether or not the city ot San
Juan Caplstran1> will acquire Orange
County Water Works District 4.
Elghty·nine percent of the district lies
within the city limits however, it is the
other 11 percent which is causing the pro·
·'The city ha!i wanted to take it over
since it incorporated in !Ml," said Direc·
tor of Public Works T. J. Meadows.
"They have made an application every
He said that the initial request was
denied because Jf the city's newness but
under the district reorganization act
there are provisions stating how such a
utility transfer can be made,
"We retain James Okasaki who \Vas
formerly with the county counsel's office
to represent us," said Meadows. 4'Jf the
Local Agency Formation Commission ap·
proves the trarufer it will then go to the
Board of Supervisors. If they approve it
they can either make the transfer a fact
9r require an' election in the district
Meadows sald' that he believes the
transfer would cost the tupayen Jess
money. The only difference would be that
the city council would be the ex-officio
governing body Instead of the Board or
Although a city employe, fl.feadows is
the administrator of the district. The
county pays the city for his services, He
said that other employes would remain
co unty employes If the transfer occurred
thereby not fl}f'feiting any or their
benefits or accwnulaled time,
Lewis Sinclair
Rites Wednesday
Funeral services will be held at 3 p,m,
\Vednesday in Pacific View Chapel for
Lewis Brockway Sinclair. \vho died Mon·
day in South Coast Community Hospilal
at the age of 91,
Mr. Sinclair, who made his home at 330
Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach, is survived by
two daughters, Mrs. Ruth S, Bell of
lrvint and Mrs. Elisabeth Teet.or of
Emerald Bay, and by five grandchildren
aod 14 great grandchildren.
The Rev, Ellsworth Richardson of the
Neighborhood Congrecauonal Church,
Laguna Beach, will officiate at the
Wednesday service, which will be follow-
ed by interment at Pacific View
Memorial Park.
,.... ••••• ,11 -n-:::..:;. ':::."'"'
l ldi ..... P. Hll --'"' -Mesan Happy Hostage of Alcatraz --·-21t ~I A••·
M...., AHt"'• P.O .... tM, t261t --' <.-. "'"'' Uf"""' ..... , ... .......,911(t!rf1'11..,.,_. ... ..,.......,_
re n ala 1MU11 ••--
Of ftM Otllf ,lltl tf9fl
A Costa J\.1esan 'Vt'ho moved to the
solitude of an island recenlly to write a
book today has the company of IOO·plus
invading lodiina and not even lhe U.S
Coast Guard -let atone the Cavalry -
knoVt"1 what to do.
Glen Dodson Is under,house arrest on
Alcatraz, a happy hostage held by men,
womto and children demandin& a
JIOW"'1>W with Sttretary or the Interior
Walter J . Hickel.
So f~r Ule lime isn1t set, but the loca·
tion Sttms obvious.
Oodton, who told his homt at 181 Joann
SL to ao off In search of ad venwn, call·
ed hls brothC"r and sister-In-law Mondiy
IO ,..port he hod llnally found ll
"l think It's one of the funnle1t things I
ever heard,'' u ld Mrs. John Heyt, of 2189
Tu1tJn Ave., Coita Mesa, " ln fact , ir1
JuSl dcllghUul."
Federal authorlllts have other descrip-
tlw of the proopect of <haslna ,.....
lhan too original Amcrlcaiu around the
Writer in Search of Adventure Finds It on 'Rock'
cave.riddled rock if it comes to that.
The Hberators of Alcatraz 1rom the
General Services Administration say it
just may.
They w1nt Alcatru undQr ttnm of an
11188 treaty in which the Sioux were given
abandoned federal property, but If you
Jive those people 11 acres of rock they
may try to tlke the 49th state.
"Alaska Is next," declares Richard
Oake11, 2'. a Mohawk who has assume(f
the pruldency of the crumbling, prison
fortress whlch ls hardly • resort
11When you eee most or the reservations
in this country," say1 Adam Nordwall.
to, a ChJppewa leadC"r, ''Alcatraz looks
pretty good."
"I'm 100 pe.rcent with them." tddtd
Dodson, "These are wonderful people."
The fonner Hufhc1 Alrcr1rt chemist
who ~ame carttaker ol the bleak, bar·
rtn fonntr federal prtson cot a call
through to his relatives on the sole hot
line to the outside world.
"He was rtally excited," :sa1d Mrs,
lloyt. "he hadn't slept, for • hours, but
he said he was aetttnc 90tne fantastic
Dod9on may not be doing rnuch writlf11'.,
bl.It he 15 certainly 1•\herl.1'11 mate.rial for
one of those truth-lwtranger·lhan·flctlon
epics, alter aix days of Indian occupaUon.
Dodton's brothr wq not at home, but
hopped an Air C&lilornla plane to San
Francisco Moaclay nicht. al'te:r repeated
elforta IO rot • ,..turn c1ll through follod .
"The C.oast Guard said they haven'l
ev,,n been 1ble to gtt In touch alnce the
lndlans took over the l1Land," expl1ined
Mr1. Hoyt, who Isn't too worried about
her brother·ln·law.
"lie said he'd try to drop us a line,"
ahe added, bot newt reports from
Alcalru tndlcate DodlOll ls busy wllh
other tasks, such as helping unload boat&
carrying food and supplies.
Descendanb of red men who sat down
to the first Thanksgiving dinner appealed
today for provisions worthy of the im·
pe.nding celebration Thursday, through
their Alcatraz Relief Fund.
Another boatlo.d of supplies wu due lo
set out for occupied Alca\l'u today, after
a dellvery l\1onday w h I c h included
blankets, staple foods, Cresh waler,
medicine and even tetanus vaccine.
Tempe:ratures on the barmt rock drop
to the low tNrUe1 thl.I time or year and
doie.ns of the Indians are auf{erln1 from
colds and sore throat.I.
Some ha•e even jumped Into the
treacherous, currentrlaced waters of the
bay to help small boat.I dock and the only
he;it is from fires built or wood ripped
from old rotting ctllbl~ks.
Several children have as a result step-
F..-P,,.e l
' vision that any S1ddleback student ·lbbuld
be ,.,lnled u 1 member o{ 'the
' 4 I I t~ ·~ !¥';.-ion .... ] ......... te .... '"'¥•"1d· up ASB cifd.. '
"Most collegee 'anOw a vote only to
paid.up ASB card holders," sald Bremer.
·'tut y .. , in the sprjng election,"
Bothwell .explained, "only. five percent
beld cardl. It hardly seems fair f« or.
ficers repteitntlng al\ lbe students to be
elected by~ a small minority ,"
A 11.._...(Jn the audlenee said ,fb! 1
ourv•i.iwl'l!ve•led Ill percent of. tfio col·
leges tn the state allow "unlveraar suf·
fra,e,'' i,otin& rights to all students regardJesa. of cards.
"When Ire, allowed univerul 11.dfra,t in the~ 'frea!Unan senate elecllorl.''
saJd 'lb< . ...-. "the tumoul WU 1116 .,.,_ dieter than In tbe previoua elec·
tiaa. 'J'bli llle1DI more fair ." ·
-Ogreed. "ReqWrlng • studtnt body Olfll ii IO me llu a poll ·1u to
vote,• !lo uUd UM studeab U 1be7 cOUld
find eoa for·UM trulleel just what cumnt iun!or ®D• titnds ·ore with reti{d to •tudlnt: .bod) cards. .
B_, Aid he had sent 1 copy of,the
stu--U.. to the county COlllll<I .for 1tOI a_pprovalt u Tequtred ln atate
colle8eo, ind the bOard voted IO IPl'fOV•
the election elites, wtth·the understanding
thal· the final consutuUon voted on by
the 'lludal\t ~Id come back to the
board for offidal approval arid I C·
F0Dowin1 the constituUon discussion,
Bothwell '"9errt.d to tbe tntsleel 1 peti·
tion o/, support for the prt9ertt student
aovMunent·'signed, he said, by so pet"·
cent of tbe full Ume student body.
"'Ibe petiUoo was presented on campus
for I! houri," Bolhwell said, "and during
that 1Jme .IO pen:ent of the full time
atudenll otp&i It. Combined signatures
of bot.h day and night students add up to
24 per«nt of ·the total enrollment, which
l feel CooflnnJ that the present ASB
goventmelll iu the support of the obi·
dent body."
The ASB president said the petition bod
been circulated u a result of report& that
the current government is not repreeen·
tative of the student body as a whole •
Asked lf the students wanted any board
action on lbe petition, Bothwell Nid they
did not. "It is just presented for your lrl·
fonnaUon," he said, "so you Will
recognize tb•t thia government does have support." .
'I'1e petition read simply, "We the
undersigned students of Saddleback
College wish to express our full support
of the Associated Student Body govern.
ment and Its continuing endeavor to gain
more individual responsibility and
personal freedom for the students of Sad·
dleback Colleae." Earlier, it had been
unanimously approved by the student
In other actioo Monday night, trustees:
-Heard a report on the mechanics or
setting up tax sheltered annuitiea for
faculty memben and referred the matter
to the Faculty Association.
-Approved a progress payment to
Sully·Miller Contracting Company In the
amount m $48,857,
-Agreed to release a 10 percent reten-
tion ol Speed.space Corporation's eiec·
lrical contract. in the amount ol $1.182,
since required work had been completed.
-Approved the purcllase of 13 tuxedos
and SO navy blue blazers for two Sad·
dleback choir groups, at a total cost of
Tim Leary Can't
Stand 2 Trials;
County Backs Off
Dr. Timothy Leary and hill family IUC:·
ee.sstully appealed Monday for • delay of
their Orqe County Superior Court trial
with the convincing argument that they
can't be in two places at once,
Dr. Leary, 49, Rosemary Leary, 33, and
son John Bush Leary, ZO, are currmtly
facing posasslon of narcotics charaes in
New York city.
Their trial here stem! from the nUng or
similar charges in Laguna Beach last
Dec. u.
Judge Samuel Drelzen delayed the trial
until ,Jan. 19. He n!)led that the family
has filed appeals against the recent re·
jection In the same court of the Leary's
motion for suppression ot evidence.
Laguna Beach officers booked the UD
cultist and his family after allelt'Clly
discovering drugs in Dr. Leary's parked
station wagon.
ped on rusty nails, necess.ilating tetanus
vaccine, but the Indi1n1 vow to stay as
lonf u neceauy and hide from U.S.
marahata In 1 12 acre mare of former
prison buildings: and caves.
Semt.ry Hlctel has ..,..ed to meet
and dllCUll their dem•nd• to take over
Alcllru u u lndlln Culture C.Oter,
plus flvln& m .... 1ld to 100,000 Indiana In
Federal IUlborities hive given the In-
vaders holding Dodson hostap no
dttdllne to evacuate Alcatraz, at least
until after HlcteJ reviews their demll)d.
In the meantime, Ure a:oea on day by
day on the Rock, perhaps rrtOn! ml1erable
than In Ill prlaGn doy1 -with food cook·
ed over an open f~ on 1 broken e:ratln&
-but cenalnly more klelllstic than ever.
"'M\ls land la 11))' land ," say a 1 1i&n
Ol'tr the crudt dining area.
No one 1a in a _position to di11sree ~
day, >eut of au Alcaltat' custodian
Dodson, who went there to get away from
uclt.....,I ind write bls book alioul
b • ~
b •
• • r
c • '
• • • • 4 •. • • • "-!..!. •• • • ' ..... ~ J,• • ~ .. ' • II • • . . '
1• '
~ . .
N.'l'. Shieh . .. ...
' " .. . '<· , yEN~S ' . ';r,; ~ . ' • ... . ,, t (' &i:ish~4:··; ;FJi ... ,
,., ;'.i.;, ••
'\, ',._.
~ , . . . . -
' ;,., , •
DAIL'Y .PiLOT Sltfl Pllet.
'Nixon . . .
. • '. . . . .· _ ... •
Nanda K\Q11ar Pas .'... form<rly Cnig
4oaep1i.o1LqunaBeacjl,...1&!4 he..,...
IC\•from the "'' ol .Jiol!flledellc drup to: Kfiollna ,..... l'hkh be termod DOI o: ~U1¥>c but a cu.Uur,e. , .. • ---.
P,u·•Yoidl ·the ... of !>11 '~1 -
<qel!( f!" ·fir'!'& cbeclm. 11111 """"""": ~s.. ~ fholen , nupe, he ••.
~ j tj>t ..,-vant ,. of. ~ JiJlea;
Nwnna was a 5mlll boy. r ;~ ond qve otl!m )Ive Ip aq'bld. ~: ' IS..~ Pi'4111 · · ,. '
J.T·crage · l:J ·,cr .
Of _ Any _· Ge.rm Warfare
. .
Q~st ...... ·Sett~4? \ : .. . '
' .
L·ihi:ary Expansion QK~d.
Will .Limit ' ' , ..
To Defense O'Sullivan said Alie. b ~ ~t· se«llld cholca. , It hq:now ,._,..nded
the probleb_l~ be .~lvtd . as ~~ulCkly as the ,expanaion at lbe · present localiQrj.
J>OSldblt Mayor Vedder defended. the firm 11 "lr1-,
· . ' Uptempo Devotion to Deify in • 1939 _Cti•vrc;>let ·Pl~u~ · 1
Uguna Beach councilmen Monday
unanimously •areed to expand lbe county.. ~bra,Y builjllng, at !is . pre!e!lt . sife )r.
abaodonnlg a ae1ment of Park Avenue
and acqillring the adjacent ttiulle of
properly. . .
Councll-'Rlcllard Goldberi· com-Ing to give a valld ·ana!i'oi~". . WASHINGT,ON tAP)-.i!.ostc1entlllx· mend<d the'Hliraty """'1llu.t And said Bel!"< the Third 811"1 llte wu cbooen 'I"
lie lild·al~aya Iott 'that' the p/-.t ·loc:a· unanu.a..ly by couOcilmell In Jebtuary, 00 rellOUllC<d todaf any ·resort.to aam . ' The aCuon .maY 11et.Ue a Community Uon b !n·llie bell bilemta ol'the ctty. the Lquila,:~ ,<;b.k Lei~ bod<d wu:fare ~·promil<d lo deltny ulollq
He said •be wis d~ at the city, the, p~ C001U!ililb;;part1"'1atly-the a1odt>ilei ol •blcteololoslcal, .... -. PlllMi '*"!illllt:•·-~~ ~,Jirll . ··~· 11<~·~.~,11111-111 ... ;i5~iii'.~ui' '~&~ :~i·.~s::.~~u=.;~ '"'."'."'"~':ita niln . ·'.-~~ .• ~~· ,
': 11111!: ', . t' ; I).,~:· JU,;,J,'iod~' . tbe1\litttloif,ltat.a
lua-of·w.f ~r=qred for i+.f ~ over ~··J, U1'1iui) bu! M!'I· ~ ... ~t b-' :'11i.JC.lf L,}·. '·· ~J
'l,'lie . .-:~:~ ·~· I II !il!r liJ· illtl,,;q.rj' La .... :l;!llWf
. .ti'' i" ' .. ·" f}I;;;~ ""~~··; ... 'If> ie:· .' • ' :'~~· ':.' '~. ~ver-· .r-o 1 i 'l:J.U i · · -~ . • ::" ~~ -' • .J ' .; •• ! ~ , . , . -. -I ,. • ..... J " I":·->· •' .. _-,,,.~ ~·--. i!-. -·.1 · Plann~dfo.rEti~~Mar~~ AetlOn ~.J0c•• .. l • ... ri ;"( ,~. f!! elt.,i,~ ... tun~ a u~1n~ Feb.
5 coullctl d~ to.plaot tlfi• llbr1ry
Ori a 'rblldJS~ ~I<. 1'be -~· VJ; ma detifts to .. Woil<id' -· . :at ny • ' . ' ""'\..•
• .• • r-• • ~ , • , , , .. . • ~~et 1 ~ae_nn wiiiare even :{Jftl.'~ 'A~fuhiic li~~i~r :!=t~f.&~
Voters in the Capistrano Unified School
Di!trict will cast their ballOts for -or
against a tax override in e~rly MarCh.
After considerable · diiCussion, the
Board of Trustees decided oq ,the ~iarcb
date and voted to keep i. ,one year time
limit on" the override.
If the measure fails in March, the
district can then schedule anoOier elec·
tion fQr June but their tlpl ing will have·to
be precise. There is a law statil)a: that
&1ch elections can ORiy take plact! ~ery
90 days: The March election wjll have to
take place 90 days before the June 11
The Cilizens Advisor.y Committee stu-
dying the· dlstri'ct's bnJlgetary iieeds bad
recommended the election for June.
Art Holmes, comm iltee. chairman,
stated that June had been , selected
because the committee believed· the
mea$Ul'e would ha\'e a better chance to
pass for .the same reason the override
had. been recommended for no later than
one year ..
SUperinteodent Truman B e n e d I c t
argued that the election shoukt be held as
soon as posslble so that Uie ad-
ministration would not have to _prepare
dual budgets. He also stated {hat the
override should not lillve a tlrn,e Jfnfit
since anothet election mlghrha~e to take
place when the time·Jimit elapsed. ""
Charles Dargan, a member ol tfie au.
dience, suppor~d the admli1i!lra\lon's
Schooner Burns, .
Si!,iks ~t :Jsland ,
A §}foot sctuoner~ valued at $l25;PJQ
caught fire and sank at her moorings in
Catalina Island 's Isthmus Harbor early
lod&y:· ·f ... , 'i.
· The. 1 schooner 11Majehttc &:hwin."
ownt.l by' Do.. S($<gl0n or: 'rutare.
caught fire; In the eiigm!· ~., Thre"e
· houri later. deopll< ~l'\i,by .the had>Or
pajrol lreboat ,the bijoefb urned ' to the
,·liehooner'a wak;f line.·\ 1 f 1 • •
.. ,~ boot..-In ICll,f• ol w1Jer, a
total Joss. . ,
. · Stlqeort,· 39,1• A •rellJ'.'e4 lnsurlllCe ex-
. eculive; said <hf tried W!lpU\ •he: names
. ouf, :bul the heat drove. iitlm overboard.
lie swam ashore to fin~ ~Ip.•
. fbe schoonei •sank at , •. m.
Steere 11Jc{..icet
NEW YORK t AP.) T~ stock market
staged a mlddaf lhow ot strength; but ll
quitk!y waned Jate today. (See ~uota·
Uooa, Pages H).Jt ).
Prices dipped In early trading, ~ng
to tht pattern oC the previous JI aesllons.
and then finned.
.... ,
view slating ,that the district cannot ig·
nore the eq,loding population and tbe
area's growQi. ·.,-, ·
eo11nty which 1mrta ·the -r ·2 square-foot she from the clty. The J1Rf6
ent buildina: also boultS the chamber
·,. , , be 1lbiUted to delena!ve ,meMUrea tuicb u
a ~rpi foi tftynuni&atioa ~ ICiml
eenn _wuporw. others-r,UP,t use. . .
Argutng: fife' an early election,. he said,
"Whefl l go. Uibat, I dOn't want one strike
against me. 1:want to be able lo take all
::i.:n~~~-'~ .... ~~~-"'<¥ fl'.''~ ....... , s .. J;nio. 0.-.pera. 'tion
Qaestlon,cl ·•-the Moni!iy 'CGincll t7Ue
action, City Manaa:er 'James D. Wheaton -~l .l: · t ... -·• '. • · · • R , 1 .
·'Al Pierce ~~ting1 lbe dlstrlct.'1
leachers ,sald.•~t ~~-of, a la~Jt ,of, funds~ d(slrlct:had ·re<lu¢ed \ht junior
hiih educatiifri' by J.f perceni· and . the
Senior high' el.Calion bys~ ·perCent: ~
said ll presUpposes that about e,OOO·adal-1 1 • • 1 • .. tlonaf (eel .of llbr811 bui\dlO(. llOllld' be UC Irvini'• 'atotiilc reactor -itbe first near Jiii fuel elemept and· ,will be ealfly
added .. '.to·"""aia. 1Un& •~-ture.!JI . , la .U..,)ioorld to,~operi~1••,a :un1vtr· ~!~Ille tl!\'OYah the1c.1..,.·l'•,\lr aljove. -As!<e4" . .i~i th< 'tjif,;;i' .coun~ would ~tr~ Ol,.,.my ~the ~st T~• tu<lhis todv lf.~.-1y mO!II!tor-own ·t!I., bulllllng., Wbe&ton •u1a<.tJob Is 1eac;t91".la Ql'anc< ~ r. ,w~ · pliced ed by lM· AtomiC' Conimlillon, amOri(>lll&Dy dltilla to be work..,oot.. . llito 0t>.eatli>il 'toclay. .. . whlcb ~ .. 'Jiii 'Jaclllty, . •
In, urgli\g tj\e earil<tl pouible election,
Pjerce'. sald }.tHe, 1tUnibistration needed
tilne to pl~ri. that·the distr!cl's library
materials were substandard, l h a t
remediat teachers were .needed and that
a com~tiUve salary-schedule wa!I
necessary tO attra~t teachers to · ~
distrlet. He pointed out that the district
has the lowest ·salary schedule in the
c<ilnty arid that teaching morale was low.
.Another.'q~•-k .. ls.U.,;indllod, ~:,bel(l"'the' da1'loftc ~ . '" '! • '0 ' · ..
of Ooaooil)f .. ~ h?pe ,tho Co\11\tr lhl!o Jn«'\llng cil loadlo( "'l~Jiii.m~ · ., '
wlll 'fJna'nce".tht proJIOM Gr!"utb-ol ltJo t<im .hJdrJlje·•ano,Y<.!Uel lnfO •~ reactor 'I ,''~ .. ·gun" .a's.".Li. 'ttl' !! avbid the -e~pense' On.tereStl or· flil~ncing core. . l..AI "
throdgh .the' leiie-back method using a· · THe. fuel' rods were lowered 201 reet · · -·~y~taf.~~. WOO olfmd ~ thnlugh c<Jilll clear ·Water; whlcb .. acts N~·:"ance Sia' ·t. e' d . ,.,. u , r(·1'adlaUon ahieJd.,·into ,the r-~r u.ao
sucCtsSfiil -Jlbtarr ·motion, aald 'Monday:· core at•lhe.bottom· of a·~.GOO gallon tank · '
"No. money can ·be spent In Orange Int~ basement.of •ltie phY,aiC•I ~l!nces To. ,Be,vill· . .:ie·d:.Soo. ~ . .!... County;...:(hat!a cooaty money-unless. the build!._, . :.I!; U __ ll
board of supervlSors · says specifically Prof. F. S. Rowland. chairman of the ' . that you·can whtther It's for an ill-day
cl ' sucker or a $10 million bulldlng:" department of Chemistry an<r•head of the
Al "' h S · I Id br' •1 "W • be reactor .J*Ojtct. said~ it. w111· ·be a week . .r .. 1£ , c.ores Vedder 8 IO sa Yo y,. ere. re ot'mill'e •~-e '~ de\'ice i1 in.f\Jil -••· . .-.: to , take . action on the triangle oi prop-"'J"Vl '"'~ ¥,.-erty,. thefe's .betn-enough talk'.'' He said tioti .and. r'eady l!>i ~in research into
DIS• llll. .. ~Sal Call after , the m"etUnc that the library talk basli: questions of "hot atom" dlemlstry. e has been 1oin1 ,on since )§4_ Research . funds are provided by the . h. , • Vedder Pid .the cou.ntY. Ub{arian has Atomlc 1Energy CommisslOA.
;UCl·Cha0cell0r ,Danlet',Cf .. A)drich, J.r., agreed to recommend, to the botrd al The r<actor is·• TRIGA'Mark I, built
tpcr,y ••1d he saw "no. bu¥,''. for the Tys-l'Upez;vlsor.llhat lt1!petld '250",000 annuaDy and : lnltaDtd under a P85,804 contract
t!n.llnloit HlcJ>.Schoo! pritrW· ., r1io"1· on a Llpno,'BeaCtt Ubr'1J'. -:· ·: -wilh GuH 'General Atoml<: of San Diego.
·uoa<allin&forhlad(anJl#I thelloai'd The -·-•l.¥t1on .1et 'utde 16;otll"for ,A ·~ foature ol · .the reJ1Uvely
of Regentil' l... . • · h·~ .. , tntertnC:~ on 'tbe ·5,181·.quai-e led. '*ll ~~ ffactor la ill Inherent -~·Nill. sch<io1 1~rc1; mffifnr·t~"" of trl~• tut tS :.owned My-James safety, UCI officials _aaid. ,
day DJlhf.~ Voi<:ed u!llnlmous · <!octara:t.::; Scbmitl and ~ Burl. The action •wt,.. \Iii fll<! reacbel ctrlalri tempera.
"to sta,M jy tts earner re1otutian1L-··a b!:~~ujbt, applt_Uie ~rpm'~'alldience"at tur'e ·ievtk; the ·reector .rtp&dly •returns _rtsolutjo~-f~'~~mtb~g ·frorfi '-comoiiri~ ~~I· ibe 1brtef a~JOurn,ed m~ng ... · .; · to I~. ·Ille ~r ]"el with~ re-
127egedly rnpde by Aliiri,. 'ch In "a talk OcL : At-llie lirgllj(·ol Councllman•CharJton q"1>'Uir'ellhir'lmllnual .... aulomaHc.coo-
1 ·Boy<i, olhe"nl•Y6f;... his "deilpe .WU l(ol'.-. they .. itlalned.' . '
An errOOeous central eOunt.1 rieWspaper authorized to carry on the .negatiaCrltls When In full operation, the TRIG A '"Will
account ~id that ~ieh had delcnded with the county. · have a &teady state powet level of 250
the use Of four-letter words by the cam· Vite Mayor Joseph O'Sullivan said he thermal kilowatts and will be capable
pus student Dewspaper.1Tbe ~t>er later had talked with John Klllefer, aide to of br:ief P;ll•es of 250,000 kilowatts. Il will
t<ttacted{the report. , AJll>n Allen, !If~ diltrict supervll01. emu a "liow lighting up the.pool area \ . i :6 . , '
Why Grade Reslrictioti~~
.· ....
.... , i . • •• T . • f ~ ,. •' -I '··"' '•. ' . •
.... ~ ....... ' ..
·vou might. call It Laguna's li~e
nuisance.-three and fiv:e eJih\lu Inches
to be eX4ct. . •
· Clyde ' Z. SprlQge, city. pli'nnlng and
buUdlog dfrectoi, upsets tile problem. to
be reaolved aoOn by the board: o1: ad-
ju~tment so councilmen can. forpt about
It. .
It Involves the s WI lncli"encroai:!i!neril
of a 'house oWnid li(~°i·ind 'Mis'. Hy
Tucker Into the 1ldeyard 9' their pniperty
at 421 Shldow Lant: ~ ' . •
St>rlnt • told ~niln tllat the
tuckin ~de •Pl>li• to'iild·~ .men
watl ·and 'other thlncl bpj. w.a!' beyond
the bounds authorjteil ·1nciudi,.i•a 'drU.:
Ing room and bathfoOm. An order to stop
work "'aJ po11ted. 'nle Tucken were
traveling, They:re back now wtth 1urvt)'
nports. · • • .. , ': l
"Three ahd file ·~ lnchio, Ct;de y0u make/nelrigh~' slid TUdtr at the
rec:ent counctl eeasibn. Springe didn't
Jaugh but thoulht the matter cculd be
resolved. ·<:.ouncllmen continued their
publlcbearlnc onthe·-·aia!n·uo111
Dec. 17 to ... lf'jt •lo. ' . : ' ... , '"" . ,. '' .. , I... : ';""I 7-1' f"
BIG ' 'f,U~Eit:.'. D~Y
t l, ,, ' '
FOR · GlS· lN· YIE'F · . .. . ' . . ,
. liAIOON·<VPI)"" u.s: .-W....U.
l~ay· btgan' tirtJjarlng'~vlftt 'dln-
nen f'or 450,000 Am~aft lroot>l ·lri SOuth
Vletiialn Wtt!i the1 ........ Illa! ill Would
11:et a bot meal. • ·• ' • • • · 'Thi lnetlu lilcluiltd · iJrtmp cocktail,
rooit ~. ~,Cl!l'Obnad -..i. m11bed , ~.... ~ potalA>el, hol
rolls, ·ff)lllcal•, ...-1 and l"'1lJ!lldn
pie, ~ 'fiidf and ""'°'and cud!•.·
,,,. 'food WU onteftd ~ .... tlll"
qo: a.M polmds a1 "'"'1lfl, a:• cana
ot .... =·· .... pG!llldo of ~ aiod ........... ot·· ....... r I <t ' -""!I' •i -f. . '
' ,
' . -. ' . . "
. "
' .. •,
r'"r'"1 r-t: < '
The Pi'ealilent, In a fonnal lllateJ!ient,
ukl he.'w.u laktfll 1 aeries of m<WU 1D
tbe ~. bacttrlologtcat area al •ao
bUUativl.towan:I peace." ' .; f •
Tali!ng brleflY ID ~.·be 111ld be
bell!vts his actldi>s will aharply reduce
the poulbllity that 1111f,<c:!>emlcal or ienn
wea))OllS ever will be Ul;d.by any naUort.
Nixon IUl!lrmod· ~· U.S.
reouDeliutd'of tbe\ln& 'u.e1 of Jetbil
cbemlcal wto-IJli!;'lrr the Dnltime.
··-thlo ~Uon.to !Int ... of cbemlcali '1¥"•" lnta~ ,,,_. klllln&. ..,..,. .
Tlio President uked tbe. Sen.ite to
proinpU7 rallly. a 1125 Geneva . protocol
prohfblttng tl\e first use in war ol '4U: pli~1tlq. piilOllCIUI or ~ ·-and of bicteHoloal:cil methods Qf wahare." -·~, Mil<e !l:ans!ie!~ (ll'Mont.), the'
majOrity 1eader, said he Wil~ seek to have
tbe agreement r~Ulleil by the Seoatl tlili
year. ·
That would a&t 1as ansl.germ watfare
to an alre'dy cloUeCI Senate schedu1e1 wllh ten than one mofith of the sellion remi.lnmg. · .
Nliion alto said the United Stoles WI!
)«nlng'Canada In ...,;cJa11ng•ill<li wti~
t1I< principles an/I obJecUves of a Brttilh-
apon90ttd proposed convention to ban the u~ of biQJOllcal 11)ethods of warfatt. , ·
Further, ~ixon aald he baa ulled the
Defense ~ ·':to mike 1'!CClllh
mendations1io \<! d!!.._. of emunc
stocks of ~CJI. ·~s.11 Wbttf i1o""' "1ll'cei salif this man! !IUCI>
stockpll .. Wlli •be.~ed. ~
. " ,. •-dlell
r· There'~ be a .,letup In tba eaat.,.. "
I ly winds W~, ~~ the mer-'.
cury wUI stay up.. lliere -,.boll "
d .. ,... •k>il tba -ind • lurlMrlnland.
' ' ' I JJYSmt; TODAY
Memb.,. of U.. Ord.,. of ~
Brltuh E,...,. Jo,,. L<nno• to-
day go,,.)he °"'"' hu 111<dof llack ..: but B1":)cinghom Poloca .
aUo had on qp& comeback /or
Ille Bnll•'• .prow•~ Slorv P~
~. .
~ ' -. /.
"'" ·~ M ,_,
1 -.--· ·~-' • I .... ,..... -.11 ,_ "
~1-• ,~,
--M .............. --. ..... • 1'-11 ''"*..,.... ltJI T....... JI ·-. -. --.. --... ...................
• '
' -Brazili.a1i Atterul!.fig Saddle'back
·A llJollllair)Qltll ... ~lo 1111·
UiillM Slates "beuusl ht hU Ill! dtltte
lo learn ind an Jntertst In M•rlne
Biology" ts Stddleback COiiege's first
fortip student.
'Antonio Paulo Assis de Moraes, who
ha11 taken oo the ahontr Americanlzed
l'lurte of Paul, resides with Mr. and Mrs.
Ervin Wrla:ht in Mission Viejo. He
l>ecame acquainted with the WrlS}lll
Unu&h Uitlr d:tulhter, SUlaQ, who was
a~ as a Puce Corps worker ln
A pleasant, friendly 20-year-old youth,
Paul is a seriws student who finds his
peers al Saddleback academically serious
"Students here are mOrt Interested in
learning while ln the classrooms than in
mf country," he commented In nUent
El!llUsb. lie added that l)e believes U.S.
1tqdeots bave .more general knowled&t. \'•ul started working wtth U.S: POfCO
~"Pl personnel in hla country abOut
~ -yrus ago and this led to his In·
;e~ in the U.S. i;.ast year he was employ~ ~ith the
Peace Corps training program in
Pejmsylvania teaching Portuguese for 11 '
-~~·· After returning to Braz.ii, he began to
nalce plan1 for .a ret.arn trip to the U.S.
ts a student.
Paul'• home Is in Recife, the third
Mgest city ln Brazil, located about ffve
niles from the acean. He says be misses
tie warmer water of Brazil beaches and
he "inexpensive" lobster.
Paul has three brothers and seven
1isters. His father Is associated with
•tedico University in Rec.Ile. ,.
l r•zll'• Al•I• cl• Mer•N
Paul studied Eni!llsh In htJh school, but
it wu out of the classroom U.t he gafn.
ed a thorough knowledge of the language.
Paul became conversant in Engllsh by
talking with Peace Corp&. work.era.
At Saddlebick Paul . takea nDtes In
English 8nd Portuguese ltl clas5ei, "but
English most of the tftne."' ' ~
Paul believes the Peace Corps Is a
great idea. "More American students
should apply," he said. "They benefit by
working Jn foreign countries '' ·-a
philosophy Paul is following by attending
Saddleback College.
From Page J
·ecommeadaliona and favored expansion
1t the existing site. _
Dlrectora of Friends of the Library had
-tcommended one of the sites chosen by h·e: planning consultants, whichever could
,e-first implemented. . .. Librarian Clifford Cave had cr1tic1z:ed
f ll.tals Slated
For Volleyball
Tournament finals ln the volleyball
~gue sponeored by the Laguna Beach
-eereaUon department will be held from
·to 9 p.m. 'W"'1ne9day in the boys' gym
it, tht high school. .
.All seven teams participatlna in the
ecent~y terminated league play wHl
nter ipe dO\lble eli.mlna~ion tournament. Cft7 champ tn this year's. )ea1ue is the
!hree Arch Bay team, coaC1led by Tom
.inco to an undefeated six wins.
,Players included Torn ' Wella, Sob
rflkell, Dan :MacFanand. Bob Hogan,
>eter Ott, Phil Anderson, Bo Boeck .
Jary J ohnson. Sandf Nosler, Larry Ham-
nack and Nick Woodbury .
FtnlJ kque staridlngs found TAB with
1 winl; Camel Point with ~: Emerald ~ay With 4; Mothers with 3; Thurston
vith 2 and Cleo Street with 1. Crescent
3.ay Wl'I in the cellar with 0 wtns, 6
0 .....
fop Saddleback
Speakers Talk
;rwo prize-winning student speakeis
rpm Saddleback College will dlaplay
helr skill for the Laguna Beach Chamber
if-Commerce at an a a.m. breakfast
Vednesday, Dec. 17, in the Hotel Laguna.
ltob Yount and Mike Stoddard, who
\'On flrsl and fourth places, respectively,
n'. the novice oral interpretation division
1f. the Riverside City College Forensic
'ournament, will be presented by their
rwtructor , Dr. ~yle G, McKinney.
•l'tairman of Saddleback's fine arts
li vlaion.
Dr. McKinney also will participate in
he program, speakin1 on "The Function
,f Literature."
OtlAl'fOl COAlt ll'VlllMONS C~Nll~
••Mrl N. We•4 p ........... ,....,.
Jt tk •. c.,,.., vw. ..,.. ... trlf o-.i Mtllftff
the planning repor~on.sullanls did not
interview librarians-and recommended
the present site. ·
The city planning commission backed
the planning . consultants' recommenda-
A county study on library sites shows
that the existing site expansion will add
up to 22.491 square feet of land. This In-
cludes 7,153 square feet galned from
abandoning Park Avenue's segment;
5.966 square feet !tom the Schmitz.Burt
property; and 9.372 square fett at the
existing site.
Craft Fair Set
For Downtown
The Craft Guild of LalUlla 1~cb will
spousor its third annual pre.cbristmas
fair from JO a.m. to dusk Sunday, Nov.
30. on El Pasco iri downtown Lquna.
In past years tbe , fair hu been
' presented on the Festival of Arts
grounds. This year, to make the exhibits
more accessible to visitors, the city$0un·
cil has agreed to permJt the closlng\Of the . ' block-long street running from S. Coast
Hlghway to Laguna Avenue, parallel with
the boardwalk.
There will be no admission char1e to
the fair, which will feature. a number ol
\\'Orklng exhibits manned by top Laguna
arta craftsmen ;.nd displays of work by
many others.
Tom Leslie, grounds manager and
Andrew Frary. community aff a i r s
chairmen. are in charge of the presen·
County Economy
Meeting Topic
The economy of Southern California
and il! future , with. special emphasis on
Orange County, will be the topic of the
day for the Friday luncheon meeting of
the Laguna Beach Rotary Club.
Speaker W. 0. Lindstrom, senior vice
president for Southern California of the
Crocker..ClUz:ens National Bank will ad-
drns the Rotarians at the noon session
in Hotel Laguna.
Lindstrom, an officer ol Cltltena Na-
tional Bank .of Los Angeles, became
senior vice )X'eaident of Southern
California opera tions after the merger of
Citizens Bank with crocker National
B1tnk of San Francisco.
• J .
TwJ matters lnvolvinl .. moblle home
-parks were tabled for further study at
the Mooday night meeting "of the San
Juan Caplstrlln<> City Council.
James McCall ap~ a pllMtog
comnli11laft ""'""°"~Inc •J>•nnl\ for
a mobile llonli pork'~l_tf'!rObbpo s-near the Baplflt CbUrdl. 'Ille Cl!Jliuatujon
denied the pennlt on graunas that the
land could not be developed for adequate
Dr. PttyW1 Shalnman upheld the plan·
ners' dectaion In 1 letter t.o the council
stating that lf the council granted the
permit they would be violaUng the cur·
rent mortatorium on trailer parka .
She .further stated that tbe whole
moratorium was on trailer park appUca-
traller p11rk study commtttee apppoint.td
by the mayor would be a mockery and it
would be ridicuJOUJ for them to conuoue.
Councilmen pointed out .that the
moratorium was on U'aler park applica-
tions and that this particular trailer park
applicatlon had been made prior to the
moratorium. '
The matter was referred back to the
staff far a recommeodaUon. ,
ThefP,OUbcil also def~ actlOn on the
poasll:ili \flt ol the city sewer ll~ by a
mobile home park outside the city limits.
If the clly allows such use, the park
might be annexed to the city at a later
date. The council would then have to
decide whether or not such action v.·ould
fall inside or outlide the limits of the moratorium. ·J
Anotblr Inaner detoured for the third
lime was action on whether th9' Llona
Club or the American Legion would take
charge of a building in one of the city 's
park sites.·
Both groups have indicated an interest
Jn maintaining the building as a
The council did decide that the city
would COMect utilities an d repair the roor
for whichever group will become the
tenants. ·
Frem Page I
on Woodland Drive . One room hat been
converted to an altar with candles. flaahinc li1hta and color pictures. ·
The group chants, thumps a drum and
uses other Instruments in lively uptempo
devoUon to jls deity.
The reli&lon or ptlll~sophy la also ex-
ported to public places and city coun.
·ctlmen of Laguna ne1:t meeting, Dec. 3,
'iflll ap.in:tlk~1up the,JMUer of whet.her
the KrfllMa group shall be allowed to
solicit funda in. public. 1 The group !t?l"!lists on donaUons and
fu.Kls: made aelllng incense to retailers.
FUndt ate ~ lo spread the word. The
Krishna mimbers Invite persons to the
temple to discuss life and eat curry and
other Indian-type foods.
The grou p chants the Bhaaavad Oita
{song of God) from the Vedic 9Crlpture.
They go about their dally chores -
whether banking or chanting -in an ai\.
ing 1939 Chevrolet pickup truck donated
by .one of the devotee.s.
Das said the philosophy la to work
more and more at ellminaUne bodily con-
sciousness and substituting spirttual con·
Their appeal to drug usera, said
members, Is that dntgs produce a false
high or il lusion but that Krishna
Consciousness is lhe ultimate and eternal
joy. Other religion.s are viewed as fine .
just differtnt perspectives of God.
"Our prime mission is kt 1pread the
love of Goel," Yid Das. "We're b'ylng to
become lovers of God ouraelve11, If
someone already loves God we wouldn't
argue we would agree."
The philosophy began in this country,
say devotees, in the fall of 1965 when A.
C. Bhaktlvedanta Swami came to this
country from India on . order1 .from his
spiritual master.
He went to a park and began to chant .
Now there are many temples including
one In Los Angeles on La Clenaga.
In the three months the ordtr has been
acUve at the old wooden houae in Laguna
Canyon, devotffs said. they have turned.
10 peraon1 from drugs loward Krishna
"A person taking drugs," said Oa1, "ls
really looking for a meanln1 to life.
Drup an only a temPorary limited ifl-
slght. They have no real beneHl You
must provide people with aomethlng bet·
DAILY ~II.OT ""'9"' I"*'"._...,
Woman Dies in Pil e Up NMr ,rMway Offr•mp '
Laguna Woman Killed,
Four Hurt in Smashup
A Laauna Hills woman died and four
other persons were injured Monday night
in a two-car crash at the Intersection or
MacArthur Boulevard· aad San Diego
California Highway patrolmen pulled
the body of Mrs. Virginia Ernestine
Mount, e,t, of «12 Ronda Mendoza, from
the wrecltage of her car. Her husbaDd,
William, 69, was criUcally injured.
Alao seriowly injured and . on (he
critical list at Costa Mesa N.'emorla l
Hospital today were two passenaers In
the Mount vehicle , Arthur Schifferman,
75, and his wife, Cleo, 70, of 518 Calle
Aragon, Laguna Hills.
Officers said John Perry, ;13. of Las
Vegas, Nev ., the driver of the car which
collided with lhe Mount auto, suffered
n1ajor injuries. He ls listed in fair condi·
tioo at Cos ta Mesa Memorial1HO!pilal.
Officers said the Mount car was leav-
ing the freeway offramp at the lime of
the crash. Perry's car was westbound on
Hearing Set for Capo's
Plan to Get Water Works
The Local Agency Formation Com-
mission has set Dec. 10 as the date for a
hP.aring on whetl1er or not the city of San
Juan Capistranu will acquire Orange
County Water Works Di11trlct 4.
El&hty·nine percent of the district lies
within the city limits however, it is the
other II percent which is causing the pro·
blem .
·'The city baa wanted to Lake it over
sinee it Incorporated in 1961," said Oirec·
tor of Public Works T. J. Meado"·s.
"They have made an application every
He said that the initial request was
denied because .:>f the city's newness but
under the district reorganization act
there are provisions stating how such a
utlllty transfer can be made .
"We retsln James Okasakl who was
f(jrmerly with the county counsel's office
to represent us," said Meadows. "If the
Lotal A&ency Formation Commission ap-
proves the transfer il will then go to the
Board of Sul)ervlsors. Ir they approve it
they can etther make the trans.fer a fa ct
or requlre an election in the district.
Meadows said that he believes the
transfer would coat the taxpayers less
money. The only difference would be that
the city council would be the ex-officio
governing body instead of the Board or
Although a city employe, ~leadows Is
lhe administrator of the district. The
county pays the city for his services. He
said that other employes would remain
county employes U the traN1fer occurred
thereby not fllrfeiting any or their
benerits or accumulated lime.
Lewis Sinclair
Rites Wednesday
r·uneral services will be held al 3 p.m.
\Vednesday in Pacific View Chapel for
Lewi s Brockway Sinclair, who died Mon-
day in South Coast Community Hospital
at the age of 91.
~1r. Sinclair, who made his home at 330
Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach, Is survived by
two daughtera, Mrs. Ruth S. Bell of
Irvine and Mrs. Elisabeth Teetor or
Emerald Bay, and by five grandchildren
and 14 great grandchildren.
The Rev. Ellsworth Richardson or the
Neighborhood Congregational Churcti.
Laguna Beach, wlll officiate at the
Wednesdar service, which will be follow·
ed by interment at Pacific View
Memorial Park.
fMM•1 Ke•wil .... . . Th•~• A. M111J11hl~• ...... 1;,11.,
~l•lriM P. Nell ..__ Mesan Happy Hostage of Alcatraz
C1tr l"ter ---tit F.rHt A .. 1.
M,1n~1 Mii••"• P.O. I•• .. ,, tl61t --c..i1 ,,,,. ... , • W9'I .... """ ,,._... klCll: :ttll 111•11 ...... ..,,......,. .......... '-UI:••-
Of IM Delff Plllt It.ff l
A Costa Mesan who moved ttr"'the
solitude of an island recenUy to write a
book today has the company of 100.plus
invading Indians and not. even the U.S
Coast Guard -ltt alone the Cavalry -
knows what to do.
Glen Dodion is under bouae arrest on
Alcatraz, a happy hostage held by men,
women and children demanding a
powwow with Seaet.ry of the Interior
Waltu J. Hickel
So far lhe Ume lsn1t set, but. the loca-
tion seems obvious.
DodlOD, who told his home at Ul Joann
SI. to co oft in search of adventure., call·
ed hia brother and ailiter-ln-law Monday
to rtpOrt he had finally found. It.
"I think it'• one of the funniest lhlng1 I
ever heard," uJd Mr1. John Hoyt , of 2189
TllsUn Ave .. Cotta Mesa, " in fact, It's
Juat dell&hllul."
Federal authoritJea have other descrip..
tiOl'll of lhe prospect of chulng more
than JOO original Americana around lhe
Writer in Search of Adventure Finds It on 'Rock'
cave-riddled rock if it comes to that.
The liberators ol Alcatru from the
General Services Admtnlstrition say It
just may.
They want Alcatraz under tenns or 1n
1118 treaty In which the StDllX wm given
aban<fooed federal proporty, but ti you
give lhose people 21 acres of. rock they
moy try to take the 19th ital<.
"Alaska Is next." declarts R!chard
Oakes, ie, • Mohawk who haa auumed
the pruid•n<Y of the crumbllnf, prl"'1
fortrw which 11 hardly a relOrt
"Whtn you tee molt ol the retervatJons
In th.ls country," llYS Adam Nordwall,
40, a Chippewa leader. ''Alcatraz looks
pretty &ood·"
"I'm 100 pe_retnt with them ." added
Dodson. "These are wonderful people."
The former Huahe1 Aircraft chemist
who became cartt1Jter ol lhe bleak, bar-
ren former federal priaon sot a call
through lq his relatives on the sole hot
line to the outside world.
"He was really excited," said ~trs.
Hoyt, "be hadn't slept for 48 hours, but
he said he was 1ettJ.nc 10me fantastic
Dodson may not be doing much writing.
but he II certainly aatherlng material for
one of thole truUH•stranger-than-flctlon
epics. after sli dayt ot Indian occupation.
Dodton'I brothr was not at home, but
hopped an >Jr California plane to San
Franctaco Mondty n1tht alt.er repeated
efforts to aet a return call through failed .
"The Coast Guard said lhey haven't
eVffl betn able: to gel In touch since lhr
Indiana took over the island,·• explained
Mra. Hoy!, who i•n't too worried about
he1· brother-In-law.
"lie 1ald he 'd try to drop us a Un~."
1he added . but oews reporl.1 rron1
Alcatraz Indicate Dodson ts busy with
other tasks, such as helping unload boats
carrying food and supplies.
Descenda nts of r1!d men who sat down
to the first Thanks&ivina dlnner appealed
today for provisions worthy of the im-
pending celebration Thursday, through
their Alcatraz Relief Fund.
Another boatload of supplies was due to
M!l out for occupied Alcatraz today, after
a delivery Monday w h I c h included
blanket.s, staple foods, fresh water.
medicine and even tetanus vaccine.
Temperatures on the barrtn rock drop
to the low thirties lhls Umo of year and
doiens or the Indians are sulfertn& from
colds and sore throat!.
Son'e have even jumped into the
trt!a.:herow, current-laced waters of the
bay to help small boata dock and the only
heat Is from !Ires built of wood ripped
rrom old rotlina cellblocks.
Several chlldren have' as a result step.
Fr-P -.e J
' vision tbit any Saddlebuck student should
be rea11ded a.s a member of the
._.... ... 111Jli· .8od.Y l~._. elitdlon P¥*fo••f\ ~,1be aat hi ~ ~· j&ld-
up ASB card.
"Mos~ collegH aJlow a vote orily to
paid-up' ASB card holders," said BreD'ler.
"Lall year io the sprlfll election,"
Bothwell explained. "only five percent
held ca.rds. It hardly seems fair 'tor of.
fleer&> repre:ienting all the students ~ be
electfd by such a small minority .'' ·
At i.udent in the audience said that a iarW had rtvealed 30 pe~Bt of lite COi·
Jeges in the 1tate allow "universal ~
frage," voting rights to all students
regardless of cards.
, "When we.allowed universal suffrap in
the, recent" freabman senat~ elecUqn," ~ the atudtnt, "i.be turnout .Ur300 -t .,..iet than In the P,teVt'"' tlec. tiGn. Th1I teems: more fair. • ,JlaCliia ..,.eed. "ljequtring a otuclent \ldY <1rd, ta to me 1Jlle a poll'lll to . ~·" He ~ t!>e stud~nta ll they could ·ltii!I out lor !lie tnutoeo Jllll what currtnt ~unltir cqllqe trends are with reaud to
at'Ucfenl body Cini•.
Brenet •aid he had sent a copy of the ~ cOudtuUon to the county ~I
/ for logal ipproval, as required In state
, coHeces, lnd the tioard , voted to aPJlrove
, • tht e!<cUon !Illa· with the underalandln~
that the final consthution voted on by
the ltudent.s. would come ~ck to the
.board ror official approval and ac-
FonO'Wtna the constltuUon discussion,
Bothwell preetnltd to the trustees a peli·
tlon ot support for the preseiit student
governdiefit sigaed, he said, by 50 per-
cent of the fUl:I time student body.
· '"The petition· was presented on campus ,
for IS houra," Botbwell said. "and during
that time 50 perctnt of the full time
studentl -&igned it. Combined signatures
of bqth day illd rilght studenLs add up to
24 Percent of the lDlal enrollm<n~ which
I feel cM1rml lhai the present ASB
aovernment hu the suppm1 of the ltu-
dent body."
The ASB president said Lhe peUUon had
been circulated as a result of reports that
the cw;rent government is not represen-
tative of the student body as a whole.
Asked If the students wanted any board
action on the petiti9n. Bothwell said they
did not. "Jt is jusl presented for your ln-
formatlon," he said , "so you will
recognize that this government does have
The petition read simply, "We the
undersigned students of Saddleba ck
OJIJege wish to expre11s our full support
of the Associated Student Body govern.
ment and its continuing endeavor to gain
more individual responsibility and
personal freedom for the students of Sad-
dleback College." Earlier, it had been
unanimously approved by the st\ldent
In other action Monday night, trustees:
-Heard a report on the mechanics of
setting up tax sheltered annuities for
facuky members and referred the matter
to the Faculty A1~lation.
-Approved a progress payment to
Sully-Miller Contracting Company in the
amount of S43,a57.
-Agreed to release a 10 percent reten-
tion of Speedspace Corporation 's elec·
trical contract, in the amount of $8,182,
since required work had been completed .
-Approved the purchase of 13 tut:edos
and 50 navy blue blazers for two Sad·
dleback choir groups, at a total cost of
Tim Leary Can't
Stand 2 Trials;
Count y Backs Off
Dr. Timothy Leary and his family suc-
cessfully appealed Monday for a delay of
their Orange County Superior Court trial
with lhe convincing argument that they
can't be In two places at once.
Or. Leary, 49, Rosemary Leary, 33, and
son John Bush Leary, 20. are currently
facing possession of narcotics charges in
New York city.
. T~1elr trial here stems from the filing or
sun1lar cbarges in Laguna Beach last Dec. 26.
Judge Samuel Drei.z.en delayed the trial
until Jan. 19. He noted that the family
has filed appeals aga inst the recent re-
jection in the same court of the Leary 's
motion for suppression of evidence.
Laguna Beach officers booked the UO
cullisl and his family after allegedly
discovering drugs in Or. Leary's parked
station wacon.
ped on rusty nails, necessitating tetanus
vaccine, but the Indians vow to SUly as
Jong as necesaary and hide from U.S.
marshals in a 12 acre maze of former
prison buildings and caves.
Secretary Hickel has agreed to meet
and dl.scU!s their demanda to take over
Alcatraz as an lndlan CUlture center,
plus giving more aid to 100,000 lnd1ans in
Federal authorities have given the In·
vaders holding Ood.9on hostage no
deadline to evacuate AJcat:ru:, at least
until after lfickel reviews their demand.
tn the meanUme, life goes on day by
day on the Rock . perhaps more miserable
than In ill prison day, -wi\h food cook·
cd over an open fire on a broken gratin&
-but ctrtalnly more Idealistic than tvtr.
"This land ls my land." says a sign
over tho crude dining area.
No one is in a position to disagree to-
day, leatt of all Alcatraz' cu1todian
Dodson, who went there to aet away from
excitement and \\'tlte his book about
--..-.................... j ••
Gltd'tl "'-'"' a.trier". luf'ltlved , eon. ltrlon ft. Btrr\w, l.os Gllffi ='~ar11~"M~~,.o!., ~r:
Modnlol nlll• fttlldtl'IH~'-'· Mn,
hrl'ltf' Wft 1 twllrtct ~rlllt!HI ol
ll:lv1t1101 (ounly khoola. Or1v1Mdt 11r;vk'11, ,rld1Y, 2 J>M, F..ot ottM
C.m.tltY. Wl!ltt'• MorJu1rv. ""I•
(fllL C1llf., ()jrtelOl"I.
Welttr ltetwat B1o•l\lb'I, At• "-ot
1tle Avaclldo. C0tm1 del Mir. Diii Of ctMlll. Hll'ltln'lbt1"21. SlltYIYtcl bY
wit.. M&Xln•1 111na., LI, C:ol, Wiiiet 81trntl»'. o1 Jl'ler'ldll Roblri" G.
BlorNbf,. c:o..-dtl , M1r1 lllrt11
d•vtllltrl. Xlttn MelA\llll'llln. Vln1!nJ1,
Lrnn !ltl ..... Nl\'ldl! SuMn WtiklM,
1ndl11'111 111111 tr•nckh!ldrtn. Mtmor• 111 .. rvlolt will bol held Wfl:lne!ld1v. , PM, Sl. Mark's Pre1b'rl.,llft Church,
F1mllY l\r!lllH'-lltoY wl1111"' m1Y
1111k1 con1r1t111110111 to 1111 Ht••t .At• f«flllon, OlrKled Irr lltlli M0tlU1"1,
COt'Ol\1 .del iiA.RTMAN
... Q
Uwl' Broc:kw.v s1nc:111r. :m c:mr
Drlw-. L1111111 hlch. Dlt• 01 dell111.
Nov. S4. av,...l'tlll b'I d.tlllhltf', •11111
S. Bell, ol l,...l11t1 Ell.lfbtlfl S,
Tltlor, £mtr11d ""' five tr•Fldchtl· Ol'lnl taurlltell tt"fft1r1ncklllldrtn.
$1,...l(tlt will bl llllcl WtdnffdlY, l
f'M, PKl!lc Vlt• Cht .. 1, wllll llw. Ell1._lll L. ll:!c"-r4'°" ol1ldtttn1,
l""rnmtnt, M1111111eum ot Ill• P1cmc. Olniitlld lw l'~c;Ulc View Moflutrv.
rlorolh'I lf'ltll 511ndt1rtnd. A .... , ot
tit' MIMI' 51., Cc.It Mftl, 0.te of 1111111, Nw. 24. svrvtvfl:I ll't' llu•bflld•
1.1nc1e<11 -· am c.rv, of G!tnd&1t1 ,.,....... M~. ~ Mrt. Lew Mm1,
Ca.II M•IOI lhl'll t,_"dchlld""• pr1vt1lde ....,let• writ bol lltld W-6<
f'Hcll'I, 2 PM, ROM H111t C-llf'(. kll 8rotdWl'I MC1r1u1rY. Dlrte!ors.
,. ------------··
Irvine Prof Hits
Biblical Teaching
OI 1111 Dllfr l'flet lllfl
IRVINE -A stat< Boord ol
Education decision t.o give lhe
biblical version ol man'• crea-
tion equal at.tendon with
evolution in elementary school
textbooks has brought an
angry reacUon from a UC
Jrvlne pro£essor.
Tutsd11. N11vtmbtf 2$, 11J69 OAILY PILOT 9 .ti
CllTl .. ICAT• °" COIU~O•ATIOft POW; ~ .. iltf'tW ,,_ th.ti ffle Pelle. NOTICI OIJ nun•···..... CllTl,ICATI 01' co1tr01tATIOM •o•
TltANU.CTION .. •UllftlU UNDllt =-~ .U:.1c:., :-J!".: ':" =~ Me. 0 nm TltANIACTIOtt °' IUSllllU
l'ICTITIOUI NAMI Ml'Mlllel .,_..,, 911 Mlv,_,, Hovtn'IW Oii ~ember t, ! .... al t:ot O'clOclt UNDI• 'tcftTIOUI fll4MI.
'flolE UH011t$10,NID C01t'°4tATIOff 29, t9't. 10:00 A.M, at ttit Colla ~ l'.M .. ti TM Wll tl"Ofll tfth"lllU ., tl'lt THE UHOl A:SIGHE.D COlll~ATION __ I" .., 1 • __ 1 ~lk• OtHl1"*1t, ft Fair Dr!...., COlill Ol"l!'lff Counl'f' COl/rlhol.I,., IKf• en CIOfl hllrtt'f urtlly lhtl It It COllCIUClll'lt a
OOlt ..... _... Ctf1 ·y , . _... ..... "'. ~. • "" ,. block el W•" II~"' $1,.. •• •11 1111,1_ m" .1 Of.'!JM COuflt't'. Du1lllff• loclltO ti MO W.111!1 $1,. llckl, Thll ~ lt1"'¥1 """'*" tt SK!lont hntl Ml• Clllfo111l1, l«urttv '~ltk ;,1111f'nl:'i •''ft l~~l ;mvllr "'"'-J
a Cot.It ~. t111tornlt ""'°'' flltl tic-»n t.W •n Ill' 11\t M1111lclNI CICMI ff ttit Ntlkll'lll lllftk.. tt clu.., -lnltcl tfvalc1 illd 1~1fl id T;" 11f.A u: }
l!tlout firm ,..Me OI' PUS.TECH fnd lflll (lty ot CMlt Mt~. Ce"""'ll. llfldef n. deed OI' trwt dlttd ~'I t , lf+t lol~llW ·~~'j"'1o11,1 •r!M..:T
Mid fll'l'PI It ~ ot the IOlllllWlftt Iii, IE, Hell! INdt 11'1' Let L I(._ W l1tblrf J. PIK• OI bu11Mta I 11 follOwl;
ciotll'll'al)Oflo MINi IN'lntlNI 111i.c. OI Ch,..-of ~tl(9 ' l(oMtr, racordld ell Mll'I 7', 1trA,. In boo11 Skl .. ;§..tt -\:1~1'1 te11111 lllt.. Miiii-. It•• toliow.i 'ubllfil'ltl Or•-C.Jt Olll'I 'llot, uu lllfe _. o1 otrlclll lltnrOI In tM 01:fil; ounl"I,
Ctlll'I Inc., MOW, 1)111 $1., 111:11. "-Hov-btf 2S. Ifft In.Mt otlsi. OI llw C-1'1 llKORlw ot Oren.. WI S Ill fiend llllt 1'111 41'1 ot c:o.11 MtM .. Nowm , 1Mt, WITNESS "' MM 11111 3*11'1 dl'I OI LEG" ~O'l1CE Counl'I, C:1'1t111rn'9, b'I .... .,. " ...,.u .. !CO«POMTI: IEALI
Novtrnllef ,,.. -~.. kl "" ""'""""' .,. ,..,,.,._, ol tl:lllN• s•1-~ • IH~l'I $tlons Int.-"' • •·•-n·-· 11on1 "9Clll'td ........,, • Nollu ., o.. Jotin • rOllCI P~..:d'"' ,.... ,...... , l1wtl tll4 £1tdl0tl tlll s.11 UNtr Ottd OI '!l
STATE OJI' CALl,OllfflA. C:l!ITl,tcATI OI' •USIMSS'S Trutl UYlnt ._. f'Kllltdell M -lclld !bt'tly~ ir1:~~~1A,, ·
COUNTY OF ORAMGI. A. l'ICl'tTtoUI llAM• IOr IN llw ..... ""°'' """ tllrff -Ill• Oft .. /i;11 1 dl'I OI 'il'.w.mtir A.D. On 11111 tMfl 111'1 of NoYembtr, A,0 , Tiii U"°''*ltllid dolt <lflff"f M II """ ~Yltll tlllMd $Intl WCI! -dlllon, l .. J, betor. flll 1 No~r~ -.\.bile ln.tr'ld 1N ~ mt Miii"( I(, Hen,., • ~"'"' OUdlllt • bu1lnt11 •I ~fl L• H91"1'MN1 Wiii Mii '' pybllc 11/Cllorl ..... lllghttl lot ~•kf Counh" I Slllt. fMICllM p~1c In •nd for lfkl COUntY Ind Sflllo, AW,, Lltllf'll Nle11el ft61'P C•llton'll•, ~lcldfr fw (flll "'v•blt In i.Wful ....-., therein. dt;IY cornmlNI •1111 •-n. I ......... I IOflld "4 t;nder tllt fldlllOUct flfl'l'I "'""' ot U 1~ S .. t A IC t tlrnt 11trtor1al1Y 1"91P'td JOll" p:ili,_ rMldlJll ''"'' ......... , COITl'l'I h • Kl•SIANIS ······••NT ...... MPAHY ot I~ n .... ,, 0 ...... , I a to ..... 10 1)9_ lh• PrH!dfftl eor--m. ~llV ~fill ~ khmlt• "'" of Mii. wllllllut "°'ff'ltlll or w1,..•ntv •ll· 1111r1t10n lhet _ •11•1/'ltd 1111 wlll'I n · ,,._ IOU k_,, lO 1n1: to M lht PrHlcltfll el 11'111 thll wkf llrm II ~ OI 1M ,~ er '""'llM •• 10 tin., pouet1lori R\?,rvrnent on Dtll& of m1 .corw111"" !flt COft'Ol'lllon "'411 .. K'llJM the wllllln l011ow1nt "'"°"' WllOM "'''" In tvll Ind or enc:vmllr•"'9• lht lnt.,..I con,,..,.,, 1111~erned· 11'1 1ckflOWIHlld to ""
lnstrvlMl!t on bll'lllt of , ... COl'POl'llllln Plitt of f'ftldtnte It .. tollowt: IO Ind -tltl4 iiv II \I"'"'" 1114 --el ~I "' tofpc1r111on ellllCVlfCI tllt wm1. llltrtln Mmtcl. IM tekMWllOtM to mt JoM !';Lf1.11"lt. 2"11 LI Hlfll'ICIM O I "'"° ... I In Ort..... In WI l'IMS W,.,_I, I hlYe htrtunlO Hot 111111 p.cvltd "" ........ Aw '--Ill Hl•ue•. C111fornll '""· n • PtOH/' 'I • ..,.. "'" h....:I Ind 1111Jrtd l!IY erfl(l,1 ... , ""' \"'?,vi';: cw;;o;!-, I hew """""'' ..; o1*i Nov. '1, 1Ht. ' ' Cou!llY, Sl•I• ot C1!llornl1, 111.a"lbed It: d•V Mid ~"' In !hit ctrlll!Ule fir'i 11 nd M nd 1111~M "'" Ollkl•I 5t•I lhe John l(ll1l1nl1 LOf 4 of TrKt 40I In 111t Cllv of tboY• wrru...,. / :.~ :ci ~:.r In fllll ctrllfl(t!t tlr•t 1110W $!11'1 OI C111fom11, Ortl'IOt CO\lnlvi ~~ 1'!"'p It ":1 :·~ =:.t'! :; fSEA .. I Mil I( H itte On NOWl'!lbtr 21. 1fft, btlor• me. 1 """"' '" '"' ~ii·rv · ....,., C llf 111
M•rr K Htnl'I' ,..,._u., INffnd JOllll l(lllJ•nl1 knt\'lfl "~ of .. Id -• • ..... COll"t>\
NOl'll'V M11c.C111forn1• to mt lo bl t1!t "'"°" ~ ntme 11 ob~:,i:."U:~td~Vm~: :..,~"tr:!: 'I c;:0111ml~ICin E1u1lrt1
Moirv v. 1-11r1m1ft. A111 4J, ot :rno
low• St .• (0111 MHI. °''' ot 4Mlll. NO¥. 11. Survl'lfd br h11&bl11¢. Jtdl
!!:, Ker!rntn1 two d1uDht1r1 • ..J1ntt 1vt1 Mllltr, ll11llo1 L'IM Kl'I, 01vllt , Mlll'lllnth)n 'a..th; 11r111Cb01\1, Eric s.
M11111' tnd Cllnfon I . Davit. Vltll .. t!on, Smlllli Ch11111. untll t l>M lo>
nlfht, TllHct..Y. Vl1l1t!!on 11111 SttYk• ..
•WednltdlY. I PM, Pt,Hlc View
'CMHI. Enl0111bmenl, P1cllk Vltw . Mtmarlll Pfrl(.. Olr1tled b'I $mlll'lf
Otrotlly, luclllt 10111111 SWttllnt, Aot
).!, OI lDI VII Ytt!I, !<fewoorl l11cll.
Oftlt ol t1N111, Hovtmti.r 20. Survl'ltd
b'I "">b4ii\CI, Edwin L. Swttlln11 cl11rt11'ol~r, llafblTI W, Swettln11, of
G10rt1l1J !On, LI. IE. L. Sw1tll1* l!I.
SeNICe~ incl l~lttmtnl •1'1•11, F1m-llv wvo.s11 ll'lllte wlllhlna mt'I mike
ccnlrlbullon1 to Ille Ol"ano• C:ountY Heart Fund, B.11tr Morl~rv. tn0 E,
Co1sl Hl91!w8y. OlrPC!Ort.
wm11m Lero'! Thom••· "" n , ot W Convrtst $t., Cos11 Mis•. Oltt Of dcttlll,.Novtmbl!r U. SUrYlvM b'I wlf1,
J•CflutlYftl lnl"ff sons. WUlllCTI Jr., RObtrl 1ncl tlMJOI', Ill of (Olli MIMI
bro!~.,.. krl\lrd Tllom1s. Hunllnt!on
e81ch1 '°'-'' •l1!trs,. 81mlc• Smith.
Colli Mt .. I Mirian Arf •nd Florlai T•leKO, both ot La. Anotlt11 l1•blr1 Ll'ltrtr10r1, Hu"llneton 8fl<lll1 motl'llr,
M". E!llt Thomls, (Giii Ml'UI, S-kt1 .....,, held loc:lf'f, Tu"4tv, 2 PM.
a.n 8r01ctwtv Chl111!. with Rn. L V.
Tomow atlk!1tlno. lnttrmtnl, HtrbOr fttll M_.111 Pt'1c. F1ml1Y 1111111tll
11'1<>11 wlllllnv intY mitt contrJbu•
llont. IO 11'11 81ood R11111rc:fl fund.
D,f!.V. 0111<1. H~o Mtm0rl1I HGJo
111111. I" mcmorv ot w11111m L. Tllortl11. a.u erud~Y M~r1u1rv,
Dr. Ralph W. Gerard,
biology professor and dean of
the Graduate Division, says
evolution is as much a !act as
atoms and graVity.
r;FF!i:IAL SEAL• " Noi.rv Pul:lllt In •rid IOI' wld Siii•· MIK•llfl\ltUt M•t• 1nlvlhl Olllao of ""' g~1'~7 .. ~uaurce-ln. or •
Prlnc:lll•I Dffk:& In :=~ ~ex':!'.!':.i i,:.w:t ond lncllldlnt 111 COlltt. lltt. I~ '*"'*" of PubH 'J:~ Cllllf Dilly 'llot, Ortl'lt'IC co:in7 ExPltt• !OFFICIAL $EALI ' !rvtlet Ind of !Pit IMI CtMlfl:I 0,. .. 14 Novembtr II, ,,, 111d Oec:efl'lber ), t , '·
Mr o:i,':°i'm "'"'" J Kll•wn offCI of 1ru11; 111 fllmt •utndtd 11n111r "" '"'""
Ml)rlu1ry. mCKS
"Should a scientific course
on reproduction also mention
the stork theory?'' he asks.
Nov•m • Pl"' .... .: .. ~11 lhf .... "'. ot Wld ff.cl of IMI. not 111,n Publltlle4 or-eo..i D1llV • "'1"' ,.....,, c r11Nkfi 1r'ld u.s..11' """'"'"' lff'lncl!Mr LEGAL NOTICE Novwnbtr ts •"4 Ot<:tmber 2. t , 16. 6111-t of c1morn!1 °' !ht l'IOlt tt(llrtd tw iild dfficl of t1V1t, •--------------,._. 2111t41 Prlncl••t Offltt In 1-•·•-t f-... , • '"' 11 1n wld ,-·• O••Me Counl'I w "' "' ,_ '"'" """ "" P·>S* M'I C:0111111lul0n !•11lr11t noll •l'Ollldd. Jan u. 1t7l D11ed Hownlbtl' ,, 1Mt. C:lll:TIPICAT• 0, •UllHIUS
•mtOI Hli;t,1, All't 67. ot 254 lll"Olld•
wev, c'"'' Mnt. S1rvl<et 1>1nd!ng-1t
8•11 llr041erW•'I MOrlY•rr, 110 8t'Clfd·
Wa'I, COJI• Miu.
Dr. Gerard 1s the senior
biologist of an adviaory group
that recommended guidelines
for publlshen of.public school
science. textbooks.
Pvbll11*1' or1not Cotti DlllY Piiot, ~~~~ITY PACIFIC NATIONAL PICTITIOUS fllAM•
der therefore Unto Ceasar the fl4Mlf Nov111"\bW ts lfld D1K1mlW 2, t, 1f, l?d9 tor,......l'I SECURITY FUl:tT TM Vndlnl9Md dots Urllh' lllt 1• ctn• ~
things that are Ceasar's and Cl!ftTIPICATI OP" '"''"'''' 210-" NATIONAL 8ANK, ~= ;.':~1f~~~. F::'1':;. H,u:.
J1mt1 fl". HYnffr. Aet n. 01 a80 Ir.
.. 1111;. 'NllWllOrt a11c11. 0.11 of dd1h.
NO'!. 10. S\11'.WIYld br l!letMr, H1l1n Hunll!'. · s.i'vlcts 1!'KI Tnt1rmtr1! orl·
Ylll. 11111• Mortvfrv, 1510 E. CNll
H1thw1r, (Orona cltl Mtr, Dlr1ctorl.
Jtmltl E. Pontius. Ao• 73.. ol l'tl' V«k• !own, H~n!IMiton 1111ch, Oet• of dlttl'I,
November U . !llrvl'lld bY wile, Mar-~•rtll clllltlhttr, Mn. F..11111• MllV Ol•on, HUnllntlo~ 8etcn; sltttr,
Mn. Nellie L11k11 lour t1r•ndcllll!lrrn,
Services will bl 111111 Frlcl1v, 1 PM,
Smllll1 ClltPtl. lntermenl, W•1tmln•
'''' M11n11rl1I P1 rk, Sm11ht Morlut,,,.,
Elltn C. RO$S. 2ns foanto Tom1s, SI" C!tmenit. Otte of dealh, Nov. 73. Sur.
'llYec:I b'I 0111thler, Bntrlct Wl\llelm,
01 s111 Cl1CT1,ftlt1 tDnt, Frank O. '"er
Alln K, Ron , 01 LOlltl Btech1 1!1111 1r1ndchllc:ln1n; t11r1t gn11!.or1ncknll·
dr1n. Prl'l•I• "rvkes were Nici IOclliv. TVllllt'I• l PM, P1clllc VltW
Ch111tl. wllll l1Y. Doll Oll°"'r oflkl•f• lnp, tnt1rm1nt, l>eclflc View Mtm0rl1I
Ptrk. Dlrtetecl bV Pl'Ciflc: Vltw Mllf'"
'LClttlllCI H. Wull!IOn. Age 8!. 0.lt
ot dtf!l'I, NO'I. 24. Sur'llYed lw ton. John ·F. Wulll'°'1, f'elos VtrclH El-t11t1. s ...... kn WAl"I lodFf, Tue!llllV,
2 PM, Weslcllll Cl'oel>tll. W111Clltl
Chll'tl Mon111 ..... '46-411. Dlrtdort.
'Spy' Case
• lll
The state board has amend·
ed lhe report, ordering that
evolution be taught as lheory
instead of fact and that the
biblical version of the origin of
life be included in classroom
science instruction. Dr. Gerard, who is a
member of the National
Academy of Sciences, and
other members of the advi90ry
group who wrote the gudelines
have indicated they intend to
renounee· their authorship of
the 20$-page document.
unto God the thina:s that are '1CT1T1ous 11.w1 LEGAL NOTICE 11 TM!tt 1111o~1 firm Mme of THE POaT MART
God's (Matthew XXU '21) Th• unde,.lentd dOtl c..-tlf'I ~ k ~ t,~:'~: Yj;u~~1!\" E•t... 1114 '"'' w ld firm I• aimlOMd OI "" liar· • • ducnn, • b\lllnMt II 1761 Plla"' Dr.. ,4)111 IOWLnt ,.,_, ...,... '*"" Jn tv• l lld ,•
And lhe Supreme Court bas c°''~ Mffil. c.111 .. ml!:, 11":;'°eli'.:L~ c••TU'ICAT• 0, •UUNISS Olllttr .,..r ~K• o, ra1c11nw 11 " fOliow.t.:
concurred. ~'°:'~TE~~~cEn.::: 11111 Hid llt'm h ,ICTITtoUS NAMI l>ubllillfl:I Or•Mt COi,, D1nr l>llot. H=t!,, ~r:;:: IUI F•lmOl.lllt Dr,,
onlPOttd OI till f1)LloWlnt ""°"' wlloM TM undenltntd dot's Artllv "" h ton• ~mblr n . lt. u. Ifft ~ D "" N VlmOe 17 ,,., "In the cue or evolution, I c mt 1n tuU Ind Pi<ICI ol tHldt!ltl II OS dllCl!n11 • bi.Isl""' •I il'fMI ll:tndolpll, COlll s111! Of c:!ltfornl: • know of no re--••le person l'a~1ow1 Mew. C.llfornlt. unlllr 1111 flC!lll-Hrm LEGAL NOTICE 0 II c nt ....,._., JOll: E C•m~ 17611 P!lc1trn Dr., n1me at PACIFIC YACHTS MFG. CO,. I'll It ou 'I bef w~o has ex~ t h e cot11n Mel.. c.111: mz• ::,.,.:~ ;,'!.i~1r~ :rn,,::',11ri 1':: P·2ml Pw~IC ~:'.;~·'°~':\er 11~!. :e;to!.~~:~~"
evidence who questions that D•ttd No~. M. ,,.,. ollct oi ffflcl•fl(t 11 " 1o11ow1: IA•·tllJ "''eel l>Mflth~ Cr•m' kriown 10 ...-•• ~.
species arose by a continuing '''"' o1Jr.~11::n~~~1na1 Covntv: T!~·t:;1i1!"r!.1rt"' 1322' HtwPOrl Aw .. Clll:TllllCATE 01" DllCONTINUANC•:::: :~'?: :"~f".r!: !~==-::
series of changes from an-On No;•~,i;:r 1~'· .~:''io~:~~ "i~i11~ D•ttd NO'I, l. 1Mf, 01" I.Ill AND/Oil AIAHDONMINT 01" Ille ·~l(Ut.d thf ume.
t I NOll"I ~ E c "-~ Robe•! J, Wll-lt •ICTITIOUS NAM• COFFLCtAL SEAL) CfS ra Dnes. otnOl\lll'I 1•ued John · !"'~"'e 11 Slilt ol Cilllorn!1, Oru1te Counlv : J11n L. Jot»t
"This is the essence Of 10 me lo be l!!_e_ Pf1"!!"1, -l-•!,.-Hll Ind °" Novemllfcr 3. 1'6', tie10r1 1!14', 1 THE UNOERSIGNED do lll"b'I (lrlll'I Moll"I P11bllc.-C1Uf9rnl1 . , 1ub1t•lbed IO ""' W "' ,.. "'" Notirv Ptllllk If! Ind for wld Sltle, ltl•I, eflK!lvt November S. tlM Iller Prlfl(lflll OIUct In
evoJUtlOD and 1S as much a 1ckiwwlt0aed M fllecv!tll Ille ieme. Ptr"IOl'llll'I lllPll•ed tt:tlbel'f J, Wl!lle <tt.e4 10 do bV1lr1tn Uniter Ill• lictllloul .Or1nt1 Count'/
!act .s atoms and gravl'ty (OFFICIAL SEALl0 I k-n IO me IP be Ille per.on W11ue llrm ntmt ol G & G COMPANY 11 l•l~I M'I Com1111111(11"1 Eaolrn • JOStflM E. IV I nirM Is ivbsctlbed 10 Ille wllllln In-Goth1rd. Suite E. P.O. 80lr 1477, Hun-M1rCfl ), J•73
Darwin's theory as to the Not1rY Ptillllc.Ctl!lornli i1Tum1n1 ollll KknoWltdted 111 e~e,uled llntlon Be1"1, C1H101nl1, wllkll buslnth Publl1hed Or11111 Cotllt Ot!lv Piiot. ·:
h . I I . h Prlndotl Dfflce 1n 1111 w1ne w11 torm.rl'I' comllOMlll or tM '1>110wlnt No'lrmber 11, 2S 110d DteemMr f, •· mec arusm o evo uhon as 0r1nt• Countv · !OFFICIAL SEAL) 1>1r-. """'°" n1...-1 In 11111 •nd 111c1 1Ht 21:iwt been supported by vast as. MY Comrnt11lon E~•lret Jooe"" e. 01.,1, of rnkltlltt ere 11 1o1iow1. li>-wlt:
l 'd Ju~• 11. u-111 11ol N 0'. r 'I p v 1111 (. c 1mornl• ~ c;. "'° Dot'olll'I E. Toohlll, LEGAL NOTICE mounts O ev1 eoce over .lhe Publbhed Or•llf• Co.It D•~ 9P 14 PrlnclP•I 0tt1c1111 Moll s11111 Dflv1, 1-1un111111on ae1c11,, _____________ _
SANTA ANA -A Santa Ana century Since Jt W a(; November ,$ Incl OtCftl'llMt 1{t1-6f Ortnte County C1llfornl1. 1 · ··-•A.I ,. lHJ M'I Comml111on £X111" Cl1'111lcllt tor tr1n11ellon Gf bullnlH ,..
Said Gerard: "Some lhlngs
should not be mixed. The
Bible itselr enjoins man, Ren-
computer manufacturer has presenK:U, • • Ju .... 11, 19111 .-er "" lboYll 11c1111ow name, •nd •'· c•RT11•1CAT• °" 1u11N•11
Gerald S•'d two physi·c1·ans LEGAL NOnCE l'ubll1hed Or•n•• CM111 D11tv Piiot. r~v11 ., 111.1b11c.111on 111trtof, •r• e11 11i. CT
Pushed the buUon to the tune -I --=::.=:::::::-::-:;;;;;;;;;;;--1'"~'"~·~"'~!·~·~1.~1~ .. ~·~·~·~ ... ~=~""~·~·1 1n Ill• off!« °' lh• CO\lnty Clft1c at ,I ITIOUS INAMI on lhe state board, claiming1· on.no• countv. unclff 111e '"""ia'°"' of Tti. 11nden10,... dO cer111v 1111'1 ,,., or $50 milllon in a fawsu.it a s CEMTll'ICAT• °' IUllNlll LEGAL NOTICE lecllon , .... ot"" CIVIi Coclt. Condi/Clint I (Ml-•I '"' P"tlfYllW
charging a ,form, er emplM'8 ass et scientific expertise, agreed l'ICTITIOUI JiiAME WITNESS our lltndl 11111 W dl'I of ltd~ Colli MfH, Ctllfornlf, W101r IM-.
"" that evoluUon Is only theory. Tiii under11tntc1 do urtlfv """ ire Nowmtier. 1m. 11c:1111-11rm Mtnt of SEW·KNITI •n( with the theft of trade secrets cond ell • 11u,1,,..1 11 4'-1 Nor1t1 na• Gewll• o. Tootitn 1111r 11kf 11rm 11 eomlOACI or ""fOI,... •
and th•'• use in the maoufac· "[ would trust most physl· ,.....,';,,int 8011t."'"'' Nrwpart 8e1cn. w.tt su• Dorotll'I e-. TODo'IUI lne --•· ""'*' ntma 1n 11111 .~ = F s cians to do a reasonable job of c1111ornl•· ur.c11r '"' t1ct111ou1 11~ .. ",'i"' <••Tl,ICATION.OP COll:POlATION 'ubn~ °''"'' C041tt 01uv Pilot, 111<1« of l"ftl4tfl(t ,,. 1i 1o11ovwti ture Of competing eq' Uipment. or qua res · . of PEIUNE/JAC08Y tnd ltltl Now rl'fl Novtmbtr II, lt. lS Ind Dectmber 2, Wllfl1111 Wh"lll MU11r, Jr. ind .. 11'1' diagnosmg and treaUng my It (Ol'l'IPOHO ot ""' follOWlno "9tlOl'llo DOINO •USINl!IS UMDlll lHt JOl.Ut P1tr M!lllt. "21 SWll'I Dr .. Cosfll MIN.
Named as defendant by body illnesses but not much wtlOJtl Mrnl$ In NIL Ind ,It( .. ol flSI· PICTITIOUS NAME LEG" "011CE ~!~1!riJ:~-btr It, .....
Microdata Corp in the be nd ... 1b .. ' • D G d.nc• ·~ •• 1o1iow11 THE tJNDElStGNED cortPORATION nv ,., · • Classes In intennediate YO 1.1u.>, S81d r. erard tt;Dbert P1rln•. 300 1Emer11d. 11-,, don Mretw ctrtll'I 1~111t 1t conchi<t1"8•1-------'-------·1 Wlll!tm Winn Mlll1r, Jr. ARBUCKLE & SON SuN>rior Court action is Allen h · h c 111 11 &•llV P-MIH1r r-square dancing will begin at 8 a p yslcian imself in addJUon La1un. 8tKl'I. • orn ,· 1• ,, "' w11~1 ot 1111nv11t1u,.. •nd t1ltt °' NOTICE TO ClllDITOll s111e at c1111orn11. Or•fl9t counlYi W •• tcWf Mortu..... L Sh ·r 36 of Anaheim a • • Nlld J1cctb'I, 100 Wai.I e'ltll" r ' 1treu rtl1•.,ll'IO "4.lllment Ind eo "''"m '""J • ap1 o, • • p.m . Tuesday in the Com-to being a b1olog1st. eaibM. c1n1orn11. 1,,.., r1111v1111 1nc1 1nM1!lnt on c011lr1d suP111oa couaT OI" THE °" N~ber u, Ifft. OHore rroe, • • •M E. 17th St., Costa Mesa t d · d 11er" 1%9 T No1,,., Public kl •"4 '9r wld S111e. • "'' compu er es 1 g n er an munlty Recreation Center at The b 0 ar d ~a ppr 0 ye d 011.ci Novem • t.111rn111 11 1'131 Gctmot1f, Suitt E. P, o . s ATI OI" CALlllOllUA PD• HrlOl\lll'I' ••Ho1re<1 Wllll•m winn MIJlir, "~• ~-• ' 'th M' od ( f · · . . Roblrt p,r!M 80• Im, Hvntl1111ton BelCfl, C1lltornl1, THI COUNTY O• o••N•• ... ,,...._ engineer w1 tcr a a rom the West gate of the Orange guidelines g1vmg dual a t· N"' J1cob'I , •• ,, 111e 11,1111aut 11m1 Mflll of o & G ..... Jr .. •nc1 8'11'1 p,,, Mllllr known "' -
t'} j "--'l<I 111 I '"' "'" A"4t1t IO be ll>f "r10111 Wilollf ntf!lff I M
• March 1968 un 1 ast ......:t. .... County F a irgrounds. tention to evolution and A':~~~ 2:U":;n • , ~,e::;:i~i::; •,: ~'!'. ;~~a.'j" 11~,e"~ E11111 of w11.L1AM JASON CALLIS, !:"~'::9;: 1::! ::~~1.!,n~:,r.u';',e~~-an1
BALTZ lt10RTIJAJU'.ES Microdata alleges that Sliapiro Sponsored by the Costa special creation are to be used en Nov•mblr :l, 1™· wror• me. 11u11 .... 11 11 "eo11ow1. '"° known •1 w. J. CAF..F..ts •nd tOFFiciAF.. sEALI
Coro.a del ftiar OR 3-fC50 was engaged in "millions Of b b"-• th Nol11'V Public In Ind !Or wld Sl11t, TOOllUI COl¥lllnr, Inc .• 161)1 Oollllrd, WILLIAM J, CALLIS, l)eA1sN. JGJ•Pll E 01vl1 M esa Recreation Department, y pu imi1ers as ey prepare 1>1nontllr ap,.1rlld Robfrt Ptrln• Ind 51111• E, P.O. 80• un, Hum1not011 NOTICE IS HEREIY GIVEN IO llll Not11Y Piihuc-<1lK1tlll1 COila &1eia Ml 6-%414 dollars worth" of computer the class is open to all pers<r.tS texts fo~ science. adoptions fpr ~ •• .:.K.o~---=i:esto•r~~!c:,~1~ eea"1, County ot Ort1nte. Stiff: o1 c•fllltors 111 the •bll'I• "1mec1 detlldtrll l'rtnclP1I Dll!(t In
ch d I. g his employ . h 2 I d Cal" bli ch Is ... --...... '"'"' C11Lloml1, ""'' Ill Mtl.Gnl ll1vlfl{I tl•ll!IS •••ln1t "" Orlnff Col'"'" e resear urn .. wit I essons or more un er uorrua pu c s oo . 111e wllhl" 1n11rurne~1 •n4 ec:know 011td: NOWl'!lbt• ,, lfff. wld c:lt(eOent ire '"11lre<1 10 1ue 111etn, MY commiu 1on e~11rrei
BELL BROADWAY rnent and was entrusted with a their belts, and offers an DP-The new books for grades 111e., ••ecu!t!l tlle 11"''· !CORI., SEALI w1111 '"" nt'eu1rr "ouche"' in TM onlct Ju"' 11 1t10
Mon'TUARY great deal Of highly secret por!un1'ty to brush Up on rusty ODe through four will be 1·n-(OFFLC~.~~~AL~l Al>Plfmln !~~!Lk ~~~:NPY~ ~~t r the cltr1t at the ibcwe tftlllled """'•" Publl1r..d 0:,...,. Coast Dilly Ptlol, n trod -·• . Se be Nollr'I Pvblk-C.llltorn11 ....,.,,.... · • r 1 0 ortffnl ll'oem, with Ill• lllCllUt'f November 11, ls end DKember '· '·
11• Broad .. ay. Co.ta Me.. documentation. skills. u ... ~ 1n ptern r, 1971, ,,1 ••• -,1 -•··· In Datoth'I E. T111111111, 'IOll'htr1. 10 111e 11ndliri1t....i 11 ll'MI e111c11 1,., ,13ur ....... "'"'" Viet Prtl1dt"I at HARWOOD, SOOEN • ADKINSON, sso1------,_,-,..-------u .wm -~· ' Microdat.a asks that the f'or $1.00 per . person per ::roud thgbe t.,,.xtsght f?~ grSeaptdesemb!ier•e. ~.·:.:r.~.w.~~v. 6'clllnll ~~",..~yo~,.~~~::1" ) II ~:::~ • .<~~" ~r~~ ,.~.':!irt ti!= LEGAL NOTICE
• court ha1t Shapiro's operation session, square dance afi-.... ~ ,, .. •v on 11111 ~rd 411' ot Na"Hmbe,, '"*· °' 1111 vnder1111ne11 1n 111 m1tt.,.. ""1--------------
of a rival concern and that cionados can get teSsons from 1m. LtPPot.D. NINoaasoM AND 1111ort "''' • NP11rv P~lk 1~ •nd tor 111n1"' 10 ll'le 1111te of Mkf ~. mu
DILDAY BROTHERS their former employe be bar-two professional instructors, :,N~~~ ~~.! 111 !!:rJ=..·~. ~~i1, ~:"'~ :~ :'!:':, ':i= ::;,~c'!'.1 •fler ""' llr•t Mlle•· NOTICE 0 , U.Le: o, ••AL Pll:OPlrtTT
Balldbgtoi Vallq red f · poler data h ISO all the dances CHll Mell, C1Nf, tul1 DorvlllY E. Tool'lllL Viet P1"ldolnl knowtl Dlled November 7, 1Ht. 1'T l'lllVATI SALi "oriu&ry rom USIOg COffi W 0 a C ' J Publ!$htcl Or•ftllt CH•I Otltv Piiot, lo me 10 bt lht Prnldenl .Ind Vice Pr.tl· J.Wrlorlt El1lne C1lll1 fft A _..
'"" evolved durlag his employ-For m ore ia£ormati001, call apan TolJ November u •nd De«r11t1er t. •· 1" c1tnt ot T0011tt1 c:om11111V. inc. at 1111 co,.. £Jtec111rr11 of the wrrr ' J79ll Beach Blvd. lMf 211MJ "°''''°" 11111 e11(uled !ht w!lllln I~ of tile ""°"" """'"' deced~~f SUPllUOll: COUllT 0, THI R ti ...... Beacb meot with them. 1\.14-5303. ['.:'.....-c:::=-c:--:;;;;;;;;;;;---111""""" on lMMlt of Ille cortorlllon NAll:WOOD, SODIN .. ADKINSON STATI 01" CALIPOll:/ltlA POil
.. ··-rovyo (AP) -"at1'onal LEGAL NOTICE tt\frel" n11!1ed, Ind 1cttnowtedlld 19 "" Piii otlkl ... 1tt1 THI ,.,.,, •• •••••• ..., ,, rn11 IW(h Qt'llOl'tllon 11ecwltd Ill• umt. "-" heel" C:•Nf. nu1 ,. .... su.ml BIBLE THOUGHTS police re"""ed ,_ tral!l ..... tllt WITH!$$ mY lllnd Ind 1111. Tll: {Jlt) '4tol111 In ""' Maner of Ille E1!1f1 flf t'""~ ;rv;r C PUbllc ti11rlntl w111 bt llt! "' (OFFICIAL SEAL) AtlDrnft'I ftr S1111:wlrh1 ED WAltD Y, POllTER, 0ft11Ud.
• deaths in Japan totaled more co111 Mts1 Pltnn1nt conwni uion. 11 the aart11r1 8. Ph11n... Pllbll1~e<1 or11111, cusi 0,11., Piiot Notice 11 11tret11 11ven 11111 tl'll ""'
PACrF1C VIEW HllNAL PUNISHMENT h proportion1! than J4,000 in midweek, 38 ,','"i•_!<,•1,",' ,',' ,'.~ .~::."'o, '::1•10011Mn:; N011ry Put111,.c1111ornl1 "'°""""' 11, 11, u Ind Dl(lmber i c:1er1leriec:1 wru ull 11 pr!v111 wlf. on .,,
I d d J 'd '"" "" .... ber l'rlnc11>11 Dfflct In )Ht ~ 1rttr lhe 21th dav at No .... mbef', 1,.,, .i MEMO PA to now o 9• •11 opportunity. 11u1 111 , days earlier than last year. _,1b1t 111tr1atltr Oii MOllCl•v, ~em o,11...,e counlv ""' ofllu Of Gltn ,., D11k~, 401 N. ar-.rtit
Cemetery e Mortuary "··tli1t ••r.,1nt whlclt KNEW t.it Lorcf1 They predicted this year's toll t.~=·rdlno Ille fonowl"' •PPllcllloM. Ms.!..'!"',•,,,luJ'". E~plrn LEGAL NOTICE ~!~~'iv Su~tt ~:!' ~ltftcll,..1:: ~~::.~•,.,.
C••pel will -neithor did -hit will, 1h1ll bt I ·••1•00N NO R IMJ lot "' "' ua wouJd be 8 record high pass-1. lllEtDN r ' ' ;. tk Publllhed Ot .. lff Co.If O•llY Piiot, C1!1fornl1, lo 11'11 hltl'lltt Ind bMt bidder, 3SOO PacWc View Drive b11t•n witlt MANY tftipo1. 8vt h1 th1t • Dort Koll com111nv, inc .. 17m Sll'I 1 NO'lembtr 11, 1a. u •nd DIQfmbtr '· fl.ml• •1nd 1vbltet to ttn11rm1t1Cin ''°' .. w 1
-KNEW NOT -ihill bt b1it1n with FEW Ing the 14,256 registered in Clrclf, lrv!nt, C1t1t,, tor •tr.';1\~i'Tio:: "" 20l5'ff Clll:TIPICAT• 0 , IUllNl•I Sull*r100" Court, 1!1 tilt rlgl'll, tnk tnd in. Ne__. Beach, CaWorull 1968 re?OM proper!'/ d•terlbed fl • tM lf:reu of .. Id dectftlld " ""-ftfmc fl .. .,_. 1trip1s."' IL ... 12:~7-<48). A l1!1nt1cf m111 • e 8env Tr1cl, ttv:I loc•ltd on LEGAL N<YI'ICE ,ICTITIOUI HAMI d~1tll •"4 111 thl rlthl, ll!lt •nd lnternt 6'f.l'iDO in j1il for lif1, h loriur1d by tli1 thou9hh S0...111-1 corntr of Biker Strttl ~ 1111 Th• underslGriec:I do cullfr lllt'I •r• lh•I Ille Hl•le of wld. dect11ed h11 1c-·
d I I d NOTHING • LEGAL "OTICE NewllOtf Jl'rteWl"I'•' COllll M111, Ctlll., ,.Hm conc1·~u"' , .,,1..., '' -oi '''''''''• '11/trtd ll't' 011er•lfon of 11w or o111erw1 .... • of lootopportunltit1 111 wa1t1 now• 91. ctn "' ,. .. 0 0 R•C <•IY1•1<••1 °' IU•INlll ..,, ~· " . ""' 1 IO'·-• -If from ,.,, 0 I"'" Ntwoort 8uCll, C1lllornl1, un0er tilt lie· o r '"'" or n ed(I _. 10 '"'' "' s1 don• to remO'll tho'' puni1hin9 thou~hh. An i9nort"1UI, in j11l for 11·--~~---------·1 ,, lllJ:ONI PITITION ND, • ' l'ICTITIOUS frl"AMI tlllooi llrm ntlllt of SHEPARD'S 1114 lllll 4PC~ltec:I. •I ll'le tlmt ot Cl'fl!M, In Ind It PEEK FAMILY lift, miy •niov the fret meili ind loituri; t.is p11nith'm1nt it ll9ht. Clll:T11'tCATa 01' IUSINISS AND tONE IXCE,TION l'lll:MIT 7N:· Tiie unclenltntd clo certify l~h' '" .. ld firm It ~llOIKI of th• tolkrWlnt 1111111 (ttltln re1I ProHrl'I .i111111 In 1111
COLONLAL FUNERAL h h h 1 I I II lllCTITIOUI flAMa 11•111 .. t, '"' S. V, Hunwk••• Jr,, 70 • cond11ellnt 1 bu1lneu 11 llnlO Mtln St., woons whow MMll Ill fVH tnd pltct City ol (o)t1 MQI, County of Or•""' 2 P•I. 2;20·2 J cond•mn1 Chri1ti1n1 w o I'll op• 111 Y • 1n T1le ullder1ltnec:I OOH Cttllf'I ttitv 1,. Ch•""""' F11lle•I011, C1lll., tor perml1•lon Huntln!Jlon 8t1Cf1, C1lllernll, \ltl!Mr !'ht ot ,.1~ tr• 11 '1>llows• Stitt of C1lilernl1, Htl!cultrl'I aescrlbtd
HOME into 1in 1ncf 1111•'· " •. tht !1tl1r 1ncf ls wor11 with them th•n tlt1 coftducllno 1 bu1lrw11 11 NtwPOrl 8t•ch to ru-•l'"OOtl1Y c:le1crlbecl In 111• pell< llctlllout firm 111me ot CAllSTAN Loli R •nd LfOl'I A, ShtPltd sm 11 tolJows. to-wit:
71M •-•-a Ave. bog•'•••'•g. ''' ;1 had bttn btlftr for thtm not to hivo known Clllfotnla. undt!r tt.e fk:llllou1 firm Mm; !Ion lrOl!I M1 lo R~-<P IPlll perml•.,"1~,1 1o U.BORATOllY •"d lhll 111d firm 11 corn-Do"l'ln 'or Hunllntion 8 •~th TM ""'11herly 71.W of It>• norll'lerl'lr UI D<7U of PEGAN ORIGINALS Ind'~' Mid firm exceed Ille m•~lmum permln lble I "' l>OStd at lh8 fOlloWlnl person1. Wl'!Olt C1lllornl1 " • llf.16' OI !he ~•11•1'1' )1)4. "5' of ti.. IOI' Westminster 893-3525 Ike w1y of righl1ou1n111··", Th111 miu H11v•n ind 1wff1r re· It corn1101ed ol 1111 tolrowll'IO penon1, Ml,hl 111owlno 11'11 con11ruc:11on of U7 namt1 In lull •nd Pllt"tl ot tet.kltnct •rt DitN Ociober 31 lHt nll\I !fl F1lrvltw F1rm1. recorded look
1110,11 ind rtgrtf etern•lly, liiving KNOWINGLY rijt(ftd op· ~ n1m11 In lull end pl1ct11 of 11nll1 lo meet Ille CP 1tand••di 1" 1 tro-11 lollows: Loli R She'...trd' t , ''" 71 of Or1"'e Collnll' 11111, • ttllden<• 1•0 •• fotlow1· IH»td .... CP tone. not IO exceed lllr" c. G. YUPOI. 199" Wl'lrnct<ll~, NIW•. LfOl'I A Sllff1rd records. commonly known II tt•
SHEFFER 'IORTUARY portu"itl11. NOTHING can bt don• or 111id to 1111 tlt1ir r19r1ll. 8tlty H. E••'"''"' ,Os E. Bev Fron!, ~>or!n, 1s per 11t!1on f'l'(l.).4 ol lht oort Bt•cn, c1nt. 1111, 01 cimo(nlt, Or•nt• County: H1rbof' &Ivel .. c:o.11 Mew. C1lll«nl1.
" Thi Bibi , cfo11 not te1~li LITER AL 1h1tt1 of 9olcf ln H11Y1n; &llbo• 1111n0, fU61 mvnlc1Pll codf !lllt1h rise 1tindtri"I °" Sl1n IE. !llvtrm1n, '8H VI• .-,rltUn1, on October 31, 1Mt, before me, 1 TenN OI tile C111h 111 11wlul mono:' «
La-na Beach •H-153$ thii it a FIGURATIVE wiy to dticribt th1 b11utlfut. N1ith•r Pf!lt'I Gren%. IU02 M'e4ow1wrtl 11•oi1trl'I IGUIN belwttn Bak.,_. •nd Hunt!M!on Be1ch. Callf, Nola"I Public In 1nd 111r NICI 11111, the Unlttd s111e1 on conflm11111on ol ""' •-· Wey, NtwPOrt 8''"'· PtYl1rlno Stre11!1 111 feet a1~1trl'I' "' ine D1rec1 NO'l&mbe• 10, 196' "roontllv •Pi>e•red Loll 11:. Stl1P1rd 111d CM' 111rt t.111'o Ind IMllnt• evldtfl(td W San Clemente 4~100 cfo11 it f11ch LITERAL firt in Ht!I; thi1 FIGURATIVELY cft· Dilfd Novem~r 23, Uff (tnler11nt ct Brltlol Slrtel, Co111 MfM, C. G. Yui>Pt LfOl'I A. Shtl>trd known to me le be tM llOlt IKUrld l:r\I Morl;101 or Tri.tit OHd.
1,,;b11 the ttrri b!t. REMORSE 1ncf REGRET of thll'I• I" Hill Pe,igy Gttfll Calif. St1n e . Sllwrm1n 11trson1 wllo!ie nemn ••• 1vbscrlbNI to on thl nrw>trty so solcl. Ten eterctnl « • f R d Bel1y H. ftslmtn l. %ONE EXCl!PTION PEllMIT NO. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Ille within lnllrumenl and Kll:nowlldttd 1moun1 bid lo be dnoosl~ with bid.
SMITHS' MORTUARY (who mi1,td H11v1nl will forever tortur1 th1m IS irt. •• Slttr °' Callfoml• ll•UWJ, lor l(tlhV 1nve1!mtnl Como•n.,, ORANGE COUNTY? Ille'! t•ec:uted the 11me. lld1 or otlert lo be In wrlllnt 1nd w!H
Jn, 12;4 7·41. Rt'I, 2C; 11.t S, 2 Cor. Si I 0, Riv. 2 I :I 05, Yov Or•nt• c°"""" •~5 E lTih strett, COlll Mflll, C1111,, lo• On No'ltmblr 10, 1,6', befflre m1, • be ,_,....., 11 Ille 1tores11d ollkt 11 .,,.,
6%7 Main St hivt KNOWLEDGE of Christ. Do you t1~1 1.,1ry OPPORTUNITY On No'l•m""° '' lt6J beforr me 1 01rmlis1on to con11ruct •Piii opere!e 1 Not1rv Public In Ind fO<' utd Sl1!e, lOFFICIAL SEALl t!m11t1er 11\e nnt oubfktllon llereol •nd "· uniln~-Beacb Nolt"I Public tn 1Mt 1or'w1d Slali, ~er· "Hires Jd!"nr'1 Re1ttur1nl" lo meel 11'' 1>er'°"11tv 10Pt1rec:I c. G. YuH•. St1n E, Je1n F... Jot111 btlOI"• d•ll Ol Mll. " 5""" to ob1v Him1 VISIT Clturclt of Chri1t, 217 W, Wi11on St., Colla IO!l&ll'I I PM•rtd Betty H Etslmin ind "CP" rto11lrernenl1 In • Cl.CP ione per $ll~erm1n known to ma lo~ Ille per50n1 Nol•r'I Publlc.Cill1orn11 Dllecl Odotlitr )II, 1'69 536-653! M111, STUDY tho BIBLE witlt ut. p .., G 1 ,,,_ 10 'm• to bl 111t 11i.ns m14t 1 11111 of lhl1 1111111cat1on on Whole n1mtt. "' sublcrlbtd IO lM w11111n s.,1.,11 c. Pat!., ~=============~==========================.,.:!..:!_' ~1 nll!lts 1,1 iut>Krlbtd 10 prOPrrt'I 1ot1led Ill Ille ftntr1I l'o"i 0•1 ~1tr11ment alld l(k/IOWltdfled ll'otv e•· Prlr1tl11al Olllce In E•ecutrlx
open ing frio•y, november 28th
sorry for the del•y
fo r men •nd boys
7 fashion i.l•nd, newporl be•ch • 644-5070
bankamericerd master charge
""'..,., 1111 SW corntr of B•ktr 1nd r' o 1c\Jfed Ille lfl'nt'. Ora1111• Counlr of ~ Wiii Ille wllllln lnttrument Ind IC~,,_ltdllltl SlrHll, ca111 MtM• C•111, (OFFICIAL SEAL) My Com111J,.lon Explrn OI Mid OKeclenl lhtv llll(Uled Ille llll"W, For lurlhlr lnlormttlon Ill'\ !he abOvt Jr•~ L, Job1! IJL!:N A, DUKE (OFFICIAL SEAL) 3p~llcttlonl• ttlfpl\ont 13",20 or c.1111 et No!JrY Publ!c. Ctlllornl1 Mlt(ll 1, 191J Ml N. lrM!f Sf'ld. Jostol'I E. 08'111 I~ oll1Cfl of lhf P!lnnlnt OHfrtment, Prl...c:IPtl Ot!lce In P~b!lll\ecl 011"'1 Co~1! Dll!V Piiot, IYllt 111
Nol1ry P1tbllc.-C1111orn11 Room 100 n F1lr D•l'le, Ca1!1 Mell. _. Or1nge Coun!Y ~ovember ~. 11, lt, 2S, lt" l'O<ls..t QIWlll, C1Ullrnl1 PrlnclPll Olllce In tJtilornlli.' Mr Comm!11lon E•Plrt1 AlltrMY ftl' l•teulrl•
Ort""' Counl'I COSTA MESA Merch ?. 1'1J LEGAL NOTICE Publlt~ed Ora...,e Co•'I D1l1Y Piiot. Mr CCll'l\rnlssfon Ell11lrK PLAN NING COMM1$$10N Publl1lltd Ot~n~e Ce.ti t Dallv Pflol, Novtmber 11, 19, tl, Ifft 1131-M '
•• 11..,.June 210 , lf111 C , 0 '" •i•t Nale ll••de November 11, It 25 •nd DPCernber ?. IAR 110 U ''"'1 CMll 1 ' C1!1lrm1n 1H9 20t1-6J November 1S tnd Dt«mbtr J, f , 1•. Wllll•m L, Dunn LEGAL NOTICE NOTICI TO ClllDITOllS LEGAL NOTICE
lHt tttHJ Stcrelar'I Ind Dlttclor SUl'IRIOll COUllT 0, THE
of Pi.~nl"' l'·mft Publ!llled Orft ..... C1111t D1l1Y Piiot, •-mH STATE D' C:ALl,OllNIA •0• ClllTIPICAT• 0, •USINISS. LEGAL NOTICE NOVrmber 2s. lfff ,,. •• , Cl!!lfl,ICATa 0, IUSINESS TNI COUNTY OP OlANQI l'ICTITIOUS HAM• 11--°"'°"°"'"'°'""'"'':"'."°CCO:::--( ~~~~!::.,;:~.-,,.:.;;;;,;,.-'-""'-·( FICTITIOUS !rlAME fol• .WMU ClllTllllCAT1" OI' •USINISI • ""r<AL NOTICE ' Tiit ulldtr1ltnl!cl dots (erlll'I lie It~ l'ICTrttOUS NAMI uwu The Un<ltt"llO"lld cullfle1 he b con· Ellll1 of SYLVIA LUTHEll, Otcflle<I. duc:U~t 1 bu1lneu ti 101 Marine Ave., Tiie underlltntd doff urtlty tie Is con• p.JnP dlllll'lll • buslntU II '°8 Marine "ve,. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lo !ht 81lbM t1l1nd, C1llfornff, \ln<ltr 1111 !lto
C:irc-111!9 1 buSlntU II 114S N_,I lmt., CERTllllCATI 0, •U11NIS$ B11bo1 lillP\d, CNIWl>llrl> C•llfornla, t•tdllct" at the lbo'lt Mined decedent tltlout firm n1rne at 111\IE F..A HAlft WIG co.it Mew, C.lfornl•• uncltr "" flctl· •tCTITIOUS MAM• under the flclttlous llr111 n1111t at THE Thi! tll oerson' 111v1111 claims 1111lnJ1 thr 5TUOIO •nd Ille! s•ld firm 11 tom~ "°"' fltm ntml of AllJAY COMPANY ,... undenlontd don ctrHIY tilt 11 con-FOXY LAOY Ind lhtl Mid llrm II CDM-Nici ClfGedent ,,, '""''eel lo fl~ lhfm, ol Ill• followlnt 11et1on. wllo$f "•""" ht
dM ARMCO TRANSMISSIONS Ind lflll erucllftl 1 t1111!nt11 •I 712 H11nt1111ton Ave., llMtd of ll'>e lollowln~ "'?°"• ~"'Olt wltll IM nec:ttll,..,, YCllJCl\efli, In lilt olll« full ind olKe of rnldenct 11 11 tollow1: , kl I! 11 ornllOlld 01 !hi lol!owlni Hlfl'lllntt".., Beach, c1111orn11, 11ndtr 1M n•ml In full •nd 11l1t1 res ae...c:• 1 11 or lllt c1trk of the •bov• tnUllN c.ourl. or Kenntlh Hlr11, .$01 Prulll Dr~ lled, H rm < 1 f 0 rid of fldlllout 11rm n1mt of ORIGINALS •Y lo!lowt: 10 present them, with tne nete111r., ftfftt!'I PlrlOl'I, whose -n u a PIK• CAIN Ind lhtl 11ld tlrm I• tomllOud of D~vld Mlthed Telle, IO'll 81lbof VOlltllefl to·~· Ufldl'nlpned at Ille olfkt D1lld NO'lt111ber 17 1H9 rt1lcllnl:t II •1 foHOWI: Ill• lo11owlnt Hflon. Wholl -· I" lull Bl'ld, No. A, Newoett 8tl<~. C111!. of ROLAND $, BAllCUME. Allorn•r 11 l';tnrHllll Hlre1' .
R-A. Jol'lnton. '°*''"' $!. Ne. t, •nd llllc• GI reillltn(.I I• 11 follows: Dated Nov. 10. 1ff9 L1w, 5.50 NewPOrl Ce"''' Drtw E111, Sift! of c111tornr1, Or•"'O• c.ou"'"' Stnll Monlcf, Calllornll LUlltn C~I~, 71' H11nll!lllon AYt,. 01vlll Mldlltl Tlli<I Suitt 301, Newl>Orl Be1cl'o, C11lf(lrnl1 On NO'I. 17, 1,.,, betore mf, 1 Nolll"I' D111d N!Wtmbtr 2•, IN• Ht;nlllllllon Bi•ch, C1IU. STATE OF C"LIFO.RNIA, t1660, Wfl!Cll I' !Pit PIKt of bullflfH at Publlc In 11111 tor i 1lcl Stile, 11tnon1lty llogtr A. Joh"'°" Dllecl NOY. 10, Ifft ORANGE COUNTY, • the UPlllfr1l1riec:I In 1!1 m1lltr$ H•lll"ll'l9 aPIH:••lld Kenneth Hlrll known tom. t.
Slllr ot C1l11otnl• LHll1n Caln O" NO'!. ID, lfft, before "''' 1 N°18'" 1o lllt esl11t at 11111 c:ll!ctdtnl, wllllln tour tit 111e 111rr.on wllo!e n•m• 11 subta-ltltd '
Or1nt11 County, ~~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Pubtlt ,.'" 0•"'1,10~1!!1~1 S~tll~~ P:=n•I~ monr~t 10tr lhe 11,,t oublltll~ at lhlt lo !ht wtlllln l!llilrumenl tnd tcknowltd• On NO'lember 11, 196•, ""'"" mt, I OllANGE COUNTY• lllPlol' fY '"''' ~ ' nolk:f ed ht tXl(;llltd Ille 11..,. Nollt'f PubUc 1n end lot tt ld Stilt. on NcY 10, 1H9; betort mt, 1 NOll"I me to bl 1111: oerson wnoit n•~ It Dett!d November J lH' 0 · itelWlllllV 11>oe•t'ld Rottr A. Jonnson Puti11c 1n · •"41 tor 11ld s1111. "r111n1ll'I f11b1crlbed 10 Ille w!lhln 1n,iru,.,~~1 •ncl wn50n Euoer:.i Lui11er ! FFIC:!.~ 5~~'.1enr"I'
known to me lo bt Ille P•rton wl'IOle ••11ttncl Lllll•n C•ln •110wn to mt! to be 1ctnowl'49ecl "" e~tcU1HI Ille 11.m. Elpc;vlor ol '"' Wiii Nct18",.., Pullllc·C•l!tornft n1m1 Is s\lblcr1bf(I IO Ille Within ln· !hi Hrlllll '#11011 n1111t Is 1ub1trlbecl IO !OFFICIAL SEALJ Of Ille 1bove ~&m"' dec:tdt"I Prln<IPll Olfl<t 111 s1rvrntn1 1nd 1c1tnowltdtecl he eoet11•ec1 i11e w11Mn 1n,1•umen1 1nc:I 1tknowffftfl:I M•..., B~thb1:0.11r,lf r 11 llOF..AND l . IARCUMll! orinoe cou"'"
"'' wine. ·~· ~-O!(Cttled It'll 11mt. "'"''"' II • 0 ~ AllorM'I II Uw M c I l E~ 1 {0Fl"ICIAF.. SEALl (OF FlilAL SEAL) Pr!n(lDI~ 01111<t In Sit MtwMrt Ctllllr Drl'll llll, N:vem°:';' ;: llf,n P rn ~ I( Htn•'I JNn L Job11 O•tMe oun 'I Sllll• 112 p blltl\l<O 0 • c I Otllv Pilot •• Nol••)' Pv1>11c.C1UfClrnl1 Notarv · Pubtlc • C1f110rnl1 Mv 1forn, ,';'j~'lon EKo1rt1 NfW91itt lffdi, C•~lll• nut Nov~mber 11, r~etlld °"&ec*"lbe!' ,, '· ,
P1!11Cl1tl Olflte In Ptlfl(IDll O!lkt In p II '°o' ' C , Oi!! Pl"' T•h C110 '4Mnl IMf ti''"'' Orlnte CounlY Or1M• Cou,,,.,. Vb 1htcl r•l'IOt "' 'I ' Al,_ t'tr IQCV!wt' 1 ----~~~~,-,.=-=-,---My (.ommlNIOll Extlnll M'I Com1111lttoll E•,lre1 NO'IM'lber 11, It, 25 Ind Ottembfr 1. Publlthecl Or1n1t COlll D1ll'I' Pllo!, 1' LEG" NOTICE Novrmbtr 24, lt72 M&rdl 1, lt73 1Ht ,_... Nov•l'ntllr It lS Ind Ot<tmbtr 1, t, ~
Publllhed C>rll'!ttl CN•I DIH'I Pllof, PubllJ!lfd Or•ntt C041,I Ot11V Piiot. lN t1J.Ht ------------No'lem!Mf U tnd °*tembtr 2, e, 1'. November 11. 11, lS end Dt<embtr '· LEGAL NOTICE ""' Ifft .. 1.111," 1Ht *'""1-----------LEGAL NOTICE T .... n NOTICE o• IJllTIJriDIO
LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 1uP11t101t couar 0111 THI ,.2n14 Tu.Ns,111: .-,Nb LsAsa•Acic
STATI 01' CALl•Ott:NIA 'Oil NOTICI 01' 0 I SS O .. VT I O" 01" Nollc1 ll Plt.rtoY ll"tn t111I Dontld l:. •
<Ou.' •• THI p )Pf' THE COUNTY 0, OltANOI Dombrow, D.D,s .• TrtMffltor, of ,,., (, SUPIRIOll • NI. A•M41S , .. ftTNllllHIP AND OP DISCOM• Eot""' ""'" C:ll'I' ot Hunl1ntlon ltKll.,'
ITATI 0' ~~"1::11:~~:.01• C:lkT~~~,l ou°s' Nl~\lNESI. NOTICS 011 HIAltlNO o• PITITION TIHUAHCI 01" USI OP ,,lM NAM•. Clllfornl1. 1nlll'ldt to Hll ctr!llll Hr-•I • THI COUM . Tiii nclCI 00 'QI"" '""' ,,, POii PltOIATI 0, llOll:llON WILL Pl'-rl'I to: Lffleltlllfl Corpeir1tton. I NI, A..... 1fnt1 ~' b11 ntJI 11 11 Mt1il jl.. ANO •OR i.ITTl!:lS TllTAMINTAll'r Purwtnl lo 11'lt 1H'O\'ltlonl of lfcilon Ctllfornll C:or,., lnltl!dld Tr1n1tertl .
HOTtca 00•1,•,•, .. ,•rwitt :roTTfo: S!~11=t11 f07~. C1lllOl'F! .. ll"!ler,,"'I Ettlll of TULA STOKE$ COC:I(!, 1m:J01f·S 11~.Jltf ~~·Im~~ ':.tndt: (LH.otl, ol QI Wli.hlrt IM,. (11'1 of 'Ok Piii: i'i(T/nw• tlrl!l n-of THE OT 0ft91Mlli on ::1"116rri1 not!« It~ •IW l•"terlV Hllta. C:tll/Otll .. , 1"4 thll M1ct .
L1.n111.s TISTAM, "•"•'•'•~"-IHOPPf 1"4 lhll .. kf llrm 11 com-NOTICE IS HEll:l!8Y GtVll!H Tfttl 11 .f!. ~~~a 1iw-:.rlflllrtlllt ~ ; I"~ TttMfttff CL.ucirl. F..HSMulp • 111111 el JUAHt A ' ' llCllld OI 1111 to11owll'ltl WllOFll, wllliMi WILLIAM l'IOWltF..L COCK!, SR, 1111 fllo !lit f.i'JloW Hf'Wlll, tncl Mnilotote Ctr~•tkwl. 1"11M"t hi Ill~ It Miit NOTICI IS HEREl_,Y OIVE~ ~I "'""" 111 full tnif lll•cn of Al~ tel lltrtln I .. llllo!I lot 11robllt of fol'eltft lfltl .. lld In •lr'!!!tl uncter ihl ll•m-1111'-'"! DONN It, OornbroW, ODS. TrlM!t«ll', ~rs11,..i T, Rllh I J-"' '1 •• II follow1• wlll Ind for l11>1•1'1Ct of Llllln el AWAll:D OTOll:S, YAMAHA, II 1'5 IF..-), fl'lt tllf'H,.._1 p.._1r. • ,_ "w '""~"'!!11 • ::::"~\: • "'""'ff' "l"'r\flrd Lii .. St•I Ttlltl'fll!'lllf'I' to Ill• Pt'llllontr. l'lfertnc• Ell! 1~Slrttl. Cotll l'.i ... ti Ctjr.lffllf'n,~. ten .. ll lltlCT .. llOll OI which .... ft;ICIWfio . ,rolllllt "' Wiii ........... JIUI . t';:J< It. Offl'I, SU H•rv•"' to wlll(~ 11 "'"' for IUrtlltr Hrficul1r •• 'L!1 cl ~It ot m~lll1'' JU • "'wll: Ot!\111 tttrlPme<'ll. elllc• t<!lllP. Jlln Tet.fllfl\ffllltY 1 P :J.' ',!: ~:~ n,, '~ . end thtl Ille tlmt: 1nd pllf:I OI' i.1rl11t tl!I J~ I v1tre:'~ta .. ni~f"1 T.i lllf!ll, furnU~rt Ind fl~ft Ind lDttld
rtfel't!ICI '° W!lkh • m "' If( 11 \ ltm• hit betn tel tor Otcemtier n. •Mt, •ftl?r l~ a1no11111on no ..,._ had •I nu f , Edlnetr A'H,, Cll'I ot Hll~ ,
111rtkui<ll"I. Ind 11111 "':, 11":,! ,,J 1; lh.!! on ~lll,11!.1n it J\JI) '''"" In Ille (OUl'lrOOll"I OI' DINr1· •uttlorl l tn lfl<Ur Obll111tlon1 tor iild llnt!On kith, C1lltorn11. Ind lllllt "" • ot l'letr1nt "" ... -Jo I 1111 •t~lt of"Ct 1111rn1l. o;'t_l'!!I ~ty? -"' NO, ' OI .-ta court •' 1l)O Chile termer lr1111 lllt ntmt• ot 1111 Plrlr!ltS t•kl Ind ltntbf~ tttM1tllon 11 ....
Otcemlltr 12, lfft, -•I t,, No''"j" fin Mid on Nori'mblr IJ, 1"', O mi· & Ctnlft Dr1"te Wtllo flOl'rMrlY Wl!IFI •i.tolll ~ llltlt ~II!! ''"7i 'f.i@."w"d "'°''""',.,aftocl Oii. tht 4111 dW.-~ courltOOll'I OI 0-• · NollrY 1'\ltlll( tn 1nd tor M I 1te. 51.-1 in lht Cll'I ot S.nl• Ant. tort. Inc., 1 "'""'° 'llrclJ O.C.,....,, 1Mt. 11 lO •·"'·• •I lllf "''""' oevrt, 11 1UO Clvl( Ct11lt' oriw W"'· 11'1 ~,.......llY w-nd sr.l11ff LfHll •nif c•~l'Ornia nra M•;•· c11 1om11, • 1J. waro ti L••-11Cot'H'lllerl.11 m1 wu1111,. 111~ cur of lfnl• Ant. C111torn11, GOrWI It. """' 11nown t. ll'lt 10 be IM Olllld Novem~r '1 1m «no11Mrd • •SI• C•mdtfl '"'· or'IM eou-...•!11 cltv of •e'litlr Hllit.
Dl1'cl Novf'll'\btr 21. IHf pt;~1lti~:, ~ =~ ~~: w. E. ST JOHN.. tlll Mir, C1tlfoml1, Gttttr•I •nd F..I ...... C1lllol'llll.' W. E. IT JDHN :f:t!t fl!tc;U"4 ~ •""'· Counl'I' Clerk. !!tr •lrlfl!"•• r1•P1Cllvel'I. Olltd lllls Ill" dl'I' Cll Novemtlll', "'9. coun" (ltrt tllALl OlllN .... M.llOit Dlftcl lllil 1~111 tJA'! ~ ffw.be•. , .. ,. Ltllf'Wlfl cor--•'-ll091•T F... HUMPHllYS MAll:ll.'1'!1£MC .t.ll:TY ... , Wlhlllrt hlll!iY•rcl .-.w.t.RO M~. i S. • 1 C1fl~i• Ctr11.
l#t o\411111. 1111tt N-W * Not1i1: P lie-1lltorn11 ''""" Hilts, (1111. mlt ~i:~f;1\_ PAfj~Ell . a., MtlYln Bttm•n Cesl• MIH· c1nttn1I• ""' tnnc •• (ti In Ttl' !tl11 llWlll 'J. Ec:IWlrd ."" harcll Lli\S!IOUIP COtt:PO•.t.TION
Ttl1 11141 ,....,,. M'I~ '!IClll Eo1ra AltltfllYt I., l"ttllllMr LIMITlD l"AlTNll ••1 Wlllfllrl ll\'ll.
A"'""" "' ~tll!Mltflc .. I D•!l'I' l'llof """ '°' 1'1 P111>ll•htll Orl"fl (04!11 D111Y Pllol, p~~ Of•not . tttil D1nv P!ICll, ...,.,., 1o111i., (.ftlf, '"1' .. ,. .I ... p~jtflf(I .. r•nt• ..... ' Ottemllllr 1' Publlihfd O••Mf C~t 0111'1' Piiot. NOYtlllber t-i. u .,,., DllHml!lr 11 N.... '" u Inf o.citll!IMI' •••• ~ °"""'"" CHtl 11--NO\'ffllblf U. 2' ''"' 11" ~ NflV'!Tlbtr 11, 15 Ind Dtumbtr l• '' 1,., 11"'" 1"" !Ul-4t 11'¥11111111f t!, ltff -
194J ..... "" • '... ~---------.... -'" -'
J• DAU.V PtLOT L TlltSday, Novttnbft 25, 1969
Crosswor(J Pttzzle Lab Tests OVER THE COUNTER Complete-Ne\v York Stock List
1 Bit
lnfomta l 6 Put to death 10 Call •ff•lr
14 lllatur. ......
lS ChanQ l'
pl ace or
Ttrrlblt 11 Tobac co
11 kl the Slltf place
19 Garmmt
20 Securtd by
na lllng
22 Crowd ed
2) Gam bl ing
24 Builder
26 Inches ptr
Abbr .
2 9 SPfead lor dry ing 30 Reputation
31 loc:t ol hair
33 BthaYing
badly : 2: words )7 A fric111 tr er 38 Night on
the town
40 Pol sourer
41 Kind of
41 f lower
44 Tfnmdtr god
4S Whtrl'
Cl\y Is:
Abbr. 41 Close watch
48 Neon,
lot ont
51 Birds: Latin
SJ Strong li~r
54 oasis fe1.ture
59 Dtstrucllons
6.0 Kind or
61 Gas
6Z -SlaRlry
6) P1tposillon b4 Very cold bS Time periods b6 Pait of "lo br. ..
b1 Slr'Anthooy
oind !amity
lNATO or
SEATO 2 One's own:
Preli it
3 Sm all sled
4 Air lean
an le lope 5 Ma ckinac
and Juan
dt Fuc:•
6 Expressed
7 Ear part
8 Dls tllct ,4,tlorney 's
9 Unlled
10 Nlcttl:
2 'liord' 11 Occuren ct
12 Demi
13 Btcomr " 111rmber
21 Orcorile
a cakr 22 Half
25 Ct>nsurr
26 Skin
27 Malay outrl9grr
28 lnsl{Uctloa to one's broker 32 Places of
2 words
D Forl!fl 34 l ay o
Ingress or egress
35 Nobe l
••rs1 c1s1 JO Sk n
38 Shortly
39 Bevcragr.
2 WOi ds 42 Former ,4,slan
l ead~
4) Mean
45 USA or
Canada, t .t-
40 MoU1er of
48 Devia ted
from a sllnd1rd
49 Girl In
a SOflg 50 feminine name
52Rlpup 55 Feed the ti tty 56Eyelna certain way
57 Part of lh•
58 Alms
00 Marblr:
lJ /1~11,9
Find Fault
With Tires
Tires ' ccrtilied by four major
American m;1nuracturers as
=-1 fitll "-<• &:. C!MG'r l~l/IJ
ClnGE ""-''' -A-tin z_e llf • l••••••••••••1110:::••••••••••.,.,l:~11:b1'.1~ 11; J:~ Jt~ 41tl-tv. ~l~sur1:. ic ..<•··,. .... ,, ... L ,, ll·· +,"' ITl'"lll 1.
-Tiit to11Qwlnt li!O tO'l',_!!I o~ •j• ~ ••",. f' a In 11• INI -'CfNC '·ji 21 ;t; "" 21~ !. 111 ~T F 11n. '~~t •*!!,., .. -·~·· ..... N GAO f\llo !.f\11 CPlr j• • ~ Mki li o..; ;ru 3'"' ,_ la'"" J -N ti.o-llklfl ,,... "' •I LMI illlii :le lllO • ti J"" 1111.E l . • 21 lS\IO u ll'4 -II!,~Y ..:30t. ~~ •!:,o:n-L:~f'i.; rl~at u=.·~ t .. ~ N•,•r tA.V-, ~.l~ 1· :r'A ft14 ;&14 Mdt:illl'j' i! lJ._ l:~ '°1-U' ~1t;1~· ,;;,:,r ~lefliu•l'"'j;.·.~';! .. 11'i .. ·-N f:i " :i: A 'fv. 1 .. .t.Omlr1I I~ "'"' ~W ft + \\~iz.~.J~rt 1.• •---:li: ..... f?!_..L•b u E E" I"' ~ ., .. .,. 1m ,~"''~Lit 1.40 171 ~ ~ + _ "" il'' '!
NASO Ll1llnt1 for Mondoy, Nov•mbor 24, 1969
!tum I fft ttp. cite .. SI :If,~ • 1' 11'11' t -II C:mp N 21 A11!11lll !Ill • -\' ~ ·-rU4111lal vr Inlet· r"',',!I , • ''° jlYI 2tYI YI I•~ 1'\lo A.01tlr~ Ct . I> r> " -'°"\' I ~ dM\tr ltltfl; ti ef P 1•1'11 a d'ofll F t 5 n Ut ''"" fll\I) Afr Prod .:Niii I ,,. 16h ''-" -Cir.IE tit j'.M meeting government safety •DOroxlm•t•lv ' I Nit• 11 n 111• A 311/'f 14 Nl• ., "' Air~ .. u.1J 2f 1H"" 1M" 1fl" ···· c1n PR .JO P.rn .. I' wnldl 1t16" N\IC l• 10., tit & 3'M \'I l Cci t ,.... Alr td l ·U• 235 ii.-j'"" iht + 14 Clt\r P pl t
standards failed 25 percent of r.t":" ~ ~ ~c•Y 11~ :~ ~~,..."fl& Ut 1 "' ~ 'i!i ~ ~· :t. ~i~'.tg 'f 1~ ~ , :: l=..i: '°
test& conducted by In-~ uJ:~"/,.,,o:: t't:• ,J 1•1sv. ~~r ~ 'rul .,~ 1· 11GIC• 1 ~ ~= ~,. :: l!~ liy~ ~l:: +a ~~"Fial"~
. otlltr m•ttt'tl. i Modlil ' NW N11G .U w IEiSVc 1 • AIU51•11d . $.t ~14 ''-" Ji~ NA of Al;'i dependent Jaborator1es. the ct"'"" "'......,. C•• s1v. n v. NW Pv5v 1t 1t ~V'I 1ov. 11 Aklulcl" .u 25~ .w. 2~ + ...., c..~1 51 a •• IM lhe d11. ll'rlm mp5 011 25\o\ jtV. Nl:f.I It~ r n.... d RHfS 2J"' '6~ Afte. CP J~ 119 !)&rt 13\/o 1 _ \lo ~lM\t ~1.J.1
Dtpartment or Transportation :r:,.~ "°' ,,!,~~\/ .. ~ E:~:y R~ ~"" ~... ~ ~., ll :in ttn ~'Pd n-f.« ~n:1:~ (!~ .. , 11 ~t? = ll + "c ~=~~'·" 'i~
sald Monday. ~~',1:::"" or com-,F.~r.!:1.18 i: ~ "'~·n ,i\ •iv. :~~ ''r lj; Mn Allel!Pw .:tt '' 21'11! 21)! 21~ +Ill Ol<l P•I 1,70 ""f Ent ,, 1~ Oii cort 1lt >"' IRI' r• '•"''':it ~,f,, ~ 1•~1•11:~ ,.:i, '" D" ~~ ~"=::~~IU~~.~·~ . .:i
The 120 tests sponsored by ~A,.C-r""f ,11a d"" ~' T~ tm H~ :c.rA iov. ''" ,~ Fc1 ~ .~ ~ •'" .. M•"',1 -~~ u Mi.; :w.• ].jV. + Vi coiotnht '·'°
the government as a check on A1T1 Ill(" n 121'1 •IRl'lft " • P~c: tut ,.,,.. 12v. .,...11a t10 21• Alufd" ,;a ~ ~~ Y:: f.,,~ _:1~ <'•"'• ,!'.! •,, • AVM Ca IOV! 114 & Ce<O 6 .... 1\11 P•tlsl a. "'II.""' T•-!'' -.,,,_, .... • -" ·-. "f'ed fet Atmt El l''t tVt l'tlrlld T '~ 71' PK AlllO •IT JV. !IUf!t I I'& l;,\i:" i111$ C~~lm 3 1~-J.i~ '"' Coll In DU ".S company-ce.ru I sa y com· A<mt VR :16\':I 31~1 F1rrlll!ll ''YI " PK F1E :15'4 )6111 1¥1or w 12111 " Alslh1PC ,fOll • 'J ~ .. ~ !!:t• !: ••·• ", 1111:.e . . All H°'"p " M FedM Mf llS 186 Ptkco Co JVa ' el!Mnt •Va :IOI'! A'---• .. • ...... '°"' "" ..,., phance showed 30 f::illures 1n-A!r 1114111 • 6Vt F11 B°'' " Mo Ptn«il t• l;i11 T•a•• AS l s A~s"9 1., 1oi '8\4 •mi •ra -~ eil 1
Alrbrn F 11• II"" FttG RE 26'1~ 151\ P•wv O!t 1·· I !""" • m '" AMBAC ~ .: 1m ~~ ft::+ .• , ,'ii .. volvlng endurance high·•peed Alhft H 1 ~ F11M In~ 24"• 2• ... Ptrkw H 1 11111~ co 1' lt Ameres 120 , 21 """ H'll _ 1e1 . ' •r.rtt II 11-. Fsl ll;epy '"" • Ptr$Gll It IN 17'111 Jttny fn G Amre1 pfi 60 t fl .i 41 1.7
performance and s•-ngth Al co nd 16-~ 1~ F•t wF111 • •" P1~11:tr P '"' lll\lo T 11n G& "" !l"' AmHe:u o!t ia. lS'il s.\4o ,. .. ..:..,~ c~b,.~•. 1 ... "' · <J t !\"' 4V. '"-Ftklll'lll :0 701'1 P•¥91111 IS \{--j•ncnl u i. Vt AmtH Pl'j '° 31 76 75 1,\; t ~ -··""' ~
A k f h · • lti 19 PH $~~ •Yi '"klhl S•f 24 ..... UV. Pe«IH T 2• 271'J rnc111 • ... M lrFlllr ·io 1 lf\~ 31V. • "'CornlSof Ill.ta spO esman or l e tire 1n-Alld At:ro • •'h "'*' Fl' Sh '\" Pt11 Dl•L 5"111 .jg ~ In ,,Va"~ Am Alrtln ·• 1;1 ,. 3'tO »• _ ~ c,,..,wed I:" • . ·1•i.ci E~ l lili "'" For~• 011 ~ 'IOl'I ,. E119fft • • rko Pd $ 311; A &tkef" ,.. •• Corne Ill " dustry 1mmechately countered A°" Geo 12111 ll Fos• Grnl » )f P1 G .. w J1YI v, rkltlr IJ AmBk Noii 1 3: ~~ !:Vi ll\li ·· c.,,.,... ou :.-Amt<lc Jv;i 1;1 Fo!ochr 3 1V. Peftft P-'C J \'I T•otlc.__ 31\41 Am &rinds t nt t• ~ Jl~~ +Vi Com11111 Sci
that "fragmentary r eports on Am B11tn 10 11 Fo1om 11 n Ptr1n Re: 1im uw. T\l.ori Fd 1• AmB<kst 1... • ...... ._ ··•• """"'' A et Lib • .,., ''.Ii l'O\lr s~1 2'>'1.1 )Ciiio "''"'I Wa I 11'1 UnllK 1111 ~lo'J A'!' C• f'1fi ... """' -c-Miiis 1
f I test • Am EIPr '11,1, 1:1\lo Ftnkl 'I IVI 1-i Ptrlnf !"' 11'1 Uft Oollr .J3 \I'> AC:tn .'; :,5 t6 4 14 •S~ ~ -Tit Conr1cC1 60 a ew car y s can give a Am f'11r11 iO''> 1l Frnklfl 23 2• 1"1•ro111 " '2V. u11 111um 'I'• Am '"" JO ~ ''~ 24'4 , ¥•• .. ~ ec111 1'111 . • . A Greel .," ...... Ful....W 5V., l\lo Ptolt'l pf 4J •1 u" McGll 11'1 9t,Q "Cll I I 40 , ~ 11 "' 11\lo ... c llE'dlt .,! '
very m1slead1ng and distorted ~"M.lf'1 J~ ~ G:'1.!c l.t:: l~i ~ ub ~ ~ HS ::::.i l~ ltU ~~~· ;.: i TI~ ~= n~ ! ~ ~:~"1!tc°1.61
vlew of the over-all situation" A Medic• "" ~ G :1rc11 N '' P~ Pd ~ '"us f,_, l4!I •IAI ACtY p1 ,.,., 110 ,. ~ ~ -IVa COllF-1.10
OUTWEIGHS TESTS -•""•• P,!!,'t 10111 '•'• ...,.,,11 ~;:,c r' :;: ;..!',,'"•· n,,.v. 7Hli us 1111•' "'"'.ft AITIC'r1n t"2s 1tl 2'* 2~ 21.i. _ "'eanF'd "''·'° ....., 5 -"' 4 n v. U5 Trill l'I fO Am OlstlU' 1 J 21 ~ 21 CanF•tlol!I I ASI G pr I • GI I ,,\lo'~ Pro Goll 11 .. 121"'1 UP p!"p 7Jl'J 2•14 ADlllfT•l .... 17 2m ,~ 2SI\ "+"'Con Ltliltlo "The favorable experienee ,Am _;t,"0' ,','~ ,n,l.i. • !1!", ,. ., ",•,•o. ~'IWI" ' j 1" ut..i. Lei •v. ' ADv•JVt 12' 14 10•1 lD'I. 1~ C011NotG '·'' M~ '' GI•• ~ '! n 2714 2 V. Ul!l lnd 31 33 ADua pr 'ua 6 l)!t, IJ I> •··· Con1Pwr 1.0fl .f ml-J"ons of motori'sts O"er Ank•n c ,,,. 1 <' 1u,11 l•V. 16 Pub NM U'1o 2~•1 v11 lO '" 10 ••••• ·,.. . .... C0<1Pw ... , ·~ u • Arc1l1 N .O 41 Gi.,1111 W 4t~ loll Pub MC 12"1. n :i.r. V•nte S1 1•v. Miio Am Ell~• 'j 1'26 28'·• M"lo '8lrl "' ""
many yeatS With good safe Aro ll!d \1''> 1.1V. (;~ c'"' ,i.c ,:"" P11bllhr 1''4 17:\lo Vl1lr011 •l\'J .... \': Am E'XD Ind ll f,¥! n.._ ~ '+: ;L ~:i"" .. 'l'rt.°'~!t/,' ' ArOtn M 1"'t ""' ;o.., ~c "' Plll'~I 6\lo 114 Viv Wod 11'1i 21•t. AExlnd 1)14.6 rllO ._.._., 63J; ""' +I .. C nl Ctn ,,...,
tires Car outweighs a few ~~= ... Mo"t i~ ?~14~~ .. Lln ~ ~~ :.,r,MI ~ .... n .... :4l:al 2ir: ffVr AGlflllll .~ 111 ,, """ n·, -.. Cl Ctll pU.tt
isolated laboratory tests" said ,.,,_ H s1..., 52v, r.,...,.. Sc l"l~ "° PDvo c.. '"' •'Ill w''"""* •t~ 9 AG111n /"'·'° ci " 1t'Ao '"" +"'-cn1c-.na ' ..... !di Uloil u~ Gr-Ml 0 111 17\11 PU!rwl'll H'" 16 W1!h Nt; 16 .... 11 AmHD11 .111 l:lf 14'1o l:P. 1• '""' Co ' Ross R. Ormsby c hairman of A1cc Bol ,,.,,, 11"1' r;,,," RE '° ,, Rid DYn ,,..., 1' w1JF1 RE 11 11"' A Home '·"" ut 6'!0 " ~ _ 11o rt co oir1 10 , ' A11to ~d U~ I.Pio r.rlnntl ,,, 116 R1U Trat 11~1 n !li Wat T• 1'1'1 u v1 A Mcme Pl 'l ,.l ~-t~ •, +•. ~::::~'11f .~E the Tire Industry Sa fety Coun· A~ .... ro I \• 1:i.r. r.rov1 Pr u•" i.•,,., R1r1$b El """ 3'1'o we11t1 Rt 11v; ""' Am H01p ·'' •• ..... .... + ...
C·,1. .",,D:.'11",, 1\~ .'~ <i:~.'*.,". J..'! 161'1 UVt RaYt ll CP llll 211 Weld"" 11\'r llV. Amlnvsl LlO rs 17".') 17''1 11'" -"',..,.,,, "'II 1,SO •u I.... -,.., '-'' 4V. ~ RIYn'I Co 2•\') :ltl\'I Wlllnl M ?J 16 AmMFdY .. 90 1 ~t 70'1 ,,_ jO';< -14 r011tOll Pf 2 Biker 291.io )014 Gull 1111 '"" IDl'o Rl'(OP Ell 6f 6S Wtlll G 13 ..... 13"-AMtlC!x l.'O lt Jl • 31 I r .... 1 Tt! 12 The governme nt has ta ken 1111 P•lnt 1v. rv. G~•oo11 10•4 11 R"' M111 11•A 16\li w1u.11 p ,~ tfl AMetCt• "'' 1 ,....., 1,.,.. l•l't · · · ronrro1 1>~1 ..
no ••ctJ"On aga>'nsJ any Of Jhe •,M,,,111r C t>..l 10"-Hanovr S 21~ )HI, Re! C•ed •4 45 tin NA 1114 11'111 Am Molor1 "" 100. t'\ 10 ;_"' ~no.,.11 pll '0 a Wdr; 11 11~ H~ven In l\11 Hlo Rllt'I' $to 2J 21 Wi1n Mllil 61.(i 1 AmN1IG1• 2 71 lN!o jl!lt :nu, +~ °" 1,lln~
f t . uf • c· il 1o•ln p ~ l l't Hiii M""3'o:ol roll, Raad e. 21 7ll'llo Wllfl Pub ''"" IJ Am ""°'o .12 260 ""' 2\ii ,,,., CllOll U11U 50 our ire man ac.urers, IV 1111m•1 ,..,,, 4'"' H..,rtd " 1~1"1 Jl'i..., Root11 M u 29 .., Wh 10 10,,,. ,,.RHOv .u111 w 71 7, 7, ••· c-111 1.•
penalties up to $400.000 can be !\.~~.' U'h 13 H111oc Int • '"'" 1toM1on Mio tlll w n~ 2J 2' Am s..1 1 1 ,, 24 ,, ~=:..J~,:. ~-" l6 37 HUI!"'" lS 1~ RO'/' C11t s 5\'J WlftSIW T ,,.. ll.lo Am Shir .60 10 1...., 11 11 -~ CO<IP-G~ .5llb ·-·ght from f1'nns that v1"0Jate "11' ••~ 1•>11 1!!A Holm EP 65 " 1111. s1ov 3111, :121(1 IK PL 21..., :n• A sme1 l.H 222 """ ~ ''~ +>'--""" Bl m Ind 10 H Hoover l '>i. 3211, RVan Ho 29V, l(ltlo tdlw E J!fo tVt AmSoo\fr .11t U :If .,. 'l!l>WISU 1 tQ
fed-aJ auto safety l'"ndard! 11!111' Ha «I '2 Holl E"t 11\1> 13\!i s.dller 1'h !'"' Wr(llill W lll< UVt AmSAfr ln,70 1 3.1 3,137 )fl7l4 .... Corln•I!& .:lov ... ... • 8e!z Lab l~V. 36\li Housl Flt J\11 , ... Sc•"'" E , v. Yrd!IY E ·~ 6V. Am S!d I 451 ~ l2'14 3 l •• "" CorGW 2.,..~ Frank Armstrong, direct.or :t~1t.1si: 114 114 Huell Mf ,,,.. 10 Am~ Ir"'' 111 os 1rw 1rwu. =a,, l""'="" .n
of th Off. of perf 'I ~ '•'~ ~-W,:Hua ~:, ?l ~ ,~.!'!', ', ~ 2, 311i1o 11·1r 31 V. -'Ml r:'aac.J" se e ice ormance • ~!:._nr"' ..... .~ ---11 "¥-1~ " ... cPC 1m1 1·10 -. th N I ... K ~ SJ uni P 2.~ .. ?olVt ASllci lllA2.6S 1 •111 41\'t •!Vi _ 'h Cr•11e 1 IOb AnalySIS In e a t o n a 1 B01111e El 1..., 4 Hva11 '" lS14 36 Ams.,,q 111 " 1 '"" ,~ ,_ • .. crompici. •
Jjjghway Safety Bureau. S•'d !~ ... ~''c 1•:\lo lSVt Incl G1s 22 ~ MUTUAL Am T&"f i60 tn 57'1o< 52 !1,,4 _\'I Crou~•Miftci 1 ... """""" 7J 26 Ind Nucl 32 n AmWWk1 56 1' 10 '" ,~ _ _, croweol 1 en
a lso that TIO recalls h ave been =~ c::. n !jYI ::;:~~ :IA :,,., ~~~tf 1;15,5 "",-",,•, 1~ 1~ -""Crown Coi-k " G ~ ... lnl Cont l&a 17 ""' • I '" i l~io .. ;_ +~ CTownCk pt t required of the four 11·re ,·,,•, •,,, s ,, ,, Arnttek .t.0 23 '°"' 10•1o ~ + .... c rwn1111 '"° 2lYI 2fV:. ln<ll T' Am1ac1nc: .10 21 '9l~ .... M _ '' ,,_ 1 ••·-ul I B,...,n Ar 14V. 15\'t tnlrm n 11"'1 l?V. F •MK c -,... ., " ·•v m an ac urers. arvv. Be 25v. u tni aw'lh "" '"' p ·-2 • 21~ 21v. 11\'ll . n.s CorP .fO
A l. I Buck•~ 1 11 II"' 1n1 /t:ltf 211' 'If:•~ UNDS AM P Inc .4 IU 5SI• 5''111 ~ +11,4, Clldth'I' Co n ear 1er summary of a J • , , , .,_ ''" •m"'~ Cora us •SVt o1:tto;, .... +'14o cua11v on tt
""""' S 11 llh " C t " Am.led 1.CI 11 3'-.. ""'-...... _ >' '''''''" ·" l ahoratory reports to be ~Ulflt$ .. UV, l• Int 5vs n 14 A I I • ..... ...... • ,, .. 1'i Leas 1'14! ti,!, •rr Sv pf 1s lt\li me · ll 15'9 I•"' u .. -~ .unnDrn<1 .Je I ed . sh ed w s '"' ''' ' ' s -i· AMtonel 1.90 "' )Cl 2'1't ,... Curtis' Wrt I r e .as On tires Ow
t I Y -. ,. n ~t ~~ •-"-.->H .,, ....... _.,. Oo•> W• o > · 1mco 21111 ti"" •~t ~ ... llf u ~lh A~~;;:NSv i' 1 11 1d•• 21 + • Cvller H 1.?11 percentfailure.Bula22.7per· l:::rM 'll H '~ l~!~.T·pe 1~~!~ l\ndClaY 1,10 11 ~o~~ ...,,,. fO't. . rv<loro• 1.80
cent failure rate was r eported r 11nrld .1->;, 6"11 1on1es 10 22 Nn. 24 1nve1 Baa 12 1111.u AP&cheCP .10 11 JP-. "'" 21"' CYPrvsM 1.ci .,, Sow >> >S•• '' "-0111 ""' ""'' "'EW VOR o ' G · . AKDOll 1.nt tl 31V. M°' "" + • 'aJ t J " ,, ""' •u ...,!Iii:: ,. K IAPI nvt1 Ol'J rovo. Aoue Cl\tm •l ..... U"'o U .t;,-> ,,. Oii Ollh e Spec! es • ~=:T~IA l i~ ~:~ t 12 l1\o'I rr~ toflOwl~q':" Jf:. ndl :·~ l:·u ARA Svc .'6 4 111 ... ll•Vt llJ\'I + ~ O~n R1v,r 10
Te Department of Ct•l.t! Ill 5'~' J~m Wei "" .... ,:.e N11fo::."l'A r. P•oo 5"oJ J 04'A•dtD1n 1.111! I Jt'' 59 Jt _.,..D•n1C1 l.?S
T rt I. h · Cartr r;p :11\o'I 14 Jame-F "',,v. 2'~~ 111or1 of sec.!~ifl s1oc1o; 19.51 21.11:~::~:O's1.!,! ,,•, •,,1~ ~ 11"' -\\. g:~ :~ :¥ r anspo a ion emp aSJzes CIHt NG n .., 12 J11m1tw Jl.-, OHier.. Inc, ••• Stlt<:t 1.n t.u ., 5 .• v .. n \ n·~ .., coe , ,
that test failures do not '~,R ·~·fts "••" •,,~ '•'•",!.,"~ 1~. n'ri 1111 nrl<tl "· w111ch "'''• Pv 1.20 1,tt A~:, r 1 '~ ,.11 21~ 2•'-2•111 -11o 0;c11 ":,i, 2: C ., .... •• ~ ~ 'A then s•t11t!11H Inv Hll ~ ... S.M ' ,,.,., '1'h •l V. -2'1!. O 1 H""' '.,,
I · I t· f Chert RA 4\'t 1 1C1111St pf M n could htve "'" 11tel n .12 23.'2 A""r Pl' f.75 J 1111 60 60 _ 'Jo AV " .,.. · ... necessar Y mean v10 a ion o r.1111r1 o a•t t'l. K•tv•r 31 J'llli .olll lblal or bouolll vt11 u .18 u .59 ••m1rc1t .IO •:no """ 33 11 . o...,tnPL t,&a
You w1nt to sell some Item
th•t you no longer need but
tome0ne el" un UH f«
federal standards, and test c~~ l e• ll,~ •,••,, ',•,','•mGrn ~!'o !'4 111ta<:11 Mond1Y. vv 1.11 111 A•mct DIJ,7!1 rso 5.~\'e 51•,o, 55"' +iv, o,;', •,•, ',·',,' C,,.,..td ..., 4\'I 5 Ill! Alli J Hncodi: l .•2 f.14 Armll'ub 1,611 \l J,lio J_CV, J5>11 -H'O P · ''''''"j successes do not •-b1· ha-. ll!d '"" 1"' Ke•• T IJ''> 1' 4.bllrdn 2AG '·'! JO!Jmtn :t:z.l'IZ2.3' An1 Carp .90 !I 7G U. 1t:v. lt _ ,_. 00tt.!.t '•'•'-es ... IS f.iiil Ulll 13 U ICtli.11 ~ 714 Ad~lst1 7.35 la Kt¥1I-F11ndl · A"'ln Ind 1 I 7cu, 2S 2S I'll e""'' .v•
compliance. c~,,.•,••,• ,!! .~ ,K~!'*",, , "'" 3•11o Allmard 1" 1:°' cu1 Bl 11.62 i•."' A111111 011 1.:io ..,, 21 7114 7714 =,"'Del "'"'1 1.10 C,, Y• • ., .., l!'h 161,(, Af!Jlrt 10.7110.21 Cus B2 lt.11121.71 Assd Bre... 71 131"1 lJV. 1:1\!o _ 't ~ .. llAAlr .«I The tire with the highest Cftrht pf 11111 tO'I K"I Fib 15 15\'i AJl Am F .~ " Cu• B• •.2118.0I Aud DG l.M ID ol.ll'e " .... Ill nee-."'
I .1 Clt11dtt I ll'J K"'I Cui 7~"-7!101"'1 A olll Fd 12,0I u :u C\11 ICI 1.U l.5J A11<1 $pt 1.?CI St 34 .. lJ•\ 33'\ =Ill ~ •. Mii .60 a1 ure rate was the Goodyear c1111 u A "'"' tMlo Kl!'l'1t Pc: ...,. 1r. Arnc•a '·°" '"° c.,. ic2 s,es s '' s,.i7r•11 ,fll 14 13.,, 1~ 13"" ....,.,n 111 ,,,_, . <1111 U 8 2N 76114 KIM lot 17 12""' Arn Bu1 :1.22 l... !in SI 11.03 19.61 A!IC1¥EI 1 lO 24 7~\~ 7J 73 ·· DennvR1I -.IJI Tire and Rubber Co. Power Cork Mf 24~1S1"1i:ln•• El 1•A l 'l.IAm Dvln 10.ss n~ 111 s2 10.20 11.UA!ICEI aUf1 1 t7 97 ,.., ·· · on11111v 1.'""
• Cushion -18 in 48 tests. ~ll1~'j'.~,r 1fi; 1~:,; ~~!,,~ct ~5\lio l9\~ AEI 10~ 10.1' "b u• 13 7.76 5w AtCl1~EI °'' ,70 67"' 62~ 0704 OPnQGr 1.10
? ? ? ?
? • ? •
You call THE DAILY PILOT, Hk for
Clnsified Advertising, ind pl1ce a
• B F r--A . . c lnton 0 , ''" K~lilr ~,,., 1:io Am Gr •.04 6 p::f' -'·~t -~ ltill Rlchfld 2 Jn tso;, ,,_.,. .,'t '" Otre(D t i A
.;: . . uvuur1ch's Silvertown ciow ca n ''"" LMC o at "" 3"" ~~ ~. ~'.t ,.,.. 1C11kk'b 1·rw }n ATIRcto tlJ.75 llDll 5lttt s11t s1~ ~ .. Der~ 111 B ! !.Qit111 E 6l< ,,,., l•llC• I" 27~ 21V. ArnN Gth >.06 101~ K11lck GI 11:611i1' Al1IR~ J;" J ~ 1~ 1!7 157 -5 ~~~l'CI ;,,,tO 660 flunked six of 18 tests. The cc111.., " 2•v. tsVa Land• " Ju. J~ A111 Pac 1.51 .21 Lill" Grtti 1.1110.ss ,., .,. ,....,.. 1 ,1 :ti'· tti? ;r.: -1" ~Ed "'' se
firm's Custom Long M 'iler, ~_.sir t? "• f!'",~ Wd 1sv. 1a A~ GrOllO: Le• 1""'1 •.a110.s-1 All~s ,.,..,. 113 & ~.. , ... -"'~s'"' .xi .. ""'"""' -... -· .P~ •Vt C•oft •.1• 10.ll Lell !1:1<1! 15.60 17.~ ATO 1 OI l .,. -~ll!f" 24 Tra1'Jmaker s ·1 I TIO -Cir «11'1 4, L9'1 COii ·~ Siii GfWth U.fl U.IS Llbsrtv 6.,. •. 17 A11ror;' p"r •• • u,, '•'•· ·.·.~ ',' ... ++"' DlelFlnin .so , I Ver own , Com lntt J,.. nil Lel1ur G 311'1 » lncme a6.t t J2 Llf9 Stk 5,JI a.O'I Alltom'" Incl 51 1,, >>...,, ~ 011"!1!'111 1 IO Silvertown 990 Radial and Com r.~s ,,,,, u llVlll T11 • ' Fd Inv 9.91 10.N Liii lnY 7.SS •• ,s A c • ... u:w. -.. Ol~AAam ,·.., f""' T~l 71V:.)J Lew!i BF 17 l ""Anoc1• 1.3~ l.•2Ll!IOI s,,, ,wA:g JlioM 1r: if41l~ '~::-~011Sti pfCi
Sllvertown Wide Profile were c::i ~~·: l~~ ll~ c~r • ..;11 'l~ ""' .t!"°HOl.Mlh~ .... ~~s·~~ «l.tt AvervPa . n.?CI 24 33"" 33 · ~~"• ::· 01~s pl Dl ,10
found defect (ree in 14 tests. C,m-,' c'm 4 S LOI E'trn 72 2JVt ~uncl A 6.•I l .fW Caolt 11.M 11." ~vne1,tnc . .ff 17S IJ 11~ 1'\lo -t\ g)~!l!:O" ,1~1 ,. n Lvnch c llllil lS ~UNI a 1.11 1.n Mur i..n 1•.n "'°"' a l.llO 1n l•~ 1,,. ,..,, -1·~ niam.1e' FTVE FAILURES m11 Incl )1 71~ Mt<! GEi lJ"lo 13>4 to..11 •.»/·ts M*""tn 1 . ., l.U An.< Oil Gt n 1Jh l:M~ 13'41 -v.. D!lffnpf\ ·:
Th . CmP '"'' 11~1 1"'M~lc Ch l~llV. cl c. 1.11 aoM111 Fd 11 ,011'.03 -B--o•·---···· e laboratories reported Cm1 Ml'h 2:i.; Jv, M• l _,R"1v.o 81blon 1.n '·'fM•11 G111 11.10n.n ........ o ·
f. f .1 . CmP Tee 11 lt fM ll<rl 63 .,.,., &era Knl t.11 t.1 M•u Tr 15 . ., 16 tJ 8abclt W 1.3' 471 :nv, 21 ... 71r. _ l~ D0/11trCMi.,.Y
1ve a1 ures m 26 tests of the comr•• •'Ml ti'• Mtm1 A1 3llo J>.:. 11•1r Fd 11.1• 11.1.1 M1re'I s.t1 s.n BakrOllT -~5 .?! 'J!\ "'" 1l + \ ,....,. .
PT Can Rock 30u, 31v, Mani" M •i• jl.io ondsrlt 6.61 1.r, M•the•s 1'.lt 1'.~1 B1l!GE 1,70 ..., 31\lo 30\lo JO""+ :ii !.?'J,.!Se•o 1.10 100 and PTI20 t j res C• Sir~" '"" sv. Menor c 11'11 1 v. OSian SI 1,U •. McOOll •.• , !·" l\•IG l>IA' 50 110 6• M 64 _, .,1. a lnJ.70
f t d b c11n,rfd l'llo 9''o M Browr 311"1 n u, 8os! Fdn 11,61 n . 1 MldA M11 6.81 .4• BallG "''' tJO 36 Sol ~ -1 001~,.1nc1 .:14 man U a C Ure y the cantr1n 31' l~ Mayer o .«1 o111:w; &ostan 1.2s t 02 MoodY CP lf.SS 15.'IO R~11<1P!Hlt .-.o ,_ 1•''. 1•'11 1• + ·~ ... _ .tO
Armstrong Rubber Co. c,~,'s l '1 n McOuY 291hJiDV.llr°'_d_St h.56U.7•Mooot."•1 n.u11.11l!~nkTr 11~ 11 11'-. .~ 611'1+,,.0c<n~Mrn .ltl'J -71 JO Medic H •IV. :IO 811llOd: lt.&J 16.02 Morton Fundf,: ::~bO~R'·~; 14 $1'4 !I -"-DorllFd 1.lfa The Champi'on and Deluxe '."",,,rc1 .... n~ 76Vt Medtrn :NV. J1!J. !G Fd '·" 1•.00 Gr...11'1 •.1.1 lo n 8,,,, ,_ .., n !-4, .. '1 s<-~ y,..., + ...., o,,.,l'llJi-y .to C ...,, l~ ll>ll ~1 ... r Ali n4 1nldn 11.11 ?Cl.» lll(Orn S.'l!t •.M ·~ 11 '"> 1•14o 10" ... v, Doric c .. 32
Ch · b nd f ! h Crou Ca '1 .01"'1 M!(ll Gffl ll't '" •Plmr 1.32 t.11 lnwr I .JI t.Jt 11""1C ti '·'° ,.., l'OV, :'IO''t :i'•'> .f.I Oort 011¥1'• amp1on ra S O e c:rvtth R 11 """ Mldld C• 11 n u. 11111 lnY 4.:12 '·'' MJF Fd t .fCI t ,OI B81fos MIQ 11 •~'" to• .. 1~1'o +.,. Oove•Cp .I'll
Fl.resJo T' nd R bb C CYP'"ft C U'h 13\'t Mldtex I'll 7~ 1•all Shr 7.26 7 ff M F' Glh 5.7 ••. 71 ll~IO!S Ml l>I l ,1 H ..... 11 14 DowChm 7 60 ne trea U er 0. onnly M u•~ 1s Mldw GT 10v.21 ent Shr 11.n121.1M11 omG s.M 5_n 111111 111<1 ss n "'>:o ,, -v.or~vOC-p 1·"° failed one of 14 tests D8t1 o .. , n t·1 IJV. Mr,11 Gas ll'lro 31u, ~ ..... 1.,, Fund,· Mu O<nn t .tt 10.12 118'"'" ""·'° M Sl 57 " D""9i tl!d ,·"'° ' D1v11 Fd l'Vi 11•~ MSI VIG 19 ,,..., 6a\1n 11.7512 ... MUl Shr• 11,.M 1~ .M B~u1cl!lb ·" ll 17 1 1 o•~n .f. .. Dtenr 0""10 The I 0 l l 0 w ,. n g J1're Dov Mtr 21 11? n .... Mo R..:h ™ 6\'J Com SI 1·77 l.9J Mui Trtl 2.JI 1.Sl fleu•tl!Lb .iltl ~I n Jtl ,...,~ ..j. Mo ,,,.,,.,r o1"A>
ha t . ' Decor In 17'14 1l MOO S(:I 9'11! 10"" Grw!h .JI •. 90 NEA Mui 1n.1s 10,:• "~•1•l~b .·~ '" "'"' ,. , ... .f. u. 0r ... •usco It) c rac er1st1cs were tested : 0o,"•'~, ,, 0"1 11111 Motowlt R Ml.'>"'" 1ncom '·" '·" "'~' WSec 10.Dt 10. 1 :~voi.:ct.i ,JO • ,, IM\ 1• + ,,, 0u1t,Pw 1 ci 1 ... f''e """""' Pk lAVt I'"" Sotci 2.IO 3,0. N1I l!'ld 11.lM 11.fW "~"""' " ~t •ft,\ ,....., -~~ Dllt•P pf6.,5 endurance -freedom from Delu' c~ 5Sl4 s.•1, Meore P t '"' Cl!••• G<ouo: N11 rnvst t 11 t .os ~e~: ""' 1 '"' ~"~ ~-, .. , ,. ·~ Olln!!•d 1 10.
I .1 f . Del c~nT l 'i\~ l•VJ MOore s ll'4 l•''t F11nd 11.!f n aJ N~I Slwr .S-r : · tt '"'~" -~ 1'' ~,,., "'"• .. ,~ -1•~ n,,~1 c;, 8J Ure Oi a prolonged period Del IBr 72\'> 13 Mold! M I 1111 Frnt 101 .6'106.1~ A•lal'I JO_ll 11.5'! :ect ~~rl( 1'111 ~1 <!l'''t S"~ ·,.,~ -..,, uPa':.'i J 2~
d I d h Ol!'Y Am 1J 14 Met Club ltV, 151\ Shrhd II.SI 11.!lt B""" 5. 1 'n1 7 ' '" "' '"''e ,., .. 1"''> -•~ d "'fml Iii• SO Un e r Oa; igh Speed -OeYA1tP l~~l~~Mueller llV.11'11 5~1 t.1710.:lS Dlv!d • . .!3 •.ll:~::Pi:t,;~ 1'I '" '"~~ '~ .1.111,~~POnloll·~ r d f f ·1 OtwtY E 9 9~1 Mu!l~I E• '"" 4\'>Chtmd 19,1120.n Grwtll t .:1010.1611"1"". • " 1• ,. +•-.nuaL1t 6' r ee om rom a1 ure al high-0 11m cr 20,.. 21 NCC L•~ 1v:. rn Co1on1~1: Pl Stll' 6.90 1 •s R:1: ~~w ,60 ~· 5"~ !''~ 5'"• -'" OuaLt • .;, ,
Speed I. l gth o •l tnc 5"'-5o.;; Mtrrll<I C 2• 25 Eoutv ~.1f 5.11 lncom 5 .'1 3,,, 11 1 n ••t<>n 14 "°' e•" &•<, _ "· no 3 JS/Ill 17 opera ion; s ren -orvM /nY 2~it. 1~ Nit Brno ev. 4~ Fund 10.9211.tl Stotlt '·'' t.01 ~:::;.~ ~o 01 ,, ,_. • •• ,,. , •• , _ ,,. nv"'°·,..,, ;.-,1 ab'l't t "th t d tr 00"'1J•• Jl n M~1c1r R 11'4 111~ a .... 1n 4.s& 119 N•/ We<! 6 ~ 1.~1 .... ; ' ~ ~·" ~"" ...,,~ °" A · fCI
AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I 11 Y O WI San pene 8· Dotl'I> Md 1otr. 10~ NCmP c11 2'111 l \4 Ven• '·" 1.ss Ne G'1h '"° 10 •~ 11:~'"' In .~~ ~~ ;;., ~··~ •·•i .a. ·~ "" "' •
ti.on·, bead un••ating -ab1'J1'ty ,.o.w::::..""'::::.."~o'c'.'o'c";c.'c'c'-"'c~c'-c":._c'c'-1•co1 Grth 13·~4 n .M MMJWl~ 1•.•• ''·'' "• i: 1 ",, •• 7" .,. -1 L N 0 W DIRECT I .xo 1. Comm< t.11 10.1' >I-Wld l1,J7 1••1 n D ~ 7,.., ,.,., •• '' -y, E I po:fo ICI D I A i t dh I . d i . C:omS 8d S.11 J,'2 NV Vtlll I• o.~ 7!'1.111> :·""l"'t , .. , ••• ,_,,, ..... ~0 e . • • oa ere o r1m; m ens ion-Commonwnh F.t.· "lhlto" l6•J 1116 ~,,.,,._, ,,. "1.,,,, ,.,., 1,,1 ea .. cco .oa
i• 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 freedom from d1.storli'on 1·n C•o Fa n .01 at t . Nore1.•t 'un1vii11 "•:vp~" nr "' 1•"• ,,.,, 1~\ _·~"•st Al• .3711 lncorn 1.60 10,"1 """" w.n a ~7 11• "''' Cr.,. 11• 1 ~"· ••·• .a. 4' E'O•I GF .17' sh. I be!. 'f' 1· GM K •nve•t '·"" 10 w nme"• 1.11 I.JO 11··~ ~" i <o "'I ···~ ,,,, .,. _ e~st Utn 1.o111 • pe ; a ll'lg -verl ICA !OR to eep Stock 9,0? t .16 !00 Fd ll 71 U 55 ll'l/.O lnr! 1.., ~• 1&•, to•1o 1~._ .1. "· Fa1Kfld11t 1~
(T.11 .... -~ Cow•ry 540.12201 • of a ccuracy 1 f ,. <•••h AB 1.•s 1.!1101 Frt 9.•110.•1 "'G .,., •• , "" ,. '"" ~· ,..,, ... "•tonv~ 1" _... or n orma ion on r.wnh co 1.71 1.15 .,...,, wms 1,_31 1~.31 ,,,,~,,~ 1 '~ ,, 7'"• ., .. ~ 1, "'" u F.~1or, °''·" ~~·~~;~~·~·~;~~·~·~;;·~·~·~;~~~;~~·~·~;;·~·~·~;~·~·~·;·~·~·~;~~·~·~;~·~·~·~;~~~b:~'ghe~t~i~re~·~========:; i:omo Ai l~.OJl6.17 'Ntll 1•.SllS.~I 'll•l•J('I'>~ ~ ,, ,, .,....\ ..... _SJ Fc~l ""'' .M .-.. ..., Cemoel I 2) t Qt -nh 7 It I 5' "II" 1 """ 1 • '"I '"" ,.,. v, FC'ltrdFl1 .70 I S d• Como Ad 1'1:1 ft1tPKt1 Fnd 11Jt1i 11 111......,"''f '' 11 '"''o ....,,~ ~··~ -l<rll•on BM\ 1
open ing friday, november
sorry for the deloy
WANTED (by most ooys)
imegino tive easy -care
men end boys
7 losh;on ;slond, newport beoch • 6+4-5070
benkemericerd mester charge
ts tu lo omo Fa ,;,.. 1a ·n Pe"" SQ I.OT 1:07 •1"•"ltt• '•a • '"~ .,,~ ..... .._ •~ E'Ga.G .ID rom1tk 1.:i. J.'5 P1 Mui 1.11 1 11 "cto"J~ .,,.,, ,, ,.,~ '"''" 1 •• ,, _ ., 1!::1M.,.lc noa oncord 11,,.v1UP~lla 1JOll61!J 11""1"" l,.. ,,, .. ,,., .,,.~ ,.,., ,,"IMia In~
In London
Oll~I In 11.llll 17.511 Pllorlm ,·n lD.f! ""11<':8•, .?Sh ;i;• 7n~ '"4 .... ~ :r ... 'O!fef AUllC on•11 111 •61 s11Pllor n2 1un""" ~., • • '"'~,.., ., :i.F.I M•m M•a Cont G1h 1o:G1110:10 Pine SI 10.i1 10:11 "WMtf\ '"' 7 , • .,, ... ~ , •• ~ -"IMM"C rl 1 Coro ld 1!.0l 16.SO Pion F'nt 1,05 1.llO 11"'"-~ l"" l '~ ''"~ '"" ,, • ., ·· • "'"lnH~I Ind C"'Y C1a ll.10 l•.ll Pion F"d 11.11 lf.Jtl a,,,~'"•• I"~ 9' .,...,,. "°'~ .,.,~ .i "· l'IP•s"NG 1 Crn WDlv 6.tl 7 62 Pl1tr1 t"Y 11.70 n 11 ""',.."'.'• .., ,. "''f , ... ,, .. "'"~ r.., 1.111 Crn W01I llM 17.5' Prl...., F't1rt111· ""' c,,,. 'I '' ,.,,_ ,,oi .,...~ _,.1,, "m~• E•~ I deVoll M II.JI 61.ll Grw... ,f l'l 1$.l'I •N""• ,,... •• ,.,\ , .. ., •• .a. ~'-O::mEI "' &.90 The OK•! Ill(" 11.21 n .:12 N E•• •.•s '·" ·~·~1•11, ·~ '"' 11•<, l"\ '"\ -•• c .....,.,....AI• "O . 0t11wre ll,llll.11 N Met 111'1,511 ,,.$11 ""1""~' '"'• A .~· .,,,, •• _,. 1, "mh4rl l .'l'Ob ~1etr~oldwyn-Mayer r 11 m Dell• Tr l.U t.02 "n1 F""" 10.4• 10.•• :·:~:.~¥ 11'rf ,,. ~o .. , , ••• '"'\ .a. .. !"' .. 'i': .. c . .nto,, . M d · · Dlvld Shr l'l JftPorvr!"t •!I J ·~,..,, .. 1• .1 '"" ,.,~ •"11'.f.ll ...... ~ . ., company said on ay Jt 1n-Down! F 6:os i•• Purl!an t ."6 1o.,; ""'"'' "~'· 1 ~ :><' .,. ... + ,0 Ena•hMln .ci
I I •t bl Ote•el 1~501tSOPu'"'"' f'unr!•· """'"•cl•• l '"~ ,.,~ '"" En11l5lhl!i .M tends lo r e an 1 s g o..e~• Fd 11:211i411 F.a<111 1o.7s"n ,, 11-1""Uf' 1 '2 '' ,.,., •• • .,,, ·· · E~u1Gn1 '·1t1
Bor h Wood St d . br1yf Lv 12.:w 11.S) c.-o u.~, u.~• '""-r? ·~ ,.,~ '"~ '"' :.:.·,~ ESB inc 1.10 e am U IOS near E1ron&How1rd: Grth 10.'.ll't 11.15 11...,,..,.. r~ r• l( '"' '"\ 1 .. ., _ ,, e111111re .:io
Lond but ·11 b ·1 E _.._ 8•1•11 10'9 1161 tnc:om '" ~n """' •h,.,.. • • 1•u "" ''"' Ene•lnt 1.:0 on w1 ase 1 s u ..... Grwtl'! 11:1,14:" '"-' ,:11 ~.n•-(o.-·•• •• ,, .... i ,. :.:.,.e111v1co .12
pe.n activities on lov.·er-tncom 1.u t.n Vitt• '"··"' n ,. : ...... .....-'"" '"" ,.,~ •··~ ···~ + ,, E,1h_!L~, ... ,., Spe cl \1 ,0J n" \IC1¥111 ,,,J '~' •-·er 1 .·~ '' '"'" 10•.., 1.,~ U•u ..... .
bl1dge! movies Slod 1.10 1a,j1 R" Te<:h 5 "' ,.,,. .,,,..,, ro .. 1• 1··-I"~ ,,..., ·· eurld lftl.'JOD ' llbtrtl ll •1 u J Ptver~ '' •6 1' u """" c ul •11 • • .,,, • + Ev1nsP .tab A statement ;iuthori.zed in Eoret tJ:J1 1,: 1 1101tnt11 1:~~ ,:~1 .,,, .. ~ •• ·~ '' 1( ,.,~ '"" ... ., "• e~e,.,,,.,. 5 Ernra St 7.11 !·F, S••em F'd •.6• 1,,_, "''"""r~ 1 '" " '"~ '"" ,.., .a. ·~ excenO 1.2 the U nited S lates by J amt's E111rov n .221 . 5d1us1r 11.IM 11.ss :"'~v~ "t "II ·• .. ,., ..,,., ... ., "'" ,, F111e1111 ·"° ' . Enl .... M I.» '· 0 Scvdde• Fllncl•: .. ~~ p...... !" , .. ~ ,.,, , .. \ ... "' F.,;IO• A .SI
Aubrey, MGM s new pres1-E011lh t ,11 \O $'.! '"' lllV u .•, "-"" n,. .. ~ .. nn .., M •"\ r r '" ... •• F11rc11c .so
d "ed th th EDlll Grl! 11.U t.tt Socl 34 (1 M •1 "'"I l•rt ' '° ~· '"" '"~ ""' ... ,, F•l•Ch Hiiier dent, eru reports at e Eue• 11.1/ ···~ f!11 1s)4 u ·24 .,, .. -·""' •• ""'I' .,.,,~ ••. , .,. ,, F11r""""1 1
Bor h Wood I '!;$ 111 1(,\ IJ.311 Com 51 11.27 11.2' .,,, ••• ~, "" 1 ,. ,, •• ,_ 1•••• 1'"~ .f.:!t< F1l•l8H .fO e a m comp ex, a E• 14.lf !!.H * oiv 10.11 11.6~ lhllUnY 1 .• ,, 6 ·.-~ 10 ?Cl F•m Fl!I i.:io
k'" fi'lm m ak>"ng f•";Ji't" 1·n lf1 rtd 11.10 12. Sec £01111 J.11 •-cs -C '•"•feel inc 1 • -.. / Farm 811 1,2l 11. SK Inv 1.13 l.•I -F'ar Wt ll Fin
Britain, would be closed w ~r: t:~11 i't·~ ltr1 l:~.!:i ltn H:tl ~:~~1~; .. t"'° ~~ 1~~ '~ 3~ = ~ ~~t1~· ,._~
Sold Fld Ful\d 1'.23 II.I SI! Ot1n 20.70 to I'll r~n·~·~ ·'" ~' 'I ~""' , .. , + ., FeOderl .«I • ~ Trfld U.IOM.10 ~lde 10.r, 11.0! '"~m..OL ''• ~c '-''t 10 1• 'Fe<IMOO 1.IO
Employment a l the sludlns 1gt~•1 P~?&: '·" Ji:"'11,,... l~:R1 l~-~ ~~';\;'~': .!"~~ ,~ '~~~ 1:-.. s;--.:.:. ~~:ed.."~ Ji~
-now averaging about 200 -Jnd"•' •.11 4.SI i 1om• Tr •.s• 1019 '""" .,..,. , "ft • ,.,, ••'\ , .... _1,.. Fec1P1ofo' i
ncom '·'' '·" 'ml!h B •.•• I'''""""'"(! l '" , ..,,.~ ... • ... , F P•o r'·" ls expected to be cut back. \ltn1 I.le !·" s'*" Inv 1 ...... 11 r." r B~,.... ,, :r·> ,..~ ... ,. _ •• Ft'dSion .'D . . F'tlF V• 11.1' 1 .lS ~wllw GI I.fl.' t H '""'°"'""I I «1 '" •'"'1 •"~ ',• l Fec!Oe!llS!r I MGM withdrew its tnveslment "•J lnGlfl • 9110,14 5o¥9r tnv 14 u t~ .... ,...,11 ... '" " •• '"" •·1· ~"Fed Mr.1 1nv . • , Fl ln~lk 1.t• t. '~!F'rm GI J.!t S.S. '"··~ f (('" ~ '""' •• ~· ••' + ,., Ferro CP 10 la st week in "Man s Fate. ' a 11'1• Mu111 9.Slf 9.73 l'~~ s1 511.50 5·1.JO ........ • 1'" •• "tt -·~ ., _" FJn.,11rc1 70
19 6 ·1u rod kl II Fil Ne• 1-ff t .::io lfo-(!m.,,, Fun6'· """'"T"~ I'" ,,. ,., '""• ,.,~ ,. "JldclM I •o . m i on p ut:t n lat •• s;,r• (J.14 o1t.so All! 1no 11.01 11·.n1 '"•-•'.,.C"' •o ,, '"4 '"~ ,. + •? Fo1ro1 , ·
to h st led h I. Ftlt Ceo 7.IO .... Flr!vt 1.~ ,I~ .-.,.r,. '"'• i ""''I .,..,~ '""'\ Fin FllClfr'tlll wa1 ave ar s oo 1ng Ft11 Fno •.u . t! k l1n •.w s.11 ..... ..,.u "°' " .,., .,.. ...... + ,. FirTSll'll' 1 ao
at Bo eh. Wood M nd FIP Git> 1.121. S"'ln ROI F".: '"•••JI . 1• 1>1\ ''"• •··~ \~Fll(llrf 27" r m 0 ay. Fncl Giii S.14 •. 11 811 7dU)!l 5'r•<•··~1~· ' ............... -,'F!NCllY ) ...
Recent financial diffle ulties Foundf1. 1 n 1·• CllP oo u .. ,, U.li ............. •o •• '"" -~ '' :::.: •· ,:,M.rSll" ·,11 qu Knoo 11.012.ft Sloe• 1',!tU~ ,.·•91 T• 1.1' )•• ,,..,~ :>""' '"'~ +•• Fltc:hlXh to
have forced several American "''""1111 Orow; ~ •..Ci 1·44 1·1' ,.,., '""n n, 1'• •-'II • ..., -11 FIJF1r F<r 'ow Cl!'f!! SI •.10 1.)• ~Ult!ftSI ' •• '!·" """""I"••• WI ~· ,. ,. FISfltl'Sd "11 m ovie companie!f to scale ONTC. 10.11 11.11 ~v .... r Gt l!·~s 1 .• r~••ne• .... • • "" '"'I ,,,~ ,.,~ -,, F tmlne Jo , vm •,n j·' fMA Ao ·" tt.'1 "~'"" ~1•• '" , ""'4 ,-.. 1 •~1 •~ FJI tk le 1 down their output in Britain. 1f!CO!fl 2.11 ·' 1''"1"1 10.1~ 10" ,...,.... ,..,, "" ~ •• ..... \ :,,.., + .. F ~. i:otA•.so
Fretdm 1i4 '·Yj !«""" /·"' f ,tt r..,t"o:!v .'°'1 ~ , ...... 1"" 1"'""1 -'~ Fll!'ll 91&7 H ,.d rrM"' lt .01 o, l<hYll .11 .... r•n "''>d , •• 11 ,"' ........ ~ .,.. +••Fl E (Oiu Fll'ld Alfl 97610., Tl'Chnol .11 l .H r...,111111,.. :in . .,. ""''lo"'"' at F' ,._ .,. " Ste 11.l411.2A Ttmo Gt,,,,..,_, ,.,.,,,~ •" •l •• ,,.1 •• -\: .,..., -~
Add)"t1"ves Sold i0r111r l:J...Mn.MT-Mlt l·ff i.s ,..,.,t~ 1'11 •• "'4 ''"''''Ill , ... , •• ~.·,·~ .,,.,,, S.,.: Tr1ft C"IO . 1.•I ,.,...,....., • 14 ""' ,.,,,. '""' 1''1 -" f',f; Aeni $( 1.$7 l.J' Tr1Y Ell' 'I· 10." r..,1 !<W ' ,., " .. >fl\'> ,..,,.. + .• ~l:oic'"'2 &
ST Lou!' (UPI ) f;' "SJ 'i'.'J ,,;\i f=c ~f 1 •. ,;, ,::~ ~=~~jj;"1 .1:. 4!1 ,.~ ~~ 2~ni.= :~ ~r:fit:. ti r.,
• '1 -rlh Ind ,1.M )'~ TWnC 111(" •.~f d,!l '""'""""'d ~· '' 1~'' ,ni, .,.,,\ + v F~ C .,
M Cn d h rYol)n lj:ll I . 1111 Miii 111.30 I .111 ,..,.,.,.i! ... ~ :t ~• •• '' · ,_N P ·
onsanto . aMOUnce It as ''°" 'c t• 1111c1 •... .n ,..""""' .,. .. ,,,4 '"'" ,,,, .._ Ni ! F1rr ·'°
sold Its Id Id tr I H.,,,u1o11: "'""' ,.11.,.;o, '""I $11 1111 '' "" '""' ,. ~ "'"' oo11 Ci"11. ·• wor w c pc o cum HF I •.10 1·'1 Mern Y.Y 1.n r""""". ···~ " ••"14 1, ... l.9\ 4 ·~ oo11 ;;;ft,. additives business to Edwin _0111 , '1'.1,'..,·1 '~ ''!?1'~'"'·•..,...l '" ,, ,...,. ,.... ,,..\_ .. ,.:it~;.-• k ••. 1·-1· ,.,,,..•••'fV ' ,.,_ '"'1~ •F .. 111::; Cooper inc. a comn"'ny newly """• l·H " "" c.... "' •. J: ,. .... AM~ 1 •1 '°" ""'' ,..., ·~ ".Z ,, ,or~"r ' • • 1,.. · fol~IWI I • l .-0 Vl lUI Lint I'd. '"•·~-'I'"' 1 ,_... 10'°\ '"'\ + ·~ c..tWt, , formed by the Burmah Oil H•C L•v 11 .. lL~ v111 Liii 1 •• !"• r ......... ~ 111 ,. ~· !"', :wo•, _ •• F,~I ... Htl!b GoJ '"° t ll>COI'!' ! 'I J I ,..,•..,NV , •0 ,-, ~ ,,..1 01~ ,_ It 1! Group or London. Monsanlo f'lfd'>f ,,.}, "" s111 SI! .Ml .!I'! .-~t:"'!-'"" ;. 1"1 l ••• "'~ -,, ~•ff..S~I ~:Ji . . rltot i·tl S.I \lrl(!'S "'fll ·~ l.l!i 1"'11"\ "• 1 ID • '"' •• ~ ... ~ .._ ,, nllhC' · ructories In St . Louis: and " M•"" 1 .. , 1t Venctrt>I a ~n ..... ~. "~I ... f ... ,_, '"' ••• ,,. -'" l'VGUI In .67F
N·•-IV V Ill I "v~mn '11 1"4 lfMM'I 5 ~.fll ,,.,...""""""' 1 'I .....,, ''"' ,."' '• 1 .. .,, . a ., w cont nue to 1;1 ?..::' .~t ::; .~,.!.lldl' "~~"'?. ,..,1 ....... 1n 1 1\ 11 1, -~'! c' 1.i.e
manufacturt detergent, rust 1mo1e1 F •et •" Mor~ •n ru 1••1 ~~':~1;;" ~t ~ ?:.~ r,,~ ::,\ -1~ A c. ,,1
Inhibiting and antlo x.ident ad· &~: ;.; 'I}; ~-1~· J~ 11~ ~ I~ n ,.'-'! .. 1'f cl J • ~·' "'I ,.., -1" G: c:i~10 Cl Inc. f!llF 1 ori I Ii t'o"" 1.1c t• 11 ,.,1 M"'lc 1 1"2 ,,..... '''4 '"~ -1'' G•m Silo I )0 d ltlves for the Burma h t"M"" l,1":11·,,, ... , \~d 7A" '·"'~f""""T ' ,., ""'~ "''",.. -••a•mf 11111i
organlzalioo until It establish-\~ .. ~net 11.,, tJl 1Z::!:-: ~11 1! :.l li·.1.\1~~:\: c'ct~~ "', n'l1~ 'i~ ''1;~ + +:; 1t:~"'1111•
ed ·1 I d I d t"'e~sttc "'fi "1""""'" ,.,,n,..l""'efll~un M "° \' \' , -'-lliarwOOd 1 s own wor w e '"~ ~~"' ,:iS11 1, w•nt1t•1t l"'I ,~, c~·t•Ctt .~'IC! •• 11'\ '" "'' Gl'1'10efi 1.•
m "nuf-tur"ing fo•lllt'ies 111.v u1,11 '·'' '·' •r Fd .... .., rctt C'Olll'JN J »•l "'• '''' -'" c ... tet-.1et .. ..,. '" · · ,,. no;c 11,U 11 .1• orlll '" i )fl C""""1U ·"" •1 ~ 'ilu )Ito • It Gl"""tn ,,S.
.... .. (Mo.) Ml .. .._ c: ... (b,
Mic .. ,.,, .2tb
M1cDorild M ~..eke (D ,lll • Mlcy lltt I ··M«rltl4f' .M61:1Fd3 1 1 • MIC! So G ... MltnYDJI 1 !O M1H11ry l.llO ·Man Ind 56b ,· M.ln-n
M11nH1n 2.50 • MAPCO 10 MAPC llf1 I! Mlr"hn l 60 M1rcor Inc l
M1rcor r"' MlrtlT!n 17f M.r /.11" 1 loll A.\lrJOflLb 24
Mtrlennnn I Mtror!m JO Al1•rl (i11 ,IA! M1r,hl"d 10
,.'l.irl\nM 110 Mrvl CUD .A°'J M1sco Cp 11 M•$Olll!t 110 ~:i;:r ro 1
MevOSlr I 60 MIYI JW ff MtYl6q It MCA Inc 611 MtCOl"CI I 20ti McCrorv 1.20
M(Dffmo!I I McDon.IG Co McOonno .'40 "'l'e" i,!O Mc Holl -MC Ii Dfl lO MC roDA -~ ~1:c:~_,,'o ,Mel•.,. ta. Mct.oi.lfl 1,'41 ~~IJ::or'! I
MtMI olBf.ID =~1:11 M-~ Co MtrcanS I C> MotCk I.ICM Mftcil llll.SO Mtr~llh I 30
M1111>IT 120 MMlt MCI! 2 MGM .6Qo Metrorn Qlti MllEd olJ.90
MGIC Inv .1\1 MlchG11U! I Mith T11tw I MltrOllrtr Alla M!OCnft! IA M!dSoUtll II
M/Gfd • r .. o M lrLab 1 70
Mllr Brad '° Minn Enttro •1nnMM I 60 M llf>PLI 1 20 MlnnCo i JJ
Miu RI• 1.20 Mo ,.ac As
A\11 C¥n I 60
Mo"ubS 111b Molli! , 20o MOhatco l 10 Mon.rcn l:!O ~m Incl Mon Rll 2~ M0t>r0Ecr 60 A\onstn 1,IO M..,11 Dfl.1S MOntOUt , .. MClflf Pw 1 ..
-Mc:Cor MorottU 1.fO MoroeSno 70
Mor Nor to Mo!0<0!1 l M•F1>tlS I IO MtS1tTT I 1'
MSL 1"4 "° M-lnowr I Murofrt I 20
Mwrllhln :llo MurDl\011 60
MuroO o!J 20
MurrvOfl 60
Tuesday's Closing Prices-
Complete New York Stock · Exchange Li st
., . ;,
-.. 1-.1 ~·u..a..a-.
Hesik Moves
To f.ounty
The Htlik Co. has purdwld .
a 31,IJOO.lquore-foot buildln& In
the lrvlnf: Industrial comp)ex
and will move Ill tnUrt opera .. ;
lion lo the oran1e Counly ...
racllity thl$ mO!lth lhe flnn
announced .
He!llk, which wOI employ 75
people. manuracturu lden-
liflcnlion prod11cl11 such as
nan1e plates. Tht Orm WJI
e&tab llshed t.1 llSS In Lol'I
' '
• •
For The
;.cm .. ,....,,.,,.,. .. .,.. I
Licenses -
-. ,
steel steak
J.:nives -yovrs
foronly29{• -'With gasolin•
purchaM al par•
t ictpating T exoco
"Mook Edv•" blod•
n.wr 11..d aha!1*1ing.
Simvlot.d stfg hondl.,.
DistrwmfMr-tafe. U~
ditfonolfy gucuvnteed by
manvfodw« fat 5 Y'""• ...•. ,,..,...,,.. .. :
.-. . ... ' .
Chances are that when in the presence of an
undertaker you are' nervous, suspicious, or both •
' Probably because you resent death. Most . . .
people do. Well, if the truth be known -and
high time it should -so do all of us here at
Pacific View Memorial Park. We don 't want people to die. We are people. too. But it happens.
And when it does, the law requires that the remains of the deceased be taken care of. Doing
• • •
this in an honorable and dignified manner is the business of Pacific View.
1. What does the Stat& of California
require. by Jaw, be done with the
r'emains of a deceased?
T'vo things: (a) The cause of de&th muat
be certified by either a private medical doctor or
a Coroner; and (b) Disposition of the dec~ed
must be made by burial, entombment, or cre-
mation . Nothing else.
2. \Vhat does mortuary service
cost and include?
At Pacific Vie\v, mortuary service costs
$155.00 and does not vary in price. Services
include bringing the deceased to the mortuary
from 'vit hin a 60-mile rad ius, kee ping the
remains until all legal r equirements are met,
providing autopsy facilities if needed, embalm-
ing as necessary or requeJted, plain 'vooden box,
service car, ti.ling legal permits and recording,
and delivery to place of disposition. Assistance
in applying for Social Security, veteran's bene-
fits, and certified copies of the death certificate
is 1150 part of this service.
3. 'Vhat does funeral service
cost and include?
Funeral service at Pacific Vie'v costs
$160.00 and is an optional service. Jt includes
u se of a funeral coach and a family car,
preparation by male or female attendants for
visitation, services of a funeral director and
assistants at chapel and place of interment,
music, care of f lo,\·ers, memorial f olde rs,
ackno'"ledgement cards, local paper notice, com-
mi ttal service personnel, flo\ver handling and
placement, use of the chapel, accompaniment of
service to interment site, parking facilities, and
traffic direction. Also, assistance in applying for
Social Security and/or Veteran'1 Administra-
tion benefits, as 'vell as filing for copies of the
death c:;et:tificate and Qthe\ l~ral papers, is I ' -f~ . ' ' included. · ~
Due to certain savings to t}\e faniiJies
desiring both mortuary and funeral services,
Pacific View's charges' for "complete undertak-
ing'' are '295.00-a savings of $20.00.
What do qskets cost? At Pacific View 's
mortuary, two a~ less than $100.00 additional.
'four are less than $169.00 additional: azid fotirteen
are less than $386.00.
What is not included?
Mostly personal items. For example, the
honorarium to priest, minister or rabbi of your
' · chQ(oe, flowers you select, certified copies of the
death certificate, and personal memorials such as
crypt plates, niche plates or memorial tablets.
These memorials cost from S49.63 (niche plate
installed) to as much as $1 75.00 for a special·
design bronze memorial tablet including taxes.
foundation and installation.
4. \Vhat does burial or cremation cost?
The minimum cost for lawn burial a t
Pacific View is $327 .00; this includes a site in
Meadowlawn South or in the Masonic Lawn,
endowment care, concrete grave liner, interment,
recording and commital service.
The mininium cost for cremation disposi·
tion at Pacific View is $260.00; this includes·.
mortuary service (S155.00) and cremation and
inumment in a communal area ( 105.00). Min·
imum cost of a niche and memorial plate in
Mausoleum of the Pacific is ·$134.63 additional :
total, $399.63.
5. \Vhat is Endowment Care?
Pacific View is an Endowment Care Cem·
etery. This means that a Fund has been estab-
lis hed pursuant to the laws of the State of
California to keep the sod in repair in all places
"'here interments have been made ; to care for
trees, gUtters, drains. water lines and entrance
ways; and to maintain records pertinent to all
property owners and interments therein.
6. What is meant by "pre-need"!
Pr .. need i• the term given to undertakinl'
and/or cemetery arrangements before a dia-
tressing situation arises. An integral pi.r,t· of
estate planning, pre.need offers many advan-
tages. Surviving family m embers are spared
undue additional emoQ.opai stress, many cost.s
are Jess, an~ there is peace of mind. (The per ..
son who "doesn't care what they do with me"
is tryin~ to escape·th• fact t~t •~mebodv hJU
to do it.)
7 • Is cash required for the full amount of
arrangement selected?
Not at Pacif~c View. For example: pre-
need arrangements as desired can be paid for
'vith a. smaU deposit and convenient monthly
payments-often without interu t.
8. Isn't all this memorialization
j ust a little maudlin!
Not at all. Jt has aJ,vays been the nature
of man to erect memorials in honor of thOse
'"ho have Jived. Pacific Vie'v does not suggest
pyramids or ma rble shrines~ It is our honest
belief that the deceased-whatever his station
-should be accorded dignity. And the degree
of dignity is in the memory of the living. not
in the price paid for a funeral.
Those are a few of the answers about
Pilclftc View Memorial Park. We welcome the
opportunit7 to answer any other queltions at
any time, any place, from anyone.
You have drawn a Will, purchued life
insurance, and listed your more important
material assets in joint tenancy. If not, you
s hould see Your attorney. This same personal
respansibllity holds true in makiar arranl'e-
m,ents for burial, entombment or cnmatiun.AJl
\Ve ask is that you compa.re our complete Hn'·
ices, fS:cilities, convenience, personal auistanct,
and total c011t. Berore the need ariseL You may
still be a little nervous. But. we of Pacific View
trust that you are no Jonier suapicious.
PACIFIC VIEW . . . . .
ME M 0 RI AL PARK C-:: M Q RTUARY 31100 Paciftc View Dnve. Newport Beach, California 92663 • Telephone (71') ~-2700
c;4 C11111lny • U•llniati111 • Mort1'4rr • Jlouoln" • CAa,U • F11•trel SCTYic:c:• • Cr1Matiot1 B'"""' .. --------------------------------------, r----------------r----~----~::111'--, Paciftc Vlew Memorial Park Gentlemen : I
3600 Pacific View Drive You have an1wered many of my quution1. I 1
1 Newport Beach, Cali fornia 92663• would like you to an1wer some 1n rre.ater detail. Pleue send me "'dditional information I
without any obligation, Thank you. I
" I
I Citr Ip T•'-P"-11
~ ~ '--------------~~i..---...;:t.. _____ ;.._ .... L--------------------------------------'-
' •
. " . . . . ..
r . -...
' ' ••• I ' ..
TeUY'• l'l•aJ i
' 1.Y. Steeb· i ...
. ...
VOL. 62 , NO. 282! 2 SECTIONS, 24 PA,GES OR~NGE COUNTY, ciillLll'\;l . . ~ . . rueSo.A Y, '~VEMBE{I '2s, "1969
• • , ' • • • 1'
·~ ' . • • ' Newport -OKs ·Pier_ StrQ~g .,Protest~
Of 1" O•lb' l'llft 1 .. H
Nearly four hour~ of stern public op-.
position !ailed to sway Newport Be.ach
City Council's. 4. to 3 alignment in favor o(
tidelands use fees MondQy night and the
proposed harbor pier charges moved
toward· becontJng law.
-· 111 a meeUnf \\'hich seflned a carbon
copy .of several ptevious' ones in which
the debate over the pier rees has raged,
-~ . ' the councQ Introduced a revised fee
structure in 91"dinance form and ~
its lirsl le.ac!\!11. • • . It ·will "become law ·at a speela'-ad·
joumed meetl/ll De<:. 15 li the deeply en-
trencbed <!iJncll •plil porsllti and the ,..
cond reidJna: passes. • • ~
Councllm~n Don Mclanls, HQWa{d
R<!Prs and E. F. Hirth joiMd the scores
of .foes~of.the ~I. · -. ~ -· ,
.<It thre< -~ that· the ord!Jlanc•"
which has1a qewly revlied._lntOcate fee
structure, was 11>Uft1U~."fn~uliab .. lhd
dlscrimlnated against :N'ewport Beadl'a
yachtmlen l'ho ulllmald, )NuJd bavo ·1o -••·fee .I -.. ,, ·, l' r"'V UJl:l • ' • ' i,_ The measure...,., ..... ....., OP~ijno
from aeveral -ta ·o1·,1he# Ci~~· boottnc'lild """1lnm:ial ......... (
Spokesmen fnr the JI( ... ;.~" Dlyl~O"'I of
th•· N......t Ha!1lor Cllalober 1' Colll
11\erct ~iaJd'ihe eattre:'enaimhff~ thf fees. t~ ~~. ;~--,.~r--;~--=;
Dee Cook, ~·of: tlit ~ d<I . . ·~ ... . ~· . . .
A ' f oO, "·
Germ War Bariii~d . . ' . .c·~ ' ' . '
Nixon ·Orders Stov.kpile Destr<>xed .
. l '
WASHINGTON <AP) -President Nix-
on renounced today any reJOrt to germ
warfare and promised to destroy existing
stockpiles of bicteriological Weapono:.
He also renounced any fi!'fit use by the
United Stales of chemical weapons that tnc.apacitat~. as well as those that can
till .
Nixon told newsmen the United States
would ll(?Ver employ germ warfare even
U an enemy were to 40 so.
He also announc:?d that future govern-
City Hall Sale
Report Draws
Council Blast
' • J ' I The 14-page consultant'• r.epoi't•advtslng
th'e C1tY'to 'sejl'C~ f!lr. '8n,ooo, ar:ew. angry repltes from ltie con--
r;ultant'a customer -the city courfclt.
••rm· shocked l>y this conS!j&aht's re-
port," Councilman Robert Sbeflon said.
"Our cltv staff could have done a better
job at rriuch less cost." '
The council agreed with Shelton's criti-
cism of the. Los Angeles conSUlf.inl firm
of ECJnomic. Research A~lates
(ERA) .. A detafled Inquiry into lhe report
will be -scheduled later. ·· • ,
City Manager Harvey Hurlbutt said
the Urm,,whlch has receivM~~.000 for
a two-pirt job on plans for the ~y~s new
civic center. blew its budget on the first
half of Its job. It .had -no funds ·1eft fo'r
the last put. he said.
Huflburt said ERA spent most bf the
SS,oOo In doing a report on feasibility of
localing-the county ~ourts b~Rdirlg at
the'.to-acre civic center site in Newpbrl
center.. 'T
c Ouncilmen heard also Uuit .the tast.
hBlf, Monday's 14-pager. waS whipped up
on a budget of $600 or less.
Thi repoi-f cit ed three ways (o dispo;se
nf Ote pr~ent city hall. then said t•o of
them wouldfl 'I y,•ork -lease or lease-
pu"Cha1l' plans. "
The o,nty way the city could ~t r!d of
the complex. ERA said, would be to pul
it, alon(l with the main fire. station, on
th"! market for $675,000. 1 ~e other pha se of the report ~\nclilded
b11ief. general references to the <'hances
of attracting other public and quasi-pub-
lic facilities in the civic center.
On the chances of building a cultural
srl.!I center. auditorium and offices for
uUlities and chambers of commerce the
consultants made one observatiOn -they
have no conclusions.
Candles Causf'
Of Tu~tin Fire
Candles . left lighted in the new a'pa('t-
ment of a Tustin couple Monday ml y
have been lipped over by the fAm.il,y cat
to ·starl a blaze \\'hich caused SIO.SOO in
damage. fireri1en said today. ,
~1r. and Mrs. Robe.rt Mansur \\'ere
movl,ng intp the apartment at I 192 Mit-
chell flvenoe, and, as they left to get
another load from their old home, they
left the candles burning. ·
The ·eJeclrlcty had not been hooked up
yet. firemen said. ·
. When tbe (,'Qllple returned wlUi the load · ~,found t~ir new ·hq_ip~ laze; fire-
men said. . ~ -1. •
After th fire was put ou~ firemen dis-
covered the cal dead. inside.
R!lP· Ho8n1er Faces
Operation on Eye
JY!p. Craig Hosmer (R·Long Beach )
will enter Bethe$da Naval HpspUal near
Wuhln1ton, D.C. Friday for removal or a
Calaract from his left eye.
Jlosn1er. who represents Huntington
Beach and Seal Beach in Congress, ls ex-
pected to remain in the hospital for llbout
a wtek then 'recuperate for •n additional
1wo weeks before returning to his ofCice.
me11t research in the bio)oglcal field Wiii
be llm.ited to derenslve ·measures such as 3 search for Munizatloo serums aglnst.
geO;n WeaP9115 others rhight use. ·
The President, In a ·foriQal ·sta~ent,
said. b,e wa~ .ta~ng ~ ~rtes of moves jn
the chemical, b:acteriological area 8:5 "an
initiative toward peace."
Talking brteny to reporters, he said he
believes his actions \VtU sharply reduce
the possibility that an Yj chemical or germ
weawn.s eve~will be used by any nation.
'Just Delightful'
Nixon reaffirmed ljlOPtanding U.S.
renunciation ol the ftm use of lethal
chemical weapons ~4 far-tbe first Ume.
extended t.bh-renuoctiUon to· ftrst Ullt of
chemicals which ~pacltate ~ithout ldllln(. . .• ' • .
The ·President ask~' the Senate to
promptly raUf~ a 11:15: Geneva protocql
prohibiting the flrst a ·in war of "as-
phyxiating. poisonQUS • 'other gases and
of bacteriological nle s ·of. warfare."
M e$an il eld 'Hostage'
:_·,'.JJy t~ml~m t>n Al~.t.~
,,flt '. (~,•,,•\.,l• ;j·, .• , ~~y I' ~f· . ; ' • '.~
.. AliTflull it.·\'INQ:I.· '> · "" iielil. '91"·.~·;.,;,e: (a~
Of .. o.itr tt1• ..... ~:.. ' ' . . . • . •
A Coat8 Mesan who· moVed· ~ the r:k.daoii1 a)',n~be,'doitig~ucb,wrftlr1g,
solitude of an island recently to Wrtte a but !;*' .. , ~nJy ,&•il1er.!n• m1~r11:1 for
book tod~ has. ~ company of 100.(ilus one o( UXise .ttuth-IKlrarig'er-thah-Dcllon
invading '~!ans and not even the U.S epiJ;:s;, al~ sbrday~ of, lndtai;r~pa'tlOn.
Coast Guard -,Jet al~n'~ the Cavalry -Dodson's brother was not al ?!om,, but
knows w!>at to do. . hoppe<tf an ~r yalllorJ!la plane td 'S.111
Glen Dodson ls under house' arrest, Q6 FrancUK:o Monday n18ht after re~ated
Alcatr8:z,' a Happy hOstage held by men. ef!~get a re~urn·.c~ll,thrqll~h failed.
women and children demanding a " . Coa~t Guard said they haven't
powwow ·With Secretary of the Interior ev:>n . able to ge( ln touch.since ·tlle
Wal ter J. Hicke1. ' lndiahs took over the iSland;'' explaintd
So far the time isn't set, but the Joca· Mr&/ Hoyt,' ·~ho ISJ;l't. too worried ,OOUt·
Uon seems obvlOU!. -ber Jbrother-in-law. • .
Dodson, who sold his home at 881 Joarin "he said he'd try tQ drop us a lirie,"
St. to go off In .search of, adventure, caD· s~ added. but news reports from
ed hif brother ,~ slater-lnrlaw Monda: ..utatltaz · tnc:llca!e Dod.'°'1 ·is bulY··'f'IUl
to report be·had;.ffnally found It. · ., 'o\her taska, tuCh as :heiplng un~'~(s,
"I· think it's one of the funniest things T carrying food· an(I. suj:,pUes.
ever heara," said Mrs. John Hoyt, of 2189 ~sc~ndanls or red men wllo sat dciwn Tustin Ave., Costa Mesa, " in fact, it's , just delightful." to 'the lirst Th~ksgiying _din'ner appealed
Federal authorities h'i ve other descrip-1 today for pro1dsions wOrthy o( the , I~·
lions ·of' the prospect or chasing more · pending celebraf.ion. Thursday, .through
than 100 original Americans around the th..?lr Alc'atraz Relier Fund. ·
cave-riddled rock if tt comes to thaL Ano~her boaUoad-c;if supplies was due to
The liberators of Alcatraz from the set· out for occupied Alcatraz today, after
General .Sefvlces Admlltistralion say it a delivery !Mon~y .w h.I c b included
just may. blankets, stap!e foods, , fresh water,
They want Alc11trai under terms of an· medicine and even tetanus vac.clne.
18M treaty·in which the Sioux were given Temperatures on. the barren rock dtop
abandoried federal property, but If you to the low thirties this lime of year and
give tho§e people 21 acres.of rock they dozens of the Indians are sufferln& from
may try to tak"thl 49th state. . • 'colds IJld aore ihroJll. • ·
"Alaska is .next" declares Richaril Some have even· jumped lnf9 the
Oakes, 2fi, a M:oha.;,k who has asSumel:I triacherous, curnnt-flCed ,.waters· fl die
the ,presidency of !lie crumbling, ptl""' tiay lo help small boeta dock Ind the nnljr 1fortress which is hardly a resort heat ls 'from fires bUllt of WoOd .ripped
hideaway.· from .old rOtting .cel!blocb. · , ·
'(When y'ou see mMt of the _reservati~ Several chlldri1l· have aa a r~1t Itel>'
Jn this country,'' JIYS Adam NOrch•Jll, ~ on ru~~Ja, ~l~g tetiiaUa
40, a qu.ppewa leader, "Alcatraz look~s vaccine, but the ·lndians vow to ~.u
pretty goOd." · tr long as nece~arY and bide from \f.S.
"l'in 100 P.t;rcent wlth them " added m8rahal1 In a 12· acre maze of "fotmei"
Dodson: "These 11e .Wor\derful ~pie." prlsOn buildings ana ~Yea. ..r -·
The" fomler Hulhl!I Aircraft chemist Secretary Hickel .bas. agreed to ineft
who .became caretaker of. the bleakt bar· and dlSCW!is ·their ..dll;mlJ'da to ,take· over
ren · tanner federal JX;lon 1ot' i call Alcatraz as an Indian CUiture. Ctilter, t~:;to hil rellUYel 01 &he sole hot plus giving more akf1to 1--lncUuu ln
JU. to-..lbe outskle world. • California. .., ; ;J :'
'"He Was ftaU1 \excited;'' ~d Mn. Federal authorities ba~ven ,the Jn.
Hoyt, "he.hacbl'fslepMor... • 11u1 (l!le H06TM)B;' ir !, •" •• ,;i:-1. ~ .. ~ ~-' .. . .;. . ' R~ds liave l(atlfled
. . ,
. • ' ' l I \ , IWl.Y PM.OT Nlft ..... •
: , , · ,lo C'!'wiM!ii C~ambor1, An APf>ool io tho . 'Sl'tnt M~i<{l:lly! to f,•ko ~· ~oo~ ..
. '. -~ ~ .. .,\ l,c. ~ rt'~~ ... ,,.~tl•·-. . : ,i ~ • • . b \ \ ! ' I / · I'' ~ t • '· • " • , ,f • "/~~' ~ I
~~/~~gen~-~~~k:· B~~lf~y.ift-~~;,·E~sAikl ~SU.tus RepQrt' · · : . ·: . . '7 :;· · '. ·
chi··. Angela D~vis City:·'tp ·'Join Couri "Fight.::
BERKELEY, (UPi) :... UrJverslty .of • ' ' ·
California tegents ha~e orilered :I "statUs By 'JOQN VALTERZA entatton ·came when Robinson and (etmf °' "" Dllllf' "'"' ''"' trade foe Allan Beek assailed officials of rej>ort" ··in J an11ary 'on the teaching Foes of the Upper Bay 14nd exchange the NeWport Harbor .c:hambei-of Conio
perfonnanct of UCI;tA instructor Angela Monday asked Newport Beach's1 City merce for their lette'r to· ttie C'O'tocil
Davis. UC Presldmt Charles J. Hitch Council to jump into court fights testing &ale! Monday. the validity of the exchange on two fronts. charging swap opponents wtth apreldj.n&
.The cwnclf. said II would , tblnk about "half:truth!, fiction aqd trrel~~-~ But Hitch d::f::: that the iegents It. ment!."
o~red. cr~tlon~ of a special campus The apPeal for Newport Beach to Betit. by Inference, cbBIJIOiecr diim-
commfttee to re'1ew the .performance of changt Its official po!lcy of silent agree· ~r presldent'Dlclt. St.ev.eM td·•,...-.· •·the. "'fl•~'oavia, an. ~milted member of the ment ·with the exchahge came in a ape-"flctlons." , . , ~~ , clal: hour-long presentation of the .op-.. Communist ·party. posit.ion vlewppint in a ·Crowded after· uiter, after. no offi¥al hid a~·
Hftch said Miss · Davis' tea~ing noon council session. , for µ,e chaml~~Ti·Beek.~fd lbe ~
abilities we re dliCUS!ed . at last ~ek's After, hearlng the position of the six admitted its comments Could ~be
re,8ents meeting in, nSan F,r~nclscQ. "hut it layman li;itervener1 In the Su~rlor. Court de.fended . J:>:eeause .. It · aent no . ·11
-i · siilt testing the vali(f]fy Of Uie .1w a-p spokesman to ·the 'cou1>cu ;n100. ... ,
is not true",Chancellor Charlts.Youngaf ~1ayor. Doreen .M~rshall suglfested the 1 Owelllna co .the county'I ·~
UC.:LA "was ordeied to conduct a revifW' council m«t -tln ~execuUve ~on. w)th tlVp: role ·lb ~the trust.a, ttte'1'1a
of her perform~." · ; : th< city attpqiey ··1o, ~amine ~ J4ea "'8r(ed that.th< cOunl)' iloo!Jl ·ol 5upel!
The univerSit:I, president said .'¥.oulig of city intervet1lion. . . . . visors has enter!d Into 'an ideiaf ~ Frank Robiris6n, a Je~def' In . l~e. ~p-·~ ment to exchange the' ba)r for ~ trvtDe
told the regents·, existing caniPHS ,rn;o-position to the' excha~ge a!la an lptu· Conipany lai>dl without-Ont:~ 1
cedui:es "providt for ,a lhorOugh',f.t Vle.w. v.ener himself, told the council ·the city 1 pla'n for the tiay'i deve1opmenf. · :·::r' '
of her performAnce" ,and .he. lhterided~to. should joln th~ su1i ahd be(ln ma~lng Its uThe board has priftnted1 m a:ttSnE.
make 1.:se·of thtm . Hitch saJd .. the regents own plans fOr developmenr ~r U>e:hlY: · · lives to,f.his tr~e, nor m1de any-,cQneci~
thezi ordered1a sJatus report at . ~i.r 'Mayor Marshall's suggestion for ah ex. entlous ,.effort to "keep the _lidelatldl in
Januar)' ~-eeutl¥e ses$.lon with attorney"Tully sey. the, ~Uc '.dOmalfl," Ro~ln.son ·clahried. '
. ~.l>a~, a 2S-y.i:ar;014 ~egro, -:as mour was ni~ with no official oouricll He charged that data ~·by tht
hllid tlll .. .., -•,.(>.year con&1ct 1 .as JJ. 8ctloft: ' · · · . · . . counlJ., ·to tHe 1Stlte .. ~' Comm1llion
b"I-""" Instructor last ,...... The Robin..,,, cited receirt court 1aclll*J .Jn · was. {Ills~. He .aald ,the docjs-.i.0, ~c!.:::tit.deied iher Dred , ~~'Id, Mbrro ' Boy WlieA . tll4!'"Cil)I (fn<orporOt>cl ~ ~,to •Pll'Ove ill!. ·ll'ade '!" miiitis$ ·a 'meml!er of,'_"E q.m. , in"fll641' lilell 'Slit 'LUUr Obhlpo lCoa!itY· bUedrc•n mope slioWli>r r<iiMfs which
uitta biit i.e. Alll'I ll\ll!O'lor . over admlnistratJon',of· Mom> 11a1 , llld dldn~. eJ!ltl .!Jiii ·omitting other roids '."~ .... it ~,_.!:,""'die ,.-,!!h~.. . ns'..tuarr.• .. . , ,. .•. ·. '· "·· -.· "1J!ch iliil ,sist. . • . ., '~'·' , ;\'"'.-""' • ,.,...~,..,,,, < ! ' Robirison '>Ian .Cl!ed· ( lltte.law·whlolr • 1''11 was ~ a-plan lo-11119'!· thi\·~ ·. ''"'•~•-.. __ ., •t· ·.;_ ·. .. ia)rs! ineori>or•!•if cittea ' could cha!~ Ii lit~ !'", '"°""'~ "'\""".to' the )lay.m 1"'---~ '"-"'!', , county holding of tideland> trull&-11 It lta p~t oltie. and:.we ~D.bcii!;~ ..... ~ cauld· be 'proven the-county has ·not theri; ii arnp!t _access along~ 'en NEW/YORK :~~P), nie·Jt"fl< market admlnlstered'the landS·.-ly. ', ,. (See' BACK BAY, Pap I) " •
st,...i,"a _,...., of'streiitllh, b<it it ·He· said Ne"1JOl"l· ·Beaili would have. a ' ·
quick)f JVan8:1 late jpday .• (Sft _qµota-pOlsit;le chance· to dq the same. , . ~" ' ' .. • l
LiW,,Pages 10-Jl). ,t( His •presentation Was cin;r~lele with' . or-ge· .. ·-Ee"d";
Prji:es ·dipped. in .eefly tra~.' holding d11pllcate maps visible ,bY, the t,r1e. audi~ 1 ~ •. -
pa\tern.QfthtprevkJu.11aeuk>nl, enqe.andthec:ouncil ... '·~· .. ·· ,' 1 -··~-,llnn~., , · . Th'. ,°nlrharsji.,wonts. dw:4'1. the Jl"I-, j • ·;· ~·I
• f , ••
-.;,,• ~· .• ,!.•.,.\.•,·~ ·· .. · (•
Rit W "dnesd , . 'Wea.-.er I . .. , , ' . es .'C • · ay .There'll bt a ~~up In !he wt"' .. ·'
1 ·~ ' 1 \ ' ly winds We<tnelday, buf the mer-1
U.S .. · Qelays .G·a~ ~1.~~.eaty ~~~,:;::.~~1;;~~~= ; ,~JN:S::IDsE:upJTO~:~:~·~'
. •· ·' ·•· " . . ' Bolbol .'BaY &Inc< lfl:!I ·d!ed_.M~v .11 "" WASHmoTo~ ·<ttiJ /-1'11\o'','"' ~t tho.Anny,~ liarlift ~ 1eept1ti1 !111 '._.;,.t did so . with Hoag Memort1I HOJpltal. .He ·.:as 13.
I • • I Mernbtr of the Order of tht
pnttah. Em!'ire. ~~hn Lent1on t',.. '1 M y gave tM Qxtet• hit~f1'edal
back -but Buckilffh~. Polac•
al.Bo had Bit apt r~nltboak.Jpr f,
£he Beatle's T"';Olt1J, Stor11 POQe ,
Geneva ......,,.., bin.tn, ~lhO ~ """°'"" COMicterabl4 .... ~. a;atnli'tlie ,.._.allonl .. ~ f~ed tlie ~ lo · Private servlca wUI be lltfcl a! ii •·11'· ,.,v_.. , ~ . .. . 1 ~· t.._ u1e'ctemical~t0hllMtheY'~ WedntsCiay at Pacific ·view · Meroorlat
pol!IOll ,.,., and olher chemtcll ·q · l"."'1" .on~ !hath~ .e {!IOI"~ flrst-1!1-thom. i nd .the rtgbt Pork. , . " . .. ,,
has been'ralliled tii) mon tliln IO nation ot>Oer••cHn w•!f'\f.and fha~lll· ~ ,e,1<1.-~b--.llUI ,,.i aaall)llother Mr .. Mcl(ally had IJ!~n aillve In .,e
Including Cc11111111mlat Cblna an<! the mon ilmlline ,mo!hod of killlnl . i1lii lliltMil ir.,lbe ~-. cbart~r bolt busli>Ha ~ntll It. yem ogo.
Soviet Union -tiut not tho United Stat... oU>.r ""tr.:· •, . ' ' . 1'e ......, Untan ,,........, to tll4! -He ha~ hJ1'1lrSI ofllct' and' liorne no Bal· Mi# -·~• ,,._,.., ,.. boa Island f.ar 30 years . The accord Is formally called the 'lronica , II 1 ,..11!!.~•te<had.voled ,1,. led!: on AJJ!ll' &, Jfll, and Comm~ ·He wb 000 of "*· /oUnders of the
"ll'Otocol for the (lnlhlbiUon of th< use In In ./avar of. a itinl'ai -t wblcll: ~ oci_..._., I;; •·.A ,rectftt oaUGn .,1~ ·-·""" ~·b· a·member'of New·
war of arphyatattng. pol!OllOU! or other never. came mt~· bppl• of J'rendl.r to-doi • ~ Cdl6muilblt ·~ ~tff;rb:r....,.Q.';.ijer. Of r 1CoMrrtertt;
gases and of bacterlaloglca\ methods of OPJIO'ltlon. ,· , • • .f1 Diie~bii~llll~ ·•· on Oranp COwlt)r FIWI Ind Gamto.Tnt.
warfare." The Genet& ot ·.i.N.,.17 1,.. !fei!htf'. orlll • hila Vletnam',;3, ' ' the Ocea Ft>ll
The U.S. Senate never 'voted on it declares tKl't ' Q the U..·• J6'Dld tliaareetntni::!"f · i!r~':i~.. n .
althouah the United States had taken , a t,heml cal . •nd ~al weapons -' Besides the United !ti.ta, Braill, El SurVJvora Include a ton ·Bernai'd of thfl
first slep Iowa rd adherence by s1gru., .... 111 exert• every' •effort ~ lriduC. ot~ Sal¥)40r •• Japln, Ntcuqu~ .M>cfU~ay homo; 11!02 ·Blilbdo·! Blvd.-; a· cllugitten
the' protocol. ' 6lAtes to accede td the present prolocof.'' havt 'elll'ltd Ute protOcel but not ·formally Mrs. Jean~ Zamw•tt Of;-N~, Beach.
c>n&.reaaon the Sena It did• not act w11 A number of tll4! -naUOril 'ic· n!Uled It. · ' and -· arandchlhl. , . • • .. . ~, ... . ~" ' . .,.~u., .... ~·· .... ·I · 1· •. , ... -i.,.,,,,...,.•~ 1 '
& ' i ,_ ' a.· . ,,, ~i.n!flelf lt>M ,.... 'M
(tM:cl II ,..... 'W
C_, Ii Of-.. (.-, , ; I .~:· ;:.~;::~ ~----.--$.. \ ., '\ i I ,.._ , .. " "' ~ -" ,,,. ....... n ..,,. ...... L ,...... . • """"" ...... ,.~j ~ ............ ,.
.. ..
... •
•, ..... ,,..,...,,,. .. _.,,.~"'I' , ,,.,_,_,., ~/. • , •• ""· .lol lpo ,,.l.,..._,1.,,, •" •• , ....... ).,. , ... "'' ... " ·~ . .. I \.. . . 11.... .. u •.J<, I • ~ f ... I ' · It "\ , I • ft.") '=-• • o• ¥41 ; • ~ ;0: '•'!'I-1,., .-; •"' f ~ ·~ t I\ •• ~• "',\•f: >l •
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~. .,
• I ( • ,.J ' DAILY ,ILOT ....... ~., lllclllrf KMhltr
••ml11.-l ,V!fed .. .. . (
Aldrich Chides
UCI Chancellor Daillel G. Aldrlch1 Jj.,
today s1id he saw ;<no baaia" (Or the tu1o1 tin .. Union High School Diatri~'s reilll.l.1
tion calling tor his dilmiual by pie ~I
of Regents~
The -h11h school board, meeUnc .Mbn·
day night, voiced unanimous decluation
to 11talld by its earlier resolution -a
resolution .atemnimg irom corqm~ al·
loged!y made by Aldrich in a ~ Oct.
,. An erroneous central county newspaper Retired Finance . aecounl said thJt Aldrich had defended
the Ulie of four~letter words by the cam·
Fl'rm Pres1'dent pus student newspaper. The paper later retracted the rePort. -
, 11\ part, the ·. Tustin resolution says,
M C Ki g Dies "Whereas the cb1ncellor ... has made . . n Ille public alatemenl that Ille use of four·
NEWPORT BEACH-M8lwell C. King,
70. who served. as president of Pacific
Finance Corp. (now Transamerica Finan·
cial Co:-p.) from 1942 until his retirement
in July of 1963 died Monday while visit-
ing relatives in Aptos, Calif.
letter wonis In their campus newspaper
ii merely a reflection of the society of
Orange County~ and , . . Whereu the
Tustin Union High School District Board
of Trustees believes that such cutrageous
and irresponsible statements being ad·
vacated by a professional educator are
a grave hindrance to our educational
process . , . "
The resolution was passed unanimOU3-
ly Nov. 10. . ,
Mr. King, 113 E. Bayfront. Balboa ·
Tsland. joined the company in INS. He
served in many positions and was elected
a vice .president in 1934 and was named
execu'tive vice president in 1941. At the
time of his retirement he was a member
of the Pacific Finance board and the
Transamerica Corporation board of di·
rectors. He was a graduate of Stanford
and the Harvard University Gradua te
School of Business.
Tustin Union High School District Supt.
William Zogg said that the bQard decided
to stick by the resolution after being pro-
vided with tape recordings of the ori·
ginal Aldrich speech, provided by UCI ;
a tape of the question and answer ses-
sion that followed, and .a transcript of
that portion of the Aldrich appearance.
oo~ty Man Held
With • Ill Partner
Murder li'ite· .Plot '
•• A suspected niurder-for-hire p I o t
with ~in attqedly aduierOU& auto dealer
the tai1E!.t baa led 'to the arrest of a
Gardeh Gr_ove 'tn'an . aOO his apparent . .. partner in a m ,ooo stolen gOOids o~ra·
lion. ' •
.'The case orialllating in South Gate wu
revealed Monday, when author i lies
disclosed the arrests of Alfred Slaton, 41 ,
Of 8501 KUlarn~y Ave .. Gardeii Grove,
and Francis Kerring, 29. of Wilmlntton.
They were booked )ast Friday for in-
vestigation of conspiracy to commit
murder, illegal. p ossession of
machineguns and pos!ession ol dangerous
drugs and marijuana.
South Gate Ponce Lt. Robert 'I'aylor
Mid a tota l of $52,00ltin stolen goods was
recov.,e.red. froni the tire e.Shop . wll£re
Slaton lndJ<errWle Were qi~ured.r . Lt. TiYfOf Said the w~.-d be~p~1iven
*500 to arr'ange for the 'e1l\ninauon of a
"ew car dealer the pay·ce~ believed to be
involved in a domestic triilngle.
AutborltJes did not i;U~lose just how
they reCeived information .leading to !he
arrest of Slaton and Kerring, pending its
use in further ·prosecution.
Marines Guests
Of (;ountry Club
Fiftr Camp P~ndleton ~tarine ii-
ductees will be·guests of the 1rvine Coast
Country Club for Thanksgiving dinner.
1 ''We sent a letter to President Nixon Jo
sey th.IS was one way tht silent majority
had Of supporting his Vietnam policy,"
club owner Forest Smith sai d.
"The young Marines will be picked up
by bus al I p.m. Thanksgiving Day and
driven to Newport Beach . Several
tnembers with boat.s wilf give the men a
crulae around the Harbor," he added.
1 The soldiers will then enjoy Chef Joe
Barnes' Thanksgiving dinner at the club
where members and ·their families w\11
jOin the Marines at each table.
Poland Talks Asked
WARSAW (UP{) -West Germany to·
day officially propoSed political talks with
Poland, the Polish news agericy PAP an·
fl~ll Y PILOT
nll:ANOl Cl)Alt ttV•l •110110 COM'"""
lt•Nrt N. W•t4
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·"\Vhy Grade Restrictions?
Trustee Hits Policy on Student Officer:s
BY BARBAAA KJlEIBlCH when they carry more units. They have
Of iiii Dlttr, ~ lflff to OJ'lanhe tbt1r time."
A. Saddle back CoJlep 'lrustee challeng· 0 11 it not admtnistraUon policy tha t
ed student.a Monday night regarding the atudente muat have a good grade average
jU1Uce of requiriile capd.idatts for stu-in order to hold ofnce?" asked Bothwell.
dent government ofljcea to h~ve a 2.0 (C) OoUtge President Fred Bremer said
gra<le point average. this was not the case. Maintenance of
The provl1ion is included in the new grade point averages appliea cnly to
student constitution on which students academic standing, he said. Consistently
will vote Dec. 3-5.' low grades ca n result In a stude nt 's being
"Why have any provision about grade placed on probation or, eventually,
pOin( ~VJrages?" trustee Pat Backus ask-, dlamiMed, Bremer explained.
ed student body president John Bothwell. No conclusion was reached in the grade
''ft seems to me a student with a 1.7 point discussion, which arose from an
average could conceivably be as good a earlier question regarding voting rights.
student government officer as a 4.0 '(AI The students had presented a draft o(
student. their proposed constitution in seeking
'l~· your I husioeiS, b~t it"s i ust· bo'ard app1'9Val·of the December elect.loo
distasteful to me." dates, and invited trustees to comment
. BackJ.!S sa!d~he had chtck~d ;;tate el~· Aft.er clarifjcation of a few minor 11~.I~'~ oud foun{~u.jW .;ipolnts;a lll'"llon "'* rellldlni a,prO. ragtifi~enit~'a!Nor clijYalef'.-,fDil · vision that any Saddleback stUdent should
government office. • be regarded as a member of the
"T agree with your philosophy," Associated Student Body for election
Bolhwell replied, "but the question ls the purposes, whether he not he held a paid-
student's ability to carr)' on his studies up ,.SB card.
along with student 11overn ment duties. "Most colleges allow a vote only to
Most of us find that our grades go down paid-up ASB card holders,"·saiJ Bremer.
when we are involved in student govern· "Last year in the spring election,''
ment." ' Bothwell explained, "only five percent
Backus pursued the subj e ct . held carda. It 'hardly seems· fair for Of·
"Spmelimes students find they do better ricers representing all the students to be
From Page 1
ptople and the men they elect." Somers
The cou ncil promised to abide by a
policy of ke!ping the fee stru cture the
same for the next five years tut t,he pro·
n1ise "'On little affection from fee op·
~fayor Doreen Marsha ll assured the
group that if ever the fees were increased
ran average private pier and dock would
cost about $25 a yea r), then the stan·
dard public hearing procedure would be
"We've seen how good a public hearing
is and how much it can change the coun·
cil's mind. It won't make a damned bit or
difference." an angry opponent shouted .
The new ordinance. drsfted by a coun·
c:i1 committee and revised afte rear1i~r
hearin11:s marked by more strong pubhc
opposition, changes the concept of an
over-all $1-per-foot of boat space a yea r
to an intricate formula.
Any owner of a pier which juts int.o the
harbor over land which is not already
leased by the city would pay $10 a year
as a re.l{ist ration fee.
That includes owners whose piers cross
strips of their own underwater land.
Commercial oper1tors would pay the
same $10 alonfi! with St for each ad·
ditional slip or noat as long as the total
rtoes not exceed 10. tr they have more
than JO, then they would pay 50-cents for
C'aC'h slip with a maximum of 2n.
Above 20 slips in the marina , the owner
\rould pay $15 plus 25 cents for each slip
or float over the total of 20 .
Along wilh the money charged for boat
slips and floa t.s. the ordinance also hits
the marin~ gasoline service stations.
They would pay the standard com·
mercial pier fees along with three-tenths
of a cent for each gallon of fuel they sell.
City Harbor and Tidelands Coordinator
George Dawes, whole department would
receive the, money ral'sed from the fees.
said lhe 1970 yield would total about
llQ,000. Councilmen voting for the fee prop<153I
adhered to their statements or the past
outllntna Ille phlloaophy behind the pier
past council action, said he ~lieved the
advantages of the ordinance f a r
outweighed the disadvantages.
Shelton defied the "anonymous caller s
and writers of some ol the letters I have
received'' and vowed that threats of
recall would not change his opinion .
"This won't drive the boats out or the
harbor , nor will it kill the goose that laid
the golden egg," he said.
The question, he said. "could be argued
eloquently on both skies."
He said there would be fewer inequities
under the ordinance than more .
elected by such a small minority.··
A student in the audience said that a
survey had revealed SO percent of the coJ.
leges in the state al i'ow "universal suf-
frage ," voti ng rights to all student.s
regardless of cards.
"When we allowed universal suffrage in
the recent freshman senate election,''
said the student, "the turnout was 300
perc ent greater than in the previous e\ec·
ti on. This seems more fair ."
Backus agreed. "Requiring a student
body card is to me like a poll tax to
vote." He asked the students if they could
find out for the trustees just what current
ju nior college trends are with regard to
student body cards. \
'Bramer. said he had sent a1copy10(,the
student constitution to the coUnty counsel
for legal approval, as i:.equired in stale
colleges, and the board voted \o flpprove
the election dates, with the understanding
that the linaJ constituOon voted on by
the students would come back to the
board for official approval ind ac-
Following the constitutKln discussion,
Bothwfll presented to the trustees a peti·
tion of support for the present student
government signed, he said, by 50 per·
cent or the full time student body.
"The petition was presented on campus
for 13 hours," Bothwell said, "and during
that time 50 percent of the full time
studenll signed it. Combined signahtres
of both day and nl11ht students add up to
24 percent of the total enrollment. which
I feel confirms that the present ASS
government has the support of the stu·
dent body."
The ASB president said the petition had
been circulated as a result or reports that
tl\e current government is not represen·
tative or the student body as a whole.
Asked if the studerits wanted any board
action on the petition, Bothwell said they
did not. "It is just presented for your in·
formation," he said, "so you will
recognize that this government does have
ihe !late'& trust which glves the city
control ovtr \he tideland& atates that the
artas should be left available to the
public for fishing. commerce and recrea-
tion. !he assenters agreed. 499 Exit Platte i1a 90 Seco1ads
tie was former pr esident of Junior
Achievement of Southern California, a
dimtor of the Los Angeles Chapter of
the American Red cross and a director
or the Merchanta and Manufacturers
ANoclat.ion. He was also a member of
Los Anieles Rotary Club.
He is survived by ~s wile, Barbara;
sons, Clark and Maxwell C. Jr., and six
grandchlldren. Services will be private.
Tim Leary Can't
Sta~d 2 Trials;
County Backs Off
Or. Timothy Leary and his family suc·
cess fully appealed Monday . for a delay. of
their Orange County Superior Court trial
with the ·convincing argument tb at they
Can 't bf! in two places al once .
Dr . Lea ry, 49, Rosemary Leary , 33. and
son John Bush Leary, 20; ·are· currently
faci ng posaessJon of narcotics charges in
New York city. '
Their trial here stems from the filing of
similar charges in Laguna Beach last
Dec. 26.
Judge Samuel Dreizen delayed the trial
until Jan. 19. He noted that the family
has filed appeals against the recent rt·
jection in the !ame court of the Leary'•
motion for suppression of evidence.
From Page 1
vaders holding Dodson hostage no
deadline to evacuate Alcatraz, at least
until afte r Hickel reviews their demand.
Jn the meantime, life goes on day by
day on the Rock. perhaps more miserable
than in its prison days -with food cook·
ed over an open fire on a broken grating
-but certainly more idealistic than ever.
"This land is my Janel." says a .!ign
Ofer the crude dining area.
No one is in a position to disagree to-
day, least of all Alcatraz' custodian
Dodson, who went there to get away from
excitement and write his book about
U,1 TelttM't
The phllo90phy, they said. holds that
priva te individuals enjoying use of th e
public tidelands for private docks should
reimburse &ht public. for 1he pri vilege.
Counciln1an Robe.rt Shelton. whose \'Ote
has bOCn the deciding one on the issue in
The Boeing 747 passes FAA evacua Uon tests per·
formed al SeaUle, Wa sh. A total of 499 person s left
the plane lhrough fou r of the five exits on one side
of the crait \Vi thin 00 seconds. The tests were con-
ducted in total darkness except for the plane's
emergency lights. ln this photo some or lhe 499 ln
the test miJI around outside of two of the exit slides
used .
l I
( •
.... '
He said that he was aware that the
central county newspaper had ret~
its original accoont, but said, "The re-
tract.ion, as I understood it, was not
necessarUy what their resolution was
based on"
Mondaf 'night Robert Bartho1omew,
president of the high school district's
board of trustees, and author of the re-
solution, wa.s asked by a Santa Ana resi-
dent whether the action was within the
realm of the board.
He replied, "We feel it's an obligaUon
of the board of education to correct the
situation or public apathy wherever pos-
sible. We feel that speeches like this do
not help."
Said Chancellor Aldrich. "If their cen-
sure was based upon th e article that ap-
peared in the central county newspaper
1\'hich stated that I was for obsenclty and
that this is a rerlection of Orange County
soci ety this is completely erroneoua."
.. 1 did not ma ke the statement and
(the newspaper) retracted their state-
ment to this effect.
"There was no information In lht talk
or in the tipe that supported tbeir rt19Ju·
He said he contemplated no further IC·
lion on the matter.
CAILY .. ILOT Steff,....
Trade Foe Beek
Fron• Page 1
east slde1 via Back Bay Drive," Robin·
son sa id.
Beek. citing many ecological questions
left unanswered thus far, called for
extensive ecological studies of the Upper
Bay to determine if, indeed, tbe bay
serves as a natural spawning area for
game fish and that lt is an important wild
li!e habitat.
Both Robinson and Beek urged the city
"to take a lead in developing these stud·
Jes immediately."
Bu t both former councilman Dee Cook
and Newport Tomorrow General Chair·
man John ~1acnab disagreed.
Macnab told councilmen that any such
studies would be a waste of time.
He said the development of the Upper
Bay, If the exchange were to be con-
summated, could be adequately done
through existing city powers.
"Your zoning laws and development
standards are all that are needed to fn.
sure proper development of the bay," he
Cook urged the council to move slowly
before upsetting the decisions or two
prior councils which had recommended
the exchange.
"I see nothing wrong wllh the city
being an observer In the litigation, but to
jump into the fight while others hold your
coats . , . well that's something elae."
he said.
The pre.te{ltation of both sides were
met •·1th little comment from the coun-
cil. which hu: been studying all JsJ)ect!
of the txchange in recent montha.
The atudiea, both by councilmtn and
city state, are expected lo continue.
" IT
" U•
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. ;
' •
\-T.,..._.,,...., 'lf1Ht M l'-.ll
Angels Sprout
·Serv·ice Wings
. ' ' ' . ,, '
''Al> stands fer angel.
In this ~nstance, the angels copld quaµIy for a 24 cariit .ha(~: a halo'
earned for nine years of u'1tiring 1 effort· dedicated to bringing· a golde~ ·
gleam into the JiveSi.oflittle .t>oys without fathers. · • 1 1
As April, mont.b Of ule annuS,i spring ~all , moves closer, hardworking member~ of_ Angelito'de Oro .shllt into high -gear in order to meet de~dlines
for pubhcat1on of the Gold Book. The book, a beautifully illustrated en·
g~gement calendar sponsored by merchants and community members who
care, is compiled annually by the auxiliilry to Big Br'otbers of Orange
Major fund-raising project of the auxiliary, the Gold Book will be
presented at the ann_ual Golden Ball April 25 in.-the Balboa Bay Club.
. This week typewriters and filing cabinets were dusted of! by the
g-olden angels in preparation of many long hours to be spent in compiling
information and pictureS for the Gold Book_.
Assignments will be handed out by editor Mrs. John F. Porter. Man-
aging editor Mrs. Hugh Wright \VilJ shate responsibilities assisted in the
b'ookkeeping department by office manager Mrs. Richard W. Nabers.
Not to be overlooked are staff members ~1rs. Don \Voodward, Mrs.
Albert H. Maxted and fd:rs. Wilfred A. Berls.-
Orientation in operation and procedui-e will be given tO ne'v 3ux:ili3ry
members bY. the Mmes. \.Valter Cruttenden Jr., George P. Yule, Thomas
F . Riley and Richard Bertea.
Proceeds from this annual publication benefit a groilp near and dear
to everyone's heart-little boys . ,
Funds provide fatherless boys with Big Brothers to guide their groWth
and development; share their joys and sorrows . Guidance is provided by
volunteers on a one man, one boy basis.
As Jong as there are golden angels. 1ittle boys can reach out and
grasp a helping hand .
ANGELS fOUR -Typewriters, paper cutters an d wor.kers move
intb thl! n·e,v office in preparation of 'publication of 'annual Gold
Book. Angelita de Oro committee members who will share re-
sponsibilily· for_.compilation of the calendar are (left to rjght) the ·
Mmes. Marshalf Niedecker. Thomas F. Riley , Walter·Cr'utteodeh
Jr. and George P. Yule. ' •
'Wonderland' Focuses on Latest Fashion
A cohcerted volUJlleer effort
is being offered by two Harbor
Area women's organi24Uons whi~h arc assisting In slaff.
Ing the Kidney Diesase Oetec·
lion Program . . The fiv e-week testing pr~
gram began ye~terday for
third, fourth a".1d filth graders
in 15 elementary schools in lhe
Newport-Mesa School District.
The program is being con-
ducted by the Orange·
Riverside Counties Kidney
Foundation. under the ... direc-
tion of Mr.s. Robert Recidy, 'l,X·
ecutivc director.
Clubs involved are the
Juriior Ebells of Newport
Beach, under the leadership of
Mrs. Warren Fix B11d lhe Ex-
presso Club, an organizatlo.1 of
fonner presidents of area
women's clubs, directed by
Mrs. Stewart Petersen.
Volunteers from both groups
assist. wllh clerical work and
members who are trained
nurses are supervising.
, '• ~
Fashion designer Dan Werle will present his latest
fa shions in the 12th annual Christmas Tree Wonder·
land fashion show sponsored by Las· Mariner'as of
Newe:<>rt Beach and the Santa Ana Auxiliary to th e
F'am.ily Service of Orange County. Getting a pre-
view for ijle luncheon affair which will take place in
the Disneyland Hotel Tuesday, Dec. 2, at 11 a.m.
are (left to right) Mrs. Thomas Crosson Jr. and Mrs.
James Dowty.
Mrs. Lionel daSllva, Juniors
health chainnan, Mrs'. Frank
Hughes and MrS. Richard
Bechtel lfre nurses represen-
ting Juniors, while the Mm'9~
Joseph Eva.is, Roy E.' June
and Stanley Mumford are
nurses from the ExprCISO
. I • )_
DETECTION WORK -Jennifer Hanson has her records proce5std' by Mrs. :
Ro'y E. June (left ) and Mrs. Lionel daSilva during the Kidney Disease Detec.J~
tion Program. · :,."'
• ... ;~
Incapacitation No Excuse ' for Master Sergeant T actfc$· ,. ~
... l
DEAR ANN LANDERS ' My probl<m Is
a 20-year-old brother who bas been con·
fined to a wheelchair for three ye·ars., The
C:octors say Lee has a paraylsis wblc~ ap-
pears to be permanent.
I am 17 and have two sisters, also in
the ir teens. \Ve have tried to be kind and
considerate, but the more we do, the
more demanding Lee becomes. He Is
dri \'lng all of us crazy, and this includes
Pitom · and Dad. His demands ilfc
unreasonable. He orders us around as If
we were slaves . . . "Get me the
newspaper . . . I have to have a cold
dr ink ... a cup of cortce ... a piece of
candy. If there 's none in the house, go to
the store. Get on the telephone, I want It.
Find my blue sweater. Polish my shoes. 1
need a cushion. Get me a pencil."
' .
1 , ai'olild ... ,.. rage.f,, "81 It mfllll •IP l've seen hlni ogle ,some teal dogs and it
' • 11· yoa IDll ,wr) lliteri COlld Af tJ' 1 drives me wild. · '
.. 1-,neJye1, ''flla4k ,God we CAN, rva.r l've told him how' I feel dozens of tin'lts
Lee caa't." J and he insists he has no problem. J:le says
I'm the one who needs help. He clalmS I DEAR ANN LANDEhs : For 25 years I don"l have e~h to think about and 'J
There's never a "please " or a "thank
you." ·
Lee criticizes Mom's cooking and In·
suits our friends. He has no friends of his
own because he argues with everybody.
lity sisters are geUlng uk:tts rrom him
and I'm suffering from le r r I f I c
l1eadaches. My mother shakes like a leaf
every lime she serves dinner for fear Lee
v;on't like It. What can we do?
h•'i:t been mamed to a handsome man. should be glad he stlll "hotit!es." • DEAR1 \P:P.: Handicapped people ·
1 d ~ la fle makes . an excellent living, ls a If the man were sl~.ed for sex al
llloakl not be perm tte to alt r ' ~ aedlcated father, ~Ular ma"n In 1 the home It would be a different story.· The capacltatln a1 a club. Your brother "¥" Deeds profrillonal counse1lng. Flrlt1 11 comrhunlty and has yet-to' eat a meal truth Is, he has more lhan he can handle.
an oaUet for his fnitradonl aid •••· '"#lthout saying &race. 1 Jove him very Yet he leers at every wailress, elevator ieUea and ltCOld becactte 90..._. .-• ..-__ -.&..... lo • '-'---c operawr -anything female. My mother. • ot1-•1o. 1-<m...,.-n -.,.. ....,.._ vet me. uv -I · twbJ ldotts him, says I should accept this
wMm N 11 Ht em ~, lnttre(. tbe pl'tbttll? 1Ds'eye1 nurlJ.fall °'}l of • '1small naw" and stop talking about it. A
sltoald tfVe ~ha ln1lght lite ... _lil his heed when ID atlractbe pl WIA:J Cloee friend suggested fhit l throw a
tyranicaJ bre.Urior affectt 1druell 11 by. Correi:tion: she doesn't even need tO drink in his face and cool him orf once
well 11 tllten. be atlracUve. If she haa a big front porch und for all. What do you say ?
Ol come II It lnitallq lo be -red or a broad beam, that's enou1h. In fact , -DILLY IN DALLAS
. -: \
DEA~ DILL'\'.:'111y ~.m~~.
you eicellent advlce. Tale lL' AMII dlf9p1•J
' &bat "ltfel!I, '' Teot1 -.. k '1 &Ol• ... PI 1
wllere.~ ~-1~ct•I· . ~ . ~}
• • WISHING \VELL: There • are ~
'th ings than going throu gh 11!! unmarrltd.
1r ·yoO hitcih up wit~ this tnUseadUc.
s.leoholle, three-time loser yOu~ find.qi.It '•
what they are. There~• riot a woman~
who can't get o husb&nd 1r she sets ,..; '
standards IOW enough. · ' -} '
Aon 1.a-. will be . llad to --""'i • wit.Ill your problt1111. aenr ..... W: lrlr•
u re of lbt DAIL V PI~, lltdei' .. ·I
1ttf«klretted,.1tunped ~ ~ . . '
" ... • ...... • 1
Dlll.Y ~LOT
Sagittarius: Significant Day
Lunar potldoa ioed fer
ftU!q, pi-.. Coutnictloll,
cbln111 la bome ontnblp
riquJn:meDh '" 1mpWlied.
ARIEll (March lt-Aprll 19):
Dofln!tely I day to conclude,
fJnl1h, complete. Walt for a
more 1usplclou1 time to atart,
belln or ln!U.te proJacta. Ce·
ment rel1Uonahlp1 . Work on
publlc relaUw, Make kno'ft'n
ywr vlew1.
TAVRUS (April »M1y'll):
Breu with trldltlon tr It IJ •
barrier to pro,rw. Air vitwl
to clOlt rellUvu. Short U'lp
may bt on •aeoda. Strall
orlfll>llhy and Independence
with daah ol venaUllty.
GEMINI (May 21.June Ill:
Money, personal pouuaton
hll hlllhted: ,lrult bu\l!'h. You are able to make Profitable
trade. Intelllpnt concu1lon
dou not mean dtteat, Realize
thl.I and act accorltt,1a:ly.
CANCEll (June 21.July Ill:
Cycle hl&h ; you gel break you
have been seeking. Take in-
itiaUve. Realize personal ap-
pearanct is of s pec i al
importance today. Don't toy
with emotions of sensitive in-
LEO· (July 23-Aug. 221'
Behind-the-scenes maneuvers
could affect you. Be lware of
details. Some would like to see
you tripped by apparent minor
matter. Key is to be a shrewd
observer. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 221'
Accent 0;1 friends, hopes and
wishes. Be creaUve. Leave
routine to others. See projects
85 a whole. Ac«pl social in-
vitations. Strive to enlarge
LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22):
Money is coming your way -
et>uld be in form of promotion,
added recognJtlon or
responsibility. Emphasis ls on
recognition from supe.rlors.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-No•. 2!1'
Good lunar aspect today coin-
cides with travel. publishing,
expressing views through cor·
re s pondence, long-distance
calls. Don't commit yourself
to more ttlan you can haodle.
SAGITIArtlUS (Nov. U..
Dec. 21 ): h1 oney as it affects
mate, partner or other ln·
dlvidual close to you is
:spot.liahtt!d. Added effort pays
dividends. Very sl&nifle&nt
day. Display your unlque
Personal magnelilm raUns la
BIRTHDAY you have emer1·
ed from ptriod which tested '
your business acumen. Yo~
are wonderful -during times or
cri.sla. But you can be careleq
where dally affairs are co~
cerned . CAPRICORN (Dec. 2iJan.
19): Day to play waiting
lam' e. No -·-• to --•, T"'· ,_, find out mor• •bout vourw11 •nd I~ l"Uall l!oa Ml y, Wde• 5YdnfY ~rt'l II).
applle1 eapecl.Uy to•tlgninl of t~o1oov~·111•11!:-'1,,~10 ~!p!
C{)ntracts, special agreements. ~°';~~ G;;""0:'c.~.,n,~11~1Nt!;
Fini&h current project. What ·-;;v;;";;'';;";;··v ;;' ;;;'~;;";;· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; is needed C{)~S to you. 11
18 ): Acttnt on health. reta-.t.UOCIATION •In SHOP tlona with as!OCiat.tl, ~ workers. Take one thing al a l111p1rt.d t;ff1t-Unic1f C1rd1
time. Fight tendency which 2204 N. M1i11, s.~t• An•
leads to confusion. Moderation Molld,., ih.r1o1 Sit1o1rd1.,-11.4
11 your great ally today. I~~~!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~~ PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): I;;
Changes are keynoted.
Children play prominent role.
Creative resources should be
utilized. Break pattern which
leads to emotional log jam.
So roplimi1 h
Yule Toy Bill:
$1.6 Billion!
Newport Harbor Soroptimlst
Club meets the ftrst three
Wedneadays for a n o o n
luncheon Jn Villa Marina,
Newport Beach. 'fhe last Wed-
nesday of the month member s
meet in the same locaUon for
dinner at 7:90 p.m.
! ff ol,1 Decked With Holly, Mistletoe . . . . '
: Celebratln& the Yuletide with an annual party will home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alley. Hanatn1 tra-
NEW YORK !UPI) -Dotlni f!'lndpamll, !...Wed
partnll and other brave ldulta
wlll 1pend 1 record 11.1 billion
durtna their "forays I n to
toyland on behlll ol Slnta.
"be Orange County Stephens College Alumnae and ditional decor for the event aro (lift to rl&nt) Mrs.
their husbands Saturday, Deo. 8. The party, to be-J. RJ!ey Fo.wler, Mrs. Geor&e,.A. Palmer, pr11ldent,
gin at 8 p.m., will take place In the Huntington Beach and Mrs. Ailey .
20-year Collection
: Grand Cuisine
· Inspires Book
"Imagination is the greatest thin& in cooking. One must use
t!.ia Im.,m.Uon and not stick
too clole to the boot."
Saul Krieg, author of a new
Cookbook. "Th• Spll'lt ol
Grand' Cuisine," w e 11 ii·
luitr1ted his ow.i premise
when ht demonstrated recipes from the book in Robinson's, ~ashlon Island.
and bachelors, because it is
easy and very romantic;· he
Recipes from l a m o u 1
restaurant! in Europe and
America are included in his
cookbook, the result or 20
years of visitJng eating places
all over France, I t a J y ,
E>.1al1nd and the U n 1 t e d
Mo!t use brandy, aa he feels
that this gives an elegant
finish to the product.
Weddings, Troths
Pilot's Deadlines
To avoid di1appolnlment, prospective
brides are reminded to have tbeit wedding
stories with black and 'vhitc glossy photo-
graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart·
ment prior to or within one week after the
weddlns. ·
For engagement announcements it ts
suggested that the story, also accompanied
by a black and white glossy picture, be
submitted early. If the betrothal announce..
ment and weading date are six weeks or less
apart, only the wedding photo will be ac·
To help !lll requirements on both wed·
ding and engagement stories, forms are avail-
able in alf of the DAILY PILOT offices.
Further quesUons will be answered by Social
Notes staff members at 642-4321 or 494-11466.
The Toy Manufacturerw of
Amerlc1 (TMA), llOl.lrce of the
esUmat.e, 11 y • durln& the
Chrlttma• buylna a e a 1 o.,n,
November and Decembir,
about sl.I ol JO adulll buy to)ia.
In the selecting, authorities
·~ recommend toys that suit a W chlld 's aae. sex and tem-
~ perament. Re11l1t the Impulse
to purchase .something that
appeals to you alone.
Beware of sharp edges and
points. tiny part! that can be
removed and swallowed.
A void toys that can explode
or have harmful chemicals.
Other tips fo r the toy buyer :
-Be sure the child ii old
enough to uae and Is taueht
how to handle a chemlltry 1et,
a riding vehicle or any similar.
l.j toy. -select play equlfment for
Its sturdy, well bull quallt!es
f Dinner Dance
Aids Theater
, ·.The abort, greyin1 chef wllh
th Eut.em 1ccent wore a
~rlaht rtd.. white and blue
apron and matching chef's hat is be' tossed crepea with
ei1thua.iaam and flambetd a f?ult sauce to top them.
. His theory Is that one must
OOI be lrlchte.1ed by the word
"aounnet," but remember
Ui1t jOOCI cooking ia merely
cooklnt th1t is better than
"It Ls very compaUble to the
fruits. The flavors marry
well ," the chef stated.
What does Krieg predict In llol..,..,. _______ '""""'"' """'""'""""""'~-' Steak dinner will precede
dancti1 for m1mblr1 of the
Wotmlnster Comm u nl t y
Theater as they 1ather In the
Mooae Lod1e. Anaheim, at
7;30 p.m. S.turday, Dec. e.
,;, "French cook.in&. for elt"-
ample, Is made for stn1le &iris
I _Program
:· Attalnin1. 1race. pol•e and
phyalcal fitness wh.lle leami.1g
1klll1 and special techniques of
-oontemporary and ctaulcal
tonna of theatrical and con-·«rt dancing wlll be poulble
for l!rlJ 4 to 11 years otd.
~ The HunUng\00 Beach YM·
CA wtll begin two more _ modtm dance and ballet
clasles for begimers and ad-
vanced beglMen Saturday,
Nov. 29, in the Mercury Sav-
ings and Loan Association
building .
~......,.Thea d van c e d beginners
: clan is between 10 and 10 :45 t ...a.m. followed by the begin-t ners class between 11 and 1--11 :45 a.m. t ·~ YMCA dance instructor and
~ ]>allerin a. Miss Jerri Downard,
.}Als in charge of regi stration,
~ and may be called for ad· ~lional information at Dt·
', "4548. '•
the way of future trends in
dining and entertaining!
"People are eating at home
more," he said. "They are
I.earning to do gourmet cook·
Krie1 learned to cook as a
youth, taking over the ki!che-.1
when his mother died. Wlth
tht public library's supply of
gourmet cookbooks and an ap-
preciative audience of his
brothers and father, he pro-
1relltd rapidly in acquiring
hls culinary skllls.
U1lng his own taste 11 a
1uide, he found th1t even
simple thlngs could be made
eleaant with a little lm-
"Use a blr spoon and ta1te
as you 10," he urges
The cookbook Includes
recipes such 11 Aladdln's Xina
Omelette, Bombe 0 1 a c e e ,
Duck a l'onnse and Squabs In
the Neat, 11 well u tome of
his own recipe• such as
Crepes Suiette and Oran1e
Ducklln1 Flambt.
HB Au~liery
Twice a month the Ladles'
Auxiliary to Huntin&ton Beach
Veterans of Foreian Wars,
Post 7368 meets at 8 p.m. The
first Friday of each month
they gather in Odd Fellows
llall for a business meeting
and the th ird Friday they
socialize in various locations.
Purther in!ormalion may be
secured by callinc Mr5, Le.Roy
ltennann at 536-U.
-The Pirates Inn
i'-"\Vt Strvt Black A·ngus Prime Bee f E.tcl1t1iueJ11"
SPECIAL M!NUE -5::MJ to 11 :10
~A 50-.a.usra.t.LIAN LOaT•• TAIL : ..-W• FILIT Ml•NON I UCCANlfll
2 50-JUNIOl 'llATl l TUlltlY
• 111 .. w , ... , ... ...i c.ii.
4.o Hellofrope Ave., Corona del Mir
letilff th Part ni..t.r 6Jl.ttll
Booked for Boys
Where Are Girls?
!UPI) -Four W 1111 am s
College students say they have
v.•ritten the "ultimate 1Uide"
for the date-seeking motorized
college man.
Their book Is called "The
Roadtlipper" and It covers S9
women's and co-educaUonal
colle1e1 from Maine t o
Vtr1lnla, plus interviews with
hundrefJ1 of coeds.
"We wanted to put out 111
really complete datlna RU Ide,"
said 'nlomas A. Crowley of
Chappaqua, N.Y., the book's
rtsearch director.
The book portray• each col-
lege and 1tl female students.
u1ln1 pro1e or poeUc text.
photo1raph1 and a map. Social
resulaUoru: and the donnltory
or house telephone numbers
are ll1ted In detail.
Information on travel routes
is included as well as critical
appraisals ol local restaurants
and entertainment spots and
where to s~y over night.
The four authors ca 11
themselves the Ancana.
It is the feminine Latin word
for secret. The Ancana and
the Youth Market lnstrumen·
talion Inc. ol Boston, jointly
published the book, on ~ale In
college book store1 in the
Buy ing Toys
Over seven out of 10 toys
are bought by partnt1 for
their own childre-.1.
Grandparents buy about one
out or every 10 toys sold.
Ticket• at $S ptr person ar.e
avai lable by phoning co-
ch1lrmen Ro1er McSrlde or
Mrs. R o b e r t Worthington.
Re"rv1tlon d e a d 11 n e ls
Wednesday, Nov. 28.
Procttdl will bolster the
theater bulldlna fund.
A rumm11e 11le to e1t1bll1h
·• naw ch•pter of Alpha Delta
Pl at California State College
at Fullerto.1 Is beln1 planned
by Oran1e County Alumnae.
The even!. will open 1t 9 a.m
Dec. 3, 4 and 5 at 110 Wert
Chapman, Oran1e. Doors clost
at 4 p.m.
CO.Chlltm1n of the sale ire
?tf~. Hugo Scllultz and Mrs.
Ronald Barnett.
the savory little restaurant at
optn 11 :00 to 4:00 mondoy through solurdoy
south cots+ plaz1, cost1 mesa
and ill suitability to the ae:e
and development of lb e
children who are to use It.
For children up to one year
of age, search for things to
look at, feel, chew, hold and
drop. These should be
wash1ble, nonbreakable and
have no sharp edges. They
mu1t be large enough not to be
The one to two year olds like
playthings to take apart and
put together again, toys that
can be moved from here to
The l\\'O to four year olds
like to turn pages or books and
experiment with n e w I y
discovered abilities.
The five to eights arc busy
trying out their manipulative
skills. Their fancy is caught by
play things that develop skills
and self-confidence.
Ell:ht and older children
have varied rlay Interests.
depending on ndlvldual
preference. They Jlke thln1s
that 1t1mulate interest and
which develop speed, accuracy
and coordination of physical
and mental abll!Ues comlna:
into full blossom.
TMA expects that some toys
wlll co1t more this Christmas,
othera wtll co1t Im Ind many
wlll be at the 1988 level or
very close to tt.
A comparison of IOITle toy
prlcea in the 1111 and 1989
c1talo1s of a major national
chain is one poulble trend In-
dicator. Of 42 toys In both
cataloas. 10 carry the !lime
prices this year as last; six
are down an average of 10.5
percent and 21 are up an
average of 8.4 percent.
If someone had bought all 42
last Chrl!ltmas, the blll would
have been "92.29; the Bame
collecUon today would cost l 1405.28. This repreunts In in·
Cl'tlSe Of three percent.
ow, low
p r1 c11
Nov . 28 & 29
1970 S. coast lli1hwa1
LaiUDI Beach
open ing friday, november
•orry for the da ley.
of Glouchester, Mo ss.
supe rb qual ity outwear
ond jackets
men and boys
Compl ete 12 WHk
Holld1Y Prosn111
Oc:i PIOM llZI
1A te 10 111 30 0.y.
16 .. 12 ht 31 0.,..
ll,. , .. h• 31 De,.
\H~PI lllOl'l'I\ INT
. I UTl.A.
If ••
7 loshion isl and , nowport beech • 6«·5070
bcnkcmericcrd mc•ter charge
• '
. .
. c~~-t~-:~sa
, ED.Ill.ON
.:J'dday'• FIUI
N.Y. Steeg
MesaWri·ter Happy
. , . i '
,-....;-------... ,------'------,By AllTHUR R; VINSEL
.f t ,,.Of~ ... "....... ' ., • . \ •ao~k!) Se.~ore : l ' . Visitors Gi'ben 'Press P(l8ses
I .
' . .
SAN ·fRANCISCO iui>ll __: Alcall'Bz l~ilnd's Indian oceupleril' have IOI
1,1p ·a ·t~reau of cauc8*ian affairs" to · s~n aild regulate ·vi&!tori to tbie
·."Rock/' (Related story, f?age 5). · · , ·
A ~oup' of neWJ~ni vi~ting. the ls land h~ld for siX d&ys by lJ!l lndiiuif
,wer.e ; issu~ "press pa~s" i Monday night and instructed f~ .surrender fueiJ!
'vben leaving. · , . . ·t
But th'e: · ~~itatye Indians treated' them to a "hOme cooked · mea-1 'of
chickeh, mashed· Potatoes, spaghetti and m~atballs.
The Indians took over the nearly abandoned site of the former fed eral
prison last fhursday, claiming it as "unused federal 1,00" and announcing
plans to build an Indian ~ucational and cultural center on it.
"We were escorted everywhere," said Terry Schmitt, a free lance
photographer. ''and told we could not go into the malli cell block or on its
roof. We could talk to only designated spokesmen.
"Boals ean\e last night ·with more suPplies, lnch,iding a bale of new
blankets. It wu very cold on the island and the· Indians played tom-toms all
~ght an~ saL around wood fires." " ·
Aldrich Says 'IVo 'Basis'
For Dismissal Request
UCJ Cha11cellor ~aniel G. Aldric_h,. Jr.,
today said he saw "no ba$i.s" for the Tus-
tin Union Righi School' District's resolu-
tion calling for bis dismissal by the Board o'f neaents: r ' . • .
' The hlgp sctiOOI t>oard; . iheeting' Mon-
day ' nhr:hti Vojced unftnimo1.11 deClarition to ~ bf •Jti earliir reSOluUOft '-a resoju~lon. sttmining 'from.. C9~entil '1-
legejlly made by1 Aldtlch• Iii;~ talk Oct. 'ZI. ' '
An erroneous· central collnlY'riewspaper
account said that Aldrich bad defended
the use of four-Jetter words by the cam-
pus student newspaper. The paper later
retrac.ted the report. 1
In part,. the Tustin resolution says,
"Whereas the chancellor ... h8fi made
the public statement that the use Of four-
letter 'vordt in their campus neWfipaper
is merely i reflection of the society or
Orange CountY. and , . ; Wlierea~ tlic
Tustin Union High School District Board
of Trustees believes that such outrageous
and :irresponsible statements being' ad-
vocated by a professional educator are
a grave hindrance to our educational " . process .•.
The resolution v.•as passed unanimous-
ly Nov. 10.
Tustin Union High School District Supt.
William Zogg said that the board decided
to stick bV th e resolution after being pri>
vided 'viih tape recordings 'Of the ori-
ginal Aldrich speech, provided by UC.I:
a tape of th e · question and answer ses-
sion tha( folloWed, and a transcript of
that portion of the Aldrich appearance.
He said that he was aware that the
central county newspaper had retracted
Accident Victim
Remains Critical; . '
Pair ff.~coverjng
One traffic -accident victim remained
on the brink of death 48 hours after bein~
injured today: while a t'.!ost3 ?tfesa boy
struck on his bicvcle and a girl ·spaitscar
driver hurt Mondav are recovering. Mrs~ Judilh J\.1cQ~aid. 21, ,of 9322
Velardo Lane. lfuntington Beach. Was in
extremely crilical condition today al
Costa J\.tesa Memorial Hospital.
its original account. bl!t said, "The re·
traction, as I 'understood it, was not
necessarily what their resolution was
based on.''
· Monday flight , Robert Bartholomew, ~fl'si~l o( the <!Uw!> ~~ dlslf!C\'• ooard: of. trustee.s •• a.nd .aut~ of the .re-
~luUon, 1w~ ~~-l>f a San~~ A~.resi
detit wbitllii'~ ~ ;~ was within ;the realm of the board.'' 1
He repn.r: "We fffl it's ari obligation
of·lhe board or education to correct 'the
situation of pub,lc apathy wherever pos-
sible. We feel that speeches li~e this do
not help."
Said Chancellor AJdrich, "If their cen-
sure was based upon the article that ap-
peared in the central county newspaper
whicti stated that I was for obsencHy and
that th'is ls a re0ect1on of Orange County
society this is completely erroneot!,s."
"I did not make the statement and
(the n·ewspaper) retracted their state-
ment to.this effect.
"There was rio information In the talk
nr in the tape that supported thtir re.solu-
tion." ·
He sa'id he contemplated no further ac-
tion on the matter.
Tim Leary Can't
Stand 2 Trials;
County Backs Off
Dr. Timothy Leary and his family suc·
cessfully appealed l\1onday for a dela y of
their Orange Codtity sUjferiqr C.ourt trial
with the· convincing argument that they
can't be in· two· places at once.
, Dr. Leary, 49, Rosemary Le.t<iJY. 33, and
90n. John Bush Leary, 20, are currently ' . ' facing possession of narcotics charges in
NJw York' city. '
' Tht'r trial here stems from tbe filing of
similar charges in Laguna Beach last
Def. 26. ' •
·,fudge S~muel Dreizen delayed the trial
until Jan. 19. He noted thal the family
h&11 ··nlec:1 :ippeals agai~ tht recent re~
jecUon in the .,nme .tourt of Jibe Leary's mot~ for suppression or evidence.
/I , Costa· Mesall wbo ml>wd ·lo the
soll-of .an i.1onc1 -.Uy to \\'!'lie 4
boot lodey 'baa. the .comp111y 'bl 11111-plus
invo4Jni Indians· ~not e~ Ille U,S
Cl>aJt ·~d ~ lei -·die C.•alry -knows ,wblt to. dO. • · ~ , · ·
, GllO"Ilodson' la undet bouie; lm!I! On
Alcatraz, a. Iiappy bolt&P, held by men,
women al)d · Children ·demandil'.ll a
powwow ,with Secretary ,ol Ille Ialel:lor
• •• , • • , ' • + • '
> ..• ' •
Nixo11 .. ' . ' ' ' . ' . '
Germ War
• Use by U.S~
WASHINGTON CAP)~ President Nii.
on renounced todaY any resOrt ·to ' genn
warfare and prc>laj.sed to destroy edsting:
-st~kpiles of bacterlol~.cal weapons.
:He also renounced any first 1JSC by the
United States of chemical weapons that
incapacitate, as '\\'ell as those that can
Nixon told newsmen the United States
w~uld never employ genn warfare even
if an enemy were to do so .
He also announced that future govern-
ment research in the blolog~cal 'field will
be limited to defensive measures such as
a Search for immunliatlon serums aglnst
germ weapons others ,migh' l1S4;. ' •
!J;he President, in a formal :staWment,
said 1Je was takine: a series of moves. i!'
the chemical, bacteriological ar~1aa ''an
lnWative toward peace~· =ng.liridly to rtl"!len;J1eui¢Jit i hts,,1ct1oost lrin Sbarpty!redilt
ibllity ·thatiany·chtmiCll or pirm
weapons.ever will be Uled by any oaUon. '1-1'.08fflnnecl ""'li!lanilln( \1.8.
reDUltcliiUorf of thf fli'st use of• ·lethal
c~J W~apon.s. ?'nd, (or the Jirst t~,
e~~n~~ ~is ren~clatJon to first use or
ch~lcB.ls which incapacitate withOut
killing ..
Tit;;. President asked tht: Senate to
promptly ratify a J9'l5 Geneva protocol
prohibiting tht?" first use 'in. war of , '4as-
ph)'l:iating:, poisonous or other 11su and
of ~cterlologlcal methods of warfare." sen. Mike !f.anslleld CO.Mon\.), lhe m~rity l!!ader; said he will.seek to have
the igreement ratified by the Sena,te this
'IJ)at .would add gas and germ wai'far.e
to Lin already clogged Senate schedule,
witJi11ess than one month of the session
!'(txon also said the Uni ted States was
joining Canada in associating l~ll with·
the principfes and objectives of a British-.
sponsored proposed convention to ban the
use.Of biological methOds of warfare.
FJurther, Nixon said h'e has asked the
Def~nse Deparment "to make recom-
m!!ndations as to the disposal of existing ,
stocks of bacterioloaJcal weapons." White .
House sources said this meant such
st~kpiles will be deStroyed.
Plazfl Burglar
Collects $1,040
A burglar who may have arranged an
unlocked rear door to a corridor ln the
· Soul~ Coast Plaza ShilJJP!ni Center looted
a little · tier shop of $1,040; it · was •
dj5covered ~onday.
Barbara LaProva told police . s~.
disedvered three dayS' cash· i;eceipts missiJJ~ from the ,Tie.-Rack,·~ S.
Bristol~St. but no sJgn ot:forCed1 ehtry .. t
Investigators cheCted' ·a rtll";door and
found something had been j4iomed into
the keyhole to prevent its ~Ing properly
locked . · ;
,; .~ . . . .. .
.HOstage .·Of .In~ii:lls
• • i • l • I • I 1 • • ' : 'f t ! 1 / • .l , ~ .1 _ . .' '
' 1 t ,OAll Y l"I OT, Steff ,_....-
lnve1tig•tor1 ~•rchlng for C•uatl . .of~Bl•te• In Fenced Storage Area " .
. ' . ' ' ' .
lpe '. Cream Shop Tabled;
• • f ; 1
30 Protest Mesa Project
I • l I <' . ' I:~.; ' • :" .. l~· ~ • •" '• ,I• 1 ' f. ' '
Plans for aiidt'i crl!<im parlor·at 1673 commercial and -high-density residential.
trvtne Ave., Coi:ta: Mesa meiied a Huie at Chapman komes; .Joe. of t:Osta Mesa is
last iiight's meeting of uie Planning COm· the.applicant. : , ,
mission·. · \ . 1 " • • LEndors~d a ~e-chapge for· prope~
A-M Food services' application for , at.~, ~l!tCtlltla Ave. f~m hlgh.den.1ty
permission to construct and operate the res1dent1al and commer~tal t~ manufac-
parlor was tabled when it developed .lhat turlng. Owner of the property JS Karen A.
p\ens ·Cor.._ dedtatt!Qn-Of an alley adjoining . F.eon.of Newport i8each. ·.
the ~r~~E!fl·slte1h~ve fallen·throug~. r 1 • •
Memberf;.Of the planning staff· will .give .
lhe application further _ stuqy,' PJ8ru:Ung Dirtt&Wr.WJ!U~ro L: 0unn·.S;lld today. .
About 30 pe111ons show.ed up to protest
coo~t~U,q_q~of ·th,!!.lce cream emporiw,n
on ~y approved for zone change
'from Slrigle-family l'j!Sidential tO com-
mercial by ti\e'<:Ity council Oct. 20. .
Five · itlnis 'on the · agenda wer.e , held
over, p.s planners: . . '.
-Recontmended clly couocll •.PJll'!lval·
for construcUon of 18 1partmelit·imfb, at
I03ii· Fullerton Aye. Li .~n am '°""' ' ' ' . ~itain InVite8 ·Brandt .
L0Nt>6N (&j ..:.. Prin1e Minister
Hlro):d ~ ,Wllsori. anno;unc~ ,today West
Gepnarr Chlncellot WlllY .Brandt has ac·
cepted -:&n invitation tO visit Brttliii In the
first half of next year. No firm date has
been 'set.
UC Reg.ents Ask
"Statu$ ~epQrt'
O~ '.Angela ;.~avis
• . • I . ' ' -. ' ' • ' ! ~flllKELEY . (jl~1) -, 1,[ojve1sil~ ·ol .
Califprp.~ rffents ha.Ye order~ .•"'3tatus
report'! ip :Janllfl'Y 911 the; ,teaching 1
perform,v!l<r 9( uq.,\ '""""!" .Apcola
Dav~, ·UC •i.Pre~l4erit ; CQ~rl.~..,.J.' l;litcb
sale.! M011$.r .. ; 1 : .. "1' · .: ·1. ·,'
But H'ltCh denied •1 that , ~he . ·t~i.8
ordere.<! ,cr~tl.onr pf 11r ;~!JI c~eus
committe.e ·lq ·re\'jew~tlle,~rfonn.,.ee of -
Miss Davis, ;tn· admitled imember;of the
Coi.n!"unist Pfli:ty. , . 1 • ' .
Firemen .Probing
$2;000 Blaze
At Mesa S.l}.op
I •, .•. ~ ! > • · Inv~tlgatlon W'5 ~nillriJ, :ttds af·
tt?moon lnto tile. caU~·.cif ~. ~;p bfue
wJUch qup\ec;t at ii Cpsta MeSa atJ""1atlc
transmission repair,sttoP· today,.Rfldtqg a
pjllar:of black Sti'Ote· bipQWing .s~ard.,
-Fire Prt!ventlon Bui'~il . ~
from the .costa .Mesa, Fire ,DePartrnen!
\\;ere ins~Ung the ,.scene -at.~coas\
Automatic T~¥nsmlssl911 Seryjce, lf7 W.
Bay St.,:hunt1ng the.source .. i • • •
Flaines spread from a fenced •lt9f;&g•
are;i tiehind lhe bulldina jusl off lllfbor
Boulevard t.o a' small· frame.c~iaae aod s~~ s_tn,lct1,1re. '1 ~ • 1 •
Battalion Chi~f.~n Coleman safd· the
esll01ate4 .1'/IJ fj8!J1e lpcluded bo\h s!!uc·
tunes affec.t~.aw fumllhlngs JI& well.
.Cwrl~ . .!!ll:~rs CQRVeti~ on the area ~ soarling tr~ic .wi}.ich .\\!as •lre•dY
slowed dUe to fire trucks and i1pparat111
di$patched to the scene.
· Stoek· M•rket
NEW · YORK CAP) The llock market
staged a middl!Y ,shq'Yi ~f ;1\r-1 but it
qijickly waned, la.le today. ,(See q~
t1c;ms1 Page~ ~0-~1).
Her· husband Thomas,· %3. \Vho. was
driving when their car \vas liit brOaCfsidP.
by another at Newport Boulevard and
Fair Drive Sunday night was in fair con-
dition at the same h05pital. '
Nurses said Edward J. Doyle Jr .. 14, of
1835 Tahiti 'Drive, Costa 'Mesa, was in
goOd condition. su.l'fe'ring from a con·
cUssion and multiple abrasions.
:N~wpor~ Adopts Pi~r Fe.es
Hitch · said .Miss Davis' .teactilng
abllUles were dis~ed ' at , last ~k's
regents meeung tri'san Fra'nctSCof .. but~lt '
is not true" Chancellor Charles Young bf'· t::cu "Wa8«i:!ered to coriduCt' a·reneW
other perfor.inarice:. ,.. •·
The university president ·said 'Young
told the rege~ta:. exlstlrtcmpus ·pro-
cedures "provide for a gfi .review
o( he1«perfofmlnce'" and .ht-Intended to
make·~ of llfem. 'Bitch :Akt the regents
then ordered. a status report · at ,their
' ' ' There'JI be a .J~lt!P )n the''euter.-.
; ly winds W~nesday, but the"mer-
, CW)"WJU.stay up lb¥ie .:_ a~t 77 l ~..; -.~ng the c;oas\ am!' ai ·
turther ltilaild. The boy . was hit rMonday , night by
mQ.lQrist Viola C. Lee, 41 , of 1817 Pon-
derosa St.. Costa ?i-1esa.. at tile in-
tef'llection of Baker Street and Royal
Palm· Drive. _
Mrs. Lee said she was blinded by the
setting sun and couldn't see younR: Doyle,
who was toSsed over the hood' of her ~r,
W~ile' Ills bike was hurled against a· se-
cond iutO. . ' ' · •
• Lana K. Pril:!, 22, of 2379 'Elden Ave ..
c.osta Mesa. w"as treated for fadal cuts
at Hoag MemOrial Hospital and rio:leased
Monday night after her roadster collided
with another' cat.
Pollce sald l\.1rs. Elizabeth J. McCleery,
45, ol 14791 Livingston st., Tustin; was
turning left from Fairview Road i'hto the
Costa Mesa High School cam~ when
the collision occurred. 1
• •
Levies Okayed 4.3 De~p4i .Si-Orm of 'Opp.01!~~-..
liy JOHN VALTEllZA , , cond reading pasari. "
oi llM CN111t '''" sw 'CGuncllmen Don Mcinnis, HoWard
Neorly four t\ou~ !" stem ~op-llolen. ~ E, F;ll~ )Oined l!".';"""
position failed · to s,way Newport ltach ol I~ Cl !he ~· · ' . , ; · ·
C·t "~I' 4 ·~ I ' 11-1n ra ol All lhne .argued 'lhlt !lie --, _1Y1.A1111ruu s ""'• ...... ..., •• -,Of 'il wblch'l)u·aneWlyreville(f~fee -
lJdelan4o t::i:' Monda):,nipr Ille , • IJllU<:tutt, was punlUve, ln<qultlble ind
prO!IO"'I. pier .charia moved dlacrim)nileil against Newport Beach's
toward becomlna law. yachtsmen who ultitnately would 1have to
In a rneelJng which .Seemed a carbon pay the fee, .
copy of several previous ones iii which The measure received strong opRQsltlon
the debtlte ,over the pier fees hu raged, from several segments of the city's
the ·council introduced a revised ree boating and commerdal grot.!ps. ·' '
structure in ordinance form and passed S(Xlkesmen ror ttie•P~ .. -1,, .. Div'"'"'l of
its fjrst reading. . .., , the Newport Harbor Cham bet' ,of .~!I
It . Wiii ~me l~w at a ~al ad-mel'ce .said the entire· 1,,;hamoet opws,d
joomed meetinl Dec. JS If lhe deeply en-lhe fees.
trez:iched coUnc11 tpllt pel'slNt8od the~ Dee <JOOk, president of'the Corona del
MBl' Chsmbe{,of ~ce; descrlbOd
the onun-. aJ • ~'Clll Of .\VOfms". 8nd
Wamod • !Iii! ~ J'(JUnl:ll would , ~
lleadaChea, tryinj lo enfoCce It. • Mote u.n· mi' oppostttcn\ ~letters, have
~ received.~ ' • ...
Spkesmen lar ~ei'al 'commuoily auoc1.-, lncludin1 !lie Balboa Coves
ComrOllllty AaaoclaUoo, aald their 1olaJ
membmhlp oppoled lhe 1 ...
Vin Jorgensen, commu1lty le:oder and
tiaylrool ..-riy , o<oner, Blid the; ofcJnaDce r.ttbiks.'' · ·
·~It's not ·•. fair c_onoept for taxin~ the tidel~ ~d 1''1 an unfair w,ay j<rh1t the
tloat owner· 'who· can't be here to defer.d
hlwelt.'' Jor'i-~ ·Wd.
January session. . ~·
MIS! ,DaV!s; ~ :15-r.ear-olil 'Necr'o, .was
hired · dn.l. l ·'""O')'Nr contract • a
philosophy ·instructor · Jut sprihg. The
regent.I, ~Fed bet flrei:l after ~'ad•
mttted tieliig a• al'embet ol 5the Com·
ml!f'list party,"but 1 Los Angeles superior
<OUr\ judge ovetllillied the dlsmlnol.
• I ; '
Hickel ·in . Hospital'
WASHINGTON ' CUPll .'° -Interior .
Secrmri> Waller J. Hickel wu adn\llled
to Waller Reed Arm)' Hooplt,I lod•J'for
treatment ot wh8t doctors di•poaed aa a
pinched nerve In. the neck.
Mepiber of ~ Order of the: 1 Brit{sh .Empire John Lennqn. tO:
day gave !he Qu~e)!., ~is. msdal
back -b1tt B·ucktngham Palace· 1 al.to had an apt conubaCk Jot:
the Beaile's protest. St.Orv· Poor
J oll(v PILOT c .... ·~
Of ffll Dllty Pl191 ltlff
Foe& of Jhe Upper Bay land ac!Ju1!
Monday asked Newport 'Be.ch'• CUy
Council to jump Into •rt fichlil tes!Jnc
the valkllty of tt}e achanie bn two lrclds.
The 'Council said It would think about
Tbe eppcal for Newport Beach to
change its official policy of st.lent agree-
ment wllh the exchanae came in a spe-
clal, hour-long presentation or the op.
position viewpoint in a crowded a{ter·
noon council session. • 1
After hearing the position of the six
layman interveners in the Superior Court
auit tesUng the validity of the s w a p
P.1ayor Doreen Marshall su1ge.sted the
council m~et in u:ecutive session with
the city attorney to examine the idea
of city intervention.
Frank Robinson, a leader in the op.
posilion to the exchange and an inter-
vener himself, told the cou ncil the city
should join the suit and begin making its
own plans for ~evelopment Of lhe bay.
< • " .., • r ·" • ·I , • OAIL 'I' l"ILOT ,...,. •1 IUclllr• K .... tt<'
Mayor Marshall's suggestion for an ex-
ecutive session~ with attorney Tully Sey-
mour ":as met with no official council
COlinty Man Held
With Partner . in
Murder Hire Plot •
A st11pected murder-for-hire p 1 o t
with an allegedly adulterous auto dealer
the target hu led to the arrett ol a
Garden Grove man and hls apparent Partner in a $52,000 Btolen goods opera-
The case originating in South Gate was
revealed Moriday, when a u t h o r i t I e s
dilelo5ed the am1ta of Allred Slaton, 41,
of 6501 Klllamey Ave., Garden Grove,
and Francia Kerring, 29, of Wilmington.
1'}1ey were booked lasl Friday for in-
ve1U,atlon or conspiracy to commit
murd,r. Illegal possession of
ITiachinepns and possession of danaerous
drup and marijuana. ,
South Gate Police Lt. Robert Taylor
said a total of ~000 in stolen goods' was
reoov,ted from the .tire shop w~ere
Slatoo and Kerring were captured.
Lt. Taylor aaid the pair had·been gjven
$500 to ana.nce ror the elimination of a
new car dealertlhe payee believed to tie
lnvolvtd In a domesUc trlallile. .
Author!Uea did not disclose just how
they rectlved information leading to the
arrut of Slaton and Kerring, pending its us, in rw1her prosecution.
Houselvif e, 24,
Fights off Attack
In Parking Lot
A housewife weeping in 1 COsta Mes11
coc:ktail lounge over a marital spat
almost got Loo much consolalion Monday
nilht when she left to avoid a man who
offe red comfort, she told police.
The woman said she walked from Kona
La nes bowlinf alleys, 2699 Harbor Blvd .•
to her car. on y to be grabbed by the man
who had followed her outside.
,Ofrietr Bob Arnold said the 24·year-old
victlm or b e i n g shoved across the
front seat of the car by the would-be
rapist. who then tore her capri pants
down to her knees as she screamed.
The young woman told Officer Amold
she was slapped and struck by the man.
but finally fought him off and drove
away, but he fo\lo"·ed her.
Police said she told or drivin& all the
way to her home in Santa Ana , where she
ri!peatedly honked the car horn, bringing
her husband outside and scaring the at·
tacller orr.
~·'fGl COA~l ll'UeL 1tH1Ne COM~"'"'
ltollo,t N. 'Woo4 ... ,.,....,, ,,.. jlytllllttr
J 1,k It . CY1l1,
VIW ~nl~I "'' C.tOltritl '-"'"'"'
Tl\01111• .:.,..a .....
T~o11111 A. "'4yr,hi•t
irMMtl ... ,~ .....
c .... ..._~
JJO 'W11t f1y Str .. I
tr.4olli~1 #.44•111~ P.O. 101 IMO, •?61• ..__
,.._. lfld'· mi ••• ..... ......,.,. l....,.. -..Cft• m .._, •-MvMlr!tl'WI ..... , • 1111 .......
Why Grade Restrictions?
Robinson cited recent court action In
Morro Bay where the city (incorporated
in 19,14) sued San Luis Obispo County
over ag.minlstration of Morro Bay and
lts estuary.
Robinson also cited a state law which
says incorporated cities could challenge
county holding of tidelands trusts if it
could be proven the county has not
administered the lands properly. _Trustee Hits Policy on Student Officers He said Newport Beach would have a
po.gsible chance W do the same . . ' .
By BAlllillA IUll!:llllCH Collap Preoident Fred Bremer said °' .. ..,., ,...., .... WI Wf1 .not the case. Maintenance of
A Saddleback Colle1e. truatee challtna· sr• .p.tnt 1v..erages applies only to
ed sludeni. Monday nlsht rqardin( the acaden\Jc lllandlng, be said. ConslatenUy
jusUct of requiring· candidates for ltu· low grades Cln rtsu1t 1n a itudent'• being
dent government orflces to have.12.0 (C) placed on • probatioq or, eventually ,
grade point averaae. dlsm1Pe4. ~met eiplained.
The provision is included In the new NO ConCl~Clh was.reacbea in the grade
student conititulion Oii which . students point dlscuulon, wh4:h aiON from an
will vote Dec. 3-5. earlier que.sUon regarding vottng rights.
"Why have any provl sion about gratle The students had 1pc'esented a Hraft of
point averages?" trustee Pat. Backus uk-thei'r propoled. conJtituUoft l{J seeking
ed student body preaident John' Botb'f't ll. , 5oaid approval of the December election
··11 seems to me a st\14ent with.a 1.7 tsi&es, IWd Invited trustees to comment.
avetage could conceivably be u 1ood a After clarification of a few minor
student govemment orrlcer as a 4.t (A) painti a quutlon arose re1ardtng a pro-
litudent. vbion that any Saddleback stuient should
"ll'I your business, but i1'1 just be rtprdtd as a 4rnember of the
d\lltas!ejul to. me,~_\> Si , , Auociated Studttlt J!od)' for ... election
'-Mid be """ ~ N,ie eJee'. Po!~ lrhlllid he ill!l)le lfild t."4Jd· tion regulatio1111nd found no educaUcNl ...up·AsB,cafd: , · ·
~~\W! at all JM c~toa 19'i• ~ ctllqe1 .al\o" "1( '* '!"IY to 1~.illlc\., 11 r; . '•·· ... ~.Jiol·'j ... ~er. 1 agree With your i>hll"°p\iy," ·, "wt year In ~ sJirmg efe<llon.''
Bothwell replied, "but the qtJeltion is the Bothwell explained, "only five percent
student's ability to carry on his studies held -Cards. It hardly seems fair for of-
along 'A'ith student government duties. !icers representing all the students to be
Most of us find that our grades go down elected by such a small minority."
when we are involved in student govern-A student in the audience said that a
ment." survey had revealed 30 percent of the col·
Back~ pursued the su bj e c I . leges In the state allow "universal suf.
''&imehmes students find they do better frage," voting rights to all students
\vhen they carry more unlts. They have regardless ol cards.
to organfte I.heir time." "When we·a11owed universal suffrage in
"ls it not administration policy that the recent freshman senate election,·•
~ludents must have a 1ood grade everage said the student. "the turnout was 300
Jn ord er to hold office!" asked Bothwell. percent greater than in the previous elcc-
Farm Cost Boost Sends
Wholesale Prices Up
tion. Thill seems more fair."
Backus agreed. "Requiring a student
body card ii to me like a poll tu to
vote." He asked the students if they could
rind out for the trustees just what current
junior college trends are wllh regard to
student body cards.
Bremer said he had sent a copy of the
student constitution to the county counsel
for legal approval , as required In state
colleges. and the board voted to approve
the election dates, with the undCrstanding
that the final constitution voted on by
the students would co1ne back to the
board for official approval and ac-
Following the constitution discussion,
Bothwell presented W the trustees a pe.ti·
lion of support for the present student
government signed. he said, by 50 per-
cent of the full Ume student body.
''The petition wu prt1ented on <1ampus
for 13 hours,",Bothwell said. "and during
that time 50 percent of the full time
studenl.!i signed it. Combined signatures
of both day and night students add up to
24 ~rcent of the total enrollment, which
1 reel conflnns that the present ASB
government has the support of the stu-
dent body."
TM ASB president said the petition had
been circulated as a result or reports tha t
the current government Is not repre!en·
tative of the student body as a whole.
Asked H the students wanted any board
action on the petition, Bothwell said they
did not. "lt is just presented for your in·
form ation," he said, "so you will
recognize that this government does have
support .''
His presentation was complete with
Rites Wednesday
For Mr. McNally
J. B. ~1cNally, whose rental sail and
row boats have be.en a familiar sight on
Balboa Bay since 1922, dJed P.1onday at
Hoag Memorial Hospital. He :as 83.
Private services will be. held at II a.qi.
Wednesday at Pacific View Memorial
Mr. McNally had been active in the
charter boat business until 11 years ago.
He had his first office and home on Bal-
boa Island for 30 years.
He was one ol the founders of the
Balboa Angling Club ; a member or New-
port Harbor Chamber of Cornmerce :
Orange County Fish and Game Commis·
s.ion and rounder of the Ocean Fish
Protective Association.
Survlvors include a son Bernard of the
home, 1002 Balboa Blvd.: a daughter,
Afrs. Jean Zumwalt of Newport Beach,
and one grandchild.
Marines Guests
Of Country Club
Firty Camp Pendleton Marine in-
ductees will be guests of the Irvine Coast
Country Club for Thanksgiving dinner.
"We sent a letter to President Nixon to
say this 'A'as one way the silent majority
had of supporting his Vietnam policy," Hear· p tpo d club owner Forest Smith said . 1ng OS ne "The yqung Marioes will be picked up
by bus al I p.m. Thanksgiving Day and Because of Pregnancy driveo to Newport Beach. Several
members with boats will give the men a
\VASHINGTON fUPI) -Wholesale
prices have rise n four-tenths of J percent
this month becau~ of a sharp rise in the
cost of fann products. the Labor Depart-
ment estimated today.
LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A hearing to cruise around the Harbor," he added. seasonally in November and eg&: quota· determine if Mrs. Betty Fouquet's The soldiers will then enjoy Chef Joe
lions climbed sharply. CatUe and hog children should be made wards or the Barnes' Thanksgiving dinner at the club
The wholesale prict level was .4$ per·
cent above the figure a year ago.
Preliminary figures released by the
department's Bureau. of Labor Statistic~
(BLS) said wholesale prices of farm pro·
ducts rose an estimated 2.3 percent in
November. Industrial commodities rose
<l .2 percent while processed food and
leeds averaged the same 111 in October .
Such increases al the wholesale level
normally signal new retail price hikes in
the affine .
The November rise In wholesale prices
matched the October advance, which
followed three months of smaller in·
creases. The new increase appeared lo
offer little hope that consumer price in·
creases would be abating in Ule coming
The November rise pushed I he
wholesale price index W 114.5, which
meant that goods which cost $100 at
wholesale in the 1957-9 base period cost
1114.50 this mooth.
The BLS said prices for fresh and dried
fruits ani:t ve1etable1 jumped more than
Lady Basketball
Players Sought
Applications are drlbbliJll In from
"'·omen aged 16 and over. who will be
able to play basketball In a special ladies
league spon50red by the Costa Mesa
Recrealion Department.
League pity will be on Thursday even·
ings be1lrtnlng In January In the Coata
~lesa High School 1Ym.
Tea.ms .tnd Individuals lntere1ted In
pulling mort bounce In their lives nHIY
cal l S34·S30.1.
prices declined while prices for processed court was taken off calendar today where members and their families will
poultry, fish and coffee rose. because of hir pregnancy. join the Marines al each table .
499 Exit Pla1ae i11 90 Seeo1ads
The Boeing 747 passes FAA evacuation lesls per-
formed al SoaU!e, Wash . A total of 499 persons le!l
the plane lhrough lour of lh"e live exlls on one ai de
of the craft "'ithin 90 5Cconds. The tests 'vere con-
ducted in total darkness ex cept for lhe plane's
emergency lighl•. In this pholo some of the 499 In
the test mill around outside of two of the exii slides
duPlicate maps visible by the large IUdi·
·en11; and the council.
Tiie only harsh word! during the )ll'es-
tntaUon ~e ':"J1en Robinson ~ -~
trad foe Allan Baell: assailed ~!~ of
lhe Newport !!arbor Chamber o( C«n·
mere~ for their Jetler to the council
charCi'!g swap opponents with sprtadlng
"half-tl'l;lth&. fiction and irrelevant com-
ments. ''I
Beek. 'by inference, challenged cham-
ber Prel(dent Dick Stevens lo expose the
"rictiona:.t· ·
Later, itter no official had appeared tor the ct¥imber. Beek siid the chamber
admitted lts comments could not be
de.fended l>ecause it sent no o[ficiat
spokesman, to the council session.
Dwelling on the county's administra-
tive role in handling the trusts, the roes
c~ed that the county Board of Super-
vi!OfS has entered into an jllegal agrte-
ment to exchange the bay for I"ine
Company land! without first preparing a
plan for the bay 's d,evelopment.
"The board has Presented no alterna-
tives to this trade, nor made any consci·
entious effort to keep the tidelanda in
the public domain ," Robinson claimed.
f'~om Page J
who became caretaker of the bleak, bar-
ren former federal pri110n got a call
through to his relatives on the sole hot
line to the outside world .
"He was really excited," said Mrs.
Hoyt, "he hadn't slept ror 48 hours. but
he said he was getting some fantastic
Dodson may not be doing much writing,
but he is certainly gathering material for
one of those truth-ls-stranger.than-fiction
epics. after six days of Indian occupation.
Dodson's brother was not at home, but
hopped an Air California plane to San
Francisco Monday night after repeated
efforts to get a return call through [ailed .
"The Coast Guard said they haven't
ev.•n been able to get in Wuch since the
Indians took over the island,'~ explained
Mrs. Hoyt. who isn 't too worried about
her brother-iwlaw.
"He said he'd try to drop us a line,''
she added, but news reports from
Alcatraz indicate Dodson is busy with
other tasks, such as helping unload boa.ta
c~rrying food and supplies.
·Descendants of red men who sat down
lo the first Thanksgiving dinner appealed
today for provisions worthy of the im-
pending celebration Thursday, through
U~ir Alcatraz Relief Fund.
Another boatload or supplies was due to
set out for occupied Alcatraz today, after
a delivery Monday w h I c h included
blankets, staple foods, fresh water,
medicine and even tetanus vaccine.
Temperatures oo the barren rock drop
to the low thirties this time of year and
dozens of the Indians are suffering from
colds and sore throats.
Some have even jumped into the
treacherous, current-laced waters of the
bay to help small boats dock and the only
heat Is from fires built of wood ripped
rrom old rOtting cellblocks.
Several children have as a result step-
ped on rusty nails. necessitating tetanus
vaccine, but the Indians vow W stay as
long as necessary and hide from U.S.
tnarshals in a 12 acre maze of former
prison buildings and caves.
Secretary Hickel has agreed W meet
and discuss their demands to take over
Alcatraz as an Indian CUiture Center,
plus giving more aid to 100,000 Indians in
f"e<le.ral authorities have given the in·
vaders holding Dodson hostage no
deadline to evacuate Alcatraz, at least
until' after Hickel reviews their demand.
In the meantime, life goes on day by
day on the Rock, perhaps more miserable
than in its prison days -with food cook·
ed over an open rire on a broken gratine;
-but certainly more idealistic than ever.
"This lapd is my land," says a sijn
over the crude dining area.
No one is in a position to disagree to-
day, least or all Alcatraz' custodian
Dodson, who went there to get away from
excitement and write his book about
Cou~cil Studies
Downtown Plan,
Flow of Traffic
Selection of a coruultant for downtown
redevelopment and a review of' a related
matter -methods of improved traffic
flow -are on the agenda for the Costa
Mesa City COuncl1 tonight
The 7 p.m, adjourned meeting will be
conducted by Vice Mayor Robert M.
Wll90n, since Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley bas
I Colla Mesa County Waler Dl&tricl
meeting to attend.
The CMCWD will mttt for a dinner
swion in lbe Mesa Verde Country Club
at 8 p.m .. to honor Director Ed BeMetl,
who is about to retire after a long career.
Besides discussing how to narrow the
field of applicants Interested in the com-
lng downtown redevek>pment project and
the rederally-assisted traffic program,
several other matteN will be discussed.
The agenda also shows a new reaturt:.
cooncllmanic sugestiona and comments,
with a 1lot re.servtd for each o( the fi ve
members lo bring up whatever may be
on his mind.
\ ' •
Sweet Victory
Dem Chides
Local News
1'ln Orange County, we have ex-
perienced a one-party totalitarian press
which tias absolutely ignored i.Jld
1landered DemocraUc candidates," Tom
Lenhart, a retired Marine Corps major
who ran unsuccessfully against Rep.
Jame·s B. Utt in 1966 and again in 1968,
tokt Laguna Bea.ch Democrats Monday
Lenhart, who said he bas made-no
political plans yet for the upcoming race,
warned that Democrats will be facing
.. one of I.he most malicioia PolitlcaJ·cam-
paign:s yet" and urged them to make
"our posiUons of .agreement known and
forget our disagreements."
He charged that the Nixon ad-
mirtistraUon. in making its "war on
freedom of the press and. lree<!orn of ex-
pression," is laying groundwork for ·next
year'• senatorial and legislative cam-
DAll V I'll.OT 3
DAILY PR.OT St#ft .......
Kennie Wright Jr. accepts ribbon from /'udge John
\Veld after Kennie's bassett hound 'Cap ured priZe
as· "Sweetest Basset Hound" Saturday at Top of the
World School Pet and Hobby· Show. AwarenUy,
dog also captured hearts of some of onlookers.
One of tile most "obnoxious represen-
taUvea" of the adminlstraUon, he CQ.m·
rnented, "ls Spiro T. Agnew. It's Spiro's
voice, but it'• really Nixon speaking. And
you can bet there in the backroom is
Murray Chotlner, another old friend ."
Lenhart told tho Laguna group Jhe one
way they can overcome campaign
obstacles is by "putUng on a concerted
campaign for all Democratic candidates
no matter who they may be."
Crew from Laguna Beach Parks Department installs huge Christ-
mas decoration near Nyes Place and ~oast Highway at southeast
limits of city. Another of the Boris Bazun works graces northwest
city limits. ·
DoWn the
Seal Approved
For Saddlehack
f\.1JSSION VIEJO-Saddleback College
tru stees Monday night approved an offi.
cial seal for the college district as
designed by art instructor li'lrs. Dona
Berkhimer. The circular seal depicts the
sun rising behind Saddleback Mountain,
ringed by oranges and laurel leaves,
with an ocean wave in the center and a
book and )amp in the forcgrotind.
M described to trUstees, the moun-
tains svmbolize strength; the water is
the sy~bol of life ; the oranges represent
the county: the laurel leaf symbolizes
quality; the rising sun symbolizes opti-
mism and the lamp and book denote
knowledge and wisdom.
e Capo Reeeive• F1111ds
Public Works T. J. Meadows has an-
nounced that the city has received
$212.000 from the Office of Emergency
preparedness for disaster projects.
He said the disaster funds will be used
to repay the city for money already spent
on such flood repairs as sewer Jines and
bridge work.
e League Delp So11ght
MISSION VIEJO-New officers of the
Mission Viejo Little League are asking
those interested in assisting the league
to write to the president.
Bill Dalrymple's address is 26.18.1
Tarrasa Lane, Mission Viejo. Other offi-
cers for the coming season are Fred
Pack vice president; Jan Drum, secre-
tary 'and Herm Schmidt. treasurer.
Dalrymple expects 450 boys between
the ages of 8 and 15 to enter the league
next season.
e Trnll Ride Pla1111ed
LAKE FOREST-A trail ride is being
planned for Lake Forest children on
All children between the ages of 6 and
12 must sign up by W~~esday for the
excursion to an . area r1dmg stable.
Trams will leave the Beach and Ten-
nis Club at noon and only 50 children
can be accommodated. Rider~ are as~ed
to bring sack lunches. For 1nformat1on
contact the club at 830-6161. ·
Basketball Set
For Lagunans
Basketball, for both speedy and slow
players, is on the recrsrtion agenda for
Laguna Beach men.
Play will begin in Januery and entries
now are being accepted for teams
wishing to eflgage in league play.
Wednesday night games will be fCJr the
fleet of foot , while Thursday's league will
play slow-Oown basketball, designed to
provide recreation fOr men who prefer a
slower pace.
Entry fee for teams In the Wednesday
night league Is $50, while $15 will enter a
team in the Thursday league. where
emphasis is on fun, exercise and
-Entry deadline is Dec. 18 and the
league is Umited to six ttams. Ser\'lce
clubs or other orgnni1.alions wishing to
enter a team, or individuals wishing to
Join In league play are invited to cnll
i:ecreallon director George Fowler, 494·
1124, e1t. ~5.
V'iejo Plans ,LJnder Way He proposed the establishment of a
Democratic Coordinating Committee in
the 35th Congressional District and said
be hoped'thls projected commitlee would
associate with the 36th Congressional
District campaign ln San Diego.
1st Planned Community
Near Rockwell Due Soort
For 12 Nights of Yule
Plans are under way today· for Mission
Viejo's Twelve Nights of.Christmu pro-
·Theme for the first week is Deck. the
Town with Lights and Stars with the first
night of the activity scheduled for S11;1-
day, Nov. 30.
Highlighting' the fll'st night will be the
1ighting of the community Christmas tree
and the · opening of the star stable. The
slable will be built by Mission Viejo
Kiwanis and manned by the Mission Vie-
jo High School Key Club. Roortop stars
\11ill be on s'ale at the stable. Profits will
be donated to charity;
Chairman Of the community Christmas
tree is James Toepfer. Guy Johnscr.i is in
charge of the stable. Robert Freiberg and
Dennis Hibbard . will supervise the
manufacture and.sale of the stars.
Theme for the' second week win be
Christmas is a Time fof Giving, and will
feature a gift box-shaped booth provided
by the high school PTO.
Rukstatis Is In charge of the dance.
Assisting her are Mrs. Ronald McGowen
and Mrs. John Mullins.
Featured at the dance will be the
presentaticr.t or the community's first
Emvees, oscar-type awards to be given to
men and women who have done the mosl
to make the coinmunity a better place in
"'hich to live. The winners \\.'ill be
selected by popular vote.
William Wells will be in Charge of
tabulating the ballots and Harvey Stearn
will seek contributions from each com-
munity organization to help finance the
A decorated home contest wilt also take
place during the third week's activities.
The first three weeks will find . groups
ol carole\'s strolling from corner to oor·
rier of the La:Paz Chrisanta intersection
on Monday, Wednesday and Friday even-
ings. Robert Aldrich is coordinating the'
Pancake Boost
Set on Dec. 6
For Viejo High
Mission Viejo High School's Athletic
Boosters Club is preparing to serve an
anticipated 800 hungry guests at its third
annual Pancake Breakfast Saturday,
Dec. 6 in La Paz Plaza Shopping Center.
The breakfast, to be served from 7 to
11 a.m. in the parking lot south of the
Thriftimart Market Is one of the n1ajor
fund-raising events in the club's program
to purchase equipment for the school's
athletic teams.
Cost will be SI for adults and children,
'with no charge for pre-school children.
Last year 600 enjoyed the feast of pan-
cakes. sausages, orange juice, milk and
coffee. Tickets are available from La Paz
Plaza merchants, at the high school or at
the breakfast.
Construction or single family dwellings
and apartments in the first housing area
of a planned community adjacent to the
North American Rockwell plant in
Laguna Niguel will start in January, a
Rockwell official disclosed.
Plans for the 750-acre residential e<>m·
munily were announced last month, by
KNR, a new corporation formed by
Rockwell and Earl G. Kaltenbach,
architect and developer. •
It will include a 35-acrc recreational
center, a commercial center and a
mobile home park, and will be located
entirely within the 1,300 acres purchased
for the NR plant.
Executive vice pre sident Douglas
Wimer told directors of the MouU.on·
Niguel Water Di~ict th3t grading for 400
homes in the housing area is scheduled
for January. "We always start. in the
rainy season,'' he quipped.
Wimer said c9nstruction on the $23
million plant was delayed about six
months by weaUie r and strikes and a
completion date in the first part of
August now is anticipated. .
''We will be moving some J)!'!OPle In
bcrore that date," he said /'and Will bav4'
a full complement of personnel by the
end of 1970." A payroll of 6,500 eventually
is expected at the electronics plant. .. ~?
Contrary to recurrent rumors, and ~
llomeowners' Beacon (a political organ),·
Wimer adO.ed, "We are not selling thia1 plant to the May Company, Hughes, Tilt!:
Broadway, or anyone else. We are going
ct complete it and operate it."
Wimer confirmed to directors that the.'
construction schedule for the residential,
community will not necessitate any·.
speeding up of plans for water and '
sewage service in the area.
These, according to Carl Kym.Iii/'
manager of, the water district, Include a
10._Jnch water line and a sewer line down,
Alicia Parkway, to serve both the1 Rockwell plant rand residential area aJKI
Laguna Niguel1s' Crown Valley Higblanda
development. '
Also programmed, Kym.la said, Ix a 1~ 1
million-gallon rese rvoir, scheduled for'
completion a year froin now.
Students groups will be using the boo.th·
to collect 1oys, c1othlf"!g, canned goods
and other gifts for varlous charities. Co-
chainnen 0£ the booth will be Cliff
Boehmer and Keith Sims.
Santa's Come to Town is the theme of
the third week with Sat:lta Claus arriving
Sunday,,Dec. 14 for a four-day stay at the
intersection of La Paz and Chrisanta.
The fourth week religious theme Is
Christ our Savior is · Bor,1. Th e
grand finale is the twelfth rdght Sunday,
Dec. 21. Children from the two elemen·
tary schools will stage a candlelight
parade under the guidance of Marty
Russo and Jeff Lodder.
The parade will lead to the star stable
lVhich will have become a living tableau
or the Nativity scene. The Rev. Robert
Lange is chairman of the program which
is a cooperative effort among the com-
muruty's religious cangregaUons.
Yorty Confident
LA to Get Games
It's Cold Turkey
A highlight of the week for adults will
be the Snow Ball coordinated by the
Rancho Viejo Women's Club. Mrs. David Mayor Sam Yorty predicted Monday
that his city of Los Angel es will host
the 1976 Olympic games.
Only Butchers Can Supply Them "
Yorty Ignores 1st Speech,
Talks About U.S. Problems
He told newsmen he \\·as "almost cer-
tain" that his recent negotiations with
the Olympic Games International Com-
mittee would "just about ensure" se-
lection nf Los Angeles for the second
time i,n the history of the world coffi.
Yorty said he felt the bid of Mon-
treal was ended with the Canadian
city's "astonishing failure to mount a
really competitive bid at our recent
J'(l.eellng." And he described Moscow's
subsequent bid for the games as "an
tntereSting late offer that will not, I
think, prove to be acceptabl~."
'J'he days when Orange Countians
celebrated Thanksgiving by choosing
their own live turkey at a nearby ranch
or farm are over.
Tor.lay, the source for a gobbler is far
more likely to be the neighborhood
poullry counter.
There are no turkey ranches left in '
Orange County, and anyone harboring a
feathered fugitive is likely to be doing so
against the wishes of the 'county health
department, which has granted no
permits to raise turkeys in several years.
01 Th• D•llf P'l•I S"ff
Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty defend-
ed his President and emulated his Vice
President Monday in a speech before the
city of Orange Chamber of Commerce
calling on ''those who helped us get into
this sorry (Vietnam) mess to have the
courage to admit their mistakes and get
in back nf President Nixon's plans for a
just peace."
Yorty left his scheduled speech -
"Controversial Problems Facing our
U:egalopolis" -untouched on the Jun.
cheon table as he condemned ••those who
hav'e misled and betrayed the young peo-
ple of United States to the point that this
nation is so divided today.
"The Communist cause in Vietnam is
lost," Yorty said. "What they are coun-
ting on ,today is the <ijvisioa of the
American people from within and they
have dangled the bait of the Paris peace
talks and encouraged the doubts of our
young people to save what we should
recognize as a lost cause."
Yorty told the Orange Chamber that
former President Lyndon B. Johnson waa
P.rlmarily responsible for "this nation's
present dilemma In Vietnam, a trilgic
situation that President Nixon will
resolve if he's given the lime.
':Nbi:oo's doing all rj.gbt," Yorty,
assured ~ members and. guest& at the
chamber's annual 1ndustrial luncheOn.
••nut be has Inherited a 'situation that
O\ves much of its nature to President
Johnson's fear of the Russians and a
change of action based on his rel~ctance
to adopt a policy that might anger
11tat policy ,Yorty noted, precluded the
bombing of Haiphong "and our allowing
8S percent. of ~.enemy'~ supp lie! to. go
through virtually untouched wl:llle we
.created a Vietnam circle in which our
men wete encased while the enemy could
move back and forth at will."
Yorty had • w:iming word for "those
\\'hp may live under the illusion that the
Unlted States Is In no position today to
deal with an aggressive sixth rate power
and that this great natioo would allow •
small Communist state to perpetually
defy us.
"We could squash them In two or three
hours," he said. "And this could liave
been achieved long ago if the Am.erican
people had been alerted to the fact that
thls was a war in which· every effort
should have been made to put the people
as a whole in back of it.
"All agrjculture has been on the decline
in Orange County," said Robert Stone,
county director of environmental health.
Yorty said he ls urging "all involved
-city personnel in Los Angeles to get
ready . now · for the 1978 games -be-
cause they are coming our way."
And other county officials said the
festive bird was shooed out of the county
by rising land values. The turkeys have
moved into neighboring Riverside and
How long would your family last
' ' '' Five years maybe? Then what?
trl1'Cltl:d at 6X with a monthly drawin1
' 80COUll! "'SlOO, k would lutjuat -4 }'ellT! ft JO MOttllu.
Now at younetl lhi8 _,.... How
IOtts couJd your wife ud dtildrell 1iY9
on your awe? WoWd there be eoouP.
money to ensure a mortp.p-li'cc borne?
For )'OUI' c:bildrcn to lf'OW on? And how
about tbcit oducatkm 7 ln other words,
enou'b to ensure continuin1 family
.-unt)' u lofts u it'• ncedod.
~ in\poltant ----help to ao1wer. Tbal'a why Manu·
'"""""' ure bu "-Jooed • ll))Cd8I FIN>ndtllP-S..I«.
Here's bow it wort.a. TbrOaJ:b tbe M-Life._.,,., !he '
ICJ'Yicc focu.es on you and your fam ily,
your Pf*DI situation and your objec..
live•. It cuts out all auesswork and
~lities. For example, it will help
you detennine I. egctJy what you want
your estate to do. 2. Whether your pres-
ent estate is sufficient. and 3. if not.
it will tuQCSt the next step towards
A1 pm of this acnice the Manufacturers
Ufe Repmentative will plot your indi-
\'idU&I Socurhy Graph-the clearest way
we know of to tbow you how you stand.
Why not set in touch with the well iD-
formed profe•sional from Manu-
facturtn Life, You will ftnd him a com-
petent advi.er who will respect your
confidence and under1cand your ..., ....
J, L. P1l.toub1, C.LU.
Agency Associate
Tel: 547,-5621
"LS. Glllweath
~;tncy A11oc1ate
T"1: 547·&621
San Bernardino counties, where there's
plenty of room to grow.
"The desert has sandy soil which ls f
good thing, because turkeys~_don't ~
wet feet," said Charles A. Salverson of
the Agricultural Extension Service.
A lady at St. Pierre's Turltey Rancl;t,
Aqaheftn, agreed with Salverson. ~
Pierre's birds have been moved \o
Riverside County where, sbe said:
''They're getting along fine. They do fine
in the heat, as long as Chey get some
And Young's Turkey Ranch in Santa
Ana saic! the disappearance of the turkey
from Orange Coun~y was not the result of
fowl play, but a population explosion -
20,000 birds this year, ''Rivers.Ide Is a
better area for our birds," said an
employe of the ranch, in busineas for 28
Brl• J, To..,_,
A1tncy A110CJ&tii
T"1: 547·5621
Senator Blast·s Army for Death · Trial
ii Prlnoo Ch1rlol going to join
Ute Royal Air Foree when he com·
pleta bis courses at Cambridge
next aummer! The London Mirror
says be IJ'. The Minillry of Defense
decllna to comment A Bucking·
ham Pallce spokesman professed
no Jmowlf'dge Utat such a decision
had been. made and added: "There
will be no announcement before
Chrlalmal.,, The prince has logged
89 hours of flying with a R<>yal Air
Force instructor. • Georg• Lazenby says that Ii k e
Sean Connery be has bad enough or
the James Bond role. It took Con-
aery five films, Lazenby only one.
Lazenb)', a 29-year-old Australian,
declared Sunday he would make no
more 007 movies a!ter his first,
110n Her Majesty's Secret Serv ..
Ice.'' due for release next month.
Best known previously for a Brith1h
:hocolate commercial on televis-
ion, Lazenby was picked from a
field of 500 hopefuls to play Bond.
He said makers of the film "made
me feel like I was mindless.'' •
11 For the pcut few month.s Mrs. ! Kath'l/ PoUock. tDatchtd the Leo-
nard Morie Hospit.al being built
OCT011 tM 1treet from her 11.mM tn Natkk, Maas. Sunday, mo-
nuntl aft.tr ribbon-cutting cere·
mmiie.s officially opened the ho.s·
pital, 1he became the first pa:
tient. A few hour.s later ahe gave
birth to her fifth child, a daugh-
• Laborer Ricardo Vaquero found
o clay pot ill the wreckage of. an old
~ouse at Torquemada, Spain. Va·
quero was convinced he had found
a secret treasure, but when he
:racked open the container all be
round was a note: ''He who wants
to get rich, let him sweat." •
Not enjoying the warme1t gover·
nor-ma11or relations around, Mayor
John Lindsay and Gov. Nellon Rocke·
reuer do their be.!t to share a place
of hunor at ground-breaking of n e 10
E'a.!t River tunnel in New York Mon·
day. Lindsay and Rocky haven't been
shoulder to shoulder i n too many Te·
cent elections -le t alone eye-to-eye.
llollinp (0.S.C.), clenounced the Amr/
today lot proceeding with plw to try Lt.
William L. Calley for murder Ill lhe
llleged D1US1Cte of SOuth Vietna.-
vlllagen early lut year.
Another .... tor, Peter H. Dominick
(!).Colo.), 1ccuaed lhe Columbia Broed-
cantng System of Jeopardlslq Calley's
rl&bt to I fair lria1 bY carrying In ln-
lerview with 1 !onner member of
Calley'• unit who lllld lhe Jleul81ant
onlered the thootlng ol dvlliano at Sollll
In 1 Sena!< speech, Holllnis Wed U
the Anny'1 decialon to try Cilley meant
Ill soldlen who COJJ1mllled 1 "mistake ln
judgment" under presaure of comb•&
were "Soinc to be tried .,,common crtm.
lnals, 11 munteren1••
"Are we 1olng to lake every helleopter
pilot, and pilot of a B62 that hlt1 the wrona: t&rlet and call him a murderer?"
hO ckinanded.
Dominick dellOWlOed CBS !or broad-
~ ID interview with Paul M...Uo, a
member ol the plal<IOll led by Cilley at
the time ol the 1brch, 1111, lncldenl
"I have never been IO upaet over any
new.cut I hive ever seen," Dominick
sald, contending that Meadlo's ri1hta,
White House Rooms llncovered
Ciiiey'• rtabll and the~ fer.
lllr trial had been~ by the ID-
"He lllld he hid pertOOl1ly pullclplled·
ln the murder of ..,,. cl -men.
scme Of ~-wf;'ll"Mn and mne of tbeee ,
chlldrtn " the eenatiar Aid. . '
"He tpeclllcllly m-the DllM cl the man who J1 under lnd.ictmeftt.,"
D<mtnlck aid with rtitrtllCO to Amr/
chlrga agllNI Cilley •.
"Whit klnd cl COU111r7 111.. we IOI
when th1' kind ol prbql II pul
around!" Domink:t llked. '. He lllld the ~ carried-the
Ul"ITt .........
Arlifacta found buried in two underground rooms
uncovered by White House workmen date back to
the Lincoln Administration, White House curator
James Ketchum said Monday. The rooms them·
selves are believed lo date back to the administra·
tion of Thomas Jefferson. They were unearthed by
workmen tearing up the indoor swi mming pool to
make room for expanded press facilities.
Vietnam Pullout Called
A Continuing Program
States will continue to pull troops out of
Vietnam even though President Ni.Ion
Red Troops Hit
Green Berets
With Shellings
SAIGON (UPI) -North Vietnamese
troops hit the Due Lap and Bu Prang
Green Beret camps with 110 mortar,
rocket and recoilles! rifle rounds today.
Hazy weather prevented allied planes
from attacking .the gunsltes.
The shelllngs killed two allied soldiers
and wounded 11. One of the dead was an
American, believed to be the first
American killed during the 25-day siege,
and five of the wounded were Americans.
They were hit while preparing breakfast.
An allied spokesman said allied troops
battled North Vietnamese east or Bu
Prang on Monday and that 129 North
Vietnamese bodies were found later on
the battlefield, victims mainly or air
strikes and artillery. The South Viet-
has not yet announced any further cut.
back goals, a Pentagon spokesman 1ald
The spokesman described th e
withdrawal as an "on-going, conUnulng
program" and &aid the momentum would
be maintained beyond the announced Im·
mediate goal or 60,000, which was reach·
ed last week, some 25 days before the
Dec. 15 objective date.
The spokeamen slld Secretary of
Derense Melvin R. Laird believes there ts
a momentum ln the withdrawal process
that Y.ill continue.
The spokesman agreed that a new
presidential announcement of withdrawal
goals probably will describe what already
has been happening.
Nixon 11 expected to ·make a !urlher
announcement an withdrawals by _late
December. Thls would be his third such
announcement since the· troop reduction
program was ordered in June.
Pentagon 1uthorltie1 declined t o
discuss either a rate of withdrawal or a
Violence Board
Urges Lowering
Vote Age to 18
WASHING TON (AP) -The National
Violence Commlalon, deploring "grow.
tng antagoniam between young and old,"
recommended today lowering the voting
age to 18 to give young people a gtt.1ter
voice In government.
It also endorsed President Nixon'•
draft refonn proposals and urged new
legislation to expand employment op-
portunities for the nation's youths.
And It urged revision of state and
federal laws to "!Rake use and incidenlal
possession of marijuana no more than a
misdemeanor until more definitive in-
formation about marijuana is at hand ."
Dr. Milton: S. Eisenhower, commission
chainnan, sa ying youths are being
alienated by being called upon to defend
values and causes, such as the Vietnam
war, In wh:dt· they don't believe,
suggested the least the country could do
would be to give them a voice in deciding
issues sueh as the w;ir.
Fog Blankets Appalachians
"Lowering the voting age wlll not
eliminate protests by the young,'' the
commission said in a 12-page report.
"But it will provide them with a direct,
constructive and democratic channel !or
making their views Celt and for giving
them a responsible stake in the future o(
the nation."
Noting only two states -Georgia and
Kentucky -pennlt 13-year-olds to vote,
the commission pointed out young people
are "treated as adults by the criminal
law" and forced to give "the ultimate
sevice, tfle highest sacrifice, when we
require them to perform military
Arctic Air Poised for Winter Blast at Midwest
-Vtrlt b!I, 11'9h CIOudf ,..,...,.
11'd Wlldrlesdlv. GllSIV llOl"ttwut wtrldl
lllY91' "'°"'fllllnl •nd IMlow ca1t1I
c•"-'· s1111111.,. wt "'*' "*' '"'' TutMl•v 111d l!'lllrior rt11oM Wtd-
¥1rllbl1 Mtll clcuds TuetdtV Ind Wiid-
,,.....,., l~• ll.lllY wfl'ldt ,,.., ""
U"'9M. Hi.h T undW U. Low T-
~., nltl'!t SJ.
rttEYlEW OFlSSAWUMllUll:lAUFORICUTT07:1tP.M.£ST 11 ·~lt
~"'...:"t=' ==!?"~ A l~ve
AllCllOI" ... AH1nlt
Cllk•• CIMIMll!t
Clwtl•llCI -w ....... _
• H ,, ,.
.. M " .. ~ " .. ,. .. " n c . .. .. " .. " " " " ..
Calling today's yooth the best educaled
the country has ever pr o d u c e d ,
Eisenhower said, "A very high percen·
!age, 75 to 80 percent, are opposed to the
war yet only a very tiny percentage has
refused to aerve."
~ "' c:netbtC -•• ••alclmoiJplme ol tuilt" tbl& .... may not
-bl 111111 to pl • fllr lrlll. ..
the Nuremblrl war -lrllll -tlllt oblylnc I lawful Clrdor ls DO -fer ........ '11>11 prlnclple bu been ldoptod
by lbe Army. bul the Anny also bolds
11111 1uu1q an onler to lllll csn 11DOU11l
1)1 durpl agllNI CllloJ blvt DOI Jn;
dtcal*I .. ,. -the Anny Is IC> euolllll blm ol klllln( IOI petlOlll -the
totll lllC«l ln opeclllcatlcl!UI agalnsl blm
• -or wllll puslnc orclln wlllcb n&ultod In lbelr dellll.
lo pmnodllaled munler, even H the
-wbo -the of<ler lakfl DO pul • • In tho adull ~Inc· Calley, J8, wu a platoon leader tn 1be
lllllod ,_. II Sona My hamlll en
Mlrd> II, 1-. 'll>e dlarlfl' do DOI Jn.
And llthouP Ille -probl1lly wiD have to await CllloJ'• -.i,
lbse llllY not bl -"'. diltlnclloll IO fir u mlllUry ........ ·~ ii CCI!' .......
OUe ol lbe iOlll ~ 11111 wiD
..... lalo pllJ 111111 ---fa•
cllclle -be II belnc -cl Clldslnc tho lllylnp, Cln7illc lbem oat,
er bolb. AU nine opeclflcallonl do -
blm ol the lllytnp "by -ol
lbootlq lbem with 1 rtfle."
* * * Soldier Tells Stery
'They Begged No, No;
But We Kept on Firing
buTiels from his M·ll rifle In qulcl:,
·4.· -i·
NEW YORK (UPI) -Ex-soldier Paul
Meadlo told Monday night how his com·
pany l<llled about 370 Vietnam ...
vtllager1 la 5ong My on a day ln March,
autdnatlc bursts. '-."'
Later the soldiers gathered more
villagers, about ?0 to 75 men. women and
children. and shot them al the brlnlc of a
ravine. Someone toJd the soldiers to fire
single shots -"to aave our ammo,"
Meadlo said.
Y.eadlo recalled the flr.t 15 men,
women and children he shot, then lost
count. 'I coulcln1 ssy • . • just too
many," be said.
HWby did I do It?" MeadlCJIW', 22, of Ter·
re Haute, Ind., aaid to an intenrlewer on
the CBS Radio Network. 0 Because I felt
like I wu ordered to do it, and Jt seemed
like that. At the time l felt Uke I was
doing the right thing, because like I said I
lost buddies. I lost a damn good buddy,
Bobby Wilaoo, and it was on my coo--
science. So alter I clone ii, I felt good, but
later on that day, it was getUng' to me."
The day Iller the ldlllng II Song My,
Meadlo stepped on a land mine outside
his camp and tbe ezploslon tore off part
of hll foot.
"I felt I was PUDished," he 1ld.
He deldrbed bow his squad of soldiers
gathered 40 to 45 vlllqen when they fJrat
got to the hamlet:
"We aJI huddled them up. We made
them squat down, and Lt. (William)
Calley came over and said. 'You know
what to do with them, don't you?' and I
81.id 'Yes.' So I took it for granted that he
just wanted us to witch them. And he
left, and came back about 10 or 15
minutes later, and said, how come you
ain't killed them yet! And I told him that
•1 didn't think you wanted U3 to kill them,
that you just wanled 111 to guard them'.
He slld. 'No. I want them dead.'
''He (Cilley) slepped back ••• and he
started shooting them ... so I started
shooting." Meadlo &&ld be fired !O to 70
Rogers Plans Visit
To Bonn Dec. 5-6
BON (UPI) -U.S. SecHtary ol stat.
William Rogen will visit Bonn Dec. 5-6
for his first talks with the new West
Gennan Government of Chancellor Willy
Brandt, a Foreign Ministry apokesman
said tod1y.
The visit will follow Rogen' attendance
at the NorUt AUanUc Treaty Organization
(NATO} foreign ministers conference in
Brus1ell Dec. 2-4, the 1pokesman said.
"They (the Vt.tnamese) .wss begging
and saying no, no. And the mothers was '
hugging their chlldren ••• but they kept
right on flrlng. Well, we kept riehl oo fir-
ing. They was waving their arms and
be Ing." ~ ~e attack, Meadlo said, 11was just l
Even now, the ex-soldier said, "I see
the women and children in my sletp. J
Some days ... some nights, I can't even
sleep. I just lay there thlnklag about ii."
,.1eadlo ts one ot 21 men whose alleged :-
participation 1n the massacre the Anny ,
is Investigating. Calley faces a court-
marUal for the killings.
* * * Army Says 128
'Enemy' Killed
At Song My
QUANG NGA!, Vietnam (UPI) -An
official U.S. Army publlc1llon reported
that 121 ••enemy" were tilled in the
village of Song My on March 16, 1968, the
day of the alleged massacre.
The newsletter distributed In the
Anny's Americil Division on March 17, a
day later, implied that U.S. troops with
he-licopter and artillery support attacked
part of the village.
It gave this account of the action:
''Jungle warriors (the nickname for
soldiers of the 11th Light Infantry
Brigade) together with artillery and ·
helicopter support hit the village of My
Lai (part of Song My) early yesterday
"Contacts throoghout the morning and
early afternoon resulted in 128 enemy
killed, 13 Sll!pecls delatned and three
weapons captured."
The newsletter gave no account of
American losses, normal procedure in
battle reports distributed to U.S. troops.
Keep Your Medal
Lennon Protests Britisli, Policy
l"tMI WW. Ser•ktl
LONDON -John Lennon of the Beatles today returned hla Membtt of
the Order of the British Empire (MBE) medal to Queen Elizabeth in protest
against Britain's involvement in tbe Vietnamese and Nigerian wars, Beatles'
spokesman Derek TaylOr said .
In identical letters to the queen, Prime Minister Harold Wilson and the
secretary of the Central Chancellory, Lennon wrote :
"I 1111 returning this MBE in proteSt against Britain's involvement tn
the Nl&erian-Blafra thing, against our support ot America in Vietnam and
· agllnat 'Cold Turkey' •lipping down the cbarls."
The laat reference was to a Beatles' song.
The award was liven to all the Beatles by the queen in 1965 because
their music had brought heavy dollar earning services to Britain.
••Of course, Mr. Lennon ls rree to do whatever he wants," said a spokes.
man for Buckingham Palace. "This very rarely happens but It has happened
before. In fact several people returned their MBEs at the time the Beatles
were awarded theirs."
When the Beatles got their MBEs others turned theirs ln saying the award
to the Bealles downgraded the order.
IOll:Ollt-Llwtrt v1rllfllt Wlndl nftlll
#Id iMtnlrlf """" ~-M'liwl'I' 1 to 11 mPi1 I" 1tt_. Tl,lllolll'I
•nd Wedntldl'I' '" ,,_, lf'MI. lM•~ llM -"'NII wind• 11 frt n fl\IJll IPl WlATtlll fDTKASTS
kkrw CCMlllll Ctftvtlfll T~ ......
ci.Jl'I' 11Hr P01nt Mvt1.1. ""°'''" t\1111'1\' w!lh "l#h cl0o.ld1 Tuttdt'I' tnd Wtdntl-
dlV bu! M!Ctw foe lloM CMJI Wlf. ,,...,..,,. A llHlt WI,.,.,... TlllMtY tnd
.. 19"JllV cmler WOldMldrJ',
0.l!"Oll ......
Fort Wortfl
•rnN "·-"-"' IC1n111 Cll'I'
. " " .. .... .. " " .. " " .... " Novelist Can 'Go West' ..
SOU TMlltM NEVADA -F•lr .. "" "'rielrlt 11.... (IDl,lff T\letdlv W
Wldl""""· Ltw ,..,_.llvrtl Tt,lt'lde'I'
ni.111 " lo IS. Hit .. Tuncll''I' •i to n. COASTAL ANO INTEll:M EOIAT!.
YALLIYS -MoltiV tvnm wJtll .,,,.
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~ T'vtt&W. Hltl\1 rT " II', JWll:~
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Ifft fl'Ol!'I lfll Olllo tl'ICI T-l-
V111M fO lllt foottlllll of lht llllrO'I
A ... llcllltM.
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MOSCOW (UPI) -The Soviet literary
establlshment told novell.st Alexander
Solshenitayn today be could leave the
Soviet Union and live ln the West.
SolzhenJtsyn, author of 11The Cancer
Ward" Md "The First Cln:le," was ex-
pelled earlier this month from the writers
Wllon of the Russian Federated Republic
beca u1:1e of his anU-SOviet writings.
Today, an official statement or the
Russian Fede ration Wrtter11 Union said:
''Nobody is going to hold Solihenltsyn and
prevent him from going away even U he
desires to go there where his anU-SOvlet
"'orkers and letters are received with
such dell&hl"
SOllhenllsyn became fal!IOUI ln the w .. 1 with publlcation ln llQ ol hll sllorl
nov.l. "A Illy ln the Ule of Ivan Denlso-
vlch," wblch depicted life tn a StaUnilt
prllon c1mp. •
"'Jbe Cancer Ward" and "The lint
Clrcie" were causUcally criUcal of Jotef
Stalin and the 1uthorillrtsn aspecta of
the Sovlel l)'llem. Hll wrtllnga made blm
the hero ol mall)' Sov!d liberals and ln-
Solz.henltsyn ran Jnto more trouble with
the literary establishment on Nov. 10
when the St-year-old auLhor 5tnt a letter
to the writers union deJCriblna: Russia as
• "tick IOCiety" and 1ltacl:lns -who
expelled hlm for thelr "hate-vigilance." .t:
His letter saJd be was expelled before 1
he wa given a chance to defend hlmlelf, "
but a writers union statement carried to, 1 • da,y by Tus said "This bi nothing but I , 1 Ile ..
,;Solihellltsyn amigantly dlsrealrlied ~
the just crlllcl'111 of the literary public,•
the statemtnl lllld. "He did not &land up I
qa.'Lllt the use of hJs name and bis worb
by bourgeois propaganda lor 1 campaign 1 of alandtt against O\D' country."
"~toreovtr," Jt 11id, 1'in hia actions ,,
and statements he actually joined hand• i.
with those who are coming out •calnst ).
UM Soviet social syatem."
on II
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UPI Tlltllfl0'9
Three Chutes T•ke C•p•ule to Spl•shdown
Trouble in Landing
Has N A SA Anxious
·--··-· -~·-~-------~--
Space Men _a_11_HN_1_1 ____ a_y _Ph_n _1n1_.r1_a_nd_1
For U.S.
(AP) -Healtby and reinoil
In their quarantine tra1ler1
America's untouchable
astronauts aaUed t o w a r d
Hawalt today while eager
acl11111"8 prepered to open
their moon-rock t r e a 1 u r e -· Chari .. Conrad Jr., Richard
F. Gordan Jr. and AINI L.
Been showed "" Ill effects from tbelr· 16-dsy lunar ex-
pedllion -ezcept !« a 1mot
Gl1 Bean'• head.
Re h!t it during splashdown
and appeand al the back win-
dow ol. the quar•antlne
quarters wearing a bandage.
-...... --· ~---·-
Otherwise the ttiree were ile<:lared -n.i an.r Initial i.;::=.:::;,!:::::::;:::::~::..::::;.::::::=~~~::::: =;,, ph-=al ~:'::!'::i Harbor "Wby can't they jult ;f ~ f!'ulb without ruhblnc
about Z:30 p.m. PST Friday,-------------------then fly nonstop to the Manned
Spacocralt Center -MSC -
at Houlton, Tex. Busy Birthday They wlll be 1llghtly behind
their 'two boxes of moon rocks.
brought back fl'Ol'I\ the Ocean
of Storms. The treasure chests
arrive today at Ellington Air Wife
Force Base near MSC. Gets 400 Phone Calls
May Alter
New Tank
Pentagon decilion on wheUler
to scale down the coatly,
ultrasophlaticated Main Battle
Tank 70 is planned nei;t month
amid congressional skeptlclsm
that the project should be. con·
Unued· at all .
The re·evaluatlon to
determine ,whether some ol
the missile-launching, nlght-
f I r I n g 1 shooting~n·the-nm
tank's complex system should
be eUntinated to cut costs 'was
revealed In House sub-·
committee testimony released
But Army brass te,,tUJed the
tank being developed by the
United States and We s t
Germany must be kept C{)m·
plex and Versatile enough to
counter a massive Soviet tank
threat in Europe.
The brw said solutions are
being found for such bizarre
teclmical problems as an elec-
trical steering defect that sent i. test tank careening into
obstruction. Officiall aald a C I 4 l
Starlilier carryinJ the rirst
box arrives at Ellington about
11 :45 a.m., with tbe second
due about 7 :05 p.m.
BffiMlNGllAM, Mich. (AP)
-Dorothy .Gulte•berg got a
ring for her birthday. Then
another ring, and another ~
had placed a small ad in a The only known remalnlns
The schedule calls ror both
boxes to be put tn a vacuum " · • chamber at MSC's Lunar "The phooe haS';l't stopped
Delrnlt newspaper: detects, th~y said, are in the
"Pleue call Dorothy Gut-automatic ammunition loader
tenberJ, 147-1620. It'• her that enable$ the tank to fire on
the nin. birthday today. Her husband Subcommittee member 5 Larry." cited reports West Gennany is
DAILY '11.4T §
Smart buy
Takeonealpol its maNeloua
mildness and you'll
agree: there's no
smoother whiskey than
Sun I'\)' Brook fit any price.
(UPI) -Space agency offi-
cials are anxious to talk to
Apollo 12 commander Chai-lei
"Pete" Conrad aboot what he
meant when he said landing
on the · nioon required all his
one thing though, it took every
bit or Knowledge I had to get
that baby down there in the
right place. That was no easy
Receiving Laboratory, t h e rin1ing. People have called rne
tirst box to be opened Wednes-from all over," said Mrs. Gut.
day morning and the second tenberg as she ~lebrated her
later the same day. 50th birthday Monday.
The phone slarted ringing at losing interest in the project
10 p.m. Sunday In the Gut-and they expressed skepticism
tenbergs' suburban home. the development problems
Gutte.iberg, am or t gage that have plagued the project IUllrt UDOI DtSIU!J'(CO.C..OHlO.ll.aDUmsnrll".~sw11•trru1.&r111TL$lll f/11'.
banker, kept mum as the
-~•~in~ce~it~s~ta~rted~~in~l:963~co~ul:d~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Taking all precautions "l've bad at least 300 to 400
against losing the entire load
mysterious c a 11 s from be overcome.
wellWlshers poured in.
"I Lhink that is going to
really give us the clue as to
what we can do in the next
flight and the flights to come,''
Christopher C. Kraft, director
of flight operations, said Mon-
day. "Certa.lnly we can't do
any better from the naviga-
tional poiilt than we did ."
Kraft said at a post-splash-
down news conference Con·
rad may have been concerned
about running out of fuel be-
fore finding the right landing
Conrad remarked that the
moon landlng was "IFR (in--
strument flight rules) alt the
way ," possibly Indicating the
<!ust kicked up by his descent
engine obscured his vision.
of geoJogjc gem1, o(ficjais telcpbqne call! from people
split the valuable cargo into wishing me happy birthday ...
two Jots and put them aboard Her husband Larry, also 50,
seperate aircraft to be flown
first to Pago Pago J n
American Samoa, t hen
nonstop to ElUngton. Each
plane alM> carried a share of
mission films and tapes.
Hickel Says
He'll Talk
To Indians
"At 3 a.m. I took the pb9ne
off the hook. 1 had to get some
sleep," Mrs. Guttenberg said.
At 6:45 a.m. she replaced
the receiver and the fresh set
of birthday greeUngs started
again at 8 a.m. Guttenberg
finall y confessed. Then he
went to work leaving his wife
to her phone tending .
Guttenberg said he placed
the ad because "I just want to
let her know what 1 thbk
about her. Do you know a bet·
Conrad made the comment
during a news conference lei·
evised from space. He said he
thought a geologist should be
taken on om of the moon
flights, but said "I'll tell you
"We've got lo talk that over
. very carefully with Conrad
and see what he rea1Iy meant
by that statement, and find
out the problem,, he tru1y did
have.~· Kraft said.
Promoted by President Nix-
on from Navy commanders to
captabu after their bull's-eye
splashdown Monday, Conrad,
Gordon and Bean had a
relatively easy schedule today.
Medical checkups -including
blood Jests -and Jelling
highlights rJ. their mission into
.tape recorders were the only
events planned.
ter way?" SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -"He wants me to remember
'Ille place and time have yet this as a special birthday,''
to be set, but I n t e r lo r said Mrs. Guttenberg, "and
Secretary Walter J. Hickel I'm going to remember tt fof
a long tirde.'1 says he ts willing to get, __ ...;;.. ______ _
~ with the Indiam who
have taken over Alcatraz. Florida Solons Want
'Cape Canaveral' Back
Hlckel said Mooday he 11lr---------•I
"available at 8ny time'' to
meet with the I n d i a ns
"without any conditions b1 ad-
WASHINGTON (UPI) vance of those dl!ICUSSions.•
WASHlNGTON (UPI) -They said changing the President Nixon's son-In-Jaw, The lndlans, who say their
Florida's two senators and name of a geographical point David Eisenhower, plans to next stop is Alaska, demanded enter the Navy following his other representatives of the should require the approval graduation from A m h e r s 1 last weekend that Hickel "Bur·
slate have told a Senate com· of several government agen· College ln June. render" the Island to them
miltee the nall)e of Cape Ken-cies. The group also brought Informed sources said 21-and supply enough money to along a statement from · Flor-year-old David sounded Out build an Indian educaliooal nedy should be changed back Jda Gov. Claude Kirk which Navy offlclals at the Pentagon and cuhural center.
to cape Canaveral, the name said : about three weeks ago on More than 100 Inditlll!,
it hel~ for more than 400 "The place name Cape Ca· enUsting when he fmisbes col· many of them Bay Area col-
years. naveral, for more than 400 lege. lege students, now are oc-
Sens. Spessard L. Holland,. years, has been noted on the Grandson of fonner Pres!-cupying the Island which once maps of geography connoting dent Owl1ht D. Eisenhower, a was the site ol a federal
a Democrat, and Edward R. at first the new world and five.star general, and son of penitentiary. Small groups
Gurney, a Republican, ap-more recently this great na-John Eisenhower, a retired landed at "the rock" by boat
peared before the Senate In-lion. Speaking with great re-Army colonel who ls am-Thursday. Others since have
terior Committee along with spect for President Kennedy. bassador to Belgium, David arrived along with food and
olhers from their state Mon-I earnestly urge the approval was persuaded by both to supplies as Coast Guard of the resolution now under enter the Navy If he planned blockades have been di.scon-
day. They testified in behalf consideration." to serve only a short tour. tinued.
or a jointHouse--Sena~ res~1,====:::::;==;;;::============~;:,~~~;,;~;,;======================;I
lution asking that the cape
be returned its original name.
'l.'hey asked that the space
center continue to bear Ken-
nedy's name, and they sakl·
they did not want to delract l
from the fonner president by
as king for the change; but
they said President Lyndon B.
Johnson acted Illegally wheil
he Ordered the change after
Ke1inedy's assassination in
Army Rej ects
' Riot Dart Plan
The Army has dropped plans
to Ptockplle rifle-powered anti·
riqt darts that would knock out
looters and arsonists, con-
gr,ssional tesUmony showed
today. After spending $48,000 to
test the darts, the Army told
the House appropriations com-
mittee. the weapons failed
rigid time and accuracy re-
U you have new nrl&:hbon I
oi kn.ow of a.nyoM movtn1 I
to-our lll'Mo please tell ut
eo· that we may nUnd a
frlmd.J.Y weicom• and help
them to become acqualntal
lO tbdr new 1urTOUndlnp.
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anc1-m.1mc1.. t!.odlnp. 'n..wlp
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1Wrdo'1,...ihlo. ........ _. ....... ,
5.99 to 10.95
Come in and meet ltading wig authorftlJ. Lit
her adoUe uou on the 1t11le and color that'•
beat for uou, without obUgation.
Wed .• Nou. 28, Fri., Noo. 28, Sat, Noo. 21
CHARGE rr 011 Sean Rm>I
SROP AT BEARS <'oND SAVI! ~-s PHONE '540-3333 Satu/ocri.~ a • .,..,.,4 ears SOUTH COAST PLAZA
er Your J.lon~ Bacli _,, ___ Ciiio
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Mr. Agnew as a Cr~tic
Spiro T. Agnew, took occasion last week to lament
llOlll9 "fat and lrrespomible" newspapers. By &ome
aheer coincidence, tl>ey h•ppened to be newspapers
wblch have been critlcal of the Nixon Administration.
Some meas'ure of the depth and the validity of the
Apew analyal.s can be found In the fact that he Implied
tb8re wu llOJlletlilng slnilter In .the fact that the W•Rln~n Post, an adminiltration critic, operates a
radio and TV station,
. But he apparently finds nothing slnistar In the fact
that the Washington Star, friendly to the administration,
alBo operates a rndlo and TV station. Nor In the fact, for
example, that the Clllcago Tribune, very friendly to the
admJniBtration, also operates 'B radio and TV station.
Nor do we -In any of the \hree examples.
In our form of government, one of the primary
reponlibll!ties of newspapers -fat, skinny or iri·be-tween -is to report, examine, comment -often critic-
ally -on the conduct of government. This is to keep
"fat, lrresponsiblie politicians" (to adapt an Agnew
phrase) from attempting to con us citizens out of our
money, and our rights.
The average Orange County citizen has ready ac-
cess to at least five daily newspapers, piree
newsmagazlnes, ll to 13 TV &tations and too many radio
stations to try to 'Cmmt. Presu,mably the :BBIJle· situatiOn
prevaUs in the wilds of Washington, D.C.--or in the
unexplored depths of New York or Maryland.
discussion. But, If lt"IS!proper·for a president to com·
mandeer the TV or radio network~ for a policy pro-
nouncement, It d o e s seem equally proper l h a I those
same tacilitieo be used for analyses. commentary-and,
ii need be rebuttal-as soon thereafter as possible.
Agnew missed the chance tp offer a 1'bette• ap. ,
proach" (a charge'he and the President like to lay on
. war dlsse11ters). He might., Ipr exam~le, have suggested
that ii the TV commentators would hold off for a decent
interval--say an hour-4be President would make
himself available for a full, no-hoid•·barred, aJl..media
press conference on his speech, so ·that the American
people might have a real onportunity to get a broade•,
more in depth view of the situation.
Our real concern with the Agnew 8ctivities is the
one noted in this space just one week ago. That ta that
President Nixon has· embarked on a strange course in
this presumed quest for national unity, by ·rus new cam·
paign to attack and;discitdlt news media.
We can dismiss Agnh as incidental to the situation.
lie Is useful as the tonsil but not the thought center for
this campaign. ·
. , No President-least of all Mr. Nixon-would permit
his Vice President to speak and act as Agnew is doing
without giving his personal approval to the thrust and
.content of the remarks. They clearly are a·atatement Of
•the President's viewpOinl
, '. ·~ newspaper SUP.ported Mr. Nixon ·tor election.
' •
We are a1so reminded of an old newsman's adage:
"Newspapers try never to lie. But the problem Is that
they are stuck with trying to give accurate reports of
what ii being pa"ed off as truth by a lot o! J\ars."
We _ supJ>Ort his approach to the eventual resolution . of
.the Vietnam mess. We, too, have deplored the sterile,
unpioductive "know-nothing'' approach of many of the
dissenters. ~w was right. We ought to question tl1£ power of a ,Mtwork that . . . l But we have to say that the President is seriously
misg'uided if he believes he can· promote more national
unity. by attempting to Impugn the integrity of
hot;iest-~d, we believe, infonned~ritics .
can pre-empt a good soap opera with all ~ moon. blllines&'
. -•
When the Vice President was . worrymg about the
problein of 11instant analysis•• of presidential statements
by TV commentators; he had a point worthy ol some
• ·~~_,...~~~_,..._,..._,..._,..._,...~_,...~_,..._,..._,..._,..._,..._,..._,..._,..._,..._,..._,_~~_,..._,..._,..._,..._,..._,..._,..._,..._,..._,..._,..._,...__,1
Neither a Right Nor a Left Wing RadlCal To Be 'Safe'
l Is Often
Gus: Time for Moderates ·to Be Heard • • ~To Be Sorry Score for .the week • • • • • •
Apollo 1% -Haynsworth o.
To the F.ditor:
Speaking as a responsible taxpayer and
parent. J am sick and tired of letting
radiCal people and groups, of both aides,
claim that they are talking for me. Every
time I pick up a pa~r or a magazine
there Ls an article by one radical person
. .
' .
1'MI ......... ftfllcts ,...,,. ¥1ewt. ""
-itr ..... ti "" -"r. StrHll
,_ ...... """' .. •-.W OUl..1 DellJ l'lllt•
One ti. the Ont tblnp }'learned when l or another who claims to be speaking for
btpo.J>loylne brlqe -Iy.-wlth ex· struc111rO: tbemOelves u,;,t they will miss. me, the taxpayer.
pert portaor1, -111ot U I never w~ the tdiid tof ,oflbeat opportunity -that can Well, I am a taxpayer. I am not a right
don ta daLUbW eontnicts, J wasn't bid· ~-•company lkyrocketing. , or lef~ wing radical. I am also a parent
ding __,., For lhl· benefit of non-' U 1\!"·<;llll.-jo lbe•end<pf •·)'W' and I want what is besl for my children.
brldpl1, Ulla tnellll fhol 4'1 onf<r to gel and ~· till! 1"" ha'!"\ ~ aJ If tbt! schools can show me a good sex the 111!>11oatof1111' fll!ldl, 1'11111 .,.take ~..,,. ~ ~1"'! : . . . tbi dlll: "iubi'Nl'al Saas! ... jwlf . 11•7"'1t,..U1~ .. «lucaDo~ontop~gram.ln andwlibestenre Jbeandporehlcbnl i"' 'lbil Is a lellOD'wtif!ill'bnportaaot n· bave bite:!;" · ·-· -·-' -..-a..i sit , w s "'°"' far beyond the ...,.it.hie, and bas Earlier In bll remarks, ll)TOlll wamed voluntary, I am for il
stt( not been lelrned by most people in that. "Probab4Uba worat.tblng y.._can
~ roles. Especially in do i3 to create a so-called 'efficient'
bulinesl. where to be "safe" ls often to organization, because that kind of perfec-
be sorry. lion leads to rigidity." The formalised
organization charts, he observed shrewd·
ly, ''tell you more about what you can't
do than what you CRIJ do." IT PLEAIED ME to read In a recent
Issue of .. News Front" an extract from a
talk glvm •by Flelcher L. Byrom, presi·
dent of Koi'll<"I Co. bl Pittsburgh, to lbe FOR TOO MANY decades, the cult of
International Manettna-Congresl'. · • efficiency-fOl"·li& own,sake has ruled our
The theme of bls talk waa "Hang organizational and iDstituUonal structures
t.ooae," and be offered nine com· -even when sucl:I 0 efficlency" was nar-
nwKbnlllta "for the man who will be my row, short-sighted, and self-defeating in
IUCCflllDI'." The ninth, and last. com-the lonai run. This kind of myopia, this
mandment wu •"Mate sure you generate resistance to broader goals and more
a reuonable number of mistakes." flexible techniques, is one of the principal
Here la bow be explained this aeem-reasons Young people today are turning ln&lY strange piece o( executive advice: away in large numbers from organiza.
tional jobs. -roo MANY executives are 90 afraid
of emr Iha! Ibey rtp!lfy lbelr organlza·
Uan with checlal and counterche<:ks,
dilcourage innovalloo, and In the end, so
"Hang loose" is much more than a
happy hippy phrase. lt's a basic maxim
that could do a lot to shrink the genera-
tiooa1. gap.
Pusillanimous Hypocrisy
I HA VE BAD personal experience with
sensitivity classes in a local college and
fail to find any of the terrors that certain
groups seem to firid there. I have an op-
en mind. I'm willing to listen to anyone,
but I refuse to ~t "out Of context"
evidence. I will not a cc e p t printed
material as real unless I personally can
obtain it from the. so-called source.
I am ~ of listening to people tearing
down other people, ideas, sensitivity
groups, sex education, computer 6,
schools, psychologists, etc. on hearsay
I AM GOING to star! standing Up for
my rights. I believe it is time for the
moderate to stand up and be heard. This
CQuntry Is based on majority rule, not on
loudest "rule." I am urging alt lhe quiet,.
sensible, calm, thinking people out there
to stand up and be heard. l firmly believe
that it is time we make that hysterical
minority give up some of that floor they
have had so long.
Utters from readers are welcome.
NOrmally writers should convey thti1'
messages in 300 words or less. The
righ t to cundense letters to fit apace
or eliminate libel is reserved. AU iet-
ters must include signature and mai£.
ing addreu, but ·taame• may be !Oith-
hel.d on reque1t if 1ufjitjent reason it apparent. ·
. ' For ·TJiiatfugl1'1ilg
To Ille Editor:
On· behalf of the ln!erfalth Servicemen'•
Cenler and Qperalloa-Tbankqlving, we
wish .to extend our tmcere thanks for the
ou!Standfng coverage in the Oranle
The success : or . failtire of Operation
Thanksgiving depen<la -on lbe support of
the newspapers. We have received many,
many. calb and donations from the areas
covered by your editions.
A apecial thanks to Jean Cox and
Richard Koehler for ' their cooperation
and enthusiasm. i INTERFAITll
(Mrs.) Eli1.abeth A. Shadwick
Executive Director
Sin Clement.e
Operation Thanksgiving :was organ-,
ized to bring nearby servicemen, pri·
marily Marines, into Oraftge Co as t
homes for Thanksgiving Dinner. For
information, phone: Costa Mesa,
5464825; Laguna Beach, 499·2128;
Son Clem<nte, 49?-1814.
Spellkl"fl Out
To lbe Editor:
Along with Robert Hayward, whose le~
ter to the DAILY Pll.oT Nov. 19 spoke
out against lhe expansion of 'the :Edison
plant in Huntington Beach, I too must
speak out.
Jt is no longer possible to sit back with
blind faith that "they," the powers that
be, will protect the populace from
4isastrous and irreparable damage to our ·
atmosphere and environment.
I believe that there are many persons
· like u,. who can't llnagine ANYTllJNG
being allc!wed to <:onlribule to the polju-
tioq ~blemJ we have already created. I
believe Ibey are sitting baclt with the
same blind faith I have experienced.
As NEWPoRT BEACH rdases In a
felatfve!y clean atmosphere, any given
day one .can see the wall of smo,1 sur·
roundil)g-us, waiting for· tbe chahce to
come in on the wfrlds. We see it while sit·
tfug b8ck diScussing ''whether or not"
the Edison facility expansiorl' is good for
the area. We sit back complacently hop-
ing the freeway route will be closer to
Costa Mesa.
Why? This same ·blind faith that It
won't be ·TOO bad. We are told it is·to the
adv8ntage of the residents {somehow).
As Mr. Hayward stateil In his letler,
atomic power plants are the new thing,
now possible and proven in the San Diego
area -why not here? The freeway plan-
ners state-that by such and such a year,
we will have everyone living within two
miles of a major .freeway, but there will
still not be enough room to . m:ove· ~
snail's pace of rush hours and holidays.
AS A NEW resident to this lovely area
and a refugee from the indu~iali~ and
freeway dominated inland area, all I can
say 1s· get off thole hack rala ond ob-
ject -·LOUDLY.
Poll-It Iha! accoinpony this so can.
ed "prbgrela'' stifles a penon and hu
been pro~ to be the ·caUte ·of slowing
down the body functiona to an outrageous
degree -even causing curtalb:nent o!
physical educa'Uon classes in IQme
What is wrong with saying "NO we wtr.
n o t allow these health hazards in th1a
area where ouidoor recreation and g~
health are· up~ost in the minds of the
citizens."? What about Costa Meamsf
Not many -,ears ago that City wu im-
munebut • tol 11!" <>pa!augbl ~ lbe Fl <Tood· no onger.. · ·
RUJNING OUR environment. and nalural ._....,. la what many of the
younger generlli<ln are stomping their
f e et abouL How can the adults, those
w i th the vote and ability to do more
about i~ allow pollution to happen, Ibey
ask. Is any, amount ol money worth it!
They scream this plea In frustration.
They are right-and we, ·the adult
population, have no right.to .be silent.
Dolb tor ltltll!an•
To the Editor:
The . Dailny Davey Do 11' Committee,
sponsored by Tqe. tU&istance League of
Laguna !leach, wishes. to !hank the many
persoos pf N.owport Beach, Cosio M...,
Laguna [Beach, and surroandlng areas
who hav;e·uspOnded·so generously to our
appeal for dolls, tOys, blue chip stamps
and mOney for aa.oune to deliver' the
dolls It the Indian ·children.
Floience Hansen I Chairman
In the 1-. In a mnall city on Puget
Sound, a ,...,. man msrrled his high
school rweetbeart and moved to a cottage
in a IUbwb.
Middle America: Terra Noq Exista
A few days later he threw a party for
lrlendl and bollled a case ol borne brew.
A yoong deputy aheriff, who had been
jilted by the bride, raided the place.
The bc.t, who wu without influence,
was pnll!!Dtly taken before a judge, who
sentenced bfln to lb< months In jall . for
manufaetare. The bride and ' 1everal
guests_.. given today sentenoes.
A good many cltlm>I didn't like it, and
even the district attorney was dubious,
but tooli off for • iilblng trip wbel! the . head of the local chapter of lbe Woman's
Cbrlstlan Tem~ Union w as
dellghted. $be WU quoted In the local
_.: "'nils wW end ~....ing In
our county."
EVEN TllB YOUNG people ol the
oounl1 were not -ly outnged, tbouob
!$ I'""'! later, In mfddleage; Ibey would
be JepllJ' swtgglng bourbon highballs.
!ftlil waa a , common • occurrence ,In
-days tbrollchaul the United States.
Tbe -low lDler wblch lbe penalty
.... lmpooed, and the -lty itself so
Mally occompllabed, wu the resuH of a
pab)lc ilalo of mind.
"The people wert: COllvlnced rigorous en-
i.comeat wooJd end the c<ll18W11ption of .,._... al<obol. It wu one of the shocJ.
cllllt. dtclllom ever to neep a whole
~~lady wu d!Appolnted. Not
oaly did bomo-bmring oootinuo In her counl:f, but K wn lnunifoted for years by C' ~ .. d whisky smuggled
_.-'t'EllY llf<e this deluolon
!IOI ...._,. Ille nallon In the ·case of '="• ...,..U.. contri•lll<'O wh~h
ptcldDt9 mlld IWlucinlUOn reRmbfirw a
......... -.ip 1n1oDcalloo, ....
..... " -I observers. fl la more
--alcohol, which lndu... a
blood.stream disorder in varying degrees.
Jt is chiefly used by the young, seems to
have little psychological appeal to mature
AB Jn prohibJUon, there are state and
federal Jaws forbiddJng the possession of,
and traffic In. marijuana. Under federal
law PoSSE'.SSion ls a felony, with a jail
~t~~.m@dpWJ' f~ .a .. ftrst offense. Latet offenses and sale are on a level
with homicide.
YOU MAY RECENTLY have been sur-
prised to learn such a draconian law ls on
the federal books. If so1 lt is because the
federal law has not been enforced. No
armies of agetJls have been turned loose
on the populace. Most of the youthful
violators are left to state prosecution.
This ,in itself Ls pusillanimou s
hniocrisY. U the vioJators·were middle-
aged, and •oters, you would damn soon
see someUtlng done about it by the eonsress. and the legislatures, 100.
Now comes the Justice Department
bt!fore a Senate comm.Jtte.e seeking to
mnkE" a first offense a misdemeanor. lt's
the only material change sought, and is
grsndsland weaoellng. All poosesslon
counts for this drug should be misde-
meanors. tr we would save ourselves from looking gi'lmly silly again.· ·
811 George-~
I don 'I care K you HAD rslber stop
.so~11here. Join the. country ~
and dt'lvt a Lincoln !nllUd ol'tilat
. , , b\ke .;,, it would b.low the w!>oln.
• ~ mood, to,ahut up. And put on your . h<jmet.
WASHINGTON -Another editorial in·
ventlou. Middle America, the residence o(
the silent majority, has come into stylc:i
and many are the profound Irrelevancies
which will be pronounced in its name.
Middle America is not a geographical
area but a condition of ftfe supposed to
include blue--collar, white-collar, GOO·
fearing and decent citizens numbering 80
or 100 million with family incomes rang·
Ing from $5,000 to $15,IXXl who are fed up
to the teeth with racial turmoil and
favoritis m; student revolt,. crime, long
hair, pot, permissiveness, and
Middle America has been discovered by
the same explorers who invaded a few
years ago the terrs incognlta of the
r&dical right to find that the John Birch
Society was about to take over America.
The explorers are verSaule.1 They only
recently discovered I and th.bi deserted
that stranije land in which the conspiracy
of the military-industrial complex was
spinning the webs Which hokl the nation
in thrall.
and write about. The academicians are
particularly fond of talking about Middle
American, middle class standards, n. q t
quite grasping the fact that il Is almost
impossible· to get two families In the
same block of a middle class ghetto to
agree across the board on much of any-
thing except bet~ pcillce · protectlon and
garbage collt'Ction. These ghettos, if we
are to believe one account, are populated
by standardized automatons collectively
called suburban man, interested ~lely in
power lawn mowers and pro football ,
and, of course, "'racist" in one degree or
SUCH IMAGINED stereotypes are then
massed into one vast army moving on
crusade and rising in fury -unUI the
next new movement comes along or some
new unsuspected aspect of our national
EVER SINCE M A R C 0 P 0 L 0, life has been perceived by the eociolo-
explorers have·been·llnding the most gists, politicians, publicists, professora
astonishing things. A French e'xplorer and journalists who monitor our every
discovered in Newfoundland a tribe of heart beat.
natives who ate nothing whatmever Opinions in Middle America are becom-
because they bad · no body opening! In( polarized, we are told, u ii this Ui!IY
through which to eliminate wastes. Pobce process were not considered virtuous by
de Leon found the fountain of y6ulh. the true belleveri of the IC!l. We do, It la
Cortez found streets paved with gold in true, become polarlied every time we go
Mexico. to the polls, and that ls what bothers the
One suspects that the rec e n t self-styled liberals about MJddle Amerlca.
discoveries about Middle Amer!"' may Middle Amert.. will undOubedly be
fall In the samt categorf, if not wilh the found terra non exista when further et-
Newfoundland naUv~ lbea wl"' · the amlnalion shows its dJverslty or enough
mtlitary-lnd.uSlrlll c0m·p1ex and the John mistakes have been ~ade on the assump-
Bircb conspiracy. tlon that the middle class has one simple
These alarums spread rrom lime lo ~ credo.
Umo for lock of anything· belle~ lo talk · U there is anytblnc to be learned oboul
the heartbeat of America lt'is that mass
and class characterizations are often ·
wrong. CJasses do not exist any more in
the classical or Marxian sense..· Mass opi·
nion, as the pollsters so often find, cannot
be accurately measured, at least for any
longer than the day or week when the poll
is taken, ·
NONE OF TRIS IS TO aay that there is
not a substantial reaction which responds
to the general point of 'riew, if not all the words and phrases, of Spiro T. Agnew,
who ls supposed lo be the prototype and champion of Middle America.
Some Republicans, however, are ar-
Soviet Morals
"/1" ( LPress COmmentli
Baytown, Ttns, Sun: "A recent series
of articles in the Soviet newspaper
Izvestia on teen-age morality, or lack of
it, sparked a flood or letters rrom
readers. (Manners and morals are about
the only 111bjects on which Soviet cltittns
may freely •IP'.,. their opinions.) Many
wrilers urge atrlcter eonlro!s by porenll
and public authorities. One reader would
ban all foreign movid, 'as well as some
of ours.' Another denounced '!his Idiotic
Wblao. o( abort akirla.1 Another cailatt
for a return ~ the old custom or beatU,
chHdreJI with leather straps. A ... wrlt~r
ror tzvettll, however, pied for tolera~e
and undtrstan<lfng of the new gene:ratifn
and del<nded modern books ind plays s
merely rtOecUng We."
rivjn, at concluaions on the Middle
Ar\terica doctrine which' may invite total
poiitical disasb!T. Among these con·
clusions are that victory can be won
without support of Negroes or the urban
industrial East and therefore these
segments of society can be ignored or
given lower priority in favor of courting
nothing but Middle America. whatever
Middle America is.
A good Republican Kentuckian, Sen.
r-tarlow Coot, 'bu recently pr.onounced •
curse on that kind of Republican thinking
as unprofitable and abhorrent to the
moderate mind. The pwderate mind does
not exclude justice for the blacks because
extremlam has datM&td their cause. Nor
does the moderate mind reject all the ·
aspirations .of youth because some have
abused their freedom. These ' are iil.her
deeply Ingrained views also ln what is
called Middle America.
Tuesday, November 25, 1969
The editorial fJOll• of the Dailp
Pilot 1eeb io Inform and atfm..
ulatc re~rs bv pre1tnting thif
Mwipaper'• op!nlom and "°""
menta'll on. topici of intere1t
and aigni/icmi<r, bv providing •
forum for the tzpre1sion of
our readtt1' optnfme.I, and bt1
Pl't$t11«ng Ill< dW..11 .i..,.
pofntt of inf01'7Md ob1ervcr.s
and '!>Ok•"""' on topics of the clap.
Robert N. W~. Publisl>er
' -[
j ..
• o•
)<. ,.
u{r . ' !>/) ...
.. -' -. ..
.. n ,.
.T' .. . • ... .. ,. ,, . ••
• ••• :.•·
. ..
Fora .
... ------------
•• •
• 40:.Degrees Best
' .
For 'Mental Work
Oil Foes
To Court
pooenls iO il\slallalloo of a
new oil drilling platform In
the Sabta Bll'bara· Clwnnel
oU the CaJlfornia eoa.i. have
turned to the Supreme Court
,Jn effort! to halt an · drllUng
Jn· the dlannel.
The petition fil<\d · with the bJCb court Moodiy WU on
All Admisswns Open · ]an. 1
LOS ANGELES (AP.) 1======::i:========= Alvin »-. dean ·ol lt)ldenta
l\r the Calllornla ollle colle1•
system, U1t all II colleges
will open admbaloa for the
19.10·71 school year
almultaMOUSly "!' J111. I with
all appllcanla llllng a standard
In the pot, enrollri>ent dates
have varied as much as !ix
months on the cunpuse.s •.
~ .. ,,.· Tell Y"' ~ what's wrong 1wltb 1'IV lbows \MW. Too many pu>ons. There
honor ol the ·W.C.T.U.!" A.
Only lout Jn his rue. .. atooc
this vein cues: "Here'• to Car· rte N atlon • • of mstH!rt.nk
renown • • • who though
agatD,t 11\lOilGn • • • hit ... ry
b&r'Jn town." .. that too flip?
, •. Q. "Wlll!llll .001!11 'While
'Cluistmas' rank now fl far as
poptilarity goes lllKllg the
boljday Songs?" A. I~'• No. 2
right behind "Sllent Night."
behalf ol the city and county ...::===:.::..::::::::..:c:=:::;;.. of Santa Barbara and a num.-
In olher adlon Monday, the
state coUep trustee's Com·
mlttee on Educational Polley
·29~ ·---t ,,,,....._.
ror ... 1129~· -.,.;ti, ii-..
ticipating Texaco
0 Mogic &Isl•" blades
awnrneed ~ng.
Slacl*4slog,handles.. s:· a:;::r..,~,
•a f I ii! '11f5.,_.. .... ,, ............. . '
• ls 'I hunger .out beire ID the au-
dience f0r etbieal affection '~d tu1ips, Ernie Pyle and
liandel'I "Messiah," innocent
horses , prayer and apr.ngtqne
apple trees, a Gandhi dedica-
tion and some gallanlry in
battle. "Julia,'' that· gobd
clean simpleton, will· survive ~ cunning "Laugh.In" bol>s,
and the SWlday arm of ·John
Unitas will legate us , mOre th~n David Frost's thin·lip.
PERATUllE. ol 40 degn!e'! F., • yoU are ·at your mental .besl.
· at 65 degrees F., you aft at
your physical best. And at 64
degrees F., you are at-your
fertile best. So report those
comprehensive men of science
• • • S11LL DON'T KNOW
whether gentlemen. re ·~ 11.y
prefer blondes, but · furies -dO,
evidently. Studies of femaJe
defendants in -coo.rt case,, ifl..
d.icate the blondes have a 45-
. percent greater record of a.c-
quittals than the bnmettes.
"~ your staff ~r
have anything to oUer m
11CER ol'our Proper Job Club
is· wondering ·w b 1 lever
became . er · th a t Htnfard ,
Kans., hotel ~ named G<ocge Go-TO-Bed • • •
THERE .ii a time for
...,thing; tt Is wrl( oDd ..
far ·u tbe·•ale ~t goes,
the time for rei.l romance Is ~t tlie , qe 'of Zl •.• HAI
made a film wtlhOut at least
one :aeene w~iD.,t'hat
genUeman with the ripply
mldlecllon toot .Off hla oblrt?
SLEEP...:. 'lbat Thomas
Edison didn't get much sleep
has been widely reported. But
liUle known Is the fact he act-
ually believed · hil electric
light would wipe ~t the eight.
hour sleep habit generally.
For many yean Mr .. F..dL!ton
felt that by lighting lhe llgh~
he wouJd do away with hall of
· all human ileep, that immense
'fna• } Slated waste of time around the
'" ACCORDING to a resolution I D g Case passed without diloent by the ll ru Teus legislature, Texas skies
are bluer than Italian akies •• NORWALK (UPI) -An at-THE DEPARTMENT of Agri-
ber of private cllilens. The
same croup had aought an
Jnjuncf.ion earlier against
placement of any more plat-
fonns in . th.e channel.
The Supreme Court b now
being asked to ftYiew ear-
lier lnjuncUon suits in the
U.S. District Court of Appeals
which aeet to force the Anny
Engineers to .llUSpelld drllling
permits already lsrJed and
to ltOld a bearing on appli·
cations for new platforms.
Meantime, organbers of a
fish-in aimed at keeping Sun
Oil Co. from erec&g a i>tat-
form took turns anchoring
within 200 feet of the site
chosen by .the oil firm.
The protest was arranged
by • citizens committee to
Get OJI Out -GOO.
OfflcWs of GOO believe
another platform · WOU1d in-
crease the chances of another
blowout simllar to the one
last January that pollutf<'I the
channel and blackened 40
miles ol beach.
The-protest boats, each with
a fishing line in the water,
were about six miles offshore
and operaUng In relay fash-
ion to keep a , close watch on
the plaUonn.
City of SF
Train Now
Out of LA
lractlve divorcee, ch a r g e d culture eaUmates a couple
with ~ of dangerous ahould spend SM a month ror
drugs 'after her two young meels at home ... RECALL
children allegedly sold LSD THAT JOURNALIST who in-
and benzedrine to a neighbor, vestigated nudist campus? h~ been ordered to stand trial What nudists Uke to do best, CHICAGO (AP) _The San·
in Superior Court Jan. 6. he said, is play volley ball . . • ta Fe Railway announced
Mrs. Carol Ann· Gavin, 26, OVER 111E AGE 'o( 65, the Monday plans to reroutt ib
was arrested Oct. 2S, four women now outnwnber the paSS4!Jller service between
days after the neighbor tofd mm by 100 lo Tl • • • tbicago and California on Jan.
deputies she purchased the NOBODY, NOT even our S. .
drugs lr<m Mn;. Gavin't Laaguage man, tnow1 the Trainl Nos. 1 and 2 -now
.children, Dawn, 5, and Tom-origin of the word ''tbzy." lt's the San Francisco Cblef-will
mY. 8. ,,,.,.' · iothedlc:tiooary,bowever. operate 1)elween anca.., and
The wunan, who lived Your Cf"lttonl and com-· Lo! Angeles rather than
acr"OM the &treet from the ment.s C11e welcomed and OUcago and San Fnncileo.
Gavin home, said she.' bougflt will be u.ttd wMrtver J>O"" ·The . road said' declining
the drugs for ·is a f.t ·e r riblt tn "Chtcking · Up... patronage and ahnual loaes of Who listens telephoning. tne GQvin home A:ddreaa mail to L. M. Boyd, about $7 million fncurTed in
and arranging the purchase in care of DAILY PILOT, operation of the eastbound and To landers? , while Mis. Gavin was not Box 1815, Newport Beach, westbound trains has caused L::================:'.!,,~th~er~e~·-·~~~~~~~~C~al~ij~ .. ~9:a6:6~3.~~~~ thechange.
-'l1ie propoeed ChlJll' does
Eve Service
7:30 p.m.
s1nqsJkat1on :c::: _ ..
· not · allect the Super Chief, El
caPltan or the Tb:u Chief.
Coach fl'alns Nos. 13-24 pro-
viding local terVice between
Chicago lilcl Los Anll"les will
be ditcoothioed, of!Jci>h said.
Yellow Cab
In LA Gets
heard an article read out loud
about a club fOl' homoeuuals
on the San Jose State campus.
The article hod beeo carried ·.u ... 1r·
u a news story by The R9tl
Spartan, San Jose state's stu· . dent publication.
The matter was Introduced Fare Boost · as the committee consider.ed
275 E. 17th ST.
· new guidelines for college
LOS ANGELES (AP) -The · pubileations. ll{ax Rafferty, RCA-ZENITH SALES
!OVER 12 YEARS OF DEPENDAILE SERVICE) Yellow Cab Co.. w h I ch . state superintendent ol. public
operates In Loi Angeles under instrucUon, termed publication'===========~=======; . .
~1~a~~c~~.;:!t· : ' Of the article ••mten." _:
a hike In Its basic fares.
The proposal, which now
goes to Mayor Sam Yorty, was
passed by the council 11-3
The company argued that
the boost woold permtt It to
raise the daily wage for
drivers from •11 to $22; this
wou1d attract more drivers,
resulting Jn faster respoDU
and generally improve serv·
jce, It waa stated.
The compat:ty wants the
starting fare to begin at 60
cents, Instead of 50 cents,
Under the proposal, the meter
would jump ten centa every
one and one-third minutes. At
present. the meter clicks off
another dJme every t w o
Yellow Cab also ta seeking a
20-cent.-per-mile surcharge on
trips to cities eight or more
miles from Loa Angeles. '[
A spokesm"1 aafd the rate
boost would increase revenue
by an estimated '250,000 an+
nually. Also affected would· be
th~ABC TransPortation Co., a small Independent.
Man Held
In 2 Deaths
year:-old state highway depart-
ment maintenance foreman
was booked for investigaUon
of murder in the ·Slaylnp of
two fellow worken Monday.
Robert. W ll 11 a m a , Mid·
diet.own, WU l)oapltaJized lfith
a leg wound and placed under
pollce guard at Redbud Com·
munlty Hospital
The: dead are Joe Tallman,
llO, and Stanley Gordon, 46,
both of Middletown.
Old World
Spanbla Furniture
'.1'0 (:HOO.SE FROM
Items ., follows: GOrgeo111 custom quilted sofa with .. ~role pillows
with lleavy oak trim decor ind m1tchin9 lovo ·seal, 3 matching oak oc·
cHional tables, 58" tall decor1tor lamp, hanging ch1in sw19 la,mp, ao
a .. piece king iitt mtster bedroom suite, paneled Medit~r•l'l••.n sty~
with top qu1lity 15 years warranty king size malress and bo1 springs.
Spanish dining set, 1tc.
COMPLETE HOUSEFUL :~t .... " · $1$.28.00 .,
opening friday, november 28th
sorry for lhe delay
Tj~L 1970
' .
The new service will operate
via Ami.rillo, Tex. West of
Barstow trains will operate to
Los Angeles via S a n
Bernardino, Riverside and
Fuller\on. Tbey will feature
hit:h-levtl chait cars, sleeping
cars, dlnini and dome-lounge
Another employe, T o m
Roberts, told police Williams
talked with the pair at the
nmlntenance office early Mon-
day, walked out, returned with
a .30-30 rifle and began shoot,.
fadlities .
Colleges Must Watch
Campus Publications
LOS ANGELES (UPI)' -ded that he was "a little up.
Knits for men and Doys
"le crocodile"
; ....
Now Available
Order now for
The state college board of ti1ht" at the thought of a
trustees hu ordered college homosexual organlialion on
presidents to Police student his campus.
, ..
publicaUoos in the w•ke of an Discussion of the article,
article In the San Jose State which State Superintendent of
College p 1 p e r ~clog Public Instruction Dr. Max
estahliahment of a bomolexual Rafferty c a 11 e d .. rotten," 'l'O~=:OUR • club. preceded appro'lal of 1 0
n,..._ l"'n"'n" ', --·"T.AlnOGM11111DQCP't The lcllon Monday ·follow<d gu;dellnes for campus papen K'VY'VK'U V ·--an •lll'Y qi1e111on from eatablilbed by the trustees' ,.. "l ck1nqen .,,_ Dodky S-of educaUonal policy c:ommlttee. lOQen v ... 1 K Carmel Valley who uked AC· The guidelines call for the
Ung San Joae P re s I d e n t distlncUon between facts and "'~ ~. ('/J J .. -I Hobert B11m1: editorial Cll>inJona, the avoiding t/ff. T!JlllQU)lf "Are you ruMing a cesspool ol "deliberate panderlnt: to
""' up there!'' vicious lnst.tncta," and the
7 fashion island , newport b.eoch • 6#-5070
bankamericard master charge
., SENIOR CITIZENS' BUII;DING Bunui aald he thought the serving ol the general welfare
, ··~~~~~~~__:I~Slh~AN~D~!R~VlN~E:,~N=E~WPO~R~T~BEA~~Clf~~~~~~~~~~story~·~w=u=·~legi~U~m~a~~' =bu=t~a~d·~~ol~t~he~co~Ueg~es~·===--~~_!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~:==:::::===::::"::::=:~' 11~ ' •
·• A C stereo103FM
.. r.
.,. . .. -. -.. ' -, . • ••
' --
the sounds of the harbor
J=::dS~~youve never heard it so good
I ), " IJ
.... __... .. ... ·;--;-... ... ... -. -···r-..=-·~ -' ~ . ""~ ....... ..
I DAil y PllOT
Glortetu S.tire
'Luv.' in Top Form
At San Clemente·
'Invitation t:o a Murder.' '
Musty Mystery Thriller e INDS TO"l•MT e
Of rtlt ,...... .... lteff
We gol some tong, bafned
look> from paSiln& motorlslS
Thursday night as we drove in
gay a.baodon from S an
. Clemente t9 · Sa'"n\a .Ana and
this review will, perhaps.
assure a few astonished
freeway users that the driver
of the diminutive British bug
was n<>t addicted to drink,
drugs or any other dissipating
They could bardly be blam-
ed for their curiosity. It's not
very often that you see a lone
driver on a busy freewa y
A C'O'IWd.,-by Murr1r Scl\151111. di·
rlCIH bl' Akh1rd Allder"°'1, prQef!ltd
br 1111 San Cl-nte Communlll' Tiit•·
11r Tllul'ldoln lhroullh S.turdll'I until
Otc .• II llW C.bf111(1 Pll,houH, 202
A...,. Clbflllo. S.n ClemenlL
Mrn ~1119 .................. ellb Moe
tlle!I Ml!WU11P .............. K1ren Moe
Hlrrt ••rlln ............ Goroon H•rrll
throwing his helid back to guf~
raw every 100 yards or so
while wiping away the tears of
joy with a free hand that
ahouldn't, io that doubtful
driver's particular case, be all
that free.
It could well have brought a
curious highway patrolman
alongside and our only im-
mediate and possible comment
would have been "Luv.''
That's hardly the way to avoid
a traffic citation but it's all we
were capable of at that lime
in the aftermath or a
deliriou!ly funny evening's
"Luv'' il was indeed and if
we'd been maimed in a traffic
accident )Ve would have listed
Karen and Bob Moe and
Gordon Hanis as defendants
in our personal injury suit.
They and the San Clemente
Community Theater that put
them on in Murray SchisgaJ's
glorious satire were fully
responsible for sending us
home in a condition that
perslsls tOday in the form of
sore aides and a deplorable
La Rosa's ".
On Radio,
Not Humble
tendency to giggle -even In a
J1ushed courtroom.
We're stl.U reliving many,
many lines of that tremendous
Schisgal script and s t i I 1
relishing their reading by a
trio that adapted i t s e I {
remarkably well and with ut-
most dedication to a, let's face
it, demanding vehicle -the
magnificent Moes and the
equally capable Harris.
They overcame a slow start
-they'll have to do something
about that -to get the au-
dience roaring io appreciation
at what just has to be one of
the most brilliant comedies in
today's show bu sines s .
Messages in abundance, of
course, ·a Ja Schisgal, but
nothing to stand in the way of
your enjoyment of a madcap
piece of theater that sent a
capacity, opening night au·
dieoce chuckling all the way
You'll gel no plot here and
our suggestim Is that you do
yourself a big favor by hitting
the road to Nil:onville and·get-
llng It first band. But try this
precis on your ,taste buds for
pre-show size:
Pl.lit 1oves Linda , he's tired
of wife Ellen, sav~ buddy
Harry from suicide (several
times) and pusheS him into
Ellen's arms; Ellen falls for
Harry after showing him sex
chart of Milt's m a r i t a 1
performances (what a riot of
a scene that is), divorces Milt,
marries Harry and so sets
scene for Act Two.
Ralph Bellamy, a 40-year ac-
ting veteran, is the only
member of the cast of ''The
Survivors" to get out alive.
They killed off Ralph. in the
!Olh episode, They kllle!l'of tbe
show shortly thereafter.
Just as well. Lant Turner.
George Hamilton and'ihe r~
or the cast bas been put of its
Happily, Bellamy bad·a COii·
tract that allowed him to bail
out early. He signed on know-
Jng his character -Baylor
Carlyle -would die before the
Christmas holidays.·
"I had a deal for nine shows
with an option for 10,"
Bellamy said, ''So I knew 1
wasn't going to be around very
Jong. Too bad . I liked working
with the company.''
He was prudent in making
no comment about the series
itself which dealt witp a snarl·
ing pack of millionaires.
What baffles Bellamy is the
BACK TO BRIDGE means of his death.
Back to the bridge and a "For some reason my pass-
convenient river that ii the ing on the !how is Dever ex·
recipient of Milt (several plained," he said whimsically.
times) as he tries to im· 1'l don't know whether I'm
plement a plan to dlspose of sup-posed to have a strok e, a
Harry who has Jost Ellen's heart attack or it I 'm
favor and who s.tands in the murdered.
way of a Milt wbo .is slCk ind "fn the 10th episode I'm
tired of the once luscious Lln-seen alive. In the 11th I'm
da. We are told that Linda, dead on the floor and everyone
who would come oUt with very in the cast is made to look
high ratings on a . sex guilty of murder.
performance chart, does noth--."I imagine it would have led
ing but lje in bed 1r.1d eat to a big C<IJl'troom bl.We in
bonbons all diy, a a!tuatibn future segments of the
that does not sit '!f.FU with series.~ Milt.. ·, -· 1 ' Actor Bellamy11 demiae oo
But all this ts acComp1lshed the show gives some meaning
through a glittering dialogue to its> title. 1boee who remain
that is. alas, interrupted all -for better or worse -failed
too frequently by a helpless to survive.
audience -but then you can Ralph is now 65 years old
hardly blame them for that. and lays claim to five firsts in
Miss Moe, particularly, draws television. He was the first
every ounce of 7.any humor star to do a (1) Jive {2) weekly
By PATRICIA E. DAVIS from the Schisgal script with {3) dramatic show (4) or half·
her uncannily geared adap-an-hour (5) on a network.
01 IM 01t1r f'illl Slafl
If you enjoy watching
television after 1 a . m • 1
chances are you'll enjoy
''Invitation to a Murder'' at
the Huntington Beach
This musty mystery is a
prototype of all the overplot·
led whodunits of the late
thirUes and early forties~
which somehow managed to·
keep their audiences
fascinated at the loca l Bijou.
There are •more twisls and
turns than the road to Big Sur.
Borrowing its plot from
Shakes~are, Rufus King's
story Centers around a
Tryouts Set
Open readings for the com-
edy "Generation" by William
Goodhart will be held Sunday
and Monday, Nov. 30 aod Dec.
l, by the San Clemente Com-
munity Theater.
Tony Br8':ldl of Irvine, cur-
rently staging "Harvey" in
Fullerton, will direct the com·
edy of a pair of dt>-it-yourself
prospective parents and an up
tight father. The cast calls for
four men and one glrl in her
early 2(1's.
Tryouts will be held al 1
p.m. Sunday and a p.m. Mon-
day at the Cabrillo Playhouse,
202 Avenida Cabrillo, San
Clemente. The play is schedul-
ed to Ope"J Jan. 22 for three
NEW YORK {UPI) -Six-tation to the role of the on-off The series was ''Man B T
teen years have passed since wife who finally puts her en· Against Crime" which ran for raSS lO Our
Julius La Rosa's spectacular cyclopedic knowledge in sec-five years and was beamed
on-camera dismissal from the ond place to sex. from a third-floor make-shill HOLLYWOOD (UPI)
Arthur Godfrey Show for what Full marks to director studio above Grand Central Herb Alpert and The Tijuana
Godfrey said was his "lack of Richard Andersen for a fast· Station in New York City. Brass will make their first
humility." paced (with the exception of A warhorse in television, concert tour of Europe this
Have the years mellowed that dreary opening) play. Bellamy has as much stage winter, visiting G e rm an y ,
and "humbled" La Rosa? And an extra round of ap--and movie experience behind Austria, Sweden, Denmark
p!ause for a tremendously him as any man in Hollywood. and England.
"Never !" stated the singer energelic Bob W.:oe (will Moe But none of his background::::=========::;[
with vehement emphasis. survive nine nights of his fully prepared him for ''The
La Rosa. in an interview. breathtaking exuberance?) Survivors." Only One
said he holds no grudges over and a beautifully cast Gordon ;'Basically, the idea \Va s a Final slocks In all hOm! tdltions.
th e incident which, while it Harris. good one for television," he That's a big d!al? It Is in Orange
thrust him into the limelight, "Luv," we love you. Stick hedged. "I'd really like to say counly. Th! DAILY PI LOT is the
"really didn't help my career. around the county, baby, something ruce abou t it." only daily nrwspaper that drliv-
stay around a little longer, so
she engages the services of a
poor young doctor {there were
.some of them around 'lo those
days) to slip her a mickey of
the sort Juliet took to feign
death. '!be doctor at first will
h4ve none of jt, but his sense
of ethics does a sharp about
face -to the point where he
convenienUy neglects to bring
her back to life.
Ted Grandke comes off i
quite well as the other
nephew. a foppi sh scoundrel
who infuriates bis brother with
his limp-wristed manner. Pat
McLemore as the lawyer
pursuing lhe heiress i s
generally just as he is describ--
ed, a homespun wooden In-'
dian, in his performance as
Miriam Kaiser offers a
breath of fresh air, although
she is there for no other
reason than to provide an jn-
lllCWfOlf IU.CM -M IM ff-.. 1"'911., lMe W. -OL MUI
.. ,., ........ ,._ .. ,
''Thal's my point of view," we've got this thing about you He thought for several rrs the package.
he explained. "For the publici·[;~an~d~i~t~w~o~n·~t~le~J~go~.~N~o~l~ev~en~in~~m~ln~u~i.~s~a~n:d~th~e~n~c=h=a~ng:•:d~Jh=e~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~11 • ty value, my fame or infamy,[ that hushed courtroom . . • subject.
was good. But from the point
of my personal and pro-
fessio nal development, it was
the worst thing that could
ha ve happened. Because it put1
me in the spotlight during my
developing years, I w a s
deprived of the blessing or:
learning anonymously." I
La Rosa, in a move rather
unique for a singer, last April
wenl to work as a radio disc
"My manager decided 1
should take the offer," he said
of his daily I to 4 p.m. pro-
gram on WNEW radio in New
York. "It turned out to be Ule
most fortuitous thi ng i n
retrospect. But I wonder -I
probably wouldn't have taken
it had it not been for my
manager's counsel.''
"The hardest thing aboul1
the job was for me to adapt
myseU to speaking witltout ex·
pectinl to get an answer. But
t love tbe cotit.fort and ease of
it. J enjoy the freedom to be
pretty much myself."
La Rosa, who haso't given
up singing -his latest record,
"Where Do I Go" from the.
rock musical "Hair" i~ cur-
rently on the music ('l1arts -
admitted that he will oc-
culonally play one -of his own
records on his show. "but I
confm to a certain bit of em-
barrassment about it."
opening fridey, november 28th
sorry fo r the deloy
fo r
men ond boys
7 fo1hion islond, newport beoch • 644-5070
bankamericard master charge
Greoory Peck in
P""Y Diil•
WED., 1 P.M,
M ...... At''•
La Rosa, who looka far
yaaqer than his 39 years, said
hit tdnt a a d.isc jockey is clwlPI bis aullook OD m.,ic,
"llefan .-1n1 a DJ, my
ructian to current music
styloa hid bee! rel1Uvely ntr-
row -I wu a ballad m11n.
But ,_ I !lite tbe rocll oovndl
more Ind more. ne old atuff
I! bqionhlg lo IOUllll ralhor
da~... ~----------=----.... -----'""'!,~-..:-..------l 'L-------~~-" A411lts 11.tO CMhl 10;,
a IPGllll odJU.,,
t !!:xottlc:• cot" dilly "Ool\I
051 ~m ~"':i:"' ~" -..11i.b11 11 c·o'fliHi'/~1'tt;e ~'Jlfl.._•cl mut1.11F 111e"c:1r, &: 1 I l..1uerty ticket •o-nc e
'"""" SOUTH COAST ·F--
COlll'OllAllOll San DJeco Freeway at Bristol • 546-27J2
While Our Astronouts
Are · Going to the Moon,
"JOURNEY (with us)
. iaow JOD Clll Sii
anythlq yoa wan!
COLOR by Oelu~i! Untied Al'l1111
Call 673-6260
For Jnform1tion
Jol'lfl w.,,., "eek Hlld\On "THI& UNDEFE.lTIEO" (A!
Grf90ry Pin;k AMt Ht~wood ''T HI: CHAIRMAN" IMI
Mf .. lmllll•n Stllln Oi111e IJker "llllAICATOA" (GJ
''IUNO If lltlOHT WATlll".
Ario Otiltltle "A.LIC!f'$ 11.ISTAUltANT" UJ
Jlqllfll .. IBlstlt "TIMa l"lllST TIMI,. (Ml
_.,,........""' ........
~ ~®'~
~-l)(.tllfill("6!K~Oll· llOM;tll.Ol'
medium cool
® ttdrOcob/d P<'fdt!IOJ'lt pictl,rt
t....._i ~WOii ,...._ AH AU1£D AITJSTS)rtM
._ ... ,..~~~
~ .... ... n ..... ,..,
'• .
------~-------- -----------------------------~ -¥ - -• - -• --·-.¥ -~-~--~------,--------,-----·
futsday, Nowmbtr 25, 1969 ..
DEATB 11/0TICBS •B.u'B 11/fflCES LEGAL· N011CE
DAil V "lDT 9 !~
ltwlt •rocttW&y &lndW, • Clln
Drive. Lt11o1111 SIKll. DI .. Clf 111m11.
Nl\I, ,._ lllrvlWll' 1W ......... , •Wiit
I . 1111. Clf 1"1"11 f.tlltllillh I.
TfttlOr, 1-tlf StYI ft'tl .,...,.u, *'"' four!-· .,.., .. ,tn«tll.-.
hrvlclf wlll M lltld W.._.,y, I
,M, hcltle Vltw a--t, wllll lllw. Elli~ l . Rld'llNllll otfltltll111,
l1111rnmt11t. Mtllilltum of fflt PICffk,
Cll'tctM lw '•clflc Vltw Mottwl!'Y. SUND8TRAND
CIClrot!W ·-lunfltnM. ..... ,., ., '1ff Minot II,, COflt Mtwl. Otlt .r
O..th, NOY. )4. SllrvlvM '" lluttllnd.
Llndtflr -· 61H C•rv. ,,, Oltndtltl Mtlllts. Mt, ll'ld Mn. UW Mlli..
Coll1 M11t1 '""" •nn«Nltll'lll, or1vHldt wvlclll wm llt lltlf ww. NldfY, f P~ it• Hl11~ C..,,...,,.,
lltll ll'ltdwor ~"" Dlrtclort. $WEETING
I ~ Ludlle IDhlll) .... , ........
t ~ .. -o1'0:..~ :::~-:." .:::.·
b'I' l\vtbtnd, l!dwlf! L. lw.tl!W'
dtll9flftr, ......... w. '-""'· of 0 ..... 1., -· ll. !!. L. ,_, .... 111. lln'tot. Mil lnlti'll'llllll tlflvtM. ,. • .,,,
llY ~It tflolt Wlll'lllll _,, !Mte eOfltrlbllll-to fht or-Cwfll'I HMrt fund. hH• Mort111rv. IS20 1.
C011t Hltl'lw1r, Ofrtetor&.o ' THOMAS
Wml1m LtroY Tllomt., Att a. of m C_,... St,. C-'t Molt. Ollt of
""""· Ho'ftl'llbtr' n. lvrYlvtd b't" w111, JKOUl1Ynl tllret Mn.. WHtl1m Jr .•
ttot:itrt Ind I~. tll ol (Mii Mlltl
'""""' hrN,. Thoml" HullllfttllOl'I thclll ft.Ur tl11tr1, knk:t SIT!llti.
C•I• Mtwl Mtrlol\ A.rd tM '"'"-Ttfttte. bolt> ot Loi An*lts1 lwllilr.
Lt.,..._rt, HunllMton IMChl -"""• Mn. Elllt Tllon'ltl. C.0.11 NltN, $ef'v-
lol1 -lltld fldty, Tlllldtr, 1 LIM.
ltll 8f'Olllwt'f oi.tt. w1ttl ~""· L, V, T.,_ o11'1dtllfll, ll!ltmltnl, Htl'llOI"
RHt Mtmotlll l'trt. f'ttnl!Y llllMttll
t11oM w1Mlne ,....y mtkt 1"fllrlllll-
t1ont to tht elclod 111-rch ll"Ulld. 0 .1!.V. Offk:t, 1+o11 M-'al ...,._
pllol, In mtll'l«Y of Wlltllm • L.
Thom••· .... •rMlfw•Y MOl'lutrr,
'Spy' Case
• Ill
··-CllTI•ICATI Of' (OlN«ATIOlll ,.. Netle:* It .. ,.. •lwn ffl•f '"* l"•llu None• 01' Tltll11'1•'1 SA\.• caltTll"ICATI o• COIHllATION llOlt
Irvine Prof Hits -'
°""""'*" pf '"" Clti< ttf , .. ,. ,,,.. w!u H .. 0 nm TitANU.CTION 01" •UllMllJ lU.HSACTION °' •USINlll UNOll htld , ~ -ietlorl Of Vl'IC1'fft<IH , UNOll PICTITIOUI fill.Ml
P*CTITIOUI MAMI Mt*°"6f ~ efl '-""*'V• ....,,....., On OfOtlTIOtf :t. Ifft, 11 tJ• O'CIOdl THI UNOEll:l lGNIO COl~1ac)N
,.1'4E UNO,ElllONaO COlt~IV.TION :o.~·o.:~·1~f .. 1F~r: oc:r~~ = ~ ... ~;;.:' t::n:""'~':~-::..:. ":i dolt...,.,,.. CMllN tMI If b <dlltffflf •
doft _. '*11rv hf " It COl'llluCllll' • Mtw lht 21» b1D01. et Wttt Sl.11111 ..,..,, Ill r;u-• ~.. •I or.-1 "'°'• 11u,1._. lottttd 8f '61 W. 17ttl SI., llclf. Tf\lj nttlcll ..._ "°'l'tlltllf flt tl(flenl hnt• AN, Cellflwfllf, hcYrlh' f'Klfle Cl loi'ftl1 tllt' flclll9'd _I"" -
»,. CO.II MtM..I C.llhlm~ undtt' tM ti(. '21t .,., Jfn If '"' MuriklHi coo.., ,.,. H1tloMI ....... -~ .notnfitd '"""' 'Ii'!" . fi]E IE ~!!.JUl"ll'l..Y tit!-fl"" 1111""" 1111.A.S·TECM •nd'ftltf Clt't' .. C•M ,._, C•llfonilil. ijfldlf' ,,.. .... ., "wt Otled""" .. ,,.. L~rn,' ~~~ \ip;;;-;,,~
Mid flrtft ll ~ ,."!, IM1 ,.':'llr«tnt. It, I. Htltl • mlldt bV Lit I.. I(.,_-tlld .. rN<• J, II.ct ti """nttt It If fotlowt;
oor-•llO!lo .,... fll'w .... N ..,.a Chi" ol' Poll<e KoMtr, rKotclN • IM't 2t, lHl. In 11111111 . "'[Ni ... llt't S.lant lllC., Mlntw It .. ffllewtt l"Ubll•llt<f OrtnM CNJt D•llY Plkll, MlS. ,. .. M .t Oftklel' l;tcO"* 111 11w 01~ •· CWI Inc .• MO w. 171fl $!., ..... ». NOWl'l'Mr ts. '"' ·~ otlk• ot ,.,. c°"""' lttoonMr ot (Wltlff WI ' h•NI !Ill• ltrfl ,,,., ..
CO< MeM C 11• • -.. "'"" HO'l'frn ' ' w1TNtss 1t1 .,.,,.. ttil• 2~11 cttY ot , •nAL N-CE COU111Y. • r11 • .. y r .. ton !Coa'°iv.re SEAll ....,..mw lHf' .....,u via In 1111 Nrl'l'llnl or HrtormllM.t ol' 1111111-~""i"' lttll...,. $floM Ill(.
Biblical Teaching
Oltlllo.lr ........
IRVINE -A state Boord of
Education dec!•Jcm IO ~ve lho
hibllcal venloo ol man Im. uon equal' atteotloo with
evolulion In .im-tary -
-bu brougbl ..
angry -from a UC l~ profeuor.
Dr; Ralph W. Gerard •. biolOllY profeaor and d<an of
the Graduate Division, says
evolution ls as much a fact as
aloml and gravity.
· "Should a sclentlfic course
on reproduction aho mention
the stork lheory?'' he asks.
Dr. Gerard ts the senior
bloloclat of an advllory ITOOP
that -guidelines for publlaben of public ICbool
'!be state board bu amend·
ad the report, onlerlng that
evolu~on be taught as theory
Instead of fact and that the
biblical version of the ortitn of
l.lte be included In classroom
ldence lnltrucllon.
Dr. Gerard, who is a
member ·or the N atl.onal
Academy of Sdences, and
other members of the advbory
group who ,...te the audelJnea
have Indicated they Intend to
.......,.,. their authonhlp of
the a-page documeot
Mirlt ktwnl'llou ll011t SKllrtd f!lerflw, • Netl« OI Df.. ollfl , PrOl,lf
Prutdllll ,..,... ,,..,u .-11te11on .. "" u,..... Dffd " ~I' _
STATE OF CA\,IPO•MIA. Cl.TIPICATI °" IUll•ISS Tr"'' ll••lnl "'" ncor<I., • lll'O•idtd ~Ttm 0 1:sa~·~ .
COUNTY Of' OltANGE, p. .-.icttTtoUt JIAMI lot by 11w •nd ,.,.,. ttwn """ ""'"'" :9!n ti\ I 1a111 cltY " No1.tmllw A.0 On 1111$ 24th dtY of Novtll'lllff, AO. TM lllllllrtlllMd dolt Clffl,., M h ~ 11.1¥11111 tltr>M<ll tlflCI tllCll ~,..!Ion. lit'' t ~ t Noltrv •vtillc: f11.tNi
Ifft. ~· -Mtr¥ K. Htnr¥ • Nottrv dVcl \l'lf • W1l11ni ,, t•71 lt HI,...... wm "" ,, ll'!lbllc: tuel~ lo "" ,...,..., ~, ,_,y tlld a .,., rMICllnt Pllbllt; 111 tl'lll fllf Wlf (oun ..... tlllll Sltlt• Aw.. Ltlllllt Nltvtl fW', C:tlltorlllt , blOdtt' tor CMI! NVtbll In llwf\11 "'°"'' r. n, ~lllV ="l~rr.' Ind en•
,..lcllllll ffMlrtkl. d111't ~lnloMG tllld 111\ftt !ht flclll*'-ti"" nome ol•ot 111t Ufllltd SltlK of AITltl'kt tt llmt 1':™""1to 1:'t~ '~"fj''M~ II tWOl'fl. NOOl'ISll't t_..rtd ~rtl kllmlf· KITllANll INVl!ITMINT COM,OANY ot 1tli, wlll'IOlll mvtnenl or w•'1'tnty tl· Hr:.?on tllflt t-9(111 1'111 "'"wtlh'!'n em:
i... ~ to ,,,. to tit llW Pr111111M Ill •nil llwll ••Id firm ~ corn-.d ot !!It itrtUld fl' lm1111td 01 to 11111. _,...Ion Jtn.llfl<tnt "" lltllllf 111~'""'
!!It corMf'lllon tlltl t •IQllM !!It within followll!ll .. ,.,, wtloM ntmt In fl.Ill lllllll OI'" tll(llmbrll'l(f" tl'lt 1nt1t"I OllllWYtcl """'!~~~ :n:..i • ~llC!f!! to me IMtrvrntnll 9ll Wlllf 01 !tit CotlllOl'tllofl itltCI of rtsldenee It ti lollOwl! lo tlllll now Mid bV It u,,..., .. lcl cllell Of ltl~I wn;;,...~t ••r:.;.Mt;u&tmt, ,....,.in """'"° tf111 teknOWltdlfd to 1111 Jtlwl Kllll1nl1, 24'11 U Klf'moM I I llllll lo tllt tlroittrly In OrtMI n r_,, I NW nlo Mf 11\tl tu(ll c:-.:.,IOll ,•=~:::,:::i ~:r;, LN-:!'.'11.N~;:.1• Ctltlwnlt. ~rifr.n Sltll ol (tUlotllLt, dtKTlbecl .. : ~ "::: ·~~"::c'111~y ~~r~r.·1,r,,,
In WI"-l'ld tttllc.d "'y tl'flcltl Mil ftll Jollfl ICllllllllt Lot 4' of Troe:! -In 1111 (tty of .0.Wt wl'llltll. :~ ~,:y:.r In fllh (ll'lltlcti. tlral 11:1oYt Sit,. of Cllltorfll1, Or-C011nty1 = !~~.:!.-:; ;'~ == : ISIALI~,.., I( Ht~N Wl'llttn. On N1111tmti.r 21, INI, blfOf'I mt. 1 llt M9M 1 Ille Ilk .. ii'lt ollrY >ub!I C111fornlt iOFfl(IAl SEALl Nol1N ,llllllc In afld frot Mid Sltlt, ~~~':" .. 11:1 Cou.:r o 1 r!nclHt Ofl ce-ln
Merv I(, Htlll"t Hrton1ltr tllflll~ JOhn Kllllt11\1 k-,.,~ ••It 111111 ti. mMle 10 "Y tlM ''""'· CovntY Noll!"!' p11b11c<1lltotnlt to rn1 to M 1118 "'IOI! wflOtl Nrnt 11 ~It "'11-rtd bv llld dttd of trllll 'I C~IHIOll E>ullrei
,,lnc;IPtl Oflle. In !~::!':..'.: ~~•x=~ ~;':'.~"' '114 ln~1U:i:'11iec~1 .. fen ind llCPll'llff ot Publ[jhtl · Jt_,:,ncoa1t D•llY l'llof, Ortritot Ctunty E I (OFFICIAL SEAl) • lru1IH tfld of tM lru•I crtllled by 11111 H~ 11, is, 11\d Drcemblr l. t. Mr Comml1110n :u ru drtd ot tr11111 tll 1um& txHllded' ulldtr lfff "".ff N1111ember ''· 1''2 iltitpll J. Klttien t~t 11trns ot ••Id attd al tN1t, not tlltn Pvbll111td Ol'fi\H Coa1t Dlll'I' ,Ollof, Noll•r Pllbllt; ,..,tldl 1114 ,,,»Cl,N rrrn11n11111 HlflCIPlt LEGAL NOTICE
Nt111tmbet " tnO Ott;tmbtf' t. '· "· Sl•I• of C•tllotnlt of "" Miii IKU"" bv ••Id llttO of lt'\lll, 1-------------1"9 211Mf Prlr1tlPtl Ollltl In wllh !nl4rftt fl'Ofl'I Mfiy 1. lKt 11 In 11td Ort,... <9unlV noll llrovldtd P.Uitt
My Comml1slon EMPlr~' 0 "'Noveinber f It.It CIRTO'IC.l.TI 01' IUllNl.11 Jt11. IL 111' I • · LEGAL NOTICE
PublllMd Ot1111)t Cots! 01l1r Ptlfll, ~~;°r<iltlTY ,ACIFIC NATIONAL ,ICTITIOUS NAMe
der therefore unto Ceasar the '4M5t Novembtt 2J •nci,Drctrnblr 1, t, 1•, '"' 1°"m.,'.11 SECUJltt'f Flll.$T Tht lllldtttt•ned 0ott c1r111¥.,.. It con-
thl "·t r •••• ' and •OCATI Oii' IUllNlll 21'1~ '''''''' O'"<, dYC:llllll t b\l'llnt» 11 11•1 ftlr!loutll, H11n• np w.. tre ~r I c1•T1 .. "" tlntlOft IHCh. c111fornla, Uftdtor tiw tic· unto God the thi. ..... that are ll'1CT1T1ou1 MAMI LEGAL N~ICE ., Tr111ttt 1111o1111 11r"' '*'"' of THE l'OIT MAiltt
God' (M I'~~ XXU 21) Tiii unde•1ltMli llOtf c1rtlf't llt 11 COflo v1 Bv Lewli W. Mc;Mu11l11 •nd llltt wld firm 11 com-.d « tM ltf. S. a l.ml'W : d11ttln• t lllllll\IU ti 1141 Pllt•ltn Or., ~ A»l"1111 Trull iltetl E1t1t1 11111lftt PfflOll, ~ n.me In fllll tnd
And the Supreme Court has COllt Mftt, Ctlll .. ~ ~El.°:L~~ Cl•Tl,ICAT• Oii' •UllNlll Olflctt' 4H05 Pleet of rtslcltnq II •• ftlliow.:
concurred. ::.~:TE~~~cE"'."0: ftltl Nld !ltlll 11 l'ICTIT!OUI NA.Mil Pub1l1hfd Or1nte Coasl tltllY ,Uot, H=t!n ~:.~~: IUI Ftlmouttt Ot ..
a , ,.,... I IM tollowlnt ptrtOn. w!1ot1 TM unctenltntd doel drtllY lie Is COii< Nov«nMr 11, U. U, l'6t 20IW' D led N tit IT lfff
"ln the cue of evolution, I c~ ru~i '"" Pitt• o1 rn1t1tr1e1 11 11 dllc1111g • t11r11ne11 •' 2M0 RonotolPh, eos11 sttt~ of c:111; ' kn f lb) ,..,.,. n Mew, C1lltornl1. lllldtr Mii flclllklul firm LEGAL NOTICE Ortnot County OW 0 JlO repons e person foUoJ~t E Clf!lll lr•tl Pltttlrn Or , 111,,,. of PACIFIC YACHTS MFG. CO., On NOii. 17, lfff, ~Ol't mt, 1 Nolirv who has examined t ti .. n • c ,11• ""' ' ind th11 t eld llrm 11 comPOHd o1 Ille ,, ••• " ,,. __ .... '''''· -·--••• ••· ¥ (otlt Mei•• • · lollowlnt penon, ..mo..1 n1,..,. In full t!'ICI P•nul "' "" -"' ~-..
evidence who questions that Otttd Nov. J•·c1'r:,'p 1111ce o1 mldtnce 11 •• follow.: IAJl.·JIJt ::r::,~:=.,,~r•:~T:U:.~ '::
s..-i"s arose by a conUnuins ',"',,..; 1•1 Or•ntt Coo.tnt~· Robrrt J. Wiik~. l"2U Ntwl'O•I Avr •• Cl•Tll'ICATI OLI OllCONTIMUAHCI •• wilhl' •-tr·-· ...... ···---~ $1•1• of 11 ,..n ' ' Tu1lln, Ctlllotnl•. •• ,,. .. ...,, ....,,.... series of .......... es from ~ Oii Ho .... mtltr t•. 1"'· btfore mt. I Olltd NOii. 3. 1'6t. QI' USI ANO/Olt AIANDOMMINT 01' IM 111.Cllltd Ille 1trn1. .,.._,'6 Noflr'I' P11blk Ill tM ler ltld Stitt, Robe t J Wlllcll ll'ICTITIOUS HAMI {0f!FtC IAL SEAl) cestral Onts. pel'IOfltllY 1~1rtd Jollft E. C•mP kroew1" $1tM OI Ct!l;otftit . Or1nte COi.iniy: J"" L. Jobtt "Tb' · •• f to mt to bl t!lt P'ntin wlloR ntml I bt 3. 1"9 btfor t 1 THE IJNDEllUIGNEO dO lltrebv ctr!llJ Naltrt P11bllc-Ctlllornl1 lS IS WI~ essence 0 IUtllcr!tlld to Ille wlltllft Instrument t nd N~ No;:~lc r Ill tNI 'for ... ?. ";t~tr, 11111, tf'IKllW Novtmblr $, lMf llMY Prlnc:IHI Offltl In
evolution and 1S as much a ldC,_1ed11d ht r•"urtd lht um•. ,.,...:.tly •-•red Robert J. w111ce ce••ed to do t11111""' 111\drr 111t 11c11110~ Or-• Coufl'IY
I.ct •• ···-· and gravity (OFFICIAL sEA," .. I kllCIWn to me lo lie tt\t "'"°" whol9 11,m nune of G .. G COMPANY •I "1S1 Mr COmrnlulon Eul .... .... WUI • JOHPll . VI n1rne h auto.c:rltlld '° !ht w!lhltl lfl. GollMrd. $1.11141 E. P.O. 80I! 1m. HUl'i' ,.,,.l'(h 1, lt1' Darwin's th.....,, a! tO the Noltr'I' Publlc:.C:1Hlo1nlt UTUfllll"I t114 tc:kr\OWltdltd 111 tltc:UTtd llnoton ll•tc:h. Ctllfornlt , whlcll llllllMU Pvbll•llld Or•llff (Nit 0.1~ Piiot, -~·-•· -of'' I ti h PrlnclNl Ollie• 111 Ille ume wts lorme•l'I tOll'lllOJed of tht tollowl111 NevtmDlr 11, U tnd Cite""'*' f, t, meui.iuuom evo u on as °''"" County (OFFICIAL SEALI ""°"'' wi'MMI nM!ft I" lllU tnd Pi.ct 1Nt tl:awt been supported by vmt as-Mv cornmlMlon l!x•lrt$ J_,i. e. 01vl• of rHlclt'f'ICt '"''follow-. 10-wn:
I J11nt fl, \t10 lo Not1rv P11bll c·C tllfornt1 Gtor11t G. tnd Dorothy E. T\'.>ol>UI, LEGAL NOTICE mounts of ev dence o ver the Publl1Mc1 Or•no• Co•ll D1llY Pl 1;• PrlnchNl Offlc• 1n 4412 Suitt Drive, Hunlll'ltlOll eetc11.1 _____________ _ centu"" Since jt W a S Novembtr 25 Ind December 2, ij11,.f Ortl'lllt Co1mty Ctlllorn1a. SANTA ANA - A santa Ana •Jed " 1Mt M~ Comml11lon E~plrt1 Ctrllttule '°' lr1nnc:llon of bll1lne1s l'·l4Mt •• uf lure h present • • • J\ltll 11. lt10 undtr lh• t boVt fkllll!WI """''· t nd •f· CliltTtl'lCATI Oii' IUllNISI compu .... r man ac r as "Arald sat'd lwo physo'ct'ans LEGAL NOTICE l'ubll1hed Dr•1111e co.11 oaur Pliot. r1d1v11 ot wtollullon 111trtot. ire on 111e ll'ICTlt•CilUI NAMI
Slid Gerard: ''Some things
should °'" be mixed. The
Bible ilseU enJolno man, Ren·
pu hed the b tton to the tune Vt:" ___ _:::_c_ ________ INovemMr 4, 11, 11. ,s, 1'6f :in.11,., In tht o111c1 o1 1111 counlY ci.rk of 8 u on the stale board, claiming or•1>11t C0<1ntv, u""'' tht Pf'OY!11on. ot Tiii ll!\der11tllld do c~t•tr ti!.., 1r1 , of $50 million in a lawsuJt Class Set ct11.T11"1cAt1 op 1u11Ntss LEGAL NOTICE kc11°" 1-466 o1 ·~ c;vu coc1e. ccwldue11no • 1)1111 ... u •• ,,., F11rv1-I scientific expertise, agreed JllCTITIOUS NAMI WITNESS -l'lll'ldl 11111 3rd dlY of Rd .•• Coil• ""W· Ctlllornl1, ul'ldlt 1111 =it~:' ~ftf~~de~ that eVOJUtion is Only theory. Tht ~llderilg~ I 0o <t~ilfV J.MYNo~~ l'IJISt NGlltrTl~~:::'o. 1'oohlll :~tl:'I~ ~II~: rs·~:S!i":il(~~ll=·
"I would trust mo.st physi· ~o;"W:::,. e!1 .... :.ir:-"Neweort a.tc11. IAilt 2ut OOO"olhv I!. TOGlllll Int ..,_.,, wtMse """" 111 1'111 w . their use in the manuf10-F s ciaos to do a -··-able J'ob o/ C•lltor~11, un11., 111e 11et111ou111rm Mm• ,. ATION 'ubnllled Drt1>11t coa11 011!Y "!lot, 01acr o1 ~kl•nce tr.•• tollowl:
I ' ..; .. 1 L or quares . ,.,......,., ot PEttlNE/JACOBY tnd th! t.tkl llrm ClltTll'ICATION 01' COit Olt NO\ltrnblr 11, 11, U tMI Decembtr t. WllH1m Wllll'I M11itr, Jr. •nd llllY 0 compet,ing ~pmen diagnosing and treating my 11 CVIJIPG-ol tllt lollowlno --· OQIN~ IUllNISS UNDllt 1Nf ,...., ,IQ MllLtr. IJ:ll Swtn Of' .• COlll Mnt.
Named 85 d efendant by body illnesses but not much wtiolt n.mtl In IUll 11111 lllKn ol , .. 1. PICTITIOUI NAMI ~!':":.1:¥-i.r 17, llff.
Microdata Corp. in the Cl··-In IJ•rmedlate beyond •i.i ... sa1' d D r. rd dtrlc• ,,. ,, 1o11ow1: kl .. THE UNl:IEiltSIOMEO CORl'OttATION LEGAL NOTICE WOlltlll'WlM Mllt1r, Jr, l'DIKICKL£ • SON .... 1_ is All .,...._.~ IM: 1.u ... , r • .....::ra Rober! Prrlllll, XIO Emert y, doll lllTttl~ ctttHY 11\lt It .. COlllfvctllll. """' Liou Mllltr
-Superior Court 8cuvn en aquart dancing will begin at I a physician hJmself in addiUon Lt911111 ltKll. CttlfornliSe ll'I SI ttl bu1IM'l of mtnulttlUrt tnel Ultl ol NOTICI TO CiltlDll'Olll S!llt o1 C11flttnl1, Ortlltl COu!llY!
Watclllf Mcirtalr1 L Shapiro, 38. of Anaheim, l p .m. "'-·•• .. In the Com· to bem' g a biologist Ned Joc:ob'f, • "°1 Wnt ven r ' i tren reu .... r,M ",.' ...... ,""', "'"'!!"°llj su,11t1oa COUltT Oft TMI On N1111embtr 11, 1Hf, btfw• '"'• •' ill. "~-u...... .. .. ~ • Btlboa, C1l 10r11 •· slr.n rtlll'V nt • '""'' ftt on r.onntC Nol•t'I' Pllb'llc In ind lot .. Id lltlt .. "1 E. 1'10o , ..._ .. -computer des I g n e r and munlty ft--·uon Center at The b 0 1 r d. 1 ppr 0 v e d 0111c1 Nowmbll' 21. I Ht w11M1• 11 11111 Go1t11,d, suri. Ii. '· o. STATI o• CALlll'OllNIA l'Oa __.1,., 1HHrect wimwn Winn Mllitr • ••• ·--th Mlcrod ta fro n,e\;R:G • ltobert ,.,Int eo-u11. H11ntl110lon lttdl. C1llforftl1, THI COUNTY 01' OIUMOI , ..... -p M•I• ·--·---engineer WI a m the West gate of the Orange guldehnes giving dual at· Ntd J1cob'f 1nldlr 111t 11c.1111out firm n1m1 ot G ~ G M•. A ... 11, .:·· i:, '"' ·;,,.: w~ "';;'"",..,.. .. ;;:
• March JMa unW last Oct. 29. County Fairgrounds. tentlon lo evolution and ~~~~ t:!~~nie ~:!:t:;:; ~':!i 1r1!1 ;~nc1:e'r p::c,••: ei1111 of WILLIAM JASON CALL is. :':r:!'l:'o:: ,:!':v :~~·:,~'1:i'.ui:,•: tn11 BALTZ MORTUARIES Microdala alleges that Shapiro Sponsored by the Costa special creation are to be used 0n NaYtm1"1 • 1
21• :•t;...be'=1~ Ti~~· 1>111!M•• 11 '' 1011ow1: 1110 •-n •• w. J. CALLIS .,,.. (DFF1ci1.1. seA1.i • ~-d I Mar OR MUI ged in "millions of M I De b blish th Noltr'I' Pub c " • rod TOOl'llll ComotnY. I~., 141]1 Golhlrd, WILL IAM J CAl L15, Oec111td JOit~ E D VI '-'W-• t was enga esa Recreat on partment, Y PU ers as ey prepare ,..,.ont11v tPPf•rld 1to1>trt Peri: ~~ Sult~ E, P.O. •o• un, Hunlll'lttOl'I NOTICE is HIHU:Bv Gtvl!·N ,0 111e Not•,., Pitiii~.l.iHornl• CoJta Mesa Mf l-24lf dDIJlfS WOrth" Of computer the CJaSS JS open to. all perS0'.18 texts for Science adoption& for Ned JKObV ~-IO .,... i:!c lbtd 1! Beacll. County Of Ortnt~. ·' Sttle ol C•edltor1 of lhe 1bove n1rnecl IH<tdtfll Ptll"Cl~I Df'lfct 111 ' hi I C JU · bH _Ai. peraons Wl'M:>M MlnU 1" 111 ' C•lltornlt . Illa! 111 pe•S(lnl htvlng c!1lmt 111lni1 1~ D••l'lll• CO\ll'lh e research during s emp Gy• with 12 lessons or more under a orrua pu uc M;.11ools. 1t1e w!1Mn 1n11rvmtnt ,,,., 1cknowlec1ie11 Dtt..a: NO¥tmber '· 1ut. 1110 decedent ••e reoulred 10 11ie 11mn, MY COl'ftmlulon E1tt1lret
ELL BROADWAY ment and was entrusted with a their bells, and offers an The new books for grades thtY r •«uttd trie ,.,.,.. (CORI'. SEALl wnn tht necnso11rv vO\/Cllera, In lh• cit11ct Junt 11. ,,10 8 . COFF IC1AL SEALJ TDOHtLL COMPANY, Inc. ol 11\e t!ert. of l~ aDOve enlll!ed covrl, or PVbllthfd Orinoe Cotti DlllY ,Olla!, MORTUARY great deal of bigbly secret portunlty to brush up on . ty one through four will be ID• M••lh• L. AP111tm•n I Geol'lt G. T00/1!11. Prtt!delll lo Present !hem, with !ht fttc .. MtV Novtrnber 11. 2$ ...... December '· '
111 ft--•n•, r -ta u-. d~•-enta"-. skillr. trodu......:i in September 197! Nottrv Publlc.(;il1torll 1 Oorot11v E. Tool'llll. vovcher1, to file vfldef"t!tned it Ille cltkn '"' ?tu..4 DLVIU~-.r '-'-i•-v....... ~I "C\I • , Prlnc;lptl Olflu In Viet Prnldant, of HAJIWOOD, SOOEN 1. ADKINSON, "°'1------------"'-
IJ • "'" Mlc:rodata asks that the For $1.00 per per and the t exts for grades five or111•• COVnlY 1 $TATE Of CAllFOltNIA NtwJ>Ort Center orrw, NtwllOrt '''""· LEGAL NOTICE ~ --·· halt Shap'-'s operation ........... ~uare ··--al' through ei' •ht .. -•• tembe Mv cornm!Hloll Ell;' ••1 COUNTY OF ORANGI I II C•lifornlt. wtllc~ It lflt , .. « ,,, bllllnnJ l '1,;VW~ UV ...,.v ""'I wua;c ~ 6" .;J!;:p r, •Jul\I' U, 1f10 Oii thl• 3rd d .... of Mowmblr, 1Ht, Clf 1111 11ncltra!gntd In tll malttrt lllf'• _
-·· of a rival concern and that cionadoc get I from 1972. Ltl'PGLD, MIM0•1tJOJI AND befort ""' • Nolll'T P11bllc m •rid tor ltlnlftt lo !ht tJllll °' ltkl dtctdtnl, "'1J
DILDAY BRO'l1IERll .~, f•..;_. empl-be bl..._ CIR e&SOl'll OtMIMOOlt, ,.,..._., Jald (ounty Ind llltt, NrMntlty tP. Wlltlln follr l'ftOnlf!Jo titer lflt flr&t Mlle:. NOTICI OI' SAl.I Oii' ltlN. PROHiltTY
\lft:1 .,. .. ..,. "I" •¥ two profe!lionaJ. inltructon:. U1 •nt Intl It., 141it. l it "1tlld Geonll G. Toollllt, Pf'ftldtnt •lld !Ion of ltll1 111tla. llQatlqtoe ValleJ: red from .... -· data ho •• c all the .1--A--Ctll• MtM. Callr. nw Dofothy E. Tool>IU, Vic:• ,.,..ldtnl ll110W11 0.ted N<WtmMr 7, It.It. AT ,IUVATI SALi ' u ..... ,. comt"il.er " a-c: wu~. J T ,ullllslMd Orll'IM Co.ti 0111'1 Piiot, 19 mt lo bt the f'tHldlftt ,al'ld Vici ,rHl· Mtrlorlt Er11ne C1tllt ... A ...... ~ ' evolved during hiJ employ• For more infona&tiO'J, call apan oll Nt111trnMr 2J tnd DKtmbtr' Z. •· ... \'.; dllll of Taohlll C01Y1P1nr, Inc. Of 1111 CO•· E1~utrhl of it.. Wtl! IU,ll;IOR COUttT Oo THO 11911 Badt Blvd lHt 21-· POnllon th1! e11ecvted t111 wlttllll '"' ol 1'11 •llove n~rnl'd d~1~1 • ment with them. ll34-S303. 1~=--_,=-=.,.,-::::;;;;;;;:;----l•lrumt!!I on btllttf ot "" (Ol'POf'ttloll NAltWOOO, SOOlM It AOICINION ITATI °' CALlll'O.NIA •POll
llaUqloo Beadt TOKYO (AP) -National LEGAL NOTICE itiere1" .,.1111c1. •nd IKIC-tN,ld to mt ""' Ofl1c1 ••~ 1"' '"' COUNTY Oii' o1tAir.01 lh•t well c«llOl'tlloll 111.cvlld !Ill Mmt. "'-" •-11, C1111. n"J llZ.'T171 BIBLE THOUGHTS police re-•ed 1-traff' 1w 111e WtTNl!SS mr Miid '"° 1111. Tth 111'1 ...,,,u In ti'lt' """'' or 1111 E1111t .. . ._ 11._ l""J~ w~ IC ,O\lbllC hltrln11 Wl~ bl rt:d 11 11'111 (OFFICIAL SEAll Aflll'flfl• lot' lllClllrl• EDWAlllO Y, POJl.TER, Dtc:rtffd.
• m:awlll fn apan totaled more (011t Melt ,;t•;n:l'll D ~rn ~~::': Miii, Btrb1rt I. l'hl!llpi Publls~til Or•ntt Coe11 Oillv Piiot, d Not.I:,, It tMrtby tj"'" llwll 1h• U""
PACIFIC VJ.EW ITDNAL PUNllHMINT it p'°portio•al than 14 000 in midweek 38 C11V H•ll, 1 ' r " ' -11 Mottrv Publ!t;.Ctl!lornll Novtml>or 11, 11, 2j ind Dtctmbfr 2 "" wlll Hff tr P'lvtlt 111t. °" °' • , C1f!fprnl•. II 7:30 Pm, or 11 Pr!rocipel Otllce 111 ,,.. 2uu..; afl"r !ht 211h dav of Ho¥t,.,,ti.r, ltff, et MEMORIAL PARK to knowlMt• ollll o,,ort1111ity. Jo1u1 1oid, clays earlier than last year -1lbll 1111r1•f1tr on Mondav. DtctmlH!r or1r.er cou11ty Ille o1uc1 of Gltfi A. Duke, 'Cl N. •••nd
• M-" tl t t whl h KNEW h'o lo•d'o The . · • !Kt M• c-m11110ll E11olr11 LEGAL NOTICE ltvd., Sul!1 110, Glend11t, C1n1orn1to Cem.,., f1 ··nt• ••r••• ' ' y predicted this year's toll ~ Rt9in11 .... the fo1iow1n1 •PPllc1t1on1• ~1• i:"1tn countr of Li;tS Antrelts. St•lt of Cbapd wlll -ntlthor did -h/1 wltl, 1htll b• WOUid be a record high pa~"-t. ltl!lOHI. P•TIT1ION N1nO . .,Rsf:"'tp;~ Publlihed Dr•noe Coiit Dill'I' ,11(11, C•lllorn!a, 11:1 Ille hltl'IHI t!'ICI kif bklder,
bttf111 with MAN'f 1trip11. 1111 h1 th1t • • g.;r Don Kon Com!llllY· nc.. ..., v Novtmber ll, IL ,J 1nd Oec1ml>!• 7 ,.m1• · 8nd 111~ttd lo (Ollllrll'llfloft ll't wldt 2111 Paclflc View Drtve KNEW NOT -,,,,, ....... n with FEW 1ng the 14,256 registered in Circle. lrvlnt, C11lf., tor tt•m11,"~, •• !! 1Mf 20U-ff CEllTIF ICATI •• ......... SuPe•lcr Covrt, IU ""rltll!, 11111 tnd '"" ft~ Calli. -~· 1c.1• '''°"" proper!Y deKrlbld '' IOI 1 • """' " terest ol 1tld dttHHd ti ,.,. time f1f Newport~, w-•hlpt1 ... Ilk, 121•1-"1). A t1l111t1.i '"'n -· E '"'"' Trtet. 11111 lottlld 0~ :' LEGAL NOTICE ll'ICTITIOUS NAM• death end ti! ltle rltl'lt, 11111 tnd lnltmt
'" -• I 'I fo l'I '• t " "' 'y tho tho,9hto s0...1t1M•I Oll"flllf' ot l•ke~ Street • 1 Tht. undtrilo"' do '''"" '"'' ,,, !hat lhr e1!1lt of Nld OKNsed llts •<> ~·-111 '' r ' ''
1 0 "
P LEGAL NOTICE NrwPOrl Freew1r. COii• MK•· Ctllf., ll'·mt'I (Oll(luctrnsi 1 bvtll\llH " 21if L1t1Yetre oulrH b't' °'"''''°" ot tow OI otrlllrwl11, e of lo1t opportu111ti11 trttl w11tff knowltclt•· NOTHING;. Ctll bt from ,y..1 10 Jl.<f.C,O. Cl!ilt'rlll'ICATa 01' •UllNISI H-1 8t•Ch Ctlllotnl• under Ille 11,· o!htr lhtn or In 1ddllton 11:1 lhtt of 11111.
40110 to romo•• tho11 pu~hhl111 thou9hh. A"' i911•r•mut, i11 ftil for 11--..,.,.,,:::0:'.:0:C':"°':::'.::::'.:7:---I 2. •1tOMI ''TITIOJI JIO. ll·lM•· ll'ICTITIOUI HAMI! 1111ou111rrn ... ~, o1 IHEPA.Ao·s •NI 111,j dtctt•ed, 11 it.. 11m1 o1 e1t1111, In •1'1111• PEElt FAMILY l'olo, ••Y ••l•Y tl' I••••••'• , .. loiillro•, his P•"illrlllltllf I• lithf. CIRTll'ICATI o" IUSINlSI AND lONI IJlCl,TION 'l!llMtT NO. Tt\11 Ufldersltll<ld do c.ertUy !hey ••• 1111:1 tlrm It ccmPOSed ol the followl1>11 tll lh• cerlaln rr11 Pl'OPtrty tlhl tle In Ille
COLONIAL ..,. ... ,...... tr m JllCTITIOUS NAMI 1:1·111 .... for S. V. H111111ker, Jr,, 1'1 e:. condudl"' I llll1!ntn If 111'00 Mlfft St • Plf'IOni, wlloll ~•rntl Jft full tnd PllCI Cllr of Cos!t Mtt.t, Countr OI O•tl'M• • ., "''"~ 2 Ptt. 2:20·2 I c•rtdo111ni Chri1tit111 who h1Y• ho1>9lt11ly ftll111 Tiie llndlral•ned doa ctrtll'Y tlllr •A Ctwiprntn. F111i.rton. C1tH , for Hfml11~ Hu11llMlon er1cll, Ctlllornlt, 11111Hr 1'1111 of reilder1et a•e " lollowl: s11i. of Ctlllotnl1, 111rtl(ullt!Y dtlcrltlef
HOME Into dll •rid itotts, " •• fh• lotto'•"' It wo"t with thtm thtlt tht eonoudlflt 1 bvllMM 11 N-rl •••di to re~ prwtrlY llncrlbtd In 1111 Olli llclllk>ul fltfTI 111mr ol CAJl.STAN Loli R and Lton A Sllt1tt•d mt 11 tolloWI, io.wlt,
\'Ill ft-•u' Ave. h k Ctlffornl• 11n111r tt\t fldltlolll firm n.rM t1on from Ml IO Jt,.CP •NI"'"""''°" to LAIOJl.ATOAY tnd tllat u ld llnn 11 '°'"" 0onl¥n Dr Hunnntion 8 e ~c h Thr IOllfhtrlY 11.~· o1 Ille l'IOrtlltr!J' -\i1gi1111in9. for it htlf IMeJI Mtftr for fh1111 flOt to 1¥1 lltWll of PEGAN DltlGINAl.$ tnd ll'lal 1tkl firm l!ltttd lhe mt11lrnum pennlH1blt bulkllnl POltd ot lht IOllOWlftf Mtlofll, wholt Ctllf!H'nlt ' ' ™ 1'' of ti" -~•l'I 30C. 45' ol 1111 lllf
WettmfDIRr m-ms; th• wty of rlght .. 11111111·0", Tht'• 1J1lt1 Htt••ll tncl t11ff,, It• h ccwnPOled ol tile fOllowlnt pef'SOl'll. Mltllt 1t!owlnt the conllrWkN'I of 147 n1~1 lft lull •nd Pliers of rc11dtnc:• ''' Oiied ociotitr i1, Ifft, n111t Ctl F•lrvlew F.,.m,, rt(Wdfd lool
m.' ••• ' ••••• tt tf,trlltlly, htYI .... kNOW!N6, LY ,,1•1ctM OPo Wllol• 111ma lft lull 1nd 11ltc•t ol U11!11 to meet !hi C, tltnd¥di 111 1 P~ •• tollowt: l ol1 A. $1\ep1rd I. Htl 11 of Ort11te Covnt'I' ml' • ... rtlllltricr trr ti follow.-pjlll!'d lt4-CP -· flof ta e•(ffd thrtt c. G. YUPH. ltVU W1rmouth, ,...,., Leon A SllePl•d ~ordl. COl'Jlmo!ll't' ltnowfl ., 2121
potiwnitlt1. NOTHING ctn b1 do11e or 11iil tt •••• th1Jr re9rth. le!ly H. Etitman, ~J E. Btv Front, 11orte1, 1s per wellon l'ffll.1.4 of 1111 "°'' lt•ch, C.111. Sltle at c1111or.n11, Orinoe cou"rr: H•rbor l tvd., CCll!t Mfll, Ctlllot11f1. SBEitFER MOR'I11ARY The l ibli dot• nPf ftt<h LITERAL tfr•th of 9old 111 HttY1n: .,lbCMI lll•nd, mu munlclP•I code Clllth r!1e 1t•ndtrdtl 01' St•n E. Sllverm•n. '882 Vl1 Arl1ltnt. on Dclflbtr 31, Ifft, bllori rnt. 1 Ttrmt of •llt c•lh rn 11w1u1 money di
La .... ft--~ ffl.1111 tho'• 1·, , Fl~UR•TIVE ••Y to do•<••''-tlo '•tllfiful. Ntithir Pt118Y Grenr. 11202 Me1dowswtet prc1Ptrl'I lattled belw"'" Beker.,~ H~nll<111lon 8t1ch, Ct!ll. Noll•V llubtlc lft tnd tor ukl St1t1. Ille Ulllttd SlllH Ol'I conflrmatkln of $lie, ~ "" "' " "' w1 N rt Beacil 111u,.rlno Strttll 257 fttl et!1erlY "' CU:ted NO\lembtr ID, ltff H rionallv •Piiiared Loll ft ShtPtrd 11111 or 01rt c11~ tnd ~ltfltt evkltnced bf' Su Clemente -..OlOI do11 it t11ch LITER.AL flrt I" Holl; tlilt F1&URATIV£LY dt· o1l;d N:btr 1~. itff ctntcrllne cf B1l1kll $tr.et. Co1i. Mti.e. C. G. Y'"'P' Leon "· Sl>eParll kllllWn to·-to be llle Mill 1«:11rtd 11't MOl't9111 or Tr1111 Ot ..
'' h ''I REMORSE , R~RET f th ' H II ' , G•ni Coli! St1n E. Sllv1rm1n perSOl'i whcse ntmet i re iubtcrl'*I lo Ol'I Ille Pl"Ol'lrl'I' !Ill told, Ten perunt "1 • 1cr•sotl t • t1rrn. •• •If• i;v •0 0•• IJI • .::~ H Et1lmaft 3 'zoNE llCCl!,.TtDN 1'£11MIT NO. STATE OF CAllFDJl.HIA, """wl!hl" lnstrv,,,enl Ind ICkllllWledted tm0\1111 bid IO bt dtsPOSlted Wllh bld.
SMITllS• MORTUARY lwht 111i11td Ht•••nl will for•••' tortu1t lhtm tt flr1. "Rttd StlM of c !lf n1. z1'.1114t. to• Ktll!Y 1nve1tment Cornp1ny, QAANGE COUNTY: '"'' e~eculld !ht 51/lle. l ldl Gr oiler• hi be In wr!llng tnd wlll J11, 12:47•41. Rtv. 20:11·15, 2 Cor. 5i f0, l't1v. 2111-5. Yow 0 c 1 or. ~E UthSlrtt1.Co111 Mn1.Callf.-lo• On Novernblr l0, 1"'' berore mr, 1 1 blrecelvllll1lltlt1forn111ctolllce•t•ftt -M-~ SL o•-•TUN TY ';;,,""~ °"'"~ ,, "'' WI P1f'm1U1on to conalrud •!Id -·•tt • NoltN Plltlllc In • ..., for 1tld "'"· (OFFICIAL SEAL lime •ll•r ll'M! llrtl PUbllctllon ller'fllf ..... -• .au h••• KNOWlED&E of Chrht. Do VOii ftk1 tvtry rv I Not iv';j'j NJ to ' Id o~: 11mll• t "Hert• JollnnY'$ ilteitivr•nt" to ll'ltll l~t pet'i1>n•llY IPlll!tred C. G. Y11P111, Sl~n E. Jeen L. Jol!tl MfOlr dtlt Of wit. 3untln-'-Beadl to obrt Hirn? VISIT Chuuh of Christ, 217 W, Wilto11 St., Co1ft iry u t "'1 r,. 1 ·~· "C'" <eou1remen11 In • Cl-CP tCM per suvtm·_.n know11 ta me lo be IM 11e•10t11 Noftrr Pllbllt-Cintwnli 01ted O<tober 34. 1'Mt ....... -llY tPPHttd kllr H. E•1tm11llt-..:t lie 1 111rt o1 this 1P11llc1tlon "" wi-neme1 .,., 1ublctlbed to I~• wltllln Srlvl1 C. POl'ltr Ja,'53t Mt1t. STUDY th1 lllLE with "'· """" Grent k,_ to ITlll to bl !ht P~=•~ loC:tlfd In !ht 1ener1t tree cf lllllrumrnt ind tdcllOW!fdoed ltlrr ex-PrlnclPtl Otllct In bKUlrlK ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:=';!P«10t'>t W11oH "'"* ''' 1ubK•ltlld to P $W corner ot Biker trld l rlslol .cul.cl l~e 11mr. Or•ngr Covntv ol it.. Wiii 11\t' Wllhln ll\llrument ll'ld ICkllOWltdttd ~ieet1 c~tl Me.e, C.tlH. !OFFICIAL SEAll Mv Comrnlnlon E11Pl•es of wkl <ltceoil1nt
,,,.., txKUltd ....... -. For iur!Mt t"IOrl'!'tl!IOl'I on '"' 1bove Jtln l. Jobi! Mtrc~ 1. 1913 OLl!M A. OUl(I!
• •
' • ' •
opening lriaoy, november 28tli
,•orry for the deloy,
for men ond boy•
7 fo shlon iJond, newport beoch • 6#·5070
bonkomericord moster chore;•
(OFFICIAL SE.I.LI IPollutlons. ttltohOftt Di·J7~S Ot' c1ll el Nol1rv Public· C•Tlfornl• ftl N. •rtM II• .. .101epfi E. 01¥11 If! off!<• of thtl Pltnnlfl!I DtP•rlmtnl, Prlnc;lpal Olllct In Publlahed Dr1noe COttt Otllr PUol, $11111 11•
Netti')' Publl<-<:ttlf0t"ll 11t!.m 200 77 f'•lr Drlvt, CCIII• Mut. O•anoe Coontr November 4. JI, U. 21, lfft 7Q.IS.ff Ollndllle, Ctll1tr11t1
Prlnclp1J Olllc1 In C•lllOO"nl•' Mv Cornm1u1on Expire' Allot'nrr fir fxtcwlrllf
or1111t CO\llllY c6sTA M!SA M•rch t, 1973 LEGAL NOTICE Pub!llhtd Ortntt Clll•I 011tv 21~~~',•-MY Corn,,,l11lon Eaplrr1 J11.ANH1NG COMMISSION Publl1hrd Drenot Cotlt DellY Pllct, Novtmber 11. lt, 25, lfft ...,...
Jun• Jl, 1'10 Ntl~ Jleide Hovtmbt• l!, 18, 25 •114 December t, tAtt fUI ,ublltlllld ortnt• Coelf 0111'1 l'llol, c~e irmtn 1'69 tol1-69
Movtmbtr 25 tlld Oectmbtr i, f, '" Wlll!t,,, L. Du"n L"-GAL N~ICE NOTICE TO CJlt:OITORS LEGAL N(fffCE
lttt ,,..., StClellr\' 11\d O!re~hlr c. v• SUl'EiltlOR COUllT OF TNt: P·U:lff
ol Pl1nnlno ,4fttl STATE Of' CALll'OJINIA l'Oilt LEGAL NOTICE Puh!IMtecl Or•rt01 COii! 0•!1t P!\ol, Cl!iltTlll'ICATl Oii' •UtlHISS. NGll"mber U. l'6t '1 ... ·6' CIEllTIF1CATI! OF SUllNESS TNE COUNTY 01" OJI.ANO! FICTITIOUS NAME
ClllTll'ICATI! Oii' IUSINl!IS Lt:GAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS MAME Ni. A·IJIU The uNlertlonlld lkles (ert!lv lie II c~
l'ICTITIOUS NAMI Tht unClel'lllnfd cerf!fle1 M 11 COi'\· E1tt1t of SYLVIA LUTHE A, Oecte5td. ducllnt 1 buslntn 11 301 M1rl"' Ave,.. The lllldlflltnld doll <ttllfl/ he I• COfl-p.21217 dUlh10 t bui!nru 1t 20t Mtrlne Avt,, 1iDTICE IS HEJIEB'I' GIVEN lo 1ht B•I~ l1t1nd, Ct!!lcrnlt, 11ndtr IM llt>
17'5 N ltvd CIJITll'tCATB Oii' IUllNllS l •lbnt l1l•nd. CNtwpartl Ct!ltcrnli, Ctedltorl o1 tl'M! •bovt Mmed dtcedent tll!ou1 llrm n11n1 of VIVE" I.A HAIR Wiii dllellflt • tllllllllU 11 _., 1ct" ll'ICTITIOIJI JI.I.Ml undff lllt flctllllllll llr"' name o1 THIE lhel all J>trton1 t11vlno c1tlm1 1paln11 lllt STUDIO tnd thtl seld firm ts comtl05'4
C11111t M-. C•llofnl•.ilt ~ .. !':,lN~ Tl! ndt•tlollld don cert11Y lhe i, con-FOXY LADY •nd 11111 uld firm Is com· uld decede<ol 1r1 rrovlred lo lilt 111tm, ol tht fOllOWl<111 "''°"'• wf\ote na1111 I•'
tlou1 fll'!'fl fllmt of A JA ......., '11 buslnrsi '' 71' Hllnllnttoft Aw .. llOMd cf tile lollowlnt Pll•IOl'I. wl'lol1 with tht nrcn11rv voucht"' In the olllce lull 11nd Place af re11dence Is " tollowl: dM All.MCO. TMNIMllSIONS •1111 ttlll ~:f' t!., leac!I, (ttltornl1, 11ndfl' tllr n1rne In lull 11\d Pllte ol re1ldenct 11 If of lht clerk of !ht tbovt enlllled Cllllrl, « 1C111ntth Hlr1I, SCll Prllllt Or., R•d. Mid flnn II ~ ol lhl followlr>t ~~·: 1111 tlrm n•"" ot ORIGINALS 11'1' lollOwl: 10 lltntnl lhtm, wllh 11\t 11«n11rv Bt•th
lltl'ltllo WlloM Nfl'lt'" 11111 ind llitc:• ol ~~/~lovs!'ICI !hel llkf flrrn Is comPOttd ol D~vld Mlchttl T•111. 101• 81lbol voutllt'I 10 llM ur'<dtnltll'ltd 11111t office titted Nov1mbtr u, 1Ht, r.Jldtnct I• ti tollowl: !I'll iott..fnt H•IOll, w1101tt Mml In full Blvd, No. A.. NtwPOrl llrech, C•lll, of ROLAND $, &ARCUME, Allor111v at Ktftntlll Hirt! II._. A. Johnton. 104-Ufll St. No. I, tNI lllKt of rtslde!ICt IJ 11 lollon: Oiled NO\I, 10, 1'69 Ltw, SlO NewPOrl Center Drive E11I, $Ille of C1lllotn1a, Or•11tt CouMr: .._ ltfllt Motlk1, GtU!ornlt Lltll in Caln, 71, Hunt!ntloll Avt.. David M~h111 Til1t Sulit 30?, NrW110rl Btl(h, C1!llornl1 On NO'll. 17, !..,, ti.lote m1, t Nol•.-,,
CU:fld NO\ltl'llbtr 24, 1"9 HunllMOIOl'I Buell, (till, STATE OFc'o'u~•lf~ NI • '1660. wMch ls !he Pl1ce ol bU11!1eu of llubllc !n •lld for .. Id Sl•le. i>enon.11'1
ltOlltt A. John-Oiled Nov. 10, 1Kt OlfANGE " : 11\f: vncll!rsllned In tll f!'tlltt•1 llf•ltlnlna ••H•red Ktfl!lfltl H!1tl known 10 me 10 • 1111• of C1llfornl1 Lhlltn Cal~ On No•. 10, 191t, before me, • Nol•N lo"'' ei;ttle et $lkl dec~nl, within lour llf 111e PlrlOl'I wt1ott n•mt It tubl<Tlled
Or111111 COUll!vt STATE OF CALIFOJIN!,I, P11~1i( In •rid for llld SUlt, l•frSOllallr month! •fie• !ht !it'l l oubllcellon ot !hi$ lo Ille w!lhln ll'lllrurntnl Ind flCllllOWltd .... Oii Novembt:r U, flff, btlort mt:· t OJI.ANGE COUNTY: IPPl~'ed O•vld M!ch•'I T~11e, known to !Kiiie~. ed flt IJCKU!td lh• ltrnll.
Noltl"t llubllc 1~ tl'lll fOI' 11111 llllt, On NOii. 10, 1Ht, btlOrt me, I Nn!trv me to bt the oe•!!(ll hi ~"'°it na~t ~ Oiied Na~emlH• 5, Ifft. (OFFICIAL SEAL ! _.,.11., 11t1111'1d iltOllU A. JdlnlOll Pu,nc !ft ind for 11kl ltet,. pe rlOlltlll' 111btcrlllfd !a 11'M! w I " ni rumen • Wllj,Ofl Eut~ne Lul~er Miry K Mtnrv
kntW'n to mt to i. 11111 H non wl'lolt •-•ml l ll!l•n c11n ~nown It mt to bt O<k"""'':Zqeds;l(ftc~ltd lht i•rne, EJC«lllot o1 the wm Hot•rv Publlc-Calllllr"l• Nfl'lt 11 1ubftrlbtd to llM W'Uhlft !,,_ tllll tt•Ml'I w~ ntmr II •vbKrlbed hi (DFFIC L Ill the •bovt named dtctdenl PrlntlHI Ofllct Ill
ltf'Vllltnl Incl tc.Mowltdttd ht txtcllftd lh• within ln1lrvrntnt tl'ld ttkMWlldotd ~·,,.., B;lhbl~trm It •OLAND s. JAlllCUME Or•nt• COYn•v
"" -· ..... ~~~euled Ille ••rn•. a ~N UOtl'I • I 0'" Alltt'MV ti LIW My Commln!on ExPllet !OFFICIAL SEAL) IOFFICIAl 5EAll ~rlrlCIPt}; f.,1 In IJt Nrw"" C:ll!ltr' Orlvt 1!111, Ncvember 21, ltl?
MtrY K. Miiiry Je•n l , Jobi! ••~! °""I E I S11lt1 112 1'ub!lt htd Orllfltt Co.Ht 01ttr ,llOI, Nottr,. ,111111c<1lllOrnll Not1rv ,11bllc • Calltornlt ~:ru ;"'f,'j:' °" Jiii rtt NtWptrl llldl, C•...,1111 lt6ff NovemDer 11, ts tnd OtctmMr 1. '' •
Prffl(ljll] omw ·~ Pr!nc:IHI Ofllct '" • ''' ... Or•..:.• '"··JI Ot ilY Ill'"" T•h (110 ..._, ,.., 11.IMt Ort"" c:ou.il'I Ort ... , County ~ I ,,.. """' "'" Atllf'MY ftl' IMCtltlt • My commlulon l!xitlrtt.. Mv CcwntT11t11oll Extlrtt N1111tn'llllr II: lL Jj tnd Dec:embocr 2• ,llbU1htd Or•nte Coil! Otll'I ,11111, r;IQ"' N-CE ~t 24. lt72 M~r(ll f, ltn UM 2*"'' Navtmbtr 11, JS tlld Clectmbtr 2, t, Ko nu Vll
Pvllllllled Ol'tntl Col•I O•llY 'lllt, PublllhH Or•lll• Cot•I 0.HY Piiot. LEGAL N~1CE ,.., 213.Ut l-------------
NO'ltrnhr n •114 Dtcem"'1' z. 11 1•, Novtmbt:r \I, 11. 21 tnd DKtml>for '' v I LBGAL NOTICE 7ltll
INt fllMf lttt _.!!!!!:! T·4'1f1 HOTICI 0, INTINDl!O
STATI 01' CALIJIOJl.tOA IFOtt HOTICI OI' DISS o LU TI 0 H 01' Nollet 11 lltrtll't llWll llltt OOMld It, TNI COUMTY OI' OltAMGl Dom~. 0 .0.S., Trtn11tror, of n'-1 E. SUl'lltlOR COUit? 01' 1HI '·JSM41 Ho ........ '5 ll'AJITNIRSNl,O AND 011' OISCON• Elflnttr Avt .. CllY of HUlllllllllOt'I k~ll,
STATI OJI U.1.IFOltNIA. ll'Olt CIJITlll'~CAllhu~ll' Nl~\!NlSS. NOTtCI! 01' Ml'AiltlN• Oii' ,Ol'TITION 'rlNUANCI Of USI OJI lllllM MAMI, C•fllornit, lll!tnds IO .. 11 certain ""°"" , TMI COUNTY 011' ORANGI 11'11! Tl I rtll tlll!v al'r FOR l'iltOIATI 01' IOiltllON WILi. .,._,.., to• L .. 1tflulp CorllOf'tllon, t
Ht, A"441t The tr.1'~' ':fne: if ltl Mtln St.. ANO l'Oilt LITTl!ltS TlfTAMINTAltY PuniNl"t lo 11\t Pf'0¥1ilollt of Srcllori C1lllotnlt Cort., lntll\CIH Ttt n'1trff •
NO'rlCI Oii' MIAllllNO O"' Pr:TITKIN ~~~:h «i'fi. Ct lllon>ll . •l~~er ~ Etl•lt af TULA STOKE& COCKE". l~.I ol tnr 9'ri>0r•I~?= "oif'rdt~ !Ln.orl, of t'3CI Wlllhl .. 81Yd , City ot ll'Olt ,.otATI Oii WllL AND •011t fk:'i'inov1 11'1'11 ntmt of THE flE Oe<!I~ ~Kl"" \:~\ ~11 '':it< • htrtb'r ti~ 8MtlY HlllJ. C'IHlornlt; •!Id 11\tl Mlf .
lln1as TllTAMINTARY SHO,,E tnd lhll wk! Urm •• com-NOTIC~ 1S HEREIY GIVEN Tlltl ,~:. 1~1f~ ~·.,tlll,:ii COl'llP01ed ot lnlttllffd ''•"''"'" !Leuot). LHH0111P ElltM el JUANITA DENNI\ o-ttd. --of t!lt follOW!l'll ,.,_,, WhOll WILLIAM HOWELL COCKE, lilt. II•• lllo .... :rwlrl1$"-· ~~A!olon co.-t!IOl'I. Ill~ to lNttNtk to wt•
NOTICt: IS Hl!.iltEIY G YIN -no:! lllfl'lft 111 f\111 11>11 !HtCll of resklln« fd flrrtlll 1 pttlllon !of· probllt f!I l0t11tn lfl I rwtt.. \lflCMT rm !lflfl'll! Ooiwtd JI. Don'ib'°"'' ODS. Trtllftrtl" MlrMltl T, iltt... tnd JOM'Oll!lll •• , ••• lolloofrll• will tllll f(Jt IUUlflCI "' Ltlllft ol RO ITOiltl. y' A, ti 1a (L"tttl. "" ltld "'""°""t .,.,,.,..., •
·"'"' fllld Mt1l11 t HtlllOl'I for SlllrllY Lc,'t11. 11' H•rwtnl 1.11 .. Siii Tts,.ment1rv to 11111 oetlllontr. """"'" '"' 11th Sir"'' Coflt ~· C1ltfOl'nf!, Mlltf'll dt•crllonon of Wllldl i. ••ft IOWI., of Wiii tnd for •-•ncl ot Ltt· ,,.., ~It \.oNn, )12 "H1rv1N to Wllltll It mldt IOt Ill~ 111f'f1Qitt•i wt1 d\J:llvtd t~ot" ""~''II'' 1J':i~ J • to-Wil l Olnltl equlPl'llllfll, offle1 flhl•
nttlflfllllr'I' to 't 1!11•"•r1 • 11.,~· • • 01111 "''' 1111 tlmt tnd JllKr of l'INrlftf 1~ I~ tt.! Z"4"'ot :ii' n.mt7" and'§-"""''· fUmlt\Jr. 11'111 fl1tvra Md loullif ~ ti Wllkl'I " '"'"' lot fltfllllt 011 • """' fl .. bten 111 tor Otcrmbtt u, \Ht, .n.r Id :t..OlullOl'I flO Ml"6ll ti n'4 f , Etfftllr Ave., City ot Hu,.,
Mtllcuttrt, INI IN! l!lt lllM_ ...... ~~ clOn ~.~Ill •t t•~ t.m,. In lllt ~ of Dtflttl-tlllhOlie Ill ~l'llCUI' obll111tten, 1or N tfl!llloo! 11.-cl\, C.llfornlt, tnd tlllf " .. -, If "-°'"" lfll "'"' ht• nior11 orrr; C0\1111'1· ment No 1 of uld ceur! ti 100 Civic ,.,,.,.,.;•t1,.,,,, t~• 111mt1 of"ffit Nrfntri Mlt tl'ld lllttlllck tt.im..c111111 11 It ~ 11; lHJ,-tt •r»,.•.~ •.. ,.tn ": ''~ t!~=~ J, n ~ Wort ' JM, t c1111tr 0(1ve Wtlt, <IPf'"ltrlr WMt l!lthlll !;'! f1191r rHOICl'1tddrtMtt t~: wtr'1 COMUmrMltd Of> ftlt Mii ....,_ .. ,
"""1• ti 706 Ci.le Clllltr DrMI WMt, Ill lfl(l9MltY .,._,..., llllrltl' l.Olfln t C lllornli ' Pllt Mm, C:• "II, 111!11 , t!11 fr!' LlltM'nllP Coroor1tl0fl, tl 9'01 Wllll'!I,. , Ille CltY ot ltfllt AM. Cttlfofnl1, CH•-a . LO.in k-lo !M to::, 'oitH NGllm'lbtr Tl, !Mt. it""tMrdt, 4Slt tindtll DrlY•· .,_ 80!.lltvtrd. (II)' of leYll'IY Hiiia.
Cllll'tfOOl'll of 0-. " Nlfiry""'PVtioc lfl • ..,, .... SU~ Sln'l!I In .... City ot 11111• AM tori. Irie .• · 1 N-1 .,.. Deutnl'r. , ..... , \0 •.m... •I !tit
C1ttd NOvtrnber 11, Ifft fftlOl!I. ~ llttnn l rt Wbscrllltdl W. i;, ST JOHN, dll Mar, C•U10rn!1, ~ti tlld L ....... (;.lllltorftll. t W. I.. IT JOHN ~ wrKmviJ'~~~M t WIOW (ounl'I C .. rt. l!tt '•rlfltf'I, IHottllvtlV, 011t11 lhlt Ult! d•'f' !If No'f11t1blr, lfft,
CtlllllY Clll'll !'iY.l1 l'iltN tflll MAlON Dtled thlf l~th dlY of Jiovtl'\btr. 1Kt. LHlloWll Cor-1!11111, ~ •ot•JtT l . MUMM!JtlYI MA.IL YN M<(A~TY f411 Wl11lllrr tWltYll,. :wA~AO ~Ta:~s. lHC.. . • Ctll!IJmlt Cort.
• IM.......,.'-"',._..., 1N Noi1~ 'll~f:C•I ornlt ilrvtfW Nttlt. C11tf mu aiN It PAR' NI JI IY Mt!lvhl •~""•11
C.. ,,,...., C...,... nlM iflC ''! j;j~ In Tth 12111 m-stai J, Edw1 lilt' trdl 1.IAllOUI' COlll"OJtATION
4 T .. 1 17141....,.. ':""tti' ~Hloll EnlrH An.rtttn ftr ,OltfllltNr L!MITlrO PAJl'TNEilt tMI WlbMtl ....... t """"*" ,., """""'" ... 1r , 1tn ,.vbll•ll!ed Or•llf• Coall o~ur toiiet. Putfflfltd °''"" Cot!! 0111? l!!lot • .._.,. M1111. Coif. timt , .... ....., OrMll COllt Dtll' Llllol, Publlll'I< "''"" Coltl DtllY r.llet, Nowmbt:f 24 H tlld Otcrrntltr 1. NOvtmblt II. U tlllll Dtetmbtr 2, t, ll'ijttllal'WM Or11111 to.JI Dtlly ''"'' t "'°"""""'r ¥. H tfld Dectmbtr I, N1111•mblr 11, U t!'d. -0«11,1«"" l 1.. !l 1Nt 11a.., 1... 1111 ... Nevt!Mlr aJ, I"' llllM' L~-~~~~~~~~~~~....,,....~~~~~~---~~~ .... ~-~~--Jl :':"'::...----~·r---~·~"=-="''.;'~"~··------:::;;::-:-~~~ •. , . ..,.. .. ....
}f • OAILV PILOT S fues:da:y, Novembtr 25, lM
Cros.swo1·d P1tzzle
I Bit
.. anill'r. 111111:>,.ll
' Put to dtath 10 Ga)a 1tf1!1 14 Matu1• ..,, ..
15 Cflan gr place of
11'-tht Tt11iblt
17 Tobacco
roll !J8 In tht Simi!'
l• Gar•mt
20 Srcurtd by
nailing U. Crowded
Cl05' logtthtr 2J Gam bl ing
24 Btllldrt
2& Inches per
29 S111ead for
30 Rtputatlon
31 Lock: of hair 33 Behavln;
2 wotlk
1 37 African tree
38 Night OR the town 40 Pol sourer
41 l(lnd of
43 Flower
I " ,1;;;-t-+-+-
1 m--t-+--+-
44 Thunder 9od
45 Where Carson Chy Js:
Abbr. t7 Close watch
48 Neon, ror oot 51 Birds: t.atlo
53 Stti>nt fibtr
54 Oas-(s le;nure 59 Destruction s
60 IC.ind of
skirt •t Gas fJ2 -Stanley Gardner bl Prepositlon fi4 Very cold 6o5 Time periods 66 Part of .. to be''
67 Sir Anthony
and family
1 NATO or
2 One's own:
3 Small sleet
4 African
antel ope S Mact iniC
and Juan
de Fuca
' EJ"pressed pleasure 7 Ear part
I Dlsttict Allorneoy's
9 United
10 Nickel:
Z words
11 Oecurenee
12 Demi
JJ Secorne a
21 Decorate
a cake
22: Half
25 Censure
20 Skin Irr itation
27 Malay outrig11er 28 Instruction
lo one's
)2 Places of
2 words
D Fwtify
34 Way of
or egreS!i
JS Nobel phys icist
36 Skin openln;
38 Shortly
39 Beverage-:
2 words
42 Former
Aslin leader
43 Me an
45 USA or Canada, e.g.
~h Motl1er of man~ind
48 Devlat.ed from a
49 Gitlin
ll son9
50 Fe minine
SZ Rlp up SS Feed the
kitty SO Eye Ina certain way
57 Part of lht
58 Aims
&O Marb lr. Slang
11 "
You call THE DAILY PILOT, ask for
Clas1ifitd AdYertising, and place a
opening friday, no vembe r
sorry for th o delay
WANTED (by most boys)
imagina tive easy.care
men and boy s
Lab Tests
Find Fault
7 fa shion island, newport beach• 6+4-5070
benk11mericard masfer charge
OVE~ THE COUNTER York Stock List
In London
Additives So ld
Monday's -Cl~ing Prices-Complete New York
Stock· Exchange Lis t
-American Stock Exchange Li~t
' • .. • •. •
. • •
1_.., __ ..._ __ ,
l •• l • • !
I -
steel Jteak
Jmive1 -youn
faronly29~· -wfth gaoollne
.......... ot par·
JI: eta lien.
ftMogk Edge" blod•
.....,.. Med .tfiarpeninSJ.
SI~ lfaf handlu.
Oi1hwath•-t0fe. tJncon.
diUonaly 8Wf•il•cl by
m.--rlar6:,..... ......................
.A •.• ''"'
• •
• •
_ Chances . are that wh~n in -~the presence of 'an
undertaker you ar.e 1iervous, suspicious, or both. . ' . '
??-? Probably because you resent dea,t~, :M(>st : ·
• • : • • , r •
people do. Well, if the 'truth be knoWn ~and
high time it should -so do all ()f us .here. at
Pacific View Memorial Park. We don 't want peqple to die. We are people. too. But it h'.appens,
• • •
And when it does. the law requires that the remains of the deceased be taken care of. Doing
this in an honorable and dignified manner Is the business of Pacific View.
..! -i~ . .... --·--. --
We bt11evt yoa would like to know what. i•
lqa11y reqelrtd ••• the 11nices we proTidt ••• and
what. It CGBta. It 1hould be notH U.at Paciftc View
reeopiHS tbt needs of the Individual. For example:
..., ete -11en .. ,a11 mortUarlte a:n convene! -·
ear• uary 1enee a ceme e a r rou may pre-f• llie coaffDlence of bOth in one place. The ctlol'te
II yo111'L The be.t way to make a deciaioa iii to obt.i•
faeta by uJdna qaations. Here art llOlftt. factual.
au"tn. You lhould know them.
1. What dOf:I the State of California
require, by law, be done with the
remains of a deteued?
Two things: (a) The cause of death must
be certified by either a private medical doctor or
a Coroner; and (b) DisPosition of the deceased
must be made by burial, entombment, or cre-
mation. Nothing elsr.
2. What does mortuary 1ervice
cost and include?
At PaCiflc View, mortuary service costs
$155.00 and does not vary in price. Services
include bringin1 the deceased to the mortuary
from within a 60-mile radius, keeping the
remains until all legal requirements are met,
providing autopsy facilities if needed, embalm-
ing as necessary or requested, plain 'vooden box,
service car, filing legal permits and recording,
and delivery to place of disposition. Assistance
in applying for Social Security, veteran's bene-
fits, and certified copies of the death certificate
is also part of this service.
3. What does funeral service
coat and include?
Funeral service at Pacific View costs
_$160.00 and is an optional ser:vice, I_t .~!!.Cludes
use of a funeral coach and a fa-m1ly car,
preparation by male or female attendants for
visitation, services of a funeral director and
assistants at chapel and place of interment,
music, care of flo\vers, memorial folders,
a cknowledgement cards, local paper notice, com·
mittal service personnel, flower handling and
placement, use of the chapel, accompaniment of
service to interment site, parking facilities, and
traffic direction. Also, assistance in applyini' for
Social Security and/or Veteran's Adminiatra.
tion benefits, as \vell as filinr for copies of the
death certificate and other lega l papers, is
inCJuaed. ···.t ...,,,r--'
Due to certain s'avings to the families
desiring both mbrtuary and funeral services,
Pacific View's chai:gea for "Complete undertak·
ini'' are $295.00-a savings.of $20.00 . •
What .do ta'skets cost? At Pacific View's
mortuary, two are less than Sl00.00 additional,
four are less thap '1169.00 additional, and fourteen
are Jess than $386.00.
What is not inc;luded?
Mostly penonal items. For example, the
honorarium to priest, minister or rabbi of your
choice, flowers you sel~t. certified copies of the
'death certificate, and personal memoriaJs such as
crypt plates, niche plates or memorial tablets.
These memorials cost from $49.63 (niche plate
installed) to as much as 1176.00 for a special·
design bronie memorial tablet including tu.es,
foundation and installation.
4. What does burial or cremation cost?
The minimum cost for lawn burial at
Pacific View is $327.00; this includes a site in
Meadowlawn South or in the Masonic Lawn,
endowment care, concrete grave liner, interment.
recording and commital service.
The minimum cost for cremation disposi·
tion at Pacific: View is 1260.00; this includes
mortuary service 11155.001 and cremation aq:d
inumment in a ·commUhal area (105.00). Min·
imum cost of a niche and memorial plate in
Mausoleum of the Pacific is 1134.63 additional;
total, 1399.63.
5. What is Endowment Care?
Pacific View is an Endowment Care Cem·
etery. This means that a Fund has been estab·
lished pursuant to the law1 of the State of
California to keep the aod in repair in all places
where interments have been made; to care for
trees, gutters, drains, water lines and entrance
ways; and to maintain records pertinent to all
property owners and interments therein.
6. What iA ma.at by "pre-need"?
Pre.need is the term riven to undertakinf
and/or cemetery arrangements before & die ..
tressing situation arises. An integral part Of
estate planning, pre-need offers many '8.dvan ..
tagcs. Surviving family members are spared
undue additional emotional stress., many cost.a .
are Jess, and there is peace of iq.ind. (The per ..
son 'vho Hdoesn't care what they do with mf/'
is tryin~ to escape the fact that aomebodJI Au
to do it.)
7 • Is cash required for the full amount of
arrangement selected?
Not at Pacific View. For example: pre.
need arrangements as desired can &e paid for
'vith a small deposit and convenient monthly
payments-often without interest.._
8. Isn't all this memoriallzation
ju!t a little n1audlln? .
Not at all. It has always been the riatun
of man to erect memorials in honor of thoae
who have lived. Pacific View does not stinest
pyramids or marble shrines. It is our honeat
belief that the deceased-whatever his etation
-should be accorded dignity. And the. degree
of dignity is in the memory of the liv~, not
in the price paid for a funeral.
'rhose are a few of the answen about
Pacific View Memorial Park. We welcome the
opportunity to answer any other quest.Jou at
any time, any place, from anyO~e.
You have drawn a Wll~ pUrcbued life
insurance, and listed your more important
material useta In joint tenancy. U not, yoa
should see your attorney. Thia ADie penonal
r .. ponalblllty holds true la maldq arranse-
ments for burJal, entombment or cremation. All
we ask is that you COlllpare our complete MrV ..
ices, facilities, convenience, penonal Ulistuce,
and total coat. Def ore the need. arises. Yoa may
stlll be a little nervouo. But we of Padftc View
trust that you are no longer a111pidoaa.
MEMORIAL PARK r: MORTUARY 3500 Pacific View Drive, Newport Beach, California 92663 • Telephooe (714) 6'4·2700
t;;.4, CtMe!trr • VwcfwtokiRg • MOTt..O'f • Ntn11olew11t • CMpd • F11ftcnd Stnict1 • Crt"'4tioll S~
P-------------------------------------, .-------.... --------.---.... :------'::::11 .... -"'I Paci Ac View Memorial Park GtnUemen: I
3600 Paciftc View Drive You have annrered many of my questiou. I I
N rt B--·• C·''f · 926"" would lik1 you to answer some In 1ruter I n'JlO _.,..,, •11 omia "" det.ail. Pl .... end me additional information I
without any obliration. Thank 7011. I
·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: •
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Tak ing Swi ng at Sales
. " l
" ' .
Tr·es O ~os Ha s1 . . ' '
~ ... •
• . ' . -. ' .
· Tres. Osoa Gull4, one of the most recent support groups joihlni. lh•· .
Children'• licloeital ol Orange County cauie, bas been graoted the riCht to :
sell ·ucteta to Southern California Open Goll Tournament Dec. 26-Jlu!. 4. · •
The tournament will take place in Mission Viejo Goll Club, and all
\ic~ets ·purchased from Tres Osos members will benefit the hospita1. One-
half· of.'tbe proceeds sold through membets will go to the hospital, however
this is true only of tickets bought from Tres Osos women.
The Southern California o~. one of the oldest existing tournaments
in the U.S., will take place in Mission Viejo for the first time this year. The
goU club and Newport.er Inn are underwriting the 1969-70 event for a total
pll!<e of '52.114¥1. the largest-In toUll!filllent history.
· Mrs. Wiill~ deVrles Is cliainnan of the project arid may be con-
tacted. at 837-7320 for ticket infofination. Tickets may be purchased. from
all active and associate members.
The daily price without parking is $3-$5, and tourna.ment tickels
. without'parklng are $12.50. A packa~e deal worth $63, including a tourna-
ment ticket, parking, clubhouse privtleges and one round of free golf may
be purchased for $25.
··~_. :~ .1
. . .. •
. ;.;
. '· .
TOUTING TOURNAMENT -Tres Osos Guild mem·
bers ,(left .to light) Mrs. William deVries and Mrs.
John Martin, vice president, discuss the sale of tick-
ets to Southern California Open Goll Tournament
with Jack Fleck, tournament director and goU pro at
Mission Viejo Goll Club, setting for the game which
will oiler a total purse ol $52,000.
Tres Osos, the 14th guild supporting the hospital, draws its members
from Mission Viejo, Laguna Hills, El Toro, Lake Forest and San Juan Cap-
One of the biggest fund-raising projects for the grou_p, \Vhicb was
organized only last January, was a very successful luau which took place
last month in Lake Forest Beach and Tennis Club.
-. . . . . .
.. , '
Children Learn
Art of Giving
LaiUJUi Niguel Women's Club members are
• bopln& Ip teach their children the joys ol giving as
well u receiving a t a party which will benefit less
fortunate youngsters Dec. 22.
Mrs. Colin Reynolds, social chairman, is in
cbaree .of the 2-4 p.m .. event~ ~hich will take place
in South Shores Baptist Church, Laguna Niguel •.
C)lildren will bring wrapped ·toys ol their own
which later will be enjoyed by underprivileged chil-
dren. However, they will be rewarded fur their gen-
erollity. Parents are bringing gilts belorebaod which
will be haoded out to e~ch youngster by a Santa
Clubwomen are p~ep8ring decorations for lbe
event during a short meeting to take pla<:e at 1 p.m,
Thursday, Dec. 11, in Monarch Bay Beach Club.
Another feature of .the party is the live decor·
ated ChrlsUnas tree which later will be plaoted in
Hermosa Park which the women's club estaablisbed
tn Laguna Niguel. The maintenance of the park of-
ficlally will be tumed .o~er ID thewunty alter Jan. I,
however the club will. install play equipment and
spruce up the area prior·to its dedication. ,
Beginning next year all meetings \Yill take place
the fourth Tuesday of ev~l'.Y month in Monarch Bay
Beach Club.
. .. • ...
Play S~n
A! Benefit
' st!,. Mary'• Epi1c op al
Churdiwomen .oi t. a I u D• a
Belldl are planning I benefil
preview performance of "'Cae-
tus Flower'' Monday, Dec. t.
the •veitng beicn the cornod,-
farce· . officially opens 'J n
Laauoa·Moulloo Plly-.
' Mrs. T!!d O'Connell, ~
dent :·of , the women's ' ~t·
said liVeral no-host ~
parties wlU· be . given in tbe
White H-and Victor Hue<i . ~ . Inn P!l91 .to :_lh< 9,30 p.m,
Mrs. Andrew Morthland II •. t.1 charge. of thealer ..,.-t.
rangementl, and Mrs. J~
Lyons ii e~tenilqtng 20. ol t!\!i
guests· who wt}l ,flll 'lhe· enuni:
playhouse for ·lbl benefit. ~~:: ..
"Cact111 Flower" is a ~;
edy wrlllen by Alie Burroii~:
which ortpnally a t a r r e~
Lauren BllC8ll and Bau7.1
Nelson when It played ln N#
York In t•. The twHCI plff:
concerns a ~
bachelor-dentlat who tells Jill:
women-friends he Is marrifd:
In order to avol d math~~
monial entanglement ! .. ;~ '· Dr. Robert Engman, wbO~
actually ls a dentist~ Newport Beach, portraya • ·
dentist and Mn., Betq He
Mrs. J ack D. Weber is president of'·tbe women's
group which had its first ~eneral meeting this· fall.
'lbe )'OUDg group's first SOCJa,l aAcl,lund-raising event wu an At Your Service auction party which took
JJlace last Sunday in 'El Nli11e} Country Club and
leatured a sandwich buffet, danCing aod a silent aod
live auction. · · · · '
WHAT A GAG· -"Now just a minute," wonders Mrs. Ted 01Con·.
nell, 11is this a dentist or actor?'! A µttle bit of both actually~ Dr.
Robert Engman, in r~ life is a deptist in Newport Beach, and
he will portray a dentist, the leadibg role in "Cact.UJ Flower," the
attraction for St. Mary's E~ Cburdtwomen ol Laguna
Beach's benefit theater party m Laguna-Moulton Playhouse Mon·
day, Dec. I. ·
ls hi• deolal wlstllll. k.,
movie ol Ille play, lllrrtii'-
Ingrid eer-. w 111 e,rj
Matthau and 'Goldie llll!il;
• , I . ..
Incapacitation No Excyse for· M·~ster Sergeant
DEAR ANN LANDERS ' My problem is
a JO.)ur-old bfotber wbo has beeh con-
fined to I wheel<hAlr f«-1"f!I· The_ .• doctorl..,. Lee bas a penyllll wblcb ap-
pears to be~ . I am 17 and have two sisters, Jllso 1n
their teens. We hive tried to be ·kind and
considente, but the more we Clo, ·the
more demanding Lee becomeJ1 _ He is drlvinl all of us crazy, and this IDCltJdes
Morn and Dad, His demand! are
unreuonable. He orders Ul!I around as if
we were alaves . . . "Get me the
ncwrp1per . . . I have to have a cold
'drink .•. a cup o( coffee . , . a piece or
candy. If there's none in the house, go lo
the llott. Get off th< telephone, I want ii.
Find m7 blue sweater. Polilh my shoes. I
need a cushlon. Get me a pencil."
There's never a "please" or a ''thank
... Lee criticitts Mom'• cooking and in·
suits our friends. He has no friends or his
own because tle argues with everybody.
My sisters are getUng ulcers from him
and -Pm suffering from teri-·rrrc
headaches, My mother shakes like a Jear
every time she.serves dinner for fear Lee
won't like it. What can we doT
' l)EAR P.P:: Haadlcopped P'Qpl~
1boul41 DOI be pennllled to ·ue tbelr ln-
capacitalJoa as a club. YOllr brolber
needs proressltnal counseling. Flr•l. as
an oat.let for lllis fra1traUot• •Dd anx·
lcUt.1, and secoad becaue ....-. wWi
wbMn be Is -.at .. ell'iildlUllJ l1•olnd
should 11 .. ·e blm lnsipt W. Hw W1
lyraallcal behavior afftttl blmself u
well as otllen.
Of ...... 11 11 lrrilaUns to be •'*.-..!
...... 'nd ru n,...i. bol h mtpt llelp
yotinelvu, 1'ftut Gld we CAN ru.
Lee cu'L".. ' ,. .
'. D~ ANN LANDZ!IB : F« D ,ears I
have been married' to .a h1nd101ne man.
He makes an excellent Uvtng1 is a
dedicated lather, popular man In the
community and has yet to eal a meal
without saylr}g gracii. I love him ven
mudi 'l!ll<l lie" 8'YI he !ova me. So whit's
the fll'l!>lem? Ilil .,.. nearly lall out of
hla head when an aUracUve slrl walks
by. Correction : she doesn't even need-to
be attractive. lf she has a big front porch
or a broad beam, that'• enough. In fact,
I've teen him oele tome ·rea1 dogs and it
drives me wild.
!'Ve told him bow I feel dosens of Umes
a>)d he inllsta ho bu 1lO problem. lie llYS
I'm the one who -is help. He claims I
·don't hive enoqb to think about ind I
should be glad be sllll "notkes."
II -the man were starved for sex at
home It would be a different story. The
truth is, he has more than he can handle.
Yet be leen at every waitreu, elevator
operator -anything fema.Je. My mother,
• who adores tum, aays I should accept this
"small flaw" and'stop talktng about It. A
close friend s•ested that t throw a
drink in his face and cool him otf once
t.nd for all. What do you aayT
soon will be ni>1eo4ed. ".:1
: .. ~ ·:.,
: ... : Tactics ~1~
. ~;~
DEAR DILLY: I llJ' )'Mr -..ti:
ysa e.-IClvlee. Tm IL Ami...:
&Mt "trt.I,,, Tti!*.-•'• pl ....... ' • • •:Y.'
Wbel'! W braiM ...... : :}. . , ...
things thin golna llr<iup lll• ~
II YIU liltch up with lhil 'aotlllmllli':
alcoboUc, three-time lo.er you'll find~
what they are. 1bert'1 not a wcman all.1'1~
who can't gel a husband H ohe sell *:.
standards low enough. ..: ..
" All• Lllden will iii .... 11 1111p Jilj :
wllll Y°"' ....,._. --lo W ii~ cart of Ille DAILY PILOT, nett ' I I ~ stlr-Mktre....S, ._,.. ..... .,.. ;r:: .. -· • .,.
I 1
\ I I
r •• I • I
' ..
Sagittarius: Significant Day
WEDNESDAY Cycle hl1b : you pt brtak you to more thllq you can handle. Per10nal mogneUsm rating Is
• htv6 been seekin& Tako In-8AGnTAJUIJ8 (Nov. 12· blgh. NOVEMBER 26 ItlaUve. Rea1lle pUa..ai ap-Dec. 20: Mooey u It aflec!J IF TODAY IS. YOUR
BJ svt>NEY OMARll pearanee' .is of special mate, partner or otber ~ BffiTHDAY you have eme;rg· • tmporWice tcmy. Doa~ toy dlvldual cl.,. to you IS ed from period which tel!Ud
Loar PClllU.. ,... fer with emoUons Of' sem!Uve in-spatllghted •. Added effort pays your bullness ac.wne~. You ~. pl'!..,, ~ divtdual. dividends. Very 1lgnlficant tre wonderful during tim~ of
clwltes m beAae onertldp LEO (July ~Aug. 22): day. Dllplay your unique crisis. But you can. be careless
reqllh:emeatl .ft em,...... Bebind-thHcene1 maneu"'rs abilities. . where dally affairs are , con.
could afftcl you. Be aw.re of ,CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. cerned. ARIES (March ll·April It~
DeflnJtely a day to conclude,
finllh, compleW. W4it for a
more auspk1oos Ume .to •tart,
begin or initiate projects. Ce-
ment relalionihlpe. Work on
public relations. Make known
your views.
TAURUS .(Aprll 20-May 20):
Break !rilh trodlUon II lt " I
barrier lo progresa. Air vlewt
to close relatives. Short trip
may be on age;wta. Strus
detaill. Some would lib to see ltJ: Day lo play wallln&: 0 find°"',_ •bcwf Mlf fMI you Uipped by appll'ent minor game. No need to rush. TtUs .. 1ralillv. •*' l111nev s~r,.,1 °51-
m.tu,r. Key is lo 'be a lhrewd applies ~ally to 1lgnln&:of =t:i~'·111r1~1e .:.c,ut11,,. C:::
oblerver. contradl, ipeclal agreementa:. l'i~ '' r.J-1c!';',1\11iT~1~.!;
VIRGO (Allf. u&pt. D): Flnbh current project. Whal --;;;y,;;,,i;;i;;;i;iv.;;;1~;;;';;;'-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ..
Accfnt m frieDdli, hope. i.od ls needed cornea: to you. If
wishes. Be p-eaUve. Leave AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
roulln< lo othen. s.e·projecta 18): Accent on heallh, rela·
u a whole. Accept aoClel in-lions with associates. co-
vitaUons. Strive to enlarge workers. Take one lh1nl at a
bortions. tJme. Fight tendency which 21{M N. Me in, S•1tt• .A••
lJBJlA (Sept. ~ 22): leads to confusion. ModeraUon Molllll•Y tM1 S•turd....-1 1;4
·. orlalnallty and independence
wllli dasb ol versallllty.
Money ii comlng your way -ls your great ally today. I~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~
coold be In form of promQllon, pJSCF.S (Feb. !&-March 20):
added recognition or Changes are keynoted .
reaponaibUlly. Emplwis ii on Children play prominent role.
recognlUon from superiors. Creative resources should be
GEMINI (May ll-June 20):
Money, personal possesalon
blgbllabled : trust hunch. You
are able lo make profitable
trade. Intelligent conctaslon
does not mean defeat. Realize
tbis and act accordi.1gly.
CANCER (June JI-July 12):
SOORPIO (Oct. ZS-Nov. 21): utilized. Break pattern which
Good lunar aspect" today coiD-leads to emotional log jam.
cldea with travel, publlahing,
exprualng vlew1 through cor·
r e 1 poodence, long~
calls. Don't commit yourseU Soroptimish
J t
'~'.: Hall Decked '!lith Holly, Mistletoe
Yule .Toy Bill:
$1.6 B·illion!
Newport Harbor Soroptlml!t
Club meets the fll'll three
Wednesdays fOf' a n o on
luncheon in Villa Marina,
Newport Bead!. The laal Wed-
nesday of. the month memben
meet in the same location for
dinner at 7:30 p.m.
Celebrating the Yuletide with an annual party will
be Orange County Stephens College Alumnae and
their husbands Saturday, Dec. 6, The party, to be-
gin at 8 p.m .• will take place in the Huntington Beach
. . . .
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ailey. Haniing ·tra·
ditional decor for the event are (left to riglit) Mrs.
J. Riley Fowler, Mrs. George A. Palmer, president,
and ·Mrs . Ailey.
20-yea r Collection Weddings, Troths
Grand Cuisine Pilot's Deadlines .. Inspires
• "Imagination is the greatest
•' thing in cooking. One must use
his imagination and not stick
too close to the book."
Saul Kri eg, author of a new
cookbook. "The Spirit o(
Grand1 Cuisine." w e l I ii·
IUstrated hls ow.1 premise
when he demonstrated recipes
from the book in Ropinson 's,
Fashion Island.
The .short, greyina; chef with
an Eastern' accent wore a
,. bright red, white and blue
apron and matching c"hef's hat
as he tossed crepes with
enthusiasm and flambeed a
fruit sauce to top them.
_ Hia theory Is that one must
· · not be frighte:ied by the word
· "gourmet," but remember
that good cooking is merely
; cooking that is better than
.-ordinary. .
,· ''French cooking, for ex-
ample, is made for single girls
Attainin~ grace, poise and
physical fitness while learni'.1g
gk.iJls and speClal techniques of
~ contemporary and classica~
·• forms of theatrical and con-
cen dancing 'Will be possible
for girls 4 to 12 years old .
The Huntington Beach YM-
CA will begin two more
modem dance and ballet
classes for begirt1ers and ad-
vanced be&iMers Saturday,
Nov. 29, in tht Mercury Sav-
.-.lngs • and Loan Association 'f1-building. C The adva nced beginners
1t-'" clau is between 10 and 10:45
• 1.m. followed by the beg in-'t.4• ners cLV between 11 and i:··;. 11:45 a.m. ~~ ~ • bJr:r?:a.d~~e Ji:::ru:,~n:::.
and bachelors, because It is
easy and very romantic,'' he
To avoid disappo4otment, prospective
brides are reminded to have their wedding
stories with black and white glossy pbot<r
graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart-
ment prior to or within one week after the
Recipes from I am o us
restaurants in Europe and
America are included in his
cookbook, the result of 20
years of visiUng eating places
all over France, It a I y ,
E'.igland and the 1) n i t e d
States. ·
wedding. •
For engagement announcements it is
suggested that the story, also accompanied
by a black and while glossy "picture, be
submitted early. If the betrothal announce-
ment and weading date are six weeks or less
apart, only the wedding photo will be ac-
Most~ brandy, aa he feels
that th.ill gives an elegant
fhllsh to the product.
"It is very compaUble to the ,
fruits. The flavors marry
well," the chef stated.
To help fill requirements OD bolh wed-
ding and engagement stories, forma are avail ..
able in all of the DAILY Pll;OT offices.
Further questions will be &n1wered by Social
Notes staH members at 642-4321. or 494-9'66.
What does Krieg prtdlct In
the way of future trends In
dining and entertaining? Booked for Boys "People are eating at home
more." he said. "They are
learning to do gtllrmet cook·
Krieg learned to cook as a Where Are Girls?
youth, taking over the ltitche;i WlLLIAMST()WN, M 1 s s .
when his mother died . 'With '. (UPI) -Four W i J 11 am s
the public library'• supply of ... College students say they have
gourmet cook~ks and an ap-written the ''ulUmate guide"
preclailve audience of his fe>r the date-seeking motorized
brothers and fa~r,. he .Pr~ college man. g~ rapidly m , ICQUU"ing Their book Js called "The
his culinary skills.' . Roadtripper" and it coven 59
Using his ow.n taate as a women's and co-educational
guide, he found tHat even colleges from Maine t o
simple things could' be · made Virginia, plus interviews with
elea:ant with a little im· hundreds of coeds.
agjnatlon. "We wanted to put out a
"Use 1 big spoon and · taste rtally complete dating guide."
as you go," he 'urges said 'Ibomas A. Crowley of
The cOotbook Includes Chappaqua, N.Y,., I.fie book'•
recipes such as Aladdin's King research director.
Omelette, Bombe G I a c e e , 'M>e boot portrays each col-
Duck a l'orange and Squabs In 1ege and Its femaJe students,
the Nest, as well 111 some of using prose or Poette te1t,
his own recipes such as photographs and a map. Social
Crepes Suzette and Orange regulations and the dormitory
Duckling Flambe. or house telepffl?ne numbers are listed In detail.
HB Auxiliary
lnfonnation on travel routes
is included as well as critical
appraisals of }oca] rtataurants
and entenalnment spots and
where to stay over night.
The four authors ca 11
themselves lbe Ancana.
It is the femlnJne Latin word
for secret. The Ancana and
the Youth Market Instrumen-
ta tion Jnc. of Boston, jointly
published the book, on sale in
college book stores in the
Buying Toys
Over aeven out of 10 toµ
are bought by parents for
their own children.
Grandparent,, buy about one
out of every 10 toys told .
NEW YOPJ{ (UPI) Doting grand~. frenzied
parents and other brave adults
will spend a tecord $1.6 bllqon
during their faraya i D t 0
toyland 00 behaH of SanlL
The Toy Manufaclurorl of
America (TMA), "°""" ol the
esUmate, 1 a y s dmin& the Christmas buying 11 e a s o n ,
November • n d Deoember,
about six of 10 adults buy toys.
In the aelectlng, autboritles
recommeod toys that tult a
child'• age, sex and. tem-
per1ment. Realst the ltnpulse
to purchase somethlng that
appeals to you alone.
Beware of sharp edges and
points; tiny parts that can be
removed aod swallowed.
Avoid toys that can explode
or have harmful cberhlcals.
Other Ups for the toY buyer:
-Be sure the child ls old
enough to use and ls taught
how to handle a chemistry set,
a riding vehicle or any similar
toy. '
-Select play equipment for
ils sturdy, well built qualities
Dinner 'Dance
Aids Theater
Ste8k dinner will precede
dtnct'lg for members of the
Westminster C om m u n I t y
Ttteater as they gather in the
Moose Lodge, Anaheim , at
·7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. ti.
Tickets at '6 per person are
available by phoning co-
chalrmen Roger McBride or
Mrs. R ob e r' t Worthington.
Reservatim d ea dll n e Is
Wednesday, Nov. 2&.
Proceeds will bolster the
t~eater building fund.
A rummage sale to establish
a new chapter of Alpha Delta
Pl at Callfornla State College
at Fullerto.1 ls being planned
by Orange County Alumnae.
The evert will open at t 1.m
Dec. 3, 4 and 5 at 110 West
Chapman, Orange. Doon: close
at 4 p.m.
Co-chairmen of the 11le are
Mrs. Hugo Schultz and Mrs.
Ronald Barnett.
1; _ ls in charge of registration, ~#.: .. and may be called for ad-
. . ditlonal information at 8!H·
;. 4548.
Twice a month the Ladies '
Auxiliary to Huntlng:lon Beach ,
Veterans of Foreign Wars,
Post 73A meell at I p.m. The
flnl Friday of each month
they gather in Odd Fellow•
Hall for a business meeting
and the third Friday tht)'
socialize In various locations.
Jo)lrther information may be
s«llred by calling Mn. l.eRoy
HermaM 3t 538-3580.
the savory little restaurant at
Tlie Pirates Inn
"\\,' c Strve Blork Angu.r Jhi,,1e Bc:t f Ezclu.riwiv''
SPECIAL MENUE -5:30to11 :30 ' M•k• l•11r 11...netS.. N•w
DINNERS ... ~ -· -· """'· .............. -· • t<H1 V.,.tl~lt: el tl'll Doty.
$3.so-llOAST TOM TUllCIY -Cr9tlfffry ...c .. _......
l•IM, \Pfl.l•I PIN11tft hut 1tll'fft ...
CHIClll N fCl!Y
$4 50 AUSTU.llAN LOtsTll TAIL
$2.50-J UNIOI: ,IRA.TIS TUllll(ll
M......, PMMHt •114 Cok1
open 11 :00 to 4:00 mond•y through s•turd•y
south coas t pl111, co1t1 mesa
and iu !ul&abWly lo the age
and divelopment of t be
,children wbo are to use it.
For cbildren up to one' year
of ue. ~ for thinl:• to
loolt ·~ feel, cbew, hold aad
drop. Tbele ahould b.e
wubable, nonbreakabie ind
hive nO sharp edges. Tbey
must be large enough not to be
The one to two year olds Uke
pla)'lhlnp to uke apan and
pul rogelh<r qaln. loys lhat
can be moved from be.re to
1be two to four yur olds
like to tum pages of books and
experiment with n e W l y
discovered abilities.
The five to eights are busy
trying out their manipulative
skills. Their fancy is caught by
ploythlngs thllt develop skllb
and self<Onfldence.
Eight and older Children
have varied play interests.
depending on I ndividual
preference. They like things
that stimulate Interest and
whJch develop speed, aca1racy
and coordination ot physical
and mental abillUes coming
into full blossom.
'.f'MA expecta that some toys
will coat more this Christmas,
others wlll cost leu and many
wW be 1t the 1911 level or
very close to It.
A compariaon of some loy
prices in the 1961 and 1969
catalogs of a major national
chain it one possible trend fn.
dlcator. Of U toys in both
catalogs, 10 carry the same
prices this year as last: six
are down an average of 10.5
percent and 28 are up an
average of 1.4 percent.
U someone had boucht all 42
last Chrittmu, the bill would
have been '392.21; the same
collection today would costl $405.28. This rtpresents an in-
crease of three percent.
ow, low
FRI . le SAT.
Nov. 28 & 29
1970 S. Coast Highway
Laguna Beach
opening fr iday1 november
sorry for the deloy
of Glouchester, Mass.
superb quality outwear
ond jodets
men end boys
Co111pl1te 12 WMk
Holiday Pl'09ro111
YOU Will
GO Fl.OM 11%1
1.4 to 10 IN 30 0.,.
16 kt 12 iN 31 Dll)'lo
11 .. I• IN 31 0.p
WUTll S.IMTllllllt& 477·1122 393-0064
JllZ s,,1"9u 711Wil*lre
•llllllC(. MISSlllllUS 349-4711 361 -1714
lml .... llRI. 11111Sjjlf"'°
CIS11MISA -642·7032 142.ot77 .....!!!~'" .!!.!!. •. ' ....
7 fo shion islond, newport beoch • 6+1-5070 ..
bonkemericard master charge
• -. ·~:
. r
l ·1 t.
~i ·I !
i ! ~DO
I f
I ,
I ' • •• I '
I '1;30
• '
., ,,
~ .. ,
... ·-
l .
t \' f r~ I N (,
1 . " .
I !
• .
&:OD fJ lie ,.... (C) {60) Jeny DunphJ.
D m HUntllf·lrinkl., (C) (30)
0 StM Alltn Show (C) (90)
Guests •rt Albert Brooks, Tht New
Yark Rock 1nd Roll Ensemble, Tht
Times Squtr1 Two 1nd Bunny MU·
B Six O'C!tet Mcwie: (C) "Jlle
i'r.e Mtchln1• {sci·li) '60 -Reid
Taylor, Alan Youn1, Yvette Mimleux,
Sebastian Clbol An EngUsh acie:n·
l ist Invents 1 mtchine tt11t llku
him into the lutu1e.
• ' .. 0 Diet Yn DpU (30) m ,.,... ftlCI {30) • .., .. , .. (C) (!O)
ll!l 00 .......... (C) ~O)
lfl Wlltf's New? (30)
QI> IIJ CIS -(C) (30) m r ..... Perdon (30)
a>""" (C) (60) Jack Whitt.
'l:SO 11 MIC NtwltMcl (C) (60)
D Tiit c... ;. .. <t> (30) m Tt Tll Ill Trwlti (C) (30)
fE Off'ICI if Hit PruJdtnt (30}
llJ 00 ·-·"'""' (C) (30) UI Crisis ., Modn Mn (30')
6 (I JT11t •-<30l
(D NotlcMre 34 (C) {60)
m 11ews 1C> (30>
7:00 II CIS Ert11l111 " ... (C) (30)
0 wur, MJ U.I (C) (30)
m 11.M 1.ticr (30)
ID lttl tlll Clod: (C) (30)
EE ComlllOdlty/Mirtul Fll!ld (3 0)
@ @ lraadld (C) (30)
em Allen! 130>
fa (I) Tnitll If Colltequtnt11 (C)
£)I ... 111 die Sn (t) (30)
$ Tilat Clll (C) (30)
' ,.
: '°'7:30 8 ~ (j) Llnm (C) (60) Wo11nd-
• 1 ed in a shootout W.ilh 1n outlaw,
Johnny laJlCer is given rtfu11 on
1 nearby firm. AzntS Moor~lle1d,
Quentin Deen 1nd Bruce Dern l\llSt.
. " •
1,30 116 (JJ '"' """' IC> <60) Walter Brenn•n and mullcll 1roup
Smith auest.
a llJ oo m '"" iCl <10> """ Grsss b Sometimes Grttnar." Julit
consld•rs 1 new Job until Ill• t11rn!
why sht WIS olftred tile position.
Dan Amech1 1uhts.
0 Wl1 Wllll tllt Stars <t> (30) Kirt 8al111d Ind Pai.rl l.}'ndl pest .
0 1!11 ClJ Ill UC """ ol "' Wttk: ~ •111 11191 Diiiy" (COm·
ldy) '69 -Michie! C.tl1n, Ann
Prenllsa, Eve Aldelf, Ruth Buu:I,
Chrlstapher Connelly, BJU Dally, I
Bir.or, Dc111hu., P1ul ford, Elu
Unchester. Two marrl1re consult·
111\s suddenly di~er th1t three
m1lfi11es they 1rr1r11ed 111 U1111t
m ...,. '"" iCl <90> m"" 111 v1111r <C> <60)
fl) Sqlbr1llll n.te (60)
@l lntarfac1 (C) (30) "Holaar•·
phy." A look 11 '1ensleu photo1r1-
phy," 1 visu1lly excitln1 ~trl<lmt
non whkh produm e lhrtt·dim1l'l-
sicn1I tffKl
9:00 0 IH (i) m Nit TMllllJ Mow-
It: [fj ''Rosie" (comectrl '67 -
Rosalind Rusull, Sandri Det, Brl1n
Aher111, Audtty Mudowl, JJmes
Farentino. A recently widowed mid.
cap ml1llon1lr1si decldtt life ill
!here to be llved tnd bqlns lo
re1llr en/oJ herself 11ntll h11 two
dauthlers try to lllYI hlf com·
0 ... 5 (C) (60) "Trinl Lopez. H Narq Ames 1nd the Ytn·
ti.rres auut.
til NET Festini
ID "" 130)
B 9 (f) l1it CiMfNI' t11ll J. L
(Cj (lO)Kalllils Gov. Robert DGck·
ina portr1ys himself ts Gow. DriM.·
waler's luncheon avest. m HI Said, SM Slid (C) (30)
EE Rllrllidl Round., (60)
(D Cbcltt Arenaa.t fC) (30)
10:00 l) ia (f) &O llll••tn (C) A
study althe sex tdutalloft con·
troversy In Renton, Waahinrton1 where It became 1 11111/or polilicl
i'5ue. Hu1hu Rudd rep«IL
nm-(C) <!OJ
u 1!11 rn ai •--· 11.•. 1--e) (60) "Homecomlna. ~ Dr. Wei·
by's plan to hosplllllze Scott Behr·
man, 1ufferin1 from recurrenc.s of
LSD "acid flash", Is oppoll(I b1 tht
)'llUllJ mtn's lither. Robert Upton
Incl Nehemia h Persoff cuest
Q) Piil)' M ... (60)
m Homftllllld (C) (60)
I~ 0 @@ m I Dntm ,, Junnll tt:IS 0 ..... (C) Buter W1rd.
(C} (30) "Uncles 1-Go-Go." A vblt
by two of Jeannie's uncles uust
c .
ly Tom K. Ryan
~ JI
IN ™E U&RA.ln', M~ Pr!VER •••
gy nu: WAY, WHERE
. . '
GO rlGHT I~!
havoc !Gr NASA II they compelt l&.30 0 Dlll•I (C) (60) Louis NJt, Vic "
' ,,, !or the rirht of lin1I 1pprov1I of Oamont 1111st. L--------------.;; TOllJ IS prospectlvt 1room. Ron1ld Loni end Arthur Malet auest. EE Crbtl111 lilZNll (30)
D Stu., 1111 Stln (C) (30)
o 1!11 rn ill""""' <Cl <!OJ "'" 11 a om -<C> ''The Death of Wild Bill H1nn1-0 Tiit Wllllmtrt
cllek." Julie poses as 1 singer 11
1 wayside Inn 11 lht squad lnwts·
t111tes the death of 1 ladlnr coun-
try sinpr. Mun1y Macleod, Tim
O'Ketlr, T1111 °'''ind Sheb WOOIB)'
au est.
m Ollllr Li•ltl
1!11 rn ID oo a ro .... "' m ... ,." ,,.. Cowflrnc•
0 Best of U.. 9 Movie: (C) "T111
Prill" {dram1) '63--f'IUI Nn1m1n, ll:JG fJ QI (I) Min' lriffi1 (C) Edward G. Robinson, Elk• Sommer,
Diane B1klr. story of tiJ: Nobel O @ @ mhllnllJ Clnltl (C)
Prize win11us in Stockholm, 11\clud· Gov. Ind MrL Rontld R.,11n.
in1 1 dbillusianed Arnericln 'lrfiler Geor1e Bums, Gtortt Gobel 1rtd
wha becames in'fO!ved lit 1 plat lo Di1h1nn Ctrroll 1rt tthtduttd
kldnep retuaH te!Mltist winntr, auestL
m T~ ... .,_ (CJ (30) U '""""-= .,m!ICMtl i. PD"
••uo tr (1dventurt-comedJ) 'SS -a.ire L.::=..;;:"-'=======::.i.:: ID Judd f11 tht Ddenw (C) (60) Bloome, Qludt D1uphln.
&lT-"""' 130) O IHJCIJ !ll-. -iCl
fl!l Tiit ClV ....... (CJ (60)
@EIChlldll .... (30)
0 Mowlr. "'[qMrimlnl .. '"""' (dr1m1) '62--0lenn F«d, lit R•m-ltt. St1!1nll Powers.
G)Movw. .,. .. ~ (•cMllt·
lute) '57-Rod CtmtfOR. J. C.rroll
N1llh, Miry C.stlt. ~oo Cl ID <Il III_.. -(C) (301 ·'Yoi.r Bet Your W'rfe." Debbie
mtst1•enlr wind• up with Bob llt-
stettd of Jim u her p1rtnw on 1
tele'iislon cii.rlr: thaw. 1Z.110 m ~ ""'°"""" """""'~·
... (30) B • Mich (dr•rn•> 46 -Rn H1rr11Dn, um g lKlt "' 1111111 · Pal1111t.
o!s JU!slL m Q•• "' I Dly (C} (30)
f.B tt'I I Cif'llt lite (30) m • ..._.. •-liMll <&O>
1:00 a Mftil: .,.., ........ (dr ..
1111) '47 -ClsR Qablt, Dtboflh
Kerr, Avt C.rdntr.
110:«10 "Ill..._. P1lftt" (dr11111} '4S
-Joell Ct1wfonl, MR Blyth. hdt-
1ry Sc.ott.
lt.1111 8 "'Tlil M1pillciMl ,,..,. (dra-
1111) '39--Uo)'d f1Wf1, ~m Taml-
t:OO 0 "'°"'' ...,,,. (d(llN) '5&-
Molly BM, Al1n Rttd Jr.
t.SO U ~Pittlborafl" (d1am1) '42
Jahn Wey111, Mttltnt Dletticll.
2:SO 0 "Cllarp 1f Ille UCfll lrlpdl"
(ad'l!nlur1) '3~ flrnn, Dl'lld
Nivtft. OIM1 de H.MT11nd.
...... _.......,,
By ' Frank 1Jatl11skl
By John Miles
By Harold Le Doux
yes, BUT l
MAl'CHES o"1.
By Saunders and Overgard
--il'lr 1'\llS IS ~00 KAI~, MA I" FOOD, MIKE
.»l'G! ~E'S Bll'KO( WITl1 MOMAO, HASTE
By Al Smith
By Mell
Tutsday, Nomnber 2S, 1%9
By Charles Barsotti'
By Charles M. Schull -.----.,...,
I COIT >:><OW ICil CAH A "THING AllJ!f LOOK HIM r;;::tti~! Ill' IN 'niE I HATE 0011116 ll«LOl'BliA.
Agnew Topic
For Panel
NEW YORK CAP) -The National Educational
Television network pulled together a panel of co~
munication experts Monday night for an hour's dis-
cussion of Vice President Spiro T. Agnew's recent
criticism of television and print media news cover~
In commenting on the speeches of Nov. 13 and
20, the panel reflected as many shades of opinion as
there '"'ere men on the panel. PARTICIPANTS were Fred Friendly, former
president or CBS News : Frank Shakespeare Jr.,
former CBS executive now head of the USIA; Nor-
man Isaacs, executive editor of The Loui sville
Courier-Journal and Times and president of the
American Association of Newspaper editors; Bill
1'-loyers, former press secretary to President Lyn-
don 8. Johnson and publisher or Long Island'~ News-
day ; James Kilpatrick, syndicated columnist, and
Robert WeUs, recently named to the Federal Com-
munications Commission.
Opinion ranged Crom complete agreement with
the vice president by Kilpatrick to rears by Isaacs
that broadcasters may feel threatened and react.
THE HOUR was Car too crowded since it opel>"
ed with film cUps from the two speeches. There were
too many participants for the time given -it would
have been interesting to have heard more from
Moyers who had seen news coverage from inside
the White Iiouse, At one point Friendly and Shake.
speare took over the program in a long dialogue
about whether ihere was a1nong commentators. re.
porters and editors in broadcasting what Shake.
speare called "a diverse ideological mix.11
Isaacs, expressed concern that after the next
presidential speech 0 maybe the stations will cut
away" from the networks and not carry the com-
THE PROGRAM was. ho"·ever. an excellent
public briefing for tonight's "60 Minutes" on CBS
when the network commentators under Agnew's
tire -Walter Cronkite, Chet Huntley , David Brink~
ley and Howard K. Smith -will be heard Crom •
Tennessee Ernie Ford's special on NBC was
a pleasant musical hour against London back-
grounds and using British talent.
NBC WILL drop "Letters to Laugh-Jn," a day-
time spin--off of the evening show . on Dec. 29 with
"Name Droppers" moving into the time spot. At the
same time, Art Linkletter who recently parted from
CBS, and his son Jack will replace "You're Putting
Me On," a game show, on NBC. "The Who , What or
Where Game'' taking over a midday spot.
NIELSEN ratings for the week of Nov. S.16 re-
sulted in a tie between CBS and NBC. each with an
average of 20.2, and ABC receiving a 16.0. T~
rated shows for the period were NBC's "Lau~h-In •
and "The Wonderful World of Disney" and CBS'
Dennis tlae Menace
,, ~y I'll.OT Tutsdrt, Nowml>ff 25, 1969
$25.5 Million Big 0 Raceway on Schedule
C>N SCHEDU.LE -Latest aerial view of $25.5-million Ontario Motor
Speedway shows construction as rt reaches the halfway point. Looking
east, tt>ward top of photo, main portion of 3.23-mile road course curls ~und two infield lakes. Lower center shows tower at dragstrip start·
Marina Grid Coach
Reader Offers Views
On Dismissal of Coon
Gleaned from the mail bag is com·
ment.ary on the dismissal of Marina High
football coach Jim Coon.
N..r. White:
Your story concerning Jim Coon was of
gr~at interest to me but l think It could
'~·ell be expanded. Being an ex-teacher
and coach (al Marina) there is much
more behind the scenes that should be
br6°ught to light. I am not an endorser of
Jirh Coon, Glen Dysinger (principal) or
for· that matter the situation that c;iuscs
mCh • Jose their job -when that job
must depend upon 15, 16 and 17-year-old
This is not the first time a football
coach has been fired at Marina for not
prQducing a winning team . It concerns
me, and other parents, to attend a high
school game where each team has foui' to
seVen coaches on the field -headsets in
place. cameras rolling and spotters in the
Or that assistant coaches are required
to Scout other teams so that one will have
th~· "edge" for next week.
It was not fair to Jim Coon, or any
other coach, to be put on the spot weekly
for the sake of the administration, the
district or parents who demand stardom
for their youngster.
It is common to find administ rators. at
th eir y,•eekly meeting, making sport of
another for his losing team, thus creating
a situation which is neither fair to the ad-
ministrator, coach or the player. Jim was
not the best AD nor the worst.
If one would consider what time an AD
and head football coach spends and the •mount or salary he earns he would find °"t the man Is probably making $1 per ~r for his coaching lime. 'Bow about the boy who quite doesn ·1
hive the abUlty to play varsity? What do
they do with him ?
·When I was al Marina a sophomore boy
~ not play C basketball, even lhouRh
he. bad C exponents, because he would
t..a up vaJuabte space that a talented
rrtlhman co u Id use. Or unless it
beoefiLtd the team lo be a winner.
1'b1s was not strictly the rule , but it h...,.,. to perceot of lhe time. For that bet. wbo c:Oukf not keep up. he did have
ta dace of dropping out or participat· t_.. ln Intra-murals during his freahman
ot ~ year. After that-well he
.. laded aw•y".
~Why ts it so Important lo y,\n? We let
the A. 8. C and even the D MIJtlent play
i;:pOrtl. Whit hnppentd to the F student~
rs.he playing al smoking pot a11d stealing
fPlay ing is therefore a prl\'ilege. to
tucb direct ion, respontlblllly. un-
der1tindln1 and 10 live with other~.
Therefore, U you fire lht coact for not
winning then fire the "boys'' for not ;scor-
ing or making the first down.
It ·is time for those in administration to
have the guls to stop this idea that win·
ning is everything. That it is important to
create good citizens rather than speedy
halfbacks. I am all for football, basket·
ball and all other sports for they are a
necessity and way of life.
But if l were a coach again I wonder
how hard r· would drive boys so that it
might create injury or detour them from
their studies in order to maintain my job.
I criticize Mr. Dysinger and those above
him for being so short-sighted.
Glen Dysinger -the next coach you
hire tell him winning isn't so Important,
but the making of men who will un·
dcrstand why we play the game.
UCLA, Trojan
Cagers Plan
To Ru11 Nlore
basketball team plans to run more this
year, as do the Southern California Tr1r
Southern California's Basket b a 11
Writers were run out early. Their first
meeting or the year had to be postponed
Monday when a hotel kitchen fire caused
so much ·S1noke the meeting room \vas
. evacuated.
Conversations took place in an adjacent
parking lot.
Coach John \Vooden or UCLA said th at
\\'ithout Lew Alcindor, lhe three-time All
American who led the Bruins to three
stralghl national titles, the club would
revert more to the style of 1964-fS.
In those years, the Bruins also won the
NCAA crown.
Steve Patterson, a 6-9 letterman. goes
at center with Sidney Wicks and Curlis
Rowe at for~·ards, John V11lely and
001ihomore Henry Bibby at U1e guards.
''We'll use a man-lo-man defense and
press more," said \Vooden.
Coach Bob Boyd of the Tro\ans 11aid.
"We will be anything but a ba l control,
dcllbtrate style team. Jn fact, J have
never had a team that will be as spread·
court conscious as this one."
Boyd said Ron RJley, a U aophomorc
center, has looked good in rebounding
and that tus team has been getting seer.
Ing from guards Paul Westphal. Dan
P:isi:ett and Dennis Layton.
UCLA opens Jts seawn Dec. I at
Pnuley Pavilion. play.lng host to Arizona .
USC plays its rirb1 four gan1cs In lhe Lo!i
Angeles Sports Arena, optnlng w Ith
Colorado on Occ. $.
~1canwhlle, lhe writers scheduled lhcir
opening meeting for next ~1onday.
ing line as it takes shape along pit road which leads across main van
tunnel to garage area and manufacturers' complex (upper center).
The track is scheduled for July completion.
U'°I Tt18tleM
FIRST TEAM CHOICE -Stanford quarterback J im Plunkett has
been selected to the aJJ.coast first team. Plunkett guided the Indians
to a 7·2·1 record this past season. He is a junior.
Troy's Gunn Smith Named
To '69 All-American Team
By United Press lntem;iUonal
University of Soulhem Ca!Uornin
linemen Sid Smith and Jim Gunn have
been named lo the 1969 Unit~ Press
lntemational All·America football team,
announced today.
Smith, a M, 267-pounder from Long
Beach, was named to an offensive tackle
position. Gunn. a San Diego product. wa/li
selected at a defensive end spot. He is a
6-1 , 2l~poundtr. Both arc scniorll.
UCLA linebacker ~11ke Ballnu and USC
ho.llback Clarence Davis were S('('Ond
team selections.
Steve Owens, Oklaho1na 's record·
breaking running bac k, was the lop vote-
gettcr \\'Ith t32 out or a possible 142.
C''l:Nll Dl'INll ,,l.._,_._,.r ...ci kllMI ,_,.__,_l•Ytr •M SCllMI
E-Alv1,..r, Ffotrid1 E-Gunn •. use
E-Mtndlc:ll. Mkfllg111 E-Olstf't, Uttll St. T-t. Smltfl,_ USC T-.McCoy, Notrt o.me T-MCK1y, TIXll T-i11111d, PIM SI.
0-ICllL T-tM MO-S1U1w1gon, Otilll SI. G-Olnl!'Oo, No!,.. 0.mt L•-l<llltf", Tel"!neu" C-8r•l'ld, ""'1"w1 Ll-Ol'lltOlr., ,..,,,, St, 08-"'-lO., Purd11t Hl-Tetvr(I. Ollle St.
8-0wtns, Oli:i.flo!nl H~lt. Mkflltln 8-0!lt, Ol'tlo SI, Hl-.S'"Ull, ,__ SI.
l-And1raoro, Colot.00 Hl~cCltnlOll, Auburn
O'il'INSI: Dlll'INSI .... _,. .. ,.r tM l(MM ,...,_,_ .. ..., •M ltllttt
E-W•IQlll, Hout.IOI! 1-ln;rlllat•· Ca'ctrMIO !-$°"''"· TUlt, 1-Cl'"llbtll, "ubu"' T-W11rd. Olll•'*"• $1. T-lroolu. lt•.'11 T-Asheo-, Varcttnllh: T-4met:r, P-SI. G--S."'!'~. Al.I~ MC-Crf'IW'!tl, Wnl V1, ~'"""'-· "'°"'"'" Ll-l "'DU' UCLA C-Alt1'!1~'11(1, Oil•~-Ll-P1rltll. Slt"IO•O 0'-\\-1119, MIUIU)Jlpi H~ MIHlulllOI a-a.vis, u se Hl-T•"'*'· Ftorld• fl -·#artttr, TtJUl'I Hl-Prtwil, Clllt lt,
1-P!th'Nll, Penn "· H~o"r· P11~11t
·skeptic~m Outlasted,
Classy Agenda on Tap
ONTARIO (AP) -Despile a long
uphi.d fight against skepticism, the "Big
O" is right on schedule.
The 1'Big 0" Js Ontario Motor
Speedway, a '25.5 million all-purpose
auto rac.Jng facility under construction
near the·commercial roee growing fields
just south of Los Angeles. lt is the most
ambitious and costly project of its kind
ever undertaken.
"One ol the big problems, aside from
financing, waa to oveI'CQme massive
skeptici!m that we'd never get It of( the
ground," said 32-year-old Dave Lock.ton,
preaide'flt or t~ corporation which
launched the project.
"We reel we have won the uphill fight
against skepticism," uys L o c k t o n •
"There were those who predk:ted we'd
never get the money, and that if we did
succeed In building It the whole thing
would be a financia l failure .
"Things now are being seen on the
posilive side rrom all angles." he added.
"And apparently by all people."
Some of the· skepUcism began to
subside a few weeks ago when con-
struction reached the paving stage and
the installaUon of the first of 85,IXKI
permanent seats.
But the coupe de grace in this reversal
of feeling. Lockton feels, came at the encl ot July. That wu when the giant facility
Team Named
$AH FRANCISCO {U '°ll -Tiii '"' Unltld ,..... lnlfiMl!onlll •II Wffl COIJI collirve fool~ll
1 .. m:
OPf'•MS• D•,•NS• hL-M-kMet c... ""...NllftloSchRKi.n E-coocitr. UCLA. Sr. E~. use. Sr. 1!-MoDr1, o ... , $09h. 1-AlllU•ll,,., CBI., Sr.
T-Sm!lh, use, sr. T-Cowll•· use, sr. T-flauerrnen. UCLA. Sr. T-llrodl, Wish., Sr.
G-10w1191an, use, Sr. Lll-P1r1s11, st111., Sr. G-llllnllard, Slln., Sr. l8-ll1l1Du, UCLA. Sr.
C-S.lld1, SI•"·· Jr. L&-Grll'll'"· Ore., Soph. Q&-,.11,tn11;1n. St1<11., Jr. a-Durlto, use. Sr.
Rll-Olvla. use, Jr, 11-e1rvrr, UCLA. Soclll.
RB-J-., UCLA, Sr. 8-Tt.omtti, WSU, Jr.
Fa-c:uAIOn, UCL.A, Jr. 11-WfedlrNnn, C1I., Sr.
S•COND T~AM OF,INSI: DIFINSI'. ..... ..Jlllftlok•I ,.ft.•Nl-$(-1
E-R1ynld1, S.n D1'9D $l.E-Gr1nt, UCL.A E-.Moo,.., Sten. E-GIM"!tt, Or1. St.
T-Rld'ludl, C.I. T-R-. UCL.A
T-5ryrnour, S11n. T-L-lt, Ori. SI, G--llllrnoir, USC Lll-Crorlt, C•I.
G-Alurnbeuofl, UCL.A La-4mllla, I.IOI" C-Wlllte, or.. $1. L&-..!Mrtyr, C.. 09-Slllw, lln DltllO St. a-K1vff,.,.,,, St111.
Ra-arown. S'-"· I-Hudson. USC Rll--F1rmtr, UCL.A ll-GINllOft, Ore. F~lln, Ofl. St. 8-lnity, Or~ SI.
Sports In Brief
was given a sanction for a SOO-mile race
for championship cars next Labor Day.
Only one other track -the tradition--
rich Indianapolis Motor Speedway -has
1hiB kind of an attracUon.
"Getting this big race (or our track -
and there were many who said w~'d
never do it -was only the bn·
plementation of first things first," says
Lock ton.
The "Big O" hardly proposes to stop
there. The new faci lity plans at least four
big auto racing shows each year.
In addition to the California 500 for
USAC championship cars, l.ockton and
his cohorts already have booked the Na-
tional Hot Rod Association's Superna·
tionals for Nov. 22-23 next year. Bolh
events carry full international sanclion,
meaning that drivers fro1n Europe can
Ontario's owners would like to stage a
spring 500-miler for late model stock
cars, such as those that run on the
South's big ovals.
"We have had discussions wjll"l
NASCAR, the prime stock car sanc-
tioning body," Lock ton says. "But we
also are interested in the burgeoning ..
USAC stock car program, with lls names !
like A. J. Foyt and Al Unser. But we
can't handle a !pring race until 1971."
An early summer 1971 road race also Is
be.ing talked, either on the Trans.
American circuit for small sedans, or the
Canadian-American Challenge Cup series
for sports-racing cars.
Ontario will have a 2.5-mile oval that in
size and configuration is almost identical
to Indianapolis. A 3.23-mile road course
will utilize the straightaway of the main
The facility is now SO percent complete,
says Locklon. and will be ready for use
on July 1, 1970. A $400.000 landscaping
program, including small trees, already
ha! started. Ticket sales for the two
events next year average $4,000 a day.
Lockton admits that the addition o( im·
portant people from auto racing and the
nearby movie-television colony h a 1
helped erase some ·Of the early skc~
ticism. I
Among directors are Kirk Douglas and
Dickie Smothers. along with auto racing
greats Rodger Ward, Roger Penske and
Briggs Cunningham.
The track's board chairman is Dan
Lufkin, chairman al.so of Donaldson,
Lufkin and Jenrette, a Wall Street firm.
Halos in 5-player Swap
Penhall Back of Week ;
The California Angels took a major
stride toward beefing up their anemic
hitting corps today by acquiring Alex
Johnson from the Cincinnati Reds in
a trade involving five players.
The Angels sent Pedro Borbon and
pitchers Jim McGlothlin and Vern
GeJshert to the Reds for Johnson and
uUUty infielder Chico Ruiz.
Johnson batted .Jta last season and
.312 In 1968. He has a plus .300 lifetime
average. In 1969 he hit 17 home runs
and had 88 rbi. •
SAN FRANCISCO -Ex-Westminster
High ace Dave Penhall, '"hi/ set a
California passing record in leading the
Golden Bears to a near-upset over Stan·
ford Saturday. was named Northern
California back of the week Monday.
Penhall, who completed 2.1 of 36 passes
fer 321 yards and a touchdown while
scoring twice himself in the narrow 29-28
loss broke Craig· Morton's single-game
passing yardage mark.
NEW YORK -Just when the Los
Angeles Lakers could use a game with a
pushover, they're n..1nning into the
roughest club In the National Basketball
The Lakers. decimated by injuries,
visit the fantastic New Y o r k
Kni ckerbockers tonight before the usaul
standing • roon1 • only crowd in Madison
Square Garden.
STOCKHOLM Rod Laver, the
world's top.ranked tennis player, was ex·
tended to three sets Monday night by a
virtually unknown Swede, IS.year-old I.All!
Johansson, before winning u. f.3, 6-1 in
the first round of the Stockholm Open. • SAN DIEGO -U.S International
University, with Larry Weddle pumping
in !7 points. rolled to a 71-62 victory over
Southern Cal College of Costa llfesa Mon-
day night in the opening basketball game
of the sea90n for each team.
Jerry runker and Dave Payne each had
20 points for Southern Cal.
Bakerafield College was declared the
~,elropollLa.n Conference rootball· charn·
r.lon Monday rught at a mcellng of con-
erence olflcials arter they ruled thal
P&sadena CUy College must forfeit three
league aames.
PMacfena uacd 1 player In his lh.lrd
season of freshman and junior college
football competlUon In a 17·13 win over
Bakera!ltld Nov. t and victories over
West Valley and El Camino, officials
Pasadena also must forfeit a 14·14 lie
against Rio Hondo.
Bakersfield, which finished \vith a 5.1
conference record and an 8-1 overall
mark, y,•ill represent the conrerence in
the state junior collge p I a y o f ( l!i _
Bakersfield will host Santa Barba ra
Saturday night.
MIAMI -Orange Bowl-bound Missouri
smeared the Rose Bowl's 1'.1ichigan, but
Tiger coach Dan Devine said Monday he
wasn't at all shocked when the
Wolverines rebounded !o deck Ohio
State's "unbeatables."
"A-tichigan would probably ~·hip Ohio
State nine times in IO." said Devine. "In
my mind, Penn State is the No. I football
team in the country."
Coincidentally, A-tissouri is meeting
unbeaten Penn State in the New Year's
night Orange Bowl game in ,.,Iia1ni.
NEW YORK -Gerry Lindgren a
diminutive baU of dynamite, closed' out
his collegiate carter, with a recorcl-
smashing triumph in the 31st annual
NCAA cross country championships.
The 5·2, 120-pound senior at Washington
State cra~ked _his. own meel mark by 2 2
seconds In winning the six·mile event
Mond ay Jn 28 minutes 59.2 seconds tak·
ing the title for the third time. '
Villanova, gunning for its fou rth con-
secutive team title. was upset by Texas·
El Paso which ended with 72 points to the
Wildcats' 85.
CALCUTTA, India -A skldding racing
car plowed into spectators here Sunday,
killing two children and injuring nine
other persons.
Football Ratings
A, "°LL
Tt1111 W·L-T '19, I. Tues -w 14 t. Art1nsM M ~ J. ,__ St. t<t S1J
"Ollla Stire t·I set s. use • 0.1 •U
'· ,,_1111111•1 '1 m 1. Mklli.." 1 1 JJ1
I. Nl'!ln: O."" l •I I ~· t. L11111'I•,,. St ' I MO I~. l9'1~Ht l•I 7'4 II. UCLA It I ltl n, Aubl.trn /., 1)1
U. N~~1.-• 11 92
l A. MIHl~dtlllt .. ) " II. Si.f'for1' 11 I M
"· lt\lf"dut ~J u "· 'te•ld~ ,.,,, <Cl II, H-IOll 1·1 ~I It. Wnf "lllrlllllt t.1 H
10, lo!WO lM I ..
Tund,y, ""'"""' 2,, 1%t OAILV PILOT J7 /
All-Orange Coast Area ¥oothall Team for 196 ~
Ed loon
El Camino ~·
First OCC '·
Cage Foe
Of tfM ta.llY "911t l18ff
El CamJno has traditionally
been the opening opponent on
Orange Coast College 's
basketball schedule -and Uilii
year is no exceplion.
The two teams begin the
1969 cage campaigit Friday
Newport Harbor
Corona d1I Mar
night in the OCC gym-----------
nasium. The Pirates also have
a home game scheduled Satur ..
day night against Golden
West. Both games get under
way at a p.m.
Orange Coast and E I
cam.ino have inaugurated the
last five · basketball seasons
with lhe W arrlors winning the
1968 opener, 91-86.
The two teams have nine
wins each in the series.
New Pirate coach Herb
Livaey has announced four of
his 1tarters for Friday JUght.
Phil Jordan will be at forward
with Rick Stickelmaier at
c<nU!r and Troy Rolph and
Jim Kindelon as two of the
guards in the three-guard of-
fense . The other starting gua~
will be chosen from the
quartet of Bob Black, Paul
Holmes. Gary Redmond or
Duane Dlffie.
Black will probably get the
starting call, says Livsey,
unless El Camino is a big
Jordan, the team captain, ls
the lone starter returning
from last season's 10.18 club.
He was OCC's leading re-
bounder last year with 235 and
also averaged 12.3 points per
game. He stands 6-4.
Stickelmaier, the tallest of
the Pirates at 6-6, was a part-
time starter last year. He was
second in rebounding wlUt 218
and averaged 9.t points per
game. ' Rolph Is a lral1lfer from the
Univenity of, Redlands. He
was aJl.CrtltView Lelgue and
all-Orlnfe County two years
ago at Oranee High. He is S-
Ii. Kindelcn (6-1) r. another
part.time starter returning. He
hlt at a 10.1 clip per P,me last
season and bad a 48 percent
shooting average Crom the
16 Teams
In Cage
Sixteen pr e p basketball
te&1111 (lpen tbe.ir 1969-70 yar;si.,,
ty campaigns Mondiy anti
Tuesday in the fifth annual
Westminster-Marina Rotary
Invitational tournament and it
stands to be the most evenly
balanced tourney in the short
history of the classic.
Santiago High , dominated by
~10 center Mark Decker, is
top seeded hi the affair while
Warren Hig'h of Downey draws
second seed.
Long Beach Wilson and
Marina are third and fourth
seeds with other powers Long
Beach PcM)', Los Al amitos,
Westminster and Huntington
Beach rounding out the top
At Marina
7 p.m. -Marina vs Valen·
8:30 p.J11. -Long Beach Po-
ly VJ Edilon
A& Wettmln1ter
7 p.m. -Westminster VS
1:30 p.m. -Lalli Beach
Willon vs Garden Grove
At Marlaa
7 p.m. -Los Almlif.ol vs
8:30 p.m. -Santiago VJ
Riverside North
A& Westmbt1&tr
7 p.m. -Huntington Beach
vs Bolsa Grande
8:30 p.m. -Wanen v1
Fountain Valley
At JtJt. J AC Fridafl
Newport Harbor
Mater D1i
Mater Dei
. Corona dtl Mar
Huntington Baa.ch
Huntington Bt•ch
Ntwport Harbor
Ntwport Harbor
Tripp Top Area Lineman;
Dunn Nails Back Laurels
Newport Harbor and
Westmlnater hilh schoob eacf>
picked up five tint team
berths In the AD-Orange Cout
area football selections as
named by the DAILY PILOT.
Pos. Name Weight Class
Newport's success Carne
from three offensive linemen
while Huntington B e a c h
dominated the defensive
Coach or the year honors
went to the same individual
who copped the Irvine League
and Orange County title -Bill
Vail of Edison High.
Back of the year is Mark
Dunn of Mater Oei, who led
his mates to a 6-3 record
against Imposing competition.
Dunn was a fi rst-team choice
for all-county honors.
Lineman of the ye1r is
Newport Harbor's Bob Tripp.
The Oraftie Coast 1rea con-
sists or the five Huntington
Beach District schools,
Edison, Huntington Beach,
Fountain Valley, Marina and
Westmi".ste r; and the
Newport-Mesa District which
includes Corona del Mar,
Costa Mesa, Estancia and
Newport H.-along with
four others.
Those arc Mater D e I ,
Laguna Beach. Mission Viejo
and San Clemente .
E-Dedrick, Westminster
E-Blood, Newport Ha rbor
T-Gelker, Newport Ha rbor
T-North, Corona del Mor
G-T ripp, Newport Harbor
G-Roupp, Fountain Volley
C-Chompion, Fountain Volley
B-Wise, Hunt ington Beoch
B-Moxley, Edison
8-Johnson, Estoncia
B-Dunn, Mote r Dei
E-Wollers, Huntington Beach
E-Grzecko , Moter De i
T-Kennedy. Marino
T-Hanss, Huntington Beach
MG-Torrey, Newport Horbo'
LB-Petros, Coron• del Mor
LB-Appleton, Moler Doi
LB-Moro, Huntington Beach
B-Shedd, Newport Harbor
B-Zoltosky, Huntington Beach
8-Newhouse, Westminster
E-Volbueno, Founta in Vo lley
E-Corter, Edi so n
T-Morlin, Newport Harbor
T-Goelitz, Corona del Mor
G-Jennings, Morino
G-OeHuff, Edison
~livit, Huntington Beach
175 Sr.
175 Sr.
210 Jr.
19 1 Sr.
180 Sr.
180 Sr.
198 Sr.
155 Jr.
165 Jr.
170 Sr.
185 Sr.
170 Sr.
180 Sr.
205 Sr.
175 Sr.
180 Sr.
170 Sr.
180 Sr.
175 Sr.
16S Sr.
160 Sr.
140 Sr.
180 Sr.
155 Jr.
210 Sr.
188 Sr .
170 Sr.
170 Jr.
170 Sr.
Rustler Cagers Open Action 8-Bone, Westminster 160 Sr.
B-Horlsfield . Fountain Valley I 70 Jr,
B--Boize, Westminster 175 Jr.
Facing 1 rebuilding year,
Golden wen Colltge opens the
basketball aeason wlth a pair
ol games t.hil weekend on
foreign coor11.
Cooch Dick Strlckltn's club
llUl1Ches the campailn Friday
iilgbt at Mt. San Jacinto and
then faces Orange Coast
cOl!ege Saturday night.
!. only one leltermln returns
~ the Rustler camp and he is
M center-rorward 0 1 v e
Harding. who played on 1
)lmlted basis last season. •
. Harding scored 148 Points In
)>laying in 28 ol Golden West's
Zll pmes, overaging I.I point.
per 1une.
He ll the Jone tophomore on
the ts-man rOlter. lfardinC or Brad ll>•k•ll
will open at center with Rick
-and Drew Grevls al tbe gun! opoll. The llarting
fonronl1 will be picked from
CbriJ n-poon, Jdl Powers « Marshall Wade.
H111tell, 6-5, Is from Foun-
tain V1Uey wl\lle Barnes, $-10,
played prep ball II Rancho
AJamlt01. Grevls, also ~10,
was a stuter list season at
Boise Grande.
Thompson, 6-1. Is rrom
COrona dcl Mar, while Powers
(6-2} played ai Weatminlltr.
Wade Is rrom La Quinta.
'lbe Rll'tlers will be playing
without the services of Brian
Ambrozlch. who is sitting out
the first semester with grade
Ambrozich hid the best
aver1re last aeuon (13.1),
scoring 2M point. In juat II
games. He prepped at H~
tington Beach.
According to l\usller cmch
Dick Sldoklln, ML San Jacinto
Ls 1 bla;\eam. ·~Jr center i1
6-6, thelr forwards ire M and
6-4 and their guards are both
The Rustlers compiled a 17·
12 record last suson.
B-Fish, Nowporl Harbor 170 Sr.
E-Molone, Fountain Valley 168 Sr.
E-Sweetlond, Cosio Mesa 205 Jr.
T-Hernondaz, Fountain Volley 170 Sr.
T-Aldridge, Woslmi nster 225 Jr.
MG-Haberthur, Huntington Beach 180 Sr.
LB-Divel, Son Clemente 165 Sr.
LB-Moats, Hu ntington Beach 170 Sr.
LB-Ferryman, Coste Mesa 180 Sr.
B-Show, Fountain Volley 155 Sr.
B-Raymond, Ed ison IS5 Jr.
B-McNomero . Son Clemente 160 Jr .
Founta in Va lley
Huntington a.ach
Fountain Va lley
Huntington Beach
Huntington leech
DON TORREY Nawport Horber
South Pas
As Usual
Tigers Set for Bear
In Saddleback Clmh :~:
01 Ille ~ltr l'llef t l1ff
South Pasadena High tradl·
tJonally p r e s e n t s excellent
football teams and this year's
No. l ranked and tcp seeded
Tiger outfit is no exceptJon.
It'll entertain Fullerton Fri-
day night at Arcadia High
School in the ClF AAA
quarterfinals and is a one·
touchdown favorite to make
the Indians Its 11th straight
Coach Ray Solari's Rio Hon-
do League tltlists have mop-
ped up the field with moat of
the opposition this ye a r
despite the lack of a single
Solari says the succeM of
his team 's season can be trac-
ed to Its overall quickness and
agility combined with ex-
cellent team work -a
trademark of South Pasadena
in the past.
The Tigers opened the
season with four shutouts and
their only victory margin of
less than I~ points was the 10-3
verdJct over preseason
favorite· Temple City.
Of tM O.lfY 1'1111 Sl1lf
Undefeated Reedley College
seems to have everything
goln1 for it as the Tigers go
into the small college division
oC the st.ate Junior college
playoffs Saturday night, faclng
Saddleback at Santa Ana
The C e n t r a t Conference
champions ol coach J . R.
Boone have three strong
quarterbacks, a p o t e n t
fullback, an excellent passer,
three strong receivers and a
rapidly Improving defense.
Other than that, they are
just an ordinary bunch of foat,..
ball players.
Leading that devastating
sky atlack Is rield general Jim
Boone, sophomore son of the
coach who has missed three
weeks with a shoulder injury.
However, he has been prac·
ticing for a week and is ex·
pected to be ready b y
Saturday. In the SYi games he
saw duty, Boone threw for a
dozen touchdowns and over
1,600 yards.
Prime targets are Jim
Duckhorn, a returning all·
leaguer with 37 reception!;
Larry BatUe, a freshman with
39 catches; D u a n e Bet-
tencourt, 38 snares.
. '
Backlng up Boone " Harvey
Gable, who a.I.so plays defense; "l' and Steve Jacoby, a sta~. ·•
running back. J a c o b r . .'
averages four yards per C8rr1; ~
Fullback Junior S q u 1 r t '. . ' keeps the land a t t a c J: ,.
dangerous, having garnered '
922 yania in eight games.~'.·~
' "' 1116-pound fretbman is averaa·
ing 5.2 yards per try.
Reedley's nifty offense I~
averaging 35.3 points per
game while the defense bas
yielded 19.f per Wt.
However, B oone's ad·
ju.stments on the latter ap-
panntly have Ughtened that
department up since the lut
three foes have averaged only
1.2 per UH. ,
Boone is warm 1n h1J ap; :
pralaal of Saddlebeck. 0 I'ni
very impressed with their .
quarterback (Rod Graves),'
and their running back (TOOy· '
Whipple ). ··'·
"Whipple hu fine baJanct'"
and ability to stay on his fee(:,":
They like to run a& you but''~
Graves is a capable puaer', '
We were impressed with ~e ..
way ~ddleback came back: ..
against Mt. San Jacinto and
with the way they kept thei( . ,, .
poJSC. t: I
Leading the Tigers I s
fullback Mike Klof, a S..11 , 165-
pound senior who's scored 19
Halfbacks in the winged-T
fonnatlon with an unbalanced
line is Tom Edgar (5-1 1, 165)
and 8-0b Schultz CH , ISO).
Saddkback to Face , .
The only junior on either the
starting offense or defense Is
defensive tackle M on t e
Ralgland, who's the biggest
player on the squad at ~I. 195.
SD Mesa lJl Opener
John Simmons leads the
Tigers from his quarterback
post and his chief receiver has
been end Bill Cleary.
Solari says his club faces
some problems with Fullerton.
particularly with the Tndlans'
affensive a t t a c k featuring
spreads and motion.
"'They seem to present a
very difficult attack to con·
tain," says Solari.
Defensively, the Ti1ters work
out of 1 4-4 alignment.
Saddleback College launches
its second basketball season
this weekend with a pair ol
games In the San Diego area.
Coach Roy Stevens' ·club
meets San Diego al Mira
Costa College Friday night
and encounters Grossmont at
San Diego Mesa Saturday
night. Both contests will begin
at 7. Doubleheaders are schedu\.
ed both nights , with Mira
Costa facing Grossmant In a 9
o'clock game Friday nlght and
Mesa and Mira Costa meeUng
in the late eame Saturday.
Stevens has anriounctd his Soatl Puad<u ( llMI)
42 Glendale Hoover o slartlng lineup for \he season
21 Chartor Ook
21 Morningside
26 S'all!lllan
10 Temple City
47 Bell Gardens
42 La Canada
21 San Marino
.Cl Duarte
27 La Pu'nte
o opener.
o Bill Noon. last y e a r ' s
o leading scorer for Saddleback.
6 will open at 1 guard, alona
21 wit h fresh man Eric
6 Chr1st,nsen. At ctnter will be
~ Rich Ebel and 1he forwards
I will bf! Cain Smith and Randy
7 1..awrtnce.
Noon was the leading juni()f ..
colle1e scorer in Orange c~,:
ty last season with 542 points ;
and a Ul.4 averace in :I'
games. He alt.ended Savanna,·
High School. • '.•
Christensen, as a senior al
San Clemente High wu th&"
leading prep 9COrer in thl!r ·
county with 649 points In '.Iii
games and a 25.9 average. '.
Ebel, at M the talleat men.·
on the Gaucho aquad, pll.)'fd
for TusUn lliP In lllHt ..
Smith, a trlllafer from the-;
Univenlty of Wuhlnitoo>
played prep ball 1t t.ap u
Beach and Lawrence, a
sophamore, averaged 1 1 ~ ,~
paints last Staaon In 24 11mds
for Saddlebad:, scorlnc •· ·• ·
Stevena reports hi.I club tn
good shape for the Ol)e:ntr ...,, i
with one tXctpUoo. l"rnhmla;
guard Rick Edward is silR ·
nunlng 1 sprained ankle and.,
may not ace action thll wttk ,
. .
: .
" •
! • '
. •
A.naheim ·vs Jinx .Ri~e1sid~ ..
InR~kz~·~m£, !'ytai::d
Year I:! ud JUI GUI one of .,_ hick.., 1 1.,,. IUllalned
the bl8Pll .... lo • -march IDd -lei them football team ii Uri ..--bruk oil another lCllll one on
~ ~1 a temD Jn tbe Cill' UI," 11)'1 Womack. ~ alt<r lreoU., that Womack says his crew
same f4om earllor ID lbe fel/'· played. lla ·beat gmne In two
Anaheim Hl"1 bid the loOd yeara tut week Jn rouUeg
f-.. to bo,ln Iba! pOllUon a Loara,-:IH.
couple of y~o -the An4, be llYI his club won't Col-a a 2M Jou have 1111 lroolble geltJng ilaell
to Santa Ana with a 27-t vie-bad: .Into the ri&ht frame of tori In the AAAA Dpafs at mlml after the lint raimd vic-
A0•hetm stadbJm , tory.
Now,,-vei, lbe -ii lie -npeci1U1 baooy oa the oilier loot 11 ibvadbg wilb his four deep biCb Jn'the
Redl1Ddlc lllO _... for 1-a win. '!'bole ...,. Mlle
their rematcli with Anaheim Newmann, Rick Hughes, Eh·
Friday nlgbt•at tbe wne site nis DlJon and Brian Billick.
-Anabetm Stadium. Defensively la where the
Coach Paul Womack's big, blue-clad Terriers do the most
mobile outfit lost to Anaheim, damage and lt'1 the three
27..e, early in the year in a Redlands playen who weigh
noo-leane te8t. · ' over IOO plUllds lhal make It
But ltCllUCk N11 hit team click.
ls TI\tll)' ~· 'flom the J,I~ Davtd Croot, San earlliir l!qes -nped•lly Trad Bild Gre1 Steele m the
defmslftiy. only, Terrien to go bolb ways
"We'Ve been playing each and• !l's their pmeoce that
other for .. Ions now I think maba .the RedJands line so
'lbe Riverside Poly_ Bears -
ooee feared In large ecbools
football compeUUon -present
the oppooltloo lo Loi Alamitos
Friday olpt at 'Western High
in the CIF AA ,.miflnals.
The Bean, under coach Ben
Hamme.rschmkft. are a.i for
the year including an eight.
1ame wlnnlng atreak that
bepn alt.r drooolol two -league games to-AiAA com·
In that string are five
lhutoula and the laiest con·
quest was a U wb over El
Centro In the quarterfinals.
The Bears operate out or a
winged-T and pro set forma-
tion with most of the running
dutles falling on hallbacl< Art
Akim (16$) and fullback Mel
Gleen. who tips the scales at
235, is S..10, and coosklered an
excellent blocker for Akins,
who's the best Bear ncmer.
They illo have a capable
we bolb -about u much formtdable.
1boUI each other u miycr.ie REDLAND8 (1·1-ll
could. 12 IH.lg Beach Poly
''Thia thing Friday night is 6 Anaheim
passing attack, but don 't
14 usually throw more than 10
27 times a game.
14 Ed Gunz, S..11, 170, directs ldmpl1 ...., lo boll down to 21 Pacific
'the breab IDd whether we 7 Footani
"""llmt oll the loq 1a1n<r by 20 San JlenW'd!no
Anaheim 20 Eiaenbower
•'nw•1 the key to It. We're ii. llamoal
1 balk:antn>l unit IDd U we 15 sU Glirgonio
allow them the cheap long one :IS Chalfey
It really makes It dllflcult to 20 Loara
Pro Cage Standings
the team from the 7 quarterbaclt post and is -0 sidered a good drop back 6 paSoer by bis coaches.
• :J It's the defense, however,
that bu been Poly's bigg<ot asset. ..
a Leam:n& the defen!ive corps
are twO hefty seniors.
Right guard Eugene Clark,
6-3, 230, and linebacker Dave
Johnson, &-2, 225, are the
main.staya_ in a quick. mobile
Tum in.
(2.f) or the Costa Mesa Caballos moves for yardage
.''vbile Huntington Beach Impalas defender Mi k e
Franklin (25) pursues. The Jmpalas meet Rialto's
Colts Saturday at Hemet (3 o'clock) In SoCal 'Fed-
eration semilinals game. Coacbmg .the Impalas is
Bob Justice.
_, ... ...,_ ••• ....... DIYl1IMI W L N .•I
21111 1 ••• -
14 ' .7IO S'h 11 II ..Jl.4 f
, ..... -Co .....
... line.
• ....,. DlvhM Hammerschmidt says he 1~ ~ ;t· !." viewed Los Alamitos' Orzige
12 5 ·* '~ League win over El Dorado : : ;:i :..., and came away with the im-
s~ --J:nr..--
ACROBATICS -John Valdez (80) o! the Huntington Beach Impalas leaps in
vain to snare a pass during Saturday ni ght's Orange County J~. Al~·Amei;tcan
title game ,vith the Costa ~1esa CabaUos. Seen for the losers 1s Eric LOvmger
!44 ).
Sky Leag11e Champions
Tough Test for Knights
Grid Coacl1
Quits After
Dismal Year J~ro1n every indication Jt
would appear Foothill High
Sc.hool is in for its most se1·crc
football test of· the year ~,ri·
day night \\·hen thl Knight s.
champions of the Crcstv\e\Y
League, host Rolling llills al
Santa Ana Bowl.
The undeleated Titans frorn
the Sky League roll in with <in
tnipressive record and their
all-lea~ue selections seem to
underlie the loop domination
of Rolling Hills this yea r.
Coach Dwaine Lyon brings
In a group that boasts five
def'enslve and six offensh•e
5t,.arters on the all-league list
and Ifs led by tailback 1Jill
Blanclak. a 5-lt, liO.pourid
.senJor who runs behind the
formJd.able b I o c k I n I;: or
fullback Bruce Sweellfy, .1 0-4,
llO·f""'nd bloclcbuster.
ft 11 the Titans' serond
~trn.Jght championship y03r. In
1008 they turned Jn an overall
• '.
10·2 season that included a 42·
14 pasting of Creslvle1v
League champion L a g u n a
Ucach In the CIF quarterfinals
61 Orange Coast College.
Perhaps a key to the solid
depth that Rolling Hills
possesses is at quarterback
\\·here t\\·o are employed.
Alternating are Jim Conte
13-11. I~) and Rene Revino
jl;.9. 163). Despite alternating
with their roll out and drop
back patterns. the former
made first team all·league at
Cypress College I o o t b a 11
coach Carl Schiller announced
his resignation ~t on da y ,
following the school's third
losing season.
Schiller compiled a 5-22-0
record in his three years at
Cy press. He had a 1-8 reeord
in his first ·season and im-
proved that to 31 la.st year.
But \Vilh a much tougher
sched ule, he finished 1-8 in ROLLING HILLS ( lo--0)
13 Bishop P.1ontgomery 6 1969,
20 lhl\\'thon1e
34 Miralesle
40 Duarte
41 P.1orningside
3.'l Lcuzinger
45 Culver City
28 J>alos Verdes
34 Torrance
27 Lasuen
1R Schiller \\'ill remain on the
12 Cypress faculty in his present
l•I role as coordinator of athleUcs
19 and physical education and
Ii health instructor. lie declined
28 to comn1ent on future coach·
o ing pl:ins.
n No word on selecllon of 1
ll succcsi;or has been made.
To Mesan
,.. ... '*" Cl~tl ,,,,_. ..... .......
f 11 AllOV.
'11 .3P12
•1S.NIJ ....... .,.., .....
lJ ' .... -11 • .sn 'I 10 • .JX .t 110 ...... 4\/a
1 IS .ZO '"" 114.JUI
' 12 .sn ' pression bis club will be faced 5 1a .211 10 with aft extremelv w e 11-w...,. Df¥bllll "
NIW Ol'IMN 12 1 M2 -balanced foe.
Lot. A""'i. io ' .m i ruwnide won the I v Y.
0.h•I 10 11 ,0, :J Le uu --• berth in w.1111n11on ' 11 • .uo. :m ague e IUIU a the
o.-r ' 11 :.1• • playofrs with a 42-25 win over
Ntw ori-~~!::";, Riverside Ncrth in the final
.,_ ..
"-vn -·
1 ... r •.. _ league game of the season.
__.,.. •-• LOI Antew~= RIVERSIDE (8-2)
Clllcl-tl l2f., Mnw.utn lCM C•rollllll •I N-Ycri: 6 Ramona 26
S.n Dleto Ill. k•ttl• 10! Mi.ml •I lndl11111 6 San Go · 2 R. D. Wyatt of Costa Mesa ,...,., ._ -Loi~· ., Pllhburiih rgoruo 4
became the tenth fU'lt pt.ce L• "'*'-.i ,.... "°"' 2 Corona 0 winner in as manv weeks of Detroit "'· Chic.lo •' ic ..... c111 2S Moreno Valley 0 " Atlllfl!• '4. Mllw1uMI It St. l.ollil
the DAIL y PILOT Plg>kin '""'"'' " ·-•. Bags Marlin 22 Norte v~ta o Pickeroo football guessing COD-S.n Fr...::bco 91 s-tti. 42 Colton 12
test to conclude the 1969 sea· Ptlli.d91!~k.n.._ Newton Lee of Newport 4& Norco o
1"roo1tm• -wllh~
purdiasa ot-tlclpotlng Tex-
".Magic Edg•" blades
neyer.need sharpening.
Simulated stag handles.
Did1washer-safe. Uncoe-
ditionally guarantMCI bf
trtcmufacturer ftir 5 )'ICn. .......................
l!On. Chltt• " o.iro11 Beach landed a 110-pound 35 Rubidoux O Wyatt.picked 17 winners out ~\':::,•l,::MH marlin during a recent fishing 42 North Riverside 2:; ._ _______ _
of 20 and was closest to .tbe,,
_.:;•.:;M.:;'.:;'-=""::..c";;...:;'°";;.:;;o.:;'°";;._ ___ -.._.c __ lo_Ba:.._:l•_Calll __ omla __ • ___ •_E.:;l.:;Cen;..::.t.:;r•:_ ____ 62., ________ _
total ~ts scored by all
teams,; 743, to gain the
decision. Seven other entrants
picked 17 right with the fmal
two places in the top ten
!elected from 17 participants
with 16 right on closest to the-
total point score.
While there were no repeal
first place winners, one prize
wiruJer this week was on the
list for the third time and
another for the second.
The other nine winners:
Marcia Brooks {HunUngton
Beach), Greg l!filler (Costa
Mesa), Norm Boru c It I
(Laguna Beach), W. F .
Crawford (Newport Beach),
Rene N u n e z , (Capistrano
Beach), John Swain (Balboa
Isle), J. Brackett (Irvine),
Michael Sexton (South Laguna
Beach) a.id Randy Labeda
(Cosla Mesa).
Title Run
Set Sunday
Orange County International
Raceway's second an nu a I
wheelstand championships will
be staged Sunday, breaking
from the traditional Saturday
night schedule.
Eight of the nation's fastest
and farthest wheelstanders
will seek the title during three
separate rounds of com-
Entries include Bob Rlggle's
Hurst Heml·Under G I a s s
(Mandfield. Ohio). B J·l t
Golden's Litt I e Red Wagon
(Judsonia, Ark.), Bob Perry's
Fugitive (Tucson ) and Chuck
Poole's Chuckwagon
Others include R i c h a r d
Schroeder's Javelin (Eugene,
Ore.). Richard Hutchison's
Chevy Rebellion (Ft,
Lauderdale), Roy Trevino's
Texas Rare Bear (Corpus
Christi, Tex.). and Gary
Watson's Paddy \Y a go n
(C-Orpus Christi).
In last Saturday night's fuel-
altered feature, LeRoy Chad-
derton or Riverside p u t
together four seven-second
perfonnances to capture the
Chadderton defeated Dave
Hough of Rialto In the fiiial
7.78 seconds ('193.13 mph) lo
7.82 (20<.54).
Larry H>Jlt of San Diego won
the B-gas supercharged cham-
pionships, edging out Don Tola
of Tucson by a slim margin at
the finish.
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giant lhade ln!ea. AU. for.
just $26,500· with VA no
DOWN or F.H.A. Low
Walker & Lee
2043 WestcUU Dr.
New Home 7 1or storing a11 yoyr """'"
Don't Overlook thb:. The fin· k keepsakes! 4 fdta.stical,y
icky owner bas polished thil! BIG BEDROOMS Ii ~. rn
gem to perlrction. 3 larie THREE BATHS! Thia older
bedrooms. 2 hilths, warm Clt!tom home o1 HARD.
family room and big ltviJw WOOD FLOORS and gen.
room· with cozy fireplace. uine LA11I • PLASI'ER ls
Hardwood noon and shake in PRIME BEAQI AREA!
roof charm. Perfect first Shops 6' Schools handy, Very
borne for the man on the qUlet street of 'towering
way up, $28,500 and worth knarled ahade trees! Blg,
it! I big low maintenance yard
Colesworthy & Co.
"Agent" "For A Wise· Buy"
--.ith room for roaming DU
and detached double garage.
VETS or $1, 700 Down to
other qualilied buyers at
1'"1.JLL PRICE OF $24,900 •
Walker & Lee
2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams
545-1»65 Open 'Ill 9 PM
HEA vY · 3 BR. -527.200 ""' twport --
SHAKE. 'Roo~ 2! P:>. "•· ""' tli baths. NEW HOME I/I r Cpl>, '"'· bltno'. •toe. Jot
ru-<1e-sac l)roet. ,,...,,.... 1oc:. · • · 4 BDRMS 1112 BATHS 3 Bd......_ 211 baths. Muta
..,....., ""'"'· ond ,..,... , CORBIN-MARTIN only, Face• p<iol. $215 Mo. ........... ""' .....,11,,..·.. REALTORS 1/4 ·MILE FROM BEACH .,, & Beach ~u walk into the eiegaat Uv·, fls..1~ ~7~ Ewt. ttu I
ing room. Three large bed" · 3m6; E. Coast Hwy., OlM ' s20 990 ··~''' nc. romis, Two pullinan ba~. LG. 4 bdrm 2 bt.. Assumable , .901 Pov;er Dr .. NB Suite
Bright cheery>.~ kitchen bu low int loan. 2339 Colgate ' I , . 643-2000 Eves. ~
butJt.;.,, includl/'$ new ,dhlh-Dr. For lntormation call, H. UNTINGTON BEACH WAIBRFRONT t.wc. ApC on waWr, FamilY room with PERRON RLTY 642.-1771
slldtng •""' ..ioo.. to •"" Can Now 962-1353 the ·PenJn. New 2 ""'·· 2
aluminum covered p1.tio IUl'. N Be ba .. pool, Lie. adults. Boal
roundt<t by betiutirul Jai.vn. ewport ach . a.Upa aV&il. caribe Balboa,
This home oilers pride ol ffAR!30R HIGHLANDS, 310 .Fernan do Rd., (ll4)
ownership and can be yours Believe us, theae homes are Lido lal• 1351 Laguna Bea,ch 1705 •=67J.Jtltl3.===~~---
for onJy $.14,950.~· hard to ftnd. Bright, cleah, , HANDYMAN'S TOWNHOUSE: 3 Br, 2% 8.\.
3 bdJ;m 2, bath hof11c with LOWEST PRICE 20 lrplc, patio, pool 2 car 1ai:
lllLW:. '*8
Evenings Ca:1J, 646>4579
cozy fireplace, patio & nice-Home on Lido. 2 Br, l ba. Special! 4 Income units 1 all bltln8, cpts., drps. la
.1Y landsca_ped. W a I kt n g Street.-to-.treet lot yds. to beach. Patios, d~ka $32$ per mo. Avall 12/1. distanee to Marine.rs Schxll. $42 500 • w/oeean view. Nds. pamt, 811-.8811 or &G-2-491
n..: el!G.,,,.... ,.,_,1 oo.Ac:c 0.,.,., • etc. Should &TOSS $9,000 yr, ..--.• ,ce .,_,.......,, ......, ...........,._. LIDO REAL TY INC. Pr. $69,000. Consider tracks. WINTER RENTAL • 'Til
(open eves) South Coast 3.111 V'ia Lido 673-7300 MISSION REALTY 49f.-073.l June -'?be BM!s. a Br,
Real Estate. den, crpte, drps, trpl, 2
6 UNITS 107 VIA EBOLI • Dana Point 1730 =. poola. trni-44~ or
Prime Newport Beach loc., 4000 SQ. FT.
featuring 6 brand new a~ts., 4 BR, 3~ BA, 3 car garBge. $17,950! Small, clean 3 Br, 1 CHARMING, pool, 3 Br. $325
Neat College Park beauty: 2 to 4 BR., all with 2+ Crpb, drps, unusual featur. ba, no gar. Nr Harbor. $3900 mo. ZJ.23 Eut BluH Dr., 67S. $29,950 2200 sq foot .3 bedrcMn 3 baths. es. Built 1967. Owner C.R. dn. 34032 Copper Lantern. 6044 College Park Eastside Costa Mesa, Span.. balhroorn home ., Game PROPERTIES WEST Gangl. 213 I 244-3101; eve' 642-4905 1 ,F~O"R~l...,-~$210=.-,~Br~,~ .. ~
hh tile root, re"tab on lal'go room luu ampl• room lor 615-4130 · 67S.1642 213 / 246<1100, °""· RENTALS nr """°"' & ;hop.,: Ava\i
W"lh p I 77x150' Iot, .... Income $385 pool table or ping-pong ta. BUILDERS tl•ndsome Showplace Houses Fumflhed 12/1. Call 549-0988 • ·'· I 00 month. Our st income re-ble ·extra larp 2 car pl'· SPECIAL On BIG prvt. cor. -some General 2000 BAYCREST. Fam. Home.' 4
tum in atta. · age. The rest ot'tne~bOme Is Duplex IOt, ~block to beach. view, Great for Iamily, xlnt ' ---.,------1 Br. 2 Ba. Fenced ·"". Child:
E xclusive With "family" sized.,wlth large, $25,000. for entertaining, Now va· 1i145. 1 BR. cottage. Fenced pets. OK. "150. ~3
4 bdrm 2 bath .on. Fordham separate living room plus What have you to exchange! cant -owner anxious. yard. G3.rage. Pet o.k. Blue
Drive. This is BEST POOL Newport family room.· Neat • well Hal P lnchin & Assoc. R. C. GREER Realty Beacon. &15--0111
lfOME BUY IN AREA. kept yard E.Z. Tenns. 3900 E. Coast Hwy. 675-439'l 3356 Via Lldo 673-9300
I •I ' 5<16-2313
Newport Htlghts 321Q
2 BDRM 2·story, 1 %. bath,
and anyone can assume
the FHA Loan with an an-
nual peromtage rate of s* % witbtlut qualifying.
In model home condition
with beautifUl olive green
deluxe cpt, 2 large
bathrooms anti a roomy
living room and den. See II!!!!!!!""!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!! E xe u•ivt With BEST BUY. VACANT V ictoria N I 133.000 -POOt, HuntlngtOn Beach 1400
No Down GI
Newport Beach 2200 ltz playroom, bit yardJ
Occup Jan, 1, n25 mo. 321 it today at $24,500 full
It Is!
SAIL INTO ewpor ~11 Stuffs, 1'2. mo. a"n '"· 3
I (•nytimt l Br. 2323 Ea.st Bluff Dr.
FIVE HARBORS • 6'lS<044 Extremoly ""'"' 3 BR +
and "drop anchor" for a We-Victoria -,,=======-I separate lM-l recreation
FIREP~CE, Pool, 2 bdr ..• 2 Fullerton Ave. . ha., patio, adulb. Bayside
Village. Until JL113 1.st. $200. 3 BR, 2 BA, D.R., den, 2
Call (2131 2'12-4300 or 673-5419. frp.l c, cpls, drps. Dll 1q. tt. . Pools-Pools-Poolsl OCEAN Vll."W DUPLEX mi. Quality crpt'g & drps ~~ ~ :;:~ ~~ 646-1111 BIG HOUSE-4 + f&mily room with GI 4_!R· + 2.,!!rwunit. WAalk tot thnMJu.t. 2 Frplcs + loads --------
SMALL PRl.CE Joan of $22,200 at $191 incl. ........ps. ....,.,......... gen or exln..!. Gl app .... i--' a.,--1.or" 2225 1---------f~ ::a~.ar:: (•nytime) Gorgeous 4 bdrm · charmer. all -or lovely Mesa Verde ,.,=-===~....,..,.,--,,--$32,950. • .. ,.... , .. , Coron• del Mir 3250
S2'15 mo. Quiet st. 646-1460
TASI'IC atrium, patlos and 1.,~~!l'l'!!""!""l~~~I Entertainer 's living room 3 + family -dining t'OClIJl&o URGENTI.Y need 2-t units; Be•ut lful B•·y1hore 1 BR. UN FURN •••• $165 ma. landscaping. Take advant. i · INCOME -4-HOME celling blgb Cireplace. Large C&rnbrijge Series. beach area. Have buyen! ~cept)onal 3 bedroom. 2 age ot the $1,000 reduction EASTSIDE c6SI'A MESA master bdn'n, all blt-in wife-~ 546·5810 00-2'152 Anytime. Bkr.
bath. Home located in and LOW tntWt ASSUM. priced sensible on quiet es-saver kitchen. bcsirable (ntarc.NINth.t!I) DLX. Condo. 2 BR 2 BA, fpl,
best Costa Mesa area. ABLE F.H.'A. ~· tabllshed l!tl"ttt of towering Mesa Del Mar loc \\'alk to lLEGE REALTY view ot pool. tn,SOO. H.
Deluxe shag carpeting WE SELL A HOME shade trees. Why wony all scboo"is.1 Hurr;Y its too lSOO Adlnmat~ McKenzie Realtor 64&-0732
FOR LEASE 2 BR. UNFURN .... 1275 mo.·
t.crmy 2 bdrm home in Bay. 1 BR. nJRN ....... $150 mo.
5bores. Newport Beach hOme 3 BR. FURN ·, · •• · .$1350 mo
features FA heat, nice con. RIDDLE&: ROSS·
temporary charm, I a r g e 3535 E. Coast Hwy, CdM
throughout, richly paneled EVERY 31 MINUTES about high payments? 2 l!harJ> to last at $33,500. _
· al b' --~ ho"• 2 ~· h' ~ Newport Heights 1210
master bdrm, lireplace in 675--7225
~.: ~~ ~~r,;;i~r:i Walker & Lee ...,es.' ........ rooms eac . p.w.c GOV'T REPO CLIFFHAVEN l7C97 Magnolia, li'V ==-=~ w u:h°i:.
1 "~ 20t3 w.,tcllu or. ~:;:~~~/Ebi~'. ~-~· • bdrm 2 hatb '" c..ta N~~ u~i;;:;;,;~ :':m':~' 1 --~G~51~4~!~·E=Os=4A~5~~~-
L/R. lmmed. occupancy. CUTE 3 bd. 1% ba. home.
Lease th111 June JS, 1970. Loll! of yard &: parkin1
Call now for further infor-space. Adults. $285. mo.
mation. (313) 254-5838
built in kirchen, foreed air 646-77ll ig yard for future EXPAN· 1003 Baker, C.M. • 54&-5440 Mesa for $20,COO lull price & kitch. combo. Great for
beat. It's one of a kind at 11 •iiiiiiiiiiii,.,.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I SION or UNITS! Substantial on big comer lot. With 4 bdrms 2 ba on corner Jot --I' \I I.•\\ 11111
~I \it\ Ill\\
"""""°'c-=--==:=·.I 3 BR, fam rm, din, $450 mb :
$24,950. NEW down with easy payments ot $1500 down total .......... ent family, Only $35.SOO. Walk to elem & St. Francis
aa little as 1100 por month! . SUPER SHARP · ;, 11'17/rao. tndudll;'~. CALL NOW? Parocblal School. No qua!L
3 BR, 2 BA. 2. story $275
2 BR, den. b'ptc Pll
4 Bedroom
And 21-l Baths
only 2 years old. This
borne is1 a housewife's
dream, beautifully llP-
pointed island, t i I e d
kitchen all rooms are
overshed -2000 sq. ft. Jn
all, .. A Master Bedroom
suite fit for a King and
Queen. expenaive Palos
Verde stone rtreplace,
lieavy shake rooL If )'OU
want a real executive
home -This Is It.
$123.00 Month.
BA YSHORE OR. •. MAKE AN On:ER!.! Available lbr non·wts or Scenic Propertic• ·• 675-5726 fyint . 1Ubmit on cash down
LISTING WE SELL·A HOME -· NEWLY LISTED home vels. Vacant_ see today. Dover Shores 1227 tolow lnterettG:loan.F'Ull
• EVERY 31 MINUTES in Mesa del Mar with 3 CALI.540-USlHerltaa:eReal ---------I ptlcc only 124.000. c;i:m ~ilin2g, B.~w=~ Walker & Lee bdrms, shake roof, Estate (open eves) *Irreplaceabl e View* 847~1 Jone~~~
shake roof. lie. SWlllY patio, sprinklers & lovely park Bay & MounteiM I
w/room to add on. Priv. 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams like yard. Excellent Joca. $26, 950 ~ "Old World" Contem· MOVE In this weekend? Whl'
beach &: boal storage. $35.500 545-9491 Open 'til 9 PM lion on a quie t street, S BEDRM pOrary picturesque home w/ not! We have the homes to
J. Clarkson i28, 750 takes it. unob!struc~d view • most sell. 5 homes listed here are ...,.,,.
Coklwell, a.i..-& Co.
550 Niwport Contor Dr.
·foltwport Beach, Calif.
833.0700 644,2430
•·OATS + POOL rooms, 4 Br's, 4,J Ba + vacant&: immedia tely
WHAT A GIFTI. ~ ~ " avallablo. U you havo a & 3 baths, full dining room. mal<h qln. Ideal for enler-~-1m .... Is-!"" & ~u w•LLACE RI .. -~ lin hand talning. Ea..,·malnt. Immed really big problem we have ..,, ... ~ ...,,,, .. -~ .;v "' ch wuuu pane · g • • -vi·"·' _ 000 the solution., Rex L. J.lodges can be Santa of the century. . ,.,. REAL TORS some breakfast bar. Area occup. FUrn .,._,., Sl•o, · R.ltrs. 847_2525 Give your family this beau. 546-41~1-of most con v en le n c e. A:SSume 61Ai% loan. 548--7249 ---.:c=c-==,.--
tltol spadow. 4 bdrm Sho• (Open · Ev .. ings) ~1720. $24, 950
k ~ ' I I \ ! I 1 3 BR, 3 BA Luxury apt $.125.
1003 Baker, C.M. 546-5440 Unlvenlty Realty. 673-6510
':!!!':!!!~~~~~'!! • Bl!. 2\; Ba. duplex. =
Balboa 2300 Sq. rt. Blli1111, dishwuher,
--------frpL $300 Mo. lease. M0-757a
SPACIOUS 2 story, 3 bdr. 2
ba. Bayview. Family.
Winter•Yrly. KI 6-9574
Housu Unfurnished
General 3000
Bo I boo 3300
4 LARGE BR. 2 BA, trplc,
new cpls &. drps, dbl gar,
r~ncd back yd. $250. 962-soot
Lido lslo nso, 2 BR duplex. Yard, 33$1
patio, redec. Avail now. WRITER'S hideaway 2 Br
Children & ~t welcome. for lease or sale. 213: '
Bkr. 5.14-6980 845-6628 or 845-9173 • wood Estates home. Bonus TARBELL 2955 Harbor I U;.;_;;nl;;;ve;r;;;li:ty;;;;;P:.•:r:k;:;~l~23~7 MUST SELL 3 tara:e BR 1"
features incl: luxurious &hag 3 BR 2 bath home, comer l • ha. dining room. Adult oo-
cpting, Roman bath, lush Mesa DBI Mar lot 130x180 . add 5 men WEIGHING VAL,UES? cuPled only. Low down to LARGE raml l y home
WESTCLIFF landscaping & 8% FINAN C units. Drive by 1545 Santa Looking for your money's pre!Cnt!inaneing. Quick pos. Baycrcst.· 4 bdrm, tam. rm, Hunllngton Buch 3400
LEASE $27S per mo. 2 gfory
3 BR. 21h BA, Shottcrest
tract, H.B. Call 548-4905 aft
6 or wknds.
Very desirable location. Spac-~~;.~MEDIATE occu. 5 bdrmi;, 3 baths, dining Ana Ave. then call worth? Then take a peek at BRASHEAR REAL TY dining nn, den &: pool. Avail
:ioua 4 bdrm borne (1 bdnn
OOO room. \Valktng distance trom II f It lf this 2 Br., tile roofed bung. 16952 Beach mvd., 1-1.B. 6tl--5IDl may be made into formal , Kindergarten to College. Utl 8 fa IJ alow. FP '34,200. 847.s507 431-3769 968-1178 ~LAR~G~E~,-,-,o-ry~3 -.,-.-B-IU
dlni"g room) witll 2% baths S3tl 500 642-G560 • red h•111 LO INTEREST LOANI 13x21' nunpus room. b1t.;,.,., :..=~ ~!'~~:~ r; Investment Income Large 4 Bdrm ~'"°'"'"'· $270/mo.
ot cupboards & counters • q X 'iliill Cost1 Meli 1100 Lovely home in very dcsir· $125. 2 BR, dbt g.r, 1,.~ 540 3862 breakfast area. $56,500. =1; ;'L 7 UNITS, large Jot I32x305': 1---------REALTY able area. Better hulT)'!! yard. Children & P ~~~ =-=-:c=~...,.,..,=,..,=I
Barre" Really ~ REALTY roomtobulldSmore,$90,000 LET'S TALK Untv, Parl< °'""" kyl,,. HAFFDAL REALTY wokomo. Av•• now. Bkr. 3 BR. MIL<t be avail'°'
1605.·w .. tclill Dr., NB * 642-lnl Anytimt * Ownor will '""' 1't m. TURKEY_ Call Mytlm, 8J3.®0 142-440.S 534-6980 -by realton. V•<:anC I 'lii=:::z::==:=:=:=~\W•ll1-McCardle, Rltr1. ...,..,..,,.;..,....,..,.,..,I $175. mo. (213) AT 4-5384.
I• 1810 N<WJ>Ort Blvd., c.M. About tlll• be•utilully kopt Corona dol Mor 1250 SACRIFICE $115. ~· 2 "" " patio
2 BR, Srpts, drps, $143 mo_.
642-s-.. ~ DOVER SHORES 548-7129 &t+0084 ev". 4 Bodroom • wttb "paralod 3 bdnn 2 ha, hdwd lln., l< Garago. Bluo Beacon. Fountoln V•lloy 3410
-1-======:z master • Living room with THE COMPLETE month old 22x36' heated &: 646-0W It'i a 3 bedroom home In II•!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~""!!!!!!!!!! I BA YFRONT 1• stone fireplace· jmt painted filtered pool, $171 per month 3 BDR. 2 Ba. Fenced yd.
Costa Mesa, there'll .no $24,9.50 Beautiful home on 60 ft. lot OPEN DAILY 1-5 exterior, $29,950 .• Owner HOME pays all. Costa Mesa 3100 deck, fireplace, c a r pet,
qua!Uying to assume the Mesa Verde with pier & sllp. Spiral stair-1220 Dolphin Terr, CdM needs a quick sale. -3 bedrooms, 3 bath<, formal The Rtial Ei tate Ma rt -0-R-,-_--A-ll-~--3 drapes, bll·ins. Water ,
I d fro I F I d. . 3 B"-"'2313 147-1531 F ,...,ase: va . ....,c. l. g-~--e k -~oner paid . • ·•·ting· VALoanw:llhan · c11 e eas mspaeoW1 en. orma 1n1ngroom, no -amil P US ~-•~· ~ Id + D dining f Y room L bclr., townhouse, 2 ba. •?:1~ ...,0 .,.,= annual percentage rate of 4 rm. en lrY to tremendous master 2 baths, hu.ge living room an ea~ly iiiclosable !Jreeze. f, ;;;:IO;;;V;;IN:;G-,,..:M;::W<t~ .. c:;,U!,..,.Ass-"m-e Crpts, drps, blt·ins, dbl gar. ~-c:=--,,:,,,~·-=~===
6%. Full price is $21,950... P1e6l!e home with modern suite. 4. Bedrooms, 4'h baths. with flreplaec + family way to give you an addition. Lo fllA loan on elegant 4 Pool & clbhse:. Wtr pd. $215 4 BR SPANISH TOWNHSE, '
Best Buy, Around!, built in kitchen. Covered pa· Large living room, family room overlooking large PR· al huge playroom. Add a Bel 3 Ba, condo Swim h mo. 1st & tut mo. + POOL &: REC. $260. NEAR
Uon. Large recreation room. room. 4200 Sq. Ft. n79•500• tio. 2500 sq fl living area. ~==~-_ large protected pool and ac· poo1rr:'' ttMis crt. Wa1k to security depos. Adult sec-NEW. 962-ID6
Cao You
Answer This
If Interest rate1 are hlgb .
and maney fnr boulllng ii
hard to get, bow can )'OU.
as a buyer, ob~ a loan .
of over 909' of Martclet
Value at a rate of 8% per
year. 109&1 less than
yoo 've been . payln& on
your car every year, ll
you're a Veteran and )'OU
can get a 10090 loan at
7%% and not put one
dime down -If you can't
answer this question <and
you can't) then you mqst
agree·tbe.t now is the time
to buy.
-r-a r r--:.. »
2ut HAllOI ii.VD.
0,... .... 1 ...
tll 1110
54G-17'20. ~ •1ohn macnab 3 BR & den, 1% BA, cpl.I, cess to a private beach and IChoo.j &: shops. 5 min ID lions. No pelS. 540-9491 •
TARBELL 295$ Harbof (714) 642 "235 drps, bll-ins. HaJecrest. Lg a panoramic view, -freeway & beach. Total CONDOMINIUM, 3 BR, 2 Fount1ln V1lley S410 ,
-o concrete palio with * $72,500 * 1 ~soo ~'164 901 Dover Drive, Suite 12() waterfall. Ex lg lot, 135 fl 673-8550 pr ce _,, • iJU!t"V • BA, 2 car gar, zwlmmlng 3 BR, 2 BA, 8 mo. Old, lat $25 OftA Newport Beach deep. Fruit trees, Jo"'resh 4 BDRM, 1% bath, 2 )'1'11 old. pool & rec. tacilJties. $210 tam rm, crpts, drps, blt.-lni ,
fi'UV .j, lB60 Newport.Blvd., CM paint inside &: out. $26,500. Bltns, frplc, patkl. Nr schls mo
. 540-llilil or 557--0829 aft $265 mo. 96i-S822, 213: N'E :
4 BR w/pool, tarn rm, l 'll. Golf T k Not I CALL 646-3928 Eves. 644-1655 Owner S(G-2847 k shop'g center. Assume · -OH;1113========
ba. Near aehools a So. OJ.st ers-• e • ====r l~~~~SJ~-;;;::! 6% GI loan. Call owner. 2 Br. New crpts, l'ICw drps. -·We have new listings of sev TRI • PLEX, 2 BR each, 847--0824 t d Sl<o I L •· h 2-• Pla%a. Jmmed poss Small . • Bednn's UP'lairs. Income iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..,,..iiii&I """"==-:-=.,.----, Interior ne\v y ec. 99un1 u.IC 11R
··--·-'485. '6.500 dn. Price ' traruif. mwit c o no ,.....,,. ,,. • LARGE 1 rede 1 n .. down , • ' eral. '"large Custom • Built ,_~lf.U'J~o BY OWNER hlld k ...,.,_ 1"'3 W
Ctll Martin Rltr homes along the fairwaY1 II ~ •'Ji::,ooo. No,th CM. By ONE Of A KIND sell 3 BR + de n, 2 ha, trplc, Wlison 642-1574 642-8213 ' new Y c. -....,. , ' of ,. be&:utiful Mesa Verde · -...., bl =•'"'o ' ' duplex. Ocean view. Adulb:, 54Ul32 Country, Club. Up to 3650 111q • VIEW HOME owner, 534-3561aft5 PM. lns, w/w crptg. 5%. GI """" ...,.. no peta. $175 mo. yearly.
$30;500 ft A 6 bilnm. Call now'" 4 bdrm """ lovol w/lg OU>ER 2 BR house, 2 car 7 BEDROOMS!! .,,1"="·=1="=·""'="='=--=== I VACANT. 3 bdrm homo wtth PLACE REALTY 494-970<
''WEL.L •DDRESSED'' further details. rurnm•• -wot bar.,. gar. t.rg lot -Nitable for Uruq' ·-, Mod...., Beautiful! F , V II 1410 blt-ins, flrep'ace, large !enc-"' r-..... building, 545-6001 .... -.... ount11n I •Y ed yard. SZlO I mo. FAM· Si n Clemente 3710 Sparldlng bri&ht & clean. frplc. View to Catalina · Family rm.+ den. On larg. ----6.-.,,-G-'1'---ILIES ONLY. Agt. 546-4141 l""--------1
Texas sized bedroom•, 2 ~ 145·SUO lights by night. HUGE 9 room + SUf:AI hou.e est panoramic barlx>r view 11 2 BR + vrtra room 0 f r
baths 1'-ta-M··••-,... (iwarcinltnllhatrt) • ...,,.,.-.ri &: ..k..t. Owner. $38,950. lot! Just listed exclUslw1 .. 3 blrm, Spanish hacienda. 2 * COTI'AUGE 1 Bdr. Stove, g•-•e N-• ~-• u •• ' ~ .. ,. ..... ...uw ... LLEGE REALTY ,..., ,,,... 646..2544 * 548-833J. at only '89,500. v "necessariams'' complete refrig. til pcl. $140. No ... _ • " ... ....,..,...,. aaa
try hall. Family room. F'ln-lSOOAdlrllll...-itiOr,CM. built-in kit-"·~. ··-··. Pets. 545-6294, 557-8400. pool. l% BA. crpts, drpa I;
est bWJt.rn kltcKen. Park £ASTSID£ DON V. FRANKLIN "'""' ---·~"' stove. like yard. 540-im' "'!~~~~~"""""""'! _ REALTOR drapes, patio, wired for gter-3 BR. 2 BA, family rm, BUJ.. WllLJAMS REALTY
TARBELL 2955 Harbor A Prlv•te Glimpse e 673..2222 a .eo, block wall, land11eaped. frplcs, blln11. SDI n10/!l!e. 239 Delrn&r. s. c. 492-6175
Into this excU:ing world of 1--------$21 950 No pets 673-8213 IJWlll MOYJNG the most exclusivt resident. ' Balboi Penlnsuli 1300 lfJ1rt{J •• CONDOMINIUM, 3 BR, 2'11 Condominium :~~!orn~.8;c~!: ·NOW'S ' THE 10% DOWN -wmrr~ Ba, 2 Car-gar. Poo l &
Price reduced to $22, iJO on 3
bdrms 1114 balhs close to
546-5460 Eves. 56-1008
Mesa Verde Imme. 4 Br. 2
baths, with near new Iha&
carpeting. ·On Jarg~ cul-de.
sac lot. fZS,500.
Graahm Riiy. 646o2414
Near Newport Post OUke
3 HR, 2 BA, lamUy ....._
prof decor. 1~ yr okMclnt
mnd. S32,500. 21383 f1eel
Lane, KB. Owner 646-tm
2 BR & 1 BR. good i.n<.'Ome.
Lee Pt~yda Real E•lale
499-1990 or 4!M-MSS
Cozy home on a quie t cul de Developer's Duplex Facilitiet $195 mo. 540-5310
new models. 4 bdnns, J',i 11.c. Lots of fruit tree• and Three bedroom upper two G.I. RESALE 4 Bdnn., 2 b8., '20Q. CLEAN 3 Br, 1"' Ba,
bath.$. Sparkiin& pool. Roy TIME FOR room for a garden. 'I1xl buy bedroom lowtt. In very rood room for . trailer and/or den, double garagt, West J. Ward 1"30 Galaxy Dr. ol the ""-eek. _ rental area. Now f\llly leas-boat, btautiful yards, clo,ie Side, rels. 64&29S4
646-15'50 646-7171 , ed Good irowth potential. to 1'1Chools1 $7,000 down, ~~~~--P0
RBR.T BwEA1~~-QUICK CASH $49500. 6~11 '°''"· ~. 11812 $190-3 BR, family rm, 2 BA. ---.. -~ -·· ·auRR WHnE w~•m• F.v . * ""'"" *
fncd. yr, cov. paUo. Hdwd. REALTOR
fin., "1>1., bllD..ldl<h. N" THROU"'H A ·-======I 290IN•wport81Yd.,N.B.
Sonto Ana Hgts. 1630 -=:.:•_V;..•;..r_d• ___ 3_1_10
achoo!s. <hUr<:h A ahopc. UI 1-lllO 615-4630_ ~ rv... Owner w/finance, m.ooo Mesa Verde *~ ACRE 2 Bdnn, trplc,
heated pool, kneed, room
ror horl'll!s. Owntr. 545-6948 ~I~~ L~~Ns ~~DAILY PILOT I BR, 2 BA, In\ mt, ••« ~ 1
10 1306
home. Bltnt. good oond. Pvt 1 Lind• life Drive
OCEANFRONT wall@d tnrt patkl, 1go hid 4 BR. 5 BA home in final L.tgun1 Beech
5 BEDROOMS w· ANT AD swim pool w/allde • div l'ltages O( comgletion. Palo1 • DISTRESS SALE .
Jdeel l oc•tlon hrd. Prot lanrlaepng, lo Verdts atone entry & frplc1. Ottanvlew home. Low down
$54,000 m&int. Xlnt ne\Khborhd. Fam Rm l billiard rm. to UKUme xlnt loan. 5 ~r.
George Wllll•m •on 642-5678 $-13,95(1. ~7573 Beaut. dtc. SJ55,00J old 3 BR. 1% N . home.
REALTOR GIVE Now -and later Lind• ls1t Develctpment Reduc:ed to $41,500
673-4350 Evto • .673.1564 UNITED FUND Biii G rundy 67S.3210 PLACE !\EAi.TY 4!ll-91"4
' '
WVELY country club villa.
2 BR. l "-BA condo. Appl,
pool, adlts, $710. 549--3760
Ntwporl lletch 3200
Ba.Ylront 3 &r. den. Picir, float.
lmmac. S120o month.
M.a;:nlllcent 4 bdnn .• 4 balb
view home. it100D mo.
John Macnab 642-8235
V .A. LNn Assumptioft
wllh $4.000 total down pay.
mcnt for ttlis 6% annual •
G.I, Loan 11 i152. , .no hid-,
de n CQllll:. Oean 3 bedroom •
ready for occupancy. ~ •
iorstOUS baths. Carpel$ I
Drapes thf'oua:Mut. Double :
Gonp. Two Patloe, Clolt :
to 1ehool II flb:>pptna:. Seelnc ;
ls ~llevlfll! !
Walker & Lee
7S82 Edlower """°" Open 'til 9 PM
2 Bdr. 2 ... ...... blt·IM,
erpr. • drpa. mo a ma. c.n • 146-9683, Ag<nt.
' .
---------.. --
Aph. Unfurnlolled RENTALS
Apts. u""'"'""°" DAILY PILOT * ~N!!""!'POl~rl!_,!l~o~oc:!!h~~4~200~ Gonor1I
If al II BlK 1Ji1m ~ .,.Jy. UI ..... snrrus LARGE doao 2 BR dupleX
• VI '°" ~ rt.In. lcle Mad. 3 Br, 2 Ba downltaln, IUllUIUll MU apt. $140. 2 clLlldnl OK. NO , .. , ................... &rt I
1b' •lt:Cles or ~ cpl. tum. or partly f\u'n. 109 341h • petl Nr NtWpCrt neewey A
,eomp1 Un.,,., laundn>m•l, St N.B. 6'1>3315 BAQJELOR Wll""' lrom1_,P~•~ll·~ ... ~·~-::;;;;;~~~~jL-.:D:;f:;il,::;_D:,:f::R::E:;:CT:,:._;:84Z::::;-"1;:::.:,:•:__ ~TV, htd. pool. stept to btiacb. ~ $110. ~ 1Yl.U 1 • 2 A JIL ' 'J?h. ~ "94-9'J6 LI· \VATER.FRONT w/boat ,Bdrm. llt.tett poo&a. cblld LRG. 2 bdr. F~ Yard, :&'W\1.-dock. LoYety 2 BR, i-Uo. a.re center adJ to mopplilc trr 1enened paUo, ~. HOUSES FOR SALi ~y~T•=:ta =
j --GO GOOUS N Yrly lsc. Gn-0060 or No pets. • • W/W opt. ltoYe .. nt.rtc. ::~"'".u"'"""'"""""'"lf: lllCQMI ••cw••TY .......... a.
I ~VALR D'lSEREcw 697-5918 21'00 PettrlOI! \Vay 5t0-0862 • 5a-m1· ,.._. C:a. M.Aii·::::::::::::::11• ~~~··~i:'f.~'=l:l!art =
',• 1 BR lurn apt No Chlldttn or c:o.ta Mesa ~10 LGE. 2 A"" l Br. Cpta., Clrpa. ~0~::•::.c·::::::::::.:.::i::: •u•1• u ••• A&. ....... _,,,.. Si->~• b 2 b F f -1 utA Nl'#POttT II.ACM 11M OPPl(I AhTAL ............. tlN 1 .....-r-r. um.·un . pet.. 2405!~ 18th St,. ]'i.B. • ltENT 8 ~· "'""'' • small pets . . ............ 1111ousT•ttAL •11W11tTY ..... -
1s..un1 Mt .. / Rm Billiants 646-4664 01{. ]998 Maple Apt. 3 •,:.•=.Hco"v\lsllff """•"•:::: COMMIRCIAL " .• ; ....... ... , , , , • .. . ............ tNOl.ltTllAL ll•TAL ....... .....
50CIO Coll• -51110 ,• c:-. .... _ 52511 C~Sl .. ID INDIX
----------""' ;'Iberapy &; Ci' pool, BBQll S:l50 1 BR fum apt Ol>ts. 3 RoorM Furniture SU.-3808 .... ...,. tHOau ........... tlM ~oT• ......................... ,,. JCX'lO Par'90fW Rd 642.8670 • $19 95 & UP .... ,.C!lllT "'"!"" .......... ;m l....CHll ............. -... -.. •1Jt 1~;;.,~="""'·:,..=,--drps, bltns. Pool. 1523 • IMMAC, quiet 2 BR. New ••'l.'r:=t .. u ··-:·· .......... ,m c:1Tau1 •aovu ............. ••n COROUDO A.P:'S. 2 Br.
Uiwer le"ft., 1t'ualot, ~nt.
house, l'rplcs., poo~ dbl.
-.!dy• Wint? Whaddr• Got?
Sl'ICIAl CLASS!flCATION FOR HOLll)AY P' .. ,A Pia-oil• I -Jg d~ bltna 'A.a ..... woo,•,,,,,,, ....... , ....... , ... it.CR•MI .................... .. wu.. '"'" ··on• .. ""o-Monlh R•ot~•-..... " ·..-• • '""w"' .............. \..AIC• •uo•••• ""
DELUXE. B?tcious J Bdnnuou' 1 BR, I~. Nar ooectn. • wJDE SELECTION....,. only, $140. 546-5386: ~~~::.,~~~~~ .. '.:::::::~= ltl ... T •to,1an ·:;::::::::,. .Furn apt SUS p i us N tl'lllll 1211 oa•••• eo. ••o,.1an ..... .-• . I _ .. ..t.1 .... : Upstairs. $150 Yrty. Utll pd. 0 DEPOSIT 0 .A.C. 2 BR. :1.ll. drps. stove, no u ;,..................... OVT Off ITATI ··~ ......... .. -· polios. $lBO • s=i. 6'J3..137ll
Spocl•I 1t11a
llealed pool, amp c .,_,...,.. Su-, k. _ ~· HFRC ~11 R ,_1 ...,,. "'ti .... iu •t'VI mo CK IAT .••••••• -........... 11• .-Ol.l"TAIN a 0•111T ........ a11 " childtt ·-. lllltC ..,,,,.....,.,.... rw-11 ure en .. s ........ "" ""V -• IAITll.UPP .................... Ml JUaOIVllK>N L.t.lllD "'' ... o n.no pe..... 517 w ·~· CM "~"•A"" ,...., -11 T.,. '"' · ......... · .uui. ~ .,..._,_, 'I I T IU.CI tld ••AL llTATI Sll'llCI ., ..... .. SMALL 1 BR. View S. of
Hwy. New carpets 1:
dnpeg. $100. 675-63Sf.
5 Linn -S 11.,.. -S budrt 11.1(11 -AD 11411"1 tNQ.UO• t-wllll ,_ lllW " ..... a-wtl1t YW WIJ!lt ti ,....._ 1965 Pomona. C.M. C ,_1 .,_ 4250 ' IA ffll I 1 ............ 1 .. •.t. llll'.Ctt.&11101 .......... ,,,,,_ oron1 -nwir .,...,, 3 BR. ~, D Bil 2 BR. $155. Crpts, drpa. CCHtCMIA OIL MA.............. t. .. WAfllT'1!0 ................ .. 1-l'OUI """" tftllw ..._, ....._. ll'ltl '11 ~-S90. 1 BR lower, utll pd. New ~..., .... ,., s, rps, • IAL"°4 •1w1M1u-......... 1• BU r.: 0 K. Bk 2 BR Cd>I. So of hwy. ins. Orlldren & pets OK. Blue bltna. Pvt patio, encl pr. a1Ac:o111 ,..,., ............ _ ••• 1• SINESS ind .......atHINct l'OR &Al.I -Tit.I.DU OHi.Ti
• w/w. Pet · r • ... _ Adultr 549-0«33 IAY IM-A~ot ................. lUt FINANCIAL PHONE 642-5671
~ Adults, no pets. $185 mo. Aft °"aeon, 645--0lll 1-:==· =======!,"'DO Ill.I: ... :, ............... 1•1 ,.. ....LIOA 11U.•D .............. 1w •U•tflllll OH'Oa111fiUTllt .. ..
.. ,_ 5300 To Pisco Yovr Trodor't P1rodl11 M
-1 BR. W/W, drps, een-a.. $~ 2 Br. New crpt.!1, bll·in u~ v d 5110 MUMTl ... TOfll llAC:M .. _ ... 1• IUllNlll WAICTID .......... .... .,...,. * 642.7893 * ra ...... I oven Fen ....... Gar mo... •r • MUlllTIHITOll MARIOl.IR .... ,. lfll'lllTMIMT °"""""I"" ... UI• 'b'ally }oc.. Avail JXlW, Bkr, ""'>-• "~-• .. '-lfllOA 111.1 1»f INVllTMlfllT WAMTID ...... OU ~. LARGE. Ptiva~. v I e w age. Blue Beacon 6'5--0lll. 2 BR.. Cptl. drpl elec bltr. l'OUMTAIN VALL.IT .......... 1•1• MONl1' TO LOAfll ............. 6111 -------·---! ' ' 'llAL llACN ................. 1411 PIAOWU.1. LOANI .......... ,.au bachelor. So. of hlway. ----------I Garage. AduJtt, no pell. ilMHT ••ACN ............... 1m '~waLaY LOAMS ............. .a. Hebig .t hp only. $115. C M 5100 646-4260 or 557-J400 OA•o111 ••ov1 ...... ...., .... 1•JS c:Ot.U.TlltA'-1.0Allll ......... UIS otf• ... l.At!IO llACM ............ ,.,,,.15" •DL •STATI l.OANt , .. ,, ... 04t Co1t1 Meu 4100
BACH Baytt, IOftbtd, patio
yd, w/w crpt, uW pd $1Z5.
Prof penon only ~65
R.E. contractt. Secured,
Se1,s. 10._. lnt. Lut pay.
ment due Ap r '71. Disc.
Multiples of $2200. Trd for
Huntington BMch 5400 boat. Box lCJ NB. Allan
645.2774 RiRioR
"'=73-0004=:::::======= !I ;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 • .... ... 000 .................... 1 ... MO•TOAGll, T111 .. a.. .... ~ .. N rt let h 5200 >RAlllOI C:Ol.IWTY ............. 1 .. MONIY WANTID ............ wt
B.lbo. ~ Ml!RRlu•cwooDS ...!!!!'° ( OllTOl'COUNTl' ............. l .. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ne•4BR.3Bavit!whome, '""' OUT Of' ITATI ........ ,,.,_,,1 .. -.,,.-._.,--,-,_...~--I Jud com,pleted. 1or2 BR. 2 S'IUDIO, .. BR. 2~ BA. ITA~ ...................... 1•11 ind NOTICES Lquna Portoftno, fDr units.
CLEAN Bachelor A ta. BA · -•-cond diahwuhe 1 blk fro WlrTMIMITlll ................ l•lt l'OUNO Cllt .. ..,_, ........... ... $150/Mo. HEATED POOL School, I.Ong Beach, for
p wtth au-• com· r, m MIDWA'I' CrTY ................ ,,,,. L.OIT , ............................. , tncd ti"'-..... , .. _ All util ind $85 I.Ip plctely soundproofed Ml f ocean. $300 mo/yrly. U.MTA AfllA ..................... 1•• PllllONA1.I .................... • cp ... i-. nlWI OK large honu! this areL The • SANTA....... OTS. ............ 1 ............. n -·· ~·-w·--~ .. ' t H....... -..... o 315 E. Balboa Blvd. cleani n" ovens, wood ceil· 673-J.155. O•Alllll ...................... 1.as ............ -.....,..... .. ., .,._ AP S. .,. • .,.man .... .,....W<JO,
2217 Harbor near Wilson
• Fum Bachelor $120
-~ I===~~-~-,-~ TUITlfll 1649 al RT HI """ "" ....... -...... "1l 2620 Dela JJ.8 BALBOA 673-0045 lngs dishwashers. I U I h SINGLE Mat"--' Lady F NO•Tlll TUftiiif""'""'"""·1"1 •U•lllAU ...................... , ~· · . "."ax SS. Lov<ly borne + ~ '"~ or .... -......... PAIO OllTl.IAltY .............. Mii 642-2221 aJl)'tirne 536-1816
1 BR near bay, frpl, prefer ping with streami &: qulet Newport Island 2 hr :r .. ~~\1:'oc, c:i.iiTIHf'"'"""·:: l'UN«•AL 011tano11 ....... Mu tree food, drink 1; roll all sinaif! woman $1l.5 mo • ...i .. , waterfalls, elevators, BBQe. , "'""!$. d,...,. stove, '"~ .,,.ly: L.t.ctUHA Mtl.U ....... :::::::::1,.. 'LOltllTI ............ .,Mll LOV~Y unfurn 1 BR, I BA tax tree. Posh Pauma Val. ··• "~ cl bho ja & -r • ...., -.,. UOUfllA alA(N IJH CARD 0, THANKS ,,.,, .... ,. ... 1, I ~·-& •-utiJ pd. 673-1178 u use, saunas, CUZZI Call • 675-{lllS L.t.OU A flllOUllL .............. ,,01 '"' MIMOltlAM ................. ,, ap. ""'4...... .... ..... W/bUn ley, Submit acreage er .?
O Heated pool • Adults only
• No ;ts · Adj to shopping
$35;00 Wk. Up '""""="";='="==E"' swlm pools priv gar w/ ' M s1 ~" v1•Jo ............ 11111 CIMIT••Y LOTt ............. 61!1 dshwhr, eaa stove & oven, .... ._,,,1 ~8 1•--I nd 435 ' ' ' 3 BR. 2 Ba SPACIOUS, · 1 1 ............ c11111T•1.Y cav..n ......... '41t ....... •-111 5 storage, },\lerything new. Crpt 'drps f'i 1 bit ins H: c~::m:STaANO'""";~ C:liMETlaY caYPTI _,,,., .. Mii garbq:e disp!. Call eves aft1---,--------e Studio & 1 Br Apts. e Kitchen &. TV Incl.
B~A~Y~F;;;:R"O~NT=·, -3,.-,B~R.,,_~,,...,. ... -Starting at $140 Adults s. ., rep ., • . C:Affl,TAANO iUCll "'"'1ru CllMATOallt ................ 6, 842-Sm. Choice 3 BR eutsic:le home . 1 blk to beach $250 DA T ......... , "-11'.MORIAL PAllCS ........... 4CJI ;;--""";;----,-~---lcm--er duplex yearly. please. BIJuvdsl East oNf ~ G46-439i. ' ' c .. :t.l.:~" ... ::::::::::::::::;:1~ •uCTIONS ..... ,. ............... 2 BR newly decorated. near&ck Bay. Trade S:OOOO
• Phooe Service & Pool
e Maid ~rvice incl.
Salisbury Realty 673-8900 }!arbor • next to aua• OCIAfllSIOI .... ' .............. 1JM ::l~T~~N •••VICI .......... = R.e1riK & bit-Ina, cpts/drpa, equity for a MW 27-30' trav.
C&dill.&c al 425 Merrimac NJCE 2 br. Pool, patio, gar ...... ,. DllH ................ _ .. lm ... ,,, TRANSPCiaTATiOM'::::::: .... ocean view. 1 1!5/ el trailer & a MW truck or
•Day, week &: Month W ••• ·-bl! I ·-,_ di'· N 11v1a110• COUfllT'Y ......... 1 .. AUTO TUNll"OllTATtofrf ~ per , H ti gton Be h 4400 9.Y'· .....,....._.., • ns, cp .. , .... .,s, a .... 0 MOUlll TO •• MOVID ...... 1' .. 1.10&1. NOTICll ..... :::::.... month. Adullt prefe!Ted. ? • Call 646ol649
un n IC -pet&. $155 mo. 642--«Xll. ~w:.r.~:r.·~':.·;At.•·::::::::~= 011'.RMAN • Tl.ITOllNO ....... Tradewincb Realty 847-SSU 1--,--------
$135. month. Deluxe i 1obile BACHELOR & 1 BR furn , 4 BR. 2\-S BA. DW!whr. APAaTM•NT1 f<I• SALi .... u• SERVICE DIRECTORY NICE 2 " 3 bd Crp &Nett Hound Pupa. AKC
home comp. furn. J:l~ated $140 up. Adults, no pets. NEW APTS Studio apt. 1 blk trnm RENTALS !~~~"e':t~~"o'aiiiViCii'.'.'.'.'.'.".'1: drped Nwl d~ 31e:1~ ttl. tri-oolored. Will trade
2376 Newport Blvd. s.48-9755
11301 Keel.son Ln. 842-784S beach. $300. yrly. 67~245'5 Hou ... Furnished AP,LtANC• 1t•••1•s. ...... un from ·bch 13 bd ·/dbl 1 for pwer lawa vac., Fine pool, adults, no pets. 4 (W t t Be h SI.at ) ~~-~--=~~~•11Nll'.•AL ,... ASP"ALT. Olll .................. 111 • r w a. furn. W'\terfOrg crystal er Seasons P.fob. Est. 2119 New. es 0 ac nr er • 2 BR. unlurn apt, $1SO. Patio •lfllTAl.I TO''iMiiii'';:::;;;;;,.. :~~~ ~A::._.,. ...... i:ie:'.::" tached pr & trplace. 536-ITU ? 54Q..8638 eyes.
port S48-6l32 2 en. " bachelor apt&. $150 & $175 &: pool. Crpts, drps &: bltl. C:OSTA MIU. ................. 11M •A1vSm1NG . .. ........ WI BEACHBLUFF APTS I =~==--~~==• Heated nnnj Util pold 1S2S Placentia MllA OIL,,,,... ............... tlH aOAT MAlrTll'.frfANCI ........ dU CHATEAU LA P 0 I NT E >""'' . " MISA VlllOI ................ ~lit •1t1CI(, MA~NIY, 11c. ....... '5 .. New 2 It 3 BR, 2 BA. F .A.,
Lovely 2 Br furn apt, pool, Viceroy Apts. 1014 Georgia UTILITIES PAID ~~~/T •1AE".,~·N··::::::::::::= IUSINEss s1av1c•~ ........ "'' dl!hwshrs patios pool St. Apt A. H.B. 536-291~ 1 & , Bdnn ' -·,m pools Eisl Bluff 5242 ,,....., ••T· -•• 1u1Lo1111 .................. w1 • • carport, adults no pets. $150 .. • • liWI • -.................. CA fEJllNO iUJS • 847-3957 • 1941 Pomona. FURNISHED 2 BR, Adult!! ol\ly no pets. Furn ::.:-.i:::.T.:lllO••• .......... = CAl lNn'MAl(tNO ............. ..
dow"IDW" H·tg Bch, 526 " d ~•--• ,;,, 3535 e NEW DELUXE e 00~. ••••ir•""""'"'·'"·ntl' CA1t,l!HTll'.1ttNO .................. ~100 2 bdr's AU X'tns. .. .. c ... n:u. ..... • ·-............... CEMl.HT Clll<rt't9 ... $15.5 -ATJ'RACTIVE. l bdr., M . St ~7396 301 Avocado St C.M. ~ Br, 2% ba apt for lease WllTC:l.ll'fl .............. tut CHILO cAaE, L~·:::::::: .. 11 Some wlpool. $135-$145 mo.
pool utll --'d. --i.-.n liv· atn .• • . IncL -· mastr. 5Ui.te din UNtY•kllTT PAltlC ........... nn C:ONTJIAC:TOltS .................. Klds OK. 342.n70, eves. .. ...... ......... l 8 "'-nd Co I I See Mgr on premises • fltVt•• ........................ tm C:All'IT CLIANUIO "" Ing, adultt, no pets. 1800 r. "'"" o. mpeteyl ----~-----nn. "dbl garage, auto. IACK aAY .................... n .. CA•flttLAY!fllO&a'iiiiiiii '"2. 847-1594.
\\l'a.llace Ave., C.~f. Furn. Private. Jl.65 a mo. ASK A""UT OUR door opener avail Pool & :~;.:1.1.11111 .................. g4J o•APl!aU!s .................. UJ1lt'""'B~R~.~,,-,,.,,.-.,..-y-ard_,..~I~'~~.,-., ' Call 962-6984 or 962-6683 gv N • ea··-"-, ••••• , ..... c. HU Ol!MOLITIOll .................. UH J»V LOVELY r "e 1 Br trlr + rec. &rrL r. ~ ........... o•A"ING 1a11v1c• .w lat 1; lut"L ...:u.ired. -B CHELOR U · '-"bed DISCOUNT PLAN Cb h Ad""'.. •-c:oaa..A Dlt. MAii ........... n11 l!LICTRICAL .... -.... .._ nq cabana, $125. 2 Br trlr $100. A nll·iu.•ua . urc. ... .... ~pe-•ALaOA ....................... ,. IOUIPMIMT' ••n.us ·:::::::"" <(Call !IC-19fi1
133 E. 16th SL, C.M. Walle to beach I: town. tl5 Spac 2 Br, 2 Ba apt New e ONLY $2-45 e i~~ .'fC.,•NOS"'.'.'.::::::::::::::ill: 'INCING .......................... 1;,,.-,B~R..---::=-.,..=--.-
642-U65 util paid. 536-3507 draPes new ihag ~rptin&: 165 Amlgcs Way, N.B. tALeoa 11u.Ho ........... 1u1 :~:.~~li"it'i:'.i.iiis;·~k:·:::::: 18 .. ~'._.c::rp~il. N~ stove, • NEW 2700 ft 3 BR Ir 1am "UNTIHOTO" ••ACM ......... , ... l'URNITUlll RllTOtllNI ........ ,, pet&. l BR tum apt. Adults, no c thruout 1 % ml N. of So. sq POUfllTAIN VALi.iT .......... MH a •• ,.,.,5"'" ... ,, $120. * 962-3886 ·-·-. ·~ mo. 1816 ~ .... ~ •• ,0"'-n'-n~go=-"'o~u~n~ty..._ __ 4600;.;.;-' Coast Ptua. $l60. 2ll» s . rm, 3 ~Owner'• hoc apt ••AL 11rACH ................ _,.. •••o•NINO ......... .... ,.....,.....,,., 1: ..... aw .. 1, -'""'A W r=cn'>'> LONOllAC" ........... ., ... :u..0 ,,,,,,,,,.,,,1 -2 &3 BDttMS,2 BA.-• 548-1356 Pacllic ..... m a)' • ..,,.,...,.,_,, OIANOI CGUfllTT ............. 2... ......... .. ... .
Lovely 2 Br cabin near
Snow Valley Ski Lodge,
Fum & crptd $16,500. Ex·
change $6000 eqty for house
in Orange Co. 5.16-6936
4 UNITS • La,runa. 1 block
to beach. Income: $n60 a
year, (Price $65M clear)
Take Small borne. Roy J.
Amtson, Rltr. Ol--1260.
Beautiful 41' Norwe1&:an
sallin& yacht lhlingly car.
.. "" ~ <qUippod. $16,ll!O
equity !or home, TD, car or
?? 644-4~ Ave. SINGLE Adults, lu xury . IANTA ANA .................... 2,11 :~~IHO, OllCING ........... = patio, heated pool, washer
W-8IDE 1 Bdrm furnis garden apta, w/full recrea· GRAND OPENING Coron• dol ...... , 5250 WISTMIHSTI!• ................ un GRllN TMuM•·:::::::::::::::.,.. hook up, 962-89S4 1----------
ki '~". tacll1·11-& compl ot• THE VICTORIAN •;;..;.;.;c,;c_.;... _______ MIOWAYCITY ................. uu ou• •••• •• ,, -==='""'====== ~-~nt to• Oceano lower. pill' ng atta, ..... ,.;, ,. IANTA AfllA "••OMTI ........ ,,,. ................... -........ ,. ..... .., .. . South Bay Cl b 111 150 . COAITAL 1191 Ml!'A'-TN CLUIS .............. '"' s J Beach, Jl)tllJO, adjactnt-mo. 673-5729 pnvacy. u New, large2 BR, BA. S SHAR.f 2 br, So. 111de of u.ouwA 1u,c;.-·::::;;;;;:;:::1,. =~~~~~t .... wiN"ci""""""'"":g; In Uln Pismo Beach, sand dunes &
TRAILER. Bachelor only, Apts. zn So. Brookhunt. Adult&only.Crpts-drp1-bltns. Jfwy. Drps, crpts, 11un dk: UOUNA NllUEL ............. tlt7 INTIAIO• 01c:o11&f1NO"'""m1 C1pl1tr1no 5725 J _
Anaheim (714) 172-4500 Sound proofed, pri gar w/ priv. In rear over gar. $180 1•,1,n,••,• •• •,",'°,, .............. !.*,, INC:OMI TAX .......... ::;;:.,.. stale park. $15,000 val. Jdeal !or student or retired . . · ·· ·· · · ·· ···· ·•· 1110.. DrMMMtal. •tc. ,,,. 1 BEDROOM turn pt fool... Trade / listed securities.
!"an •~+ •• .,~. ••·•~•n ston.ge, Fenced yd w/patio. mo + $100 depos, -421~ Iris, '""' JUAN CA,ISTRANO ...... tru 1110,,'•• ........ ,... a , re .. ,., ~ A•NJ ...... ~· .. ~ .....,, G _,_ G "10 . CAfllSTllAfllG all'.ACH tr• . ......................... t &: ..i-I d' --· .... ,,....,,..., '""'" rove -Wate.r pd. Gardl'!ner main. CdM. 675-0633 OMCA POlfllT ... -.... t, .. INSUU.TING .................. 41H crp s ......... gave, ispo_._
$90 inc, util. Small furn apt, ----------tamed. 667 Victoria st. 2 BR So of tlwy )'rlY a1ve:a1101 cOiiliTV";;;;::::·-::~~~~ET11M"~ ..... g $135 mo. 49&-2319 I ·lti-.tts-Tamu---,.-.-.,.-_-,-,-,,-.-il
Single man. Near 15th & SINGLE Adults Lu xury 636-4120 Util'.:· f~'d. $195'. mo: r~~.~.::;~~·.:::.::: .... m: 'ANITOAIAL .. .' ............ :::,,,. ........ .. Newport. 642-5583 garden ~ts with country COtlOOMouuM ,.,. 'Ew•L•Y ae:,A1a. •tt. ...... -. Din• Point 5740 painting, cedar chest, antiq • club atmosphere and com· Rd'•· req'd, Mr. Forney ou•1.u1s 111.1aN.:·:;::::::::::mJ L.t.Nosc:•••No ............ _,,..,. ----------desk, Prov. table, Want den ~ewport Bitch 4200 plete privacy. SOUTII BAY 3 BR 1% balh $150/mo. Bkr. 540-3862 RENTALS ~~~~':'-:."11t'iCic'".".'.':'.".".'.'.'.:":::: NEW 3 BR. 2~' Bath etudio. turn, fur are. rv.p. birds
CLUB API'S lllOO Olapman LARGE New 2 BR, 2 BA Hou-Unfurnf1L-..1 1i11ov•No a·no1U.O• ......... ..-Carpets. drapes. refrlr , or? 673-3524
JIAVE: Sailboat 38', n ee
or cruise (value $16,000).
Will TRADE I e i Real
' call 673.llil7
C-2 Comn1. Bldg. lge paved
lot near Newport & Bristol
Blvd. Value $'16,500. Wan t
view home. Leon Vibert
Realtor 548-0688 anytime
l lA VE: Commercial lot,
clear, $15.oOO, Lake Arrow·
head $10,000 clear, WANT
airplane or lneome proper-
ly. Broker (U 689-8801.
1i251. Jamea Pl, N.8. 3
Br, 2 Ba, ocean view, Own-
er says submit income or
land for $30M eqty. Mark
Les, Rltr. ~7711
Trad~ up • bollSI'! with back
bay view at 235J Irvine
Ave., fo r vacant or -4 to 100
units. Agent 67:>6252 (Ir
67J.(823 aft 6 pm.
Want 4 BR &: 2 BR ''Ocea.n-
a lre" duplex. Have clear
Palos Verdes ocean view lot
Art Giovinetti, Broker
Trd. STJOO Eq In Newport 30
Sailboat. Comp. race equip_
Auto pilot. \Vant travel
camper I trailer, Clear ~
equal value. fi46.0047
HA VE clear North Laguna
J BR. & den, 1% + !,ii ba.
WANT beach income.
Call anytime. Broktt
10 Arn.ES, R·l, Oxnard
Exchange for
good Income un it!.
1-tr. Conrad Riviera Realty
<499-28oo 494-1330 Eves.
Utility trailer 4x8, fully en·
cloaed, new tires, SIOO val.
Maricom Marine OF radio,
$100 val Trade/rifle or shot· aun of eq. val. GTJ..4303
1966 ISLANDER n Sloop.
$3100 value. (Leased &lip
avail nr. Balboa Pavlllon).
Trade for listed &eCUrities.
Jf9ltil PAINTIN9, Pl_._.. ...... ...
Ave., Garden Grove (714) w111 .. McC•rdlo, Rltr1. plus den. Crpts, drps, bltna. ••NII.AL ...................... PAINTINO, .................... all 11tove, dshwhr. $245. Call .... *' * * * * 636-3030 VI --•f 535-3864 COSTA lrol.llA .. ,,,, .......... ,.JI• PATIOI .................... -•• "'41 '114: 870--042.faftS -.
1810 Newport IDvd., CM. ew. ll-...>'U or MISA OIL MA• .............. 11• PHOTOO•APMY ' ............ ,. l!!!!~~!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!![!!!!"!!!~!!'!!!!!!!!!i!I
Luxury garden apartments
of(tting comple!e privacy,
beautiful landscaping & un-
paralle.led recree.tional fadl·
lti~ in a country club 'at·
mosphere. Now leuing in
Newport Beach.
Furnished or unfurnished
Modds open 10 am lo 8 pm
Rents from $1.55 to '310.
17~ 16th ~l
TI4: 642-8170
SINGLE Adults Lux u ry
;arden apls wilh country
club atm06phere and aimp.
lete privacy. SOUTI{ BAY
CLUB API'S. Irvine at 16th,
Newport Beach.
(TI4> 645--0550
LOVELY 2 br apt. Almost
new. Fum. 1,1 blk to OCl!an
I: bay. 1905 \V. Balboa Blvd.
Sun. OR 3-9ID9, \\7kdays
12U) 795--0661
TR.All.ER, 1 adult, poce., wa.
ter I: gas pa.id , Senior citizen
$100 .. mo. LI 8-8-nt or
?III 6""6255
SAIL Ina P.folel, wkly from
$37 .50. Special low monthly
nt,s. 675-1841 (cor. 28th St.
&. N,wport mvdJ .
BEACON Ba.)' 2 Br. lrpl, pvt.
pier & dock . 1225 mo.
lj,;;;;;;;;;;1 MllA Vl!ROll .... -.......... lilt PU.STll'.RING, Pl~ ... ., ..... REAL ESTATE Lequnl 801ch 4705 ~T129 644-00!lt eves. COLLEOI! •••JC ............ '1111 n.uMaiNo ....................... REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE :,;c:.:.:.:;:_;;.:;;.:;':---'.:.;' I'""""""""""""""""""~ NlwPoaT a••CN ............ nt1 PET o•OOMIHO .... Generil
Sl"E NIWPORT "OMTI ............. :1111 POOL SIJIVICI! ................. ----------Gener1I General DELUXE Bachelor apt, N. NIWP01t1' 11tOa11 .......... mt flOWl!a sw11.P1No ........... ffU
Ir k F • Villa Apts 1Avs"oa1r1 ................. lm •uM11 sl!av1c:E ................ ,,. R•ntils Wanted 59901--------------------I end, 2nd fir, pvt en • dee • ~·rway I OOYl!JI SltORll'.S ............... nt7 ROOl'INO ............. me Office Reftt1I 6070 AcNtge 6200 view, 1 blk bch/shopping. 81 IS 1 , WISTCt.1•• ................ mt a.&010. •tH'"-ate. .......... ,,.. •• -~ UNIVIRSITY •••K ........... mr llE,Y,ODEllNG .. ltEPAI• ,,.. Adult. Sl45 mo. 4~ Near 0 ..,.,,,.e C:O Al ....... rt &: • av1N1 .................... -.. 12Jll llMODILING, ICITC:ll•Nt ........ J ·~'6 .. ..., IACIC IAY .................... 1261 ICISIOAI IKAIPlfll ........... tll OCEAN front gUest apt on UCL Adclll only. 20122 U.IT ILUl'fl .................. ntt SIWlNG ............ -'"'
Pvt beach. 2 rooms, 2 bas, Sant.a Ana Ave, MG-2796 •• Tt.. 2244 SEWING MA•'•"'"' ........ ,•tu lltVINI 'l'l!ltltAC:I .... -...... l2U Sl!l'TIC TA S. U.... llc. .. •ff.I pa.tio,,garage. $225 inc. utll. CORONA OIL MA• ........... nst TAILOlllHO .................. .,.
"-T• L•«•'*
••• ,,.. Cllll• ,,,.. 499-3768 or 213: 79'l-6163, •ALIOA ...................... »II Tl!AMITll'. CO"TROL ........... '1t VILLA MESA APTS ....... ISU.Ntll ............ -... :nst l'ILI, C-..tc .......... ~ ...... "7• --MM111
1 BR cottage, poolside, nr
beach, fireplace. $150 lse.
494-321E aft 4: 30
2 BR W1f ••·• hid '-100 IS'-1 .......... ,..,,.,,, JlS1 Tl'-1• Ur111Mm a M1r1111 '""'''" um, pri pa...,.., IALtoA ISU.ND .............. JJJI Tlllll'. SIRVICI " ............. 6fN
pool. 2 car encl'd gar. Oil· NawPOltT WIST .............. :a11 Tl!LIVISIOfll, ltlflllh. 9tc. ...... . MUNTINOTON llACM ..... ,,S.00 UflMOLITIAY ......... ., ...... tm dren welcome, no p e Is MUNTINOTO•'MA••Ol.ll -···,... WELOtHG . . .......... ms
~...-wn._,,.. -·-n-ca
please! $160. Also fum $1BS. ,OU NTAIN YAU.IT .......... Ml• WO'IOOW CLIANING ...... ,,,,.,,,
4740 TI9 \V, \\l'llson. 640-1251 c ~~~'D:11u.ia"ova ·::::::::::::::::: JOBS & EMPLOYMENT 1~~=-:.:;::::...:.c:c=c:..._ LONO ••ACM ................. :uao ,o. ,WANTl!O, Mo ............ 1'0ll
ATI'RACTIVE lrg 1 BR apt VALUE, adult couple only, 2 ORANGI COUNTY ............. >600 ~gi :::~:g: w-........ 7'21
w/pool, on Bluffs overlook· BR. no pets. Drps, cpU, ~·,•,•,~.~~ ...................... :::: Ml!N • woMl!N ...... rm ................ SCHOOLS A lflllTRUC:TIOM ,.,.1611 ing harbor. 1 yrs lease $155 dishwhr, hid pool, quiet. MIOWAIH'l'Jl!·GHTi"""""= ~o• '••PARATION ........... 71M mo. 495-5489. 4!)6.2409 i135. 2295 Pacific Ave. SANTA I ......... TH IATltlCAL . .. ........ ,,..
Dana Point
53t>"'10 RENTALS
~78 or 6424429 f:~iT:.,L 11iC:M ·:::::::::::::::: MERCHANDISE FOR
L.AGUHA NIOUIE" ............. :1117 SALE AND TRADE A t U f lshN BRAND New 1 & 2 BR. L MttSION v11'0 ...... _ ...... :11111 AlATURE rrsp cpl, no p •• n urn \V/\V cp,,, all bltns Incl. SAN CLl!Ml!NTI .............. :ine ,UltHITUJll! .................. -children or pet&, wishes 2 br C:APISTIANO ...... ,. ........ 1nl OFl'ICI FUltNJTURI ........ 1111 Gen1r1I 5000 sell cleaning oven. Patios, CAP11TllANO 111'.AC" ......... ,,. OFl'ICI •o•••MINT ......... 1111 uni hae or apt, 2 ba It &al' ~ .. -, Ad··"-64, ~-00.,,00,01NTu•''''"'""""""'',.' .. sTO•• ll!ou1•M1nrT ............ 11 by 12/1.5, C.M. area. To
Clo11 to shoppl"I, Park * SpaclOIUI 3 Br'•, 2 Ba * 2 Bedrooms * Swim Pool, Put/green * Ftp!, lndiv/lndry fac'll
1145 An1holm A•o.
COSTA ~IF.SA scz.m-4
$130. 2 BR duplex. Yd. patio,
bllns, re.trig. "Children & pct
O.K Bkr. 5J4.6980
~--.,.~ · wu. .,..,uuo, C N MINI ........... H CAl'I, Rll!STAUAANT .......... 11 377 w. Wilson. OUflL.1111.IS llNl'UIH .......... Jtn a•• IOUIPMINT ............ 1111 S175. Wally Bolt, 290 N. 3rd
crpls, drps, bltns, carport.
Adults, no pet1, S 13 5.
1028 El C&mino Drive
Deluxe 3 BR, 2 BA apt Drps.
wfw cpls. 548-3481 or
SPLIT-levt.l 2 BR. Crpts,
drps, RIO. l~i BA. $150,
Adults, no pct&. 2885 ~ten.
doza Dr. 54~
2 BR garage apt. Relrig,
stov,, cpl!. Couple onl,y.
$150 mo. &16--8226
IUMM•• •INTAL.1 .......... ms MOUllH0'-0 GOODI .......... ..,. SI, El Cajon, Ca. (n4) RENTAL:» OAltAOI IALI .............. em
A F I hod FUANITURI AUC'TH»C ........ llU 444-2596, ptt. urn. APPLIAHClS ................. 11111 ==~--~----lllNIJIAL .................... .-. '"T1ouE1 .............. 111• SINGLE employed )'()Ung C:OSTA MISA .................. 4111 llWIN• MACMINI ......... 1111 woman needs room or MllA 'll!•DI ..... .,.\,,,,.,.411t MUSICA'-INSTRUMIMT ...... 111J L--Nll'.Wl'OltT aa&C" ............ 4Mt PIANeS. eaGANI ............ 1111 would 8•Mln.' apt. In vie, 17th NIWPOIT "9:10HTS .......... oftlt ltAOIG .................. ,. .... 11111 &: Jrvine, cail 548-2296 MIWl"ORT IHOAl'I ,,, ........ tnt TILIV1110N ." ................ ,,mt
WllTC:t.11111 ............... 4Ut "1''1 • STl!aco ............... nll 8 LANDLORDS • UNIVIAllTY PAAIC ........... CJ.U fAPI AICOROlltl .......... Int SACK eA y .................... OM C,r,MIAAI a 11'.0l.llPM•NT .... UN FREE RENTAL SERVICE IAIT ILU,11 . . ..... ,..,,,,42tl HeelY ll.IPflLllS ............. Mii Broker 534-6982 C:eRONA 011. MAA ........... ttM 1,0.Tllto 00001 ............ IMt IAl.IOA .......... ,.,,,,,,.4JN lll40Cl.IU.RI, KOP•I .... -•. -aAY llL.ANOI ................. 4UI MIKILL.t.llllOUI ,.,,, ........ .... LIOO ISLI' , , ................. Ull Mlse. WAfllTIO ............... ,Ult IALIOA llLANO ......... ,.,.4JH MAC"INIAY, ltc:. , ........... IJM Hl.INTllllaTON aEACM ,,., ..... 44M '-UMllR ,,,,, .............. , ... 17Jf
e Free Rental SPrvlce •
Brokers / Mgra, I Owners
Propertiea West 675-1642 ,OUNTAIN VAL'-IT ...... ,.,,4411 lTOIU.11 ...................... 1111 s1•'-•rAcH ........................ eu 1Lo1No M.t.nt1A1.s ....... mt Rooms for Roni 5995 1..0NO ll•C:" ................ <Ute IWAl'I , .. .. .. ntl :>••No• couNT'I' .................. PETS and LIVESTOCK ••1to1:N o•ov• .............. 4411 fll!TI ,oaw1:aAL .............. • FURNISHED room. Sin&le
Air Condttlonod
Deak space av&U.able 1n
neweat oWCI'! buildlnt: at
40 Acn!:tl', So. Calif. $25.
S2,495. FULL PRICE. L.
SheWfelt, 326 w. Third. St .•
L.A. Phone: (213)623-SlDl
prime. location m downtow:nr---------
1.aguna Beach. Air condl-like El1inore 6202 tloned, carpeted, beautlful
entrances: Frolltage on 3 ADJOINING hills ide
Fore&t Ave., rear leads to lakeview Jots, near ca1ino
Mu nclpaJ parking ,lots. $50 $3,tm. 536--2449
per month for apace, Desk
and chain available for $5.
Business houn answering
&ervice available for SlO.
All utilities paid except
MODERN 3 room auite,
cptli., & tr conditioning,
janitor aervlce, ample park·
So. C&IU. 1st Nat. Bk Bldg.
2.l> E. 17th Street
Costa Mesa 642-1485
1000 Square Fut
Office Space Avail
300 17th Street, H.B.
3 ACRES 40 miles nor1h of
Reno near Honey Lakl'! 11.l
foot of SletTatl'. Level, clear,
$3,DOO. ~2449
R. E. W•nlod 6240
1t you have a 3 or 4 bedroom
horn~ for aale or for rent.
call us today. We represent
the employees of a large 1
firm moving to the Harbor
Area and they must have
housing! All ca.th ii desired.
Call 1'"'arrow 546-8640
Bus. OpportunltlH 6aatl
CANDY SUPPL y ~~~:~"~~~ ................ :~: uT1 .................... -........ or double. Near ahoppina.
lANTA AHA ..... :::::::::::::::: ... ~~:~.s--::::::::::::::::;·:::::·:= A1e&a del Mar. 54S-3298 5 4000G1nor1I 4000Genoral 4000 BAY LIDO BLDG ROUTE
-N J N B !No selling lllvolved}
0 ... .._ """' al ... fovr IC'OmlH.d wonb b.-
' tow to '°""' fcwr almplli '#Ol'dl.
I' I I
IHEWLI I 4 j j I A word to wl11 kldR '"Don't --;=~-::;-:;:~· ::::::::...., ploy In tho llrMt. You moy "' get that - -fHllng,•
l;IMllON I \1•1C r I I' I' I !~~~1=
• ~~Ni:.rs~£~.~'"'" r r r r I' I' r 1
_e ... r,..01..,.sce .. ':f'.,s!..,\\._'1_"1_" ... l _..I _I .... I I I I ·-""'----""" SCltAM·Lm ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 9300
D ·
it:~t.A~~.~.~~~-~~.~.::::::::::: LIV•STOCIC ,,,, .. ,,,,, .... , .• , .... 1 ~,ve~s~. ,,-.,..---.,-,,,,-.,..--
C:OAITAL ..................... ,.. CALIFORNIA LIVING $15 WK I: up w/ kitchen.
.uw ewpo,., . • E il Offices avail&bJe. Rm 301. xce ent income for few
675-2464 or 5(1-5032 hours "-'et!ki)' work. (Daya LAOUNA alACM , ............. •Ill LAOUNA HIOUIL ............. on NUltll•••• .............. "11 $35. wk studio apt. 2376 MISl!Oft Vll'O _,,, ........ ,.. SWIMMIN• ..OOLI ................ Ne•"""'rt Blvd. 548-9755. and E\_'eni.npl, Retillinz and SI'ORE, office & desk space collec11ng money from coin IAN Cl.IMIHTI ........ ,..,,,4,U , .. Tlot ...... ,,,,_,,, .. _ ..... lfU .. ..., 1842 Newport Blvd., CM operated dispensers in Or-OANA l"OINT .................. 41 .. •WH IHOJ ...................... lftl
Mottls, Trlr. cm. sn7 I--==-=-=~==-•nee Co. and surrounding TIUPL•I(. tK. ..................... VAC:ATIONI .................... -r.OHDOMINIUM ......... ,,,,,,,.,.
Aph. Unfurnished GINaAAL ..................... .. COSTA MllA .................. 11M MISA VlltO• ................. 1111 HIWPOAT alAC" ..... ,. ..... IHt NIWl"OAT "llaMTI .. , ........ 1:111 NIWPO•T SltOltl!I ........... ant #ISTCLIPI' . '"""""' .11» UHIVEltllTT PARK ........... JU1 IACKl•l' ..... ,. ............ IHI E•ST •l.Ullll ............ 11'2 COIONA OIL MAR .. ., .. ,,, .. SUI IALSOA ................. IJM IAY ISUNOI ................. UH 1.100 11L1 ............... su1 IALIOA Ill.ANO , .......... llU HUNTllitOTON alACM ......... ..... 'OVNTAtN VALi.iT ......... ...M1t Sll!AL eaACM .................. s.11 LONG ll:ACM ........ ,. ..... U .. OIANOI COl.lin'T ............. WOI o•ao1w oaova ............... 1111 Wll'.STMINIT•ll .,,,,.,,_,., •. 1111 MIDWAY CITY .................. 111• IAfllTA AMA . ' ................ ... SANTA AfllA flllOHTS .,., .. ,., .... IUITIH ,, ................ , .... J'4t COAIT•L .................. ... IAIUfllA llAC:" .............. 1111 LA•UHA frf lOUl!L ............ Im IAH CLIMIJrtl ~ ~ , ........ .fl'I• IAfll 'U'N CAPll'T.,.,JIO 0,, .. Int DANA POINT . • ....... 174t
TRANSPORTATION tlOO' SHOP, OFFICE, area. We establlsh route
•OATS a YACNTI ................ WEEKLY rates Sta Lark 2340 Newport 'Blvd., CM IHandJes name brand canc1Y
"''LIOATS ................. ,. l.fo~~ 2301 Newport Blvd., $75. 646-2544. 548-B333 and srw.ck!). $1575.00 cash
POWll'.a c•u1saa1 ............... Costa Mesa !========== ·"-• Sl'llo-IKI IOAT ............. req .... ~. For permnaJ inter. lo.t.T TRAILIAI .............. fin view in Oran"e Co .. -.. 10AT MAINT•111A•C• _ ......... Ml••. Ront•lt 599' Commerclel 6085 .... · -~. IOAT U.UHCMINO ............... .... send name, address and MARINI IOUlfl. ......... ... ,..___ phone number to MU'Tl· IOAT IL.IP, MOOlttH• ........ tal HOOSIERS Trt.ilt'r O>urt, Prime '·"'"""ercW Propn1y u •OAT 11av1c11 ......... ., ... ..,, """' FaJJ•• 0,., C.M. Adil 132'x280", C•2, Beach Blvd., STATE DIST., INC., 1681 W IOAT Jl~NTaL1 .................. .,.., ,,..,., ' B---d A · · aOAT C:HAttT•• ................... Park in heart of town. 2 Huntlnaton Beach •. su,750 IV<l \Vay, nahe1m, cau.
l'llMINa I OAT'I ................... IP'"' up -38'. ""23"•0 Cuh down. Ownu Wlll car-fom la 92802. 1Tl4 J 778-Soo'.l. aOAT MOYINO .................... 1v ,,..... IOAT ITOlt AO I ............ ...... ry l:S )'t!l.r lst trust dttd. EXCEPTIONAL EARN.
•o•Ts W'4NTID .............. tttl WM'TED: Garage to rent Realonomics Corp. ~ lNGS, Pari-to'm• •oack •t1tC:1tA,T ............... till for stor11e. C.M. or N.D.1----------' l'LYtNo LlllONS ............. t1Jt ----------I routes, Avnil in nlMly &reai. MOalLI NOMll ............... ntt &rell. Call 774-{)330 ... M MOTOtt HOM11 ............... t11t lndustrlil Rintal 6090 C"n or ·women to re:ih>ck ••CYC:l.l!I ................ ms Ma.ck machines & collect 11.1cTa1c u.as ................ Income Property 6000 Id
•••• •••n .................. "" NEW BUILDING money "" 0' '""'· NO MOTO•c:Tc:L• ............. ,.. ~A. ~, . ....,. ho le I SEWNG • \VE FURNISH MOTOllSCOOTl•I ............ \..V~• ~ me ......... '_.... .. A ~-M • ,..,.~Tia Auto 11av1c:11 a '"•n ........ units plu• room tlCI bid ""'""' _.... ve., ......... ell UVU\ NS. S900 req'd for AUTO TOOU • 1ou1• .......... ,. $125,000 21'.1% d ~ Each unit 1125 sq ft, 2 off· pert-time route, tull time ~:::t::S. T::i:L .. ::::·.:'.::::=: 5'MX!i n. lets, 2 tttt rooms. 110/220 routes also avail. ACT NO\V
CAMro1a1 .................... ,.,,,. electric. Amplt pvkin&. FOR OIOICE LCX:ATl~'N" TIUC:llf.I ............ -............ C. Robo N R-' I ~ • Jll'.IPS '" :..r."" _ , ............ "11 Butlnns lttftfll 6060 rt attreu c.4"1!' n Ora.nit!! County. Vendfnr ~Q:r:,•uo~~::Au; lm Colla ~fffl 642·1485 Div. 1001 Avtnue of ttit
IMPORTIO AMTctl ............... ~Ml· ti. •l 128 w. 19th St., St.ra, Suite 58,j. Century
ll'OIT CARI ............... c J\L Av•• ~-•-1 C'ty, Cai. -1. '" o--· ANTIOUIS. CU.llt(S ........... 11 • utl\.'.• u . A 6200 .. -.,g .... ...
TRIPLtJC.. t!C. ... ......... JtH ltAC:I u.a1, ltODS ........... ffH .. ~176.! * er ... ~,.=----...;.= Cit. call 1714) 64S...U93 C:OMOOMIN IVM ............ ltl• •UTO IYINTS ................ NU I==,.,.,,...,,..,.,_,,.....~,....,-1--,,...;;:0c;,;,"";,:;::....__ lllNTALI WANTIO .......... sttt •uros 11\'AHTIO ............. 1111 R00:'-1 SUltable for lf1ft 11.hop, 10 ACRES -PRIME. Near RESTA URANT
l.OOMI POii ltlNT ........... 1"' NIW C'4Jll ................... men's '"°" or ladies shop. 11-lake. ~ l mo. ~1osr POPU"R ROOM e t OAJIO 1 ... •UT<' LIAllNO ...... ,. ...... tell ••~ ....,.. ~OTl!LI. TIAILE I COIJltl) ,,., 11110 CAltl ................. .,. CAii Jim 8'rlcshir.. 673--9-IOS Call (7141 SM--47"3. !-"or SalP • Plk'lne S-1'2-MD:i , _______ _
I -
"' nt
lo ..
vi ...
'" pl ..
" ,,,
Ir. •• k
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E: c
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: .
~. N-2', 19'9 D.111.Y PUT
JOIS & IMPLOYMINT ~J~O!Jll!_!&~IMl'~~l~O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Jo"' Mon. w-. 7100 Jollo Mon. Wwn. 7100 J""'• Min. W... 71
•••• ~ltleo 630G ~-,,_ "41•1 6400 ~ -
THIS IS NOT VENDING SCllWll!ll< lli<>'!'le, adults. When Vou Sharp S.Crotory f 0 , SPORTSMEN Continental, ,.Uow, comb. f ' foot • ,._. ""?n"
lock under Rat. Poor cond. W f •t d Beech Ae\IMY• •pe The naUon'a wzesttraochlle ldenti!y "'8-5491 on I one "'18. ShOrlhond oo,
organiu.tion bu a limited • h -• a f 1 I number of now QPPCll1W1llJet QIJHUAHU~i:: ._: ab t'!i~.~ r1g t • • • ..... th ma U do o.': for the· aportsmillded man November ~ 1J1110tween _.., r v • n • r -
or v.·oman lo set into the and Beach. Identity, Coll one of PhofteJ 6Q..3910. 425
field that they enjoy the 962-2686 N ..... port ltvd.
most. BEAUTIFUL Long haittd fhe experfS * AIDES *• Experienced, multkolored kitten w/ftea ' AU ohln.. Kun-BHch
\Ve need an a inbitious itldi. (Ollar. Vic: of Elden I: Del /isled be/owl! t'onvaleloent HOIP·· 18192
vtduel who would like to Mar. 548-9607 Delaware. ll.B. ( ? 14)
reap the rtWards of the CALICO Kttten i..J nlOll, 84T.J515
ever · ta.ting "'"'lion ex· black. ><llnw, ""t. Found SERVICE DlltlCTORY SERVICE DlltECTORY SERVICI DlltECTORY I ·AID=ES=,-:N"un=tnc'"'.-A&e=-:35,,.-or
p!Olion -a pt:r90n who ii 11/19. 548--0lot at ~2837 over prd'd, Part time avail.
-··ii·· General
* * Housewives and Mothers
Earn extr1 money for .* CHRISTMAS *
J. C. Penney Company
Foohlon loloncl -Nowport ioach
Hoo pooltlont opon In aspirin& to earnings M:ll ov. FOUND: Calif. Llc pl4te, Alph:I~, Oils 6520 Carpet Laying & Janltorl•I 6790 Call Jor appt. 114 • Gf.807S
er $1.<W per monlb. • Nev. 19th on 17th St. C.M. SEALING tr PATOUNG Rlp.1lr 6"\26 SPAlU<LE Janitorial I: Win-BABYSITI'ER Wanted 111 * Sales
Thi• i. one ul !he..-.,,,... c.u altl,JJ. "3-8982 Reddentlal • lnduo • O>mc1 l'OR CARPETING -de&DiDC s.rv. W"" Monte Vla1a School Area to Scbedulu Including alterDOOllJI, evenln1s and
Ing but fun businesses yoo.'U Cmnpl reu 1erv. CUrrentb' OR CARPET LAYING dows, resid., axncl. const. care flX' 3 children. Tue8day combination of both.
evff have an opportunity to Lost 6401 engaged by City of CJll. for C. A. Page SU.JnO ae.ntlp. Frte est. -.2691 ONLY -2:30 'lll 5 PM. Call Finest conditions -Top IUpervlJlon -EX·
look into. BLACK t..a•-•-·, male, 11t street restoration. -==='====="I -6C2-3844 eves & wkends or ell I be fj•· · cl din ••· rl il w-n • · L·-• 6110 64• -•••. c en ne ~ m u g ~count p v ere. yn. old. name "Ben." NATO CORP. Electrlal 6640 -scapln9 ~ .....,-s
You nt'f!d at lea't Sl.647.50 to Newpt Peninsula. Reward. Gen'l Contracton: ~ ===....;-_....;::.;.;..;;I BABYSI'ITER/Hou.ekeeper, * Apply Now *
$3,547.50 cash to start. 61"1100 • '' ELECTRICAL serv\oe I: LIC'D Jal\)8.nesc landsc•pe live in or out. Min hn 8-6, 10 • M 9 -Ballyllttlnt 6550 repair. 24 hrs. 1 days. No con~ctor. Lawn,, sprklrs, Mon-Fl1, Girt 5, boy :S. Sal· "' • to P .M., Monday thru Frfdtiy
. . WST Blonde Female Cocker job •~ ---" ..,._ -~-• ._ paboe: etc. &10-3037 J C p \i~te, giving phone number, Spa'liel Vi e. Mesa Verde. LICENSED chlld care, my addltic':.s:"i'iit·~~ • ~~·t :u.s792 days, • • enney Company
. All Stasons = heartbroke n . ~meF, ~ 2:_!f l!~~ v.11 fix it! 6*-4712 M.sonrr, Brick 6830 "BABY=°'Sl==r1"·ER"'"'-:N'"eedecl....,...,--my #24 Fashion l•l•nd
Sportlng Goods Co. .. . ....,. "'~ J_ ... , U.UIUJI<:"• RICHARD '"WN '
S66 Depl "' LOSI': Grey Weimaraner, Ir snack. So. Cout P1ua Floors 666S ~ home. 6 AM--!PM. Mon. Newport S..ch, C•IHomla -
AtlllCY ... ... ,,._ --'4MIJ1
1114 S. IMttrw -· .. 147·f711
Accounts P$l5oble
Clork to
lo1ust have buUdinJ: il
development conatruclion
exper. Ute !)'pine.
S.Crotory $525
Nice, neat person with
&ood BeCtttarial a k 11 l a •
GftatloCatlon. :;.e..4008 C-a 1.L Tue&. Thun:, • .Fri, (1) 9 ~ ~ Salt Lake €ity, Utah S4ll1 female Bristol & Baker St, area. Custom & ....-nqn old ~
Assoc. Partner CM. Undu medicine. Rew. BABYSl'ITING, My bopte. CARPET VINYL TILE Masonry A Specl•ltyl mo. • -•• '! n 11 I n Accountant Trainee
641H1662 Costa Mesa area, ~need Free est. Lie. contr. 5tG-7262, Block, Brick, Corterete BABYSITI'ER wanted. near
LOST Female black kitten, 2 ~~.',!::.,_.h~.~1863meals. 546-44?8 FrH Eat. '3.1-23Q ouFounr tal-n e,YalleyMon ~~ Jobs-M.ft, \fom. 7100 Jo'""'!::~Mo~n.':_!W!:om.!!!!:_!.7~100~1 $61111 nw. old on Balboa Island. n.o;; .... ~a .,.._ <1u1.,1 I' n.. '":' BA AccounU,.. DelfH.
Reward. Call-673-12.14 BABYSITTING, My home, Gardening 66IO Moving, Storage 6840 gsz..1814 COLLEGE 1tudent needl GAL FRIDAY: Busy Cb. Min. 1 YI' work expcr.
V. '" k NEW l d I BARMAID, nlte1. Apply aJt 6 p/tlme work. Afternoon, wantJ efflcl@nt pereon to run Activewlth$23.000tolrrvt>•l Small Pet Tort.o. ise, tc. .,.....wee · awns r e -see n1. MOV'ING HAULING bat (L U I") 968-n56 Complete lawn c·-. Cean • pm, MAVERICK. l'ni New. eves., dependable. 615-3391 office. Variety b the key, Orange County excluslve. A ona. Ll c · ...... J l v n. ••• ~~ BJ·~ CM f 5 p M l Top In !ield, 2S yrs Nation-Balboa Jal.and, 673-1012. BABYS1ITING, DAYS OR up by job or month. Free '11 ton an. ...... u. ~.i.-PCll't vu., • a ter · • oc. is Ideal to $600 to start.
NITES. REASONABLE. '5timat.._ For info. call BARMAID Britt.h. to work DENTAL OFFICES Co. pays fee. Call Sally Hort ally. Extremely high return, LOSI': Small black &: white 646-7943 846--0932 P1perh1nglne in a.n English Pub. Call ~. Other Fee A free
plus excellent sa.Jary. Prin-cat. Mesa Verde area. Painting 6l50 646-9Dl. aft 5 pm. e AQiltants jobs available,
cipal &elected must have 549-1643 or 546-2376 BABYSITI'JNG, my borne GARDEND"lG 6 iaDdseaping. e lnlurance Girls COASTAL AGENCY
managerial background.Au. C.M. (17th &: Orange). ~yrs exp.Clean ~up, •PAINTING int a, ext, BELLMan-SberldanBeach e RecepUonilta 27'90HarborBlvd,CM
tomotive experience not Personal1 6405 Lunch le lge ;yard. Mon-Fri. 1prinklen inst'd A: repaired. Back from Vietnam. Back Inn ii now aceepfu!&' a:; e InlonnaUon l(irt (EveJ GENTLEMEN-LADIES-or
necessary. \Vill train. Your 64>2754 673-ll66 Jn busineal again. Free pllcaUon1 for the position Prepare rerume, must have
investigation welcomed, Call PALMISTRY & ,\L'S Garnenlng & Lawn esthnats. Will tubcontiact bell man. P/tlme & fUll two yrs dental exper. Day CX>u.EGE Sl'UDENT •••.
for appt, for this once in a CARD READINGS CHILD care my home, infant lolainte Commercial 66-1089 time -11 PM-7AM lhlft Ap-A: eve, hrs. AU union bene-Fuller Brush, the perfect pt
lifetime, exceptional op po,.... Bring Your Problems to :9-l~chool. Lie 8594• tndua~· residenUal. ' SUBURBAN Painting/Dec ply in person, 2lll2 Ocean, flla. salary $3.4' per hr. Call timeu job, ~ a choice loe
tunity. Ken Oifford (714) Me -I Wiii Help You * 646-3629 * E-rt G"·-nteed w-u H.B. for appointment: 633-7674. ava now. V"""l403
7?4-701i0 oru:.o Care. lunche5 &. tenc-....... ........ "'" o c E TERS G Off1 · Solve Them. eJ yard, wkly, Vic Spring· WOULD like to buy garden-Frl..oe ci t. No job too laJ"ge B AT ARP N O.nt1I Assistant lneral Cl
Af!iliate I give advice on all matten dale & Warner, 846-0839, Ing route in Nwpl Bch or or too amall. 494-JlllO Experienced. Top pay. La.r&e Chall'-ikle. Lovely c 0 st a Full & Part TJm.
CANDY VENDING ol life, sucli as love, court.. Costa Mes.a. 968-1928. HOLIDAY SPECIAL. Int. &: custom yachts. Wlll&rd Boat ?'lfesa o((lce. Some expcr. re-Newport & CDlt• MIN
SPARE TIME-FULL TThrE !ihip, marriage. divorce, bus. 8 • k Ma ~ Ext pain~--. Lie & insurd. Works, 1295 Baker, Costa quired. Under 30 yrs. Salary S•·-tt.50 hr. m"•t •-.
·nc·• ~n••c"--• of all r1c , sonry, ••e:.
CLEAN.UP SPECIALlST •u<& Meu ,.._,11 ....... ~ _ v..,. EXCEPTIONAU..Y HIGl-1 IN-kind°' Re ~ ""''tic Mowing, edglllg, odd jobs. Free eats. Local rest Call • ....., · open. RIVIERA EMPWYMENT
COME re filling local route ...... 5• uniteedt ar:tiarp.-Reasonable. 548--6955 Chuck 645-0809 BOOKKEEPER Newport AGENCY, INC,
Office Girl $400
Type fut &: accurately.
Good with fi&ures, JOrne
C1ohlor to $400
M111t have nne 11naace ; :
Co. exper. Lite typlq, ~
phone, fUe. :
F inance Trainee
to $SOO
p1UI $50 car allowance. (h.
would like someane
w/heavy collection exper,
of !!eW candy ve nding ma-a ......... C8.l.lse spe Y BUllD Remodel repair PAINTING Local Costa Mesa Manufac-Personnel Agency 2661 !MacArthur mvd, Ste 201
chines. No Selling required. PY marriages, overcome vilri-Brick.' block, c o~ere te, J~ Garde~ ~ = EXTERIOR-INTERIOR turing firm or~ emp~ Houra: M N.B.I 540Q70 A/P, A/R $400
MODEST INVESTMENT vals, lovers quarrel.Iii, e carpentry, no job too small. nance. s. • -e 64&-3185 e needt exper. boolckttper to 833 Dover Dr NB A+ Co. is kloklna for some-
starts you In your own bus!-habits, stumbling blocks of Lie. Contr. 962-69t5 mercial. * 540-4837, l at do payroll Ir taxes, 2nd 642-3870 ., 549-2743 General: Young woman one w/ exper l.n AIP A
ness.. Profits begin lmmedi· all kinds. There is no heart TREE SERVICE, gen'I yard For Better Painting, Inter-handle acct& ttceivable I: wanted part time. Will AIR w I 1 h bookkeeptnc
ately. For full detail.'! from so bad or home so dreary Cirpenterlng 6590 cleanup. s p RINK LE R ior & exterior, acoustlc cei-bank depos. 3rd type letters DENTAL Secretary • Reoep-train. ARPHY'S Cof lee back&rowJd, Xlnt Co.
the NA110NAL LEADER that I cannot bring sunshine REPAffiS. 64&-5848 lings. 646-4017, 541-3502 &: reports. Sa1acy $'50 to Oonlsl. Are 25.fO. Call Shop. 3021-B Harbor Wvd., benefit&.
O!o" THE INDUSI'RY, send Into it. In fact, no matter CARPENTRY EXPER. Japanese Gardener. RENTAL READIER $650 dependlnc on exper. ~ _c:.M_. -.,-,-,--~,-,.-!
namt', address, & phone what may be your hope, MINOR REPAIRS. No J'ob Complete Yd . Service. Free 540-3924 Send mmplete resume to DISHWASHER General L.bor $2 hr. Teletype Operator $400 •
number to 1.IETRO-VENDA, fear or ambition, Too Small Cabibet in ~ Estimatei . Call ~~ * PAINTING lnterlor/Exter-l"P".o"."Bo"x"'"51ii4M;;ii. D;;;•iiil"y"Pil"·"otii I Dinner Houle, Exp'd onJy. 4ss.1286 2 yn: teletype expm". Xlnt , P.O. Box 5151, Oakland, SEE THE agea 6 other cablnels. , Eve1. Premium wages. opportunity to advance. .'·
Callf, 94605 PAU.1 ISTRY READER ·M5-Bl'l5, Uno answer leave General Services 6612 klr. Local references. Im-BOOKKEEPER. Apply in person GIRL FRIDAY. General of-
H. h p 1. p r will tell you Ju.st what you msg at 646-2312. IL o. l=m='"=· tt=rv=lc=e.=M&J65==1== I DERBY lice, livewire. Neill Sizn Co. Clerk Typlot $J47 19 ro it otential want to know. Anderson 2 COIJ..EGE Men \Vill Do Full Charge -Ma • RESTAURANT 16&12 s. Harbor Blvd. Santa
Franchise Opportunity with Avail. fo r parties CARPENTRY Cabinet& SmaJI Tree & R 0 c k PJastering, ReP1fr 6880 Construction experience; la-lJ62 Paliaadea Ana. S.U~4 Good typing skllls, figure
Goodway, a 40 year old na. With 'J'.hll Card and :SJ·OO Remod. No,.. b too small, Removal Yard Clean-up & miliar w/ coristruction cost Santa Ana GIRL FRIDAY •ptitude, lovely place to tional printing company. Rece SS oo R din *PATOf PLASJ'ERING accounting; escrow closings: work with Xlnt frinet , Proven concept • ex-ne· n-ive , C!a g. qual work. Call ~2576 Hauling. Call 536-3340 aft All •-. Free estimate d '·tlo ed·"· bank DISHWASHER 9 am to noon. Sharp1 Pb benefits.,. ___ ,,., 1•·~ " ,... ..... Open Daily 10 AM to 10 PM 6PM Eatlmales will be "!'<::""". epre,.... n sch -=S; 642-70> tor interview. ...... .. ._ --. .• not necessary. You may Fully licensed REPAIR, Partitions. Small • Call ~ :recondllltlona; year-end ae-
worlc in Center or be an a~ Oft, (213) 597.9272 Remodel, etc.. Nile or day, given. I-"======== O'.lWltina pbilolophles. Will Experienced HIGHSCHOOL or College Fiie Clark Tr•lnee $300 '
1e11tee brve1trr. Prime 11> 210 w. Whittier Blvd, Reas! Call KEN sto-4679 RAIN Gutters Inst a I I c d. Plum bing 6l90 PllY IAlary commenmn.te Boy, for Wkly Maintenance, Co. will train aharp pl.
cation now available iJl this La llabra ~REP="AIRS=,.._,A.,.L=tERA="TJ=oN"s"'' Rain1 Raaon ts here! Free --------w/ .......,.rience I: abW"'•. Po.-ApplY in person (5-10 hl'I.) on 31• Cruiser. • --. ~---nbL """"""" PLUMBING 'D-i.,;.· ...... & ......... •z SURP & SIRLOIN M t ~ ~is • G I OHi •u• are, a at $29,150, financing·I---=-"'='---CABINET """ · job '"~"'' n.o:..u -~ ..... _.. .. <& s!Hon immedl.a+aluavailable. ua ""'aper. w,........ • enera ce .-LOSE · '"''3 aue • . Remodcllng. Electric sewer -z 5930 Pacific Coast. a .... ,,,, ha -•-tt hr ~"-available, Reply to: Robert 25 yrs. exper. 54S-6713 Experienced BARTENDERS c . ea n 1 n r.. All work Call 547-6378. ·~ ve ·~r. ,.. per · .......... alWMI' pbona. utll
Loew, Regional Director, 670 ·==''===-=-==== serving all Orange County. guaranteed. 642-6583 !!"!'~'!'!!!~~!"!!'~~'!! l==N"e:wpo=.rt,-Be_ac __ h_,-,: ~--:.:0.,~'='=====I ,,.Ing,
South Vermont Avenue, Los Cemant, Concrete 6600 639-2233 PLUMBING REP ... "' BOOKKEEPER THRU T/B DISHWASHER, exper, tull e e HOUSEKEEPER: Angel~s. CalUomia., or call ~ 646-3931 time. Apply tn penon, Appl,y In penon only, Hun-Accountf"I Clerk
213 -383-1391. WEIGHT CEMENT WORK. no job too H1uling 6730 No job too small for appointment Benton's Coffee Shop tlncton Beach Convaleloent TralnH $S55
$100,000 PER YEAR-small, reasonable. Free e 642-3128 e BOYS lO • 14 133 s. c.oast Hwy, Lag Bch Holpital, 18792 Dela.wan, Lots of phone wortt. Addfnr
Minimum fncom~ lor good e1tim. H. Stufllck 548-8615 YARD/Cu. cleanup Carrier Routu Open DOORMAN. parking at-Hunt. Bch. machine exper, 1iCID'I: ap-"""""="'-"-'=-'---'-c.;..-I $1 O /I o ad, Sa.lvageables Pool Sarvlce 6910 nl Utude man to participate in highly I want lo women who are 10 PATIOS .. Driveways • tor tendant. Day or le. Neat, HOUSEKEEPER -Mature •
profitable realty investm1;:nt pounds or more overweight Planters • Block fences .. free! Remove trees. ivy, FRED & Al 's Pool Serv. Lquna Beach, So. Lquna 1icensed driver, refs. woman. Own room & TV.
operation. Pltl&b red carpet to take part in group weight Room additions. 642--9852 grade 962-8'14S Compl pool maintenance. DAILY PILOT 644-1700. Ext 555 after 5 Lite housework, no children.
offices on Newport Bay! Ac-Jou ~rogram of ~ialized * CONCRETE FLCXiRS, Clean tip and Haul Satis1aclion guaranteed. For 6C2-G'l1 Pl\f, Spaniah IPCafdl"ll ok. $100
tlve or inactive! Investment reducing, All inqwnes con-patios, etc. Reasonable, Call $10 a load. 646-2528 free tnfo le estimates BUS Girll • Bus Boys, 16 &: DRIVERS ( 12) per rno. !;4g...695f
required! Will train quail-fidcn Hal. Ask for Mr. Ken. -===°'=n,;,;642=-85=14=== HAULING. Ha'fe "T P/U 846-0932 ext 4. over, Call Bill Johnson YOUNG lolan -p/tlme wcric,
fied par1;yl 645-1574 day or1 .n00=y;.:;53;;.1·.:.54l2=·----· I-Anything. trash to turn. $8 Tifr79lO Full & Part Time my home, boatl, yard le
eve. *Al " Child Core 6610 loa-:;;d,,..+=m,,,lg~·-<94--.1003,...,,c:-•I Romoclol, Ropolr, 6MO -..,*..._C"A'"F'"E'"T'"E'"R"l"A-*.,.-to $576 Mo.+ Tlpo etc. $2 per hr. Reply Box COIN laundries-Frigidaire. one r .. + Xlnt opportunities with 2 ma. 515M, Dally Pilot From $6,500 to $4 2,500, • LICENSED ch ild care, my L~ :~g . cleanup . ROOM Additions&: Remodel· Part or full time. jor Co's. 21 plus, gOOd drlv-HOSTESS
A -•-· Co M hOme. age 2.1:. lolon thru Ing. Xlnt Financing. Ham-Call: 833-060o Ext. 2036 after ing tte0rd. n ... ..,1m, sta es a, "' •962--0161* mer Construction 543-1363 2 PM RIVIERA EMPLOYMENT Dinner. House, Evea. M&turt Buena Park, Fullerto n, YES IT'S YOUR Fri. Fenced yard. Lunches =========I · • ~=·--~~~-,_., 1 = AGENCY, INC. woman. Exp des ...... e, no Garden Grove, Huntington FAULT & snack. So. Coast Plaza Houucleaning 6735 r~ 1 6ftL" CHIW care 2:30 to 6 p.m.
Beach, Santa Ana, Tustin, For recorded message that area. 549-4038 '!9w n! '""' wkdays. My home or vie. 4667 MacArthu': Blvd, Ste 201
La Mirada. will change your life call LICENSED Child Care -RENTAL READIER e Dressmaking. Alterallons 4Dth St., N.B. 675-5920 N.B. 540-6370
Apply In pe_t'90n
Motor~! :;:..iiter
1·3 yn material fabrleaUon
e:xper. Will be In charp GI.
production lot control, abop .,.
loadina:, etc.
C.all Charlie 525-7833 ORANGE CO. 547-6661 Need child age 2-4 for com-54().3924 Special on coat hems CHRISTMAS MONEY * DRIVERS *
$25,<m for Partnership. man 24 hour recording pan. my child. 548-6046 CARPETS, W'ndows fin * 646-6446 * V.'omen te!cphonfn&: fro m No 1--'ence RESTAURANT MIO & TIG Wol'1"1
1262 .Pa14ades Foremen to $700 or lady. Local business ATTRACTIVE girl to model I='=='====== etc. Res or ~mc·l. XInt Alterationa-642-5145 your home. $2.00 per hr + A,...,'
estab 23 )'l"So Call 9· to 5, a few hours Stri~ U~k. Contractors 6620 work Reul Rell. MS-tlll Neat, accurate, 20 Yl'I. exp. bonus. Necessary!
642-7141 generous pay. e Y or _ PLEASE -MUii ~ .. ~ ••• ~"~-
!u _....._,...., FRED H. GERWICK .1 --~ n, 110 exp ·-...... .,,.,...,,.. Housacle1ning 6735 TILE, Cer1mlc 6974 Only girl& who have a sm1 • drMng record. A9Pb'
Preft!r over 21. Reply Box Building Contractor Ing voice, a1e no berrler, YELLOW CAB CO.
Investment Oppor. 6310 715, Santa Ana. ~':::~~= BAY & Beach Janitorial * VC!rnc, The Tile l\fan* Call 546-9511 for appVany-186 E. l6th St.
FANTASTIC SINGLES dance every ~ed. 67S4i04l & S49-2t70 Serv. Cpts, windows, Doors. Cust. \'Xlfk. lrultall &: ttpalrs. time. C.0.ta Mesa
REALTY PROJECT S:J:O to 12, fox trot, swmg, etc. Res & Commc 'l. No job too small. Pluter CLERK TYPIST: typing, 6river-ChauUtur
,....=,,,:-:.:...;;.....An_• ___ l .Muat haw sheet met&I laJ'"
Intpeetion out exper. lat Ir: 2nd lhift Electrolllc open.
Inspector Spoctroteoplot
S500 00) profit return within lat.in. Meadowlark Cntry Carpet Claaning 6625 _646--:-1-;;40,;;l==,,...,==:-I patch. Leaking sh 0 we r heavy phone, etc, Interest· 8 hrs, 5--0~· wk.
90 days $25 000 casb need-Club, H.B. 3 mi, W. of • WINDOWS DIRTY ? repair. M?·l!l57IM&-a206 ing Co. want1 cape.ble ~r· Call 642--0900
ed. 645-i572 day or eve. Beach. olf Warner. Adm. $2 * Diamonds are measured Free est. 15 yean exp. &On to take over this Job.
Varian Data Machines locat· BS !n Chemlttr)' or
ed In the Irvine Induatrial PhyslC11. Exper wtth intra.-
Complex, has an Immediate red Spectroscopy,
opening for a Electro Me· '
chanlcal Inspector. E1tlm1tor TrarnH $500 ~ FOR Sale by owner, 6 COUPLE, 30's, no children. ;,,y quality, so are we! Johnny Dunn 642-2364 Trff Service 6'80 Start S347, Call Sally Hart DRIVER for commen::ial . . To meet or share home w/ DIAMOND CARPET 54Q..tiCtiS blue print 1hop in Harbor ~l~1fie V~ew ~~:ary lots. o!JK!r cpl. call 6-T pm. Tue. a..EANERS 645-1317 anytime F'!.t:1' lhcl°r!::~ ~~ed~ru:-,!: p :~'. COASTAL AGENCY area. Aak for Ron 540-9313.
morrungs or Wed. 642--4894 CARPET .. uphol1I""" ... ,...... WIWAMS Coanmg· •-·, I Snellin• A Snelling Factory _,, .. ,....,.. "'"''v Aeria towerequip . * HARBOR CH.tnSE * cleaned. al80 carpet in-~~~~==~~~ 1~493~-~·:,,.6J8.~~1234~=;,,....:... 2790 Harbor Blvd, CM
Requirements include 3 to 6
months vcperlence in ~
tro mecha.nJcal auembl;y or
Ins-Ion, and lamillarll>
with the electronic color
code, component. and ••
sembly drawings.
Learn the elec t rical }
bua lnea 1. No exper
ne>ceuary. Sharp 1UY for
Mon•y to L01n 6320 Daily 2 PM, Fun Zone Boal stallalion. Results guar. For J1n_it_o_rl_a_1 ____ 6_7_90_ 1 GENE'S TREE SERV: * CLERICAL * ITT JABSCO Mochlne Oporotor
Trainees, $2 hr.
No exper needed. ft open-2nd TD Loan Co .• Balboa * 613-0240 freeRE•N•tT,Acalll 646-5971.READIER DUTCH Maint Serv, crpt Trees. 11lvubbery trimmed, OPENINGS O ·~~ --WANT AOSl .,.-. &/or ,.moved. 54!>-135' Located In Costa Me,., 1ULo1 r,....._,., ..... ~ elng, fir waxing, window Experience preferred.
Prompt, confidential service washing. Hany van Beynen U ho Salary open. e TURRIT LATHE
Good 1tartinc rate plus excel-
lent company beMfits ~
eluding 12 dsy. vacaUon
durlna: flr11t Yetr or employ.
meot plWI an annual holi-
d•y vacation from Ou1sl·
mas IG Monday followlar
New Years.
' lnp. 25a: Rile alter 30 ~ ..,... 642·2171 54>0611 Pertonals 6405 CARPET &: Furn. cleaning: 537-1508 H no arni call aft 3 P latery 6990 Please call Beverly David,
Electnnic Toch $400
. . .. . Scrvl;r. Harbor area 20 Yf'S. for l d~ service & quality I S Y 0 U R A 0 I N czyKOSKl'S CU.Im, Uphol. <n4 ) st&-3300
S Mo..._ C v.wk, CAll Sterling fur ., , att er • •• .ge 0. e br ' htness• &42-8520 CLASSlfIED. Someone wW European Craftsmanship COCKTAIL waitrua, exp
336 E. 17th Street ig ' be looking for It. Dial 642-100% fin! 642-t4:i4 nee. rrt a: Sat nite, Omar's
DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! 5678 1831 Newpori Bl•, CM. A JI e y Dtacothtque, San • SHIPPING AND
l )T exper, I: a stable •
background qualltin. :
~Eototo loont 63-40 '-.· C emoni.. Wlll pay top RECEM'NG
INVESTMENT group ..... -....,.. •. •96-'2098. ·-CLERK
w ....... $650
' lmmedlolo ...... b.. ,...
arc work, aome pa. Top
Co. !!~f%t :"'.!.. •:.oo..:;,.: ~~N~~~l~~~ENTS JOIS .. EMPLOYMENT JOIS .. EMPLOYMEKT CONSTRUCTION varian data
1at1nc ro.. Bl<r. 543-&81 Happy Job wantoc1, Mon 7000 Jo"' Mon, wom. 1100 SUPERINTENDENT e MILL & DRILL •• 1 s.•·-Ifie
day or ... ~ P•roon•I• 6405 c .w.c. SELF.SUPPORT art --·---OPERATOR machines -;r;,000-.:,
CALL HARDEST1' h k LI student N ,. ••·--Uon. Accoantallh ( 2 I I Ofhight I ~.. .. ~-In
For Financing T an sgiving CENSED nc.-te. '"""'"'___ TO $15,000 One of Southern Cal~omla'a AU~ ... -·•-..... A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY -~ .......... ~per * 675-2866 * Spiritual Readings, advice ,,..._ LOCAL lal'l"t la.rd drvelopers bu ..,....... '"" .... ,. 2m Mlchebon Drive fuzed. quartz A all1ca.
Money W1nted 6350
9.4 to 10';'. on your ln\lesl·
mcnt. We can place yodr
funds dlrecc to the bo1T0'4'er
oh Utle Ins. real estate loans @ no extra cost to the lend-
er. Stop In ot call, 1323 N.
Broftdway, SA (parking on .m ..--..i. 543--8381 "" dre-.
and the Best
Turkey and Pie'
3S3 E. 17th St.
on all matte!"!. 312 N. El MAN -retired. Want pan 1 edl 1 1 iexpericnce. 1 bl-ks. ol Mlchel-n Dr.) salesman needed by Land Development-construe-t n mm ate open Ill' or ..... -Eu! llrm 1or So ~"' Camino Real, San Clemente time ~ployment. Capable. lion backaround. Exceplk>n· an OU&Jaht Superintendent. (Sll"I Dlq:o rr...y 10 em · ....-u.
492-9136, 49'2.0076 Dc""ndable. 644-5199 .,..., rl ed I I ··-• LIBERAL FRINGE Jam~ .... oil ramp] 10 Af\f -10 Pr-f ==~=======I al manq:ement opportur.-Lo-'P:? enc n arie vuiT -BENEm PROGRAJ.t .,... An1mbly Trainees Illes. ume grading operatlon1, h1 Irvine, Calif, 92t64 _
ALCOHOLICS Anol»'mou1 Job W1nted, RIVIERA EMPLOYMENT po1ltion oflen: challence, An Equal Ortportuntty ..-ftr,
Phone 542-1217 °'. write tv Women 7020 AGENCY, lNC. future, ,rood woridnc condi· F.qual opportunity employer Employer MIF Mteh"1ical zackground'.
P.O. Box 1223 Colt.a Mesa. 1---------4667 Mae.Arthur Blvd, Ste 201 tlons. Salary oommen1urate 148S Dale \V•" INSURANCE -COCl\meteia1 h I $125 k WOMAN desires gen. olllce N.B. 54Q.6370 with experience. Send re. c.o.ta Mna, c,jlt. Flre Rate Cltrk. e11p'd, Sal. MK In C WM
A_n_nou_n_ce_mo __ ... __ 64_10 ·=~~aJ~te:l~ooncv: ACCOUNTANT.CHIEF :~to D&Uy Pilot Box ftonl!!: MW251 aCory~~·rftiredtnsura= ~1:::,-U~~I~
SENSITIVITY TRAllilNG 1,,,•99-_1_41_1 ____ =_ to Sl.000. !'1ne local mafttl-1 !~~"'!1~!!"!'!11'1!~!!!! I ·• £,JY# • roa •&)',
\VORK SHOP Home Care avail. St&-4570 !aeturtnc Co. General A COFFEE SkoP 31GtR l'ore'9ft Car Mechankl ~Anan:;:,:: CONTROL P .... ~•mrner
A program of Lote:rpersonal e Allied Nttntl & AWH e COit. Dtgrte requtred. Call E:lcp'd only, SWt $115 wtc. Good 00. bwf1ta. Ind l)aki T\'PtST S.,1Nt• $1,MI
exercloff for ....U ..u. or o.c. N...,., ReablrY Bob,J""44ASON10 llEST Apply >-4 pm dally. TIIE ~tlnna 1·'.-~ ~ "~ 14:<-2666 N.B .• Allie M .. , 2·yra...........,. ._Iii
directed groups. Mlntmal 2'129 W. Llnpn Lane, S.A. COTTAGE COFFEE SHOP -111 .,... ... ._.. "-· ....-..1 lli!llll!l••l!lll![ll!~I dtltanlrc 6 sncruimina charge c&ll ti42-a730I -----=---'--Employment A&tney S62 W.1DthSt.CM.· ~ tchedule. AJk for1 1 Q'ltcma. 311>/40.
IOAM-SPM H OQS E CLEANIN G • mr So. Motn, San ta Ana Joe·MOD!'I Ph. ~1164. Jaalton & C'""' SCA~f'ESE Cat. Blue eytt. ========= \ \\'CCKdl.Yr only, reliable, COF'Fi:E Shop W•ltftMts, r-Mluater $750 up Bctge & brn. Vic. of Slaler S2 50 per h 847 lf&t expe rienced. Cail B i 11 FEl\tALE • Ovt!r 21 pl lime, Pt•tfmci ev.1, clean offlcn
A Ne1'1llu1d. 812-0743 Cemetery Lots 6411 · r., • .. • •AIDES: Apply 1 n Johneon 1'76-'7!110 prepare 1&ndwtcl\es Ir Piua N-rt • c.M. Ap.._1 .. 123 l )T finance exper. Would
• .
----·1 847-6109 JJC!l'llOnonly,H11nt i na:to n -·--------"·II --,...,.. ... -,,... ""' ,, .. 2 f 11 SCH NA·~ ncll ~ -...=====.--= .... -a1i>'l.ll\l'I. N 011 .. Ora ... u pm .... e yn o co tlf .
...... .,,,.. u p'""'. FOR Sale by owner. 6 HOUS E Q..EANlNG. Ex· Beach Conval etcen t IT'S Beach houle time. B\'g. --------~~·~~·~~~,....~~· :t.~:~=~~:..l l!~ll~.llE.j84&.ftl~U~5~~~=1'=~~~====,JJj""~'':!;"~c~V~le~w~cc~m~ot~e>~y lots, t>'ritneed. Own tnnSJIO!U• llO!lpit1d, 18792 Delawate, A:ttt tielectlon ewr! Stt the THE SUN Nf:VER SETS on ALSO FEE JOJS GIVE the "United Way'' Call momlnp 642-1323 lion. Ml-4431 }fun!. Och. DAILY PILOT WANT AOS! DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! ONE stft -m1ny wondtn -~-~----~~~~~~--~~-~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~-~~~
.W. MM. Wom. 71QO
' . •
Pnud ta be an
Am . m erican ...
Glad you're a
Jain up with usl 11
Red, W.hite &
temporery SerVice
Mar<:hlnt olong with
We're recruiting
NOW for:
Newport Booch
' ..
A 111 Orenge County
& Beech CltiH.
"M1ster11 Stenos
'First Class" Typi.ts
"Priv1te11 Sectys.
'Renk & Filo" Clerks
needs YOU
Coll our L.A. Office
Collect, for
eppolntment et our
now Newport Beech
Off let.
Tuesdl1, NO¥tmbtr 2S, 1969
Jalll -W-. 7100 JH1 Mon, Wam. 71001::~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~1:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · Purnlturo IOOO,_ 1dlwre IOOO IOOO l'umllure -JANITOR A 8I'OCK \YORK. Sl.lt:1 • --··
No exp. .,., Apply lo Mr. ESCROW
W1lllaml, S!LYmWOODS,
" ........ ·-· N.8. OFFICER
L•b Tech to $4 hr Ouutanding cpportuntty for
Xlnt Co. 1 :tr coll!'ge or mU· exp'd. aa1ff escrow offtcer to work in our new Mlas\oll = ~~;J:l'0 b<!n· v >eio, Savt.., l 1.oan office. PECORATO-GETS CANal,L4TIOtl
JASON BEST Muat be capahl• of handling OF ·ti LUXURY APART,...,.. aalet escrow• rot convention-'"5111 ~ Employment Agency
,2007 So. Main, ..... Ana
LEGAL Secro...,,. Expcr
req, FUJI or p/time. Good
skills. Call -5.1&.am or
at loons. Xlnt WO<k1nr '""'"· Spanisli & M1dll11T-Fun11we
• oppomm!IY lor rrowlh. All llllAND NEW
Qmlact p
Show "-" • Floor s.mp1oo . Foctory Cl-• ·
3 ROOMS OF FVRNrTURE $389. nstruct1ons -MAIO, exper pNI. Apply
Vista Motor Hoti!l
535 s. <but. 1.quna Bch
MALE, Ov 18, eves.
FEMALE, ll·2 days App
aft. 2 PM TASTEE
FREEZE, ~ Bristol, O.f
to $1.000, FutW'e unllmlted,
prefer aome college, mu-
ried. All benefits. Call Jot..11
Employtnot Agency
2W1 So. Maio, Santa Ana
Experienced. Top pa.y. Large
custom yachts. Willard Boat
Works,, 1295 Baker, Costa
M ....
DOWNEY SAVINGS le 9-pc. M1dlterr•n••1t Bedroom Suite In 1can .
LOAN ASSOCIATION IRe9. $149.001 ~---.... NOW $169.00
837-4911 Gorgeous Spenl1h Cu1tom Built Sofa with ----"-----! matchln9 Lov• S1at-Cholc1 of b11utlful SALESLADY labr;cs. IRa9. $4 19.95 1 NOW $225.00
~·~•--0 " & G'*"· Spanis h Dlnln9 Seh --·-··--$75.00
...... ........, rape.-.~ "'°· Solid-Oak End 'Tebl•s and Coff•• Tebl•t..$19.50 UDOFF'S Home Furnish ings Tell O.coretor T1bl1 l1mp1
South CoHt Pino IRa9. $49.951 -_.NOW $11.00
=-=.,-===-;:::-:=:.I Sp1nish H1n9ing Swi g l 1mp1
• Sales Manager fo!A nehw (Reg. ,-49.951 --······-·-·--··NOW $22.50 dreAS ahop Laguna ~ac . A d t dr ho di ] 3 MU1t have prevKMl• sales & ecora or eam use on sp1ay -
manager i a 1 experience. rooms of gorgeous Spanish furniture (was
Re(erences. 213: 723-0144 reg. $1295.
Sav;,,g, & Loon SACRIFICE • • • • BRANCH •• $398
Exp'd • Savings • Loan II m FU
Enjoy a rewarding career RNITURE and Join a IUghly 5"cceulul
Savings & Loan As9oclation
ln the Newport Beach area. 1844 This position entails chal·
lenglng dutie:s and i& adapt.
ed. for an individual with
imaginative a. n d creative
abilities. Excellent iringe
benerts. Call Mr. Hansley
Newport Blvd.Horbo~•tB1vd.1
Costa Mesa Only
Every Night 'Tll ' -Wod .. Sot. & Sun. 'Tll 6
• 5 pc. outhontic Sp•nllh Bdrm. oot, e 9' •
in. quilted solo with 56 In. motchlng lave
Nit, or ch•fr • $ pc. Speral1h Dinette, oek
t1ble top • 3 he1vy M.drt.,.,.,...n m1tchfn1
t •blet, top dureble enoygh for Flamenco
DonclOf. Wiii Mii ploce1 lndlviduolly.
Shop fintf Tlien See O ur Unb•li1v1bl• luysl
1001 otht r items with terrif ic ••Ylng1I
Store Chl!l'B• Bank Terms BofA, Mastercharge ,
No Down OAC, no.p1yrntnts"t il March 1970
• •••• So buy th• wife's Chri1tm11 9ifts now!!
machine, ealcula.tor, very
This variety of fine schools
could introduce
y ou to a new tomorrow.
For furth•r informat ion reg•rding the 01ily Pilot
Schools •nd Instruction Directory
CALL 642°5678, EXT. 325
reasonable. Xlnt cond . -------------------1 MUST MOVE NOW? 892-2423
KING size velvet ensemble, l---------1.------------------,I hdbd, ·bench, spread, custom !---------
MEDICAL office he Ip,
female. Front office In-
surance Jorms. Experienced
only. Good pay for right
person. 540-4573, 10 A.M.
MEDICAL Transcriber.
Exp'd. only. Pref.
orthopedic bkgmd. Over SO.
Salary .,,.., 540-0212
(Zl.ll 869-<'6l2. - . JOBS & EMPLOYMt.o •
quilted. One onl,y ! A Real Gar•ge S•lt 8022
DECORATOR ITEM! !--"---'----.;..;..
JOBS i EMPLOYMENT R>g. 14"' ...... Now $250.00 WORK "'""h. wood """· KING size wa&hablto velvet bar stool, lamps, goU clubs,
Newport an"a. 637-3070 ~obs-Men, Wom. 7100 Schoalo-lnotructlon 7600 ""°" Wrought iron '"'""" ensemble, hdbil, gprd, bench, M ' all ·
MEN (2) needed to assist
manager, and order
vuWcation. $2.25 per hr to
Start plus bonuses &: rapid
ra.lles. AH for D a v e •
the top person in the Dept. Sales Engineer • Requires
Old, established firm, Xlnt Travel, AJI expenses paid •
Co. benefits. Start $550. Call Car P.fOVided • Fee Negott.
Jean Brown ~ ablto c.an Ann Merchanls COASTAL AGENCY Pe..;..,,,.i ,00 W"tclill
Snelling/& Snelling Drive, N.B. 645-mo
2700 Harbor Blvd. CM TOUR GUIDE SECRETARY Earn more tax ~ Driver/Narrator of mini·bUS
Call Smitty 714: 774-2610 P roperty Manag1ment sightseeing around Newport.
MOTEL DESK CLERK, 4 TO $550 Must koow harbor are:L Call I ;;~!;;!;;!;i1'.:tt--
pm to mldnigbL Dcper. Attractive, good skills, young 6#-4783 after 6 PM. ii
NCR 421Xl. Laguna Beach group, Newport Be:ich. UPHOlSl'ERER Trainee •
area. Send resume inc. RIVIERA EMPLOYMENT Some exper w/s~ gun
phone no. to Box. M-709 Dai· AGENCY, INC. pretenoed.. ApPly in penon
ty Pilot 4667 MacArthur Blvd, Ste 201 Johansen & Chrlatenseu, 898
MOTEL MAID N.B. 540.6370 W •. 16th SL, N.B. 0::irner
Part T'me SECRETARY O>Ordlnator: 1,1,,G~th=&~M=o=nrov~-la~·=~~
494-9436 Person w/lots of moxy: VARITYPER or · IBM Com· N~E~rn=""'Ch"U~d~Caro,--&,-l"it~e I type. Interestina: pos. Xlnt JlOltt operator. Part timto.
hskpg., noon to g PM, Co, Sharp boss! Co. pays ~ necessary.
Mon/Fri Edinger &: Bol.sa fee, Start $450. Call Jean ~
ch1ca ..... H.B. 0wn Brown ,.._ 01"'' "'• -~w=A"l"'TR=E"s"s~-
E xperienced Af 7 o•" """" & fee jobs available. transp. t p.m. O't<1"\NO ..
NURSES Registered .. even-COASTAL AGENCY
in&: & night shifts. Ex. 7190 Harbor Blvd. CM
benefits. AppJy Personnel SECRETARY Apply In person
Director, So. Coa!t Com· to $550.00 several in beach SURF A SIRLOIN
rnunity Hosp., 31872 Coast art"a, with good sldlls, call 59: Pac. c::; ~Y·
Hwy., So. Laguna. 499-Ull, Loraine Merchant. Person-ewport a
ext. 356 nel ~cy, 2043 Westclltt WA IT ER· Bu ab o y Com-
Classes start soon.
Pilot program ottering the finest ~ulpment and facil·
ltJes available! Real-time
compUler programming.
·cust quilted. Color choice. . uch more • mW1t go!
50 3054 Ma(tison, CM 54G-4328 Reg. $33() •••••• Now $269.
FULL size ensemble, soft roll, LIDO !&land Garage Sale
eust quilted, headbd, spread, Pool Table " solkl slate,
bench. One only! Avocado. $400. 4 dining chain $20 toa.,
Reg. $269.50 ••.• Nown79.SO 1 Briggs·Stratton power e Mattress & Bo·: Springs e mower, $00. 673-3611
King Set $99.95 Queen $89.95 Gr•nny11 Attic Sal•
Full St't $5'1.95 Twin $44.95 3m; Jnlet Isle Dr. CdM. Lots SIESTA SLEEP SHOP of Jum, clothing, bnc·h"''· desk. 644-1069, 644-2883
1927 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa
• 645-2760 •
Daily fil.9 Sat 10-6 Sun 12-5
3 Roo111 Group
Includes: Quilted. 90fa and
chair -2 end tables & cof.
lee table -2 lamps -dress.
er -mlrmr -headboard -
quiltN box spring &: matt.
ress -5 pc, dining room;
tablto & 4 hl·back chairs.
COMPARE AT $749.95
No down-l'mt:s only $16 mo.
Appliances 1100
Refrtgeratol'!i •.•• from $38.
GE Portable Color TV,
like nu •••••••••.•••••• $148
Frigidaire elec dryer $59.95
GE 2 Dr. Retrig •••••••• $98
Whirlpool auto washer $50
GE washer/dryer •.•• $100
1815 Newport Blvd., C.M,
14 CUB. ft. Westinghouse
relrigerator w/botlom frzr
$145, Kenmore eltoct. dryer
$75, lronrite, ironer $15. All
WELJ('S WAREIOUSE i -~~co...,,~,--.. ...., .. -Pvt..,,...•_"'
Maytag automatic
washer. Good condiUon.
le1rn to sill on 26' Sloops
Courses given:
Sailing techniqu es.
Th• stud•nt is introduced to th• fundam•nt1ls
of 11 ilin9 •board 26' Ke•I S•ilbo•ts. H• be ..
com•s famili1r with th• bo1ts response t o th•
moV•m•nfs of tht helm i nd learns the b1sic
t•chni qu•s of s1ilin9
•nd befor• th• wind.
th• bott to windw1rd
1100 Welt Padflc C-Hl<Jltwoy
OFFl<?E Coordinator. Intel-Dr., N.B. 645.2770 blnation needed ·tor new ex.
llgent organized mature citing Restaurant. Apply ln
Union hnk Sflwir.
South Towtt
Sult. 4D
600 W, 4th St., Santa Ana
Open Dail,y g.9
Sat. 9-6 Sun 11-6 s~. ~~97051-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1
""man. T.W In cl u d • STOCK CLERK penon, 333 Jlay51de Dr.,
coordinating receivables, N.B. flr•n .. , C•llf., t2"6 7 PC SPANISH living room
Jet $189.95 (1 SOfa, 1 love
seat. 3 tables, 2 lamps) 1
large 5 pc Spanish dining
room set $79.95, The Fac-
tory, 1885 Harbor, 540-6842
KENMORE Auto washer, 2
spd, 3 cycle, xlnt cond. $45.1.------------------.. 1
546-86T2 or 847-3115 payables, paper flow ,
customer machine f'l!OOrdJ,
Inventory reconl&, typing,
transcribing &: retail·type
commiuton aaltos. S4()..Q234
Women work !or plastics
molding plant, Eve ahift.
Jnjectioo Moldin&
Experienced or trainees <fe-
male) over 25, for day shift.
Apply 1 to 4 p.m., Mon·Frl.
Orange Coast Plastics
850 W, 18th St .• CM.
Attractive. we 11 groomed
young lady between Z1 & 45
for public rda.Hons & asslsL
ant to the president. Must
be unencumbered & free to
travel on extensive yachl
cnrl!ll!s to Acapulco, British
Honduras, Jamaica &: Carib-
bean Islands& other ln!er-
medlate points on one of the
finest, most luxurious yachts
on the West coe.st. salary
open. CHAll.ENGING OP.
POR'JUNITYt 64S-15n day
or eveni~.
$400.00 for the mature gal
whc> wants to work in beach
area, call Loraine, Mer-
chanta Pentonnel Agency.
2043 Westclttt Dr., N.B.
Apply in person
Reuben E. Leo
151 E. r.oast Hwy., N.B.
9AM-WM. $2 HR. R~y
BoX 5JGM, Dally Pilol
See ~ Bruce at
m :1:1 l xec
Agency for Ca~r cm.
410 W Coast Hwy., N.B.
By appoint, 64&.3!l.19
Sal ..
We are kloklnc for presently
worklrc women witb Nies
fartt. No tranchl.5t fee.
Unlimited poltondal. For Job
or fltlll'IJ call Mn. Conway.
!16.4219 aft 6 k Sat. or
write Box 48$, tlntg Bc::h,
We have an immediate need WAITRESSES wanted. Eve I ~::::::C!e!ll!54:::7!-94;::71;::;::: for a bright ambitious stock k grave~. Apply in I·
clerk with a minimum al 1 person Odie 8 Res~urant. Furnltur• 100Q
year responsible stockroom 1400 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. ·----=:::
NORGE Auto washer, cop.
pertone, 2 yn old, lrg me.
$75. 546-8672, 847-8ll5
Antlquff 8110 experience, Knowledge of WAITitESS -experienced. KING BR set, trlplto dresser, 1 • 5 PC Danish modem
electronic component parts Apply SWi.c;a Chalet. 414 N. hi-boy, nlte stand & hdbrd, walnut dintng room set $58.
is eMential and a HI g b Newport BJvd., N.B. walnut Italian prov. Cost 1 Danish Moem walnut 5 Pa t Michaels Antiques
School degree is preferred. WIG STYLIST S995 new, sac $375. pc Bedroom ' aet $69.95, 2 Could )'OU be looking for?
Must have the abilh)-to get Apply In person ~utely like new! Alm Danish modern .a.tudent Annoires at $175. Roll top
alon& with people. Pet!IOlll'lt'I Off.ice nut Italian prov bufiel desks S9.95 each. The Fae· Desk $195. Bentwood H•t
J . W. ROBINSON Cost $595, sac. $200. 642-9006 tory, 1885 Harbor, 540-6842 Racks $65. Europ Hutches
The main respon11lbility will lo 1 land NB 1 • CORNER group w/ table & Servers 1150 & up. 2
I in nd Fa.sh n s , · • 1 - 5 PC Antique white be to store, ma nta a Equal opportunity employer $69. 1 avocado 3 door Weight Clocks, running, $150. Issue our electronic stock. credenza $34 .95. I 11et of an-pedestal dlnlni room set Wicker Desk.s $GS, Dining
room supplies. WOMEN -full or p/time tique white 2 end, 1 cocktail ~.95. Assorted dining room nn table & chairs, china
for housecleaning. Call tables $29.9S. The Factory, chairs $4 .95 each. Assorted cabinets & MUCH MORE!!
Good starting: rate plus e~-675-'13S7, after 6 PM. 1885 Harbor, 540-6842 occasional chain Sl4 each. 468 E CM
ll ~ r· t The Factory, 1885 Harbor · 17th St., &15-2771i ce ent company uo::ne its n-DANISH 1.todem blue/green 540-6842 ANTIQUE family heirloom
cludl.ng 12 days vacation dur-Sdtoola.lnstr uc tion 7600 sofa & chair $49.95 l set DON'T GIVE UPt Haviland China, 10 perfect Ing flI'St year of employment•·..:==-""==='--"-· I Daru'•h, 2 ond, 1 -klail 1· ....... place settings+ two settings plus an annual holiday va· lr tables $l4.S5, 2 matching You may find it at America's Isl queJity. Over 90 peg. Im-
caUon from Ciuis!mas to ': The FIRST Danish Modem lampll, both largest, most unusual un. med sale. $300 cash. &14-0666
Monday following New · for $19.90. The Factory, 1885 finished turnlture store. Cor.
Years. &. ONLY Harbor, 540-6842 Redhill & Santa Ana Fwy, l=att='=''°=·======'ll
Tustin. 1 ml So. of Newport S franchis<'d 42" ROUND, wrought iron, twinn Machfnff 1120 • d I Fwy. Opeo 362 days per yr.•-----""-------Varian a a gl"' lop, y•llow dlolng '"4-5<1D ,.
Out of
lrtelividu•1 Of
· Group l"thuc.tlon
Cornpl•t• Stock of
Golf Equi prn•~t
I 545-9993 I
room table $60., 5• Antique ===-~~'=""-.,--1969 SINGER wtbeaut wal
h• S-T·R·E·T~C·H h' 1 u 1 bl DOUBLE bed $al, 2 couches console & zig-zag. Makes COST A MESA mac Ines & SEW (T.M.) ~25'.t~h: =-~co ee a e $35 & $10, BBQ $10, button holesFul, ov•rlrcasts. 5
Store of Orange County Wurlitzer jukebox $150 . Year guar. IP ce $38.2'1 GOLF RANGE RIVIERA aofa bed, good S49-25S8 or $.5.26 mo. 526-6616 /\ VARIAN SUBSIDIARY
27'.?2 fl.1ichelson Ol"ive
Irvine, Calif, 92664
!San Diego Frwy to
J amboree off ramp
CHRIS7MAS SHOP cond. $40. Beige so r a.
tweed, good cond. $45. MAGNAVOX Stereo gd cond Mu1ic•l ln1t. 1125 2717 N Bl d 642-1574 $130. Eloc blaok•I. Dbl bod ewport Y ,
never used $13. Pole lite $5. FENDER M tan I C ta M 9 1 0 U-arn to sew on "knit lab-8' SOFA, never used, qullh!d 536-lG77 eves us g e ec OS e5a am• pm
rics". fl.1ake stretch pants floral, Scotchguarded $125.1 ~=-.,,.,,....,.,.,-,=;-::=;: guitar & deluxe revetb amp. , at Oran .... County F•irgrounds 1 block S. of ~Uchelson Dr.)
An EqUal Opportunity
Employer M&F
in 1 hr, a bathing suit for Matching love seat $75 . .i PC. bdr. set, f!Olld maple =="""=firm=· =' ~"~0-~1~412~-~. ,._ ______ ._-__________ ... !
$5.00 -even a girdle! Iw·,_(~)l_TI6.o5_• __ 92 _____ n75. or make oUer. Call -ELECTRIC Guitar • 0e11·
S•win9 Mach. O p•r•tors
Good pay, bonus piecework,
agine -T-shirts for th.! 1 • 968--7083 Rey. Perrcct Cond. $65.
who!e family. Quality krng bed.quilted. Call -962-0741
steady work, ale fa ctory. La LESSONS: Mom, aft~rooon,
Fiesta • Top Drawer, <4001 .l eves
Birch, N.B. <Near 0C Air. •
port a: S.D. Fwy,) 72f E. Kattolla, Orange
Complete-unused $1<15, worth 1o ,;;.l:.;fl,;.c;,;•c..;..F;;.u_;rn_l_tu'-r-'o--8-0_l_O =========
$250. Aft 5 &: wknds 84US36 £,()" x34" OAK office desk &: Pl•nos & Or!•"• 1130
EARLY American llOfa $·RI. swivel chair $65. PIANO for sale -Wurlitzer
56x46 maple dropleaf table 1 ~cr==",,.....u.,....==="'° Maple Spinet, $550. ll6A
SERVICE Station attendants, 633'-2842 _.S50;;;,·~pa~d:;•:$5~. ~"';::"=11==,.!.D;;;iBJ;_;;6420678::;_;;,:fu;:r_;RESUL""==TS=:.:.:34=1h:S:l::.,=N=.B:::.;:;m.=:::'"'=aft=;;-6 full & part time. New Enco, 1--==-==,...-• Brookhurst &: Ed t n g er, fl.1EN -WOMEN
F V, Coll ""''904 BECOME AN
SERVICE Station Penonncl.
Comm. & Salary. All Shifts.
Union OU • OR !-3320. ANNOUNCER
SHELL Serv. Sta. ~ks ''LEARN"
exp 'd . p u mp 1 s I and On professional equipment In
salesmen. Top pay. Corona a local raak> st.atfon from
del Mar Shell 2801 E. Cst wOrklng broadcaslen.
llwy at Goldenrod. App in For co1npletc voice anal$sis
penon CALL
Typist/Receptionist -front BROADCAST ARTS
office for Public A~nl. 1601 N. Bristol, S.A.
Neat appearance. ~4 772..3900
TEACHER-Director needed Placement eervloe
for co-op nursery fonnlng education lo.n
In £l 1Wo a.re11.. For tn-JOIN THE F1ELD
tcrvlew contact l,ynn Bates WITH A FUTURE!
837-3110 Ag'e/educntion no bl"J'rlm
TEl.LER -Note It Collec-U-t us htlp )'OU quailly.
Nallonal Bank, fl.1r. Carter. INTERNATIONAL
&12-3111 Motel/Hotel/Apt Mgm t Sehl
TtLEPlfONE answering fit'r· A DlVTStON ·OF
vice operator, 3-11 &. "·k. ANTitONY $0-JOO• .. q
Singles and Couples Needed
in this field with a
You can Jjve rent free and beat inflation in
this booming lodging/hospitality induslry.
Age and education no barrier once you have
acquired training that will help you get
more money. An ideal career !or people who
like people.
171 7 So. Brookhurst, ANihelm
Free Resume and Placement Asst.
Be 49-J.1'"" ln7 S, DROOKHURfT SALES: SDI week 111 wtr t!nd!, La,g h, """' ANAJIEIM, CAUFOR.i"lllA
1NhJon fltld. Need 5 TEL EPJIONE Ans"'wing OUK's fonn eVff:\' "'f'e.k
(l•st•I forming every Wttk
H.Jespe~ potenllal Service Exp"d p!'PI. PllONE FOR APPT,
u n 11m11 e d . Call Mn. Cnll 54G-2052 Ask for Bet!)' 776-5.SOl
Roblnm &f2.-4'49 TJIE SUN NEVF.:R SETS on
Call Mr. Cl•rk fo r
•ppointrntnt and Interview
....................... o!!~u~··~ .. F~A~IR:::_~~~IA~RE'::::,_·~TI~m·• _;D~A~l~LY,;_;P~J~LOT;;.._w_A_NT~-•DS_._,,.__SOCK ___ rr_TO_·_E_M_I~
.. :·
. :: ·: · . •,
.· .. ·: •,
To Be An ' ' ,. ~ ,,,.:. -AaKtlobeet
-• 1lRM STARTs SOON! ~f.Ui..P 2 Wall TUii
•,-. . .-W.6t-tfut
• . . .
· . :$dlool Of, Aucti!Nlffring . * EnrolllJ'ent liter1tu~~Ft'M * I011ded & Certified lnihcton *-~nortunity For Thi H1ncUc?pM ' WRITE P.O. BOX 30;.n
tHOJ * ,_,, c.w. * (714) Ul-JOtO
HELPPI "I can't spell. I can't read. I'm too
stupid. Nobody likes me. Who cares anyway.
I'll show 'em.' " How olten have you beard
these words? ..
How often have you heard these questions?
"The sebool tries lo help -is all the good
work undone at home?' "Parents try their
best -does the teacher REALLY understand
the problem?" "Physicians say he will out-
grow it -or -does he need special help?"
H elp is now available for the individual with a
learninJ ~d/or behavior problem through
our umqUf' total environmental approach. o
.. L Educational tberapr. programs are deaign-
. · ed to meet the speafic needs of each indi-
·.: vidual based on ciifferential diagnosis and
. continuous reevaluation.
'.: L -Learning involves the strengthening of
psycholinguistics, perceptual, cognitive, and
social skills. Areas given special attention
are: Visual and auditory perception, Co¥'Jl·
!Ive and Listening skills, Remedial Readmg.
f P -Personal guidance . of each student is con-
·~ stantly and cqnsistently malnt.ained under if the direction o! a qualified, eXperlenced
·~ staff.
'• '• p :~ ·-Problems of the handicapped person af-
;: feet everyone with whom be comes in con-
,~ tact. His problems are never his: alone. ·~ :: Ella M. Sonders, pt,.D. -DlrKlor
1: 16897 Algonquin St., Huntintton B .. ch
:;. ---. ~liM!;JlJjl.~%021 - -·-
' .. ______________ _
;. . · -:
·--.-· ·' ... ... .. ...
No.,. 11-F.li. I .
Dec.l, 9, 16
J•11. S·M•r. 7
.... ,..... ________ ...... ____ --,
'• ,,
•l r ·~
' I\ •
Q.,.lifoed Pilots C1n E1rn
$25,000 PER YEAR
Pilot ca.-offoro tr1vol, '1clvonture,
prostiger unlimited future
Student loen• Ave il1bto
• No oducollonel roqulromonls
• Train in spere time
FLITES€HOOL •ppn>ved for Vets
long , .. ch Office, 595-1606
For Info, Only Con
UOl .W. CommonwHlth
Fullorton Airport
Sulto H & I
Open Sot. & Sun.
No Ana. 6U-6092
' ' ..
,.j e 21/z Id 6 yooro e O.Udron accopt..i yoor.,ound
• lndfviduol Attention . e Roosonablo Tuili911; . ,
e•e,st Posslb!. E<lucotion
· . for your child e. Comp!.toly Accrodil•d
1 ~25 Santa ~na Ave.
Cftla .... " ,
~232.~ 6*711
Newport Air Associales
flile School & Flying Club
. $500.
Complete C.Une lnch14e•:
40 Hours flight time in Cessna I 50'1 with
20 hrs. duel instruction. Club membership.
2 Month 's ft•• dues. lndi•idual in struction,
tailor•d to YOUR ability.
L•am to fly now -and have fun!
e Fly Mu:lco -C••d• m.., or A..-rc Shl<I"""
ment or Atrobliti1 Stuct.nts
For Cornitl•t• Oitteil1 Cell NOW
673. 0313
S· T ·R·E· T ·C·H ' &SEW
New Classes
Are Starting!
Leam to make Stretch Pants
in one hour, Bathlnt Suits, even Glrdl11l
Starting soon
Afternoon and evening classes
to make slips, pettipants, panties, peng·
notrs, gowns, and MANY gift items for
Call now for reservations.
Plteae for FREE Brecllue 01
Cl••••• Now Forming
H ... : ' ui. " t p.11.
MtmMr-8 ~n• Courie 4pproue~ '"g:.."';"•
b~ tlw
Call/. SupL of hbUc l!lotr.
*MM ........ T ....... * a.. a,.,., • ., DR>o111e-.,....._ .. * Dr,im1111'1alp11.a. Uttlt ,._,,. * Sp11lll c..r... fw HO.•••.,. * c:.r--Pl.OQICCI SMALU
Director of Our Slalo LICIN•d
Modcltng Age!lqf
Ult N. Molo, S... A_..7-6'71
IHI 5-y Ctolt Dr. 15-y H .. VIHotol
ntroducln9; •
Carol AM Dressler
~11ter l1ll1t l....,,,ctor
fnd Chor,.tropher .
' Fo!'ll!er Solo!Bf & Instructor for ,. Elmlro Cornl"t lollot Compony ----------
Awarded Muter Cert111cate from the School
of Cultural Arts & Hwnailltlos
Tho -tmortro School
lllDOUllCOS NEW Registration NOW for 1970.
' &uropNn Character Ballet
(under Eva Alpar)
M111ter Certificate T111ch1r
(under Carol Ann Dressler)
School of
· Ballet
llie ulti"'ete In •utll•11tic
R111lew le!let
.... ,.,. lwh: 505 ............ It.., ""'''"
.T111tl•: iii leutti "Cff St., 144 aM
~-~-:J~e :J.,.o6ling
Cake Decoratinf Instruction
Art Supplies -Gilts ·Rentals
Complete Home Baker Supplies
Special Cbrisbnas Classes
Grades 1 through 8 .
Small group and lndlvlduallzed teachlrig wlll
meet the noallstlc needs of young sters who
have been under too much pressure. Aver-
age and above and below average abilities
will be challenged by good teaching and a
variety of educational materlala so that
more effective learning will result.
Operates only from within a l"'rson -not
from the ou!llde. Good teach10g can stim-
ulate motivation within a youngster by
building on successful learning experiences.
Nothing succeeds like success!
Wll!Md H. Saucennan, Ed. D.
Tolophono 541-1751 (ovo.)
School : S4M060
New MethH ef Teeclll119/0lpl•rn•• •r•11te4'
C.llfornl• end Vettrtftl Appro.ed
Lllt1st-~01t Cr11tive Mtthodt Teught
R•••onabl• Co1t-lO Yttrs Exptrltn''
1500 w.
h fwee11 futll4
a lr•okll urat
.8urr.ess ~.
Typists; 'Earii : More • , •.
lU E. 17th ST.
LET Us Sh-you how " onjoy
o lolMJroly pnw of
Seo Miko Evinger,
Jack Saenz,
Slovo Wil•on
• COSTA MBA 540 7200
~ '
Put • golf leuons
certificate in someone's
Christm .. stocking!
Frog Lovers ....
To Chopin
Parent., don't wait unW
your child is out of the Frog ·
Lovers Age befora you give
them the gift .of mll!lc -
You wait and it may be loo
late I Chlldren In the Frog
Loving stage ( 4-8) are the
perfect age for learnine
mus le.
Yamaha, alter years of reaearch, deaigned
the Yamaha -Music Course lo assure that all
children can learn music.
You do not have to buy an instnunent, there
is no home otudy -jll!t iota of fun for your
children while they learn music.
Classes are now enrolling -won't you
please give us a call and Jet u11 show you the
whole story ot the Yamaha Music Course!
Your biggest reward will be. whan your
frog lover looks up at y ou and tells you. , •
111 gave my frog a new name, Beethoven."
Yamaha Music School
IN COSTA MISA 642• 18441
Foreign Language? Gibberish?
,, .,..., D[] YOIJ tlEED T[] T~KE s,EPS
l[] ll:IPl\[]UE YlllJll flJTllllE?
If to, It no COit to )'OU, you e1n bt teltld to w ......., you~llfy for 1 C.l'Mt' In the Computllr fllld-.,.
lhl bot :::::.:!f""' .. Ind-In tM -
IOdey. " ' .. ---TOil -qu•llftcl'tlons FREE It 'The Ac1d11Ttt of ComfliUW'
Phont ot Write:
u ............. .._..,,...., -·· o,..... c.at .. '*"'
'o" ntn rHnmMA,flOH •IHD THll COUP'Ofll . ..................................... ..
Namo -------Phono ---
Addreu City--..,,..---
County Stole ZIP--
Education: HJtlt lohool O Collt9' O ••••••••••••••••••P••••••••••••••••••e•I
' ' " '· ~
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